bDgsrf47jWc-00000-00000289-00000390 In this case study, bDgsrf47jWc-00001-00000390-00000827 we're going to discuss the work of Gentile da Fabriano, bDgsrf47jWc-00002-00000827-00001241 who was a painter active in Florence bDgsrf47jWc-00003-00001241-00001707 in the early part of the 15th century. bDgsrf47jWc-00004-00001707-00001944 So both of the works that you're seeing here bDgsrf47jWc-00005-00001944-00002303 are from the 1420s, roughly. bDgsrf47jWc-00006-00002479-00002910 On the left we see a Coronation of the Virgin bDgsrf47jWc-00007-00002910-00003342 with the Virgin sort of bowing before Christ. bDgsrf47jWc-00008-00003342-00003690 You see the dove of the Holy Spirit hovering over them bDgsrf47jWc-00009-00003690-00003967 as Christ makes a gesture of blessing bDgsrf47jWc-00010-00003967-00004290 and places a crown upon his mother's head, bDgsrf47jWc-00011-00004290-00004525 signifying that she's Queen of Heaven. bDgsrf47jWc-00012-00004525-00004774 And then flanking them on either side bDgsrf47jWc-00013-00004774-00005189 we see angels with scrolls of music, bDgsrf47jWc-00014-00005189-00005536 so they are obviously singing hymns of praise. bDgsrf47jWc-00015-00005536-00005846 And you might notice that they are significantly smaller bDgsrf47jWc-00016-00005846-00006021 than Christ and the Virgin. bDgsrf47jWc-00017-00006021-00006418 That is an indication that they are bDgsrf47jWc-00018-00006418-00006691 less important in the hierarchy, bDgsrf47jWc-00019-00006691-00007156 so we call this either hierarchical scale or hieratic scale, bDgsrf47jWc-00020-00007156-00007422 when you have a difference in scale bDgsrf47jWc-00021-00007422-00007761 based on the importance of the figures. bDgsrf47jWc-00022-00007761-00008083 On the right we have a Nativity scene bDgsrf47jWc-00023-00008083-00008583 that is also sort of a Virgin and Child scene combined, bDgsrf47jWc-00024-00008673-00009003 so we actually have the Virgin dominating the picture bDgsrf47jWc-00025-00009003-00009305 and brought way into the foreground, bDgsrf47jWc-00026-00009305-00009719 and then in the background, you can see on the left, Joseph, bDgsrf47jWc-00027-00009829-00010191 on the right, the stable and the manger, bDgsrf47jWc-00028-00010191-00010497 and then far in the distance on the left, bDgsrf47jWc-00029-00010497-00010752 sort of behind Mary's halo, bDgsrf47jWc-00030-00010752-00011088 you can see the shepherds watching their flocks, bDgsrf47jWc-00031-00011088-00011588 and perhaps even responding to an angel, bDgsrf47jWc-00032-00011599-00011752 it looks like there's a little bit bDgsrf47jWc-00033-00011752-00011985 of wear and tear in the gilding, bDgsrf47jWc-00034-00011985-00012276 and the one shepherd is fallen down bDgsrf47jWc-00035-00012276-00012521 and the other one is shielding his eyes, bDgsrf47jWc-00036-00012521-00012797 so it's possible that there would've been an angel bDgsrf47jWc-00037-00012797-00012957 up there at one point. bDgsrf47jWc-00038-00013082-00013396 Before we move on and look at bDgsrf47jWc-00039-00013396-00013844 the specific use of ultramarine blue derived from lapis bDgsrf47jWc-00040-00013844-00013972 in these paintings, bDgsrf47jWc-00041-00013972-00014197 I want to make the point that bDgsrf47jWc-00042-00014287-00014597 if you haven't taken a course in Renaissance art, bDgsrf47jWc-00043-00014597-00014916 a lot of people tend to think of the Italian Renaissance bDgsrf47jWc-00044-00014916-00015416 as a period in which scientific perspective was developed bDgsrf47jWc-00045-00015422-00015922 and a very illusionistic and scientific way of bDgsrf47jWc-00046-00016035-00016535 sort of creating space using geometric methodologies, bDgsrf47jWc-00047-00016554-00016819 but at the same time that this very sort of bDgsrf47jWc-00048-00016819-00017178 spare and scientific method was being developed, bDgsrf47jWc-00049-00017178-00017448 there were also artists bDgsrf47jWc-00050-00017448-00017899 working in much more decorative and sumptuous styles, bDgsrf47jWc-00051-00017899-00018399 ones that had been linked to more the Gothic of the past bDgsrf47jWc-00052-00018468-00018893 than these artists working with the new perspective system. bDgsrf47jWc-00053-00019072-00019319 It's important to recognize that bDgsrf47jWc-00054-00019319-00019667 both of these styles existed simultaneously, bDgsrf47jWc-00055-00019667-00019847 and someone like Gentile da Fabriano bDgsrf47jWc-00056-00019943-00020333 or his contemporaries like Benozzo Gozzoli bDgsrf47jWc-00057-00020333-00020774 were very, very highly paid to create bDgsrf47jWc-00058-00020774-00021252 visually sumptuous and expensive works like this. bDgsrf47jWc-00059-00021252-00021623 And I want to call your attention particularly bDgsrf47jWc-00060-00021623-00022123 to the work on the left, which is as much about bDgsrf47jWc-00061-00022165-00022357 the Coronation of the Virgin, bDgsrf47jWc-00062-00022357-00022584 the subject matter being shown, bDgsrf47jWc-00063-00022584-00023084 as it is about the sumptuous materials being used in it bDgsrf47jWc-00064-00023214-00023379 in a very deliberate way, bDgsrf47jWc-00065-00023379-00023650 to call our attention to the richness. bDgsrf47jWc-00066-00023650-00023984 Notice how the gold particularly dominates. bDgsrf47jWc-00067-00023984-00024397 And the other thing that's happening here is that bDgsrf47jWc-00068-00024489-00024800 Gentile da Fabriano is probably working for bDgsrf47jWc-00069-00024800-00025050 a patron in the cloth industry in Florence, bDgsrf47jWc-00070-00025050-00025308 which was one of the most dominant industries, bDgsrf47jWc-00071-00025308-00025687 and they were known for their rich brocades, bDgsrf47jWc-00072-00025687-00026187 and so that aspect of Florentine culture bDgsrf47jWc-00073-00026232-00026602 and the Florentine economy is showing up in this work. bDgsrf47jWc-00074-00026727-00027227 If we look closely at this Adoration scene bDgsrf47jWc-00075-00027252-00027618 with the Virgin adoring the Child in her lap, bDgsrf47jWc-00076-00027618-00027967 you can see that it's really beautifully painted bDgsrf47jWc-00077-00028063-00028420 with a great deal of detail, bDgsrf47jWc-00078-00028420-00028751 particularly with all of the little flowers bDgsrf47jWc-00079-00028835-00029113 around the Virgin as she sits. bDgsrf47jWc-00080-00029113-00029512 You can see elaborate tooling bDgsrf47jWc-00081-00029512-00029939 that's been done in the gilded areas of the canvas, bDgsrf47jWc-00082-00029939-00030402 and little areas where Gentile da Fabriano bDgsrf47jWc-00083-00030402-00030902 actually punched holes into the gilding to make patterns, bDgsrf47jWc-00084-00030906-00031268 and then there are also little inscriptions bDgsrf47jWc-00085-00031355-00031761 on the hem of the Virgin's gown. bDgsrf47jWc-00086-00031761-00032116 So there's a really wonderful wealth of detail, bDgsrf47jWc-00087-00032116-00032481 and lots to see that could reward a viewer bDgsrf47jWc-00088-00032481-00032662 that looks at this very closely. bDgsrf47jWc-00089-00032662-00033102 And if you want, you could go to the Getty website bDgsrf47jWc-00090-00033102-00033582 and look up this painting and zoom way in on it. bDgsrf47jWc-00091-00033743-00033990 I hope you notice when we look at this example bDgsrf47jWc-00092-00033990-00034301 that it is strikingly different bDgsrf47jWc-00093-00034301-00034801 from the painting that shows the Virgin in a landscape. bDgsrf47jWc-00094-00034827-00035172 Here there's no landscape setting whatsoever, bDgsrf47jWc-00095-00035172-00035554 everything is happening up against a gold background, bDgsrf47jWc-00096-00035554-00036029 and then we have this elaborate green Cloth of Honor bDgsrf47jWc-00097-00036029-00036529 that seems to form a rug at the feet of the Virgin Mary bDgsrf47jWc-00098-00036620-00036969 and Christ who is crowning her Queen of Heaven, bDgsrf47jWc-00099-00036969-00037336 and also sort of a backdrop to them, bDgsrf47jWc-00100-00037436-00037881 and so it kind of makes the scene bDgsrf47jWc-00101-00037881-00038168 much more sumptuous and rich, bDgsrf47jWc-00102-00038168-00038557 but also serves to kind of flatten out the space bDgsrf47jWc-00103-00038557-00038997 and deny us from having a kind of landscape bDgsrf47jWc-00104-00038997-00039334 that we can imagine ourselves wandering around in. bDgsrf47jWc-00105-00039418-00039918 You might notice the angels carrying scrolls of music bDgsrf47jWc-00106-00039975-00040171 on either side, bDgsrf47jWc-00107-00040171-00040606 and you might ask why all of this cloth is so elaborate. bDgsrf47jWc-00108-00040606-00041106 Well, one of the major exports of Florence, bDgsrf47jWc-00109-00041124-00041481 and one of the most powerful economic forces bDgsrf47jWc-00110-00041481-00041882 in the city of Florence in the 15th century bDgsrf47jWc-00111-00041882-00042210 was the clothworking guilds, bDgsrf47jWc-00112-00042210-00042554 and Florence was known in the 15th bDgsrf47jWc-00113-00042554-00042792 and 16th centuries particularly bDgsrf47jWc-00114-00042792-00043292 for the quality of its fine brocades and velvet cloths, bDgsrf47jWc-00115-00043413-00043680 in wool, and in silks, bDgsrf47jWc-00116-00043680-00044180 and so here, we have to assume that the patron of this work bDgsrf47jWc-00117-00044281-00044770 must have been heavily involved in the cloth industry bDgsrf47jWc-00118-00044995-00045310 and would've been incredibly rich as well. bDgsrf47jWc-00119-00045310-00045799 The sheer amount of gold here is also kind of stunning. bDgsrf47jWc-00120-00045972-00046246 We have a gold frame, we have a gold setting, bDgsrf47jWc-00121-00046246-00046617 we have gold on every one of the figures, bDgsrf47jWc-00122-00046617-00047039 the angels are dominated by gold, bDgsrf47jWc-00123-00047039-00047446 and as we'll see in these two works, bDgsrf47jWc-00124-00047446-00047944 Gentile da Fabriano uses very different techniques bDgsrf47jWc-00125-00047944-00048380 based on the amount of gold that he's using, bDgsrf47jWc-00126-00048380-00048706 and the way that he's treating the paint pigments bDgsrf47jWc-00127-00048706-00048887 on top of that gold. bDgsrf47jWc-00128-00049109-00049407 Here are our two Madonnas side by side. bDgsrf47jWc-00129-00049407-00049884 On the right we have a very humble new mother, bDgsrf47jWc-00130-00049884-00050286 a Virgin who has just given birth to the Christ Child, bDgsrf47jWc-00131-00050286-00050573 and she's in rather humble surroundings. bDgsrf47jWc-00132-00050573-00050802 Yes we have gold in this painting, bDgsrf47jWc-00133-00050802-00051139 but it's being used quite sparingly. bDgsrf47jWc-00134-00051139-00051464 It's very possible that the patron of this work bDgsrf47jWc-00135-00051464-00051814 couldn't afford to have too much gilding bDgsrf47jWc-00136-00051814-00051945 used in the painting, bDgsrf47jWc-00137-00051945-00052435 and so was somewhat picky about where it went. bDgsrf47jWc-00138-00052435-00052750 Similarly, if you take a look a the robe bDgsrf47jWc-00139-00052750-00052994 of our Virgin on the right, bDgsrf47jWc-00140-00052994-00053355 in this sort of Nativity Adoration scene, bDgsrf47jWc-00141-00053355-00053834 she has a much darker blue robe on. bDgsrf47jWc-00142-00053834-00054334 And ultramarine, derived from lapis lazuli, bDgsrf47jWc-00143-00054449-00054949 is a pigment that is translucent, bDgsrf47jWc-00144-00054990-00055490 and it is most effective when it is used in glazes bDgsrf47jWc-00145-00055499-00055923 over top of other pigments or other materials. bDgsrf47jWc-00146-00055923-00056423 And here it's pretty clear that to save some money, bDgsrf47jWc-00147-00056423-00056923 Gentile da Fabriano, probably because he's not being paid bDgsrf47jWc-00148-00056996-00057291 to use much ultramarine by his patron, bDgsrf47jWc-00149-00057291-00057791 is using less expensive blues first in the underpaintings. bDgsrf47jWc-00150-00057841-00058198 So he could've used, for example, bDgsrf47jWc-00151-00058198-00058629 indigo dye that would've been precipitated as a solid bDgsrf47jWc-00152-00058629-00058846 and mixed as a paint pigment, bDgsrf47jWc-00153-00058929-00059154 or he could've used azurite, bDgsrf47jWc-00154-00059154-00059339 which was an expensive pigment, bDgsrf47jWc-00155-00059339-00059669 but it was not expensive to the degree bDgsrf47jWc-00156-00059669-00059991 that ultramarine was expensive. bDgsrf47jWc-00157-00059991-00060353 And he could have done the underpaintings bDgsrf47jWc-00158-00060353-00060621 for the Virgin's garment using those, bDgsrf47jWc-00159-00060621-00061121 and then just applied a final glaze of the ultramarine. bDgsrf47jWc-00160-00061223-00061612 The reason that I suspect he used these cheaper pigments bDgsrf47jWc-00161-00061612-00062112 is that azurite in particular is known to degrade over time, bDgsrf47jWc-00162-00062208-00062708 and to darken and also to sort of revert to bDgsrf47jWc-00163-00062741-00062913 a malachite green. bDgsrf47jWc-00164-00062913-00063203 So that's very possibly what happened here. bDgsrf47jWc-00165-00063203-00063616 You'll notice that the Virgin's mantle almost looks black. bDgsrf47jWc-00166-00063616-00063916 Now if we take a look on the other side, bDgsrf47jWc-00167-00063916-00064391 you'll notice that the blue is vibrant, bDgsrf47jWc-00168-00064391-00064650 and electric, almost. bDgsrf47jWc-00169-00064650-00065049 And similarly, the green of that Cloth of Honor bDgsrf47jWc-00170-00065049-00065376 has a really luminous quality, bDgsrf47jWc-00171-00065376-00065632 and what Gentile has done here bDgsrf47jWc-00172-00065632-00066040 is he has actually taken both of these pigments, bDgsrf47jWc-00173-00066040-00066375 the malachite green and the ultramarine blue, bDgsrf47jWc-00174-00066772-00067272 they're both mineral pigments that are rather translucent, bDgsrf47jWc-00175-00067274-00067774 and he has applied them in relatively thin glazes bDgsrf47jWc-00176-00067777-00068272 of tempera over top of the gold surface. bDgsrf47jWc-00177-00068272-00068772 And so the effect of that is that the gold shines through bDgsrf47jWc-00178-00069001-00069501 and reflects the light that affects the painting, bDgsrf47jWc-00179-00069651-00070151 and so it makes these areas seem to glow from within. bDgsrf47jWc-00180-00070250-00070694 The red, you might notice, is a much more opaque pigment, bDgsrf47jWc-00181-00070694-00070982 and so you don't get that quality bDgsrf47jWc-00182-00070982-00071451 of the gold being reflected through it. bDgsrf47jWc-00183-00071451-00071692 It really hides the gold. bDgsrf47jWc-00184-00071692-00071868 And you'll notice that Gentile bDgsrf47jWc-00185-00071868-00072187 is using that fairly sparingly, bDgsrf47jWc-00186-00072187-00072399 but he's using it to give the effect bDgsrf47jWc-00187-00072399-00072650 of sort of a purple with stippling bDgsrf47jWc-00188-00072650-00072942 on the Virgin's mantle around her head, bDgsrf47jWc-00189-00072942-00073348 and then he's using it to highlight areas like her gown bDgsrf47jWc-00190-00073348-00073657 and certain areas on the blue brocade bDgsrf47jWc-00191-00073657-00073859 and the green brocade as well. bDgsrf47jWc-00192-00073961-00074451 We know exactly how works like these paintings by Gentile bDgsrf47jWc-00193-00074451-00074654 would have been painted, bDgsrf47jWc-00194-00074654-00075154 and in the Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen, Germany, bDgsrf47jWc-00195-00075156-00075475 they have actually reproduced the bDgsrf47jWc-00196-00075576-00075951 carving, preparing, and painting bDgsrf47jWc-00197-00075951-00076337 of a relief figure of a saint. bDgsrf47jWc-00198-00076337-00076633 You can see him on the altar panel on the right, bDgsrf47jWc-00199-00076633-00077035 and then you can see the stages of preparation here. bDgsrf47jWc-00200-00077035-00077356 This is a 15th century figure, bDgsrf47jWc-00201-00077356-00077658 so roughly contemporary to what we're seeing bDgsrf47jWc-00202-00077658-00077872 from Gentile da Fabriano. bDgsrf47jWc-00203-00077872-00078154 Of course, we're not dealing with something that was carved, bDgsrf47jWc-00204-00078154-00078444 but a lot of the other steps are the same. bDgsrf47jWc-00205-00078444-00078622 What I want you to notice is bDgsrf47jWc-00206-00078622-00078947 that the wood surface on the left bDgsrf47jWc-00207-00078947-00079328 is first coated with a ground bDgsrf47jWc-00208-00079328-00079828 that will make the wood accept the painting more readily. bDgsrf47jWc-00209-00079890-00080213 This is probably a plaster base gesso, bDgsrf47jWc-00210-00080213-00080494 or probably something like rabbit glue, bDgsrf47jWc-00211-00080494-00080841 something that will provide a good base for the paint, bDgsrf47jWc-00212-00080841-00081336 and the areas that are gilded receive a red clay, bDgsrf47jWc-00213-00081336-00081817 and then the gold leaf is stuck down to that. bDgsrf47jWc-00214-00081817-00082157 And you can see that the finest gold bDgsrf47jWc-00215-00082157-00082530 is reserved for the halo and the crown. bDgsrf47jWc-00216-00082530-00082822 Certain areas are silvered as well. bDgsrf47jWc-00217-00082923-00083186 And then of course the final version bDgsrf47jWc-00218-00083186-00083559 can be seen on the right-hand side. bDgsrf47jWc-00219-00083559-00083896 But what I want you to notice about this is that bDgsrf47jWc-00220-00083896-00084354 typically an artist would only apply gilding bDgsrf47jWc-00221-00084354-00084854 to the areas that were meant to show through as pure gold. bDgsrf47jWc-00222-00084879-00085150 So what Gentile da Fabriano is doing bDgsrf47jWc-00223-00085150-00085368 in that Coronation image, bDgsrf47jWc-00224-00085368-00085749 where it looks like almost the entire surface bDgsrf47jWc-00225-00085749-00086113 has been gilded before he did any painting at all, bDgsrf47jWc-00226-00086113-00086560 that makes it one heck of a luxury object. bDgsrf47jWc-00227-00086560-00086930 Gold was worth 10 times the price of silver bDgsrf47jWc-00228-00086930-00087089 in the 15th century, bDgsrf47jWc-00229-00087089-00087390 and it was tremendously expensive. bDgsrf47jWc-00230-00087527-00087923 So to return to our Adoration and Nativity scene, bDgsrf47jWc-00231-00087923-00088238 what you see here is Gentile da Fabriano bDgsrf47jWc-00232-00088238-00088730 treating the gold in a much more usual manner bDgsrf47jWc-00233-00088839-00089081 for a 15th century artist. bDgsrf47jWc-00234-00089081-00089359 He's not overdoing his use of it. bDgsrf47jWc-00235-00089359-00089695 He's placing it only in the areas that bDgsrf47jWc-00236-00089695-00089988 are really meant to shine through as gold, bDgsrf47jWc-00237-00089988-00090206 like the Christ Child's halo, bDgsrf47jWc-00238-00090206-00090513 like some of the trim of the Virgin's gown, bDgsrf47jWc-00239-00090513-00090952 and then the background with her halo and Joseph's halo. bDgsrf47jWc-00240-00090952-00091425 But it's not an egregious use of gold. bDgsrf47jWc-00241-00091425-00091746 And you can see the very clear difference bDgsrf47jWc-00242-00091746-00092019 between those areas that are gilded bDgsrf47jWc-00243-00092019-00092288 and the areas that are painted simply bDgsrf47jWc-00244-00092288-00092580 with other pigments as underpainting. bDgsrf47jWc-00245-00092695-00093096 Artists and patrons, so the people who paid for things, bDgsrf47jWc-00246-00093096-00093446 were businesspeople, they understood what things cost. bDgsrf47jWc-00247-00093446-00093827 And contracts, and there are quite a few contracts bDgsrf47jWc-00248-00093827-00094172 that survive from 15th century Florence, bDgsrf47jWc-00249-00094172-00094407 and from many other places, bDgsrf47jWc-00250-00094407-00094676 contracts tended to stipulate bDgsrf47jWc-00251-00094676-00095176 how much of an expensive material would be used, bDgsrf47jWc-00252-00095180-00095399 and in what way. bDgsrf47jWc-00253-00095399-00095669 And so when we look at a work like this, bDgsrf47jWc-00254-00095669-00096115 that is covered in gold, bDgsrf47jWc-00255-00096115-00096581 and then the pigments are used to enhance bDgsrf47jWc-00256-00096581-00096878 the reflective quality of that gold, bDgsrf47jWc-00257-00096878-00097202 so the ultramarine in some ways bDgsrf47jWc-00258-00097202-00097637 is almost playing second fiddle to the gilding bDgsrf47jWc-00259-00097733-00097937 that shows through from it, bDgsrf47jWc-00260-00097937-00098214 and similarly that malachite green bDgsrf47jWc-00261-00098214-00098714 and that really wonderful red on Christ's robe, bDgsrf47jWc-00262-00098785-00099064 which is different from the crimson bDgsrf47jWc-00263-00099064-00099325 that we're seeing on the Virgin's gown, bDgsrf47jWc-00264-00099545-00099932 these are all meant to really show off bDgsrf47jWc-00265-00099932-00100164 the wealth of the patron, bDgsrf47jWc-00266-00100164-00100508 and also the fact that this person was so wealthy bDgsrf47jWc-00267-00100508-00100991 that they chose to dedicate something this expensive bDgsrf47jWc-00268-00101102-00101320 to Christ and the Virgin Mary, bDgsrf47jWc-00269-00101320-00101641 so this is kind of showing off how much money you have, bDgsrf47jWc-00270-00101641-00102070 but also showing off how religious you are at the same time. bDgsrf47jWc-00271-00102155-00102655 And again, it's just an amazing work, bDgsrf47jWc-00272-00102683-00102975 in large part because of the way bDgsrf47jWc-00273-00102975-00103173 that that blue is treated. bDgsrf47jWc-00274-00103261-00103560 I just wanna finish with some zoomed-in views here bDgsrf47jWc-00275-00103560-00103923 because when you zoom way, way in on this painting, bDgsrf47jWc-00276-00103923-00104138 you can actually make out bDgsrf47jWc-00277-00104138-00104386 some of the individual brushstrokes bDgsrf47jWc-00278-00104386-00104820 that were used by Gentile da Fabriano in his work, bDgsrf47jWc-00279-00104820-00105108 and it's just fascinating to see. bDgsrf47jWc-00280-00105108-00105514 You can see where he has altered bDgsrf47jWc-00281-00105514-00105875 the thickness of the ultramarine, bDgsrf47jWc-00282-00105875-00106195 sometimes with a really heavy application, bDgsrf47jWc-00283-00106195-00106483 sometimes with a really light application. bDgsrf47jWc-00284-00106483-00106874 You can also see where he's gone in and given bDgsrf47jWc-00285-00106874-00107126 a texture to that gold, bDgsrf47jWc-00286-00107126-00107626 so that it looks like it is gold brocade cloth, bDgsrf47jWc-00287-00107628-00107958 and so he uses little parallel lines bDgsrf47jWc-00288-00107958-00108315 done in kind of a dark brown, bDgsrf47jWc-00289-00108315-00108660 and also in kind of a yellow, bDgsrf47jWc-00290-00108660-00109155 in order to enhance that textile quality bDgsrf47jWc-00291-00109155-00109396 of the gold leaf. bDgsrf47jWc-00292-00109396-00109846 Some of the gold leaf is also engraved. bDgsrf47jWc-00293-00109846-00110193 In addition to some of the punching bDgsrf47jWc-00294-00110193-00110438 and stamped work that we have here, bDgsrf47jWc-00295-00110438-00110895 you can see patterns that have been scratched into it bDgsrf47jWc-00296-00110895-00111283 or impressed with kind of a sharp tool, bDgsrf47jWc-00297-00111283-00111621 and so that engraving helps to give us bDgsrf47jWc-00298-00111621-00111798 that sense of texture. bDgsrf47jWc-00299-00111798-00112183 And one of the things that Gentile da Fabriano does bDgsrf47jWc-00300-00112183-00112543 in his work, and you see this in a number of bDgsrf47jWc-00301-00112543-00113043 works from the 15th century in Italy and in other areas, bDgsrf47jWc-00302-00113138-00113536 is, there's a three-dimensionality to his surface, bDgsrf47jWc-00303-00113536-00114006 he's treating the gold kind of like a gold object bDgsrf47jWc-00304-00114006-00114460 rather than trying to give us the illusion of gold bDgsrf47jWc-00305-00114460-00114672 by using different colors. bDgsrf47jWc-00306-00114672-00115002 And so there's a physicality here. bDgsrf47jWc-00307-00115002-00115429 You might also notice some of the areas of kind of bDgsrf47jWc-00308-00115429-00115805 what look like dirty varnish here and there, bDgsrf47jWc-00309-00115805-00116134 where some of the overpainting might've gotten bDgsrf47jWc-00310-00116377-00116600 a little gunk into it, bDgsrf47jWc-00311-00116600-00116955 particularly in the detail on the right. bDgsrf47jWc-00312-00116955-00117217 Here's our final, closest view, bDgsrf47jWc-00313-00117217-00117653 and here's where I think you can really appreciate bDgsrf47jWc-00314-00117653-00118153 just the mastery of material and technique bDgsrf47jWc-00315-00118202-00118501 shown by Gentile da Fabriano. bDgsrf47jWc-00316-00118501-00119001 You can see how he's using just little sketchy black lines bDgsrf47jWc-00317-00119044-00119485 to help enhance some of the contours of bDgsrf47jWc-00318-00119485-00119956 the Virgin's mantle and her robe, to deepen those shadows. bDgsrf47jWc-00319-00119956-00120332 You can see the really delicate brushwork bDgsrf47jWc-00320-00120332-00120523 in the face of the Madonna, bDgsrf47jWc-00321-00120523-00120928 he's done a lot of modeling in the underpainting bDgsrf47jWc-00322-00120928-00121330 and then he's gone in on top with glazes, bDgsrf47jWc-00323-00121330-00121830 and then just putting little tiny delicate touches of bDgsrf47jWc-00324-00121960-00122460 white here and there, or those little red stipples. bDgsrf47jWc-00325-00122514-00122776 It really is a magnificent work, bDgsrf47jWc-00326-00122776-00123276 and I also really like this particular image because bDgsrf47jWc-00327-00123449-00123949 just on the sort of left corner of this slide, bDgsrf47jWc-00328-00123973-00124407 you could get a real sense for the fluidity bDgsrf47jWc-00329-00124407-00124885 of that ultramarine blue paint, where he painted it on. bDgsrf47jWc-00330-00124885-00125307 This would've been ultramarine derived from lapis, bDgsrf47jWc-00331-00125307-00125807 the highest grade possible, and then mixed with egg yolk, bDgsrf47jWc-00332-00125923-00126181 so it has wonderful staying power bDgsrf47jWc-00333-00126382-00126715 and dries really, really, really hard, bDgsrf47jWc-00334-00126715-00127179 and with kind of a golden, translucent quality. bDgsrf47jWc-00335-00127343-00127835 And Gentile da Fabriano probably would have been told bDgsrf47jWc-00336-00127835-00128283 in his contract exactly how much ultramarine to use, bDgsrf47jWc-00337-00128283-00128452 exactly how much gold, bDgsrf47jWc-00338-00128452-00128783 there might've been an upper and a lower end of the spectrum bDgsrf47jWc-00339-00128783-00129068 for each one of these luxury materials. bDgsrf47jWc-00340-00129068-00129530 And when you're looking at a work like this, bDgsrf47jWc-00341-00129530-00130023 the brightest blue, the closest to that pure ultramarine, bDgsrf47jWc-00342-00130023-00130401 is always reserved for the most important figure, bDgsrf47jWc-00343-00130401-00130604 and in this case, it's the Virgin. bIkw6sAh39g-00000-00000010-00000070 SEAT BELT CITATIONS ISSUED IN bIkw6sAh39g-00001-00000070-00000076 SEAT BELT CITATIONS ISSUED IN bIkw6sAh39g-00002-00000076-00000243 SEAT BELT CITATIONS ISSUED IN 2012. bIkw6sAh39g-00003-00000243-00000250 SEAT BELT CITATIONS ISSUED IN 2012. bIkw6sAh39g-00004-00000250-00000403 SEAT BELT CITATIONS ISSUED IN 2012. >>> A 47-YEAR-OLD LITTLE FALLS bIkw6sAh39g-00005-00000403-00000410 2012. >>> A 47-YEAR-OLD LITTLE FALLS bIkw6sAh39g-00006-00000410-00000560 2012. >>> A 47-YEAR-OLD LITTLE FALLS MAN IS DEAD AFTER CRASHING HIS bIkw6sAh39g-00007-00000560-00000567 >>> A 47-YEAR-OLD LITTLE FALLS MAN IS DEAD AFTER CRASHING HIS bIkw6sAh39g-00008-00000567-00000717 >>> A 47-YEAR-OLD LITTLE FALLS MAN IS DEAD AFTER CRASHING HIS MINIVAN WHILE TRAVELING DOWN HIS bIkw6sAh39g-00009-00000717-00000724 MAN IS DEAD AFTER CRASHING HIS MINIVAN WHILE TRAVELING DOWN HIS bIkw6sAh39g-00010-00000724-00000930 MAN IS DEAD AFTER CRASHING HIS MINIVAN WHILE TRAVELING DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY TO GET HIS MAIL. bIkw6sAh39g-00011-00000930-00000937 MINIVAN WHILE TRAVELING DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY TO GET HIS MAIL. bIkw6sAh39g-00012-00000937-00001131 MINIVAN WHILE TRAVELING DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY TO GET HIS MAIL. THE MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF SAYS bIkw6sAh39g-00013-00001131-00001137 DRIVEWAY TO GET HIS MAIL. THE MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF SAYS bIkw6sAh39g-00014-00001137-00001294 DRIVEWAY TO GET HIS MAIL. THE MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF SAYS 47-YEAR-OLD SCOTT NOVAK WAS bIkw6sAh39g-00015-00001294-00001301 THE MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF SAYS 47-YEAR-OLD SCOTT NOVAK WAS bIkw6sAh39g-00016-00001301-00001474 THE MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF SAYS 47-YEAR-OLD SCOTT NOVAK WAS DRIVING DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY WHEN bIkw6sAh39g-00017-00001474-00001481 47-YEAR-OLD SCOTT NOVAK WAS DRIVING DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY WHEN bIkw6sAh39g-00018-00001481-00001674 47-YEAR-OLD SCOTT NOVAK WAS DRIVING DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY WHEN HIS VEHICLE CONTINUED OUT OF THE bIkw6sAh39g-00019-00001674-00001681 DRIVING DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY WHEN HIS VEHICLE CONTINUED OUT OF THE bIkw6sAh39g-00020-00001681-00001831 DRIVING DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY WHEN HIS VEHICLE CONTINUED OUT OF THE DRIVEWAY AND CROSSED 120th bIkw6sAh39g-00021-00001831-00001838 HIS VEHICLE CONTINUED OUT OF THE DRIVEWAY AND CROSSED 120th bIkw6sAh39g-00022-00001838-00001988 HIS VEHICLE CONTINUED OUT OF THE DRIVEWAY AND CROSSED 120th AVENUE INTO A DITCH AND INTO A bIkw6sAh39g-00023-00001988-00001995 DRIVEWAY AND CROSSED 120th AVENUE INTO A DITCH AND INTO A bIkw6sAh39g-00024-00001995-00002112 DRIVEWAY AND CROSSED 120th AVENUE INTO A DITCH AND INTO A ROAD SIGN. bIkw6sAh39g-00025-00002112-00002118 AVENUE INTO A DITCH AND INTO A ROAD SIGN. bIkw6sAh39g-00026-00002118-00002315 AVENUE INTO A DITCH AND INTO A ROAD SIGN. NOVAK LATER DIED AT THE bIkw6sAh39g-00027-00002315-00002322 ROAD SIGN. NOVAK LATER DIED AT THE bIkw6sAh39g-00028-00002322-00002442 ROAD SIGN. NOVAK LATER DIED AT THE HOSPITAL. bIkw6sAh39g-00029-00002442-00002449 NOVAK LATER DIED AT THE HOSPITAL. bIkw6sAh39g-00030-00002449-00002569 NOVAK LATER DIED AT THE HOSPITAL. THE MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF'S bIkw6sAh39g-00031-00002569-00002575 HOSPITAL. THE MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF'S bIkw6sAh39g-00032-00002575-00002709 HOSPITAL. THE MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE IS STILL INVESTIGATING bIkw6sAh39g-00033-00002709-00002716 THE MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE IS STILL INVESTIGATING bIkw6sAh39g-00034-00002716-00002839 THE MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE IS STILL INVESTIGATING THE CAUSE OF DEATH. bIkw6sAh39g-00035-00002839-00002846 OFFICE IS STILL INVESTIGATING THE CAUSE OF DEATH. bIkw6sAh39g-00036-00002846-00002982 OFFICE IS STILL INVESTIGATING THE CAUSE OF DEATH. THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 3:30 bIkw6sAh39g-00037-00002982-00002989 THE CAUSE OF DEATH. THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 3:30 bIkw6sAh39g-00038-00002989-00003109 THE CAUSE OF DEATH. THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 3:30 YESTERDAY AFTERNOON ABOUT TWO bK3cDb2ezDQ-00000-00000000-00000200 YCM Peanut Harvester bK3cDb2ezDQ-00001-00000200-00000400 YCM Peanut Harvester bK3cDb2ezDQ-00002-00000400-00000600 YCM Peanut Harvester bK3cDb2ezDQ-00003-00000600-00000800 YCM Peanut Harvester bL5o9vSwzP0-00000-00000529-00000724 Welcome to Spotlight. bL5o9vSwzP0-00001-00000724-00001025 I’m Bruce Gulland. bL5o9vSwzP0-00002-00001025-00001278 And I’m Liz Waid. bL5o9vSwzP0-00003-00001278-00001847 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. bL5o9vSwzP0-00004-00001847-00003805 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. bL5o9vSwzP0-00005-00003805-00004364 Amanda Ripley is a writer and reporter. bL5o9vSwzP0-00006-00004364-00004898 She writes about politics and life. bL5o9vSwzP0-00007-00004898-00005778 In 2016, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. bL5o9vSwzP0-00008-00005778-00006709 All the news Ripley had read before the election said that Trump would not win. bL5o9vSwzP0-00009-00006709-00007044 She was sure he would not win. bL5o9vSwzP0-00010-00007044-00007494 But he did win. bL5o9vSwzP0-00011-00007494-00008384 She realized she had not understood what millions of people were thinking and feeling about bL5o9vSwzP0-00012-00008384-00008773 the media and news. bL5o9vSwzP0-00013-00008773-00009223 She spoke to the Solutions Journalism Network. bL5o9vSwzP0-00014-00009223-00009953 “I felt like I failed at my job. bL5o9vSwzP0-00015-00009953-00010877 And so I wanted to stop and try to think about it. bL5o9vSwzP0-00016-00010877-00011400 Is there something people can do differently? bL5o9vSwzP0-00017-00011400-00012559 I felt like we are not listening and we are not being heard.” bL5o9vSwzP0-00018-00012559-00012773 Everyone talks. bL5o9vSwzP0-00019-00012773-00013347 We talk for school, work, and at home. bL5o9vSwzP0-00020-00013347-00014266 But even with all this talking, people can fail to understand each other. bL5o9vSwzP0-00021-00014266-00014758 Leaders of countries fail to understand each other. bL5o9vSwzP0-00022-00014758-00015708 It happens over important issues like jobs, human rights and religion. bL5o9vSwzP0-00023-00015708-00016488 When people misunderstand something, they may fight and break relationships. bL5o9vSwzP0-00024-00016488-00017436 Today’s Spotlight is on six tools to help people understand each other when they do bL5o9vSwzP0-00025-00017436-00018433 not agree. bL5o9vSwzP0-00026-00018433-00018834 Ripley knew she needed help. bL5o9vSwzP0-00027-00018834-00019731 So she turned to people who had experience in dealing with conflict and fighting. bL5o9vSwzP0-00028-00019731-00020701 She talked to conflict managers, psychologists, lawyers, and religious leaders. bL5o9vSwzP0-00029-00020701-00021802 She found that these people use many tools to help them understand how other people think. bL5o9vSwzP0-00030-00021802-00022555 She believed that writers could use these tools to better understand the people they bL5o9vSwzP0-00031-00022555-00022879 were writing about. bL5o9vSwzP0-00032-00022879-00023738 But she also thought that everyone could use these tools to help them understand people bL5o9vSwzP0-00033-00023738-00024146 in their own lives. bL5o9vSwzP0-00034-00024146-00025221 She set out these six tools for understanding people better. bL5o9vSwzP0-00035-00025221-00026122 The first tool of understanding is to know that people are complex. bL5o9vSwzP0-00036-00026122-00026855 Most people like to reduce things in ways they can understand. bL5o9vSwzP0-00037-00026855-00027683 For example, one person is good, and the other person is bad. bL5o9vSwzP0-00038-00027683-00028516 Or a person thinks that all people in a group think the same way. bL5o9vSwzP0-00039-00028516-00029264 For example, a person might think all women love to buy clothes. bL5o9vSwzP0-00040-00029264-00030157 However, every group of people has many differences in the group. bL5o9vSwzP0-00041-00030157-00030752 People are complex and changing. bL5o9vSwzP0-00042-00030752-00031445 The second tool of understanding is to remember the full issue. bL5o9vSwzP0-00043-00031445-00032174 You cannot know everything about a person’s life or experience. bL5o9vSwzP0-00044-00032174-00032761 Their opinions may be based on these experiences. bL5o9vSwzP0-00045-00032761-00033568 But there is usually something people can agree on in every issue. bL5o9vSwzP0-00046-00033568-00033968 People can argue over small details. bL5o9vSwzP0-00047-00033968-00034572 But they can try to discover what they agree on. bL5o9vSwzP0-00048-00034572-00034968 Then the argument is less full of anger. bL5o9vSwzP0-00049-00034968-00036105 A good thing to ask is, “Help me understand the problem that your idea solves.” bL5o9vSwzP0-00050-00036105-00037061 The third tool is to try and understand why people think the way they do. bL5o9vSwzP0-00051-00037061-00037543 Do not only look at what people think. bL5o9vSwzP0-00052-00037543-00038143 You should try and understand why they think it. bL5o9vSwzP0-00053-00038143-00038880 Why does someone care so much about this particular issue? bL5o9vSwzP0-00054-00038880-00039618 What happened in their life that made them feel so deeply? bL5o9vSwzP0-00055-00039618-00040424 How would their life change if people agreed with them? bL5o9vSwzP0-00056-00040424-00041015 The fourth tool is a way of listening called looping. bL5o9vSwzP0-00057-00041015-00041824 A loop is a piece of rope or wire that connects back in a circle. bL5o9vSwzP0-00058-00041824-00042441 Ripley explained how to do this when talking to someone. bL5o9vSwzP0-00059-00042441-00043096 She told the Solutions Journalism Network. bL5o9vSwzP0-00060-00043096-00044199 “Choose what you think the most important issue to the person was, and say it back to bL5o9vSwzP0-00061-00044199-00044341 them. bL5o9vSwzP0-00062-00044341-00044916 Do it in the shortest and most clear way you can. bL5o9vSwzP0-00063-00044916-00045514 They will correct you if you got something wrong. bL5o9vSwzP0-00064-00045514-00045949 This happens more often than you think. bL5o9vSwzP0-00065-00045949-00046266 This helps people feel heard. bL5o9vSwzP0-00066-00046266-00046927 And then this very special thing happens. bL5o9vSwzP0-00067-00046927-00047478 When people feel heard, they will open up more. bL5o9vSwzP0-00068-00047478-00049055 They will even be ready to hear information that goes against their deeply held beliefs.” bL5o9vSwzP0-00069-00049055-00049837 The fifth tool is to spend time with people who disagree with you. bL5o9vSwzP0-00070-00049837-00050331 It is not always easy to do this. bL5o9vSwzP0-00071-00050331-00050777 But it is very important. bL5o9vSwzP0-00072-00050777-00051634 When people spend time together, they see that every person is more than just their bL5o9vSwzP0-00073-00051634-00052037 opinion on one issue. bL5o9vSwzP0-00074-00052037-00052663 This connection can even happen over the Internet. bL5o9vSwzP0-00075-00052663-00053409 People often make comments on the Internet that are full of anger. bL5o9vSwzP0-00076-00053409-00054166 Yet some people believe the Internet can be a safe space. bL5o9vSwzP0-00077-00054166-00054891 One organization works to connect people on different sides of issues. bL5o9vSwzP0-00078-00054891-00055235 They are called Spaceship Media. bL5o9vSwzP0-00079-00055235-00055789 They provide special groups on Facebook. bL5o9vSwzP0-00080-00055789-00056096 Each group has a moderator. bL5o9vSwzP0-00081-00056096-00056683 The moderator makes sure comments are respectful. bL5o9vSwzP0-00082-00056683-00057265 Eve Pearlman is one of the founders of Spaceship Media. bL5o9vSwzP0-00083-00057265-00057494 She spoke to, bL5o9vSwzP0-00084-00057494-00058651 “We have learned that people want to have respectful discussions across differences. bL5o9vSwzP0-00085-00058651-00059685 If they have the chance for it and the rules for it, people can and will act with respect.” bL5o9vSwzP0-00086-00059685-00061414 The sixth tool is to work against what we already believe. bL5o9vSwzP0-00087-00061414-00061956 Everyone finds it difficult to change what they think. bL5o9vSwzP0-00088-00061956-00062767 We look for stories and information that confirm what we already believe. bL5o9vSwzP0-00089-00062767-00063817 We dismiss stories and information that may make us change what we think and believe. bL5o9vSwzP0-00090-00063817-00064549 Everyone is like this, even if we want to be honest and fair with information. bL5o9vSwzP0-00091-00064549-00065098 Nir Eyal is a writer. bL5o9vSwzP0-00092-00065098-00065607 He writes about habits and choices. bL5o9vSwzP0-00093-00065607-00066418 He wrote about the problem of changing what we believe for Psychology Today. bL5o9vSwzP0-00094-00066418-00067383 “If you walk into every situation trying to prove that you are right, you are going bL5o9vSwzP0-00095-00067383-00067929 to confirm what you already believe. bL5o9vSwzP0-00096-00067929-00068495 Instead you should concentrate less on being right. bL5o9vSwzP0-00097-00068495-00069420 You should concentrate more on experiencing life with questions and wonder. bL5o9vSwzP0-00098-00069420-00070349 When you are willing to be wrong, you open up to learning new things.” bL5o9vSwzP0-00099-00070349-00071077 People often only see right and wrong, good and bad. bL5o9vSwzP0-00100-00071077-00071591 But we can understand each other better. bL5o9vSwzP0-00101-00071591-00072262 We need to spend time with people who are different from us. bL5o9vSwzP0-00102-00072262-00073058 We need to understand that we do not have all the right answers. bL5o9vSwzP0-00103-00073058-00074510 And we need to keep our hearts open to change. bL5o9vSwzP0-00104-00074510-00074907 Do you think people can change? bL5o9vSwzP0-00105-00074907-00075475 What is one thing you have changed your mind about? bL5o9vSwzP0-00106-00075475-00075922 Tell us about your experiences. bL5o9vSwzP0-00107-00075922-00076375 You can leave a comment on our website. bL5o9vSwzP0-00108-00076375-00077124 Or email us at bL5o9vSwzP0-00109-00077124-00078104 You can also comment on Facebook at bL5o9vSwzP0-00110-00078104-00078568 The writer of this program was Adam Navis. bL5o9vSwzP0-00111-00078568-00078937 The producer was Michio Ozaki. bL5o9vSwzP0-00112-00078937-00079663 The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. bL5o9vSwzP0-00113-00079663-00080432 All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. bL5o9vSwzP0-00114-00080432-00081708 You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at bL5o9vSwzP0-00115-00081708-00082433 This program is called, ‘Six Tools for Understanding People Better’. bL5o9vSwzP0-00116-00082433-00083466 Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple devices. bL5o9vSwzP0-00117-00083466-00084056 We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. bL5o9vSwzP0-00118-00084056-00084175 Goodbye. bMN6zGWLGa0-00000-00000000-00000200 Sloter Independent bp11ZY-sW5k-00000-00000104-00000242 Our voices matter, bp11ZY-sW5k-00001-00000292-00000498 but they don't always get heard. bp11ZY-sW5k-00002-00000498-00001056 In 2016, the United Nations created a way to listen better and to take action: bp11ZY-sW5k-00003-00001082-00001492 an Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination bp11ZY-sW5k-00004-00001548-00001920 based on orientation and gender identity, or SOGI. bp11ZY-sW5k-00005-00001986-00002252 Now that UN has a Human Rights expert bp11ZY-sW5k-00006-00002252-00002706 dedicated to protecting the LGBT community from violence and discrimination: bp11ZY-sW5k-00007-00002810-00003079 it is one voice that States should not ignore, bp11ZY-sW5k-00008-00003080-00003247 and this is a big deal! bp11ZY-sW5k-00009-00003302-00003552 They need to listen to our local communities bp11ZY-sW5k-00010-00003552-00003720 and understand how we live through bp11ZY-sW5k-00011-00003720-00004130 multiple intersecting forms of violence and discrimination. bp11ZY-sW5k-00012-00004184-00004458 The Independent Expert on SOGI talks to States bp11ZY-sW5k-00013-00004460-00004842 and works collaboratively with other UN and regional mechanisms, bp11ZY-sW5k-00014-00004842-00005294 assists them to create policies and take action that better protect us. bp11ZY-sW5k-00015-00005424-00005664 This expert can visit your country, bp11ZY-sW5k-00016-00005692-00006262 meet authorities, and safely speak to activists and victims of human rights violations. bp11ZY-sW5k-00017-00006290-00006558 This has already happened in four countries, bp11ZY-sW5k-00018-00006604-00006792 and many more are on the horizon. bp11ZY-sW5k-00019-00006856-00007236 The Independent Expert is easier to reach than you might think, bp11ZY-sW5k-00020-00007238-00007428 and your contribution is so important! bp11ZY-sW5k-00021-00007526-00007998 The information you give helps highlight individual cases through urgent appeals to States, bp11ZY-sW5k-00022-00007998-00008393 and contributes to reports that are presented at the United Nations. bp11ZY-sW5k-00023-00008526-00009100 Through this work, since 2016, the world has heard more about the impact of criminalisation, bp11ZY-sW5k-00024-00009162-00009438 the need to legally recognise a person's gender, bp11ZY-sW5k-00025-00009510-00009719 good practices to prevent discrimination, bp11ZY-sW5k-00026-00009744-00010062 and the importance of data related to LGBT lives. bp11ZY-sW5k-00027-00010126-00010296 Our communities really need this: bp11ZY-sW5k-00028-00010316-00010968 without stories from the ground, how can human rights mechanisms support those they are meant to serve? bp11ZY-sW5k-00029-00010968-00011290 We fought hard for this, but it's not over yet: bp11ZY-sW5k-00030-00011290-00011692 the mandate has to be renewed every three years, bp11ZY-sW5k-00031-00011692-00012016 and some States continue to refuse to support it, bp11ZY-sW5k-00032-00012060-00012488 claiming that sexual orientation and gender identity issues are too controversial. bp11ZY-sW5k-00033-00012488-00012628 We disagree: bp11ZY-sW5k-00034-00012704-00013346 violence and discrimination impact on persons of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities every day. bp11ZY-sW5k-00035-00013346-00013513 Lives are at stake, bp11ZY-sW5k-00036-00013558-00014000 and States have a duty to protect the human rights of everyone. everywhere. bp11ZY-sW5k-00037-00014044-00014267 You can help to support the mandate! bp11ZY-sW5k-00038-00014268-00014897 Mobilise your local community: let them know why it's important that the Independent Expert on SOGI continues to exist! bp11ZY-sW5k-00039-00015022-00015308 Join our global family: from all over the world, bp11ZY-sW5k-00040-00015308-00015498 we are calling for our voices to be heard. bP0xRkw_wx8-00000-00000900-00001200 Hello! My name is Tristania, I am pleased to welcome you! bP0xRkw_wx8-00001-00001300-00001800 Today I'll show you the process of creating such a vintage pendant! Enjoy! :) bP0xRkw_wx8-00002-00001900-00003000 For we need: Polymer clay in two colors, cutter, powder, scalpel, textured sheet, brush, needle, modeling tool blade. bP0xRkw_wx8-00003-00003300-00004600 Roll out a layer of black polymer clay 2mm thick. Cut in half. One part of the rolled textured sheet. The second part of texturing brush. bP0xRkw_wx8-00004-00005000-00005600 Put a layer with a pattern on the main and presses! bP0xRkw_wx8-00005-00007000-00008000 Blade attach the desired shape! Modeling tool smooths the edges! bP0xRkw_wx8-00006-00008300-00008600 Make a ball of black polymer clay and pull it! bP0xRkw_wx8-00007-00009400-00010100 Form a mask as I show! For convenience we press the mask to the working surface, so that it does not slide no! bP0xRkw_wx8-00008-00015800-00016100 Texturing brush and needle. bP0xRkw_wx8-00009-00019500-00019900 We cover the mask gold powder and laid at the base! bP0xRkw_wx8-00010-00021300-00021800 From the blue polymer clay and roll out thin thread decorate pendant! Fantasize! :) bP0xRkw_wx8-00011-00042000-00042500 Needle holes and do toning pendant gold powder! bP0xRkw_wx8-00012-00049700-00050200 As such, bake! The temperature of the look on the packaging of your polymer clay! bP0xRkw_wx8-00013-00050300-00051000 Once cool pendant, I joined accessories! Done! :) Here's what I got today! bP0xRkw_wx8-00014-00051100-00051400 Did you watch a master class from Tristania! bP0xRkw_wx8-00015-00051500-00051900 Put Like! Leave your comments! And subscribe to my channel! bP0xRkw_wx8-00016-00052000-00052800 New video every day from Monday to Friday! Until next lesson! Bye Bye :) bPmAjEiM5K0-00000-00000552-00000882 Greetings and welcome to the Introduction to Astronomy. bPmAjEiM5K0-00001-00000882-00001167 In this video, we're going to look at the basic coordinates bPmAjEiM5K0-00002-00001167-00001627 and seasons lab and look at how that can help us to understand, bPmAjEiM5K0-00003-00001627-00001832 first of all coordinates on the Earth bPmAjEiM5K0-00004-00001832-00002238 and in the sky and a little bit about how the seasons work. bPmAjEiM5K0-00005-00002238-00002436 So there are a number of different simulators bPmAjEiM5K0-00006-00002436-00002929 that we will look at here and there are, of course, bPmAjEiM5K0-00007-00002929-00003153 there is the globe and the flat map bPmAjEiM5K0-00008-00003153-00003432 explorer for the terrestrial coordinates bPmAjEiM5K0-00009-00003432-00003828 and similar ones for celestial coordinates. bPmAjEiM5K0-00010-00003828-00004137 And then there is also the seasons and clip simulator. bPmAjEiM5K0-00011-00004137-00004509 So you'll use all of these as part of your exercises. bPmAjEiM5K0-00012-00004509-00004719 And don't forget that some of these you bPmAjEiM5K0-00013-00004719-00005061 will need to use to answer some of the questions bPmAjEiM5K0-00014-00005061-00005217 on the basic information that you bPmAjEiM5K0-00015-00005217-00005520 won't be able to find everything directly just bPmAjEiM5K0-00016-00005520-00005687 in the simulators. bPmAjEiM5K0-00017-00005687-00005892 So let's take a quick look at the first simulator bPmAjEiM5K0-00018-00005892-00006261 here, which would be the flat master map explorer. bPmAjEiM5K0-00019-00006261-00006522 And this is a terrestrial coordinate one. bPmAjEiM5K0-00020-00006522-00006840 And as we look at it it'll just show a map of the Earth bPmAjEiM5K0-00021-00006840-00007158 and allow you to move the coordinates around. bPmAjEiM5K0-00022-00007158-00007422 You can actually drag this coordinate around bPmAjEiM5K0-00023-00007422-00007863 and figure out what the latitude in the blue and the longitude bPmAjEiM5K0-00024-00007863-00008229 in the red will be for any different point on Earth. bPmAjEiM5K0-00025-00008229-00008449 And there are a number of things you can do, bPmAjEiM5K0-00026-00008449-00008653 which include showing some major cities. bPmAjEiM5K0-00027-00008653-00009057 So if you need to find the coordinates of Lima, bPmAjEiM5K0-00028-00009057-00009313 Peru then you can pull the dot over there, bPmAjEiM5K0-00029-00009313-00009594 and it will tell you what the latitude and longitude are bPmAjEiM5K0-00030-00009594-00009933 on that, and you can also show features bPmAjEiM5K0-00031-00009933-00010269 like the Arctic circles the equator and the Prime Meridian. bPmAjEiM5K0-00032-00010269-00010420 So if you need to show any of those, bPmAjEiM5K0-00033-00010420-00010668 you can click those boxes to show them. bPmAjEiM5K0-00034-00010668-00010818 The other thing that you'll see here bPmAjEiM5K0-00035-00010818-00011088 is that it will show it in decimal form bPmAjEiM5K0-00036-00011088-00011409 as it shown here at 13.6 degrees. bPmAjEiM5K0-00037-00011409-00011727 But you can also use the sexagesimal which will do it bPmAjEiM5K0-00038-00011727-00011946 in degrees and minutes. bPmAjEiM5K0-00039-00011946-00012162 So you may find cases where it asks bPmAjEiM5K0-00040-00012162-00012624 you to put it in that specific type of form as well. bPmAjEiM5K0-00041-00012624-00013088 Now, we can also look at this with the globe map. bPmAjEiM5K0-00042-00013088-00013780 So if we actually go back here to the globe explore then bPmAjEiM5K0-00043-00013780-00013923 we do a very similar thing. bPmAjEiM5K0-00044-00013923-00014107 In fact, it's exactly the same except you're bPmAjEiM5K0-00045-00014107-00014443 looking at it on a globe and you may be asked some questions bPmAjEiM5K0-00046-00014443-00014761 as to how it compares what are the differences between looking bPmAjEiM5K0-00047-00014761-00015065 at it on a flat map as compared to a globe. bPmAjEiM5K0-00048-00015065-00015250 But otherwise everything you do here bPmAjEiM5K0-00049-00015250-00015502 is exactly the same drag that around bPmAjEiM5K0-00050-00015502-00015813 if you're looking for a specificity you can label. bPmAjEiM5K0-00051-00015813-00016012 You can have those identified and then bPmAjEiM5K0-00052-00016012-00016187 you can then find out, for example, bPmAjEiM5K0-00053-00016187-00016477 what the coordinates of Washington D.C. are. bPmAjEiM5K0-00054-00016477-00017029 So very similar to the other one as well just done in a globe. bPmAjEiM5K0-00055-00017029-00017416 And then we'll see two for the same thing with the sky. bPmAjEiM5K0-00056-00017416-00017728 So here is the for the sky showing the right ascension bPmAjEiM5K0-00057-00017728-00017851 and declination. bPmAjEiM5K0-00058-00017851-00018044 And just as you could on the Earth. bPmAjEiM5K0-00059-00018044-00018406 You can pick out any point pick out a star to identify bPmAjEiM5K0-00060-00018406-00018566 and you pick out the point there. bPmAjEiM5K0-00061-00018566-00018838 And then you can then find that it has a certain right bPmAjEiM5K0-00062-00018838-00019105 ascension going left to right here measured bPmAjEiM5K0-00063-00019105-00019330 in hours and a certain declination bPmAjEiM5K0-00064-00019330-00019645 going north and south measured in degrees, bPmAjEiM5K0-00065-00019645-00019982 you can also change it from decimal to sexagesimal. bPmAjEiM5K0-00066-00019982-00020165 If you need to show that. bPmAjEiM5K0-00067-00020165-00020374 And you can also show where various things are bPmAjEiM5K0-00068-00020374-00020794 such as the celestial equator, the clip the equinox is bPmAjEiM5K0-00069-00020794-00021117 the galactic equator and the constellations of the zodiac. bPmAjEiM5K0-00070-00021117-00021292 So if you need to show any of those things bPmAjEiM5K0-00071-00021292-00021598 you just use the little checkboxes there. bPmAjEiM5K0-00072-00021598-00022057 And as with this we can also do this on a globe explorer. bPmAjEiM5K0-00073-00022057-00022330 Again everything is exactly the same. bPmAjEiM5K0-00074-00022330-00022576 You just pull it to the star you want to identify bPmAjEiM5K0-00075-00022576-00022861 and it gives you the coordinates. bPmAjEiM5K0-00076-00022861-00023074 Now the other thing that we want to look at here bPmAjEiM5K0-00077-00023074-00023407 is the seasons and ecliptic simulator. bPmAjEiM5K0-00078-00023407-00023734 So this has a couple of different boxes to look at. bPmAjEiM5K0-00079-00023734-00024144 And what we're going to see is a number of things. bPmAjEiM5K0-00080-00024144-00024315 First of all, it gives you the view here. bPmAjEiM5K0-00081-00024315-00024587 So what does it look like from space. bPmAjEiM5K0-00082-00024587-00024776 Here is a little close up of the Earth bPmAjEiM5K0-00083-00024776-00025076 showing the location of the person on it. bPmAjEiM5K0-00084-00025076-00025457 The direction of the sun's rays And on Earth we bPmAjEiM5K0-00085-00025457-00025783 would see the direction that the rays appear to come from. bPmAjEiM5K0-00086-00025783-00026139 So depending on where the observer is at this case, bPmAjEiM5K0-00087-00026139-00026393 it's 10 degrees north latitude which would bPmAjEiM5K0-00088-00026393-00026620 be very close to the equator. bPmAjEiM5K0-00089-00026620-00026914 And you can then look at how things would change over bPmAjEiM5K0-00090-00026914-00027064 the course of the year. bPmAjEiM5K0-00091-00027064-00027320 You can just run the animation, if you bPmAjEiM5K0-00092-00027320-00027727 want to let it run and watch how things slowly bPmAjEiM5K0-00093-00027727-00028226 change as you go over the course of a year from this location. bPmAjEiM5K0-00094-00028226-00028577 So at this point, you would see the altitude, the sun getting bPmAjEiM5K0-00095-00028577-00028772 higher and higher in the sky. bPmAjEiM5K0-00096-00028772-00028961 And in fact, getting straight overhead bPmAjEiM5K0-00097-00028961-00029150 and then getting lower in the sky bPmAjEiM5K0-00098-00029150-00029375 actually going further to the north. bPmAjEiM5K0-00099-00029375-00029748 So you can watch how the angles change of the sunlight. bPmAjEiM5K0-00100-00029748-00029912 But you'll note that near the equator bPmAjEiM5K0-00101-00029912-00030145 they always stay very, very steep. bPmAjEiM5K0-00102-00030145-00030445 The sun is always very close to overhead bPmAjEiM5K0-00103-00030445-00030863 and that is why the sky equator equatorial regions are bPmAjEiM5K0-00104-00030863-00031025 very hot. bPmAjEiM5K0-00105-00031025-00031367 Now you can also change the location of the person in this. bPmAjEiM5K0-00106-00031367-00031583 So if you decide to move the person here bPmAjEiM5K0-00107-00031583-00031754 you can move them up or down. bPmAjEiM5K0-00108-00031754-00032024 And if you put someone very close to the poles bPmAjEiM5K0-00109-00032024-00032314 you will see that those angles get lower and lower. bPmAjEiM5K0-00110-00032314-00032604 And eventually, if you're close enough to the pole. bPmAjEiM5K0-00111-00032604-00032900 The sun's altitude will go down below zero bPmAjEiM5K0-00112-00032900-00033140 and there will be a period of a few months bPmAjEiM5K0-00113-00033140-00033434 where the sun never rises. bPmAjEiM5K0-00114-00033434-00033653 So why are the poles so cold? bPmAjEiM5K0-00115-00033653-00033911 Well, there are times when the sun never rises bPmAjEiM5K0-00116-00033911-00034178 and no matter what time of year it is the sun bPmAjEiM5K0-00117-00034178-00034562 always hits you at a very, very shallow angle. bPmAjEiM5K0-00118-00034562-00034884 So the energy from the sun is always spread out. bPmAjEiM5K0-00119-00034884-00035091 And then we find, of course, a few months later, bPmAjEiM5K0-00120-00035091-00035270 the sun rises again and the angles bPmAjEiM5K0-00121-00035270-00035477 will start to get a little bit steeper. bPmAjEiM5K0-00122-00035477-00035792 But nothing like we saw with the when bPmAjEiM5K0-00123-00035792-00036027 you were close to the equator. bPmAjEiM5K0-00124-00036027-00036176 So you can look at this and you're bPmAjEiM5K0-00125-00036176-00036335 going to have to change a few things bPmAjEiM5K0-00126-00036335-00036584 around you can look at the different location bPmAjEiM5K0-00127-00036584-00036767 if you need to label anything if you're not bPmAjEiM5K0-00128-00036767-00037025 sure what the objects are you can turn on the labels bPmAjEiM5K0-00129-00037025-00037181 if that helps. bPmAjEiM5K0-00130-00037181-00037512 And you can also view if you're looking directly from the sun, bPmAjEiM5K0-00131-00037512-00037863 you can change the view in terms of looking from the sun. bPmAjEiM5K0-00132-00037863-00038297 And this object here is just the sub solar point. bPmAjEiM5K0-00133-00038297-00038606 You have the option of turning that on and off if you need it. bPmAjEiM5K0-00134-00038606-00038771 But if you're wondering what that bPmAjEiM5K0-00135-00038771-00039101 is the point on Earth where the sun would be directly overhead bPmAjEiM5K0-00136-00039101-00039251 at that time. bPmAjEiM5K0-00137-00039251-00039443 If you don't want or don't need to see bPmAjEiM5K0-00138-00039443-00039713 that that can easily be turned off just bPmAjEiM5K0-00139-00039713-00039924 by unchecking the box there. bPmAjEiM5K0-00140-00039924-00040122 And turning it off. bPmAjEiM5K0-00141-00040122-00040310 So you just need to go through the simulation bPmAjEiM5K0-00142-00040310-00040472 and answer the various questions that bPmAjEiM5K0-00143-00040472-00040757 are given to you in the worksheet based on what bPmAjEiM5K0-00144-00040757-00041012 you learn from this simulation. bPmAjEiM5K0-00145-00041012-00041561 So that concludes this session on the code coordinates bPmAjEiM5K0-00146-00041561-00041780 and seasons simulator. bPmAjEiM5K0-00147-00041780-00041957 We'll be back again next time to look bPmAjEiM5K0-00148-00041957-00042155 at another one of these demos. bPmAjEiM5K0-00149-00042155-00042446 So until then, have a great day, everyone. bPmAjEiM5K0-00150-00042446-00042745 And I will see you in class. bQWnrX353ck-00000-00000671-00001121 Trump Campaign Spy’s Past Exposed: Worked to Flip Past Pres. bQWnrX353ck-00001-00001121-00001323 Election Too as CIA Spook bQWnrX353ck-00002-00001323-00001780 The political scandal of the decade is brewing in Washington, D.C., and it may leave President bQWnrX353ck-00003-00001780-00002222 Donald Trump in a very different position than his enemies wish: Not destroyed, but bQWnrX353ck-00004-00002222-00002436 largely vindicated. bQWnrX353ck-00005-00002436-00002810 Details have finally started to emerge about an establishment-led effort to plant a “mole” bQWnrX353ck-00006-00002810-00003213 within the Trump campaign, and evidence is beginning to mount that its goal was to undermine bQWnrX353ck-00007-00003213-00003450 and derail his run for office. bQWnrX353ck-00008-00003450-00003842 The facts are suggesting something chillingly sinister: A government operative directed bQWnrX353ck-00009-00003842-00004285 by the Obama-run FBI purposely infiltrated the campaign of a candidate with the training bQWnrX353ck-00010-00004285-00004621 and background needed to destabilize elections. bQWnrX353ck-00011-00004621-00005112 In a detailed piece published by The Intercept, investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald summarized bQWnrX353ck-00012-00005112-00005480 the scandal and gave a blow-by-blow account of how its beginning to unravel. bQWnrX353ck-00013-00005480-00006001 “Over the past several weeks, House Republicans have been claiming that the FBI, during the bQWnrX353ck-00014-00006001-00006506 2016 election, used an operative to spy on the Trump campaign, and they triggered outrage bQWnrX353ck-00015-00006506-00006895 within the FBI by trying to learn his identity,” he explained. bQWnrX353ck-00016-00006895-00007342 “The controversy escalated when President Trump joined the fray on Friday morning. bQWnrX353ck-00017-00007342-00007834 ‘Reports are there was indeed at least one FBI representative implanted, for political bQWnrX353ck-00018-00007834-00008161 purposes, into my campaign for president,’ Trump tweeted.'” bQWnrX353ck-00019-00008161-00008695 Amazingly, FBI and Department of Justice sources did not deny this claim. bQWnrX353ck-00020-00008695-00009136 It’s worth remembering that while the media and DOJ insiders were laughing and dismissing bQWnrX353ck-00021-00009136-00009604 Trump’s accusations a year ago — especially regarding wiretapping and the Steele dossier bQWnrX353ck-00022-00009604-00009943 — he has been proven right on almost every point. bQWnrX353ck-00023-00009943-00010078 Nobody is laughing now. bQWnrX353ck-00024-00010078-00010356 Instead, they’re scrambling to cover their tracks. bQWnrX353ck-00025-00010356-00010849 “On May 8, the Washington Post described the informant as ‘a top-secret intelligence bQWnrX353ck-00026-00010849-00011260 source’ and cited DOJ officials as arguing that disclosure of his name ‘could risk bQWnrX353ck-00027-00011260-00011725 lives by potentially exposing the source, a U.S. citizen who has provided intelligence bQWnrX353ck-00028-00011725-00012095 to the CIA and FBI,'” Greenwald reported. bQWnrX353ck-00029-00012095-00012493 That was almost certainly a last-ditch effort to protect the mole and save face. bQWnrX353ck-00030-00012493-00012621 Then came the threats. bQWnrX353ck-00031-00012621-00013103 “The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner … actually threatened bQWnrX353ck-00032-00013103-00013531 his own colleagues in Congress with criminal prosecution if they tried to obtain the identity bQWnrX353ck-00033-00013531-00013808 of the informant,” Greenwald reported. bQWnrX353ck-00034-00013808-00014360 Journalists, including Greenwald and veteran gumshoes at several major media outlets, didn’t bQWnrX353ck-00035-00014360-00014460 stop. bQWnrX353ck-00036-00014460-00014853 After a few rounds of newspaper one-upmanship, the mole’s name has been revealed. bQWnrX353ck-00037-00014853-00015363 “As a result of some very odd choices by the nation’s largest media outlets, everyone bQWnrX353ck-00038-00015363-00015849 knows the name of the FBI’s informant: Stefan Halper,” Greenwald wrote. bQWnrX353ck-00039-00015849-00016369 Here’s the truly important and shocking part: Halper is no run-of-the-mill FBI operative. bQWnrX353ck-00040-00016369-00016890 He has a history of being involved in shady CIA operations to infiltrate and derail U.S. bQWnrX353ck-00041-00016890-00016990 elections. bQWnrX353ck-00042-00016990-00017345 “To begin with, it’s obviously notable that the person the FBI used to monitor the bQWnrX353ck-00043-00017345-00017831 Trump campaign is the same person who worked as a CIA operative running that 1980 Presidential bQWnrX353ck-00044-00017831-00018135 election spying campaign,” Greenwale wrote. bQWnrX353ck-00045-00018135-00018661 Yes, it was Halper, a former Nixon insider and the same man at the center of the anti-Trump bQWnrX353ck-00046-00018661-00018825 scandal today. bQWnrX353ck-00047-00018825-00019264 Nearly 40 years ago, a largely buried scandal was playing out in Washington. bQWnrX353ck-00048-00019264-00019778 In involved some famous Republicans, including old names that even today are firmly in the bQWnrX353ck-00049-00019778-00019901 “Never Trump” camp. bQWnrX353ck-00050-00019901-00020406 “Halper was responsible for a long-forgotten spying scandal involving the 1980 election, bQWnrX353ck-00051-00020406-00020921 in which the Reagan campaign — using CIA officials managed by Halper, reportedly under bQWnrX353ck-00052-00020921-00021387 the direction of former CIA Director and then-Vice-Presidential candidate George H.W. bQWnrX353ck-00053-00021387-00021854 Bush — got caught running a spying operation from inside the Carter administration,” bQWnrX353ck-00054-00021854-00022037 the Intercept explained. bQWnrX353ck-00055-00022037-00022454 In other words, there may be a structure within the foreign policy and intelligence communities bQWnrX353ck-00056-00022454-00022734 that goes back to at least the time when George H.W. bQWnrX353ck-00057-00022734-00022945 Bush ran the CIA. bQWnrX353ck-00058-00022945-00023382 That behind-the-scenes power structure — “Deep State,” to borrow the term — was on the bQWnrX353ck-00059-00023382-00023847 side of Hillary Clinton and believed that Trump needed to be stopped at any cost. bQWnrX353ck-00060-00023847-00024250 One look at the now-public text messages from FBI officials in the weeks and months leading bQWnrX353ck-00061-00024250-00024633 up to the 2016 election definitely seems to support this. bQWnrX353ck-00062-00024633-00024979 And it’s worth pointing out that the now 93-year-old George H.W. bQWnrX353ck-00063-00024979-00025275 Bush admitted to supporting Hillary Clinton. bQWnrX353ck-00064-00025275-00025633 By any measure, the Bush dynasty has not been friendly to Trump. bQWnrX353ck-00065-00025633-00026157 “Whatever else is true, the CIA operative and FBI informant used to gather information bQWnrX353ck-00066-00026157-00026669 on the Trump campaign in the 2016 campaign has, for weeks, been falsely depicted as a bQWnrX353ck-00067-00026669-00027162 sensitive intelligence asset rather than what he actually is: a long-time CIA operative bQWnrX353ck-00068-00027162-00027600 with extensive links to the Bush family who was responsible for a dirty and likely illegal bQWnrX353ck-00069-00027600-00028058 spying operation in the 1980 presidential election,” explained Greenwald. bQWnrX353ck-00070-00028058-00028563 “For that reason, it’s easy to understand why many people in Washington were so desperate bQWnrX353ck-00071-00028563-00029009 to conceal his identity, but that desperation had nothing to do with the lofty and noble bQWnrX353ck-00072-00029009-00029477 concerns for national security they claimed were motivating them,” he added. bQWnrX353ck-00073-00029477-00029618 Deep operatives. bQWnrX353ck-00074-00029618-00029751 Election interference. bQWnrX353ck-00075-00029751-00030108 Moles and spies deployed against a candidate by our own government agencies. bQWnrX353ck-00076-00030108-00030547 It’s a chilling picture, but one that all of the evidence so far supports. bQWnrX353ck-00077-00030547-00030957 There’s a power struggle of shadows within the swamp in Washington, and it is at odds bQWnrX353ck-00078-00030957-00032225 with the American people and their sovereign voice. bRka8AMreI4-00000-00000096-00000744 Chapter 5 is about possessive adjectives and (possessive) pronouns such as these. bRka8AMreI4-00001-00000884-00002268 내 폰 = my phone 네 폰 = your phone bRka8AMreI4-00002-00002268-00002850 Since "네" as "your" sounds pretty much the same as "내", bRka8AMreI4-00003-00002850-00003326 we usually pronounce it like "니" to avoid confusions. bRka8AMreI4-00004-00003326-00003646 And this is the way most people spell it too. bRka8AMreI4-00005-00003646-00004079 니 폰 = your phone bRka8AMreI4-00006-00004260-00005062 The same thing here, most people pronounce it like "꺼", and spell like this as well. bRka8AMreI4-00007-00005062-00005384 내 꺼 = mine bRka8AMreI4-00008-00005488-00005940 니 꺼 = yours bRka8AMreI4-00009-00006034-00007023 우리의 땅 or 우리 땅 = our land bRka8AMreI4-00010-00007138-00007659 우리 꺼 = ours bRka8AMreI4-00011-00007659-00007831 Pop quiz! bRka8AMreI4-00012-00008410-00008714 What do these sentences mean? bRka8AMreI4-00013-00008714-00009174 See chapter 3 & 4 again if you're not sure. bRka8AMreI4-00014-00009288-00009612 If you have watched previous videos of the series, bRka8AMreI4-00015-00009612-00010080 then you can see what these words mean quite easily, right? bRka8AMreI4-00016-00012012-00012468 You can make these words plural by attaching "들". bRka8AMreI4-00017-00012468-00012980 And as for these ones, since these words are already in plural, bRka8AMreI4-00018-00012980-00013328 attaching "들" is more like optional there. bRka8AMreI4-00019-00013328-00013669 I mean, you can, but you don't have to. bRka8AMreI4-00020-00013669-00013991 You can make this plural as well. bRka8AMreI4-00021-00013991-00014490 니들 꺼 or 니네들 꺼. bRka8AMreI4-00022-00014490-00014760 And these are optional. bRka8AMreI4-00023-00014846-00015378 You can use these words as either "his" or "hers" when someone you're referring to bRka8AMreI4-00024-00015378-00015658 is your friend and is not older than you. bRka8AMreI4-00025-00015658-00016124 And about these words, there is something I want to tell you. bRka8AMreI4-00026-00016488-00016728 This is his/her book. bRka8AMreI4-00027-00016728-00017228 "걔 책" means "his book" or "her book". bRka8AMreI4-00028-00017228-00017758 You can use this word when he or she is your friend who's not older than you. bRka8AMreI4-00029-00017806-00017984 Or you can also say: bRka8AMreI4-00030-00017984-00018438 "이 책은 걔 꺼야 = This book is his/hers." bRka8AMreI4-00031-00018438-00019048 You can drop the particle "은" when the sentence is not that long like this. bRka8AMreI4-00032-00019172-00019694 "이 책 저 사람 꺼야. (This book is his.)" bRka8AMreI4-00033-00019694-00020248 You use "저 사람 꺼" usually when you don't really know about him. bRka8AMreI4-00034-00020248-00020822 And you can also use it when you think someone you're talking doesn't really know about him. bRka8AMreI4-00035-00020822-00021182 Otherwise, you normally use some other words. bRka8AMreI4-00036-00021182-00021782 Like, if he is your teacher, then you say "선생님 꺼". bRka8AMreI4-00037-00021782-00022338 "이 책 선생님 꺼야 = This book is (my) teacher's." bRka8AMreI4-00038-00022432-00022808 If he is a CEO of a company where you work, bRka8AMreI4-00039-00022808-00022990 then you normally say, bRka8AMreI4-00040-00022990-00023324 "이 책 사장님 꺼야 = This book is (my) CEO's." bRka8AMreI4-00041-00023348-00023574 Doesn't matter if he's around or not. bRka8AMreI4-00042-00023576-00024160 Or, "이건 사장님 책이야 = This is (my) CEO's book." bRka8AMreI4-00043-00024268-00024686 Okay, it's time to make some sentences. bRka8AMreI4-00044-00024688-00025648 The first one, how do you say: "This is my email address." bRka8AMreI4-00045-00027326-00027436 Good! bRka8AMreI4-00046-00027436-00028295 The second one: "This umbrella belongs to that guest (over there)." bRka8AMreI4-00047-00030672-00031648 The third one, how do you say: "That is not my bag." bRka8AMreI4-00048-00033716-00034016 Thank you for watching everyone! bTUMzgezHdI-00000-00000082-00000274 Hi, it's Alex! bTUMzgezHdI-00001-00000274-00000704 I want to talk about something that is going on a lot on the internet. bTUMzgezHdI-00002-00000705-00001129 There are all these websites out there that provide all these "analytics", bTUMzgezHdI-00003-00001129-00001415 like tools that count numerical data. bTUMzgezHdI-00004-00001415-00001648 So for example there is Google Analytics, bTUMzgezHdI-00005-00001648-00001932 which can measure the number of visits to a website. bTUMzgezHdI-00006-00001932-00002143 And if you look on YouTube, bTUMzgezHdI-00007-00002143-00002427 YouTube tracks the number of views on a video, bTUMzgezHdI-00008-00002427-00002728 and it tracks the number of subscribers to a channel. bTUMzgezHdI-00009-00002728-00003031 And on Facebook and Twitter and all these sites, bTUMzgezHdI-00010-00003031-00003211 you have all these numbers, like you can see: bTUMzgezHdI-00011-00003211-00003479 "Oh, this person has this many twitter followers." bTUMzgezHdI-00012-00003479-00003726 and: "This person shared this thing on Facebook," bTUMzgezHdI-00013-00003726-00004064 "and it has so-and-so many likes." bTUMzgezHdI-00014-00004064-00004445 And I think all these numbers can be kind of dangerously misleading, bTUMzgezHdI-00015-00004445-00004732 because, I notice this tendency in myself: bTUMzgezHdI-00016-00004732-00004964 when I start sharing things online, bTUMzgezHdI-00017-00004964-00005214 I often start focusing on these numbers bTUMzgezHdI-00018-00005214-00005534 in a way that's kind of unhealthy, like I'll share something, bTUMzgezHdI-00019-00005534-00005860 and it'll get a whole bunch of "numerical" attention, bTUMzgezHdI-00020-00005860-00006160 like a lot of people will like the post, bTUMzgezHdI-00021-00006160-00006423 and then I'll get really encouraged, and I'm like: bTUMzgezHdI-00022-00006423-00006848 "Oh, this is really great!" like: "People must really like this material." bTUMzgezHdI-00023-00006848-00007181 And then I'll make another post, and no one will like it, bTUMzgezHdI-00024-00007181-00007392 and I start feeling really bad, I start feeling discouraged, bTUMzgezHdI-00025-00007392-00007639 and I'm like: "Why don't people like this?" bTUMzgezHdI-00026-00007639-00007827 And I don't necessarily think bTUMzgezHdI-00027-00007827-00008196 that this is the most healthy way of thinking about it. bTUMzgezHdI-00028-00008196-00008584 Like these numbers don't really tell us anything very deep bTUMzgezHdI-00029-00008584-00008784 about what's going on. bTUMzgezHdI-00030-00008784-00009356 Like, if I look at my data, and I see that 100 people have viewed a website, bTUMzgezHdI-00031-00009356-00009675 I don't know what those people were thinking, bTUMzgezHdI-00032-00009675-00009822 when they viewed that website. bTUMzgezHdI-00033-00009822-00010128 I don't know how it's impacted them. bTUMzgezHdI-00034-00010128-00010474 They might have read it, and they have not understood it very well. bTUMzgezHdI-00035-00010474-00010684 Or maybe they just read part of it. bTUMzgezHdI-00036-00010684-00010942 Or maybe they just went to the page bTUMzgezHdI-00037-00010942-00011163 because there was something specific on it, bTUMzgezHdI-00038-00011163-00011435 and they didn't read much of the page at all. bTUMzgezHdI-00039-00011435-00011688 I don't really know what's going on. bTUMzgezHdI-00040-00011688-00011954 And I think when I think about it more deeply, bTUMzgezHdI-00041-00011954-00012164 the numbers don't really matter to me. bTUMzgezHdI-00042-00012164-00012546 Like what matters to me is achieving change in the world, bTUMzgezHdI-00043-00012546-00012856 like bringing good things into being in the world. bTUMzgezHdI-00044-00012856-00013276 So for example, if I write an article about depression, bTUMzgezHdI-00045-00013276-00013559 I don't really care if 1000 people view it, bTUMzgezHdI-00046-00013559-00013790 if it doesn't actually help anybody. bTUMzgezHdI-00047-00013790-00014056 If only one person views that article, bTUMzgezHdI-00048-00014056-00014556 and it helps that person to overcome their depression bTUMzgezHdI-00049-00014556-00014882 or if it helps them to help someone else in their life bTUMzgezHdI-00050-00014882-00015287 who is struggling with depression, then that's really awesome, bTUMzgezHdI-00051-00015287-00015660 and it's totally worth it for me to write that article bTUMzgezHdI-00052-00015660-00015934 if I help that one person. bTUMzgezHdI-00053-00015934-00016130 I have a story about this actually. bTUMzgezHdI-00054-00016130-00016545 I wrote this article about how to identify these two species of plants, bTUMzgezHdI-00055-00016545-00016923 one of which is invasive and damaging to the local ecology, bTUMzgezHdI-00056-00016923-00017296 and I posted it on various social media accounts, bTUMzgezHdI-00057-00017296-00017475 and it got almost no attention. bTUMzgezHdI-00058-00017475-00017835 The data on my website showed that it had only a few views. bTUMzgezHdI-00059-00017835-00018112 I shared it on Tumblr. No one liked the post on Tumblr. bTUMzgezHdI-00060-00018112-00018537 And I got kind of discouraged, and then I forgot about it. bTUMzgezHdI-00061-00018537-00018862 Several weeks later, I was signed onto Tumblr, bTUMzgezHdI-00062-00018862-00019268 and I got this notification that someone had reblogged that post. bTUMzgezHdI-00063-00019268-00019437 I didn't know how they found it. bTUMzgezHdI-00064-00019437-00019676 And they wrote this really long note, and they were like: bTUMzgezHdI-00065-00019676-00019926 "Thank you so much for sharing this guide." bTUMzgezHdI-00066-00019926-00020334 "I've been trying to identify this plant in my back yard." bTUMzgezHdI-00067-00020334-00020609 "And I used this guide to identify it," bTUMzgezHdI-00068-00020609-00020832 "and I found out that it's this invasive plant," bTUMzgezHdI-00069-00020832-00021268 "and I went and I pulled all of it out from my property." bTUMzgezHdI-00070-00021268-00021593 And I was like: "Wow!" bTUMzgezHdI-00071-00021593-00021842 And I started thinking about it and I was like: bTUMzgezHdI-00072-00021842-00022184 "That's the type of impact I want to have with my work." bTUMzgezHdI-00073-00022184-00022445 And that's like, a successful article. bTUMzgezHdI-00074-00022445-00022879 I don't care if no one else views it other than this one person, bTUMzgezHdI-00075-00022879-00023317 because it had the result of helping this person to do bTUMzgezHdI-00076-00023317-00023510 ecological restoration work, bTUMzgezHdI-00077-00023510-00023967 to do something that is going to benefit the ecology in their environment. bTUMzgezHdI-00078-00023967-00024223 And that's really awesome. That's what I want to do bTUMzgezHdI-00079-00024223-00024481 when I share these articles and share these videos. bTUMzgezHdI-00080-00024481-00024779 I don't really care about the view count at all, bTUMzgezHdI-00081-00024779-00024988 like that means so much more to me bTUMzgezHdI-00082-00024988-00025265 than another article that had 100 views, bTUMzgezHdI-00083-00025265-00025576 and like 5 people liked the post, and whatever. bTUMzgezHdI-00084-00025576-00025941 So, I hope that you can find this kind of liberating and encouraging. bTUMzgezHdI-00085-00025941-00026330 You may, like me, realize when you think about it bTUMzgezHdI-00086-00026330-00026772 that you've gotten a little bit caught up in this numerical data, bTUMzgezHdI-00087-00026772-00027077 and I know, with myself I have to keep catching myself, bTUMzgezHdI-00088-00027077-00027300 and keep saying: "No, that's not what matters." bTUMzgezHdI-00089-00027300-00027491 So I hope this video can be that kind of bTUMzgezHdI-00090-00027491-00027758 reinforcement or encouragement to you. bTUMzgezHdI-00091-00027758-00028107 What matters? Quality connections with people, bTUMzgezHdI-00092-00028107-00028583 impacting people's lives positively, getting things done in the world. bTUMzgezHdI-00093-00028583-00028793 These are the things that matter, bTUMzgezHdI-00094-00028793-00029150 and these analytics can be dangerously distracting from that. bTUMzgezHdI-00095-00029150-00029418 So I hope this is inspirational. bTUMzgezHdI-00096-00029418-00029730 I'd love to hear from you if you have anything to say. bTUMzgezHdI-00097-00029730-00029960 Thank you! bUH_vHKgXLM-00000-00000042-00001061 hello can you say about yourself welcome to migg 2.0 video what's up guys if if anybody bUH_vHKgXLM-00001-00001061-00001771 knows me i'm monsieur graft known as well huff tuffy and um we will race about drop bUH_vHKgXLM-00002-00001771-00002397 rap with "rap rap" [it's his name] hello guys it's me um fricker you watch my animation bUH_vHKgXLM-00003-00002397-00003353 stickmans and um everything so now i present you if you if you said anything at this video bUH_vHKgXLM-00004-00003353-00003960 you will send all of your questions in the comments in all of my videos uh um uh in youtube bUH_vHKgXLM-00005-00003960-00004894 i uh mean animations are better all right so my name is fricker my name is huffy tuffy bUH_vHKgXLM-00006-00004894-00005373 but please press the [we dont do minecraft videos] minecraft video and that's my channel bUH_vHKgXLM-00007-00005373-00006346 I guest I am the main character in my studio welcome to miggy 2.0 video geronimo bUH_vHKgXLM-00008-00006346-00007675 all right all right so guys now we have our own bike so show the bike this my bike is bUH_vHKgXLM-00009-00007675-00008083 the biggest in the world [maybe] these losers don't have anything this time because of course bUH_vHKgXLM-00010-00008083-00009324 10 000 pesos [it's the cost of my bike] all right this is my mountain bike [known as the bUH_vHKgXLM-00011-00009324-00009452 defualt bike] officially bUH_vHKgXLM-00012-00009452-00009624 baby bike baby bike bUH_vHKgXLM-00013-00009624-00010303 fine okay go go go go all right so this the bike is just new we just bought it on the bUH_vHKgXLM-00014-00010303-00010856 store it's only amazon amazon [thers no amazon in the phillipines] whoa international [not bUH_vHKgXLM-00015-00010856-00011150 500$] don't lie boy were pesos boy bUH_vHKgXLM-00016-00011150-00012610 its only 500 pseos vince will guard my bike what the heck good bUH_vHKgXLM-00017-00012610-00013430 like cyka blyat all right we're gonna lie here bUH_vHKgXLM-00018-00013430-00013530 we said bUH_vHKgXLM-00019-00013530-00015025 okay it's a bit dangerous [subscribe and like] in all of our videos bUH_vHKgXLM-00020-00015025-00015125 *Panting* bUH_vHKgXLM-00021-00015125-00017206 i'm gonna catch him i'm gonna catch him * ok we're in the local area bUH_vHKgXLM-00022-00017206-00017431 oh bVjqeQnsBwE-00000-00000000-00000396 camel's a large domesticated mammals that belong to the family community bVjqeQnsBwE-00001-00000498-00000966 they are known for their ability to withstand harsh desert conditions and carry heavy loads bVjqeQnsBwE-00002-00000966-00001476 over long distances making them an important source of transportation and food in many parts bVjqeQnsBwE-00003-00001476-00002088 of the world particularly in the Middle East Africa and Asia there are two main species of bVjqeQnsBwE-00004-00002088-00002694 camels the one-humped Arabian camel also known as the Dromedary and the two-humped Bactrian camel bVjqeQnsBwE-00005-00002760-00003311 the Dromedary is the more widely distributed of the two species and is found primarily in the bVjqeQnsBwE-00006-00003311-00003900 desert regions of the Middle East and Northern Africa Bactrian camels are native to the steps bVjqeQnsBwE-00007-00003900-00004428 of Central Asia and they are well adapted to the cold and Airy conditions of their native habitat bVjqeQnsBwE-00008-00004506-00005124 camels have a distinctive hump or humps on their back this hump is actually a store of fat that bVjqeQnsBwE-00009-00005124-00005718 the camel can use as a source of energy when food is scarce camels are also able to conserve bVjqeQnsBwE-00010-00005718-00006246 water very efficiently allowing them to survive for extended periods of time without drinking bVjqeQnsBwE-00011-00006324-00006780 they have a specialized renal system that allows them to retain water and excrete bVjqeQnsBwE-00012-00006780-00007230 very concentrated urine and they are also able to regulate their body temperature in bVjqeQnsBwE-00013-00007230-00007740 response to the extreme heat and cold of their environment in addition to their adaptations bVjqeQnsBwE-00014-00007740-00008298 for survival and harsh desert conditions camels are also well adapted to carrying heavy lobes bVjqeQnsBwE-00015-00008370-00008844 they're broad tough feet are well suited to travel over rough terrain and they have a bVjqeQnsBwE-00016-00008844-00009348 wide stable gait that makes it easy for them to carry large loads without losing their balance bVjqeQnsBwE-00017-00009468-00009972 poles are also strong and tireless animals and they can travel long distances without tiring bVjqeQnsBwE-00018-00009972-00010452 making them an ideal form of transportation in regions where other forms of transportation bVjqeQnsBwE-00019-00010452-00011064 are not available in many parts of the world camels are still used as a primary source of bVjqeQnsBwE-00020-00011064-00011700 transportation especially in rural areas where roads are scarce they are also used as beasts bVjqeQnsBwE-00021-00011700-00012348 of Burden carrying goods and supplies to and from remote villages in some regions camels are bVjqeQnsBwE-00022-00012348-00012828 even used as a source of food with their meat and milk being a staple part of the local diet bVjqeQnsBwE-00023-00012912-00013446 camels are also used for their wool which is used to make clothing and blankets and their hides bVjqeQnsBwE-00024-00013446-00014040 which are used to make leather goods despite their importance to many communities the populations bVjqeQnsBwE-00025-00014040-00014652 of both species of camels are under threat the Bactrian camel is listed as an endangered species bVjqeQnsBwE-00026-00014652-00015258 by the international Union for conservation of nature with an estimated population of less than 1 bVjqeQnsBwE-00027-00015258-00015882 000 individuals the Dromedary is more abundant but its population is still declining in many bVjqeQnsBwE-00028-00015882-00016440 regions due to habitat loss over grazing and competition with livestock for scarce resources bVjqeQnsBwE-00029-00016524-00016920 efforts are being made to conserve and protect both species of camels bVjqeQnsBwE-00030-00017004-00017550 in some areas conservation organizations are working to establish protected habitats for bVjqeQnsBwE-00031-00017550-00018006 camels and to educate local communities about the importance of preserving these animals bVjqeQnsBwE-00032-00018090-00018576 and others efforts are being made to promote sustainable use of camels and their habitats bVjqeQnsBwE-00033-00018576-00019032 so that they can continue to play a vital role in the lives of the people who depend on them bVjqeQnsBwE-00034-00019104-00019626 in conclusion camels are remarkable animals that have adapted to survive and thrive in bVjqeQnsBwE-00035-00019626-00020196 some of the harshest environments on Earth they are an important source of transportation food bVjqeQnsBwE-00036-00020196-00020652 and other resources for many communities and their populations are in need of protection bVjqeQnsBwE-00037-00020736-00021246 by working to conserve and protect these animals we can ensure that they will continue to play a bVjqeQnsBwE-00038-00021246-00021630 vital role in the lives of the people who depend on them for generations to come bW0Ob8_i5mY-00000-00000010-00000310 VICTORY, 52-8. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00001-00000310-00000316 VICTORY, 52-8. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00002-00000316-00000450 VICTORY, 52-8. NOW WE HAVE THE STAPLES MOTLEY bW0Ob8_i5mY-00003-00000450-00000457 VICTORY, 52-8. NOW WE HAVE THE STAPLES MOTLEY bW0Ob8_i5mY-00004-00000457-00000657 VICTORY, 52-8. NOW WE HAVE THE STAPLES MOTLEY WHO WAS TAKING ON WADENA IN A bW0Ob8_i5mY-00005-00000657-00000663 NOW WE HAVE THE STAPLES MOTLEY WHO WAS TAKING ON WADENA IN A bW0Ob8_i5mY-00006-00000663-00000757 NOW WE HAVE THE STAPLES MOTLEY WHO WAS TAKING ON WADENA IN A BIG RIVALRY MATCH UP. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00007-00000757-00000764 WHO WAS TAKING ON WADENA IN A BIG RIVALRY MATCH UP. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00008-00000764-00000904 WHO WAS TAKING ON WADENA IN A BIG RIVALRY MATCH UP. FIRST DRIVE OF THE GAME FOR bW0Ob8_i5mY-00009-00000904-00000910 BIG RIVALRY MATCH UP. FIRST DRIVE OF THE GAME FOR bW0Ob8_i5mY-00010-00000910-00001111 BIG RIVALRY MATCH UP. FIRST DRIVE OF THE GAME FOR WADENA LASTED 11 MINUTES, ENDS bW0Ob8_i5mY-00011-00001111-00001117 FIRST DRIVE OF THE GAME FOR WADENA LASTED 11 MINUTES, ENDS bW0Ob8_i5mY-00012-00001117-00001307 FIRST DRIVE OF THE GAME FOR WADENA LASTED 11 MINUTES, ENDS WITH A TOUCHDOWN. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00013-00001307-00001314 WADENA LASTED 11 MINUTES, ENDS WITH A TOUCHDOWN. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00014-00001314-00001521 WADENA LASTED 11 MINUTES, ENDS WITH A TOUCHDOWN. WOLVERINES GO AHEAD 6 NOTHING. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00015-00001521-00001528 WITH A TOUCHDOWN. WOLVERINES GO AHEAD 6 NOTHING. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00016-00001528-00001925 WITH A TOUCHDOWN. WOLVERINES GO AHEAD 6 NOTHING. SECOND, STAPLES MOTLEY TOSSES IT bW0Ob8_i5mY-00017-00001925-00001931 WOLVERINES GO AHEAD 6 NOTHING. SECOND, STAPLES MOTLEY TOSSES IT bW0Ob8_i5mY-00018-00001931-00002092 WOLVERINES GO AHEAD 6 NOTHING. SECOND, STAPLES MOTLEY TOSSES IT OUT WIDE RIGHT, THEY GET A bW0Ob8_i5mY-00019-00002092-00002098 SECOND, STAPLES MOTLEY TOSSES IT OUT WIDE RIGHT, THEY GET A bW0Ob8_i5mY-00020-00002098-00002128 SECOND, STAPLES MOTLEY TOSSES IT OUT WIDE RIGHT, THEY GET A TOUCHDOWN. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00021-00002128-00002135 OUT WIDE RIGHT, THEY GET A TOUCHDOWN. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00022-00002135-00002268 OUT WIDE RIGHT, THEY GET A TOUCHDOWN. 2 POINT CONVERSION FAILS, TIED bW0Ob8_i5mY-00023-00002268-00002275 TOUCHDOWN. 2 POINT CONVERSION FAILS, TIED bW0Ob8_i5mY-00024-00002275-00002365 TOUCHDOWN. 2 POINT CONVERSION FAILS, TIED AT 6. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00025-00002365-00002372 2 POINT CONVERSION FAILS, TIED AT 6. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00026-00002372-00002659 2 POINT CONVERSION FAILS, TIED AT 6. BEFORE HALF, WOLVERINES WILL NOT bW0Ob8_i5mY-00027-00002659-00002665 AT 6. BEFORE HALF, WOLVERINES WILL NOT bW0Ob8_i5mY-00028-00002665-00002949 AT 6. BEFORE HALF, WOLVERINES WILL NOT BE STOPPED. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00029-00002949-00002956 BEFORE HALF, WOLVERINES WILL NOT BE STOPPED. bW0Ob8_i5mY-00030-00002956-00003099 BEFORE HALF, WOLVERINES WILL NOT BE STOPPED. THAT WOULD GIVE WADENA 12-6 LEAD bW0Ob8_i5mY-00031-00003099-00003106 BE STOPPED. THAT WOULD GIVE WADENA 12-6 LEAD bW0Ob8_i5mY-00032-00003106-00003229 BE STOPPED. THAT WOULD GIVE WADENA 12-6 LEAD GOING INTO THE BREAK. bYmeWjqbRny-00000-00002368-00002861 The main core programs at our place are the meals. We serve bYmeWjqbRny-00001-00002861-00003311 over 745,000 meals last year and over 14,000 bYmeWjqbRny-00002-00003311-00003964 showers and so a big part of that is meeting people where they're at. And the medical room is something that bYmeWjqbRny-00003-00003964-00004208 we actually, we saw a need for it. We found that bYmeWjqbRny-00004-00004208-00004733 a lot of our family members, they wouldn't access services even though bYmeWjqbRny-00005-00004733-00005355 services were close by. Well we see in a typical 2 hour session that we're here bYmeWjqbRny-00006-00005355-00005837 we'll see anywhere from maybe 6 to 12 people depending on what it is bYmeWjqbRny-00007-00005837-00006494 that occupies our time during that period. Unfortunately, the people that bYmeWjqbRny-00008-00006494-00007020 that use our place are in many cases marginalized people who have difficulty bYmeWjqbRny-00009-00007020-00007511 getting access to regular health care not because it isn't there but they have bYmeWjqbRny-00010-00007511-00008150 maybe reservations about how they'll be treated, how they'll be received and so bYmeWjqbRny-00011-00008150-00008625 having someone here just makes the whole medical system so much more accessible bYmeWjqbRny-00012-00008625-00008928 to them. The other thing that happened is there's bYmeWjqbRny-00013-00008928-00009366 been a crisis with fentanyl and sweeping town but it really kicked bYmeWjqbRny-00014-00009366-00009888 off in BC and so we saw an awful lot of people overdosing and the provincial bYmeWjqbRny-00015-00009888-00010217 government saw it as a state of emergency and they gave us approval to open a bYmeWjqbRny-00016-00010217-00010842 overdose prevention site. There's the stigma of using and that's a huge one bYmeWjqbRny-00017-00010842-00011328 and with places like this, people can come and safely use and also find out bYmeWjqbRny-00018-00011328-00011793 what resources are out there, you know. In here, people can get connected to bYmeWjqbRny-00019-00011793-00012423 to detox, to treatment, to counsellors, to people with act teams and it's just, it's bYmeWjqbRny-00020-00012423-00012750 a really great place because everyone knows that they're in a safe place here. bYmeWjqbRny-00021-00012750-00013244 There's too much information overload that they're carrying and a certain bYmeWjqbRny-00022-00013244-00013572 amount of these people have that and then when they're able to put their bYmeWjqbRny-00023-00013572-00013968 walls down and then get that sense of trust with you, then it just comes pouring out of bYmeWjqbRny-00024-00013968-00014526 them. It's an amazing, it's a miracle in itself so there's a bYmeWjqbRny-00025-00014526-00015087 lot of miracles out there on a daily basis. Up until this year, about almost bYmeWjqbRny-00026-00015087-00015693 60% of our funding came from individual donors and came from funds like the bYmeWjqbRny-00027-00015693-00016176 Mission and Service and so that's what keeps the lights on. That's what keeps us bYmeWjqbRny-00028-00016176-00016584 opening our door, you know and that's kind of our biggest bYmeWjqbRny-00029-00016584-00017004 frustration is we want to solve homelessness and solve bYmeWjqbRny-00030-00017004-00017352 poverty and solve addiction so thus and we can only do that as long as bYmeWjqbRny-00031-00017352-00017623 our doors are open. bbBIP6r2FOY-00000-00000000-00000180 What's up, guys? Evildea here. bbBIP6r2FOY-00001-00000180-00000370 And today I'm going to do a response bbBIP6r2FOY-00002-00000370-00000580 to a very old blog post. bbBIP6r2FOY-00003-00000580-00000800 Now the reason I'm responding to this blog post… bbBIP6r2FOY-00004-00000800-00000960 Well, there is actually few, but the main one is bbBIP6r2FOY-00005-00000960-00001120 because I just received a link to it, bbBIP6r2FOY-00006-00001120-00001340 literally, like a few days ago. bbBIP6r2FOY-00007-00001340-00001580 I received links to it before and I responded privately bbBIP6r2FOY-00008-00001580-00001750 to the person who sent me the link before bbBIP6r2FOY-00009-00001750-00002000 about my ideas regarding the content of the post. bbBIP6r2FOY-00010-00002000-00002140 But I decided: you know what, bbBIP6r2FOY-00011-00002140-00002300 I'm gonna make one video, bbBIP6r2FOY-00012-00002300-00002420 slap it all in there bbBIP6r2FOY-00013-00002420-00002530 and then just publicize it. bbBIP6r2FOY-00014-00002530-00002650 And if anyone ask me in the future bbBIP6r2FOY-00015-00002650-00002780 hey go check out my video. bbBIP6r2FOY-00016-00002780-00003080 Now, this is going to be a long response. bbBIP6r2FOY-00017-00003080-00003320 Nothing is ever just black and white. bbBIP6r2FOY-00018-00003320-00003520 Now, normally I wouldn't respond bbBIP6r2FOY-00019-00003520-00003670 to a blog post called bbBIP6r2FOY-00020-00003670-00003879 Why I Won’t Learn Esperanto, bbBIP6r2FOY-00021-00003879-00004040 French, English, whatever. bbBIP6r2FOY-00022-00004040-00004290 Because, you know, that's a personal opinion. bbBIP6r2FOY-00023-00004290-00004350 You… You… bbBIP6r2FOY-00024-00004350-00004580 You don't have to go learn anything. bbBIP6r2FOY-00025-00004580-00004810 But there is a fair few misrepresentations bbBIP6r2FOY-00026-00004810-00005070 about Esperanto within this article, bbBIP6r2FOY-00027-00005070-00005350 so I feel like I'm going to respond to those. bbBIP6r2FOY-00028-00005350-00005520 Whether you wanna learn something or not bbBIP6r2FOY-00029-00005520-00005670 is up to you, but I can respond bbBIP6r2FOY-00030-00005670-00005870 to the misrepresentations. bbBIP6r2FOY-00031-00005870-00006080 Now, the guy who wrote this, Donovan bbBIP6r2FOY-00032-00006080-00006240 (I think that's how you pronounce his name), bbBIP6r2FOY-00033-00006240-00006470 has actually engaged with me previously bbBIP6r2FOY-00034-00006470-00006600 on my YouTube channel. bbBIP6r2FOY-00035-00006600-00006684 There is one of his comments. bbBIP6r2FOY-00036-00006684-00006830 There was more, but I can't find them. bbBIP6r2FOY-00037-00006830-00006970 Maybe they were deleted, or not. bbBIP6r2FOY-00038-00006970-00007250 But anyway, seems like generally not an ass. bbBIP6r2FOY-00039-00007250-00007330 So, that's a good thing. bbBIP6r2FOY-00040-00007330-00007550 I'm not going to go attack this guy, bbBIP6r2FOY-00041-00007550-00007740 but I am going to present his biography. bbBIP6r2FOY-00042-00007740-00007930 Mainly because I feel like bbBIP6r2FOY-00043-00007930-00008040 we have so much in common. bbBIP6r2FOY-00044-00008040-00008109 It's kinda crazy. bbBIP6r2FOY-00045-00008109-00008320 The blog post was posted on website bbBIP6r2FOY-00046-00008320-00008480 The Mezzofanti Guild. bbBIP6r2FOY-00047-00008480-00008640 Name's Donovan, as I said. bbBIP6r2FOY-00048-00008640-00008750 Now, he is from Australia bbBIP6r2FOY-00049-00008750-00008940 and has travelled the world for over 14 years. bbBIP6r2FOY-00050-00008940-00009030 I'm from Australia, bbBIP6r2FOY-00051-00009030-00009200 and I'm excited about that because, you know, bbBIP6r2FOY-00052-00009200-00009470 bloggers and youtubers from Australia are quite rare. bbBIP6r2FOY-00053-00009470-00009600 And when we bump into each other bbBIP6r2FOY-00054-00009600-00009830 and discuss a topic are we both interested in bbBIP6r2FOY-00055-00009830-00009950 it… it's even more rare. bbBIP6r2FOY-00056-00009950-00010180 We are massive country with a very small population. bbBIP6r2FOY-00057-00010180-00010380 And it's super rare that I found someone bbBIP6r2FOY-00058-00010380-00010540 who is a blogger who knows anything bbBIP6r2FOY-00059-00010540-00010710 about Esperanto in Australia. bbBIP6r2FOY-00060-00010710-00010900 So, this makes it kinda special for me. bbBIP6r2FOY-00061-00010900-00011050 Anyway, he has travelled 14 years. bbBIP6r2FOY-00062-00011050-00011220 Don't know if that's consecutive or not. bbBIP6r2FOY-00063-00011220-00011430 I've done a lot of travelling myself, bbBIP6r2FOY-00064-00011430-00011550 not 14 years worth. bbBIP6r2FOY-00065-00011550-00011800 Now, he says here: “like most people though, bbBIP6r2FOY-00066-00011800-00011960 I had to study a language in school bbBIP6r2FOY-00067-00011960-00012110 (5 years of Mandarin Chinese).” bbBIP6r2FOY-00068-00012110-00012190 I was the same. bbBIP6r2FOY-00069-00012190-00012350 I didn't have to study Mandarin Chinese, bbBIP6r2FOY-00070-00012350-00012460 I had to study Japanese. bbBIP6r2FOY-00071-00012460-00012580 I did 5 years at school. bbBIP6r2FOY-00072-00012580-00012700 And I understand where he is coming from. bbBIP6r2FOY-00073-00012700-00012900 Australian education system bbBIP6r2FOY-00074-00012900-00013060 regarding the teaching of languages bbBIP6r2FOY-00075-00013060-00013290 is atrocious. It's terrible. bbBIP6r2FOY-00076-00013290-00013450 You, basically, learn nothing. bbBIP6r2FOY-00077-00013450-00013610 At least it was during my generation bbBIP6r2FOY-00078-00013610-00013730 and, I'm assuming, his generation. bbBIP6r2FOY-00079-00013730-00014000 Maybe it's changed now, back then it was terrible. bbBIP6r2FOY-00080-00014000-00014200 I did 5 years of Japanese, didn't learn anything. bbBIP6r2FOY-00081-00014200-00014380 But I have to kind of admit bbBIP6r2FOY-00082-00014380-00014640 I was in the class mainly for the girls. bbBIP6r2FOY-00083-00014640-00014710 It was a… bbBIP6r2FOY-00084-00014710-00014930 It was a confusing time during my youth, bbBIP6r2FOY-00085-00014930-00015044 you know, my teenage years. bbBIP6r2FOY-00086-00015044-00015300 There is a lot of testosterone going around, bbBIP6r2FOY-00087-00015300-00015455 lot of hormones, whatever. bbBIP6r2FOY-00088-00015455-00015580 So, I didn't learn Japanese. bbBIP6r2FOY-00089-00015580-00015710 Now, he says: “after school, … bbBIP6r2FOY-00090-00015710-00015919 did my undergraduate degree in Theology.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00091-00015919-00016069 It was here that I realized for the first time bbBIP6r2FOY-00092-00016069-00016280 just how fun and exciting languages actually are. bbBIP6r2FOY-00093-00016280-00016369 Hey, I agree. bbBIP6r2FOY-00094-00016369-00016565 After I left school I joined the army, bbBIP6r2FOY-00095-00016565-00016780 did 6 years and that's when I bumped bbBIP6r2FOY-00096-00016780-00016940 into Arabic. bbBIP6r2FOY-00097-00016940-00017150 I learned a bit, didn't find it that interesting. bbBIP6r2FOY-00098-00017150-00017300 I mention Arabic now bbBIP6r2FOY-00099-00017300-00017560 because he is actually fluent in Arabic. bbBIP6r2FOY-00100-00017560-00017770 It was the first language he got fluent in bbBIP6r2FOY-00101-00017770-00017850 apart from English. bbBIP6r2FOY-00102-00017850-00018030 So, I figured that's a good starting point. bbBIP6r2FOY-00103-00018030-00018200 Anyway after that I bumped into Esperanto bbBIP6r2FOY-00104-00018200-00018327 and that's when I realized bbBIP6r2FOY-00105-00018327-00018480 that languages can be fun and exciting. bbBIP6r2FOY-00106-00018480-00018650 So, overall, me and this guy bbBIP6r2FOY-00107-00018650-00018770 are very similar. bbBIP6r2FOY-00108-00018770-00018850 The only difference is bbBIP6r2FOY-00109-00018850-00019000 he is a Christian and I'm an atheist. bbBIP6r2FOY-00110-00019000-00019080 I just need to state, bbBIP6r2FOY-00111-00019080-00019260 I'm not going to respond to every line bbBIP6r2FOY-00112-00019260-00019400 in his article. For example, bbBIP6r2FOY-00113-00019400-00019640 the first 3 paragraphs I feel, like, are just fluff. bbBIP6r2FOY-00114-00019640-00019780 It's like how, you know, bbBIP6r2FOY-00115-00019780-00020040 Youtube has 30 seconds of logo spinning around bbBIP6r2FOY-00116-00020040-00020200 making magical sounds. bbBIP6r2FOY-00117-00020200-00020400 I feel like the first 3 paragraphs or so bbBIP6r2FOY-00118-00020400-00020527 were, basically, just fluff. bbBIP6r2FOY-00119-00020527-00020650 They weren't really needed. bbBIP6r2FOY-00120-00020650-00020920 Ok, so, “The bloke who created it (Esperanto), bbBIP6r2FOY-00121-00020920-00021125 Ludwik Zamenhof, developed a political” bbBIP6r2FOY-00122-00021125-00021270 and religious philosophy”. bbBIP6r2FOY-00123-00021270-00021370 And then he is bracketed: bbBIP6r2FOY-00124-00021370-00021640 “a cultish offshoot of Judaism that looked bbBIP6r2FOY-00125-00021640-00021763 more like something straight out of bbBIP6r2FOY-00126-00021763-00021900 The Communist Manifesto”. bbBIP6r2FOY-00127-00021900-00022170 So, obviously, this is an opinion piece, bbBIP6r2FOY-00128-00022170-00022490 but I feel like he's bracketed the insult. bbBIP6r2FOY-00129-00022490-00022800 He is kinda like demonizing Esperanto speakers bbBIP6r2FOY-00130-00022800-00022965 by linking them with things bbBIP6r2FOY-00131-00022965-00023200 that make it look bad in a sense. bbBIP6r2FOY-00132-00023200-00023410 So, first up I'm gonna break down each part bbBIP6r2FOY-00133-00023410-00023550 and explain why. bbBIP6r2FOY-00134-00023550-00023850 So, he says “a cultish offshoot of Judaism”. bbBIP6r2FOY-00135-00023850-00024110 He's mixed up a few different things here. bbBIP6r2FOY-00136-00024110-00024310 I'll explain the other things later, bbBIP6r2FOY-00137-00024310-00024500 but I will say this right now. bbBIP6r2FOY-00138-00024500-00024760 When people call something cultish bbBIP6r2FOY-00139-00024760-00024922 they are not saying “hey, that's a bbBIP6r2FOY-00140-00024922-00025200 secret religious organization” most of the time. bbBIP6r2FOY-00141-00025200-00025360 They are not saying that. They are saying: bbBIP6r2FOY-00142-00025360-00025650 “Hey, that's something you shouldn't look into, bbBIP6r2FOY-00143-00025650-00025860 because if you do – you get sucked in bbBIP6r2FOY-00144-00025860-00025980 and that's the end of it. bbBIP6r2FOY-00145-00025980-00026070 We'll never see you again. bbBIP6r2FOY-00146-00026070-00026285 And you'll end up worshipping something.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00147-00026285-00026539 So, he is kind of implying that Esperanto bbBIP6r2FOY-00148-00026539-00026700 is, in some way, a cult. bbBIP6r2FOY-00149-00026739-00026939 Which it definitely is not, bbBIP6r2FOY-00150-00026939-00027180 because there is no religious aspect to Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00151-00027180-00027360 There is no god to worship. bbBIP6r2FOY-00152-00027360-00027680 There is no higher being or anything like that. bbBIP6r2FOY-00153-00027680-00027920 It's literally just a language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00154-00027920-00028130 And then he says it's an offshoot of Judaism. bbBIP6r2FOY-00155-00028130-00028320 I'll go into this more later. bbBIP6r2FOY-00156-00028320-00028600 So, first up Zamenhof was Jewish. bbBIP6r2FOY-00157-00028600-00028810 But the vast majority of Esperanto speakers bbBIP6r2FOY-00158-00028810-00028939 aren't Jewish. bbBIP6r2FOY-00159-00028939-00029230 And probably the majority are maybe Christian, bbBIP6r2FOY-00160-00029230-00029370 but I'm not even sure about that. bbBIP6r2FOY-00161-00029370-00029600 There is a lot of atheists, a lot of Christians, bbBIP6r2FOY-00162-00029600-00029839 there is a fair few Muslims as well, bbBIP6r2FOY-00163-00029839-00030080 but not that many Jews that I know of bbBIP6r2FOY-00164-00030080-00030189 in the Esperanto community. bbBIP6r2FOY-00165-00030189-00030350 They do exist, obviously, but not that many. bbBIP6r2FOY-00166-00030350-00030514 And then he goes “looked more like something bbBIP6r2FOY-00167-00030514-00030700 straight out of The Communist Manifesto.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00168-00030700-00030810 So, now he is implying that bbBIP6r2FOY-00169-00030810-00031039 Esperanto is not only a cult, bbBIP6r2FOY-00170-00031039-00031280 but it's also something that's politically bbBIP6r2FOY-00171-00031280-00031500 in line with The Communist Manifesto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00172-00031539-00031730 I'm gonna leave that up to you to judge. bbBIP6r2FOY-00173-00031730-00032010 I will say one thing. I find this quite strange bbBIP6r2FOY-00174-00032010-00032160 coming from someone who's learned Arabic. bbBIP6r2FOY-00175-00032160-00032430 Because a lot for Arabic speakers are demonized bbBIP6r2FOY-00176-00032430-00032714 in Western media or even in Chinese media. bbBIP6r2FOY-00177-00032714-00032900 They are just demonized in general bbBIP6r2FOY-00178-00032900-00033060 due to what's happened in Middle East and bbBIP6r2FOY-00179-00033060-00033270 and due to terrorist attacks around the world. bbBIP6r2FOY-00180-00033270-00033410 So, someone who has gone out of their way bbBIP6r2FOY-00181-00033410-00033685 learn Arabic, I believe, would be more aware bbBIP6r2FOY-00182-00033685-00033860 of the hardship that they've been put through bbBIP6r2FOY-00183-00033860-00034050 by a certain memebers of their own community bbBIP6r2FOY-00184-00034050-00034200 causing all these issues. bbBIP6r2FOY-00185-00034200-00034580 So, I feel like if you were within that situation bbBIP6r2FOY-00186-00034580-00034780 you would feel less inclined yourself bbBIP6r2FOY-00187-00034780-00035100 to throw these types of insults upon another community. bbBIP6r2FOY-00188-00035100-00035230 But that's just me. bbBIP6r2FOY-00189-00035230-00035510 So, I'm not gonna go demonize every Arabic speaker bbBIP6r2FOY-00190-00035510-00035720 due to the fact that some Muslims have gone bbBIP6r2FOY-00191-00035720-00035860 and blown up people. bbBIP6r2FOY-00192-00035860-00036050 But I feel like he is kinda painting bbBIP6r2FOY-00193-00036050-00036310 the entire Esperanto speaking community bbBIP6r2FOY-00194-00036310-00036650 “something cultish”, and etc. etc. bbBIP6r2FOY-00195-00036650-00036970 Anyway, let's go into what I think bbBIP6r2FOY-00196-00036970-00037130 he is trying to talk about. bbBIP6r2FOY-00197-00037130-00037260 So there's 3 aspects to this. bbBIP6r2FOY-00198-00037260-00037500 Esperanto, the internal idea, and homaranismo. bbBIP6r2FOY-00199-00037560-00037890 So, I'll speak about Esperanto and the internal idea first. bbBIP6r2FOY-00200-00037890-00038240 Esperanto is, basically, just a language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00201-00038240-00038490 It was created prior to 1887 bbBIP6r2FOY-00202-00038490-00038650 but the first book on Esperanto bbBIP6r2FOY-00203-00038650-00038930 was published by Zamenhof in 1887. bbBIP6r2FOY-00204-00038930-00039290 Zamenhof published the foundations for the language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00205-00039290-00039450 He didn't create the entire language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00206-00039450-00039700 In fact he created only a tiny portion of the language, bbBIP6r2FOY-00207-00039700-00039870 and from their it evolved bbBIP6r2FOY-00208-00039870-00040080 into this full-fledged language we have today. bbBIP6r2FOY-00209-00040080-00040310 The first book was published by Zamenhof, bbBIP6r2FOY-00210-00040310-00040700 and in the first book he stated 3 ideas bbBIP6r2FOY-00211-00040740-00041190 for why he thinks Esperanto is needed. bbBIP6r2FOY-00212-00041190-00041320 Why he, basically, created it. bbBIP6r2FOY-00213-00041320-00041520 So, let's go through these ideas bbBIP6r2FOY-00214-00041520-00041680 and see if this sounds like something bbBIP6r2FOY-00215-00041680-00041830 that's cultish to you. bbBIP6r2FOY-00216-00041830-00041970 So, he said: bbBIP6r2FOY-00217-00041970-00042225 “To render the study of language so easy bbBIP6r2FOY-00218-00042225-00042405 as to make its acquisition mere play bbBIP6r2FOY-00219-00042405-00042530 for the learner.” So, basically, bbBIP6r2FOY-00220-00042530-00042730 he wanted to create a language that was so easy bbBIP6r2FOY-00221-00042730-00042920 it will, basically, be a game. bbBIP6r2FOY-00222-00042920-00043050 So, what he was talking about bbBIP6r2FOY-00223-00043050-00043330 was gamification before Duolingo made it cool. bbBIP6r2FOY-00224-00043330-00043590 So, he wanted a language that was just super easy. bbBIP6r2FOY-00225-00043590-00043940 Second one: “To enable the learner to make direct use bbBIP6r2FOY-00226-00043940-00044250 of his knowledge with people of any nationality, bbBIP6r2FOY-00227-00044250-00044650 whether the language be universally accepted or not.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00228-00044650-00044840 The “or not” is important for later. bbBIP6r2FOY-00229-00044840-00045100 “In other words, the language is to be directly bbBIP6r2FOY-00230-00045100-00045300 a means of international communication.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00231-00045300-00045420 Very simple to understand. bbBIP6r2FOY-00232-00045420-00045610 He wanted to create a language that could be used bbBIP6r2FOY-00233-00045610-00045840 for international communication between people bbBIP6r2FOY-00234-00045840-00045980 who didn't share the same language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00235-00045980-00046200 These first 2 points are very simple to understand. bbBIP6r2FOY-00236-00046200-00046450 The 3rd point needs a bit more historical context, bbBIP6r2FOY-00237-00046450-00046580 so I'll read the 3rd point now. bbBIP6r2FOY-00238-00046580-00046770 “To find some means of overcoming bbBIP6r2FOY-00239-00046770-00047000 the natural indifference of mankind, bbBIP6r2FOY-00240-00047000-00047170 and disposing them, bbBIP6r2FOY-00241-00047170-00047470 in the quickest manner possible, and en masse, bbBIP6r2FOY-00242-00047470-00047770 to learn and use proposed language as a living one, bbBIP6r2FOY-00243-00047770-00048060 and not only in last extremities, bbBIP6r2FOY-00244-00048060-00048185 and with the key at hand.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00245-00048185-00048450 So, let's break down what he is talking about here. bbBIP6r2FOY-00246-00048450-00048600 This refers to the internal idea bbBIP6r2FOY-00247-00048690-00048910 that exists within Esperanto community. bbBIP6r2FOY-00248-00048910-00049125 So, the Esperanto community has bbBIP6r2FOY-00249-00049125-00049450 these 3 things that are the internal idea, bbBIP6r2FOY-00250-00049450-00049610 but this one's more so the last. bbBIP6r2FOY-00251-00049610-00049790 So, there's these 3 things he mentions. bbBIP6r2FOY-00252-00049790-00049920 Natural indifference. bbBIP6r2FOY-00253-00049920-00050170 So, he is talking about the historical context bbBIP6r2FOY-00254-00050170-00050330 in which Esperanto was born. bbBIP6r2FOY-00255-00050330-00050600 Esperanto was born during a time in history bbBIP6r2FOY-00256-00050600-00050860 when Poland was ruled by Russia. bbBIP6r2FOY-00257-00050860-00051110 And the whole of Europe, ok, bbBIP6r2FOY-00258-00051110-00051440 was devided based on language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00259-00051440-00051670 So, if you spoke French you are French. bbBIP6r2FOY-00260-00051670-00051860 If you spoke German you are German. bbBIP6r2FOY-00261-00051860-00052020 And we don't like each other. bbBIP6r2FOY-00262-00052020-00052160 That's just how it was. bbBIP6r2FOY-00263-00052160-00052379 So, the natural indifference was bbBIP6r2FOY-00264-00052379-00052660 extreme tribalism and nationalism, bbBIP6r2FOY-00265-00052660-00052800 which was just rampant in a society. bbBIP6r2FOY-00266-00052870-00053029 And this was reflected in a term bbBIP6r2FOY-00267-00053029-00053200 which Zamenhof grew up in. bbBIP6r2FOY-00268-00053200-00053560 Basically, those Poles, Germans, Russians, Yiddish, bbBIP6r2FOY-00269-00053560-00053720 and no one spoke to each other bbBIP6r2FOY-00270-00053720-00053965 because they all belonged to different groups. bbBIP6r2FOY-00271-00053965-00054200 They were all different ethnic groups. bbBIP6r2FOY-00272-00054200-00054420 So, this was extreme tribalism bbBIP6r2FOY-00273-00054420-00054650 or the natural indifference of society. bbBIP6r2FOY-00274-00054650-00054850 And he wanted to dispose of this. bbBIP6r2FOY-00275-00054850-00055110 He also wanted to create a living language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00276-00055110-00055329 Now, his idea of a living language bbBIP6r2FOY-00277-00055329-00055510 and the idea of a living language bbBIP6r2FOY-00278-00055510-00055810 for some groups of modern Esperanto speakers bbBIP6r2FOY-00279-00055810-00055910 is quite different. bbBIP6r2FOY-00280-00055910-00056129 Zamenhof wanted to create a language bbBIP6r2FOY-00281-00056129-00056320 that would be learned by everyone, bbBIP6r2FOY-00282-00056320-00056600 eventually almost as a native language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00283-00056600-00056725 But we would speak… Say, bbBIP6r2FOY-00284-00056725-00056850 in Australia I would speak English, bbBIP6r2FOY-00285-00056850-00057060 and when I went to China I wouldn't speak English, bbBIP6r2FOY-00286-00057060-00057150 my native language, bbBIP6r2FOY-00287-00057150-00057350 I would swap to Esperanto and speak Esperanto bbBIP6r2FOY-00288-00057350-00057529 with an Esperanto-speaking Chinese speaker. bbBIP6r2FOY-00289-00057529-00057770 And we them came to Australia be vice versa. bbBIP6r2FOY-00290-00057770-00057960 So, we would keep our native languages bbBIP6r2FOY-00291-00057960-00058229 but we would also have a secondary native language – bbBIP6r2FOY-00292-00058229-00058300 Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00293-00058300-00058520 Now, a lot of modern Esperanto speakers, like, bbBIP6r2FOY-00294-00058520-00058810 “no-no-no, Esperanto is the second language bbBIP6r2FOY-00295-00058810-00058990 and you have you native language.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00296-00058990-00059125 So, they are against the idea bbBIP6r2FOY-00297-00059125-00059329 of anyone learning Esperanto as a native language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00298-00059329-00059620 But you can see Zamenhof's idea bbBIP6r2FOY-00299-00059620-00059850 in the fact that he taught Esperanto bbBIP6r2FOY-00300-00059850-00060040 as a language to his children, bbBIP6r2FOY-00301-00060040-00060279 and a lot of early Esperanto speakers bbBIP6r2FOY-00302-00060279-00060420 took on this idea. bbBIP6r2FOY-00303-00060420-00060550 But, basically, what happened is bbBIP6r2FOY-00304-00060550-00060890 in the early history of Esperanto the ideas swapped bbBIP6r2FOY-00305-00060890-00061220 and less people start teaching it to their children. bbBIP6r2FOY-00306-00061220-00061385 A lot of people still teach it to their children bbBIP6r2FOY-00307-00061385-00061579 and I feel like a lot more are starting to now, bbBIP6r2FOY-00308-00061579-00061729 like some of my friends are. bbBIP6r2FOY-00309-00061729-00062090 So, this being an evolution in ideas about bbBIP6r2FOY-00310-00062090-00062300 should Esperanto be a native language or not. bbBIP6r2FOY-00311-00062300-00062479 But he believed, in essence, that it should be. bbBIP6r2FOY-00312-00062479-00062710 The last part he says the “key at hand.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00313-00062710-00063000 This is not some mysterious cultish thing, bbBIP6r2FOY-00314-00063000-00063210 it's simply talking about the “Unua Libro”. bbBIP6r2FOY-00315-00063210-00063410 It, basically, had a key within it. bbBIP6r2FOY-00316-00063410-00063590 And the key was: these are the words, bbBIP6r2FOY-00317-00063590-00063845 this is the grammar, you can use this as a cipher bbBIP6r2FOY-00318-00063845-00064120 to transfer your English to Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00319-00064120-00064300 Write a letter, send it off to your friend bbBIP6r2FOY-00320-00064300-00064520 who would use their key to decipher it back bbBIP6r2FOY-00321-00064520-00064770 into like whatever their language is, Russian. bbBIP6r2FOY-00322-00064770-00064920 So, it was, basically, bbBIP6r2FOY-00323-00064920-00065170 like a really poor version of Google Translate. bbBIP6r2FOY-00324-00065170-00065290 And eventually, he hoped, bbBIP6r2FOY-00325-00065290-00065400 that when the people got good at that bbBIP6r2FOY-00326-00065400-00065610 that they might speak it, evolve on it, bbBIP6r2FOY-00327-00065610-00065770 and then it will become its own language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00328-00065770-00066090 In fact Esperanto was, probably, the first bbBIP6r2FOY-00329-00066090-00066345 crowdsource language. The first open source language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00330-00066345-00066560 Because when Zamenhof published it he said: bbBIP6r2FOY-00331-00066560-00066790 hey, I created this, but it ain't mine. bbBIP6r2FOY-00332-00066790-00066960 Don't come to me asking for questions, bbBIP6r2FOY-00333-00066960-00067070 you guys figure it out. bbBIP6r2FOY-00334-00067070-00067370 He, basically, went: I'm not, like, bbBIP6r2FOY-00335-00067370-00067620 the leader of this movement in any sense. bbBIP6r2FOY-00336-00067620-00067800 But the funny thing is, I've given you bbBIP6r2FOY-00337-00067800-00068060 all of this historical information, bbBIP6r2FOY-00338-00068060-00068280 but the vast majority of Esperanto speakers bbBIP6r2FOY-00339-00068280-00068460 don't know anything about this. bbBIP6r2FOY-00340-00068460-00068810 It's like those people who know a ton of information bbBIP6r2FOY-00341-00068810-00069065 about the Constitution of the US bbBIP6r2FOY-00342-00069065-00069265 and the Founding Fathers and what they think bbBIP6r2FOY-00343-00069265-00069420 and all that type of stuff. bbBIP6r2FOY-00344-00069420-00069630 You go ask the standard person on the street bbBIP6r2FOY-00345-00069630-00069900 what the Founding Fathers thought about this and that, bbBIP6r2FOY-00346-00069900-00070090 or you ask them about Constitution bbBIP6r2FOY-00347-00070090-00070250 and they'll have a vague idea bbBIP6r2FOY-00348-00070250-00070450 about a couple of things here and there. bbBIP6r2FOY-00349-00070450-00070830 So, that's what the Unua Libro is to Esperanto speakers. bbBIP6r2FOY-00350-00070830-00071020 It's like the Constitution, bbBIP6r2FOY-00351-00071020-00071310 but without the legal backing that comes with it. bbBIP6r2FOY-00352-00071310-00071585 So, it's kind of like this document bbBIP6r2FOY-00353-00071585-00071780 that we look at historically bbBIP6r2FOY-00354-00071780-00071960 and it impacts on certain aspects bbBIP6r2FOY-00355-00071960-00072120 of the Esperanto community, bbBIP6r2FOY-00356-00072120-00072390 but there is no legal force behind it. bbBIP6r2FOY-00357-00072390-00072585 So, realistically, it doesn't have bbBIP6r2FOY-00358-00072585-00072750 that much of influence bbBIP6r2FOY-00359-00072750-00072900 in the modern Esperanto community. bbBIP6r2FOY-00360-00072900-00073230 So, the next thing he spoke about was homaranismo. bbBIP6r2FOY-00361-00073230-00073500 So, homaranismo is something completely separate bbBIP6r2FOY-00362-00073500-00073730 to Esperanto that Zamenhof created. bbBIP6r2FOY-00363-00073730-00073900 So, let's talk about that now. bbBIP6r2FOY-00364-00073910-00074370 Homaranismo is a philosophy that Zamenhof created. bbBIP6r2FOY-00365-00074370-00074500 And the idea was that bbBIP6r2FOY-00366-00074500-00074720 everyone's religious during the time bbBIP6r2FOY-00367-00074720-00074890 when Zamenhof was, like, alive. bbBIP6r2FOY-00368-00074890-00074990 Everyone was religious. bbBIP6r2FOY-00369-00074990-00075160 Everyone belonged to some religion bbBIP6r2FOY-00370-00075160-00075370 and the religions were almost linked with languages bbBIP6r2FOY-00371-00075370-00075570 and the infighting between the religions bbBIP6r2FOY-00372-00075570-00075730 was based around these bbBIP6r2FOY-00373-00075730-00076050 religious/language linguistic groups. bbBIP6r2FOY-00374-00076050-00076280 And he kinda wanted to find a solution to that as well bbBIP6r2FOY-00375-00076280-00076490 So, he was warking on two things at once. bbBIP6r2FOY-00376-00076490-00076680 So, he created a homaranismo bbBIP6r2FOY-00377-00076680-00077020 and it was originally based on Hillelism… bbBIP6r2FOY-00378-00077020-00077150 I don't know how to pronounce that word. bbBIP6r2FOY-00379-00077150-00077500 Anyway, it's like a Jewish belief system bbBIP6r2FOY-00380-00077500-00077680 he based on that originally and then he went bbBIP6r2FOY-00381-00077680-00077790 e-eh, nah, scrap this. bbBIP6r2FOY-00382-00077790-00077960 So he ditched… he completely ditched that bbBIP6r2FOY-00383-00077960-00078180 and he created his own belief system. bbBIP6r2FOY-00384-00078180-00078410 And, basically, the belief system is a philosophy. bbBIP6r2FOY-00385-00078410-00078860 So, here are the 2 main core beliefs of homaranismo. bbBIP6r2FOY-00386-00078860-00079065 And I'm gonna… these are in Esperanto, bbBIP6r2FOY-00387-00079065-00079290 so I'm gonna translate them to English on the fly, bbBIP6r2FOY-00388-00079290-00079570 so my translation may not be, like, the best. bbBIP6r2FOY-00389-00079570-00079700 But I was too lazy to just translate it bbBIP6r2FOY-00390-00079800-00079970 because there is no English translation. bbBIP6r2FOY-00391-00079970-00080180 So, he says: I am a human, bbBIP6r2FOY-00392-00080180-00080490 and the entire human race I see as one family; bbBIP6r2FOY-00393-00080490-00080710 the division of the human race bbBIP6r2FOY-00394-00080710-00080830 (see, I've put division in green) bbBIP6r2FOY-00395-00080830-00081050 the division of the human race bbBIP6r2FOY-00396-00081050-00081550 into different, like, enemy ethnic groups bbBIP6r2FOY-00397-00081550-00081790 and the ethnic religious communities bbBIP6r2FOY-00398-00081790-00082320 I see as the biggest unhappiness, the biggest unluck bbBIP6r2FOY-00399-00082320-00082630 (ok), which sooner or later must disappear bbBIP6r2FOY-00400-00082630-00082910 and whose disappearance I will accelerate bbBIP6r2FOY-00401-00082910-00083070 according to my ability. bbBIP6r2FOY-00402-00083070-00083200 So, what he is saying is bbBIP6r2FOY-00403-00083200-00083590 he regards the division as the biggest, bbBIP6r2FOY-00404-00083590-00083750 worst thing that's happened. bbBIP6r2FOY-00405-00083750-00084145 Not the ethnic groups, not the religious ethnic groups, bbBIP6r2FOY-00406-00084145-00084400 but the division between those groups. bbBIP6r2FOY-00407-00084400-00084590 So, he supports the ethnic groups, bbBIP6r2FOY-00408-00084590-00084725 but he hates the division bbBIP6r2FOY-00409-00084725-00084870 that's been formed between them bbBIP6r2FOY-00410-00084870-00085150 by people using them to their benefit. bbBIP6r2FOY-00411-00085150-00085390 You know, to their own personal benefit. bbBIP6r2FOY-00412-00085390-00085710 And he wants to make that disappear, the division. bbBIP6r2FOY-00413-00085710-00085950 I'm pretty sure anyone in the world would agree bbBIP6r2FOY-00414-00085950-00086190 that division between ethnic groups is a bad thing, bbBIP6r2FOY-00415-00086190-00086480 and anyone who proposes creating division bbBIP6r2FOY-00416-00086480-00086660 is just being bad in general. bbBIP6r2FOY-00417-00086660-00086800 Now, the 2nd point is: bbBIP6r2FOY-00418-00086800-00087040 I see an every human only a human bbBIP6r2FOY-00419-00087040-00087160 and I treat every human bbBIP6r2FOY-00420-00087160-00087600 according to his personal worth and actions. bbBIP6r2FOY-00421-00087660-00088000 Every offense and oppression (that's in green) bbBIP6r2FOY-00422-00088000-00088230 of a person because of that he belongs bbBIP6r2FOY-00423-00088230-00088570 to a particular ethnic group or language or social class bbBIP6r2FOY-00424-00088570-00088930 that's different to me I see as a barbarity. bbBIP6r2FOY-00425-00088930-00089360 So, he sees the oppression of people as a barbarity. bbBIP6r2FOY-00426-00089360-00089700 So, Zamenhof is all for ethnic groups, bbBIP6r2FOY-00427-00089700-00090060 he believes in the diversity of the human race. bbBIP6r2FOY-00428-00090060-00090310 I think anyone who looks at this bbBIP6r2FOY-00429-00090310-00090570 and associates this as cultish bbBIP6r2FOY-00430-00090570-00090880 or as something that belong to communism bbBIP6r2FOY-00431-00090880-00091220 really is misreading it. bbBIP6r2FOY-00432-00091220-00091440 Now, maybe on its surface bbBIP6r2FOY-00433-00091440-00091745 communism and this have something, like, bbBIP6r2FOY-00434-00091745-00091860 align with each other, bbBIP6r2FOY-00435-00091860-00092050 but this is just as much aligned bbBIP6r2FOY-00436-00092050-00092330 with the beliefs of Christianity or Islam, bbBIP6r2FOY-00437-00092330-00092520 at least in my eyes. bbBIP6r2FOY-00438-00092520-00092740 So, anyway, that's what he actually believed bbBIP6r2FOY-00439-00092740-00092940 regarding homaranismo. bbBIP6r2FOY-00440-00092940-00093190 Esperanto was separate and in fact and, as I said, bbBIP6r2FOY-00441-00093190-00093330 homaranismo died. bbBIP6r2FOY-00442-00093330-00093500 It would probably been better if it survived bbBIP6r2FOY-00443-00093500-00093620 but it died off. bbBIP6r2FOY-00444-00093620-00093960 So, he believed oppression is bad, division is bad. bbBIP6r2FOY-00445-00093960-00094220 So, another thing this person says in a blog is bbBIP6r2FOY-00446-00094220-00094630 “Esperantistan is an ideologically homogenous bbBIP6r2FOY-00447-00094630-00094765 (I can never pronounce this word, bbBIP6r2FOY-00448-00094765-00094990 I'm not even gonna bother) landscape.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00449-00094990-00095120 So he is basically saying that bbBIP6r2FOY-00450-00095120-00095270 everyone in the Esperanto community bbBIP6r2FOY-00451-00095270-00095430 thinks exactly the same. bbBIP6r2FOY-00452-00095430-00095590 First off, I just wanna point out one thing bbBIP6r2FOY-00453-00095590-00095770 he said “Esperantistan.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00454-00095770-00096000 I find this quite a strange word. bbBIP6r2FOY-00455-00096000-00096210 Now, the Esperanto word for Esperanto speakers bbBIP6r2FOY-00456-00096210-00096360 is “esperantisto.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00457-00096360-00096630 So, he obviously knows a little bit about, um, bbBIP6r2FOY-00458-00096630-00096800 you know, word formation in Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00459-00096800-00097120 But then he uses this English ending -stan, bbBIP6r2FOY-00460-00097120-00097400 which is only ever used for words around bbBIP6r2FOY-00461-00097400-00097720 the Middle East or maybe, like, Ex-Soviet countries. bbBIP6r2FOY-00462-00097720-00097920 I'm wondering why he did that. bbBIP6r2FOY-00463-00097920-00098070 There is only 1 of 2 reasons: bbBIP6r2FOY-00464-00098070-00098520 one is because he loves Arabic culture so much bbBIP6r2FOY-00465-00098520-00098780 and he's just got -stan stuck in his head, bbBIP6r2FOY-00466-00098780-00099000 or two – he is thinking more along bbBIP6r2FOY-00467-00099000-00099220 the bogan English thinking. bbBIP6r2FOY-00468-00099220-00099460 A lot of bogan, like, English speakers, bbBIP6r2FOY-00469-00099460-00099660 especially in Sidney, add -stan bbBIP6r2FOY-00470-00099660-00099790 to an end of a place name bbBIP6r2FOY-00471-00099790-00099990 to make it sound like a war zone bbBIP6r2FOY-00472-00099990-00100120 or something that's just bad bbBIP6r2FOY-00473-00100120-00100340 and generally not good to go to. bbBIP6r2FOY-00474-00100340-00100550 So, I don't know which meaning he is aiming at here, bbBIP6r2FOY-00475-00100550-00100800 but, you know, it's really not that important. bbBIP6r2FOY-00476-00100800-00101045 The actual word for the Esperanto community bbBIP6r2FOY-00477-00101045-00101190 would be Esperantujo, bbBIP6r2FOY-00478-00101190-00101400 so you can use that in future blog post. bbBIP6r2FOY-00479-00101400-00101590 “Wherever you travel, you meet people bbBIP6r2FOY-00480-00101590-00101720 of all different persuasions. bbBIP6r2FOY-00481-00101720-00101860 No matter what language you learn, bbBIP6r2FOY-00482-00101860-00102000 you'll meet speakers all the time bbBIP6r2FOY-00483-00102000-00102310 from the far left to the far right of the political spectrum. bbBIP6r2FOY-00484-00102310-00102590 You'll also meet non-believers, nominal believers, bbBIP6r2FOY-00485-00102590-00102720 the devout and the extreme. bbBIP6r2FOY-00486-00102720-00102959 Esperanto, being an ideological tool that it is, bbBIP6r2FOY-00487-00102959-00103025 opposes this.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00488-00103025-00103150 So he is, basically, saying: bbBIP6r2FOY-00489-00103150-00103409 Esperanto has one belief system, we all follow that. bbBIP6r2FOY-00490-00103409-00103640 So, the question is: are modern Esperanto speakers bbBIP6r2FOY-00491-00103640-00103820 all ideologically the same? bbBIP6r2FOY-00492-00103820-00104059 Well, no. Because I'm proof of that. bbBIP6r2FOY-00493-00104059-00104230 Even though that's kind of anecdotal bbBIP6r2FOY-00494-00104230-00104520 let's start with myself, because I know myself. bbBIP6r2FOY-00495-00104520-00104830 I'm the most popular Esperanto youtuber in the world. bbBIP6r2FOY-00496-00104830-00105090 Woah. That's saying a lot for a small community, bbBIP6r2FOY-00497-00105090-00105340 but I am. Well, it's not really saying that much, bbBIP6r2FOY-00498-00105340-00105580 but I am I'm the most popular Esperanto youtuber. bbBIP6r2FOY-00499-00105580-00105859 Not kinda, like, trying to flaunt it or anything, bbBIP6r2FOY-00500-00105859-00106200 but the reason I'm pointing this out is because bbBIP6r2FOY-00501-00106200-00106570 I, probably, go against the trend of a lot of groups. bbBIP6r2FOY-00502-00106570-00106800 Now, I'm not a communist, I, in fact, bbBIP6r2FOY-00503-00106800-00107090 think that communism is an ideology that bbBIP6r2FOY-00504-00107090-00107350 has result in a deaths of millions is terrible. bbBIP6r2FOY-00505-00107350-00107520 It sounds good on the surface, bbBIP6r2FOY-00506-00107520-00107809 but once you actually try to apply it to humans bbBIP6r2FOY-00507-00107809-00108040 which, in essence, are broken – bbBIP6r2FOY-00508-00108040-00108300 like, humans are easily corruptible – bbBIP6r2FOY-00509-00108300-00108500 it becomes terrible. bbBIP6r2FOY-00510-00108500-00108659 So, I'm actually a capitalist. bbBIP6r2FOY-00511-00108659-00108934 I believe that, you know, we should work for goods bbBIP6r2FOY-00512-00108934-00109165 and we trade goods based on our own means bbBIP6r2FOY-00513-00109165-00109320 without interference from others. bbBIP6r2FOY-00514-00109320-00109459 I don't believe in big government, bbBIP6r2FOY-00515-00109459-00109700 I feel like small government's the way to go. bbBIP6r2FOY-00516-00109700-00109920 I believe some regulations required bbBIP6r2FOY-00517-00109920-00110059 and I'm totally not religious. bbBIP6r2FOY-00518-00110059-00110550 So, I'm probably more right leaning in a lot of ways. bbBIP6r2FOY-00519-00110550-00110750 Probably in a majority of ways. bbBIP6r2FOY-00520-00110750-00111059 Now, to give you an idea, my local Esperanto group, bbBIP6r2FOY-00521-00111059-00111300 which, basically, consists of my friends. bbBIP6r2FOY-00522-00111300-00111550 We, uh, people who fit into bbBIP6r2FOY-00523-00111550-00111800 pretty much every political ideology. bbBIP6r2FOY-00524-00111800-00111975 Now, in Australia (he is aware of this, bbBIP6r2FOY-00525-00111975-00112080 but I'll point out for everyone else) bbBIP6r2FOY-00526-00112080-00112230 in Australia there's 3 major parties: bbBIP6r2FOY-00527-00112230-00112420 the Greens, Liberals, and the Labours. bbBIP6r2FOY-00528-00112420-00112700 Eh, and Labour. (laughs) and Labours. And Labour. bbBIP6r2FOY-00529-00112700-00112845 Um, so, the Greens, bbBIP6r2FOY-00530-00112845-00112990 you probably aware of what they are: bbBIP6r2FOY-00531-00112990-00113200 they are, basically, far left. bbBIP6r2FOY-00532-00113200-00113365 Then you got Liberal. Liberal is kind of like bbBIP6r2FOY-00533-00113365-00113676 our version of the Conservative party in US, bbBIP6r2FOY-00534-00113676-00113850 so they are kind of like right. bbBIP6r2FOY-00535-00113850-00114090 They are like leaning towards the right. bbBIP6r2FOY-00536-00114090-00114190 And then you got Labour, bbBIP6r2FOY-00537-00114190-00114350 which is like our version of the Democrats bbBIP6r2FOY-00538-00114350-00114530 which are leaning towards left. bbBIP6r2FOY-00539-00114530-00114750 So, I vote Liberal. bbBIP6r2FOY-00540-00114750-00114930 Because I think that their policies in general bbBIP6r2FOY-00541-00114930-00115130 are just better for us as a society. bbBIP6r2FOY-00542-00115130-00115440 Now, in my local group there are Greens voters, bbBIP6r2FOY-00543-00115440-00115700 there are Liberal voters, and there are Labour voters. bbBIP6r2FOY-00544-00115700-00115865 And we are all Esperanto speakers, bbBIP6r2FOY-00545-00115865-00116009 and we all get along fine. bbBIP6r2FOY-00546-00116009-00116259 We have our political debates but that's about it. bbBIP6r2FOY-00547-00116259-00116520 We are not all ideologically the same bbBIP6r2FOY-00548-00116520-00116809 and definitely are very different in a lot of regards. bbBIP6r2FOY-00549-00116809-00117040 Now, I've put in red here that the only thing bbBIP6r2FOY-00550-00117040-00117225 every Esperanto speaker agrees on bbBIP6r2FOY-00551-00117225-00117370 is that we speak Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00552-00117370-00117620 And we can't even agree on that most of the time. bbBIP6r2FOY-00553-00117620-00117820 If you look at my YouTube comments bbBIP6r2FOY-00554-00117820-00118030 often I'll have YouTube comments like bbBIP6r2FOY-00555-00118030-00118200 “you are not speaking real Esperanto bbBIP6r2FOY-00556-00118200-00118440 because you are using this or that made-up word”. bbBIP6r2FOY-00557-00118440-00118559 You know, it's like when someone says bbBIP6r2FOY-00558-00118559-00118800 you can't use “they” as a singular in English bbBIP6r2FOY-00559-00118800-00118930 and then you have the whole thing… bbBIP6r2FOY-00560-00118930-00119130 It's the same thing that happens in Esperanto, bbBIP6r2FOY-00561-00119130-00119400 there is always, like, a grammar debate somewhere. bbBIP6r2FOY-00562-00119400-00119630 Um, and that's pretty much just how it goes. bbBIP6r2FOY-00563-00119630-00119940 So, the only thing Esperanto speakers agree on, bbBIP6r2FOY-00564-00119940-00120184 realistically, is that we speak Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00565-00120184-00120330 Or at least some form of it. bbBIP6r2FOY-00566-00120330-00120559 So, the idea that we are all the same bbBIP6r2FOY-00567-00120559-00120680 is a bit strange to me, bbBIP6r2FOY-00568-00120680-00120809 and he used one reference bbBIP6r2FOY-00569-00120809-00121090 to one person's anecdotal experience bbBIP6r2FOY-00570-00121090-00121240 about going to an event. bbBIP6r2FOY-00571-00121240-00121480 Now, the thing is with events: bbBIP6r2FOY-00572-00121480-00121875 events, anywhere in the world, are representative bbBIP6r2FOY-00573-00121875-00122070 of the people who run those events. bbBIP6r2FOY-00574-00122070-00122270 And if someone… If the people who run that event bbBIP6r2FOY-00575-00122270-00122470 all are left leaning then the even, in general, bbBIP6r2FOY-00576-00122470-00122630 is going to be very left leaning. bbBIP6r2FOY-00577-00122630-00122870 If all people who run the event are very right leaning bbBIP6r2FOY-00578-00122870-00123020 the same thing happens. bbBIP6r2FOY-00579-00123020-00123220 So, if you just happen to go to an event bbBIP6r2FOY-00580-00123220-00123325 that sounds interesting, bbBIP6r2FOY-00581-00123325-00123550 but, unfortunately, is being politically tainted bbBIP6r2FOY-00582-00123550-00123720 by the people who run that event bbBIP6r2FOY-00583-00123720-00123950 then that means you gonna feel like bbBIP6r2FOY-00584-00123950-00124130 everyone around you bbBIP6r2FOY-00585-00124130-00124359 is of the same political persuasion. bbBIP6r2FOY-00586-00124359-00124530 It's not true in the Esperanto community, bbBIP6r2FOY-00587-00124530-00124700 it's not true in general. bbBIP6r2FOY-00588-00124700-00124880 I think that's, probably, a bad example. bbBIP6r2FOY-00589-00124880-00125190 Now, he says: “Not only does it have no culture bbBIP6r2FOY-00590-00125190-00125459 but its adherents are delusional. bbBIP6r2FOY-00591-00125459-00125705 Esperanto has no country or geographical ties bbBIP6r2FOY-00592-00125705-00125830 to an ancestral homeland. bbBIP6r2FOY-00593-00125830-00126020 Unlike natural languages, you don't learn Esperanto bbBIP6r2FOY-00594-00126020-00126150 because you are fascinated by a country, bbBIP6r2FOY-00595-00126150-00126330 people group or location. bbBIP6r2FOY-00596-00126330-00126480 Outside of a few crackpots bbBIP6r2FOY-00597-00126480-00126690 who decided to turn their kids into circus acts bbBIP6r2FOY-00598-00126690-00126909 by raising them with Esperanto as a first language, bbBIP6r2FOY-00599-00126909-00127130 it has no inter-generational indentity bbBIP6r2FOY-00600-00127130-00127440 or national/tribal history.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00601-00127440-00127850 Okay. So, before I break into responding to that bbBIP6r2FOY-00602-00127850-00128209 I'm just gonna read the follow-up part he wrote: bbBIP6r2FOY-00603-00128209-00128415 “To which…” Some people say that Esperanto bbBIP6r2FOY-00604-00128415-00128630 does have culture because it's got music, foods, bbBIP6r2FOY-00605-00128630-00128959 events, literature. And he responds with: bbBIP6r2FOY-00606-00128959-00129140 I think this is “incredibly shallow bbBIP6r2FOY-00607-00129140-00129409 and [a] poor understanding of what culture actually is.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00608-00129409-00129630 So, let's go back to the previous point. bbBIP6r2FOY-00609-00129630-00129780 He says: “Esperanto has no country bbBIP6r2FOY-00610-00129780-00130009 or geographical ties to an ancestral homeland.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00611-00130009-00130220 That's true, we don't have a country. bbBIP6r2FOY-00612-00130220-00130500 There's some geographical places bbBIP6r2FOY-00613-00130500-00130759 that are linked very closely to Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00614-00130759-00131020 For instance, uh, the Esperanto urbeto bbBIP6r2FOY-00615-00131020-00131289 which is a small town in Germany. bbBIP6r2FOY-00616-00131289-00131450 I forget the German name. bbBIP6r2FOY-00617-00131450-00131645 Someone will put in the comments. [Herzberg am Harz?] bbBIP6r2FOY-00618-00131645-00131880 Basically, there Esperanto is bbBIP6r2FOY-00619-00131880-00132000 part of the local community, bbBIP6r2FOY-00620-00132000-00132244 all signage are in Esperanto, bbBIP6r2FOY-00621-00132244-00132465 but it's used more is kinda like a tourism thing. bbBIP6r2FOY-00622-00132465-00132630 So, it's not really like a thing bbBIP6r2FOY-00623-00132630-00132810 that's been passed on generation to generation. bbBIP6r2FOY-00624-00132810-00133075 So, I agree with him, Esperanto has no country bbBIP6r2FOY-00625-00133075-00133320 or geographical ties. Okay? bbBIP6r2FOY-00626-00133320-00133500 That's the extent of my agreement. bbBIP6r2FOY-00627-00133500-00133725 “Unlike natural languages, you don't learn Esperanto bbBIP6r2FOY-00628-00133725-00133835 because you are fascinated by a country, bbBIP6r2FOY-00629-00133835-00133990 people group or location.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00630-00133990-00134230 I don't necessarily learn a language because I'm fas… bbBIP6r2FOY-00631-00134230-00134370 Like, for instance, I learned Chinese bbBIP6r2FOY-00632-00134370-00134600 not because I'm fascinated with the country, bbBIP6r2FOY-00633-00134600-00134795 the people, the group or the location. bbBIP6r2FOY-00634-00134795-00134990 I learned Chinese because I need it bbBIP6r2FOY-00635-00134990-00135200 to speak with my wife's parents. bbBIP6r2FOY-00636-00135200-00135380 Afterwards I became fascinated bbBIP6r2FOY-00637-00135380-00135570 in the country, people, and location, bbBIP6r2FOY-00638-00135570-00135810 but I didn't start learning it because of that. bbBIP6r2FOY-00639-00135810-00136000 So, this is, uh, a forward assumption bbBIP6r2FOY-00640-00136000-00136210 that people learn language because of this. bbBIP6r2FOY-00641-00136210-00136415 “It has no inter-generational indentity bbBIP6r2FOY-00642-00136415-00136550 or national/tribal history.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00643-00136550-00136790 So, Esperanto is 130 years old. bbBIP6r2FOY-00644-00136790-00137250 So, it can't develop a very big “tribal history” bbBIP6r2FOY-00645-00137250-00137380 (I'm gonna call it “tribal history” bbBIP6r2FOY-00646-00137380-00137540 to keep it in line with that he's saying) bbBIP6r2FOY-00647-00137540-00137630 during that time. bbBIP6r2FOY-00648-00137630-00137910 But there's 4th generation Esperanto speakers, bbBIP6r2FOY-00649-00137910-00138020 that means they learned Esperanto, bbBIP6r2FOY-00650-00138020-00138160 their parents, their parents, their parents. bbBIP6r2FOY-00651-00138160-00138330 You know, going back 4 generations. bbBIP6r2FOY-00652-00138330-00138600 They do exist. We've actually got one here in Sidney. bbBIP6r2FOY-00653-00138600-00138795 She, um, not 4th generation, bbBIP6r2FOY-00654-00138795-00138945 I think she is, like, 3rd generation. bbBIP6r2FOY-00655-00138945-00139300 So, Esperanto's been in her family for quite some time. bbBIP6r2FOY-00656-00139300-00139495 And she has, basically, photo albums bbBIP6r2FOY-00657-00139495-00139660 going back to her great grandma bbBIP6r2FOY-00658-00139660-00139835 where she's showing pictures of them bbBIP6r2FOY-00659-00139835-00140065 at Esperanto events, how they met, you know, bbBIP6r2FOY-00660-00140065-00140240 Esperanto passed along for the family. bbBIP6r2FOY-00661-00140240-00140445 It's the same thing when I went to, um, Germany. bbBIP6r2FOY-00662-00140445-00140730 I stayed with an Esperanto speaking family from Munich bbBIP6r2FOY-00663-00140730-00140980 and they had Esperanto in their family bbBIP6r2FOY-00664-00140980-00141110 for a few generations. bbBIP6r2FOY-00665-00141110-00141220 And if you told them bbBIP6r2FOY-00666-00141220-00141490 that it wasn't part of their “family history” bbBIP6r2FOY-00667-00141490-00141650 You'd, basically, be insulting them bbBIP6r2FOY-00668-00141650-00141950 because it's how their family even formed bbBIP6r2FOY-00669-00141950-00142140 a couple of generations ago. bbBIP6r2FOY-00670-00142140-00142600 Now, Esperanto has not just a “tribal history” bbBIP6r2FOY-00671-00142600-00142965 it has… also has, like, tribal pain in a sense. bbBIP6r2FOY-00672-00142965-00143220 So, I've got this book here called “La Danĝera Lingvo”, bbBIP6r2FOY-00673-00143220-00143380 which means a dangerous language, bbBIP6r2FOY-00674-00143380-00143660 and it basically details all the times during history bbBIP6r2FOY-00675-00143660-00143870 Esperanto speakers have been killed bbBIP6r2FOY-00676-00143870-00144180 due to the fact that they speak Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00677-00144180-00144310 Or they have been locked up bbBIP6r2FOY-00678-00144310-00144480 because they speak Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00679-00144480-00144690 It talks about how Hitler killed Esperanto speakers, bbBIP6r2FOY-00680-00144690-00144780 Stalin killed Esperanto speakers, bbBIP6r2FOY-00681-00144780-00145030 they had a japanese lock them up in World War II. bbBIP6r2FOY-00682-00145030-00145385 It goes into depth, and these types of things, for me, bbBIP6r2FOY-00683-00145385-00145610 are what glue culture together. bbBIP6r2FOY-00684-00145610-00145840 The sufferings and the shared culture. bbBIP6r2FOY-00685-00145840-00146170 So, this is a book, and now I'm going to quickly bbBIP6r2FOY-00686-00146170-00146310 just place in a short video bbBIP6r2FOY-00687-00146310-00146540 of me walking around the Esperanto library. bbBIP6r2FOY-00688-00146540-00146700 I know he considers literature bbBIP6r2FOY-00689-00146700-00146935 to be a shallow example of culture, bbBIP6r2FOY-00690-00146935-00147350 but for me literature is a perfect example of culture. bbBIP6r2FOY-00691-00147350-00147550 Now, I'm showing you the Esperanto library here, bbBIP6r2FOY-00692-00147550-00147670 as you can see there is a lot of books. bbBIP6r2FOY-00693-00147670-00147785 I'm not going to put in too much, bbBIP6r2FOY-00694-00147785-00147975 you can search for this in my YouTube channel bbBIP6r2FOY-00695-00147975-00148160 if you want more in-depth videos. bbBIP6r2FOY-00696-00148160-00148500 Now, he says a good definition of culture is bbBIP6r2FOY-00697-00148500-00148590 something that's bbBIP6r2FOY-00698-00148590-00148870 “intangible aspects of human societies, bbBIP6r2FOY-00699-00148870-00149090 patterns of behaviours and interactions, bbBIP6r2FOY-00700-00149090-00149280 cognitive constructs.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00701-00149280-00149570 For me, this definition is so abstract bbBIP6r2FOY-00702-00149570-00149810 that I'm unable to define culture bbBIP6r2FOY-00703-00149810-00149990 through this definition. bbBIP6r2FOY-00704-00149990-00150360 So, if I was him I would've presented bbBIP6r2FOY-00705-00150360-00150740 an example of this through Australian culture. bbBIP6r2FOY-00706-00150740-00150990 So, what are the intangible aspects bbBIP6r2FOY-00707-00150990-00151150 of Australian culture? bbBIP6r2FOY-00708-00151150-00151290 What a the patterns of behavior bbBIP6r2FOY-00709-00151290-00151430 of Australian culture? bbBIP6r2FOY-00710-00151430-00151680 And interactions and cognitive constructs. bbBIP6r2FOY-00711-00151680-00151810 I can't even think about that bbBIP6r2FOY-00712-00151810-00152150 for Australian culture, so bbBIP6r2FOY-00713-00152150-00152260 I definitely couldn't think bbBIP6r2FOY-00714-00152260-00152410 about that for Esperanto culture. bbBIP6r2FOY-00715-00152410-00152640 I feel like this is a meaning that so abstract bbBIP6r2FOY-00716-00152640-00152830 that it's lost its meaning. bbBIP6r2FOY-00717-00152830-00153110 Anyway, maybe there is some way bbBIP6r2FOY-00718-00153110-00153210 that you can do this, bbBIP6r2FOY-00719-00153210-00153400 you'd have to be a neuroscientist bbBIP6r2FOY-00720-00153400-00153540 to figure this one out, I think. bbBIP6r2FOY-00721-00153540-00153660 So, in the end he says: bbBIP6r2FOY-00722-00153660-00153820 “the original goal for Esperanto, in fact, bbBIP6r2FOY-00723-00153830-00154120 conflicts with the very nature of human cultures: bbBIP6r2FOY-00724-00154120-00154420 to serve, to separate and distinguish bbBIP6r2FOY-00725-00154420-00154660 humans as unique groups.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00726-00154660-00154730 Well, remember bbBIP6r2FOY-00727-00154730-00154960 what the original goal was according to Zamenhof. bbBIP6r2FOY-00728-00154960-00155120 It was to create a tool bbBIP6r2FOY-00729-00155120-00155460 in which we could contact each other across culture. bbBIP6r2FOY-00730-00155460-00155650 It was not to replace culture. bbBIP6r2FOY-00731-00155650-00155860 Now I've been speaking about Esperanto culture bbBIP6r2FOY-00732-00155860-00155995 for the last 5 minutes, bbBIP6r2FOY-00733-00155995-00156190 so you, probably, a bit confused. bbBIP6r2FOY-00734-00156190-00156330 Not everyone follows bbBIP6r2FOY-00735-00156330-00156490 what Zamenhof originally intended. bbBIP6r2FOY-00736-00156490-00156770 In fact, the vast majority of the Esperanto community bbBIP6r2FOY-00737-00156770-00156950 do as they please. bbBIP6r2FOY-00738-00156950-00157100 And although Esperanto was created bbBIP6r2FOY-00739-00157100-00157400 with an original goal by Zamenhof bbBIP6r2FOY-00740-00157400-00157700 over a 130+ years it has evolved bbBIP6r2FOY-00741-00157700-00157900 into many different directions bbBIP6r2FOY-00742-00157900-00158150 and people use it for many different reasons. bbBIP6r2FOY-00743-00158150-00158300 So, there's still a few people bbBIP6r2FOY-00744-00158300-00158460 who use it as that original tool bbBIP6r2FOY-00745-00158460-00158630 for international communication, bbBIP6r2FOY-00746-00158630-00158780 and there's lots of people like me bbBIP6r2FOY-00747-00158780-00158930 who is simply enjoying the culture bbBIP6r2FOY-00748-00158930-00159180 that evolved out of Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00749-00159180-00159320 So, he also says that bbBIP6r2FOY-00750-00159320-00159580 “Esperanto evangelists bbBIP6r2FOY-00751-00159580-00159670 (I can't even pronounce that word bbBIP6r2FOY-00752-00159670-00159800 because I barely every use it)” bbBIP6r2FOY-00753-00159800-00160010 aren't just passionate – they are fanatical. bbBIP6r2FOY-00754-00160010-00160170 So yeah, the extreme thing. bbBIP6r2FOY-00755-00160170-00160330 Discussing Esperanto with an Esperantist bbBIP6r2FOY-00756-00160330-00160580 is like discussing theology with Jehovah's Witness bbBIP6r2FOY-00757-00160580-00160825 or animal rights with a PETA activist.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00758-00160825-00160960 Now, I know he is going to bbBIP6r2FOY-00759-00160960-00161100 use this video as an example, bbBIP6r2FOY-00760-00161100-00161250 so I'm just gonna point this out. bbBIP6r2FOY-00761-00161250-00161450 You can go learn whatever you want, bbBIP6r2FOY-00762-00161450-00161660 I don't care if you learn Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00763-00161660-00161770 For you, the viewer, bbBIP6r2FOY-00764-00161770-00161970 if you randomly stumbled across this video, bbBIP6r2FOY-00765-00161970-00162160 I don't care if you go learn Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00766-00162160-00162300 If you choose to – great. bbBIP6r2FOY-00767-00162300-00162400 You know, do it for you bbBIP6r2FOY-00768-00162400-00162600 if that's something you enjoy. bbBIP6r2FOY-00769-00162600-00162840 But I'm not saying you need to learn Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00770-00162840-00163080 And I think the vast majority of Esperanto speakers bbBIP6r2FOY-00771-00163080-00163170 are like that. bbBIP6r2FOY-00772-00163170-00163350 What I'm trying to do throught this video bbBIP6r2FOY-00773-00163350-00163550 is to provide an interesting perspective bbBIP6r2FOY-00774-00163550-00163710 into unique community. bbBIP6r2FOY-00775-00163710-00163960 And do we worship Zamenhof? bbBIP6r2FOY-00776-00163960-00164120 Because through this whole thing bbBIP6r2FOY-00777-00164120-00164400 he is trying to present Esperanto like a religion. bbBIP6r2FOY-00778-00164400-00164545 And I get the feeling bbBIP6r2FOY-00779-00164545-00164795 that he is saying that we “worship” Zamenhof. bbBIP6r2FOY-00780-00164795-00164980 Now, there are, probably, bbBIP6r2FOY-00781-00164980-00165270 a few Esperanto speakers that do worship Zamenhof, bbBIP6r2FOY-00782-00165270-00165495 just like there are a few Americans who, bbBIP6r2FOY-00783-00165495-00165810 probably, worship the Founding Fathers. bbBIP6r2FOY-00784-00165810-00166160 There is always a fanatical person in every community. bbBIP6r2FOY-00785-00166160-00166350 Do we define the communities bbBIP6r2FOY-00786-00166350-00166570 based on those few fanatics? bbBIP6r2FOY-00787-00166570-00166790 No, we don't. Okay? bbBIP6r2FOY-00788-00166790-00167010 And to give you, eh, example here: bbBIP6r2FOY-00789-00167010-00167130 Mojosujo. bbBIP6r2FOY-00790-00167130-00167350 Mojosa means cool in Esperanto. bbBIP6r2FOY-00791-00167350-00167580 “-ujo”, as I said previously, is kind of a country. bbBIP6r2FOY-00792-00167580-00167770 So, Mojosujo is cool country. bbBIP6r2FOY-00793-00167770-00167870 What happens a lot is bbBIP6r2FOY-00794-00167870-00168180 Esperanto speakers when speaking in public, um, bbBIP6r2FOY-00795-00168180-00168300 people hear us speaking bbBIP6r2FOY-00796-00168300-00168355 and they'll go bbBIP6r2FOY-00797-00168355-00168450 “hey, what the language is that?” bbBIP6r2FOY-00798-00168450-00168760 because it sounds so weird like foreign to them. bbBIP6r2FOY-00799-00168760-00168950 And we'll explain what it is bbBIP6r2FOY-00800-00168950-00169280 and then we often get, like, mocked. bbBIP6r2FOY-00801-00169280-00169420 Like, people would just mock us like bbBIP6r2FOY-00802-00169420-00169550 why would you just speak that language, bbBIP6r2FOY-00803-00169550-00169720 why not learn a real language? bbBIP6r2FOY-00804-00169720-00169980 Even though there is no definition for a real language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00805-00169980-00170225 Anyway, so what Esperanto speakers often do bbBIP6r2FOY-00806-00170225-00170450 in public is we say “Uh, we are from Mojosujo, bbBIP6r2FOY-00807-00170450-00170660 it's just a small eastern European country.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00808-00170660-00170850 And then now will be an end of the conversation bbBIP6r2FOY-00809-00170850-00171030 Just due to the fact that we bbBIP6r2FOY-00810-00171030-00171350 don't wanna have this discussion every 10 seconds. bbBIP6r2FOY-00811-00171350-00171610 So idea that we go fanatically around and go bbBIP6r2FOY-00812-00171610-00171830 “you must learn Esperanto speaker… uh, bbBIP6r2FOY-00813-00171830-00171920 you must learn Esperanto” bbBIP6r2FOY-00814-00171920-00172100 is… it's kinda strange. bbBIP6r2FOY-00815-00172100-00172290 Okay. So, I'm just gonna finish this all. bbBIP6r2FOY-00816-00172290-00172580 And he says “Esperanto has failed – bbBIP6r2FOY-00817-00172580-00172760 not that we needed it anyway.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00818-00172760-00173000 I'm gonna leave you with the quote bbBIP6r2FOY-00819-00173000-00173300 from Zamenhof from the Unua Libro de Esperanto, bbBIP6r2FOY-00820-00173300-00173460 the first book of Esperanto: bbBIP6r2FOY-00821-00173460-00173730 “To enable the learner to make direct use bbBIP6r2FOY-00822-00173730-00173970 of his knowledge with people of any nationality, bbBIP6r2FOY-00823-00173970-00174370 whether the language be universally accepted or not.” bbBIP6r2FOY-00824-00174370-00174550 Esperanto speakers don't care bbBIP6r2FOY-00825-00174550-00174710 what the international language is, bbBIP6r2FOY-00826-00174710-00175000 we use Esperanto for many different reasons. bbBIP6r2FOY-00827-00175000-00175200 Some might use it for international communication bbBIP6r2FOY-00828-00175200-00175320 as Zamenhof proposed, bbBIP6r2FOY-00829-00175320-00175470 some, like me, use it because bbBIP6r2FOY-00830-00175470-00175600 it's an interesting cultural thing bbBIP6r2FOY-00831-00175600-00175720 and all my friends speak it, bbBIP6r2FOY-00832-00175720-00175970 some use it because it's a family language. bbBIP6r2FOY-00833-00175970-00176100 Has it failed for me? bbBIP6r2FOY-00834-00176100-00176280 No, I found it interesting. bbBIP6r2FOY-00835-00176280-00176500 I've used it in an international communication, bbBIP6r2FOY-00836-00176500-00176720 I make money through Esperanto, bbBIP6r2FOY-00837-00176720-00176860 and my friends speak Esperanto, bbBIP6r2FOY-00838-00176860-00177120 and my children, probably, will speak it too. bbBIP6r2FOY-00839-00177120-00177380 So, for me it's just an interesting thing bbBIP6r2FOY-00840-00177380-00177600 and it's part of my personal culture. bbBIP6r2FOY-00841-00177600-00177950 Has it failed to become the international language? bbBIP6r2FOY-00842-00177950-00178100 For some people like me it's worked bbBIP6r2FOY-00843-00178100-00178290 as an international language, for others – no. bbBIP6r2FOY-00844-00178290-00178490 So, anyway, that's the end of the video. bbBIP6r2FOY-00845-00178490-00178685 Just wanted to, uh, give my input on this, bbBIP6r2FOY-00846-00178685-00178860 sorry if it's extremely long. bbBIP6r2FOY-00847-00178860-00179070 And if you like this video you know what to do. bbBIP6r2FOY-00848-00179070-00179200 Like it, share it around, bbBIP6r2FOY-00849-00179200-00179360 sub to the channel if you haven't already. bbBIP6r2FOY-00850-00179360-00179570 And I'll see you all in the next video. bbBIP6r2FOY-00851-00179570-00179700 And I'll leave you with a warning: bbBIP6r2FOY-00852-00179700-00179865 my future videos are pretty much all bbBIP6r2FOY-00853-00179865-00180000 gonna be in Esperanto. bdZ_AzV2WuI-00000-00000128-00000784 hi everyone i got something very nice to tell you um before i do i'm gonna bdZ_AzV2WuI-00001-00000784-00001592 sit down because i like sitting down bdZ_AzV2WuI-00002-00001992-00002416 some of you might have noticed already that more and more people from the community are bdZ_AzV2WuI-00003-00002416-00003104 working together for front labs to help the game progress so we have community managers we have bdZ_AzV2WuI-00004-00003160-00003832 um moderators and they have also asked me to create video content for their youtube channel bdZ_AzV2WuI-00005-00003832-00004184 and they're also paying me to continue making video content for my own channel bdZ_AzV2WuI-00006-00004264-00004688 so just so that you know this is a an amazing opportunity for me because i can combine bdZ_AzV2WuI-00007-00004752-00005232 everything that i love i can combine table tennis filming i mean it's also vr which is something bdZ_AzV2WuI-00008-00005232-00006096 that i really like um obviously so uh for me this is a very very nice and also it allows bdZ_AzV2WuI-00009-00006096-00006856 me at this point to combine it with taking care two days a week of my 18 month old son bdZ_AzV2WuI-00010-00006952-00007559 which is ideal it's really perfect weirdly as you noticed the controller is showing through bdZ_AzV2WuI-00011-00007559-00008224 my pedal right now so as you can see i'm using this unlucky adapter i'll just use this moment to bdZ_AzV2WuI-00012-00008224-00008776 explain why this is the best best adapter in the game is because the ring is on the top when you're bdZ_AzV2WuI-00013-00008776-00009360 playing a forehand which means that it's almost always in view of the cameras the older versions bdZ_AzV2WuI-00014-00009416-00009888 are the ring on the bottom and actually on the other side you see already i'm losing tracking bdZ_AzV2WuI-00015-00009888-00010488 right so because your arm blocks the view with the camera when you try to do a forehand bdZ_AzV2WuI-00016-00010648-00011152 it loses track very very easily and starts floating but like this with the ring on top bdZ_AzV2WuI-00017-00011152-00011688 the tracking is practically perfect so this is the advanced video of the fast serve on how to bdZ_AzV2WuI-00018-00011688-00012272 return it we'll go more into depth um on how to return it and how to do the surf better yourself bdZ_AzV2WuI-00019-00012344-00012888 and first of all i'm going to start with doing the exercise i was doing in the other video bdZ_AzV2WuI-00020-00013000-00013440 and but doing it random so you can see how that works and we'll take it from bdZ_AzV2WuI-00021-00013440-00014184 there let's imagine that i know it's going to come along so i take a couple of steps back bdZ_AzV2WuI-00022-00015152-00015352 you see once you get used to this bdZ_AzV2WuI-00023-00015456-00016047 even if you don't hit it well it returns fast right i'm not really attacking right now bdZ_AzV2WuI-00024-00016176-00016984 but it returns fast meaning just returning it a lot of the time is enough to score the point bdZ_AzV2WuI-00025-00017312-00017616 you do the little wristy thing bdZ_AzV2WuI-00026-00017864-00018208 that will help you out the middle like always bdZ_AzV2WuI-00027-00018384-00018920 hard to see if it's gonna be more to the forearm or to the back end what you can always do of bdZ_AzV2WuI-00028-00018920-00019608 course is make it an obvious forehand or back end by moving your feet as long as you know it's going bdZ_AzV2WuI-00029-00019608-00020176 there so why is this served bad well we already talked about it right if i do this serve like this bdZ_AzV2WuI-00030-00020240-00020688 you can see it coming a mile away even if it's fast and there's a lot of spin at a certain level bdZ_AzV2WuI-00031-00020688-00021240 the spin and speed will not bother your opponent anymore you have to know at a certain level bdZ_AzV2WuI-00032-00021328-00021952 when your serve goes long and it's not a surprise it will get attacked right away this is why when bdZ_AzV2WuI-00033-00021952-00022480 you're looking at videos you will probably see most people most professionals serving bdZ_AzV2WuI-00034-00022480-00022984 almost always from the same position and this is not because they only have one serve now they have bdZ_AzV2WuI-00035-00022984-00023432 a lot of serves but they all start from the same position they make you wait to the last last last bdZ_AzV2WuI-00036-00023432-00023872 last moment to show you if they're gonna put underspin sidespin topspin bdZ_AzV2WuI-00037-00023952-00024328 if it's going to be fast or short just imagine that i'm serving like this bdZ_AzV2WuI-00038-00024440-00024888 and now i'm going to serve my fast serve it's super obvious what you want to do is bdZ_AzV2WuI-00039-00024888-00025680 you want to do short serves like this and maybe a little bit there maybe a little to the back end bdZ_AzV2WuI-00040-00025736-00026352 and then a faster one to the middle for example the faster ones to the bdZ_AzV2WuI-00041-00026488-00027144 to the forehand is harder why because it's easier right if it's to the clear forehand they can just bdZ_AzV2WuI-00042-00027144-00027792 spin it up so it's best to do a serve like that to the middle unless you know that they're prepared bdZ_AzV2WuI-00043-00027792-00028183 for the middle and they leave their forehand wide open you can do the same to the back end bdZ_AzV2WuI-00044-00028352-00028960 and then you can speed it up it's not as fast as this one it's not as spinny as that one maybe but bdZ_AzV2WuI-00045-00028960-00029783 the element of surprise is much more important so i'm always serving there short fast to the back bdZ_AzV2WuI-00046-00029783-00030448 end it only works at a higher level when it's in combination with a lot of other serves so you can bdZ_AzV2WuI-00047-00030448-00031408 use it as a surprise because if you do this serve like 20 times in a row nobody's gonna be surprised bdZ_AzV2WuI-00048-00031408-00031895 they'll be ready if you're playing at a lower level and somebody has trouble with your one serve bdZ_AzV2WuI-00049-00031976-00032536 i mean even at a higher level there's no shame in using that serve to make points i'm just saying bdZ_AzV2WuI-00050-00032624-00033128 once you get to a certain level you will need more than just one specific serve you will need bdZ_AzV2WuI-00051-00033128-00033632 a combination of serves and you will need to think of serves as being on a continuum right bdZ_AzV2WuI-00052-00033632-00034096 when you're serving it's not just about choosing the most effective serve it's about choosing bdZ_AzV2WuI-00053-00034096-00034568 the most effective serve in relation to the other serves that you've been doing and that you will do bdZ_AzV2WuI-00054-00034640-00035104 so maybe you'll be like oh why is he putting this short one there already like he's been doing this bdZ_AzV2WuI-00055-00035104-00035728 all match maybe it's just because the returning ball is easy for me but also because it's hard bdZ_AzV2WuI-00056-00035728-00036280 for you to do anything else with it but also because then you're not expecting this one bdZ_AzV2WuI-00057-00036344-00036968 now about returning what i showed you before was a neutral stance that's in the middle of the table bdZ_AzV2WuI-00058-00036968-00037808 and i think in this game is a good idea unless you have a lot of space you can be forehand oriented bdZ_AzV2WuI-00059-00037864-00038192 which means that you're actually waiting around the corner bdZ_AzV2WuI-00060-00038328-00038952 not when you're upon the serving from that side right like i'm a left-hander so i always put the bdZ_AzV2WuI-00061-00038952-00039496 ball launcher to serve from a right-hander's perspective that's why it's there left hander bdZ_AzV2WuI-00062-00039496-00040040 if they're forehand oriented there will be more here because they have to be prepared for the ball bdZ_AzV2WuI-00063-00040144-00040544 coming here but mostly you have to be prepared for a really wide serve to the forehand bdZ_AzV2WuI-00064-00040544-00040984 so imagine that the service coming in from there and they do a fast serve bdZ_AzV2WuI-00065-00040984-00041472 you take a small step backwards and you attack with your forehand they serve from there to the bdZ_AzV2WuI-00066-00041472-00042088 middle easy they serve to the forehand you move a little bit you finish the point everything for end bdZ_AzV2WuI-00067-00042152-00042536 if you have enough space to pivot there's something that you can do for sure but of bdZ_AzV2WuI-00068-00042536-00043048 course you need the space to be able to pivot because if they know you start doubting they will bdZ_AzV2WuI-00069-00043048-00043552 just always play here and you will always play like a softer ball so you have to either decide bdZ_AzV2WuI-00070-00043552-00044080 to really go for the back end or really pivot not stay somewhere in between if you don't have bdZ_AzV2WuI-00071-00044080-00044728 enough space or if you're not specifically looking for using your your forehand to return like that bdZ_AzV2WuI-00072-00044800-00045192 you stay more or less a neutral position in the middle like i said if they're serving from there bdZ_AzV2WuI-00073-00045272-00045912 you move a little bit to the side that has the most angle available bdZ_AzV2WuI-00074-00045912-00046456 i would actually maybe even catch a serve to the middle with my back end because i have to cover bdZ_AzV2WuI-00075-00046456-00047000 the deep forehand if the ball is coming from the other side this point will probably be a forehand bdZ_AzV2WuI-00076-00047088-00047528 because i have to cover for the angle that is created in the back end if i am standing here bdZ_AzV2WuI-00077-00047600-00048064 prepare to play four and all over the whole table with somebody serving me from that side bdZ_AzV2WuI-00078-00048064-00048560 if they play me deep to the forehand instead of moving sideways like we usually do bdZ_AzV2WuI-00079-00048688-00049344 you can actually move like you're running right so you put one foot here and then bdZ_AzV2WuI-00080-00049344-00050232 you play the ball and at the same time this is my leg right so you're like you play the ball bdZ_AzV2WuI-00081-00050408-00051000 and you land in the position that is stable so you can return to a a good neutral point right bdZ_AzV2WuI-00082-00051000-00051455 for most of us we will be staying in the middle so what do we do when there's a deep four end bdZ_AzV2WuI-00083-00051560-00051991 when there's a back end small stroke when there's a four end that's a little bit deep bdZ_AzV2WuI-00084-00051991-00052544 you can do one thing which is just move one foot and and use the wrist like i showed before bdZ_AzV2WuI-00085-00052648-00053384 so or you can move both your feet and use your body for a full stroke so i'm here bdZ_AzV2WuI-00086-00054391-00054784 okay now i'll move both my feet bdZ_AzV2WuI-00087-00055408-00055816 of course i want everybody in the game to move their feet a lot like i do in real life bdZ_AzV2WuI-00088-00055816-00056248 but we have to be realistic right even if you move just as one foot it will take your breath bdZ_AzV2WuI-00089-00056248-00056928 away moving both your feet is not easy in nvr i know that because i also have bdZ_AzV2WuI-00090-00057072-00057712 something here so it's very scary to move fast towards that direction no matter where bdZ_AzV2WuI-00091-00057712-00058224 you're playing from there's different ways of of returning but in this case we'll talk about bdZ_AzV2WuI-00092-00058424-00059032 returning with sidespin some angles fade because it might help you you can do it quite neutral bdZ_AzV2WuI-00093-00059120-00059808 which is like this right a little bit of wrist for control bdZ_AzV2WuI-00094-00059952-00060384 and then you can add sidespin you go a little bit more on the side of the ball bdZ_AzV2WuI-00095-00061144-00061832 still have to catch it on top of the ball where i will fly up because it's a top spin serve you can bdZ_AzV2WuI-00096-00061832-00062967 add quite some side spin to it now fade right so instead of doing the normal motion that we bdZ_AzV2WuI-00097-00062967-00063848 do which is over the ball but now to the side of the ball and over the ball we can actually try to bdZ_AzV2WuI-00098-00063952-00064464 find the other side so while while in here we're trying to do side spin to that direction bdZ_AzV2WuI-00099-00064464-00065072 we're trying to touch the top of the ball on the left side of the ball in this case bdZ_AzV2WuI-00100-00065336-00065696 you're trying to do the opposite so you're still on top of the ball bdZ_AzV2WuI-00101-00065944-00066640 but more towards the right and moving your pedal from left to right across the ball bdZ_AzV2WuI-00102-00066760-00067424 is what gives you this effect now why am i playing most of them bdZ_AzV2WuI-00103-00067552-00068136 there it's because it opens the angle to the deep four end right and the ball goes away like bdZ_AzV2WuI-00104-00068136-00068928 this let's take a look at the back end try to do the same thing so first it's neutral right just bdZ_AzV2WuI-00105-00068928-00069456 basically lifting it and there's a little like a natural side effect to the left because of bdZ_AzV2WuI-00106-00069616-00070440 how your wrist works right more side spin then see it jumps off a little bit more and now bdZ_AzV2WuI-00107-00070440-00071048 the fade which is one of the easiest but it's very dangerous right the fade in the back end bdZ_AzV2WuI-00108-00071264-00071648 becomes very natural to some people but if you do it badly. bdZ_AzV2WuI-00109-00071880-00072248 if it's not going out it can go very very high right so basically bdZ_AzV2WuI-00110-00072384-00073168 you can always spin like this but you can also go for the outside and try to get it to curve bdZ_AzV2WuI-00111-00073360-00073888 back out if they are expecting it is the same as the serve if you're seeing it if you see it happen bdZ_AzV2WuI-00112-00073976-00074616 it is easy to prepare for and finish the point to make sure that these videos reach everybody they bdZ_AzV2WuI-00113-00074672-00075272 should reach please make sure to subscribe and like and do the same on the 11 youtube channel and bdZ_AzV2WuI-00114-00075352-00075824 put in the comments what you want to see next and also if you have a proposal bdZ_AzV2WuI-00115-00075984-00076512 mention if you would like to be invited and to join me here in this room you just have to keep in bdZ_AzV2WuI-00116-00076512-00077000 mind that right now what i'm doing here is in beta and but it's very easy to get access to you just bdZ_AzV2WuI-00117-00077000-00077440 need to get on to the discord server and i'll put the link to the discord server in the description bdZ_AzV2WuI-00118-00077512-00078288 all right so bye yeah one last thing before i go nowhere because of course there's no door bdZ_AzV2WuI-00119-00078288-00078848 here let me tell you that i will put a link in the description with the basic exercises the advanced bdZ_AzV2WuI-00120-00078848-00079456 uh drills and also a version of the serve that you just saw so you can just get one json and bdZ_AzV2WuI-00121-00079456-00080032 get everything in there um the way we shared rules is gonna change in the future but for now this is bdZ_AzV2WuI-00122-00080032-00080760 the best that i can do um and i'll try to make that file grow as we as we go along in videos bdZ_AzV2WuI-00123-00080872-00081416 so i hope uh people enjoy that on this court there's a really nice community and they will bdZ_AzV2WuI-00124-00081416-00081912 help you out with whatever questions you have about the drills ball launcher anything bdZ_AzV2WuI-00125-00081912-00082392 anything you need you'll see me soon again in one of these videos and i hope to see you bdZ_AzV2WuI-00126-00082392-00082816 one day in the game itself and maybe even at the table and maybe even in the same video behgWvNuVq4-00000-00000000-00000120 Hey Spillers, Fil here! behgWvNuVq4-00001-00000120-00000226 [And] hi! Avery [Productions] here! behgWvNuVq4-00002-00000226-00000420 We're announcing the end of the Kermit Toppat Channel behgWvNuVq4-00003-00000420-00000511 In 2 weeks (Mar 21) behgWvNuVq4-00004-00000511-00000773 Originally how I found[ed] the Kermit Toppat Clan behgWvNuVq4-00005-00000773-00000940 Was be a formatted thing behgWvNuVq4-00006-00000940-00001195 Where me and the rest of the Bois could go on calls, behgWvNuVq4-00007-00001195-00001494 and answer your questions (Q&A), we play games together behgWvNuVq4-00008-00001494-00001663 [but] we did not take it seriously. behgWvNuVq4-00009-00001663-00002278 We don't wanna tarnish the reputation we already have, and/or affect any of the channels associated with the Kermit Toppat Channel. behgWvNuVq4-00010-00002278-00002609 As well as just create a more structure-oriented content style behgWvNuVq4-00011-00002619-00002762 One of the members of the Bois behgWvNuVq4-00012-00002762-00003116 May or may not have did something that got us a 2 strikes behgWvNuVq4-00013-00003123-00003359 This is also an anouncment of the new Team Avery! Channel. behgWvNuVq4-00014-00003359-00003714 Which we will be making an intro video to that channel. behgWvNuVq4-00015-00003714-00003993 The only people who will be controlling of this channel now behgWvNuVq4-00016-00003993-00004126 is me, Filip, and Ferret[King] behgWvNuVq4-00017-00004126-00004326 We also changed the name a little bit because behgWvNuVq4-00018-00004326-00004679 Kermit Toppat comes from Henry Stickmin and Kermit the Frog behgWvNuVq4-00019-00004679-00005182 And it's just, it's a little joke that we had, and I made a video Sit N' talk, on the Kermit Toppat Clan: Origins. behgWvNuVq4-00020-00005182-00005741 The Kermit Toppat Clan Channel will not go away, it will be ghosted and the only video that will be left behgWvNuVq4-00021-00005741-00005894 will be this one right here. behgWvNuVq4-00022-00005894-00006195 This video is going to be on everybody's channels. behgWvNuVq4-00023-00006195-00006511 So it's gonna be mine, Filip's, Dylan's, Corbins, Ferret[King]. behgWvNuVq4-00024-00006511-00006904 And, the new Team Avery that's coming up, and well, whatever one you're watching on. behgWvNuVq4-00025-00006904-00007241 But this is the Kermit Toppat Clan's Final Goodbye. behgWvNuVq4-00026-00007242-00007521 (Btw-,) Me and Filip, we always check our comments behgWvNuVq4-00027-00007521-00007758 and if you want [to ask] a question it will be in a video. behgWvNuVq4-00028-00007758-00007857 Anyway, to sum it up, behgWvNuVq4-00029-00007857-00008280 we're saying goodbye to the Kermit Toppat Clan (our old channel), and saying hello to Team Avery! behgWvNuVq4-00030-00008280-00009054 Uh, a channel about all of us, in a more formatted content style, including skits, and pretty much all of us hanging out, behgWvNuVq4-00031-00009054-00009254 Thank you. bezbdNtNKr8-00000-00000000-00000528 Before understanding the idea from current research, we need to discuss a concept in bezbdNtNKr8-00001-00000528-00001110 nutshell. Probably you already know that our left hemisphere of brain is responsible for logical bezbdNtNKr8-00002-00001110-00001673 thinking, whereas right brain is responsible for creative thinking. Both of the hemispheres is bezbdNtNKr8-00003-00001673-00002232 connected with neurons. If you are left brained, you will be good in playing chess, mathematics, bezbdNtNKr8-00004-00002232-00002730 etc. Engineering medical or scientific research could be good profession for you. bezbdNtNKr8-00005-00002730-00003186 On the other hand, right brained people will be good in painting, writing poetry bezbdNtNKr8-00006-00003240-00003876 etc. Being an author, artist or filmmaker could be better for them. Now let's come to the outputs bezbdNtNKr8-00007-00003876-00004488 of different cuttings age research works on the brain activities. MRI scans of General people to bezbdNtNKr8-00008-00004488-00005028 celebrities were conducted; while those subject people were kept involved in different kinds of bezbdNtNKr8-00009-00005028-00005550 brain activities ,or, when they were placed under thoughtful questions. These includes bezbdNtNKr8-00010-00005550-00006204 the NIH human connectom project of 2009 and the brain mapping of MS Dhoni by IIM Ranchi bezbdNtNKr8-00011-00006204-00006809 in 2011. Researchers have gathered plenty of data regarding this, but you will be surprised to know, bezbdNtNKr8-00012-00006809-00007470 that all these researches point to a single direction. And, here is the catch. Researchers bezbdNtNKr8-00013-00007470-00007931 are saying, that the connection between the two hemispheres of the brain is the most important. bezbdNtNKr8-00014-00007931-00008508 If brilliant people are given to solve any logical problem, they send their problem to left brain, bezbdNtNKr8-00015-00008508-00009138 as we all will do, but what they will do extra, is to pass the thoughts of the left brain, through bezbdNtNKr8-00016-00009138-00009732 right brain too. That means they will add some creative ideas before executing the logical output bezbdNtNKr8-00017-00009732-00010278 of the left brain. The same way if those people are given a question of creativity, of course bezbdNtNKr8-00018-00010278-00010896 they will solve it in right brain, but after that they will analyze it logically also. Now; how to bezbdNtNKr8-00019-00010896-00011406 develop or improve the neural connections inside the brain ? It is seen that the people, who sleep bezbdNtNKr8-00020-00011406-00011940 well, who has better social skills, have better neural connections. And the people with negative bezbdNtNKr8-00021-00011940-00012582 emotions, such as anger, fear, frustration, etc. have less connectivity inside brain. bezbdNtNKr8-00022-00012582-00013086 You can understand it from this figure also. The left and right circles represent the logical and bezbdNtNKr8-00023-00013086-00013541 emotional thoughts respectively, and the overlapping zone is known as the wisdom bezbdNtNKr8-00024-00013541-00014190 or wiseness. So next time onwards, take your decision wisely; analyze every problem logically, bezbdNtNKr8-00025-00014190-00014844 but apply with creativity. Develop your own ideas, but before applying, scrutinize it logically too. bjf7CnE0eTu-00000-00000000-00000560 Hey, you guys. Hi, fellas and girls. So we got invited to M&M's Times Square event. bjf7CnE0eTu-00001-00000583-00000926 So, we're going to go. We're going to take you guys along. It's going to be a really fun. bjf7CnE0eTu-00002-00001000-00001196 Look at that car go by. So, we're on our way to New York City. bjf7CnE0eTu-00003-00001196-00001736 We're going to bring you guys along and thanks so much to M&M's for sponsoring this video. M&M's are my favorite candy. bjf7CnE0eTu-00004-00001736-00002012 I'm not just saying that because this video is sponsored, like I get them all the time, as do you right? bjf7CnE0eTu-00005-00002043-00002543 Oh, yeah. We eat'em all the time. It's good. So, the fact that they noticed us and invited us to an event is bjf7CnE0eTu-00006-00002601-00002782 amazing. Whoa! bjf7CnE0eTu-00007-00002782-00003108 Kevin. Yeah, that's dangerous. I'm going to turn out the camera. bjf7CnE0eTu-00008-00003108-00003422 We have an hour and half to go, so I'll talk to you guys over there. Peace out. bjf7CnE0eTu-00009-00004630-00004862 We just got to Time Square. The M&M's bjf7CnE0eTu-00010-00004864-00005510 brand is introducing something new inside their M&M's chocolate candies and guess what it is. Guess what it is. Caramel. Caramel! Carmel. bjf7CnE0eTu-00011-00005696-00005920 Caramel. C-A-R bjf7CnE0eTu-00012-00005920-00006120 A-M-E-L bjf7CnE0eTu-00013-00006134-00006334 Whoa. Good job. bjf7CnE0eTu-00014-00006353-00006943 I only did 2 years of high school and I'm not sorry. And, she could still spell the word caramel. That's right. So, you learned enough. bjf7CnE0eTu-00015-00006943-00007408 What. We just cut between people holding hands. We're the worst kind of people. bjf7CnE0eTu-00016-00008797-00008997 Thank you. bjf7CnE0eTu-00017-00009139-00009354 Very tasty. I like it. bjf7CnE0eTu-00018-00009506-00009754 That's good caramel. Caramel. Caramel? bjf7CnE0eTu-00019-00009872-00010465 Caramel, yeah. That's something new, today. Comment down below if you think it's caramel or caramel. Caramel? bjf7CnE0eTu-00020-00010534-00011004 I say caramel. Have you ever used the claw machine. No, never did. What do you have to get? bjf7CnE0eTu-00021-00011345-00011851 So, I didn't wanna drop it. Where did you get that? For you. That's lovely. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you. Aww. bjf7CnE0eTu-00022-00014119-00014686 The orange shirt. I love the color. First time, I'm wearing it. I like the orange M&M. bjf7CnE0eTu-00023-00014686-00015127 That's why I wore it and nice black pants and look at this nice ring, too. bjf7CnE0eTu-00024-00015130-00015541 And I have a necklace and earrings to match. I like them because they're not square, you know? bjf7CnE0eTu-00025-00015626-00016072 I'm sick of seeing caramel square, right? And, now, it's a tiny, little size. I never seen it square. bjf7CnE0eTu-00026-00016147-00016704 They're usually square. No, not that I know of. Look it. They got one here. Kev, we've gotta try it. bjf7CnE0eTu-00027-00016827-00016998 Does it taste good? Those guys are laughing at me. bjf7CnE0eTu-00028-00016998-00017573 They're laughing at me. It tastes so good. Let's buy a case of it, and then we could start selling it. bjf7CnE0eTu-00029-00017573-00017768 We just got some new sunglasses bjf7CnE0eTu-00030-00017768-00018695 Yes, we got new ones. Want to show them off for you guys. Give a little sunglass haul. Mine are blue and what are mine? Yellow? Yeah. We're just chilling with our new friend. The brown M&M. Chill out. Chill out. bjf7CnE0eTu-00031-00018795-00019208 M&M's is making Times Square, an already fun place, even more fun with their augmented reality bjf7CnE0eTu-00032-00019233-00019474 with their A arcade. If you're ever in Time Square, bjf7CnE0eTu-00033-00019475-00019799 you can change the billboards, with your phone, with the app Flipper and bjf7CnE0eTu-00034-00019824-00020068 play M&M games. On the billboards. bjf7CnE0eTu-00035-00020069-00020228 You goes should totally do that, if you're ever here. bjf7CnE0eTu-00036-00020228-00020680 And even if you're not here in the Times Square area, you still do this at your house, so. bjf7CnE0eTu-00037-00020757-00021334 You can still do it at your house. Just download the app and it's still the same amount of fun. bjf7CnE0eTu-00038-00021338-00021538 You can always have fun every day. bjf7CnE0eTu-00039-00021538-00021738 Kevin! Stop it. No. No. bjf7CnE0eTu-00040-00022164-00022705 Kevin, please don't. Please don't. I could fall down and hit my head and then I'll be gone. I would never let that happen. bjf7CnE0eTu-00041-00022773-00023273 Well, you can't help it. Accidents happen. I hope I dream about the M&M's tonight. bjf7CnE0eTu-00042-00023273-00023834 Thank you, fellas and girls for watching. M&M is delicious. Check out M&M new bjf7CnE0eTu-00043-00023853-00024479 caramel chocolate candy and download the Flipper app, so you can have fun on the app and play some M&M games. bjf7CnE0eTu-00044-00024479-00025682 Yes, play some. It's a lot of fun. The link to that is down below in the description. So, click on it. Okay? Click and click. Thank you. Click and Click. God bless you. Peace out. bjMmtXxWZiU-00000-00001864-00002216 Wake up! Wake up princess! bjMmtXxWZiU-00001-00002424-00003152 I do not have much time left. I must trust you since you opened the Chamber of Ice. I bjMmtXxWZiU-00002-00003152-00003776 must tell you this before I die. There will be a time when you may need this information, bjMmtXxWZiU-00003-00003832-00004520 but now you just have to only listen and hear. There's still hope; bjMmtXxWZiU-00004-00004592-00005176 only you three remain and you must continue your path to defeat evil. You are the only bjMmtXxWZiU-00005-00005176-00005784 ones who can do something against the despair and desolation that the gods want to bring. bjMmtXxWZiU-00006-00005904-00006488 The "Stars of Divinity" upon hearing the feared prophecy, inscribed in the universe, prohibited bjMmtXxWZiU-00007-00006488-00007231 and massacred anyone who wanted to understand magic. So they locked up Nhitroa for it. bjMmtXxWZiU-00008-00007392-00007912 I have heard it with my own ears. It was sculpted and sent by the bjMmtXxWZiU-00009-00007912-00008328 same "dimension" to other galaxies throughout the universe to terrorize; bjMmtXxWZiU-00010-00008392-00009240 but all those who opposed the "Stars of Divinity" were locked up. Until that prophecy came to Earth. bjMmtXxWZiU-00011-00009344-00009872 I tried to decipher it by reading the incantations and powerful magic. But, bjMmtXxWZiU-00012-00009872-00010456 for each secret that I revealed and unraveled, more riddles closed my eyes, remaining hidden bjMmtXxWZiU-00013-00010456-00011128 from my knowledge in the abyss and oblivion. When I tried to investigate inside the Gxarwe bjMmtXxWZiU-00014-00011128-00011744 portal, I was on the verge of madness and almost succumbed to the corruption unleashed bjMmtXxWZiU-00015-00011744-00012472 by that abrupt "dimension". What seemed like eons were only seconds. Time was reversed. bjMmtXxWZiU-00016-00012664-00013568 So, I locked myself in the Chamber of Ice. They threatened to kill my children. I had to disappear bjMmtXxWZiU-00017-00013568-00014304 for the sake of protecting these, knowledge, and the universe. The "Stars of Divinity" considered bjMmtXxWZiU-00018-00014304-00015104 my studies a lie, a way to unfold the magic. May Nhitroa's rage turn his existence and his bjMmtXxWZiU-00019-00015104-00015896 essence to dust! On that day I swore that the mundane should know the truth about the world we bjMmtXxWZiU-00020-00015896-00016984 live in, but such cowards they were who wanted no reasoning life but only devoted, puppets. bjMmtXxWZiU-00021-00017136-00017512 Gxarwe, it's not a dimension, princess. bjMmtXxWZiU-00022-00017624-00018712 The wheels of time go backwards; matter is altered by something mysterious. That place is not common, bjMmtXxWZiU-00023-00018768-00019320 its composition is unnatural; everything is corrupted by something incomprehensible. bjMmtXxWZiU-00024-00019384-00020176 It's a horrible place you can't get out of if you go in. That's why I proceed to think that you bjMmtXxWZiU-00025-00020176-00021152 shouldn't trust those gods that locked up Nhitroa. We shouldn't wait much longer. You must act now. bjMmtXxWZiU-00026-00021384-00022096 Should universal destruction occur, there are ways to create a golden dragon that will bjMmtXxWZiU-00027-00022096-00022960 be able to give birth to this unholy mess. Electric fields lie dormant in the cosmos, bjMmtXxWZiU-00028-00022960-00023672 beyond astral comprehension. A flash will form colossal thunder that resides in star clusters. bjMmtXxWZiU-00029-00023848-00024168 It's the only thing I can teach you before I perish. bjMmtXxWZiU-00030-00024272-00024592 The prophecy will be fulfilled if it continues like this. bjMmtXxWZiU-00031-00024688-00025424 Nhitroa's unstoppable cosmic energy is overwhelming. I have felt it and beheld it. bjMmtXxWZiU-00032-00025512-00026216 Calamity will soon be against us. There are no chosen ones or heroes in this world. bjMmtXxWZiU-00033-00026320-00026920 Entropy is wreaking havoc in the universe. The destruction of this universe is inevitable. bjMmtXxWZiU-00034-00027072-00027727 Therefore, when the universe is reborn, you must rise before it is too late. I couldn't finish bjMmtXxWZiU-00035-00027783-00028439 my investigation and there are still mysteries that I haven't been able to solve. bjMmtXxWZiU-00036-00028536-00029095 I feel responsible being the father of dragons. I feel guilty for having had to flee bjMmtXxWZiU-00037-00029176-00030224 from what threatened to exterminate my race. I know you have an abysmal power; You need bjMmtXxWZiU-00038-00030224-00030808 not fear your own power, princess. You must imbue it without fear. bjMmtXxWZiU-00039-00030944-00031664 The black rose will allow you to travel beyond this plane. That is why I must confess to you bjMmtXxWZiU-00040-00031783-00032744 that magic is not danger. A person born with dark powers does not become evil; it is a cause bjMmtXxWZiU-00041-00032824-00033160 of our decisions. Finally, bjMmtXxWZiU-00042-00033256-00034128 before I succumb, I give you this sapphire crystal that I have built with all the magic and power of bjMmtXxWZiU-00043-00034128-00035400 a golden dragon like myself that I have generated for eons. I hope that you will find it useful bjMmtXxWZiU-00044-00035616-00036728 and that you will use it when necessary. My essence is about to end, but don't cry bjMmtXxWZiU-00045-00036888-00037088 since I've done my job. bjMmtXxWZiU-00046-00037312-00039384 Now it is your turn to finish what has already begun. Be careful, Sfizsa. And goodbye. blpx0gMPueo-00000-00000143-00000390 Adopted siblings, best friends, and even a little crush... blpx0gMPueo-00001-00000426-00000583 Sam and Spencer's friendship blpx0gMPueo-00002-00000597-00000747 has stood the test of time, and it's probably one blpx0gMPueo-00003-00000760-00001050 of the more unique relationships in iCarly. blpx0gMPueo-00004-00001064-00001197 [Spencer] Would you mind pouring blpx0gMPueo-00005-00001211-00001451 some coffee down my drink hole? blpx0gMPueo-00006-00001501-00001768 Sure. What are... friends for? blpx0gMPueo-00007-00001781-00001968 Let's take a look at the full story blpx0gMPueo-00008-00001981-00002165 of Sam and Spencer's friendship. blpx0gMPueo-00009-00002178-00002315 How crab. [gasping] blpx0gMPueo-00010-00002345-00002529 - Said "crab". - Ah. blpx0gMPueo-00011-00002569-00002822 Sam and Spencer have known each other since Sam was eight, blpx0gMPueo-00012-00002836-00003036 when she became best friends with Carly. blpx0gMPueo-00013-00003049-00003229 As Spencer became Carly's guardian, blpx0gMPueo-00014-00003243-00003386 he took on a brotherly role blpx0gMPueo-00015-00003400-00003673 towards Sam and made sure to support her too. blpx0gMPueo-00016-00003693-00003837 [cheering] blpx0gMPueo-00017-00003850-00003943 Whoo! blpx0gMPueo-00018-00003957-00004380 [cheering] blpx0gMPueo-00019-00004394-00004547 Why are we happy? blpx0gMPueo-00020-00004651-00004834 'Cause our very first web show rocked. blpx0gMPueo-00021-00004848-00005098 And was watched by over 37,000 people. blpx0gMPueo-00022-00005111-00005251 Get out! blpx0gMPueo-00023-00005265-00005435 Naturally, things weren't always perfect. blpx0gMPueo-00024-00005448-00005735 Like with most siblings, someone had to wreak havoc blpx0gMPueo-00025-00005749-00005912 and who better than Sam? blpx0gMPueo-00026-00005949-00006119 Hey, why isn't it cold in here? blpx0gMPueo-00027-00006156-00006406 Toasty the Baker. Good God! blpx0gMPueo-00028-00006583-00006963 [groaning] blpx0gMPueo-00029-00007063-00007193 Toasty! blpx0gMPueo-00030-00007220-00007544 Spencer loves only a few things more than he loves making art. blpx0gMPueo-00031-00007557-00007847 So when Sam accidentally destroyed one of his sculptures, blpx0gMPueo-00032-00007861-00008037 we thought for sure that would be the end blpx0gMPueo-00033-00008051-00008161 of their friendship. blpx0gMPueo-00034-00008174-00008318 I told you not to turn the heat up. blpx0gMPueo-00035-00008331-00008531 What?! I never even-- blpx0gMPueo-00036-00008545-00008661 It's too late for apologies. blpx0gMPueo-00037-00008675-00008792 - But I didn't turn-- - It's okay! blpx0gMPueo-00038-00008805-00008932 It's okay. blpx0gMPueo-00039-00008975-00009479 I need a mop... a bucket... and 28 more pounds of butter! blpx0gMPueo-00040-00009499-00009779 Spencer's ability to forgive Sam so easily blpx0gMPueo-00041-00009793-00009946 was proof of their strong bond. blpx0gMPueo-00042-00009983-00010300 And believe it or not, Sam actually loves Spencer's art blpx0gMPueo-00043-00010313-00010483 and was one of his biggest fans. blpx0gMPueo-00044-00010520-00010670 Now to finish off tonight's webcast, blpx0gMPueo-00045-00010683-00010780 my brother, Spencer... blpx0gMPueo-00046-00010794-00010924 An amazing artist. blpx0gMPueo-00047-00010937-00011084 gonna show you his latest sculpture. blpx0gMPueo-00048-00011097-00011204 His coolest one ever. blpx0gMPueo-00049-00011217-00011347 So hit the applause button blpx0gMPueo-00050-00011361-00011588 and say hello to my big brother, Spencer. blpx0gMPueo-00051-00011601-00011748 Sam even went so far blpx0gMPueo-00052-00011761-00011935 as to physically help Spencer with his art. blpx0gMPueo-00053-00011948-00012108 So this is seriously the first time blpx0gMPueo-00054-00012122-00012275 you've ever modeled for a sculpture? blpx0gMPueo-00055-00012312-00012445 First time. How am I doing? blpx0gMPueo-00056-00012485-00012702 - Good. - Can I sneak a peek? blpx0gMPueo-00057-00012716-00012942 Uh, yeah, sure, why not. blpx0gMPueo-00058-00013463-00013593 - Spencer. - Hmm? blpx0gMPueo-00059-00013606-00013753 That's a fish. blpx0gMPueo-00060-00013823-00014047 Yeah. A tuna. blpx0gMPueo-00061-00014094-00014254 Or I suppose you could argue it's a trout blpx0gMPueo-00062-00014267-00014444 you know, 'cause the way his lip curls up right here. blpx0gMPueo-00063-00014457-00014637 I thought you were sculpting me for the past three hours. blpx0gMPueo-00064-00014674-00014821 Well, I started off sculpting you, blpx0gMPueo-00065-00014834-00014991 but then I started thinking about aquariums, blpx0gMPueo-00066-00015004-00015218 and... he happened. blpx0gMPueo-00067-00015395-00015522 Then why am I still here? blpx0gMPueo-00068-00015535-00015702 I get lonely. blpx0gMPueo-00069-00015715-00015945 For the most part, Spencer and Sam were on the same page. blpx0gMPueo-00070-00015989-00016259 I know that look. That's your thinking look. blpx0gMPueo-00071-00016272-00016433 Oh, I'm thinking. You thinking? blpx0gMPueo-00072-00016446-00016576 Yeah, I'm thinking. We thinking the same thing? blpx0gMPueo-00073-00016589-00016736 We are if we're thinking about a way to give Nevel blpx0gMPueo-00074-00016750-00016843 a vehicle that's never been state registered blpx0gMPueo-00075-00016856-00016993 and can go 25 miles an hour. blpx0gMPueo-00076-00017036-00017183 Oh, no, I was thinking about fried chicken. blpx0gMPueo-00077-00017197-00017427 They definitely have their fair share of differences. blpx0gMPueo-00078-00017477-00017740 But that led to some interesting teachable moments. blpx0gMPueo-00079-00017784-00017987 You know, I can teach you to lie. blpx0gMPueo-00080-00018031-00018218 - Yeah, I don't think so. - Why not? blpx0gMPueo-00081-00018231-00018354 If you wanna be good at something, blpx0gMPueo-00082-00018368-00018498 you might as well learn from the best. blpx0gMPueo-00083-00018565-00018722 Yeah, I got third place blpx0gMPueo-00084-00018735-00018918 in the Washington State Lying Competition. blpx0gMPueo-00085-00018932-00019135 Yeah, but still, I don't think-- Whoa, third? blpx0gMPueo-00086-00019215-00019315 Dude, I'm lying. blpx0gMPueo-00087-00019329-00019469 Impressive. blpx0gMPueo-00088-00019482-00019666 Always took her time when helping Spencer blpx0gMPueo-00089-00019679-00019936 and made sure he completed the task at hand. blpx0gMPueo-00090-00019949-00020180 Hello, I'm Spencer Shay. blpx0gMPueo-00091-00020196-00020430 You guys sent me this letter saying I never returned blpx0gMPueo-00092-00020443-00020573 Boogie Bear takes Manhattan . blpx0gMPueo-00093-00020587-00020707 - That's right, you didn't. - Yes, I did. blpx0gMPueo-00094-00020720-00020810 - When? - 10 years ago. blpx0gMPueo-00095-00020824-00020937 How can you remember that? blpx0gMPueo-00096-00020950-00021047 'Cause I brought it back the same day blpx0gMPueo-00097-00021061-00021177 I won my Olympic silver medal. blpx0gMPueo-00098-00021264-00021408 - You won a silver medal? - Sure did. blpx0gMPueo-00099-00021421-00021564 - For what? - Luge. blpx0gMPueo-00100-00021601-00021828 And you're sure you brought that movie back here? blpx0gMPueo-00101-00021841-00021985 Yes. Now I have to go. blpx0gMPueo-00102-00021998-00022198 I'm going horseback riding with a supermodel. blpx0gMPueo-00103-00022222-00022348 What? blpx0gMPueo-00104-00022388-00022469 Spencer. blpx0gMPueo-00105-00022482-00022675 - Yeah? - You're ready. blpx0gMPueo-00106-00022689-00022836 I know. blpx0gMPueo-00107-00022849-00023066 While Spencer and Sam have very different personalities, blpx0gMPueo-00108-00023079-00023293 they both share a fun and creative spunk blpx0gMPueo-00109-00023306-00023683 that some AK Carly may perceive as immature. blpx0gMPueo-00110-00023730-00023833 I thought you were gonna be Sam. blpx0gMPueo-00111-00023847-00024010 - Give me it! - No, I need it! blpx0gMPueo-00112-00024023-00024284 Give... me... it. blpx0gMPueo-00113-00024514-00024791 Now, how am I gonna defend myself when Sam-- blpx0gMPueo-00114-00024804-00024948 [screaming] blpx0gMPueo-00115-00024981-00025225 Don't! Stop it! Give me your blow tube! blpx0gMPueo-00116-00025238-00025358 - But all I want-- - Ah! blpx0gMPueo-00117-00025371-00025545 - Pl-- - Ah Ba Ba Ba. Ah Ba Ba Ba Ba. blpx0gMPueo-00118-00025715-00025832 You stand up. blpx0gMPueo-00119-00026009-00026256 Now, I'm putting your guys' little assassin game blpx0gMPueo-00120-00026269-00026502 on hold till we finish shooting this dare for iCarly. blpx0gMPueo-00121-00026516-00026639 Are we clear? blpx0gMPueo-00122-00026653-00026803 - Just give us back-- - Are we clear? blpx0gMPueo-00123-00026816-00026960 - Okay. - Yes. blpx0gMPueo-00124-00026973-00027157 Even though Sam tended to overpower Spencer blpx0gMPueo-00125-00027170-00027320 in the physical strength department, blpx0gMPueo-00126-00027333-00027634 Spencer always acted as a sturdy support system blpx0gMPueo-00127-00027647-00027827 for Carly and Sam's friendship. blpx0gMPueo-00128-00027841-00027977 That was way too close. blpx0gMPueo-00129-00027991-00028101 No shiz. blpx0gMPueo-00130-00028244-00028364 But we made it. blpx0gMPueo-00131-00028401-00028688 Yeah, and neither one of us cried the whole time. blpx0gMPueo-00132-00028772-00028878 Nope. blpx0gMPueo-00133-00028945-00029038 We're brave. blpx0gMPueo-00134-00029052-00029192 [Sam] Yeah, we are. blpx0gMPueo-00135-00029205-00029372 [breathing heavily] blpx0gMPueo-00136-00029385-00030070 [crying] blpx0gMPueo-00137-00030086-00030273 Since Sam is Carly's bff, blpx0gMPueo-00138-00030286-00030550 it makes sense that Sam is around all the time. blpx0gMPueo-00139-00030563-00030833 However, Sam's constant presence at the Shay house blpx0gMPueo-00140-00030847-00030944 is even deeper than that. blpx0gMPueo-00141-00030987-00031127 Wow, you got home from school fast. blpx0gMPueo-00142-00031141-00031254 Sam's mom gave us a ride again. blpx0gMPueo-00143-00031267-00031387 That was nice of her. blpx0gMPueo-00144-00031401-00031564 Nah, she just likes dumping me here. blpx0gMPueo-00145-00031578-00031768 Sam's mom wasn't exactly the perfect guardian, blpx0gMPueo-00146-00031781-00032115 which led to Spencer taking the reins every once in a while. blpx0gMPueo-00147-00032185-00032302 It's almost four o'clock in the morning, blpx0gMPueo-00148-00032315-00032422 what are you doing here? blpx0gMPueo-00149-00032435-00032525 [Sam] I'm upset with my mom. blpx0gMPueo-00150-00032562-00032675 We got another fight blpx0gMPueo-00151-00032689-00032866 so I packed my bag and came here. blpx0gMPueo-00152-00032879-00033096 Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait. You're moving in here? blpx0gMPueo-00153-00033159-00033279 Well, where else am I gonna move to? blpx0gMPueo-00154-00033293-00033450 Is everything all right?! I heard noises blpx0gMPueo-00155-00033463-00033683 and the chain lock on the front door is broken! blpx0gMPueo-00156-00034070-00034230 What's Sam doing here? blpx0gMPueo-00157-00034244-00034451 Just make me some eggs, will ya? I haven't eaten since 2:00 A.M. blpx0gMPueo-00158-00034591-00034701 Okay. blpx0gMPueo-00159-00034737-00034944 Things weren't always peaches and roses, though. blpx0gMPueo-00160-00034958-00035105 No, no, no, no, no. blpx0gMPueo-00161-00035135-00035278 Why isn't Celebrities Underwater blpx0gMPueo-00162-00035291-00035398 on my DVR? blpx0gMPueo-00163-00035495-00035578 I deleted it. blpx0gMPueo-00164-00035735-00035842 Why would you do that? blpx0gMPueo-00165-00035895-00036066 I don't like the playlist menu cluttered up blpx0gMPueo-00166-00036079-00036236 with a bunch of shows I'm not into. blpx0gMPueo-00167-00036249-00036463 [stammering] blpx0gMPueo-00168-00036499-00036716 Look. If you wanna keep staying here, blpx0gMPueo-00169-00036729-00036940 then no more eating ethnic food in my bed. blpx0gMPueo-00170-00037030-00037437 Yeah. And no deleting my wet celebrities! blpx0gMPueo-00171-00037484-00037720 Despite the guardian role Spencer has taken in Sam's life, blpx0gMPueo-00172-00037734-00038041 it's hard not to develop a crush on one of the few people blpx0gMPueo-00173-00038054-00038198 who don't completely annoy you. blpx0gMPueo-00174-00038268-00038384 Am I right, Sam? blpx0gMPueo-00175-00038398-00038508 - Hey! - Did you get 'em to sign-- blpx0gMPueo-00176-00038521-00038661 [groaning] blpx0gMPueo-00177-00038725-00038905 Whew! Yes! blpx0gMPueo-00178-00038925-00039235 Man, looks like you guys fell for my plexiglass blpx0gMPueo-00179-00039249-00039496 in front the elevator bit. Whew! blpx0gMPueo-00180-00039602-00039716 [beeping] blpx0gMPueo-00181-00039836-00039973 Dude, if I didn't have a little crush on you, blpx0gMPueo-00182-00039986-00040106 you'd be falling for my baseball bat blpx0gMPueo-00183-00040120-00040216 to your face bit. blpx0gMPueo-00184-00040356-00040457 Little crush? blpx0gMPueo-00185-00040470-00040600 They sign the contract or not?! blpx0gMPueo-00186-00040637-00040844 It's illegal to cross the border without letting these people blpx0gMPueo-00187-00040857-00041027 check our stuff and our passports. blpx0gMPueo-00188-00041040-00041294 Blah, blah, blah, blah. blpx0gMPueo-00189-00041474-00041601 I know you have a crush on me. blpx0gMPueo-00190-00041644-00041745 - What? - Nothing. blpx0gMPueo-00191-00041811-00042068 Spencer never let Sam's crush cause any tension blpx0gMPueo-00192-00042081-00042198 or awkwardness between them. blpx0gMPueo-00193-00042242-00042465 In fact, he continued to come to her rescue blpx0gMPueo-00194-00042479-00042575 every time she needed it. blpx0gMPueo-00195-00042589-00042782 In here, Mrs. Puckett. blpx0gMPueo-00196-00043306-00043563 Hello, Sam. Blah. blpx0gMPueo-00197-00043907-00044010 Hey, Mom. blpx0gMPueo-00198-00044053-00044224 Are you Miss Puckett's guardian? blpx0gMPueo-00199-00044237-00044701 Ah, well... actually... I'm her attorney. blpx0gMPueo-00200-00044761-00044978 You know... lawyer. blpx0gMPueo-00201-00045031-00045145 You're a lawyer? blpx0gMPueo-00202-00045158-00045238 - You gonna check? - No. blpx0gMPueo-00203-00045251-00045398 Yeah, I'm a lawyer. blpx0gMPueo-00204-00045411-00045638 Sam's mom's in jail in Vegas, and we gotta get her out. blpx0gMPueo-00205-00045652-00045799 Vegas? blpx0gMPueo-00206-00045812-00045939 Yeah, can you borrow Socko's RV and drive us there? blpx0gMPueo-00207-00045952-00046216 Tonight?! O-Oh, sure. blpx0gMPueo-00208-00046266-00046493 "Ol' Spencer's got no life, blpx0gMPueo-00209-00046513-00046780 so he'll just drive us all the way to Vegas blpx0gMPueo-00210-00046793-00047013 'cause he's got nothing better to do." blpx0gMPueo-00211-00047210-00047350 Do you have something better to do? blpx0gMPueo-00212-00047363-00047484 No, I'll drive you. blpx0gMPueo-00213-00047527-00047740 No matter what mess Sam has found herself in, blpx0gMPueo-00214-00047754-00048007 Spencer never hesitated to help her get out of it, blpx0gMPueo-00215-00048047-00048264 even when she was the absolute worst. blpx0gMPueo-00216-00048278-00048458 Oh! Baby in the road! blpx0gMPueo-00217-00048471-00048741 [screaming] blpx0gMPueo-00218-00048755-00048858 Where? blpx0gMPueo-00219-00048872-00048988 [horns honking] blpx0gMPueo-00220-00049032-00049125 Just kidding. blpx0gMPueo-00221-00049162-00049302 It's not funny! blpx0gMPueo-00222-00049315-00049506 Regardless of how much Sam or Spencer got blpx0gMPueo-00223-00049519-00049766 on each other's nerves, their bond was strong, blpx0gMPueo-00224-00049779-00049949 and when their interests intertwined, blpx0gMPueo-00225-00049963-00050119 it brought them closer together. blpx0gMPueo-00226-00050133-00050313 I-Is this a '64 Sterling?! blpx0gMPueo-00227-00050326-00050447 Ya like it? blpx0gMPueo-00228-00050460-00050590 That- That is the coolest motorcycle blpx0gMPueo-00229-00050603-00050787 ever made! It's my dream to ride one of those! blpx0gMPueo-00230-00050814-00050937 How is this here? blpx0gMPueo-00231-00050950-00051094 I'm restoring it for Socko. blpx0gMPueo-00232-00051107-00051277 Well, what's Socko gonna do with it? blpx0gMPueo-00233-00051291-00051417 He said I could have it. blpx0gMPueo-00234-00051431-00051554 Wha...? blpx0gMPueo-00235-00051568-00051781 But... I don't think I'm gonna keep it. blpx0gMPueo-00236-00051868-00051998 What, you're gonna sell it? blpx0gMPueo-00237-00052011-00052118 Nah. blpx0gMPueo-00238-00052175-00052328 I think I'm gonna give it away. blpx0gMPueo-00239-00052375-00052615 Are you insane?! Give it away to who?! blpx0gMPueo-00240-00052896-00052996 You. blpx0gMPueo-00241-00053399-00053506 Wh..? blpx0gMPueo-00242-00054160-00054310 Why would you give it to me? blpx0gMPueo-00243-00054390-00054477 'Cause you're a great best friend blpx0gMPueo-00244-00054491-00054624 to my little sister. blpx0gMPueo-00245-00054741-00055091 And you've got a good heart... and you deserve it. blpx0gMPueo-00246-00055104-00055395 Spencer and Sam have been through so much over the years, blpx0gMPueo-00247-00055408-00055598 but their friendship remains strong. blpx0gMPueo-00248-00055618-00055889 That motorcycle even lead her to where she is today. blpx0gMPueo-00249-00055902-00056089 I need Sam, but she's off blpx0gMPueo-00250-00056102-00056312 following her bliss with that biker gang. blpx0gMPueo-00251-00056362-00056496 The Obliteraters. blpx0gMPueo-00252-00056542-00056646 Hope she's okay. blpx0gMPueo-00253-00056659-00056826 It's Sam, I hope they're okay. blpx0gMPueo-00254-00056840-00056983 [chuckles] blpx0gMPueo-00255-00056996-00057127 Spencer and Sam's impact on each other's lives blpx0gMPueo-00256-00057140-00057290 is astronomical. blpx0gMPueo-00257-00057303-00057527 We know that a relationship as goofy as theirs blpx0gMPueo-00258-00057540-00057640 can never really end. blpx0gMPueo-00259-00057654-00058011 [grunting] blpx0gMPueo-00260-00058268-00058435 - Wants some pizza? - No! bmGBZVPWnqI-00000-00001372-00001911 when do you think you'll bmGBZVPWnqI-00001-00001911-00002292 drinks to or small don't because girls magnet man bmGBZVPWnqI-00002-00002292-00002593 after eighty the gym bus lets ecstasy bmGBZVPWnqI-00003-00002593-00003077 notably its no money corner yes he's busy chief use it for the protection of bmGBZVPWnqI-00004-00003077-00003204 three Nicole bmGBZVPWnqI-00005-00003204-00003528 and feels add review ass lesbian glass bmGBZVPWnqI-00006-00003528-00004045 ants the Sun feel therefore place and wait read smoke like a magnet bmGBZVPWnqI-00007-00004045-00004476 wake you are long enough for them a need you this one into the wall bmGBZVPWnqI-00008-00004476-00004848 may need you this longing to hold I need you bmGBZVPWnqI-00009-00004848-00005548 this song in the world bmGBZVPWnqI-00010-00005548-00006043 this song in the world bmGBZVPWnqI-00011-00006043-00006440 way through here one baby can cook in life bmGBZVPWnqI-00012-00006440-00006914 office 23 here one baby can bmGBZVPWnqI-00013-00006914-00007475 looking left office waiting to hear one baby can bmGBZVPWnqI-00014-00007475-00008054 who can he left office plan to be here long baby can procure bmGBZVPWnqI-00015-00008054-00008711 life office the morning before on the mall speaking gracias chica Julius wats bmGBZVPWnqI-00016-00008711-00008810 good yes martini bmGBZVPWnqI-00017-00008810-00009136 girls set no clear lovetsky sink bmGBZVPWnqI-00018-00009136-00009605 alright the greatest and I need was she is no one from yesterday bmGBZVPWnqI-00019-00009605-00009924 in Breslau nikis want to cool this bmGBZVPWnqI-00020-00009924-00010430 I need you this one into old play need you this morning the wall bmGBZVPWnqI-00021-00010430-00010781 to max me and brass monkeys bmGBZVPWnqI-00022-00010781-00011161 want to hold these I need you this one in 24 bmGBZVPWnqI-00023-00011161-00011471 may need you this morning before %uh bmGBZVPWnqI-00024-00011471-00012171 a when you bmGBZVPWnqI-00025-00012518-00012823 way through here bmGBZVPWnqI-00026-00012823-00013306 one baby K who he left office bmGBZVPWnqI-00027-00013306-00013716 quietly here bmGBZVPWnqI-00028-00013716-00014191 13 became cool his life girl dress flying to hear bmGBZVPWnqI-00029-00014191-00014597 one baby can who can left office he left office bmGBZVPWnqI-00030-00014597-00014944 the feeling he's cute is the life blood tests bmGBZVPWnqI-00031-00014944-00015000 banking c29iM7tgr14-00000-00000043-00000500 In this video, we'll look at how we can classify different kinds of enthalpy, and c29iM7tgr14-00001-00000500-00001100 then try out a few calculations that combine stoichiometry and enthalpy. c29iM7tgr14-00002-00001100-00001503 Before we explore how to calculate enthalpies, it's worth doing a quick c29iM7tgr14-00003-00001503-00001980 classification. Every single chemical reaction that occurs has an enthalpy of c29iM7tgr14-00004-00001980-00002460 reaction, a change in energy as the reaction occurs. This is because if a c29iM7tgr14-00005-00002460-00002847 reaction is occurring, then somewhere bonds are being broken which absorbs c29iM7tgr14-00006-00002847-00003380 energy and may which releases energy. Usually the enthalpy will be expressed c29iM7tgr14-00007-00003380-00004050 in kJ of energy released or absorbed per mole of reactant. Because we c29iM7tgr14-00008-00004050-00004326 can classify different kinds of reactions, we can also classify c29iM7tgr14-00009-00004326-00004764 enthalpies for these reactions. For instance, if you're measuring enthalpy c29iM7tgr14-00010-00004764-00005148 for an acid-base reaction, in which the acid and the base neutralize each other, c29iM7tgr14-00011-00005148-00005601 you would call it an enthalpy of neutralization; and if you are measuring c29iM7tgr14-00012-00005601-00005960 the heat released when fuel is burnt, you would talk about an enthalpy of c29iM7tgr14-00013-00005960-00006476 combustion. These two examples can also be classified simply as enthalpies of c29iM7tgr14-00014-00006476-00006897 reaction because they are chemical reactions. However, we have some other c29iM7tgr14-00015-00006897-00007314 enthalpies that are not so obvious. When a substance is dissolved in a solvent, c29iM7tgr14-00016-00007314-00007736 there is an energy change associated with that too. Since as the solid c29iM7tgr14-00017-00007736-00008165 dissolves, the bonds that hold the atoms or molecules or ions in a solid are c29iM7tgr14-00018-00008165-00008675 broken and new bonds are formed with the surrounding solvent molecules. Most c29iM7tgr14-00019-00008675-00008979 enthalpies of solution are fairly small, and you don't notice them on a c29iM7tgr14-00020-00008979-00009354 day-to-day basis. But there are some compounds which have large enthalpies of c29iM7tgr14-00021-00009354-00009903 solution and can produce or absorb a lot of energy. Lastly, there are enthalpies c29iM7tgr14-00022-00009903-00010307 that relate to physical processes rather than chemical processes. These enthalpies c29iM7tgr14-00023-00010307-00010764 is sometimes called latent heats. When you melt a solid the attractions that c29iM7tgr14-00024-00010764-00011147 hold the molecules in solid form have to be broken, so the molecules can move c29iM7tgr14-00025-00011147-00011679 freely as a liquid, this requires energy. In the opposite direction, when a liquid c29iM7tgr14-00026-00011679-00012029 freezes, energy is released as the attractions are forming between c29iM7tgr14-00027-00012029-00012614 molecules and they're locked-in places are solid. This means that melting is an c29iM7tgr14-00028-00012614-00013064 endothermic process, it needs energy to be put in. Think of warming ice up to c29iM7tgr14-00029-00013064-00013704 melted; and freezing is an exothermic process that freezing is exothermic may c29iM7tgr14-00030-00013704-00014043 seem counterintuitive because we put things in the freezer and make them cold c29iM7tgr14-00031-00014043-00014574 in order to freeze them. But in fact, the very purpose of making them cold is to c29iM7tgr14-00032-00014574-00014997 suck out that heat from the exothermic process so that the molecules can form c29iM7tgr14-00033-00014997-00015244 the bonds. c2ykcnyLPK0-00000-00000000-00000246 Hello. Welcome to Studio Kitchen. c2ykcnyLPK0-00001-00000246-00000486 Now, i will show recipe of Garlic Sauce with Hazelnut to you. c2ykcnyLPK0-00002-00000486-00000588 Let's do recipe. c4YV0Zlqrak-00000-00000033-00000449 Aloha are you ready to get the most out of your Hawaii experience? c4YV0Zlqrak-00001-00000459-00000893 Then you're going to need the best ground transportation service the islands have to offer c4YV0Zlqrak-00002-00000942-00001673 That's why you'll want to go with pono Express pono comes from the Hawaiian meaning of balance and righteousness which is c4YV0Zlqrak-00003-00001696-00002322 Exactly what they hope to reflect in all their actions with their key mission providing the highest quality service c4YV0Zlqrak-00004-00002373-00003035 This comes with professional courtesy affordable pricing and that Aloha experience you can't get anywhere else c4YV0Zlqrak-00005-00003090-00003530 Whether you need group transportation a private car tour or medical transportation c4YV0Zlqrak-00006-00003582-00004151 pono Express can provide it on all four islands, Oahu Maui, Hawaii and Hawaii c4YV0Zlqrak-00007-00004225-00004529 larger vehicles are available and your transportation needs are c4YV0Zlqrak-00008-00004582-00005127 Customizable so get in touch today arrange your trip from the airport to your favorite resort now c4YV0Zlqrak-00009-00005155-00005748 Save time and book online at pono Express calm and enjoy that aloha service c8Y-rAezvO8-00000-00000000-00000636 in this video I will explain web 3.0 the term with the also written out is web 3.0 c8Y-rAezvO8-00001-00000636-00001104 was originally considered up in 2014 by a computer scientist and ethereum co-creator c8Y-rAezvO8-00002-00001104-00001632 Gavin wooden opposed on his blog as we were agree examining our assumption about the privacy of our c8Y-rAezvO8-00003-00001632-00002184 personal information and our online activity who writes that we engineer the system there to c8Y-rAezvO8-00004-00002184-00002832 mathematically enforce our prior assumptions since no government or organization can reasonably be c8Y-rAezvO8-00005-00002832-00003426 trusted essentially under root 3 we know exactly what's happening with our data in addition to data c8Y-rAezvO8-00006-00003426-00003978 privacy would also emphasized online pseudonymity which means users will connect to the web under c8Y-rAezvO8-00007-00003978-00004584 zidane arms instead of their real identities web 3 has since taken a new meaning for its educates c8Y-rAezvO8-00008-00004584-00005262 not only is it a way to manage your data but web3 is a way to redistribute ownership of the internet c8Y-rAezvO8-00009-00005262-00005832 the whole point of web3 is getting ownership and decision making away from a small group of people c8Y-rAezvO8-00010-00005832-00006360 and to the hands of the community how does web 3 work with our principal and place we can start c8Y-rAezvO8-00011-00006360-00006923 examining how certain development is picked up with three are supposed to achieve these goals c8Y-rAezvO8-00012-00006923-00007488 ownership of data when you use a platform like Facebook or YouTube your data is collected owned c8Y-rAezvO8-00013-00007488-00008081 and monetized by these companies and web3 your data is stored on your captor wallet you will c8Y-rAezvO8-00014-00008081-00008610 engage with apps and communities on web3 through your wallet and you will take your data with you c8Y-rAezvO8-00015-00008610-00009246 when you log off theoretically since you own this data you will also be able to decide if you want c8Y-rAezvO8-00016-00009246-00009858 to monetize it the donamity like data ownership privacy is built into your wallet and with three c8Y-rAezvO8-00017-00009918-00010464 your wallet is your identity which isn't easily linked to your real identity so while someone c8Y-rAezvO8-00018-00010464-00011022 might be able to see the activity of someone's wallet they wouldn't know that it's your wallet c8Y-rAezvO8-00019-00011022-00011574 there are Services out there that work to link user to their kept wallets used in criminal c8Y-rAezvO8-00020-00011574-00012318 activity however but day to day uses your identity remains obscure and with three apps will be run c8Y-rAezvO8-00021-00012318-00012816 by decentralized autonomous organization this means that instead of a central Administration c8Y-rAezvO8-00022-00012816-00013362 that makes all the decisions decision are made by user who possess a governance tokens c8Y-rAezvO8-00023-00013362-00013919 which can be obtained by participating and these decentralized apps are keep are by purchasing them c8Y-rAezvO8-00024-00013991-00014766 realistically with 3 wouldn't replace Web 2.0 at least not in the power cable future I don't think c8Y-rAezvO8-00025-00014766-00015444 that web 3 has to replace everything in with 2.0 more up and then not it's going to run parallel to c8Y-rAezvO8-00026-00015444-00016146 whip 2.0 it just means more options for consumers if you want to use Facebook go use Facebook if you c8Y-rAezvO8-00027-00016146-00016734 want to use a decentralized system that rewards you for participation you can go do that how is c8Y-rAezvO8-00028-00016734-00017358 web 3 different from previous Palms of the web to understand what's new about web3 it might c8Y-rAezvO8-00029-00017358-00017874 be helpful to understand we are we are coming from during the past few years of the worldwide web now c8Y-rAezvO8-00030-00017874-00018480 called Web 1.0 most websites were read only web pages this means that pages had no interactivity c8Y-rAezvO8-00031-00018480-00019038 there were just mean to be read users were power consumers the problem with the past version of c8Y-rAezvO8-00032-00019038-00019542 the webview was that creating your own web page and contributing to this version of the web took c8Y-rAezvO8-00033-00019542-00020094 a considerable amount of the technology of the technical know-how with 2.0 the version of the c8Y-rAezvO8-00034-00020094-00020682 web we are currently using added functionality per user to write as well as read web page owners c8Y-rAezvO8-00035-00020682-00021390 can see metrics and how popular their posts are through clicks and comments it also gave rise to c8Y-rAezvO8-00036-00021390-00021882 social media and made content creation accessible to people who wouldn't have the technical know-how c8Y-rAezvO8-00037-00021882-00022422 in with 1.0 while these bread plans provide access to content creation they also take our c8Y-rAezvO8-00038-00022422-00022974 data and use it to figure out what else we might want to consume companies also monetize this data c8Y-rAezvO8-00039-00022974-00023628 by selling it to Edward Rises and this version of the web user are not just consumers they are also c8Y-rAezvO8-00040-00023628-00024180 products since governance tokens can be sold and what there is nothing topping one entity c8Y-rAezvO8-00041-00024180-00024720 from buying up the available tokens of a given platform giving them a majority of the decision c8Y-rAezvO8-00042-00024720-00025188 making power of a given platform with this possibility web 3 is only participatory for c8Y-rAezvO8-00043-00025188-00025830 those who can afford it another problem that with three poses is that Dio Source codes are c8Y-rAezvO8-00044-00025830-00026333 publicly available which make them susceptible to cyber attacks if hackers can exploit weakness c8Y-rAezvO8-00045-00026333-00027066 in the court in 2016 a decentralized Venture Point called the Dao was hacked 3.64 million c8Y-rAezvO8-00046-00027066-00027624 ethereum was stolen five percent of all ethereum at the time which caused ethereum to split into c8Y-rAezvO8-00047-00027624-00028086 ethereum and ethereum classic where three Builders will Implement cyber security measure that will c8Y-rAezvO8-00048-00028086-00028632 Target pride and hex and break through a crypto related crime is it in all-time high it's growing c8Y-rAezvO8-00049-00028632-00029280 at a much slower rate than overall crypto adaptation which was it 15.8 trillion in 2021 c8Y-rAezvO8-00050-00029358-00029868 we are still witnessing the early stages of whatever the three might become so we might c8Y-rAezvO8-00051-00029868-00030438 find ourselves presuming a lot of things about web3 please like And subscribe for more [Music] c9f91ufmkHu-00000-00001344-00001736 hey guys welcome and welcome back to my channel if you're here for the first time c9f91ufmkHu-00001-00001736-00002392 welcome and if you're returning subbie welcome back to the fam bam here's the snap i went to c9f91ufmkHu-00002-00002392-00003048 pretty wise right and i decided to pick up a local brand that is usually overlooked c9f91ufmkHu-00003-00003112-00003688 the name of the brand is called caramel i picked up a couple items from them there i took up like c9f91ufmkHu-00004-00003688-00004520 the foundation powder um eyeshadow palette so we have a good look coming so guys here it is now c9f91ufmkHu-00005-00004704-00005848 we are going to have some fun with this one product local product review also forget to put c9f91ufmkHu-00006-00005992-00006592 i got some brushes from my girl heaven scent cosmetics she is a local c9f91ufmkHu-00007-00006688-00007423 mua in trinidad and tobago she also has eyeshadow palettes highlighter and all of that good stuff c9f91ufmkHu-00008-00007423-00007928 but for now i'm trying out her brushes so yeah guys keep on watching c9f91ufmkHu-00009-00008112-00008976 so using caramel products only to do my brows let's see how this goes so i'm gonna prep my c9f91ufmkHu-00010-00008976-00009568 eyebrows using their translucent powder in white so let's see how this works guys c9f91ufmkHu-00011-00009848-00010888 now with the carmia i am accustomed to their translucent bow it's translucent sorry powder and c9f91ufmkHu-00012-00010968-00011688 it does the job it gives me the base that i need but you see this item here your girl c9f91ufmkHu-00013-00011688-00012384 never used it before this is the eyebrow styler by carmia in the shade black brown c9f91ufmkHu-00014-00012472-00013128 no opening this for the first time it look little light let me see how it apply now oh c9f91ufmkHu-00015-00013128-00013752 my god but the nice thing about it it has a spoolie on the end so at least if you're um c9f91ufmkHu-00016-00013863-00014463 on the go like let's say you're traveling like to be wherever and you need to do your brows at least c9f91ufmkHu-00017-00014463-00014944 you know you have a spoolie you could you know you know i don't walk with too much product too much c9f91ufmkHu-00018-00014944-00015584 items in your makeup bag so that's a plus for me so i'm gonna brush up the brows c9f91ufmkHu-00019-00015663-00016224 in an upward motion and i'm gonna fill them in basically so let's see how this goes c9f91ufmkHu-00020-00016656-00017512 okay it has a weird consistency i can't quite put my finger on it as yet but it's it's it's c9f91ufmkHu-00021-00017512-00018184 giving me a little color peel i don't know what it's looking like on camera for you guys but it's c9f91ufmkHu-00022-00018184-00019008 it's okay it's giving me a little something to work with so and i'm gonna just brush that out c9f91ufmkHu-00023-00019224-00019784 brush that out like that okay c9f91ufmkHu-00024-00020656-00021184 let's try the next row now c9f91ufmkHu-00025-00022720-00023616 now this eyebrow pencil was how much is this for boy this was like 20 dollars which is c9f91ufmkHu-00026-00023688-00024128 a little pricey because i have my favorite eyebrow pencil that i use that's only three c9f91ufmkHu-00027-00024128-00024840 dollars but hey it's convenient it has a spoolie at the end and it's retractable so c9f91ufmkHu-00028-00024840-00025400 there's no need for sharpening and stuff like that so i'm okay i'll give this uh c9f91ufmkHu-00029-00025639-00026327 out of five how much would i give this i could i could give it a 2.5 it's c9f91ufmkHu-00030-00026327-00027272 halfway there so i'm gonna clean up my eyebrows and i'll be right back so i'm back my eyebrows are c9f91ufmkHu-00031-00027344-00027927 prepped and my lids are prepped and we're going in with caramel eyeshadow palette c9f91ufmkHu-00032-00028008-00028680 heartbreaker is the name it's cute it's giving me some neutral with a little pop of color c9f91ufmkHu-00033-00028752-00029608 so we'll see what we could come up with with this and also i have my girl heaven sent cosmetics c9f91ufmkHu-00034-00029608-00030312 she has lovely brushes and also eyeshadow palettes and lashes so for today we're going to try her c9f91ufmkHu-00035-00030408-00031208 brushes i have her 15 piece brush set with face and eye shadow so i'm using c9f91ufmkHu-00036-00031208-00031872 these i think this pulley missing out with a spoolie yeah yeah it is she has a spoolie and c9f91ufmkHu-00037-00031936-00032936 a shader brush a couple shader brushes and we have a couple eyeshadow brushes and yeah c9f91ufmkHu-00038-00033072-00033896 i could use this this is good quality feels nice though so we're gonna go in i think i'm going to c9f91ufmkHu-00039-00033896-00034584 do a pink smokey eye i'm guessing let's see how that turns out so i'm going to grab my mirror c9f91ufmkHu-00040-00034640-00035376 needs to see yeah and we're going to go in with what should we go in with c9f91ufmkHu-00041-00035528-00036184 i'm going to start with this bronze here in my transition area this brown right here c9f91ufmkHu-00042-00036184-00037064 in the transition area in my crease and start to build from there so okay it's a little c9f91ufmkHu-00043-00037216-00037728 okay let's see let's see let's give it a fair chance guys let's not be too quickly oh c9f91ufmkHu-00044-00037896-00038608 okay she's saying something all right hi nice c9f91ufmkHu-00045-00038760-00039992 okay all right it's the payoff is nice it's nice it's nice it's nice actually very nice c9f91ufmkHu-00046-00040248-00040400 it's a nice soft brown c9f91ufmkHu-00047-00040744-00041464 nice transition color so above that i think i'm gonna go in with the lighter color which c9f91ufmkHu-00048-00041464-00042296 is this one here yeah i'm gonna go in with that and put that right up onto my wrong boot c9f91ufmkHu-00049-00042296-00042960 and i think i'm going to use the same brush just wipe it off and yeah so we're going to c9f91ufmkHu-00050-00042960-00043712 go right beneath the brow bone area right here like so and just tap and sweeping blending that c9f91ufmkHu-00051-00043792-00044584 right there my bad has given you a soft a nice soft finish so like you could you could c9f91ufmkHu-00052-00044584-00045248 you could rock this to work your boys and go tink he make up too loud it's nice it's subtle c9f91ufmkHu-00053-00045384-00046192 so what's gonna happen now i'm gonna figure out what it is i wanna do what i wanna do c9f91ufmkHu-00054-00046192-00046808 what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put a comment here guys i'm not sure what i want to do but c9f91ufmkHu-00055-00046888-00047512 rebuilding so i'm gonna go in with it deeper brown and darken up my crease just a slight bit i think c9f91ufmkHu-00056-00047512-00048192 i think i'm gonna do a full cut crease i think but i may need some help i'm not sure c9f91ufmkHu-00057-00048192-00049184 may try to do it with one may try to do a full mat we gonna see keep on watching c9f91ufmkHu-00058-00050656-00051288 shadow and that color that i put in there was the last second to last color not the black but c9f91ufmkHu-00059-00051391-00051655 this color right here yeah that one c9f91ufmkHu-00060-00051872-00052184 so we're gonna go deep in the crease with that c9f91ufmkHu-00061-00052279-00052952 and see how it goes so far um for twenty dollars guys not a bad buy c9f91ufmkHu-00062-00053072-00053920 not a bad buy at all not sure what i'll give it as yet but you see you know i'm a girl on a budget so c9f91ufmkHu-00063-00053920-00055088 i'ma try it if it'll summer keep it if not oh well that could have been a plenty for 20 that i wasted c9f91ufmkHu-00064-00055088-00055776 but hey what we could say what did you say only train is gonna know that what that means yeah c9f91ufmkHu-00065-00056128-00056808 because i don't think anywhere else in the world how about plenty for 20. what do you guys think c9f91ufmkHu-00066-00056808-00057440 if you're not from trinidad and tobago and where you are has us 20 for plenty for 20 deals comment c9f91ufmkHu-00067-00057440-00058096 down below yeah let's see let's see if it's just truly that has that lovely deal from the great kfc c9f91ufmkHu-00068-00058336-00058552 so i'm going in with c9f91ufmkHu-00069-00058720-00059448 oh she has this this rounded blending brush i'm going to take that and i'm going to dip into c9f91ufmkHu-00070-00059448-00060528 that first that first brown excuse me there that first brown i'm going to dip into that and c9f91ufmkHu-00071-00060904-00061255 let me see i'll catch him banana here but jesus christ c9f91ufmkHu-00072-00061528-00062160 let's try that again but i don't know how it looking on camera but c9f91ufmkHu-00073-00062352-00062504 it's working out okay you know c9f91ufmkHu-00074-00062760-00063224 i don't know y'all tell me this is gonna be so funny c9f91ufmkHu-00075-00063376-00064408 so i'm gonna cut my crease and i'll be back here with my eyelids prepped again with concealer and c9f91ufmkHu-00076-00064408-00065255 now i'm gonna go in with the first pink pink shade that i used in my crease and i'm going to pat that c9f91ufmkHu-00077-00065680-00066840 right there in my middle third not bad at all okay okay all right c9f91ufmkHu-00078-00067208-00067472 carmia is saying something saying something c9f91ufmkHu-00079-00067712-00067816 for 20 dollars c9f91ufmkHu-00080-00068560-00069280 what i think i'm gonna do i'm gonna see how many different looks i could get using this one c9f91ufmkHu-00081-00069280-00070008 palette which may not be much because this is fully matte this has no shimmers in it guys so c9f91ufmkHu-00082-00070008-00070384 you're gonna use this in combination with like your other shimmer palette c9f91ufmkHu-00083-00070384-00071304 so i think i'll do things stuff like that i'll add a shimmer look to it but the pink looks nice c9f91ufmkHu-00084-00071456-00072160 so on the inner i'm going to use white i'm going to use this c9f91ufmkHu-00085-00072232-00072640 brush here dip into the white let's see what payoff i'm going to get to the c9f91ufmkHu-00086-00072640-00073952 white okay okay okay all right oh okay all righty then um c9f91ufmkHu-00087-00074736-00075040 white is usually white and yellows and those colors c9f91ufmkHu-00088-00075288-00075792 but they're kind of strange to work with but i'll have to go back and forth a little between c9f91ufmkHu-00089-00075792-00076736 these two but given the price range it's not bad at all so i'm gonna go back in into that c9f91ufmkHu-00090-00076808-00077496 pink again and i'm gonna blend these two together like such c9f91ufmkHu-00091-00078224-00078808 i'm not sure how it's looking on the camera but it's looking fairly well here so i'm c9f91ufmkHu-00092-00078808-00079536 gonna go back again not adding anymore but just blending those two colors together c9f91ufmkHu-00093-00079720-00080432 and i picked up a lot of yeah boy okay i don't know if you could see that but c9f91ufmkHu-00094-00080432-00081000 that's a lot of product in that brush and it's transferred onto the paint c9f91ufmkHu-00095-00081096-00082784 so let's try that again on on the other side shall we so i'm gonna go in with that pink again c9f91ufmkHu-00096-00083000-00083568 it has a nice payoff in terms of the color i'm not sure how it's looking on camera as i said c9f91ufmkHu-00097-00083568-00084528 guys so bear with me i know what it's looking like in person it looks it looks okay it's workable c9f91ufmkHu-00098-00084688-00085240 so yeah and i'm going to go in with the white c9f91ufmkHu-00099-00085512-00086280 um now guys these brushes are really nice they are you should get some especially c9f91ufmkHu-00100-00086280-00087224 for those who are beginners it have it has a lot of options in terms of the spoolie c9f91ufmkHu-00101-00087224-00088384 for your brows there the eyeshadow brush the shader brushes yeah it's it's it's good okay cool c9f91ufmkHu-00102-00088752-00089104 that's not bad at all not bad at all c9f91ufmkHu-00103-00089312-00089784 not bad at all so c9f91ufmkHu-00104-00090008-00090344 now that i'm finished with this part c9f91ufmkHu-00105-00090760-00091232 just adding just a little more in the inner corner of my eyes c9f91ufmkHu-00106-00091544-00092040 but i'm liking the softness of the look to get away with it c9f91ufmkHu-00107-00092248-00092984 yeah not bad at all okay carmia you're telling me something you're speaking you're speaking c9f91ufmkHu-00108-00093088-00094112 you're saying something you're saying hello and i'm saying hi back hi this is nice so now c9f91ufmkHu-00109-00094344-00095624 finished with the palette i have i picked up their eyeliner pencil but sorry not eyeliner pencil c9f91ufmkHu-00110-00095624-00096472 they're liquid felt tip liner that's what it is now i have two colors i have their purple you all c9f91ufmkHu-00111-00096472-00097032 know purple is my favorite color i couldn't help it and black so i'm going to use the black and i'm c9f91ufmkHu-00112-00097032-00098184 going to wing out my eyes and put on some lashes and yeah let's see let's put this look together c9f91ufmkHu-00113-00099904-00100984 very pigmented i must see it's gliding very nicely also c9f91ufmkHu-00114-00101488-00102136 oh okay carmia are you saying things just saying things girlfriend okay c9f91ufmkHu-00115-00102232-00103783 i think i'll go a little big on the liner here let's see how this looks c9f91ufmkHu-00116-00105056-00105183 nicely c9f91ufmkHu-00117-00106216-00106583 not bad at all c9f91ufmkHu-00118-00108472-00109152 now let's see how best i could get this same thing on the other eye c9f91ufmkHu-00119-00109152-00109776 your struggle is really nice this struggle is really oh my god nice c9f91ufmkHu-00120-00110640-00110783 but so far c9f91ufmkHu-00121-00111056-00111576 for these products being under a particular price not bad at all c9f91ufmkHu-00122-00111880-00112520 now if if this comes out the way i'm hoping for it to come up no c9f91ufmkHu-00123-00112632-00112928 carmia could be a everyday cool type of flick you know c9f91ufmkHu-00124-00113032-00113800 go to work and you know leave the more expensive brands you know for like those types of occasions c9f91ufmkHu-00125-00114264-00114656 all right i'll just have to clean up a little bit there c9f91ufmkHu-00126-00114744-00114983 oh yeah i know this struggle is really with the liners c9f91ufmkHu-00127-00115735-00116383 but it went on nice okay okay c9f91ufmkHu-00128-00116664-00117783 you get out of five i give this a 4.5 yeah i like this the palette i'll give it like a three c9f91ufmkHu-00129-00117959-00118776 a strong a strong tree a soft 3.5 yeah i'll give it that so that is c9f91ufmkHu-00130-00119008-00119688 it for the eyes so i'm going to do my face but i'm going to prime c9f91ufmkHu-00131-00119752-00120416 and prep it for the foundation so i'll be right back and my face is prepped and primed and ready c9f91ufmkHu-00132-00120416-00121256 for this foundation guys so we have caramel foundation in the shade caramel and i'm going c9f91ufmkHu-00133-00121256-00122159 to be using heaven sent face brushes so she has some powder brushes that i'll be using for later c9f91ufmkHu-00134-00122256-00122904 and she has a lovely contour brush a lovely brush that i think i'm going to be using for like to c9f91ufmkHu-00135-00122904-00123456 blend out my highlight and some foundation brushes to apply the foundation and to blend c9f91ufmkHu-00136-00123456-00124016 so let's just get into this so i have some of the foundation to the back of my hand c9f91ufmkHu-00137-00124016-00124783 and i am going to use my mirror because i need if you see you know and i'm going to apply c9f91ufmkHu-00138-00124959-00125872 okay okay i'm gonna apply the foundation on my face a little lightish but because we gonna work c9f91ufmkHu-00139-00125872-00126511 it we gotta work it it's feeling like a lightish i know you guys see that i know you'll see that c9f91ufmkHu-00140-00126511-00127264 that is lighter i know it's not mia but we push in through the reason why i took this color is c9f91ufmkHu-00141-00127392-00128352 there need a little more the color after this is called ebony but it has a reddish undertone and i c9f91ufmkHu-00142-00128352-00128935 know i don't have a red undertone so that's why i took the caramel and i said i'll make it work c9f91ufmkHu-00143-00128935-00129568 so you know what we're gonna make it work yeah so let me just get a little more here c9f91ufmkHu-00144-00129688-00130383 uh-huh and let's put some around the face and look on the forehead like such c9f91ufmkHu-00145-00130448-00131048 but it's not bad it's not bad it's it's workable i i can't i can work with it c9f91ufmkHu-00146-00131184-00131992 so i'm gonna just apply all over the face and i'm gonna go back in and blend it out c9f91ufmkHu-00147-00132312-00132360 and then c9f91ufmkHu-00148-00132616-00133096 let's see how it blends in so i'm using that beautiful brush c9f91ufmkHu-00149-00133096-00133696 where is you right man and a hot mess using this brush and we want to blend c9f91ufmkHu-00150-00134168-00135072 okay then let's see what happens here okay oh okay man you're telling us something c9f91ufmkHu-00151-00135168-00135680 it's not bad i hope i'm not looking like or too yellow like a lemon c9f91ufmkHu-00152-00135912-00136608 let's see how it goes it's drying really fast that's a good and a bad thing c9f91ufmkHu-00153-00136760-00137520 that's a good and a bad thing so that means i have to work very quickly with this c9f91ufmkHu-00154-00137520-00138432 so let's go on this side like such under the eye over the nose but it's it's it's c9f91ufmkHu-00155-00138688-00139488 let's cover ring some stuff i guess the brush is doing a very good job though c9f91ufmkHu-00156-00139712-00140184 um c9f91ufmkHu-00157-00140392-00140648 i'm not sure how to feel right now c9f91ufmkHu-00158-00140872-00141192 but let's keep pushing let's keep pushing i need a little more c9f91ufmkHu-00159-00141312-00142112 um what does what does skarmy i have to say about their foundation let's see let's see c9f91ufmkHu-00160-00142112-00143096 let's see so it's their liquid matte foundation fragrance free oil free and none homogenic c9f91ufmkHu-00161-00143424-00144160 it's 1.818 fluid ounces or 35 milliliters they say shake well before using apply to c9f91ufmkHu-00162-00144288-00144880 one area of the face at a time i understand why because it dries really fast c9f91ufmkHu-00163-00144880-00145320 so guys don't do like me and put it all over your face and then try to blend it c9f91ufmkHu-00164-00145376-00145984 put a little at a time and blend as you go okay so let's try this again c9f91ufmkHu-00165-00146424-00146640 so i'm going to put a little more c9f91ufmkHu-00166-00146944-00147536 around my mouth like such but it dries down is it buildable c9f91ufmkHu-00167-00147848-00148904 i'm not sure how to feel guys i'm not sure my nose is like doing something hmm take care of me yeah c9f91ufmkHu-00168-00149088-00149984 i'll give it a fair chance i am i am i promise i promise i am you need to work with my mom c9f91ufmkHu-00169-00150288-00150688 not sure how it's looking on camera but we'll see c9f91ufmkHu-00170-00150968-00151864 not sure but we'll see but this foundation was for like 29 which is not a bad price either c9f91ufmkHu-00171-00152384-00153080 so i'm building as fast as i can because it's drying down really fast and yes it is math c9f91ufmkHu-00172-00153176-00153992 you're not lying when they say it marks it mark so now that i would have put that let me come c9f91ufmkHu-00173-00153992-00154632 back with my contour because they didn't have any shade dark enough for me to contour with c9f91ufmkHu-00174-00154632-00155344 highlight and i'll come back with my face for the powder aspect of it so i'll be right back c9f91ufmkHu-00175-00155568-00156304 right so i'm gonna bake this is not caramel this is sasha buttercup this is my go-to c9f91ufmkHu-00176-00156504-00157088 for setting under my eyes um c9f91ufmkHu-00177-00157640-00158448 bringing that i'm trying to blend that out there and let's go on the next side nice c9f91ufmkHu-00178-00158872-00158952 looking up c9f91ufmkHu-00179-00159240-00159784 for the father i'm praying that your makeup comes out good c9f91ufmkHu-00180-00160112-00160808 so right so i'm setting under my eyes i'm all on a highlighted area c9f91ufmkHu-00181-00160872-00161568 so that would be the bridge of my nose let's go and my c9f91ufmkHu-00182-00162232-00162912 somewhat existent forehead look too big at times and then when i do a side profile c9f91ufmkHu-00183-00162912-00163384 it's like where is your forehead child anyway that's my problem that is my issue to deal with c9f91ufmkHu-00184-00163512-00164552 and like my upper lip and on my chip so like such and yeah c9f91ufmkHu-00185-00164928-00166072 so so and that's it there for that so now calling in my friend from caramel c9f91ufmkHu-00186-00166240-00167512 her face powder in the shade ebony so the plan is and hopefully it works out that's c9f91ufmkHu-00187-00167792-00168528 i get i'm studying to use the brush or if to use my puff and i'm gonna use the brush c9f91ufmkHu-00188-00168616-00169360 so using heaven scent fluffy brush i'm gonna swirl inside here like such c9f91ufmkHu-00189-00169360-00169856 and apply it to the rest of my face and blend in that highlight in c9f91ufmkHu-00190-00170192-00170984 like such swirl again and let's do the another side like so c9f91ufmkHu-00191-00171208-00171704 i'm let's bring the look together getting rid of whatever may be too bright c9f91ufmkHu-00192-00172136-00173296 yeah i need it soon not bad let's go to the front the forehead area um let's c9f91ufmkHu-00193-00173472-00173888 see how that goes just set the rest of the face pattern c9f91ufmkHu-00194-00174552-00175248 guys i must see this look is pulling together i love how my brows are looking c9f91ufmkHu-00195-00175368-00176080 i may have to go back in to fix the inner corner of my eyes because i lost the whites c9f91ufmkHu-00196-00176080-00176584 yeah i don't know where it went but i lost the whites but and all c9f91ufmkHu-00197-00176736-00177792 not bad not not bad not bad at all so seeing that ebony is the darkest shade c9f91ufmkHu-00198-00177896-00178680 that carmia carries i had to get myself my favorite contour and highlight palette from c9f91ufmkHu-00199-00178680-00179840 l.a pro lego pro and this is in the shade deep and this is the color so i'm going to go in with c9f91ufmkHu-00200-00179840-00180472 the contour shade and i'm going to blush because i didn't get a blush from them either i'm going to c9f91ufmkHu-00201-00180472-00181256 fix the white in the inner third of my eye and i'll be back all right so we've made it to the c9f91ufmkHu-00202-00181256-00182016 end of the video and honestly guys watching back the footage i really gave karamie a hard time c9f91ufmkHu-00203-00182112-00183120 my face looks really nice it's i'm shook it for the price i paid for these five items c9f91ufmkHu-00204-00183256-00183720 i'm shook it and actually one of my favorites c9f91ufmkHu-00205-00183824-00184696 out of all is the eyebrow pencil i really like it gave me a soft a soft look i i'm not c9f91ufmkHu-00206-00184872-00185768 how to pull it it's not as harsh as the promaid so i like this i really do like this c9f91ufmkHu-00207-00185768-00186296 and with the foundation what i learned with this foundation you're really i don't move c9f91ufmkHu-00208-00186296-00187232 fast it dries quickly guys but once it settles into your skin lovely love it love it love it c9f91ufmkHu-00209-00187232-00188192 give it a try guys give it a try i like this i really do and for the price point i tried and c9f91ufmkHu-00210-00188272-00189144 what else i liked boy well i already use i usually use the translucent powder because i set my c9f91ufmkHu-00211-00189144-00189912 eyebrows before i apply my brow products so that's a given that's already in my arsenal however c9f91ufmkHu-00212-00190040-00190912 this i like this is the ebony in their press powder i really really liked the finish c9f91ufmkHu-00213-00190912-00191560 it it pulled the look together with the sasha buttercup under the eyes and everything c9f91ufmkHu-00214-00191616-00192416 they worked well together this this is my og guys everyday look this lip pencil c9f91ufmkHu-00215-00192528-00193480 love it i usually mix it with vixen so that's what's on my lip at this time so this other five c9f91ufmkHu-00216-00193536-00194056 five point five always love this i like the foundation the foundation get a four c9f91ufmkHu-00217-00194312-00195112 so far it's it feels good on this skin love the pencil and i love the powder so basically c9f91ufmkHu-00218-00195112-00195920 guys carmia is a win for me i can use it every day i won't use it for like let's say i have a c9f91ufmkHu-00219-00195920-00196664 function to go to an event no i'll i'll rock i'll go to what's my higher end products that i have c9f91ufmkHu-00220-00196840-00197256 that works that last really day when i have to go and do performances c9f91ufmkHu-00221-00197256-00197632 and i know i'll be sweating and stuff yeah i'll use those but for like this c9f91ufmkHu-00222-00197784-00198392 she could get used she she get she can get some use she will she'll get some use and you'll see c9f91ufmkHu-00223-00198392-00199056 her again trust me she'll be back she'll be back on the channel she will ah the palettes c9f91ufmkHu-00224-00199280-00199312 um c9f91ufmkHu-00225-00199680-00200760 it's good i must see heartbreaker out of five you get a 3.5 why give it a 3.5 no the pink i love c9f91ufmkHu-00226-00200856-00201632 you white however it disappeared i didn't know i don't know where it gone are you guys seeing it c9f91ufmkHu-00227-00201632-00202152 but i didn't bother because you know i did my eyes first and foundation after c9f91ufmkHu-00228-00202152-00202832 so i'm guessing with the blending and all of that the whites decide to say bye but c9f91ufmkHu-00229-00202896-00203528 apart from that it's nice you are the darker colors very nice so this could get used but c9f91ufmkHu-00230-00203528-00204040 in conjunction with another palette i would i would not use it on its own c9f91ufmkHu-00231-00204184-00204936 again however i love the browns they'll make good transition shades for me or the darken up c9f91ufmkHu-00232-00204936-00205536 my crease and stuff like that so it will be used again it's something that that i would go to again c9f91ufmkHu-00233-00205536-00206328 i wouldn't gravitate to it as much but i know that if i need a nice brown the bronze in this thumbs c9f91ufmkHu-00234-00206328-00207064 up so i'll give it a 3.5 and yeah guys basically that's it that's it for me this is the face c9f91ufmkHu-00235-00207064-00207808 got to see caramelia thanks sustain to the end of this video and see you in the next one c9f91ufmkHu-00236-00207808-00208784 bye c9f91ufmkHu-00237-00210048-00210056 you c9Qv9ZCNydY-00000-00000003-00000645 let's go to Walmart you want to go to Walmart I know you want to go to Walmart with us and c9Qv9ZCNydY-00001-00000645-00001572 five guys stick around it might get interesting first we're taking the truck but I like these c9Qv9ZCNydY-00002-00001572-00003054 life savers for some reason now this is but for some reason when I have a mint in my mouth or c9Qv9ZCNydY-00003-00003054-00004233 like got gum I used to have feels it helps my neck pain it's crazy but it does let's go to c9Qv9ZCNydY-00004-00004233-00004809 Walmart welcome to date night 8 night at Walmart I think that's what we did last weekend too wasn't c9Qv9ZCNydY-00005-00004809-00006027 it hmm yep yep that's our fascinating life Walmart and Five Guys all right you be we're here yippee c9Qv9ZCNydY-00006-00006027-00006786 another Walmart trip trying to find a place to park and it's starting to snow look at their c9Qv9ZCNydY-00007-00006786-00007559 holy cow there's kid running around a little boy running was a big boy running around he c9Qv9ZCNydY-00008-00007559-00008385 ran smack right into our buggies pushed it right up into my ribs the dad yelled at the kid but the c9Qv9ZCNydY-00009-00008385-00008976 kid is still running around the store it's Walmart what do we expect it's packed this c9Qv9ZCNydY-00010-00008976-00009903 place is bad time to go to Walmart we're back at the crackers crackers we eat a lot of crackers c9Qv9ZCNydY-00011-00009903-00010575 all right we need juice for the children how about strawberry Kiwi they like strawberry Kiwi that's a c9Qv9ZCNydY-00012-00010575-00012195 hit and something else let's do berry Rapids looks good to me all right let's keep let's keep moving c9Qv9ZCNydY-00013-00012813-00013719 I think we're done oh how did you get drinking and we're done there's something up there that c9Qv9ZCNydY-00014-00013719-00016044 says try it thank you so much there's a lady giving out alcohol at Walmart right c9Qv9ZCNydY-00015-00016044-00016705 now I'm looking for these things I saw I saw a YouTube video and they make like chicken c9Qv9ZCNydY-00016-00016705-00017233 and dumplings and the dumplings are different they were like in long strips and we're looking c9Qv9ZCNydY-00017-00017442-00018087 well we're not hiring but it's again it's loud kids are screaming I think I'm ready to get out c9Qv9ZCNydY-00018-00018087-00019113 of here at least we didn't see a fight this time so I just want to buy everything my poor husband c9Qv9ZCNydY-00019-00019113-00019749 is still down there all right I have another brilliant idea now in my closet I have a white c9Qv9ZCNydY-00020-00019749-00020343 table that sits and I've been wanting to sit down and be able to sit down and dry my hair he stopped c9Qv9ZCNydY-00021-00020343-00021003 it and put my makeup on I wanted it like a makeup table but that will work where my sewing machine c9Qv9ZCNydY-00022-00021003-00021570 is I could put my makeup stuff there so we're going to look for a mirror there's some over c9Qv9ZCNydY-00023-00021570-00022275 there oh there's mirrors and see if my husband can build me a stand from the mirror nothing fancy I c9Qv9ZCNydY-00024-00022275-00023046 just need to mute okay so here they are let's see that one's like way too big all right I'm gonna c9Qv9ZCNydY-00025-00023046-00023799 figure this out all right I think we figured it out one of those two was looking at one of those c9Qv9ZCNydY-00026-00023799-00024654 up there but I mean that would be just way too big so white or black my house is pretty brilliant c9Qv9ZCNydY-00027-00024654-00025551 he's gonna figure out how to build a stand for me go with the what okay we'll go with the way c9Qv9ZCNydY-00028-00025551-00026400 he's matched in the trim all right white it is all right problem solved I found an easel it'll work c9Qv9ZCNydY-00029-00026400-00027417 it'll work it'll hold the mirror and I don't have to stand up so much when I'm getting ready with my c9Qv9ZCNydY-00030-00027417-00028101 back I could always stand for so long and then I have to go sit down and like you have to sit down c9Qv9ZCNydY-00031-00028101-00028545 for about a half an hour look at this finish what I'm doing so if I'm sitting down while I'm doing c9Qv9ZCNydY-00032-00028545-00029298 all this that takes a whole step on it that will spin I don't know I'll post did you see my spoons c9Qv9ZCNydY-00033-00029298-00030219 video how to describe chronic pain I'll link it yeah we're gonna attempt to scan and go every time c9Qv9ZCNydY-00034-00030219-00030983 they've ever done this I've screwed it up I'll let you know well that was attractive success c9Qv9ZCNydY-00035-00030983-00032112 can't say that word this lady dreaming over the microphone system she needs all dairy and frozen c9Qv9ZCNydY-00036-00032112-00032826 foods to go unload a truck evidently nobody wants to go I'd load the truck because nobody's going c9Qv9ZCNydY-00037-00032826-00033495 she's made the announcement probably done four times five times nobody wants to unload the truck c9Qv9ZCNydY-00038-00034233-00034929 one thing they should give you a lot of fries five guys there's more fries over here this is c9Qv9ZCNydY-00039-00034929-00035871 one order of fries where I have it over here lots of fries see that over there that's the c9Qv9ZCNydY-00040-00035871-00038439 Papa John's guy he's delivering the pizza to put our Walmart stuff away so I will see you next crHYcrAfkeY-00000-00000299-00000554 - All right, here we are at the end of the day. crHYcrAfkeY-00001-00000554-00000914 If we could just get one more round of applause for the amazing astronauts? crHYcrAfkeY-00002-00000914-00001315 It's not every day. crHYcrAfkeY-00003-00001315-00001985 It's not every day that you get to see five astronauts all together and they are really crHYcrAfkeY-00004-00001985-00002175 so gracious to share their time with us. crHYcrAfkeY-00005-00002175-00002374 So thank you guys again. crHYcrAfkeY-00006-00002374-00002649 You've stuck with us the entire day, thank you so much. crHYcrAfkeY-00007-00002649-00003084 We are incredibly honored to see the room still packed and full and we'd love to be crHYcrAfkeY-00008-00003084-00003402 able to transition you quickly and delightfully from this to the reception that we're gonna crHYcrAfkeY-00009-00003402-00003502 do after. crHYcrAfkeY-00010-00003502-00003939 And I'll take just a few minutes to tell you about the team behind today. crHYcrAfkeY-00011-00003939-00004510 So there's now over 50 students, staff and faculty involved in the Space Exploration crHYcrAfkeY-00012-00004510-00004896 Initiative, and I'd really love for you guys to get to know a little bit about their story. crHYcrAfkeY-00013-00004896-00005080 Two quick fun facts about today. crHYcrAfkeY-00014-00005080-00005394 We've had thousands of people tune in via the live stream. crHYcrAfkeY-00015-00005394-00005605 So if anybody's watching via the live stream, hello. crHYcrAfkeY-00016-00005605-00005892 Thank you for coming along with us on the journey. crHYcrAfkeY-00017-00005892-00006285 And we also are only day two of MIT's Space Week. crHYcrAfkeY-00018-00006285-00006952 And so yesterday, MIT AeroAstro kicked off the Apollo 50 plus 50 event and tomorrow I crHYcrAfkeY-00019-00006952-00007361 wanna have everybody who's here please come back to this floor, sixth floor of the Media crHYcrAfkeY-00020-00007361-00007589 Lab, for Sloan's New Space Age event as well. crHYcrAfkeY-00021-00007589-00007723 New Space Age Conference. crHYcrAfkeY-00022-00007723-00008185 So, story behind the Space Initiative, what are we and how did we come to be? crHYcrAfkeY-00023-00008185-00008795 The mission of the Space Exploration Initiative is to be a launch pad across the entire Media crHYcrAfkeY-00024-00008795-00008895 Lab. crHYcrAfkeY-00025-00008895-00008995 That was the original goal. crHYcrAfkeY-00026-00008995-00009364 And the Media Lab is a really special place because you have synthetic neurobiologists crHYcrAfkeY-00027-00009364-00009932 sitting right next to, and working with artists, and architects and data scientists and robotics crHYcrAfkeY-00028-00009932-00010424 engineers and our idea was how do we empower all of those different verticals and all of crHYcrAfkeY-00029-00010424-00010742 those different disciplines outside of just traditional aerospace engineering? crHYcrAfkeY-00030-00010742-00011074 And I say that as someone who is trained as an engineer and physicist. crHYcrAfkeY-00031-00011074-00011525 How do we empower all of those different fields to deploy their work in space? crHYcrAfkeY-00032-00011525-00011918 Take their domain expertise up into a space environment. crHYcrAfkeY-00033-00011918-00012217 And the way that we're doing it, our tagline that we like to think about is building our crHYcrAfkeY-00034-00012217-00012397 sci-fi space future. crHYcrAfkeY-00035-00012397-00012850 So if Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and NASA and ESA and others are working on the rockets crHYcrAfkeY-00036-00012850-00013383 to get us there, wherever there may be, Mars, moon or beyond, we are working on the human. crHYcrAfkeY-00037-00013383-00013772 And we sometimes say a little cheekily, the robotic lived experience of space. crHYcrAfkeY-00038-00013772-00014322 What are the suite of tools, technologies and human experiences as we're at this cusp crHYcrAfkeY-00039-00014322-00014697 of interplanetary civilization. crHYcrAfkeY-00040-00014697-00015043 Our mission, in three succinct parts, to democratize access to space. crHYcrAfkeY-00041-00015043-00015456 So we do this in a couple of ways, one is by things like today, bringing in lots of crHYcrAfkeY-00042-00015456-00015791 different perspectives and narratives and voices in the future of space exploration. crHYcrAfkeY-00043-00015791-00016011 Another is through outreach. crHYcrAfkeY-00044-00016011-00016459 We really prioritize reaching the next generation of space artists and space tinkerers and space crHYcrAfkeY-00045-00016459-00016859 engineers and so we do quite a lot of outreach work with our community, both here locally crHYcrAfkeY-00046-00016859-00017040 and nation-wide. crHYcrAfkeY-00047-00017040-00017323 We're hoping to revolutionize the future of space. crHYcrAfkeY-00048-00017323-00017650 So this means taking a new and different approach. crHYcrAfkeY-00049-00017650-00017845 Something that's special to the Media Lab's magic sauce. crHYcrAfkeY-00050-00017845-00018301 And now in our amazing partnerships across MIT with AeroAstro, Earth and Planetary Sciences crHYcrAfkeY-00051-00018301-00018839 and others to take not just the iterative next step for space technology, but the crazy crHYcrAfkeY-00052-00018839-00019222 risky, provocative, might not get funded anywhere else projects, and we can have a home for crHYcrAfkeY-00053-00019222-00019592 them here and really begin to explore that sci-fi space future. crHYcrAfkeY-00054-00019592-00019998 And then the final point is to realize we really are building these prototypes. crHYcrAfkeY-00055-00019998-00020346 This is not simply a design house or an envisioning exercise. crHYcrAfkeY-00056-00020346-00020766 We bring in designers and we bring in artists and we pair them with scientists and engineers crHYcrAfkeY-00057-00020766-00021261 that can help to realize and get these prototypes out in space environments, microgravity flights, crHYcrAfkeY-00058-00021261-00021654 suborbital launches, ISS and beyond. crHYcrAfkeY-00059-00021654-00021921 This is the fantastic team behind all of this. crHYcrAfkeY-00060-00021921-00022254 So you heard from Joi Ito and Maria Zuber the very first thing this morning. crHYcrAfkeY-00061-00022254-00022354 They welcomed us off. crHYcrAfkeY-00062-00022354-00022705 Joe Paradiso I'll be calling up in just a minute, 'cause I want you guys to all have crHYcrAfkeY-00063-00022705-00022868 a chance to meet Joe. crHYcrAfkeY-00064-00022868-00023199 Xin and Maggie, Sands, Devora, Avery, too many to name. crHYcrAfkeY-00065-00023199-00023660 And also just wanna do a special shout out to Dava Newman who you also heard from earlier, crHYcrAfkeY-00066-00023660-00024141 who has helped us really build bridges to MIT AeroAstro, on whose shoulders we stand crHYcrAfkeY-00067-00024141-00024691 for the amazing achievements that that department has pioneered across MIT for history and future crHYcrAfkeY-00068-00024691-00024846 of space flight. crHYcrAfkeY-00069-00024846-00025358 The ecosystem, who are we beyond just this particular team here at MIT? crHYcrAfkeY-00070-00025358-00025801 The 50 plus graduate students, staff and faculty of course, but also 80 member companies that crHYcrAfkeY-00071-00025801-00026296 bring really unusual and sometimes unexpected interests in the future of space. crHYcrAfkeY-00072-00026296-00026535 This is part of the Media Lab community. crHYcrAfkeY-00073-00026535-00026965 Collaborations now across MIT and we also work very closely with NASA, ESA, the European crHYcrAfkeY-00074-00026965-00027597 Space Agency, and JAXA in addition to a host of new space age startup companies. crHYcrAfkeY-00075-00027597-00028094 This is an artist's render of 12 of the different Space Exploration Initiative projects. crHYcrAfkeY-00076-00028094-00028263 Like I say it's a little bit of a Where's Waldo? crHYcrAfkeY-00077-00028263-00028420 Of everybody's particular research. crHYcrAfkeY-00078-00028420-00028893 You see space food and agriculture, 3D printing, mental health and wellbeing, thinking about crHYcrAfkeY-00079-00028893-00029349 the future of astronaut health and flourishing, virtual reality, entertainment. crHYcrAfkeY-00080-00029349-00029868 And if this is the artist's depiction, these are the projects. crHYcrAfkeY-00081-00029868-00030274 These are six of the projects that you just saw in that render, but these are the actual crHYcrAfkeY-00082-00030274-00030787 prototypes that we launched back in 2017 on our inaugural parabolic flight. crHYcrAfkeY-00083-00030787-00031236 You have here our amazing arts curator, you'll hear from in a moment, thinking about spacesuits crHYcrAfkeY-00084-00031236-00031484 and mobility and Orbit Weaver Project. crHYcrAfkeY-00085-00031484-00031912 An incredible contribution to thinking about founding new culture in space. crHYcrAfkeY-00086-00031912-00032316 Building musical instruments that Sands Fish and Nicole L'Huillier are thinking about how crHYcrAfkeY-00087-00032316-00032758 do you design a musical instrument that could only be played in microgravity? crHYcrAfkeY-00088-00032758-00033118 And the stories go on for all of the different projects. crHYcrAfkeY-00089-00033118-00033516 New to the team this year, who you'll also meet briefly in a moment, is Maggie Coblentz crHYcrAfkeY-00090-00033516-00033997 who's brought an expertise in space food and thinking about the design and experience of crHYcrAfkeY-00091-00033997-00034097 food. crHYcrAfkeY-00092-00034097-00034478 We're now looking at closed loop food technologies, so algae caviar which is her creation and crHYcrAfkeY-00093-00034478-00034891 invention, packaging, recycling polyethylene for the packaging of space food that could crHYcrAfkeY-00094-00034891-00035224 then be extruded in a zero gravity 3D printer. crHYcrAfkeY-00095-00035224-00035716 And we're beginning now to also push out to a larger scale, across the initiative. crHYcrAfkeY-00096-00035716-00036215 What's the infrastructure required to really realize the vision of thousands or millions crHYcrAfkeY-00097-00036215-00036415 of people living and working in space? crHYcrAfkeY-00098-00036415-00036846 Part of it is scalability, the ability to have modular architecture, the ability to crHYcrAfkeY-00099-00036846-00037281 have on demand space assets, CubeSats that you can rent time on, just like we assume crHYcrAfkeY-00100-00037281-00037621 now that we can rent time on a cloud computing cluster. crHYcrAfkeY-00101-00037621-00037958 And even farther beyond, oh, can I get one back Steve? crHYcrAfkeY-00102-00037958-00038058 Thank you. crHYcrAfkeY-00103-00038058-00038360 And even farther beyond just low Earth orbit and space tourism, we now have a fantastic crHYcrAfkeY-00104-00038360-00038769 postdoc in the initiative, affiliated with the initiative, Valentina Sumini, thinking crHYcrAfkeY-00105-00038769-00039072 about habitats on the surface of Mars and beyond. crHYcrAfkeY-00106-00039072-00039575 Rigorously designed for thermal radiation et cetera and a fantastic, award-winning proposal. crHYcrAfkeY-00107-00039575-00040008 You're not a real space program if you're not actively launching into space, so these crHYcrAfkeY-00108-00040008-00040246 are the ways that we get our work out there. crHYcrAfkeY-00109-00040246-00040511 We now do an annually chartered parabolic flight. crHYcrAfkeY-00110-00040511-00040860 So 15 different research projects, 25 different people come with us. crHYcrAfkeY-00111-00040860-00041231 The next one is coming up in May so stay tuned for some of the research results. crHYcrAfkeY-00112-00041231-00041633 The International Space Station, we hope to be on there with six different projects by crHYcrAfkeY-00113-00041633-00041988 the end of this year, so keep your fingers crossed for good manifest timing. crHYcrAfkeY-00114-00041988-00042336 We are launching with Blue Origin later this year, really really excited to be part of crHYcrAfkeY-00115-00042336-00042866 the early crew who, not human crew, but research crew that's gonna be on their suborbital, crHYcrAfkeY-00116-00042866-00043161 reusable new Shepherd craft. crHYcrAfkeY-00117-00043161-00043547 And we also, to get back to that notion of democratizing space for the next generation, crHYcrAfkeY-00118-00043547-00044005 deeply prioritize STEAM and as Dava said earlier this morning, STEAMED, Science Technology crHYcrAfkeY-00119-00044005-00044287 Engineering Mathematics Art and Design. crHYcrAfkeY-00120-00044287-00044577 Got the vowels mixed up, but STEAMED. crHYcrAfkeY-00121-00044577-00045096 And the idea here, with our local program, is to give these students, and then also scaling crHYcrAfkeY-00122-00045096-00045562 nationally the curriculum, an opportunity to design the entire lifecycle of a spacecraft crHYcrAfkeY-00123-00045562-00045662 mission. crHYcrAfkeY-00124-00045662-00046093 So we along with MIT AeroAstro Star Lab Kerri Cahoy, who you guys heard from earlier today, crHYcrAfkeY-00125-00046093-00046774 are mentoring the students as they design, build, test, fly and gather data from their crHYcrAfkeY-00126-00046774-00046988 own climate sensing CubeSat. crHYcrAfkeY-00127-00046988-00047416 The hope being that this is a program we could scale internationally eventually through low crHYcrAfkeY-00128-00047416-00047869 cost, dropping costs of CubeSat hardware and the availability of space launches, to give crHYcrAfkeY-00129-00047869-00048321 the next generation a sense of investment in the future health of their planet. crHYcrAfkeY-00130-00048321-00048681 They themselves can take data and understand climate change and understand the science crHYcrAfkeY-00131-00048681-00049002 behind what's happening. crHYcrAfkeY-00132-00049002-00049133 And where are we going with all of this? crHYcrAfkeY-00133-00049133-00049672 Between the research projects here, our collaborations elsewhere and the outreach, we realized recently crHYcrAfkeY-00134-00049672-00050103 that there is a moment now, at the cusp of interplanetary civilization again, and it's crHYcrAfkeY-00135-00050103-00050340 time to found a real life Starfleet Academy. crHYcrAfkeY-00136-00050340-00050621 Does anybody recognize Starfleet Academy from Star Trek? crHYcrAfkeY-00137-00050621-00051071 It was a notion of this is where the space cadets go to learn, this is where you become crHYcrAfkeY-00138-00051071-00051538 a space doctor, a space psychologist, maybe a space artist in the future. crHYcrAfkeY-00139-00051538-00051870 And it was also the place where the Starship Enterprise was built, it was the place where crHYcrAfkeY-00140-00051870-00052052 the rigorous technology was made. crHYcrAfkeY-00141-00052052-00052507 And we have an opportunity with MIT, but also with a global community that we are trying crHYcrAfkeY-00142-00052507-00052854 to build through events like these, to think about founding this now. crHYcrAfkeY-00143-00052854-00053213 This is the moment to really think about founding a real life Starfleet Academy. crHYcrAfkeY-00144-00053213-00053757 And a diverse and inclusive one, in the same original spirit of the show. crHYcrAfkeY-00145-00053757-00054385 And so with that, I'd like to ask Maggie Coblentz, Xin Liu and Joe Paradiso to come up. crHYcrAfkeY-00146-00054385-00054588 This brings us a little bit to why are we here today? crHYcrAfkeY-00147-00054588-00054782 We're here for Beyond the Cradle. crHYcrAfkeY-00148-00054782-00055104 This mission patch was designed for us by Sana Sharma, I don't know if she's still in crHYcrAfkeY-00149-00055104-00055514 the audience, but thank you very much for an amazing mission patch. crHYcrAfkeY-00150-00055514-00055998 The axes if you haven't already seen the explanation is for art, science, design and engineering. crHYcrAfkeY-00151-00055998-00056376 And that's really the spirit of Media Lab and the Space Station trying to unify those crHYcrAfkeY-00152-00056376-00056476 all together. crHYcrAfkeY-00153-00056476-00057091 I wanna say thank you to these three because they are the maestros behind a lot, essentially crHYcrAfkeY-00154-00057091-00057282 everything that you have seen today. crHYcrAfkeY-00155-00057282-00057741 Xin Liu, our arts curator, who pulled together the entire arts panel that you saw earlier, crHYcrAfkeY-00156-00057741-00058077 fantastic group of people we were so lucky to have come. crHYcrAfkeY-00157-00058077-00058488 And the entire gallery and does this not just today, but the entire year for us. crHYcrAfkeY-00158-00058488-00058688 So thank you so much Xin. crHYcrAfkeY-00159-00058688-00059272 I'm gonna save you for last. crHYcrAfkeY-00160-00059272-00059729 Maggie Coblentz, the newest addition to our team, and I have to say MVP in every possible crHYcrAfkeY-00161-00059729-00059829 way. crHYcrAfkeY-00162-00059829-00060113 I'm sure every single speaker in this room knows her name because you have been wrangling crHYcrAfkeY-00163-00060113-00060575 and doing just an amazing job while also still being a researcher in your own right and leading crHYcrAfkeY-00164-00060575-00060710 the Space Food Research Desk. crHYcrAfkeY-00165-00060710-00060914 Thank you so much. crHYcrAfkeY-00166-00060914-00061881 And last, but not least, my PhD advisor, Joe Paradiso who supports me in all of these different crHYcrAfkeY-00167-00061881-00062357 things, let's me have some leeway to try to build space at the Media Lab and is also a crHYcrAfkeY-00168-00062357-00062986 fantastic personal mentor and faculty mentor for the entire initiative, so thank you so crHYcrAfkeY-00169-00062986-00063227 much. crHYcrAfkeY-00170-00063227-00063711 Thank you! crHYcrAfkeY-00171-00063711-00064092 I wanna say a couple other quick things. crHYcrAfkeY-00172-00064092-00064363 One, I really wanna thank the event staff behind all of this. crHYcrAfkeY-00173-00064363-00064785 As you might imagine, there's an incredible Media Lab and Steve Sargent's crew in the crHYcrAfkeY-00174-00064785-00065014 back and others who make the event possible. crHYcrAfkeY-00175-00065014-00065319 And finally can we also give another round of applause for all of the speakers that you've crHYcrAfkeY-00176-00065319-00066422 heard from today. crHYcrAfkeY-00177-00066422-00066832 And what we'd like to leave you with, as you think about next steps after Beyond the Cradle, crHYcrAfkeY-00178-00066832-00067349 is our Space Initiative team, all of these speakers and all of you can be part of our crHYcrAfkeY-00179-00067349-00067515 growing community. crHYcrAfkeY-00180-00067515-00067697 We really hope that you stay in touch throughout the year. crHYcrAfkeY-00181-00067697-00067827 We hope you come back next year. crHYcrAfkeY-00182-00067827-00068331 We hope you help us build the Starfleet Academy movement for democratizing access to space crHYcrAfkeY-00183-00068331-00068751 and fundamentally prototyping and building our sci-fi space future. crHYcrAfkeY-00184-00068751-00069213 Because as Cady Coleman so beautifully put it in the very panel, space is out there for crHYcrAfkeY-00185-00069213-00069330 all of us. crHYcrAfkeY-00186-00069330-00069430 Thank you very much. crHYcrAfkeY-00187-00069430-00069469 And enjoy the reception. ctCXRbPjGsI-00000-00000360-00000696 Hi my name is Ashley Biddle and I'm a Psychology instructor ctCXRbPjGsI-00001-00000696-00000832 at Leeward Community College. ctCXRbPjGsI-00002-00000903-00001184 Today, my daughter is going to help me show ctCXRbPjGsI-00003-00001184-00001632 you how we make little people characters out of spoons. ctCXRbPjGsI-00004-00001760-00001976 Here are just a few materials you'll need. ctCXRbPjGsI-00005-00002048-00002672 First, you'll need forks or spoons. We used the take out spoons that ctCXRbPjGsI-00006-00002672-00002976 you get from take-out food. ctCXRbPjGsI-00007-00002976-00003224 Googly eyes are optional as you can draw them on. ctCXRbPjGsI-00008-00003304-00003488 But they make a great fun addition. ctCXRbPjGsI-00009-00003544-00003815 You also need pipe cleaners or strings or ctCXRbPjGsI-00010-00003815-00003888 fuzzy sticks. ctCXRbPjGsI-00011-00003976-00004184 Okay, what are we gonna make today? ctCXRbPjGsI-00012-00004184-00004496 Forky little friends! ctCXRbPjGsI-00013-00004496-00004552 Yeah! ctCXRbPjGsI-00014-00004552-00004784 That we can have. Okay, so what's the first thing ctCXRbPjGsI-00015-00004784-00004834 we do? ctCXRbPjGsI-00016-00004872-00005040 We just put those eyes. ctCXRbPjGsI-00017-00005264-00005400 Put googly eyes. All right. ctCXRbPjGsI-00018-00005400-00005672 So what color googly eyes do you want? ctCXRbPjGsI-00019-00005672-00005824 Umm... ctCXRbPjGsI-00020-00005824-00005874 Yellow? ctCXRbPjGsI-00021-00005875-00005984 Uh... green! ctCXRbPjGsI-00022-00005984-00006064 Green, okay. ctCXRbPjGsI-00023-00006272-00006373 Green... ctCXRbPjGsI-00024-00006423-00006520 and another green. ctCXRbPjGsI-00025-00006864-00007112 Okay tell, tell the other kids what do you do with ctCXRbPjGsI-00026-00007112-00007256 the eye with the googly eye? ctCXRbPjGsI-00027-00007344-00007640 We just did you just take the paper and ctCXRbPjGsI-00028-00007640-00007992 then, then stick it. ctCXRbPjGsI-00029-00007992-00008042 Yes! ctCXRbPjGsI-00030-00008088-00008224 Yes, see guys? ctCXRbPjGsI-00031-00008352-00008688 See you stick it on one eye. All right and then what do we do next? ctCXRbPjGsI-00032-00008752-00008888 Another one guys. ctCXRbPjGsI-00033-00008960-00009208 Gonna put another googly eye on? ctCXRbPjGsI-00034-00009208-00009258 Yes! ctCXRbPjGsI-00035-00009704-00009984 Yeah, I hear you know. ctCXRbPjGsI-00036-00010136-00010808 Okay, put the other one on. Oh right next to it? All right, ctCXRbPjGsI-00037-00010808-00011376 show them. See? Two googly eyes on. Then what's next? ctCXRbPjGsI-00038-00011376-00011840 and tie some arms. Okay, get the get that one. What color ctCXRbPjGsI-00039-00011840-00011960 arms is this one going to have? ctCXRbPjGsI-00040-00012465-00012519 Pink? ctCXRbPjGsI-00041-00012519-00012617 Oh no, no green. ctCXRbPjGsI-00042-00012617-00012672 Green. ctCXRbPjGsI-00043-00012703-00012789 Oh, green. ctCXRbPjGsI-00044-00012789-00012900 Or blue? ctCXRbPjGsI-00045-00013273-00013523 And mines one with is gonna have some blue. ctCXRbPjGsI-00046-00013728-00013872 So it's gonna have blue arms? ctCXRbPjGsI-00047-00013872-00014024 Yeah, my one. ctCXRbPjGsI-00048-00014024-00014184 You can show them how you wrap it around. ctCXRbPjGsI-00049-00014591-00014647 I can't. ctCXRbPjGsI-00050-00015072-00015584 Okay then you make your own. ctCXRbPjGsI-00051-00015712-00015856 And we twist it around. ctCXRbPjGsI-00052-00016032-00016136 Twist it around ctCXRbPjGsI-00053-00016392-00016848 and the last one we kind of twist it off here ctCXRbPjGsI-00054-00016848-00017072 at the back and then they come around the ctCXRbPjGsI-00055-00017072-00017352 front and then their arms and then what's the last step? ctCXRbPjGsI-00056-00017408-00017752 and we make the mouth. make the mouth and this ctCXRbPjGsI-00057-00017752-00017956 one we do it with a permanent marker ctCXRbPjGsI-00058-00018052-00018325 um, very limited access ctCXRbPjGsI-00059-00018352-00018760 we have here but she has it for this. Yeah and then it's done! ctCXRbPjGsI-00060-00018760-00019128 Yeah, yeah now we all make yeah one when I ctCXRbPjGsI-00061-00019128-00019456 play with my ones yeah now you make one and one ctCXRbPjGsI-00062-00019456-00019872 No, no, no, no, this one's yours. ctCXRbPjGsI-00063-00019872-00019940 Oh okay. cuy7DpjqjnY-00000-00000000-00000606 Your books are fabulous, "Baby Birds: An Artist Looks Into the Nest" look at this cuy7DpjqjnY-00001-00000606-00001266 this is this is so beautiful! It's my three and a half pound baby, my bouncing baby! Is that right? Yeah! cuy7DpjqjnY-00002-00001266-00002043 So you actually were able to find nests of all these species? Yes, 17 species. cuy7DpjqjnY-00003-00002043-00002460 Wow! It's a 13-year project ... I mean, wild cuy7DpjqjnY-00004-00002460-00002892 turkey? Well these are all actually songbirds you just looked at the forward. Oh, cuy7DpjqjnY-00005-00002892-00003351 okay all right yeah ... all songbirds. A lot of them came to me since I'm a licensed cuy7DpjqjnY-00006-00003351-00003603 rehaber ... Okay ... like the chimney swifts and the cuy7DpjqjnY-00007-00003603-00004137 hummingbirds I actually hand-raised so I could paint from them, so yeah, but for the other cuy7DpjqjnY-00008-00004137-00004505 ones, I was actually taking the baby out of the nest, bringing it into the studio cuy7DpjqjnY-00009-00004505-00005130 for about 30 minutes, feeding it and keeping it warm, painting it's picture, and then putting it back in the nest which I'm cuy7DpjqjnY-00010-00005130-00005505 permitted to do and which you shouldn't want to try to do at home. Yeah oh, so you're cuy7DpjqjnY-00011-00005505-00005994 permitted to do what kinds of wildlife? Just birds? I have permits for birds cuy7DpjqjnY-00012-00005994-00006408 and bats, songbirds and bats. I don't take raptors because I don't have the cuy7DpjqjnY-00013-00006408-00006900 facilities or the interest in frozen mice and things like that. I didn't know if you would cuy7DpjqjnY-00014-00006900-00007343 like the squirrels and the ... no, no people are forever calling me about fawns, cuy7DpjqjnY-00015-00007343-00007883 squirrels, and opossums, but I stick to birds. There are very few people doing songbirds ... cuy7DpjqjnY-00016-00007883-00008325 you know, rehab and so they are kind of the orphans you know there are a lot of cuy7DpjqjnY-00017-00008325-00008721 people doing raptors mm-hmm because you can basically put a frozen rat in a cuy7DpjqjnY-00018-00008721-00009027 raptor cage and walk away and you're done for the day but baby cuy7DpjqjnY-00019-00009027-00009347 songbirds you're feeding every half hour you know so not a lot of people want to cuy7DpjqjnY-00020-00009347-00009875 sign up for that. You know what was interesting is not too long ago Tim cuy7DpjqjnY-00021-00009875-00010272 Jasinski who looks at the Lake Erie Nature and Science Center ... yeah, he's awesome ... cuy7DpjqjnY-00022-00010272-00010661 yeah, he's working with the woodcock's that are striking the buildings downtown cuy7DpjqjnY-00023-00010661-00011193 and he has a terrible time trying to get them to feed and he sends out this cuy7DpjqjnY-00024-00011193-00011707 Facebook post photo and it's just dirt with holes in it and it's like, what is cuy7DpjqjnY-00025-00011707-00012111 this? you know, kind of a question he tossed out to people and I'm like I know cuy7DpjqjnY-00026-00012111-00012618 what it is! And people were answering, uh-oh cuy7DpjqjnY-00027-00012618-00013212 earthworm! No, I'm like this is where I think he got the the woodcock to cuy7DpjqjnY-00028-00013212-00013651 finally probe and feed those that he was rehabing. You've got to bury their food ... yeah ... cuy7DpjqjnY-00029-00013651-00014013 I discovered that with a woodcock I had, it wouldn't eat out of a dish you cuy7DpjqjnY-00030-00014013-00014319 know where the worms just lying there ... as soon as I covered them with leaves and cuy7DpjqjnY-00031-00014319-00014941 dirt he started probing. Wow, yeah. You've got to think like the bird, cuy7DpjqjnY-00032-00014941-00015398 you can you can't think like a human. Right! cv0pWTF8wBY-00000-00000048-00000824 now these days, fit cube has made another video with 1 million views. it took him seven months cv0pWTF8wBY-00001-00000824-00001360 to do that, and it's with the video big mistakes that small youtubers still make. cv0pWTF8wBY-00002-00001360-00001920 i think i'm gonna be making one of these videos today, because that might give me some extra cv0pWTF8wBY-00003-00001920-00002736 views, if i make my own, if not even make the full video, but i don't want to copy it. remember that cv0pWTF8wBY-00004-00002736-00003240 ikea does have a copyright matching tool, and i've actually did that for one of these videos. cv0pWTF8wBY-00005-00003320-00003760 wait, maybe two of them, and i don't want to make another one, because if i get cv0pWTF8wBY-00006-00003760-00004664 three, there's a higher chance that it will be noticed. so yeah. that's gonna be it for today. cwEMfsnXPhA-00000-00000000-00000200 How to do SEO for an ecommerce website. cwHwb1qcGV0-00000-00000003-00000564 Hey everyone, today we're talking about how to buy a house and my money-saving cwHwb1qcGV0-00001-00000564-00002001 tips on how to do so and we are starting right now! Welcome to my channel! I'm so cwHwb1qcGV0-00002-00002001-00002451 excited you are here and educating yourself on how to buy your first house cwHwb1qcGV0-00003-00002451-00002918 ever! If you've already bought a house before - maybe you plan to buy another? cwHwb1qcGV0-00004-00002918-00003510 Stay tuned because I have some money saving tips coming your way! My name is cwHwb1qcGV0-00005-00003510-00003857 Ashley Jurney and I'm your local Charlottesville REALTOR and buyer cwHwb1qcGV0-00006-00003857-00004332 specialist with Town. You can learn more about us and Charlottesville real estate cwHwb1qcGV0-00007-00004332-00004935 by visiting our website at TOWNCVILLE.COM. I'm going to break this video cwHwb1qcGV0-00008-00004935-00005439 up into two parts and eight tips so when you're finished with this video be sure cwHwb1qcGV0-00009-00005439-00006219 to follow up with part two. Home buying tip number one: get ready financially. You cwHwb1qcGV0-00010-00006219-00006606 want a credit score of about 640 or higher. cwHwb1qcGV0-00011-00006606-00007086 Some lenders will qualify you below that but you're gonna end up paying more for cwHwb1qcGV0-00012-00007086-00007336 the loan and I'm trying to save you money ;) cwHwb1qcGV0-00013-00007336-00007950 Have you had stable employment the last year and can you provide recent paystubs cwHwb1qcGV0-00014-00007950-00008442 to a mortgage lender. Do you have some savings? As a homeowner you are cwHwb1qcGV0-00015-00008442-00008882 responsible for everything in your home so if something breaks you can't just cwHwb1qcGV0-00016-00008882-00009242 call your landlord to come and fix it so you need to make sure you have some cwHwb1qcGV0-00017-00009243-00009759 money reserved for home maintenance. How much money do you need to buy a house? cwHwb1qcGV0-00018-00009759-00010286 Well, expect to put down around 0 to 10 percent with the average being around cwHwb1qcGV0-00019-00010286-00010739 3.5% down but every sale is different so to learn more about cwHwb1qcGV0-00020-00010739-00011211 a typical down payment on a house click on this link above and you may find out cwHwb1qcGV0-00021-00011211-00011702 that you can qualify for a loan that wouldn't require a down payment at all! cwHwb1qcGV0-00022-00011702-00012327 There are also closing costs which are about three percent on average these are cwHwb1qcGV0-00023-00012327-00012822 fees charged by the bank for borrowing the mortgage, title insurance (which if cwHwb1qcGV0-00024-00012822-00013201 you don't know what that is or want to know more information about what it is cwHwb1qcGV0-00025-00013201-00013750 what it covers click on the link above), closing costs also cover fees that your cwHwb1qcGV0-00026-00013750-00014229 attorney or title company will charge for processing the transaction and cwHwb1qcGV0-00027-00014229-00014691 recording your deed. You can ask the seller to cover your closing cost so you cwHwb1qcGV0-00028-00014691-00015123 can conserve some of your cash but just know that this could make your offer cwHwb1qcGV0-00029-00015123-00015919 less appealing to the seller. Home buying tip number 2: get pre-qualified. If you cwHwb1qcGV0-00030-00015919-00016384 have a bank that you want to use and want to get a mortgage loan through feel cwHwb1qcGV0-00031-00016384-00016929 free to or you can ask a realtor like me for a recommendation and I'd be happy to cwHwb1qcGV0-00032-00016929-00017331 refer you to a local lender.Llocal lenders are preferred because they're cwHwb1qcGV0-00033-00017331-00017751 going to be more familiar with the local process which can keep closing on cwHwb1qcGV0-00034-00017751-00018178 schedule. It's never a bad idea to get multiple quotes from different lenders cwHwb1qcGV0-00035-00018178-00018829 and shop around to get the best rate and terms. Being pre-qualified is important cwHwb1qcGV0-00036-00018829-00019204 so that we know what your budget is and aren't looking at houses you can't cwHwb1qcGV0-00037-00019204-00019629 afford, wasting your time. If you need help starting the process of cwHwb1qcGV0-00038-00019629-00020166 pre-approval, email me at and I will send you my cwHwb1qcGV0-00039-00020166-00020797 preferred local lenders. When you go to make an offer on a property you need to cwHwb1qcGV0-00040-00020797-00021216 submit it with a pre-approval letter from your lender. This ensures the seller cwHwb1qcGV0-00041-00021216-00021691 and list agent that you can afford to purchase the property and that you have cwHwb1qcGV0-00042-00021691-00022188 a lender willing to give you a loan. Otherwise, the seller isn't going to take cwHwb1qcGV0-00043-00022188-00022612 their home off the market and risk losing out on other offers for a buyer cwHwb1qcGV0-00044-00022612-00023241 that may not be able to afford the home. Home buying tip number 3: Hire a REALTOR. cwHwb1qcGV0-00045-00023241-00023806 A realtor knows how to help you save money on buying a house. We have a lot cwHwb1qcGV0-00046-00023806-00024322 more experience than you and a buyer agent is free! We are paid by the listing cwHwb1qcGV0-00047-00024322-00024868 broker. The seller pays a 6% Commission to the list broker to get the home sold cwHwb1qcGV0-00048-00024868-00025381 and they share that Commission with the buyer agent. This is likely going to be cwHwb1qcGV0-00049-00025381-00025833 the biggest transaction of your life so you want a realtor to have your best cwHwb1qcGV0-00050-00025833-00026463 interest at heart. A realtor can give you access to the local MLS which stands for cwHwb1qcGV0-00051-00026463-00026788 multiple listing service. This is an online system cwHwb1qcGV0-00052-00026788-00027391 that all of the Realtors input listings into. This is the only way to get cwHwb1qcGV0-00053-00027391-00027922 immediate access to properties that come onto the market!! and Zillow cwHwb1qcGV0-00054-00027922-00028399 are back-linked from the MLS so there's not only a lag but they are notorious cwHwb1qcGV0-00055-00028399-00028770 for being inaccurate ! :( If you're serious about buying in the Charlottesville cwHwb1qcGV0-00056-00028770-00029263 market you need to have access to the MLS because it's a seller's market there cwHwb1qcGV0-00057-00029263-00029727 are more buyers than houses for sale and you need to make sure you're the first cwHwb1qcGV0-00058-00029727-00030228 buyer on the scene to have a chance of making an offer. Home buying tip number cwHwb1qcGV0-00059-00030228-00030802 four: How to find the right home. It's time to start actively looking for homes cwHwb1qcGV0-00060-00030802-00031333 now! When you find a home or homes that meet all of your criteria, call your cwHwb1qcGV0-00061-00031333-00031845 realtor and ask to schedule a private tour. Try to allow up to 24 hours notice cwHwb1qcGV0-00062-00031845-00032313 as a courtesy to the seller to get their home prepped for viewing and allow time cwHwb1qcGV0-00063-00032313-00032827 for your Realtor to schedule the showings. My best advice for buying a new cwHwb1qcGV0-00064-00032827-00033378 home is to slow down, overcome your emotions, and make a home purchase cwHwb1qcGV0-00065-00033378-00034027 decision that's best for your finances. Alright we've reached the end of video 1 cwHwb1qcGV0-00066-00034027-00034534 in this two-part video series on how to buy a house. Please make sure to like cwHwb1qcGV0-00067-00034534-00035065 this video if you found it helpful or comment if you have any questions. Let me cwHwb1qcGV0-00068-00035065-00035541 know if you plan to buy a house soon or what's your goal do you have a 5-year cwHwb1qcGV0-00069-00035541-00036150 plan? Let me know in the comments below. . . See you in part 2! cywmJHo54Dk-00000-00000866-00001406 In this video I will have a close look at an optical computer mouse used as linear sensor. cywmJHo54Dk-00001-00001560-00002013 The linear drive with the dial indicator has been used in the previous videos, too. cywmJHo54Dk-00002-00002330-00002706 The mouse is mounted directly on the carriage of the linear drive. cywmJHo54Dk-00003-00002776-00003400 A print with a fine line pattern is used as underlaying surface to get a high contrast for the mouse sensor. cywmJHo54Dk-00004-00003679-00004116 The data is forwarded to the Raspberry Pi using an USB interface. cywmJHo54Dk-00005-00004193-00004880 The mouse transmits the relative movement along the X and Y axis between two requests from the host computer. cywmJHo54Dk-00006-00004950-00005526 The absolute coordinates are computed by the Raspberry Pi and displayed on the second line of the Screen. cywmJHo54Dk-00007-00005830-00006459 When turning the wooden disc and so the threaded rod by hand there is basically a change in Y coordinates. cywmJHo54Dk-00008-00006540-00007646 Idealy, there should be no change along the X axis, however with that simple measurement setup, the optical sensor will never be perfectly aligned in parallel to the movement of the carriage. cywmJHo54Dk-00009-00007730-00008293 Furthermore, there will in fact be side movement of the carriage in the range of a couple of micrometers. cywmJHo54Dk-00010-00008520-00008926 The carriage is moved to zero on the dial indicator coming from left. cywmJHo54Dk-00011-00009016-00009320 Now, the mouse coordinates are reset to zero... cywmJHo54Dk-00012-00009456-00010150 ...and the carriage is moved to the right another turn of the indicator which equals a linear movement of 1 millimeter. cywmJHo54Dk-00013-00010230-00011226 The output of the optical sensor is 496 mouse steps along the Y axis which accords to a resolution of 12600 Dots Per Inch. cywmJHo54Dk-00014-00011293-00011793 That hits the specification of the manufacturer which is 12000DPI. cywmJHo54Dk-00015-00011933-00012493 In theory, we can detect a mouse movement of just 2 micrometers - not bad! cywmJHo54Dk-00016-00012833-00013153 The wooden disc can be driven by an electric motor. cywmJHo54Dk-00017-00013236-00013816 With an H bridge the Raspberry Pi can switch the Motor in either direction using two GPIOs. cywmJHo54Dk-00018-00013903-00014816 Because of the high resolution sensor of the computer mouse I am using a geared DC motor to make the disc spin slowly and smoothly without overshooting. cywmJHo54Dk-00019-00015130-00015500 The control loop is closed through the optical sensor of the mouse. cywmJHo54Dk-00020-00015800-00016219 With a keyboard I can change the set point and so move the carriage. cywmJHo54Dk-00021-00016620-00017900 In theory, one mouse step equals a movement of 2 micrometers, but as you can see, the indicator turns not in equal steps - the reading is in the range from 0 to almost 30 micrometers. cywmJHo54Dk-00022-00018430-00019016 One source of error is the linkage between mouse and carriage, which isn't free from backlash. cywmJHo54Dk-00023-00019090-00019586 I can deflect the mouse by hand apparently without making the indicator move. cywmJHo54Dk-00024-00019676-00020430 When released, the deflection is 8 steps along the y axis which accords to a movement of around 16 micrometers. cywmJHo54Dk-00025-00020843-00021446 Same as in the previous videos, the backlash of the mechanics is measured using the homebuilt spring scale. cywmJHo54Dk-00026-00022423-00022953 We get a maximal deflection of 30 micrometers - the mechanics is adjusted tightly. cywmJHo54Dk-00027-00023726-00024376 Let's move the carriage to the left until zero is reached on the dial indicator and reset the coordinates... cywmJHo54Dk-00028-00025186-00025773 ...move 128 mouse steps according to approximately 300 micrometers to the right... cywmJHo54Dk-00029-00026196-00026496 ...and back to the left the same number of mouse steps. cywmJHo54Dk-00030-00026733-00027083 The resulting error is almost 20 micrometers. cywmJHo54Dk-00031-00027810-00028536 Let's do this again with 256 mouse steps, according to almost 600 micrometers movement to the right... cywmJHo54Dk-00032-00030450-00031066 ...and back the same number of mouse steps to the left, the error is now around 30 micrometers. cywmJHo54Dk-00033-00031146-00031750 The result is worser than expected considering the high academical resolution of the mouse sensor. cywmJHo54Dk-00034-00032050-00032339 Let's modify the test procedure slightly: cywmJHo54Dk-00035-00032403-00032866 Again the carriage is driven to zero of the dial indicator coming from right,... cywmJHo54Dk-00036-00032933-00033626 ...moved to the right for 100 mouse steps, thus approximately 220 micrometers with full speed... cywmJHo54Dk-00037-00033710-00034030 ...and the same number of mouse steps back to the left. cywmJHo54Dk-00038-00034113-00034550 When moving back, the speed of the carriage is significantly lower. cywmJHo54Dk-00039-00034876-00035473 When zero is reached on the dial indicator, there are still 39 mouse steps left. cywmJHo54Dk-00040-00036050-00036566 Looks like the firmware of the mouse sensor can't detect slow movement reliably. cywmJHo54Dk-00041-00036926-00037700 Temporary the Raspberry Pi doesn't count down mouse steps even while the dial indicator continues turning slowly cywmJHo54Dk-00042-00037900-00039083 When the absolute value finally reaches zero, the resulting error on the dial indicator is 130 micrometers - the carriage is shifted to the left for this number of microns. cywmJHo54Dk-00043-00039406-00039626 Let's do another modification: cywmJHo54Dk-00044-00039753-00040453 Once again, the carriage is directed to zero on the dial indicator moving to the left and the coordinates are reset. cywmJHo54Dk-00045-00040903-00041276 Now, the carriage moves 200 mouse steps to the right... cywmJHo54Dk-00046-00041740-00042366 ...and with short breaks, thus with alternating speed the same number of mouse steps back to the left. cywmJHo54Dk-00047-00045080-00045450 The error after the first run is 20 micrometers. cywmJHo54Dk-00048-00045743-00046053 That procedure is repeated multiple times. cywmJHo54Dk-00049-00046616-00047846 After 15 runs, the error has added up to 140 micrometers, now to the right, even while the carriage moved back to the left with lower average speed than it was moving to the right! cywmJHo54Dk-00050-00047960-00049123 On it's way back to mouse zero, the sensor was accelerated and slowed down multiple times - once more the firmware of the image sensor seems to be in trouble detecting the movement correctly. cywmJHo54Dk-00051-00049383-00050250 I did some minor changes of the software running on the Raspberry Pi to display the peak relative change in mouse movement over time more clearly. cywmJHo54Dk-00052-00050340-00051146 While the carriage moves to the right with full speed, the relative change in Y coordinates is around 1 mouse step per loop run. cywmJHo54Dk-00053-00051436-00051996 During acceleration on it's way back to the left, the peak value is clearly higher. cywmJHo54Dk-00054-00052073-00052756 Looks like the firmware adds an extra boost to the relative change in coordinates whenever the mouse starts moving. cywmJHo54Dk-00055-00052833-00053920 I guess that this is a feature added to the code lines by the manufacturer of the mouse - the firmware is closed source and obviously it was not written with linear sensors in mind. cywmJHo54Dk-00056-00054023-00055206 The specifications for computer mice differ clearly from that of linear sensors for CNC machines which is why those devices should not come into considerations when creating a linear drives. cywmJHo54Dk-00057-00055493-00056440 By pushing a hardware button, the resolution of this computer mouse can be changed - it is now set to 3000DPI, which accords to the measurement. cywmJHo54Dk-00058-00056713-00057196 With the new setting, the carriage is again driven to the right with full speed... cywmJHo54Dk-00059-00057329-00057600 ...and back to the left with low speed,... cywmJHo54Dk-00060-00058043-00058476 what we get a drift to the left, same as with the high DPI setting. cywmJHo54Dk-00061-00059223-00060096 In the second test, the boost in coordinate change during acceleration also outweights the lower average speed when moving back to the left... cywmJHo54Dk-00062-00060170-00060603 that the carriage drifts to the right again under these conditions. cywmJHo54Dk-00063-00060970-00061523 My intention was to do the measurements again, using a second, very cheap computer mouse. cywmJHo54Dk-00064-00061766-00062096 However, this device behaves totally weird: cywmJHo54Dk-00065-00062176-00062970 This mouse seems to be sleepy and sometimes needs more than one millimeter of movement before sensing motion at all. cywmJHo54Dk-00066-00063090-00063523 Thats what makes this device totally useless in a linear drive. cywmJHo54Dk-00067-00063933-00064436 You can get the measurement data and more about linear drives on the project page. cywmJHo54Dk-00068-00064579-00064846 Thanks for watching and: "I'll be back!" cGrsKix4Wuu-00000-00000456-00000832 okay. cGrsKix4Wuu-00001-00000592-00000959 here we go all right so I'm Danny Lamb cGrsKix4Wuu-00002-00000832-00001304 Tech Lead for the Islandora cGrsKix4Wuu-00003-00000959-00001351 Foundation and I am here to talk to you cGrsKix4Wuu-00004-00001304-00001664 about cGrsKix4Wuu-00005-00001351-00001855 complex workflows with content cGrsKix4Wuu-00006-00001664-00002007 moderation. cGrsKix4Wuu-00007-00001855-00002184 so this is one of those nice topics cGrsKix4Wuu-00008-00002007-00002511 where I get to talk about something cGrsKix4Wuu-00009-00002184-00002768 and we do not have to do anything cGrsKix4Wuu-00010-00002511-00002816 in order to have complex workflows right cGrsKix4Wuu-00011-00002768-00002992 now cGrsKix4Wuu-00012-00002816-00003159 in Islandora a it's all handled with cGrsKix4Wuu-00013-00002992-00003496 contributed modules cGrsKix4Wuu-00014-00003159-00003655 so first off if if we're going to cGrsKix4Wuu-00015-00003496-00003976 talk about cGrsKix4Wuu-00016-00003655-00004264 workflows and content moderation really cGrsKix4Wuu-00017-00003976-00004344 it's all about revisions so in Drupal cGrsKix4Wuu-00018-00004264-00004616 parlance cGrsKix4Wuu-00019-00004344-00004712 a revision is analogous to a cGrsKix4Wuu-00020-00004616-00005087 version cGrsKix4Wuu-00021-00004712-00005296 in Fedora you store a sequence of them cGrsKix4Wuu-00022-00005087-00005407 in the database and you can use them to cGrsKix4Wuu-00023-00005296-00005712 to revert to a cGrsKix4Wuu-00024-00005407-00005823 to a previous state and it's important cGrsKix4Wuu-00025-00005712-00006112 to note that cGrsKix4Wuu-00026-00005823-00006184 even though there are many revisions cGrsKix4Wuu-00027-00006112-00006455 people will cGrsKix4Wuu-00028-00006184-00006576 only see one when they visit your site cGrsKix4Wuu-00029-00006455-00006968 and this is what's called cGrsKix4Wuu-00030-00006576-00006968 the default revision cGrsKix4Wuu-00031-00007015-00007520 so without cGrsKix4Wuu-00032-00007328-00007704 content moderation this is kind of what cGrsKix4Wuu-00033-00007520-00007968 happens over the life cycle of cGrsKix4Wuu-00034-00007704-00008128 some content so you create some content cGrsKix4Wuu-00035-00007968-00008464 and you slice a revision cGrsKix4Wuu-00036-00008128-00008775 and you make some edits and all of this cGrsKix4Wuu-00037-00008464-00008864 is done against the most current cGrsKix4Wuu-00038-00008775-00009096 revision cGrsKix4Wuu-00039-00008864-00009296 so in other words the default revision cGrsKix4Wuu-00040-00009096-00009584 is always the latest revision cGrsKix4Wuu-00041-00009296-00009768 and so everything is always done there cGrsKix4Wuu-00042-00009584-00009943 so people can see cGrsKix4Wuu-00043-00009768-00010096 what you're doing if you're editing cGrsKix4Wuu-00044-00009943-00010352 stuff cGrsKix4Wuu-00045-00010096-00010511 they're one in the same and so what if cGrsKix4Wuu-00046-00010352-00010600 you want to revise your work without cGrsKix4Wuu-00047-00010511-00010904 affecting what cGrsKix4Wuu-00048-00010600-00011247 your users see well cGrsKix4Wuu-00049-00010904-00011552 your content is cGrsKix4Wuu-00050-00011247-00011696 currently published and you may think cGrsKix4Wuu-00051-00011552-00011943 that by simply cGrsKix4Wuu-00052-00011696-00012120 unpublishing your content in Drupal cGrsKix4Wuu-00053-00011943-00012175 you're free to edit as you would see fit cGrsKix4Wuu-00054-00012120-00012471 and then just cGrsKix4Wuu-00055-00012175-00012656 republish the content but unfortunately cGrsKix4Wuu-00056-00012471-00012831 because the default revision is always cGrsKix4Wuu-00057-00012656-00013039 the most current one cGrsKix4Wuu-00058-00012831-00013240 while you're doing that editing your cGrsKix4Wuu-00059-00013039-00013368 users are going to receive 404s cGrsKix4Wuu-00060-00013240-00013559 it's going to look like the content cGrsKix4Wuu-00061-00013368-00013831 isn't available because it's it's cGrsKix4Wuu-00062-00013559-00013831 unpublished cGrsKix4Wuu-00063-00013904-00014663 so hence content moderation so cGrsKix4Wuu-00064-00014319-00015072 with content moderation after creating cGrsKix4Wuu-00065-00014663-00015400 editing and then publishing your content cGrsKix4Wuu-00066-00015072-00015712 you can create a new revision that is cGrsKix4Wuu-00067-00015400-00015831 unpublished but users are still directed cGrsKix4Wuu-00068-00015712-00016095 to the version cGrsKix4Wuu-00069-00015831-00016280 before you started tinkering so in other cGrsKix4Wuu-00070-00016095-00016536 words the default revision cGrsKix4Wuu-00071-00016280-00016808 is no longer the latest revision the cGrsKix4Wuu-00072-00016536-00017048 default revision is always the latest cGrsKix4Wuu-00073-00016808-00017208 published revision and it's a key cGrsKix4Wuu-00074-00017048-00017512 distinction cGrsKix4Wuu-00075-00017208-00017736 but content moderation cGrsKix4Wuu-00076-00017512-00017840 does a whole lot more than that the cGrsKix4Wuu-00077-00017736-00018064 module does cGrsKix4Wuu-00078-00017840-00018200 does a ton what if you want an editorial cGrsKix4Wuu-00079-00018064-00018400 workflow cGrsKix4Wuu-00080-00018200-00018512 so suppose that content creators need to cGrsKix4Wuu-00081-00018400-00018792 be able to cGrsKix4Wuu-00082-00018512-00019080 request a review from their editor cGrsKix4Wuu-00083-00018792-00019440 and editors need to be able to request cGrsKix4Wuu-00084-00019080-00019704 more work and in the end after some cGrsKix4Wuu-00085-00019440-00019815 back and forth you know the content is cGrsKix4Wuu-00086-00019704-00020095 eventually cGrsKix4Wuu-00087-00019815-00020264 published and then also you know cGrsKix4Wuu-00088-00020095-00020423 realistically speaking at any point in cGrsKix4Wuu-00089-00020264-00020808 time you need to be able to create cGrsKix4Wuu-00090-00020423-00021248 like start this whole cycle over again cGrsKix4Wuu-00091-00020808-00021248 so that you can iterate on the content cGrsKix4Wuu-00092-00021336-00021744 and so content moderation lets you cGrsKix4Wuu-00093-00021536-00021984 create these workflows cGrsKix4Wuu-00094-00021744-00022159 by letting you create two different cGrsKix4Wuu-00095-00021984-00022520 types of entities here cGrsKix4Wuu-00096-00022159-00022759 so you can have states cGrsKix4Wuu-00097-00022520-00022920 which are essentially different flavors cGrsKix4Wuu-00098-00022759-00023087 of published and unpublished cGrsKix4Wuu-00099-00022920-00023240 that it all boils down to whether or not cGrsKix4Wuu-00100-00023087-00023343 something is published or unpublished cGrsKix4Wuu-00101-00023240-00023600 but you can have cGrsKix4Wuu-00102-00023343-00023712 different variants of this to suit your cGrsKix4Wuu-00103-00023600-00023976 needs so cGrsKix4Wuu-00104-00023712-00024095 kind of in the workflow I just cGrsKix4Wuu-00105-00023976-00024295 described cGrsKix4Wuu-00106-00024095-00024415 you would have a draft when the content cGrsKix4Wuu-00107-00024295-00024679 creator is working on cGrsKix4Wuu-00108-00024415-00024808 it would be in review when the editor is cGrsKix4Wuu-00109-00024679-00025128 looking at it and then cGrsKix4Wuu-00110-00024808-00025320 when it's live it's published and then cGrsKix4Wuu-00111-00025128-00025639 transitions cGrsKix4Wuu-00112-00025320-00025832 you know move cGrsKix4Wuu-00113-00025639-00025968 content from one state to another so cGrsKix4Wuu-00114-00025832-00026183 this is when cGrsKix4Wuu-00115-00025968-00026352 the editor says this needs to work or cGrsKix4Wuu-00116-00026183-00026488 the content creator says I need review cGrsKix4Wuu-00117-00026352-00026663 or the editor finally says this is good cGrsKix4Wuu-00118-00026488-00027063 publish it it's a transition that cGrsKix4Wuu-00119-00026663-00027063 moves the content through these states cGrsKix4Wuu-00120-00027104-00027736 so the the content moderation cGrsKix4Wuu-00121-00027416-00028112 module in addition to kind of cGrsKix4Wuu-00122-00027736-00028383 decoupling the latest revision cGrsKix4Wuu-00123-00028112-00028552 from the latest published revision so cGrsKix4Wuu-00124-00028383-00028663 that you're free to edit things while cGrsKix4Wuu-00125-00028552-00028960 users still see cGrsKix4Wuu-00126-00028663-00029080 you know quote unquote stable content in cGrsKix4Wuu-00127-00028960-00029336 addition to that cGrsKix4Wuu-00128-00029080-00029488 it provides a UI for creating and cGrsKix4Wuu-00129-00029336-00029736 editing managing these cGrsKix4Wuu-00130-00029488-00029856 states and transitions and it also gives cGrsKix4Wuu-00131-00029736-00030200 you cGrsKix4Wuu-00132-00029856-00030424 permissions for each of the cGrsKix4Wuu-00133-00030200-00030600 transitions so you can designate cGrsKix4Wuu-00134-00030424-00030800 who can use them it's actually pretty cGrsKix4Wuu-00135-00030600-00031136 important we'll we'll touch on that cGrsKix4Wuu-00136-00030800-00031200 in a minute here but so the the user cGrsKix4Wuu-00137-00031136-00031568 interface cGrsKix4Wuu-00138-00031200-00031888 is available at admin config cGrsKix4Wuu-00139-00031568-00032175 workflow and then workflows is cGrsKix4Wuu-00140-00031888-00032272 the module or is the is the the title cGrsKix4Wuu-00141-00032175-00032447 that you click on cGrsKix4Wuu-00142-00032272-00032656 and the reason why it's called workflows cGrsKix4Wuu-00143-00032447-00032903 and not content moderation is that cGrsKix4Wuu-00144-00032656-00032991 these entity types are actually defined cGrsKix4Wuu-00145-00032903-00033247 in a core cGrsKix4Wuu-00146-00032991-00033463 workflow module and content moderation cGrsKix4Wuu-00147-00033247-00033656 just provides the UI cGrsKix4Wuu-00148-00033463-00033847 for it so that's why it doesn't say cGrsKix4Wuu-00149-00033656-00034175 content moderation in the name there cGrsKix4Wuu-00150-00033847-00034391 but as you can see I've cGrsKix4Wuu-00151-00034175-00034480 I have built out that entire editorial cGrsKix4Wuu-00152-00034391-00034703 workflow cGrsKix4Wuu-00153-00034480-00034928 from my example slide this is it cGrsKix4Wuu-00154-00034703-00035112 there's three states draft interview and cGrsKix4Wuu-00155-00034928-00035480 published and then there's three cGrsKix4Wuu-00156-00035112-00035784 transitions needs work these review cGrsKix4Wuu-00157-00035480-00035856 and publish and it's actually incredibly cGrsKix4Wuu-00158-00035784-00036080 straightforward cGrsKix4Wuu-00159-00035856-00036208 to use this you know like certainly cGrsKix4Wuu-00160-00036080-00036375 there's a learning curve as there is cGrsKix4Wuu-00161-00036208-00036728 with everything but if you kind of just cGrsKix4Wuu-00162-00036375-00036944 open up the UI and start bubbling around cGrsKix4Wuu-00163-00036728-00037152 you'll sort it out pretty quickly what cGrsKix4Wuu-00164-00036944-00037328 you need to do cGrsKix4Wuu-00165-00037152-00037512 so just as an example here I'll walk you cGrsKix4Wuu-00166-00037328-00037600 through some of the other screens in the cGrsKix4Wuu-00167-00037512-00037880 UI cGrsKix4Wuu-00168-00037600-00038016 so you can create states basically just cGrsKix4Wuu-00169-00037880-00038247 give it a name cGrsKix4Wuu-00170-00038016-00038400 and then really you can say whether cGrsKix4Wuu-00171-00038247-00038744 this is a published state cGrsKix4Wuu-00172-00038400-00038872 or an unpublished state cGrsKix4Wuu-00173-00038744-00039080 and that's really all you'll ever mess cGrsKix4Wuu-00174-00038872-00039416 with there's another cGrsKix4Wuu-00175-00039080-00039591 spot under there for default revision so cGrsKix4Wuu-00176-00039416-00039744 I've played with this for quite a bit cGrsKix4Wuu-00177-00039591-00039936 I've still not actually figured out the cGrsKix4Wuu-00178-00039744-00040031 real use for this cGrsKix4Wuu-00179-00039936-00040319 whether or not you would make something cGrsKix4Wuu-00180-00040031-00040680 a default revision all of the published cGrsKix4Wuu-00181-00040319-00040856 states become default it's like that cGrsKix4Wuu-00182-00040680-00040944 checkbox is automatically checked if you cGrsKix4Wuu-00183-00040856-00041184 check cGrsKix4Wuu-00184-00040944-00041344 publish and so really designating cGrsKix4Wuu-00185-00041184-00041440 something as a default revision would cGrsKix4Wuu-00186-00041344-00041624 only cGrsKix4Wuu-00187-00041440-00041744 really work out if you were doing some cGrsKix4Wuu-00188-00041624-00042000 kind of internal cGrsKix4Wuu-00189-00041744-00042088 only workflow where the content is never cGrsKix4Wuu-00190-00042000-00042400 published cGrsKix4Wuu-00191-00042088-00042528 and then this would be useful but cGrsKix4Wuu-00192-00042400-00042624 that just doesn't really seem to fall in cGrsKix4Wuu-00193-00042528-00042952 line with any of our cGrsKix4Wuu-00194-00042624-00042952 our use cases right now cGrsKix4Wuu-00195-00043040-00043640 you can also create transitions cGrsKix4Wuu-00196-00043384-00043791 again give it a label basically and then cGrsKix4Wuu-00197-00043640-00043991 from there there's like a mini to one cGrsKix4Wuu-00198-00043791-00044112 mapping where you say here's the the cGrsKix4Wuu-00199-00043991-00044408 from cGrsKix4Wuu-00200-00044112-00044456 states you know and then these all lead cGrsKix4Wuu-00201-00044408-00044663 to cGrsKix4Wuu-00202-00044456-00044863 and then you pick a single a single cGrsKix4Wuu-00203-00044663-00045103 state cGrsKix4Wuu-00204-00044863-00045216 and that's that's pretty much it that's cGrsKix4Wuu-00205-00045103-00045624 that is the UI cGrsKix4Wuu-00206-00045216-00045824 for for building workflows in Drupal cGrsKix4Wuu-00207-00045624-00046000 earlier I mentioned that each cGrsKix4Wuu-00208-00045824-00046303 transition cGrsKix4Wuu-00209-00046000-00046456 gets its own permission and so this is cGrsKix4Wuu-00210-00046303-00046624 super important because you're going to cGrsKix4Wuu-00211-00046456-00046968 be creating cGrsKix4Wuu-00212-00046624-00047063 different roles for all of these cGrsKix4Wuu-00213-00046968-00047303 people cGrsKix4Wuu-00214-00047063-00047440 so in my example I had a content cGrsKix4Wuu-00215-00047303-00047600 creator and an editor cGrsKix4Wuu-00216-00047440-00047775 here I'm just saying that the content cGrsKix4Wuu-00217-00047600-00047800 creator is like an authenticated user cGrsKix4Wuu-00218-00047775-00048103 just cGrsKix4Wuu-00219-00047800-00048503 anyone who signs in and then I made cGrsKix4Wuu-00220-00048103-00048791 a special role for editors cGrsKix4Wuu-00221-00048503-00049087 and so you can lock down essentially cGrsKix4Wuu-00222-00048791-00049087 each transition cGrsKix4Wuu-00223-00049103-00049784 per roll so the editor is cGrsKix4Wuu-00224-00049416-00050040 in my example the only one able to use cGrsKix4Wuu-00225-00049784-00050112 the publish transition and then all of cGrsKix4Wuu-00226-00050040-00050368 the other cGrsKix4Wuu-00227-00050112-00050431 transitions need needs review needs cGrsKix4Wuu-00228-00050368-00050616 work cGrsKix4Wuu-00229-00050431-00050775 the authenticated user can do that so cGrsKix4Wuu-00230-00050616-00050840 they can say hey I need review from the cGrsKix4Wuu-00231-00050775-00051040 editor cGrsKix4Wuu-00232-00050840-00051184 or if they see something and they see it cGrsKix4Wuu-00233-00051040-00051432 needs work then they can kick it cGrsKix4Wuu-00234-00051184-00051512 back to the draft state and they can say cGrsKix4Wuu-00235-00051432-00051624 no this still cGrsKix4Wuu-00236-00051512-00051888 this still needs work like you're cGrsKix4Wuu-00237-00051624-00052183 allowed to basically say that yourself cGrsKix4Wuu-00238-00051888-00052376 but in doing this then when you cGrsKix4Wuu-00239-00052183-00052479 actually go to kick the content around cGrsKix4Wuu-00240-00052376-00052655 between the states cGrsKix4Wuu-00241-00052479-00052855 in the little block that shows up above cGrsKix4Wuu-00242-00052655-00052991 your content now this actually locks cGrsKix4Wuu-00243-00052855-00053160 down on the drop down cGrsKix4Wuu-00244-00052991-00053320 what states you're allowed to cGrsKix4Wuu-00245-00053160-00053648 transition to cGrsKix4Wuu-00246-00053320-00053648 and it's it's pretty effective cGrsKix4Wuu-00247-00053695-00054191 so you can move stuff around cGrsKix4Wuu-00248-00054032-00054376 from state to state and well that's cGrsKix4Wuu-00249-00054191-00054672 great and while something may cGrsKix4Wuu-00250-00054376-00054736 actually eventually get published cGrsKix4Wuu-00251-00054672-00054888 nothing cGrsKix4Wuu-00252-00054736-00055032 really is actually happening when you're cGrsKix4Wuu-00253-00054888-00055183 transitioning around between those cGrsKix4Wuu-00254-00055032-00055520 states cGrsKix4Wuu-00255-00055183-00055951 but but you can quite easily cGrsKix4Wuu-00256-00055520-00056183 react to transitions and and so cGrsKix4Wuu-00257-00055951-00056416 the documentation or should I say block cGrsKix4Wuu-00258-00056183-00056583 posts you know et cetera that are cGrsKix4Wuu-00259-00056416-00056808 that are out there are all about using cGrsKix4Wuu-00260-00056583-00056895 the rules module in order to do this and cGrsKix4Wuu-00261-00056808-00057095 we'll talk more cGrsKix4Wuu-00262-00056895-00057312 we could certainly use context to do it cGrsKix4Wuu-00263-00057095-00057472 like we do with the rest of Islandora 8 cGrsKix4Wuu-00264-00057312-00057736 but rules give this to you out of the cGrsKix4Wuu-00265-00057472-00057983 box so it's at least worth exploring cGrsKix4Wuu-00266-00057736-00058248 and I'm going to show you how you can cGrsKix4Wuu-00267-00057983-00058679 basically respond to events here cGrsKix4Wuu-00268-00058248-00059032 throughout this workflow so cGrsKix4Wuu-00269-00058679-00059295 rules if you enable it cGrsKix4Wuu-00270-00059032-00059472 it has a user interface that's actually cGrsKix4Wuu-00271-00059295-00059648 in the same category as the content cGrsKix4Wuu-00272-00059472-00059727 moderation UI so it's admin config cGrsKix4Wuu-00273-00059648-00060088 workflow cGrsKix4Wuu-00274-00059727-00060255 and then it's just rules and this is cGrsKix4Wuu-00275-00060088-00060448 a screenshot of the user interface this cGrsKix4Wuu-00276-00060255-00060712 is like as if you had essentially cGrsKix4Wuu-00277-00060448-00060824 you know nothing at this point but what cGrsKix4Wuu-00278-00060712-00061160 you're going to do cGrsKix4Wuu-00279-00060824-00061391 is simply add a reaction rule cGrsKix4Wuu-00280-00061160-00061479 and what I'm going to try to do is set cGrsKix4Wuu-00281-00061391-00061824 it up cGrsKix4Wuu-00282-00061479-00062127 well what I did is cGrsKix4Wuu-00283-00061824-00062312 set it up to notify a user when cGrsKix4Wuu-00284-00062127-00062472 content has been moved from draft to in cGrsKix4Wuu-00285-00062312-00062551 review to notify the editor that it cGrsKix4Wuu-00286-00062472-00062855 needs to be cGrsKix4Wuu-00287-00062551-00063064 in review so I added a reaction rule for cGrsKix4Wuu-00288-00062855-00063272 that cGrsKix4Wuu-00289-00063064-00063407 when you click add a reaction rule you cGrsKix4Wuu-00290-00063272-00063704 can choose an event cGrsKix4Wuu-00291-00063407-00063936 important thing here is just this after cGrsKix4Wuu-00292-00063704-00064167 updating a content moderation state cGrsKix4Wuu-00293-00063936-00064264 which does not really you know at face cGrsKix4Wuu-00294-00064167-00064495 value say hey cGrsKix4Wuu-00295-00064264-00064664 I'm transitioning content between cGrsKix4Wuu-00296-00064495-00064879 between states it doesn't really cGrsKix4Wuu-00297-00064664-00064991 scream that let's say but that's what cGrsKix4Wuu-00298-00064879-00065207 you pick cGrsKix4Wuu-00299-00064991-00065351 and then I gave it a label so that I cGrsKix4Wuu-00300-00065207-00065544 I just so I know what it is so this cGrsKix4Wuu-00301-00065351-00065792 one's notify for cGrsKix4Wuu-00302-00065544-00065872 for review and then once that's set cGrsKix4Wuu-00303-00065792-00066039 up cGrsKix4Wuu-00304-00065872-00066207 it's it's surprisingly similar to cGrsKix4Wuu-00305-00066039-00066520 context although, cGrsKix4Wuu-00306-00066207-00066632 and I'm being nice here, way cGrsKix4Wuu-00307-00066520-00066920 clunkier cGrsKix4Wuu-00308-00066632-00067104 so you can add a condition this one's cGrsKix4Wuu-00309-00066920-00067144 called data comparison so I'm actually cGrsKix4Wuu-00310-00067104-00067536 just cGrsKix4Wuu-00311-00067144-00067839 going to check what the moderation state cGrsKix4Wuu-00312-00067536-00068024 is and there's this cGrsKix4Wuu-00313-00067839-00068160 big long data selector here that looks cGrsKix4Wuu-00314-00068024-00068392 like gibberish cGrsKix4Wuu-00315-00068160-00068576 in that first text field but there's cGrsKix4Wuu-00316-00068392-00068848 actually an auto complete to help you cGrsKix4Wuu-00317-00068576-00069007 navigate through that mess cGrsKix4Wuu-00318-00068848-00069168 but essentially I just say and this took cGrsKix4Wuu-00319-00069007-00069312 me a while this was the hard part was cGrsKix4Wuu-00320-00069168-00069456 what do I type into this first text cGrsKix4Wuu-00321-00069312-00069720 field in order to get it to go cGrsKix4Wuu-00322-00069456-00069920 that was really the only difficult part cGrsKix4Wuu-00323-00069720-00070127 and once I figured out that this cGrsKix4Wuu-00324-00069920-00070239 content moderation state dot moderation cGrsKix4Wuu-00325-00070127-00070432 state state.moderationstate.value once I cGrsKix4Wuu-00326-00070239-00070704 realized that was the deal cGrsKix4Wuu-00327-00070432-00070776 everything else fell into place so I'm cGrsKix4Wuu-00328-00070704-00071000 just saying cGrsKix4Wuu-00329-00070776-00071168 make sure that this is the same as in cGrsKix4Wuu-00330-00071000-00071336 review so it's down there at the cGrsKix4Wuu-00331-00071168-00071480 at the bottom basically you just give it cGrsKix4Wuu-00332-00071336-00071800 the machine cGrsKix4Wuu-00333-00071480-00071983 name of your state and that's it so now cGrsKix4Wuu-00334-00071800-00072360 I have a rule that checks cGrsKix4Wuu-00335-00071983-00072672 to see if content is in review cGrsKix4Wuu-00336-00072360-00072736 and then I added an action to react cGrsKix4Wuu-00337-00072672-00072927 to it cGrsKix4Wuu-00338-00072736-00073048 and there are lots of actions that are cGrsKix4Wuu-00339-00072927-00073200 available through rules cGrsKix4Wuu-00340-00073048-00073400 the one that I'm using right now is just cGrsKix4Wuu-00341-00073200-00073712 the basic system one to cGrsKix4Wuu-00342-00073400-00073944 basically set up a little splash cGrsKix4Wuu-00343-00073712-00074063 notification the next time the page is cGrsKix4Wuu-00344-00073944-00074432 loaded cGrsKix4Wuu-00345-00074063-00074816 so this one just says this is ready for cGrsKix4Wuu-00346-00074432-00074951 review and then cGrsKix4Wuu-00347-00074816-00075112 you can tell if you want to have like a cGrsKix4Wuu-00348-00074951-00075239 warning or error you know so it can be cGrsKix4Wuu-00349-00075112-00075560 green or red or cGrsKix4Wuu-00350-00075239-00075783 yellow the exclamation point and that's cGrsKix4Wuu-00351-00075560-00075983 that's it so if you go through and cGrsKix4Wuu-00352-00075783-00076312 here's that little cGrsKix4Wuu-00353-00075983-00076463 block to change the moderation state cGrsKix4Wuu-00354-00076312-00076639 that I was talking about cGrsKix4Wuu-00355-00076463-00076936 if I take something and I move it from cGrsKix4Wuu-00356-00076639-00077272 draft to in review then I get this nice cGrsKix4Wuu-00357-00076936-00077527 little notification at the top cGrsKix4Wuu-00358-00077272-00077624 and that's it so that's a really kind of cGrsKix4Wuu-00359-00077527-00077927 dumb cGrsKix4Wuu-00360-00077624-00078048 example of reacting to a workflow cGrsKix4Wuu-00361-00077927-00078472 transition cGrsKix4Wuu-00362-00078048-00078632 but it it certainly can be expanded upon cGrsKix4Wuu-00363-00078472-00078783 and you can certainly do more useful cGrsKix4Wuu-00364-00078632-00078912 things so cGrsKix4Wuu-00365-00078783-00079088 you know really you should let Drupal cGrsKix4Wuu-00366-00078912-00079224 work for you cGrsKix4Wuu-00367-00079088-00079448 and you can really automate anything cGrsKix4Wuu-00368-00079224-00079720 rules can do which is a ton cGrsKix4Wuu-00369-00079448-00079783 so you know rules can edit content it cGrsKix4Wuu-00370-00079720-00080024 can cGrsKix4Wuu-00371-00079783-00080160 you know create a new node or something cGrsKix4Wuu-00372-00080024-00080560 it can create new content cGrsKix4Wuu-00373-00080160-00080800 it can update existing content cGrsKix4Wuu-00374-00080560-00081016 I had it splash a notification but you cGrsKix4Wuu-00375-00080800-00081224 can also have it you know if you cGrsKix4Wuu-00376-00081016-00081392 set up php properly you can have it send cGrsKix4Wuu-00377-00081224-00081568 out an email you can even have it send cGrsKix4Wuu-00378-00081392-00081792 out an email to everyone cGrsKix4Wuu-00379-00081568-00081951 of a particular role and so what would cGrsKix4Wuu-00380-00081792-00082192 have been really useful is I could say cGrsKix4Wuu-00381-00081951-00082439 hey why don't you just email blast cGrsKix4Wuu-00382-00082192-00082519 all of the editors as soon as someone cGrsKix4Wuu-00383-00082439-00082736 says cGrsKix4Wuu-00384-00082519-00082848 content is ready for review right and so cGrsKix4Wuu-00385-00082736-00083072 there's just cGrsKix4Wuu-00386-00082848-00083232 there's just a ton of possibilities out cGrsKix4Wuu-00387-00083072-00083376 there and there's a lot of you know cGrsKix4Wuu-00388-00083232-00083680 integrations with rules cGrsKix4Wuu-00389-00083376-00083912 out there so there's just really just cGrsKix4Wuu-00390-00083680-00084295 lots of opportunity to do new things cGrsKix4Wuu-00391-00083912-00084551 lots of room for innovation here cGrsKix4Wuu-00392-00084295-00084680 and so I'm cognizant of the time cGrsKix4Wuu-00393-00084551-00085056 here I'm going to be cGrsKix4Wuu-00394-00084680-00085336 running out soon but I would just say cGrsKix4Wuu-00395-00085056-00085472 it's awesome what you can brick together cGrsKix4Wuu-00396-00085336-00085776 with core modules cGrsKix4Wuu-00397-00085472-00085960 and contrib modules is incredibly cGrsKix4Wuu-00398-00085776-00086176 powerful cGrsKix4Wuu-00399-00085960-00086360 but it's always got a little slant and cGrsKix4Wuu-00400-00086176-00086480 it's Drupal and there's kind of opinions cGrsKix4Wuu-00401-00086360-00086672 there and you've got to work with the cGrsKix4Wuu-00402-00086480-00087104 opinion so I say it's awesome but just cGrsKix4Wuu-00403-00086672-00087312 still not perfect the first one is that cGrsKix4Wuu-00404-00087104-00087439 we really need integration for our cGrsKix4Wuu-00405-00087312-00087832 custom actions cGrsKix4Wuu-00406-00087439-00088088 so we do a lot of stuff using cGrsKix4Wuu-00407-00087832-00088224 actions the actions essentially are what cGrsKix4Wuu-00408-00088088-00088424 connect us to cGrsKix4Wuu-00409-00088224-00088607 the services stephen talked about that cGrsKix4Wuu-00410-00088424-00088751 in his presentation cGrsKix4Wuu-00411-00088607-00088960 and so we have a time like indexing cGrsKix4Wuu-00412-00088751-00089200 content in Fedora or indexing content in cGrsKix4Wuu-00413-00088960-00089463 the triple store or deleting content cGrsKix4Wuu-00414-00089200-00089624 all of this stuff generating derivatives cGrsKix4Wuu-00415-00089463-00089768 all of that is done with actions cGrsKix4Wuu-00416-00089624-00090039 and so we really just need to find a way cGrsKix4Wuu-00417-00089768-00090200 to shim those actions into rules cGrsKix4Wuu-00418-00090039-00090360 if we do that then you could have cGrsKix4Wuu-00419-00090200-00090448 really powerful workflows where you cGrsKix4Wuu-00420-00090360-00090663 could do stuff cGrsKix4Wuu-00421-00090448-00090792 and the content's there and a user cGrsKix4Wuu-00422-00090663-00090880 uploads it and it kind of goes into cGrsKix4Wuu-00423-00090792-00091127 mediation cGrsKix4Wuu-00424-00090880-00091224 and then when you say done you know cGrsKix4Wuu-00425-00091127-00091480 published cGrsKix4Wuu-00426-00091224-00091544 maybe then it indexes the content into cGrsKix4Wuu-00427-00091480-00091663 Fedora cGrsKix4Wuu-00428-00091544-00091816 or something like that there's just a cGrsKix4Wuu-00429-00091663-00091912 whole lot of more opportunities that we cGrsKix4Wuu-00430-00091816-00092232 would have cGrsKix4Wuu-00431-00091912-00092312 if we got that that full integration cGrsKix4Wuu-00432-00092232-00092512 in cGrsKix4Wuu-00433-00092312-00092751 the other thing is that the rules user cGrsKix4Wuu-00434-00092512-00093063 experience the user interface cGrsKix4Wuu-00435-00092751-00093183 off you know when we were first cGrsKix4Wuu-00436-00093063-00093375 developing cGrsKix4Wuu-00437-00093183-00093600 Islandora 8 back when it was 7.x-2.x cGrsKix4Wuu-00438-00093375-00093672 and even for a while when it cGrsKix4Wuu-00439-00093600-00093968 was 8 cGrsKix4Wuu-00440-00093672-00094056 we actually did use rules and we moved cGrsKix4Wuu-00441-00093968-00094216 on cGrsKix4Wuu-00442-00094056-00094416 for a couple of reasons one is that cGrsKix4Wuu-00443-00094216-00094760 rules was having a hard time cGrsKix4Wuu-00444-00094416-00094888 actually releasing for da and notice cGrsKix4Wuu-00445-00094760-00094951 that the user experience is pretty cGrsKix4Wuu-00446-00094888-00095072 clunky cGrsKix4Wuu-00447-00094951-00095200 you got to know what you're doing you cGrsKix4Wuu-00448-00095072-00095319 got to know what you're typing cGrsKix4Wuu-00449-00095200-00095439 everything is done with this auto cGrsKix4Wuu-00450-00095319-00095607 complete but cGrsKix4Wuu-00451-00095439-00095760 that doesn't really mean it's intuitive cGrsKix4Wuu-00452-00095607-00095992 what you're auto completing on cGrsKix4Wuu-00453-00095760-00096207 or what you're looking for and you know cGrsKix4Wuu-00454-00095992-00096407 we chose context because cGrsKix4Wuu-00455-00096207-00096527 context let us actually build out forms cGrsKix4Wuu-00456-00096407-00096783 and use widgets cGrsKix4Wuu-00457-00096527-00096927 and use things other than essentially cGrsKix4Wuu-00458-00096783-00097112 just text fields because that's really cGrsKix4Wuu-00459-00096927-00097256 all the rules forms are as you're just cGrsKix4Wuu-00460-00097112-00097432 kind of punching in text and you need to cGrsKix4Wuu-00461-00097256-00097727 know the machinings of everything cGrsKix4Wuu-00462-00097432-00098039 and stuff like that and so another cGrsKix4Wuu-00463-00097727-00098392 possibility for us is to actually just cGrsKix4Wuu-00464-00098039-00098568 recreate the event that happens in rules cGrsKix4Wuu-00465-00098392-00098712 and then just integrate that in context cGrsKix4Wuu-00466-00098568-00098863 and then we already have cGrsKix4Wuu-00467-00098712-00099056 our custom actions and stuff like that cGrsKix4Wuu-00468-00098863-00099183 so there's kind of two potential paths cGrsKix4Wuu-00469-00099056-00099480 forward there for us cGrsKix4Wuu-00470-00099183-00099639 to get that full integration and cGrsKix4Wuu-00471-00099480-00099760 that's the other thing maybe to watch cGrsKix4Wuu-00472-00099639-00099888 out for cGrsKix4Wuu-00473-00099760-00100072 node and media publishing is cGrsKix4Wuu-00474-00099888-00100144 disconnected this isn't really a cGrsKix4Wuu-00475-00100072-00100351 workflow cGrsKix4Wuu-00476-00100144-00100551 issue this is just an Islandora as it cGrsKix4Wuu-00477-00100351-00100775 is right now kind of issue cGrsKix4Wuu-00478-00100551-00100936 and in some ways that's really good to cGrsKix4Wuu-00479-00100775-00101000 have that freedom for you to be able to cGrsKix4Wuu-00480-00100936-00101192 do things cGrsKix4Wuu-00481-00101000-00101407 independently but sometimes you would cGrsKix4Wuu-00482-00101192-00101527 expect that if you unpublished a node cGrsKix4Wuu-00483-00101407-00101736 that the media would also get cGrsKix4Wuu-00484-00101527-00101863 unpublished or vice versa that you cGrsKix4Wuu-00485-00101736-00101992 publish something you make it public cGrsKix4Wuu-00486-00101863-00102119 then you would expect everything cGrsKix4Wuu-00487-00101992-00102295 else that was under lockdown to also cGrsKix4Wuu-00488-00102119-00102528 become published and so you just need to cGrsKix4Wuu-00489-00102295-00102679 be cognizant of that for the time being cGrsKix4Wuu-00490-00102528-00102831 and just make sure you set up extra cGrsKix4Wuu-00491-00102679-00103024 rules in order to like you know cGrsKix4Wuu-00492-00102831-00103191 turn on all the media and stuff like cGrsKix4Wuu-00493-00103024-00103472 that cGrsKix4Wuu-00494-00103191-00103624 as well so so there. there's my, so it's cGrsKix4Wuu-00495-00103472-00103759 not all just tech lead hand wavy cGrsKix4Wuu-00496-00103624-00103879 goodness there, there's there's a good cGrsKix4Wuu-00497-00103759-00104103 dose of reality. cGrsKix4Wuu-00498-00103879-00104207 but again it's just crazy what you cGrsKix4Wuu-00499-00104103-00104472 can do cGrsKix4Wuu-00500-00104207-00104624 using all third-party tools here so all cGrsKix4Wuu-00501-00104472-00104767 right I'll I'll cut it off there because cGrsKix4Wuu-00502-00104624-00105088 I have a tendency to to go cGrsKix4Wuu-00503-00104767-00105272 on and on and I'll just yield cGrsKix4Wuu-00504-00105088-00105488 for questions but thanks for your cGrsKix4Wuu-00505-00105272-00105488 time cGrsKix4Wuu-00506-00106128-00106544 [Melissa:] all right first question up: I assume cGrsKix4Wuu-00507-00106383-00106759 there is also a way to have a list of cGrsKix4Wuu-00508-00106544-00106976 publications for the specific state cGrsKix4Wuu-00509-00106759-00107352 only visible for users with a cGrsKix4Wuu-00510-00106976-00107352 specific role. would it be Views? cGrsKix4Wuu-00511-00107376-00108016 [Danny:] yes sure users with a specific role cGrsKix4Wuu-00512-00107744-00108096 are allowed to view content by a certain cGrsKix4Wuu-00513-00108016-00108352 state cGrsKix4Wuu-00514-00108096-00108496 I'm sure you could use a views filter to cGrsKix4Wuu-00515-00108352-00108759 do that cGrsKix4Wuu-00516-00108496-00108759 absolutely. cGrsKix4Wuu-00517-00108832-00109279 permissions by term is also essentially cGrsKix4Wuu-00518-00109048-00109583 that. so if you were to cGrsKix4Wuu-00519-00109279-00109728 tag things as part of your workflow then cGrsKix4Wuu-00520-00109583-00110024 you could latch on to permissions by cGrsKix4Wuu-00521-00109728-00110024 term to do that as well. cGrsKix4Wuu-00522-00110111-00110479 [Melissa:] this next one is not a question but more cGrsKix4Wuu-00523-00110359-00110679 of a comment. cGrsKix4Wuu-00524-00110479-00110824 instead of using a page level message it cGrsKix4Wuu-00525-00110679-00111064 would be useful to be able to allow a cGrsKix4Wuu-00526-00110824-00111264 reviewer to annotate a specific field cGrsKix4Wuu-00527-00111064-00111567 for example to tell an editor exactly cGrsKix4Wuu-00528-00111264-00111567 what to do/fix. cGrsKix4Wuu-00529-00111591-00112032 [Danny:] yeah. yes. I mean, I'm giving like the cGrsKix4Wuu-00530-00111808-00112328 dumbest example I can possibly give, cGrsKix4Wuu-00531-00112032-00112408 but if you were to email and stuff cGrsKix4Wuu-00532-00112328-00112600 like that cGrsKix4Wuu-00533-00112408-00112767 you could certainly script out a cGrsKix4Wuu-00534-00112600-00112952 message that you could say like check cGrsKix4Wuu-00535-00112767-00113048 what fields were changed and then here's cGrsKix4Wuu-00536-00112952-00113328 what changed or cGrsKix4Wuu-00537-00113048-00113483 or something like that. but but yes cGrsKix4Wuu-00538-00113328-00113648 that certainly would be much more useful cGrsKix4Wuu-00539-00113648-00114624 than the dummy example I just gave. cGHKQHhDU8A-00000-00000053-00000506 Welcome to this video on Open Educational Resources: A Brief Exploration. cGHKQHhDU8A-00001-00000506-00000671 Let's get started. cGHKQHhDU8A-00002-00000671-00000921 So what is OER? cGHKQHhDU8A-00003-00000921-00001734 OER consists of content such as articles, books, audio, images, video, software and cGHKQHhDU8A-00004-00001734-00002650 digital tools that one is licensed to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute. cGHKQHhDU8A-00005-00002650-00003097 The idea is that you can take all sorts of interesting material out there--book chapters, cGHKQHhDU8A-00006-00003097-00003653 images, articles--and mix them together as well as edit and augment them as you see fit cGHKQHhDU8A-00007-00003653-00004132 and then provide to your students as their learning materials. cGHKQHhDU8A-00008-00004132-00004680 Now all of this is done through what's called Creative Commons licenses or CC licenses. cGHKQHhDU8A-00009-00004680-00005124 For those not familiar with copyright, when you want to use a copyrighted work, you have cGHKQHhDU8A-00010-00005124-00005562 to get explicit permission to use that work from the copyright holder. cGHKQHhDU8A-00011-00005562-00006058 With CC licensing, that idea is flipped on its head and the creator provides this license cGHKQHhDU8A-00012-00006058-00006681 so that people can freely use the creator's content with some stipulations but does not cGHKQHhDU8A-00013-00006681-00007014 have to ask permission; it's granted from the beginning. cGHKQHhDU8A-00014-00007014-00007609 Those stipulations are usually clarified in the license to expectations around attribution, cGHKQHhDU8A-00015-00007609-00008075 resharing of the content you might create with the author's content, clarity around cGHKQHhDU8A-00016-00008075-00008674 whether you can profit from using the work, and whether you are allowed to alter the work. cGHKQHhDU8A-00017-00008674-00009607 Since 2004, CC licenses has become quite popular with over 1.1 billion licenses created in cGHKQHhDU8A-00018-00009607-00009785 the first 13 years. cGHKQHhDU8A-00019-00009785-00010392 You can find material with CC licenses in an abundance of places such as Flickr, YouTube, cGHKQHhDU8A-00020-00010392-00010950 the Internet Archive, Public Library of Sceince and many more. cGHKQHhDU8A-00021-00010950-00011518 To know if something has a CC license or not, you'll want to look for the CC icon accompanied cGHKQHhDU8A-00022-00011518-00011868 by any of the limitations on the left side that we mentioned. cGHKQHhDU8A-00023-00011868-00012499 If you came across this particular license, then you would know it was Creative Commons cGHKQHhDU8A-00024-00012499-00013072 licenses that requires attribution and for the user to share-alike should they use the cGHKQHhDU8A-00025-00013072-00013240 content in any way. cGHKQHhDU8A-00026-00013240-00013519 Why use oer? cGHKQHhDU8A-00027-00013519-00013790 There's benefits for both students and faculty. cGHKQHhDU8A-00028-00013790-00014361 For students, it means reducing the cost of expensivel textbooks. Student may pay over cGHKQHhDU8A-00029-00014361-00014928 $1000 a year for textbooks; that's about $4000 by the end of their education. cGHKQHhDU8A-00030-00014928-00015670 Because textbooks are expensive, students often won't pay or can't pay for the textbooks. cGHKQHhDU8A-00031-00015670-00016106 This means students may not take a course or take it but jeopardize their success by cGHKQHhDU8A-00032-00016106-00016353 not obtaining the required materials. cGHKQHhDU8A-00033-00016353-00016998 Also, with OER, students can gain access to the materials on the first day or earlier cGHKQHhDU8A-00034-00016998-00017145 if the instructor desires. cGHKQHhDU8A-00035-00017145-00017673 There's no long worrying about the right edition or waiting for financial aid vouchers; instant cGHKQHhDU8A-00036-00017673-00017994 access on day one. cGHKQHhDU8A-00037-00017994-00018186 Students can also have permanent access. cGHKQHhDU8A-00038-00018186-00018611 They can hold and own that material for as long as they want. cGHKQHhDU8A-00039-00018611-00019070 Typically with textboooks, they will sell it back to get some money back. cGHKQHhDU8A-00040-00019070-00019523 If they're using a digital textbook, they often only have access for a limited time cGHKQHhDU8A-00041-00019523-00020043 such as one year; after which they no longer can get to the material. cGHKQHhDU8A-00042-00020043-00020607 Finally, it also makes room for a wider range of materials and formats that may not be available cGHKQHhDU8A-00043-00020607-00021029 in a traditional textbook. cGHKQHhDU8A-00044-00021029-00021360 Faculty also benefit from using OER material. cGHKQHhDU8A-00045-00021360-00021686 OER allows faculty to edit and update the content. cGHKQHhDU8A-00046-00021686-00022229 Legally, an instructor could not change something that has a copyright but with CC licensed cGHKQHhDU8A-00047-00022229-00022559 material, faculty can update as they neeed. cGHKQHhDU8A-00048-00022559-00023018 The other side of that is that textbooks are often putting out new editions every other cGHKQHhDU8A-00049-00023018-00023395 year, even if nothing significant has changed in the field. cGHKQHhDU8A-00050-00023395-00023948 Therefore, using OER allows faculty to keep the version that they feel is best, rather cGHKQHhDU8A-00051-00023948-00024300 than leave it up to the publisher. cGHKQHhDU8A-00052-00024300-00024795 Faculty can also now blend and mix material as they see fit--maybe a chapter from this cGHKQHhDU8A-00053-00024795-00025225 book mixed with a few paragraphs from this article and a bit of the instructor's own cGHKQHhDU8A-00054-00025225-00025446 insight. cGHKQHhDU8A-00055-00025446-00025943 OER also provides flexible content that the faculty member can use to maximize learning. cGHKQHhDU8A-00056-00025943-00026574 They can choose 3 to 4 different items such as an article, a podcast, a video and a simulation cGHKQHhDU8A-00057-00026574-00027087 to explore a topic and let the student decide which format works best. cGHKQHhDU8A-00058-00027087-00027728 It opens up new teaching opportunities and strategies such as open pedagogy, where students cGHKQHhDU8A-00059-00027728-00028389 are co-creating and co-editing the learning materials for themselves and future students. cGHKQHhDU8A-00060-00028389-00028522 How might you go about using OER? cGHKQHhDU8A-00061-00028522-00029016 There are several strategies that are useful to consider for approaching this. cGHKQHhDU8A-00062-00029016-00029302 The first strategy is Adopt. cGHKQHhDU8A-00063-00029302-00029827 In this strategy, you curate content into your lessons based upon what's out there. cGHKQHhDU8A-00064-00029827-00030300 A video here, a podcast there, a slide deck from somewhere else. cGHKQHhDU8A-00065-00030300-00030573 The second strategy is Adapt. cGHKQHhDU8A-00066-00030573-00031153 Here, you take content that's out there but you augment it; maybe you directly add stuff cGHKQHhDU8A-00067-00031153-00031549 or splice some interesting content together. cGHKQHhDU8A-00068-00031549-00031795 The first strategy is Build. cGHKQHhDU8A-00069-00031795-00032339 Builders craft the content of their course from their own vision and expertise. cGHKQHhDU8A-00070-00032339-00032859 Therefore, you might create an entire textboook or podcast series or mini-lecture videos for cGHKQHhDU8A-00071-00032859-00033131 your students to learn from. cGHKQHhDU8A-00072-00033131-00033235 Where do you find OER? cGHKQHhDU8A-00073-00033235-00033561 There's so many great places to find them! cGHKQHhDU8A-00074-00033561-00034194 Openstax is a good place to find peer-reviewed textbooks for popular courses such as calculus, cGHKQHhDU8A-00075-00034194-00034494 statistics, biology, physics, sociology, and many more. cGHKQHhDU8A-00076-00034494-00035099 OER Commons, Merlot & OER Metafinder are good search engings for learnning content such cGHKQHhDU8A-00077-00035099-00035537 as lessons, slide deck, question banks, etc. cGHKQHhDU8A-00078-00035537-00036141 Creative Commons, YouTube and Google all have search engines that let you filter content cGHKQHhDU8A-00079-00036141-00036380 that is licensed with OER. cGHKQHhDU8A-00080-00036380-00036830 And of course, the librarians are always a great help and there is a Library Guide there cGHKQHhDU8A-00081-00036830-00036983 to help you out. cGHKQHhDU8A-00082-00036983-00037621 If you have further questions, please send us an email at cGHKQHhDU8A-00083-00037621-00037706 Thank you for watching! cGNWNCCxry0-00000-00000392-00000901 First off, I'm totally useless on the topic! I just want to upload a video a day! cGNWNCCxry0-00001-00000976-00001304 And second, this very serious channel doesn't advocate cGNWNCCxry0-00002-00001304-00001688 piracy. Everything is for educational reasons only! cGNWNCCxry0-00003-00001688-00002136 And by that Cocoa means.. Piracy is love. Piracy is life! cGNWNCCxry0-00004-00002136-00002472 And so, we have 2 Nintendo Switch emulators! cGNWNCCxry0-00005-00002489-00002921 Yuzu and Ryujinx, and both are open source and available on Linux! cGNWNCCxry0-00006-00002984-00003561 Yuzu is written on C++, and it has 14000 stars and 17000 commits! cGNWNCCxry0-00007-00003608-00004174 Ryujinx is written on C# and it has 8000 stars and 1500 commits, cGNWNCCxry0-00008-00004174-00004579 and probably is a newer project although I didn't check when the first commit was. cGNWNCCxry0-00009-00004608-00005008 In any case, here we'll only install and setup Ryujinx! cGNWNCCxry0-00010-00005019-00005355 So we go to downloads section, and we select the Linux app. cGNWNCCxry0-00011-00005472-00005880 So now we have this tar gz, that I already have extracted here, cGNWNCCxry0-00012-00005880-00006224 and inside publish folder we'll find the Ryujinx executable. cGNWNCCxry0-00013-00006304-00006640 I'm not sure about the dependencies but it didn't complain for anything. cGNWNCCxry0-00014-00006695-00007131 However I must say that Yuzu emulator was nicely packed on an app image! cGNWNCCxry0-00015-00007168-00007472 Before we start though, we need two more things! cGNWNCCxry0-00016-00007504-00007944 First we need the Switch firmware, and you'll find all the links on YouTube description. cGNWNCCxry0-00017-00008000-00008312 And notice it's currently on version 11.0.1. cGNWNCCxry0-00018-00008384-00008840 The second we need is the product keys that the device uses for decryption, and I think they cGNWNCCxry0-00019-00008840-00009272 should be updated to current firmware version, if you want all the latest titles to work. cGNWNCCxry0-00020-00009360-00009688 I'm not gonna share product keys on this very serious channel, cGNWNCCxry0-00021-00009744-00009984 but you can Google them, and Reddit them! cGNWNCCxry0-00022-00010120-00010368 So now we have already download our assets, cGNWNCCxry0-00023-00010368-00010928 which is basically that firmware zip, and the product keys text file! And I'm gonna copy that! cGNWNCCxry0-00024-00011000-00011400 Then we'll go back to our application, that has magically turned to dark, cGNWNCCxry0-00025-00011400-00011784 and the first thing to do is to go on tools, and install our firmware. cGNWNCCxry0-00026-00011848-00012224 Meanwhile you noticed how the app is written on GTK3? cGNWNCCxry0-00027-00012224-00012576 GTK and C#! The next level of crap! cGNWNCCxry0-00028-00012576-00012988 And crap again, because it now complains for missing the product keys! cGNWNCCxry0-00029-00013016-00013672 Logical! So the first thing we actually need to do, is to open the Ryujinx configuration folder, cGNWNCCxry0-00030-00013672-00014106 and we'll go to "system", and we'll paste the product keys we copied before. cGNWNCCxry0-00031-00014194-00014338 And I think now we are okay? cGNWNCCxry0-00032-00014400-00014847 Hmm, gonna install Firmwire one more time maybe, just to make sure! cGNWNCCxry0-00033-00015032-00015312 And now it asks if we want to update the firmwire, cGNWNCCxry0-00034-00015312-00015630 which is basically like replacing it because it's the same version. cGNWNCCxry0-00035-00015663-00016040 Just pressing yes, and the installation was complete successfully! cGNWNCCxry0-00036-00016144-00016552 And finally we need some games, which is probably the hardest part of everything! cGNWNCCxry0-00037-00016624-00017136 So before you're doing anything else, I would strongly reckon to go back to Ryujinx, I just cGNWNCCxry0-00038-00017136-00017730 learned to spell correctly, and checkout the games compatibility guide, which is far far from good! cGNWNCCxry0-00039-00017832-00018288 Because otherwise you may end up with some titles, like Re:Zero, that don't work! cGNWNCCxry0-00040-00018352-00018769 And Re:Zero was only 4GB, but imagine if it was 30? cGNWNCCxry0-00041-00018856-00019264 Of course you'll find lots of titles on internet. But the thing is, cGNWNCCxry0-00042-00019264-00019605 even those are supposed to work, they not always really do! cGNWNCCxry0-00043-00019760-00020360 For example, one such title is Carto! And I'm gonna load it to show you what I mean! cGNWNCCxry0-00044-00020760-00021176 For start it takes ages for the game to load, and since we're waiting anyway, cGNWNCCxry0-00045-00021176-00021458 remember to check on the emulator controls! cGNWNCCxry0-00046-00021520-00021963 Under settings, and input! cGNWNCCxry0-00047-00022121-00022519 And here we go again! Another GTK disaster UI! cGNWNCCxry0-00048-00022600-00022968 But then again, GTK should be the least of your concerns, cGNWNCCxry0-00049-00022968-00023376 because the game is still loading, and will be loading for the next 3 minutes! cGNWNCCxry0-00050-00023464-00023796 And even after loading, there are huge frame drops! cGNWNCCxry0-00051-00023822-00024039 Perhaps it's me doing something wrong though, cGNWNCCxry0-00052-00024039-00024383 but I will check on all those better when I will have some more time! cH0_FSEErUg-00000-00001171-00001186 LOL cKWy34AIaL8-00000-00000540-00000956 welcome back moving forward in this lesson I'm going to demonstrate the use cKWy34AIaL8-00001-00000957-00001494 of the pen tools the pencil tool and of course certain shapes as well using cKWy34AIaL8-00002-00001494-00001961 figma desktop you could do this figma online or desktop same thing just cKWy34AIaL8-00003-00001961-00002376 whatever you're comfortable with so I'm gonna use figma desktop and here cKWy34AIaL8-00004-00002376-00002841 you see on your screen I already have some vector shapes drawn right using the cKWy34AIaL8-00005-00002841-00003305 pen tool so let me in fact get rid of this I'm gonna start from scratch right cKWy34AIaL8-00006-00003305-00003777 so I'm going to demonstrate how you can actually do it so on our toolbar notice cKWy34AIaL8-00007-00003777-00004245 there's a tool called shapes tool and then the pen tools when this lesson I'm cKWy34AIaL8-00008-00004245-00004689 going to focus on these two tools so once you practice on these and I'm gonna cKWy34AIaL8-00009-00004689-00005073 sign some homework as well you get comfortable with this so by the time we cKWy34AIaL8-00010-00005073-00005571 actually start with our app design you should be pretty comfortable with all of cKWy34AIaL8-00011-00005571-00006027 these tools and I'm going to demonstrate some shortcuts as well so make sure you cKWy34AIaL8-00012-00006027-00006545 practice on that as well alright so let's first begin some basic shapes so cKWy34AIaL8-00013-00006545-00007073 within these shape tools I can either draw a rectangle line arrow ellipse cKWy34AIaL8-00014-00007073-00007695 polygon star or I can insert an image as well so fairly straightforward so I'm cKWy34AIaL8-00015-00007695-00008115 going to run through this quickly so rectangle tools you can simply cKWy34AIaL8-00016-00008115-00008571 drag-and-drop a rectangle whatever size you choose you can specify the width cKWy34AIaL8-00017-00008571-00009225 height the x coordinates Y and then the angles here as well so notice if I hover cKWy34AIaL8-00018-00009225-00010014 over the tool or the actual rectangle four dots appear in the corner right so cKWy34AIaL8-00019-00010014-00010584 this is the radius of this rectangle in other words well it's not a circle yet cKWy34AIaL8-00020-00010584-00011010 but what I could do is I could hold my mouse button down and route off the cKWy34AIaL8-00021-00011010-00011760 corners by dragging inwards I can give a radius of 33 or whatever number I choose cKWy34AIaL8-00022-00011760-00012378 and if you notice on the right side it says 34 so I could either specify a cKWy34AIaL8-00023-00012378-00013116 number here let's say 31 and it will change the radius here so for instance cKWy34AIaL8-00024-00013116-00013359 if I need to create a button right for my cKWy34AIaL8-00025-00013359-00013728 planning to customers design my own buttons or if it's a requirement from cKWy34AIaL8-00026-00013728-00014316 the customer this is the way you'd do it so I would draw a rectangle shape give cKWy34AIaL8-00027-00014316-00015033 it a radius let's say about radius of five zero and then once I have the cKWy34AIaL8-00028-00015033-00015529 radius I'm going to insert an image so simply go up to your tool place image cKWy34AIaL8-00029-00015529-00016383 I'm gonna select this background and create the image next I want text so I'm cKWy34AIaL8-00030-00016383-00016878 gonna say click here again this is just an example right so I'm quickly running cKWy34AIaL8-00031-00016878-00017345 through the rectangle tool and creating a button so once I specify click here cKWy34AIaL8-00032-00017345-00017754 maybe you want to make this a little smaller and notice if I make this cKWy34AIaL8-00033-00017754-00018479 smaller it does not adjust right so a shortcut and a quick tip is to hold the cKWy34AIaL8-00034-00018479-00019068 shift key down that way you can maintain the proportion of the button right so if cKWy34AIaL8-00035-00019068-00019575 I don't hold the shift key down notice I can even make the button vertical but as cKWy34AIaL8-00036-00019575-00020013 soon as I hold the shift key button button down it reverts back to the cKWy34AIaL8-00037-00020013-00020723 actual place so I'm gonna make the size to 30 by 92 and then click here same cKWy34AIaL8-00038-00020723-00021288 thing I'm gonna hold the shift key down and then Center it perfect next you can cKWy34AIaL8-00039-00021288-00021618 of course play with the rest of the areas like stroke and whatnot so for cKWy34AIaL8-00040-00021618-00022370 example with the text I can change the font type to whichever you want I could cKWy34AIaL8-00041-00022370-00022910 also do the bold or the pen stroke 24 and so on right so these are the areas cKWy34AIaL8-00042-00022910-00023270 that you can actually take a look at change the color and give it some cKWy34AIaL8-00043-00023270-00023954 effects for example a drop shadow for your text or if you like a layer blur in cKWy34AIaL8-00044-00023954-00024398 our shadow background blur you could do so as well so you can play with these cKWy34AIaL8-00045-00024398-00024891 and this is your homework for this all right so perfect so this is how you cKWy34AIaL8-00046-00024891-00025370 would actually end up with a rectangle and then create a button by working with cKWy34AIaL8-00047-00025370-00025851 the radius on the Left navigation noticed within my layers I have two cKWy34AIaL8-00048-00025851-00026307 layers well the click here text and then the rectangle what I could do is I could cKWy34AIaL8-00049-00026307-00026716 group these together so that they stick together otherwise if I cKWy34AIaL8-00050-00026716-00027292 move the button the text does not move right let me do a control Z so in order cKWy34AIaL8-00051-00027292-00027727 to group these fairly straightforward just highlight the entire button the cKWy34AIaL8-00052-00027727-00028152 shortcut is to right-click and then group selection or you can use your cKWy34AIaL8-00053-00028152-00028948 keyboard and do ctrl G to group and this way it'll create a group for me so I can cKWy34AIaL8-00054-00028948-00029548 call this button group by simply going up to my layer and rename the layer as cKWy34AIaL8-00055-00029548-00030043 well okay so some quick and handy things so if I click on the arrow here it cKWy34AIaL8-00056-00030043-00030505 uncollapse ha's and shows me that there are two objects part of this group okay cKWy34AIaL8-00057-00030505-00031192 so this is an excellent way where you can manage your app because these layers cKWy34AIaL8-00058-00031192-00031677 can become hundreds and hundreds right it can reach up to hundreds of layers by cKWy34AIaL8-00059-00031677-00031977 the time you were done with your app depending on the complexity of the app cKWy34AIaL8-00060-00031977-00032489 so this is a good way to actually organize right from scratch perfect cKWy34AIaL8-00061-00032489-00033151 similarly I would like you to actually explore other tools as well so using the cKWy34AIaL8-00062-00033151-00033664 same concept same shortcuts you can insert line arrow tool and as a homework cKWy34AIaL8-00063-00033664-00034054 this is what you're gonna do you're gonna play with all of these tools and cKWy34AIaL8-00064-00034054-00034441 if you have any questions post in the discussion area alright perfect so we cKWy34AIaL8-00065-00034441-00035113 moved it aside so let me next show you how the pen Tool Works very powerful cKWy34AIaL8-00066-00035113-00035572 tool so on the tool bar notice there is a pen tool you can use a shortcut called cKWy34AIaL8-00067-00035572-00036199 P so simply select the pen tool and here I'm gonna click once and then click cKWy34AIaL8-00068-00036199-00036943 again and then keep clicking to draw the actual shape okay and then pick my smart cKWy34AIaL8-00069-00036943-00037456 enough to understand that hey these lines join so I'm gonna continue to join cKWy34AIaL8-00070-00037456-00038074 these lines and when I'm done I can click done to have a square if I'm not cKWy34AIaL8-00071-00038074-00038563 done or if I want to continue I can simply draw and keep drawing other lines cKWy34AIaL8-00072-00038563-00039414 as well so that way I can continue to draw any kind of vector shapes as I like cKWy34AIaL8-00073-00039414-00039894 so let me go ahead and complete this 3d box here cKWy34AIaL8-00074-00039894-00040338 so all I'm doing is just simply clicking one endpoint and joining the other cKWy34AIaL8-00075-00040338-00040692 endpoints right so this kind of gives you the shape of whatever you want cKWy34AIaL8-00076-00040692-00041196 perfect so this looks like a box right and then once I'm done I can click on cKWy34AIaL8-00077-00041196-00041709 the done or before I click on done there's a tool called Paint Bucket so if cKWy34AIaL8-00078-00041709-00042039 I need to fill this box with certain paint I could do so so I'm going to go cKWy34AIaL8-00079-00042039-00042633 ahead and start filling the shape here with the color so this fill color is in cKWy34AIaL8-00080-00042633-00043104 gray of course I can change the color if I need to maybe use the eyedropper here cKWy34AIaL8-00081-00043104-00043740 and choose the button color here which is this particular pink area or maybe cKWy34AIaL8-00082-00043740-00044334 the orangish type I could do so I could also change the stroke so instead of the cKWy34AIaL8-00083-00044334-00044724 stroke color I can change the color of the stroke or I can change the weight of cKWy34AIaL8-00084-00044724-00045326 the stroke so from 1 to 5 and it's going to actually change the stroke of the cKWy34AIaL8-00085-00045326-00045984 outline I could also align its center inside or out so for instance if I say cKWy34AIaL8-00086-00045984-00046539 inside it's going to change the stroke inside so once I have this of course I cKWy34AIaL8-00087-00046539-00046911 can select any of these endpoints and change the shape right so I can cKWy34AIaL8-00088-00046911-00047544 manipulate the vector shape any which way and once I'm satisfied with this cKWy34AIaL8-00089-00047544-00048258 actual shape I can click done and now I have the actual image I can also make cKWy34AIaL8-00090-00048258-00048774 larger so of course I can make the shape larger right and hold the shift key down cKWy34AIaL8-00091-00048774-00049263 so it if I hold the shift key down it proportionate stew my original drawing cKWy34AIaL8-00092-00049263-00049725 right otherwise it's just going to keep the shape larger or smaller the way I cKWy34AIaL8-00093-00049725-00050240 want it all right so I'm gonna hold the shift key down perfect there we go cKWy34AIaL8-00094-00050240-00050961 double click or edit the object I can recolor the shapes individually so if I cKWy34AIaL8-00095-00050961-00051374 need to have this shape change color I could do so I could also for instance cKWy34AIaL8-00096-00051374-00052074 move the inner sides to any shape I want and so on so this gives you a good idea cKWy34AIaL8-00097-00052074-00052659 on working with these vector shapes so I hope this helps kind of practice with cKWy34AIaL8-00098-00052659-00053267 these shapes I've demonstrated the pen tool and the shapes as well so cKWy34AIaL8-00099-00053267-00053583 make sure you get comfortable with the shortcuts and working with these shapes cKWy34AIaL8-00100-00053583-00054069 because you'll be drawing them within the app as well so practice and let's cKWy34AIaL8-00101-00054069-00054395 move to the next lecture cMNNZA0qjIU-00000-00001276-00001576 TAKE ME BACK TO A PLACE WHERE I FELT AT HOME cMNNZA0qjIU-00001-00001580-00001860 TAKE ME BACK TO A DAY WHEN WE WEREN'T ALONE cMNNZA0qjIU-00002-00001884-00002176 TAKE ME BACK TO AN AGE WHEN THE WORLD FELT SMALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00003-00002306-00002456 WAY BACK BEFORE WE BLEW IT ALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00004-00002484-00002760 TAKE ME BACK TO A PLACE WHERE I FELT AT HOME cMNNZA0qjIU-00005-00002782-00003073 TAKE ME BACK TO A DAY WHEN WE WEREN'T ALONE cMNNZA0qjIU-00006-00003085-00003372 TAKE ME BACK TO AN AGE WHEN THE WORLD FELT SMALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00007-00003493-00003653 WAY BACK BEFORE WE BLEW IT ALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00008-00003686-00003973 Too many things going on I can’t keep track of them all cMNNZA0qjIU-00009-00003978-00004281 From people dropping a bomb To people putting up walls cMNNZA0qjIU-00010-00004283-00004590 I feel like life is on halt Perception stuck in a vault cMNNZA0qjIU-00011-00004590-00004886 I know that time can heal all But how much time till we fall cMNNZA0qjIU-00012-00004886-00005187 It’s awfully chilly outside When there’s no shelter to hide cMNNZA0qjIU-00013-00005187-00005490 When everything is a lie You’ll find that out in some time cMNNZA0qjIU-00014-00005490-00005783 But when the things on your mind Are all considered a crime cMNNZA0qjIU-00015-00005783-00006070 Communication aside We’ll all just fight till we die cMNNZA0qjIU-00016-00006089-00006356 Is this an argument…, Or just the start of it? cMNNZA0qjIU-00017-00006406-00006650 Either way, I don’t wanna be apart of it cMNNZA0qjIU-00018-00006690-00006962 Can I just get some space, I don’t have the heart for this cMNNZA0qjIU-00019-00006962-00007259 I can’t be picking up the pieces fixing scars from this cMNNZA0qjIU-00020-00007289-00007563 Is this an argument…, Or just the start of it? cMNNZA0qjIU-00021-00007568-00007886 I wanna drive away so I can be so far from it cMNNZA0qjIU-00022-00007886-00008176 I wanna find a place where no one breaks their promises cMNNZA0qjIU-00023-00008176-00008470 Or maybe drown myself in something that is bottomless cMNNZA0qjIU-00024-00008484-00008782 TAKE ME BACK TO A PLACE WHERE I FELT AT HOME cMNNZA0qjIU-00025-00008782-00009084 TAKE ME BACK TO A DAY WHEN WE WEREN'T ALONE cMNNZA0qjIU-00026-00009084-00009376 TAKE ME BACK TO AN AGE WHEN THE WORLD FELT SMALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00027-00009507-00009673 WAY BACK BEFORE WE BLEW IT ALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00028-00009685-00009982 TAKE ME BACK TO A PLACE WHERE I FELT AT HOME cMNNZA0qjIU-00029-00009982-00010284 TAKE ME BACK TO A DAY WHEN WE WEREN'T ALONE cMNNZA0qjIU-00030-00010284-00010572 TAKE ME BACK TO AN AGE WHEN THE WORLD FELT SMALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00031-00010686-00010856 WAY BACK BEFORE WE BLEW IT ALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00032-00010885-00011175 I know that things seem bad But they could be much worse cMNNZA0qjIU-00033-00011175-00011481 There’s always someone else Who has a greater curse cMNNZA0qjIU-00034-00011523-00011773 …a greater thirst A hunger pain immersed cMNNZA0qjIU-00035-00011773-00012089 Just find whatever you got and try to be thankful first cMNNZA0qjIU-00036-00012089-00012218 I wanna feel again… cMNNZA0qjIU-00037-00012218-00012373 I need a couple friends… cMNNZA0qjIU-00038-00012373-00012651 I never really understood just how the story ends cMNNZA0qjIU-00039-00012651-00012981 But I can feel it’s tense Don’t know the consequence cMNNZA0qjIU-00040-00012981-00013280 The volatility of life my only confidence cMNNZA0qjIU-00041-00013287-00013573 Is this an argument…, Or just the start of it? cMNNZA0qjIU-00042-00013604-00013847 Either way, I don’t wanna be apart of it cMNNZA0qjIU-00043-00013847-00014162 Can I just get some space, I don’t have the heart for this cMNNZA0qjIU-00044-00014162-00014469 I can’t be picking up the pieces fixing scars from this cMNNZA0qjIU-00045-00014490-00014769 Is this an argument…, Or just the start of it? cMNNZA0qjIU-00046-00014769-00015071 I wanna drive away so I can be so far from it cMNNZA0qjIU-00047-00015071-00015369 I wanna find a place where no one breaks their promises cMNNZA0qjIU-00048-00015369-00015663 Or maybe drown myself in something that is bottomless cMNNZA0qjIU-00049-00015684-00015981 TAKE ME BACK TO A PLACE WHERE I FELT AT HOME cMNNZA0qjIU-00050-00015981-00016269 TAKE ME BACK TO A DAY WHEN WE WEREN'T ALONE cMNNZA0qjIU-00051-00016269-00016566 TAKE ME BACK TO AN AGE WHEN THE WORLD FELT SMALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00052-00016708-00016870 WAY BACK BEFORE WE BLEW IT ALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00053-00016886-00017181 TAKE ME BACK TO A PLACE WHERE I FELT AT HOME cMNNZA0qjIU-00054-00017181-00017484 TAKE ME BACK TO A DAY WHEN WE WEREN'T ALONE cMNNZA0qjIU-00055-00017484-00017780 TAKE ME BACK TO AN AGE WHEN THE WORLD FELT SMALL cMNNZA0qjIU-00056-00017908-00018064 WAY BACK BEFORE WE BLEW IT ALL.... cpanVPJGKMy-00000-00000532-00000773 Welcome on this first "Unboxed", cpanVPJGKMy-00001-00000774-00000824 where cpanVPJGKMy-00002-00000824-00001097 we talk for a few minutes while my hands cpanVPJGKMy-00003-00001097-00001304 unpack something. cpanVPJGKMy-00004-00001304-00001606 Today the star is the new Apple Watch SE cpanVPJGKMy-00005-00001607-00001905 that will be my first Apple's watch. cpanVPJGKMy-00006-00001905-00002346 This is the 44mm Space Gray Nike edition cpanVPJGKMy-00008-00002410-00002548 I've chosen this one cpanVPJGKMy-00009-00002548-00002762 because I wanted to have my first contact cpanVPJGKMy-00010-00002762-00002948 with a Cupertino's smartwatch cpanVPJGKMy-00011-00002956-00003194 without spending the approximately 500€ cpanVPJGKMy-00012-00003204-00003364 for the Series 6. cpanVPJGKMy-00013-00003372-00003726 The SE is an hybrid between the series 4 and 5 cpanVPJGKMy-00014-00003726-00003972 with good performance cpanVPJGKMy-00015-00003972-00004094 for a better price. cpanVPJGKMy-00016-00004108-00004386 By giving up some top-of-the-range features cpanVPJGKMy-00017-00004394-00004718 with 339 € we take this version at home. cpanVPJGKMy-00018-00004770-00005076 I opted for the GPS version, instead of the Cellular cpanVPJGKMy-00019-00005076-00005331 that costs 50€ more cpanVPJGKMy-00020-00005332-00005616 both because I wouldn't have made a lot of use of it, cpanVPJGKMy-00021-00005616-00006236 and because the only Italian operator to offer a dedicated subscription today is Vodafone, at 5 € per month. cpanVPJGKMy-00022-00006302-00006584 Anyway, I think that the GPS version cpanVPJGKMy-00023-00006584-00006852 is more competitive thanks to the price. cpanVPJGKMy-00024-00006958-00007323 On the other hand, the choice of band and model was difficult. cpanVPJGKMy-00025-00007338-00007671 In the end I opted for the classic Nike sport band, cpanVPJGKMy-00026-00007671-00007910 The holes allow a better breathing, cpanVPJGKMy-00027-00007910-00008095 which is very welcome, cpanVPJGKMy-00028-00008095-00008396 and I like the idea of having Nike Watch faces. cpanVPJGKMy-00030-00008484-00008788 But I have to thanks to those on Twitter who adviced me. cpanVPJGKMy-00031-00008856-00009344 In the package we don't find the wall charger, but only the dedicated cable. cpanVPJGKMy-00033-00009401-00009700 A choice that Apple has made for the environment, yes, cpanVPJGKMy-00034-00009700-00009966 but without lowering the prices of the various Watches. cpanVPJGKMy-00035-00009966-00010114 But anyway, I'm fine with that. cpanVPJGKMy-00036-00010130-00010472 I have at least three unused USB chargers in the drawer, cpanVPJGKMy-00037-00010488-00010628 at least, they will find a purpose. cpanVPJGKMy-00038-00010672-00011170 I think this Watch SE is ideal for entering the world of Apple's wearables. cpanVPJGKMy-00039-00011174-00011342 At the end of the day, cpanVPJGKMy-00040-00011342-00011597 if you can give up an always on display, cpanVPJGKMy-00041-00011598-00011814 the ECG, the oximeter cpanVPJGKMy-00042-00011830-00012147 and having the latest processor in favor of the 5 Series, cpanVPJGKMy-00043-00012150-00012414 you will find yourself €200 more in your pocket cpanVPJGKMy-00044-00012414-00012822 that you can use for straps or for the LTE version. cpanVPJGKMy-00045-00012947-00013191 In the next few days, weather permitting, cpanVPJGKMy-00046-00013197-00013588 I will begin to make the most of it for physical activity and more. cpanVPJGKMy-00047-00013610-00013972 I plan to bring you some more in-depth opinion in the coming weeks, cpanVPJGKMy-00048-00013972-00014374 because I don't like to judge a device after a few days. cpanVPJGKMy-00049-00014374-00014706 Meanwhile, we can talk about it in the comments. cpanVPJGKMy-00050-00014706-00014818 See you soon! cRgDvhYlsKo-00000-00000024-00001591 REPORT: Trump�s Doing It� US Embassy to Move to Jerusalem. cRgDvhYlsKo-00001-00001591-00002092 It has long been speculated that President-elect Donald Trump would move the U.S. embassy in cRgDvhYlsKo-00002-00002092-00002595 Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in recognition of that city historically being the capital cRgDvhYlsKo-00003-00002595-00002801 of the Jewish nation. cRgDvhYlsKo-00004-00002801-00003345 According to a report from CNN, it appeared as though that move was just about to happen, cRgDvhYlsKo-00005-00003345-00003765 as the incoming Trump team has reportedly informed allies in the region that they were cRgDvhYlsKo-00006-00003765-00004264 pushing ahead with the move despite an outcry from Arab and Muslim nations. cRgDvhYlsKo-00007-00004264-00004794 Officials in Israel have speculated that the move could happen as early as May 24 � the cRgDvhYlsKo-00008-00004794-00005319 Israeli �Jerusalem Day� holiday that celebrates the reunification of the city following the cRgDvhYlsKo-00009-00005319-00005925 1967 Six Day War that saw Israel effectively push back a coordinated attack by several cRgDvhYlsKo-00010-00005925-00006165 Arab nations in the region. cRgDvhYlsKo-00011-00006165-00006568 The Associated Press checked into what some of those �consequences� could be and what cRgDvhYlsKo-00012-00006568-00007014 exactly an �absolute explosion� in the region would look like if the embassy were cRgDvhYlsKo-00013-00007014-00007515 moved, and while some of the controversy may be overblown, there could be some serious cRgDvhYlsKo-00014-00007515-00007875 ramifications if emotions are permitted to rule. cRgDvhYlsKo-00015-00007875-00008357 Palestinians would of course be upset, as they claim Jerusalem as their own capital cRgDvhYlsKo-00016-00008357-00008803 and would view the U.S. embassy being moved there as recognition of Israel�s claim to cRgDvhYlsKo-00017-00008803-00008908 the city. cRgDvhYlsKo-00018-00008908-00009367 They have essentially threatened to end all negotiations regarding a peaceful solution cRgDvhYlsKo-00019-00009367-00009881 to the issue, have intimated that further attacks could be forthcoming, and insinuated cRgDvhYlsKo-00020-00009881-00010365 that they would shift the entire financial burden for all Palestinians back to the Israeli cRgDvhYlsKo-00021-00010365-00010511 government. cRgDvhYlsKo-00022-00010511-00011003 The nation of Jordan, which serves as a sort of custodian over the sacred Islamic sites cRgDvhYlsKo-00023-00011003-00011510 in Jerusalem and the West Bank, warned that moving the embassy would be crossing a �red cRgDvhYlsKo-00024-00011510-00011931 line� that would inflame the Arab and Muslim world and expressed worries that such a move cRgDvhYlsKo-00025-00011931-00012386 would undermine its efforts at maintaining peaceful relations and alliances with both cRgDvhYlsKo-00026-00012386-00012600 Israel and the U.S. cRgDvhYlsKo-00027-00012600-00013158 Other Arab and Muslim nations, speaking through representatives of the Arab League and Organization cRgDvhYlsKo-00028-00013158-00013688 of Islamic Cooperation, said the move would be a �huge setback� to the potential �two-state cRgDvhYlsKo-00029-00013688-00014136 solution� peace process and were hopeful that Trump will reconsider the move so as cRgDvhYlsKo-00030-00014136-00014416 not to upset their Muslim populations. cRgDvhYlsKo-00031-00014416-00014983 Regardless, by all accounts Trump appeared to be serious about making good on his campaign cRgDvhYlsKo-00032-00014983-00015580 promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by moving the U.S. embassy there, cRgDvhYlsKo-00033-00015580-00015869 and we are fully in support of that move. cRgDvhYlsKo-00034-00015869-00016408 As for the threats of consequences and repercussions for the move, while they may be serious, it cRgDvhYlsKo-00035-00016408-00016923 is difficult to place much stock in them, given the extreme opposition to the very existence cRgDvhYlsKo-00036-00016923-00017375 of Israel by many Arab and Muslim nations and the fact that they won�t be satisfied cRgDvhYlsKo-00037-00017375-00017908 until the entire country and its population are wiped off the face of the earth, no matter cRgDvhYlsKo-00038-00017908-00018307 where the capital or the embassies of allies are located. cRgDvhYlsKo-00039-00018307-00018781 Please share this on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word that recent reports indicate cRgDvhYlsKo-00040-00018781-00019371 that Trump still intends to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. cRgDvhYlsKo-00041-00019371-00019832 What do you think of reports that Trump still intends to move the U.S. embassy in Israel cRgDvhYlsKo-00042-00019832-00019962 to Jerusalem? cRgDvhYlsKo-00043-00019962-00021123 Scroll down to comment below! cTmuKwv5tRg-00000-00000000-00000468 today we're going to be taking a look at the union dunk low from the passport pack and this is the cTmuKwv5tRg-00001-00000468-00000911 quart purple colorway already have the pistachio pair for my sneaker collection but we got one cTmuKwv5tRg-00002-00000911-00001446 problem this pair isn't for me I was out at untied LA and I saw they had the purple pair in my mom's cTmuKwv5tRg-00003-00001446-00001896 size and I knew this was her favorite color so you know what that means I had to pick them up so even cTmuKwv5tRg-00004-00001896-00002340 though I want to have these in my collection I had to make sure my mom was taken care of and if you cTmuKwv5tRg-00005-00002340-00002976 guys didn't know by now my name is DJ and this is the DNA show on this channel I love breaking cTmuKwv5tRg-00006-00002976-00003396 down sneakers like this giving you guys in-depth reviews and telling you guys all about the history cTmuKwv5tRg-00007-00003396-00003882 Nostalgia Styles cuts and materials if you haven't already consider subscribing and joining the fam cTmuKwv5tRg-00008-00003882-00004278 we're on the road to a million subscribers and you could be the next one to get us there with cTmuKwv5tRg-00009-00004278-00004626 all that being said let's go ahead and crack this box open and see what these things is talking cTmuKwv5tRg-00010-00004626-00005112 about as you can see right here these are called the passport pack so it gives you that classic old cTmuKwv5tRg-00011-00005112-00005706 school ticket like you were to be taking a trip and then on here it says Nike Inc Union La you got cTmuKwv5tRg-00012-00005706-00006198 different information with the spike coupon and the style code numbers and things like that Union cTmuKwv5tRg-00013-00006198-00006684 La different stuff like that all throughout the box and then when it comes to the front end right cTmuKwv5tRg-00014-00006684-00007314 here you have the same thing it says from Los Angeles to Beaverton Oregon which I feel like this cTmuKwv5tRg-00015-00007314-00007668 is like is this like a return slip or something because I feel like it would be going the opposite cTmuKwv5tRg-00016-00007668-00008106 way or like usually it comes from Nike going to I don't know they got it all figured out let's not cTmuKwv5tRg-00017-00008106-00008622 get into too many nuances of the box now looking at the size tag it reads Nike junk low you I'm cTmuKwv5tRg-00018-00008622-00009186 assuming for Union Court purple white Opti yellow size eight and a half just for my mom flipping cTmuKwv5tRg-00019-00009186-00009606 open the lid of the Box you got that same kind of vibe of the passport you got your all over Union cTmuKwv5tRg-00020-00009606-00010254 logo then you got the NYC right here Berlin Japan different places like that so that's a nice cool cTmuKwv5tRg-00021-00010254-00010782 detail and touch when it comes to the paper and then you got the shoe oh you got this shoe okay cTmuKwv5tRg-00022-00010782-00011232 typically on this part of the video I go first impressions but I've seen this sneaker multiple cTmuKwv5tRg-00023-00011232-00011724 times I want these in my collection I'm kind of salty right now but I'm not at the same time so cTmuKwv5tRg-00024-00011724-00012306 to say the least I think it's a solid shoe not a 10 out of 10 but I'll give them a solid 7.69 now cTmuKwv5tRg-00025-00012306-00012696 before we get into breaking down all the Styles cuts and materials we gotta talk about the history cTmuKwv5tRg-00026-00012696-00013200 First Union La is the store that originally opened up in New York and then a couple years later they cTmuKwv5tRg-00027-00013200-00013668 decided to move to LA close the shop in New York now they're heavily based in LA and everybody cTmuKwv5tRg-00028-00013668-00014136 knows them for the crazy collaborations that we have seen over the past few years in particular cTmuKwv5tRg-00029-00014136-00014616 but they have been a staple in the game for many of years way before we saw these collaborations cTmuKwv5tRg-00030-00014616-00015036 with Jordan Brandon Nike some of my favorite collaborations from Union have been the Black cTmuKwv5tRg-00031-00015036-00015606 Toe Air Jordan 1 or the black Air Jordan 4. we recently saw both Air Jordan 2's drop and if you cTmuKwv5tRg-00032-00015606-00015966 haven't seen that review I have it for you guys on my channel I'll make sure I try to link it for you cTmuKwv5tRg-00033-00015966-00016386 at the end of this video but that was definitely another shoe that everybody was kind of on the cTmuKwv5tRg-00034-00016386-00016806 fence with and this one right here I feel like a lot more people like these a little bit more but I cTmuKwv5tRg-00035-00016806-00017166 don't know I guess it's to each his own type thing let me know what you guys think Down Below in the cTmuKwv5tRg-00036-00017166-00017592 comment section now starting with the bottom of the shoe you have your classic Nike Dunk outsole cTmuKwv5tRg-00037-00017592-00018084 but this is a translucent purple and then you have your union guy right here in yellow yellow just cTmuKwv5tRg-00038-00018084-00018498 behind that and it also has this kind of honeycomb vibe that you can see throughout the bottom of the cTmuKwv5tRg-00039-00018498-00018960 insole as well now going up to the midsole you got all white with the white Stitch and then onto the cTmuKwv5tRg-00040-00018960-00019464 upper oh the upper these are going to be exactly the same as the pistachio pair yet the colors are cTmuKwv5tRg-00041-00019464-00019890 just going to be different so on that aspect when it comes to this pack of these the navy cTmuKwv5tRg-00042-00019890-00020250 blue or the baby blue pair I forgot the name of those ones we have to look it up but either way cTmuKwv5tRg-00043-00020250-00020616 those are all going to be essentially the same when it comes to the materials now let's look cTmuKwv5tRg-00044-00020616-00021012 at the colors and we'll talk about the materials a little bit too all throughout this upper you have cTmuKwv5tRg-00045-00021012-00021450 a rip stop material something similar to The Air Jordan 5 off-white that we have seen in the past cTmuKwv5tRg-00046-00021450-00021888 as well and I'll show you guys some comparisons of the five next to the dunk that I did in the cTmuKwv5tRg-00047-00021888-00022404 previous video but basically you can also rip this material off when it comes to the toe box the side cTmuKwv5tRg-00048-00022404-00022824 panel and the back end and it gives you a whole nother color with that deeper purple behind it cTmuKwv5tRg-00049-00022824-00023250 all throughout this upper you have a yellow Stitch that really pops and that accents the logo as you cTmuKwv5tRg-00050-00023250-00023754 see on the tongue right here a Purple Patch with a yellow Stitch you have the yellow Union La and cTmuKwv5tRg-00051-00023754-00024210 then you have the Nike here on the back end and another thing that the union Dunkel is famous for cTmuKwv5tRg-00052-00024210-00024660 as well is the extra pieces of stitching kind of just hanging all frayed off throughout the ends cTmuKwv5tRg-00053-00024660-00025062 of the shoes some people do and some people don't like that let me know if this would be something cTmuKwv5tRg-00054-00025062-00025428 that you may snip off with scissors or if you would just keep it the same and not really have a cTmuKwv5tRg-00055-00025428-00025889 problem with it now go into the tongue these come standard with a pair of all white laces and an cTmuKwv5tRg-00056-00025889-00026406 additional pair of purple laces to match the upper and the tongue is all white mesh we talked about cTmuKwv5tRg-00057-00026406-00027012 the tab earlier with the purple and the yellow the sockliner has more of a satin kind of vibe to it I cTmuKwv5tRg-00058-00027012-00027456 don't think it is I don't know it's just very fine but you have a purple material here and then you cTmuKwv5tRg-00059-00027456-00027954 have a purple insole with the yellow Nike inside there as well another dope touch that we see right cTmuKwv5tRg-00060-00027954-00028386 here that's in addition to this is the bag tag you can actually pop this off and this is similar to cTmuKwv5tRg-00061-00028386-00028806 this so on here it says Nike to Union and then on the other side it's got the tag information and cTmuKwv5tRg-00062-00028806-00029160 stuff like that so you can actually fill this out with your flight number and date and everything cTmuKwv5tRg-00063-00029160-00029580 so that's kind of cool and a nice addition and we see that on all three pairs as well when it cTmuKwv5tRg-00064-00029580-00030030 comes to this passport pack so overall when I look at this sneaker right here I think this cTmuKwv5tRg-00065-00030030-00030444 is definitely a clean shoe I don't think this is the best dunk ever or I don't even think this is cTmuKwv5tRg-00066-00030444-00030948 the best dunk from the pack but I am a sucker for purple sneakers so for that reason I do like these cTmuKwv5tRg-00067-00030948-00031368 a little bit more but at the end of the day if I were to only be able to pick one I would probably cTmuKwv5tRg-00068-00031368-00031812 go with the pistachio colorway that's why I went after that one initially but now that I know I'm cTmuKwv5tRg-00069-00031812-00032220 giving this pair to my mom I feel like I gotta get a pair to match with her and then that means I'm cTmuKwv5tRg-00070-00032220-00032568 gonna have to get the baby blue pair because I've been like I just got to complete the set you know cTmuKwv5tRg-00071-00032568-00033012 typical sneaker hair problems so now that y'all know how I feel about this shoe I posted a poll on cTmuKwv5tRg-00072-00033012-00033408 my story to see what everybody else thinks about this shoe I basically asked the question is this cTmuKwv5tRg-00073-00033408-00033942 you fire or trash if you haven't already follow me on IG so you can participate in the polls and see cTmuKwv5tRg-00074-00033942-00034530 all the results here on the channel this is what they said 79 of the people chose fire and 21 of cTmuKwv5tRg-00075-00034530-00035148 the people chose trash and I completely understand that like I said I give these a solid 7.69 which cTmuKwv5tRg-00076-00035148-00035652 is like low-key roughly around the same thing that everybody else said so in my opinion I feel cTmuKwv5tRg-00077-00035652-00036054 like that was a perfect score but with all jokes aside let me know what you guys think about these cTmuKwv5tRg-00078-00036054-00036540 Down Below in the comments section what would you rate these out of 10 and what was your purchasing cTmuKwv5tRg-00079-00036540-00037020 experience like so did you want to get this shoe or did you not want to get the shoe did you get cTmuKwv5tRg-00080-00037020-00037410 the shoe and you not want it did you get the shoe and appreciate it more just let me know all the cTmuKwv5tRg-00081-00037410-00037866 different feelings that you had when it came to this shoe in particular I think it's a dope shoe cTmuKwv5tRg-00082-00037866-00038370 I'm interested to see what the value of it in the resale market and everything is going for cTmuKwv5tRg-00083-00038370-00038880 it later down the line I know right now these are hidden for a few hundred bucks and I'm not sure if cTmuKwv5tRg-00084-00038880-00039366 I could say I could see these being worth you know five or seven hundred dollars just right now just cTmuKwv5tRg-00085-00039366-00039798 because they're kind of lingering in that range but just like any other shoe there's definitely a cTmuKwv5tRg-00086-00039798-00040260 chance that these could rise over time and maybe five or seven years from now the shoe is worth cTmuKwv5tRg-00087-00040260-00040662 five or six hundred bucks also if you guys want to see me pick up the baby blue pair and complete cTmuKwv5tRg-00088-00040662-00041100 the set ish kinda because I'd have to use my mom's hair let me know Down Below in the comment cTmuKwv5tRg-00089-00041100-00041658 section I would love to grab those and add those to the collection as well yo if you enjoyed this cTmuKwv5tRg-00090-00041658-00042204 video and want to grow your collection or make extra money on the side I built a VIP Mastermind cTmuKwv5tRg-00091-00042204-00042654 that will teach you everything that I've learned about growing my sneaker collection over the past cTmuKwv5tRg-00092-00042654-00043224 15 years this will also give you access to the DNA fam in my VIP Community where we talk about cTmuKwv5tRg-00093-00043224-00043788 investing outside of sneakers and don't worry if you don't plan on joining the VIP Community it's cTmuKwv5tRg-00094-00043788-00044310 okay I also set up a private DNA fam community that gives you access to all the behind the scenes cTmuKwv5tRg-00095-00044310-00044826 looks from the studio and multiple chances to win free sneakers and gear from weekly and monthly cTmuKwv5tRg-00096-00044826-00045288 challenges so all you need to do is click on the link Down Below in the description or the first cTmuKwv5tRg-00097-00045288-00045732 link pinned in the comment section that will get you set up and into the community I'm excited to cTmuKwv5tRg-00098-00045732-00046392 see you guys on the inside foreign if you made it to the end of this video drop a comment down cTmuKwv5tRg-00099-00046392-00046974 below and let me know what is your favorite Union Nike or Jordan brand collab of all time for me cTmuKwv5tRg-00100-00047040-00047388 I think I'm gonna go with the black toe ones all right y'all I'm out cZBty1Sijmc-00000-00000015-00000237 Welcome to Marijuana Television News 69! cZBty1Sijmc-00001-00000272-00000584 This month we’ll be at the Herbes del Dimoni cup in Mallorca. cZBty1Sijmc-00002-00000584-00000697 In Top Crop, cZBty1Sijmc-00003-00000745-00001067 we’ll be giving you some good advice about growing outside. cZBty1Sijmc-00004-00001067-00001393 In International, we’re off to California with Clara Sativa, cZBty1Sijmc-00005-00001393-00001567 who’ll be bringing us cZBty1Sijmc-00006-00001604-00001873 who’ll be bringing us news about what’s now legal for the Americans. And we’ll get a preview cZBty1Sijmc-00007-00002030-00002130 from El Coleccionista, where we’ll be cZBty1Sijmc-00008-00002186-00002286 remembering Goyo. Let’s get started! cZBty1Sijmc-00009-00002685-00002968 In Spain, the constitutional court has said the narcotest is reliable. cZBty1Sijmc-00010-00002968-00003242 If you test positive at a control, cZBty1Sijmc-00011-00003242-00003571 it doesn’t matter how much time has passed since consumption. cZBty1Sijmc-00012-00003571-00003860 The court states that it is not relevant whether cZBty1Sijmc-00013-00003860-00004166 the substances consumed influence driving or not in order to be sanctioned, cZBty1Sijmc-00014-00004166-00004461 and the fact that substances can remain in the body cZBty1Sijmc-00015-00004461-00004749 longer than their effects last is not relevant either. cZBty1Sijmc-00016-00004749-00005011 The Supreme Court cZBty1Sijmc-00017-00005011-00005112 has also acquitted cZBty1Sijmc-00018-00005112-00005406 those responsible for the Bilbao association Ebers, cZBty1Sijmc-00019-00005406-00005678 after the writ of amparo was filed cZBty1Sijmc-00020-00005678-00005942 with the Constitutional Court. cZBty1Sijmc-00021-00005942-00006232 On this occasion, it was considered that those involved cZBty1Sijmc-00022-00006232-00006451 made an error in interpreting the laws, cZBty1Sijmc-00023-00006451-00006636 but not that their shared farming activity cZBty1Sijmc-00024-00006636-00006928 was not criminal in nature. cZBty1Sijmc-00025-00006928-00007184 At the Herbes del Dimoni cup we’ll meet Bernardo Soriano cZBty1Sijmc-00026-00007184-00007460 and he’ll give us a first assessment. cZBty1Sijmc-00028-00007646-00007967 The sentence on the substance of the case reiterates cZBty1Sijmc-00029-00007967-00008260 the completely restrictive criterion cZBty1Sijmc-00030-00008260-00008492 that the Supreme Court is interpreting. cZBty1Sijmc-00031-00008493-00008667 It is being recognised again, right? cZBty1Sijmc-00032-00008667-00008910 Just like the social reality cZBty1Sijmc-00033-00008910-00008999 in September 2015, cZBty1Sijmc-00034-00008999-00009296 but it reiterates that it is not a legislator cZBty1Sijmc-00035-00009296-00009628 and that they are maintaining their criterion that cZBty1Sijmc-00036-00009628-00009817 distribution in this way through social clubs, cZBty1Sijmc-00037-00009817-00010120 it does not enter shared consumption where cZBty1Sijmc-00038-00010120-00010414 it would have criminal significance. It's positive, cZBty1Sijmc-00039-00010414-00010696 because in the end, these people have therefore been acquitted, cZBty1Sijmc-00040-00010696-00011017 and had been sentenced to eight months, and a fine cZBty1Sijmc-00041-00011017-00011293 of 5,000 Euros, so this will now have to be paid back cZBty1Sijmc-00042-00011293-00011553 and the prison sentence cancelled. cZBty1Sijmc-00043-00011553-00011653 They didn’t go to prison, cZBty1Sijmc-00044-00011653-00011961 but the sentence in itself was terrible. cZBty1Sijmc-00045-00011961-00012145 As well as that, the Supreme Court cZBty1Sijmc-00046-00012145-00012447 uses some expressions to cZBty1Sijmc-00047-00012447-00012740 substantiate the acquittal, cZBty1Sijmc-00048-00012740-00012935 they indicate the cZBty1Sijmc-00049-00012935-00013051 little interest that they had to acquit cZBty1Sijmc-00050-00013051-00013265 and that it was the only cZBty1Sijmc-00051-00013265-00013452 viable way cZBty1Sijmc-00052-00013452-00013672 for them to cZBty1Sijmc-00053-00013672-00013833 carry it out, right? cZBty1Sijmc-00054-00013833-00014188 They use expressions like, ‘we are forced to absolve, cZBty1Sijmc-00055-00014188-00014480 inevitably the only possibility cZBty1Sijmc-00056-00014480-00014669 was absolution', cZBty1Sijmc-00057-00014669-00014945 that is the point, so I think they're overdoing it. cZBty1Sijmc-00058-00014945-00015210 But we still have to do a more in-depth reading. cZBty1Sijmc-00059-00015210-00015512 We will get a statement this week analysing cZBty1Sijmc-00060-00015512-00015725 at a minimum all the points in the sentence. cZBty1Sijmc-00061-00015762-00016063 Now we’ll head over to the Herbes del Dimoni cup, cZBty1Sijmc-00062-00016063-00016334 which was held on the 24th and 25th of February cZBty1Sijmc-00063-00016334-00016485 on the island of Mallorca. cZBty1Sijmc-00064-00016543-00016791 Most people come to Palma de Mallorca cZBty1Sijmc-00065-00016791-00017076 for the beach. But we’ve come to the mountains, cZBty1Sijmc-00066-00017076-00017338 to a stunning place, to enjoy cZBty1Sijmc-00067-00017338-00017640 the fifth Herbes del Dimoni cup. cZBty1Sijmc-00068-00017640-00017842 Come on, let me show you around. Let’s have a look. cZBty1Sijmc-00072-00019464-00019591 As you can see, all sorts of cZBty1Sijmc-00073-00019591-00019830 companies are here - from fertiliser companies cZBty1Sijmc-00074-00019830-00020075 and seed banks, even to grow shops from the area. cZBty1Sijmc-00075-00020075-00020383 I’m going to see if there’s anything interesting over here. cZBty1Sijmc-00084-00022608-00022931 Jonay, tell me - how are things going here in Palma de Mallorca? cZBty1Sijmc-00085-00022931-00023226 Well, the truth is that things seem to be very positive, cZBty1Sijmc-00086-00023226-00023531 and last week we met heaps of cannabis associations cZBty1Sijmc-00087-00023531-00023816 from the island, including CARB ABEIC, cZBty1Sijmc-00088-00023816-00024123 DESCONEGUTS, TERRA I SOL, COCA ROIG cZBty1Sijmc-00089-00024123-00024362 among others, and really, we are heading towards a new federation cZBty1Sijmc-00090-00024362-00024657 and we are going to unite as much as possible cZBty1Sijmc-00091-00024657-00024915 in that we want to do things with the confederation of cannabis associations, CONFAC, cZBty1Sijmc-00092-00024915-00025210 as this gives the union strength cZBty1Sijmc-00093-00025210-00025392 so we’re heading forward with that goal. cZBty1Sijmc-00094-00025439-00025539 Juan, this is a new recipe, right? cZBty1Sijmc-00095-00025565-00025765 - What’s it made of? - Hey everybody. cZBty1Sijmc-00096-00025765-00026058 This is a new recipe that we’ve brought it for its premiere cZBty1Sijmc-00097-00026058-00026203 they're like pastry canapés cZBty1Sijmc-00098-00026203-00026451 made of green poison foam cZBty1Sijmc-00099-00026451-00026753 with a base of effervescent chocolate cZBty1Sijmc-00100-00026753-00026989 that causes an impressive sensation. cZBty1Sijmc-00101-00027039-00027308 It draws you to cannabis, it takes you back to childhood cZBty1Sijmc-00102-00027329-00027647 and it is a very very important sensory mix. cZBty1Sijmc-00103-00027647-00027804 According to the samples, it’s like popping candy, right? cZBty1Sijmc-00104-00027846-00027946 Yep, it’s just like Pop Rocks, cZBty1Sijmc-00105-00028081-00028181 the activation is like popping candy. cZBty1Sijmc-00106-00028232-00028371 €70? €70 to... €80? cZBty1Sijmc-00107-00028503-00028810 €90. €100? €100 over here. cZBty1Sijmc-00109-00028922-00029015 €110? cZBty1Sijmc-00110-00029015-00029115 €120? cZBty1Sijmc-00111-00029134-00029426 Have we got €130? cZBty1Sijmc-00112-00029593-00029693 Going once, going twice. Sold. cZBty1Sijmc-00113-00030682-00030782 Okay we're going over to the prize ceremony. cZBty1Sijmc-00114-00031135-00031274 Congratulations Niko. cZBty1Sijmc-00122-00034498-00034841 We’ll carry on with music. Thanks so much. cZBty1Sijmc-00124-00035200-00035518 Ali, tell me what are you guys doing here at this event? cZBty1Sijmc-00125-00035518-00035784 Well, like other places we go, cZBty1Sijmc-00126-00035784-00036037 our information is training on substances, cZBty1Sijmc-00127-00036037-00036352 especially about cannabis, cZBty1Sijmc-00128-00036352-00036653 about joints, we have the microscope, cZBty1Sijmc-00129-00036653-00036968 which we’ve also brought along, so that people can look at cZBty1Sijmc-00130-00036968-00037274 the buds, which is what the most people look at, cZBty1Sijmc-00131-00037274-00037588 and we can also look at the hashish. We can see cZBty1Sijmc-00132-00037625-00037828 if the plant has matured yet, cZBty1Sijmc-00133-00037828-00038145 or if it has been cut too early, which is what cZBty1Sijmc-00134-00038145-00038245 we usually see, cZBty1Sijmc-00135-00038276-00038565 and also the presence of fungi. cZBty1Sijmc-00136-00038565-00038856 Right, the most important thing is that the information gets to the people, right? cZBty1Sijmc-00137-00038856-00039115 Sure, because well, we start from the view that cZBty1Sijmc-00138-00039115-00039435 people make their own decisions and if there are people who have decided to consume, cZBty1Sijmc-00139-00039435-00039655 well, at least we can help with cZBty1Sijmc-00140-00039655-00039992 some strategies so that if cZBty1Sijmc-00141-00039992-00040206 you are consuming, at least you can do it in a way cZBty1Sijmc-00142-00040206-00040533 that can reduce some risks, or at least know about them, right? cZBty1Sijmc-00145-00041340-00041603 Karulo, have you had the chance to cZBty1Sijmc-00146-00041603-00041884 try any of the samples? cZBty1Sijmc-00147-00041893-00042234 I don’t know about the samples from the competition, cZBty1Sijmc-00148-00042275-00042588 but I've tried a lot samples from people who, cZBty1Sijmc-00149-00042588-00042873 well, have been giving me a try, cZBty1Sijmc-00150-00042873-00043174 and some of them have surprised me a lot, yeah. cZBty1Sijmc-00151-00043174-00043474 - It’s a great thing. - What has the standard been like? cZBty1Sijmc-00152-00043474-00043764 Well there have been a couple of people cZBty1Sijmc-00153-00043764-00043951 who have surprised me with a really high standard. cZBty1Sijmc-00154-00043995-00044244 A couple of people who cZBty1Sijmc-00155-00044244-00044542 are getting into the world of seeds and genetics cZBty1Sijmc-00156-00044542-00044844 now and they have started very well. cZBty1Sijmc-00157-00044844-00044951 They're on the right track. cZBty1Sijmc-00158-00045003-00045323 We as pot smokers are lucky enough to be able to do it cZBty1Sijmc-00159-00045323-00045566 with a plant and a lamp, cZBty1Sijmc-00160-00045630-00045730 and little else. cZBty1Sijmc-00161-00045777-00045877 And that was cZBty1Sijmc-00162-00045904-00046029 the spark that cZBty1Sijmc-00163-00046122-00046371 ignited what Goyo called the machine, cZBty1Sijmc-00164-00046411-00046707 the cannabis locomotive. cZBty1Sijmc-00165-00046707-00046973 I've been told that at Spannabis you're going to cZBty1Sijmc-00166-00046973-00047298 pay a tribute to Goyo, is that right? cZBty1Sijmc-00167-00047298-00047538 Yes, we have asked permission from the organisation for cZBty1Sijmc-00168-00047597-00047923 a little bit of time, before the awards ceremony, cZBty1Sijmc-00169-00047923-00048227 so we’ll do a little tribute to our friend Goyo, who passed away cZBty1Sijmc-00170-00048227-00048434 at the end of last year. cZBty1Sijmc-00171-00048482-00048769 Being the significant person that he was cZBty1Sijmc-00172-00048769-00049082 in the cannabis movement, he deserves to be remembered, right? cZBty1Sijmc-00173-00049082-00049321 Continuously, but we will do it publicly. cZBty1Sijmc-00174-00049321-00049653 We will also show the last interview cZBty1Sijmc-00175-00049653-00049950 that was made for Marijuana TV, cZBty1Sijmc-00176-00049950-00050250 as a a foretaste, cZBty1Sijmc-00177-00050250-00050523 and well that's it. cZBty1Sijmc-00178-00050523-00050848 A small reminder of how much Goyo deserves. cZBty1Sijmc-00179-00050848-00051105 We'll try to meet the expectations. cZBty1Sijmc-00188-00053068-00053321 Now let’s go over to Top Crop. cZBty1Sijmc-00195-00054416-00054674 Welcome to Top Crop, Mar ijuana Television’s cZBty1Sijmc-00196-00054674-00054967 cannabis clinic. Now that the season for planting cZBty1Sijmc-00197-00054967-00055234 is approaching, we are going to give you some tips cZBty1Sijmc-00198-00055234-00055505 for growing cannabis outdoors. cZBty1Sijmc-00199-00055795-00056064 With Top Crop, you have everything you need to get growing. cZBty1Sijmc-00200-00056110-00056424 Substrates produced from top quality natural materials. cZBty1Sijmc-00201-00056514-00056633 Precise nutrition at any moment. cZBty1Sijmc-00202-00056740-00056877 Pest prevention and prevention against deficiencies cZBty1Sijmc-00203-00056966-00057175 or floral stimulation to get the best results. cZBty1Sijmc-00204-00057220-00057447 Top Crop, your crops have never grown so high. cZBty1Sijmc-00205-00057721-00058019 Roman is preparing for the new season, cZBty1Sijmc-00206-00058019-00058313 and wants to know which is better: planting in a pot cZBty1Sijmc-00207-00058313-00058655 or directly in the ground? cZBty1Sijmc-00208-00058730-00059027 There are different ways to plant a cannabis crop outdoors. cZBty1Sijmc-00209-00059027-00059193 The external factors cZBty1Sijmc-00210-00059193-00059494 and the preferences of the grower are decisive factors cZBty1Sijmc-00211-00059494-00059612 when it comes to doing so. cZBty1Sijmc-00212-00059660-00059952 Growing in mother earth has the advantage of cZBty1Sijmc-00213-00059952-00060188 direct and unrestricted access to all cZBty1Sijmc-00214-00060188-00060444 the nutrients and moisture that can reach its roots, cZBty1Sijmc-00215-00060444-00060752 so that they can develop cZBty1Sijmc-00216-00060752-00061012 to their full potential in height, cZBty1Sijmc-00217-00061012-00061227 vigour and final production. cZBty1Sijmc-00218-00061227-00061509 It also requires less maintenance than potting cZBty1Sijmc-00219-00061509-00061716 and the cost of the installation is considerably cZBty1Sijmc-00220-00061716-00061920 reduced by not having to perform cZBty1Sijmc-00221-00061920-00062210 constant transplants. cZBty1Sijmc-00222-00062210-00062501 Growing in soil can be a good option, cZBty1Sijmc-00223-00062501-00062801 for example, for growing a Guerrilla, cZBty1Sijmc-00224-00062801-00063137 because it doesn’t need much attention. cZBty1Sijmc-00225-00063178-00063476 On the other hand, planting directly in the soil cZBty1Sijmc-00226-00063476-00063760 means that your plants can’t be moved, cZBty1Sijmc-00227-00063760-00063966 which can be an advantage cZBty1Sijmc-00228-00063966-00064301 in the face of possible theft when they are small, cZBty1Sijmc-00229-00064301-00064597 but makes some growing techniques more complicated to carry out, cZBty1Sijmc-00230-00064597-00064910 like forced flowering, or something as simple as moving pots cZBty1Sijmc-00231-00064910-00065197 to find more hours of light. Also, plants are more exposed cZBty1Sijmc-00232-00065197-00065479 to weather conditions, cZBty1Sijmc-00233-00065479-00065716 and storms, floods, or strong winds cZBty1Sijmc-00234-00065716-00066018 can be lethal so it is advisable cZBty1Sijmc-00235-00066018-00066249 to put in protective beacons. cZBty1Sijmc-00236-00066291-00066575 Lastly, one of the factors that is of most concern cZBty1Sijmc-00237-00066575-00066847 in the case of outdoor planting in soil cZBty1Sijmc-00238-00066847-00067147 is the quality and uniformity of the soil. cZBty1Sijmc-00239-00067147-00067442 In a pot, you have greater control, although with cZBty1Sijmc-00240-00067442-00067663 more restrictions and care needed, but you cZBty1Sijmc-00241-00067663-00067934 need to condition soil to get it to peak condition cZBty1Sijmc-00242-00067934-00068157 in terms of drainage, consistency, cZBty1Sijmc-00243-00068157-00068440 nutrients and pH. cZBty1Sijmc-00244-00068440-00068661 But if there is no cZBty1Sijmc-00245-00068661-00068900 waterproof barrier between your plants cZBty1Sijmc-00246-00068900-00069186 and the surrounding soil itself, the control of cZBty1Sijmc-00247-00069186-00069494 these parameters can be much more complicated. cZBty1Sijmc-00248-00069494-00069728 A good option would be the placement of planters cZBty1Sijmc-00249-00069728-00070048 to isolate your plants from mineral salts or chemicals cZBty1Sijmc-00250-00070048-00070397 that may be carried by rainwater. cZBty1Sijmc-00251-00070415-00070721 As you can see, everything has pros and cons, cZBty1Sijmc-00252-00070721-00070976 and the decision that best suits an individual's needs cZBty1Sijmc-00253-00070976-00071244 is in the hands of the grower. cZBty1Sijmc-00254-00071313-00071615 And now it’s Karen’s turn, from Chile, cZBty1Sijmc-00255-00071615-00071909 who wants to know what to do so that the plants cZBty1Sijmc-00256-00071909-00072234 in her small outdoor garden grow healthy and strong. cZBty1Sijmc-00257-00072285-00072334 A good tip to ensure cZBty1Sijmc-00258-00072334-00072605 your plants have what they need cZBty1Sijmc-00259-00072605-00072894 during the growth phase would be to use cZBty1Sijmc-00260-00072894-00073197 a rapid absorption growth stimulator cZBty1Sijmc-00261-00073197-00073363 such as Top Veg, from Top Crop. cZBty1Sijmc-00262-00073479-00073778 Top Veg from Top Crop is a complete liquid cZBty1Sijmc-00263-00073778-00074078 fertiliser, rich in humic and fulvic acids, cZBty1Sijmc-00264-00074078-00074401 as well as macro and micronutrients cZBty1Sijmc-00265-00074401-00074679 that are soluble in water. cZBty1Sijmc-00266-00074679-00074971 It stimulates growth, strengthens defence against diseases cZBty1Sijmc-00267-00074971-00075275 and plant stress. It also regulates the pH balance cZBty1Sijmc-00268-00075275-00075542 of the soil and increases the chlorophyll content, cZBty1Sijmc-00269-00075542-00075837 improving the photosynthetic efficiency cZBty1Sijmc-00270-00075837-00075983 of the plants. cZBty1Sijmc-00271-00076081-00076374 Top Veg improves the structure of the soil cZBty1Sijmc-00272-00076374-00076719 as well as its ability to retain moisture and fertilisers. cZBty1Sijmc-00273-00076719-00076906 It has a pH of 7/8 cZBty1Sijmc-00274-00076906-00077166 and is rapidly absorbed. To apply it cZBty1Sijmc-00275-00077166-00077465 dilute it at a ratio of 2-4ml per litre, cZBty1Sijmc-00276-00077465-00077679 once a week. cZBty1Sijmc-00277-00077792-00078090 Finally, we will answer a question from Vicente in Guadalajara. cZBty1Sijmc-00278-00078090-00078409 He wants to know what he can do to improve cZBty1Sijmc-00279-00078409-00078661 the quality of his soil, which is quite arid, cZBty1Sijmc-00280-00078661-00078965 and if there is a technique that would cZBty1Sijmc-00281-00078965-00079065 improve his harvest. cZBty1Sijmc-00282-00079068-00079374 Hello Vicente, of course, the first thing we recommend is cZBty1Sijmc-00283-00079374-00079633 to get your soil ready for growing during the winter cZBty1Sijmc-00284-00079633-00079965 to prepare the next season for success. cZBty1Sijmc-00285-00080008-00080147 The cannabis growing season cZBty1Sijmc-00286-00080147-00080461 does not begin with planting, but actually much earlier. cZBty1Sijmc-00287-00080461-00080748 During the winter, it is essential to carry out cZBty1Sijmc-00288-00080748-00081051 some tasks early enough so that when it comes to planting, cZBty1Sijmc-00289-00081051-00081345 the soil is in optimum condition. cZBty1Sijmc-00290-00081345-00081604 Plowing, weeding, cZBty1Sijmc-00291-00081604-00081903 fertilising or padding are as, cZBty1Sijmc-00292-00081903-00082161 or more important than the gardening carried out cZBty1Sijmc-00293-00082161-00082303 while the plant is growing. cZBty1Sijmc-00294-00082416-00082713 There are some formulas that can make life easier for us cZBty1Sijmc-00295-00082713-00082845 and our plants, cZBty1Sijmc-00296-00082845-00083128 in case we find that our soil does not meet the cZBty1Sijmc-00297-00083128-00083430 requirements for growing marijuana outdoors. cZBty1Sijmc-00298-00083562-00083855 Of course, a good option would be to grow directly cZBty1Sijmc-00299-00083855-00084159 in a traditional pot outside, cZBty1Sijmc-00300-00084159-00084388 with a quality substrate to have more control cZBty1Sijmc-00301-00084388-00084676 over the properties required to meet cZBty1Sijmc-00302-00084676-00084809 the plant’s needs. Although, this does cZBty1Sijmc-00303-00084842-00085064 limit the plant’s development cZBty1Sijmc-00304-00085064-00085291 capabilities a bit, and forces us to cZBty1Sijmc-00305-00085291-00085641 be more aware of tasks such as transplanting or irrigation. cZBty1Sijmc-00306-00085665-00085911 One very interesting option is the installation of Korean Beds. cZBty1Sijmc-00307-00085911-00086186 This technique involves cZBty1Sijmc-00308-00086186-00086362 placing 4 tables of about 50 cm, cZBty1Sijmc-00309-00086362-00086645 with cardboard in the base cZBty1Sijmc-00310-00086645-00086815 to cut the way for the roots cZBty1Sijmc-00311-00086815-00087053 and fill it with substrate. cZBty1Sijmc-00312-00087053-00087351 Korean Beds favour the aeration and cZBty1Sijmc-00313-00087351-00087626 development of the roots in a milder environment cZBty1Sijmc-00314-00087626-00087923 than the soil itself, especially in the early stages. cZBty1Sijmc-00315-00087923-00088237 The cardboard will act as cZBty1Sijmc-00316-00088237-00088478 a containment barrier for the roots cZBty1Sijmc-00317-00088478-00088728 during the first few weeks. cZBty1Sijmc-00318-00088728-00088997 Then, as it degrades, it will serve as cZBty1Sijmc-00319-00088997-00089282 fertiliser for the plant and allow it to mature cZBty1Sijmc-00320-00089282-00089560 and have more developed roots to cZBty1Sijmc-00321-00089560-00089827 penetrate the soil more easily. And that wraps up cZBty1Sijmc-00322-00089827-00090064 this instalment of Top Crop. I hope these tips have cZBty1Sijmc-00323-00090064-00090361 helpful for you when growing cannabis outside. cZBty1Sijmc-00324-00090425-00090726 If you have any questions, don’t forget you can send them in cZBty1Sijmc-00325-00090726-00091052 via our social networks. Cheers and happy smoking! cZBty1Sijmc-00327-00091372-00091686 Spannabis is here ... and we now have winners for our ticket raffle cZBty1Sijmc-00328-00091686-00091986 to the most important fair in the world! cZBty1Sijmc-00329-00091986-00092321 Head over to the website to see if you’re a lucky winner... cZBty1Sijmc-00330-00092321-00092601 To all those who are going to Spannabis Barcelona, cZBty1Sijmc-00331-00092601-00092876 don’t forget to visit the Marijuana Television cZBty1Sijmc-00332-00092876-00093203 stand number 162, in the outer square. cZBty1Sijmc-00333-00093203-00093524 Lots of giveaways are waiting for you! We’ll be doing a daily draw cZBty1Sijmc-00334-00093524-00093815 with cannabis products from the main brands cZBty1Sijmc-00335-00093815-00094130 from all the attendees, plus lots of surprises! cZBty1Sijmc-00337-00094453-00094733 Acido 420 Marijuana television. cZBty1Sijmc-00338-00094733-00095006 Feel the rhythm! cZBty1Sijmc-00353-00099764-00100044 Before moving on to International News, cZBty1Sijmc-00354-00100044-00100325 I want to tell you that my fellow journalist, Clara Sativa, cZBty1Sijmc-00355-00100325-00100529 is still investigating the Americas cZBty1Sijmc-00356-00100529-00100829 and this month brings us new content about California, cZBty1Sijmc-00357-00100829-00101004 the land of freedom cZBty1Sijmc-00358-00101004-00101304 where marijuana is now legal. Go video! cZBty1Sijmc-00359-00101991-00102282 Friend of Marijuana TV, we are in San Francisco, California, cZBty1Sijmc-00360-00102282-00102539 one of the most important cZBty1Sijmc-00361-00102539-00102841 cannabis cradles in the world and we have come over cZBty1Sijmc-00362-00102841-00103117 to find out about the current situation with the plant cZBty1Sijmc-00363-00103117-00103422 and interview expert activists and growers cZBty1Sijmc-00364-00103422-00103721 for their opinion on the regulation cZBty1Sijmc-00365-00103721-00104022 that has just come into force this January 2018. cZBty1Sijmc-00366-00104022-00104293 Go video! cZBty1Sijmc-00374-00107180-00107280 With the ringing in of New Year's Eve, cZBty1Sijmc-00375-00107313-00107413 California opens the world's cZBty1Sijmc-00376-00107420-00107582 largest legal marijuana market. cZBty1Sijmc-00377-00107618-00107718 Now about 40 million citizens cZBty1Sijmc-00378-00107790-00108095 have free access to legal cannabis cZBty1Sijmc-00379-00108095-00108759 for personal use. The birthplace of the hippie movement cZBty1Sijmc-00380-00109022-00109198 is now the cradle of legal cannabis. I'm going to meet Eli, cZBty1Sijmc-00381-00109313-00109413 a friend from Mexico cZBty1Sijmc-00382-00109449-00109721 who is going to give us the first tour cZBty1Sijmc-00383-00109721-00109986 of San Francisco in an area I think cZBty1Sijmc-00384-00110042-00110305 you're going to like a lot. cZBty1Sijmc-00388-00111405-00111505 This is Nayelly. cZBty1Sijmc-00389-00111913-00112191 San Francisco is the city where cZBty1Sijmc-00390-00112191-00112327 there are more Chinese, cZBty1Sijmc-00391-00112365-00112485 where there are more Latinos, cZBty1Sijmc-00392-00112538-00112641 where there are more immigrants, cZBty1Sijmc-00393-00112759-00112946 there are neighbourhoods for everyone. cZBty1Sijmc-00394-00113059-00113360 There's the Russian neighbourhood, there's the Latin Quarter, there's the Italian neighbourhood, cZBty1Sijmc-00395-00113424-00113600 this church, which is where cZBty1Sijmc-00396-00113618-00113830 I told you all the old churches are. It’s beautiful. I love it. cZBty1Sijmc-00397-00113980-00114182 - Does it have Mexican influence? - Of course. cZBty1Sijmc-00398-00114245-00114440 Remember San Francisco was a Mexican. cZBty1Sijmc-00399-00114565-00114759 We’ll head over to see the murals next. cZBty1Sijmc-00402-00115233-00115525 I was staying in the Mission. There’s so much colour cZBty1Sijmc-00403-00115525-00115788 and so much marijuana around. It’s also where we met cZBty1Sijmc-00404-00115788-00116095 some good friends from El Salvador. cZBty1Sijmc-00405-00116095-00116432 Hey! I’m Jonathan and this is Eduardo cZBty1Sijmc-00406-00116494-00116780 and yeah we are also, like, cZBty1Sijmc-00407-00116898-00117248 that is, we are marijuana users. cZBty1Sijmc-00408-00117447-00117547 We’re fans of marijuana. cZBty1Sijmc-00409-00117901-00118001 I use it everyday. If I could, every hour of every day. cZBty1Sijmc-00410-00118069-00118327 And anybody over the age of 21 cZBty1Sijmc-00411-00118378-00118478 is going to be able to buy marijuana. cZBty1Sijmc-00412-00118595-00118812 I buy chocolates, cZBty1Sijmc-00413-00118849-00118949 sodas, cZBty1Sijmc-00414-00119005-00119293 gummies. Why? cZBty1Sijmc-00415-00119293-00119409 Well my mum was sick and cZBty1Sijmc-00416-00119483-00119764 had bad migraines. cZBty1Sijmc-00417-00119778-00119995 And that’s why I got cZBty1Sijmc-00418-00120039-00120311 - a card here in San Francisco. - I also had to get a medical card cZBty1Sijmc-00419-00120311-00120595 for what was left of the year. cZBty1Sijmc-00420-00120595-00120823 It costs between 100 and 200 dollars. cZBty1Sijmc-00421-00120823-00121127 With it, therapeutic users have had access to legal cannabis cZBty1Sijmc-00422-00121127-00121356 in an easy and safe way cZBty1Sijmc-00423-00121356-00121672 for the last 20 years. But now that’s history. cZBty1Sijmc-00424-00121672-00121910 Just here in the Mission, cZBty1Sijmc-00425-00121910-00122194 there are about 8 dispensaries cZBty1Sijmc-00426-00122194-00122501 in just one street. Not including cZBty1Sijmc-00427-00122501-00122777 others who are thinking of opening. cZBty1Sijmc-00428-00122777-00123100 My boss sold his restaurant to open up a cannabis shop. cZBty1Sijmc-00429-00123128-00123400 My pipe. cZBty1Sijmc-00430-00123444-00123734 I go out for a quick break cZBty1Sijmc-00431-00123734-00123833 and then go back. cZBty1Sijmc-00432-00123833-00124132 So, I can go back and cope with cZBty1Sijmc-00433-00124132-00124232 the customers calmly. cZBty1Sijmc-00435-00124479-00124779 Nobody’s said anything to me about it. cZBty1Sijmc-00436-00124779-00125117 I’m in control. I control it well. cZBty1Sijmc-00437-00125117-00125380 And you get educated even more cZBty1Sijmc-00438-00125380-00125662 when you go to a dispensary and are asked what you are looking for. cZBty1Sijmc-00439-00125686-00125997 And someone says, oh, for fun or for pain. cZBty1Sijmc-00440-00125997-00126097 There’s spray, cZBty1Sijmc-00441-00126132-00126469 drops, tablets. cZBty1Sijmc-00442-00126515-00126830 And talking of dispensaries, and new products, cZBty1Sijmc-00443-00126830-00127111 I wanted to see them up close in the largest known dispensary cZBty1Sijmc-00444-00127111-00127398 in California. Harborside Health Center. cZBty1Sijmc-00445-00127398-00127657 For that we went over to Oakland, on the other side cZBty1Sijmc-00446-00127657-00127890 of the San Francisco Bay. We’re here at West Oakland station cZBty1Sijmc-00447-00127890-00128070 and here it smells like marijuana. cZBty1Sijmc-00448-00128141-00128441 In Embarcadero, south Oakland, cZBty1Sijmc-00449-00128441-00128734 Steve Deangelo from Washington D.C is waiting for us. cZBty1Sijmc-00450-00128734-00128980 He’s been a pro-legalisation activist for more than 20 years cZBty1Sijmc-00451-00128980-00129273 and now he’s a great businessman in the new green industry. cZBty1Sijmc-00466-00133267-00133367 Finally we're at Harborside. cZBty1Sijmc-00477-00136188-00136468 Legal marijuana is the fastest growing industry cZBty1Sijmc-00478-00136468-00136702 in the United States, a new legal market cZBty1Sijmc-00479-00136702-00136917 that in California is estimated to be worth cZBty1Sijmc-00480-00136931-00137235 6 billion for this year, plus a billion dollars cZBty1Sijmc-00481-00137235-00137478 in tax collected by the government. cZBty1Sijmc-00482-00137478-00137784 They say the world walks blindly cZBty1Sijmc-00483-00137784-00137919 but in California, "it's different." cZBty1Sijmc-00484-00138369-00138717 It’s like we have a different cultural standard. cZBty1Sijmc-00485-00138721-00138991 All the people seen as ‘bad’ are here, the gay people are here, cZBty1Sijmc-00486-00138991-00139244 he lesbians are here, the transsexuals, cZBty1Sijmc-00487-00139244-00139489 the Latinos, black people, the Chinese. cZBty1Sijmc-00500-00142856-00143102 This country, this place, this country is like more open, cZBty1Sijmc-00501-00143102-00143380 our mind is more open, and that's why when someone smokes here, cZBty1Sijmc-00502-00143380-00143679 it's like “Oh, right! Someone smoking marijuana, right.” cZBty1Sijmc-00503-00143679-00143942 And people even say, "Oh, how delicious, how yummy." cZBty1Sijmc-00504-00143988-00144238 And the millions raised is not the most important thing. cZBty1Sijmc-00505-00144238-00144437 The most important thing is... cZBty1Sijmc-00526-00151137-00151441 Uruguay has had its second shortage since legal marijuana cZBty1Sijmc-00527-00151441-00151695 arrived at pharmacies. cZBty1Sijmc-00528-00151695-00151966 During the week of the carnival there was no distribution cZBty1Sijmc-00529-00151966-00152189 of psychoactive cannabis for non-medical use cZBty1Sijmc-00530-00152189-00152392 to the pharmacy network. At the end of last year, cZBty1Sijmc-00531-00152392-00152690 the cold, the humidity and fungi ruined the crop. cZBty1Sijmc-00532-00152690-00152897 Now it seems that there have been cZBty1Sijmc-00533-00152897-00153222 further operational difficulties in the production companies, cZBty1Sijmc-00534-00153222-00153544 which have already been asked to increase cZBty1Sijmc-00535-00153544-00153659 production and quality. In Canada, cZBty1Sijmc-00536-00153699-00153983 where the cannabis industry is already measured cZBty1Sijmc-00537-00153983-00154299 in productivity data with alcohol and tobacco, cZBty1Sijmc-00538-00154299-00154588 it seems that there will be delays in the application of the C-45, cZBty1Sijmc-00539-00154588-00154821 the bill that will allow cZBty1Sijmc-00540-00154821-00155144 adults to possess up to thirty grams, cZBty1Sijmc-00541-00155144-00155449 buy it in authorised establishments cZBty1Sijmc-00542-00155449-00155745 or grow four plants. If the vote finally takes place in July, cZBty1Sijmc-00543-00155745-00156043 it will still take two or three more months cZBty1Sijmc-00544-00156043-00156181 before it will be applied. cZBty1Sijmc-00545-00157228-00157495 Today in El Coleccionista de Cannabis, cZBty1Sijmc-00546-00157495-00157736 Miguel will give us a preview of his interview with Goyo, cZBty1Sijmc-00547-00157736-00158002 shortly before he left us. A friend and essential person cZBty1Sijmc-00548-00158002-00158300 in our history of cannabis, cZBty1Sijmc-00549-00158300-00158526 who will be honoured cZBty1Sijmc-00550-00158526-00158709 on March 9 at Spannabis. cZBty1Sijmc-00551-00159344-00159636 I remember that morning in 1999 when I called my friend, cZBty1Sijmc-00552-00159636-00159909 Jorge Cervantes, to get him to come and visit crops in Valencia. cZBty1Sijmc-00553-00159937-00160048 On the other end of the phone, cZBty1Sijmc-00554-00160089-00160388 a very nervous Jorge told me that he sadly had to go away cZBty1Sijmc-00555-00160388-00160504 for personal reasons. cZBty1Sijmc-00556-00160536-00160847 The good thing was, that before hanging up, I was told that cZBty1Sijmc-00557-00160847-00161150 the person standing next to him was the best person to replace him. cZBty1Sijmc-00558-00161150-00161422 The affable Gregorio 'Goyo' Fernández, cZBty1Sijmc-00559-00161455-00161684 one of the professionals, Goyo to friends, confirmed that he would come, cZBty1Sijmc-00560-00161737-00162044 and it was him who then became photographer for Cáñamo magazine, cZBty1Sijmc-00561-00162044-00162338 and one of the first indoor-growing luminaries. cZBty1Sijmc-00562-00162338-00162605 He went down to Valencia so that an eternal friendship could emerge. cZBty1Sijmc-00563-00162705-00163011 Over time we founded, together with my brother Juanjo, cZBty1Sijmc-00564-00163011-00163111 the Ceagrocannabis association, cZBty1Sijmc-00565-00163126-00163463 from which we did several training courses for professionals in the sector. cZBty1Sijmc-00566-00163463-00163643 That was by April 2002 cZBty1Sijmc-00567-00163723-00164017 and many of those who were part of those training courses cZBty1Sijmc-00568-00164017-00164251 today are respected entrepreneurs in the cannabis sector. cZBty1Sijmc-00572-00166297-00166564 You know I couldn't do this section cZBty1Sijmc-00573-00166564-00166781 if it weren’t for you. cZBty1Sijmc-00574-00166859-00167192 The first time I heard about Gregorio Fernández was through Cáñamo magazine. cZBty1Sijmc-00575-00167198-00167492 Then I read an article that you were doing about cZBty1Sijmc-00576-00167492-00167809 the talks you were giving on optimising indoor crops, cZBty1Sijmc-00577-00167809-00168111 your photographs, but what was it cZBty1Sijmc-00578-00168111-00168367 that led to Goyo, what Goyo does, cZBty1Sijmc-00579-00168399-00168987 what made you visit those crops and take those photographs? How did you get there? cZBty1Sijmc-00580-00168987-00169269 Well, everything was an accumulation of circumstances. cZBty1Sijmc-00581-00169269-00169566 It wasn’t something I went after, it was cZBty1Sijmc-00582-00169566-00169691 circumstances and situations, cZBty1Sijmc-00583-00169691-00169947 of being in the right place at the right time, cZBty1Sijmc-00584-00169998-00170282 because as a photography enthusiast, I took my camera everywhere, cZBty1Sijmc-00585-00170282-00170553 on holiday, at home, cZBty1Sijmc-00586-00170553-00170823 and I was there at the root of it when cZBty1Sijmc-00587-00170823-00170937 Cáñamo magazine got going, cZBty1Sijmc-00588-00170937-00171242 and not many people cZBty1Sijmc-00589-00171242-00171573 had graphic material cZBty1Sijmc-00590-00171573-00171829 of plants and crops back then, cZBty1Sijmc-00591-00171829-00172169 so, well that’s where it all began. cZBty1Sijmc-00592-00172169-00172411 Now let's talk a little bit about something that we like more than anything, let's talk about growing. cZBty1Sijmc-00593-00172434-00172747 If a person wanted to start growing inside, cZBty1Sijmc-00594-00172747-00172912 what should he definitely take into account? cZBty1Sijmc-00595-00172976-00173272 Well, I think that nowadays with all the information about, cZBty1Sijmc-00596-00173272-00173571 knowledge about the materials that we have here, it would be worth cZBty1Sijmc-00597-00173571-00173869 not throwing oneself straight into the ring like cZBty1Sijmc-00598-00173869-00174152 many of us have done, probably the great majority of us. cZBty1Sijmc-00599-00174152-00174323 It is worth considering, cZBty1Sijmc-00600-00174323-00174594 what it really is that you want to do, cZBty1Sijmc-00601-00174594-00174896 it’s worth thinking and cZBty1Sijmc-00602-00174896-00175202 waiting for a bit, saving a bit of money, cZBty1Sijmc-00603-00175202-00175302 and then cZBty1Sijmc-00604-00175313-00175565 making a more serious effort. cZBty1Sijmc-00605-00175565-00175832 Which factor do you think is most important when it comes to cZBty1Sijmc-00606-00175832-00176130 obtaining a large indoor crop production - a good installation cZBty1Sijmc-00607-00176130-00176269 or green fingers? cZBty1Sijmc-00608-00176424-00176712 Well, that’s a tough question. cZBty1Sijmc-00609-00176712-00176993 I mean the gardening itself is fundamental. cZBty1Sijmc-00610-00177032-00177316 You could have a room with cZBty1Sijmc-00611-00177316-00177614 a million euros invested and cZBty1Sijmc-00612-00177614-00177903 even if you're completely hopeless, you will get something out of it cZBty1Sijmc-00613-00177903-00178197 but of course any plant under any light cZBty1Sijmc-00614-00178197-00178499 even if it is a 20W bulb cZBty1Sijmc-00615-00178499-00178755 will live. But between living and surviving cZBty1Sijmc-00616-00178755-00179056 to produce what we are hoping for is a world of difference. cZBty1Sijmc-00617-00179056-00179252 So.... cZBty1Sijmc-00618-00179407-00179738 To finish the series of questions cZBty1Sijmc-00619-00179745-00180014 for all those who are watching, cZBty1Sijmc-00620-00180014-00180359 can you give us a tip for improving our indoor crops? cZBty1Sijmc-00621-00180534-00180862 Find good genetics. It’s the first step. cZBty1Sijmc-00622-00180862-00181127 Today that’s not an easy task. cZBty1Sijmc-00623-00181127-00181423 More for someone who doesn’t know the guild cZBty1Sijmc-00624-00181423-00181715 I don't know because everything I know cZBty1Sijmc-00625-00181715-00181829 comes from my own experiences. cZBty1Sijmc-00626-00181889-00182124 If you open your book it might be more or less interesting cZBty1Sijmc-00627-00182124-00182424 than someone has recommended you, it could be cZBty1Sijmc-00628-00182424-00182727 an overwhelming amount of data and figures cZBty1Sijmc-00629-00182727-00183042 you're going to say, no. I want to smoke. cZBty1Sijmc-00630-00183059-00183195 I want to grow. cZBty1Sijmc-00631-00183332-00183556 But it's worth it ... Suffering and elbow grease cZBty1Sijmc-00632-00183556-00183829 and studying a little, cZBty1Sijmc-00633-00183829-00184141 and if you have no idea about plants, study up a bit. cZBty1Sijmc-00634-00184141-00184479 but the best thing is field work. cZBty1Sijmc-00635-00184479-00184795 It's your successes and your mistakes, it's pure science. cZBty1Sijmc-00636-00184820-00185098 Of all your visits to indoor growers that you have been doing cZBty1Sijmc-00637-00185098-00185398 for so many years, what is the greatest optimisation cZBty1Sijmc-00638-00185398-00185699 - at the production level, I mean, right, that you’ve ever seen? cZBty1Sijmc-00639-00185699-00185948 The most shocking thing I've seen cZBty1Sijmc-00640-00185951-00186239 was really shocking, cZBty1Sijmc-00641-00186239-00186508 was building a house based on the indoor cZBty1Sijmc-00642-00186508-00186809 space that was being made. cZBty1Sijmc-00643-00186926-00187210 That man wanted an indoor space, cZBty1Sijmc-00644-00187210-00187551 a bunker with an indoor space, cZBty1Sijmc-00645-00187551-00187890 completely recreational, and he built the house and plans around that indoor space. cZBty1Sijmc-00646-00188102-00188570 Well I hope you have listened carefully to what Goyo said in this programme and today. cZBty1Sijmc-00647-00188570-00188680 In the next episode, cZBty1Sijmc-00648-00188680-00188879 we’ll be talking to another important cannabis grower. cZBty1Sijmc-00649-00188918-00189111 Look after your health and happy smoking. cZBty1Sijmc-00652-00190193-00190491 Dabadoo, the dabs cup organised by Mila Jansen cZBty1Sijmc-00653-00190491-00190746 is being held this year at the ADICB association cZBty1Sijmc-00654-00190746-00191030 on 7 March in the Catalonian capital. cZBty1Sijmc-00655-00191030-00191329 Expogrow Business Barcelona, on the 8th cZBty1Sijmc-00656-00191329-00191616 will bring together more than a hundred professionals cZBty1Sijmc-00657-00191616-00191839 and forty companies in the sector cZBty1Sijmc-00658-00191839-00192099 wanting to expand their businesses. Don’t miss it! cZBty1Sijmc-00659-00192122-00192421 Spannabis Barcelona, from 9th to 11th cZBty1Sijmc-00660-00192421-00192720 at la Fira de Cornellá. You’ll find us at booth 162, cZBty1Sijmc-00661-00192720-00192952 in the outdoor plaza, cZBty1Sijmc-00662-00192952-00193257 Don’t miss out! cZBty1Sijmc-00663-00193257-00193575 Cannafest Guadalajara will be held on the 17th and on the 18th, cZBty1Sijmc-00664-00193575-00193865 the gala of the first cannabis cup in Mexico cZBty1Sijmc-00665-00193865-00194155 will take place in the magical town of Ajijic, cZBty1Sijmc-00666-00194155-00194454 with categories including interior, exterior, rosin, cZBty1Sijmc-00667-00194454-00194777 and extractions with and without solvents. cZBty1Sijmc-00668-00194777-00195084 Oh! I wish I could go back to beautiful Mexico! cZBty1Sijmc-00670-00195213-00195515 Dear Marihuana Television audience, I am pleased to announce cZBty1Sijmc-00671-00195515-00195790 that we now have winners for the 2 lots of cZBty1Sijmc-00672-00195790-00196117 seeds from the Indica collection from the World of Seeds seed bank. cZBty1Sijmc-00673-00196117-00196420 Head over to our website at cZBty1Sijmc-00674-00196420-00196714 to see if you are among the winners. cZBty1Sijmc-00675-00196716-00197028 And very importantly, next month we’ll be having cZBty1Sijmc-00676-00197028-00197309 a new draw for the Marijuana TV audience. cZBty1Sijmc-00677-00197309-00197569 Head online and see if you’ve got lucky! cZBty1Sijmc-00678-00197662-00197959 And to stay up-to-date this month we recommend reading cZBty1Sijmc-00679-00197959-00198138 Cannabis Magazine, number 166. cZBty1Sijmc-00680-00198138-00198350 Don’t miss El Cultivador, cZBty1Sijmc-00681-00198350-00198639 the free cannabis paper, either. cZBty1Sijmc-00682-00198639-00198893 And Canamo Magazine, which this month publishes cZBty1Sijmc-00683-00198893-00199179 edition number 243, cZBty1Sijmc-00684-00199179-00199443 with a free gift as always. cZBty1Sijmc-00685-00199443-00199757 And online, visit for the latest information. cZBty1Sijmc-00686-00199757-00200074 As always, be happy and see you soon! cZVpio3IwKU-00000-00001448-00001844 Mainz in December 2017: cZVpio3IwKU-00001-00001880-00002589 Goal! Goal! Goal! Shinji! Shinji! 89 minutes, and we’ve won the game! cZVpio3IwKU-00002-00002590-00003211 Shinji ends BVB’s winless run, creating a moment of pure ecstasy. cZVpio3IwKU-00003-00003211-00003537 And that’s exactly where he’s an expert. cZVpio3IwKU-00004-00003538-00004269 Whether it’s in the last minute, in the derby, or in the cup final against Bayern, cZVpio3IwKU-00005-00004270-00004584 he’s the man for the most important goals. cZVpio3IwKU-00006-00004725-00005279 On his special day, let’s take a look at some of his best goals. cZVpio3IwKU-00007-00005280-00005533 Happy Birthday Shinji! cZVpio3IwKU-00008-00005723-00006474 Number 10 is a brilliant bit of teamwork to give BVB a last-minute 2-1 win against Wolfsburg. cZVpio3IwKU-00009-00007234-00007897 Number 9 is a work of art: a sideways scissor-kick lob in the cup against Sandhausen. cZVpio3IwKU-00010-00008454-00009028 At Number 8, Shinji’s rocket-powered volley at Cologne, thundering in off the underside of the bar. cZVpio3IwKU-00011-00009676-00010078 In at Number 7, a goal for the history books: cZVpio3IwKU-00012-00010234-00010753 The win against Gladbach sealed the Bundesliga title for BVB. cZVpio3IwKU-00013-00011450-00012141 A more recent goal comes in at Number 6: a scissor-kick volley against Freiburg. cZVpio3IwKU-00014-00012998-00013583 And Number 5 is another goal from this season, this time against Augsburg: cZVpio3IwKU-00015-00013584-00013886 This lob was poetry in motion. cZVpio3IwKU-00016-00014554-00014748 And now for a header: cZVpio3IwKU-00017-00014749-00015398 this derby goal unquestionably deserves to be in Shinji’s Top 10 - it’s at Number 4. cZVpio3IwKU-00018-00016528-00016760 And another one against Schalke! cZVpio3IwKU-00019-00016761-00017219 Similar to the goal in Augsburg and yet so much better… it’s Number 3. cZVpio3IwKU-00020-00017976-00018670 Not quite as spectacular, but all the more important: Shinji’s goal in the cup final against Bayern. cZVpio3IwKU-00021-00018790-00019261 Second place goes to the goal that kicked off an unforgettable cup night. cZVpio3IwKU-00022-00020534-00021473 And at Number 1: Shinji scored twice in his first derby, making him an instant derby hero. cZVpio3IwKU-00023-00021473-00021868 His dagger to the hearts of all Schalke fans will never be forgotten. cbngI5RiF1Q-00000-00000336-00000486 Ehleshea: Hello and welcome to the Fort Report. cbngI5RiF1Q-00001-00000514-00000618 I'm Ehleshea Woodruff. cbngI5RiF1Q-00002-00000644-00000766 Chris: And I'm Chris Connolly. cbngI5RiF1Q-00003-00000886-00001058 It's really hot, okay? cbngI5RiF1Q-00004-00001090-00001196 E: I didn't say anything. cbngI5RiF1Q-00005-00001224-00001407 C: I know you. Let's just do this. cbngI5RiF1Q-00006-00001420-00001559 These lights are like five little suns. cbngI5RiF1Q-00007-00001597-00001648 E: Whiner. cbngI5RiF1Q-00008-00001673-00002079 Unlike my co-host, most Fort Worthians are of a more robust nature. cbngI5RiF1Q-00009-00002099-00002230 C: Hey! I'm right here. cbngI5RiF1Q-00010-00002243-00002566 E: There's still plenty of shade and cool refreshments at Rodeo Zone, cbngI5RiF1Q-00011-00002582-00002760 now open in Stockyards Station. cbngI5RiF1Q-00012-00002788-00003166 Guests of all ages will enjoy the life-like robotic bull, bronc cbngI5RiF1Q-00013-00003177-00003329 and Texas longhorn rides. cbngI5RiF1Q-00014-00003356-00003719 You can also try your hand at roping in the arena, learn barrel racing cbngI5RiF1Q-00015-00003731-00004165 techniques, experience real competitive rodeo on four large viewing screens, cbngI5RiF1Q-00016-00004177-00004423 and even compete in a game of horseshoes cbngI5RiF1Q-00017-00004434-00004650 where are you gonna beat that!? cbngI5RiF1Q-00018-00004675-00004981 Private rodeo schools and special event packages are available. cbngI5RiF1Q-00019-00005005-00005306 For more information, visit cbngI5RiF1Q-00020-00005360-00005711 C: Not to be outdone by the Stockyards, the Museum District is hosting 50 fest. cbngI5RiF1Q-00021-00005723-00006082 It’s a free community celebration of 50 years at the Amon Carter. cbngI5RiF1Q-00022-00006094-00006201 E: Put the fan down. cbngI5RiF1Q-00023-00006468-00006738 C. ART. BANDS. FOOD. FUN. FREE. cbngI5RiF1Q-00024-00006754-00006925 That's really all you need to know isn't it? cbngI5RiF1Q-00025-00006937-00007113 Saturday, August 13. cbngI5RiF1Q-00026-00007123-00007411 You can find more information at cbngI5RiF1Q-00027-00007527-00007770 E: We hate to close on a serious note… cbngI5RiF1Q-00028-00007781-00008058 In fact, we aren't too fond of seriousness around here at all. cbngI5RiF1Q-00029-00008068-00008458 However, the extreme summer heat isn't just taking a toll on our citizens; cbngI5RiF1Q-00030-00008479-00008711 it is seriously affecting local wildlife. cbngI5RiF1Q-00031-00008742-00009133 Water sources at area parks have dried up. When this happens our cbngI5RiF1Q-00032-00009144-00009544 park residents—namely ducks and geese —usually fly to a more cbngI5RiF1Q-00033-00009554-00009679 duck friendly environment. cbngI5RiF1Q-00034-00009724-00009878 C. Unfortunately, they are still hanging around. cbngI5RiF1Q-00035-00009892-00009960 Why? cbngI5RiF1Q-00036-00009971-00010181 Well because people like to throw bread and crackers at them. cbngI5RiF1Q-00037-00010207-00010468 The water is gone but the food supply is still there. cbngI5RiF1Q-00038-00010484-00010655 That is, as long as we keep feeding them. cbngI5RiF1Q-00039-00010676-00010878 When they stick around, they are easy prey for cbngI5RiF1Q-00040-00010888-00011018 urban foxes and bobcats. cbngI5RiF1Q-00041-00011028-00011155 They are also more prone to illness. cbngI5RiF1Q-00042-00011222-00011580 E: So before you head to the pond with old hot dog buns or bread heals, cbngI5RiF1Q-00043-00011590-00011842 remember that you’re not helping the ducks—you might even cbngI5RiF1Q-00044-00011852-00011952 be harming them… cbngI5RiF1Q-00045-00011984-00012266 C: Yea, remember kids: A Fed Duck is a Dead Duck… cbngI5RiF1Q-00046-00012314-00012473 That would look cool on a tee-shirt… cbngI5RiF1Q-00047-00012520-00012741 E: That's it for this week's Fort Report. cbngI5RiF1Q-00048-00012760-00012877 C: ... or a band name ... cbngI5RiF1Q-00049-00013406-00013655 E: We hate to close on a serious note... cbngI5RiF1Q-00050-00013671-00013894 In fact, we aren't too fined of... cbngI5RiF1Q-00051-00013969-00014280 It's seriously effecting [unintelligible] cbngI5RiF1Q-00052-00014315-00014381 C: [laughing loudly] cbngI5RiF1Q-00053-00014409-00014578 E: So before you head to... cbngI5RiF1Q-00054-00014588-00014850 C: The museum district is hosting 50 fest cbngI5RiF1Q-00055-00014861-00015040 It's a 50... [bleeped] cbngI5RiF1Q-00056-00015311-00015626 ART. BAND. FOOD. FUN. Band? [bleeped] cbngI5RiF1Q-00057-00015669-00015819 [laughing] ccDZMFXIRyM-00000-00001250-00001751 Welcome to happiness isn't brain surgery with Doc Snipes. This podcast was created to ccDZMFXIRyM-00001-00001751-00002168 provide you the information and tools Doc Snipes gives her clients so that you ccDZMFXIRyM-00002-00002168-00002686 too can start living happier. Our website has even more resources, ccDZMFXIRyM-00003-00002686-00003131 videos, and handouts and even interactive sessions with Doc Snipes to help you ccDZMFXIRyM-00004-00003131-00003673 apply what you learn. Go to to learn more. Hey everybody and ccDZMFXIRyM-00005-00003673-00004034 welcome to happiness isn't brain surgery with Doc Snipes. Today we're going to ccDZMFXIRyM-00006-00004034-00004382 continue our series talking about spiritual principles that can help us ccDZMFXIRyM-00007-00004382-00004976 live happier. If you remember from the last presentation spirituality isn't ccDZMFXIRyM-00008-00004976-00005504 necessarily religion spirituality is your sense of awe and wonder with the ccDZMFXIRyM-00009-00005504-00005924 universe and your sense of connectedness and your sense of direction for where ccDZMFXIRyM-00010-00005924-00006329 you're going and what gives your life meaning so we're going to start talking ccDZMFXIRyM-00011-00006329-00006878 a little bit about different principles that might help you kind of check ccDZMFXIRyM-00012-00006878-00007493 yourself and figure out if you are living your happiest life so we're going ccDZMFXIRyM-00013-00007493-00007915 to start out with greed and gratitude because a lot of times people focus on ccDZMFXIRyM-00014-00007915-00008444 what they don't have and they focus on worrying about money they focus on ccDZMFXIRyM-00015-00008444-00009026 worrying about what other people have and you know it makes them miserable so ccDZMFXIRyM-00016-00009026-00009503 thinking back over your life it's important to figure out what's truly ccDZMFXIRyM-00017-00009503-00009865 important because sometimes you're worrying about stuff and using a whole ccDZMFXIRyM-00018-00009865-00010202 bunch of energy worrying about stuff that's really in the big scheme of ccDZMFXIRyM-00019-00010202-00010775 things not that important to you so don't worry about what you're going to ccDZMFXIRyM-00020-00010775-00011318 eat and drink about your body what you will wear life is more than food and a ccDZMFXIRyM-00021-00011318-00011918 body is more than clothes it's about having peace in your mind peace in your ccDZMFXIRyM-00022-00011918-00012452 heart and a sense of being loved now yeah you need to eat and drink that no ccDZMFXIRyM-00023-00012452-00013066 doubt but we know that there are programs I mean you can get on food ccDZMFXIRyM-00024-00013066-00013565 stamps you can get public assistance if you need to there are food pantries if ccDZMFXIRyM-00025-00013565-00014206 you need food there are places you can go to get shelter for the most part you ccDZMFXIRyM-00026-00014206-00014630 know if you have needs generally either you can ccDZMFXIRyM-00027-00014630-00015056 meet them on your own or your support system or the community support system ccDZMFXIRyM-00028-00015056-00015516 can help you meet those needs are you going to be meeting them the way you ccDZMFXIRyM-00029-00015516-00016169 necessarily want to well maybe not you know you may want to live in a 5,000 ccDZMFXIRyM-00030-00016169-00016676 square foot house and have three cars and yada yada however you may not be ccDZMFXIRyM-00031-00016676-00017114 able to so one of the things I would encourage you to think about is who and ccDZMFXIRyM-00032-00017114-00017480 what is truly important in your life so you can figure out where to spend your ccDZMFXIRyM-00033-00017480-00018034 energy what's gonna fill your heart and what is going to give you peace of mind ccDZMFXIRyM-00034-00018034-00018596 whoever loves money never has enough and whoever loves wealth is never satisfied ccDZMFXIRyM-00035-00018596-00019184 with their income when people love money and that's where their love is then ccDZMFXIRyM-00036-00019184-00019610 you're always wanting more and you're comparing yourself to people who have ccDZMFXIRyM-00037-00019610-00020138 more and you're trying to reach this other level so you have as much as they ccDZMFXIRyM-00038-00020138-00020669 do but what does money do for you I mean yeah you can buy food and shelter and ccDZMFXIRyM-00039-00020669-00021148 stuff but once you get your basics met you know you can have your basics met at ccDZMFXIRyM-00040-00021148-00021680 one level and then you can exceed it at a different level it always you know I ccDZMFXIRyM-00041-00021680-00022262 find it a little curious sometimes people you know like stars and stuff who ccDZMFXIRyM-00042-00022262-00022697 have you know it's just them and maybe their significant other and they're ccDZMFXIRyM-00043-00022697-00023126 living in this thirty thousand dollar mansion or thirty thousand square square ccDZMFXIRyM-00044-00023126-00023666 foot mansion that you know is worth millions of dollars but they don't have ccDZMFXIRyM-00045-00023666-00024239 anybody to fill it what do you do with all those rooms you know how you spend a ccDZMFXIRyM-00046-00024239-00024797 lot of time cleaning it maybe so focusing on what's important is money ccDZMFXIRyM-00047-00024797-00025325 that important you know or is it important to have enough money to do ccDZMFXIRyM-00048-00025325-00025757 certain things you know and there's a difference because if money is important ccDZMFXIRyM-00049-00025757-00026233 then there's like a never-ending goal how much money is enough if you need to ccDZMFXIRyM-00050-00026233-00026702 have just enough money to do the things that are truly important to you then ccDZMFXIRyM-00051-00026702-00027413 that's you know a very definable goal how much money do you actually need to ccDZMFXIRyM-00052-00027413-00027699 access those people and things that are important in your ccDZMFXIRyM-00053-00027699-00028305 you know do you have to have a six bedroom house on a hundred acres in the ccDZMFXIRyM-00054-00028305-00028608 middle of you know New York City or something obviously that's not gonna ccDZMFXIRyM-00055-00028608-00029208 happen but probably not you know probably you could meet those needs and ccDZMFXIRyM-00056-00029208-00029643 I mean think about people who are poor think about people who are living you ccDZMFXIRyM-00057-00029643-00030302 know in a shack somewhere that still don't have electricity and there are ccDZMFXIRyM-00058-00030302-00030672 people living like that and there are people who are living like ccDZMFXIRyM-00059-00030672-00031092 that who are happy they have their family they have what they perceive is ccDZMFXIRyM-00060-00031092-00031536 important to them and they're not worried about taxes they're not worried ccDZMFXIRyM-00061-00031536-00032007 about you know making car payments on their third car because they have what ccDZMFXIRyM-00062-00032007-00032667 they need can money alone make you happy you know and we need to think about this ccDZMFXIRyM-00063-00032667-00033255 because money is such a big stressor for so many people or what you wear or where ccDZMFXIRyM-00064-00033255-00033834 you live which all kind of comes back to money can your house your clothes and ccDZMFXIRyM-00065-00033834-00034578 money make you happy and I would ask you to consider you know are there people ccDZMFXIRyM-00066-00034578-00035085 who are poor that are happy well then that shows you that money itself may not ccDZMFXIRyM-00067-00035085-00035601 make you happy and are there people who are very very wealthy who are miserable ccDZMFXIRyM-00068-00035601-00036348 and the answer to that is yes again so you know money itself whether you have ccDZMFXIRyM-00069-00036348-00036717 it or you don't doesn't necessarily control happiness ccDZMFXIRyM-00070-00036717-00037232 but if you don't have money and you dwell on it it will make you miserable ccDZMFXIRyM-00071-00037232-00037655 keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have ccDZMFXIRyM-00072-00037655-00038139 so take an honest inventory of what you have and I'm not talking about just ccDZMFXIRyM-00073-00038139-00038715 tangible things I'm talking about your friends your family your ability to look ccDZMFXIRyM-00074-00038715-00039159 at yourself in the morning your integrity all of that stuff you know ccDZMFXIRyM-00075-00039159-00039588 what do you have right now that makes you happy you know yeah we could always ccDZMFXIRyM-00076-00039588-00040130 have more we can always want from or but what do you have and be grateful ccDZMFXIRyM-00077-00040130-00040574 for what you have and try to focus more on the things that you already have ccDZMFXIRyM-00078-00040574-00041076 instead of focusing you know ignoring those and going but I want this well you ccDZMFXIRyM-00079-00041076-00041394 want that okay that's fine that's out there but what do you have right now ccDZMFXIRyM-00080-00041394-00042099 that you can be grateful for anxiety is caused by a lot of things other than ccDZMFXIRyM-00081-00042099-00042828 money but in addition to lack of money or wanting money or greed can get any of ccDZMFXIRyM-00082-00042828-00043472 us by worrying add a single hour to our life and the answer is no we can't you ccDZMFXIRyM-00083-00043472-00043986 know actually worrying takes hours off of our life so we don't want to do that ccDZMFXIRyM-00084-00043986-00044493 you know we want to have a happy healthy life so you need to figure out how ccDZMFXIRyM-00085-00044493-00044880 you're gonna handle the big triggers for anxiety rejection ccDZMFXIRyM-00086-00044880-00045213 you know rejection is a big one for a lot of people whether they're being ccDZMFXIRyM-00087-00045213-00045684 rejected by their family by their friends by you know for a job how do you ccDZMFXIRyM-00088-00045684-00046428 handle rejection and how do you keep it from making you feel unlovable how do ccDZMFXIRyM-00089-00046428-00046965 you keep it from making you feel anxious you know because anxiety when people are ccDZMFXIRyM-00090-00046965-00047436 rejected a lot of times they feel like nobody's gonna love them so how can you ccDZMFXIRyM-00091-00047436-00048105 feel and help yourself remember that you are lovable all the time how can you ccDZMFXIRyM-00092-00048105-00048771 deal with failure we all fail and and when you fail if you can see it as a ccDZMFXIRyM-00093-00048771-00049247 learning opportunity it's less devastating than if you see it as ccDZMFXIRyM-00094-00049247-00049638 something negative you see there's something negative then you may fear ccDZMFXIRyM-00095-00049638-00050055 people are going to reject you because you failed and you may reject yourself ccDZMFXIRyM-00096-00050055-00050706 because you failed but if you look at failure as I tried something didn't work ccDZMFXIRyM-00097-00050706-00051320 out that teaches me one way not to do it then you're going to be less anxious ccDZMFXIRyM-00098-00051320-00051953 about trying things because you won't fear failure and you're going to be able ccDZMFXIRyM-00099-00051953-00052458 to handle it when you fail more often because guess what it's a learning ccDZMFXIRyM-00100-00052458-00053070 opportunity and learning is always good and the final main trigger Frank for ccDZMFXIRyM-00101-00053070-00053530 people's anxiety is loss of control when relationships end people ccDZMFXIRyM-00102-00053530-00053968 get nervous that they get anxious they may get angry because they couldn't ccDZMFXIRyM-00103-00053968-00054456 control that person or they couldn't control that relationship there's all ccDZMFXIRyM-00104-00054456-00054964 kinds of things that make us feel out of control from what people say on Facebook ccDZMFXIRyM-00105-00054964-00055474 to the government to you know the weather you're not going to be in ccDZMFXIRyM-00106-00055474-00055937 control over everything and if you get anxious about it it doesn't do any good ccDZMFXIRyM-00107-00055937-00056314 I'll give you an example um you know whenever it gets really ccDZMFXIRyM-00108-00056314-00056654 windy I'm always worried that we're going to lose part of our fence again ccDZMFXIRyM-00109-00056654-00057179 and that anxiety doesn't know good you know that just drains minutes or hours ccDZMFXIRyM-00110-00057179-00057766 off of my life because I have no control over the weather if it's gonna blow it's ccDZMFXIRyM-00111-00057766-00058361 gonna blow and I have to remind myself of that and distract myself so instead ccDZMFXIRyM-00112-00058361-00058675 of listening to the weather or listening to the wind ccDZMFXIRyM-00113-00058675-00059116 I turn up the TV a little bit so I don't hear it and I don't think about it as ccDZMFXIRyM-00114-00059116-00059750 much anxiety weighs down the heart but a kind word will cheer it up and this is ccDZMFXIRyM-00115-00059750-00060162 kind of one of those principles of dialectical behavior therapy is ccDZMFXIRyM-00116-00060162-00060604 recognizing that sometimes there are things we can't control and those things ccDZMFXIRyM-00117-00060604-00060982 we can't control well great you know that's making you stressed out if it's ccDZMFXIRyM-00118-00060982-00061286 making you anxious and you can control it do something about it ccDZMFXIRyM-00119-00061286-00061816 fabulous but there are some things you can't control so how can you accept it ccDZMFXIRyM-00120-00061816-00062354 how can you move past sitting there and dwelling in your anxiety all anxiety ccDZMFXIRyM-00121-00062354-00063016 does is tell you you need to do something that there may be a threat so ccDZMFXIRyM-00122-00063016-00063416 how do you figure out how to deal with those potential threats that you have no ccDZMFXIRyM-00123-00063416-00063947 control over one suggestion is to seek encouragement find other people who can ccDZMFXIRyM-00124-00063947-00064322 go you know you've been through difficult times before you'll be able to ccDZMFXIRyM-00125-00064322-00064837 go through this again whatever kind of encouragement you need do things for ccDZMFXIRyM-00126-00064837-00065269 others you know if you look around you may see others that are suffering or ccDZMFXIRyM-00127-00065269-00065879 others that have needs that you can meet and by being kind to others a lot of ccDZMFXIRyM-00128-00065879-00066362 times we forget the things that we're anxious about we forget some of those ccDZMFXIRyM-00129-00066362-00066883 things that are weighing on mind and it cheers us up another ccDZMFXIRyM-00130-00066883-00067324 technique is to use the opposite emotion when you're anxious do things that will ccDZMFXIRyM-00131-00067324-00067741 make you happy because if you're laughing if you're focused on something ccDZMFXIRyM-00132-00067741-00068221 that makes you happy makes you smile gets you out of that anxiety mind space ccDZMFXIRyM-00133-00068221-00068809 it's going to cheer you up maybe not forever but it will cheer you ccDZMFXIRyM-00134-00068809-00069427 up for that few minutes and give you respite from the anxiety feeling ccDZMFXIRyM-00135-00069427-00069889 overwhelmed or burden is another thing that you know really devastates a lot of ccDZMFXIRyM-00136-00069889-00070429 people and it's easy in this culture to feel overwhelmed you've got so much to ccDZMFXIRyM-00137-00070429-00070900 do it feels like you know you're never gonna win you try to do things and you ccDZMFXIRyM-00138-00070900-00071467 know feels like bad people get away with things so people can get very upset and ccDZMFXIRyM-00139-00071467-00072079 feel overwhelmed out-of-control hopeless and helpless and there are a ccDZMFXIRyM-00140-00072079-00072487 lot of different Proverbs and sayings about this and one of them is that a ccDZMFXIRyM-00141-00072487-00073036 joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones so ccDZMFXIRyM-00142-00073036-00073477 when you're you've got a joyful heart it helps keep the rest of your body flowing ccDZMFXIRyM-00143-00073477-00073936 it helps you sleep better it helps keep your hormones in whack it helps your ccDZMFXIRyM-00144-00073936-00074508 mood so a joyful heart helps you feel better physically as well as emotionally ccDZMFXIRyM-00145-00074508-00075025 and a crushed spirit dries up the bones because when you feel hopeless and ccDZMFXIRyM-00146-00075025-00075655 helpless it feels like you're kind of paralyzed like you can't move consider ccDZMFXIRyM-00147-00075655-00076165 it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the ccDZMFXIRyM-00148-00076165-00076641 testing of your faith or the testing of you develops perseverance and ccDZMFXIRyM-00149-00076641-00077176 perseverance must finish its work so that you can be mature and complete and ccDZMFXIRyM-00150-00077176-00077713 not lack anything which is a really long way of saying what can you learn from ccDZMFXIRyM-00151-00077713-00078190 the trials that you are going through that you can use in the future what can ccDZMFXIRyM-00152-00078190-00078660 you learn about yourself what tools that you can learn what tools can you learn ccDZMFXIRyM-00153-00078660-00079087 you know you may learn that you've got more courage than you thought you may ccDZMFXIRyM-00154-00079087-00079558 learn that you can have faith in other people and you can have faith in ccDZMFXIRyM-00155-00079558-00080038 yourself to be able to do things you may learn new skills for dealing ccDZMFXIRyM-00156-00080038-00080425 with things that you know you didn't have before or you didn't know you had ccDZMFXIRyM-00157-00080425-00081043 so what can you learn from every hardship and yeah hardships suck don't ccDZMFXIRyM-00158-00081043-00081520 get me wrong but if you can at least learn something from it so the next time ccDZMFXIRyM-00159-00081520-00082012 something similar comes along you have more tools to handle it or you feel more ccDZMFXIRyM-00160-00082012-00082834 equipped to handle it it will help you feel happier it's important to recognize ccDZMFXIRyM-00161-00082834-00083335 that you know even when things are going well there are challenges and even when ccDZMFXIRyM-00162-00083335-00083740 things are going poorly there are challenges I know how to be brought low ccDZMFXIRyM-00163-00083740-00084172 and I know how to abound and in every circumstances I have learned that the ccDZMFXIRyM-00164-00084172-00084808 secret to facing plenty and hunger abundance and need I can do all things ccDZMFXIRyM-00165-00084808-00085234 through him who strengthens me so thinking about you know what does that ccDZMFXIRyM-00166-00085234-00085770 mean I can do all things when I'm brought low how do I pull myself out ccDZMFXIRyM-00167-00085770-00086602 with gratitude being grateful for what you've got going on around you being ccDZMFXIRyM-00168-00086602-00087007 grateful for what you do have instead of focusing on the things that you don't ccDZMFXIRyM-00169-00087007-00087454 have because a lot of times we do have things that can we can be grateful for ccDZMFXIRyM-00170-00087454-00088060 that helps bring us out of despair a sense of hope hope is always important ccDZMFXIRyM-00171-00088060-00088696 if you lose hope you've lost your heart so having hope even when things are bad ccDZMFXIRyM-00172-00088696-00089290 can help things get better and having faith in yourself in your fellow man in ccDZMFXIRyM-00173-00089290-00089932 your higher power can help you believe that things are going to get better but ccDZMFXIRyM-00174-00089932-00090469 what about this abundance thing you know well the same things apply when you have ccDZMFXIRyM-00175-00090469-00091138 abundance being grateful for what you have and recognizing that it could be ccDZMFXIRyM-00176-00091138-00091516 gone in a blink being grateful for what you have and for those who have helped ccDZMFXIRyM-00177-00091516-00091894 to achieve it or help you maintain it because if you start taking people for ccDZMFXIRyM-00178-00091894-00092350 granted then they may not be there and you may start to lose things you want to ccDZMFXIRyM-00179-00092350-00092989 avoid complacency again if you start taking things for granted then start may ccDZMFXIRyM-00180-00092989-00093275 start dwindling and you don't even realize it think ccDZMFXIRyM-00181-00093275-00093689 about big businesses that get a little bit too big for their britches and they ccDZMFXIRyM-00182-00093689-00094157 think well we'll always be around because everybody needs us and then they ccDZMFXIRyM-00183-00094157-00094681 start giving poor customer support they start putting out inferior products and ccDZMFXIRyM-00184-00094681-00095375 people quit using them they quit going to that store the store in general ccDZMFXIRyM-00185-00095375-00095791 became complacent and they just assumed that everybody would always go to them ccDZMFXIRyM-00186-00095791-00096422 but nobody has guaranteed a tomorrow so avoid complacency and keep doing the ccDZMFXIRyM-00187-00096422-00096881 right things that brought you to where you are keep being grateful keep having ccDZMFXIRyM-00188-00096881-00097394 faith in yourself and having hope that you're going things are gonna continue ccDZMFXIRyM-00189-00097394-00097939 to go well yes there's going to be bumps in the road but if you have hope that ccDZMFXIRyM-00190-00097939-00098873 you can hurdle those obstacles then you will feel happier and the in jealousy ccDZMFXIRyM-00191-00098873-00099364 also get to a lot of people a heart at peace gives life to the body but envy ccDZMFXIRyM-00192-00099364-00099812 rots the bones you know we kind of heard that one before when you're at peace you ccDZMFXIRyM-00193-00099812-00100252 can use that energy for things that bring you happiness so if you're always ccDZMFXIRyM-00194-00100252-00100607 angry now remember anger and fear are your ccDZMFXIRyM-00195-00100607-00100949 body's way of saying there might be a threat that you either need to fight or ccDZMFXIRyM-00196-00100949-00101405 flee from they are not meant anger and fear are not meant to be dwelt on ccDZMFXIRyM-00197-00101405-00101945 they're not meant to be nurtured inside your heart in your head you're not meant ccDZMFXIRyM-00198-00101945-00102452 to sit there and just perseverate on it but that doesn't do any good and it just ccDZMFXIRyM-00199-00102452-00103247 takes away minutes and hours from your life do what you can you know address ccDZMFXIRyM-00200-00103247-00103742 the things that you can when you're at peace when you're not holding on to and ccDZMFXIRyM-00201-00103742-00104305 nurturing anger and resentment and all that stuff all that energy is liberated ccDZMFXIRyM-00202-00104305-00104586 so you can do things that bring you happiness ccDZMFXIRyM-00203-00104586-00104998 don't be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good ccDZMFXIRyM-00204-00104998-00105596 when you're tempted to be angry be kind you know sometimes there are ccDZMFXIRyM-00205-00105596-00106100 misunderstandings and it can be easy to be angry but that just that's a whole ccDZMFXIRyM-00206-00106100-00106435 rush of energy and emotions and everything ccDZMFXIRyM-00207-00106435-00106892 so for example if you get cut off in traffic you may be tempted to get really ccDZMFXIRyM-00208-00106892-00107533 angry that somebody cut you off but does it do you any good and the answer is 99% ccDZMFXIRyM-00209-00107533-00108182 of the time I know so instead be kind even if you think of it be kind to ccDZMFXIRyM-00210-00108182-00108716 yourself instead of getting yourself all riled up be kind to yourself and go ccDZMFXIRyM-00211-00108716-00109486 alright well that was unfortunate and move on because getting upset is often ccDZMFXIRyM-00212-00109486-00109874 not going to help the problem when you're tempted to cheat do the right ccDZMFXIRyM-00213-00109874-00110383 thing so that you can look at yourself in the mirror sometimes when you know ccDZMFXIRyM-00214-00110383-00110758 you want to get ahead when you want to get more money when you want to get that ccDZMFXIRyM-00215-00110758-00111259 promotion it's easy to think about cutting corners and taking the easy way ccDZMFXIRyM-00216-00111259-00111938 or cheating however and and you may get more money or that promotion but can you ccDZMFXIRyM-00217-00111938-00112373 look at yourself in the mirror how do you feel in your heart you honestly feel ccDZMFXIRyM-00218-00112373-00113114 like you're doing right and benefiting from right actions you desire but do not ccDZMFXIRyM-00219-00113114-00113618 have so you kill you covet but cannot get what you want so you quarrel and ccDZMFXIRyM-00220-00113618-00114329 fight a proverb how much more energy would you have and how much more ccDZMFXIRyM-00221-00114329-00114784 pleasant would life be if you focus on what you have instead of what others ccDZMFXIRyM-00222-00114784-00115336 have so you're not quarreling with others because you are jealous of what ccDZMFXIRyM-00223-00115336-00115813 they have you can just look at it and go well good for them look at all I've got ccDZMFXIRyM-00224-00115813-00116477 you know focusing on that sometimes the things we want or we think we want like ccDZMFXIRyM-00225-00116477-00116908 money and power and you know all this kind of stuff isn't what we really want ccDZMFXIRyM-00226-00116908-00117395 a lot of times people want money and power because they think that's going to ccDZMFXIRyM-00227-00117395-00117896 make them happy happiness generally doesn't come from those things happiness ccDZMFXIRyM-00228-00117896-00118418 comes from feeling like you're living a rich and meaningful life so what is it ccDZMFXIRyM-00229-00118418-00118792 that you want exactly ccDZMFXIRyM-00230-00118882-00119461 anger forgiveness and acceptance anger we've been talking about can be very ccDZMFXIRyM-00231-00119461-00120050 toxic so we need to look at given us an acceptance and forgiveness ccDZMFXIRyM-00232-00120050-00120629 isn't a weak move it's a power play it's your willingness to say you know ccDZMFXIRyM-00233-00120629-00121065 what I'm not gonna hold on to my anger about this anymore because it's just ccDZMFXIRyM-00234-00121065-00121617 destroying me you know I'm not gonna forget but I'm not gonna hold on to my ccDZMFXIRyM-00235-00121617-00122142 anger anymore I'm just gonna let it go acceptance is kind of the same way where ccDZMFXIRyM-00236-00122142-00122508 sometimes you have to accept that sometimes things just are and getting ccDZMFXIRyM-00237-00122508-00123198 angry about it isn't gonna change anything sometimes we need to wait ccDZMFXIRyM-00238-00123198-00123744 patiently because something happens and we want retribution right then darn it ccDZMFXIRyM-00239-00123744-00124179 well that's not always the way it happens and in the big scheme of things ccDZMFXIRyM-00240-00124179-00124983 in the Karma of the universe generally when bad things happen what ccDZMFXIRyM-00241-00124983-00125480 goes around comes around so eventually people will or things will get punished ccDZMFXIRyM-00242-00125480-00126308 if you know they came from from evil so trying to focus on letting nature ccDZMFXIRyM-00243-00126308-00126798 letting the universe take its course instead of feeling like you need to be ccDZMFXIRyM-00244-00126798-00127472 the one to get revenge which often just makes you feel angry and then you know ccDZMFXIRyM-00245-00127472-00128178 hateful towards others and it can be very defeating don't waste your energy ccDZMFXIRyM-00246-00128178-00128710 being angry over something you can't control and I see this so often on ccDZMFXIRyM-00247-00128710-00129198 social media and you know on I was looking at a YouTube video the other day ccDZMFXIRyM-00248-00129198-00129615 and some of the comments people were making were nothing more than ccDZMFXIRyM-00249-00129615-00130077 name-calling there was no substance to it at all and I could tell they were ccDZMFXIRyM-00250-00130077-00130754 very angry over what somebody else had said somebody else's opinions you can't ccDZMFXIRyM-00251-00130754-00131610 control them so is it worth your energy to get into a posting war and and over ccDZMFXIRyM-00252-00131610-00132171 something that you're probably not going to have any effect on when you're slow ccDZMFXIRyM-00253-00132171-00132747 to anger you have great understanding so we want to be quick to hear slow to ccDZMFXIRyM-00254-00132747-00133255 speak and slow to anger anger means we feel threatened so when ccDZMFXIRyM-00255-00133255-00133711 you're slow to anger it means you're taking time to listen you're taking time ccDZMFXIRyM-00256-00133711-00134227 to hear the whole thing before you get all fired up you're trying to understand ccDZMFXIRyM-00257-00134227-00134656 where that other person is coming from and kind of why you might be feeling the ccDZMFXIRyM-00258-00134656-00135124 way you are before you jump to conclusions or before you start acting ccDZMFXIRyM-00259-00135124-00135814 on your emotional reaction many times because of miscommunications or ccDZMFXIRyM-00260-00135814-00136492 differences of opinion that are really not worth getting angry over people see ccDZMFXIRyM-00261-00136492-00136858 threats where none was intended so sometimes if you have a difference of ccDZMFXIRyM-00262-00136858-00137338 opinion than somebody else you may think that they're judging you or you may be ccDZMFXIRyM-00263-00137338-00137980 judging them and you may perceive a threat there instead of realizing that ccDZMFXIRyM-00264-00137980-00138538 you know what we could both be right in our own ways so when you're slow to ccDZMFXIRyM-00265-00138538-00139126 speak you hear what happens or that what the person said you think about it ccDZMFXIRyM-00266-00139126-00139735 you develop an understanding of it before you respond and then if there is ccDZMFXIRyM-00267-00139735-00140326 a threat then you can handle the anger and fear from there a soft anger turns ccDZMFXIRyM-00268-00140326-00140818 away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger when you respond to anger with ccDZMFXIRyM-00269-00140818-00141310 anger what do you think you're gonna get anger squared think about when you are ccDZMFXIRyM-00270-00141310-00141817 when you've had an argument with somebody if you go in gangbusters and ccDZMFXIRyM-00271-00141817-00142243 you're loud and they respond loud then you tend to get louder and then they get ccDZMFXIRyM-00272-00142243-00142815 louder but if you go in loud and they respond softly then generally you start ccDZMFXIRyM-00273-00142815-00143524 to de-escalate a little bit it doesn't mean you have to be a doormat but it ccDZMFXIRyM-00274-00143524-00144136 means embracing the dialectics and saying I hear you're angry right now ccDZMFXIRyM-00275-00144136-00144457 let's see if we can figure out what this is about ccDZMFXIRyM-00276-00144457-00145024 or see if I can understand your point of view it disarms the person because they ccDZMFXIRyM-00277-00145024-00145405 felt like they were gonna have to fight for something and you're saying my arms ccDZMFXIRyM-00278-00145405-00146070 are open let's talk about this so their anger tends to go down so try ccDZMFXIRyM-00279-00146070-00146397 when somebody gets angry or when you get angry ccDZMFXIRyM-00280-00146397-00147135 try being kind try being soft try saying all right let me take a breath and let ccDZMFXIRyM-00281-00147135-00147836 me see if I can better understand because of the fact that a lot of us are ccDZMFXIRyM-00282-00147836-00148442 hard and unforgiving we store up wrath for ourselves we can store up anger and ccDZMFXIRyM-00283-00148442-00149295 resentment and guilt inside our heart which again that negativity sits there ccDZMFXIRyM-00284-00149295-00149757 and you know you have negative thoughts going through your head it drains your ccDZMFXIRyM-00285-00149757-00150309 energy when you hold on to anger it has nowhere to go but it festers inside you ccDZMFXIRyM-00286-00150309-00150810 and drains your energy of and spirit of hope and happiness is that really what ccDZMFXIRyM-00287-00150810-00151509 you want to do is this person or is this situation worth taking hours or years ccDZMFXIRyM-00288-00151509-00151979 off of your life just ask yourself that you know every once in a while it may be ccDZMFXIRyM-00289-00151979-00152378 it may be one of those people or things that is truly important ccDZMFXIRyM-00290-00152378-00153161 in your life but a lot of times not so much don't let the Sun go down on your ccDZMFXIRyM-00291-00153161-00153669 anger when you do get angry work to find a resolution right then because a lot of ccDZMFXIRyM-00292-00153669-00154047 times if we don't we just kind of compartmentalize it and put it back ccDZMFXIRyM-00293-00154047-00154557 somewhere well just like any storage closet in your room in your house ccDZMFXIRyM-00294-00154557-00155196 probably enough things get boxed up and put in the storage closet eventually the ccDZMFXIRyM-00295-00155196-00155765 storage closet gets full and so you have all that stuff that you're trying to you ccDZMFXIRyM-00296-00155765-00156396 know hold on to it wears you out so work to find a ccDZMFXIRyM-00297-00156396-00156708 resolution right then so you don't forget to handle it ccDZMFXIRyM-00298-00156708-00157173 you don't box it up and forget about it and you don't have to box it up and find ccDZMFXIRyM-00299-00157173-00157722 space for it period try to deal with it sometimes you're just gonna have to ccDZMFXIRyM-00300-00157722-00158217 accept what is because holding on to anger isn't going to improve the ccDZMFXIRyM-00301-00158217-00158850 situation so maybe you're in a relationship for example and it ends the ccDZMFXIRyM-00302-00158850-00159219 other person ends it and you're really angry about that well you're probably ccDZMFXIRyM-00303-00159219-00159663 not going to be able to get back into that relationship so you just have to ccDZMFXIRyM-00304-00159663-00160506 accept what is figure out a way to grieve that loss and work through it if ccDZMFXIRyM-00305-00160506-00161055 you let the Sun go down on your anger if you let days pass without dealing with ccDZMFXIRyM-00306-00161055-00161574 your feelings then it's going to start being more difficult to deal with and ccDZMFXIRyM-00307-00161574-00162276 you may start becoming that anger may start becoming more part of you so we're ccDZMFXIRyM-00308-00162276-00162645 going to end on a positive note love and righteousness you know I keep ccDZMFXIRyM-00309-00162645-00163107 saying you know we need to have a rich and meaningful life as we define it we ccDZMFXIRyM-00310-00163107-00163614 need to love ourselves and feel like we're loved a person is considered ccDZMFXIRyM-00311-00163614-00164058 righteous by what they do and not by faith alone so you know you can have ccDZMFXIRyM-00312-00164058-00164409 faith in other people you can have faith in yourself but you need to actually ccDZMFXIRyM-00313-00164409-00165092 follow through with things in order to you know demonstrate that your faith was ccDZMFXIRyM-00314-00165092-00165768 well placed the body without spirit a body without hope and faith and love ccDZMFXIRyM-00315-00165768-00166350 feels kind of dead inside people who don't have those things feel empty they ccDZMFXIRyM-00316-00166350-00166995 feel scared they may feel angry so in order to do that in order to have those ccDZMFXIRyM-00317-00166995-00167580 things we need to take action we need to take action in order to fill ourselves ccDZMFXIRyM-00318-00167580-00168114 with hope faith and love and this starts by being honest with ourselves about ccDZMFXIRyM-00319-00168114-00168648 what we need about who we are about the fact that you know we're really lovable ccDZMFXIRyM-00320-00168648-00169314 people we may make mistakes but we're lovable we need to get honest we need to ccDZMFXIRyM-00321-00169314-00169713 be patient with other people as well as ourselves ccDZMFXIRyM-00322-00169713-00170233 everybody makes mistakes everybody messes up sometimes sometimes ccDZMFXIRyM-00323-00170233-00170878 things don't happen as quickly as you want eventually you know I believe that ccDZMFXIRyM-00324-00170878-00171370 everything you know what goes around comes around everything evens out and I ccDZMFXIRyM-00325-00171370-00171679 have to be okay with that because bad things happen in this world ccDZMFXIRyM-00326-00171679-00172465 and what I like to get you know make those people pay sure I would however I ccDZMFXIRyM-00327-00172465-00172978 don't have the power to do that or it's not worth my energy because it takes me ccDZMFXIRyM-00328-00172978-00173506 away from those things in my life that are truly meaningful and it's not worth ccDZMFXIRyM-00329-00173506-00174166 pursuing we need to be forgiving of other people because a lot of times ccDZMFXIRyM-00330-00174166-00174583 people don't make mistakes on purpose they don't hurt you on purpose but they ccDZMFXIRyM-00331-00174583-00175003 do and they do end up making mistakes and hurting you so we want to be ccDZMFXIRyM-00332-00175003-00175528 forgiving but we also need to be forgiving of ourselves too often we hold ccDZMFXIRyM-00333-00175528-00175996 ourselves to this unreasonable standard that we don't hold anybody else to so ccDZMFXIRyM-00334-00175996-00176565 we're constantly criticizing ourselves for failures forgive yourself ccDZMFXIRyM-00335-00176565-00177337 be kind how hard is that be kind to others give food drink and shelter to ccDZMFXIRyM-00336-00177337-00177682 those in need now that doesn't mean you have to have somebody move into your ccDZMFXIRyM-00337-00177682-00178279 spare bedroom but that does mean you know it's might help you feel better if ccDZMFXIRyM-00338-00178279-00178798 you're sharing with others you know sometimes you may have a friend who's ccDZMFXIRyM-00339-00178798-00179233 having a bad time and you say you know what come over let's have coffee and ccDZMFXIRyM-00340-00179233-00179785 let's talk you know yes they're not necessarily homeless and starving but ccDZMFXIRyM-00341-00179785-00180226 bringing them in they're in need they're in emotional need bringing them in ccDZMFXIRyM-00342-00180226-00180670 giving them food drink and shelter and saying you know you're safe here we can ccDZMFXIRyM-00343-00180670-00181090 talk the same thing is true for those who are actually needing food drink and ccDZMFXIRyM-00344-00181090-00181686 shelter you can volunteer you can donate to make sure that you know all of us ccDZMFXIRyM-00345-00181686-00182461 humans have access to get our basic needs met spend time with the sick and ccDZMFXIRyM-00346-00182461-00182834 imprisoned and this can be truly you know ccDZMFXIRyM-00347-00182834-00183363 physically ill and in in jail type prison but it can also be spending time ccDZMFXIRyM-00348-00183363-00183711 with people who are imprisoned in their own minds imprisoned with their own ccDZMFXIRyM-00349-00183711-00184338 anger spend time with them show them hope faith and goodness instruct the ccDZMFXIRyM-00350-00184338-00184926 ignorant use your skills everybody has their own set of really unique awesome ccDZMFXIRyM-00351-00184926-00185508 skills so take those skills and teach people you know I have this skill so let ccDZMFXIRyM-00352-00185508-00185946 me show you how to do it you know y'all know I don't do woodworking I am NOT ccDZMFXIRyM-00353-00185946-00186645 good at word woodworking my best friend is just amazing at woodworking so he's ccDZMFXIRyM-00354-00186645-00187179 taught me a few things um you know not enough where I feel competent but you ccDZMFXIRyM-00355-00187179-00187677 know he helps me out periodically encourage other people that's not hard ccDZMFXIRyM-00356-00187677-00188073 that's just saying you know go get them you got it you know it doesn't take ccDZMFXIRyM-00357-00188073-00188570 hardly any effort to encourage other people so try to encourage somebody ccDZMFXIRyM-00358-00188570-00189012 everyday and remember to encourage yourself every day look in the mirror ccDZMFXIRyM-00359-00189012-00189909 and go I got this comfort the sorrowful people have bad days people have bad ccDZMFXIRyM-00360-00189909-00190599 moments people have bad events happen so be there to listen and comfort and say ccDZMFXIRyM-00361-00190599-00191028 you know what I'm here for you I don't know exactly how I can help you right ccDZMFXIRyM-00362-00191028-00191772 now but I am here you tell me what you need be grateful and not don't envy ccDZMFXIRyM-00363-00191772-00192417 other people you know when you love what you have then you won't want for more ccDZMFXIRyM-00364-00192417-00192822 when you love what's in front of you then you're not thinking about well I ccDZMFXIRyM-00365-00192822-00193389 might be happy if I could have this because you're already happy be humble ccDZMFXIRyM-00366-00193389-00193842 give credit where credit is due because generally we don't get anything ccDZMFXIRyM-00367-00193842-00194412 in life all on our own you know it's because you know the grass ccDZMFXIRyM-00368-00194412-00194964 grew the the universe helped us you know even farmers they go out and they may ccDZMFXIRyM-00369-00194964-00195489 work by themselves a lot but without the sunshine without the rain without the ccDZMFXIRyM-00370-00195489-00195957 earthworms they're not going to have a good crop so give credit where credit is ccDZMFXIRyM-00371-00195957-00196524 due and be grateful for the earth that we live in be hopeful that things ccDZMFXIRyM-00372-00196524-00196902 can improve and yeah it's not going to improve overnight so look for ccDZMFXIRyM-00373-00196902-00197418 incremental improvements and be hopeful that you can change your little tiny ccDZMFXIRyM-00374-00197418-00197979 sliver of this earth you may not be able to change your whole community but you ccDZMFXIRyM-00375-00197979-00198459 might be able to change your household or even your neighborhood and make it a ccDZMFXIRyM-00376-00198459-00199125 happier place trust trust yourself and try to trust ccDZMFXIRyM-00377-00199125-00199887 others and try to trust and have faith that good things will come your way be ccDZMFXIRyM-00378-00199887-00200328 courageous and persevere you know most things don't come easy ccDZMFXIRyM-00379-00200328-00200808 so it takes some perseverance which means you've got to go out there and ccDZMFXIRyM-00380-00200808-00201216 risk failure you've got to go out there and potentially risk rejection which ccDZMFXIRyM-00381-00201216-00201681 takes a lot of courage but if you persevere and you do these things if you ccDZMFXIRyM-00382-00201681-00202037 put yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit ccDZMFXIRyM-00383-00202037-00202449 using courage and you persevere through that anxiety ccDZMFXIRyM-00384-00202449-00203031 you'll get come out the other end and be stronger for it you need to have ccDZMFXIRyM-00385-00203031-00203496 fortitude which means or integrity depending on what word you want to use ccDZMFXIRyM-00386-00203496-00204015 do what's right in all situations and then you won't feel guilty you won't ccDZMFXIRyM-00387-00204015-00204678 feel shameful and you won't be as angry try to be wise and prudent figuring out ccDZMFXIRyM-00388-00204678-00205191 what the appropriate thing to do is when and how you know there's a time for ccDZMFXIRyM-00389-00205191-00205701 everything as they say when is it the appropriate time to end a relationship ccDZMFXIRyM-00390-00205701-00206459 when is it the appropriate time to quit a job or to move houses or to offer help ccDZMFXIRyM-00391-00206459-00207075 there are times for that so thinking about in the big scheme of things with ccDZMFXIRyM-00392-00207075-00207632 what's important in your life you know if your family's important you know is ccDZMFXIRyM-00393-00207632-00208365 offering to do this wise and prudent I do a lot of animal rescue and every time ccDZMFXIRyM-00394-00208365-00208833 an animal comes up that may need a foster home you know I have to ask ccDZMFXIRyM-00395-00208833-00209481 myself is this wise and prudent because you know I have my resident animals you ccDZMFXIRyM-00396-00209481-00209757 know my that I have I have my children I have my ccDZMFXIRyM-00397-00209757-00210291 job you know I have a lot of stuff that I have to pay attention to that requires ccDZMFXIRyM-00398-00210291-00211061 my time and energy so every time another animal or person needs my help and ccDZMFXIRyM-00399-00211061-00211598 attention I have to ask myself is it wise and prudent to take on this task at ccDZMFXIRyM-00400-00211598-00212411 this point in time and can I give it what it deserves which takes us to be to ccDZMFXIRyM-00401-00212411-00213264 being fair and just sometimes you've got to say no or set boundaries in order to ccDZMFXIRyM-00402-00213264-00213852 be fair you know I don't want to take on another foster animal for example when ccDZMFXIRyM-00403-00213852-00214290 it means that I'm not going to be able to spend enough time with my other ccDZMFXIRyM-00404-00214290-00214694 animals one of my cats gets really stressed out and his autoimmune stuff ccDZMFXIRyM-00405-00214694-00215435 flares up when he's under stress so is it fair to him if I bring another foster ccDZMFXIRyM-00406-00215435-00215967 in so I want to think about again always going back to what is it that is most ccDZMFXIRyM-00407-00215967-00216498 important what people and things are most important in my life and is this ccDZMFXIRyM-00408-00216498-00217029 action going to help me get closer to it or is it going to take away my energy ccDZMFXIRyM-00409-00217029-00217728 that I could be using to move towards it all right thank you for listening today ccDZMFXIRyM-00410-00217728-00218460 and I will see you next time thanks for tuning in - happiness isn't brain ccDZMFXIRyM-00411-00218460-00218885 surgery with Doc's naipes our mission is to make practical tools for living the ccDZMFXIRyM-00412-00218885-00219339 happiest life affordable and accessible to everyone we record the podcast during ccDZMFXIRyM-00413-00219339-00219860 a Facebook live broadcast each week join us free at Doc's / Facebook or ccDZMFXIRyM-00414-00219860-00220275 subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast player and remember ccDZMFXIRyM-00415-00220275-00220661 Doc's nights calm has even more resources Members Only videos handouts ccDZMFXIRyM-00416-00220661-00221142 and workbooks to help you apply what you learn if you like this podcast and want ccDZMFXIRyM-00417-00221142-00221529 to support the work we are doing for as little as 399 per month you can become a ccDZMFXIRyM-00418-00221529-00222069 supporter at Doc's nights calm / join again thank you for joining us and let ccDZMFXIRyM-00419-00222069-00222385 us know how we can help you cf4q2rvCnsc-00000-00000397-00000553 some cf4q2rvCnsc-00001-00001339-00001480 would cf4q2rvCnsc-00002-00002224-00002363 go cf4q2rvCnsc-00003-00003022-00003157 their cf4q2rvCnsc-00004-00003838-00003985 than cf4q2rvCnsc-00005-00004577-00004722 he cf4q2rvCnsc-00006-00005244-00005382 in cf4q2rvCnsc-00007-00005959-00006109 had cf4q2rvCnsc-00008-00006798-00006963 first cf4q2rvCnsc-00009-00007637-00007780 do cf4q2rvCnsc-00010-00008430-00008590 find cf4q2rvCnsc-00011-00009210-00009356 see cf4q2rvCnsc-00012-00009968-00010113 make cf4q2rvCnsc-00013-00010771-00010926 was cf4q2rvCnsc-00014-00011559-00011707 been cf4q2rvCnsc-00015-00012389-00012538 you cf4q2rvCnsc-00016-00013173-00013324 an cf4q2rvCnsc-00017-00013943-00014079 they cf4q2rvCnsc-00018-00014746-00014891 by cf4q2rvCnsc-00019-00015508-00015641 her cf4q2rvCnsc-00020-00016266-00016411 that cf4q2rvCnsc-00021-00017029-00017187 use cf4q2rvCnsc-00022-00017750-00017905 as cf4q2rvCnsc-00023-00018525-00018663 each cf4q2rvCnsc-00024-00019337-00019476 this cf4q2rvCnsc-00025-00020174-00020319 will cf4q2rvCnsc-00026-00020955-00021095 at cf4q2rvCnsc-00027-00021761-00021923 sound cf4q2rvCnsc-00028-00022702-00022846 many cf4q2rvCnsc-00029-00023528-00023689 one cf4q2rvCnsc-00030-00024313-00024457 then cf4q2rvCnsc-00031-00025066-00025217 so cf4q2rvCnsc-00032-00025810-00025949 up cf4q2rvCnsc-00033-00026573-00026717 them cf4q2rvCnsc-00034-00027383-00027511 with cf4q2rvCnsc-00035-00028203-00028336 who cf4q2rvCnsc-00036-00029061-00029211 come cf4q2rvCnsc-00037-00029894-00030047 of cf4q2rvCnsc-00038-00030664-00030813 him cf4q2rvCnsc-00039-00031446-00031586 out cf4q2rvCnsc-00040-00032363-00032511 people cf4q2rvCnsc-00041-00033256-00033404 she cf4q2rvCnsc-00042-00033983-00034112 the cf4q2rvCnsc-00043-00034729-00034878 said cf4q2rvCnsc-00044-00035567-00035711 write cf4q2rvCnsc-00045-00036322-00036447 it cf4q2rvCnsc-00046-00037044-00037192 may cf4q2rvCnsc-00047-00037877-00038020 like cf4q2rvCnsc-00048-00038671-00038819 did cf4q2rvCnsc-00049-00039486-00039634 most cf4q2rvCnsc-00050-00040406-00040546 which cf4q2rvCnsc-00051-00041266-00041416 has cf4q2rvCnsc-00052-00042115-00042267 know cf4q2rvCnsc-00053-00043062-00043192 your cf4q2rvCnsc-00054-00043939-00044065 have cf4q2rvCnsc-00055-00044716-00044867 my cf4q2rvCnsc-00056-00045461-00045606 to cf4q2rvCnsc-00057-00046240-00046389 how cf4q2rvCnsc-00058-00047185-00047330 could cf4q2rvCnsc-00059-00048005-00048153 I cf4q2rvCnsc-00060-00048707-00048853 were cf4q2rvCnsc-00061-00049527-00049673 way cf4q2rvCnsc-00062-00050413-00050559 long cf4q2rvCnsc-00063-00051338-00051483 call cf4q2rvCnsc-00064-00052167-00052319 no cf4q2rvCnsc-00065-00053017-00053163 about cf4q2rvCnsc-00066-00053884-00054038 side cf4q2rvCnsc-00067-00054671-00054811 but cf4q2rvCnsc-00068-00055517-00055666 from cf4q2rvCnsc-00069-00056438-00056585 down cf4q2rvCnsc-00070-00057245-00057371 if cf4q2rvCnsc-00071-00058037-00058181 word cf4q2rvCnsc-00072-00058840-00058991 be 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cf4q2rvCnsc-00314-00254970-00255111 which cf4q2rvCnsc-00315-00255913-00256056 word cf4q2rvCnsc-00316-00256732-00256877 to cf4q2rvCnsc-00317-00257478-00257624 by cf4q2rvCnsc-00318-00258265-00258410 that cf4q2rvCnsc-00319-00259123-00259269 long cf4q2rvCnsc-00320-00259928-00260079 an cf4q2rvCnsc-00321-00260641-00260792 so cf4q2rvCnsc-00322-00261436-00261599 for cf4q2rvCnsc-00323-00262281-00262435 these cf4q2rvCnsc-00324-00263117-00263277 find cf4q2rvCnsc-00325-00263969-00264112 there cf4q2rvCnsc-00326-00264755-00264891 or cf4q2rvCnsc-00327-00265507-00265651 then cf4q2rvCnsc-00328-00266341-00266505 first cf4q2rvCnsc-00329-00267238-00267391 more cf4q2rvCnsc-00330-00268100-00268242 what cf4q2rvCnsc-00331-00268831-00268987 a cf4q2rvCnsc-00332-00269568-00269724 now cf4q2rvCnsc-00333-00270390-00270544 can cf4q2rvCnsc-00334-00271219-00271354 their cf4q2rvCnsc-00335-00272028-00272169 out cf4q2rvCnsc-00336-00272816-00272960 them cf4q2rvCnsc-00337-00273689-00273820 your cf4q2rvCnsc-00338-00274518-00274671 no cf4q2rvCnsc-00339-00275280-00275434 side cf4q2rvCnsc-00340-00276171-00276322 number cf4q2rvCnsc-00341-00277101-00277249 most cf4q2rvCnsc-00342-00277908-00278051 do cf4q2rvCnsc-00343-00278651-00278804 his cf4q2rvCnsc-00344-00279447-00279595 may cf4q2rvCnsc-00345-00280271-00280413 two cf4q2rvCnsc-00346-00281014-00281160 see cf4q2rvCnsc-00347-00281778-00281912 who cf4q2rvCnsc-00348-00282636-00282780 many cf4q2rvCnsc-00349-00283606-00283754 people cf4q2rvCnsc-00350-00284514-00284663 and cf4q2rvCnsc-00351-00285296-00285441 were cf4q2rvCnsc-00352-00286131-00286272 over cf4q2rvCnsc-00353-00287019-00287152 other cf4q2rvCnsc-00354-00287877-00288022 make cf4q2rvCnsc-00355-00288809-00288955 could cf4q2rvCnsc-00356-00289699-00289838 up cf4q2rvCnsc-00357-00290446-00290585 go cf4q2rvCnsc-00358-00291187-00291334 she cf4q2rvCnsc-00359-00291897-00292048 be cf4q2rvCnsc-00360-00292627-00292779 time cf4q2rvCnsc-00361-00293366-00293492 if cf4q2rvCnsc-00362-00294159-00294305 call cf4q2rvCnsc-00363-00294987-00295141 are cf4q2rvCnsc-00364-00295750-00295898 been cf4q2rvCnsc-00365-00296531-00296671 but cf4q2rvCnsc-00366-00297338-00297484 way cf4q2rvCnsc-00367-00298175-00298302 have cf4q2rvCnsc-00368-00298987-00299140 when cf4q2rvCnsc-00369-00299791-00299942 my cf4q2rvCnsc-00370-00300481-00300629 I cf4q2rvCnsc-00371-00301120-00301264 is cf4q2rvCnsc-00372-00301856-00302003 than cf4q2rvCnsc-00373-00302709-00302854 will cf4q2rvCnsc-00374-00303537-00303685 did cf4q2rvCnsc-00375-00304279-00304409 the cf4q2rvCnsc-00376-00305002-00305151 him cf4q2rvCnsc-00377-00305849-00306002 know cf4q2rvCnsc-00378-00306757-00306906 you cf4q2rvCnsc-00379-00307596-00307732 hot cf4q2rvCnsc-00380-00308317-00308458 at cf4q2rvCnsc-00381-00309013-00309160 on cf4q2rvCnsc-00382-00309785-00309921 all cf4q2rvCnsc-00383-00310601-00310738 they cf4q2rvCnsc-00384-00311349-00311493 he cf4q2rvCnsc-00385-00312069-00312225 was cf4q2rvCnsc-00386-00312953-00313094 look cf4q2rvCnsc-00387-00313943-00314085 would cf4q2rvCnsc-00388-00314926-00315072 about cf4q2rvCnsc-00389-00315730-00315856 it cf4q2rvCnsc-00390-00316419-00316572 of cf4q2rvCnsc-00391-00317222-00317350 with cf4q2rvCnsc-00392-00318041-00318191 how cf4q2rvCnsc-00393-00318892-00319048 some cf4q2rvCnsc-00394-00319772-00319923 come cf4q2rvCnsc-00395-00320620-00320759 this cf4q2rvCnsc-00396-00321457-00321613 thing cf4q2rvCnsc-00397-00322280-00322439 use cf4q2rvCnsc-00398-00323121-00323269 from cf4q2rvCnsc-00399-00324016-00324160 write cf4q2rvCnsc-00400-00324892-00325043 come cf4q2rvCnsc-00401-00325717-00325855 up cf4q2rvCnsc-00402-00326506-00326662 some cf4q2rvCnsc-00403-00327322-00327470 him cf4q2rvCnsc-00404-00328110-00328259 said cf4q2rvCnsc-00405-00328876-00329006 the cf4q2rvCnsc-00406-00329634-00329774 day cf4q2rvCnsc-00407-00330377-00330521 he cf4q2rvCnsc-00408-00331172-00331317 long cf4q2rvCnsc-00409-00332000-00332151 so cf4q2rvCnsc-00410-00332848-00333010 sound cf4q2rvCnsc-00411-00333725-00333877 time cf4q2rvCnsc-00412-00334455-00334607 an cf4q2rvCnsc-00413-00335176-00335312 or cf4q2rvCnsc-00414-00335905-00336064 use cf4q2rvCnsc-00415-00336650-00336803 are cf4q2rvCnsc-00416-00337405-00337553 did cf4q2rvCnsc-00417-00338204-00338352 may cf4q2rvCnsc-00418-00339045-00339188 what cf4q2rvCnsc-00419-00339991-00340139 people cf4q2rvCnsc-00420-00340907-00341051 then cf4q2rvCnsc-00421-00341741-00341887 will cf4q2rvCnsc-00422-00342650-00342793 word cf4q2rvCnsc-00423-00343548-00343697 you cf4q2rvCnsc-00424-00344371-00344533 one cf4q2rvCnsc-00425-00345175-00345317 two cf4q2rvCnsc-00426-00345948-00346100 his cf4q2rvCnsc-00427-00346766-00346907 over cf4q2rvCnsc-00428-00347535-00347675 at cf4q2rvCnsc-00429-00348327-00348475 from cf4q2rvCnsc-00430-00349189-00349329 out cf4q2rvCnsc-00431-00349922-00350068 see cf4q2rvCnsc-00432-00350759-00350909 number cf4q2rvCnsc-00433-00351680-00351816 they cf4q2rvCnsc-00434-00352483-00352628 by cf4q2rvCnsc-00435-00353276-00353422 than cf4q2rvCnsc-00436-00354077-00354222 them cf4q2rvCnsc-00437-00354889-00355045 now cf4q2rvCnsc-00438-00355711-00355865 can cf4q2rvCnsc-00439-00356579-00356724 call cf4q2rvCnsc-00440-00357472-00357620 most cf4q2rvCnsc-00441-00358302-00358441 this cf4q2rvCnsc-00442-00359089-00359235 were cf4q2rvCnsc-00443-00359971-00360112 look cf4q2rvCnsc-00444-00360819-00360966 on cf4q2rvCnsc-00445-00361560-00361693 her cf4q2rvCnsc-00446-00362224-00362372 I cf4q2rvCnsc-00447-00362917-00363072 was cf4q2rvCnsc-00448-00363739-00363885 way cf4q2rvCnsc-00449-00364551-00364691 but cf4q2rvCnsc-00450-00365302-00365454 no cf4q2rvCnsc-00451-00366090-00366233 like cf4q2rvCnsc-00452-00366924-00367074 how cf4q2rvCnsc-00453-00367774-00367913 each cf4q2rvCnsc-00454-00368612-00368772 find cf4q2rvCnsc-00455-00369472-00369605 who cf4q2rvCnsc-00456-00370280-00370415 hot cf4q2rvCnsc-00457-00371000-00371144 is cf4q2rvCnsc-00458-00371683-00371810 if cf4q2rvCnsc-00459-00372404-00372552 been cf4q2rvCnsc-00460-00373199-00373336 all cf4q2rvCnsc-00461-00374026-00374179 more cf4q2rvCnsc-00462-00374880-00375034 when cf4q2rvCnsc-00463-00375821-00375966 could cf4q2rvCnsc-00464-00376791-00376925 other cf4q2rvCnsc-00465-00377689-00377836 down cf4q2rvCnsc-00466-00378479-00378618 in cf4q2rvCnsc-00467-00379148-00379304 as cf4q2rvCnsc-00468-00379915-00380041 have cf4q2rvCnsc-00469-00380749-00380893 water cf4q2rvCnsc-00470-00381633-00381776 many cf4q2rvCnsc-00471-00382481-00382635 these cf4q2rvCnsc-00472-00383372-00383503 your cf4q2rvCnsc-00473-00384281-00384445 first cf4q2rvCnsc-00474-00385176-00385321 write cf4q2rvCnsc-00475-00385948-00386089 we cf4q2rvCnsc-00476-00386731-00386888 thing cf4q2rvCnsc-00477-00387587-00387731 that cf4q2rvCnsc-00478-00388365-00388518 of cf4q2rvCnsc-00479-00389169-00389314 make cf4q2rvCnsc-00480-00390008-00390143 their cf4q2rvCnsc-00481-00390808-00390958 had cf4q2rvCnsc-00482-00391582-00391721 go cf4q2rvCnsc-00483-00392338-00392489 my cf4q2rvCnsc-00484-00393210-00393351 which cf4q2rvCnsc-00485-00394057-00394205 she cf4q2rvCnsc-00486-00394902-00395049 about cf4q2rvCnsc-00487-00395770-00395923 side cf4q2rvCnsc-00488-00396541-00396684 do cf4q2rvCnsc-00489-00397375-00397527 know cf4q2rvCnsc-00490-00398170-00398295 it cf4q2rvCnsc-00491-00398891-00399019 with cf4q2rvCnsc-00492-00399631-00399782 be cf4q2rvCnsc-00493-00400402-00400566 for cf4q2rvCnsc-00494-00401259-00401402 there cf4q2rvCnsc-00495-00402053-00402201 and cf4q2rvCnsc-00496-00402748-00402903 a cf4q2rvCnsc-00497-00403449-00403598 has cf4q2rvCnsc-00498-00404343-00404484 would cf4q2rvCnsc-00499-00405206-00405351 to cf4q2rvCnsc-00500-00405930-00406083 no cf4q2rvCnsc-00501-00406718-00406858 day cf4q2rvCnsc-00502-00407510-00407663 of cf4q2rvCnsc-00503-00408303-00408452 said cf4q2rvCnsc-00504-00409109-00409249 out cf4q2rvCnsc-00505-00409842-00409993 be cf4q2rvCnsc-00506-00410605-00410751 make cf4q2rvCnsc-00507-00411498-00411644 about cf4q2rvCnsc-00508-00412431-00412579 down cf4q2rvCnsc-00509-00413310-00413460 how cf4q2rvCnsc-00510-00414184-00414335 come cf4q2rvCnsc-00511-00415033-00415168 hot cf4q2rvCnsc-00512-00415809-00415949 but cf4q2rvCnsc-00513-00416574-00416725 my cf4q2rvCnsc-00514-00417470-00417610 would cf4q2rvCnsc-00515-00418390-00418546 now cf4q2rvCnsc-00516-00419262-00419426 first cf4q2rvCnsc-00517-00420100-00420243 do cf4q2rvCnsc-00518-00420853-00421001 and cf4q2rvCnsc-00519-00421683-00421829 will cf4q2rvCnsc-00520-00422656-00422803 people cf4q2rvCnsc-00521-00423555-00423707 his cf4q2rvCnsc-00522-00424315-00424465 has cf4q2rvCnsc-00523-00425179-00425340 sound cf4q2rvCnsc-00524-00426060-00426215 was cf4q2rvCnsc-00525-00426863-00427017 these cf4q2rvCnsc-00526-00427700-00427864 for cf4q2rvCnsc-00527-00428580-00428720 over cf4q2rvCnsc-00528-00429430-00429572 like cf4q2rvCnsc-00529-00430295-00430429 other cf4q2rvCnsc-00530-00431127-00431275 been cf4q2rvCnsc-00531-00431981-00432127 call cf4q2rvCnsc-00532-00432874-00433017 write cf4q2rvCnsc-00533-00433726-00433861 they cf4q2rvCnsc-00534-00434554-00434708 when cf4q2rvCnsc-00535-00435416-00435564 you cf4q2rvCnsc-00536-00436321-00436474 know cf4q2rvCnsc-00537-00437116-00437242 it cf4q2rvCnsc-00538-00437820-00437965 that cf4q2rvCnsc-00539-00438583-00438731 on cf4q2rvCnsc-00540-00439317-00439464 she cf4q2rvCnsc-00541-00440179-00440329 number cf4q2rvCnsc-00542-00441162-00441303 look cf4q2rvCnsc-00543-00441986-00442137 an cf4q2rvCnsc-00544-00442739-00442881 two cf4q2rvCnsc-00545-00443603-00443748 long cf4q2rvCnsc-00546-00444447-00444595 him cf4q2rvCnsc-00547-00445212-00445360 did cf4q2rvCnsc-00548-00445947-00446073 if cf4q2rvCnsc-00549-00446660-00446813 time cf4q2rvCnsc-00550-00447487-00447630 water cf4q2rvCnsc-00551-00448385-00448529 word cf4q2rvCnsc-00552-00449188-00449344 as cf4q2rvCnsc-00553-00449907-00450060 are cf4q2rvCnsc-00554-00450703-00450846 what cf4q2rvCnsc-00555-00451538-00451664 have cf4q2rvCnsc-00556-00452276-00452416 we cf4q2rvCnsc-00557-00452954-00453100 see cf4q2rvCnsc-00558-00453728-00453876 most cf4q2rvCnsc-00559-00454551-00454697 by cf4q2rvCnsc-00560-00455273-00455418 he cf4q2rvCnsc-00561-00456029-00456175 way cf4q2rvCnsc-00562-00456786-00456930 is cf4q2rvCnsc-00563-00457453-00457593 at cf4q2rvCnsc-00564-00458268-00458408 which cf4q2rvCnsc-00565-00459152-00459299 than cf4q2rvCnsc-00566-00459963-00460099 all cf4q2rvCnsc-00567-00460876-00461021 could cf4q2rvCnsc-00568-00461766-00461901 or cf4q2rvCnsc-00569-00462525-00462664 this cf4q2rvCnsc-00570-00463347-00463500 more cf4q2rvCnsc-00571-00464167-00464328 one cf4q2rvCnsc-00572-00464875-00465031 a cf4q2rvCnsc-00573-00465585-00465738 side cf4q2rvCnsc-00574-00466406-00466541 their cf4q2rvCnsc-00575-00467295-00467426 your cf4q2rvCnsc-00576-00468131-00468270 up cf4q2rvCnsc-00577-00468871-00469004 her cf4q2rvCnsc-00578-00469619-00469769 had cf4q2rvCnsc-00579-00470435-00470574 each cf4q2rvCnsc-00580-00471273-00471407 who cf4q2rvCnsc-00581-00472043-00472188 to cf4q2rvCnsc-00582-00472703-00472852 I cf4q2rvCnsc-00583-00473405-00473549 them cf4q2rvCnsc-00584-00474247-00474403 thing cf4q2rvCnsc-00585-00475151-00475294 many cf4q2rvCnsc-00586-00475992-00476146 can cf4q2rvCnsc-00587-00476794-00476939 were cf4q2rvCnsc-00588-00477606-00477749 there cf4q2rvCnsc-00589-00478378-00478507 the cf4q2rvCnsc-00590-00479143-00479299 some cf4q2rvCnsc-00591-00479992-00480140 may cf4q2rvCnsc-00592-00480775-00480934 use cf4q2rvCnsc-00593-00481519-00481671 so cf4q2rvCnsc-00594-00482271-00482410 go cf4q2rvCnsc-00595-00483060-00483188 with cf4q2rvCnsc-00596-00483791-00483930 in cf4q2rvCnsc-00597-00484541-00484701 find cf4q2rvCnsc-00598-00485441-00485589 from cf4q2rvCnsc-00599-00486294-00486438 then cfF6x-4vHCc-00000-00000000-00000051 free mc stan feat. ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00001-00000051-00000210 mc stan feat. ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00002-00000210-00000294 free mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00003-00000294-00000426 mc stan type bea cfF6x-4vHCc-00004-00000426-00000608 harlow type beat free cfF6x-4vHCc-00005-00000608-00000729 free mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00006-00000729-00000884 mc stan type instrumental 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00007-00000884-00001018 mc stan type beat 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00008-00001018-00001194 emotional mc stan type cfF6x-4vHCc-00009-00001194-00001347 dark mc stan type cfF6x-4vHCc-00010-00001347-00001503 hard mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00011-00001503-00001651 guitar mc stan type,free ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00012-00001651-00001851 ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00013-00001851-00002051 harlow type beat free cfF6x-4vHCc-00014-00002051-00002251 free ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00015-00002251-00002451 ikka type instrumental 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00016-00002451-00002651 ikka type beat 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00017-00002651-00002851 emotional ikka type cfF6x-4vHCc-00018-00002851-00003051 dark ikka type cfF6x-4vHCc-00019-00003051-00003251 hard ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00020-00003251-00003451 guitar ikka type cfF6x-4vHCc-00021-00003451-00003651 bisht beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00022-00003651-00003851 free mc stan feat. ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00023-00003851-00004051 free mc stan feat. ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00024-00004051-00004251 mc stan feat. ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00025-00004251-00004451 free mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00026-00004451-00004651 mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00027-00004651-00004851 harlow type beat free cfF6x-4vHCc-00028-00004851-00005051 free mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00029-00005051-00005251 mc stan type instrumental 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00030-00005251-00005451 mc stan type beat 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00031-00005451-00005651 emotional mc stan type cfF6x-4vHCc-00032-00005651-00005851 dark mc stan type cfF6x-4vHCc-00033-00005851-00006051 hard mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00034-00006051-00006251 guitar mc stan type cfF6x-4vHCc-00035-00006251-00006451 free ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00036-00006451-00006651 ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00037-00006651-00006851 harlow type beat free cfF6x-4vHCc-00038-00006851-00007051 free ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00039-00007051-00007251 ikka type instrumental 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00040-00007251-00007451 ikka type beat 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00041-00007451-00007651 emotional ikka type cfF6x-4vHCc-00042-00007651-00007851 dark ikka type cfF6x-4vHCc-00043-00007851-00008051 hard ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00044-00008051-00008251 guitar ikka type cfF6x-4vHCc-00045-00008251-00008451 bisht beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00046-00008451-00008651 free mc stan feat. ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00047-00008651-00008851 mc stan feat. ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00048-00008851-00009051 free mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00049-00009051-00009251 harlow type beat free cfF6x-4vHCc-00050-00009251-00009451 free mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00051-00009451-00009651 mc stan type instrumental 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00052-00009651-00009851 mc stan type beat 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00053-00009851-00010051 emotional mc stan type cfF6x-4vHCc-00054-00010051-00010251 dark mc stan type cfF6x-4vHCc-00055-00010251-00010451 hard mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00056-00010451-00010651 guitar mc stan type cfF6x-4vHCc-00057-00010651-00010851 free ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00058-00010851-00011051 ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00059-00011051-00011251 harlow type beat free cfF6x-4vHCc-00060-00011251-00011451 free ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00061-00011451-00011651 ikka type instrumental 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00062-00011651-00011851 ikka type beat 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00063-00011851-00012051 emotional ikka type cfF6x-4vHCc-00064-00012051-00012251 dark ikka type cfF6x-4vHCc-00065-00012251-00012451 hard ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00066-00012451-00012651 hard ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00067-00012651-00012851 guitar ikka type, cfF6x-4vHCc-00068-00012851-00013051 bisht beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00069-00013051-00013251 free mc stan feat. ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00070-00013251-00013451 mc stan feat. ikka type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00071-00013451-00013651 free mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00072-00013651-00013851 mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00073-00013851-00014051 mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00074-00014051-00014251 free mc stan type beat cfF6x-4vHCc-00075-00014251-00014451 mc stan type instrumental 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00076-00014451-00014651 mc stan type beat 2022 cfF6x-4vHCc-00077-00014651-00014851 emotional mc stan type cfF6x-4vHCc-00078-00014851-00015051 dark mc stan type ciVSGXDUQS4-00000-00000300-00000621 This is the Contex 30 calculator. ciVSGXDUQS4-00001-00000666-00001302 It was made by the Brothers Carlson in Denmark from 1963 until about 1971. ciVSGXDUQS4-00002-00001446-00001757 I already have a video of the Contex 10. ciVSGXDUQS4-00003-00001842-00002208 That is a manual calculator very similar to this one. ciVSGXDUQS4-00004-00002564-00003202 The follow-up model to that was the Contex 20, which was the first electrified version of that. ciVSGXDUQS4-00005-00003427-00004015 This machine, the Contex 30 improves on that slightly by having a better multiplication system. ciVSGXDUQS4-00006-00004296-00004470 It's very straightforward to use. ciVSGXDUQS4-00007-00004560-00004847 When you enter a number ciVSGXDUQS4-00008-00004847-00005148 you have this smallindicator pin here that moves ciVSGXDUQS4-00009-00005148-00005400 showing you how much you've entered. ciVSGXDUQS4-00010-00005484-00005879 And I can then press the plusbutton to add that number to the main register. ciVSGXDUQS4-00011-00006072-00006473 You have to ignore this red digithere. That's only used for division. ciVSGXDUQS4-00012-00006642-00007060 I can then enter another number and add it on top of that. ciVSGXDUQS4-00013-00007223-00007398 Subtraction is just as simple. ciVSGXDUQS4-00014-00007548-00007884 You press the minus button instead of the plus button. ciVSGXDUQS4-00015-00008184-00008526 You'll notice that the whole register here shifted to the left. ciVSGXDUQS4-00016-00008640-00009080 That reattaches these number wheels to the mechanism ciVSGXDUQS4-00017-00009156-00009604 so that they turn the opposite direction, so that it can do subtraction. ciVSGXDUQS4-00018-00009648-00009954 Next time I add something it'll shift back to the right again. ciVSGXDUQS4-00019-00010638-00010986 To clear the main register you press this C button. ciVSGXDUQS4-00020-00011430-00011844 If you enter something and you want to clear that because you entered it wrong, ciVSGXDUQS4-00021-00011844-00012387 you can clear it just by pulling this red indicator to the right. ciVSGXDUQS4-00022-00012976-00013168 Multiplication next. ciVSGXDUQS4-00023-00013254-00013636 If I enter the number 256 ciVSGXDUQS4-00024-00013636-00014058 and multiply that by itself, ciVSGXDUQS4-00025-00014094-00014395 by another 256, ciVSGXDUQS4-00026-00014395-00014718 I have to enter that second number starting from the right. ciVSGXDUQS4-00027-00014808-00015161 So I start with a 6, then the 5, then the 2. ciVSGXDUQS4-00028-00015234-00015442 When I enter the 6 ciVSGXDUQS4-00029-00015538-00015938 it adds it six times in theunits position, ciVSGXDUQS4-00030-00015938-00016463 and shifts the input one digit to the left, ciVSGXDUQS4-00031-00016535-00016770 and then I press the 5 ciVSGXDUQS4-00032-00016770-00017043 so that it adds it five times in the tens position, ciVSGXDUQS4-00033-00017076-00017246 and then press the 2 ciVSGXDUQS4-00034-00017284-00017496 and it addsit twice in the hundreds position. ciVSGXDUQS4-00035-00017592-00017924 And the result 65536. ciVSGXDUQS4-00036-00018234-00018474 I can then clear the input ciVSGXDUQS4-00037-00018580-00018846 and thatalso releases the multiply button. ciVSGXDUQS4-00038-00019158-00019483 Sometimes it so happens that youdon't want to clear the input. ciVSGXDUQS4-00039-00019483-00019884 You might want to reuse that first factor again. ciVSGXDUQS4-00040-00019939-00020115 I could do that as well. ciVSGXDUQS4-00041-00020174-00020604 So if I enter thatsame number, 256, ciVSGXDUQS4-00042-00020604-00021194 I can put this stopper right next to the input indicator, ciVSGXDUQS4-00043-00021270-00021496 and now just do the multiplication. ciVSGXDUQS4-00044-00021889-00022011 The same as before. ciVSGXDUQS4-00045-00022090-00022434 And if I now try and clear the input ciVSGXDUQS4-00046-00022494-00022693 I getstopped here ciVSGXDUQS4-00047-00022693-00023105 so that simply returns the input to its starting position, ciVSGXDUQS4-00048-00023105-00023374 butwithout clearing the actual number. ciVSGXDUQS4-00049-00023374-00023706 It just clears those appended zeros. ciVSGXDUQS4-00050-00023831-00024219 So I could nowthen do another multiplication. ciVSGXDUQS4-00051-00024272-00024414 By 32 for example. ciVSGXDUQS4-00052-00025404-00025813 Unfortunately this machine does have some problems. ciVSGXDUQS4-00053-00025996-00026349 Sometimes it loses the input. ciVSGXDUQS4-00054-00026424-00026920 For example, if I enter ten nines, and add that, ciVSGXDUQS4-00055-00026920-00027426 you'll see that some of the input digits are lost. ciVSGXDUQS4-00056-00027486-00027942 It simply does not register their numbers properly. ciVSGXDUQS4-00057-00028038-00028903 This is because the grid of pins that holds the input, that store the input, ciVSGXDUQS4-00058-00029436-00030168 they move too easily so they easily get shifted when they're not supposed to and vice versa. ciVSGXDUQS4-00059-00030486-00031027 So that means sometimes when you enter a number on this machine it doesn't quite register properly. ciVSGXDUQS4-00060-00031092-00031758 And also during calculation it can sometimes get corrupted. ciVSGXDUQS4-00061-00031926-00032341 So with that in mind, let's try a division. ciVSGXDUQS4-00062-00032460-00032700 I'll do 1 divided by 7. ciVSGXDUQS4-00063-00032778-00032958 So I enter 1. ciVSGXDUQS4-00064-00033042-00033463 I'll use this button to shift it all the way to the left ciVSGXDUQS4-00065-00033463-00033851 and enter it in the register, so it's all the way up here. ciVSGXDUQS4-00066-00033948-00034356 Now I divide by 7, again shift it all the way to the left. ciVSGXDUQS4-00067-00034706-00034992 You notice by the way that when shifting it to the left, ciVSGXDUQS4-00068-00034992-00035680 it also clears this red digit here that will be the output of the division. ciVSGXDUQS4-00069-00035922-00036569 So now I'll start the division by pressing this button, the division button, ciVSGXDUQS4-00070-00036569-00036876 and then the minus to do the first calculation. ciVSGXDUQS4-00071-00037104-00037290 Well it did pretty much nothing. ciVSGXDUQS4-00072-00037339-00037625 The output is 0, ciVSGXDUQS4-00073-00037625-00038237 so that is thefirst digit of the result, so 0. ... ciVSGXDUQS4-00074-00038316-00038756 And then I press the right arrow to do the next digit, ciVSGXDUQS4-00075-00038919-00039275 so the next digit is 1 so 0.1. ciVSGXDUQS4-00076-00039630-00039846 0.14, ciVSGXDUQS4-00077-00039906-00040264 and I can see that it's already corrupted stuff here, ciVSGXDUQS4-00078-00040264-00040563 so it's not going to give me the correct answer. ciVSGXDUQS4-00079-00040649-00040836 But let's see. ciVSGXDUQS4-00080-00040896-00041022 0.42 ciVSGXDUQS4-00081-00041394-00041637 0.428, yeah ciVSGXDUQS4-00082-00041813-00042066 0.1428 ciVSGXDUQS4-00083-00042282-00042708 It's probably not going to go correctly now so let me try it one more time. ciVSGXDUQS4-00084-00042888-00042990 So 1, ciVSGXDUQS4-00085-00043242-00043292 7 ciVSGXDUQS4-00086-00043680-00043911 0. ciVSGXDUQS4-00087-00043911-00044135 0.1 ciVSGXDUQS4-00088-00044135-00044287 0.14 ciVSGXDUQS4-00089-00044287-00044578 0.142 ciVSGXDUQS4-00090-00044578-00044811 0.1428 ciVSGXDUQS4-00091-00044811-00045083 0.14285 ciVSGXDUQS4-00092-00045083-00045290 0.142857 ciVSGXDUQS4-00093-00045290-00045489 0.1428571 ciVSGXDUQS4-00094-00045489-00045882 0.14285714 ciVSGXDUQS4-00095-00045882-00045963 0.142857149 ciVSGXDUQS4-00096-00045996-00046157 Hmm, okay. ciVSGXDUQS4-00097-00046200-00046378 So it nearly got there. ciVSGXDUQS4-00098-00046614-00046794 So that's a division. ciVSGXDUQS4-00099-00046794-00047465 You have to record the numbers that show in this red digit one by one. ciVSGXDUQS4-00100-00048156-00048732 You also have this small slider here, which you can use to keep track of the decimal points. ciVSGXDUQS4-00101-00048786-00049020 I'm not exactly sure how that's used. ciVSGXDUQS4-00102-00049419-00049779 So that was how you use the Contex 30 calculator. ciVSGXDUQS4-00103-00049920-00050178 Thank you for watching! cn1su1B3RqA-00000-00000084-00000456 hello again and welcome to another episode of high tides cn1su1B3RqA-00001-00000522-00001116 today's episode we're going to be sampling chocolate cheesecake cannabis during a half cn1su1B3RqA-00002-00001116-00002274 gram pre-roll as you can see it's an Inca strain 20.7 THC .07 CBD so let's take a nap cn1su1B3RqA-00003-00002538-00003252 definitely has a chocolate uh cheesecake smell to it so it does live up to its name that sense so cn1su1B3RqA-00004-00003306-00003774 you could say they're not bssing us on the advertisement you know cn1su1B3RqA-00005-00003828-00004476 so let's uh spark up and see what it's all about boys and girls depending on your gender cn1su1B3RqA-00006-00004476-00005088 or what you identify with does it matter as long as you know it's I'm talking to you cn1su1B3RqA-00007-00005868-00006216 and of course today I'm at one of my favorite outdoor hoot spots cn1su1B3RqA-00008-00006426-00006834 um we don't have much tests use some of these outdoor hoop spots cn1su1B3RqA-00009-00006894-00007128 because Winter's coming obviously so cn1su1B3RqA-00010-00007404-00007938 obviously this one we closed down once there's get cold enough enough snow on the ground cn1su1B3RqA-00011-00008670-00009030 now this one has a moderate cough factor to it so cn1su1B3RqA-00012-00009414-00010374 so one thing I tell people is probably you want something to drink with this obviously cn1su1B3RqA-00013-00011784-00012666 doesn't taste very chocolatey chocolate e but can definitely taste the cheesecake part of it cn1su1B3RqA-00014-00013878-00014166 now honestly as you're self-aware I usually cn1su1B3RqA-00015-00014166-00014591 sample it before I do reviews so I have idea what to say all that cn1su1B3RqA-00016-00014856-00015186 and saplic and the Pharaoh fly in front of the camp cn1su1B3RqA-00017-00016032-00016620 you can't get bit of the car hacking cn1su1B3RqA-00018-00016620-00017082 all right well who went for sure cn1su1B3RqA-00019-00017382-00017514 with this drain but cn1su1B3RqA-00020-00017724-00018192 once you get past that it's not a bad High one single bit cn1su1B3RqA-00021-00018582-00018924 and you can't have a tendency to need to relight this one cn1su1B3RqA-00022-00019614-00020196 because this stuff is actually quite fresh extremely fresh cn1su1B3RqA-00023-00020676-00021168 don't mind me if I cat paws talking for a bit there's gonna be a person coming by cn1su1B3RqA-00024-00021474-00022116 very shortly get across the Footbridge which is in our Direction I'm recording cn1su1B3RqA-00025-00023970-00024288 just had a mill cool bye jogging cn1su1B3RqA-00026-00025745-00026562 so all right all right jump 41. it's perfectly acceptable when we check out the elves you know cn1su1B3RqA-00027-00026814-00027636 I'm in the age group you know you know that's the funny thing about a junior cn1su1B3RqA-00028-00027720-00028470 cat creeps up on you before you know it you're like younger okay oh there's somewhat attractive cn1su1B3RqA-00029-00028470-00029286 but uh a little too old for me but now my day it's like yeah they're attractive yeah it's like you're cn1su1B3RqA-00030-00029286-00030227 not going oh they're all game Oreo it's like they're just the right age for me tape I said you cn1su1B3RqA-00031-00030227-00030888 know it's like the carriers how old they actually are and they're same age as you and you're like cn1su1B3RqA-00032-00030888-00031476 oh yeah it's because they're the same age that's why you're thinking that where is the turn going cn1su1B3RqA-00033-00031686-00032477 the higher that's why it comes in quickly cn1su1B3RqA-00034-00032652-00033378 it's really good but yeah happy go lucky we were kind of like very comedical always cn1su1B3RqA-00035-00033618-00034410 which is not bad you just have to get past that cough part to the most part other than cn1su1B3RqA-00036-00034410-00034836 that it's not a bad strange to be honest with you're gonna give it aim on us you know cn1su1B3RqA-00037-00035202-00035838 I mean the tree it's a motor coffin normally out docked down for that but cn1su1B3RqA-00038-00035838-00036546 it's one of those taper highs that it's more than well worth it they go for it cn1su1B3RqA-00039-00036918-00037608 and of course let me get but I can see the rest for later and uh tell you if you gotta do fruit cn1su1B3RqA-00040-00037608-00038514 peel uh try more temperate climate fruits like apples or cherries stuff like that to go along cn1su1B3RqA-00041-00038580-00038928 so I gotta leave it here for now I want to wish you all the best it's debate to everybody do1ah1-US4E-00000-00000496-00000850 [Music] do1ah1-US4E-00001-00001009-00001559 welcome to Fahrenheit and Celsius do1ah1-US4E-00002-00001226-00001755 temperature scales most industrial do1ah1-US4E-00003-00001559-00001980 applications in the United States use do1ah1-US4E-00004-00001755-00002238 the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales for do1ah1-US4E-00005-00001980-00002439 temperature measurements each scale has do1ah1-US4E-00006-00002238-00002630 useful reference points to indicate the do1ah1-US4E-00007-00002439-00002934 temperature at which water freezes or do1ah1-US4E-00008-00002630-00003239 boils let's review the Fahrenheit scale do1ah1-US4E-00009-00002934-00003369 first Gabriel Fahrenheit a German do1ah1-US4E-00010-00003239-00003680 physicist developed the first do1ah1-US4E-00011-00003369-00003942 temperature scale in the early 1700s at do1ah1-US4E-00012-00003680-00004431 sea level water freezes at 32 degrees do1ah1-US4E-00013-00003942-00004665 and boils at 212 degrees next let's do1ah1-US4E-00014-00004431-00004842 review the Celsius scale with the do1ah1-US4E-00015-00004665-00005079 objective of developing a temperature do1ah1-US4E-00016-00004842-00005313 scale that ranges from 0 to 100 degrees do1ah1-US4E-00017-00005079-00005535 between freezing and boiling Swedish do1ah1-US4E-00018-00005313-00005859 astronomer Anders Celsius developed the do1ah1-US4E-00019-00005535-00006242 Celsius scale at sea level water freezes do1ah1-US4E-00020-00005859-00006494 at zero degrees and boils at 100 degrees do1ah1-US4E-00021-00006242-00006689 this illustration shows the freezing do1ah1-US4E-00022-00006494-00007022 point and the boiling point of water on do1ah1-US4E-00023-00006689-00007200 both temperature scales using this do1ah1-US4E-00024-00007022-00007350 differential formulas have been do1ah1-US4E-00025-00007200-00007586 developed to convert between the two do1ah1-US4E-00026-00007350-00007739 scales to determine the Celsius do1ah1-US4E-00027-00007586-00008173 temperature when a Fahrenheit do1ah1-US4E-00028-00007739-00008173 temperature is given use this formula do1ah1-US4E-00029-00008352-00009086 let's look at an example convert 65 do1ah1-US4E-00030-00008729-00009086 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius do1ah1-US4E-00031-00009663-00010136 to determine the Fahrenheit temperature do1ah1-US4E-00032-00009903-00010445 when a Celsius temperature is given use do1ah1-US4E-00033-00010136-00010445 the following formula do1ah1-US4E-00034-00010629-00011231 let's look at an example convert 10 do1ah1-US4E-00035-00010914-00011231 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit do1ah1-US4E-00036-00011922-00012484 next we'll review a few applications of do1ah1-US4E-00037-00012187-00012637 these conversions these temperature do1ah1-US4E-00038-00012484-00012961 scales are used in the measurement of do1ah1-US4E-00039-00012637-00013269 heat heat is thermal energy that has the do1ah1-US4E-00040-00012961-00013507 ability to perform work thermal energy do1ah1-US4E-00041-00013269-00013879 is rated in work units of calories and do1ah1-US4E-00042-00013507-00014062 BTUs or British thermal units the do1ah1-US4E-00043-00013879-00014269 calorie is a unit of measurement based do1ah1-US4E-00044-00014062-00014590 on the metric unit for weight in grams do1ah1-US4E-00045-00014269-00014769 and the Celsius temperature scale one do1ah1-US4E-00046-00014590-00015022 calorie is the heat required to raise do1ah1-US4E-00047-00014769-00015441 the temperature of one gram of water one do1ah1-US4E-00048-00015022-00015640 degree Celsius the BTU is a unit of do1ah1-US4E-00049-00015441-00015853 measurement based on the customary unit do1ah1-US4E-00050-00015640-00016255 for weight pounds in the United States do1ah1-US4E-00051-00015853-00016426 and Fahrenheit temperature scale one BTU do1ah1-US4E-00052-00016255-00016618 is the amount of heat required to raise do1ah1-US4E-00053-00016426-00017041 the temperature of one pound of water do1ah1-US4E-00054-00016618-00017236 one degree Fahrenheit now we're going to do1ah1-US4E-00055-00017041-00017398 work through a few examples hit the do1ah1-US4E-00056-00017236-00017795 pause button if you need time to figure do1ah1-US4E-00057-00017398-00017795 out your answer question one do1ah1-US4E-00058-00017891-00018404 the freezing temperature of water at sea do1ah1-US4E-00059-00018158-00018913 level using the Celsius scale is zero do1ah1-US4E-00060-00018404-00018913 degrees question two do1ah1-US4E-00061-00018981-00019350 the difference in temperature between do1ah1-US4E-00062-00019161-00019554 the freezing and the boiling points of do1ah1-US4E-00063-00019350-00020204 water at sea level for the Fahrenheit do1ah1-US4E-00064-00019554-00020204 scale is 180 degrees question 3 do1ah1-US4E-00065-00020274-00020795 the temperature of 15 degrees Celsius is do1ah1-US4E-00066-00020949-00021678 59 degrees Fahrenheit question four do1ah1-US4E-00067-00021737-00022255 the temperature of 89 degrees Fahrenheit do1ah1-US4E-00068-00022028-00022255 is do1ah1-US4E-00069-00022415-00022796 31.7 degrees Celsius do1ah1-US4E-00070-00022892-00023222 question 5 do1ah1-US4E-00071-00023281-00023743 how many calories of heat are required do1ah1-US4E-00072-00023531-00024165 to raise the temperature of two grams of do1ah1-US4E-00073-00023743-00024165 water five degrees Celsius do1ah1-US4E-00074-00024305-00024911 the answer is 10 calories 2 grams do1ah1-US4E-00075-00024632-00025328 multiplied by 5 degrees Celsius equals do1ah1-US4E-00076-00024911-00025499 10 calories congratulations you have do1ah1-US4E-00077-00025328-00025816 completed Fahrenheit and Celsius do1ah1-US4E-00078-00025499-00025816 temperature scales d3_0J45ONZY-00000-00000328-00000634 hello master d3_0J45ONZY-00001-00000667-00001350 Pine: In the last video, there was a lot of talk about the comparison between cnc and our Lee Hyun Machine. d3_0J45ONZY-00002-00001523-00001723 I heard them nagging a lot... d3_0J45ONZY-00003-00001760-00002251 pine: Naturally, as interest in Lee Hyun Machine grew, questions about the machine itself increased. d3_0J45ONZY-00004-00002253-00002976 pine: Among them, the most frequently asked questions were about how far the woodworking can be done using Lee Hyun Machine. d3_0J45ONZY-00005-00003039-00003600 pine: So, on this occasion, I needed a comprehensive arrangement about Lee Hyun Machine, so I made this place. d3_0J45ONZY-00006-00004177-00004307 Okay. of course! d3_0J45ONZY-00007-00004342-00004882 pine:So let's start with the most frequently asked questions. d3_0J45ONZY-00008-00005187-00005720 pine:This is the very first question. What kind of woodworking machine is Lee Hyun Machine specialized in? d3_0J45ONZY-00009-00005785-00006405 In conclusion, Lee Hyun Machine is a machine specialized in 'wood joint'. d3_0J45ONZY-00010-00006450-00007346 Lee Hyun Machine can do 99.99% of the current Korean wood joint method. d3_0J45ONZY-00011-00007444-00008347 Because it is a multi-machine, other functions are possible, but the essence of Lee Hyun Machine is a wood joint. d3_0J45ONZY-00012-00008378-00009455 pine: Then, do carpenters who do not need to use a wood joint need to use a Lee Hyun machine? d3_0J45ONZY-00013-00010745-00012161 In addition to the wood joint function, the Lee Hyun Machine can work really comfortably even when leveling wood or drilling holes. d3_0J45ONZY-00014-00012428-00013250 Not only that, but it can also be used for working rounds or working with multiple shapes. d3_0J45ONZY-00015-00013391-00013591 I'll work on the rest of the translation tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience ... d3aKVqtNg9Y-00000-00001455-00001973 Family never believed their grandpa's crazy stories until they open a box hidden in his attic d3aKVqtNg9Y-00001-00002235-00002603 Cleaning out a relative's and it can often be an arduous and uneventful task d3aKVqtNg9Y-00002-00002617-00003080 But it does have the potential to be quite interesting it might not seem like an exciting chore d3aKVqtNg9Y-00003-00003081-00003477 But there's always the chance that you'll uncover something about your family that you didn't know before d3aKVqtNg9Y-00004-00003532-00004152 For instance when Mike and Maria Lopez were recently tasked with cleaning their grandfather's attic they had no idea what to expect d3aKVqtNg9Y-00005-00004195-00004490 Especially with all the tall tales he told them about his pants d3aKVqtNg9Y-00006-00004534-00005000 But nothing could have prepared them for what they found hidden in one unmarked box d3aKVqtNg9Y-00007-00005350-00005793 Many people wonder if there might be some fabulous treasure tucked away in the Attic of their childhood home d3aKVqtNg9Y-00008-00005821-00006489 there has to be something in all those boxes right a man named Mark Lopez however never really thought this way as d3aKVqtNg9Y-00009-00006531-00006693 kids marking his sister, Maria d3aKVqtNg9Y-00010-00006693-00007223 We're told plenty of outlandish stories from their grandfather still it never crossed their minds that he was telling the truth d3aKVqtNg9Y-00011-00007223-00007500 He was just entertaining them, right d3aKVqtNg9Y-00012-00007603-00008232 for instance when Marco Maria were young their grandfather used to claim that he'd located the treasure of josé Gaspar a d3aKVqtNg9Y-00013-00008278-00008778 Notorious Spanish pirate many years ago the children enjoyed the story, but they never took it seriously d3aKVqtNg9Y-00014-00008896-00009380 After their grandfather passed away and Marco Maria were tasked with cleaning his attic. They'd figured d3aKVqtNg9Y-00015-00009381-00010143 They'd find nothing of value until they made a startling discovery inside an unmarked box that changed everything they thought they knew about him d3aKVqtNg9Y-00016-00010278-00010796 Among the items that Mark and Maria found inside the strange container was a picture of two people on their wedding day d3aKVqtNg9Y-00017-00010833-00011266 Well, they had no proof the siblings assumed it was likely a photograph of their great-grandparents d3aKVqtNg9Y-00018-00011334-00011749 All inside the box was a crude map of Tampa, Florida from the 1930s d3aKVqtNg9Y-00019-00011775-00012191 Why would their grandfather keep such a bizarre item seemingly drawn by hand? d3aKVqtNg9Y-00020-00012246-00012455 Still there were other things to add to the mystery d3aKVqtNg9Y-00021-00012516-00013199 Mark, Maria also found an array of what they believed to be Portuguese and Spanish coins dating all the way back to the 16th century d3aKVqtNg9Y-00022-00013278-00013594 Perhaps there really was some truth to their grandfather's stories d3aKVqtNg9Y-00023-00013697-00013994 Maybe my great-grandparents were pirates Marc joke later d3aKVqtNg9Y-00024-00014013-00014788 Well admitting that the truth can sometimes be shocking still he and a sister hadn't seen anything yet. They kept digging through their grandfather's stuff d3aKVqtNg9Y-00025-00014853-00015533 Quite disturbingly the chest also contained a preserved human hand it really must have seen like something straight out of a horror film d3aKVqtNg9Y-00026-00015549-00015805 What the heck was their grandfather doing with a hand? d3aKVqtNg9Y-00027-00015863-00016169 Both mark and Maria were in complete shock when they discovered the hand d3aKVqtNg9Y-00028-00016200-00016658 Maria came across it and once she told me she found a hand in the box. I was totally blown away d3aKVqtNg9Y-00029-00016677-00016877 He admitted after the find d3aKVqtNg9Y-00030-00016905-00017273 Why would their grandfather keep a preserved human hand for so long? d3aKVqtNg9Y-00031-00017273-00017578 And why would he keep it all a secret from his family? d3aKVqtNg9Y-00032-00017625-00018041 Mark and Maria knew they had to do some more digging if they ever wanted to know the truth d3aKVqtNg9Y-00033-00018153-00018707 Well every thought imaginable stirred in their minds mark and Maria decided they had to get to the bottom of their discovery d3aKVqtNg9Y-00034-00018732-00019273 Once and for all so they brought the box and the items inside to a professional for appraisal d3aKVqtNg9Y-00035-00019368-00019811 first Tampa Bay History Center curator Rodney kite Powell took a look at the coins d3aKVqtNg9Y-00036-00019851-00020209 They're a little thin to be Spanish coins or old coins in general d3aKVqtNg9Y-00037-00020247-00020957 Generally older coins were thicker Rodney explained the coins weren't as old as they'd anticipated, but that didn't make them any less exciting d3aKVqtNg9Y-00038-00021012-00021641 next Rodney wanted to give the crude map of Tampa close examination after a while he determined it dated back to either the d3aKVqtNg9Y-00039-00021684-00021861 1920s or 1930s d3aKVqtNg9Y-00040-00021861-00022294 The chances of any of the items having belonged to josé Gaspar were starting to dwindle d3aKVqtNg9Y-00041-00022347-00022454 It's fascinating d3aKVqtNg9Y-00042-00022454-00022987 But I just don't know what to make of it aside from the fact that it's probably not Jose Gaspar's hand d3aKVqtNg9Y-00043-00022998-00023614 These probably aren't Spanish coins Rodney explained of course the hand might not have belonged to josé Gaspar d3aKVqtNg9Y-00044-00023640-00024176 But that didn't do anything to take away from its mystery mark and Maria still had no idea of its origins d3aKVqtNg9Y-00045-00024176-00024398 or if it was even real to begin with I d3aKVqtNg9Y-00046-00024441-00024572 Think it looks real d3aKVqtNg9Y-00047-00024572-00024788 And the weirdest thing is the hand mark mentioned d3aKVqtNg9Y-00048-00024807-00025327 While taking a moment to remember all the tall tales his grandfather had told him and his sister when they were children d3aKVqtNg9Y-00049-00025356-00025556 Was he lying or not? d3aKVqtNg9Y-00050-00025595-00026137 Either my great-grandfather made the best most elaborate pirate hoax ever and never shared it with anyone d3aKVqtNg9Y-00051-00026172-00026663 Or he really did find some treasure on the Hillsborough River mark recalled. There's really no way to know d3aKVqtNg9Y-00052-00026757-00027454 Mark and Maria decided they'd hold on to the mysterious box and its mysterious contents as a relic of their late grandfather and their family d3aKVqtNg9Y-00053-00027455-00027812 History who knows maybe one day. They'll learn the whole truth d3aKVqtNg9Y-00054-00027888-00028549 While the coins map and hand might not have given mark and Maria the answers they were looking for there's no denying that simply sifting d3aKVqtNg9Y-00055-00028550-00029000 Through their grandfather's items gave them a glimpse into his past and what a wild past it was d3aKVqtNg9Y-00056-00029079-00029671 Can you imagine finding out that this was real all along if only they'd believe their grandfather when he was still around d3aKVqtNg9Y-00057-00029730-00030007 Share this terrific story with your friends below d3aKVqtNg9Y-00058-00032151-00032351 You d7gQHdl04Jc-00000-00000567-00001120 Mike Tindall said he and wife Zara are planning on going to the royal wedding d7gQHdl04Jc-00001-00001237-00001855 But the couple are still waiting for the invite from her cousin Prince Harry, 33 d7gQHdl04Jc-00002-00001972-00002501 Mike also he is in a royal WhatsApp group with some of Zara's cousins d7gQHdl04Jc-00003-00002618-00003085 The Tindalls are expecting their second child together this summer d7gQHdl04Jc-00004-00003202-00003861 The royal wedding is less than four months away but guests are still waiting for their invitations. d7gQHdl04Jc-00005-00003978-00005222 Mike Tindall, 39, he and wife Zara, 36, are still waiting for the formal invite from her cousin Prince Harry, 33, and his fiancee Meghan Markle, 36 d7gQHdl04Jc-00006-00005339-00006463 Joking about the delay, former England rugby captain Tindall said it hadn't stopped them from making plans to be at the ceremony, which will take place at Windsor Castle on May 19. d7gQHdl04Jc-00007-00006580-00007637 Speaking in an interview with the Sunday Mirror, Mike jokingly said: 'We will be going to Harry's and Eugenie's weddings - well I think so, we haven't been invited yet though.' d7gQHdl04Jc-00008-00007754-00008463 Mike also hinted he was part of a royal WhatsApp group with Zara's cousins Prince William and Prince Harry. d7gQHdl04Jc-00009-00008580-00009376 He said: 'Me, my brother and then a few of Zara's side like her brother Pete [Phillips] and the cousins are on WhatsApp groups d7gQHdl04Jc-00010-00009493-00010104 I wouldn't say we're cutting edge, but it's just easier for some reason on WhatsApp.' d7gQHdl04Jc-00011-00010221-00011247 Mike, who is father to four-year-old Mia Grace, said that while they were looking forward to the two royal weddings their focus is on the arrival of their second child. d7gQHdl04Jc-00012-00011364-00012126 The Tindalls, who tied the knot in Edinburgh in 2011, announced they were expecting a baby earlier this month d7gQHdl04Jc-00013-00012243-00013079 The baby will be born in the summer, about three months after the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's third child is due, sources claim d7gQHdl04Jc-00014-00013196-00013807 The news came just over a year after Zara and Tindall suffered the heartache of a miscarriage d7gQHdl04Jc-00015-00013924-00015128 At the end of November 2016 the couple said they were expecting a brother or sister for three-year-old Mia, but almost a month later, on Christmas Eve, they announced Zara had lost the baby. d7gQHdl04Jc-00016-00015244-00015713 It is believed she was around four months pregnant at the time d7gQHdl04Jc-00017-00015831-00016415 As a result, she missed the Royal Family's annual celebrations at Sandringham. d7gQHdl04Jc-00018-00016532-00017846 Zara, 36, has not spoken publicly about the tragedy but former England rugby captain Tindall, 39, later said: 'One thing you do learn is how many other people have to go through the same thing. d7gQHdl04Jc-00019-00017963-00018624 'The saving grace for us has been Mia However down we feel, she will come running up in our faces.' d7nli_iE1UA-00000-00001244-00001716 In the olden days, Carnival in Venice lasted anything up to six months: d7nli_iE1UA-00001-00001744-00002102 it began in October and – apart from a short Christmas break - d7nli_iE1UA-00002-00002172-00002384 it continued until Shrove Tuesday. d7nli_iE1UA-00003-00002406-00003188 It was a time when anyone in the city – rich or poor, foreigners and locals - could go around disguised. d7nli_iE1UA-00004-00003450-00004224 Obviously, over the centuries several masks became more traditional and part of a certain local tradition; d7nli_iE1UA-00005-00004364-00004858 among these, one of the most significant is certainly Moretta, d7nli_iE1UA-00006-00004888-00005432 which was a specifically feminine mask that was worn without the use of ribbons d7nli_iE1UA-00007-00005466-00005791 and held in place by the young lady d7nli_iE1UA-00008-00005792-00006074 by means of a button on the inside d7nli_iE1UA-00009-00006096-00006440 that was clenched between her teeth. d7nli_iE1UA-00010-00006454-00006859 The young lady who wore the Moretta was therefore unable to speak d7nli_iE1UA-00011-00006880-00007504 and this was obviously known by the opposite sex, who to communicate played a game d7nli_iE1UA-00012-00007531-00008014 of exchanging looks that were usually very persuasive. d7nli_iE1UA-00013-00008726-00009092 One of the greatest interpreters of the spirit of the eighteenth-century Carnival d7nli_iE1UA-00014-00009120-00009702 was undoubtedly Pietro Longhi, who painted a series of pictures for the Querini family d7nli_iE1UA-00015-00009842-00010164 all based on this specific theme. d7nli_iE1UA-00016-00010190-00010616 The paintings are still preserved in the art gallery of the Querini Stampalia Foundation in Santa Maria Formosa. d7u4tQkuZNu-00000-00000192-00000732 >>Sarah: So far in this Membership video series, I've shown you how to d7u4tQkuZNu-00001-00000732-00001211 set up and manage memberships from the perspective of a site administrator d7u4tQkuZNu-00002-00001211-00001782 and this video is going to show you what it looks like from the perspective d7u4tQkuZNu-00003-00001782-00002310 of your visitors to your website who want to sign up as a member and are going d7u4tQkuZNu-00004-00002310-00002506 through the application process. d7u4tQkuZNu-00005-00002506-00002735 So you can see what it looks like on that end d7u4tQkuZNu-00006-00002735-00003297 and know what your members are experiencing and can answer their questions when d7u4tQkuZNu-00007-00003297-00003469 they have them. d7u4tQkuZNu-00008-00003469-00003921 So as you can see I'm on the same site we've been working on throughout d7u4tQkuZNu-00009-00003921-00004255 this series, only I'm no longer logged in. d7u4tQkuZNu-00010-00004255-00004560 This part is available for me to log in and d7u4tQkuZNu-00011-00004560-00004787 the maroon admin bar is missing. d7u4tQkuZNu-00012-00004787-00005170 So this is exactly what a site visitor is going to experience, d7u4tQkuZNu-00013-00005170-00005774 who is not a member or an admin and as we know we put our membership application over d7u4tQkuZNu-00014-00005774-00005976 here. d7u4tQkuZNu-00015-00005976-00006411 So I'm going to click on it and let's go see what it's like to become a member of this d7u4tQkuZNu-00016-00006411-00006713 organization. d7u4tQkuZNu-00017-00006713-00007589 So here we are on the membership application page we created earlier and I can see all d7u4tQkuZNu-00018-00007589-00007713 of the different fields, d7u4tQkuZNu-00019-00007713-00008165 just like we saw and we can start to fill it out. d7u4tQkuZNu-00020-00008165-00008992 And I'm going to go ahead and select professional membership. d7u4tQkuZNu-00021-00008992-00009425 Because my site is brand new and not integrated with a merchant account, I'm going to select d7u4tQkuZNu-00022-00009425-00009525 the cash d7u4tQkuZNu-00023-00009525-00010952 for testing this, since it allows me to pay offline... d7u4tQkuZNu-00024-00010952-00011052 ... d7u4tQkuZNu-00025-00011052-00011543 And then here's the captcha code that I was talking about earlier, that proves I'm human, d7u4tQkuZNu-00026-00011543-00011660 as they say. d7u4tQkuZNu-00027-00011660-00012665 I'm going to go ahead and submit and because this membership type requires approval, as d7u4tQkuZNu-00028-00012665-00012765 you can see d7u4tQkuZNu-00029-00012765-00013218 here, we get the membership form that says thank you for applying. d7u4tQkuZNu-00030-00013218-00013450 This is that confirmation and it d7u4tQkuZNu-00031-00013450-00014062 has the fields that I have entered here and it shows pending. d7u4tQkuZNu-00032-00014062-00014273 So from the admin perspective you'll have d7u4tQkuZNu-00033-00014273-00014854 received an email at the email address you specified that should receive the member notices d7u4tQkuZNu-00034-00014854-00014954 that tells you d7u4tQkuZNu-00035-00014954-00015298 you have a pending membership approval. d7u4tQkuZNu-00036-00015298-00015708 And when you log back into the site as an admin and the maroon bar d7u4tQkuZNu-00037-00015708-00016334 is back here then you can come up here to where you have people and members and this d7u4tQkuZNu-00038-00016334-00016584 is where you manage members d7u4tQkuZNu-00039-00016584-00017545 so you see over here... under the membership tab, pending members. d7u4tQkuZNu-00040-00017545-00017823 And here is a pending membership that just d7u4tQkuZNu-00041-00017823-00017948 signed up. d7u4tQkuZNu-00042-00017948-00018338 You can even see that there is a balance. d7u4tQkuZNu-00043-00018338-00019287 So you can see here where you are able to click on it d7u4tQkuZNu-00044-00019287-00019387 and d7u4tQkuZNu-00045-00019387-00019961 decide if you want to connect it with an existing user if you had one, they would be listed d7u4tQkuZNu-00046-00019961-00020182 or create a new user and d7u4tQkuZNu-00047-00020182-00020464 approve or disapprove the membership. d7u4tQkuZNu-00048-00020464-00020976 So you can go ahead and approve the membership, assuming they've paid and pending d7u4tQkuZNu-00049-00020976-00021550 allows you when they are paying offline in cash or check, in particular, for you to keep d7u4tQkuZNu-00050-00021550-00021687 that membership pending until d7u4tQkuZNu-00051-00021687-00022195 they've made the payment and then any site admin can come in that has permission to access d7u4tQkuZNu-00052-00022195-00022584 memberships and update this. d7u4tQkuZNu-00053-00022584-00023253 So now I've shown you how it looks from your visitors perspective to walk through the membership d7u4tQkuZNu-00054-00023253-00023470 application process and d7u4tQkuZNu-00055-00023470-00023951 join using Tendenci's membership module on your site. d7u4tQkuZNu-00056-00023951-00024556 In the next video series we will talk about how you can manage and d7u4tQkuZNu-00057-00024556-00024873 organize your members as a site admin inside your site. d7HIQ85gAlY-00008-00001707-00002328 Maybe I have my own style when I'm walking as my steps go d7HIQ85gAlY-00009-00002328-00002610 I be drinking a bottle of makgurli d7HIQ85gAlY-00010-00002620-00003068 Imma go back to my own step and get back my own things d7HIQ85gAlY-00011-00003068-00003494 It seems like raining now so i be drinking a cup of makgurli d7HIQ85gAlY-00012-00003494-00003922 I have lots of thought in my mind in evening or midnight d7HIQ85gAlY-00013-00003944-00004412 It is different from morning with sunshine. My blossomed dream would be having fuzz. d7HIQ85gAlY-00014-00004436-00004860 Dang Bang bang i should avoid sunshine. d7HIQ85gAlY-00015-00004872-00005324 When I wanna hide my body, my room could be the shield from things that sting me. d7HIQ85gAlY-00016-00005324-00005842 I believe me. Never changing even though time pass by is that my Self belief is firm. d7HIQ85gAlY-00017-00005846-00006228 It's scary thing that whoever doubt me, Just keep going without caring it d7HIQ85gAlY-00018-00006228-00006392 but who could break my stubbornness. d7HIQ85gAlY-00019-00006409-00007100 I make my own. We be going up together because I don't like beating somebody. Please just believe me. d7HIQ85gAlY-00020-00007100-00007644 Maybe I have my own style when I'm walking as my steps go d7HIQ85gAlY-00021-00007644-00007990 I be drinking a bottle of makgurli d7HIQ85gAlY-00022-00007990-00008416 Imma go back to my own step and get back my own things d7HIQ85gAlY-00023-00008420-00008820 It seems like raining now so i be drinking a cup of makgurli d7HIQ85gAlY-00024-00008828-00009306 Makurli I kept has just left about two sips. I don't hesitate to drink. d7HIQ85gAlY-00025-00009306-00009736 I've written the sound from my throat that never got jammed. d7HIQ85gAlY-00026-00009738-00009950 I don't have any enemy. It's kinda weird tho. d7HIQ85gAlY-00027-00009960-00010190 I keep distance from those imigratory birds. d7HIQ85gAlY-00028-00010196-00010636 I walk on where I wanna walk and I believe It's lucky for my friends that I ain't leaving them d7HIQ85gAlY-00029-00010636-00011114 Honestly, once I believed I never got old. d7HIQ85gAlY-00030-00011120-00011730 I don't think it suits me that paying rent and making money by work, not musical thing d7HIQ85gAlY-00031-00011736-00011956 but here is the thing. Do you know me well? d7HIQ85gAlY-00032-00011958-00012490 If you do, It's a big mistake. Nobody knows me well. I'm pouring makgurli in an empty glass as I want. d7HIQ85gAlY-00033-00012490-00013004 Maybe I have my own style when I'm walking as my steps go d7HIQ85gAlY-00034-00013004-00013268 I be drinking a bottle of makgurli d7HIQ85gAlY-00035-00013276-00013726 Imma go back to my own step and get back mine d7HIQ85gAlY-00036-00013726-00014178 It seems like raining now so i be drinking a cup of makgurli d7HIQ85gAlY-00037-00014263-00014682 Uh...My body is moving as i move like when I got little tipsy. d7HIQ85gAlY-00038-00014760-00015156 Should believe my instint. Don't break it by force. d7HIQ85gAlY-00039-00015240-00015586 I should do what i wanna and feel what i wanna d7HIQ85gAlY-00040-00015590-00016019 I keep walking even if I have muscleache on my legs. d7HIQ85gAlY-00041-00016019-00016558 Maybe I have my own style when I'm walking as my steps go d7HIQ85gAlY-00042-00016560-00016810 I be drinking a bottle of makgurli d7HIQ85gAlY-00043-00016818-00017294 Imma go back to my own step and get back mine d7HIQ85gAlY-00044-00017298-00017742 It seems like raining now so i be drinking a cup of makgurli dqv5DcmLygU-00000-00000075-00000565 In this video, we shall discuss about various kinds of phobias or fears. dqv5DcmLygU-00001-00000568-00001194 Phobia is the persistent fear and psychological distress caused by of an object or a situation. dqv5DcmLygU-00002-00001210-00001589 [MUSIC] dqv5DcmLygU-00003-00001704-00001958 Acrophobia is the fear of heights. dqv5DcmLygU-00004-00001961-00002189 It is also known as vertigo. dqv5DcmLygU-00005-00002191-00002750 People with this phobia experience space and motion discomfort when exposed to heights. dqv5DcmLygU-00006-00002828-00003138 Agoraphobia is the fear of open places. dqv5DcmLygU-00007-00003140-00003609 This phobia is created by symptoms of anxiety in situations dqv5DcmLygU-00008-00003632-00004194 that also include public transit, shopping malls, or any place outside one’s home. dqv5DcmLygU-00009-00004281-00004594 Claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces. dqv5DcmLygU-00010-00004597-00005086 People with this disorder experience a panic attack when placed in situations like dqv5DcmLygU-00011-00005089-00005440 crowded elevators, windowless rooms, or small cars. dqv5DcmLygU-00012-00005533-00006154 Brontophobia, also known as astraphobia, keraunophobia, or tonitrophobia dqv5DcmLygU-00013-00006156-00006409 is the fear of thunder and lightning. dqv5DcmLygU-00014-00006439-00006733 Some people with this disorder show an excessive interest dqv5DcmLygU-00015-00006736-00007135 in following weather forecasts on television before venturing outside. dqv5DcmLygU-00016-00007227-00007532 Ergophobia is an abnormal fear of work. dqv5DcmLygU-00017-00007534-00007818 This fear may be an outcome of other factors like dqv5DcmLygU-00018-00007821-00008278 performance anxiety, speaking before groups at work, and socializing. dqv5DcmLygU-00019-00008345-00008717 The term hydrophobia relates to a symptom of rabies where dqv5DcmLygU-00020-00008719-00008926 the patient has trouble in swallowing dqv5DcmLygU-00021-00008928-00009205 and is scared when presented with liquids. dqv5DcmLygU-00022-00009391-00009752 On the other hand, Aquaphobia is the fear of water. dqv5DcmLygU-00023-00009793-00010233 People with this disorder may avoid activities like swimming and bathing. dqv5DcmLygU-00024-00010264-00010815 Monophobia or autophobia is the morbid fear of being alone or isolation. dqv5DcmLygU-00025-00010818-00011232 People sometimes develop this fear after the death of a loved one. dqv5DcmLygU-00026-00011423-00011854 Mysophobia is an extreme fear of contamination and germs. dqv5DcmLygU-00027-00011857-00012303 This fear is closely related to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). dqv5DcmLygU-00028-00012359-00012900 Nyctophobiais the fear of darkness caused by a person’s overactive imagination. dqv5DcmLygU-00029-00012902-00013174 This is one of the most common phobias among children. dqv5DcmLygU-00030-00013262-00013715 Ochlophobia, also known as demophobia, is the fear of crowds. dqv5DcmLygU-00031-00013717-00014285 It is closely related to agoraphobia, and is classified under social anxiety disorders. dqv5DcmLygU-00032-00014287-00014904 Introverts, who suffer from this disorder, would like to stay away from parties, concerts, theaters, or games. dqv5DcmLygU-00033-00014959-00015299 Odynophobia is the abnormal fear of pain. dqv5DcmLygU-00034-00015302-00015686 The fear itself might cause the victim to become distressful, dqv5DcmLygU-00035-00015688-00015979 which might manifest in the form of headaches. dqv5DcmLygU-00036-00016065-00016320 Oenophobia is the fear of wine. dqv5DcmLygU-00037-00016323-00016829 This irrational fear might relate to wine, wine bottles, or spilled wine. dqv5DcmLygU-00038-00016887-00017162 Phobophobia is the fear of phobias. dqv5DcmLygU-00039-00017170-00017451 People with this disorder are extremely anxious dqv5DcmLygU-00040-00017453-00017839 about even the most insignificant stimulus in an environment. dqv5DcmLygU-00041-00017842-00018284 It is closely related to polyphobia, which is the fear of many things. dqv5DcmLygU-00042-00018348-00018636 Phonophobia, also called sonophobia, dqv5DcmLygU-00043-00018638-00019066 is a common anxiety disorder related to the fear of loud sounds. dqv5DcmLygU-00044-00019069-00019444 Such hypersensitivity can lead the patient to migraines. dqv5DcmLygU-00045-00019546-00019813 Technophobia is the fear of technology. dqv5DcmLygU-00046-00019816-00020120 This fear is closely related to cyberphobia. dqv5DcmLygU-00047-00020123-00020655 The fear of technology taking over the world forms the basis for many sci-fi novels. dqv5DcmLygU-00048-00020781-00021142 Thanatophobia or necrophobia is the fear of death. dqv5DcmLygU-00049-00021144-00021568 This fear manifests due to a close brush with death itself. dqv5DcmLygU-00050-00021635-00021979 Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number thirteen. dqv5DcmLygU-00051-00021981-00022337 It is also related to the fear of Friday, the 13th. dqv5DcmLygU-00052-00022339-00022820 This fear is so prevalent that that most hotels and establishments dqv5DcmLygU-00053-00022822-00023107 skip the number 13 while numbering the floors dqv5DcmLygU-00054-00023110-00023703 even though there is no rational evidence to prove that the number 13 is unlucky or ominous. dqv5DcmLygU-00055-00023903-00024283 Xenophobia is not an actual phobia, but a political term to dqv5DcmLygU-00056-00024286-00024702 describe as a prejudice, hatred, or distrust towards foreigners. dqv5DcmLygU-00057-00024754-00025134 Anglophobia is the fear of England or English culture. dqv5DcmLygU-00058-00025280-00025604 Similarly, Gallophobia is the fear of France and French culture. dsl689VWCso-00000-00000010-00000430 THEY FINISHED THIRD PAUL BUNYAN. dsl689VWCso-00001-00000430-00000437 THEY FINISHED THIRD PAUL BUNYAN. dsl689VWCso-00002-00000437-00000523 THEY FINISHED THIRD PAUL BUNYAN. >> Dennis: GRAND RAPIDS IS dsl689VWCso-00003-00000523-00000530 THEY FINISHED THIRD PAUL BUNYAN. >> Dennis: GRAND RAPIDS IS dsl689VWCso-00004-00000530-00000740 THEY FINISHED THIRD PAUL BUNYAN. >> Dennis: GRAND RAPIDS IS CELEBRATING THE HOLIDAYS WITH dsl689VWCso-00005-00000740-00000747 >> Dennis: GRAND RAPIDS IS CELEBRATING THE HOLIDAYS WITH dsl689VWCso-00006-00000747-00001067 >> Dennis: GRAND RAPIDS IS CELEBRATING THE HOLIDAYS WITH FESTIVE PARTY. dsl689VWCso-00007-00001067-00001074 CELEBRATING THE HOLIDAYS WITH FESTIVE PARTY. dsl689VWCso-00008-00001074-00001144 CELEBRATING THE HOLIDAYS WITH FESTIVE PARTY. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US dsl689VWCso-00009-00001144-00001151 FESTIVE PARTY. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US dsl689VWCso-00010-00001151-00001855 FESTIVE PARTY. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US ABOUT THE HO HO HO CHRISTMAS dsl689VWCso-00011-00001855-00001861 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US ABOUT THE HO HO HO CHRISTMAS dsl689VWCso-00012-00001861-00001915 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS US ABOUT THE HO HO HO CHRISTMAS PARTY. dsl689VWCso-00013-00001915-00001921 ABOUT THE HO HO HO CHRISTMAS PARTY. dsl689VWCso-00014-00001921-00001948 ABOUT THE HO HO HO CHRISTMAS PARTY. ♪♪ dsl689VWCso-00015-00001948-00001955 PARTY. ♪♪ dsl689VWCso-00016-00001955-00002028 PARTY. ♪♪ >> Reporter: FOR LOT OF PEOPLE dsl689VWCso-00017-00002028-00002035 ♪♪ >> Reporter: FOR LOT OF PEOPLE dsl689VWCso-00018-00002035-00002205 ♪♪ >> Reporter: FOR LOT OF PEOPLE IN THE GRAND RAPIDS AREA, IT'S dsl689VWCso-00019-00002205-00002212 >> Reporter: FOR LOT OF PEOPLE IN THE GRAND RAPIDS AREA, IT'S dsl689VWCso-00020-00002212-00002475 >> Reporter: FOR LOT OF PEOPLE IN THE GRAND RAPIDS AREA, IT'S NOT OFFICIALLY CHRISTMAS UNTIL dsl689VWCso-00021-00002475-00002482 IN THE GRAND RAPIDS AREA, IT'S NOT OFFICIALLY CHRISTMAS UNTIL dsl689VWCso-00022-00002482-00002572 IN THE GRAND RAPIDS AREA, IT'S NOT OFFICIALLY CHRISTMAS UNTIL THE ANNUAL HO HO HO CHRISTMAS dsl689VWCso-00023-00002572-00002579 NOT OFFICIALLY CHRISTMAS UNTIL THE ANNUAL HO HO HO CHRISTMAS dsl689VWCso-00024-00002579-00002619 NOT OFFICIALLY CHRISTMAS UNTIL THE ANNUAL HO HO HO CHRISTMAS PARTY. dsl689VWCso-00025-00002619-00002625 THE ANNUAL HO HO HO CHRISTMAS PARTY. dsl689VWCso-00026-00002625-00003043 THE ANNUAL HO HO HO CHRISTMAS PARTY. AT THE GRAND RAPIDS CHILDREN'S dsl689VWCso-00027-00003043-00003049 PARTY. AT THE GRAND RAPIDS CHILDREN'S dsl689VWCso-00028-00003049-00003396 PARTY. AT THE GRAND RAPIDS CHILDREN'S DISCOVERY MUSEUM. dsl689VWCso-00029-00003396-00003403 AT THE GRAND RAPIDS CHILDREN'S DISCOVERY MUSEUM. dsl689VWCso-00030-00003403-00004657 AT THE GRAND RAPIDS CHILDREN'S DISCOVERY MUSEUM. >> WE BEEN HERE THREE TIMES NOW. dsl689VWCso-00031-00004657-00004664 DISCOVERY MUSEUM. >> WE BEEN HERE THREE TIMES NOW. dsl689VWCso-00032-00004664-00004731 DISCOVERY MUSEUM. >> WE BEEN HERE THREE TIMES NOW. >> IT'S FUN. dsl689VWCso-00033-00004731-00004738 >> WE BEEN HERE THREE TIMES NOW. >> IT'S FUN. dsl689VWCso-00034-00004738-00004811 >> WE BEEN HERE THREE TIMES NOW. >> IT'S FUN. >> Reporter: THE CHRISTMAS PARTY dsl689VWCso-00035-00004811-00004818 >> IT'S FUN. >> Reporter: THE CHRISTMAS PARTY dsl689VWCso-00036-00004818-00005008 >> IT'S FUN. >> Reporter: THE CHRISTMAS PARTY WILL USUALLY SEE AROUND 500 dsl689VWCso-00037-00005008-00005015 >> Reporter: THE CHRISTMAS PARTY WILL USUALLY SEE AROUND 500 dsl689VWCso-00038-00005015-00005038 >> Reporter: THE CHRISTMAS PARTY WILL USUALLY SEE AROUND 500 KIDS. dsl689VWCso-00039-00005038-00005045 WILL USUALLY SEE AROUND 500 KIDS. dsl689VWCso-00040-00005045-00005248 WILL USUALLY SEE AROUND 500 KIDS. IT'S TOTALLY FREE FOR THE PUBLIC dsl689VWCso-00041-00005248-00005255 KIDS. IT'S TOTALLY FREE FOR THE PUBLIC dsl689VWCso-00042-00005255-00005388 KIDS. IT'S TOTALLY FREE FOR THE PUBLIC AND IT USUALLY HELD BETWEEN THE dsl689VWCso-00043-00005388-00005395 IT'S TOTALLY FREE FOR THE PUBLIC AND IT USUALLY HELD BETWEEN THE dsl689VWCso-00044-00005395-00005632 IT'S TOTALLY FREE FOR THE PUBLIC AND IT USUALLY HELD BETWEEN THE EIGHTH AND 10th OF DECEMBER. dsl689VWCso-00045-00005632-00005638 AND IT USUALLY HELD BETWEEN THE EIGHTH AND 10th OF DECEMBER. dsl689VWCso-00046-00005638-00005902 AND IT USUALLY HELD BETWEEN THE EIGHTH AND 10th OF DECEMBER. YOU CAN MEET SANTA CLAUS, BAKE dsl689VWCso-00047-00005902-00005909 EIGHTH AND 10th OF DECEMBER. YOU CAN MEET SANTA CLAUS, BAKE dsl689VWCso-00048-00005909-00006046 EIGHTH AND 10th OF DECEMBER. YOU CAN MEET SANTA CLAUS, BAKE COOKIES, MAKE CRAFTS OR PLAY ONE dsl689VWCso-00049-00006046-00006052 YOU CAN MEET SANTA CLAUS, BAKE COOKIES, MAKE CRAFTS OR PLAY ONE dsl689VWCso-00050-00006052-00006202 YOU CAN MEET SANTA CLAUS, BAKE COOKIES, MAKE CRAFTS OR PLAY ONE OF THE DOZENS OF GAMES. dsl689VWCso-00051-00006202-00006209 COOKIES, MAKE CRAFTS OR PLAY ONE OF THE DOZENS OF GAMES. dsl689VWCso-00052-00006209-00006296 COOKIES, MAKE CRAFTS OR PLAY ONE OF THE DOZENS OF GAMES. THERE'S SO MUCH GOING ON THAT dsl689VWCso-00053-00006296-00006302 OF THE DOZENS OF GAMES. THERE'S SO MUCH GOING ON THAT dsl689VWCso-00054-00006302-00006579 OF THE DOZENS OF GAMES. THERE'S SO MUCH GOING ON THAT IT'S HARD TO PICK A FAVORITE dsl689VWCso-00055-00006579-00006586 THERE'S SO MUCH GOING ON THAT IT'S HARD TO PICK A FAVORITE dsl689VWCso-00056-00006586-00006616 THERE'S SO MUCH GOING ON THAT IT'S HARD TO PICK A FAVORITE ACTIVITY. dsl689VWCso-00057-00006616-00006623 IT'S HARD TO PICK A FAVORITE ACTIVITY. dsl689VWCso-00058-00006623-00006786 IT'S HARD TO PICK A FAVORITE ACTIVITY. >> I GOT TO MAKE COOKIES AND dsl689VWCso-00059-00006786-00006793 ACTIVITY. >> I GOT TO MAKE COOKIES AND dsl689VWCso-00060-00006793-00006943 ACTIVITY. >> I GOT TO MAKE COOKIES AND HAVE SOME HOT CHOCOLATE. dsl689VWCso-00061-00006943-00006950 >> I GOT TO MAKE COOKIES AND HAVE SOME HOT CHOCOLATE. dsl689VWCso-00062-00006950-00007320 >> I GOT TO MAKE COOKIES AND HAVE SOME HOT CHOCOLATE. MY FAVORITE PART IS WHERE I dsl689VWCso-00063-00007320-00007327 HAVE SOME HOT CHOCOLATE. MY FAVORITE PART IS WHERE I dsl689VWCso-00064-00007327-00007764 HAVE SOME HOT CHOCOLATE. MY FAVORITE PART IS WHERE I COULD MOVE THE DUCK. dsl689VWCso-00065-00007764-00007770 MY FAVORITE PART IS WHERE I COULD MOVE THE DUCK. dsl689VWCso-00066-00007770-00007981 MY FAVORITE PART IS WHERE I COULD MOVE THE DUCK. >> MY FAVORITE THING IS SEEING dsl689VWCso-00067-00007981-00007987 COULD MOVE THE DUCK. >> MY FAVORITE THING IS SEEING dsl689VWCso-00068-00007987-00008321 COULD MOVE THE DUCK. >> MY FAVORITE THING IS SEEING THE KIDS ENJOYING ALL THE dsl689VWCso-00069-00008321-00008328 >> MY FAVORITE THING IS SEEING THE KIDS ENJOYING ALL THE dsl689VWCso-00070-00008328-00008401 >> MY FAVORITE THING IS SEEING THE KIDS ENJOYING ALL THE ACTIVITIES AND ESPECIALLY SEEING dsl689VWCso-00071-00008401-00008408 THE KIDS ENJOYING ALL THE ACTIVITIES AND ESPECIALLY SEEING dsl689VWCso-00072-00008408-00008695 THE KIDS ENJOYING ALL THE ACTIVITIES AND ESPECIALLY SEEING THEM WITH SANTA CLAUS. dsl689VWCso-00073-00008695-00008702 ACTIVITIES AND ESPECIALLY SEEING THEM WITH SANTA CLAUS. dsl689VWCso-00074-00008702-00008955 ACTIVITIES AND ESPECIALLY SEEING THEM WITH SANTA CLAUS. >> Reporter: THE HO HO HO dsl689VWCso-00075-00008955-00008962 THEM WITH SANTA CLAUS. >> Reporter: THE HO HO HO dsl689VWCso-00076-00008962-00009155 THEM WITH SANTA CLAUS. >> Reporter: THE HO HO HO CHRISTMAS PEAR HAS BEEN A dsl689VWCso-00077-00009155-00009162 >> Reporter: THE HO HO HO CHRISTMAS PEAR HAS BEEN A dsl689VWCso-00078-00009162-00009222 >> Reporter: THE HO HO HO CHRISTMAS PEAR HAS BEEN A TRADITION IN dsl689VWCso-00079-00009222-00009229 CHRISTMAS PEAR HAS BEEN A TRADITION IN dsl689VWCso-00080-00009229-00009706 CHRISTMAS PEAR HAS BEEN A TRADITION IN GRAND RAPIDS FOR 10 dsl689VWCso-00081-00009706-00009713 TRADITION IN GRAND RAPIDS FOR 10 dsl689VWCso-00082-00009713-00009743 TRADITION IN GRAND RAPIDS FOR 10 YEARS. dsl689VWCso-00083-00009743-00009749 GRAND RAPIDS FOR 10 YEARS. dsl689VWCso-00084-00009749-00009986 GRAND RAPIDS FOR 10 YEARS. THE PURPOSE OF THIS EVENT IS TO dsl689VWCso-00085-00009986-00009993 YEARS. THE PURPOSE OF THIS EVENT IS TO dsl689VWCso-00086-00009993-00010153 YEARS. THE PURPOSE OF THIS EVENT IS TO OFFER SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR THE dsl689VWCso-00087-00010153-00010160 THE PURPOSE OF THIS EVENT IS TO OFFER SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR THE dsl689VWCso-00088-00010160-00010370 THE PURPOSE OF THIS EVENT IS TO OFFER SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY TO DO TOGETHER. dsl689VWCso-00089-00010370-00010377 OFFER SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY TO DO TOGETHER. dsl689VWCso-00090-00010377-00010570 OFFER SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY TO DO TOGETHER. >> Reporter: FOR FAMILIES THE dsl689VWCso-00091-00010570-00010577 WHOLE FAMILY TO DO TOGETHER. >> Reporter: FOR FAMILIES THE dsl689VWCso-00092-00010577-00010730 WHOLE FAMILY TO DO TOGETHER. >> Reporter: FOR FAMILIES THE CHRISTMAS PARTY PROVIDED A GREAT dsl689VWCso-00093-00010730-00010737 >> Reporter: FOR FAMILIES THE CHRISTMAS PARTY PROVIDED A GREAT dsl689VWCso-00094-00010737-00010877 >> Reporter: FOR FAMILIES THE CHRISTMAS PARTY PROVIDED A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BOND WITH ONE dsl689VWCso-00095-00010877-00010884 CHRISTMAS PARTY PROVIDED A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BOND WITH ONE dsl689VWCso-00096-00010884-00010910 CHRISTMAS PARTY PROVIDED A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BOND WITH ONE ANOTHER. dsl689VWCso-00097-00010910-00010917 OPPORTUNITY TO BOND WITH ONE ANOTHER. dsl689VWCso-00098-00010917-00011027 OPPORTUNITY TO BOND WITH ONE ANOTHER. THE TRADITION HAS BECOME ONE dsl689VWCso-00099-00011027-00011034 ANOTHER. THE TRADITION HAS BECOME ONE dsl689VWCso-00100-00011034-00011134 ANOTHER. THE TRADITION HAS BECOME ONE THAT KIDS AND PARENTS LOOK dsl689VWCso-00101-00011134-00011141 THE TRADITION HAS BECOME ONE THAT KIDS AND PARENTS LOOK dsl689VWCso-00102-00011141-00011317 THE TRADITION HAS BECOME ONE THAT KIDS AND PARENTS LOOK FORWARD TO. dsl689VWCso-00103-00011317-00011324 THAT KIDS AND PARENTS LOOK FORWARD TO. dsl689VWCso-00104-00011324-00011745 THAT KIDS AND PARENTS LOOK FORWARD TO. >> WE GOT TO DECK RATE SOME -- dsl689VWCso-00105-00011745-00011751 FORWARD TO. >> WE GOT TO DECK RATE SOME -- dsl689VWCso-00106-00011751-00011891 FORWARD TO. >> WE GOT TO DECK RATE SOME -- DECORATE SOME COOKIES. dsl689VWCso-00107-00011891-00011898 >> WE GOT TO DECK RATE SOME -- DECORATE SOME COOKIES. dsl689VWCso-00108-00011898-00011948 >> WE GOT TO DECK RATE SOME -- DECORATE SOME COOKIES. THAT WAS FUN. dsl689VWCso-00109-00011948-00011955 DECORATE SOME COOKIES. THAT WAS FUN. dsl689VWCso-00110-00011955-00012142 DECORATE SOME COOKIES. THAT WAS FUN. IT'S FUN THING TO SEE THE dsl689VWCso-00111-00012142-00012148 THAT WAS FUN. IT'S FUN THING TO SEE THE dsl689VWCso-00112-00012148-00012385 THAT WAS FUN. IT'S FUN THING TO SEE THE COMMUNITY COME TOGETHER AND HAVE dsl689VWCso-00113-00012385-00012392 IT'S FUN THING TO SEE THE COMMUNITY COME TOGETHER AND HAVE dsl689VWCso-00114-00012392-00012642 IT'S FUN THING TO SEE THE COMMUNITY COME TOGETHER AND HAVE FUN INSIDE. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00000-00000022-00000701 In this video, I am going to talk about Axi, a Forex and CFD broker. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00001-00000701-00001266 [AtoZ Intro Music] dwHpYEQk_KQ-00002-00001266-00001366 Welcome back! dwHpYEQk_KQ-00003-00001366-00001466 I'm Yury Safronau. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00004-00001466-00001814 I have a PhD in Finance and also known as Professor Forex. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00005-00001814-00002560 I will point out all the important information you need to about Axi before start trading dwHpYEQk_KQ-00006-00002560-00002697 with them. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00007-00002697-00003063 And I'm also providing the account opening link in the description. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00008-00003063-00003797 With which you can open a live and get 100% deposit bonus. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00009-00003797-00004440 Today I have grouped my findings into five categories as many of you may know. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00010-00004440-00004656 Who is behind Axi? dwHpYEQk_KQ-00011-00004656-00004925 How Axi is regulated? dwHpYEQk_KQ-00012-00004925-00005069 What can you trade with Axi? dwHpYEQk_KQ-00013-00005069-00005493 What are the costs and fees of Axi? dwHpYEQk_KQ-00014-00005493-00005853 How good is Customer Support of Axi dwHpYEQk_KQ-00015-00005853-00006210 Let's start with Who is behind the Axi? dwHpYEQk_KQ-00016-00006210-00006797 Established in 2007, Axi is a recognized and trusted broker with its head office located dwHpYEQk_KQ-00017-00006797-00007033 in Sydney, Australia. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00018-00007033-00007611 Axi is a brand name of AxiCorp Financial Services Pty Ltd (AxiCorp). dwHpYEQk_KQ-00019-00007611-00008152 It quickly made a name for itself and gained an international presence. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00020-00008152-00008745 Let's find out how Axi is regulated Axi is licensed and regulated by different dwHpYEQk_KQ-00021-00008745-00009047 reputable regulatory authorities around the world. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00022-00009047-00009203 They are regulated by the following regulatory authorities: dwHpYEQk_KQ-00023-00009203-00009699 Australia: AxiCorp is authorised and regulated by the Australian Securities & Investments dwHpYEQk_KQ-00024-00009699-00009831 Commission (ASIC) dwHpYEQk_KQ-00025-00009831-00010455 Dubai: AxiCorp Financial Services Pty Ltd (DIFC Branch) is regulated by the Dubai Financial dwHpYEQk_KQ-00026-00010455-00010685 Services Authority (DFSA). dwHpYEQk_KQ-00027-00010685-00011387 United Kingdom: AxiCorp (Axi UK) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority dwHpYEQk_KQ-00028-00011387-00011487 (FCA). dwHpYEQk_KQ-00029-00011487-00012070 Vincent and the Grenadines: Axitrader (Owned by AxiCorp) is registered by the Financial dwHpYEQk_KQ-00030-00012070-00012266 Services Authority. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00031-00012266-00012709 Next, what are the trading platforms Axi offers? dwHpYEQk_KQ-00032-00012709-00012856 Axi is a MetaTrader broker. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00033-00012856-00012959 Axi has the MT4 Next Gen add-on. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00034-00012959-00013595 MT4 is a widely accepted forex trading platform that is used by most of the retail forex traders. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00035-00013595-00014240 Moreover, there are many integrated features for the traders to build their own EA’s. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00036-00014240-00014834 Axi also offers MetaTrader 4 web trading platform where you can trade in any browser without dwHpYEQk_KQ-00037-00014834-00015134 downloading any software. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00038-00015134-00015856 Android & IOS of the MT4 app are available for download from the Play store & app store dwHpYEQk_KQ-00039-00015856-00016013 respectively for Axi. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00040-00016013-00016140 What can you trade with Axi? dwHpYEQk_KQ-00041-00016140-00016645 Axi is a MetaTrader-broker that offers to trade with 140+ currency pairs and 50+ CFDs dwHpYEQk_KQ-00042-00016645-00017637 on Stocks, 30+ index CFDs, 14+ Commodities including oil, and metal, and 11+ CFD cryptocurrencies. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00043-00017637-00018073 D Axi offers 4 types of accounts to its clients. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00044-00018073-00018568 Standard Account, Pro Account, Elite Account and Demo Account. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00045-00018568-00019084 They offer 1:400 leverage for Forex trading. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00046-00019084-00019381 Let's check the fees and commissions of Axi dwHpYEQk_KQ-00047-00019381-00019778 Axi doesn't have any commission for Standard accounts. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00048-00019778-00020578 In Pro account commission is $7 per standard lot and $3.5 in Elite Account. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00049-00020578-00021098 For Standard and Pro accounts they don't have any minimum deposit but for Elite Account dwHpYEQk_KQ-00050-00021098-00021473 minimum deposit is $25,000. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00051-00021473-00021837 Lastly, How is Axi Customer Support dwHpYEQk_KQ-00052-00021837-00022449 The customer service of Axi is available 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00053-00022449-00023049 Traders can call them free from certain countries with some specific phone numbers available dwHpYEQk_KQ-00054-00023049-00023172 on their website. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00055-00023172-00023598 Traders can use the live chat option to get any instant support. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00056-00023598-00023746 The international phone no. and email address is as follows. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00057-00023746-00024128 We have come to the end of the review of Axi! dwHpYEQk_KQ-00058-00024128-00024635 Why don't you open a demo account with the link below in description and try yourself dwHpYEQk_KQ-00059-00024635-00024932 all the features of Axi. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00060-00024932-00025651 You can get 100% deposit bonus which is available for a limited time. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00061-00025651-00026220 Based on AtoZ Markets, the score is also high; with a 8-star rating. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00062-00026220-00026643 Therefore, I can say that it's a secure broker for your trading. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00063-00026643-00026882 Now, before we end this video. dwHpYEQk_KQ-00064-00026882-00027039 Have you already liked this video? dwHpYEQk_KQ-00065-00027039-00027255 If not, give us a thumbs up! dwHpYEQk_KQ-00066-00027255-00027741 Also, subscribe to our channel and turn on the notification bell so you don't miss a dwHpYEQk_KQ-00067-00027741-00029029 single review, news update, or the latest information in the financial markets. dy5MofKZIBk-00000-00000003-00000425 Hi there and welcome to another art challenge. Today, I am going to attempt to dy5MofKZIBk-00001-00000425-00001250 paint on a post-it note. I'm going to try both acrylics and gouache, because they dy5MofKZIBk-00002-00001250-00002228 (♫ You Can't Fail by Density & Time) don't need as much water as watercolor does so...and...Well post-it notes aren't watercolor paper. dy5MofKZIBk-00003-00002228-00002900 So that's what I'm going to do today. I hope you will think it's fun to watch dy5MofKZIBk-00004-00002900-00003384 If you watch all the way through, please share it and click like. Subscribe if you dy5MofKZIBk-00005-00003400-00003815 Subscribe if you like this kind of thing because I post them about once a month. dy5MofKZIBk-00006-00003815-00004412 I've never painted on post-it notes before and I could have sworn I had some post-it dy5MofKZIBk-00007-00004412-00005470 notes lying about upstairs. but no. So I had to go get a fresh pack just for this. dy5MofKZIBk-00008-00005470-00005884 I'm sure they'll be used anyway dy5MofKZIBk-00009-00006157-00006743 I thought I'd start with gouache because that is what that had closest dy5MofKZIBk-00010-00006743-00007054 It was the easiest to get to dy5MofKZIBk-00011-00007440-00008194 I'm going to use the classic yellow, well just because. But what fits on yellow? dy5MofKZIBk-00012-00008412-00008508 Add some purple dy5MofKZIBk-00013-00008776-00009188 These aren't going to be that detailed because it's so small dy5MofKZIBk-00014-00009210-00009482 Just going to add some random colors to this dy5MofKZIBk-00015-00009482-00009984 Because I'm just going to paint whatever it becomes dy5MofKZIBk-00016-00010004-00010316 it's not planned in any way dy5MofKZIBk-00017-00011488-00011760 I'm not using any water because post-it notes don't do well with water. I think I need water anyway dy5MofKZIBk-00018-00011760-00012114 Even though the paper doesn't handle water, I still need to rinse out my brushes. dy5MofKZIBk-00019-00012314-00012514 (♫ Killing With Kindness by Jinglepunks) dy5MofKZIBk-00020-00022408-00022974 If you're wondering why I'm jumping back and forth, it's because the paint has to dry dy5MofKZIBk-00021-00022974-00023228 before I put anything on top of it dy5MofKZIBk-00022-00023390-00023788 I should have done the sky before anything else dy5MofKZIBk-00023-00025695-00026094 Putting it sideways, it makes it a lot easier for me dy5MofKZIBk-00024-00026238-00026438 (♫ Not the Only One by Rondo Brothers) dy5MofKZIBk-00025-00026630-00026888 I'm going to re-do those dy5MofKZIBk-00026-00027677-00028512 I'm going to just do the background first and then paint this...little landscape afterwards dy5MofKZIBk-00027-00028694-00029224 One plus of gouache is that you can just start over dy5MofKZIBk-00028-00029698-00030368 It looks like a hot mess right now but ...that's the way it works sometimes dy5MofKZIBk-00029-00035360-00035676 (♫ Grassy Hill by Huma-Huma) dy5MofKZIBk-00030-00039266-00039632 Slightly better. Just have to wait for that to dry dy5MofKZIBk-00031-00039650-00040718 I'm not going to use regular watercolor for my watercolor...version. It's not going to be the dy5MofKZIBk-00032-00040718-00041430 same painting either. But I'm going to use water-soluble wax pastels dy5MofKZIBk-00033-00041588-00041904 If it will come out of the box dy5MofKZIBk-00034-00041964-00042598 Because I suspect I need less water with these. I'm going to attempt dy5MofKZIBk-00035-00042610-00042934 a bird with these crayons dy5MofKZIBk-00036-00045612-00045944 (♫ Just in Case by Silent Partner) dy5MofKZIBk-00037-00048142-00048526 Might not be painting in the way you think of painting dy5MofKZIBk-00038-00048526-00049568 but it's still...a water-soluble that way, it is painting dy5MofKZIBk-00039-00049730-00050264 I'm doing this freehand without any sort of reference so... dy5MofKZIBk-00040-00050390-00051096 the results might not be (chuckle) as perfect as it might have otherwise been dy5MofKZIBk-00041-00051360-00051614 But that's ok dy5MofKZIBk-00042-00054844-00055214 (♫ Lazy Rock by Dan Lebowitz) dy5MofKZIBk-00043-00056600-00057341 I'll have to show you all of better light dy5MofKZIBk-00044-00057376-00057900 I'll see if I can zoom in on it. Move this over dy5MofKZIBk-00045-00058791-00059155 There, not you can see better dy5MofKZIBk-00046-00059567-00060241 Now, this is just an experiment so you never know what it's going to turn into dy5MofKZIBk-00047-00061839-00062325 The paper is also reacting to the paint dy5MofKZIBk-00048-00062470-00063208 So I'm going to have to stop there and put it aside with the other one dy5MofKZIBk-00049-00063478-00064074 I'll have to show that one to you as well because unfortunately, you didn't see what I was doing dy5MofKZIBk-00050-00064094-00064724 sorry about that. Acrylics next and that's the last one dy5MofKZIBk-00051-00064724-00065266 And then I'm going to take a picture of these and show them to you dy5MofKZIBk-00052-00065676-00065876 Let's see...there dy5MofKZIBk-00053-00066414-00066824 Background first, since it's acrylics dy5MofKZIBk-00054-00069168-00069516 (♫ Led Foot by Ethan Meixsell) dy5MofKZIBk-00055-00070200-00070824 These are just for structure...It doesn't matter what color they are dy5MofKZIBk-00056-00075366-00075732 Now that has to dry before I continue dy5MofKZIBk-00057-00083510-00083874 (♫ Bring it Back by Silent Partner) dy5MofKZIBk-00058-00088952-00089738 That's as good as going to get. I will show you all three in a photo once they're all dry dy5MofKZIBk-00059-00089738-00090636 And that will have to be everything for today. I must say I think that the gouache dy5MofKZIBk-00060-00090636-00091258 and the acrylics worked a lot better than the water-soluble crayons. dy5MofKZIBk-00061-00091258-00092006 Not only because of the results but also because of how they went down on paper dy5MofKZIBk-00062-00092006-00092692 The...water-soluble crayons would have needed dy5MofKZIBk-00063-00092714-00093306 a lot more layers and paper that could actually tolerate water. dy5MofKZIBk-00064-00093356-00093638 That's to be expected dy5MofKZIBk-00065-00093656-00093938 Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed that. dy5MofKZIBk-00066-00093956-00094918 I post these art challenges about once a month and I have about 20 left on my list dy5MofKZIBk-00067-00094926-00095418 that I came up with. So if you have some ideas, throw them my way, in the comments dy5MofKZIBk-00068-00095426-00095700 I will see you next time. Bye bye. dy7fh_F4BXy-00000-00002264-00002550 This lesson is called variables in envelopes. dy7fh_F4BXy-00001-00002600-00002962 We're going to learn how we can build sentences when we're still missing pieces of information. dy7fh_F4BXy-00002-00003046-00003402 Most of us are already familiar with the idea of filling in a blank. dy7fh_F4BXy-00003-00003447-00003684 We do it when we're putting our name on our homework. dy7fh_F4BXy-00004-00003742-00004102 Sometimes, there's more than one blank that needs to be filled out, and in that case, dy7fh_F4BXy-00005-00004176-00004636 we give the blank a label so that we know which piece of information goes where. dy7fh_F4BXy-00006-00004748-00005074 Variables are placeholders for pieces of information that can change. dy7fh_F4BXy-00007-00005144-00005574 By using a variable for the missing information, we can continue working on whatever we were doing, dy7fh_F4BXy-00008-00005630-00005952 and let someone else fill in information later. dy7fh_F4BXy-00009-00005992-00006192 In software, we use variables a lot. dy7fh_F4BXy-00010-00006252-00006686 We use variables as placeholders for name, email address, and even username. dy7fh_F4BXy-00011-00006686-00006966 That way, we can let the program know where those details will appear dy7fh_F4BXy-00012-00007014-00007223 after the user fills them in. dy7fh_F4BXy-00013-00007298-00007528 We use variables all the time in our work. dy7fh_F4BXy-00014-00007528-00007976 Any time you need to store a piece of information for later, we use a variable. Let's say we dy7fh_F4BXy-00015-00008052-00008430 Let's say we need to count the number of times the user has tweeted. dy7fh_F4BXy-00016-00008604-00008876 Every time that user tweets, we'll add one to that number. dy7fh_F4BXy-00017-00008876-00009206 And every time the user deletes a tweet, we'll decrease that number by one. dy7fh_F4BXy-00018-00009286-00009592 Anytime we need to know how many times that user has tweeted, dy7fh_F4BXy-00019-00009608-00009756 we'll just look at that variable. dzyni0gaeQo-00000-00000006-00000816 Hi everyone! In this tutorial, I'm gonna be showing you how to add an element in the sorted list dzyni0gaeQo-00001-00000816-00001776 expecting that this element is also gonna be sorted. Okay, to do that first I'm gonna import dzyni0gaeQo-00002-00001776-00002766 the 'bisect' module. This module provides support for maintaining a list in sorted order without dzyni0gaeQo-00003-00002766-00003882 having to sort the list after each insertion. Now, let's create a sorted list. I'm gonna populate it dzyni0gaeQo-00004-00003882-00004878 with few elements for example one, four, seven and sixteen and then we're gonna add an element for dzyni0gaeQo-00005-00004878-00005778 example number five in this list in sorted order. So, if we want to add this element we're gonna call dzyni0gaeQo-00006-00005778-00006828 insert function from this bisect module and as the first argument we're gonna provide the name dzyni0gaeQo-00007-00006828-00007548 of our sorted list and as the second argument we're gonna provide the number which we want dzyni0gaeQo-00008-00007548-00008592 to add in this sorted list and also we want to sort this element. Now let's call our list and dzyni0gaeQo-00009-00008592-00009570 as you can see this number five is now properly sorted in our existing sorted list. That's all dzyni0gaeQo-00010-00009570-00010152 in this tutorial don't forget to subscribe to our Channel. See you in the next tutorial. Happy coding! dA0bm94ndhY-00000-00003073-00003290 _IMUS: swing43, aka. the path to santa luzia death to hypocriteleft cinema death to president temer stop saying shit, learn to throw rocks dA0bm94ndhY-00001-00003654-00003834 stop, breathe enjoy dA0bm94ndhY-00002-00004224-00004346 that she just wants money dA0bm94ndhY-00003-00004371-00004524 is that's so, i don' have it, dA0bm94ndhY-00004-00004525-00004625 therefore i don't fear it dA0bm94ndhY-00005-00006322-00006410 from start? dA0bm94ndhY-00006-00006589-00007081 to celine, yes we are crazy yes we are sick yes we are weak but yet alive but yet loved dA0bm94ndhY-00007-00010193-00010326 knowing that one day.. dA0bm94ndhY-00008-00010326-00010422 that, one day .. dA0bm94ndhY-00009-00010427-00010593 see all that.. one day.. dA0bm94ndhY-00010-00010598-00010769 open your eyes and see that.. dA0bm94ndhY-00011-00010773-00010944 if over there appears no change.. dA0bm94ndhY-00012-00010948-00011077 what brings you up.. dA0bm94ndhY-00013-00011081-00011232 is knowing how to fly dA0bm94ndhY-00014-00011236-00011357 and if you close your eyes.. dA0bm94ndhY-00015-00011361-00011528 bullet in favela, punches in who answers.. dA0bm94ndhY-00016-00011528-00011628 living the different.. dA0bm94ndhY-00017-00011628-00011699 making the different.. dA0bm94ndhY-00018-00011840-00011924 real or not.. dA0bm94ndhY-00019-00011991-00012062 there is no doubt.. dA0bm94ndhY-00020-00012062-00012266 there will be a revolution.. dA0bm94ndhY-00021-00012266-00012362 and what stays.. dA0bm94ndhY-00022-00012362-00012462 i want airplane tickets.. dA0bm94ndhY-00023-00012462-00012562 are hard-headed people. dA0bm94ndhY-00024-00012666-00012791 i tried to hand myself.. dA0bm94ndhY-00025-00012791-00012887 with this exact rope.. dA0bm94ndhY-00026-00013004-00013158 the view that brings each sun.. dA0bm94ndhY-00027-00013188-00013363 constant anxiety.. dA0bm94ndhY-00028-00013363-00013509 depression as pandemy.. dA0bm94ndhY-00029-00013592-00013797 your sons are dying.. dA0bm94ndhY-00030-00013830-00014038 the laugh that always rise after dawn dA0bm94ndhY-00031-00014310-00014472 ..the reason, nobody knows dA0bm94ndhY-00032-00014472-00014798 and i was born with luck, luck, luck.. dA0bm94ndhY-00033-00015265-00015402 today i won't go there dA0bm94ndhY-00034-00015869-00016036 so you don't have to undo the swing? dA0bm94ndhY-00035-00016420-00016670 so i don't have to undo the swing dA0bm94ndhY-00036-00016670-00016946 there's not much time left now dA0bm94ndhY-00037-00025542-00025930 howolddoyouwannadie? dAbIBq9g7fM-00000-00000000-00000290 the best five Mutual funds are 1) SBI Contra Fund - Direct Plan - Growth dAbIBq9g7fM-00001-00000290-00000500 2) Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver Fund - Direct Plan - Growth dAbIBq9g7fM-00002-00000500-00000693 3) IDFC Tax Advantage (ELSS) Fund - Direct Plan - Growth dAbIBq9g7fM-00003-00000693-00000852 4) Kotak Tax Saver Fund - Direct Plan - Growth dAbIBq9g7fM-00004-00000852-00001090 5) Parag Parikh Tax Saver Fund - Direct Plan - Growth dErWiaRGec8-00000-00000056-00000304 i cannot believe that i just thought that you subscribed dErWiaRGec8-00001-00000368-00000919 just now less than a minute ago, and i noticed it immediately without notice. dEVqCGaoMPI-00000-00000224-00000624 Welcome to this introductory video on Active Learning and OER. In this video, dEVqCGaoMPI-00001-00000624-00000903 we'll be exploring what an open educational resource is and how dEVqCGaoMPI-00002-00000903-00001256 you can use them in conjunction with active learning techniques to open up your teaching. dEVqCGaoMPI-00003-00001336-00001816 Let's start with the basics: what is an OER? Open Educational Resources, or OER, dEVqCGaoMPI-00004-00001816-00002200 are teaching resources that are free of cost and access barriers, and which also carry dEVqCGaoMPI-00005-00002200-00002552 legal permission for open use, which allows anyone to freely use, dEVqCGaoMPI-00006-00002552-00002984 adapt, and share the resource. This can be broken down into two key concepts: dEVqCGaoMPI-00007-00002984-00003464 OER are open because they are free to access and because they come with permissions for open use. dEVqCGaoMPI-00008-00003552-00004000 You might ask, What permissions? Well, the permissions inherent to OER are encapsulated dEVqCGaoMPI-00009-00004000-00004520 by the 5 R s, a set of rights for users which include the rights to retain, reuse, revise, dEVqCGaoMPI-00010-00004520-00005080 remix, and redistribute copies of open content. In other words, as an instructor, you can adapt an dEVqCGaoMPI-00011-00005080-00005560 OER to meet your course s unique needs by removing a chapter you don t teach, translating content dEVqCGaoMPI-00012-00005560-00006000 into your native language, or by simply adding more examples that are relevant for your students. dEVqCGaoMPI-00013-00006104-00006528 If an open educational resource can be any free, openly licensed learning material, dEVqCGaoMPI-00014-00006528-00006904 that means there are a lot of different options for what an OER can be. This definition dEVqCGaoMPI-00015-00006904-00007408 encompasses a wide variety of materials, from textbooks and lab books to videos and simulations. dEVqCGaoMPI-00016-00007408-00007848 However, OER have never been the only important piece in the field of open education. dEVqCGaoMPI-00017-00007848-00008296 Another important piece, particularly for our topic today, is open pedagogy. dEVqCGaoMPI-00018-00008296-00008696 Open pedagogy looks beyond course materials and asks us to consider how we re opening dEVqCGaoMPI-00019-00008696-00009216 and including students in their learning. As Catherine Cronin defined it, open pedagogy dEVqCGaoMPI-00020-00009216-00009656 might be seen as collaborative practices that include the creation, use, and reuse of OER, dEVqCGaoMPI-00021-00009656-00010144 as well as pedagogical practices employing participatory technologies and social networks for dEVqCGaoMPI-00022-00010144-00010672 interaction, peer-learning, knowledge creation, and [the] empowerment of learners. Sound familiar? dEVqCGaoMPI-00023-00010752-00011192 Yeah, it sounds a lot like active learning! Active learning is often defined as an approach dEVqCGaoMPI-00024-00011192-00011632 to teaching that shifts the focus from a sage on the stage approach to a more collaborative, dEVqCGaoMPI-00025-00011632-00012080 student-centered design. Open pedagogy might be seen as a type of active learning, then, dEVqCGaoMPI-00026-00012080-00012432 one which endeavors to center openness in the final outcomes of the learning process. dEVqCGaoMPI-00027-00012496-00012872 But how is open pedagogy practiced? Well, there are a lot of different models, dEVqCGaoMPI-00028-00012872-00013256 but it's easiest to conceptualize open pedagogy through its assignments. dEVqCGaoMPI-00029-00013256-00013584 Here I have a few example open pedagogy assignment types: dEVqCGaoMPI-00030-00013584-00013944 First is Annotation, which might include working with students to annotate a reading dEVqCGaoMPI-00031-00013944-00014280 used in the classroom, by highlighting important passages or commenting on dEVqCGaoMPI-00032-00014280-00014688 sections that are particularly interesting or thought-provoking for them as a learner. dEVqCGaoMPI-00033-00014688-00015104 Second is Curation, wherein students pull together resources they found separately, to share with dEVqCGaoMPI-00034-00015104-00015512 one another and showcase what they've learned through outside research on your course topic. dEVqCGaoMPI-00035-00015512-00015976 Third is Updating or Editing course content. This might be handled through a peer review process, dEVqCGaoMPI-00036-00015976-00016288 wherein students comment on an OER assigned to your course and provide dEVqCGaoMPI-00037-00016288-00016656 feedback on how it might be improved, or through a collaborative editing process, dEVqCGaoMPI-00038-00016656-00017024 wherein students take preexisting course materials and update them with things dEVqCGaoMPI-00039-00017024-00017504 they've learned in your course meetings. This is where those 5R permissions for OER come in handy: dEVqCGaoMPI-00040-00017504-00017912 because an open educational resource is open, you can adapt a copy of the content dEVqCGaoMPI-00041-00017912-00018408 based on feedback from students to make the resources you use more relevant to your course. dEVqCGaoMPI-00042-00018408-00018888 And finally, our last example is creating exercises and core course materials with students. dEVqCGaoMPI-00043-00018984-00019368 In the former case, students might create test banks to help test one another's (and their dEVqCGaoMPI-00044-00019368-00019720 own) understanding of your course content. In the latter case, students might help dEVqCGaoMPI-00045-00019720-00020024 create a course reader or textbook, demonstrating their learning and their dEVqCGaoMPI-00046-00020024-00020424 grasp of your course content while creating something that can help educate others. dEVqCGaoMPI-00047-00020528-00021016 These open pedagogy assignments are very similar to some of the examples listed on CELT's 226 dEVqCGaoMPI-00048-00021016-00021464 Active Learning techniques handout, which includes things like allowing students to compare notes dEVqCGaoMPI-00049-00021464-00021880 and develop questions about what they've learned, having students peer review one another's writing, dEVqCGaoMPI-00050-00021880-00022280 or working with students in groups to reflect on a lecture and discuss what they've learned. dEVqCGaoMPI-00051-00022280-00022488 The one piece that makes open pedagogy different dEVqCGaoMPI-00052-00022488-00022872 is that a final outcome of the work might be shared openly outside of the classroom, dEVqCGaoMPI-00053-00022872-00023304 or reused in future classes to support students who come after your current session ends. dEVqCGaoMPI-00054-00023360-00023632 So, now that I've had a chance to introduce this topic, I d like to dEVqCGaoMPI-00055-00023632-00023976 share a few considerations to keep in mind for those of you interested in exploring dEVqCGaoMPI-00056-00023976-00024384 OER or open pedagogy in your classrooms. Specifically, consider dEVqCGaoMPI-00057-00024384-00024896 how an open approach might help improve your class. For example, you might ask yourself: dEVqCGaoMPI-00058-00024896-00025384 What experiences will drive my students to remember the most important topics in my class? dEVqCGaoMPI-00059-00025384-00025872 What about my current material isn't speaking to students, and can they diagnose and fix that? dEVqCGaoMPI-00060-00025872-00026256 What materials do I need, and how can students help me create those materials? dEVqCGaoMPI-00061-00026256-00026672 Or, how can my students help other students connect with my content? dEVqCGaoMPI-00062-00026672-00027008 Regardless of where you end up, what's important is that you focus on teaching as dEVqCGaoMPI-00063-00027008-00027488 a student-centered experience. The reason why open educational resources are popular isn't dEVqCGaoMPI-00064-00027488-00028008 just because they're free, though the equity and affordability of OER are certainly a huge benefit! dEVqCGaoMPI-00065-00028008-00028368 Open education is also popular because it looks beyond materials dEVqCGaoMPI-00066-00028368-00028768 to consider how a course can become a more open, inclusive, and participatory dEVqCGaoMPI-00067-00028768-00029120 environment for students who want to have the opportunity to showcase their learning. dEVqCGaoMPI-00068-00029183-00029632 If you're interested in exploring open pedagogy or adopting OER for your courses, you can get dEVqCGaoMPI-00069-00029632-00030056 support from our team! Support available at Iowa State University Library includes: dEVqCGaoMPI-00070-00030056-00030439 Assistance locating content, Training, Financial support, and more. dEVqCGaoMPI-00071-00030504-00030944 Thank you for watching! This video is also an example of an OER, and it is available under dEVqCGaoMPI-00072-00030944-00031448 a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. If you have additional questions about this topic, dEVqCGaoMPI-00073-00031448-00031920 feel free to reach out, or visit our website at dIEEU5Id7fA-00000-00000074-00000316 In a time of turmoil, leaders step forward. dIEEU5Id7fA-00001-00000316-00000630 That's why General Don Bacon is leading the charge: dIEEU5Id7fA-00002-00000630-00000762 Against extremism, dIEEU5Id7fA-00003-00000762-00000958 For better law enforcement, dIEEU5Id7fA-00004-00000958-00001146 To bring Americans together. dIEEU5Id7fA-00005-00001146-00001446 Get them back to work and America up on her feet again. dIRn8aHTjWE-00000-00000000-00000200 welcome to my channel dJ3ebBadFRE-00000-00000000-00000200 Resident Evil 2 Remake | Mayor's Daughter dLNqC3kwLdA-00017-00005253-00005353 Yahweh dLNqC3kwLdA-00019-00005636-00005736 you are my creator dLNqC3kwLdA-00020-00005758-00005882 you are good dLNqC3kwLdA-00022-00006237-00006375 Yahweh dLNqC3kwLdA-00023-00006529-00006730 you are my creator dLNqC3kwLdA-00024-00006786-00006995 you are good dLNqC3kwLdA-00025-00007039-00007168 you Yahweh dLNqC3kwLdA-00026-00007322-00007428 you are Yahweh dMAY41Vz_Fo-00000-00000284-00000408 BIG EATER Rascal dMAY41Vz_Fo-00001-00000538-00000656 Salt ramen with char-siu porks dMAY41Vz_Fo-00002-00000656-00000807 Orandaken 6-5-3 Higashiiwatsuki Iwatsuki-ku Saitama Saitama dMAY41Vz_Fo-00003-00001170-00002098 At Orandaken I enjoyed the amazing meal set dMAY41Vz_Fo-00004-00003472-00004480 The ramen with salty soup tastes with a crisp and refreshing finish Also it has the mild taste due to oils I was greatly pleased with eating this salt ramen dMAY41Vz_Fo-00005-00008570-00009302 At this time, assorted meats has just come dMAY41Vz_Fo-00006-00009358-00010112 This is the combination of meats dMAY41Vz_Fo-00007-00049680-00050336 Then, the next ramen has come dMAY41Vz_Fo-00008-00050438-00050788 Soy sause ramen with char-siu porks dMAY41Vz_Fo-00009-00050872-00051260 I ordered another bowl of rice dMAY41Vz_Fo-00010-00054422-00055248 I enjoyed the taste of flavorful soy sauce and gingers The soup goes well with the noodles with the sticky texture This ramen is amazing and makes you eat a lot! dMAY41Vz_Fo-00011-00104464-00105211 Thank you for watching. See you soon! dMQXRgy4t1g-00000-00000019-00000231 Ak Larki Ki Nasib dp56tVpzSNy-00000-00000033-00000924 Hi everyone, its Agnes Vivarelli here and today I want to talk about forcing. Are you forcing dp56tVpzSNy-00001-00000924-00002088 trying to get a result? Now I know that amongst law of attraction circles some people say instant dp56tVpzSNy-00002-00002088-00002496 manifestation, 14 day manifestation, 21 day manifestation - there's all these different dp56tVpzSNy-00003-00002496-00003339 time zones and - time frames I mean. And it is very much about I'm gonna manifest this by then. dp56tVpzSNy-00004-00003339-00004032 Now if you do choose to do that I'm not against manifesting happening quickly but I want to say dp56tVpzSNy-00005-00004032-00004686 when you set something like that is it causing you some anxiety, is it causing you some fear? Or is dp56tVpzSNy-00006-00004686-00005718 it helping you to feel good? Okay, now forcing is not a great tactic for manifesting okay it dp56tVpzSNy-00007-00005718-00006318 is very much the opposite. You create through imagining, through scripting, through affirming, dp56tVpzSNy-00008-00006318-00006783 through meditation, through vision boards, you do all your little techniques - great, dp56tVpzSNy-00009-00006783-00007617 but once you've done that it's letting go - allowing, faith, and surrender okay. Two halves dp56tVpzSNy-00010-00007617-00008340 of the nut which I have spoken about before. So I am coming across a lot of emails lately which dp56tVpzSNy-00011-00008340-00009102 as my friend Ama would say.. [laughs] she said this to me yesterday and it made me laugh so dp56tVpzSNy-00012-00009102-00009900 hard - haemorrhoid forcing. Are you doing that? Because if you are you're not helping your own dp56tVpzSNy-00013-00009900-00010680 self okay, ask yourself am i haemorrhoid forcing? And it's great to actually admit it to yourself dp56tVpzSNy-00014-00010680-00011172 if you are and say yeah I have been doing that, I've been over texting, I've been over checking, dp56tVpzSNy-00015-00011172-00011733 I've been following up, I've been doing all these things because I don't trust that it's unfolding. dp56tVpzSNy-00016-00011733-00012660 Remember, nature has a cycle so does this, this is part of the laws - the laws are life, the laws of dp56tVpzSNy-00017-00012660-00013330 the universe, and nature is the best example - you plant a seed, you water, it's got to be you know dp56tVpzSNy-00018-00013330-00014146 left alone so the sun can come and make it sprout. It goes through a cycle, manifesting I think is dp56tVpzSNy-00019-00014146-00014752 the same. You do your planting through all your techniques but then you have to take your hands dp56tVpzSNy-00020-00014752-00016168 off it and allow it to sprout, hatch, in its own time. So if you are doing that stop it and dp56tVpzSNy-00021-00016168-00016963 let yourself lean back and away, relax, go and do something that's fun - you know it doesn't matter dp56tVpzSNy-00022-00016963-00017611 what it is go and do something that makes you feel good whether it's watching TV, a good series on dp56tVpzSNy-00023-00017611-00018226 Netflix, whether it's riding your bike, whether it's somebody even sat on one of the threads they dp56tVpzSNy-00024-00018226-00018775 love watching fish you know like do something - watch fish if you need to [laughs]. I love that dp56tVpzSNy-00025-00018775-00019558 one it was brilliant. So ask yourself how good am I doing on this today? How good am I doing at dp56tVpzSNy-00026-00019558-00020347 allowing? The art of allowing if you want to watch a lot about allowing, I think Abraham Hicks does dp56tVpzSNy-00027-00020347-00020902 the best work on that. Go to YouTube put in: art of allowing Abraham Hicks, and watch those videos dp56tVpzSNy-00028-00020902-00021544 and get it in your head that that leaning back, stepping away, letting that second half of the dp56tVpzSNy-00029-00021544-00022207 nut take shape, faith, letting go, allowing, surrender. All of that is inactive stuff, dp56tVpzSNy-00030-00022207-00022900 it is really important in manifesting to do that, you step away from the garden, from the field, dp56tVpzSNy-00031-00022900-00023719 from the seeds you planted - step away go and do something else. So just thought I'd share that dp56tVpzSNy-00032-00023719-00024295 with you because it was a little nugget in my day off with my friend at the organic market while we dp56tVpzSNy-00033-00024295-00025105 were having a chai and I had a very good laugh. So lots of love, see you in the next YouTube. dOnaWXoxiUg-00000-00000400-00001000 Hello friends. On behalf of CDEEP, IIT Bombay, I welcome you to this Spoken Tutorial. dOnaWXoxiUg-00001-00001100-00001800 This tutorial will explain the basics of how to edit a video using Windows Movie Maker. dOnaWXoxiUg-00002-00001900-00003000 Windows Movie Maker, a component of Microsoft Windows, is an editing software that is available for all the latest Windows versions – Me, XP or Vista dOnaWXoxiUg-00003-00003100-00004100 If you do not have it on your PC, you can download it free of cost from the site dOnaWXoxiUg-00004-00004200-00004600 You will need a headset or speakers in order to listen to the audio of the movie clip. dOnaWXoxiUg-00005-00004700-00005100 Double-click on the Windows Movie Maker icon to run the program. dOnaWXoxiUg-00006-00005200-00005600 This will open an empty movie project on your screen. dOnaWXoxiUg-00007-00005700-00005900 Right at the top you will see the Main Menu. dOnaWXoxiUg-00008-00006000-00006400 It contains many options which we will see in detail as we go along. dOnaWXoxiUg-00009-00006500-00007600 On the screen, you will see a Movie Tasks panel on the left hand side, a Collection panel in the middle and a Display panel on the right hand side. dOnaWXoxiUg-00010-00007700-00008200 If this is your first time using Windows Movie Maker, the Collection panel will be empty. dOnaWXoxiUg-00011-00008300-00009100 All the video clips, audio narrations and music files required for the project, when imported, will be displayed in the Collection panel. dOnaWXoxiUg-00012-00009200-00010100 If you have used the program before, the video and audio clips that were previously imported will appear in your Collection panel. dOnaWXoxiUg-00013-00010200-00011100 Select all the clips in the Collection panel by pressing CRTL+A. Right-click on any clip and choose the Delete option. dOnaWXoxiUg-00014-00011200-00011800 Now that you have an empty movie project on your screen, you can import the files you require into Windows Movie Maker. dOnaWXoxiUg-00015-00011900-00012800 The Movie Tasks panel has several options – the main ones being Capture Video, Edit Movie and Finish Movie. dOnaWXoxiUg-00016-00012900-00013800 There is another option called the Movie Making Tips. Under Capture Video, you will see the option Import Video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00017-00013900-00014900 Click on it. Alternately, you can click on File in the Main Menu and choose the Import into Collections sub-option. dOnaWXoxiUg-00018-00015000-00015800 Both choices will open the Import File Dialog box. Here you can choose the video that you want to edit by specifying the path and the filename. dOnaWXoxiUg-00019-00015900-00017200 I will choose this video and click on the Import button. The selected video is being imported into the Collection panel. dOnaWXoxiUg-00020-00017300-00017700 If the video is too large, then Windows Movie Maker will automatically split it into smaller clips. dOnaWXoxiUg-00021-00017800-00019100 Select all of them by pressing CTRL+A. Now right-click on any clip and choose Add to Timeline sub-option. dOnaWXoxiUg-00022-00019200-00019600 The clips will get added to the Timeline here in the order they appear in the Collection panel. dOnaWXoxiUg-00023-00019700-00020900 If you want, you can also add the clips to the Timeline one by one, by dragging the clip and dropping it on the Timeline. Let me put this back. dOnaWXoxiUg-00024-00021000-00021800 Vista users kindly note that Windows Movie Maker played in Windows Vista will not split the video into smaller clips. dOnaWXoxiUg-00025-00021900-00022800 It will be visible as a single clip in the collection panel. So again, right-click on the video clip and choose Add to Timeline option. dOnaWXoxiUg-00026-00022900-00023300 This will add the entire video to the Timeline in a single clip. dOnaWXoxiUg-00027-00023400-00023900 Notice the small blue rectangle at the top of the Timeline. This is called the frame-head. dOnaWXoxiUg-00028-00024000-00024800 It shows the current position of the video on the Timeline. By default, it is at the beginning of the Timeline. dOnaWXoxiUg-00029-00024900-00025800 Click on the first clip. The first frame or the beginning of the video will now be visible in the Display panel here. dOnaWXoxiUg-00030-00025900-00026900 When the video is being played, it will be visible in the Display panel. You will notice that there are VCR controls at the bottom of the Display panel. dOnaWXoxiUg-00031-00027000-00027700 Before I explain them, let me move the frame head here. dOnaWXoxiUg-00032-00027800-00028500 The first button is to Play or Pause. When in the Play mode, the frame head moves forward. dOnaWXoxiUg-00033-00028600-00029000 When in the Pause mode, the frame head remains at the current position. dOnaWXoxiUg-00034-00029100-00029400 The second button is to Stop the playback. dOnaWXoxiUg-00035-00029500-00030200 When clicked the playback will stop but the frame head will go to the beginning of the Timeline. dOnaWXoxiUg-00036-00030300-00031400 Let me move the frame head here. The third button is to Rewind one clip at a time. dOnaWXoxiUg-00037-00031500-00032000 Notice that the frame head moves backward one clip at a time. dOnaWXoxiUg-00038-00032100-00032400 The sixth button is to Fast Forward one clip at a time dOnaWXoxiUg-00039-00032500-00033100 Notice that the frame head moves forward one clip at a time. dOnaWXoxiUg-00040-00033200-00033900 The fourth and fifth buttons are to Rewind and Fast Forward one frame at a time. dOnaWXoxiUg-00041-00034000-00034800 Notice that the frame head is moving one frame at a time. dOnaWXoxiUg-00042-00034900-00036000 Now this button here is called the Split button. It splits the clip into two clips at the current position - both the video and the audio clips. dOnaWXoxiUg-00043-00036100-00036700 Let me demonstrate this. I will move the frame-head here and click on the Split button. dOnaWXoxiUg-00044-00036800-00037700 Notice that the clip is now split into 2 clips at the current position. This is a powerful editing tool. dOnaWXoxiUg-00045-00037800-00038100 Now, let me explain the layout of the Timeline. dOnaWXoxiUg-00046-00038200-00039400 The Timeline is split into three categories – Video, Audio/Music, and Title Overlay. Click on the plus-button next to Video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00047-00039500-00040300 This will expand the Video timeline and display the audio timeline therein. This is useful for dubbing purposes. dOnaWXoxiUg-00048-00040400-00041000 I have already explained about dubbing in another tutorial. You may want to watch it. dOnaWXoxiUg-00049-00041100-00041700 I will collapse the Video Timeline now by clicking on the minus button next to Video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00050-00041800-00042500 Above the timeline there are several icons that could help during the editing. dOnaWXoxiUg-00051-00042600-00043400 The Zoom In button stretches the Video Timeline so that each frame of the video can be edited. dOnaWXoxiUg-00052-00043500-00044300 The Zoom Out button collapses the Video Timeline so that you can view the whole video on the Timeline. dOnaWXoxiUg-00053-00044400-00044500 This button is the Rewind Timeline button. dOnaWXoxiUg-00054-00044600-00045100 Whenever you press it, the frame head will move to the beginning of your video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00055-00045200-00045900 This is the Play Timeline button. Clicking on it will play the video in the display panel. dOnaWXoxiUg-00056-00046000-00046500 This Play button behaves exactly like the VCR control Play button. dOnaWXoxiUg-00057-00046600-00047600 For more information on the various features of Windows Movie Maker, the Moving Making Tips option in the Movie Tasks panel can be explored. dOnaWXoxiUg-00058-00047700-00048800 Now that I have explained the basic layout of the Windows Movie Maker screen, let’s come back to the Timeline and learn how to add or remove portions from a video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00059-00048900-00050400 I will zoom in here. Once you have imported the video, play it from start to finish and make a note of the portions that you want to edit. dOnaWXoxiUg-00060-00050500-00050900 I want to remove a few seconds of video from here. dOnaWXoxiUg-00061-00051000-00051500 So I will move the frame head here and play the clip. dOnaWXoxiUg-00062-00051600-00052100 I will pause the playback here because this is the beginning of the part that I want to delete. dOnaWXoxiUg-00063-00052200-00052500 Now I will click on the Split button. dOnaWXoxiUg-00064-00052600-00052900 Notice that the clip is now split at this position. dOnaWXoxiUg-00065-00053000-00053600 I will resume the playback and again pause at the end of the part that I want to delete. dOnaWXoxiUg-00066-00053700-00054300 Click on the Split button again. Notice that the clip is again split at this position. dOnaWXoxiUg-00067-00054400-00055400 I’ll just move it back so you can see. Now I will select the clip by clicking on it and press the Delete on the keyboard. dOnaWXoxiUg-00068-00055500-00056100 Notice that the next clip moves forward and joins the end of the previous clip. dOnaWXoxiUg-00069-00056200-00056600 Movie Maker does this on its own so that there is continuity in the video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00070-00056700-00057400 Always remember that whenever you delete a portion of a clip both the video as well as the audio gets deleted. dOnaWXoxiUg-00071-00057500-00057800 In this way, one can delete portions from a video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00072-00057900-00058300 Now I will demonstrate how to add an extra clip to an existing video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00073-00058400-00058800 I have a small clip that I would like to include into my video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00074-00058900-00059400 So, I will import it into the Collection panel by clicking on Import Video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00075-00059500-00060200 This is the file that I want to import so I will select it and click on the Import button. dOnaWXoxiUg-00076-00060300-00060700 The clip is now being imported into the Collection panel. dOnaWXoxiUg-00077-00060800-00061100 The clip now appears in the Collection panel. dOnaWXoxiUg-00078-00061200-00061800 I will choose the clip by clicking on it and drag it to the position that I want it to appear on the Timeline. dOnaWXoxiUg-00079-00061900-00062600 I will release the mouse button and my clip is added at the current position. dOnaWXoxiUg-00080-00062700-00063500 Please note that you can add a new clip at the beginning or at the end of another clip on the Timeline and not in between. dOnaWXoxiUg-00081-00063600-00064300 If you want to add in between then you will have to split the clip which is on the Timeline and add the new clip there. dOnaWXoxiUg-00082-00064400-00065100 In this way, one can add portions to a video. This procedure can be used to combine two or more videos. dOnaWXoxiUg-00083-00065200-00066000 Another feature that I would like to demonstrate is how one can extend the length of a clip or a portion of a clip. dOnaWXoxiUg-00084-00066100-00066300 This feature is particularly useful while dubbing. dOnaWXoxiUg-00085-00066400-00067200 Sometimes the language in which one is dubbing may need more words to explain the same thing said in the original language of the video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00086-00067300-00068000 At such times, one may need to extend the time of the video clip to synchronize with the audio. dOnaWXoxiUg-00087-00068100-00068800 Select the portion of the video that you want to extend by following the procedure explained above about deleting portions. dOnaWXoxiUg-00088-00068900-00071500 I will demonstrate this. I will move the frame-head here - Split the video here – Play and pause – Split the video again - Select the clipped part – Right-click and select Copy - Move the frame head to the position where I want to paste it – Right-click and select Paste. dOnaWXoxiUg-00089-00071600-00072700 Alternately, you can press CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste. In this manner, I have extended the clip by the required number of seconds. dOnaWXoxiUg-00090-00072800-00073700 It is always better to extend a clip to a longer duration and then cut off the portion that you do not require at the end of editing. dOnaWXoxiUg-00091-00073800-00074600 Ideally choose a portion without mouse movement otherwise there will be a repetition of the mouse movement in the pasted clip as well. dOnaWXoxiUg-00092-00074700-00074800 This could lead to confusion for the viewer. dOnaWXoxiUg-00093-00074900-00075700 So, that is something we need to keep in mind when we copy and paste to extend the video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00094-00075800-00076200 This covers the basic editing features of Windows Movie Maker. dOnaWXoxiUg-00095-00076300-00076800 So, use these features of Windows Movie Maker to edit your video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00096-00076900-00077600 As mentioned earlier, you may want to watch the tutorial on How to Dub a video from one language into another. dOnaWXoxiUg-00097-00077700-00079200 Once you are conversant with basic editing and dubbing, you may want to watch yet another tutorial on how to add some cool video effects and transitions, titles or credits and audio or music to your video. dOnaWXoxiUg-00098-00079300-00081100 Viewers may also want to refer to our site This site contains all information related to the making, editing, dubbing of spoken tutorials for all operating systems. dOnaWXoxiUg-00099-00081200-00081700 Hope you find this information helpful. This is Nancy from CDEEP, IIT Bombay signing off. Good-bye and thank you for watching. dOVG7YZKePY-00000-00004519-00004808 Assalamualaikum dOVG7YZKePY-00001-00004808-00004938 Hello, I'm Daud Kim dOVG7YZKePY-00002-00004938-00005136 Hello, I'm Ali dOVG7YZKePY-00003-00005136-00005332 My name is Ali from Turkey dOVG7YZKePY-00004-00005340-00006048 I'm living in Korea (for) four years and I'm a Youtuber here and study and Daud is my friend. Yeah dOVG7YZKePY-00005-00006048-00006248 I love him. dOVG7YZKePY-00006-00006248-00006352 Seni seviyorum (I love you in Turkish) dOVG7YZKePY-00007-00006352-00006438 Oh.. - Haha dOVG7YZKePY-00008-00006670-00007052 So today's topic is Korean Muslim's daily life. dOVG7YZKePY-00009-00007061-00007330 Yeah, so we came to Itaewon. dOVG7YZKePY-00010-00007330-00007683 If you are a Muslim in Korea. I think Itaewon is the most common place. dOVG7YZKePY-00011-00007703-00008344 Yeah, - Because it's really hard to find Halal food in Korea, in other place, and second, there's a mosque in here. dOVG7YZKePY-00012-00008344-00008754 There is only one mosque in Seoul so I should come here often. dOVG7YZKePY-00013-00008754-00009510 So today I will show the daily life as a Muslim with my Turkish friend, Ali. -Okay, let's go dOVG7YZKePY-00014-00009510-00009564 Let's move dOVG7YZKePY-00015-00009564-00009764 - Okay, let's go. dOVG7YZKePY-00016-00009938-00010040 Okay, so. dOVG7YZKePY-00017-00010040-00010108 Was it alright? dOVG7YZKePY-00018-00010108-00010308 Yeah, I like it. dOVG7YZKePY-00019-00010308-00010388 I like it dOVG7YZKePY-00020-00010388-00010588 So let's go. dOVG7YZKePY-00021-00010588-00010736 Yeah, let's go. dOVG7YZKePY-00022-00010736-00010936 Is it hard to be dOVG7YZKePY-00023-00010994-00011650 Muslim in Korea? I think so. There are some difficulties like food and the social relationship. dOVG7YZKePY-00024-00011668-00011798 Yeah, of course. dOVG7YZKePY-00025-00011798-00012102 And you live here for four years. - Yeah. dOVG7YZKePY-00026-00012102-00012354 So how is being a muslim in Korea? How do you think? dOVG7YZKePY-00027-00012392-00012514 This is hard. dOVG7YZKePY-00028-00012514-00012588 Really? dOVG7YZKePY-00029-00012594-00012903 Four years ago, it was really difficult to find Halal food dOVG7YZKePY-00030-00012904-00013494 But, nowadays, it is better because you know, a lot of foreigners coming to Korea. dOVG7YZKePY-00031-00013494-00013594 There are so many Muslims. dOVG7YZKePY-00032-00013594-00013697 Yeah, so many Muslims, dOVG7YZKePY-00033-00013697-00013828 and Halal resources. dOVG7YZKePY-00034-00013880-00014256 So we came to Itaewon Halal Street, dOVG7YZKePY-00035-00014256-00014334 - Yeah. dOVG7YZKePY-00036-00014334-00014486 Yeah, Islamic street. dOVG7YZKePY-00037-00014654-00014836 Halal restaurant and Halal mart. dOVG7YZKePY-00038-00014836-00015050 Do you, do you wanna eat some snacks? dOVG7YZKePY-00039-00015050-00015128 - Okay dOVG7YZKePY-00040-00015128-00015178 Yeah. dOVG7YZKePY-00041-00015178-00015250 - Let's eat. dOVG7YZKePY-00042-00015250-00015316 Let's go. dOVG7YZKePY-00043-00015316-00015572 There's convenience store here. Yeah, so let's dOVG7YZKePY-00044-00015646-00015786 - Let's go. Convenience store first. dOVG7YZKePY-00045-00015786-00015868 - Alright. dOVG7YZKePY-00046-00016128-00016212 What do you like? dOVG7YZKePY-00047-00016212-00016358 I like dOVG7YZKePY-00048-00016412-00016520 potato chip. dOVG7YZKePY-00049-00016520-00016628 - Okay. dOVG7YZKePY-00050-00016628-00016790 You'd have to check dOVG7YZKePY-00051-00016930-00016998 Ingredients dOVG7YZKePY-00052-00016998-00017096 Chicken, beef, dOVG7YZKePY-00053-00017138-00017228 This is okay. dOVG7YZKePY-00054-00017228-00017366 Yeah, this is okay. dOVG7YZKePY-00055-00017366-00017424 - Really? dOVG7YZKePY-00056-00017424-00017488 Yes. dOVG7YZKePY-00057-00017488-00017688 I really like jelly dOVG7YZKePY-00058-00017716-00017846 I like jelly. dOVG7YZKePY-00059-00017846-00017920 Oh, really! dOVG7YZKePY-00060-00017928-00018024 I like Haribo dOVG7YZKePY-00061-00018024-00018224 Haribo? dOVG7YZKePY-00062-00019218-00019484 There's pork. Doejigogi (돼지고기) dOVG7YZKePY-00063-00019484-00019866 Really hard to live in Korea dOVG7YZKePY-00064-00020436-00020656 I find Halal Haribo dOVG7YZKePY-00065-00020656-00020798 Yeay! dOVG7YZKePY-00066-00021160-00021298 Okay, I can buy this. dOVG7YZKePY-00067-00021356-00021640 This is a very famous Korean snack. dOVG7YZKePY-00068-00021698-00021792 Yeah, Choco Pie dOVG7YZKePY-00069-00021792-00021916 is very famous. dOVG7YZKePY-00070-00021916-00022176 But I think there is marshmallow here dOVG7YZKePY-00071-00022224-00022302 - Oh So, dOVG7YZKePY-00072-00022302-00022420 - is it halal? dOVG7YZKePY-00073-00022420-00022579 Yeah, there is dOVG7YZKePY-00074-00022579-00022648 Pork. dOVG7YZKePY-00075-00022692-00022766 - Really? dOVG7YZKePY-00076-00022766-00022832 Doejigogi (돼지고기) dOVG7YZKePY-00077-00022832-00023032 So you cannot eat this, Choco Pie dOVG7YZKePY-00078-00023082-00023232 You cannot. dOVG7YZKePY-00079-00023264-00023448 - Oh, I didn't know - Did you try? dOVG7YZKePY-00080-00023766-00023868 - Halal? dOVG7YZKePY-00081-00023874-00024020 This is from Malaysia, dOVG7YZKePY-00082-00024020-00024220 so, this is Halal. dOVG7YZKePY-00083-00024306-00024618 So you have to check this ingredient always. dOVG7YZKePY-00084-00024618-00024804 - I wanna drink something dOVG7YZKePY-00085-00024804-00024926 Okay, let's go. dOVG7YZKePY-00086-00024926-00025126 Is there any Halal drink here? dOVG7YZKePY-00087-00025278-00025408 This is Haram. dOVG7YZKePY-00088-00025408-00025520 Yeah, this is not soda. dOVG7YZKePY-00089-00025520-00025802 This is not soda. This is alcohol. dOVG7YZKePY-00090-00026368-00026568 We found Halal drinks. dOVG7YZKePY-00091-00026718-00026939 Halal jelly in convenience store dOVG7YZKePY-00092-00026952-00027062 Made in Turkey. dOVG7YZKePY-00093-00027064-00027248 It is not easy to find. We always find the ingredients. dOVG7YZKePY-00094-00027268-00027414 You'll have to always check. dOVG7YZKePY-00095-00027414-00027552 Yeah. dOVG7YZKePY-00096-00027552-00027708 These are the rules. dOVG7YZKePY-00097-00027708-00027798 Okay, let's eat. dOVG7YZKePY-00098-00027798-00027924 Oh yeah, let's eat dOVG7YZKePY-00099-00027939-00028139 But, I think dOVG7YZKePY-00100-00028139-00028306 the prayer time is soon dOVG7YZKePY-00101-00028306-00028382 Oh dOVG7YZKePY-00102-00028577-00028777 Mosque is very close here. dOVG7YZKePY-00103-00029324-00029524 We can eat this in mosque, right? dOVG7YZKePY-00104-00029524-00029724 Not in mosque but there is a bench. dOVG7YZKePY-00105-00029739-00029858 Ok, let's go. dOVG7YZKePY-00106-00030556-00030689 We arrive at mosque. dOVG7YZKePY-00107-00030689-00030800 Yeah. dOVG7YZKePY-00108-00030800-00031000 So, you like here right? dOVG7YZKePY-00109-00031000-00031106 Yeah, I always come here. dOVG7YZKePY-00110-00031106-00031333 Because the mosque is only in here. dOVG7YZKePY-00111-00031333-00031420 In Seoul dOVG7YZKePY-00112-00031420-00031570 If you want to pray in the mosque, dOVG7YZKePY-00113-00031570-00031739 Then, you have to come here. dOVG7YZKePY-00114-00031739-00031839 Yeah dOVG7YZKePY-00115-00031839-00032039 And you know the decoration is from Turkey. dOVG7YZKePY-00116-00032095-00032145 Oh yeah dOVG7YZKePY-00117-00032145-00032195 Right! dOVG7YZKePY-00118-00032195-00032395 The first Imam was Turkish too! (*misinformation) dOVG7YZKePY-00119-00032395-00032445 Really? dOVG7YZKePY-00120-00032445-00032598 Yeah, from the Korean War dOVG7YZKePY-00121-00032610-00032698 Oh, really?! dOVG7YZKePY-00122-00032698-00032850 Ah, yeah Korean War dOVG7YZKePY-00123-00032850-00032942 There's a soldier, right? dOVG7YZKePY-00124-00032942-00033142 Yeah, the Korean Islam started from that. dOVG7YZKePY-00125-00033142-00033226 We are brother country dOVG7YZKePY-00126-00033604-00033924 This is Turkish, originally from Turkish decoration. dOVG7YZKePY-00127-00033960-00034020 Everywhere. dOVG7YZKePY-00128-00034020-00034192 I really want to see. dOVG7YZKePY-00129-00034192-00034242 In Turkey. dOVG7YZKePY-00130-00034242-00034442 Come to Turkey, Bro. dOVG7YZKePY-00131-00035104-00035236 Wah dOVG7YZKePY-00132-00035236-00035352 But it's not perfect.(*referring to his pronunciation) dOVG7YZKePY-00133-00035352-00035402 Okay dOVG7YZKePY-00134-00035402-00035466 Let's go inside. dOVG7YZKePY-00135-00037066-00037116 Yes dOVG7YZKePY-00136-00037254-00037350 So beautiful. dOVG7YZKePY-00137-00037378-00037522 So beautiful mosque. dOVG7YZKePY-00138-00037558-00037838 We are in mosque, and I changed my clothes. dOVG7YZKePY-00139-00037878-00038014 I love this clothes. dOVG7YZKePY-00140-00038016-00038236 Sometimes when I wear this, it feels really good. dOVG7YZKePY-00141-00038350-00038606 Are there any Turkish style? dOVG7YZKePY-00142-00038694-00038854 Turkish style is normal dOVG7YZKePY-00143-00038920-00039024 But we should be dOVG7YZKePY-00144-00039048-00039136 really clean. dOVG7YZKePY-00145-00039214-00039350 Then we go to mosque. dOVG7YZKePY-00146-00039456-00039568 Please everyone dOVG7YZKePY-00147-00039636-00039732 Wash your foot dOVG7YZKePY-00148-00039732-00039836 Because of the smell. dOVG7YZKePY-00149-00040424-00040640 We should be careful about that. dOVG7YZKePY-00150-00040806-00041094 How were your memories in mosques in Turkey? dOVG7YZKePY-00151-00041434-00041530 I learnt Quran dOVG7YZKePY-00152-00041530-00041866 We went to mosques ever since we're still young in Turkey. dOVG7YZKePY-00153-00043074-00043314 Like Jannah (Heaven) - Yeah, Jannah dOVG7YZKePY-00154-00043338-00043426 Like heaven. dOVG7YZKePY-00155-00043480-00043602 Like Allah's house dOVG7YZKePY-00156-00043602-00043652 Right, right. dOVG7YZKePY-00157-00043652-00043758 Yeah, this is Allah's house. dOVG7YZKePY-00158-00043790-00043878 Also in Korea dOVG7YZKePY-00159-00043904-00044424 I hope many Korean Muslims grow up and I hope there are more beautiful mosques. dOVG7YZKePY-00160-00044432-00044536 Yeah. - In Korea dOVG7YZKePY-00161-00044672-00044880 If I have money I will build one. - Really? dOVG7YZKePY-00162-00044986-00045050 Promise? dOVG7YZKePY-00163-00045050-00045270 If I have money, yeah, okay, promise. dOVG7YZKePY-00164-00045432-00045488 Wallah. dOVG7YZKePY-00165-00045580-00045708 Do you want to pray? dOVG7YZKePY-00166-00045768-00045818 Yeah. dOVG7YZKePY-00167-00045818-00045884 Of course. dOVG7YZKePY-00168-00045884-00046070 Then, we have to do wudhu first. dOVG7YZKePY-00169-00046152-00046224 The cold. dOVG7YZKePY-00170-00046224-00046376 Yes, we can, we can do it. dOVG7YZKePY-00171-00046376-00046608 Yeah, we can take shower in this cold. dOVG7YZKePY-00172-00047006-00047214 Okay - Okay, let's go do our best dOVG7YZKePY-00173-00047240-00047304 Our best. dOVG7YZKePY-00174-00052391-00053164 (reciting Al-Fatihah) dOVG7YZKePY-00175-00054196-00054355 So this is the real mark. dOVG7YZKePY-00176-00054355-00054544 Muslim Friendly Restaurant. dOVG7YZKePY-00177-00054558-00054894 So if you see this kind of mark, it means, it's safe. dOVG7YZKePY-00178-00054929-00055098 Have you ever tried this? dOVG7YZKePY-00179-00055154-00055226 Of course. dOVG7YZKePY-00180-00055516-00055636 This is Halal guys dOVG7YZKePY-00181-00055684-00055734 And dOVG7YZKePY-00182-00055734-00055844 This looks nice. dOVG7YZKePY-00183-00055920-00056048 - Yeah, I like this. dOVG7YZKePY-00184-00056832-00057072 Yeah, this is Turkish style I think. dOVG7YZKePY-00185-00057072-00057138 Kebab dOVG7YZKePY-00186-00057138-00057217 Like kebab. dOVG7YZKePY-00187-00057364-00057491 It's like, Subway. dOVG7YZKePY-00188-00057591-00057678 No dOVG7YZKePY-00189-00057678-00057754 more delicious. dOVG7YZKePY-00190-00057754-00057838 More delicious? dOVG7YZKePY-00191-00057878-00057928 Okay. dOVG7YZKePY-00192-00058491-00058572 Bismillah. dOVG7YZKePY-00193-00059844-00059924 Delicious. dOVG7YZKePY-00194-00060024-00060240 Alhamdulillah - Alhamdulillah dOVG7YZKePY-00195-00060552-00060672 I love Halal food. dOVG7YZKePY-00196-00060698-00060850 Today was really nice. dOVG7YZKePY-00197-00060902-00061038 Halal day together. - Yes. dOVG7YZKePY-00198-00061117-00061455 Is it hard to live in Korea as a Muslim? dOVG7YZKePY-00199-00061590-00061734 At first food is hard. dOVG7YZKePY-00200-00061734-00061860 Food is really hard. dOVG7YZKePY-00201-00061894-00062198 Yeah, because if I want to eat real Halal food, dOVG7YZKePY-00202-00062246-00062446 I have to find very carefully, dOVG7YZKePY-00203-00062446-00062598 I always check the ingredients dOVG7YZKePY-00204-00062598-00062676 every time. dOVG7YZKePY-00205-00062762-00062812 and dOVG7YZKePY-00206-00062910-00063270 My Korean friends love porks and alcohol so dOVG7YZKePY-00207-00063291-00063379 Yeah, party. dOVG7YZKePY-00208-00063379-00063508 Yeah, it's really hard dOVG7YZKePY-00209-00063638-00063734 for social life. dOVG7YZKePY-00210-00063734-00063878 Yeah, social life is hard dOVG7YZKePY-00211-00063912-00063962 I know dOVG7YZKePY-00212-00063962-00064082 I think everybody knows. dOVG7YZKePY-00213-00064117-00064198 Yes, right. dOVG7YZKePY-00214-00064255-00064305 But dOVG7YZKePY-00215-00064332-00064452 it's okay because dOVG7YZKePY-00216-00064460-00064532 it's a food. dOVG7YZKePY-00217-00064616-00064840 I will always eat healthy food now. dOVG7YZKePY-00218-00064852-00064902 - Yeah. dOVG7YZKePY-00219-00064902-00065067 So it's also beneficial for me. dOVG7YZKePY-00220-00065067-00065174 It's good for me. - Of course. dOVG7YZKePY-00221-00065210-00065490 And, my social relationship, social life dOVG7YZKePY-00222-00066056-00066112 Lonely. dOVG7YZKePY-00223-00066266-00066316 Lonely dOVG7YZKePY-00224-00066370-00066518 Oh, my brother. dOVG7YZKePY-00225-00066616-00066806 He's my brother, don't worry. dOVG7YZKePY-00226-00066806-00067110 Being a Muslim in a non-islamic country is not easy but dOVG7YZKePY-00227-00067142-00067390 if you overcome these difficulties, dOVG7YZKePY-00228-00067418-00067674 Then, Allah will give you more rewards. dOVG7YZKePY-00229-00067698-00067748 - Yes. dOVG7YZKePY-00230-00067760-00067864 Yes, so I think, dOVG7YZKePY-00231-00067962-00068186 I think it's okay and I'm trying to dOVG7YZKePY-00232-00068186-00068266 deal with it. dOVG7YZKePY-00233-00070456-00070584 Now I have a new idea dOVG7YZKePY-00234-00070610-00070904 you can learn to cook Turkish food dOVG7YZKePY-00235-00070904-00070954 Oh! dOVG7YZKePY-00236-00071004-00071076 Good idea! dOVG7YZKePY-00237-00071078-00071140 It's good? dOVG7YZKePY-00238-00071140-00071190 Yeah. dOVG7YZKePY-00239-00071190-00071314 - Okay, let's make Turkish food. dOVG7YZKePY-00240-00071316-00071388 Next time. dOVG7YZKePY-00241-00071428-00071612 So, today, it's really fun. dOVG7YZKePY-00242-00071666-00071882 Thank you for watching my video. dOVG7YZKePY-00243-00071910-00071960 and dOVG7YZKePY-00244-00071960-00072100 take care and be safe. dOVG7YZKePY-00245-00072250-00072306 See you! dOVG7YZKePY-00246-00072376-00072432 See you! dOVG7YZKePY-00247-00072442-00072498 Bye-bye dPfFVEgVCzQ-00000-00000000-00000393 Hello, and welcome to the NAGT Webinar everyone. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00001-00000393-00000707 The NAGT webinar series is your one-stop shop dPfFVEgVCzQ-00002-00000707-00000978 for strengthening work in earth education dPfFVEgVCzQ-00003-00001307-00001468 once I can get the slides right. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00004-00001607-00001930 Webinars in this series feature novel and innovative work dPfFVEgVCzQ-00005-00001930-00002140 in earth education research and pedagogy, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00006-00002140-00002356 new teaching materials in the classroom dPfFVEgVCzQ-00007-00002356-00002624 and professional experiences of people like you. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00008-00002624-00002961 The NAGT webinar series is free and open to the public, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00009-00002961-00003217 and we encourage you to invite your colleagues to attend dPfFVEgVCzQ-00010-00003217-00003419 and join the discussion. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00011-00003419-00003688 On the screen there's a link to the webinar series, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00012-00003688-00004051 where you can find the schedule and archive of past events dPfFVEgVCzQ-00013-00004051-00004403 and information on our sponsoring projects and programs. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00014-00004403-00004706 You can also find slides, resources, and recordings dPfFVEgVCzQ-00015-00004706-00004963 of each webinar, including today's dPfFVEgVCzQ-00016-00004963-00005108 through the webinar archives. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00017-00005243-00005600 Before we get started, if you don't mind taking a quick look dPfFVEgVCzQ-00018-00005600-00005789 at the Zoom controls on the screen, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00019-00005789-00006082 we do ask that everyone leaves their microphones muted dPfFVEgVCzQ-00020-00006082-00006346 and video camera's off. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00021-00006346-00006506 If you have questions and comments along the way, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00022-00006506-00006834 we do encourage you to enter those into the chat box, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00023-00006834-00007117 to access the chat box from Zoom control bar, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00024-00007117-00007303 and you might need to go to the more button dPfFVEgVCzQ-00025-00007303-00007422 and click on chat. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00026-00007530-00007831 And finally, a reminder to participants that, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00027-00007942-00008256 in all NAGT meetings and events, that participants dPfFVEgVCzQ-00028-00008256-00008529 are expected to abide by the NAGT code of conduct dPfFVEgVCzQ-00029-00008529-00008800 which applies in all venues events and online forums dPfFVEgVCzQ-00030-00008800-00009039 associated with NAGT. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00031-00009039-00009531 If you'd like to read the full NAGT code of conduct policy, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00032-00009531-00009914 you can find that link in the chat for more details. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00033-00010112-00010411 Finally, today's webinar is titled, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00034-00010411-00010883 Building Inclusive STEM Communities through Partnership dPfFVEgVCzQ-00035-00010883-00010966 with Students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00036-00010966-00011324 The Being in Human in STEM (HSTEM) Initiative. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00037-00011324-00011728 And it's being presented by Sarah Bunnell, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00038-00011728-00012073 and Sarah at this point, I'll pass things off to you. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00039-00012309-00012691 Great, thank you all so much for being here, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00040-00012691-00013015 and for inviting me to share some of this work dPfFVEgVCzQ-00041-00013015-00013328 and to join you in thinking together about how we can build dPfFVEgVCzQ-00042-00013328-00013702 more inclusive STEM communities, and how we can really dPfFVEgVCzQ-00043-00013702-00014076 leverage this time, as our institutions are thinking dPfFVEgVCzQ-00044-00014076-00014269 about what does inclusivity mean? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00045-00014269-00014571 How do we work with students in productive and positive ways dPfFVEgVCzQ-00046-00014571-00014826 and what are the responsibilities and opportunities dPfFVEgVCzQ-00047-00014826-00015293 that we have in STEM to make this work as impactful dPfFVEgVCzQ-00048-00015293-00015520 and positive as possible? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00049-00015609-00015953 I wanted to, before I put my slides up, I just wanted dPfFVEgVCzQ-00050-00015953-00016137 to also link them in the chat. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00051-00016311-00016508 So you have them, if that is more accessible dPfFVEgVCzQ-00052-00016508-00016871 to you in any way, just to add those there. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00053-00016957-00017250 So please feel free to look at those, reference them, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00054-00017250-00017591 share them, if that's useful. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00055-00017591-00018012 And I'm gonna share my slides now, so let me know, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00056-00018233-00018612 and then I'm gonna move all these boxes around. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00057-00019161-00019554 Okay, all right, are we good? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00058-00019637-00019721 Can you see those? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00059-00019721-00019947 Perfect, great. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00060-00019947-00020231 So, again, thank you so much for inviting me to share dPfFVEgVCzQ-00061-00020231-00020356 this work. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00062-00020356-00020574 My name is Sarah Bunnell, I'm the associate director dPfFVEgVCzQ-00063-00020574-00020885 and STEM specialist for the Center for Teaching and Learning dPfFVEgVCzQ-00064-00020885-00021046 at Amherst College. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00065-00021046-00021358 And I've been at Amherst for the last three years, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00066-00021358-00021617 and one of the big components of my work dPfFVEgVCzQ-00067-00021617-00021881 has really been focused on thinking about inclusive dPfFVEgVCzQ-00068-00021881-00022199 education and building inclusive communities, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00069-00022199-00022362 working through faculty development dPfFVEgVCzQ-00070-00022362-00022607 and faculty learning communities, but also thinking dPfFVEgVCzQ-00071-00022607-00023107 about assessment, course design, and how do we make public dPfFVEgVCzQ-00072-00023111-00023419 the good work that we are doing at our institutions. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00073-00023419-00023679 And so that's really the lens that I'm bringing dPfFVEgVCzQ-00074-00023679-00024003 to share this with you, The Being Human in STEM Initiative. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00075-00024114-00024311 Before we jump in, and I'll give you a sense dPfFVEgVCzQ-00076-00024311-00024606 of where we're going for the hour, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00077-00024606-00024928 we'd love to do just a little brief fun warmup. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00078-00025014-00025514 So if you wouldn't mind in the chat, adding an introduction dPfFVEgVCzQ-00079-00025598-00025976 of yourself, so a little mad lib, if you would. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00080-00025976-00026313 I am, adjective that starts with the letter dPfFVEgVCzQ-00081-00026313-00026682 of your first name, last food that you ate. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00082-00026941-00027291 I'll leave that there, let me move this down. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00083-00028081-00028398 (keyboard clattering) dPfFVEgVCzQ-00084-00028701-00028784 Let see what we got. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00085-00028784-00029272 Oh, kind Cheez-It, (Sarah laughs) kinky shrimp. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00086-00029407-00029907 Nice, calm potatoes, enthusiastic almonds, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00087-00029970-00030470 phenomenal pretzel, patient soba, anxious corn bread, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00088-00031216-00031321 tall carrot. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00089-00031527-00031744 Feel like these could be good code names. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00090-00032616-00033087 Lively yogurt, kind toast, emulish salad, excellent. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00091-00033524-00033699 So if you haven't had a chance to add, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00092-00033699-00034136 toasted cheese sandwich, thank you, please do. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00093-00034136-00034565 It's nice to meet you all and to see you all in this space. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00094-00034565-00034812 And I was struck, Stephanie and Mitchell dPfFVEgVCzQ-00095-00034812-00035021 shared with me the registering information dPfFVEgVCzQ-00096-00035021-00035137 and some background. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00097-00035137-00035456 There is an incredible wealth of knowledge on this call, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00098-00035456-00035678 and people doing some really amazing work, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00099-00035678-00035841 and so I hope we have an opportunity dPfFVEgVCzQ-00100-00035841-00036276 to learn from each other, and to talk together about, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00101-00036276-00036420 what we're thinking, what we're doing, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00102-00036420-00036691 and how we can continue to do this work? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00103-00036812-00037281 So, the plan for today, first off, I wanted to talk dPfFVEgVCzQ-00104-00037281-00037763 a little bit about, the Being Human in STEM model, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00105-00037867-00038015 and how it got started. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00106-00038015-00038291 So talking about the Being Human in STEM Initiative, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00107-00038291-00038534 and then introducing our model of partnership, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00108-00038534-00038789 what really guides the work that we do? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00109-00038789-00039096 I'm gonna talk a little about the HSTEM course, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00110-00039096-00039416 which came out of this initial push. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00111-00039416-00039633 And then I have two colleagues on the call, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00112-00039633-00039956 Dr. Phoebe Cohen, and Dr. Michelle Markley, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00113-00039956-00040190 from Williams and Mount Holyoke respectively, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00114-00040190-00040450 who have both taught the Being Human and STEM course dPfFVEgVCzQ-00115-00040450-00040728 at their own institutions and adapted them. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00116-00040728-00041007 And they bring both geological expertise dPfFVEgVCzQ-00117-00041007-00041244 and also Being Human in STEM expertise. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00118-00041244-00041414 And so they're gonna share their reflections dPfFVEgVCzQ-00119-00041414-00041783 with us about what they've learned through that process. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00120-00041783-00042249 And then, the third part of our time, I wanted to share dPfFVEgVCzQ-00121-00042249-00042545 some of the strategies that we've been using dPfFVEgVCzQ-00122-00042545-00043001 in intro courses and across the sequence, to help to build dPfFVEgVCzQ-00123-00043001-00043442 more inclusive communities, and more engaged students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00124-00043442-00043599 and faculty. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00125-00043599-00043984 I heard you when you said in that webinar sign up, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00126-00043984-00044221 a number of people said, I don't need to be convinced dPfFVEgVCzQ-00127-00044221-00044475 that this is important, I wanna hear about some things dPfFVEgVCzQ-00128-00044475-00044720 that I can plug into my classes in the spring. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00129-00044720-00044967 And so, we wanna share some of those ideas, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00130-00044967-00045182 and then also ask you to share out things dPfFVEgVCzQ-00131-00045182-00045505 that resonate with you, that others might be able to adapt dPfFVEgVCzQ-00132-00045505-00045622 and employ as well. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00133-00045896-00046159 So that's our plan. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00134-00046159-00046585 And, before I jump into this, I wanna acknowledge two really dPfFVEgVCzQ-00135-00046585-00047085 important co-partners in this work, Sheila Jaswal, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00136-00047150-00047424 who's an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Amherst, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00137-00047424-00047753 and the originator of the Being Human in STEM Initiative, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00138-00047753-00047926 and Megan Lyster, who works dPfFVEgVCzQ-00139-00047926-00048309 at our Center for Community Engagement, who is a brilliant dPfFVEgVCzQ-00140-00048309-00048449 and compassionate mind. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00141-00048449-00048770 She has co-taught the HSTEM course, every semester dPfFVEgVCzQ-00142-00048770-00049141 since the first semester, and she brings dPfFVEgVCzQ-00143-00049141-00049641 community organizing expertise, and a huge amount of empathy dPfFVEgVCzQ-00144-00049687-00049876 and wisdom to this work. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00145-00049876-00050178 And so, I am one face and one voice today, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00146-00050178-00050474 but it is a team behind all of it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00147-00050735-00051132 So, I wanted to just situate this talk a little bit dPfFVEgVCzQ-00148-00051132-00051386 in terms of thinking about the origins dPfFVEgVCzQ-00149-00051386-00051619 of the Being Human in STEM Initiative, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00150-00051619-00052073 which really came from protests in fall of 2015, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00151-00052179-00052475 where students at multiple institutions were conducting dPfFVEgVCzQ-00152-00052475-00052817 sit in, protesting racial inequality, and racial injustice dPfFVEgVCzQ-00153-00052817-00053025 at their institutions. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00154-00053025-00053520 And in response to this, we had three black sophomore dPfFVEgVCzQ-00155-00053604-00053954 females at Amherst college who said, I need to do something dPfFVEgVCzQ-00156-00053954-00054038 too, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00157-00054038-00054310 I'm not sure what that something is, but I feel like dPfFVEgVCzQ-00158-00054310-00054513 I'm in a position of relative power dPfFVEgVCzQ-00159-00054513-00054800 and this affects us too with the college. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00160-00054800-00055175 And so these three women organized what was initially dPfFVEgVCzQ-00161-00055175-00055594 intended to be a one hour sit in at our library, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00162-00055594-00055964 on November 15th in 2015. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00163-00055964-00056432 It then led to a four day occupation, where students shared dPfFVEgVCzQ-00164-00056432-00056726 reflections about the ways in which they felt marginalized dPfFVEgVCzQ-00165-00056726-00057024 and not included in their educational experience dPfFVEgVCzQ-00166-00057024-00057359 or in the community at the college. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00167-00057359-00057536 Here are some of these images. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00168-00057813-00058230 I wanna point y'all to, that's my Midwest roots, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00169-00058230-00058428 y'all slip out. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00170-00058428-00058766 I wanna point y'all to the article that came out last year dPfFVEgVCzQ-00171-00058766-00059161 in diversity and democracy, the AACU journal, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00172-00059161-00059499 where Sheila Jaswal talks about the origin dPfFVEgVCzQ-00173-00059499-00059779 of Being Human and STEM and talks about this protest. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00174-00059779-00060008 If you'd like to hear more and to hear some student dPfFVEgVCzQ-00175-00060008-00060173 voices there. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00176-00060173-00060548 And I wanna share a couple of quotes from students, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00177-00060548-00060676 from that time. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00178-00060804-00061146 So, some of the representative quotes, "In many dPfFVEgVCzQ-00179-00061146-00061350 social spaces where we're called to interact dPfFVEgVCzQ-00180-00061350-00061710 with each other, I'm always made aware of my black skin." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00181-00061710-00061978 "I'm undocumented and a Latina, and I find it hard dPfFVEgVCzQ-00182-00061978-00062241 to find my voice in small groups among three dPfFVEgVCzQ-00183-00062241-00062473 other Caucasian men." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00184-00062473-00062720 "I've been forced to make a decision between doing well dPfFVEgVCzQ-00185-00062720-00063020 in my classes and feeling happily part of a community dPfFVEgVCzQ-00186-00063020-00063225 that embraces me for who I am." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00187-00063420-00063903 Amherst, as some of you may know, we have invested heavily dPfFVEgVCzQ-00188-00063903-00064307 in diversifying our student body. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00189-00064307-00064636 And students called the college on that and said, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00190-00064636-00064915 "We have been brought into a diverse community, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00191-00064915-00065213 but we do not feel like we are part of the community, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00192-00065213-00065602 we do not feel like we have what we need to thrive." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00193-00065602-00065995 And so in response, (Sarah coughs) really what's come out dPfFVEgVCzQ-00194-00065995-00066495 of this, is what we call The Being Human in STEM Ethos. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00195-00066519-00066848 Which is a recognition that we need to partner with students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00196-00066848-00067194 to enact change and to move our institution towards dPfFVEgVCzQ-00197-00067194-00067507 a more inclusive set of practices. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00198-00067507-00067811 But we cannot partner if we don't start up at the top dPfFVEgVCzQ-00199-00067811-00067931 with listening. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00200-00067931-00068171 That we needed to actively listen to our students, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00201-00068171-00068354 we needed to listen to what they were saying, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00202-00068354-00068612 what they were telling us about their experience, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00203-00068612-00068832 that needed to be followed by validation, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00204-00068832-00069063 that their experience was true to them, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00205-00069063-00069316 that it was authentic and real and meaningful, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00206-00069401-00069688 that, that is followed by a process of reflecting, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00207-00069688-00069973 where we reflect on how this connects dPfFVEgVCzQ-00208-00069973-00070316 to our own lived experience, to our own positionality dPfFVEgVCzQ-00209-00070316-00070613 and to the privileges that many of us carry dPfFVEgVCzQ-00210-00070613-00070927 in having different experiences than what students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00211-00070927-00071050 are bringing forward. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00212-00071050-00071427 And it is only by moving through that series of steps, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00213-00071427-00071702 starting with and guided by listening dPfFVEgVCzQ-00214-00071702-00071968 that we can authentically partner with students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00215-00072189-00072576 And so, following the sit in, Louise Atajda, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00216-00072576-00072987 who is now a medical student, she wrote a letter dPfFVEgVCzQ-00217-00072987-00073287 to all of the faculty and all of the STEM departments dPfFVEgVCzQ-00218-00073287-00073645 at the college, asking them to show up, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00219-00073645-00073840 asking them to do something. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00220-00073840-00074281 And saying, we need to recognize that these voices dPfFVEgVCzQ-00221-00074281-00074625 are part of our community and we need to do better. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00222-00074625-00075034 So this is part of her letter, she says, "As both a woman dPfFVEgVCzQ-00223-00075034-00075412 and a student of color, I have felt loneliness and isolation dPfFVEgVCzQ-00224-00075412-00075719 in a field devoid of mentors who have gone through similar dPfFVEgVCzQ-00225-00075719-00075970 experiences and could support me in the challenges dPfFVEgVCzQ-00226-00075970-00076154 of taking on a STEM major. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00227-00076154-00076422 I feel compelled to write this letter because of my respect dPfFVEgVCzQ-00228-00076422-00076561 and love for the STEM field, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00229-00076561-00076771 as well as the Amherst community." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00230-00076771-00077099 So she came from a place of feeling connected dPfFVEgVCzQ-00231-00077099-00077539 to the community and wanting to work with faculty and staff, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00232-00077539-00077710 to think about how are we gonna respond, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00233-00077710-00078032 and how is this going to manifest itself in the curriculum dPfFVEgVCzQ-00234-00078032-00078248 and in the inner curricular spaces? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00235-00078436-00078703 In response, every STEM letter wrote, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00236-00078703-00078887 or every STEM department wrote a letter dPfFVEgVCzQ-00237-00078887-00079103 in support of students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00238-00079103-00079603 And this is only a representation of these letters, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00239-00079700-00079843 and snapshots of them. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00240-00079843-00080071 And many other departments beyond STEM, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00241-00080071-00080386 and many staff offices did as well. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00242-00080386-00080700 One of the things that I have done is to look through dPfFVEgVCzQ-00243-00080700-00080942 these letters for themes. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00244-00080942-00081442 Because we are not post uprising, we are not post dPfFVEgVCzQ-00245-00081575-00081697 racial challenge. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00246-00081697-00082104 We are dealing with this intensely on all of our campuses dPfFVEgVCzQ-00247-00082104-00082453 and in our institutions and spaces and homes. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00248-00082453-00082884 And so thinking about, how did these groups respond? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00249-00082884-00083104 What were the commonalities, what were the themes dPfFVEgVCzQ-00250-00083104-00083187 that emerged? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00251-00083187-00083461 And I wanted to share these with you all, cause I often dPfFVEgVCzQ-00252-00083461-00083696 get asked, what should we say? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00253-00083696-00083903 What is the right response? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00254-00083903-00084217 And I don't know what the right response is, but I can share dPfFVEgVCzQ-00255-00084217-00084489 some common themes and I can share some things that really dPfFVEgVCzQ-00256-00084489-00084772 have resonated with our students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00257-00084772-00085121 And so, some of the common features of these departmental dPfFVEgVCzQ-00258-00085121-00085383 letters in response to the student protest. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00259-00085469-00085760 First, almost all letters said, we support the protest dPfFVEgVCzQ-00260-00085760-00086032 or we support the action, we support the initiative, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00261-00086032-00086282 We stand in solidarity with our students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00262-00086367-00086660 Most letters also expressed a general commitment dPfFVEgVCzQ-00263-00086660-00086813 to change, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00264-00086813-00087136 That we see that there are changes that need to happen, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00265-00087136-00087345 and we're committed to those changes. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00266-00087534-00088034 Often individuals reflected on how this kind of conversation dPfFVEgVCzQ-00267-00088193-00088540 leads them to recommit to their mission, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00268-00088540-00088800 That at our core we are educators. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00269-00088800-00089051 Bryan Dewsbury, who we'll talk about in a little bit, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00270-00089051-00089337 often says, he's a biologist dPfFVEgVCzQ-00271-00089337-00089581 at the University of Rhode Island, he often says, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00272-00089581-00090046 "I don't teach biology, I teach students biology." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00273-00090046-00090323 That this kind of moment can affirm for us, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00274-00090323-00090632 what is our core mission to support students, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00275-00090632-00090843 and to help them thrive? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00276-00090843-00091094 And that they need emotional validation, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00277-00091094-00091466 That their experience of pain and exhaustion is real dPfFVEgVCzQ-00278-00091466-00091611 and meaningful and important. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00279-00091717-00091969 But there are two other things that came up in these letters dPfFVEgVCzQ-00280-00091969-00092136 that may be helpful for you all dPfFVEgVCzQ-00281-00092136-00092318 as you were having these conversations dPfFVEgVCzQ-00282-00092318-00092567 at your own home communities. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00283-00092567-00092881 Two things that students have said are particularly helpful dPfFVEgVCzQ-00284-00092881-00093266 and important and resonant with them, but were not present dPfFVEgVCzQ-00285-00093266-00093567 in the vast majority of responses from departments. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00286-00093567-00093859 The first one was acknowledging that we have failed, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00287-00093978-00094152 and to say that explicitly. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00288-00094152-00094379 We understand that we have failed in our commitment dPfFVEgVCzQ-00289-00094379-00094674 in the past, we promise to listen to and respond dPfFVEgVCzQ-00290-00094674-00094905 to the concerns of every one of our students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00291-00094905-00095214 That is a hard thing for anyone to do, that is a hard thing dPfFVEgVCzQ-00292-00095214-00095498 to state as a department, that has been an incredibly dPfFVEgVCzQ-00293-00095498-00095788 meaningful message for students to hear on our campus. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00294-00095876-00096218 And the other, is to articulate specific actions dPfFVEgVCzQ-00295-00096218-00096415 that you will take forward. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00296-00096415-00096790 So to move beyond a general commitment to change, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00297-00096790-00097124 to articulate, here's what we are committing to do, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00298-00097124-00097341 because it is only through those specific commitments dPfFVEgVCzQ-00299-00097341-00097724 that we can be held accountable, and students see that, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00300-00097724-00097824 and they value that. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00301-00098207-00098707 So, out of this fall, out of these conversations, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00302-00098813-00099090 emerged The Being Human in STEM course, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00303-00099090-00099313 or the HSTEM course. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00304-00099313-00099717 So the course started in spring 2016, Sheila Jaswal dPfFVEgVCzQ-00305-00099717-00099947 was the first instructor of that course. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00306-00099947-00100242 It was a special topics course with nine students, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00307-00100333-00100646 and the course says, each semester, it's now been taught dPfFVEgVCzQ-00308-00100646-00100862 eight times at Amherst. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00309-00100862-00101190 Each semester the specifics change a little bit, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00310-00101190-00101474 but the general structure is the same, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00311-00101474-00101763 which is that we focus first on building community. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00312-00101763-00102003 And we're gonna talk about community building practices dPfFVEgVCzQ-00313-00102003-00102212 and why that's so important. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00314-00102212-00102634 The second phase is research, that it is an academic dPfFVEgVCzQ-00315-00102634-00102915 orientation to inclusivity. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00316-00102915-00103288 But it is an academic orientation that both privileges dPfFVEgVCzQ-00317-00103288-00103577 the academic literature, around diversity inclusion dPfFVEgVCzQ-00318-00103577-00103923 and equity work, particularly focused in STEM dPfFVEgVCzQ-00319-00103923-00104244 or perhaps even in sub-disciplines, depending upon dPfFVEgVCzQ-00320-00104244-00104481 who your group is in the course. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00321-00104481-00104797 But also an academic orientation towards dPfFVEgVCzQ-00322-00104797-00105075 the lived experience, collecting of narrative, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00323-00105075-00105346 which includes autobiographical narrative, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00324-00105346-00105601 What has been my experience in STEM? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00325-00105601-00105852 What is my life course? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00326-00105852-00106026 What factors have contributed to that, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00327-00106026-00106177 that I have not interrogated? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00328-00106264-00106575 And, how do other individuals make sense dPfFVEgVCzQ-00329-00106575-00106753 of their own narrative and their own path, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00330-00106753-00106941 and how do I bring that into conversation dPfFVEgVCzQ-00331-00106941-00107105 with the literature? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00332-00107105-00107426 And then it is only once we have engaged in this research dPfFVEgVCzQ-00333-00107426-00107844 that we can use that to translate it into suggested action. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00334-00107844-00108077 So the third phase of the course, and one that I think dPfFVEgVCzQ-00335-00108077-00108450 is particularly important, is to really think dPfFVEgVCzQ-00336-00108450-00108901 about how do we help empower students to make a change? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00337-00108901-00109225 But how do we help empower them to make change in ways dPfFVEgVCzQ-00338-00109225-00109652 that are sustainable, and reasonable, and around the area dPfFVEgVCzQ-00339-00109652-00109852 that they most care about? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00340-00109852-00110166 So, across these different courses, we've seen a wide range dPfFVEgVCzQ-00341-00110166-00110444 of action projects that students have developed. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00342-00110444-00110732 I'm gonna share some of them, Michelle is also dPfFVEgVCzQ-00343-00110732-00110980 gonna speak to an example, Phoebe has some really dPfFVEgVCzQ-00344-00110980-00111149 rich examples. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00345-00111149-00111436 So thinking about how do we empower students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00346-00111436-00111633 to make targeted efforts of change, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00347-00111633-00111925 to create the communities that they value? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00348-00111925-00112230 And then, had we reach out and recognize dPfFVEgVCzQ-00349-00112230-00112460 that what we are doing in one course connects dPfFVEgVCzQ-00350-00112460-00112782 to what so many of you all are doing broadly. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00351-00112782-00113003 So how do we expand the conversation? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00352-00113281-00113584 I wanted to ground this a little bit specifically, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00353-00113584-00113858 just to give you an example of what that actually means. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00354-00113858-00114293 So this is a visual representation of our spring 2020 dPfFVEgVCzQ-00355-00114293-00114475 HSTEM course. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00356-00114475-00114715 So you'll see we did, again, the first week dPfFVEgVCzQ-00357-00114715-00115063 of community building, you can see the topics dPfFVEgVCzQ-00358-00115063-00115363 up in the top left that we talked about week two dPfFVEgVCzQ-00359-00115363-00115462 through five. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00360-00115591-00115902 One of the things that was really great about this course dPfFVEgVCzQ-00361-00115902-00116081 this semester, is that it was taught dPfFVEgVCzQ-00362-00116081-00116510 both by a STEM faculty member but also a sociologist, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00363-00116510-00116633 it was co-taught. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00364-00116633-00116940 And so thinking about those different lenses on knowledge, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00365-00116940-00117053 what counts as truth? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00366-00117053-00117264 How do I know something? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00367-00117264-00117593 Really enriched the dynamic and the literature dPfFVEgVCzQ-00368-00117593-00117720 that they engaged with. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00369-00117808-00118188 They conducted oral histories, there were campus dPfFVEgVCzQ-00370-00118188-00118447 project proposals, those action projects, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00371-00118447-00118646 and a number of speakers, what you see over dPfFVEgVCzQ-00372-00118646-00118786 on the right hand side, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00373-00118877-00119106 were really important in connecting out. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00374-00119525-00119818 Just to give some examples, and I linked the slides dPfFVEgVCzQ-00375-00119818-00120126 at the beginning, so, all of these have hyperlinks, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00376-00120126-00120280 the link that I shared with you all. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00377-00120280-00120577 So you can dive in whatever feels most important dPfFVEgVCzQ-00378-00120577-00120761 or interesting to you. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00379-00120761-00121134 But these are links to different student action projects dPfFVEgVCzQ-00380-00121134-00121469 that have come out of the course, including outreach dPfFVEgVCzQ-00381-00121469-00121833 to local elementary schools, and thinking about, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00382-00121833-00122164 how do we diversify elementary education, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00383-00122164-00122564 and what does inclusive elementary education look like? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00384-00122564-00122909 Conducting alumni interviews, staff interviews, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00385-00122909-00123105 collecting those narratives, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00386-00123105-00123518 To really create an archive of lived experience. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00387-00123518-00123788 Students often have focused on building workshops dPfFVEgVCzQ-00388-00123788-00124103 around HSTEM, to try to reach out more globally. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00389-00124103-00124304 If you wanted to create an HSTEM course dPfFVEgVCzQ-00390-00124304-00124528 or an HSTEM workshop, what might you do? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00391-00124624-00124996 And then the product that has been the most resonant dPfFVEgVCzQ-00392-00124996-00125264 for us on our campus, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00393-00125264-00125526 has been the HSTEM curricular handbook, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00394-00125526-00125897 which is a series of practices, pedagogical practices dPfFVEgVCzQ-00395-00125897-00126191 and tools that students identified through interviews dPfFVEgVCzQ-00396-00126191-00126469 and surveys with other students in STEM. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00397-00126469-00126785 What are the things that help you feel included in class, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00398-00126785-00127063 that help you feel like you belong in lab? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00399-00127063-00127377 What are the things that feel off-putting to you, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00400-00127377-00127653 or distancing to you in STEM? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00401-00127653-00127924 And how can we build a set of practices dPfFVEgVCzQ-00402-00127924-00128182 that we can then share more broadly? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00403-00128182-00128474 So the HSTEM curriculum handbook, again, that students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00404-00128474-00128782 generated and we have refined over time, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00405-00128782-00129111 is something that we share with incoming faculty every year, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00406-00129111-00129464 we've referenced it, and incorporate these practices dPfFVEgVCzQ-00407-00129464-00129798 in courses way beyond our HSTEM courses, but throughout dPfFVEgVCzQ-00408-00129798-00130001 the STEM curriculum. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00409-00130001-00130247 So if you'd like access to that, you can get a link dPfFVEgVCzQ-00410-00130247-00130343 to that too. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00411-00130673-00131152 Just a couple of reflections, about what participating dPfFVEgVCzQ-00412-00131152-00131337 in something like this can do? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00413-00131434-00131876 So here's a quote from a recent student who participated dPfFVEgVCzQ-00414-00131876-00132231 in HSTEM, they say, "Amherst students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00415-00132231-00132478 hear about how to be part of a diverse community dPfFVEgVCzQ-00416-00132478-00132978 in an abstracts sense, but this didn't often dPfFVEgVCzQ-00417-00132998-00133123 get put into practice. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00418-00133123-00133448 Being Human in STEM helped me put my beliefs into play. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00419-00133448-00133753 As a woman in STEM I had moments to speak up, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00420-00133753-00134054 and as a white and financially privileged person in STEM, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00421-00134054-00134386 I had moments to elevate the voices of others." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00422-00134386-00134865 Learning about positionality and intersectional identities, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00423-00134865-00135155 and what are the ways in which we need to attend to those. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00424-00135264-00135535 And then faculty and staff have also shared dPfFVEgVCzQ-00425-00135535-00135883 really broad impacts of this work. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00426-00135883-00136135 So one individual who participated in HSTEM dPfFVEgVCzQ-00427-00136135-00136467 for a number of years has said, "I had many moments dPfFVEgVCzQ-00428-00136467-00136641 of uncomfortable self-reflection dPfFVEgVCzQ-00429-00136641-00136865 during which I had to grapple with my own privilege dPfFVEgVCzQ-00430-00136865-00137124 and positionality in ways I hadn't before. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00431-00137124-00137477 The impact of those experiences extends far beyond HSTEM, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00432-00137477-00137691 and has helped me become a more reflective dPfFVEgVCzQ-00433-00137691-00137879 and curious human." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00434-00137879-00138132 And then another faculty member wrote, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00435-00138132-00138400 "As a consequence of each STEM, I've made a deliberate dPfFVEgVCzQ-00436-00138400-00138673 decision to share with students stories dPfFVEgVCzQ-00437-00138673-00138957 about my own failures and moments of doubt. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00438-00138957-00139178 I'm a junior faculty member, and I'm the only dPfFVEgVCzQ-00439-00139178-00139446 female faculty member in my department, in a field dPfFVEgVCzQ-00440-00139446-00139649 where women are underrepresented. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00441-00139649-00139892 Participating in the HSTEM initiative has increased dPfFVEgVCzQ-00442-00139892-00140162 my awareness not only of the importance of inclusivity dPfFVEgVCzQ-00443-00140162-00140469 in my classroom, but also the importance of building dPfFVEgVCzQ-00444-00140469-00140636 a community for myself." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00445-00140983-00141472 So, the HSTEM course model has spread in ways dPfFVEgVCzQ-00446-00141472-00141747 that we are really excited about. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00447-00141747-00142051 So a number of institutions have taken this model dPfFVEgVCzQ-00448-00142051-00142362 and adapted it, to think about how it fits dPfFVEgVCzQ-00449-00142362-00142633 with their own curricular structure, their student needs, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00450-00142633-00142856 the challenges that they're facing. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00451-00142856-00143120 And so, this is something that we encourage you, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00452-00143120-00143586 if you were thinking about courses that may engage students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00453-00143586-00143846 in partnership and conversation, please take dPfFVEgVCzQ-00454-00143846-00144129 what resonates with you, let us know, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00455-00144129-00144379 because we'd love to be partners with you in that. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00456-00144531-00144885 And so we have two partners here with us today, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00457-00144885-00145258 to share their own experience, participating and teaching dPfFVEgVCzQ-00458-00145258-00145555 in HSTEM course at their institution. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00459-00145555-00145850 So Dr. Michelle Markley, who's a Professor of Geology dPfFVEgVCzQ-00460-00145850-00146107 at Mount Holyoke, and Dr. Phoebe Cohen, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00461-00146107-00146487 an Associate Professor of Geosciences at Williams College, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00462-00146487-00146797 have joined us to share their perspectives dPfFVEgVCzQ-00463-00146797-00147047 on teaching in HSTEM course, and on thinking dPfFVEgVCzQ-00464-00147047-00147504 about this kind of work from the lens of the geosciences dPfFVEgVCzQ-00465-00147653-00147938 and the lens of people who care deeply dPfFVEgVCzQ-00466-00147938-00148092 about inclusive teaching. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00467-00148224-00148466 So I'm going to stop screen sharing for now dPfFVEgVCzQ-00468-00148466-00148966 so that we can see our colleagues on the screen. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00469-00149586-00150086 Perfect, great, nice tech work, amazing. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00470-00150550-00150767 So Phoebe, maybe I'll just start with you, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00471-00150767-00150960 and we'll tag team. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00472-00150960-00151187 But I wonder if you'd be willing to share a little bit dPfFVEgVCzQ-00473-00151187-00151468 about what your motivations were for joining HSTEM, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00474-00151468-00151673 and for teaching in HSTEM course? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00475-00151673-00151901 Why were you interested in this work? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00476-00151901-00152401 Sure, so, I have been interested in Jedi, justice, equity, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00477-00152606-00152797 diversity, and inclusion issues in STEM dPfFVEgVCzQ-00478-00152797-00152987 for most of my academic career. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00479-00152987-00153462 And, have long been interested in finding ways dPfFVEgVCzQ-00480-00153462-00153754 to incorporate it more into the teaching that I do, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00481-00153846-00153973 and bringing it to undergraduates. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00482-00153973-00154238 In part because I feel like when I was a graduate student, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00483-00154238-00154626 I didn't have the vocabulary to understand dPfFVEgVCzQ-00484-00154626-00154856 my own experiences, nevermind the experiences dPfFVEgVCzQ-00485-00154856-00155356 of those who have other minoritized identities. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00486-00155467-00155760 And I really wish that I had had that experience dPfFVEgVCzQ-00487-00155760-00155956 as a graduate student, and definitely didn't know dPfFVEgVCzQ-00488-00155956-00156254 anything about it as an undergraduate really. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00489-00156254-00156496 So some of that just comes from my own personal experience, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00490-00156496-00156846 and then also just from the observations of seeing dPfFVEgVCzQ-00491-00156846-00157065 my students and their struggles and their experiences dPfFVEgVCzQ-00492-00157065-00157194 at Williams. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00493-00157194-00157607 And so I co-taught it with Savan Kharel, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00494-00157607-00157870 who taught it when he was a post-doc at Yale, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00495-00157870-00158017 who's in physics. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00496-00158017-00158273 And that was really wonderful to have that interaction dPfFVEgVCzQ-00497-00158273-00158508 with him and with someone with a different background, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00498-00158508-00158821 with someone from a different scientific discipline. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00499-00158821-00159156 And so that was the motivation, so we taught it last fall, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00500-00159156-00159589 fall of 2019, for the first time to 13 students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00501-00159676-00159860 Great, thanks so much. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00502-00159860-00160129 And Michelle, what brought you to HSTEM? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00503-00160129-00160426 What were you hoping to accomplish in teaching that course? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00504-00160426-00160581 Oh, it's interesting to listen to Phoebe, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00505-00160581-00160838 cause I thought about some things that probably dPfFVEgVCzQ-00506-00160838-00161055 contributed that I hadn't thought about before. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00507-00161055-00161548 But I was invited by junior colleagues in chemistry dPfFVEgVCzQ-00508-00161548-00161795 and in my own department to attend an HSTEM, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00509-00161920-00162021 the one at Yale. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00510-00162021-00162283 So there's a conference often where the students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00511-00162283-00162483 get together at the end of the semester dPfFVEgVCzQ-00512-00162483-00162676 and do poster presentations for each other. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00513-00162676-00162964 And I think it was three or four years ago now dPfFVEgVCzQ-00514-00162964-00163239 that I attended one just out of curiosity, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00515-00163239-00163628 cause it just seemed like such a, I'm really interested dPfFVEgVCzQ-00516-00163628-00163895 in equity issues generally in academia. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00517-00164070-00164261 And then when I got there and I talked to all the students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00518-00164261-00164589 about their projects, I was just like, Oh my God, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00519-00164589-00164882 this is amazing, these students have done amazing work. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00520-00164882-00165286 It was really fun to talk to them, and also just to think, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00521-00165286-00165470 we should be teaching, that somebody dPfFVEgVCzQ-00522-00165470-00165598 should do this at Mount Holyoke. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00523-00165598-00165997 And then it became clear that for various reasons, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00524-00165997-00166089 it might as well be me. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00525-00166089-00166229 (Michelle Laughing) dPfFVEgVCzQ-00526-00166229-00166488 So, then I went and pushed to be able to teach it, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00527-00166488-00166716 and try to get the ball rolling with it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00528-00166716-00167124 So, but I was listening to you Phoebe thinking, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00529-00167124-00167489 when I was a graduate student I took a sort of a half class dPfFVEgVCzQ-00530-00167489-00167706 that was for women in STEM. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00531-00167706-00167941 With a woman who had been hired as Dean dPfFVEgVCzQ-00532-00167941-00168155 and had actually reverted to the geology department. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00533-00168155-00168637 But it was super useful just to read up on the literature dPfFVEgVCzQ-00534-00168637-00168890 and find out that it wasn't my imagination, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00535-00168890-00168996 and there were all these other women, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00536-00168996-00169117 and we were all just like, Oh my God, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00537-00169117-00169275 it's not our imagination, it was women dPfFVEgVCzQ-00538-00169275-00169379 from all these fields. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00539-00169379-00169721 And, I had sort of put that in my back pocket dPfFVEgVCzQ-00540-00169721-00169925 and forgot about it, but when I started to think dPfFVEgVCzQ-00541-00169925-00170226 about HSTEM, I really started to think about how helpful dPfFVEgVCzQ-00542-00170226-00170618 it is to understand that you're not alone, a lot of people dPfFVEgVCzQ-00543-00170618-00170899 are experiencing these same things, and as you say, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00544-00170899-00171159 a lot of people are experiencing it differently dPfFVEgVCzQ-00545-00171159-00171297 from different angles. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00546-00171297-00171600 So, that was also quite motivating is realizing dPfFVEgVCzQ-00547-00171600-00171806 how important that very small experience dPfFVEgVCzQ-00548-00171806-00171981 had been for me in graduate school. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00549-00172086-00172235 Yeah, thank you for bringing that forward, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00550-00172235-00172525 cause we hear that so much from students, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00551-00172525-00173014 That, to recognize that they are not carrying this burden, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00552-00173014-00173148 they're not making it up. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00553-00173248-00173575 And that actually there are some systemic challenges dPfFVEgVCzQ-00554-00173575-00173933 and institutionalized challenges, that we need dPfFVEgVCzQ-00555-00173933-00174292 to work together to problematize and problem solve. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00556-00174292-00174690 And that to feel as though they are in community dPfFVEgVCzQ-00557-00174690-00175094 and that they're truths are real, is incredibly validating dPfFVEgVCzQ-00558-00175094-00175434 and incredibly important for students who otherwise dPfFVEgVCzQ-00559-00175434-00175812 may be lost to the STEM space. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00560-00176047-00176454 So Phoebe, you talked a lot about, in our conversation dPfFVEgVCzQ-00561-00176454-00176803 earlier about, thinking about how you bring this course dPfFVEgVCzQ-00562-00176803-00177285 to an institution, and both the rewarding aspects of that, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00563-00177285-00177516 and also some of the challenges of that work. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00564-00177516-00177801 Would you mind speaking to that for us? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00565-00177801-00178082 Sure, yeah, I mean, I was very fortunate dPfFVEgVCzQ-00566-00178082-00178557 in that my department was extremely supportive, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00567-00178557-00178714 but I did teach it as overload. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00568-00178714-00179176 And so one of the things I'm working on now, is building dPfFVEgVCzQ-00569-00179176-00179622 a cohort of faculty at Williams moving forward, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00570-00179622-00179978 because I think it is done best as a team taught experience dPfFVEgVCzQ-00571-00179978-00180111 with folks from different disciplines. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00572-00180111-00180472 So I think that sustainability piece is huge, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00573-00180472-00180832 even if there is sort of support verbally. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00574-00180832-00181107 Oh, sure, this is great, we'll across this or whatever, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00575-00181107-00181428 but turning that into actual FTE time when we all have many dPfFVEgVCzQ-00576-00181428-00181683 other teaching commitments, I think is challenging. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00577-00181964-00182287 But the experience for me was just so interesting dPfFVEgVCzQ-00578-00182287-00182389 and rewarding. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00579-00182524-00182894 I learned a huge amount about the experience of students, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00580-00182894-00183122 especially in our large intro courses, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00581-00183271-00183393 and most of it was bad. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00582-00183489-00183892 And, I think that was really revelatory for me, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00583-00183892-00184233 especially because our intro courses tend to be smaller dPfFVEgVCzQ-00584-00184233-00184410 and less sort of weed out. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00585-00184536-00184839 And so I think that I learned a lot about, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00586-00184977-00185127 it was sort of frustrating to me because I felt dPfFVEgVCzQ-00587-00185127-00185270 like it was sort of beyond my control, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00588-00185270-00185453 but it was also very motivating to be like, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00589-00185453-00185759 okay, well, how can I make the geoscience courses dPfFVEgVCzQ-00590-00185759-00186259 that we teach, really, how can we elevate dPfFVEgVCzQ-00591-00186287-00186641 them in terms of incorporating best practices dPfFVEgVCzQ-00592-00186641-00186890 for inclusive teaching into our own courses? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00593-00186890-00187194 And then, in a larger sense, how can we work dPfFVEgVCzQ-00594-00187194-00187495 as an institution to improve the experience of students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00595-00187495-00187717 in our large introductory courses? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00596-00187717-00188087 And so I think I really became aware of the barriers dPfFVEgVCzQ-00597-00188087-00188247 that many of our students face dPfFVEgVCzQ-00598-00188247-00188616 in a way that I hadn't previously. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00599-00188616-00189007 And students really opened up in a way that they normally dPfFVEgVCzQ-00600-00189007-00189280 do not in sort of a normal academic course. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00601-00189449-00189654 And there were many challenges, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00602-00189654-00190039 I think one of the challenges was helping students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00603-00190039-00190354 to feel empowered while also not giving them a false sense dPfFVEgVCzQ-00604-00190354-00190449 of agency. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00605-00190547-00190801 You know, our institutions are, or many of them are old dPfFVEgVCzQ-00606-00190801-00191081 and slow to change, even the ones that are sort of labeled dPfFVEgVCzQ-00607-00191081-00191225 as progressive. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00608-00191225-00191480 And that's very frustrating for students and I totally dPfFVEgVCzQ-00609-00191480-00191590 understand that frustration. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00610-00191590-00191844 So I often found myself in the position of defending dPfFVEgVCzQ-00611-00191844-00192009 the institution that we're all talking about trying dPfFVEgVCzQ-00612-00192009-00192365 to change, which was uncomfortable for me. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00613-00192365-00192725 But also I think a valuable experience for me to hear dPfFVEgVCzQ-00614-00192725-00193184 their anger, their justified anger, yeah. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00615-00193376-00193714 Yeah, and I think in part of those conversations, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00616-00193714-00194087 I mean, one of the things that we have struggled dPfFVEgVCzQ-00617-00194087-00194414 with a little bit is that same sense of defensiveness, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00618-00194414-00194814 and recognizing that changes have happened, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00619-00194814-00195126 but they are slow and they are not big enough. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00620-00195126-00195512 And so, how do we recognize the growth that has happened dPfFVEgVCzQ-00621-00195512-00195759 at our institutions while also holding dPfFVEgVCzQ-00622-00195759-00196038 ourselves more accountable? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00623-00196038-00196407 And students live with us for four years. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00624-00196407-00196644 And so as they move in and out of this space, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00625-00196644-00197051 their timezone and their timescale is much smaller dPfFVEgVCzQ-00626-00197051-00197231 than institutional timescale. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00627-00197419-00197618 So helping them see those changes and recognize that--- dPfFVEgVCzQ-00628-00197618-00197962 Yeah, and even educating them on how hiring works, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00629-00197962-00198204 you know, like in an institution, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00630-00198204-00198467 but also like what are the federal laws around hiring? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00631-00198467-00198761 So, there was a lot of education that happened dPfFVEgVCzQ-00632-00198761-00199040 in terms of just how institutions are run, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00633-00199040-00199331 that I think was really interesting to students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00634-00199331-00199622 kind of seeing behind the scenes in a way that most students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00635-00199622-00199854 never really, really experienced, if they don't end up dPfFVEgVCzQ-00636-00199854-00200178 working in admissions or anything like that, so. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00637-00200178-00200388 Right, right, right. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00638-00200388-00200862 And Michelle, you have done some great reflecting dPfFVEgVCzQ-00639-00200862-00201242 about how teaching HSTEM impacts how you think dPfFVEgVCzQ-00640-00201242-00201510 about teaching other courses, and how you think dPfFVEgVCzQ-00641-00201510-00201787 about geology more broadly in your role dPfFVEgVCzQ-00642-00201787-00202043 as a geoscience educator. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00643-00202043-00202271 Would you mind sharing some of those connections dPfFVEgVCzQ-00644-00202271-00202437 and thoughts with us? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00645-00202725-00202899 You are muted at the moment. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00646-00203052-00203552 I just chatted out a link to one of the really dPfFVEgVCzQ-00647-00203552-00203817 sort of well-developed HSTEM student projects dPfFVEgVCzQ-00648-00203817-00204157 that came out of the course that I taught in this spring. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00649-00204157-00204451 And so one of my groups of students put together dPfFVEgVCzQ-00650-00204451-00204633 just a whole bunch of ideas and resources dPfFVEgVCzQ-00651-00204633-00204772 to do little mini workshops dPfFVEgVCzQ-00652-00204772-00204992 in a hundred level STEM classrooms, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00653-00204992-00205271 related to implicit bias, stereotype threat, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00654-00205271-00205771 microaggressions, and also the sort of Bryan Dewsbury type, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00655-00205784-00206050 the say believe, like value statements basically dPfFVEgVCzQ-00656-00206182-00206464 that turn out to be really motivating and interesting. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00657-00206709-00207009 So, one of the things I started doing this year dPfFVEgVCzQ-00658-00207009-00207264 in geology was, I've been running the mini workshops dPfFVEgVCzQ-00659-00207264-00207581 in my plate tectonics class, off and on, and giving students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00660-00207581-00207664 credit for them. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00661-00207664-00208164 And it's been really interesting to even take the baby steps dPfFVEgVCzQ-00662-00208196-00208473 in those classes in geology, cause it's so far dPfFVEgVCzQ-00663-00208473-00208844 been super well received by the students in my classes, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00664-00208844-00209019 who've been really positive about it, you know, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00665-00209019-00209213 we should be doing this all the time, this is so great dPfFVEgVCzQ-00666-00209213-00209391 you're doing this, like, I really enjoyed it, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00667-00209391-00209581 I enjoyed talking to people about it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00668-00209581-00209892 We do community guidelines for the classroom dPfFVEgVCzQ-00669-00209892-00210086 and stuff like that based on these workshops. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00670-00210086-00210446 And, so that's been really neat and it's also been a little dPfFVEgVCzQ-00671-00210446-00210540 mind numbing. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00672-00210638-00211055 The response from a surprising number of colleagues is, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00673-00211055-00211275 and when you start to do this kind of work, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00674-00211275-00211483 you end up finding out stuff about your colleagues dPfFVEgVCzQ-00675-00211483-00211821 that is really unfortunate. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00676-00211821-00212160 And there's a lot of, the business generality dPfFVEgVCzQ-00677-00212160-00212296 can be really difficult. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00678-00212392-00212637 But Phoebe and I were talking, we had a mini call dPfFVEgVCzQ-00679-00212637-00212923 and I was saying, one of the things, like when I taught dPfFVEgVCzQ-00680-00212923-00213181 my HSTEM class, I only had one geology major in it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00681-00213181-00213419 So I had students from all the STEM fields, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00682-00213419-00213704 but geology was not well-represented in my class. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00683-00213704-00214017 And, even in sort of reading all the literature dPfFVEgVCzQ-00684-00214017-00214288 and talking with students, I feel like geology dPfFVEgVCzQ-00685-00214288-00214629 has a lot of the same issues as other disciplines in STEM. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00686-00214629-00214942 But in addition, we have really serious issues dPfFVEgVCzQ-00687-00214942-00215442 with field representation of people in the field, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00688-00215477-00215814 risk that people feel doing field work and really dPfFVEgVCzQ-00689-00215814-00216032 extended field trips. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00690-00216032-00216494 And I think there's a sort of an extra level of issues dPfFVEgVCzQ-00691-00216494-00216881 that geology faces, especially very traditional curricular dPfFVEgVCzQ-00692-00216881-00217141 in geology face, in terms of sexual harassment dPfFVEgVCzQ-00693-00217141-00217331 and field studies. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00694-00217331-00217831 And those sexual harassment issues are very intersectional dPfFVEgVCzQ-00695-00217833-00217946 for a lot of students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00696-00217946-00218282 So, that's just some of my reflection, it's really changed dPfFVEgVCzQ-00697-00218282-00218544 the way I think about it cause I'm a field geologist. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00698-00218544-00218859 And, it's only quite recently that I've started dPfFVEgVCzQ-00699-00218859-00219223 to appreciate really what those challenges are, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00700-00219223-00219408 and to start to grapple with what it would mean dPfFVEgVCzQ-00701-00219408-00219569 to change the culture there. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00702-00219876-00220259 Yeah, that's fantastic, and a process, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00703-00220259-00220451 An ongoing process. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00704-00220451-00220789 I think, as we have looked at, for instance, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00705-00220789-00221165 those departmental letters, it is not that we are always dPfFVEgVCzQ-00706-00221165-00221407 going to say or do the right thing, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00707-00221407-00221667 but it is that we are willing to move into uncomfortable dPfFVEgVCzQ-00708-00221667-00222035 conversations and to reflect on ourselves, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00709-00222035-00222238 and where we have space for growth. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00710-00222238-00222635 And can we invite students and other institutional partners dPfFVEgVCzQ-00711-00222635-00222765 into that conversation. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00712-00223107-00223467 Looking at the chat, if there are pressing questions dPfFVEgVCzQ-00713-00223467-00223967 that anyone has at this point, either for myself or Michelle dPfFVEgVCzQ-00714-00223990-00224303 and Phoebe, please feel free to drop those in the chat. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00715-00224303-00224619 I'm gonna shift gears in just a minute dPfFVEgVCzQ-00716-00224619-00224915 and talk about some concrete strategies and some ideas, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00717-00224915-00225250 and then wanna leave it open for a broader discussion too. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00718-00225250-00225446 But wanna make sure if there's anything that people dPfFVEgVCzQ-00719-00225446-00225748 wanted to get on the table at this moment, please do. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00720-00226331-00226636 Question about this course for high school students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00721-00226740-00227169 So, to my knowledge, Sheila Jaswal is on the call, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00722-00227169-00227577 so please Sheila pipe up if you know of others. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00723-00227577-00227964 My sense is that there has been workshops, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00724-00227964-00228192 high school based workshops around HSTEM, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00725-00228192-00228392 but not a full course. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00726-00228773-00228911 That's correct, okay. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00727-00228911-00229219 (Susan laughing) dPfFVEgVCzQ-00728-00229219-00229494 Yes, but I could see this readily translating, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00729-00229494-00229984 and we are happy to share any and all of it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00730-00229984-00230316 So, syllabus readings, structures, the website, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00731-00230316-00230684 the website, is a great place dPfFVEgVCzQ-00732-00230684-00230819 for all of those resources. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00733-00230819-00231209 So please dig in and see what resonates with your context. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00734-00231405-00231644 I can jump in, there's another question about, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00735-00231733-00231930 having the course count as a major, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00736-00231930-00232326 and the students' experience of marginalization. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00737-00232571-00232890 So, we had, our course was cross-listed in physics dPfFVEgVCzQ-00738-00232890-00233310 and geoscience and then our science technology dPfFVEgVCzQ-00739-00233310-00233553 studies departments. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00740-00233553-00233852 And so it counted as a course, but it was not a course dPfFVEgVCzQ-00741-00233852-00233971 towards the major. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00742-00234125-00234357 And in part that was because it was the first time dPfFVEgVCzQ-00743-00234357-00234488 it had been taught. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00744-00234488-00234755 So I think it was sort of like an experiment, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00745-00234755-00234964 and we have, we're at a liberal arts school. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00746-00234964-00235126 So there's only nine required courses dPfFVEgVCzQ-00747-00235126-00235317 for a geoscience major. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00748-00235317-00235555 And so the decision was made that, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00749-00235555-00235767 while it would be a course that students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00750-00235767-00235969 would get full credit for, it wouldn't necessarily dPfFVEgVCzQ-00751-00235969-00236116 count towards the major. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00752-00236116-00236533 And so, that's definitely interesting, you know, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00753-00236533-00236621 you don't want it to fall through the cracks dPfFVEgVCzQ-00754-00236621-00236742 and you want it to be appealing to students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00755-00236742-00237142 And so, I think that's one of the arguments for, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00756-00237142-00237350 making sure that you're incorporating these kinds of things dPfFVEgVCzQ-00757-00237350-00237615 into all of your classes, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00758-00237615-00237841 So that students don't have to take us, you know, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00759-00237841-00237971 obviously I think the separate course dPfFVEgVCzQ-00760-00237971-00238254 does have a lot of value, but in addition, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00761-00238254-00238559 trying to find ways to integrate this material dPfFVEgVCzQ-00762-00238559-00238898 into hopefully all of the courses that we teach, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00763-00238898-00239039 the way Michelle was talking about it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00764-00239039-00239467 And, the marginalization thing, I think there were a lot dPfFVEgVCzQ-00765-00239467-00239808 of really difficult conversations in the classroom, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00766-00239808-00240082 and students were, you know, it was bringing up dPfFVEgVCzQ-00767-00240082-00240237 a lot for them. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00768-00240237-00240623 And so, as Sarah and Michelle both mentioned, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00769-00240623-00240826 setting ground rules and building trust at the beginning dPfFVEgVCzQ-00770-00240826-00241001 of the course was really essential. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00771-00241108-00241401 And, I think in some ways it made students feel better dPfFVEgVCzQ-00772-00241401-00241659 in terms of reducing their sense of isolation, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00773-00241659-00241856 understanding that there's a whole body of literature dPfFVEgVCzQ-00774-00241856-00242175 and research about the things that they're experiencing. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00775-00242175-00242471 But I think also some of it was really hard, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00776-00242471-00242691 to see the statistics and to see the studies, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00777-00242691-00243191 and to see, you know, this is my identity and no progress dPfFVEgVCzQ-00778-00243203-00243286 has been made. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00779-00243286-00243483 So I think that for my students there was definitely dPfFVEgVCzQ-00780-00243483-00243880 a mix of comfort and also, in some cases dPfFVEgVCzQ-00781-00243880-00244162 increased alienation, I think, so. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00782-00244427-00244842 We do have in terms of adding it into the curriculum dPfFVEgVCzQ-00783-00244842-00245342 for a major, this last spring some of the students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00784-00245344-00245676 in our Being Human in STEM course were biology majors, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00785-00245676-00246090 and wrote to the department, in response to their initial dPfFVEgVCzQ-00786-00246090-00246315 departmental letter and said, here are the things dPfFVEgVCzQ-00787-00246315-00246664 that we haven't seen come through, and here are the things dPfFVEgVCzQ-00788-00246664-00246967 we still need to feel successful in the major. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00789-00246967-00247208 And the department responded in a very dPfFVEgVCzQ-00790-00247208-00247401 positive partnering way. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00791-00247401-00247698 And in one departmental meeting, decided to add dPfFVEgVCzQ-00792-00247698-00247982 a diversity requirement to the major, and HSTEM dPfFVEgVCzQ-00793-00247982-00248360 counts as one of those courses towards the major. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00794-00248360-00248760 So really a pretty massive shift in terms of thinking dPfFVEgVCzQ-00795-00248760-00248935 about the timescale that departments move. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00796-00248935-00249087 Thank you Sheila, for adding the link dPfFVEgVCzQ-00797-00249087-00249265 to the biology department. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00798-00249362-00249745 I told you it's a team, man, and she's an amazing teammate. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00799-00249908-00250207 And so thinking about when change can happen dPfFVEgVCzQ-00800-00250207-00250450 when the energy is there and when an institution dPfFVEgVCzQ-00801-00250450-00250696 or a department is ready, change can happen fast dPfFVEgVCzQ-00802-00250696-00250916 when we listen to students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00803-00250916-00251363 And so, I think that there are some real opportunities dPfFVEgVCzQ-00804-00251473-00251564 that are possible. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00805-00251930-00252180 Okay, so I'm sensitive to time and also wanna just dPfFVEgVCzQ-00806-00252180-00252488 open it up more broadly at the end for discussion. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00807-00252488-00252727 So I wanted to, as I said, spend a little bit of time dPfFVEgVCzQ-00808-00252727-00252973 talking about some concrete strategies dPfFVEgVCzQ-00809-00252973-00253215 that you all might consider, or maybe you're already dPfFVEgVCzQ-00810-00253215-00253682 using in your classes to build inclusive community. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00811-00253682-00254044 And again, as I went through the registering list dPfFVEgVCzQ-00812-00254044-00254421 of the people who are on this call, you're just a phenomenal dPfFVEgVCzQ-00813-00254421-00254673 group of thoughtful reflective people who are already dPfFVEgVCzQ-00814-00254673-00255058 taking this on from multiple lenses of leadership. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00815-00255058-00255388 So, in no way is this to claim that, these are the only dPfFVEgVCzQ-00816-00255388-00255742 things that we can do or should do or could be doing. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00817-00255742-00255985 And so I've created a Google doc dPfFVEgVCzQ-00818-00256116-00256339 for community building activities. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00819-00256339-00256578 So as we talk through these activities, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00820-00256578-00256857 if there are other things that you're doing that you think dPfFVEgVCzQ-00821-00256857-00257190 help to build a more inclusive community in your classroom dPfFVEgVCzQ-00822-00257190-00257519 that others could learn from, please drop it in here. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00823-00257519-00257715 And then we'll share this out with everybody dPfFVEgVCzQ-00824-00257715-00257975 who's on the call so we can get a larger list of ideas dPfFVEgVCzQ-00825-00257975-00258133 and strategies. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00826-00258133-00258378 So, please feel free to share if that's something dPfFVEgVCzQ-00827-00258478-00258753 that you feel energized and willing to do. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00828-00258875-00259192 So I'm gonna jump into my slides and then we'll come back dPfFVEgVCzQ-00829-00259192-00259390 for some questions at the end. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00830-00259962-00260045 Okay. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00831-00260459-00260744 All right, so I wanna talk about, as I said, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00832-00260744-00260887 some strategies. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00833-00260887-00261278 This is my working definition of what I think dPfFVEgVCzQ-00834-00261278-00261626 we should be doing, at least what guides my own work dPfFVEgVCzQ-00835-00261626-00261919 as I think about inclusive STEM communities, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00836-00261919-00262135 that it needs to happen on two levels. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00837-00262135-00262431 That we foster authentic relationships with each other, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00838-00262431-00262696 and we emphasize the fact that we are whole human beings dPfFVEgVCzQ-00839-00262696-00262981 with all of that lived experience and baggage. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00840-00262981-00263321 And that we are scientists who are humans first. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00841-00263321-00263631 And so, how do we bring that into a space in community? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00842-00263631-00263852 How do we build those relationships? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00843-00263852-00264173 But at the same time, we need to build communities dPfFVEgVCzQ-00844-00264173-00264432 that people want to belong to. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00845-00264432-00264767 And so, how do we work within institutional structures dPfFVEgVCzQ-00846-00264767-00264918 and departmental structures dPfFVEgVCzQ-00847-00264918-00265105 and cross institutional structures dPfFVEgVCzQ-00848-00265105-00265263 and disciplinary boundaries? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00849-00265263-00265438 How do we push? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00850-00265438-00265688 So that it is a community that students want dPfFVEgVCzQ-00851-00265688-00266003 to be a member of, that our HSTEM course dPfFVEgVCzQ-00852-00266003-00266198 or our small advising circle, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00853-00266198-00266504 or wherever it is we have contact and control dPfFVEgVCzQ-00854-00266504-00266745 is not the only safe space for students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00855-00266745-00267063 How do we build a larger geoscience community dPfFVEgVCzQ-00856-00267063-00267391 or STEM community, that is a community where students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00857-00267391-00267640 feel like they are represented, that they belong dPfFVEgVCzQ-00858-00267640-00267790 and they're included and safe? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00859-00267950-00268183 So here are a couple of strategies that, again, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00860-00268183-00268401 these are all talked about in the Being Human in STEM dPfFVEgVCzQ-00861-00268401-00268852 handbook, but we wanted to share these, a couple of examples dPfFVEgVCzQ-00862-00268852-00269215 that may resonate with you as you think towards the spring. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00863-00269215-00269501 So first off, one thing that we do in all of our courses, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00864-00269501-00269770 and as Michelle said, now in course dPfFVEgVCzQ-00865-00269770-00270132 way beyond just the HSTEM course, is to have a conversation dPfFVEgVCzQ-00866-00270132-00270325 about class norms, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00867-00270325-00270662 What are the ways that we will work together? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00868-00270662-00270913 So that we feel valued and included, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00869-00270913-00271207 and a set of prompts that you can use dPfFVEgVCzQ-00870-00271207-00271449 to spark this conversation. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00871-00271449-00271681 Qualities or values that you want to ask dPfFVEgVCzQ-00872-00271681-00271831 of our group, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00873-00271831-00271963 As we work together. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00874-00271963-00272118 And what are the qualities and values dPfFVEgVCzQ-00875-00272118-00272279 that you will offer the group? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00876-00272377-00272667 You can see these paper plates are where students wrote dPfFVEgVCzQ-00877-00272667-00272869 these down in the past spring semester dPfFVEgVCzQ-00878-00272869-00273177 shaped as a heart because it's a heart. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00879-00273298-00273683 Men, students, several students took what emerged dPfFVEgVCzQ-00880-00273683-00273948 from that discussion and created a poster. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00881-00273948-00274211 A visual representation that you can come dPfFVEgVCzQ-00882-00274211-00274434 back to throughout the semester. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00883-00274434-00274778 Let's make sure that we are affirming and valuing dPfFVEgVCzQ-00884-00274778-00275067 these shared goals and norms for our community. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00885-00275067-00275384 And when enormous violated, we can reference the norm, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00886-00275384-00275583 not the person, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00887-00275583-00275832 That it feels like we are in a difficult space dPfFVEgVCzQ-00888-00275832-00276332 where we are not fully practicing mindfulness, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00889-00276332-00276690 That we are taking up too much space. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00890-00276690-00276993 And so how do we reconnect and recenter dPfFVEgVCzQ-00891-00276993-00277177 our norms within the conversation? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00892-00277177-00277559 So it can be a guiding principle for conversation. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00893-00277780-00278280 Another strategy or tool that you may use or already dPfFVEgVCzQ-00894-00278292-00278563 be using, that we use in all dPfFVEgVCzQ-00895-00278563-00278914 of our Being Human in STEM courses, is the HSTEM dPfFVEgVCzQ-00896-00278914-00279325 or Being Human in STEM story, to share your own story. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00897-00279325-00279520 And so all participants in the class, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00898-00279520-00279766 staff, faculty and students, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00899-00279766-00280036 And then share their own story. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00900-00280036-00280408 And so you're reflecting on what has happened dPfFVEgVCzQ-00901-00280408-00280709 in my own life, in my own journey in STEM? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00902-00280709-00280901 What role has STEM played in my life? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00903-00280901-00281237 What are those important experiences that stick out to me? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00904-00281237-00281536 What's most engaging or enjoyable about STEM? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00905-00281536-00281792 What do I wanna learn more about? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00906-00281792-00282040 How does this connect with my future self? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00907-00282040-00282350 And so these prompts are written in a student focused way, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00908-00282350-00282511 but you could adapt them readily dPfFVEgVCzQ-00909-00282511-00282827 for a faculty or staff position. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00910-00282827-00283097 And all of us write these stories and again share dPfFVEgVCzQ-00911-00283097-00283407 them with each other so that we can learn about each other dPfFVEgVCzQ-00912-00283407-00283669 in terms of how we've moved through STEM, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00913-00283669-00283995 and how we're thinking about ourselves in that journey. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00914-00283995-00284232 Wanna give you just a couple of examples real briefly dPfFVEgVCzQ-00915-00284232-00284344 about what these look like, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00916-00284344-00284649 because you can do them visually, they can be written. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00917-00284649-00284930 Here are a couple of visual examples. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00918-00284930-00285380 So here's one student's story in STEM, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00919-00285380-00285615 Was interested in math, always good at it, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00920-00285615-00285791 never fell in love with it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00921-00285888-00286265 Really music, my greatest passion, but there's no money. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00922-00286265-00286639 Dreamed of being a doctor, failed high school chem. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00923-00286639-00286838 Wanted to break an Asian stereotypes, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00924-00286838-00287008 so I did know more STEM. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00925-00287008-00287244 All right, so thinking about these, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00926-00287244-00287596 the journey and the processing, and asking students dPfFVEgVCzQ-00927-00287596-00287844 to do that kind of processing. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00928-00287844-00288242 Here's another example, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00929-00288242-00288607 That students were, the student was thinking about. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00930-00288607-00288953 If you see on the left in red geology field work, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00931-00288953-00289421 conservation, crystal research, going to grad school, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00932-00289421-00289652 struggling with physics, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00933-00289652-00289947 Not happy with their GRE physics score, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00934-00289947-00290149 but they're spending more time in lab. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00935-00290149-00290534 So, thinking about these different processes. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00936-00290671-00290888 Or it can be in written form. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00937-00290888-00291284 So this is an example student, each STEM narrative, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00938-00291284-00291560 the section of it anonymized. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00939-00291560-00291756 Where this student says, "Throughout my life dPfFVEgVCzQ-00940-00291756-00291940 I've always been interested in computers. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00941-00291940-00292119 My mom taught me how to use the computer dPfFVEgVCzQ-00942-00292119-00292308 at the age of three." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00943-00292308-00292491 They talk about enjoying them a lot, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00944-00292491-00292782 and then also finding out they could be educational. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00945-00292782-00293059 "My mother supported me in this because we both stay up late dPfFVEgVCzQ-00946-00293059-00293197 playing computer games together. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00947-00293197-00293444 It really brought us together. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00948-00293567-00293820 There were only two times I was reminded that being a woman dPfFVEgVCzQ-00949-00293820-00294105 of color in computer science had its downsides. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00950-00294105-00294205 One time was when I went dPfFVEgVCzQ-00951-00294205-00294392 to the computer science club on campus. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00952-00294392-00294701 There were only three of us there, two white men and me. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00953-00294701-00294915 I was trying to tell one of the white men that his answer dPfFVEgVCzQ-00954-00294915-00295193 was incorrect for 20 minutes and he wouldn't believe me. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00955-00295193-00295482 A few minutes later the other white man said he was wrong, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00956-00295482-00295729 gave the same explanation as I did and the white man dPfFVEgVCzQ-00957-00295729-00295813 believed him. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00958-00295813-00296123 And I never went back to computer science club. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00959-00296123-00296271 The other instance was when I was taking dPfFVEgVCzQ-00960-00296271-00296457 my comprehensive exam. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00961-00296457-00296626 While I was trying to explain my answers dPfFVEgVCzQ-00962-00296626-00296763 one of the professors kept cutting dPfFVEgVCzQ-00963-00296763-00296973 me off before I could finish speaking. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00964-00296973-00297162 He'd suck his teeth and shake his head dPfFVEgVCzQ-00965-00297162-00297325 if I said something wrong. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00966-00297325-00297590 Not only did this increase my anxiety, but it was the first dPfFVEgVCzQ-00967-00297590-00297923 time a professor, someone I looked up to made me feel stupid dPfFVEgVCzQ-00968-00297923-00298209 and as if I didn't belong as a computer science major. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00969-00298209-00298459 I still think about this experience to this day." dPfFVEgVCzQ-00970-00298544-00298627 Right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00971-00298627-00299012 So students are really thinking about, these deep moments, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00972-00299012-00299341 these transitions, these turns in their life course, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00973-00299341-00299582 and bringing these into conversation again dPfFVEgVCzQ-00974-00299582-00299867 with the literature and with their understanding of STEM. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00975-00300149-00300414 Michelle referenced the, "This I Believe" essay, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00976-00300414-00300772 and this is something that I highly endorsed as a practice, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00977-00300772-00301034 if it's something that you haven't already used. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00978-00301034-00301241 And it's something again that Bryan Dewsbury, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00979-00301241-00301651 who is an HSTEM listening partner and strong HSTEM dPfFVEgVCzQ-00980-00301651-00302035 advocate, talks about the link in the slides will take dPfFVEgVCzQ-00981-00302035-00302314 you to the guidelines and the prompt for this assignment, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00982-00302314-00302543 if you wanna look more at it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00983-00302543-00302968 But it is asking students in 500 words to write about dPfFVEgVCzQ-00984-00302968-00303157 what they deeply believe and value. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00985-00303157-00303346 What is your daily life philosophy, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00986-00303346-00303554 and what has shaped your beliefs? dPfFVEgVCzQ-00987-00303554-00303836 And Bryan has all of his intro students. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00988-00303836-00304276 He typically has 150 students in introductory biology dPfFVEgVCzQ-00989-00304276-00304545 to write this before they come to class on day one dPfFVEgVCzQ-00990-00304545-00304734 and he reads everyone. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00991-00304734-00305051 So he has a sense of who are the humans in the room, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00992-00305051-00305284 and then we can start from a place of community, dPfFVEgVCzQ-00993-00305284-00305519 cause he's already started to get to know them. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00994-00305805-00306072 There are also some strategies for creating community dPfFVEgVCzQ-00995-00306072-00306357 and lab, that I wanted to reference. dPfFVEgVCzQ-00996-00306357-00306514 And we have an article coming dPfFVEgVCzQ-00997-00306514-00306802 out in the International Journal for students as partners dPfFVEgVCzQ-00998-00306802-00307050 that talks about the ethicacy of this work dPfFVEgVCzQ-00999-00307050-00307494 and how it's impacting students likely retention in STEM. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01000-00307494-00307774 So, I will, please reach out if that's something dPfFVEgVCzQ-01001-00307774-00308016 you'd like once it goes to print. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01002-00308016-00308236 But there are a couple of things that we do. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01003-00308327-00308552 First off, rotating lab partners, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01004-00308552-00308886 and rotating lab partners every week, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01005-00308886-00309207 so that students are working with new individuals. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01006-00309207-00309553 And we use trading cards, scientists trading cards dPfFVEgVCzQ-01007-00309553-00309814 with information and an image dPfFVEgVCzQ-01008-00309814-00310050 of an underrepresented scientist. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01009-00310050-00310272 You could do this within your own discipline dPfFVEgVCzQ-01010-00310272-00310530 and then students match up the trading cards, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01011-00310530-00310764 so they're shuffled and handed out and you match your card dPfFVEgVCzQ-01012-00310764-00310985 and that identifies your lab partner. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01013-00311141-00311476 Also in terms of lab reports, asking students dPfFVEgVCzQ-01014-00311476-00311806 at the end of every lab write up or lab report dPfFVEgVCzQ-01015-00311806-00312062 to do some reflecting on group process. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01016-00312062-00312350 If this is an important skill around building community, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01017-00312350-00312656 then we need to practice it and prioritize it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01018-00312656-00312930 So these are some of the prompts that we've used, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01019-00312930-00313146 what behaviors from yourself or your partners dPfFVEgVCzQ-01020-00313146-00313318 enhanced your experience? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01021-00313318-00313538 What did you do well in your group this week? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01022-00313538-00313813 What did your partner do well in your group this week? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01023-00313813-00314078 And then we often add a fourth question which is, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01024-00314078-00314221 what do I wanna work on dPfFVEgVCzQ-01025-00314221-00314529 and focus on in my group next week? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01026-00314529-00314911 What is my forward facing intention for being in solid dPfFVEgVCzQ-01027-00314911-00315111 community with my colleagues? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01028-00315250-00315519 And then finally and this is a real low-hanging fruit, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01029-00315519-00315910 community announcements in lab that at the start of lab, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01030-00315910-00316410 or as you begin an activity in the next week, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01031-00316449-00316663 you asked students to announce what's happening dPfFVEgVCzQ-01032-00316663-00316981 in your own community, that is not STEM related? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01033-00316981-00317084 What are you doing? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01034-00317084-00317315 Are you performing in a musical? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01035-00317315-00317610 Are you working on a particular piece of art? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01036-00317610-00317824 Are you visiting a friend show? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01037-00317824-00318176 Are you going to see a particular play dPfFVEgVCzQ-01038-00318176-00318401 or movie or artists that you're interested in? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01039-00318401-00318653 Are you working on something else? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01040-00318653-00318930 So asking them to report out about what's important dPfFVEgVCzQ-01041-00318930-00319175 and interesting to them and making space dPfFVEgVCzQ-01042-00319175-00319389 for that, at the start of each lab. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01043-00319624-00319785 So those are some examples. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01044-00319785-00320055 Again, if you look at the handbook, you can dive dPfFVEgVCzQ-01045-00320055-00320475 more and I hope there's a phenomenal group of accumulating dPfFVEgVCzQ-01046-00320475-00320730 resources in our crowdsource document. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01047-00320830-00321035 At the end of the slides that I shared, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01048-00321035-00321311 there's links to all sorts of these resources. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01049-00321311-00321523 So the Being Human in STEM website, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01050-00321523-00321739 there's a Being Human STEM Documentary dPfFVEgVCzQ-01051-00321739-00322043 that one of our student partners created. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01052-00322043-00322130 There's a link right dPfFVEgVCzQ-01053-00322130-00322401 there to the Curricular Practice Handbook dPfFVEgVCzQ-01054-00322401-00322746 and prompts for writing your own Being Human in STEM story. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01055-00323080-00323323 And at this I'd like to just stop and open dPfFVEgVCzQ-01056-00323323-00323672 it up to additional questions, conversation, things dPfFVEgVCzQ-01057-00323672-00324033 that resonate with you, things that are troubling you. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01058-00324033-00324252 And I wanna thank you for your time dPfFVEgVCzQ-01059-00324252-00324389 and engaging with us. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01060-00324803-00324995 Thanks so much, Sarah. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01061-00324995-00325364 And I just want to, Sheila pointed out that we actually dPfFVEgVCzQ-01062-00325364-00325724 don't have editing abilities of the shared documents. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01063-00325724-00325807 I don't know--- dPfFVEgVCzQ-01064-00325807-00325946 Oh no! dPfFVEgVCzQ-01065-00325946-00326329 Can do that and then, there was a question dPfFVEgVCzQ-01066-00326329-00326560 earlier that I wanted to go back to about fieldwork. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01067-00326560-00326919 And so maybe Michelle could maybe answer, did anyone dPfFVEgVCzQ-01068-00327088-00327507 choose like a mini project, you know about how to make field dPfFVEgVCzQ-01069-00327507-00327810 work more inclusive or what are your own ideas maybe about dPfFVEgVCzQ-01070-00327810-00328063 how to make fieldwork more inclusive? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01071-00328366-00328796 So I had my HSTEM class was, the students really drove dPfFVEgVCzQ-01072-00328796-00329267 their projects and I had only one, actually even the geology dPfFVEgVCzQ-01073-00329267-00329488 major who took the class was not field oriented. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01074-00329488-00329988 So we paid no attention to field oriented projects, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01075-00329991-00330371 but, when I put together my reading list, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01076-00330371-00330627 I did quite a bit of tweaking from the usual HSTEM, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01077-00330627-00330955 cause I teach at a women's college, it's gender diverse, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01078-00330955-00331057 but it's a women's college. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01079-00331057-00331516 So, I felt like I needed a sort of a different slant. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01080-00331754-00332122 And by removing a whole bunch of the women in STEM material, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01081-00332122-00332501 actually from the basic H STEM sort of protocols, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01082-00332501-00332657 I was able to put in a whole bunch of stuff dPfFVEgVCzQ-01083-00332657-00332920 that other people haven't been doing very much. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01084-00332920-00333150 And one of the things was, I did a fair amount of reading dPfFVEgVCzQ-01085-00333150-00333318 on disability and STEM. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01086-00333409-00333870 And so, that was really eye opening for me, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01087-00333870-00334128 was even pulling together these readings and thinking. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01088-00334128-00334359 And so, that's been a place where I've made dPfFVEgVCzQ-01089-00334359-00334747 a lot of progress and also just from some really big fails dPfFVEgVCzQ-01090-00334747-00335072 over the past decade, basically. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01091-00335187-00335453 Is just, I mean, and these are just anecdotal, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01092-00335453-00335559 like what I do now. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01093-00335559-00335904 So if I have evolved into somebody who, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01094-00335904-00336361 when I take my students into the field, I'll only take a van dPfFVEgVCzQ-01095-00336361-00336664 full of students to an outcrop that you can literally drive dPfFVEgVCzQ-01096-00336664-00336950 up to and park, and there's the rocks right there. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01097-00336950-00337304 Like, and it's really limited some of the stuff we see, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01098-00337304-00337745 but I just feel like I've had enough experiences dPfFVEgVCzQ-01099-00337745-00337997 that have been really exclusionary that I feel like dPfFVEgVCzQ-01100-00337997-00338161 if this is gonna be where students are learning dPfFVEgVCzQ-01101-00338161-00338473 how to describe a rock, take a strike and dip, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01102-00338473-00338820 take a sampler what not, that any of those added layers dPfFVEgVCzQ-01103-00338820-00339205 of access and difficulty, I just want to avoid dPfFVEgVCzQ-01104-00339205-00339298 them at all costs. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01105-00339298-00339621 I want it to be the most, like, if you're uncomfortable, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01106-00339621-00339861 I bring extra coats, like if it's cold. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01107-00339861-00340358 So, I have really moved towards that kind of model dPfFVEgVCzQ-01108-00340358-00340705 in my own teaching over the past decade really strongly. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01109-00340828-00341150 But, and so I mean, Mount Holyoke doesn't have a required dPfFVEgVCzQ-01110-00341150-00341590 field camp, but I think it's a place that really needs dPfFVEgVCzQ-01111-00341590-00341805 some attention, and I know there's a raging debate dPfFVEgVCzQ-01112-00341805-00342067 in the geology community right now about the sort dPfFVEgVCzQ-01113-00342067-00342244 of usefulness of mandatory field camp dPfFVEgVCzQ-01114-00342244-00342371 and other kinds of field camps. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01115-00342371-00342871 And, I feel that, that's a place where some creative dPfFVEgVCzQ-01116-00342993-00343247 thinking about different kinds of camps would really help dPfFVEgVCzQ-01117-00343247-00343574 a lot cause it's very much the case that lots of geologists dPfFVEgVCzQ-01118-00343574-00343755 don't do field work anymore, and--- dPfFVEgVCzQ-01119-00343755-00344255 I think the pandemic has really forced the hand dPfFVEgVCzQ-01120-00344342-00344753 of many a department in terms of thinking about how virtual dPfFVEgVCzQ-01121-00344753-00345037 field trips or other kinds of research experiences dPfFVEgVCzQ-01122-00345037-00345247 can be just as if not more valuable dPfFVEgVCzQ-01123-00345247-00345472 than the traditional field experience. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01124-00345576-00345762 Yeah, that's a good point. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01125-00345762-00345913 You mind if I answer Sarah, the question dPfFVEgVCzQ-01126-00345913-00346094 in the chat cause it's--- dPfFVEgVCzQ-01127-00346094-00346197 Yeah, please. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01128-00346197-00346593 Yeah, so, I guess Sheila kind of answered it already, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01129-00346593-00346803 but I'll just say from my own perspective, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01130-00346926-00347184 yeah I am not an expert on feminist philosophy, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01131-00347184-00347422 although I did take a feminist philosophy course in college dPfFVEgVCzQ-01132-00347422-00347685 or post-colonial and native perspectives on science. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01133-00347685-00348077 So, the way we approached that was when we entered dPfFVEgVCzQ-01134-00348077-00348492 the classroom, we talked about our own backgrounds dPfFVEgVCzQ-01135-00348492-00348832 and our own experiences and our own sort dPfFVEgVCzQ-01136-00348832-00348982 of intellectual backgrounds. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01137-00348982-00349387 And we said, we are learners in this course with you. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01138-00349387-00349791 And so we saw our role much more as facilitators dPfFVEgVCzQ-01139-00349791-00350212 and guides rather than instructors. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01140-00350212-00350602 And so the way we structured our course was that we picked dPfFVEgVCzQ-01141-00350602-00350920 readings for the first half of the course, and then students dPfFVEgVCzQ-01142-00350920-00351229 picked readings for the second half of the course. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01143-00351229-00351411 And that was really wonderful because they were able dPfFVEgVCzQ-01144-00351411-00351807 to bring their own expertise or interests to the group. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01145-00351807-00352100 And so, yeah, so we didn't try to be experts, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01146-00352100-00352431 and I would say that, I think I learned just as much, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01147-00352431-00352784 if not more, as the students did, from the readings dPfFVEgVCzQ-01148-00352784-00352924 and discussions that we had. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01149-00353054-00353312 Yeah, thank you, thank you for addressing that too. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01150-00353312-00353586 And I think, one of the things that we really tried dPfFVEgVCzQ-01151-00353586-00354086 to stress in this work is that, yeah even in 16 weeks dPfFVEgVCzQ-01152-00354095-00354348 or 13 weeks, this is not all. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01153-00354348-00354554 We are not going to have all of the answers dPfFVEgVCzQ-01154-00354554-00354767 or enact all of the change. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01155-00354767-00354947 And that hopefully what we are doing dPfFVEgVCzQ-01156-00354947-00355363 is that we are inspiring ourselves and we are inspiring dPfFVEgVCzQ-01157-00355363-00355793 our students to continue to think, to ask questions, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01158-00355793-00356028 to wanna know more, to delve into the literature. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01159-00356028-00356421 And so this becomes an ongoing process of critical inquiry. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01160-00356421-00356812 And that is part of their toolbox of becoming a scientist. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01161-00357281-00357466 Yeah, and like Michelle, I mean, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01162-00357466-00357670 I didn't have a lot of understanding of like dPfFVEgVCzQ-01163-00357670-00357920 what the structure of a traditional H STEM course was, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01164-00357920-00358090 we kind of just did our own thing. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01165-00358217-00358542 And so we did a week on harassment in STEM dPfFVEgVCzQ-01166-00358542-00358735 and did focus on the geosciences. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01167-00358735-00358989 None of the projects focused on that, but we did read dPfFVEgVCzQ-01168-00358989-00359432 a bunch of articles and personal experiences. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01169-00359432-00359887 We also incorporated, things like podcasts into the course, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01170-00359887-00360084 so it wasn't just all articles. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01171-00360084-00360436 So, yeah, again we didn't have a lot of geologists. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01172-00360436-00360629 I only had one geology student in my course as well, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01173-00360629-00360884 but we definitely talked about how different dPfFVEgVCzQ-01174-00360884-00361210 areas of STEM have unique challenges. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01175-00361601-00361815 Yeah, I'll just say, I think it's not very native dPfFVEgVCzQ-01176-00361815-00362116 to us as scientists who teach undergrads. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01177-00362116-00362439 Is the sort of humanities type model where you sit around dPfFVEgVCzQ-01178-00362439-00362639 a seminar table and everybody leads, right? dPfFVEgVCzQ-01179-00362639-00362946 You choose the next person who talks and I definitely dPfFVEgVCzQ-01180-00362946-00363154 did that with discussions in my HSTEM class, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01181-00363154-00363467 so I wasn't up there pretending any sort of authority. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01182-00363467-00363758 In fact, I had a handful of students who, I found dPfFVEgVCzQ-01183-00363758-00364071 that the PsychEd department at my institution is full dPfFVEgVCzQ-01184-00364071-00364313 of amazing people doing amazing work dPfFVEgVCzQ-01185-00364313-00364427 and teaching amazing things. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01186-00364427-00364750 And I had students who were, had taken some of those courses dPfFVEgVCzQ-01187-00364750-00365204 and really had strong thoughts, lots of skills who, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01188-00365204-00365592 I would say if anything, we're in some ways more leaders, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01189-00365592-00365955 like more generous leaders in the class than I was, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01190-00365955-00366455 and I was overjoyed to let everybody run the show. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01191-00366806-00367146 I would encourage you to really put together dPfFVEgVCzQ-01192-00367146-00367440 some structure and then be a student too. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01193-00367440-00367613 I mean, you have to step up sometimes and take dPfFVEgVCzQ-01194-00367613-00367781 responsibility for some things, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01195-00367781-00368161 but, it's a pretty neat experience to talk about it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01196-00368161-00368415 Talk about a whole bunch of stuff with students and really dPfFVEgVCzQ-01197-00368415-00368762 hear people's experiences and share your own and yeah. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01198-00368982-00369170 So I am sensitive to our time. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01199-00369170-00369481 I really want to thank both Phoebe dPfFVEgVCzQ-01200-00369481-00369697 and Michelle for joining us today. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01201-00369697-00370148 And for all of you, for taking the time in a very busy time. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01202-00370148-00370374 I hope that there are some things that resonate with you. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01203-00370374-00370670 Please reach out if you have questions dPfFVEgVCzQ-01204-00370670-00371170 or if we can be helpful for additional resources or ideas. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01205-00371250-00371387 So thank you all very much. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01206-00371486-00371802 And Sarah, I'd also like to thank you as well as Phoebe dPfFVEgVCzQ-01207-00371802-00372169 and Michelle for doing this webinar today. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01208-00372169-00372346 It's been really fantastic. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01209-00372346-00372613 I've certainly learned a lot and it seems like everyone dPfFVEgVCzQ-01210-00372613-00372798 in the audience has gained a lot too. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01211-00372936-00373283 Thank you to our audience for joining us. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01212-00373283-00373508 We will have a recording and the webinar dPfFVEgVCzQ-01213-00373508-00373865 side's posted to the webinar event page, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01214-00373865-00374068 I put a link to that in the chat box. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01215-00374152-00374449 And I'll also quick make a note, If you're having a few dPfFVEgVCzQ-01216-00374449-00374838 extra minutes today to take our webinar evaluation survey, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01217-00374838-00375145 we do always appreciate everyone's feedback. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01218-00375145-00375275 So if you don't mind filling that out, dPfFVEgVCzQ-01219-00375275-00375483 we'd really appreciate it. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01220-00375483-00375805 And again, thank you all for attending today. dPfFVEgVCzQ-01221-00375973-00376305 I can archive the chat, because I know there are some good dPfFVEgVCzQ-01222-00376305-00376565 resources in there so we can make sure to save that. dPj0ngmAzPM-00000-00000035-00000430 MASTER CHIEF PETTY OFFICER OF THE NAVY MIKE STEVENS VISITS THE FORWARD-DEPLOYED PORT OF dPj0ngmAzPM-00001-00000430-00000699 FLEET ACTIVITIES YOKOSUKA AS PART OF HIS 2015 OVERSEAS TOUR TO SPEAK WITH SAILORS FOR THE dPj0ngmAzPM-00002-00000699-00000849 FIRST TIME IN MORE THAN A YEAR. dPj0ngmAzPM-00003-00000849-00001337 I WISH I COULD GET HERE ON A MORE FREQUENT BASIS, BUT THAT'S REALLY NOT POSSIBLE, SO dPj0ngmAzPM-00004-00001337-00001841 WE GET HERE WHEN WE CAN AND IT FEELS REALLY GOOD TO BE BACK IN JAPAN. dPj0ngmAzPM-00005-00001841-00002220 MCPON STEVENS SPOKE ABOUT HIS MISSION AND HIS PRIORITIES FOR SAILORS. dPj0ngmAzPM-00006-00002220-00002595 WELL THERESA AND I ARE HERE IN JAPAN TO LISTEN TO SAILORS AND LISTEN TO FAMILIES. WE NEED dPj0ngmAzPM-00007-00002595-00002890 TO HEAR WHAT'S ON THEIR MINDS, WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE CONCERNS AND ISSUES ARE, AS dPj0ngmAzPM-00008-00002890-00003061 WELL AS THE GREAT THINGS THAT THEY ARE DOING SO WE CAN BRING THATBACK TO OUR SENIOR LEADERS dPj0ngmAzPM-00009-00003061-00003078 WHO HAVE THE RESOURCES AND THE ABILITY TO SHAPE POLICY. dPj0ngmAzPM-00010-00003078-00003468 HE ALSO COLLECTED FEEDBACK AND KNOWLEDGE ON THE STATUS OF THE FLEET FROM ENLISTED SAILORS. dPj0ngmAzPM-00011-00003468-00004021 IT WAS NICE TO HAVE ALL THAT INFORMATION, INSTEAD OF JUST, YOU KNOW, READING NAVY TIMES dPj0ngmAzPM-00012-00004021-00004518 HEARING IT FROM THE SOURCE, WHO CAN ACTUALLY GO BACK AND GIVE HIS OPINION IS. IT WAS dPj0ngmAzPM-00013-00004518-00004626 A GREAT EXPERIENCE. dPj0ngmAzPM-00014-00004626-00005132 MCPON STEVENS TOUR WILL CONTINUE ON TO OTHER BASES IN THE INDO-ASIA-PACIFIC REGION. dPj0ngmAzPM-00015-00005132-00005482 PETTY OFFICER JACOB ALLISON, YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, JAPAN. dW4-njXdwnA-00000-00000000-00000100 Now it is much easier to bake bread for the whole family when you can choose dW4-njXdwnA-00001-00000135-00000336 the XXL size of a loaf weighing up to 1600 grams. Please your family with dW4-njXdwnA-00002-00000384-00000484 fragrant pastries every day. Choose the desired degree of Browning and dW4-njXdwnA-00003-00000501-00000801 enjoy freshly baked bread with a crisp crust. After the end of the program, dW4-njXdwnA-00004-00000801-00000986 the bread maker will maintain the heat for another hour. Choose one of the dW4-njXdwnA-00005-00001072-00001392 programs-Wholegrain bread, French pastries, Regular bread, or any other dW4-njXdwnA-00006-00001392-00001604 automatic program-that are specially designed for your convenience. dW9q1SLaie4-00000-00001590-00002000 MIKE: Sweet, a high A for our donors, thank you Marie. dW9q1SLaie4-00001-00002000-00002180 MARIE: Yeah, but it was barely sung. dW9q1SLaie4-00002-00002180-00002390 MIKE: The A's are really expensive. dW9q1SLaie4-00003-00002390-00002450 RYAN: You gotta pay for that A. dW9q1SLaie4-00004-00002450-00002700 MARIE: It's $2500 minimum. dW9q1SLaie4-00005-00003150-00003440 MAIRE: A huge thank you to everyone who participated in our Kickstarter adventure. dW9q1SLaie4-00006-00003440-00003700 It's gonna help us to do big things. dW9q1SLaie4-00007-00003750-00004050 RYAN: Pour toutes les actualités sur l'Ensemble 101, dW9q1SLaie4-00008-00004050-00004400 vous pouvez consulter notre site à dW9q1SLaie4-00009-00004400-00004620 EUDES: Thank you so much for your support. dW9q1SLaie4-00010-00004620-00005150 Starting now, we're going to be able to prepare our next concert in April, 2013. dW9q1SLaie4-00011-00005150-00005390 MIKE: En 2009, je suis monté à bord d'un avion dW9q1SLaie4-00012-00005390-00005750 à destination de Paris, Texas pour vendre des couteaux. dW9q1SLaie4-00013-00005750-00005980 Sauf que je me suis trompé d'avion dW9q1SLaie4-00014-00005980-00006380 et maintenant je suis à Paris, Italie. dW9q1SLaie4-00015-00006380-00006830 Ça fait 3 ans maintenant que j'essaie de rejoindre les États-Unis. dW9q1SLaie4-00016-00006830-00007120 Je ne parle pas italien. dW9q1SLaie4-00017-00007120-00007540 Je dis n'importe quoi et ils font semblant de comprendre. dW9q1SLaie4-00018-00007540-00007830 Je ne connais même pas ces gens. dW9q1SLaie4-00019-00007830-00008140 Il faut que quelqu'un vienne me chercher. dWNaUgNPHs0-00000-00000000-00000267 DIAMI Live starts dWNaUgNPHs0-00001-00000267-00000717 I'm going to prepare 2 OHP films dWNaUgNPHs0-00002-00000717-00001250 I'm going to put DIAMI Gel SW58 on the smooth side dWNaUgNPHs0-00003-00001250-00001750 I'm going to press the color slowly from one side with another OHP film dWNaUgNPHs0-00004-00001750-00002169 I'm going to cure a little with DIAMI Pincure dWNaUgNPHs0-00005-00002169-00002806 I'm going to apply DIAMI Gel SW58 thinly on top dWNaUgNPHs0-00006-00002806-00003217 I'm going to apply a small amount of DIAMI Gel SW59 without being curing dWNaUgNPHs0-00007-00003217-00003463 I'm going to draw #59 color with DIAMI #9 Long Liner dWNaUgNPHs0-00008-00003463-00003649 I'm going to cure a little with Pincure dWNaUgNPHs0-00009-00003649-00004545 I'm going to put DIAMI Feel So Good dWNaUgNPHs0-00010-00004545-00005260 Without being curing, I'm going to press on the side covered with Magic Film M003 Gold dWNaUgNPHs0-00011-00005260-00005544 I'm going to cure a little with Pincure dWNaUgNPHs0-00012-00005544-00006756 I will put DIAMI Magic Film M003 Gold on the parts dWNaUgNPHs0-00013-00006756-00007470 I'm going to apply DIAMI Glass Top Gel Hard Non-Wipe dWNaUgNPHs0-00014-00007470-00007980 I'm going to apply one coat with DIAMI Gel SW005 dWNaUgNPHs0-00015-00007980-00008472 I'm going to apply two coat with DIAMI Gel SW005 dWNaUgNPHs0-00016-00008472-00008708 I'm going to wipe the sticky layer dWNaUgNPHs0-00017-00008708-00009002 I'm going to cut the gold chain to the length I want dWNaUgNPHs0-00018-00009002-00009366 I'm going to put DIAMI Feel So Good on the chain dWNaUgNPHs0-00019-00009366-00009911 I'm going to put the gold chain diagonally dWNaUgNPHs0-00020-00009911-00010526 I'm going to put DIAMI Feel So Good on the top of the chain dWNaUgNPHs0-00021-00010526-00010985 I'm going to put the handmade parts dWNaUgNPHs0-00022-00010985-00011442 I'm going to cure a little with DIAMI Pincure dWNaUgNPHs0-00023-00011442-00012912 I'm going to overlay between parts with Feel So Good dWNaUgNPHs0-00024-00012912-00014372 I'm going to finish it with DIAMI Glass Top Gel Hard Non-Wipe dWNaUgNPHs0-00025-00014372-00014579 Handmade Parts Nail Art is complete! dWNaUgNPHs0-00026-00014579-00014733 Clap Clap Clap!! dWNaUgNPHs0-00027-00014733-00015188 Thanks for watching :) dZAqKpEDtGg-00000-00000282-00000892 So the first time in came to Zion National Park, was as a child coming in dZAqKpEDtGg-00001-00000892-00001357 with my family. We would ride the shuttle. We'd have picnic lunches and dZAqKpEDtGg-00002-00001357-00001855 hike Emerald Pools or the Riverside Walk. I'm so excited with being able to dZAqKpEDtGg-00003-00001855-00002323 have this opportunity to share my love and passion of Zion. As a ranger I think dZAqKpEDtGg-00004-00002323-00002830 one of the more interesting things that I've had happen to me is when I'm dZAqKpEDtGg-00005-00002830-00003208 conducting my ranger-led program something happens that you're not dZAqKpEDtGg-00006-00003208-00003639 expecting and you just kind of have to go with it and just make it part of your dZAqKpEDtGg-00007-00003639-00004294 program and one evening we were out hiking along Taylor Creek and suddenly dZAqKpEDtGg-00008-00004294-00004975 we heard this this growl from a mountain lion that was in the area and all of the dZAqKpEDtGg-00009-00004975-00005337 hair kind of stood up on the back of my neck and just trying to tie it in with dZAqKpEDtGg-00010-00005337-00005866 what my theme was and just make it part of the program. Oh yeah, this happens dZAqKpEDtGg-00011-00005866-00006490 all the time. So even on my days off I'm out hiking exploring learning about the dZAqKpEDtGg-00012-00006490-00007033 other parks in the region and continuing to build that love of this dZAqKpEDtGg-00013-00007033-00007584 great American heritage that is our our National Park Service. dZAqKpEDtGg-00014-00007584-00008077 My name is Randall Seely. I am an interpretive ranger in the Kolob Canyons dZAqKpEDtGg-00015-00008077-00008486 of Zion National Park db5ibhE5W28-00000-00000000-00001079 SCP-687 Noir | Object class safe db5ibhE5W28-00001-00001144-00001529 Item #: SCP-687 db5ibhE5W28-00002-00001529-00001725 Object Class: Safe db5ibhE5W28-00003-00001725-00002364 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-687 is to be kept in a secured room at Site-15. db5ibhE5W28-00004-00002364-00003108 The room is to contain a desk with locking drawers, a standard office chair, and a 12” db5ibhE5W28-00005-00003108-00003632 analog color television as well as equipment to record and remotely monitor testing of db5ibhE5W28-00006-00003632-00003926 SCP-687. db5ibhE5W28-00007-00003926-00004582 When not being actively tested, SCP-687-1 is to be powered down and disconnected from db5ibhE5W28-00008-00004582-00005335 its power source, and SCP-687-3 is to be kept in an anti-static envelope and locked in the db5ibhE5W28-00009-00005335-00006083 top drawer of the desk supporting SCP-687-1 & SCP-687-2. db5ibhE5W28-00010-00006083-00007063 SCP-687-2 should remain attached to SCP-687-1 to prevent wear on the connecting hardware. db5ibhE5W28-00011-00007063-00008084 When being tested, SCP-687-1 and SCP-687-2 are to be plugged into one standard ███ UPS db5ibhE5W28-00012-00008084-00008669 (Uninterruptible Power Supply) that is connected to the facility power grid. db5ibhE5W28-00013-00008669-00009085 UPS is to be replaced after each 100 hours of use. db5ibhE5W28-00014-00009085-00009814 Under no circumstances are Class D personnel to be used for testing SCP-687 (ref: Incident db5ibhE5W28-00015-00009814-00009914 I-687-1). db5ibhE5W28-00016-00009914-00010614 Testing is permitted by personnel with clearance 3 or above with written approval by the site db5ibhE5W28-00017-00010614-00010789 director. db5ibhE5W28-00018-00010789-00011973 Description: SCP-687-1 is a Commodore 64 home computer built in 198█, serial number S000█████. db5ibhE5W28-00019-00011973-00012510 Non-invasive examination of the hardware confirms that it has not been obviously modified and db5ibhE5W28-00020-00012510-00012941 all parts appear to be from the original manufacturer. db5ibhE5W28-00021-00012941-00014063 SCP-687-2 is a Commodore 1541 5.25” Disk Drive built the same year as SCP-687-1, serial db5ibhE5W28-00022-00014063-00014474 number S000█████. db5ibhE5W28-00023-00014474-00015206 As with SCP-687-1, all parts appear original and not obviously modified. db5ibhE5W28-00024-00015206-00015829 If an attempt is made to turn on SCP-687-2 when it is disconnected, or connected to any db5ibhE5W28-00025-00015829-00016460 computer other than SCP-687-1, it will fail to operate. db5ibhE5W28-00026-00016460-00017226 When SCP-687-2 is connected to SCP-687-1, both units perform to the manufacturer’s db5ibhE5W28-00027-00017226-00017828 specifications (except when loading SCP-687-3 as specified below). db5ibhE5W28-00028-00017828-00018677 SCP-687-3 is a 5.25” floppy disk without manufacturer’s markings. db5ibhE5W28-00029-00018677-00019345 Affixed to the disk is a hand-written label with the word “DOCUMENTS” in block capitals. db5ibhE5W28-00030-00019345-00020006 Attempts to read the disk with any drive other than SCP-687-2 results in severe read errors db5ibhE5W28-00031-00020006-00020274 and potential damage to the hardware. db5ibhE5W28-00032-00020274-00020950 Passive scans using [REDACTED] inconclusive and produce conflicting data. db5ibhE5W28-00033-00020950-00021977 When SCP-687-2 is connected to SCP-687-1, SCP-687-3 can be loaded into the drive and db5ibhE5W28-00034-00021977-00022189 read like any normal disk. db5ibhE5W28-00035-00022189-00022698 Only one file, “NOIR” is visible to the operating system. db5ibhE5W28-00036-00022698-00023453 This file can be executed by typing LOAD “NOIR”,8,1. db5ibhE5W28-00037-00023453-00024310 When loading and running the “NOIR” program, the heat output of both SCP-687-1 and SCP-687-2 db5ibhE5W28-00038-00024310-00024816 increases by 400%, and power consumption will double. db5ibhE5W28-00039-00024816-00025302 Any testing equipment attached to ports on the computer or drive will experience severe db5ibhE5W28-00040-00025302-00025566 and random voltage spiking. db5ibhE5W28-00041-00025566-00026252 These anomalies do not appear to impact performance or cause any damage to SCP-687-1 or SCP-687-2. db5ibhE5W28-00042-00026252-00027081 Once the “NOIR” program is loaded, the user is presented with a short graphic stating db5ibhE5W28-00043-00027081-00027372 “Cracked by the Timelordz.” db5ibhE5W28-00044-00027372-00027741 After approximately one minute, a title screen appears. db5ibhE5W28-00045-00027741-00028391 The title screen reads “NOIR: a hardboiled adventure by ██████████ Games. db5ibhE5W28-00046-00028391-00028702 Copyright 198█.” db5ibhE5W28-00047-00028702-00029185 There is no record of ██████████ Games releasing a game with this title. db5ibhE5W28-00048-00029185-00029614 Pressing the space bar will launch the game. db5ibhE5W28-00049-00029614-00030038 “NOIR” appears to be a text-based adventure game similar to many other games released db5ibhE5W28-00050-00030038-00030227 about the same time. db5ibhE5W28-00051-00030227-00030812 However, the parser appears able to comprehend any intelligible English command, even with db5ibhE5W28-00052-00030812-00031008 some words misspelled. db5ibhE5W28-00053-00031008-00031612 In addition, there seems to be no functional limit to the game’s territory, and it will db5ibhE5W28-00054-00031612-00032124 respond to queries about its environment in detail beyond what should be possible given db5ibhE5W28-00055-00032124-00032605 the data-storage limitations of the hardware running the game. db5ibhE5W28-00056-00032605-00032959 The setting of the game will also change, based on who is playing. db5ibhE5W28-00057-00032959-00033525 A new player will be placed in a new random environment; a returning player will be placed db5ibhE5W28-00058-00033525-00033887 at whatever point that player ceased playing last. db5ibhE5W28-00059-00033887-00034359 All initial environments so far presented by the game have been within urban areas within db5ibhE5W28-00060-00034359-00034956 the United States between the years 1923 and 1942. db5ibhE5W28-00061-00034956-00035568 By using commands LOOK AT SELF and INVENTORY, it has been confirmed that a player’s in-game db5ibhE5W28-00062-00035568-00036112 avatar matches the appearance and dress the player had when starting the game. db5ibhE5W28-00063-00036112-00036674 The player’s in-game avatar will also possess whatever objects or equipment the player had db5ibhE5W28-00064-00036674-00036961 on their person when starting the game. db5ibhE5W28-00065-00036961-00037503 The game is free-form and gives no obvious clues about how to win. db5ibhE5W28-00066-00037503-00037927 However, it does keep a score that prints after every action. db5ibhE5W28-00067-00037927-00038419 The score can go up or down with no indication of an upper or lower bound. db5ibhE5W28-00068-00038419-00039134 High and low scores to date are ████ and -████. If a player dies in-game, the db5ibhE5W28-00069-00039134-00039606 score is set at 0, and any future command typed in by that player during any future db5ibhE5W28-00070-00039606-00040038 game session will receive the response, “You cannot do that. db5ibhE5W28-00071-00040038-00040250 You are dead.” db5ibhE5W28-00072-00040250-00040652 No abnormal effects are detectable on a player during gameplay. db5ibhE5W28-00073-00040652-00041197 However, after a game session, the next time the player enters a REM sleep state they will db5ibhE5W28-00074-00041197-00041615 have an unnaturally vivid dream where they experience the events that occurred during db5ibhE5W28-00075-00041615-00041732 the game. db5ibhE5W28-00076-00041732-00042293 During the dream, the player’s perceptions are indistinguishable from reality. db5ibhE5W28-00077-00042293-00042835 Extreme cases will show physical manifestations of injuries suffered within the dream. db5ibhE5W28-00078-00042835-00043311 Examples include one subject who presented with bleeding of the fingernails after dreaming db5ibhE5W28-00079-00043311-00043919 of unsuccessful attempts to escape the trunk of a car driven into the ████ River, db5ibhE5W28-00080-00043919-00044434 another subject who developed severe bruising of the face and strain of the anterior longitudinal db5ibhE5W28-00081-00044434-00045080 ligament after dreaming of being beaten by a hostile police officer, and another subject db5ibhE5W28-00082-00045080-00045627 who presented with partial paralysis after dreaming being a victim of a 1929 gangland db5ibhE5W28-00083-00045627-00045909 execution in a Chicago garage. db5ibhE5W28-00084-00045909-00046527 Typically, such injuries are transient even in cases where the dreams end in fatality. db5ibhE5W28-00085-00046527-00047131 However, severe psychological after-effects are likely, and will tend to be more severe db5ibhE5W28-00086-00047131-00047525 than if the dreamed trauma had actually happened during a waking state. db5ibhE5W28-00087-00047525-00048078 This is in large part due to the lack of volition subjects experience in the dream, and the db5ibhE5W28-00088-00048078-00048408 foreknowledge of what is about to happen to them. db5ibhE5W28-00089-00048408-00048882 All subjects report a complete belief in the reality of the dream world, even knowing they db5ibhE5W28-00090-00048882-00049124 are replaying events from the game. db5ibhE5W28-00091-00049124-00049700 If a subject has died violently in the game, the subsequent dream of the event can be traumatic db5ibhE5W28-00092-00049700-00050309 enough that this belief can foster a delusion that the real world is unreal. db5ibhE5W28-00093-00050309-00050966 Victims of this delusion report being convinced that they are still dreaming, or are in purgatory. db5ibhE5W28-00094-00050966-00051507 Both physiological and psychological reactions are not clinically abnormal for the stresses db5ibhE5W28-00095-00051507-00051903 subjects report experiencing within these dreams. db5ibhE5W28-00096-00051903-00052517 Given the experimental evidence of in-game actions having actual historical impact (ref: db5ibhE5W28-00097-00052517-00053145 Experiment Log 687-A) it is theorized that the dreaming state is a side effect caused db5ibhE5W28-00098-00053145-00053670 by the player’s perceptions of game-directed activity catching up to the present day. db5ibhE5W28-00099-00053670-00054307 Addendum 1: Experiment Log for SCP-687 db5ibhE5W28-00100-00054307-00054579 Experiment Log 687-A db5ibhE5W28-00101-00054579-00054705 Test 005 db5ibhE5W28-00102-00054705-00054873 Date: ██/██/19██ db5ibhE5W28-00103-00054873-00055040 Subject: D-████ db5ibhE5W28-00104-00055040-00056023 Procedure: Subject is provided an unloaded .45 automatic handgun, then is told to play db5ibhE5W28-00105-00056023-00056589 the game and issue the command INVENTORY, followed by the command DROP GUN. db5ibhE5W28-00106-00056589-00057355 Results: Subject’s game avatar has an unloaded .45 automatic handgun in inventory of same db5ibhE5W28-00107-00057355-00057651 make and model provided to subject. db5ibhE5W28-00108-00057651-00058228 The command DROP GUN results in the gun being left in a dumpster next to subject’s avatar. db5ibhE5W28-00109-00058228-00058669 At this point the subject is ordered to exit the game. db5ibhE5W28-00110-00058669-00059249 Physical gun is still in subject’s possession and surrendered back to Foundation personnel. db5ibhE5W28-00111-00059249-00059391 Test 006 db5ibhE5W28-00112-00059391-00059654 Date: ██/██/19██ db5ibhE5W28-00113-00059654-00059919 Subject: D-████ db5ibhE5W28-00114-00059919-00060745 Procedure: Immediately after Test 005 Subject is provided a box of .45 caliber ammunition, db5ibhE5W28-00115-00060745-00061029 then is told to resume the game. db5ibhE5W28-00116-00061029-00061720 Results: Subject’s game avatar appears in same place gameplay stopped during prior test. db5ibhE5W28-00117-00061720-00062158 Subject types PICK UP GUN followed by the INVENTORY command. db5ibhE5W28-00118-00062158-00062614 The subject’s avatar now has both gun and ammunition in inventory. db5ibhE5W28-00119-00062614-00063076 Subject’s score increases by 10 points after gun is loaded. db5ibhE5W28-00120-00063076-00063486 Physical gun is still in possession of Foundation personnel. db5ibhE5W28-00121-00063486-00063642 Test 007 db5ibhE5W28-00122-00063642-00063937 Date: ██/██/19██ db5ibhE5W28-00123-00063937-00064230 Subject: D-████ db5ibhE5W28-00124-00064230-00064758 Procedure: Subject with in-game possession of a loaded firearm is instructed to type db5ibhE5W28-00125-00064758-00064989 command SHOOT SELF. db5ibhE5W28-00126-00064989-00065450 Results: Subject’s game avatar shoots itself. db5ibhE5W28-00127-00065450-00065656 Score is reset to 0. db5ibhE5W28-00128-00065656-00066068 All commands entered after this receive the response, “You cannot do that. db5ibhE5W28-00129-00066068-00066283 You are dead.” db5ibhE5W28-00130-00066283-00066720 Subject expresses disappointment but suffers no immediate effect. db5ibhE5W28-00131-00066720-00067304 The following morning, subject evidences considerable distress, showing uncontrolled tremors and db5ibhE5W28-00132-00067304-00067408 weeping. db5ibhE5W28-00133-00067408-00067994 When asked about cause of distress, subject responds, “I couldn’t stop myself.” db5ibhE5W28-00134-00067994-00068162 Test 015 db5ibhE5W28-00135-00068162-00068476 Date: ██/██/19██ db5ibhE5W28-00136-00068476-00068790 Subject: D-████ db5ibhE5W28-00137-00068790-00069536 Procedure: Subject with a game avatar occupying the city of ████████, ██, in db5ibhE5W28-00138-00069536-00069939 1938 is instructed to place a classified ad in the ██████████ Gazette db5ibhE5W28-00139-00069939-00070217 reading “Dr. ██████ is a loser.” db5ibhE5W28-00140-00070217-00070831 Results: Subject types in command PLACE AD IN ██████████ GAZETTE db5ibhE5W28-00141-00070831-00071223 THAT READS "DR. ██████ IS A LOSER." db5ibhE5W28-00142-00071223-00071720 The game parses command and prints five pages of narrative in response covering approximately db5ibhE5W28-00143-00071720-00072168 three hours of game time including a bus ride to the ██████████ Gazette db5ibhE5W28-00144-00072168-00072695 offices, small talk with the receptionist, and a discussion with an editor about the db5ibhE5W28-00145-00072695-00072920 content of the ad. db5ibhE5W28-00146-00072920-00073630 Foundation researchers uncover microfiche records of the 12/01/1938 issue of the ██████████ Gazette db5ibhE5W28-00147-00073630-00074019 containing the ad “Dr. ██████ is a loser.” db5ibhE5W28-00148-00074019-00074362 Score increases by 100 points. db5ibhE5W28-00149-00074362-00074876 Given the importance of these results, I will overlook the fact that I am not amused— db5ibhE5W28-00150-00074876-00075026 Dr. ██████ db5ibhE5W28-00151-00075026-00075163 Test 023 db5ibhE5W28-00152-00075163-00075436 Date: ██/██/19██ db5ibhE5W28-00153-00075436-00075710 Subject: D-████ db5ibhE5W28-00154-00075710-00076195 Procedure: Subject with a game avatar occupying the city of ███ ████, ██, in db5ibhE5W28-00155-00076195-00076864 1924 is given a first edition hardcover of Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut inscribed db5ibhE5W28-00156-00076864-00077364 by Dr. ██████. Once subject is playing game, subject is instructed to go db5ibhE5W28-00157-00077364-00078025 to ██████ bank and place in-game copy of the book in a safety-deposit box. db5ibhE5W28-00158-00078025-00078636 Results: Subject attempts to comply, but is caught in the crossfire of a gang war. db5ibhE5W28-00159-00078636-00079187 Game avatar dies and score reset to 0. db5ibhE5W28-00160-00079187-00079814 Note ██/██/20██: A routine audit of Foundation archives uncovered SCP-████, db5ibhE5W28-00161-00079814-00080346 an anomalous hardcover edition of Slaughterhouse Five recovered from a used bookstore in Los db5ibhE5W28-00162-00080346-00080668 Angeles, CA, in 1947. db5ibhE5W28-00163-00080668-00081253 The book bears inscription by Dr. ██████ and the additional phrase “Miss me yet?” db5ibhE5W28-00164-00081253-00081447 written in human blood. db5ibhE5W28-00165-00081447-00081744 Second inscription is consistent with the handwriting of D-67895. db5ibhE5W28-00166-00081744-00082962 (ref: Incident I-687-1) SCP-███ is reclassified SCP-███-EX. db5ibhE5W28-00167-00082962-00083318 Addendum 2: Incident report of escape of D-67895 db5ibhE5W28-00168-00083318-00083987 Document# I-687-1 db5ibhE5W28-00169-00083987-00084661 Personnel involved: D-67895, male 27 years of age. db5ibhE5W28-00170-00084661-00084761 Sociopath. db5ibhE5W28-00171-00084761-00085113 Convicted of the [REDACTED] series of killings in [REDACTED]. db5ibhE5W28-00172-00085113-00085555 Agents A. █████ and C. ███████, and Research Assistant Dr. G. ████████. db5ibhE5W28-00173-00085555-00085774 Date: ██/██/████ db5ibhE5W28-00174-00085774-00086329 Location: Containment room of SCP-687 db5ibhE5W28-00175-00086329-00087085 Description: For a period of two weeks, D-67895, had been extremely cooperative with Foundation db5ibhE5W28-00176-00087085-00087646 personnel and had logged 25 hours of gameplay covering approximately two months of in-game db5ibhE5W28-00177-00087646-00088335 time during January and February 1934 in Cleveland, OH. db5ibhE5W28-00178-00088335-00088888 D-67895 proves highly intelligent and adaptable, using the sophistication of the game’s parser db5ibhE5W28-00179-00088888-00089397 to complete very complex tasks with one or two commands. db5ibhE5W28-00180-00089397-00090074 Permission granted to allow D-67895 to read newspapers of the era, as well as retain paper db5ibhE5W28-00181-00090074-00090392 and writing implements to take notes. db5ibhE5W28-00182-00090392-00091057 Three days before scheduled monthly termination, D-67895 is brought in for a routine scheduled db5ibhE5W28-00183-00091057-00091376 session with SCP-687. db5ibhE5W28-00184-00091376-00092064 Halfway into the session, D-67895 types the following unauthorized command: DO EVERYTHING db5ibhE5W28-00185-00092064-00092330 WRITTEN ON PAGE ONE. db5ibhE5W28-00186-00092330-00092880 Upon entering the command, approximately 150 pages of narrative text are printed on-screen. db5ibhE5W28-00187-00092880-00093501 Dr. G. ████████, observing remotely, orders immediate end to the session, db5ibhE5W28-00188-00093501-00093852 and initiates containment breach protocols. db5ibhE5W28-00189-00093852-00094529 Agents A. █████ and C. ███████, in the room with D-67895, attempt to restrain db5ibhE5W28-00190-00094529-00094824 the subject and remove him from contact with SCP-687. db5ibhE5W28-00191-00094824-00094997 D-67895 laughs, saying, “Too late, boys.” db5ibhE5W28-00192-00094997-00095830 When the narrative text completes printing [DATA EXPUNGED]. db5ibhE5W28-00193-00095830-00096576 Aside from SCP-███-EX, no trace of Agent A. █████, Agent C. ███████, or db5ibhE5W28-00194-00096576-00097088 D-67895 has been recovered by the Foundation to date. db5ibhE5W28-00195-00097088-00097675 Good Lord, did no one even think to look at the history of Cleveland in the mid-30s and db5ibhE5W28-00196-00097675-00098001 compare it to D-67895’s record? db5ibhE5W28-00197-00098001-00098298 Could someone please Google “Torso”? db5ibhE5W28-00198-00098298-00098470 – Dr. ██████ db5ibhE5W28-00199-00098470-00098660 This might be worse than that. db5ibhE5W28-00200-00098660-00099337 If SCP-687 does re-write history, it’s quite possible that the “Torso” murders, or db5ibhE5W28-00201-00099337-00099936 [REDACTED] for that matter, might not have even existed before this security breach. db5ibhE5W28-00202-00099936-00100122 Do we have any way to know? db5ibhE5W28-00203-00100122-00100654 From this point forward, no Class Ds are allowed near this thing.– O5-█ ddTquIvZGf8-00000-00003584-00004384 so ddTquIvZGf8-00001-00007872-00008584 so ddTquIvZGf8-00002-00012032-00012784 so ddTquIvZGf8-00003-00013184-00014024 ever since i was a little girl i've been afraid of stormy nights stormy nights are very special to me ddTquIvZGf8-00004-00014168-00014768 it was on a night like this that i first met my husband stormy night's changed my life forever ddTquIvZGf8-00005-00015112-00015688 hi john i'm just here all alone what time do you think you're coming home ddTquIvZGf8-00006-00015800-00016480 i can't wait to get home to you i have been thinking about you all day long ddTquIvZGf8-00007-00016816-00017144 how about we quit this rat race and move to borneo ddTquIvZGf8-00008-00017560-00018448 just hear me running on the beach where is barney oh by the way oh who knows but sounds so exotic ddTquIvZGf8-00009-00018608-00019424 i can imagine holding you kissing you making love all day and all night away from this rat ddTquIvZGf8-00010-00019424-00021184 race nobody else just you and me the whole world gone away only us only us only us ddTquIvZGf8-00011-00023424-00023984 so ddTquIvZGf8-00012-00030176-00030983 so ddTquIvZGf8-00013-00033152-00033784 so ddTquIvZGf8-00014-00035008-00035184 god ddTquIvZGf8-00015-00038248-00039384 um ddTquIvZGf8-00016-00043984-00044984 uh ddTquIvZGf8-00017-00045584-00046000 will this be the same questions as earlier would you sit down and just shut the [ __ ] up ddTquIvZGf8-00018-00046000-00046864 yes okay let's go to this one more time i find an empty bottle in the car ddTquIvZGf8-00019-00047008-00047152 are you sure you weren't drinking ddTquIvZGf8-00020-00047360-00047816 like i told you before i only had a sip of champagne several hours ago ddTquIvZGf8-00021-00048848-00049600 well john this should just about put you over the top i'm very excited you guys are great but ddTquIvZGf8-00022-00049600-00050104 i gotta finish up so i can celebrate with jennifer if you know what i mean she's pregnant she's not ddTquIvZGf8-00023-00050104-00050568 going anywhere she's gonna stay right there until you're finished with the rough draft [ __ ] this ddTquIvZGf8-00024-00050568-00051096 career thing is really messy with my sex life you promised to have the map by 11 so mr e has him for ddTquIvZGf8-00025-00051096-00051655 his board meeting tomorrow and i'm no artist and i got a wife waiting at home thanks for the support ddTquIvZGf8-00026-00051655-00052016 mitch but all the sketches finished an hour and out by 10 so i can get the hell out of here and ddTquIvZGf8-00027-00052016-00052504 go jump my wife i left the office just after faxing some sketches and drawings to korea ddTquIvZGf8-00028-00052567-00054784 it was around 10. around 10 or 10 make up your mind was it around 10. a couple minutes before 10. ddTquIvZGf8-00029-00055016-00055440 i hit the brakes but there was nothing i could do it was just too late ddTquIvZGf8-00030-00056016-00056479 well maybe you'd like to repeat that statement to us again since the lady's here now huh ddTquIvZGf8-00031-00056816-00057264 oh god this is i can't tell you how sorry i am but ddTquIvZGf8-00032-00057376-00057760 i just wish there's something i could have done he just jumped out so fast ddTquIvZGf8-00033-00058352-00058624 wait wait wait wait wait let her be we'll talk to her later ddTquIvZGf8-00034-00058712-00059376 this is the journey this is the one that killed her husband this is our problem right here ddTquIvZGf8-00035-00059455-00059848 i guess hill he figured that you can't hear me because she's a married woman so you just ddTquIvZGf8-00036-00059848-00060472 kill her husband is that it detective no is this necessary yeah you tell her and her dead husband ddTquIvZGf8-00037-00060688-00061208 you guys watch too much television i'll tell you what you got you got speculation you got ddTquIvZGf8-00038-00061208-00061832 conjecture you got no evidence so for now this is over i think we've had enough you know what ddTquIvZGf8-00039-00061832-00062479 the two of you [ __ ] can go ahead and leave mrs mccormick's waiting outside for this jerk ddTquIvZGf8-00040-00062864-00062944 mr mccormick ddTquIvZGf8-00041-00063176-00064584 a little bit of advice and you sir inform your client don't leave town okay ddTquIvZGf8-00042-00065848-00066120 seven years ago i said for better or for worse remember ddTquIvZGf8-00043-00066264-00066832 thanks honey i needed to hear that from you right now what's gonna happen with the police ddTquIvZGf8-00044-00067008-00067384 well since there's an accident i think they're just gonna let it go ddTquIvZGf8-00045-00067656-00068672 really i was the guy a man named ron hell his widow was at the station i felt so bad for her ddTquIvZGf8-00046-00068744-00069504 horrible do you think she'll sue mitch doesn't want me to talk to her he's afraid of lawsuits ddTquIvZGf8-00047-00069504-00069880 or bad publicity to be honest i don't know what should be worse right now ddTquIvZGf8-00048-00070560-00071080 i can't believe i'm putting you and the baby through this after four miscarriages ddTquIvZGf8-00049-00071080-00071528 this kind of stress we just don't need john i tell you i'm feeling fine this time nothing's ddTquIvZGf8-00050-00071528-00072040 going to go wrong don't worry let's just get this over with and get back together ddTquIvZGf8-00051-00072264-00072592 i really think we should get someone to help you around the house i ddTquIvZGf8-00052-00072592-00073096 don't feel comfortable leaving you all the time we'll talk about it later ddTquIvZGf8-00053-00073488-00074384 it's gonna be all right ddTquIvZGf8-00054-00078136-00078584 oh ddTquIvZGf8-00055-00081424-00082256 with money and you baby i got it all uh well alan let's just make sure you can hold on to the money ddTquIvZGf8-00056-00082384-00083192 well you know i've been doing a lot of thinking and um i did a little research and uh i've got an ddTquIvZGf8-00057-00083192-00085584 investment plan all mapped out you're gonna love it you're gonna love it brilliant love you baby ddTquIvZGf8-00058-00086696-00087104 john mr you just called paper should be here in an hour your coffee's on the ddTquIvZGf8-00059-00087104-00087568 desk and there's some woman who has called five times today but she wouldn't leave any messages ddTquIvZGf8-00060-00087880-00088544 mr mccormick's office please hold it's the mystery woman i'll take it ddTquIvZGf8-00061-00088736-00088968 john mccormick and who's the mystery woman of the day ddTquIvZGf8-00062-00089144-00089416 nicole howell yes of course i remember you miss sal ddTquIvZGf8-00063-00089680-00090112 yes i'll meet you yes of course anything i can do ddTquIvZGf8-00064-00090208-00091184 bye-bye ddTquIvZGf8-00065-00091840-00092232 landon tell me check out a personal emergency now i'll be back in at eight ddTquIvZGf8-00066-00092232-00092584 o'clock in the morning and what should i tell your wife of [ __ ] calls tell her ddTquIvZGf8-00067-00092744-00093136 teleram went to meet the woman from the accident john i'm so sorry ddTquIvZGf8-00068-00093136-00093560 yeah not as sorry as i'll be if she sues me watch out you're for yourself john ddTquIvZGf8-00069-00093560-00093984 thanks ddTquIvZGf8-00070-00095328-00095896 oh thank you for meeting me i had no idea where to turn don't thank me i feel so sorry about the ddTquIvZGf8-00071-00095896-00096392 whole thing oh it's okay um i'm sorry i called you but i just don't know anyone else in the ddTquIvZGf8-00072-00096392-00097304 city i met ron in italy and we spent a year just touring europe before we ddTquIvZGf8-00073-00097304-00097888 ever even came to los angeles um it was the first time i'd ever been to california so ddTquIvZGf8-00074-00097888-00098392 things were good oh things were great uh in the first year we moved out of our little ddTquIvZGf8-00075-00098392-00099136 apartment into this incredibly gorgeous house with a view ron's career was unbelievable ddTquIvZGf8-00076-00099136-00099928 and god we definitely had everything i guess that's all gone now ddTquIvZGf8-00077-00100208-00100904 i'm sorry um the house was so big that it didn't really bother me when the bank foreclosed ddTquIvZGf8-00078-00101264-00101648 what are you gonna do now since i have to be out of the house in three days ddTquIvZGf8-00079-00101648-00102024 then um i just have to find a place to stay until the insurance money comes through ddTquIvZGf8-00080-00102176-00102544 when should that be i'm not really sure three or four months i think ddTquIvZGf8-00081-00102711-00103264 is there something i can do actually you could help me find a place to stay ddTquIvZGf8-00082-00103383-00103968 i could try and help you find a place where would you like to look the hills would be nice something ddTquIvZGf8-00083-00103968-00104472 really comforting to me about the hills well then i guess we need to find you a place in the hills ddTquIvZGf8-00084-00104624-00105159 you are so nice i want to thank you for sitting here listening to me complaining about all my ddTquIvZGf8-00085-00105159-00105616 problems oh no no it's no trouble it makes me feel better just knowing there's something i can do ddTquIvZGf8-00086-00105792-00106583 so do you know of a guesthouse for random hills well not offhand but i can look something with a ddTquIvZGf8-00087-00106583-00107488 view would be perfect well i guess i could could you do know the guesthouse no no not actually but ddTquIvZGf8-00088-00107672-00108152 maybe i can ask jennifer if she knows any oh i'm sorry jennifer's my wife she's pregnant ddTquIvZGf8-00089-00108152-00108792 she's pregnant well i hope so she was when i left this morning listen i got an idea why don't you ddTquIvZGf8-00090-00108792-00109152 come over to our place for dinner we'll all put our heads together and maybe jennifer will have ddTquIvZGf8-00091-00109152-00110783 some ideas that's oh don't worry about anything we'll make it a plan dinner tomorrow night thanks ddTquIvZGf8-00092-00111864-00111992 oh let me go find jennifer ddTquIvZGf8-00093-00112272-00112744 jennifer this is nicole what a pleasure john's told me so many nice things about you ddTquIvZGf8-00094-00112888-00113016 i'm gonna go check some in the kitchen ddTquIvZGf8-00095-00113224-00113992 how are you doing thanks for asking i'm fine come on in can i get you a drink or something sure okay ddTquIvZGf8-00096-00114208-00114640 so i was thinking maybe we could help nicole find some place to stay until she gets her fair settled ddTquIvZGf8-00097-00115583-00116456 oh god it's gonna be all right honey doctor's on his way okay hi jennifer relax breathe just ddTquIvZGf8-00098-00116456-00117040 breathe in through relax jennifer be still doctor and through your nose out through your mouth okay ddTquIvZGf8-00099-00117040-00117783 keep breathing stay you've got to stay calm stay calm breathe free that's it ddTquIvZGf8-00100-00118888-00119032 lay back and relax for me ddTquIvZGf8-00101-00120496-00120783 legs okay have you given her anything no ddTquIvZGf8-00102-00120783-00121120 no fever no vomiting have you had any bleeding no no bleeding ddTquIvZGf8-00103-00121368-00122288 calm down john why don't you give me a glass of water well there seems to be nothing wrong with ddTquIvZGf8-00104-00122288-00122680 jennifer or the baby but because of her history of miscarriages she definitely needs to relax ddTquIvZGf8-00105-00122680-00123152 stay put means no exercise no housework you got that okay in fact you might want to consider ddTquIvZGf8-00106-00123152-00123576 getting her some help around the house for the time being all right i gotta go it was ddTquIvZGf8-00107-00123576-00124064 nice meeting you nicole nicole i'll show you thanks brad sorry to drive you away from home ddTquIvZGf8-00108-00124064-00124783 in the middle of the night you guys give me a call anytime you need me all right thanks again ddTquIvZGf8-00109-00125880-00126232 well it's been a while since i nourished do you think you'd be up for some tutoring ddTquIvZGf8-00110-00126232-00127583 sure i'd be glad to help you with anything you need to know you bet call me anytime ddTquIvZGf8-00111-00128792-00129240 nicole i'm so embarrassed it's not exactly the first impression i wanted to make ddTquIvZGf8-00112-00129368-00129744 jennifer don't worry about it it's okay you know what if ddTquIvZGf8-00113-00129824-00130432 if you don't want to make the drive we'd be happy to let you stay in the guest room oh ddTquIvZGf8-00114-00130511-00131144 you guys i don't want to impose no no no really it's an old position we'd love to have you stay ddTquIvZGf8-00115-00131144-00131784 are you sure uh-huh yeah thanks i think the three of us are going to be great friends ddTquIvZGf8-00116-00132576-00132704 so what do you think of her ddTquIvZGf8-00117-00132952-00133968 well she's unbelievably nice and uh unbelievably pretty oh she's gonna hold a candle to you honey ddTquIvZGf8-00118-00134392-00135984 these girls really sit said ddTquIvZGf8-00119-00137328-00137632 you know just because you're young and beautiful doesn't mean i'm going to let you show me up ddTquIvZGf8-00120-00137816-00138352 so tell me how was your lunch with brad oh he's nice you know he's really concerned about you too ddTquIvZGf8-00121-00138352-00138768 about your pain he gave me a little something to give you okay just in case you need it he's always ddTquIvZGf8-00122-00138768-00139392 so sweet a real ladies man too oh really does that mean i'm gonna have a lot of competition the way ddTquIvZGf8-00123-00139392-00140184 you look i don't think you'd have competition anywhere oh please let's get you set up ddTquIvZGf8-00124-00140856-00141736 wow hi that was great did that work for you you know i could learn to hate a girl like you ddTquIvZGf8-00125-00141912-00142504 that's fabulous i never thought of that jennifer thank you you're so nice and ddTquIvZGf8-00126-00142560-00143312 it's always john how are you thanks so tell me what he's like in bed ddTquIvZGf8-00127-00143624-00143968 excuse me come on i tell you everything about me and brad ddTquIvZGf8-00128-00144192-00144384 ah ddTquIvZGf8-00129-00145336-00145784 i was supposed to be notified when she got out of the hospital ddTquIvZGf8-00130-00147088-00147808 bye was that brad um yeah that was brad ddTquIvZGf8-00131-00148072-00148584 he wants me to come up to the bay and meet this lady about getting a loan against my insurance ddTquIvZGf8-00132-00148768-00149088 well that would be great yeah it will be great ddTquIvZGf8-00133-00149088-00149608 um so i'm gonna run but i'll be back in time to make some dinner for us okay ddTquIvZGf8-00134-00149608-00149984 bye ddTquIvZGf8-00135-00152384-00152904 the lady will be here shortly i don't understand what's going on what's happened ddTquIvZGf8-00136-00152904-00153392 i mean what's going on where's my husband the lady from the bank's going to be here shortly ddTquIvZGf8-00137-00153392-00153952 she's going to explain everything to you the bank the bank the big one downtown i don't know ddTquIvZGf8-00138-00153952-00154848 what you're talking about is michael all right um look lady i i just won the house here okay what ddTquIvZGf8-00139-00154848-00155296 do you mean you run the house this is my house of course it is of course it is i just take care of ddTquIvZGf8-00140-00155296-00155600 the house okay the lady from the bank's gonna be here shortly she's gonna explain everything ddTquIvZGf8-00141-00155600-00156120 to you you know what why don't you have a seat here please sit down i don't even know who you are ddTquIvZGf8-00142-00156368-00156984 can i get you a drink no i don't wanna drink i'm gonna get you a drink anyway you just relax okay ddTquIvZGf8-00143-00158864-00159648 and the lady from the bank is here it's you hello brenda this is brenda beals she wants ddTquIvZGf8-00144-00159648-00160184 to know what happened to her husband where's michael michael's dead he got hit by a car ddTquIvZGf8-00145-00160328-00161104 michael's dad well i hope he's dead they buried him what are you saying what are you doing in my ddTquIvZGf8-00146-00161104-00161752 house this is not your house what are you talking about in fact you're not even brenda beals anymore ddTquIvZGf8-00147-00162248-00162872 god the escrow closes in the house in a couple of weeks this is so inconvenient alan ddTquIvZGf8-00148-00162992-00163456 what do you want me to do with her what were you thinking why did you even let her in the house ddTquIvZGf8-00149-00163560-00163984 i didn't know she was released from a louie bin barrier in the backyard ddTquIvZGf8-00150-00164064-00165384 barrier just do it i've got to get back before jennifer knows i used her card i'm sorry ddTquIvZGf8-00151-00167040-00167776 i hope you're hungry wait you see this okay guys here we go wow my cookie it ddTquIvZGf8-00152-00167776-00168392 doesn't look too bad to me too bad a woman's a gourmet chef oh jennifer you're too nice ddTquIvZGf8-00153-00168704-00169056 i'm learning to hate you are you perfect at everything ddTquIvZGf8-00154-00169472-00170152 so she been helping you around the house not helping she's been doing everything she's ddTquIvZGf8-00155-00170152-00171168 been doing all this decorating and the cooking and don't get too used to it i propose a toast ddTquIvZGf8-00156-00171712-00171952 to health ddTquIvZGf8-00157-00172288-00174152 and well uh and love well if i didn't look pregnant before i sure do now sounds good ddTquIvZGf8-00158-00174320-00174536 everyone finished mm-hmm let me help you with that ddTquIvZGf8-00159-00174688-00175312 john doing dishes this time gotta see oh no jennifer's it are you sure yeah john and i get it ddTquIvZGf8-00160-00176072-00176408 it's really nice of me to help out like this ah don't worry about it ddTquIvZGf8-00161-00176480-00176880 i know it's tough when you and jennifer with the pregnancy ddTquIvZGf8-00162-00177136-00177696 and what john you're not still blaming yourself about that accident are you ddTquIvZGf8-00163-00177872-00178608 how about you you must miss ron a little but he's not near as kind and gentle as you are ddTquIvZGf8-00164-00178752-00179144 oh wow jennifer john's getting really good at these dishes ddTquIvZGf8-00165-00179928-00180528 how much longer before nicole gets her money i hope for a while she's been great around here ddTquIvZGf8-00166-00180736-00181312 yeah too good what do you need me for what's that supposed to mean you're my wife mother of ddTquIvZGf8-00167-00181312-00182104 our child i just feel useless john she's young and beautiful running circles around me here ddTquIvZGf8-00168-00182104-00182624 and she's already got bread wrapped around her little finger she's seeing brad that's great ddTquIvZGf8-00169-00182976-00183632 as for you my little princess after we have the baby you'll be back to speed in no time ddTquIvZGf8-00170-00183632-00183856 um you won't want me anymore then ddTquIvZGf8-00171-00184144-00184984 you think about that for a second ddTquIvZGf8-00172-00188000-00188280 i love cream cheese can i get anything else juice coffee ddTquIvZGf8-00173-00188584-00188792 are you okay breakfast not sitting well with you ddTquIvZGf8-00174-00188920-00189528 i don't think it's the breakfast can i get you anything i don't know what's safe i mean ddTquIvZGf8-00175-00189528-00190032 did brad give us anything for an occasion like this yeah i did i'll get it for you ddTquIvZGf8-00176-00190120-00190584 and then i gotta run i'm late for an appointment i don't know what i'd do without you ddTquIvZGf8-00177-00191624-00191984 yeah i know her but her face that you've lost your money ddTquIvZGf8-00178-00192040-00192480 it's over with there's nothing you can do about it yeah just give me a sec ddTquIvZGf8-00179-00193272-00193712 what can i do for you miss howell i hope you make love better than you litigate ddTquIvZGf8-00180-00193712-00194248 excuse me you do have time for a little sex don't you i thought you could [ __ ] me on the desk here ddTquIvZGf8-00181-00194384-00194936 uh is there something professional you might require yes after you [ __ ] me on the desk ddTquIvZGf8-00182-00194936-00195472 you can help me see your friend john what are you talking about don't play stupid with me ddTquIvZGf8-00183-00195472-00196184 you are a lawyer aren't you miss hal uh i'm afraid i'm gonna have to ask you to leave ddTquIvZGf8-00184-00196376-00197976 i ask you to [ __ ] me on your desk and you ask me to leave don't worry i take rejection very well ddTquIvZGf8-00185-00198328-00199144 you have a visitor mr mccormick who nicole nicole yes nicole look what i brought here ddTquIvZGf8-00186-00199216-00199800 for me what did i do nothing you're just sweet and you take care of all my problems ddTquIvZGf8-00187-00199800-00200416 well it's the least we could do you've been so much help to jennifer isn't this great uh ddTquIvZGf8-00188-00200416-00201096 i wanted to see you in something really sexy this looks like a very expensive suit well don't worry ddTquIvZGf8-00189-00201096-00201640 about it just think how much fun i'm gonna have seeing you in it well that's very thoughtful of ddTquIvZGf8-00190-00201640-00202408 you oh wait wait wait i want you to try it on for me oh i couldn't i could for you i bet you could ddTquIvZGf8-00191-00202632-00202808 well it's your suit try it on wherever you want ddTquIvZGf8-00192-00203056-00204584 all right i'll go try it on in the bathroom you're the boss ddTquIvZGf8-00193-00205728-00207384 can i help you with something no ddTquIvZGf8-00194-00207752-00208784 uh ddTquIvZGf8-00195-00209384-00210200 um that looks great how did you know my size so well i'm pretty tough to fit i took a peek ddTquIvZGf8-00196-00210200-00210696 at one of your suits in the whole closet oh did you find some cash while you were there ddTquIvZGf8-00197-00210888-00211648 god that color is just absolutely fabulous on you you know you didn't have to do anything ddTquIvZGf8-00198-00211648-00212200 like this for me john listen to me very closely if i had a man like you ddTquIvZGf8-00199-00212336-00212984 you would have anything you want anytime you want it ddTquIvZGf8-00200-00213416-00214792 are you gonna put out or not how about i buy you lunch ddTquIvZGf8-00201-00215480-00215784 that's a start ddTquIvZGf8-00202-00216560-00217040 do you even know when i first met you here i had no idea what to expect i know it seems like ddTquIvZGf8-00203-00217040-00217584 so long ago i know it does do you realize we've been living together for two months ddTquIvZGf8-00204-00217656-00218223 you've been a great help around the house well i do like helping jennifer but ddTquIvZGf8-00205-00218352-00219200 i'd rather help you and what did you have in mind well i have a lot lots of things in mind ddTquIvZGf8-00206-00219200-00219648 i think you have too many things in mind well that's just the kind of mind i have ddTquIvZGf8-00207-00219760-00220519 nicole i'd be lying if i said you didn't turn me on but i'm a married man wow i admire your ddTquIvZGf8-00208-00220519-00221384 loyalty it's very sexy that's not my loyalty that you're playing i know you find me attractive ddTquIvZGf8-00209-00221519-00222288 betty betty smith from columbus ohio are you talking to me i'm betty i knew it was you ddTquIvZGf8-00210-00222288-00222728 what are you talking about i haven't seen you since high school graduates i have ddTquIvZGf8-00211-00222728-00223360 never been to ohio and i have not graduated with you or anybody else but don't you remember i was ddTquIvZGf8-00212-00223360-00223712 going out with i know i don't remember i must have a twin somewhere it's not me ddTquIvZGf8-00213-00224056-00224184 let go ddTquIvZGf8-00214-00225112-00225584 it's a strange city sometimes ddTquIvZGf8-00215-00226392-00226984 good idea ddTquIvZGf8-00216-00228096-00228384 can you remember that ddTquIvZGf8-00217-00228896-00229784 ah ddTquIvZGf8-00218-00231367-00231696 is that a new suit john um nicole bought it for me ddTquIvZGf8-00219-00231919-00232264 oh wow how thoughtful of nicole ddTquIvZGf8-00220-00232512-00232800 you're not jealous are you jennifer no jealous no ddTquIvZGf8-00221-00233040-00233623 look if it bothers you i'll take the suit back why would it bother me john an energetic ddTquIvZGf8-00222-00233623-00234000 beautiful young woman running my household and bringing my husband's suits at the office why ddTquIvZGf8-00223-00234000-00234552 would that be jennifer i was only trying to repay your hospitality well don't try so hard ddTquIvZGf8-00224-00234840-00235104 jennifer is this really necessary nicole has ddTquIvZGf8-00225-00235104-00235384 done nothing but try to help with everything that we're doing here ddTquIvZGf8-00226-00235871-00236216 i thought you didn't have any money brad was nice enough to help me out a little bit ddTquIvZGf8-00227-00236432-00236784 remind me to thank brad ddTquIvZGf8-00228-00238967-00239296 you're really being unfair to nicole she's only trying to help ddTquIvZGf8-00229-00239448-00239808 i don't need that kind of help it's just for a few more weeks ddTquIvZGf8-00230-00240008-00240712 so she came to your office today just to bring me the suit oh how thoughtful what did you do ddTquIvZGf8-00231-00240712-00241248 to show your appreciation nothing we just have lunch that you're someplace romantic ddTquIvZGf8-00232-00241352-00241719 just the place around the corner from the office why are you letting this get so out of control ddTquIvZGf8-00233-00241984-00242232 look i know i'm getting fat and everything right now ddTquIvZGf8-00234-00242328-00242992 and i see the way you look at her jennifer what are you talking about you're imagining things ddTquIvZGf8-00235-00242992-00243488 there's absolutely nothing going on between nicole and i and what about the future how ddTquIvZGf8-00236-00243488-00244448 could you help not being turned on by a girl like nicole look she may be attractive but i love you ddTquIvZGf8-00237-00244816-00245752 i'm sorry i just know what's matter to me maybe i'm just tired you know there was a time when i ddTquIvZGf8-00238-00245752-00246584 could have given her a little competition there is no competition you are weighing out of her league ddTquIvZGf8-00239-00246888-00246952 thanks honey ddTquIvZGf8-00240-00247264-00247984 good night i love you too ddTquIvZGf8-00241-00251096-00251656 having trouble sleeping jennifer's becoming really unhappy ddTquIvZGf8-00242-00251871-00252184 well you know pregnancy is tough on a woman ddTquIvZGf8-00243-00252392-00253319 tell me about it you know you two need to relax a little she needs to get out if you want me to take ddTquIvZGf8-00244-00253319-00253992 her shopping this week i'd be glad to dad would be very brave of you well i'm that kind of girl ddTquIvZGf8-00245-00254128-00254552 i like that about you you know what else i'd like to do is ddTquIvZGf8-00246-00254712-00255808 make your week a little bit nicer and what did you have in mind well a drink's a nice start ddTquIvZGf8-00247-00256192-00257784 what next use your imagination well my neck is a little sore oh it is well i can help with that ddTquIvZGf8-00248-00258456-00259184 oh helpful girl ddTquIvZGf8-00249-00260176-00260680 no no look i'd really love to give in to you nicole but ddTquIvZGf8-00250-00260936-00261048 i do love my wife ddTquIvZGf8-00251-00261304-00262088 well i told you about me in the hills it's nice perfect and i do fantasize about you ddTquIvZGf8-00252-00262304-00262432 you fantasize about me ddTquIvZGf8-00253-00262648-00262728 every night ddTquIvZGf8-00254-00263008-00263520 i close my eyes and i think of you kissing me ddTquIvZGf8-00255-00263800-00263936 touching my breasts ddTquIvZGf8-00256-00264280-00264432 kissing down my stomach ddTquIvZGf8-00257-00265000-00265296 okay okay i get the idea ddTquIvZGf8-00258-00265704-00266440 john i got a really good idea i'm gonna go upstairs to my room and get in my bed ddTquIvZGf8-00259-00266512-00266912 and you go to your room and get in your bed you'd have more fun in my room ddTquIvZGf8-00260-00267048-00267584 you're probably right but hey that's just not gonna happen ddTquIvZGf8-00261-00268080-00268456 and i'm gonna take your little glass and i'm gonna go into my little room ddTquIvZGf8-00262-00268608-00268904 and think about you play with ddTquIvZGf8-00263-00269816-00269904 i'll see you tomorrow ddTquIvZGf8-00264-00270184-00272032 count on it yeah right john mccormick please his attorney ddTquIvZGf8-00265-00272312-00273080 mitch how's law treating you well almost too good well what's too good you're uh ddTquIvZGf8-00266-00273080-00273536 your friend miss howl she dropped in the other day and uh she tried to seduce me ddTquIvZGf8-00267-00273736-00274720 mitch you stud you no john i'm worried about this girl look she may be a little ddTquIvZGf8-00268-00274720-00275120 too free sexually but she's a nice girl and she's been terrific with jennifer ddTquIvZGf8-00269-00275448-00275816 yeah well quite frankly i'm a little worried about the three of you up there so here's what i want ddTquIvZGf8-00270-00275816-00276368 you to do john i want you to transfer everything into jennifer's name until she leaves all your ddTquIvZGf8-00271-00276368-00277008 funds i guess that means you want to make it a foursome mitch no john i'm trying to be serious ddTquIvZGf8-00272-00277136-00277496 if you want to have sex with her go at it you don't need my permission ddTquIvZGf8-00273-00277552-00277920 anything goes on between the two of you is strictly your business you don't have ddTquIvZGf8-00274-00277920-00278544 to tell me about it although i wouldn't mind if you did john just just do what i tell you ddTquIvZGf8-00275-00278544-00279184 to i'm going to put some papers together and i want you to sign up all right all right mitch ddTquIvZGf8-00276-00279184-00280184 i'll sign him if that's what makes you feel comfortable i gotta go thanks john ddTquIvZGf8-00277-00280800-00281440 close at the door well no one's just a package for me there's your medicine thanks i'd like to ddTquIvZGf8-00278-00281440-00281960 take good care of my friends take good care of john too why is he complained ddTquIvZGf8-00279-00282096-00282504 no he seems to like you a little too much how did jennifer don't get paranoid on me ddTquIvZGf8-00280-00282784-00283104 anything interesting just insurance ddTquIvZGf8-00281-00283104-00284384 papers ddTquIvZGf8-00282-00285392-00286008 oh michael you may have rejected me but now the whole world thinks i'm your wife ddTquIvZGf8-00283-00286280-00286560 now all i have to do is sell your car ddTquIvZGf8-00284-00286688-00287184 no big deal unfortunately there can't be more than one brenda beals right now ddTquIvZGf8-00285-00287592-00287936 good job alan but you're gonna be ddTquIvZGf8-00286-00287936-00288584 disappointed ddTquIvZGf8-00287-00289344-00289800 i want to thank you and for helping me with all of the forced papers you did so good ddTquIvZGf8-00288-00289800-00290360 what can i say that's my job and you're very good at your job two minutes to come to an end ddTquIvZGf8-00289-00290360-00290752 hey will you setting up that next clown aren't you yeah john's almost in place ddTquIvZGf8-00290-00290752-00291400 and he has this friend brad that can be lots of fun lots of money yeah lots of money in a great ddTquIvZGf8-00291-00291400-00292120 house in the hills and you do love those hills yes i do alan you catch on so quick don't you ddTquIvZGf8-00292-00292456-00292688 oh i forgot to tell you something about brad ddTquIvZGf8-00293-00292760-00294184 he's a doctor and he taught me all about medicine and poison ddTquIvZGf8-00294-00295160-00295584 alan don't worry they'll find you in a couple of days with brenda ddTquIvZGf8-00295-00295960-00296040 how ironic ddTquIvZGf8-00296-00296928-00297256 herb i am trying i want the money ddTquIvZGf8-00297-00297256-00298384 he didn't know what you i'll talk to you later i'll talk to you later ddTquIvZGf8-00298-00298944-00299232 don't mean to be pushy about this sale but i've got to have this money ddTquIvZGf8-00299-00299296-00299784 and it couldn't wait till tonight nights aren't good for me ddTquIvZGf8-00300-00299992-00300064 well i can see ddTquIvZGf8-00301-00300296-00300688 you're getting better at this so extra ten thousand ddTquIvZGf8-00302-00300864-00301440 five thousand come on 7 500 you can drive this one yourself ddTquIvZGf8-00303-00301856-00302000 just because you're such a beautiful ddTquIvZGf8-00304-00302000-00302584 lady ddTquIvZGf8-00305-00304272-00305384 what ddTquIvZGf8-00306-00306296-00307032 john where did you come from from your most erotic fantasy what happened to the lights ddTquIvZGf8-00307-00307096-00307456 do you really care i can do without them for the moment ddTquIvZGf8-00308-00307456-00308264 oh what a big boy i've been in the dark before not with me you should haven't be frightened ddTquIvZGf8-00309-00308488-00309216 terrified what are you up to no good and if you're not good i'm gonna have to hurt you ddTquIvZGf8-00310-00309272-00309584 no ddTquIvZGf8-00311-00310368-00310984 so ddTquIvZGf8-00312-00311720-00311784 i can't ddTquIvZGf8-00313-00312104-00312440 i'm prepared to make you very very happy ddTquIvZGf8-00314-00312784-00313184 oh god what am i doing it feels like you're ready to have some fun to me ddTquIvZGf8-00315-00313392-00313816 no please stop not until you tell me how much you want me ddTquIvZGf8-00316-00313816-00314496 god more than oxygen but i can't yes you can no one's gonna know just sit back and ddTquIvZGf8-00317-00314496-00315072 i'm gonna make you very very happy nicole i'm sorry i can't what's wrong with you you don't ddTquIvZGf8-00318-00315072-00315712 like women of course i do i just you don't have any guts no i just i'm married i love my wife ddTquIvZGf8-00319-00315832-00316264 but you're not getting any and you can't convince me that you want me to stop ddTquIvZGf8-00320-00316968-00317144 what's all this about nicole ddTquIvZGf8-00321-00317704-00318128 it's just these dark stormy nights so the storm brought you here ddTquIvZGf8-00322-00318128-00318600 no i need a ride home because i sold my cart you sold your car ddTquIvZGf8-00323-00318896-00319384 oh gosh ddTquIvZGf8-00324-00319888-00320784 come on i'm taking you home ddTquIvZGf8-00325-00322008-00322472 so i saw an envelope sitting next to your purse in the office with the name brenda beals on it ddTquIvZGf8-00326-00322472-00322992 is that brenda she's just a friend i thought you didn't know how many friends here well she's not ddTquIvZGf8-00327-00322992-00323584 really a friend she just helped me sell my car she sold your car something like that ddTquIvZGf8-00328-00323704-00324136 so how are you gonna get around now well i thought since you drive to work in the morning you could ddTquIvZGf8-00329-00324136-00324720 take me some mornings and then take me back some afternoons doesn't sound too convenient ddTquIvZGf8-00330-00324720-00325120 maybe i could use jennifer's car oh you don't expect me to ask her about that do you ddTquIvZGf8-00331-00325344-00326384 guess not ddTquIvZGf8-00332-00328560-00329320 hey how are things with brad oh great couldn't be better anything serious learned a lot of things ddTquIvZGf8-00333-00329320-00329912 about doctors and medicine that's about it yeah it's been valuable to me too it's a pregnancy from ddTquIvZGf8-00334-00329912-00330992 hell so what about you any romance oh no romance just sex sex is fun though yeah well fun is good ddTquIvZGf8-00335-00331312-00331768 so uh you won't be moving in with him anytime soon then oh no i'm not moving ddTquIvZGf8-00336-00331768-00332424 out i love it here i like helping you hello yeah hold on nicole it's for you ddTquIvZGf8-00337-00333008-00334120 hello i can sign the papers when will the check be ready great thank you oh thank god it's about time ddTquIvZGf8-00338-00334304-00334976 insurance come through yes i'm so relieved no offense nicole but so am i ddTquIvZGf8-00339-00335216-00335576 i understand if i sign the papers today i'll have the check by monday ddTquIvZGf8-00340-00335744-00336184 i'm sorry i didn't mean to be this nice just that sometimes i resented you so much i ddTquIvZGf8-00341-00336272-00337072 almost hated you other times i can't imagine life around here without you let me go get those papers ddTquIvZGf8-00342-00337072-00337584 signed i'll be out of your hair in no time this arrangement hasn't been that easy on me either ddTquIvZGf8-00343-00337992-00338104 oh can i borrow your car ddTquIvZGf8-00344-00338592-00339152 oh john let me blow it all the time since when ddTquIvZGf8-00345-00339480-00339904 forget it i don't want to cause problems with you no um ddTquIvZGf8-00346-00340144-00340552 when did john say you could use my car it's no big deal jennifer he lets me use it all the time ddTquIvZGf8-00347-00340784-00341096 why would he let you use my car without asking me first ddTquIvZGf8-00348-00341152-00341784 jennifer i said it's no big deal i'll get my money this week i'll get my own car ddTquIvZGf8-00349-00342240-00343184 i think you better ddTquIvZGf8-00350-00343528-00344216 um don't call me brenda call me nicole what will you be doing next well i've got my eyes on this ddTquIvZGf8-00351-00344216-00344728 gorgeous house in the hills and i'm thinking i'm changing my name to something stuffy like jennifer ddTquIvZGf8-00352-00344800-00345488 well that's a stuffy name for a pretty woman yeah right you have a lot of money for a nice ddTquIvZGf8-00353-00345488-00345992 healthy down payment oh i'm also getting a house on blue jay way you know blue jay way right yeah ddTquIvZGf8-00354-00345992-00346456 i do well when you get ready to sell that house call me you might be sooner than you think max ddTquIvZGf8-00355-00346456-00347384 must be nice any more like you at home no more like me anywhere too bad for whom ddTquIvZGf8-00356-00347600-00348784 oh max yes come here i want to thank you properly ddTquIvZGf8-00357-00350320-00351584 5. ddTquIvZGf8-00358-00354304-00354648 hi landon what's doing nice to see you nicole ddTquIvZGf8-00359-00354648-00355224 how's your boyfriend what are you talking about i saw you with him oh please whatever ddTquIvZGf8-00360-00355432-00355880 oh john hi you don't look so happy john what's wrong ddTquIvZGf8-00361-00355880-00356184 well this pregnancy thing with jennifer is really getting to me ddTquIvZGf8-00362-00356280-00356960 well sweetheart cheer up because guess what i did today i signed my insurance papers and i will be ddTquIvZGf8-00363-00356960-00357528 out of your hair in one week well i hate to say it but that's probably gonna be good for everybody ddTquIvZGf8-00364-00357624-00358152 hmm well okay i have cash in my purse and uh why don't i take you out for drinks ddTquIvZGf8-00365-00358256-00358712 i could use a few drinks right now great well i'm gonna change i have the greatest outfit in the car ddTquIvZGf8-00366-00359632-00360056 so you finally got your insurance money huh yes i did i'm in very good ddTquIvZGf8-00367-00360056-00360440 shape well it looks like everything worked out the way you planned it ddTquIvZGf8-00368-00360440-00360968 not everything there still is a one thing i'm working on what's that ddTquIvZGf8-00369-00361264-00361856 i thought you'd know by now i am not giving up jennifer you know i don't want to steal you i ddTquIvZGf8-00370-00361856-00362304 only want to buy you for a little while you are a little devil aren't you yes i ddTquIvZGf8-00371-00362304-00362784 am ddTquIvZGf8-00372-00363928-00364520 where have you been nicole and i just had a few drinks to celebrate our insurance deal we'll ddTquIvZGf8-00373-00364520-00365208 have our lives back soon you're out drinking now john i'm expecting a baby and you're out drinking ddTquIvZGf8-00374-00365208-00365848 what's the matter with you jennifer it's all in your head it'll all be over in a few days screw ddTquIvZGf8-00375-00365848-00366488 you john and your [ __ ] girlfriend why don't you just leave what's the matter with you what are you ddTquIvZGf8-00376-00366488-00366984 taking ddTquIvZGf8-00377-00367912-00368384 my pregnancy would be like this ddTquIvZGf8-00378-00369616-00370064 mr mccormick i need your signature right here ddTquIvZGf8-00379-00370504-00371184 mr mccormick i don't mean to be prying but go ahead landon you can speak freely ddTquIvZGf8-00380-00371320-00372048 i saw nicole getting out of mrs mccormick's car with a very friendly man landon you just can't ddTquIvZGf8-00381-00372048-00372616 stop talking about me can you just who was that manual with mrs howell i have no idea what you're ddTquIvZGf8-00382-00372616-00373200 talking about mr mccormick she's lying you know i think this has gone far enough landon why don't ddTquIvZGf8-00383-00373200-00374408 you go ahead and take the rest of the afternoon off bye yes what was all that about i don't know ddTquIvZGf8-00384-00374408-00374864 i guess she's appointed herself guardian of national fidelity what was she talking about ddTquIvZGf8-00385-00374968-00376784 who knows her underwear is probably too tight see those papers you wanted me to see ddTquIvZGf8-00386-00377464-00378184 so ddTquIvZGf8-00387-00380168-00380984 john ddTquIvZGf8-00388-00387592-00387984 jeff ddTquIvZGf8-00389-00396016-00396384 wow ddTquIvZGf8-00390-00396936-00397784 are you talking about my mother are you saying that my mother ddTquIvZGf8-00391-00399232-00399840 what no landon god she's so pathetic what brings you here uh i wanted you to look over ddTquIvZGf8-00392-00399840-00400880 these final insurance papers well everything looks in order after the corrections we made ddTquIvZGf8-00393-00401048-00401344 your agent did a good job i don't think you need any more help from me ddTquIvZGf8-00394-00401464-00402000 nicole this is getting out of control you can't do this stop last night mr mccormick ddTquIvZGf8-00395-00402000-00402720 and mrs howell how nice detective we're here to ask you some questions about your secondary ddTquIvZGf8-00396-00402856-00403520 what about her well it seems that people that wind up hanging around you have a bad habit of dying ddTquIvZGf8-00397-00403520-00404120 what are you talking about when was the last time you saw your secretary yesterday ddTquIvZGf8-00398-00404120-00404856 i gave her the afternoon off any particular reason she was upset with nicole mrs howell ddTquIvZGf8-00399-00405048-00405608 where were the two of you last night officers you don't have to worry he was home with me last night ddTquIvZGf8-00400-00405608-00406328 at your house mrs l she's staying with me and my wife jennifer wait a minute let me get ddTquIvZGf8-00401-00406328-00406992 this straight you kill her husband and then you and your wife are shacking up with her ddTquIvZGf8-00402-00407088-00407648 where's landon that's a safe bet she's not going to be calling you or coming around again ddTquIvZGf8-00403-00407712-00408104 she's dead she got beaten up real bad and then strangled to death ddTquIvZGf8-00404-00408408-00408768 mr mccormick i'd like to see you down to station the next couple of days ddTquIvZGf8-00405-00408920-00409328 oh and uh by the way you can bring that scumbag attorney of yours with you ddTquIvZGf8-00406-00409624-00409864 officers will you be needing me anymore no ma'am ddTquIvZGf8-00407-00410112-00411784 oh by the way recommend you not hang out with this guy it's bad news ddTquIvZGf8-00408-00414352-00414584 foreign ddTquIvZGf8-00409-00415608-00416384 you get your money yet why you don't want me here anymore actually no i don't i'm not ddTquIvZGf8-00410-00416384-00416888 done with you since you showed up everything everything's been a disaster i'm losing my ddTquIvZGf8-00411-00416888-00417543 wife my secretary's dead don't blame me i lost my husband it's just not working it's not fair to me ddTquIvZGf8-00412-00417752-00418096 for killing my husband [ __ ] you ddTquIvZGf8-00413-00418608-00420184 maybe i can be your slug ddTquIvZGf8-00414-00421632-00422984 ugh ddTquIvZGf8-00415-00424976-00425784 johnny johnny breakfast wake up johnny ddTquIvZGf8-00416-00426296-00427143 you like your coffee black and your egg scrambled heart right johnny since when did i become johnny ddTquIvZGf8-00417-00427143-00427839 well it seemed appropriate after last night huh what happened last night i mean you don't remember ddTquIvZGf8-00418-00427976-00428696 i end up in here i think you fell asleep i gotta go talk to jennifer well good luck if ddTquIvZGf8-00419-00428696-00429247 you can find her what she's in here no she isn't here she walked in on us last night ddTquIvZGf8-00420-00429247-00429608 don't tell me you don't remember that either jennifer was here she saw me with you ddTquIvZGf8-00421-00429760-00430600 don't look so shocked she lives in the same house oh my god oh she didn't look very pleased either ddTquIvZGf8-00422-00430832-00431576 i guess you shouldn't have done me so loudly god you're such an animal i completely lost control ddTquIvZGf8-00423-00431576-00432056 oh my god what have i done you showed you were quite the stud johnny ddTquIvZGf8-00424-00432160-00432824 i gotta go find jennifer go find her go chase that bloated cow watch her get bigger and bigger ddTquIvZGf8-00425-00432824-00433376 and bigger shut up you [ __ ] that's what she said to me last night before you did me does ddTquIvZGf8-00426-00433376-00433760 that mean you want to take me again johnny i don't want to do you i want to do anybody ddTquIvZGf8-00427-00433760-00434239 i just want my wife back you should have thought about that last night before you [ __ ] me shut up ddTquIvZGf8-00428-00434688-00434735 johnny ddTquIvZGf8-00429-00435000-00435664 so forceful this isn't funny it's way out of hand i want you out of my house and out of my life ddTquIvZGf8-00430-00436360-00436680 if you're not out of this house by tonight i'm calling the police ddTquIvZGf8-00431-00436760-00438384 they like to talk to you don't they out tonight ddTquIvZGf8-00432-00441024-00441080 jennifer ddTquIvZGf8-00433-00441488-00443176 jennifer jennifer i know you're in there i need to talk to you please jennifer ddTquIvZGf8-00434-00443832-00443984 jennifer ddTquIvZGf8-00435-00445064-00445384 jennifer ddTquIvZGf8-00436-00449024-00449584 yes ddTquIvZGf8-00437-00450280-00450984 yes is this a moving company yes i need to schedule a move as soon as possible ddTquIvZGf8-00438-00454192-00455184 follow the candles ddTquIvZGf8-00439-00458847-00459384 sorry i've been such a bad girl what are you doing in here ddTquIvZGf8-00440-00459456-00459960 i just wanted to say goodbye because after tonight you're never gonna see me again ddTquIvZGf8-00441-00460208-00461272 goodbye i was only trying to help help what kind of help is this oh i only did it because i love ddTquIvZGf8-00442-00461272-00462184 you what what are you nuts this isn't love i know you've been hurting a lot because of jennifer ddTquIvZGf8-00443-00462424-00462976 you and i've needed each other i don't need you i need you to be gone ddTquIvZGf8-00444-00463488-00463800 you should have kicked me out a long time ago yeah no kidding ddTquIvZGf8-00445-00463912-00464984 well since i can't interest you in anything i'm going to pack ddTquIvZGf8-00446-00468200-00469184 uh ddTquIvZGf8-00447-00471232-00471984 so ddTquIvZGf8-00448-00473208-00473384 mom ddTquIvZGf8-00449-00475280-00476184 you're gonna love this ddTquIvZGf8-00450-00476952-00477584 so ddTquIvZGf8-00451-00478447-00479432 hello what john oh yeah johnny's here hold on one second i have to wake him up ddTquIvZGf8-00452-00479784-00480456 johnny wake up johnny wake up telephone it's jennifer ddTquIvZGf8-00453-00480552-00481264 i think she's in trouble what happened i don't know hello oh ddTquIvZGf8-00454-00481472-00481696 uh hello john mccormick here john this ddTquIvZGf8-00455-00482384-00483184 but i'm sorry she lost the baby ddTquIvZGf8-00456-00483520-00484584 foreign ddTquIvZGf8-00457-00484647-00487384 118. dr kravitz you have a visitor in the middle of dr probably ddTquIvZGf8-00458-00488008-00488784 so ddTquIvZGf8-00459-00490664-00491584 damn ddTquIvZGf8-00460-00491935-00493032 johnny johnny johnny dearman where is everything ddTquIvZGf8-00461-00493735-00493808 johnny ddTquIvZGf8-00462-00494224-00494384 and johnny ddTquIvZGf8-00463-00495120-00495784 what's going on ddTquIvZGf8-00464-00496424-00496760 i told you to get out of my house i was here for you johnny ddTquIvZGf8-00465-00496760-00497143 what have you done in my life to jennifer and where is everything ddTquIvZGf8-00466-00497143-00497552 you should know by now that i'm not a very good loser and i don't stop until i have everything ddTquIvZGf8-00467-00497784-00497824 max ddTquIvZGf8-00468-00498408-00498584 he's the kind of [ __ ] wife ddTquIvZGf8-00469-00505376-00505584 this is what i love about stormy nights ddTquIvZGf8-00470-00505928-00506296 i wonder what my next name is going to be oh i found the perfect couple ddTquIvZGf8-00471-00506352-00506984 wait till you meet them great ddTquIvZGf8-00472-00507992-00508312 yeah jennifer and john they had a wonderful home here so ddTquIvZGf8-00473-00508632-00509104 hi mr mccormick there's a couple i was telling you about i want to see the house hi it's so ddTquIvZGf8-00474-00509104-00509560 nice to be the last count at such short notice max told us about your husband terrific sorry ddTquIvZGf8-00475-00509639-00510264 nice to meet you please you can call me jennifer okay so can we see the house jennifer go in here ddTquIvZGf8-00476-00510872-00512584 like i said before stormy nights can change your life forever ddTquIvZGf8-00477-00526672-00526680 you dg8SgmnKmOM-00000-00009000-00009900 JOIN DADDY LOVES YOU VIA FACEBOOK dh45Gn0OH3Y-00000-00000907-00001111 Now we have all been here. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00001-00001111-00001607 No matter how hard you try, you can't seem to check anything out. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00002-00001607-00002072 Finally, you too can say good-bye to self check out upsets. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00003-00002072-00002377 Watch this! dh45Gn0OH3Y-00004-00002377-00002725 Using your McMaster ID place it in the book cradle. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00005-00002725-00003408 Make sure the barcode is right under the red line and you will hear a beeping sound. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00006-00003408-00003711 Gently place your favorite book in the book cradle. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00007-00003711-00004282 Match the barcode under the red line and you will hear another beeping sound. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00008-00004282-00004822 Take your due date slip and you are good to go. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00009-00004822-00004922 Oh, no! dh45Gn0OH3Y-00010-00004922-00005219 The self-check machine can't read your book or MacID. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00011-00005219-00005326 We've got you covered. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00012-00005326-00005485 Just ask at the front desk. dh45Gn0OH3Y-00013-00005485-00005614 We are always happy to help. diw-jkhVXWU-00000-00000094-00000309 Light for the body diw-jkhVXWU-00001-00000400-00000642 The eye is the lamp of the body diw-jkhVXWU-00002-00000700-00000925 So, if your eyes are good diw-jkhVXWU-00003-00001027-00001309 Your whole body will be bright diw-jkhVXWU-00004-00001431-00001716 But if your eyes are evil diw-jkhVXWU-00005-00001827-00002114 Your whole body will be full of darkness diw-jkhVXWU-00006-00002239-00002606 So if the light that should be on you is darkness, diw-jkhVXWU-00007-00002749-00003060 How thick is the darkness dj6WGkCrhyI-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, dj6WGkCrhyI-00001-00000105-00000401 we are going to begin looking at least common denominators dj6WGkCrhyI-00002-00000401-00000603 and how we can find them with numbers dj6WGkCrhyI-00003-00000603-00000801 to establish a pattern that we'll use dj6WGkCrhyI-00004-00000801-00001201 when we get to rational expressions with polynomials. dj6WGkCrhyI-00005-00001303-00001600 To find the least common denominator of numbers, dj6WGkCrhyI-00006-00001600-00001804 we need to find the prime factorization-- dj6WGkCrhyI-00007-00001804-00002006 or a product of primes... dj6WGkCrhyI-00008-00002505-00002706 that give us our number. dj6WGkCrhyI-00009-00002706-00003008 Prime numbers are divisible by only 1 and themselves, dj6WGkCrhyI-00010-00003008-00003708 such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and so on. dj6WGkCrhyI-00011-00003901-00004103 To find the least common denominator dj6WGkCrhyI-00012-00004103-00004508 from this prime factorization, we will use all the factors dj6WGkCrhyI-00013-00004508-00005003 in the prime factorization with highest exponents. dj6WGkCrhyI-00014-00005305-00005508 Let's take a look at some examples dj6WGkCrhyI-00015-00005508-00005709 where we can find prime factorizations dj6WGkCrhyI-00016-00005709-00006104 and then the least common denominator. dj6WGkCrhyI-00017-00006302-00006604 Here, we're considering the numbers 20 and 3. dj6WGkCrhyI-00018-00006604-00006900 A good way to find the prime factorization dj6WGkCrhyI-00019-00006900-00007202 is take the number 20 and start dividing out, dj6WGkCrhyI-00020-00007202-00007505 upside down if you will, prime factors: dj6WGkCrhyI-00021-00007505-00008000 20 is divisible by 2, ten times. dj6WGkCrhyI-00022-00008000-00008601 This is divisible by another prime factor: 2, five times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00023-00008601-00009101 which is divisible by 5, one time. dj6WGkCrhyI-00024-00009101-00009403 Once we divide down to a number of 1, dj6WGkCrhyI-00025-00009403-00009903 the numbers on the side will make up the prime factorization: dj6WGkCrhyI-00026-00009903-00010308 2 times 2, times 5-- or 2 squared, times 5-- dj6WGkCrhyI-00027-00010308-00010606 gives us 20. dj6WGkCrhyI-00028-00010606-00011107 Similarly, we'll find the prime factorization of 36: dj6WGkCrhyI-00029-00011107-00011705 36 is divisible by the prime factor 2, eighteen times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00030-00011705-00012203 which is divisible by the prime factor 2, nine times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00031-00012203-00012602 which is divisible by the prime factor 3, three times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00032-00012602-00013009 which is divisible by the prime factor 3, one time. dj6WGkCrhyI-00033-00013009-00013404 2 times 2, times 3, times 3, is 36; dj6WGkCrhyI-00034-00013404-00013704 or 2 squared, times 3 squared. dj6WGkCrhyI-00035-00013902-00014109 To find the least common denominator from these, dj6WGkCrhyI-00036-00014109-00014405 we use all the factors that showed up. dj6WGkCrhyI-00037-00014405-00014604 We have a 2. dj6WGkCrhyI-00038-00014706-00015005 We have a 5. dj6WGkCrhyI-00039-00015005-00015209 Already covered 2. dj6WGkCrhyI-00040-00015209-00015509 And we have a 3. dj6WGkCrhyI-00041-00015509-00015802 Then, I go back and I assign dj6WGkCrhyI-00042-00015802-00016009 the highest exponent we see on any number. dj6WGkCrhyI-00043-00016009-00016306 The highest exponent we see on a 2-- dj6WGkCrhyI-00044-00016306-00016700 we have a tie--is squared. dj6WGkCrhyI-00045-00016700-00017007 The highest exponent I see on a 5 is 1, dj6WGkCrhyI-00046-00017007-00017400 and the highest exponent on 3 is squared. dj6WGkCrhyI-00047-00017505-00018007 Multiplying these out gives us 4 times 5, times 9-- dj6WGkCrhyI-00048-00018007-00018408 doing the exponents first-- or 180 dj6WGkCrhyI-00049-00018408-00018908 for the least common multiple or denominator of 20 and 36. dj6WGkCrhyI-00050-00019108-00019407 Let's try another example where the prime factorization dj6WGkCrhyI-00051-00019407-00019800 can tell us the least common denominator. dj6WGkCrhyI-00052-00019908-00020406 First, let's find the prime factorization of the 18: dj6WGkCrhyI-00053-00020406-00021002 2 goes into 18, nine times; 3 goes into 9, three times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00054-00021002-00021208 and 3 goes into 3, one time. dj6WGkCrhyI-00055-00021208-00021801 Our prime factorization for 18 is 2 times 3 squared. dj6WGkCrhyI-00056-00022008-00022605 54, similarly, is divisible by 2, twenty-seven times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00057-00022605-00023106 which is divisible by 3, nine times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00058-00023106-00023401 which is divisible by 3, three times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00059-00023401-00023700 which is divisible by 3, once. dj6WGkCrhyI-00060-00023700-00024105 This gives us 2 times 3 cubed. dj6WGkCrhyI-00061-00024105-00024407 81 is divisible by 3, twenty-seven times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00062-00024407-00024702 which is divisible by 3, nine times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00063-00024702-00024906 which is divisible by 3, three times; dj6WGkCrhyI-00064-00024906-00025200 which is divisible by 3, once. dj6WGkCrhyI-00065-00025200-00025600 81 is 3 to the 4th power. dj6WGkCrhyI-00066-00025600-00025802 To find our least common denominator, dj6WGkCrhyI-00067-00025802-00026306 we take all the factors that showed up: 2 and 3. dj6WGkCrhyI-00068-00026306-00026607 Notice the rest are just repeats. dj6WGkCrhyI-00069-00026607-00027002 Taking the highest exponent on 2, there is none. dj6WGkCrhyI-00070-00027002-00027500 Highest exponent on 3 is 4, and we can multiply this out dj6WGkCrhyI-00071-00027500-00027807 to get our least common denominator--or multiple-- dj6WGkCrhyI-00072-00027807-00028106 of 18, 54, and 81. dj6WGkCrhyI-00073-00028106-00028302 Doing the exponent first, dj6WGkCrhyI-00074-00028302-00028503 we have 2 times 81, dj6WGkCrhyI-00075-00028503-00029101 which gives us 162 for the least common denominator. dj6WGkCrhyI-00076-00029101-00029206 From the factorization, dj6WGkCrhyI-00077-00029206-00029701 we use all factors with highest exponents. dju5yOSfxlQ-00000-00000399-00000708 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00001-00000788-00001018 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00002-00001053-00001204 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00003-00001242-00001541 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00004-00001541-00001654 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00005-00001693-00002031 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00006-00002227-00002534 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00007-00002534-00002818 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00008-00002837-00003012 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00009-00003046-00003347 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00010-00003347-00003693 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00011-00003704-00003929 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00012-00003929-00004214 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00013-00004214-00004497 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00014-00004497-00004720 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00015-00004720-00005001 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00016-00005001-00005267 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00017-00005267-00005578 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00018-00005578-00005764 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00019-00005764-00005991 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00020-00005991-00006287 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00021-00006287-00006597 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00022-00006597-00006856 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00023-00006856-00007062 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00024-00007062-00007352 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00025-00007352-00007645 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00026-00007645-00007934 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00027-00007934-00008196 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00028-00008196-00008454 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00029-00008454-00008681 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00030-00008681-00008979 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00031-00008979-00009167 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00032-00009167-00009470 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00033-00009470-00009692 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00034-00009692-00009942 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00035-00009942-00010255 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00036-00010255-00010548 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00037-00010548-00010841 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00038-00010841-00011124 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00039-00011124-00011232 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00040-00011286-00011590 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dju5yOSfxlQ-00041-00011590-00011743 हीरो भी फीके है इस IPS के सामने: Know what Ujjain IPS Sachin_Atulkar did? dl6BoJfzImA-00000-00000000-00000332 Who has the power to save me? dl6BoJfzImA-00001-00000332-00000600 Who can free me from my fears? dl6BoJfzImA-00002-00000600-00000788 My name is Adama. dl6BoJfzImA-00003-00000788-00001023 This is my story. dl6BoJfzImA-00004-00001428-00001639 I am married to Brima. dl6BoJfzImA-00005-00001639-00001944 I love him, but he is a hard man. dl6BoJfzImA-00006-00001980-00002323 Our youngest daughter is Fatu. dl6BoJfzImA-00007-00002323-00002644 She is my pride and joy. dl6BoJfzImA-00008-00002644-00002871 She was very sick dl6BoJfzImA-00009-00002871-00003180 and I was afraid she was going to die. dl6BoJfzImA-00010-00003180-00003671 They say there is power in the Name of Prophet Isa. dl6BoJfzImA-00011-00003671-00003919 Mamusu told me this God dl6BoJfzImA-00012-00003919-00004303 is the God who made us. dl6BoJfzImA-00013-00004303-00004648 She told me to do what is possible dl6BoJfzImA-00014-00004648-00004915 and that God would do what is impossible. dl6BoJfzImA-00015-00005119-00005696 I woke up to find Fatu had died in her sleep. dl6BoJfzImA-00016-00005696-00006092 I cried out to God for her to be raised from the dead. dl6BoJfzImA-00017-00006092-00006323 She sat there lifeless in my arms. dl6BoJfzImA-00018-00006323-00006528 Unmoving. dl6BoJfzImA-00019-00006528-00006919 Brima and I had a big fight. dl6BoJfzImA-00020-00006919-00007280 He says he wants that second wife now. dl6BoJfzImA-00021-00007280-00007576 Is he so unhappy with me? dl6BoJfzImA-00022-00007576-00007836 My heart went to a very dark place. dl6BoJfzImA-00023-00007836-00008123 I thought that God must hate me. dl6BoJfzImA-00024-00008123-00008359 Why did my baby die? dl6BoJfzImA-00025-00008507-00008628 Save me! dl6BoJfzImA-00026-00008732-00009119 Follow me, and I will cast out your fear. dl6BoJfzImA-00027-00009119-00009384 The fear was gone. dl6BoJfzImA-00028-00010944-00011315 Who has the power to save me? dl6BoJfzImA-00029-00011315-00011600 Who can free me from my fears? dl6BoJfzImA-00030-00011600-00011788 My name is Adama. dl6BoJfzImA-00031-00011788-00012023 This is my story. dmRY3eFZSY0-00000-00000544-00001112 Hello everyone, my name is John Boone and I'm the Health Science Librarian here at Brackett Library. dmRY3eFZSY0-00001-00001176-00001424 I'm going to talk to you a little bit today about the library, dmRY3eFZSY0-00002-00001496-00001816 resources we have available, and a few of the databases. dmRY3eFZSY0-00003-00001880-00002214 To begin with, let's go to the Brackett Library web page. dmRY3eFZSY0-00004-00002269-00002469 To get there, just type in dmRY3eFZSY0-00005-00002496-00002584 library dmRY3eFZSY0-00006-00002820-00002940 spell it right dmRY3eFZSY0-00007-00003070-00003357 dot harding dot edu dmRY3eFZSY0-00008-00003420-00003685 This is the librarymain page. dmRY3eFZSY0-00009-00003733-00004032 From here you've got options suchas Power Search. dmRY3eFZSY0-00010-00004099-00004572 For example Power Search yeah you know it's basically like a Googlesearch. dmRY3eFZSY0-00011-00004572-00005096 It's a great way to begin research you can find information from journal articles, to books, dmRY3eFZSY0-00012-00005160-00005853 government documents, you can even find some research starters and research topic overviews. dmRY3eFZSY0-00013-00005937-00006205 Like I said similar to a Google search. dmRY3eFZSY0-00014-00006264-00006745 And another tab that's on the other side here this is the Library Catalog. dmRY3eFZSY0-00015-00006745-00007328 If you're lookingfor something specifically that we have here at Brackett Library we click this tab. dmRY3eFZSY0-00016-00007328-00008056 This is what we have physically and items that we have access to electronically such as e-journals dmRY3eFZSY0-00017-00008120-00008496 and e-textbooks as well. dmRY3eFZSY0-00018-00008645-00008866 so we have allthose available there. dmRY3eFZSY0-00019-00008866-00009064 Another important tab dmRY3eFZSY0-00020-00009064-00009166 is the about tab. dmRY3eFZSY0-00021-00009206-00009282 If you click here, dmRY3eFZSY0-00022-00009384-00009732 you cansee our hours of operation is available here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00023-00009896-00010544 And you can also look at policies, library policies, library staff. dmRY3eFZSY0-00024-00010712-00011190 And also look at services, information about borrowing and renewing books. dmRY3eFZSY0-00025-00011299-00012145 There's informationabout suggesting a resource, reserving a roomupstairs on the second floor for a study room. dmRY3eFZSY0-00026-00012232-00012984 Under the research tab, with the drop-down there you got information about research guides, dmRY3eFZSY0-00027-00012984-00013273 as wellas schedule a consultation with your librarian. dmRY3eFZSY0-00028-00013328-00013407 That's me. dmRY3eFZSY0-00029-00013455-00013655 Now there's a handout that you'll have dmRY3eFZSY0-00030-00013655-00014247 access to that has my office number, as well as my office or my campus email where you can dmRY3eFZSY0-00031-00014247-00014845 contact me through those two avenues, as well as this schedule a consultation. dmRY3eFZSY0-00032-00014845-00015060 So you would just go here and click, dmRY3eFZSY0-00033-00015144-00015438 and find your librarianright here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00034-00015501-00015621 Click book now, dmRY3eFZSY0-00035-00015711-00015911 and it'll bring up a dmRY3eFZSY0-00036-00015912-00016388 schedule, of when you could schedule a time to meet with me. dmRY3eFZSY0-00037-00016457-00016632 So say you wanted to meet at nine in the dmRY3eFZSY0-00038-00016632-00016856 morning on Friday, so you would click dmRY3eFZSY0-00039-00016901-00017000 9:00 am dmRY3eFZSY0-00040-00017084-00017345 you'denter information about your, dmRY3eFZSY0-00041-00017384-00018016 you put your name,first name, last name, email, and then informationabout what your project is about. dmRY3eFZSY0-00042-00018049-00018726 And then wewould set up a virtual consultation through Google Meets and then we would meet that way. dmRY3eFZSY0-00043-00019016-00019144 Let's go back here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00044-00019544-00019883 Also under research as I mentioned, we have research guides. dmRY3eFZSY0-00045-00019919-00020209 These are guides that have been compiled by the Brackett Librarians, dmRY3eFZSY0-00046-00020276-00020597 eachlibrarian has their own specific specialty area. dmRY3eFZSY0-00047-00020640-00020796 Mine is health sciences, dmRY3eFZSY0-00048-00020868-00021072 so undernursing, dmRY3eFZSY0-00049-00021108-00021308 if you click that, there are seventeen dmRY3eFZSY0-00050-00021328-00021639 guides that have been compiled for the nursing. dmRY3eFZSY0-00051-00021790-00021981 So, for example, dmRY3eFZSY0-00052-00022038-00022218 if you have to do a research paper dmRY3eFZSY0-00053-00022312-00022588 in APA style, we've got that here. it's going to open up to our APA publication dmRY3eFZSY0-00054-00022588-00022693 If you click onthis, dmRY3eFZSY0-00055-00022765-00022851 it's going to open up dmRY3eFZSY0-00056-00022963-00023313 to our APA publication manual research guide. dmRY3eFZSY0-00057-00023440-00023929 So, we have teachers that use both sixth and seventh edition of APA. dmRY3eFZSY0-00058-00024000-00024173 Now, I've gotit highlighted here, dmRY3eFZSY0-00059-00024224-00024573 which APA edition do I use six or seven? dmRY3eFZSY0-00060-00024642-00024816 Always be sure to check with your dmRY3eFZSY0-00061-00024816-00025251 professor he or she will be able to tell you which one they prefer, dmRY3eFZSY0-00062-00025251-00025451 or are requiring for the paper. dmRY3eFZSY0-00063-00025547-00026124 And then we have resources here in the middle, we've got these resources we have both sixth and seventh. dmRY3eFZSY0-00064-00026168-00026908 Purdue Owl, if you go there, they have they mainly talk about the seventh edition on their main page. dmRY3eFZSY0-00065-00026952-00027828 However, this is that you can find the equivalent resource for the older APA sixth by clicking thereat this link. dmRY3eFZSY0-00066-00027931-00028130 So we've got that available. dmRY3eFZSY0-00067-00028272-00028656 We alsohave a comparison table that shows the differences dmRY3eFZSY0-00068-00028656-00028893 between sixth and seventh editions. dmRY3eFZSY0-00069-00028969-00029434 This sectionhere is just for APA seventh edition resources only. dmRY3eFZSY0-00070-00029520-00029980 So we have Excelsior University has an onlinewriting lab as well. dmRY3eFZSY0-00071-00030053-00030293 We've got sample papers, dmRY3eFZSY0-00072-00030331-00030534 we've got paper format, dmRY3eFZSY0-00073-00030558-00030960 we've got a paper here that's got different graphics, dmRY3eFZSY0-00074-00031026-00031220 just kind of scroll through there. dmRY3eFZSY0-00075-00031256-00032039 Look at the abstract, the introduction, spacing, all of this is talked about in this example. dmRY3eFZSY0-00076-00032510-00032868 Further down APA sixth, this is just for sixth edition. dmRY3eFZSY0-00077-00032868-00033056 We have again sample papers, dmRY3eFZSY0-00078-00033056-00033295 basics about APA sixth, dmRY3eFZSY0-00079-00033361-00033597 there's a blog for APAsixth edition. dmRY3eFZSY0-00080-00033647-00033897 As well as we have the actual physical manuals. dmRY3eFZSY0-00081-00033897-00034000 We have the dmRY3eFZSY0-00082-00034048-00034520 sixth edition andthe seventh edition they are available here in thelibrary. dmRY3eFZSY0-00083-00034614-00034831 In the library we also have the writingcenter. dmRY3eFZSY0-00084-00034831-00035157 The writing center they are doing, in theage of COVID, dmRY3eFZSY0-00085-00035157-00035799 they're doing virtual consultations as well, similar to our library dmRY3eFZSY0-00086-00035823-00036161 individual research consultations we're doing those virtually. dmRY3eFZSY0-00087-00036188-00036707 But to access and make anappointment here with the writing center, you would click this link, dmRY3eFZSY0-00088-00036800-00036952 which will open up into, dmRY3eFZSY0-00089-00037024-00037342 where you can fill out your email, your password. dmRY3eFZSY0-00090-00037342-00037536 Basically, you make an account and then you can dmRY3eFZSY0-00091-00037536-00038318 schedule a time to meet with somebody from the writing center that'll help you with APA style, dmRY3eFZSY0-00092-00038369-00039000 even paper mechanics, anything like that that you have issues with, you can talk to them. dmRY3eFZSY0-00093-00039135-00039246 So let's goback. dmRY3eFZSY0-00094-00039361-00039549 That's the APA style. dmRY3eFZSY0-00095-00039709-00040159 Let's go back and take a look at other guides we've got here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00096-00040195-00040653 We've got one on, health statistics. dmRY3eFZSY0-00097-00040726-00041256 This will show we've got health statistics in just about every topic you canimagine. dmRY3eFZSY0-00098-00041313-00041864 A lot of the main topics here we've got for example heart disease and this will giveyou dmRY3eFZSY0-00099-00041924-00042694 statistical information how to find out about like from the American Heart Association, the CDC Fast Stats. dmRY3eFZSY0-00100-00042730-00042852 We've got maps. dmRY3eFZSY0-00101-00042900-00043213 We can go over here we can look at diabetes. dmRY3eFZSY0-00102-00043213-00043705 We've got information from the American Diabetes Association, their statistics. dmRY3eFZSY0-00103-00043705-00044132 Healthy People 2020, U.S. Statistics. dmRY3eFZSY0-00104-00044214-00044297 So, dmRY3eFZSY0-00105-00044346-00044510 feel free to check that out. dmRY3eFZSY0-00106-00044510-00045138 If you're looking for stats on the health statistics, it's right here on this page. dmRY3eFZSY0-00107-00045312-00045851 We have several different resources available here we just want to make it convenientyou can look through there. dmRY3eFZSY0-00108-00045851-00046496 We've got, there's information about nursing research, nursing 412. dmRY3eFZSY0-00109-00046560-00047328 And this is where I will include my handout where I'll put that in there so you can go in here and dmRY3eFZSY0-00110-00047328-00047840 you can print it out at your convenience if you wanted to, or you can always access it in here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00111-00048032-00048615 We've got research in the health sciences, we've got search strategies, literature reviews, dmRY3eFZSY0-00112-00048684-00049074 all this information available here in research guides. dmRY3eFZSY0-00113-00049165-00049464 Let's go back to the main database page. dmRY3eFZSY0-00114-00049464-00049781 Somedatabases we want to look at a little bit in this video, dmRY3eFZSY0-00115-00049907-00050159 We're going to go into the A-Z Database List, dmRY3eFZSY0-00116-00050159-00050351 which is this button here in the middle of the page. dmRY3eFZSY0-00117-00050387-00050504 Click on that. dmRY3eFZSY0-00118-00050645-00050921 You have an alphabetical, A-Z listing here, dmRY3eFZSY0-00119-00050969-00051122 if you know the name of thedatabase. dmRY3eFZSY0-00120-00051167-00051368 Otherwise, you could go up to subject dmRY3eFZSY0-00121-00051440-00052132 and you could scroll down and find Nursing, and there are 34 Nursing databases found dmRY3eFZSY0-00122-00052285-00053000 Some of the big ones that we use very frequently CINAHL complete, Cochrane library. dmRY3eFZSY0-00123-00053240-00054236 I like to use, Nursing Reference Center Plus right here, and then also PubMed is another greatone, dmRY3eFZSY0-00124-00054236-00055022 which I talk about PubMed and using medical subject headings with PubMed in the second video dmRY3eFZSY0-00125-00055144-00055409 Let's look at Nursing Reference Center Plus. dmRY3eFZSY0-00126-00055664-00055862 Okay once we pull that up, dmRY3eFZSY0-00127-00055978-00056278 this is your searchbox enter your search terms here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00128-00056345-00056559 Over here whereit says all areas, dmRY3eFZSY0-00129-00056559-00056782 and that's the default, is always all areas. dmRY3eFZSY0-00130-00056782-00056936 So it will find pretty much everything, dmRY3eFZSY0-00131-00056936-00057667 but if you're looking for something specific, about say patient education you want to look at dmRY3eFZSY0-00132-00058008-00058117 heart disease, dmRY3eFZSY0-00133-00058291-00058574 so this is all patient education you've got, dmRY3eFZSY0-00134-00058696-00059344 traveling with heart disease, reducing the risk and these are all HTML full-text. dmRY3eFZSY0-00135-00059472-00059583 So, dmRY3eFZSY0-00136-00059655-00060129 hopelessness and the heart attack, the role of depression and heart disease. dmRY3eFZSY0-00137-00060248-00060552 Click on that, like I said you got an HTML full-text. dmRY3eFZSY0-00138-00060767-00061000 Like a patient handout, you could print it. dmRY3eFZSY0-00139-00061367-00061834 You could also go up and change that from patient education to look at, dmRY3eFZSY0-00140-00061896-00062195 continuing education, and then hit search. dmRY3eFZSY0-00141-00062243-00062455 Andthis is going to look at information this will dmRY3eFZSY0-00142-00062455-00062639 give it to you in a PDF full-text. dmRY3eFZSY0-00143-00062717-00063614 As far as, for example, you can look at EKG series rhythm stripinterpreting. dmRY3eFZSY0-00144-00063701-00064188 You could look at heart failure and kidney disease, click the PDF dmRY3eFZSY0-00145-00064272-00064724 should open up, and you could again save this or print this it gives you a basic description. dmRY3eFZSY0-00146-00064824-00065391 Scroll down facts and figures, risk factors, signs, symptoms, clinical presentation assessment, dmRY3eFZSY0-00147-00065391-00065984 treatment goals, food for thought, what do I need to tell the patient or the patient's family. dmRY3eFZSY0-00148-00066136-00066322 It's all provided right there. dmRY3eFZSY0-00149-00066467-00066588 You can even lookup, dmRY3eFZSY0-00150-00066697-00066893 we've looked at diseases, we've looked at dmRY3eFZSY0-00151-00066893-00067118 continuing ed, patient education. dmRY3eFZSY0-00152-00067157-00067430 You can look at management, how to manage heart disease, dmRY3eFZSY0-00153-00067656-00067772 click management dmRY3eFZSY0-00154-00067856-00068504 managing heart disease. This will look at like okay health care costsfor stroke, dmRY3eFZSY0-00155-00068595-00069304 health care costs for dementia, Alzheimer's, so hospice care. dmRY3eFZSY0-00156-00069536-00069960 That's Nursing Reference Center Plus, it's very good if you're looking for dmRY3eFZSY0-00157-00069960-00070560 continuing education, patient education, find out information about drugs. You could type in, dmRY3eFZSY0-00158-00070664-00071124 leave heart disease there, I guess we can find out there's a Toprol, dmRY3eFZSY0-00159-00071238-00072104 so talk about a little bit about the beta-blocker for heart disease maybe high blood pressure um and other dmRY3eFZSY0-00160-00072104-00072640 items you'd probably find some cholesterol lowering and statins and other information in dmRY3eFZSY0-00161-00072640-00073080 here but you could click on it like let's go to Metoprolol and go ahead and click PDF full-text. dmRY3eFZSY0-00162-00073712-00074144 Now we got the PDF full-text of Metoprolol and gives you information identification, dmRY3eFZSY0-00163-00074264-00074543 common uses, dosage administration, dmRY3eFZSY0-00164-00074776-00074880 red flags, dmRY3eFZSY0-00165-00075070-00075213 what to tell the patient dmRY3eFZSY0-00166-00075280-00075676 some good general information about the medication. dmRY3eFZSY0-00167-00075897-00076015 So let's go back dmRY3eFZSY0-00168-00076241-00076318 to dmRY3eFZSY0-00169-00076455-00076583 databases. dmRY3eFZSY0-00170-00076658-00077030 Let's go and take a look at Cochrane library. dmRY3eFZSY0-00171-00077223-00077348 If it's going to open. dmRY3eFZSY0-00172-00077601-00077658 Please? dmRY3eFZSY0-00173-00077865-00078416 As you're all aware, we've had a lot of internet and database problems that have dmRY3eFZSY0-00174-00078416-00078655 resulted from having internet issues. dmRY3eFZSY0-00175-00078818-00079310 What wecan do here is we will go back and let's try to dmRY3eFZSY0-00176-00079310-00079535 see if CINAHL will open for us here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00177-00079645-00079885 There wego we've got CINAHL, okay. dmRY3eFZSY0-00178-00079931-00080109 So I like CINAHL a lot, dmRY3eFZSY0-00179-00080109-00080586 CINAHL has a wonderful assortment of limiters. dmRY3eFZSY0-00180-00080628-00080912 Limiters basically help you if you have a topic dmRY3eFZSY0-00181-00080912-00081584 that's pretty broad, you can limit it down, limit it by years. Most medical information, health dmRY3eFZSY0-00182-00081584-00082084 information you'd like to find that within five years for relevancy. dmRY3eFZSY0-00183-00082283-00082705 You can limit it by, for example, hint hint this could be helpful, dmRY3eFZSY0-00184-00082705-00083263 any author is a nurse, you can limit it by first author as a nurse. dmRY3eFZSY0-00185-00083342-00083800 We can look at limiting by geographic subsets so you can limit it to the United States. dmRY3eFZSY0-00186-00083912-00084320 Limit it by publication type, do you want it in an item brief, do you want it dmRY3eFZSY0-00187-00084472-00084808 book review, clinical trial. dmRY3eFZSY0-00188-00084962-00085255 We can look andset age ranges, dmRY3eFZSY0-00189-00085334-00085633 we can go and look at language. dmRY3eFZSY0-00190-00085863-00086118 Lots of different ways that we can limit it. dmRY3eFZSY0-00191-00086118-00086436 If you limit things to what's availablefull-text, dmRY3eFZSY0-00192-00086436-00086696 then you're only going to get what we have here at Brackett Library. dmRY3eFZSY0-00193-00086760-00087224 It's better to leave it wide open where you'll see things that we don't necessarily have dmRY3eFZSY0-00194-00087224-00087720 immediately available but we can get those to you through a little process called InterLibrary Loan. dmRY3eFZSY0-00195-00087770-00087917 It's very handy. dmRY3eFZSY0-00196-00087917-00088304 I'm going to show that to you here when we do a search in here in CINAHL. dmRY3eFZSY0-00197-00088368-00088952 Let's, and oh yeah this is the what we call Boolean Operators here, the and, or, and dmRY3eFZSY0-00198-00088952-00089580 not and I talk about that in my, in the second video, but and basically joins terms together. dmRY3eFZSY0-00199-00089648-00090320 And you will find articles that only will have these two terms together in the article. dmRY3eFZSY0-00200-00090368-00091695 For example, if we wanted to look at a type type 2 diabetes and a diabetic drug Metformin dmRY3eFZSY0-00201-00092072-00092252 and then we hit search. dmRY3eFZSY0-00202-00092560-00092975 Okay, we get over 4,000 returns on that. dmRY3eFZSY0-00203-00093033-00093350 Okay, but we can also go in and we can limit it dmRY3eFZSY0-00204-00093384-00093592 to say the last five years. dmRY3eFZSY0-00205-00093620-00093820 So we'll put 2015in there. dmRY3eFZSY0-00206-00094130-00094298 I dropped it down to at least from dmRY3eFZSY0-00207-00094298-00094582 four thousand down to you know one thousand six hundred. dmRY3eFZSY0-00208-00094678-00095056 so let's also look at, we'll do dmRY3eFZSY0-00209-00095056-00096013 academic journals, narrow it down a little more let's go in and also limit the language to English. dmRY3eFZSY0-00210-00096312-00097329 And let's try finding one with a nurse as author or any author is the nurse. dmRY3eFZSY0-00211-00097752-00097843 Search. dmRY3eFZSY0-00212-00098021-00098295 Oh wow, we dropped it down to just nine articles then. dmRY3eFZSY0-00213-00098344-00098983 So these would only contain those limits we put in there, including nurses and author. dmRY3eFZSY0-00214-00099050-00099109 So, dmRY3eFZSY0-00215-00099200-00099608 we've got we've changed the limiter on there for the date, we've dmRY3eFZSY0-00216-00099792-00100201 used the Boolean and, we've added nurses author. dmRY3eFZSY0-00217-00100280-00101038 So, PDF full-text that's really simple. So if you wanted this article you just click PDF full-text dmRY3eFZSY0-00218-00101152-00101449 and it's going to open it right up, and then you could dmRY3eFZSY0-00219-00101600-00101912 go up here and you could download this, save it to your desktop, dmRY3eFZSY0-00220-00101912-00102341 you could print it to a printer that your computer's networked too. dmRY3eFZSY0-00221-00102568-00103139 Here's one that's retrieve full-text so if you wanted that one we would click on it, dmRY3eFZSY0-00222-00103416-00103783 okay it's going to open up from another database Science Direct. Science Direct dmRY3eFZSY0-00223-00103904-00104656 is another database we have it's it's somewhat it's not the easiest to search but if you search dmRY3eFZSY0-00224-00104656-00105200 CINAHL or Cochrane or PubMed and they link out to a full text odds are they're going to dmRY3eFZSY0-00225-00105200-00105365 get it from Science Direct. dmRY3eFZSY0-00226-00105395-00105628 Tome it's easier to do the search through dmRY3eFZSY0-00227-00105680-00106344 CINAHL or PubMed and let them let those databases interact with Science Direct and dmRY3eFZSY0-00228-00106344-00106832 pull up the full-text then to specifically go to Science Direct and do your search from there. dmRY3eFZSY0-00229-00106911-00107528 So there again you've got it you can just and it tells you the journal it's from, the Journal for dmRY3eFZSY0-00230-00107528-00108192 Nurse Practitioners, you could click PDF and then you're able to download it, and print it, dmRY3eFZSY0-00231-00108328-00108579 save it to your desktop. dmRY3eFZSY0-00232-00108688-00108761 So, dmRY3eFZSY0-00233-00108833-00109164 then we'lljust, we'll get out of this one dmRY3eFZSY0-00234-00109360-00109410 here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00235-00109439-00109905 What if you find one that doesn't have retrieve full-text or PDF? dmRY3eFZSY0-00236-00110020-00110738 Like there's one on this page and I'm thankful for, so I can show you what to do about if you find one. dmRY3eFZSY0-00237-00110738-00110844 Say you really wanted this one, dmRY3eFZSY0-00238-00111000-00111236 so you click on it in the title. dmRY3eFZSY0-00239-00111440-00111840 We don't have it full-text and we don't have it from another database but, dmRY3eFZSY0-00240-00111840-00112187 if you look over here on the left you've got request through InterLibrary Loan. dmRY3eFZSY0-00241-00112262-00112384 You can click that dmRY3eFZSY0-00242-00112800-00112946 and dmRY3eFZSY0-00243-00113424-00113977 theoretically, it's going to ask you if you're signed into Pipeline. dmRY3eFZSY0-00244-00114013-00114629 and if you're signedinto Pipeline, then it will pull up a form that's going to be automatically populated dmRY3eFZSY0-00245-00114735-00115102 so I want to refresh that and try it again. dmRY3eFZSY0-00246-00115344-00115526 See what will happen here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00247-00115911-00116264 but anyway it will pull up a form that's automatically populated with dmRY3eFZSY0-00248-00116264-00116506 all the information from the journal. It'll have dmRY3eFZSY0-00249-00116583-00116968 the title, volume number, and everything and then you'll scroll down to the bottom of that dmRY3eFZSY0-00250-00116968-00117318 form and then just click in what your status is. dmRY3eFZSY0-00251-00117318-00117567 It's a drop-down menu and you'll put on there dmRY3eFZSY0-00252-00117680-00118376 that you're undergraduate or graduate and then you'll put down what department you're from, dmRY3eFZSY0-00253-00118376-00118785 Nursing, and then you would just click submit then you're going to get an email dmRY3eFZSY0-00254-00118816-00119304 saying you've requested this from the library that we're going to send out and try to get it for you. dmRY3eFZSY0-00255-00119352-00120216 And then probably within 48 hours you will get another email that will say give you a link of ofyour journal. dmRY3eFZSY0-00256-00120216-00120836 And from that link you'll be able to click and go to the full-text of your journal, dmRY3eFZSY0-00257-00120907-00121776 andbut you only have 30 days to view it or five views so, what I would do is just click view and dmRY3eFZSY0-00258-00121776-00122200 see the PDF and then I would just automatically just go ahead and download it right then save it dmRY3eFZSY0-00259-00122200-00122872 to your desktop then you've got it. So if a month from now you're realizing, I've got that research dmRY3eFZSY0-00260-00122872-00123328 paper to do, oh yeah I've got some of those articles I requested, oh I can't get them anymore dmRY3eFZSY0-00261-00123328-00123896 because they've timed out. Well this way you've got it saved and you don't have to worry about it. dmRY3eFZSY0-00262-00123974-00124735 And I'm not advocating procrastination here I'm just saying save it, have it now, and then you dmRY3eFZSY0-00263-00124735-00125137 don't have to worry about going back and going back and it not being there. dmRY3eFZSY0-00264-00125218-00125411 I'll just give this another try. dmRY3eFZSY0-00265-00125438-00125821 There we go, here we go sorry about the technical difficulties. dmRY3eFZSY0-00266-00125821-00125973 You just click login, dmRY3eFZSY0-00267-00126104-00126231 and, dmRY3eFZSY0-00268-00126364-00126759 see this is the form I was telling you about, it's all populated. It's got your dmRY3eFZSY0-00269-00126759-00127267 page numbers, title, author, and you would just click here dmRY3eFZSY0-00270-00127392-00127768 and undergrad, grad, or then you would click your department, dmRY3eFZSY0-00271-00127872-00128581 Nursing, and then hit the submit, and then it's ordered and then when it comes in within 48 hours, dmRY3eFZSY0-00272-00128648-00129013 you'll have PDF full-text access to it. dmRY3eFZSY0-00273-00129085-00129207 I'm glad that that pulled up. dmRY3eFZSY0-00274-00129297-00129491 So, let's go back. dmRY3eFZSY0-00275-00129768-00130480 So that's kind of a quick overview of CINAHL it's very useful, so remember the limiters, dmRY3eFZSY0-00276-00130480-00131363 especially the limiters for nurse as author or any author as the nurse those are very very handy. dmRY3eFZSY0-00277-00131632-00132046 So, let's go back to the databases dmRY3eFZSY0-00278-00132344-00133056 Go back and look at Cochrane library, and as my second video was going to talk about with dmRY3eFZSY0-00279-00133056-00133539 searching in PubMed. If you can search PubMed, PubMed searchesCochrane as well. dmRY3eFZSY0-00280-00133539-00134128 Cochrane mainly has a lot of it has reviews but it also has a lot of dmRY3eFZSY0-00281-00134128-00135065 clinical trials, that's their specialty. Finding clinical information finding evidence-based clinical trials. dmRY3eFZSY0-00282-00135065-00135320 I always like to click here on the advanced search. dmRY3eFZSY0-00283-00135640-00136474 This opens up and whatever this is your search box here, and then whatever you put in here getssearched. dmRY3eFZSY0-00284-00136495-00136922 Automatically title, abstract, and keyword is the default. dmRY3eFZSY0-00285-00137043-00137738 Then you could saysearch for that only in the abstract or if youknow the author's name put it there and then, hit author. dmRY3eFZSY0-00286-00137850-00138321 Or if you want to look for it at another like in the Cochrane group, or something like that. dmRY3eFZSY0-00287-00138363-00138677 If you know the digital object identifier, dmRY3eFZSY0-00288-00138780-00138980 that's what the DOI is, dmRY3eFZSY0-00289-00139042-00139292 If you can remember that then you could probably, dmRY3eFZSY0-00290-00139292-00139664 you probablyhave memorized the VIN number on your car dmRY3eFZSY0-00291-00139664-00139946 as well I mean, it's not an easy number to remember. dmRY3eFZSY0-00292-00140000-00140176 So I've already had a search in here dmRY3eFZSY0-00293-00140176-00140888 at one point for aplastic anemia, it's a disorder where the bone marrow seems to stop producing dmRY3eFZSY0-00294-00140888-00141460 red blood cells, and so let's go ahead and do a search just with that by itself. dmRY3eFZSY0-00295-00141944-00142400 And it's giving me the spinning wheel of death, okay there we go all right it opened up. dmRY3eFZSY0-00296-00142512-00142902 Alrighty, so in Cochrane reviews, we've got four reviews here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00297-00143000-00143200 This review we could click on and dmRY3eFZSY0-00298-00143200-00143375 see the PDF of it. dmRY3eFZSY0-00299-00143411-00143992 What's interesting is it's an intervention, it's a review, it's 2015. dmRY3eFZSY0-00300-00143992-00144656 You can also look and click and see the pico questions that were used here, so let's open it up. dmRY3eFZSY0-00301-00144936-00145400 Okay, now we can look at it in PDF view, if we want to. dmRY3eFZSY0-00302-00145512-00145753 This will give you your background, your abstract, dmRY3eFZSY0-00303-00145864-00146064 objectives, search methods, dmRY3eFZSY0-00304-00146143-00146471 selection criteria,data collection, main results. dmRY3eFZSY0-00305-00146531-00146790 Plain language summary here, dmRY3eFZSY0-00306-00146823-00147056 so it's more of a non-scholarly dmRY3eFZSY0-00307-00147056-00147650 or non-scientific it's more for the the layperson to be able to understand. dmRY3eFZSY0-00308-00147758-00148626 Author's conclusion, the summary of the findings, description of the conditions, I mean lots of information there. dmRY3eFZSY0-00309-00148784-00149485 Let's see where we saw the PICO, let's go back I'm not seeing it right off hand here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00310-00149544-00149750 So let's go back, dmRY3eFZSY0-00311-00149868-00149963 show PICO. dmRY3eFZSY0-00312-00150000-00150661 Well there's the patient intervention comparison and outcomes, dmRY3eFZSY0-00313-00150768-00150939 listed right there. dmRY3eFZSY0-00314-00151057-00151341 So that's kind of that's pretty handy, but then also dmRY3eFZSY0-00315-00151458-00152225 it talks about the trials. Now these are all your clinical trials from, involving aplastic anemia. dmRY3eFZSY0-00316-00152360-00153033 If it opens up it will have a list of the clinical trials, there we go, that are beingdone. dmRY3eFZSY0-00317-00153093-00153729 And some of them are in what's called Embase, it's a database we do not have at the library it's, dmRY3eFZSY0-00318-00153888-00154590 very expensive. PubMed is a great database I love it just like CINAHL, dmRY3eFZSY0-00319-00154640-00155219 it's free that's really that's even better, free is always the right price. dmRY3eFZSY0-00320-00155368-00155897 So you could click on any of these especially let's look at the one up here it's PubMed, dmRY3eFZSY0-00321-00156056-00156227 because we will have access to that. dmRY3eFZSY0-00322-00156375-00156759 It's like Isaid, PubMed searches Cochrane. dmRY3eFZSY0-00323-00156856-00157167 So, well it does not have an abstract on this one. dmRY3eFZSY0-00324-00157167-00157842 It's got information, original publication, digital object identifier, keywords. dmRY3eFZSY0-00325-00157842-00158124 Okay well, that one turned out to be a dud. dmRY3eFZSY0-00326-00158193-00158393 Scroll down a little bit, dmRY3eFZSY0-00327-00158592-00158811 still a serious disease. dmRY3eFZSY0-00328-00159048-00159541 ATG therapy, let's see what it's going to tell us. dmRY3eFZSY0-00329-00159638-00159838 Okay. dmRY3eFZSY0-00330-00160000-00160260 ATG therapy and aplastic anemia dmRY3eFZSY0-00331-00160344-00160478 current development. dmRY3eFZSY0-00332-00160556-00161136 My mother had aplastic anemia and she underwent ATG therapy, it deals dmRY3eFZSY0-00333-00161136-00162148 with the t-cells and ATG either comes from horse or rabbit serum if I remember right but anyway. dmRY3eFZSY0-00334-00162232-00162800 It's an immunosuppressive effect from ATG is what it does because when she was receiving blood dmRY3eFZSY0-00335-00162800-00163722 transfusions and it was trying to, basically tries to shock the body into not attacking its own dmRY3eFZSY0-00336-00163880-00164488 bone marrow and blood cells so that's pretty much what a plastic anemia does more information than dmRY3eFZSY0-00337-00164488-00164915 you wanted to know but it gives you the abstract here some information about it. dmRY3eFZSY0-00338-00164944-00165337 Like I said most of these are indexed into PubMed. dmRY3eFZSY0-00339-00165370-00165482 I'm going to show you another dmRY3eFZSY0-00340-00165482-00166016 source we'll just go outside here a little bit and I'm going to go to, there we go, dmRY3eFZSY0-00341-00166248-00166850 this also looks at clinical trials as the name implies. dmRY3eFZSY0-00342-00166965-00167389 So this is free it's not you don't even have to have the database toget into it. dmRY3eFZSY0-00343-00167491-00167848 You can go in here and, for example, dmRY3eFZSY0-00344-00167848-00168417 see listed clinical studies relevant or related to the COVID 19. dmRY3eFZSY0-00345-00168487-00168749 So let's take a look at that, how many studies are there? dmRY3eFZSY0-00346-00168882-00168938 Well, dmRY3eFZSY0-00347-00169000-00169584 right now that are registered with there are 3,185. dmRY3eFZSY0-00348-00169688-00170152 Status, these are not yet recruiting, this one is not yet recruiting this is recruiting, not active. dmRY3eFZSY0-00349-00170236-00170848 We could scroll on and keep looking at different ones, some few will say that they're complete. dmRY3eFZSY0-00350-00170848-00171416 You can even search, you can search by status, you can search by completed, dmRY3eFZSY0-00351-00171600-00171826 active, suspended, terminated. dmRY3eFZSY0-00352-00172048-00172784 You can go down and search by the eligibility criteria, study type, study results, dmRY3eFZSY0-00353-00172784-00173101 phase of the study, phase one, two, three, four. dmRY3eFZSY0-00354-00173398-00173700 Youcan also look at this map here that's kind of cool. dmRY3eFZSY0-00355-00173768-00174346 It shows where the clinical trials for COVID are being done dmRY3eFZSY0-00356-00174584-00174920 1,179 in Europe. dmRY3eFZSY0-00357-00174986-00175410 Here's the United States and click on the United States and we can look by state. dmRY3eFZSY0-00358-00175464-00175867 Not surprisingly there's such a huge number in California and New York. dmRY3eFZSY0-00359-00176000-00176542 Arkansas has got 10 so let's see what's going on in Arkansas with their studies and clinical trials here. dmRY3eFZSY0-00360-00176718-00176803 Okay, dmRY3eFZSY0-00361-00177014-00177326 we've got, several 10, dmRY3eFZSY0-00362-00177504-00178413 new, that's not yet recruiting, recruiting, this is ended by our enrolling by invitation, recruiting, okay. dmRY3eFZSY0-00363-00178440-00179047 But if you look the top one here, tells you it's recruiting, it tells you the study type, dmRY3eFZSY0-00364-00179107-00179498 inhaled nitrous nitric oxide, dmRY3eFZSY0-00365-00179655-00180177 for the treatment of COVID 19 conditions, it's meant to treat dmRY3eFZSY0-00366-00180283-00180431 intervention, dmRY3eFZSY0-00367-00180557-00181031 and then locations. And this one looks like it's just in Baptist Health dmRY3eFZSY0-00368-00181031-00181633 Center, Clinical Research Little Rock, Arkansas. We click here and look at the actual study dmRY3eFZSY0-00369-00181776-00182112 this will give you information about the study description dmRY3eFZSY0-00370-00182112-00182541 conditions it's meant to treat like we just saw the abbreviated version of that. dmRY3eFZSY0-00371-00182576-00183216 The study looks like an estimated enrollment 20 participants, very small study. dmRY3eFZSY0-00372-00183424-00184088 Estimated primary completion date looks like September 30th about a month away. dmRY3eFZSY0-00373-00184304-00184704 Gives you the arms where you have the experimental and you have the control dmRY3eFZSY0-00374-00184896-00185712 outcome measures, primary, secondary, other outcome measures, eligibility criteria for the dmRY3eFZSY0-00375-00185712-00186323 people who are are going to be the volunteers, inclusion, exclusion, dmRY3eFZSY0-00376-00186420-00186517 contacts, dmRY3eFZSY0-00377-00186647-00186947 locations, this one is just in Baptist. dmRY3eFZSY0-00378-00186947-00187400 Sometimes you'll see 10 locations, somtimes you'll see 30 locations, dmRY3eFZSY0-00379-00187400-00188205 and that's just locations of different clinicalfacilities across the United States or whatever country they could be in. dmRY3eFZSY0-00380-00188266-00188672 And this one is just a small study being done here at Baptist, it's only dmRY3eFZSY0-00381-00188672-00189282 20 people, it's just here and then there's who's funding it so the sponsors of it. dmRY3eFZSY0-00382-00189392-00190240 And even more information is provided there mesh terms which are in PubMed you'll see mesh dmRY3eFZSY0-00383-00190240-00190952 terms in there but it's always interesting to look at see who, sorry, to see who sponsored dmRY3eFZSY0-00384-00191064-00191164 the study. dmRY3eFZSY0-00385-00191191-00191448 Because for example, I mean it should be like looking dmRY3eFZSY0-00386-00191448-00192256 at a study that tries to say that nicotine is a is not a carcinogenic chemical and it's not addicting. dmRY3eFZSY0-00387-00192328-00192752 And you're thinking, wow that's interesting, it goes against everything i've ever heard and then you dmRY3eFZSY0-00388-00192808-00193296 well who's paying for the study and you find out the study is being funded by Phillip Morris who's dmRY3eFZSY0-00389-00193296-00193500 that's a cigarette company by the way. dmRY3eFZSY0-00390-00193557-00194000 There'syour smoking gun and pun intended there but so dmRY3eFZSY0-00391-00194072-00194504 it was good to look and see who's funding various studies. dmRY3eFZSY0-00392-00194680-00195152 But anyway I just wanted to show you a little bit about that was not in dmRY3eFZSY0-00393-00195152-00195664 the Harding database but it's associated with the National Institutes of Health, dmRY3eFZSY0-00394-00195736-00195977 which is connected with PubMed as well. dmRY3eFZSY0-00395-00196044-00196328 It'sa very good source it's outside the databases dmRY3eFZSY0-00396-00196328-00197064 that we have but it's free and it's uh you can search if I go back, sorry, if I go back to the dmRY3eFZSY0-00397-00197216-00197325 main page, dmRY3eFZSY0-00398-00197367-00197736 you can go in and search as well it's searchable, fully searchable, looking dmRY3eFZSY0-00399-00197736-00198408 search for conditions or disease if you know the a lot of times if you find a study that's in dmRY3eFZSY0-00400-00198480-00198893 in PubMed or something, it'll give you the NCT number which is dmRY3eFZSY0-00401-00198936-00199496 National Clinical Trial number and then you can take that number plug it into here and search. dmRY3eFZSY0-00402-00199496-00199936 And once you search it you can find the exact study and you'll be able to find more information dmRY3eFZSY0-00403-00199936-00200511 what you can from a review of the study for example and you can limit it by country. dmRY3eFZSY0-00404-00200511-00200589 So, dmRY3eFZSY0-00405-00200720-00201356 that's so there's kind of an overview of introduction to the library. dmRY3eFZSY0-00406-00201392-00201920 A little bit of information about our research guides, how you can contact me, information about dmRY3eFZSY0-00407-00202160-00202824 Nursing Reference Center Plus, CINAHL complete, a little bit of Cochrane library, dmRY3eFZSY0-00408-00202824-00203048 and also dmRY3eFZSY0-00409-00203120-00203402 I have another video that we go into a little more depth, dmRY3eFZSY0-00410-00203488-00204024 we look at the PubMed and the mesh headings and how to use mesh to search. dmRY3eFZSY0-00411-00204112-00204880 So, I guess I'll, see you in the next video and I hope things go well for you this semester,stay safe. dmRY3eFZSY0-00412-00205064-00205560 It's very very interesting times we live in right now so but just good luck dmRY3eFZSY0-00413-00205560-00206142 with everything this semester and like I said stay safe and we will see you again.