GA_PNcVxNac-00000-00000000-00000211 Oklahoma workers are overtaxed and GA_PNcVxNac-00001-00000212-00000463 over-regulated it's time to reform GA_PNcVxNac-00002-00000465-00000686 occupational licensing in Oklahoma I'm GA_PNcVxNac-00003-00000687-00000947 Kathy Costello your conservative GA_PNcVxNac-00004-00000948-00001120 Republican candidate for labor GA_PNcVxNac-00005-00001121-00001216 commissioner GA_PNcVxNac-00006-00001217-00001726 [Music] GCmp0WbuQIo-00000-00001717-00002409 good evening everyone welcome to our GCmp0WbuQIo-00001-00002410-00003456 evening talk GCmp0WbuQIo-00002-00003457-00003961 tonight I thought I'd talk about one way GCmp0WbuQIo-00003-00003962-00004375 of looking at when we get out of the GCmp0WbuQIo-00004-00004376-00004879 practice there's many different ways of GCmp0WbuQIo-00005-00004880-00005093 looking at what we get out of the GCmp0WbuQIo-00006-00005094-00005366 practice you can talk about and mostly GCmp0WbuQIo-00007-00005367-00005686 this is a question for meditators GCmp0WbuQIo-00008-00005687-00005984 relating to the good things that come GCmp0WbuQIo-00009-00005985-00006873 from meditation and I've warned against GCmp0WbuQIo-00010-00006875-00007605 putting too much of our energy into GCmp0WbuQIo-00011-00007606-00008246 ascertaining whether we are acquiring or GCmp0WbuQIo-00012-00008247-00008627 achieving or obtaining positive results GCmp0WbuQIo-00013-00008628-00009049 from our practice at least on I on am GCmp0WbuQIo-00014-00009050-00009391 you know sort of general overall level GCmp0WbuQIo-00015-00009392-00009793 and then that regard we're better off GCmp0WbuQIo-00016-00009794-00010082 focusing on what good results we get in GCmp0WbuQIo-00017-00010083-00010277 the present moment from the practice GCmp0WbuQIo-00018-00010278-00010735 because that's real when you look back GCmp0WbuQIo-00019-00010736-00010930 and say I've practiced all these hours GCmp0WbuQIo-00020-00010931-00011338 what am I getting out of this how can GCmp0WbuQIo-00021-00011339-00011494 you judge that are you going to judge it GCmp0WbuQIo-00022-00011495-00011935 by how you feel right now because maybe GCmp0WbuQIo-00023-00011936-00012091 right now you feel a find it kind of GCmp0WbuQIo-00024-00012092-00012325 crappy you know there could be many GCmp0WbuQIo-00025-00012326-00012505 reasons for why you feel the way you GCmp0WbuQIo-00026-00012506-00012974 feel right now and if if you try and GCmp0WbuQIo-00027-00012975-00013291 discern whether you're better or worse GCmp0WbuQIo-00028-00013293-00013700 because of meditation and that's it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00029-00013701-00013922 quite complicated there's no gauge you GCmp0WbuQIo-00030-00013922-00014549 can look at and because our moods GCmp0WbuQIo-00031-00014550-00014975 fluctuate and it's problematic and it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00032-00014976-00015172 leads to a lot of doubt sometimes for GCmp0WbuQIo-00033-00015173-00015397 meditators so I've talked about this a GCmp0WbuQIo-00034-00015398-00015728 lot we doubt and that word is a funny GCmp0WbuQIo-00035-00015729-00016046 thing because you might be so confident GCmp0WbuQIo-00036-00016047-00016238 and sure of something one moment and GCmp0WbuQIo-00037-00016238-00016689 think this meditation is just the bomb GCmp0WbuQIo-00038-00016690-00017247 and then five minutes later you're ready GCmp0WbuQIo-00039-00017248-00017583 to call it quits thinking that because GCmp0WbuQIo-00040-00017584-00018014 suddenly your mood has changed mine can GCmp0WbuQIo-00041-00018015-00018447 be very fickle to be careful don't get GCmp0WbuQIo-00042-00018448-00018758 caught up in the moods of the mind so GCmp0WbuQIo-00043-00018759-00018966 that's not what I want to talk about GCmp0WbuQIo-00044-00018967-00019125 tonight although it's always good to GCmp0WbuQIo-00045-00019126-00019428 mention to provide encouragement that if GCmp0WbuQIo-00046-00019429-00019583 you want to see the benefits of GCmp0WbuQIo-00047-00019584-00019749 meditation find them in the present GCmp0WbuQIo-00048-00019750-00019805 moment GCmp0WbuQIo-00049-00019806-00020378 ask yourself what the state of mind of a GCmp0WbuQIo-00050-00020379-00021036 mindful person is truly like is it pure GCmp0WbuQIo-00051-00021037-00021305 or is it impure is it wholesome or GCmp0WbuQIo-00052-00021306-00021733 unwholesome is it beneficial or harmful GCmp0WbuQIo-00053-00021734-00022097 and that's what you should see if you GCmp0WbuQIo-00054-00022098-00022422 can't see the purity of the mindful GCmp0WbuQIo-00055-00022423-00022611 State of Mind then okay then I would say GCmp0WbuQIo-00056-00022612-00022811 you've got a problem GCmp0WbuQIo-00057-00022812-00023112 it may not be comfortable it's not meant GCmp0WbuQIo-00058-00023113-00023412 to be comfortable but it's meant to be GCmp0WbuQIo-00059-00023413-00023718 honest and pure and it won't it doesn't GCmp0WbuQIo-00060-00023719-00023886 mean you'll sit for an hour and feel GCmp0WbuQIo-00061-00023887-00024165 very pure but the moments when you're GCmp0WbuQIo-00062-00024166-00024525 actually mindful your whole perception GCmp0WbuQIo-00063-00024526-00024992 will change you'll go from this sort of GCmp0WbuQIo-00064-00024993-00025483 foggy sense of concepts and ideas GCmp0WbuQIo-00065-00025484-00025727 there's suddenly a clearer sense of Oh GCmp0WbuQIo-00066-00025728-00026280 Here I am sitting in this room awareness GCmp0WbuQIo-00067-00026281-00026517 clear awareness of experiences yes now GCmp0WbuQIo-00068-00026518-00026661 there's this experience than this GCmp0WbuQIo-00069-00026662-00027207 experience GCmp0WbuQIo-00070-00027208-00027463 you'll see your emotions for what they GCmp0WbuQIo-00071-00027464-00027627 are your judgments for what they are and GCmp0WbuQIo-00072-00027629-00027856 rather than a clinging to them or GCmp0WbuQIo-00073-00027857-00028387 identifying with them you'll objectify GCmp0WbuQIo-00074-00028388-00028786 them that is what it is and you'll let GCmp0WbuQIo-00075-00028787-00029187 it go and you'll see the purity in that GCmp0WbuQIo-00076-00029188-00029539 you'll see how that constitutes a GCmp0WbuQIo-00077-00029539-00030002 positive direction so that it's it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00078-00030004-00030247 involved in the cultivation of positive GCmp0WbuQIo-00079-00030248-00030517 habits and then you can let it go from GCmp0WbuQIo-00080-00030518-00030835 there and conclude that whatever comes GCmp0WbuQIo-00081-00030836-00031141 from this will be positive because the GCmp0WbuQIo-00082-00031142-00031273 seed is positive GCmp0WbuQIo-00083-00031274-00031842 just as the seed of a of an oak tree GCmp0WbuQIo-00084-00031843-00032848 only brings oak trees so that's enough GCmp0WbuQIo-00085-00032849-00033058 of that what I did want to talk about GCmp0WbuQIo-00086-00033059-00033370 today was what you should expect on the GCmp0WbuQIo-00087-00033371-00034138 bad side but as I was talking yesterday GCmp0WbuQIo-00088-00034139-00034558 were such pessimists I was focusing on GCmp0WbuQIo-00089-00034559-00034836 the bad side of things right GCmp0WbuQIo-00090-00034837-00035152 we're like doctors doctors are terrible GCmp0WbuQIo-00091-00035153-00035284 people they're always focusing on GCmp0WbuQIo-00092-00035285-00035608 sickness right what's wrong with all GCmp0WbuQIo-00093-00035609-00035853 these doctors focusing on sickness GCmp0WbuQIo-00094-00035854-00036097 why don't they start one up they focus GCmp0WbuQIo-00095-00036098-00036394 on what's healthy about us and I'll GCmp0WbuQIo-00096-00036395-00036939 examine the parts of us that are healthy GCmp0WbuQIo-00097-00036940-00037258 yes I've investigated your liver and GCmp0WbuQIo-00098-00037259-00037570 it's perfectly good condition but doctor GCmp0WbuQIo-00099-00037571-00037779 I have a heart condition GCmp0WbuQIo-00100-00037780-00038124 well yes but your liver is very healthy GCmp0WbuQIo-00101-00038125-00038386 aren't you interested in that no no I'm GCmp0WbuQIo-00102-00038387-00038701 not you see you see the problem with GCmp0WbuQIo-00103-00038702-00038986 this sort of thinking I want it to be GCmp0WbuQIo-00104-00038987-00039028 happy GCmp0WbuQIo-00105-00039029-00039315 why don't we focus on the happy spots GCmp0WbuQIo-00106-00039316-00039553 why don't I teach you meditation that's GCmp0WbuQIo-00107-00039554-00040136 calm and comfortable Pleasant GCmp0WbuQIo-00108-00040137-00040310 because we're much more interested in GCmp0WbuQIo-00109-00040311-00040874 the bad bits the problematic parts those GCmp0WbuQIo-00110-00040875-00041081 aspects of our existence that we'd GCmp0WbuQIo-00111-00041082-00041596 rather be without are those aspects of GCmp0WbuQIo-00112-00041597-00041929 their existence that are causing us GCmp0WbuQIo-00113-00041930-00042181 experiences that we'd rather be without GCmp0WbuQIo-00114-00042182-00042656 so infact suffering is the symptom when GCmp0WbuQIo-00115-00042657-00042790 we want to find out is why we're GCmp0WbuQIo-00116-00042791-00043315 suffering right we all do why me why why GCmp0WbuQIo-00117-00043316-00044746 God GCmp0WbuQIo-00118-00044747-00045184 and so we focus on we focus on the GCmp0WbuQIo-00119-00045185-00045562 problems and the problems are layered GCmp0WbuQIo-00120-00045563-00046048 there is the symptom which is this the GCmp0WbuQIo-00121-00046049-00046417 problems the sufferings right and then GCmp0WbuQIo-00122-00046418-00046731 there is the cause which is our GCmp0WbuQIo-00123-00046732-00046987 expectations clinging right but it GCmp0WbuQIo-00124-00046988-00047458 clinging means any kind of desire for an GCmp0WbuQIo-00125-00047459-00047701 outcome that something should come to be GCmp0WbuQIo-00126-00047702-00047976 that something something should cease GCmp0WbuQIo-00127-00047977-00048916 desire to obtain an experience and GCmp0WbuQIo-00128-00048917-00049063 there's another layer and that's the GCmp0WbuQIo-00129-00049064-00049258 reason why this is problematic the GCmp0WbuQIo-00130-00049259-00049912 reason why why craving leads to GCmp0WbuQIo-00131-00049913-00050475 suffering and that's really the essence GCmp0WbuQIo-00132-00050476-00050836 what stops you from clinging is GCmp0WbuQIo-00133-00050837-00051301 ignorance is seeing thinking that or GCmp0WbuQIo-00134-00051302-00051845 perceiving that certain things our GCmp0WbuQIo-00135-00051846-00052367 pleasant are stable satisfying and GCmp0WbuQIo-00136-00052369-00052627 controllable stable satisfying and GCmp0WbuQIo-00137-00052628-00053317 controllable GCmp0WbuQIo-00138-00053318-00053741 now that unfortunately is delusion GCmp0WbuQIo-00139-00053741-00054066 that's illusion that's not how reality GCmp0WbuQIo-00140-00054066-00054822 works and so what you see quite quickly GCmp0WbuQIo-00141-00054823-00055110 through the meditation practice if it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00142-00055111-00055686 a meditation practice on reality what GCmp0WbuQIo-00143-00055687-00055904 you see is quite problematic it's quite GCmp0WbuQIo-00144-00055905-00056349 uncomfortable and it leads people to GCmp0WbuQIo-00145-00056350-00056537 think that this sort of meditation is GCmp0WbuQIo-00146-00056538-00057029 itself problematic and you know GCmp0WbuQIo-00147-00057029-00057609 dangerous perhaps or something's wrong GCmp0WbuQIo-00148-00057610-00058016 with this meditation practice but the GCmp0WbuQIo-00149-00058017-00058236 the perception that something's wrong is GCmp0WbuQIo-00150-00058237-00058761 so important it's the wake-up call I'm GCmp0WbuQIo-00151-00058762-00058935 practicing I'm doing what you said but GCmp0WbuQIo-00152-00058936-00059567 something's wrong what do you mean well GCmp0WbuQIo-00153-00059568-00059760 the more I practice the more chaotic it GCmp0WbuQIo-00154-00059761-00060038 becomes that's not how reality is GCmp0WbuQIo-00155-00060039-00060315 supposed to be right supposed to be GCmp0WbuQIo-00156-00060316-00060781 stable more I practice the more GCmp0WbuQIo-00157-00060782-00060935 unpleasantness GCmp0WbuQIo-00158-00060936-00061278 I can't find anything to hold on to it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00159-00061279-00061536 all unsatisfying GCmp0WbuQIo-00160-00061537-00061730 that's not how reality you know where's GCmp0WbuQIo-00161-00061731-00062330 the happy stuff the more I practice the GCmp0WbuQIo-00162-00062331-00062591 more uncontrollable it is some more I GCmp0WbuQIo-00163-00062592-00063251 feel like I'm forcing everything no I GCmp0WbuQIo-00164-00063252-00063644 can't get a grip on this I can't figure GCmp0WbuQIo-00165-00063645-00063938 out how to make it work you know what do GCmp0WbuQIo-00166-00063939-00064040 I do GCmp0WbuQIo-00167-00064041-00064325 how do I control this basically so GCmp0WbuQIo-00168-00064326-00064655 everything how do I control my mind I'll GCmp0WbuQIo-00169-00064656-00065219 ask see where I'm going with this there GCmp0WbuQIo-00170-00065220-00065417 are three things you have to come to see GCmp0WbuQIo-00171-00065418-00065717 from the practice I had three things you GCmp0WbuQIo-00172-00065718-00066017 will see and so to put it in a sense GCmp0WbuQIo-00173-00066018-00066210 that some things you have to see is is GCmp0WbuQIo-00174-00066211-00066455 misleading and it leads to worry in the GCmp0WbuQIo-00175-00066456-00066492 minute GCmp0WbuQIo-00176-00066493-00067206 mine's meditators become like a person GCmp0WbuQIo-00177-00067207-00067376 looking at a tiger and asking where its GCmp0WbuQIo-00178-00067377-00068184 stripes are now if you see a tiger you GCmp0WbuQIo-00179-00068185-00068337 see its stripes but if you tell the GCmp0WbuQIo-00180-00068338-00068625 person look okay I want you to look at GCmp0WbuQIo-00181-00068626-00068784 that you're gonna see a tiger and I want GCmp0WbuQIo-00182-00068785-00069087 you to find its stripes and it's kind of GCmp0WbuQIo-00183-00069088-00069234 like the meditator goes in and takes a GCmp0WbuQIo-00184-00069235-00069429 magnifying glass and tries to find these GCmp0WbuQIo-00185-00069430-00069786 stripes what I mean as a meditator will GCmp0WbuQIo-00186-00069787-00070176 often be concerned worried about whether GCmp0WbuQIo-00187-00070177-00070319 they're actually going to see these GCmp0WbuQIo-00188-00070320-00070698 characteristics because it's a little GCmp0WbuQIo-00189-00070699-00070907 bit less clear than a tiger and its GCmp0WbuQIo-00190-00070908-00071166 stripes but in the sense that you're not GCmp0WbuQIo-00191-00071167-00071322 actually seeing something and it's not GCmp0WbuQIo-00192-00071323-00071571 that cut-and-dried or that simple but in GCmp0WbuQIo-00193-00071572-00071904 fact it is quite obvious you can't GCmp0WbuQIo-00194-00071905-00072168 experience reality without experiencing GCmp0WbuQIo-00195-00072169-00072461 impermanence suffering and non-self GCmp0WbuQIo-00196-00072462-00072963 that's why we suffer I mean we don't GCmp0WbuQIo-00197-00072964-00073226 actually suffer because of it we suffer GCmp0WbuQIo-00198-00073227-00073682 because we cling to things thinking them GCmp0WbuQIo-00199-00073683-00073905 to be other than impermanence suffering GCmp0WbuQIo-00200-00073906-00074307 and non-self and what our expectations GCmp0WbuQIo-00201-00074308-00075042 are not met we're disappointed we're an GCmp0WbuQIo-00202-00075043-00076487 upset GCmp0WbuQIo-00203-00076488-00076760 it's more meditation practice it begins GCmp0WbuQIo-00204-00076761-00077116 by closing our eyes and looking inside GCmp0WbuQIo-00205-00077117-00077806 and we make this shift this paradigm GCmp0WbuQIo-00206-00077807-00078169 shift to ultimate reality to experience GCmp0WbuQIo-00207-00078170-00078518 reality seeing experiences arise and GCmp0WbuQIo-00208-00078519-00079768 sees come and go the constant change GCmp0WbuQIo-00209-00079769-00079986 and we begin to see these three GCmp0WbuQIo-00210-00079987-00080251 characteristics and this is it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00211-00080252-00080467 important to understand it's important GCmp0WbuQIo-00212-00080468-00080692 to realize this is the process that GCmp0WbuQIo-00213-00080693-00080913 we're going through this process of GCmp0WbuQIo-00214-00080914-00081501 awakening to these three characteristics GCmp0WbuQIo-00215-00081502-00081874 it leads us to let go to stop trying to GCmp0WbuQIo-00216-00081875-00082078 find that witches or stop trying to make GCmp0WbuQIo-00217-00082079-00082410 things or make reality permanent stable GCmp0WbuQIo-00218-00082411-00083020 satisfying controllable stop seeing it GCmp0WbuQIo-00219-00083021-00084333 as me and mine and so on GCmp0WbuQIo-00220-00084334-00084828 we we look at these three we and we try GCmp0WbuQIo-00221-00084829-00085017 it's important to understand them and so GCmp0WbuQIo-00222-00085018-00085226 I just wondered briefly that's detail GCmp0WbuQIo-00223-00085227-00085508 what we're talking about here GCmp0WbuQIo-00224-00085509-00085695 impermanence is something you can GCmp0WbuQIo-00225-00085696-00086114 understand in different ways GCmp0WbuQIo-00226-00086115-00086439 the Vasudha manga gives a good GCmp0WbuQIo-00227-00086440-00086850 description of how one discerns GCmp0WbuQIo-00228-00086851-00087267 impermanence and permanence can be GCmp0WbuQIo-00229-00087268-00087537 discerned in the sense that you see GCmp0WbuQIo-00230-00087538-00087707 people have died and you say wow they GCmp0WbuQIo-00231-00087708-00088164 were alive and now they're dead and so GCmp0WbuQIo-00232-00088165-00088307 you look at yourself and you say I am GCmp0WbuQIo-00233-00088308-00088685 Alive and one day I will be dead as well GCmp0WbuQIo-00234-00088686-00088905 that's probably the one of the more GCmp0WbuQIo-00235-00088906-00089244 course most coarse understandings of GCmp0WbuQIo-00236-00089245-00089496 impermanence but it's still a sort of an GCmp0WbuQIo-00237-00089497-00089778 understanding of impermanence and then GCmp0WbuQIo-00238-00089779-00090057 another person looks at their life as GCmp0WbuQIo-00239-00090058-00090384 they're growing older and realizing when GCmp0WbuQIo-00240-00090385-00090762 they were young they were different than GCmp0WbuQIo-00241-00090763-00091076 how they are when they're an adult and GCmp0WbuQIo-00242-00091077-00091290 then when they get older they're now GCmp0WbuQIo-00243-00091291-00091805 different from when they were an adult GCmp0WbuQIo-00244-00091806-00092049 when they see impermanence that way and GCmp0WbuQIo-00245-00092050-00092361 another person starts to go deep burns GCmp0WbuQIo-00246-00092362-00092763 as like last year and another person GCmp0WbuQIo-00247-00092764-00093006 says last month and then yesterday I was GCmp0WbuQIo-00248-00093007-00093321 a different person an hour ago I was a GCmp0WbuQIo-00249-00093322-00094038 different person seeing change but a GCmp0WbuQIo-00250-00094039-00094284 meditator in Buddha Gosa says he says a GCmp0WbuQIo-00251-00094285-00094710 meditator and the Buddha's teaching we GCmp0WbuQIo-00252-00094711-00095049 look at each movement or each experience GCmp0WbuQIo-00253-00095050-00095355 so we break the foot into six parts we GCmp0WbuQIo-00254-00095356-00095577 break the step each step that we walk GCmp0WbuQIo-00255-00095578-00095781 there's in a good exam just a good GCmp0WbuQIo-00256-00095782-00096096 example when you lift the heel that's GCmp0WbuQIo-00257-00096097-00096342 one experience and there's births and GCmp0WbuQIo-00258-00096343-00096612 death in that moment when you lift the GCmp0WbuQIo-00259-00096613-00096876 foot that's births and deaths when you GCmp0WbuQIo-00260-00096877-00097257 move the foot when you lower the foot GCmp0WbuQIo-00261-00097258-00097437 when you touch the foot when you place GCmp0WbuQIo-00262-00097438-00097713 the heel GCmp0WbuQIo-00263-00097714-00098179 meaning every moment not just even one GCmp0WbuQIo-00264-00098180-00098418 footstep but each part of the footstep GCmp0WbuQIo-00265-00098419-00098791 is a birth in the death it's it's a part GCmp0WbuQIo-00266-00098792-00099031 of impermanence you know that GCmp0WbuQIo-00267-00099032-00100146 impermanence is in terms of experiences GCmp0WbuQIo-00268-00100147-00100405 so when we talk about impermanence we're GCmp0WbuQIo-00269-00100406-00100933 really looking at this this realization GCmp0WbuQIo-00270-00100934-00101206 that reality is made up of discrete GCmp0WbuQIo-00271-00101207-00101590 moments that arise and cease it's not GCmp0WbuQIo-00272-00101591-00102036 made up of entities it's not made up of GCmp0WbuQIo-00273-00102037-00102490 lasting entities the body is not GCmp0WbuQIo-00274-00102491-00102664 something that exists for a moment a GCmp0WbuQIo-00275-00102665-00102940 moment a mind as well it's not something GCmp0WbuQIo-00276-00102941-00103273 that exists for a moment a moment all we GCmp0WbuQIo-00277-00103274-00103750 have our moments of experience physical GCmp0WbuQIo-00278-00103751-00105372 and mental aspects of of each experience GCmp0WbuQIo-00279-00105373-00105608 and permanence was really the the GCmp0WbuQIo-00280-00105609-00105908 beginning of it all just the big problem GCmp0WbuQIo-00281-00105909-00106106 if things were permanent well you know GCmp0WbuQIo-00282-00106107-00106422 even if pain was much per lasted forever GCmp0WbuQIo-00283-00106423-00106851 you'd get used to it he would it would GCmp0WbuQIo-00284-00106852-00107028 no longer be painful like well yeah this GCmp0WbuQIo-00285-00107029-00107558 is comfortable it's always like this GCmp0WbuQIo-00286-00107558-00107951 it's actually changed that's the problem GCmp0WbuQIo-00287-00107952-00108413 that's what makes things suffering GCmp0WbuQIo-00288-00108414-00109056 nobody said a Nietzsche what the Sankara GCmp0WbuQIo-00289-00109057-00109368 who by the way Adam II know who podgy to GCmp0WbuQIo-00290-00109369-00109566 our new roots and details and we'll pass GCmp0WbuQIo-00291-00109567-00110070 some also cool impermanent indeed are GCmp0WbuQIo-00292-00110071-00110608 all formations subject to arise and fall GCmp0WbuQIo-00293-00110609-00111065 having arisen they cease GCmp0WbuQIo-00294-00111066-00111753 the stilling of them all is peace or is GCmp0WbuQIo-00295-00111754-00112816 the is is happiness GCmp0WbuQIo-00296-00112817-00113050 and so suffering we can understand in GCmp0WbuQIo-00297-00113051-00113493 different ways there's dukka dukka dukka GCmp0WbuQIo-00298-00113494-00113803 dukka is this pain is suffering that is GCmp0WbuQIo-00299-00113804-00114241 suffering this is when you feel pain or GCmp0WbuQIo-00300-00114242-00114403 or when you feel anguish in the mind GCmp0WbuQIo-00301-00114404-00114598 physical and mental pain Duke adieu GCmp0WbuQIo-00302-00114599-00115189 Manasa and then there's sankhara GCmp0WbuQIo-00303-00115190-00115381 dukkhata so I'm kind of Dukas a little GCmp0WbuQIo-00304-00115382-00115672 more interesting Sankara dukkha means GCmp0WbuQIo-00305-00115673-00116023 the the effort and the trouble one has GCmp0WbuQIo-00306-00116024-00116760 to go about to maintain stability so the GCmp0WbuQIo-00307-00116761-00117007 work that a meditator does undertakes in GCmp0WbuQIo-00308-00117008-00117238 the beginning to try and stop themselves GCmp0WbuQIo-00309-00117239-00117607 from experiencing the chaos find ways to GCmp0WbuQIo-00310-00117608-00118083 not have certain experiences arise find GCmp0WbuQIo-00311-00118084-00118372 ways to keep certain experiences keep GCmp0WbuQIo-00312-00118373-00118552 the mind focused on the foot so you try GCmp0WbuQIo-00313-00118553-00118873 to force it find ways and editor it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00314-00118874-00119385 stressful to try and create permanence GCmp0WbuQIo-00315-00119386-00119583 or stability GCmp0WbuQIo-00316-00119583-00119859 that's called Sankara Dukas Ankara in GCmp0WbuQIo-00317-00119860-00120114 this sense in this case in this usage GCmp0WbuQIo-00318-00120115-00120679 means the cultivation or forming some GCmp0WbuQIo-00319-00120680-00121449 things stable GCmp0WbuQIo-00320-00121450-00121707 but the most important type of suffering GCmp0WbuQIo-00321-00121708-00121904 is called weep re nama Duke and it GCmp0WbuQIo-00322-00121905-00122133 actually is that this idea that GCmp0WbuQIo-00323-00122133-00122850 suffering comes from change things GCmp0WbuQIo-00324-00122851-00123363 happen that you're not expecting and GCmp0WbuQIo-00325-00123364-00123602 that you wish which hadn't happened and GCmp0WbuQIo-00326-00123603-00123969 causes you stress or things that you GCmp0WbuQIo-00327-00123970-00124821 like want they go away and simply the GCmp0WbuQIo-00328-00124822-00125106 fact that reality is chaotic GCmp0WbuQIo-00329-00125107-00126427 unpredictable and incessantly changing GCmp0WbuQIo-00330-00126428-00126906 this is how we understand suffering uh GCmp0WbuQIo-00331-00126907-00127222 not dyin of course is the most difficult GCmp0WbuQIo-00332-00127223-00127447 one other religious teachings can teach GCmp0WbuQIo-00333-00127448-00127693 and do teach impermanence and suffering GCmp0WbuQIo-00334-00127694-00128010 but what they won and all failed to GCmp0WbuQIo-00335-00128011-00128743 teach is non-self there are spiritual GCmp0WbuQIo-00336-00128744-00129088 teachers who teach you to reduce your GCmp0WbuQIo-00337-00129089-00129631 ego but they talk about reducing the ego GCmp0WbuQIo-00338-00129632-00129817 and in order to find the connectedness GCmp0WbuQIo-00339-00129818-00130150 of oneness with the universe which is GCmp0WbuQIo-00340-00130151-00130642 still very much the concept of self and GCmp0WbuQIo-00341-00130643-00130900 so when Buddhism teaches non-self it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00342-00130901-00131116 quite disconcerting to most people even GCmp0WbuQIo-00343-00131117-00131581 many meditators what will happen to this GCmp0WbuQIo-00344-00131582-00131935 self of mine this was voiced in Nepali GCmp0WbuQIo-00345-00131936-00132139 it's not something new that people just GCmp0WbuQIo-00346-00132140-00132390 came up with now that they're afraid of GCmp0WbuQIo-00347-00132391-00132675 even in the Buddhist time people said GCmp0WbuQIo-00348-00132676-00132925 wait if I see non-self what will happen GCmp0WbuQIo-00349-00132926-00133461 to my self what's gonna happen to me GCmp0WbuQIo-00350-00133462-00133663 it's not something I have to worry about GCmp0WbuQIo-00351-00133664-00133885 because you're not you know it's it's a GCmp0WbuQIo-00352-00133886-00134038 fact of life it's already there GCmp0WbuQIo-00353-00134039-00134461 nothing's going to change oneself is GCmp0WbuQIo-00354-00134462-00134761 pointing on a problem with our paradigm GCmp0WbuQIo-00355-00134762-00135055 with the way we look at things seeing GCmp0WbuQIo-00356-00135056-00135325 things as me as mine it doesn't actually GCmp0WbuQIo-00357-00135326-00135772 say this is or this isn't or it doesn't GCmp0WbuQIo-00358-00135773-00135931 actually say that there is or isn't a GCmp0WbuQIo-00359-00135932-00136642 self it doesn't actually exist not GCmp0WbuQIo-00360-00136643-00136900 exactly I don't want to get into the GCmp0WbuQIo-00361-00136901-00137104 details of this but I want to be clear GCmp0WbuQIo-00362-00137105-00137362 that's not the point and it's important GCmp0WbuQIo-00363-00137363-00137677 because it again speaks of the framework GCmp0WbuQIo-00364-00137678-00137872 if you're thinking in terms of whether I GCmp0WbuQIo-00365-00137873-00138076 exist or don't exist you're looking at GCmp0WbuQIo-00366-00138077-00138445 things wrong that view doesn't help any GCmp0WbuQIo-00367-00138446-00138580 better than asking whether the body GCmp0WbuQIo-00368-00138581-00138754 exists or doesn't exist GCmp0WbuQIo-00369-00138755-00138937 you're yours thinking in terms of GCmp0WbuQIo-00370-00138938-00139314 entities GCmp0WbuQIo-00371-00139315-00139521 if you start out from the point of view GCmp0WbuQIo-00372-00139522-00139716 of experience which is a very clever GCmp0WbuQIo-00373-00139717-00140133 thing that the button did wise I guess I GCmp0WbuQIo-00374-00140134-00140613 shouldn't just call him clever no I GCmp0WbuQIo-00375-00140614-00140985 guess it's very wise thing to just want GCmp0WbuQIo-00376-00140986-00141750 to be careful with my language then GCmp0WbuQIo-00377-00141751-00141921 there's no question of whether I exist GCmp0WbuQIo-00378-00141922-00142116 or don't exist I isn't something you can GCmp0WbuQIo-00379-00142117-00142377 experience and what you see is what what GCmp0WbuQIo-00380-00142378-00142677 does exist and be ridiculous to think GCmp0WbuQIo-00381-00142678-00142860 that this doesn't mean this is mine it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00382-00142861-00143240 it arises and ceases it comes and goes GCmp0WbuQIo-00383-00143241-00143469 let's be clear clearly we're talking but GCmp0WbuQIo-00384-00143470-00143739 Mossi saya does a good job describing GCmp0WbuQIo-00385-00143740-00144275 four types of self there is self as a GCmp0WbuQIo-00386-00144276-00144990 possessor owner self as the owner self GCmp0WbuQIo-00387-00144991-00145611 as the dweller or one self as as GCmp0WbuQIo-00388-00145612-00145953 existing as being some someone that GCmp0WbuQIo-00389-00145954-00146598 exists there self as the doer and there GCmp0WbuQIo-00390-00146599-00147069 self as the experience or the one who GCmp0WbuQIo-00391-00147070-00147645 feels all of these are various ways of GCmp0WbuQIo-00392-00147646-00147915 describing the cell and you can see they GCmp0WbuQIo-00393-00147916-00148338 all involve an entity and and so they GCmp0WbuQIo-00394-00148339-00148569 start off on this wrong premise the GCmp0WbuQIo-00395-00148570-00148956 owner means looking at it the idea that GCmp0WbuQIo-00396-00148957-00149304 there is the owner but it actually leads GCmp0WbuQIo-00397-00149305-00149682 to is perceptions of things as belonging GCmp0WbuQIo-00398-00149683-00150016 to the self right so the probably GCmp0WbuQIo-00399-00150017-00150266 glaring problem here is that it leads us GCmp0WbuQIo-00400-00150267-00150624 to have ownership issues concerns over GCmp0WbuQIo-00401-00150625-00150807 our possessions even our body when we GCmp0WbuQIo-00402-00150808-00151026 see our body start to become wrinkled or GCmp0WbuQIo-00403-00151027-00151431 fat or you know whatever we start to GCmp0WbuQIo-00404-00151432-00151737 worry when we when we break out in GCmp0WbuQIo-00405-00151738-00152948 pimples that disturbs us GCmp0WbuQIo-00406-00152949-00153192 as we think of these things as ours and GCmp0WbuQIo-00407-00153193-00153606 then it we apply it to our possessions GCmp0WbuQIo-00408-00153607-00153894 our house our car would apply it to GCmp0WbuQIo-00409-00153895-00154160 other people my wife my husband my GCmp0WbuQIo-00410-00154161-00154695 brother my sister my child my friend my GCmp0WbuQIo-00411-00154696-00155532 enemy all because of the idea of me of GCmp0WbuQIo-00412-00155533-00156275 mind the the the one who exists this is GCmp0WbuQIo-00413-00156276-00156656 some people postulate just navasana GCmp0WbuQIo-00414-00156657-00157059 masih the one who dwells in the body or GCmp0WbuQIo-00415-00157060-00157440 in the being so the idea of a soul just GCmp0WbuQIo-00416-00157441-00157791 a general soul idea again something you GCmp0WbuQIo-00417-00157792-00158028 can't experience it's a little bit less GCmp0WbuQIo-00418-00158029-00158268 problematic but it's all caught up in GCmp0WbuQIo-00419-00158269-00158580 the same idea it's just a theory and it GCmp0WbuQIo-00420-00158581-00158829 leads to all sorts of problems that GCmp0WbuQIo-00421-00158830-00158997 leads to especially the problem of GCmp0WbuQIo-00422-00158998-00159513 permanence stability thinking that I am GCmp0WbuQIo-00423-00159514-00159978 a thing that exists and prevents you GCmp0WbuQIo-00424-00159979-00160206 from seeing reality clearly as it is and GCmp0WbuQIo-00425-00160207-00160511 thereby leads to all sorts of problems GCmp0WbuQIo-00426-00160512-00160914 disappointments when things change when GCmp0WbuQIo-00427-00160915-00161088 you see other people change you wonder GCmp0WbuQIo-00428-00161089-00161307 but you don't even wonder you get upset GCmp0WbuQIo-00429-00161308-00161511 because you had this idea of them as an GCmp0WbuQIo-00430-00161512-00161964 entity a lasting entity that's not who GCmp0WbuQIo-00431-00161965-00162165 you are you don't think this but you GCmp0WbuQIo-00432-00162166-00162411 feel it you know you were expecting them GCmp0WbuQIo-00433-00162412-00162734 to always be the way you want them to be GCmp0WbuQIo-00434-00162735-00163059 this is why people we love anger us the GCmp0WbuQIo-00435-00163060-00163676 most when they change GCmp0WbuQIo-00436-00163677-00164220 and then we have carroca Garga des GCmp0WbuQIo-00437-00164221-00164562 incredibly problematic the doer this is GCmp0WbuQIo-00438-00164563-00164745 what leads us to try and force things GCmp0WbuQIo-00439-00164746-00165065 force our stomach to behave properly GCmp0WbuQIo-00440-00165066-00165578 force our minds to behave properly GCmp0WbuQIo-00441-00165579-00165780 because I'm the one who is in charge GCmp0WbuQIo-00442-00165781-00166407 right it's me who's doing it yeah it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00443-00166408-00166614 funny because it's not really important GCmp0WbuQIo-00444-00166615-00166812 whether it is me or isn't me but as soon GCmp0WbuQIo-00445-00166813-00167205 as you start to think that way you start GCmp0WbuQIo-00446-00167206-00167463 to mess with things right it's the view GCmp0WbuQIo-00447-00167464-00167757 the view informs your actions and when GCmp0WbuQIo-00448-00167758-00167925 the way you look at things is in terms GCmp0WbuQIo-00449-00167926-00168099 of I'm going to force this right it GCmp0WbuQIo-00450-00168100-00168312 forced it it doesn't matter whether you GCmp0WbuQIo-00451-00168313-00168537 can or not I'm not trying to say that GCmp0WbuQIo-00452-00168538-00168798 you can but it doesn't matter because as GCmp0WbuQIo-00453-00168799-00169107 soon as you try you mess stuff up as GCmp0WbuQIo-00454-00169108-00169290 soon as you take that view everything GCmp0WbuQIo-00455-00169291-00169398 gets all messed up GCmp0WbuQIo-00456-00169399-00169560 you start forcing and this is what you GCmp0WbuQIo-00457-00169561-00169722 feel from meditation you start to GCmp0WbuQIo-00458-00169723-00170067 reflect upon how this carry this is GCmp0WbuQIo-00459-00170068-00170412 carried out in life trying to force GCmp0WbuQIo-00460-00170413-00170801 everything trying to control our lives GCmp0WbuQIo-00461-00170802-00171180 control our circumstances and how much GCmp0WbuQIo-00462-00171181-00171857 stress we come from being control freaks GCmp0WbuQIo-00463-00171858-00172191 and finally wade the cat vada kata is GCmp0WbuQIo-00464-00172192-00172451 also quite interesting it's in terms of GCmp0WbuQIo-00465-00172452-00172812 the one who experiences so we think of GCmp0WbuQIo-00466-00172813-00173707 feelings as belonging to us GCmp0WbuQIo-00467-00173708-00173908 I mean this is really the crux of it if GCmp0WbuQIo-00468-00173909-00174217 you weren't if you you don't cry out in GCmp0WbuQIo-00469-00174218-00174391 pain when you see something you don't GCmp0WbuQIo-00470-00174392-00174604 know you don't get upset when you see GCmp0WbuQIo-00471-00174605-00174775 some something bad happen to someone GCmp0WbuQIo-00472-00174776-00175381 else but when something bad happens to GCmp0WbuQIo-00473-00175382-00175759 you you lament and so the same goes for GCmp0WbuQIo-00474-00175760-00176047 pain we pain is not really a big problem GCmp0WbuQIo-00475-00176048-00176416 except that we conceived of it as I am GCmp0WbuQIo-00476-00176417-00176722 feeling pain if we thought of it as pain GCmp0WbuQIo-00477-00176723-00176956 arising and you see it's just that GCmp0WbuQIo-00478-00176957-00177309 paradigm shift that that shift of views GCmp0WbuQIo-00479-00177310-00177616 makes you realize you know okay so pain GCmp0WbuQIo-00480-00177617-00177850 this is this incredible pain that has GCmp0WbuQIo-00481-00177851-00178570 arisen it's not mean it's not mine then GCmp0WbuQIo-00482-00178571-00178756 Vasudha manga describes it as this GCmp0WbuQIo-00483-00178757-00178942 someone who looks off into the distance GCmp0WbuQIo-00484-00178943-00179203 and sees a great raging bonfire and says GCmp0WbuQIo-00485-00179204-00179539 wow anybody falls into that fire they're GCmp0WbuQIo-00486-00179540-00180007 gonna get burnt but they don't get burnt GCmp0WbuQIo-00487-00180008-00180439 themselves and they they're not actually GCmp0WbuQIo-00488-00180440-00180748 upset about it this is how a meditator GCmp0WbuQIo-00489-00180749-00181024 looks at a pain they'll be in great GCmp0WbuQIo-00490-00181025-00181231 great pain right but they look at it as GCmp0WbuQIo-00491-00181232-00181467 a bonfire off in the distance yeah if I GCmp0WbuQIo-00492-00181468-00181750 if I got upset about that boy that could GCmp0WbuQIo-00493-00181751-00182077 lead me into a lot of suffering but GCmp0WbuQIo-00494-00182078-00182230 since it's not me and it's not mine GCmp0WbuQIo-00495-00182231-00182401 since I'm not jumping in there and Fire GCmp0WbuQIo-00496-00182402-00183136 and has no power over me GCmp0WbuQIo-00497-00183137-00183301 and so this is how we understand GCmp0WbuQIo-00498-00183302-00183763 non-self this is the most important GCmp0WbuQIo-00499-00183764-00183946 aspect of our insight meditation GCmp0WbuQIo-00500-00183947-00184249 practice realizing these three now it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00501-00184250-00184564 not our practice the practice itself is GCmp0WbuQIo-00502-00184565-00184834 the setting putana you don't practice GCmp0WbuQIo-00503-00184835-00185182 these things you just practice looking GCmp0WbuQIo-00504-00185183-00185434 and that's why Insight Meditation GCmp0WbuQIo-00505-00185435-00185707 practice is so simple there's not a lot GCmp0WbuQIo-00506-00185708-00185953 of complicated dogmas or rituals that GCmp0WbuQIo-00507-00185954-00186271 you have to perform it's just simply GCmp0WbuQIo-00508-00186272-00186592 reminding yourself this is this because GCmp0WbuQIo-00509-00186593-00186742 you're just looking at the stripes on a GCmp0WbuQIo-00510-00186743-00187066 tiger you're just looking at what's GCmp0WbuQIo-00511-00187067-00187153 already there GCmp0WbuQIo-00512-00187154-00187492 stopping yourself from missing that from GCmp0WbuQIo-00513-00187493-00188001 forgetting that from avoiding that GCmp0WbuQIo-00514-00188002-00188230 keeping yourself present that's all you GCmp0WbuQIo-00515-00188231-00188512 have to do keep yourself present there GCmp0WbuQIo-00516-00188513-00188734 is absolutely no question as to whether GCmp0WbuQIo-00517-00188735-00189223 you'll see the stripes on the tiger all GCmp0WbuQIo-00518-00189224-00189556 right so there you go that's the dumb of GCmp0WbuQIo-00519-00189557-00189925 for tonight thank you all for tuning in GCmp0WbuQIo-00520-00189926-00190624 I got these three men here I was full of GCmp0WbuQIo-00521-00190625-00190965 men these days and they're all GCmp0WbuQIo-00522-00190966-00191599 languishing over sitting here back to GCmp0WbuQIo-00523-00191600-00193301 practice GCmp0WbuQIo-00524-00193302-00193650 so I realized that I can access the GCmp0WbuQIo-00525-00193651-00194063 questions online here on my other device GCmp0WbuQIo-00526-00194064-00194262 I'm going to go through some of the GCmp0WbuQIo-00527-00194263-00195216 questions on the on the internet would GCmp0WbuQIo-00528-00195217-00195348 you recommend for a beginning lay GCmp0WbuQIo-00529-00195349-00195561 meditator to experiment with intensive GCmp0WbuQIo-00530-00195562-00195794 meditation as would be done on retreat GCmp0WbuQIo-00531-00195795-00196065 upon manages to push behind beyond the GCmp0WbuQIo-00532-00196066-00196206 disliking and aversion do you believe GCmp0WbuQIo-00533-00196207-00196446 this would be of great use cultivating GCmp0WbuQIo-00534-00196447-00196797 discipline and relentlessness yeah I GCmp0WbuQIo-00535-00196798-00197285 mean those are good words to describe GCmp0WbuQIo-00536-00197286-00197508 the sorts of things you would get out of GCmp0WbuQIo-00537-00197509-00197907 it now it's missing the other factors GCmp0WbuQIo-00538-00197908-00198168 like proper practice without a teacher GCmp0WbuQIo-00539-00198169-00198719 how do you be sure what is your guiding GCmp0WbuQIo-00540-00198720-00199379 light to make sure you stay on on path GCmp0WbuQIo-00541-00199380-00200019 right so intensive meditation is more if GCmp0WbuQIo-00542-00200020-00200283 you're if you if you're doing non GCmp0WbuQIo-00543-00200284-00200553 intensive meditation you're able to you GCmp0WbuQIo-00544-00200554-00200712 have a lot more time to step back and GCmp0WbuQIo-00545-00200713-00200880 reflect on whether you're doing it GCmp0WbuQIo-00546-00200881-00201239 properly if you do intensive meditation GCmp0WbuQIo-00547-00201240-00201456 you're much more engrossed in the GCmp0WbuQIo-00548-00201457-00201902 activity and there's much more potential GCmp0WbuQIo-00549-00201903-00202377 for for danger I guess still for lack of GCmp0WbuQIo-00550-00202378-00202539 a better word for you to get in the GCmp0WbuQIo-00551-00202540-00202911 wrong path and so without daily GCmp0WbuQIo-00552-00202912-00203178 supervision from a teacher I'm a the GCmp0WbuQIo-00553-00203179-00203463 teaching is in many cases just a matter GCmp0WbuQIo-00554-00203464-00203622 of listening to what the meditator says GCmp0WbuQIo-00555-00203623-00203919 and being perceptive as to whether GCmp0WbuQIo-00556-00203920-00204354 they're screwing it up and getting them GCmp0WbuQIo-00557-00204355-00204513 back on track with just a few words GCmp0WbuQIo-00558-00204514-00204909 often often just answers to their GCmp0WbuQIo-00559-00204910-00205186 questions but without that it's easy to GCmp0WbuQIo-00560-00205187-00205496 without a mirror we don't have a mirror GCmp0WbuQIo-00561-00205498-00205944 that allows us to see into our hearts GCmp0WbuQIo-00562-00205946-00206171 so it's not that it's it's just GCmp0WbuQIo-00563-00206173-00206673 potentially problematic did you go to go GCmp0WbuQIo-00564-00206675-00207423 it alone can wonder sitting meditation GCmp0WbuQIo-00565-00207425-00207633 in the morning and walking meditation in GCmp0WbuQIo-00566-00207634-00207819 the evening then change it up the next GCmp0WbuQIo-00567-00207821-00208131 day you can I mean it's a free country GCmp0WbuQIo-00568-00208132-00208446 it's a free world I mean everyone can do GCmp0WbuQIo-00569-00208448-00208638 what they want but walking meditation GCmp0WbuQIo-00570-00208639-00208846 has benefits to sitting meditation so GCmp0WbuQIo-00571-00208846-00209436 doing it first has benefits it's a long GCmp0WbuQIo-00572-00209437-00209655 question about August st. Augustine the GCmp0WbuQIo-00573-00209656-00210016 gist of it is while st. Augustine and GCmp0WbuQIo-00574-00210017-00210514 it's a proposed night's talk he and his GCmp0WbuQIo-00575-00210515-00210664 understanding of impermanence and GCmp0WbuQIo-00576-00210665-00210841 suffering later in the age helped him GCmp0WbuQIo-00577-00210842-00211131 cope with the loss of his family do you GCmp0WbuQIo-00578-00211132-00211348 think that people can come to the same GCmp0WbuQIo-00579-00211348-00211506 understanding these concepts through GCmp0WbuQIo-00580-00211507-00211651 their belief in dependency on an GCmp0WbuQIo-00581-00211652-00211821 all-knowing permanent God or even GCmp0WbuQIo-00582-00211823-00212256 without practicing meditation right so GCmp0WbuQIo-00583-00212257-00212512 yes they can come to understand to a GCmp0WbuQIo-00584-00212513-00212906 limited extent not deeply know GCmp0WbuQIo-00585-00212907-00213117 impermanence and suffering now without GCmp0WbuQIo-00586-00213119-00213471 some form of meditative awareness and it GCmp0WbuQIo-00587-00213473-00213621 doesn't have to be meditation practice GCmp0WbuQIo-00588-00213623-00213879 it can just be such a strong sense of GCmp0WbuQIo-00589-00213880-00214198 mindfulness without that they can't GCmp0WbuQIo-00590-00214198-00214296 become enlightened GCmp0WbuQIo-00591-00214298-00214482 I can't truly see impermanence or GCmp0WbuQIo-00592-00214483-00214830 suffering but the belief in an GCmp0WbuQIo-00593-00214831-00215062 all-powerful God is going to get in the GCmp0WbuQIo-00594-00215063-00215235 way very much of a more important one GCmp0WbuQIo-00595-00215236-00215406 that you've left out of this question GCmp0WbuQIo-00596-00215407-00215679 and that's the belief in are they no the GCmp0WbuQIo-00597-00215680-00216048 perception of non-self right what we GCmp0WbuQIo-00598-00216050-00216267 talked about so you're pretty your GCmp0WbuQIo-00599-00216269-00216573 concept of a God is is an awareness that GCmp0WbuQIo-00600-00216575-00217123 is keeping you from looking at reality GCmp0WbuQIo-00601-00217123-00217362 in terms of arising and sees thing now GCmp0WbuQIo-00602-00217363-00217621 one would hope that such views would go GCmp0WbuQIo-00603-00217621-00217777 away through the practice of Insight GCmp0WbuQIo-00604-00217778-00217975 Meditation but if you're clinging to it GCmp0WbuQIo-00605-00217976-00218146 then every time you're confronted with GCmp0WbuQIo-00606-00218146-00218357 the possibility that everything might be GCmp0WbuQIo-00607-00218358-00218773 impermanent you fall back on God and GCmp0WbuQIo-00608-00218773-00219585 that prevents you from seeing this truth GCmp0WbuQIo-00609-00219586-00219819 and without the ability to do walking GCmp0WbuQIo-00610-00219821-00220084 meditation thus is a hand motions GCmp0WbuQIo-00611-00220085-00220582 exercise ample replacement would would GCmp0WbuQIo-00612-00220583-00220762 such hand movements have the same GCmp0WbuQIo-00613-00220763-00220978 benefit in utility as walking meditation GCmp0WbuQIo-00614-00220979-00221158 generating energy and increasing effort GCmp0WbuQIo-00615-00221159-00221446 and concentration now potentially not GCmp0WbuQIo-00616-00221446-00221611 because it's not involving the whole GCmp0WbuQIo-00617-00221612-00221892 body now mentally you could argue it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00618-00221894-00222229 quite similar but physically walking is GCmp0WbuQIo-00619-00222230-00222673 a great benefit and psychologically as GCmp0WbuQIo-00620-00222673-00223111 well keeping your body moving getting GCmp0WbuQIo-00621-00223112-00223236 your body moving GCmp0WbuQIo-00622-00223237-00223513 not just your hands but getting your GCmp0WbuQIo-00623-00223514-00223864 body moving is more natural right it has GCmp0WbuQIo-00624-00223865-00224139 a calming effect in many cases it has a GCmp0WbuQIo-00625-00224140-00224761 sort of a grounding effect you know GCmp0WbuQIo-00626-00224762-00224965 sitting still is just too intense in GCmp0WbuQIo-00627-00224966-00225271 many cases so walking has its benefits GCmp0WbuQIo-00628-00225271-00225475 that you're not gonna get from the hand GCmp0WbuQIo-00629-00225476-00225613 movements but you know people who are GCmp0WbuQIo-00630-00225614-00225760 paralyzed it doesn't mean they can't do GCmp0WbuQIo-00631-00225761-00225964 it doesn't mean you have to do walking GCmp0WbuQIo-00632-00225965-00226648 meditation it's just quite useful what GCmp0WbuQIo-00633-00226648-00226831 is your take on the brahma vihara how to GCmp0WbuQIo-00634-00226832-00227023 incorporate mitt during the day with our GCmp0WbuQIo-00635-00227023-00227302 insight practice well I've talked about GCmp0WbuQIo-00636-00227303-00227571 this in regards to the for protective GCmp0WbuQIo-00637-00227573-00227764 meditations it's certainly useful it's GCmp0WbuQIo-00638-00227765-00227994 something you certainly can engage and GCmp0WbuQIo-00639-00227994-00228307 it's not in it is compatible and you GCmp0WbuQIo-00640-00228308-00228484 know I mean even during your meditation GCmp0WbuQIo-00641-00228485-00228754 session if you start to feel very upset GCmp0WbuQIo-00642-00228755-00228948 about something or you know angry GCmp0WbuQIo-00643-00228950-00229180 towards someone you send them good GCmp0WbuQIo-00644-00229181-00229417 thoughts I wish them to be happy if you GCmp0WbuQIo-00645-00229417-00229588 feel sad or you're worried about someone GCmp0WbuQIo-00646-00229589-00229741 you can wish them to be free from GCmp0WbuQIo-00647-00229742-00230031 suffering if you feel jealous you can GCmp0WbuQIo-00648-00230032-00230377 make a determination you know may they GCmp0WbuQIo-00649-00230378-00230902 may they keep what they have may may GCmp0WbuQIo-00650-00230903-00231103 they long have the things that they have GCmp0WbuQIo-00651-00231104-00231481 and expressing an appreciation for other GCmp0WbuQIo-00652-00231482-00231781 people an equanimity equanimity in this GCmp0WbuQIo-00653-00231782-00231946 sense of course just referring to all GCmp0WbuQIo-00654-00231946-00232038 beings GCmp0WbuQIo-00655-00232039-00232403 if you're judging people or you're angry GCmp0WbuQIo-00656-00232404-00232577 I have a bitter feud with someone you GCmp0WbuQIo-00657-00232578-00232844 remind yourself they will go according GCmp0WbuQIo-00658-00232846-00232949 to their Karma GCmp0WbuQIo-00659-00232950-00233101 there's no need to like or dislike GCmp0WbuQIo-00660-00233102-00233597 certain people or be upset about certain GCmp0WbuQIo-00661-00233598-00233882 people or or so on women reminded that GCmp0WbuQIo-00662-00233883-00234492 everyone goes according to the Karma so GCmp0WbuQIo-00663-00234492-00234663 you could do that even within your your GCmp0WbuQIo-00664-00234664-00234922 session just take a few minutes I GCmp0WbuQIo-00665-00234923-00235137 wouldn't take a long period of time or GCmp0WbuQIo-00666-00235138-00235494 do it a lot but it's something that Rhys GCmp0WbuQIo-00667-00235494-00236087 enters you and refocuses your attention GCmp0WbuQIo-00668-00236088-00236408 so those are the online questions does GCmp0WbuQIo-00669-00236409-00237755 anybody here have questions GCmp0WbuQIo-00670-00237756-00237967 I'd ask that if you ever have questions GCmp0WbuQIo-00671-00237969-00238190 please type them out in advance and then GCmp0WbuQIo-00672-00238191-00238403 just paste them in because otherwise I GCmp0WbuQIo-00673-00238404-00238634 sit here not knowing if anyone I can't GCmp0WbuQIo-00674-00238635-00238792 tell when you're I've turned off that GCmp0WbuQIo-00675-00238794-00238982 typing animation as well so I don't know GCmp0WbuQIo-00676-00238983-00239300 whether someone is even typing but even GCmp0WbuQIo-00677-00239301-00239576 that is misleading because it's really GCmp0WbuQIo-00678-00239577-00239762 hard to tell whether someone's actually GCmp0WbuQIo-00679-00239763-00240113 ready to answer ask a question or you GCmp0WbuQIo-00680-00240114-00240419 can just like type Q or something to let GCmp0WbuQIo-00681-00240419-00241027 me know that you've got a question GCmp0WbuQIo-00682-00241028-00241229 alright I'm going to assume there are no GCmp0WbuQIo-00683-00241230-00241517 questions and wish you all a good night GCmp0WbuQIo-00684-00241517-00241873 thank you for coming GERu0ZbSUFc-00000-00000281-00000958 [Applause] GERu0ZbSUFc-00001-00000959-00001295 you can go as far as you like with me in GERu0ZbSUFc-00002-00001296-00001523 my very own GERu0ZbSUFc-00003-00001524-00002289 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00004-00002290-00002918 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00005-00002919-00003328 shame on you GERu0ZbSUFc-00006-00003329-00003879 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00007-00003879-00004079 oh some GERu0ZbSUFc-00008-00004079-00004428 pepper GERu0ZbSUFc-00009-00004429-00005463 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00010-00005464-00006206 yes we girls have our troubles GERu0ZbSUFc-00011-00006207-00006831 just fits GERu0ZbSUFc-00012-00006831-00006967 what are you looking at GERu0ZbSUFc-00013-00006968-00007304 oh pardon me GERu0ZbSUFc-00014-00007305-00008710 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00015-00008711-00008832 [Applause] GERu0ZbSUFc-00016-00008833-00009559 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00017-00009560-00011046 in my great big automobile GERu0ZbSUFc-00018-00011047-00012063 to the church GERu0ZbSUFc-00019-00012064-00012214 you can go GERu0ZbSUFc-00020-00012215-00012919 as far as you like with me in my great GERu0ZbSUFc-00021-00012919-00013437 oh my operations GERu0ZbSUFc-00022-00013438-00015025 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00023-00015026-00015383 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00024-00015384-00015569 when i GERu0ZbSUFc-00025-00015569-00016576 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00026-00016577-00016701 [Laughter] GERu0ZbSUFc-00027-00016702-00016917 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00028-00016918-00018239 [Applause] GERu0ZbSUFc-00029-00018240-00018783 come on i have my oldsmobile outside GERu0ZbSUFc-00030-00018784-00019111 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00031-00019112-00019303 many people thought the automobile would GERu0ZbSUFc-00032-00019304-00019519 never replace the horse but it certainly GERu0ZbSUFc-00033-00019520-00019719 took the place of the parlor sofa on a GERu0ZbSUFc-00034-00019720-00019871 sunday afternoon GERu0ZbSUFc-00035-00019872-00020063 those old cars looked funny but they GERu0ZbSUFc-00036-00020064-00020279 struggled along in spite of the horse GERu0ZbSUFc-00037-00020280-00020607 laughs let's all sing about the old olds GERu0ZbSUFc-00038-00020608-00020814 that's still rolling right along now GERu0ZbSUFc-00039-00020815-00020983 follow the ball GERu0ZbSUFc-00040-00020984-00021519 young johnny steel has an oldsmobile GERu0ZbSUFc-00041-00021520-00021999 he loves our dear little girl GERu0ZbSUFc-00042-00022000-00022511 she is the queen of his gas machine GERu0ZbSUFc-00043-00022512-00023007 she has his heart in a world GERu0ZbSUFc-00044-00023008-00023391 now when they go for a spin GERu0ZbSUFc-00045-00023392-00023511 you know GERu0ZbSUFc-00046-00023512-00023868 she tries to learn GERu0ZbSUFc-00047-00023869-00024494 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00048-00024495-00024942 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00049-00024943-00025150 come GERu0ZbSUFc-00050-00025151-00026868 away with GERu0ZbSUFc-00051-00026869-00028426 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00052-00028427-00029073 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00053-00029074-00029623 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00054-00029624-00030410 is GERu0ZbSUFc-00055-00030411-00031127 [Applause] GERu0ZbSUFc-00056-00031127-00031614 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00057-00031616-00032152 is GERu0ZbSUFc-00058-00032152-00032413 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00059-00032414-00032485 [Applause] GERu0ZbSUFc-00060-00032486-00032846 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00061-00032847-00033052 oh GERu0ZbSUFc-00062-00033053-00034343 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00063-00034344-00034852 is GERu0ZbSUFc-00064-00034853-00036279 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00065-00036280-00036662 okay okay okay okay GERu0ZbSUFc-00066-00036663-00037051 i pronounce you man and wife GERu0ZbSUFc-00067-00037052-00037793 [Music] GERu0ZbSUFc-00068-00037794-00037999 [Applause] GERu0ZbSUFc-00069-00038000-00038425 in my bed GERu0ZbSUFc-00070-00038426-00038976 [Music] GFZZgTqDChU-00000-00000042-00000430 there was a professor his name is Makoto GFZZgTqDChU-00001-00000431-00000605 nagao GFZZgTqDChU-00002-00000606-00000943 oh he actually gave me a great advice GFZZgTqDChU-00003-00000944-00001474 and he said you know Mr Canada uh GFZZgTqDChU-00004-00001475-00001776 research is not like that GFZZgTqDChU-00005-00001777-00002142 uh research is not like you GFZZgTqDChU-00006-00002143-00002675 pick up topic and then just from sort of GFZZgTqDChU-00007-00002676-00002850 a shallow interest GFZZgTqDChU-00008-00002851-00003160 uh do something and write a paper it's GFZZgTqDChU-00009-00003161-00003654 not like that you have to have some real GFZZgTqDChU-00010-00003655-00004151 goal and the topic must be the one which GFZZgTqDChU-00011-00004152-00004404 has some value GFZZgTqDChU-00012-00004405-00004883 so that when it works it can you know it GFZZgTqDChU-00013-00004884-00005159 has it's useful it has some real value GFZZgTqDChU-00014-00005160-00005506 in this in in the society in a real GFZZgTqDChU-00015-00005507-00005747 Society one way or another otherwise GFZZgTqDChU-00016-00005748-00006145 it's not it never be a good research GFZZgTqDChU-00017-00006146-00006563 and uh and then he told me that GFZZgTqDChU-00018-00006564-00006778 he showed me GFZZgTqDChU-00019-00006779-00007139 a big data set of human face GFZZgTqDChU-00020-00007140-00007613 faces and then they collected 1 GFZZgTqDChU-00021-00007614-00007883 000 more than thousand facial image data GFZZgTqDChU-00022-00007884-00008092 digital image GFZZgTqDChU-00023-00008093-00008314 and at that time GFZZgTqDChU-00024-00008315-00008707 I always tell that researchers GFZZgTqDChU-00025-00008708-00009059 researchers of computer vision had only GFZZgTqDChU-00026-00009060-00009419 one or two images in the lab GFZZgTqDChU-00027-00009420-00009605 only one or two GFZZgTqDChU-00028-00009606-00009814 and you write a program and test your GFZZgTqDChU-00029-00009815-00010156 program with those one or two images and GFZZgTqDChU-00030-00010157-00010360 if they are success if the program is GFZZgTqDChU-00031-00010361-00010835 successful then you write a paper GFZZgTqDChU-00032-00010836-00011164 so you test only with one image GFZZgTqDChU-00033-00011165-00011363 and I always tell that it's always GFZZgTqDChU-00034-00011364-00011621 successful because you can adjust the GFZZgTqDChU-00035-00011622-00011831 parameter so that it will succeed GFZZgTqDChU-00036-00011832-00012155 because you have only one and then you GFZZgTqDChU-00037-00012156-00012388 write a paper it's unbelievable GFZZgTqDChU-00038-00012389-00012731 and if you test with your program with GFZZgTqDChU-00039-00012732-00013055 10 images GFZZgTqDChU-00040-00013056-00013405 we wrote very proudly GFZZgTqDChU-00041-00013406-00013829 in abstract with a very large scale GFZZgTqDChU-00042-00013830-00013979 experiment GFZZgTqDChU-00043-00013980-00014230 with 10 images it's a large scale GFZZgTqDChU-00044-00014231-00014621 experiment today with 10 images your GFZZgTqDChU-00045-00014622-00014938 paper will never be published yeah GFZZgTqDChU-00046-00014940-00015203 large scale means million today probably GFZZgTqDChU-00047-00015204-00015557 or even more yeah at that time 10 was GFZZgTqDChU-00048-00015558-00015719 large scale GFZZgTqDChU-00049-00015719-00016013 so he showed all those data which was GFZZgTqDChU-00050-00016013-00016121 again GFZZgTqDChU-00051-00016122-00016500 stored in Maghrib tape with 1 000 images GFZZgTqDChU-00052-00016501-00016943 it's a three meter high GFZZgTqDChU-00053-00016944-00017143 pile of uh GFZZgTqDChU-00054-00017144-00017519 the real of magnetic tape and he showed GFZZgTqDChU-00055-00017520-00017872 me here is the 1000 facial images and if GFZZgTqDChU-00056-00017873-00018022 you write a program which can GFZZgTqDChU-00057-00018023-00018286 successfully analyze these images in GFZZgTqDChU-00058-00018287-00018641 terms of locating eyes and so forth GFZZgTqDChU-00059-00018642-00018850 huh GFZZgTqDChU-00060-00018851-00019103 then that alone will be a big GFZZgTqDChU-00061-00019104-00019361 accomplishment so I started that and GFZZgTqDChU-00062-00019362-00019685 then because it was very concrete with a GFZZgTqDChU-00063-00019686-00020086 goal uh I could quick very quickly do GFZZgTqDChU-00064-00020087-00020219 something real GFZZgTqDChU-00065-00020220-00020550 and that that changed my whole GFZZgTqDChU-00066-00020551-00021149 style of research at that time in 1976 I GFZZgTqDChU-00067-00021150-00021430 first for the first time I came United GFZZgTqDChU-00068-00021431-00021797 States and I visited Connie melon for GFZZgTqDChU-00069-00021798-00021917 one day GFZZgTqDChU-00070-00021918-00022093 to see if GFZZgTqDChU-00071-00022094-00022643 as Dr Newell suggested to see if GFZZgTqDChU-00072-00022644-00023122 I feel it's interesting uh place and so GFZZgTqDChU-00073-00023123-00023536 I checked in on on GFZZgTqDChU-00074-00023537-00023880 Friday and when I checked out GFZZgTqDChU-00075-00023881-00024161 Saturday morning GFZZgTqDChU-00076-00024162-00024514 and at that front I said uh oh I'd like GFZZgTqDChU-00077-00024515-00024883 to check out tell me how much is it GFZZgTqDChU-00078-00024884-00025135 the GFZZgTqDChU-00079-00025136-00025517 guy said uh free GFZZgTqDChU-00080-00025518-00026002 you don't need to pay I said oh why and GFZZgTqDChU-00081-00026004-00026225 the guy said well cunning melon host GFZZgTqDChU-00082-00026226-00026452 your host paid it GFZZgTqDChU-00083-00026454-00026981 so well this is a nice place to visit GFZZgTqDChU-00084-00026982-00027377 and then I visited for one year yeah GFZZgTqDChU-00085-00027377-00027546 however GFZZgTqDChU-00086-00027547-00028001 uh about a couple of weeks into my GFZZgTqDChU-00087-00028002-00028324 visiting day Raz already called me to GFZZgTqDChU-00088-00028325-00028540 his office GFZZgTqDChU-00089-00028541-00028990 and he asked how much did I promise pay GFZZgTqDChU-00090-00028991-00029531 you and I said 800 and he said oh that GFZZgTqDChU-00091-00029532-00029849 may be a little too little GFZZgTqDChU-00092-00029850-00030155 he picked up the phone and he called a GFZZgTqDChU-00093-00030156-00030407 business manager GFZZgTqDChU-00094-00030408-00030751 his name was Alan Alan GFZZgTqDChU-00095-00030752-00031349 I should be 900. he hung up GFZZgTqDChU-00096-00031350-00031685 and so from next month salary became GFZZgTqDChU-00097-00031686-00031895 900. GFZZgTqDChU-00098-00031895-00032189 a month later he called me in to his GFZZgTqDChU-00099-00032189-00032449 office GFZZgTqDChU-00100-00032450-00032812 how much is your salary I said oh you GFZZgTqDChU-00101-00032813-00033161 increased to 900. Ah that's not good he GFZZgTqDChU-00102-00033162-00034265 picked a form GFZZgTqDChU-00103-00034266-00034523 and he keeps doing it GFZZgTqDChU-00104-00034524-00034865 and all the way it became something like GFZZgTqDChU-00105-00034866-00035207 2 000 something GFZZgTqDChU-00106-00035208-00035621 so I thought well this is a not only a GFZZgTqDChU-00107-00035622-00035890 good place to visit but this is a good GFZZgTqDChU-00108-00035891-00036067 place to stay GFZZgTqDChU-00109-00036068-00036407 and you see that's why I stayed all the GFZZgTqDChU-00110-00036408-00037024 way till 4 35 years after that uh GFZZgTqDChU-00111-00037025-00037355 that's my favorite story and always I GFZZgTqDChU-00112-00037356-00037774 say well when I look back GFZZgTqDChU-00113-00037775-00038099 I remember it was always Saturday that GFZZgTqDChU-00114-00038100-00038243 he called me in GFZZgTqDChU-00115-00038244-00038561 and whenever he picked up a phone and GFZZgTqDChU-00116-00038562-00038987 called Alan he always Alan was always at GFZZgTqDChU-00117-00038988-00039259 the end of the line can that be possible GFZZgTqDChU-00118-00039260-00039517 so GFZZgTqDChU-00119-00039518-00039745 around GFZZgTqDChU-00120-00039746-00039949 the GFZZgTqDChU-00121-00039950-00040465 2000 people of uh GFZZgTqDChU-00122-00040466-00040774 uh CBS GFZZgTqDChU-00123-00040775-00041093 visited me and I wasn't sure what they GFZZgTqDChU-00124-00041094-00041399 were interested and they came me and GFZZgTqDChU-00125-00041400-00041737 they said well I saw the webpage of your GFZZgTqDChU-00126-00041738-00041951 virtualized reality GFZZgTqDChU-00127-00041952-00042245 and they wanted they said well what they GFZZgTqDChU-00128-00042246-00042601 want is to have a system GFZZgTqDChU-00129-00042602-00043135 that if it there's a good good play then GFZZgTqDChU-00130-00043136-00043345 the same GFZZgTqDChU-00131-00043346-00043505 the GFZZgTqDChU-00132-00043506-00043895 the play can be viewed GFZZgTqDChU-00133-00043896-00044357 from all the 3360 Direction and that GFZZgTqDChU-00134-00044358-00044645 exactly one of the demonstrations that GFZZgTqDChU-00135-00044646-00045077 we had from virtualized reality yeah so GFZZgTqDChU-00136-00045078-00045335 they said well in other words they said GFZZgTqDChU-00137-00045336-00045611 we want to do GFZZgTqDChU-00138-00045612-00046024 um a movie Matrix like spinning GFZZgTqDChU-00139-00046025-00046235 uh GFZZgTqDChU-00140-00046236-00046630 uh replay now the big difference in GFZZgTqDChU-00141-00046631-00047117 movie and football is that in the movie GFZZgTqDChU-00142-00047118-00047483 you can tell the actor please act here GFZZgTqDChU-00143-00047484-00047830 and you can set that set that up to GFZZgTqDChU-00144-00047831-00048127 focus at that particular point however GFZZgTqDChU-00145-00048128-00048679 in football you don't know beforehand GFZZgTqDChU-00146-00048680-00049049 where a good play will occur GFZZgTqDChU-00147-00049050-00049423 therefore you cannot have a static setup GFZZgTqDChU-00148-00049424-00049811 so now in order to do the similar thing GFZZgTqDChU-00149-00049812-00050167 you have to move that focal point GFZZgTqDChU-00150-00050168-00050401 anywhere you want GFZZgTqDChU-00151-00050402-00050867 depending on where is the play is GFZZgTqDChU-00152-00050868-00051052 occurring GFZZgTqDChU-00153-00051053-00051490 yep therefore what we did eventually was GFZZgTqDChU-00154-00051491-00051785 to replace all the cameras of a matrix GFZZgTqDChU-00155-00051786-00051925 setup GFZZgTqDChU-00156-00051926-00052373 by remote camera that can do pan and GFZZgTqDChU-00157-00052374-00052654 tilt and zoom GFZZgTqDChU-00158-00052655-00053159 so that all of them according to the GFZZgTqDChU-00159-00053160-00053525 play can see at the same time same place GFZZgTqDChU-00160-00053526-00054019 and that location is controlled to move GFZZgTqDChU-00161-00054020-00054347 by a cameraman GFZZgTqDChU-00162-00054348-00054569 according to the play GFZZgTqDChU-00163-00054570-00054785 and that is the eye vision GFZZgTqDChU-00164-00054786-00054916 system GFZZgTqDChU-00165-00054917-00055229 uh I we had that idea and we told that GFZZgTqDChU-00166-00055229-00055594 idea to uh CBS and then they said okay GFZZgTqDChU-00167-00055595-00055991 let's do it and we had a contract GFZZgTqDChU-00168-00055991-00056466 and indeed we had only six months GFZZgTqDChU-00169-00056467-00056650 before GFZZgTqDChU-00170-00056651-00057047 from the time to start the project to GFZZgTqDChU-00171-00057048-00057403 the time of Super Bowl 2001. GFZZgTqDChU-00172-00057404-00057882 only six months and it was a really uh GFZZgTqDChU-00173-00057883-00058116 highly GFZZgTqDChU-00174-00058117-00058663 pressured project I recall and in fact GFZZgTqDChU-00175-00058664-00059123 we demonstrated a very primitive two or GFZZgTqDChU-00176-00059124-00059497 three camera system in GFZZgTqDChU-00177-00059498-00059944 New York in December and we thought that GFZZgTqDChU-00178-00059945-00060226 we were confident that can be made GFZZgTqDChU-00179-00060227-00060623 bigger system and uh GFZZgTqDChU-00180-00060624-00061132 we ordered 33 cameras from Japan from uh GFZZgTqDChU-00181-00061133-00061432 Mitsubishi heavy industry Each of which GFZZgTqDChU-00182-00061433-00061685 cost about eighty thousand dollars and GFZZgTqDChU-00183-00061686-00062100 the camera was uh a fairly high quality GFZZgTqDChU-00184-00062101-00062488 uh Sony camera with a big zoom lens GFZZgTqDChU-00185-00062489-00062897 because you have to look have a zoomed GFZZgTqDChU-00186-00062898-00063335 view from a stadium GFZZgTqDChU-00187-00063336-00063688 and it was we had a panic because even GFZZgTqDChU-00188-00063689-00063959 one week before Super Bowl the system GFZZgTqDChU-00189-00063960-00064187 that didn't work GFZZgTqDChU-00190-00064188-00064426 and worse than that GFZZgTqDChU-00191-00064427-00064738 actually the circuit GFZZgTqDChU-00192-00064739-00065063 of robots GFZZgTqDChU-00193-00065064-00065382 began to explode GFZZgTqDChU-00194-00065383-00065873 the condenser actually had somehow they GFZZgTqDChU-00195-00065874-00066415 explode and uh robots one by one GFZZgTqDChU-00196-00066416-00066725 began not to work GFZZgTqDChU-00197-00066726-00066965 and we were really panicked so we called GFZZgTqDChU-00198-00066966-00067463 my friend in Japan and then uh oh it's GFZZgTqDChU-00199-00067464-00067900 unbelievable the engineer of Mitsubishi GFZZgTqDChU-00200-00067901-00068035 heavy industry GFZZgTqDChU-00201-00068036-00068573 actually flew to Florida actually to GFZZgTqDChU-00202-00068574-00068776 look at the device GFZZgTqDChU-00203-00068777-00069137 and together with him and our people GFZZgTqDChU-00204-00069138-00069517 found the reason and we quickly fixed it GFZZgTqDChU-00205-00069518-00070043 and then barely made the system work a GFZZgTqDChU-00206-00070044-00070343 few to several days before the Super GFZZgTqDChU-00207-00070344-00070429 Bowl GFZZgTqDChU-00208-00070430-00070794 and we uh and then it was actually used GFZZgTqDChU-00209-00070795-00071155 in Super Bowl 35 GFZZgTqDChU-00210-00071156-00071585 2001 uh broadcast and the game was not GFZZgTqDChU-00211-00071586-00071956 that good so actually it was so probably GFZZgTqDChU-00212-00071957-00072244 because the CVS didn't have other things GFZZgTqDChU-00213-00072245-00072544 to show uh the system was used almost GFZZgTqDChU-00214-00072545-00072869 every play uh spinning around and this GFZZgTqDChU-00215-00072870-00073050 and that GFZZgTqDChU-00216-00073051-00073351 thank you GIRNbjQnE1g-00003-00023884-00026683 um GIRNbjQnE1g-00004-00026683-00029483 uh GIRNbjQnE1g-00005-00029483-00032283 um GIRNbjQnE1g-00006-00032283-00033522 already GIRNbjQnE1g-00007-00033523-00033683 [Music] GIRNbjQnE1g-00008-00033684-00034918 foreign GIRNbjQnE1g-00009-00034919-00036483 [Music] GIRNbjQnE1g-00011-00051983-00054682 foreign GIRNbjQnE1g-00012-00054683-00055894 foreign GIRNbjQnE1g-00013-00055895-00057482 [Music] GIRNbjQnE1g-00014-00057483-00060282 foreign GIRNbjQnE1g-00015-00060283-00063082 foreign GIRNbjQnE1g-00016-00063083-00063223 bye GIRNbjQnE1g-00017-00063224-00063432 you GJ8M2ytq4kM-00000-00000545-00000743 it's time for some more junk food GJ8M2ytq4kM-00001-00000744-00000958 blasphemy today we're going to be making GJ8M2ytq4kM-00002-00000959-00001291 a sammich but um we have our bread GJ8M2ytq4kM-00003-00001292-00001486 this is wheat bread there's our GJ8M2ytq4kM-00004-00001487-00001772 squeezable strawberry jelly which is our GJ8M2ytq4kM-00005-00001773-00002057 fruit spread rather which is beyond this GJ8M2ytq4kM-00006-00002058-00002375 is mostly sugar and we got our peanut GJ8M2ytq4kM-00007-00002376-00002824 butters we got creamy and we also have GJ8M2ytq4kM-00008-00002825-00003137 Superchunk which you know of course is GJ8M2ytq4kM-00009-00003138-00003404 based on the alt rock band from the 90s GJ8M2ytq4kM-00010-00003404-00003622 I highly recommend checking out the GJ8M2ytq4kM-00011-00003623-00003790 album here is where the strings come in GJ8M2ytq4kM-00012-00003792-00004019 from 1995 they have a great song called GJ8M2ytq4kM-00013-00004020-00004268 hyper enough first we and our fruit GJ8M2ytq4kM-00014-00004269-00004522 spread let's spread some fruit this is GJ8M2ytq4kM-00015-00004523-00004685 the weird squeeze bottle kinds you can I GJ8M2ytq4kM-00016-00004686-00004874 have to smoosh it around a it's very GJ8M2ytq4kM-00017-00004875-00005047 little left in this balsamic that really GJ8M2ytq4kM-00018-00005048-00005495 show it who's boss it's gonna make booty GJ8M2ytq4kM-00019-00005496-00005768 noises it's a little more in there get GJ8M2ytq4kM-00020-00005769-00006215 it out what do you do with fruit spread GJ8M2ytq4kM-00021-00006216-00006569 well just spread it one-handed this is GJ8M2ytq4kM-00022-00006570-00006830 not easily done I know it's not out to GJ8M2ytq4kM-00023-00006831-00007067 the edges it's just more blasphemy now GJ8M2ytq4kM-00024-00007068-00007259 we have our peanut butters some people GJ8M2ytq4kM-00025-00007259-00007445 like creamy some people like chunky I'm GJ8M2ytq4kM-00026-00007445-00007710 going to blaspheme and use both Grammy GJ8M2ytq4kM-00027-00007711-00008128 kranji creamy crunchy let's start with GJ8M2ytq4kM-00028-00008129-00008360 our creamy first even if this is junk GJ8M2ytq4kM-00029-00008361-00008588 food blasphemy I don't recommend using a GJ8M2ytq4kM-00030-00008589-00008783 plastic knife to spread peanut butter it GJ8M2ytq4kM-00031-00008784-00009095 is problematic yeah the knife wants to GJ8M2ytq4kM-00032-00009096-00009281 break half the thing of this show is GJ8M2ytq4kM-00033-00009282-00009494 just learning to make food with one hand GJ8M2ytq4kM-00034-00009495-00009631 while holding the camera with the other GJ8M2ytq4kM-00035-00009632-00010103 oh we got our kraji crotch butter it's a GJ8M2ytq4kM-00036-00010104-00010235 drink Peru GJ8M2ytq4kM-00037-00010236-00010412 okay so I've grabbed some peanut butter GJ8M2ytq4kM-00038-00010413-00010616 onto the knife during the cutaway with GJ8M2ytq4kM-00039-00010617-00010817 both hands because oh my god it was GJ8M2ytq4kM-00040-00010818-00010963 difficult this plastic knife the knife GJ8M2ytq4kM-00041-00010964-00011278 almost broke like five times and we we GJ8M2ytq4kM-00042-00011279-00011558 spread at least we try my god I being GJ8M2ytq4kM-00043-00011559-00011767 about her a lot of you were like oh a GJ8M2ytq4kM-00044-00011768-00011960 peanut butter sandwich that's junk food GJ8M2ytq4kM-00045-00011961-00012292 blasphemy too you know but if we add GJ8M2ytq4kM-00046-00012293-00012525 some life cereal to the mix GJ8M2ytq4kM-00047-00012526-00012813 yes I need to golf on a side rant here GJ8M2ytq4kM-00048-00012813-00013169 has anyone ever in their entire life GJ8M2ytq4kM-00049-00013171-00013455 seen strawberry or vanilla flavored life GJ8M2ytq4kM-00050-00013456-00013701 cereal cuz I haven't if you've seen GJ8M2ytq4kM-00051-00013702-00013916 either these flavors please leave a GJ8M2ytq4kM-00052-00013918-00014141 comment down below and we take some of GJ8M2ytq4kM-00053-00014143-00014496 our life cereal and we try very poorly GJ8M2ytq4kM-00054-00014497-00014738 to get it on to this side of the bread GJ8M2ytq4kM-00055-00014740-00015060 and it's already chaotic look at all GJ8M2ytq4kM-00056-00015061-00015378 this chaos chaos its disturb some of you GJ8M2ytq4kM-00057-00015379-00015611 it's chaos disturb you GJ8M2ytq4kM-00058-00015612-00016016 chaos but it's not a lot of blasphemy so GJ8M2ytq4kM-00059-00016018-00016353 I think it's nano time don't judge me by GJ8M2ytq4kM-00060-00016354-00016512 my usin manners okay it's what I bought GJ8M2ytq4kM-00061-00016513-00016692 this weekend it's quarantine time so I GJ8M2ytq4kM-00062-00016693-00016878 just plop it on there like I did the GJ8M2ytq4kM-00063-00016879-00017091 last time so we have creamy and crunchy GJ8M2ytq4kM-00064-00017092-00017268 peanut butter on the left side with GJ8M2ytq4kM-00065-00017269-00017475 cinnamon life on top and then we have GJ8M2ytq4kM-00066-00017476-00017802 our strawberry fruit spread with bananas GJ8M2ytq4kM-00067-00017803-00017925 on the other side GJ8M2ytq4kM-00068-00017926-00018186 let's smush this all together and see if GJ8M2ytq4kM-00069-00018187-00018465 even tries to stay that's quite a GJ8M2ytq4kM-00070-00018466-00018657 sandwich eh I mean look at that it's GJ8M2ytq4kM-00071-00018658-00018801 that's bananas GJ8M2ytq4kM-00072-00018802-00018969 literally I'm gonna take a bite and GJ8M2ytq4kM-00073-00018970-00019200 write this on my blasphemy tur it's a GJ8M2ytq4kM-00074-00019201-00019374 little gross whereas I would give the GJ8M2ytq4kM-00075-00019375-00019683 last concoction I made seven or eight GJ8M2ytq4kM-00076-00019684-00019872 out of ten let's just call it a seven GJ8M2ytq4kM-00077-00019873-00020094 out of 10 on my blasphemy - I'm give GJ8M2ytq4kM-00078-00020095-00020286 this a four out of ten it's not nearly GJ8M2ytq4kM-00079-00020287-00020505 as blasphemous it's weird and gross GJ8M2ytq4kM-00080-00020506-00020697 don't get me wrong but it's a lot more GJ8M2ytq4kM-00081-00020698-00020894 delicious than the last concoction yum GJ8M2ytq4kM-00082-00020895-00021102 yum yum yum yum uh and I actually mean GJ8M2ytq4kM-00083-00021103-00021267 it this time well I hope this was fun GJ8M2ytq4kM-00084-00021268-00021492 for you it was a blast for me be sure to GJ8M2ytq4kM-00085-00021493-00021657 LIKE and subscribe and we'll see you GJ8M2ytq4kM-00086-00021658-00021837 next time with more junk food blasphemy GJ8M2ytq4kM-00087-00021838-00022086 bye GJ8M2ytq4kM-00088-00022087-00022408 [Music] GKOVSU0Suey-00000-00000049-00000345 the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic GKOVSU0Suey-00001-00000346-00000660 Lithuanian SSR Lithuanian léa teuvos GKOVSU0Suey-00002-00000661-00000815 tara boost social esteem Res Publica GKOVSU0Suey-00003-00000816-00001137 Russian little ska so hrvatska socialist GKOVSU0Suey-00004-00001138-00001389 I ska Res Publica litovsky as'll vets GKOVSU0Suey-00005-00001390-00001581 Caius at co-listed Cheska Res Publica GKOVSU0Suey-00006-00001582-00001880 one of the USSR republics that existed GKOVSU0Suey-00007-00001881-00002388 in 1940 1941 in 1944 to 1990 was formed GKOVSU0Suey-00008-00002389-00002546 on the basis of the Soviet occupation GKOVSU0Suey-00009-00002547-00002834 rule it was also known as Soviet GKOVSU0Suey-00010-00002835-00003197 Lithuania after 1946 its territory and GKOVSU0Suey-00011-00003198-00003347 borders mirrored those of today's GKOVSU0Suey-00012-00003348-00003570 Republic of Lithuania with the exception GKOVSU0Suey-00013-00003571-00003761 of minor adjustments at the Belarusian GKOVSU0Suey-00014-00003762-00004106 border established on the 21st of July GKOVSU0Suey-00015-00004107-00004368 1940 as a puppet state during world war GKOVSU0Suey-00016-00004369-00004595 ii in the territory of the previously GKOVSU0Suey-00017-00004596-00004827 independent republic of lithuania after GKOVSU0Suey-00018-00004828-00005018 it had been occupied by the Soviet Army GKOVSU0Suey-00019-00005019-00005325 on the 16th of June 1940 in conformity GKOVSU0Suey-00020-00005326-00005522 with the terms of the 23rd of August GKOVSU0Suey-00021-00005523-00005930 1939 molotov-ribbentrop pact between GKOVSU0Suey-00022-00005931-00006300 1941 and 1944 the German invasion of the GKOVSU0Suey-00023-00006301-00006459 Soviet Union caused its de facto GKOVSU0Suey-00024-00006459-00006756 dissolution however with the retreat of GKOVSU0Suey-00025-00006756-00007170 the Germans in 1944 1945 Soviet hegemony GKOVSU0Suey-00026-00007170-00007392 was re-established and existed for 50 GKOVSU0Suey-00027-00007393-00007716 years as a result many Western countries GKOVSU0Suey-00028-00007717-00007931 including the United States continue to GKOVSU0Suey-00029-00007932-00008153 recognize Lithuania as an independent GKOVSU0Suey-00030-00008154-00008349 sovereign de jure state subject to GKOVSU0Suey-00031-00008350-00008535 international law represented by the GKOVSU0Suey-00032-00008536-00009281 legations appointed by the pre-1940s on GKOVSU0Suey-00033-00009282-00009671 the 18th of May 1989 the Lithuanian SSR GKOVSU0Suey-00034-00009672-00009906 declared state sovereignty within its GKOVSU0Suey-00035-00009907-00010194 borders during perestroika on the 11th GKOVSU0Suey-00036-00010195-00010431 of March 1990 the Republic of Lithuania GKOVSU0Suey-00037-00010432-00010677 was declared to be re-established as an GKOVSU0Suey-00038-00010678-00010866 independent state in the Declaration GKOVSU0Suey-00039-00010867-00011055 while considered illegal by the Soviet GKOVSU0Suey-00040-00011056-00011256 authorities was recognized by Western GKOVSU0Suey-00041-00011257-00011456 powers immediately prior to the breakup GKOVSU0Suey-00042-00011457-00011727 of the Soviet Union the Soviet Union GKOVSU0Suey-00043-00011728-00011906 itself recognized Lithuanian GKOVSU0Suey-00044-00011907-00012102 independence on the 6th of September GKOVSU0Suey-00045-00012103-00012509 1991 GKOVSU0Suey-00046-00012510-00013008 topic history GKOVSU0Suey-00047-00013009-00013281 topic the premises for the establishment GKOVSU0Suey-00048-00013282-00013715 of the LSS are GKOVSU0Suey-00049-00013716-00014090 on the 23rd of August 1939 Germany and GKOVSU0Suey-00050-00014091-00014272 the Soviet Union signed the Molotov GKOVSU0Suey-00051-00014274-00014503 Ribbentrop pact in its secret protocols GKOVSU0Suey-00052-00014504-00014771 these documents allowed the two states GKOVSU0Suey-00053-00014772-00014927 to divide Europe into spheres of GKOVSU0Suey-00054-00014928-00015224 influence after originally falling into GKOVSU0Suey-00055-00015225-00015410 Germany's sphere of influence when on GKOVSU0Suey-00056-00015411-00015766 the 28th of September 1939 the USSR and GKOVSU0Suey-00057-00015768-00015956 Germany signed the frontier treaty and GKOVSU0Suey-00058-00015957-00016187 it's secret protocol Lithuania was put GKOVSU0Suey-00059-00016188-00016418 into the USSR sphere of influence in GKOVSU0Suey-00060-00016419-00016586 exchange for Poland which had already GKOVSU0Suey-00061-00016587-00016955 been occupied the very next day the USSR GKOVSU0Suey-00062-00016956-00017126 offered to Lithuania signing an GKOVSU0Suey-00063-00017127-00017282 agreement on the deployment of military GKOVSU0Suey-00064-00017283-00017570 bases on its territory during the GKOVSU0Suey-00065-00017571-00017810 negotiations the Lithuanian delegation GKOVSU0Suey-00066-00017811-00017996 was frankly told about the division of GKOVSU0Suey-00067-00017997-00018251 the spheres of influence the Soviets GKOVSU0Suey-00068-00018252-00018446 threatened that if Lithuania refused to GKOVSU0Suey-00069-00018447-00018662 host the bases Vilnius could be annexed GKOVSU0Suey-00070-00018663-00018926 to Belarus it was on these conditions GKOVSU0Suey-00071-00018927-00019163 that a Lithuania USSR agreement on GKOVSU0Suey-00072-00019164-00019370 mutual assistance was signed in Moscow GKOVSU0Suey-00073-00019371-00019658 on the 10th of October 1939 opening a GKOVSU0Suey-00074-00019659-00019897 door for Soviet regiments to Lithuania a GKOVSU0Suey-00075-00019898-00020159 total of eighteen thousand seven hundred GKOVSU0Suey-00076-00020160-00020375 eighty-six Red Army troops were deployed GKOVSU0Suey-00077-00020376-00020600 at strategically important locations GKOVSU0Suey-00078-00020601-00020804 within the country a lattice Prine eye GKOVSU0Suey-00079-00020805-00021098 gauge an eye and now GOG Ville Nia this GKOVSU0Suey-00080-00021099-00021293 actually meant that the country had lost GKOVSU0Suey-00081-00021294-00021503 its neutrality and came under the direct GKOVSU0Suey-00082-00021504-00021938 influence of the USSR GKOVSU0Suey-00083-00021939-00022476 topic occupation and annexation GKOVSU0Suey-00084-00022477-00022732 when Germany launched its military GKOVSU0Suey-00085-00022733-00022999 campaign in Western Europe in May 1940 GKOVSU0Suey-00086-00023000-00023260 the USSR invaded the Baltic States on GKOVSU0Suey-00087-00023261-00023626 the 14th of June 1940 an ultimatum was GKOVSU0Suey-00088-00023627-00023794 served to Lithuania on the alleged GKOVSU0Suey-00089-00023795-00023997 grounds of abduction of Red Army troops GKOVSU0Suey-00090-00023998-00024286 the ultimatum said Lithuania should GKOVSU0Suey-00091-00024287-00024487 remove officials that were the USSR GKOVSU0Suey-00092-00024488-00024667 found unsuitable the Minister of the GKOVSU0Suey-00093-00024668-00024856 Interior in the head of the security GKOVSU0Suey-00094-00024857-00025060 department replaced the government allow GKOVSU0Suey-00095-00025061-00025246 an unlimited number of Red Army troops GKOVSU0Suey-00096-00025247-00025507 to enter the country the acceptance of GKOVSU0Suey-00097-00025508-00025669 the ultimatum meant the loss of the GKOVSU0Suey-00098-00025670-00025917 statehood yet v Molotov declared to je GKOVSU0Suey-00099-00025918-00026200 herbs is that whatever the reply may be GKOVSU0Suey-00100-00026201-00026449 the troops will enter Lithuania tomorrow GKOVSU0Suey-00101-00026450-00026719 nonetheless this document was a GKOVSU0Suey-00102-00026720-00026923 violation of every prior agreement GKOVSU0Suey-00103-00026924-00027166 between Lithuania in the USSR and of the GKOVSU0Suey-00104-00027167-00027322 international law governing the GKOVSU0Suey-00105-00027323-00027595 relations of sovereign states the last GKOVSU0Suey-00106-00027595-00027736 session of the government of the GKOVSU0Suey-00107-00027737-00027933 Republic of Lithuania was called to GKOVSU0Suey-00108-00027935-00028117 discuss the ultimatum with most of the GKOVSU0Suey-00109-00028118-00028276 members in favor of accepting the GKOVSU0Suey-00110-00028277-00028585 ultimatum on the 15th of June President GKOVSU0Suey-00111-00028586-00028786 Smetana left Lithuania for the West GKOVSU0Suey-00112-00028787-00029020 leaving Prime Minister Antonis mer keys GKOVSU0Suey-00113-00029020-00029220 in his stead and expecting to come back GKOVSU0Suey-00114-00029222-00029445 when the geopolitical situation changes GKOVSU0Suey-00115-00029447-00029635 while the 8th and 11th armies of the GKOVSU0Suey-00116-00029636-00029938 USSR a total of 15 divisions crossed the GKOVSU0Suey-00117-00029939-00030123 borders of the Republic of Lithuania GKOVSU0Suey-00118-00030124-00030406 flying squads took over the airports of GKOVSU0Suey-00119-00030407-00030745 Kaunas Radwell s keys Shola regiments of GKOVSU0Suey-00120-00030745-00030937 the Red Army put a stop to possible GKOVSU0Suey-00121-00030938-00031129 resistance disarmed the Lithuanian GKOVSU0Suey-00122-00031130-00031330 military took over its assets and GKOVSU0Suey-00123-00031331-00031594 supported local communists under GKOVSU0Suey-00124-00031595-00031843 pressure from Moscow on the 17th of June GKOVSU0Suey-00125-00031844-00032127 1940 a marquis appointed just as Polly GKOVSU0Suey-00126-00032129-00032311 Keys Prime Minister and resigned soon GKOVSU0Suey-00127-00032312-00032581 after J Polly Keys then assumed GKOVSU0Suey-00128-00032582-00032803 presidential duties and vincas Creve a GKOVSU0Suey-00129-00032804-00032965 was appointed Prime Minister the GKOVSU0Suey-00130-00032966-00033175 Communist Party was legalized again and GKOVSU0Suey-00131-00033176-00033379 began publication of its papers and GKOVSU0Suey-00132-00033380-00033535 staging meetings to support the new GKOVSU0Suey-00133-00033536-00033772 government at the same time the GKOVSU0Suey-00134-00033773-00034027 opposition its newspapers organizations GKOVSU0Suey-00135-00034028-00034234 were outlawed and ties with abroad cut GKOVSU0Suey-00136-00034235-00034603 short on July 14 to 15 elections to the GKOVSU0Suey-00137-00034604-00034888 People's Parliament took place the only GKOVSU0Suey-00138-00034889-00035065 contender was the union of working GKOVSU0Suey-00139-00035066-00035239 people of Lithuania which had been GKOVSU0Suey-00140-00035240-00035434 founded by far left radicals and their GKOVSU0Suey-00141-00035435-00035701 supporters citizens were mandated to GKOVSU0Suey-00142-00035702-00035749 attend GKOVSU0Suey-00143-00035750-00035959 and the results of the elections were GKOVSU0Suey-00144-00035960-00036253 likely falsified at its first meeting on GKOVSU0Suey-00145-00036254-00036487 the 21st of July the new Parliament GKOVSU0Suey-00146-00036488-00036682 declared that Lithuania had expressed GKOVSU0Suey-00147-00036683-00036930 its will to become part of the USSR GKOVSU0Suey-00148-00036931-00037162 resolutions to effectuate the country's GKOVSU0Suey-00149-00037163-00037342 Soviet ization were made the very same GKOVSU0Suey-00150-00037343-00037636 day on the 3rd of August a Lithuanian GKOVSU0Suey-00151-00037637-00037849 delegation of prominent public figures GKOVSU0Suey-00152-00037850-00038077 was dispatched to Moscow to sign the GKOVSU0Suey-00153-00038078-00038287 document of Lithuania succession to the GKOVSU0Suey-00154-00038288-00038602 USSR after the document had been signed GKOVSU0Suey-00155-00038603-00038827 Lithuania was annexed to become part of GKOVSU0Suey-00156-00038828-00039238 the USSR on the 25th of August 1940 an GKOVSU0Suey-00157-00039239-00039427 extraordinary session of the People's GKOVSU0Suey-00158-00039428-00039643 Parliament ratified the Constitution of GKOVSU0Suey-00159-00039644-00039883 the L SSR in form and substance similar GKOVSU0Suey-00160-00039884-00040140 to the USSR Constitution of the 5th of GKOVSU0Suey-00161-00040141-00040580 December 1936 GKOVSU0Suey-00162-00040581-00041228 topic Red Army crimes in LSS are GKOVSU0Suey-00163-00041229-00041483 upon entering Lithuania's territory the GKOVSU0Suey-00164-00041484-00041672 Red Army immediately began committing GKOVSU0Suey-00165-00041673-00041972 atrocious war crimes the situation in GKOVSU0Suey-00166-00041973-00042155 the state was so frightening that even GKOVSU0Suey-00167-00042156-00042344 the first Secretary of the Communist GKOVSU0Suey-00168-00042345-00042578 Party of Lithuania Antanas Sneaky's on GKOVSU0Suey-00169-00042579-00042905 July 23rd 1944 complained to Lavrentiy GKOVSU0Suey-00170-00042906-00043148 Beria who later handed over his words to GKOVSU0Suey-00171-00043149-00043409 Joseph Stalin that if such robbery and GKOVSU0Suey-00172-00043410-00043643 violence will continue in Kaunas this GKOVSU0Suey-00173-00043644-00043856 will burst our last sympathy for the Red GKOVSU0Suey-00174-00043857-00044261 Army Klaipeda region was one of the GKOVSU0Suey-00175-00044262-00044483 primary war crime centers for example GKOVSU0Suey-00176-00044484-00044792 head of the Klaipeda and KGB operational GKOVSU0Suey-00177-00044793-00044987 group Guzman in his special report about GKOVSU0Suey-00178-00044988-00045200 situation in the Klaipeda region wrote GKOVSU0Suey-00179-00045201-00045491 that a beautiful City salute left by the GKOVSU0Suey-00180-00045492-00045722 Germans without a battle currently looks GKOVSU0Suey-00181-00045723-00045923 repulsive there is not one remaining GKOVSU0Suey-00182-00045924-00046172 store almost no flats that are suitable GKOVSU0Suey-00183-00046173-00046574 for living metal scrap collection teams GKOVSU0Suey-00184-00046575-00046775 are blowing up working agricultural GKOVSU0Suey-00185-00046776-00047003 machinery engines of various kinds GKOVSU0Suey-00186-00047004-00047213 stealing valuable equipment from the GKOVSU0Suey-00187-00047214-00047507 companies there is no electricity and GKOVSU0Suey-00188-00047508-00047717 salute because an internal combustion GKOVSU0Suey-00189-00047718-00048047 engine was blown up in the same report GKOVSU0Suey-00190-00048048-00048293 Guzman also wrote that in Klaipeda and GKOVSU0Suey-00191-00048294-00048512 salute regions mass raping of women in GKOVSU0Suey-00192-00048513-00048670 trench regardless of their nationality GKOVSU0Suey-00193-00048671-00048944 physical condition and age seventy year GKOVSU0Suey-00194-00048945-00049145 old women and fourteen-year-old girls GKOVSU0Suey-00195-00049146-00049325 are being raped even in the presence of GKOVSU0Suey-00196-00049326-00049700 parents for example in November 1944 GKOVSU0Suey-00197-00049701-00049946 eleven soldiers raped a pre Akula County GKOVSU0Suey-00198-00049947-00050120 resident in the presence of her husband GKOVSU0Suey-00199-00050121-00050438 in salute district two soldiers covering GKOVSU0Suey-00200-00050439-00050630 her head with a bag at the doorway raped GKOVSU0Suey-00201-00050631-00050951 a 70 year old woman on December 10th two GKOVSU0Suey-00202-00050952-00051128 soldiers shot at passing by elderly GKOVSU0Suey-00203-00051129-00051391 woman after occupying the Klaipeda GKOVSU0Suey-00204-00051392-00051662 region the Red Army began arresting 17 GKOVSU0Suey-00205-00051663-00051904 to 48 year old men and moving forefront GKOVSU0Suey-00206-00051905-00052178 inhabitants Red Army soldiers did not GKOVSU0Suey-00207-00052179-00052382 gave enough time for them to prepare and GKOVSU0Suey-00208-00052383-00052562 move them by only wearing a single shirt GKOVSU0Suey-00209-00052563-00052874 in this way inhabitants of the caronian GKOVSU0Suey-00210-00052875-00053063 spit were left without cattle and bread GKOVSU0Suey-00211-00053064-00053288 a number of cases have been identified GKOVSU0Suey-00212-00053289-00053540 that cattle and other property was sent GKOVSU0Suey-00213-00053541-00053708 to the depth of Lithuania and later GKOVSU0Suey-00214-00053709-00054010 traded for a homemade vodka in December GKOVSU0Suey-00215-00054011-00054386 1944 chief of the pre-cool a KGB Kazakov GKOVSU0Suey-00216-00054387-00054609 wrote to the LSS our Minister of the GKOVSU0Suey-00217-00054610-00054846 terior Joseph is vertiginous that due to GKOVSU0Suey-00218-00054847-00055062 the soldiers violence most of the houses GKOVSU0Suey-00219-00055063-00055272 in prea cule are unsuitable for living GKOVSU0Suey-00220-00055273-00055469 windows are knocked out fireplaces are GKOVSU0Suey-00221-00055470-00055676 disassembled furniture and agricultural GKOVSU0Suey-00222-00055677-00055872 inventory are broken and exported as GKOVSU0Suey-00223-00055873-00056138 scrap most of the soldiers are engaged GKOVSU0Suey-00224-00056139-00056429 in robbery women raping and even killing GKOVSU0Suey-00225-00056429-00056666 inhabitants after seeing soldiers during GKOVSU0Suey-00226-00056667-00056819 the nighttime are running from their GKOVSU0Suey-00227-00056820-00057125 homes and hiding however other regions GKOVSU0Suey-00228-00057126-00057348 of the LSS are also suffered heavily GKOVSU0Suey-00229-00057349-00057632 from the Red Army brutality for example GKOVSU0Suey-00230-00057633-00058023 on December 26 1944 conda's NKGB GKOVSU0Suey-00231-00058024-00058232 representative Rodion doe wrote to the GKOVSU0Suey-00232-00058233-00058487 USSR and LSS our ministers of the GKOVSU0Suey-00233-00058488-00058604 interior that due to the GKOVSU0Suey-00234-00058605-00058763 counterintelligence units SMERSH GKOVSU0Suey-00235-00058764-00058974 violence in conda's and mass arrests GKOVSU0Suey-00236-00058975-00059172 many conda's inhabitants moves to a GKOVSU0Suey-00237-00059173-00059466 legal situation 11 raging SMERSH GKOVSU0Suey-00238-00059466-00059673 subdivisions do not obey any local GKOVSU0Suey-00239-00059674-00059857 authority orders even the NKGB GKOVSU0Suey-00240-00059858-00060266 requirements in August 1944 chief of the GKOVSU0Suey-00241-00060267-00060504 Vilnius garrison P Vetrov in his order GKOVSU0Suey-00242-00060504-00060729 described recent discipline violations GKOVSU0Suey-00243-00060729-00060968 in the garrison territory on August 18th GKOVSU0Suey-00244-00060969-00061185 the soldier arbitrarily went to explode GKOVSU0Suey-00245-00061186-00061382 fishes in the nearest river on August GKOVSU0Suey-00246-00061383-00061616 19th without any reason to 15 minutes GKOVSU0Suey-00247-00061617-00061785 firefight took place between the GKOVSU0Suey-00248-00061786-00061982 garrison soldiers and prison guards on GKOVSU0Suey-00249-00061983-00062255 August 22nd completely drunk officers of GKOVSU0Suey-00250-00062256-00062421 the garrison shooted at each other and GKOVSU0Suey-00251-00062422-00062823 so on on October 1st 1944 chief of the GKOVSU0Suey-00252-00062824-00063125 conda's NKVD sveshnikov in his report GKOVSU0Suey-00253-00063126-00063324 wrote that on the night of October 19th GKOVSU0Suey-00254-00063325-00063551 to aviation unit soldiers of garleon GKOVSU0Suey-00255-00063552-00063822 executed by tates Mavra side his family GKOVSU0Suey-00256-00063823-00064059 him his mother ona and sister Maria due GKOVSU0Suey-00257-00064060-00064409 to the burglary purposes On January 17 GKOVSU0Suey-00258-00064410-00064710 1945 chairman of the Allardice Executive GKOVSU0Suey-00259-00064711-00064907 Committee requested the LS s our GKOVSU0Suey-00260-00064908-00065112 People's Commissar Scouts 'el to stop GKOVSU0Suey-00261-00065113-00065304 the border guards unit which was sent to GKOVSU0Suey-00262-00065304-00065478 fight with the Lithuanian partisans GKOVSU0Suey-00263-00065479-00065655 because it not only burns the enemy's GKOVSU0Suey-00264-00065656-00065865 homesteads but also the innocent people GKOVSU0Suey-00265-00065866-00066111 homesteads they are also robbing the GKOVSU0Suey-00266-00066112-00066285 local inhabitants takes away their GKOVSU0Suey-00267-00066286-00066746 cattle and other property GKOVSU0Suey-00268-00066747-00066962 topic the war between Germany and the GKOVSU0Suey-00269-00066963-00067594 USSR and the second Soviet occupation GKOVSU0Suey-00270-00067595-00067808 Lithuania was dragged into the war on GKOVSU0Suey-00271-00067809-00068132 the 22nd of June 1941 with Germany GKOVSU0Suey-00272-00068133-00068513 invading the USSR back in November 1940 GKOVSU0Suey-00273-00068514-00068747 the Lithuanian activist Front founded in GKOVSU0Suey-00274-00068748-00068936 Berlin and led by Cassie Scerbo GKOVSU0Suey-00275-00068937-00069137 organized an uprising in conda's in GKOVSU0Suey-00276-00069138-00069398 Vilnius the Lithuanian 's drove the GKOVSU0Suey-00277-00069399-00069581 soviets out and formed a provisional GKOVSU0Suey-00278-00069582-00069782 government under us his embrace of HS GKOVSU0Suey-00279-00069783-00070028 the provisional government was looking GKOVSU0Suey-00280-00070029-00070220 forward to recognition from the germans GKOVSU0Suey-00281-00070221-00070436 but was disbanded by the nazis who had GKOVSU0Suey-00282-00070437-00070631 no intentions of granting any rights of GKOVSU0Suey-00283-00070632-00070918 political independence to lithuania in GKOVSU0Suey-00284-00070919-00071303 1941 to 1944 lithuania was made part of GKOVSU0Suey-00285-00071304-00071516 the german reichskommissariat ozland as GKOVSU0Suey-00286-00071517-00071717 a general region of lithuania under the GKOVSU0Suey-00287-00071718-00071911 government of a civil administration in GKOVSU0Suey-00288-00071912-00072275 July to October 1944 with the front line GKOVSU0Suey-00289-00072276-00072509 moving westwards the USSR entered GKOVSU0Suey-00290-00072510-00072710 Lithuania once again and the second GKOVSU0Suey-00291-00072711-00072959 Soviet government began the first GKOVSU0Suey-00292-00072960-00073160 post-war elections took place in the GKOVSU0Suey-00293-00073161-00073418 winter of 1946 to elect 35 GKOVSU0Suey-00294-00073419-00073658 representatives to the LSS our Supreme GKOVSU0Suey-00295-00073659-00073946 Council since the populace were slacking GKOVSU0Suey-00296-00073947-00074144 the results were likely falsified to GKOVSU0Suey-00297-00074145-00074333 show an attendance rate of at least 90% GKOVSU0Suey-00298-00074334-00074588 and to establish an absolute victory for GKOVSU0Suey-00299-00074589-00074750 the candidates from the Communist Party GKOVSU0Suey-00300-00074751-00075089 the LSS our Supreme Council under J GKOVSU0Suey-00301-00075090-00075269 Paula Keyes was formally the supreme GKOVSU0Suey-00302-00075270-00075566 governmental authority in reality the GKOVSU0Suey-00303-00075567-00075713 reins were in the hands of the first GKOVSU0Suey-00304-00075714-00075893 secretary of the central committee of GKOVSU0Suey-00305-00075894-00076100 the communist party opposed held by a GKOVSU0Suey-00306-00076101-00076497 Sneaky's for many years GKOVSU0Suey-00307-00076498-00077079 topic the Soviet ization of Lithuania GKOVSU0Suey-00308-00077080-00077351 the Soviet ization of Lithuania began GKOVSU0Suey-00309-00077352-00077450 with the strengthening of the GKOVSU0Suey-00310-00077451-00077662 supervision of the Communist Party GKOVSU0Suey-00311-00077663-00077885 officials faithful to the government GKOVSU0Suey-00312-00077886-00078080 were sent from Moscow to Lithuania to GKOVSU0Suey-00313-00078081-00078347 set up bodies of local governance to GKOVSU0Suey-00314-00078348-00078522 make sure that everything was being done GKOVSU0Suey-00315-00078523-00078690 on the initiative of the locals the GKOVSU0Suey-00316-00078691-00078860 appointed heads of said bodies were GKOVSU0Suey-00317-00078861-00079037 exclusively lithuanian who had GKOVSU0Suey-00318-00079038-00079247 trustworthy russian-speaking specialists GKOVSU0Suey-00319-00079248-00079436 for assistance it was these latter that GKOVSU0Suey-00320-00079437-00079590 controlled the situation for all GKOVSU0Suey-00321-00079591-00080015 practical purposes by the spring of 1945 GKOVSU0Suey-00322-00080016-00080273 6100 russian-speaking workers were sent GKOVSU0Suey-00323-00080274-00080555 to Lithuania a second nationalization GKOVSU0Suey-00324-00080556-00080801 kicked off since day one the people were GKOVSU0Suey-00325-00080802-00080991 being deprived of all of their property GKOVSU0Suey-00326-00080992-00081224 but personal belongings this was GKOVSU0Suey-00327-00081225-00081413 followed by the collectivization which GKOVSU0Suey-00328-00081414-00081696 started in 1947 with people being forced GKOVSU0Suey-00329-00081697-00081875 to join the coal causes these were being GKOVSU0Suey-00330-00081876-00082055 established on the grounds of well-off GKOVSU0Suey-00331-00082056-00082247 farmers who would be exiled and their GKOVSU0Suey-00332-00082248-00082406 farms would be turned into coal cause GKOVSU0Suey-00333-00082407-00082607 farmhouses where livestock of the GKOVSU0Suey-00334-00082608-00082757 peasants from the surrounding areas GKOVSU0Suey-00335-00082758-00083030 would be kept since coal causes had to GKOVSU0Suey-00336-00083031-00083207 donate a large portion of their produce GKOVSU0Suey-00337-00083208-00083387 to the state the people working there GKOVSU0Suey-00338-00083388-00083585 lived in somewhat poor conditions than GKOVSU0Suey-00339-00083586-00083807 the rest of the nation the pay would GKOVSU0Suey-00340-00083808-00084035 often be delayed and made in kind they GKOVSU0Suey-00341-00084036-00084176 were not allowed to move to cities GKOVSU0Suey-00342-00084177-00084416 because they had no IDs the GKOVSU0Suey-00343-00084417-00084617 collectivization eventually ended in GKOVSU0Suey-00344-00084618-00084935 1953 the collectivization went hand in GKOVSU0Suey-00345-00084936-00085110 hand with industrialization the GKOVSU0Suey-00346-00085111-00085367 territory of Lithuania became home to GKOVSU0Suey-00347-00085368-00085556 factories power plants in a bid to GKOVSU0Suey-00348-00085557-00085751 involve the country into the economic GKOVSU0Suey-00349-00085752-00085966 system of the whole of the USSR the GKOVSU0Suey-00350-00085967-00086201 output of major factories would be GKOVSU0Suey-00351-00086202-00086399 exported from the Republic for absence GKOVSU0Suey-00352-00086400-00086685 of local demand the entire process of GKOVSU0Suey-00353-00086686-00086873 industrialization was inevitably GKOVSU0Suey-00354-00086874-00087104 followed by urbanization as villages for GKOVSU0Suey-00355-00087105-00087285 the workers had to be established or GKOVSU0Suey-00356-00087286-00087465 expanded in the vicinity of the new GKOVSU0Suey-00357-00087466-00087753 factories that was how new towns such as GKOVSU0Suey-00358-00087754-00088007 electron I Geneva now Joji AK mean GKOVSU0Suey-00359-00088008-00088280 visages were built this was where GKOVSU0Suey-00360-00088281-00088478 residents would be relocated not only GKOVSU0Suey-00361-00088479-00088673 from other LSS our towns and villages GKOVSU0Suey-00362-00088674-00089046 but from other USSR republics as well to GKOVSU0Suey-00363-00089047-00089243 ensure the success of the Soviet ization GKOVSU0Suey-00364-00089244-00089435 tools of culture and science were GKOVSU0Suey-00365-00089436-00089687 employed all symbols of the former GKOVSU0Suey-00366-00089688-00089891 Republic of Lithuania were being removed GKOVSU0Suey-00367-00089892-00090084 from all sources available to the public GKOVSU0Suey-00368-00090085-00090273 the country had its history rewritten GKOVSU0Suey-00369-00090274-00090471 its achievements belittled GKOVSU0Suey-00370-00090472-00090654 the veneration of Stalin was being GKOVSU0Suey-00371-00090655-00090861 spread actively by erasing the names of GKOVSU0Suey-00372-00090862-00091044 famous Lithuanian figures from the GKOVSU0Suey-00373-00091045-00091314 people's minds the role of Russia and GKOVSU0Suey-00374-00091315-00091563 the USSR in the history of Lithuania was GKOVSU0Suey-00375-00091564-00091815 often highlighted the society was GKOVSU0Suey-00376-00091816-00091998 encouraged into joining the Communist GKOVSU0Suey-00377-00091999-00092207 Party and communist organizations GKOVSU0Suey-00378-00092208-00092505 science art were ridden by ideology and GKOVSU0Suey-00379-00092506-00092778 controlled by censorship mechanisms to GKOVSU0Suey-00380-00092779-00092928 strengthen the influence on the society GKOVSU0Suey-00381-00092929-00093203 people were encouraged into atheism GKOVSU0Suey-00382-00093204-00093399 Lithuania would be secularized GKOVSU0Suey-00383-00093400-00093651 monasteries closed religion classes to GKOVSU0Suey-00384-00093652-00094167 boo churchgoers victimized GKOVSU0Suey-00385-00094168-00094683 topic armed resistance GKOVSU0Suey-00386-00094684-00094914 the second Soviet occupation was GKOVSU0Suey-00387-00094915-00095094 followed by armed resistance from the GKOVSU0Suey-00388-00095095-00095448 residents of Lithuania in 1944 to 1953 GKOVSU0Suey-00389-00095449-00095673 aiming to restore an independent state GKOVSU0Suey-00390-00095674-00095919 of Lithuania establish capitalism and GKOVSU0Suey-00391-00095920-00096123 eradicate communism in the country GKOVSU0Suey-00392-00096124-00096291 bring back the national values and GKOVSU0Suey-00393-00096292-00096551 freedom of faith partisans were people GKOVSU0Suey-00394-00096552-00096795 of various social backgrounds age groups GKOVSU0Suey-00395-00096796-00097074 and education the authorities labeled GKOVSU0Suey-00396-00097075-00097284 them bandits they were forced into the GKOVSU0Suey-00397-00097285-00097464 woods and into armed resistance by the GKOVSU0Suey-00398-00097465-00097757 Soviet rule armed resistance had three GKOVSU0Suey-00399-00097758-00098032 stages stage one began in the summer of GKOVSU0Suey-00400-00098033-00098397 1944 and ended in the summer of 1946 in GKOVSU0Suey-00401-00098398-00098673 that period large companies were formed GKOVSU0Suey-00402-00098674-00098943 with no uniform organization armed GKOVSU0Suey-00403-00098944-00099105 skirmishes with the raw were quite GKOVSU0Suey-00404-00099106-00099363 common stage 2 covered the period from GKOVSU0Suey-00405-00099364-00099701 the summer of 1946 until the end of 1948 GKOVSU0Suey-00406-00099702-00100029 at that time a partisan organizational GKOVSU0Suey-00407-00100030-00100197 structure was formed and companies GKOVSU0Suey-00408-00100198-00100425 diminished to 5 to 15 people who lived GKOVSU0Suey-00409-00100426-00100680 in bunkers guerrilla warfare with GKOVSU0Suey-00410-00100681-00100953 surprise hits was the tactic stage 3 GKOVSU0Suey-00411-00100954-00101229 continued since 1949 until the end of GKOVSU0Suey-00412-00101230-00101574 1953 during the period the so called GKOVSU0Suey-00413-00101575-00101775 union of lithuanian freedom fighters GKOVSU0Suey-00414-00101776-00101964 under jonas tomatoes Vytautas was GKOVSU0Suey-00415-00101965-00102252 founded companies became smaller still GKOVSU0Suey-00416-00102253-00102522 and only consisted of 3 to 5 people open GKOVSU0Suey-00417-00102523-00102705 skirmishes were a rarity opting for GKOVSU0Suey-00418-00102706-00103026 sabotage and terrorism instead despite GKOVSU0Suey-00419-00103027-00103197 the fact that guerrilla warfare had GKOVSU0Suey-00420-00103198-00103355 failed to achieve its objective to GKOVSU0Suey-00421-00103356-00103554 liberate lithuania and had claimed the GKOVSU0Suey-00422-00103555-00103776 lives of more than 20,000 fighters the GKOVSU0Suey-00423-00103777-00103943 armed resistance showed the world that GKOVSU0Suey-00424-00103944-00104196 lithuania is joining the USSR had not GKOVSU0Suey-00425-00104197-00104391 been a voluntary act and highlighted the GKOVSU0Suey-00426-00104392-00104558 desire of many Lithuanians be GKOVSU0Suey-00427-00104559-00104905 independent GKOVSU0Suey-00428-00104906-00105583 topic deportations of LSS our citizens GKOVSU0Suey-00429-00105583-00105915 in the fall of 1944 the first lists of GKOVSU0Suey-00430-00105916-00106132 bandits and bandit families appeared GKOVSU0Suey-00431-00106133-00106348 which included members or family members GKOVSU0Suey-00432-00106349-00106587 of armed resistance deportees were GKOVSU0Suey-00433-00106588-00106812 marshalled and put on the USSR bound GKOVSU0Suey-00434-00106813-00107073 train in Kaunas in early May 1945 GKOVSU0Suey-00435-00107074-00107304 reaching their destination in Tajikistan GKOVSU0Suey-00436-00107305-00107553 in summer once there they were forced GKOVSU0Suey-00437-00107554-00107722 into gratuitous labor at cotton GKOVSU0Suey-00438-00107723-00108106 plantations in May 1945 a decision was GKOVSU0Suey-00439-00108107-00108298 made to have a new wave of deportations GKOVSU0Suey-00440-00108299-00108547 from every County battle groups were GKOVSU0Suey-00441-00108548-00108919 made of NKVD and NKGB staff and NKVD GKOVSU0Suey-00442-00108920-00109128 troops the destruction battalions or GKOVSU0Suey-00443-00109129-00109610 Istra beetles on 18 to 21 february 1946 GKOVSU0Suey-00444-00109611-00109843 deportations began in four counties GKOVSU0Suey-00445-00109844-00110133 Allardice marathon pole Laz dehy and tor GKOVSU0Suey-00446-00110134-00110421 ages however on the 12th of December GKOVSU0Suey-00447-00110422-00110758 1947 the CC of the LCP resolved that GKOVSU0Suey-00448-00110758-00110923 repressions against the supporters of GKOVSU0Suey-00449-00110924-00111150 resistance in Lithuania were weak and GKOVSU0Suey-00450-00111151-00111331 that additional measures were in order a GKOVSU0Suey-00451-00111332-00111619 new series of deportations began the GKOVSU0Suey-00452-00111620-00112035 very same day a total of 2782 people GKOVSU0Suey-00453-00112036-00112329 were deported in december in january to GKOVSU0Suey-00454-00112330-00112776 february 1948 another 1130 four persons GKOVSU0Suey-00455-00112777-00112938 were exiled from every county in GKOVSU0Suey-00456-00112939-00113277 lithuania by May 1948 the number of GKOVSU0Suey-00457-00113278-00113490 deportees had risen to thirteen thousand GKOVSU0Suey-00458-00113491-00113736 three hundred for most of them found GKOVSU0Suey-00459-00113737-00113928 themselves in exile due to the class GKOVSU0Suey-00460-00113929-00114249 fight they were engaged in in May 1948 GKOVSU0Suey-00461-00114250-00114444 preparations for very large-scale GKOVSU0Suey-00462-00114445-00114708 deportations were being made with 30,000 GKOVSU0Suey-00463-00114709-00115038 118 staff members from USSR repressive GKOVSU0Suey-00464-00115039-00115265 structures engaged for that purpose on GKOVSU0Suey-00465-00115266-00115665 22 to 23 May 1948 large-scale GKOVSU0Suey-00466-00115666-00115929 deportation operation called Vesna began GKOVSU0Suey-00467-00115930-00116332 leading to 36,000 932 arrests a figure GKOVSU0Suey-00468-00116333-00116632 that later increased to 40,000 to the GKOVSU0Suey-00469-00116633-00116872 second major deportation operation took GKOVSU0Suey-00470-00116873-00117333 place on 25 to 28 march 1949 over four GKOVSU0Suey-00471-00117334-00117583 days the authorities put 28 thousand GKOVSU0Suey-00472-00117583-00117772 nine hundred eighty one persons into GKOVSU0Suey-00473-00117773-00117970 livestock cars and dispatched them deep GKOVSU0Suey-00474-00117971-00118258 into the USSR some people went into GKOVSU0Suey-00475-00118258-00118428 hiding and managed to escape the GKOVSU0Suey-00476-00118429-00118653 deportations but then a manhunt began in GKOVSU0Suey-00477-00118654-00118953 April as a result another two eshel GKOVSU0Suey-00478-00118954-00119213 left for the remote regions of the USSR GKOVSU0Suey-00479-00119214-00119574 during March to April 1949 a total of GKOVSU0Suey-00480-00119575-00119808 some 32,000 people were deported from GKOVSU0Suey-00481-00119809-00120210 Lithuania by 1952 ten more operations GKOVSU0Suey-00482-00120211-00120501 were staged but of a smaller scale the GKOVSU0Suey-00483-00120502-00120813 last deportations took place in 1953 GKOVSU0Suey-00484-00120814-00120999 when people were taken to the district GKOVSU0Suey-00485-00121000-00121195 of Tomsk in the regions of Altai and GKOVSU0Suey-00486-00121196-00121554 Krasnoyarsk GKOVSU0Suey-00487-00121555-00122041 topic dissident movement GKOVSU0Suey-00488-00122042-00122294 even after the guerrilla resistance had GKOVSU0Suey-00489-00122295-00122468 been quelled the Soviet authorities GKOVSU0Suey-00490-00122469-00122624 failed to suppress the movement for GKOVSU0Suey-00491-00122625-00122884 Lithuania's independence underground GKOVSU0Suey-00492-00122885-00123067 dissident groups had been active since GKOVSU0Suey-00493-00123068-00123344 1950s publishing their periodicals in GKOVSU0Suey-00494-00123345-00123586 catholic literature they fostered GKOVSU0Suey-00495-00123588-00123803 national culture preserved historical GKOVSU0Suey-00496-00123804-00124040 memory instigated patriotism and hopes GKOVSU0Suey-00497-00124041-00124360 for independence in the 1970s the GKOVSU0Suey-00498-00124361-00124547 dissidents established the Lithuanian GKOVSU0Suey-00499-00124548-00124733 freedom League under Anton Esther let's GKOVSU0Suey-00500-00124733-00124781 kiss GKOVSU0Suey-00501-00124782-00125024 founded in Vilnius in the wake of the GKOVSU0Suey-00502-00125025-00125222 international conference in Helsinki GKOVSU0Suey-00503-00125223-00125426 Finland which recognized the borders GKOVSU0Suey-00504-00125427-00125600 established after the Second World War GKOVSU0Suey-00505-00125601-00125798 the Helsinki group demanded that GKOVSU0Suey-00506-00125799-00126005 Lithuania's occupation be recognized GKOVSU0Suey-00507-00126006-00126224 illegal and the molotov-ribbentrop pact GKOVSU0Suey-00508-00126225-00126583 be condemned in 1972 young Roma's GKOVSU0Suey-00509-00126584-00126791 calendar burned himself in Kaunas in a GKOVSU0Suey-00510-00126792-00126992 public display of protest against the GKOVSU0Suey-00511-00126993-00127274 regime this act was followed by public GKOVSU0Suey-00512-00127275-00127451 protests which showed that a large GKOVSU0Suey-00513-00127452-00127625 portion of the people were against the GKOVSU0Suey-00514-00127626-00127868 regime the Catholic Church took an GKOVSU0Suey-00515-00127869-00128054 active part in opposing the oppression GKOVSU0Suey-00516-00128055-00128279 the clergy published The Chronicles of GKOVSU0Suey-00517-00128280-00128468 the Catholic Church of Lithuania that GKOVSU0Suey-00518-00128469-00128683 were secretly distributed in Lithuania GKOVSU0Suey-00519-00128684-00128948 and abroad the faithful would gather in GKOVSU0Suey-00520-00128949-00129098 small groups to teach the children GKOVSU0Suey-00521-00129099-00129334 religion celebrate religious holidays GKOVSU0Suey-00522-00129335-00129545 and used national and religious symbols GKOVSU0Suey-00523-00129546-00129818 the most active repressed figures of the GKOVSU0Suey-00524-00129819-00130009 movement were Vincent as slat cavitus GKOVSU0Suey-00525-00130010-00130247 seguida stamp of Egeus knew joel satin GKOVSU0Suey-00526-00130248-00130520 Itay the dissident movement boosted the GKOVSU0Suey-00527-00130521-00130721 nation's morale made people remember GKOVSU0Suey-00528-00130722-00130874 their history and values with the GKOVSU0Suey-00529-00130875-00131102 passage of time thanks to its doings the GKOVSU0Suey-00530-00131103-00131273 world would receive information about GKOVSU0Suey-00531-00131274-00131507 the situation in the LSS our human GKOVSU0Suey-00532-00131508-00131711 rights violations which made Moscow GKOVSU0Suey-00533-00131712-00132094 soften the regime GKOVSU0Suey-00534-00132095-00132715 topic cultural life in the LSS are GKOVSU0Suey-00535-00132716-00132946 the Soviets love to promote the people's GKOVSU0Suey-00536-00132947-00133231 art every exhibition book movie play GKOVSU0Suey-00537-00133232-00133471 Museum and the education system had to GKOVSU0Suey-00538-00133472-00133714 be guided by the ideological context and GKOVSU0Suey-00539-00133715-00134041 past government inspection since 1950 GKOVSU0Suey-00540-00134042-00134236 songs festivals would be staged on a GKOVSU0Suey-00541-00134237-00134479 regular basis featuring Lithuanian folk GKOVSU0Suey-00542-00134480-00134683 songs and music that did not oppose the GKOVSU0Suey-00543-00134684-00134977 Soviet ideology people's artists had to GKOVSU0Suey-00544-00134978-00135172 portray the imagined perfect life of GKOVSU0Suey-00545-00135173-00135367 coal cause farmers and workers their GKOVSU0Suey-00546-00135368-00135538 fight against the bourgeoisie over GKOVSU0Suey-00547-00135539-00135739 social justice and their values which GKOVSU0Suey-00548-00135740-00135952 were industriousness honor justice GKOVSU0Suey-00549-00135953-00136186 integrity and loyalty to the ideals of GKOVSU0Suey-00550-00136187-00136468 communism the most meritorious people's GKOVSU0Suey-00551-00136469-00136642 artists would be awarded the title of GKOVSU0Suey-00552-00136643-00136887 the emeritus People's Artist by the GKOVSU0Suey-00553-00136888-00137221 1950s some 500 monuments sculptures GKOVSU0Suey-00554-00137222-00137431 pieces of architecture relating to the GKOVSU0Suey-00555-00137432-00137629 independence period were demolished and GKOVSU0Suey-00556-00137630-00137773 replaced with new ones that were GKOVSU0Suey-00557-00137774-00138037 dedicated to Soviet ideological cultural GKOVSU0Suey-00558-00138038-00138340 and artistic figures eventually lest GKOVSU0Suey-00559-00138341-00138499 they abandon their creative potential GKOVSU0Suey-00560-00138500-00138736 Lithuanian artists went for isa pian GKOVSU0Suey-00561-00138737-00139018 language allegory and symbolism the GKOVSU0Suey-00562-00139019-00139204 political warming that started after the GKOVSU0Suey-00563-00139205-00139372 death of Stalin brought forth a new GKOVSU0Suey-00564-00139373-00139636 generation of writers in their work they GKOVSU0Suey-00565-00139637-00139822 dealt with human feelings and certain GKOVSU0Suey-00566-00139823-00140034 aspects of the history of Lithuania GKOVSU0Suey-00567-00140035-00140320 music too reflected a strong historical GKOVSU0Suey-00568-00140321-00140547 theme issues of national identity GKOVSU0Suey-00569-00140548-00140812 theatre had a highly important role to GKOVSU0Suey-00570-00140813-00141025 play in the society the language of GKOVSU0Suey-00571-00141026-00141277 theatre was that of ESOP Lithuanian GKOVSU0Suey-00572-00141278-00141451 theatre was among the strongest in the GKOVSU0Suey-00573-00141452-00141802 USSR GKOVSU0Suey-00574-00141803-00142294 topic the collapse GKOVSU0Suey-00575-00142295-00142635 in the 1980s the USSR sank into a deep GKOVSU0Suey-00576-00142636-00142996 economic crisis in 1985 Mikhail GKOVSU0Suey-00577-00142997-00143182 Gorbachev was elected head of state GKOVSU0Suey-00578-00143183-00143419 undertaking a series of liberal reforms GKOVSU0Suey-00579-00143420-00143676 and ending the Cold War this encouraged GKOVSU0Suey-00580-00143677-00143898 the activity of anti-communist movements GKOVSU0Suey-00581-00143899-00144186 within the USSR the LSS are included on GKOVSU0Suey-00582-00144187-00144547 the 23rd of August 1987 the so-called GKOVSU0Suey-00583-00144548-00144784 Lithuanian freedom League initiated an GKOVSU0Suey-00584-00144785-00144948 unsanctioned meeting in front of the GKOVSU0Suey-00585-00144949-00145134 monument to a Domas macavity ascend GKOVSU0Suey-00586-00145135-00145347 Vilnius at the meeting the GKOVSU0Suey-00587-00145348-00145554 molotov-ribbentrop pact was condemned GKOVSU0Suey-00588-00145555-00145836 for the first time in public the idea of GKOVSU0Suey-00589-00145837-00146008 the meeting was supported by Western GKOVSU0Suey-00590-00146009-00146247 radio stations the first informal GKOVSU0Suey-00591-00146248-00146487 organizations clubs for environmental GKOVSU0Suey-00592-00146488-00146806 and monument protection in May 1987 the GKOVSU0Suey-00593-00146807-00147027 Lithuanian cultural fund was established GKOVSU0Suey-00594-00147028-00147247 to engage in environmental activity and GKOVSU0Suey-00595-00147248-00147435 the protection of Lithuanian cultural GKOVSU0Suey-00596-00147436-00147784 assets on the 3rd of June 1988 the GKOVSU0Suey-00597-00147785-00147972 Lithuanian Reformation movement was GKOVSU0Suey-00598-00147973-00148134 founded its mission to restore the GKOVSU0Suey-00599-00148135-00148410 statehood of Lithuania supporters of its GKOVSU0Suey-00600-00148411-00148611 ideas formed groups for the support of GKOVSU0Suey-00601-00148612-00148933 the L R M across Lithuania on the 23rd GKOVSU0Suey-00602-00148934-00149194 of August 1988 a massive meeting was GKOVSU0Suey-00603-00149195-00149403 staged at Vinglish Park in Vilnius with GKOVSU0Suey-00604-00149404-00149760 a turnout of about 250,000 people a year GKOVSU0Suey-00605-00149761-00150099 later on the 23rd of August 1989 marking GKOVSU0Suey-00606-00150100-00150331 50 years of the Molotov Ribbentrop pact GKOVSU0Suey-00607-00150332-00150481 and aiming to draw the world's eye to GKOVSU0Suey-00608-00150482-00150699 the occupation of the Baltic States the GKOVSU0Suey-00609-00150700-00150972 Baltic Way event was staged held by the GKOVSU0Suey-00610-00150973-00151176 Lithuanian reformation movement the GKOVSU0Suey-00611-00151177-00151381 Baltic way was a chain of people holding GKOVSU0Suey-00612-00151382-00151566 hands that stretched for nearly 600 GKOVSU0Suey-00613-00151567-00151875 kilometres 370 miles to connect the GKOVSU0Suey-00614-00151876-00152100 three Baltic capitals of Vilnius Riga GKOVSU0Suey-00615-00152101-00152349 and Tollan it was a display of the GKOVSU0Suey-00616-00152350-00152581 aspiration of the Lithuanian Latvian and GKOVSU0Suey-00617-00152582-00152778 Estonian people to part ways with the GKOVSU0Suey-00618-00152779-00153138 USSR the LSS are de facto ceased to GKOVSU0Suey-00619-00153139-00153402 exist on the 11th of March 1990 with the GKOVSU0Suey-00620-00153403-00153579 reconstitution Seema's declaring GKOVSU0Suey-00621-00153580-00153856 Lithuania's independence restored since GKOVSU0Suey-00622-00153857-00154108 Lithuania's membership in the USSR was GKOVSU0Suey-00623-00154109-00154263 considered a violation of the GKOVSU0Suey-00624-00154264-00154464 international law and void there was no GKOVSU0Suey-00625-00154465-00154659 formal procedure of secession from the GKOVSU0Suey-00626-00154660-00155011 USSR GKOVSU0Suey-00627-00155012-00155357 topic independence GKOVSU0Suey-00628-00155358-00155527 you GKOVSU0Suey-00629-00155528-00155771 Lithuania declared sovereignty on its GKOVSU0Suey-00630-00155772-00156062 territory on the 18th of May 1989 and GKOVSU0Suey-00631-00156063-00156200 declared independence from the Soviet GKOVSU0Suey-00632-00156201-00156491 Union on the 11th of March 1990 as the GKOVSU0Suey-00633-00156492-00156806 Republic of Lithuania Lithuania was the GKOVSU0Suey-00634-00156807-00156989 first Baltic state to assert state GKOVSU0Suey-00635-00156990-00157220 continuity and the first soviet republic GKOVSU0Suey-00636-00157221-00157496 to remove soviet from its name though GKOVSU0Suey-00637-00157497-00157700 not the first soviet republic to assert GKOVSU0Suey-00638-00157701-00157853 its national sovereignty and the GKOVSU0Suey-00639-00157854-00158066 supremacy of its national laws over the GKOVSU0Suey-00640-00158067-00158285 laws of the soviet union see estonian GKOVSU0Suey-00641-00158286-00158564 sovereignty declaration all legal ties GKOVSU0Suey-00642-00158565-00158768 of the soviet union sovereignty over the GKOVSU0Suey-00643-00158769-00158984 republic were cut as lithuania declared GKOVSU0Suey-00644-00158985-00159254 the restitution of its independence the GKOVSU0Suey-00645-00159255-00159407 soviet union claimed that this GKOVSU0Suey-00646-00159408-00159653 declaration was illegal as lithuania had GKOVSU0Suey-00647-00159654-00159830 to follow the process of secession GKOVSU0Suey-00648-00159831-00160046 mandated in the soviet constitution if GKOVSU0Suey-00649-00160047-00160355 it wanted to leave lithuania contended GKOVSU0Suey-00650-00160356-00160505 that the entire process by which GKOVSU0Suey-00651-00160506-00160712 lithuania joined the soviet union GKOVSU0Suey-00652-00160713-00160883 violated both lithuanian and GKOVSU0Suey-00653-00160884-00161060 international law so it was merely GKOVSU0Suey-00654-00161061-00161219 reasserting an independence that GKOVSU0Suey-00655-00161220-00161507 previously existed the soviet union GKOVSU0Suey-00656-00161508-00161675 threatened to invade but the russian GKOVSU0Suey-00657-00161676-00161939 sfsr declaration of sovereignty On June GKOVSU0Suey-00658-00161940-00162131 12th meant that the Soviet Union could GKOVSU0Suey-00659-00162132-00162431 not enforce Lithuania's retention while GKOVSU0Suey-00660-00162432-00162605 other Republic's held the Union wide GKOVSU0Suey-00661-00162606-00162809 referendum in March to restructure the GKOVSU0Suey-00662-00162810-00163046 Soviet Union in a loose form Lithuania GKOVSU0Suey-00663-00163047-00163289 along with Estonia Latvia Armenia GKOVSU0Suey-00664-00163290-00163505 Georgia and Moldova backed out from the GKOVSU0Suey-00665-00163506-00163664 votes it held an independence referendum GKOVSU0Suey-00666-00163665-00163906 earlier that month with the majority of GKOVSU0Suey-00667-00163907-00164294 93.2% voters accepted it Iceland GKOVSU0Suey-00668-00164295-00164486 immediately recognized Lithuania's GKOVSU0Suey-00669-00164487-00164684 independence most other countries GKOVSU0Suey-00670-00164685-00164903 followed suit after the failed coup in GKOVSU0Suey-00671-00164904-00165080 August with the State Council of the GKOVSU0Suey-00672-00165081-00165287 Soviet Union recognizing Lithuania's GKOVSU0Suey-00673-00165288-00165476 independence on the 6th of September GKOVSU0Suey-00674-00165477-00165827 1991 the Soviet Union officially ceased GKOVSU0Suey-00675-00165828-00166153 to exist on the 26th of December 1991 GKOVSU0Suey-00676-00166154-00166448 after independence Lithuania joined the GKOVSU0Suey-00677-00166449-00166685 United Nations on the 17th of September GKOVSU0Suey-00678-00166686-00166949 1991 and joined the European Union and GKOVSU0Suey-00679-00166950-00167447 NATO in 2004 GKOVSU0Suey-00680-00167448-00167747 topic first secretaries of the Communist GKOVSU0Suey-00681-00167748-00168317 Party of Lithuania first secretaries of GKOVSU0Suey-00682-00168318-00168604 the Communist Party of Lithuania GKOVSU0Suey-00683-00168605-00169017 Anton is Sneaky's 1944 to 1974 GKOVSU0Suey-00684-00169018-00169582 Petra's gryska Vettius 1974 to 1987 ring GKOVSU0Suey-00685-00169583-00170044 out his song Kyla 1987-1988 Algirdas GKOVSU0Suey-00686-00170045-00170676 Brazos cos 1988-1989 GKOVSU0Suey-00687-00170677-00171223 topic economy GKOVSU0Suey-00688-00171224-00171431 collectivization in the Lithuanian SSR GKOVSU0Suey-00689-00171432-00171863 took place between 1947 and 1950 to the GKOVSU0Suey-00690-00171864-00172181 1990 per-capita GDP of the Lithuanian GKOVSU0Suey-00691-00172182-00172379 Soviet Socialist Republic was eight GKOVSU0Suey-00692-00172380-00172568 thousand five hundred ninety one dollars GKOVSU0Suey-00693-00172569-00172775 which was above the average for the rest GKOVSU0Suey-00694-00172776-00172967 of the Soviet Union of six thousand GKOVSU0Suey-00695-00172968-00173222 eight hundred seventy one dollars this GKOVSU0Suey-00696-00173223-00173438 was still half or less than half of the GKOVSU0Suey-00697-00173439-00173696 per capita GDP s of adjacent countries GKOVSU0Suey-00698-00173697-00173894 Norway eighteen thousand four hundred GKOVSU0Suey-00699-00173895-00174134 seventy dollars Sweden seventeen GKOVSU0Suey-00700-00174135-00174332 thousand six hundred eighty dollars in GKOVSU0Suey-00701-00174333-00174551 Finland sixteen thousand eight hundred GKOVSU0Suey-00702-00174552-00174821 sixty eight dollars overall in the GKOVSU0Suey-00703-00174822-00175049 Eastern Bloc the inefficiency of systems GKOVSU0Suey-00704-00175050-00175241 without competition or market clearing GKOVSU0Suey-00705-00175242-00175462 prices became costly and unsustainable GKOVSU0Suey-00706-00175463-00175640 especially with the increasing GKOVSU0Suey-00707-00175641-00175913 complexity of world economics such GKOVSU0Suey-00708-00175914-00176117 systems which required party state GKOVSU0Suey-00709-00176118-00176285 planning at all levels ended up GKOVSU0Suey-00710-00176286-00176396 collapsing under the weight of GKOVSU0Suey-00711-00176397-00176609 accumulated economic in efficiencies GKOVSU0Suey-00712-00176610-00176813 with various attempts at reform merely GKOVSU0Suey-00713-00176814-00176993 contributing to the acceleration of GKOVSU0Suey-00714-00176994-00177332 crisis generating tendencies Lithuania GKOVSU0Suey-00715-00177333-00177602 accounted for just 0.3 percent of the GKOVSU0Suey-00716-00177603-00177872 Soviet Union's territory and 1.3 percent GKOVSU0Suey-00717-00177873-00178073 of its population but it turned out a GKOVSU0Suey-00718-00178074-00178289 significant amount of the Soviet Union's GKOVSU0Suey-00719-00178290-00178499 industrial and agricultural products GKOVSU0Suey-00720-00178500-00178685 twenty two percent of its electric GKOVSU0Suey-00721-00178686-00178961 welding apparatus 11.1 percent of its GKOVSU0Suey-00722-00178962-00179234 metal cutting lathe 2.3 percent of its GKOVSU0Suey-00723-00179235-00179510 mineral fertilisers 4.8 percent of its GKOVSU0Suey-00724-00179511-00179762 alternating current electric motors 2.0 GKOVSU0Suey-00725-00179763-00180029 percent of its paper 2.4 percent of its GKOVSU0Suey-00726-00180030-00180317 furniture 5.2 percent of its socks three GKOVSU0Suey-00727-00180318-00180485 point five percent of underwear and GKOVSU0Suey-00728-00180486-00180775 knitwear 1.4 percent of leather footwear GKOVSU0Suey-00729-00180776-00181060 5.3 percent of household refrigerators GKOVSU0Suey-00730-00181061-00181358 6.5 percent of television sets three GKOVSU0Suey-00731-00181359-00181580 point seven percent of meat four point GKOVSU0Suey-00732-00181581-00181796 seven percent of butter one point eight GKOVSU0Suey-00733-00181797-00182012 percent of canned products and one point GKOVSU0Suey-00734-00182013-00182485 nine percent of sugar GKOVSU0Suey-00735-00182486-00182957 topic in astronomy GKOVSU0Suey-00736-00182958-00183427 a minor planet 2577 litva discovered in GKOVSU0Suey-00737-00183428-00183716 1975 by a Soviet astronomer Nikolai GKOVSU0Suey-00738-00183717-00183926 Stepanovich Chernykh is named after the GKOVSU0Suey-00739-00183927-00184453 Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic GKOVSU0Suey-00740-00184454-00184971 topic see also GKOVSU0Suey-00741-00184972-00185298 history of Lithuania provisional GKOVSU0Suey-00742-00185299-00185598 government of Lithuania republics of the GKOVSU0Suey-00743-00185599-00185979 Soviet Union GKOVSU0Suey-00744-00185980-00186524 topic notes GKOVSU0Suey-00745-00186525-00187022 topic references GKOVSU0Suey-00746-00187023-00187327 heart John Pierce Kauffman Richard F GKOVSU0Suey-00747-00187328-00187718 1995 East Central European economies in GKOVSU0Suey-00748-00187719-00188111 transition Emmy sharp ISBN one five six GKOVSU0Suey-00749-00188112-00188519 three two four six one two Oh Madison GKOVSU0Suey-00750-00188520-00188960 Angus 2006 the world economy Oh II CD GKOVSU0Suey-00751-00188961-00189296 publishing ISBN nine two six four Oh two GKOVSU0Suey-00752-00189297-00189629 two six one nine Oh Connor GKOVSU0Suey-00753-00189630-00189923 Kevin 2003 the history of the Baltic GKOVSU0Suey-00754-00189924-00190274 states greenwood publishing group ISBN o GKOVSU0Suey-00755-00190275-00190967 3 1 3 3 2 3 5 5 Oh GKOVSU0Suey-00756-00190968-00191540 topic external links GKOVSU0Suey-00757-00191541-00191841 1978 Constitution of the Lithuanian GKOVSU0Suey-00758-00191842-00192201 Soviet Socialist Republic GLCA-aVLerI-00000-00000047-00000319 the austroasiatic languages formerly GLCA-aVLerI-00001-00000320-00000525 known as Mon Khmer are a large language GLCA-aVLerI-00002-00000526-00000798 family of mainland Southeast Asia also GLCA-aVLerI-00003-00000799-00000958 scattered throughout India Bangladesh GLCA-aVLerI-00004-00000959-00001201 Nepal and the southern border of China GLCA-aVLerI-00005-00001202-00001567 with around 117 million speakers the GLCA-aVLerI-00006-00001568-00001762 name austroasiatic comes from a GLCA-aVLerI-00007-00001763-00002010 combination of the Latin words for South GLCA-aVLerI-00008-00002011-00002212 and Asia GLCA-aVLerI-00009-00002213-00002592 hence South Asia of these languages only GLCA-aVLerI-00010-00002593-00002817 Vietnamese Khmer and Mon have a GLCA-aVLerI-00011-00002818-00003024 long-established recorded history and GLCA-aVLerI-00012-00003025-00003256 only Vietnamese and Khmer have official GLCA-aVLerI-00013-00003257-00003478 status as modern national languages in GLCA-aVLerI-00014-00003479-00003744 Vietnam and Cambodia respectively in GLCA-aVLerI-00015-00003745-00003982 Myanmar the wall' language is the de GLCA-aVLerI-00016-00003983-00004215 facto official language of wah State GLCA-aVLerI-00017-00004216-00004477 santolli is recognized as a regional GLCA-aVLerI-00018-00004478-00004681 language of India the rest of the GLCA-aVLerI-00019-00004682-00004897 languages are spoken by minority groups GLCA-aVLerI-00020-00004898-00005209 and have no official status ethnologue GLCA-aVLerI-00021-00005210-00005551 identifies 168 austroasiatic languages GLCA-aVLerI-00022-00005552-00005872 these form 13 established families plus GLCA-aVLerI-00023-00005873-00006076 perhaps chompin which is poorly attested GLCA-aVLerI-00024-00006077-00006304 as a 14th which have traditionally been GLCA-aVLerI-00025-00006305-00006558 grouped into two as Mon Khmer and Munda GLCA-aVLerI-00026-00006559-00006880 however one recent classification posits GLCA-aVLerI-00027-00006881-00007144 three groups Munda nuclear mon khmer and GLCA-aVLerI-00028-00007145-00007345 kasich amok while another has abandoned GLCA-aVLerI-00029-00007345-00007570 mon khmer as a taxon all together making GLCA-aVLerI-00030-00007570-00007764 it synonymous with the larger family GLCA-aVLerI-00031-00007765-00008017 austroasiatic languages have a disjunct GLCA-aVLerI-00032-00008018-00008203 distribution across India Bangladesh GLCA-aVLerI-00033-00008204-00008496 Nepal in Southeast Asia separated by GLCA-aVLerI-00034-00008497-00008694 regions where other languages are spoken GLCA-aVLerI-00035-00008695-00008905 they appeared to be the extant GLCA-aVLerI-00036-00008906-00009139 autonomous languages of Southeast Asia GLCA-aVLerI-00037-00009140-00009343 if Andaman Islands are not included with GLCA-aVLerI-00038-00009344-00009568 the neighboring indo-aryan KRA die GLCA-aVLerI-00039-00009569-00009826 Dravidian Austronesian and sino-tibetan GLCA-aVLerI-00040-00009827-00010030 languages being the result of later GLCA-aVLerI-00041-00010031-00010330 migrations a 2015 made analysis using GLCA-aVLerI-00042-00010331-00010510 the automated similarity judgment GLCA-aVLerI-00043-00010511-00010705 program resulted in Japanese being GLCA-aVLerI-00044-00010706-00010816 grouped with the I knew in the GLCA-aVLerI-00045-00010817-00011337 austroasiatic languages GLCA-aVLerI-00046-00011338-00011960 soppec typology regarding word structure GLCA-aVLerI-00047-00011961-00012201 austroasiatic languages are well known GLCA-aVLerI-00048-00012202-00012449 for having an iambic sesqui syllabic GLCA-aVLerI-00049-00012450-00012671 pattern with basic nouns and verbs GLCA-aVLerI-00050-00012672-00012902 consisting of an initial unstressed GLCA-aVLerI-00051-00012903-00013104 reduced minor syllable followed by a GLCA-aVLerI-00052-00013105-00013383 stressed full syllable this reduction of GLCA-aVLerI-00053-00013384-00013547 press syllables has led to a variety GLCA-aVLerI-00054-00013548-00013772 among modern languages of phonological GLCA-aVLerI-00055-00013773-00014022 shapes of the same original protist row GLCA-aVLerI-00056-00014022-00014208 Asia attic prefixes such as the GLCA-aVLerI-00057-00014209-00014444 causative prefix ranging from CVC GLCA-aVLerI-00058-00014445-00014630 syllables to consonant clusters to GLCA-aVLerI-00059-00014631-00014894 single consonants as for word formation GLCA-aVLerI-00060-00014895-00015135 most austroasiatic languages have a GLCA-aVLerI-00061-00015136-00015380 variety of derivational prefixes many GLCA-aVLerI-00062-00015381-00015597 have in fixes but suffixes are almost GLCA-aVLerI-00063-00015597-00015803 completely non-existent in most branches GLCA-aVLerI-00064-00015804-00016016 except Munda and a few specialized GLCA-aVLerI-00065-00016018-00016172 exceptions in other austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00066-00016172-00016472 branches the austroasiatic languages are GLCA-aVLerI-00067-00016473-00016638 further characterized as having GLCA-aVLerI-00068-00016639-00016860 unusually large vowel inventories and GLCA-aVLerI-00069-00016861-00017069 employing some sort of register contrast GLCA-aVLerI-00070-00017070-00017297 either between modal normal voice and GLCA-aVLerI-00071-00017298-00017508 breathy lacks voice or between modal GLCA-aVLerI-00072-00017509-00017808 voice and creaky voice languages in the GLCA-aVLerI-00073-00017809-00017978 Parekh branch and some in the viet ik GLCA-aVLerI-00074-00017979-00018183 branch can have a three or even four way GLCA-aVLerI-00075-00018184-00018492 voicing contrast however some GLCA-aVLerI-00076-00018493-00018711 austroasiatic languages have lost the GLCA-aVLerI-00077-00018712-00018903 register contrast by evolving more GLCA-aVLerI-00078-00018904-00019128 dipthongs or in a few cases such as GLCA-aVLerI-00079-00019129-00019469 vietnamese Tona genesis vietnamese has GLCA-aVLerI-00080-00019470-00019677 been so heavily influenced by chinese GLCA-aVLerI-00081-00019678-00019822 that its original austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00082-00019823-00020115 phonological quality is obscured and now GLCA-aVLerI-00083-00020116-00020280 resembles that of south chinese GLCA-aVLerI-00084-00020281-00020505 languages whereas khmer which had more GLCA-aVLerI-00085-00020506-00020709 influence from sanskrit has retained a GLCA-aVLerI-00086-00020710-00021222 more typically austroasiatic structure GLCA-aVLerI-00087-00021223-00021752 topic proto-language GLCA-aVLerI-00088-00021753-00021938 much work has been done on the GLCA-aVLerI-00089-00021939-00022144 reconstruction of protoman Khmer in GLCA-aVLerI-00090-00022145-00022379 Harry L shadows Mon Khmer comparative GLCA-aVLerI-00091-00022380-00022637 dictionary little work has been done on GLCA-aVLerI-00092-00022638-00022832 the Mundell languages which are not well GLCA-aVLerI-00093-00022833-00023080 documented with their demotion from a GLCA-aVLerI-00094-00023081-00023312 primary branch protoman khmer becomes GLCA-aVLerI-00095-00023313-00023619 synonymous with pro to austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00096-00023620-00023975 Paul Sidwell 2005 reconstructs the GLCA-aVLerI-00097-00023976-00024221 consonant inventory of protoman Khmer as GLCA-aVLerI-00098-00024222-00024503 follows this is identical to earlier GLCA-aVLerI-00099-00024504-00024692 reconstructions except for asterisk GLCA-aVLerI-00100-00024693-00024968 asterisk is better preserved in the GLCA-aVLerI-00101-00024969-00025166 Cotuit languages which Sidwell has GLCA-aVLerI-00102-00025167-00025525 specialized in Sidwell 2011 suggests GLCA-aVLerI-00103-00025526-00025655 that the likely homeland of GLCA-aVLerI-00104-00025656-00025880 austroasiatic as the middle mekong in GLCA-aVLerI-00105-00025881-00026069 the area of the bond Eric and Cotuit GLCA-aVLerI-00106-00026070-00026273 languages approximately where modern GLCA-aVLerI-00107-00026274-00026515 Laos Thailand and Cambodia come together GLCA-aVLerI-00108-00026516-00026729 and that the family is not as old as GLCA-aVLerI-00109-00026730-00026896 frequently assumed dating to perhaps GLCA-aVLerI-00110-00026897-00027317 2,000 BCE perros 2011 criticized GLCA-aVLerI-00111-00027318-00027527 Sidwell's theory heavily and calls it a GLCA-aVLerI-00112-00027527-00027785 bunch of contradictions he show with his GLCA-aVLerI-00113-00027786-00027937 analysis that the homeland of GLCA-aVLerI-00114-00027938-00028127 austroasiatic is somewhere near the GLCA-aVLerI-00115-00028127-00028385 Yangtze he suggests the Sichuan Basin GLCA-aVLerI-00116-00028386-00028625 his likely homeland of proto Astro GLCA-aVLerI-00117-00028626-00028814 Asiatic before they migrated to other GLCA-aVLerI-00118-00028814-00029027 parts of central and southern China and GLCA-aVLerI-00119-00029027-00029152 then into Southeast Asia GLCA-aVLerI-00120-00029154-00029432 he further suggests that the family must GLCA-aVLerI-00121-00029433-00029633 be as old as pro to Austronesian and GLCA-aVLerI-00122-00029633-00029819 protists in OU tibetan or even older GLCA-aVLerI-00123-00029820-00030110 georg van dream 2011 proposes that the GLCA-aVLerI-00124-00030111-00030320 homeland of austroasiatic is somewhere GLCA-aVLerI-00125-00030320-00030589 in southern China he suggests that the GLCA-aVLerI-00126-00030591-00030790 region around the Pearl River China is GLCA-aVLerI-00127-00030791-00030968 the likely homeland of the austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00128-00030969-00031313 languages and people he further suggests GLCA-aVLerI-00129-00031314-00031489 based on genetic studies that the GLCA-aVLerI-00130-00031491-00031718 migration of KRA die people from Taiwan GLCA-aVLerI-00131-00031719-00031906 replaced the original austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00132-00031907-00032114 language but the effect on the people GLCA-aVLerI-00133-00032114-00032380 was only minor local austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00134-00032381-00032717 speakers adopted k ra dye languages and GLCA-aVLerI-00135-00032718-00032843 partially their culture GLCA-aVLerI-00136-00032844-00033170 the linguist sagar 2011 in Bellwood 2013 GLCA-aVLerI-00137-00033171-00033356 support the theory of an origin of GLCA-aVLerI-00138-00033357-00033575 austroasiatic along the Yangtze River in GLCA-aVLerI-00139-00033576-00033806 southern China a genetic and linguistic GLCA-aVLerI-00140-00033807-00034061 research in 2015 about ancient people in GLCA-aVLerI-00141-00034062-00034240 East Asia suggests an origin and GLCA-aVLerI-00142-00034241-00034451 homeland of austroasiatic in today GLCA-aVLerI-00143-00034452-00034938 southern China or even further north GLCA-aVLerI-00144-00034939-00035347 topic internal classification GLCA-aVLerI-00145-00035348-00035535 you GLCA-aVLerI-00146-00035536-00035783 linguists traditionally recognized two GLCA-aVLerI-00147-00035784-00036033 primary divisions of austroasiatic the GLCA-aVLerI-00148-00036034-00036261 Hmong Khmer languages of Southeast Asia GLCA-aVLerI-00149-00036262-00036486 northeast India and the Nicobar Islands GLCA-aVLerI-00150-00036487-00036665 and the Mundell languages of East in GLCA-aVLerI-00151-00036666-00036861 central India and parts of Bangladesh GLCA-aVLerI-00152-00036862-00037185 parts of Nepal however no evidence for GLCA-aVLerI-00153-00037186-00037358 this classification has ever been GLCA-aVLerI-00154-00037359-00037637 published each of the families that is GLCA-aVLerI-00155-00037638-00037802 written in boldface type below is GLCA-aVLerI-00156-00037803-00038099 accepted as a valid claim by contrast GLCA-aVLerI-00157-00038100-00038310 the relationships between these families GLCA-aVLerI-00158-00038311-00038527 within austroasiatic are debated in GLCA-aVLerI-00159-00038528-00038705 addition to the traditional GLCA-aVLerI-00160-00038706-00038942 classification too recent proposals are GLCA-aVLerI-00161-00038943-00039089 given neither of which accepts GLCA-aVLerI-00162-00039090-00039420 traditional mon khmer as a valid unit GLCA-aVLerI-00163-00039421-00039630 however little of the data used for GLCA-aVLerI-00164-00039631-00039851 competing classifications has ever been GLCA-aVLerI-00165-00039852-00040011 published and therefore cannot be GLCA-aVLerI-00166-00040012-00040337 evaluated by peer review in addition GLCA-aVLerI-00167-00040338-00040517 there are suggestions that additional GLCA-aVLerI-00168-00040518-00040718 branches of austroasiatic might be GLCA-aVLerI-00169-00040719-00040926 preserved in substrate of a Sinise in GLCA-aVLerI-00170-00040927-00041171 Sumatra dif law the chamak languages of GLCA-aVLerI-00171-00041172-00041396 vietnam and the land Dayak languages of GLCA-aVLerI-00172-00041397-00041883 borneo adelaar 1995 GLCA-aVLerI-00173-00041884-00042497 topic diff loss 1974 GLCA-aVLerI-00174-00042498-00042740 diff Lots widely cited original GLCA-aVLerI-00175-00042741-00042971 classification now abandoned by dif law GLCA-aVLerI-00176-00042972-00043162 himself is used in encyclopedia GLCA-aVLerI-00177-00043163-00043445 britannica and except for the breakup of GLCA-aVLerI-00178-00043446-00043876 southern man khmer in ethnologue Munda GLCA-aVLerI-00179-00043877-00044432 Northmen de coeur coup korean south GLCA-aVLerI-00180-00044433-00044977 Munda korea wong Koraput Munda GLCA-aVLerI-00181-00044978-00045492 khmer Eastern mon khmer khmer cambodian GLCA-aVLerI-00182-00045493-00046009 Parekh bond Eric Coutu ik bietak GLCA-aVLerI-00183-00046010-00046395 includes Vietnamese northern Mon Khmer GLCA-aVLerI-00184-00046396-00046941 kasi Meghalaya India Pallonji comic GLCA-aVLerI-00185-00046942-00047307 southern Mon Khmer Mon GLCA-aVLerI-00186-00047308-00048025 Auslan Malaya Nicobar AZ Nicobar Islands GLCA-aVLerI-00187-00048026-00048642 topic perros 2004 GLCA-aVLerI-00188-00048643-00048867 perros is a lexico statistic GLCA-aVLerI-00189-00048868-00049086 classification based on percentages of GLCA-aVLerI-00190-00049087-00049212 shared vocabulary GLCA-aVLerI-00191-00049213-00049479 this means that languages can appear to GLCA-aVLerI-00192-00049480-00049635 be more distantly related than they GLCA-aVLerI-00193-00049636-00049841 actually are due to language contact GLCA-aVLerI-00194-00049842-00050190 indeed when Sidwell 2009 replicated GLCA-aVLerI-00195-00050191-00050410 Paris's study with languages known well GLCA-aVLerI-00196-00050411-00050592 enough to account for loans he did not GLCA-aVLerI-00197-00050593-00050782 find the internal branching structure GLCA-aVLerI-00198-00050783-00050950 below GLCA-aVLerI-00199-00050951-00051613 Nicobar easy Linda Khmer Linda Mon Khmer GLCA-aVLerI-00200-00051614-00052109 kasi nuclear Mon Khmer main jangbang GLCA-aVLerI-00201-00052110-00052475 plus pal you perhaps in northern MK V GLCA-aVLerI-00202-00052476-00052808 etic perhaps in northern m'kay northern GLCA-aVLerI-00203-00052809-00053327 non Khmer Pallonji comic central mon GLCA-aVLerI-00204-00053328-00053737 khmer khmer dialects Parekh GLCA-aVLerI-00205-00053738-00054259 Asli bond eric Auslan non-bond Eric GLCA-aVLerI-00206-00054260-00055110 Manik KATU bond Eric catuey Don Eric GLCA-aVLerI-00207-00055111-00055739 topic diff loth 2005 GLCA-aVLerI-00208-00055740-00055988 diff law compares reconstructions of GLCA-aVLerI-00209-00055989-00056201 various clades and attempts to classify GLCA-aVLerI-00210-00056202-00056384 them based on shared innovations though GLCA-aVLerI-00211-00056385-00056585 like other classifications the evidence GLCA-aVLerI-00212-00056586-00056876 has not been published as a schematic we GLCA-aVLerI-00213-00056877-00057290 have or in more detail Linda languages GLCA-aVLerI-00214-00057291-00057644 India Koraput seven languages quorum GLCA-aVLerI-00215-00057645-00057836 Linda languages Carrie and Wong two GLCA-aVLerI-00216-00057837-00058141 languages North Munda language score GLCA-aVLerI-00217-00058142-00058469 coupe Korean twelve languages Cacique GLCA-aVLerI-00218-00058470-00058748 amok languages northern non Khmer Asian GLCA-aVLerI-00219-00058749-00058970 three languages of northeastern India GLCA-aVLerI-00220-00058971-00059191 and adjacent region of Bangladesh GLCA-aVLerI-00221-00059191-00059486 Polanco kamek language eskimo ik 13 GLCA-aVLerI-00222-00059487-00059708 languages of Laos and Thailand Polanco GLCA-aVLerI-00223-00059709-00059912 Peconic language spec anak or PAL you GLCA-aVLerI-00224-00059913-00060166 four or five languages of southern China GLCA-aVLerI-00225-00060167-00060536 and Vietnam pelagic 21 languages of GLCA-aVLerI-00226-00060537-00060719 Burma southern China and Thailand GLCA-aVLerI-00227-00060720-00060935 nuclear mon khmer language s Camaro GLCA-aVLerI-00228-00060936-00061208 Vedic languages Eastern Mon Khmer viedo GLCA-aVLerI-00229-00061209-00061454 Cotuit languages viet ik ten languages GLCA-aVLerI-00230-00061454-00061652 of vietnam and laos including the GLCA-aVLerI-00231-00061653-00061841 vietnamese language which has the most GLCA-aVLerI-00232-00061841-00062119 speakers of any austroasiatic language GLCA-aVLerI-00233-00062120-00062435 Coutu ik 19 languages of laos vietnam GLCA-aVLerI-00234-00062436-00062558 and thailand GLCA-aVLerI-00235-00062559-00062810 Khmer Obon Eric languages von Eric 40 GLCA-aVLerI-00236-00062811-00063105 languages of Vietnam Laos and Cambodia GLCA-aVLerI-00237-00063107-00063401 Khmer ik language as the Khmer dialects GLCA-aVLerI-00238-00063402-00063661 of Cambodia Thailand and Vietnam GLCA-aVLerI-00239-00063662-00063989 Perik six languages of Cambodia Nikko GLCA-aVLerI-00240-00063990-00064196 monic languages southern man Khmer GLCA-aVLerI-00241-00064197-00064463 Nicobar AZ six languages of the Nicobar GLCA-aVLerI-00242-00064464-00064664 Islands a territory of India GLCA-aVLerI-00243-00064665-00064898 Asli Manik language says lien 19 GLCA-aVLerI-00244-00064899-00065092 languages of Peninsular Malaysia and GLCA-aVLerI-00245-00065094-00065426 Thailand Manik two languages the Mon GLCA-aVLerI-00246-00065427-00065600 language of Burma and the nya Kerr GLCA-aVLerI-00247-00065601-00065819 language of Thailand this family tree is GLCA-aVLerI-00248-00065820-00065975 consistent with recent studies of GLCA-aVLerI-00249-00065976-00066215 migration of y-chromosomal haplogroup GLCA-aVLerI-00250-00066216-00066608 o2a 1 M 95 however the dates obtained GLCA-aVLerI-00251-00066609-00066860 from by Javita tsuki method DNA studies GLCA-aVLerI-00252-00066861-00067046 are several times older than that given GLCA-aVLerI-00253-00067047-00067325 by linguists the route map of the people GLCA-aVLerI-00254-00067326-00067637 with hello group o2 a1 M 95 speaking GLCA-aVLerI-00255-00067638-00067811 this language can be seen in this link GLCA-aVLerI-00256-00067812-00068093 other geneticists criticized the Shiva GLCA-aVLerI-00257-00068094-00068445 tsuki method GLCA-aVLerI-00258-00068446-00069020 topic previously existent branches GLCA-aVLerI-00259-00069021-00069390 Roger Blanche 2009 also proposes that GLCA-aVLerI-00260-00069391-00069540 there might have been other primary GLCA-aVLerI-00261-00069541-00069756 branches of austroasiatic that are now GLCA-aVLerI-00262-00069757-00069966 extinct based on substrate evidence in GLCA-aVLerI-00263-00069967-00070260 modern-day languages pre chamak GLCA-aVLerI-00264-00070261-00070461 languages the languages of coastal GLCA-aVLerI-00265-00070462-00070700 Vietnam prior to the chamak migrations GLCA-aVLerI-00266-00070701-00070919 chamak has various austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00267-00070920-00071175 loanwords that cannot be clearly traced GLCA-aVLerI-00268-00071176-00071400 to existing austroasiatic branches GLCA-aVLerI-00269-00071401-00071880 Sidwell 2006-2007 Assamese sub stratum GLCA-aVLerI-00270-00071881-00072240 Sidwell 2006 Assamese has many basic GLCA-aVLerI-00271-00072241-00072456 words that are of austroasiatic origin GLCA-aVLerI-00272-00072457-00072648 suggesting that either Austronesian GLCA-aVLerI-00273-00072649-00072795 speakers have absorbed earlier GLCA-aVLerI-00274-00072796-00072996 austroasiatic residents in northern GLCA-aVLerI-00275-00072997-00073158 Sumatra or that words might have been GLCA-aVLerI-00276-00073159-00073401 borrowed from austroasiatic languages in GLCA-aVLerI-00277-00073402-00073572 southern Vietnam or perhaps a GLCA-aVLerI-00278-00073573-00073953 combination of both sidwell 2006 argues GLCA-aVLerI-00279-00073954-00074121 that Assamese in chamak had often GLCA-aVLerI-00280-00074122-00074292 borrowed austroasiatic words GLCA-aVLerI-00281-00074293-00074484 independently of each other while some GLCA-aVLerI-00282-00074485-00074697 austroasiatic words can be traced back GLCA-aVLerI-00283-00074698-00075114 to protege chamak Sidwell 2006 accepts GLCA-aVLerI-00284-00075115-00075330 that Assamese in chamak are related but GLCA-aVLerI-00285-00075331-00075483 that they had separated from each other GLCA-aVLerI-00286-00075484-00075690 before chamak had borrowed most of its GLCA-aVLerI-00287-00075691-00076053 austroasiatic lexicon Bornean substrate GLCA-aVLerI-00288-00076054-00076335 languages blench 2010 blanche cites GLCA-aVLerI-00289-00076336-00076596 austroasiatic origin words in modern-day GLCA-aVLerI-00290-00076597-00076860 Bornean branches such as land dyak vidya GLCA-aVLerI-00291-00076861-00077157 Dayak baka dick etc do sonic central GLCA-aVLerI-00292-00077158-00077490 Dusen Visayan etc KN and Kenya noting GLCA-aVLerI-00293-00077491-00077717 especially resemblances with Auslan as GLCA-aVLerI-00294-00077718-00077991 further evidence for his proposal blench GLCA-aVLerI-00295-00077992-00078234 also cites ethnographic evidence such as GLCA-aVLerI-00296-00078235-00078441 musical instruments in borneo shared in GLCA-aVLerI-00297-00078442-00078639 common with austroasiatic speaking GLCA-aVLerI-00298-00078640-00078857 groups in mainland Southeast Asia GLCA-aVLerI-00299-00078858-00079170 adelaar 1995 has also noticed GLCA-aVLerI-00300-00079171-00079392 phonological and lexical similarities GLCA-aVLerI-00301-00079393-00079689 between land Dayak and Auslan Lepke GLCA-aVLerI-00302-00079690-00079911 substratum Ron Jack many words of GLCA-aVLerI-00303-00079912-00080127 austroasiatic origin have been noticed GLCA-aVLerI-00304-00080128-00080325 in Lepke suggesting a sino-tibetan GLCA-aVLerI-00305-00080326-00080528 superstrate laid over an austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00306-00080529-00080925 substrate blanche 2013 calls this branch GLCA-aVLerI-00307-00080926-00081120 ron jack based on the left shot annum GLCA-aVLerI-00308-00081121-00081312 wrong other languages with proposed GLCA-aVLerI-00309-00081313-00081612 austroasiatic substrate are GMO based on GLCA-aVLerI-00310-00081613-00081789 evidence from the register system of GLCA-aVLerI-00311-00081790-00081843 geum GLCA-aVLerI-00312-00081844-00082296 hla i language they're good 1992 GMO is GLCA-aVLerI-00313-00082297-00082505 known for its highly aberrant vocabulary GLCA-aVLerI-00314-00082506-00082778 in relation to other HLA AI languages GLCA-aVLerI-00315-00082779-00083268 Karen C van REI JN 1974 notes that Karen GLCA-aVLerI-00316-00083269-00083519 C amel IH language of central Sumatra GLCA-aVLerI-00317-00083520-00083748 shares many phonological similarities GLCA-aVLerI-00318-00083749-00083969 with austroasiatic languages such as GLCA-aVLerI-00319-00083970-00084188 sesqui syllabic word structure and vowel GLCA-aVLerI-00320-00084189-00084518 inventory John Peterson 2017 suggests GLCA-aVLerI-00321-00084519-00084707 that preman de languages may have once GLCA-aVLerI-00322-00084708-00084873 dominated the eastern indo-gangetic GLCA-aVLerI-00323-00084874-00085043 plain and were then absorbed by GLCA-aVLerI-00324-00085044-00085274 indo-aryan languages at an early date as GLCA-aVLerI-00325-00085275-00085560 indo-aryan spread east peterson notes GLCA-aVLerI-00326-00085561-00085749 that eastern indo-aryan languages GLCA-aVLerI-00327-00085750-00085965 display many morphosyntactic features GLCA-aVLerI-00328-00085966-00086148 similar to those of Munda languages GLCA-aVLerI-00329-00086149-00086361 while western indo-aryan languages do GLCA-aVLerI-00330-00086362-00086813 not topic sidwell 2009 2011 Paul Sidwell GLCA-aVLerI-00331-00086814-00087137 2009 in a lexico statistical comparison GLCA-aVLerI-00332-00087138-00087350 of 36 languages which are well-known GLCA-aVLerI-00333-00087351-00087524 enough to exclude loanwords GLCA-aVLerI-00334-00087525-00087699 finds little evidence for internal GLCA-aVLerI-00335-00087700-00087885 branching though he did find an area of GLCA-aVLerI-00336-00087886-00088094 increased contact between the bond Eric GLCA-aVLerI-00337-00088095-00088331 and Cotuit languages such that languages GLCA-aVLerI-00338-00088332-00088479 of all branches apart from the GLCA-aVLerI-00339-00088480-00088698 geographically distant Munda and Nicobar GLCA-aVLerI-00340-00088699-00088907 AZ showed greater similarity to bond GLCA-aVLerI-00341-00088908-00089103 Eric in Coutu ik the closer they are to GLCA-aVLerI-00342-00089104-00089274 those branches without any noticeable GLCA-aVLerI-00343-00089275-00089513 innovations common to bond Eric in q2 ik GLCA-aVLerI-00344-00089514-00089790 he therefore takes the conservative view GLCA-aVLerI-00345-00089791-00089973 that the 13 branches of austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00346-00089974-00090194 should be treated as equidistant on GLCA-aVLerI-00347-00090195-00090291 current evidence GLCA-aVLerI-00348-00090292-00090603 Sidwell and Blanche 2011 discussed this GLCA-aVLerI-00349-00090604-00090788 proposal in more detail and note that GLCA-aVLerI-00350-00090789-00090966 there is good evidence for a kasi GLCA-aVLerI-00351-00090967-00091151 pelagic node which could also possibly GLCA-aVLerI-00352-00091152-00091382 be closely related to comic if this GLCA-aVLerI-00353-00091383-00091457 would the case GLCA-aVLerI-00354-00091458-00091665 Sidwell and Blanche suggests that Kasich GLCA-aVLerI-00355-00091666-00091812 may have been an early offshoot of GLCA-aVLerI-00356-00091813-00092103 pelagic that had spread westward Sidwell GLCA-aVLerI-00357-00092104-00092363 and Blanche 2011 suggest champagne as an GLCA-aVLerI-00358-00092364-00092529 additional branch and believe that a GLCA-aVLerI-00359-00092530-00092697 viedo Cotuit connection is worth GLCA-aVLerI-00360-00092698-00092987 investigating in general however the GLCA-aVLerI-00361-00092988-00093171 family is thought to have diversified GLCA-aVLerI-00362-00093172-00093326 too quickly for a deeply nested GLCA-aVLerI-00363-00093327-00093536 structure to have developed since pro2 GLCA-aVLerI-00364-00093537-00093749 austroasiatic speakers are believed by GLCA-aVLerI-00365-00093750-00093926 Sidwell to have radiated out from the GLCA-aVLerI-00366-00093927-00094136 central Mekong River Valley relatively GLCA-aVLerI-00367-00094137-00094653 quickly subsequently Sidwell 201 5 8 179 GLCA-aVLerI-00368-00094654-00094892 proposed that Nicobar AZ subgroups with GLCA-aVLerI-00369-00094893-00095099 Auslan just as how Cajun and pelagic GLCA-aVLerI-00370-00095100-00095263 subgroup with the GLCA-aVLerI-00371-00095264-00095566 a subsequent computational phylogenetic GLCA-aVLerI-00372-00095567-00095794 analysis of the austroasiatic language GLCA-aVLerI-00373-00095795-00096136 family by Sidwell 201 5b suggests that GLCA-aVLerI-00374-00096137-00096325 austroasiatic branches may have a GLCA-aVLerI-00375-00096326-00096529 loosely nested structure rather than a GLCA-aVLerI-00376-00096530-00096712 completely rake like structure with an GLCA-aVLerI-00377-00096713-00096925 east-west division consisting of Munda GLCA-aVLerI-00378-00096926-00097150 Kazakh pelagic and comic forming a GLCA-aVLerI-00379-00097151-00097345 western group as opposed to all of the GLCA-aVLerI-00380-00097346-00097528 other branches occurring possibly as GLCA-aVLerI-00381-00097529-00097696 early as seven thousand years before GLCA-aVLerI-00382-00097697-00097987 present integrating computational GLCA-aVLerI-00383-00097988-00098191 phylogenetic linguistics with recent GLCA-aVLerI-00384-00098192-00098479 archaeological findings Paul Sidwell 201 GLCA-aVLerI-00385-00098480-00098740 5 C further expanded his mekong river GLCA-aVLerI-00386-00098741-00098923 een hypothesis by proposing that GLCA-aVLerI-00387-00098924-00099169 austroasiatic had ultimately expanded GLCA-aVLerI-00388-00099170-00099373 into Indochina from the Lingnan area of GLCA-aVLerI-00389-00099374-00099529 southern China with the subsequent GLCA-aVLerI-00390-00099530-00099751 Mekong River een dispersal taking place GLCA-aVLerI-00391-00099752-00099964 after the initial arrival of Neolithic GLCA-aVLerI-00392-00099965-00100120 farmers from southern China GLCA-aVLerI-00393-00100121-00100507 Sidwell 201 5 C tentatively suggests GLCA-aVLerI-00394-00100508-00100693 that austroasiatic may have begun to GLCA-aVLerI-00395-00100694-00100948 split up 5000 years BP during the GLCA-aVLerI-00396-00100949-00101158 Neolithic transition era of mainland GLCA-aVLerI-00397-00101159-00101326 Southeast Asia with all the major GLCA-aVLerI-00398-00101327-00101620 branches of austroasiatic formed by 4000 GLCA-aVLerI-00399-00101621-00101944 B P austroasiatic would have had two GLCA-aVLerI-00400-00101945-00102118 possible dispersal routes from the GLCA-aVLerI-00401-00102119-00102283 western periphery of the Pearl River GLCA-aVLerI-00402-00102284-00102459 watershed of Lingnan which would have GLCA-aVLerI-00403-00102460-00102613 been either a coastal route down the GLCA-aVLerI-00404-00102614-00102805 coast of Vietnam or downstream through GLCA-aVLerI-00405-00102806-00103068 the Mekong River via Yunnan both the GLCA-aVLerI-00406-00103069-00103303 reconstructed lexicon of protoss TRO GLCA-aVLerI-00407-00103304-00103498 Asiatic and the archaeological record GLCA-aVLerI-00408-00103499-00103701 clearly showed that early austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00409-00103702-00104050 speakers around 4,000 BP cultivated rice GLCA-aVLerI-00410-00104051-00104275 and millet kept livestock such as dogs GLCA-aVLerI-00411-00104276-00104535 pigs and chickens and thrived mostly in GLCA-aVLerI-00412-00104536-00104698 estuarine rather than coastal GLCA-aVLerI-00413-00104699-00105111 environments at 4,500 BP this Neolithic GLCA-aVLerI-00414-00105113-00105388 package suddenly arrived in Indochina GLCA-aVLerI-00415-00105389-00105583 from the Lingnan area without cereal GLCA-aVLerI-00416-00105583-00105799 grains and displaced the earlier premio GLCA-aVLerI-00417-00105800-00105984 lithic hunter-gatherer cultures with GLCA-aVLerI-00418-00105985-00106183 grain husks found in northern Indochina GLCA-aVLerI-00419-00106183-00106566 by 4100 BP and in southern Indochina by GLCA-aVLerI-00420-00106567-00107068 3800 BP however Sidwell 201 5 C found GLCA-aVLerI-00421-00107069-00107254 that iron is not reconstruct a belen GLCA-aVLerI-00422-00107255-00107440 proto astroiogy attic since each GLCA-aVLerI-00423-00107441-00107671 austroasiatic branch has different terms GLCA-aVLerI-00424-00107672-00107800 for iron that had been borrowed GLCA-aVLerI-00425-00107801-00107998 relatively lately from thai chinese GLCA-aVLerI-00426-00107999-00108384 tibetan malay and other languages during GLCA-aVLerI-00427-00108385-00108667 the Iron Age about 2500 B GLCA-aVLerI-00428-00108668-00108849 P relatively young austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00429-00108850-00109123 branches in Indochina such as Viet ik GLCA-aVLerI-00430-00109124-00109354 Coutu ik Parekh and Khmer were formed GLCA-aVLerI-00431-00109355-00109533 while the more internally diverse bond GLCA-aVLerI-00432-00109534-00109792 Eric branch dating to about 3000 BP GLCA-aVLerI-00433-00109793-00109975 underwent more extensive internal GLCA-aVLerI-00434-00109976-00110269 diversification by the iron age all of GLCA-aVLerI-00435-00110270-00110484 the austroasiatic branches were more or GLCA-aVLerI-00436-00110485-00110695 less in their present-day locations with GLCA-aVLerI-00437-00110696-00110857 most of the diversification within GLCA-aVLerI-00438-00110858-00111088 austroasiatic taking place during the GLCA-aVLerI-00439-00111089-00111382 Iron Age Paul Sidwell 2018 considers the GLCA-aVLerI-00440-00111383-00111595 austroasiatic language family to have GLCA-aVLerI-00441-00111596-00111880 rapidly diversified around 4000 years BP GLCA-aVLerI-00442-00111881-00112090 during the arrival of rice agriculture GLCA-aVLerI-00443-00112091-00112321 in Indochina but notes that the origin GLCA-aVLerI-00444-00112322-00112558 of proto astro AG attic itself is older GLCA-aVLerI-00445-00112558-00112809 than that date the lexicon of proto GLCA-aVLerI-00446-00112810-00113029 astro Asiatic can be divided into an GLCA-aVLerI-00447-00113030-00113308 early and late stratum the early stratum GLCA-aVLerI-00448-00113308-00113545 consists of basic lexicon including body GLCA-aVLerI-00449-00113546-00113806 parts animal names natural features and GLCA-aVLerI-00450-00113807-00114001 pronouns while the names of cultural GLCA-aVLerI-00451-00114002-00114217 items agriculture terms and words for GLCA-aVLerI-00452-00114218-00114364 cultural artifacts which are GLCA-aVLerI-00453-00114365-00114592 reconstructed in proto Astro Asiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00454-00114593-00114858 form part of the later stratum Roger GLCA-aVLerI-00455-00114859-00115141 Blanche 2017 suggests that vocabulary GLCA-aVLerI-00456-00115142-00115359 related to aquatic subsistence GLCA-aVLerI-00457-00115360-00115618 strategies such as boats waterways river GLCA-aVLerI-00458-00115619-00115833 fauna and fish capture techniques can be GLCA-aVLerI-00459-00115834-00116060 reconstructed for proto astroiogy attic GLCA-aVLerI-00460-00116061-00116374 blanch 2017 finds widespread GLCA-aVLerI-00461-00116375-00116602 austroasiatic routes for river valley GLCA-aVLerI-00462-00116603-00116938 boat fish catfish spe eel prawn shrimp GLCA-aVLerI-00463-00116939-00117183 central austroasiatic crap tortoise GLCA-aVLerI-00464-00117184-00117285 turtle otter GLCA-aVLerI-00465-00117286-00117544 crocodile heron fishing bird and fish GLCA-aVLerI-00466-00117545-00117823 trap archaeological evidence for the GLCA-aVLerI-00467-00117824-00117988 presence of agriculture in northern GLCA-aVLerI-00468-00117989-00118243 Indochina northern Vietnam Laos and GLCA-aVLerI-00469-00118244-00118458 other nearby areas dates back to only GLCA-aVLerI-00470-00118459-00118813 about 4,000 years BP 2000 BC with GLCA-aVLerI-00471-00118814-00119014 agriculture ultimately being introduced GLCA-aVLerI-00472-00119015-00119160 from further up to the north in the GLCA-aVLerI-00473-00119161-00119353 Yangtze Valley where it has been dated GLCA-aVLerI-00474-00119354-00119596 to 6,000 BP hence this points to a GLCA-aVLerI-00475-00119597-00119800 relatively late riverine dispersal of GLCA-aVLerI-00476-00119801-00119974 austroasiatic as compared to GLCA-aVLerI-00477-00119975-00120157 sino-tibetan whose speakers had a GLCA-aVLerI-00478-00120158-00120357 distinct non riverine culture in GLCA-aVLerI-00479-00120358-00120583 addition to living an aquatic based GLCA-aVLerI-00480-00120583-00120844 lifestyle early austroasiatic speakers GLCA-aVLerI-00481-00120845-00121048 would have also had access to livestock GLCA-aVLerI-00482-00121049-00121293 crops and newer types of watercraft as GLCA-aVLerI-00483-00121294-00121591 early austroasiatic speakers dispersed GLCA-aVLerI-00484-00121592-00121780 rapidly via waterways they would have GLCA-aVLerI-00485-00121781-00121975 encountered speakers of older language GLCA-aVLerI-00486-00121976-00122050 families who GLCA-aVLerI-00487-00122051-00122235 were already settled in the area such as GLCA-aVLerI-00488-00122236-00122625 sino-tibetan GLCA-aVLerI-00489-00122626-00123183 topic writing systems GLCA-aVLerI-00490-00123183-00123438 other than latin-based alphabets many GLCA-aVLerI-00491-00123439-00123663 austroasiatic languages are written with GLCA-aVLerI-00492-00123664-00123977 the Khmer Thai Lao and Burmese alphabets GLCA-aVLerI-00493-00123978-00124211 Vietnamese divergently had an indigenous GLCA-aVLerI-00494-00124213-00124440 script based on Chinese laga graphic GLCA-aVLerI-00495-00124441-00124620 writing this has since been supplanted GLCA-aVLerI-00496-00124621-00124839 by the Latin alphabet in the 20th GLCA-aVLerI-00497-00124840-00125118 century the following are examples of GLCA-aVLerI-00498-00125119-00125349 past used alphabets or current alphabets GLCA-aVLerI-00499-00125350-00125729 of austroasiatic languages Chiu nom GLCA-aVLerI-00500-00125730-00126108 Khmer alphabet pom script used for a GLCA-aVLerI-00501-00126108-00126291 short period in the early 20th century GLCA-aVLerI-00502-00126292-00126642 for indigenous languages in Laos Hmong GLCA-aVLerI-00503-00126643-00127025 script mundari Bani mundari alphabet Oh GLCA-aVLerI-00504-00127026-00127443 L chickie alphabet santolli alphabet the GLCA-aVLerI-00505-00127444-00127674 humming was once used to write khmu GLCA-aVLerI-00506-00127675-00128183 under the name Baja khmu soaring sampang GLCA-aVLerI-00507-00128184-00128618 alphabet sora alphabet Tyla belong blank GLCA-aVLerI-00508-00128619-00128852 tithe am blank GLCA-aVLerI-00509-00128853-00129374 warring city ho alphabet GLCA-aVLerI-00510-00129375-00130046 topic austroasiatic migrations GLCA-aVLerI-00511-00130047-00130359 according to chubby at all austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00512-00130360-00130633 speakers in India today are derived from GLCA-aVLerI-00513-00130634-00130898 dispersal from Southeast Asia followed GLCA-aVLerI-00514-00130899-00131174 by extensive sex specific admixture with GLCA-aVLerI-00515-00131175-00131522 local Indian populations according to GLCA-aVLerI-00516-00131523-00131726 reach EO at all the Munda people are GLCA-aVLerI-00517-00131727-00131887 likely descended from austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00518-00131888-00132149 migrants from Southeast Asia according GLCA-aVLerI-00519-00132150-00132419 to John at all austroasiatic migrations GLCA-aVLerI-00520-00132420-00132617 from Southeast Asia into India took GLCA-aVLerI-00521-00132618-00132782 place after the last glacial maximum GLCA-aVLerI-00522-00132783-00133157 circuit 10,000 years ago Arun Kumar at GLCA-aVLerI-00523-00133158-00133412 all suggests austroasiatic migrations GLCA-aVLerI-00524-00133413-00133589 from Southeast Asia occurred into GLCA-aVLerI-00525-00133590-00133943 north-east india 5.2 plus or minus 0.6 GLCA-aVLerI-00526-00133944-00134255 ki on into east india 4.3 plus or minus GLCA-aVLerI-00527-00134256-00134674 0.2 kya GLCA-aVLerI-00528-00134675-00135193 topic C also GLCA-aVLerI-00529-00135194-00135839 Linda languages ostrich languages GLCA-aVLerI-00530-00135840-00136340 topic notes GLCA-aVLerI-00531-00136341-00136856 topic references GLCA-aVLerI-00532-00136857-00137368 topic sources GLCA-aVLerI-00533-00137369-00137886 topic further reading GLCA-aVLerI-00534-00137887-00138252 man Noel Wendy Smith and Eva galaki OVA GLCA-aVLerI-00535-00138253-00138597 2009 linguistic clusters of mainland GLCA-aVLerI-00536-00138598-00138786 Southeast Asia an overview of the GLCA-aVLerI-00537-00138787-00139059 language families Chiang Mai pay up GLCA-aVLerI-00538-00139060-00139491 University Mason Francis 1854 the GLCA-aVLerI-00539-00139492-00139821 talling language journal of the american GLCA-aVLerI-00540-00139822-00140462 oriental society for two 277 279 to 288 GLCA-aVLerI-00541-00140463-00140894 jstor 590 2280 GLCA-aVLerI-00542-00140895-00141228 Sidwell Paul 2013 issues in GLCA-aVLerI-00543-00141229-00141566 austroasiatic classification language GLCA-aVLerI-00544-00141567-00142056 and linguistics compass 7/8 437 to 457 GLCA-aVLerI-00545-00142057-00142691 boy 10.11 1 1 l and c 3 point 1 2 0 3 8 GLCA-aVLerI-00546-00142692-00143073 Sidwell Paul 2016 bibliography of GLCA-aVLerI-00547-00143074-00143313 austroasiatic linguistics and related GLCA-aVLerI-00548-00143314-00143748 resources GLCA-aVLerI-00549-00143749-00144064 topic external links GLCA-aVLerI-00550-00144065-00144246 you GLCA-aVLerI-00551-00144247-00144436 Swadesh lists for austroasiatic GLCA-aVLerI-00552-00144437-00144759 languages from Wiktionary z' wi katie GLCA-aVLerI-00553-00144760-00145011 appendix Swadesh list Swadesh list GLCA-aVLerI-00554-00145012-00145340 appendix austroasiatic at the linguist GLCA-aVLerI-00555-00145341-00145569 list multi tree project not functional GLCA-aVLerI-00556-00145570-00145877 as of 2014 genealogical trees attributed GLCA-aVLerI-00557-00145878-00146346 to sebeok 1942 pinot 1959 dif loss 2005 GLCA-aVLerI-00558-00146347-00146777 and modest off 2006 mon - c'mere calm GLCA-aVLerI-00559-00146778-00147111 lectures by paul Sidwell Mon Khmer GLCA-aVLerI-00560-00147112-00147408 languages project at ceiling Linda GLCA-aVLerI-00561-00147409-00147786 languages project at ceiling HTTP colon GLCA-aVLerI-00562-00147787-00148324 slash slash project HT u SE / r yr waa i GLCA-aVLerI-00563-00148325-00148526 repository and workspace for GLCA-aVLerI-00564-00148527-00148935 austroasiatic intangible heritage HTTP GLCA-aVLerI-00565-00148936-00149286 colon slash slash HDL dot handle net GLCA-aVLerI-00566-00149287-00149910 slash 100 500 o - oooo - oooo - oooo 3 - GLCA-aVLerI-00567-00149911-00150561 66 a 4-2 at view our waa idle archive GpkeaqPS9-y-00000-00000000-00000478 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00001-00000479-00000719 why are we moving GpkeaqPS9-y-00002-00000720-00001039 because we can everybody has an instinct GpkeaqPS9-y-00003-00001040-00001374 for music GpkeaqPS9-y-00004-00001375-00001591 the whole planet grooving is one that's GpkeaqPS9-y-00005-00001592-00001837 why we're here GpkeaqPS9-y-00006-00001838-00003102 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00007-00003103-00003353 just be one GpkeaqPS9-y-00008-00003354-00006047 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00009-00006048-00006179 no judging disgruntled GpkeaqPS9-y-00010-00006180-00006542 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00011-00006543-00006759 all people GpkeaqPS9-y-00012-00006759-00006878 united GpkeaqPS9-y-00013-00006879-00007187 with the one GpkeaqPS9-y-00014-00007188-00007751 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00015-00007752-00008017 imagine it people GpkeaqPS9-y-00016-00008018-00008710 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00017-00008711-00008967 no judging just invite everybody we all GpkeaqPS9-y-00018-00008968-00009103 groove GpkeaqPS9-y-00019-00009104-00009439 everybody's entrained GpkeaqPS9-y-00020-00009440-00009591 everybody has moments of joy on the GpkeaqPS9-y-00021-00009592-00009759 planet it's why we're here GpkeaqPS9-y-00022-00009760-00009895 to groove GpkeaqPS9-y-00023-00009896-00010087 to enjoy our lives GpkeaqPS9-y-00024-00010088-00010478 and to create the most beautiful song GpkeaqPS9-y-00025-00010479-00010891 ever created GpkeaqPS9-y-00026-00010892-00013422 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00027-00013423-00014012 here's the one GpkeaqPS9-y-00028-00014013-00015638 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00029-00015640-00015871 our purpose for being GpkeaqPS9-y-00030-00015872-00016199 groove enjoy music smile GpkeaqPS9-y-00031-00016200-00016337 breathe GpkeaqPS9-y-00032-00016338-00017558 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00033-00017559-00017670 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00034-00017671-00019094 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00035-00019095-00019511 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00036-00019512-00020399 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00037-00020400-00021011 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00039-00025400-00025583 10 billion of us GpkeaqPS9-y-00040-00025584-00025838 that's a lot of groove power GpkeaqPS9-y-00041-00025839-00026911 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00042-00026912-00027143 make groove reel hold it in the palms of GpkeaqPS9-y-00043-00027144-00027302 our hands GpkeaqPS9-y-00044-00027304-00027439 create it GpkeaqPS9-y-00045-00027439-00027607 make it real GpkeaqPS9-y-00046-00027608-00028031 surrender to it GpkeaqPS9-y-00047-00028032-00028183 and i say we're going to evolve GpkeaqPS9-y-00048-00028185-00029318 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00049-00029319-00029837 judges just the one GpkeaqPS9-y-00050-00029838-00031518 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00051-00031519-00031882 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00052-00031883-00033102 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00053-00033103-00033552 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00055-00037656-00037783 invite them all GpkeaqPS9-y-00056-00037784-00038006 every human GpkeaqPS9-y-00057-00038007-00038230 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00058-00038231-00038407 our purpose to groove GpkeaqPS9-y-00059-00038408-00038623 make it happen GpkeaqPS9-y-00060-00038624-00039159 just groove GpkeaqPS9-y-00061-00039160-00039311 that's more organic GpkeaqPS9-y-00062-00039312-00039508 natural GpkeaqPS9-y-00063-00039509-00039630 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00064-00039631-00039804 instinctive GpkeaqPS9-y-00065-00039805-00040071 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00066-00040072-00040340 we all share instincts GpkeaqPS9-y-00067-00040341-00040518 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00068-00040519-00040673 so get grooving GpkeaqPS9-y-00070-00047136-00047297 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00071-00047298-00048423 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00072-00048424-00048675 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00073-00048676-00049871 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00074-00049872-00050071 tell our story GpkeaqPS9-y-00075-00050072-00050271 make it happen GpkeaqPS9-y-00076-00050272-00050695 it's your story too GpkeaqPS9-y-00077-00050696-00051007 a peaceful earth GpkeaqPS9-y-00078-00051008-00051199 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00079-00051200-00051470 everybody's well fed GpkeaqPS9-y-00080-00051471-00051679 and sleeping in a safe place that has a GpkeaqPS9-y-00081-00051679-00051851 home GpkeaqPS9-y-00082-00051852-00052046 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00083-00052047-00052300 it gets to move every day GpkeaqPS9-y-00084-00052301-00054030 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00085-00054032-00054169 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00086-00054170-00055279 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00087-00055279-00055505 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00088-00055507-00057845 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00089-00057846-00057982 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00090-00057983-00058340 no judging just for one GpkeaqPS9-y-00091-00058341-00060926 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00092-00060927-00061169 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00093-00061170-00062471 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00094-00062472-00062835 your song is the one that GpkeaqPS9-y-00095-00062836-00063082 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00096-00063083-00063319 counts every one of the 10 billion GpkeaqPS9-y-00097-00063320-00063454 grooves GpkeaqPS9-y-00098-00063455-00063669 needed to make it real make it happen GpkeaqPS9-y-00099-00063670-00064023 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00100-00064024-00064341 surrender GpkeaqPS9-y-00101-00064341-00064494 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00102-00064495-00064759 smile GpkeaqPS9-y-00103-00064760-00064845 breathe GpkeaqPS9-y-00104-00064846-00065038 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00105-00065039-00065182 and groove GpkeaqPS9-y-00106-00065183-00066567 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00107-00066568-00066791 proliferate humanity GpkeaqPS9-y-00108-00066792-00067012 as only instincts can GpkeaqPS9-y-00109-00067013-00068087 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00110-00068088-00068347 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00111-00068348-00069471 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00112-00069472-00069750 don't forget to subscribe GpkeaqPS9-y-00113-00069751-00069950 on youtube like this of course on GpkeaqPS9-y-00114-00069951-00070247 facebook GpkeaqPS9-y-00115-00070248-00070349 and groove all day GpkeaqPS9-y-00116-00070350-00070871 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00117-00070872-00071011 whenever you need to smile GpkeaqPS9-y-00118-00071012-00071159 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00119-00071160-00071343 get energized GpkeaqPS9-y-00120-00071344-00071462 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00121-00071463-00071750 relax GpkeaqPS9-y-00122-00071751-00071879 just separate GpkeaqPS9-y-00123-00071880-00072004 from the world for a day GpkeaqPS9-y-00124-00072005-00072799 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00125-00072800-00073183 i am a guru and i say no cave needed GpkeaqPS9-y-00126-00073184-00073471 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00127-00073472-00073591 entrain GpkeaqPS9-y-00128-00073592-00073791 surrender GpkeaqPS9-y-00129-00073792-00074119 find your inner self GpkeaqPS9-y-00130-00074120-00074346 just groove GpkeaqPS9-y-00131-00074347-00074519 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00132-00074520-00074703 if you're surrounded GpkeaqPS9-y-00133-00074704-00074980 by fellow movists GpkeaqPS9-y-00134-00074981-00076487 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00135-00076488-00076848 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00136-00076849-00078582 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00137-00078583-00078743 loop it GpkeaqPS9-y-00138-00078744-00078836 like it GpkeaqPS9-y-00139-00078837-00079094 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00140-00079095-00079173 and be grateful GpkeaqPS9-y-00141-00079174-00079391 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00142-00079392-00079673 we know our purpose GpkeaqPS9-y-00143-00079674-00080015 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00144-00080016-00080126 every group GpkeaqPS9-y-00145-00080127-00080176 matters GpkeaqPS9-y-00146-00080177-00080535 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00147-00080536-00080674 essential GpkeaqPS9-y-00148-00080675-00081959 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00149-00081960-00082168 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00150-00082169-00082806 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00151-00082807-00083002 go all day GpkeaqPS9-y-00152-00083003-00083206 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00153-00083207-00083375 lose track GpkeaqPS9-y-00154-00083376-00083677 loop it GpkeaqPS9-y-00155-00083678-00084311 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00156-00084312-00084567 spend some time to show the world GpkeaqPS9-y-00157-00084568-00084679 you believe in music GpkeaqPS9-y-00158-00084680-00085287 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00159-00085288-00085438 and as soon as enough of us know about GpkeaqPS9-y-00160-00085439-00085743 it GpkeaqPS9-y-00161-00085744-00086247 mother nature's gonna take over GpkeaqPS9-y-00162-00086248-00086399 and evolve us GpkeaqPS9-y-00163-00086400-00086516 we need evolving GpkeaqPS9-y-00164-00086517-00086903 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00165-00086904-00087199 and grooving GpkeaqPS9-y-00166-00087200-00087343 is the final step GpkeaqPS9-y-00167-00087344-00087582 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00168-00087583-00087887 to make it happen GpkeaqPS9-y-00169-00087888-00088079 we know we're all the same GpkeaqPS9-y-00170-00088080-00088294 on the same planet GpkeaqPS9-y-00171-00088295-00088436 breathing the same air GpkeaqPS9-y-00172-00088437-00088703 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00173-00088704-00089002 same biology same instincts GpkeaqPS9-y-00174-00089003-00089206 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00175-00089207-00089504 so we need to groove GpkeaqPS9-y-00176-00089505-00090471 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00177-00090472-00091054 so GpkeaqPS9-y-00178-00091055-00093303 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00179-00093304-00093502 see you tomorrow GpkeaqPS9-y-00180-00093503-00093782 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00181-00093783-00094011 and remember why we're grooving GpkeaqPS9-y-00182-00094012-00094135 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00183-00094136-00094340 it's our purpose GpkeaqPS9-y-00184-00094341-00094599 [Music] GpkeaqPS9-y-00185-00094600-00094703 we GpkeaqPS9-y-00186-00094704-00094782 are going to GpkeaqPS9-y-00187-00094783-00094943 break the people GpkeaqPS9-y-00188-00094944-00095071 we're going to be real happy make GpkeaqPS9-y-00189-00095072-00095262 everyone happy on the planet and evolve GpkeaqPS9-y-00190-00095263-00095471 all kinds of good things we are going to GpkeaqPS9-y-00191-00095472-00095695 make it GPgFrRaF_lM-00000-00000055-00000767 [Music] GPgFrRaF_lM-00001-00000768-00001068 hello GRLuRCHRlAI-00000-00000062-00000383 hello America James Eggman from Ohio out GRLuRCHRlAI-00001-00000384-00000551 of Kansas decided to make this other GRLuRCHRlAI-00002-00000552-00000862 video a video because Sara Sandra GRLuRCHRlAI-00003-00000863-00001061 Huckabee is under attack GRLuRCHRlAI-00004-00001062-00001253 every time she goes up there she has to GRLuRCHRlAI-00005-00001254-00001577 answer a bunch of stupid idiot questions GRLuRCHRlAI-00006-00001578-00001805 let's go ahead and check out what she GRLuRCHRlAI-00007-00001805-00002105 has to say today and look how that the GRLuRCHRlAI-00008-00002106-00002326 mainstream media the murders of truth GRLuRCHRlAI-00009-00002327-00002743 respond to her beautiful talk and how GRLuRCHRlAI-00010-00002744-00003184 they respond in kind with evil downright GRLuRCHRlAI-00011-00003185-00003470 attacks on of the President on almost GRLuRCHRlAI-00012-00003471-00003745 every single question this is what we're GRLuRCHRlAI-00013-00003746-00004067 living in right now total shame total GRLuRCHRlAI-00014-00004068-00004331 calamity they should be arrested for GRLuRCHRlAI-00015-00004332-00004751 inciting riots through fake news over GRLuRCHRlAI-00016-00004752-00004931 the last year I've occasionally the GRLuRCHRlAI-00017-00004932-00005170 opportunity to share some letters to the GRLuRCHRlAI-00018-00005171-00005354 president written by people all over the GRLuRCHRlAI-00019-00005355-00005563 country from piggle to Frank the lawn GRLuRCHRlAI-00020-00005564-00005704 mower I've especially enjoyed GRLuRCHRlAI-00021-00005705-00005906 introducing you also some hard-working GRLuRCHRlAI-00022-00005907-00006127 young Americans with incredibly bright GRLuRCHRlAI-00023-00006128-00006370 futures today I have another letter to GRLuRCHRlAI-00024-00006371-00006602 share this one from Natalie Albert GRLuRCHRlAI-00025-00006603-00006835 Dalton from Clarksburg Maryland she GRLuRCHRlAI-00026-00006836-00007078 writes dear mr. president I'm Natalie GRLuRCHRlAI-00027-00007079-00007198 I'm 11 years old GRLuRCHRlAI-00028-00007200-00007451 almost 12 my cousin Celia who was 8 GRLuRCHRlAI-00029-00007452-00007681 years old and had loved to cook since we GRLuRCHRlAI-00030-00007683-00007864 practically were born you don't believe GRLuRCHRlAI-00031-00007865-00008003 me check out the picture GRLuRCHRlAI-00032-00008004-00008276 we closed we are whirling cousins we are GRLuRCHRlAI-00033-00008277-00008462 best friends from the time we were very GRLuRCHRlAI-00034-00008463-00008642 little we helped our donut in the GRLuRCHRlAI-00035-00008643-00008822 kitchen therefore we are very good cooks GRLuRCHRlAI-00036-00008823-00008921 for little girls GRLuRCHRlAI-00037-00008922-00009101 the reason our writing is to offer you GRLuRCHRlAI-00038-00009102-00009377 an amazing opportunity we would love to GRLuRCHRlAI-00039-00009378-00009506 cook for you and your family at your GRLuRCHRlAI-00040-00009507-00009701 home or you're most welcome to come to GRLuRCHRlAI-00041-00009702-00009905 my house if you prefer it would be such GRLuRCHRlAI-00042-00009906-00010091 an honor to make you a meal we don't GRLuRCHRlAI-00043-00010092-00010235 think you get many home-cooked meals GRLuRCHRlAI-00044-00010236-00010421 that you're always so busy and we read GRLuRCHRlAI-00045-00010422-00010630 they only sleep four hours a night GRLuRCHRlAI-00046-00010631-00010916 please please call us and let us cook GRLuRCHRlAI-00047-00010917-00011201 for you love Nathalie PS our pop pop GRLuRCHRlAI-00048-00011202-00011396 says that you're doing a great job thank GRLuRCHRlAI-00049-00011397-00011648 you for keeping us safe Nathalie I'm GRLuRCHRlAI-00050-00011649-00011792 happy to tell you that I talked to the GRLuRCHRlAI-00051-00011793-00011951 president about your leaded letter this GRLuRCHRlAI-00052-00011952-00012113 morning and he had the first lady would GRLuRCHRlAI-00053-00012114-00012274 like to take you up on her very kind GRLuRCHRlAI-00054-00012275-00012509 offer but an amazing kitchen and GRLuRCHRlAI-00055-00012510-00012674 culinary staff here at the White House GRLuRCHRlAI-00056-00012675-00012874 and the president first lady would like GRLuRCHRlAI-00057-00012875-00013037 for you to come over and work alongside GRLuRCHRlAI-00058-00013038-00013322 them sometime very soon he said to tell GRLuRCHRlAI-00059-00013322-00013580 your pop-pop and Nona hello and to tell GRLuRCHRlAI-00060-00013581-00013744 your brother congratulations were raised GRLuRCHRlAI-00061-00013745-00014015 into debris and talented rollergirl most GRLuRCHRlAI-00062-00014016-00014174 importantly he said to tell you to GRLuRCHRlAI-00063-00014175-00014363 always believe in yourself and know that GRLuRCHRlAI-00064-00014363-00014516 in America you can achieve anything GRLuRCHRlAI-00065-00014516-00014738 through hard work determination and GRLuRCHRlAI-00066-00014738-00014944 perseverance and sometimes you just have GRLuRCHRlAI-00067-00014945-00015119 to take a chance and put yourself out GRLuRCHRlAI-00068-00015119-00015299 there that's exactly what you did with GRLuRCHRlAI-00069-00015300-00015472 your letter who are excited to meet you GRLuRCHRlAI-00070-00015473-00015870 in person GRLuRCHRlAI-00071-00015871-00016424 the president a few weeks ago he said GRLuRCHRlAI-00072-00016425-00017000 shut up stating he now feels that shut GRLuRCHRlAI-00073-00017001-00017731 down even if look the only people that GRLuRCHRlAI-00074-00017732-00018092 caused a shutdown are the Democrats who GRLuRCHRlAI-00075-00018093-00018211 have repeatedly held the government GRLuRCHRlAI-00076-00018212-00018405 hostage over their own politics GRLuRCHRlAI-00077-00018406-00018631 Democrats actually shut the government GRLuRCHRlAI-00078-00018632-00018839 down let's not forget that just a couple GRLuRCHRlAI-00079-00018840-00019058 weeks ago presidents are looking for GRLuRCHRlAI-00080-00019059-00019267 this but if the Democrat Party is going GRLuRCHRlAI-00081-00019268-00019408 to continue to threaten to shut down GRLuRCHRlAI-00082-00019409-00019639 because they won't include responsible GRLuRCHRlAI-00083-00019640-00019889 immigration reforms including facing GRLuRCHRlAI-00084-00019890-00020194 ms-13 loopholes and other issues and the GRLuRCHRlAI-00085-00020195-00020425 president welcomes a fight it's a fight GRLuRCHRlAI-00086-00020426-00020614 we won last time and it's one we're very GRLuRCHRlAI-00087-00020615-00020849 confident that we went again but let me GRLuRCHRlAI-00088-00020850-00021050 repeat our goal is to get a two-year GRLuRCHRlAI-00089-00021051-00021319 budget deal and to also get a deal on GRLuRCHRlAI-00090-00021320-00021520 immigration which we have laid out the GRLuRCHRlAI-00091-00021521-00021722 president is generously laid out a plan GRLuRCHRlAI-00092-00021723-00021931 that addresses both Republicans and GRLuRCHRlAI-00093-00021932-00022150 Democrats concerns and we're hopeful GRLuRCHRlAI-00094-00022151-00022286 we'll come to an agreement on both of GRLuRCHRlAI-00095-00022287-00022478 those fronts the president encouraging GRLuRCHRlAI-00096-00022479-00022558 each other GRLuRCHRlAI-00097-00022559-00022759 the president's encouraging people to do GRLuRCHRlAI-00098-00022760-00022993 their jobs president's encouraging them GRLuRCHRlAI-00099-00022994-00023197 to get a deal on the budget as he's laid GRLuRCHRlAI-00100-00023198-00023411 out a two-year a long term budget deal GRLuRCHRlAI-00101-00023412-00023728 that actually helps our military instead GRLuRCHRlAI-00102-00023729-00023905 of doing the short term deals that's GRLuRCHRlAI-00103-00023906-00024103 what he's advocated for all along and GRLuRCHRlAI-00104-00024104-00024275 the president is encouraging them to do GRLuRCHRlAI-00105-00024276-00024464 their jobs and come to an agreement on GRLuRCHRlAI-00106-00024465-00024706 immigration particularly the four places GRLuRCHRlAI-00107-00024707-00024914 that he's outlined that have to happen GRLuRCHRlAI-00108-00024915-00025230 in any piece of legislation GRLuRCHRlAI-00109-00025231-00025479 can you then clarify you'd rather see a GRLuRCHRlAI-00110-00025480-00025772 shutdown or short-term betting look GRLuRCHRlAI-00111-00025773-00026124 again we are not advocating for the GRLuRCHRlAI-00112-00026125-00026262 shutdown that's the fault of the GRLuRCHRlAI-00113-00026263-00026406 Democrats not being willing to do their GRLuRCHRlAI-00114-00026407-00026661 jobs the president wants a long-term GRLuRCHRlAI-00115-00026662-00026817 deal and he wants to go to the old GRLuRCHRlAI-00116-00026818-00026987 immigration and we hope that they were GRLuRCHRlAI-00117-00026988-00027120 pretzel come to the table there are GRLuRCHRlAI-00118-00027120-00027486 these clowns they are a bunch of clowns GRLuRCHRlAI-00119-00027487-00027999 your stupid [__] shut up dr. GRLuRCHRlAI-00120-00028000-00028236 protections is not the position of this GRLuRCHRlAI-00121-00028237-00028479 White House that tremors are lazy look GRLuRCHRlAI-00122-00028480-00028788 at them attack attack attack they should GRLuRCHRlAI-00123-00028789-00028983 be arrested all of the previous GRLuRCHRlAI-00124-00028983-00029229 administration we have a system that is GRLuRCHRlAI-00125-00029230-00029465 not lawful we have a system that has a GRLuRCHRlAI-00126-00029466-00029880 lot of legal loopholes and has a very GRLuRCHRlAI-00127-00029881-00030290 large national security concern we want GRLuRCHRlAI-00128-00030291-00030468 to address it completely we want to GRLuRCHRlAI-00129-00030469-00030699 solve the problem one cup and we want to GRLuRCHRlAI-00130-00030700-00030888 solve the worst security issue we want GRLuRCHRlAI-00131-00030889-00031089 to end chain vibration when it ends the GRLuRCHRlAI-00132-00031089-00031289 visa Lari system what we don't want to GRLuRCHRlAI-00133-00031291-00031452 do is continue taking the can down the GRLuRCHRlAI-00134-00031452-00031662 road we're focused on actually getting a GRLuRCHRlAI-00135-00031663-00031857 solution and frankly I think if GRLuRCHRlAI-00136-00031858-00032067 anybody's lazy it's probably Democrats GRLuRCHRlAI-00137-00032068-00032240 who aren't showing up to work and are GRLuRCHRlAI-00138-00032241-00032469 actually getting to the table to make a GRLuRCHRlAI-00139-00032470-00032636 deal on this yeah GRLuRCHRlAI-00140-00032637-00032865 what is it funny to think of the stock GRLuRCHRlAI-00141-00032866-00033028 market volatility GRLuRCHRlAI-00142-00033029-00033333 okay see how many regrets about taking GRLuRCHRlAI-00143-00033334-00033643 responsibility or credit for it's not GRLuRCHRlAI-00144-00033644-00033865 Marcus fries look the economy is GRLuRCHRlAI-00145-00033866-00034024 incredibly strong right now the GRLuRCHRlAI-00146-00034025-00034321 president's focus continues to be on the GRLuRCHRlAI-00147-00034322-00034567 long-term economic fundamentals which GRLuRCHRlAI-00148-00034568-00034828 like I just said are very strong in this GRLuRCHRlAI-00149-00034829-00034912 country GRLuRCHRlAI-00150-00034913-00035095 we're definitely better off today than GRLuRCHRlAI-00151-00035096-00035296 where we were before the president took GRLuRCHRlAI-00152-00035297-00035530 office particularly on the economy with GRLuRCHRlAI-00153-00035531-00035734 historically low unemployment we GRLuRCHRlAI-00154-00035735-00035908 actually have increasing wages for GRLuRCHRlAI-00155-00035909-00036088 American workers there's nothing that's GRLuRCHRlAI-00156-00036089-00036283 taken place over the last couple of days GRLuRCHRlAI-00157-00036284-00036502 in our economy that's fundamentally GRLuRCHRlAI-00158-00036503-00036631 different than it was two weeks ago GRLuRCHRlAI-00159-00036632-00036787 we're very comfortable with where we are GRLuRCHRlAI-00160-00036788-00037297 right now about taking credit for when GRLuRCHRlAI-00161-00037298-00037459 the stock market goes up the president GRLuRCHRlAI-00162-00037460-00037543 that had second thoughts about taking GRLuRCHRlAI-00163-00037544-00037786 credit for a booming economy absolutely GRLuRCHRlAI-00164-00037787-00038035 not Jordan hey Sarah as the president GRLuRCHRlAI-00165-00038036-00038482 has a chance of Elvis committee and the GRLuRCHRlAI-00166-00038483-00038719 seeing client to release the president GRLuRCHRlAI-00167-00038720-00039046 has seen the memo he met with Deputy GRLuRCHRlAI-00168-00039047-00039316 Attorney General Rob Rosenstock within GRLuRCHRlAI-00169-00039317-00039538 the last hour to discuss some of the GRLuRCHRlAI-00170-00039539-00039835 differences between the two memos and GRLuRCHRlAI-00171-00039836-00040075 your undergoing the exact same process GRLuRCHRlAI-00172-00040076-00040318 that we did with the previous memo in GRLuRCHRlAI-00173-00040319-00040543 which it will go through a full and GRLuRCHRlAI-00174-00040544-00040765 thorough legal and national security GRLuRCHRlAI-00175-00040766-00040921 review we're in the middle of that GRLuRCHRlAI-00176-00040922-00041146 process when that's completed the GRLuRCHRlAI-00177-00041147-00041305 president will be given a thorough GRLuRCHRlAI-00178-00041306-00041617 briefing on the findings of the GRLuRCHRlAI-00179-00041618-00041665 different GRLuRCHRlAI-00180-00041666-00041818 decisions and stakeholders that are GRLuRCHRlAI-00181-00041819-00041992 involved in the negev determination at GRLuRCHRlAI-00182-00041993-00042229 that time included last time the GRLuRCHRlAI-00183-00042230-00042424 President had made it clear to lawmakers GRLuRCHRlAI-00184-00042425-00042586 that he was inclined to release be GRLuRCHRlAI-00185-00042587-00042802 republican about as he made any kind of GRLuRCHRlAI-00186-00042803-00042961 similar comments to you guys about GRLuRCHRlAI-00187-00042962-00043138 democratic mount up the president made GRLuRCHRlAI-00188-00043139-00043228 the comment that we're going to go GRLuRCHRlAI-00189-00043229-00043366 through the same process that we went GRLuRCHRlAI-00190-00043367-00043531 through the first time and that will GRLuRCHRlAI-00191-00043532-00043705 take several days to complete as it did GRLuRCHRlAI-00192-00043706-00043825 the first time we come away to the GRLuRCHRlAI-00193-00043826-00044626 termination at that point John we can't GRLuRCHRlAI-00194-00044627-00045127 refer to trey gowdy large part operating GRLuRCHRlAI-00195-00045128-00045403 at what weight is the president will be GRLuRCHRlAI-00196-00045404-00045739 public about indicated look the GRLuRCHRlAI-00197-00045740-00046078 president has consistently called the GRLuRCHRlAI-00198-00046079-00046273 Russia investigation politically GRLuRCHRlAI-00199-00046274-00046435 motivated witch hunt GRLuRCHRlAI-00200-00046436-00046720 for the last year and a memo clearly GRLuRCHRlAI-00201-00046721-00046885 indicates the president's position that GRLuRCHRlAI-00202-00046886-00047149 there was political bias in this process GRLuRCHRlAI-00203-00047150-00047626 pretty simple it is I think it's fair to GRLuRCHRlAI-00204-00047627-00047803 say that many members the Senate GRLuRCHRlAI-00205-00047804-00047965 including Mitch McConnell Chuck Schumer GRLuRCHRlAI-00206-00047966-00048178 were surprised by the present selected GRLuRCHRlAI-00207-00048179-00048385 if I could figure out exactly what he GRLuRCHRlAI-00208-00048386-00048600 was driving is the president saying GRLuRCHRlAI-00209-00048601-00048754 unless there's an immigration GRLuRCHRlAI-00210-00048755-00049087 compromised he is satisfied with he will GRLuRCHRlAI-00211-00049088-00049300 not sign the emerging budget compromise GRLuRCHRlAI-00212-00049301-00049456 in a two-year budget deal the GRLuRCHRlAI-00213-00049457-00049630 McConnell's you aren't working up or GRLuRCHRlAI-00214-00049631-00049798 will he deal with that separately from GRLuRCHRlAI-00215-00049799-00050029 the budget talks that are going on both GRLuRCHRlAI-00216-00050030-00050185 of those represented are making GRLuRCHRlAI-00217-00050186-00050392 substantial progress as I said we wanted GRLuRCHRlAI-00218-00050393-00050542 to your budget deal we'll see GRLuRCHRlAI-00219-00050543-00050680 this looks likely certainly are GRLuRCHRlAI-00220-00050681-00051115 supportive of Democrats coming to a deal GRLuRCHRlAI-00221-00051116-00051349 we also want to deal on immigration free GRLuRCHRlAI-00222-00051350-00051406 to go GRLuRCHRlAI-00223-00051407-00051623 they're not usually present wants to get GRLuRCHRlAI-00224-00051624-00051790 a deal with both be signed by to deal GRLuRCHRlAI-00225-00051791-00051961 with decide including immigration policy GRLuRCHRlAI-00226-00051962-00052267 I don't think that we expect the budget GRLuRCHRlAI-00227-00052268-00052588 deal to include specifics on the GRLuRCHRlAI-00228-00052589-00052750 immigration reform but we want to get a GRLuRCHRlAI-00229-00052751-00052963 deal on that as we've said we don't want GRLuRCHRlAI-00230-00052964-00053155 to hold the government hostage over GRLuRCHRlAI-00231-00053156-00053437 these are talking about the Senate GRLuRCHRlAI-00232-00053438-00053579 senator flake certainly not the Senate GRLuRCHRlAI-00233-00053579-00053725 floor so how do we get a chance to GRLuRCHRlAI-00234-00053726-00054079 respond he said and I quote I've seen GRLuRCHRlAI-00235-00054080-00054260 the president's most ardent defenders GRLuRCHRlAI-00236-00054261-00054451 used and that weary argument that the GRLuRCHRlAI-00237-00054452-00054604 president's comments were meant as a GRLuRCHRlAI-00238-00054605-00054836 joke just sarcasm only tongue-in-cheek GRLuRCHRlAI-00239-00054837-00055132 the treason is not a punchline can you GRLuRCHRlAI-00240-00055133-00055369 say for the sake of future that you GRLuRCHRlAI-00241-00055370-00055559 agree senator play but not the treason GRLuRCHRlAI-00242-00055560-00055813 or treasonous is not a punchline he's GRLuRCHRlAI-00243-00055814-00056224 not joking that look honestly I'm not GRLuRCHRlAI-00244-00056225-00056494 going to respond directly to Senator GRLuRCHRlAI-00245-00056495-00056800 flakes comments I don't really care what GRLuRCHRlAI-00246-00056801-00056978 Senator flake has to say out of these GRLuRCHRlAI-00247-00056979-00057134 his constituents do either I think GRLuRCHRlAI-00248-00057135-00057287 that's why these numbers are the tank GRLuRCHRlAI-00249-00057288-00057532 the president was clearly joking with GRLuRCHRlAI-00250-00057533-00057740 his comments but what isn't a joke is GRLuRCHRlAI-00251-00057741-00057937 that Democrats refused to celebrate the GRLuRCHRlAI-00252-00057938-00058150 accomplishments of last year that has GRLuRCHRlAI-00253-00058151-00058346 helped all Americans what I don't GRLuRCHRlAI-00254-00058347-00058485 understand what GRLuRCHRlAI-00255-00058486-00058667 I think the country understands is why GRLuRCHRlAI-00256-00058669-00058911 Democrats are so upset about lower taxes GRLuRCHRlAI-00257-00058912-00059094 and higher wages that's something that GRLuRCHRlAI-00258-00059095-00059313 every American should be celebrating not GRLuRCHRlAI-00259-00059314-00059526 crying about not sitting on their hands GRLuRCHRlAI-00260-00059527-00059712 for Democrats are going to have to make GRLuRCHRlAI-00261-00059713-00059922 a decision at some point really soon do GRLuRCHRlAI-00262-00059923-00060108 they hate this president more than they GRLuRCHRlAI-00263-00060109-00060282 love this country and I hope the answer GRLuRCHRlAI-00264-00060283-00060779 is no arching about his exercising their GRLuRCHRlAI-00265-00060780-00061200 LSU Russian stocks on the positive GRLuRCHRlAI-00266-00061201-00061425 economic news there is a school of drama GRLuRCHRlAI-00267-00061426-00061809 promise that given the current growth of GRLuRCHRlAI-00268-00061810-00062016 the economy to inject defying the GRLuRCHRlAI-00269-00062016-00062232 stimulus and that's actually sparked GRLuRCHRlAI-00270-00062233-00062532 inflation so which means if it's people GRLuRCHRlAI-00271-00062533-00062757 at all ready to spend prices necessarily GRLuRCHRlAI-00272-00062758-00062979 go up and the price of people Hey GRLuRCHRlAI-00273-00062979-00063297 go up that's not so how keenly focused GRLuRCHRlAI-00274-00063298-00063549 is this pressure on inflation years and GRLuRCHRlAI-00275-00063550-00063779 ahead of next month's Fed meeting this GRLuRCHRlAI-00276-00063780-00063963 is the present smoking to chairman Pao GRLuRCHRlAI-00277-00063964-00064191 talked whether Keith banks interest GRLuRCHRlAI-00278-00064191-00064371 rates should go off or not well our team GRLuRCHRlAI-00279-00064372-00064653 is in close contact with all the GRLuRCHRlAI-00280-00064654-00064857 stakeholders in this process but as I GRLuRCHRlAI-00281-00064858-00065042 said before the president's focus is on GRLuRCHRlAI-00282-00065044-00065325 our long-term economic fundamentals very GRLuRCHRlAI-00283-00065326-00065592 continuing to be focused on that on all GRLuRCHRlAI-00284-00065593-00065892 acid interest rates ammonia and then GRLuRCHRlAI-00285-00065893-00066258 specifics analysis on GRLuRCHRlAI-00286-00066259-00066685 Whitehouse arguments important GRLuRCHRlAI-00287-00066686-00066941 therefore and the American people expect GRLuRCHRlAI-00288-00066942-00067288 to see the Democratic GRLuRCHRlAI-00289-00067289-00067531 and in everything people can expect this GRLuRCHRlAI-00290-00067532-00067691 memo to go through the exact same GRLuRCHRlAI-00291-00067692-00067955 process that the Republican bill went GRLuRCHRlAI-00292-00067956-00068224 through which is one let up this is GRLuRCHRlAI-00293-00068225-00068441 hammer Hammer hammer negative negative GRLuRCHRlAI-00294-00068442-00068656 negative see there the part of the GRLuRCHRlAI-00295-00068657-00068921 problem their treasonous and their GRLuRCHRlAI-00296-00068922-00069181 actions in the way they report and how GRLuRCHRlAI-00297-00069182-00069449 they attack this woman every single day GRLuRCHRlAI-00298-00069450-00070129 when whole whole [__] process people GRLuRCHRlAI-00299-00070130-00070478 about John Kelly and comments calling GRLuRCHRlAI-00300-00070479-00070667 dreamers indicating some of them are GRLuRCHRlAI-00301-00070668-00070940 maybe did that type of rhetoric updated GRLuRCHRlAI-00302-00070941-00071255 by personal look like I said the GRLuRCHRlAI-00303-00071256-00071435 president and the administration were GRLuRCHRlAI-00304-00071436-00071767 focused on actually solving this problem GRLuRCHRlAI-00305-00071768-00071948 not kicking it down the road we're going GRLuRCHRlAI-00306-00071949-00072397 to continue to have those conversations GRLuRCHRlAI-00307-00072398-00072734 chef Kelly said Brian would be likely to GRLuRCHRlAI-00308-00072735-00073046 extend the dacha deadline from March 5th GRLuRCHRlAI-00309-00073047-00073340 there twice in dollars the president GRLuRCHRlAI-00310-00073341-00073624 said if we need a little more time we'll GRLuRCHRlAI-00311-00073625-00073924 take a little more time on dacha and in GRLuRCHRlAI-00312-00073925-00074119 denim Uganda wouldn't ask if you extend GRLuRCHRlAI-00313-00074120-00074332 the deadline he said yeah I might do GRLuRCHRlAI-00314-00074333-00074540 that I might do that not guaranteeing it GRLuRCHRlAI-00315-00074541-00074761 but I certainly would like to do that if GRLuRCHRlAI-00316-00074762-00075179 I want to which is so open to the idea GRLuRCHRlAI-00317-00075180-00075449 of extending the right to do so again GRLuRCHRlAI-00318-00075450-00075694 we're hopeful that we're going to get to GRLuRCHRlAI-00319-00075695-00075896 a deal we've laid out a very generous GRLuRCHRlAI-00320-00075897-00076249 offer that meets all of the demands that GRLuRCHRlAI-00321-00076250-00076424 the Democrats had a fact that goes above GRLuRCHRlAI-00322-00076425-00076657 and beyond what they asked for and it GRLuRCHRlAI-00323-00076658-00076871 includes mostly and everything else that GRLuRCHRlAI-00324-00076872-00077032 is part of the pillars that we've laid GRLuRCHRlAI-00325-00077033-00077167 out are things that Democrats have voted GRLuRCHRlAI-00326-00077168-00077486 more Elizabeth Warren Chuck Schumer all GRLuRCHRlAI-00327-00077487-00077666 of these individuals have voted to the GRLuRCHRlAI-00328-00077667-00077891 majority of the priorities that we laid GRLuRCHRlAI-00329-00077892-00078085 out in this legislation in the past GRLuRCHRlAI-00330-00078086-00078331 except we've actually gone further on GRLuRCHRlAI-00331-00078332-00078505 the docket component than Obama ever GRLuRCHRlAI-00332-00078506-00078761 offered and so the fact that we can't GRLuRCHRlAI-00333-00078762-00078955 get to a deal that's a question frankly GRLuRCHRlAI-00334-00078956-00079148 that Democrats should be asked like what GRLuRCHRlAI-00335-00079149-00079411 are you not supportive of in this GRLuRCHRlAI-00336-00079412-00079543 legislation and why are we not moving GRLuRCHRlAI-00337-00079544-00079790 the ball forward and actually GRLuRCHRlAI-00338-00079791-00080040 Presi open to extending the deadline to GRLuRCHRlAI-00339-00080041-00080199 work or is that door closed GRLuRCHRlAI-00340-00080200-00080334 well I'm not going to get ahead of the GRLuRCHRlAI-00341-00080335-00080541 process or Sola for we to get their book GRLuRCHRlAI-00342-00080542-00080757 before the deadline yeah shut the hell GRLuRCHRlAI-00343-00080758-00080926 up GRLuRCHRlAI-00344-00080927-00083147 scuse me bastard got a newbie here folks GRLuRCHRlAI-00345-00083148-00083505 we'll see echo the vice president GRLuRCHRlAI-00346-00083506-00084063 secretary of state of services I think GRLuRCHRlAI-00347-00084064-00084786 that here we go mr. Costigan raita GRLuRCHRlAI-00348-00084787-00085200 concerts to get off their asses just on GRLuRCHRlAI-00349-00085201-00085392 the face of it not just a wildly GRLuRCHRlAI-00350-00085393-00085593 offensive comment about these GRLuRCHRlAI-00351-00085594-00085884 undocumented we're waiting for some [__] GRLuRCHRlAI-00352-00085885-00086112 I'd be [__] idiot the only person GRLuRCHRlAI-00353-00086113-00086268 that's actually offered a solution is GRLuRCHRlAI-00354-00086269-00086460 this administration the president is GRLuRCHRlAI-00355-00086461-00086643 going to champion of giving one point GRLuRCHRlAI-00356-00086644-00086837 million document recipients and daca GRLuRCHRlAI-00357-00086838-00087086 eligible people a pathway to citizenship GRLuRCHRlAI-00358-00087087-00087336 these laid out a plan and a solution GRLuRCHRlAI-00359-00087337-00087540 that actually addresses with Republicans GRLuRCHRlAI-00360-00087541-00087806 and Democrats concerns I think it's hard GRLuRCHRlAI-00361-00087807-00087960 to argue with that on the surface of GRLuRCHRlAI-00362-00087961-00088163 that so it wasn't just a just a sense of GRLuRCHRlAI-00363-00088164-00088280 comment that wasn't it just on its GRLuRCHRlAI-00364-00088281-00088548 surface I think that somebody would have GRLuRCHRlAI-00365-00088549-00088773 been saturated so the president's words GRLuRCHRlAI-00366-00088774-00089217 advised it not to test for look as we've GRLuRCHRlAI-00367-00089218-00089561 said many times before this is something GRLuRCHRlAI-00368-00089562-00089726 that could be deterred by the office of GRLuRCHRlAI-00369-00089727-00089819 the Special Counsel GRLuRCHRlAI-00370-00089820-00090009 I'd refer you to a statement from Ty GRLuRCHRlAI-00371-00090010-00090336 Cobb on that the professional and active GRLuRCHRlAI-00372-00090337-00090471 discussions between the Office of GRLuRCHRlAI-00373-00090472-00090654 Special Counsel and president's personal GRLuRCHRlAI-00374-00090655-00090885 lawyers regarding how and under what GRLuRCHRlAI-00375-00090886-00091100 terms information will be exchanged or GRLuRCHRlAI-00376-00091101-00091288 understandably privately GRLuRCHRlAI-00377-00091289-00091503 again I'm not going to go beyond that GRLuRCHRlAI-00378-00091504-00091619 statement if you have other questions GRLuRCHRlAI-00379-00091620-00092280 that refer you to April and the shutdown GRLuRCHRlAI-00380-00092281-00092492 how here we go GRLuRCHRlAI-00381-00092493-00093005 miss Blackie show friends how to shut GRLuRCHRlAI-00382-00093006-00093094 down GRLuRCHRlAI-00383-00093095-00093619 and help those stations say this is one GRLuRCHRlAI-00384-00093620-00093898 racist [__] right here solutions he GRLuRCHRlAI-00385-00093899-00094073 wants to get a two-year budget deal he GRLuRCHRlAI-00386-00094074-00094196 wants to get a deal on immigration GRLuRCHRlAI-00387-00094197-00094561 that's pretty simple nesting you said GRLuRCHRlAI-00388-00094562-00094847 trees this was a joke look one America GRLuRCHRlAI-00389-00094848-00095119 in Washington over here so the State of GRLuRCHRlAI-00390-00095120-00095410 the Union one side be it's a Democrat GRLuRCHRlAI-00391-00095411-00095593 president Republican said this GRLuRCHRlAI-00392-00095594-00095992 Democratic president but it's Democratic GRLuRCHRlAI-00393-00095993-00096180 president pumpkin singers of public GRLuRCHRlAI-00394-00096181-00096292 resurrection GRLuRCHRlAI-00395-00096293-00096509 what is so American about this this year GRLuRCHRlAI-00396-00096510-00096859 assistance going on college and he has a GRLuRCHRlAI-00397-00096860-00097168 unamerican not to be excited about the GRLuRCHRlAI-00398-00097169-00097399 fact that people more people in this GRLuRCHRlAI-00399-00097400-00097571 country have jobs than they did before GRLuRCHRlAI-00400-00097572-00097756 the fact that more people in this GRLuRCHRlAI-00401-00097757-00097960 country have higher wages than they did GRLuRCHRlAI-00402-00097961-00098161 before the fact that the economy is GRLuRCHRlAI-00403-00098162-00098398 booming like it wasn't before the fact GRLuRCHRlAI-00404-00098399-00098623 that Isis is being crushed like it GRLuRCHRlAI-00405-00098624-00098810 wasn't before these are things that I GRLuRCHRlAI-00406-00098811-00098998 don't care what party you're from these GRLuRCHRlAI-00407-00098999-00099197 are things that every American should be GRLuRCHRlAI-00408-00099198-00099436 excited about and we ate on a celebrant GRLuRCHRlAI-00409-00099437-00099676 and specifically at that moment when he GRLuRCHRlAI-00410-00099677-00099878 was in Cincinnati talking about lack of GRLuRCHRlAI-00411-00099879-00099982 employment and that's something GRLuRCHRlAI-00412-00099983-00100312 everybody should be excited about 6.8 GRLuRCHRlAI-00413-00100313-00100751 place or las casas progress GRLuRCHRlAI-00414-00100752-00101031 making progress but still things are GRLuRCHRlAI-00415-00101032-00101187 better today than they were a year ago GRLuRCHRlAI-00416-00101188-00101405 that is something that we should be GRLuRCHRlAI-00417-00101406-00101616 excited about that is something that we GRLuRCHRlAI-00418-00101617-00101811 should be celebrating it's not perfect GRLuRCHRlAI-00419-00101812-00101925 he didn't say it was perfect GRLuRCHRlAI-00420-00101926-00102111 he said we made progress he said things GRLuRCHRlAI-00421-00102112-00102372 were better the fact that anytime the GRLuRCHRlAI-00422-00102373-00102699 day before Americans larger improving GRLuRCHRlAI-00423-00102700-00102855 that's a good thing that we should all GRLuRCHRlAI-00424-00102856-00103794 be excited about that we should all good GRLuRCHRlAI-00425-00103795-00103917 question GRLuRCHRlAI-00426-00103918-00104154 even humorous published reports that GRLuRCHRlAI-00427-00104155-00104411 Dave bowdish number three in the FBI GRLuRCHRlAI-00428-00104413-00104659 will be moved up to the deputy director GRLuRCHRlAI-00429-00104660-00105078 under director rain he received both his GRLuRCHRlAI-00430-00105079-00105308 president pointman in his previous GRLuRCHRlAI-00431-00105309-00105509 position as head of the Los Angeles GRLuRCHRlAI-00432-00105510-00105939 office of the FBI under former director GRLuRCHRlAI-00433-00105940-00106358 Comey given the administration's almost GRLuRCHRlAI-00434-00106358-00107486 Canisius criticism of mr. Comey to mr. GRLuRCHRlAI-00435-00107488-00107679 Pavich moving over to the number two GRLuRCHRlAI-00436-00107680-00107988 spot under director right look at how GRLuRCHRlAI-00437-00107989-00108144 many personnel announcements on that GRLuRCHRlAI-00438-00108145-00108417 front but you definitely work for best GRLuRCHRlAI-00439-00108418-00108975 base where you see there you have it GRLuRCHRlAI-00440-00108976-00109494 ladies and gentlemen that's right there GRLuRCHRlAI-00441-00109495-00109869 you have it Sarah Huckabee Sanders under GRLuRCHRlAI-00442-00109870-00110151 attack do you see how these main screen GRLuRCHRlAI-00443-00110152-00110388 media reporters these guys supposed to GRLuRCHRlAI-00444-00110389-00110607 be reporters and journalists they're a GRLuRCHRlAI-00445-00110608-00110958 freakin joke all they did is badger her GRLuRCHRlAI-00446-00110958-00111276 did you see one good question not one GRLuRCHRlAI-00447-00111277-00111564 positive question come out of that that GRLuRCHRlAI-00448-00111565-00111771 meeting right then that's what I'm GRLuRCHRlAI-00449-00111772-00111918 talking about that's what she endures GRLuRCHRlAI-00450-00111919-00112309 every single day from the main screen GRLuRCHRlAI-00451-00112310-00112617 media the murders GRLuRCHRlAI-00452-00112618-00112824 truth they should all be reprimanded GRLuRCHRlAI-00453-00112825-00113220 your company shut down and replenish GRLuRCHRlAI-00454-00113221-00113534 with real journalists real reporters GRLuRCHRlAI-00455-00113535-00113813 what they're doing is totally GRLuRCHRlAI-00456-00113814-00114129 anti-american totally unamerican and GRLuRCHRlAI-00457-00114130-00114456 totally treasonous to this president GRLuRCHRlAI-00458-00114457-00114732 trying to bring him down with lies GRLuRCHRlAI-00459-00114733-00115206 propaganda and outright tear that's GRLuRCHRlAI-00460-00115207-00115449 right that's my opinion and I got my I GRLuRCHRlAI-00461-00115450-00115658 got room for that for everybody but GRLuRCHRlAI-00462-00115659-00115916 other than that ain't gonna necessary GRLuRCHRlAI-00463-00115917-00116181 but Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the GRLuRCHRlAI-00464-00116182-00116439 beautiful woman she's smart she's GRLuRCHRlAI-00465-00116440-00116829 intelligent and she can handle the liars GRLuRCHRlAI-00466-00116830-00117156 she can handle the be littler she can GRLuRCHRlAI-00467-00117157-00117444 handle the garbage that they shoveled GRLuRCHRlAI-00468-00117445-00117666 every time she has a meeting to these GRLuRCHRlAI-00469-00117667-00118016 people they are horrible horrible GRLuRCHRlAI-00470-00118017-00118332 horrible people and I'm going to tell GRLuRCHRlAI-00471-00118333-00118521 you right now they don't deserve the GRLuRCHRlAI-00472-00118522-00118736 time of day because what they're doing GRLuRCHRlAI-00473-00118738-00119602 is totally anti-american GRLuRCHRlAI-00474-00119603-00119911 think about in America can you imagine GRLuRCHRlAI-00475-00119913-00120190 you go to work every single day to be GRLuRCHRlAI-00476-00120191-00120482 belittled with lies propaganda and GRLuRCHRlAI-00477-00120483-00120758 garbage I mean every question that they GRLuRCHRlAI-00478-00120758-00121240 ask is something derogatory and rude and GRLuRCHRlAI-00479-00121241-00121616 anti-trump they're all and you have no GRLuRCHRlAI-00480-00121617-00121763 trouble we don't want to Trump we don't GRLuRCHRlAI-00481-00121764-00121988 if we don't like to booming economy we GRLuRCHRlAI-00482-00121989-00122207 don't like all these records being GRLuRCHRlAI-00483-00122208-00122519 broken low unemployment higher wages and GRLuRCHRlAI-00484-00122520-00122833 bonuses and all the onus no let's talk GRLuRCHRlAI-00485-00122834-00123079 about someone saying their lazy asses GRLuRCHRlAI-00486-00123080-00123290 well they are lazy asses they've been GRLuRCHRlAI-00487-00123291-00123524 sucking off the teeth of America these GRLuRCHRlAI-00488-00123525-00123926 so-called dreamers are screamers that's GRLuRCHRlAI-00489-00123927-00124208 right screamer's and America's nightmare GRLuRCHRlAI-00490-00124208-00124591 that's the truth it's right there in our GRLuRCHRlAI-00491-00124592-00125006 faces we the people are getting treated GRLuRCHRlAI-00492-00125007-00125324 worse than these dreamers they all GRLuRCHRlAI-00493-00125325-00125513 supposed to be all these great people GRLuRCHRlAI-00494-00125514-00125750 and they're just out there murdering and GRLuRCHRlAI-00495-00125751-00125933 killing people just kill the cult's GRLuRCHRlAI-00496-00125933-00126206 player guys been deported two times and GRLuRCHRlAI-00497-00126207-00126521 he's a dreamer that's the kind of people GRLuRCHRlAI-00498-00126522-00126770 we got in our country they stand GRLuRCHRlAI-00499-00126771-00126950 alongside far as I'm concerned because GRLuRCHRlAI-00500-00126951-00127181 number one they're illegal and there's GRLuRCHRlAI-00501-00127182-00127625 no excuse for that number two they're GRLuRCHRlAI-00502-00127626-00128171 just as bad as NFL they're just as bad GRLuRCHRlAI-00503-00128172-00128597 as basically an invasion that's what GRLuRCHRlAI-00504-00128598-00128990 we've been invaded by illegals that have GRLuRCHRlAI-00505-00128991-00129208 come in and took over our country GRLuRCHRlAI-00506-00129209-00129470 basically holding it hostage right now GRLuRCHRlAI-00507-00129471-00129829 the Democrats are to get dreamers a GRLuRCHRlAI-00508-00129830-00130264 better deal get dreamers citizenship of GRLuRCHRlAI-00509-00130265-00130496 how many of these are going to go bad GRLuRCHRlAI-00510-00130497-00130783 how many of these so-called dreamers GRLuRCHRlAI-00511-00130784-00131093 which I call nine years how many of GRLuRCHRlAI-00512-00131094-00131336 these are going to do terror GRLuRCHRlAI-00513-00131337-00131546 country because they wouldn't happy GRLuRCHRlAI-00514-00131547-00132127 enough with their 700 with a average GRLuRCHRlAI-00515-00132128-00132635 $7,000 for a family or perk tip per GRLuRCHRlAI-00516-00132636-00133058 dreamer over $7,000 and help and it gets GRLuRCHRlAI-00517-00133059-00133406 700 bucks a month I get five fitting GRLuRCHRlAI-00518-00133407-00133571 this dreamer over here just committing GRLuRCHRlAI-00519-00133572-00133898 crimes and stuff is getting 700 what the GRLuRCHRlAI-00520-00133899-00134297 hell is going on we the people deserve a GRLuRCHRlAI-00521-00134298-00134795 government that is pro-american make GRLuRCHRlAI-00522-00134796-00135139 America great again and what we got is GRLuRCHRlAI-00523-00135140-00135503 basic basically terror if they're GRLuRCHRlAI-00524-00135504-00135815 terrorists that's over in our government GRLuRCHRlAI-00525-00135816-00136169 and it goes eight this this crap there's GRLuRCHRlAI-00526-00136170-00136460 a few bad seeds in the FBI and the DOJ GRLuRCHRlAI-00527-00136461-00136847 Oh check out the CIA alright check out GRLuRCHRlAI-00528-00136848-00137518 the EPA check out the USDA check out GRLuRCHRlAI-00529-00137519-00137819 check out all of them and I'm talking GRLuRCHRlAI-00530-00137820-00137996 about from the top to the bottom there GRLuRCHRlAI-00531-00137997-00138449 there is evil traitors from the top to GRLuRCHRlAI-00532-00138450-00138754 the bottom and if there any Trump GRLuRCHRlAI-00533-00138755-00139063 anti-american they're part of the evil GRLuRCHRlAI-00534-00139064-00139469 traitors to the nation and they all need GRLuRCHRlAI-00535-00139470-00139727 to be purged screw that idea that GRLuRCHRlAI-00536-00139728-00139954 there's only a few oh we don't want to GRLuRCHRlAI-00537-00139955-00140177 we don't want to offend a rank-and-file GRLuRCHRlAI-00538-00140178-00140411 they're just so generous and beautiful GRLuRCHRlAI-00539-00140412-00140765 like the dreamers are it's a joke it's a GRLuRCHRlAI-00540-00140766-00141184 total filthy joke and it needs to stop GRLuRCHRlAI-00541-00141185-00141497 but this Rick this right here shows you GRLuRCHRlAI-00542-00141498-00141851 the mindset of the main screen media the GRLuRCHRlAI-00543-00141852-00142211 murders are truth there was ABC CBS Jim GRLuRCHRlAI-00544-00142212-00142490 Acosta can't couldn't wait to run his GRLuRCHRlAI-00545-00142491-00142841 mouth saying lazy asses he said it twice GRLuRCHRlAI-00546-00142842-00143126 lazy is this offensive vivid can you GRLuRCHRlAI-00547-00143127-00143633 admit it it's lazy asses lazy asses yeah GRLuRCHRlAI-00548-00143634-00143876 and you're a lazy ass to a costume cuz GRLuRCHRlAI-00549-00143877-00144104 you ain't got nothing the rhetoric and GRLuRCHRlAI-00550-00144105-00144541 bullcrap Jim Acosta that your name rings GRLuRCHRlAI-00551-00144542-00144722 true you're always running around a GRLuRCHRlAI-00552-00144723-00144974 constant people you need to shut the GRLuRCHRlAI-00553-00144975-00145262 hell up and get the hell out because you GRLuRCHRlAI-00554-00145263-00145516 are far cry from a reporter or GRLuRCHRlAI-00555-00145517-00145814 journalist all you are is a babbling GRLuRCHRlAI-00556-00145815-00146108 idiot that deserves to be kicked out of GRLuRCHRlAI-00557-00146109-00146405 the White House press corps out into the GRLuRCHRlAI-00558-00146406-00146684 street and nobody give you any pennies GRLuRCHRlAI-00559-00146685-00147095 for your bucket Jim Acosta what a joke GRLuRCHRlAI-00560-00147096-00147410 they're all a joke every stinking one of GRLuRCHRlAI-00561-00147411-00147629 them and that black chick she's sitting GRLuRCHRlAI-00562-00147630-00147809 in the middle of the crowd like I'm high GRLuRCHRlAI-00563-00147810-00147965 I'm a black tick GRLuRCHRlAI-00564-00147966-00148178 way to bet the black people would still GRLuRCHRlAI-00565-00148179-00148406 venture to the black people he's GRLuRCHRlAI-00566-00148407-00148679 attacking the bread people yeah she's a GRLuRCHRlAI-00567-00148680-00149006 cheese of biggest ugly fat little troll GRLuRCHRlAI-00568-00149007-00149276 racism which she is she uses her get her GRLuRCHRlAI-00569-00149277-00149504 ass out of there too you know GRLuRCHRlAI-00570-00149505-00149690 the whole front row man is clean them GRLuRCHRlAI-00571-00149691-00149858 out they all sit up there on their GRLuRCHRlAI-00572-00149859-00149990 little purchase like they're they're GRLuRCHRlAI-00573-00149991-00150221 actually reporting something if every GRLuRCHRlAI-00574-00150222-00150377 single question it comes out their mouth GRLuRCHRlAI-00575-00150378-00150778 is to cost her that's right take Sarah GRLuRCHRlAI-00576-00150779-00151127 and criticize our president on every GRLuRCHRlAI-00577-00151128-00151391 term every angle nothing positive comes GRLuRCHRlAI-00578-00151392-00151706 out of their mouth ever and they all ask GRLuRCHRlAI-00579-00151707-00152162 the same babbling question over and over GRLuRCHRlAI-00580-00152163-00152408 and over and she's like I've said it a GRLuRCHRlAI-00581-00152409-00152665 hundred times I'll say it again you know GRLuRCHRlAI-00582-00152666-00152882 we can walk and chew gum at the same GRLuRCHRlAI-00583-00152883-00153158 time here at the White House you can you GRLuRCHRlAI-00584-00153159-00153508 all stuck on some weird crazy as GRLuRCHRlAI-00585-00153509-00153815 anti-trump anti-american rhetoric and GRLuRCHRlAI-00586-00153816-00154232 you all need to be fired that's my GRLuRCHRlAI-00587-00154233-00154297 opinion GRLuRCHRlAI-00588-00154298-00154516 tell me what you think below the GRLuRCHRlAI-00589-00154517-00154796 comments look I love the hate part to GRLuRCHRlAI-00590-00154797-00154994 hating Amy if you want but I'm telling GRLuRCHRlAI-00591-00154995-00155324 the truth and you know it so that's all GRLuRCHRlAI-00592-00155325-00155585 I got for today and thank you for GRLuRCHRlAI-00593-00155586-00155968 watching and God bless you god bless GRLuRCHRlAI-00594-00155969-00156309 anything you love and you got it god GRLuRCHRlAI-00595-00156310-00156750 bless america GRLuRCHRlAI-00596-00156751-00156966 love y'all I'll see you what I'll see GRLuRCHRlAI-00597-00156967-00157186 you all right bye Sarah had to be GRLuRCHRlAI-00598-00157187-00157311 Sanders I love you baby GRLuRCHRlAI-00599-00157312-00157582 bye-bye GS5g2jZJ30M-00000-00000000-00000323 autism is more than just a disability GS5g2jZJ30M-00001-00000324-00000599 autism is a golden opportunity to change GS5g2jZJ30M-00002-00000600-00000862 the world and Inspire lives throughout GS5g2jZJ30M-00003-00000863-00001025 the United States and throughout the GS5g2jZJ30M-00004-00001026-00001277 globe today I send a message to everyone GS5g2jZJ30M-00005-00001278-00001523 that knows autism and knows with autism GS5g2jZJ30M-00006-00001524-00001793 that you're not alone your voices will GS5g2jZJ30M-00007-00001794-00002129 be heard we will be seen and let me tell GS5g2jZJ30M-00008-00002130-00002437 you autism can never Define who you are GS5g2jZJ30M-00009-00002438-00002860 autism isn't just a disability you see I GS5g2jZJ30M-00010-00002861-00003089 was diagnosed with autism myself when I GS5g2jZJ30M-00011-00003090-00003419 was two years old in 2004 I never knew GS5g2jZJ30M-00012-00003420-00003743 at first that I had it I knew that I had GS5g2jZJ30M-00013-00003744-00003977 it upon my parents discovering that I GS5g2jZJ30M-00014-00003978-00004145 was acting weird acting a little GS5g2jZJ30M-00015-00004146-00004336 differently than others especially in GS5g2jZJ30M-00016-00004337-00004619 preschool when I was throwing things GS5g2jZJ30M-00017-00004620-00004883 around refusing to play with others and GS5g2jZJ30M-00018-00004884-00005045 all that crazy stuff and you know GS5g2jZJ30M-00019-00005046-00005219 refusing to go to the bathroom because I GS5g2jZJ30M-00020-00005220-00005345 didn't want to stop what I was doing GS5g2jZJ30M-00021-00005346-00005615 that's what having autism is like so you GS5g2jZJ30M-00022-00005616-00005927 see autism is more than just a GS5g2jZJ30M-00023-00005928-00006131 disability GS5g2jZJ30M-00024-00006132-00006388 it's something that you should take GS5g2jZJ30M-00025-00006389-00006641 advantage of because so many people are GS5g2jZJ30M-00026-00006642-00006887 out there with autism don't get a chance GS5g2jZJ30M-00027-00006888-00007156 to be heard or to be seen so GS5g2jZJ30M-00028-00007158-00007463 please spread the message and when I say GS5g2jZJ30M-00029-00007464-00007792 that autistic lives really matter and GS5g2jZJ30M-00030-00007793-00008027 that all people with Autism deserve to GS5g2jZJ30M-00031-00008028-00008201 have their voices heard and deserve to GS5g2jZJ30M-00032-00008202-00008345 be seen GS5g2jZJ30M-00033-00008346-00008699 so I spread this message because GS5g2jZJ30M-00034-00008700-00009035 I want to send a message to everyone I GS5g2jZJ30M-00035-00009036-00009221 want to send a message to the world that GS5g2jZJ30M-00036-00009222-00009389 just because you have autism or GS5g2jZJ30M-00037-00009390-00009724 disability doesn't mean you don't belong GS5g2jZJ30M-00038-00009725-00009995 everybody with or without autism belongs GS5g2jZJ30M-00039-00009996-00010253 in this world everybody with and without GS5g2jZJ30M-00040-00010254-00010613 autism deserves that to have GS5g2jZJ30M-00041-00010614-00010805 Second Chances GS5g2jZJ30M-00042-00010806-00011051 everybody with in or without autism GS5g2jZJ30M-00043-00011052-00011314 deserves to pursue their dreams people GS5g2jZJ30M-00044-00011315-00011633 with Autism deserve to be treated the GS5g2jZJ30M-00045-00011634-00011806 same way as normal people GS5g2jZJ30M-00046-00011807-00012191 with autism deserve to have a voice GS5g2jZJ30M-00047-00012192-00012449 and we will not rest until every single GS5g2jZJ30M-00048-00012450-00012653 autistic voice is heard and that GS5g2jZJ30M-00049-00012654-00012935 internationally and domestically that GS5g2jZJ30M-00050-00012936-00013163 every single person with autism GS5g2jZJ30M-00051-00013163-00013486 is heard and seen and GS5g2jZJ30M-00052-00013487-00013738 people can start recognizing that having GS5g2jZJ30M-00053-00013740-00014021 autism makes you special GS5g2jZJ30M-00054-00014022-00014303 and and for me myself even at times GS5g2jZJ30M-00055-00014304-00014458 where I feel like I wish I never had GS5g2jZJ30M-00056-00014459-00014680 autism I feel I feel really blessed to GS5g2jZJ30M-00057-00014681-00014843 have autism myself GS5g2jZJ30M-00058-00014844-00015047 because having autism GS5g2jZJ30M-00059-00015047-00015347 means that I can still I can always be GS5g2jZJ30M-00060-00015347-00015616 who I am having autism is more than just GS5g2jZJ30M-00061-00015618-00015857 having a disability it means being GS5g2jZJ30M-00062-00015858-00016108 privileged special and feeling like GS5g2jZJ30M-00063-00016109-00016300 you're just as important as normal GS5g2jZJ30M-00064-00016301-00016475 people so GS5g2jZJ30M-00065-00016476-00016697 I want to send this message out to the GS5g2jZJ30M-00066-00016698-00016871 world so that everybody can understand GS5g2jZJ30M-00067-00016872-00017219 that autism is is just as important as GS5g2jZJ30M-00068-00017220-00017513 any other disability and autistic people GS5g2jZJ30M-00069-00017514-00017813 are just as special as normal people so GS5g2jZJ30M-00070-00017814-00018041 please take this time to take advantage GS5g2jZJ30M-00071-00018042-00018322 of of listening to autism and GS5g2jZJ30M-00072-00018323-00018622 understanding it and that someday you GS5g2jZJ30M-00073-00018623-00019043 can join us in spreading peace love and GS5g2jZJ30M-00074-00019044-00019379 positivity to the world and that people GS5g2jZJ30M-00075-00019380-00019594 with Autism deserve to have second GS5g2jZJ30M-00076-00019595-00019841 chances people with Autism deserve to GS5g2jZJ30M-00077-00019842-00019967 play GS5g2jZJ30M-00078-00019968-00020194 people with Autism deserve to have GS5g2jZJ30M-00079-00020195-00020327 opportunities GS5g2jZJ30M-00080-00020328-00020608 people with Autism deserve to to follow GS5g2jZJ30M-00081-00020609-00020885 their dreams don't let autism Define who GS5g2jZJ30M-00082-00020886-00021214 you are use autism as a goal opportunity GS5g2jZJ30M-00083-00021215-00021430 to go down the path that you want to go GS5g2jZJ30M-00084-00021431-00021694 down and that the more you follow your GS5g2jZJ30M-00085-00021695-00021935 dreams the more you're likely to get it GS5g2jZJ30M-00086-00021936-00022264 so please understand and I really would GS5g2jZJ30M-00087-00022265-00022463 appreciate that if you all would listen GS5g2jZJ30M-00088-00022464-00022697 and realize that every single person GS5g2jZJ30M-00089-00022698-00022943 with autism matters the most it would GS5g2jZJ30M-00090-00022944-00023249 mean so much to us within the autism GS5g2jZJ30M-00091-00023250-00023380 community GS5g2jZJ30M-00092-00023381-00023777 so with that being said I want to take GS5g2jZJ30M-00093-00023778-00023963 this time to make you all realize that GS5g2jZJ30M-00094-00023964-00024100 if you don't know what it's like to have GS5g2jZJ30M-00095-00024101-00024214 autism GS5g2jZJ30M-00096-00024215-00024425 well let me tell you GS5g2jZJ30M-00097-00024426-00024677 sometimes it's not as easy as it looks GS5g2jZJ30M-00098-00024678-00024947 having autism doesn't mean you're not GS5g2jZJ30M-00099-00024948-00025235 special if you are special if you have GS5g2jZJ30M-00100-00025236-00025457 autism don't let anyone get in the way GS5g2jZJ30M-00101-00025458-00025667 of that don't let anyone get in the way GS5g2jZJ30M-00102-00025668-00025978 of letting of you pursuing your dreams GS5g2jZJ30M-00103-00025979-00026387 you do you you be yourself just GS5g2jZJ30M-00104-00026388-00026596 and for those with autism let me just GS5g2jZJ30M-00105-00026597-00026711 say to you GS5g2jZJ30M-00106-00026712-00026939 um you're not alone GS5g2jZJ30M-00107-00026939-00027179 and I will and I will assume and I will GS5g2jZJ30M-00108-00027180-00027370 make sure that we can do I can do GS5g2jZJ30M-00109-00027372-00027557 everything in my power to make sure that GS5g2jZJ30M-00110-00027558-00027899 every single voice with autism is heard GS5g2jZJ30M-00111-00027900-00028145 and every single person with autism is GS5g2jZJ30M-00112-00028145-00028493 seen and that we will not be silent GS5g2jZJ30M-00113-00028494-00028768 we will not be ignored and we will fight GS5g2jZJ30M-00114-00028769-00029074 and fight and fight until every single GS5g2jZJ30M-00115-00029075-00029429 autistic life and voice is heard so GS5g2jZJ30M-00116-00029430-00029651 thank you for letting me send this GS5g2jZJ30M-00117-00029652-00029764 message GS5g2jZJ30M-00118-00029766-00029920 to the world GS5g2jZJ30M-00119-00029922-00030131 to to the community GS5g2jZJ30M-00120-00030132-00030467 and to um to Autism Speaks and um on GS5g2jZJ30M-00121-00030468-00030652 behalf of myself GS5g2jZJ30M-00122-00030654-00030833 thank you for letting me speak out GS5g2jZJ30M-00123-00030833-00031073 against you know a very special GS5g2jZJ30M-00124-00031074-00031229 disability that GS5g2jZJ30M-00125-00031230-00031505 I'm fortunate to have God gave me that GS5g2jZJ30M-00126-00031506-00031835 God gave me and that GS5g2jZJ30M-00127-00031836-00032117 you want to understand God wants you to GS5g2jZJ30M-00128-00032118-00032333 understand that just because people have GS5g2jZJ30M-00129-00032333-00032543 disabilities doesn't mean they're not GS5g2jZJ30M-00130-00032544-00032807 smart or talented GS5g2jZJ30M-00131-00032808-00033124 or nor are they stupid GS5g2jZJ30M-00132-00033125-00033496 nobody with autism is weird nobody with GS5g2jZJ30M-00133-00033497-00033767 autism people with Autism should not be GS5g2jZJ30M-00134-00033768-00033911 called freaks GS5g2jZJ30M-00135-00033912-00034324 we are not freaks we are special no we GS5g2jZJ30M-00136-00034325-00034493 are special people with with GS5g2jZJ30M-00137-00034494-00034618 disabilities GS5g2jZJ30M-00138-00034619-00034843 and just because you have a disability GS5g2jZJ30M-00139-00034844-00035177 does not mean you're not special because GS5g2jZJ30M-00140-00035178-00035399 you are GS5g2jZJ30M-00141-00035400-00035645 you may and now you and and you may not GS5g2jZJ30M-00142-00035646-00035945 realize it but having autism GS5g2jZJ30M-00143-00035946-00036239 to those to all those with autism you GS5g2jZJ30M-00144-00036240-00036407 may not realize that you're probably a GS5g2jZJ30M-00145-00036408-00036611 lot more special than you think you are GS5g2jZJ30M-00146-00036612-00036796 so GS5g2jZJ30M-00147-00036797-00037073 and I and and from from a first-hand GS5g2jZJ30M-00148-00037074-00037415 perspective I I this is something I've GS5g2jZJ30M-00149-00037416-00037757 experienced myself GS5g2jZJ30M-00150-00037758-00037949 and I've know and I know about and GS5g2jZJ30M-00151-00037950-00038140 because again I've experienced this GS5g2jZJ30M-00152-00038141-00038327 because I'm I've had this my whole life GS5g2jZJ30M-00153-00038328-00038609 since I was a toddler GS5g2jZJ30M-00154-00038610-00038843 oh GS5g2jZJ30M-00155-00038844-00039124 but please please know that every single GS5g2jZJ30M-00156-00039125-00039359 autistic voice will be heard and every GS5g2jZJ30M-00157-00039360-00039629 single autistic life matters GS5g2jZJ30M-00158-00039630-00039809 they're just as important as normal GS5g2jZJ30M-00159-00039810-00039929 lives GS5g2jZJ30M-00160-00039930-00040168 so thank you for listening and hope GS5g2jZJ30M-00161-00040169-00040480 thank you for trying to understand and GS5g2jZJ30M-00162-00040481-00040639 spread the word GS5g2jZJ30M-00163-00040640-00040973 autistic lives matter GS5g2jZJ30M-00164-00040974-00041246 thank you GSnZpk-H6_Y-00000-00000176-00000607 why use easy of his financials or Excel GSnZpk-H6_Y-00001-00000608-00000935 to prepare financial statements the best GSnZpk-H6_Y-00002-00000936-00001157 way to understand this is look at the GSnZpk-H6_Y-00003-00001158-00001387 difficulties and challenges that are GSnZpk-H6_Y-00004-00001388-00001532 faced with preparing financial GSnZpk-H6_Y-00005-00001533-00001939 statements using Microsoft Excel which GSnZpk-H6_Y-00006-00001941-00002251 can be overcome when prepared using easy GSnZpk-H6_Y-00007-00002252-00002666 FS financials some of the common issues GSnZpk-H6_Y-00008-00002667-00002893 faced when preparing financial GSnZpk-H6_Y-00009-00002894-00003203 statements using Excel can be broken GSnZpk-H6_Y-00010-00003204-00003463 down into two categories the first GSnZpk-H6_Y-00011-00003464-00003745 category is the functions that are more GSnZpk-H6_Y-00012-00003746-00004418 complicated when done on Excel such as GSnZpk-H6_Y-00013-00004419-00004679 classifying accounts and having ready GSnZpk-H6_Y-00014-00004680-00004904 access to the classifications when GSnZpk-H6_Y-00015-00004905-00005163 preparing the financial statements GSnZpk-H6_Y-00016-00005164-00005468 passing of adjusting entries inserting GSnZpk-H6_Y-00017-00005469-00005763 new notes managing node numbering GSnZpk-H6_Y-00018-00005764-00006031 formatting paragraphs along with table GSnZpk-H6_Y-00019-00006032-00006302 information and the added complications GSnZpk-H6_Y-00020-00006303-00006556 when it comes to formulas that are GSnZpk-H6_Y-00021-00006558-00006863 referencing many spreadsheets achieving GSnZpk-H6_Y-00022-00006864-00007148 the eval is more complicated when done GSnZpk-H6_Y-00023-00007148-00007489 on Excel in comparison to easier FERS GSnZpk-H6_Y-00024-00007490-00007901 financials the second category is to do GSnZpk-H6_Y-00025-00007902-00008084 with processes that are more difficult GSnZpk-H6_Y-00026-00008084-00008485 or cannot be achieved in Excel like GSnZpk-H6_Y-00027-00008486-00008780 automating page numbering and adding a GSnZpk-H6_Y-00028-00008781-00009044 table of contents adding page and GSnZpk-H6_Y-00029-00009045-00009271 section breaks headers and footers GSnZpk-H6_Y-00030-00009272-00009566 maintain consistency in formatting GSnZpk-H6_Y-00031-00009567-00009812 tabular information and the overall GSnZpk-H6_Y-00032-00009813-00010148 formatting of the final report in GSnZpk-H6_Y-00033-00010149-00010376 addition Excel does not have a role of a GSnZpk-H6_Y-00034-00010377-00010694 function for rolling over financial data GSnZpk-H6_Y-00035-00010695-00011003 for the next reporting period or the GSnZpk-H6_Y-00036-00011004-00011310 ability to create templates GSnZpk-H6_Y-00037-00011311-00011527 now does it enable a consistent approach GSnZpk-H6_Y-00038-00011528-00011803 when preparing financial statements and GSnZpk-H6_Y-00039-00011804-00012070 it does not maintain a good audit trail GSnZpk-H6_Y-00040-00012071-00012478 in regard to adjusting entry spaz how GSnZpk-H6_Y-00041-00012479-00012784 the accounts have been classified or how GSnZpk-H6_Y-00042-00012785-00013030 the classifications have been used in GSnZpk-H6_Y-00043-00013031-00013350 preparing the financial statements GSnZpk-H6_Y-00044-00013351-00013621 developing and maintaining the above GSnZpk-H6_Y-00045-00013622-00013866 functionality using Microsoft Excel GSnZpk-H6_Y-00046-00013868-00014143 would be difficult even if it was GSnZpk-H6_Y-00047-00014144-00014394 possible that is why using a software GSnZpk-H6_Y-00048-00014394-00014616 specifically designed to prepare GSnZpk-H6_Y-00049-00014618-00014844 financial statements will make the GSnZpk-H6_Y-00050-00014845-00015181 process easier and more efficient this GSnZpk-H6_Y-00051-00015182-00015450 is in addition to easy of his financials GSnZpk-H6_Y-00052-00015451-00015733 providing a better formatted final GSnZpk-H6_Y-00053-00015734-00016197 report that ends the high-level GSnZpk-H6_Y-00054-00016197-00016422 reasoning for using easy phase GSnZpk-H6_Y-00055-00016423-00016735 financials over Microsoft Excel when it GSnZpk-H6_Y-00056-00016736-00017131 comes to preparing financial statements GUONPsHjI70-00000-00000088-00002199 [Music] GUONPsHjI70-00001-00002200-00002380 so GUONPsHjI70-00003-00007247-00007268 [Applause] GUONPsHjI70-00004-00007269-00007998 [Music] GUONPsHjI70-00005-00008000-00008256 bye GUYHP3UpP7c-00000-00000092-00000313 aristocracy Greek aristocrat eeeh GUYHP3UpP7c-00001-00000314-00000538 aristocrat eeeh from aristos aristos GUYHP3UpP7c-00002-00000539-00000890 excellent and Kratos Kratos rule is a GUYHP3UpP7c-00003-00000891-00001091 form of government that places strength GUYHP3UpP7c-00004-00001092-00001249 in the hands of a small privileged GUYHP3UpP7c-00005-00001250-00001528 ruling class the term derives from the GUYHP3UpP7c-00006-00001529-00001780 Greek aristocrat iya meaning rule of the GUYHP3UpP7c-00007-00001782-00002042 best born the term is synonymous with GUYHP3UpP7c-00008-00002043-00002249 hereditary government and hereditary GUYHP3UpP7c-00009-00002250-00002462 succession as its primary philosophy GUYHP3UpP7c-00010-00002463-00002650 after which the hereditary monarch GUYHP3UpP7c-00011-00002651-00002935 appoints officers as they see fit at the GUYHP3UpP7c-00012-00002936-00003098 time of the words origins in ancient GUYHP3UpP7c-00013-00003099-00003317 Greece the Greeks conceived it as ruled GUYHP3UpP7c-00014-00003318-00003595 by the best qualified citizens and often GUYHP3UpP7c-00015-00003596-00003767 contrasted it favorably with monarchy GUYHP3UpP7c-00016-00003768-00004099 ruled by an individual in later times GUYHP3UpP7c-00017-00004100-00004354 aristocracy was usually seen as ruled by GUYHP3UpP7c-00018-00004355-00004541 a privileged group the aristocratic GUYHP3UpP7c-00019-00004542-00004756 class and has since been contrasted with GUYHP3UpP7c-00020-00004757-00005081 democracy the idea of hybrid forms which GUYHP3UpP7c-00021-00005082-00005291 have aspects of both aristocracy and GUYHP3UpP7c-00022-00005292-00005492 democracy are in use in the parliament GUYHP3UpP7c-00023-00005493-00006025 form GUYHP3UpP7c-00024-00006026-00006536 topic concept GUYHP3UpP7c-00025-00006537-00006780 the concept evolved in ancient Greece GUYHP3UpP7c-00026-00006781-00007005 whereby a Council of leading citizens GUYHP3UpP7c-00027-00007006-00007217 was commonly empowered and contrasted GUYHP3UpP7c-00028-00007218-00007431 with representative democracy in which a GUYHP3UpP7c-00029-00007431-00007617 Council of citizens was appointed as the GUYHP3UpP7c-00030-00007618-00007889 Senate of a city-state or other GUYHP3UpP7c-00031-00007890-00008127 political unit the Greeks did not like GUYHP3UpP7c-00032-00008128-00008324 the concept of monarchy and as their GUYHP3UpP7c-00033-00008325-00008568 democratic system fell aristocracy was GUYHP3UpP7c-00034-00008569-00008913 upheld in the 1650 one book Leviathan GUYHP3UpP7c-00035-00008914-00009141 Thomas Hobbes describes an aristocracy GUYHP3UpP7c-00036-00009142-00009324 as a Commonwealth in which the GUYHP3UpP7c-00037-00009325-00009498 representative of the citizens as an GUYHP3UpP7c-00038-00009499-00009798 assembly by part only it is a system in GUYHP3UpP7c-00039-00009799-00009948 which only a small part of the GUYHP3UpP7c-00040-00009949-00010105 population represents the government GUYHP3UpP7c-00041-00010106-00010409 certain men distinguished from the rest GUYHP3UpP7c-00042-00010410-00010713 modern depictions of aristocracy tend to GUYHP3UpP7c-00043-00010714-00010874 regard it not as the ancient Greek GUYHP3UpP7c-00044-00010875-00011105 concept of rule by the best but more is GUYHP3UpP7c-00045-00011106-00011379 an oligarchy or plutocracy rule by the GUYHP3UpP7c-00046-00011380-00011577 few or the wealthy the concept of GUYHP3UpP7c-00047-00011578-00011832 aristocracy per Plato has an ideal state GUYHP3UpP7c-00048-00011833-00012084 ruled by the philosopher King Plato GUYHP3UpP7c-00049-00012085-00012413 describes these philosopher kings as GUYHP3UpP7c-00050-00012414-00012662 those who love the sight of truth GUYHP3UpP7c-00051-00012663-00013052 Republic 475 CE and supports the idea GUYHP3UpP7c-00052-00013053-00013238 with the analogy of a captain and his GUYHP3UpP7c-00053-00013240-00013433 ship or a doctor in his medicine GUYHP3UpP7c-00054-00013434-00013680 according to him sailing and health are GUYHP3UpP7c-00055-00013681-00013866 not things that everyone is qualified to GUYHP3UpP7c-00056-00013866-00014153 practice by nature a large part of the GUYHP3UpP7c-00057-00014154-00014316 Republic then addresses how the GUYHP3UpP7c-00058-00014316-00014525 educational system should be set up to GUYHP3UpP7c-00059-00014526-00014833 produce these philosopher Kings GUYHP3UpP7c-00060-00014834-00015213 equals equals see also GZnScVYomO0-00000-00000049-00000246 types of cheese are grouped or GZnScVYomO0-00001-00000247-00000474 classified according to criteria such as GZnScVYomO0-00002-00000475-00000728 length of fermentated texture methods of GZnScVYomO0-00003-00000729-00000981 making fat content animal milk country GZnScVYomO0-00004-00000982-00001299 or region of origin etc the method most GZnScVYomO0-00005-00001300-00001508 commonly and traditionally used is based GZnScVYomO0-00006-00001509-00001671 on moisture content which is then GZnScVYomO0-00007-00001672-00001898 further narrowed down by fat content and GZnScVYomO0-00008-00001899-00002192 curing or ripening methods the criteria GZnScVYomO0-00009-00002193-00002355 may either be used singly or in GZnScVYomO0-00010-00002356-00002582 combination with no single method being GZnScVYomO0-00011-00002583-00002789 universally used the combination of GZnScVYomO0-00012-00002790-00002984 types produces around 50 different GZnScVYomO0-00013-00002985-00003155 varieties recognized by the GZnScVYomO0-00014-00003156-00003431 International Dairy Federation over 400 GZnScVYomO0-00015-00003432-00003663 identified by Walter and Hargrove over GZnScVYomO0-00016-00003664-00003936 500 by burkhalter and over 1,000 by GZnScVYomO0-00017-00003936-00004200 Sandeen and L occur some attempts have GZnScVYomO0-00018-00004201-00004331 been made to rationalize the GZnScVYomO0-00019-00004332-00004547 classification of cheese a scheme was GZnScVYomO0-00020-00004548-00004757 proposed by Peter Wahlstrom that uses GZnScVYomO0-00021-00004758-00004952 the primary and secondary starter GZnScVYomO0-00022-00004953-00005120 combined with moisture content and GZnScVYomO0-00023-00005121-00005297 Walter and Hargrove suggested GZnScVYomO0-00024-00005298-00005568 classifying by production methods this GZnScVYomO0-00025-00005569-00005816 last scheme results in 18 types which GZnScVYomO0-00026-00005817-00005972 are then further grouped by moisture GZnScVYomO0-00027-00005973-00006523 content GZnScVYomO0-00028-00006525-00006836 topic fresh way and stretched curd GZnScVYomO0-00029-00006837-00007238 cheese's GZnScVYomO0-00030-00007239-00007475 the main factor in categorizing these GZnScVYomO0-00031-00007476-00007709 cheese's is age fresh cheese's without GZnScVYomO0-00032-00007709-00007928 additional preservatives can spoil in a GZnScVYomO0-00033-00007929-00008201 matter of days for these simplest GZnScVYomO0-00034-00008202-00008399 cheese's milk is curdled and drained GZnScVYomO0-00035-00008400-00008584 with little other processing GZnScVYomO0-00036-00008585-00008846 examples include cottage cheese cream GZnScVYomO0-00037-00008847-00009107 cheese curd cheese farmer cheese sauce GZnScVYomO0-00038-00009108-00009437 Shiina fromage blanc queso fresco paneer GZnScVYomO0-00039-00009438-00009689 and fresh goat's milk chevre such GZnScVYomO0-00040-00009690-00009887 cheese's are soft and spreadable with a GZnScVYomO0-00041-00009888-00010184 mild flavour weight cheese's or fresh GZnScVYomO0-00042-00010185-00010388 cheese is made from whey a by-product GZnScVYomO0-00043-00010389-00010553 from the process of producing other GZnScVYomO0-00044-00010554-00010679 cheeses which would otherwise be GZnScVYomO0-00045-00010680-00011009 discarded Corsican brought you italian GZnScVYomO0-00046-00011010-00011258 ricotta romanian era greek Mzee through GZnScVYomO0-00047-00011259-00011504 Cypriot inari cheese Himalayan chirpy GZnScVYomO0-00048-00011505-00011698 and Norwegian brunost are examples GZnScVYomO0-00049-00011699-00011981 brought shoe is mostly eaten fresh and GZnScVYomO0-00050-00011982-00012149 is as such a major ingredient in GZnScVYomO0-00051-00012150-00012332 Corsican cuisine but it can also be GZnScVYomO0-00052-00012333-00012665 found in an aged form some fresh cheeses GZnScVYomO0-00053-00012666-00012893 such as fromage blanc and fromage frais GZnScVYomO0-00054-00012894-00013079 are commonly sold and consumed as GZnScVYomO0-00055-00013080-00013619 desserts GZnScVYomO0-00056-00013620-00014191 topic stretched curd Jesus GZnScVYomO0-00057-00014191-00014450 traditional pasta falada cheeses such as GZnScVYomO0-00058-00014451-00014666 mozzarella also fall into the fresh GZnScVYomO0-00059-00014666-00014924 cheese category fresh curds are GZnScVYomO0-00060-00014925-00015094 stretched and kneaded in hot water to GZnScVYomO0-00061-00015095-00015296 form a ball of mozzarella which in GZnScVYomO0-00062-00015297-00015497 southern Italy is usually eaten within a GZnScVYomO0-00063-00015497-00015775 few hours of being made stored in brine GZnScVYomO0-00064-00015776-00015971 it can easily be shipped and it is known GZnScVYomO0-00065-00015972-00016652 worldwide for its use on pizza GZnScVYomO0-00066-00016653-00017287 topic moisture soft too hard GZnScVYomO0-00067-00017288-00017513 categorizing cheese's by moisture GZnScVYomO0-00068-00017514-00017711 content or firmness as a common but GZnScVYomO0-00069-00017712-00018017 inexact practice the lines between soft GZnScVYomO0-00070-00018018-00018224 semi soft semi hard and hard are GZnScVYomO0-00071-00018225-00018428 arbitrary and many types of cheese are GZnScVYomO0-00072-00018429-00018692 made in softer or firmer variants the GZnScVYomO0-00073-00018693-00018899 factor that controls cheese hardness has GZnScVYomO0-00074-00018900-00019088 moisture content which depends on the GZnScVYomO0-00075-00019089-00019244 pressure with which it is packed into GZnScVYomO0-00076-00019245-00019886 molds and upon aging time GZnScVYomO0-00077-00019887-00020400 topic soft cheese GZnScVYomO0-00078-00020401-00020688 cream cheeses are not matured Bree and GZnScVYomO0-00079-00020689-00020868 neuchâtel are soft type cheeses that GZnScVYomO0-00080-00020869-00021147 mature for more than a month neuchâtel GZnScVYomO0-00081-00021148-00021342 is a soft cheese which can be sold after GZnScVYomO0-00082-00021343-00021972 10 days of maturation GZnScVYomO0-00083-00021973-00022641 topic semi-soft cheese semi-soft GZnScVYomO0-00084-00022642-00022854 cheese's and the subgroup monestary GZnScVYomO0-00085-00022855-00023064 cheese's have a high moisture content GZnScVYomO0-00086-00023065-00023250 and tend to be mild tasting well-known GZnScVYomO0-00087-00023251-00023463 varieties include Havarti Munster and GZnScVYomO0-00088-00023464-00024024 Port Salut GZnScVYomO0-00089-00024025-00024578 topic medium hard cheese GZnScVYomO0-00090-00024579-00024839 cheese's that range in texture from semi GZnScVYomO0-00091-00024840-00025069 soft to firm include Swiss style cheeses GZnScVYomO0-00092-00025070-00025349 such as Emmental in Gruyere the same GZnScVYomO0-00093-00025350-00025544 bacteria that gives such cheese's their GZnScVYomO0-00094-00025545-00025756 eyes also contribute to their aromatic GZnScVYomO0-00095-00025757-00026050 and sharp flavors other semi-soft to GZnScVYomO0-00096-00026051-00026252 firm cheese's include Gouda Eden GZnScVYomO0-00097-00026252-00026568 Jarlsberg Kendall and kashkaval cascavel GZnScVYomO0-00098-00026569-00026786 cheese's of this type are ideal for GZnScVYomO0-00099-00026787-00026968 melting and are often served on toast GZnScVYomO0-00100-00026969-00027648 for quick snacks or simple meals GZnScVYomO0-00101-00027649-00028264 topic semi-hard or hard cheese GZnScVYomO0-00102-00028264-00028492 harder cheese's have a lower moisture GZnScVYomO0-00103-00028493-00028711 content than softer cheese's they are GZnScVYomO0-00104-00028712-00028890 generally packed into moulds under more GZnScVYomO0-00105-00028891-00029098 pressure and aged for a longer time than GZnScVYomO0-00106-00029099-00029337 the soft cheese's cheeses that are GZnScVYomO0-00107-00029338-00029554 classified as semi hard to heart include GZnScVYomO0-00108-00029555-00029758 the familiar cheddar originating in the GZnScVYomO0-00109-00029758-00029932 village of cheddar in England but now GZnScVYomO0-00110-00029933-00030157 used as a generic term for this style of GZnScVYomO0-00111-00030158-00030376 cheese of which varieties are imitated GZnScVYomO0-00112-00030377-00030568 worldwide and are marketed by strength GZnScVYomO0-00113-00030569-00030712 or the length of time they have been GZnScVYomO0-00114-00030713-00031036 aged cheddar is one of a family of semi GZnScVYomO0-00115-00031037-00031243 hard or hard cheeses including Cheshire GZnScVYomO0-00116-00031244-00031458 and Gloucester whose Kurt is cut gently GZnScVYomO0-00117-00031460-00031654 heated piled and stirred before being GZnScVYomO0-00118-00031655-00031924 pressed into forms Colby and Monterey GZnScVYomO0-00119-00031925-00032143 Jack are similar but milder cheese's GZnScVYomO0-00120-00032144-00032305 their curd is rinsed before it is GZnScVYomO0-00121-00032306-00032506 pressed washing away some acidity in GZnScVYomO0-00122-00032507-00032787 calcium a similar curd washing takes GZnScVYomO0-00123-00032788-00032971 place when making the Dutch cheese's GZnScVYomO0-00124-00032972-00033340 edom and Gouda hard cheeses grating GZnScVYomO0-00125-00033341-00033589 cheeses such as Grana Padano Parmesan or GZnScVYomO0-00126-00033590-00033856 pecorino are quite firmly packed into GZnScVYomO0-00127-00033857-00034592 large forms in aged for months or years GZnScVYomO0-00128-00034593-00034945 topic source of milk GZnScVYomO0-00129-00034946-00035130 you GZnScVYomO0-00130-00035131-00035349 some cheeses are categorized by the GZnScVYomO0-00131-00035350-00035535 source of the milk used to produce them GZnScVYomO0-00132-00035536-00035724 or by the added fat content of the milk GZnScVYomO0-00133-00035725-00035985 from which they are produced while most GZnScVYomO0-00134-00035986-00036117 of the world's commercially available GZnScVYomO0-00135-00036118-00036375 cheese is made from cows milk many parts GZnScVYomO0-00136-00036376-00036561 of the world also produced cheese from GZnScVYomO0-00137-00036562-00036680 goats and sheep GZnScVYomO0-00138-00036681-00036936 examples include Roquefort produced in GZnScVYomO0-00139-00036937-00037164 France and pecorino produced in Italy GZnScVYomO0-00140-00037165-00037473 from use milk one farm in Sweden also GZnScVYomO0-00141-00037474-00037640 produces cheese from mooses milk GZnScVYomO0-00142-00037641-00037881 sometimes cheese's marketed under the GZnScVYomO0-00143-00037882-00038028 same name are made from milk of GZnScVYomO0-00144-00038029-00038256 different animal feta cheese --is for GZnScVYomO0-00145-00038257-00038445 example are made from sheep's milk in GZnScVYomO0-00146-00038446-00038622 Greece and from cows milk elsewhere GZnScVYomO0-00147-00038623-00038853 double cream cheeses are soft cheeses of GZnScVYomO0-00148-00038854-00039045 cow's milk enriched with cream so that GZnScVYomO0-00149-00039046-00039333 their fat in dry matter f DM or FIDM GZnScVYomO0-00150-00039334-00039663 content is 60 to 75 percent triple cream GZnScVYomO0-00151-00039664-00040438 cheeses are enriched to at least 75% GZnScVYomO0-00152-00040439-00040932 Topic mold GZnScVYomO0-00153-00040933-00041151 there are three main categories of GZnScVYomO0-00154-00041152-00041346 cheese in which the presence of mold is GZnScVYomO0-00155-00041347-00041529 an important feature soft ripened GZnScVYomO0-00156-00041530-00041736 cheese's washed-rind cheese's and blue GZnScVYomO0-00157-00041737-00042267 cheeses GZnScVYomO0-00158-00042268-00042751 topic soft ripened GZnScVYomO0-00159-00042752-00043040 soft ripened cheeses begin firm and GZnScVYomO0-00160-00043041-00043241 rather chalky and texture but are aged GZnScVYomO0-00161-00043242-00043460 from the exterior inwards by exposing GZnScVYomO0-00162-00043461-00043730 them to mold the mold may be a velvety GZnScVYomO0-00163-00043731-00043934 bloom of pea camembert tea that forms a GZnScVYomO0-00164-00043935-00044150 flexible white crust and contributes to GZnScVYomO0-00165-00044151-00044375 the smooth runny or gooey textures and GZnScVYomO0-00166-00044376-00044528 more intense flavors of these aged GZnScVYomO0-00167-00044529-00044819 cheese's brie and camembert the most GZnScVYomO0-00168-00044820-00045005 famous of these cheeses are made by GZnScVYomO0-00169-00045006-00045161 allowing white mold to grow on the GZnScVYomO0-00170-00045162-00045362 outside of a soft cheese for a few days GZnScVYomO0-00171-00045363-00045647 or weeks goat's milk cheeses are often GZnScVYomO0-00172-00045648-00045824 treated in a similar manner sometimes GZnScVYomO0-00173-00045825-00046028 with white molds chevre blot and GZnScVYomO0-00174-00046029-00046622 sometimes with blue GZnScVYomO0-00175-00046623-00047282 topic washed-rind washed-rind cheese's GZnScVYomO0-00176-00047283-00047492 are soft in character and ripen in words GZnScVYomO0-00177-00047493-00047633 like those with white molds GZnScVYomO0-00178-00047634-00047812 however they are treated differently GZnScVYomO0-00179-00047813-00048059 washed-rind cheese's are periodically GZnScVYomO0-00180-00048060-00048272 cured in a solution of salt water brine GZnScVYomO0-00181-00048273-00048464 or mold bearing agents that may include GZnScVYomO0-00182-00048465-00048749 beer wine brandy and spices making their GZnScVYomO0-00183-00048750-00048986 surfaces amenable to a class of bacteria GZnScVYomO0-00184-00048987-00049223 brevibacterium linens the reddish orange GZnScVYomO0-00185-00049224-00049469 smear bacteria that impart pungent odors GZnScVYomO0-00186-00049470-00049658 and distinctive flavors and produce a GZnScVYomO0-00187-00049659-00049882 firm flavorful rind around the cheese GZnScVYomO0-00188-00049883-00050108 washed-rind cheese's can be soft GZnScVYomO0-00189-00050109-00050357 Limburger semi hard or hard Appenzeller GZnScVYomO0-00190-00050358-00050636 the same bacteria can also have some GZnScVYomO0-00191-00050637-00050807 impact on cheeses that are simply GZnScVYomO0-00192-00050808-00050975 ripened in humid conditions like GZnScVYomO0-00193-00050976-00051275 camembert the process requires regular GZnScVYomO0-00194-00051276-00051470 washings particularly in the early GZnScVYomO0-00195-00051471-00051667 stages of production making it quite GZnScVYomO0-00196-00051669-00051829 labor-intensive compared to other GZnScVYomO0-00197-00051830-00052448 methods of cheese production GZnScVYomO0-00198-00052449-00052936 topic smear ripened GZnScVYomO0-00199-00052937-00053222 some washed-rind cheese's are also smear GZnScVYomO0-00200-00053223-00053432 ripened with solutions of bacteria or GZnScVYomO0-00201-00053433-00053612 fungi most commonly brevibacterium GZnScVYomO0-00202-00053613-00053909 linens debería my sees handsome ERG o GZnScVYomO0-00203-00053910-00054122 trem candidum which usually gives them a GZnScVYomO0-00204-00054123-00054302 stronger flavour as the cheese matures GZnScVYomO0-00205-00054303-00054604 in some cases older cheeses are smeared GZnScVYomO0-00206-00054605-00054766 on young cheeses to transfer the GZnScVYomO0-00207-00054767-00055088 microorganisms many but not all of these GZnScVYomO0-00208-00055089-00055286 cheeses have a distinctive pinkish or GZnScVYomO0-00209-00055287-00055553 orange coloring of the exterior unlike GZnScVYomO0-00210-00055554-00055727 with other washed-rind cheese's the GZnScVYomO0-00211-00055728-00055930 washing is done to ensure uniform growth GZnScVYomO0-00212-00055932-00056159 of desired bacteria or fungi and to GZnScVYomO0-00213-00056160-00056386 prevent the growth of undesired molds GZnScVYomO0-00214-00056387-00056612 examples of smear ripened cheese's GZnScVYomO0-00215-00056613-00057241 include Munster and Port Salut GZnScVYomO0-00216-00057241-00057538 topic blue GZnScVYomO0-00217-00057539-00057698 you GZnScVYomO0-00218-00057699-00057941 so-called blue cheese is created by GZnScVYomO0-00219-00057941-00058148 inoculating a cheese with Penicillium GZnScVYomO0-00220-00058149-00058436 Roquefort or Penicillium Glaucon this is GZnScVYomO0-00221-00058437-00058595 done while that cheese is still in the GZnScVYomO0-00222-00058596-00058792 form of loosely pressed curds and may be GZnScVYomO0-00223-00058794-00058997 further enhanced by piercing a ripening GZnScVYomO0-00224-00058998-00059162 block of cheese with skewers in an GZnScVYomO0-00225-00059163-00059312 atmosphere in which the mold is GZnScVYomO0-00226-00059313-00059552 prevalent the mold grows within the GZnScVYomO0-00227-00059553-00059789 cheese as it ages these cheeses have GZnScVYomO0-00228-00059790-00059978 distinct blue veins which gives them GZnScVYomO0-00229-00059979-00060173 their name and often assertive flavors GZnScVYomO0-00230-00060174-00060454 the molds range from pale green to dark GZnScVYomO0-00231-00060455-00060665 blue and may be accompanied by white and GZnScVYomO0-00232-00060666-00060947 crusty Brown molds their texture can be GZnScVYomO0-00233-00060948-00061178 soft or firm some of the most renowned GZnScVYomO0-00234-00061179-00061361 cheese's are of this type each with its GZnScVYomO0-00235-00061362-00061601 own distinctive color flavor texture and GZnScVYomO0-00236-00061602-00061642 aroma GZnScVYomO0-00237-00061644-00061922 they include Roquefort gorgonzola and GZnScVYomO0-00238-00061923-00062434 Stilton GZnScVYomO0-00239-00062435-00062928 topic brined GZnScVYomO0-00240-00062929-00063165 brined or pickled cheese has matured in GZnScVYomO0-00241-00063166-00063354 a solution of brine in an airtight or GZnScVYomO0-00242-00063354-00063641 semi permeable container this process GZnScVYomO0-00243-00063642-00063776 gives the cheese good stability GZnScVYomO0-00244-00063777-00064038 inhibiting bacterial growth even in hot GZnScVYomO0-00245-00064039-00064329 countries brined cheeses may be soft her GZnScVYomO0-00246-00064329-00064548 heart varying in moisture content and in GZnScVYomO0-00247-00064549-00064740 color and flavor according to the type GZnScVYomO0-00248-00064741-00064920 of milk used though all will be rind GZnScVYomO0-00249-00064921-00065160 less and generally taste clean salty and GZnScVYomO0-00250-00065161-00065358 acidic when fresh developing some GZnScVYomO0-00251-00065359-00065532 piquancy when aged and most will be GZnScVYomO0-00252-00065533-00065838 white varieties of brined cheese include GZnScVYomO0-00253-00065839-00066066 Bryn's a' feta halloumi Suren and GZnScVYomO0-00254-00066067-00066321 tell'em iya brine cheese is the main GZnScVYomO0-00255-00066322-00066519 type of cheese produced and eaten in the GZnScVYomO0-00256-00066520-00067211 Middle East and Mediterranean areas GZnScVYomO0-00257-00067212-00067728 topic processed GZnScVYomO0-00258-00067729-00067918 processed cheese is made from GZnScVYomO0-00259-00067919-00068149 traditional cheese and emulsifying salts GZnScVYomO0-00260-00068150-00068326 often with the addition of milk more GZnScVYomO0-00261-00068327-00068526 salt preservatives and food coloring GZnScVYomO0-00262-00068527-00068809 it's texture is consistent and melts GZnScVYomO0-00263-00068810-00069046 smoothly it is sold packaged and either GZnScVYomO0-00264-00069047-00069280 pre sliced or unsliced in several GZnScVYomO0-00265-00069281-00069568 varieties some are sold as sausage like GZnScVYomO0-00266-00069569-00069823 logs and chipolatas mostly in germany in GZnScVYomO0-00267-00069824-00070012 USA and some are molded into the shape GZnScVYomO0-00268-00070013-00070285 of animals and objects it is also GZnScVYomO0-00269-00070286-00070615 available as easy cheese a product GZnScVYomO0-00270-00070616-00070828 distributed by mandela's international GZnScVYomO0-00271-00070829-00071029 that is packaged in aerosol cans and GZnScVYomO0-00272-00071030-00071329 available in some countries some if not GZnScVYomO0-00273-00071330-00071590 most varieties of processed cheese are GZnScVYomO0-00274-00071591-00071785 made using a combination of real cheese GZnScVYomO0-00275-00071786-00071941 waste which is steam-cleaned GZnScVYomO0-00276-00071942-00072118 boiled and further processed whey GZnScVYomO0-00277-00072119-00072286 powders and various mixtures of GZnScVYomO0-00278-00072287-00072595 vegetable palm oils or fats some GZnScVYomO0-00279-00072596-00072793 processed cheese slices contain as GZnScVYomO0-00280-00072794-00073018 little as 2 to 6 percent cheese some GZnScVYomO0-00281-00073019-00073333 have smoked flavors added GZAykOcq8Y0-00000-00000016-00000271 one more time wayne k GZAykOcq8Y0-00001-00000272-00000551 betty frank played a guitar and a GZAykOcq8Y0-00002-00000552-00000807 franchise GZAykOcq8Y0-00003-00000808-00001254 sister play the ringing tambourine GZAykOcq8Y0-00004-00001255-00002775 and mama cool and here are pretty GZAykOcq8Y0-00005-00002776-00004006 living at a time GZAykOcq8Y0-00006-00004007-00005783 frank and mama GZAykOcq8Y0-00007-00005784-00006183 over just a campbell on the highway GZAykOcq8Y0-00008-00006184-00006406 you know a bigger bear was a little GZAykOcq8Y0-00010-00009475-00009731 [Music] GZAykOcq8Y0-00011-00009732-00009846 [Applause] GZAykOcq8Y0-00012-00009847-00011127 means of GZAykOcq8Y0-00013-00011128-00012638 don't remember GZAykOcq8Y0-00014-00012639-00014063 let it be GZAykOcq8Y0-00015-00014063-00014647 on GZAykOcq8Y0-00016-00014647-00014911 daddy frank played the guitar in the GZAykOcq8Y0-00018-00018312-00018662 to get drumming GZAykOcq8Y0-00019-00018663-00019096 [Music] GZNEmJJIM3E-00000-00000053-00000299 Forbidden Forest is a game designed by GZNEmJJIM3E-00001-00000300-00000499 Paul Norman published by cosmic GZNEmJJIM3E-00002-00000500-00000763 corporation in 1983 for the commodore 64 GZNEmJJIM3E-00003-00000764-00001133 an Atari 8-bit family the cassette tape GZNEmJJIM3E-00004-00001134-00001361 released for the Commodore 64 as the GZNEmJJIM3E-00005-00001362-00001544 first game to use the Nova load fast GZNEmJJIM3E-00006-00001545-00002090 loader GZNEmJJIM3E-00007-00002091-00002603 topic summary GZNEmJJIM3E-00008-00002604-00002816 in this game the player controls an GZNEmJJIM3E-00009-00002817-00003008 archer armed with a bow and a limit of GZNEmJJIM3E-00010-00003009-00003284 four Quivers of arrows per level the aim GZNEmJJIM3E-00011-00003285-00003440 is to move through a forest setting GZNEmJJIM3E-00012-00003440-00003611 while eliminating various monsters GZNEmJJIM3E-00013-00003611-00003899 including giant spiders bees mutated GZNEmJJIM3E-00014-00003900-00004160 frogs dragons wizards and snakes with GZNEmJJIM3E-00015-00004161-00004394 the final enemy being the demo Gorgon GZNEmJJIM3E-00016-00004395-00004664 the monsters were inspired by the film's GZNEmJJIM3E-00017-00004665-00004841 night of the demon Jason and the GZNEmJJIM3E-00018-00004842-00005120 Argonauts and mysterious island the game GZNEmJJIM3E-00019-00005121-00005351 has four levels of difficulty innocent GZNEmJJIM3E-00020-00005352-00005564 trooper daredevil and crazy which GZNEmJJIM3E-00021-00005565-00005720 determined the number and speed of the GZNEmJJIM3E-00022-00005721-00005975 monsters this is one of the earliest GZNEmJJIM3E-00023-00005976-00006260 video games to use animated blood it GZNEmJJIM3E-00024-00006261-00006481 also features parallax scrolling and a GZNEmJJIM3E-00025-00006483-00006788 day/night cycle Paul Norman began GZNEmJJIM3E-00026-00006789-00006956 working for a small company named GZNEmJJIM3E-00027-00006956-00007226 synchro it was a small software store GZNEmJJIM3E-00028-00007227-00007534 creating apple to Victoria 20 and c64 GZNEmJJIM3E-00029-00007536-00007862 software Paul rented a vehicle and drove GZNEmJJIM3E-00030-00007863-00008084 the 30 miles to apply for an advertised GZNEmJJIM3E-00031-00008084-00008294 position with a game he had created for GZNEmJJIM3E-00032-00008295-00008624 the Victoria 20 Paul successfully landed GZNEmJJIM3E-00033-00008625-00008780 the position and began working on GZNEmJJIM3E-00034-00008781-00009040 Forbidden Forest as a way of learning GZNEmJJIM3E-00035-00009041-00009365 6502 programming the company that he was GZNEmJJIM3E-00036-00009366-00009521 working for was going out of business GZNEmJJIM3E-00037-00009522-00009731 and representatives from the software GZNEmJJIM3E-00038-00009732-00009962 company Cosme arrived to purchase office GZNEmJJIM3E-00039-00009963-00010214 furniture they saw Paul working on GZNEmJJIM3E-00040-00010215-00010406 Forbidden Forest and hired him on the GZNEmJJIM3E-00041-00010407-00010942 spot GZNEmJJIM3E-00042-00010943-00011457 topic development GZNEmJJIM3E-00043-00011458-00011707 Forbidden Forest was designed by Paul GZNEmJJIM3E-00044-00011708-00012217 Norman GZNEmJJIM3E-00045-00012218-00012730 topic reception GZNEmJJIM3E-00046-00012731-00012966 the game was positively received by the GZNEmJJIM3E-00047-00012967-00013162 reviewer of your Commodore who gave it a GZNEmJJIM3E-00048-00013163-00013459 score of 4/5 saying that it was among my GZNEmJJIM3E-00049-00013460-00013747 top 5 favorites although the graphics GZNEmJJIM3E-00050-00013747-00014088 were not totally first-class the game GZNEmJJIM3E-00051-00014090-00014368 was said to be amazing in the first GZNEmJJIM3E-00052-00014369-00014674 issue of zzap 64 the game was placed GZNEmJJIM3E-00053-00014675-00015141 21st in a top 64 games list zzap 64 also GZNEmJJIM3E-00054-00015143-00015352 favorably reviewed a budget re-release GZNEmJJIM3E-00055-00015353-00015478 of Forbidden Forest GZNEmJJIM3E-00056-00015479-00015697 although noting that the graphics were GZNEmJJIM3E-00057-00015697-00015841 blocky they praised the game's GZNEmJJIM3E-00058-00015841-00016132 atmosphere soundtrack in game play it GZNEmJJIM3E-00059-00016133-00016855 was given an overall score of 82% GZNEmJJIM3E-00060-00016856-00017378 topic sequels GZNEmJJIM3E-00061-00017379-00017642 a sequel beyond the Forbidden Forest was GZNEmJJIM3E-00062-00017643-00018025 released in 1985 this was billed as Omni GZNEmJJIM3E-00063-00018026-00018292 dimension 4d as the game is a GZNEmJJIM3E-00064-00018293-00018481 third-person shooter that allows the GZNEmJJIM3E-00065-00018482-00018664 archer to move and shoot in and out of GZNEmJJIM3E-00066-00018665-00018839 the foreground with scenery changing GZNEmJJIM3E-00067-00018840-00019025 from day to night in order to represent GZNEmJJIM3E-00068-00019026-00019300 time passing again the object is to GZNEmJJIM3E-00069-00019301-00019555 eliminate monsters giant scorpions worms GZNEmJJIM3E-00070-00019556-00019778 and mosquitoes etc while wandering the GZNEmJJIM3E-00071-00019779-00019981 forest earning a Golden Arrow for each GZNEmJJIM3E-00072-00019982-00020189 kill after earning four arrows the GZNEmJJIM3E-00073-00020190-00020356 archer may enter the underworld to face GZNEmJJIM3E-00074-00020357-00020587 bats a Hydra and finally the demagogue GZNEmJJIM3E-00075-00020588-00020905 in itself a further sequel Forbidden GZNEmJJIM3E-00076-00020906-00021164 Forest in formerly Forbidden Forest 3 GZNEmJJIM3E-00077-00021165-00021419 was released for the PC in 2003 GZNEmJJIM3E-00078-00021420-00021630 co-developed with Webfoot technologies GZNEmJJIM3E-00079-00021631-00021931 this is a 3d adventure in which the aim GZNEmJJIM3E-00080-00021932-00022103 is to explore an environment while GZNEmJJIM3E-00081-00022104-00022300 searching for coins collecting power-ups GZNEmJJIM3E-00082-00022301-00022522 and facing recreations of villains from GZNEmJJIM3E-00083-00022523-00022780 the first game the release included the GZNEmJJIM3E-00084-00022781-00023150 original commodore 64 games Gcwb6pMxakE-00000-00011606-00011999 all right Gcwb6pMxakE-00001-00012000-00012431 welcome welcome everybody Gcwb6pMxakE-00002-00012432-00013043 today we are going to get my threes rank Gcwb6pMxakE-00003-00013044-00013355 bro I'm hoping to get at least Diamond Gcwb6pMxakE-00004-00013356-00013553 so Gcwb6pMxakE-00005-00013554-00013780 if we could get that I would be very Gcwb6pMxakE-00006-00013781-00014153 proud Gcwb6pMxakE-00007-00014154-00014488 and maybe even champ but that might be a Gcwb6pMxakE-00008-00014490-00014722 stretch so Gcwb6pMxakE-00009-00014723-00015371 foot Gcwb6pMxakE-00010-00015372-00015641 so you know what after I score this goal Gcwb6pMxakE-00011-00015641-00015869 we're just gonna go straight into it oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00012-00015869-00016315 wait after there we go Gcwb6pMxakE-00013-00016316-00017236 oh God Gcwb6pMxakE-00014-00017237-00018185 I'm so scared I'm so scared Gcwb6pMxakE-00015-00018186-00018557 oh my God bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00016-00018558-00019097 what the [__] do I do here Gcwb6pMxakE-00017-00019098-00020572 teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00018-00020573-00020933 let's go dude off to a great start hey Gcwb6pMxakE-00019-00020934-00021797 bud Gcwb6pMxakE-00020-00021798-00022247 oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00021-00022248-00022433 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00022-00022434-00022811 teammate you got that nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00024-00025860-00026662 [__] teammate sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00025-00026663-00026908 gotta keep it on their side teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00026-00026910-00027149 where are you there you are Gcwb6pMxakE-00027-00027150-00027335 nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00028-00027336-00029081 oh [__] on him oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00029-00029082-00029446 come on beat him to a teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00030-00029447-00029795 okay sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00031-00029795-00030581 damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00032-00030582-00031151 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00033-00031152-00031373 probably wasn't the best idea I'm not Gcwb6pMxakE-00034-00031374-00031877 gonna lie Gcwb6pMxakE-00035-00031877-00032158 come here oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00036-00032160-00032651 I would have launched that ball Gcwb6pMxakE-00037-00032652-00033029 I'm freaking out Gcwb6pMxakE-00038-00033030-00034145 nice teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00039-00034146-00034324 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00040-00034325-00035152 nice job bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00041-00035153-00035446 no what are you doing Gcwb6pMxakE-00042-00035447-00036287 oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00043-00036288-00036479 pass it Gcwb6pMxakE-00044-00036480-00037846 nice okay teammate that's all you Gcwb6pMxakE-00045-00037847-00038717 the metal or shoot it Gcwb6pMxakE-00046-00038718-00039485 let's go I am speed I'm ultimate speed Gcwb6pMxakE-00047-00039486-00039802 the [__] happened to my chat box what Gcwb6pMxakE-00048-00039803-00040073 what the hell Gcwb6pMxakE-00049-00040074-00040318 oh God guys Gcwb6pMxakE-00050-00040319-00040733 I haven't played this game in Forever Gcwb6pMxakE-00051-00040734-00040918 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00052-00040919-00041374 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00053-00041375-00042121 nice teammates thank you Gcwb6pMxakE-00054-00042122-00042317 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00055-00042318-00042757 I got it now Gcwb6pMxakE-00056-00042758-00043312 boom Oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00057-00043313-00043733 please teammate get there Gcwb6pMxakE-00058-00043734-00043955 thank you for the follow disabled gamer Gcwb6pMxakE-00059-00043956-00044201 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00060-00044202-00044693 I appreciate that welcome welcome Gcwb6pMxakE-00061-00044694-00044789 um Gcwb6pMxakE-00062-00044790-00045215 I don't really like doing uh Gcwb6pMxakE-00063-00045216-00045580 Channel promotions that are Gcwb6pMxakE-00064-00045581-00046324 paid for Gcwb6pMxakE-00065-00046325-00046583 but I appreciate the offer Gcwb6pMxakE-00066-00046584-00047423 there might be a bot but that's okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00067-00047424-00048324 sorry boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00068-00048325-00048640 boom sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00069-00048641-00048965 I tried to pinch it I hope you know that Gcwb6pMxakE-00070-00048966-00049421 dude this man just is the demo like Gcwb6pMxakE-00071-00049422-00050896 God Gcwb6pMxakE-00072-00050897-00051089 damn it she got that right Gcwb6pMxakE-00073-00051090-00052030 thank you Gcwb6pMxakE-00074-00052032-00053021 no that's a bad play yep I know it Gcwb6pMxakE-00075-00053022-00053861 let's go teammate whip that [__] oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00076-00053862-00054076 catch that nope Gcwb6pMxakE-00077-00054077-00054611 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00078-00054612-00054803 I'm interested to see what rank they Gcwb6pMxakE-00079-00054804-00054971 were Gcwb6pMxakE-00080-00054972-00055649 okay okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00081-00055650-00056087 I'm shaking everywhere Gcwb6pMxakE-00082-00056088-00056879 this is terrifying Gcwb6pMxakE-00083-00056879-00057954 oh I got a party yes Gcwb6pMxakE-00084-00057955-00059141 [__] it's not good Gcwb6pMxakE-00085-00059141-00059338 the [__] was that Gcwb6pMxakE-00086-00059339-00060142 teammate bump him Gcwb6pMxakE-00087-00060144-00060449 no problem Gcwb6pMxakE-00088-00060450-00062254 dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00089-00062255-00062542 Pam Gcwb6pMxakE-00090-00062544-00062711 this guy doesn't seem like they're that Gcwb6pMxakE-00091-00062712-00064325 good of a rank Gcwb6pMxakE-00092-00064326-00065326 and steam it Gcwb6pMxakE-00093-00065327-00066173 that ain't good Gcwb6pMxakE-00094-00066174-00066623 dude like what are you bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00095-00066624-00066838 how do you have the most points on our Gcwb6pMxakE-00096-00066839-00067205 team right now Gcwb6pMxakE-00097-00067206-00067865 like what Gcwb6pMxakE-00098-00067866-00068026 bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00099-00068027-00070181 like what is that Gcwb6pMxakE-00100-00070182-00070459 yup Gcwb6pMxakE-00101-00070460-00070900 boom Oh that would have been sick Gcwb6pMxakE-00102-00070901-00071687 what the [__] was that Gcwb6pMxakE-00103-00071688-00071926 [__] sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00104-00071927-00072779 and I tried Gcwb6pMxakE-00105-00072780-00073517 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00106-00073518-00074015 teammate don't lie Gcwb6pMxakE-00107-00074016-00074800 horrible Gcwb6pMxakE-00108-00074801-00075323 I hate when I do that oh God Gcwb6pMxakE-00109-00075324-00075971 teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00110-00075972-00076805 damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00111-00076806-00077706 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00112-00077707-00078785 Nice Shot there we go Gcwb6pMxakE-00113-00078786-00079067 what a bomb Gcwb6pMxakE-00114-00079068-00080591 s nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00115-00080592-00080806 I'm almost just stone gold that that Gcwb6pMxakE-00116-00080807-00081238 would have been horrible Gcwb6pMxakE-00117-00081239-00081587 go for that go go go go yes nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00118-00081588-00081976 teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00119-00081977-00082673 wow Gcwb6pMxakE-00120-00082674-00082799 damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00121-00082800-00082985 that sucks Gcwb6pMxakE-00122-00082986-00083168 oh [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00123-00083169-00083909 [Music] Gcwb6pMxakE-00124-00083910-00084250 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00125-00084251-00085988 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00126-00085989-00086281 [Laughter] Gcwb6pMxakE-00127-00086282-00086856 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00128-00086857-00087355 boom a little bit off but that was good Gcwb6pMxakE-00129-00087356-00088049 calculated facts bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00130-00088050-00088271 teammate oh my God why are you staying Gcwb6pMxakE-00131-00088272-00088475 back Gcwb6pMxakE-00132-00088476-00088732 TV I'm literally all the way out here Gcwb6pMxakE-00133-00088733-00089038 for Gcwb6pMxakE-00134-00089039-00090917 all right then Gcwb6pMxakE-00135-00090918-00092261 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00136-00092262-00092615 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00137-00092616-00093094 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00138-00093095-00094582 my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00139-00094583-00094744 go Gcwb6pMxakE-00140-00094745-00095176 oh damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00141-00095177-00095855 no you ain't hitting that bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00142-00095856-00096821 nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00143-00096822-00097150 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00144-00097151-00097523 dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00145-00097524-00097853 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00146-00097854-00100276 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00147-00100277-00100612 as long as I'm not plat I will be happy Gcwb6pMxakE-00148-00100613-00101021 actually now that I think about it Gcwb6pMxakE-00149-00101022-00101231 I don't want to go too far down in the Gcwb6pMxakE-00150-00101232-00101621 trenches from where I was Gcwb6pMxakE-00151-00101622-00101926 gonna start getting real hard here in a Gcwb6pMxakE-00152-00101927-00102658 second like really hard Gcwb6pMxakE-00153-00102659-00103132 sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00154-00103133-00103289 nice teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00155-00103290-00103836 dribble on them Gcwb6pMxakE-00156-00103838-00104149 Hey listen oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00157-00104150-00104573 [__] hey Ben how's it going bud Gcwb6pMxakE-00158-00104574-00104789 I hope we're doing well Gcwb6pMxakE-00159-00104790-00105340 I'm freaking out right now dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00160-00105341-00105995 pass it yes Gcwb6pMxakE-00161-00105996-00106333 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00162-00106333-00106865 boom what a demo Gcwb6pMxakE-00163-00106866-00107315 teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00164-00107316-00107704 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00165-00107705-00108131 no Gcwb6pMxakE-00166-00108132-00108407 I'm so sorry boys I whiffed the absolute Gcwb6pMxakE-00167-00108408-00108616 [__] out of that Gcwb6pMxakE-00168-00108617-00109325 like literally Gcwb6pMxakE-00169-00109326-00109636 nice 50 teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00170-00109638-00110010 I'm gonna cry Gcwb6pMxakE-00171-00110011-00110393 unbind sorry key Gcwb6pMxakE-00172-00110394-00110854 oh my God look at that pinch Gcwb6pMxakE-00173-00110855-00111016 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00174-00111017-00111154 what the [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00175-00111155-00111358 's ambulance Gcwb6pMxakE-00176-00111359-00111886 I question your logic homeboy Gcwb6pMxakE-00177-00111888-00112139 I mean I really should Gcwb6pMxakE-00178-00112140-00112271 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00179-00112272-00112847 dude they're so fast bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00180-00112848-00113807 nice teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00181-00113808-00114358 what a 50. Gcwb6pMxakE-00182-00114359-00114623 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00183-00114624-00115186 wow Gcwb6pMxakE-00184-00115188-00116297 teammate please save that thank you Gcwb6pMxakE-00185-00116298-00116669 go teammate boom it Gcwb6pMxakE-00186-00116670-00117136 hit it to the right [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00187-00117138-00117245 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00188-00117246-00117749 hmm Gcwb6pMxakE-00189-00117750-00117989 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00190-00117990-00118343 dude this is insane bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00191-00118344-00118739 I like actually have to use my brain Gcwb6pMxakE-00192-00118740-00119884 oh [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00193-00119885-00121175 teammate boom it oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00194-00121176-00121360 what are you getting on tonight by the Gcwb6pMxakE-00195-00121361-00121702 way oh [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00196-00121703-00122158 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00197-00122159-00122465 boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00198-00122466-00123790 nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00199-00123791-00124031 what Gcwb6pMxakE-00200-00124032-00124390 I'm sorry boys it was my fault Gcwb6pMxakE-00201-00124391-00124578 nice teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00202-00124579-00124840 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00203-00124841-00125758 my shot Gcwb6pMxakE-00204-00125759-00126371 yeah I got it Gcwb6pMxakE-00205-00126372-00126623 so I'll take your corner boost Gcwb6pMxakE-00206-00126624-00127481 teammate please hit it thank you Gcwb6pMxakE-00207-00127482-00128225 damn uh oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00208-00128226-00128704 perfect timing Gcwb6pMxakE-00209-00128705-00129245 no I can't get that Gcwb6pMxakE-00210-00129246-00129904 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00211-00129905-00130714 all righty then brother Gcwb6pMxakE-00212-00130715-00131477 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00213-00131478-00131914 go Gcwb6pMxakE-00214-00131915-00132251 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00215-00132252-00132497 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00216-00132498-00132797 okay you got it teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00217-00132798-00133954 I'm back post Gcwb6pMxakE-00218-00133955-00134111 teammate please tell me you're back Gcwb6pMxakE-00219-00134112-00134387 there oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00220-00134388-00134707 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00221-00134708-00135161 let's go dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00222-00135162-00135359 front flip Gcwb6pMxakE-00223-00135360-00136133 yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00224-00136134-00136402 holy [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00225-00136403-00137513 my hands are sweating already brother Gcwb6pMxakE-00226-00137514-00138325 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00227-00138326-00138569 against Tom Brady Gcwb6pMxakE-00228-00138570-00139085 oh I'm [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00229-00139086-00139295 actually this is a soccer not football Gcwb6pMxakE-00230-00139296-00139427 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00231-00139428-00139540 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00232-00139541-00140052 teammate [__] send that Gcwb6pMxakE-00233-00140053-00140519 boom Oh What A save Gcwb6pMxakE-00234-00140520-00140752 teammate please Gcwb6pMxakE-00235-00140753-00141316 no that's my shot Gcwb6pMxakE-00236-00141317-00141947 that was my fault Gcwb6pMxakE-00237-00141948-00142204 season eight grand champ this is season Gcwb6pMxakE-00238-00142205-00142745 nine brother Gcwb6pMxakE-00239-00142746-00143164 oh God the lag Gcwb6pMxakE-00240-00143165-00143471 nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00241-00143472-00144154 I need to be back here Gcwb6pMxakE-00242-00144155-00144616 teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00243-00144617-00144916 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00244-00144917-00145325 [__] it's just a second too late dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00245-00145326-00145847 what wait was it from that one questline Gcwb6pMxakE-00246-00145848-00146033 or like where you had to go raid that Gcwb6pMxakE-00247-00146034-00146404 base Gcwb6pMxakE-00248-00146405-00146585 I think that's what it was I forget Gcwb6pMxakE-00249-00146586-00146849 lokia Gcwb6pMxakE-00250-00146850-00147869 bro [__] me dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00251-00147870-00148402 what Gcwb6pMxakE-00252-00148403-00148643 what the lights is complete I'm choking Gcwb6pMxakE-00253-00148644-00149087 bro I'm joking Gcwb6pMxakE-00254-00149088-00149716 dude they're reading it so fast bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00255-00149717-00149866 50. Gcwb6pMxakE-00256-00149867-00150283 that's a goal Gcwb6pMxakE-00257-00150284-00151301 ah boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00258-00151302-00152597 oh [__] okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00259-00152598-00152897 teammate go back oh never mind Gcwb6pMxakE-00260-00152898-00153413 oh okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00261-00153414-00153773 what Gcwb6pMxakE-00262-00153774-00154266 nope I need to stay Gcwb6pMxakE-00263-00154267-00154643 boom yes Kobe Gcwb6pMxakE-00264-00154644-00155713 hey Gcwb6pMxakE-00265-00155714-00156178 nice that's sick Gcwb6pMxakE-00266-00156179-00156643 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00267-00156644-00157237 thank you Gcwb6pMxakE-00268-00157238-00157835 oh what Gcwb6pMxakE-00269-00157836-00158381 what no what a save Gcwb6pMxakE-00270-00158382-00159101 oh teammates come on yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00271-00159102-00159299 that's what it was like for God of War Gcwb6pMxakE-00272-00159300-00159871 with me dude like Gcwb6pMxakE-00273-00159872-00160313 oh my god oh you got it Gcwb6pMxakE-00274-00160314-00161047 yep Gcwb6pMxakE-00275-00161048-00161363 teammate hey hey we're getting a little Gcwb6pMxakE-00276-00161364-00161590 antsy here boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00277-00161591-00162940 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00278-00162941-00163264 oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00279-00163265-00163516 damn dude if I hit that to the right Gcwb6pMxakE-00280-00163517-00164045 that wouldn't have happened Gcwb6pMxakE-00281-00164046-00164375 um Gcwb6pMxakE-00282-00164376-00164675 oh these profile pictures of goat too Gcwb6pMxakE-00283-00164676-00166126 [__] Buddhism Gcwb6pMxakE-00284-00166127-00166504 Corner boost that's mine Tom Brady Gcwb6pMxakE-00285-00166505-00166799 oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00286-00166800-00167747 yeah we are Gcwb6pMxakE-00287-00167748-00168076 that was interesting I've like never air Gcwb6pMxakE-00288-00168077-00168557 dribbled like that before Gcwb6pMxakE-00289-00168558-00170651 no game don't do this to me right now Gcwb6pMxakE-00290-00170652-00171154 sorry teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00291-00171155-00171478 my lips bleeding what the [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00292-00171479-00171857 got some dry ass lips I guess oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00293-00171858-00172547 nice teammate go score it no Gcwb6pMxakE-00294-00172548-00172714 okay he probably doesn't have much boost Gcwb6pMxakE-00295-00172715-00173266 after that yep I thought so Gcwb6pMxakE-00296-00173267-00173645 oh what a pass Gcwb6pMxakE-00297-00173646-00174149 [__] sorry boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00298-00174150-00174943 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00299-00174944-00175301 No Game No Gcwb6pMxakE-00300-00175302-00175619 sorry I'm yelling a lot Gcwb6pMxakE-00301-00175620-00175804 no [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00302-00175805-00176128 Tom Brady don't you [__] dare dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00303-00176129-00176513 what a dude why did you bump me Gcwb6pMxakE-00304-00176514-00176953 why did you vote me Gcwb6pMxakE-00305-00176954-00177335 [Laughter] Gcwb6pMxakE-00306-00177336-00177983 oh sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00307-00177984-00178252 dude I can't bro I can't I can't I can't Gcwb6pMxakE-00308-00178253-00178385 where's my controller where's my Gcwb6pMxakE-00309-00178386-00178702 controller dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00310-00178703-00179261 dude I can't I can't Gcwb6pMxakE-00311-00179262-00179885 dude I can't play without my controller Gcwb6pMxakE-00312-00179886-00180214 um [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00313-00180215-00180473 first loss first loss that better be Gcwb6pMxakE-00314-00180474-00181049 like champ two or some [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00315-00181050-00182752 only champ bro that's what bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00316-00182753-00183004 it's okay it's all right it's just one Gcwb6pMxakE-00317-00183005-00183347 loss Gcwb6pMxakE-00318-00183348-00183766 you know it was the [__] Tom Brady Gcwb6pMxakE-00319-00183767-00183964 I've literally played against that guy Gcwb6pMxakE-00320-00183965-00184625 before too like Gcwb6pMxakE-00321-00184626-00185387 I've seen a moment Gcwb6pMxakE-00322-00185388-00185566 um game Gcwb6pMxakE-00323-00185567-00188057 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00324-00188058-00189178 all right Gcwb6pMxakE-00325-00189179-00190661 finally Gcwb6pMxakE-00326-00190662-00190883 oh okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00327-00190884-00191393 I cannot gauge how good my teammates are Gcwb6pMxakE-00328-00191394-00191525 bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00329-00191526-00192670 ain't no way Gcwb6pMxakE-00330-00192671-00193121 [Music] Gcwb6pMxakE-00331-00193122-00193343 oh God I almost just passed out dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00332-00193344-00193552 holy [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00333-00193553-00193969 yeah bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00334-00193970-00194273 what the [__] was that Gcwb6pMxakE-00335-00194274-00194573 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00336-00194574-00196169 dude if they get that [__] bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00337-00196170-00196414 dude that guy's reading that [__] so Gcwb6pMxakE-00338-00196415-00197416 fast Gcwb6pMxakE-00339-00197417-00197675 I need to go Gcwb6pMxakE-00340-00197676-00198959 there we go Gcwb6pMxakE-00341-00198960-00199090 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00342-00199091-00200428 [__] oh that's bad thank you Gcwb6pMxakE-00343-00200429-00201257 oh [__] I need to go for that yep Gcwb6pMxakE-00344-00201258-00201563 damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00345-00201564-00202637 I just need to not second guess myself Gcwb6pMxakE-00346-00202638-00202804 teammate there's no way you were hitting Gcwb6pMxakE-00347-00202805-00203087 that it was too fast I'm sorry but it's Gcwb6pMxakE-00348-00203088-00203633 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00349-00203634-00204145 oh bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00350-00204146-00204449 dude what is this Gcwb6pMxakE-00351-00204450-00204953 I just go to like [__] silver or what Gcwb6pMxakE-00352-00204954-00205127 dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00353-00205128-00205414 this jerky guy has to be like champ too Gcwb6pMxakE-00354-00205415-00205829 bro there ain't no way Gcwb6pMxakE-00355-00205830-00206075 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00357-00209171-00209542 oh sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00358-00209544-00209946 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00359-00209948-00211006 [__] power shot it what are you doing Gcwb6pMxakE-00360-00211007-00211558 golden Gcwb6pMxakE-00361-00211559-00211691 dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00362-00211692-00211925 bro like why aren't you power shouting Gcwb6pMxakE-00363-00211926-00212651 that Gcwb6pMxakE-00364-00212652-00213113 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00365-00213114-00213419 no Gcwb6pMxakE-00366-00213419-00213737 nice pinch Gcwb6pMxakE-00367-00213738-00215003 teammate why are you oh yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00368-00215004-00215453 teammate please oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00369-00215454-00216155 brow Gcwb6pMxakE-00370-00216156-00216732 I know right like dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00371-00216733-00217163 oh what a [__] free jump bro all Gcwb6pMxakE-00372-00217164-00217332 right Gcwb6pMxakE-00373-00217333-00217769 what do you mean nice bump Gcwb6pMxakE-00374-00217769-00218075 bro what Gcwb6pMxakE-00375-00218076-00218975 what oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00376-00218976-00219796 nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00377-00219798-00220139 [__] bro where are my teammates Gcwb6pMxakE-00378-00220140-00220391 on that Gcwb6pMxakE-00379-00220392-00220942 oh dead that's why Gcwb6pMxakE-00380-00220944-00221177 all right bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00381-00221178-00221753 you're gonna close one US dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00382-00221754-00222629 bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00383-00222630-00223156 sorry boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00384-00223157-00223294 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00385-00223296-00223577 I'm going too fast apparently Gcwb6pMxakE-00386-00223578-00223732 nice shot Gcwb6pMxakE-00387-00223733-00224177 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00388-00224178-00224381 they're carrying me dude they're Gcwb6pMxakE-00389-00224382-00224671 carrying me Gcwb6pMxakE-00390-00224671-00225677 boom Oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00391-00225678-00226481 damn uh oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00392-00226482-00226775 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00393-00226776-00227087 how are y'all reading that oh my God all Gcwb6pMxakE-00394-00227088-00227351 three of them are up Gcwb6pMxakE-00395-00227352-00227573 teammate you should have told me you Gcwb6pMxakE-00396-00227573-00228160 didn't have anything Gcwb6pMxakE-00397-00228161-00229282 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00398-00229283-00229475 umbrella Gcwb6pMxakE-00399-00229476-00231694 that's unreal oh my God oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00400-00231696-00232091 taking boost Gcwb6pMxakE-00401-00232092-00232763 oh that's right side Gcwb6pMxakE-00402-00232764-00233171 bro ain't no way Gcwb6pMxakE-00403-00233171-00233429 no teammate oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00404-00233430-00234413 bushy lip stank yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00405-00234414-00234925 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00406-00234926-00235253 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00407-00235254-00235621 oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00408-00235621-00236092 let's go golden dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00409-00236094-00236494 yup yup Pig moment Gcwb6pMxakE-00410-00236496-00236758 oh what the hell Gcwb6pMxakE-00411-00236759-00237065 all right Gcwb6pMxakE-00412-00237066-00237334 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00413-00237335-00237773 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00414-00237773-00238960 yep race moment Gcwb6pMxakE-00415-00238961-00239219 Orange Gcwb6pMxakE-00416-00239219-00239573 what zombies am I getting into bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00417-00239573-00239758 like what Gcwb6pMxakE-00418-00239759-00239981 I'm like the only one who doesn't know Gcwb6pMxakE-00419-00239982-00240184 how to speed flip in these lobbies I Gcwb6pMxakE-00420-00240185-00240448 swear Gcwb6pMxakE-00421-00240450-00240658 nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00422-00240659-00240875 oh yeah didn't you have work today how Gcwb6pMxakE-00423-00240876-00240994 did that go Gcwb6pMxakE-00424-00240996-00241301 I think right Gcwb6pMxakE-00425-00241302-00242567 side oh and free goal nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00426-00242567-00243005 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00427-00243006-00243671 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00428-00243671-00243958 welcome I am not cool Gcwb6pMxakE-00429-00243959-00244360 oh wow Gcwb6pMxakE-00430-00244361-00244684 how are you doing Gcwb6pMxakE-00431-00244685-00244931 I hope everything is going well Gcwb6pMxakE-00432-00244932-00245296 oh God Gcwb6pMxakE-00433-00245298-00245567 teammate [__] oh that would have been Gcwb6pMxakE-00434-00245567-00245777 badass Gcwb6pMxakE-00435-00245778-00246094 reality Gcwb6pMxakE-00436-00246096-00246971 oh wow that was a nice shot Gcwb6pMxakE-00437-00246971-00247205 that was a really nice shot he had me Gcwb6pMxakE-00438-00247206-00247744 turned around Gcwb6pMxakE-00439-00247746-00248008 about what I'm not cool Gcwb6pMxakE-00440-00248009-00248141 if you don't want to talk about it Gcwb6pMxakE-00441-00248142-00248573 that's okay but Gcwb6pMxakE-00442-00248573-00249217 I'm sorry you're stressed out Gcwb6pMxakE-00443-00249217-00249671 wow I had no idea he was doing that Gcwb6pMxakE-00444-00249671-00250223 teammate oh my God what a safe Gcwb6pMxakE-00445-00250223-00250546 hmm Gcwb6pMxakE-00446-00250548-00250984 on apex oh okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00447-00250985-00251729 I might hop on the Apex later Gcwb6pMxakE-00448-00251730-00252041 pleased with it oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00449-00252042-00252601 that would have been great Gcwb6pMxakE-00450-00252602-00255442 wow dude I can't even like Gcwb6pMxakE-00451-00255444-00255617 [__] sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00452-00255617-00255923 my view boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00453-00255923-00257917 this is very stressful Gcwb6pMxakE-00454-00257917-00258634 oh oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00455-00258635-00258910 damn teammate please get that thank you Gcwb6pMxakE-00456-00258911-00259030 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00457-00259031-00259463 that's not good Gcwb6pMxakE-00458-00259464-00260734 audio is literal worst yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00459-00260735-00261310 damn oh that's good demo Gcwb6pMxakE-00460-00261311-00261910 dude this is like mind-boggling Gcwb6pMxakE-00461-00261911-00262217 no how did I not get the football Gcwb6pMxakE-00462-00262218-00262360 yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00463-00262361-00262723 I'm gonna cry Gcwb6pMxakE-00464-00262724-00263053 no I wish that Gcwb6pMxakE-00465-00263054-00263321 teammate oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00466-00263322-00263951 I had nice shot ready to go on that Gcwb6pMxakE-00467-00263952-00264377 except for that one night Gcwb6pMxakE-00468-00264378-00264641 wherever you [__] won like five in a Gcwb6pMxakE-00469-00264642-00265487 row that was or four in a row but Gcwb6pMxakE-00470-00265488-00266380 oh damn nice shot lemon boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00471-00266381-00266725 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00472-00266726-00267029 grounded is that the uh Gcwb6pMxakE-00473-00267030-00267293 is that the game where you're like many Gcwb6pMxakE-00474-00267294-00267532 people or it's like Honey I Shrunk the Gcwb6pMxakE-00475-00267533-00267755 Kids kind of Gcwb6pMxakE-00476-00267756-00267989 I think right Gcwb6pMxakE-00477-00267990-00268253 it's like Minecraft but you're in like a Gcwb6pMxakE-00478-00268254-00269297 mini yard Gcwb6pMxakE-00479-00269298-00270119 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00480-00270120-00270305 teammate please tell me you have Boost Gcwb6pMxakE-00481-00270306-00270708 now thank God Gcwb6pMxakE-00482-00270709-00271451 nice demo Gcwb6pMxakE-00483-00271452-00271997 oh that would have been sick Gcwb6pMxakE-00484-00271998-00272195 dude my mind is going like a million Gcwb6pMxakE-00485-00272196-00272843 miles per minute right now Gcwb6pMxakE-00486-00272844-00274291 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00487-00274292-00274715 oh [__] oh my God Ain't No Way Ain't No Gcwb6pMxakE-00488-00274716-00276689 Way Ain't No Way ain't no way Gcwb6pMxakE-00489-00276690-00277013 they got a bad feeling about this go Gcwb6pMxakE-00490-00277014-00277379 teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00491-00277380-00278015 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00492-00278016-00278717 good demo though Gcwb6pMxakE-00493-00278718-00279149 oh that would have been not Gcwb6pMxakE-00494-00279150-00279660 dude I'm gonna [__] cry bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00495-00279661-00280223 uh uh yeah make a stupid hit bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00496-00280224-00280415 oh sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00497-00280416-00280955 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00498-00280956-00281795 oh my God ain't no way Gcwb6pMxakE-00499-00281796-00282558 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00500-00282559-00283037 [__] sorry boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00501-00283038-00283355 yes I know right that's like the only Gcwb6pMxakE-00502-00283356-00283553 one except for the goose that I thought Gcwb6pMxakE-00503-00283554-00283703 was worth it Gcwb6pMxakE-00504-00283704-00284171 oh they're done Gcwb6pMxakE-00505-00284172-00284477 58 oh damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00506-00284478-00284608 I [__] it Gcwb6pMxakE-00507-00284609-00284777 oh God Gcwb6pMxakE-00508-00284778-00285010 please don't tell me that's on no it's Gcwb6pMxakE-00509-00285011-00286715 not what a redirect Gcwb6pMxakE-00510-00286716-00286967 if you would like I could change it to Gcwb6pMxakE-00511-00286968-00287177 whoever you want I'm pretty sure we've Gcwb6pMxakE-00512-00287178-00287369 already had this conversation but [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00513-00287370-00287441 it Gcwb6pMxakE-00514-00287442-00287584 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00515-00287585-00287825 teammate why didn't you go for that holy Gcwb6pMxakE-00516-00287826-00288082 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00517-00288083-00288880 yeah yeah yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00518-00288881-00289282 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00519-00289283-00290729 teammate that's all you Gcwb6pMxakE-00520-00290730-00290999 oh my God look at that man fiending for Gcwb6pMxakE-00521-00291000-00291330 the demo dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00522-00291331-00292571 no oh that was so close Gcwb6pMxakE-00523-00292572-00294473 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00524-00294474-00295997 teammate what was that Gcwb6pMxakE-00525-00295998-00296327 or a pinch go Gcwb6pMxakE-00526-00296328-00296921 I know right Gcwb6pMxakE-00527-00296922-00297160 you don't even know like [__] dude I Gcwb6pMxakE-00528-00297161-00297389 can't Gcwb6pMxakE-00529-00297390-00297647 oh okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00530-00297648-00297851 sorry teammate I didn't realize what you Gcwb6pMxakE-00531-00297852-00298025 were doing Gcwb6pMxakE-00532-00298026-00298439 bro ain't no way Gcwb6pMxakE-00533-00298440-00299177 oh teammate perfect no Gcwb6pMxakE-00534-00299178-00299419 no Gcwb6pMxakE-00535-00299420-00299886 this is so try hard so Gcwb6pMxakE-00536-00299887-00300167 [Music] Gcwb6pMxakE-00537-00300168-00300353 dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00538-00300354-00300515 this is gonna be like a six minute Gcwb6pMxakE-00539-00300516-00300749 overtime Gcwb6pMxakE-00540-00300750-00301206 nice demo oh now Gcwb6pMxakE-00541-00301207-00301787 boom Oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00542-00301788-00302105 oh my youth Gcwb6pMxakE-00543-00302106-00303263 bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00544-00303264-00303556 nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00545-00303557-00303965 now I can't jump that Gcwb6pMxakE-00546-00303966-00304319 oh [__] sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00547-00304320-00304687 that probably I'm not gonna say anything Gcwb6pMxakE-00548-00304688-00304991 but that could have been it not gonna Gcwb6pMxakE-00549-00304992-00305197 cap Gcwb6pMxakE-00550-00305198-00305465 boom Oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00551-00305466-00306323 Get It Lemon carry us I hope Gcwb6pMxakE-00552-00306324-00307156 oh that's cool Gcwb6pMxakE-00553-00307157-00307463 I'm gonna vomit dude I'm gonna [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00555-00311348-00312251 I'm so fast at typing dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00556-00312252-00312521 hmm Gcwb6pMxakE-00557-00312522-00312773 teammate why are you queuing for [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00558-00312774-00313289 comp if you're gonna be AFK okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00559-00313290-00313451 bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00560-00313452-00313649 now you're freaking out because you Gcwb6pMxakE-00561-00313650-00313889 don't know what to do Gcwb6pMxakE-00562-00313890-00314506 because you were AFK and nice demo Gcwb6pMxakE-00563-00314507-00314879 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00564-00314880-00315247 yeah I got back post homeboy don't worry Gcwb6pMxakE-00565-00315248-00315580 what hits boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00566-00315581-00315869 thank you for just making my hit do Gcwb6pMxakE-00567-00315870-00316632 nothing but it's okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00568-00316633-00317015 I literally just Gcwb6pMxakE-00569-00317016-00317137 go go Gcwb6pMxakE-00570-00317138-00318125 yes there we go nice shot Gcwb6pMxakE-00571-00318126-00318329 you should see me when we're leaving or Gcwb6pMxakE-00572-00318330-00318563 when I'm leaving a game it's like the Gcwb6pMxakE-00573-00318564-00319421 fastest you could possibly do it I think Gcwb6pMxakE-00574-00319422-00320051 I just had major deja vu Gcwb6pMxakE-00575-00320052-00320819 oh God Gcwb6pMxakE-00576-00320820-00322115 wow Gcwb6pMxakE-00577-00322116-00322632 hmm Gcwb6pMxakE-00578-00322633-00322954 nobody uses quick chat in these ranks Gcwb6pMxakE-00579-00322955-00323147 bro like Gcwb6pMxakE-00580-00323148-00323597 I should honestly stop using it oh bro I Gcwb6pMxakE-00581-00323598-00325780 can't Gcwb6pMxakE-00582-00325781-00326195 report it Gcwb6pMxakE-00583-00326196-00326393 nice dragons Gcwb6pMxakE-00585-00329705-00329932 sorry I'm not really paying attention to Gcwb6pMxakE-00586-00329933-00331727 chat I'm focusing that's a good redirect Gcwb6pMxakE-00587-00331728-00332003 [__] sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00588-00332004-00332584 [__] I don't know what that was Gcwb6pMxakE-00589-00332585-00332734 what are you doing all the way out here Gcwb6pMxakE-00590-00332735-00332993 homeboy Gcwb6pMxakE-00591-00332994-00333893 you weren't supposed to be doing that Gcwb6pMxakE-00592-00333894-00334204 okay bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00593-00334205-00334493 dude you should Gcwb6pMxakE-00594-00334494-00336137 what a demo well okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00595-00336138-00336306 dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00596-00336307-00336845 I am so sorry dude [__] me bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00597-00336846-00337163 yeah [__] it I don't give a [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00598-00337164-00338591 do it Gcwb6pMxakE-00599-00338592-00338825 I'm sorry boys I'm not really doing the Gcwb6pMxakE-00600-00338826-00341045 best right now Gcwb6pMxakE-00601-00341046-00343025 bro okay dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00602-00343026-00344891 nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00603-00344892-00345227 this is [__] pain Gcwb6pMxakE-00604-00345228-00346780 stomach Gcwb6pMxakE-00605-00346781-00347273 oh bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00606-00347274-00347543 I'm Gonna Save Gcwb6pMxakE-00607-00347544-00347753 I'm gonna be able to save that or what Gcwb6pMxakE-00608-00347754-00348965 like Gcwb6pMxakE-00609-00348966-00350003 mostly Apex what do you mean Gcwb6pMxakE-00610-00350004-00351401 what does that mean Gcwb6pMxakE-00611-00351402-00351880 he's one shot oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00612-00351881-00353332 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00613-00353333-00353567 there you go bad Gcwb6pMxakE-00614-00353568-00354167 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00615-00354168-00355073 come on boys we got it come on Gcwb6pMxakE-00616-00355074-00355325 and what else did you learn Gcwb6pMxakE-00617-00355326-00356182 where is that it Gcwb6pMxakE-00618-00356183-00357143 boom it Gcwb6pMxakE-00619-00357144-00357917 see that that was fast as [__] boy Gcwb6pMxakE-00620-00357918-00358103 just gonna have to take our losses and Gcwb6pMxakE-00621-00358104-00358349 go with it oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00622-00358350-00358654 nope Gcwb6pMxakE-00623-00358655-00359521 okay four more matches Gcwb6pMxakE-00624-00359522-00359801 I need to harness the power Gcwb6pMxakE-00625-00359802-00360821 of Rocket League Gcwb6pMxakE-00626-00360822-00361228 see like okay the reasoning that I'm not Gcwb6pMxakE-00627-00361229-00361619 toxic is because there's literally no Gcwb6pMxakE-00628-00361620-00361895 need to be Gcwb6pMxakE-00629-00361896-00362380 what the [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00630-00362381-00362603 it's a very good game Gcwb6pMxakE-00631-00362604-00362860 this is a very good game Gcwb6pMxakE-00632-00362861-00363047 and everybody's playing all the time Gcwb6pMxakE-00633-00363048-00363269 we're playing against bully Maguire Gcwb6pMxakE-00634-00363270-00363641 we're [__] we're [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00635-00363642-00363941 we're so [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00636-00363942-00364421 what a [__] shot butt Gcwb6pMxakE-00637-00364422-00364721 oh you have oh okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00638-00364722-00364991 did you ever get into it like a lot and Gcwb6pMxakE-00639-00364992-00365563 get him to comp Gcwb6pMxakE-00640-00365564-00366221 smoking big Pringles Gcwb6pMxakE-00641-00366222-00366610 what Gcwb6pMxakE-00642-00366611-00367025 passed to teammate oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00643-00367026-00367360 Here Comes bully Maguire Gcwb6pMxakE-00644-00367361-00367691 oh okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00645-00367692-00367901 hey you're a lot better than most people Gcwb6pMxakE-00646-00367902-00368434 Ben you'd be very surprised Gcwb6pMxakE-00647-00368435-00368921 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00648-00368922-00369173 I'd expect bully Maguire to do that not Gcwb6pMxakE-00649-00369174-00369767 you you little [__] hey Gcwb6pMxakE-00650-00369768-00370151 oh my God what a 50. Gcwb6pMxakE-00651-00370152-00371069 I have no boost I'm sorry boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00652-00371070-00371339 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00653-00371340-00371567 I'm headed to the left bully McGuire you Gcwb6pMxakE-00654-00371568-00371675 wouldn't Gcwb6pMxakE-00655-00371676-00372658 oh what the hell did I know Gcwb6pMxakE-00656-00372659-00372982 yeah it takes a lot of time to get good Gcwb6pMxakE-00657-00372983-00373187 at the game Gcwb6pMxakE-00658-00373188-00373403 but I've been playing since not Gcwb6pMxakE-00659-00373404-00374080 consistently since 2015 but Gcwb6pMxakE-00660-00374081-00374717 my bad boys [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00661-00374718-00375251 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00662-00375252-00375551 and I'm not even like good I'm not Gcwb6pMxakE-00663-00375552-00375784 considered good for my rank at all Gcwb6pMxakE-00664-00375785-00375953 because I can't like Gcwb6pMxakE-00665-00375954-00376180 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00666-00376181-00377003 that was weird Gcwb6pMxakE-00667-00377004-00377904 thanks Big Pringle man Gcwb6pMxakE-00668-00377905-00378343 [Music] Gcwb6pMxakE-00669-00378344-00378653 what a safe I was about to say what a Gcwb6pMxakE-00670-00378654-00379175 shot but nope Gcwb6pMxakE-00671-00379176-00379384 damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00672-00379385-00379577 dude ain't no way he scores that right Gcwb6pMxakE-00673-00379578-00380237 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00674-00380238-00381234 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00675-00381235-00381623 three man pinch yep Gcwb6pMxakE-00676-00381624-00382073 ain't no way they hit this ain't no way Gcwb6pMxakE-00677-00382074-00382865 yep Gcwb6pMxakE-00678-00382866-00383110 I'm not sure there's 50 the [__] out of Gcwb6pMxakE-00679-00383111-00383225 that Gcwb6pMxakE-00680-00383226-00384556 oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00681-00384557-00384899 this is gonna [__] my rank Gcwb6pMxakE-00682-00384900-00385463 getting two losses in a row Gcwb6pMxakE-00683-00385464-00385697 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00684-00385698-00385967 perfect Gcwb6pMxakE-00685-00385968-00386530 and double commit Gcwb6pMxakE-00686-00386531-00387341 like how does that Gcwb6pMxakE-00687-00387342-00387587 yes go it's a three on one right now Gcwb6pMxakE-00688-00387588-00387784 dude oh my God We're Not Gonna score Gcwb6pMxakE-00689-00387785-00388715 that yep Gcwb6pMxakE-00690-00388716-00389075 I'm trying I'm really trying Gcwb6pMxakE-00691-00389076-00389393 [__] you bully Maguire yep Gcwb6pMxakE-00692-00389394-00390427 yeah [__] uh that was almost really bad Gcwb6pMxakE-00693-00390428-00391456 please bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00694-00391457-00391643 go teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00695-00391644-00391925 smoking brick Pringle yep like Kris Gcwb6pMxakE-00696-00391926-00392165 Kringle Gcwb6pMxakE-00697-00392166-00392615 you want a mingle because I'm single Gcwb6pMxakE-00698-00392616-00392771 damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00699-00392772-00393097 it's actually really good Gcwb6pMxakE-00700-00393098-00393484 okay okay bro okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00701-00393485-00393749 what was that boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00702-00393750-00394391 what is that oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00703-00394392-00394582 here you can get that mid boost teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00704-00394583-00395117 oh okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00705-00395118-00395308 bro that [__] was straighter than a Gcwb6pMxakE-00706-00395309-00395639 goddamn Gcwb6pMxakE-00707-00395640-00396293 pencil Gcwb6pMxakE-00708-00396294-00396551 um come on we need to get like a really Gcwb6pMxakE-00709-00396552-00397013 good push right here Gcwb6pMxakE-00710-00397014-00397155 please Gcwb6pMxakE-00711-00397156-00397541 [Laughter] Gcwb6pMxakE-00712-00397542-00398123 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00713-00398124-00398283 close yeah yeah yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00714-00398284-00398447 [Music] Gcwb6pMxakE-00715-00398448-00398728 yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00716-00398729-00398958 close one yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00717-00398959-00399610 get [__] Kris Kringle Nick frangle Gcwb6pMxakE-00718-00399611-00399743 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00719-00399744-00399934 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00720-00399935-00400121 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00721-00400122-00400691 it's just like a new game it's zero zero Gcwb6pMxakE-00722-00400692-00401056 let's go yep Gcwb6pMxakE-00723-00401057-00401399 I just think I needed that so thank you Gcwb6pMxakE-00724-00401400-00401951 oh [__] I don't like that no that Gcwb6pMxakE-00725-00401952-00402677 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00726-00402678-00403037 thank you guys for being here seriously Gcwb6pMxakE-00727-00403038-00403439 this is for you [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00728-00403440-00403769 not that one Gcwb6pMxakE-00729-00403770-00404375 teammate if you okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00730-00404376-00404771 get pretty jumped Gcwb6pMxakE-00731-00404772-00405689 oh God no oh my what a 50. Gcwb6pMxakE-00732-00405690-00407056 all right then Gcwb6pMxakE-00733-00407057-00407417 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00734-00407418-00408180 I am golden Gcwb6pMxakE-00735-00408181-00408437 sorry for yelling Gcwb6pMxakE-00736-00408438-00409013 it's probably very loud but Gcwb6pMxakE-00737-00409014-00409241 that man got like an Iron Man car look Gcwb6pMxakE-00738-00409242-00409643 at that Gcwb6pMxakE-00739-00409643-00409841 huh Gcwb6pMxakE-00740-00409842-00410645 dude holy Gcwb6pMxakE-00741-00410646-00410939 oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00742-00410939-00411172 what the [__] what Gcwb6pMxakE-00743-00411173-00411347 bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00744-00411347-00411593 I got a goddamn thermometer Gcwb6pMxakE-00745-00411593-00411857 what the hell Gcwb6pMxakE-00746-00411858-00412126 God damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00747-00412127-00412637 got a bunch of stuff Gcwb6pMxakE-00748-00412638-00412930 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00749-00412931-00413284 two more Gcwb6pMxakE-00750-00413285-00414310 please bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00751-00414312-00414557 oh yeah I'm sorry to inform you guys but Gcwb6pMxakE-00752-00414558-00414749 I will be ending stream once I get my Gcwb6pMxakE-00753-00414750-00415103 rank I'm sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00754-00415104-00415330 but if you guys have anybody that you Gcwb6pMxakE-00755-00415331-00415559 would like or you would suggest to raid Gcwb6pMxakE-00756-00415560-00416578 I will absolutely do that Gcwb6pMxakE-00757-00416579-00416843 a little cheese was 4 20. that sounds Gcwb6pMxakE-00758-00416843-00417059 like Gcwb6pMxakE-00759-00417060-00417268 ain't no way you're saving that oh my Gcwb6pMxakE-00760-00417269-00417689 God what was that Gcwb6pMxakE-00761-00417689-00418007 little cheese whiz going in Gcwb6pMxakE-00762-00418008-00418505 this is mine Gcwb6pMxakE-00763-00418506-00418966 [__] oh oh packet loss Gcwb6pMxakE-00764-00418967-00420407 teammate please save that nice shot damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00765-00420408-00420683 man's got the Mustang Mach e Banner bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00766-00420684-00420820 really Gcwb6pMxakE-00767-00420821-00421360 really Gcwb6pMxakE-00768-00421362-00421799 yeah they ain't going for that so Gcwb6pMxakE-00769-00421800-00422260 a little bit more speed to it Gcwb6pMxakE-00770-00422262-00422518 there's a human Harvest you gotta go for Gcwb6pMxakE-00771-00422519-00423485 that that's a weird ass name uh Gcwb6pMxakE-00772-00423485-00423737 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00773-00423738-00423959 what does she oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00774-00423960-00424429 oh thank you boink Gcwb6pMxakE-00775-00424430-00424829 boom boom Kobe Gcwb6pMxakE-00776-00424830-00425543 [__] I forget what Watashi means I Gcwb6pMxakE-00777-00425543-00425789 isn't it like Gcwb6pMxakE-00778-00425789-00426125 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00779-00426126-00426353 isn't it like yes or something no it Gcwb6pMxakE-00780-00426354-00426659 wouldn't be yes Gcwb6pMxakE-00781-00426660-00426941 dude I literally searched this up bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00782-00426942-00427307 like how do I not know this Gcwb6pMxakE-00783-00427308-00427691 are you kidding me Gcwb6pMxakE-00784-00427692-00427793 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00785-00427793-00428266 no Gcwb6pMxakE-00786-00428267-00428689 oh my god dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00787-00428689-00429070 of course it had to happen bro of course Gcwb6pMxakE-00788-00429071-00429466 no Gcwb6pMxakE-00789-00429467-00429733 damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00790-00429734-00430325 what the hell Gcwb6pMxakE-00791-00430326-00431135 pain Gcwb6pMxakE-00792-00431135-00433564 ah Gcwb6pMxakE-00793-00433565-00434009 come on little cheese whiz Carrie Gcwb6pMxakE-00794-00434010-00434237 boom don't save that you [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00795-00434238-00434872 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00796-00434873-00435166 oh teammate you got that Gcwb6pMxakE-00797-00435167-00435551 then he flies it across hit it up Gcwb6pMxakE-00798-00435552-00436141 hit it down oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00799-00436142-00436331 demo Gcwb6pMxakE-00800-00436332-00436745 demo Gcwb6pMxakE-00801-00436746-00436945 all right then Gcwb6pMxakE-00802-00436946-00437231 go why the [__] are you waiting to Gcwb6pMxakE-00803-00437232-00437939 control Gcwb6pMxakE-00804-00437939-00438310 I have no boost for that Gcwb6pMxakE-00805-00438312-00440093 teammate where are you Gcwb6pMxakE-00806-00440093-00440443 I need Hollywood's powers Gcwb6pMxakE-00807-00440443-00440807 oh the way up Gcwb6pMxakE-00808-00440808-00441160 oh damn that's a goal no it's not holy Gcwb6pMxakE-00809-00441162-00442055 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00810-00442056-00442943 no [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00811-00442943-00443351 I'm starting to get really warmed up now Gcwb6pMxakE-00812-00443352-00444214 I think at least it feels that way Gcwb6pMxakE-00813-00444215-00444964 goodbye I'll boost them oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00814-00444965-00445355 no damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00815-00445356-00445541 oh [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00816-00445542-00445822 great pass from it was my fault I'm Gcwb6pMxakE-00817-00445823-00446045 sorry little cheese was Gcwb6pMxakE-00818-00446046-00446909 I failed you Gcwb6pMxakE-00819-00446910-00447227 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00820-00447228-00447539 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00821-00447539-00448913 oh I'm sorry no problem Gcwb6pMxakE-00822-00448914-00449213 she's gonna keep stressing them out and Gcwb6pMxakE-00823-00449214-00449843 get golden two goals correction Gcwb6pMxakE-00824-00449843-00450713 dude they're just reading everything bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00825-00450714-00451241 go oh [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00826-00451242-00451487 no you're golden Gcwb6pMxakE-00827-00451488-00451625 I don't know if that's a direct Gcwb6pMxakE-00828-00451626-00452122 translation Gcwb6pMxakE-00829-00452123-00452279 sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00830-00452280-00452537 teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00831-00452538-00452789 oh damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00832-00452789-00453266 trying too much to be the hero Gcwb6pMxakE-00833-00453267-00453479 [Music] Gcwb6pMxakE-00834-00453480-00454313 damn keep it up keep it up oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00835-00454314-00455116 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00836-00455117-00455320 there we go Gcwb6pMxakE-00837-00455321-00455501 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00838-00455502-00455825 wait I need I need to calm myself before Gcwb6pMxakE-00839-00455826-00456377 we do this Gcwb6pMxakE-00840-00456378-00457163 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00841-00457164-00457793 Ben I need some words of encouragement Gcwb6pMxakE-00842-00457793-00458110 I don't even know what rank they were so Gcwb6pMxakE-00843-00458112-00459089 this is going to be interesting Gcwb6pMxakE-00844-00459089-00459779 I call them Gcwb6pMxakE-00845-00459780-00460055 should I just go [__] Ham on these Gcwb6pMxakE-00846-00460056-00460181 guys Gcwb6pMxakE-00847-00460182-00460564 I will Gcwb6pMxakE-00848-00460565-00461213 harnessing the power of Samurai Gcwb6pMxakE-00849-00461214-00461507 oh 11 seconds Gcwb6pMxakE-00850-00461508-00462281 wait it is one more match right Gcwb6pMxakE-00851-00462282-00462485 all right Gcwb6pMxakE-00852-00462485-00463783 oh my God that was so fast holy [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00853-00463784-00464447 on my team oh they have a full part Gcwb6pMxakE-00854-00464447-00464657 I don't really know how I feel about Gcwb6pMxakE-00855-00464658-00464831 this one Gcwb6pMxakE-00856-00464832-00465101 they got a full party but I don't mean Gcwb6pMxakE-00857-00465102-00465268 [__] oh that guy is really good Gcwb6pMxakE-00858-00465269-00465431 rotations Gcwb6pMxakE-00859-00465432-00465772 oh my God zero using the Batmobile yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00860-00465773-00465953 he is Gcwb6pMxakE-00861-00465954-00466120 pinch God Gcwb6pMxakE-00862-00466121-00466522 no sorry great pass Gcwb6pMxakE-00863-00466523-00467009 you got it Gcwb6pMxakE-00864-00467010-00467177 oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00865-00467178-00467843 holy what a 50. Gcwb6pMxakE-00866-00467843-00468839 I needed to just 50 that Gcwb6pMxakE-00867-00468839-00469331 moving back moving back up Gcwb6pMxakE-00868-00469332-00469589 [__] that wasn't a good hit oh neither Gcwb6pMxakE-00869-00469589-00469787 was that though Gcwb6pMxakE-00870-00469788-00470045 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00871-00470046-00470566 please hit that oh my God what a pinch Gcwb6pMxakE-00872-00470567-00471053 teammate pass it boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00873-00471054-00471707 if I got that boost bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00874-00471708-00472110 what the hell was that teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00875-00472112-00472553 no role Gcwb6pMxakE-00876-00472554-00472939 I do that so many times Gcwb6pMxakE-00877-00472939-00473093 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00878-00473093-00474233 I've done that so much bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00879-00474234-00474847 oh really damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00880-00474847-00475043 get that bit Gcwb6pMxakE-00881-00475043-00475859 oh my God what a pinch Gcwb6pMxakE-00882-00475860-00476843 no it was flying in that [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00883-00476843-00477785 thank you teammate but also now Gcwb6pMxakE-00884-00477785-00478453 nice teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00885-00478454-00479272 boom no Gcwb6pMxakE-00886-00479273-00479422 no [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00887-00479423-00479825 that's not good Gcwb6pMxakE-00888-00479826-00480353 and he barely hit that holy [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00889-00480354-00480707 oh I dare you boys to hit that [__] what Gcwb6pMxakE-00890-00480708-00480970 how the [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00891-00480971-00481835 do I need to go Gcwb6pMxakE-00892-00481835-00482470 mortar pinch Gcwb6pMxakE-00893-00482471-00482741 can I saved that Gcwb6pMxakE-00894-00482742-00483022 nice redirect bruh oh my God teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00895-00483023-00483263 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00896-00483264-00483514 nice demo Gcwb6pMxakE-00897-00483515-00484457 pinch that [__] boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00898-00484458-00485177 please it's okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00899-00485178-00485885 comeback season boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00900-00485885-00486041 stuck Gcwb6pMxakE-00901-00486042-00486491 bro are you kidding me dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00902-00486492-00487007 come on bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00903-00487008-00487775 of course I missed that boost dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00904-00487776-00487972 I'm totally gonna get diamond three now Gcwb6pMxakE-00905-00487973-00490589 or Diamond two Gcwb6pMxakE-00906-00490589-00490768 go teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00907-00490769-00491453 how did you read that bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00908-00491454-00491807 oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00909-00491808-00492203 [__] sorry about Gcwb6pMxakE-00910-00492204-00492407 I'm second guessing myself I just need Gcwb6pMxakE-00911-00492408-00492809 to go Gcwb6pMxakE-00912-00492810-00493414 let's go Gcwb6pMxakE-00913-00493415-00494105 I don't really know what that was yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00914-00494106-00494351 come on boys Gcwb6pMxakE-00915-00494352-00494951 this is it for all the marbles Gcwb6pMxakE-00916-00494952-00495197 and you [__] try and do the most Gcwb6pMxakE-00917-00495197-00495377 insane play you've ever done in your Gcwb6pMxakE-00918-00495378-00496222 life Gcwb6pMxakE-00919-00496223-00496553 yep oh God Gcwb6pMxakE-00920-00496554-00497129 oh [__] please hit that thank you Gcwb6pMxakE-00921-00497130-00497503 what a sus email go teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00922-00497504-00498479 boom no Gcwb6pMxakE-00923-00498480-00499499 no what a sassy emote Gcwb6pMxakE-00924-00499500-00499918 teammate what was that Gcwb6pMxakE-00925-00499919-00501229 that Gcwb6pMxakE-00926-00501230-00501564 [Laughter] Gcwb6pMxakE-00927-00501565-00501970 okay I'm playing another one Gcwb6pMxakE-00928-00501971-00502403 bro I am what dude I am one division Gcwb6pMxakE-00929-00502404-00502618 away from champ Gcwb6pMxakE-00930-00502619-00503891 one [__] one our teammate dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00931-00503892-00504113 it's a numbered server Gcwb6pMxakE-00932-00504114-00504316 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00933-00504317-00504703 you got another full party again bro Gcwb6pMxakE-00934-00504704-00505025 yes good start Gcwb6pMxakE-00935-00505026-00505241 please be AFK for the rest of the match Gcwb6pMxakE-00936-00505242-00506099 oh damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00937-00506100-00506453 God damn Gcwb6pMxakE-00938-00506454-00506885 God I [__] hate this map though Gcwb6pMxakE-00939-00506885-00507125 what was that dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00940-00507126-00507443 teammates Gcwb6pMxakE-00941-00507443-00507845 close one neither Bud yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-00942-00507846-00508325 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00943-00508326-00508595 okay double commit and they both missed Gcwb6pMxakE-00944-00508596-00509279 it Gcwb6pMxakE-00945-00509280-00509572 send it yes Gcwb6pMxakE-00946-00509573-00510707 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00947-00510708-00511031 look uh I have to play one more I think Gcwb6pMxakE-00948-00511032-00511283 I'm either two games away from getting Gcwb6pMxakE-00949-00511284-00512045 champ or one oh no of course Gcwb6pMxakE-00950-00512046-00513125 [__] sorry that was my bad Gcwb6pMxakE-00951-00513126-00514139 you don't have any boost do you oh boy Gcwb6pMxakE-00952-00514139-00514366 [__] get a good 50 on that Gcwb6pMxakE-00953-00514367-00514985 and give our teammate time to get back Gcwb6pMxakE-00954-00514985-00515614 problem Gcwb6pMxakE-00955-00515615-00516299 nope I will never Gcwb6pMxakE-00956-00516300-00516616 oh no that could Gcwb6pMxakE-00957-00516617-00516941 dude I'm going insane bro I'm going in Gcwb6pMxakE-00958-00516942-00517439 mentally insane from this dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00959-00517439-00517733 oh teammates score that it's free nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00960-00517734-00518003 shot Gcwb6pMxakE-00961-00518004-00518609 come here buddy boom Oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00962-00518610-00519010 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-00963-00519012-00519539 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00964-00519539-00520199 yep we all know where the left goes rule Gcwb6pMxakE-00965-00520200-00520570 ah damn my bad Gcwb6pMxakE-00966-00520571-00520943 I should have pre-jumped that Gcwb6pMxakE-00967-00520943-00521177 nice teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00968-00521178-00521635 very good job Gcwb6pMxakE-00969-00521635-00522514 what the [__] all right Gcwb6pMxakE-00970-00522515-00523145 wow okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00971-00523146-00523337 okay Gcwb6pMxakE-00972-00523338-00524129 teammate yep you got that Gcwb6pMxakE-00973-00524130-00524579 God I just [__] kicked my leg so hard Gcwb6pMxakE-00974-00524580-00524795 against my wall dude Gcwb6pMxakE-00975-00524796-00525029 that's how hard I was trying to get that Gcwb6pMxakE-00976-00525030-00526168 shot in Gcwb6pMxakE-00977-00526169-00526589 go go teammate that's free nice Gcwb6pMxakE-00978-00526590-00526918 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00979-00526919-00528395 boom Gcwb6pMxakE-00980-00528396-00528743 boom Oh my god oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00981-00528744-00530033 hey you just gotta wait on that homeboy Gcwb6pMxakE-00982-00530034-00530741 what a 50. I'm balling on these kids Gcwb6pMxakE-00983-00530742-00531562 damn that would have been badass Gcwb6pMxakE-00984-00531563-00531827 oh you just made the worst rotation of Gcwb6pMxakE-00985-00531828-00532393 your life homeboy Gcwb6pMxakE-00986-00532394-00532870 boom top right [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-00987-00532871-00533111 teammate you're back here oh my God Gcwb6pMxakE-00988-00533112-00533285 sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00989-00533286-00534461 oh my God oh my God sorry Gcwb6pMxakE-00990-00534462-00535127 I should have just stayed back Gcwb6pMxakE-00991-00535128-00535470 this ain't gonna happen right Gcwb6pMxakE-00992-00535471-00535811 right oh my God he just speed flipped Gcwb6pMxakE-00993-00535812-00536075 the absolute [__] out of the oh God Gcwb6pMxakE-00994-00536076-00536759 teammate Gcwb6pMxakE-00995-00536760-00537041 let's see this pre-jump shall we Gcwb6pMxakE-00996-00537042-00537166 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-00997-00537167-00537622 dude like what just just go up for them Gcwb6pMxakE-00998-00537623-00537916 in it and make it look cool Gcwb6pMxakE-00999-00537917-00539449 you literally don't Gcwb6pMxakE-01000-00539450-00539825 so teammate why why why why why why why Gcwb6pMxakE-01001-00539826-00540731 why why Gcwb6pMxakE-01002-00540732-00541877 like bro you're just ball chasing dude Gcwb6pMxakE-01003-00541878-00542399 and I should Gcwb6pMxakE-01004-00542400-00543370 [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-01005-00543371-00544295 bro Gcwb6pMxakE-01006-00544296-00544631 I'm gonna lose my mind if we lose this Gcwb6pMxakE-01007-00544632-00544883 bro Gcwb6pMxakE-01008-00544884-00546157 oh my God we literally just lost it Gcwb6pMxakE-01009-00546158-00546359 what the [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-01010-00546360-00547595 all right Alexa thank you Gcwb6pMxakE-01011-00547596-00547829 don't give me another Athena thing Gcwb6pMxakE-01012-00547830-00549977 please Gcwb6pMxakE-01013-00549978-00550747 what the [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-01014-00550748-00551201 yeah look I mean like some of these are Gcwb6pMxakE-01015-00551202-00551399 like the exact same so like there's the Gcwb6pMxakE-01016-00551400-00551627 stripes one of that one there's Stripes Gcwb6pMxakE-01017-00551628-00552016 one for that one but Gcwb6pMxakE-01018-00552017-00552257 dude I'm gonna [__] vomit I can't Gcwb6pMxakE-01019-00552258-00553120 believe we just lost that bro Gcwb6pMxakE-01020-00553121-00553457 [__] pain Gcwb6pMxakE-01021-00553458-00554639 can I trade in please Gcwb6pMxakE-01022-00554640-00555647 oh yeah [__] it Gcwb6pMxakE-01023-00555648-00555857 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-01024-00555858-00556559 pinch God car Gcwb6pMxakE-01025-00556560-00556811 oh wait did I get the body or did I get Gcwb6pMxakE-01026-00556812-00557129 oh my God yeah look at how flat that Gcwb6pMxakE-01027-00557130-00557495 [__] is Gcwb6pMxakE-01028-00557496-00557711 are you still playing uh ghost of Gcwb6pMxakE-01029-00557712-00558941 tsushima then Gcwb6pMxakE-01030-00558942-00559549 she's in there yeah Gcwb6pMxakE-01031-00559550-00559739 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-01032-00559740-00560470 boys Gcwb6pMxakE-01033-00560471-00560651 oh Gcwb6pMxakE-01034-00560652-00560879 what'd you get diamond three division Gcwb6pMxakE-01035-00560880-00561281 four Gcwb6pMxakE-01036-00561282-00561622 literally dude I swear to God I would Gcwb6pMxakE-01037-00561623-00561803 have gotten it if we won the last game Gcwb6pMxakE-01038-00561804-00562141 but nope Gcwb6pMxakE-01039-00562142-00562541 only pain Gcwb6pMxakE-01040-00562542-00562822 what Gcwb6pMxakE-01041-00562823-00563122 honestly Gcwb6pMxakE-01042-00563123-00563435 dragon crazy Gcwb6pMxakE-01043-00563436-00564029 well Gcwb6pMxakE-01044-00564030-00564287 thank all of y'all for being here I Gcwb6pMxakE-01045-00564288-00564551 really appreciate it Ben thank you for Gcwb6pMxakE-01046-00564552-00564814 supporting me throughout this journey of Gcwb6pMxakE-01047-00564815-00565477 ranks that I cried during Gcwb6pMxakE-01048-00565478-00565841 seriously like Gcwb6pMxakE-01049-00565842-00566075 are you gonna stream Metal by the way Gcwb6pMxakE-01050-00566076-00566327 and oh yeah wait is that Chris guy Gcwb6pMxakE-01051-00566328-00566681 streaming please dude Gcwb6pMxakE-01052-00566682-00566981 please Gcwb6pMxakE-01053-00566982-00567664 I would love to give him another raid Gcwb6pMxakE-01054-00567665-00568445 if my [__] twitch will load Gcwb6pMxakE-01055-00568446-00568589 um twitch Gcwb6pMxakE-01056-00568590-00569327 there we go Gcwb6pMxakE-01057-00569328-00570079 foreign Gcwb6pMxakE-01058-00570080-00571079 he is not [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-01059-00571080-00571241 do you have anybody you would like to Gcwb6pMxakE-01060-00571242-00572662 suggest Ben for rating Gcwb6pMxakE-01061-00572663-00573197 literally anybody Gcwb6pMxakE-01062-00573198-00574637 because I don't really have anybody Gcwb6pMxakE-01063-00574638-00574987 should I should I rate them yeah [__] it Gcwb6pMxakE-01064-00574988-00575314 we'll write them Gcwb6pMxakE-01065-00575315-00577727 [__] butt dude Gcwb6pMxakE-01066-00577728-00578075 all right Gcwb6pMxakE-01067-00578076-00578303 thank you everybody who tuned in for the Gcwb6pMxakE-01068-00578304-00578459 stream and if you're watching this on Gcwb6pMxakE-01069-00578460-00578657 YouTube thank you for watching the video Gcwb6pMxakE-01070-00578658-00578951 I appreciate it Gcwb6pMxakE-01071-00578952-00579185 and Gcwb6pMxakE-01072-00579186-00579568 yeah I will see you all soon Gcwb6pMxakE-01073-00579569-00579827 we're going dude it's gonna [__] do Gcwb6pMxakE-01074-00579828-00580168 this goddamn [__] again bro I literally Gcwb6pMxakE-01075-00580169-00580589 have to like wait like 30 minutes for Gcwb6pMxakE-01076-00580590-00581657 this [__] Gcwb6pMxakE-01077-00581658-00581933 okay maybe I'll just click it once and Gcwb6pMxakE-01078-00581934-00582197 not do anything Gcwb6pMxakE-01079-00582198-00583427 and hopefully it'll work Gcwb6pMxakE-01080-00583428-00583733 [Music] Gcwb6pMxakE-01081-00583734-00584327 dude like what is this bro Gcwb6pMxakE-01082-00584328-00584999 let me raid him hey Ben Gcwb6pMxakE-01083-00585000-00585509 dude Gcwb6pMxakE-01084-00585510-00585803 I'm trying I'm literally pressing the Gcwb6pMxakE-01085-00585804-00586691 raid Now button Gcwb6pMxakE-01086-00586692-00587119 ah High equals oh there we go Gd0OfYF0VNy-00000-00000568-00000794 oh god Gd0OfYF0VNy-00001-00000795-00001221 [Music] GeOvi5XUhUg-00000-00000041-00000323 Vaadin approaches their software GeOvi5XUhUg-00001-00000324-00000559 development from a usability user GeOvi5XUhUg-00002-00000560-00000790 interface standpoint where most other GeOvi5XUhUg-00003-00000791-00000977 people were focusing on a very technical GeOvi5XUhUg-00004-00000977-00001274 aspect first and the user interface GeOvi5XUhUg-00005-00001275-00001525 usability side came last our software GeOvi5XUhUg-00006-00001526-00001741 development is done in Sprint's GeOvi5XUhUg-00007-00001742-00002090 practically what our customer had was GeOvi5XUhUg-00008-00002091-00002321 tons and tons of different kind of GeOvi5XUhUg-00009-00002322-00002546 requirements and we helped them to break GeOvi5XUhUg-00010-00002547-00002867 them down into really into reasonable GeOvi5XUhUg-00011-00002868-00003224 releases and those realities are done in GeOvi5XUhUg-00012-00003225-00003584 multiple sprints so the software does GeOvi5XUhUg-00013-00003585-00003829 everything from their financials to GeOvi5XUhUg-00014-00003830-00003970 their scheduling to their treatment GeOvi5XUhUg-00015-00003971-00004229 planning to their imaging - you know GeOvi5XUhUg-00016-00004230-00004484 communications with patients so it GeOvi5XUhUg-00017-00004485-00004663 really brings everything that they need GeOvi5XUhUg-00018-00004664-00004922 to do and bring it all all together on GeOvi5XUhUg-00019-00004923-00005129 one platform the actually using really GeOvi5XUhUg-00020-00005130-00005393 modern technology stack for starters GeOvi5XUhUg-00021-00005394-00005702 using Java 8 the also using spring and GeOvi5XUhUg-00022-00005703-00006140 spring boot JPA jlq all those modern GeOvi5XUhUg-00023-00006141-00006439 technologies to provide great speed and GeOvi5XUhUg-00024-00006440-00006800 also great productivity to our program I GeOvi5XUhUg-00025-00006801-00007016 have a lot of interaction with the UX GeOvi5XUhUg-00026-00007017-00007223 and UI guys and they are excellent to GeOvi5XUhUg-00027-00007223-00007348 work with I can't say enough good things GeOvi5XUhUg-00028-00007350-00007549 about them and how they can kind of take GeOvi5XUhUg-00029-00007550-00007735 what I'm saying and I don't even know if GeOvi5XUhUg-00030-00007736-00007898 it makes sense and then turn it into GeOvi5XUhUg-00031-00007898-00008048 something that looks awesome and works GeOvi5XUhUg-00032-00008048-00008207 better than I ever would have imagined GeOvi5XUhUg-00033-00008208-00008363 it we actually don't have any developers GeOvi5XUhUg-00034-00008364-00008537 and house we've relied completely on GeOvi5XUhUg-00035-00008538-00008728 bond since we've started it's just been GeOvi5XUhUg-00036-00008729-00008933 such a great relationship since we GeOvi5XUhUg-00037-00008934-00009116 started that that we didn't see a need GeOvi5XUhUg-00038-00009117-00009443 to hire enhanced developers GjPIseB7kHk-00000-00000000-00000248 foreign GlVi_HGwSDu-00000-00000748-00001075 very happy to be here in source region GlVi_HGwSDu-00001-00001076-00001450 and just such a fabulous conference that GlVi_HGwSDu-00002-00001451-00001683 I've always feel torn between the GlVi_HGwSDu-00003-00001684-00001894 different session was exciting and the GlVi_HGwSDu-00004-00001895-00002119 missing a few but I'm doing at all for GlVi_HGwSDu-00005-00002120-00002380 you know it's catching up on one glasses GlVi_HGwSDu-00006-00002381-00002623 yes itself very pleased to be here again GlVi_HGwSDu-00007-00002624-00003082 and in my past life I've represented the GlVi_HGwSDu-00008-00003083-00003368 comedians who continue to be a comedian GlVi_HGwSDu-00009-00003369-00003706 but i'm heading internationalisation in GlVi_HGwSDu-00010-00003707-00003949 NLP and localization engineering at GlVi_HGwSDu-00011-00003950-00004345 twitter so really want to talk about how GlVi_HGwSDu-00012-00004346-00004553 twitter is approaching the problem GlVi_HGwSDu-00013-00004554-00004789 problems of internationalisation and GlVi_HGwSDu-00014-00004790-00005245 challenges scale and as we become more GlVi_HGwSDu-00015-00005246-00005478 and more global in this world of the GlVi_HGwSDu-00016-00005479-00005710 internet kind of discussing some of the GlVi_HGwSDu-00017-00005711-00006121 areas that face all the major platforms GlVi_HGwSDu-00018-00006122-00006388 if you will on the web and you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00019-00006389-00006616 going into North so I what I'd like to GlVi_HGwSDu-00020-00006617-00006909 do is briefly I like some of the areas GlVi_HGwSDu-00021-00006911-00007372 in terms of the breadth of the problem GlVi_HGwSDu-00022-00007373-00007708 if you will and then also have a good GlVi_HGwSDu-00023-00007709-00007939 discussion around some of the issues and GlVi_HGwSDu-00024-00007940-00008188 challenges and opportunities that you GlVi_HGwSDu-00025-00008189-00008569 see in internationalisation at large and GlVi_HGwSDu-00026-00008570-00008902 making the platform enabled on web and GlVi_HGwSDu-00027-00008903-00009537 mobile to be more accessible and we GlVi_HGwSDu-00028-00009538-00009973 right so is you oh no I'm sure you do GlVi_HGwSDu-00029-00009974-00010189 sitter and some way or the other is GlVi_HGwSDu-00030-00010190-00010410 there anybody who doesn't use to them GlVi_HGwSDu-00031-00010411-00010732 yes it goes so this is cool and it's GlVi_HGwSDu-00032-00010733-00010932 just you know one of those things where GlVi_HGwSDu-00033-00010933-00011178 twitter has always been a phenomenon I GlVi_HGwSDu-00034-00011179-00011574 think of kind of being the heartbeat or GlVi_HGwSDu-00035-00011575-00011755 the pulse if you will of many GlVi_HGwSDu-00036-00011756-00012159 conversations especially news events GlVi_HGwSDu-00037-00012160-00012469 opinions discussions happening on the GlVi_HGwSDu-00038-00012470-00012727 latest trends and in many different GlVi_HGwSDu-00039-00012728-00013071 languages and and Twitter amazingly GlVi_HGwSDu-00040-00013072-00013324 enough has been an open platform for so GlVi_HGwSDu-00041-00013325-00013563 many years where the conversations that GlVi_HGwSDu-00042-00013565-00013755 people are having or the information GlVi_HGwSDu-00043-00013756-00014019 that they're sore you know talking about GlVi_HGwSDu-00044-00014020-00014547 or sharing is available and also now it GlVi_HGwSDu-00045-00014548-00014872 is indexed by google in these search GlVi_HGwSDu-00046-00014872-00015297 results if you will according to the GlVi_HGwSDu-00047-00015298-00015478 conversations that are going on so it's GlVi_HGwSDu-00048-00015479-00015666 very very interesting to kind of see GlVi_HGwSDu-00049-00015668-00016006 where Twitter is evolving too and as it GlVi_HGwSDu-00050-00016007-00016261 expands in terms of the reach and the GlVi_HGwSDu-00051-00016262-00016500 usage by different folks across the GlVi_HGwSDu-00052-00016501-00016924 planet look at language support which is GlVi_HGwSDu-00053-00016925-00017284 very very fundamental to access so I was GlVi_HGwSDu-00054-00017285-00017531 on Twitter in the morning today and GlVi_HGwSDu-00055-00017532-00017767 amazingly one of my friends from Ghana GlVi_HGwSDu-00056-00017768-00018061 she's a activists on digit on the GlVi_HGwSDu-00057-00018062-00018471 digital divide and works on the Internet GlVi_HGwSDu-00058-00018472-00018964 ief forums and ITF and she was tweeting GlVi_HGwSDu-00059-00018965-00019366 about some of the major areas which GlVi_HGwSDu-00060-00019367-00019753 really really enable access and help GlVi_HGwSDu-00061-00019754-00019942 bridge the digital divide and as you can GlVi_HGwSDu-00062-00019943-00020289 see it was very appropriate that GlVi_HGwSDu-00063-00020290-00020605 language is one of the areas which is GlVi_HGwSDu-00064-00020606-00020922 really really something that is key in GlVi_HGwSDu-00065-00020923-00021187 being able to really say that we are GlVi_HGwSDu-00066-00021188-00021438 globally connected or via globally GlVi_HGwSDu-00067-00021439-00021727 conversant with each other and GlVi_HGwSDu-00068-00021728-00021934 maintaining and internationalized an GlVi_HGwSDu-00069-00021935-00022281 open platform so I take that spirit to GlVi_HGwSDu-00070-00022282-00022575 heart very much I care about you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00071-00022576-00022714 some of these areas which GlVi_HGwSDu-00072-00022715-00023071 so integrated and interconnected to GlVi_HGwSDu-00073-00023072-00023239 being able to provide access to GlVi_HGwSDu-00074-00023240-00023478 everybody on the planet for all the GlVi_HGwSDu-00075-00023479-00023761 platforms that we take for granted right GlVi_HGwSDu-00076-00023762-00024169 so one of the things that you may have GlVi_HGwSDu-00077-00024170-00024369 noticed is that Twitter speaks many GlVi_HGwSDu-00078-00024370-00024841 languages right and you know having been GlVi_HGwSDu-00079-00024842-00025102 a primarily English user initially GlVi_HGwSDu-00080-00025103-00025441 myself as well as then kind of looking GlVi_HGwSDu-00081-00025442-00025689 and tweeting in other languages that I'm GlVi_HGwSDu-00082-00025689-00026118 conversant in I started seeing over time GlVi_HGwSDu-00083-00026119-00026452 that you know many of the tweets rather GlVi_HGwSDu-00084-00026452-00026752 folks are tweeting in Japanese or in in GlVi_HGwSDu-00085-00026752-00027085 the or an Arabic or in Malayalam or in GlVi_HGwSDu-00086-00027086-00027393 Persian or you know in German people GlVi_HGwSDu-00087-00027394-00027690 tend to use languages interchangeably GlVi_HGwSDu-00088-00027691-00027955 right and even in a tweet which is just GlVi_HGwSDu-00089-00027956-00028210 a hundred and forty characters you'd be GlVi_HGwSDu-00090-00028211-00028662 amazed at the usage of multi language in GlVi_HGwSDu-00091-00028663-00029112 in that you know 140 characters so we GlVi_HGwSDu-00092-00029113-00029271 kind of say okay we're just going to do GlVi_HGwSDu-00093-00029272-00029565 a tweet which is going to be a sentence GlVi_HGwSDu-00094-00029566-00029808 perhaps or a paragraph you know and a GlVi_HGwSDu-00095-00029809-00030102 hashtag perhaps for you know a topic GlVi_HGwSDu-00096-00030103-00030283 that I'm interested in and a link right GlVi_HGwSDu-00097-00030283-00030550 I mean that's kind of the constitution GlVi_HGwSDu-00098-00030551-00030901 of a simple tweak but you'll also see if GlVi_HGwSDu-00099-00030902-00031146 you notice more carefully that's many GlVi_HGwSDu-00100-00031147-00031420 many times Arabic is intertwined with GlVi_HGwSDu-00101-00031420-00031711 English or you know Hebrew is GlVi_HGwSDu-00102-00031712-00032040 intertwined with German or when Adam is GlVi_HGwSDu-00103-00032041-00032260 intertwined with hindi and I mean there GlVi_HGwSDu-00104-00032261-00032458 are so many different combinations that GlVi_HGwSDu-00105-00032458-00032782 you are seeing in the composition of a GlVi_HGwSDu-00106-00032783-00033012 tweet which from a language processing GlVi_HGwSDu-00107-00033013-00033295 perspective makes that challenge even GlVi_HGwSDu-00108-00033296-00033537 more interesting right because you take GlVi_HGwSDu-00109-00033538-00033721 for granted that hey somebody you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00110-00033722-00033921 who is just tweeting can use all these GlVi_HGwSDu-00111-00033922-00034077 different languages and talk about them GlVi_HGwSDu-00112-00034078-00034437 but it's quite complex and as we add GlVi_HGwSDu-00113-00034438-00034726 multimedia we add media we add the audio GlVi_HGwSDu-00114-00034727-00035023 we add video we had different kinds of GlVi_HGwSDu-00115-00035024-00035296 photographs how do you use language tags GlVi_HGwSDu-00116-00035297-00035500 right how do you actually use in search GlVi_HGwSDu-00117-00035501-00035721 on them so one of the interesting things GlVi_HGwSDu-00118-00035722-00035846 that I just took GlVi_HGwSDu-00119-00035847-00036032 snapshot here is many of the major GlVi_HGwSDu-00120-00036033-00036383 languages if you will which is just a GlVi_HGwSDu-00121-00036384-00036605 snapshot of the millions of speakers in GlVi_HGwSDu-00122-00036606-00036974 each language and you'll see that much GlVi_HGwSDu-00123-00036975-00037136 of the most of these languages are GlVi_HGwSDu-00124-00037137-00037654 actually used and on Twitter and on GlVi_HGwSDu-00125-00037655-00038018 Wikipedia also of course but you will GlVi_HGwSDu-00126-00038019-00038174 also see that you know there are all GlVi_HGwSDu-00127-00038175-00038384 multi-languages in terms of how they're GlVi_HGwSDu-00128-00038385-00038762 mixed up right so in the millions of GlVi_HGwSDu-00129-00038763-00038957 users you will see these are some of the GlVi_HGwSDu-00130-00038958-00039293 top languages and they also kind of GlVi_HGwSDu-00131-00039294-00039605 reflect the same on you know major GlVi_HGwSDu-00132-00039606-00040049 platforms on the web so one of the other GlVi_HGwSDu-00133-00040050-00040247 areas that I feel which is very very GlVi_HGwSDu-00134-00040248-00040472 compelling in terms of you know why GlVi_HGwSDu-00135-00040473-00040895 people access the web and also use GlVi_HGwSDu-00136-00040896-00041177 something like Twitter is that there is GlVi_HGwSDu-00137-00041178-00041456 content in that language right that is GlVi_HGwSDu-00138-00041457-00041723 if I'm familiar with Hindi or I'm GlVi_HGwSDu-00139-00041724-00041897 familiar with Nepali or I'm familiar GlVi_HGwSDu-00140-00041898-00042176 with English or with German I want to GlVi_HGwSDu-00141-00042177-00042377 see content that's interesting for me GlVi_HGwSDu-00142-00042378-00042605 from sources that are local you know to GlVi_HGwSDu-00143-00042606-00042818 that language or people who are actually GlVi_HGwSDu-00144-00042819-00043025 speaking about a particular topic in GlVi_HGwSDu-00145-00043026-00043193 that language so one of the interesting GlVi_HGwSDu-00146-00043194-00043463 things on Twitter that you've noticed GlVi_HGwSDu-00147-00043464-00043771 very often which is correlated by what GlVi_HGwSDu-00148-00043772-00044048 you see as friends for example on the GlVi_HGwSDu-00149-00044049-00044665 left hand side is when there is a event GlVi_HGwSDu-00150-00044666-00044909 happening across the planet it could be GlVi_HGwSDu-00151-00044910-00045173 something as a sports event something is GlVi_HGwSDu-00152-00045174-00045485 you know as popular as a sports event it GlVi_HGwSDu-00153-00045486-00045725 could be a political event for example GlVi_HGwSDu-00154-00045726-00045934 you know most of the political GlVi_HGwSDu-00155-00045935-00046229 conversations whether that's the u.s. GlVi_HGwSDu-00156-00046230-00046594 election which is coming up or the GlVi_HGwSDu-00157-00046595-00046862 elections or the Greek debates that are GlVi_HGwSDu-00158-00046863-00047180 happening in Europe or the Nepal GlVi_HGwSDu-00159-00047181-00047476 earthquake that just occurred in Nepal GlVi_HGwSDu-00160-00047477-00047743 you'd be amazed by how much conversation GlVi_HGwSDu-00161-00047744-00048185 happens on Twitter real time and when GlVi_HGwSDu-00162-00048186-00048473 I'm interested in a particular topic I GlVi_HGwSDu-00163-00048474-00048779 have found you know folks and me GlVi_HGwSDu-00164-00048780-00049019 included going and searching for that GlVi_HGwSDu-00165-00049020-00049190 specific hashtag in a particular GlVi_HGwSDu-00166-00049191-00049259 language GlVi_HGwSDu-00167-00049260-00049628 get the most recent information that GlVi_HGwSDu-00168-00049629-00049829 people are sharing because at the end of GlVi_HGwSDu-00169-00049830-00050066 the day crowdsourced information where GlVi_HGwSDu-00170-00050067-00050228 people are actually conversing with each GlVi_HGwSDu-00171-00050229-00050456 other or sharing information can only GlVi_HGwSDu-00172-00050457-00050780 occur spontaneously on platforms such as GlVi_HGwSDu-00173-00050781-00050951 these right and Twitter is one of them GlVi_HGwSDu-00174-00050952-00051254 so I went and looked up for example you GlVi_HGwSDu-00175-00051254-00051500 see that the interface is an English GlVi_HGwSDu-00176-00051501-00051827 here but I was searching on Hindi and GlVi_HGwSDu-00177-00051828-00052015 Nepali which has if it shared the same GlVi_HGwSDu-00178-00052016-00052265 script which is devanagari but i was GlVi_HGwSDu-00179-00052266-00052460 looking at nepal bukom which basically GlVi_HGwSDu-00180-00052461-00052739 means Nepal earthquake right and I could GlVi_HGwSDu-00181-00052740-00053072 see all the different you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00182-00053073-00053282 conversations and the information that GlVi_HGwSDu-00183-00053283-00053483 was getting shared as the earthquake GlVi_HGwSDu-00184-00053484-00053741 occurred and then the discussions in GlVi_HGwSDu-00185-00053741-00053929 terms of getting relief down to the GlVi_HGwSDu-00186-00053930-00054284 ground the you know the people who are GlVi_HGwSDu-00187-00054285-00054473 stuck in different areas due to GlVi_HGwSDu-00188-00054474-00054764 landslides or due to any any kind of you GlVi_HGwSDu-00189-00054765-00054962 know building collapses and you'd be GlVi_HGwSDu-00190-00054963-00055361 amazed at how late the actual you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00191-00055362-00055676 the traditional media picked it up after GlVi_HGwSDu-00192-00055677-00055925 it is on Wikipedia or on twitter or on GlVi_HGwSDu-00193-00055926-00056233 facebook and other platforms right so GlVi_HGwSDu-00194-00056234-00056576 getting a snapshot in each one of these GlVi_HGwSDu-00195-00056577-00056807 tweets which is you can see in Nepali GlVi_HGwSDu-00196-00056808-00057129 for example some of the hashtags are in GlVi_HGwSDu-00197-00057130-00057539 Hindi some of the you know information GlVi_HGwSDu-00198-00057540-00057785 being shared is in English this is all GlVi_HGwSDu-00199-00057786-00058085 in mixture of some of the areas that are GlVi_HGwSDu-00200-00058086-00058522 you know coming and basically merging in GlVi_HGwSDu-00201-00058523-00058988 as a tweet right so I just wanted to GlVi_HGwSDu-00202-00058989-00059198 show you the complexity when you talk GlVi_HGwSDu-00203-00059199-00059399 about access it's not as simple as you GlVi_HGwSDu-00204-00059400-00059525 know just giving somebody internet GlVi_HGwSDu-00205-00059526-00059741 access right there is a lot of levels of GlVi_HGwSDu-00206-00059741-00060050 access and support that you need to GlVi_HGwSDu-00207-00060051-00060284 build into a platform to be able to GlVi_HGwSDu-00208-00060285-00060596 actually say that hey you know my GlVi_HGwSDu-00209-00060597-00060902 platform my website my service can GlVi_HGwSDu-00210-00060903-00061129 actually speak and handle the language GlVi_HGwSDu-00211-00061130-00061400 that people users are using so as you GlVi_HGwSDu-00212-00061401-00061910 know deuter is supporting literally GlVi_HGwSDu-00213-00061911-00062216 hundreds of languages and officially we GlVi_HGwSDu-00214-00062216-00062600 support 36 localized language GlVi_HGwSDu-00215-00062601-00062807 but that's different from content GlVi_HGwSDu-00216-00062808-00063060 languages right again people tweet in GlVi_HGwSDu-00217-00063061-00063360 far more many hundreds of languages you GlVi_HGwSDu-00218-00063361-00063581 know across the planet but it's not and GlVi_HGwSDu-00219-00063582-00063851 it's it's a higher number than what is GlVi_HGwSDu-00220-00063852-00064310 officially localized by Twitter right so GlVi_HGwSDu-00221-00064311-00064622 when you talk about providing language GlVi_HGwSDu-00222-00064623-00065016 support as you all know an intuitive GlVi_HGwSDu-00223-00065016-00065330 user experience means that the same user GlVi_HGwSDu-00224-00065331-00065516 experience which is a good user GlVi_HGwSDu-00225-00065517-00065807 experience hopefully is available not GlVi_HGwSDu-00226-00065808-00066029 only in English but in other languages GlVi_HGwSDu-00227-00066030-00066274 that you're using right that is the GlVi_HGwSDu-00228-00066275-00066479 interaction that you have with the GlVi_HGwSDu-00229-00066480-00066716 platform should not degrade based on the GlVi_HGwSDu-00230-00066717-00066911 language that you're using so when you GlVi_HGwSDu-00231-00066912-00067205 go and set your language you know for GlVi_HGwSDu-00232-00067206-00067448 hey I speak and I use Twitter in German GlVi_HGwSDu-00233-00067449-00067728 for example should be able to see German GlVi_HGwSDu-00234-00067729-00067971 but my again my interaction with the GlVi_HGwSDu-00235-00067972-00068153 platform should be the same should not GlVi_HGwSDu-00236-00068154-00068460 be different from English so there are a GlVi_HGwSDu-00237-00068461-00068675 lot of aspects and user experience which GlVi_HGwSDu-00238-00068676-00068910 I term you know localization is just a GlVi_HGwSDu-00239-00068911-00069110 very small tip of the iceberg on it GlVi_HGwSDu-00240-00069111-00069390 really is just a very small part but GlVi_HGwSDu-00241-00069391-00069603 nonetheless an important part and needs GlVi_HGwSDu-00242-00069604-00069816 to be something that you know people are GlVi_HGwSDu-00243-00069817-00070041 comfortable with and can actually use GlVi_HGwSDu-00244-00070042-00070229 the terminology and see the terminology GlVi_HGwSDu-00245-00070230-00070460 that they are used to so how many of you GlVi_HGwSDu-00246-00070461-00070685 are familiar with localization and GlVi_HGwSDu-00247-00070686-00071085 localization tools cool so you know for GlVi_HGwSDu-00248-00071086-00071235 example you know when you're actually GlVi_HGwSDu-00249-00071236-00071438 working with translators you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00250-00071439-00071603 whether their vendor communities or GlVi_HGwSDu-00251-00071604-00072037 actual user communities localization GlVi_HGwSDu-00252-00072038-00072326 terminology for example is something GlVi_HGwSDu-00253-00072327-00072736 where a lot of variance exists right and GlVi_HGwSDu-00254-00072737-00073053 you I localization becomes far more GlVi_HGwSDu-00255-00073054-00073382 complex than what it should be based on GlVi_HGwSDu-00256-00073383-00073730 the terminology that is being you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00257-00073731-00073988 added to a user interface for a GlVi_HGwSDu-00258-00073989-00074190 particular language but also GlVi_HGwSDu-00259-00074191-00074441 context-driven so I go a little bit more GlVi_HGwSDu-00260-00074442-00074703 into that over you know how we handle it GlVi_HGwSDu-00261-00074704-00075016 at Twitter but then there's also GlVi_HGwSDu-00262-00075017-00075287 internationalization in terms of the GlVi_HGwSDu-00263-00075288-00075528 areas of pluralization gender support GlVi_HGwSDu-00264-00075529-00075773 grammar support you know what are we GlVi_HGwSDu-00265-00075774-00075967 inherently presenting GlVi_HGwSDu-00266-00075968-00076207 to the users so that it doesn't sound GlVi_HGwSDu-00267-00076208-00076488 incorrect right and at the same time GlVi_HGwSDu-00268-00076489-00076707 there's language selection that is hey GlVi_HGwSDu-00269-00076708-00076948 can I select multiple languages for you GlVi_HGwSDu-00270-00076949-00077161 know maybe I want to see my UI in a GlVi_HGwSDu-00271-00077162-00077313 particular language maybe I want to see GlVi_HGwSDu-00272-00077314-00077503 content in this a different language GlVi_HGwSDu-00273-00077504-00077910 maybe I want to see you know different GlVi_HGwSDu-00274-00077911-00078207 multiple different languages for content GlVi_HGwSDu-00275-00078208-00078367 it could be a different variants all GlVi_HGwSDu-00276-00078368-00078586 together so the having that flexibility GlVi_HGwSDu-00277-00078587-00078813 having the flexibility to be able to GlVi_HGwSDu-00278-00078814-00079176 input your tweet to be able to tweet GlVi_HGwSDu-00279-00079177-00079399 providing a consistent reading GlVi_HGwSDu-00280-00079400-00079581 experience you'd be amazed by the GlVi_HGwSDu-00281-00079582-00079969 variation that exists in the user GlVi_HGwSDu-00282-00079970-00080169 experience when you are actually GlVi_HGwSDu-00283-00080170-00080463 rendering multi-language tweets because GlVi_HGwSDu-00284-00080464-00080668 you could have korean with english for GlVi_HGwSDu-00285-00080669-00080907 example and if you did have Korean or GlVi_HGwSDu-00286-00080908-00081115 Chinese or Japanese characters they GlVi_HGwSDu-00287-00081116-00081229 couldn't be actually because they're GlVi_HGwSDu-00288-00081230-00081430 blocks right at the end of the day they GlVi_HGwSDu-00289-00081431-00081619 could look very different in the user GlVi_HGwSDu-00290-00081620-00081868 experience than English itself and it GlVi_HGwSDu-00291-00081869-00082096 could be it could be totally a blocky GlVi_HGwSDu-00292-00082097-00082222 experience so how do you actually GlVi_HGwSDu-00293-00082223-00082429 provide a better user experience for GlVi_HGwSDu-00294-00082430-00082681 that and in a mixed language world GlVi_HGwSDu-00295-00082682-00082879 especially the world that we live in GlVi_HGwSDu-00296-00082880-00083188 today that is something which is very GlVi_HGwSDu-00297-00083189-00083371 important these are different aspects of GlVi_HGwSDu-00298-00083372-00083644 providing a good design experience you GlVi_HGwSDu-00299-00083645-00083866 know where it's not only a software GlVi_HGwSDu-00300-00083867-00084057 engineering problem but it's also a GlVi_HGwSDu-00301-00084058-00084322 design problem that we need to address GlVi_HGwSDu-00302-00084323-00084664 is very important and then last but not GlVi_HGwSDu-00303-00084665-00084931 least providing relevance in all the GlVi_HGwSDu-00304-00084932-00085144 parts that we do on the web which is GlVi_HGwSDu-00305-00085145-00085462 search trends going and locating and GlVi_HGwSDu-00306-00085463-00085759 discovering information across the GlVi_HGwSDu-00307-00085760-00085951 different content sources that we have GlVi_HGwSDu-00308-00085952-00086338 where NLP and language processing matter GlVi_HGwSDu-00309-00086339-00086626 is hugely so I'll deep dive a little bit GlVi_HGwSDu-00310-00086627-00086826 into that and then I would like to have GlVi_HGwSDu-00311-00086827-00087067 some questions in order to discuss some GlVi_HGwSDu-00312-00087068-00087460 of the areas deeply so I'll start off GlVi_HGwSDu-00313-00087461-00087766 with localization what twitter has done GlVi_HGwSDu-00314-00087767-00088026 over time is that twitter does have a GlVi_HGwSDu-00315-00088027-00088330 translator twitter com which is a web GlVi_HGwSDu-00316-00088331-00088681 service that has been built over the GlVi_HGwSDu-00317-00088682-00089053 past few years where it is for any GlVi_HGwSDu-00318-00089054-00089314 community member whether their vendor GlVi_HGwSDu-00319-00089315-00089632 community members or language user GlVi_HGwSDu-00320-00089633-00089983 communities to be able to you know go in GlVi_HGwSDu-00321-00089984-00090154 contribute translations for their GlVi_HGwSDu-00322-00090155-00090453 languages and as I said earlier GlVi_HGwSDu-00323-00090454-00090775 officially we support 36 languages in GlVi_HGwSDu-00324-00090776-00090994 terms of full coverage of all the GlVi_HGwSDu-00325-00090995-00091204 products that twitter has but we are GlVi_HGwSDu-00326-00091205-00091432 actually looking at expanding and GlVi_HGwSDu-00327-00091433-00091585 rolling out more and more languages GlVi_HGwSDu-00328-00091586-00091885 pretty fast I mean that's again I come GlVi_HGwSDu-00329-00091886-00092122 from a world at wikipedia where we had GlVi_HGwSDu-00330-00092123-00092406 almost 300 languages 236 sounds very GlVi_HGwSDu-00331-00092407-00092761 beautiful so it's just something that GlVi_HGwSDu-00332-00092762-00093142 you know I want to help enable where GlVi_HGwSDu-00333-00093143-00093421 there is actually for full localization GlVi_HGwSDu-00334-00093422-00093637 in that area but you can only scale GlVi_HGwSDu-00335-00093638-00093907 using tools and using technology it is GlVi_HGwSDu-00336-00093908-00094123 difficult to actually scale at that GlVi_HGwSDu-00337-00094124-00094267 level you know where you can actually GlVi_HGwSDu-00338-00094268-00094441 support hundreds and hundreds of GlVi_HGwSDu-00339-00094442-00094636 languages without the tools that you GlVi_HGwSDu-00340-00094637-00095047 build so translator com I do to go and GlVi_HGwSDu-00341-00095048-00095206 check it out give me feedback we are GlVi_HGwSDu-00342-00095207-00095419 doing a fair bit of work in terms of the GlVi_HGwSDu-00343-00095420-00095608 design and actually improving the GlVi_HGwSDu-00344-00095609-00095899 workflow and making it simpler and also GlVi_HGwSDu-00345-00095900-00096358 rolling out mobile app where translators GlVi_HGwSDu-00346-00096359-00096565 can actually contribute very easily GlVi_HGwSDu-00347-00096566-00096928 through mobile their mobile devices so GlVi_HGwSDu-00348-00096929-00097237 having that available in the user GlVi_HGwSDu-00349-00097238-00097426 experience there you'd be amazed how GlVi_HGwSDu-00350-00097427-00097621 many people actually contribute you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00351-00097622-00097864 that hey I just you know know these two GlVi_HGwSDu-00352-00097865-00098020 languages can I actually go and do that GlVi_HGwSDu-00353-00098021-00098260 as I'm taking a bus ride dude you just GlVi_HGwSDu-00354-00098261-00098428 be amazed at how many people do that GlVi_HGwSDu-00355-00098429-00098773 across planet so that is the web-based GlVi_HGwSDu-00356-00098774-00098953 interface and we have they're going to GlVi_HGwSDu-00357-00098954-00099301 have a mobile app on that also and some GlVi_HGwSDu-00358-00099302-00099514 of the other localization best practices GlVi_HGwSDu-00359-00099515-00099706 that I wanted to kind of highlight is GlVi_HGwSDu-00360-00099707-00100021 that as we look at localization so the GlVi_HGwSDu-00361-00100022-00100222 best practices that we keep in mind for GlVi_HGwSDu-00362-00100223-00100618 Twitter especially is that we are try to GlVi_HGwSDu-00363-00100619-00100828 be very functionally accurate in terms GlVi_HGwSDu-00364-00100829-00100975 of taking some of the GlVi_HGwSDu-00365-00100976-00101176 internationalization guidelines for GlVi_HGwSDu-00366-00101177-00101419 different languages in terms of GlVi_HGwSDu-00367-00101420-00101764 pluralization rules grammar rules gender GlVi_HGwSDu-00368-00101765-00102049 rules string concatenation wolves and GlVi_HGwSDu-00369-00102050-00102235 incorporate that and make sure that GlVi_HGwSDu-00370-00102236-00102486 localization that is being GlVi_HGwSDu-00371-00102488-00102711 you know made available is compliant GlVi_HGwSDu-00372-00102713-00102973 with that the other area which is always GlVi_HGwSDu-00373-00102974-00103158 you know something that is work in GlVi_HGwSDu-00374-00103159-00103479 progress for every major platform is GlVi_HGwSDu-00375-00103480-00103792 being error-free which means tracking GlVi_HGwSDu-00376-00103793-00104109 and correcting translations all the time GlVi_HGwSDu-00377-00104110-00104310 because you'd be amazed at you know how GlVi_HGwSDu-00378-00104311-00104580 folks can submit translations for GlVi_HGwSDu-00379-00104581-00104899 example but may not have the context at GlVi_HGwSDu-00380-00104900-00105088 all so it might be completely a GlVi_HGwSDu-00381-00105089-00105394 different word depending on what the GlVi_HGwSDu-00382-00105395-00105643 context was right and so having GlVi_HGwSDu-00383-00105644-00105931 mistranslations misspellings punctuation GlVi_HGwSDu-00384-00105932-00106294 errors or punctuation you know anomalies GlVi_HGwSDu-00385-00106295-00106477 is something that you could consistently GlVi_HGwSDu-00386-00106478-00106753 keep correcting as you go along in GlVi_HGwSDu-00387-00106754-00107058 localization and of course preserving GlVi_HGwSDu-00388-00107059-00107227 context which is one of the toughest GlVi_HGwSDu-00389-00107228-00107653 problems in localization because again GlVi_HGwSDu-00390-00107654-00108004 you'd be amazed by how as you look at GlVi_HGwSDu-00391-00108005-00108291 non-latin language scripts especially GlVi_HGwSDu-00392-00108292-00108561 and languages you'd be amazed at how GlVi_HGwSDu-00393-00108563-00108834 much context matters right there we take GlVi_HGwSDu-00394-00108835-00109093 for granted that hey in English we know GlVi_HGwSDu-00395-00109094-00109255 exactly the context because they're GlVi_HGwSDu-00396-00109256-00109465 using it all the time right and we can GlVi_HGwSDu-00397-00109466-00109729 just the kind of just interpret it that GlVi_HGwSDu-00398-00109730-00109942 way but if you're looking at it in GlVi_HGwSDu-00399-00109943-00110143 Japanese or if you're looking at it in GlVi_HGwSDu-00400-00110144-00110383 Arabic or you're looking at it in Hindi GlVi_HGwSDu-00401-00110383-00110674 the context matters enormously because GlVi_HGwSDu-00402-00110675-00110872 you might actually use a completely GlVi_HGwSDu-00403-00110873-00111199 different word or phrase depending on GlVi_HGwSDu-00404-00111200-00111589 where that phrase is being used right so GlVi_HGwSDu-00405-00111590-00111805 again these are some guidelines that are GlVi_HGwSDu-00406-00111806-00112267 actually very useful to keep in mind so GlVi_HGwSDu-00407-00112268-00112417 another area that I wanted to highlight GlVi_HGwSDu-00408-00112418-00112627 where we are doing a lot of deep work in GlVi_HGwSDu-00409-00112628-00113122 and again I'd like to do more question GlVi_HGwSDu-00410-00113123-00113323 and answers if you have any questions on GlVi_HGwSDu-00411-00113324-00113656 this later is that we use natural GlVi_HGwSDu-00412-00113657-00113968 language processing algorithms and have GlVi_HGwSDu-00413-00113969-00114260 been writing and building a lot of GlVi_HGwSDu-00414-00114261-00114673 libraries if you will to be able to GlVi_HGwSDu-00415-00114674-00115027 actually understand and process tweets GlVi_HGwSDu-00416-00115028-00115264 and different languages and especially GlVi_HGwSDu-00417-00115265-00115570 when you're talking about multi-language GlVi_HGwSDu-00418-00115571-00115808 tweets where you know you have GlVi_HGwSDu-00419-00115809-00116155 languages being mushed into mingled into GlVi_HGwSDu-00420-00116156-00116422 the same context how do you actually GlVi_HGwSDu-00421-00116423-00116749 understand the tweet accurately what is GlVi_HGwSDu-00422-00116750-00116965 the language are you identifying all the GlVi_HGwSDu-00423-00116966-00117139 languages correctly because you'd be GlVi_HGwSDu-00424-00117140-00117390 amazed at how complex a problem that is GlVi_HGwSDu-00425-00117391-00117768 and actually identifying the right GlVi_HGwSDu-00426-00117769-00118222 languages for each of those parts where GlVi_HGwSDu-00427-00118223-00118498 you can understand and process the tweet GlVi_HGwSDu-00428-00118499-00118816 accurately so you know NLP is very GlVi_HGwSDu-00429-00118817-00119182 useful in actually being able to process GlVi_HGwSDu-00430-00119183-00119620 and understand a phrase or a sentence or GlVi_HGwSDu-00431-00119621-00120097 a paragraph in context leading from that GlVi_HGwSDu-00432-00120098-00120292 when you process and understand tweets GlVi_HGwSDu-00433-00120293-00120558 obviously want to know how relevant it GlVi_HGwSDu-00434-00120559-00120802 is to a particular topic right and then GlVi_HGwSDu-00435-00120803-00121081 a hash which was hashtag you know as GlVi_HGwSDu-00436-00121082-00121327 invented by Twitter where you can GlVi_HGwSDu-00437-00121328-00121558 actually designate a topic you know with GlVi_HGwSDu-00438-00121558-00121732 the hashtag which is usually used for GlVi_HGwSDu-00439-00121733-00122061 search is something there you need to GlVi_HGwSDu-00440-00122063-00122233 improve relevance that is hey I'm GlVi_HGwSDu-00441-00122233-00122623 looking for baseball for example and I'm GlVi_HGwSDu-00442-00122624-00122830 interested in a specific game that's GlVi_HGwSDu-00443-00122831-00123277 going on this coming weekend when I go GlVi_HGwSDu-00444-00123278-00123523 and do and you know just a hash baseball GlVi_HGwSDu-00445-00123524-00123871 as a search perhaps that's not what I'm GlVi_HGwSDu-00446-00123872-00124039 looking for and this is the same problem GlVi_HGwSDu-00447-00124040-00124303 that every search you know mechanism on GlVi_HGwSDu-00448-00124304-00124560 the web is addressing in different ways GlVi_HGwSDu-00449-00124561-00124825 is that how do I actually provide GlVi_HGwSDu-00450-00124826-00125194 relevant information back to you and in GlVi_HGwSDu-00451-00125195-00125491 this case relevant tweets so can I GlVi_HGwSDu-00452-00125492-00125752 surface relevant sources you know with GlVi_HGwSDu-00453-00125753-00126036 hey these are suggestions of you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00454-00126038-00126210 these games that are coming up this GlVi_HGwSDu-00455-00126211-00126682 weekend can I provide the right you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00456-00126683-00126952 tweets that are related to that how do I GlVi_HGwSDu-00457-00126953-00127147 understand that if I'm searching for it GlVi_HGwSDu-00458-00127148-00127311 in a different language say I'm looking GlVi_HGwSDu-00459-00127313-00127543 at the Japanese baseball teams who are GlVi_HGwSDu-00460-00127544-00127765 participating can I actually you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00461-00127766-00127966 provide you that information accurately GlVi_HGwSDu-00462-00127967-00128293 and provide relevance in that and how do GlVi_HGwSDu-00463-00128294-00128508 i improve the trends you know people are GlVi_HGwSDu-00464-00128509-00128692 looking at rankings all the time what is GlVi_HGwSDu-00465-00128693-00128883 the ranking of that particular team and GlVi_HGwSDu-00466-00128884-00129133 I find that at more accurately so you GlVi_HGwSDu-00467-00129134-00129539 be amazed at how much NLP helps on the GlVi_HGwSDu-00468-00129540-00129764 back end in terms of language processing GlVi_HGwSDu-00469-00129765-00130031 and being able to dissect the meaning GlVi_HGwSDu-00470-00130032-00130400 and context of a word or a phrase or a GlVi_HGwSDu-00471-00130401-00130619 sentence or paragraph as you're looking GlVi_HGwSDu-00472-00130620-00131010 at it in detail another area that we use GlVi_HGwSDu-00473-00131011-00131465 NLP for again is how many of you use GlVi_HGwSDu-00474-00131466-00131795 emerging on the web at all of you guys GlVi_HGwSDu-00475-00131796-00132044 do you've looked at at least I know so GlVi_HGwSDu-00476-00132045-00132407 as you know it be Unicode committees GlVi_HGwSDu-00477-00132408-00132761 just passed emoji as in the standard it GlVi_HGwSDu-00478-00132762-00133046 was something that again as you know if GlVi_HGwSDu-00479-00133047-00133294 any of you are familiar with the history GlVi_HGwSDu-00480-00133295-00133775 evolves from the Japan telcos and GlVi_HGwSDu-00481-00133776-00134063 carriers because you know they rolled GlVi_HGwSDu-00482-00134064-00134582 out these fun icon sets in the devices GlVi_HGwSDu-00483-00134583-00134945 in Japan over the last few decades and GlVi_HGwSDu-00484-00134946-00135161 then that has come into the language GlVi_HGwSDu-00485-00135162-00135494 standards if you will off being able to GlVi_HGwSDu-00486-00135495-00135916 be pervasive on the web today so emojis GlVi_HGwSDu-00487-00135917-00136064 is something that is happening because GlVi_HGwSDu-00488-00136065-00136313 as the world of the web becomes more and GlVi_HGwSDu-00489-00136314-00136574 more visual and interactive people use GlVi_HGwSDu-00490-00136575-00136811 these hashtags all the time and you'd be GlVi_HGwSDu-00491-00136812-00137045 amazed in Twitter's world for example GlVi_HGwSDu-00492-00137046-00137447 saving the you know brazilwood World Cup GlVi_HGwSDu-00493-00137448-00137720 what's going on right each team has a GlVi_HGwSDu-00494-00137721-00138004 hash flag and the hash flags are all GlVi_HGwSDu-00495-00138005-00138206 flags of the different countries of the GlVi_HGwSDu-00496-00138207-00138446 teams that they're playing so you'd be GlVi_HGwSDu-00497-00138447-00138656 amazed at the tweets that you know show GlVi_HGwSDu-00498-00138657-00138902 up because you're like all these flags GlVi_HGwSDu-00499-00138903-00139114 with you know numbers which are being GlVi_HGwSDu-00500-00139115-00139373 treated like literally millions of GlVi_HGwSDu-00501-00139374-00139661 tweets you know every minute where you GlVi_HGwSDu-00502-00139662-00139856 have all these hash flags going across GlVi_HGwSDu-00503-00139857-00140036 with your icons and which are emerges GlVi_HGwSDu-00504-00140037-00140348 and and this happens very frequently GlVi_HGwSDu-00505-00140349-00140621 you'd be amazed like there was a very GlVi_HGwSDu-00506-00140622-00140858 cool example than the Star Wars movie GlVi_HGwSDu-00507-00140859-00141327 got released recently you know again the GlVi_HGwSDu-00508-00141328-00141727 the movie company that reduce it I think GlVi_HGwSDu-00509-00141728-00142090 it was a Disney or was a Pixar it was a GlVi_HGwSDu-00510-00142091-00142364 Disney Disney right so they actually GlVi_HGwSDu-00511-00142365-00142463 requested GlVi_HGwSDu-00512-00142464-00142919 better to four specific characters in GlVi_HGwSDu-00513-00142920-00143222 emoji that they could use in the hash GlVi_HGwSDu-00514-00143223-00143507 flags for you know kind of rolling out GlVi_HGwSDu-00515-00143508-00143756 and announcing the movie and it was GlVi_HGwSDu-00516-00143757-00143933 really amazing because you can see r2d2 GlVi_HGwSDu-00517-00143934-00144131 and all these different in your GlVi_HGwSDu-00518-00144132-00144362 characters from the star voice you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00519-00144363-00144646 in the hash flags across Twitter and GlVi_HGwSDu-00520-00144647-00144923 again you know emoji and hashtags are GlVi_HGwSDu-00521-00144924-00145145 very popular as time goes by they'll GlVi_HGwSDu-00522-00145146-00145328 probably you know keep continuing to get GlVi_HGwSDu-00523-00145329-00145556 embedded in the mobile devices that we GlVi_HGwSDu-00524-00145557-00145712 are all using and we you know use GlVi_HGwSDu-00525-00145713-00145928 smileys all the time but we are using so GlVi_HGwSDu-00526-00145929-00146249 many other you know characters also so GlVi_HGwSDu-00527-00146250-00146507 that is again something that an GlVi_HGwSDu-00528-00146508-00146798 algorithm needs to understand when what GlVi_HGwSDu-00529-00146799-00146954 are you talking about when you're using GlVi_HGwSDu-00530-00146955-00147320 an icon now instead of even phrases and GlVi_HGwSDu-00531-00147321-00147593 text and how do you actually understand GlVi_HGwSDu-00532-00147594-00147785 context in that right what does that GlVi_HGwSDu-00533-00147786-00148082 mean so again you know that's something GlVi_HGwSDu-00534-00148083-00148388 also that is rolling in as we build out GlVi_HGwSDu-00535-00148389-00148807 you know more learning about the GlVi_HGwSDu-00536-00148808-00149000 characters that we encounter in GlVi_HGwSDu-00537-00149001-00149228 everybody's conversations and at the GlVi_HGwSDu-00538-00149229-00149366 same time the languages that we are GlVi_HGwSDu-00539-00149367-00149669 supporting so much of the the work that GlVi_HGwSDu-00540-00149670-00149854 we are doing right now is in GlVi_HGwSDu-00541-00149855-00150110 understanding cjk which is Japanese GlVi_HGwSDu-00542-00150111-00150526 Korean Chinese rtl which is Arabic GlVi_HGwSDu-00543-00150527-00150818 Persian Hebrew different languages and GlVi_HGwSDu-00544-00150819-00151100 of course indian languages which of the GlVi_HGwSDu-00545-00151101-00151319 indic languages coming in because again GlVi_HGwSDu-00546-00151320-00151601 these are you know a very complex GlVi_HGwSDu-00547-00151602-00151990 languages and really understanding and GlVi_HGwSDu-00548-00151991-00152321 providing relevant results is something GlVi_HGwSDu-00549-00152322-00152684 which is a mod far more complex problem GlVi_HGwSDu-00550-00152685-00153002 to solve computationally than you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00551-00153003-00153275 the English and Latin based languages GlVi_HGwSDu-00552-00153276-00153464 which are much better supported if you GlVi_HGwSDu-00553-00153465-00154025 will so having said that I'll segue into GlVi_HGwSDu-00554-00154026-00154274 one of my favorite areas which is open GlVi_HGwSDu-00555-00154275-00154631 source and the open web and that's one GlVi_HGwSDu-00556-00154632-00154946 of the areas that I deeply care about in GlVi_HGwSDu-00557-00154947-00155240 terms of you know again contributing to GlVi_HGwSDu-00558-00155241-00155516 open source so Twitter contributes very GlVi_HGwSDu-00559-00155517-00155808 heavily to open source especially GlVi_HGwSDu-00560-00155809-00156110 not only on general open source you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00561-00156111-00156452 technology projects like mrs. which is GlVi_HGwSDu-00562-00156453-00156770 an Apache project clinical pants GlVi_HGwSDu-00563-00156771-00157089 scalding which is a test framework again GlVi_HGwSDu-00564-00157090-00157296 lots of different projects that Twitter GlVi_HGwSDu-00565-00157297-00157638 contributes to and again I have put in GlVi_HGwSDu-00566-00157639-00157841 the URLs you can take a photograph or GlVi_HGwSDu-00567-00157842-00158034 you know I'll share the slides in terms GlVi_HGwSDu-00568-00158035-00158165 of your being able to use this as a GlVi_HGwSDu-00569-00158166-00158479 reference but go check out all the code GlVi_HGwSDu-00570-00158480-00158729 repositories are openly licensed and GlVi_HGwSDu-00571-00158730-00159048 available on github and you know if GlVi_HGwSDu-00572-00159049-00159234 you're interested in any of these areas GlVi_HGwSDu-00573-00159235-00159501 you can always pick me or ping you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00574-00159502-00159768 Chris who is handle i have attached GlVi_HGwSDu-00575-00159769-00160091 there and listed there and check out all GlVi_HGwSDu-00576-00160092-00160335 the open source programs and projects GlVi_HGwSDu-00577-00160336-00160524 that we are very deeply involved in GlVi_HGwSDu-00578-00160525-00160734 because we really really contribute GlVi_HGwSDu-00579-00160735-00160940 enormously into the different technology GlVi_HGwSDu-00580-00160941-00161148 projects we have literally hundreds of GlVi_HGwSDu-00581-00161149-00161346 engineers who you know again participate GlVi_HGwSDu-00582-00161347-00161535 on different projects and contribute GlVi_HGwSDu-00583-00161536-00161721 based on their interests and based on GlVi_HGwSDu-00584-00161722-00161861 you know the projects they're working on GlVi_HGwSDu-00585-00161862-00162285 and and that then you know deep diving GlVi_HGwSDu-00586-00162286-00162531 into language libraries we do an GlVi_HGwSDu-00587-00162532-00162759 enormous amount of work in terms of not GlVi_HGwSDu-00588-00162760-00162999 only trying to make sure that the work GlVi_HGwSDu-00589-00163000-00163236 that we are doing is open source of all GlVi_HGwSDu-00590-00163237-00163476 in terms of the libraries that be a GlVi_HGwSDu-00591-00163477-00163715 building can we actually release some of GlVi_HGwSDu-00592-00163716-00163968 the data as well as the libraries that GlVi_HGwSDu-00593-00163969-00164247 of that we are building for natural GlVi_HGwSDu-00594-00164248-00164588 language processing or CLD our data GlVi_HGwSDu-00595-00164589-00164859 input in and making that available and GlVi_HGwSDu-00596-00164860-00165099 and these are examples again we have GlVi_HGwSDu-00597-00165100-00165336 several libraries via language libraries GlVi_HGwSDu-00598-00165337-00165566 which are available which are actually GlVi_HGwSDu-00599-00165567-00165837 used by other sites also again the GlVi_HGwSDu-00600-00165838-00166076 twitter korean text that's actually NLP GlVi_HGwSDu-00601-00166077-00166407 NLP project where you can actually look GlVi_HGwSDu-00602-00166408-00166797 at how you can extract korean text and GlVi_HGwSDu-00603-00166798-00167037 be able to process it for you know GlVi_HGwSDu-00604-00167038-00167397 different text processing projects that GlVi_HGwSDu-00605-00167398-00167637 you're doing Twitter CLD are is GlVi_HGwSDu-00606-00167638-00167969 basically one of our projects for GlVi_HGwSDu-00607-00167970-00168231 contributing different languages back GlVi_HGwSDu-00608-00168232-00168432 into the CLD are as it is used in GlVi_HGwSDu-00609-00168433-00168669 Twitter we have different versions that GlVi_HGwSDu-00610-00168670-00168900 we maintain in Ruby and Java and GlVi_HGwSDu-00611-00168901-00169182 JavaScript again depending on lang GlVi_HGwSDu-00612-00169183-00169494 just you're using feel free to go and GlVi_HGwSDu-00613-00169495-00169908 browse and let me have emoji which is GlVi_HGwSDu-00614-00169909-00170066 something that is very interesting as it GlVi_HGwSDu-00615-00170067-00170550 evolves we're further released in 2014 GlVi_HGwSDu-00616-00170551-00170832 and library of emoji icons which were GlVi_HGwSDu-00617-00170833-00171111 designed by Twitter designers and that GlVi_HGwSDu-00618-00171112-00171450 was kind of the initial attempt as we GlVi_HGwSDu-00619-00171451-00171638 saw so much remote you being used even GlVi_HGwSDu-00620-00171639-00171993 on Twitter to make available in the way GlVi_HGwSDu-00621-00171994-00172272 that it is used it is open source you GlVi_HGwSDu-00622-00172273-00172758 can reuse it easily and also there is an GlVi_HGwSDu-00623-00172759-00173000 emoji library if you can go into github GlVi_HGwSDu-00624-00173001-00173264 de Rio which is actually available which GlVi_HGwSDu-00625-00173265-00173550 you can reuse also so again this is just GlVi_HGwSDu-00626-00173551-00173765 a snapshot of some of the projects that GlVi_HGwSDu-00627-00173766-00174096 you know tutor is deeply involved in we GlVi_HGwSDu-00628-00174097-00174318 do participate very actively on unit GlVi_HGwSDu-00629-00174319-00174786 code and the w3c and different standards GlVi_HGwSDu-00630-00174787-00175220 bodies in terms of actually getting more GlVi_HGwSDu-00631-00175221-00175596 you know again first of all providing GlVi_HGwSDu-00632-00175597-00175826 user feedback if you will because we GlVi_HGwSDu-00633-00175827-00176184 come from a user content generated world GlVi_HGwSDu-00634-00176185-00176472 right and providing that back into the GlVi_HGwSDu-00635-00176473-00176787 standards committees as feedback because GlVi_HGwSDu-00636-00176788-00177006 that helps then having the standard GlVi_HGwSDu-00637-00177007-00177302 being more in sync with what the actual GlVi_HGwSDu-00638-00177303-00177612 use cases are on the web and at the same GlVi_HGwSDu-00639-00177613-00177776 time also contributing some of our GlVi_HGwSDu-00640-00177777-00177969 deeper language work that we are doing GlVi_HGwSDu-00641-00177970-00178352 in NLP in internationalization in GlVi_HGwSDu-00642-00178353-00178637 localization back into the standards so GlVi_HGwSDu-00643-00178638-00178848 again hopefully that gives you an GlVi_HGwSDu-00644-00178849-00179039 snapshot of some of the work that we are GlVi_HGwSDu-00645-00179040-00179295 doing of course let's have some GlVi_HGwSDu-00646-00179296-00179516 questions again for those of you who can GlVi_HGwSDu-00647-00179517-00179787 usually read these languages I challenge GlVi_HGwSDu-00648-00179788-00180176 you to read them and and of course I'm GlVi_HGwSDu-00649-00180177-00180641 hiring so I am actually in the process GlVi_HGwSDu-00650-00180642-00181110 of having a fair a fair number of GlVi_HGwSDu-00651-00181111-00181414 engineers and product managers for GlVi_HGwSDu-00652-00181415-00181736 working on language engineering GlVi_HGwSDu-00653-00181737-00181991 internationalisation localization NLP GlVi_HGwSDu-00654-00181992-00182274 machine learning if you're interested GlVi_HGwSDu-00655-00182275-00182440 you know where to find me GlVi_HGwSDu-00656-00182441-00182672 on Twitter at a Lolita as well as you GlVi_HGwSDu-00657-00182673-00182878 know if you've any questions love to GlVi_HGwSDu-00658-00182879-00183158 hear about them alright so thank you GlVi_HGwSDu-00659-00183159-00184496 again GlVi_HGwSDu-00661-00240985-00241154 you GlVi_HGwSDu-00662-00241155-00241460 you GlVi_HGwSDu-00663-00241461-00241667 you HoF4Ty5QWB8-00000-00000051-00000278 the Sun is the star at the center of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00001-00000279-00000524 solar system it is a nearly perfect HoF4Ty5QWB8-00002-00000525-00000730 sphere of hot plasma with internal HoF4Ty5QWB8-00003-00000731-00000898 convective motion that generates a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00004-00000899-00001150 magnetic field via a dynamo process it HoF4Ty5QWB8-00005-00001151-00001411 is by far the most important source of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00006-00001412-00001535 energy for life on Earth HoF4Ty5QWB8-00007-00001536-00001876 its diameter is about 1.3 9 million HoF4Ty5QWB8-00008-00001877-00002147 kilometers or 109 times that of Earth HoF4Ty5QWB8-00009-00002148-00002462 and its mass is about 330,000 times that HoF4Ty5QWB8-00010-00002463-00002650 of earth it accounts for about HoF4Ty5QWB8-00011-00002651-00002870 ninety-nine point eight six percent of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00012-00002871-00003175 the total mass of the solar system about HoF4Ty5QWB8-00013-00003176-00003340 three-quarters of the sun's mass HoF4Ty5QWB8-00014-00003342-00003635 consists of hydrogen approximately 73% HoF4Ty5QWB8-00015-00003636-00003926 the rest is mostly helium approximately HoF4Ty5QWB8-00016-00003927-00004199 25% with much smaller quantities of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00017-00004200-00004427 heavier elements including oxygen carbon HoF4Ty5QWB8-00018-00004428-00004684 neon and iron the Sun is a g-type HoF4Ty5QWB8-00019-00004685-00004954 main-sequence star g2v based on its HoF4Ty5QWB8-00020-00004955-00005272 spectral class as such it is informally HoF4Ty5QWB8-00021-00005273-00005461 and not completely accurately referred HoF4Ty5QWB8-00022-00005462-00005641 to as a yellow dwarf it's light is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00023-00005642-00005900 closer to white than yellow it formed HoF4Ty5QWB8-00024-00005901-00006166 approximately 4.6 billion years ago from HoF4Ty5QWB8-00025-00006167-00006361 the gravitational collapse of matter HoF4Ty5QWB8-00026-00006362-00006556 within a region of a large molecular HoF4Ty5QWB8-00027-00006558-00006820 cloud most of this matter gathered in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00028-00006822-00006998 the centre whereas the rest flattened HoF4Ty5QWB8-00029-00006998-00007175 into an orbiting disc that became the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00030-00007176-00007466 solar system the central mass became so HoF4Ty5QWB8-00031-00007467-00007598 hot and dense that it eventually HoF4Ty5QWB8-00032-00007598-00007928 initiated nuclear fusion in its core it HoF4Ty5QWB8-00033-00007929-00008123 is thought that almost all stars formed HoF4Ty5QWB8-00034-00008123-00008408 by this process the Sun is roughly HoF4Ty5QWB8-00035-00008409-00008537 middle-aged it has not changed HoF4Ty5QWB8-00036-00008538-00008756 dramatically for more than four billion HoF4Ty5QWB8-00037-00008757-00008978 years and will remain fairly stable for HoF4Ty5QWB8-00038-00008979-00009233 more than another five billion years it HoF4Ty5QWB8-00039-00009234-00009461 currently fuses about 600 million tons HoF4Ty5QWB8-00040-00009462-00009704 of hydrogen into helium every second HoF4Ty5QWB8-00041-00009705-00009893 converting four million tons of matter HoF4Ty5QWB8-00042-00009894-00010103 into energy every second as a result HoF4Ty5QWB8-00043-00010104-00010358 this energy which can take between HoF4Ty5QWB8-00044-00010359-00010694 10,000 and 170,000 years to escape from HoF4Ty5QWB8-00045-00010695-00010862 its core is the source of the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00046-00010863-00011105 light and heat in about five billion HoF4Ty5QWB8-00047-00011106-00011321 years when hydrogen fusion in its core HoF4Ty5QWB8-00048-00011322-00011519 has diminished to the point at which the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00049-00011520-00011663 Sun is no longer in hydrostatic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00050-00011664-00011876 equilibrium its core will undergo a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00051-00011877-00012041 marked increase in density and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00052-00012042-00012167 temperature while its outer layers HoF4Ty5QWB8-00053-00012168-00012380 expand to eventually become a red giant HoF4Ty5QWB8-00054-00012381-00012662 it is calculated that the Sun will HoF4Ty5QWB8-00055-00012663-00012863 become sufficiently large to engulf the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00056-00012863-00013069 current orbits of Mercury and Venus and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00057-00013070-00013366 render earth uninhabitable after this it HoF4Ty5QWB8-00058-00013368-00013397 will HoF4Ty5QWB8-00059-00013397-00013580 shed its outer layers and become a dense HoF4Ty5QWB8-00060-00013581-00013769 type of cooling star known as a white HoF4Ty5QWB8-00061-00013769-00013988 dwarf and no longer produced energy by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00062-00013988-00014191 fusion but still glow and give off heat HoF4Ty5QWB8-00063-00014193-00014477 from its previous fusion the enormous HoF4Ty5QWB8-00064-00014478-00014647 effect of the Sun on earth has been HoF4Ty5QWB8-00065-00014648-00014875 recognized since prehistoric times and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00066-00014876-00015019 the Sun has been regarded by some HoF4Ty5QWB8-00067-00015020-00015355 cultures as a deity the synodic rotation HoF4Ty5QWB8-00068-00015356-00015547 of Earth in its orbit around the Sun are HoF4Ty5QWB8-00069-00015548-00015746 the basis of solar calendars one of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00070-00015747-00015935 which is the predominant calendar in use HoF4Ty5QWB8-00071-00015936-00016486 today HoF4Ty5QWB8-00072-00016487-00017068 topic name and etymology HoF4Ty5QWB8-00073-00017069-00017299 the English proper names son developed HoF4Ty5QWB8-00074-00017300-00017512 from Old English son and maybe related HoF4Ty5QWB8-00075-00017513-00017824 to South cognates to English son appear HoF4Ty5QWB8-00076-00017825-00018037 in other Germanic languages including HoF4Ty5QWB8-00077-00018038-00018310 old Frisian son Zana old Saxon suna HoF4Ty5QWB8-00078-00018311-00018514 middle dutch zonda modern Dutch is an HoF4Ty5QWB8-00079-00018515-00018739 old high german sunnah modern german HoF4Ty5QWB8-00080-00018740-00019051 Zana old norse Sunna and gothic Sano all HoF4Ty5QWB8-00081-00019052-00019273 Germanic terms for the son stem from HoF4Ty5QWB8-00082-00019274-00019513 proto-germanic asterisk Sonnen the Latin HoF4Ty5QWB8-00083-00019514-00019735 name for the son Saul is used at times HoF4Ty5QWB8-00084-00019736-00019918 as another name for the son but is not HoF4Ty5QWB8-00085-00019919-00020209 commonly used in everyday English Saul HoF4Ty5QWB8-00086-00020210-00020467 is also used by planetary astronomers to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00087-00020468-00020671 refer to the duration of a solar day on HoF4Ty5QWB8-00088-00020672-00020908 another planet such as Mars the related HoF4Ty5QWB8-00089-00020909-00021130 word solar is the usual adjective old HoF4Ty5QWB8-00090-00021131-00021328 term used for the Sun in terms such as HoF4Ty5QWB8-00091-00021329-00021598 solar day solar eclipse and solar system HoF4Ty5QWB8-00092-00021599-00021886 a mean earth solar day is approximately HoF4Ty5QWB8-00093-00021887-00022162 24 hours whereas a mean Martian song is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00094-00022163-00022441 24 hours 39 minutes and thirty five HoF4Ty5QWB8-00095-00022442-00022669 point two four four seconds the English HoF4Ty5QWB8-00096-00022670-00022870 weekday named Sunday stems from Old HoF4Ty5QWB8-00097-00022871-00023191 English son and a son's day from before HoF4Ty5QWB8-00098-00023192-00023422 700 and is ultimately a result of a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00099-00023423-00023638 Germanic interpretation of Latin dies HoF4Ty5QWB8-00100-00023639-00023884 Solis itself a translation of the Greek HoF4Ty5QWB8-00101-00023885-00024546 camera Helio camera Helia HoF4Ty5QWB8-00102-00024547-00024946 topic religious aspects HoF4Ty5QWB8-00103-00024947-00025099 you HoF4Ty5QWB8-00104-00025100-00025372 solar deities play a major role in many HoF4Ty5QWB8-00105-00025373-00025633 world religions and mythologies the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00106-00025633-00025833 ancient Sumerians believed that the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00107-00025835-00026089 was UTU the God of justice and twin HoF4Ty5QWB8-00108-00026089-00026257 brother of Inanna the Queen of Heaven HoF4Ty5QWB8-00109-00026258-00026481 who is identified as the planet Venus HoF4Ty5QWB8-00110-00026482-00026797 later utu was identified with the East HoF4Ty5QWB8-00111-00026798-00027145 Semitic God shamash utu was regarded as HoF4Ty5QWB8-00112-00027145-00027331 a helper deity who aided those in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00113-00027332-00027550 distress and in iconography he is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00114-00027551-00027760 usually portrayed with a long beard and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00115-00027761-00027958 clutching a saw which represented his HoF4Ty5QWB8-00116-00027958-00028180 role as the dispenser of justice from at HoF4Ty5QWB8-00117-00028181-00028360 least the fourth dynasty of ancient HoF4Ty5QWB8-00118-00028361-00028537 Egypt the son was worshipped as the god HoF4Ty5QWB8-00119-00028538-00028744 rah portrayed as a falcon headed HoF4Ty5QWB8-00120-00028745-00028933 divinity surmounted by the solar disk HoF4Ty5QWB8-00121-00028933-00029197 and surrounded by a serpent in the new HoF4Ty5QWB8-00122-00029198-00029386 Empire period the Sun became identified HoF4Ty5QWB8-00123-00029387-00029614 with the dung beetle whose spherical HoF4Ty5QWB8-00124-00029614-00029818 ball of dung was identified with the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00125-00029819-00030112 in the form of the Sun disk Odin the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00126-00030113-00030319 had a brief resurgence during the Amarna HoF4Ty5QWB8-00127-00030320-00030460 period when it again became the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00128-00030461-00030682 preeminent if not only divinity for the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00129-00030683-00030919 Pharaoh Akhenaten in proto-indo-european HoF4Ty5QWB8-00130-00030920-00031132 religion the Sun was personified as the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00131-00031133-00031393 goddess asterisk say to all derivatives HoF4Ty5QWB8-00132-00031394-00031608 of this goddess in indo-european HoF4Ty5QWB8-00133-00031610-00031807 languages include the Old Norse all HoF4Ty5QWB8-00134-00031808-00032089 Sanskrit Surya Gaulish Sulis Lithuanian HoF4Ty5QWB8-00135-00032089-00032377 soul and Slavic soul and sea in ancient HoF4Ty5QWB8-00136-00032377-00032595 Greek religion the Sun deity was the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00137-00032597-00032842 male God Helios but traces of an earlier HoF4Ty5QWB8-00138-00032843-00033034 female solar deity are preserved in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00139-00033035-00033364 Helen of Troy in later times Helios was HoF4Ty5QWB8-00140-00033365-00033580 syncretized with Apollo in the Bible HoF4Ty5QWB8-00141-00033581-00033829 Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 mentions the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00142-00033830-00034096 Sun of righteousness sometimes HoF4Ty5QWB8-00143-00034097-00034420 translated as the Sun of Justice which HoF4Ty5QWB8-00144-00034421-00034590 some Christians have interpreted as a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00145-00034591-00034834 reference to the Messiah Christ in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00146-00034835-00035089 ancient Roman culture sunday was the day HoF4Ty5QWB8-00147-00035090-00035350 of the Sun God it was adopted as the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00148-00035351-00035530 Sabbath day by Christians who did not HoF4Ty5QWB8-00149-00035531-00035796 have a Jewish background the symbol of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00150-00035797-00035998 light was a pagan device adopted by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00151-00035999-00036157 Christians and perhaps the most HoF4Ty5QWB8-00152-00036158-00036313 important one that did not come from HoF4Ty5QWB8-00153-00036314-00036628 Jewish traditions in paganism the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00154-00036629-00036826 was a source of life-giving warmth and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00155-00036827-00037081 illumination to mankind it was the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00156-00037082-00037285 center of a popular cult among Romans HoF4Ty5QWB8-00157-00037286-00037477 who had stand at dawn to catch the first HoF4Ty5QWB8-00158-00037478-00037723 rays of sunshine as they prayed the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00159-00037724-00037936 celebration of the winter solstice which HoF4Ty5QWB8-00160-00037937-00038113 influenced Christmas was part of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00161-00038114-00038326 Roman cult of the Unconquered Sun Sol HoF4Ty5QWB8-00162-00038327-00038449 Invictus HoF4Ty5QWB8-00163-00038450-00038629 Christian churches were built with an HoF4Ty5QWB8-00164-00038630-00038779 orientation so that the congregation HoF4Ty5QWB8-00165-00038780-00039007 faced toward the sunrise in the East HoF4Ty5QWB8-00166-00039008-00039262 Tony Hsieh the Aztec god of the Sun was HoF4Ty5QWB8-00167-00039263-00039460 usually depicted holding arrows in a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00168-00039461-00039670 shield and was closely associated with HoF4Ty5QWB8-00169-00039671-00039955 the practice of human sacrifice the sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00170-00039956-00040195 goddess amaterasu is the most important HoF4Ty5QWB8-00171-00040196-00040396 deity in the Shinto religion and she is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00172-00040397-00040582 believed to be the direct ancestor of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00173-00040583-00041223 all Japanese emperors HoF4Ty5QWB8-00174-00041224-00041778 topic characteristics HoF4Ty5QWB8-00175-00041779-00042048 the Sun is a g-type main-sequence star HoF4Ty5QWB8-00176-00042049-00042249 that comprises about ninety-nine point HoF4Ty5QWB8-00177-00042250-00042423 eight six percent of the mass of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00178-00042424-00042708 solar system the Sun has an absolute HoF4Ty5QWB8-00179-00042709-00042933 magnitude of plus four point eight three HoF4Ty5QWB8-00180-00042934-00043113 estimated to be brighter than about HoF4Ty5QWB8-00181-00043114-00043311 eighty-five percent of the stars in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00182-00043312-00043544 Milky Way most of which are red dwarfs HoF4Ty5QWB8-00183-00043545-00043836 the Sun is a population high or heavy HoF4Ty5QWB8-00184-00043837-00044130 element rich star the formation of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00185-00044131-00044262 Sun may have been triggered by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00186-00044263-00044445 shockwaves from one or more nearby HoF4Ty5QWB8-00187-00044446-00044742 supernovae this is suggested by a high HoF4Ty5QWB8-00188-00044743-00044943 abundance of heavy elements in the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00189-00044944-00045201 system such as gold and uranium relative HoF4Ty5QWB8-00190-00045202-00045387 to the abundances of these elements in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00191-00045388-00045612 so-called population two heavy element HoF4Ty5QWB8-00192-00045613-00045918 poor stars the heavy elements could most HoF4Ty5QWB8-00193-00045919-00046062 plausibly have been produced by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00194-00046063-00046296 endothermic nuclear reactions during a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00195-00046297-00046524 supernova or by transmutation through HoF4Ty5QWB8-00196-00046525-00046689 Neutron absorption within a massive HoF4Ty5QWB8-00197-00046690-00046950 second-generation star the Sun is by far HoF4Ty5QWB8-00198-00046951-00047130 the brightest object in the Earth's sky HoF4Ty5QWB8-00199-00047131-00047325 with an apparent magnitude of minus HoF4Ty5QWB8-00200-00047326-00047595 twenty six point seven four this is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00201-00047596-00047772 about thirteen billion times brighter HoF4Ty5QWB8-00202-00047773-00047988 than the next brightest star Sirius HoF4Ty5QWB8-00203-00047989-00048210 which has an apparent magnitude of minus HoF4Ty5QWB8-00204-00048211-00048510 one point four six the mean distance of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00205-00048511-00048684 the Sun centered to Earth's center as HoF4Ty5QWB8-00206-00048685-00048873 approximately one astronomical unit HoF4Ty5QWB8-00207-00048874-00049218 about 150 million kilometres 93 million HoF4Ty5QWB8-00208-00049219-00049413 miles though the distance varies as HoF4Ty5QWB8-00209-00049414-00049620 Earth moves from perihelion in January HoF4Ty5QWB8-00210-00049621-00049893 to aphelion in July at this average HoF4Ty5QWB8-00211-00049894-00050076 distance light travels from the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00212-00050077-00050316 horizon tours horizon in about 8 minutes HoF4Ty5QWB8-00213-00050317-00050502 and 19 seconds while light from the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00214-00050503-00050655 closest points of the Sun and earth HoF4Ty5QWB8-00215-00050656-00050949 takes about two seconds less the energy HoF4Ty5QWB8-00216-00050950-00051132 of this sunlight supports almost all HoF4Ty5QWB8-00217-00051133-00051333 life on Earth by photosynthesis and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00218-00051334-00051615 drives Earth's climate and weather the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00219-00051616-00051791 Sun does not have a definite boundary HoF4Ty5QWB8-00220-00051792-00052002 but its density decreases exponentially HoF4Ty5QWB8-00221-00052003-00052158 with increasing height above the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00222-00052159-00052374 photosphere for the purpose of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00223-00052375-00052599 measurement however the sun's radius is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00224-00052600-00052766 considered to be the distance from its HoF4Ty5QWB8-00225-00052767-00052911 center to the edge of the photosphere HoF4Ty5QWB8-00226-00052912-00053141 the apparent visible surface of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00227-00053142-00053361 by this measure the Sun is a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00228-00053362-00053562 near-perfect sphere with a nob lateness HoF4Ty5QWB8-00229-00053563-00053775 estimated at about nine millions which HoF4Ty5QWB8-00230-00053776-00053966 means that it's polar diameter differs HoF4Ty5QWB8-00231-00053967-00054198 from its equatorial diameter by only ten HoF4Ty5QWB8-00232-00054199-00054605 kilometers 6.2 miles the tidal effect of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00233-00054607-00054750 the planets is weak and does not HoF4Ty5QWB8-00234-00054751-00054927 significantly affect the shape of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00235-00054928-00055154 Sun the Sun rotates HoF4Ty5QWB8-00236-00055155-00055398 at its equator than at its poles this HoF4Ty5QWB8-00237-00055399-00055592 differential rotation is caused by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00238-00055594-00055812 convective motion due to heat transport HoF4Ty5QWB8-00239-00055813-00055998 and the Coriolis force due to the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00240-00055999-00056286 rotation in a frame of reference defined HoF4Ty5QWB8-00241-00056287-00056514 by the Stars the rotational period is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00242-00056515-00056741 approximately twenty five point six days HoF4Ty5QWB8-00243-00056742-00057015 at the equator and 33.5 days at the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00244-00057016-00057279 poles viewed from Earth as it orbits the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00245-00057279-00057510 Sun the apparent rotational period of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00246-00057511-00058264 the Sun at its equator as about 28 days HoF4Ty5QWB8-00247-00058265-00058771 topic sunlight HoF4Ty5QWB8-00248-00058772-00058984 the solar constant is the amount of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00249-00058985-00059185 power that the Sun deposits per unit HoF4Ty5QWB8-00250-00059186-00059374 area that is directly exposed to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00251-00059375-00059662 sunlight the solar constant is equal to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00252-00059663-00060100 approximately 1368 with m2 watts per HoF4Ty5QWB8-00253-00060101-00060274 square meter at a distance of one HoF4Ty5QWB8-00254-00060275-00060504 astronomical unit Oh from the Sun that HoF4Ty5QWB8-00255-00060505-00060745 is on or near Earth sunlight on the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00256-00060746-00060934 surface of Earth is attenuated by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00257-00060935-00061123 Earth's atmosphere so that less power HoF4Ty5QWB8-00258-00061124-00061378 arrives at the surface closer to 1,000 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00259-00061379-00061633 with m2 in clear conditions when the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00260-00061634-00061885 is near the zenith sunlight at the top HoF4Ty5QWB8-00261-00061886-00062079 of Earth's atmosphere is composed by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00262-00062080-00062383 total energy of about 50% infrared light HoF4Ty5QWB8-00263-00062384-00062686 40% visible light and 10% ultraviolet HoF4Ty5QWB8-00264-00062687-00062938 light the atmosphere in particular HoF4Ty5QWB8-00265-00062939-00063157 filters out over 70% of solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00266-00063158-00063366 ultraviolet especially at the shorter HoF4Ty5QWB8-00267-00063367-00063682 wavelengths solar ultraviolet radiation HoF4Ty5QWB8-00268-00063683-00063928 ionizes earth's dayside upper atmosphere HoF4Ty5QWB8-00269-00063929-00064114 creating the electrically conducting HoF4Ty5QWB8-00270-00064115-00064339 ionosphere the sun's color is white with HoF4Ty5QWB8-00271-00064340-00064747 a C color space index near 0.3 0.3 when HoF4Ty5QWB8-00272-00064748-00064912 viewed from space or when the Sun is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00273-00064913-00065149 high in the sky when measuring all the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00274-00065150-00065326 photons emitted the Sun is actually HoF4Ty5QWB8-00275-00065327-00065521 emitting more photons in the green HoF4Ty5QWB8-00276-00065522-00065703 portion of the spectrum than any other HoF4Ty5QWB8-00277-00065704-00065931 when the Sun is low in the sky HoF4Ty5QWB8-00278-00065932-00066160 atmospheric scattering renders the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00279-00066161-00066387 yellow red orange or magenta HoF4Ty5QWB8-00280-00066388-00066631 despite its typical whiteness most HoF4Ty5QWB8-00281-00066632-00066802 people mentally picture the Sun is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00282-00066803-00066964 yellow the reasons for this are the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00283-00066965-00067330 subject of debate the Sun is a g2v star HoF4Ty5QWB8-00284-00067331-00067528 with g2 indicating its surface HoF4Ty5QWB8-00285-00067529-00068004 temperature of approximately 5700 78k HoF4Ty5QWB8-00286-00068005-00068455 5505 degrees celsius 9,900 41 degrees HoF4Ty5QWB8-00287-00068456-00068680 Fahrenheit and V that it like most stars HoF4Ty5QWB8-00288-00068681-00068956 is a main-sequence star the average HoF4Ty5QWB8-00289-00068957-00069166 luminance of the Sun is about one point HoF4Ty5QWB8-00290-00069167-00069357 eight eight Giga Candela per square HoF4Ty5QWB8-00291-00069358-00069394 meter HoF4Ty5QWB8-00292-00069395-00069514 but as viewed through Earth's atmosphere HoF4Ty5QWB8-00293-00069515-00069763 this is lowered to about one point four HoF4Ty5QWB8-00294-00069764-00069981 four gcd per square meter HoF4Ty5QWB8-00295-00069982-00070249 however the luminance is not constant HoF4Ty5QWB8-00296-00070250-00070402 across the disk of the Sun limb HoF4Ty5QWB8-00297-00070403-00070956 darkening HoF4Ty5QWB8-00298-00070957-00071478 topic composition HoF4Ty5QWB8-00299-00071479-00071718 the Sun is composed primarily of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00300-00071719-00071934 chemical elements hydrogen and helium at HoF4Ty5QWB8-00301-00071935-00072192 this time in the sun's life they account HoF4Ty5QWB8-00302-00072193-00072396 for seventy four point nine percent and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00303-00072397-00072582 twenty three point eight percent of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00304-00072583-00072722 mass of the Sun in the photosphere HoF4Ty5QWB8-00305-00072723-00073041 respectively all heavier elements called HoF4Ty5QWB8-00306-00073042-00073251 metals in astronomy account for less HoF4Ty5QWB8-00307-00073252-00073476 than two percent of the mass with oxygen HoF4Ty5QWB8-00308-00073477-00073668 roughly one percent of the sun's mass HoF4Ty5QWB8-00309-00073669-00073893 carbon 0.3 percent HoF4Ty5QWB8-00310-00073894-00074277 neon 0.2 percent an iron 0.2 percent HoF4Ty5QWB8-00311-00074278-00074445 being the most abundant the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00312-00074446-00074625 original chemical composition was HoF4Ty5QWB8-00313-00074626-00074787 inherited from the interstellar medium HoF4Ty5QWB8-00314-00074788-00075051 out of which it formed originally it HoF4Ty5QWB8-00315-00075052-00075276 would have contained about seventy 1.1 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00316-00075277-00075531 percent hydrogen 27 point four percent HoF4Ty5QWB8-00317-00075532-00075828 helium and 1.5 percent heavier elements HoF4Ty5QWB8-00318-00075829-00076101 the hydrogen and most of the helium in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00319-00076102-00076278 the Sun would have been produced by Big HoF4Ty5QWB8-00320-00076279-00076509 Bang nucleosynthesis in the first 20 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00321-00076510-00076680 minutes of the universe and the heavier HoF4Ty5QWB8-00322-00076681-00076848 elements were produced by previous HoF4Ty5QWB8-00323-00076849-00077076 generations of stars before the Sun was HoF4Ty5QWB8-00324-00077077-00077256 formed and spread into the interstellar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00325-00077257-00077442 medium during the final stages of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00326-00077443-00077616 stellar life and by events such as HoF4Ty5QWB8-00327-00077617-00077853 supernovae since the Sun formed the main HoF4Ty5QWB8-00328-00077854-00078066 fusion process has involved fusing HoF4Ty5QWB8-00329-00078067-00078195 hydrogen into helium HoF4Ty5QWB8-00330-00078196-00078513 over the past 4.6 billion years the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00331-00078514-00078696 amount of helium and its location within HoF4Ty5QWB8-00332-00078697-00078990 the Sun has gradually changed within the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00333-00078991-00079188 core the proportion of helium has HoF4Ty5QWB8-00334-00079189-00079431 increased from about 24 percent to about HoF4Ty5QWB8-00335-00079432-00079665 60 percent due to fusion and some of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00336-00079666-00079845 helium and heavy elements have settled HoF4Ty5QWB8-00337-00079846-00080025 from the photosphere towards the center HoF4Ty5QWB8-00338-00080026-00080256 of the Sun because of gravity the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00339-00080257-00080472 proportions of metals heavier elements HoF4Ty5QWB8-00340-00080473-00080730 is unchanged heat is transferred outward HoF4Ty5QWB8-00341-00080731-00080943 from the Sun's core by radiation rather HoF4Ty5QWB8-00342-00080944-00081135 than by convection see radiative zone HoF4Ty5QWB8-00343-00081136-00081360 below so the fusion products are not HoF4Ty5QWB8-00344-00081361-00081531 lifted outward by Heat they remain in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00345-00081532-00081735 the core and gradually an inner core of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00346-00081736-00081924 helium has begun to form that cannot be HoF4Ty5QWB8-00347-00081925-00082134 fused because presently the Sun's core HoF4Ty5QWB8-00348-00082135-00082302 is not hotter dense enough to fuse HoF4Ty5QWB8-00349-00082303-00082560 helium in the current photosphere the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00350-00082561-00082737 helium fraction is reduced and the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00351-00082738-00083007 metallicity is only 84% of what it was HoF4Ty5QWB8-00352-00083008-00083208 in the protostellar face before nuclear HoF4Ty5QWB8-00353-00083209-00083484 fusion in the core started in the future HoF4Ty5QWB8-00354-00083485-00083691 helium will continue to accumulate in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00355-00083692-00083892 the core and in about five billion years HoF4Ty5QWB8-00356-00083893-00084099 this gradual build-up will eventually HoF4Ty5QWB8-00357-00084100-00084291 cause the Sun to exit the main sequence HoF4Ty5QWB8-00358-00084292-00084495 and become a red giant the chemical HoF4Ty5QWB8-00359-00084496-00084654 composition of the photosphere is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00360-00084655-00084828 normally considered represent HoF4Ty5QWB8-00361-00084829-00085047 the composition of the primordial solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00362-00085048-00085226 system the solar heavy element HoF4Ty5QWB8-00363-00085227-00085440 abundances described above are typically HoF4Ty5QWB8-00364-00085441-00085649 measured both using spectroscopy of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00365-00085650-00085812 sun's photosphere and by measuring HoF4Ty5QWB8-00366-00085813-00086018 abundances in meteorites that have never HoF4Ty5QWB8-00367-00086019-00086181 been heated to melting temperatures HoF4Ty5QWB8-00368-00086182-00086436 these meteorites are thought to retain HoF4Ty5QWB8-00369-00086437-00086630 the composition of the protostellar Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00370-00086631-00086819 and are thus not affected by settling of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00371-00086820-00087105 heavy elements the two methods generally HoF4Ty5QWB8-00372-00087106-00087611 agree well HoF4Ty5QWB8-00373-00087612-00088301 topic singly ionized iron group elements HoF4Ty5QWB8-00374-00088302-00088607 in the 1970s much research focused on HoF4Ty5QWB8-00375-00088608-00088817 the abundances of iron group elements in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00376-00088818-00089063 the Sun although significant research HoF4Ty5QWB8-00377-00089064-00089375 was done until 1978 it was difficult to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00378-00089376-00089573 determine the abundances of some iron HoF4Ty5QWB8-00379-00089574-00089786 group elements eg cobalt and manganese HoF4Ty5QWB8-00380-00089787-00089996 via spectrography because of their HoF4Ty5QWB8-00381-00089997-00090197 hyperfine structures the first largely HoF4Ty5QWB8-00382-00090198-00090413 complete set of oscillators strengths of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00383-00090414-00090629 singly ionized iron group elements were HoF4Ty5QWB8-00384-00090630-00090866 made available in the 1960s and these HoF4Ty5QWB8-00385-00090867-00091226 were subsequently improved in 1978 the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00386-00091227-00091457 abundances of singly ionized elements of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00387-00091458-00092073 the iron group were derived HoF4Ty5QWB8-00388-00092074-00092640 topic isotopic composition HoF4Ty5QWB8-00389-00092641-00092872 various authors have considered the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00390-00092873-00093079 existence of a gradient in the isotopic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00391-00093080-00093313 compositions of solar and planetary HoF4Ty5QWB8-00392-00093314-00093550 noble gases eg correlations between HoF4Ty5QWB8-00393-00093551-00093838 isotopic compositions of neon and xenon HoF4Ty5QWB8-00394-00093839-00094039 in the Sun and on the planets prior to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00395-00094040-00094276 1983 it was thought that the whole Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00396-00094277-00094459 has the same composition as the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00397-00094460-00094807 atmosphere in 1983 it was claimed that HoF4Ty5QWB8-00398-00094808-00094999 it was fractionation in the Sun itself HoF4Ty5QWB8-00399-00095000-00095215 that caused the isotopic composition HoF4Ty5QWB8-00400-00095216-00095413 relationship between the planetary and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00401-00095414-00096122 solar wind implanted noble gases HoF4Ty5QWB8-00402-00096123-00096757 topic structure and energy production HoF4Ty5QWB8-00403-00096758-00096982 the structure of the Sun contains the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00404-00096983-00097309 following layers court the innermost 20 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00405-00097310-00097557 to 25 percent of the sun's radius where HoF4Ty5QWB8-00406-00097558-00097753 temperature energies and pressure are HoF4Ty5QWB8-00407-00097754-00097986 sufficient for nuclear fusion to occur HoF4Ty5QWB8-00408-00097987-00098260 hydrogen fuses into helium which cannot HoF4Ty5QWB8-00409-00098261-00098443 currently be fused at this point in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00410-00098444-00098740 sun's life the fusion process releases HoF4Ty5QWB8-00411-00098741-00098919 energy and the helium gradually HoF4Ty5QWB8-00412-00098920-00099088 accumulates to form an inner core of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00413-00099089-00099406 helium within the core itself radiative HoF4Ty5QWB8-00414-00099407-00099628 zone convection cannot occur until much HoF4Ty5QWB8-00415-00099629-00099874 nearer the surface of the Sun therefore HoF4Ty5QWB8-00416-00099875-00100162 between about 20 to 25 percent of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00417-00100163-00100434 radius and 70% of the radius there is a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00418-00100435-00100771 radiative zone in which energy transfer HoF4Ty5QWB8-00419-00100772-00100990 occurs by means of radiation photons HoF4Ty5QWB8-00420-00100991-00101299 rather than by convection tactic line HoF4Ty5QWB8-00421-00101300-00101461 the boundary region between the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00422-00101462-00101688 radiative and convective zones HoF4Ty5QWB8-00423-00101689-00102022 convective zone between about 70% of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00424-00102023-00102223 sun's radius and a point close to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00425-00102224-00102427 visible surface the Sun is cool and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00426-00102428-00102606 diffuse enough for convection to occur HoF4Ty5QWB8-00427-00102607-00102802 and this becomes the primary means of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00428-00102803-00103008 outward heat transfer similar to weather HoF4Ty5QWB8-00429-00103009-00103150 cells which form in the Earth's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00430-00103151-00103489 atmosphere photosphere the deepest part HoF4Ty5QWB8-00431-00103490-00103656 of the Sun which we can directly observe HoF4Ty5QWB8-00432-00103657-00103927 with visible light because the Sun is a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00433-00103928-00104098 gaseous object it does not have a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00434-00104099-00104319 clearly defined surface its visible HoF4Ty5QWB8-00435-00104320-00104484 parts are usually divided into a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00436-00104485-00104841 photosphere and atmosphere atmosphere a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00437-00104842-00105040 gaseous halo surrounding the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00438-00105041-00105232 comprising the chromosphere solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00439-00105233-00105483 transition region Corona and heliosphere HoF4Ty5QWB8-00440-00105484-00105729 these can be seen when the main part of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00441-00105730-00105931 the Sun is hidden for example during a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00442-00105932-00106501 solar eclipse HoF4Ty5QWB8-00443-00106502-00106958 topic core HoF4Ty5QWB8-00444-00106959-00107165 the core of the Sun extends from the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00445-00107166-00107462 center to about 20 to 25% of the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00446-00107463-00107808 radius it has a density of up to 150 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00447-00107808-00108152 grams per CC about 150 times the density HoF4Ty5QWB8-00448-00108153-00108389 of water and a temperature of close to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00449-00108390-00108728 15 point seven million kelvins K by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00450-00108729-00108957 contrast the sun's surface temperature HoF4Ty5QWB8-00451-00108958-00109310 is approximately 5,800 K recent analysis HoF4Ty5QWB8-00452-00109311-00109533 of Soho mission data favors a faster HoF4Ty5QWB8-00453-00109533-00109707 rotation rate in the core than in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00454-00109708-00109964 radiative zone above through most of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00455-00109965-00110177 sun's life energy has been produced by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00456-00110178-00110360 nuclear fusion in the core region HoF4Ty5QWB8-00457-00110361-00110568 through a series of steps called the PP HoF4Ty5QWB8-00458-00110569-00110801 proton-proton chain this process HoF4Ty5QWB8-00459-00110802-00111158 converts hydrogen into helium only 0.8 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00460-00111159-00111359 percent of the energy generated in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00461-00111360-00111597 Sun comes from the CNO cycle though this HoF4Ty5QWB8-00462-00111598-00111798 proportion is expected to increase as HoF4Ty5QWB8-00463-00111799-00111983 the Sun becomes older the core is the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00464-00111984-00112199 only region in the Sun that produces an HoF4Ty5QWB8-00465-00112200-00112364 appreciable amount of thermal energy HoF4Ty5QWB8-00466-00112365-00112652 through fusion 99% of the power is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00467-00112653-00112896 generated within 24 percent of the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00468-00112897-00113121 radius and by 30 percent of the radius HoF4Ty5QWB8-00469-00113122-00113408 fusion has stopped nearly entirely the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00470-00113409-00113579 remainder of the Sun is heated by this HoF4Ty5QWB8-00471-00113580-00113786 energy as it is transferred outwards HoF4Ty5QWB8-00472-00113787-00113999 through many successive layers finally HoF4Ty5QWB8-00473-00114000-00114164 to the solar photosphere where it HoF4Ty5QWB8-00474-00114165-00114365 escapes into space as sunlight or the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00475-00114366-00114549 kinetic energy of particles the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00476-00114550-00114771 proton-proton chain occurs around nine HoF4Ty5QWB8-00477-00114772-00115016 point two times ten thirty seven times HoF4Ty5QWB8-00478-00115017-00115233 each second in the core converting about HoF4Ty5QWB8-00479-00115233-00115473 three point seven times ten thirty eight HoF4Ty5QWB8-00480-00115474-00115712 protons into alpha particles helium HoF4Ty5QWB8-00481-00115713-00115934 nuclei every second out of a total of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00482-00115935-00116159 approximately eight point nine times ten HoF4Ty5QWB8-00483-00116160-00116411 fifty-six free protons in the Sun or HoF4Ty5QWB8-00484-00116412-00116735 about six point two times 1011 kilograms HoF4Ty5QWB8-00485-00116736-00117018 per second fusing four free protons HoF4Ty5QWB8-00486-00117019-00117263 hydrogen nuclei into a single alpha HoF4Ty5QWB8-00487-00117264-00117529 particle helium nucleus releases around HoF4Ty5QWB8-00488-00117530-00117863 0.7% of the fused masses energy so the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00489-00117864-00118052 Sun releases energy at the mass energy HoF4Ty5QWB8-00490-00118053-00118283 conversion rate of four point two six HoF4Ty5QWB8-00491-00118284-00118497 million metric tons per second which HoF4Ty5QWB8-00492-00118498-00118775 requires 600 metric megatons of hydrogen HoF4Ty5QWB8-00493-00118776-00118968 for three hundred eighty four point six HoF4Ty5QWB8-00494-00118969-00119157 yadah watts three point eight four six HoF4Ty5QWB8-00495-00119158-00119499 times ten 26 w or nine point one nine HoF4Ty5QWB8-00496-00119500-00119769 two times one thousand ten megatons of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00497-00119770-00120093 TNT per second however the large power HoF4Ty5QWB8-00498-00120094-00120308 output of the Sun is mainly due to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00499-00120309-00120348 huge HoF4Ty5QWB8-00500-00120349-00120560 size and density of its core compared to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00501-00120561-00120738 earth and objects on earth with only a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00502-00120739-00120918 fairly small amount of power being HoF4Ty5QWB8-00503-00120919-00121215 generated per cubic meter theoretical HoF4Ty5QWB8-00504-00121216-00121419 models of the sun's interior indicate a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00505-00121420-00121650 power density or energy production of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00506-00121651-00121866 approximately two hundred seventy six HoF4Ty5QWB8-00507-00121867-00122082 point five watts per cubic meter which HoF4Ty5QWB8-00508-00122083-00122234 is about the same rate of power HoF4Ty5QWB8-00509-00122235-00122445 production as takes place in reptile HoF4Ty5QWB8-00510-00122446-00122660 metabolism or a compost pile HoF4Ty5QWB8-00511-00122661-00122829 the fusion rate in the core is in a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00512-00122830-00123035 self-correcting equilibrium a slightly HoF4Ty5QWB8-00513-00123036-00123222 higher rate of fusion would cause the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00514-00123223-00123414 core to heat up more and expand slightly HoF4Ty5QWB8-00515-00123415-00123573 against the weight of the outer layers HoF4Ty5QWB8-00516-00123574-00123765 reducing the density and hence the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00517-00123766-00123903 fusion rate and correcting the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00518-00123904-00124095 perturbation and a slightly lower rate HoF4Ty5QWB8-00519-00124096-00124278 would cause the core to cool and shrink HoF4Ty5QWB8-00520-00124279-00124470 slightly increasing the density and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00521-00124471-00124623 increasing the fusion rate and again HoF4Ty5QWB8-00522-00124624-00125268 reverting it to its present rate HoF4Ty5QWB8-00523-00125269-00125909 topic radiative zone from the core out HoF4Ty5QWB8-00524-00125910-00126203 to about 0.7 solar radii thermal HoF4Ty5QWB8-00525-00126204-00126422 radiation as the primary means of energy HoF4Ty5QWB8-00526-00126423-00126677 transfer the temperature drops from HoF4Ty5QWB8-00527-00126678-00126875 approximately seven million to two HoF4Ty5QWB8-00528-00126876-00127076 million kelvins with increasing distance HoF4Ty5QWB8-00529-00127077-00127310 from the core this temperature gradient HoF4Ty5QWB8-00530-00127311-00127499 is less than the value of the adiabatic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00531-00127500-00127707 lapse rate and hence cannot drive HoF4Ty5QWB8-00532-00127708-00127881 convection which explains why the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00533-00127882-00128078 transfer of energy through this zone is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00534-00128079-00128246 by radiation instead of thermal HoF4Ty5QWB8-00535-00128247-00128501 convection ions of hydrogen and helium HoF4Ty5QWB8-00536-00128502-00128769 emit photons which travel only a brief HoF4Ty5QWB8-00537-00128770-00128960 distance before being reabsorbed by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00538-00128961-00129219 other ions the density drops a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00539-00129220-00129476 hundredfold from twenty grams per cc to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00540-00129477-00129899 0.2 grams per CC from 0.25 solar radii HoF4Ty5QWB8-00541-00129900-00130151 to the zero point seven radii the top of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00542-00130152-00130722 the radiative zone HoF4Ty5QWB8-00543-00130723-00131215 topic tack a Cline HoF4Ty5QWB8-00544-00131216-00131428 the radiative zone and the convective HoF4Ty5QWB8-00545-00131429-00131656 zone are separated by a transition layer HoF4Ty5QWB8-00546-00131657-00131929 the tactic line this is a region where HoF4Ty5QWB8-00547-00131930-00132106 the sharp regime change between the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00548-00132107-00132298 uniform rotation of the radiative zone HoF4Ty5QWB8-00549-00132299-00132499 and the differential rotation of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00550-00132500-00132715 convection zone results in a large shear HoF4Ty5QWB8-00551-00132716-00132931 between the two a condition where HoF4Ty5QWB8-00552-00132932-00133153 successive horizontal layers slide past HoF4Ty5QWB8-00553-00133154-00133417 one another presently it is hypothesized HoF4Ty5QWB8-00554-00133418-00133699 see solar dynamo that a magnetic dynamo HoF4Ty5QWB8-00555-00133700-00133903 within this layer generates the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00556-00133904-00134474 magnetic field HoF4Ty5QWB8-00557-00134475-00134995 topic convective zone HoF4Ty5QWB8-00558-00134996-00135258 the sun's convection zone extends from HoF4Ty5QWB8-00559-00135259-00135636 0.7 solar radii 500,000 kilometers to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00560-00135637-00135907 near the surface in this layer the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00561-00135908-00136123 plasma is not dense enough or hot enough HoF4Ty5QWB8-00562-00136124-00136290 to transfer the heat energy of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00563-00136291-00136587 interior outward via radiation instead HoF4Ty5QWB8-00564-00136588-00136788 the density of the plasma is low enough HoF4Ty5QWB8-00565-00136789-00136998 to allow convective currents to develop HoF4Ty5QWB8-00566-00136999-00137160 and move the sun's energy outward HoF4Ty5QWB8-00567-00137161-00137446 towards its surface material heated at HoF4Ty5QWB8-00568-00137447-00137610 the tactic line picks up heat and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00569-00137611-00137857 expands thereby reducing its density and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00570-00137858-00138121 allowing it to rise as a result an HoF4Ty5QWB8-00571-00138122-00138346 orderly motion of the mass develops into HoF4Ty5QWB8-00572-00138347-00138535 thermal cells that carry the majority of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00573-00138536-00138663 the heat outward to the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00574-00138664-00138939 photosphere above once the material HoF4Ty5QWB8-00575-00138940-00139176 diffusive liyan radiatively cools just HoF4Ty5QWB8-00576-00139177-00139362 beneath the photosphere exert its HoF4Ty5QWB8-00577-00139363-00139566 density increases and it sinks to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00578-00139567-00139740 base of the convection zone where it HoF4Ty5QWB8-00579-00139741-00139906 again picks up heat from the top of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00580-00139907-00140107 radiative zone and the convective cycle HoF4Ty5QWB8-00581-00140108-00140359 continues at the photosphere the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00582-00140360-00140685 temperature has dropped to 5,700 K and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00583-00140686-00140983 the density - only 0.2 grams per cubic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00584-00140984-00141220 metre about one six thousand the density HoF4Ty5QWB8-00585-00141221-00141423 of air at sea level the thermal columns HoF4Ty5QWB8-00586-00141424-00141615 of the convection zone form an imprint HoF4Ty5QWB8-00587-00141616-00141777 on the surface of the Sun giving it a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00588-00141778-00141939 granular appearance called the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00589-00141940-00142144 granulation at the smallest scale and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00590-00142145-00142371 super granulation at larger scales HoF4Ty5QWB8-00591-00142372-00142614 turbulent convection in this outer part HoF4Ty5QWB8-00592-00142615-00142811 of the solar interior sustains HoF4Ty5QWB8-00593-00142812-00143127 small-scale dynamo action over the near HoF4Ty5QWB8-00594-00143128-00143349 surface volume of the Sun the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00595-00143350-00143548 thermal columns are been 'red cells and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00596-00143549-00144211 take the shape of hexagonal prisms HoF4Ty5QWB8-00597-00144212-00144710 topic photosphere HoF4Ty5QWB8-00598-00144711-00144928 the visible surface of the Sun the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00599-00144929-00145136 photosphere is the layer below which the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00600-00145137-00145321 Sun becomes opaque to visible light HoF4Ty5QWB8-00601-00145322-00145591 above the photosphere visible sunlight HoF4Ty5QWB8-00602-00145592-00145787 is free to propagate into space and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00603-00145788-00146009 almost all of its energy escapes the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00604-00146010-00146333 entirely the change in opacity is due to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00605-00146334-00146575 the decreasing amount of h- ions which HoF4Ty5QWB8-00606-00146576-00146873 absorb visible light easily conversely HoF4Ty5QWB8-00607-00146874-00147083 the visible light we see is produced as HoF4Ty5QWB8-00608-00147084-00147308 electrons react with hydrogen atoms to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00609-00147309-00147683 produce h- ions the photosphere is tens HoF4Ty5QWB8-00610-00147684-00147881 to hundreds of kilometers thick and is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00611-00147882-00148072 slightly less opaque than air on earth HoF4Ty5QWB8-00612-00148073-00148264 because the upper part of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00613-00148265-00148429 photosphere is cooler than the lower HoF4Ty5QWB8-00614-00148430-00148612 part an image of the Sun appears HoF4Ty5QWB8-00615-00148613-00148777 brighter in the centre than on the edge HoF4Ty5QWB8-00616-00148778-00148946 or limb of the solar disk in a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00617-00148947-00149195 phenomenon known as limb darkening the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00618-00149196-00149369 spectrum of sunlight has approximately HoF4Ty5QWB8-00619-00149370-00149698 the spectrum of a blackbody radiating at HoF4Ty5QWB8-00620-00149699-00150037 5,700 77k interspersed with atomic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00621-00150038-00150250 absorption lines from the tenuous layers HoF4Ty5QWB8-00622-00150251-00150497 above the photosphere the photosphere HoF4Ty5QWB8-00623-00150498-00150726 has a particle density of approximately HoF4Ty5QWB8-00624-00150727-00151235 1,000 23 meters minus 3 about 0.3 7% of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00625-00151236-00151397 the particle number per volume of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00626-00151398-00151637 Earth's atmosphere at sea level the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00627-00151638-00151907 photosphere is not fully ionized the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00628-00151908-00152200 extent of ionization is about 3% leaving HoF4Ty5QWB8-00629-00152201-00152401 almost all of the hydrogen in atomic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00630-00152402-00152618 form during early studies of the optical HoF4Ty5QWB8-00631-00152619-00152786 spectrum of the photosphere some HoF4Ty5QWB8-00632-00152787-00152962 absorption lines were found that did not HoF4Ty5QWB8-00633-00152963-00153178 correspond to any chemical elements than HoF4Ty5QWB8-00634-00153179-00153516 known on earth in 1868 Norman Lockyer HoF4Ty5QWB8-00635-00153517-00153751 hypothesized that these absorption lines HoF4Ty5QWB8-00636-00153752-00153923 were caused by a new element that he HoF4Ty5QWB8-00637-00153924-00154112 dubbed helium after the Greek Sun God HoF4Ty5QWB8-00638-00154113-00154448 Helios 25 years later helium was HoF4Ty5QWB8-00639-00154449-00154993 isolated on earth HoF4Ty5QWB8-00640-00154994-00155492 topic atmosphere HoF4Ty5QWB8-00641-00155493-00155738 during a total solar eclipse when the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00642-00155739-00155909 disk of the Sun is covered by that of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00643-00155910-00156095 the moon parts of the sun's surrounding HoF4Ty5QWB8-00644-00156096-00156377 atmosphere can be seen it is composed of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00645-00156378-00156608 four distinct parts the chromis fear the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00646-00156609-00156803 transition region the corona and the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00647-00156804-00157109 heliosphere the coolest layer of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00648-00157110-00157283 is a temperature minimum region HoF4Ty5QWB8-00649-00157284-00157526 extending to about 500 kilometres above HoF4Ty5QWB8-00650-00157527-00157733 the photosphere and has a temperature of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00651-00157734-00158033 about 4,000 100 K this part of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00652-00158034-00158234 is cool enough to allow the existence of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00653-00158235-00158423 simple molecules such as carbon monoxide HoF4Ty5QWB8-00654-00158424-00158666 and water which can be detected via HoF4Ty5QWB8-00655-00158667-00158858 their absorption spectra the chromis HoF4Ty5QWB8-00656-00158859-00159083 fear transition region and Corona are HoF4Ty5QWB8-00657-00159084-00159254 much hotter than the surface of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00658-00159255-00159527 the reason is not well understood but HoF4Ty5QWB8-00659-00159528-00159731 evidence suggests that Alvin waves may HoF4Ty5QWB8-00660-00159732-00159899 have enough energy to heat the corona HoF4Ty5QWB8-00661-00159900-00160103 above the temperature minimum layer as a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00662-00160104-00160313 layer about 2,000 kilometers thick HoF4Ty5QWB8-00663-00160314-00160520 dominated by a spectrum of emission and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00664-00160521-00160757 absorption lines it is called the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00665-00160758-00160940 chromis fear from the greek root chroma HoF4Ty5QWB8-00666-00160941-00161111 meaning color because the chromosphere HoF4Ty5QWB8-00667-00161112-00161324 is visible as a colored flash at the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00668-00161325-00161483 beginning and end of total solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00669-00161484-00161765 eclipses the temperature of the chromis HoF4Ty5QWB8-00670-00161766-00161960 fear increases gradually with altitude HoF4Ty5QWB8-00671-00161961-00162239 ranging up to around 20,000 K near the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00672-00162240-00162446 top in the upper part of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00673-00162447-00164963 chromaspheres03 480p the transition HoF4Ty5QWB8-00674-00164964-00165152 region does not occur at a well-defined HoF4Ty5QWB8-00675-00165153-00165233 altitude HoF4Ty5QWB8-00676-00165234-00165479 rather it forms a kind of Nimbus around HoF4Ty5QWB8-00677-00165480-00165719 chromosphere occurs such as spicules and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00678-00165720-00165923 filaments and as inconstant chaotic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00679-00165924-00166184 motion the transition region is not HoF4Ty5QWB8-00680-00166185-00166394 easily visible from Earth's surface but HoF4Ty5QWB8-00681-00166395-00166586 is readily observable from space by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00682-00166587-00166769 instruments sensitive to the extreme HoF4Ty5QWB8-00683-00166770-00166976 ultraviolet portion of the spectrum the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00684-00166977-00167246 corona as the next layer of the Sun the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00685-00167247-00167441 low Corona near the surface of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00686-00167442-00167729 has a particle density around 1015 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00687-00167730-00168170 meters minus 3/2 1016 meters minus 3 the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00688-00168171-00168353 average temperature of the corona and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00689-00168354-00168590 solar wind is about 1 million to 2 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00690-00168591-00168833 million K however in the hottest regions HoF4Ty5QWB8-00691-00168834-00168884 it is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00692-00168885-00169088 eight million to 20 million K although HoF4Ty5QWB8-00693-00169089-00169310 no complete theory yet exists to account HoF4Ty5QWB8-00694-00169311-00169475 for the temperature of the corona at HoF4Ty5QWB8-00695-00169476-00169643 least some of its heat is known to be HoF4Ty5QWB8-00696-00169644-00169943 from magnetic reconnection the corona is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00697-00169944-00170162 the extended atmosphere of the Sun which HoF4Ty5QWB8-00698-00170163-00170354 has a volume much larger than the volume HoF4Ty5QWB8-00699-00170355-00170657 enclosed by the sun's photosphere a flow HoF4Ty5QWB8-00700-00170658-00170855 of plasma outward from the Sun into HoF4Ty5QWB8-00701-00170856-00171062 interplanetary space as the solar wind HoF4Ty5QWB8-00702-00171063-00171287 the heliosphere the tenuous outermost HoF4Ty5QWB8-00703-00171288-00171512 atmosphere of the Sun is filled with the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00704-00171513-00171794 solar wind plasma this outermost layer HoF4Ty5QWB8-00705-00171795-00171986 of the Sun is defined to begin at the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00706-00171987-00172142 distance where the flow of the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00707-00172143-00172382 wind becomes super Alvin ik that has HoF4Ty5QWB8-00708-00172383-00172559 where the flow becomes faster than the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00709-00172560-00172814 speed of Alvin waves at approximately 20 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00710-00172815-00173176 solar radii 0.1 astronomical units HoF4Ty5QWB8-00711-00173177-00173426 turbulence and dynamic forces in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00712-00173427-00173627 heliosphere cannot affect the shape of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00713-00173628-00173807 the solar corona within because the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00714-00173808-00173990 information can only travel at the speed HoF4Ty5QWB8-00715-00173991-00174287 of Alvin waves the solar wind travels HoF4Ty5QWB8-00716-00174288-00174437 outward continuously through the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00717-00174438-00174623 heliosphere forming the solar magnetic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00718-00174624-00174851 field into a spiral shape until it HoF4Ty5QWB8-00719-00174852-00175055 impacts the heliopause more than 50 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00720-00175056-00175270 astronomical units from the Sun in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00721-00175271-00175619 December 2004 the Voyager 1 probe passed HoF4Ty5QWB8-00722-00175620-00175775 through a shock front that is thought to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00723-00175776-00176087 be part of the heliopause in late 2012 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00724-00176088-00176324 Voyager 1 recorded a marked increase in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00725-00176325-00176558 cosmic ray collisions and a sharp drop HoF4Ty5QWB8-00726-00176559-00176765 in lower energy particles from the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00727-00176766-00176978 wind which suggested that the probe had HoF4Ty5QWB8-00728-00176979-00177137 passed through the heliopause and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00729-00177138-00177746 entered the interstellar medium HoF4Ty5QWB8-00730-00177747-00178160 topic photons and neutrinos HoF4Ty5QWB8-00731-00178161-00178317 you HoF4Ty5QWB8-00732-00178318-00178605 high-energy gamma-ray photons initially HoF4Ty5QWB8-00733-00178606-00178791 released with fusion reactions in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00734-00178792-00178995 core are almost immediately absorbed by HoF4Ty5QWB8-00735-00178996-00179175 the solar plasma of the radiative zone HoF4Ty5QWB8-00736-00179176-00179403 usually after traveling only a few HoF4Ty5QWB8-00737-00179404-00179673 millimeters re-emission happens in a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00738-00179674-00179847 random direction and usually at a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00739-00179848-00180135 slightly lower energy with this sequence HoF4Ty5QWB8-00740-00180136-00180345 of emissions and absorptions it takes a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00741-00180346-00180528 long time for radiation to reach the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00742-00180529-00180629 sun's surface HoF4Ty5QWB8-00743-00180630-00180864 estimates of the photon travel time HoF4Ty5QWB8-00744-00180865-00181167 range between 10,000 and 170,000 years HoF4Ty5QWB8-00745-00181168-00181569 in contrast it takes only 2.3 seconds HoF4Ty5QWB8-00746-00181570-00181740 for the neutrinos which account for HoF4Ty5QWB8-00747-00181741-00181905 about two percent of the total energy HoF4Ty5QWB8-00748-00181906-00182094 production of the Sun to reach the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00749-00182095-00182379 surface because energy transport in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00750-00182380-00182610 Sun is a process that involves photons HoF4Ty5QWB8-00751-00182611-00182826 in thermodynamic equilibrium with matter HoF4Ty5QWB8-00752-00182827-00183060 the time scale of energy transport in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00753-00183061-00183255 the Sun is longer on the order of 30 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00754-00183256-00183513 million years this is the time it would HoF4Ty5QWB8-00755-00183514-00183690 take the Sun to return to a stable state HoF4Ty5QWB8-00756-00183691-00183927 if the rate of energy generation in its HoF4Ty5QWB8-00757-00183928-00184155 core were suddenly changed neutrinos are HoF4Ty5QWB8-00758-00184156-00184377 also released by the fusion reactions in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00759-00184378-00184605 the core but unlike photons they rarely HoF4Ty5QWB8-00760-00184606-00184704 interact with matter HoF4Ty5QWB8-00761-00184705-00184917 so almost all are able to escape the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00762-00184918-00185190 immediately for many years measurements HoF4Ty5QWB8-00763-00185191-00185370 of the number of neutrinos produced in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00764-00185371-00185520 the Sun were lower than theories HoF4Ty5QWB8-00765-00185521-00185769 predicted by a factor of three this HoF4Ty5QWB8-00766-00185770-00186054 discrepancy was resolved in 2001 through HoF4Ty5QWB8-00767-00186055-00186252 the discovery of the effects of neutrino HoF4Ty5QWB8-00768-00186253-00186453 oscillation the Sun emits the number of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00769-00186454-00186651 neutrinos predicted by the theory but HoF4Ty5QWB8-00770-00186652-00186810 neutrino detectors were missing HoF4Ty5QWB8-00771-00186811-00186990 two-thirds of them because the neutrinos HoF4Ty5QWB8-00772-00186991-00187167 had changed flavor by the time they were HoF4Ty5QWB8-00773-00187168-00187732 detected HoF4Ty5QWB8-00774-00187733-00188334 topic magnetism and activity HoF4Ty5QWB8-00775-00188335-00188674 you HoF4Ty5QWB8-00776-00188675-00189212 topic magnetic field HoF4Ty5QWB8-00777-00189213-00189466 the Sun has a magnetic field that varies HoF4Ty5QWB8-00778-00189467-00189731 across the surface of the Sun it's polar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00779-00189732-00189974 field as 1 to 2 Gauss zero point zero HoF4Ty5QWB8-00780-00189975-00190252 zero zero one two zero point zero zero HoF4Ty5QWB8-00781-00190253-00190504 zero two T whereas the field is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00782-00190505-00190784 typically 3000 Gauss zero point three T HoF4Ty5QWB8-00783-00190785-00191000 in features on the Sun called sunspots HoF4Ty5QWB8-00784-00191001-00191387 and ten to one hundred Gauss 0.001 to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00785-00191388-00191768 0.01 T in solar prominences the magnetic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00786-00191769-00191960 field also varies in time and location HoF4Ty5QWB8-00787-00191961-00192304 the quasi periodic 11-year solar cycle HoF4Ty5QWB8-00788-00192305-00192557 is the most prominent variation in which HoF4Ty5QWB8-00789-00192558-00192778 the number and size of sunspots waxes HoF4Ty5QWB8-00790-00192779-00192991 and wanes sunspots are visible as dark HoF4Ty5QWB8-00791-00192992-00193177 patches on the sun's photosphere and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00792-00193178-00193418 correspond to concentrations of magnetic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00793-00193419-00193615 field where the convective transport of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00794-00193616-00193757 heat is inhibited from the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00795-00193758-00194018 interior to the surface as a result HoF4Ty5QWB8-00796-00194019-00194246 sunspots are slightly cooler than the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00797-00194247-00194444 surrounding photosphere and soap they HoF4Ty5QWB8-00798-00194445-00194726 appear dark at a typical solar minimum HoF4Ty5QWB8-00799-00194727-00194897 few sunspots are visible and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00800-00194898-00195076 occasionally none can be seen at all HoF4Ty5QWB8-00801-00195077-00195326 those that do appear are at high solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00802-00195327-00195616 latitudes as the solar cycle progresses HoF4Ty5QWB8-00803-00195617-00195857 towards its maximum sun spots tend form HoF4Ty5QWB8-00804-00195858-00196090 closer to the solar equator a phenomenon HoF4Ty5QWB8-00805-00196091-00196406 known as spores law the largest sunspots HoF4Ty5QWB8-00806-00196407-00196603 can be tens of thousands of kilometres HoF4Ty5QWB8-00807-00196604-00196871 across an 11-year sunspot cycle as half HoF4Ty5QWB8-00808-00196872-00197171 of a 22-year Babcock Layton dynamo cycle HoF4Ty5QWB8-00809-00197172-00197348 which corresponds to an oscillatory HoF4Ty5QWB8-00810-00197349-00197585 exchange of energy between toroidal and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00811-00197586-00197888 poloidal solar magnetic fields at solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00812-00197889-00198095 cycle maximum the external poloidal HoF4Ty5QWB8-00813-00198096-00198308 dipolar magnetic field is near its HoF4Ty5QWB8-00814-00198309-00198512 dynamo cycle minimum strength but an HoF4Ty5QWB8-00815-00198513-00198701 internal toroidal quadrupolar field HoF4Ty5QWB8-00816-00198702-00198869 generated through differential rotation HoF4Ty5QWB8-00817-00198870-00199073 within the tacca klein is near its HoF4Ty5QWB8-00818-00199074-00199322 maximum strength at this point in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00819-00199323-00199538 dynamo cycle buoyant upwelling within HoF4Ty5QWB8-00820-00199539-00199745 the convective zone forces emergence of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00821-00199746-00199910 toroidal magnetic field through the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00822-00199911-00200116 photosphere giving rise to pairs of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00823-00200117-00200351 sunspots roughly aligned east-west and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00824-00200352-00200513 having footprints with opposite magnetic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00825-00200514-00200813 polarities the magnetic polarity of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00826-00200814-00201038 sunspot pairs alternates every solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00827-00201039-00201253 cycle a phenomenon known as the Hale HoF4Ty5QWB8-00828-00201254-00201473 cycle during the solar cycles declining HoF4Ty5QWB8-00829-00201474-00201686 phase energy shifts from the internal HoF4Ty5QWB8-00830-00201687-00201887 toroidal magnetic field to the external HoF4Ty5QWB8-00831-00201888-00202121 poloidal field and sunspots diminish in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00832-00202122-00202418 number and size at solar cycle minimum HoF4Ty5QWB8-00833-00202419-00202601 the toroidal field as cores HoF4Ty5QWB8-00834-00202602-00202817 finding Li at minimum strength sunspots HoF4Ty5QWB8-00835-00202818-00202988 are relatively rare and the poloidal HoF4Ty5QWB8-00836-00202989-00203255 field is at its maximum strength with HoF4Ty5QWB8-00837-00203256-00203432 the rise of the next 11-year sunspot HoF4Ty5QWB8-00838-00203433-00203678 cycle differential rotation shifts HoF4Ty5QWB8-00839-00203679-00203861 magnetic energy back from the poloidal HoF4Ty5QWB8-00840-00203862-00204029 to the toroidal field but with a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00841-00204030-00204194 polarity that is opposite to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00842-00204195-00204473 previous cycle the process carries on HoF4Ty5QWB8-00843-00204474-00204557 continuously HoF4Ty5QWB8-00844-00204558-00204788 and in an idealized simplified scenario HoF4Ty5QWB8-00845-00204789-00205061 each 11-year sunspot cycle corresponds HoF4Ty5QWB8-00846-00205062-00205283 to a change then in the overall polarity HoF4Ty5QWB8-00847-00205284-00205487 of the sun's large-scale magnetic field HoF4Ty5QWB8-00848-00205488-00205717 the solar magnetic field extends well HoF4Ty5QWB8-00849-00205719-00205979 beyond the Sun itself the electrically HoF4Ty5QWB8-00850-00205980-00206210 conducting solar wind plasma carries the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00851-00206211-00206435 sun's magnetic field into space forming HoF4Ty5QWB8-00852-00206436-00206588 what is called the interplanetary HoF4Ty5QWB8-00853-00206589-00206888 magnetic field in an approximation known HoF4Ty5QWB8-00854-00206889-00207139 as ideal magnetohydrodynamics plasma HoF4Ty5QWB8-00855-00207140-00207305 particles only move along the magnetic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00856-00207306-00207619 field lines as a result the outward HoF4Ty5QWB8-00857-00207621-00207794 flowing solar wind stretches the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00858-00207794-00208007 interplanetary magnetic field outward HoF4Ty5QWB8-00859-00208008-00208189 forcing it into a roughly radial HoF4Ty5QWB8-00860-00208190-00208465 structure for a simple dipolar solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00861-00208466-00208621 magnetic field with opposite HoF4Ty5QWB8-00862-00208623-00208840 hemispherical polarities on either side HoF4Ty5QWB8-00863-00208841-00209048 of the solar magnetic equator a thin HoF4Ty5QWB8-00864-00209048-00209201 current sheet is formed in the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00865-00209202-00209507 wind at great distances the rotation of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00866-00209508-00209708 the Sun twists the dipolar magnetic HoF4Ty5QWB8-00867-00209709-00209894 field in corresponding current sheet HoF4Ty5QWB8-00868-00209894-00210092 into an Archimedean spiral structure HoF4Ty5QWB8-00869-00210092-00210298 called the Parker spiral the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00870-00210300-00210517 interplanetary magnetic field is much HoF4Ty5QWB8-00871-00210519-00210707 stronger than the dipole component of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00872-00210708-00210950 the solar magnetic field the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00873-00210951-00211273 dipole magnetic field of 50 to 400 mutti HoF4Ty5QWB8-00874-00211275-00211466 at the photosphere reduces with the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00875-00211467-00211637 inverse cube of the distance to about HoF4Ty5QWB8-00876-00211638-00211969 0.1 NT at the distance of earth however HoF4Ty5QWB8-00877-00211971-00212242 according to spacecraft observations the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00878-00212244-00212432 interplanetary field at Earth's location HoF4Ty5QWB8-00879-00212433-00212698 is around 5 NT about a hundred times HoF4Ty5QWB8-00880-00212700-00212930 greater the difference is due to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00881-00212931-00213161 magnetic fields generated by electrical HoF4Ty5QWB8-00882-00213162-00213335 currents in the plasma surrounding the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00883-00213336-00213846 Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00884-00213846-00214417 topic variation in activity HoF4Ty5QWB8-00885-00214417-00214671 the sun's magnetic field leads to many HoF4Ty5QWB8-00886-00214673-00214816 effects that are collectively called HoF4Ty5QWB8-00887-00214817-00215146 solar activity solar flares and coronal HoF4Ty5QWB8-00888-00215146-00215382 mass ejections tend to occur at sunspot HoF4Ty5QWB8-00889-00215383-00215652 groups slowly changing high-speed HoF4Ty5QWB8-00890-00215653-00215823 streams of solar wind are emitted from HoF4Ty5QWB8-00891-00215825-00215982 coronal holes at the photosphere HoF4Ty5QWB8-00892-00215983-00216325 excerpts both coronal mass ejections and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00893-00216326-00216523 high-speed streams of solar wind carry HoF4Ty5QWB8-00894-00216523-00216777 plasma and interplanetary magnetic field HoF4Ty5QWB8-00895-00216778-00217021 outward into the solar system the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00896-00217021-00217189 effects of solar activity on earth HoF4Ty5QWB8-00897-00217190-00217396 include Aurora's have moderate to high HoF4Ty5QWB8-00898-00217396-00217594 latitudes and the disruption of radio HoF4Ty5QWB8-00899-00217594-00217896 communications and electric power solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00900-00217898-00218055 activity is thought to have played a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00901-00218056-00218221 large role in the formation and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00902-00218221-00218529 evolution of the solar system with solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00903-00218530-00218781 cycle modulation of sunspot number comes HoF4Ty5QWB8-00904-00218782-00218979 a corresponding modulation of space HoF4Ty5QWB8-00905-00218980-00219151 weather conditions including those HoF4Ty5QWB8-00906-00219152-00219301 surrounding earth where technological HoF4Ty5QWB8-00907-00219302-00219944 systems can be affected HoF4Ty5QWB8-00908-00219946-00220477 topic long-term change HoF4Ty5QWB8-00909-00220478-00220726 long-term secular change in sunspot HoF4Ty5QWB8-00910-00220727-00220942 number is thought by some scientists to HoF4Ty5QWB8-00911-00220942-00221131 be correlated with long-term change in HoF4Ty5QWB8-00912-00221132-00221344 solar irradiance which in turn might HoF4Ty5QWB8-00913-00221344-00221619 influence our so long term climate for HoF4Ty5QWB8-00914-00221621-00221875 example in the 17th century the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00915-00221876-00222055 cycle appeared to have stopped entirely HoF4Ty5QWB8-00916-00222056-00222292 for several decades few sunspots were HoF4Ty5QWB8-00917-00222292-00222475 observed during a period known as the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00918-00222476-00222742 maunder minimum this coincided in time HoF4Ty5QWB8-00919-00222742-00222942 with the era of the Little Ice Age when HoF4Ty5QWB8-00920-00222944-00223123 Europe experienced unusually cold HoF4Ty5QWB8-00921-00223123-00223414 temperatures earlier extended minima HoF4Ty5QWB8-00922-00223415-00223596 have been discovered through analysis of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00923-00223598-00223729 tree rings and appeared to have HoF4Ty5QWB8-00924-00223730-00223954 coincided with lower than average global HoF4Ty5QWB8-00925-00223955-00224173 temperatures a recent theory claims that HoF4Ty5QWB8-00926-00224173-00224356 there are magnetic instabilities in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00927-00224357-00224557 core of the Sun that caused fluctuations HoF4Ty5QWB8-00928-00224558-00224839 with periods of either 41,000 or 100 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00929-00224840-00225061 thousand years these could provide a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00930-00225062-00225283 better explanation of the ice ages than HoF4Ty5QWB8-00931-00225284-00225909 the Milankovitch cycles HoF4Ty5QWB8-00932-00225910-00226446 topic life phases HoF4Ty5QWB8-00933-00226448-00226681 the Sun today is roughly halfway through HoF4Ty5QWB8-00934-00226682-00226944 the most stable part of its life it has HoF4Ty5QWB8-00935-00226946-00227152 not changed dramatically for over 4 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00936-00227153-00227326 billion years and will remain fairly HoF4Ty5QWB8-00937-00227327-00227548 stable for more than five billion more HoF4Ty5QWB8-00938-00227548-00227821 however after hydrogen fusion in its HoF4Ty5QWB8-00939-00227821-00228006 core has stopped the Sun will undergo HoF4Ty5QWB8-00940-00228007-00228214 dramatic changes both internally and HoF4Ty5QWB8-00941-00228215-00228762 externally HoF4Ty5QWB8-00942-00228763-00229248 topic formation HoF4Ty5QWB8-00943-00229250-00229531 the Sun formed about 4.6 billion years HoF4Ty5QWB8-00944-00229532-00229741 ago from the collapse of part of a giant HoF4Ty5QWB8-00945-00229742-00229971 molecular cloud that consisted mostly of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00946-00229973-00230176 hydrogen and helium and that probably HoF4Ty5QWB8-00947-00230177-00230473 gave birth to many other stars this age HoF4Ty5QWB8-00948-00230473-00230692 is estimated using computer models of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00949-00230692-00230863 stellar evolution and through nucleo HoF4Ty5QWB8-00950-00230864-00231117 cosmic chronology the result is HoF4Ty5QWB8-00951-00231119-00231316 consistent with the radiometric date of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00952-00231317-00231550 the oldest solar system material at four HoF4Ty5QWB8-00953-00231551-00231798 point five six seven billion years ago HoF4Ty5QWB8-00954-00231798-00232063 studies of ancient meteorites revealed HoF4Ty5QWB8-00955-00232064-00232258 traces of stable daughter nuclei of HoF4Ty5QWB8-00956-00232259-00232525 short-lived isotopes such as iron 60 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00957-00232526-00232732 that form only in exploding short-lived HoF4Ty5QWB8-00958-00232733-00233017 stars this indicates that one or more HoF4Ty5QWB8-00959-00233017-00233184 supernovae must have occurred near the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00960-00233185-00233362 location where the Sun formed a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00961-00233363-00233646 shockwave from a nearby supernova would HoF4Ty5QWB8-00962-00233648-00233812 have triggered the formation of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00963-00233813-00233965 by compressing the matter within the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00964-00233966-00234144 molecular cloud and causing certain HoF4Ty5QWB8-00965-00234146-00234292 regions to collapse under their own HoF4Ty5QWB8-00966-00234292-00234567 gravity as one fragment of the cloud HoF4Ty5QWB8-00967-00234569-00234769 collapsed it also began to rotate HoF4Ty5QWB8-00968-00234769-00234919 because of conservation of angular HoF4Ty5QWB8-00969-00234919-00235129 momentum and heat up with the increasing HoF4Ty5QWB8-00970-00235130-00235369 pressure much of the mass became HoF4Ty5QWB8-00971-00235369-00235564 concentrated in the center whereas the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00972-00235565-00235738 rest flattened out into a disc that HoF4Ty5QWB8-00973-00235739-00235906 would become the planets and other solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00974-00235907-00236169 system bodies gravity and pressure HoF4Ty5QWB8-00975-00236171-00236380 within the core of the cloud generated a HoF4Ty5QWB8-00976-00236381-00236566 lot of heat as it accreted more matter HoF4Ty5QWB8-00977-00236567-00236767 from the surrounding disk eventually HoF4Ty5QWB8-00978-00236767-00236902 triggering nuclear fusion HoF4Ty5QWB8-00979-00236903-00237592 thus the Sun was born HD 160 2826 as the HoF4Ty5QWB8-00980-00237592-00237778 only known stellar sibling of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00981-00237779-00237957 having formed in the same molecular HoF4Ty5QWB8-00982-00237958-00238475 cloud HoF4Ty5QWB8-00983-00238476-00238996 topic main-sequence HoF4Ty5QWB8-00984-00238998-00239204 the Sun is about halfway through its HoF4Ty5QWB8-00985-00239205-00239392 main sequence stage during which nuclear HoF4Ty5QWB8-00986-00239394-00239608 fusion reactions in its core fuse HoF4Ty5QWB8-00987-00239609-00239888 hydrogen into helium each second more HoF4Ty5QWB8-00988-00239889-00240062 than four million tons of matter are HoF4Ty5QWB8-00989-00240063-00240251 converted into energy within the Sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-00990-00240252-00240457 core producing neutrinos and solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-00991-00240458-00240748 radiation at this rate the Sun has so HoF4Ty5QWB8-00992-00240750-00240989 far converted around 100 times the mass HoF4Ty5QWB8-00993-00240990-00241289 of Earth into energy about 0.03 percent HoF4Ty5QWB8-00994-00241290-00241582 of the total mass of the Sun the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-00995-00241583-00241792 will spend a total of approximately 10 HoF4Ty5QWB8-00996-00241794-00241991 billion years as a main-sequence star HoF4Ty5QWB8-00997-00241992-00242248 the Sun is gradually becoming hotter HoF4Ty5QWB8-00998-00242250-00242402 during its time on the main sequence HoF4Ty5QWB8-00999-00242403-00242608 because the helium atoms in the core HoF4Ty5QWB8-01000-00242609-00242821 occupy less volume than the hydrogen HoF4Ty5QWB8-01001-00242823-00243058 atoms that were fused the core is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01002-00243059-00243230 therefore shrinking allowing the outer HoF4Ty5QWB8-01003-00243231-00243437 layers of the Sun to move closer to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01004-00243438-00243607 center and experience a stronger HoF4Ty5QWB8-01005-00243608-00243803 gravitational force according to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01006-00243804-00244069 inverse square law this stronger force HoF4Ty5QWB8-01007-00244071-00244277 increases the pressure on the core which HoF4Ty5QWB8-01008-00244278-00244487 is resisted by a gradual increase in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01009-00244488-00244781 rate at which fusion occurs this process HoF4Ty5QWB8-01010-00244782-00244988 speeds up as the core gradually becomes HoF4Ty5QWB8-01011-00244989-00245246 denser it is estimated that the Sun has HoF4Ty5QWB8-01012-00245246-00245542 become 30% brighter in the last 4.5 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01013-00245544-00245798 billion years at present it is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01014-00245798-00246010 increasing in brightness by about 1% HoF4Ty5QWB8-01015-00246011-00246675 every 100 million years HoF4Ty5QWB8-01016-00246676-00247292 topic after core hydrogen exhaustion HoF4Ty5QWB8-01017-00247294-00247503 the Sun does not have enough mass to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01018-00247504-00247779 explode as a supernova instead it will HoF4Ty5QWB8-01019-00247780-00247989 exit the main sequence in approximately HoF4Ty5QWB8-01020-00247990-00248178 five billion years and start to turn HoF4Ty5QWB8-01021-00248179-00248490 into a red giant as a red giant the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01022-00248491-00248661 will grow so large that it will engulf HoF4Ty5QWB8-01023-00248662-00248916 Mercury Venus and probably earth even HoF4Ty5QWB8-01024-00248917-00249078 before it becomes a red giant the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01025-00249079-00249276 luminosity of the Sun will have nearly HoF4Ty5QWB8-01026-00249277-00249444 doubled and Earth will receive as much HoF4Ty5QWB8-01027-00249444-00249719 sunlight as Venus receives today once HoF4Ty5QWB8-01028-00249721-00249998 the core hydrogen is exhausted in 5.4 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01029-00250000-00250215 billion years the Sun will expand into a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01030-00250216-00250416 sub giant phase and slowly double in HoF4Ty5QWB8-01031-00250417-00250701 size over about half a billion years it HoF4Ty5QWB8-01032-00250702-00250911 will then expand more rapidly over about HoF4Ty5QWB8-01033-00250912-00251082 half a billion years until it is over HoF4Ty5QWB8-01034-00251083-00251337 200 times larger than today and a couple HoF4Ty5QWB8-01035-00251338-00251598 of thousand times more luminous this HoF4Ty5QWB8-01036-00251598-00251805 then starts the red giant branch phase HoF4Ty5QWB8-01037-00251806-00251958 where the Sun will spend around a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01038-00251959-00252162 billion years and lose around 1/3 of its HoF4Ty5QWB8-01039-00252163-00252498 mass after the red giant branch the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01040-00252498-00252783 has approximately 120 million years of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01041-00252784-00253083 active life left but much happens first HoF4Ty5QWB8-01042-00253084-00253278 the core full of degenerate helium HoF4Ty5QWB8-01043-00253279-00253467 ignites violently in the helium flash HoF4Ty5QWB8-01044-00253467-00253716 where it is estimated that 6% of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01045-00253717-00253998 core itself 40% of the sun's mass will HoF4Ty5QWB8-01046-00253998-00254178 be converted into carbon within a matter HoF4Ty5QWB8-01047-00254179-00254325 of minutes through the triple alpha HoF4Ty5QWB8-01048-00254326-00254613 process the Sun then shrinks to around HoF4Ty5QWB8-01049-00254614-00254856 10 times its current size and 50 times HoF4Ty5QWB8-01050-00254857-00255042 the luminosity with a temperature a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01051-00255042-00255282 little lower than today it will then HoF4Ty5QWB8-01052-00255283-00255483 have reached the red clump or horizontal HoF4Ty5QWB8-01053-00255484-00255696 branch but a star of the sun's mass does HoF4Ty5QWB8-01054-00255696-00255834 not evolve blue 'red along the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01055-00255835-00256119 horizontal branch instead it just HoF4Ty5QWB8-01056-00256119-00256302 becomes moderately larger and more HoF4Ty5QWB8-01057-00256303-00256557 luminous over about 100 million years as HoF4Ty5QWB8-01058-00256558-00256742 it continues to burn helium in the core HoF4Ty5QWB8-01059-00256744-00256953 when the helium is exhausted the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01060-00256954-00257136 will repeat the expansion it followed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01061-00257137-00257294 when the hydrogen in the core was HoF4Ty5QWB8-01062-00257296-00257487 exhausted except that this time it all HoF4Ty5QWB8-01063-00257488-00257673 happens faster and the Sun becomes HoF4Ty5QWB8-01064-00257673-00257931 larger and more luminous this is the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01065-00257932-00258159 asymptotic giant branch phase and the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01066-00258160-00258363 Sun is alternately burning hydrogen in a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01067-00258364-00258644 shell or helium in a deeper shell after HoF4Ty5QWB8-01068-00258646-00258837 about 20 million years on the early HoF4Ty5QWB8-01069-00258838-00259071 asymptotic giant branch the Sun becomes HoF4Ty5QWB8-01070-00259071-00259292 increasingly unstable with rapid mass HoF4Ty5QWB8-01071-00259294-00259494 loss and thermal pulses that increase HoF4Ty5QWB8-01072-00259494-00259683 the size and luminosity for a few HoF4Ty5QWB8-01073-00259684-00259935 hundred years every 100,000 years or so HoF4Ty5QWB8-01074-00259936-00260214 the thermal pulse has become larger each HoF4Ty5QWB8-01075-00260215-00260412 time with the later pulse is pushing the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01076-00260413-00260625 luminosity to as much as five thousand HoF4Ty5QWB8-01077-00260626-00260673 times the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01078-00260673-00260865 current level and the radius to over one HoF4Ty5QWB8-01079-00260866-00261189 astronomical unit according to a 2008 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01080-00261190-00261402 model Earth's orbit is shrinking due to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01081-00261403-00261644 tidal forces and eventually dragged from HoF4Ty5QWB8-01082-00261646-00261816 the lower chromis fear so that it will HoF4Ty5QWB8-01083-00261817-00261996 be engulfed by the Sun near the tip of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01084-00261996-00262251 the red giant branch phase one in 3.8 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01085-00262252-00262440 million years after Mercury and Venus HoF4Ty5QWB8-01086-00262441-00262679 have respectively suffered the same fate HoF4Ty5QWB8-01087-00262680-00262932 models vary depending on the rate and HoF4Ty5QWB8-01088-00262933-00263163 timing of mass loss models that have HoF4Ty5QWB8-01089-00263164-00263355 higher mass loss on the red giant branch HoF4Ty5QWB8-01090-00263356-00263613 produced smaller less luminous stars at HoF4Ty5QWB8-01091-00263614-00263784 the tip of the asymptotic giant branch HoF4Ty5QWB8-01092-00263785-00264024 perhaps only 2,000 times the luminosity HoF4Ty5QWB8-01093-00264025-00264384 in less than 200 times the radius for HoF4Ty5QWB8-01094-00264385-00264603 the Sun for thermal pulses are predicted HoF4Ty5QWB8-01095-00264604-00264771 before it completely loses its outer HoF4Ty5QWB8-01096-00264772-00264984 envelope and starts to make a planetary HoF4Ty5QWB8-01097-00264985-00265314 nebula by the end of that phase lasting HoF4Ty5QWB8-01098-00265315-00265623 approximately 500,000 years the Sun will HoF4Ty5QWB8-01099-00265624-00265847 only have about half of its current mass HoF4Ty5QWB8-01100-00265848-00266103 the post asymptotic giant branch HoF4Ty5QWB8-01101-00266104-00266388 evolution is even faster the luminosity HoF4Ty5QWB8-01102-00266389-00266613 stays approximately constant as the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01103-00266614-00266814 temperature increases with the ejected HoF4Ty5QWB8-01104-00266815-00267024 half of the sun's mass becoming ionized HoF4Ty5QWB8-01105-00267025-00267260 into a planetary nebula as the exposed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01106-00267261-00267543 core reaches 30,000 K the final naked HoF4Ty5QWB8-01107-00267544-00267705 core a white dwarf will have a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01108-00267706-00267957 temperature of over 100,000 K and HoF4Ty5QWB8-01109-00267958-00268167 contain an estimated fifty four point HoF4Ty5QWB8-01110-00268168-00268329 zero five percent of the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-01111-00268330-00268644 present-day mass the planetary nebula HoF4Ty5QWB8-01112-00268645-00268815 will disperse in about ten thousand HoF4Ty5QWB8-01113-00268816-00268992 years but the white dwarf will survive HoF4Ty5QWB8-01114-00268993-00269199 for trillions of years before fading to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01115-00269200-00269862 a hypothetical black dwarf HoF4Ty5QWB8-01116-00269863-00270438 topic motion and location HoF4Ty5QWB8-01117-00270439-00270674 the Sun lies close to the inner rim of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01118-00270675-00270894 the milky way's Orion Arm in the local HoF4Ty5QWB8-01119-00270895-00271106 interstellar cloud or the gold belt at a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01120-00271107-00271590 distance of 7.5 to 8.5 KPC 25,000 to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01121-00271591-00271788 28,000 light years from the galactic HoF4Ty5QWB8-01122-00271789-00272108 center the Sun is contained within the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01123-00272109-00272354 local bubble a space of rarefied hot gas HoF4Ty5QWB8-01124-00272355-00272558 possibly produced by the supernova HoF4Ty5QWB8-01125-00272559-00272793 remnant Jamaica or multiple supernova in HoF4Ty5QWB8-01126-00272794-00272994 sub-group be one of the Pleiades moving HoF4Ty5QWB8-01127-00272995-00273264 group the distance between the local arm HoF4Ty5QWB8-01128-00273265-00273482 and the next arm out the Perseus arm is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01129-00273483-00273894 about 6,500 light years the Sun and thus HoF4Ty5QWB8-01130-00273895-00274073 the solar system is found in what HoF4Ty5QWB8-01131-00274074-00274245 scientists call the Galactic habitable HoF4Ty5QWB8-01132-00274246-00274593 zone the apex of the sun's way or the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01133-00274594-00274815 solar apex is the direction that the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01134-00274816-00275026 travels relative to other nearby stars HoF4Ty5QWB8-01135-00275027-00275292 this motion is towards a point in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01136-00275293-00275480 constellation Hercules near the star HoF4Ty5QWB8-01137-00275481-00275796 Vega of the 50 nearest stellar systems HoF4Ty5QWB8-01138-00275797-00276012 within 17 light-years from Earth the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01139-00276013-00276192 closest being the red dwarf Proxima HoF4Ty5QWB8-01140-00276193-00276533 Centauri at approximately 4.2 lightyears HoF4Ty5QWB8-01141-00276534-00277182 the Sun ranks fourth in mass HoF4Ty5QWB8-01142-00277183-00277740 topic orbit in Milky Way HoF4Ty5QWB8-01143-00277741-00277971 the Sun orbits the center of the Milky HoF4Ty5QWB8-01144-00277972-00278151 Way and it is presently moving in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01145-00278152-00278328 direction of the constellation of Cygnus HoF4Ty5QWB8-01146-00278329-00278610 a simple model of the motion of a star HoF4Ty5QWB8-01147-00278611-00278820 in the galaxy gives the galactic HoF4Ty5QWB8-01148-00278821-00279734 coordinates X Y & Z is X T equals x0 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01149-00279735-00281213 plus u 0 Kappa sin Kappa T plus V 0 to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01150-00281214-00282222 be 1 minus coz Kappa T display style XT HoF4Ty5QWB8-01151-00282223-00282675 equals x zero plus frac u 0 Kappa sin HoF4Ty5QWB8-01152-00282676-00283235 Kappa T plus frac V 0 to be 1 cus Kapiti HoF4Ty5QWB8-01153-00283236-00285224 Y T equals y 0 plus 2a X 0 plus V 0 to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01154-00285225-00286453 be t minus Omega 0 b kappa v HoF4Ty5QWB8-01155-00286454-00287567 zero sin kappa t plus two Omega zero HoF4Ty5QWB8-01156-00287568-00287966 Kappa to you HoF4Ty5QWB8-01157-00287967-00288918 zero one minus coz Kappa T display style HoF4Ty5QWB8-01158-00288919-00289377 YT equals y zero plus 2ei left X 0 plus HoF4Ty5QWB8-01159-00289378-00289856 frac v-0 to be write t frac Omega HoF4Ty5QWB8-01160-00289857-00290282 underscore 0 b kappa v 0 sin kappa t + HoF4Ty5QWB8-01161-00290283-00290678 frac to omega underscore 0 kappa carrot HoF4Ty5QWB8-01162-00290679-00291835 to u 0 1 plus Kappa T Z T equals W 0 nu HoF4Ty5QWB8-01163-00291836-00293214 sin nu t + Z 0 cuz nu t display style Z HoF4Ty5QWB8-01164-00293215-00293799 T equals frac w0 new sin nu t + Z 0 cos HoF4Ty5QWB8-01165-00293800-00294168 nu t where you V and W are the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01166-00294169-00294378 respective velocities with respect to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01167-00294379-00294597 the local standard of rest a and B are HoF4Ty5QWB8-01168-00294598-00295397 the orc constants Omega 0 equals o minus HoF4Ty5QWB8-01169-00295398-00295832 B display style Omega underscore 0 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01170-00295833-00296187 equals a B is the angular velocity of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01171-00296188-00296415 galactic rotation for the local standard HoF4Ty5QWB8-01172-00296416-00296557 of rest HoF4Ty5QWB8-01173-00296558-00297571 Kepley equals minus 4 Omega 0 B display HoF4Ty5QWB8-01174-00297572-00297895 style Kappa equals s QR t minus 4 Omega HoF4Ty5QWB8-01175-00297896-00298276 underscore 0 B is the epicyclic HoF4Ty5QWB8-01176-00298277-00298540 frequency and nu is the vertical HoF4Ty5QWB8-01177-00298541-00298801 oscillation frequency for the Sun the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01178-00298802-00299116 present values of UV and W are estimated HoF4Ty5QWB8-01179-00299117-00300369 as u 0 V 0 W 0 equals 10 point zero zero HoF4Ty5QWB8-01180-00300370-00300736 five point two five seven point one HoF4Ty5QWB8-01181-00300737-00301327 seven display style u0 v0 w zero equals HoF4Ty5QWB8-01182-00301328-00301576 10 point zero zero five point two five HoF4Ty5QWB8-01183-00301577-00302017 seven 17 kilometer per second and HoF4Ty5QWB8-01184-00302018-00302620 estimates for the other constants are a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01185-00302621-00303577 topic 15.5 km/s kpc be HoF4Ty5QWB8-01186-00303578-00303871 - twelve point two kilometers per second HoF4Ty5QWB8-01187-00303872-00304204 K PC Kappa equals 37 kilometers per HoF4Ty5QWB8-01188-00304205-00304552 second k PC and nu equals 74 kilometers HoF4Ty5QWB8-01189-00304553-00305035 per second k PC we take X 0 and y 0 to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01190-00305036-00305350 be 0 and Z 0 is estimated to be 17 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01191-00305351-00305650 parsecs this model implies that the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01192-00305651-00305848 circulates around a point that is itself HoF4Ty5QWB8-01193-00305849-00306130 going around the galaxy the period of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01194-00306131-00306345 the Sun circulation around the point is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01195-00306346-00307047 2 pi Kappa display style 2 pi Kappa HoF4Ty5QWB8-01196-00307048-00307294 which using the equivalence that a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01197-00307295-00307534 parsec equals one kilometer per second HoF4Ty5QWB8-01198-00307535-00307747 times zero point nine seven eight HoF4Ty5QWB8-01199-00307748-00308080 million years comes to 166 million years HoF4Ty5QWB8-01200-00308081-00308248 shorter than the time it takes for the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01201-00308249-00308554 point to go around the galaxy in the XY HoF4Ty5QWB8-01202-00308555-00308791 coordinates the Sun describes an ellipse HoF4Ty5QWB8-01203-00308792-00308956 around the point whose length in the Y HoF4Ty5QWB8-01204-00308957-00309342 Direction is two times HoF4Ty5QWB8-01205-00309343-00310169 two Omega zero Kappa to you HoF4Ty5QWB8-01206-00310170-00311540 zero to plus Omega zero b kappa v 0 2 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01207-00311541-00312222 equals 1035 parsec display style 2 times HoF4Ty5QWB8-01208-00312223-00312690 SQ RT left frac to omega underscore 0 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01209-00312691-00312999 Kappa carrot to you zero right carrot 2 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01210-00313000-00313365 plus left frac Omega underscore 0 b HoF4Ty5QWB8-01211-00313366-00313733 kappa v 0 right carrot 2 equals 1035 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01212-00313734-00313988 text parsec HoF4Ty5QWB8-01213-00313989-00314350 and whose width in the x-direction is 2 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01214-00314351-00315858 times u 0 Kappa 2 plus V 0 to be 2 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01215-00315859-00316377 equals six hundred ninety one parsec HoF4Ty5QWB8-01216-00316378-00316807 display style two times SQ RT left frac HoF4Ty5QWB8-01217-00316808-00317168 u zero Kappa right carrot 2 plus left HoF4Ty5QWB8-01218-00317169-00317587 frac V zero to be right carrot 2 equals HoF4Ty5QWB8-01219-00317588-00318014 691 text parsec the ratio of length to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01220-00318015-00318178 width of this ellipse the same for all HoF4Ty5QWB8-01221-00318179-00318625 stars in our neighborhood is to Omega HoF4Ty5QWB8-01222-00318626-00319108 Kappa approximately equals one point HoF4Ty5QWB8-01223-00319109-00319469 five zero display style to Omega Kappa HoF4Ty5QWB8-01224-00319470-00319840 approximately one point five zero HoF4Ty5QWB8-01225-00319841-00320181 the moving point is presently at x HoF4Ty5QWB8-01226-00320182-00321378 equals V zero to B equals minus 215 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01227-00321379-00321916 parsec display style x equals frac v 0 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01228-00321917-00322443 to b equals minus 215 text parsec y HoF4Ty5QWB8-01229-00322444-00323739 equals to Omega 0 Kappa to u 0 equals HoF4Ty5QWB8-01230-00323740-00324343 405 parsec display style y equals frac HoF4Ty5QWB8-01231-00324344-00324706 to omega underscore 0 kappa carrot to u HoF4Ty5QWB8-01232-00324707-00325183 0 equals 405 text parsec the oscillation HoF4Ty5QWB8-01233-00325184-00325282 in the z direction HoF4Ty5QWB8-01234-00325283-00326655 takes the Sun w 0 nu 2 plus z0 2 equals HoF4Ty5QWB8-01235-00326656-00327328 98 parsec display style sq RT left frac HoF4Ty5QWB8-01236-00327329-00327805 w 0 nu right carrot 2 plus Z 0 carrot 2 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01237-00327806-00328201 equals 98 text parsec above the Galactic HoF4Ty5QWB8-01238-00328202-00328384 plane and the same distance below it HoF4Ty5QWB8-01239-00328385-00329032 with a period of 2 pi new display style HoF4Ty5QWB8-01240-00329033-00329479 2 pi nu 483 million years approximately HoF4Ty5QWB8-01241-00329480-00329661 2.7 times per orbit HoF4Ty5QWB8-01242-00329662-00330559 although 2 pi Omega 0 display style 2 pi HoF4Ty5QWB8-01243-00330560-00331042 Omega underscore 0 is 222 million years HoF4Ty5QWB8-01244-00331043-00331212 the value of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01245-00331213-00331644 Oh mega display style Omega at the point HoF4Ty5QWB8-01246-00331645-00332048 around which the Sun circulates as Omega HoF4Ty5QWB8-01247-00332049-00333041 approximately equals Omega 0 minus 2 a R HoF4Ty5QWB8-01248-00333042-00333834 0 Delta X approximately equals 26 point HoF4Ty5QWB8-01249-00333835-00334329 1 kilometer per second KPC display style HoF4Ty5QWB8-01250-00334330-00334617 Omega approximately Omega underscore 0 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01251-00334618-00334989 frac to a R underscore 0 Delta 10 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01252-00334990-00335244 approximately 26 point one text HoF4Ty5QWB8-01253-00335245-00335601 kilometer per second KP see see orc HoF4Ty5QWB8-01254-00335602-00335904 constant corresponding to 235 million HoF4Ty5QWB8-01255-00335905-00336072 years and this is the time that the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01256-00336073-00336270 point takes to go once around the galaxy HoF4Ty5QWB8-01257-00336271-00336929 other stars with the same value of x + V HoF4Ty5QWB8-01258-00336930-00337599 to be display style X + V to be have HoF4Ty5QWB8-01259-00337600-00337761 take the same amount of time to go HoF4Ty5QWB8-01260-00337762-00337944 around the galaxy as the Sun and thus HoF4Ty5QWB8-01261-00337945-00338136 remain in the same general vicinity as HoF4Ty5QWB8-01262-00338137-00338430 the Sun the sun's orbit around the Milky HoF4Ty5QWB8-01263-00338431-00338655 Way is perturbed due to the non-uniform HoF4Ty5QWB8-01264-00338656-00338895 mass distribution in Milky Way such as HoF4Ty5QWB8-01265-00338896-00339084 that in in between the Galactic spiral HoF4Ty5QWB8-01266-00339085-00339348 arms it has been argued that the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-01267-00339349-00339480 passage through the higher density HoF4Ty5QWB8-01268-00339481-00339723 spiral arms often coincides with mass HoF4Ty5QWB8-01269-00339724-00339906 extinctions on earth perhaps due to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01270-00339907-00340188 increased impact events it takes the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01271-00340189-00340548 solar system about 225 to 250 million HoF4Ty5QWB8-01272-00340549-00340749 years to complete one orbit through the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01273-00340750-00340959 Milky Way a galactic year so it is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01274-00340960-00341160 thought to have completed 20 to 25 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01275-00341161-00341349 orbits during the lifetime of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01276-00341350-00341625 the orbital speed of the solar system HoF4Ty5QWB8-01277-00341626-00341799 about the center of the Milky Way as HoF4Ty5QWB8-01278-00341800-00342285 approximately 251 km/s 156 miles per HoF4Ty5QWB8-01279-00342286-00342617 second at this speed it takes around HoF4Ty5QWB8-01280-00342618-00342888 1190 years for the solar system to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01281-00342889-00343083 travel a distance of one Lightyear or HoF4Ty5QWB8-01282-00343084-00343287 seven days to travel one astronomical HoF4Ty5QWB8-01283-00343288-00343485 unit the Milky Way is moving with HoF4Ty5QWB8-01284-00343486-00343632 respect to the cosmic microwave HoF4Ty5QWB8-01285-00343633-00343797 background radiation HoF4Ty5QWB8-01286-00343798-00343983 CMB in the direction of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01287-00343984-00344274 constellation Hydra with a speed of 550 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01288-00344275-00344448 kilometers per second and the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-01289-00344449-00344571 resultant velocity HoF4Ty5QWB8-01290-00344572-00344865 with respect to the CMB as about 370 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01291-00344866-00345039 kilometers per second in the direction HoF4Ty5QWB8-01292-00345040-00345661 of crater or leo HoF4Ty5QWB8-01293-00345662-00346239 topic theoretical problems HoF4Ty5QWB8-01294-00346240-00346579 you HoF4Ty5QWB8-01295-00346580-00347147 topic coronal heating problem HoF4Ty5QWB8-01296-00347148-00347360 the temperature of the photosphere is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01297-00347361-00347618 approximately 6,000 K whereas the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01298-00347619-00347801 temperature of the corona reaches 1 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01299-00347802-00347996 million to 2 million K the high HoF4Ty5QWB8-01300-00347997-00348200 temperature of the corona shows that it HoF4Ty5QWB8-01301-00348201-00348392 is heated by something other than direct HoF4Ty5QWB8-01302-00348393-00348584 heat conduction from the photosphere it HoF4Ty5QWB8-01303-00348585-00348764 is thought that the energy necessary to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01304-00348765-00348980 heat the corona is provided by turbulent HoF4Ty5QWB8-01305-00348981-00349169 motion in the convection zone below the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01306-00349170-00349373 photosphere and two main mechanisms have HoF4Ty5QWB8-01307-00349374-00349553 been proposed to explain coronal heating HoF4Ty5QWB8-01308-00349554-00349844 the first is wave heating in which sound HoF4Ty5QWB8-01309-00349845-00350039 gravitational or magnetohydrodynamic HoF4Ty5QWB8-01310-00350040-00350279 waves are produced by turbulence in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01311-00350280-00350498 convection zone these waves travel HoF4Ty5QWB8-01312-00350499-00350705 upward and dissipate in the corona HoF4Ty5QWB8-01313-00350706-00350909 depositing their energy in the ambient HoF4Ty5QWB8-01314-00350910-00351155 matter in the form of heat the other is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01315-00351156-00351356 magnetic heating in which magnetic HoF4Ty5QWB8-01316-00351357-00351587 energy is continuously built up by photo HoF4Ty5QWB8-01317-00351588-00351749 spheric motion and released through HoF4Ty5QWB8-01318-00351750-00351932 magnetic reconnection in the form of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01319-00351933-00352160 large solar flares and myriad similar HoF4Ty5QWB8-01320-00352161-00352388 but smaller events nanoflares HoF4Ty5QWB8-01321-00352389-00352589 currently it is unclear whether waves HoF4Ty5QWB8-01322-00352590-00352820 are an efficient heating mechanism all HoF4Ty5QWB8-01323-00352821-00353036 waves except Alvin waves have been found HoF4Ty5QWB8-01324-00353037-00353228 to dissipate or refract before reaching HoF4Ty5QWB8-01325-00353229-00353522 the corona in addition Alvin waves do HoF4Ty5QWB8-01326-00353523-00353710 not easily dissipate in the corona HoF4Ty5QWB8-01327-00353711-00353942 current research focus has therefore HoF4Ty5QWB8-01328-00353943-00354620 shifted towards flare heating mechanisms HoF4Ty5QWB8-01329-00354621-00355201 topic faint young Sun problem HoF4Ty5QWB8-01330-00355202-00355382 theoretical models of the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-01331-00355383-00355697 development suggest that 3.8 to 2.5 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01332-00355698-00355913 billion years ago during the Archean Eon HoF4Ty5QWB8-01333-00355914-00356249 the Sun was only about 75% as bright as HoF4Ty5QWB8-01334-00356250-00356525 it is today such a weak star would not HoF4Ty5QWB8-01335-00356526-00356705 have been able to sustain liquid water HoF4Ty5QWB8-01336-00356706-00356894 on Earth's surface and thus life should HoF4Ty5QWB8-01337-00356895-00357041 not have been able to develop HoF4Ty5QWB8-01338-00357042-00357260 however the geological record HoF4Ty5QWB8-01339-00357261-00357467 demonstrates that Earth has remained at HoF4Ty5QWB8-01340-00357468-00357650 a fairly constant temperature throughout HoF4Ty5QWB8-01341-00357651-00357830 its history and that the young earth was HoF4Ty5QWB8-01342-00357831-00357998 somewhat warmer than it is today HoF4Ty5QWB8-01343-00357999-00358268 one theory among scientists is that the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01344-00358269-00358448 atmosphere of the young earth contained HoF4Ty5QWB8-01345-00358449-00358613 much larger quantities of greenhouse HoF4Ty5QWB8-01346-00358614-00358883 gases such as carbon dioxide methane HoF4Ty5QWB8-01347-00358884-00359081 than are present today which trapped HoF4Ty5QWB8-01348-00359082-00359243 enough heat to compensate for the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01349-00359244-00359444 smaller amount of solar energy reaching HoF4Ty5QWB8-01350-00359445-00359660 it however examination of Archaean HoF4Ty5QWB8-01351-00359661-00359846 sediments appears inconsistent with the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01352-00359847-00359996 hypothesis of high greenhouse HoF4Ty5QWB8-01353-00359997-00360293 concentrations instead the moderate HoF4Ty5QWB8-01354-00360294-00360482 temperature range may be explained by a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01355-00360483-00360680 lower surface albedo brought about by HoF4Ty5QWB8-01356-00360681-00360925 less continental area in the lack of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01357-00360926-00361160 biologically induced cloud condensation HoF4Ty5QWB8-01358-00361161-00361487 nuclei this would have led to increased HoF4Ty5QWB8-01359-00361488-00361673 absorption of solar energy thereby HoF4Ty5QWB8-01360-00361674-00362408 compensating for the lower solar output HoF4Ty5QWB8-01361-00362409-00362997 topic history of observation HoF4Ty5QWB8-01362-00362998-00363222 the enormous effect of the Sun on earth HoF4Ty5QWB8-01363-00363223-00363402 has been recognized since prehistoric HoF4Ty5QWB8-01364-00363403-00363639 times and the Sun has been regarded by HoF4Ty5QWB8-01365-00363640-00364258 some cultures as a deity HoF4Ty5QWB8-01366-00364259-00364801 topic early understanding HoF4Ty5QWB8-01367-00364802-00364999 the Sun has been an object of veneration HoF4Ty5QWB8-01368-00365000-00365200 in many cultures throughout human HoF4Ty5QWB8-01369-00365201-00365485 history humanity's most fundamental HoF4Ty5QWB8-01370-00365486-00365656 understanding of the Sun as as the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01371-00365657-00365869 luminous disc in the sky whose presence HoF4Ty5QWB8-01372-00365870-00366070 above the horizon creates day and whose HoF4Ty5QWB8-01373-00366071-00366331 absence causes night in many prehistoric HoF4Ty5QWB8-01374-00366332-00366574 and ancient cultures the Sun was thought HoF4Ty5QWB8-01375-00366575-00366724 to be a solar deity or other HoF4Ty5QWB8-01376-00366725-00367012 supernatural entity worship of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01377-00367013-00367240 was central to civilizations such as the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01378-00367241-00367426 ancient Egyptians the Inca of South HoF4Ty5QWB8-01379-00367427-00367621 America and the Aztecs of what is now HoF4Ty5QWB8-01380-00367622-00367957 Mexico in religions such as Hinduism the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01381-00367958-00368215 Sun is still considered a God many HoF4Ty5QWB8-01382-00368216-00368398 ancient monuments were constructed with HoF4Ty5QWB8-01383-00368399-00368584 solar phenomena in mind for example HoF4Ty5QWB8-01384-00368585-00368824 stone megaliths accurately marked the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01385-00368825-00369010 summer or winter solstice some of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01386-00369011-00369214 most prominent megaliths are located in HoF4Ty5QWB8-01387-00369215-00369349 NAB da Playa Egypt HoF4Ty5QWB8-01388-00369350-00369610 Munira Malta and at Stonehenge England HoF4Ty5QWB8-01389-00369611-00369823 Newgrange a prehistoric human built HoF4Ty5QWB8-01390-00369824-00370018 Mount in Ireland was designed to detect HoF4Ty5QWB8-01391-00370019-00370210 the winter solstice the Pyramid of El HoF4Ty5QWB8-01392-00370211-00370441 Castillo at Chichen Itza in Mexico is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01393-00370442-00370635 designed to cast shadows in the shape of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01394-00370636-00370792 serpents climbing the pyramid at the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01395-00370793-00371085 vernal and autumnal equinox is the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01396-00371086-00371308 Egyptians portrayed the God raw as being HoF4Ty5QWB8-01397-00371309-00371515 carried across the sky in a solar bark HoF4Ty5QWB8-01398-00371516-00371734 accompanied by lesser gods and to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01399-00371735-00371920 Greeks he was Helios carried by a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01400-00371921-00372214 chariot drawn by fiery horses from the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01401-00372215-00372415 reign of Elega bolus in the late Roman HoF4Ty5QWB8-01402-00372416-00372631 Empire the son's birthday was a holiday HoF4Ty5QWB8-01403-00372632-00372860 celebrated as Sol Invictus literally HoF4Ty5QWB8-01404-00372861-00373159 Unconquered Sun soon after the winter HoF4Ty5QWB8-01405-00373160-00373303 solstice which may have been an HoF4Ty5QWB8-01406-00373304-00373564 antecedent to Christmas regarding the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01407-00373565-00373762 fixed stars the Sun appears from earth HoF4Ty5QWB8-01408-00373763-00373927 to revolve once a year along the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01409-00373928-00374128 ecliptic through the zodiac and so Greek HoF4Ty5QWB8-01410-00374129-00374334 astronomers categorized it as one of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01411-00374335-00374605 seven planets Greek planet wanderer the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01412-00374606-00374809 naming of the days of the weeks after HoF4Ty5QWB8-01413-00374810-00375509 the seven planets dates to the Roman era HoF4Ty5QWB8-01414-00375510-00375792 topic development of scientific HoF4Ty5QWB8-01415-00375793-00376173 understanding HoF4Ty5QWB8-01416-00376174-00376404 in the early first millennium BC HoF4Ty5QWB8-01417-00376405-00376634 Babylonian astronomers observed that the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01418-00376635-00376832 sun's motion along the ecliptic is not HoF4Ty5QWB8-01419-00376833-00377028 uniform though they did not know why it HoF4Ty5QWB8-01420-00377029-00377205 is today known that this is due to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01421-00377206-00377382 movement of earth in an elliptic orbit HoF4Ty5QWB8-01422-00377383-00377580 around the Sun with earth moving faster HoF4Ty5QWB8-01423-00377581-00377712 when it is nearer to the Sun at HoF4Ty5QWB8-01424-00377713-00377913 perihelion and moving slower when it is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01425-00377914-00378087 farther away at aphelion one of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01426-00378088-00378300 first people to offer a scientific or HoF4Ty5QWB8-01427-00378301-00378495 philosophical explanation for the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01428-00378496-00378792 was the Greek philosopher anaxagoras he HoF4Ty5QWB8-01429-00378793-00378959 reasoned that it was not the chariot of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01430-00378960-00379191 Helios but instead a giant flaming ball HoF4Ty5QWB8-01431-00379192-00379382 of metal even larger than the land of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01432-00379383-00379535 the Peloponnesus and that the moon HoF4Ty5QWB8-01433-00379536-00379706 reflected the light of the Sun for HoF4Ty5QWB8-01434-00379707-00379944 teaching this heresy he was imprisoned HoF4Ty5QWB8-01435-00379945-00380124 by the authorities and sentenced to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01436-00380125-00380256 death though he was later released HoF4Ty5QWB8-01437-00380257-00380504 through the intervention of Pericles HoF4Ty5QWB8-01438-00380505-00380724 Eratosthenes estimated the distance HoF4Ty5QWB8-01439-00380725-00380895 between earth and the Sun in the 3rd HoF4Ty5QWB8-01440-00380896-00381359 century BC s of Stadium myriads 480,000 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01441-00381360-00381594 the translation of which is ambiguous HoF4Ty5QWB8-01442-00381595-00381809 implying either four million eighty HoF4Ty5QWB8-01443-00381810-00382157 thousand stadia 755 thousand kilometers HoF4Ty5QWB8-01444-00382158-00382460 or eight hundred four million stadia 148 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01445-00382461-00382893 to 153 million kilometers or 0.99 to one HoF4Ty5QWB8-01446-00382894-00383124 point zero to astronomical units HoF4Ty5QWB8-01447-00383125-00383316 the latter value is correct to within a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01448-00383317-00383568 few percent in the first century AD HoF4Ty5QWB8-01449-00383569-00383949 ptolemy estimated the distance as 1210 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01450-00383950-00384180 times the radius of Earth approximately HoF4Ty5QWB8-01451-00384181-00384482 seven point seven one million kilometers HoF4Ty5QWB8-01452-00384483-00384819 0.05 one five astronomical units the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01453-00384820-00385002 theory that the Sun is the center around HoF4Ty5QWB8-01454-00385003-00385170 which the planets orbit was first HoF4Ty5QWB8-01455-00385171-00385320 proposed by the ancient Greek HoF4Ty5QWB8-01456-00385321-00385563 Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century HoF4Ty5QWB8-01457-00385564-00385803 BC and later adopted by Seleucus of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01458-00385804-00386118 Seleucia ce heliocentrism this view was HoF4Ty5QWB8-01459-00386119-00386258 developed in a more detailed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01460-00386259-00386487 mathematical model of a heliocentric HoF4Ty5QWB8-01461-00386488-00386721 system in the 16th century by nicholas HoF4Ty5QWB8-01462-00386722-00387081 copernicus observations of sunspots were HoF4Ty5QWB8-01463-00387082-00387393 recorded during the Han Dynasty 206 BC HoF4Ty5QWB8-01464-00387394-00387707 AD 220 by chinese astronomers who HoF4Ty5QWB8-01465-00387708-00387860 maintained records of these observations HoF4Ty5QWB8-01466-00387861-00387982 for centuries HoF4Ty5QWB8-01467-00387983-00388266 Averroes also provided a description of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01468-00388267-00388457 sunspots in the 12th century the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01469-00388458-00388692 invention of the telescope in the early HoF4Ty5QWB8-01470-00388693-00388899 17th century permitted detailed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01471-00388900-00389121 observations of sunspots by Thomas HoF4Ty5QWB8-01472-00389122-00389322 Harriot Galileo Galilei and other HoF4Ty5QWB8-01473-00389323-00389441 astronomers HoF4Ty5QWB8-01474-00389442-00389710 Galileo posited that sunspots were on HoF4Ty5QWB8-01475-00389711-00389908 the surface of the Sun rather than small HoF4Ty5QWB8-01476-00389909-00390103 objects passing between Earth and the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01477-00390104-00390347 Sun Arabic astronomical contributions HoF4Ty5QWB8-01478-00390348-00390553 include Alba T Nia's discovery that the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01479-00390554-00390754 direction of the sun's Apogee the place HoF4Ty5QWB8-01480-00390755-00390938 in the sun's orbit against the fixed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01481-00390939-00391078 stars where it seems to be moving HoF4Ty5QWB8-01482-00391079-00391268 slowest is changing in modern HoF4Ty5QWB8-01483-00391269-00391480 heliocentric terms this is caused by a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01484-00391481-00391673 gradual motion of the aphelion of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01485-00391674-00391940 Earth's orbit even Yunus observed more HoF4Ty5QWB8-01486-00391941-00392128 than 10,000 entries for the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-01487-00392129-00392324 position for many years using a large HoF4Ty5QWB8-01488-00392325-00392615 astrolabe from an observation of a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01489-00392616-00392878 transit of Venus in 1032 the Persian HoF4Ty5QWB8-01490-00392879-00393068 astronomer and polymath Avicenna HoF4Ty5QWB8-01491-00393069-00393275 concluded that Venus is closer to Earth HoF4Ty5QWB8-01492-00393276-00393641 than the Sun in 1672 Giovanni Cassini HoF4Ty5QWB8-01493-00393642-00393866 and Jean Richard determined the distance HoF4Ty5QWB8-01494-00393867-00394030 to Mars and were thereby able to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01495-00394031-00394324 calculate the distance to the Sun in HoF4Ty5QWB8-01496-00394325-00394603 1666 Isaac Newton observed the sun's HoF4Ty5QWB8-01497-00394604-00394793 light using a prism and showed that it HoF4Ty5QWB8-01498-00394794-00395034 is made up of light of many colors in HoF4Ty5QWB8-01499-00395035-00395225 1800 William Herschel discovered HoF4Ty5QWB8-01500-00395226-00395482 infrared radiation beyond the red part HoF4Ty5QWB8-01501-00395483-00395768 of the solar spectrum the 19th century HoF4Ty5QWB8-01502-00395769-00395990 saw advancement in spectroscopic studies HoF4Ty5QWB8-01503-00395991-00396173 of the Sun Joseph von Fraunhofer HoF4Ty5QWB8-01504-00396174-00396451 recorded more than 600 absorption lines HoF4Ty5QWB8-01505-00396452-00396641 in the spectrum the strongest of which HoF4Ty5QWB8-01506-00396642-00396829 are still often referred to as fronto HoF4Ty5QWB8-01507-00396830-00397073 fir lines in the early years of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01508-00397074-00397285 modern scientific era the source of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01509-00397286-00397490 sun's energy was a significant puzzle HoF4Ty5QWB8-01510-00397491-00397774 Lord Kelvin suggested that the Sun is a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01511-00397775-00397978 gradually cooling liquid body that is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01512-00397979-00398181 radiating an internal store of heat HoF4Ty5QWB8-01513-00398182-00398444 Kelvin and Hermann von Helmholtz then HoF4Ty5QWB8-01514-00398445-00398629 proposed a gravitational contraction HoF4Ty5QWB8-01515-00398630-00398843 mechanism to explain the energy output HoF4Ty5QWB8-01516-00398844-00399068 but the resulting age estimate was only HoF4Ty5QWB8-01517-00399069-00399277 20 million years well short of the time HoF4Ty5QWB8-01518-00399278-00399491 span of at least 300 million years HoF4Ty5QWB8-01519-00399492-00399740 suggested by some geological discoveries HoF4Ty5QWB8-01520-00399741-00400084 of that time in 1890 Joseph Lockyer who HoF4Ty5QWB8-01521-00400085-00400265 discovered helium in the solar spectrum HoF4Ty5QWB8-01522-00400266-00400520 proposed a meteoritic hypothesis for the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01523-00400521-00400718 formation and evolution of the Sun not HoF4Ty5QWB8-01524-00400719-00400991 until 1904 was a documented solution HoF4Ty5QWB8-01525-00400992-00401278 offered Ernest Rutherford suggested that HoF4Ty5QWB8-01526-00401279-00401462 the sun's output could be maintained by HoF4Ty5QWB8-01527-00401463-00401674 an internal source of heat and suggested HoF4Ty5QWB8-01528-00401675-00401972 radioactive decay as the source however HoF4Ty5QWB8-01529-00401973-00402160 it would be Albert Einstein who would HoF4Ty5QWB8-01530-00402161-00402325 provide the essential clue to the source HoF4Ty5QWB8-01531-00402326-00402532 of the sun's energy output with his mass HoF4Ty5QWB8-01532-00402533-00402771 energy equivalence relation he HoF4Ty5QWB8-01533-00402772-00403089 equals make two in 1920 Sir Arthur HoF4Ty5QWB8-01534-00403090-00403266 Eddington proposed that the pressures HoF4Ty5QWB8-01535-00403267-00403440 and temperatures at the core of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01536-00403441-00403658 could produce a nuclear fusion reaction HoF4Ty5QWB8-01537-00403659-00403907 that merged hydrogen protons into helium HoF4Ty5QWB8-01538-00403908-00404103 nuclei resulting in a production of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01539-00404104-00404370 energy from the net change in mass the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01540-00404371-00404582 preponderance of hydrogen in the Sun was HoF4Ty5QWB8-01541-00404583-00404901 confirmed in 1925 by Cecilia Payne using HoF4Ty5QWB8-01542-00404902-00405096 the ionization theory developed by HoF4Ty5QWB8-01543-00405097-00405387 magnets aha an Indian physicist the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01544-00405388-00405584 theoretical concept of fusion was HoF4Ty5QWB8-01545-00405585-00405765 developed in the 1930s by the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01546-00405766-00405897 astrophysicist Subrahmanyan HoF4Ty5QWB8-01547-00405898-00406109 Chandrasekhar and Hans bethe HoF4Ty5QWB8-01548-00406110-00406406 Hans bethe calculated the details of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01549-00406407-00406590 two main energy producing nuclear HoF4Ty5QWB8-01550-00406591-00406974 reactions that power the Sun in 1957 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01551-00406975-00407159 Margaret burbage Geoffrey Burbidge HoF4Ty5QWB8-01552-00407160-00407376 William Fowler and Fred Hoyle showed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01553-00407377-00407520 that most of the elements in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01554-00407521-00407681 universe have been synthesized by HoF4Ty5QWB8-01555-00407682-00407928 nuclear reactions inside stars some like HoF4Ty5QWB8-01556-00407929-00408119 the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01557-00408120-00408540 equals HoF4Ty5QWB8-01558-00408541-00409133 topic solar space missions HoF4Ty5QWB8-01559-00409134-00409487 equals the first satellites designed to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01560-00409488-00409679 observe the Sun where NASA's pioneers HoF4Ty5QWB8-01561-00409680-00409943 five six seven eight and nine which were HoF4Ty5QWB8-01562-00409943-00410335 lunched between 1959 and 1968 these HoF4Ty5QWB8-01563-00410337-00410539 probes orbited the Sun at a distance HoF4Ty5QWB8-01564-00410541-00410705 similar to that of Earth and made the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01565-00410706-00410893 first detailed measurements of the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-01566-00410895-00411103 wind and the solar magnetic field HoF4Ty5QWB8-01567-00411104-00411374 pioneer 9 operated for a particularly HoF4Ty5QWB8-01568-00411375-00411620 long time transmitting data until May HoF4Ty5QWB8-01569-00411621-00412016 1983 in the 1970s two helios spacecraft HoF4Ty5QWB8-01570-00412017-00412222 in the Skylab apollo telescope mount HoF4Ty5QWB8-01571-00412224-00412439 provided scientists with significant new HoF4Ty5QWB8-01572-00412439-00412634 data on solar wind in the solar corona HoF4Ty5QWB8-01573-00412635-00412913 the helios one and two probes were HoF4Ty5QWB8-01574-00412914-00413134 us-german collaborations that studied HoF4Ty5QWB8-01575-00413135-00413314 the solar wind from an orbit carrying HoF4Ty5QWB8-01576-00413316-00413534 the spacecraft inside Mercury's orbit at HoF4Ty5QWB8-01577-00413535-00413774 perihelion the Skylab space station HoF4Ty5QWB8-01578-00413775-00414139 launched by NASA in 1973 included a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01579-00414141-00414347 solar observatory module called the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01580-00414347-00414572 Apollo telescope mount that was operated HoF4Ty5QWB8-01581-00414572-00414772 by astronauts resident on the station HoF4Ty5QWB8-01582-00414772-00415052 Skylab made the first time resolved HoF4Ty5QWB8-01583-00415053-00415253 observations of the Solar transition HoF4Ty5QWB8-01584-00415254-00415457 region and of ultraviolet emissions from HoF4Ty5QWB8-01585-00415458-00415745 the solar corona discoveries included HoF4Ty5QWB8-01586-00415746-00415949 the first observations of coronal mass HoF4Ty5QWB8-01587-00415950-00416239 ejections than called coronal transients HoF4Ty5QWB8-01588-00416241-00416474 and of coronal holes now known to be HoF4Ty5QWB8-01589-00416475-00416654 intimately associated with the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-01590-00416655-00417034 wind in 1980 the solar maximum mission HoF4Ty5QWB8-01591-00417035-00417329 was launched by NASA this spacecraft was HoF4Ty5QWB8-01592-00417330-00417505 designed to observe gamma rays x-rays HoF4Ty5QWB8-01593-00417506-00417760 and UV radiation from solar flares HoF4Ty5QWB8-01594-00417762-00417971 during a time of high solar activity and HoF4Ty5QWB8-01595-00417972-00418274 solar luminosity just a few months after HoF4Ty5QWB8-01596-00418275-00418517 launch however an electronics failure HoF4Ty5QWB8-01597-00418518-00418727 caused the probe to go into standby mode HoF4Ty5QWB8-01598-00418728-00418909 and it spent the next three years in HoF4Ty5QWB8-01599-00418910-00419225 this inactive State in 1984 space HoF4Ty5QWB8-01600-00419226-00419501 shuttle Challenger mission STS for 1c HoF4Ty5QWB8-01601-00419502-00419699 retrieved the satellite and repaired its HoF4Ty5QWB8-01602-00419700-00419906 electronics before releasing it into HoF4Ty5QWB8-01603-00419907-00420164 orbit the solar maximum mission HoF4Ty5QWB8-01604-00420164-00420356 subsequently acquired thousands of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01605-00420357-00420545 images of the solar corona before HoF4Ty5QWB8-01606-00420546-00420734 re-entering Earth's atmosphere in June HoF4Ty5QWB8-01607-00420735-00421109 1989 launched in 1991 Japan's Yoko HoF4Ty5QWB8-01608-00421110-00421337 Sunbeam satellite observed solar flares HoF4Ty5QWB8-01609-00421338-00421592 at x-ray wavelengths mission data HoF4Ty5QWB8-01610-00421593-00421826 allowed scientists to identify several HoF4Ty5QWB8-01611-00421827-00421970 different types of flares and HoF4Ty5QWB8-01612-00421971-00422162 demonstrated that the corona away from HoF4Ty5QWB8-01613-00422163-00422363 regions of peak activity was much more HoF4Ty5QWB8-01614-00422364-00422439 dynamic HoF4Ty5QWB8-01615-00422441-00422667 active than had previously been supposed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01616-00422668-00422968 Yoko observed an entire solar cycle but HoF4Ty5QWB8-01617-00422968-00423172 went into standby mode when an annular HoF4Ty5QWB8-01618-00423172-00423393 eclipse in 2001 caused it to lose its HoF4Ty5QWB8-01619-00423395-00423646 lock on the Sun it was destroyed by HoF4Ty5QWB8-01620-00423647-00423946 atmospheric reentry in 2005 one of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01621-00423947-00424135 most important solar missions to date HoF4Ty5QWB8-01622-00424135-00424255 has been the Solar and Heliospheric HoF4Ty5QWB8-01623-00424256-00424501 Observatory jointly built by the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01624-00424502-00424726 European Space Agency in NASA and HoF4Ty5QWB8-01625-00424727-00425013 launched on the 2nd of December 1995 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01626-00425014-00425224 originally intended to serve a two-year HoF4Ty5QWB8-01627-00425225-00425476 mission a mission extension through 2012 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01628-00425477-00425800 was approved in October 2009 it has HoF4Ty5QWB8-01629-00425801-00425974 proven so useful that a follow-on HoF4Ty5QWB8-01630-00425975-00426171 mission the Solar Dynamics Observatory HoF4Ty5QWB8-01631-00426172-00426537 SDO was launched in February 2010 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01632-00426538-00426772 situated at the Lagrangian point between HoF4Ty5QWB8-01633-00426772-00426946 Earth and the Sun at which the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01634-00426947-00427156 gravitational pull from both is equal HoF4Ty5QWB8-01635-00427157-00427387 Soho has provided a constant view of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01636-00427388-00427605 Sun at many wavelengths since its launch HoF4Ty5QWB8-01637-00427606-00427891 besides its direct solar observation HoF4Ty5QWB8-01638-00427892-00428097 Soho has enabled the discovery of a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01639-00428099-00428310 large number of comets mostly tiny HoF4Ty5QWB8-01640-00428312-00428521 sungrazing comets that incinerate as HoF4Ty5QWB8-01641-00428522-00428809 they pass the Sun all these satellites HoF4Ty5QWB8-01642-00428810-00428977 have observed the Sun from the plane of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01643-00428978-00429172 the ecliptic and so have only observed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01644-00429172-00429451 its equatorial regions in detail the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01645-00429452-00429709 Ulysses probe was launched in 1990 to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01646-00429710-00429991 study the sun's polar regions it first HoF4Ty5QWB8-01647-00429992-00430335 traveled to Jupiter to slingshot into an HoF4Ty5QWB8-01648-00430337-00430504 orbit that would take it far above the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01649-00430505-00430783 plane of the ecliptic once Ulysses was HoF4Ty5QWB8-01650-00430784-00430947 in its scheduled orbit it began HoF4Ty5QWB8-01651-00430949-00431152 observing the solar wind and magnetic HoF4Ty5QWB8-01652-00431153-00431353 field strength at high solar latitudes HoF4Ty5QWB8-01653-00431354-00431535 finding that the solar wind from high HoF4Ty5QWB8-01654-00431537-00431782 latitudes was moving at about 750 HoF4Ty5QWB8-01655-00431783-00432001 kilometers per second which was slower HoF4Ty5QWB8-01656-00432002-00432172 than expected and that there were large HoF4Ty5QWB8-01657-00432172-00432364 magnetic waves emerging from high HoF4Ty5QWB8-01658-00432364-00432568 latitudes that scattered galactic cosmic HoF4Ty5QWB8-01659-00432568-00432784 rays elemental abundances in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01660-00432785-00432928 photosphere are well known from HoF4Ty5QWB8-01661-00432929-00433102 spectroscopic studies but the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01662-00433103-00433288 composition of the interior of the Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01663-00433289-00433567 is more poorly understood a solar wind HoF4Ty5QWB8-01664-00433568-00433785 sample return mission Genesis was HoF4Ty5QWB8-01665-00433787-00433935 designed to allow astronomers to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01666-00433937-00434122 directly measure the composition of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01667-00434122-00434293 solar material the Solar terrestrial HoF4Ty5QWB8-01668-00434293-00434584 relations Observatory stereo mission was HoF4Ty5QWB8-01669-00434585-00434956 launched in October 2006 two identical HoF4Ty5QWB8-01670-00434957-00435147 spacecraft were launched into orbits HoF4Ty5QWB8-01671-00435149-00435337 that caused them to respectively pull HoF4Ty5QWB8-01672-00435338-00435478 further ahead of and fall gradually HoF4Ty5QWB8-01673-00435479-00435802 behind earth this enables stereoscopic HoF4Ty5QWB8-01674-00435803-00435840 image HoF4Ty5QWB8-01675-00435841-00436044 the Sun and solar phenomena such as HoF4Ty5QWB8-01676-00436045-00436290 coronal mass ejections the Indian Space HoF4Ty5QWB8-01677-00436291-00436497 Research Organisation has scheduled the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01678-00436498-00436743 launch of a 100 kilogram satellite named HoF4Ty5QWB8-01679-00436744-00437110 Aditya for 2017-18 its main instrument HoF4Ty5QWB8-01680-00437110-00437289 will be a coronagraph for studying the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01681-00437290-00437952 dynamics of the solar corona HoF4Ty5QWB8-01682-00437953-00438558 topic observation and effects HoF4Ty5QWB8-01683-00438559-00438789 the brightness of the Sun can cause pain HoF4Ty5QWB8-01684-00438790-00438945 from looking at it with the naked eye HoF4Ty5QWB8-01685-00438946-00439177 however doing so for brief periods is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01686-00439178-00439375 not hazardous for normal non dilated HoF4Ty5QWB8-01687-00439376-00439672 eyes looking directly at the Sun causes HoF4Ty5QWB8-01688-00439672-00439906 phosphene visual artifacts and temporary HoF4Ty5QWB8-01689-00439907-00440193 partial blindness it also delivers about HoF4Ty5QWB8-01690-00440194-00440385 four milli watts of sunlight to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01691-00440386-00440535 retina slightly heating it and HoF4Ty5QWB8-01692-00440536-00440745 potentially causing damage in eyes that HoF4Ty5QWB8-01693-00440746-00440905 cannot respond properly to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01694-00440906-00441235 brightness UV exposure gradually yellows HoF4Ty5QWB8-01695-00441235-00441414 the lens of the eye over a period of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01696-00441415-00441589 years and is thought to contribute to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01697-00441589-00441772 the formation of cataracts but this HoF4Ty5QWB8-01698-00441772-00442018 depends on general exposure to solar UV HoF4Ty5QWB8-01699-00442018-00442191 and not whether one looks directly at HoF4Ty5QWB8-01700-00442192-00442453 the Sun long-duration viewing of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01701-00442454-00442662 direct Sun with the naked eye can begin HoF4Ty5QWB8-01702-00442663-00442912 to cause UV induced sunburn like lesions HoF4Ty5QWB8-01703-00442913-00443139 on the retina after about 100 seconds HoF4Ty5QWB8-01704-00443140-00443350 particularly under conditions where the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01705-00443351-00443551 UV light from the Sun is intense and HoF4Ty5QWB8-01706-00443552-00443749 well focused conditions are worsened by HoF4Ty5QWB8-01707-00443750-00443964 young eyes or new lens implants which HoF4Ty5QWB8-01708-00443965-00444168 admit more UV than aging natural eyes HoF4Ty5QWB8-01709-00444169-00444393 Sun angles near the zenith and observing HoF4Ty5QWB8-01710-00444394-00444676 locations at high altitude viewing the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01711-00444677-00444877 Sun through light concentrating optics HoF4Ty5QWB8-01712-00444878-00445056 such as binoculars may result in HoF4Ty5QWB8-01713-00445057-00445243 permanent damage to the retina without HoF4Ty5QWB8-01714-00445243-00445464 an appropriate filter that blocks UV and HoF4Ty5QWB8-01715-00445465-00445720 substantially dims the sunlight when HoF4Ty5QWB8-01716-00445721-00445918 using an attenuating filter to view the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01717-00445918-00446085 Sun the viewer is cautioned to use a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01718-00446086-00446281 filter specifically designed for that HoF4Ty5QWB8-01719-00446282-00446620 use some improvised filters that pass UV HoF4Ty5QWB8-01720-00446621-00446860 or IR rays can actually harm the eye at HoF4Ty5QWB8-01721-00446860-00447055 high brightness levels herschel wedges HoF4Ty5QWB8-01722-00447056-00447247 also called solar diagonals are HoF4Ty5QWB8-01723-00447247-00447439 effective and inexpensive for small HoF4Ty5QWB8-01724-00447439-00447730 telescopes the sunlight that is destined HoF4Ty5QWB8-01725-00447731-00447912 for the eyepiece is reflected from a nun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01726-00447913-00448118 silvered surface of a piece of glass HoF4Ty5QWB8-01727-00448119-00448366 only a very small fraction of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01728-00448367-00448581 incident light is reflected the rest HoF4Ty5QWB8-01729-00448582-00448768 passes through the glass and leaves the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01730-00448768-00448978 instrument if the glass breaks because HoF4Ty5QWB8-01731-00448979-00449197 of the heat no light at all is reflected HoF4Ty5QWB8-01732-00449197-00449476 making the device failsafe simple HoF4Ty5QWB8-01733-00449477-00449680 filters made of darkened glass allowed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01734-00449681-00449878 the full intensity of sunlight to pass HoF4Ty5QWB8-01735-00449879-00450060 through if they break endangering the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01736-00450061-00450366 observers eyesight unfiltered binoculars HoF4Ty5QWB8-01737-00450367-00450553 can deliver hundreds of times as much HoF4Ty5QWB8-01738-00450554-00450781 energy as using the naked eye possibly HoF4Ty5QWB8-01739-00450782-00451039 causing immediate damage it is claimed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01740-00451039-00451212 that even brief glances at the midday HoF4Ty5QWB8-01741-00451213-00451441 Sun through an unfiltered telescope can HoF4Ty5QWB8-01742-00451442-00451731 cause permanent damage partial solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-01743-00451732-00451942 eclipses are hazardous to view because HoF4Ty5QWB8-01744-00451943-00452134 the eyes pupil is not adapted to the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01745-00452135-00452392 unusually high visual contrast the pupil HoF4Ty5QWB8-01746-00452393-00452581 dilates according to the total amount of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01747-00452582-00452760 light in the field of view not by the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01748-00452762-00453001 brightest object in the field during HoF4Ty5QWB8-01749-00453002-00453210 partial eclipses most sunlight is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01750-00453212-00453393 blocked by the moon passing in front of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01751-00453395-00453583 the Sun but the uncovered parts of the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01752-00453584-00453739 photosphere have the same surface HoF4Ty5QWB8-01753-00453739-00454018 brightness as during a normal day in the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01754-00454018-00454225 overall gloom the pupil expands from HoF4Ty5QWB8-01755-00454226-00454410 approximately two millimeters to HoF4Ty5QWB8-01756-00454412-00454612 approximately six millimeters and each HoF4Ty5QWB8-01757-00454613-00454828 retinal cell exposed to the solar image HoF4Ty5QWB8-01758-00454829-00455035 receives up to ten times more light than HoF4Ty5QWB8-01759-00455035-00455209 it would looking at the non Eclipse Sun HoF4Ty5QWB8-01760-00455210-00455452 this can damage or kill those cells HoF4Ty5QWB8-01761-00455453-00455704 resulting in small permanent blind spots HoF4Ty5QWB8-01762-00455705-00455950 for the viewer the hazard is insidious HoF4Ty5QWB8-01763-00455951-00456160 for inexperienced observers and for HoF4Ty5QWB8-01764-00456160-00456346 children because there is no perception HoF4Ty5QWB8-01765-00456347-00456526 of pain it is not immediately obvious HoF4Ty5QWB8-01766-00456527-00456750 that one's vision is being destroyed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01767-00456751-00457068 during sunrise and sunset sunlight is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01768-00457070-00457222 attenuated because of Rayleigh HoF4Ty5QWB8-01769-00457222-00457408 scattering and me a scattering from a HoF4Ty5QWB8-01770-00457409-00457588 particularly long passage through HoF4Ty5QWB8-01771-00457589-00457741 Earth's atmosphere and the Sun is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01772-00457742-00457897 sometimes faint enough to be viewed HoF4Ty5QWB8-01773-00457897-00458089 comfortably with the naked eye or safely HoF4Ty5QWB8-01774-00458089-00458293 with optics provided there is no risk of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01775-00458293-00458472 bright sunlight suddenly appearing HoF4Ty5QWB8-01776-00458474-00458713 through a break between clouds hazy HoF4Ty5QWB8-01777-00458714-00458943 conditions atmospheric dust and high HoF4Ty5QWB8-01778-00458945-00459160 humidity contribute to this atmospheric HoF4Ty5QWB8-01779-00459160-00459460 attenuation an optical phenomenon known HoF4Ty5QWB8-01780-00459460-00459670 as a green flash can sometimes be seen HoF4Ty5QWB8-01781-00459671-00459906 shortly after sunset or before sunrise HoF4Ty5QWB8-01782-00459907-00460171 the flash is caused by light from the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01783-00460172-00460378 Sun just below the horizon being bent HoF4Ty5QWB8-01784-00460379-00460534 usually through a temperature inversion HoF4Ty5QWB8-01785-00460535-00460831 towards the observer light of shorter HoF4Ty5QWB8-01786-00460832-00461068 wavelengths violet blue green is bent HoF4Ty5QWB8-01787-00461068-00461230 more than that of longer wavelengths HoF4Ty5QWB8-01788-00461231-00461371 yellow orange red HoF4Ty5QWB8-01789-00461372-00461535 but the violet and blue light is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01790-00461537-00461695 scattered more leaving light that is HoF4Ty5QWB8-01791-00461696-00461896 perceived as green ultraviolet light HoF4Ty5QWB8-01792-00461897-00462052 from the Sun has antiseptic properties HoF4Ty5QWB8-01793-00462053-00462301 and can be used to sanitize tools in HoF4Ty5QWB8-01794-00462302-00462585 water it also causes sunburn and has HoF4Ty5QWB8-01795-00462587-00462787 other biological effects such as the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01796-00462788-00463043 production of vitamin D and Sun tanning HoF4Ty5QWB8-01797-00463045-00463300 ultraviolet light is strongly attenuated HoF4Ty5QWB8-01798-00463301-00463468 by Earth's ozone layer so that the HoF4Ty5QWB8-01799-00463468-00463635 amount of UV varies greatly with HoF4Ty5QWB8-01800-00463637-00463825 latitude and has been partially HoF4Ty5QWB8-01801-00463826-00463985 responsible for many biological HoF4Ty5QWB8-01802-00463987-00464233 adaptations including variations in HoF4Ty5QWB8-01803-00464234-00464437 human skin color in different regions of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01804-00464438-00464987 the globe HoF4Ty5QWB8-01805-00464988-00465553 topic planetary system HoF4Ty5QWB8-01806-00465554-00465817 the Sun has eight known planets this HoF4Ty5QWB8-01807-00465818-00466018 includes four terrestrial planets HoF4Ty5QWB8-01808-00466019-00466300 Mercury Venus Earth and Mars two gas HoF4Ty5QWB8-01809-00466301-00466531 giants Jupiter and Saturn and two ice HoF4Ty5QWB8-01810-00466532-00466816 giants Uranus and Neptune the solar HoF4Ty5QWB8-01811-00466817-00467041 system also has at least five dwarf HoF4Ty5QWB8-01812-00467042-00467218 planets an asteroid belt HoF4Ty5QWB8-01813-00467219-00467410 numerous comets and a large number of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01814-00467411-00467626 icy bodies which lie beyond the orbit of HoF4Ty5QWB8-01815-00467627-00468177 Neptune HoF4Ty5QWB8-01816-00468178-00468710 topic see also HoF4Ty5QWB8-01817-00468710-00469064 equals equals notes H11wO0_FQSE-00001-00006187-00006467 jumper and of course holding his own H11wO0_FQSE-00002-00006468-00006967 against Martin runickman H11wO0_FQSE-00003-00006968-00008177 the real game is tomorrow night tomorrow H11wO0_FQSE-00004-00008178-00008424 um H11wO0_FQSE-00005-00008425-00009606 twins H11wO0_FQSE-00006-00009607-00010039 please enjoy my content H11wO0_FQSE-00007-00010040-00010333 survive but once again H11wO0_FQSE-00008-00010334-00010528 and please subscribe if you haven't H11wO0_FQSE-00009-00010529-00010733 subscribed and enjoy the highlights guys H11wO0_FQSE-00010-00010734-00011021 we are here with BB how are you doing H11wO0_FQSE-00011-00011022-00011413 yeah H11wO0_FQSE-00012-00011414-00011783 winning the gold medal with the 3X3 and H11wO0_FQSE-00013-00011784-00011956 this is your second C games this is uh H11wO0_FQSE-00014-00011957-00012149 this is my second C game yes why is it H11wO0_FQSE-00015-00012150-00012317 so important for you to go back home and H11wO0_FQSE-00016-00012318-00012527 represent Vietnam industry games H11wO0_FQSE-00017-00012528-00012646 um yeah just to be able to represent H11wO0_FQSE-00018-00012647-00012785 Vietnam H11wO0_FQSE-00019-00012786-00013001 um you know be raising uh in a H11wO0_FQSE-00020-00013002-00013211 Vietnamese household I just I just want H11wO0_FQSE-00021-00013212-00013366 to represent you know Vietnamese people H11wO0_FQSE-00022-00013368-00013661 and uh I'm very fortunate to be able to H11wO0_FQSE-00023-00013662-00013853 um very fortunate that they invited us H11wO0_FQSE-00024-00013854-00014080 back to playing the sea games and how H11wO0_FQSE-00025-00014081-00014291 much fun do you get to enjoy this H11wO0_FQSE-00026-00014291-00014591 experience sharing with your twin sister H11wO0_FQSE-00027-00014591-00014794 um it's amazing I we got to meet new H11wO0_FQSE-00028-00014795-00014880 people H11wO0_FQSE-00029-00014881-00015172 help develop and grow basketball as a H11wO0_FQSE-00030-00015173-00015353 whole for women's basketball in Vietnam H11wO0_FQSE-00031-00015354-00015671 and just meet great teammates I'm so H11wO0_FQSE-00032-00015672-00015893 fortunate and blessed to be able to know H11wO0_FQSE-00033-00015894-00016036 them and just be able to be around them H11wO0_FQSE-00034-00016037-00016343 and this is the West Coast Conference H11wO0_FQSE-00035-00016344-00016771 Player of the Year with it with Gonzaga H11wO0_FQSE-00036-00016772-00017015 I saw that you play you guys did H11wO0_FQSE-00037-00017016-00017255 Louisville actually not only in the H11wO0_FQSE-00038-00017256-00017375 season H11wO0_FQSE-00039-00017376-00017680 against Haley fan lead how is just that H11wO0_FQSE-00040-00017681-00017807 experience for you H11wO0_FQSE-00041-00017808-00018029 um it was good uh like I said I just H11wO0_FQSE-00042-00018030-00018197 love playing team basketball and you H11wO0_FQSE-00043-00018198-00018425 know being able to be around like-minded H11wO0_FQSE-00044-00018426-00018617 people who want to play H11wO0_FQSE-00045-00018618-00018850 um and compete that's just that's all I H11wO0_FQSE-00046-00018851-00019030 ask you know just play hard and play H11wO0_FQSE-00047-00019031-00019339 together she's being so humble right now H11wO0_FQSE-00048-00019340-00019672 but we uh you are graduating from H11wO0_FQSE-00049-00019673-00019936 Gonzaga right now right yes what's the H11wO0_FQSE-00050-00019937-00020207 next move for you well actually me and H11wO0_FQSE-00051-00020208-00020405 Leo Are Gonna Take A coping year so H11wO0_FQSE-00052-00020406-00020621 we're gonna go back to Gonzaga and start H11wO0_FQSE-00053-00020622-00020872 a masters start our masters and H11wO0_FQSE-00054-00020873-00021107 hopefully finish in one year no plan for H11wO0_FQSE-00055-00021108-00021293 the WNBA H11wO0_FQSE-00056-00021294-00021479 um in the future hopefully if the H11wO0_FQSE-00057-00021480-00021611 opportunity is there then we'll take it H11wO0_FQSE-00058-00021612-00021791 but uh you know we always try to strive H11wO0_FQSE-00059-00021792-00021983 to play high the highest level we can H11wO0_FQSE-00060-00021984-00022258 you know go and uh if it's in the cards H11wO0_FQSE-00061-00022259-00022444 for us then we'll take it all right H11wO0_FQSE-00062-00022445-00022625 thank you so much for your time really H11wO0_FQSE-00063-00022626-00022900 appreciate you H11wO0_FQSE-00064-00022901-00023953 I know H11wO0_FQSE-00065-00023954-00024527 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00066-00024528-00025430 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00067-00025431-00027072 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00068-00027073-00027691 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00069-00027692-00027914 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00070-00027914-00029849 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00071-00029850-00030089 let's go Ben H11wO0_FQSE-00072-00030089-00031102 thank you H11wO0_FQSE-00073-00031104-00031167 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00074-00031168-00032258 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00075-00032258-00032660 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00076-00032661-00033353 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00077-00033354-00034545 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00078-00034546-00035847 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00079-00035848-00035863 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00080-00035864-00036296 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00081-00036297-00037126 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00082-00037127-00037192 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00083-00037193-00038056 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00084-00038057-00038530 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00085-00038531-00038778 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00086-00038779-00039245 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00087-00039246-00039274 thank you H11wO0_FQSE-00088-00039275-00040840 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00089-00040841-00041894 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00090-00041895-00042709 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00091-00042710-00045661 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00092-00045662-00046495 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00093-00046496-00046747 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00094-00046748-00047301 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00095-00047302-00048035 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00096-00048036-00048125 ah H11wO0_FQSE-00097-00048126-00048710 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00098-00048711-00048805 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00099-00048806-00050500 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00100-00050501-00051185 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00101-00051186-00051458 tomorrow H11wO0_FQSE-00102-00051459-00053142 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00103-00053144-00053295 here man H11wO0_FQSE-00104-00053296-00054150 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00105-00054151-00054353 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00106-00054354-00054761 oh H11wO0_FQSE-00107-00054762-00055014 Thursday H11wO0_FQSE-00108-00055015-00055385 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00109-00055386-00055695 foreign H11wO0_FQSE-00110-00055696-00057414 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00111-00057415-00060046 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00112-00060047-00060370 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00113-00060371-00060896 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00114-00060897-00061074 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00115-00061075-00061385 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00116-00061386-00062510 all right H11wO0_FQSE-00117-00062511-00064007 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00118-00064008-00064669 foreign H11wO0_FQSE-00119-00064670-00064853 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00120-00064854-00065582 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00121-00065583-00065609 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00122-00065610-00066683 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00123-00066684-00067367 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00124-00067368-00067942 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00125-00067943-00068693 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00126-00068694-00070064 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00127-00070065-00070750 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00128-00070751-00071902 foreign H11wO0_FQSE-00129-00071903-00072179 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00130-00072180-00072491 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00131-00072492-00074473 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00132-00074474-00075847 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00133-00075848-00076748 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00134-00076749-00077965 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00135-00077966-00079865 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00137-00082941-00084078 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00138-00084079-00085179 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00139-00085180-00085979 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00140-00085980-00086255 foreign H11wO0_FQSE-00141-00086256-00087121 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00142-00087122-00088025 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00143-00088026-00089468 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00144-00089469-00090416 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00145-00090417-00090782 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00146-00090783-00091500 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00147-00091501-00092496 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00148-00092497-00093383 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00149-00093384-00094551 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00150-00094552-00095388 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00151-00095389-00096052 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00152-00096053-00096460 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00153-00096461-00097069 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00154-00097070-00097710 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00155-00097711-00099122 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00156-00099123-00101420 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00157-00101421-00103853 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00158-00103854-00104216 all right H11wO0_FQSE-00159-00104217-00104890 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00160-00104891-00105177 let's go brush let's go H11wO0_FQSE-00161-00105178-00105618 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00162-00105619-00106023 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00163-00106024-00107215 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00164-00107216-00108053 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00165-00108054-00108802 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00166-00108803-00109934 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00167-00109935-00110195 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00168-00110196-00110391 nice hustle with H11wO0_FQSE-00169-00110392-00111215 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00170-00111216-00112788 foreign H11wO0_FQSE-00171-00112789-00113584 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00172-00113585-00114728 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00173-00114729-00114760 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00174-00114761-00115051 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00175-00115052-00115749 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00176-00115750-00116710 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00177-00116711-00117366 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00178-00117367-00118856 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00179-00118857-00119507 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00180-00119508-00119753 wow H11wO0_FQSE-00181-00119754-00120329 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00182-00120330-00121293 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00183-00121294-00121735 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00184-00121736-00122782 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00185-00122783-00122960 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00186-00122961-00123986 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00187-00123988-00125128 [Applause] H11wO0_FQSE-00188-00125129-00125745 being good boy good boy H11wO0_FQSE-00189-00125746-00126899 [Music] H11wO0_FQSE-00190-00126900-00127327 foreign H11wO0_FQSE-00191-00127328-00127678 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00000-00000000-00000233 hey weirdos be sure to click the like H1wfOAfW-9A-00001-00000234-00000455 button and subscribe to this Channel and H1wfOAfW-9A-00002-00000456-00000628 click the notification Bell so you don't H1wfOAfW-9A-00003-00000629-00000899 miss future videos I post videos seven H1wfOAfW-9A-00004-00000900-00001066 days a week and while you're at it H1wfOAfW-9A-00005-00001067-00001247 spread the darkness by sharing this H1wfOAfW-9A-00006-00001248-00001415 video with someone you know who loves H1wfOAfW-9A-00007-00001416-00001636 all things strange and Macabre if you H1wfOAfW-9A-00008-00001637-00001798 want to listen to the podcast you can H1wfOAfW-9A-00009-00001800-00002417 find it at listen H1wfOAfW-9A-00010-00002418-00002717 hey weirdos we had a lot of fun with our H1wfOAfW-9A-00011-00002718-00002975 Premiere episode of Friday frights live H1wfOAfW-9A-00012-00002976-00003263 so I've already scheduled the next one H1wfOAfW-9A-00013-00003264-00003599 for Friday Night February 24th but if H1wfOAfW-9A-00014-00003600-00003869 you missed our January 27th Premiere you H1wfOAfW-9A-00015-00003870-00004103 can go back and watch the video of what H1wfOAfW-9A-00016-00004104-00004351 went down live by visiting H1wfOAfW-9A-00017-00004352-00004519 that's H1wfOAfW-9A-00018-00004520-00004756 we had our creepy H1wfOAfW-9A-00019-00004757-00005069 caption contests our weird dark news our H1wfOAfW-9A-00020-00005070-00005320 totally outrageous story I answered a H1wfOAfW-9A-00021-00005321-00005501 couple of letters from the email bag I H1wfOAfW-9A-00022-00005502-00005717 replied to tons of comments from weirdo H1wfOAfW-9A-00023-00005718-00005909 family members who are watching Anna H1wfOAfW-9A-00024-00005910-00006131 narrated stories from Edgar Allan Poe H1wfOAfW-9A-00025-00006132-00006448 Ray Bradbury H.G Wells and more it was H1wfOAfW-9A-00026-00006450-00006755 over 4 4 hours of fun and you can watch H1wfOAfW-9A-00027-00006756-00007096 the video at again H1wfOAfW-9A-00028-00007097-00007373 that's and then I hope H1wfOAfW-9A-00029-00007373-00007564 you'll join me for our next Friday H1wfOAfW-9A-00030-00007565-00008083 brights live on February 24th H1wfOAfW-9A-00031-00008084-00008309 stories and content and weird Darkness H1wfOAfW-9A-00032-00008310-00008513 can be disturbing for some listeners and H1wfOAfW-9A-00033-00008514-00008710 is intended for mature audiences only H1wfOAfW-9A-00034-00008711-00009664 parental discretion is strongly advised H1wfOAfW-9A-00035-00009665-00009935 something happened in Illinois in H1wfOAfW-9A-00036-00009936-00010277 January 2000 that has never really been H1wfOAfW-9A-00037-00010278-00010391 explained H1wfOAfW-9A-00038-00010392-00010649 a number of UFO sightings occurred in H1wfOAfW-9A-00039-00010650-00010877 the southwestern part of the state and H1wfOAfW-9A-00040-00010878-00011033 got a lot of attention H1wfOAfW-9A-00041-00011034-00011314 and it wasn't just in Illinois H1wfOAfW-9A-00042-00011315-00011513 the sightings gained national attention H1wfOAfW-9A-00043-00011514-00011741 because there has likely been no other H1wfOAfW-9A-00044-00011742-00012059 time that so many people witnessed H1wfOAfW-9A-00045-00012060-00012317 something so unexplainable that it H1wfOAfW-9A-00046-00012318-00012514 managed to perplex people all over H1wfOAfW-9A-00047-00012515-00012670 America H1wfOAfW-9A-00048-00012671-00012874 the incident involved a number of H1wfOAfW-9A-00049-00012875-00013115 reliable Witnesses which consisted H1wfOAfW-9A-00050-00013116-00013319 mostly of police officers from a number H1wfOAfW-9A-00051-00013319-00013529 of small towns in the area H1wfOAfW-9A-00052-00013530-00013786 and led many to believe that something H1wfOAfW-9A-00053-00013787-00014099 very strange was going on in the Skies H1wfOAfW-9A-00054-00014100-00014279 over Illinois H1wfOAfW-9A-00055-00014280-00014549 even more convincing than mere sightings H1wfOAfW-9A-00056-00014550-00014825 the officers maintained radio contact H1wfOAfW-9A-00057-00014826-00015071 through most of the event which H1wfOAfW-9A-00058-00015072-00015322 carefully tracked the progress of the H1wfOAfW-9A-00059-00015323-00015611 UFO that passed over the area H1wfOAfW-9A-00060-00015612-00015899 adding to this Scott Air Force Base was H1wfOAfW-9A-00061-00015900-00016115 only a mile or so out of the flight path H1wfOAfW-9A-00062-00016116-00016385 of the anomalous craft and this helped H1wfOAfW-9A-00063-00016386-00016558 to Focus Media attention on the event H1wfOAfW-9A-00064-00016559-00017015 for weeks after it actually occurred 11 H1wfOAfW-9A-00065-00017016-00017279 and this is a call from Highland PD in H1wfOAfW-9A-00066-00017280-00017458 reference to a truck driver who just H1wfOAfW-9A-00067-00017459-00017669 stopped in he said there was a flying H1wfOAfW-9A-00068-00017670-00017800 object in the H1wfOAfW-9A-00069-00017801-00018130 oven H1wfOAfW-9A-00070-00018131-00018400 lights and red blinking lights and it H1wfOAfW-9A-00071-00018401-00018622 was last seen Southwest over Lebanon H1wfOAfW-9A-00072-00018623-00018989 could you check the area H1wfOAfW-9A-00073-00018990-00019235 did they say the truck driver was DUI or H1wfOAfW-9A-00074-00019236-00019355 anything H1wfOAfW-9A-00075-00019356-00019636 10-4 I'm out H1wfOAfW-9A-00076-00019637-00019913 just a quick question if I happen to H1wfOAfW-9A-00077-00019914-00020249 fight what am I supposed to do with it H1wfOAfW-9A-00078-00020250-00020797 if I see it I'm not saying a word H1wfOAfW-9A-00079-00020798-00021017 also be advised the last thing that went H1wfOAfW-9A-00080-00021018-00021317 over Lebanon this was approximately five H1wfOAfW-9A-00081-00021318-00021550 minutes ago uh was a military cargo H1wfOAfW-9A-00082-00021551-00022019 plate looked like a C5 H1wfOAfW-9A-00083-00022020-00022336 to be advised there's a very bright H1wfOAfW-9A-00084-00022337-00022564 white light east of town H1wfOAfW-9A-00085-00022565-00022721 it looks like it's just east of H1wfOAfW-9A-00086-00022722-00023147 Summerfield H1wfOAfW-9A-00087-00023148-00023267 I'll go over there H1wfOAfW-9A-00088-00023268-00023453 like an aircraft aircraft doesn't look H1wfOAfW-9A-00089-00023454-00023875 like an aircraft though H1wfOAfW-9A-00090-00023876-00024269 it's not the moon it's not a star if you H1wfOAfW-9A-00091-00024270-00024407 would would you contact Scott Air Force H1wfOAfW-9A-00092-00024408-00024503 Base H1wfOAfW-9A-00093-00024504-00024713 and safe flight in this area please wow H1wfOAfW-9A-00094-00024714-00024857 it's a plane or not H1wfOAfW-9A-00095-00024858-00025121 it's heading westbound now it should be H1wfOAfW-9A-00096-00025122-00025319 really close to Scott now it's better H1wfOAfW-9A-00097-00025320-00025799 Shiloh officer starting something H1wfOAfW-9A-00098-00025800-00026068 I see something but I don't know what H1wfOAfW-9A-00099-00026069-00026290 the heck it is it's probably heading to H1wfOAfW-9A-00100-00026291-00026770 Lambert H1wfOAfW-9A-00101-00026772-00027096 um I've got that object inside also H1wfOAfW-9A-00102-00027097-00027523 are you serious H1wfOAfW-9A-00103-00027524-00027829 it's huge H1wfOAfW-9A-00104-00027830-00028157 does it look like a what does it look H1wfOAfW-9A-00105-00028158-00028540 like to you H1wfOAfW-9A-00106-00028541-00028745 um it's kind of v-shaped it looks like H1wfOAfW-9A-00107-00028745-00029227 it's possibly headed towards Lambert H1wfOAfW-9A-00108-00029227-00029464 that's what Shiloh said when it was H1wfOAfW-9A-00109-00029466-00029777 heading towards Fairview Heights H1wfOAfW-9A-00110-00029777-00030367 baby baby H1wfOAfW-9A-00111-00030368-00030799 does Dupo have a Polaroid H1wfOAfW-9A-00112-00030800-00031152 that I don't know H1wfOAfW-9A-00113-00031154-00031781 6004 this is 39.23 on County 2. H1wfOAfW-9A-00114-00031782-00032111 04 go ahead H1wfOAfW-9A-00115-00032112-00032351 I'm not sure what you're seeing it H1wfOAfW-9A-00116-00032352-00032531 appears to be pretty high in the area H1wfOAfW-9A-00117-00032532-00032717 when I could first see it with H1wfOAfW-9A-00118-00032718-00032890 binoculars you could see it was H1wfOAfW-9A-00119-00032891-00033367 different colors H1wfOAfW-9A-00120-00033368-00033659 is very large H1wfOAfW-9A-00121-00033660-00033929 it's hard to tell it's pretty far off in H1wfOAfW-9A-00122-00033930-00034795 the distance H1wfOAfW-9A-00123-00034796-00034961 appears H1wfOAfW-9A-00124-00034962-00035249 it's probably 20 or 30 000. it's about H1wfOAfW-9A-00125-00035250-00035483 where planes usually are it's not low at H1wfOAfW-9A-00126-00035484-00035615 all H1wfOAfW-9A-00127-00035616-00035843 something very strange visited H1wfOAfW-9A-00128-00035844-00036112 Southwestern Illinois on January 5th H1wfOAfW-9A-00129-00036113-00036479 2000. but what it was remains a mystery H1wfOAfW-9A-00130-00036480-00036659 to this day H1wfOAfW-9A-00131-00036660-00037007 I'm Darren marlar and this is weird H1wfOAfW-9A-00132-00037008-00037859 Darkness H1wfOAfW-9A-00133-00037860-00038146 welcome weirdos I'm Darren Mohler and H1wfOAfW-9A-00134-00038147-00038423 this is weird Darkness here you'll find H1wfOAfW-9A-00135-00038424-00038677 stories of the Paranormal Supernatural H1wfOAfW-9A-00136-00038678-00039055 legends lore the strange and bizarre H1wfOAfW-9A-00137-00039056-00039540 crime conspiracy mysterious Macabre H1wfOAfW-9A-00138-00039541-00039851 unsolved and unexplained H1wfOAfW-9A-00139-00039852-00040121 coming up in this episode H1wfOAfW-9A-00140-00040122-00040324 if you've ever wanted to play a game a H1wfOAfW-9A-00141-00040325-00040624 catch with a ghost boy race of phantom H1wfOAfW-9A-00142-00040625-00040924 Camaro or encounter a mythological Beast H1wfOAfW-9A-00143-00040925-00041224 Clinton Road in New Jersey should be H1wfOAfW-9A-00144-00041225-00041465 your next destination H1wfOAfW-9A-00145-00041466-00041759 in Malawi vampires attack people and H1wfOAfW-9A-00146-00041760-00042071 suck blood from them this is not lore or H1wfOAfW-9A-00147-00042072-00042551 scary storytelling it's happening now H1wfOAfW-9A-00148-00042552-00042868 imagine a coin rolling past you in a H1wfOAfW-9A-00149-00042869-00043145 long hallway yet you are completely H1wfOAfW-9A-00150-00043146-00043379 alone in the building H1wfOAfW-9A-00151-00043380-00043690 for years mysterious lights of Dover H1wfOAfW-9A-00152-00043691-00043937 have puzzled observers and it's been H1wfOAfW-9A-00153-00043938-00044207 happening for centuries H1wfOAfW-9A-00154-00044208-00044458 the strange sighting of a UFO in the H1wfOAfW-9A-00155-00044459-00044729 year 2000 still has people looking to H1wfOAfW-9A-00156-00044730-00045046 the Skies of Southwestern Illinois H1wfOAfW-9A-00157-00045047-00045329 but first Frankenstein author Mary H1wfOAfW-9A-00158-00045330-00045587 Shelley did you know that she had kept H1wfOAfW-9A-00159-00045588-00045958 her dead husband's heart for 30 years we H1wfOAfW-9A-00160-00045959-00046211 begin with that story H1wfOAfW-9A-00161-00046212-00046427 if you're new here welcome to the show H1wfOAfW-9A-00162-00046428-00046643 while you're listening be sure to check H1wfOAfW-9A-00163-00046644-00046912 out for merchandise my H1wfOAfW-9A-00164-00046913-00047165 newsletter to Winter contests to connect H1wfOAfW-9A-00165-00047166-00047423 with me on social media plus you can H1wfOAfW-9A-00166-00047424-00047596 visit the Hope in the darkness page if H1wfOAfW-9A-00167-00047597-00047740 you're struggling with depression or H1wfOAfW-9A-00168-00047741-00047957 dark thoughts you can find all of that H1wfOAfW-9A-00169-00047958-00048280 and more at H1wfOAfW-9A-00170-00048281-00048568 now bolt your doors H1wfOAfW-9A-00171-00048569-00048779 lock your windows H1wfOAfW-9A-00172-00048780-00048965 turn off your lights H1wfOAfW-9A-00173-00048966-00049968 and come with me into the weird Darkness H1wfOAfW-9A-00174-00049969-00050374 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00175-00050375-00050627 coffee it's a necessity H1wfOAfW-9A-00176-00050628-00050824 most of us can't be bothered to even be H1wfOAfW-9A-00177-00050825-00051040 civil to our families until we've had H1wfOAfW-9A-00178-00051041-00051196 our first cup of joe H1wfOAfW-9A-00179-00051197-00051430 I can drink coffee all day and often do H1wfOAfW-9A-00180-00051432-00051694 and now I've chosen an exclusive coffee H1wfOAfW-9A-00181-00051695-00051982 just for the task weird dark roast H1wfOAfW-9A-00182-00051983-00052204 coffee I love chocolate I mean who H1wfOAfW-9A-00183-00052205-00052414 doesn't so I specifically asked for a H1wfOAfW-9A-00184-00052415-00052649 blend with at least a hint of cocoa and H1wfOAfW-9A-00185-00052650-00052888 Evansville coffee who roasts each bag to H1wfOAfW-9A-00186-00052889-00053116 order knocked it out of the park when H1wfOAfW-9A-00187-00053117-00053279 they sent me a bag to taste test for H1wfOAfW-9A-00188-00053279-00053561 approval weird dark roast coffee has H1wfOAfW-9A-00189-00053562-00053891 deep notes of cocoa caramel and a touch H1wfOAfW-9A-00190-00053891-00054100 of sinister sweetness that makes it H1wfOAfW-9A-00191-00054101-00054400 great hot Oracle personally I like to H1wfOAfW-9A-00192-00054401-00054526 put a little milk in it when I'm H1wfOAfW-9A-00193-00054527-00054791 drinking it hot but it is amazing black H1wfOAfW-9A-00194-00054791-00055000 and poured over ice but now you can H1wfOAfW-9A-00195-00055001-00055187 drink it too and the only place you can H1wfOAfW-9A-00196-00055188-00055375 find weird dark roast coffee is at H1wfOAfW-9A-00197-00055376-00055654 I'm so sure you'll H1wfOAfW-9A-00198-00055655-00055811 love it that we've even set it up for H1wfOAfW-9A-00199-00055812-00055979 you to get free delivery on your first H1wfOAfW-9A-00200-00055979-00056488 order if you use the promo code weird H1wfOAfW-9A-00201-00056489-00057189 foreign H1wfOAfW-9A-00202-00057190-00058530 [Applause] H1wfOAfW-9A-00203-00058532-00058841 Shelley is perhaps most well known for H1wfOAfW-9A-00204-00058841-00059092 writing the novel Frankenstein H1wfOAfW-9A-00205-00059094-00059357 aside from being the mother of all H1wfOAfW-9A-00206-00059358-00059632 creating a monster stories she was also H1wfOAfW-9A-00207-00059633-00059915 the wife of well-known poet Percy H1wfOAfW-9A-00208-00059916-00060029 Shelley H1wfOAfW-9A-00209-00060029-00060287 Percy was still married when he and Mary H1wfOAfW-9A-00210-00060288-00060604 began their Affair in 1814. H1wfOAfW-9A-00211-00060605-00060880 perhaps that was a bad Omen for what was H1wfOAfW-9A-00212-00060882-00061150 to come as all of the following happened H1wfOAfW-9A-00213-00061151-00061426 over the next four years H1wfOAfW-9A-00214-00061427-00061703 Percy and Mary ran off together H1wfOAfW-9A-00215-00061704-00062063 Mary returned bearing Percy's child H1wfOAfW-9A-00216-00062064-00062416 that child was born prematurely and H1wfOAfW-9A-00217-00062417-00062747 later died Mary's half-sister killed H1wfOAfW-9A-00218-00062748-00062849 herself H1wfOAfW-9A-00219-00062850-00063215 Percy's first wife killed herself H1wfOAfW-9A-00220-00063216-00063535 Mary and Percy got married H1wfOAfW-9A-00221-00063536-00063821 created Frankenstein during a rained out H1wfOAfW-9A-00222-00063822-00064144 retreat with her husband and Lord Byron H1wfOAfW-9A-00223-00064145-00064415 Mary's second and third children with H1wfOAfW-9A-00224-00064416-00064594 Percy died H1wfOAfW-9A-00225-00064595-00065038 a fourth child survived H1wfOAfW-9A-00226-00065039-00065326 then four years after all of these H1wfOAfW-9A-00227-00065327-00065644 seemingly non-stop drama Percy drowned H1wfOAfW-9A-00228-00065645-00066029 in a sailboat accident in 1822. H1wfOAfW-9A-00229-00066030-00066311 and so one of the most famous literary H1wfOAfW-9A-00230-00066312-00066605 couples of all time spent less than 10 H1wfOAfW-9A-00231-00066606-00066953 years together mostly broke dealing with H1wfOAfW-9A-00232-00066954-00067241 one horrible thing after another H1wfOAfW-9A-00233-00067242-00067547 in fact it's entirely likely that we H1wfOAfW-9A-00234-00067548-00067769 might not even know much about Percy H1wfOAfW-9A-00235-00067770-00068056 Shelley if Mary hadn't been so dedicated H1wfOAfW-9A-00236-00068057-00068315 to seeing his Works published H1wfOAfW-9A-00237-00068316-00068573 Mary was obviously devoted to her H1wfOAfW-9A-00238-00068574-00068837 husband in both his life and his death H1wfOAfW-9A-00239-00068838-00069113 but assuring her husband's Legacy wasn't H1wfOAfW-9A-00240-00069114-00069425 enough but the queen of the grotesque H1wfOAfW-9A-00241-00069426-00069875 she also kept a piece of him for herself H1wfOAfW-9A-00242-00069876-00070049 literally H1wfOAfW-9A-00243-00070050-00070367 now it's not like mary originally meant H1wfOAfW-9A-00244-00070368-00070606 to keep the heart saved or anything like H1wfOAfW-9A-00245-00070607-00070985 that Percy was actually cremated we have H1wfOAfW-9A-00246-00070986-00071188 first-person accounts of people who H1wfOAfW-9A-00247-00071189-00071459 watched the body burn and though they H1wfOAfW-9A-00248-00071460-00071650 might not agree on this size of his H1wfOAfW-9A-00249-00071651-00071982 heart all agreed that it refused to burn H1wfOAfW-9A-00250-00071983-00072256 possibly because it had become calcified H1wfOAfW-9A-00251-00072257-00072544 after about with tuberculosis H1wfOAfW-9A-00252-00072545-00072749 after fighting to get it back from H1wfOAfW-9A-00253-00072750-00073031 Percy's friend Lee Hunt who claimed that H1wfOAfW-9A-00254-00073032-00073253 he was keeping it because his love for H1wfOAfW-9A-00255-00073254-00073438 his friend was greater than any other H1wfOAfW-9A-00256-00073439-00073756 love man or woman Mary Shelley kept the H1wfOAfW-9A-00257-00073757-00074021 heart for the rest of her life H1wfOAfW-9A-00258-00074022-00074279 now it's Up For Debate as to whether she H1wfOAfW-9A-00259-00074280-00074459 actually carried it around with her H1wfOAfW-9A-00260-00074460-00074747 although many claimed that she did H1wfOAfW-9A-00261-00074748-00074969 regardless the heart was definitely H1wfOAfW-9A-00262-00074970-00075232 found in her desk the year after she H1wfOAfW-9A-00263-00075233-00075556 died wrapped in one of the last poems H1wfOAfW-9A-00264-00075557-00075856 Percy ever wrote to John Keats called H1wfOAfW-9A-00265-00075857-00076067 Adonis H1wfOAfW-9A-00266-00076068-00076379 it's a long piece but Mick Jagger read a H1wfOAfW-9A-00267-00076380-00076541 portion of it at the Brian Jones H1wfOAfW-9A-00268-00076542-00076991 Memorial concert on July 5th 1969. two H1wfOAfW-9A-00269-00076992-00077176 days after the drummer for The Rolling H1wfOAfW-9A-00270-00077177-00077417 Stones drowned in his own swimming pool H1wfOAfW-9A-00271-00077418-00077609 and that feels like as good a selection H1wfOAfW-9A-00272-00077610-00077999 as any from the eulogy to share here H1wfOAfW-9A-00273-00078000-00078394 peace peace he is not dead he doth not H1wfOAfW-9A-00274-00078395-00078509 sleep H1wfOAfW-9A-00275-00078510-00078815 he hath awakened from the dream of life H1wfOAfW-9A-00276-00078816-00079205 tis we who lost in stormy Visions keep H1wfOAfW-9A-00277-00079206-00079547 with Phantoms and unprofitable strife H1wfOAfW-9A-00278-00079548-00079787 and in Mad trance strike with our H1wfOAfW-9A-00279-00079788-00080135 spirit's knife invulnerable nothings we H1wfOAfW-9A-00280-00080136-00080488 decay like corpses in a Charnel fear and H1wfOAfW-9A-00281-00080489-00080837 grief convulse us and consume us day by H1wfOAfW-9A-00282-00080838-00080981 day H1wfOAfW-9A-00283-00080982-00081293 and cold hopes swarm like worms within H1wfOAfW-9A-00284-00081294-00081503 our living clay H1wfOAfW-9A-00285-00081504-00081875 the one Remains the many change and pass H1wfOAfW-9A-00286-00081876-00082181 Evan's light forever shines Earth H1wfOAfW-9A-00287-00082182-00082349 Shadows fly H1wfOAfW-9A-00288-00082350-00082756 life like a dome of many colored glass H1wfOAfW-9A-00289-00082757-00083009 stains the white Radiance of Eternity H1wfOAfW-9A-00290-00083010-00083447 until death tramples it to fragments die H1wfOAfW-9A-00291-00083448-00083699 if thou watched be with that which thou H1wfOAfW-9A-00292-00083700-00083837 Dost seek H1wfOAfW-9A-00293-00083838-00084196 follow where all is fled H1wfOAfW-9A-00294-00084197-00085162 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00295-00085163-00085385 if you've ever wanted to play a game of H1wfOAfW-9A-00296-00085386-00085726 catch with a ghost boy race a phantom H1wfOAfW-9A-00297-00085727-00086087 Camaro or encounter a mythological Beast H1wfOAfW-9A-00298-00086088-00086356 Clinton Road should be your next H1wfOAfW-9A-00299-00086357-00086494 destination H1wfOAfW-9A-00300-00086495-00086747 just climb in your car going with a H1wfOAfW-9A-00301-00086748-00087011 friend is recommended and hit the road H1wfOAfW-9A-00302-00087012-00087238 rural New Jersey's Clinton Road will H1wfOAfW-9A-00303-00087239-00087562 certainly make your skin crawl H1wfOAfW-9A-00304-00087563-00087832 a number of haunts and strange buildings H1wfOAfW-9A-00305-00087833-00088073 are reputed to make Clinton Road their H1wfOAfW-9A-00306-00088074-00088162 home H1wfOAfW-9A-00307-00088163-00088397 depending on what time of day you drive H1wfOAfW-9A-00308-00088398-00088762 through you may encounter one two or all H1wfOAfW-9A-00309-00088763-00089081 of these Clinton Road Legends H1wfOAfW-9A-00310-00089082-00089332 the boy on the bridge H1wfOAfW-9A-00311-00089333-00089537 under one of the bridges Crossing H1wfOAfW-9A-00312-00089538-00089825 Clinton Brook also known as Dead Man's H1wfOAfW-9A-00313-00089826-00090071 Curve you can find one of the road's H1wfOAfW-9A-00314-00090072-00090287 most famous haunts H1wfOAfW-9A-00315-00090288-00090521 rumor has it if you throw a quarter into H1wfOAfW-9A-00316-00090522-00090767 the water below then take a few steps H1wfOAfW-9A-00317-00090768-00091079 back the quarter will be thrown back by H1wfOAfW-9A-00318-00091080-00091282 the ghost of the boy who drowned while H1wfOAfW-9A-00319-00091283-00091409 swimming H1wfOAfW-9A-00320-00091410-00091691 in some stories the ghost shoves the H1wfOAfW-9A-00321-00091692-00091925 living visitor into the water if they H1wfOAfW-9A-00322-00091926-00092411 peek too far over the side of the bridge H1wfOAfW-9A-00323-00092412-00092693 ghostly car crash victims H1wfOAfW-9A-00324-00092694-00092885 they're our first-hand accounts of H1wfOAfW-9A-00325-00092886-00093143 tourists and locals seeing a ghost H1wfOAfW-9A-00326-00093144-00093394 Camaro driven by the girl who supposedly H1wfOAfW-9A-00327-00093395-00093785 died in a tragic crash in 1998. H1wfOAfW-9A-00328-00093786-00093994 this appearance is triggered by a mere H1wfOAfW-9A-00329-00093995-00094211 mention of the incident H1wfOAfW-9A-00330-00094212-00094450 others claim to have encounters with two H1wfOAfW-9A-00331-00094451-00094738 Park Rangers near Terrace Pond who are H1wfOAfW-9A-00332-00094739-00094918 thought to be the ghosts of two Rangers H1wfOAfW-9A-00333-00094919-00095393 who died while on duty in 1939 H1wfOAfW-9A-00334-00095394-00095626 ghost truck H1wfOAfW-9A-00335-00095627-00095861 there are countless accounts of phantom H1wfOAfW-9A-00336-00095862-00096094 Vehicles the majority of the sightings H1wfOAfW-9A-00337-00096095-00096341 are of pickup trucks but in some cases H1wfOAfW-9A-00338-00096342-00096623 they are only floating headlights not H1wfOAfW-9A-00339-00096624-00096809 attached to any vehicle H1wfOAfW-9A-00340-00096810-00097031 the headlights Chase drivers to the end H1wfOAfW-9A-00341-00097032-00097493 of Clinton Road then disappear H1wfOAfW-9A-00342-00097494-00097679 strange creatures H1wfOAfW-9A-00343-00097680-00097961 from hellhounds to monkeys a variety of H1wfOAfW-9A-00344-00097962-00098182 bizarre creatures have supposedly been H1wfOAfW-9A-00345-00098183-00098387 seen on this road at night H1wfOAfW-9A-00346-00098388-00098626 in some cases people report seeing an H1wfOAfW-9A-00347-00098627-00098938 unidentifiable hybrid which vanishes too H1wfOAfW-9A-00348-00098939-00099173 quickly for them to get a good look H1wfOAfW-9A-00349-00099174-00099382 the more exotic sightings are blamed on H1wfOAfW-9A-00350-00099383-00099647 survivors of jungle habitat an H1wfOAfW-9A-00351-00099648-00099862 attraction which housed wild and exotic H1wfOAfW-9A-00352-00099863-00100397 animals before closing its doors in 1976 H1wfOAfW-9A-00353-00100398-00100756 a druidic temple this oddly shaped Stone H1wfOAfW-9A-00354-00100757-00101015 structure is said to be the place where H1wfOAfW-9A-00355-00101016-00101321 local Druids practiced their rituals H1wfOAfW-9A-00356-00101322-00101573 Legends tell of awful things happening H1wfOAfW-9A-00357-00101574-00101818 to those who look too closely or come H1wfOAfW-9A-00358-00101819-00102149 too close to the ruin at the wrong time H1wfOAfW-9A-00359-00102150-00102406 in more historical terms the building is H1wfOAfW-9A-00360-00102407-00102623 actually the remains of an iron smelter H1wfOAfW-9A-00361-00102624-00102851 from the Revolutionary War and the war H1wfOAfW-9A-00362-00102852-00103175 of 1812. the site has now been blocked H1wfOAfW-9A-00363-00103176-00103415 off to prevent any injury caused by H1wfOAfW-9A-00364-00103416-00103751 exploring such a rundown building H1wfOAfW-9A-00365-00103752-00103942 cross Castle H1wfOAfW-9A-00366-00103943-00104284 in 1905 Richard cross built this Castle H1wfOAfW-9A-00367-00104285-00104494 near the Clinton Reservoir for his wife H1wfOAfW-9A-00368-00104495-00104632 and three children H1wfOAfW-9A-00369-00104633-00104939 a few years later it fell to ruin after H1wfOAfW-9A-00370-00104940-00105166 a fire destroyed part of it H1wfOAfW-9A-00371-00105167-00105304 it has since become a popular H1wfOAfW-9A-00372-00105305-00105521 destination for hikers and local H1wfOAfW-9A-00373-00105522-00105827 teenagers looking for secluded places to H1wfOAfW-9A-00374-00105828-00106031 camp and have parties H1wfOAfW-9A-00375-00106032-00106277 many visitors have reported strange H1wfOAfW-9A-00376-00106278-00106469 occurrences near the site H1wfOAfW-9A-00377-00106470-00106673 these include people who have gone into H1wfOAfW-9A-00378-00106674-00106960 seizures bruises which randomly appear H1wfOAfW-9A-00379-00106961-00107225 after visiting and strange and H1wfOAfW-9A-00380-00107226-00107465 disturbing Visions after leaving H1wfOAfW-9A-00381-00107466-00107693 Titanic symbols have appeared on the H1wfOAfW-9A-00382-00107694-00107945 inside of the Castle's walls in areas H1wfOAfW-9A-00383-00107946-00108113 that were previously thought to be H1wfOAfW-9A-00384-00108114-00108358 inaccessible H1wfOAfW-9A-00385-00108359-00108539 The Iceman H1wfOAfW-9A-00386-00108540-00108899 in 1983 a body was found in the woods H1wfOAfW-9A-00387-00108900-00109097 near Clinton Road H1wfOAfW-9A-00388-00109098-00109313 an autopsy showed the man had been H1wfOAfW-9A-00389-00109314-00109523 murdered as well as something even H1wfOAfW-9A-00390-00109524-00109649 stranger H1wfOAfW-9A-00391-00109650-00109907 ice crystals had formed in blood vessels H1wfOAfW-9A-00392-00109908-00110033 near his heart H1wfOAfW-9A-00393-00110033-00110357 his internal organs had also decayed at H1wfOAfW-9A-00394-00110358-00110627 a rate far slower than his skin H1wfOAfW-9A-00395-00110628-00110902 after a drawn-out investigation an H1wfOAfW-9A-00396-00110903-00111154 arrest was made in 1986 of Richard H1wfOAfW-9A-00397-00111155-00111557 Kuklinski also known as The Iceman H1wfOAfW-9A-00398-00111558-00111863 Kuklinski was a New Jersey native and a H1wfOAfW-9A-00399-00111864-00112090 Hitman involved in organized crime with H1wfOAfW-9A-00400-00112091-00112295 a local Mafia H1wfOAfW-9A-00401-00112296-00112558 are you brave enough to discover what H1wfOAfW-9A-00402-00112559-00112804 the legends of Clinton Road have in H1wfOAfW-9A-00403-00112805-00113048 store for you H1wfOAfW-9A-00404-00113049-00113767 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00405-00113768-00113923 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00406-00113924-00114533 thank you H1wfOAfW-9A-00407-00114534-00114616 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00408-00114617-00114757 [Applause] H1wfOAfW-9A-00409-00114758-00114995 residents of the African country of H1wfOAfW-9A-00410-00114996-00115289 Malawi are in a state close to panic H1wfOAfW-9A-00411-00115290-00115631 already several dozen people said they H1wfOAfW-9A-00412-00115632-00115966 were attacked by midnight vampires that H1wfOAfW-9A-00413-00115967-00116158 sucked blood from them H1wfOAfW-9A-00414-00116159-00116410 people are so frightened that seven H1wfOAfW-9A-00415-00116411-00116663 Lancers have already been killed by a H1wfOAfW-9A-00416-00116664-00116890 vigilante detachments suspected of being H1wfOAfW-9A-00417-00116891-00117028 vampiric H1wfOAfW-9A-00418-00117029-00117281 the threat has become so serious that H1wfOAfW-9A-00419-00117282-00117533 U.N workers and volunteers from the U.S H1wfOAfW-9A-00420-00117533-00117839 Peace Corps were withdrawn from Malawi H1wfOAfW-9A-00421-00117840-00118115 the hysteria about vampires in Malawi H1wfOAfW-9A-00422-00118116-00118319 began in September H1wfOAfW-9A-00423-00118320-00118595 and it seems that by December it did not H1wfOAfW-9A-00424-00118596-00118697 abate H1wfOAfW-9A-00425-00118698-00118919 although U.N staff decided to return H1wfOAfW-9A-00426-00118920-00119201 after the heat of September H1wfOAfW-9A-00427-00119202-00119416 local residents claim that all of this H1wfOAfW-9A-00428-00119417-00119801 is not hysteria not rumors but real H1wfOAfW-9A-00429-00119802-00119915 facts H1wfOAfW-9A-00430-00119916-00120239 40-year-old Jamaya balani tells that H1wfOAfW-9A-00431-00120240-00120478 something alien entered her house and H1wfOAfW-9A-00432-00120479-00120766 attacked her and then began to suck her H1wfOAfW-9A-00433-00120767-00120893 blood H1wfOAfW-9A-00434-00120894-00121075 Jamia lives in the village of H1wfOAfW-9A-00435-00121076-00121325 ungalanglovia in the south of the H1wfOAfW-9A-00436-00121326-00121493 country and this Village was in the H1wfOAfW-9A-00437-00121494-00121733 center of vampire Hysteria H1wfOAfW-9A-00438-00121733-00122033 it's not rumors it sucked my blood I H1wfOAfW-9A-00439-00122033-00122302 know it she said I lay on the bed at H1wfOAfW-9A-00440-00122303-00122513 night and suddenly saw light in the H1wfOAfW-9A-00441-00122514-00122795 corner under the roof I could not move a H1wfOAfW-9A-00442-00122796-00123054 hand or a foot and then something H1wfOAfW-9A-00443-00123055-00123463 pierced my hand and I felt pain H1wfOAfW-9A-00444-00123464-00123833 who works selling a rag out of wild peas H1wfOAfW-9A-00445-00123833-00124060 says that before she lost Consciousness H1wfOAfW-9A-00446-00124061-00124313 from the loss of blood she heard a sound H1wfOAfW-9A-00447-00124314-00124636 as if someone ran on the floor H1wfOAfW-9A-00448-00124638-00124895 after that night the woman was taken to H1wfOAfW-9A-00449-00124896-00125093 the hospital and she was treated there H1wfOAfW-9A-00450-00125094-00125381 taking medicine and vitamins H1wfOAfW-9A-00451-00125382-00125602 she did not inform the authorities that H1wfOAfW-9A-00452-00125603-00125854 she had been attacked but there are many H1wfOAfW-9A-00453-00125855-00126136 such cases in and around the district H1wfOAfW-9A-00454-00126138-00126443 here they believe in witchcraft vampires H1wfOAfW-9A-00455-00126444-00126749 and black magic and people crave revenge H1wfOAfW-9A-00456-00126750-00126971 on those who attacked them H1wfOAfW-9A-00457-00126972-00127181 another victim is the 27 year old H1wfOAfW-9A-00458-00127182-00127534 Florence kilung she says that she slept H1wfOAfW-9A-00459-00127535-00127708 at night in her house next to her H1wfOAfW-9A-00460-00127709-00128033 husband and suddenly saw the light as if H1wfOAfW-9A-00461-00128033-00128284 a fire had been lit in the house H1wfOAfW-9A-00462-00128285-00128489 then she heard the sound of the half H1wfOAfW-9A-00463-00128490-00128795 open door and then a pain in her finger H1wfOAfW-9A-00464-00128796-00129149 as if a needle had been stuck into it H1wfOAfW-9A-00465-00129150-00129373 the entrepreneur Orlando chapandra H1wfOAfW-9A-00466-00129374-00129623 miraculously escaped death from a H1wfOAfW-9A-00467-00129624-00129857 vigilante who saw in his house a sucker H1wfOAfW-9A-00468-00129858-00129971 of blood H1wfOAfW-9A-00469-00129972-00130181 he says that he was lucky they did not H1wfOAfW-9A-00470-00130182-00130354 manage to get to him H1wfOAfW-9A-00471-00130355-00130601 Orlando called the police who drove H1wfOAfW-9A-00472-00130602-00130834 people away from his house H1wfOAfW-9A-00473-00130835-00131008 it does not really matter to them H1wfOAfW-9A-00474-00131009-00131309 whether you are a vampire or not they H1wfOAfW-9A-00475-00131310-00131549 Envy the rich and attack anyone and call H1wfOAfW-9A-00476-00131550-00131777 him a vampire if he has a car Orlando H1wfOAfW-9A-00477-00131778-00131945 says H1wfOAfW-9A-00478-00131946-00132185 the Malawi National blood transfusion H1wfOAfW-9A-00479-00132186-00132466 service the only institution that has a H1wfOAfW-9A-00480-00132467-00132677 government permit to collect blood from H1wfOAfW-9A-00481-00132678-00132947 donors for hospitals says that rumors of H1wfOAfW-9A-00482-00132948-00133259 vampires have also affected their work H1wfOAfW-9A-00483-00133260-00133493 this problem has greatly affected us H1wfOAfW-9A-00484-00133494-00133727 they say it prevents us from doing our H1wfOAfW-9A-00485-00133728-00134051 work and collecting blood from donors H1wfOAfW-9A-00486-00134052-00134309 for attacks and attempts of lynching in H1wfOAfW-9A-00487-00134310-00134693 Malawi 250 people were arrested and more H1wfOAfW-9A-00488-00134694-00134951 than 40 in neighboring Mozambique where H1wfOAfW-9A-00489-00134952-00135251 vampires were rumored to have come from H1wfOAfW-9A-00490-00135252-00135533 situation forced president of Malawi H1wfOAfW-9A-00491-00135534-00135773 Peter matarika to intervene H1wfOAfW-9A-00492-00135774-00136007 there's no evidence of any attack by H1wfOAfW-9A-00493-00136008-00136271 vampires he says but these false rumors H1wfOAfW-9A-00494-00136272-00136583 are destabilizing the area those who H1wfOAfW-9A-00495-00136584-00136954 spread such rumors run into our laws H1wfOAfW-9A-00496-00136955-00137243 meanwhile riots due to vampires have H1wfOAfW-9A-00497-00137244-00137411 knocked down the country's tourism H1wfOAfW-9A-00498-00137412-00137537 industry H1wfOAfW-9A-00499-00137538-00137740 there are going to be less and less H1wfOAfW-9A-00500-00137741-00138028 Western tourists and so the budget of H1wfOAfW-9A-00501-00138029-00138316 the poor Malawi is short of a lot of H1wfOAfW-9A-00502-00138317-00138478 Superfluous money H1wfOAfW-9A-00503-00138479-00139459 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00504-00139460-00139781 thank you H1wfOAfW-9A-00505-00139782-00139981 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00506-00139982-00140321 a few weeks ago I was in the basement of H1wfOAfW-9A-00507-00140322-00140621 University Hospital in London Ontario H1wfOAfW-9A-00508-00140622-00140801 this is where the physiotherapy H1wfOAfW-9A-00509-00140802-00140914 department is H1wfOAfW-9A-00510-00140915-00141119 I was dropping off information about H1wfOAfW-9A-00511-00141120-00141323 upcoming knee surgery to one of the H1wfOAfW-9A-00512-00141324-00141473 therapists H1wfOAfW-9A-00513-00141474-00141802 to leave one must walk down a hallway go H1wfOAfW-9A-00514-00141803-00141983 through a set of doors then cross H1wfOAfW-9A-00515-00141984-00142235 another hallway diagonally to the doors H1wfOAfW-9A-00516-00142236-00142445 that lead to the reception area H1wfOAfW-9A-00517-00142446-00142709 there is not a high volume of people in H1wfOAfW-9A-00518-00142710-00142919 these basement corridors H1wfOAfW-9A-00519-00142920-00143104 when I left through the first hallway H1wfOAfW-9A-00520-00143105-00143314 door about to cross the second hallway H1wfOAfW-9A-00521-00143315-00143452 diagonally H1wfOAfW-9A-00522-00143453-00143711 I heard a noise to my right H1wfOAfW-9A-00523-00143712-00143914 I identified the sound immediately it H1wfOAfW-9A-00524-00143915-00144209 was the sound of a coin that had fallen H1wfOAfW-9A-00525-00144210-00144431 I spun my head to the right to see a H1wfOAfW-9A-00526-00144432-00144683 coin rolling from within an inch of the H1wfOAfW-9A-00527-00144684-00144923 wall adjacent to me and then rolling H1wfOAfW-9A-00528-00144924-00145163 across the hallway until it hit the wall H1wfOAfW-9A-00529-00145164-00145493 across from me where it came to a stop H1wfOAfW-9A-00530-00145494-00145781 I was rooted to the concrete looking for H1wfOAfW-9A-00531-00145782-00146045 a plausible source for this as I thought H1wfOAfW-9A-00532-00146046-00146249 I was alone H1wfOAfW-9A-00533-00146250-00146495 to the left of me the hallway went for H1wfOAfW-9A-00534-00146496-00146861 about 60 feet completely empty H1wfOAfW-9A-00535-00146862-00147052 and to the right for at least a hundred H1wfOAfW-9A-00536-00147053-00147335 feet and again completely devoid of H1wfOAfW-9A-00537-00147336-00147443 people H1wfOAfW-9A-00538-00147444-00147671 there was a folded up wheelchair not far H1wfOAfW-9A-00539-00147672-00147911 but that was all H1wfOAfW-9A-00540-00147912-00148054 I stood there for a few seconds H1wfOAfW-9A-00541-00148055-00148397 wondering how this was possible H1wfOAfW-9A-00542-00148398-00148631 I finally walked over to the coin and H1wfOAfW-9A-00543-00148632-00149027 picked it up it was a Canadian 1964 five H1wfOAfW-9A-00544-00149028-00149159 cent piece H1wfOAfW-9A-00545-00149160-00149464 the condition was very good and looked H1wfOAfW-9A-00546-00149465-00149735 to have oddly a very little wear due to H1wfOAfW-9A-00547-00149736-00149902 circulation H1wfOAfW-9A-00548-00149903-00150107 I walked through the door to reception H1wfOAfW-9A-00549-00150108-00150359 and asked them if the place was haunted H1wfOAfW-9A-00550-00150360-00150593 and described what had happened H1wfOAfW-9A-00551-00150594-00150851 they both found it curious but had no H1wfOAfW-9A-00552-00150852-00151066 experiences themselves H1wfOAfW-9A-00553-00151067-00151189 the date H1wfOAfW-9A-00554-00151190-00151523 1964 has no significance that I can H1wfOAfW-9A-00555-00151524-00151745 think of and other than its obvious H1wfOAfW-9A-00556-00151746-00152051 worth neither does a five cent coin H1wfOAfW-9A-00557-00152052-00152290 although I set the coin aside in my H1wfOAfW-9A-00558-00152291-00152476 entry closet when I got home H1wfOAfW-9A-00559-00152477-00152716 I saw it there for about a week H1wfOAfW-9A-00560-00152717-00152963 I cannot Now find it H1wfOAfW-9A-00561-00152964-00153173 perhaps I picked it up and put it in my H1wfOAfW-9A-00562-00153174-00153419 pocket with other change and spent it H1wfOAfW-9A-00563-00153420-00153647 but I don't think I would have been that H1wfOAfW-9A-00564-00153648-00153785 absent-minded H1wfOAfW-9A-00565-00153786-00153995 my wife says that she did not pick up H1wfOAfW-9A-00566-00153996-00154228 the coin either H1wfOAfW-9A-00567-00154229-00154589 as I write this I recall this is not the H1wfOAfW-9A-00568-00154590-00154901 first time I had coins fall next to me H1wfOAfW-9A-00569-00154902-00155171 about 10 years ago I was five minutes H1wfOAfW-9A-00570-00155172-00155447 into a shower and a five cent piece and H1wfOAfW-9A-00571-00155448-00155687 a 10 cent piece fell next to me on the H1wfOAfW-9A-00572-00155688-00155854 tile floor H1wfOAfW-9A-00573-00155855-00156131 the second unrelated occurrence was two H1wfOAfW-9A-00574-00156132-00156389 weeks ago we were sitting at the supper H1wfOAfW-9A-00575-00156390-00156640 table which doubles as my wife's marking H1wfOAfW-9A-00576-00156641-00156863 table she's a high school teacher and H1wfOAfW-9A-00577-00156864-00157037 when she lifted up a report to set the H1wfOAfW-9A-00578-00157038-00157223 table for breakfast there were two H1wfOAfW-9A-00579-00157224-00157439 guitar picks underneath it H1wfOAfW-9A-00580-00157440-00157637 she asked me and my daughter who was H1wfOAfW-9A-00581-00157638-00157847 visiting if we had put them there H1wfOAfW-9A-00582-00157848-00158033 of us had H1wfOAfW-9A-00583-00158034-00158237 I asked her if she recognized the guitar H1wfOAfW-9A-00584-00158238-00158440 picks and she did H1wfOAfW-9A-00585-00158441-00158704 they were hers and had both been sitting H1wfOAfW-9A-00586-00158705-00158921 on the upright piano for well over a H1wfOAfW-9A-00587-00158922-00159047 year H1wfOAfW-9A-00588-00159048-00159293 we ask the obvious questions about the H1wfOAfW-9A-00589-00159294-00159539 picks being moved with the papers but H1wfOAfW-9A-00590-00159540-00159766 she says that the papers were never near H1wfOAfW-9A-00591-00159767-00159989 the piano H1wfOAfW-9A-00592-00159990-00160157 this is not the first time we've had H1wfOAfW-9A-00593-00160158-00160409 objects move in the house but it has H1wfOAfW-9A-00594-00160410-00160678 been many years since it has happened H1wfOAfW-9A-00595-00160679-00160883 the previous odd things were the classic H1wfOAfW-9A-00596-00160884-00161099 have you seen the car keys thing H1wfOAfW-9A-00597-00161100-00161321 you look all over for them and then they H1wfOAfW-9A-00598-00161322-00161483 appear in the spot you looked for them H1wfOAfW-9A-00599-00161484-00161825 at first a half hour previous H1wfOAfW-9A-00600-00161826-00162107 as much as we try not to invite H1wfOAfW-9A-00601-00162108-00162413 disembodied visitors here it seems they H1wfOAfW-9A-00602-00162414-00162701 occasionally cross paths with us anyway H1wfOAfW-9A-00603-00162702-00162928 this amount of activity I can tolerate H1wfOAfW-9A-00604-00162929-00163193 it's not scary and makes for interesting H1wfOAfW-9A-00605-00163194-00163366 conversation H1wfOAfW-9A-00606-00163367-00163564 I would not like it to go much further H1wfOAfW-9A-00607-00163565-00163649 though H1wfOAfW-9A-00608-00163650-00163816 at least not at home H1wfOAfW-9A-00609-00163817-00163875 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00610-00163876-00163970 [Applause] H1wfOAfW-9A-00611-00163971-00164152 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00612-00164153-00164404 when we're Darkness Returns the strange H1wfOAfW-9A-00613-00164405-00164740 sighting of a UFO in the year 2000 still H1wfOAfW-9A-00614-00164741-00164951 has people looking to the Skies of H1wfOAfW-9A-00615-00164952-00165178 Southwestern Illinois H1wfOAfW-9A-00616-00165179-00165509 but first for years mysterious lights of H1wfOAfW-9A-00617-00165510-00165778 Dover have puzzled observers and it's H1wfOAfW-9A-00618-00165779-00166058 been happening for centuries H1wfOAfW-9A-00619-00166059-00166187 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00620-00166188-00167297 foreign H1wfOAfW-9A-00621-00167298-00167626 to what lengths will someone go in order H1wfOAfW-9A-00622-00167627-00167885 to survive does the survival Instinct H1wfOAfW-9A-00623-00167886-00168137 override their conscience and allow them H1wfOAfW-9A-00624-00168138-00168419 to commit not only murder but also the H1wfOAfW-9A-00625-00168420-00168676 taboo Act of cannibalism H1wfOAfW-9A-00626-00168677-00168923 what happens when a person crosses the H1wfOAfW-9A-00627-00168924-00169271 line from Dark Fantasy to real-life acts H1wfOAfW-9A-00628-00169272-00169552 of brutal rape murder and cannibalism H1wfOAfW-9A-00629-00169553-00169925 are these people driven by a desire so H1wfOAfW-9A-00630-00169926-00170189 insatiable that they're incapable of H1wfOAfW-9A-00631-00170190-00170326 controlling it H1wfOAfW-9A-00632-00170327-00170681 murderous Minds volume 3 stories of H1wfOAfW-9A-00633-00170682-00170861 real-life murderers that escape the H1wfOAfW-9A-00634-00170862-00171125 headlines is the latest offering in a H1wfOAfW-9A-00635-00171126-00171352 series that takes you inside the lives H1wfOAfW-9A-00636-00171353-00171599 of killers who committed cold-blooded H1wfOAfW-9A-00637-00171600-00171839 murder for a glimpse at events that H1wfOAfW-9A-00638-00171840-00172126 drove them to kill authored within a H1wfOAfW-9A-00639-00172127-00172390 historical context each chapter is an H1wfOAfW-9A-00640-00172391-00172702 unbelievable Venture inside the dark and H1wfOAfW-9A-00641-00172703-00172990 twisted world of real cannibal Killers H1wfOAfW-9A-00642-00172991-00173321 whose names and crimes might not be H1wfOAfW-9A-00643-00173322-00173471 familiar to you H1wfOAfW-9A-00644-00173472-00173687 by weaving a tail in which dark H1wfOAfW-9A-00645-00173688-00173987 fantasies become reality this audiobook H1wfOAfW-9A-00646-00173988-00174197 invites you to see life from a H1wfOAfW-9A-00647-00174198-00174497 perspective few ever witness from that H1wfOAfW-9A-00648-00174498-00174766 of the Killer along with a historical H1wfOAfW-9A-00649-00174767-00174964 look at cannibalism Through the Ages H1wfOAfW-9A-00650-00174965-00175223 these stories beg The Listener to answer H1wfOAfW-9A-00651-00175224-00175487 the question was the murderer committing H1wfOAfW-9A-00652-00175488-00175793 cannibalism because he was incapable of H1wfOAfW-9A-00653-00175794-00176051 resisting the urge to kill and consume H1wfOAfW-9A-00654-00176052-00176509 or is the explanation simply pure evil H1wfOAfW-9A-00655-00176510-00176902 murderous Minds volume 3 written by Ryan H1wfOAfW-9A-00656-00176903-00177214 Becker and Curtis Giles vasey narrated H1wfOAfW-9A-00657-00177215-00177490 by weird Darkness host Darren marlar H1wfOAfW-9A-00658-00177491-00177719 you're a free sample on the audiobooks H1wfOAfW-9A-00659-00177720-00178008 page at H1wfOAfW-9A-00660-00178009-00178868 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00661-00178869-00179719 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00662-00179720-00180126 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00663-00180127-00180485 for years mysterious lights of Dover H1wfOAfW-9A-00664-00180486-00180749 have fascinated enthusiasts interested H1wfOAfW-9A-00665-00180750-00181109 in unusual and unexplained phenomena H1wfOAfW-9A-00666-00181110-00181402 people systematically come each night to H1wfOAfW-9A-00667-00181403-00181649 a remote area located only 10 miles H1wfOAfW-9A-00668-00181650-00181901 north of Dover and not far from H1wfOAfW-9A-00669-00181902-00182171 Russellville Arkansas hoping to see this H1wfOAfW-9A-00670-00182172-00182314 light phenomenon H1wfOAfW-9A-00671-00182315-00182573 if they are lucky they can observe the H1wfOAfW-9A-00672-00182574-00182849 so-called Dover lights in a variety of H1wfOAfW-9A-00673-00182850-00183263 colors such as orange yellow red or blue H1wfOAfW-9A-00674-00183264-00183463 or simply white H1wfOAfW-9A-00675-00183464-00183725 sometimes the lights are flickering but H1wfOAfW-9A-00676-00183726-00183964 it also happens they look like lanterns H1wfOAfW-9A-00677-00183965-00184216 or flashlights and their brightness can H1wfOAfW-9A-00678-00184217-00184451 light up the entire Valley in the Ozark H1wfOAfW-9A-00679-00184452-00184588 Mountains H1wfOAfW-9A-00680-00184589-00184811 the lights have been observed since the H1wfOAfW-9A-00681-00184812-00185116 late 1800s and many Legends are H1wfOAfW-9A-00682-00185117-00185309 associated with them H1wfOAfW-9A-00683-00185310-00185531 the Dover lights are a phenomenon that H1wfOAfW-9A-00684-00185532-00185866 even to this day remains a mystery H1wfOAfW-9A-00685-00185867-00186154 one popular Legend tells a story about a H1wfOAfW-9A-00686-00186155-00186383 coal mine which collapsed one day H1wfOAfW-9A-00687-00186384-00186683 trapping and killing many miners H1wfOAfW-9A-00688-00186684-00186881 in this case the lights symbolize H1wfOAfW-9A-00689-00186882-00187109 lanterns which belong to miners who H1wfOAfW-9A-00690-00187110-00187288 desperately tried to find their way back H1wfOAfW-9A-00691-00187289-00187457 to their homes H1wfOAfW-9A-00692-00187458-00187709 another one explains the lights as the H1wfOAfW-9A-00693-00187710-00187883 spirits of ancient Native American H1wfOAfW-9A-00694-00187884-00188176 warriors and tribal leaders and yet H1wfOAfW-9A-00695-00188177-00188375 another tells the story of an elderly H1wfOAfW-9A-00696-00188376-00188590 and poor couple that had not money to H1wfOAfW-9A-00697-00188591-00188854 pay for doctor's help instead the doctor H1wfOAfW-9A-00698-00188855-00189113 was offered a bag of homemade bullets in H1wfOAfW-9A-00699-00189114-00189269 payment H1wfOAfW-9A-00700-00189270-00189502 years later after the old couple had H1wfOAfW-9A-00701-00189503-00189749 both passed away the doctor was cleaning H1wfOAfW-9A-00702-00189750-00189940 up his office and accidentally found the H1wfOAfW-9A-00703-00189941-00190181 long forgotten bag of bullets he H1wfOAfW-9A-00704-00190182-00190343 realized the bullets were not made of H1wfOAfW-9A-00705-00190344-00190714 lead but of pure silver and decided to H1wfOAfW-9A-00706-00190715-00190895 give up his practice and devote his H1wfOAfW-9A-00707-00190896-00191140 remaining years to a search for that H1wfOAfW-9A-00708-00191141-00191357 lost silver mine H1wfOAfW-9A-00709-00191358-00191554 the light that occasionally appears H1wfOAfW-9A-00710-00191555-00191837 hovering over the valley is believed to H1wfOAfW-9A-00711-00191838-00192083 be his lantern that he needs to continue H1wfOAfW-9A-00712-00192084-00192395 his search from Beyond the Grave H1wfOAfW-9A-00713-00192396-00192628 the Dover lights phenomenon has never H1wfOAfW-9A-00714-00192629-00192893 been solved despite it has appeared in H1wfOAfW-9A-00715-00192894-00193216 thick forest of the area since the 1800s H1wfOAfW-9A-00716-00193217-00193378 some believe the Dover lights are H1wfOAfW-9A-00717-00193379-00193619 nothing but a hoax and perhaps they're H1wfOAfW-9A-00718-00193620-00193702 right H1wfOAfW-9A-00719-00193703-00193907 others suggest the phenomenon is the H1wfOAfW-9A-00720-00193908-00194195 refraction of Lights from distant points H1wfOAfW-9A-00721-00194196-00194464 however many eyewitnesses to the Dover H1wfOAfW-9A-00722-00194465-00194795 lights definitely disagree because the H1wfOAfW-9A-00723-00194796-00194981 area where lights appear is hardly H1wfOAfW-9A-00724-00194982-00195173 accessible and the lights have been H1wfOAfW-9A-00725-00195174-00195371 appearing for many years H1wfOAfW-9A-00726-00195372-00195635 moreover they cannot be electric lights H1wfOAfW-9A-00727-00195636-00195893 because there has never been electricity H1wfOAfW-9A-00728-00195894-00196151 in the area of observations H1wfOAfW-9A-00729-00196152-00196402 the lights may also be of Supernatural H1wfOAfW-9A-00730-00196403-00196685 origin but in that case it is doubtful H1wfOAfW-9A-00731-00196686-00196888 that their mysterious origin will ever H1wfOAfW-9A-00732-00196889-00197051 be solved H1wfOAfW-9A-00733-00197052-00197266 as we know Supernatural is something H1wfOAfW-9A-00734-00197267-00197452 associated with forces we don't H1wfOAfW-9A-00735-00197453-00197752 understand and science cannot explain H1wfOAfW-9A-00736-00197753-00198127 either H1wfOAfW-9A-00737-00198128-00199354 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-00738-00199355-00199937 foreign H1wfOAfW-9A-00739-00199938-00200219 something happened in Illinois in H1wfOAfW-9A-00740-00200220-00200525 January 2000 that has never really been H1wfOAfW-9A-00741-00200526-00200663 explained H1wfOAfW-9A-00742-00200664-00200897 a number of UFO sightings occurred in H1wfOAfW-9A-00743-00200898-00201107 the southwestern part of the state and H1wfOAfW-9A-00744-00201108-00201359 got a lot of attention and it wasn't H1wfOAfW-9A-00745-00201360-00201569 just in Illinois H1wfOAfW-9A-00746-00201570-00201778 the sightings gained national attention H1wfOAfW-9A-00747-00201779-00201976 because there has likely been no other H1wfOAfW-9A-00748-00201977-00202271 time that so many people witnessed H1wfOAfW-9A-00749-00202272-00202516 something so unexplainable that it H1wfOAfW-9A-00750-00202517-00202726 managed to perplex people all over H1wfOAfW-9A-00751-00202727-00202900 America H1wfOAfW-9A-00752-00202901-00203104 the incident involved a number of H1wfOAfW-9A-00753-00203105-00203309 reliable Witnesses which consisted H1wfOAfW-9A-00754-00203310-00203543 mostly of police officers from a number H1wfOAfW-9A-00755-00203544-00203831 of small towns in the area and led many H1wfOAfW-9A-00756-00203832-00204028 to believe that something very strange H1wfOAfW-9A-00757-00204029-00204359 was going on in the Skies over Illinois H1wfOAfW-9A-00758-00204360-00204599 even more convincing than mere sightings H1wfOAfW-9A-00759-00204600-00204844 the officers maintained radio contact H1wfOAfW-9A-00760-00204846-00205060 through most of the event which H1wfOAfW-9A-00761-00205061-00205325 carefully tracked the progress of a huge H1wfOAfW-9A-00762-00205326-00205655 UFO that passed over the area H1wfOAfW-9A-00763-00205656-00205925 adding to this Scott Air Force Base was H1wfOAfW-9A-00764-00205926-00206134 only a mile or so out of the flight path H1wfOAfW-9A-00765-00206135-00206338 of the anomalous craft H1wfOAfW-9A-00766-00206339-00206621 and this helped to Focus Media attention H1wfOAfW-9A-00767-00206621-00206890 on the event for weeks after it actually H1wfOAfW-9A-00768-00206891-00207058 occurred H1wfOAfW-9A-00769-00207059-00207292 something very strange visited H1wfOAfW-9A-00770-00207294-00207569 Southwestern Illinois on January 5th H1wfOAfW-9A-00771-00207569-00207958 2000. but what it was remains a mystery H1wfOAfW-9A-00772-00207959-00208192 to this day H1wfOAfW-9A-00773-00208194-00208379 the first person to notice anything H1wfOAfW-9A-00774-00208380-00208577 strange during the early morning hours H1wfOAfW-9A-00775-00208578-00208912 of that day was melvern null the owner H1wfOAfW-9A-00776-00208913-00209182 of a miniature golf course in Highland H1wfOAfW-9A-00777-00209183-00209429 during the winter months Knoll worked as H1wfOAfW-9A-00778-00209430-00209692 a truck driver making deliveries at all H1wfOAfW-9A-00779-00209694-00209867 hours of the day and night H1wfOAfW-9A-00780-00209867-00210113 he was just returning from a delivery at H1wfOAfW-9A-00781-00210114-00210394 around 4 AM and before returning home he H1wfOAfW-9A-00782-00210396-00210569 decided to make a quick stop at his H1wfOAfW-9A-00783-00210569-00210791 miniature golf course just to make sure H1wfOAfW-9A-00784-00210792-00210953 everything was in order during the H1wfOAfW-9A-00785-00210954-00211084 off-season H1wfOAfW-9A-00786-00211085-00211271 he parked his truck in the back of the H1wfOAfW-9A-00787-00211271-00211487 building and as he climbed out he looked H1wfOAfW-9A-00788-00211488-00211703 up and noticed what he thought was a H1wfOAfW-9A-00789-00211704-00211991 bright star in the northeastern sky H1wfOAfW-9A-00790-00211992-00212201 he didn't give it much thought at the H1wfOAfW-9A-00791-00212202-00212494 time and went into the building H1wfOAfW-9A-00792-00212496-00212825 after a few minutes inside he left and H1wfOAfW-9A-00793-00212826-00213005 locked the door behind him H1wfOAfW-9A-00794-00213006-00213275 as he walked back to the truck he again H1wfOAfW-9A-00795-00213276-00213484 noticed the bright light H1wfOAfW-9A-00796-00213485-00213737 this time he stopped and looked at it H1wfOAfW-9A-00797-00213738-00213863 more closely H1wfOAfW-9A-00798-00213864-00214144 it was then that he realized that the H1wfOAfW-9A-00799-00214146-00214444 star was actually moving in his general H1wfOAfW-9A-00800-00214446-00214601 direction H1wfOAfW-9A-00801-00214602-00214810 as he watched it he began to realize H1wfOAfW-9A-00802-00214811-00214996 that the light was a part of a much H1wfOAfW-9A-00803-00214998-00215279 larger object it looked like a giant H1wfOAfW-9A-00804-00215280-00215482 rectangle in the sky that was roughly H1wfOAfW-9A-00805-00215483-00215687 the size of a football field H1wfOAfW-9A-00806-00215688-00215944 it was very tall and had a set of H1wfOAfW-9A-00807-00215946-00216203 Windows that ran down the side H1wfOAfW-9A-00808-00216204-00216437 there were two floors with windows that H1wfOAfW-9A-00809-00216438-00216767 emitted a very bright light Noel saw and H1wfOAfW-9A-00810-00216767-00217037 as the object got closer he also spotted H1wfOAfW-9A-00811-00217038-00217265 a number of dim red lights on the bottom H1wfOAfW-9A-00812-00217266-00217571 of it the entire object was black or H1wfOAfW-9A-00813-00217571-00217810 dark gray in color and he later H1wfOAfW-9A-00814-00217811-00218087 described the thing as a two-story house H1wfOAfW-9A-00815-00218088-00218321 in the sky H1wfOAfW-9A-00816-00218321-00218621 Noel watched as it moved silently across H1wfOAfW-9A-00817-00218621-00218831 the sky and as it passed to the H1wfOAfW-9A-00818-00218832-00219101 Southwest he also spotted more windows H1wfOAfW-9A-00819-00219102-00219305 across the back of the object H1wfOAfW-9A-00820-00219306-00219544 as the ship passed over him Noel H1wfOAfW-9A-00821-00219546-00219748 realized that it was moving much slower H1wfOAfW-9A-00822-00219750-00220001 than a conventional aircraft and it H1wfOAfW-9A-00823-00220002-00220223 certainly did not look like one H1wfOAfW-9A-00824-00220223-00220481 the entire sighting lasted almost five H1wfOAfW-9A-00825-00220482-00220667 minutes H1wfOAfW-9A-00826-00220667-00220937 as the object vanished from sight Knoll H1wfOAfW-9A-00827-00220938-00221123 promptly climbed into his truck and H1wfOAfW-9A-00828-00221123-00221381 drove to the Highland Police Station he H1wfOAfW-9A-00829-00221382-00221573 was sure that no one would believe him H1wfOAfW-9A-00830-00221573-00221842 but hoped that whoever was on duty might H1wfOAfW-9A-00831-00221844-00222058 be open-minded enough to at least H1wfOAfW-9A-00832-00222059-00222251 contact a neighboring towns police H1wfOAfW-9A-00833-00222252-00222491 department and see if the strange object H1wfOAfW-9A-00834-00222492-00222694 in the sky could be verified H1wfOAfW-9A-00835-00222696-00222941 the dispatcher in Highland was skeptical H1wfOAfW-9A-00836-00222942-00223156 of Noel's account but because he did H1wfOAfW-9A-00837-00223157-00223391 appear to be rational agreed to put a H1wfOAfW-9A-00838-00223392-00223619 call into the police in Lebanon and H1wfOAfW-9A-00839-00223619-00223787 asked them to be on the lookout for H1wfOAfW-9A-00840-00223788-00223984 anything unusual H1wfOAfW-9A-00841-00223985-00224206 officer Ed Barton received the call in H1wfOAfW-9A-00842-00224207-00224513 Lebanon at around 4 15 A.M H1wfOAfW-9A-00843-00224514-00224777 not surprisingly he was dubious of the H1wfOAfW-9A-00844-00224778-00225034 report at first and asked the dispatcher H1wfOAfW-9A-00845-00225035-00225179 if he was joking H1wfOAfW-9A-00846-00225180-00225394 when he was assured that it was a H1wfOAfW-9A-00847-00225396-00225629 serious call he drove to the north end H1wfOAfW-9A-00848-00225630-00225887 of town past Horner Park and onto H1wfOAfW-9A-00849-00225888-00226031 whiticus Road H1wfOAfW-9A-00850-00226032-00226277 he saw absolutely nothing out of the H1wfOAfW-9A-00851-00226278-00226517 ordinary but followed the road as it H1wfOAfW-9A-00852-00226517-00226727 turned to the North and the East toward H1wfOAfW-9A-00853-00226728-00226925 Illinois Route 4. H1wfOAfW-9A-00854-00226926-00227201 a short distance along this road officer H1wfOAfW-9A-00855-00227202-00227489 Barton looked up and saw two large H1wfOAfW-9A-00856-00227490-00227813 brilliant white lights in the sky H1wfOAfW-9A-00857-00227814-00228053 curious he now began to drive a little H1wfOAfW-9A-00858-00228054-00228155 faster H1wfOAfW-9A-00859-00228156-00228365 when he arrived at Route 4 he turned H1wfOAfW-9A-00860-00228366-00228569 South and headed back towards Lebanon H1wfOAfW-9A-00861-00228569-00228767 watching the lights from his driver's H1wfOAfW-9A-00862-00228767-00229013 side window as he sped along H1wfOAfW-9A-00863-00229014-00229277 at some point he stated that the two H1wfOAfW-9A-00864-00229278-00229619 lights seemed to merge into one and he H1wfOAfW-9A-00865-00229619-00229810 turned on his overhead emergency lights H1wfOAfW-9A-00866-00229811-00230069 convinced now that the lights in the sky H1wfOAfW-9A-00867-00230069-00230315 were part of a low-flying aircraft that H1wfOAfW-9A-00868-00230316-00230584 was experiencing mechanical problems H1wfOAfW-9A-00869-00230585-00230860 the more that Barton drove the more he H1wfOAfW-9A-00870-00230861-00231071 started to notice details about what he H1wfOAfW-9A-00871-00231071-00231196 was observing H1wfOAfW-9A-00872-00231198-00231442 he first noted that one of what he H1wfOAfW-9A-00873-00231444-00231653 thought was a round light was actually H1wfOAfW-9A-00874-00231654-00232025 somewhat long and cigar-shaped he also H1wfOAfW-9A-00875-00232026-00232229 saw that the object was not really H1wfOAfW-9A-00876-00232230-00232505 moving but sitting stationary in the sky H1wfOAfW-9A-00877-00232506-00232691 above the neighboring town of H1wfOAfW-9A-00878-00232692-00232841 Summerfield H1wfOAfW-9A-00879-00232842-00233063 a few moments later it began to move H1wfOAfW-9A-00880-00233064-00233153 again H1wfOAfW-9A-00881-00233154-00233458 this time in his Direction and Barton H1wfOAfW-9A-00882-00233459-00233621 stopped his car H1wfOAfW-9A-00883-00233621-00233831 he turned off his lights and then turned H1wfOAfW-9A-00884-00233832-00234046 off his car radio in order to hear any H1wfOAfW-9A-00885-00234048-00234292 sound the craft might be making H1wfOAfW-9A-00886-00234294-00234515 as far as he could tell though it was H1wfOAfW-9A-00887-00234516-00234731 completely silent H1wfOAfW-9A-00888-00234732-00234994 as the dark shape got closer he could H1wfOAfW-9A-00889-00234996-00235181 make out more details H1wfOAfW-9A-00890-00235182-00235439 it appeared to be a massive elongated H1wfOAfW-9A-00891-00235440-00235708 narrow triangle and at Each corner he H1wfOAfW-9A-00892-00235709-00235955 could see a bright white light H1wfOAfW-9A-00893-00235956-00236141 the lights never wavered in their H1wfOAfW-9A-00894-00236142-00236332 intensity and appeared to be pointing H1wfOAfW-9A-00895-00236333-00236477 straight down H1wfOAfW-9A-00896-00236478-00236698 they did not light up the ground but H1wfOAfW-9A-00897-00236700-00237058 they were Martin noted still very bright H1wfOAfW-9A-00898-00237059-00237334 amidst them he also saw a smaller red H1wfOAfW-9A-00899-00237335-00237551 light that was flashing H1wfOAfW-9A-00900-00237552-00237796 the ship moved closer and the officer H1wfOAfW-9A-00901-00237798-00238031 realized that all of the sky above him H1wfOAfW-9A-00902-00238032-00238373 had now been blotted out by the shape H1wfOAfW-9A-00903-00238373-00238648 even at this close distance which he H1wfOAfW-9A-00904-00238650-00238834 guessed at no more than a thousand feet H1wfOAfW-9A-00905-00238835-00239237 from the ground the object made no noise H1wfOAfW-9A-00906-00239238-00239501 continued to watch as it turned in a H1wfOAfW-9A-00907-00239502-00239758 southwesterly direction never banking H1wfOAfW-9A-00908-00239759-00240010 like a normal aircraft would but H1wfOAfW-9A-00909-00240011-00240196 rotating in the sky H1wfOAfW-9A-00910-00240198-00240539 always remaining completely level H1wfOAfW-9A-00911-00240540-00240821 Martin now scrambled for his radio and H1wfOAfW-9A-00912-00240821-00241067 called in to describe what he was seeing H1wfOAfW-9A-00913-00241067-00241337 in between Transmissions he saw the H1wfOAfW-9A-00914-00241338-00241577 aircraft start to pick up speed and H1wfOAfW-9A-00915-00241578-00241739 travel away from him H1wfOAfW-9A-00916-00241740-00241984 as it did he saw the back portion of it H1wfOAfW-9A-00917-00241985-00242165 for the first time and when later H1wfOAfW-9A-00918-00242166-00242381 describe it as rectangular and H1wfOAfW-9A-00919-00242382-00242627 illuminated with white light H1wfOAfW-9A-00920-00242628-00242903 by the time he finished his last call he H1wfOAfW-9A-00921-00242904-00243065 told the dispatcher that he estimated H1wfOAfW-9A-00922-00243066-00243287 the object was now above the town of H1wfOAfW-9A-00923-00243288-00243515 Shiloh about eight miles to the H1wfOAfW-9A-00924-00243516-00243682 Southwest H1wfOAfW-9A-00925-00243683-00243994 at this time officer David Martin of the H1wfOAfW-9A-00926-00243996-00244229 Shiloh Police Department joined in on H1wfOAfW-9A-00927-00244230-00244487 the sighting and radioed back that he H1wfOAfW-9A-00928-00244488-00244792 could indeed see something in the sky H1wfOAfW-9A-00929-00244794-00244996 he'd been driving along the southern end H1wfOAfW-9A-00930-00244998-00245189 of town when he saw the mysterious H1wfOAfW-9A-00931-00245190-00245537 object which he saw moving to the West H1wfOAfW-9A-00932-00245538-00245753 Martin saw the three brilliant white H1wfOAfW-9A-00933-00245754-00245963 lights as well as the flashing red one H1wfOAfW-9A-00934-00245964-00246269 before he actually saw the dark mass of H1wfOAfW-9A-00935-00246269-00246425 the ship's body H1wfOAfW-9A-00936-00246426-00246671 he thought the object resembled a wide H1wfOAfW-9A-00937-00246671-00246958 triangle or an arrowhead and as he H1wfOAfW-9A-00938-00246959-00247151 chased after it he stuck his head out H1wfOAfW-9A-00939-00247152-00247348 the window to see if he could hear any H1wfOAfW-9A-00940-00247350-00247534 sounds coming from it H1wfOAfW-9A-00941-00247535-00247787 like the other Witnesses he heard H1wfOAfW-9A-00942-00247788-00248039 absolutely no sound H1wfOAfW-9A-00943-00248040-00248284 finally the craft picked up speed and H1wfOAfW-9A-00944-00248285-00248525 moved out of the area H1wfOAfW-9A-00945-00248526-00248734 by this time the weird radio H1wfOAfW-9A-00946-00248735-00248921 Transmissions were attracting the H1wfOAfW-9A-00947-00248921-00249119 attention of other officers on early H1wfOAfW-9A-00948-00249119-00249437 morning Duty in surrounding small towns H1wfOAfW-9A-00949-00249438-00249605 while a number of officers would H1wfOAfW-9A-00950-00249606-00249808 eventually be involved in the sighting H1wfOAfW-9A-00951-00249809-00250091 one has to wonder how great the numbers H1wfOAfW-9A-00952-00250092-00250337 may have been if the craft had appeared H1wfOAfW-9A-00953-00250338-00250558 in the sky over a large Illinois city H1wfOAfW-9A-00954-00250559-00250787 rather than a series of sleepy little H1wfOAfW-9A-00955-00250788-00251123 towns with only a few policemen on duty H1wfOAfW-9A-00956-00251123-00251392 one officer who became curious about the H1wfOAfW-9A-00957-00251394-00251717 affair was Craig Stevens a cop in nearby H1wfOAfW-9A-00958-00251717-00251975 Millstadt after hearing the other calls H1wfOAfW-9A-00959-00251976-00252191 he drove to the East end of town in an H1wfOAfW-9A-00960-00252192-00252467 attempt to see this thing in the sky H1wfOAfW-9A-00961-00252467-00252713 he drove around for a time seeing H1wfOAfW-9A-00962-00252714-00252953 nothing and then ended up at leader H1wfOAfW-9A-00963-00252954-00253198 Krantz park on the north end of town H1wfOAfW-9A-00964-00253200-00253384 he was looking out the windshield of his H1wfOAfW-9A-00965-00253385-00253579 squad car when he spotted a large H1wfOAfW-9A-00966-00253580-00253853 triangular-shaped object in the sky H1wfOAfW-9A-00967-00253854-00254165 he described it as moving very slow and H1wfOAfW-9A-00968-00254166-00254387 he said that it made no noise except for H1wfOAfW-9A-00969-00254388-00254603 a low decibel buzzing sound that he H1wfOAfW-9A-00970-00254604-00254794 could barely hear H1wfOAfW-9A-00971-00254796-00255094 as he watched it moved to the north and H1wfOAfW-9A-00972-00255096-00255310 he saw the white lights and the single H1wfOAfW-9A-00973-00255311-00255508 red light on the bottom H1wfOAfW-9A-00974-00255509-00255713 Stevens called his dispatcher to report H1wfOAfW-9A-00975-00255714-00255923 that he'd seen the object and then H1wfOAfW-9A-00976-00255923-00256144 grabbed his Polaroid camera and jumped H1wfOAfW-9A-00977-00256146-00256253 out of the car H1wfOAfW-9A-00978-00256254-00256481 he aimed the camera at the object and H1wfOAfW-9A-00979-00256482-00256619 took a photo H1wfOAfW-9A-00980-00256619-00256865 unfortunately the cold morning air and H1wfOAfW-9A-00981-00256866-00257008 the Dark of the early morning hours H1wfOAfW-9A-00982-00257009-00257225 produced only a murky and barely H1wfOAfW-9A-00983-00257226-00257453 discernible image H1wfOAfW-9A-00984-00257454-00257687 not long after the events that occurred H1wfOAfW-9A-00985-00257688-00257921 that night became public the Saint Clair H1wfOAfW-9A-00986-00257921-00258094 County Sheriff's Office released copies H1wfOAfW-9A-00987-00258096-00258389 of the dispatch tapes from January 5th H1wfOAfW-9A-00988-00258390-00258598 the Transmissions between the officers H1wfOAfW-9A-00989-00258600-00258779 and dispatchers from the various towns H1wfOAfW-9A-00990-00258780-00259908 make an eerie addition to the story H1wfOAfW-9A-00991-00259909-00260141 of Lebanon H1wfOAfW-9A-00992-00260142-00260417 through story house H1wfOAfW-9A-00993-00260417-00260591 light red blinking lights H1wfOAfW-9A-00994-00260592-00260879 last seen Southwest over Lebanon you H1wfOAfW-9A-00995-00260880-00261127 check the area H1wfOAfW-9A-00996-00261128-00261448 did they say the truck driver was DUI or H1wfOAfW-9A-00997-00261450-00261544 anything H1wfOAfW-9A-00998-00261546-00261827 10-4 I'm out H1wfOAfW-9A-00999-00261828-00262096 all right just a quick question if I H1wfOAfW-9A-01000-00262098-00262313 happen to fight what am I supposed to do H1wfOAfW-9A-01001-00262314-00262660 with it if I see it I'm not saying a H1wfOAfW-9A-01002-00262661-00262987 word H1wfOAfW-9A-01003-00262988-00263206 also be advised the last thing that went H1wfOAfW-9A-01004-00263207-00263506 over Lebanon this was approximately five H1wfOAfW-9A-01005-00263507-00263747 minutes ago uh was a military cargo H1wfOAfW-9A-01006-00263748-00264215 plane looked like a C5 H1wfOAfW-9A-01007-00264216-00264575 be advised there's a very bright white H1wfOAfW-9A-01008-00264576-00264832 light east of town it looks like it's H1wfOAfW-9A-01009-00264833-00265330 just east of Summerfield H1wfOAfW-9A-01010-00265331-00265505 I'll go over there and see if it looks H1wfOAfW-9A-01011-00265506-00265673 like an aircraft it doesn't look like an H1wfOAfW-9A-01012-00265674-00266058 aircraft though H1wfOAfW-9A-01013-00266059-00266441 it's not the moon it's not a star H1wfOAfW-9A-01014-00266442-00266608 what would you contact Scott Air Force H1wfOAfW-9A-01015-00266609-00266693 Base and see if they have anything H1wfOAfW-9A-01016-00266694-00266855 flying in this area H1wfOAfW-9A-01017-00266856-00267058 well it's a plane or not H1wfOAfW-9A-01018-00267059-00267293 it's heading westbound now H1wfOAfW-9A-01019-00267294-00267508 hit really close to Scott now H1wfOAfW-9A-01020-00267509-00267665 as Shiloh officer of something they H1wfOAfW-9A-01021-00267666-00267743 could probably H1wfOAfW-9A-01022-00267744-00268001 help you H1wfOAfW-9A-01023-00268002-00268265 I see something but I don't know what H1wfOAfW-9A-01024-00268266-00268487 the heck it is it's probably heading to H1wfOAfW-9A-01025-00268488-00268960 Lambert H1wfOAfW-9A-01026-00268961-00269287 um I've got that object inside also H1wfOAfW-9A-01027-00269288-00270025 are you serious H1wfOAfW-9A-01028-00270026-00270358 does it look like a what does it look H1wfOAfW-9A-01029-00270359-00270743 like to you H1wfOAfW-9A-01030-00270744-00270941 um it's kind of v-shaped it looks like H1wfOAfW-9A-01031-00270942-00271393 it's possibly headed towards Lambert H1wfOAfW-9A-01032-00271394-00271660 10-4 that's what Shiloh said when it was H1wfOAfW-9A-01033-00271661-00271967 heading towards Fairview Heights H1wfOAfW-9A-01034-00271968-00274705 foreign H1wfOAfW-9A-01035-00274706-00274906 when I could first see it with H1wfOAfW-9A-01036-00274907-00275075 binoculars you could see it was H1wfOAfW-9A-01037-00275076-00275363 different colors now it appears to be H1wfOAfW-9A-01038-00275364-00275556 white H1wfOAfW-9A-01039-00275557-00275849 is very large H1wfOAfW-9A-01040-00275850-00276125 it's hard to tell it's pretty far off in H1wfOAfW-9A-01041-00276126-00276643 the distance H1wfOAfW-9A-01042-00276644-00276906 was huge H1wfOAfW-9A-01043-00276907-00277319 this thing appears it's probably 20 or H1wfOAfW-9A-01044-00277320-00277553 30 000. it's about where planes usually H1wfOAfW-9A-01045-00277554-00277858 are it's not low at all H1wfOAfW-9A-01046-00277859-00278099 the Dupo officer mentioned in the H1wfOAfW-9A-01047-00278100-00278260 transmission reports was the last H1wfOAfW-9A-01048-00278261-00278513 officer officially to report seeing the H1wfOAfW-9A-01049-00278514-00278680 object that morning H1wfOAfW-9A-01050-00278681-00278879 after hearing officer Stevens radio H1wfOAfW-9A-01051-00278880-00279065 traffic he decided to have a look for H1wfOAfW-9A-01052-00279066-00279299 himself as to whether or not a huge H1wfOAfW-9A-01053-00279300-00279532 craft was passing over the area H1wfOAfW-9A-01054-00279533-00279725 about five minutes after Stephen's H1wfOAfW-9A-01055-00279726-00279965 citing the depot officer also saw the H1wfOAfW-9A-01056-00279966-00280205 array of lights over his town H1wfOAfW-9A-01057-00280206-00280456 however he stated that the lights were H1wfOAfW-9A-01058-00280457-00280673 at a fairly high altitude and were H1wfOAfW-9A-01059-00280674-00280901 heading to the north and Northeast H1wfOAfW-9A-01060-00280902-00281165 in fact they were now so high that he H1wfOAfW-9A-01061-00281166-00281339 likely would not have noticed them if H1wfOAfW-9A-01062-00281340-00281519 not for the radio calls that he'd been H1wfOAfW-9A-01063-00281520-00281663 listening to H1wfOAfW-9A-01064-00281664-00281849 he watched it through binoculars but H1wfOAfW-9A-01065-00281850-00282029 because of the distance he really H1wfOAfW-9A-01066-00282030-00282221 couldn't make out anything other than H1wfOAfW-9A-01067-00282222-00282401 the red and white lights H1wfOAfW-9A-01068-00282402-00282665 he could see nothing of its shape or H1wfOAfW-9A-01069-00282666-00282808 size H1wfOAfW-9A-01070-00282809-00283055 after that the object disappeared from H1wfOAfW-9A-01071-00283056-00283295 the sky but landed firmly into the H1wfOAfW-9A-01072-00283296-00283547 mysterious history of Illinois H1wfOAfW-9A-01073-00283548-00283847 what was this bizarre ship H1wfOAfW-9A-01074-00283848-00284075 was it really a UFO that would have H1wfOAfW-9A-01075-00284076-00284332 passed over Illinois without incident if H1wfOAfW-9A-01076-00284333-00284549 not for the watchful eyes of a miniature H1wfOAfW-9A-01077-00284550-00284777 golf course owner and a few small town H1wfOAfW-9A-01078-00284778-00284927 police officers H1wfOAfW-9A-01079-00284928-00285251 if it was one has to wonder how it could H1wfOAfW-9A-01080-00285252-00285437 have passed within a mile of Scott Air H1wfOAfW-9A-01081-00285438-00285677 Force Base without causing some grave H1wfOAfW-9A-01082-00285678-00285934 concerns on the part of the military H1wfOAfW-9A-01083-00285935-00286151 they would later state that they knew H1wfOAfW-9A-01084-00286152-00286408 nothing of the large ship leading many H1wfOAfW-9A-01085-00286409-00286619 to believe that perhaps their denials H1wfOAfW-9A-01086-00286620-00286847 only hid the fact that this was some H1wfOAfW-9A-01087-00286848-00287080 sort of test plane and not a mysterious H1wfOAfW-9A-01088-00287081-00287237 vessel at all H1wfOAfW-9A-01089-00287238-00287423 but those who might suggest that the H1wfOAfW-9A-01090-00287424-00287675 craft came from Scott Air Base can H1wfOAfW-9A-01091-00287676-00287830 forget about that H1wfOAfW-9A-01092-00287831-00288047 my brother was in the Air Force for many H1wfOAfW-9A-01093-00288048-00288251 years and spent a few of them stationed H1wfOAfW-9A-01094-00288252-00288371 at Scott H1wfOAfW-9A-01095-00288372-00288671 he told me flat out but not only are H1wfOAfW-9A-01096-00288672-00288941 there no test planes kept at Scott but H1wfOAfW-9A-01097-00288942-00289121 there would be no place to land anything H1wfOAfW-9A-01098-00289122-00289355 like what was described that would be H1wfOAfW-9A-01099-00289356-00289553 away from the public eye H1wfOAfW-9A-01100-00289554-00289991 UFO secret test plane or something else H1wfOAfW-9A-01101-00289992-00290134 altogether H1wfOAfW-9A-01102-00290135-00290297 no one knows H1wfOAfW-9A-01103-00290298-00290513 but one thing is certain H1wfOAfW-9A-01104-00290514-00290765 those officers certainly saw something H1wfOAfW-9A-01105-00290766-00291058 in the Illinois sky that night H1wfOAfW-9A-01106-00291059-00291280 for now though what it may have been H1wfOAfW-9A-01107-00291281-00291758 remains unexplained H1wfOAfW-9A-01108-00291759-00292619 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-01109-00292620-00293027 foreign H1wfOAfW-9A-01110-00293028-00293243 thanks for listening if you like the H1wfOAfW-9A-01111-00293244-00293405 show please share it with someone you H1wfOAfW-9A-01112-00293406-00293597 know who loves the Paranormal or strange H1wfOAfW-9A-01113-00293598-00293932 stories true crime monsters or Unsolved H1wfOAfW-9A-01114-00293933-00294149 Mysteries like you do you can email me H1wfOAfW-9A-01115-00294150-00294305 anytime with your questions or comments H1wfOAfW-9A-01116-00294306-00294649 at Darren Darren is H1wfOAfW-9A-01117-00294650-00294817 d-a-r-r-e-n H1wfOAfW-9A-01118-00294818-00295030 is also where you can H1wfOAfW-9A-01119-00295031-00295253 find all of my social media listen to H1wfOAfW-9A-01120-00295254-00295510 free audio books I've narrated visit the H1wfOAfW-9A-01121-00295511-00295667 store for weird Darkness t-shirts H1wfOAfW-9A-01122-00295668-00295955 hoodies mugs phone cases and more H1wfOAfW-9A-01123-00295956-00296230 merchandise sign up for monthly contests H1wfOAfW-9A-01124-00296231-00296555 find other podcasts that I host and find H1wfOAfW-9A-01125-00296556-00296813 the Hope in the darkness page if you or H1wfOAfW-9A-01126-00296814-00297017 someone you know is struggling with H1wfOAfW-9A-01127-00297018-00297317 depression or dark thoughts also on the H1wfOAfW-9A-01128-00297318-00297521 website if you have a true paranormal or H1wfOAfW-9A-01129-00297522-00297719 creepy tale to tell you can click on H1wfOAfW-9A-01130-00297720-00297977 tell your story you can find all of that H1wfOAfW-9A-01131-00297978-00298313 and more at H1wfOAfW-9A-01132-00298314-00298487 all stories in weird Darkness aren't H1wfOAfW-9A-01133-00298488-00298684 purported to be true unless stated H1wfOAfW-9A-01134-00298685-00298895 otherwise and you can find source links H1wfOAfW-9A-01135-00298896-00299075 or links to the authors in the show H1wfOAfW-9A-01136-00299076-00299182 notes H1wfOAfW-9A-01137-00299183-00299458 something is up there the 2000 UFO H1wfOAfW-9A-01138-00299459-00299705 invasion of Illinois was written by Troy H1wfOAfW-9A-01139-00299706-00299815 Taylor H1wfOAfW-9A-01140-00299816-00300041 Frankenstein author Mary Shelley kept H1wfOAfW-9A-01141-00300042-00300208 her dead husband's heart for 30 years H1wfOAfW-9A-01142-00300209-00300455 was written by Larry Mitchell for did H1wfOAfW-9A-01143-00300456-00300682 you know H1wfOAfW-9A-01144-00300683-00300934 Clinton Road take a terrifying drive H1wfOAfW-9A-01145-00300935-00301180 down America's Most Haunted roadway was H1wfOAfW-9A-01146-00301181-00301445 posted online at the lineup H1wfOAfW-9A-01147-00301446-00301679 Malawi vampires was posted at Earth H1wfOAfW-9A-01148-00301680-00301834 Chronicles H1wfOAfW-9A-01149-00301835-00302093 mysterious lights of Dover was posted at H1wfOAfW-9A-01150-00302094-00302315 H1wfOAfW-9A-01151-00302316-00302567 coins and guitar picks was posted at H1wfOAfW-9A-01152-00302568-00302849 H1wfOAfW-9A-01153-00302850-00303017 where darkness is a production and H1wfOAfW-9A-01154-00303018-00303215 trademark of marlar House Productions H1wfOAfW-9A-01155-00303216-00303497 copyright 2023 H1wfOAfW-9A-01156-00303498-00303641 and now that we're coming out of the H1wfOAfW-9A-01157-00303642-00303934 dark I'll leave you with a little light H1wfOAfW-9A-01158-00303935-00304319 First Corinthians 15 verse 33. do not be H1wfOAfW-9A-01159-00304320-00304637 misled Bad Company corrupts good H1wfOAfW-9A-01160-00304638-00304804 character H1wfOAfW-9A-01161-00304805-00305129 and a final thought don't behave as if H1wfOAfW-9A-01162-00305130-00305429 you are destined to live forever H1wfOAfW-9A-01163-00305430-00305699 Marcus Aurelius H1wfOAfW-9A-01164-00305700-00305987 I'm Darren marlar thanks for joining me H1wfOAfW-9A-01165-00305988-00306700 in the weird Darkness H1wfOAfW-9A-01166-00306701-00307079 [Music] H1wfOAfW-9A-01167-00307080-00307306 hey weirdos be sure to click the like H1wfOAfW-9A-01168-00307307-00307529 button and subscribe to this Channel and H1wfOAfW-9A-01169-00307530-00307708 click the notification Bell so you don't H1wfOAfW-9A-01170-00307709-00307973 miss future videos I post videos seven H1wfOAfW-9A-01171-00307974-00308147 days a week and while you're at it H1wfOAfW-9A-01172-00308148-00308332 spread the darkness by sharing this H1wfOAfW-9A-01173-00308333-00308495 video with someone you know who loves H1wfOAfW-9A-01174-00308496-00308723 all things strange and Macabre if you H1wfOAfW-9A-01175-00308724-00308884 want to listen to the podcast you can H1wfOAfW-9A-01176-00308885-00309330 find it at listen H1IAo_C6qQQ-00000-00000039-00000399 i know what we can do get a cow no H1IAo_C6qQQ-00001-00000400-00000815 we'll have a garage sale yeah if we ever H1IAo_C6qQQ-00002-00000816-00000966 got ourselves H1IAo_C6qQQ-00003-00000967-00001150 a cow no H1IAo_C6qQQ-00004-00001151-00001759 we can make H1IAo_C6qQQ-00005-00001760-00001998 then it's settled we're getting a cow H1IAo_C6qQQ-00006-00002000-00002183 why do you want a cow his cows make H1IAo_C6qQQ-00007-00002184-00002526 delicious H1IAo_C6qQQ-00008-00002527-00002919 make delicious what what H2YkI9j1Exy-00000-00000312-00000534 good morning and welcome to H2YkI9j1Exy-00001-00000535-00000831 be fit live happy monday roy and H2YkI9j1Exy-00002-00000832-00001150 sergeant barry how are you guys doing H2YkI9j1Exy-00003-00001151-00001383 hi leah happy monday to you it's so good H2YkI9j1Exy-00004-00001384-00001454 to be back H2YkI9j1Exy-00005-00001455-00001782 for another fit live excellent H2YkI9j1Exy-00006-00001784-00002071 well let's just jump right into it you H2YkI9j1Exy-00007-00002072-00002263 guys who are watching if you have any H2YkI9j1Exy-00008-00002264-00002479 questions for roy throughout the H2YkI9j1Exy-00009-00002480-00002791 the be fit live or any modifications H2YkI9j1Exy-00010-00002792-00002950 anything that you need help with just H2YkI9j1Exy-00011-00002951-00003071 let us know and H2YkI9j1Exy-00012-00003072-00003270 i will be happy to read those out to roy H2YkI9j1Exy-00013-00003271-00003463 and get answers for you guys H2YkI9j1Exy-00014-00003464-00003879 and roy let's get this going H2YkI9j1Exy-00015-00003879-00004070 thank you leah sergeant barry so good to H2YkI9j1Exy-00016-00004071-00004270 have you back with us today H2YkI9j1Exy-00017-00004271-00004551 welcome back we have a full body workout H2YkI9j1Exy-00018-00004552-00004719 planned for us today H2YkI9j1Exy-00019-00004720-00004967 uh first off good morning good afternoon H2YkI9j1Exy-00020-00004968-00005118 or good evening to everyone H2YkI9j1Exy-00021-00005119-00005375 out there uh all of our bfit nation H2YkI9j1Exy-00022-00005376-00005527 watching us today H2YkI9j1Exy-00023-00005528-00005759 uh it's so great to have you on a monday H2YkI9j1Exy-00024-00005760-00005927 it's a great way to start the week H2YkI9j1Exy-00025-00005928-00006175 great way to get in tune with your H2YkI9j1Exy-00026-00006176-00006431 bodies to just kick off the week and H2YkI9j1Exy-00027-00006431-00006734 progress and just know that from here on H2YkI9j1Exy-00028-00006736-00006927 throughout the week you can accomplish H2YkI9j1Exy-00029-00006928-00007070 everything that's set forward H2YkI9j1Exy-00030-00007072-00007270 uh within your path here so full body H2YkI9j1Exy-00031-00007272-00007463 workout is what we have today H2YkI9j1Exy-00032-00007464-00007727 i was um i was telling a friend of mine H2YkI9j1Exy-00033-00007728-00007863 the other day H2YkI9j1Exy-00034-00007864-00008031 actually yesterday that what's great H2YkI9j1Exy-00035-00008031-00008223 about having a workout that's already H2YkI9j1Exy-00036-00008224-00008359 programmed for you H2YkI9j1Exy-00037-00008360-00008631 is that you it takes all the guesswork H2YkI9j1Exy-00038-00008632-00008814 out of working out here so H2YkI9j1Exy-00039-00008815-00008983 you know you can follow along with us H2YkI9j1Exy-00040-00008984-00009142 there there's no guesswork you you H2YkI9j1Exy-00041-00009143-00009327 follow along with less than 30 minutes H2YkI9j1Exy-00042-00009328-00009374 of a H2YkI9j1Exy-00043-00009375-00009519 of a full body workout is what we're H2YkI9j1Exy-00044-00009520-00009695 going to tackle today and H2YkI9j1Exy-00045-00009696-00010039 it just makes it fun again no guesswork H2YkI9j1Exy-00046-00010040-00010174 involved you follow along H2YkI9j1Exy-00047-00010175-00010359 and it's just show up you put in the H2YkI9j1Exy-00048-00010360-00010567 work to the best of your abilities H2YkI9j1Exy-00049-00010568-00010846 and it's it's there's there's no better H2YkI9j1Exy-00050-00010847-00010967 way than to just H2YkI9j1Exy-00051-00010968-00011135 take that weight off your shoulders for H2YkI9j1Exy-00052-00011136-00011342 than a programmed workout so H2YkI9j1Exy-00053-00011343-00011535 full body workout is what we have today H2YkI9j1Exy-00054-00011536-00011735 we are going to be tackling 40 seconds H2YkI9j1Exy-00055-00011736-00011767 on H2YkI9j1Exy-00056-00011768-00012070 of work 20 seconds of rest we're gonna H2YkI9j1Exy-00057-00012071-00012263 we're gonna hit four rounds and in H2YkI9j1Exy-00058-00012264-00012431 between each round we're gonna have one H2YkI9j1Exy-00059-00012432-00012551 minute rest here H2YkI9j1Exy-00060-00012552-00012710 so our full body workout is going to H2YkI9j1Exy-00061-00012711-00012958 consist of a lunge to overhead press H2YkI9j1Exy-00062-00012959-00013319 20 seconds each leg a t push-up which is H2YkI9j1Exy-00063-00013319-00013438 a great variation H2YkI9j1Exy-00064-00013440-00013743 to a push-up with an addition to H2YkI9j1Exy-00065-00013744-00014007 some core stability work an alternating H2YkI9j1Exy-00066-00014008-00014119 reverse fly H2YkI9j1Exy-00067-00014119-00014286 so we're going to target our mid to H2YkI9j1Exy-00068-00014287-00014455 upper back here with the alternating H2YkI9j1Exy-00069-00014456-00014575 reverse fly H2YkI9j1Exy-00070-00014576-00014871 and the plank dip uh plank dips actually H2YkI9j1Exy-00071-00014872-00014951 so we are H2YkI9j1Exy-00072-00014952-00015127 usually i do not want you to roll your H2YkI9j1Exy-00073-00015128-00015366 hips but for this workout we are going H2YkI9j1Exy-00074-00015368-00015558 to roll our hips and dip them H2YkI9j1Exy-00075-00015559-00015855 left and right okay so let me go through H2YkI9j1Exy-00076-00015856-00015983 each one of these H2YkI9j1Exy-00077-00015984-00016183 as a demo and then we'll get started H2YkI9j1Exy-00078-00016184-00016391 with our dynamic stretches here so a H2YkI9j1Exy-00079-00016392-00016543 forward to overhead press H2YkI9j1Exy-00080-00016544-00016719 we should be familiar with the lunge to H2YkI9j1Exy-00081-00016720-00016855 overhead press here H2YkI9j1Exy-00082-00016856-00017119 we're gonna stand in a split stance H2YkI9j1Exy-00083-00017120-00017327 position here for our lunge H2YkI9j1Exy-00084-00017328-00017567 right leg forward left leg is back we H2YkI9j1Exy-00085-00017568-00017703 are gonna drop down H2YkI9j1Exy-00086-00017704-00018030 we are going to have a weight racked on H2YkI9j1Exy-00087-00018031-00018271 our opposite shoulder so if our right H2YkI9j1Exy-00088-00018272-00018367 leg H2YkI9j1Exy-00089-00018368-00018671 is forward our left leg is back we are H2YkI9j1Exy-00090-00018672-00018903 racking the weight here in our left arm H2YkI9j1Exy-00091-00018904-00019294 we are going to lunge down into H2YkI9j1Exy-00092-00019295-00019511 uh almost your knees almost hovering the H2YkI9j1Exy-00093-00019512-00019630 ground here and then we are going to H2YkI9j1Exy-00094-00019631-00019775 push up H2YkI9j1Exy-00095-00019776-00019983 to extend all the way to the top that is H2YkI9j1Exy-00096-00019984-00020150 correct ma'am H2YkI9j1Exy-00097-00020151-00020303 and that's gonna be our lunge to H2YkI9j1Exy-00098-00020304-00020478 overhead press okay we're gonna hit H2YkI9j1Exy-00099-00020479-00020807 20 seconds of each leg there H2YkI9j1Exy-00100-00020808-00021119 now we'll go right into the uh H2YkI9j1Exy-00101-00021120-00021430 our second set which is the t push-up H2YkI9j1Exy-00102-00021431-00021814 let me scale this uh down here H2YkI9j1Exy-00103-00021815-00022111 just like our conventional push-up here H2YkI9j1Exy-00104-00022112-00022239 we will go down H2YkI9j1Exy-00105-00022240-00022527 into a push-up once we rise back up to H2YkI9j1Exy-00106-00022528-00022630 the top H2YkI9j1Exy-00107-00022631-00022894 we're going to rotate our bodies over to H2YkI9j1Exy-00108-00022895-00023007 where that H2YkI9j1Exy-00109-00023008-00023327 arm is facing the sky here and your gaze H2YkI9j1Exy-00110-00023328-00023399 is going to be H2YkI9j1Exy-00111-00023400-00023735 directly straight up so down into our H2YkI9j1Exy-00112-00023736-00023927 push-up and this is going to be H2YkI9j1Exy-00113-00023928-00024111 alternating so H2YkI9j1Exy-00114-00024112-00024327 left to right here take your time with H2YkI9j1Exy-00115-00024328-00024422 this H2YkI9j1Exy-00116-00024423-00024671 few notes here take your time we're H2YkI9j1Exy-00117-00024672-00024903 chasing the clock here not the reps H2YkI9j1Exy-00118-00024904-00025222 and uh really focus on H2YkI9j1Exy-00119-00025223-00025422 stability and control here alternating H2YkI9j1Exy-00120-00025423-00025575 reverse flies H2YkI9j1Exy-00121-00025576-00025839 if you do not have any dumbbells or any H2YkI9j1Exy-00122-00025839-00025878 uh H2YkI9j1Exy-00123-00025879-00026127 any weight any resistance of some sort i H2YkI9j1Exy-00124-00026127-00026231 want you to H2YkI9j1Exy-00125-00026232-00026383 make some fists here we're gonna stand H2YkI9j1Exy-00126-00026383-00026614 shoulder width apart we are gonna have a H2YkI9j1Exy-00127-00026616-00026702 slight H2YkI9j1Exy-00128-00026704-00026967 hinge at the hips here and we're just H2YkI9j1Exy-00129-00026968-00027223 going to open up H2YkI9j1Exy-00130-00027224-00027535 our arms here really uh moving those H2YkI9j1Exy-00131-00027536-00027623 fists here H2YkI9j1Exy-00132-00027624-00027790 making a fist and squeezing all the way H2YkI9j1Exy-00133-00027791-00027974 at the top squeezing your shoulder H2YkI9j1Exy-00134-00027975-00028087 blades together H2YkI9j1Exy-00135-00028088-00028270 and again we're hitting that mid to H2YkI9j1Exy-00136-00028272-00028414 upper back here so that's going to be H2YkI9j1Exy-00137-00028416-00028574 our target range that's where i want you H2YkI9j1Exy-00138-00028575-00028679 to focus on H2YkI9j1Exy-00139-00028680-00028943 working those muscles here nice big w H2YkI9j1Exy-00140-00028944-00028983 here H2YkI9j1Exy-00141-00028983-00029255 so we're just going to make a nice w H2YkI9j1Exy-00142-00029256-00029374 with our arms H2YkI9j1Exy-00143-00029375-00029702 and then lastly the plank dips we'll go H2YkI9j1Exy-00144-00029704-00029767 back to the H2YkI9j1Exy-00145-00029768-00029918 ground here we're going to be on our H2YkI9j1Exy-00146-00029919-00030102 elbows at a plank H2YkI9j1Exy-00147-00030103-00030358 hands are going to be down to the floor H2YkI9j1Exy-00148-00030360-00030487 your gaze should be right at your H2YkI9j1Exy-00149-00030488-00030679 fingertips here H2YkI9j1Exy-00150-00030680-00030967 feet are shoulder width apart and i just H2YkI9j1Exy-00151-00030968-00031183 want you to roll here H2YkI9j1Exy-00152-00031183-00031487 to the left and to the right at your H2YkI9j1Exy-00153-00031488-00031607 pace H2YkI9j1Exy-00154-00031608-00031895 at your comfort level and you'll really H2YkI9j1Exy-00155-00031895-00032046 feel that H2YkI9j1Exy-00156-00032047-00032358 conditioning and strengthening and H2YkI9j1Exy-00157-00032360-00032558 isolating in your obliques here H2YkI9j1Exy-00158-00032560-00032983 so again with that that um t push-up H2YkI9j1Exy-00159-00032984-00033295 you'll feel that uh stability within H2YkI9j1Exy-00160-00033296-00033502 your core but then also those uh H2YkI9j1Exy-00161-00033503-00033767 plank dips we will feel our obliques H2YkI9j1Exy-00162-00033768-00033983 working as well so H2YkI9j1Exy-00163-00033984-00034135 that's what we've that's what we got for H2YkI9j1Exy-00164-00034136-00034343 today again 40 seconds of work H2YkI9j1Exy-00165-00034344-00034615 20 seconds of rest four rounds one H2YkI9j1Exy-00166-00034616-00034871 minute rest in between each round H2YkI9j1Exy-00167-00034872-00035083 let's get started are we ready sergeant H2YkI9j1Exy-00168-00035084-00035335 barry looks fantastic to me H2YkI9j1Exy-00169-00035336-00035574 let's do this all right all right we've H2YkI9j1Exy-00170-00035575-00036039 been nation let's grab some water H2YkI9j1Exy-00171-00036040-00036295 and we will we will hit some dynamic H2YkI9j1Exy-00172-00036296-00036446 stretches first and foremost so that way H2YkI9j1Exy-00173-00036447-00036583 we can get our bodies to H2YkI9j1Exy-00174-00036584-00036759 get our bodies ready to go and get our H2YkI9j1Exy-00175-00036760-00036927 mindset for this work that we're about H2YkI9j1Exy-00176-00036928-00036999 to H2YkI9j1Exy-00177-00037000-00037167 accomplish here so let's start off with H2YkI9j1Exy-00178-00037168-00037407 some knee hugs here H2YkI9j1Exy-00179-00037408-00037646 i'm going to pull my left leg and my H2YkI9j1Exy-00180-00037647-00037815 right leg knee the chest here H2YkI9j1Exy-00181-00037816-00038190 need a chest nice and slow H2YkI9j1Exy-00182-00038191-00038495 to your pace to your abilities here H2YkI9j1Exy-00183-00038496-00039230 it should be nice and comfortable H2YkI9j1Exy-00184-00039231-00039351 we're going to build up through these H2YkI9j1Exy-00185-00039352-00039567 dynamic stretches H2YkI9j1Exy-00186-00039568-00039895 so that way our heart rate our muscles H2YkI9j1Exy-00187-00039896-00040111 and our mind can get ready to work here H2YkI9j1Exy-00188-00040112-00040487 and they will progress H2YkI9j1Exy-00189-00040488-00040702 nice okay we're gonna go into a reverse H2YkI9j1Exy-00190-00040703-00040807 lunge H2YkI9j1Exy-00191-00040808-00041151 to reach we're going to reverse lunge H2YkI9j1Exy-00192-00041152-00041246 back H2YkI9j1Exy-00193-00041247-00041462 and we're going to reach all the way H2YkI9j1Exy-00194-00041463-00041702 over to the side here H2YkI9j1Exy-00195-00041703-00042087 again come back to start reverse lunge H2YkI9j1Exy-00196-00042088-00042495 and stretch H2YkI9j1Exy-00197-00042496-00042662 there we go we're gonna hit five on each H2YkI9j1Exy-00198-00042663-00043087 side here H2YkI9j1Exy-00199-00043088-00043423 there's two for me finishing up two nice H2YkI9j1Exy-00200-00043424-00043558 long stretch here H2YkI9j1Exy-00201-00043559-00043862 again this is a great time to get in H2YkI9j1Exy-00202-00043863-00044230 tune with your body H2YkI9j1Exy-00203-00044231-00044607 really analyzing how your body's feeling H2YkI9j1Exy-00204-00044608-00044846 if it's a little slow a little sluggish H2YkI9j1Exy-00205-00044847-00045023 like mine H2YkI9j1Exy-00206-00045024-00045230 now it's a great time to kind of wake it H2YkI9j1Exy-00207-00045231-00045407 up and say hey H2YkI9j1Exy-00208-00045408-00045583 we're about to get working we're going H2YkI9j1Exy-00209-00045584-00045799 to put some work in this morning H2YkI9j1Exy-00210-00045800-00046279 so last one for me here H2YkI9j1Exy-00211-00046280-00046455 all right let's go ahead and shake that H2YkI9j1Exy-00212-00046456-00046702 up i just want you to H2YkI9j1Exy-00213-00046703-00046871 roll your roll your arms here at the arm H2YkI9j1Exy-00214-00046872-00047215 circles here forward first and foremost H2YkI9j1Exy-00215-00047216-00047583 start with small circles H2YkI9j1Exy-00216-00047584-00047983 let's roll out to larger suckers here H2YkI9j1Exy-00217-00047984-00048335 let's get our shoulders warmed up H2YkI9j1Exy-00218-00048336-00048735 and let's reverse to the other direction H2YkI9j1Exy-00219-00048736-00049062 start small if you need H2YkI9j1Exy-00220-00049063-00049743 and then go larger H2YkI9j1Exy-00221-00049744-00049911 nice since we got some lunch work let's H2YkI9j1Exy-00222-00049912-00050086 go into alternating fixed H2YkI9j1Exy-00223-00050087-00050374 lateral lunges our feet are going to be H2YkI9j1Exy-00224-00050375-00050511 pointed forward H2YkI9j1Exy-00225-00050512-00050790 really wide stance here we are going to H2YkI9j1Exy-00226-00050791-00050886 lunge H2YkI9j1Exy-00227-00050887-00051230 over to our right and then again on top H2YkI9j1Exy-00228-00051232-00051519 squeeze your back together here and then H2YkI9j1Exy-00229-00051520-00051679 lunge over to your left hands are gonna H2YkI9j1Exy-00230-00051679-00051863 be in front of you H2YkI9j1Exy-00231-00051864-00052190 and squeezing making sure that your H2YkI9j1Exy-00232-00052191-00052438 spine is nice and long H2YkI9j1Exy-00233-00052439-00053126 and your back is flat here H2YkI9j1Exy-00234-00053127-00053471 nice good work this should be nice H2YkI9j1Exy-00235-00053472-00053775 smooth nice and controlled take your H2YkI9j1Exy-00236-00053776-00053926 time here H2YkI9j1Exy-00237-00053927-00054119 going through these dynamic stretches H2YkI9j1Exy-00238-00054120-00054254 feeling out your body H2YkI9j1Exy-00239-00054255-00054582 feeling out where you are for today's H2YkI9j1Exy-00240-00054583-00054838 workout not every workout may be the H2YkI9j1Exy-00241-00054839-00054975 same so H2YkI9j1Exy-00242-00054976-00055311 now's a good time to really figure out H2YkI9j1Exy-00243-00055312-00055519 where your body is H2YkI9j1Exy-00244-00055520-00055903 with respect to this workout okay H2YkI9j1Exy-00245-00055904-00056126 some nice bodyweight squats here to H2YkI9j1Exy-00246-00056127-00056271 finish up H2YkI9j1Exy-00247-00056272-00056638 our warm up let's hit 10 H2YkI9j1Exy-00248-00056639-00056966 10 reps here nice and smooth nicely H2YkI9j1Exy-00249-00056967-00057319 controlled here H2YkI9j1Exy-00250-00057320-00057638 quality of form form is our ultimate H2YkI9j1Exy-00251-00057639-00057703 goal here H2YkI9j1Exy-00252-00057704-00057830 our knees are going to be tracking over H2YkI9j1Exy-00253-00057832-00058038 our toes H2YkI9j1Exy-00254-00058039-00058966 long spine flat back here H2YkI9j1Exy-00255-00058967-00059479 all right i'm gonna shake that out H2YkI9j1Exy-00256-00059479-00059703 i'm gonna towel off grab some water H2YkI9j1Exy-00257-00059704-00059911 start my timer H2YkI9j1Exy-00258-00059912-00060519 and then we are gonna get to work here H2YkI9j1Exy-00259-00060520-00060975 all right H2YkI9j1Exy-00260-00060976-00061294 let's start the timer again if you're H2YkI9j1Exy-00261-00061295-00061423 just joining us H2YkI9j1Exy-00262-00061424-00061638 we are going to be tackling 40 seconds H2YkI9j1Exy-00263-00061639-00061750 of work H2YkI9j1Exy-00264-00061751-00062071 20 seconds of rest four exercises H2YkI9j1Exy-00265-00062072-00062375 and four rounds uh H2YkI9j1Exy-00266-00062376-00062703 for each exercise here four rounds H2YkI9j1Exy-00267-00062704-00062991 for in total here and one minute rest in H2YkI9j1Exy-00268-00062991-00063159 between each round because i know we've H2YkI9j1Exy-00269-00063160-00063663 earned it H2YkI9j1Exy-00270-00063664-00063975 all right 10 seconds here H2YkI9j1Exy-00271-00063976-00064279 lunge to overhead press in six H2YkI9j1Exy-00272-00064279-00064623 five weight is racked right leg forward H2YkI9j1Exy-00273-00064624-00064782 left leg is back H2YkI9j1Exy-00274-00064783-00065238 let's go ahead and lunge at the top H2YkI9j1Exy-00275-00065239-00065591 press above your head here lunge H2YkI9j1Exy-00276-00065592-00066071 and press should be nice and smooth here H2YkI9j1Exy-00277-00066072-00066406 to your comfort level H2YkI9j1Exy-00278-00066407-00066655 let's pick the weight that's most H2YkI9j1Exy-00279-00066656-00066919 comfortable to you H2YkI9j1Exy-00280-00066920-00067282 18 seconds here let's go ahead and H2YkI9j1Exy-00281-00067283-00067438 switch H2YkI9j1Exy-00282-00067439-00067935 left leg forward right leg is back H2YkI9j1Exy-00283-00067936-00068215 nice and smooth here nice and controlled H2YkI9j1Exy-00284-00068216-00068375 really feel that H2YkI9j1Exy-00285-00068376-00068591 those quads working your posterior chain H2YkI9j1Exy-00286-00068592-00068719 with your glutes H2YkI9j1Exy-00287-00068720-00069047 your calves and time shoulders H2YkI9j1Exy-00288-00069048-00069406 should be warming up here t push-ups H2YkI9j1Exy-00289-00069407-00069494 here H2YkI9j1Exy-00290-00069495-00069879 in 12 seconds good work good work H2YkI9j1Exy-00291-00069880-00070271 first round is always the toughest H2YkI9j1Exy-00292-00070272-00070591 all right let's go down two H2YkI9j1Exy-00293-00070592-00070935 one two push-ups here down H2YkI9j1Exy-00294-00070936-00071375 up rotate left arm to the sky H2YkI9j1Exy-00295-00071376-00071615 all right take your time with this H2YkI9j1Exy-00296-00071616-00071679 really H2YkI9j1Exy-00297-00071680-00072062 focusing on stabilization H2YkI9j1Exy-00298-00072063-00072287 again we're hitting our chest here with H2YkI9j1Exy-00299-00072288-00072431 that press H2YkI9j1Exy-00300-00072432-00072743 and then open up that arm face to the H2YkI9j1Exy-00301-00072744-00072919 sky your gaze should be up H2YkI9j1Exy-00302-00072920-00073175 to your fingertips and if you need to H2YkI9j1Exy-00303-00073176-00073479 hang out there H2YkI9j1Exy-00304-00073480-00073838 at the top feel free and balance at the H2YkI9j1Exy-00305-00073839-00073959 top there H2YkI9j1Exy-00306-00073960-00074087 there you go seven more seconds of work H2YkI9j1Exy-00307-00074088-00074455 we got it H2YkI9j1Exy-00308-00074456-00074815 two one last rep get it in H2YkI9j1Exy-00309-00074816-00075199 nice good work good work sergeant barry H2YkI9j1Exy-00310-00075200-00075647 15 seconds of rest here yes ma'am H2YkI9j1Exy-00311-00075648-00076047 all right i'll alternative reverse flies H2YkI9j1Exy-00312-00076048-00076206 seven seconds for this first round i'm H2YkI9j1Exy-00313-00076207-00076399 gonna make this here H2YkI9j1Exy-00314-00076400-00076726 i'm gonna make my fist two one H2YkI9j1Exy-00315-00076727-00077006 all right here we go shorter width feet H2YkI9j1Exy-00316-00077007-00077206 are shoulder width apart here H2YkI9j1Exy-00317-00077207-00077567 my hands are slightly H2YkI9j1Exy-00318-00077568-00077943 hanging here and i'm making a big w H2YkI9j1Exy-00319-00077944-00078255 big w here clenching those fists and H2YkI9j1Exy-00320-00078256-00078447 really exaggerating the top right there H2YkI9j1Exy-00321-00078448-00078647 to contract your back you should feel H2YkI9j1Exy-00322-00078648-00078831 your shoulder blades H2YkI9j1Exy-00323-00078832-00079175 contracting and coming together there H2YkI9j1Exy-00324-00079176-00079623 17 more seconds of work H2YkI9j1Exy-00325-00079624-00079759 and this is the first round if you H2YkI9j1Exy-00326-00079760-00079894 scaled up and you're having weight in H2YkI9j1Exy-00327-00079895-00080094 your hands H2YkI9j1Exy-00328-00080095-00080423 good work five seconds H2YkI9j1Exy-00329-00080424-00080743 three all right and H2YkI9j1Exy-00330-00080744-00080975 rest twenty seconds of rest here and we H2YkI9j1Exy-00331-00080976-00081282 will go into the plank H2YkI9j1Exy-00332-00081283-00081462 dips H2YkI9j1Exy-00333-00081463-00081815 flank dips in tin how are we doing how H2YkI9j1Exy-00334-00081816-00082118 are we feeling beef it nation H2YkI9j1Exy-00335-00082119-00082479 all right five seconds plank dips H2YkI9j1Exy-00336-00082480-00082743 i'm down on my elbows here hands are H2YkI9j1Exy-00337-00082744-00082815 flat H2YkI9j1Exy-00338-00082816-00083071 facing the ground and let's work here H2YkI9j1Exy-00339-00083072-00083294 just rotating the hips H2YkI9j1Exy-00340-00083295-00083662 side to side your feet H2YkI9j1Exy-00341-00083663-00083959 should be almost together here we want H2YkI9j1Exy-00342-00083960-00084199 to focus on that rotation H2YkI9j1Exy-00343-00084200-00084526 there we go H2YkI9j1Exy-00344-00084527-00084862 keep that core stabilized keep that H2YkI9j1Exy-00345-00084863-00085103 stomach that belly button that navel H2YkI9j1Exy-00346-00085104-00085255 pushed in H2YkI9j1Exy-00347-00085256-00085550 toward your glutes speaking of glutes H2YkI9j1Exy-00348-00085551-00085599 keep them H2YkI9j1Exy-00349-00085600-00085950 nice and tight ten more seconds here H2YkI9j1Exy-00350-00085951-00086438 keep rotating five H2YkI9j1Exy-00351-00086439-00086791 three two one H2YkI9j1Exy-00352-00086792-00087094 time all right good work H2YkI9j1Exy-00353-00087095-00087367 one minute rest now one minute rest and H2YkI9j1Exy-00354-00087368-00087671 we will restart from the top H2YkI9j1Exy-00355-00087672-00087823 all right now's a great time to get some H2YkI9j1Exy-00356-00087824-00088191 water again stay hydrated H2YkI9j1Exy-00357-00088192-00089047 towel off if you need H2YkI9j1Exy-00358-00089048-00089279 all right 30 seconds here again if H2YkI9j1Exy-00359-00089280-00089382 you're just joining us H2YkI9j1Exy-00360-00089383-00089591 we're hitting four exercises this H2YkI9j1Exy-00361-00089592-00089694 morning H2YkI9j1Exy-00362-00089695-00089991 a lunge to overhead press t push-ups H2YkI9j1Exy-00363-00089992-00090135 alternating reverse flies H2YkI9j1Exy-00364-00090136-00090431 and plank dips that's gonna hit our full H2YkI9j1Exy-00365-00090432-00090631 body for the morning H2YkI9j1Exy-00366-00090632-00090847 again no better way to start off our H2YkI9j1Exy-00367-00090848-00091047 monday and to get our body moving H2YkI9j1Exy-00368-00091048-00091247 to get our minds moving to clear our H2YkI9j1Exy-00369-00091248-00091350 minds H2YkI9j1Exy-00370-00091351-00091655 and to focus on us for H2YkI9j1Exy-00371-00091656-00092111 for just these 30 minutes if if not more H2YkI9j1Exy-00372-00092112-00092431 okay lunge overhead press here H2YkI9j1Exy-00373-00092432-00092687 in three two my right leg is back i'm H2YkI9j1Exy-00374-00092688-00092871 sorry my left leg is back H2YkI9j1Exy-00375-00092872-00093167 my right leg is forward i'm down into a H2YkI9j1Exy-00376-00093168-00093279 lunge H2YkI9j1Exy-00377-00093280-00093782 and i'm pressing at the top here H2YkI9j1Exy-00378-00093783-00094062 20 seconds each leg 10 more seconds and H2YkI9j1Exy-00379-00094063-00094150 we will rotate H2YkI9j1Exy-00380-00094151-00094359 left leg forward right leg back weight H2YkI9j1Exy-00381-00094360-00094606 in our right arm H2YkI9j1Exy-00382-00094607-00094887 one all right let's alternate here H2YkI9j1Exy-00383-00094888-00095023 switch that weight H2YkI9j1Exy-00384-00095024-00095343 rack it in my right arm right leg is H2YkI9j1Exy-00385-00095344-00095638 back left leg is forward H2YkI9j1Exy-00386-00095639-00095959 all right i really want you to focus H2YkI9j1Exy-00387-00095960-00096199 on that quad your weight should be on H2YkI9j1Exy-00388-00096200-00096335 that forward foot here H2YkI9j1Exy-00389-00096336-00096759 most of your weight one H2YkI9j1Exy-00390-00096760-00097303 and time all right good work H2YkI9j1Exy-00391-00097304-00097518 good work good work keep it up two H2YkI9j1Exy-00392-00097519-00097974 push-ups are up next H2YkI9j1Exy-00393-00097975-00098294 again if we need to H2YkI9j1Exy-00394-00098295-00098471 hang in that high plank position and H2YkI9j1Exy-00395-00098472-00098806 just rotate that's perfectly fine H2YkI9j1Exy-00396-00098807-00099103 take the push-up out of it go ahead and H2YkI9j1Exy-00397-00099104-00099294 rotate up H2YkI9j1Exy-00398-00099295-00099662 and back down H2YkI9j1Exy-00399-00099663-00099806 again scaling back down if you need to H2YkI9j1Exy-00400-00099807-00099982 take that push-up out of the equation H2YkI9j1Exy-00401-00099983-00100094 here H2YkI9j1Exy-00402-00100095-00100431 feel free and the wider your foot stance H2YkI9j1Exy-00403-00100432-00100591 is here H2YkI9j1Exy-00404-00100592-00100806 the more help the more stability you're H2YkI9j1Exy-00405-00100807-00101055 going to feel H2YkI9j1Exy-00406-00101056-00101359 if you want to make it more challenging H2YkI9j1Exy-00407-00101360-00101679 keep your feet closer together H2YkI9j1Exy-00408-00101680-00101982 ten more seconds here H2YkI9j1Exy-00409-00101983-00102287 nice and slow here H2YkI9j1Exy-00410-00102288-00102758 four three two can we get one more H2YkI9j1Exy-00411-00102759-00103063 and rest all right H2YkI9j1Exy-00412-00103064-00103463 good work good work H2YkI9j1Exy-00413-00103464-00103751 all right alternating reverse flies H2YkI9j1Exy-00414-00103752-00103871 again if you do not have H2YkI9j1Exy-00415-00103872-00104182 any weight go ahead and make a fist if H2YkI9j1Exy-00416-00104183-00104415 you do have dumbbells H2YkI9j1Exy-00417-00104416-00104718 or water bottles or gallons of water H2YkI9j1Exy-00418-00104719-00105007 lying around let's go ahead and work H2YkI9j1Exy-00419-00105008-00105047 here H2YkI9j1Exy-00420-00105048-00105663 time to work there you go H2YkI9j1Exy-00421-00105664-00105983 hinge at the hips here again H2YkI9j1Exy-00422-00105983-00106358 we're making a w with our arms here H2YkI9j1Exy-00423-00106359-00106719 retracting our shoulder blades back H2YkI9j1Exy-00424-00106720-00106886 our gaze should be just a few feet in H2YkI9j1Exy-00425-00106888-00107047 front of us here H2YkI9j1Exy-00426-00107048-00107478 making sure our spine is long H2YkI9j1Exy-00427-00107479-00107847 and our back is flat here H2YkI9j1Exy-00428-00107848-00108183 eight more seconds H2YkI9j1Exy-00429-00108183-00108583 five three two H2YkI9j1Exy-00430-00108583-00108902 one and time H2YkI9j1Exy-00431-00108903-00109286 all right i know my back is H2YkI9j1Exy-00432-00109288-00109631 burning my arms are tight all in a good H2YkI9j1Exy-00433-00109632-00109902 workout there H2YkI9j1Exy-00434-00109903-00110247 plank dips in eight H2YkI9j1Exy-00435-00110248-00110390 all right let's get down on the H2YkI9j1Exy-00436-00110391-00110607 shoulders here three H2YkI9j1Exy-00437-00110608-00111007 two all right and we're on here H2YkI9j1Exy-00438-00111008-00111278 again a plank hands are going to be down H2YkI9j1Exy-00439-00111279-00111415 on the floor here H2YkI9j1Exy-00440-00111416-00111663 our gaze should just stay right above H2YkI9j1Exy-00441-00111664-00112151 our fingertips H2YkI9j1Exy-00442-00112152-00112358 we are just rotating and dipping those H2YkI9j1Exy-00443-00112359-00112671 hips just slightly H2YkI9j1Exy-00444-00112672-00112983 to our comfort here keeping our core H2YkI9j1Exy-00445-00112983-00113239 nice and tight H2YkI9j1Exy-00446-00113240-00113471 our navel should be back glutes are H2YkI9j1Exy-00447-00113472-00113566 tight H2YkI9j1Exy-00448-00113567-00113823 our posterior chain is tight glutes H2YkI9j1Exy-00449-00113824-00114151 hamstrings calves H2YkI9j1Exy-00450-00114152-00114543 six six seconds here finish out strong H2YkI9j1Exy-00451-00114544-00115031 two one time H2YkI9j1Exy-00452-00115032-00115415 good work absolutely H2YkI9j1Exy-00453-00115416-00115807 absolutely H2YkI9j1Exy-00454-00115808-00115958 just a little bit of rotation and that H2YkI9j1Exy-00455-00115959-00116110 disrupts our H2YkI9j1Exy-00456-00116111-00116390 our bodies and forces us to compensate H2YkI9j1Exy-00457-00116391-00116519 balance and stabilize H2YkI9j1Exy-00458-00116520-00116823 40 seconds of rest here good H2YkI9j1Exy-00459-00116824-00117502 work H2YkI9j1Exy-00460-00117503-00117815 all right be fit nation where you H2YkI9j1Exy-00461-00117816-00118102 where are you watching from where are H2YkI9j1Exy-00462-00118103-00118183 you listening from H2YkI9j1Exy-00463-00118183-00118366 drop us a comment drop us a note let us H2YkI9j1Exy-00464-00118367-00118623 know where you're from H2YkI9j1Exy-00465-00118624-00118934 i'm coming from dallas this morning H2YkI9j1Exy-00466-00118935-00119334 it is about 92 degrees and i am outside H2YkI9j1Exy-00467-00119335-00119654 getting my home workout on so it is H2YkI9j1Exy-00468-00119655-00119734 warming up H2YkI9j1Exy-00469-00119735-00120071 today H2YkI9j1Exy-00470-00120072-00120247 all right six more seconds that will go H2YkI9j1Exy-00471-00120248-00120414 into that lunged overhead press H2YkI9j1Exy-00472-00120415-00120671 grabbing my weight right forward forward H2YkI9j1Exy-00473-00120672-00120814 left foot is back H2YkI9j1Exy-00474-00120815-00121543 my weight is wrapped and i'm working H2YkI9j1Exy-00475-00121544-00121719 i find round three to always be the best H2YkI9j1Exy-00476-00121720-00122095 round your body is nice and warm H2YkI9j1Exy-00477-00122096-00122375 it already knows what you're throwing at H2YkI9j1Exy-00478-00122376-00122702 it H2YkI9j1Exy-00479-00122703-00123102 so no surprises here 17 seconds of work H2YkI9j1Exy-00480-00123103-00123175 here H2YkI9j1Exy-00481-00123176-00123831 let's alternate H2YkI9j1Exy-00482-00123832-00124366 nine more seconds here H2YkI9j1Exy-00483-00124367-00124734 three two one H2YkI9j1Exy-00484-00124735-00125223 great work good work good work H2YkI9j1Exy-00485-00125224-00125575 all right our favorite tea push-ups H2YkI9j1Exy-00486-00125576-00125863 i recently came across t push-ups and H2YkI9j1Exy-00487-00125864-00126023 they've been H2YkI9j1Exy-00488-00126024-00126254 incorporated into a lot of my push-up H2YkI9j1Exy-00489-00126255-00126599 variations so H2YkI9j1Exy-00490-00126600-00126831 it's a great one here all right let's H2YkI9j1Exy-00491-00126832-00127166 work H2YkI9j1Exy-00492-00127167-00127575 down and rotate hand to the sky gaze to H2YkI9j1Exy-00493-00127576-00127990 the sky H2YkI9j1Exy-00494-00127991-00128310 there we go nice and smooth H2YkI9j1Exy-00495-00128311-00128454 nice and controlled again if you need to H2YkI9j1Exy-00496-00128455-00128639 hang up H2YkI9j1Exy-00497-00128640-00128902 at this top position let's hang out here H2YkI9j1Exy-00498-00128903-00129031 for a while H2YkI9j1Exy-00499-00129032-00129439 see how it feels a little longer here H2YkI9j1Exy-00500-00129440-00129847 really get that stretch in there see H2YkI9j1Exy-00501-00129848-00130283 how your body responds here ten more H2YkI9j1Exy-00502-00130283-00130495 seconds three H2YkI9j1Exy-00503-00130496-00130814 two one push it out H2YkI9j1Exy-00504-00130815-00131151 all right good work 20 seconds of rest H2YkI9j1Exy-00505-00131152-00131383 here H2YkI9j1Exy-00506-00131384-00131623 we've earned it all turning reverse H2YkI9j1Exy-00507-00131624-00131990 flies are going to be up next H2YkI9j1Exy-00508-00131991-00132278 all right taking my weight here reverse H2YkI9j1Exy-00509-00132279-00132711 fly H2YkI9j1Exy-00510-00132712-00133023 here we go let's begin feet H2YkI9j1Exy-00511-00133024-00133199 shoulder width apart here i'm hinged at H2YkI9j1Exy-00512-00133200-00133327 the hips H2YkI9j1Exy-00513-00133328-00133695 and i'm making a w with my arms H2YkI9j1Exy-00514-00133696-00133927 really focusing on contracting our H2YkI9j1Exy-00515-00133928-00134119 shoulder blades together H2YkI9j1Exy-00516-00134120-00134302 again if you need to rest the weight on H2YkI9j1Exy-00517-00134303-00134502 your shoulders if you have shoulders on H2YkI9j1Exy-00518-00134503-00134759 if you on your legs if you have weight H2YkI9j1Exy-00519-00134760-00134966 on your in your hands H2YkI9j1Exy-00520-00134967-00135207 let's go ahead and rest them if you need H2YkI9j1Exy-00521-00135208-00135359 to alternate here H2YkI9j1Exy-00522-00135360-00135814 now's a good time to incorporate H2YkI9j1Exy-00523-00135815-00135966 alternating reverse flies here there we H2YkI9j1Exy-00524-00135967-00136127 go seven seconds of work here H2YkI9j1Exy-00525-00136128-00136502 let's push it out nice and strong three H2YkI9j1Exy-00526-00136503-00136839 two one good work H2YkI9j1Exy-00527-00136840-00137143 there we go sergeant barry showing us H2YkI9j1Exy-00528-00137144-00137231 how H2YkI9j1Exy-00529-00137232-00137447 closing those fists on those reverse H2YkI9j1Exy-00530-00137448-00137639 flies really H2YkI9j1Exy-00531-00137640-00137919 accentuating that top really nice focus H2YkI9j1Exy-00532-00137920-00138223 there good job H2YkI9j1Exy-00533-00138224-00138375 all right down on the floor here plank H2YkI9j1Exy-00534-00138376-00138575 dips in three H2YkI9j1Exy-00535-00138576-00138983 two one i'm down and we're working here H2YkI9j1Exy-00536-00138984-00139327 elbows on the floor hands flat on the H2YkI9j1Exy-00537-00139328-00139407 floor here H2YkI9j1Exy-00538-00139408-00139863 my gaze is just above my my fingertips H2YkI9j1Exy-00539-00139864-00140166 nice and smooth here again 20 seconds of H2YkI9j1Exy-00540-00140167-00140895 work H2YkI9j1Exy-00541-00140896-00141447 my obliques my core is on fire H2YkI9j1Exy-00542-00141448-00141831 all right 12 seconds here H2YkI9j1Exy-00543-00141832-00142311 let's finish off this third round strong H2YkI9j1Exy-00544-00142312-00142639 keep your core tight through H2YkI9j1Exy-00545-00142640-00143263 two one and time H2YkI9j1Exy-00546-00143264-00143654 all right good work H2YkI9j1Exy-00547-00143655-00143975 excellent work you guys H2YkI9j1Exy-00548-00143976-00144231 gonna work thank you leah roy i just H2YkI9j1Exy-00549-00144232-00144343 want to take a second H2YkI9j1Exy-00550-00144344-00144590 and tell you that people are watching uh H2YkI9j1Exy-00551-00144591-00144711 from all over H2YkI9j1Exy-00552-00144712-00145102 but phyllis says i wish i could do H2YkI9j1Exy-00553-00145103-00145399 push-ups so do you have an alternative H2YkI9j1Exy-00554-00145400-00145439 for H2YkI9j1Exy-00555-00145440-00145702 phyllis absolutely phyllis uh go ahead H2YkI9j1Exy-00556-00145703-00145799 and start H2YkI9j1Exy-00557-00145800-00146047 and scale it down to your knees here go H2YkI9j1Exy-00558-00146048-00146159 ahead and start instead of H2YkI9j1Exy-00559-00146160-00146390 on your toes go ahead and start to your H2YkI9j1Exy-00560-00146391-00146502 knees H2YkI9j1Exy-00561-00146503-00146631 it's gonna take a lot of the upper H2YkI9j1Exy-00562-00146632-00146807 weight out of you here H2YkI9j1Exy-00563-00146808-00146943 but make sure that it's this is H2YkI9j1Exy-00564-00146944-00147143 comfortable you don't want your arms to H2YkI9j1Exy-00565-00147144-00147199 be too far H2YkI9j1Exy-00566-00147200-00147478 out you want them to be chest level here H2YkI9j1Exy-00567-00147479-00147671 and tuck those elbows in H2YkI9j1Exy-00568-00147672-00147814 just a little bit and you should feel H2YkI9j1Exy-00569-00147815-00148047 more comfort on your shoulders H2YkI9j1Exy-00570-00148048-00148407 and on your wrists but scale down to H2YkI9j1Exy-00571-00148408-00148483 your H2YkI9j1Exy-00572-00148484-00148790 knees H2YkI9j1Exy-00573-00148791-00149095 great great question phyllis H2YkI9j1Exy-00574-00149096-00149654 great question H2YkI9j1Exy-00575-00149655-00150063 and thank you for watching absolutely H2YkI9j1Exy-00576-00150064-00150302 there we go five more seconds here good H2YkI9j1Exy-00577-00150303-00150463 job defend nation H2YkI9j1Exy-00578-00150464-00150743 three seconds we're gonna alternate all H2YkI9j1Exy-00579-00150744-00150895 right almost lost it and i'm alternating H2YkI9j1Exy-00580-00150896-00151014 here left leg forward H2YkI9j1Exy-00581-00151015-00151319 my right leg is back i'm lunging H2YkI9j1Exy-00582-00151320-00151687 and press lunge to overhead press here H2YkI9j1Exy-00583-00151688-00152095 again resistance is not needed H2YkI9j1Exy-00584-00152096-00152343 you don't need to wait to accomplish H2YkI9j1Exy-00585-00152344-00152478 this exercise here H2YkI9j1Exy-00586-00152479-00153071 two one and let's rest H2YkI9j1Exy-00587-00153072-00153695 all right good job H2YkI9j1Exy-00588-00153696-00154207 ten more seconds here two push-ups H2YkI9j1Exy-00589-00154208-00154647 and five H2YkI9j1Exy-00590-00154648-00154847 here's the scaled down version if we H2YkI9j1Exy-00591-00154848-00155102 need to come off of our knees H2YkI9j1Exy-00592-00155103-00155471 and push up and master our push-up first H2YkI9j1Exy-00593-00155472-00155790 before we go into that t rotation that's H2YkI9j1Exy-00594-00155791-00155983 perfectly fine H2YkI9j1Exy-00595-00155984-00156526 substitute that push-up t-rotation H2YkI9j1Exy-00596-00156527-00157071 with push-ups here H2YkI9j1Exy-00597-00157072-00157214 again some of these are really great H2YkI9j1Exy-00598-00157215-00157383 variations to our H2YkI9j1Exy-00599-00157384-00157590 foundational movements like a push-up H2YkI9j1Exy-00600-00157591-00157726 like a squat H2YkI9j1Exy-00601-00157727-00158095 like a lunge and our plank H2YkI9j1Exy-00602-00158096-00158366 we're just adding in a little extra to H2YkI9j1Exy-00603-00158367-00158511 challenge ourselves H2YkI9j1Exy-00604-00158512-00158878 just a little bit more two one and time H2YkI9j1Exy-00605-00158879-00159126 20 seconds of rest here good work all H2YkI9j1Exy-00606-00159127-00159631 turning reverse flies are up next H2YkI9j1Exy-00607-00159632-00159990 again i know workouts can be H2YkI9j1Exy-00608-00159991-00160287 a little less creative at home so if we H2YkI9j1Exy-00609-00160288-00160447 can just spice things up just a little H2YkI9j1Exy-00610-00160448-00160623 bit by adding in H2YkI9j1Exy-00611-00160624-00160951 a different foot H2YkI9j1Exy-00612-00160952-00161271 or grip H2YkI9j1Exy-00613-00161272-00161607 or twist then that'll make it just a H2YkI9j1Exy-00614-00161608-00162078 little bit more challenging for us H2YkI9j1Exy-00615-00162079-00162311 especially for workouts at home where we H2YkI9j1Exy-00616-00162312-00162575 don't have a lot of equipment H2YkI9j1Exy-00617-00162576-00162783 accessible to us here 20 seconds of work H2YkI9j1Exy-00618-00162784-00163151 left alternating reverse flies H2YkI9j1Exy-00619-00163152-00163447 we're hinged at the hips here soft bend H2YkI9j1Exy-00620-00163448-00163623 at our knees H2YkI9j1Exy-00621-00163624-00164007 making that w with our arms H2YkI9j1Exy-00622-00164008-00164238 there we go contracting our shoulder H2YkI9j1Exy-00623-00164239-00164343 blades bring our shoulder blades H2YkI9j1Exy-00624-00164344-00164495 together in three H2YkI9j1Exy-00625-00164496-00164814 two one and rest H2YkI9j1Exy-00626-00164815-00165199 good work good work H2YkI9j1Exy-00627-00165200-00165735 flank dips are up next H2YkI9j1Exy-00628-00165736-00166095 here we go n9 H2YkI9j1Exy-00629-00166096-00166454 plank dips and if the dip H2YkI9j1Exy-00630-00166455-00166790 is too challenging in three two one H2YkI9j1Exy-00631-00166791-00167007 let's work H2YkI9j1Exy-00632-00167008-00167231 go ahead and scale back and take out H2YkI9j1Exy-00633-00167232-00167399 that rotation H2YkI9j1Exy-00634-00167400-00167638 and just hang out here on your shoulders H2YkI9j1Exy-00635-00167639-00167759 again hands are H2YkI9j1Exy-00636-00167760-00167983 facing the floor your gaze is just at H2YkI9j1Exy-00637-00167984-00168135 your fingertips H2YkI9j1Exy-00638-00168136-00168414 you're keeping that core strong strong H2YkI9j1Exy-00639-00168415-00168590 core nice and engaged H2YkI9j1Exy-00640-00168591-00168838 your navel is contracted back your H2YkI9j1Exy-00641-00168839-00168966 glutes H2YkI9j1Exy-00642-00168967-00169271 are strong your hamstrings your calves H2YkI9j1Exy-00643-00169272-00169559 you're feeling it here nicely contracted H2YkI9j1Exy-00644-00169560-00170054 here 11 more seconds of work H2YkI9j1Exy-00645-00170055-00170375 let's go ahead and master these H2YkI9j1Exy-00646-00170376-00170575 exercises and then we'll move up H2YkI9j1Exy-00647-00170576-00170895 to the rotation H2YkI9j1Exy-00648-00170896-00171238 and time H2YkI9j1Exy-00649-00171239-00171614 last set best set H2YkI9j1Exy-00650-00171615-00171983 last at bested four rounds already in H2YkI9j1Exy-00651-00171984-00172038 the books H2YkI9j1Exy-00652-00172039-00172526 that they fly so fast H2YkI9j1Exy-00653-00172527-00172743 you know roy i thought since i took last H2YkI9j1Exy-00654-00172744-00172902 week off that you'd give me a break this H2YkI9j1Exy-00655-00172903-00173063 week H2YkI9j1Exy-00656-00173064-00173383 that was such a thing huh that was good H2YkI9j1Exy-00657-00173384-00173502 it was a great workout H2YkI9j1Exy-00658-00173503-00173695 you know what's what's great is is if H2YkI9j1Exy-00659-00173696-00173935 you take a week off you know H2YkI9j1Exy-00660-00173936-00174190 focus on your body let your body heal H2YkI9j1Exy-00661-00174191-00174302 take your time to H2YkI9j1Exy-00662-00174303-00174526 rest and recover and you will find that H2YkI9j1Exy-00663-00174527-00174719 it takes much longer for you to bounce H2YkI9j1Exy-00664-00174720-00174807 back H2YkI9j1Exy-00665-00174808-00175183 into the the shape or or the strength H2YkI9j1Exy-00666-00175184-00175295 that you thought H2YkI9j1Exy-00667-00175296-00175511 you may have been in it takes a lot less H2YkI9j1Exy-00668-00175512-00175719 time to bounce back into that so H2YkI9j1Exy-00669-00175720-00175895 great job and great to have you back and H2YkI9j1Exy-00670-00175896-00176071 i know i saw you pushing through so H2YkI9j1Exy-00671-00176072-00176375 you did great you did awesome H2YkI9j1Exy-00672-00176376-00176663 thank you it's good yes ma'am and i H2YkI9j1Exy-00673-00176664-00176838 think that's a that's a great note for H2YkI9j1Exy-00674-00176839-00177023 anyone watching out there bfitnation it H2YkI9j1Exy-00675-00177024-00177166 you know if you H2YkI9j1Exy-00676-00177167-00177463 if you aim set those micro goals and and H2YkI9j1Exy-00677-00177464-00177535 aim to get H2YkI9j1Exy-00678-00177536-00177823 three maybe two two to four exercises H2YkI9j1Exy-00679-00177824-00178038 two to four workouts in a week H2YkI9j1Exy-00680-00178039-00178254 and and if you can do more those are H2YkI9j1Exy-00681-00178255-00178359 bonus if H2YkI9j1Exy-00682-00178360-00178566 you do less than two if your goal is two H2YkI9j1Exy-00683-00178567-00178751 and you and you you do one H2YkI9j1Exy-00684-00178752-00178895 that's perfectly fine don't beat H2YkI9j1Exy-00685-00178896-00179078 yourself down don't H2YkI9j1Exy-00686-00179079-00179319 let it hover over you the next week just H2YkI9j1Exy-00687-00179320-00179487 program reset H2YkI9j1Exy-00688-00179488-00179702 take some time to recalibrate if you H2YkI9j1Exy-00689-00179703-00179911 will and then no write down your goals H2YkI9j1Exy-00690-00179912-00179999 write them down H2YkI9j1Exy-00691-00180000-00180166 trust me that helps write down your H2YkI9j1Exy-00692-00180167-00180366 goals set your plan for the week H2YkI9j1Exy-00693-00180367-00180575 set your plan of action and then just go H2YkI9j1Exy-00694-00180576-00180735 through and check it off you know if H2YkI9j1Exy-00695-00180736-00180902 if your workouts are monday wednesdays H2YkI9j1Exy-00696-00180903-00181166 fridays and maybe saturdays for H2YkI9j1Exy-00697-00181167-00181438 some fun runs by all means check them H2YkI9j1Exy-00698-00181439-00181519 off your list H2YkI9j1Exy-00699-00181520-00181751 and know that you are progressing each H2YkI9j1Exy-00700-00181752-00181983 week and each micro goal will get you to H2YkI9j1Exy-00701-00181984-00182207 that macro goal that you're setting H2YkI9j1Exy-00702-00182208-00182454 so great job great job way to stick with H2YkI9j1Exy-00703-00182455-00182623 us this was an easy workout so great H2YkI9j1Exy-00704-00182624-00182831 work H2YkI9j1Exy-00705-00182832-00183214 good i like the twists H2YkI9j1Exy-00706-00183215-00183526 hard at the end though you did yes H2YkI9j1Exy-00707-00183527-00183814 absolutely those little bit of tweaks in H2YkI9j1Exy-00708-00183815-00183911 any H2YkI9j1Exy-00709-00183912-00184135 exercise can just add so much more H2YkI9j1Exy-00710-00184136-00184335 benefit and so much more challenge H2YkI9j1Exy-00711-00184336-00184575 to that you know that fundamental and H2YkI9j1Exy-00712-00184576-00184790 then that foundation exercise so H2YkI9j1Exy-00713-00184791-00185031 just us adding in those little rotations H2YkI9j1Exy-00714-00185032-00185231 it forces your body to stabilize H2YkI9j1Exy-00715-00185232-00185471 and counter and so that just that's all H2YkI9j1Exy-00716-00185472-00185719 it takes H2YkI9j1Exy-00717-00185720-00186023 a great work great work everyone H2YkI9j1Exy-00718-00186024-00186295 you guys did awesome i'm feeling very H2YkI9j1Exy-00719-00186296-00186366 jealous H2YkI9j1Exy-00720-00186367-00186678 and and mad at myself for not working H2YkI9j1Exy-00721-00186679-00186863 out on a monday morning H2YkI9j1Exy-00722-00186864-00187054 we're we're going to get leah to work H2YkI9j1Exy-00723-00187055-00187463 out with us soon i know she will H2YkI9j1Exy-00724-00187464-00187975 i know you will H2YkI9j1Exy-00725-00187976-00188214 getting there is half the battle right H2YkI9j1Exy-00726-00188215-00188447 absolutely H2YkI9j1Exy-00727-00188448-00188623 that is that's absolutely half the H2YkI9j1Exy-00728-00188624-00188838 battle half the battle is showing up H2YkI9j1Exy-00729-00188839-00188999 it's surprising once you get your body H2YkI9j1Exy-00730-00189000-00189126 moving you get your body stretching H2YkI9j1Exy-00731-00189127-00189271 maybe your foam rolling H2YkI9j1Exy-00732-00189272-00189414 you know again you're stretching once H2YkI9j1Exy-00733-00189415-00189590 you get that blood flowing H2YkI9j1Exy-00734-00189591-00189823 your body your body just naturally picks H2YkI9j1Exy-00735-00189824-00190031 up and and if you can get your mind to H2YkI9j1Exy-00736-00190032-00190111 agree H2YkI9j1Exy-00737-00190112-00190350 with your body or vice versa it will H2YkI9j1Exy-00738-00190351-00190535 follow so tell your mind that you want H2YkI9j1Exy-00739-00190536-00190654 your body to move H2YkI9j1Exy-00740-00190655-00190959 and absolutely it will follow H2YkI9j1Exy-00741-00190960-00191590 great motivation roy great motivation H2YkI9j1Exy-00742-00191591-00191847 well for everybody watching thank you so H2YkI9j1Exy-00743-00191848-00191959 much for joining H2YkI9j1Exy-00744-00191960-00192175 we do these be fit lives every single H2YkI9j1Exy-00745-00192176-00192287 monday roy H2YkI9j1Exy-00746-00192288-00192607 is here he's our beefit ambassador and H2YkI9j1Exy-00747-00192608-00192799 sergeant barry senior master sergeant H2YkI9j1Exy-00748-00192800-00192999 sonia berry is usually with us H2YkI9j1Exy-00749-00193000-00193263 so thanks to both of you and thanks for H2YkI9j1Exy-00750-00193264-00193319 everybody H2YkI9j1Exy-00751-00193320-00193631 watching roy do you guys have anything H2YkI9j1Exy-00752-00193632-00194007 sergeant barry barry H2YkI9j1Exy-00753-00194008-00194383 any final goodbyes no just thanks again H2YkI9j1Exy-00754-00194384-00194471 for watching H2YkI9j1Exy-00755-00194472-00194687 um if you're working out with us i can H2YkI9j1Exy-00756-00194688-00194887 definitely feel the progression so it's H2YkI9j1Exy-00757-00194888-00195047 awesome that we're building upon what H2YkI9j1Exy-00758-00195048-00195166 we're learning so H2YkI9j1Exy-00759-00195167-00195359 thanks for being here with us um thanks H2YkI9j1Exy-00760-00195360-00195590 roy and leah H2YkI9j1Exy-00761-00195591-00195799 absolutely and thank you bfit nation H2YkI9j1Exy-00762-00195800-00195911 thank you for coming H2YkI9j1Exy-00763-00195912-00196095 thank you for watching tuning in and H2YkI9j1Exy-00764-00196096-00196311 again watch watch these videos back H2YkI9j1Exy-00765-00196312-00196526 and like i said in the beginning it H2YkI9j1Exy-00766-00196527-00196623 takes the guesswork H2YkI9j1Exy-00767-00196624-00196790 if you're showing up and you don't you H2YkI9j1Exy-00768-00196791-00196966 don't really know what to do H2YkI9j1Exy-00769-00196967-00197199 right off the bat go ahead and revisit H2YkI9j1Exy-00770-00197200-00197343 some of these workouts and H2YkI9j1Exy-00771-00197344-00197502 take the guesswork out work out and just H2YkI9j1Exy-00772-00197503-00197654 follow along with our progression as H2YkI9j1Exy-00773-00197655-00197711 well H2YkI9j1Exy-00774-00197712-00198031 and it will really help to progress you H2YkI9j1Exy-00775-00198032-00198183 forward in your H2YkI9j1Exy-00776-00198184-00198399 workout goals so thank you bfit nation H2YkI9j1Exy-00777-00198400-00198559 thank you for supporting thank you for H2YkI9j1Exy-00778-00198560-00198647 tuning in H2YkI9j1Exy-00779-00198648-00199011 and we will see you next week H2YkI9j1Exy-00780-00199012-00199312 guys H51dNW30XPM-00000-00000005-00002695 [Music] H51dNW30XPM-00001-00002696-00003760 [Music] H51dNW30XPM-00002-00003761-00004199 um who here got into design because they H51dNW30XPM-00003-00004200-00004319 wanted to change the world go ahead H51dNW30XPM-00004-00004320-00004676 raise your hands yeah me too me too and H51dNW30XPM-00005-00004677-00004820 everyone that didn't raise their hands H51dNW30XPM-00006-00004821-00005612 get out and design is no doubt impactful H51dNW30XPM-00007-00005613-00005891 it's absolutely changing the world and H51dNW30XPM-00008-00005892-00006170 its profitable to McKenzie just report H51dNW30XPM-00009-00006171-00006476 um publish this report three weeks ago H51dNW30XPM-00010-00006477-00006748 saying that companies that prioritize H51dNW30XPM-00011-00006750-00007052 design outperform in revenue everyone H51dNW30XPM-00012-00007053-00007545 else by two times that's a lot of money H51dNW30XPM-00013-00007547-00007859 but I've been wondering whose world are H51dNW30XPM-00014-00007859-00007996 we changing with the work that we do H51dNW30XPM-00015-00007997-00008288 here in Silicon Valley and this question H51dNW30XPM-00016-00008289-00008567 came to me when I was leading a vision H51dNW30XPM-00017-00008568-00008845 sprint for a new product offering and H51dNW30XPM-00018-00008846-00009262 the target market was being described as H51dNW30XPM-00019-00009263-00009635 young married upper-middle class people H51dNW30XPM-00020-00009636-00009896 that were moving into Regent refining H51dNW30XPM-00021-00009897-00010430 neighborhoods and the workshop kept H51dNW30XPM-00022-00010431-00010568 going and they were talking about okay H51dNW30XPM-00023-00010569-00010706 what else about the market do they like H51dNW30XPM-00024-00010707-00010964 the color yellow do they have two kids H51dNW30XPM-00025-00010965-00011521 or maybe 1.5 kids but I was stuck I was H51dNW30XPM-00026-00011522-00011776 like all right I really need to know H51dNW30XPM-00027-00011777-00012218 what does Ari gentrifying mean and the H51dNW30XPM-00028-00012219-00012473 answer that I got was restoring a H51dNW30XPM-00029-00012474-00012674 neighborhood like West Oakland to its H51dNW30XPM-00030-00012675-00013109 former grandeur and this kind of crushed H51dNW30XPM-00031-00013110-00013415 me I lived in West Oakland for a really H51dNW30XPM-00032-00013416-00013565 long time and it's where I found myself H51dNW30XPM-00033-00013566-00013891 it's where I became who you see now and H51dNW30XPM-00034-00013891-00014153 it's still a really big important part H51dNW30XPM-00035-00014154-00014456 of my identity and then I looked around H51dNW30XPM-00036-00014457-00015247 the room and it dawned on me that the H51dNW30XPM-00037-00015248-00015452 product that we were working on wasn't H51dNW30XPM-00038-00015453-00015899 for people that looked like me and H51dNW30XPM-00039-00015900-00016168 [Music] H51dNW30XPM-00040-00016169-00016336 then I thought about it a little bit H51dNW30XPM-00041-00016337-00016771 more and I realized that every product H51dNW30XPM-00042-00016772-00016969 that I've ever worked on was not for H51dNW30XPM-00043-00016970-00017419 people that look like me and the reason H51dNW30XPM-00044-00017420-00017713 for that digging in very deep is that H51dNW30XPM-00045-00017714-00018082 the design process itself isn't for H51dNW30XPM-00046-00018083-00018370 people that look like me a lot of what H51dNW30XPM-00047-00018371-00018556 we're doing is designing for exclusion H51dNW30XPM-00048-00018557-00018834 which is interesting because we're here H51dNW30XPM-00049-00018835-00019060 so today I'd like to talk to you about H51dNW30XPM-00050-00019061-00019309 how the design process excludes and how H51dNW30XPM-00051-00019310-00019408 it does it in three ways H51dNW30XPM-00052-00019409-00019789 so first who we design for how we work H51dNW30XPM-00053-00019790-00020341 and who we idolize so is everyone H51dNW30XPM-00054-00020342-00020608 familiar with this you say it a lot at H51dNW30XPM-00055-00020609-00021262 work so I took the mantra you were not H51dNW30XPM-00056-00021263-00021556 the user to heart and so it wasn't H51dNW30XPM-00057-00021557-00021862 really like obvious to me that you know H51dNW30XPM-00058-00021863-00022090 design is exclusive I was just doing my H51dNW30XPM-00059-00022091-00022231 job of course I don't look like these H51dNW30XPM-00060-00022232-00022606 people I'm not the user but with my new H51dNW30XPM-00061-00022607-00022924 perspective I had to ask okay who who is H51dNW30XPM-00062-00022925-00023241 the user and how do they get chosen and H51dNW30XPM-00063-00023242-00023541 because design is part of business H51dNW30XPM-00064-00023542-00023797 business often means to target a market H51dNW30XPM-00065-00023798-00024180 so that they can you know make money and H51dNW30XPM-00066-00024181-00024472 they use demographics so demographics H51dNW30XPM-00067-00024473-00024811 are descriptors like income gender age H51dNW30XPM-00068-00024812-00025394 race religion and they're intended to H51dNW30XPM-00069-00025395-00025925 quantify the human experience but H51dNW30XPM-00070-00025926-00026169 demographics are dangerous because they H51dNW30XPM-00071-00026170-00026427 leverage and perpetuate stereotypes and H51dNW30XPM-00072-00026429-00026865 the way that they do this is through the H51dNW30XPM-00073-00026866-00027199 kind of elephant colored thing in the H51dNW30XPM-00074-00027200-00027517 room here bias which is you know people H51dNW30XPM-00075-00027518-00027730 apply their bias when they are trying to H51dNW30XPM-00076-00027731-00027933 think through okay a upper middle-class H51dNW30XPM-00077-00027935-00028204 family what does that look like what H51dNW30XPM-00078-00028205-00028545 what are their needs and a lot of that H51dNW30XPM-00079-00028547-00028899 bias is informed by media portrayals and H51dNW30XPM-00080-00028900-00029338 lack of representation so when it comes H51dNW30XPM-00081-00029339-00029527 to people that look like me there H51dNW30XPM-00082-00029527-00029814 only two varieties of positive there is H51dNW30XPM-00083-00029816-00030106 being really really really really really H51dNW30XPM-00084-00030107-00030333 good at sports and being really really H51dNW30XPM-00085-00030335-00030768 really really good at entertainment and H51dNW30XPM-00086-00030769-00031048 I don't know about you guys but I don't H51dNW30XPM-00087-00031049-00031295 think I'm qualified for this job and H51dNW30XPM-00088-00031297-00031585 these jobs are generally unobtainable H51dNW30XPM-00089-00031586-00031936 and for people that look like me very H51dNW30XPM-00090-00031937-00032152 rarely are we portrayed in occupational H51dNW30XPM-00091-00032152-00032485 roles and then as for the negative H51dNW30XPM-00092-00032486-00032686 portrayals I don't actually really want H51dNW30XPM-00093-00032687-00033222 to get into it because it bums me out so H51dNW30XPM-00094-00033223-00033664 what can we infer about this woman's H51dNW30XPM-00095-00033665-00034267 needs about her yeah what does she need H51dNW30XPM-00096-00034268-00034483 when we're trying to design for her what H51dNW30XPM-00097-00034484-00034725 can hurt age tell us what can her H51dNW30XPM-00098-00034726-00034975 ethnicity tell us what can where she H51dNW30XPM-00099-00034976-00035167 live tell us so that we can design the H51dNW30XPM-00100-00035168-00035520 right product the answer is nothing H51dNW30XPM-00101-00035521-00035824 because demographics don't make good H51dNW30XPM-00102-00035825-00036018 design decisions H51dNW30XPM-00103-00036019-00036358 so instead design for behavior and gets H51dNW30XPM-00104-00036359-00036730 you started here's a few ways to remove H51dNW30XPM-00105-00036731-00037146 bias from your design process and do the H51dNW30XPM-00106-00037147-00037324 right thing and design for the people H51dNW30XPM-00107-00037325-00037669 that actually have wants and needs and H51dNW30XPM-00108-00037670-00037896 behaviors so behavior segmentation H51dNW30XPM-00109-00037897-00038410 reason patterns and jobs to be done so H51dNW30XPM-00110-00038411-00038842 when you expand and look beyond target H51dNW30XPM-00111-00038843-00039073 demographics and you design for behavior H51dNW30XPM-00112-00039074-00039340 you get to this really awesome classic H51dNW30XPM-00113-00039341-00039589 inclusive design example of the ox' oh H51dNW30XPM-00114-00039590-00039999 good grips does everyone know this story H51dNW30XPM-00115-00040000-00040377 no okay great it's gonna spare you but H51dNW30XPM-00116-00040378-00040948 you're not getting spared okay so the H51dNW30XPM-00117-00040949-00041352 one on the right here is how we used to H51dNW30XPM-00118-00041353-00041683 peel our carrots and you know it when H51dNW30XPM-00119-00041684-00041992 you grab that it hurts and the founder H51dNW30XPM-00120-00041993-00042367 of Aqsa saw that his wife was hurting H51dNW30XPM-00121-00042368-00042499 her hand because she had developed H51dNW30XPM-00122-00042500-00042751 arthritis and he was like how how can I H51dNW30XPM-00123-00042752-00042823 help H51dNW30XPM-00124-00042824-00043140 and because he took this approach of H51dNW30XPM-00125-00043141-00043290 like okay we're going to focus on it H51dNW30XPM-00126-00043291-00043810 need we get this really Pleasant spongy H51dNW30XPM-00127-00043811-00044260 finned vegetable peeler that I think H51dNW30XPM-00128-00044261-00044440 it's like the best vegetable peeler on H51dNW30XPM-00129-00044441-00045046 the planet actually so now you see the H51dNW30XPM-00130-00045047-00045235 demographics are exclusionary they're H51dNW30XPM-00131-00045236-00045418 biased and in some cases they're H51dNW30XPM-00132-00045419-00045840 dangerous so next I would ask you to H51dNW30XPM-00133-00045841-00046077 consider how techno optimism is H51dNW30XPM-00134-00046078-00046492 dangerous so who here creates our right H51dNW30XPM-00135-00046493-00046737 scenarios or create storyboards good H51dNW30XPM-00136-00046738-00047139 raise your hands you do meet you and H51dNW30XPM-00137-00047140-00047415 then for those who need a refresher so H51dNW30XPM-00138-00047416-00047755 with storyboards we have with scenarios H51dNW30XPM-00139-00047756-00048139 we have a user and with our technology H51dNW30XPM-00140-00048140-00048477 we're going to improve their life and H51dNW30XPM-00141-00048478-00048696 they become a better version of H51dNW30XPM-00142-00048697-00049030 themselves right so we're gonna work H51dNW30XPM-00143-00049031-00049351 through an example of this together so H51dNW30XPM-00144-00049352-00049721 here is an example of a scenario and H51dNW30XPM-00145-00049722-00050052 this was this came from value sensitive H51dNW30XPM-00146-00050053-00050208 design so I have to give credit cuz it's H51dNW30XPM-00147-00050209-00050512 awesome and it reads Sarah and her H51dNW30XPM-00148-00050513-00050764 daughter Leah recently moved to a new H51dNW30XPM-00149-00050765-00051010 city Sarah works full-time and worries H51dNW30XPM-00150-00051011-00051198 about Leah walking home after school H51dNW30XPM-00151-00051199-00051477 Sarah uses an app to map the safest H51dNW30XPM-00152-00051478-00051724 route and those she'll get an alert if H51dNW30XPM-00153-00051725-00052119 Leah gets too close to a dangerous area H51dNW30XPM-00154-00052120-00052389 so with that type of scenario we might H51dNW30XPM-00155-00052390-00052551 design something that looks like this H51dNW30XPM-00156-00052552-00052788 this is safety net and it uses H51dNW30XPM-00157-00052789-00053038 demographics and criminal data and GPS H51dNW30XPM-00158-00053039-00053284 to create maps of neighborhoods and it H51dNW30XPM-00159-00053285-00053494 alerts people of unpleasant and H51dNW30XPM-00160-00053495-00053856 dangerous areas during their travels so H51dNW30XPM-00161-00053857-00054192 we're walking and approaching a red zone H51dNW30XPM-00162-00054194-00054376 and then we got an alert and it says H51dNW30XPM-00163-00054377-00054637 North Meadow is dangerous so in Silicon H51dNW30XPM-00164-00054638-00054744 Valley we would look at this and we'd H51dNW30XPM-00165-00054745-00055132 say great we've done it chip it H51dNW30XPM-00166-00055133-00055455 it totally like meets the criteria H51dNW30XPM-00167-00055457-00055629 outlined in the scenario that we wrote H51dNW30XPM-00168-00055630-00055735 this is great H51dNW30XPM-00169-00055736-00056071 Leah's gonna be good and Sarah can sleep H51dNW30XPM-00170-00056072-00056635 better we're changing the world but we H51dNW30XPM-00171-00056636-00056763 should be more responsible and ask H51dNW30XPM-00172-00056764-00056994 questions about the work that we do so H51dNW30XPM-00173-00056995-00057184 we should ask who else might be impacted H51dNW30XPM-00174-00057185-00057400 and then are there long-term H51dNW30XPM-00175-00057401-00057646 consequences to what we loose upon the H51dNW30XPM-00176-00057647-00058078 world and then what could go wrong so if H51dNW30XPM-00177-00058079-00058486 we go back to this who else might be H51dNW30XPM-00178-00058487-00058960 affected by our work here we might write H51dNW30XPM-00179-00058961-00059212 a different type of scenario like this H51dNW30XPM-00180-00059213-00059304 one about Evan H51dNW30XPM-00181-00059305-00059611 so Evan has never used safety net but H51dNW30XPM-00182-00059612-00059812 his mom says it keeps strangers out of H51dNW30XPM-00183-00059813-00060097 the neighborhood his dad complains that H51dNW30XPM-00184-00060098-00060282 it keeps her home's value down it makes H51dNW30XPM-00185-00060283-00060454 it so only poor people can move in and H51dNW30XPM-00186-00060454-00060780 then if we go back and think about are H51dNW30XPM-00187-00060782-00061054 there longer-term consequences or what H51dNW30XPM-00188-00061054-00061423 could possibly go wrong so over the long H51dNW30XPM-00189-00061424-00061651 term perhaps people use this to buy H51dNW30XPM-00190-00061652-00061984 houses and the city continues to H51dNW30XPM-00191-00061985-00062185 self-segregate and you have people H51dNW30XPM-00192-00062186-00062584 living in pocketed just groups of people H51dNW30XPM-00193-00062585-00062838 and then how this could possibly go H51dNW30XPM-00194-00062839-00063201 wrong is maybe safety net is used to H51dNW30XPM-00195-00063202-00063691 draw districting lines for elections so H51dNW30XPM-00196-00063691-00063879 instead let's design for techno Optus H51dNW30XPM-00197-00063880-00064244 techno skepticism not the optimism and H51dNW30XPM-00198-00064245-00064510 ways to do that value some sort of H51dNW30XPM-00199-00064511-00064774 design which is so good you guys need to H51dNW30XPM-00200-00064775-00065026 look it up right away and then the tarot H51dNW30XPM-00201-00065027-00065376 cards of tech which are beautiful so H51dNW30XPM-00202-00065377-00065551 we've already talked about who we H51dNW30XPM-00203-00065552-00065848 designed for and how that can be H51dNW30XPM-00204-00065849-00066268 exclusionary but where we work can also H51dNW30XPM-00205-00066269-00066806 be exclusionary so in the office we hire H51dNW30XPM-00206-00066807-00067147 like-minded like looking people and then H51dNW30XPM-00207-00067148-00067440 we get to numbers that look like this I H51dNW30XPM-00208-00067441-00067893 know the resolutions rough but it's H51dNW30XPM-00209-00067894-00068071 beautiful on my computer H51dNW30XPM-00210-00068072-00068460 and so to give you a more legible view H51dNW30XPM-00211-00068461-00068866 we have Asian at 10.4% these numbers are H51dNW30XPM-00212-00068867-00069223 current by the way 10.4% bi or H51dNW30XPM-00213-00069224-00069511 multiracial people eleven percent black H51dNW30XPM-00214-00069512-00069685 african-american three point four H51dNW30XPM-00215-00069686-00069942 percent that latin x eight point one H51dNW30XPM-00216-00069943-00070206 Native American and First Nation nations H51dNW30XPM-00217-00070207-00070455 one percent Native Hawaiian Pacific H51dNW30XPM-00218-00070456-00070881 Islander 0.8 percent white Caucasian H51dNW30XPM-00219-00070882-00071134 sixty point to four percent prefer not H51dNW30XPM-00220-00071135-00071400 to say two point four and other two H51dNW30XPM-00221-00071401-00071643 point four sorry I promised not to read H51dNW30XPM-00222-00071644-00072130 you numbers like that ever again so once H51dNW30XPM-00223-00072131-00072486 you get into the door it's so easy for H51dNW30XPM-00224-00072487-00072736 your voice to be ignored you might be H51dNW30XPM-00225-00072737-00072942 the only person on your team in if H51dNW30XPM-00226-00072943-00073092 you're in a conversation it only takes H51dNW30XPM-00227-00073093-00073325 two more voices to cancel out one and H51dNW30XPM-00228-00073326-00073599 then who makes the decisions at the H51dNW30XPM-00229-00073600-00073863 companies that we work at someone that H51dNW30XPM-00230-00073864-00074037 makes the most money highest paid H51dNW30XPM-00231-00074038-00074311 person's opinion for those who don't H51dNW30XPM-00232-00074312-00074791 know hippo is they ultimately have the H51dNW30XPM-00233-00074792-00075012 the say-so a diverse team can be H51dNW30XPM-00234-00075013-00075480 overruled in an instant and you know as H51dNW30XPM-00235-00075481-00075749 designers we all have this role where we H51dNW30XPM-00236-00075750-00076159 are advocating for our users on behalf H51dNW30XPM-00237-00076160-00076360 our I'm sorry I'm saying this backwards H51dNW30XPM-00238-00076361-00076642 where we advocate for our users to our H51dNW30XPM-00239-00076643-00076932 engineering and product partners that's H51dNW30XPM-00240-00076933-00077193 that's our job that's what we do but H51dNW30XPM-00241-00077194-00077392 then there's a second job which is the H51dNW30XPM-00242-00077393-00077613 representative so if you are anything H51dNW30XPM-00243-00077614-00077899 other than the monoculture your other H51dNW30XPM-00244-00077900-00078223 job is in an immense amount of emotional H51dNW30XPM-00245-00078224-00078478 labor where you are representing H51dNW30XPM-00246-00078479-00078790 whatever may be your races your gender H51dNW30XPM-00247-00078791-00079153 non gender etc and you have to do it H51dNW30XPM-00248-00079154-00079315 really really well and you have to roll H51dNW30XPM-00249-00079316-00079549 with the punches so that the door stays H51dNW30XPM-00250-00079550-00079711 open for anyone else that looks like you H51dNW30XPM-00251-00079712-00080331 later ruff so now we've looked at you H51dNW30XPM-00252-00080332-00080560 know how who we designed for and how we H51dNW30XPM-00253-00080561-00080850 work and then that last place is H51dNW30XPM-00254-00080851-00081132 actually the first place where we learn H51dNW30XPM-00255-00081133-00081340 how to be designers and it starts with H51dNW30XPM-00256-00081341-00081516 who we idolize H51dNW30XPM-00257-00081517-00082240 so sorry the smoke is really getting to H51dNW30XPM-00258-00082241-00082801 me okay so the first designers H51dNW30XPM-00259-00082802-00083176 architects industrial designers were men H51dNW30XPM-00260-00083177-00083437 that look like this and because they had H51dNW30XPM-00261-00083438-00083836 access they were able to you know have H51dNW30XPM-00262-00083837-00083994 the first clients and then they could H51dNW30XPM-00263-00083995-00084229 teach about their craft they could start H51dNW30XPM-00264-00084230-00084406 schools write the books and their work H51dNW30XPM-00265-00084407-00084784 today is still celebrated and with H51dNW30XPM-00266-00084785-00084979 experienced design we have a similar H51dNW30XPM-00267-00084980-00085693 history and just imagine how much better H51dNW30XPM-00268-00085694-00085906 design would be if our education H51dNW30XPM-00269-00085907-00086179 included more diverse voices there's so H51dNW30XPM-00270-00086180-00086365 much missing in our design education H51dNW30XPM-00271-00086366-00087046 today so nearing the end here design H51dNW30XPM-00272-00087047-00087274 education obviously isn't going to H51dNW30XPM-00273-00087275-00087412 change overnight the design process H51dNW30XPM-00274-00087413-00087646 won't change overnight but we're all H51dNW30XPM-00275-00087647-00087819 here and we're we've kind of self H51dNW30XPM-00276-00087820-00088069 selected that we care for this topic so H51dNW30XPM-00277-00088070-00088384 I ask you to reconsider your design H51dNW30XPM-00278-00088385-00088729 process and like be kind to yourself H51dNW30XPM-00279-00088730-00089175 because the stuff is hard and then H51dNW30XPM-00280-00089176-00089539 remember to change the world you have to H51dNW30XPM-00281-00089540-00089947 actually include it oh sorry you want H51dNW30XPM-00282-00089948-00090946 its picture and while we're here so when H51dNW30XPM-00283-00090947-00091090 you're talking to your your product H51dNW30XPM-00284-00091091-00091336 partners your engineering partners you H51dNW30XPM-00285-00091337-00091561 know you are one voice but that doesn't H51dNW30XPM-00286-00091562-00091741 mean that your voice doesn't can't be H51dNW30XPM-00287-00091742-00091976 backed by more voices that you bring in H51dNW30XPM-00288-00091977-00092479 that's one way to do it alright thanks H51dNW30XPM-00289-00092480-00092566 you all H51dNW30XPM-00290-00092567-00092901 [Applause] H5rJrtvfO1Y-00000-00000958-00001320 hi assalamualaikum Busan Busan Sharna H5rJrtvfO1Y-00001-00001321-00001590 Sabri same reppuken Brad one dari H5rJrtvfO1Y-00002-00001591-00001960 universty malicious rawa delhomme drusen H5rJrtvfO1Y-00003-00001961-00002199 Kimia Zumba faculty Science and H5rJrtvfO1Y-00004-00002200-00002497 Technology summer darkness quran moosa H5rJrtvfO1Y-00005-00002498-00002841 Hakan scholar music sundry deepest H5rJrtvfO1Y-00006-00002842-00002896 rajaiah H5rJrtvfO1Y-00007-00002897-00003126 which is related to prodigy music H5rJrtvfO1Y-00008-00003127-00003267 centers I am Amelia H5rJrtvfO1Y-00009-00003268-00003622 Otto mangu copernica as an EVD something H5rJrtvfO1Y-00010-00003622-00003893 Department weakened 21 to cachi an H5rJrtvfO1Y-00011-00003894-00004321 capita drug one red one young lion scare H5rJrtvfO1Y-00012-00004322-00004543 approach a Music Center Mopani is Rattus H5rJrtvfO1Y-00013-00004544-00004888 or on Annamarie Qataris Prostaff kepada H5rJrtvfO1Y-00014-00004889-00005421 Shamoon baka baka radwan the university H5rJrtvfO1Y-00015-00005422-00005646 malicious rawa at the funda College H5rJrtvfO1Y-00016-00005647-00005845 community - will destroy apathy a lease H5rJrtvfO1Y-00017-00005846-00006372 from a shiny colossi a bully and a bully HrUBcBLMYZU-00000-00000000-00000238 me to my channel you are very very HrUBcBLMYZU-00001-00000239-00000526 welcome this is Kirsty Valentine thank HrUBcBLMYZU-00002-00000527-00000688 you very much for tuning on to your HrUBcBLMYZU-00003-00000689-00000844 favorite teaching your favorite babe HrUBcBLMYZU-00004-00000846-00001243 your favorite tea time Spiller Kirsty HrUBcBLMYZU-00005-00001244-00001607 support this page by subscribing press HrUBcBLMYZU-00006-00001607-00001882 the red button on the right of your HrUBcBLMYZU-00007-00001884-00002081 screen in that way you know HrUBcBLMYZU-00008-00002082-00002333 and you get notifications when there is HrUBcBLMYZU-00009-00002334-00002555 a new video or when I go live streaming HrUBcBLMYZU-00010-00002556-00002813 please comment as we all learn from your HrUBcBLMYZU-00011-00002814-00003065 comment I have an email HrUBcBLMYZU-00012-00003066-00003340 all the information is in the details of HrUBcBLMYZU-00013-00003342-00003545 each one of my videos you can always HrUBcBLMYZU-00014-00003546-00003761 send me a message or share your stories HrUBcBLMYZU-00015-00003761-00004067 with me uh for others and support they HrUBcBLMYZU-00016-00004068-00004301 are totally discreet and always remember HrUBcBLMYZU-00017-00004302-00004606 to press that thumbs up for like hey as HrUBcBLMYZU-00018-00004607-00005009 with the taco we all take this sense out HrUBcBLMYZU-00019-00005010-00005279 of this senseless and we take the HrUBcBLMYZU-00020-00005280-00005615 usefulness out of the thoroughly useless HrUBcBLMYZU-00021-00005616-00005801 not to when personal deceived forget HrUBcBLMYZU-00022-00005802-00006047 nothing when Musa and sule never see HrUBcBLMYZU-00023-00006048-00006193 forgets HrUBcBLMYZU-00024-00006194-00006670 Jehovah you know our Legend HrUBcBLMYZU-00025-00006672-00006827 um lead injury HrUBcBLMYZU-00026-00006828-00006919 um HrUBcBLMYZU-00027-00006920-00007313 legendary actors Cynthia okay okay she HrUBcBLMYZU-00028-00007314-00007774 has starred in open more than 300 films HrUBcBLMYZU-00029-00007775-00008081 uh Nollywood movies HrUBcBLMYZU-00030-00008081-00008585 and she is being she's she has like over HrUBcBLMYZU-00031-00008586-00008963 20 years experience acting she started HrUBcBLMYZU-00032-00008964-00009239 in the 90s so she's very very good she's HrUBcBLMYZU-00033-00009240-00009737 always known to play the Lolo or the the HrUBcBLMYZU-00034-00009738-00009991 Lolo which is the ego's wife or a HrUBcBLMYZU-00035-00009992-00010331 motherly Rose so she's very very good HrUBcBLMYZU-00036-00010332-00010588 very good that's her party place that HrUBcBLMYZU-00037-00010589-00010864 part very very well HrUBcBLMYZU-00038-00010865-00011213 her name is uh Cynthia okeke and there's HrUBcBLMYZU-00039-00011214-00011423 another actor as well called Clemson HrUBcBLMYZU-00040-00011424-00011681 Cornell he has a lot of accolades under HrUBcBLMYZU-00041-00011682-00011903 his belt he has been in the movie HrUBcBLMYZU-00042-00011904-00012214 industry for over two decades he's well HrUBcBLMYZU-00043-00012215-00012569 known he's a seasoned actor so according HrUBcBLMYZU-00044-00012570-00012778 to the reports now after Cynthia okay HrUBcBLMYZU-00045-00012779-00013102 and Cynthia okay okay and Clancy Cornell HrUBcBLMYZU-00046-00013103-00013343 they have been kidnapped they they are HrUBcBLMYZU-00047-00013344-00013591 It is believed that they have been HrUBcBLMYZU-00048-00013591-00013901 kidnapped both actors are suspected to HrUBcBLMYZU-00049-00013902-00014147 have been suspected to have been HrUBcBLMYZU-00050-00014147-00014393 kidnapped after they failed to return HrUBcBLMYZU-00051-00014394-00014830 from a movie set in uzala town in enugu HrUBcBLMYZU-00052-00014831-00015100 the Actors Guild of Nigeria confirmed HrUBcBLMYZU-00053-00015101-00015335 this development in a statement released HrUBcBLMYZU-00054-00015336-00015647 this afternoon so basically they have HrUBcBLMYZU-00055-00015647-00015905 put a poster out on social media and HrUBcBLMYZU-00056-00015906-00016205 everywhere it says the Actors Guild of HrUBcBLMYZU-00057-00016206-00016517 Nigeria AGN members kidnapped which HrUBcBLMYZU-00058-00016518-00016727 means what they have what they have done HrUBcBLMYZU-00059-00016728-00016900 in this poster they put the pictures of HrUBcBLMYZU-00060-00016901-00017105 both actors HrUBcBLMYZU-00061-00017106-00017417 um Cynthia and Clemson on in the poster HrUBcBLMYZU-00062-00017418-00017650 and they have written two members of the HrUBcBLMYZU-00063-00017651-00017933 atos Deeds of Nigeria Cynthia okeke and HrUBcBLMYZU-00064-00017934-00018091 Clemson HrUBcBLMYZU-00065-00018092-00018436 were reportedly missing after their HrUBcBLMYZU-00066-00018437-00018641 family members confirmed they didn't HrUBcBLMYZU-00067-00018642-00018958 come back from a movie location HrUBcBLMYZU-00068-00018959-00019444 States HrUBcBLMYZU-00069-00019445-00019649 the two members were suspected to have HrUBcBLMYZU-00070-00019650-00019847 been kidnapped and this has increased HrUBcBLMYZU-00071-00019848-00020050 fear among members about safety of HrUBcBLMYZU-00072-00020051-00020357 actors female in the country in the view HrUBcBLMYZU-00073-00020358-00020567 of this development the national HrUBcBLMYZU-00074-00020568-00020914 president of the guilds ajz a Mecca HrUBcBLMYZU-00075-00020915-00021155 rulers has instructed All actors to HrUBcBLMYZU-00076-00021156-00021371 avoid going to outskirts of cities to HrUBcBLMYZU-00077-00021372-00021628 film except full security cover is HrUBcBLMYZU-00078-00021629-00021964 provided to ensure their safety the HrUBcBLMYZU-00079-00021965-00022175 national president is shot over this HrUBcBLMYZU-00080-00022176-00022408 ugly incident and urged the security HrUBcBLMYZU-00081-00022409-00022661 agents to speed up investigations that HrUBcBLMYZU-00082-00022662-00022961 would lead to their safe rescue he HrUBcBLMYZU-00083-00022962-00023200 equally appeals to all members to pray HrUBcBLMYZU-00084-00023201-00023608 for the safe return of the thespians HrUBcBLMYZU-00085-00023609-00023975 um is is very sad that this is happening HrUBcBLMYZU-00086-00023976-00024325 I mean these are two thespian seasoned HrUBcBLMYZU-00087-00024326-00024719 legendary uh actors who have been in the HrUBcBLMYZU-00088-00024720-00024947 movie in Industry have entertained us in HrUBcBLMYZU-00089-00024948-00025127 our living rooms while we are driving in HrUBcBLMYZU-00090-00025128-00025378 Accra wherever we are we can switch onto HrUBcBLMYZU-00091-00025379-00025655 our phones and our laptop to watch the HrUBcBLMYZU-00092-00025656-00025864 movies they have made they have played HrUBcBLMYZU-00093-00025866-00026105 all characters I mean they are very HrUBcBLMYZU-00094-00026106-00026267 seasoned they are very well experienced HrUBcBLMYZU-00095-00026268-00026429 and this should not be happening to them HrUBcBLMYZU-00096-00026430-00026602 but in a country where you have HrUBcBLMYZU-00097-00026604-00026929 lawlessness we are the criminals of the HrUBcBLMYZU-00098-00026930-00027196 kidnappers have more sophisticated HrUBcBLMYZU-00099-00027197-00027490 weapons than the security force in HrUBcBLMYZU-00100-00027491-00027724 Nigeria this brings you to a questioning HrUBcBLMYZU-00101-00027725-00027952 what is the Army doing in Nigeria HrUBcBLMYZU-00102-00027954-00028157 because I know in the Western World the HrUBcBLMYZU-00103-00028158-00028373 Army is there for security and HrUBcBLMYZU-00104-00028374-00028631 protection to protect and secure and HrUBcBLMYZU-00105-00028632-00028864 make sure that the citizens are safe the HrUBcBLMYZU-00106-00028866-00029170 police also does the same thing so you HrUBcBLMYZU-00107-00029172-00029423 know so when I see here of all these HrUBcBLMYZU-00108-00029424-00029652 things going on every day you you know HrUBcBLMYZU-00109-00029654-00029902 saying that you're questioning the HrUBcBLMYZU-00110-00029904-00030124 safety of uh and Security in that HrUBcBLMYZU-00111-00030125-00030431 country it becomes tiresome because they HrUBcBLMYZU-00112-00030432-00030652 they cannot any anybody they could HrUBcBLMYZU-00113-00030653-00030964 kidnap anybody from a president from a HrUBcBLMYZU-00114-00030966-00031181 senator from somebody who is working in HrUBcBLMYZU-00115-00031182-00031420 the House of Representatives to just an HrUBcBLMYZU-00116-00031422-00031751 unmarried person even family members set HrUBcBLMYZU-00117-00031752-00031835 up HrUBcBLMYZU-00118-00031836-00032099 and plan kidnapping of their own family HrUBcBLMYZU-00119-00032100-00032387 member even I read stories about young HrUBcBLMYZU-00120-00032388-00032651 boys and youngest you know planning we HrUBcBLMYZU-00121-00032652-00032896 kidnap us to kidnap their parents for a HrUBcBLMYZU-00122-00032897-00033209 ransom you know so we HrUBcBLMYZU-00123-00033210-00033574 we pray that is not we just pray that HrUBcBLMYZU-00124-00033575-00033911 they are found and they are found in HrUBcBLMYZU-00125-00033912-00034331 safety and good health you know so I I HrUBcBLMYZU-00126-00034332-00034607 plead that the authorities the security HrUBcBLMYZU-00127-00034608-00034883 authorities should please be at their HrUBcBLMYZU-00128-00034884-00035117 fullest Alliance to protect the citizens HrUBcBLMYZU-00129-00035118-00035405 and make sure that they officials HrUBcBLMYZU-00130-00035406-00035573 discoveries who have done these things HrUBcBLMYZU-00131-00035574-00035879 to adhere actor Cynthia okeke and HrUBcBLMYZU-00132-00035880-00036245 Clemson so now we see Harmony this is a HrUBcBLMYZU-00133-00036246-00036640 very short video uh please subscribe to HrUBcBLMYZU-00134-00036641-00036809 this channel you support this channel by HrUBcBLMYZU-00135-00036810-00036965 subscribing in that way we make HrUBcBLMYZU-00136-00036966-00037267 education awareness HrUBcBLMYZU-00137-00037268-00037589 striving in our communities HrUBcBLMYZU-00138-00037590-00037883 thumbs up for like and always remember HrUBcBLMYZU-00139-00037884-00038039 to share with your colleagues and HrUBcBLMYZU-00140-00038040-00038212 Friends your neighbors your husband your HrUBcBLMYZU-00141-00038213-00038357 wife your lover your boyfriend your HrUBcBLMYZU-00142-00038358-00038749 girlfriend and also uh leave a comment HrUBcBLMYZU-00143-00038750-00039196 and you can always press that red bell HrUBcBLMYZU-00144-00039197-00039412 or button on the right hand side of your HrUBcBLMYZU-00145-00039413-00039623 screen that way you know when I go live HrUBcBLMYZU-00146-00039624-00039880 streaming or when a new video has been HrUBcBLMYZU-00147-00039881-00040162 off uploaded so this is your favorite TT HrUBcBLMYZU-00148-00040163-00040559 your favorite tea time spinner crusty HrUBcBLMYZU-00149-00040560-00040685 man HrUBcBLMYZU-00150-00040686-00040946 time HsJpSCIjKhI-00000-00000008-00000211 what's up wildlings Colin wild foods HsJpSCIjKhI-00001-00000212-00000374 founder and CEO today we're going to HsJpSCIjKhI-00002-00000375-00000607 talk about adaptogenic mushrooms so HsJpSCIjKhI-00003-00000608-00000788 these have been growing in popularity in HsJpSCIjKhI-00004-00000789-00000974 recent years and for good reason because HsJpSCIjKhI-00005-00000975-00001244 the research around them is pretty much HsJpSCIjKhI-00006-00001245-00001429 Universal in that they're good for you HsJpSCIjKhI-00007-00001430-00001609 I'm gonna list off some of the benefits HsJpSCIjKhI-00008-00001610-00001775 but more importantly I'm gonna just give HsJpSCIjKhI-00009-00001776-00001948 to you a brief understanding of what HsJpSCIjKhI-00010-00001950-00002092 they are why you might want to use them HsJpSCIjKhI-00011-00002093-00002227 and then how to use them HsJpSCIjKhI-00012-00002228-00002462 so that you can add them to your health HsJpSCIjKhI-00013-00002463-00002657 routine so medicinal mushrooms have been HsJpSCIjKhI-00014-00002658-00002860 used by the Chinese in traditional HsJpSCIjKhI-00015-00002861-00003056 Chinese medicine for over 2,000 plus HsJpSCIjKhI-00016-00003057-00003260 years for those of us in the West when HsJpSCIjKhI-00017-00003261-00003434 we think of mushrooms we think of the HsJpSCIjKhI-00018-00003435-00003629 kind that maybe you sauté in a pan maybe HsJpSCIjKhI-00019-00003629-00003811 white button mushrooms or things like HsJpSCIjKhI-00020-00003812-00003968 that but that's not the case for most HsJpSCIjKhI-00021-00003969-00004129 medicinal mushrooms now something like HsJpSCIjKhI-00022-00004130-00004418 lion's mane which you can actually cook HsJpSCIjKhI-00023-00004419-00004691 and eat is a medicinal mushroom but HsJpSCIjKhI-00024-00004692-00004976 something like reishi is woody and not HsJpSCIjKhI-00025-00004977-00005159 actually edible so to prepare these HsJpSCIjKhI-00026-00005160-00005258 medicine mushroom so that you can HsJpSCIjKhI-00027-00005259-00005443 actually consume them you make what's HsJpSCIjKhI-00028-00005444-00005593 basically a mushroom broth it's known as HsJpSCIjKhI-00029-00005594-00005888 a mushroom extract and this is taking a HsJpSCIjKhI-00030-00005889-00006029 large amount of mushrooms let's say 10 HsJpSCIjKhI-00031-00006030-00006218 pounds and then we're going to cook that HsJpSCIjKhI-00032-00006219-00006467 down with hot water and/or alcohol which HsJpSCIjKhI-00033-00006468-00006721 then extracts the nutrients and the HsJpSCIjKhI-00034-00006722-00006917 beneficial properties that mushrooms are HsJpSCIjKhI-00035-00006918-00007076 becoming known for these mushroom HsJpSCIjKhI-00036-00007077-00007334 extracts as they're called are now being HsJpSCIjKhI-00037-00007334-00007589 used as supplements and for good reason HsJpSCIjKhI-00038-00007590-00007814 they are potent in fact most people HsJpSCIjKhI-00039-00007815-00008095 don't know but 70% of pharmaceuticals HsJpSCIjKhI-00040-00008097-00008303 are derived in some form from the fungi HsJpSCIjKhI-00041-00008304-00008483 kingdom we're just starting to unlock HsJpSCIjKhI-00042-00008484-00008612 the benefits of these mushrooms it's HsJpSCIjKhI-00043-00008613-00008801 just starting to understand how they can HsJpSCIjKhI-00044-00008802-00009035 be used in treatment of even modern HsJpSCIjKhI-00045-00009036-00009239 chronic disease of course it's not we're HsJpSCIjKhI-00046-00009240-00009310 talking bout today we're talking about HsJpSCIjKhI-00047-00009311-00009470 medicinal functional mushrooms that you HsJpSCIjKhI-00048-00009471-00009664 can take at home that said more and more HsJpSCIjKhI-00049-00009665-00009842 research is coming out in which actual HsJpSCIjKhI-00050-00009843-00010139 trials are utilizing these mushrooms to HsJpSCIjKhI-00051-00010140-00010376 help individuals ward off modern disease HsJpSCIjKhI-00052-00010377-00010556 but today we're talking about HsJpSCIjKhI-00053-00010557-00010748 adaptogenic mushrooms so we're not HsJpSCIjKhI-00054-00010749-00010892 talking pharmaceuticals and let's start HsJpSCIjKhI-00055-00010893-00011162 by defining what an adaptogen is so an HsJpSCIjKhI-00056-00011163-00011389 adaptogen is something that aids your HsJpSCIjKhI-00057-00011390-00011635 body in adapting to stress so think of HsJpSCIjKhI-00058-00011636-00011792 it as something that helps your body run HsJpSCIjKhI-00059-00011793-00011987 better when your body runs better and HsJpSCIjKhI-00060-00011988-00012116 it's managing stress better and it's HsJpSCIjKhI-00061-00012117-00012212 manage the inflammation better HsJpSCIjKhI-00062-00012213-00012452 everything is better and that's why we HsJpSCIjKhI-00063-00012453-00012677 have this long list here of potential HsJpSCIjKhI-00064-00012678-00012890 benefits of mushrooms which include and HsJpSCIjKhI-00065-00012891-00013072 I'll just list off a few immune boosting HsJpSCIjKhI-00066-00013073-00013283 may help reduce inflammation oxidative HsJpSCIjKhI-00067-00013284-00013379 stress HsJpSCIjKhI-00068-00013380-00013519 speed up recovery of the nervous system HsJpSCIjKhI-00069-00013521-00013676 may help with brain fog may be HsJpSCIjKhI-00070-00013677-00013865 neuroprotective may be anti-anxiety may HsJpSCIjKhI-00071-00013866-00014044 be anti tumour may be anti-inflammatory HsJpSCIjKhI-00072-00014046-00014210 may reduce memory impairment may HsJpSCIjKhI-00073-00014211-00014480 increase motivation and energy may HsJpSCIjKhI-00074-00014481-00014690 increase memory may potentially help HsJpSCIjKhI-00075-00014691-00014936 lower blood glucose etc on on on it goes HsJpSCIjKhI-00076-00014937-00015125 because basically adaptogens help your HsJpSCIjKhI-00077-00015126-00015359 body get better if we were to summarize HsJpSCIjKhI-00078-00015360-00015653 what adaptogenic mushrooms do they help HsJpSCIjKhI-00079-00015654-00015908 with immune function as well as help you HsJpSCIjKhI-00080-00015909-00016219 manage stress the most common forms that HsJpSCIjKhI-00081-00016221-00016427 these come in are a capsule which the HsJpSCIjKhI-00082-00016428-00016613 powder is inside or you have the bulk HsJpSCIjKhI-00083-00016614-00016871 powder which you can add then to HsJpSCIjKhI-00084-00016872-00017156 smoothies shakes coffee even soups and HsJpSCIjKhI-00085-00017157-00017315 stews some people even like to take a HsJpSCIjKhI-00086-00017316-00017474 bunch of different together and then HsJpSCIjKhI-00087-00017475-00017621 combine to their own capsules and do it HsJpSCIjKhI-00088-00017622-00017798 that way that's actually why we have the HsJpSCIjKhI-00089-00017799-00017957 washroom blend because we have five of HsJpSCIjKhI-00090-00017958-00018098 our best selling mushrooms in there and HsJpSCIjKhI-00091-00018099-00018233 so that you just do one scoop and you HsJpSCIjKhI-00092-00018234-00018314 get all of it HsJpSCIjKhI-00093-00018315-00018536 let's now list off real quick five of HsJpSCIjKhI-00094-00018537-00018719 the most popular medicinal mushrooms and HsJpSCIjKhI-00095-00018720-00018887 then some research connected to them HsJpSCIjKhI-00096-00018888-00019031 they'll be links to the research below HsJpSCIjKhI-00097-00019032-00019193 and keep in mind this is not medical HsJpSCIjKhI-00098-00019194-00019403 advice this is not intended to prevent HsJpSCIjKhI-00099-00019404-00019577 treat diagnose any disease these are HsJpSCIjKhI-00100-00019578-00019751 just research studies that have been HsJpSCIjKhI-00101-00019752-00019919 done that we're citing that you can then HsJpSCIjKhI-00102-00019920-00020057 go read on your own this is just HsJpSCIjKhI-00103-00020058-00020159 something that might want to get you HsJpSCIjKhI-00104-00020160-00020366 interested and diving a bit deeper into HsJpSCIjKhI-00105-00020367-00020561 mushrooms so the first one we got is HsJpSCIjKhI-00106-00020562-00020783 chaga so chuck has been shown to fight HsJpSCIjKhI-00107-00020784-00021019 off viruses and one study a water based HsJpSCIjKhI-00108-00021020-00021236 extract of chaga exhibited antiviral HsJpSCIjKhI-00109-00021237-00021449 activity against common viral infections HsJpSCIjKhI-00110-00021450-00021672 and there'll be a link below for that HsJpSCIjKhI-00111-00021673-00021959 lion's mane one small-scale study gave HsJpSCIjKhI-00112-00021960-00022187 patients for 250 milligrams tablets HsJpSCIjKhI-00113-00022188-00022442 contain 96% mushroom powder three times HsJpSCIjKhI-00114-00022443-00022652 a day for 16 weeks those who took the HsJpSCIjKhI-00115-00022653-00022859 lion's mane powder showed significantly HsJpSCIjKhI-00116-00022860-00023054 increased scores of the cognitive HsJpSCIjKhI-00117-00023055-00023222 function scale compared with the placebo HsJpSCIjKhI-00118-00023223-00023354 group so they must have tested people HsJpSCIjKhI-00119-00023355-00023546 from a cognitive perspective and then HsJpSCIjKhI-00120-00023547-00023786 compared those to the placebo group that HsJpSCIjKhI-00121-00023787-00023944 didn't have any of the lion's mane HsJpSCIjKhI-00122-00023945-00024104 lion's mane is thought to be good for HsJpSCIjKhI-00123-00024105-00024239 the brain because it can help stimulate HsJpSCIjKhI-00124-00024240-00024440 nerve growth so there's multiple studies HsJpSCIjKhI-00125-00024441-00024626 that are looking into this turkey tail HsJpSCIjKhI-00126-00024627-00024815 turkey gel contains two powerful HsJpSCIjKhI-00127-00024816-00025082 polysaccharides called PSP and PSP which HsJpSCIjKhI-00128-00025083-00025310 is at the center of a 5.4 million dollar HsJpSCIjKhI-00129-00025311-00025538 collaboration between baster University HsJpSCIjKhI-00130-00025539-00025675 and the University of Washington and HsJpSCIjKhI-00131-00025676-00025850 funded by the National Institutes of HsJpSCIjKhI-00132-00025851-00025984 Health researchers found that a daily HsJpSCIjKhI-00133-00025985-00026114 dose of turkey tail helped improve HsJpSCIjKhI-00134-00026114-00026306 immune function PSP has also been shown HsJpSCIjKhI-00135-00026307-00026507 to significantly enhance immune status HsJpSCIjKhI-00136-00026508-00026752 and up to 97% of cancer patients HsJpSCIjKhI-00137-00026754-00026970 and there'll be a link to that below HsJpSCIjKhI-00138-00026972-00027185 cordyceps a double-blind HsJpSCIjKhI-00139-00027186-00027352 placebo-controlled trial found that HsJpSCIjKhI-00140-00027354-00027556 course EPS acted like an adaptogen HsJpSCIjKhI-00141-00027557-00027836 hormone balancer helping people HsJpSCIjKhI-00142-00027837-00027992 struggling with fatigue increased their HsJpSCIjKhI-00143-00027993-00028211 levels of energy endurance there's also HsJpSCIjKhI-00144-00028212-00028358 a famous Olympic tena I believe was the HsJpSCIjKhI-00145-00028358-00028570 Chinese running team that were HsJpSCIjKhI-00146-00028572-00028720 supplementing with quarters cept onic HsJpSCIjKhI-00147-00028722-00028943 and taking high doses of it and they HsJpSCIjKhI-00148-00028944-00029089 they might have won the gold that year HsJpSCIjKhI-00149-00029091-00029216 or something so that kind of helped with HsJpSCIjKhI-00150-00029217-00029377 the popularity of cordyceps rishi HsJpSCIjKhI-00151-00029379-00029573 studies have shown that polysaccharides HsJpSCIjKhI-00152-00029574-00029717 and tri tier pennines HsJpSCIjKhI-00153-00029718-00029977 and rishi decreased excessive fat HsJpSCIjKhI-00154-00029979-00030110 storage seen in people struggling with HsJpSCIjKhI-00155-00030111-00030368 weight gain and also potentially lower HsJpSCIjKhI-00156-00030369-00030617 blood sugar in diabetics and there'll be HsJpSCIjKhI-00157-00030618-00030854 a link below to that study as well now a HsJpSCIjKhI-00158-00030855-00031088 couple things about mushrooms and to HsJpSCIjKhI-00159-00031089-00031283 keep this video short because I can go HsJpSCIjKhI-00160-00031283-00031436 on about this there's a lot to unpack HsJpSCIjKhI-00161-00031437-00031619 here one of the most common questions we HsJpSCIjKhI-00162-00031620-00031811 get are your mushrooms grown in China HsJpSCIjKhI-00163-00031812-00032077 and we emphatically answer they are HsJpSCIjKhI-00164-00032077-00032314 because that's where the best mushrooms HsJpSCIjKhI-00165-00032316-00032452 in the world are grown the Chinese have HsJpSCIjKhI-00166-00032454-00032576 been growing mushrooms cultivating them HsJpSCIjKhI-00167-00032577-00032798 extracting them for years I mean we're HsJpSCIjKhI-00168-00032799-00032951 talking hundreds of years for some HsJpSCIjKhI-00169-00032952-00033098 multi-generational farms that we work HsJpSCIjKhI-00170-00033099-00033251 with as well as thousands of years in HsJpSCIjKhI-00171-00033252-00033467 China in general and so this idea that HsJpSCIjKhI-00172-00033468-00033572 everything that comes out of China is HsJpSCIjKhI-00173-00033573-00033842 bad is kind of a misnomer it doesn't HsJpSCIjKhI-00174-00033843-00033980 really add up in fact most of products HsJpSCIjKhI-00175-00033981-00034085 that we have around us in our everyday HsJpSCIjKhI-00176-00034086-00034385 lives come from China right and a lot of HsJpSCIjKhI-00177-00034386-00034568 food is imported from China surprisingly HsJpSCIjKhI-00178-00034569-00034748 most people don't realize that there's HsJpSCIjKhI-00179-00034749-00034934 quality to everything so when you work HsJpSCIjKhI-00180-00034935-00035087 with a small supplier that does things HsJpSCIjKhI-00181-00035088-00035243 in a certain way and you have certain HsJpSCIjKhI-00182-00035244-00035393 coa inspections and things like that HsJpSCIjKhI-00183-00035394-00035564 you're gonna be able to maintain a HsJpSCIjKhI-00184-00035565-00035735 standard of quality we've also been HsJpSCIjKhI-00185-00035736-00035846 sourcing from the same Chinese HsJpSCIjKhI-00186-00035847-00036086 manufacturer for over about four years HsJpSCIjKhI-00187-00036087-00036239 now and we've never had an issue with HsJpSCIjKhI-00188-00036240-00036368 quality and I use these products on a HsJpSCIjKhI-00189-00036369-00036551 daily basis myself that's what we do HsJpSCIjKhI-00190-00036552-00036722 wild foods we like to work directly with HsJpSCIjKhI-00191-00036723-00036932 manufacturers and farmers that really HsJpSCIjKhI-00192-00036933-00037073 know what's going on in the supply chain HsJpSCIjKhI-00193-00037074-00037268 and control every aspect of that as much HsJpSCIjKhI-00194-00037269-00037472 as possible so yes our mushrooms are HsJpSCIjKhI-00195-00037473-00037757 grown in China and source directly from HsJpSCIjKhI-00196-00037758-00037931 the manufacturer and we are pleased with HsJpSCIjKhI-00197-00037932-00038105 the quality so again it comes down to HsJpSCIjKhI-00198-00038106-00038249 the company you're buying from and the HsJpSCIjKhI-00199-00038250-00038366 sourcing standards that they have HsJpSCIjKhI-00200-00038367-00038522 because you can obviously slap a label HsJpSCIjKhI-00201-00038523-00038741 or a bag on any product and called HsJpSCIjKhI-00202-00038742-00038906 anything and there is a very limited HsJpSCIjKhI-00203-00038907-00039062 amount of checks and balances that HsJpSCIjKhI-00204-00039063-00039215 actually go on in the food and the sub HsJpSCIjKhI-00205-00039216-00039335 and industries which I'm sure you've HsJpSCIjKhI-00206-00039336-00039485 heard about so it comes down at the end HsJpSCIjKhI-00207-00039486-00039689 of the day to you trust the company HsJpSCIjKhI-00208-00039690-00039848 you're buying from and that's the HsJpSCIjKhI-00209-00039849-00040064 importance of branding and Trust and HsJpSCIjKhI-00210-00040065-00040106 even HsJpSCIjKhI-00211-00040107-00040229 oh we're honest in education around HsJpSCIjKhI-00212-00040230-00040367 these ideas and that's the importance of HsJpSCIjKhI-00213-00040368-00040502 trusting the brands that you're buying HsJpSCIjKhI-00214-00040503-00040715 from one final note on adaption HsJpSCIjKhI-00215-00040716-00040811 mushrooms are something that you might HsJpSCIjKhI-00216-00040812-00040937 want to look for though it's not HsJpSCIjKhI-00217-00040938-00041099 all-inclusive because there are some HsJpSCIjKhI-00218-00041100-00041273 exceptions to this but in general you're HsJpSCIjKhI-00219-00041274-00041492 gonna want to look for fruiting bodies HsJpSCIjKhI-00220-00041493-00041636 so there's two parts of the mushroom HsJpSCIjKhI-00221-00041637-00041792 there's the mycelium and then there's HsJpSCIjKhI-00222-00041793-00041939 the fruiting body and I won't go into HsJpSCIjKhI-00223-00041940-00042071 all the specifics of that today HsJpSCIjKhI-00224-00042072-00042212 but basically it's the fruiting body HsJpSCIjKhI-00225-00042213-00042386 that is most revered for its health HsJpSCIjKhI-00226-00042387-00042560 benefits although there is some benefit HsJpSCIjKhI-00227-00042561-00042740 shown and actually processing the HsJpSCIjKhI-00228-00042741-00042953 mycelium but the research is limited HsJpSCIjKhI-00229-00042954-00043055 most of the research that's being done HsJpSCIjKhI-00230-00043056-00043247 is actually on the fruiting body of HsJpSCIjKhI-00231-00043248-00043385 mushrooms though I do suspect there'll HsJpSCIjKhI-00232-00043386-00043544 be more research done with the mycelium HsJpSCIjKhI-00233-00043545-00043736 I think there's benefit to both because HsJpSCIjKhI-00234-00043737-00043886 after all mushrooms are just a miracle HsJpSCIjKhI-00235-00043887-00044063 compound and pretty much consuming as HsJpSCIjKhI-00236-00044064-00044240 much of the mushroom as possible is HsJpSCIjKhI-00237-00044241-00044480 always going to be good there are some HsJpSCIjKhI-00238-00044481-00044654 issues with sourcing mushrooms and that HsJpSCIjKhI-00239-00044655-00044912 grain is actually used in the process HsJpSCIjKhI-00240-00044913-00045068 whether the grain is extracted itself HsJpSCIjKhI-00241-00045069-00045287 which the mushrooms grow on or somehow HsJpSCIjKhI-00242-00045288-00045482 combines with the extract and I'll HsJpSCIjKhI-00243-00045483-00045620 blended together there's a lot of ways HsJpSCIjKhI-00244-00045621-00045782 to cut corners and add filler and things HsJpSCIjKhI-00245-00045783-00045947 like that that again it comes down to HsJpSCIjKhI-00246-00045948-00046076 the sourcing whether you trust the HsJpSCIjKhI-00247-00046077-00046271 source so generally looking for 100% HsJpSCIjKhI-00248-00046272-00046421 fruiting bodies or maybe even HsJpSCIjKhI-00249-00046422-00046607 hundred-percent mycelium from an organic HsJpSCIjKhI-00250-00046608-00046775 substrate there are some companies that HsJpSCIjKhI-00251-00046776-00046883 are doing that that are okay HsJpSCIjKhI-00252-00046884-00047093 we source 100% footing base your waffles HsJpSCIjKhI-00253-00047094-00047222 just for simplicity because we know it HsJpSCIjKhI-00254-00047223-00047405 works we know it's effective and it HsJpSCIjKhI-00255-00047406-00047675 makes it simple for the consumer and so HsJpSCIjKhI-00256-00047676-00047906 this is just an intro into adaptogenic HsJpSCIjKhI-00257-00047907-00048056 mushrooms if you have any questions or HsJpSCIjKhI-00258-00048057-00048170 comments you can drop them below and HsJpSCIjKhI-00259-00048171-00048302 we'll answer those you can also send me HsJpSCIjKhI-00260-00048303-00048497 an email personally calling at wild HsJpSCIjKhI-00261-00048498-00048701 foods CO and I hope you subscribe to get HsJpSCIjKhI-00262-00048702-00048911 more videos like this to help you on HsJpSCIjKhI-00263-00048912-00049170 your health journey HsJpSCIjKhI-00264-00049171-00051058 [Music] HusTOQTJ6_u-00000-00000000-00000245 netmarble games korean nazma Buhl games HusTOQTJ6_u-00001-00000246-00000437 you as a south korean game publishing HusTOQTJ6_u-00002-00000438-00000841 company as of 2015 it had more than 3000 HusTOQTJ6_u-00003-00000842-00001075 employees and served over 120 countries HusTOQTJ6_u-00004-00001076-00001316 worldwide netmarble HusTOQTJ6_u-00005-00001317-00001568 earned 900 million dollars in profits in HusTOQTJ6_u-00006-00001569-00001892 2015 the firm expected to earn 1 point 1 HusTOQTJ6_u-00007-00001893-00002167 billion dollars by the close of the 2016 HusTOQTJ6_u-00008-00002168-00002381 fiscal year netmarble has developed HusTOQTJ6_u-00009-00002382-00002560 mobile games including seven nights HusTOQTJ6_u-00010-00002561-00002767 raven evil bane in the US and HusTOQTJ6_u-00011-00002768-00002888 everybody's marble HusTOQTJ6_u-00012-00002889-00003166 it also claims a large shareholder stake HusTOQTJ6_u-00013-00003167-00003454 in sgn a casual game developer and has a HusTOQTJ6_u-00014-00003455-00003668 strategic partnership with CJ E&M HusTOQTJ6_u-00015-00003669-00004045 corporation since 2015 the company has HusTOQTJ6_u-00016-00004046-00004235 licensed Disney owned properties to HusTOQTJ6_u-00017-00004236-00004438 produce games such as Marvel future HusTOQTJ6_u-00018-00004439-00004820 fight 2015 Disney magical dice 2016 and HusTOQTJ6_u-00019-00004821-00005195 Star Wars Force Arena 2017 in April 28 HusTOQTJ6_u-00020-00005196-00005611 Teen netmarble games acquired 25.7 1% in HusTOQTJ6_u-00021-00005612-00005813 big HIT Entertainment the agency of HusTOQTJ6_u-00022-00005814-00006056 Korean boy group BTS becoming its HusTOQTJ6_u-00023-00006057-00006701 second-largest shareholder HusTOQTJ6_u-00024-00006702-00007298 topic notable games available HusTOQTJ6_u-00025-00007300-00007779 assault gear blossom party destiny six HusTOQTJ6_u-00026-00007780-00008091 not out worldwide yet Disney magical HusTOQTJ6_u-00027-00008092-00008607 dice district 187 since Street Dragon HusTOQTJ6_u-00028-00008608-00008949 Ball online do legen bull on lane dragon HusTOQTJ6_u-00029-00008950-00009369 striker everybody's marble module we mob HusTOQTJ6_u-00030-00009370-00009678 a will firstborn kingdom come fishing HusTOQTJ6_u-00031-00009679-00010083 strike grand chase Gulen deutsches ooh HusTOQTJ6_u-00032-00010084-00010425 guns the duel geona you do die you all HusTOQTJ6_u-00033-00010426-00010538 Iron Throne HusTOQTJ6_u-00034-00010539-00011019 kanya heroes legend of Etta lines get HusTOQTJ6_u-00035-00011020-00011460 rich lineage to revolution magic cat HusTOQTJ6_u-00036-00011461-00011909 story Marvel future fight Minnie fighter HusTOQTJ6_u-00037-00011910-00012420 naughty monster party oz Chronicle Prius HusTOQTJ6_u-00038-00012421-00012916 online raven Leoben evil Bane in the US HusTOQTJ6_u-00039-00012917-00013208 Queens blade scarlet blade in Europe and HusTOQTJ6_u-00040-00013209-00013675 America SD Gundam capsule fighter seven HusTOQTJ6_u-00041-00013676-00014147 nights 7s you sulking Star Wars for HusTOQTJ6_u-00042-00014147-00014584 Serena Stone Age begins suit 1ag HusTOQTJ6_u-00043-00014585-00014894 uncharted waters online Wonder King HusTOQTJ6_u-00044-00014894-00015304 online y us online Hy2IKEL1FO8-00000-00000046-00000374 Joseph cajeta aunty yl the 4th of Hy2IKEL1FO8-00001-00000375-00000757 February 1808 to the 11th of July 1856 Hy2IKEL1FO8-00002-00000758-00001085 check pronunciation Joe sadef keiter NT Hy2IKEL1FO8-00003-00001086-00001310 l was a significant Czech dramatist Hy2IKEL1FO8-00004-00001311-00001657 writer an actor he was a notable figure Hy2IKEL1FO8-00005-00001659-00001892 in the Czech national revival movement Hy2IKEL1FO8-00006-00001893-00002090 and is best known as the author of the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00007-00002091-00002273 current national anthem of the Czech Hy2IKEL1FO8-00008-00002274-00003054 Republic titled KDE d'amour mooch Hy2IKEL1FO8-00009-00003055-00003574 topic life Hy2IKEL1FO8-00010-00003575-00003940 Joseph cajeta Tyl was the firstborn son Hy2IKEL1FO8-00011-00003940-00004213 of Juri Tyl a tailor and retired Hy2IKEL1FO8-00012-00004214-00004456 military band oboe player and his wife Hy2IKEL1FO8-00013-00004457-00004708 Barbara nake relic of a daughter of a Hy2IKEL1FO8-00014-00004709-00004978 million groats maker he was christened Hy2IKEL1FO8-00015-00004979-00005221 Joseph frantisek yet this name was Hy2IKEL1FO8-00016-00005222-00005446 changed into Joseph cajeta own when he Hy2IKEL1FO8-00017-00005447-00005644 underwent confirmation at the age of Hy2IKEL1FO8-00018-00005645-00005971 eleven the family surname had several Hy2IKEL1FO8-00019-00005972-00006271 written forms Tillie Tillie Tillie or Hy2IKEL1FO8-00020-00006272-00006579 teeth and was later changed to Tyl Hy2IKEL1FO8-00021-00006580-00006844 Joseph cajeta Owen had four younger Hy2IKEL1FO8-00022-00006845-00007039 siblings one brother and three sisters Hy2IKEL1FO8-00023-00007040-00007306 but except sister Anna none of them Hy2IKEL1FO8-00024-00007306-00007642 survived to adulthood after finishing Hy2IKEL1FO8-00025-00007643-00007770 elementary school Hy2IKEL1FO8-00026-00007772-00007998 Joseph cajeta studied at a Grammar Hy2IKEL1FO8-00027-00008000-00008262 School in Prague and in Radek releve Hy2IKEL1FO8-00028-00008263-00008554 among his teachers belong the leading Hy2IKEL1FO8-00029-00008555-00008734 Czech linguist and writer Joseph Hy2IKEL1FO8-00030-00008735-00008938 Jungmann and the playwright that suave Hy2IKEL1FO8-00031-00008939-00009235 Clement clic para after finishing his Hy2IKEL1FO8-00032-00009236-00009457 studies at the grammar school he started Hy2IKEL1FO8-00033-00009458-00009846 to study philosophy in Prague already as Hy2IKEL1FO8-00034-00009847-00010147 a student Tyl started to be active in Hy2IKEL1FO8-00035-00010148-00010360 theatre and finally left school to Hy2IKEL1FO8-00036-00010361-00010567 become a member of the Hilmer traveling Hy2IKEL1FO8-00037-00010568-00010828 theatre company when the company Hy2IKEL1FO8-00038-00010829-00011074 disbanded after two years of journeying Hy2IKEL1FO8-00039-00011075-00011278 around the countryside he returned to Hy2IKEL1FO8-00040-00011279-00011503 Prague and got a job as a clerk in an Hy2IKEL1FO8-00041-00011504-00011814 infantry regiments office in his free Hy2IKEL1FO8-00042-00011815-00012043 time he wrote theater plays and worked Hy2IKEL1FO8-00043-00012044-00012349 as an actor at the estate's theatre due Hy2IKEL1FO8-00044-00012350-00012553 to his abilities he could leave his job Hy2IKEL1FO8-00045-00012554-00012903 in the military in 1842 as he was given Hy2IKEL1FO8-00046-00012904-00013122 a full-time job at the estate's theatre Hy2IKEL1FO8-00047-00013123-00013360 where he became the director organizer Hy2IKEL1FO8-00048-00013361-00013612 and playwright of the Czech ensemble in Hy2IKEL1FO8-00049-00013613-00013930 the otherwise mainly German theatre in Hy2IKEL1FO8-00050-00013931-00014316 1833 Tyl became a redactor of a renewed Hy2IKEL1FO8-00051-00014318-00014581 Czech magazine called cavity blossoms Hy2IKEL1FO8-00052-00014582-00014928 which exists until today he was also a Hy2IKEL1FO8-00053-00014929-00015153 redactor of the magazine's Vlasto Hy2IKEL1FO8-00054-00015154-00015406 Milland preska posle prague messenger Hy2IKEL1FO8-00055-00015407-00015646 and of the newspaper said lay no Viney Hy2IKEL1FO8-00056-00015647-00015844 farmer's newspaper that were later Hy2IKEL1FO8-00057-00015844-00015997 banned because of his political Hy2IKEL1FO8-00058-00015997-00016178 involvement Hy2IKEL1FO8-00059-00016179-00016489 Tyl used several pen names that were Hy2IKEL1FO8-00060-00016490-00016663 often derived from the name of his Hy2IKEL1FO8-00061-00016664-00016961 hometown or horror for example Hy2IKEL1FO8-00062-00016962-00017192 Sukie hornik could no horse key and Hy2IKEL1FO8-00063-00017193-00017621 Vitek in the revolutionary year 1848 Hy2IKEL1FO8-00064-00017622-00017914 Tyl became politically active and was Hy2IKEL1FO8-00065-00017915-00018089 briefly a member of the Austrian Hy2IKEL1FO8-00066-00018090-00018389 Parliament in Vienna because he fought Hy2IKEL1FO8-00067-00018390-00018583 for the independence of the Czech nation Hy2IKEL1FO8-00068-00018584-00018811 from the austrian-hungarian empire Hy2IKEL1FO8-00069-00018812-00019022 he was later marked as politically Hy2IKEL1FO8-00070-00019023-00019235 unreliable by the authorities and Hy2IKEL1FO8-00071-00019236-00019528 expelled from the Estates theatre he Hy2IKEL1FO8-00072-00019529-00019705 wanted to found his own traveling Hy2IKEL1FO8-00073-00019706-00019919 theatre company but his request was Hy2IKEL1FO8-00074-00019920-00020222 rejected so in 1851 he joined an Hy2IKEL1FO8-00075-00020223-00020411 existing one and left for a tour Hy2IKEL1FO8-00076-00020412-00020725 together with his family yet the theatre Hy2IKEL1FO8-00077-00020726-00020993 company did not fare well and the Tyl Hy2IKEL1FO8-00078-00020994-00021389 family ended up in poverty in 1856 Hy2IKEL1FO8-00079-00021390-00021661 during his theaters stay in Pilsen the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00080-00021662-00021958 48 years old Tyl died of an unknown Hy2IKEL1FO8-00081-00021959-00022163 illness and was buried at a local Hy2IKEL1FO8-00082-00022164-00022522 cemetery a theater in pleasin was later Hy2IKEL1FO8-00083-00022523-00022769 named in his honor to vad lodge a sefer Hy2IKEL1FO8-00084-00022770-00023394 cajeta owner Tala Hy2IKEL1FO8-00085-00023395-00023914 topic work Hy2IKEL1FO8-00086-00023915-00024247 Tyl was an author of several novels and Hy2IKEL1FO8-00087-00024248-00024478 short stories but he is most famous for Hy2IKEL1FO8-00088-00024479-00024742 his about 20 theater plays which can be Hy2IKEL1FO8-00089-00024743-00025428 divided into several groups Hy2IKEL1FO8-00090-00025429-00025761 topic plays describing the life of the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00091-00025762-00026405 Czech Society in tiles time period Hy2IKEL1FO8-00092-00026406-00026745 palek over d Sara arsonists daughter Hy2IKEL1FO8-00093-00026747-00027166 profs keifa meander Prague Playboy Hy2IKEL1FO8-00094-00027167-00027505 banquet are bankrupt Judy couch clear Hy2IKEL1FO8-00095-00027506-00028001 poor juggler Hy2IKEL1FO8-00096-00028002-00028345 topic plays portraying famous events Hy2IKEL1FO8-00097-00028347-00028562 from Czech history especially the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00098-00028563-00029060 hussite movement Hy2IKEL1FO8-00099-00029061-00029495 Jan Hus cisco's ed chop Nova sister of Hy2IKEL1FO8-00100-00029495-00029839 trot knov crave aviso Danna could no Hy2IKEL1FO8-00101-00029840-00029933 holstee havi Hy2IKEL1FO8-00102-00029933-00030185 a bloody verdict the miners of cut nor Hy2IKEL1FO8-00103-00030186-00030514 horror crave of a coup tiny an herbed Hy2IKEL1FO8-00104-00030515-00030827 raha Mira OGG sign of a bloody baptism Hy2IKEL1FO8-00105-00030827-00031422 Audra Hamir and her sons Hy2IKEL1FO8-00106-00031423-00031737 topic plays featuring fairy tale Hy2IKEL1FO8-00107-00031738-00032332 characters fairies witches Hy2IKEL1FO8-00108-00032333-00032602 Strachan icky dork the bagpiper of Hy2IKEL1FO8-00109-00032602-00032799 Strachan each a one of his most famous Hy2IKEL1FO8-00110-00032800-00033180 works there's me panna an obsessed to Hy2IKEL1FO8-00111-00033181-00033445 America the forest maiden a journey to Hy2IKEL1FO8-00112-00033446-00033793 America TV our deal of Vezina the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00113-00033794-00033942 stubborn woman Hy2IKEL1FO8-00114-00033943-00034271 Jericho Vova Denis George's vision Hy2IKEL1FO8-00115-00034272-00034952 certain are zemi devil on earth Hy2IKEL1FO8-00116-00034953-00035484 topic other plays Hy2IKEL1FO8-00117-00035485-00035696 pani marjenka Matt Hy2IKEL1FO8-00118-00035697-00035945 lucu lady margin ker mother of the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00119-00035946-00036296 regiment FID lavaca a song from this Hy2IKEL1FO8-00120-00036297-00036599 play named KDE d'amour mooch became the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00121-00036600-00036995 Czech national anthem in 1918 sleppy Hy2IKEL1FO8-00122-00036996-00037618 melodic the blind young man Hy2IKEL1FO8-00123-00037619-00038156 topic family Hy2IKEL1FO8-00124-00038157-00038396 Kyle's wife was a Czech actress Hy2IKEL1FO8-00125-00038397-00038810 Magdalena four-team / 1803 to 1870 who Hy2IKEL1FO8-00126-00038811-00039076 performed under the pen-name scowl nor Hy2IKEL1FO8-00127-00039077-00039440 Tyl met her in 1829 during his first Hy2IKEL1FO8-00128-00039441-00039665 tour with a traveling theatre company Hy2IKEL1FO8-00129-00039666-00039950 where they both performed they married Hy2IKEL1FO8-00130-00039951-00040280 on the 28th of January 1839 yet their Hy2IKEL1FO8-00131-00040281-00040517 marriage stayed childless as after a Hy2IKEL1FO8-00132-00040518-00040736 stillbirth magdalena couldn't have any Hy2IKEL1FO8-00133-00040737-00041057 more children in 1841 Hy2IKEL1FO8-00134-00041058-00041330 Tyl fell in love with his wife's much Hy2IKEL1FO8-00135-00041331-00041549 younger sister anna who was also a Hy2IKEL1FO8-00136-00041550-00041780 talented actress and performed under the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00137-00041781-00041948 pen name anna Rajskub Hy2IKEL1FO8-00138-00041949-00042464 24 to 1903 they started an affair Tyl Hy2IKEL1FO8-00139-00042465-00042677 did not divorce or leave his wife Hy2IKEL1FO8-00140-00042678-00042872 however and all three of them lived Hy2IKEL1FO8-00141-00042873-00043091 together in one household until his Hy2IKEL1FO8-00142-00043092-00043412 death Anna bore her brother-in-law eight Hy2IKEL1FO8-00143-00043413-00043637 illegitimate children the youngest son Hy2IKEL1FO8-00144-00043638-00044021 was born one month after Tyl died the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00145-00044022-00044240 sons went by the mother's surname for Hy2IKEL1FO8-00146-00044241-00044438 chyme daughters were allowed by the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00147-00044439-00044768 authorities to use father's surname Tyl Hy2IKEL1FO8-00148-00044769-00045251 on the 24th of april 1861 five years Hy2IKEL1FO8-00149-00045252-00045500 after Tiles death and a married Tiles Hy2IKEL1FO8-00150-00045501-00045716 colleague actor Joseph Ladislav Hy2IKEL1FO8-00151-00045717-00045929 turn-offs key with whom she had three Hy2IKEL1FO8-00152-00045930-00046036 more children Hy2IKEL1FO8-00153-00046037-00046310 turn-offs key took care not only of Hy2IKEL1FO8-00154-00046311-00046592 tiles family but also of his legacy by Hy2IKEL1FO8-00155-00046593-00046826 saving his manuscripts and publishing Hy2IKEL1FO8-00156-00046827-00047400 his works Hy2IKEL1FO8-00157-00047401-00048156 topic children of Joseph cajeta Tyl Hy2IKEL1FO8-00158-00048157-00048574 josepho tikka for chime 1843 to 1907 Hy2IKEL1FO8-00159-00048575-00048820 Doctor of Philosophy and gymnasium Hy2IKEL1FO8-00160-00048821-00049081 professor in pleasin buried in Prague at Hy2IKEL1FO8-00161-00049082-00049474 the visor at cemetery Jan stanislav for Hy2IKEL1FO8-00162-00049475-00049882 chime 1845 to 1890 turner and military Hy2IKEL1FO8-00163-00049883-00050244 band musician murray Eleonora tie lover Hy2IKEL1FO8-00164-00050245-00050632 1848 to 1868 actress buried in the Hy2IKEL1FO8-00165-00050633-00050928 village of Mork Avicii you chroma is a Hy2IKEL1FO8-00166-00050929-00051376 Eliska tie lover 1852 1909 governess and Hy2IKEL1FO8-00167-00051377-00051619 actress buried in Prague at the Slovene Hy2IKEL1FO8-00168-00051620-00051998 cemetery alongside her mother voce tech Hy2IKEL1FO8-00169-00051999-00052448 Josef for chime 1851 to 1862 drowned as Hy2IKEL1FO8-00170-00052449-00052701 a child in the Ville Tarver River Hy2IKEL1FO8-00171-00052702-00053305 frantisek K for chime 1853 to 1902 actor Hy2IKEL1FO8-00172-00053306-00053522 of the National Theatre used one of his Hy2IKEL1FO8-00173-00053523-00053804 father's pen names Hornick as his own Hy2IKEL1FO8-00174-00053804-00054403 pen name stillborn boy 1855 to 1855 Hy2IKEL1FO8-00175-00054404-00054862 cajeta joseph for chime 1856 educated in Hy2IKEL1FO8-00176-00054863-00055559 bakery later disappeared fate unknown Hy2IKEL1FO8-00177-00055560-00056122 topic sources Hy2IKEL1FO8-00178-00056123-00056434 Oh sue detect drew hi Jana bleed a Hy2IKEL1FO8-00179-00056435-00056814 coelom Tala by Helena paws be Halawa Hy2IKEL1FO8-00180-00056815-00057237 checks in history Joseph cadet and Tyl Hy2IKEL1FO8-00181-00057238-00057880 by Elena's Kodava Hy2IKEL1FO8-00182-00057882-00058488 topic external links Hy2IKEL1FO8-00183-00058489-00058923 checks in history article on radio praha Hy2IKEL1FO8-00184-00058924-00059180 website H_0T2o1ryHk-00000-00000039-00000182 very exciting let's get back to the H_0T2o1ryHk-00001-00000183-00000471 nerdy um so i've been up here H_0T2o1ryHk-00002-00000472-00000759 rocking all day and you know the boat is H_0T2o1ryHk-00003-00000760-00000983 rocking i'm gonna be rocking i'm gonna H_0T2o1ryHk-00004-00000984-00001231 need all of your help to roll because i H_0T2o1ryHk-00005-00001232-00001374 believe it is time to roll for H_0T2o1ryHk-00006-00001375-00001574 initiative and we're to sing about some H_0T2o1ryHk-00007-00001575-00001830 d and d up in here am i all right with H_0T2o1ryHk-00008-00001832-00001889 this H_0T2o1ryHk-00009-00001891-00002047 [Applause] H_0T2o1ryHk-00010-00002048-00002223 all right so you ready to roll can you H_0T2o1ryHk-00011-00002224-00002326 help me H_0T2o1ryHk-00012-00002327-00002887 pump it up a little bit H_0T2o1ryHk-00013-00002888-00005527 [Music] H_0T2o1ryHk-00014-00005528-00008046 don't have to deal with H_0T2o1ryHk-00015-00008047-00008291 characters with night H_0T2o1ryHk-00016-00008292-00008863 [Music] H_0T2o1ryHk-00017-00008864-00009005 is H_0T2o1ryHk-00018-00009006-00010597 [Applause] H_0T2o1ryHk-00019-00010598-00011183 [Applause] H_0T2o1ryHk-00020-00011184-00012631 god H_0T2o1ryHk-00021-00012632-00015383 so don't you mess me around H_0T2o1ryHk-00022-00015384-00015679 oh H_0T2o1ryHk-00023-00015680-00016299 [Music] H_0T2o1ryHk-00024-00016300-00016783 [Music] H_0T2o1ryHk-00025-00016784-00016883 roll the H_0T2o1ryHk-00026-00016884-00017111 dice getting drunk H_0T2o1ryHk-00027-00017112-00019022 you're drunk yeah i am H_0T2o1ryHk-00028-00019023-00019134 is H_0T2o1ryHk-00029-00019135-00021162 [Music] H_0T2o1ryHk-00030-00021163-00022094 [Applause] H_0T2o1ryHk-00031-00022095-00022319 campaign H_0T2o1ryHk-00032-00022320-00022983 that i'm in anyway H_0T2o1ryHk-00033-00022984-00023059 oh my goodness H_0T2o1ryHk-00034-00023060-00023207 [Music] H_0T2o1ryHk-00035-00023208-00023672 speaking of being in a tavern all right HB0UiC0obDI-00000-00000024-00000375 sleeping beauty a magic plan HB0UiC0obDI-00001-00000376-00000678 the fairies flora fauna and merryweather HB0UiC0obDI-00002-00000679-00000878 loved princess aurora HB0UiC0obDI-00003-00000880-00001119 after all they had raised her from the HB0UiC0obDI-00004-00001120-00001311 time she was a baby HB0UiC0obDI-00005-00001312-00001566 because of them the evil maleficent HB0UiC0obDI-00006-00001567-00001767 spell had been broken HB0UiC0obDI-00007-00001768-00002102 now the princess was safe and engaged to HB0UiC0obDI-00008-00002103-00002447 marry her true love princess philip HB0UiC0obDI-00009-00002448-00002895 the fairies couldn't have been happier HB0UiC0obDI-00010-00002896-00003215 it's going to be a beautiful wedding fan HB0UiC0obDI-00011-00003215-00003503 aside as the kind fairies watch the HB0UiC0obDI-00012-00003504-00003703 young couple strolling in the castle HB0UiC0obDI-00013-00003704-00003863 gardens HB0UiC0obDI-00014-00003864-00004015 of course it is HB0UiC0obDI-00015-00004015-00004270 we're going to make sure of that flora HB0UiC0obDI-00016-00004271-00004743 said HB0UiC0obDI-00017-00004744-00005031 what do you mean asked fauna HB0UiC0obDI-00018-00005032-00005279 well flora began HB0UiC0obDI-00019-00005280-00005583 we can't trust just anyone with the HB0UiC0obDI-00020-00005584-00005879 preparations for the wedding we must see HB0UiC0obDI-00021-00005880-00006102 to it ourselves HB0UiC0obDI-00022-00006103-00006222 you're right HB0UiC0obDI-00023-00006223-00006414 merryweather agreed HB0UiC0obDI-00024-00006415-00006710 we must go to the king and queen and ask HB0UiC0obDI-00025-00006711-00007083 that we put in charge of every last HB0UiC0obDI-00026-00007084-00007375 detail king stefan and his queen agreed HB0UiC0obDI-00027-00007376-00007583 to the plan right away HB0UiC0obDI-00028-00007584-00007791 they were grateful to the fairies for HB0UiC0obDI-00029-00007792-00008063 having saved their daughter's life HB0UiC0obDI-00030-00008064-00008287 it would be an honor to have you take HB0UiC0obDI-00031-00008288-00008495 care of the wedding the queen said HB0UiC0obDI-00032-00008496-00008919 graciously HB0UiC0obDI-00033-00008920-00009142 that very afternoon the fairies made a HB0UiC0obDI-00034-00009143-00009399 list of all that had to be done HB0UiC0obDI-00035-00009400-00009703 invitations need to be made addressed HB0UiC0obDI-00036-00009704-00009967 and delivered began flora HB0UiC0obDI-00037-00009968-00010174 and we'll have to create a beautiful HB0UiC0obDI-00038-00010175-00010431 bouquet for the bride to carry added HB0UiC0obDI-00039-00010432-00010583 fauna HB0UiC0obDI-00040-00010584-00010903 and the spectacular cake merryweather HB0UiC0obDI-00041-00010904-00011055 continued HB0UiC0obDI-00042-00011056-00011319 don't forget the music and princess HB0UiC0obDI-00043-00011320-00011670 aurora's gown flora reminded them HB0UiC0obDI-00044-00011671-00011983 on and on the fairies went long into the HB0UiC0obDI-00045-00011984-00012070 night HB0UiC0obDI-00046-00012071-00012719 scribbling down more items as they went HB0UiC0obDI-00047-00012720-00012999 the next day the ferries rose early HB0UiC0obDI-00048-00013000-00013222 ready to get to work HB0UiC0obDI-00049-00013223-00013463 let's begin with the invitations flora HB0UiC0obDI-00050-00013463-00013679 suggested HB0UiC0obDI-00051-00013680-00013894 together the fairies went to the room in HB0UiC0obDI-00052-00013895-00014135 the castle that held shelves and shelves HB0UiC0obDI-00053-00014136-00014399 of fancy paper HB0UiC0obDI-00054-00014400-00014719 i like this kind said fauna holding up a HB0UiC0obDI-00055-00014719-00014943 sheet of creamy yellow HB0UiC0obDI-00056-00014944-00015063 oh no HB0UiC0obDI-00057-00015063-00015366 this is much better flora replied HB0UiC0obDI-00058-00015368-00015599 waving some pink paper with a scalloped HB0UiC0obDI-00059-00015600-00015799 edge HB0UiC0obDI-00060-00015800-00016094 wedding invitations should always be HB0UiC0obDI-00061-00016095-00016358 white disagreed merryweather HB0UiC0obDI-00062-00016359-00017127 i'm sure the princess thinks so too HB0UiC0obDI-00063-00017128-00017383 dears fauna interrupted HB0UiC0obDI-00064-00017384-00017550 let's not bicker HB0UiC0obDI-00065-00017551-00017750 there's plenty of time to settle on the HB0UiC0obDI-00066-00017751-00017911 invitations HB0UiC0obDI-00067-00017912-00018119 why don't we choose some flowers for the HB0UiC0obDI-00068-00018120-00018399 princess's bouquet instead HB0UiC0obDI-00069-00018400-00018591 the other fairies agreed HB0UiC0obDI-00070-00018592-00018767 and soon they were in the garden HB0UiC0obDI-00071-00018768-00018991 surrounded by every kind of flower HB0UiC0obDI-00072-00018992-00019199 imaginable HB0UiC0obDI-00073-00019200-00019583 flora wanted the princess to carry roses HB0UiC0obDI-00074-00019584-00019894 just like the name we gave her rare rose HB0UiC0obDI-00075-00019895-00020119 she insisted HB0UiC0obDI-00076-00020120-00020358 but merryweather said that roses were a HB0UiC0obDI-00077-00020359-00020511 bad idea HB0UiC0obDI-00078-00020512-00020950 their stems were so prickly with thorns HB0UiC0obDI-00079-00020951-00021143 there's plenty of time to decide HB0UiC0obDI-00080-00021144-00021343 meriwether said HB0UiC0obDI-00081-00021344-00021550 why don't we go see about the wedding HB0UiC0obDI-00082-00021551-00022111 cake instead HB0UiC0obDI-00083-00022112-00022350 in the kitchen flora fauna and HB0UiC0obDI-00084-00022351-00022607 merryweather leave through a recipe book HB0UiC0obDI-00085-00022608-00022830 with the royal baker HB0UiC0obDI-00086-00022831-00023030 flora pointed to the picture of a HB0UiC0obDI-00087-00023031-00023230 three-layered cake HB0UiC0obDI-00088-00023231-00023542 what about that one she asked HB0UiC0obDI-00089-00023543-00023775 merryweather shook her head HB0UiC0obDI-00090-00023776-00024022 that cake is much too small to feed the HB0UiC0obDI-00091-00024023-00024367 entire kingdom HB0UiC0obDI-00092-00024368-00024583 i could make it bigger the baker HB0UiC0obDI-00093-00024584-00024822 suggested HB0UiC0obDI-00094-00024823-00025047 i think we should have lots of smaller HB0UiC0obDI-00095-00025048-00025535 cakes instead of a large one fana said HB0UiC0obDI-00096-00025536-00025855 ladies the baker said gently HB0UiC0obDI-00097-00025856-00026055 why don't you come back HB0UiC0obDI-00098-00026056-00026662 when you decide HB0UiC0obDI-00099-00026663-00026879 next the fairies were to meet princess HB0UiC0obDI-00100-00026880-00027214 aurora at the royal dressmakers HB0UiC0obDI-00101-00027216-00027518 when flora fauna and mary wetter arrived HB0UiC0obDI-00102-00027519-00027790 the princess greeted them warmly HB0UiC0obDI-00103-00027791-00028087 isn't this lovely she asked HB0UiC0obDI-00104-00028088-00028327 holding out a length of ivory colored HB0UiC0obDI-00105-00028327-00028583 satin HB0UiC0obDI-00106-00028583-00028879 it is pretty there flora agreed HB0UiC0obDI-00107-00028880-00029087 but what about this silk HB0UiC0obDI-00108-00029088-00029358 see how beautiful it looks HB0UiC0obDI-00109-00029360-00029623 she circled merryweather covering her in HB0UiC0obDI-00110-00029624-00029799 fabric HB0UiC0obDI-00111-00029800-00030151 what about this velvet fauna said HB0UiC0obDI-00112-00030152-00030318 also winding the cloth around HB0UiC0obDI-00113-00030319-00030831 merryweather HB0UiC0obDI-00114-00030832-00031046 as flora fauna and the princess HB0UiC0obDI-00115-00031047-00031239 discussed their choices HB0UiC0obDI-00116-00031239-00031527 merryweather toppled to the floor HB0UiC0obDI-00117-00031527-00031807 if no one minds said merryweather HB0UiC0obDI-00118-00031808-00031951 freeing herself HB0UiC0obDI-00119-00031952-00032511 could we choose the fabric another day HB0UiC0obDI-00120-00032512-00032711 the search for just the right music to HB0UiC0obDI-00121-00032712-00033055 play at the wedding went no better HB0UiC0obDI-00122-00033056-00033351 flora fauna and merryweather simply HB0UiC0obDI-00123-00033352-00033567 couldn't agree HB0UiC0obDI-00124-00033568-00033823 after the royal musicians played song HB0UiC0obDI-00125-00033824-00034055 after song for the fairies HB0UiC0obDI-00126-00034056-00034295 the court composer threw up his hands in HB0UiC0obDI-00127-00034296-00034871 despair HB0UiC0obDI-00128-00034872-00035118 the day before the wedding flora fauna HB0UiC0obDI-00129-00035119-00035239 and merryweather HB0UiC0obDI-00130-00035240-00035415 had a meeting to check on what still HB0UiC0obDI-00131-00035416-00035599 needed to be done HB0UiC0obDI-00132-00035600-00035895 their list of what remained read HB0UiC0obDI-00133-00035896-00036159 invitations flowers HB0UiC0obDI-00134-00036160-00036318 food for the feast HB0UiC0obDI-00135-00036319-00036630 the wedding cake music and princess HB0UiC0obDI-00136-00036631-00036862 aurora's gown HB0UiC0obDI-00137-00036863-00036999 but HB0UiC0obDI-00138-00037000-00037087 but HB0UiC0obDI-00139-00037088-00037302 that's everything HB0UiC0obDI-00140-00037303-00037574 flora said in horror HB0UiC0obDI-00141-00037575-00037783 i wish we'd been able to make up our HB0UiC0obDI-00142-00037784-00038062 minds mont merryweather HB0UiC0obDI-00143-00038063-00038279 i'll never forgive myself HB0UiC0obDI-00144-00038280-00038471 fauna veiled HB0UiC0obDI-00145-00038472-00038774 we've ruined the princess's wedding HB0UiC0obDI-00146-00038775-00039087 suddenly an idea came to flora her face HB0UiC0obDI-00147-00039088-00039215 brightened HB0UiC0obDI-00148-00039216-00039455 i have the perfect idea HB0UiC0obDI-00149-00039456-00039655 she pulled her magic wand from the HB0UiC0obDI-00150-00039656-00039815 pockets of her dress HB0UiC0obDI-00151-00039816-00040118 there's still time to create the HB0UiC0obDI-00152-00040119-00040430 most magnificent wedding HB0UiC0obDI-00153-00040431-00040683 it's a perfect plan agreed HB0UiC0obDI-00154-00040684-00040990 fauna then she and merryweather took out HB0UiC0obDI-00155-00040991-00041255 their magic wands too HB0UiC0obDI-00156-00041256-00041455 we're going to have to give our wants HB0UiC0obDI-00157-00041456-00041702 double the power to get so much done so HB0UiC0obDI-00158-00041703-00041990 quickly said flora as she divided up the HB0UiC0obDI-00159-00041991-00042151 list of tasks HB0UiC0obDI-00160-00042152-00042390 be back here in an hour HB0UiC0obDI-00161-00042391-00042646 it will take all of our magic to make a HB0UiC0obDI-00162-00042647-00042958 wedding gown fit for the princess HB0UiC0obDI-00163-00042959-00043183 and with that the fairies went scurrying HB0UiC0obDI-00164-00043184-00043887 off to their various tasks HB0UiC0obDI-00165-00043888-00044079 merryweather went straight to the room HB0UiC0obDI-00166-00044080-00044358 that held the fancy paper and waved her HB0UiC0obDI-00167-00044359-00044558 wand in the air HB0UiC0obDI-00168-00044559-00044839 invitations make yourselves then fly HB0UiC0obDI-00169-00044840-00045174 down from all your shelves she commanded HB0UiC0obDI-00170-00045175-00045430 within seconds hundreds of pieces of HB0UiC0obDI-00171-00045431-00045758 paper folded themselves HB0UiC0obDI-00172-00045759-00045999 next merryweather aimed her wand at a HB0UiC0obDI-00173-00046000-00046230 nearby pen and inkwell HB0UiC0obDI-00174-00046231-00046390 the pen scribbled words on the HB0UiC0obDI-00175-00046391-00046655 invitations and addressed the envelopes HB0UiC0obDI-00176-00046656-00046855 to all the guests HB0UiC0obDI-00177-00046856-00047151 then the invitations flew out the window HB0UiC0obDI-00178-00047152-00047335 landing on doorsteps throughout the HB0UiC0obDI-00179-00047336-00047846 kingdom HB0UiC0obDI-00180-00047847-00048127 meanwhile fauna attended to the wedding HB0UiC0obDI-00181-00048128-00048230 cake HB0UiC0obDI-00182-00048231-00048407 she went straight to the kitchen and HB0UiC0obDI-00183-00048408-00048607 asked the royal baker to bring out the HB0UiC0obDI-00184-00048608-00048943 cake he had made for that nice dessert HB0UiC0obDI-00185-00048944-00049190 fana concentrated on the simple cake HB0UiC0obDI-00186-00049191-00049374 before her HB0UiC0obDI-00187-00049375-00049702 when she waved her wand over it she said HB0UiC0obDI-00188-00049703-00050071 magic wand make this cake grand so that HB0UiC0obDI-00189-00050072-00050439 it might feed all the land HB0UiC0obDI-00190-00050440-00050695 immediately the cake began to grow HB0UiC0obDI-00191-00050696-00050983 bigger and fancier and it was soon HB0UiC0obDI-00192-00050984-00051270 almost as big as the table upon which it HB0UiC0obDI-00193-00051271-00051390 set HB0UiC0obDI-00194-00051391-00051711 perfect thought fauna as she scurried HB0UiC0obDI-00195-00051712-00052366 off to her next task HB0UiC0obDI-00196-00052367-00052479 outside HB0UiC0obDI-00197-00052479-00052694 flora flew over the garden HB0UiC0obDI-00198-00052695-00052999 she smiled at her wand and said HB0UiC0obDI-00199-00053000-00053230 send your magic down below and make HB0UiC0obDI-00200-00053232-00053494 aurora's bouquet grow HB0UiC0obDI-00201-00053495-00053854 then she chuckled a satisfied choco HB0UiC0obDI-00202-00053855-00054119 by the time i return the princess will HB0UiC0obDI-00203-00054120-00054342 have the most beautiful flowers HB0UiC0obDI-00204-00054344-00054494 imaginable HB0UiC0obDI-00205-00054495-00054766 but first i'd better meet merryweather HB0UiC0obDI-00206-00054767-00054894 and fauna HB0UiC0obDI-00207-00054895-00055063 i don't want them to make the wedding HB0UiC0obDI-00208-00055064-00055423 dress without me HB0UiC0obDI-00209-00055424-00055694 flora fauna and merryweather stood HB0UiC0obDI-00210-00055695-00055919 looking at a simple dress from princess HB0UiC0obDI-00211-00055920-00056126 aurora's closet HB0UiC0obDI-00212-00056127-00056438 soon it would be a magnificent wedding HB0UiC0obDI-00213-00056439-00056926 gown HB0UiC0obDI-00214-00056927-00057142 the fairies held their wands poised over HB0UiC0obDI-00215-00057144-00057287 their dress HB0UiC0obDI-00216-00057288-00057607 flora closed her eyes and began HB0UiC0obDI-00217-00057608-00057879 make a gown for a lovely bride HB0UiC0obDI-00218-00057879-00058063 and fauna finished HB0UiC0obDI-00219-00058064-00058391 with a train so long and white HB0UiC0obDI-00220-00058391-00058591 then merryweather added HB0UiC0obDI-00221-00058591-00058879 and since you are three ones not one we HB0UiC0obDI-00222-00058879-00059382 expect a job well done HB0UiC0obDI-00223-00059383-00059687 a swirl fairy dust surrounded the dress HB0UiC0obDI-00224-00059688-00059911 then disappeared HB0UiC0obDI-00225-00059912-00060191 what stood before them was an exquisite HB0UiC0obDI-00226-00060191-00060326 gown indeed HB0UiC0obDI-00227-00060327-00060654 but its train was so long it stretched HB0UiC0obDI-00228-00060655-00060815 across the floor HB0UiC0obDI-00229-00060816-00060966 out the window HB0UiC0obDI-00230-00060967-00061150 and cleared to the other side of the HB0UiC0obDI-00231-00061151-00061806 kingdom HB0UiC0obDI-00232-00061807-00062023 it was just then that princess aurora HB0UiC0obDI-00233-00062024-00062366 appeared carrying a bouquet of weeds HB0UiC0obDI-00234-00062367-00062638 i found these in the garden she said HB0UiC0obDI-00235-00062639-00062894 what are they for HB0UiC0obDI-00236-00062895-00063082 then she caught sight of the wedding HB0UiC0obDI-00237-00063083-00063438 gown and what happened to that dress she HB0UiC0obDI-00238-00063439-00063671 wandered HB0UiC0obDI-00239-00063672-00063966 suddenly a loud crash was heard in HB0UiC0obDI-00240-00063967-00064206 another part of the castle HB0UiC0obDI-00241-00064207-00064542 moments later the royal baker rushed in HB0UiC0obDI-00242-00064544-00064854 it's the cake he cried an alarm it's HB0UiC0obDI-00243-00064855-00065103 still growing and it just broke through HB0UiC0obDI-00244-00065104-00065687 the roof HB0UiC0obDI-00245-00065688-00065982 oh princess fauna cried HB0UiC0obDI-00246-00065983-00066247 we're sorry said flora HB0UiC0obDI-00247-00066248-00066503 we couldn't agree on anything HB0UiC0obDI-00248-00066504-00066703 so we had to use our wands to get HB0UiC0obDI-00249-00066704-00066991 everything ready for the wedding in time HB0UiC0obDI-00250-00066992-00067287 we made them work so fast and so hard HB0UiC0obDI-00251-00067288-00067767 that their magic came out all wrong HB0UiC0obDI-00252-00067768-00068103 princess aurora smiled sympathetically HB0UiC0obDI-00253-00068104-00068375 we could always postpone the wedding she HB0UiC0obDI-00254-00068376-00068519 offered HB0UiC0obDI-00255-00068520-00068815 no we can't said merryweather the HB0UiC0obDI-00256-00068816-00069238 invitations have already been sent HB0UiC0obDI-00257-00069239-00069471 princess aurora just smiled and held up HB0UiC0obDI-00258-00069472-00069711 an invitation that had accidentally HB0UiC0obDI-00259-00069712-00069911 landed in the garden HB0UiC0obDI-00260-00069912-00070823 all the letters on it were backwards HB0UiC0obDI-00261-00070824-00070943 well HB0UiC0obDI-00262-00070944-00071262 we certainly made a mess of things HB0UiC0obDI-00263-00071263-00071567 merryweather admitted HB0UiC0obDI-00264-00071568-00071943 but i think i know what to do flora said HB0UiC0obDI-00265-00071944-00072150 then she told the other two fairies her HB0UiC0obDI-00266-00072151-00072350 plan HB0UiC0obDI-00267-00072351-00072559 soon the fairies were using their magic HB0UiC0obDI-00268-00072560-00072815 to put everyone to sleep HB0UiC0obDI-00269-00072816-00073079 next they turned back the calendars so HB0UiC0obDI-00270-00073080-00073359 that it was weeks before the wedding HB0UiC0obDI-00271-00073360-00073575 when they woke up everyone HB0UiC0obDI-00272-00073576-00073862 no one in the kingdom had any idea of HB0UiC0obDI-00273-00073863-00074471 what had happened HB0UiC0obDI-00274-00074472-00074726 the fairies sat together composing a HB0UiC0obDI-00275-00074727-00075006 list of preparations for the wedding HB0UiC0obDI-00276-00075007-00075287 on the first day they chose roses and HB0UiC0obDI-00277-00075288-00075591 violets for the princess's bouquet HB0UiC0obDI-00278-00075592-00075871 decided on a recipe for the wedding cake HB0UiC0obDI-00279-00075872-00076111 and settled on the perfect song to play HB0UiC0obDI-00280-00076112-00076526 as princess aurora walked down the aisle HB0UiC0obDI-00281-00076527-00076750 on the second day they addressed the HB0UiC0obDI-00282-00076751-00076926 invitations HB0UiC0obDI-00283-00076927-00077111 then when they were through HB0UiC0obDI-00284-00077112-00077303 they began choosing the fabric and HB0UiC0obDI-00285-00077304-00077911 pattern for aurora's gown HB0UiC0obDI-00286-00077912-00078191 on the third day princess aurora stopped HB0UiC0obDI-00287-00078192-00078438 by with the king and queen HB0UiC0obDI-00288-00078439-00078623 are we interrupting anything the HB0UiC0obDI-00289-00078624-00078815 princess asked HB0UiC0obDI-00290-00078816-00079111 no no please come in the fairies HB0UiC0obDI-00291-00079112-00079287 insisted HB0UiC0obDI-00292-00079288-00079487 we hope you'll be pleased with what HB0UiC0obDI-00293-00079488-00079711 we've done HB0UiC0obDI-00294-00079712-00079959 so the preparations are going well then HB0UiC0obDI-00295-00079960-00080182 asked the queen HB0UiC0obDI-00296-00080183-00080431 flora fauna and merryweather all looked HB0UiC0obDI-00297-00080432-00080799 at one another trying hard not to giggle HB0UiC0obDI-00298-00080800-00080919 um HB0UiC0obDI-00299-00080920-00081215 right on schedule your majesty exclaimed HB0UiC0obDI-00300-00081216-00081743 fauna HB0UiC0obDI-00301-00081744-00082006 there once were three good fairies who HB0UiC0obDI-00302-00082007-00082191 had a lot to do HB0UiC0obDI-00303-00082192-00082382 but they could not agree HB0UiC0obDI-00304-00082383-00082726 and so their work was never through HB0UiC0obDI-00305-00082727-00083031 but if they'd made decisions together as HB0UiC0obDI-00306-00083032-00083150 a team HB0UiC0obDI-00307-00083151-00083399 they never would have needed to cook up HB0UiC0obDI-00308-00083400-00083623 a magic scheme HB0UiC0obDI-00309-00083624-00083855 if you liked this video please leave a HB0UiC0obDI-00310-00083856-00084316 comment and don't forget to subscribe HEXUMVDSvpo-00001-00009775-00011278 um HEXUMVDSvpo-00004-00022456-00023622 foreign HEXUMVDSvpo-00005-00023623-00025271 foreign HEXUMVDSvpo-00007-00045449-00045963 [Music] HEXUMVDSvpo-00010-00057336-00058391 foreign HEXUMVDSvpo-00011-00058391-00058691 foreign HGUZd8xN3Qk-00000-00000054-00000344 the enola earthquake swarm was a series HGUZd8xN3Qk-00001-00000345-00000615 of earthquakes in 2001 that centered on HGUZd8xN3Qk-00002-00000616-00000887 Central Arkansas it follows the HGUZd8xN3Qk-00003-00000888-00001101 earthquake swarms of Arkansas in the HGUZd8xN3Qk-00004-00001102-00001365 1980s and predates the guy Greenbrier HGUZd8xN3Qk-00005-00001366-00001814 earthquake swarm that started in 2010 HIkWvjIMbiM-00000-00000053-00000534 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00001-00000535-00000703 hello woodworkers paul carlson here HIkWvjIMbiM-00002-00000704-00000886 small workshop guy HIkWvjIMbiM-00003-00000888-00001143 i'm going to show you today a build that HIkWvjIMbiM-00004-00001144-00001278 is very easy HIkWvjIMbiM-00005-00001279-00001591 and super effective for pretty much any HIkWvjIMbiM-00006-00001592-00001679 workshop HIkWvjIMbiM-00007-00001680-00001910 it's a particularly good early build for HIkWvjIMbiM-00008-00001911-00002055 a beginning woodworker HIkWvjIMbiM-00009-00002056-00002326 but it's definitely something that adds HIkWvjIMbiM-00010-00002327-00002423 to even HIkWvjIMbiM-00011-00002424-00002663 the more experienced woodworkers HIkWvjIMbiM-00012-00002664-00002758 workshop HIkWvjIMbiM-00013-00002759-00003087 and that is a set of saw stallions HIkWvjIMbiM-00014-00003088-00003335 soft stallions are saw horses that are HIkWvjIMbiM-00015-00003336-00003495 trestle style HIkWvjIMbiM-00016-00003496-00003759 and these particular ones you can either HIkWvjIMbiM-00017-00003760-00003886 put in HIkWvjIMbiM-00018-00003887-00004191 match fit dovetail grooves or not they HIkWvjIMbiM-00019-00004192-00004375 work perfectly well without them HIkWvjIMbiM-00020-00004376-00004663 you need about nine eight foot two by HIkWvjIMbiM-00021-00004664-00004751 fours HIkWvjIMbiM-00022-00004752-00005135 to build these two uh saw stallions HIkWvjIMbiM-00023-00005136-00005391 there's only four components involved HIkWvjIMbiM-00024-00005392-00005438 this HIkWvjIMbiM-00025-00005439-00005679 bottom rail that connects the two legs HIkWvjIMbiM-00026-00005680-00005815 the legs HIkWvjIMbiM-00027-00005816-00006143 the top and the feet and each of those HIkWvjIMbiM-00028-00006144-00006431 is independently very easy to put HIkWvjIMbiM-00029-00006431-00006575 together HIkWvjIMbiM-00030-00006576-00006910 you can also laminate two pieces of half HIkWvjIMbiM-00031-00006911-00006951 inch HIkWvjIMbiM-00032-00006952-00007263 baltic birch plywood together and make HIkWvjIMbiM-00033-00007264-00007310 that HIkWvjIMbiM-00034-00007311-00007591 into a top and then either lace that top HIkWvjIMbiM-00035-00007592-00007639 with HIkWvjIMbiM-00036-00007640-00007942 dovetail grooves again and dog holes or HIkWvjIMbiM-00037-00007943-00008110 just leave it plain if you want to use HIkWvjIMbiM-00038-00008111-00008199 it more HIkWvjIMbiM-00039-00008200-00008399 as an assembly table so what i'm going HIkWvjIMbiM-00040-00008400-00008535 to do now is show you HIkWvjIMbiM-00041-00008536-00008839 pictures of these being used in a lot of HIkWvjIMbiM-00042-00008840-00009023 different configurations HIkWvjIMbiM-00043-00009024-00010236 in the typical workshop HIkWvjIMbiM-00044-00010237-00011833 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00045-00011834-00012398 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00046-00012399-00012683 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00047-00012684-00013913 so HIkWvjIMbiM-00048-00013913-00016875 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00049-00016876-00019253 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00050-00019254-00019809 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00051-00019810-00020996 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00052-00020997-00021463 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00053-00021464-00021671 hopefully you're as excited about these HIkWvjIMbiM-00054-00021672-00021791 puppies as i am HIkWvjIMbiM-00055-00021792-00021975 so again let me remind you that the HIkWvjIMbiM-00056-00021976-00022111 plans for these HIkWvjIMbiM-00057-00022112-00022299 are available over at HIkWvjIMbiM-00058-00022300-00022447 HIkWvjIMbiM-00059-00022448-00022686 you won't need any support videos it's HIkWvjIMbiM-00060-00022687-00022839 not that complicated HIkWvjIMbiM-00061-00022840-00023150 and it's an easy build for even a HIkWvjIMbiM-00062-00023151-00024011 very beginner HIkWvjIMbiM-00063-00024012-00025055 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00064-00025056-00025439 first let's talk about the feet the feet HIkWvjIMbiM-00065-00025440-00025527 are HIkWvjIMbiM-00066-00025528-00025911 nothing more than a block of wood HIkWvjIMbiM-00067-00025912-00026311 uh with a mortise in the middle of them HIkWvjIMbiM-00068-00026312-00026479 i'm not going to give any dimensions in HIkWvjIMbiM-00069-00026480-00026702 this video the dimensions are all HIkWvjIMbiM-00070-00026704-00027151 in the the sketchup plans that i provide HIkWvjIMbiM-00071-00027152-00027390 uh but anyway i've just exactly centered HIkWvjIMbiM-00072-00027391-00027535 that mortise HIkWvjIMbiM-00073-00027536-00027887 the uh the tenon HIkWvjIMbiM-00074-00027888-00028070 this is going to be a blind mortise HIkWvjIMbiM-00075-00028072-00028239 because the tenon is going to have HIkWvjIMbiM-00076-00028239-00028351 cheeks on it HIkWvjIMbiM-00077-00028352-00028702 and so this doesn't have to be perfect HIkWvjIMbiM-00078-00028704-00028879 you just have to be able to get a nice HIkWvjIMbiM-00079-00028880-00029023 square or snug HIkWvjIMbiM-00080-00029024-00029343 fit so that when you glue this up to the HIkWvjIMbiM-00081-00029344-00029662 legs everything will be nice and stable HIkWvjIMbiM-00082-00029663-00030014 you might even put some dowels through HIkWvjIMbiM-00083-00030016-00030214 once you've got it all glued up in order HIkWvjIMbiM-00084-00030216-00030527 to add even more stability HIkWvjIMbiM-00085-00030527-00030831 all right so there's the feet now i am HIkWvjIMbiM-00086-00030832-00030887 gonna HIkWvjIMbiM-00087-00030888-00031207 for looks purposes do some HIkWvjIMbiM-00088-00031208-00031551 shaping of the edges HIkWvjIMbiM-00089-00031552-00031862 uh and i will certainly do that before HIkWvjIMbiM-00090-00031863-00032255 i do the glue up uh i'm gonna HIkWvjIMbiM-00091-00032256-00032599 in this process i'm gonna get the HIkWvjIMbiM-00092-00032600-00032974 main body everything except for the feet HIkWvjIMbiM-00093-00032975-00033223 glued up together and then that will HIkWvjIMbiM-00094-00033224-00033302 allow me HIkWvjIMbiM-00095-00033303-00033783 to come in and do my dovetail grooves HIkWvjIMbiM-00096-00033784-00033999 where the pieces are already joined so i HIkWvjIMbiM-00097-00034000-00034174 can do a dovetail groove HIkWvjIMbiM-00098-00034175-00034446 running perfectly straight all the way HIkWvjIMbiM-00099-00034447-00034543 down HIkWvjIMbiM-00100-00034544-00034718 because i do that when it's all HIkWvjIMbiM-00101-00034719-00034871 assembled HIkWvjIMbiM-00102-00034872-00035199 all right the second piece is this HIkWvjIMbiM-00103-00035200-00035518 bottom rail it's designed so that HIkWvjIMbiM-00104-00035519-00035807 one end of it the tenon here goes HIkWvjIMbiM-00105-00035808-00036023 through a through mortise HIkWvjIMbiM-00106-00036024-00036359 and it aligns with the edge of the work HIkWvjIMbiM-00107-00036360-00036462 piece HIkWvjIMbiM-00108-00036463-00036767 the and so one HIkWvjIMbiM-00109-00036768-00037071 tenon here is shorter HIkWvjIMbiM-00110-00037072-00037318 the other tenon on the other side is a HIkWvjIMbiM-00111-00037319-00037471 line to go all the way HIkWvjIMbiM-00112-00037472-00037783 through and it's longer HIkWvjIMbiM-00113-00037784-00038102 twice as long as this tenon i do some HIkWvjIMbiM-00114-00038103-00038335 dimensioning on them to get them down to HIkWvjIMbiM-00115-00038336-00038646 about one and a quarter by HIkWvjIMbiM-00116-00038647-00038879 three and a quarter and then i start HIkWvjIMbiM-00117-00038880-00039030 putting the pieces together but look at HIkWvjIMbiM-00118-00039031-00039183 the plans for all of that HIkWvjIMbiM-00119-00039184-00039430 so one piece down the middle of a HIkWvjIMbiM-00120-00039431-00039607 certain length HIkWvjIMbiM-00121-00039608-00039879 with two rectangular pieces of a HIkWvjIMbiM-00122-00039880-00040007 different length HIkWvjIMbiM-00123-00040008-00040327 simply glued on HIkWvjIMbiM-00124-00040328-00041153 to the longer piece HIkWvjIMbiM-00125-00041154-00043151 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00126-00043152-00043679 the top is almost as simple as that rail HIkWvjIMbiM-00127-00043680-00043918 that there's two rectangular pieces on HIkWvjIMbiM-00128-00043919-00044046 the outside HIkWvjIMbiM-00129-00044047-00044295 of a given length no profile to them HIkWvjIMbiM-00130-00044296-00044439 nothing they're just perfectly HIkWvjIMbiM-00131-00044440-00044574 rectangular HIkWvjIMbiM-00132-00044575-00044935 uh pieces of 2x4 to create this mortise HIkWvjIMbiM-00133-00044936-00045135 on that one board in the middle HIkWvjIMbiM-00134-00045136-00045455 i ran that over my table saw in my case HIkWvjIMbiM-00135-00045456-00045630 with a dado stack on it HIkWvjIMbiM-00136-00045631-00045967 and i just cut this mortise HIkWvjIMbiM-00137-00045968-00046302 of a certain width and length HIkWvjIMbiM-00138-00046303-00046527 through the entire center board so i HIkWvjIMbiM-00139-00046528-00046662 didn't carve this out HIkWvjIMbiM-00140-00046663-00046871 i didn't do it with a router i just HIkWvjIMbiM-00141-00046872-00047062 passed that center board HIkWvjIMbiM-00142-00047063-00047902 over the table saw HIkWvjIMbiM-00143-00047903-00049230 [Music] HIkWvjIMbiM-00144-00049231-00049399 and there's two different legs obviously HIkWvjIMbiM-00145-00049400-00049655 i have two pieces of wood HIkWvjIMbiM-00146-00049656-00049902 that are nothing more than rectangular HIkWvjIMbiM-00147-00049903-00050046 when they start HIkWvjIMbiM-00148-00050047-00050407 and then i use the dado stack HIkWvjIMbiM-00149-00050408-00050758 on the table saw to just cut HIkWvjIMbiM-00150-00050759-00051055 a tenon by running this over the dado HIkWvjIMbiM-00151-00051056-00051246 stack at the right height HIkWvjIMbiM-00152-00051247-00051550 i create the two outside boards and all HIkWvjIMbiM-00153-00051551-00051750 they do is they have a little profile HIkWvjIMbiM-00154-00051751-00051838 here HIkWvjIMbiM-00155-00051839-00052030 where there's a cheek here and a cheek HIkWvjIMbiM-00156-00052032-00052302 here and a cheek here HIkWvjIMbiM-00157-00052303-00052623 then the center board is actually HIkWvjIMbiM-00158-00052624-00052879 this is just a rectangular piece of wood HIkWvjIMbiM-00159-00052879-00052935 here HIkWvjIMbiM-00160-00052936-00053215 in the middle i look to the plans and HIkWvjIMbiM-00161-00053216-00053399 see how long it is HIkWvjIMbiM-00162-00053400-00053735 and then here's another HIkWvjIMbiM-00163-00053736-00054030 separate piece with the profile again HIkWvjIMbiM-00164-00054032-00054119 cut on it HIkWvjIMbiM-00165-00054120-00054479 by passing it over the dado stack HIkWvjIMbiM-00166-00054479-00054935 three boards uh three and a quarter wide HIkWvjIMbiM-00167-00054936-00055150 about one and a quarter thick mine is a HIkWvjIMbiM-00168-00055151-00055350 little bit over that HIkWvjIMbiM-00169-00055351-00055630 bound together with duct tape or uh with HIkWvjIMbiM-00170-00055632-00055830 painters tape HIkWvjIMbiM-00171-00055832-00056142 get the three boards on their edge so HIkWvjIMbiM-00172-00056144-00056415 you can see one two three facing up HIkWvjIMbiM-00173-00056416-00056926 we're going to go uh 1.75 HIkWvjIMbiM-00174-00056927-00057350 deep and a height of 0.75 HIkWvjIMbiM-00175-00057351-00057726 so this is set to 0.75 HIkWvjIMbiM-00176-00057727-00058054 all right so HIkWvjIMbiM-00177-00058055-00060111 here we go HIkWvjIMbiM-00178-00060112-00060487 it's a very simple build HIkWvjIMbiM-00179-00060488-00060815 you're gonna build four feet HIkWvjIMbiM-00180-00060816-00061175 you're gonna build four legs HIkWvjIMbiM-00181-00061176-00061503 two tops and two bottom rails HIkWvjIMbiM-00182-00061504-00061823 and they're gonna go together as is HIkWvjIMbiM-00183-00061824-00061879 shown HIkWvjIMbiM-00184-00061879-00062350 here then i'm gonna put dovetail grooves HIkWvjIMbiM-00185-00062351-00062671 every place and and then i'm gonna do HIkWvjIMbiM-00186-00062672-00062782 some HIkWvjIMbiM-00187-00062783-00063126 uh profile just for looks HIkWvjIMbiM-00188-00063127-00063454 on the feet and that will become a pair HIkWvjIMbiM-00189-00063455-00063871 of saw stallions you can then HIkWvjIMbiM-00190-00063872-00064230 create your top which is just going to HIkWvjIMbiM-00191-00064232-00064335 be HIkWvjIMbiM-00192-00064336-00064687 two sheets of half inch plywood HIkWvjIMbiM-00193-00064688-00065006 of a certain rectangular dimension just HIkWvjIMbiM-00194-00065007-00065215 two sheets laminated together HIkWvjIMbiM-00195-00065216-00065399 in a certain way to make sure it doesn't HIkWvjIMbiM-00196-00065400-00065535 bow or anything HIkWvjIMbiM-00197-00065536-00065911 and then we lace the top of that of that HIkWvjIMbiM-00198-00065912-00066238 um workbench top with HIkWvjIMbiM-00199-00066239-00066543 dovetail grooves kind of going across HIkWvjIMbiM-00200-00066544-00066831 and back both ways so you can use these HIkWvjIMbiM-00201-00066832-00066999 as soft stallions which is the way HIkWvjIMbiM-00202-00067000-00067199 they're used 99 HIkWvjIMbiM-00203-00067200-00067463 95 of the time but when you want a HIkWvjIMbiM-00204-00067464-00067550 full-scale HIkWvjIMbiM-00205-00067551-00067767 workbench out in your carport or your HIkWvjIMbiM-00206-00067768-00067863 driveway HIkWvjIMbiM-00207-00067864-00068111 or in an open space of your workshop HIkWvjIMbiM-00208-00068112-00068350 then you just throw the top on there HIkWvjIMbiM-00209-00068351-00068550 secure it with some match fit dovetail HIkWvjIMbiM-00210-00068551-00068831 clamps and now you've got a real sturdy HIkWvjIMbiM-00211-00068832-00069071 pop-up workbench when you don't need HIkWvjIMbiM-00212-00069072-00069199 them they just HIkWvjIMbiM-00213-00069200-00069463 collapse together and store over in the HIkWvjIMbiM-00214-00069464-00069511 corner HIkWvjIMbiM-00215-00069512-00070207 of your garage HIkWvjIMbiM-00217-00074288-00074495 you HInke5wAtlk-00000-00000012-00000260 welcome back mechanically I did you know HInke5wAtlk-00001-00000261-00000413 that unlike ordinary differential HInke5wAtlk-00002-00000413-00000553 equations which deal with HInke5wAtlk-00003-00000554-00000829 one-dimensional dynamic systems partial HInke5wAtlk-00004-00000830-00000985 differential equations can solve HInke5wAtlk-00005-00000986-00001274 multi-dimensional dynamic systems this HInke5wAtlk-00006-00001275-00001553 makes us wonder what are applications of HInke5wAtlk-00007-00001554-00002204 partial differential equations Before we HInke5wAtlk-00008-00002205-00002354 jump in sugar the previous part of the HInke5wAtlk-00009-00002355-00002489 series to learn about what HInke5wAtlk-00010-00002490-00003001 crank-nicholson method is now consider HInke5wAtlk-00011-00003002-00003191 the transverse vibrations in an elastic HInke5wAtlk-00012-00003192-00003422 membrane the membrane subjected to a HInke5wAtlk-00013-00003422-00003640 transverse load perpendicular to the HInke5wAtlk-00014-00003642-00003902 plane of the frame of magnitude Q of X HInke5wAtlk-00015-00003903-00004166 comma Y where X comma Y is a system of HInke5wAtlk-00016-00004167-00004397 Cartesian coordinates in the plane of HInke5wAtlk-00017-00004398-00004688 the unloaded membrane we are interested HInke5wAtlk-00018-00004689-00004847 in calculating the transverse deflection HInke5wAtlk-00019-00004848-00005183 at W of X comma Y corresponding to an HInke5wAtlk-00020-00005184-00005408 equilibrium configuration the transverse HInke5wAtlk-00021-00005409-00005579 vibrations of a tensed membrane are HInke5wAtlk-00022-00005580-00005920 given by solving the PDE equation W xx HInke5wAtlk-00023-00005921-00006238 plus W by y equals to minus Q upon T HInke5wAtlk-00024-00006239-00006689 plus Rho H upon T into WT T here H is HInke5wAtlk-00025-00006690-00007070 the thickness of the membrane while HInke5wAtlk-00026-00007070-00007295 another applications of PDE was a heat HInke5wAtlk-00027-00007295-00007580 flow equation which is given by W of X HInke5wAtlk-00028-00007581-00007916 comma T upon tau T equals to Delta U of HInke5wAtlk-00029-00007917-00008246 X comma T my Delta operator equals to HInke5wAtlk-00030-00008247-00008471 summation of Dow squared upon Dow x HInke5wAtlk-00031-00008472-00008792 squared I from I equals 1 to 3 the heat HInke5wAtlk-00032-00008793-00008996 flow equation was based on Newton's law HInke5wAtlk-00033-00008997-00009205 of cooling HInke5wAtlk-00034-00009206-00009581 hence we saw applications of PDE first HInke5wAtlk-00035-00009582-00009776 in transverse vibrations of an elastic HInke5wAtlk-00036-00009777-00010081 membrane and then in the heat flow HInke5wAtlk-00037-00010082-00010627 equation HInke5wAtlk-00038-00010628-00010891 so like subscribe and comment with your HInke5wAtlk-00039-00010892-00011045 feedback to help us make better videos HInke5wAtlk-00040-00011046-00011178 thanks for watching HInke5wAtlk-00041-00011179-00011470 also thanks a lot for those constructive HInke5wAtlk-00042-00011471-00011866 comments you helped the channel intro so HInke5wAtlk-00043-00011867-00012077 here are the top mechanically ends of my HInke5wAtlk-00044-00012078-00012364 last videos in the next episode of HInke5wAtlk-00045-00012365-00012602 mechanically I find out what two and HInke5wAtlk-00046-00012603-00013022 three-dimensional Laplace equations are HLm_fxdg4x8-00000-00000000-00000567 [Music] HLm_fxdg4x8-00001-00000568-00000815 hello beautiful people HLm_fxdg4x8-00002-00000816-00000943 um HLm_fxdg4x8-00003-00000944-00001303 sorry i this is probably gonna be a HLm_fxdg4x8-00004-00001304-00001663 day only uh vlog because i missed monday HLm_fxdg4x8-00005-00001664-00001926 and tuesday because i was very very very HLm_fxdg4x8-00006-00001927-00002271 busy um so right now we're gonna go look HLm_fxdg4x8-00007-00002272-00002463 for some sunglasses HLm_fxdg4x8-00008-00002464-00002647 and then HLm_fxdg4x8-00009-00002648-00002863 look at my hair HLm_fxdg4x8-00010-00002864-00003047 oh well it is what it is HLm_fxdg4x8-00011-00003048-00003311 um i'm looking for parking right now HLm_fxdg4x8-00012-00003311-00003519 we're gonna go look at some sunglasses HLm_fxdg4x8-00013-00003520-00003735 because like i mentioned before i do HLm_fxdg4x8-00014-00003736-00003843 need HLm_fxdg4x8-00015-00003844-00004103 sunglasses and HLm_fxdg4x8-00016-00004104-00004367 then i'm going to go get something to HLm_fxdg4x8-00017-00004368-00004783 eat because i'm starving starving HLm_fxdg4x8-00018-00004784-00004943 um HLm_fxdg4x8-00019-00004944-00005070 and HLm_fxdg4x8-00020-00005071-00005279 oh i just missed the parking spot right HLm_fxdg4x8-00021-00005280-00005543 there HLm_fxdg4x8-00022-00005544-00005695 and HLm_fxdg4x8-00023-00005696-00005967 it's probably it is probably a little HLm_fxdg4x8-00024-00005968-00006238 too late to try to go get my nails done HLm_fxdg4x8-00025-00006239-00006591 but i do still plan on trying i'm HLm_fxdg4x8-00026-00006592-00006839 causing so much traffic here HLm_fxdg4x8-00027-00006840-00007083 one thing about HLm_fxdg4x8-00028-00007084-00007391 like city living HLm_fxdg4x8-00029-00007392-00007783 is parking like parking is just HLm_fxdg4x8-00030-00007784-00008006 ridiculous you're always trying to park HLm_fxdg4x8-00031-00008008-00008239 on the street HLm_fxdg4x8-00032-00008240-00008446 it's just insane HLm_fxdg4x8-00033-00008447-00008695 um HLm_fxdg4x8-00034-00008696-00008951 but yeah let's go HLm_fxdg4x8-00035-00008952-00009303 and look at some sunglasses i'm using my HLm_fxdg4x8-00036-00009304-00009759 cell phone to vlog today because HLm_fxdg4x8-00037-00009760-00009927 i didn't realize i was going to vlog i HLm_fxdg4x8-00038-00009928-00010174 thought i would probably honestly in my HLm_fxdg4x8-00039-00010175-00010374 head i was like you know what HLm_fxdg4x8-00040-00010375-00010663 i'm probably not gonna put out a vlog HLm_fxdg4x8-00041-00010664-00010927 at all today um or wednesday because HLm_fxdg4x8-00042-00010928-00011151 that's when this vlog will come out HLm_fxdg4x8-00043-00011152-00011455 um it's tuesday for me so for tomorrow HLm_fxdg4x8-00044-00011456-00011638 i really thought okay you know what i'm HLm_fxdg4x8-00045-00011639-00011831 not even going to put a vlog out and HLm_fxdg4x8-00046-00011832-00012063 because my life has been so busy the HLm_fxdg4x8-00047-00012064-00012303 last few days but i figured you know HLm_fxdg4x8-00048-00012304-00012487 what let me bring you guys along with me HLm_fxdg4x8-00049-00012488-00012735 um just to look at some sunglasses i HLm_fxdg4x8-00050-00012736-00012999 should probably i always literally HLm_fxdg4x8-00051-00013000-00013127 always do this HLm_fxdg4x8-00052-00013128-00013486 i could bring my steering wheel down HLm_fxdg4x8-00053-00013487-00013663 um but HLm_fxdg4x8-00054-00013663-00013847 yeah i'm gonna bring you guys to look at HLm_fxdg4x8-00055-00013847-00014086 a couple sunglasses hopefully they let HLm_fxdg4x8-00056-00014087-00014358 me even film in there because this place HLm_fxdg4x8-00057-00014359-00014630 can be like very tricky i don't know HLm_fxdg4x8-00058-00014631-00014830 people stare at me like HLm_fxdg4x8-00059-00014831-00014999 i don't know why they're staring at me HLm_fxdg4x8-00060-00015000-00015335 it's so awkward um but yeah let me bring HLm_fxdg4x8-00061-00015336-00015915 you guys with me HLm_fxdg4x8-00063-00022408-00022570 foreign HLm_fxdg4x8-00065-00028024-00028262 hello everyone HLm_fxdg4x8-00066-00028263-00028367 so HLm_fxdg4x8-00067-00028368-00028727 i'm back home um what did we do today so HLm_fxdg4x8-00068-00028727-00028846 i HLm_fxdg4x8-00069-00028847-00029135 got very busy but i was able to bring HLm_fxdg4x8-00070-00029136-00029311 you guys sorry my eyes are like HLm_fxdg4x8-00071-00029312-00029462 bothering me i shouldn't be rubbing it HLm_fxdg4x8-00072-00029463-00029655 like that HLm_fxdg4x8-00073-00029656-00029751 um HLm_fxdg4x8-00074-00029752-00030031 i was able to show you guys a little bit HLm_fxdg4x8-00075-00030032-00030135 of HLm_fxdg4x8-00076-00030136-00030455 the sunglasses that i was looking for HLm_fxdg4x8-00077-00030456-00030879 however i really did feel like HLm_fxdg4x8-00078-00030880-00031070 like they were just mad and i don't know HLm_fxdg4x8-00079-00031072-00031374 if it's just cove at times like HLm_fxdg4x8-00080-00031375-00031655 there really just isn't much in store HLm_fxdg4x8-00081-00031656-00031879 anymore like the HLm_fxdg4x8-00082-00031880-00032102 products are just HLm_fxdg4x8-00083-00032103-00032302 like they are right they're not awful HLm_fxdg4x8-00084-00032303-00032470 but they're not like oh my god i gotta HLm_fxdg4x8-00085-00032472-00032607 get this right now HLm_fxdg4x8-00086-00032608-00032799 i almost felt like HLm_fxdg4x8-00087-00032800-00033062 i was forcing myself to try to pick a HLm_fxdg4x8-00088-00033063-00033223 pair of sunglasses and i don't like HLm_fxdg4x8-00089-00033224-00033462 feeling that way so i actually did not HLm_fxdg4x8-00090-00033463-00033655 purchase any sunglasses and it was HLm_fxdg4x8-00091-00033656-00033879 packed for tuesday HLm_fxdg4x8-00092-00033880-00034231 that place was so packed so HLm_fxdg4x8-00093-00034232-00034446 i didn't get anything there were some HLm_fxdg4x8-00094-00034447-00034687 burberry sunglasses that looked very HLm_fxdg4x8-00095-00034688-00034927 nice like very nice but i wasn't too HLm_fxdg4x8-00096-00034928-00035287 sure about like the fit on my face plus HLm_fxdg4x8-00097-00035288-00035487 it's kind of hard to try on sunglasses HLm_fxdg4x8-00098-00035488-00035662 now especially because you're wearing HLm_fxdg4x8-00099-00035663-00035999 masks so the sunglasses just look weird HLm_fxdg4x8-00100-00036000-00036207 um there were a pair of sunglasses let HLm_fxdg4x8-00101-00036208-00036374 me show you guys something HLm_fxdg4x8-00102-00036375-00036462 so HLm_fxdg4x8-00103-00036463-00036774 there were a pair of sunglasses HLm_fxdg4x8-00104-00036775-00037039 that kind of remind me of these HLm_fxdg4x8-00105-00037040-00037279 eyeglasses that i have HLm_fxdg4x8-00106-00037280-00037455 um i really like these they're a little HLm_fxdg4x8-00107-00037456-00037767 bit dirty when we went to when i brought HLm_fxdg4x8-00108-00037768-00037927 you guys along with me to pick up the HLm_fxdg4x8-00109-00037928-00038207 sunglasses i had these on HLm_fxdg4x8-00110-00038208-00038407 um but the sunglasses reminded me of HLm_fxdg4x8-00111-00038408-00038623 these i like these HLm_fxdg4x8-00112-00038624-00038974 um i love just how they fit on my face HLm_fxdg4x8-00113-00038975-00039079 see that HLm_fxdg4x8-00114-00039080-00039302 i do actually like these so i may HLm_fxdg4x8-00115-00039303-00039646 consider getting them in the sunglasses HLm_fxdg4x8-00116-00039647-00039911 form again i just didn't want to HLm_fxdg4x8-00117-00039912-00040095 like push myself to get anything they HLm_fxdg4x8-00118-00040096-00040174 had HLm_fxdg4x8-00119-00040175-00040399 oh my god their gucci sunglasses HLm_fxdg4x8-00120-00040400-00040655 collection was very very nice they had HLm_fxdg4x8-00121-00040656-00040839 regular eyeglasses as well HLm_fxdg4x8-00122-00040840-00040999 but i've mentioned this before on my HLm_fxdg4x8-00123-00041000-00041111 channel HLm_fxdg4x8-00124-00041112-00041295 if you find a pair of eyeglasses that HLm_fxdg4x8-00125-00041296-00041518 you really like they can turn them into HLm_fxdg4x8-00126-00041519-00041711 sunglasses so that's actually something HLm_fxdg4x8-00127-00041712-00041918 i may consider doing as well because HLm_fxdg4x8-00128-00041919-00042158 they had very old and i believe the HLm_fxdg4x8-00129-00042159-00042271 brand is HLm_fxdg4x8-00130-00042272-00042455 casals HLm_fxdg4x8-00131-00042456-00042823 those were very very nice as well so HLm_fxdg4x8-00132-00042824-00043087 the eyeglasses selection was much better HLm_fxdg4x8-00133-00043088-00043262 than the sunglasses collection but you HLm_fxdg4x8-00134-00043263-00043423 guys know i have a lot of eyeglasses HLm_fxdg4x8-00135-00043424-00043702 i've said that before however in knowing HLm_fxdg4x8-00136-00043703-00043887 that i can turn off HLm_fxdg4x8-00137-00043888-00044102 most of these eyeglasses like regular HLm_fxdg4x8-00138-00044103-00044390 eyeglasses into sunglasses is something HLm_fxdg4x8-00139-00044391-00044639 i may HLm_fxdg4x8-00140-00044640-00045183 consider HLm_fxdg4x8-00141-00045184-00045343 that's pretty much it i was supposed to HLm_fxdg4x8-00142-00045344-00045502 go get my HLm_fxdg4x8-00143-00045503-00045823 nails done but tomorrow i have to HLm_fxdg4x8-00144-00045824-00046023 finally bring my vehicle back to HLm_fxdg4x8-00145-00046024-00046223 mercedes i don't know if you guys saw my HLm_fxdg4x8-00146-00046224-00046551 vlog um my servicing my vehicle vlog HLm_fxdg4x8-00147-00046552-00046774 i have to bring my vehicle back HLm_fxdg4x8-00148-00046775-00046943 tomorrow so HLm_fxdg4x8-00149-00046944-00047111 we're gonna do that and i'm thinking you HLm_fxdg4x8-00150-00047112-00047262 know what i don't really have much to do HLm_fxdg4x8-00151-00047263-00047430 tomorrow so HLm_fxdg4x8-00152-00047431-00047655 i'll probably just go service my vehicle HLm_fxdg4x8-00153-00047656-00047958 and finally get my nails done because my HLm_fxdg4x8-00154-00047959-00048143 nails are like HLm_fxdg4x8-00155-00048144-00048343 all grown out HLm_fxdg4x8-00156-00048344-00048583 like they're oh literally do you see how HLm_fxdg4x8-00157-00048584-00048879 grown out my nails are HLm_fxdg4x8-00158-00048880-00049071 it's insane so i'm gonna go get my nails HLm_fxdg4x8-00159-00049072-00049286 done tomorrow HLm_fxdg4x8-00160-00049287-00049430 i don't know what color to get like i'm HLm_fxdg4x8-00161-00049431-00049735 thinking red kind of festive but i don't HLm_fxdg4x8-00162-00049736-00049974 know my like i love red HLm_fxdg4x8-00163-00049975-00050271 especially like a red lip i grew up my HLm_fxdg4x8-00164-00050272-00050479 aunt used to tell me all the time HLm_fxdg4x8-00165-00050480-00050702 carla don't wear red HLm_fxdg4x8-00166-00050703-00050871 don't wear red unless you're going to be HLm_fxdg4x8-00167-00050872-00051023 out in the streets HLm_fxdg4x8-00168-00051024-00051287 um so that sometimes stays with me i HLm_fxdg4x8-00169-00051288-00051479 think red looks good but you know when HLm_fxdg4x8-00170-00051479-00051670 you just maybe HLm_fxdg4x8-00171-00051671-00051879 some people would call it trauma but she HLm_fxdg4x8-00172-00051879-00052063 always told me that so it always stays HLm_fxdg4x8-00173-00052064-00052263 with me and i just view red on my nails HLm_fxdg4x8-00174-00052264-00052471 kind of i don't know it's kind of weird HLm_fxdg4x8-00175-00052472-00052687 i'll use it sometimes but sometimes i'm HLm_fxdg4x8-00176-00052688-00052847 like oh my god HLm_fxdg4x8-00177-00052848-00053071 i just have her in my ear telling me HLm_fxdg4x8-00178-00053072-00053526 that um but i wanted to show you guys HLm_fxdg4x8-00179-00053527-00053703 something so cool HLm_fxdg4x8-00180-00053704-00053966 that i got so HLm_fxdg4x8-00181-00053967-00054215 tomorrow actually it's supposed to be HLm_fxdg4x8-00182-00054216-00054391 snowing HLm_fxdg4x8-00183-00054391-00054647 so my co-workers this is before i even HLm_fxdg4x8-00184-00054648-00054863 knew it was gonna snow tomorrow um i HLm_fxdg4x8-00185-00054864-00055038 believe we're getting like HLm_fxdg4x8-00186-00055039-00055319 is it like three to five inches but HLm_fxdg4x8-00187-00055320-00055566 where i live we usually get a couple HLm_fxdg4x8-00188-00055567-00055815 more inches than what it's projected to HLm_fxdg4x8-00189-00055816-00056054 be um but a couple days ago my HLm_fxdg4x8-00190-00056055-00056215 co-workers were telling me about this HLm_fxdg4x8-00191-00056216-00056535 thing so if you live where it snows and HLm_fxdg4x8-00192-00056536-00056719 if you don't have this already i haven't HLm_fxdg4x8-00193-00056720-00056982 tried it but i heard so much good things HLm_fxdg4x8-00194-00056983-00057223 about it and the reviews on this is so HLm_fxdg4x8-00195-00057224-00057575 insane it's called a ice scraper and HLm_fxdg4x8-00196-00057576-00057735 snow broom HLm_fxdg4x8-00197-00057736-00057894 it's um HLm_fxdg4x8-00198-00057895-00058215 what's it called like a fat gel no HLm_fxdg4x8-00199-00058216-00058511 a snow tree oh my god the it's literally HLm_fxdg4x8-00200-00058512-00058766 a dress on here but it's called HLm_fxdg4x8-00201-00058767-00059015 a snow joe i'll probably just insert HLm_fxdg4x8-00202-00059016-00059199 some footage of HLm_fxdg4x8-00203-00059200-00059311 like it HLm_fxdg4x8-00204-00059312-00059679 on the site or if not do you guys see it HLm_fxdg4x8-00205-00059679-00059847 let me get this lighting off a little HLm_fxdg4x8-00206-00059848-00059999 bit so HLm_fxdg4x8-00207-00060000-00060230 it has like this foam piece right here HLm_fxdg4x8-00208-00060232-00060454 and i guess you just like HLm_fxdg4x8-00209-00060455-00060615 put it on the windshield or whatever and HLm_fxdg4x8-00210-00060616-00060791 then you just slide it it's like a one HLm_fxdg4x8-00211-00060791-00061126 two three easy kind of thing so HLm_fxdg4x8-00212-00061127-00061319 i'm excited to use this like i'm tired HLm_fxdg4x8-00213-00061320-00061438 of the brush HLm_fxdg4x8-00214-00061439-00061726 and like brushing it off and i'm HLm_fxdg4x8-00215-00061727-00061887 over it obviously if i have to use it HLm_fxdg4x8-00216-00061888-00062094 then that's what i'm going to use but if HLm_fxdg4x8-00217-00062095-00062303 this works very well HLm_fxdg4x8-00218-00062304-00062526 then why not and i'll probably update HLm_fxdg4x8-00219-00062527-00062991 you guys on this product i got so HLm_fxdg4x8-00220-00062991-00063263 many items but i don't know if i want to HLm_fxdg4x8-00221-00063264-00063454 just do like HLm_fxdg4x8-00222-00063455-00063615 like a full-on HLm_fxdg4x8-00223-00063616-00063942 do you guys see this HLm_fxdg4x8-00224-00063944-00064150 like look at this i might just want to HLm_fxdg4x8-00225-00064151-00064375 do like a full-on HLm_fxdg4x8-00226-00064376-00064654 boo-hoo haul like i got this HLm_fxdg4x8-00227-00064655-00064791 i got HLm_fxdg4x8-00228-00064791-00065159 this package from nasty gal HLm_fxdg4x8-00229-00065160-00065447 it's oh my god guys this is so HLm_fxdg4x8-00230-00065448-00065638 so much stuff here like it's insane HLm_fxdg4x8-00231-00065639-00065782 maybe i'll open HLm_fxdg4x8-00232-00065783-00065975 this one thing with you guys because i HLm_fxdg4x8-00233-00065976-00066279 should probably just go grab HLm_fxdg4x8-00234-00066280-00066455 a pair of scissors actually no it's HLm_fxdg4x8-00235-00066456-00066582 opening HLm_fxdg4x8-00236-00066583-00066823 i want to use this soon i think this is HLm_fxdg4x8-00237-00066824-00067103 what i think it is um HLm_fxdg4x8-00238-00067104-00067638 so HLm_fxdg4x8-00239-00067639-00067919 so i've been looking for a new black HLm_fxdg4x8-00240-00067920-00068191 belt with like a gold HLm_fxdg4x8-00241-00068192-00068438 with gold hardware i have the gucci one HLm_fxdg4x8-00242-00068439-00068919 but i'm so over the gucci belts like so HLm_fxdg4x8-00243-00068920-00069143 over it i'll still see some people with HLm_fxdg4x8-00244-00069144-00069311 it and i'm like oh it's not that bad HLm_fxdg4x8-00245-00069312-00069511 maybe i'll wear mine and HLm_fxdg4x8-00246-00069512-00069863 i go to put mine on and i just feel like HLm_fxdg4x8-00247-00069864-00069943 nope HLm_fxdg4x8-00248-00069944-00070167 time to come off so HLm_fxdg4x8-00249-00070168-00070359 i was thinking about getting HLm_fxdg4x8-00250-00070360-00070606 an hermes belt i like the hermes belts HLm_fxdg4x8-00251-00070607-00070726 because HLm_fxdg4x8-00252-00070727-00070943 they're reversible HLm_fxdg4x8-00253-00070944-00071206 but then i tried to get the black one HLm_fxdg4x8-00254-00071207-00071447 and they didn't have it in my size so HLm_fxdg4x8-00255-00071448-00071638 and i believe like the reversible color HLm_fxdg4x8-00256-00071639-00071847 on the black was orange HLm_fxdg4x8-00257-00071848-00072055 which i didn't mind at all guys i'm like HLm_fxdg4x8-00258-00072056-00073359 literally struggling to open this thing HLm_fxdg4x8-00259-00073360-00073487 so HLm_fxdg4x8-00260-00073488-00073694 i ended up just HLm_fxdg4x8-00261-00073695-00073806 checking HLm_fxdg4x8-00262-00073807-00073950 well not checking HLm_fxdg4x8-00263-00073951-00074311 i grabbed this instead HLm_fxdg4x8-00264-00074312-00074526 so HLm_fxdg4x8-00265-00074527-00074750 oh this is cute it's like this cute HLm_fxdg4x8-00266-00074751-00074847 little HLm_fxdg4x8-00267-00074848-00075111 i am destroying this box for no reason HLm_fxdg4x8-00268-00075112-00075287 because i all i have to do is go grab a HLm_fxdg4x8-00269-00075288-00075582 pair of scissors so right here says the HLm_fxdg4x8-00270-00075583-00075831 key inside unlocks your double-sided HLm_fxdg4x8-00271-00075832-00075919 belt HLm_fxdg4x8-00272-00075920-00076071 made with love HLm_fxdg4x8-00273-00076072-00076206 x o HLm_fxdg4x8-00274-00076207-00076406 n l HLm_fxdg4x8-00275-00076407-00076662 key attached to hang tag HLm_fxdg4x8-00276-00076663-00076926 unscrews three bolts on back side of HLm_fxdg4x8-00277-00076927-00077047 belt HLm_fxdg4x8-00278-00077048-00077247 oh my god what HLm_fxdg4x8-00279-00077248-00077423 what did i purchase like i thought that HLm_fxdg4x8-00280-00077424-00077623 was like a cute little HLm_fxdg4x8-00281-00077624-00077855 like i don't know statement thing but it HLm_fxdg4x8-00282-00077856-00078023 actually tells you what to do so i need HLm_fxdg4x8-00283-00078024-00078311 a key for something so i'm gonna show HLm_fxdg4x8-00284-00078312-00078503 you guys this little card right here as HLm_fxdg4x8-00285-00078504-00078687 you can see the product is from nicole HLm_fxdg4x8-00286-00078688-00078982 line not lie now thank you for all the HLm_fxdg4x8-00287-00078983-00079367 love and support love and now HLm_fxdg4x8-00288-00079368-00079591 i'm here like i wonder what's in the HLm_fxdg4x8-00289-00079592-00080023 world i got so this is just the receipt HLm_fxdg4x8-00290-00080024-00080287 um it does say all sales finals no HLm_fxdg4x8-00291-00080288-00080391 refunds HLm_fxdg4x8-00292-00080392-00080726 i wish i wouldn't i got this in a size HLm_fxdg4x8-00293-00080727-00080926 medium large HLm_fxdg4x8-00294-00080927-00081047 all right HLm_fxdg4x8-00295-00081048-00081199 so HLm_fxdg4x8-00296-00081200-00081503 i swear her packaging is just everything HLm_fxdg4x8-00297-00081504-00081711 if you have not seen my unboxing of her HLm_fxdg4x8-00298-00081712-00081838 handbag HLm_fxdg4x8-00299-00081839-00082135 like her packaging is just so stunning HLm_fxdg4x8-00300-00082136-00082359 you see how it says like nicole right HLm_fxdg4x8-00301-00082360-00082711 now right there HLm_fxdg4x8-00302-00082712-00083118 you get a dust bag for this this is so HLm_fxdg4x8-00303-00083119-00083294 freaking cute HLm_fxdg4x8-00304-00083295-00083526 hopefully it fits my waist HLm_fxdg4x8-00305-00083527-00083791 so HLm_fxdg4x8-00306-00083792-00084118 i'm like this is so cute HLm_fxdg4x8-00307-00084119-00084326 look at that in the cola and now like i HLm_fxdg4x8-00308-00084327-00084543 wish you guys could actually feel this HLm_fxdg4x8-00309-00084544-00084862 like the quality i'm so happy i got this HLm_fxdg4x8-00310-00084863-00085062 so if i didn't mention this if you HLm_fxdg4x8-00311-00085063-00085262 didn't know nicole i now this is like a HLm_fxdg4x8-00312-00085263-00085462 black own brand so HLm_fxdg4x8-00313-00085463-00085791 i'm very act like very excited for this HLm_fxdg4x8-00314-00085792-00086079 so you get the black um and it is real HLm_fxdg4x8-00315-00086080-00086238 leather so this is HLm_fxdg4x8-00316-00086239-00086494 real leather if i can get this to focus HLm_fxdg4x8-00317-00086495-00086823 a little bit look at that belt like HLm_fxdg4x8-00318-00086824-00086967 do you guys see HLm_fxdg4x8-00319-00086968-00087175 the quality HLm_fxdg4x8-00320-00087176-00087406 of this thing HLm_fxdg4x8-00321-00087407-00087847 this is the inside of it like HLm_fxdg4x8-00322-00087848-00088175 what so HLm_fxdg4x8-00323-00088176-00088359 you guys see that HLm_fxdg4x8-00324-00088360-00088550 i'm not returning this so i don't care HLm_fxdg4x8-00325-00088551-00088799 to remove the little pieces from it but HLm_fxdg4x8-00326-00088800-00089006 look at that buckle HLm_fxdg4x8-00327-00089007-00089159 like it feels HLm_fxdg4x8-00328-00089160-00089294 so HLm_fxdg4x8-00329-00089295-00089543 freaking good it says HLm_fxdg4x8-00330-00089544-00089999 so you get the nl engraved on the belt HLm_fxdg4x8-00331-00090000-00090262 i hope this video isn't so HLm_fxdg4x8-00332-00090263-00090438 long HLm_fxdg4x8-00333-00090439-00090679 let me try this on so i wonder what i HLm_fxdg4x8-00334-00090680-00090887 need the belt the HLm_fxdg4x8-00335-00090888-00091255 key for so this is the key um it's so HLm_fxdg4x8-00336-00091256-00091559 cute you see how it says and now HLm_fxdg4x8-00337-00091560-00091671 on here HLm_fxdg4x8-00338-00091672-00091862 like HLm_fxdg4x8-00339-00091863-00092079 don't mind me look at my lip but look HLm_fxdg4x8-00340-00092080-00092182 at that HLm_fxdg4x8-00341-00092183-00092494 it's the details like the details are so HLm_fxdg4x8-00342-00092495-00092806 good so it says with love knuckle line HLm_fxdg4x8-00343-00092807-00093150 now but what do i need HLm_fxdg4x8-00344-00093151-00093431 the belt for is my i mean the key for is HLm_fxdg4x8-00345-00093432-00094071 my question HLm_fxdg4x8-00346-00094072-00094271 what the heck i don't know i don't know HLm_fxdg4x8-00347-00094272-00094503 what i need the key for i'll figure that HLm_fxdg4x8-00348-00094504-00094967 out later but i want to try HLm_fxdg4x8-00349-00094968-00095326 guys HLm_fxdg4x8-00350-00095327-00095511 i'm laughing but it's not funny let me HLm_fxdg4x8-00351-00095512-00095718 see if i can show you guys a little bit HLm_fxdg4x8-00352-00095719-00096023 never mind all the packages but HLm_fxdg4x8-00353-00096024-00096294 this thing HLm_fxdg4x8-00354-00096295-00096543 does not HLm_fxdg4x8-00355-00096544-00096743 fit at all HLm_fxdg4x8-00356-00096744-00096887 like i don't know if this would fit me HLm_fxdg4x8-00357-00096888-00096991 with a belt HLm_fxdg4x8-00358-00096992-00097271 it might fit like i'm sorry with like a HLm_fxdg4x8-00359-00097272-00097550 pair of jeans it fits like HLm_fxdg4x8-00360-00097551-00097774 with a shirt or something do you see HLm_fxdg4x8-00361-00097775-00097887 that HLm_fxdg4x8-00362-00097888-00098071 it fits like on my HLm_fxdg4x8-00363-00098072-00098287 waist but HLm_fxdg4x8-00364-00098288-00098494 like it fits up here HLm_fxdg4x8-00365-00098495-00098687 to kind of add some dimension to my HLm_fxdg4x8-00366-00098688-00098974 outfit like that and tuck this in so you HLm_fxdg4x8-00367-00098975-00099191 can kind of see HLm_fxdg4x8-00368-00099192-00099518 like that but it does not fit like my HLm_fxdg4x8-00369-00099519-00099647 stomach HLm_fxdg4x8-00370-00099648-00099982 at all which whatever it doesn't matter HLm_fxdg4x8-00371-00099983-00100238 but i really like this HLm_fxdg4x8-00372-00100239-00100487 wear my glasses because HLm_fxdg4x8-00373-00100488-00100806 i need to be able to see this HLm_fxdg4x8-00374-00100807-00101159 how cute is this guys what HLm_fxdg4x8-00375-00101160-00101447 this is actually oh HLm_fxdg4x8-00376-00101448-00101718 freaking cute HLm_fxdg4x8-00377-00101719-00101991 i actually really like it HLm_fxdg4x8-00378-00101992-00102159 i like it a lot HLm_fxdg4x8-00379-00102160-00102575 see ya HLm_fxdg4x8-00380-00102576-00102775 the shirt HLm_fxdg4x8-00381-00102776-00102975 do you see how it adds like all the HLm_fxdg4x8-00382-00102976-00103190 dimension if i didn't have this HLm_fxdg4x8-00383-00103191-00103510 i would just look like this HLm_fxdg4x8-00384-00103511-00103639 slouchy HLm_fxdg4x8-00385-00103640-00103766 like HLm_fxdg4x8-00386-00103767-00103982 all over the place mass and then you add HLm_fxdg4x8-00387-00103983-00104223 the belt and it just looks HLm_fxdg4x8-00388-00104224-00104494 so good HLm_fxdg4x8-00389-00104495-00104823 but yeah HLm_fxdg4x8-00390-00104824-00104910 that's HLm_fxdg4x8-00391-00104911-00105110 this video like this vlog is almost HLm_fxdg4x8-00392-00105111-00105286 going to come off like an unboxing HLm_fxdg4x8-00393-00105288-00105478 especially like as i was unboxing the HLm_fxdg4x8-00394-00105479-00105727 belt because i got like in depth HLm_fxdg4x8-00395-00105728-00105943 with it but i really like it the other HLm_fxdg4x8-00396-00105944-00106119 things i'll probably do HLm_fxdg4x8-00397-00106120-00106358 an unboxing on because one is something HLm_fxdg4x8-00398-00106359-00106663 i got from gucci HLm_fxdg4x8-00399-00106664-00106878 the other thing HLm_fxdg4x8-00400-00106879-00107086 i don't know HLm_fxdg4x8-00401-00107088-00107254 yeah i'll probably do like a separate HLm_fxdg4x8-00402-00107255-00107454 unboxing so if you HLm_fxdg4x8-00403-00107455-00107702 want to check that video out you can HLm_fxdg4x8-00404-00107703-00107910 um i have other unboxing videos if you HLm_fxdg4x8-00405-00107911-00108102 like unboxings HLm_fxdg4x8-00406-00108103-00108190 but HLm_fxdg4x8-00407-00108191-00108286 yeah HLm_fxdg4x8-00408-00108288-00108527 this is this was a very very short vlog HLm_fxdg4x8-00409-00108528-00108654 i'm gonna go HLm_fxdg4x8-00410-00108655-00108854 like wash my face up maybe i'll do a HLm_fxdg4x8-00411-00108855-00109063 skincare like my nighttime routine kind HLm_fxdg4x8-00412-00109064-00109271 of video um HLm_fxdg4x8-00413-00109272-00109399 because you guys know i'm working on HLm_fxdg4x8-00414-00109400-00109599 this which is kind of HLm_fxdg4x8-00415-00109600-00109910 like i love how it's getting lighter HLm_fxdg4x8-00416-00109911-00110071 i don't know if you guys remember when i HLm_fxdg4x8-00417-00110072-00110375 first showed this dark spot but HLm_fxdg4x8-00418-00110376-00110631 you can see it but it's definitely HLm_fxdg4x8-00419-00110632-00110902 getting lighter so yeah HLm_fxdg4x8-00420-00110903-00111183 that's really it um i will see you guys HLm_fxdg4x8-00421-00111183-00111534 in the next vlog which will come out HLm_fxdg4x8-00422-00111535-00111727 after this one you're watching i will HLm_fxdg4x8-00423-00111728-00111871 see you guys HLm_fxdg4x8-00424-00111872-00112015 like in the next couple days because HLm_fxdg4x8-00425-00112016-00112254 that's when my other vlog will come out HLm_fxdg4x8-00426-00112255-00112471 but yeah see you in the next vlog this HLm_fxdg4x8-00427-00112472-00113470 is so cute not even HLm_fxdg4x8-00428-00113471-00114015 [Music] HLm_fxdg4x8-00429-00114016-00114224 you HMKhHjdt8fk-00000-00000019-00000286 hi my name is Patty and welcome to my HMKhHjdt8fk-00001-00000287-00000491 youtube channel this is your first time HMKhHjdt8fk-00002-00000492-00000611 here make sure to hit the subscribe HMKhHjdt8fk-00003-00000612-00000790 button and click the little bells to get HMKhHjdt8fk-00004-00000791-00001019 notified when I post new videos I kind HMKhHjdt8fk-00005-00001019-00001382 of post mommy lifestyle kind of home HMKhHjdt8fk-00006-00001383-00001579 decor cleaning videos so if you're into HMKhHjdt8fk-00007-00001580-00001939 that just keep watching and today I'm so HMKhHjdt8fk-00008-00001941-00002474 excited I have a premiere Cole did a HMKhHjdt8fk-00009-00002475-00002725 little damage and Primark but in case HMKhHjdt8fk-00010-00002726-00002930 you don't know I know not a lot of HMKhHjdt8fk-00011-00002931-00003104 people from like the US I don't think HMKhHjdt8fk-00012-00003105-00003215 there's like a lot of stores in the US HMKhHjdt8fk-00013-00003215-00003436 so in case you don't know it's like a HMKhHjdt8fk-00014-00003438-00003668 more like a uk-based store but it's kind HMKhHjdt8fk-00015-00003669-00003904 of like pretty affordable and so kids HMKhHjdt8fk-00016-00003905-00004061 clothing like you cannot be they're HMKhHjdt8fk-00017-00004061-00004460 super cute like t-shirts 250 like packs HMKhHjdt8fk-00018-00004461-00004709 of leggings I think we're like maybe six HMKhHjdt8fk-00019-00004710-00004844 or something Bob dollars I'll tell you HMKhHjdt8fk-00020-00004845-00005213 all the prices so yeah but I just I'm HMKhHjdt8fk-00021-00005214-00005336 just super obsessed with their clothes I HMKhHjdt8fk-00022-00005337-00005591 did a spring haul I can link it in the HMKhHjdt8fk-00023-00005592-00005906 cards for you and I'm just was obsessed HMKhHjdt8fk-00024-00005907-00006011 with everything everything kind of HMKhHjdt8fk-00025-00006012-00006176 matches together which is nice because HMKhHjdt8fk-00026-00006177-00006442 let me feel like you know you can put HMKhHjdt8fk-00027-00006443-00006745 together more outfits so yeah and if HMKhHjdt8fk-00028-00006747-00006892 you're into that like I have a whole HMKhHjdt8fk-00029-00006893-00007187 playlist as well of like hulls like baby HMKhHjdt8fk-00030-00007188-00007471 girl hauls and like styling videos so if HMKhHjdt8fk-00031-00007472-00007631 you want me to get back into that give HMKhHjdt8fk-00032-00007631-00007841 this video a thumbs up but without HMKhHjdt8fk-00033-00007842-00008105 further ado let's get into all of the HMKhHjdt8fk-00034-00008106-00008389 fall pieces which it's my favorite time HMKhHjdt8fk-00035-00008390-00008434 of year HMKhHjdt8fk-00036-00008435-00008917 hands down I love the weather the food I HMKhHjdt8fk-00037-00008918-00009196 do like some pumpkin spice kill me HMKhHjdt8fk-00038-00009197-00009473 seriously who doesn't and I just love HMKhHjdt8fk-00039-00009474-00009695 travel meet and fall in general so yeah HMKhHjdt8fk-00040-00009696-00009884 this is definitely my favorite time of HMKhHjdt8fk-00041-00009885-00010024 year so I'm just going to get right into HMKhHjdt8fk-00042-00010025-00010210 this home okay I'm gonna get these three HMKhHjdt8fk-00043-00010211-00010421 things out of the way real quick pretty HMKhHjdt8fk-00044-00010422-00010784 boring but I got oh I'll have to find HMKhHjdt8fk-00045-00010785-00010910 the other one in there so I bought HMKhHjdt8fk-00046-00010911-00011167 through taxes socks this pack is a white HMKhHjdt8fk-00047-00011168-00011246 pack HMKhHjdt8fk-00048-00011247-00011516 is five pairs and I got this six to HMKhHjdt8fk-00049-00011517-00011801 12-month my daughter here we go again is HMKhHjdt8fk-00050-00011802-00012029 super small she's on the small side I HMKhHjdt8fk-00051-00012030-00012368 think she's like 14 ish months now I HMKhHjdt8fk-00052-00012369-00012485 don't know if she was born in May I HMKhHjdt8fk-00053-00012486-00012644 don't keep up with the months after she HMKhHjdt8fk-00054-00012645-00012878 turns a year so but yeah she's on the HMKhHjdt8fk-00055-00012879-00013238 very very small side so it seems her HMKhHjdt8fk-00056-00013238-00013505 feet like she's just getting into size HMKhHjdt8fk-00057-00013506-00013631 threes and that's because they're a HMKhHjdt8fk-00058-00013632-00013741 little bit easier to put on HMKhHjdt8fk-00059-00013743-00013936 not necessarily the tunas don't fit her HMKhHjdt8fk-00060-00013937-00014186 so yeah so I bought a pack of white HMKhHjdt8fk-00061-00014187-00014501 socks because I personally prefer white HMKhHjdt8fk-00062-00014502-00014702 socks they go with everything and then HMKhHjdt8fk-00063-00014703-00014846 you'd have to look for the matching pair HMKhHjdt8fk-00064-00014847-00014981 they all match because they were all the HMKhHjdt8fk-00065-00014982-00015155 same and they have the little skid HMKhHjdt8fk-00066-00015156-00015278 things on the bottom which are great HMKhHjdt8fk-00067-00015279-00015516 because you have hardwood floors I HMKhHjdt8fk-00068-00015518-00015794 bought 2 packs of white ones and the HMKhHjdt8fk-00069-00015794-00016022 other one is biased and then for some HMKhHjdt8fk-00070-00016022-00016202 reason I thought these were so cute and HMKhHjdt8fk-00071-00016203-00016331 I was like you know what they're very HMKhHjdt8fk-00072-00016332-00016652 very neutral like there's two pairs of HMKhHjdt8fk-00073-00016653-00016874 white ones in here once plain white the HMKhHjdt8fk-00074-00016875-00017036 other has like hearts I don't know but HMKhHjdt8fk-00075-00017037-00017144 you probably will be able to tell and HMKhHjdt8fk-00076-00017145-00017366 then there's just three other pale pink HMKhHjdt8fk-00077-00017367-00017630 so they'll match with everything so KJ HMKhHjdt8fk-00078-00017631-00017855 went with me today he is super cute with HMKhHjdt8fk-00079-00017856-00018250 him but he picked out these for love HMKhHjdt8fk-00080-00018251-00018533 like how cute I mean granite I don't own HMKhHjdt8fk-00081-00018534-00018899 eggs or any kind of fake Oaks I don't HMKhHjdt8fk-00082-00018900-00019019 know sometimes I just feel like I look HMKhHjdt8fk-00083-00019020-00019184 like an idiot amande because the whole HMKhHjdt8fk-00084-00019185-00019415 basic thing whatever but I mean HMKhHjdt8fk-00085-00019416-00019640 seriously anything looks cute on kids HMKhHjdt8fk-00086-00019641-00019985 like Crocs look cute on kids so I am HMKhHjdt8fk-00087-00019986-00020156 totally into these they're furry on the HMKhHjdt8fk-00088-00020157-00020372 inside and she's just gonna look HMKhHjdt8fk-00089-00020373-00020546 adorable we've got them in a 3 because HMKhHjdt8fk-00090-00020547-00020769 like I said her feet are super small so HMKhHjdt8fk-00091-00020770-00021019 and they don't grow like literally HMKhHjdt8fk-00092-00021020-00021235 Dunkerley she wore like newborn HMKhHjdt8fk-00093-00021236-00021512 practically up until she just started HMKhHjdt8fk-00094-00021513-00021694 walking we're not worried about them not HMKhHjdt8fk-00095-00021695-00021938 fitting they were seven dollars so not HMKhHjdt8fk-00096-00021939-00022240 too bad oh the socks were let you see HMKhHjdt8fk-00097-00022241-00022532 the pink ones were 350 and the white HMKhHjdt8fk-00098-00022533-00022700 ones for three dollars so you really HMKhHjdt8fk-00099-00022701-00023132 can't beat so love these I got three two HMKhHjdt8fk-00100-00023133-00023609 packs so I got this pretty floral HMKhHjdt8fk-00101-00023610-00023927 pattern in the grey hey okay HMKhHjdt8fk-00102-00023928-00024152 you'll see a pattern the way through and HMKhHjdt8fk-00103-00024153-00024422 then this is cheap acts of plain gray a HMKhHjdt8fk-00104-00024423-00024743 lighter gray and a darker gray now I got HMKhHjdt8fk-00105-00024744-00024974 all of her clothes in the 12 to 18 HMKhHjdt8fk-00106-00024975-00025208 months she's on the smaller side and I HMKhHjdt8fk-00107-00025209-00025397 feel like their clothes run a hair HMKhHjdt8fk-00108-00025398-00025550 bigger than say if you would buy stuff HMKhHjdt8fk-00109-00025551-00025795 at Carter's so I'm looking not worried HMKhHjdt8fk-00110-00025797-00026069 about them not fitting and the this pair HMKhHjdt8fk-00111-00026070-00026212 was the only one that I got in the 18 to HMKhHjdt8fk-00112-00026213-00026477 24 because they didn't have them plus I HMKhHjdt8fk-00113-00026477-00026587 figure they're only just like a hair HMKhHjdt8fk-00114-00026588-00026812 longer so I was like it's not gonna be HMKhHjdt8fk-00115-00026813-00027158 that big of a difference and so I bought HMKhHjdt8fk-00116-00027158-00027398 her this stripes pair it's a navy stripe HMKhHjdt8fk-00117-00027399-00027833 and maroon mesh so they will match HMKhHjdt8fk-00118-00027833-00028208 everything that I got so I founded a HMKhHjdt8fk-00119-00028208-00028523 pair of socks so 10 pairs of white and I HMKhHjdt8fk-00120-00028524-00028847 think there's five yeah 5 other ones so HMKhHjdt8fk-00121-00028848-00029069 I figured 15 pairs that should be plenty HMKhHjdt8fk-00122-00029070-00029312 it's not I mean I'm sure I can pick up HMKhHjdt8fk-00123-00029313-00029435 stuff anywhere it's probably a little HMKhHjdt8fk-00124-00029436-00029711 Mart well do these first because they HMKhHjdt8fk-00125-00029712-00030032 all kind of match together so I bought HMKhHjdt8fk-00126-00030033-00030155 three sweatshirts when she wears HMKhHjdt8fk-00127-00030156-00030437 sweatpants which I was so happy they had HMKhHjdt8fk-00128-00030438-00030755 stuff pants there because I know I know HMKhHjdt8fk-00129-00030756-00030986 like I went on a rant in one of my HMKhHjdt8fk-00130-00030987-00031214 videos I can't remember which one but I HMKhHjdt8fk-00131-00031214-00031376 went on a rant about how it's so hard to HMKhHjdt8fk-00132-00031377-00031610 find girls sweat pants like jesters all HMKhHjdt8fk-00133-00031611-00031751 leggings and something that's really HMKhHjdt8fk-00134-00031752-00031990 cute but hello when it's like 30 degrees HMKhHjdt8fk-00135-00031991-00032192 in the wintertime like there are times HMKhHjdt8fk-00136-00032193-00032387 you have to take him outside and like HMKhHjdt8fk-00137-00032388-00032702 why just drives me insane so it was very HMKhHjdt8fk-00138-00032702-00032894 happy that they had very cute sub pants HMKhHjdt8fk-00139-00032895-00033035 these ones they're kind of like a HMKhHjdt8fk-00140-00033036-00033236 woodland seeing him like they're white HMKhHjdt8fk-00141-00033237-00033626 with a woodland pattern very cute and HMKhHjdt8fk-00142-00033627-00033923 then same thing with these they're like HMKhHjdt8fk-00143-00033924-00034181 an oatmeal tip of the color with this HMKhHjdt8fk-00144-00034182-00034400 one's more just like a floral but very HMKhHjdt8fk-00145-00034401-00034796 just like muted pattern which is kind of HMKhHjdt8fk-00146-00034797-00035399 me so and then I bought the two matching HMKhHjdt8fk-00147-00035400-00035684 sweatshirts so definitely perfect the HMKhHjdt8fk-00148-00035685-00035918 second for 350 and the sweatshirts were HMKhHjdt8fk-00149-00035919-00036165 also 350 HMKhHjdt8fk-00150-00036166-00036427 just they're so cute and I thought they HMKhHjdt8fk-00151-00036428-00036544 would mix and match great with the HMKhHjdt8fk-00152-00036545-00036730 leggings too if I say it's like a cooler HMKhHjdt8fk-00153-00036731-00036931 day and then the sweatpants would be HMKhHjdt8fk-00154-00036932-00037129 great once it gets like colder colder HMKhHjdt8fk-00155-00037130-00037399 and then I bought this sweatshirt as HMKhHjdt8fk-00156-00037400-00037663 well like I knit you love it it's so HMKhHjdt8fk-00157-00037664-00038023 cute and it looks like it's I think it HMKhHjdt8fk-00158-00038024-00038368 is glitter which is another pet peeve of HMKhHjdt8fk-00159-00038369-00038698 mine but I'll allow it HMKhHjdt8fk-00160-00038699-00039001 oh and it says make every day magical HMKhHjdt8fk-00161-00039002-00039142 but I just want it was so cute like HMKhHjdt8fk-00162-00039143-00039418 little Swan Princess oh my god HMKhHjdt8fk-00163-00039419-00039786 I love it just I love it and I figured - HMKhHjdt8fk-00164-00039787-00040006 this would match with either of the HMKhHjdt8fk-00165-00040007-00040210 sweatpants same thing it would match HMKhHjdt8fk-00166-00040211-00040402 with a bunch of the different leggings HMKhHjdt8fk-00167-00040403-00040594 because I personally like to like not HMKhHjdt8fk-00168-00040595-00040753 just put them in like the one outfit HMKhHjdt8fk-00169-00040754-00040867 like you know you buy the complete HMKhHjdt8fk-00170-00040868-00041008 outfit and just put them in that outfit HMKhHjdt8fk-00171-00041009-00041155 like I look like mixing and matching HMKhHjdt8fk-00172-00041156-00041380 because sometimes like things get dirty HMKhHjdt8fk-00173-00041381-00041554 or whatever sometimes I'll just pick out HMKhHjdt8fk-00174-00041555-00041749 like some first step and the wash and HMKhHjdt8fk-00175-00041750-00041899 wash it like mostly when I need pajamas HMKhHjdt8fk-00176-00041900-00042127 so it's like I want to be able to make HMKhHjdt8fk-00177-00042128-00042373 sure everything matches so like it makes HMKhHjdt8fk-00178-00042374-00042577 putting outfits like getting her HMKhHjdt8fk-00179-00042578-00042811 dressing out of the door 10 times easier HMKhHjdt8fk-00180-00042812-00042973 like that's what I'm all about HMKhHjdt8fk-00181-00042974-00043201 and then the rest is all along with the HMKhHjdt8fk-00182-00043202-00043468 t-shirts like I went crazy on the long HMKhHjdt8fk-00183-00043469-00043705 sleeve t-shirts because I don't really HMKhHjdt8fk-00184-00043706-00043942 like putting her in onesies know like HMKhHjdt8fk-00185-00043943-00044125 it's just too much to get the snaps like HMKhHjdt8fk-00186-00044126-00044296 it's so much easier putting on bottoms HMKhHjdt8fk-00187-00044297-00044464 and top and I figured to like if it's HMKhHjdt8fk-00188-00044465-00044656 colder in the winter if I'm gonna lay or HMKhHjdt8fk-00189-00044657-00044815 something I'm just gonna layer with like HMKhHjdt8fk-00190-00044816-00044959 a plain white one and see which I would HMKhHjdt8fk-00191-00044960-00045115 just buy at Walmart I love their packs HMKhHjdt8fk-00192-00045116-00045349 with the white ones he's like nothing HMKhHjdt8fk-00193-00045350-00045541 that's the best buy you can find and HMKhHjdt8fk-00194-00045542-00045733 there's so much an extra quality than HMKhHjdt8fk-00195-00045734-00045901 the white the white ones from Carter's HMKhHjdt8fk-00196-00045902-00046054 so I would definitely say go with those HMKhHjdt8fk-00197-00046055-00046288 ones but yeah I would just put one of HMKhHjdt8fk-00198-00046289-00046456 those underneath anyways like I don't HMKhHjdt8fk-00199-00046457-00046615 need like another like powder and HMKhHjdt8fk-00200-00046616-00046848 currently to make it look like crazy oh HMKhHjdt8fk-00201-00046849-00047113 yeah that's that was my train of thought HMKhHjdt8fk-00202-00047114-00047317 for that so that's why I got all just HMKhHjdt8fk-00203-00047318-00047578 long sleeve t-shirts because I feel like HMKhHjdt8fk-00204-00047579-00047773 I didn't really put her into any like HMKhHjdt8fk-00205-00047774-00048103 just t-shirts per se and the fall like HMKhHjdt8fk-00206-00048104-00048218 it's all going to be more along HMKhHjdt8fk-00207-00048219-00048572 shirts so that was my rationale so I'll HMKhHjdt8fk-00208-00048573-00048707 just go through all of them and they're HMKhHjdt8fk-00209-00048708-00049181 all 250 each so this one says reading is HMKhHjdt8fk-00210-00049182-00049406 my rock and roll so cute and she's HMKhHjdt8fk-00211-00049407-00049646 obsessed with reading and all of these HMKhHjdt8fk-00212-00049647-00049871 will match the Lightning's which is HMKhHjdt8fk-00213-00049872-00049949 perfect HMKhHjdt8fk-00214-00049950-00050180 so and probably some of this stuff pants HMKhHjdt8fk-00215-00050181-00050378 too because I was like I saw this up HMKhHjdt8fk-00216-00050379-00050519 pants first and I was like I think these HMKhHjdt8fk-00217-00050520-00050717 will all go and then I stole the HMKhHjdt8fk-00218-00050718-00050891 leggings and I was like this is even HMKhHjdt8fk-00219-00050892-00051197 better so yeah that was the first one HMKhHjdt8fk-00220-00051198-00051421 this is another cute one it's just a HMKhHjdt8fk-00221-00051422-00051626 white long-sleeve shirt with pink hearts HMKhHjdt8fk-00222-00051627-00051923 on it this one is that open Mew same HMKhHjdt8fk-00223-00051924-00052127 oatmeal color and has like a little like HMKhHjdt8fk-00224-00052128-00052445 women's mean with what is that a little HMKhHjdt8fk-00225-00052446-00052832 deer and it says little friends and then HMKhHjdt8fk-00226-00052833-00053126 this is just a cute little bunny it's a HMKhHjdt8fk-00227-00053127-00053404 little crown now it's a gray color and HMKhHjdt8fk-00228-00053405-00053615 then I got this like beautiful mustard HMKhHjdt8fk-00229-00053616-00053822 color one and it's as best friends like HMKhHjdt8fk-00230-00053823-00054314 how cute is that I love it sorry HMKhHjdt8fk-00231-00054315-00054527 fellating goes in and out I'm kind of HMKhHjdt8fk-00232-00054528-00054749 filming in our sunroom like I've been HMKhHjdt8fk-00233-00054750-00054989 checking out different filming areas so HMKhHjdt8fk-00234-00054990-00055199 let me know what is your favorite if you HMKhHjdt8fk-00235-00055200-00055340 watched my past couple videos I've done HMKhHjdt8fk-00236-00055341-00055520 this part I don't know every time like HMKhHjdt8fk-00237-00055521-00055676 the other wall but there's nothing over HMKhHjdt8fk-00238-00055677-00055811 there like it's just like a plain HMKhHjdt8fk-00239-00055812-00056054 background with just the window so I HMKhHjdt8fk-00240-00056054-00056435 think it looks little so yeah let me HMKhHjdt8fk-00241-00056436-00056755 know and then this is another one live HMKhHjdt8fk-00242-00056757-00056921 one it's like this same kind of like HMKhHjdt8fk-00243-00056922-00057233 cranberry II reddish color which matches HMKhHjdt8fk-00244-00057234-00057466 the leggings but it also looks cute with HMKhHjdt8fk-00245-00057467-00057677 like the striped ones I like that I like HMKhHjdt8fk-00246-00057678-00057953 that pack and then lastly this is HMKhHjdt8fk-00247-00057954-00058145 another gray shirt and it just is happy HMKhHjdt8fk-00248-00058146-00058394 and it's a little couple is so cute HMKhHjdt8fk-00249-00058395-00058835 perfect for fall so yeah that is the HMKhHjdt8fk-00250-00058836-00059213 entire haul I just love everything from HMKhHjdt8fk-00251-00059214-00059501 there so hopefully they open more stores HMKhHjdt8fk-00252-00059502-00059819 in the u.s. I not actually sure how many HMKhHjdt8fk-00253-00059820-00060101 they have it doesn't say on the bag HMKhHjdt8fk-00254-00060102-00060280 either it just says okay HMKhHjdt8fk-00255-00060282-00060578 so when I went into here in PA like it's HMKhHjdt8fk-00256-00060579-00060791 kind of a little outside of Philadelphia HMKhHjdt8fk-00257-00060791-00061049 so if you're near there definitely check HMKhHjdt8fk-00258-00061050-00061298 out that store like amazing amazing HMKhHjdt8fk-00259-00061299-00061589 stuff and such great prices like I spent HMKhHjdt8fk-00260-00061590-00061838 a whole total of like $60 and I got all HMKhHjdt8fk-00261-00061839-00061970 of this like I feel like I would never HMKhHjdt8fk-00262-00061971-00062213 get that anywhere else like I know HMKhHjdt8fk-00263-00062214-00062414 people say they get great deals at like HMKhHjdt8fk-00264-00062415-00062663 Carter's a little Navy but I don't know HMKhHjdt8fk-00265-00062664-00062777 if like me because I don't shop there HMKhHjdt8fk-00266-00062778-00062969 often like I don't get like you know the HMKhHjdt8fk-00267-00062970-00063152 coupons and deals coming to me all the HMKhHjdt8fk-00268-00063153-00063374 time so I can't ever just like bite the HMKhHjdt8fk-00269-00063375-00063512 bullet like I'm not going to spend like HMKhHjdt8fk-00270-00063513-00063740 seven dollars on one thing like that is HMKhHjdt8fk-00271-00063741-00063971 just not me especially someone that's HMKhHjdt8fk-00272-00063972-00064184 very thrifty like I also do thrift halls HMKhHjdt8fk-00273-00064185-00064379 which I haven't done one in a long time HMKhHjdt8fk-00274-00064379-00064697 but I need to get there so yeah HMKhHjdt8fk-00275-00064698-00065041 hopefully I can get there soon yeah I HMKhHjdt8fk-00276-00065042-00065317 hope you enjoyed this girl laughs oh ho HMKhHjdt8fk-00277-00065319-00065774 like we just love ball so yeah and stay HMKhHjdt8fk-00278-00065775-00065927 tuned make sure you're subscribed like I HMKhHjdt8fk-00279-00065928-00066092 said I'm hoping to have a bunch of more HMKhHjdt8fk-00280-00066093-00066410 videos coming out like I had some the HMKhHjdt8fk-00281-00066411-00066641 only things going on this summer so I HMKhHjdt8fk-00282-00066642-00066890 didn't get to film as much as I planned HMKhHjdt8fk-00283-00066891-00067292 but you know new season style yeah HMKhHjdt8fk-00284-00067293-00067559 hopefully I can get more out to you so HMKhHjdt8fk-00285-00067560-00067976 thank you again for watching hi