5_kNHEG_O6o-00000-00001006-00001495 [Music] 5_kNHEG_O6o-00001-00001496-00001743 acid rain is a very dilute solution of 5_kNHEG_O6o-00002-00001744-00001975 nitric and sulfuric acids 5_kNHEG_O6o-00003-00001976-00002263 with a ph of around four now we will 5_kNHEG_O6o-00004-00002264-00002439 learn about ways in which we can either 5_kNHEG_O6o-00005-00002440-00002599 make this acid rain less 5_kNHEG_O6o-00006-00002600-00002863 acidic or at the very least reduce its 5_kNHEG_O6o-00007-00002864-00002999 negative effects on our 5_kNHEG_O6o-00008-00003000-00003238 environment can you remember where the 5_kNHEG_O6o-00009-00003239-00003479 nitrogen came from in the nitric acid 5_kNHEG_O6o-00010-00003479-00003743 and the sulfur in the sulfuric acid 5_kNHEG_O6o-00011-00003744-00003799 pause 5_kNHEG_O6o-00012-00003800-00004191 and think 5_kNHEG_O6o-00013-00004192-00004375 well the nitrogen came from the 5_kNHEG_O6o-00014-00004376-00004591 combination of atmospheric nitrogen and 5_kNHEG_O6o-00015-00004592-00004670 oxygen 5_kNHEG_O6o-00016-00004671-00004927 in the cylinders of motor vehicles and 5_kNHEG_O6o-00017-00004928-00005054 the sulfur 5_kNHEG_O6o-00018-00005055-00005295 when fossil fuels containing sulfur are 5_kNHEG_O6o-00019-00005296-00005438 burnt particularly 5_kNHEG_O6o-00020-00005439-00005791 in our power stations let's look at 5_kNHEG_O6o-00021-00005792-00005999 power stations in europe 5_kNHEG_O6o-00022-00006000-00006206 for many years these stations have been 5_kNHEG_O6o-00023-00006207-00006439 using tall chimneys to disperse the 5_kNHEG_O6o-00024-00006440-00006550 sulfur dioxide 5_kNHEG_O6o-00025-00006551-00006870 far away thinking that dilution was the 5_kNHEG_O6o-00026-00006872-00006959 solution 5_kNHEG_O6o-00027-00006959-00007278 to pollution however the acid did not 5_kNHEG_O6o-00028-00007279-00007398 get diluted 5_kNHEG_O6o-00029-00007400-00007631 but instead was carried in the wind to 5_kNHEG_O6o-00030-00007631-00007751 scandinavia 5_kNHEG_O6o-00031-00007752-00008039 where it fell into swedish lakes 5_kNHEG_O6o-00032-00008040-00008119 originally 5_kNHEG_O6o-00033-00008120-00008359 people tried to neutralize the acidity 5_kNHEG_O6o-00034-00008360-00008623 by adding limestone to the lakes 5_kNHEG_O6o-00035-00008624-00008935 this was partly successful for example 5_kNHEG_O6o-00036-00008936-00009142 salmon returned to some polluted rivers 5_kNHEG_O6o-00037-00009143-00009246 in wales 5_kNHEG_O6o-00038-00009247-00009446 after the acidified lakes from which the 5_kNHEG_O6o-00039-00009447-00009663 rivers flowed were treated with lime 5_kNHEG_O6o-00040-00009664-00009871 over a number of years 5_kNHEG_O6o-00041-00009872-00010127 a much better method is to trap the acid 5_kNHEG_O6o-00042-00010128-00010319 before it reaches the atmosphere 5_kNHEG_O6o-00043-00010320-00010567 in a process called scrubbing the kind 5_kNHEG_O6o-00044-00010568-00010671 of scrubber 5_kNHEG_O6o-00045-00010672-00010935 we need in this case is an alkali to 5_kNHEG_O6o-00046-00010936-00011159 react with the sulfur dioxide 5_kNHEG_O6o-00047-00011160-00011406 so either sea water which contains a 5_kNHEG_O6o-00048-00011407-00011606 little bit of sodium carbonate 5_kNHEG_O6o-00049-00011607-00011951 or lime calcium oxide is used 5_kNHEG_O6o-00050-00011952-00012191 can you think what reaction will occur 5_kNHEG_O6o-00051-00012192-00012342 with calcium oxide 5_kNHEG_O6o-00052-00012343-00012646 a basic oxide and sulfur dioxide 5_kNHEG_O6o-00053-00012647-00013135 and acidic oxide 5_kNHEG_O6o-00054-00013136-00013486 calcium oxide plus sulfur dioxide 5_kNHEG_O6o-00055-00013487-00014022 makes calcium sulfite that's caso3 5_kNHEG_O6o-00056-00014023-00014303 the sulfite can be reacted with oxygen 5_kNHEG_O6o-00057-00014304-00014415 to make gypsum 5_kNHEG_O6o-00058-00014416-00014807 calcium sulfate caso4 5_kNHEG_O6o-00059-00014808-00014983 which is the main ingredient of wall 5_kNHEG_O6o-00060-00014984-00015191 plaster these scrubbers 5_kNHEG_O6o-00061-00015191-00015366 have greatly reduced our sulfur 5_kNHEG_O6o-00062-00015368-00015607 emissions and given many countries much 5_kNHEG_O6o-00063-00015608-00015863 cleaner air but it does reduce the 5_kNHEG_O6o-00064-00015863-00016047 efficiency of the power station 5_kNHEG_O6o-00065-00016047-00016303 maybe by as much as 10 percent thus 5_kNHEG_O6o-00066-00016304-00016430 increasing the cost 5_kNHEG_O6o-00067-00016431-00016775 of the electricity in oil refineries 5_kNHEG_O6o-00068-00016776-00016991 sulfur is removed from crude oil by 5_kNHEG_O6o-00069-00016992-00017207 reacting it with hydrogen 5_kNHEG_O6o-00070-00017208-00017511 this reaction known in industry as hydro 5_kNHEG_O6o-00071-00017512-00017579 d 5_kNHEG_O6o-00072-00017580-00017847 sulfurization takes place at high 5_kNHEG_O6o-00073-00017848-00017943 temperature 5_kNHEG_O6o-00074-00017944-00018143 with a metal catalyst to produce 5_kNHEG_O6o-00075-00018144-00018319 hydrogen sulfide 5_kNHEG_O6o-00076-00018320-00018558 that bad egg smell and a very poisonous 5_kNHEG_O6o-00077-00018559-00018639 gas 5_kNHEG_O6o-00078-00018640-00018879 when this purified oil is refined into 5_kNHEG_O6o-00079-00018880-00018999 various fuels 5_kNHEG_O6o-00080-00019000-00019239 it is virtually free of sulfur what 5_kNHEG_O6o-00081-00019240-00019471 about reducing the amount of nitric acid 5_kNHEG_O6o-00082-00019472-00019622 in rain 5_kNHEG_O6o-00083-00019623-00019839 this time we need to put catalytic 5_kNHEG_O6o-00084-00019840-00019943 converters 5_kNHEG_O6o-00085-00019944-00020167 in the exhaust pipe of all our motor 5_kNHEG_O6o-00086-00020168-00020263 vehicles 5_kNHEG_O6o-00087-00020264-00020503 essentially they convert the oxides of 5_kNHEG_O6o-00088-00020504-00020607 nitrogen back 5_kNHEG_O6o-00089-00020608-00020878 into oxygen and nitrogen it is a pity we 5_kNHEG_O6o-00090-00020879-00020967 have to do this 5_kNHEG_O6o-00091-00020968-00021167 because we use huge amounts of fossil 5_kNHEG_O6o-00092-00021168-00021399 fuel energy getting nitrogen to react 5_kNHEG_O6o-00093-00021400-00021494 with hydrogen 5_kNHEG_O6o-00094-00021495-00021783 to produce nitrogen-rich fertilizers 5_kNHEG_O6o-00095-00021784-00021911 with a little collector 5_kNHEG_O6o-00096-00021912-00022119 in all the exhaust pipes we could 5_kNHEG_O6o-00097-00022120-00022350 deposit a little pile of fertilizer 5_kNHEG_O6o-00098-00022351-00022607 every time we fill the fuel tank there's 5_kNHEG_O6o-00099-00022608-00022767 an idea for one of you young 5_kNHEG_O6o-00100-00022768-00023039 entrepreneurs so to summarize the best 5_kNHEG_O6o-00101-00023040-00023271 way to reduce the effects of acid rain 5_kNHEG_O6o-00102-00023272-00023486 is to prevent the oxides of sulfur and 5_kNHEG_O6o-00103-00023487-00023671 nitrogen from escaping into the 5_kNHEG_O6o-00104-00023672-00023927 atmosphere in the first place 5_kNHEG_O6o-00105-00023928-00024199 this is done by scrubbing the exhaust 5_kNHEG_O6o-00106-00024200-00024422 fumes from power stations using lime or 5_kNHEG_O6o-00107-00024423-00024519 sea water 5_kNHEG_O6o-00108-00024520-00024758 to remove the sulfur dioxide and by 5_kNHEG_O6o-00109-00024759-00024950 fitting catalytic converters 5_kNHEG_O6o-00110-00024951-00025207 to motor vehicle exhausts to decompose 5_kNHEG_O6o-00111-00025208-00027967 the oxides of nitrogen 5_kNHEG_O6o-00112-00027968-00028175 you 5Ca8NywgXa8-00000-00000000-00000130 [Music] 5Ca8NywgXa8-00001-00000131-00003083 foreign 5Ca8NywgXa8-00002-00003084-00003683 [Music] 5Ca8NywgXa8-00003-00003684-00004070 foreign 5Ca8NywgXa8-00004-00004071-00004577 [Music] 5Ca8NywgXa8-00005-00004578-00006923 [Music] 5Ca8NywgXa8-00006-00006923-00007184 cool 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00000-00000053-00001423 [Music] 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00001-00001424-00001679 basically equine therapy is bringing 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00002-00001680-00001895 horses and humans together to help 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00003-00001896-00002260 humans heal 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00004-00002261-00002561 as a young psychologist I started out in 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00005-00002562-00002825 Ocala Florida which is horse country and 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00006-00002826-00003095 I did equine therapy there I almost 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00007-00003096-00003239 couldn't believe what I was seeing 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00008-00003240-00003461 because it went beyond all of my 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00009-00003461-00003746 graduate school training and everything 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00010-00003747-00004067 that I've done when people come here our 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00011-00004068-00004304 mission is to is to create an 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00012-00004305-00004550 environment to help people heal their 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00013-00004551-00004850 mind body and their spirit and a coin 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00014-00004851-00005156 therapy was that missing element the 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00015-00005157-00005336 strategies that we use in the office a 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00016-00005337-00005513 lot of times those are very very 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00017-00005514-00005663 effective but sometimes we just reach 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00018-00005664-00005846 dead ends and it's like the you know 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00019-00005847-00006011 session after session and we're just not 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00020-00006012-00006308 making progress and the ability to use 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00021-00006309-00006518 horses and that connection with the 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00022-00006519-00006809 client coming in has really taken it to 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00023-00006809-00006898 a whole nother level 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00024-00006900-00007081 it's like those techniques kind of 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00025-00007083-00007316 become less technique II and more 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00026-00007317-00007648 experienced and more real and as a 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00027-00007650-00007877 result they create some changes that 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00028-00007878-00008023 I've just I can't always see in the 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00029-00008025-00008309 office to actually work with clinical 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00030-00008310-00008555 therapists that actually know what 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00031-00008556-00008759 they're doing they help you put that 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00032-00008760-00008957 puzzle together to give you tools to be 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00033-00008958-00009199 able to live your life a little bit more 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00034-00009200-00009535 peacefully with a little bit more joy 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00035-00009536-00009730 and then you get to experience the 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00036-00009731-00009971 forces and that in of itself being with 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00037-00009972-00010249 the horse brings you joy and being in 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00038-00010250-00010402 one of these groups will actually give 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00039-00010403-00010568 you those tools to be able to give you 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00040-00010569-00010712 the confidence to be able to move 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00041-00010713-00010901 forward in your life when you see a 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00042-00010902-00011227 person come out of here having worked 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00043-00011228-00011363 with the horses that they've cultivated 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00044-00011364-00011680 and the care that they put into the club 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00045-00011681-00012019 here it's just it's a powerful union 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00046-00012020-00012235 they beyond anything that I've ever 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00047-00012236-00012311 experienced 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00048-00012312-00012834 [Music] 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00049-00012835-00013071 being with horses is all about forward 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00050-00013072-00013413 momentum and that's what really speaks 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00051-00013415-00013675 to us here at the BC and helps people 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00052-00013676-00013996 move forward in their life and that's 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00053-00013997-00014269 what we're passionate about 5EpTSJ2iVsu-00054-00014269-00014596 [Music] 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00000-00000000-00000196 good morning everyone so hi I'm Anita 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00001-00000197-00000359 who community outreach specialist and 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00002-00000360-00000614 today I'm with deputy Carmack a k-9 chef 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00003-00000615-00001100 who is inside this beautiful dirty no 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00004-00001101-00002591 but did you even hear what I just said 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00005-00002592-00002958 we are at Fox 13 this morning and you 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00006-00002959-00003172 this man is going to be on camera 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00007-00003173-00003463 a different camera again to talk about 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00008-00003464-00003879 trip going to New York to be on live TV 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00009-00003880-00004141 and how he feels about it so stay tuned 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00010-00004142-00004629 you excited yeah yeah nervous no no is 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00011-00004630-00004722 it because you've done this so many 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00012-00004723-00004777 times 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00013-00004778-00005046 no it's just another day in the leg 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00014-00005047-00005443 right 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00015-00005444-00008301 [Music] 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00016-00008302-00008584 hi there bud 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00019-00022344-00022550 [Music] 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00020-00022551-00023094 so that wraps up Fox 13 with deputy 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00021-00023095-00023475 Carmack and k9 chef they're excited to 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00022-00023476-00023753 go to New York yes so a lot of fun 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00023-00023754-00024039 anything you want to say that was a lot 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00024-00024040-00024239 quicker than the other one that was that 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00025-00024240-00024581 was out yeah wait like seconds gotta go 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00026-00024582-00024905 yeah we walked in questions good time 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00027-00024906-00025136 yeah alright it was fast 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00028-00025137-00025280 mm-hmm the weekends gonna be a little 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00029-00025281-00025593 longer it's this mission just some 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00030-00025594-00025749 practice runs I'm sure with me reading 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00031-00025750-00025950 that teleprompter deal are you actually 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00032-00025951-00026232 reading the teleprompter I think so yeah 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00033-00026233-00026477 that's not good no no kind of like 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00034-00026478-00026618 finding grass in New York for him to go 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00035-00026619-00026808 pee in poop are extremely hard you know 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00036-00026808-00027000 what I mean do not forget to Like 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00037-00027001-00027245 comment subscribe and we'll see you next 5Gbz5iGD4BM-00038-00027247-00027558 time have a good day 5I7pEFvpYDY-00000-00000000-00000401 the informed services University we are 5I7pEFvpYDY-00001-00000401-00000746 the higher education and health services 5I7pEFvpYDY-00002-00000747-00001094 University for that are going hello my 5I7pEFvpYDY-00003-00001095-00001291 name is Catherine link I'm an assistant 5I7pEFvpYDY-00004-00001292-00001448 professor at the uniformed services 5I7pEFvpYDY-00005-00001449-00001796 University and Bethesda Maryland and my 5I7pEFvpYDY-00006-00001797-00002099 project was creating a population health 5I7pEFvpYDY-00007-00002100-00002384 course for graduate nursing students who 5I7pEFvpYDY-00008-00002385-00002507 are completing their doctorate of 5I7pEFvpYDY-00009-00002508-00002893 Nursing Practice degree this project was 5I7pEFvpYDY-00010-00002894-00003155 to create the first fully online 5I7pEFvpYDY-00011-00003156-00003415 asynchronous course to be delivered at 5I7pEFvpYDY-00012-00003417-00003653 our university we needed to make sure 5I7pEFvpYDY-00013-00003654-00004063 that the content was engaging and really 5I7pEFvpYDY-00014-00004064-00004394 was scaffolded and scalable so that 5I7pEFvpYDY-00015-00004395-00004715 students who had a bare exposure to some 5I7pEFvpYDY-00016-00004716-00004940 of the concepts were brought along as 5I7pEFvpYDY-00017-00004941-00005077 well as students who had already been 5I7pEFvpYDY-00018-00005078-00005366 immersed a bit in the content it could 5I7pEFvpYDY-00019-00005367-00005645 grow as well all of our nursing students 5I7pEFvpYDY-00020-00005646-00005816 are very different than some of our 5I7pEFvpYDY-00021-00005817-00006011 civilian counterparts because they've 5I7pEFvpYDY-00022-00006012-00006281 all been our ends they're all a little 5I7pEFvpYDY-00023-00006282-00006472 bit more seasoned they all have to have 5I7pEFvpYDY-00024-00006473-00006698 their bachelor's degree the majority of 5I7pEFvpYDY-00025-00006698-00007028 my students in this class are doing 40 5I7pEFvpYDY-00026-00007029-00007334 50 hours of clinical a week and plus 5I7pEFvpYDY-00027-00007334-00007505 taking this class so we needed to make 5I7pEFvpYDY-00028-00007506-00007691 sure that it was very clean and very 5I7pEFvpYDY-00029-00007692-00007970 clear as well as being a synchronous so 5I7pEFvpYDY-00030-00007970-00008239 we start off each of the modules and 5I7pEFvpYDY-00031-00008240-00008516 there are four of them with some basic 5I7pEFvpYDY-00032-00008517-00008813 content and there are some specific 5I7pEFvpYDY-00033-00008814-00008989 teachings and readings that go along 5I7pEFvpYDY-00034-00008990-00009245 with that then we pull the students in 5I7pEFvpYDY-00035-00009246-00009489 to engage from a comprehension 5I7pEFvpYDY-00036-00009490-00009749 perspective and then we begin to get 5I7pEFvpYDY-00037-00009750-00009985 them to engage more fully and then apply 5I7pEFvpYDY-00038-00009986-00010256 it through different scenarios we have 5I7pEFvpYDY-00039-00010257-00010513 them engaged in group activities such as 5I7pEFvpYDY-00040-00010514-00010792 building a study guide on the wiki as 5I7pEFvpYDY-00041-00010793-00011113 well as building group responses to 5I7pEFvpYDY-00042-00011114-00011462 scenarios in a fictitious department of 5I7pEFvpYDY-00043-00011463-00011810 defense team to work a humanitarian 5I7pEFvpYDY-00044-00011811-00012013 missions with a foreign national 5I7pEFvpYDY-00045-00012014-00012253 government as well as respond to a 5I7pEFvpYDY-00046-00012254-00012506 zombie pandemic 5I7pEFvpYDY-00047-00012507-00012830 yes is instead let's hear more about the 5I7pEFvpYDY-00048-00012831-00013055 zombie pandemic and how it works well 5I7pEFvpYDY-00049-00013056-00013365 our second module is really taking a 5I7pEFvpYDY-00050-00013366-00013599 look at some of the basic tools that 5I7pEFvpYDY-00051-00013600-00013844 they'll need to use in addressing 5I7pEFvpYDY-00052-00013845-00014046 population health issues and those are 5I7pEFvpYDY-00053-00014047-00014313 models and theories that can be a little 5I7pEFvpYDY-00054-00014313-00014565 more abstract for some students to deal 5I7pEFvpYDY-00055-00014566-00014855 with so we created a narrative element 5I7pEFvpYDY-00056-00014856-00015111 that ran through the teachings as well 5I7pEFvpYDY-00057-00015112-00015402 into the activities and assignments so 5I7pEFvpYDY-00058-00015403-00015615 for the teachings there's a basic 5I7pEFvpYDY-00059-00015616-00015822 lecture capture that discusses some of 5I7pEFvpYDY-00060-00015822-00016016 the basic contents in working with our 5I7pEFvpYDY-00061-00016018-00016325 instructional design team we began to 5I7pEFvpYDY-00062-00016326-00016544 build in a narrative element into the 5I7pEFvpYDY-00063-00016545-00016860 second module that narrative element was 5I7pEFvpYDY-00064-00016861-00017136 a zombie pandemic so we created our 5I7pEFvpYDY-00065-00017137-00017382 fundamental teaching components the 5I7pEFvpYDY-00066-00017383-00017559 instructional design team created 5I7pEFvpYDY-00067-00017560-00017793 animations for some of those basic 5I7pEFvpYDY-00068-00017794-00018036 theories and models to emphasize certain 5I7pEFvpYDY-00069-00018037-00018437 points that animations are built a long 5I7pEFvpYDY-00070-00018438-00018775 generic storyline of there's a an 5I7pEFvpYDY-00071-00018776-00019140 infection creating zombies as a pandemic 5I7pEFvpYDY-00072-00019141-00019403 in the Washington DC area near where we 5I7pEFvpYDY-00073-00019404-00019709 are located there are certain groups of 5I7pEFvpYDY-00074-00019710-00020037 characters there's a couple that live in 5I7pEFvpYDY-00075-00020038-00020300 the georgetown area there's the White 5I7pEFvpYDY-00076-00020301-00020555 House and the the federal response team 5I7pEFvpYDY-00077-00020556-00020988 and then there are some of the the CDC 5I7pEFvpYDY-00078-00020989-00021200 Centers for Disease Control Health Team 5I7pEFvpYDY-00079-00021201-00021516 folks who are at that basic response as 5I7pEFvpYDY-00080-00021517-00021825 well and so these characters reoccur in 5I7pEFvpYDY-00081-00021826-00022053 short vignettes to emphasize different 5I7pEFvpYDY-00082-00022054-00022314 parts of the model then we have the 5I7pEFvpYDY-00083-00022315-00022553 students begin to really work with those 5I7pEFvpYDY-00084-00022554-00022756 theories and models from a comprehension 5I7pEFvpYDY-00085-00022757-00022992 standpoint as well as an application 5I7pEFvpYDY-00086-00022993-00023247 where we give them the Centers for 5I7pEFvpYDY-00087-00023248-00023586 Disease Control's zombie prepared at 5I7pEFvpYDY-00088-00023587-00023892 pandemic preparedness guide as well as 5I7pEFvpYDY-00089-00023893-00024321 an actual DoD instruction for a war game 5I7pEFvpYDY-00090-00024322-00024644 involving as am a zombie pandemic and 5I7pEFvpYDY-00091-00024645-00025046 have the students then apply the models 5I7pEFvpYDY-00092-00025047-00025350 to a scenario where they occur 5I7pEFvpYDY-00093-00025351-00025596 vaccine plan a vaccination plan or a 5I7pEFvpYDY-00094-00025597-00025775 quarantine plan so you can see where 5I7pEFvpYDY-00095-00025776-00025986 that narrative element goes through the 5I7pEFvpYDY-00096-00025987-00026205 teaching to the activities to bring the 5I7pEFvpYDY-00097-00026206-00026462 students along from comprehension to 5I7pEFvpYDY-00098-00026463-00026712 application overall the student response 5I7pEFvpYDY-00099-00026713-00026990 has been really very positive it's a 5I7pEFvpYDY-00100-00026991-00027173 point where they get to be very creative 5I7pEFvpYDY-00101-00027174-00027512 and even if they haven't seen the point 5I7pEFvpYDY-00102-00027513-00027707 at which they can apply it initially 5I7pEFvpYDY-00103-00027708-00027971 usually by the end of the course the 5I7pEFvpYDY-00104-00027972-00028235 feedback we're getting is I got it and 5I7pEFvpYDY-00105-00028236-00028560 fortunately or unfortunately with world 5I7pEFvpYDY-00106-00028561-00028860 events we're seeing Ebola outbreaks 5I7pEFvpYDY-00107-00028861-00029146 we're seeing SARS outbreaks we're seeing 5I7pEFvpYDY-00108-00029147-00029367 various and sundry everyone's been 5I7pEFvpYDY-00109-00029368-00029693 through the h1n1 swine flu so to speak 5I7pEFvpYDY-00110-00029694-00029967 outbreaks so and a lot of our students 5I7pEFvpYDY-00111-00029968-00030420 have been at to humanitarian missions 5I7pEFvpYDY-00112-00030420-00030624 and have also been forward deployed 5I7pEFvpYDY-00113-00030625-00030948 they're all active duty and so they they 5I7pEFvpYDY-00114-00030949-00031155 know a bit about the applicability two 5I7pEFvpYDY-00115-00031156-00031343 to three months afterwards I get them 5I7pEFvpYDY-00116-00031344-00031557 coming back and say oh it applied here 5I7pEFvpYDY-00117-00031558-00031715 in this situation when I was out of this 5I7pEFvpYDY-00118-00031716-00032039 exercise or oh I was talking with 5I7pEFvpYDY-00119-00032041-00032175 somebody and I can see where this came 5I7pEFvpYDY-00120-00032176-00032420 into play so we're continually getting 5I7pEFvpYDY-00121-00032422-00032610 that kind of positive reinforcement from 5I7pEFvpYDY-00122-00032611-00032868 the students 5JyNQqNpf7y-00000-00000983-00001971 [Music] 5JyNQqNpf7y-00001-00001972-00002538 in this wasteland 5JyNQqNpf7y-00002-00002539-00002746 they're here for me but they want me 5JyNQqNpf7y-00003-00002747-00002836 alive 5JyNQqNpf7y-00004-00002837-00003597 [Music] 5JyNQqNpf7y-00005-00003597-00003804 his safe house was attacked in the first 5JyNQqNpf7y-00006-00003804-00004533 place that house was a secure location 5JyNQqNpf7y-00007-00004534-00005448 well this seats I can 5JyNQqNpf7y-00008-00005449-00005842 our only hope is in my hands nonsizi 5JyNQqNpf7y-00009-00005843-00006040 only simply slow would you stop 5JyNQqNpf7y-00010-00006041-00006214 interrupting me while I am interrupting 5JyNQqNpf7y-00011-00006215-00007431 you this chaos 18 years have waited for 5JyNQqNpf7y-00012-00007433-00007501 this moment 5JyNQqNpf7y-00013-00007502-00009580 oh dear God 5JyNQqNpf7y-00014-00009581-00009832 life like this is what your life let's 5JyNQqNpf7y-00015-00009833-00010054 try to live the life breath really know 5JyNQqNpf7y-00016-00010055-00010225 you miss your friends like bright bright 5JyNQqNpf7y-00017-00010226-00010593 respectable 5JyNQqNpf7y-00018-00010594-00010875 Freeman and my dad show me any Christ's 5JyNQqNpf7y-00019-00010876-00011133 life but nobody never tell you be my 5JyNQqNpf7y-00020-00011134-00011373 Christ 5pf_WdhwF7o-00000-00000071-00000262 hi i'm tony welcome to sports bike shops 5pf_WdhwF7o-00001-00000263-00000582 video about the hjc arthur 90s flip 5pf_WdhwF7o-00002-00000583-00000801 front helmet 5pf_WdhwF7o-00003-00000802-00002271 [Music] 5pf_WdhwF7o-00004-00002272-00002439 if you like the convenience of a flip 5pf_WdhwF7o-00005-00002440-00002599 front helmet but you're not so keen on 5pf_WdhwF7o-00006-00002600-00002750 the extra weight and size that's 5pf_WdhwF7o-00007-00002751-00002910 normally associated with a helmet like 5pf_WdhwF7o-00008-00002911-00003039 that then you should probably keep 5pf_WdhwF7o-00009-00003040-00003319 watching this video the arthur 90s is 5pf_WdhwF7o-00010-00003320-00003486 one of the lightest flip front helmets 5pf_WdhwF7o-00011-00003488-00003670 we've weighed to date with this size 5pf_WdhwF7o-00012-00003671-00003870 medium helmet weighing in on our scales 5pf_WdhwF7o-00013-00003871-00003938 at 5pf_WdhwF7o-00014-00003939-00004254 1585 grams it's also been designed to be 5pf_WdhwF7o-00015-00004255-00004454 compact which in my opinion it manages 5pf_WdhwF7o-00016-00004455-00004615 to do quite nicely 5pf_WdhwF7o-00017-00004616-00004783 the shell for the helmet portion the bit 5pf_WdhwF7o-00018-00004784-00004911 that protects your head rather than your 5pf_WdhwF7o-00019-00004912-00005143 chin is made from hjc's pym plus 5pf_WdhwF7o-00020-00005144-00005302 material that stands for premium 5pf_WdhwF7o-00021-00005303-00005486 integrated matrix and it's the same 5pf_WdhwF7o-00022-00005487-00005670 composite of fibers used in their sports 5pf_WdhwF7o-00023-00005671-00005854 and racing helmets the chin bar at the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00024-00005855-00006038 front like most flip front helmets is 5pf_WdhwF7o-00025-00006039-00006263 made from plastic but it doesn't mean 5pf_WdhwF7o-00026-00006264-00006495 that the helmet's heavy at 1585 grams 5pf_WdhwF7o-00027-00006495-00006670 that's still actually really impressive 5pf_WdhwF7o-00028-00006672-00006831 the chin bar on this helmet lifts on a 5pf_WdhwF7o-00029-00006831-00006998 single release button at the base of the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00030-00007000-00007231 chin bar just here and then on the final 5pf_WdhwF7o-00031-00007231-00007527 step it sets into a semi-locked position 5pf_WdhwF7o-00032-00007528-00007678 that means the chin bar won't easily 5pf_WdhwF7o-00033-00007679-00007831 slip down of its own accord and then 5pf_WdhwF7o-00034-00007831-00007991 hinder or block your view of the road 5pf_WdhwF7o-00035-00007992-00008310 ahead the alpha 90s is dual homologated 5pf_WdhwF7o-00036-00008311-00008471 under the road safety standard which 5pf_WdhwF7o-00037-00008472-00008631 means you can legally ride with the chin 5pf_WdhwF7o-00038-00008632-00008903 bar up or down often on a dual 5pf_WdhwF7o-00039-00008904-00009055 homologated helmet like this there's a 5pf_WdhwF7o-00040-00009056-00009199 switch or a lever somewhere that you 5pf_WdhwF7o-00041-00009200-00009367 need to operate to lock the chin bar in 5pf_WdhwF7o-00042-00009368-00009567 the raised position but this helmet does 5pf_WdhwF7o-00043-00009568-00009742 it automatically as long as you lift 5pf_WdhwF7o-00044-00009743-00010023 that chin bar all the way to the top on 5pf_WdhwF7o-00045-00010024-00010271 that chin bar you'll find one of three 5pf_WdhwF7o-00046-00010272-00010463 large vents that this helmet has it's an 5pf_WdhwF7o-00047-00010464-00010695 easy to use slider on the chin bar here 5pf_WdhwF7o-00048-00010696-00010871 and that allows air to flow through the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00049-00010872-00011078 chin bar and then out through the top 5pf_WdhwF7o-00050-00011079-00011231 just here 5pf_WdhwF7o-00051-00011232-00011423 up top there's a chunky slider that 5pf_WdhwF7o-00052-00011424-00011646 exposes two holes leading down to the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00053-00011647-00011878 interior of the helmet so air flows in 5pf_WdhwF7o-00054-00011879-00012023 through there and then can circulate 5pf_WdhwF7o-00055-00012024-00012199 through channels in the impact liner and 5pf_WdhwF7o-00056-00012200-00012391 then exit through this twin outlet 5pf_WdhwF7o-00057-00012392-00012559 exhaust vent at the back 5pf_WdhwF7o-00058-00012560-00012687 the exhaust vent on this helmet is 5pf_WdhwF7o-00059-00012688-00012838 switchable so if you want air to 5pf_WdhwF7o-00060-00012839-00013022 circulate through the helmet completely 5pf_WdhwF7o-00061-00013023-00013175 you'll need to make sure that that vent 5pf_WdhwF7o-00062-00013176-00013351 is open the visor is quick release on 5pf_WdhwF7o-00063-00013352-00013527 this helmet and it's so easy to change 5pf_WdhwF7o-00064-00013528-00013735 it makes the abc feel like complex 5pf_WdhwF7o-00065-00013736-00013958 algebra it lifts and lowers as well with 5pf_WdhwF7o-00066-00013959-00014175 the same tab as other helmets in hjc's 5pf_WdhwF7o-00067-00014176-00014407 are for series of helmets it sits in the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00068-00014408-00014551 middle of the visor here and has a 5pf_WdhwF7o-00069-00014552-00014775 two-stage lock you rest the visor 5pf_WdhwF7o-00070-00014776-00014935 against the lip and then give it an 5pf_WdhwF7o-00071-00014936-00015135 extra push to get the first stage of 5pf_WdhwF7o-00072-00015136-00015343 locking so if you've got it locked like 5pf_WdhwF7o-00073-00015344-00015575 that then lifting the lower portion of 5pf_WdhwF7o-00074-00015576-00015727 this mechanism pinching those two 5pf_WdhwF7o-00075-00015728-00015894 together will release it and it allows 5pf_WdhwF7o-00076-00015895-00016127 you to either fully raise the visor or 5pf_WdhwF7o-00077-00016128-00016335 just leave it open by a small gap to 5pf_WdhwF7o-00078-00016336-00016535 allow a little bit of airflow underneath 5pf_WdhwF7o-00079-00016536-00016775 to get the second stage of locking this 5pf_WdhwF7o-00080-00016776-00016991 small slider moves across here and that 5pf_WdhwF7o-00081-00016992-00017191 disables this opening mechanism there's 5pf_WdhwF7o-00082-00017192-00017375 no way that visor now will come undone 5pf_WdhwF7o-00083-00017376-00017519 of its own accord 5pf_WdhwF7o-00084-00017520-00017711 the problem with this as i've personally 5pf_WdhwF7o-00085-00017712-00017879 experienced quite a few times is that 5pf_WdhwF7o-00086-00017880-00018063 sometimes you slide that little piece 5pf_WdhwF7o-00087-00018064-00018222 across there without realizing you've 5pf_WdhwF7o-00088-00018223-00018439 done it if you do that when the visor's 5pf_WdhwF7o-00089-00018440-00018614 closed then you've effectively locked 5pf_WdhwF7o-00090-00018615-00018791 yourself in behind that visor and not 5pf_WdhwF7o-00091-00018792-00018983 really sure why it's happened so it's 5pf_WdhwF7o-00092-00018984-00019167 worth practicing with that little tab 5pf_WdhwF7o-00093-00019168-00019319 and then if you ever do find yourself in 5pf_WdhwF7o-00094-00019320-00019439 that position you'll know exactly what 5pf_WdhwF7o-00095-00019440-00019583 you need to do to get out of it rather 5pf_WdhwF7o-00096-00019584-00019767 than getting a bit flustered 5pf_WdhwF7o-00097-00019768-00019894 on the inside of the visor there's a 5pf_WdhwF7o-00098-00019895-00020183 pinlock 120 insert that's pinlock's most 5pf_WdhwF7o-00099-00020184-00020407 fog resistant option and it's max vision 5pf_WdhwF7o-00100-00020408-00020535 so you know you'll get minimum 5pf_WdhwF7o-00101-00020536-00020727 interruption to your point of view 5pf_WdhwF7o-00102-00020728-00020903 that's backed by a sun visor that 5pf_WdhwF7o-00103-00020904-00021103 operates on this switch on the left side 5pf_WdhwF7o-00104-00021104-00021319 of the helmet and the final step when 5pf_WdhwF7o-00105-00021320-00021567 you move it back up locks it in place to 5pf_WdhwF7o-00106-00021568-00021743 stop it slipping back into your line of 5pf_WdhwF7o-00107-00021744-00022007 sight that sun visor is anti-mist coated 5pf_WdhwF7o-00108-00022008-00022175 that works really well in my opinion and 5pf_WdhwF7o-00109-00022176-00022327 i think that's an essential when we're 5pf_WdhwF7o-00110-00022328-00022519 talking about a helmet of this price 5pf_WdhwF7o-00111-00022520-00022743 this helmet costs from 420 pounds up to 5pf_WdhwF7o-00112-00022744-00022943 460 pounds at the moment depending on 5pf_WdhwF7o-00113-00022944-00023119 the paint scheme so it's important that 5pf_WdhwF7o-00114-00023120-00023278 you get features like that anti-sun 5pf_WdhwF7o-00115-00023279-00023471 visor in my opinion the quality of the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00116-00023472-00023655 interior for this helmet also lives up 5pf_WdhwF7o-00117-00023656-00023886 to the price tag it's luxurious and it 5pf_WdhwF7o-00118-00023887-00024127 has a real high quality feel it's got a 5pf_WdhwF7o-00119-00024128-00024311 sports style moisture management 5pf_WdhwF7o-00120-00024312-00024511 arrangement going on yet it still feels 5pf_WdhwF7o-00121-00024512-00024735 very soft against the skin it's fully 5pf_WdhwF7o-00122-00024736-00024958 removable and it's also been designed to 5pf_WdhwF7o-00123-00024959-00025119 minimise wind noise when you pull the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00124-00025120-00025271 ends of this chin strap together these 5pf_WdhwF7o-00125-00025272-00025527 flaps here extend and that creates an 5pf_WdhwF7o-00126-00025528-00025743 improved windseal around your neck those 5pf_WdhwF7o-00127-00025744-00025927 straps also feed through holes in these 5pf_WdhwF7o-00128-00025927-00026143 cheek pads and those holes are zipped so 5pf_WdhwF7o-00129-00026144-00026327 they only need to be just big enough for 5pf_WdhwF7o-00130-00026327-00026487 the straps to fit through which also 5pf_WdhwF7o-00131-00026488-00026687 means less wind noise there's a two 5pf_WdhwF7o-00132-00026688-00026895 two-part wind curtain as well just 5pf_WdhwF7o-00133-00026895-00027087 around the front that excludes drafts 5pf_WdhwF7o-00134-00027088-00027239 and the second part of that can be 5pf_WdhwF7o-00135-00027239-00027431 removed really easily if you do actually 5pf_WdhwF7o-00136-00027432-00027646 want a little bit more airflow 5pf_WdhwF7o-00137-00027647-00027814 there are recesses for intercom speakers 5pf_WdhwF7o-00138-00027816-00027990 in this helmet and they come filled with 5pf_WdhwF7o-00139-00027991-00028158 foam inserts as standard which gives you 5pf_WdhwF7o-00140-00028160-00028318 even more sound insulation if you're 5pf_WdhwF7o-00141-00028319-00028495 riding without the comms and there's 5pf_WdhwF7o-00142-00028495-00028695 also an accessory wind curtain included 5pf_WdhwF7o-00143-00028695-00028958 in the box that clips in behind the neck 5pf_WdhwF7o-00144-00028960-00029158 roll back here and then it attaches by 5pf_WdhwF7o-00145-00029160-00029318 velcro to the cheek pads to give you 5pf_WdhwF7o-00146-00029319-00029574 even more protection from noise 5pf_WdhwF7o-00147-00029575-00029727 i can't say this helmet will be quiet in 5pf_WdhwF7o-00148-00029727-00029902 all circumstances we never can as wind 5pf_WdhwF7o-00149-00029904-00030062 noise is always dictated by a range of 5pf_WdhwF7o-00150-00030063-00030239 different factors but i tested this 5pf_WdhwF7o-00151-00030239-00030479 helmet on a yamaha tracer 9 gt which has 5pf_WdhwF7o-00152-00030480-00030670 a big touring screen fitted to it and 5pf_WdhwF7o-00153-00030672-00030902 this lid was eerily quiet i also tried 5pf_WdhwF7o-00154-00030903-00031158 it on my own yamaha fz1 phaser and again 5pf_WdhwF7o-00155-00031160-00031318 it was quiet although not quite to the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00156-00031319-00031535 same degree as it had been on the tracer 5pf_WdhwF7o-00157-00031536-00031727 of the 14 customer reviews we've had 5pf_WdhwF7o-00158-00031727-00031935 posted so far for this helmet no one 5pf_WdhwF7o-00159-00031936-00032055 amongst them has criticized the noise 5pf_WdhwF7o-00160-00032056-00032270 levels at all which is really rare and 5pf_WdhwF7o-00161-00032272-00032399 there's one couple within there who've 5pf_WdhwF7o-00162-00032400-00032518 both got one of these helmets and they 5pf_WdhwF7o-00163-00032519-00032679 say it's the quietest helmet they've 5pf_WdhwF7o-00164-00032680-00032895 ever had so going back to those intercom 5pf_WdhwF7o-00165-00032896-00033055 recesses and intercoms in general this 5pf_WdhwF7o-00166-00033056-00033311 helmet's been designed with hjc's smart 5pf_WdhwF7o-00167-00033312-00033535 intercom system in mind this cavity 5pf_WdhwF7o-00168-00033536-00033767 behind the neck houses a battery and 5pf_WdhwF7o-00169-00033768-00033959 then the control unit attaches to the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00170-00033960-00034118 side of the helmet behind the sun visor 5pf_WdhwF7o-00171-00034119-00034295 switch here there are two units 5pf_WdhwF7o-00172-00034296-00034495 available to integrate with this helmet 5pf_WdhwF7o-00173-00034496-00034783 which are both made by senna for hjc 5pf_WdhwF7o-00174-00034784-00034990 cardo also make an intercom that's been 5pf_WdhwF7o-00175-00034991-00035215 designed to fit with this setup although 5pf_WdhwF7o-00176-00035216-00035455 we're told by the uk and porter for hjc 5pf_WdhwF7o-00177-00035456-00035695 that that system isn't an official hjc 5pf_WdhwF7o-00178-00035696-00035830 approved system 5pf_WdhwF7o-00179-00035831-00036071 i fitted a cardo pack talk bold 5pf_WdhwF7o-00180-00036072-00036246 universal intercom to this helmet and it 5pf_WdhwF7o-00181-00036247-00036455 was fine although i did have to mount 5pf_WdhwF7o-00182-00036456-00036590 the control unit a little bit further 5pf_WdhwF7o-00183-00036591-00036774 back than normal to avoid that sun visor 5pf_WdhwF7o-00184-00036775-00036871 switch 5pf_WdhwF7o-00185-00036872-00037079 the final but really important detail 5pf_WdhwF7o-00186-00037080-00037302 about the alpha 90s interior is that it 5pf_WdhwF7o-00187-00037303-00037535 runs a micrometric buckle strap fastener 5pf_WdhwF7o-00188-00037536-00037727 rather than d-rings so normally that 5pf_WdhwF7o-00189-00037728-00037927 would be completely expected of a front 5pf_WdhwF7o-00190-00037928-00038143 helmet for it to have micrometric strap 5pf_WdhwF7o-00191-00038144-00038302 but there are a few custom reviews for 5pf_WdhwF7o-00192-00038303-00038390 this lid who say they would have 5pf_WdhwF7o-00193-00038391-00038583 preferred d-rings which i'm guessing is 5pf_WdhwF7o-00194-00038584-00038751 because this helmet sold as a sporty 5pf_WdhwF7o-00195-00038752-00038974 flip front appeals to sporty riders who 5pf_WdhwF7o-00196-00038975-00039183 would much rather have a d-ring fastener 5pf_WdhwF7o-00197-00039184-00039399 but you get the micrometric fastener 5pf_WdhwF7o-00198-00039400-00039590 it's a bit different to many micrometric 5pf_WdhwF7o-00199-00039591-00039774 systems in the way it operates it's got 5pf_WdhwF7o-00200-00039775-00039943 a button rather than a lever so you push 5pf_WdhwF7o-00201-00039944-00040030 that in 5pf_WdhwF7o-00202-00040031-00040223 which opens it and then this stainless 5pf_WdhwF7o-00203-00040224-00040471 steel clasp comes out and it gives that 5pf_WdhwF7o-00204-00040472-00040759 a really high quality feel and action 5pf_WdhwF7o-00205-00040760-00040935 so finally let's talk about sizing and 5pf_WdhwF7o-00206-00040936-00041151 approvals for this helmet the arthur 90s 5pf_WdhwF7o-00207-00041152-00041351 is available in sizes triple extra small 5pf_WdhwF7o-00208-00041352-00041543 to double extra large there are three 5pf_WdhwF7o-00209-00041544-00041735 shell sizes to cover those the first 5pf_WdhwF7o-00210-00041736-00041927 shell covers helmet sizes triple extra 5pf_WdhwF7o-00211-00041928-00042127 small to small the middle one covers 5pf_WdhwF7o-00212-00042128-00042302 medium and large and then the biggest 5pf_WdhwF7o-00213-00042303-00042551 shell is for xl and double xl helmet 5pf_WdhwF7o-00214-00042552-00042807 sizes it's approved to ece 2205 for the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00215-00042808-00043015 road in dual homologation form as i said 5pf_WdhwF7o-00216-00043016-00043199 earlier so it's approved as a full face 5pf_WdhwF7o-00217-00043200-00043374 with the chin bar closed and there's an 5pf_WdhwF7o-00218-00043375-00043590 open face with the chin bar fully raised 5pf_WdhwF7o-00219-00043591-00043735 it might be sporty but it doesn't go as 5pf_WdhwF7o-00220-00043736-00043927 far as being approved by the acu for 5pf_WdhwF7o-00221-00043928-00044167 track and racing use but then again very 5pf_WdhwF7o-00222-00044168-00044295 few people would want to use a flip 5pf_WdhwF7o-00223-00044296-00044495 front helmet for that purpose anyway the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00224-00044496-00044735 arpha 90s hasn't been tested by the uk 5pf_WdhwF7o-00225-00044736-00044902 government's sharp scheme as we record 5pf_WdhwF7o-00226-00044903-00045079 this video so at the moment i can't tell 5pf_WdhwF7o-00227-00045080-00045239 you how well it would do in their impact 5pf_WdhwF7o-00228-00045240-00045518 tests what i can say is that all five 5pf_WdhwF7o-00229-00045519-00045711 helmets from the after series that have 5pf_WdhwF7o-00230-00045712-00045943 been tested so far in sharp score three 5pf_WdhwF7o-00231-00045944-00046183 stars it's always been the score in the 5pf_WdhwF7o-00232-00046184-00046390 impact on the sides of the helmet that 5pf_WdhwF7o-00233-00046391-00046655 brought those overall star ratings down 5pf_WdhwF7o-00234-00046656-00046902 the alpha helmets are quite narrow and 5pf_WdhwF7o-00235-00046903-00047062 this one has that same appearance as 5pf_WdhwF7o-00236-00047063-00047230 those other lids that have been tested 5pf_WdhwF7o-00237-00047231-00047407 by sharp 5pf_WdhwF7o-00238-00047408-00047599 overall from my own perspective i liked 5pf_WdhwF7o-00239-00047600-00047783 wearing this helmet a lot i found it 5pf_WdhwF7o-00240-00047784-00048046 very comfortable light and really quiet 5pf_WdhwF7o-00241-00048047-00048255 on the bikes that i rode it's got a much 5pf_WdhwF7o-00242-00048256-00048479 more compact and sporty style than most 5pf_WdhwF7o-00243-00048480-00048679 flip front helmets and i think it brings 5pf_WdhwF7o-00244-00048680-00048839 something different to the other options 5pf_WdhwF7o-00245-00048840-00049351 that are out there already 5pf_WdhwF7o-00246-00049352-00049462 i hope that tells you everything you 5pf_WdhwF7o-00247-00049463-00049743 wanted to know about the hjc alpha 90s 5pf_WdhwF7o-00248-00049744-00049927 helmet but if there is anything you'd 5pf_WdhwF7o-00249-00049928-00050167 like to ask or to add then please pop a 5pf_WdhwF7o-00250-00050168-00052494 comment below thanks for watching 5pf_WdhwF7o-00251-00052495-00052704 you 5P28sXkv1G0-00000-00000328-00002534 [Music] 5P28sXkv1G0-00001-00002535-00003238 [Music] 5P28sXkv1G0-00002-00003239-00003420 oh 5P28sXkv1G0-00003-00003421-00003435 [Music] 5P28sXkv1G0-00004-00003436-00004011 [Applause] 5P28sXkv1G0-00005-00004013-00004486 [Music] 5P28sXkv1G0-00006-00004487-00004647 special attention 5P28sXkv1G0-00007-00004648-00005086 to the development of sri mayapur 5P28sXkv1G0-00008-00005087-00005399 publish all the devotional literature 5P28sXkv1G0-00009-00005400-00005654 satisfy the people of the world by 5P28sXkv1G0-00010-00005655-00006006 distributing the lord's holy names 5P28sXkv1G0-00011-00006007-00006286 guide the living entities in such a way 5P28sXkv1G0-00012-00006287-00006454 that they will take the chanting of the 5P28sXkv1G0-00013-00006455-00006639 holy names of the lord who are 5P28sXkv1G0-00014-00006640-00006959 cultivating you devotional service 5P28sXkv1G0-00015-00006959-00007303 so this is 5P28sXkv1G0-00016-00007304-00007463 i hope that 5P28sXkv1G0-00017-00007464-00007655 all of the guests who have assembled 5P28sXkv1G0-00018-00007656-00007742 here 5P28sXkv1G0-00019-00007743-00008014 and all the devotees will invite that 5P28sXkv1G0-00020-00008015-00008271 mood and we welcome all of you and hope 5P28sXkv1G0-00021-00008272-00008455 that you will have a very wonderful 5P28sXkv1G0-00022-00008456-00009150 evening 5P28sXkv1G0-00023-00009151-00009846 [Music] 5P28sXkv1G0-00025-00015072-00015927 foreign 5P28sXkv1G0-00026-00015928-00016332 foreign 5P28sXkv1G0-00027-00016333-00016539 [Music] 5P28sXkv1G0-00028-00016540-00016760 [Applause] 5P28sXkv1G0-00029-00016761-00018599 [Music] 5P28sXkv1G0-00030-00018600-00018847 oh 5P28sXkv1G0-00033-00026400-00026633 you 5P28sXkv1G0-00034-00026635-00027423 [Music] 5P28sXkv1G0-00035-00027424-00027724 bye 5SeXwRLsPEE-00000-00000031-00000623 [Music] 5SeXwRLsPEE-00001-00000624-00000790 welcome to the working preacher books 5SeXwRLsPEE-00002-00000791-00001087 podcast a series focused on igniting 5SeXwRLsPEE-00003-00001088-00001327 your curiosity as a preacher 5SeXwRLsPEE-00004-00001328-00001582 and connecting you with the living word 5SeXwRLsPEE-00005-00001583-00001855 join me caroline lewis 5SeXwRLsPEE-00006-00001855-00002055 me rolf jacobson along with band at the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00007-00002056-00002167 podcast 5SeXwRLsPEE-00008-00002168-00002423 as we gain insights and hear stories 5SeXwRLsPEE-00009-00002424-00002695 straight from working preacher authors 5SeXwRLsPEE-00010-00002696-00002983 about proclaiming an authentic word in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00011-00002984-00003222 challenging times 5SeXwRLsPEE-00012-00003223-00003447 in this episode we are talking with 5SeXwRLsPEE-00013-00003447-00003695 brent stron who is the author of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00014-00003696-00003967 honest-to-god preaching in the working 5SeXwRLsPEE-00015-00003968-00004206 preacher book series 5SeXwRLsPEE-00016-00004207-00004438 hey welcome brent glenn uh glad you can 5SeXwRLsPEE-00017-00004439-00004615 join us for this podcast 5SeXwRLsPEE-00018-00004616-00004775 hey i'm glad to be here thanks so much 5SeXwRLsPEE-00019-00004776-00004919 for having me 5SeXwRLsPEE-00020-00004920-00005135 so tell uh introduce yourself to our 5SeXwRLsPEE-00021-00005136-00005318 listeners uh tell us a little bit about 5SeXwRLsPEE-00022-00005319-00005670 who you are and what you've been up to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00023-00005671-00006022 so uh named brenstron uh i presently 5SeXwRLsPEE-00024-00006023-00006318 teach at duke university uh in the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00025-00006319-00006503 divinity school where i'm professor of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00026-00006504-00006670 old testament and i also have a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00027-00006672-00006934 secondary appointment in the law school 5SeXwRLsPEE-00028-00006936-00007191 believe it or not uh and i've been here 5SeXwRLsPEE-00029-00007192-00007391 about three years uh brought kovad with 5SeXwRLsPEE-00030-00007392-00007655 me um that was my distinct uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00031-00007656-00007863 you know gift to the divinity school 5SeXwRLsPEE-00032-00007864-00008087 before that i taught for 18 years at 5SeXwRLsPEE-00033-00008088-00008383 emory university in atlanta and before 5SeXwRLsPEE-00034-00008384-00008623 that in kentucky of course ralph you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00035-00008624-00008774 know that we are classmates from the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00036-00008775-00009014 good old days back in new jersey and uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00037-00009015-00009231 even further back if you care to know i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00038-00009232-00009551 was raised in san diego california where 5SeXwRLsPEE-00039-00009552-00009695 the sun is always shining and the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00040-00009696-00009951 temperature is always about 71 and a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00041-00009952-00010103 half degrees so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00042-00010104-00010383 that's uh who i am i guess in a nutshell 5SeXwRLsPEE-00043-00010384-00010599 and hearts of italy and where were you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00044-00010600-00010695 born 5SeXwRLsPEE-00045-00010696-00010919 i actually was born in illinois south of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00046-00010920-00011159 chicago in a small town called kangaki 5SeXwRLsPEE-00047-00011160-00011327 but we moved to southern california in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00048-00011328-00011559 about three 5SeXwRLsPEE-00049-00011560-00011703 made famous by 5SeXwRLsPEE-00050-00011704-00011974 steve goodman in uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00051-00011975-00012159 city of new orleans but that's not the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00052-00012160-00012463 point of our conversation today 5SeXwRLsPEE-00053-00012464-00012727 i did not know that about you uh brent 5SeXwRLsPEE-00054-00012728-00012943 that you were uh spent a lot of time in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00055-00012944-00013207 california on the bay area there you go 5SeXwRLsPEE-00056-00013208-00013358 well don't hold it against me because i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00057-00013359-00013543 know the northern cal people think of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00058-00013544-00013735 themselves maybe a little more highly 5SeXwRLsPEE-00059-00013736-00013919 than they are oh did i say this 5SeXwRLsPEE-00060-00013919-00014119 wait what did i say that out loud 5SeXwRLsPEE-00061-00014119-00014294 actually i was born and i was born in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00062-00014295-00014543 pomona born in southern california yeah 5SeXwRLsPEE-00063-00014544-00014766 so there we go and uh we have an emory 5SeXwRLsPEE-00064-00014768-00014958 connection you teaching there and i'm a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00065-00014959-00015111 graduate so but it's really great to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00066-00015112-00015399 have you uh and i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00067-00015400-00015694 love this book uh brent it's just i feel 5SeXwRLsPEE-00068-00015695-00015815 like it's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00069-00015816-00016135 so timely for the way in which preachers 5SeXwRLsPEE-00070-00016136-00016343 are navigating a different kind of world 5SeXwRLsPEE-00071-00016344-00016463 and so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00072-00016464-00016575 really looking forward to this 5SeXwRLsPEE-00073-00016576-00016719 conversation 5SeXwRLsPEE-00074-00016720-00016967 thanks a lot appreciate it so bro maybe 5SeXwRLsPEE-00075-00016968-00017111 you could just talk about the title 5SeXwRLsPEE-00076-00017112-00017335 before we jump into anything honest to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00077-00017336-00017622 god preaching talking sin suffering and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00078-00017623-00017807 violence 5SeXwRLsPEE-00079-00017808-00018039 yeah so i think i you know i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00080-00018040-00018271 had had an idea at the root of this idea 5SeXwRLsPEE-00081-00018272-00018519 for a long time and in my own mind and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00082-00018520-00018735 in presentations and you know if i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00083-00018736-00018879 talked about it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00084-00018880-00019094 in class and had a little you know line 5SeXwRLsPEE-00085-00019095-00019271 in the powerpoint or something i had a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00086-00019272-00019567 different title associated with it uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00087-00019568-00019855 that was uh rightfully i think uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00088-00019856-00020143 changed by the press to something that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00089-00020144-00020350 was a little better like honest to god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00090-00020351-00020630 preaching uh but the uh my my work 5SeXwRLsPEE-00091-00020631-00020927 united title idea was israel's honesty 5SeXwRLsPEE-00092-00020928-00021199 in our homiletic which sort of gets at 5SeXwRLsPEE-00093-00021200-00021447 the um the two things that the book is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00094-00021448-00021735 about how how is israel honest and how 5SeXwRLsPEE-00095-00021736-00021950 should that affect our our homiletics 5SeXwRLsPEE-00096-00021951-00022214 our preaching uh but i i like the title 5SeXwRLsPEE-00097-00022215-00022527 a lot that fortress uh helped get us to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00098-00022528-00022711 and you may have been a part of that as 5SeXwRLsPEE-00099-00022712-00023127 well um and so that is the the big ideas 5SeXwRLsPEE-00100-00023128-00023407 is the title it's this uh honest 5SeXwRLsPEE-00101-00023408-00023686 preaching business and then the subtitle 5SeXwRLsPEE-00102-00023687-00023999 gets at the three main topics i take up 5SeXwRLsPEE-00103-00024000-00024230 in three main chapters talking honestly 5SeXwRLsPEE-00104-00024231-00024519 about sin suffering and violence so the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00105-00024520-00024750 title as good titles do it's a pretty 5SeXwRLsPEE-00106-00024751-00024991 representative of the book i think 5SeXwRLsPEE-00107-00024992-00025135 well and i want to highlight that before 5SeXwRLsPEE-00108-00025136-00025367 we get into some of the meat of your of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00109-00025368-00025662 your book brent that you uh say on page 5SeXwRLsPEE-00110-00025663-00025943 three of the two major 5SeXwRLsPEE-00111-00025944-00026102 points that you are wanting to make in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00112-00026104-00026367 the book we only know of israel's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00113-00026368-00026670 failures because israel was honest 5SeXwRLsPEE-00114-00026672-00026990 enough to share them i love that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00115-00026991-00027231 and the way in which uh that becomes 5SeXwRLsPEE-00116-00027232-00027462 also a corrective for with regard to how 5SeXwRLsPEE-00117-00027463-00027735 we preach uh the old testament and then 5SeXwRLsPEE-00118-00027736-00027895 also 5SeXwRLsPEE-00119-00027895-00028174 how is it that we in our preaching and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00120-00028175-00028287 teaching 5SeXwRLsPEE-00121-00028288-00028543 emulate israel's honesty 5SeXwRLsPEE-00122-00028544-00028807 because honesty provides a way forward 5SeXwRLsPEE-00123-00028808-00029039 perhaps even the only way forward to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00124-00029039-00029351 reconciliation health and recovery and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00125-00029352-00029543 so before we go any further i want our 5SeXwRLsPEE-00126-00029544-00029711 listeners to hear 5SeXwRLsPEE-00127-00029712-00029974 of those two major points that you are 5SeXwRLsPEE-00128-00029975-00030231 bringing forward in this book and the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00129-00030232-00030527 way in which uh the way in which you are 5SeXwRLsPEE-00130-00030527-00030743 speaking into 5SeXwRLsPEE-00131-00030744-00030951 that a kind of honesty that we'll talk 5SeXwRLsPEE-00132-00030952-00031095 about later that's not about like 5SeXwRLsPEE-00133-00031095-00031255 getting up in the pulpit and like you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00134-00031256-00031551 know vulnerability all over yeah right 5SeXwRLsPEE-00135-00031552-00031727 all over the pulpit but it's this 5SeXwRLsPEE-00136-00031727-00031862 honesty that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00137-00031863-00032174 that israel's relationship with god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00138-00032175-00032462 embodies and how is it that we can 5SeXwRLsPEE-00139-00032463-00032639 uh do that in our in our preaching and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00140-00032639-00032823 in our leadership too so i wanted to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00141-00032824-00033111 highlight that before we just great i i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00142-00033112-00033287 really really appreciated that thank you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00143-00033288-00033455 you know we we kind of get things as we 5SeXwRLsPEE-00144-00033456-00033655 go along in life you know good things 5SeXwRLsPEE-00145-00033656-00033831 and bad things whether they're 5SeXwRLsPEE-00146-00033832-00034023 intentional or unintentional and you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00147-00034024-00034167 know i think it's part of my own 5SeXwRLsPEE-00148-00034168-00034479 thinking about my vocation as a bible 5SeXwRLsPEE-00149-00034480-00034695 professor and particularly as as someone 5SeXwRLsPEE-00150-00034696-00034855 who's devoted their life to the old 5SeXwRLsPEE-00151-00034856-00035039 testament you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00152-00035040-00035239 part of what i would say my job hazard 5SeXwRLsPEE-00153-00035240-00035518 is sort of explaining the old testament 5SeXwRLsPEE-00154-00035519-00035743 to people who don't feel very positively 5SeXwRLsPEE-00155-00035744-00035990 inclined towards it um for whatever 5SeXwRLsPEE-00156-00035991-00036302 reason and um you know i think 5SeXwRLsPEE-00157-00036303-00036511 as i've put things together in my brain 5SeXwRLsPEE-00158-00036512-00036655 i think you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00159-00036656-00036911 a lot of that emerges from 5SeXwRLsPEE-00160-00036912-00037102 what we get in church 5SeXwRLsPEE-00161-00037103-00037383 again um explicitly or implicitly or 5SeXwRLsPEE-00162-00037384-00037567 even knowledge you know the null 5SeXwRLsPEE-00163-00037568-00037799 curriculum what's not present and i just 5SeXwRLsPEE-00164-00037800-00037999 uh you know slowly kind of putting 5SeXwRLsPEE-00165-00038000-00038262 things together realized that i had been 5SeXwRLsPEE-00166-00038263-00038527 you know kind of a listener in who knows 5SeXwRLsPEE-00167-00038528-00038823 how many sermons where israel was just 5SeXwRLsPEE-00168-00038824-00039143 sort of uh beaten up on incessantly as a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00169-00039144-00039390 negative example even when the primary 5SeXwRLsPEE-00170-00039391-00039535 text that was preached was an old 5SeXwRLsPEE-00171-00039536-00039823 testament text you know how stupid the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00172-00039824-00040039 people are wandering for the wilderness 5SeXwRLsPEE-00173-00040040-00040230 and for 40 years who could be that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00174-00040231-00040462 stupid you know and i'm thinking i could 5SeXwRLsPEE-00175-00040463-00040662 be that stupid i mean 5SeXwRLsPEE-00176-00040663-00040846 i think i can and i'm i'm i got more 5SeXwRLsPEE-00177-00040847-00041079 than 40 on them now actually and i'm 5SeXwRLsPEE-00178-00041080-00041358 still still acting pretty stupid so i i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00179-00041359-00041543 thought uh you know maybe this is not 5SeXwRLsPEE-00180-00041544-00041711 shouldn't be thought of as some sort of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00181-00041712-00041999 like oh i didn't mean to reveal this but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00182-00042000-00042183 i did and now you can beat up on me for 5SeXwRLsPEE-00183-00042184-00042302 it but rather this is sort of an 5SeXwRLsPEE-00184-00042303-00042439 intentional 5SeXwRLsPEE-00185-00042440-00042615 act of confession 5SeXwRLsPEE-00186-00042616-00042807 and that's a kind of a precious treasure 5SeXwRLsPEE-00187-00042808-00043015 when someone confesses something to us i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00188-00043016-00043190 mean it's a revelation and a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00189-00043191-00043430 vulnerability and we could instead of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00190-00043431-00043630 using it in an antagonistic way or 5SeXwRLsPEE-00191-00043631-00043790 weaponizing in some way we could 5SeXwRLsPEE-00192-00043791-00044007 actually emulate it in the pulpit think 5SeXwRLsPEE-00193-00044008-00044190 hard about how israel's honesty might 5SeXwRLsPEE-00194-00044191-00044383 actually change our homological 5SeXwRLsPEE-00195-00044384-00044583 practices not just about israel but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00196-00044584-00044743 about us and the church and everything 5SeXwRLsPEE-00197-00044744-00045007 else 5SeXwRLsPEE-00198-00045008-00045327 stay with that for a minute um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00199-00045328-00045487 so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00200-00045488-00045639 sin 5SeXwRLsPEE-00201-00045640-00045743 one of the things one of the things 5SeXwRLsPEE-00202-00045744-00045999 that's interesting about um i think our 5SeXwRLsPEE-00203-00046000-00046199 cultural moment now 5SeXwRLsPEE-00204-00046200-00046511 is that the society as a post-christian 5SeXwRLsPEE-00205-00046512-00046718 society has quit 5SeXwRLsPEE-00206-00046719-00046983 thinking about the category of sin 5SeXwRLsPEE-00207-00046984-00047262 and so um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00208-00047263-00047455 it's often said that where nothing is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00209-00047456-00047671 illegal nothing is forgiven 5SeXwRLsPEE-00210-00047672-00047999 and so right so sin and forgiveness 5SeXwRLsPEE-00211-00048000-00048239 uh go together you write in israel's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00212-00048240-00048495 case all this honesty about sin is not 5SeXwRLsPEE-00213-00048496-00048671 to blame itself forever but you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00214-00048672-00048927 it's on the way to forgiveness that's on 5SeXwRLsPEE-00215-00048928-00049071 page 32. 5SeXwRLsPEE-00216-00049072-00049358 so uh talk about the connection between 5SeXwRLsPEE-00217-00049359-00049574 sin confession and forgiveness in your 5SeXwRLsPEE-00218-00049575-00049718 mind 5SeXwRLsPEE-00219-00049719-00049799 yeah 5SeXwRLsPEE-00220-00049800-00050055 i mean it ties in nicely i mean maybe 5SeXwRLsPEE-00221-00050056-00050223 too nicely i suppose someone who's going 5SeXwRLsPEE-00222-00050224-00050430 to be critical of the book about honesty 5SeXwRLsPEE-00223-00050431-00050727 as this key pivot 5SeXwRLsPEE-00224-00050728-00050855 between 5SeXwRLsPEE-00225-00050856-00051174 the three issues the the problematic 5SeXwRLsPEE-00226-00051175-00051446 issues as it were sin suffering and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00227-00051447-00051702 violence that honesty is this pivot by 5SeXwRLsPEE-00228-00051703-00051919 which we then can move to something on 5SeXwRLsPEE-00229-00051920-00052094 the other side of those things you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00230-00052095-00052430 reconciliation 5SeXwRLsPEE-00231-00052432-00052759 you know healing and then recovery um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00232-00052760-00053063 and so i think that that's you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00233-00053064-00053391 quite true and in terms of some of the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00234-00053391-00053630 topics i take up i i try to at least 5SeXwRLsPEE-00235-00053632-00053871 dabble a little bit in some some theory 5SeXwRLsPEE-00236-00053872-00054087 and some fields outside of bible and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00237-00054088-00054350 theologies to sort of demonstrate that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00238-00054351-00054719 and uh you know in in some cases um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00239-00054720-00054942 this is demonstrated empirically even by 5SeXwRLsPEE-00240-00054944-00055223 psychological research and sociological 5SeXwRLsPEE-00241-00055224-00055359 analysis 5SeXwRLsPEE-00242-00055360-00055647 but i think for me that so so that that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00243-00055648-00055775 that research that comes out 5SeXwRLsPEE-00244-00055776-00055942 particularly in in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00245-00055944-00056159 suffering and healing and recovering 5SeXwRLsPEE-00246-00056160-00056319 violence is also i think operative in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00247-00056320-00056511 the sin and forgiveness 5SeXwRLsPEE-00248-00056512-00056766 uh chapter and what i think it's all 5SeXwRLsPEE-00249-00056767-00056879 part and parcel of the kind of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00250-00056879-00057119 unburdening of ourselves with these 5SeXwRLsPEE-00251-00057120-00057399 things that we literally really can't 5SeXwRLsPEE-00252-00057400-00057654 carry ourselves anymore and you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00253-00057655-00057863 that goes back to freud and everybody 5SeXwRLsPEE-00254-00057864-00058015 else with terms of repression and the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00255-00058016-00058223 return of the repressed and all that but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00256-00058224-00058454 i think that uh what we see in scripture 5SeXwRLsPEE-00257-00058455-00058638 and what what the christian tradition 5SeXwRLsPEE-00258-00058639-00058879 has long held and shown to be true is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00259-00058879-00059142 that confession is you know the way to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00260-00059144-00059359 healing i mean confession is the way to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00261-00059360-00059550 forgiveness and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00262-00059551-00059703 that doesn't mean forgiveness can't 5SeXwRLsPEE-00263-00059704-00059926 happen without confession in fact i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00264-00059927-00060054 think that's one of the fascinating 5SeXwRLsPEE-00265-00060055-00060206 things i came to at the end of the book 5SeXwRLsPEE-00266-00060207-00060335 is realize there's some cases where 5SeXwRLsPEE-00267-00060336-00060542 forgiveness can happen even without 5SeXwRLsPEE-00268-00060544-00060759 confession but but confession's good for 5SeXwRLsPEE-00269-00060760-00061087 the soul as as we say right and so sin 5SeXwRLsPEE-00270-00061088-00061311 in my mind is a as a christian 5SeXwRLsPEE-00271-00061312-00061575 theologian is to say anything that's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00272-00061576-00061679 wrong 5SeXwRLsPEE-00273-00061679-00061919 only now god's in the room right now god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00274-00061920-00062206 is somehow involved in the process that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00275-00062207-00062487 what has gone wrong is not just a minor 5SeXwRLsPEE-00276-00062488-00062735 faux pas but it's a faux pas that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00277-00062736-00063047 of maybe massive size that is now got 5SeXwRLsPEE-00278-00063048-00063287 god involved in some way and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00279-00063288-00063454 you know the christian tradition is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00280-00063455-00063726 pretty rich with uh opinion that god's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00281-00063727-00063871 sort of always involved in these 5SeXwRLsPEE-00282-00063872-00064159 wrongdoings um in some some way shape or 5SeXwRLsPEE-00283-00064160-00064535 form and so this uh this this ability to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00284-00064536-00064647 confess 5SeXwRLsPEE-00285-00064648-00064935 is not again a wallering in our in our 5SeXwRLsPEE-00286-00064936-00065254 you know evil doing but is is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00287-00065255-00065463 is in process to something else that's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00288-00065464-00065759 that's the way it works in confession um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00289-00065760-00065991 you know if we confess our sins he who 5SeXwRLsPEE-00290-00065992-00066135 is faithful and just 5SeXwRLsPEE-00291-00066136-00066343 uh will forgive us our sins and cleanse 5SeXwRLsPEE-00292-00066344-00066503 us from all unrighteousness first john 5SeXwRLsPEE-00293-00066504-00066703 which i i come back to a number of times 5SeXwRLsPEE-00294-00066704-00066894 in the book so i don't know if that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00295-00066895-00067023 fully answers where you're going but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00296-00067024-00067150 that's how i kind of think about it in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00297-00067151-00067335 my own mind 5SeXwRLsPEE-00298-00067336-00067511 it does you know uh one of the things 5SeXwRLsPEE-00299-00067512-00067743 that i have loved um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00300-00067744-00067982 the most about being lutheran 5SeXwRLsPEE-00301-00067983-00068215 is that in our tradition 5SeXwRLsPEE-00302-00068216-00068479 uh we normally have begun the worship 5SeXwRLsPEE-00303-00068480-00068726 service uh with that with confession 5SeXwRLsPEE-00304-00068727-00068967 forgiveness and including the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00305-00068968-00069111 that's one of the things that the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00306-00069112-00069350 liturgist would would say would would 5SeXwRLsPEE-00307-00069351-00069623 cite that part um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00308-00069624-00069894 and a lot of a lot of traditions don't 5SeXwRLsPEE-00309-00069895-00070103 do that including ours now a lot more 5SeXwRLsPEE-00310-00070104-00070303 congregations are stopping that in the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00311-00070304-00070559 sense that it's somehow the idea is it's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00312-00070560-00070791 negative i i really like the reframing 5SeXwRLsPEE-00313-00070792-00071023 no it's actually honest 5SeXwRLsPEE-00314-00071024-00071215 yeah i mean i grew up in a tradition 5SeXwRLsPEE-00315-00071216-00071431 that didn't do confession of sin every 5SeXwRLsPEE-00316-00071432-00071711 sunday and so when i was exposed to it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00317-00071712-00071950 and places like seminary it took a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00318-00071951-00072206 little thinking about you know but i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00319-00072207-00072375 read the daily office that's part of my 5SeXwRLsPEE-00320-00072376-00072606 practice so i'm doing it every morning 5SeXwRLsPEE-00321-00072607-00072767 not just every sunday 5SeXwRLsPEE-00322-00072768-00072967 and it's not enough really is it it's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00323-00072968-00073182 just not enough 5SeXwRLsPEE-00324-00073183-00073359 it needs to be twice a day three times a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00325-00073360-00073550 day or whatever but i do think there's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00326-00073551-00073671 something 5SeXwRLsPEE-00327-00073672-00073894 rich about that tradition and it's in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00328-00073895-00074062 the reformed tradition as well it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00329-00074063-00074311 reminds us i mean you the good lutherans 5SeXwRLsPEE-00330-00074312-00074591 out there about the simultaneous sinning 5SeXwRLsPEE-00331-00074592-00074879 nature and also forgiven nature the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00332-00074880-00075087 justified nature of the christian that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00333-00075088-00075382 that these both are happening um but but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00334-00075383-00075615 we only get to that justification or 5SeXwRLsPEE-00335-00075616-00075862 that sanctification in my own tradition 5SeXwRLsPEE-00336-00075863-00076055 you know if it's if it's an act of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00337-00076056-00076255 confession if we're allowing the spirit 5SeXwRLsPEE-00338-00076256-00076559 to work with our with us and and so on 5SeXwRLsPEE-00339-00076560-00076655 so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00340-00076656-00076894 well i think one of the really key 5SeXwRLsPEE-00341-00076895-00077150 aspects about how you frame this brent 5SeXwRLsPEE-00342-00077151-00077238 is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00343-00077239-00077455 the way in which you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00344-00077456-00077711 name on the front end of the book 5SeXwRLsPEE-00345-00077712-00077926 that in honesty those three pillars of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00346-00077927-00078159 the of the book about sin about 5SeXwRLsPEE-00347-00078160-00078391 suffering about violence 5SeXwRLsPEE-00348-00078392-00078643 that honesty about sin facilitates 5SeXwRLsPEE-00349-00078644-00078894 reconciliation honesty about suffering 5SeXwRLsPEE-00350-00078895-00079094 facilitates healing 5SeXwRLsPEE-00351-00079095-00079335 and honesty about violence 5SeXwRLsPEE-00352-00079336-00079615 facilitates recovery and that word 5SeXwRLsPEE-00353-00079616-00079831 facilitates i find really interesting 5SeXwRLsPEE-00354-00079832-00080150 because it's it really captures that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00355-00080151-00080423 aspect of confession and relationship 5SeXwRLsPEE-00356-00080424-00080606 that this is not a this is not something 5SeXwRLsPEE-00357-00080607-00080791 that's being solved 5SeXwRLsPEE-00358-00080792-00081055 or uh rectified but you're inviting us 5SeXwRLsPEE-00359-00081056-00081175 into 5SeXwRLsPEE-00360-00081176-00081511 uh inviting us into a a way of being a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00361-00081512-00081726 way of faithful being and i'm so i'm 5SeXwRLsPEE-00362-00081727-00081982 kind of curious like where you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00363-00081983-00082238 uh how you landed on that on that word 5SeXwRLsPEE-00364-00082239-00082406 facilitates because i think it's a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00365-00082407-00082703 really important aspect of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00366-00082704-00082862 that you're you're inviting us into a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00367-00082863-00083047 homiletic that's not 5SeXwRLsPEE-00368-00083048-00083375 for the sake of as i said solving things 5SeXwRLsPEE-00369-00083376-00083535 or the answer 5SeXwRLsPEE-00370-00083536-00083799 but but a way of being that really like 5SeXwRLsPEE-00371-00083800-00083926 you said it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00372-00083927-00084135 emulates or captures the relationship 5SeXwRLsPEE-00373-00084136-00084399 that israel has with god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00374-00084400-00084582 yeah that's a great great question and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00375-00084583-00084806 as i as you asked it i thought i wonder 5SeXwRLsPEE-00376-00084807-00085023 how hard i thought about that verb per 5SeXwRLsPEE-00377-00085024-00085199 se i don't know you know it's a kind of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00378-00085200-00085615 reader response thing now ah yes 5SeXwRLsPEE-00379-00085616-00085879 i stood on it i had the thesaurus out i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00380-00085880-00086071 was yeah right right oxford english 5SeXwRLsPEE-00381-00086072-00086238 dictionary right but i think in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00382-00086239-00086503 retrospect it's a it's a good we're i'm 5SeXwRLsPEE-00383-00086504-00086726 happy to it that i used it because i do 5SeXwRLsPEE-00384-00086727-00086982 think facilitate suggests helpful 5SeXwRLsPEE-00385-00086983-00087255 movement toward without necessarily 5SeXwRLsPEE-00386-00087256-00087582 promising too much um you know i i think 5SeXwRLsPEE-00387-00087583-00087782 i think and that's a phrase i got from 5SeXwRLsPEE-00388-00087783-00087959 one of my old professors you think i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00389-00087960-00088199 think this maybe i don't but i think i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00390-00088200-00088550 think that um that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00391-00088551-00088782 honesty does help towards these things 5SeXwRLsPEE-00392-00088783-00088967 facilitates these things it may not it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00393-00088968-00089175 may not guarantee them in every case but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00394-00089176-00089399 i'm pretty sure that we can't get to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00395-00089400-00089559 those other things if we don't have the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00396-00089560-00089703 honesty 5SeXwRLsPEE-00397-00089704-00089959 so maybe honesty about sin 5SeXwRLsPEE-00398-00089960-00090143 you know i think facilitates this 5SeXwRLsPEE-00399-00090144-00090367 movement towards reconciliation and and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00400-00090368-00090567 even more than that i want to say that i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00401-00090568-00090694 believe it will 5SeXwRLsPEE-00402-00090695-00090999 but i'm i'm quite certain but but that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00403-00091000-00091150 that doesn't mean every confession of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00404-00091151-00091335 any sort you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00405-00091336-00091438 you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00406-00091439-00091679 does that but i'm pretty sure you can't 5SeXwRLsPEE-00407-00091680-00091862 get to reconciliation without the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00408-00091863-00092279 confession uh at least in in the main so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00409-00092280-00092526 i think that in retrospect using that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00410-00092527-00092999 verb fortuitously or or whatever um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00411-00093000-00093118 is is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00412-00093119-00093287 reflects that that i think this is a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00413-00093288-00093743 process it's um processoral and um it's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00414-00093744-00093911 going to take a while you know some of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00415-00093912-00094135 these things i mean recovery after all 5SeXwRLsPEE-00416-00094136-00094431 in the in the last chapter is a is an 5SeXwRLsPEE-00417-00094432-00094750 ongoing category um it's not usually one 5SeXwRLsPEE-00418-00094751-00094943 and done and neither is healing right 5SeXwRLsPEE-00419-00094944-00095167 there's a difference between cure and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00420-00095168-00095455 healing i think kristen swenson has done 5SeXwRLsPEE-00421-00095456-00095638 a nice nice thing on that and her book 5SeXwRLsPEE-00422-00095639-00095838 on the psalms and healing cure is one 5SeXwRLsPEE-00423-00095839-00095991 thing healing you know we can get the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00424-00095992-00096206 healing cure probably not 5SeXwRLsPEE-00425-00096207-00096503 and forgiveness well ongoing i mean 5SeXwRLsPEE-00426-00096504-00096735 ongoing whether you're lutheran or 5SeXwRLsPEE-00427-00096736-00096926 methodist or whatever i mean that's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00428-00096927-00097182 that's an ongoing discussion uh in our 5SeXwRLsPEE-00429-00097183-00097471 own uh sin wracked souls and the god who 5SeXwRLsPEE-00430-00097472-00097694 forgives so i i think that's how i would 5SeXwRLsPEE-00431-00097695-00097894 speak about that facilitation it's it's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00432-00097895-00098199 on the way it's it's the helpful process 5SeXwRLsPEE-00433-00098200-00098399 and it may not guarantee results every 5SeXwRLsPEE-00434-00098400-00098535 time but i'm pretty sure you can't get 5SeXwRLsPEE-00435-00098536-00098782 to the results without taking this uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00436-00098783-00098997 road at least to some degree 5SeXwRLsPEE-00437-00098998-00099150 [Music] 5SeXwRLsPEE-00438-00099151-00099279 what's your um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00439-00099280-00099455 what are some of your favorite examples 5SeXwRLsPEE-00440-00099456-00099638 from the old testament about israel's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00441-00099639-00099999 honesty about their own sin like i mean 5SeXwRLsPEE-00442-00100000-00100374 genesis 12 uh okay uh you're my chosen 5SeXwRLsPEE-00443-00100375-00100599 right i'm choosing you you're gonna be 5SeXwRLsPEE-00444-00100600-00100743 blessed to be a blessing 5SeXwRLsPEE-00445-00100744-00100959 so then a famine happens 5SeXwRLsPEE-00446-00100960-00101135 let's say you're my sister right right 5SeXwRLsPEE-00447-00101136-00101415 away israel and their story immediately 5SeXwRLsPEE-00448-00101416-00101623 shows that abraham is not like so much a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00449-00101624-00101862 great man of faith or right 5SeXwRLsPEE-00450-00101863-00102055 right after the exodus right away 5SeXwRLsPEE-00451-00102056-00102318 whining complaining you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00452-00102319-00102486 hey we used to have food at least you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00453-00102488-00102727 know what are your investigation 5SeXwRLsPEE-00454-00102728-00102815 right 5SeXwRLsPEE-00455-00102816-00103110 yeah i mean i think you know of course 5SeXwRLsPEE-00456-00103111-00103310 christians will differ across the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00457-00103311-00103606 tradition about their definitions of sin 5SeXwRLsPEE-00458-00103607-00103823 you know what constitutes sin or 5SeXwRLsPEE-00459-00103824-00104071 whatever but but i you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00460-00104072-00104294 to to the examples you've already raised 5SeXwRLsPEE-00461-00104295-00104478 i i you know the in the book i kind of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00462-00104479-00104710 talk about two that are really hard to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00463-00104711-00104975 say aren't sinful in some way right and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00464-00104976-00105239 that is the uh golden calf 5SeXwRLsPEE-00465-00105240-00105558 debacle at mount sinai um where the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00466-00105559-00105854 people are are breaking the commandments 5SeXwRLsPEE-00467-00105855-00106031 at the very moment sort of when they're 5SeXwRLsPEE-00468-00106032-00106223 getting enacted you know where the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00469-00106224-00106423 covenant is getting enacted and here's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00470-00106424-00106783 this great betrayal um walter mobile i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00471-00106783-00107031 quote walter moberly who calls that a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00472-00107032-00107158 kind of like the equivalent of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00473-00107159-00107343 committing adultery on your wedding 5SeXwRLsPEE-00474-00107344-00107678 night you know um that it's hard not to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00475-00107679-00107943 uh identify that as sin in fact it's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00476-00107944-00108143 it's identified in the text as a great 5SeXwRLsPEE-00477-00108144-00108223 sin 5SeXwRLsPEE-00478-00108224-00108572 um the other one is is uh david's um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00479-00108573-00108686 [Music] 5SeXwRLsPEE-00480-00108688-00108958 actions with bathsheba and uriah 5SeXwRLsPEE-00481-00108959-00109175 where it's clear that he's an egregious 5SeXwRLsPEE-00482-00109176-00109431 violation of of the commandments so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00483-00109432-00109663 those two are are really 5SeXwRLsPEE-00484-00109664-00109951 you know massive ones but i think uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00485-00109952-00110127 those are sort of easy 5SeXwRLsPEE-00486-00110128-00110375 and i think in in one sense and so i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00487-00110376-00110566 think more tricky homological ones are 5SeXwRLsPEE-00488-00110567-00110710 the ones you've raised rolf which is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00489-00110711-00110966 like our you know these things are 5SeXwRLsPEE-00490-00110967-00111151 easier to maybe pick off because oh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00491-00111152-00111310 maybe they're not as egregious as these 5SeXwRLsPEE-00492-00111311-00111454 big things of course those are sins but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00493-00111455-00111647 then we end up we end up beating up on 5SeXwRLsPEE-00494-00111648-00111854 israel for these other things murmuring 5SeXwRLsPEE-00495-00111855-00112223 in the wilderness or whatever um so you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00496-00112224-00112358 know those are but those are some of the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00497-00112359-00112663 big ones and in my mind they were really 5SeXwRLsPEE-00498-00112664-00112783 interesting i have to say i didn't say 5SeXwRLsPEE-00499-00112783-00112943 this in the book but i've thought about 5SeXwRLsPEE-00500-00112944-00113166 it a lot that you know in a lot of the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00501-00113167-00113399 circles i move in um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00502-00113400-00113766 there is an unforgivable sin and it is a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00503-00113767-00114047 marital infidelity i mean that is sort 5SeXwRLsPEE-00504-00114048-00114263 of in the in the christian circles i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00505-00114264-00114443 move in that's almost 5SeXwRLsPEE-00506-00114444-00114607 unimaginably 5SeXwRLsPEE-00507-00114608-00114878 forgivable right i mean and uh you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00508-00114879-00115095 someone cheats on someone and the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00509-00115096-00115286 extended family's like yep yep that's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00510-00115288-00115399 over you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00511-00115400-00115599 forget it you know and i and i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00512-00115600-00115847 understand that i i get that like i i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00513-00115848-00115983 feel it too 5SeXwRLsPEE-00514-00115983-00116247 uh i mean it's it makes sense to me that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00515-00116248-00116495 like the trust of a spouse is forever 5SeXwRLsPEE-00516-00116496-00116710 shattered how could it ever be restored 5SeXwRLsPEE-00517-00116711-00116871 but it struck me 5SeXwRLsPEE-00518-00116872-00117207 in in writing the this chapter about you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00519-00117208-00117375 know adultery on the wedding night with 5SeXwRLsPEE-00520-00117376-00117590 israel and then david's real adultery 5SeXwRLsPEE-00521-00117591-00117815 and worse that here were some rather 5SeXwRLsPEE-00522-00117816-00117999 powerful scriptural examples that would 5SeXwRLsPEE-00523-00118000-00118199 speak back to the christian circles i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00524-00118200-00118415 work you know kind of run in and say 5SeXwRLsPEE-00525-00118416-00118710 maybe that isn't an unforgivable sin and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00526-00118711-00118927 instead of kind of like raising our 5SeXwRLsPEE-00527-00118928-00119102 eyebrows at the spouse who decides to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00528-00119103-00119423 stick with his or her unfaithful partner 5SeXwRLsPEE-00529-00119424-00119663 we should be like wow i mean maybe that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00530-00119664-00119751 is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00531-00119752-00119990 maybe that's crazy or maybe that's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00532-00119991-00120214 crazy instantiation 5SeXwRLsPEE-00533-00120215-00120375 of forgiveness 5SeXwRLsPEE-00534-00120376-00120639 that is a foretaste of glory divine i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00535-00120640-00120814 don't know i don't know i i can't speak 5SeXwRLsPEE-00536-00120815-00121014 for other people to make that decision 5SeXwRLsPEE-00537-00121015-00121295 right but it did it did strike me that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00538-00121296-00121543 what what what i've kind of thought or 5SeXwRLsPEE-00539-00121544-00121758 have been been encouraged to think is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00540-00121759-00121975 sort of unforgivable here's these 5SeXwRLsPEE-00541-00121976-00122223 examples egregious examples and israel 5SeXwRLsPEE-00542-00122224-00122527 moves on with god david remains in power 5SeXwRLsPEE-00543-00122528-00122814 david remains in israel's memory one of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00544-00122815-00123119 its greatest most faithful kings it's a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00545-00123120-00123283 stunning it's a stunning 5SeXwRLsPEE-00546-00123283-00123495 testimony well i think one of the things 5SeXwRLsPEE-00547-00123496-00123710 that you're pointing out brent that i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00548-00123711-00123927 that i really appreciated too about the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00549-00123928-00124063 book is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00550-00124064-00124343 the way in which this is so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00551-00124344-00124575 what's at stake here is our relationship 5SeXwRLsPEE-00552-00124576-00124727 with god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00553-00124728-00124966 uh and and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00554-00124967-00125095 we're 5SeXwRLsPEE-00555-00125096-00125383 we're framing a kind of theology 5SeXwRLsPEE-00556-00125383-00125463 that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00557-00125464-00125566 we 5SeXwRLsPEE-00558-00125567-00125710 you point this out at the in the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00559-00125711-00125807 beginning 5SeXwRLsPEE-00560-00125808-00126039 uh chapter we're framing a kind of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00561-00126040-00126302 theology that kind of takes our it takes 5SeXwRLsPEE-00562-00126303-00126566 our liturgy seriously uh that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00563-00126567-00126686 that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00564-00126688-00126886 that the prayer for purity prior to the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00565-00126888-00127102 eucharist in the book of common prayer 5SeXwRLsPEE-00566-00127103-00127463 uh as god as the one from whom no 5SeXwRLsPEE-00567-00127464-00127678 secrets are hid 5SeXwRLsPEE-00568-00127679-00127871 and that the way in which the human 5SeXwRLsPEE-00569-00127872-00128102 condition is so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00570-00128103-00128495 bent on hiding so much from each other 5SeXwRLsPEE-00571-00128496-00128702 and then we have this sort of false 5SeXwRLsPEE-00572-00128703-00128902 understand false thought that we can 5SeXwRLsPEE-00573-00128903-00129127 actually hide that from god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00574-00129128-00129543 and so i think that that element too 5SeXwRLsPEE-00575-00129544-00129719 uh becomes really 5SeXwRLsPEE-00576-00129720-00129975 an important part of the book 5SeXwRLsPEE-00577-00129976-00130134 where uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00578-00130135-00130231 where 5SeXwRLsPEE-00579-00130232-00130454 you and you you talk about israel's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00580-00130455-00130743 suffering and its honesty about that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00581-00130744-00130871 suffering 5SeXwRLsPEE-00582-00130872-00131078 that uh the movement from israel's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00583-00131079-00131271 slavery under pharaoh to being god's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00584-00131272-00131439 most precious 5SeXwRLsPEE-00585-00131440-00131599 possession 5SeXwRLsPEE-00586-00131600-00131911 that uh that that actually this the the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00587-00131912-00132023 honesty 5SeXwRLsPEE-00588-00132024-00132214 of of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00589-00132215-00132478 preachers and congregants about 5SeXwRLsPEE-00590-00132479-00132687 suffering and about sin 5SeXwRLsPEE-00591-00132688-00133023 that can actually lead to transformation 5SeXwRLsPEE-00592-00133024-00133239 and uh and so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00593-00133240-00133454 there's yeah there's something that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00594-00133455-00133566 right there's something at stake 5SeXwRLsPEE-00595-00133567-00133935 theologically in this that i i wonder 5SeXwRLsPEE-00596-00133936-00134151 how often we are 5SeXwRLsPEE-00597-00134152-00134399 called to that and and thinking about 5SeXwRLsPEE-00598-00134400-00134559 that and i'm wondering what you meant 5SeXwRLsPEE-00599-00134560-00134654 about 5SeXwRLsPEE-00600-00134655-00134871 transformation like what i mean we 5SeXwRLsPEE-00601-00134872-00135071 talked about this being a process but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00602-00135072-00135278 what does transformation mean to you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00603-00135279-00135390 what is that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00604-00135391-00135695 what is that uh how would you i'm asking 5SeXwRLsPEE-00605-00135696-00135966 you a lot about all your words aren't i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00606-00135967-00136199 that's good well i think also you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00607-00136200-00136383 uh something that emerged from me in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00608-00136384-00136583 writing the book is in you know again 5SeXwRLsPEE-00609-00136584-00136766 maybe i'm slow slow to some of these 5SeXwRLsPEE-00610-00136767-00136999 points but the profound 5SeXwRLsPEE-00611-00137000-00137119 the in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00612-00137120-00137375 uh interjoined or intertwined nature of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00613-00137376-00137607 these categories i mean sin can lead to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00614-00137608-00137727 suffering 5SeXwRLsPEE-00615-00137728-00137887 sometimes our own sin leads to our own 5SeXwRLsPEE-00616-00137888-00138023 suffering sometimes it's other people's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00617-00138024-00138190 sins against us that lead to suffering 5SeXwRLsPEE-00618-00138191-00138359 and that's suffering and sin you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00619-00138360-00138702 can can emerge in violent ways 5SeXwRLsPEE-00620-00138703-00138983 and violence can be um you know and a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00621-00138984-00139231 further index of sin and of course a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00622-00139232-00139414 further cause of suffering so these 5SeXwRLsPEE-00623-00139415-00139590 three things are sort of uh i think 5SeXwRLsPEE-00624-00139591-00139839 operating in some sort of feedback loop 5SeXwRLsPEE-00625-00139840-00140087 of some sort or another um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00626-00140088-00140247 but i think for me and thinking about 5SeXwRLsPEE-00627-00140248-00140502 this this transformation question that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00628-00140503-00140678 you you ask 5SeXwRLsPEE-00629-00140679-00140911 um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00630-00140912-00141175 there's something mysterious i think i i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00631-00141176-00141454 would have to admit um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00632-00141455-00141614 maybe less so if i was you know a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00633-00141615-00141854 psychologist or a sociologist or 5SeXwRLsPEE-00634-00141855-00142119 something i might be able to to identify 5SeXwRLsPEE-00635-00142120-00142319 some of the things at least in certain 5SeXwRLsPEE-00636-00142320-00142495 situations more 5SeXwRLsPEE-00637-00142496-00142671 more directly but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00638-00142672-00142775 um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00639-00142776-00142959 there is something mysterious about the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00640-00142960-00143247 transformation i think that happens um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00641-00143248-00143551 say in the psalms and ralph could could 5SeXwRLsPEE-00642-00143552-00143766 educate us on this but in those laments 5SeXwRLsPEE-00643-00143767-00144054 psalms that that have this unexpected 5SeXwRLsPEE-00644-00144055-00144366 turn to praise at the end it's just 5SeXwRLsPEE-00645-00144367-00144599 what caused that the text isn't clear 5SeXwRLsPEE-00646-00144600-00144823 and people have speculated and said 5SeXwRLsPEE-00647-00144824-00145078 things in the secondary literature but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00648-00145079-00145271 uh but i've i've thought of it for a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00649-00145272-00145471 long time now in a hymn that i grew up 5SeXwRLsPEE-00650-00145472-00145711 singing as a kid 5SeXwRLsPEE-00651-00145712-00145999 which was called he touched me with he 5SeXwRLsPEE-00652-00146000-00146214 being god of course god touched me oh he 5SeXwRLsPEE-00653-00146215-00146447 touched me uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00654-00146448-00146719 and oh the joy that fills my soul 5SeXwRLsPEE-00655-00146720-00146975 something happened and now i know god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00656-00146976-00147135 touched me and made me whole like 5SeXwRLsPEE-00657-00147136-00147366 something happened is the equivalent of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00658-00147367-00147614 that that gap in the lament psalms how 5SeXwRLsPEE-00659-00147615-00147839 do you go from like you know i'm about 5SeXwRLsPEE-00660-00147840-00147999 to die oh lord you know why don't you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00661-00148000-00148207 pay attention to me oh i trust you lord 5SeXwRLsPEE-00662-00148208-00148414 right i rejoice in your steadfast 5SeXwRLsPEE-00663-00148415-00148654 something happened what you know the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00664-00148655-00148814 hymn writer doesn't say either just 5SeXwRLsPEE-00665-00148815-00148966 something happened now i know god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00666-00148967-00149199 touched me and made me holes you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00667-00149200-00149366 the weeping was for the night but joy 5SeXwRLsPEE-00668-00149367-00149590 came in the morning and and we don't 5SeXwRLsPEE-00669-00149591-00149814 always know exactly why and i don't know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00670-00149815-00150007 if we can always fully articulate it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00671-00150008-00150175 because it's in some sense the gospel 5SeXwRLsPEE-00672-00150176-00150287 moment 5SeXwRLsPEE-00673-00150288-00150519 and it's the new thing that happens with 5SeXwRLsPEE-00674-00150520-00150790 the gospel the unexpected uh new thing 5SeXwRLsPEE-00675-00150791-00150975 that god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00676-00150976-00151263 does and makes so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00677-00151264-00151407 i think that that's the first thing i'd 5SeXwRLsPEE-00678-00151408-00151566 say is i don't know for sure how all 5SeXwRLsPEE-00679-00151567-00151743 this transformation happens though i'm 5SeXwRLsPEE-00680-00151744-00152007 happy to say that it is um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00681-00152008-00152102 you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00682-00152103-00152359 uh god-driven and that god should be 5SeXwRLsPEE-00683-00152360-00152559 praised for it when it happens 5SeXwRLsPEE-00684-00152560-00152831 but i i do think that in the second 5SeXwRLsPEE-00685-00152832-00152966 thing i want to say is that what 5SeXwRLsPEE-00686-00152967-00153151 scripture gives us what israel has given 5SeXwRLsPEE-00687-00153152-00153343 us in scripture in the church too in the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00688-00153344-00153471 new testament 5SeXwRLsPEE-00689-00153472-00153719 are actually sort of mechanisms towards 5SeXwRLsPEE-00690-00153720-00153943 transformation maybe facilitating going 5SeXwRLsPEE-00691-00153944-00154214 back to facility that that left to our 5SeXwRLsPEE-00692-00154215-00154414 own devices without some sort of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00693-00154415-00154751 external help of some sort we might just 5SeXwRLsPEE-00694-00154752-00154975 sit in our sin we might just sit in our 5SeXwRLsPEE-00695-00154976-00155135 suffering we might just sit in our 5SeXwRLsPEE-00696-00155136-00155439 violence but in so far as what we have 5SeXwRLsPEE-00697-00155440-00155759 in scripture are these these scripts 5SeXwRLsPEE-00698-00155760-00156054 and sites by which people move by which 5SeXwRLsPEE-00699-00156055-00156239 the people of faith have moved 5SeXwRLsPEE-00700-00156240-00156583 demonstrably from sin to reconciliation 5SeXwRLsPEE-00701-00156584-00156807 from suffering to healing from 5SeXwRLsPEE-00702-00156808-00157031 violence to recovery those are 5SeXwRLsPEE-00703-00157032-00157247 mechanisms of transformation so how does 5SeXwRLsPEE-00704-00157248-00157366 this happen exactly i don't know if 5SeXwRLsPEE-00705-00157367-00157511 something happened now i know god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00706-00157512-00157687 touched me and made me go but the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00707-00157688-00157966 mechanism the sight and the script is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00708-00157967-00158263 here in scripture and that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00709-00158264-00158583 can help us when we don't have words yet 5SeXwRLsPEE-00710-00158584-00158854 or when we don't have the momentum yet i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00711-00158855-00159063 think or when we don't even maybe know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00712-00159064-00159326 the problem yet um you know we might not 5SeXwRLsPEE-00713-00159327-00159599 even be aware of our violent tendencies 5SeXwRLsPEE-00714-00159600-00159775 uh we might not be aware of the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00715-00159776-00159999 profundity of our suffering or our sin 5SeXwRLsPEE-00716-00160000-00160175 and then along comes one of these texts 5SeXwRLsPEE-00717-00160176-00160399 and sort of holds up a mirror to us and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00718-00160400-00160719 for a minute thanks be to god we we are 5SeXwRLsPEE-00719-00160720-00160926 freed of our denial and projection and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00720-00160927-00161190 we say oh my gosh that's me in that text 5SeXwRLsPEE-00721-00161191-00161407 right there what happens next what 5SeXwRLsPEE-00722-00161408-00161743 happens there 5SeXwRLsPEE-00723-00161744-00161895 and here 5SeXwRLsPEE-00724-00161896-00162119 you close the book with words uh trying 5SeXwRLsPEE-00725-00162120-00162454 to inspire honesty to preachers and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00726-00162455-00162687 this is a favorite from franz kafka a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00727-00162688-00163054 book must be an ice axe to break the sea 5SeXwRLsPEE-00728-00163055-00163319 frozen inside of us wow that's a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00729-00163320-00163566 that's an image right and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00730-00163567-00163863 i it makes me think of jesus you know i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00731-00163864-00164063 i come not to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00732-00164064-00164447 bring peace but a sword you know that um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00733-00164448-00164614 so what kind of words do you have like 5SeXwRLsPEE-00734-00164615-00164799 to suck here's an old testament term 5SeXwRLsPEE-00735-00164800-00165078 right to uh gird up one's loins in order 5SeXwRLsPEE-00736-00165079-00165319 to make a preacher actually 5SeXwRLsPEE-00737-00165320-00165495 risk 5SeXwRLsPEE-00738-00165496-00165895 preaching an ice axe to break the sea 5SeXwRLsPEE-00739-00165896-00166151 frozen inside of us 5SeXwRLsPEE-00740-00166152-00166375 well oh so i'm going to take two things 5SeXwRLsPEE-00741-00166376-00166623 from people i respect a lot one is will 5SeXwRLsPEE-00742-00166624-00166854 willamon who's uh my colleague here at 5SeXwRLsPEE-00743-00166855-00167190 duke and uh is a great a great brilliant 5SeXwRLsPEE-00744-00167191-00167471 mind and also just a hysterical person 5SeXwRLsPEE-00745-00167472-00167766 um i heard uh heard him say recently you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00746-00167767-00167983 know nowadays you know you used to have 5SeXwRLsPEE-00747-00167984-00168151 to work hard to offend someone from the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00748-00168152-00168326 pulpit i mean nowadays you just open up 5SeXwRLsPEE-00749-00168327-00168471 and read matthew and everybody's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00750-00168472-00168719 offended you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00751-00168720-00168999 the present moment means a lot of people 5SeXwRLsPEE-00752-00169000-00169271 are you know anxious and worried and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00753-00169272-00169463 easily triggered maybe with short fuses 5SeXwRLsPEE-00754-00169464-00169647 or whatever you don't in some ways have 5SeXwRLsPEE-00755-00169648-00169743 to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00756-00169744-00169959 you know be the ice axe that the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00757-00169960-00170207 scripture already is the ice axe that's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00758-00170208-00170454 what that's what the kafka's saying 5SeXwRLsPEE-00759-00170455-00170719 about books that we really need he says 5SeXwRLsPEE-00760-00170720-00170943 in the larger context books that would 5SeXwRLsPEE-00761-00170944-00171183 make us happy we don't need and books 5SeXwRLsPEE-00762-00171184-00171351 that would make us happy we can write if 5SeXwRLsPEE-00763-00171352-00171614 necessary ourselves you know and i think 5SeXwRLsPEE-00764-00171615-00171759 that's just fascinating we could all 5SeXwRLsPEE-00765-00171760-00171911 write a happy book a book that makes us 5SeXwRLsPEE-00766-00171912-00172087 happy what we need is a book that breaks 5SeXwRLsPEE-00767-00172088-00172390 the ice acts the i the c frozen inside 5SeXwRLsPEE-00768-00172391-00172502 us we need a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00769-00172503-00172702 ice axe like that i think scripture is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00770-00172703-00172878 that i mean kafka's not talking about 5SeXwRLsPEE-00771-00172879-00173063 scripture in that letter he wrote to his 5SeXwRLsPEE-00772-00173064-00173238 friend but he is talking about a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00773-00173239-00173454 scripture in my mind 5SeXwRLsPEE-00774-00173455-00173702 and uh you know amos is an ice axe to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00775-00173703-00173943 break the sea so frozen inside us but so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00776-00173944-00174190 is john the baptist and so is his cousin 5SeXwRLsPEE-00777-00174191-00174454 the way they preach um it doesn't always 5SeXwRLsPEE-00778-00174455-00174647 have to be a negative thing right it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00779-00174648-00174766 doesn't always have to be i feel 5SeXwRLsPEE-00780-00174767-00175031 terrible about myself but uh oh my gosh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00781-00175032-00175207 i've been indifferent to this and now 5SeXwRLsPEE-00782-00175208-00175359 i'm not going to be indifferent about it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00783-00175360-00175535 anymore i've been apathetic about this 5SeXwRLsPEE-00784-00175536-00175711 and now i'm not going to be apathetic 5SeXwRLsPEE-00785-00175712-00175990 anymore so i think what i would say to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00786-00175991-00176254 preachers is um you know we just have to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00787-00176255-00176383 this is albaro the second thing from 5SeXwRLsPEE-00788-00176384-00176583 bergamot we don't have to be 5SeXwRLsPEE-00789-00176584-00176726 [Music] 5SeXwRLsPEE-00790-00176727-00176966 the ice axe we just have to present the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00791-00176967-00177207 ice ax you know we don't have to be amos 5SeXwRLsPEE-00792-00177208-00177431 we just have to push amos out in front 5SeXwRLsPEE-00793-00177432-00177607 of people and then peek out from the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00794-00177608-00177695 side 5SeXwRLsPEE-00795-00177696-00177878 hey check this out look at what amos 5SeXwRLsPEE-00796-00177879-00178111 said or look at this parable can you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00797-00178112-00178254 believe what jesus said about this 5SeXwRLsPEE-00798-00178255-00178583 parable this is insane you know you you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00799-00178584-00178743 you don't have to be 5SeXwRLsPEE-00800-00178744-00178990 these people you just have to be their 5SeXwRLsPEE-00801-00178991-00179247 scribe you have to be their secretary 5SeXwRLsPEE-00802-00179248-00179543 you have to sort of represent them and i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00803-00179544-00179775 think that's helpful i mean i i'll admit 5SeXwRLsPEE-00804-00179776-00179911 i've never been 5SeXwRLsPEE-00805-00179912-00180183 a weekend week out preacher at a local 5SeXwRLsPEE-00806-00180184-00180463 church so what do i know but i think uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00807-00180464-00180678 what i would what i would do in such a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00808-00180679-00180911 situation myself is that to me that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00809-00180912-00181199 would give me um more and more reason to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00810-00181200-00181302 attend 5SeXwRLsPEE-00811-00181303-00181551 very carefully with the utmost care to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00812-00181552-00181751 scripture of the scripture i'm preaching 5SeXwRLsPEE-00813-00181752-00181966 and also it would give me an out when my 5SeXwRLsPEE-00814-00181967-00182223 people would inevitably not like what is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00815-00182224-00182478 said in the scripture because then i say 5SeXwRLsPEE-00816-00182479-00182590 look 5SeXwRLsPEE-00817-00182591-00182863 don't shoot the messenger right right 5SeXwRLsPEE-00818-00182864-00183119 i'm just pushing this text out to you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00819-00183120-00183319 now let's talk about the text now that's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00820-00183320-00183535 easier said than done right but take it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00821-00183536-00183799 up with matthew 5SeXwRLsPEE-00822-00183800-00184038 that's right 5SeXwRLsPEE-00823-00184039-00184214 that's right yeah 5SeXwRLsPEE-00824-00184215-00184447 say one more one more question about the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00825-00184448-00184735 book brent before we we always like to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00826-00184736-00184959 go bigger and hear a little bit more 5SeXwRLsPEE-00827-00184960-00185047 about 5SeXwRLsPEE-00828-00185048-00185271 your general inspiration of preaching 5SeXwRLsPEE-00829-00185272-00185535 and bible and such but i think one of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00830-00185536-00185847 the timely aspects about this 5SeXwRLsPEE-00831-00185848-00186047 that i mentioned earlier about this book 5SeXwRLsPEE-00832-00186048-00186319 and i really want our our listeners to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00833-00186320-00186671 know is the way in which you also 5SeXwRLsPEE-00834-00186672-00186935 connect this act this 5SeXwRLsPEE-00835-00186936-00187031 these 5SeXwRLsPEE-00836-00187032-00187302 confessional acts of honesty 5SeXwRLsPEE-00837-00187303-00187566 uh with with trauma 5SeXwRLsPEE-00838-00187567-00187854 and how is it that uh in in this 5SeXwRLsPEE-00839-00187855-00188078 collective trauma we are experiencing 5SeXwRLsPEE-00840-00188079-00188231 with the pandemic 5SeXwRLsPEE-00841-00188232-00188511 how you are inviting preachers into that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00842-00188512-00188663 space of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00843-00188664-00188750 of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00844-00188751-00188975 of part of part of the activity of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00845-00188976-00189238 trauma or the necessary the necessity of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00846-00189239-00189335 trauma 5SeXwRLsPEE-00847-00189336-00189478 is uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-00848-00189479-00189799 is to forget that denial doesn't work 5SeXwRLsPEE-00849-00189800-00190047 and that uh that you sit in that place 5SeXwRLsPEE-00850-00190048-00190254 of honesty and i wanted to just see if 5SeXwRLsPEE-00851-00190255-00190414 you had any more words about that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00852-00190415-00190631 particularly for our preachers when when 5SeXwRLsPEE-00853-00190632-00190887 they're dealing with uh week in and week 5SeXwRLsPEE-00854-00190888-00191207 out this this constancy of trauma that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00855-00191208-00191407 we find ourselves in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00856-00191408-00191550 yeah i mean i'm 5SeXwRLsPEE-00857-00191551-00191871 i'm not an expert in trauma theory or or 5SeXwRLsPEE-00858-00191872-00192047 anything like that but i've i've been 5SeXwRLsPEE-00859-00192048-00192190 instructed by 5SeXwRLsPEE-00860-00192191-00192654 herman's work and and others and um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00861-00192655-00192863 and and also this psychologist james 5SeXwRLsPEE-00862-00192864-00193047 pennebaker who's who's done a lot of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00863-00193048-00193183 work on how 5SeXwRLsPEE-00864-00193184-00193431 the disclosure of honest emotions 5SeXwRLsPEE-00865-00193432-00193559 especially 5SeXwRLsPEE-00866-00193560-00193838 traumatic emotions especially in writing 5SeXwRLsPEE-00867-00193839-00194183 has been linked directly to positive 5SeXwRLsPEE-00868-00194184-00194423 immunofunction and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00869-00194424-00194590 avoidance of disease and things like 5SeXwRLsPEE-00870-00194591-00194847 that so he's actually working at the at 5SeXwRLsPEE-00871-00194848-00195135 the um you know physical level 5SeXwRLsPEE-00872-00195136-00195414 and it just was so uh fascinating to me 5SeXwRLsPEE-00873-00195415-00195743 to think about penna baker's work on on 5SeXwRLsPEE-00874-00195744-00195959 that the importance of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00875-00195960-00196295 disclosure about you know difficult 5SeXwRLsPEE-00876-00196296-00196463 things and they don't have to be majorly 5SeXwRLsPEE-00877-00196464-00196647 traumatic in pennebaker's work it could 5SeXwRLsPEE-00878-00196648-00196807 be small 5SeXwRLsPEE-00879-00196808-00196999 and it or it could be huge but either 5SeXwRLsPEE-00880-00197000-00197223 way he's he's drawn connections with 5SeXwRLsPEE-00881-00197224-00197566 with much later onsets of disease and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00882-00197567-00197878 whatnot um but what then later in his 5SeXwRLsPEE-00883-00197879-00198071 his work i mean it's very early on but 5SeXwRLsPEE-00884-00198072-00198278 in the later versions of this book later 5SeXwRLsPEE-00885-00198279-00198495 editions it's become entirely almost 5SeXwRLsPEE-00886-00198496-00198759 entirely about writing them down 5SeXwRLsPEE-00887-00198760-00198966 not just talking about but writing them 5SeXwRLsPEE-00888-00198967-00199214 down and i'm like this is the psalms 5SeXwRLsPEE-00889-00199215-00199463 right this is the bible this is this is 5SeXwRLsPEE-00890-00199464-00199647 this is israel's confessions they're 5SeXwRLsPEE-00891-00199648-00199863 writing it down this is the way 5SeXwRLsPEE-00892-00199864-00200087 they get to new life so as you said you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00893-00200088-00200247 know denial does not work is hurt 5SeXwRLsPEE-00894-00200248-00200414 herman's language i mean more even more 5SeXwRLsPEE-00895-00200415-00200638 pitifully maybe no new life comes from 5SeXwRLsPEE-00896-00200639-00200959 denial um no new life happens that way 5SeXwRLsPEE-00897-00200960-00201087 uh and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00898-00201088-00201326 and israel knows that already in the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00899-00201327-00201511 pages of the old testament you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00900-00201512-00201759 millennia before freud and and all the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00901-00201760-00201919 rest but those other more recent 5SeXwRLsPEE-00902-00201920-00202223 instantiations are just more proof of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00903-00202224-00202519 the point and so i think we have to be 5SeXwRLsPEE-00904-00202520-00202831 aware of the traumas that we experience 5SeXwRLsPEE-00905-00202832-00203023 and again they are some of them are 5SeXwRLsPEE-00906-00203024-00203319 massive and some of them are less so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00907-00203320-00203478 i kind of think at the end of the day it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00908-00203479-00203678 doesn't matter right how big they are 5SeXwRLsPEE-00909-00203679-00203871 because they're big to us 5SeXwRLsPEE-00910-00203872-00203966 um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00911-00203967-00204175 you know i sometimes like a line i don't 5SeXwRLsPEE-00912-00204176-00204335 know where i got it from ralph probably 5SeXwRLsPEE-00913-00204336-00204454 will remember 5SeXwRLsPEE-00914-00204455-00204607 i got a line from some psalm scholar 5SeXwRLsPEE-00915-00204608-00204783 along the way that you know even in the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00916-00204784-00205038 psalms even the king suffers you know i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00917-00205039-00205375 mean even even the the top one percent 5SeXwRLsPEE-00918-00205376-00205582 you know suffers in in the song 5SeXwRLsPEE-00919-00205583-00205790 everybody stopped pablo naruto said you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00920-00205791-00206014 know i know the earth and i am sad you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00921-00206015-00206351 know that's the um you know being alive 5SeXwRLsPEE-00922-00206352-00206519 on this earth means that you're you're 5SeXwRLsPEE-00923-00206519-00206742 sad in some way you got some sort of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00924-00206744-00206958 trauma large or small so we have to be 5SeXwRLsPEE-00925-00206959-00207223 aware of that and then also realize that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00926-00207223-00207503 again honesty is a way to move move 5SeXwRLsPEE-00927-00207504-00207831 towards these big categories of 5SeXwRLsPEE-00928-00207832-00208062 of healing and recovery from that it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00929-00208063-00208262 doesn't happen if we bottle it up it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00930-00208263-00208462 doesn't happen if we if we keep it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00931-00208463-00208734 inside and even if we don't feel yet 5SeXwRLsPEE-00932-00208735-00208951 ready to release it personally we can 5SeXwRLsPEE-00933-00208952-00209103 release it through 5SeXwRLsPEE-00934-00209104-00209303 israel through the people of god we're 5SeXwRLsPEE-00935-00209304-00209582 grafted into that now this is our script 5SeXwRLsPEE-00936-00209583-00209855 this is our scripture we can say these 5SeXwRLsPEE-00937-00209856-00210167 words and that and that becomes my way 5SeXwRLsPEE-00938-00210167-00210382 of offloading right even when i don't 5SeXwRLsPEE-00939-00210383-00210606 want to offload to everybody candidly 5SeXwRLsPEE-00940-00210607-00210742 about what's going well i'm going to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00941-00210744-00210998 offload with psalm 22 and you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-00942-00211000-00211198 that's that's going to make a change in 5SeXwRLsPEE-00943-00211200-00211271 me 5SeXwRLsPEE-00944-00211271-00211431 long term i believe i believe that's 5SeXwRLsPEE-00945-00211432-00211623 going to make a change for the better so 5SeXwRLsPEE-00946-00211623-00211782 that's that's the sort of business again 5SeXwRLsPEE-00947-00211783-00212031 back to transformation and and how that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00948-00212032-00212231 that helps that honesty facilitates 5SeXwRLsPEE-00949-00212232-00212423 movements even with the most profound 5SeXwRLsPEE-00950-00212423-00212567 traumas which was 5SeXwRLsPEE-00951-00212567-00212758 herman's work 5SeXwRLsPEE-00952-00212759-00212879 well brent thanks for writing a 5SeXwRLsPEE-00953-00212880-00213151 fantastic book everybody honest to god 5SeXwRLsPEE-00954-00213152-00213255 preaching 5SeXwRLsPEE-00955-00213256-00213431 we commend it to you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00956-00213432-00213758 and all your preaching uh colleagues um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00957-00213759-00213879 by the way i want to point out you 5SeXwRLsPEE-00958-00213880-00214015 almost had the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00959-00214016-00214271 the trinitarian uh references to the 5SeXwRLsPEE-00960-00214271-00214519 mons and one in one answer 5SeXwRLsPEE-00961-00214519-00214839 you quoted both willamon and bergman if 5SeXwRLsPEE-00962-00214840-00215046 you just had case come on in there it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00963-00215048-00215167 would have been like a trinitarian 5SeXwRLsPEE-00964-00215167-00215531 affirmative on yes 5SeXwRLsPEE-00965-00215532-00216039 [Music] 5SeXwRLsPEE-00966-00216040-00216319 two questions about general uh preaching 5SeXwRLsPEE-00967-00216319-00216551 uh first of all um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00968-00216552-00216806 what's the what's one of the hardest 5SeXwRLsPEE-00969-00216807-00217015 sermons you've ever had to preach and 5SeXwRLsPEE-00970-00217016-00217303 how did you get through it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00971-00217304-00217606 oh man uh it's an easy uh question to 5SeXwRLsPEE-00972-00217607-00217839 answer for me because about last not 5SeXwRLsPEE-00973-00217840-00218039 this past fall but the fall before 5SeXwRLsPEE-00974-00218040-00218263 we got a call actually in church right 5SeXwRLsPEE-00975-00218264-00218463 before church that some of our good 5SeXwRLsPEE-00976-00218464-00218655 college friends um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00977-00218656-00218919 their 20-something year old son had just 5SeXwRLsPEE-00978-00218919-00219206 died from an overdose and they asked me 5SeXwRLsPEE-00979-00219207-00219406 to fly down two days later or something 5SeXwRLsPEE-00980-00219407-00219591 to do the funeral i 5SeXwRLsPEE-00981-00219592-00219775 get kind of emotional just thinking 5SeXwRLsPEE-00982-00219776-00219871 about it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00983-00219871-00220110 now and i'm usually not that emotional 5SeXwRLsPEE-00984-00220111-00220327 especially in front of of things i can 5SeXwRLsPEE-00985-00220328-00220542 usually hold it together but that was 5SeXwRLsPEE-00986-00220544-00220823 easily the hardest um you know sermon 5SeXwRLsPEE-00987-00220823-00221055 i've ever had to do is to preach mason 5SeXwRLsPEE-00988-00221056-00221255 lowry's funeral 5SeXwRLsPEE-00989-00221256-00221439 with my good friends bob and melinda 5SeXwRLsPEE-00990-00221440-00221663 right there in the front row um 5SeXwRLsPEE-00991-00221664-00221934 and their daughter mackenzie um so that 5SeXwRLsPEE-00992-00221935-00222158 was that was very hard how i got through 5SeXwRLsPEE-00993-00222159-00222279 it 5SeXwRLsPEE-00994-00222280-00222519 is i don't know if i really did 5SeXwRLsPEE-00995-00222519-00222694 i mean 5SeXwRLsPEE-00996-00222696-00222871 well there's honesty right 5SeXwRLsPEE-00997-00222871-00223134 yeah yeah i mean holly uh my wife holly 5SeXwRLsPEE-00998-00223135-00223327 was there and our daughter uh happened 5SeXwRLsPEE-00999-00223328-00223510 to live in the same town and so she was 5SeXwRLsPEE-01000-00223511-00223671 there too and i don't think either one 5SeXwRLsPEE-01001-00223671-00223863 of them especially my daughter had ever 5SeXwRLsPEE-01002-00223864-00224167 seen me quite uh weep like that but 5SeXwRLsPEE-01003-00224167-00224382 you know what got me through in part was 5SeXwRLsPEE-01004-00224383-00224623 leviticus i preached leviticus at 5SeXwRLsPEE-01005-00224623-00224815 mason's funeral 5SeXwRLsPEE-01006-00224816-00225127 because i thought you know what makes 5SeXwRLsPEE-01007-00225128-00225303 what sounds better 5SeXwRLsPEE-01008-00225304-00225527 uh to someone who's been struggling with 5SeXwRLsPEE-01009-00225528-00225703 addiction for years 5SeXwRLsPEE-01010-00225704-00225958 then to finally be all cleaned up you 5SeXwRLsPEE-01011-00225959-00226206 know sanctified 5SeXwRLsPEE-01012-00226207-00226471 with all that behind you and and not 5SeXwRLsPEE-01013-00226471-00226663 only saying but permanently saying 5SeXwRLsPEE-01014-00226664-00226855 goodbye eternally 5SeXwRLsPEE-01015-00226856-00227127 i mean leviticus to me was a a bomb for 5SeXwRLsPEE-01016-00227128-00227398 the soul in thinking about mason and his 5SeXwRLsPEE-01017-00227400-00227663 struggles and his victories against 5SeXwRLsPEE-01018-00227664-00227863 addiction and then 5SeXwRLsPEE-01019-00227864-00228231 in his in his ultimate glory you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-01020-00228232-00228423 [Music] 5SeXwRLsPEE-01021-00228423-00228719 brent what uh fills you spiritually what 5SeXwRLsPEE-01022-00228719-00228919 what are some of the things that uh you 5SeXwRLsPEE-01023-00228919-00229263 you said you do uh you do 5SeXwRLsPEE-01024-00229264-00229367 uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-01025-00229367-00229542 do didn't you say earlier about 5SeXwRLsPEE-01026-00229544-00229687 referring to the book of common prayer 5SeXwRLsPEE-01027-00229688-00229951 but like yeah but what yeah so maybe say 5SeXwRLsPEE-01028-00229952-00230087 a little bit more about that or what are 5SeXwRLsPEE-01029-00230088-00230215 some of those 5SeXwRLsPEE-01030-00230216-00230519 uh habits or rituals that uh that you on 5SeXwRLsPEE-01031-00230519-00230734 which you rely to 5SeXwRLsPEE-01032-00230735-00231023 uh to fill your spirit 5SeXwRLsPEE-01033-00231023-00231198 yeah i mean this about maybe 10 years 5SeXwRLsPEE-01034-00231200-00231463 ago now and during lent i decided to add 5SeXwRLsPEE-01035-00231464-00231679 a practice not just take something away 5SeXwRLsPEE-01036-00231680-00231871 and that practice was to finally get 5SeXwRLsPEE-01037-00231871-00232198 serious about reading the daily office 5SeXwRLsPEE-01038-00232200-00232375 and i think at first i just i was doing 5SeXwRLsPEE-01039-00232376-00232639 the lectionary readings but then um i i 5SeXwRLsPEE-01040-00232640-00232798 have been doing the daily office for i 5SeXwRLsPEE-01041-00232800-00232975 don't know how long now and and i make 5SeXwRLsPEE-01042-00232976-00233223 that a practice and i 5SeXwRLsPEE-01043-00233223-00233446 do my best to not miss it every day if i 5SeXwRLsPEE-01044-00233448-00233631 do miss i'd make up the readings the 5SeXwRLsPEE-01045-00233632-00233903 next day and lately i've decided to 5SeXwRLsPEE-01046-00233904-00234142 shift the practice the day of the daily 5SeXwRLsPEE-01047-00234144-00234391 office has a you know about 5SeXwRLsPEE-01048-00234392-00234646 whatever how many psalms per day 5SeXwRLsPEE-01049-00234648-00234879 and the way it works out is they and 5SeXwRLsPEE-01050-00234880-00235094 they jump around at least in the book of 5SeXwRLsPEE-01051-00235096-00235334 common prayer and that means if you 5SeXwRLsPEE-01052-00235335-00235510 follow that practice it takes you about 5SeXwRLsPEE-01053-00235511-00235758 two months to get through the psalter 5SeXwRLsPEE-01054-00235759-00235903 but there's another way to do it where 5SeXwRLsPEE-01055-00235904-00236134 you read straight through the psalter in 5SeXwRLsPEE-01056-00236135-00236334 30 days so you can get through it in a 5SeXwRLsPEE-01057-00236335-00236551 month and so recently i've decided to do 5SeXwRLsPEE-01058-00236552-00236806 that practice and that means that i do 5SeXwRLsPEE-01059-00236807-00236958 read about three or four psalms or 5SeXwRLsPEE-01060-00236959-00237094 whatever in the morning and three or 5SeXwRLsPEE-01061-00237096-00237287 four more at night and so that's 5SeXwRLsPEE-01062-00237288-00237551 actually extended the the daily office 5SeXwRLsPEE-01063-00237552-00237742 for me from just a morning practice to 5SeXwRLsPEE-01064-00237744-00237903 also an evening 5SeXwRLsPEE-01065-00237904-00238158 practice before i go to sleep and i i 5SeXwRLsPEE-01066-00238159-00238439 think that's uh been meaningful to me i 5SeXwRLsPEE-01067-00238440-00238527 think 5SeXwRLsPEE-01068-00238528-00238775 you know the psalms when i'm 5SeXwRLsPEE-01069-00238776-00239023 reading the psalms in particular 5SeXwRLsPEE-01070-00239023-00239175 well i mean for several things i mean 5SeXwRLsPEE-01071-00239176-00239479 the prayers of course the confessions 5SeXwRLsPEE-01072-00239480-00239663 and the collects and things like that 5SeXwRLsPEE-01073-00239664-00239910 all that is very meaningful i have a 5SeXwRLsPEE-01074-00239911-00240103 good bit of that memorized now because 5SeXwRLsPEE-01075-00240104-00240294 i've done it long enough and so i'm able 5SeXwRLsPEE-01076-00240296-00240471 to sort of say some of those things to 5SeXwRLsPEE-01077-00240471-00240751 myself even when i'm not with my my 5SeXwRLsPEE-01078-00240752-00241006 daily office book but i think uh you 5SeXwRLsPEE-01079-00241007-00241151 know for me as an old testament 5SeXwRLsPEE-01080-00241152-00241303 professor this is a helpful way to 5SeXwRLsPEE-01081-00241304-00241487 continue to read the new testament where 5SeXwRLsPEE-01082-00241488-00241639 i may not have 5SeXwRLsPEE-01083-00241640-00241734 daily 5SeXwRLsPEE-01084-00241735-00241927 otherwise done that daily also keeps me 5SeXwRLsPEE-01085-00241928-00242110 in a spiritually reading mode you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-01086-00242111-00242446 not just an analytical one for work 5SeXwRLsPEE-01087-00242448-00242710 or for some sort of project and i think 5SeXwRLsPEE-01088-00242711-00242894 in in all the cases with the text but 5SeXwRLsPEE-01089-00242896-00243175 especially the psalms i feel like i'm 5SeXwRLsPEE-01090-00243176-00243382 trying to form myself 5SeXwRLsPEE-01091-00243383-00243679 in myself a grammar of faith a biblical 5SeXwRLsPEE-01092-00243680-00243958 language that i can uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-01093-00243959-00244142 that i can depend on 5SeXwRLsPEE-01094-00244144-00244471 when um when the real game comes because 5SeXwRLsPEE-01095-00244471-00244655 i'm not you know right now i feel like 5SeXwRLsPEE-01096-00244656-00244919 i'm just practicing 5SeXwRLsPEE-01097-00244919-00245127 and uh thankfully i've 5SeXwRLsPEE-01098-00245128-00245439 had it a fairly easy go of late you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-01099-00245440-00245727 um but the the big games come in and the 5SeXwRLsPEE-01100-00245728-00245887 harder things are coming and i want to 5SeXwRLsPEE-01101-00245888-00245975 be 5SeXwRLsPEE-01102-00245976-00246230 studied up when they do so the daily 5SeXwRLsPEE-01103-00246231-00246756 office really helps me with that 5SeXwRLsPEE-01104-00246757-00246879 [Music] 5SeXwRLsPEE-01105-00246880-00247119 so uh the third the third host on our 5SeXwRLsPEE-01106-00247119-00247358 working preacher books uh podcast is 5SeXwRLsPEE-01107-00247359-00247558 bandit the podcast who has not yet shown 5SeXwRLsPEE-01108-00247559-00247710 up although i've heard him in the 5SeXwRLsPEE-01109-00247711-00248023 background amanda asks um what is your 5SeXwRLsPEE-01110-00248023-00248226 favorite animal and why is it a cat 5SeXwRLsPEE-01111-00248227-00248367 [Laughter] 5SeXwRLsPEE-01112-00248367-00248558 well it sounds like bandit already knows 5SeXwRLsPEE-01113-00248559-00248830 the answer but uh if uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-01114-00248831-00249110 if i was allowed to politely disagree 5SeXwRLsPEE-01115-00249111-00249430 with the bandit uh my favorite animal 5SeXwRLsPEE-01116-00249431-00249727 has to probably be uh my 5SeXwRLsPEE-01117-00249728-00250015 cotton poo dog which we got about two 5SeXwRLsPEE-01118-00250016-00250294 years ago we went 27 or 28 years of 5SeXwRLsPEE-01119-00250296-00250487 marriage without a pet and then we got a 5SeXwRLsPEE-01120-00250488-00250646 dog and 5SeXwRLsPEE-01121-00250648-00250951 finley isaiah is his name finley bonded 5SeXwRLsPEE-01122-00250952-00251094 with me because of course i was having 5SeXwRLsPEE-01123-00251096-00251255 to be on sabbatical when we got him and 5SeXwRLsPEE-01124-00251256-00251510 so he's i'm his person and he's in my 5SeXwRLsPEE-01125-00251511-00251671 face all the time in fact he's usually 5SeXwRLsPEE-01126-00251671-00251879 on my lap so i'm amazed that he's not 5SeXwRLsPEE-01127-00251880-00252134 here but i i suppose as as annoying as i 5SeXwRLsPEE-01128-00252135-00252391 find finn i also find him endearing and 5SeXwRLsPEE-01129-00252392-00252591 very cute otherwise he'd be out with the 5SeXwRLsPEE-01130-00252592-00252934 hawks and owls and so uh i would say my 5SeXwRLsPEE-01131-00252935-00253182 little cotton poo toy poodle and cotton 5SeXwRLsPEE-01132-00253183-00253519 de chilier the royal dog of madagascar 5SeXwRLsPEE-01133-00253519-00253734 in case you were wondering so and i was 5SeXwRLsPEE-01134-00253735-00253830 wondering 5SeXwRLsPEE-01135-00253831-00253982 i always wondered that was one of my 5SeXwRLsPEE-01136-00253983-00254158 burning questions 5SeXwRLsPEE-01137-00254159-00254494 that's it so thank you for that 5SeXwRLsPEE-01138-00254496-00254719 there it is easy 5SeXwRLsPEE-01139-00254719-00254951 about him i would say very nice well 5SeXwRLsPEE-01140-00254952-00255158 bandit has one other question brent and 5SeXwRLsPEE-01141-00255159-00255334 that is i mean 5SeXwRLsPEE-01142-00255335-00255582 bandit probably could eat what uh kit 5SeXwRLsPEE-01143-00255583-00255767 cat chow every day 5SeXwRLsPEE-01144-00255767-00255951 in a cat chow what's his favorite you 5SeXwRLsPEE-01145-00255952-00256182 know maybe liver or 5SeXwRLsPEE-01146-00256183-00256510 salmon flavored or whatever but uh but 5SeXwRLsPEE-01147-00256511-00256727 bandit is wondering what is one food 5SeXwRLsPEE-01148-00256728-00257071 that you could eat every single day 5SeXwRLsPEE-01149-00257071-00257158 well 5SeXwRLsPEE-01150-00257159-00257430 i think it would be it's limited well no 5SeXwRLsPEE-01151-00257431-00257575 it's not limited to solely breakfast 5SeXwRLsPEE-01152-00257576-00257798 really i could put a snack on it later 5SeXwRLsPEE-01153-00257800-00258087 but holly my wife makes monkey rolls on 5SeXwRLsPEE-01154-00258088-00258334 special occasions like christmas morning 5SeXwRLsPEE-01155-00258335-00258534 or new year's those pull apart with the 5SeXwRLsPEE-01156-00258535-00258703 car oh the pull apart yeah with the 5SeXwRLsPEE-01157-00258704-00258919 brown sugar and all that just i i could 5SeXwRLsPEE-01158-00258919-00259158 eat that until i die actually and so you 5SeXwRLsPEE-01159-00259159-00259327 know if i had to go out right now i 5SeXwRLsPEE-01160-00259328-00259510 would say let's let's make let's make a 5SeXwRLsPEE-01161-00259511-00259679 big you know 5SeXwRLsPEE-01162-00259680-00259887 you know pan of those and i'll just go 5SeXwRLsPEE-01163-00259888-00260342 out happily eating the monkey rolls 5SeXwRLsPEE-01164-00260344-00260606 well brent it has been such a great uh 5SeXwRLsPEE-01165-00260607-00260815 opportunity and conversation with you 5SeXwRLsPEE-01166-00260816-00261055 today we are so grateful for your time 5SeXwRLsPEE-01167-00261056-00261310 and i know our listeners are as well so 5SeXwRLsPEE-01168-00261311-00261463 thanks for being with us 5SeXwRLsPEE-01169-00261464-00261630 well thanks so much and again as i say 5SeXwRLsPEE-01170-00261631-00261798 in the book my special thanks to ralph 5SeXwRLsPEE-01171-00261800-00261991 for first inviting me to write for this 5SeXwRLsPEE-01172-00261992-00262206 and so it's real privilege and pleasure 5SeXwRLsPEE-01173-00262207-00262455 to have done so to be involved in this 5SeXwRLsPEE-01174-00262456-00262695 wonderful series and to have written 5SeXwRLsPEE-01175-00262696-00262927 also for the the website more generally 5SeXwRLsPEE-01176-00262928-00263143 so kudos to all the great work you all 5SeXwRLsPEE-01177-00263144-00263343 are doing for preachers all over the 5SeXwRLsPEE-01178-00263344-00263543 world i'm i'm impressed amazed and 5SeXwRLsPEE-01179-00263544-00263734 inspired and lucky and fortunate to be a 5SeXwRLsPEE-01180-00263735-00263887 part of it 5SeXwRLsPEE-01181-00263888-00264103 well thanks for listening to the episode 5SeXwRLsPEE-01182-00264104-00264319 of working future books podcast stay up 5SeXwRLsPEE-01183-00264320-00264439 to date on the conversation at 5SeXwRLsPEE-01184-00264440-00264599 workingpreacher.org 5SeXwRLsPEE-01185-00264600-00264847 follow us on twitter or facebook 5SeXwRLsPEE-01186-00264848-00265058 you can always find the latest at 5SeXwRLsPEE-01187-00265059-00265239 workingpreacher.org 5SeXwRLsPEE-01188-00265240-00265540 books 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00000-00000017-00000347 bah combate become Babar fried rice as a 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00001-00000348-00000553 Korean dish made by stir-frying BAP 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00002-00000554-00000740 cooked rice with other ingredients in 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00003-00000741-00000968 oil the name of the most prominent 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00004-00000969-00001181 ingredient other than cooked rice often 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00005-00001182-00001364 appears at the very front of the name of 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00006-00001365-00001603 the dish as in kimchi become BAP kimchi 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00007-00001604-00002181 fried rice 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00008-00002182-00002705 topic varieties 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00009-00002706-00003041 you 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00010-00003042-00003554 topic as an add-on 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00011-00003554-00003806 in Korean restaurants fried rice is a 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00012-00003807-00004100 popular end of meal add on diners may 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00013-00004101-00004496 say that baka juseyo Bab baka juseyo 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00014-00004497-00004820 literally please fry rice after eating 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00015-00004821-00005054 main dishes cooked on a tabletop stove 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00016-00005055-00005252 such as duck galbi spicy stir-fried 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00017-00005253-00005422 chicken or notch ibaka 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00018-00005423-00005624 stir fried octopus then cooked rice 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00019-00005625-00005852 along with gym guru seaweed flakes and 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00020-00005853-00006068 sesame oil will be added directly into 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00021-00006069-00006263 the remains of the main dish stir fried 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00022-00006264-00006816 and scorched 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00023-00006817-00007337 topic by ingredients 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00024-00007338-00007502 the name of the most prominent 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00025-00007503-00007709 ingredient other than cooked rice often 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00026-00007709-00007885 appears at the very front of the name of 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00027-00007886-00007948 the dish 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00028-00007948-00008260 kimchi Buckham bap kimchi fried rice Bo 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00029-00008261-00008552 so Baucom bap mushroom fried rice SAE u 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00030-00008553-00008777 Baucom BAP shrimp fried rice are some 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00031-00008778-00009028 examples when there isn't the main or 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00032-00009029-00009212 special ingredient the dish is usually 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00033-00009213-00009437 called by either just bakken bap fried 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00034-00009438-00009683 rice or yaw Buckham bap vegetable fried 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00035-00009684-00010213 rice 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00036-00010214-00010708 topic by style 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00037-00010709-00010981 Korean Chinese fried rice often called 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00038-00010982-00011217 jungyup Buckham BAP jungak Abakumov 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00039-00011218-00011533 Chinese restaurant fried rice in South 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00040-00011534-00011760 Korea is characterized by the smoky 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00041-00011761-00011964 flavor from the use of wok on high heat 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00042-00011965-00012177 eggs scrambled or fried in the scallion 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00043-00012178-00012399 infused oil and the ja Jong sauce a 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00044-00012400-00012616 thick black sauce used in judging Mian 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00045-00012617-00012885 served with the dish another popular 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00046-00012886-00013144 dish chompin become bap chopin bottom 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00047-00013144-00013344 but iron griddle fried rice is 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00048-00013344-00013543 influenced by the style of Japanese 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00049-00013544-00013822 teppanyaki the Japanese word teppan 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00050-00013822-00014103 jibon iron griddle and the Korean word 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00051-00014104-00014308 Chopin told the iron griddle are 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00052-00014309-00014533 cognates sharing the same Chinese 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00053-00014534-00015090 characters 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00054-00015091-00015628 topic see also 5TRwBGv9Jqu-00055-00015629-00016371 Shahana chou-heung cal fat nasi goreng 5U3uZZmmlA4-00000-00000045-00000311 the korean war in south korean hangul 5U3uZZmmlA4-00001-00000312-00000601 hanger Jeon Jang honja Han glows on Jung 5U3uZZmmlA4-00002-00000602-00001040 RR hanguk J&J Korean War in North Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00003-00001041-00001118 choice angle 5U3uZZmmlA4-00004-00001119-00001312 Jill gay bang jaein jang han chaeah zu 5U3uZZmmlA4-00005-00001313-00001607 Guo Jia fangs on Jung mr. Cho Gakkai 5U3uZZmmlA4-00006-00001607-00001979 bang Jon J fatherland liberation war the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00007-00001980-00002426 25th of June 1952 the 27th of July 1953 5U3uZZmmlA4-00008-00002427-00002657 was a war between North Korea with the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00009-00002658-00002858 support of China and the Soviet Union 5U3uZZmmlA4-00010-00002859-00003032 and South Korea with the principal 5U3uZZmmlA4-00011-00003033-00003290 support of the United States the war 5U3uZZmmlA4-00012-00003290-00003578 began on the 25th of June 1950 when 5U3uZZmmlA4-00013-00003579-00003725 North Korea invaded South Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00014-00003726-00003977 following a series of clashes along the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00015-00003978-00004148 border as a product of the Cold War 5U3uZZmmlA4-00016-00004149-00004352 between the Soviet Union and the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-00017-00004353-00004571 States Korea had been split into two 5U3uZZmmlA4-00018-00004572-00004826 sovereign states both governments 5U3uZZmmlA4-00019-00004827-00004934 claimed to be the sole legitimate 5U3uZZmmlA4-00020-00004935-00005159 government of all of Korea and neither 5U3uZZmmlA4-00021-00005160-00005408 accepted the border as permanent the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00022-00005409-00005603 conflict escalated into open warfare 5U3uZZmmlA4-00023-00005604-00005900 when North Korean forces supported by 5U3uZZmmlA4-00024-00005901-00006143 the Soviet Union and China moved into 5U3uZZmmlA4-00025-00006144-00006487 the south on the 25th of June 1950 the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00026-00006488-00006646 United Nations Security Council 5U3uZZmmlA4-00027-00006647-00006908 authorized the formation and dispatch of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00028-00006909-00007123 UN forces to Korea to repel what was 5U3uZZmmlA4-00029-00007124-00007456 recognized as a North Korean invasion 21 5U3uZZmmlA4-00030-00007457-00007591 countries of the United Nations 5U3uZZmmlA4-00031-00007592-00007841 eventually contributed to the UN force 5U3uZZmmlA4-00032-00007842-00008048 with the United States providing around 5U3uZZmmlA4-00033-00008048-00008224 90 percent of the military personnel 5U3uZZmmlA4-00034-00008225-00008470 after the first two months of war South 5U3uZZmmlA4-00035-00008471-00008723 Korean and US forces rapidly dispatched 5U3uZZmmlA4-00036-00008724-00008902 to Korea were on the point of defeat 5U3uZZmmlA4-00037-00008903-00009119 forced back to a small area in the south 5U3uZZmmlA4-00038-00009120-00009316 known as the Pusan Perimeter in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00039-00009317-00009621 September 1950 an amphibious UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-00040-00009622-00009787 counter-offensive was launched at 5U3uZZmmlA4-00041-00009788-00009983 Incheon and cut off many North Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00042-00009984-00010267 troops those who escaped envelopment and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00043-00010268-00010544 capture were forced back north UN forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-00044-00010545-00010801 rapidly approached the Yalu River the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00045-00010802-00011108 border with China but in October 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-00046-00011109-00011348 mass Chinese forces crossed the Yalu and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00047-00011349-00011599 entered the war the surprise Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-00048-00011600-00011801 intervention triggered a retreat of UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-00049-00011802-00011983 forces which continued until mid 5U3uZZmmlA4-00050-00011984-00012373 one-nine-five 5U3uZZmmlA4-00051-00012374-00012577 old changed hands four times and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00052-00012578-00012781 last two years of fighting became a war 5U3uZZmmlA4-00053-00012782-00012967 of attrition with the front line close 5U3uZZmmlA4-00054-00012968-00013253 to the 38th parallel the war in the air 5U3uZZmmlA4-00055-00013254-00013399 however was never a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00056-00013400-00013675 stalemate North Korea was subject to a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00057-00013676-00013921 massive bombing campaign jet fighters 5U3uZZmmlA4-00058-00013922-00014065 confronted each other in air-to-air 5U3uZZmmlA4-00059-00014066-00014313 combat for the first time in history and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00060-00014315-00014538 Soviet pilots Coverley flew in defense 5U3uZZmmlA4-00061-00014540-00014827 of their communist allies the fighting 5U3uZZmmlA4-00062-00014828-00015169 ended on the 27th of July 1953 when an 5U3uZZmmlA4-00063-00015169-00015409 armistice was signed the agreement 5U3uZZmmlA4-00064-00015410-00015591 created the Korean Demilitarized Zone 5U3uZZmmlA4-00065-00015593-00015811 two separate North and South Korea and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00066-00015812-00016081 allowed the return of prisoners however 5U3uZZmmlA4-00067-00016082-00016291 no peace treaty was ever signed and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00068-00016291-00016453 according to some sources that two 5U3uZZmmlA4-00069-00016454-00016621 Koreas are technically still at war 5U3uZZmmlA4-00070-00016622-00016984 engaged in a frozen conflict in April 20 5U3uZZmmlA4-00071-00016985-00017212 18 the leaders of north and south korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00072-00017213-00017431 met at the demilitarized zone and agreed 5U3uZZmmlA4-00073-00017432-00017602 to sign a treaty by the end of the year 5U3uZZmmlA4-00074-00017603-00017821 to formally end the Korean War as a war 5U3uZZmmlA4-00075-00017822-00018022 undeclared by all participants the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00076-00018023-00018222 conflict helped bring the term police 5U3uZZmmlA4-00077-00018223-00018547 action into common use it also led to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00078-00018548-00018747 the permanent alteration of the balance 5U3uZZmmlA4-00079-00018748-00018961 of power within the United Nations where 5U3uZZmmlA4-00080-00018962-00019411 resolution 377 passed in 1950 to allow a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00081-00019412-00019630 bypassing of the Security Council if 5U3uZZmmlA4-00082-00019631-00019783 that body could not reach an agreement 5U3uZZmmlA4-00083-00019784-00020044 led to the General Assembly displacing 5U3uZZmmlA4-00084-00020045-00020212 the Security Council as the primary 5U3uZZmmlA4-00085-00020213-00020622 organ of the UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-00086-00020623-00021127 topic names 5U3uZZmmlA4-00087-00021128-00021373 in South Korea the war is usually 5U3uZZmmlA4-00088-00021374-00021855 referred to as 625 or the six to five 5U3uZZmmlA4-00089-00021856-00022276 upheaval 6.25 dong Ling dong LuAnn you 5U3uZZmmlA4-00090-00022277-00022492 kayo Dongmin reflecting the date of its 5U3uZZmmlA4-00091-00022493-00022696 commencement on the 25th of June in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00092-00022697-00022891 North Korea the war is officially 5U3uZZmmlA4-00093-00022892-00023077 referred to as the fatherland liberation 5U3uZZmmlA4-00094-00023078-00023397 war Choga ke bang Chang Jiang or 5U3uZZmmlA4-00095-00023398-00023691 alternatively the Choson Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-00096-00023692-00023989 Josie and Jeon Jiang chosen chan J in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00097-00023990-00024217 China the war is officially called the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00098-00024218-00024537 war to resist America and aid Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00099-00024538-00024835 simplified Chinese Kong may yuan Chows 5U3uZZmmlA4-00100-00024836-00025075 and young traditional Chinese Kong may 5U3uZZmmlA4-00101-00025076-00025366 yuan Chows and young pinyin Kang my UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-00102-00025367-00025614 chosen Jiang although the term chosen 5U3uZZmmlA4-00103-00025616-00025975 Korean War simplified Chinese chow Jian 5U3uZZmmlA4-00104-00025976-00026233 Zhen Jiang traditional Chinese Chow Jian 5U3uZZmmlA4-00105-00026233-00026485 Zhen Jiang pinyin chousen Zhan Jiang is 5U3uZZmmlA4-00106-00026486-00026737 also used in unofficial contexts along 5U3uZZmmlA4-00107-00026738-00027087 with the term Han Korean War simplified 5U3uZZmmlA4-00108-00027088-00027319 Chinese Han Zhang traditional Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-00109-00027320-00027583 Han Zhang pinyin pans on more commonly 5U3uZZmmlA4-00110-00027583-00027793 used in regions such as Hong Kong and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00111-00027794-00028099 Macau in the US the war was initially 5U3uZZmmlA4-00112-00028100-00028345 described by President Harry s truman is 5U3uZZmmlA4-00113-00028345-00028648 a police action as the United States 5U3uZZmmlA4-00114-00028649-00028839 never formally declared war on its 5U3uZZmmlA4-00115-00028841-00028999 opponents and the operation was 5U3uZZmmlA4-00116-00029000-00029158 conducted under the auspices of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00117-00029158-00029421 United Nations it has been referred to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00118-00029422-00029629 in the english-speaking world as the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00119-00029630-00030037 Forgotten War or the unknown war because 5U3uZZmmlA4-00120-00030038-00030220 of the lack of public attention it 5U3uZZmmlA4-00121-00030220-00030406 received both during and after the war 5U3uZZmmlA4-00122-00030407-00030615 and in relation to the global scale of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00123-00030616-00030840 world war ii which preceded it and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00124-00030841-00030994 subsequent angst of the vietnam war 5U3uZZmmlA4-00125-00030995-00031483 which succeeded it 5U3uZZmmlA4-00126-00031483-00031939 topic background 5U3uZZmmlA4-00127-00031939-00032326 topic Imperial Japanese rule 1910 to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00128-00032327-00032743 1945 5U3uZZmmlA4-00129-00032744-00033009 Imperial Japan destroyed the influence 5U3uZZmmlA4-00130-00033010-00033195 of China over Korea in the first 5U3uZZmmlA4-00131-00033196-00033585 sino-japanese war 1894 to 95 assuring in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00132-00033586-00033732 the short-lived Korean Empire 5U3uZZmmlA4-00133-00033733-00034052 a decade later after defeating Imperial 5U3uZZmmlA4-00134-00034053-00034340 Russia in the russo-japanese war 1904 oh 5U3uZZmmlA4-00135-00034341-00034596 five Japan made Korea its Protectorate 5U3uZZmmlA4-00136-00034597-00034833 with the you'll sit treaty in 1905 then 5U3uZZmmlA4-00137-00034834-00035027 annexed it with the Japan Korea and X 5U3uZZmmlA4-00138-00035028-00035274 Asian treaty in 1910 many Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00139-00035275-00035468 nationalists fled the country a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00140-00035469-00035690 provisional government of the Republic 5U3uZZmmlA4-00141-00035691-00035924 of Korea was founded in 1919 in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00142-00035925-00036165 nationalist China it failed to achieve 5U3uZZmmlA4-00143-00036166-00036375 international recognition failed to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00144-00036376-00036552 unite nationalist groups and had a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00145-00036553-00036752 fractious relationship with its us-based 5U3uZZmmlA4-00146-00036753-00037035 founding president Syngman Rhee from 5U3uZZmmlA4-00147-00037036-00037352 1919 to 1925 and beyond Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00148-00037353-00037518 communists led internal and external 5U3uZZmmlA4-00149-00037519-00037779 warfare against the Japanese in China 5U3uZZmmlA4-00150-00037780-00037998 the nationalist National Revolutionary 5U3uZZmmlA4-00151-00037999-00038165 Army and the communist People's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00152-00038166-00038390 Liberation Army helped organize Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00153-00038391-00038610 refugees against the Japanese military 5U3uZZmmlA4-00154-00038611-00038826 which had also occupied parts of China 5U3uZZmmlA4-00155-00038827-00039117 the Nationalists backed Koreans led by 5U3uZZmmlA4-00156-00039118-00039282 Yi palm Seok fought in the Burma 5U3uZZmmlA4-00157-00039283-00039654 Campaign December 1941 to August 1945 5U3uZZmmlA4-00158-00039655-00039965 the Communists led by kim ill sung among 5U3uZZmmlA4-00159-00039966-00040179 others fled the Japanese in Korea and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00160-00040180-00040392 Manchuria at the Cairo conference in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00161-00040393-00040710 November 1943 China the United Kingdom 5U3uZZmmlA4-00162-00040711-00040911 and the United States all decided that 5U3uZZmmlA4-00163-00040912-00041177 in due course Korea shall become free 5U3uZZmmlA4-00164-00041178-00041451 and independent 5U3uZZmmlA4-00165-00041452-00041608 you 5U3uZZmmlA4-00166-00041609-00042306 topic Soviet Japanese war 1945 5U3uZZmmlA4-00167-00042307-00042531 at the Tehran conference in November 5U3uZZmmlA4-00168-00042532-00042780 1943 and the Yalta Conference in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00169-00042781-00043092 February 1945 the Soviet Union promised 5U3uZZmmlA4-00170-00043093-00043287 to join its allies in the Pacific War 5U3uZZmmlA4-00171-00043288-00043452 within three months of the victory in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00172-00043453-00043514 Europe 5U3uZZmmlA4-00173-00043515-00043806 accordingly it declared war on Japan on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00174-00043807-00044100 the 9th of August 1945 three days after 5U3uZZmmlA4-00175-00044101-00044397 the USA dropped the bomb on Hiroshima by 5U3uZZmmlA4-00176-00044398-00044580 the 10th of August the Red Army had 5U3uZZmmlA4-00177-00044581-00044793 begun to occupy the northern part of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00178-00044794-00044967 Korean Peninsula on the night of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00179-00044968-00045156 10th of August in Washington u.s. 5U3uZZmmlA4-00180-00045157-00045339 Colonels Dean Rusk and Charles H 5U3uZZmmlA4-00181-00045340-00045489 Bonesteel three were tasked with 5U3uZZmmlA4-00182-00045490-00045669 dividing the Korean Peninsula into 5U3uZZmmlA4-00183-00045670-00045906 Soviet and US occupation zones and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00184-00045907-00046185 proposed the 38th parallel this was 5U3uZZmmlA4-00185-00046186-00046401 incorporated into the u.s. General Order 5U3uZZmmlA4-00186-00046402-00046569 number one which responded to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00187-00046570-00046838 Japanese surrender on the 15th of August 5U3uZZmmlA4-00188-00046839-00047055 explaining the choice of the 38th 5U3uZZmmlA4-00189-00047056-00047304 parallel Rusk observed even though it 5U3uZZmmlA4-00190-00047305-00047442 was further north than could be 5U3uZZmmlA4-00191-00047443-00047712 realistically reached by US forces in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00192-00047713-00048120 the event of Soviet disagreement we felt 5U3uZZmmlA4-00193-00048121-00048321 it important to include the capital of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00194-00048322-00048576 Korea in the area of responsibility of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00195-00048577-00048897 American troops he noted that he was 5U3uZZmmlA4-00196-00048898-00049179 faced with the scarcity of US forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-00197-00049180-00049434 immediately available and time and space 5U3uZZmmlA4-00198-00049435-00049674 factors which would make it difficult to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00199-00049675-00049896 reach very far north before Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-00200-00049897-00050226 troops could enter the area as rusks 5U3uZZmmlA4-00201-00050227-00050475 comments indicate the u.s. doubted 5U3uZZmmlA4-00202-00050476-00050619 whether the Soviet government would 5U3uZZmmlA4-00203-00050620-00050700 agree to this 5U3uZZmmlA4-00204-00050701-00050958 Stalin however maintained his wartime 5U3uZZmmlA4-00205-00050959-00051210 policy of cooperation and on the 16th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00206-00051211-00051429 August the Red Army halted at the 38th 5U3uZZmmlA4-00207-00051429-00051612 parallel for three weeks to await the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00208-00051613-00052082 arrival of US forces in the south 5U3uZZmmlA4-00209-00052083-00052853 topic Korea divided 1945 to 1949 5U3uZZmmlA4-00210-00052854-00053149 on the 8th of September 1945 US 5U3uZZmmlA4-00211-00053150-00053390 Lieutenant General John R Hodge arrived 5U3uZZmmlA4-00212-00053391-00053561 in Incheon to accept the Japanese 5U3uZZmmlA4-00213-00053562-00053797 surrender south of the 38th parallel 5U3uZZmmlA4-00214-00053798-00054043 appointed as military governor Hodge 5U3uZZmmlA4-00215-00054044-00054262 directly controlled South Korea as head 5U3uZZmmlA4-00216-00054263-00054451 of the United States Army military 5U3uZZmmlA4-00217-00054452-00054879 government in Korea US AM gik 1945 to 48 5U3uZZmmlA4-00218-00054880-00055160 he attempted to establish control by 5U3uZZmmlA4-00219-00055161-00055328 restoring Japanese colonial 5U3uZZmmlA4-00220-00055329-00055531 administrators to power but in the face 5U3uZZmmlA4-00221-00055532-00055768 of Korean protests quickly reversed this 5U3uZZmmlA4-00222-00055769-00056116 decision the US AM gik refused to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00223-00056117-00056305 recognize the provisional government of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00224-00056306-00056476 the short-lived People's Republic of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00225-00056477-00056518 Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00226-00056519-00056755 PRK due to its suspected communist 5U3uZZmmlA4-00227-00056756-00057154 sympathies in December 1945 Korea was 5U3uZZmmlA4-00228-00057155-00057391 administered by a US Soviet Union Joint 5U3uZZmmlA4-00229-00057392-00057562 Commission as agreed at the Moscow 5U3uZZmmlA4-00230-00057563-00057728 conference with the aim of granting 5U3uZZmmlA4-00231-00057729-00057860 independence after a five-year 5U3uZZmmlA4-00232-00057861-00058168 trusteeship the idea was not popular 5U3uZZmmlA4-00233-00058169-00058415 among Koreans and riots broke out to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00234-00058416-00058709 contain them the USA MGI k-band strikes 5U3uZZmmlA4-00235-00058710-00058987 on the 8th of December 1945 and outlawed 5U3uZZmmlA4-00236-00058988-00059228 the PRK Revolutionary Government and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00237-00059229-00059441 PRK people's committees on the 12th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00238-00059441-00059747 December 1945 following further 5U3uZZmmlA4-00239-00059748-00060016 large-scale civilian unrest the USA M 5U3uZZmmlA4-00240-00060017-00060362 gik declared martial law citing the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00241-00060363-00060536 inability of the Joint Commission to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00242-00060537-00060746 make progress the US government decided 5U3uZZmmlA4-00243-00060747-00060974 to hold an election under United Nations 5U3uZZmmlA4-00244-00060975-00061156 auspices with the aim of creating an 5U3uZZmmlA4-00245-00061157-00061403 independent Korea the Soviet authorities 5U3uZZmmlA4-00246-00061404-00061646 and the Korean communists refused to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00247-00061647-00061825 cooperate on the grounds it would not be 5U3uZZmmlA4-00248-00061826-00062038 fair and many South Korean politicians 5U3uZZmmlA4-00249-00062039-00062350 boycotted it a general election was held 5U3uZZmmlA4-00250-00062351-00062596 in the south on the 10th of May 1948 5U3uZZmmlA4-00251-00062597-00062893 North Korea held parliamentary elections 5U3uZZmmlA4-00252-00062894-00063128 three months later on the 25th of August 5U3uZZmmlA4-00253-00063129-00063335 the result in South Korean government 5U3uZZmmlA4-00254-00063336-00063496 promulgated a national political 5U3uZZmmlA4-00255-00063497-00063854 Constitution on the 17th of July 1948 an 5U3uZZmmlA4-00256-00063854-00064051 elected syngman rhee as president on the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00257-00064052-00064438 20th of July 1948 the Republic of Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00258-00064439-00064681 South Korea was established on the 15th 5U3uZZmmlA4-00259-00064682-00065056 of August 1948 in the Soviet Korean zone 5U3uZZmmlA4-00260-00065057-00065249 of occupation the Soviet Union 5U3uZZmmlA4-00261-00065250-00065447 established a communist government led 5U3uZZmmlA4-00262-00065448-00065648 by kim ill sung the sylvia union 5U3uZZmmlA4-00263-00065649-00065900 withdrew has agreed from korea in 1948 5U3uZZmmlA4-00264-00065901-00066512 and US troops withdrew in 1949 5U3uZZmmlA4-00265-00066513-00067210 topic Chinese Civil War 1945 to 1949 5U3uZZmmlA4-00266-00067211-00067486 with the end of the war with Japan the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00267-00067487-00067687 Chinese Civil War resumed in earnest 5U3uZZmmlA4-00268-00067688-00067875 between the Communists and nationalists 5U3uZZmmlA4-00269-00067876-00068125 while the Communists were struggling for 5U3uZZmmlA4-00270-00068126-00068293 supremacy in Manchuria they were 5U3uZZmmlA4-00271-00068294-00068447 supported by the North Korean government 5U3uZZmmlA4-00272-00068448-00068665 with material and manpower 5U3uZZmmlA4-00273-00068666-00068921 according to Chinese sources the North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00274-00068922-00069191 Koreans donated 2,000 railway cars worth 5U3uZZmmlA4-00275-00069192-00069388 of supplies while thousands of Koreans 5U3uZZmmlA4-00276-00069389-00069538 served in the Chinese People's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00277-00069539-00069874 Liberation Army PLA during the war North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00278-00069875-00070063 Korea also provided the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-00279-00070064-00070261 Communists in Manchuria with a safe 5U3uZZmmlA4-00280-00070262-00070435 refuge for non-combatants and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00281-00070436-00070616 communications with the rest of China 5U3uZZmmlA4-00282-00070617-00070828 the North Korean contributions to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00283-00070829-00071003 Chinese Communist victory were not 5U3uZZmmlA4-00284-00071004-00071173 forgotten after the creation of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00285-00071174-00071528 People's Republic of China in 1949 as a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00286-00071529-00071803 token of gratitude between 50,000 and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00287-00071804-00072049 70,000 Korean veterans that served in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00288-00072050-00072235 the PLA were sent back along with their 5U3uZZmmlA4-00289-00072236-00072365 weapons and they later played a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00290-00072366-00072553 significant role in the initial invasion 5U3uZZmmlA4-00291-00072554-00072862 of South Korea China promised to support 5U3uZZmmlA4-00292-00072863-00073054 the North Koreans in the event of a war 5U3uZZmmlA4-00293-00073055-00073255 against South Korea after the formation 5U3uZZmmlA4-00294-00073256-00073462 of the People's Republic of China in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00295-00073463-00073735 1949 the Chinese government named the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00296-00073736-00073951 Western nations led by the United States 5U3uZZmmlA4-00297-00073952-00074116 as the biggest threat to its national 5U3uZZmmlA4-00298-00074117-00074437 security basing this judgment on China's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00299-00074438-00074641 century of humiliation beginning in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00300-00074642-00074990 early 19th century US support for the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00301-00074991-00075142 Nationalists during the Chinese Civil 5U3uZZmmlA4-00302-00075143-00075367 War and the ideological struggles 5U3uZZmmlA4-00303-00075368-00075515 between revolutionaries and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00304-00075516-00075706 reactionaries the Chinese leadership 5U3uZZmmlA4-00305-00075707-00075872 believed that China would become a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00306-00075873-00076057 critical battleground in the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-00307-00076058-00076322 States crusade against communism as a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00308-00076323-00076519 countermeasure and to elevate China's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00309-00076520-00076711 standing among the worldwide communist 5U3uZZmmlA4-00310-00076712-00076936 movements the Chinese leadership adopted 5U3uZZmmlA4-00311-00076937-00077155 a foreign policy that actively promoted 5U3uZZmmlA4-00312-00077156-00077293 communist revolutions throughout 5U3uZZmmlA4-00313-00077294-00077756 territories on China's periphery 5U3uZZmmlA4-00314-00077757-00078384 topic prelude to war 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-00315-00078385-00078741 by 1949 South Korean forces had reduced 5U3uZZmmlA4-00316-00078742-00078942 the active number of communist guerillas 5U3uZZmmlA4-00317-00078943-00079284 in the south from 5,000 to 1,000 however 5U3uZZmmlA4-00318-00079285-00079493 Kim il-sung believed that the guerillas 5U3uZZmmlA4-00319-00079494-00079694 weakened the South Korean military and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00320-00079695-00079860 that a North Korean invasion would be 5U3uZZmmlA4-00321-00079861-00080030 welcomed by much of the South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00322-00080031-00080318 population Kim began seeking Stalin's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00323-00080319-00080568 support for an invasion in March 1949 5U3uZZmmlA4-00324-00080569-00080772 traveling to Moscow to attempt to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00325-00080773-00080969 persuade him serious border clashes 5U3uZZmmlA4-00326-00080970-00081176 between south and north occurred on the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00327-00081177-00081449 4th of August 1949 when thousands of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00328-00081450-00081615 North Korean troops attacked South 5U3uZZmmlA4-00329-00081616-00081843 Korean troops occupying territory north 5U3uZZmmlA4-00330-00081844-00082169 of the 38th parallel the 2nd and 18th 5U3uZZmmlA4-00331-00082170-00082386 infantry regiments of roca repulsed 5U3uZZmmlA4-00332-00082387-00082613 initial attacks in Kuk sabang above the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00333-00082614-00082832 38th parallel and shing mu and at the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00334-00082833-00083006 end of the clashes Roccat troops were 5U3uZZmmlA4-00335-00083007-00083330 completely routed stalin initially did 5U3uZZmmlA4-00336-00083331-00083505 not think that time was right for a war 5U3uZZmmlA4-00337-00083506-00083807 in korea Chinese communist forces were 5U3uZZmmlA4-00338-00083808-00083997 still embroiled in the Chinese Civil War 5U3uZZmmlA4-00339-00083998-00084228 while US forces remained stationed in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00340-00084229-00084579 South Korea by spring 1950 he believed 5U3uZZmmlA4-00341-00084580-00084757 that the strategic situation had changed 5U3uZZmmlA4-00342-00084758-00085031 communist forces under Mao Zedong had 5U3uZZmmlA4-00343-00085032-00085292 secured final victory in China US forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-00344-00085293-00085515 had withdrawn from Korea and the Soviets 5U3uZZmmlA4-00345-00085516-00085671 detonated their first nuclear bomb 5U3uZZmmlA4-00346-00085672-00086004 breaking the u.s. atomic monopoly as the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00347-00086005-00086217 US had not directly intervened to stop 5U3uZZmmlA4-00348-00086218-00086399 the communist victory in China 5U3uZZmmlA4-00349-00086400-00086574 Stalin calculated that they would be 5U3uZZmmlA4-00350-00086575-00086742 even less willing to fight in Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00351-00086743-00086910 which had much less strategic 5U3uZZmmlA4-00352-00086911-00087174 significance the Soviets had also 5U3uZZmmlA4-00353-00087175-00087360 cracked the codes used by the u.s. to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00354-00087361-00087551 communicate with their embassy in Moscow 5U3uZZmmlA4-00355-00087552-00087749 and reading these dispatches convinced 5U3uZZmmlA4-00356-00087750-00087924 Stalin that Korea did not have the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00357-00087925-00088074 importance to the u.s. that would 5U3uZZmmlA4-00358-00088075-00088355 warrant a nuclear confrontation Stalin 5U3uZZmmlA4-00359-00088356-00088568 began a more aggressive strategy in Asia 5U3uZZmmlA4-00360-00088569-00088775 based on these developments including 5U3uZZmmlA4-00361-00088776-00088988 promising economic and military aid to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00362-00088989-00089205 China through the sino-soviet Treaty of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00363-00089206-00089393 Friendship Alliance and mutual 5U3uZZmmlA4-00364-00089394-00089703 assistance in April 1950 Stalin gave Kim 5U3uZZmmlA4-00365-00089704-00089880 permission to invade the South under the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00366-00089881-00090044 condition that Mao would agree to send 5U3uZZmmlA4-00367-00090045-00090330 reinforcements if needed Stalin made it 5U3uZZmmlA4-00368-00090331-00090492 clear that Soviet forces would not 5U3uZZmmlA4-00369-00090493-00090705 openly engage in combat to avoid a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00370-00090706-00091007 direct war with the United States Kim 5U3uZZmmlA4-00371-00091008-00091290 met with Mao in may 1950 Mao was 5U3uZZmmlA4-00372-00091291-00091491 concerned the US would intervene but 5U3uZZmmlA4-00373-00091492-00091655 agreed to support the North Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00374-00091656-00091728 invasion 5U3uZZmmlA4-00375-00091729-00091986 China desperately needed the economic 5U3uZZmmlA4-00376-00091987-00092231 and military aid promised by the Soviets 5U3uZZmmlA4-00377-00092232-00092559 however Mao sent more ethnic Korean PLA 5U3uZZmmlA4-00378-00092560-00092760 veterans to Korea and promised to move 5U3uZZmmlA4-00379-00092761-00093038 an army closer to the Korean border once 5U3uZZmmlA4-00380-00093039-00093180 Mao's commitment was secured 5U3uZZmmlA4-00381-00093181-00093431 preparations for war accelerated Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-00382-00093432-00093581 generals with extensive combat 5U3uZZmmlA4-00383-00093582-00093768 experience from the Second World War 5U3uZZmmlA4-00384-00093769-00093993 were sent to North Korea as the Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-00385-00093994-00094284 Advisory Group these generals completed 5U3uZZmmlA4-00386-00094285-00094497 the plans for the attack by May the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00387-00094498-00094700 original plans called for a skirmish to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00388-00094701-00094913 be initiated in the unguent Peninsula on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00389-00094914-00095148 the west coast of Korea the North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00390-00095149-00095274 Koreans would then launch a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00391-00095275-00095444 counter-attack that would capture Seoul 5U3uZZmmlA4-00392-00095445-00095628 and encircle and destroy the South 5U3uZZmmlA4-00393-00095629-00095888 Korean army the final stage would 5U3uZZmmlA4-00394-00095889-00096062 involve destroying South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00395-00096063-00096237 government remnants and capturing the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00396-00096238-00096455 rest of South Korea including the ports 5U3uZZmmlA4-00397-00096456-00096798 on the 7th of June 1950 kim ill sung 5U3uZZmmlA4-00398-00096799-00097062 called for a korea wide election on 5 to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00399-00097063-00097301 8 August 1950 and a consultative 5U3uZZmmlA4-00400-00097302-00097572 conference in hyeju on 15 to 17 june 5U3uZZmmlA4-00401-00097573-00097941 1950 on the 11th of june the north sent 5U3uZZmmlA4-00402-00097942-00098136 three diplomats to the south as a peace 5U3uZZmmlA4-00403-00098137-00098337 overture that rear ejected outright on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00404-00098338-00098693 the 21st of June Kim il-sung revised his 5U3uZZmmlA4-00405-00098694-00098894 war plan to involve a general attack 5U3uZZmmlA4-00406-00098895-00099123 across the 38th parallel rather than a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00407-00099124-00099291 limited operation in the unguent 5U3uZZmmlA4-00408-00099292-00099557 Peninsula kim was concerned that South 5U3uZZmmlA4-00409-00099558-00099713 Korean agents had learned about the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00410-00099714-00099936 plans and that South Korean forces were 5U3uZZmmlA4-00411-00099937-00100191 strengthening their defenses Stalin 5U3uZZmmlA4-00412-00100192-00100365 agreed to this change of plan while 5U3uZZmmlA4-00413-00100366-00100544 these preparations were underway in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00414-00100545-00100716 north there were frequent clashes along 5U3uZZmmlA4-00415-00100717-00100850 the 38th parallel 5U3uZZmmlA4-00416-00100851-00101079 especially at Kaesong an dungeon many 5U3uZZmmlA4-00417-00101080-00101355 initiated by the South the Republic of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00418-00101356-00101594 Korea army ROK army was being trained by 5U3uZZmmlA4-00419-00101595-00101837 the US Korean military advisory group 5U3uZZmmlA4-00420-00101838-00102251 kmh II on the eve of war KMA G commander 5U3uZZmmlA4-00421-00102252-00102440 General William Lynn Roberts voiced 5U3uZZmmlA4-00422-00102441-00102659 utmost confidence in the ROK Army and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00423-00102660-00102839 boasted that any North Korean invasion 5U3uZZmmlA4-00424-00102840-00103113 would merely provide target practice for 5U3uZZmmlA4-00425-00103114-00103371 his part syngman rhee repeatedly 5U3uZZmmlA4-00426-00103372-00103551 expressed his desire to conquer the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00427-00103552-00103769 north including when US diplomat John 5U3uZZmmlA4-00428-00103770-00104009 Foster Dulles visited Korea on the 18th 5U3uZZmmlA4-00429-00104010-00104214 of June although some South Korean and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00430-00104215-00104427 US intelligence officers predicted an 5U3uZZmmlA4-00431-00104428-00104523 attack from the north 5U3uZZmmlA4-00432-00104524-00104727 similar predictions were made before and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00433-00104728-00104931 nothing happened the Central 5U3uZZmmlA4-00434-00104932-00105104 Intelligence Agency noted the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00435-00105105-00105260 southward movement by the Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00436-00105261-00105423 People's Army kPa 5U3uZZmmlA4-00437-00105424-00105641 but assessed this is a defensive measure 5U3uZZmmlA4-00438-00105642-00105959 and concluded an invasion was unlikely 5U3uZZmmlA4-00439-00105960-00106301 on the 23rd of June UN observers 5U3uZZmmlA4-00440-00106302-00106487 inspected the border and did not detect 5U3uZZmmlA4-00441-00106488-00106871 that war was imminent 5U3uZZmmlA4-00442-00106872-00107501 topic comparison of forces throughout 5U3uZZmmlA4-00443-00107502-00107834 1949 and 1950 the Soviets continued 5U3uZZmmlA4-00444-00107835-00108108 arming North Korea after the communist 5U3uZZmmlA4-00445-00108108-00108330 victory in the Chinese Civil War ethnic 5U3uZZmmlA4-00446-00108331-00108525 Korean units in the Chinese People's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00447-00108526-00108765 Liberation Army PLA were released to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00448-00108766-00109038 North Korea the combat veterans from 5U3uZZmmlA4-00449-00109039-00109251 China the tanks artillery and aircraft 5U3uZZmmlA4-00450-00109252-00109482 supplied by the Soviets and rigorous 5U3uZZmmlA4-00451-00109483-00109641 training increased North Korea's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00452-00109642-00109851 military superiority over the South 5U3uZZmmlA4-00453-00109852-00110070 armed by the US military with mostly 5U3uZZmmlA4-00454-00110071-00110316 small arms but no heavy weaponry such as 5U3uZZmmlA4-00455-00110317-00110510 tanks according to the first official 5U3uZZmmlA4-00456-00110511-00110802 census in 1949 the population of North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00457-00110803-00111003 Korea numbered nine million six hundred 5U3uZZmmlA4-00458-00111004-00111347 twenty thousand and by mid-1950s 5U3uZZmmlA4-00459-00111348-00111744 numbered between 150,000 and 200,000 5U3uZZmmlA4-00460-00111745-00111951 troops organized into ten infantry 5U3uZZmmlA4-00461-00111952-00112170 divisions one tank division and one Air 5U3uZZmmlA4-00462-00112171-00112428 Force division with 210 fighter planes 5U3uZZmmlA4-00463-00112429-00112692 and 280 tanks who captured scheduled 5U3uZZmmlA4-00464-00112693-00112881 objectives in territory among them 5U3uZZmmlA4-00465-00112882-00113151 Kaesong chunchun we gyeongbu an dongjin 5U3uZZmmlA4-00466-00113152-00113652 their forces included 274 t-34 85 tanks 5U3uZZmmlA4-00467-00113653-00113984 200 artillery pieces 110 attack bombers 5U3uZZmmlA4-00468-00113985-00114321 and some 150 yak fighter planes and 35 5U3uZZmmlA4-00469-00114322-00114594 reconnaissance aircraft in addition to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00470-00114595-00114933 the invasion force the North kPa had 114 5U3uZZmmlA4-00471-00114933-00115392 fighters 78 bombers 105 t-34 85 tanks 5U3uZZmmlA4-00472-00115393-00115610 and some 30,000 soldiers stationed in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00473-00115611-00115854 reserve in North Korea although each 5U3uZZmmlA4-00474-00115855-00116073 navy consisted of only several small 5U3uZZmmlA4-00475-00116074-00116277 warships the north and south korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00476-00116278-00116459 navies fought in the war as Seabourn 5U3uZZmmlA4-00477-00116460-00116775 artillery for their armies in contrast 5U3uZZmmlA4-00478-00116776-00117021 the Republic of Korea population totaled 5U3uZZmmlA4-00479-00117022-00117468 20 million 188,000 641 and its army was 5U3uZZmmlA4-00480-00117469-00117723 unprepared and ill-equipped as of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00481-00117724-00118074 25th of June 1950 the ROK army had 98 5U3uZZmmlA4-00482-00118075-00118452 thousand soldiers 65,000 combat 33,000 5U3uZZmmlA4-00483-00118453-00118683 support no tanks they had been requested 5U3uZZmmlA4-00484-00118683-00118896 from the US military but requests were 5U3uZZmmlA4-00485-00118897-00119115 denied and a 22-piece Air Force 5U3uZZmmlA4-00486-00119116-00119406 comprising 12 liaison type and 1086 5U3uZZmmlA4-00487-00119407-00119715 advanced trainer airplanes large US 5U3uZZmmlA4-00488-00119716-00119916 Garrison's and air forces were in Japan 5U3uZZmmlA4-00489-00119917-00120231 but only 200 to 300 American troops were 5U3uZZmmlA4-00490-00120232-00120588 in Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00491-00120589-00121120 topic course of the war 5U3uZZmmlA4-00492-00121121-00121471 at dawn on Sunday the 25th of June 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-00493-00121472-00121672 the Korean People's Army crossed the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00494-00121673-00122001 38th parallel behind artillery fire the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00495-00122002-00122248 kPa justified its assault with the claim 5U3uZZmmlA4-00496-00122249-00122443 that ROK troops attacked first and that 5U3uZZmmlA4-00497-00122444-00122623 the KPA were aiming to arrest and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00498-00122624-00122903 execute the Bandit traitors syngman rhee 5U3uZZmmlA4-00499-00122904-00123169 fighting began on the strategic engine 5U3uZZmmlA4-00500-00123170-00123402 peninsula in the West there were initial 5U3uZZmmlA4-00501-00123403-00123601 South Korean claims that they captured 5U3uZZmmlA4-00502-00123602-00123804 the city of hyeju and this sequence of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00503-00123805-00124006 events has led some scholars to argue 5U3uZZmmlA4-00504-00124007-00124176 that the South Koreans fired first 5U3uZZmmlA4-00505-00124177-00124401 whoever fired the first shots in Anjan 5U3uZZmmlA4-00506-00124402-00124584 within an hour North Korean forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-00507-00124585-00124894 attacked all along the 38th parallel the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00508-00124895-00125113 North Koreans had a combined arms force 5U3uZZmmlA4-00509-00125114-00125296 including tanks supported by heavy 5U3uZZmmlA4-00510-00125297-00125620 artillery the South Koreans had no tanks 5U3uZZmmlA4-00511-00125621-00125838 anti-tank weapons or heavy artillery to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00512-00125839-00126133 stop such an attack in addition South 5U3uZZmmlA4-00513-00126133-00126315 Koreans committed their forces in a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00514-00126316-00126501 piecemeal fashion and these were rounded 5U3uZZmmlA4-00515-00126502-00126763 in a few days on the 27th of June RIA 5U3uZZmmlA4-00516-00126764-00126990 vacua tada was some of the government on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00517-00126991-00127306 the 28th of June at 2:00 a.m. the South 5U3uZZmmlA4-00518-00127307-00127507 Korean army blew up the Hangang bridge 5U3uZZmmlA4-00519-00127508-00127708 across the Han River in an attempt to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00520-00127708-00127963 stop the North Korean army the bridge 5U3uZZmmlA4-00521-00127964-00128211 was detonated while 4,000 refugees were 5U3uZZmmlA4-00522-00128213-00128406 crossing it and hundreds were killed 5U3uZZmmlA4-00523-00128407-00128658 destroying the bridge also trapped many 5U3uZZmmlA4-00524-00128659-00128881 South Korean military units north of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00525-00128882-00129157 Han River in spite of such desperate 5U3uZZmmlA4-00526-00129158-00129359 measures Seoul fell that same day a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00527-00129360-00129591 number of South Korean national 5U3uZZmmlA4-00528-00129592-00129793 Assemblyman remained in Seoul when it 5U3uZZmmlA4-00529-00129794-00130002 fell and 48 subsequently pledged 5U3uZZmmlA4-00530-00130003-00130207 allegiance to the north on the 28th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00531-00130208-00130456 June reordered the massacre of suspected 5U3uZZmmlA4-00532-00130457-00130653 political opponents in his own country 5U3uZZmmlA4-00533-00130654-00130870 in five days the South Korean forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-00534-00130871-00131190 which had 95,000 men on the 25th of June 5U3uZZmmlA4-00535-00131191-00131445 was down to less than 22,000 men in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00536-00131446-00131773 early July when US forces arrived what 5U3uZZmmlA4-00537-00131774-00131971 was left of the South Korean forces were 5U3uZZmmlA4-00538-00131972-00132196 placed under US operational command of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00539-00132197-00132660 the United Nations command 5U3uZZmmlA4-00540-00132661-00133196 topic factors in US intervention 5U3uZZmmlA4-00541-00133197-00133460 the Truman administration was unprepared 5U3uZZmmlA4-00542-00133461-00133697 for the invasion Korea was not included 5U3uZZmmlA4-00543-00133698-00133889 in the strategic Asian defense perimeter 5U3uZZmmlA4-00544-00133890-00134117 outlined by Secretary of State Dean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00545-00134118-00134405 Acheson Truman himself was at his home 5U3uZZmmlA4-00546-00134406-00134614 in Independence Missouri military 5U3uZZmmlA4-00547-00134615-00134822 strategists were more concerned with the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00548-00134823-00135020 security of Europe against the Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-00549-00135021-00135293 Union than East Asia at the same time 5U3uZZmmlA4-00550-00135294-00135476 the administration was worried that a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00551-00135477-00135683 war in Korea could quickly widen into 5U3uZZmmlA4-00552-00135684-00135878 another world war should the Chinese or 5U3uZZmmlA4-00553-00135879-00136163 Soviets decide to get involved while 5U3uZZmmlA4-00554-00136164-00136349 there was initial hesitancy by some in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00555-00136350-00136538 the US government to get involved in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00556-00136539-00136775 war considerations about Japan played a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00557-00136776-00136973 part in the ultimate decision to engage 5U3uZZmmlA4-00558-00136974-00137255 on behalf of South Korea especially 5U3uZZmmlA4-00559-00137256-00137396 after the fall of China to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00560-00137397-00137657 Communists u.s. experts on East Asia saw 5U3uZZmmlA4-00561-00137658-00137849 Japan as the Critical counterweight to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00562-00137850-00138053 the Soviet Union and China in the region 5U3uZZmmlA4-00563-00138054-00138302 while there was no United States policy 5U3uZZmmlA4-00564-00138303-00138527 dealing with South Korea directly as a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00565-00138528-00138782 national interest its proximity to Japan 5U3uZZmmlA4-00566-00138783-00138988 increased the importance of South Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00567-00138989-00139274 said Kim the recognition that the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00568-00139275-00139556 security of Japan required a non-hostile 5U3uZZmmlA4-00569-00139557-00139808 Korea led directly to President Truman's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00570-00139809-00140095 decision to intervene 5U3uZZmmlA4-00571-00140096-00140351 the essential point 5U3uZZmmlA4-00572-00140352-00140597 is that the American response to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00573-00140598-00140776 North Korean attack stemmed from 5U3uZZmmlA4-00574-00140777-00141121 considerations of US policy toward Japan 5U3uZZmmlA4-00575-00141122-00141371 another major consideration was the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00576-00141372-00141587 possible Soviet reaction in the event 5U3uZZmmlA4-00577-00141588-00141833 that the u.s. intervened the Truman 5U3uZZmmlA4-00578-00141834-00142046 administration was fearful that a war in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00579-00142047-00142262 Korea was a diversionary assault that 5U3uZZmmlA4-00580-00142263-00142430 would escalate to a general war in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00581-00142431-00142628 Europe once the United States committed 5U3uZZmmlA4-00582-00142629-00142985 in Korea at the same time T here was no 5U3uZZmmlA4-00583-00142986-00143222 suggestion from anyone that the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-00584-00143223-00143435 Nations or the United States could back 5U3uZZmmlA4-00585-00143436-00143813 away from the conflict Yugoslavia a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00586-00143814-00144056 possible Soviet target because of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00587-00144057-00144302 Tito Stalin split was vital to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00588-00144303-00144467 defense of Italy in Greece and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00589-00144468-00144647 country was first on the list of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00590-00144648-00144854 national security council's post North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00591-00144855-00145079 Korea invasion list of chief danger 5U3uZZmmlA4-00592-00145080-00145409 spots Truman believed if aggression went 5U3uZZmmlA4-00593-00145410-00145592 unchecked a chain reaction would be 5U3uZZmmlA4-00594-00145593-00145775 initiated that would marginalize the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00595-00145776-00145979 United Nations and encourage communist 5U3uZZmmlA4-00596-00145980-00146255 aggression elsewhere the UN Security 5U3uZZmmlA4-00597-00146256-00146450 Council approved the use of force to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00598-00146451-00146624 help the South Koreans and the u.s. 5U3uZZmmlA4-00599-00146625-00146807 immediately began using what air and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00600-00146808-00146996 naval forces that were in the area to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00601-00146997-00147281 that end the Truman administration still 5U3uZZmmlA4-00602-00147282-00147443 refrained from committing on the ground 5U3uZZmmlA4-00603-00147444-00147611 because some advisors believed the North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00604-00147612-00147782 Koreans could be stopped by air and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00605-00147783-00147965 naval power alone the Truman 5U3uZZmmlA4-00606-00147966-00148157 administration was still uncertain if 5U3uZZmmlA4-00607-00148158-00148331 the attack was a ploy by the Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-00608-00148332-00148631 Union or just a test of us resolve the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00609-00148632-00148835 decision to commit ground troops became 5U3uZZmmlA4-00610-00148836-00149045 viable when a communique was received on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00611-00149046-00149294 the 27th of June indicating the Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-00612-00149295-00149462 Union would not move against US forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-00613-00149463-00149795 in Korea the Truman administration now 5U3uZZmmlA4-00614-00149796-00149960 believed it could intervene in Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00615-00149961-00150122 without undermining its commitments 5U3uZZmmlA4-00616-00150123-00150447 elsewhere 5U3uZZmmlA4-00617-00150448-00150746 topic United Nations Security Council 5U3uZZmmlA4-00618-00150747-00151168 resolutions 5U3uZZmmlA4-00619-00151169-00151503 on the 25th of June 1950 the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-00620-00151504-00151671 Nations Security Council unanimously 5U3uZZmmlA4-00621-00151672-00151918 condemned the North Korean invasion of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00622-00151919-00152154 the Republic of Korea with UN Security 5U3uZZmmlA4-00623-00152155-00152502 Council resolution 82 the Soviet Union a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00624-00152503-00152727 veto-wielding power had boycotted the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00625-00152728-00152979 council meetings since January 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-00626-00152980-00153232 protesting that the Taiwanese Republic 5U3uZZmmlA4-00627-00153233-00153520 of China and not the mainland People's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00628-00153521-00153801 Republic of China held a permanent seat 5U3uZZmmlA4-00629-00153802-00154018 in the UN Security Council after 5U3uZZmmlA4-00630-00154019-00154263 debating the matter the Security Council 5U3uZZmmlA4-00631-00154264-00154549 on the 27th of June 1950 published 5U3uZZmmlA4-00632-00154550-00154791 resolution 83 recommending Member States 5U3uZZmmlA4-00633-00154792-00154974 provide military assistance to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00634-00154975-00155293 Republic of Korea on the 27th of June 5U3uZZmmlA4-00635-00155294-00155526 President Truman ordered US air and sea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00636-00155527-00155736 forces to help the South Korean regime 5U3uZZmmlA4-00637-00155737-00156024 on the 4th of July the Soviet Deputy 5U3uZZmmlA4-00638-00156025-00156181 Foreign Minister accused the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-00639-00156182-00156409 States of starting armed intervention on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00640-00156410-00156639 behalf of South Korea the Soviet Union 5U3uZZmmlA4-00641-00156640-00156835 challenged the legitimacy of the war for 5U3uZZmmlA4-00642-00156836-00157072 several reasons the ROK Army 5U3uZZmmlA4-00643-00157073-00157321 Intelligence upon which Resolution 83 5U3uZZmmlA4-00644-00157322-00157476 was based came from US intelligence 5U3uZZmmlA4-00645-00157477-00157756 North Korea was not invited as a sitting 5U3uZZmmlA4-00646-00157757-00157929 temporary member of the UN which 5U3uZZmmlA4-00647-00157930-00158211 violated UN Charter article 32 and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00648-00158212-00158410 fighting was beyond the UN Charter scope 5U3uZZmmlA4-00649-00158411-00158596 because the initial north-south border 5U3uZZmmlA4-00650-00158597-00158774 fighting was classed as a civil war 5U3uZZmmlA4-00651-00158775-00159043 because the Soviet Union was boycotting 5U3uZZmmlA4-00652-00159044-00159261 the Security Council at the time legal 5U3uZZmmlA4-00653-00159262-00159481 scholars posited that deciding upon an 5U3uZZmmlA4-00654-00159482-00159646 action of this type required the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00655-00159647-00159835 unanimous vote of all the five permanent 5U3uZZmmlA4-00656-00159836-00160033 members including the Soviet Union 5U3uZZmmlA4-00657-00160034-00160251 within days of the invasion masses of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00658-00160252-00160549 rock army soldiers of dubious loyalty to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00659-00160550-00160774 the syngman rhee regime we're retreating 5U3uZZmmlA4-00660-00160775-00160986 southwards are defecting on masse to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00661-00160987-00161413 northern side the kPa 5U3uZZmmlA4-00662-00161414-00161737 topic United Nations response July 5U3uZZmmlA4-00663-00161738-00162193 August 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-00664-00162194-00162399 as soon as word of the attack was 5U3uZZmmlA4-00665-00162400-00162624 received US Secretary of State Dean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00666-00162625-00162823 Acheson informed President Truman that 5U3uZZmmlA4-00667-00162824-00163006 the North Koreans had invaded South 5U3uZZmmlA4-00668-00163007-00163341 Korea Truman and Atchison discussed a US 5U3uZZmmlA4-00669-00163342-00163546 invasion response and agreed that the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00670-00163547-00163725 United States was obligated to act 5U3uZZmmlA4-00671-00163726-00163897 paralleling the North Korean invasion 5U3uZZmmlA4-00672-00163898-00164115 with Adolf Hitler's aggressions in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00673-00164116-00164340 1930s with the conclusion being that the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00674-00164341-00164511 mistake of appeasement must not be 5U3uZZmmlA4-00675-00164512-00164790 repeated several US industries were 5U3uZZmmlA4-00676-00164791-00165007 mobilized to supply materials labor 5U3uZZmmlA4-00677-00165008-00165256 capital production facilities and other 5U3uZZmmlA4-00678-00165257-00165441 services necessary to support the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00679-00165442-00165662 military objectives of the Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-00680-00165663-00165900 however President Truman later 5U3uZZmmlA4-00681-00165901-00166074 acknowledged that he believed fighting 5U3uZZmmlA4-00682-00166075-00166258 the invasion was essential to the u.s. 5U3uZZmmlA4-00683-00166259-00166428 goal of the global containment of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00684-00166429-00166624 communism as outlined in the National 5U3uZZmmlA4-00685-00166625-00166965 Security Council report 68 NSC 68 5U3uZZmmlA4-00686-00166966-00167374 Declassified in 1975 communism was 5U3uZZmmlA4-00687-00167375-00167586 acting in Korea just as Hitler Mussolini 5U3uZZmmlA4-00688-00167587-00167911 and the Japanese had 10 15 and 20 years 5U3uZZmmlA4-00689-00167912-00168169 earlier I felt certain that if South 5U3uZZmmlA4-00690-00168170-00168363 Korea was allowed to fall communist 5U3uZZmmlA4-00691-00168364-00168523 leaders would be emboldened to override 5U3uZZmmlA4-00692-00168524-00168832 nations closer to our own Shores if the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00693-00168833-00169006 Communists were permitted to force their 5U3uZZmmlA4-00694-00169007-00169179 way into the Republic of Korea without 5U3uZZmmlA4-00695-00169180-00169411 opposition from the free world no small 5U3uZZmmlA4-00696-00169412-00169566 nation would have the courage to resist 5U3uZZmmlA4-00697-00169567-00169749 threat and aggression by stronger 5U3uZZmmlA4-00698-00169750-00170122 communist neighbors in August 1950 the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00699-00170123-00170308 president and the Secretary of State 5U3uZZmmlA4-00700-00170309-00170494 obtained the consent of Congress to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00701-00170495-00170703 appropriate twelve billion dollars for 5U3uZZmmlA4-00702-00170704-00170920 military action in Korea because of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00703-00170921-00171090 extensive defense cuts and the emphasis 5U3uZZmmlA4-00704-00171091-00171286 placed on building a nuclear bomber 5U3uZZmmlA4-00705-00171287-00171481 force none of the services were in a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00706-00171482-00171678 position to make a robust response with 5U3uZZmmlA4-00707-00171679-00171946 conventional military strength General 5U3uZZmmlA4-00708-00171947-00172147 Omar Bradley chairman of the Joint 5U3uZZmmlA4-00709-00172148-00172299 Chiefs of Staff was faced with 5U3uZZmmlA4-00710-00172300-00172536 reorganizing and deploying a US military 5U3uZZmmlA4-00711-00172537-00172776 force that was a shadow of its World War 5U3uZZmmlA4-00712-00172777-00173001 two counterpart acting on Secretary of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00713-00173002-00173175 State at Jason's recommendation 5U3uZZmmlA4-00714-00173176-00173347 President Truman ordered General 5U3uZZmmlA4-00715-00173348-00173553 MacArthur to transfer material to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00716-00173554-00173751 South Korean military while giving air 5U3uZZmmlA4-00717-00173752-00173983 cover to the evacuation of US Nationals 5U3uZZmmlA4-00718-00173984-00174259 the president disagreed with advisors 5U3uZZmmlA4-00719-00174260-00174477 who recommended unilateral u.s. bombing 5U3uZZmmlA4-00720-00174478-00174687 of the North Korean forces and ordered 5U3uZZmmlA4-00721-00174688-00174871 the u.s. seventh Fleet to protect the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00722-00174872-00175060 Republic of China Taiwan whose 5U3uZZmmlA4-00723-00175061-00175321 government asked to fight in Korea the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00724-00175322-00175546 United States denied rock's request for 5U3uZZmmlA4-00725-00175547-00175582 calm 5U3uZZmmlA4-00726-00175583-00175759 lest it provoke a communist chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-00727-00175760-00176044 retaliation because the united states 5U3uZZmmlA4-00728-00176045-00176293 had sent the seventh fleet to neutralize 5U3uZZmmlA4-00729-00176294-00176608 the taiwan strait chinese premier jo and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00730-00176609-00176788 lei criticized both the UN and US 5U3uZZmmlA4-00731-00176789-00177034 initiatives as armed aggression on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00732-00177035-00177498 Chinese territory 5U3uZZmmlA4-00733-00177499-00177820 topic the drive south and Pusan July to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00734-00177821-00178282 September 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-00735-00178283-00178566 the Battle of Osan the first significant 5U3uZZmmlA4-00736-00178567-00178747 u.s. engagement of the Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-00737-00178748-00179028 involved the 540 soldier task force 5U3uZZmmlA4-00738-00179029-00179245 Smith which was a small forward element 5U3uZZmmlA4-00739-00179246-00179470 of the 24th Infantry Division which had 5U3uZZmmlA4-00740-00179471-00179734 been flown in from Japan on the 5th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00741-00179735-00180022 July 1950 task force Smith attacked the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00742-00180023-00180189 North Koreans at Osan but without 5U3uZZmmlA4-00743-00180190-00180390 weapons capable of destroying the North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00744-00180391-00180675 Koreans tanks they were unsuccessful 5U3uZZmmlA4-00745-00180676-00180934 the result was 180 dead wounded or taken 5U3uZZmmlA4-00746-00180935-00181038 prisoner 5U3uZZmmlA4-00747-00181039-00181333 the kPa progressed southwards pushing 5U3uZZmmlA4-00748-00181334-00181558 back the US force at Pyeongtaek Chonan 5U3uZZmmlA4-00749-00181559-00181750 and choe Chauhan forcing the twenty 5U3uZZmmlA4-00750-00181751-00181938 fourth divisions retreat to tage on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00751-00181939-00182163 which the kPa captured in the Battle of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00752-00182164-00182548 Daejeon the 24th division suffered 3,600 5U3uZZmmlA4-00753-00182549-00182923 to dead and wounded in 2960 to captured 5U3uZZmmlA4-00754-00182924-00183136 including its commander Major General 5U3uZZmmlA4-00755-00183137-00183361 William F Dean by August the kPa 5U3uZZmmlA4-00756-00183362-00183579 steadily pushed back the ROK army in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00757-00183580-00183862 8th United States Army southwards the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00758-00183863-00184060 impact of the Truman administration's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00759-00184061-00184285 defense budget cutbacks were now keenly 5U3uZZmmlA4-00760-00184286-00184500 felt as US troops fought a series of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00761-00184501-00184762 costly rearguard actions lacking 5U3uZZmmlA4-00762-00184763-00184993 sufficient anti-tank weapons artillery 5U3uZZmmlA4-00763-00184994-00185146 or armor they were driven down the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00764-00185147-00185403 Korean Peninsula during their advance 5U3uZZmmlA4-00765-00185404-00185650 the kPa purged the Republic of Korea's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00766-00185651-00185877 intelligentsia by killing civil servants 5U3uZZmmlA4-00767-00185878-00186181 and intellectuals on the 20th of August 5U3uZZmmlA4-00768-00186182-00186382 General MacArthur warned North Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00769-00186383-00186583 leader Kim il-sung he was responsible 5U3uZZmmlA4-00770-00186584-00186900 for the KP A's atrocities by September 5U3uZZmmlA4-00771-00186901-00187096 UN forces were hemmed into a small 5U3uZZmmlA4-00772-00187097-00187318 corner of southeast Korea near Pusan 5U3uZZmmlA4-00773-00187319-00187669 this 140 mile perimeter enclosed about 5U3uZZmmlA4-00774-00187670-00187945 10% of Korea in a line partially defined 5U3uZZmmlA4-00775-00187946-00188097 by the Nakdong River 5U3uZZmmlA4-00776-00188098-00188359 although Kim's early successes led him 5U3uZZmmlA4-00777-00188360-00188506 to predict he would end the war by the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00778-00188507-00188722 end of August Chinese leaders were more 5U3uZZmmlA4-00779-00188723-00189010 pessimistic to counter a possible u.s. 5U3uZZmmlA4-00780-00189011-00189247 deployment Joe and Lai secured a Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-00781-00189248-00189414 commitment to have the Soviet Union 5U3uZZmmlA4-00782-00189415-00189612 support Chinese forces with air cover 5U3uZZmmlA4-00783-00189613-00189922 and deployed 260,000 soldiers along the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00784-00189923-00190111 Korean border under the command of GAO 5U3uZZmmlA4-00785-00190112-00190389 gang joe commanded choi cheng win' to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00786-00190390-00190606 conduct a topographical survey of korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00787-00190607-00190849 and directed lai yang phu joe's military 5U3uZZmmlA4-00788-00190850-00191095 advisor in korea to analyze the military 5U3uZZmmlA4-00789-00191096-00191388 situation in korea lai concluded that 5U3uZZmmlA4-00790-00191389-00191575 macarthur would most likely attempt a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00791-00191576-00191689 landing at Inchon 5U3uZZmmlA4-00792-00191690-00191899 after conferring with mouth' that this 5U3uZZmmlA4-00793-00191900-00192064 would be MacArthur's most likely 5U3uZZmmlA4-00794-00192065-00192293 strategy Joe briefed Soviet and North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00795-00192294-00192506 Korean advisors of leis findings and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00796-00192507-00192743 issued orders to Chinese army commanders 5U3uZZmmlA4-00797-00192744-00192944 deployed on the Korean border to prepare 5U3uZZmmlA4-00798-00192945-00193159 for u.s. naval activity in the Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00799-00193160-00193378 Strait in the resulting Battle of Pusan 5U3uZZmmlA4-00800-00193379-00193687 Perimeter August September 1950 the US 5U3uZZmmlA4-00801-00193688-00193924 Army withstood kPa attacks meant to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00802-00193925-00194101 capture the city at the nak Tong bulge 5U3uZZmmlA4-00803-00194102-00194432 poem dong and Teague the United States 5U3uZZmmlA4-00804-00194433-00194773 Air Force USAF interrupted kPa logistics 5U3uZZmmlA4-00805-00194774-00194986 with 40 daily ground support sorties 5U3uZZmmlA4-00806-00194987-00195154 that destroyed thirty-two bridges 5U3uZZmmlA4-00807-00195155-00195337 halting most daytime road and rail 5U3uZZmmlA4-00808-00195338-00195661 traffic kPa forces were forced to hide 5U3uZZmmlA4-00809-00195662-00195865 in tunnels by day and move only at night 5U3uZZmmlA4-00810-00195866-00196232 to deny material to the kPa the USAF 5U3uZZmmlA4-00811-00196233-00196469 destroyed logistics Depot's petroleum 5U3uZZmmlA4-00812-00196470-00196708 refineries and harbors while the US Navy 5U3uZZmmlA4-00813-00196709-00196957 air forces attacked transport hubs 5U3uZZmmlA4-00814-00196958-00197254 consequently the overextended kPa could 5U3uZZmmlA4-00815-00197255-00197428 not be supplied throughout the south on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00816-00197429-00197795 the 27th of August 67 th fighter 5U3uZZmmlA4-00817-00197796-00198013 squadron aircraft mistakenly attacked 5U3uZZmmlA4-00818-00198014-00198241 facilities in Chinese territory and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00819-00198242-00198451 Soviet Union called the UN Security 5U3uZZmmlA4-00820-00198452-00198652 Council's attention to China's complaint 5U3uZZmmlA4-00821-00198653-00198904 about the incident the u.s. proposed 5U3uZZmmlA4-00822-00198905-00199099 that a commission of India and Sweden 5U3uZZmmlA4-00823-00199100-00199271 determined what the US should pay in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00824-00199272-00199496 compensation but the Soviets vetoed the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00825-00199497-00199747 u.s. proposal meanwhile u.s. Garrison's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00826-00199748-00199987 in Japan continually dispatched soldiers 5U3uZZmmlA4-00827-00199988-00200207 and materiel to reinforce defenders in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00828-00200208-00200479 the Pusan Perimeter tank battalions 5U3uZZmmlA4-00829-00200480-00200696 deployed to Korea directly from the US 5U3uZZmmlA4-00830-00200697-00200908 mainland from the port of San Francisco 5U3uZZmmlA4-00831-00200909-00201127 to the port of Pusan the largest Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00832-00201128-00201395 port by late August the Pusan Perimeter 5U3uZZmmlA4-00833-00201396-00201685 had some 500 medium tanks battle ready 5U3uZZmmlA4-00834-00201686-00202082 in early September 1950 ROK army and UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-00835-00202083-00202333 command forces outnumbered the kPa 5U3uZZmmlA4-00836-00202334-00202873 180,000 to 100,000 soldiers 5U3uZZmmlA4-00837-00202874-00203559 topic Battle of Incheon September 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-00838-00203560-00203816 against the rested and rearmed Pusan 5U3uZZmmlA4-00839-00203817-00203954 Perimeter defenders and their 5U3uZZmmlA4-00840-00203955-00204189 reinforcements the KPA were undermanned 5U3uZZmmlA4-00841-00204190-00204390 and poorly supplied unlike the UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-00842-00204391-00204552 Command they lacked naval and air 5U3uZZmmlA4-00843-00204553-00204784 support to relieve the Pusan Perimeter 5U3uZZmmlA4-00844-00204785-00205013 General MacArthur recommended an 5U3uZZmmlA4-00845-00205014-00205227 amphibious landing at Incheon near Seoul 5U3uZZmmlA4-00846-00205228-00205559 and well over 160 kilometers 100 miles 5U3uZZmmlA4-00847-00205560-00205908 behind the kPa lines on the 6th of July 5U3uZZmmlA4-00848-00205909-00206154 he ordered Major General Hobart our gay 5U3uZZmmlA4-00849-00206155-00206396 commander of the 1st Cavalry Division to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00850-00206398-00206598 plan the divisions amphibious landing at 5U3uZZmmlA4-00851-00206598-00206915 Incheon on 12 to 14 July the 1st Cavalry 5U3uZZmmlA4-00852-00206916-00207171 Division embarked from Yokohama Japan to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00853-00207171-00207408 reinforce the 24th Infantry Division 5U3uZZmmlA4-00854-00207409-00207621 inside the Pusan Perimeter soon after 5U3uZZmmlA4-00855-00207621-00207831 the war began General MacArthur began 5U3uZZmmlA4-00856-00207832-00208008 planning a landing at Incheon but the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00857-00208009-00208367 Pentagon deposed him when he activated a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00858-00208369-00208592 combined US Army and Marine Corps and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00859-00208594-00208896 ROK army force the 10th Corps led by 5U3uZZmmlA4-00860-00208896-00209130 Major General Edward almond consisted of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00861-00209131-00209325 40,000 men of the 1st Marine Division 5U3uZZmmlA4-00862-00209326-00209573 the 7th Infantry Division and around 5U3uZZmmlA4-00863-00209575-00209973 8,000 600 ROK Army soldiers by the 15th 5U3uZZmmlA4-00864-00209973-00210144 of September the amphibious assault 5U3uZZmmlA4-00865-00210144-00210434 force faced few kPa defenders at Incheon 5U3uZZmmlA4-00866-00210435-00210663 military intelligence psychological 5U3uZZmmlA4-00867-00210664-00210858 warfare guerrilla reconnaissance and 5U3uZZmmlA4-00868-00210859-00211077 protracted bombardment facilitated a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00869-00211078-00211332 relatively light battle however the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00870-00211333-00211521 bombardment destroyed most of the city 5U3uZZmmlA4-00871-00211521-00211719 of Incheon after the Incheon landing the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00872-00211719-00211946 1st Cavalry Division began its northward 5U3uZZmmlA4-00873-00211948-00212175 advance from the Pusan Perimeter Task 5U3uZZmmlA4-00874-00212176-00212435 Force Lynch after Lieutenant Colonel 5U3uZZmmlA4-00875-00212436-00212757 James H Lynch 3rd battalion 7th Cavalry 5U3uZZmmlA4-00876-00212758-00212991 Regiment and to 70th tank battalion 5U3uZZmmlA4-00877-00212992-00213156 units Charlie Company and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00878-00213157-00213303 intelligence reconnaissance platoon 5U3uZZmmlA4-00879-00213304-00213603 affected the Pusan Perimeter break out 5U3uZZmmlA4-00880-00213604-00214101 through 170 1.2 kilometers 100 6.4 miles 5U3uZZmmlA4-00881-00214102-00214323 of enemy territory to join the 7th 5U3uZZmmlA4-00882-00214323-00214614 Infantry Division at Osan the 10th Corps 5U3uZZmmlA4-00883-00214615-00214842 rapidly defeated the kPa defenders 5U3uZZmmlA4-00884-00214842-00215028 around Seoul thus threatening to trap 5U3uZZmmlA4-00885-00215029-00215273 the main kPa force in southern Korea on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00886-00215275-00215573 the 18th of September stalin dispatched 5U3uZZmmlA4-00887-00215575-00215889 general HM zakharov to korea to advise 5U3uZZmmlA4-00888-00215890-00216078 kim ill sung to halt his offensive 5U3uZZmmlA4-00889-00216079-00216248 around the Pusan Perimeter and to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00890-00216250-00216469 redeploy his forces to defend Seoul 5U3uZZmmlA4-00891-00216471-00216710 Chinese commanders were not briefed on 5U3uZZmmlA4-00892-00216711-00216939 North Korean troopers or operation 5U3uZZmmlA4-00893-00216940-00217206 plans as the overall commander of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00894-00217207-00217458 Chinese forces Jo and Lacey jested that 5U3uZZmmlA4-00895-00217459-00217608 the North Koreans should attempt to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00896-00217609-00217803 eliminate the enemy forces at Incheon 5U3uZZmmlA4-00897-00217804-00217976 only if they had reserves of at least 5U3uZZmmlA4-00898-00217977-00218246 100,000 men otherwise he advised the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00899-00218248-00218415 North Koreans to withdraw their forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-00900-00218416-00218673 north on the 25th of September Seoul was 5U3uZZmmlA4-00901-00218673-00219006 recaptured by South Korean forces US air 5U3uZZmmlA4-00902-00219007-00219225 raids caused heavy damage to the kPa 5U3uZZmmlA4-00903-00219226-00219441 destroying most of its tanks and much of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00904-00219442-00219741 its artillery North Korean troops in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00905-00219742-00219939 south instead of effectively withdrawing 5U3uZZmmlA4-00906-00219940-00220148 north rapidly disintegrated leaving 5U3uZZmmlA4-00907-00220150-00220416 Pyongyang vulnerable during the general 5U3uZZmmlA4-00908-00220417-00220719 retreat only 25,000 to 30,000 North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00909-00220719-00220946 Korean soldiers managed to reach the kPa 5U3uZZmmlA4-00910-00220948-00221310 lines on the 27th of September stalin 5U3uZZmmlA4-00911-00221311-00221490 convened an emergency session of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00912-00221491-00221667 Politburo in which he condemned the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00913-00221667-00221894 incompetence of the kPa command and held 5U3uZZmmlA4-00914-00221896-00222144 Soviet military advisors responsible for 5U3uZZmmlA4-00915-00222144-00222516 the defeat 5U3uZZmmlA4-00916-00222517-00222794 topic UN forces crossed partition line 5U3uZZmmlA4-00917-00222796-00223366 September to October 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-00918-00223367-00223642 on the 27th of September MacArthur 5U3uZZmmlA4-00919-00223642-00223825 received the top-secret national 5U3uZZmmlA4-00920-00223826-00224089 security council memorandum 81 over 1 5U3uZZmmlA4-00921-00224090-00224229 from Truman reminding him that 5U3uZZmmlA4-00922-00224230-00224409 operations north of the 38th parallel 5U3uZZmmlA4-00923-00224410-00224703 were authorized only if at the time of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00924-00224704-00224946 such operation there was no entry into 5U3uZZmmlA4-00925-00224948-00225207 North Korea by major Soviet or Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-00926-00225208-00225453 communist forces no announcements of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00927-00225454-00225694 intended entry nor a threat to counter 5U3uZZmmlA4-00928-00225694-00226098 our operations militarily on the 29th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00929-00226100-00226273 September MacArthur restored the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00930-00226273-00226426 government of the Republic of Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00931-00226427-00226698 under seaman Rhee on the 30th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00932-00226700-00226762 September 5U3uZZmmlA4-00933-00226763-00226983 defense secretary George Marshall sent 5U3uZZmmlA4-00934-00226984-00227205 an eyes-only message to MacArthur we 5U3uZZmmlA4-00935-00227206-00227419 want you to feel unhampered tactically 5U3uZZmmlA4-00936-00227419-00227631 and strategically to proceed north of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00937-00227632-00228001 the 38th parallel during october the ROC 5U3uZZmmlA4-00938-00228002-00228171 police executed people who were 5U3uZZmmlA4-00939-00228173-00228354 suspected to be sympathetic to North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00940-00228355-00228567 Korea and similar massacres were carried 5U3uZZmmlA4-00941-00228569-00228933 out until early 1951 on the 30th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00942-00228934-00228994 September 5U3uZZmmlA4-00943-00228994-00229203 Joanne lay warned the United States that 5U3uZZmmlA4-00944-00229204-00229404 China was prepared to intervene in Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-00945-00229405-00229617 if the United States crossed the 38th 5U3uZZmmlA4-00946-00229619-00229915 parallel Jo attempted to advise North 5U3uZZmmlA4-00947-00229916-00230101 Korean commanders on how to conduct a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00948-00230102-00230280 general withdrawal by using the same 5U3uZZmmlA4-00949-00230281-00230484 tactics that allowed Chinese communist 5U3uZZmmlA4-00950-00230485-00230689 forces to successfully escape Chiang 5U3uZZmmlA4-00951-00230690-00230898 kai-shek's encirclement campaigns in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00952-00230900-00231166 1930s but by some accounts North Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-00953-00231167-00231346 commanders did not use these tactics 5U3uZZmmlA4-00954-00231346-00231625 effectively historian Bruce Cummings 5U3uZZmmlA4-00955-00231626-00231877 argues however that the KPA apid 5U3uZZmmlA4-00956-00231878-00232056 withdrawal was strategic with troops 5U3uZZmmlA4-00957-00232057-00232219 melting into the mountains from where 5U3uZZmmlA4-00958-00232219-00232378 they could launch guerrilla raids on the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00959-00232379-00232603 UN forces spread out on the coasts by 5U3uZZmmlA4-00960-00232604-00232903 the 1st of October 1950 the UN command 5U3uZZmmlA4-00961-00232904-00233121 repelled the kPa northwards past the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00962-00233123-00233379 38th parallel the ROK Army crossed after 5U3uZZmmlA4-00963-00233380-00233646 them into North Korea MacArthur made a 5U3uZZmmlA4-00964-00233648-00233823 statement demanding the KP A's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00965-00233825-00234076 unconditional surrender six days later 5U3uZZmmlA4-00966-00234077-00234294 on the 7th of October with UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-00967-00234296-00234517 authorization the UN command forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-00968-00234517-00234778 followed the ROK forces northwards the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00969-00234779-00234967 10th Corps landed at Wonsan in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00970-00234967-00235185 southeastern North Korea and re won in 5U3uZZmmlA4-00971-00235186-00235366 northeastern North Korea already 5U3uZZmmlA4-00972-00235367-00235717 captured by ROK forces the 8th US Army 5U3uZZmmlA4-00973-00235717-00235900 and the ROK army drove up to Western 5U3uZZmmlA4-00974-00235901-00236113 Korea and captured Pyongyang City the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00975-00236114-00236326 North Korean capital on the 19th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00976-00236327-00236752 October 1950 the 187th airborne red 5U3uZZmmlA4-00977-00236753-00236956 mental combat team made their first of 5U3uZZmmlA4-00978-00236957-00237144 two combat jumps during the Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-00979-00237146-00237454 on the 20th of October 1950 at sunshin 5U3uZZmmlA4-00980-00237455-00237796 and Suki on the missions of the 187th 5U3uZZmmlA4-00981-00237796-00237952 were to cut the road North going to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00982-00237953-00238153 China preventing North Korean leaders 5U3uZZmmlA4-00983-00238154-00238339 from escaping from Pyongyang and to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00984-00238340-00238623 rescue US prisoners of war at month's 5U3uZZmmlA4-00985-00238625-00238978 end UN forces held 135 thousand kPa 5U3uZZmmlA4-00986-00238979-00239254 prisoners of war as they neared the sino 5U3uZZmmlA4-00987-00239255-00239494 Korean border the UN forces in the West 5U3uZZmmlA4-00988-00239494-00239680 were divided from those in the East by 5U3uZZmmlA4-00989-00239681-00239942 50 to 100 miles of mountainous terrain 5U3uZZmmlA4-00990-00239944-00240184 taking advantage of the UN Command 5U3uZZmmlA4-00991-00240185-00240358 strategic momentum against the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00992-00240359-00240580 Communists general macarthur believed it 5U3uZZmmlA4-00993-00240581-00240808 necessary to extend the Korean War into 5U3uZZmmlA4-00994-00240809-00241017 China to destroy Depot's supplying the 5U3uZZmmlA4-00995-00241019-00241169 North Korean war effort 5U3uZZmmlA4-00996-00241171-00241429 President Truman disagreed and ordered 5U3uZZmmlA4-00997-00241430-00241954 caution at the sino Korean border 5U3uZZmmlA4-00998-00241955-00242182 topic China intervenes October to 5U3uZZmmlA4-00999-00242183-00242627 December 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-01000-00242628-00242966 on the 20th of august 1950 premier Joe 5U3uZZmmlA4-01001-00242967-00243206 and lay informed the UN that Korea is 5U3uZZmmlA4-01002-00243207-00243446 China's neighbor 5U3uZZmmlA4-01003-00243446-00243694 the Chinese people cannot but be 5U3uZZmmlA4-01004-00243696-00243934 concerned about a solution of the Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01005-00243935-00244262 question thus through neutral country 5U3uZZmmlA4-01006-00244263-00244430 diplomats China warned that in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01007-00244431-00244652 safeguarding Chinese national security 5U3uZZmmlA4-01008-00244653-00244810 they would intervene against the UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-01009-00244811-00245075 command in Korea President Truman 5U3uZZmmlA4-01010-00245076-00245317 interpreted the communication as a bold 5U3uZZmmlA4-01011-00245319-00245521 attempt to blackmail the UN and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01012-00245521-00245848 dismissed it on the 1st of October 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-01013-00245850-00246077 the day that UN troops crossed the 38th 5U3uZZmmlA4-01014-00246078-00246323 parallel the Soviet ambassador forwarded 5U3uZZmmlA4-01015-00246323-00246527 a telegram from Stalin to Mao and Jo 5U3uZZmmlA4-01016-00246528-00246746 requesting that China sent five to six 5U3uZZmmlA4-01017-00246746-00246929 divisions into Korea and Kim il-sung's 5U3uZZmmlA4-01018-00246930-00247169 sent frantic appeals to Mao for Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01019-00247169-00247448 military intervention at the same time 5U3uZZmmlA4-01020-00247448-00247669 Stalin made it clear that Soviet forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-01021-00247671-00247873 themselves would not directly intervene 5U3uZZmmlA4-01022-00247875-00248183 in a series of emergency meetings that 5U3uZZmmlA4-01023-00248184-00248402 lasted from 2 to the 5th of October 5U3uZZmmlA4-01024-00248403-00248608 Chinese leaders debated whether to send 5U3uZZmmlA4-01025-00248609-00248864 Chinese troops into Korea there was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01026-00248865-00249041 considerable resistance among many 5U3uZZmmlA4-01027-00249042-00249208 leaders including senior military 5U3uZZmmlA4-01028-00249209-00249451 leaders to confronting the US and Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-01029-00249452-00249728 mouth' strongly supported intervention 5U3uZZmmlA4-01030-00249729-00249902 and Jo was one of the few Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01031-00249903-00250171 leaders who firmly supported him after 5U3uZZmmlA4-01032-00250173-00250352 Lin be out politely refused Mao's 5U3uZZmmlA4-01033-00250353-00250558 offered to command Chinese forces in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01034-00250559-00250751 Korea citing his upcoming medical 5U3uZZmmlA4-01035-00250752-00250969 treatment Mao decided that Poong dua 5U3uZZmmlA4-01036-00250971-00251129 would be the commander of the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01037-00251130-00251342 forces in Korea after Poong agreed to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01038-00251342-00251603 support Mouse position Mao then asked 5U3uZZmmlA4-01039-00251604-00251804 Poong to speak in favor of intervention 5U3uZZmmlA4-01040-00251805-00252050 to the rest of the Chinese leaders after 5U3uZZmmlA4-01041-00252051-00252269 Poong made the case that if US troops 5U3uZZmmlA4-01042-00252269-00252442 conquered Korea and reached the Yalu 5U3uZZmmlA4-01043-00252444-00252650 they might cross it and invade China the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01044-00252651-00252857 Politburo agreed to intervene in Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-01045-00252858-00253196 on the 4th of August 1950 with a planned 5U3uZZmmlA4-01046-00253196-00253400 invasion of Taiwan aborted due to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01047-00253401-00253657 heavy US naval presence Mao reported to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01048-00253658-00253841 the Politburo that he would intervene in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01049-00253842-00253973 Korea when the People's Liberation 5U3uZZmmlA4-01050-00253973-00254273 Army's PLA Taiwan invasion force was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01051-00254273-00254494 reorganized into the PLA northeast 5U3uZZmmlA4-01052-00254496-00254777 frontier force on the 8th of October 5U3uZZmmlA4-01053-00254778-00255107 1950 Maori designated the PLA northeast 5U3uZZmmlA4-01054-00255108-00255314 frontier force as the Chinese people's 5U3uZZmmlA4-01055-00255315-00255581 volunteer army PVA to enlist Stalin's 5U3uZZmmlA4-01056-00255582-00255748 support Jo and a Chinese delegation 5U3uZZmmlA4-01057-00255750-00255980 arrived in Moscow on the 10th of October 5U3uZZmmlA4-01058-00255981-00256198 at which point they flew to stallings 5U3uZZmmlA4-01059-00256200-00256415 home at the Black Sea there they 5U3uZZmmlA4-01060-00256416-00256598 conferred with the top Soviet leadership 5U3uZZmmlA4-01061-00256598-00256838 which included Joseph Stalin as well as 5U3uZZmmlA4-01062-00256839-00257090 vyacheslav molotov Lavrentiy Beria and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01063-00257091-00257404 Georgy Malenkov Stalin initially agreed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01064-00257405-00257567 to send military equipment and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01065-00257567-00257750 ammunition but warned Joad that the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01066-00257751-00257953 Soviet Union's Air Force would need two 5U3uZZmmlA4-01067-00257954-00258100 or three months to prepare any 5U3uZZmmlA4-01068-00258101-00258341 operations in a subsequent meeting 5U3uZZmmlA4-01069-00258342-00258544 stalling told Joad that he would only 5U3uZZmmlA4-01070-00258546-00258721 provide China with the equipment on a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01071-00258723-00258917 credit basis and that the Soviet Air 5U3uZZmmlA4-01072-00258917-00259108 Force would only operate over Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01073-00259109-00259333 airspace and only after an undisclosed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01074-00259334-00259619 period of time Stalin did not agree to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01075-00259619-00259814 send either military equipment or air 5U3uZZmmlA4-01076-00259815-00260165 support until March 1951 Mao did not 5U3uZZmmlA4-01077-00260166-00260335 find Soviet air support especially 5U3uZZmmlA4-01078-00260336-00260569 useful as the fighting was going to take 5U3uZZmmlA4-01079-00260571-00260775 place on the south side of the Yalu 5U3uZZmmlA4-01080-00260776-00261034 Soviet shipments of material when they 5U3uZZmmlA4-01081-00261035-00261208 did arrive were limited to small 5U3uZZmmlA4-01082-00261209-00261371 quantities of trucks grenades 5U3uZZmmlA4-01083-00261371-00261625 machineguns and the like immediately on 5U3uZZmmlA4-01084-00261626-00261826 his return to Beijing on the 18th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01085-00261827-00262088 October 1950 Joe met with Mao Zedong 5U3uZZmmlA4-01086-00262089-00262354 Poong dua and Gao gang and the group 5U3uZZmmlA4-01087-00262355-00262600 ordered 200,000 Chinese troops to enter 5U3uZZmmlA4-01088-00262601-00262823 North Korea which they did on the 25th 5U3uZZmmlA4-01089-00262824-00263144 of October UN aerial reconnaissance had 5U3uZZmmlA4-01090-00263145-00263393 difficulty sighting PVA units in daytime 5U3uZZmmlA4-01091-00263394-00263549 because their march and bivouac 5U3uZZmmlA4-01092-00263550-00263733 discipline minimised aerial detection 5U3uZZmmlA4-01093-00263734-00264229 the PVA marched dark to dark 1900 to 3 5U3uZZmmlA4-01094-00264230-00264392 o'clock and aerial camouflaged 5U3uZZmmlA4-01095-00264393-00264610 concealing soldiers pack animals and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01096-00264611-00264938 equipment was deployed by 5:30 meanwhile 5U3uZZmmlA4-01097-00264939-00265153 daylight advance parties scouted for the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01098-00265154-00265370 next bivouac site during daylight 5U3uZZmmlA4-01099-00265371-00265585 activity or marching soldiers were to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01100-00265586-00265724 remain motionless if an aircraft 5U3uZZmmlA4-01101-00265725-00265913 appeared until it flew away 5U3uZZmmlA4-01102-00265914-00266123 PVA officers were under ordered to shoot 5U3uZZmmlA4-01103-00266124-00266417 security violators such battlefield 5U3uZZmmlA4-01104-00266418-00266626 discipline allowed a three division army 5U3uZZmmlA4-01105-00266627-00266996 to march the 460 kilometers 286 miles 5U3uZZmmlA4-01106-00266997-00267235 from n Tung Manchuria to the combat zone 5U3uZZmmlA4-01107-00267236-00267569 in some 19 days another division night 5U3uZZmmlA4-01108-00267570-00267743 marched a circuitous mountain route 5U3uZZmmlA4-01109-00267744-00268094 averaging 29 kilometres miles daily for 5U3uZZmmlA4-01110-00268095-00268375 18 days meanwhile on the 15th of October 5U3uZZmmlA4-01111-00268376-00268622 1950 President Truman and General 5U3uZZmmlA4-01112-00268623-00268814 MacArthur met at Wake Island in the mid 5U3uZZmmlA4-01113-00268815-00269063 Pacific Ocean this meeting was much 5U3uZZmmlA4-01114-00269064-00269249 publicized because of the generals 5U3uZZmmlA4-01115-00269250-00269410 discourteous refusal to meet the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01116-00269411-00269584 President on the continental United 5U3uZZmmlA4-01117-00269585-00269878 States to President Truman MacArthur 5U3uZZmmlA4-01118-00269879-00270058 speculated there was little risk of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01119-00270059-00270221 Chinese intervention in Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-01120-00270222-00270431 and that the PRC's opportunity for 5U3uZZmmlA4-01121-00270432-00270716 aiding the KPA had lapsed he believed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01122-00270717-00271009 the PRC had some 300,000 soldiers in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01123-00271010-00271412 Manchuria and some 100,000 to 125,000 5U3uZZmmlA4-01124-00271413-00271664 soldiers at the Yalu River he further 5U3uZZmmlA4-01125-00271665-00271829 concluded that although half of those 5U3uZZmmlA4-01126-00271830-00272078 forces might cross south if the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01127-00272079-00272282 tried to get down to Pyongyang there 5U3uZZmmlA4-01128-00272283-00272543 would be the greatest slaughter without 5U3uZZmmlA4-01129-00272544-00272860 air force protection after secretly 5U3uZZmmlA4-01130-00272861-00273071 crossing the Yali River on the 19th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01131-00273072-00273368 October the PVA 13th Army Group launched 5U3uZZmmlA4-01132-00273369-00273590 the first phase offensive on the 25th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01133-00273591-00273806 October attacking the advancing UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-01134-00273807-00274097 forces near the sino Korean border this 5U3uZZmmlA4-01135-00274098-00274328 military decision made solely by China 5U3uZZmmlA4-01136-00274329-00274550 changed the attitude of the Soviet Union 5U3uZZmmlA4-01137-00274551-00274787 12 days after Chinese troops entered the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01138-00274788-00275008 war Stalin allowed the Soviet air force 5U3uZZmmlA4-01139-00275009-00275219 to provide air cover and supported more 5U3uZZmmlA4-01140-00275220-00275474 aid to China after inflicting heavy 5U3uZZmmlA4-01141-00275475-00275708 losses on the ROK ii corps at the battle 5U3uZZmmlA4-01142-00275709-00275912 of on jang the first confrontation 5U3uZZmmlA4-01143-00275913-00276152 between Chinese and US military occurred 5U3uZZmmlA4-01144-00276153-00276470 on the 1st of november 1950 deep in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01145-00276471-00276656 North Korea thousands of soldiers from 5U3uZZmmlA4-01146-00276657-00276953 the PVA 39th army encircled and attacked 5U3uZZmmlA4-01147-00276954-00277151 the US 8th Cavalry Regiment with 5U3uZZmmlA4-01148-00277152-00277355 three-prong assaults from the north 5U3uZZmmlA4-01149-00277356-00277613 northwest and west and over and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01150-00277614-00277810 defensive position flanks in the Battle 5U3uZZmmlA4-01151-00277811-00278099 of onsen the surprise assault resulted 5U3uZZmmlA4-01152-00278100-00278306 in the UN forces retreating back to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01153-00278307-00278453 Chongqing River while the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01154-00278454-00278672 unexpectedly disappeared into mountain 5U3uZZmmlA4-01155-00278673-00278959 hideouts following victory it is unclear 5U3uZZmmlA4-01156-00278960-00279133 why the Chinese did not press the attack 5U3uZZmmlA4-01157-00279134-00279440 and follow up their victory the UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-01158-00279441-00279641 Command however were unconvinced that 5U3uZZmmlA4-01159-00279642-00279815 the Chinese had openly intervened 5U3uZZmmlA4-01160-00279816-00279995 because of the sudden Chinese withdrawal 5U3uZZmmlA4-01161-00279996-00280298 on the 24th of November the home by 5U3uZZmmlA4-01162-00280299-00280478 Christmas offensive was launched with 5U3uZZmmlA4-01163-00280479-00280649 the US Eighth Army advancing in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01164-00280650-00280868 Northwest Korea while the US 10th Corps 5U3uZZmmlA4-01165-00280869-00281138 attacked along the Korean east coast but 5U3uZZmmlA4-01166-00281139-00281330 the PVA were waiting in ambush with 5U3uZZmmlA4-01167-00281331-00281513 their second phase offensive which they 5U3uZZmmlA4-01168-00281514-00281732 executed at two sectors in the East at 5U3uZZmmlA4-01169-00281733-00281921 the Chosun reservoir and in the western 5U3uZZmmlA4-01170-00281922-00282170 sector at changjun River after 5U3uZZmmlA4-01171-00282171-00282407 consulting with Stalin on the 13th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01172-00282408-00282629 November mal appointed Jo and lay the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01173-00282630-00282827 overall commander and coordinator of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01174-00282828-00283028 war effort with pong as field commander 5U3uZZmmlA4-01175-00283029-00283319 on the 25th of November at the Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01176-00283320-00283610 Western Front the PVA 13th Army Group 5U3uZZmmlA4-01177-00283611-00283823 tact and over on the rock second core at 5U3uZZmmlA4-01178-00283824-00283997 the Battle of the changjun river and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01179-00283998-00284204 then inflicted heavy losses on the u.s. 5U3uZZmmlA4-01180-00284205-00284384 second Infantry Division on the UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-01181-00284385-00284651 Fosse's right flank the UN Command 5U3uZZmmlA4-01182-00284652-00284834 retreated the u.s. ate the Army's 5U3uZZmmlA4-01183-00284835-00285050 retreat the longest in US army history 5U3uZZmmlA4-01184-00285051-00285272 was made possible because of the Turkish 5U3uZZmmlA4-01185-00285273-00285488 brigades successful but very costly 5U3uZZmmlA4-01186-00285489-00285713 rearguard delaying action near Condor II 5U3uZZmmlA4-01187-00285714-00285926 that slowed the PVA attack for two days 5U3uZZmmlA4-01188-00285927-00286301 27 to 29 November by the 30th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01189-00286302-00286595 November the PVA 13th Army Group managed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01190-00286596-00286775 to expel the u.s. Eighth Army from 5U3uZZmmlA4-01191-00286776-00287018 Northwest Korea retreating from the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01192-00287019-00287174 north faster than they had counter 5U3uZZmmlA4-01193-00287175-00287402 invaded the Eighth Army crossed the 38th 5U3uZZmmlA4-01194-00287403-00287690 parallel border in mid-december UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-01195-00287691-00287912 morale hit rock bottom when lieutenant 5U3uZZmmlA4-01196-00287913-00288116 general Walton Walker commander of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01197-00288117-00288338 u.s. Eighth Army was killed on the 23rd 5U3uZZmmlA4-01198-00288339-00288548 of December 1950 in an automobile 5U3uZZmmlA4-01199-00288549-00288845 accident concurrent with the Battle of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01200-00288846-00289025 the changjun River was the Battle of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01201-00289026-00289292 Chosin Reservoir which the PVA 9th Army 5U3uZZmmlA4-01202-00289293-00289535 Group initiated on the 27th of November 5U3uZZmmlA4-01203-00289536-00289793 here the UN sea forces fared 5U3uZZmmlA4-01204-00289794-00289961 comparatively better like the Eighth 5U3uZZmmlA4-01205-00289962-00290189 Army the surprise attack also forced 5U3uZZmmlA4-01206-00290190-00290357 10th Corps to retreat from Northeast 5U3uZZmmlA4-01207-00290358-00290558 Korea but they were in the process able 5U3uZZmmlA4-01208-00290559-00290687 to break out from the attempted 5U3uZZmmlA4-01209-00290688-00290909 encirclement by the PVA and execute a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01210-00290910-00291173 successful tactical withdrawal 10th 5U3uZZmmlA4-01211-00291174-00291389 Corps managed to establish a defensive 5U3uZZmmlA4-01212-00291390-00291590 perimeter at the port city of Hungnam on 5U3uZZmmlA4-01213-00291591-00291767 the 11th of December and were able to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01214-00291768-00292001 evacuate by the 24th of December in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01215-00292002-00292175 order to reinforce the badly depleted 5U3uZZmmlA4-01216-00292176-00292481 u.s. Eighth Army to the south during the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01217-00292482-00292802 Hungnam evacuation about 193 shiploads 5U3uZZmmlA4-01218-00292803-00293015 of un command forces and material 5U3uZZmmlA4-01219-00293016-00293267 approximately 105 thousand soldiers 5U3uZZmmlA4-01220-00293268-00293639 ninety-eight thousand civilians 17,500 5U3uZZmmlA4-01221-00293640-00293924 vehicles and 350,000 tons of supplies 5U3uZZmmlA4-01222-00293925-00294272 were evacuated to Pusan the SS Meredith 5U3uZZmmlA4-01223-00294273-00294554 victory was noted for evacuating 14,000 5U3uZZmmlA4-01224-00294555-00294809 refugees the largest rescue operation by 5U3uZZmmlA4-01225-00294810-00294959 a single ship even though it was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01226-00294960-00295226 designed to hold 12 passengers before 5U3uZZmmlA4-01227-00295227-00295469 escaping the UN command forces raised 5U3uZZmmlA4-01228-00295470-00295703 most of Hungnam city especially the port 5U3uZZmmlA4-01229-00295704-00296069 facilities on the 16th of December 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-01230-00296070-00296249 President Truman declared a national 5U3uZZmmlA4-01231-00296250-00296474 state of emergency with presidential 5U3uZZmmlA4-01232-00296475-00296990 proclamation numbered 2914 3 CFR 99 9 5U3uZZmmlA4-01233-00296991-00297229 53 which remained in force until the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01234-00297230-00297623 14th of September 1978 the next day the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01235-00297624-00297917 17th of December 1950 Kim il-sung was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01236-00297918-00298139 deprived of the right of command of kPa 5U3uZZmmlA4-01237-00298140-00298400 by China China justified its entry into 5U3uZZmmlA4-01238-00298401-00298625 the war as a response to American 5U3uZZmmlA4-01239-00298626-00298930 aggression in the guise of the UN later 5U3uZZmmlA4-01240-00298931-00299165 the Chinese claimed that US bombers had 5U3uZZmmlA4-01241-00299166-00299438 violated PRC national airspace on three 5U3uZZmmlA4-01242-00299439-00299635 separate occasions and attacked Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01243-00299636-00300083 targets before China intervene 5U3uZZmmlA4-01244-00300084-00300363 topic fighting around the 38th parallel 5U3uZZmmlA4-01245-00300364-00300784 January to June 1951 5U3uZZmmlA4-01246-00300785-00300974 you 5U3uZZmmlA4-01247-00300975-00301220 with Lieutenant General Matthew Ridgway 5U3uZZmmlA4-01248-00301221-00301445 assuming the command of the US 8th Army 5U3uZZmmlA4-01249-00301446-00301709 on the 26th of December the PVA and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01250-00301710-00301934 kPa launched their third phase offensive 5U3uZZmmlA4-01251-00301935-00302174 also known as the Chinese New Year's 5U3uZZmmlA4-01252-00302175-00302554 offensive on New Year's Eve of 1950-51 5U3uZZmmlA4-01253-00302555-00302795 utilizing night attacks in which UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-01254-00302796-00302945 command fighting positions were 5U3uZZmmlA4-01255-00302946-00303107 encircled and then assaulted by 5U3uZZmmlA4-01256-00303108-00303314 numerically superior troops who had the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01257-00303315-00303509 element of surprise the attacks were 5U3uZZmmlA4-01258-00303510-00303698 accompanied by loud trumpets and gongs 5U3uZZmmlA4-01259-00303699-00303899 which fulfilled the double purpose of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01260-00303900-00304121 facilitating tactical communication and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01261-00304122-00304382 mentally disorienting the enemy UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-01262-00304383-00304619 forces initially had no familiarity with 5U3uZZmmlA4-01263-00304620-00304787 this tactic and as a result some 5U3uZZmmlA4-01264-00304788-00304958 soldiers panicked abandoning their 5U3uZZmmlA4-01265-00304959-00305207 weapons and retreating to the south the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01266-00305208-00305426 Chinese New Year's offensive overwhelmed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01267-00305427-00305702 UN forces allowing the PVA and kPa to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01268-00305703-00305903 conquer Seoul for the second time on the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01269-00305904-00306281 4th of January 1951 these setbacks 5U3uZZmmlA4-01270-00306282-00306494 prompted General MacArthur to consider 5U3uZZmmlA4-01271-00306495-00306674 using nuclear weapons against the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01272-00306675-00306890 Chinese or North Korean interiors with 5U3uZZmmlA4-01273-00306891-00307076 the intention that radioactive fallout 5U3uZZmmlA4-01274-00307077-00307283 zones would interrupt the Chinese supply 5U3uZZmmlA4-01275-00307284-00307583 chains however upon the arrival of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01276-00307584-00307805 charismatic general Ridgway the esprit 5U3uZZmmlA4-01277-00307806-00307970 de corps of the bloodied 8th army 5U3uZZmmlA4-01278-00307971-00308192 immediately began to revive UN forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-01279-00308193-00308435 retreated to Suwon in the West wanju in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01280-00308436-00308621 the center and the territory north of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01281-00308622-00308762 Sam cheok in the east where the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01282-00308763-00309080 battlefront stabilized in help the PVA 5U3uZZmmlA4-01283-00309081-00309320 had outrun its logistics capability and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01284-00309321-00309482 thus were unable to press on beyond 5U3uZZmmlA4-01285-00309483-00309722 Seoul as food ammunition and materiel 5U3uZZmmlA4-01286-00309723-00309944 were carried nightly on foot and bicycle 5U3uZZmmlA4-01287-00309945-00310112 from the border at the Yellow River to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01288-00310113-00310400 the three battle lines in late January 5U3uZZmmlA4-01289-00310401-00310637 upon finding that the PVA had abandoned 5U3uZZmmlA4-01290-00310638-00310730 their battle lines 5U3uZZmmlA4-01291-00310731-00310934 general Ridgway ordered a reconnaissance 5U3uZZmmlA4-01292-00310935-00311168 in force which became Operation roundup 5U3uZZmmlA4-01293-00311169-00311528 the 5th of February 1951 a full-scale 5U3uZZmmlA4-01294-00311529-00311744 10th Corps advance proceeded which fully 5U3uZZmmlA4-01295-00311745-00311924 exploited the UN commands air 5U3uZZmmlA4-01296-00311925-00312131 superiority concluding with the UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-01297-00312132-00312326 reaching the Han River and recapturing 5U3uZZmmlA4-01298-00312327-00312557 wanju following the failure of ceasefire 5U3uZZmmlA4-01299-00312558-00312800 negotiations in January the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-01300-00312801-00312952 Nations General Assembly passed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01301-00312953-00313258 resolution 498 on the 1st of February 5U3uZZmmlA4-01302-00313259-00313532 condemning PRC as an aggressor and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01303-00313533-00313730 called upon its forces to withdraw from 5U3uZZmmlA4-01304-00313731-00313979 Korea in early February the South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01305-00313980-00314183 11th division ran the operation to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01306-00314184-00314339 destroy the guerrillas and their sim 5U3uZZmmlA4-01307-00314340-00314605 either citizens in southern Korea during 5U3uZZmmlA4-01308-00314606-00314809 the operation the division and police 5U3uZZmmlA4-01309-00314810-00315004 conducted the geol Kang massacre and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01310-00315005-00315190 sancheong ham yang massacre in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01311-00315191-00315470 mid-february the PVA counter-attacked 5U3uZZmmlA4-01312-00315471-00315631 with the fourth phase offensive and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01313-00315632-00315812 achieved initial victory at hone song 5U3uZZmmlA4-01314-00315813-00316070 but the offensive was soon blunted by 5U3uZZmmlA4-01315-00316071-00316250 the 9th corps positions at chip Jung 5U3uZZmmlA4-01316-00316251-00316568 knee in the center the u.s. 2nd Infantry 5U3uZZmmlA4-01317-00316569-00316930 Warrior divisions 23rd regimental combat 5U3uZZmmlA4-01318-00316931-00317138 team and the French battalion fought a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01319-00317139-00317318 short but desperate battle that broke 5U3uZZmmlA4-01320-00317319-00317557 the attacks momentum the battle is 5U3uZZmmlA4-01321-00317558-00317798 sometimes known as the Gettysburg of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01322-00317799-00318232 Korean War 5600 South Korean US and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01323-00318233-00318403 French troops were surrounded on all 5U3uZZmmlA4-01324-00318404-00318664 sides by 25,000 Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01325-00318665-00318938 United Nations forces had previously 5U3uZZmmlA4-01326-00318939-00319156 retreated in the face of large communist 5U3uZZmmlA4-01327-00319157-00319357 forces instead of getting cut off but 5U3uZZmmlA4-01328-00319358-00319538 this time they stood and fought and won 5U3uZZmmlA4-01329-00319539-00319916 in the last two weeks of February 1951 5U3uZZmmlA4-01330-00319917-00320141 operation roundup was followed by 5U3uZZmmlA4-01331-00320142-00320318 operation killer carried out by the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01332-00320319-00320560 revitalized Eighth Army it was a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01333-00320561-00320771 full-scale battle front length attack 5U3uZZmmlA4-01334-00320772-00320983 staged for maximum exploitation of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01335-00320984-00321232 firepower to kill as many kPa and PVA 5U3uZZmmlA4-01336-00321233-00321526 troops as possible operation killer 5U3uZZmmlA4-01337-00321527-00321767 concluded with 1st Corps reoccupying the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01338-00321768-00321992 territory south of the Han River and 9th 5U3uZZmmlA4-01339-00321993-00322279 corps capturing han seong on the 7th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01340-00322280-00322568 march 1951 the Eighth Army attacked with 5U3uZZmmlA4-01341-00322569-00322796 operation Ripper expelling the PVA and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01342-00322797-00323048 the kPa from Seoul on the 14th of March 5U3uZZmmlA4-01343-00323049-00323407 1951 this was the 4th conquest of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01344-00323408-00323621 city in a year's time leaving it a ruin 5U3uZZmmlA4-01345-00323622-00323908 the 1.5 million pre-war population was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01346-00323909-00324113 down to 200,000 and people were 5U3uZZmmlA4-01347-00324114-00324317 suffering from severe food shortages on 5U3uZZmmlA4-01348-00324318-00324634 the 1st of March 1951 Mao sent a cable 5U3uZZmmlA4-01349-00324635-00324842 to Stalin emphasizing the difficulties 5U3uZZmmlA4-01350-00324843-00325049 faced by Chinese forces and the need for 5U3uZZmmlA4-01351-00325050-00325335 air cover especially over supply lines 5U3uZZmmlA4-01352-00325336-00325582 apparently impressed by the Chinese war 5U3uZZmmlA4-01353-00325583-00325763 effort Stalin agreed to supply two 5U3uZZmmlA4-01354-00325764-00325973 airforce divisions three anti-aircraft 5U3uZZmmlA4-01355-00325974-00326312 divisions and six thousand trucks PVA 5U3uZZmmlA4-01356-00326313-00326519 troops in Korea continued to suffer 5U3uZZmmlA4-01357-00326520-00326710 severe logistical problems throughout 5U3uZZmmlA4-01358-00326711-00327038 the war in late April Poong dua sent his 5U3uZZmmlA4-01359-00327039-00327287 deputy Hong Shui G to brief joe and lay 5U3uZZmmlA4-01360-00327288-00327580 in Beijing what Chinese soldiers feared 5U3uZZmmlA4-01361-00327581-00327717 Hong said was not 5U3uZZmmlA4-01362-00327718-00327927 enemy but having no food bullets or 5U3uZZmmlA4-01363-00327928-00328104 trucks to transport them to the rear 5U3uZZmmlA4-01364-00328105-00328358 when they were wounded Joe attempted to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01365-00328359-00328610 respond to the PVA's logistical concerns 5U3uZZmmlA4-01366-00328611-00328818 by increasing Chinese production and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01367-00328819-00328989 improving supply methods but these 5U3uZZmmlA4-01368-00328990-00329229 efforts were never sufficient at the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01369-00329230-00329427 same time large-scale air defense 5U3uZZmmlA4-01370-00329428-00329619 training programs were carried out and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01371-00329620-00329754 the Chinese air force began 5U3uZZmmlA4-01372-00329755-00329984 participating in the war from September 5U3uZZmmlA4-01373-00329985-00330345 1951 onward on the 11th of April 1951 5U3uZZmmlA4-01374-00330346-00330570 commander-in-chief Truman relieved the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01375-00330571-00330755 controversial General MacArthur the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01376-00330756-00330999 supreme commander in Korea there were 5U3uZZmmlA4-01377-00331000-00331169 several reasons for the dismissal 5U3uZZmmlA4-01378-00331170-00331446 MacArthur crossed the 38th parallel in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01379-00331447-00331620 the mistaken belief that the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01380-00331621-00331800 would not enter the war leading to major 5U3uZZmmlA4-01381-00331801-00332079 allied losses he believed that whether 5U3uZZmmlA4-01382-00332080-00332258 to use nuclear weapons should be his 5U3uZZmmlA4-01383-00332259-00332544 decision not the president MacArthur 5U3uZZmmlA4-01384-00332545-00332727 threatened to destroy China unless it 5U3uZZmmlA4-01385-00332728-00332960 surrendered while MacArthur felt total 5U3uZZmmlA4-01386-00332961-00333158 victory was the only honorable outcome 5U3uZZmmlA4-01387-00333159-00333363 Truman was more pessimistic about his 5U3uZZmmlA4-01388-00333364-00333567 chances once involved in a land war in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01389-00333568-00333774 Asia and felt a truce and orderly 5U3uZZmmlA4-01390-00333775-00333945 withdrawal from Korea could be a valid 5U3uZZmmlA4-01391-00333946-00334229 solution MacArthur was the subject of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01392-00334230-00334419 congressional hearings in May in June 5U3uZZmmlA4-01393-00334420-00334698 1951 which determined that he had defied 5U3uZZmmlA4-01394-00334699-00334878 the orders of the President and thus had 5U3uZZmmlA4-01395-00334879-00335067 violated the US Constitution 5U3uZZmmlA4-01396-00335068-00335354 a popular criticism of MacArthur was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01397-00335355-00335550 that he never spent a night in Korea and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01398-00335551-00335715 directed the war from the safety of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01399-00335716-00336045 Tokyo MacArthur was relieved primarily 5U3uZZmmlA4-01400-00336046-00336252 due to his determination to expand the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01401-00336253-00336447 war into China which other officials 5U3uZZmmlA4-01402-00336448-00336612 believed would needlessly escalate a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01403-00336613-00336792 limited war and consumed too many 5U3uZZmmlA4-01404-00336793-00336995 already overstretched resources 5U3uZZmmlA4-01405-00336996-00337235 despite MacArthur's claims that he was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01406-00337236-00337422 restricted to fighting a limited war 5U3uZZmmlA4-01407-00337423-00337569 when China was fighting all-out 5U3uZZmmlA4-01408-00337570-00337805 congressional testimony revealed China 5U3uZZmmlA4-01409-00337806-00338013 was using restraint as much as the US 5U3uZZmmlA4-01410-00338014-00338178 was as they were not using air power 5U3uZZmmlA4-01411-00338179-00338403 against frontline troops communication 5U3uZZmmlA4-01412-00338404-00338691 lines ports naval air forces or staging 5U3uZZmmlA4-01413-00338692-00338909 bases in Japan which had been crucial to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01414-00338910-00339149 the survival of UN forces in Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-01415-00339150-00339393 simply fighting on the peninsula had 5U3uZZmmlA4-01416-00339394-00339603 already tied down significant portions 5U3uZZmmlA4-01417-00339604-00339833 of US air power as Air Force chief of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01418-00339834-00340092 staff Hoyt Vandenberg said 80 to 85 5U3uZZmmlA4-01419-00340093-00340341 percent the tactical capacity one-fourth 5U3uZZmmlA4-01420-00340342-00340596 of the strategic portion and 20% of air 5U3uZZmmlA4-01421-00340597-00340800 defense forces of the United States were 5U3uZZmmlA4-01422-00340801-00341012 engaged in a single country 5U3uZZmmlA4-01423-00341013-00341209 there was also fear that crossing into 5U3uZZmmlA4-01424-00341210-00341401 China would provoke the Soviet Union 5U3uZZmmlA4-01425-00341402-00341629 into entering the war General Omar 5U3uZZmmlA4-01426-00341630-00341881 Bradley testified that there were 35 5U3uZZmmlA4-01427-00341882-00342164 Russian divisions totaling some 500,000 5U3uZZmmlA4-01428-00342165-00342338 troops in the Far East and have sent 5U3uZZmmlA4-01429-00342339-00342556 into action with the approximately 85 5U3uZZmmlA4-01430-00342557-00342764 Russian submarines in the vicinity of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01431-00342765-00343003 Korea they could overwhelm US forces and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01432-00343004-00343228 cut supply lines as well as potentially 5U3uZZmmlA4-01433-00343229-00343469 assist China in taking over territory in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01434-00343470-00343574 Southeast Asia 5U3uZZmmlA4-01435-00343575-00343772 general Ridgway was appointed supreme 5U3uZZmmlA4-01436-00343773-00343967 commander in korea and he regrouped the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01437-00343968-00344192 UN forces for successful counter-attacks 5U3uZZmmlA4-01438-00344193-00344401 while General James Van Fleet assumed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01439-00344402-00344659 command of the u.s. Eighth Army further 5U3uZZmmlA4-01440-00344660-00344932 attacks slowly depleted the PVA and kPa 5U3uZZmmlA4-01441-00344933-00345274 forces operations courageous 23 to 28 5U3uZZmmlA4-01442-00345275-00345601 March 1951 and tomahawk the 23rd of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01443-00345602-00345866 March 1951 were a joint ground and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01444-00345867-00346040 airborne infiltration meant to trap 5U3uZZmmlA4-01445-00346041-00346294 Chinese forces between Kaesong and Seoul 5U3uZZmmlA4-01446-00346295-00346742 UN forces advanced to lime Kansas north 5U3uZZmmlA4-01447-00346743-00346999 of the 38th parallel the second of two 5U3uZZmmlA4-01448-00347000-00347291 combat jumps by the 187th airborne 5U3uZZmmlA4-01449-00347292-00347447 regimental combat team 5U3uZZmmlA4-01450-00347448-00347840 raucous ons was on Easter Sunday 1951 at 5U3uZZmmlA4-01451-00347841-00348058 Munson knee South Korea codenamed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01452-00348059-00348323 Operation tomahawk the mission was to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01453-00348324-00348524 get behind Chinese forces and block 5U3uZZmmlA4-01454-00348525-00348784 their movement north the 60th Indian 5U3uZZmmlA4-01455-00348785-00348985 parachute field ambulance provided 5U3uZZmmlA4-01456-00348986-00349156 medical cover for the operations 5U3uZZmmlA4-01457-00349157-00349381 dropping an adze and a surgical team and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01458-00349382-00349603 treating over 400 battle casualties 5U3uZZmmlA4-01459-00349604-00349820 apart from the civilian casualties that 5U3uZZmmlA4-01460-00349821-00349978 formed the core of their objective as 5U3uZZmmlA4-01461-00349979-00350184 the unit was on a humanitarian mission 5U3uZZmmlA4-01462-00350185-00350462 the Chinese counter attacked in April 5U3uZZmmlA4-01463-00350463-00350768 1951 with the fifth phase offensive also 5U3uZZmmlA4-01464-00350769-00350905 known as the Chinese Spring Offensive 5U3uZZmmlA4-01465-00350906-00351169 with three field armies approximately 5U3uZZmmlA4-01466-00351170-00351475 700,000 men the first thrust of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01467-00351476-00351689 offensive fell upon first core which 5U3uZZmmlA4-01468-00351690-00351877 fiercely resisted in the Battle of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01469-00351878-00352282 engine River 22 to 25 April 1951 and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01470-00352283-00352657 Battle of capping 22 to 25 April 1951 5U3uZZmmlA4-01471-00352658-00352865 blunting the impetus of the offensive 5U3uZZmmlA4-01472-00352866-00353080 which was halted at the no-name line 5U3uZZmmlA4-01473-00353081-00353434 north of Seoul on the 15th of May 1951 5U3uZZmmlA4-01474-00353435-00353656 the Chinese commenced the second impulse 5U3uZZmmlA4-01475-00353657-00353833 of the Spring Offensive and attacked the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01476-00353834-00354034 ROK Army in the u.s. 10th Corps in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01477-00354035-00354310 East at the soyang river after initial 5U3uZZmmlA4-01478-00354311-00354368 success 5U3uZZmmlA4-01479-00354369-00354628 they were halted by the 20th of May at 5U3uZZmmlA4-01480-00354629-00354856 month's end the u.s. eight army counter 5U3uZZmmlA4-01481-00354857-00355175 attacked and regained lime Kansas just 5U3uZZmmlA4-01482-00355176-00355352 north of the 38th parallel 5U3uZZmmlA4-01483-00355353-00355769 the UN's line Kansas halt and subsequent 5U3uZZmmlA4-01484-00355770-00355981 offensive actions stand down began the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01485-00355982-00356141 stalemate that lasted until the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01486-00356142-00356598 armistice of 1953 5U3uZZmmlA4-01487-00356599-00357392 topic stalemate July 1951 to July 1953 5U3uZZmmlA4-01488-00357393-00357635 for the remainder of the Korean War the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01489-00357636-00357864 UN Command and the PVA fought but 5U3uZZmmlA4-01490-00357865-00358062 exchanged little territory as the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01491-00358063-00358341 stalemate held large-scale bombing of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01492-00358342-00358554 North Korea continued and protracted 5U3uZZmmlA4-01493-00358555-00358782 Armistice negotiations began the 10th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01494-00358783-00359157 July 1951 at Kaesong on the Chinese side 5U3uZZmmlA4-01495-00359158-00359370 Joe and Lai directed peace talks and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01496-00359371-00359580 lika Nong and Chao Guang Wu headed the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01497-00359581-00359877 negotiation team combat continued while 5U3uZZmmlA4-01498-00359878-00360090 the belligerents negotiated the goal of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01499-00360091-00360288 the UN command forces was to recapture 5U3uZZmmlA4-01500-00360289-00360513 all of South Korea and to avoid losing 5U3uZZmmlA4-01501-00360514-00360858 territory the PVA and the kPa attempted 5U3uZZmmlA4-01502-00360859-00361083 similar operations and later affected 5U3uZZmmlA4-01503-00361084-00361323 military and psychological operations in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01504-00361324-00361533 order to test the UN commands result to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01505-00361534-00361830 continue the war the principle battles 5U3uZZmmlA4-01506-00361831-00362016 of the stalemate include the battle of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01507-00362017-00362232 bloody Ridge the 18th of August to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01508-00362233-00362556 15th of September 1951 the Battle of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01509-00362557-00362838 punchbowl the 31st of August to the 21st 5U3uZZmmlA4-01510-00362839-00363081 of September 1951 the Battle of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01511-00363082-00363303 Heartbreak Ridge the 13th of September 5U3uZZmmlA4-01512-00363304-00363618 to the 15th of October 1951 the Battle 5U3uZZmmlA4-01513-00363619-00363891 of Old Baldy the 26th of June to the 4th 5U3uZZmmlA4-01514-00363892-00364191 of August 1952 the Battle of Whitehorse 5U3uZZmmlA4-01515-00364192-00364548 6 to 15 October 1952 the Battle of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01516-00364549-00364800 triangle Hill the 14th of October to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01517-00364801-00365142 25th of November 1952 the Battle of Hill 5U3uZZmmlA4-01518-00365143-00365430 Erie the 21st of march to the 21st of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01519-00365431-00365769 June 1952 the sieges of outpost Harry 10 5U3uZZmmlA4-01520-00365770-00366090 to 18 June 1953 the Battle of the hook 5U3uZZmmlA4-01521-00366091-00366480 28 to 29 May 1953 the Battle of pork 5U3uZZmmlA4-01522-00366481-00366750 chop hill the 23rd of march to the 16th 5U3uZZmmlA4-01523-00366751-00367050 of july 1953 and the Battle of calm song 5U3uZZmmlA4-01524-00367051-00367533 13 to 27 July 1953 Chinese troops 5U3uZZmmlA4-01525-00367534-00367707 suffered from deficient military 5U3uZZmmlA4-01526-00367708-00367953 equipment serious logistical problems 5U3uZZmmlA4-01527-00367954-00368175 overextended communication and supply 5U3uZZmmlA4-01528-00368176-00368373 lines and the constant threat of UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-01529-00368374-00368628 bombers all of these factors generally 5U3uZZmmlA4-01530-00368629-00368883 led to a rate of Chinese casualties that 5U3uZZmmlA4-01531-00368884-00369051 was far greater than the casualties 5U3uZZmmlA4-01532-00369052-00369342 suffered by UN troops the situation 5U3uZZmmlA4-01533-00369343-00369621 became so serious that in November 1951 5U3uZZmmlA4-01534-00369622-00369813 Joanne lay called a conference in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01535-00369814-00369993 Shenyang to discuss the Peavey 5U3uZZmmlA4-01536-00369994-00370278 logistical problems at the meeting it 5U3uZZmmlA4-01537-00370279-00370431 was decided to accelerate the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01538-00370432-00370632 construction of Railways and airfields 5U3uZZmmlA4-01539-00370633-00370815 in the area to increase the number of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01540-00370816-00370980 trucks available to the army and to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01541-00370981-00371157 improve air defence by any means 5U3uZZmmlA4-01542-00371158-00371442 possible these commitments did little to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01543-00371443-00371598 directly address the problems 5U3uZZmmlA4-01544-00371599-00371925 confronting PVA troops in the months 5U3uZZmmlA4-01545-00371926-00372144 after the Shenyang Conference Pung dua 5U3uZZmmlA4-01546-00372145-00372351 went to Beijing several times to brief 5U3uZZmmlA4-01547-00372352-00372519 Mao and Joe about the heavy casualties 5U3uZZmmlA4-01548-00372520-00372735 suffered by Chinese troops and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01549-00372736-00372915 increasing difficulty of keeping the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01550-00372916-00373074 frontline supplied with basic 5U3uZZmmlA4-01551-00373075-00373347 necessities Poong was convinced that the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01552-00373348-00373524 war would be protracted and that neither 5U3uZZmmlA4-01553-00373525-00373719 side would be able to achieve victory in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01554-00373720-00374037 the near future on the 24th of February 5U3uZZmmlA4-01555-00374038-00374346 1952 the Military Commission presided 5U3uZZmmlA4-01556-00374347-00374556 over by Jo discussed the PVA's 5U3uZZmmlA4-01557-00374557-00374745 logistical problems with members of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01558-00374746-00374958 various government agencies involved in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01559-00374959-00375192 the war effort after the government 5U3uZZmmlA4-01560-00375193-00375357 representatives emphasised their 5U3uZZmmlA4-01561-00375358-00375543 inability to meet the demands of the war 5U3uZZmmlA4-01562-00375544-00375813 Pung in an angry outburst shouted you 5U3uZZmmlA4-01563-00375814-00376091 have this and that problem 5U3uZZmmlA4-01564-00376092-00376316 you should go to the front and see with 5U3uZZmmlA4-01565-00376317-00376523 your own eyes what food and clothing the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01566-00376524-00376790 soldiers have not to speak of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01567-00376791-00377012 casualties for what are they giving 5U3uZZmmlA4-01568-00377013-00377078 their lives 5U3uZZmmlA4-01569-00377079-00377384 we have no aircraft we have only a few 5U3uZZmmlA4-01570-00377385-00377720 guns transports are not protected more 5U3uZZmmlA4-01571-00377721-00377888 and more soldiers are dying of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01572-00377889-00378131 starvation can't you overcome some of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01573-00378132-00378410 your difficulties the atmosphere became 5U3uZZmmlA4-01574-00378411-00378608 so tense that Joe was forced to adjourn 5U3uZZmmlA4-01575-00378609-00378899 the conference Joe subsequently called a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01576-00378900-00379088 series of meetings where it was agreed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01577-00379089-00379301 that the PVA would be divided into three 5U3uZZmmlA4-01578-00379302-00379493 groups to be dispatched to Korea in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01579-00379494-00379685 shifts to accelerate the training of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01580-00379686-00379865 Chinese pilots to provide more 5U3uZZmmlA4-01581-00379866-00380084 anti-aircraft guns to the frontlines to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01582-00380085-00380276 purchase more military equipment and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01583-00380277-00380468 ammunition from the Soviet Union to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01584-00380469-00380648 provide the army with more food and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01585-00380649-00380801 clothing and to transfer the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01586-00380802-00380993 responsibility of logistics to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01587-00380994-00381339 central government 5U3uZZmmlA4-01588-00381340-00381761 topic Armistice July 1953 to November 5U3uZZmmlA4-01589-00381762-00382180 1954 5U3uZZmmlA4-01590-00382181-00382408 the unag n off-again Armistice 5U3uZZmmlA4-01591-00382409-00382637 negotiations continued for two years 5U3uZZmmlA4-01592-00382638-00382814 first at Kaesong on the border between 5U3uZZmmlA4-01593-00382815-00383018 North and South Korea and then at the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01594-00383019-00383189 neighboring village of Panmunjeom a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01595-00383190-00383506 major problematic negotiation point was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01596-00383507-00383840 prisoner of war POW repatriation the PVA 5U3uZZmmlA4-01597-00383841-00384100 kPa and UN command could not agree on 5U3uZZmmlA4-01598-00384101-00384319 the system of repatriation because many 5U3uZZmmlA4-01599-00384320-00384577 PVA and kPa soldiers refused to be 5U3uZZmmlA4-01600-00384578-00384775 repatriated back to the north which was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01601-00384776-00384952 unacceptable to the Chinese and North 5U3uZZmmlA4-01602-00384953-00385252 Koreans in the final armistice agreement 5U3uZZmmlA4-01603-00385253-00385570 signed on the 27th of July 1953 a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01604-00385571-00385793 neutral nations repatriation Commission 5U3uZZmmlA4-01605-00385794-00386005 under the chairman Indian general KS 5U3uZZmmlA4-01606-00386006-00386209 Tamiya was set up to handle the matter 5U3uZZmmlA4-01607-00386210-00386513 in 1952 the United States elected a new 5U3uZZmmlA4-01608-00386514-00386743 president and on the 29th of November 5U3uZZmmlA4-01609-00386744-00387017 1952 the president-elect Dwight D 5U3uZZmmlA4-01610-00387018-00387229 Eisenhower went to Korea to learn what 5U3uZZmmlA4-01611-00387230-00387491 might end the Korean War with the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-01612-00387492-00387697 Nations acceptance of India's proposed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01613-00387698-00388018 Korean War armistice the KPA the PVA and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01614-00388019-00388214 the UN Command ceased fire with the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01615-00388215-00388420 battle line approximately at the 38th 5U3uZZmmlA4-01616-00388421-00388702 parallel upon agreeing to the armistice 5U3uZZmmlA4-01617-00388703-00388903 the belligerents established the Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01618-00388904-00389170 Demilitarized Zone DMZ which has since 5U3uZZmmlA4-01619-00389171-00389434 been patrolled by the kPa in Roca United 5U3uZZmmlA4-01620-00389435-00389731 States and joint UN commands the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01621-00389732-00389944 demilitarized zone runs north east of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01622-00389945-00390143 the 38th parallel to the south 5U3uZZmmlA4-01623-00390144-00390445 it travels west the old Korean capital 5U3uZZmmlA4-01624-00390446-00390658 city of Kaesong site of the Armistice 5U3uZZmmlA4-01625-00390659-00390871 negotiations originally was in pre-war 5U3uZZmmlA4-01626-00390872-00391088 South Korea but now is part of North 5U3uZZmmlA4-01627-00391089-00391340 Korea the United Nations command 5U3uZZmmlA4-01628-00391341-00391568 supported by the United States the North 5U3uZZmmlA4-01629-00391569-00391766 Korean People's Army and the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01630-00391767-00391984 People's volunteers signed the armistice 5U3uZZmmlA4-01631-00391985-00392312 agreement on the 27th of July 1953 to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01632-00392313-00392551 end the fighting the armistice also 5U3uZZmmlA4-01633-00392552-00392710 called upon the governments of South 5U3uZZmmlA4-01634-00392711-00392926 Korea North Korea China and the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-01635-00392927-00393169 States to participate in continued peace 5U3uZZmmlA4-01636-00393170-00393409 talks the war is considered to have 5U3uZZmmlA4-01637-00393410-00393580 ended at this point even though there 5U3uZZmmlA4-01638-00393581-00393826 was no peace treaty North Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-01639-00393827-00394003 nevertheless claims that it won the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01640-00394004-00394258 Korean War after the war operation Glory 5U3uZZmmlA4-01641-00394259-00394555 was conducted from July to November 1954 5U3uZZmmlA4-01642-00394556-00394756 to allow combatant countries to exchange 5U3uZZmmlA4-01643-00394757-00394838 their debt 5U3uZZmmlA4-01644-00394839-00395284 the remains of 4,000 167 US Army and US 5U3uZZmmlA4-01645-00395285-00395564 Marine Corps dead were exchanged for 13 5U3uZZmmlA4-01646-00395565-00396020 in 528 kPa and PVA dead and 546 5U3uZZmmlA4-01647-00396021-00396212 civilians dead in UN prisoner of war 5U3uZZmmlA4-01648-00396213-00396425 camps were delivered to the South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01649-00396426-00396791 government after operation glory 416 5U3uZZmmlA4-01650-00396792-00397001 Korean War unknown soldiers were buried 5U3uZZmmlA4-01651-00397002-00397214 in the National Memorial Cemetery of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01652-00397215-00397430 Pacific the punchbowl on the island of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01653-00397431-00397745 Oahu Hawaii defense prisoner of war 5U3uZZmmlA4-01654-00397746-00398045 missing personnel office DP mo records 5U3uZZmmlA4-01655-00398046-00398306 indicate that the PRC and the DPRK 5U3uZZmmlA4-01656-00398307-00398780 transmitted 1394 names of which 858 were 5U3uZZmmlA4-01657-00398781-00399200 correct from 4,000 167 containers of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01658-00399201-00399431 returned remains forensic examination 5U3uZZmmlA4-01659-00399432-00399949 identified 4219 individuals of these 5U3uZZmmlA4-01660-00399950-00400247 2944 were identified as from the US and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01661-00400248-00400634 all but 416 were identified by name from 5U3uZZmmlA4-01662-00400635-00401102 1996 to 2006 the DPRK recovered 220 5U3uZZmmlA4-01663-00401103-00401570 remains near the sino Korean border 5U3uZZmmlA4-01664-00401571-00402270 topic division of Korea 1954 present 5U3uZZmmlA4-01665-00402271-00402528 the Korean Armistice Agreement provided 5U3uZZmmlA4-01666-00402529-00402699 for monitoring by an International 5U3uZZmmlA4-01667-00402700-00402990 Commission since 1953 the Neutral 5U3uZZmmlA4-01668-00402991-00403248 Nations supervisory commission nnsc 5U3uZZmmlA4-01669-00403249-00403452 composed of members from the Swiss and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01670-00403453-00403674 Swedish Armed Forces has been stationed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01671-00403675-00404084 near the DMZ in April 1975 South 5U3uZZmmlA4-01672-00404085-00404292 Vietnam's capital was captured by the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01673-00404293-00404580 North Vietnamese Army encouraged by the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01674-00404581-00404778 success of communist revolution in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01675-00404779-00405003 Indochina Kim il-sung's side as an 5U3uZZmmlA4-01676-00405004-00405264 opportunity to invade the south Kim 5U3uZZmmlA4-01677-00405265-00405485 visited China in April of that year and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01678-00405486-00405666 met with Mao Zedong and Joanne Lai to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01679-00405667-00405819 ask for military aid 5U3uZZmmlA4-01680-00405820-00406092 despite Pyongyang's expectations however 5U3uZZmmlA4-01681-00406093-00406338 Beijing refused to help North Korea for 5U3uZZmmlA4-01682-00406339-00406650 another war in Korea since the Armistice 5U3uZZmmlA4-01683-00406651-00406830 there have been numerous incursions and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01684-00406831-00407114 acts of aggression by North Korea in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01685-00407115-00407397 1976 the axe murder incident was widely 5U3uZZmmlA4-01686-00407398-00407802 publicized since 1974 for incursion 5U3uZZmmlA4-01687-00407803-00407952 tunnels leading to Seoul have been 5U3uZZmmlA4-01688-00407953-00408255 uncovered in 2010 a North Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01689-00408256-00408468 submarine torpedoed and sank the South 5U3uZZmmlA4-01690-00408469-00408714 Korean corvette rocks Cheonan resulting 5U3uZZmmlA4-01691-00408715-00409002 in the deaths of 46 sailors again in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01692-00409003-00409275 2010 North Korea fired artillery shells 5U3uZZmmlA4-01693-00409276-00409460 on Yeonpyeong Island killing two 5U3uZZmmlA4-01694-00409461-00409664 military personnel and two civilians 5U3uZZmmlA4-01695-00409666-00409899 after a new wave of UN sanctions on the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01696-00409900-00410187 11th of March 2013 North Korea claimed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01697-00410188-00410384 that the armistice had become invalid on 5U3uZZmmlA4-01698-00410385-00410726 the 13th of March 2013 North Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-01699-00410727-00410976 confirmed it ended the 1953 armistice 5U3uZZmmlA4-01700-00410977-00411197 and declared North Korea is not 5U3uZZmmlA4-01701-00411198-00411347 restrained by the north-south 5U3uZZmmlA4-01702-00411348-00411653 declaration on non-aggression on the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01703-00411654-00411959 30th of March 2013 North Korea stated 5U3uZZmmlA4-01704-00411960-00412209 that it entered a state of war with 5U3uZZmmlA4-01705-00412210-00412413 South Korea and declared that the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01706-00412414-00412649 long-standing situation of the Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01707-00412650-00412884 Peninsula being neither at peace nor at 5U3uZZmmlA4-01708-00412885-00413259 war as finally over speaking on the 4th 5U3uZZmmlA4-01709-00413260-00413534 of April 2013 the US Secretary of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01710-00413535-00413759 Defense Chuck Hagel informed the press 5U3uZZmmlA4-01711-00413760-00414039 that Pyongyang formally informed the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01712-00414039-00414345 Pentagon that it ratified the potential 5U3uZZmmlA4-01713-00414346-00414537 use of a nuclear weapon against South 5U3uZZmmlA4-01714-00414538-00414753 Korea Japan and the United States of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01715-00414754-00415085 America including Guam and Hawaii Hagel 5U3uZZmmlA4-01716-00415087-00415274 also stated the United States would 5U3uZZmmlA4-01717-00415275-00415455 deploy the terminal high altitude area 5U3uZZmmlA4-01718-00415456-00415626 defense anti-ballistic 5U3uZZmmlA4-01719-00415627-00415812 missile system to Guam because of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01720-00415813-00416018 credible and realistic nuclear threat 5U3uZZmmlA4-01721-00416020-00416289 from North Korea in 2016 it was revealed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01722-00416289-00416468 that North Korea approached the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-01723-00416470-00416664 States about conducting formal peace 5U3uZZmmlA4-01724-00416664-00416916 talks to formally end the war while the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01725-00416917-00417122 White House agreed to secret peace talks 5U3uZZmmlA4-01726-00417124-00417312 the plan was rejected due to North 5U3uZZmmlA4-01727-00417313-00417516 Korea's refusal to discuss nuclear 5U3uZZmmlA4-01728-00417517-00417705 disarmament as part of the terms of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01729-00417706-00418022 treaty on the 27th of April 2018 it was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01730-00418024-00418193 announced that North Korea and South 5U3uZZmmlA4-01731-00418195-00418376 Korea agreed to talks to end the ongoing 5U3uZZmmlA4-01732-00418377-00418680 65 year conflict they committed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01733-00418681-00418797 themselves to the complete 5U3uZZmmlA4-01734-00418797-00419325 denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula 5U3uZZmmlA4-01735-00419326-00419872 topic characteristics 5U3uZZmmlA4-01736-00419872-00420368 topic casualties 5U3uZZmmlA4-01737-00420370-00420567 according to the data from the US 5U3uZZmmlA4-01738-00420568-00420801 Department of Defense the United States 5U3uZZmmlA4-01739-00420802-00421203 suffered 33,000 686 battle deaths along 5U3uZZmmlA4-01740-00421204-00421509 with 2813 on battle deaths during the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01741-00421510-00421862 Korean War u.s. battle deaths were 8,000 5U3uZZmmlA4-01742-00421863-00422109 516 up to their first engagement with 5U3uZZmmlA4-01743-00422110-00422372 the Chinese on the 1st of November 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-01744-00422372-00422874 South Korea reported some 370 3599 5U3uZZmmlA4-01745-00422875-00423314 civilian and 137 thousand 899 military 5U3uZZmmlA4-01746-00423316-00423639 deaths Western sources estimate the PVA 5U3uZZmmlA4-01747-00423639-00424017 suffered about 400,000 killed and 486 5U3uZZmmlA4-01748-00424018-00424254 thousand wounded while the kPa suffered 5U3uZZmmlA4-01749-00424255-00424460 two hundred fifteen thousand killed and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01750-00424462-00424605 three hundred three thousand wounded 5U3uZZmmlA4-01751-00424606-00424851 data from official Chinese sources on 5U3uZZmmlA4-01752-00424852-00425052 the other hand reported that the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-01753-00425053-00425360 PVA had suffered 114 thousand battle 5U3uZZmmlA4-01754-00425362-00425693 deaths 34 thousand nan battle deaths 340 5U3uZZmmlA4-01755-00425695-00425997 thousand wounded and 7600 missing during 5U3uZZmmlA4-01756-00425997-00426389 the war 7110 Chinese pals were 5U3uZZmmlA4-01757-00426391-00426663 repatriated to China Chinese sources 5U3uZZmmlA4-01758-00426664-00426860 also reported that North Korea had 5U3uZZmmlA4-01759-00426862-00427146 suffered 290 thousand casualties ninety 5U3uZZmmlA4-01760-00427147-00427338 thousand captured and a large number of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01761-00427339-00427443 civilian deaths 5U3uZZmmlA4-01762-00427443-00427707 CNN reported citing Encyclopedia 5U3uZZmmlA4-01763-00427708-00427917 Brittanica that North Korean civilian 5U3uZZmmlA4-01764-00427918-00428109 casualties were six hundred thousand 5U3uZZmmlA4-01765-00428110-00428325 while South Korean civilian casualties 5U3uZZmmlA4-01766-00428326-00428514 reached 1 million the Chinese and North 5U3uZZmmlA4-01767-00428514-00428721 Koreans estimated that about three 5U3uZZmmlA4-01768-00428722-00428892 hundred ninety thousand soldiers from 5U3uZZmmlA4-01769-00428893-00429171 the United States 660 thousand soldiers 5U3uZZmmlA4-01770-00429172-00429426 from South Korea and 29 thousand other 5U3uZZmmlA4-01771-00429427-00429720 UN soldiers were eliminated from the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01772-00429721-00429942 battlefield recent scholarship puts the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01773-00429943-00430149 full battle death toll on all sides at 5U3uZZmmlA4-01774-00430150-00430585 just over one point two million 5U3uZZmmlA4-01775-00430586-00431187 topic us unprepared Nisour war 5U3uZZmmlA4-01776-00431188-00431397 in a post-war analysis of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01777-00431397-00431639 unpreparedness of US Army forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-01778-00431641-00431847 deployed to Korea during the summer and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01779-00431847-00432164 fall of 1950 Army Major General Floyd L 5U3uZZmmlA4-01780-00432166-00432402 Parkes stated that many who never lived 5U3uZZmmlA4-01781-00432403-00432600 to tell the tale had to fight the full 5U3uZZmmlA4-01782-00432601-00432837 range of ground warfare from offensive 5U3uZZmmlA4-01783-00432838-00433122 to delaying action unit by unit man by 5U3uZZmmlA4-01784-00433122-00433283 man 5U3uZZmmlA4-01785-00433284-00433514 tea hat we were able to snatch victory 5U3uZZmmlA4-01786-00433514-00433829 from the jaws of defeat 5U3uZZmmlA4-01787-00433830-00434041 does not relieve us from the blame of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01788-00434042-00434276 having placed our own flesh and blood in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01789-00434277-00434699 such a predicament by 1950 US Secretary 5U3uZZmmlA4-01790-00434700-00434887 of Defense Lewis a Johnson had 5U3uZZmmlA4-01791-00434888-00435074 established a policy of faithfully 5U3uZZmmlA4-01792-00435075-00435251 following President Truman's defense 5U3uZZmmlA4-01793-00435252-00435485 economization plans and had aggressively 5U3uZZmmlA4-01794-00435485-00435650 attempted to implement it even in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01795-00435651-00435824 face of steadily increasing external 5U3uZZmmlA4-01796-00435825-00436114 threats he consequently received much of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01797-00436115-00436316 the blame for the initial setbacks in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01798-00436317-00436508 Korea and the widespread reports of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01799-00436509-00436724 ill-equipped and inadequately trained US 5U3uZZmmlA4-01800-00436725-00436964 military forces in the wars early stages 5U3uZZmmlA4-01801-00436964-00437170 as an initial response to the invasion 5U3uZZmmlA4-01802-00437171-00437399 Truman called for a naval blockade of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01803-00437400-00437543 North Korea and was shocked to learn 5U3uZZmmlA4-01804-00437543-00437720 that such a blockade could be imposed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01805-00437721-00438058 only on paper since the u.s. Navy no 5U3uZZmmlA4-01806-00438059-00438239 longer had the warships with which to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01807-00438239-00438512 carry out his request army officials 5U3uZZmmlA4-01808-00438513-00438728 desperate for weaponry recovered sherman 5U3uZZmmlA4-01809-00438729-00438910 tanks from world war ii pacific 5U3uZZmmlA4-01810-00438911-00439100 battlefields and reconditioned them for 5U3uZZmmlA4-01811-00439101-00439322 shipment to korea army ordnance 5U3uZZmmlA4-01812-00439322-00439591 officials at fort knox pulled down m26 5U3uZZmmlA4-01813-00439592-00439802 pershing tanks from display pedestals 5U3uZZmmlA4-01814-00439803-00440006 around Fort Knox in order to equip the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01815-00440007-00440183 third company of the Army's hastily 5U3uZZmmlA4-01816-00440184-00440468 formed 70th tank battalion without 5U3uZZmmlA4-01817-00440468-00440656 adequate numbers of tactical fighter 5U3uZZmmlA4-01818-00440657-00440941 bomber aircraft the Air Force took f51 5U3uZZmmlA4-01819-00440942-00441218 p-51 propeller driven aircraft out of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01820-00441218-00441397 storage or from existing Air National 5U3uZZmmlA4-01821-00441398-00441604 Guard squadrons and rushed them into 5U3uZZmmlA4-01822-00441605-00441875 front-line service a shortage of spare 5U3uZZmmlA4-01823-00441876-00442043 parts and qualified maintenance 5U3uZZmmlA4-01824-00442043-00442268 personnel resulted in improvised repairs 5U3uZZmmlA4-01825-00442268-00442585 and overhauls a Navy helicopter pilot 5U3uZZmmlA4-01826-00442586-00442793 aboard an active-duty warship recalled 5U3uZZmmlA4-01827-00442793-00443018 fixing damaged rotor blades with masking 5U3uZZmmlA4-01828-00443018-00443225 tape in the absence of spares army 5U3uZZmmlA4-01829-00443226-00443453 reserve an Army National Guard infantry 5U3uZZmmlA4-01830-00443454-00443660 soldiers and new inductees called to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01831-00443660-00443860 duty to fill out under strength infantry 5U3uZZmmlA4-01832-00443861-00444041 divisions found themselves short of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01833-00444042-00444214 nearly everything needed to repel the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01834-00444215-00444445 North Korean forces artillery ammunition 5U3uZZmmlA4-01835-00444446-00444725 heavy tanks ground support aircraft even 5U3uZZmmlA4-01836-00444726-00444947 effective anti-tank weapons such as the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01837-00444947-00445277 m20 3.5 inch 89 millimetres super 5U3uZZmmlA4-01838-00445278-00445589 bazooka some army combat units sent to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01839-00445589-00445747 Korea were supplied with worn-out 5U3uZZmmlA4-01840-00445748-00445826 redlined 5U3uZZmmlA4-01841-00445827-00446068 m1 rifles or carbines in immediate need 5U3uZZmmlA4-01842-00446069-00446293 of ordnance Depot overhaul or repair 5U3uZZmmlA4-01843-00446293-00446558 only the Marine Corps whose commanders 5U3uZZmmlA4-01844-00446559-00446726 had stored and maintained their World 5U3uZZmmlA4-01845-00446727-00446975 War two surplus inventories of equipment 5U3uZZmmlA4-01846-00446976-00447149 and weapons proved ready for deployment 5U3uZZmmlA4-01847-00447150-00447218 though they 5U3uZZmmlA4-01848-00447218-00447377 still were woefully under strength as 5U3uZZmmlA4-01849-00447378-00447547 well as in need of suitable landing 5U3uZZmmlA4-01850-00447548-00447772 craft to practice amphibious operations 5U3uZZmmlA4-01851-00447773-00448018 Secretary of Defense Lewis Johnson had 5U3uZZmmlA4-01852-00448019-00448199 transferred most of the remaining craft 5U3uZZmmlA4-01853-00448200-00448403 to the Navy and reserved them for use in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01854-00448404-00448589 training army units due to public 5U3uZZmmlA4-01855-00448589-00448787 criticism of his handling of the Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01856-00448788-00448832 War 5U3uZZmmlA4-01857-00448833-00449018 Truman decided to ask for Johnson's 5U3uZZmmlA4-01858-00449018-00449293 resignation on the 19th of September 5U3uZZmmlA4-01859-00449294-00449564 1950 Johnson resigned his Secretary of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01860-00449564-00449743 Defense and the president quickly 5U3uZZmmlA4-01861-00449744-00449924 replaced him with general of the army 5U3uZZmmlA4-01862-00449925-00450305 George C Marshall 5U3uZZmmlA4-01863-00450306-00450826 topic armoured warfare 5U3uZZmmlA4-01864-00450827-00451105 the initial assault by North Korean kPa 5U3uZZmmlA4-01865-00451106-00451330 forces was aided by the use of Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-01866-00451331-00451722 t-34 85 tanks a North Korean tank corps 5U3uZZmmlA4-01867-00451724-00452068 equipped with about 120 t-34 spearheaded 5U3uZZmmlA4-01868-00452068-00452322 the invasion these drove against a rock 5U3uZZmmlA4-01869-00452324-00452557 army with few anti-tank weapons adequate 5U3uZZmmlA4-01870-00452558-00452789 to deal with the Soviet t-34s 5U3uZZmmlA4-01871-00452791-00453055 additional Soviet armor was added as the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01872-00453056-00453289 offensive progressed the North Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01873-00453289-00453502 tanks had a good deal of early successes 5U3uZZmmlA4-01874-00453503-00453745 against South Korean infantry elements 5U3uZZmmlA4-01875-00453746-00453960 of the 24th Infantry Division in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01876-00453962-00454222 United States built m24 chaffee light 5U3uZZmmlA4-01877-00454222-00454485 tanks that they encountered interdiction 5U3uZZmmlA4-01878-00454487-00454693 by ground attack aircraft was the only 5U3uZZmmlA4-01879-00454693-00454879 means of slowing the advancing korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01880-00454880-00455143 armor the tide turned in favor of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01881-00455143-00455425 united nations forces in august 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-01882-00455426-00455599 when the North Koreans suffered major 5U3uZZmmlA4-01883-00455600-00455818 tank losses during a series of battles 5U3uZZmmlA4-01884-00455818-00456034 in which the UN forces brought heavier 5U3uZZmmlA4-01885-00456035-00456301 equipment to bear including m4a3 sherman 5U3uZZmmlA4-01886-00456302-00456634 medium tanks backed by u.s. m26 heavy 5U3uZZmmlA4-01887-00456635-00456768 tanks and the british centurion 5U3uZZmmlA4-01888-00456768-00457045 churchill and cromwell tanks the u.s. 5U3uZZmmlA4-01889-00457046-00457231 landings at Incheon on the 15th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01890-00457232-00457414 September cut off the North Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01891-00457414-00457593 supply lines causing their armoured 5U3uZZmmlA4-01892-00457595-00457801 forces an infantry to run out of fuel 5U3uZZmmlA4-01893-00457802-00458083 ammunition and other supplies as a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01894-00458084-00458308 result the North Koreans had to retreat 5U3uZZmmlA4-01895-00458309-00458557 and many of the t-34s and heavy weapons 5U3uZZmmlA4-01896-00458558-00458797 had to be abandoned by the time the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01897-00458797-00458995 North Koreans withdrew from the South a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01898-00458996-00459468 total of 230 9030 fours and 74 su 76s 5U3uZZmmlA4-01899-00459470-00459802 were lost after November 1950 North 5U3uZZmmlA4-01900-00459803-00460003 Korean Armour was rarely encountered 5U3uZZmmlA4-01901-00460004-00460164 following the initial assault by the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01902-00460166-00460402 north the Korean War saw limited use of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01903-00460403-00460606 Tanks and featured no large-scale tank 5U3uZZmmlA4-01904-00460607-00460867 battles the mountainous forested terrain 5U3uZZmmlA4-01905-00460868-00461095 especially in the eastern central zone 5U3uZZmmlA4-01906-00461096-00461296 was poor tank country limiting their 5U3uZZmmlA4-01907-00461297-00461545 mobility through the last two years of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01908-00461546-00461788 the war in Korea UN tanks served largely 5U3uZZmmlA4-01909-00461789-00462016 as infantry support and mobile artillery 5U3uZZmmlA4-01910-00462017-00462346 pieces 5U3uZZmmlA4-01911-00462347-00462867 topic naval warfare 5U3uZZmmlA4-01912-00462868-00463110 because neither Korea had a significant 5U3uZZmmlA4-01913-00463110-00463338 Navy the Korean War featured few naval 5U3uZZmmlA4-01914-00463339-00463626 battles a skirmish between North Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-01915-00463627-00463839 and the UN Command occurred on the 2nd 5U3uZZmmlA4-01916-00463839-00464172 of July 1950 the US Navy Cruiser USS 5U3uZZmmlA4-01917-00464172-00464366 Juneau the Royal Navy Cruiser HMS 5U3uZZmmlA4-01918-00464367-00464670 Jamaica and the Royal Navy frigate HMS 5U3uZZmmlA4-01919-00464671-00464892 Black Swan fought for North Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01920-00464893-00465122 torpedo boats and to mortar gunboats and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01921-00465124-00465485 sank them USS Juneau later sank several 5U3uZZmmlA4-01922-00465487-00465693 ammunition ships that had been present 5U3uZZmmlA4-01923-00465693-00465966 the last sea battle of the Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-01924-00465967-00466152 occurred at Incheon days before the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01925-00466153-00466467 Battle of Incheon the ROK ship PC 703 5U3uZZmmlA4-01926-00466468-00466674 sank a North Korean mine layer in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01927-00466675-00466866 Battle of hyeju island near incheon 5U3uZZmmlA4-01928-00466867-00467177 three other supply ships were sunk by PC 5U3uZZmmlA4-01929-00467178-00467471 703 two days later in the Yellow Sea 5U3uZZmmlA4-01930-00467472-00467747 thereafter vessels from the UN nations 5U3uZZmmlA4-01931-00467749-00467949 held undisputed control of the sea about 5U3uZZmmlA4-01932-00467950-00468243 Korea the gun ships were used in Shore 5U3uZZmmlA4-01933-00468243-00468438 bombardment while the aircraft carriers 5U3uZZmmlA4-01934-00468439-00468606 provided air support to the ground 5U3uZZmmlA4-01935-00468607-00468935 forces during most of the war the UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-01936-00468937-00469101 navies patrolled the west and east 5U3uZZmmlA4-01937-00469102-00469341 coasts of North Korea sinking supply and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01938-00469342-00469521 ammunition ships and denying the North 5U3uZZmmlA4-01939-00469522-00469731 Koreans the ability to resupply from the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01940-00469732-00469772 sea 5U3uZZmmlA4-01941-00469774-00470064 aside from very occasional gunfire from 5U3uZZmmlA4-01942-00470064-00470256 North Korean shore batteries the main 5U3uZZmmlA4-01943-00470257-00470457 threat to United States and UN Navy 5U3uZZmmlA4-01944-00470458-00470751 ships was from magnetic mines during the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01945-00470752-00470982 war five US Navy ships were lost to 5U3uZZmmlA4-01946-00470983-00471210 mines two mine sweepers two minesweeper 5U3uZZmmlA4-01947-00471210-00471507 escorts and one ocean tug mines and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01948-00471508-00471696 gunfire from North Korean coastal 5U3uZZmmlA4-01949-00471697-00471999 artillery damaged another 87 US warships 5U3uZZmmlA4-01950-00472000-00472480 resulting in slight to moderate damage 5U3uZZmmlA4-01951-00472481-00473008 topic aerial warfare 5U3uZZmmlA4-01952-00473009-00473251 the Korean War was the first war in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01953-00473252-00473412 which jet aircraft played the central 5U3uZZmmlA4-01954-00473413-00473707 role in air combat once formidable 5U3uZZmmlA4-01955-00473708-00474025 fighters such as the p-51 Mustang f4u 5U3uZZmmlA4-01956-00474026-00474337 corsair and hawker sea fury all piston 5U3uZZmmlA4-01957-00474338-00474529 engine propeller driven and designed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01958-00474530-00474768 during world war ii relinquished their 5U3uZZmmlA4-01959-00474769-00474955 air superiority roles to a new 5U3uZZmmlA4-01960-00474956-00475129 generation of faster jet-powered 5U3uZZmmlA4-01961-00475130-00475399 fighters arriving in the theater for the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01962-00475400-00475585 initial months of the war the p80 5U3uZZmmlA4-01963-00475585-00475864 shooting star f9f panther Gloster Meteor 5U3uZZmmlA4-01964-00475864-00476056 and other jets under the UN flag 5U3uZZmmlA4-01965-00476057-00476289 dominated north korea's prop-driven air 5U3uZZmmlA4-01966-00476290-00476587 force of soviet yakovlev Yakima my 5U3uZZmmlA4-01967-00476588-00476929 designs the Chinese intervention in late 5U3uZZmmlA4-01968-00476930-00477181 October 1950 bolstered the Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-01969-00477182-00477468 People's Air Force kPa F of North Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-01970-00477469-00477685 with the mig-15 one of the world's most 5U3uZZmmlA4-01971-00477685-00477970 advanced jet fighters the heavily armed 5U3uZZmmlA4-01972-00477971-00478180 MiG's were faster than first generation 5U3uZZmmlA4-01973-00478181-00478375 un jets and therefore could reach and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01974-00478376-00478668 destroy us b-29 Superfortress bombers 5U3uZZmmlA4-01975-00478669-00478851 flights despite their fighter escorts 5U3uZZmmlA4-01976-00478852-00479191 with increasing b-29 losses the air 5U3uZZmmlA4-01977-00479192-00479353 force was forced to switch from a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01978-00479354-00479547 daylight bombing campaign to the safer 5U3uZZmmlA4-01979-00479548-00479731 but less accurate nighttime bombing of 5U3uZZmmlA4-01980-00479732-00480127 targets the USAF countered the mig-15 by 5U3uZZmmlA4-01981-00480128-00480331 sending over three squadrons of its most 5U3uZZmmlA4-01982-00480332-00480649 capable fighter the f-86 Sabre these 5U3uZZmmlA4-01983-00480650-00480939 arrived in December 1950 the MIG was 5U3uZZmmlA4-01984-00480940-00481180 designed as a bomber interceptor it had 5U3uZZmmlA4-01985-00481181-00481462 a very high service ceiling 15,000 5U3uZZmmlA4-01986-00481463-00481683 meters 50,000 feet and carried very 5U3uZZmmlA4-01987-00481684-00481975 heavy weaponry 137 millimetres cannon in 5U3uZZmmlA4-01988-00481976-00482356 223 millimetres cannons the f-86 had a 5U3uZZmmlA4-01989-00482357-00482689 ceiling of 13,000 metres 42,000 feet and 5U3uZZmmlA4-01990-00482689-00483028 were armed with 6.50 caliber 12.7 5U3uZZmmlA4-01991-00483029-00483220 millimeters machine guns which were 5U3uZZmmlA4-01992-00483221-00483445 arranged adjusted by radar gun sights if 5U3uZZmmlA4-01993-00483446-00483679 coming in at higher altitude the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01994-00483680-00483885 advantage of engaging or not went to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-01995-00483886-00484180 mig once-in-a level flight dogfight both 5U3uZZmmlA4-01996-00484181-00484393 swept wing designs attained comparable 5U3uZZmmlA4-01997-00484393-00484660 maximum speeds of around 1,100 5U3uZZmmlA4-01998-00484660-00484779 kilometers per hour 5U3uZZmmlA4-01999-00484780-00485104 660 miles per hour the mig climbed 5U3uZZmmlA4-02000-00485105-00485305 faster but the sabre turned and dived 5U3uZZmmlA4-02001-00485306-00485578 better in the summer and autumn of 1951 5U3uZZmmlA4-02002-00485579-00485803 the outnumbered Sabres of the USAF's 5U3uZZmmlA4-02003-00485804-00486124 fourth fighter-interceptor wing only 44 5U3uZZmmlA4-02004-00486125-00486401 at one point continued seeking battle in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02005-00486402-00486596 golly where the Yalu River marks the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02006-00486597-00486809 Chinese border against Chinese and North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02007-00486810-00487013 Korean Air Force is capable of deploying 5U3uZZmmlA4-02008-00487014-00487334 some 500 aircraft following Colonel 5U3uZZmmlA4-02009-00487335-00487517 Harrison things communication with the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02010-00487518-00487700 Pentagon the 51st fighter-interceptor 5U3uZZmmlA4-02011-00487701-00487946 wing finally reinforced the beleaguered 5U3uZZmmlA4-02012-00487947-00488234 fourth wing in december 1951 for the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02013-00488235-00488405 next year and a half stretch of the war 5U3uZZmmlA4-02014-00488406-00488717 aerial warfare continued unlike the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02015-00488718-00488942 vietnam war in which the soviet union 5U3uZZmmlA4-02016-00488943-00489247 only officially sent advisers in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02017-00489249-00489437 korean aerial war soviet forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-02018-00489438-00489674 participated via the 64th fighter 5U3uZZmmlA4-02019-00489675-00489968 aviation corps fearful of confronting 5U3uZZmmlA4-02020-00489968-00490181 the United States directly the Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-02021-00490182-00490331 Union denied involvement of their 5U3uZZmmlA4-02022-00490332-00490502 personnel in anything other than an 5U3uZZmmlA4-02023-00490503-00490733 advisory role but air combat quickly 5U3uZZmmlA4-02024-00490734-00490946 resulted in Soviet pilots dropping their 5U3uZZmmlA4-02025-00490947-00491105 code signals and speaking over the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02026-00491106-00491381 wireless in Russian this known direct 5U3uZZmmlA4-02027-00491382-00491600 Soviet participation was a casus belli 5U3uZZmmlA4-02028-00491601-00491783 that the UN Command deliberately 5U3uZZmmlA4-02029-00491784-00491975 overlooked lest the war for the Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02030-00491976-00492191 Peninsula expand to include the Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-02031-00492192-00492380 Union and potentially escalate into 5U3uZZmmlA4-02032-00492381-00492620 atomic warfare after the war and to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02033-00492621-00492899 present day the USAF reports an f-86 5U3uZZmmlA4-02034-00492900-00493184 saber kill ratio in excess of 10 to one 5U3uZZmmlA4-02035-00493185-00493604 with 792 mig-15s and 108 other aircraft 5U3uZZmmlA4-02036-00493605-00493892 shot down by Sabres and 78 Sabres lost 5U3uZZmmlA4-02037-00493893-00494168 to enemy fire the Soviet air force 5U3uZZmmlA4-02038-00494168-00494441 reported some 1,100 air-to-air victories 5U3uZZmmlA4-02039-00494442-00494839 and 335 MIG combat losses while China's 5U3uZZmmlA4-02040-00494841-00495035 People's Liberation Army Air Force 5U3uZZmmlA4-02041-00495035-00495317 Plouffe reported 231 combat losses 5U3uZZmmlA4-02042-00495318-00495692 mostly mig-15s and 168 other aircraft 5U3uZZmmlA4-02043-00495693-00496058 lost the KP AF reported no data but the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02044-00496059-00496339 UN Command estimates some 200 kPa F 5U3uZZmmlA4-02045-00496341-00496553 aircraft lost in the wars first stage 5U3uZZmmlA4-02046-00496554-00496784 and 70 additional aircraft after the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02047-00496785-00496895 Chinese intervention 5U3uZZmmlA4-02048-00496896-00497183 the USAF disputes Soviet and Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-02049-00497184-00497614 claims of 650 and 211 downed f-86s 5U3uZZmmlA4-02050-00497616-00497906 respectively however one source claims 5U3uZZmmlA4-02051-00497907-00498134 that the US Air Force has more recently 5U3uZZmmlA4-02052-00498135-00498458 sighted 224 losses see point one zero 5U3uZZmmlA4-02053-00498459-00498889 zero two air combat out of 674 f-86 is 5U3uZZmmlA4-02054-00498891-00499118 deployed to Korea the Korean War marked 5U3uZZmmlA4-02055-00499118-00499289 a major milestone not only for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02056-00499289-00499478 fixed-wing aircraft but also for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02057-00499479-00499634 rotorcraft featuring the first 5U3uZZmmlA4-02058-00499635-00499787 large-scale deployment of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02059-00499788-00500030 copters for medical evacuation medevac 5U3uZZmmlA4-02060-00500031-00500468 in 1944 1945 during the Second World War 5U3uZZmmlA4-02061-00500468-00500684 the Year for helicopter saw limited 5U3uZZmmlA4-02062-00500685-00500924 ambulance duty but in Korea where rough 5U3uZZmmlA4-02063-00500925-00501095 terrain trumped the Jeep as a speedy 5U3uZZmmlA4-02064-00501096-00501305 medevac vehicle helicopters like the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02065-00501306-00501547 sikorsky h-19 helped reduce fatal 5U3uZZmmlA4-02066-00501548-00501755 casualties to a dramatic degree when 5U3uZZmmlA4-02067-00501756-00501937 combined with complementary medical 5U3uZZmmlA4-02068-00501938-00502116 innovations such as Mobile Army surgical 5U3uZZmmlA4-02069-00502117-00502430 hospitals the limitations of jet 5U3uZZmmlA4-02070-00502431-00502558 aircraft for close air support 5U3uZZmmlA4-02071-00502559-00502810 highlighted the helicopters potential in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02072-00502812-00502993 the role leading to development of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02073-00502994-00503249 ah-1 Cobra and other helicopter gunships 5U3uZZmmlA4-02074-00503250-00503397 used in the Vietnam War 5U3uZZmmlA4-02075-00503398-00503937 1965 275 5U3uZZmmlA4-02076-00503938-00504483 topic bombing of North Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-02077-00504484-00504702 the initial bombing attack on North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02078-00504703-00504897 Korea was approved on the fourth day of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02079-00504897-00505233 the war the 29th of June 1950 by General 5U3uZZmmlA4-02080-00505234-00505425 Douglas MacArthur immediately upon 5U3uZZmmlA4-02081-00505426-00505622 request by the commanding general of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02082-00505623-00505847 Far East air forces George II stratum 5U3uZZmmlA4-02083-00505848-00506172 Eyre major bombing began in late July on 5U3uZZmmlA4-02084-00506172-00506487 the 12th of August 1950 the US Air Force 5U3uZZmmlA4-02085-00506488-00506853 dropped 625 tons of bombs on North Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-02086-00506854-00507047 two weeks later the daily tonnage 5U3uZZmmlA4-02087-00507048-00507279 increased to some 800 tons from June 5U3uZZmmlA4-02088-00507280-00507531 through October official US policy was 5U3uZZmmlA4-02089-00507532-00507710 to pursue precision bombing aimed at 5U3uZZmmlA4-02090-00507711-00507933 communication centers railroad stations 5U3uZZmmlA4-02091-00507934-00508145 marshalling yards main yards and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02092-00508146-00508353 railways and industrial facilities 5U3uZZmmlA4-02093-00508354-00508637 deemed vital to war making capacity the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02094-00508638-00508854 policy was the result of debates after 5U3uZZmmlA4-02095-00508855-00509085 World War two in which US policy 5U3uZZmmlA4-02096-00509085-00509291 rejected the mass civilian bombings that 5U3uZZmmlA4-02097-00509292-00509457 had been conducted in the later stages 5U3uZZmmlA4-02098-00509458-00509672 of World War two is unproductive in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02099-00509673-00509987 immoral in early July general Emmett 5U3uZZmmlA4-02100-00509988-00510291 Rosie O'Donnell requested permission to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02101-00510292-00510525 burn five North Korean cities he 5U3uZZmmlA4-02102-00510526-00510702 proposed that MacArthur announced that 5U3uZZmmlA4-02103-00510703-00510876 the UN would employ the fire bombing 5U3uZZmmlA4-02104-00510877-00511112 methods that brought Japan to its knees 5U3uZZmmlA4-02105-00511113-00511353 the announcement would warn the leaders 5U3uZZmmlA4-02106-00511354-00511622 of North Korea to get women and children 5U3uZZmmlA4-02107-00511623-00511837 and other non-combatants the hell out 5U3uZZmmlA4-02108-00511838-00512066 according to O'Donnell MacArthur 5U3uZZmmlA4-02109-00512067-00512352 responded no Rosie I'm not prepared to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02110-00512353-00512687 go that far yet my instructions are very 5U3uZZmmlA4-02111-00512688-00512918 explicit however I want you to know that 5U3uZZmmlA4-02112-00512919-00513143 I have no compunction whatever to your 5U3uZZmmlA4-02113-00513144-00513399 bombing bonafide II military objectives 5U3uZZmmlA4-02114-00513400-00513614 with high explosives in those five 5U3uZZmmlA4-02115-00513615-00513897 industrial centers if you miss your 5U3uZZmmlA4-02116-00513897-00514133 target and kill people or destroy other 5U3uZZmmlA4-02117-00514134-00514356 parts of the city I accept that as a 5U3uZZmmlA4-02118-00514357-00514776 part of war in September 1950 MacArthur 5U3uZZmmlA4-02119-00514777-00514977 said in his public report to the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-02120-00514978-00515205 Nations the problem of avoiding the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02121-00515206-00515387 killing of innocent civilians and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02122-00515388-00515612 damages to the civilian economy as 5U3uZZmmlA4-02123-00515613-00515810 continually present and given my 5U3uZZmmlA4-02124-00515811-00516252 personal attention in October 1950 feef 5U3uZZmmlA4-02125-00516253-00516495 commander General stratum Eyre requested 5U3uZZmmlA4-02126-00516496-00516666 permission to attack the city of sinuiju 5U3uZZmmlA4-02127-00516667-00516891 a provincial capital with an estimated 5U3uZZmmlA4-02128-00516892-00517187 population of 60,000 over the widest 5U3uZZmmlA4-02129-00517188-00517418 area of the city without warning by 5U3uZZmmlA4-02130-00517419-00517745 burning and high-explosive MacArthur's 5U3uZZmmlA4-02131-00517746-00517833 headquarters 5U3uZZmmlA4-02132-00517834-00518055 ponded the following day the general 5U3uZZmmlA4-02133-00518056-00518283 policy enunciated from Washington 5U3uZZmmlA4-02134-00518284-00518483 negates such an attack unless the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02135-00518484-00518764 military situation clearly requires it 5U3uZZmmlA4-02136-00518765-00519081 under present circumstances this is not 5U3uZZmmlA4-02137-00519082-00519345 the case following the intervention of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02138-00519346-00519525 the Chinese in November General 5U3uZZmmlA4-02139-00519526-00519720 MacArthur ordered increased bombing on 5U3uZZmmlA4-02140-00519721-00519903 North Korea which included incendiary 5U3uZZmmlA4-02141-00519904-00520122 attacks against the country's Arsenal's 5U3uZZmmlA4-02142-00520122-00520278 and communications centers and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02143-00520279-00520587 especially against the Korean end of all 5U3uZZmmlA4-02144-00520588-00520779 the bridges across the Yalu River as 5U3uZZmmlA4-02145-00520780-00521001 with the aerial bombing campaigns over 5U3uZZmmlA4-02146-00521002-00521256 Germany and Japan in World War two the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02147-00521257-00521460 nominal objective of the u.s. air force 5U3uZZmmlA4-02148-00521460-00521639 was to destroy North Korea's war 5U3uZZmmlA4-02149-00521640-00521829 infrastructure and shatter the country's 5U3uZZmmlA4-02150-00521830-00522177 morale on the 3rd of November 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-02151-00522178-00522368 general stratum Eyre forwarded to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02152-00522369-00522555 MacArthur the request of 5th Air Force 5U3uZZmmlA4-02153-00522556-00522764 commander general early partridge for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02154-00522765-00523089 clearance to Bern sinuiju as he had done 5U3uZZmmlA4-02155-00523089-00523356 previously in July in October MacArthur 5U3uZZmmlA4-02156-00523357-00523554 denied the request explaining that he 5U3uZZmmlA4-02157-00523555-00523716 planned to use the town's facilities 5U3uZZmmlA4-02158-00523717-00523985 after seizing it however at the same 5U3uZZmmlA4-02159-00523986-00524172 meeting MacArthur agreed for the first 5U3uZZmmlA4-02160-00524172-00524391 time to a fire bombing campaign agreeing 5U3uZZmmlA4-02161-00524392-00524574 to strata Meyers request to burn the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02162-00524575-00524762 city of kangi and several other towns 5U3uZZmmlA4-02163-00524763-00525089 burn it if you so desire not only that 5U3uZZmmlA4-02164-00525090-00525362 strat but burn and destroy as a lesson 5U3uZZmmlA4-02165-00525363-00525539 to any other of those towns that you 5U3uZZmmlA4-02166-00525540-00525806 consider of military value to the enemy 5U3uZZmmlA4-02167-00525807-00526091 the same evening MacArthur's chief of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02168-00526092-00526287 staff told stratum Eyre that the fire 5U3uZZmmlA4-02169-00526288-00526466 bombing of sinuiju had also been 5U3uZZmmlA4-02170-00526467-00526739 approved in his diary strata Meyer 5U3uZZmmlA4-02171-00526740-00526943 summarized the instructions as follows 5U3uZZmmlA4-02172-00526944-00527250 every installation facility and village 5U3uZZmmlA4-02173-00527251-00527493 in North Korea now becomes a military 5U3uZZmmlA4-02174-00527494-00527832 and tactical target strata Myers sent 5U3uZZmmlA4-02175-00527833-00528018 orders to the 5th Air Force and Bomber 5U3uZZmmlA4-02176-00528019-00528262 Command to destroy every means of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02177-00528263-00528458 communications and every installation 5U3uZZmmlA4-02178-00528459-00528866 factory city and village on the 5th of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02179-00528867-00529145 November 1950 general stratum Eyre gave 5U3uZZmmlA4-02180-00529146-00529310 the following order to the commanding 5U3uZZmmlA4-02181-00529311-00529506 general of the 5th Air Force aircraft 5U3uZZmmlA4-02182-00529507-00529760 under Fifth Air Force Control will 5U3uZZmmlA4-02183-00529761-00529991 destroy all other targets including all 5U3uZZmmlA4-02184-00529992-00530252 buildings capable of affording shelter 5U3uZZmmlA4-02185-00530253-00530658 the same day 22 b-29s attacked clangy 5U3uZZmmlA4-02186-00530659-00530904 destroying 75% of the city after 5U3uZZmmlA4-02187-00530905-00531089 MacArthur was removed as supreme 5U3uZZmmlA4-02188-00531090-00531168 commander in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02189-00531169-00531444 Korea in April 1951 his successors 5U3uZZmmlA4-02190-00531445-00531630 continued this policy and ultimately 5U3uZZmmlA4-02191-00531631-00531906 extended it to all of North Korea the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02192-00531907-00532080 u.s. dropped a total of six hundred 5U3uZZmmlA4-02193-00532081-00532278 thirty-five thousand tons of bombs 5U3uZZmmlA4-02194-00532279-00532701 including thirty 2557 tons of napalm on 5U3uZZmmlA4-02195-00532702-00532884 Korea more than during the whole Pacific 5U3uZZmmlA4-02196-00532885-00533105 campaign of World War two 5U3uZZmmlA4-02197-00533106-00533367 almost every substantial building in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02198-00533368-00533555 North Korea was destroyed as a result 5U3uZZmmlA4-02199-00533556-00533886 the war's highest ranking u.s. POW US 5U3uZZmmlA4-02200-00533887-00534129 Major General William F Dean reported 5U3uZZmmlA4-02201-00534130-00534330 that the majority of North Korean cities 5U3uZZmmlA4-02202-00534331-00534513 and villages he saw were either rubble 5U3uZZmmlA4-02203-00534514-00534807 or snow-covered wasteland North Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02204-00534808-00535017 factories schools hospitals and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02205-00535018-00535209 government offices were forced to move 5U3uZZmmlA4-02206-00535210-00535409 underground and air defenses were 5U3uZZmmlA4-02207-00535410-00535758 non-existent in November 1950 the North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02208-00535759-00535935 Korean leadership instructed their 5U3uZZmmlA4-02209-00535936-00536148 population to build dugouts and mud huts 5U3uZZmmlA4-02210-00536149-00536349 and to dig underground tunnels in order 5U3uZZmmlA4-02211-00536350-00536631 to solve the acute housing problem US 5U3uZZmmlA4-02212-00536632-00536862 Air Force general Curtis LeMay commented 5U3uZZmmlA4-02213-00536863-00537060 we went over there and fought the war 5U3uZZmmlA4-02214-00537061-00537300 and eventually burned down every town in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02215-00537301-00537522 North Korea anyway some way or another 5U3uZZmmlA4-02216-00537523-00537912 and some in South Korea to Pyongyang 5U3uZZmmlA4-02217-00537913-00538224 which saw 75% of its area destroyed was 5U3uZZmmlA4-02218-00538225-00538428 so devastated that bombing was halted as 5U3uZZmmlA4-02219-00538429-00538605 there were no longer any worthy targets 5U3uZZmmlA4-02220-00538606-00538896 on the 28th of November Bomber Command 5U3uZZmmlA4-02221-00538897-00539217 reported on the campaign's progress 95% 5U3uZZmmlA4-02222-00539218-00539403 of man poachin was destroyed along with 5U3uZZmmlA4-02223-00539404-00539682 90% of Hori young names II and coin dong 5U3uZZmmlA4-02224-00539683-00540003 85 percent of Chosun 75 percent of both 5U3uZZmmlA4-02225-00540004-00540338 sack Shu and Hui Jin and 20% of you i Ju 5U3uZZmmlA4-02226-00540339-00540711 according to USAF damage assessments 18 5U3uZZmmlA4-02227-00540712-00541005 of 22 major cities in North Korea had 5U3uZZmmlA4-02228-00541006-00541293 been at least half obliterated by the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02229-00541294-00541506 end of the campaign u.s. bombers had 5U3uZZmmlA4-02230-00541507-00541707 difficulty in finding targets and were 5U3uZZmmlA4-02231-00541708-00541890 reduced to bombing foot bridges our 5U3uZZmmlA4-02232-00541891-00542082 jettisoning their bombs into the sea as 5U3uZZmmlA4-02233-00542083-00542253 well as conventional bombing the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02234-00542254-00542424 Communist side claimed that the u.s. 5U3uZZmmlA4-02235-00542425-00542715 used biological weapons these claims 5U3uZZmmlA4-02236-00542716-00542934 have been disputed Conrad Crane asserts 5U3uZZmmlA4-02237-00542935-00543090 that while the u.s. work towards 5U3uZZmmlA4-02238-00543091-00543291 developing chemical and biological 5U3uZZmmlA4-02239-00543292-00543531 weapons the US military possessed 5U3uZZmmlA4-02240-00543532-00543837 neither the ability nor the will to use 5U3uZZmmlA4-02241-00543838-00544262 them in combat 5U3uZZmmlA4-02242-00544263-00544827 topic us threat of atomic warfare 5U3uZZmmlA4-02243-00544828-00545127 on the 5th of November 1950 the Joint 5U3uZZmmlA4-02244-00545128-00545403 Chiefs of Staff JCS issued orders for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02245-00545404-00545586 the retaliatory atomic bombing of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02246-00545587-00545865 Manchurian PRC military bases if either 5U3uZZmmlA4-02247-00545866-00546069 their armies crossed into Korea or if 5U3uZZmmlA4-02248-00546070-00546336 PRC or kPa bombers attacked Korea from 5U3uZZmmlA4-02249-00546337-00546577 there the President ordered the transfer 5U3uZZmmlA4-02250-00546578-00546852 of nine mark for nuclear bombs to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02251-00546853-00547071 air force's ninth Bomb Group the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02252-00547072-00547392 designated carrier of the weapons 5U3uZZmmlA4-02253-00547393-00547647 and signed an order to use them against 5U3uZZmmlA4-02254-00547648-00547968 Chinese and Korean targets which he 5U3uZZmmlA4-02255-00547969-00548130 never transmitted many US officials 5U3uZZmmlA4-02256-00548131-00548394 viewed the deployment of nuclear capable 5U3uZZmmlA4-02257-00548395-00548664 but not nuclear-armed b-29 bombers to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02258-00548665-00548841 Britain as helping to resolve the Berlin 5U3uZZmmlA4-02259-00548842-00549252 Blockade of 1948 1949 Truman and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02260-00549253-00549432 Eisenhower both had military experience 5U3uZZmmlA4-02261-00549433-00549642 and viewed nuclear weapons as 5U3uZZmmlA4-02262-00549643-00549831 potentially useable components of their 5U3uZZmmlA4-02263-00549832-00550107 military during Truman's first meeting 5U3uZZmmlA4-02264-00550108-00550326 to discuss the war on the 25th of June 5U3uZZmmlA4-02265-00550327-00550596 1950 he ordered plans be prepared for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02266-00550597-00550800 attacking Soviet forces if they entered 5U3uZZmmlA4-02267-00550801-00551103 the war by July Truman approved another 5U3uZZmmlA4-02268-00551104-00551355 b-29 deployment to Britain this time 5U3uZZmmlA4-02269-00551356-00551541 with bombs but without their course to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02270-00551542-00551736 remind the Soviets of us offensive 5U3uZZmmlA4-02271-00551737-00552024 ability deployment of a similar fleet to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02272-00552025-00552251 Guam was leaked to the New York Times as 5U3uZZmmlA4-02273-00552252-00552549 United Nations forces retreated to Pusan 5U3uZZmmlA4-02274-00552550-00552801 and the CIA reported that mainland China 5U3uZZmmlA4-02275-00552802-00553011 was building up forces for a possible 5U3uZZmmlA4-02276-00553012-00553242 invasion of Taiwan the Pentagon believed 5U3uZZmmlA4-02277-00553243-00553395 that Congress and the public would 5U3uZZmmlA4-02278-00553396-00553575 demand using nuclear weapons if the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02279-00553576-00553773 situation in Korea required them as 5U3uZZmmlA4-02280-00553774-00553959 Chinese forces pushed back the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-02281-00553960-00554211 States forces from the Yalu River Truman 5U3uZZmmlA4-02282-00554212-00554387 stated during of the 30th of November 5U3uZZmmlA4-02283-00554388-00554661 1950 press conference that using nuclear 5U3uZZmmlA4-02284-00554662-00554907 weapons was always under active 5U3uZZmmlA4-02285-00554908-00555174 consideration with control under the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02286-00555175-00555399 local military commander the Indian 5U3uZZmmlA4-02287-00555400-00555660 ambassador kay Madhava panikker reports 5U3uZZmmlA4-02288-00555661-00555906 that Truman announced he was thinking of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02289-00555907-00556194 using the atom bomb in Korea but the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02290-00556195-00556547 Chinese seemed unmoved by this threat 5U3uZZmmlA4-02291-00556548-00556895 the PRC's propaganda against the US was 5U3uZZmmlA4-02292-00556896-00557186 stepped up the ade Korea to resist 5U3uZZmmlA4-02293-00557187-00557422 America campaign was made the slogan for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02294-00557423-00557633 increased production greater national 5U3uZZmmlA4-02295-00557634-00557906 integration and more rigid control over 5U3uZZmmlA4-02296-00557907-00558215 anti-national activities one could not 5U3uZZmmlA4-02297-00558216-00558416 help feeling that Truman's threat came 5U3uZZmmlA4-02298-00558417-00558584 in useful to the leaders of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02299-00558585-00558806 revolution to enable them to keep up the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02300-00558807-00559112 tempo of their activities after his 5U3uZZmmlA4-02301-00559113-00559289 statement caused concern in Europe 5U3uZZmmlA4-02302-00559290-00559556 Truman met on the 4th of December 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-02303-00559557-00559769 with UK prime minister and Commonwealth 5U3uZZmmlA4-02304-00559770-00559972 spokesman Clement Attlee French premier 5U3uZZmmlA4-02305-00559973-00560159 Rene pleven and french foreign minister 5U3uZZmmlA4-02306-00560160-00560387 robert schumann to discuss their worries 5U3uZZmmlA4-02307-00560388-00560576 about atomic warfare and it's likely 5U3uZZmmlA4-02308-00560577-00560876 continental expansion the united states 5U3uZZmmlA4-02309-00560877-00561113 for going atomic warfare was not because 5U3uZZmmlA4-02310-00561114-00561397 of a disinclination by the Soviet Union 5U3uZZmmlA4-02311-00561398-00561602 and People's Republic of China to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02312-00561603-00561947 escalate the Korean War but because UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-02313-00561948-00562190 allies notably from the UK the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02314-00562191-00562415 Commonwealth and France were concerned 5U3uZZmmlA4-02315-00562416-00562631 about a geopolitical imbalance rendering 5U3uZZmmlA4-02316-00562632-00562838 NATO defenseless while the United States 5U3uZZmmlA4-02317-00562839-00563018 fought China who then might persuade the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02318-00563019-00563222 Soviet Union to conquer Western Europe 5U3uZZmmlA4-02319-00563223-00563519 the Joint Chiefs of Staff advised Truman 5U3uZZmmlA4-02320-00563520-00563693 to tell at leave that the United States 5U3uZZmmlA4-02321-00563694-00563872 would use nuclear weapons only if 5U3uZZmmlA4-02322-00563873-00564116 necessary to protect an evacuation of UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-02323-00564117-00564352 troops or to prevent a major military 5U3uZZmmlA4-02324-00564353-00564716 disaster on the 6th of December 1950 5U3uZZmmlA4-02325-00564717-00564922 after the Chinese intervention repelled 5U3uZZmmlA4-02326-00564923-00565109 the UN Command armies from northern 5U3uZZmmlA4-02327-00565110-00565346 North Korea General J Lawton Collins 5U3uZZmmlA4-02328-00565347-00565597 Army Chief of Staff General MacArthur 5U3uZZmmlA4-02329-00565598-00565874 Admiral C Turner joy general Georgy 5U3uZZmmlA4-02330-00565875-00566096 Strada Myer and staff officers major 5U3uZZmmlA4-02331-00566097-00566321 general Doyle Hickey Major General 5U3uZZmmlA4-02332-00566322-00566534 Charles a Willoughby and Major General 5U3uZZmmlA4-02333-00566535-00566750 Edwin K Wright met in Tokyo to plan 5U3uZZmmlA4-02334-00566751-00566903 strategy countering the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-02335-00566904-00567074 intervention they considered three 5U3uZZmmlA4-02336-00567075-00567290 potential atomic warfare scenarios 5U3uZZmmlA4-02337-00567291-00567455 encompassing the next weeks and months 5U3uZZmmlA4-02338-00567456-00567785 of warfare in the first scenario if the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02339-00567786-00568022 PVA continued attacking in full and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02340-00568023-00568247 UN command was forbidden to blockade and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02341-00568248-00568391 bomb China and without ROK 5U3uZZmmlA4-02342-00568392-00568577 reinforcements and without an increase 5U3uZZmmlA4-02343-00568578-00568895 in US forces until April 1951 for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02344-00568896-00569072 National Guard divisions were due to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02345-00569073-00569288 arrive then atomic bombs might be used 5U3uZZmmlA4-02346-00569289-00569618 in North Korea in the second scenario if 5U3uZZmmlA4-02347-00569619-00569845 the PVA continued full attacks and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02348-00569846-00569945 UN Command blah 5U3uZZmmlA4-02349-00569946-00570145 kated China and had effective aerial 5U3uZZmmlA4-02350-00570146-00570293 reconnaissance and bombing of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02351-00570294-00570472 Chinese Interior and the ROK soldiers 5U3uZZmmlA4-02352-00570473-00570707 were maximally exploited and tactical 5U3uZZmmlA4-02353-00570708-00570920 atomic bombing was to hand then the UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-02354-00570921-00571109 forces could hold positions deep in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02355-00571110-00571406 North Korea in the third scenario if 5U3uZZmmlA4-02356-00571407-00571613 China agreed to not cross the 38th 5U3uZZmmlA4-02357-00571614-00571817 parallel border general macarthur 5U3uZZmmlA4-02358-00571818-00571997 recommended un acceptance of an 5U3uZZmmlA4-02359-00571998-00572285 armistice disallowing PVA and kPa troops 5U3uZZmmlA4-02360-00572286-00572510 south of the parallel and requiring PVA 5U3uZZmmlA4-02361-00572511-00572693 and kPa guerrillas to withdraw 5U3uZZmmlA4-02362-00572694-00572963 northwards the US Eighth Army would 5U3uZZmmlA4-02363-00572964-00573155 remain to protect the Seoul Incheon area 5U3uZZmmlA4-02364-00573156-00573356 while 10th Corps would retreat to Pusan 5U3uZZmmlA4-02365-00573357-00573616 a UN Commission should supervise 5U3uZZmmlA4-02366-00573617-00573839 implementation of the armistice both the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02367-00573840-00574013 Pentagon and the State Department were 5U3uZZmmlA4-02368-00574014-00574166 cautious about using nuclear weapons 5U3uZZmmlA4-02369-00574167-00574397 because of the risk of general war with 5U3uZZmmlA4-02370-00574398-00574633 China and the diplomatic ramifications 5U3uZZmmlA4-02371-00574634-00574895 Truman and his senior advisors agreed 5U3uZZmmlA4-02372-00574896-00575111 and never seriously considered using 5U3uZZmmlA4-02373-00575112-00575357 them in early December 1950 despite the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02374-00575358-00575687 poor military situation in Korea in 1951 5U3uZZmmlA4-02375-00575688-00575927 the u.s. escalated closest to atomic 5U3uZZmmlA4-02376-00575928-00576215 warfare in Korea because China deployed 5U3uZZmmlA4-02377-00576216-00576443 new armies to the sino-korean frontier 5U3uZZmmlA4-02378-00576444-00576668 pit crews at the Kadena Air Base Okinawa 5U3uZZmmlA4-02379-00576669-00576905 assembled atomic bombs for Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02380-00576906-00577166 warfare lacking only the essential pit 5U3uZZmmlA4-02381-00577167-00577616 nuclear cores in October 1951 the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-02382-00577617-00577850 States effected operation Hudson Harbor 5U3uZZmmlA4-02383-00577851-00578018 to establish a nuclear weapons 5U3uZZmmlA4-02384-00578019-00578429 capability USAF b-29 bombers practiced 5U3uZZmmlA4-02385-00578430-00578645 individual bombing runs from Okinawa to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02386-00578646-00578861 North Korea using dummy nuclear or 5U3uZZmmlA4-02387-00578862-00579059 conventional bombs coordinated from 5U3uZZmmlA4-02388-00579060-00579310 Yokota Air Base in east-central Japan 5U3uZZmmlA4-02389-00579311-00579638 Hudson Harbor tested actual functioning 5U3uZZmmlA4-02390-00579639-00579812 of all activities which would be 5U3uZZmmlA4-02391-00579813-00580022 involved in an atomic strike including 5U3uZZmmlA4-02392-00580023-00580307 weapons assembly and testing leading and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02393-00580308-00580611 ground control of bomb ami 5U3uZZmmlA4-02394-00580612-00580830 the bombing run data indicated that 5U3uZZmmlA4-02395-00580831-00581019 atomic bombs would be tactically 5U3uZZmmlA4-02396-00581020-00581163 ineffective against massed infantry 5U3uZZmmlA4-02397-00581164-00581454 because the timely identification of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02398-00581455-00581670 large masses of enemy troops was 5U3uZZmmlA4-02399-00581671-00581973 extremely rare general Matthew Ridgway 5U3uZZmmlA4-02400-00581974-00582195 was authorized to use nuclear weapons if 5U3uZZmmlA4-02401-00582196-00582378 a major air attack originated from 5U3uZZmmlA4-02402-00582379-00582672 outside Korea an envoy was sent to Hong 5U3uZZmmlA4-02403-00582673-00582951 Kong to deliver a warning to China the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02404-00582952-00583176 message likely caused Chinese leaders to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02405-00583177-00583404 be more cautious about potential US use 5U3uZZmmlA4-02406-00583405-00583581 of nuclear weapons but whether they 5U3uZZmmlA4-02407-00583582-00583791 learned about the b-29 deployment is 5U3uZZmmlA4-02408-00583792-00583986 unclear and the failure of the two major 5U3uZZmmlA4-02409-00583987-00584208 Chinese offensives that month likely was 5U3uZZmmlA4-02410-00584209-00584388 what caused them to shift to a defensive 5U3uZZmmlA4-02411-00584389-00584736 strategy in Korea the b-29s returned to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02412-00584737-00584937 the United States in June despite the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02413-00584938-00585111 greater destructive power deploying 5U3uZZmmlA4-02414-00585112-00585294 atomic weapons would bring to the war 5U3uZZmmlA4-02415-00585295-00585471 their effects on determining the wars 5U3uZZmmlA4-02416-00585472-00585695 outcome would have likely been minimal 5U3uZZmmlA4-02417-00585696-00585954 tactically given the dispersed nature of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02418-00585955-00586167 Chinese and North Korean forces the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02419-00586168-00586365 relatively primitive infrastructure for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02420-00586366-00586563 staging and logistic centers and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02421-00586564-00586758 small number of bombs available most 5U3uZZmmlA4-02422-00586759-00586893 would have been conserved for use 5U3uZZmmlA4-02423-00586894-00587115 against the Soviets atomic attacks would 5U3uZZmmlA4-02424-00587116-00587310 have limited effects against the ability 5U3uZZmmlA4-02425-00587311-00587576 of China to mobilize and move forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-02426-00587577-00587826 strategically attacking Chinese cities 5U3uZZmmlA4-02427-00587827-00588003 to destroy civilian industry and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02428-00588004-00588177 infrastructure would cause the immediate 5U3uZZmmlA4-02429-00588178-00588360 dispersion of the leadership away from 5U3uZZmmlA4-02430-00588361-00588600 such areas and give propaganda value for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02431-00588601-00588792 the Communists to galvanize the support 5U3uZZmmlA4-02432-00588793-00589071 of Chinese civilians since the Soviets 5U3uZZmmlA4-02433-00589072-00589239 were not expected to intervene with 5U3uZZmmlA4-02434-00589240-00589434 their few primitive atomic weapons on 5U3uZZmmlA4-02435-00589435-00589641 China or North Korea's behalf if the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02436-00589642-00589836 u.s. used theirs first factors such as 5U3uZZmmlA4-02437-00589837-00590046 little operational value in the lowering 5U3uZZmmlA4-02438-00590047-00590343 of the threshold for using atomic 5U3uZZmmlA4-02439-00590344-00590556 weapons against non-nuclear States in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02440-00590557-00590742 future conflicts played more of a role 5U3uZZmmlA4-02441-00590743-00590928 in not deploying them than the threat of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02442-00590929-00591126 a possible nuclear exchange when 5U3uZZmmlA4-02443-00591127-00591344 Eisenhower succeeded Truman in early 5U3uZZmmlA4-02444-00591345-00591603 1953 he was similarly cautious about 5U3uZZmmlA4-02445-00591604-00591843 using nuclear weapons in Korea including 5U3uZZmmlA4-02446-00591844-00592032 for diplomatic purposes to encourage 5U3uZZmmlA4-02447-00592033-00592245 progress in ongoing truce discussions 5U3uZZmmlA4-02448-00592246-00592542 the administration prepared contingency 5U3uZZmmlA4-02449-00592543-00592752 plans to use them against China but like 5U3uZZmmlA4-02450-00592753-00592953 Truman the new president feared doing so 5U3uZZmmlA4-02451-00592954-00593160 would result in Soviet attacks on Japan 5U3uZZmmlA4-02452-00593161-00593454 the war ended as it began without US 5U3uZZmmlA4-02453-00593455-00593926 nuclear weapons deployed near battle 5U3uZZmmlA4-02454-00593927-00594440 topic war crimes 5U3uZZmmlA4-02455-00594441-00595000 topic civilian deaths and massacres 5U3uZZmmlA4-02456-00595001-00595212 there were numerous atrocities and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02457-00595213-00595383 massacres of civilians throughout the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02458-00595384-00595575 Korean War committed by both the North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02459-00595576-00595854 and South Koreans many started on the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02460-00595855-00596089 first days of the war South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02461-00596090-00596289 president Syngman Rhee ordered the bodo 5U3uZZmmlA4-02462-00596290-00596502 League massacre on the 28th of June 5U3uZZmmlA4-02463-00596503-00596760 beginning killings of more than 100,000 5U3uZZmmlA4-02464-00596761-00596970 suspected leftist sympathizers and their 5U3uZZmmlA4-02465-00596971-00597177 families by South Korean officials and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02466-00597178-00597429 right-wing groups during the massacre 5U3uZZmmlA4-02467-00597430-00597616 the British protested to their allies 5U3uZZmmlA4-02468-00597617-00597829 and saved some citizens in occupied 5U3uZZmmlA4-02469-00597830-00598047 areas north korean army political 5U3uZZmmlA4-02470-00598048-00598287 officers purged south korean society of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02471-00598288-00598510 its intelligentsia by executing every 5U3uZZmmlA4-02472-00598511-00598722 educated person whether it be 5U3uZZmmlA4-02473-00598723-00598945 academically governmental 'i religiously 5U3uZZmmlA4-02474-00598946-00599149 who might lead resistance against the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02475-00599150-00599325 north the purges continued during the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02476-00599326-00599599 NPA retreat when the north koreans 5U3uZZmmlA4-02477-00599600-00599862 retreated north in september 1950 they 5U3uZZmmlA4-02478-00599863-00600033 abducted tens of thousands of South 5U3uZZmmlA4-02479-00600034-00600331 Korean men the reasons are not clear but 5U3uZZmmlA4-02480-00600332-00600495 the intention might have been to acquire 5U3uZZmmlA4-02481-00600496-00600675 skilled professionals to the north in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02482-00600676-00600829 addition to conventional military 5U3uZZmmlA4-02483-00600830-00601075 operations North Korean soldiers fought 5U3uZZmmlA4-02484-00601076-00601306 the UN forces by infiltrating guerrillas 5U3uZZmmlA4-02485-00601307-00601597 among refugees these soldiers disguised 5U3uZZmmlA4-02486-00601598-00601812 as refugees would approach UN forces 5U3uZZmmlA4-02487-00601813-00602043 asking for food and help than open fire 5U3uZZmmlA4-02488-00602044-00602400 and attack US troops acted under a shoot 5U3uZZmmlA4-02489-00602401-00602745 first ask questions later policy against 5U3uZZmmlA4-02490-00602746-00602964 any civilian refugee approaching US 5U3uZZmmlA4-02491-00602965-00603210 battlefield positions a policy that led 5U3uZZmmlA4-02492-00603211-00603466 US soldiers to kill an estimated 400 5U3uZZmmlA4-02493-00603467-00603795 civilians at no Gunnery 26 to 29 July 5U3uZZmmlA4-02494-00603796-00604047 1950 in central Korea because they 5U3uZZmmlA4-02495-00604048-00604216 believed some of the refugees to be 5U3uZZmmlA4-02496-00604217-00604416 North Korean soldiers in disguise 5U3uZZmmlA4-02497-00604417-00604618 the South Korean Truth and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02498-00604619-00604822 Reconciliation Commission defended this 5U3uZZmmlA4-02499-00604823-00605179 policy as a military necessity beginning 5U3uZZmmlA4-02500-00605180-00605437 in 2005 the South Korean Truth and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02501-00605438-00605599 Reconciliation Commission has 5U3uZZmmlA4-02502-00605600-00605758 investigated numerous atrocities 5U3uZZmmlA4-02503-00605759-00605937 committed by the Japanese colonial 5U3uZZmmlA4-02504-00605938-00606193 government North Korean military US 5U3uZZmmlA4-02505-00606194-00606397 military and the authoritarian South 5U3uZZmmlA4-02506-00606398-00606664 Korean government it has investigated 5U3uZZmmlA4-02507-00606665-00606879 atrocities before during and after the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02508-00606880-00607102 Korean War the Commission verified over 5U3uZZmmlA4-02509-00607103-00607356 14,000 civilians were killed in the Jeju 5U3uZZmmlA4-02510-00607357-00607672 uprising 1948-49 that involved South 5U3uZZmmlA4-02511-00607673-00607918 Korean military and paramilitary units 5U3uZZmmlA4-02512-00607919-00608110 against pro-north Korean guerrillas on 5U3uZZmmlA4-02513-00608111-00608320 the island of Jeju southwest of tip of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02514-00608321-00608404 the peninsula 5U3uZZmmlA4-02515-00608405-00608629 although most of the fighting subsided 5U3uZZmmlA4-02516-00608630-00609054 by 1949 it continued until 1950 the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02517-00609055-00609285 Commission estimates 86% of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02518-00609286-00609475 civilians were killed by South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02519-00609476-00609745 forces the Americans on the island 5U3uZZmmlA4-02520-00609746-00609912 documented the events but never 5U3uZZmmlA4-02521-00609913-00610220 intervened 5U3uZZmmlA4-02522-00610221-00610709 topic prisoners-of-war 5U3uZZmmlA4-02523-00610710-00611186 topic Chinese pals 5U3uZZmmlA4-02524-00611187-00611438 at Geoje prison camp on geoje island 5U3uZZmmlA4-02525-00611439-00611711 chinese Pao's experienced anti-communist 5U3uZZmmlA4-02526-00611712-00611882 lecturing and missionary work from 5U3uZZmmlA4-02527-00611883-00612116 secret agents from the US and taiwan in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02528-00612117-00612578 number 71 72 and 86 camps pro-communist 5U3uZZmmlA4-02529-00612579-00612803 POW experienced torture cutting off of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02530-00612804-00613100 limbs or were executed in public being 5U3uZZmmlA4-02531-00613101-00613295 forced to write confession letters and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02532-00613296-00613523 receiving tattoos of an anti communism 5U3uZZmmlA4-02533-00613524-00613745 slogan and flag of the Republic of China 5U3uZZmmlA4-02534-00613746-00613979 were also commonly seen in case and he 5U3uZZmmlA4-02535-00613980-00614146 wanted to go back to mainland China 5U3uZZmmlA4-02536-00614147-00614357 pro-communist pals who could not endure 5U3uZZmmlA4-02537-00614358-00614534 the torture formed an underground group 5U3uZZmmlA4-02538-00614535-00614699 to fight the Pro nationalists paused 5U3uZZmmlA4-02539-00614700-00614912 secretly by assassination which led to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02540-00614913-00615161 the geogebra Singh the rebellion 5U3uZZmmlA4-02541-00615162-00615362 captured francis dodd and was cracked 5U3uZZmmlA4-02542-00615363-00615667 down by the 187th Infantry Regiment in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02543-00615668-00615920 the end fourteen thousand two hundred 5U3uZZmmlA4-02544-00615921-00616139 thirty five Chinese pals went to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02545-00616140-00616364 nationalist China Taiwan and less than 5U3uZZmmlA4-02546-00616365-00616532 six thousand pounds went back to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02547-00616533-00616799 mainland China those who went to Taiwan 5U3uZZmmlA4-02548-00616800-00617105 are called righteous men an experienced 5U3uZZmmlA4-02549-00617106-00617291 brainwashing again and were sent to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02550-00617292-00617447 army or were arrested while the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02551-00617448-00617618 survivors who went back to mainland 5U3uZZmmlA4-02552-00617619-00617933 China were welcomed as a hero first but 5U3uZZmmlA4-02553-00617934-00618152 experienced Andy brainwashing strict 5U3uZZmmlA4-02554-00618153-00618314 interrogation and house arrest 5U3uZZmmlA4-02555-00618315-00618494 eventually after the tattoos were 5U3uZZmmlA4-02556-00618495-00618824 discovered after 1988 the Taiwanese 5U3uZZmmlA4-02557-00618825-00619016 government allowed pals to go back to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02558-00619017-00619175 mainland China and helped remove 5U3uZZmmlA4-02559-00619176-00619361 anti-communist tattoos while the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02560-00619362-00619553 mainland Chinese government started to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02561-00619554-00619757 allow mainland Chinese prisoners of war 5U3uZZmmlA4-02562-00619758-00620101 to return from Taiwan 5U3uZZmmlA4-02563-00620102-00620607 topic UN command pals 5U3uZZmmlA4-02564-00620608-00620841 during the first days of the war North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02565-00620842-00621009 Korean soldiers committed the Seoul 5U3uZZmmlA4-02566-00621010-00621237 National University Hospital massacre 5U3uZZmmlA4-02567-00621238-00621438 the United States reported that North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02568-00621439-00621621 Korea mistreated prisoners of war 5U3uZZmmlA4-02569-00621622-00621849 soldiers were beaten starved put to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02570-00621850-00622023 forced labor march to death and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02571-00622024-00622275 summarily executed the kPa killed pause 5U3uZZmmlA4-02572-00622276-00622659 at the battles for Hill 312 Hill 303 the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02573-00622660-00622857 Pusan Perimeter and Daejeon these 5U3uZZmmlA4-02574-00622858-00623067 massacres were discovered afterwards by 5U3uZZmmlA4-02575-00623068-00623409 the UN forces later a US Congress war 5U3uZZmmlA4-02576-00623410-00623640 crimes investigation the United States 5U3uZZmmlA4-02577-00623641-00623817 Senate Subcommittee on Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-02578-00623818-00624018 atrocities of the permanent subcommittee 5U3uZZmmlA4-02579-00624019-00624189 of the investigations of the Committee 5U3uZZmmlA4-02580-00624190-00624396 on government operations reported that 5U3uZZmmlA4-02581-00624397-00624654 two-thirds of all American prisoners of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02582-00624655-00624915 war in Korea died as a result of war 5U3uZZmmlA4-02583-00624916-00625224 crimes although the Chinese rarely 5U3uZZmmlA4-02584-00625225-00625398 executed prisoners like their North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02585-00625399-00625638 Korean counterparts mass starvation and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02586-00625639-00625821 diseases swept through the Chinese run 5U3uZZmmlA4-02587-00625822-00626120 POW camps during the winter of 1950 51 5U3uZZmmlA4-02588-00626121-00626448 about 43 percent of u.s. pouce died 5U3uZZmmlA4-02589-00626449-00626724 during this period the Chinese defended 5U3uZZmmlA4-02590-00626725-00626874 their actions by stating that all 5U3uZZmmlA4-02591-00626875-00627075 Chinese soldiers during this period were 5U3uZZmmlA4-02592-00627076-00627285 suffering mass starvation and diseases 5U3uZZmmlA4-02593-00627286-00627570 due to logistical difficulties the UN 5U3uZZmmlA4-02594-00627571-00627789 Pao said that most of the Chinese camps 5U3uZZmmlA4-02595-00627790-00627972 were located near the easily supplied 5U3uZZmmlA4-02596-00627973-00628191 sino-korean border and that the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-02597-00628192-00628389 withheld food to force the prisoners to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02598-00628390-00628575 accept the communism indoctrination 5U3uZZmmlA4-02599-00628576-00628866 programs according to Chinese reports 5U3uZZmmlA4-02600-00628867-00629085 over a thousand u.s. Pao's died by the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02601-00629086-00629373 end of June 1951 while a dozen British 5U3uZZmmlA4-02602-00629374-00629553 Powell's died an all Turkish POW 5U3uZZmmlA4-02603-00629554-00629639 survived 5U3uZZmmlA4-02604-00629640-00629880 according to Hastings wounded us 5U3uZZmmlA4-02605-00629881-00630054 Powell's died for lack of medical 5U3uZZmmlA4-02606-00630055-00630237 attention and were fed a diet of corn 5U3uZZmmlA4-02607-00630238-00630498 and millet devoid of vegetables almost 5U3uZZmmlA4-02608-00630499-00630815 barren of proteins minerals or vitamins 5U3uZZmmlA4-02609-00630816-00631089 with only 1/3 the calories of their 5U3uZZmmlA4-02610-00631090-00631404 usual diet especially in early 1951 5U3uZZmmlA4-02611-00631405-00631611 thousands of prisoners lost the will to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02612-00631612-00631833 live in declined to eat the mess of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02613-00631834-00632164 sorghum and rice they were provided 5U3uZZmmlA4-02614-00632165-00632434 the unpreparedness of us pouce to resist 5U3uZZmmlA4-02615-00632435-00632632 heavy communist indoctrination during 5U3uZZmmlA4-02616-00632633-00632815 the Korean War led to the code of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02617-00632816-00632992 United States fighting force which 5U3uZZmmlA4-02618-00632993-00633223 governs how US military personnel in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02619-00633224-00633448 combat should act when they must evade 5U3uZZmmlA4-02620-00633449-00633688 capture resist while a prisoner or 5U3uZZmmlA4-02621-00633689-00634015 escape from the enemy North Korea may 5U3uZZmmlA4-02622-00634016-00634258 have detained up to 50,000 South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02623-00634259-00634606 pals after the ceasefire over 88,000 5U3uZZmmlA4-02624-00634607-00634804 South Korean soldiers were missing and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02625-00634805-00634960 the Communists claimed they captured 5U3uZZmmlA4-02626-00634961-00635145 70,000 South Koreans 5U3uZZmmlA4-02627-00635146-00635370 however when ceasefire negotiations 5U3uZZmmlA4-02628-00635371-00635728 began in 1951 the Communists reported 5U3uZZmmlA4-02629-00635729-00636016 they held only 8,000 South Koreans the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02630-00636017-00636256 UN Command protested the discrepancies 5U3uZZmmlA4-02631-00636257-00636418 and alleged that the Communists were 5U3uZZmmlA4-02632-00636419-00636628 forcing South Korean pals to join the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02633-00636629-00636853 kPa the Communist side denied such 5U3uZZmmlA4-02634-00636854-00637087 allegations they claimed their pal 5U3uZZmmlA4-02635-00637088-00637282 rosters were small because many pals 5U3uZZmmlA4-02636-00637283-00637468 were killed in UN air raids and that 5U3uZZmmlA4-02637-00637469-00637636 they had released ROK soldiers at the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02638-00637637-00637924 front they insisted only volunteers were 5U3uZZmmlA4-02639-00637925-00638205 allowed to serve in the kPa by early 5U3uZZmmlA4-02640-00638206-00638515 1952 UN negotiators gave up trying to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02641-00638516-00638776 get back the missing South Koreans the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02642-00638777-00638992 POW exchange proceeded without access to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02643-00638993-00639166 South Korean powers not on the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02644-00639167-00639397 communists rosters North Korea continued 5U3uZZmmlA4-02645-00639398-00639589 to claim that any South Korean POW who 5U3uZZmmlA4-02646-00639590-00639804 stayed in the North did so voluntarily 5U3uZZmmlA4-02647-00639805-00640171 however since 1994 South Korean pals 5U3uZZmmlA4-02648-00640172-00640357 have been escaping North Korea on their 5U3uZZmmlA4-02649-00640358-00640639 own after decades of captivity as of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02650-00640640-00640858 2010 the South Korean Ministry of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02651-00640859-00641134 unification reported that 79 rock pals 5U3uZZmmlA4-02652-00641135-00641389 escaped the North the South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02653-00641390-00641632 government estimates 500 South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02654-00641633-00641797 pouce continued to be detained in North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02655-00641798-00642106 Korea the escaped pals have testified 5U3uZZmmlA4-02656-00642107-00642256 about their treatment and written 5U3uZZmmlA4-02657-00642257-00642454 memoirs about their lives in North Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-02658-00642455-00642700 they report they were not told about the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02659-00642701-00642865 POW exchange procedures and were 5U3uZZmmlA4-02660-00642866-00643042 assigned to work in mines in the remote 5U3uZZmmlA4-02661-00643043-00643231 northeastern regions near the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-02662-00643232-00643507 and Russian border Declassified Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-02663-00643508-00643738 foreign ministry documents corroborate 5U3uZZmmlA4-02664-00643739-00644056 such testimony in 1997 the Geoje POW 5U3uZZmmlA4-02665-00644057-00644260 camp in South Korea was turned into a 5U3uZZmmlA4-02666-00644261-00644565 memorial 5U3uZZmmlA4-02667-00644566-00645031 topic starvation 5U3uZZmmlA4-02668-00645032-00645366 in December 1950 National Defense Corps 5U3uZZmmlA4-02669-00645367-00645541 was founded the soldiers were four 5U3uZZmmlA4-02670-00645542-00645783 hundred six thousand drafted citizens in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02671-00645784-00646068 the winter of nineteen fifty one fifty 5U3uZZmmlA4-02672-00646069-00646291 thousand to ninety thousand South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02673-00646292-00646501 National Defense Corps soldiers starved 5U3uZZmmlA4-02674-00646502-00646681 to death while marching southward under 5U3uZZmmlA4-02675-00646682-00646828 the Chinese offensive when their 5U3uZZmmlA4-02676-00646829-00647002 commanding officers embezzled funds 5U3uZZmmlA4-02677-00647003-00647256 earmarked for their food this event is 5U3uZZmmlA4-02678-00647257-00647412 called the National Defense Corps 5U3uZZmmlA4-02679-00647413-00647602 incident there is no evidence that 5U3uZZmmlA4-02680-00647603-00647812 seaman Rhee was personally involved in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02681-00647813-00648298 or benefited from the corruption 5U3uZZmmlA4-02682-00648299-00648735 topic recreation 5U3uZZmmlA4-02683-00648736-00649089 in 1950 Secretary of Defense George C 5U3uZZmmlA4-02684-00649090-00649268 Marshall and Secretary of the Navy 5U3uZZmmlA4-02685-00649269-00649500 Francis P Mathews called on the USO 5U3uZZmmlA4-02686-00649501-00649785 which was disbanded by 1947 to provide 5U3uZZmmlA4-02687-00649786-00650052 support for u.s. servicemen by the end 5U3uZZmmlA4-02688-00650053-00650214 of the war more than one hundred 5U3uZZmmlA4-02689-00650215-00650445 thirteen thousand USO volunteers from 5U3uZZmmlA4-02690-00650446-00650628 the US were working at home front and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02691-00650629-00650682 abroad 5U3uZZmmlA4-02692-00650683-00650934 many stars came to Korea to give their 5U3uZZmmlA4-02693-00650935-00651183 performances throughout the Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-02694-00651184-00651381 un comfort stations were operated by 5U3uZZmmlA4-02695-00651382-00651929 South Korean officials for un soldiers 5U3uZZmmlA4-02696-00651930-00652433 topic aftermath 5U3uZZmmlA4-02697-00652434-00652676 post-war recovery was different in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02698-00652677-00652955 two Koreas South Korea stagnated in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02699-00652956-00653297 first post-war decade in 1953 South 5U3uZZmmlA4-02700-00653298-00653489 Korea in the United States signed a 5U3uZZmmlA4-02701-00653490-00653864 mutual defense treaty in 1960 the April 5U3uZZmmlA4-02702-00653865-00654065 Revolution occurred and students joined 5U3uZZmmlA4-02703-00654066-00654362 an anti seaman Rhee demonstration 142 5U3uZZmmlA4-02704-00654363-00654566 were killed by police in consequence 5U3uZZmmlA4-02705-00654567-00654782 syngman rhee resigned and left for exile 5U3uZZmmlA4-02706-00654783-00655082 in the United States Park Chung he's May 5U3uZZmmlA4-02707-00655083-00655388 16th ku enabled social stability in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02708-00655389-00655697 1960s prostitution and related services 5U3uZZmmlA4-02709-00655698-00655952 represented 25 percent of South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02710-00655953-00656462 GNP from 1965 to 1973 South Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-02711-00656463-00656648 dispatched troops to Vietnam and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02712-00656649-00657014 received 235 million 560 thousand 5U3uZZmmlA4-02713-00657015-00657179 dollars in allowance and military 5U3uZZmmlA4-02714-00657180-00657503 procurement from the United States GNP 5U3uZZmmlA4-02715-00657504-00657698 increased fivefold during the Vietnam 5U3uZZmmlA4-02716-00657699-00657968 War South Korea industrialized and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02717-00657969-00658220 modernised contemporary North Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-02718-00658221-00658484 remains underdeveloped South Korea had 5U3uZZmmlA4-02719-00658485-00658628 one of the world's fastest growing 5U3uZZmmlA4-02720-00658629-00658901 economies from the early 1960s to the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02721-00658902-00659342 late 1990s in 1957 South Korea had a 5U3uZZmmlA4-02722-00659343-00659609 lower per capita GDP than Ghana and by 5U3uZZmmlA4-02723-00659610-00659822 2010 it was ranked 13th in the world 5U3uZZmmlA4-02724-00659823-00660158 Ghana was 86 following extensive USAF 5U3uZZmmlA4-02725-00660159-00660374 bombing North Korea had been virtually 5U3uZZmmlA4-02726-00660375-00660713 destroyed as an industrial society after 5U3uZZmmlA4-02727-00660714-00660956 the Armistice Kim il-sung requested 5U3uZZmmlA4-02728-00660957-00661112 Soviet economic and industrial 5U3uZZmmlA4-02729-00661113-00661535 assistance in September 1953 the Soviet 5U3uZZmmlA4-02730-00661536-00661759 government agreed to cancel or postpone 5U3uZZmmlA4-02731-00661760-00662251 repayment for all outstanding debts and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02732-00662252-00662510 promised to grant North Korea 1 billion 5U3uZZmmlA4-02733-00662511-00662741 rubles in monetary aid industrial 5U3uZZmmlA4-02734-00662742-00663029 equipment and consumer goods Eastern 5U3uZZmmlA4-02735-00663030-00663269 European members of the Soviet bloc also 5U3uZZmmlA4-02736-00663270-00663503 contributed with logistical support 5U3uZZmmlA4-02737-00663504-00663860 technical aid and medical supplies China 5U3uZZmmlA4-02738-00663861-00664046 cancelled North Korea's war debts 5U3uZZmmlA4-02739-00664047-00664328 provided 800 million yuan promised trade 5U3uZZmmlA4-02740-00664329-00664526 cooperation and sent in thousands of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02741-00664527-00664789 troops to rebuild damaged infrastructure 5U3uZZmmlA4-02742-00664790-00665108 post-war about 100,000 North Koreans 5U3uZZmmlA4-02743-00665109-00665387 were executed in purges according to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02744-00665388-00665606 Rummel forced labor and concentration 5U3uZZmmlA4-02745-00665607-00665801 camps were responsible for over 5U3uZZmmlA4-02746-00665802-00666071 million deaths in North Korea from 1945 5U3uZZmmlA4-02747-00666072-00666428 to 1987 others have estimated 400,000 5U3uZZmmlA4-02748-00666429-00666646 deaths in concentration camps alone 5U3uZZmmlA4-02749-00666647-00666884 estimates based on the most recent North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02750-00666885-00667205 Korean census suggest that 240,000 to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02751-00667206-00667478 420 thousand people died as a result of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02752-00667479-00667721 the 1990s North Korean famine and that 5U3uZZmmlA4-02753-00667722-00668063 there were 600,000 to 850,000 unnatural 5U3uZZmmlA4-02754-00668064-00668387 deaths in North Korea from 1993 to 2008 5U3uZZmmlA4-02755-00668388-00668714 a study by South Korean anthropologists 5U3uZZmmlA4-02756-00668715-00668870 of North Korean children who had 5U3uZZmmlA4-02757-00668871-00669101 defected to China found that 18 year old 5U3uZZmmlA4-02758-00669102-00669296 males were thirteen centimeters five 5U3uZZmmlA4-02759-00669297-00669470 inch shorter than South Koreans their 5U3uZZmmlA4-02760-00669471-00669701 age because of malnutrition South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02761-00669702-00669902 anti-americanism after the war was 5U3uZZmmlA4-02762-00669903-00670082 fueled by the presence and behavior of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02763-00670083-00670340 US military personnel USFK 5U3uZZmmlA4-02764-00670341-00670526 in u.s. support for the authoritarian 5U3uZZmmlA4-02765-00670527-00670748 regime a fact still evident during the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02766-00670749-00670946 country's democratic transition in the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02767-00670947-00671291 1980s however anti-americanism has 5U3uZZmmlA4-02768-00671292-00671525 declined significantly in South Korea in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02769-00671526-00671786 recent years from 46 percent favorable 5U3uZZmmlA4-02770-00671787-00672185 in 2003 to 74 percent favorable in 2011 5U3uZZmmlA4-02771-00672186-00672401 making South Korea one of the most pro 5U3uZZmmlA4-02772-00672402-00672623 US countries in the world in addition a 5U3uZZmmlA4-02773-00672624-00672934 large number of mixed-race GI babies 5U3uZZmmlA4-02774-00672935-00673199 offspring of us and other UN soldiers 5U3uZZmmlA4-02775-00673200-00673394 and Korean women were filling up the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02776-00673395-00673655 country's orphanages because Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02777-00673656-00673886 traditional society places significant 5U3uZZmmlA4-02778-00673887-00674039 weight on paternal family ties 5U3uZZmmlA4-02779-00674040-00674303 bloodlines and purity of race children 5U3uZZmmlA4-02780-00674304-00674486 of mixed race are those without fathers 5U3uZZmmlA4-02781-00674487-00674693 are not easily accepted in South Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02782-00674694-00675014 society international adoption of Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02783-00675015-00675317 children began in 1954 the US 5U3uZZmmlA4-02784-00675318-00675623 Immigration Act of 1952 legalized the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02785-00675624-00675821 naturalization of non blacks and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02786-00675822-00676013 non-whites as US citizens and made 5U3uZZmmlA4-02787-00676014-00676211 possible the entry of military spouses 5U3uZZmmlA4-02788-00676212-00676424 and children from South Korea after the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02789-00676425-00676679 Korean War with the passage of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02790-00676680-00676931 Immigration Act of 1965 which 5U3uZZmmlA4-02791-00676932-00677138 substantially changed u.s. immigration 5U3uZZmmlA4-02792-00677139-00677387 policy toward non Europeans Koreans 5U3uZZmmlA4-02793-00677388-00677597 became one of the fastest-growing Asian 5U3uZZmmlA4-02794-00677598-00677813 groups in the United States Mao Zedong's 5U3uZZmmlA4-02795-00677814-00678029 decision to take on the United States in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02796-00678030-00678242 the Korean War was a direct attempt to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02797-00678243-00678422 confront what the communist bloc viewed 5U3uZZmmlA4-02798-00678423-00678638 as the strongest anti-communist power in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02799-00678639-00678845 the world undertaken at a time when the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02800-00678846-00679025 Chinese communist regime was still 5U3uZZmmlA4-02801-00679026-00679168 consolidating its own power 5U3uZZmmlA4-02802-00679169-00679435 after winning the Chinese Civil War Mao 5U3uZZmmlA4-02803-00679436-00679652 supported intervention not to save North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02804-00679653-00679819 Korea but because he believed that a 5U3uZZmmlA4-02805-00679820-00680033 military conflict with the United States 5U3uZZmmlA4-02806-00680034-00680212 was inevitable after the United States 5U3uZZmmlA4-02807-00680213-00680422 entered the Korean War and to appease 5U3uZZmmlA4-02808-00680423-00680604 the Soviet Union to secure military 5U3uZZmmlA4-02809-00680605-00680818 dispensation and achieve maus goal of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02810-00680819-00681022 making China a major world military 5U3uZZmmlA4-02811-00681023-00681302 power Mao was equally ambitious in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02812-00681303-00681496 improving his own prestige inside the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02813-00681497-00681689 Communist international community by 5U3uZZmmlA4-02814-00681690-00681887 demonstrating that his Marxist concerns 5U3uZZmmlA4-02815-00681888-00682120 were international in his later years 5U3uZZmmlA4-02816-00682121-00682345 now believed that Stalin only gained a 5U3uZZmmlA4-02817-00682346-00682537 positive opinion of him after China's 5U3uZZmmlA4-02818-00682538-00682795 entrance into the Korean War inside 5U3uZZmmlA4-02819-00682796-00682996 mainland China the war improved the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02820-00682997-00683239 long-term prestige of Mao Jo and poong 5U3uZZmmlA4-02821-00683240-00683464 allowing the Chinese Communist Party to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02822-00683465-00683654 increase its legitimacy while weakening 5U3uZZmmlA4-02823-00683655-00683933 anti-communist dissent the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-02824-00683934-00684110 government have encouraged the point of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02825-00684111-00684287 view that the war was initiated by the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02826-00684288-00684491 United States and South Korea though 5U3uZZmmlA4-02827-00684492-00684677 Comintern documents have shown that Mao 5U3uZZmmlA4-02828-00684678-00684871 Asada approval from Joseph Stalin to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02829-00684872-00685135 enter the war in Chinese media the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02830-00685136-00685339 Chinese war effort is considered as an 5U3uZZmmlA4-02831-00685340-00685519 example of China's engaging the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02832-00685520-00685691 strongest power in the world with an 5U3uZZmmlA4-02833-00685692-00685864 under equipped army forcing it to 5U3uZZmmlA4-02834-00685865-00686050 retreat and fighting it to a military 5U3uZZmmlA4-02835-00686051-00686281 stalemate these successes were 5U3uZZmmlA4-02836-00686282-00686470 contrasted with China's historical 5U3uZZmmlA4-02837-00686471-00686695 humiliations by Japan and by Western 5U3uZZmmlA4-02838-00686696-00686887 powers over the previous hundred years 5U3uZZmmlA4-02839-00686888-00687046 highlighting the abilities of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02840-00687047-00687254 People's Liberation Army and the Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-02841-00687255-00687533 Communist Party the most significant 5U3uZZmmlA4-02842-00687534-00687712 negative long-term consequence of the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02843-00687713-00687902 war for China was that it led the United 5U3uZZmmlA4-02844-00687903-00688108 States to guarantee the safety of Chiang 5U3uZZmmlA4-02845-00688109-00688345 kai-shek's regime in Taiwan effectively 5U3uZZmmlA4-02846-00688346-00688508 ensuring that Taiwan would remain 5U3uZZmmlA4-02847-00688509-00688700 outside of PRC control through the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02848-00688701-00688972 present day Mao had also discovered the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02849-00688973-00689197 usefulness of large-scale mass movements 5U3uZZmmlA4-02850-00689198-00689371 in the war while implementing them among 5U3uZZmmlA4-02851-00689372-00689631 most of his ruling measures over PRC 5U3uZZmmlA4-02852-00689632-00689960 finally and II u.s. sentiments which 5U3uZZmmlA4-02853-00689961-00690169 were already a significant factor during 5U3uZZmmlA4-02854-00690170-00690383 the Chinese Civil War was ingrained into 5U3uZZmmlA4-02855-00690384-00690560 Chinese culture during the communist 5U3uZZmmlA4-02856-00690561-00690769 propaganda campaigns of the Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-02857-00690770-00690937 the Korean War affected other 5U3uZZmmlA4-02858-00690938-00691214 participant combatants turkey for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02859-00691215-00691514 example entered NATO in 1952 and the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02860-00691515-00691672 foundation was laid for bilateral 5U3uZZmmlA4-02861-00691673-00691873 diplomatic and trade relations with 5U3uZZmmlA4-02862-00691874-00692250 South Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-02863-00692251-00692607 topic see also 5U3uZZmmlA4-02864-00692608-00692785 you 5U3uZZmmlA4-02865-00692786-00693151 war memorials United Nations Memorial 5U3uZZmmlA4-02866-00693152-00693220 Cemetery 5U3uZZmmlA4-02867-00693221-00693565 Busan Republic of Korea Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-02868-00693566-00693873 Veterans Memorial Washington DC 5U3uZZmmlA4-02869-00693874-00694197 Philadelphia Korean War Memorial 5U3uZZmmlA4-02870-00694198-00694547 National War Memorial New Zealand korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02871-00694548-00694853 war memorial wall map Brampton Ontario 5U3uZZmmlA4-02872-00694854-00695121 War Memorial of Korea young sand 5U3uZZmmlA4-02873-00695122-00695701 dong-young sang-gu Seoul South Korea 5U3uZZmmlA4-02874-00695702-00696237 topic footnotes 5U3uZZmmlA4-02875-00696238-00696766 topic citations 5U3uZZmmlA4-02876-00696767-00697277 topic references 5U3uZZmmlA4-02877-00697278-00697826 topic external links 5U3uZZmmlA4-02878-00697827-00698331 topic historical 5U3uZZmmlA4-02879-00698332-00698560 anniversary of the Korean War armistice 5U3uZZmmlA4-02880-00698561-00698806 Truman on Acheson screw shal roll in 5U3uZZmmlA4-02881-00698807-00698983 going to war Chapelle manuscript 5U3uZZmmlA4-02882-00698984-00699345 foundation Korean War resources Dwight D 5U3uZZmmlA4-02883-00699346-00699669 Eisenhower Presidential Library North 5U3uZZmmlA4-02884-00699670-00699883 Korea International documentation 5U3uZZmmlA4-02885-00699884-00700148 project Grand Valley State University 5U3uZZmmlA4-02886-00700149-00700383 veterans history project digital 5U3uZZmmlA4-02887-00700384-00700704 collection The Forgotten War remembered 5U3uZZmmlA4-02888-00700705-00700967 for testimonials in the New York Times 5U3uZZmmlA4-02889-00700968-00701160 collection of books and research 5U3uZZmmlA4-02890-00701161-00701391 materials on the Korean War an online 5U3uZZmmlA4-02891-00701392-00701583 collection of the United States Army 5U3uZZmmlA4-02892-00701584-00701950 Center of military history Korean War US 5U3uZZmmlA4-02893-00701951-00702171 Army Signal Corps photograph collection 5U3uZZmmlA4-02894-00702172-00702381 US Army heritage and Education Center 5U3uZZmmlA4-02895-00702382-00702789 Carlisle Pennsylvania the Korean War at 5U3uZZmmlA4-02896-00702790-00703202 history.com Korean War - educator org 5U3uZZmmlA4-02897-00703203-00703585 the short film film number 927 is 5U3uZZmmlA4-02898-00703586-00703750 available for free download at the 5U3uZZmmlA4-02899-00703751-00704111 Internet Archive 5U3uZZmmlA4-02900-00704112-00704626 topic media 5U3uZZmmlA4-02901-00704627-00704899 the Korean War you never knew slideshows 5U3uZZmmlA4-02902-00704900-00705226 by Life magazine QuickTime sequence of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02903-00705227-00705469 27 maps adapted from the West Point 5U3uZZmmlA4-02904-00705470-00705787 atlas of American wars animation for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02905-00705788-00706141 operations in 1950 animation for 5U3uZZmmlA4-02906-00706142-00706570 operations in 1951 US Army Korea Media 5U3uZZmmlA4-02907-00706571-00706816 Center official Korean War online image 5U3uZZmmlA4-02908-00706817-00707113 archive rare pictures of the Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-02909-00707114-00707419 from the US Library of Congress and 5U3uZZmmlA4-02910-00707420-00707707 National Archives land of the Morning 5U3uZZmmlA4-02911-00707708-00707917 Calm Canadians in Korea multimedia 5U3uZZmmlA4-02912-00707918-00708147 project including veteran interviews 5U3uZZmmlA4-02913-00708148-00708463 have a online newsreel archive featuring 5U3uZZmmlA4-02914-00708464-00708784 films on the war CBC digital archives 5U3uZZmmlA4-02915-00708785-00709057 forgotten heroes Canada and the Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02916-00709058-00709356 War 5U3uZZmmlA4-02917-00709357-00709924 topic organizations 5U3uZZmmlA4-02918-00709925-00710317 Korea defense Veterans of America Korean 5U3uZZmmlA4-02919-00710318-00710704 War Expo Association Korean War Veterans 5U3uZZmmlA4-02920-00710705-00711001 Association the Center for the Study of 5U3uZZmmlA4-02921-00711002-00711377 the Korean War 5U3uZZmmlA4-02922-00711378-00711897 Topic memorials 5U3uZZmmlA4-02923-00711898-00712275 Korean Children's War Memorial Chinese 5U3uZZmmlA4-02924-00712276-00712686 50th anniversary Korean War Memorial 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00000-00000176-00000335 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00001-00000336-00000655 so let's go to the next slide 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00002-00000656-00000871 okay so the objectives of this workshop 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00003-00000872-00001023 or first i'm gonna give a short 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00004-00001024-00001119 introduction 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00005-00001120-00001415 to on demand and then i'm gonna talk 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00006-00001416-00001607 about how to do file management 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00007-00001607-00001942 in on-demand and job management 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00008-00001943-00002142 and how to do uh interactive shell 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00009-00002143-00002310 access by on-demand and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00010-00002311-00002575 i'm gonna help you to launch interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00011-00002576-00002750 desktop and other graphical user 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00012-00002751-00002966 interfaces we have like jupyter notebook 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00013-00002967-00003087 matlab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00014-00003088-00003359 and shell and vs code editor on compute 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00015-00003360-00003583 nodes in discovery through on demand so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00016-00003584-00003879 these are the objectives of the workshop 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00017-00003879-00004183 okay so what is open on demand so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00018-00004184-00004375 basically open on demand it provides a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00019-00004376-00004567 single integrated access point for all 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00020-00004568-00004799 of the discovery hpc resources 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00021-00004800-00005047 so you can you just need a simple web 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00022-00005048-00005222 browser and a net connection 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00023-00005223-00005463 uh to connect to discovery earlier you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00024-00005464-00005735 have to do a command line shell access 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00025-00005736-00005895 if you want to interact discovery but 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00026-00005896-00006134 now we have like a web interface 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00027-00006135-00006279 so you can go to your browser and you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00028-00006280-00006534 can hit the url and connect to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00029-00006536-00006703 on demand then you can submit a job to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00030-00006704-00006934 discovery so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00031-00006936-00007078 that is on demand and some of the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00032-00007079-00007319 benefits you can do uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00033-00007320-00007639 all the file management operations in on 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00034-00007640-00007767 demand and you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00035-00007768-00008031 submit on manager slump jobs and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00036-00008031-00008078 you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00037-00008079-00008399 launch interactive jobs and guise 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00038-00008400-00008671 like jupyter notebook vs code editor and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00039-00008672-00008814 interactive shell 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00040-00008815-00009046 and also you have a shell access by your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00041-00009047-00009214 on demand that i will show you later in 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00042-00009215-00009367 the presentation 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00043-00009368-00009591 and what's the purpose of on demand so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00044-00009592-00009687 the purpose is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00045-00009688-00009935 it's it's more of a fancier way of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00046-00009936-00010110 interacting with discovery 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00047-00010111-00010351 so it's like you have a web interface 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00048-00010352-00010414 you know 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00049-00010415-00010719 that that makes your life easier to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00050-00010720-00010831 interact with discovery 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00051-00010832-00011199 so that's the purpose all right so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00052-00011200-00011351 i'll show you how to connect to on 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00053-00011352-00011519 demand so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00054-00011520-00011670 the first thing you have to do is you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00055-00011671-00011895 have to be in the nmsu network 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00056-00011896-00012070 for example if you are at home or 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00057-00012071-00012287 outside so you need to connect to the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00058-00012288-00012527 nmsu vpn 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00059-00012528-00012879 so i will show you how to connect to vpn 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00060-00012880-00013535 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00061-00013536-00013894 so this is the vpn value you have to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00062-00013895-00014230 enter and the group is nmsu and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00063-00014231-00014399 this is your my name is username and my 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00064-00014400-00014583 nmsc password 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00065-00014584-00014966 and hit connect 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00066-00014968-00015166 all right so you are connected to nmsc 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00067-00015168-00015303 vpn 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00068-00015304-00016383 and now just go to this url 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00069-00016384-00016711 okay i think there was a network change 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00070-00016712-00017327 let me reload this again 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00071-00017328-00017567 all right so i actually logged in so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00072-00017568-00017663 that's why i'm 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00073-00017664-00017983 able to see the dashboard so i'll just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00074-00017984-00018191 start logging out and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00075-00018192-00018511 you know how to uh sign in so it's just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00076-00018512-00019039 your nms username and password 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00077-00019040-00019343 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00078-00019344-00019599 so so once you have entered your nms 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00079-00019600-00019735 credentials you will see the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00080-00019736-00020079 on-demand dashboard and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00081-00020080-00020271 we'll be exploring all these options 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00082-00020272-00020527 today files jobs and clusters and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00083-00020528-00020671 interactive apps and my interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00084-00020672-00020855 sessions 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00085-00020856-00021271 and let me switch back to the slides 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00086-00021272-00021430 yeah so basically it says you go to this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00087-00021431-00021614 url and enter your username and the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00088-00021615-00021735 password and make sure that you are 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00089-00021736-00021935 connected to msc vpn 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00090-00021936-00022358 if not on the nms network okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00091-00022359-00022567 so to manage files and directories in 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00092-00022568-00022663 openondemand 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00093-00022664-00022871 just simply select the files dropdown 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00094-00022872-00023071 then you will see a list of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00095-00023072-00023311 directories available for your account 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00096-00023312-00023519 and select one of the directories to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00097-00023520-00023583 manage 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00098-00023584-00023814 uh files in the directory you can do 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00099-00023815-00023911 copy 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00100-00023912-00024119 edit paste and if you want to upload a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00101-00024120-00024335 download or whatever you want you can do 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00102-00024336-00024383 that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00103-00024384-00024958 using this files dropdown option okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00104-00024959-00025214 and these are the use cases on the left 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00105-00025215-00025407 hand side you see the number one so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00106-00025408-00025639 that's actually the file explorer pane 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00107-00025639-00025839 for example if you want to go inside the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00108-00025839-00026039 on demand directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00109-00026039-00026279 let me turn on the laser pointer yep for 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00110-00026280-00026431 example if you want to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00111-00026432-00026631 go inside the on demand directory you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00112-00026632-00026807 just simply double click on it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00113-00026808-00026943 and if you want to collapse it back you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00114-00026944-00027174 simply click on that directory again 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00115-00027175-00027414 and that's the use case one and the use 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00116-00027416-00027527 case two you see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00117-00027527-00027823 view edit rename move download copy 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00118-00027824-00027958 paste and select and select 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00119-00027960-00028270 all so using these options you can do uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00120-00028272-00028462 the operation that is listed in these 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00121-00028463-00028599 commands 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00122-00028600-00028951 and then uh you see a delete button so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00123-00028952-00029102 this basically deletes your file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00124-00029104-00029270 i'm gonna show you how to do all these 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00125-00029272-00029407 operations 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00126-00029408-00029679 and number four you see options like go 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00127-00029680-00029814 to open in terminal 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00128-00029816-00030055 new file new directory upload and number 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00129-00030056-00030127 five you see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00130-00030127-00030335 show dot files and show one or more so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00131-00030336-00030495 those are basically check boxes you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00132-00030495-00030646 enable it if you want to see any dot 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00133-00030647-00030943 files or what's the mode of that file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00134-00030944-00031358 so let me go to my files 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00135-00031360-00031935 so i'm gonna go inside my home directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00136-00031936-00032327 okay so now 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00137-00032327-00032574 let's say i want to work work on some 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00138-00032575-00032727 files under on-demand 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00139-00032727-00032895 directory so i'm just gonna double click 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00140-00032896-00033127 it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00141-00033128-00033502 and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00142-00033503-00033823 i clicked dev again so now 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00143-00033824-00034167 let me double click this again 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00144-00034168-00034471 all right 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00145-00034472-00034911 so this is how you go inside the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00146-00034912-00035167 file in a directory and for example if 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00147-00035168-00035311 you want to view this file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00148-00035312-00035574 just simply select this file and just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00149-00035575-00035751 press this view button 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00150-00035752-00036079 so that basically uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00151-00036080-00036335 show i mean shows you the file okay so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00152-00036336-00036471 that's how you view the file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00153-00036472-00036607 for every operation you need to make 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00154-00036608-00036751 sure that it is selected and you press 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00155-00036752-00036855 this button 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00156-00036856-00037030 and for example if you want to edit this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00157-00037031-00037207 file just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00158-00037208-00037439 press this edit option and you will see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00159-00037440-00037583 a file editor open 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00160-00037584-00037999 in a new tab okay and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00161-00038000-00038215 you see different options here and if 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00162-00038216-00038407 you want to have it to vim 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00163-00038408-00038655 or emacs you can change that i'm gonna 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00164-00038656-00038830 leave this to default 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00165-00038831-00039039 and you can set the font size and you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00166-00039040-00039311 can even change the mode 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00167-00039312-00039462 and this is a yamaha script so i'm just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00168-00039463-00039630 going to leave it like that and you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00169-00039631-00039959 change the theme 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00170-00039960-00040111 and there is a word wrap feature 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00171-00040112-00040271 checkbox as well so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00172-00040272-00040446 for example let's say i'm just making 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00173-00040447-00040607 something just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00174-00040608-00040918 having a space so once you have made all 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00175-00040919-00041071 the changes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00176-00041072-00041246 you need to click save to save your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00177-00041247-00041430 progress so if i hit 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00178-00041431-00041727 save then it saves now we can close it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00179-00041728-00041951 so that's how you do the edit operation 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00180-00041952-00042255 okay and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00181-00042256-00042615 the next one is rename so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00182-00042616-00042790 make sure that the file is selected and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00183-00042791-00042967 uh you know just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00184-00042968-00043362 uh rename it from 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00185-00043363-00043671 hyphen2.yaml that basically renames 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00186-00043672-00043887 rename it renames the file and also you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00187-00043888-00044023 can move this file to some other 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00188-00044024-00044118 location 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00189-00044119-00044446 let's say i just i want this form 2.0 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00190-00044447-00044646 file inside the template directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00191-00044647-00045015 so in that case what i can do is i can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00192-00045016-00045255 type the path 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00193-00045256-00045558 template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00194-00045559-00046062 from two.tml 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00195-00046063-00046335 let me do this one and now you see the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00196-00046336-00046495 file has been disappeared 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00197-00046496-00046679 and if i go inside the directory i see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00198-00046680-00046927 the form 2.0 so basically you can rename 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00199-00046928-00047102 and you can move it as well 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00200-00047103-00047262 and if you want to download just you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00201-00047263-00047486 know hit this download 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00202-00047487-00047743 and then if if you want to copy and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00203-00047744-00047879 paste this file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00204-00047880-00048071 so just make sure that it's selected and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00205-00048072-00048207 press copy 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00206-00048208-00048446 and go to the location where you want to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00207-00048447-00048590 paste it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00208-00048591-00048815 so i'm just i just want to be pasted 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00209-00048816-00049083 here so press paste 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00210-00049084-00049390 okay so that's how you do copy paste and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00211-00049391-00049623 and for select online selector i'll just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00212-00049624-00049751 hit this button 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00213-00049752-00049943 now everything is selected also you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00214-00049944-00050127 use the ctrl a shortcut 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00215-00050128-00050439 so that also works so that's the use of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00216-00050440-00050543 this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00217-00050544-00050790 button and then if you want to delete 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00218-00050791-00050958 some file make sure it's selected and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00219-00050959-00051135 you know hit the delete button 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00220-00051136-00051535 okay and this is how you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00221-00051536-00051714 delete the file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00222-00051715-00051911 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00223-00051912-00052254 okay and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00224-00052255-00052438 the next option is we're going to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00225-00052439-00052615 explore is go to for example right now 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00226-00052616-00052703 we are in 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00227-00052704-00052935 home directory let's say i want to go to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00228-00052936-00053079 a scratch directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00229-00053079-00053350 so you can make use of this option 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00230-00053351-00053430 simply 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00231-00053432-00053575 type the path of the directory that you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00232-00053576-00053871 want to go to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00233-00053872-00054207 and if you hit ok so it's going to go 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00234-00054208-00054319 into that directory you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00235-00054320-00054550 see it has changed here scratch crochet 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00236-00054551-00054671 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00237-00054672-00054982 and that's how you go inside that's how 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00238-00054983-00055159 you switch directories 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00239-00055160-00055735 and let me let me come back to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00240-00055736-00055950 shell again okay so that's the use of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00241-00055951-00056079 this go to option 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00242-00056079-00056391 for example if you want to uh open this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00243-00056391-00056566 directory in a terminal just simply 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00244-00056567-00056726 press this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00245-00056727-00057030 so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00246-00057032-00057350 you will see uh the command line shall 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00247-00057351-00057503 access in a new tab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00248-00057504-00057759 so now if you do an ls and it shows the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00249-00057760-00057838 files 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00250-00057839-00058007 okay so that that command basically 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00251-00058008-00058199 helps you to open the directory in a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00252-00058200-00058319 terminal 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00253-00058320-00058615 so i'm just going to close this one and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00254-00058616-00058703 new file and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00255-00058704-00058975 directory just need to give a name 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00256-00058976-00059015 that's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00257-00059016-00059326 this will be creating a new file and the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00258-00059327-00059391 next one is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00259-00059391-00059623 upload you can uh you know upload files 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00260-00059624-00059766 from your local pc to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00261-00059767-00060103 uh on demand but the one thing you need 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00262-00060104-00060206 to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00263-00060207-00060471 remember here is you can upload files of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00264-00060472-00060671 size only up to 10 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00265-00060672-00060975 gigabytes 10 gb okay if you want to uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00266-00060976-00061191 transfer files to on demand 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00267-00061191-00061399 which has size of more than 10 gb then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00268-00061400-00061623 you have to do ssh or sftp 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00269-00061624-00061791 login and then you have to transfer 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00270-00061791-00062038 files so this on demand basically allows 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00271-00062039-00062311 for uploading of files of size up to 10 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00272-00062312-00062391 gb 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00273-00062391-00062566 okay that's that's one thing you need to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00274-00062567-00062719 remember here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00275-00062720-00063094 and this check boxes it shows the dot 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00276-00063095-00063206 files you could see the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00277-00063207-00063430 dot file dot gate and this check box 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00278-00063432-00063679 shows you one arrow mode 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00279-00063679-00063959 so those are the file operations you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00280-00063960-00064135 do 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00281-00064136-00064526 using on demand i mean this is uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00282-00064527-00064854 this is a pretty easy uh you know if 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00283-00064855-00065023 rather than the command line shellac 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00284-00065024-00065182 command line shell 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00285-00065183-00065399 thing because for moving and renaming 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00286-00065400-00065591 files if you're strong in 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00287-00065592-00065903 a command line then you can but if 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00288-00065904-00066047 you know if you don't have like enough 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00289-00066048-00066263 knowledge about command line then you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00290-00066264-00066415 can use this portal to you know play 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00291-00066416-00066550 around with the files 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00292-00066551-00067071 okay and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00293-00067072-00067343 okay so let me close this one let me 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00294-00067344-00067647 switch back to the slides again 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00295-00067648-00067879 okay so these are the use cases that we 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00296-00067880-00068023 saw 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00297-00068024-00068326 and the next slide uh it talks about the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00298-00068327-00068438 job management so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00299-00068439-00068711 using on demand you can monitor the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00300-00068712-00068847 status of your jobs running in the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00301-00068848-00068926 cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00302-00068927-00069391 and also you can uh compose a new job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00303-00069392-00069655 and you have a set of uh predefined 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00304-00069656-00069823 templates available and you can use 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00305-00069824-00069982 those templates and customize 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00306-00069983-00070271 to your needs and then submit your uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00307-00070272-00070326 job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00308-00070327-00070591 to the slum and then get your results 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00309-00070592-00070726 okay so for that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00310-00070727-00070975 you just need to go to jobs drop down 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00311-00070976-00071047 and then you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00312-00071048-00071255 you see two options active jobs and job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00313-00071256-00071367 composer 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00314-00071368-00071623 so this active jobs if you click on the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00315-00071624-00071743 active jobs it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00316-00071744-00072055 it shows the live jobs which are running 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00317-00072056-00072167 in the cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00318-00072168-00072519 okay and the another option job composer 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00319-00072520-00072662 it helps you to compose 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00320-00072663-00072967 a new job or submit a slum job okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00321-00072968-00073119 and when you click on the active job you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00322-00073120-00073319 will see this output 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00323-00073320-00073671 okay and let me 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00324-00073672-00074838 show you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00325-00074839-00075247 okay so i just clicked the active jobs 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00326-00075248-00075399 it opens 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00327-00075400-00075703 uh it opens in a new tab and these are 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00328-00075704-00075862 the jobs which are you know 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00329-00075863-00076199 uh which are currently running in the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00330-00076200-00076287 cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00331-00076288-00076591 and let's say i just want to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00332-00076592-00076911 find information about this job geo 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00333-00076912-00077150 you just need to type thing in the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00334-00077151-00077303 filter 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00335-00077304-00077638 so i just typed jio prog so it shows the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00336-00077639-00077959 uh job information which are specific to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00337-00077960-00078103 jio proc 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00338-00078104-00078550 okay and if you if you type running 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00339-00078551-00078743 it's gonna show the jobs which are 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00340-00078744-00078879 currently running in the cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00341-00078880-00079135 okay you can use any key any any 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00342-00079136-00079335 filtering keyboard here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00343-00079336-00079647 and and also uh another thing you need 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00344-00079648-00079791 to note down here is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00345-00079792-00079943 if you want like more information about 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00346-00079944-00080231 the job just click this expand icon 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00347-00080232-00080606 and it gives more information about your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00348-00080607-00080750 job like what cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00349-00080751-00080943 it's running i mean what's your job id 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00350-00080944-00081103 and job name what's your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00351-00081104-00081415 resources how many nodes are using okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00352-00081416-00081759 so this is this is a very useful feature 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00353-00081760-00081791 here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00354-00081792-00082047 or else you have to do the exact command 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00355-00082048-00082206 in command line to get all your job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00356-00082207-00082326 information 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00357-00082327-00082559 so through on demand you can just simply 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00358-00082560-00082711 use this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00359-00082712-00082862 expand icon to find more information 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00360-00082863-00083087 about their job okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00361-00083088-00083311 and if you just want your job which is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00362-00083312-00083391 which are running 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00363-00083392-00083559 i mean just want to see your job which 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00364-00083560-00083703 is running in the cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00365-00083704-00084015 just select your jobs 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00366-00084016-00084262 and i don't see any data which means 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00367-00084263-00084391 that i don't have any jobs running in 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00368-00084392-00084526 the cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00369-00084527-00085087 okay and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00370-00085088-00085623 let me switch back to the slides 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00371-00085624-00085999 okay and the next thing uh it's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00372-00086000-00086294 we're gonna look is how to compose a job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00373-00086295-00086335 uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00374-00086336-00086679 using on-demand okay so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00375-00086680-00086967 i'll uh come to the slide i'll give a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00376-00086968-00086999 demo 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00377-00087000-00087567 and then i'll come to the slide so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00378-00087568-00087743 so just go to job drop down and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00379-00087744-00088350 click job composer 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00380-00088351-00088662 okay let me close this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00381-00088663-00088967 and i don't have any jobs now so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00382-00088968-00089271 i'm just gonna click and uh click or 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00383-00089272-00089447 select a new job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00384-00089448-00089655 and i see three options from default 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00385-00089656-00089847 template from specified path and from 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00386-00089848-00089991 selected job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00387-00089992-00090287 okay so i can use any one of these three 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00388-00090288-00090391 options 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00389-00090392-00090694 to compose a new job okay let's say 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00390-00090695-00091079 i'm just gonna use the default template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00391-00091080-00091231 so i'm just going to select this default 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00392-00091232-00091575 template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00393-00091576-00091782 okay so this is default template which 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00394-00091783-00092071 is which is there in on-demand 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00395-00092072-00092350 so it got created here and let's say i 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00396-00092351-00092567 want to you know modify the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00397-00092568-00092871 job name or my script name 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00398-00092872-00093303 and stuff so for that what you can do is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00399-00093304-00093926 go to this job options 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00400-00093927-00094479 so now you can say test job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00401-00094480-00094703 and if you want to modify job script you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00402-00094704-00094847 can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00403-00094848-00095159 and let's leave the cluster to discovery 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00404-00095160-00095559 and just i'm going to save it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00405-00095560-00095943 so now you see my name of the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00406-00095944-00096247 job has been changed okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00407-00096248-00096455 and on the right hand side you will see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00408-00096456-00096631 more information about the job like what 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00409-00096632-00096750 is the job name 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00410-00096751-00097062 and sorry what is this job name and what 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00411-00097063-00097382 cluster i'm gonna submit this to and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00412-00097383-00097679 i didn't specify any account and what is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00413-00097680-00097838 my script location 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00414-00097839-00098159 and what's my script name okay let's say 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00415-00098160-00098199 i just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00416-00098200-00098455 want to modify this uh summit script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00417-00098456-00098606 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00418-00098607-00098847 for that you can use these commands open 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00419-00098848-00098991 editor or open in 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00420-00098992-00099199 terminal or open directory as well so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00421-00099200-00099482 i'm just gonna use this open editor 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00422-00099483-00099831 command 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00423-00099832-00100294 and i'm just gonna have some basic 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00424-00100295-00100479 sleep commands and echo commands let's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00425-00100480-00100614 say first job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00426-00100615-00100855 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00427-00100856-00102515 just gonna have sleep five 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00428-00102516-00102766 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00429-00102767-00102910 okay so basically i'm just having a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00430-00102911-00103263 sleep command so delays execution 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00431-00103264-00103575 it's a simple simple script so i'm just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00432-00103576-00103830 going to save this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00433-00103831-00104182 now i'm gonna close it and you see these 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00434-00104183-00104478 submission script has been updated here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00435-00104479-00104694 and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00436-00104695-00105023 now i'm gonna submit this simple job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00437-00105024-00105327 that we created from default template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00438-00105328-00105910 so i'm gonna sum it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00439-00105911-00106199 okay you see the status has been changed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00440-00106200-00106670 to running 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00441-00106671-00107151 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00442-00107152-00107383 so once it changes to completed you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00443-00107383-00107575 give the output 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00444-00107576-00107878 so let me refresh the screen yep it's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00445-00107879-00108031 completed basically it shows up 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00446-00108032-00108215 sometimes you know it doesn't change so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00447-00108216-00108375 i just do a simple refresh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00448-00108376-00108719 so that should do the trick and now 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00449-00108720-00108999 i'm gonna view this output so basically 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00450-00109000-00109151 in your folder contents you see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00451-00109152-00109375 a new file has been generated which is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00452-00109376-00109639 slum hyphen followed by a job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00453-00109640-00109975 uh id and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00454-00109976-00110358 dot out so just click this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00455-00110359-00110663 and you see our output so our 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00456-00110664-00110807 our job has been submitted to the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00457-00110808-00111047 cluster and it ran successfully 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00458-00111048-00111358 so that's how you create a job using 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00459-00111359-00111615 default template and modify 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00460-00111616-00111895 modify the job options and the slump 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00461-00111896-00112015 script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00462-00112016-00112254 and then you submit it to the cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00463-00112255-00112447 and get the results 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00464-00112448-00112751 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00465-00112752-00113223 so let me go back to the slides 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00466-00113224-00113423 so that's the information i have so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00467-00113424-00113654 first to create any new job or compose a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00468-00113655-00113710 job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00469-00113711-00113934 you need to navigate to jobs tab and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00470-00113935-00114039 then select 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00471-00114040-00114319 jobs composer then you see these three 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00472-00114320-00114527 options default templates specified path 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00473-00114528-00114671 from selected job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00474-00114672-00115102 okay and in the next slide 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00475-00115103-00115454 yeah i basically uh put this information 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00476-00115455-00115607 like how to create a new java from 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00477-00115608-00115702 default template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00478-00115703-00115919 you basically select new job and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00479-00115920-00116095 from default template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00480-00116096-00116271 then you modify the job name and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00481-00116272-00116439 javascript file using this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00482-00116440-00116815 job options button so once you press the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00483-00116816-00116943 job options button you will see this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00484-00116944-00117110 window 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00485-00117111-00117558 so here you can update your changes and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00486-00117559-00117734 once you are done you can save this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00487-00117735-00117886 and also you can modify the contents of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00488-00117888-00118039 the job script file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00489-00118040-00118558 so job script file is this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00490-00118559-00118863 so that's thing i have here and you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00491-00118864-00119063 also use options open editor and open in 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00492-00119064-00119119 terminal 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00493-00119120-00119278 so it basically talks about these two 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00494-00119279-00119623 options open editor and open in terminal 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00495-00119624-00119815 and then submit the job so once the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00496-00119816-00120007 status changes from running to completed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00497-00120008-00120471 the job is finished okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00498-00120472-00122758 so any doubt so far 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00499-00122759-00123086 oh sorry i missed a question in the chat 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00500-00123088-00123414 so nicole has a question 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00501-00123415-00123607 could you also switch directories on the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00502-00123608-00124683 left 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00503-00124683-00124934 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00504-00124935-00126302 let me go back 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00505-00126303-00126463 okay so if you if you change the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00506-00126464-00126623 directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00507-00126624-00126999 to scratch 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00508-00127000-00127207 it changes here but it doesn't change so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00509-00127208-00128463 is this your question 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00510-00128464-00128799 okay uh so it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00511-00128800-00128958 so when you switch it basically doesn't 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00512-00128959-00129358 change here so uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00513-00129359-00130966 i was asking if 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00514-00130967-00131727 okay so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00515-00131728-00132047 so i could also navigate through 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00516-00132048-00132311 my the home directory in all associate 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00517-00132312-00132414 subfolders 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00518-00132415-00132727 just by simply clicking on those 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00519-00132728-00133087 left items yeah 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00520-00133088-00133447 awesome yeah so you can switch between 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00521-00133448-00133654 all those sub directories which are 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00522-00133655-00133790 present in home directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00523-00133791-00133966 but if you want to go to scratch or 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00524-00133967-00134199 something else uh you you need to go 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00525-00134200-00134271 here and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00526-00134272-00135071 do this one okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00527-00135072-00135399 but still it it doesn't 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00528-00135400-00135623 uh show up here yeah so only home 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00529-00135624-00135766 directory it shows up here even if you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00530-00135767-00135863 select 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00531-00135864-00136151 uh for example projects directory you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00532-00136152-00136302 see only home directory getting popped 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00533-00136303-00136366 up here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00534-00136367-00136863 so okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00535-00136864-00137654 all right so any other questions 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00536-00137655-00138007 when you went into the edit function 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00537-00138008-00138311 to change a file um 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00538-00138312-00138687 you showed that there is like um 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00539-00138688-00139007 what was it called key bindings or 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00540-00139008-00139271 something like that what is that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00541-00139272-00140063 okay so let me show you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00542-00140064-00140631 okay let me open this file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00543-00140632-00140887 okay so so this is the default binding 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00544-00140888-00141014 some people they prefer 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00545-00141015-00141327 bim so bim is basically uh it's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00546-00141328-00141614 a kind of a lot of linux users they use 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00547-00141615-00141663 it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00548-00141664-00141847 so if you change it to bim it uses the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00549-00141848-00142007 wave bindings you see the cursor has 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00550-00142008-00142166 been changed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00551-00142167-00142471 okay okay so it basically uses oh sorry 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00552-00142472-00142551 it's emacs 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00553-00142552-00142735 or let me switch to it basically use 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00554-00142736-00142887 that thing 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00555-00142888-00143271 okay all right cool thanks 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00556-00143272-00144487 okay yep so let me close this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00557-00144488-00144743 okay so i'm gonna move forward the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00558-00144744-00144951 slides 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00559-00144952-00145343 and so the next slide 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00560-00145344-00145775 okay so the next one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00561-00145776-00145951 yeah so this is basically you know how 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00562-00145952-00146214 we uh modified the some uh the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00563-00146215-00146447 summit script and how we submitted the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00564-00146448-00146663 job using the summit button 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00565-00146664-00146943 and how to infer that our job has been 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00566-00146944-00147135 completed so when the status changes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00567-00147136-00147319 from running to completed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00568-00147320-00147607 uh we we came to know that you know the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00569-00147608-00147783 job is run on the cluster and now 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00570-00147784-00148102 it's ready to view our output and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00571-00148103-00148326 just to view the output you know you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00572-00148327-00148447 just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00573-00148448-00148590 you just identify from the folder 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00574-00148591-00148759 contents that a new file has been 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00575-00148760-00148854 generated 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00576-00148855-00149031 which is dot out and then you simply 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00577-00149032-00149199 click this file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00578-00149200-00149439 which opens up a new tab and then you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00579-00149440-00149583 will see the output 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00580-00149584-00149887 in the new tab okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00581-00149888-00150166 so so the next thing you're going to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00582-00150167-00150375 talk about is how to compose a job from 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00583-00150376-00150583 the custom template for example you have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00584-00150584-00150614 your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00585-00150615-00150847 own template and you want to compose a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00586-00150848-00150951 job from 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00587-00150952-00151223 that so that's most of the users they 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00588-00151224-00151383 have their own custom template and they 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00589-00151384-00151471 want to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00590-00151472-00151823 use it for their slum jobs okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00591-00151824-00152183 so that's completely possible so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00592-00152184-00152359 i will give you a demo and then i'll 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00593-00152360-00152751 explain this slide information 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00594-00152752-00153207 so okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00595-00153208-00153454 so in job composer you see two options 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00596-00153455-00153590 one is jobs and the other one is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00597-00153591-00153711 template okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00598-00153712-00153902 so now we are gonna create a custom 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00599-00153903-00154190 template so i'm just gonna press this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00600-00154191-00154590 button and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00601-00154591-00154926 now you see uh a new page 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00602-00154927-00155095 and here you can create your own 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00603-00155096-00155319 template so i'm just gonna 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00604-00155320-00155695 say create a new template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00605-00155696-00156102 and here you need to specify the path 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00606-00156103-00156431 to your new template okay so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00607-00156432-00156647 mine is going to be home crochet custom 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00608-00156648-00156735 template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00609-00156736-00156926 so i will show you what what's there in 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00610-00156927-00157078 this path 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00611-00157079-00157983 so let me go to the files directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00612-00157984-00158287 okay custom template and these are the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00613-00158288-00158495 two files i have i have an 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00614-00158496-00159007 input file and i have a uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00615-00159008-00159271 summit script okay so let's see what's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00616-00159272-00159671 there in this file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00617-00159672-00159975 so input just you know just uh five 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00618-00159976-00160214 lines just it's about the various 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00619-00160215-00160366 operating system 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00620-00160367-00160807 and let's see what's there in this uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00621-00160808-00161287 script file okay there is a there's a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00622-00161288-00161526 command you see while ifs is equal to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00623-00161527-00161743 read hyphen or line 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00624-00161744-00161926 so what this script is going to do is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00625-00161927-00162107 it's going to read the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00626-00162108-00162551 input.txt line by line and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00627-00162552-00162695 that's that's what this void lab is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00628-00162696-00162878 going while loop is going to do and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00629-00162879-00163311 if it finds any line with this pattern 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00630-00163312-00163543 apt then it's going to print that line 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00631-00163544-00163883 okay so that's the script is going to do 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00632-00163884-00164247 so i will go to the input.txt file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00633-00164248-00164711 so it's gonna you know first uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00634-00164712-00165023 consider this line ubuntu apt and it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00635-00165024-00165254 looks for a match whether it has any apt 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00636-00165255-00165319 so it has 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00637-00165320-00165566 it has apt thing so it's going to print 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00638-00165567-00165687 that line 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00639-00165688-00165975 and the same for db and apd as well and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00640-00165976-00166071 it's going to ignore 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00641-00166072-00166359 the rest of these three lines okay so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00642-00166360-00166671 that's the script is gonna do 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00643-00166672-00166911 so let me go to the job composer so i 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00644-00166912-00167014 gave the path 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00645-00167015-00167238 to the custom template which has that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00646-00167239-00167454 script and the input file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00647-00167455-00167702 and i can give the name as custom 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00648-00167703-00168083 template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00649-00168084-00168559 and i'm just gonna hit save 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00650-00168560-00168975 okay all right so you see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00651-00168976-00169190 in the folder contents your new file has 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00652-00169191-00169383 been generated which is manifest.aml so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00653-00169384-00169478 it basically 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00654-00169479-00169671 consists of what's the script name and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00655-00169672-00169854 what's the cluster name 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00656-00169855-00170111 okay you see a new file will be 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00657-00170112-00170271 generated 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00658-00170272-00170575 and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00659-00170576-00170854 now you can create a new job from this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00660-00170855-00171095 custom template okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00661-00171096-00171359 so for that you just need to select this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00662-00171360-00171823 create new job button 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00663-00171824-00172151 okay so now you see a new job has been 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00664-00172152-00172471 added to a jobs page and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00665-00172472-00172743 on the right you have you know our job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00666-00172744-00172863 details 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00667-00172864-00173071 and one thing i missed to say here is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00668-00173072-00173335 you see the script location 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00669-00173336-00173678 as home my username and on demand 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00670-00173679-00173919 data and this is my job so basically 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00671-00173920-00174119 whenever you submit a job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00672-00174120-00174375 through on demand it basically uh you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00673-00174376-00174519 know creates a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00674-00174520-00174863 script location here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00675-00174864-00175151 okay projects default basically creates 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00676-00175152-00175375 creates a script location in this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00677-00175376-00175687 in this path okay so the reason why 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00678-00175688-00175878 it's listed two here is it's our second 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00679-00175879-00176014 job the first one is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00680-00176015-00176302 test job so it gets created as one and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00681-00176303-00176511 this one gets created as two 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00682-00176512-00176823 okay so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00683-00176824-00177014 the script name is crip.sage and the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00684-00177015-00177195 folder contents we have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00685-00177196-00177375 input.txtscrip.sh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00686-00177376-00177607 and we have the summit script ready and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00687-00177608-00178143 now let's submit this job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00688-00178144-00178695 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00689-00178696-00179151 let's wait for some time it should 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00690-00179152-00180175 excuse it should get completed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00691-00180176-00180683 also you can stop your job using this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00692-00180684-00181151 button 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00693-00181152-00181495 refresh this okay it's completed yeah 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00694-00181496-00181751 so now you see islam output has been 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00695-00181752-00181943 generated here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00696-00181944-00182295 and let me click this file and you see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00697-00182296-00182535 our output has been generated 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00698-00182536-00182895 uh successfully okay so that's how you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00699-00182896-00183190 you create your own template and do i 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00700-00183191-00183231 mean 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00701-00183232-00183599 put your uh submission script and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00702-00183600-00183814 you can create a new job from that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00703-00183815-00184031 custom template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00704-00184032-00184423 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00705-00184424-00184966 and let me switch back to slides 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00706-00184967-00185263 okay so basically this slide information 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00707-00185264-00185478 the next two three slides is gonna uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00708-00185479-00185807 uh talk about how we did how all 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00709-00185808-00186143 the job creation using the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00710-00186144-00186399 custom template okay so in the jobs page 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00711-00186400-00186526 you just select templates from the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00712-00186527-00186702 navigation menu and then you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00713-00186703-00186975 select new template so once you click 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00714-00186976-00187102 select new template 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00715-00187103-00187350 you see this form on the right hand side 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00716-00187351-00187559 you specify the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00717-00187560-00187790 path and then you give the name and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00718-00187791-00187966 you give the cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00719-00187967-00188159 and if you have like any nodes you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00720-00188160-00188447 have that and click save 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00721-00188448-00188743 so once you save you see a new file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00722-00188744-00188911 called manifest.dml which will also be 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00723-00188912-00189102 created here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00724-00189103-00189454 and the next slide you know just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00725-00189455-00189695 a screenshot of my input.txt and what's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00726-00189696-00189799 my 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00727-00189800-00190078 uh summit script what's and how my 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00728-00190079-00190231 manifest.yaml file will 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00729-00190232-00190463 look like it basically has my name and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00730-00190464-00190654 the host and the nodes and my script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00731-00190655-00191023 file name okay so this file will be 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00732-00191024-00191095 created 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00733-00191096-00191790 automatically and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00734-00191791-00192054 okay it's just the continuation so once 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00735-00192055-00192150 you create your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00736-00192151-00192487 custom template uh you can then select 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00737-00192488-00192607 new job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00738-00192608-00192847 uh from template in the jobs page and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00739-00192848-00192999 then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00740-00193000-00193254 you select create new job and then once 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00741-00193255-00193326 you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00742-00193327-00193543 select create new job it will be created 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00743-00193544-00193726 and you can submit the job and then once 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00744-00193727-00193823 the status changes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00745-00193824-00194071 completed you can view the output file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00746-00194072-00194414 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00747-00194415-00194631 so the next thing we are going to look 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00748-00194632-00194831 is how to compose a new job from the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00749-00194832-00194975 specified path 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00750-00194976-00195614 okay so let me give you a demo for that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00751-00195615-00195847 okay so for example now 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00752-00195848-00195975 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00753-00195976-00196190 now this is the case you have a you have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00754-00196191-00196302 a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00755-00196303-00196550 script and input.txt file in a specified 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00756-00196551-00196719 path and you want to create a job from 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00757-00196720-00196799 that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00758-00196800-00196999 so that's that's completely possible 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00759-00197000-00197119 through on demand 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00760-00197120-00197447 so just select new job and then select 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00761-00197448-00197831 from specified path 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00762-00197832-00198095 and here you can enter the path to the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00763-00198096-00198231 source which has your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00764-00198232-00198535 script file and the input file so i'm 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00765-00198536-00198678 gonna have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00766-00198679-00199143 this one okay so i'm just going to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00767-00199144-00199454 show you what i have in that path so i'm 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00768-00199455-00199759 going to go into the home directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00769-00199760-00200126 and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00770-00200127-00200390 so this is the path i gave home crochet 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00771-00200391-00200519 sample python 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00772-00200520-00200814 so i have two files in it so one is the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00773-00200815-00200919 python script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00774-00200920-00201150 and the other one is my uh submission 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00775-00201151-00201271 script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00776-00201272-00201511 so i'm just gonna look into my python 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00777-00201512-00201678 file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00778-00201679-00202023 so just a small program it uh basically 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00779-00202024-00202311 prints the greatest fibonacci number up 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00780-00202312-00202390 to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00781-00202391-00202663 uh for example if i giving an input as 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00782-00202664-00202766 90 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00783-00202767-00203031 okay so then it will print the greatest 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00784-00203032-00203175 fibonacci number 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00785-00203176-00203478 up to 90 is uh let's say what's the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00786-00203479-00203663 number if it is like 81 it's gonna print 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00787-00203664-00203847 that if it's like 83 or something it's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00788-00203848-00203983 gonna print that so that's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00789-00203984-00204175 that's what this program is gonna do 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00790-00204176-00204311 it's gonna take in 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00791-00204312-00204575 uh one command line argument and it's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00792-00204576-00204671 gonna 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00793-00204672-00204838 give the greatest fibonacci number up to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00794-00204839-00205023 that command line argument 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00795-00205023-00205342 okay and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00796-00205344-00205719 let's view our summation script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00797-00205719-00205966 and this is our submission script so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00798-00205967-00206055 basically the first 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00799-00206056-00206279 thing is shiva and command so you need 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00800-00206280-00206438 to have that because it's specific that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00801-00206439-00206527 we are in the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00802-00206528-00206903 terminal and then you have this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00803-00206904-00207262 resource request okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00804-00207263-00207614 so the first one you have job name is uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00805-00207615-00207903 max fib and my output name is this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00806-00207904-00207942 and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00807-00207944-00208271 time for my job is uh 10 minutes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00808-00208271-00208590 and i have set the end toss to be three 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00809-00208591-00208871 okay so let's leave it like that and i'm 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00810-00208871-00208966 gonna allocate 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00811-00208967-00209279 one cpus for each task 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00812-00209280-00209551 and then i have set a memory per cpu of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00813-00209552-00209638 100 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00814-00209639-00209894 megabytes okay so this is how you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00815-00209896-00210087 basically request the resources 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00816-00210088-00210398 so there is a tool we have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00817-00210400-00210598 if you are not aware of it so if you go 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00818-00210600-00210887 to our hpc.nmg.edu website 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00819-00210888-00211142 if you go to our tools and if you click 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00820-00211144-00211391 this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00821-00211392-00211758 that opens the slum.nmc.edu so it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00822-00211759-00211951 basically you know 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00823-00211952-00212182 creates the sum script so let's say i 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00824-00212183-00212439 want to have my job name as 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00825-00212440-00212791 test and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00826-00212792-00213175 let me have this one test dot out 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00827-00213176-00213519 and this one i'm just gonna have it to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00828-00213519-00213934 let's leave it to normal partition and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00829-00213935-00214415 let's say three cpus one cps per task 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00830-00214416-00214910 and let's see number of tasks three 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00831-00214911-00215303 and i'll set the email events 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00832-00215304-00215558 yep and you see this slump script has 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00833-00215559-00215782 been automatically generated here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00834-00215783-00216079 okay so again you know just copy paste 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00835-00216080-00216246 this thing 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00836-00216248-00216567 uh to your slum script in on demand okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00837-00216567-00216879 so this is an useful tool 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00838-00216880-00217455 and let me close this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00839-00217456-00217823 okay yep so that's the thing i have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00840-00217823-00218134 and so the next one is since this is a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00841-00218135-00218310 python script i have to load python 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00842-00218311-00218487 module to my environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00843-00218488-00218727 in order to run that script okay so if 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00844-00218728-00218903 you don't specify this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00845-00218904-00219134 uh slum basically looks for this one and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00846-00219135-00219303 if it doesn't find it or not it will be 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00847-00219304-00219463 able to execute the python script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00848-00219464-00219782 okay and then you have this execution 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00849-00219783-00219846 command 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00850-00219848-00220039 so basically you have to use the s run 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00851-00220040-00220287 command s1 command basically 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00852-00220288-00220567 submits the job to slum so this is this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00853-00220567-00220727 is one vital command 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00854-00220728-00220887 so you have to use s run if you want to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00855-00220888-00221087 submit the job to slum 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00856-00221088-00221398 and python uh it's you know 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00857-00221400-00221615 have you executed a python program you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00858-00221616-00221751 have this python 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00859-00221752-00222079 uh word and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00860-00222080-00222382 you have this uh python file name 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00861-00222383-00222687 and the command line argument okay so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00862-00222688-00222823 this is my uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00863-00222823-00223351 submission script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00864-00223352-00223679 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00865-00223680-00223919 and now let's get back to the job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00866-00223919-00224110 composer so i have this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00867-00224111-00224471 path to the directory which has my 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00868-00224471-00224598 python file and my 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00869-00224600-00224934 submission script and i'm gonna 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00870-00224935-00225255 have this one as python job and my 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00871-00225256-00225534 script name 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00872-00225535-00225831 it's script.sh so that's the one which 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00873-00225832-00226087 had all the resource check first and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00874-00226088-00226398 uh my modulo command 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00875-00226400-00226646 and cluster you have to choose you have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00876-00226648-00226806 to choose discovery that's the name of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00877-00226807-00226942 our cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00878-00226944-00227382 and i'm gonna leave this account field 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00879-00227383-00228079 blank and now i'm gonna hit save 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00880-00228080-00228342 okay so now you see a new job has been 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00881-00228344-00228542 added to our jobs page 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00882-00228544-00228806 and on the right hand side you can see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00883-00228807-00228967 our job details 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00884-00228967-00229142 and you know our script location is now 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00885-00229144-00229358 put in it's put inside this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00886-00229359-00229734 this path okay and you see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00887-00229735-00229887 three which means that this our third 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00888-00229888-00230127 job and our script name and our folder 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00889-00230128-00230223 contents 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00890-00230223-00230471 and our summit script okay so one thing 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00891-00230471-00230631 you need to note down here is whenever 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00892-00230632-00230775 you are submitting a job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00893-00230776-00231055 uh through on demand you have to use a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00894-00231056-00231255 command called export all 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00895-00231256-00231542 okay because if you if you if you submit 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00896-00231544-00231575 this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00897-00231576-00231927 the same thing uh you know without on 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00898-00231928-00231991 demand 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00899-00231992-00232271 the slum you know it's gonna give you uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00900-00232271-00232382 the correct output 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00901-00232383-00232606 but if you were trying to submit a job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00902-00232607-00232767 through on demand you have to have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00903-00232767-00233127 export all command in your sran 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00904-00233128-00233463 uh statement okay i'm not sure 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00905-00233464-00233719 why that's the what what's the logic 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00906-00233719-00233806 behind that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00907-00233807-00234055 but that's one of the work workaround uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00908-00234056-00234415 in on demand if you want to submit a job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00909-00234416-00234623 so let me open this editor and make that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00910-00234623-00234967 change 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00911-00234967-00235334 okay i'm gonna use this command export 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00912-00235335-00235479 or 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00913-00235480-00236119 okay i'm gonna have save 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00914-00236119-00236334 camera close this one so now you see it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00915-00236335-00236534 got refreshed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00916-00236535-00237479 and i'm gonna submit this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00917-00237480-00238182 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00918-00238183-00238479 okay so it's completed so now you see a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00919-00238480-00238551 new 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00920-00238552-00238791 file has been generated here so i'm 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00921-00238792-00239063 going to open this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00922-00239064-00239303 and you see we got the output so so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00923-00239304-00239471 output has been printed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00924-00239471-00239703 thrice because we set the end task to be 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00925-00239704-00239831 three so that's why 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00926-00239832-00240071 you know we we got three uh print 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00927-00240071-00240206 statement in our output 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00928-00240207-00240439 okay so the greatest fibonacci number up 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00929-00240440-00240519 to 90 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00930-00240519-00240942 is 89 so we are able to compose the job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00931-00240944-00241103 and submit it to the islam and get the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00932-00241104-00241334 output successfully 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00933-00241335-00241671 so i'm going to close this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00934-00241671-00242110 so that's how you create a new job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00935-00242111-00242471 using the option from specified path 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00936-00242471-00242639 and also you see another option from 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00937-00242640-00242879 selected job so this basically what does 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00938-00242880-00243055 is it it just creates a copy of your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00939-00243056-00243271 selected job let's you see this job has 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00940-00243271-00243382 been selected 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00941-00243383-00243710 if you you know press this option 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00942-00243711-00243894 just creates like a copy of that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00943-00243896-00244246 selected job okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00944-00244248-00244671 okay so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00945-00244671-00245023 let me get to the slides 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00946-00245023-00245255 okay so that's the information i have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00947-00245256-00245471 how to uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00948-00245471-00245655 compose a job from the specific part 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00949-00245656-00245846 basically you select new job and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00950-00245848-00245991 from specific path 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00951-00245992-00246287 and then once you do that you you have a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00952-00246288-00246439 form to fill it up so you have to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00953-00246440-00246615 specify the source path 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00954-00246616-00246815 and you can have your job name and the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00955-00246816-00246991 script name in the cluster 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00956-00246992-00247303 and once you hit save your new job will 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00957-00247304-00247479 be created 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00958-00247480-00247727 okay so you can submit the job and get 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00959-00247728-00247798 that output 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00960-00247800-00248142 the one we saw few months back the last 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00961-00248144-00248198 statement 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00962-00248200-00248406 it's you know how to create a copy of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00963-00248407-00248591 the selected job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00964-00248592-00248967 okay you can uh you can select new job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00965-00248967-00249175 and use this option from selected job so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00966-00249176-00249334 this will create a copy of the selector 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00967-00249335-00249430 job so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00968-00249431-00249782 this one it talks about the one i did 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00969-00249783-00250206 a few months back so this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00970-00250207-00250710 you see any job has been created okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00971-00250711-00250860 okay so let me 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00972-00250861-00251198 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00973-00251200-00251542 close this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00974-00251544-00251934 okay so any doubts in the job 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00975-00251935-00252082 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00976-00252083-00252246 composition 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00977-00252248-00253194 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00978-00253194-00253482 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00979-00253483-00253879 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00980-00253880-00254463 okay so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00981-00254464-00254767 let me move to the next slide 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00982-00254767-00255079 so the next slide we'll 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00983-00255080-00255351 talk about how to get the shell access 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00984-00255352-00255534 through on demand 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00985-00255535-00255855 so you see a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00986-00255856-00256182 new tab here which is clusters and if 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00987-00256183-00256246 you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00988-00256248-00256423 select that you get an option called 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00989-00256423-00256551 discovery cell action 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00990-00256552-00257023 access so basically what it does is it i 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00991-00257023-00257287 creates a shell access uh to your login 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00992-00257288-00257406 node of the discovery 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00993-00257407-00257839 okay so this is the output you will get 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00994-00257840-00257910 once you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00995-00257911-00258127 select discovery shell access so i will 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00996-00258128-00258310 show you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00997-00258311-00258591 to do that so just select the clusters 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00998-00258592-00258719 and you select the discovery shell 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-00999-00258719-00259198 access option 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01000-00259200-00259575 and you get the combination access now 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01001-00259576-00259806 uh you can do the operations that you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01002-00259807-00259894 want here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01003-00259896-00260198 okay and it's connected to the login 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01004-00260200-00260271 node to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01005-00260271-00260687 offer discovery 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01006-00260688-00261382 and close this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01007-00261383-00261606 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01008-00261607-00261879 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01009-00261880-00262134 and let's go to the next slide the next 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01010-00262135-00262215 slide 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01011-00262216-00262463 uh it's interactive desktop so so the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01012-00262464-00262575 next coming slides 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01013-00262576-00262863 i'm gonna help you how to launch an 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01014-00262864-00263055 interactive desktop or interact 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01015-00263056-00263391 interactive uh guise we have some of the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01016-00263392-00263551 interactive graphical user interface we 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01017-00263552-00263758 have our matlab jupyter notebook shell 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01018-00263759-00263958 and vs code editor 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01019-00263959-00264223 so basically it launches an interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01020-00264224-00264423 job on the compute nodes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01021-00264424-00264687 and that's actually a similar to an 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01022-00264688-00264823 interactive batch 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01023-00264824-00265158 job and on the right hand side you see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01024-00265159-00265471 these form fields so you have to set 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01025-00265472-00265679 these fields if you want to launch the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01026-00265680-00265887 interactive job on the compute nodes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01027-00265888-00266151 okay so i'm gonna help you how to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01028-00266152-00266479 set these form fields 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01029-00266480-00266847 and the first 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01030-00266848-00267103 the first field you have is partition so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01031-00267104-00267471 you have to select the partition 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01032-00267472-00267799 for your interactive job and by default 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01033-00267800-00267887 interactive is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01034-00267888-00268263 selected and you have to choose your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01035-00268264-00268615 partition that is available for you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01036-00268616-00268871 you cannot uh use a partition which you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01037-00268872-00269071 are not authorized to do 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01038-00269072-00269455 and then you see a gpus drop down and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01039-00269456-00269615 so gpus are available in all the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01040-00269616-00269855 partitions except a normal so if you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01041-00269856-00270039 select normal partition here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01042-00270040-00270287 you will not be able to select the gpus 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01043-00270288-00270406 and then you can specify 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01044-00270407-00270743 the number of hours so the max limit is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01045-00270744-00270863 eight hours 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01046-00270864-00271110 for interrupt desktop and for the number 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01047-00271111-00271223 of cpus 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01048-00271224-00271503 uh the max limit if i'm not wrong it's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01049-00271504-00271630 it's 8 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01050-00271631-00271991 or 16 if i'm not wrong and the memory is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01051-00271992-00272379 max limit is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01052-00272380-00272655 8096 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01053-00272656-00272934 and then you can have your email and if 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01054-00272935-00273095 you want to get notified 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01055-00273096-00273375 when the job begins or ends and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01056-00273376-00273551 once you fill all these form fields 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01057-00273552-00273847 you can hit the launch button then you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01058-00273848-00273919 can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01059-00273920-00274482 able to launch the interactive desktop 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01060-00274483-00274615 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01061-00274616-00275191 so i'll show you how to do that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01062-00275192-00275399 so you just select this interactive apps 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01063-00275400-00275882 and just select this interrupt desktop 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01064-00275883-00276199 okay and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01065-00276200-00276375 by default interactive partition has 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01066-00276376-00276503 been selected 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01067-00276504-00276671 and let's say i just want to use the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01068-00276672-00276806 normal partition 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01069-00276807-00276934 so if you use normal portion there are 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01070-00276935-00277295 no gpus available so you not see this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01071-00277296-00277527 option so i'm just gonna have it to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01072-00277528-00277975 interactive and set the gpus to one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01073-00277976-00278263 and the number of us the max limit is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01074-00278264-00278351 eight 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01075-00278352-00278879 let's do one hard and the number of cpus 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01076-00278880-00279255 the max limit is eight as far 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01077-00279256-00279558 and leave it to two 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01078-00279559-00279799 the memory and the max limit for the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01079-00279800-00280082 memory is eight one nine two 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01080-00280083-00280382 okay and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01081-00280383-00280503 i'm going to leave this field blank 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01082-00280504-00280647 because i don't want the email 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01083-00280648-00280758 notification 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01084-00280759-00281134 so if you uh enter this email your id 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01085-00281135-00281367 so you will get the notification when 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01086-00281368-00281471 the job begins 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01087-00281472-00281719 and also when the job ends so you will 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01088-00281720-00281967 get two notifications 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01089-00281968-00282367 and let me leave that blank 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01090-00282368-00283030 i'm gonna launch 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01091-00283031-00283382 okay so now you get 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01092-00283383-00283710 get a new uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01093-00283711-00283982 page and you will see this launch 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01094-00283983-00284206 desktop option only when the resources 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01095-00284207-00284334 that you have requested becomes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01096-00284335-00284654 available so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01097-00284655-00284871 so you can set the compression and the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01098-00284872-00284967 image quality 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01099-00284968-00285254 for your uh desktop so i'm gonna set the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01100-00285255-00285415 image quality to be high 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01101-00285416-00285854 and compression to be in a mid-range 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01102-00285855-00286230 and i'm going to launch the desktop 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01103-00286231-00286487 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01104-00286488-00286695 all right so now you have launched the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01105-00286696-00286879 interactive desktop on the compute notes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01106-00286880-00286999 of the discovery 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01107-00287000-00287310 okay and you can see the list of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01108-00287311-00287910 applications available here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01109-00287911-00288254 and you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01110-00288255-00288406 you can also you know use different 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01111-00288407-00288567 workspaces you you see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01112-00288568-00288791 four workspaces here you can also make 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01113-00288792-00288879 use of that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01114-00288880-00289191 and at the bottom you have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01115-00289192-00289806 different options you have terminal 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01116-00289807-00290143 okay so we are in this node 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01117-00290144-00290303 i think we have requested for gpu so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01118-00290304-00290479 that's the reason 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01119-00290480-00290903 and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01120-00290904-00291039 you have various options here you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01121-00291040-00291334 explore okay so that's that's how you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01122-00291335-00291471 launch an interactive desktop on the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01123-00291472-00291639 compute nodes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01124-00291640-00291991 so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01125-00291992-00292175 let's say you just you know disconnected 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01126-00292176-00292303 from this uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01127-00292304-00292799 interactive desktop and you want to uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01128-00292800-00293071 connect it back again so you just go to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01129-00293072-00293182 this page 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01130-00293183-00293358 and hit the launch desktop option button 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01131-00293359-00293743 again 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01132-00293744-00294030 so that'll help you get connected and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01133-00294031-00294206 once you're done with all the work make 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01134-00294207-00294287 sure that you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01135-00294288-00294695 uh log out of it and free the resources 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01136-00294696-00294975 okay and kill the session so to do that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01137-00294976-00295079 you can just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01138-00295080-00295439 go to uh your account and then just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01139-00295440-00295758 press logout 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01140-00295759-00296071 and just log out 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01141-00296072-00296391 okay so it gets disconnected 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01142-00296392-00296543 you can also make use of this delete 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01143-00296544-00296734 button here okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01144-00296735-00296927 you can do either base but make sure 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01145-00296928-00297110 that once you're done with your work 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01146-00297111-00297287 uh delete the session and free the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01147-00297288-00297519 resources 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01148-00297520-00297830 and you see this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01149-00297831-00297999 this card will be written for six more 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01150-00298000-00298343 days uh if you want to delete it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01151-00298344-00298534 you can use this delete button as well 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01152-00298535-00298719 so this deletes the session and deletes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01153-00298720-00298863 this card as well 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01154-00298864-00299199 and you see the session id so this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01155-00299200-00299519 basically has all the logs information 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01156-00299520-00299734 so if you click that you'll see your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01157-00299735-00299951 logs 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01158-00299952-00300175 and then you'll see your job script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01159-00300176-00300279 options that you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01160-00300280-00300679 had the one you requested 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01161-00300680-00301023 and other stuff so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01162-00301024-00301191 so if you want to have this for your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01163-00301192-00301351 future reference you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01164-00301352-00301679 leave this as it is and that's how you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01165-00301680-00302119 launch an interactive desktop 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01166-00302120-00302606 and let me go to the slides 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01167-00302607-00302839 yeah so i'm just you know i just had 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01168-00302840-00302982 this image to show that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01169-00302983-00303247 how to launch this desktop so you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01170-00303248-00303399 just press this button and once you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01171-00303400-00303454 press it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01172-00303455-00304151 it opens and desktop in the new tab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01173-00304152-00304415 and the next one i have is interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01174-00304416-00304503 matlab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01175-00304504-00304695 so you can also have interactive matlab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01176-00304696-00304910 on the compute node of the discovery 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01177-00304911-00305287 and you have to fill 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01178-00305288-00305430 the form fields and additionally you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01179-00305431-00305615 have two 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01180-00305616-00305806 three more fields to select the matlab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01181-00305807-00305919 version 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01182-00305920-00306271 and you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01183-00306272-00306495 enter the other modules if you want to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01184-00306496-00306679 have along with your matlab and you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01185-00306680-00306903 also use this disable multi-threading 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01186-00306904-00306991 check box 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01187-00306992-00307334 okay and let's see how to fill these 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01188-00307335-00307782 form fields for interactive matlab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01189-00307783-00308158 okay i'm just going to select this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01190-00308159-00308495 and let me try let me try 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01191-00308496-00308758 submitting a job to iap lab i don't have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01192-00308759-00308863 the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01193-00308864-00309454 authorization to do that but let me try 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01194-00309455-00309679 okay so yeah whenever you try to submit 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01195-00309680-00309854 a job that you're not allowed to you'll 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01196-00309855-00309910 get this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01197-00309911-00310143 error by submission fail so make sure 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01198-00310144-00310479 that you choose your correct partition 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01199-00310480-00310615 so i'm just going to leave it to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01200-00310616-00310839 interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01201-00310840-00311095 and matlab uh right now we have only two 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01202-00311096-00311151 versions 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01203-00311152-00311495 202 a and 2018 a i'm gonna select two 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01204-00311496-00311615 auto a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01205-00311616-00311839 and i don't i don't want any other 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01206-00311840-00312039 modules along with the matlab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01207-00312040-00312191 so i'm just gonna leave this blank and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01208-00312192-00312367 if you wanna disable multithreading for 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01209-00312368-00312551 matlab you can use this checkbox 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01210-00312552-00312719 so multithreading has been enabled 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01211-00312720-00312967 across the cluster by default 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01212-00312968-00313223 so if you want to uh oh sorry if you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01213-00313224-00313351 want to disable it you can use this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01214-00313352-00313551 checkbox 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01215-00313552-00314727 okay so now i'm gonna select launch 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01216-00314728-00314958 okay so it's waiting for the resources 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01217-00314959-00315087 to get allocated 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01218-00315088-00315254 so once it's allocated you will see this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01219-00315255-00315519 launch matlab button 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01220-00315520-00316087 so i'm gonna press this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01221-00316088-00316447 okay so you see an interactive matlab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01222-00316448-00316703 which is running on the compute nodes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01223-00316704-00317023 and now i'm just gonna 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01224-00317024-00317223 run this you know sample matlab script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01225-00317224-00317503 basically just an additional operation 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01226-00317504-00317882 so i'm just gonna run and see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01227-00317883-00318230 okay it's gonna change 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01228-00318231-00318606 yep i got the output 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01229-00318607-00318767 okay so that's how you launch an 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01230-00318768-00319079 interactive matlab on the compute nodes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01231-00319080-00319319 and we have like four workspaces here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01232-00319320-00319647 that you can use for other applications 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01233-00319648-00319973 and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01234-00319974-00320430 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01235-00320431-00320719 and just what just close it once you're 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01236-00320720-00320967 done 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01237-00320968-00321215 and the session is still active so oh it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01238-00321216-00321375 get it got disconnected 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01239-00321376-00321751 okay okay so just you know if you close 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01240-00321752-00321823 the matlab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01241-00321824-00322134 it gives the session okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01242-00322135-00322382 so you can retain this card and if you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01243-00322383-00322503 want to delete it just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01244-00322504-00322823 reserve this button that that gets 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01245-00322824-00322943 related 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01246-00322944-00323127 okay so that's how you launch an 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01247-00323128-00323482 interactive matlab on the compute nodes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01248-00323483-00323823 and the next one we have is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01249-00323824-00324127 interactive jupyter notebook uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01250-00324128-00324319 so for launching the jupyter notebook 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01251-00324320-00324447 like a lot of people 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01252-00324448-00324630 they have like machine learn learning 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01253-00324631-00324791 projects running on the jupyter notebook 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01254-00324792-00324863 and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01255-00324864-00325079 they use this notebook for various 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01256-00325080-00325175 reasons 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01257-00325176-00325519 so you can you know launch this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01258-00325520-00325647 interactive jupyter notebook on the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01259-00325648-00325734 compute notes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01260-00325735-00326039 using on demand so for that you have to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01261-00326040-00326263 fill the same form but you know with 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01262-00326264-00326415 different uh uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01263-00326416-00326623 form details at the end so you have this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01264-00326624-00326847 anaconda version that you need to select 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01265-00326848-00327015 so this jupyter notebook it gets 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01266-00327016-00327206 launched using the anaconda 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01267-00327207-00327406 uh environment so anaconda environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01268-00327407-00327534 is basically 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01269-00327535-00327863 uh it's where you put your packages and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01270-00327864-00327943 you create 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01271-00327944-00328158 your own environment and you use that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01272-00328159-00328247 for your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01273-00328248-00328654 uh project okay so this jupyter notebook 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01274-00328655-00328863 it basically runs using this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01275-00328864-00329223 anaconda environment and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01276-00329224-00329447 you can also use your own custom contact 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01277-00329448-00329527 environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01278-00329528-00329703 to launch this jupyter notebook but 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01279-00329704-00329878 remember that so whenever you are using 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01280-00329879-00330071 your own custom environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01281-00330072-00330334 you have to have jupyter lab installed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01282-00330335-00330503 or else the jupyter notebook will not be 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01283-00330504-00330671 launched successfully 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01284-00330672-00331087 so i will show you how to do that and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01285-00331088-00331303 you can use this text box to enter your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01286-00331304-00331406 uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01287-00331407-00331863 to activate your custom environment okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01288-00331864-00332239 okay so i'll show you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01289-00332240-00332510 okay so you will not see this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01290-00332511-00332710 interactive sandbox because this is for 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01291-00332711-00332806 the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01292-00332807-00333263 uh hpc team the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01293-00333264-00333654 this for the hpc development team and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01294-00333655-00333958 let me go to the jupiter notebook 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01295-00333959-00334391 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01296-00334392-00334727 okay so let me open my 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01297-00334728-00335030 shell as far 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01298-00335031-00335287 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01299-00335288-00335630 okay so i'm gonna show you how to how 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01300-00335631-00335734 anaconda np1 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01301-00335735-00336103 works okay so i have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01302-00336104-00336303 you know if you if you do modular 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01303-00336304-00336415 anaconda it's going to point to the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01304-00336416-00336751 anaconda 3 version 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01305-00336752-00336975 i'm going to list the nvidia environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01306-00336976-00337054 that's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01307-00337055-00337375 there currently okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01308-00337376-00337527 by default it points to the base 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01309-00337528-00337839 environment okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01310-00337840-00338199 so i'm just gonna list see the packages 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01311-00338200-00338319 that that's there in the base 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01312-00338320-00338575 environment okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01313-00338576-00339110 so i'm just using this activate command 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01314-00339111-00339382 so condor list it lists all the packages 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01315-00339383-00339454 in the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01316-00339455-00339782 uh base environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01317-00339783-00340175 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01318-00340176-00340534 all right so these are the packages i 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01319-00340535-00340575 have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01320-00340576-00340799 remember uh to launch jupyter notebook 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01321-00340800-00340934 using anaconda 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01322-00340935-00341095 you have to have the jupyter lab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01323-00341096-00341303 installed so you see in the base 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01324-00341304-00341503 environment it's installed already 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01325-00341504-00341903 okay so if you are just uh using the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01326-00341904-00342039 if you are just using the base 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01327-00342040-00342223 environment and if you don't want to use 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01328-00342224-00342367 this custom environment you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01329-00342368-00342806 you don't need to use this check box and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01330-00342807-00343015 you can leave it like that so if you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01331-00343016-00343223 want to just use the base environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01332-00343224-00343454 your jupiter lab will be launched 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01333-00343455-00343623 successfully 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01334-00343624-00344063 and if you launch it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01335-00344064-00344478 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01336-00344479-00344703 let's wait for some time you should see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01337-00344704-00344847 the launch jupiter 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01338-00344848-00345247 button okay so you see the connect to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01339-00345248-00345319 jupiter 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01340-00345320-00345775 button here and just press this one so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01341-00345776-00345991 you see a jupyter notebook has been 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01342-00345992-00346078 launched 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01343-00346079-00346351 and it's it's been launched successfully 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01344-00346352-00346678 and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01345-00346679-00346991 let's say just you know logged out 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01346-00346992-00347343 and i want to login again so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01347-00347344-00347591 you can make use of the password that is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01348-00347592-00347782 that is that is shown here 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01349-00347783-00348478 just copy and then you just paste it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01350-00348479-00348663 okay so that's how you log out and log 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01351-00348664-00349215 in and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01352-00349216-00349463 you know you can work on the notebooks 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01353-00349464-00349758 you have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01354-00349759-00350095 and this is how you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01355-00350096-00350247 launch the jupyter notebook using the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01356-00350248-00350558 anaconda based environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01357-00350559-00350727 and once you're done make sure to hit 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01358-00350728-00350887 this quit button 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01359-00350888-00351095 because this stops the jupyter server 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01360-00351096-00351482 and you will be freeing the resources 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01361-00351483-00351847 okay and you see the session gets 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01362-00351848-00352263 uh completed okay and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01363-00352264-00352415 we just use the anaconda base 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01364-00352416-00352575 environment to launch the jupyter 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01365-00352576-00352671 notebook 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01366-00352672-00352927 okay so now let's see how to use your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01367-00352928-00352975 custom 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01368-00352976-00353199 environment and launch the jupyter 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01369-00353200-00353311 notebook okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01370-00353312-00353454 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01371-00353455-00354078 so i'm gonna go to the shell again 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01372-00354079-00354415 okay so i'm just gonna come out of this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01373-00354416-00354519 environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01374-00354520-00354919 base okay so condor deactivates it it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01375-00354920-00355167 deactivates the environment and i'm 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01376-00355168-00355478 gonna create a new environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01377-00355479-00355767 okay so you need to use the hyphen in 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01378-00355768-00355830 flag 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01379-00355831-00356158 and then let's say test i'm gonna have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01380-00356159-00356347 python 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01381-00356348-00356687 3.6 okay so this is the command to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01382-00356688-00357082 create a new environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01383-00357083-00358399 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01384-00358400-00359418 should take some time to install the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01385-00359419-00359882 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01386-00359883-00360541 packages 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01387-00360542-00361887 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01388-00361888-00362271 okay so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01389-00362272-00362914 let me just hit an s 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01390-00362915-00363943 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01391-00363944-00364239 okay so now we have installed the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01392-00364240-00364319 packages 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01393-00364320-00364519 and i'm just going to activate the test 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01394-00364520-00364663 environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01395-00364664-00364943 and see whether i have the packages 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01396-00364944-00365182 installed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01397-00365183-00365454 yeah you see the packages it's been 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01398-00365455-00365639 installed successfully 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01399-00365640-00365854 and condor list you know this command it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01400-00365855-00366087 helps you to uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01401-00366088-00366206 list the packages that is in your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01402-00366207-00366447 environment okay so now let's try to you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01403-00366448-00366591 know 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01404-00366592-00366799 launch this jupyter notebook using this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01405-00366800-00367015 environment remember we don't have a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01406-00367016-00367206 jupiter lab so probably it should not 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01407-00367207-00367703 launch let's let's try to do that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01408-00367704-00368158 okay so you have to use this check box 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01409-00368159-00368551 and then 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01410-00368552-00368951 you enter the activate command 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01411-00368952-00370423 and you hit launch 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01412-00370424-00370782 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01413-00370783-00371399 so let's open the session id as well 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01414-00371400-00371639 so the thing is it will not launch the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01415-00371640-00371893 jupyter notebook 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01416-00371894-00372054 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01417-00372055-00372224 go to the logs 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01418-00372225-00372415 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01419-00372416-00372630 okay so you see here you see this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01420-00372631-00372758 command 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01421-00372759-00373030 this is pointing to our test environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01422-00373031-00373095 and it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01423-00373096-00373447 it looks for the jupyter notebook uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01424-00373448-00373710 jupyter notebook config file so since we 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01425-00373711-00373854 don't have that 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01426-00373855-00374151 so it will not be uh you know able to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01427-00374152-00374334 find that file it says no such file or 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01428-00374335-00374463 directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01429-00374464-00374734 and it will not be able to launch the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01430-00374735-00374887 notebook successfully so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01431-00374888-00375119 it you know it it keeps you know looking 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01432-00375120-00375327 for that file and after the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01433-00375328-00375567 it gets timed out you know the session 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01434-00375568-00375815 gets killed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01435-00375816-00376206 so you see it get it got completed and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01436-00376207-00376358 it's not able to you know launch the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01437-00376359-00376558 jupyter notebook okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01438-00376559-00376863 so now let's let's install the jupiter 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01439-00376864-00377047 notebook 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01440-00377048-00377430 so let me go to the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01441-00377431-00377751 environment and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01442-00377752-00379151 the command is contact 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01443-00379152-00380367 okay on this this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01444-00380368-00380407 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01445-00380408-00380702 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01446-00380703-00380943 okay yeah you can use this command to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01447-00380944-00381206 install the jupiter lab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01448-00381207-00381551 and this command 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01449-00381552-00381719 so now we are trying to install this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01450-00381720-00381895 package jupiter lab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01451-00381896-00382282 so this will help us to launch the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01452-00382283-00382575 notebook 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01453-00382576-00384324 okay i'm just gonna proceed 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01454-00384325-00384671 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01455-00384672-00384927 okay so now let me try to list the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01456-00384928-00385071 packages that i have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01457-00385072-00385269 in the test environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01458-00385270-00385391 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01459-00385392-00385758 and you see a jupiter 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01460-00385759-00386030 lab has been installed and these are the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01461-00386031-00386319 other dependencies that we have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01462-00386320-00386775 and now let's go back and try to 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01463-00386776-00386999 launch the jupiter notebook again so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01464-00387000-00387110 this time it should 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01465-00387111-00387882 should work let's test it out 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01466-00387883-00388343 okay um so now 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01467-00388344-00388478 i'm just going to activate my test 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01468-00388479-00388854 environment which is the jupiter package 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01469-00388855-00389582 launch it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01470-00389583-00390039 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01471-00390040-00390199 now you are able to launch it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01472-00390200-00390358 successfully 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01473-00390359-00390695 now if you connect 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01474-00390696-00391167 if you want to run any script 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01475-00391168-00391758 do that and just gonna do all 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01476-00391759-00392054 this so these are the packages uh you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01477-00392055-00392134 know 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01478-00392135-00392287 it's there in the environment you see 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01479-00392288-00392510 the jupiter lab 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01480-00392511-00393023 and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01481-00393024-00393271 python under the packages and then you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01482-00393272-00393502 have your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01483-00393503-00393830 program running as well so 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01484-00393831-00394199 that's how you uh launch the jupyter 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01485-00394200-00394406 notebook using your custom environment 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01486-00394407-00394791 okay so i'm gonna leave this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01487-00394792-00395450 okay great 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01488-00395451-00395623 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01489-00395624-00395951 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01490-00395952-00396495 and let's go back to the slides 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01491-00396496-00396727 okay so the next thing we have is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01492-00396728-00396887 interactive shell 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01493-00396888-00397239 uh so this is the new update we had like 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01494-00397240-00397367 two weeks back 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01495-00397368-00397591 and you can also you know launch an 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01496-00397592-00397775 interactive terminal session using tmx 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01497-00397776-00397863 on the uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01498-00397864-00398134 compute nodes uh same as that you have 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01499-00398135-00398191 to fill 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01500-00398192-00398399 the form fields and you have additional 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01501-00398400-00398551 field like font size 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01502-00398552-00398782 and also you have a check box so if you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01503-00398783-00398854 use this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01504-00398855-00399047 you know if you select this checkbox 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01505-00399048-00399399 then you're gonna use a 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01506-00399400-00399678 config file okay if you if you don't 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01507-00399679-00399767 want to use this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01508-00399768-00400134 then you can and select the checkbox and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01509-00400135-00400215 that will 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01510-00400216-00400534 point to default config okay so that's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01511-00400535-00400623 the use of this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01512-00400624-00400991 checkbox and here the number of hours 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01513-00400992-00401102 the max limit is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01514-00401103-00401351 24 and the number of cpus or threads the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01515-00401352-00401510 max limit is 16 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01516-00401511-00401854 okay in whereas in the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01517-00401855-00402271 previous three uh three interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01518-00402272-00402567 disc interactive desktop and the jupyter 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01519-00402568-00402806 notebook and the matlab we looked 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01520-00402807-00403087 the max limit is eight okay so here it's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01521-00403088-00403351 been increased 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01522-00403352-00403943 and let's let's launch this one as well 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01523-00403944-00404415 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01524-00404416-00404878 and i use this config file 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01525-00404879-00405316 just ready launch it 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01526-00405317-00406082 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01527-00406083-00406278 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01528-00406279-00406599 just gonna hit connect 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01529-00406600-00406767 do you see an interactive terminal 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01530-00406768-00406934 session of the computer 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01531-00406935-00407482 okay that's how you launch it and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01532-00407483-00407831 leave and delete this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01533-00407832-00408047 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01534-00408048-00408367 and the next one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01535-00408368-00408527 it's just the output of the interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01536-00408528-00408758 shell and the next one we have is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01537-00408759-00408951 interactive vs code we can also launch 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01538-00408952-00409254 this vs code editor on the compute nodes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01539-00409255-00409575 and just need to add a few 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01540-00409576-00409870 i mean add few more you you need to give 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01541-00409871-00410070 value for few more form fields 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01542-00410071-00410222 and you can select this project 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01543-00410223-00410447 directory here and also you can make use 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01544-00410447-00410591 of this text box if you want to load 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01545-00410592-00410695 other modules 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01546-00410696-00410855 and also the number of first max limit 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01547-00410856-00411103 is 24 and number of cpus max limit is 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01548-00411104-00411166 16. 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01549-00411167-00411503 okay and let's try to launch this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01550-00411504-00411943 interactive escort 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01551-00411943-00412159 so let's select the project directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01552-00412160-00412487 just gonna have odbc share 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01553-00412488-00412766 okay have selected the project directory 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01554-00412767-00412951 and this is an useful feature because 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01555-00412952-00413014 you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01556-00413015-00413174 have an editor launch on the compute 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01557-00413175-00413326 nodes and you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01558-00413327-00414134 do a programming task 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01559-00414135-00414482 okay i'm just going to connect the vs 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01560-00414483-00414903 code 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01561-00414904-00415199 so you have a vs code launched on the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01562-00415200-00415366 discord editor which gets launched on 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01563-00415367-00415582 the compute nodes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01564-00415583-00416055 so i have not explored this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01565-00416056-00416270 but you see you see here you know 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01566-00416271-00416607 discovery c34 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01567-00416608-00416799 and you have this terminal so that's how 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01568-00416800-00416934 you launch an 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01569-00416935-00417078 interactive vs code editor on the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01570-00417079-00417334 computer modes 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01571-00417335-00417855 and let me switch back to slides 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01572-00417856-00418007 almost we have reached the end of the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01573-00418008-00418159 workshop 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01574-00418160-00418343 and it's just an output how it looks 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01575-00418343-00418470 like 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01576-00418471-00418799 and the last slide is is the interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01577-00418800-00418991 sessions tab so it basically it shows 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01578-00418992-00419134 the interrupt list of interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01579-00419135-00419230 session running 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01580-00419231-00419463 on the compute notes and also it's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01581-00419464-00419614 crucial to delete the session if you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01582-00419615-00419695 have not 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01583-00419696-00419959 and free the resources and also it's 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01584-00419960-00420175 just such an info like output log jobs 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01585-00420176-00420279 options can be found 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01586-00420280-00420591 by clicking this link okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01587-00420592-00420783 so it's about this tab interrupt 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01588-00420784-00421007 sessions 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01589-00421008-00421483 okay so let me delete this one since i'm 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01590-00421484-00421607 done 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01591-00421608-00421863 okay and this will be written for six 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01592-00421864-00422087 more days and 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01593-00422088-00422247 if you don't want that you can just 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01594-00422247-00422679 delete this one 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01595-00422680-00424118 okay that's it uh so any questions 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01596-00424119-00424327 okay there's a question in the chat box 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01597-00424328-00424614 when would i take advantage of this 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01598-00424615-00425683 desktop function 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01599-00425684-00426862 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01600-00426863-00427799 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01601-00427800-00428310 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01602-00428312-00429358 the applications 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01603-00429359-00430063 [Music] 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01604-00430064-00430510 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01605-00430512-00430879 okay so so you can make use of this you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01606-00430880-00430927 know 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01607-00430928-00431303 it gives like a interactive desktop 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01608-00431304-00431951 and if you want to do some interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01609-00431952-00432207 jobs directly with the compute nodes uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01610-00432208-00432255 you can 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01611-00432256-00432559 make use of this terminal so if 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01612-00432560-00432951 if if you are trying to you know 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01613-00432952-00433127 communicate with or do an interactive 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01614-00433128-00433239 job through the login node of the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01615-00433239-00433335 discovery 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01616-00433335-00433647 uh you you have to run multiple uh 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01617-00433647-00433879 slump commands to get connected to the 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01618-00433880-00434083 compute node of the discovery 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01619-00434084-00434422 so so this desktop it directly you know 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01620-00434423-00434575 launches it on the compute node and you 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01621-00434576-00434655 can make use of 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01622-00434656-00435483 it i'm not sure does it answer your 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01623-00435484-00436063 question 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01624-00436064-00436679 okay 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01625-00436680-00436918 so thanks everyone for taking your time 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01626-00436919-00437095 to attend this workshop 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01627-00437096-00437551 and we have reached the end 5UEOmvLOJ3Q-01628-00437552-00438328 let me stop the recording 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00000-00000017-00000332 this is a list of defunct newspapers of 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00001-00000333-00000979 Quebec topic 1772 1799 legacy du 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00002-00000980-00001211 Commerce at littéraire por la ville and 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00003-00001212-00001582 district de montreal 1778 Montreal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00004-00001583-00001862 flurry mass split printer and Valentin 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00005-00001863-00002117 Godard editor and journalist legas ette 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00006-00002118-00002465 de Montreal the Montreal Gazette 1785 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00007-00002466-00002752 Montreal flurry mess split print Ehrlich 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00008-00002753-00003040 courier to Quebec Oh air out Francois 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00009-00003041-00003422 1788 Quebec City William Moore editor 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00010-00003422-00003706 and James tans well collaborator Quebec 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00011-00003707-00004022 Herald in Universal miscellany 1788 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00012-00004022-00004316 Quebec City William Moore editor and 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00013-00004317-00004613 James tans well collaborator la magasin 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00014-00004614-00004936 de Quebec the Quebec magazine 1792 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00015-00004937-00005090 Quebec City 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00016-00005091-00005318 Samuel Nielson printer and editor 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00017-00005319-00005752 liqueurs du temps 1794 Quebec City John 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00018-00005753-00006331 Jones and William Vaughn Dan Belden 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00019-00006332-00007053 topic 1802 1819 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00020-00007054-00007369 the british-american register 1802 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00021-00007370-00007681 Quebec City John Nielsen owner and 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00022-00007681-00008142 publisher Quebec mercury 1804 Quebec 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00023-00008143-00008360 City Thomas Carey owner 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00024-00008361-00008760 laoma knack des Dames 1806 Louis 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00025-00008761-00009216 Plamondon editor let Canadian 1806 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00026-00009217-00009345 Quebec City 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00027-00009346-00009637 Pierre Bedard Francoise blanket and Jean 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00028-00009638-00010077 Thomas Tashiro courier de Quebec 18:07 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00029-00010078-00010201 Quebec City 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00030-00010202-00010446 Pierre amiable de bon and Joseph 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00031-00010447-00010731 Francois Poirot founders Pierre Edouard 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00032-00010732-00010963 s Barrett's printer Jacques LaBrie 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00033-00010964-00011331 editor Canadian current and Montreal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00034-00011332-00011713 advertiser 1807 Montreal mayhem mower 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00035-00011714-00012091 owner and editor Lee Gazette Canadian 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00036-00012092-00012412 the Canadian Gazette 1807 Montreal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00037-00012413-00012694 Charles Brown publisher and James Brown 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00038-00012695-00013228 editor lever a Canadian 1810 Quebec City 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00039-00013229-00013627 Pierre amiable dub on the Montreal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00040-00013628-00013999 Herald 1811 Montreal William grey and 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00041-00014000-00014340 Mungo K founders owners and publishers 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00042-00014341-00014752 less spectate or Canadian 1815 Charles 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00043-00014753-00014991 Bernard Pistor owner editor and 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00044-00014993-00015427 publisher the Canadian inspector 1815 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00045-00015428-00015837 Montreal mayhem mower publisher the 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00046-00015838-00016366 Quebec Telegraph 1816 Laroy 1817 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00047-00016366-00016690 Montreal Michel Bibbit and Joseph Victor 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00048-00016691-00017072 Delorme Gazette date while Riviera's 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00049-00017073-00017412 1817 tois Riviera's lid Gerda Verne a 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00050-00017413-00017758 founder printer and editor lab a 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00051-00017759-00018130 Canadian 1818 Montreal uhnari Antoine 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00052-00018131-00018478 Messier let courier do ba Canada 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00053-00018479-00018844 Montreal 1819 Joseph Victor Delorme 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00054-00018845-00019137 founder printer and Michel Bibbit editor 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00055-00019138-00019633 journalist 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00056-00019634-00020398 topic 1822 1829 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00057-00020399-00020809 lemme delay religion at du Roi 18 2012 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00058-00020810-00021331 years lid Gerda Vernay The Inquirer 1821 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00059-00021332-00021859 Quebec City the scribbler 1821 Montreal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00060-00021860-00022150 Samuel hull Wilcock owner and editor Jay 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00061-00022151-00022621 lame printer legas ette Canadian 1822 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00062-00022622-00023023 Montreal John Quilliam the Canadian 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00063-00023024-00023470 Spectator 1822 John Jones editor Jocelyn 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00064-00023471-00023857 Waller journalist the Canadian times and 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00065-00023858-00024141 weekly literary and political reporter 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00066-00024142-00024484 1823 Ariel Bowman printer Edward Vernon 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00067-00024485-00024985 Sparhawk editor Christian register 1823 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00068-00024986-00025345 Montreal British colonist and st. 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00069-00025346-00025717 Francis Gazette 1823 Stansted South H 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00070-00025718-00026197 dickerson 'la constitutional 1823 lid 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00071-00026198-00026505 Gerda Vernay owner editor and journalist 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00072-00026506-00026794 the Canadian magazine and literary 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00073-00026795-00027247 repository 1823 Montreal Joseph Nicklaus 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00074-00027248-00027541 owner David chisels and Alexander James 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00075-00027542-00027919 Christie directors the Canadian review 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00076-00027920-00028264 and literary and historical journal 1824 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00077-00028264-00028711 Montreal Henry H Cunningham owner David 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00078-00028712-00028942 chisels director la bibliothèque 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00079-00028943-00029187 Canadian Oh miss elaina's Historics 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00080-00029188-00029575 Scientifics at litterers 1825 Montreal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00081-00029576-00029857 Michel Bibbit and Joseph Marie Belanger 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00082-00029858-00030232 llama nerve 1826 Montreal Agustin more 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00083-00030233-00030489 Burt Morin founder owner printer and 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00084-00030491-00030844 journalist largest journal electric 1826 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00085-00030845-00031108 tois Riviera lid Gerda Vern a like 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00086-00031108-00031417 gazette de saint philippe 1826 st. 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00087-00031418-00031711 philippe de la prairie FX pigeon founder 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00088-00031712-00032064 journal de medici need to quebec 1826 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00089-00032066-00032179 quebec city 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00090-00032180-00032431 xavier Tessier the Christian Sentinel 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00091-00032432-00032730 and Anglo Canadian churchmen z' magazine 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00092-00032731-00033175 1827 Lecter the elector 1827 Francois la 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00093-00033176-00033445 Mettrie the Irish Vindicator and Canada 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00094-00033446-00033596 general advert 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00095-00033597-00033983 18:28 Montreal Daniel Tracy founder 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00096-00033984-00034232 editor printer and journalist journal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00097-00034233-00034634 des Sciences naturals 1828 Quebec City 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00098-00034635-00035027 maybe Xavier techel a coin du feu 1829 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00099-00035028-00035351 Montreal Madame Raoul dan Durand founder 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00100-00035352-00035591 and editor Jacques LaBrie in agustin 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00101-00035592-00036056 Norbert Morin 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00102-00036057-00036787 topic 1832 1839 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00103-00036788-00037179 l'observatoire 1830 Michel Bibbit Luger 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00104-00037180-00037592 Davern a printer l'm agus and UBA canada 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00105-00037593-00037917 journal littéraire at Scientifique 1832 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00106-00037918-00038229 Montreal Michel Bibbit lugar de Verne a 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00107-00038230-00038633 printer le'me du peuple de l'Ordre des 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00108-00038634-00039002 lois 1832 montreal the sulpice Ian's 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00109-00039003-00039349 John Jones Pierre Edouard lek ler 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00110-00039350-00039737 Montreal Vindicator 1832 Montreal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00111-00039738-00040020 Edouard Raymond Fabray owner Edmond 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00112-00040021-00040349 Bailey O'Callahan journalist the 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00113-00040350-00040632 Montreal Museum or Journal of literature 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00114-00040633-00041007 and arts 1832 Montreal Mary Gratton 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00115-00041008-00041360 Gosselin editor lid Gerda Vern a printer 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00116-00041361-00041795 laïkó du pays 1833 st. Charles Pierre 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00117-00041796-00042042 Dominique de Bart's founder Alfred 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00118-00042043-00042476 Xavier rambhau journalist lab a Canadian 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00119-00042477-00042683 1833 Quebec City 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00120-00042684-00042962 Francois Xavier Garneau founder editor 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00121-00042963-00043499 and JB fréchet printer lamp partial 1834 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00122-00043500-00043814 la Prairie league laner journal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00123-00043815-00044077 littéraire degra culture at industry 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00124-00044078-00044501 1836 st. Charles replaces Lake o du pays 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00125-00044502-00044901 led Telegraph 1836 Quebec City 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00126-00044902-00045143 Philippe Ignace Francoise Oh bear de 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00127-00045144-00045420 gasp a and Napoleon abend founders and 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00128-00045421-00045887 editors la populaire 1837 Montreal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00129-00045888-00046187 Clement Charles a Bravada blurry Lyon 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00130-00046188-00046433 gosselin Pierre Dominique de Bart's 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00131-00046434-00046820 hyacinth LeBlanc DeMarco a chief editor 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00132-00046821-00047195 elephant ask 1837 Quebec City 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00133-00047196-00047610 Napoleon oven founder and editor Lily 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00134-00047611-00048218 barrel 1837 Quebec City like Co tdn 1837 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00135-00048219-00048652 Montreal Francois la Mettrie 'la temps 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00136-00048653-00049199 1838 Montreal the literary garland 1838 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00137-00049200-00049599 Montreal Lord a Canada's journal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00138-00049600-00049926 littéraire politique at commercial 1839 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00139-00049927-00050199 Montreal Joseph Gilmartin 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00140-00050200-00050679 editor 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00141-00050680-00051892 topic 1842 1899 lava near 1847 lipase 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00142-00051894-00052382 1852 Canadian Illustrated news Montreal 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00143-00052383-00052857 1869 the Montreal evening star later the 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00144-00052858-00053330 Montreal star 1869 like cultivate or 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00145-00053332-00053807 Quebec City 1974 the Gazette Megantic 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00146-00053808-00054619 edition Inverness 1899 to 1900 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00147-00054620-00055316 topic 1902 1989 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00148-00055316-00055967 Len analyst 1904 Montreal standard 1905 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00149-00055968-00056285 to 1951 became weekend 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00150-00056286-00056829 Luke creedal a Matane 1911 the monitor 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00151-00056829-00057212 Montreal 1926 converted to online only 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00152-00057213-00057818 in 2009 illustration 1930 Montreal also 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00153-00057819-00058019 known as lil astray shin nouvelle in 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00154-00058020-00058469 Montreal maiden dimanche Maiden 1954 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00155-00058470-00058973 Montreal Sunday Express circa 1973 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00156-00058974-00059560 Montreal Lesure 1974 son Laurent 5V1AuQ9Kkc8-00157-00059561-00060141 Montreal Daily News 1988 Montreal 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00000-00000026-00000335 how's it going everyone this is trainer 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00001-00000336-00000707 car and i'm here today joined by neck 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00002-00000708-00000986 receiver say hello sir hello everyone 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00003-00000986-00001352 this is nick Restivo whoo we finally get 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00004-00001353-00001693 a chance to do this I know oh my gosh so 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00005-00001694-00001868 we were going to do this a long time ago 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00006-00001869-00002185 but nekros Evo's been really busy I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00007-00002186-00002476 understand that yeah so we're finally 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00008-00002477-00002800 here ka to do this darn thing we're 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00009-00002801-00003008 doing a very special battle today on 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00010-00003009-00003320 showdown we're going to doing a Malo 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00011-00003321-00003563 color team which means you can bring six 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00012-00003564-00003959 Pokemon the same color right back 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00013-00003960-00004184 receiver that's right and it's it's the 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00014-00004185-00004367 color designations based on what they're 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00015-00004368-00004606 categorized as in game now what they 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00016-00004607-00005000 look like kasam Pokemon it they might 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00017-00005001-00005131 like for example diretta ghana's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00018-00005132-00005297 categorizes read even though he's mostly 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00019-00005298-00005513 blue but his face is red so he's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00020-00005514-00005699 categorizes red so that's what word one 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00021-00005700-00006047 by right right hopefully that's not 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00022-00006048-00006488 confusing but yeah let's accept our 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00023-00006489-00006776 challenge here without challenge oh the 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00024-00006777-00007376 blue team Oh with the bad matchup well 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00025-00007377-00007628 okay then I really hope you don't have 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00026-00007629-00008008 my Metagross that would be unfortunate 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00027-00008009-00008441 hmm he's too overpowered but yeah I know 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00028-00008442-00008674 that blue is my favorite come over after 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00029-00008675-00008855 all I was very surprised by that because 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00030-00008856-00009038 I thought your favorite color was grass 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00031-00009039-00009380 or green my favorite always black but 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00032-00009381-00009535 it's hard to build a mono team around 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00033-00009536-00009809 black in my thingy I guess that kid I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00034-00009810-00010031 got back to because your necro stevo and 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00035-00010032-00010396 I'm done it is and of course Sam iratze 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00036-00010397-00010531 blue we know samurais one of your 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00037-00010532-00010942 favorites so that makes sense oh yeah 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00038-00010943-00011542 sure hmm ma'am you okay well my normal 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00039-00011543-00011726 strategy with this brown team is just to 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00040-00011727-00011966 throw as much power as possible in my 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00041-00011967-00012080 opponent that's not going to work out 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00042-00012081-00012310 too well here so we have to change our 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00043-00012311-00012667 strategy around alright well from my 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00044-00012668-00012871 side I actually don't know why I'm going 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00045-00012872-00013227 to start with I have a few options but 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00046-00013228-00013521 in which it's by looking at your Pokemon 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00047-00013522-00013761 I know what I was probably scarf or 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00048-00013762-00014141 band-aid or half Stoffa awesomer heatran 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00049-00014143-00014415 rapid spin on your or a mega pisser cute 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00050-00014416-00014661 like swelling oh my god but you know 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00051-00014662-00014885 what we'll we'll do the best you can so 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00052-00014886-00015272 nice I brought in by gross Emirati like 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00053-00015273-00015494 jocks quasi or hair loss and malabar 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00054-00015495-00015702 those are my pokemon you can see that 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00055-00015703-00016041 her see website as well and let's begin 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00056-00016041-00016350 here all right I'm okay with this I'm 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00057-00016351-00016524 okay with this this is a good start off 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00058-00016525-00016824 good job honey you think so for me at 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00059-00016825-00017712 least oh yeah now the things I'm worried 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00060-00017713-00018047 about on your side there mmm-hmm 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00061-00018048-00018324 otherwise the idea that I could trap 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00062-00018325-00018549 metagross is is quite that's it that's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00063-00018550-00018807 it that's a wonderful thought so I'll be 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00064-00018808-00018969 trying to trap metagross with Doug tria 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00065-00018970-00019175 I really want to train a duck for your 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00066-00019176-00019405 name and mr. Stubbs I don't know why 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00067-00019406-00019914 what back back I don't that's just the 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00068-00019915-00020061 name that occurred to me one day it's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00069-00020062-00020175 like I should I would that tree it with 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00070-00020176-00020427 that name I'm not sure why and that's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00071-00020428-00020661 not even a good name well you could be 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00072-00020662-00020822 call it triple threat or something like 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00073-00020823-00021174 that I don't oh man go you're going to 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00074-00021175-00021459 u-turn and get switching priority but 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00075-00021460-00021819 yeah well are you gonna stay in on a 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00076-00021820-00022119 four times effective you turned heck not 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00077-00022120-00022341 unless I have a focus fashion which I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00078-00022342-00022737 don't all right well assistant III 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00079-00022738-00022968 really going I don't care if i lose or 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00080-00022969-00023178 win or ever oh geez guys definitely 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00081-00023179-00023415 bandit or maybe i'll know it's probably 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00082-00023416-00023766 start good grief staraptor as he said I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00083-00023767-00024108 think you're big egos at some point when 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00084-00024109-00024327 you thought that star after was banded 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00085-00024328-00024561 by a scarf smells redic star actors 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00086-00024562-00024878 damage output is is kind of ridiculous 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00087-00024879-00025275 hey I'm no very nice early yeah we 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00088-00025276-00026055 donkey hmm KD here quasi cras are is my 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00089-00026056-00026387 defensive wall although why people 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00090-00026388-00026580 decided to use and often 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00091-00026581-00026847 safe one but no one missed oh my god 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00092-00026848-00027140 that's going a count of eight he really 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00093-00027141-00027330 got me thank goodness thought maybe said 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00094-00027331-00027749 man if I had hit that attack Alvin us I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00095-00027750-00028032 finally broke my losing streak I lost 12 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00096-00028033-00028431 games in a row I was having some really 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00097-00028432-00028605 bad hacks and battles back to back to 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00098-00028606-00028749 back to back to back it was kind of 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00099-00028750-00029025 depressing there we go that's what I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00100-00029026-00029355 first cause ice oh I thought with that 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00101-00029356-00029547 great this is a physically decisive 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00102-00029548-00029840 crying sire darn it oh man yeah we're 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00103-00029841-00030030 dropping a drinker like beau came said 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00104-00030031-00030324 yeah precose topic I go that's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00105-00030325-00030729 definitely a good thing there hey by 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00106-00030730-00030975 your oaths are you mad at gross um well 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00107-00030976-00031107 if I have other things i need to be 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00108-00031108-00031686 doing so we'll see you later oh oh thank 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00109-00031687-00031915 you for telling me your side here a move 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00110-00031916-00032175 well I'm I mean you can hit me with the 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00111-00032176-00032481 Zen headbutt or an earthquake or a nice 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00112-00032482-00032811 punch yes 300 best thing I can do is 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00113-00032812-00033051 hidden power fire you worse called which 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00114-00033052-00033336 neither wood- to attack makes a lot of 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00115-00033337-00033999 sense oh yeah sure I go okay heatran is 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00116-00034000-00034308 painfully obvious but at the same time 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00117-00034309-00034721 it's like I wanna put some damn fish 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00118-00034722-00035058 dommage I'm learning to start a trend of 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00119-00035059-00035235 instead of saying damage to say damage 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00120-00035236-00035526 no no there's this in head but well well 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00121-00035527-00035871 that's tag I told you if I psyche why do 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00122-00035872-00036027 you think you would actually do it I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00123-00036028-00036402 don't know nice painfully or that's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00124-00036403-00036630 really weird yeah you're not going 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00125-00036631-00036987 anywhere now ring kid that's not a wow 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00126-00036988-00037296 really that's all that did that was a 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00127-00037297-00037632 banded earthquake and hold it was really 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00128-00037633-00037989 under one underwhelming that was 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00129-00037990-00038196 definitely choice banded don't 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00130-00038197-00038469 underestimate the power of varicose his 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00131-00038470-00038820 defense seriously I guess I should have 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00132-00038821-00039174 left focus on there oh yeah I thought 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00133-00039175-00039483 you would have a focus sash I was I was 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00134-00039484-00039762 playing with focus on there but then the 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00135-00039763-00039890 damage output was just really 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00136-00039891-00039948 underwhelmed 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00137-00039949-00040092 so I switched it to a choice man and 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00138-00040093-00040271 then the damage output was really 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00139-00040272-00040962 underwhelming I guess in that case you 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00140-00040963-00041180 probably have earthquake which I need to 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00141-00041181-00041708 figure out honestly but whatever um do 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00142-00041709-00041868 you have earthquake we need to know 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00143-00041869-00042246 cages Tommy all the fat I you know that 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00144-00042247-00042648 they don't or you go the fans here 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00145-00042649-00043014 watching this video no my sex I know the 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00146-00043015-00043308 impending doom that looms before me much 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00147-00043309-00043557 like a slightly soggy cracker at the end 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00148-00043558-00043762 of the package when you're really hungry 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00149-00043763-00044102 stop it you're making me hungry I didn't 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00150-00044103-00044393 make myself feel slightly sweet rumbly 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00151-00044394-00044564 in my tumbly there oh god I can't 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00152-00044565-00045258 believe I said that oops fail yay double 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00153-00045259-00045561 switch fail for me alrighty I've 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00154-00045562-00045999 actually could I expect that welp welp 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00155-00046000-00046902 indeed um well take that hahaha I have I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00156-00046903-00047186 could you going for you turn and go with 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00157-00047187-00047505 Alexis's mouth I'll be so weird I'll be 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00158-00047506-00047829 really weird since the electro is based 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00159-00047830-00047970 off of a lamprey there would just be 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00160-00047971-00048207 more teeth inside of his mouth so I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00161-00048208-00048749 prefer not to go in there really out of 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00162-00048750-00048912 all the things to get paralyzed I guess 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00163-00048913-00049332 either this or Heatran had to be it yeah 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00164-00049333-00049730 I agree okay here's the t-bolt come on 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00165-00049731-00050146 dragalge a life or be like cross that 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00166-00050147-00050592 resisted Thunderbolt did over quarter HP 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00167-00050593-00050961 that's impressive Louis weird is like I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00168-00050962-00051204 keep forgetting that Greg out he is 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00169-00051204-00051413 dragging poison I thought I'd be like 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00170-00051414-00051651 water cape for summer you cannot highway 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00171-00051652-00051881 for that I was I thought you were taking 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00172-00051882-00052224 me to switch but I mean Scrope is water 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00173-00052225-00052382 poison so I think that's why a lot of 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00174-00052383-00052840 people think about it like that Oh 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00175-00052841-00053255 well that's some fortunate no I mean 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00176-00053256-00053554 paralyzed minus T special attack he 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00177-00053554-00053907 should be fine here but if you knock him 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00178-00053908-00054091 out to you dare unleash the beast that 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00179-00054091-00054373 is star raptor who can basically revenge 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00180-00054374-00054616 kill your whole team now yay well now I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00181-00054616-00054786 can't do that against meta gracia I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00182-00054787-00055017 think he needs more HP up moon and this 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00183-00055018-00055186 thing's probably scarf moxie or its 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00184-00055187-00055461 omega either way is bad either way is 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00185-00055462-00055716 bad news bears either way bush and 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00186-00055717-00055854 intimidate onstar raptor right about now 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00187-00055855-00056091 but no I had to go for a reckless no 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00188-00056092-00056337 such a never mind i was gonna say it 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00189-00056338-00056537 wasn't reckless play and I take it back 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00190-00056538-00056892 take it all back hey everyone who's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00191-00056893-00057132 watching this video guess what Who am I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00192-00057133-00057399 going well I thank you Who am I go 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00193-00057400-00057636 that's for that i really don't know that 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00194-00057637-00057855 car Steve oh you got no i'm doing i'm 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00195-00057856-00058153 going to assume you're a hair across and 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00196-00058154-00058404 you're about to go for a skill a truck 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00197-00058405-00058616 blast that's what i'm going to guess you 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00198-00058617-00058905 that are a substitute make a hair across 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00199-00058906-00059128 rock class yay i have psychic powers 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00200-00059129-00059422 apparently guess who I actually actually 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00201-00059423-00060286 hey I hear you're good as I said the 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00202-00060287-00060516 beast was well it's not really a beast 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00203-00060517-00060790 it's more of an avian variety idol or 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00204-00060791-00060934 not this isn't like you do monster 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00205-00060935-00061242 classifications flying type monster that 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00206-00061243-00061794 is all 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00207-00061795-00062083 good job you barely did enough to be a 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00208-00062084-00062407 Wittek am I think assuming no minimum 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00209-00062408-00063007 damage role oh wow I can go get all 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00210-00063008-00063376 right that that's good now now I hope I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00211-00063377-00063553 take an aqua jet from samurai that's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00212-00063554-00063961 what happens now I hate it when when 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00213-00063962-00064186 you're planning in pokemon and because 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00214-00064187-00064336 you you I feel like you have the ability 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00215-00064337-00064594 to think a few turns ahead but that 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00216-00064595-00064753 doesn't matter because when you get 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00217-00064754-00064900 there it's alright i dealt with that and 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00218-00064901-00065023 i was expecting that but now that's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00219-00065024-00065263 happening so darn that happens to me a 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00220-00065264-00065854 lot see see all this clairvoyance going 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00221-00065855-00066037 on in my brain and I can't even bring 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00222-00066038-00066940 all me trim uh sad faces hmm you know I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00223-00066941-00067210 am playing really obvious and I'm trying 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00224-00067211-00067696 to make you look smart but yeah don't do 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00225-00067697-00068074 that just play how you weren't play I'm 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00226-00068075-00068395 getting back here I'm good at you see I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00227-00068396-00068569 think I made a Miss play when I went out 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00228-00068570-00068734 to Drew Galgiani let crossed i should 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00229-00068735-00069009 have got out into um oh hi was a well 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00230-00069010-00069676 well didn't expect that i think i should 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00231-00069677-00069874 have got out into heat ran when i went 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00232-00069875-00070027 on to dragalge then i could have got 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00233-00070028-00070276 enough stealth rocks at that point but 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00234-00070277-00070447 now we have to deal with the plus 2 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00235-00070448-00070681 Aquajet that i can't do much about 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00236-00070682-00071091 honestly I can attempt to take the hit 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00237-00071092-00071686 with my mold breaker pincer oh we had a 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00238-00071687-00072175 hair across a pincer yeah keep I they 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00239-00072176-00072415 can show off each face each other I want 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00240-00072416-00072697 to see who would win whoa that's really 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00241-00072698-00072982 answer 10 I didn't care oh really you 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00242-00072983-00073144 live that I know Sam runs pretty bulky 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00243-00073145-00073639 but oh man oh that's not good not good 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00244-00073640-00074098 hmm ooh guess what who this is gay 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00245-00074099-00074554 exciting yeah I fighting oh wait I just 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00246-00074555-00074701 not given the tauren range i just 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00247-00074702-00074960 realize that 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00248-00074961-00075362 oh yeah nice i like you wanna have we 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00249-00075363-00075791 wanted to have a hair cross vs p ashok 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00250-00075792-00076163 out you wanna get there what about 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00251-00076164-00076576 people ok you asked for it now it's time 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00252-00076577-00076934 for a hair across versus pincer live on 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00253-00076935-00077194 the WWE network or something i don't i 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00254-00077195-00077498 don't really know honestly or try our 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00255-00077499-00077834 cars Yuki that's him that's you I don't 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00256-00077835-00078259 know if I can I should be faster right 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00257-00078260-00078848 yeah well not how what what what wait go 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00258-00078849-00079088 no no wait wait wait wait wait what just 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00259-00079089-00079586 happened well that was the hexi 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00260-00079587-00079724 ascending to the match that could have 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00261-00079725-00080306 possibly happen well i'm going to call 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00262-00080307-00080459 us as your victory cuz i'm not sure what 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00263-00080460-00080863 just happened there honestly but uh yeah 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00264-00080864-00081311 oh I got this it you just had to miss 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00265-00081312-00081740 your rock blast of course ooh I live it 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00266-00081741-00082046 hmm ha oh can I live with super power 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00267-00082047-00082346 though can I live with super power can I 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00268-00082347-00082993 live while superpower huge okay here we 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00269-00082994-00083246 go this is a non invested flash cannon 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00270-00083247-00083462 all right I'm still calling that your 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00271-00083463-00083913 victory cuz that you should just ko'd oh 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00272-00083914-00084224 really it is kind of whip you it is 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00273-00084225-00084406 fired off into space this is like well 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00274-00084407-00084749 good job great aim here where these in 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00275-00084750-00085304 ones oh my god I could oh man that was a 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00276-00085305-00085781 great battle yep all resins so there's 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00277-00085782-00086101 the mono brown vs. mana blue mono brown 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00278-00086102-00086378 vs. mono blue Connor versus necro 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00279-00086379-00086731 steve-o I really could be an announcer 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00280-00086732-00086999 or something you should be an hour sir 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00281-00087000-00087587 nice fantastic oh man well that's hug 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00282-00087588-00087884 game guys I hope you all enjoyed it it 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00283-00087885-00088153 was anchored hanging was it not 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00284-00088154-00088522 twas it was yes are you not entertained 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00285-00088523-00088818 well if you are just go to the door and 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00286-00088819-00089029 you'll get a refund and we hope to see 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00287-00089030-00089410 you again next time guys hmm yeah that 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00288-00089411-00089812 works that really works all right hey 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00289-00089813-00089955 well if you guys enjoyed this video 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00290-00089956-00090262 check out necro steve-o over his channel 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00291-00090263-00090634 in the description and you can like this 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00292-00090635-00090987 video favorite this video or or you can 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00293-00090988-00091411 dislike this video well hey you dislike 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00294-00091412-00091615 it you should also post a comment while 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00295-00091616-00091867 you're saying you dislike it and if you 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00296-00091868-00092215 just like a no refund aren't it alright 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00297-00092216-00092424 well thank you guys for watching it and 5VvOxbkfF0Y-00298-00092425-00092907 i'll see you guys all next my devices 5VBbugJuBOy-00001-00004284-00004470 so 5VBbugJuBOy-00002-00004471-00005683 [Music] 5VBbugJuBOy-00003-00005684-00005946 so 5VBbugJuBOy-00004-00005947-00006697 [Music] 5VBbugJuBOy-00005-00006698-00007083 [Music] 5VBbugJuBOy-00006-00007084-00007517 um 5VBbugJuBOy-00007-00007518-00008483 [Music] 5VBbugJuBOy-00008-00008484-00008608 so 5VBbugJuBOy-00009-00008609-00009835 [Music] 5VBbugJuBOy-00010-00009836-00010035 thank 5VBbugJuBOy-00011-00010036-00011283 [Music] 5VBbugJuBOy-00012-00011284-00012425 so 5VBbugJuBOy-00013-00012426-00013175 [Music] 5VBbugJuBOy-00014-00013176-00013416 me 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00000-00000018-00001065 [Music] 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00001-00001066-00001306 the 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00002-00001307-00002308 [Music] 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00003-00002309-00002465 chickapedia 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00004-00002466-00003219 oh no holy kept it ever since 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00005-00003220-00003670 [Music] 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00006-00003671-00004246 even though torture on enjoyin apparel 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00007-00004247-00004572 Johnson syndrome 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00008-00004573-00005306 [Music] 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00009-00005307-00005553 virginica challenging him to renounce 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00010-00005554-00005711 dreams with avocado 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00011-00005712-00005901 here's an AHA for a little more 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00012-00005902-00006531 versatile email Walmart employees often 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00013-00006531-00007406 Donita carefully sophistical ofrenda the 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00014-00007408-00007594 Pergamum science cell 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00016-00010670-00012570 you 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00017-00012571-00014333 [Music] 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00018-00014334-00015044 [Applause] 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00020-00029362-00029570 [Applause] 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00022-00036833-00037106 you 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00024-00044390-00045102 [Applause] 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00026-00050072-00051425 you 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00028-00057441-00058515 you 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00029-00058516-00058767 because eternal shows alongside me 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00030-00058769-00059413 laughs I'm sorry mama to pronounce well 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00031-00059414-00059416 [Applause] 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00032-00059417-00059951 [Music] 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00033-00059952-00060682 you 5Y7zcKmCbrI-00034-00060683-00060889 you 5bCuGG6YdFo-00000-00000000-00000209 hi good morning this is Robin Braemar 5bCuGG6YdFo-00001-00000210-00000748 and today I am continuing our series on 5bCuGG6YdFo-00002-00000749-00001166 Frank in tongues that it's for you and 5bCuGG6YdFo-00003-00001167-00001403 is for today and today we're going to go 5bCuGG6YdFo-00004-00001404-00001601 to Ephesians I mean I'm sorry how is 5bCuGG6YdFo-00005-00001602-00002152 yesterday Philippians 3 3 it says okay 5bCuGG6YdFo-00006-00002153-00002333 let's start at 31 finally my brother 5bCuGG6YdFo-00007-00002334-00002507 rejoice and Lord for me to write the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00008-00002508-00002723 same thing to you as tedious but safe it 5bCuGG6YdFo-00009-00002724-00002996 for it's safe for you beware of dogs 5bCuGG6YdFo-00010-00002997-00003238 beware of evil workers beware mutilators 5bCuGG6YdFo-00011-00003239-00003476 for they are certain for we are the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00012-00003477-00003734 circumcision who worship God in the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00013-00003735-00003979 spirit rejoice in Jesus Christ and have 5bCuGG6YdFo-00014-00003980-00004268 no confidence in the flesh though I also 5bCuGG6YdFo-00015-00004269-00004484 might have confidence in the flesh and 5bCuGG6YdFo-00016-00004485-00004663 then he goes on to brag about why he 5bCuGG6YdFo-00017-00004664-00004852 could have confidence in his flesh 5bCuGG6YdFo-00018-00004853-00005150 because he was circumcised he's from 5bCuGG6YdFo-00019-00005151-00005368 he's from the stock of Israel so he's it 5bCuGG6YdFo-00020-00005369-00005699 he's built good he's a he's a from the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00021-00005700-00005929 tribe of Benjamin he's from a Hebrew of 5bCuGG6YdFo-00022-00005930-00006256 Hebrews he was celis for the church he 5bCuGG6YdFo-00023-00006257-00006403 followed all the law he persecuted the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00024-00006404-00006878 church he so so on and so on he's 5bCuGG6YdFo-00025-00006879-00007019 breaking why he should have come he 5bCuGG6YdFo-00026-00007020-00007208 could have confidence in the flesh he's 5bCuGG6YdFo-00027-00007209-00007337 telling you not to have confidence in 5bCuGG6YdFo-00028-00007338-00007573 the flesh but confidence in the spirit 5bCuGG6YdFo-00029-00007575-00007862 and confidence in Jesus Christ so I want 5bCuGG6YdFo-00030-00007863-00008210 you to look at 33 for we are the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00031-00008211-00008435 circumcision who worship God in the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00032-00008436-00008684 spirit okay so they work so we worship 5bCuGG6YdFo-00033-00008685-00008810 God in the spirit he's talking about all 5bCuGG6YdFo-00034-00008811-00009034 of us and he's also talking about Jews 5bCuGG6YdFo-00035-00009035-00009292 rejoicing in Jesus Christ and have no 5bCuGG6YdFo-00036-00009293-00009742 confidence in the flesh okay so when 5bCuGG6YdFo-00037-00009743-00009941 you're praying for somebody or what 5bCuGG6YdFo-00038-00009942-00010042 we're talking about is praying in 5bCuGG6YdFo-00039-00010043-00010288 tongues for you and for today so when 5bCuGG6YdFo-00040-00010289-00010403 you're praying for somebody whether 5bCuGG6YdFo-00041-00010404-00010613 you're praying in a prayer line or they 5bCuGG6YdFo-00042-00010614-00010792 praying a grocery store praying at home 5bCuGG6YdFo-00043-00010793-00011003 or praying over the phone or praying for 5bCuGG6YdFo-00044-00011004-00011267 your friend you don't have all the facts 5bCuGG6YdFo-00045-00011268-00011464 they don't know no I have all the facts 5bCuGG6YdFo-00046-00011465-00011633 and they might think they have all the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00047-00011634-00011803 facts they might think they know how to 5bCuGG6YdFo-00048-00011804-00011953 explain what the doctor said or they 5bCuGG6YdFo-00049-00011954-00012256 might know how they feel but the fact is 5bCuGG6YdFo-00050-00012257-00012538 if we rely on our flesh if we have 5bCuGG6YdFo-00051-00012539-00012706 confidence on our flesh on our own 5bCuGG6YdFo-00052-00012707-00012938 ability to reason and logic and think 5bCuGG6YdFo-00053-00012938-00013118 out what this person needs in prayer 5bCuGG6YdFo-00054-00013119-00013478 then we are having confidence in our 5bCuGG6YdFo-00055-00013479-00013607 flesh and it tells us right there and 5bCuGG6YdFo-00056-00013608-00013754 why will not to have confidence in our 5bCuGG6YdFo-00057-00013755-00014155 flesh but we are but to pray in the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00058-00014156-00014522 spirit so it refers back to the spirit 5bCuGG6YdFo-00059-00014522-00014905 there it even refers that they worship 5bCuGG6YdFo-00060-00014906-00015259 God in spirit so 5bCuGG6YdFo-00061-00015260-00015475 this thing the point I'm going to make 5bCuGG6YdFo-00062-00015476-00015655 is in that scripture is having no 5bCuGG6YdFo-00063-00015656-00015811 confidence in the flesh but having 5bCuGG6YdFo-00064-00015812-00016033 confidence in the Holy Spirit I also 5bCuGG6YdFo-00065-00016034-00016447 says in Romans 8 26 that the Holy Spirit 5bCuGG6YdFo-00066-00016448-00016657 helps us with our weaknesses when we 5bCuGG6YdFo-00067-00016658-00016849 don't know what we should pray so see 5bCuGG6YdFo-00068-00016850-00016966 right there's a problem you don't know 5bCuGG6YdFo-00069-00016967-00017140 what to pray you're not going to rely on 5bCuGG6YdFo-00070-00017141-00017329 your own flesh to pray you're going to 5bCuGG6YdFo-00071-00017330-00017476 rely on the Holy Spirit but the Spirit 5bCuGG6YdFo-00072-00017477-00017647 emselves makes intercession for us with 5bCuGG6YdFo-00073-00017648-00017890 all the saints so right there is the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00074-00017891-00018127 Holy Spirit is in you to pray God's 5bCuGG6YdFo-00075-00018128-00018328 perfect will God is in you to speak 5bCuGG6YdFo-00076-00018329-00018574 god's language to pray God's will okay 5bCuGG6YdFo-00077-00018575-00018946 and when you pray in spirit and you pray 5bCuGG6YdFo-00078-00018947-00019276 God's will then you will have 5bCuGG6YdFo-00079-00019277-00019645 understanding on how to pray god's will 5bCuGG6YdFo-00080-00019646-00020143 in english ok so you don't have to just 5bCuGG6YdFo-00081-00020144-00020446 pray it in the spirit you pray in tongue 5bCuGG6YdFo-00082-00020447-00020635 out one of the things i find most 5bCuGG6YdFo-00083-00020636-00020785 helpful when I pray for somebody is I 5bCuGG6YdFo-00084-00020786-00021082 pray in the tongues I pray in the spirit 5bCuGG6YdFo-00085-00021083-00021421 and then I trust God as I'm praying in 5bCuGG6YdFo-00086-00021422-00021592 english i get this revelation knowledge 5bCuGG6YdFo-00087-00021593-00021796 oh just stuff starts coming out of my 5bCuGG6YdFo-00088-00021797-00021973 mouth I pray for this and I pray for 5bCuGG6YdFo-00089-00021974-00022153 that that I hadn't even thought of so I 5bCuGG6YdFo-00090-00022154-00022417 know that that is the answer to praying 5bCuGG6YdFo-00091-00022418-00022519 in the spirit and praying in the spirit 5bCuGG6YdFo-00092-00022520-00022729 then as I praying in english i'm getting 5bCuGG6YdFo-00093-00022730-00022906 revelation knowledge and and it's 5bCuGG6YdFo-00094-00022907-00023038 usually confirmation the person is 5bCuGG6YdFo-00095-00023039-00023212 usually crying it's like how did you 5bCuGG6YdFo-00096-00023213-00023392 know you know and that's that you know 5bCuGG6YdFo-00097-00023393-00023596 and and and they're changed by the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00098-00023597-00023836 prayer that i pray in english because 5bCuGG6YdFo-00099-00023837-00024052 i'm revealing knowledge to them and i'm 5bCuGG6YdFo-00100-00024053-00024262 praying so it's important that you pray 5bCuGG6YdFo-00101-00024263-00024451 in english and you pray in tongues but 5bCuGG6YdFo-00102-00024452-00024609 fraying tongues first either at home 5bCuGG6YdFo-00103-00024610-00024964 either at home or quietly under your 5bCuGG6YdFo-00104-00024965-00025295 breath or not even out loud 5bCuGG6YdFo-00105-00025296-00025658 and pray in English but I believe that 5bCuGG6YdFo-00106-00025658-00025916 it's very important for my experience of 5bCuGG6YdFo-00107-00025917-00026089 praying with people over all these years 5bCuGG6YdFo-00108-00026091-00026470 is praying in tongues until I started 5bCuGG6YdFo-00109-00026472-00026651 praying in tongues and then prayed over 5bCuGG6YdFo-00110-00026652-00026891 people in English I didn't have as much 5bCuGG6YdFo-00111-00026892-00027305 results now I'm I have the anointing of 5bCuGG6YdFo-00112-00027306-00027512 evangelists but I have a call in the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00113-00027513-00027793 office of a prophet and finding out that 5bCuGG6YdFo-00114-00027794-00028018 whether I'm out in the street 5bCuGG6YdFo-00115-00028019-00028331 ministering are administering in church 5bCuGG6YdFo-00116-00028332-00028616 or in clown or whatever when I pray in 5bCuGG6YdFo-00117-00028617-00028927 the spirit and then I pray in English 5bCuGG6YdFo-00118-00028929-00029186 i'm getting prophetic words for the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00119-00029187-00029531 person also in the process of praying or 5bCuGG6YdFo-00120-00029532-00029752 the prophetic word is also part of the 5bCuGG6YdFo-00121-00029754-00030098 prayer in english so it's it's really 5bCuGG6YdFo-00122-00030099-00030251 awesome to pray in tongues praying in 5bCuGG6YdFo-00123-00030252-00030494 tongues is for you and it's for today my 5bCuGG6YdFo-00124-00030495-00030641 name is Robin brain Burnett is my 5bCuGG6YdFo-00125-00030642-00030889 website make sure you subscribe or 5bCuGG6YdFo-00126-00030889-00031460 friend request me or click on my mp3 and 5bCuGG6YdFo-00127-00031461-00031679 download it and save it send it email to 5bCuGG6YdFo-00128-00031680-00031933 friends whatever and I will talk to you 5bCuGG6YdFo-00129-00031935-00032120 tomorrow have a blessed day 5bCuGG6YdFo-00130-00032122-00032327 you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00000-00000045-00000719 [Music] 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00001-00000720-00000862 hello and welcome to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00002-00000863-00001166 this tutorial so for this tutorial 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00003-00001167-00001478 i'm going to show you how to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00004-00001479-00001863 create an android application that uses 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00005-00001864-00002126 mac so i've created a sample application 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00006-00002127-00002215 over here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00007-00002216-00002471 to showcase to you what we would learn 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00008-00002472-00002623 for today 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00009-00002624-00002871 so we have a basic application then you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00010-00002872-00002975 can click 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00011-00002976-00003222 one button to open that and then this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00012-00003223-00003295 map would 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00013-00003296-00003703 display the various location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00014-00003704-00004303 on the map using mac marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00015-00004304-00004647 so what we need to do is to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00016-00004648-00004967 follow the official android tutorial by 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00017-00004968-00005311 google 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00018-00005312-00005695 so when you look at the tutorial 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00019-00005696-00006006 uh you should be able to create this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00020-00006007-00006086 application 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00021-00006087-00006527 by following the tutorial 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00022-00006528-00006831 so for this tutorial we will refer 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00023-00006831-00007287 to the official android tutorial for 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00024-00007288-00007639 google map as published by google 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00025-00007640-00007895 select looks at the official 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00026-00007895-00008039 documentation 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00027-00008040-00008383 and this is website sdk for 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00028-00008384-00008607 android quick start so what you need to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00029-00008608-00008791 do is 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00030-00008792-00009078 to set up a cloud console so i believe 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00031-00009079-00009278 most of you have already had a cloud 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00032-00009279-00009342 console 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00033-00009343-00009599 okay you have to set up your project and 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00034-00009600-00009806 then if you already have the project you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00035-00009807-00010031 only have to enable the google map sdk 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00036-00010032-00010214 that follow the step 2 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00037-00010215-00010583 click enable 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00038-00010584-00010910 okay just click enable over here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00039-00010911-00011399 and then just close back the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00040-00011400-00011646 app right your browser tab okay just 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00041-00011647-00011991 close back your browser step 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00042-00011992-00012223 right close back your browser step and 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00043-00012224-00012303 then 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00044-00012304-00012574 get an api key you just just have to go 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00045-00012575-00012871 to the credential 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00046-00012872-00013422 okay select the project testing only 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00047-00013423-00013655 and then you create and credential over 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00048-00013656-00013758 here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00049-00013759-00014079 you create an api key 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00050-00014080-00014422 okay this api key should be kept a 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00051-00014423-00014735 secret because 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00052-00014736-00015063 because it fell into a public hand 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00053-00015063-00015422 those users can steal your information 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00054-00015423-00015750 and also steal your account billing okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00055-00015751-00016030 account billings we do not want that we 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00056-00016031-00016375 do not want you to incur 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00057-00016376-00016894 right and then copy and the api key 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00058-00016895-00017199 okay let's start the android studio 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00059-00017200-00017543 okay like this to select empty activity 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00060-00017544-00017935 as always put here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00061-00017936-00018575 the map application okay or any 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00062-00018576-00018927 name that you desire okay click finish 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00063-00018928-00019150 okay first thing first just go to the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00064-00019151-00019422 manifest 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00065-00019423-00019630 right and then you should add the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00066-00019631-00019767 [Music] 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00067-00019768-00019991 permission over here but uh we will do 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00068-00019992-00020111 that later 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00069-00020112-00020399 so what you need to do here is to create 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00070-00020400-00020494 a button 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00071-00020495-00020814 right a button over here to open 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00072-00020815-00021119 up your map application okay map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00073-00021120-00021455 activity so as always uh 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00074-00021456-00021807 create a button so open 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00075-00021808-00022167 map okay you can substitute this with a 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00076-00022168-00022278 menu 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00077-00022279-00022750 or navigation drawer okay up to you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00078-00022751-00022967 create a button or access the map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00079-00022968-00023094 through the use of 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00080-00023095-00023303 a menu okay do not create your 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00081-00023304-00023407 application 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00082-00023408-00023671 that display map outright okay that is 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00083-00023672-00023735 not 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00084-00023736-00024063 good okay right uh add the padding okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00085-00024064-00024175 padding 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00086-00024176-00024542 left or right into the main application 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00087-00024543-00024614 we want 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00088-00024615-00024942 it to have a padding so it would be much 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00089-00024943-00025319 more pleasing to the eyes 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00090-00025320-00025790 okay and then don't forget the fifth law 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00091-00025791-00026134 the left and right 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00092-00026135-00026446 okay just let's be at 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00093-00026447-00026831 the match parent 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00094-00026832-00027111 all right just like this okay don't 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00095-00027112-00027383 forget to save 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00096-00027383-00027735 okay next uh create a new activity 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00097-00027736-00028023 so go to the file and then go to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00098-00028024-00028239 activity gallery 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00099-00028239-00028567 select google map activity so we can 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00100-00028568-00028807 name it as map activity 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00101-00028808-00029190 and then click right 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00102-00029191-00029662 next we might need back the api 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00103-00029663-00030118 key that is the api key 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00104-00030119-00030335 copy the api key that we have already 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00105-00030336-00030543 created 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00106-00030544-00031127 it paste over here okay your key 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00107-00031127-00031495 so how to get to this place so you can 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00108-00031495-00031599 go to values 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00109-00031600-00031911 and then go to google map api okay do 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00110-00031912-00032127 this okay in debug 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00111-00032127-00032414 so it means that this is not ready for 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00112-00032416-00032614 release so if you are on release you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00113-00032616-00032751 should create another 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00114-00032752-00032935 [Music] 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00115-00032936-00033327 okay another file okay for this this is 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00116-00033328-00033502 only for testing 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00117-00033503-00033862 right okay next 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00118-00033863-00034174 and next what we should do is to connect 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00119-00034175-00034255 the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00120-00034256-00034799 button right okay to connect the button 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00121-00034800-00034999 so here you have the button so we want 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00122-00035000-00035255 to connect it to the map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00123-00035256-00035551 so like always you create the button 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00124-00035552-00035839 handler 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00125-00035840-00036271 a button if you only have button you can 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00126-00036272-00036615 easily set the on click listener 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00127-00036616-00037823 to the button 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00128-00037824-00038174 a new on click listener 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00129-00038175-00038687 like this and then just create an intent 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00130-00038688-00039446 a new intent in 10. 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00131-00039447-00039815 in the intent set uh package or set 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00132-00039816-00039990 class key set class 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00133-00039991-00040343 get application contacts a comma 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00134-00040344-00040535 the name of the class the name of the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00135-00040536-00040702 class is map activity 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00136-00040703-00041102 dot class the name of the class is 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00137-00041103-00041511 maps activity dot class 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00138-00041512-00041918 and then start the activity 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00139-00041919-00042302 intent right then you should be able to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00140-00042303-00042430 test 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00141-00042431-00042790 the map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00142-00042791-00042974 and this is the application a map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00143-00042975-00043255 application click open map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00144-00043256-00043615 and the map will be displayed okay just 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00145-00043616-00043718 like the sample 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00146-00043719-00044023 application 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00147-00044024-00044423 as shown in the quick start 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00148-00044424-00044799 okay right 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00149-00044800-00044974 okay what we need to do here is to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00150-00044975-00045127 customize the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00151-00045128-00045495 application to be ready to customize the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00152-00045496-00045671 application 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00153-00045672-00045855 so you see over here when you click at 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00154-00045856-00046039 the map activity 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00155-00046040-00046423 you've learned that you have to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00156-00046424-00046758 set um the marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00157-00046759-00046999 right the marker uh through the use of 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00158-00047000-00047111 marker option 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00159-00047112-00047430 and then the left tube and longitude 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00160-00047431-00047783 so uh to make it easier let's try 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00161-00047784-00048207 to modify this application 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00162-00048208-00048479 so just command this and then command 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00163-00048480-00048630 again 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00164-00048631-00049030 and then camera update new latitude 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00165-00049031-00049374 we should be able to create a new 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00166-00049375-00049671 lag and length over here okay that's 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00167-00049672-00049807 delete 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00168-00049808-00050143 okay to become like this and then you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00169-00050144-00050423 can create your own marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00170-00050424-00050871 okay at the top 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00171-00050872-00051342 okay your own marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00172-00051344-00051663 okay let's try something like this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00173-00051664-00052038 so let's create a marker the marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00174-00052039-00052414 new marker option 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00175-00052415-00052679 and then you put here title okay the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00176-00052679-00052742 location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00177-00052744-00052935 so what location that you want to mark 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00178-00052936-00053142 let's say that aloe star 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00179-00053144-00053854 restaurant 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00180-00053855-00054159 and then 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00181-00054160-00054359 press put over here and then you put 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00182-00054360-00054526 here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00183-00054527-00054775 position the position you put here just 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00184-00054776-00054894 let long 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00185-00054895-00055335 new lag long gps coordinate 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00186-00055336-00055591 okay and then you put here again snip 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00187-00055591-00055735 back 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00188-00055736-00056230 a snippet is the title okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00189-00056232-00056647 okay open during mco okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00190-00056648-00057103 8 a.m to 6 p.m 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00191-00057104-00057423 right you have a marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00192-00057424-00057830 so that's easy right that's easy 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00193-00057832-00058175 so you can also put over here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00194-00058176-00058607 okay map okay remember that this is mf 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00195-00058608-00059294 with m map dot add marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00196-00059295-00059607 okay it's just as easy 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00197-00059608-00059823 and then what missing here is this the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00198-00059824-00059926 sydney 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00199-00059927-00060191 so we try to center the location to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00200-00060191-00060311 malaysia 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00201-00060312-00060519 so try to center the location to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00202-00060520-00060638 malaysia 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00203-00060639-00061006 you could put here location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00204-00061007-00061487 okay let it sorry sorry 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00205-00061488-00061911 over here let long guess 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00206-00061912-00062326 location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00207-00062327-00062542 or you could put your center center 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00208-00062544-00062950 location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00209-00062951-00063294 new lat long okay we 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00210-00063295-00063630 try to find something that uh 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00211-00063632-00064079 much more center okay centralized 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00212-00064079-00064463 stay like this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00213-00064464-00064791 three point zero eight 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00214-00064791-00065206 one zero one it should center around gl 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00215-00065207-00065511 and then 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00216-00065512-00065863 okay and the camera update uh factory 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00217-00065864-00066279 you erase you put your new lag long zoom 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00218-00066280-00066494 right and then you put your center 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00219-00066495-00066582 location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00220-00066583-00066815 and then the zoom factor in vector you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00221-00066816-00066991 select it 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00222-00066992-00067367 and then press play oops 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00223-00067368-00068055 i forgot to close right now replay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00224-00068056-00068319 click open map and then it should center 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00225-00068320-00068399 over here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00226-00068400-00069006 and then here is our marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00227-00069007-00069319 we try to zoom it okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00228-00069320-00069638 open during mco all right 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00229-00069639-00070055 okay what missing so what missing here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00230-00070056-00070415 is you cannot create multiple 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00231-00070416-00070631 markers so how to create multiple 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00232-00070632-00071262 markers 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00233-00071263-00071638 secretly multiple marker is also easy 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00234-00071639-00071911 what you need to do is create a vector 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00235-00071912-00072182 of marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00236-00072183-00072575 or array of marker so that you can fit 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00237-00072576-00072943 all the marker inside the map over here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00238-00072944-00073159 so you basically you are going to do 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00239-00073160-00073319 something like this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00240-00073320-00073687 add marker and then and then 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00241-00073688-00074182 multiple add marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00242-00074183-00074494 okay like this multiple add marker but 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00243-00074495-00074759 we try to use it elegantly like using a 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00244-00074760-00074862 loop 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00245-00074863-00075311 so let's do that so let's try to do 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00246-00075312-00075550 uh to add multiple marker around here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00247-00075551-00075711 inside the map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00248-00075712-00075950 the first thing that we need to do is uh 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00249-00075951-00076167 we want to use vector 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00250-00076168-00076479 you can use either a release 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00251-00076480-00076799 or vector you can also use vector so 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00252-00076800-00077126 let's try to use vector okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00253-00077127-00077343 there are other differences vectors are 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00254-00077344-00077535 much more slower a release is much more 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00255-00077536-00077615 faster 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00256-00077616-00078038 but sometimes habit i like to use vector 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00257-00078039-00078350 okay let's uh use something like this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00258-00078351-00078711 vector of marker option 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00259-00078712-00079015 i don't know if your java class cover 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00260-00079016-00079143 this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00261-00079144-00079447 the use of vectors and also the use of a 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00262-00079448-00079711 template 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00263-00079712-00080047 right call options 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00264-00080048-00080550 okay so you have a vector 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00265-00080551-00081031 of marker option new vector 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00266-00081032-00081375 okay just concentrate like this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00267-00081376-00081687 new vector okay so what we need 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00268-00081688-00081911 to do here is just to use marko option 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00269-00081912-00081999 dot add 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00270-00082000-00082303 okay so add like this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00271-00082304-00082623 and then just delete the marker okay you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00272-00082624-00082726 just use 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00273-00082727-00083487 new marker option okay just like this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00274-00083488-00084126 okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00275-00084127-00085631 okay you add it inside a vector right 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00276-00085632-00085831 so you can become something like this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00277-00085832-00085967 marco options 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00278-00085968-00086215 and then you type your mark option or 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00279-00086216-00086591 you just copy and paste 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00280-00086592-00087055 many marker one 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00281-00087056-00087494 two three four five location okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00282-00087495-00087806 now at about five location it just 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00283-00087807-00088118 start and then let's try to copy it from 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00284-00088119-00088199 here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00285-00088200-00088831 right from here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00286-00088832-00091311 and then 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00287-00091312-00091799 okay let's try this for a change 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00288-00091800-00092150 okay now okay now we need to add the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00289-00092151-00092247 marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00290-00092248-00092559 so here the marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00291-00092560-00092871 right we close this right 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00292-00092872-00093215 and then type here four we need a loop 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00293-00093216-00093647 the four marker marker options 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00294-00093648-00093967 okay mark and then 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00295-00093968-00094279 take back the name over here marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00296-00094280-00094638 option 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00297-00094639-00094823 okay open up something like this and 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00298-00094824-00095087 then put him up so we are looping over 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00299-00095088-00095199 here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00300-00095200-00095447 okay we are looping through each of the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00301-00095448-00095662 marker 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00302-00095663-00095967 and then add it inside the map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00303-00095968-00096223 mark okay over here as mark mark and 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00304-00096224-00096326 mark 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00305-00096327-00096911 and then press play 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00306-00096912-00097150 so when you click play click play you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00307-00097151-00097279 can see 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00308-00097280-00097582 something like this okay all the markers 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00309-00097583-00098087 are listed 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00310-00098088-00098631 and then you can also control the zoom 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00311-00098632-00099031 so this is an overview of the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00312-00099032-00099343 application 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00313-00099344-00099535 you create a marker and then create 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00314-00099536-00099655 vector vector 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00315-00099656-00099974 is just similar to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00316-00099975-00100150 array except that it is much more 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00317-00100151-00100359 flexible so if you use that vector it's 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00318-00100360-00100543 much more flexible you can add 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00319-00100544-00100894 more items inside your vector okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00320-00100895-00101116 you can add more and then you can 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00321-00101117-00101303 [Music] 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00322-00101304-00101638 reiterate okay i trade the vector 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00323-00101639-00101935 using loop inside this loop mark option 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00324-00101936-00102143 and each of the marker as marked 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00325-00102144-00102343 and then you just add the marker and 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00326-00102344-00102566 then just display it 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00327-00102567-00102854 on top of your maps okay what left now 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00328-00102855-00102982 is 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00329-00102983-00103294 to add a button over here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00330-00103295-00103639 to detect user's location so you realize 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00331-00103640-00103927 that uh 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00332-00103928-00104102 okay using this map you cannot detect 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00333-00104103-00104302 the user location this is because we 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00334-00104303-00104647 haven't um 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00335-00104648-00104983 user location request the d 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00336-00104983-00105286 has already been the permission have 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00337-00105288-00105431 already been 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00338-00105432-00105743 requested inside the android manifest if 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00339-00105744-00105927 you click at the android manifest over 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00340-00105928-00106007 here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00341-00106008-00106263 so what left is that we need the code in 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00342-00106264-00106483 order to enable 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00343-00106483-00106697 um enable the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00344-00106698-00107054 [Music] 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00345-00107055-00107327 user location so in order to do that we 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00346-00107328-00107478 have to refer to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00347-00107479-00107823 the map right 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00348-00107824-00108199 the map documentation we have to refer 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00349-00108200-00108295 to the map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00350-00108296-00108815 documentation 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00351-00108816-00109015 in order to do that we have to refer to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00352-00109016-00109343 the map documentation 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00353-00109344-00109678 okay refer to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00354-00109679-00109999 interacting with a map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00355-00110000-00110558 and then click on location data 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00356-00110559-00111575 okay this one we have already stated 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00357-00111576-00111886 it already included inside the manifest 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00358-00111888-00112151 so now we have to request the runtime 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00359-00112152-00112223 permission 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00360-00112224-00112510 okay and write six marshmallow okay in 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00361-00112511-00112639 order to do that 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00362-00112640-00112983 you look at the map ready over here okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00363-00112983-00113286 and then enable my location uh 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00364-00113288-00113551 method okay enable my location method so 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00365-00113552-00113790 just copy and paste this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00366-00113791-00114623 inside your own code 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00367-00114624-00114927 okay paste the method over here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00368-00114928-00115383 so import everything that are relevant 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00369-00115383-00115695 okay map over here become m map so we 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00370-00115696-00115878 just type it m 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00371-00115879-00116134 just add another m over here and we 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00372-00116135-00116375 should be okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00373-00116376-00116566 so permission util we do not use 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00374-00116567-00116786 permission util instead we have 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00375-00116788-00117199 application compact 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00376-00117200-00117727 okay application compact 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00377-00117728-00118007 and then you just have to delete 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00378-00118008-00118263 everything 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00379-00118264-00118623 okay just leave it over here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00380-00118624-00119023 okay what left to do is to declare 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00381-00119024-00119271 the permission so the permission that we 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00382-00119272-00119431 need to ask we type here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00383-00119432-00120031 firms is string rooms 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00384-00120032-00120486 right android dot permission 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00385-00120488-00120878 dot access 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00386-00120879-00121439 uh find location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00387-00121440-00121783 okay sorry put here and it's an array 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00388-00121783-00122407 okay yes an array and then for another 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00389-00122408-00122863 okay for another we just put here perms 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00390-00122864-00123407 former request code 200 he just requests 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00391-00123408-00123647 so sorry this is not app compact but 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00392-00123648-00123790 activity compact 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00393-00123791-00124134 okay activity compact 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00394-00124135-00124683 okay then this should work 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00395-00124683-00124999 a4 the time being you have to delete uh 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00396-00125000-00125302 uninstall this uh map first 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00397-00125303-00125527 this application okay don't forget to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00398-00125528-00125639 uninstall 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00399-00125640-00125958 and then we run it back when you rerun 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00400-00125959-00126166 it back you can open up the map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00401-00126167-00126886 click here and it didn't happen 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00402-00126888-00127134 okay something wrong it didn't happen 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00403-00127135-00127247 okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00404-00127248-00127583 so i forgot to recall back the enable 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00405-00127583-00127919 my location so this is enable my 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00406-00127920-00128063 location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00407-00128064-00128321 you just go over 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00408-00128322-00128454 [Music] 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00409-00128455-00128951 and what you need to do is just 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00410-00128952-00129175 go over here on map ready okay on matt 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00411-00129176-00129383 ready over here just type 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00412-00129383-00129799 enable my location sorry 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00413-00129800-00130166 and then press play and then it should 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00414-00130167-00130351 work 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00415-00130352-00130551 all right and then allow while using the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00416-00130552-00130847 app you just click here 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00417-00130848-00131135 and then exit again and then press map 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00418-00131136-00131399 okay these button will appear 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00419-00131400-00131654 and then you can detect where you are 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00420-00131655-00131831 okay your current location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00421-00131832-00132127 which you can exactly alter in this 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00422-00132128-00132207 emulator 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00423-00132208-00132575 by clicking and clicking on set location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00424-00132576-00132839 so when you click here you can detect 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00425-00132840-00132935 your location 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00426-00132936-00133171 and then your application can 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00427-00133172-00133654 automatically 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00428-00133655-00133871 okay your application can automatically 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00429-00133872-00133959 detect where 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00430-00133960-00134495 you are currently right like this one 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00431-00134496-00134695 okay when you go over here so you will 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00432-00134696-00135143 be automatically transported to the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00433-00135144-00135463 seat location all right uh 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00434-00135464-00135783 that's all for today's lab session for 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00435-00135784-00136047 google map so i've already teach you how 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00436-00136048-00136359 to create multiple 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00437-00136360-00136695 multiple marker using google maps okay 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00438-00136696-00136895 and how to incorporate google maps 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00439-00136896-00137095 inside your own application 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00440-00137096-00137343 so for the next activity i will show you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00441-00137344-00137495 how to interact with 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00442-00137496-00137727 this okay with the info window so when 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00443-00137728-00137863 you click the info window the 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00444-00137864-00138078 application will do something 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00445-00138079-00138239 it will do something and then i will 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00446-00138240-00138463 also teach you on how to 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00447-00138464-00138683 download the location from the internet 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00448-00138684-00138814 or 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00449-00138815-00139159 in how to integrate your mobile 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00450-00139160-00139527 application with your mysql database 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00451-00139528-00139719 so that your mobile application can 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00452-00139720-00139943 detect other people location and then 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00453-00139944-00140159 map them inside the database 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00454-00140160-00140454 so that's all for today to be seeing you 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00455-00140455-00141938 on the next 5fK3Yd0FnAQ-00456-00141939-00142563 [Laughter] 5hrAcDEQkJy-00000-00000351-00000573 have you ever wondered what it might be 5hrAcDEQkJy-00001-00000574-00000750 like to stand on the surface of Mars and 5hrAcDEQkJy-00002-00000751-00000948 look around you or perhaps to fly 5hrAcDEQkJy-00003-00000949-00001166 through the atmosphere I'm Stephen Lewis 5hrAcDEQkJy-00004-00001167-00001344 and I've worked from several Mars 5hrAcDEQkJy-00005-00001345-00001565 spacecraft missions getting commodities 5hrAcDEQkJy-00006-00001566-00001752 important we might find out whether 5hrAcDEQkJy-00007-00001753-00001952 ancient life started on that planet if 5hrAcDEQkJy-00008-00001953-00002192 it's like this day or a first is truly 5hrAcDEQkJy-00009-00002193-00002591 unique and y ni talk weird Chapman and I 5hrAcDEQkJy-00010-00002592-00002715 will describe the Martian environment 5hrAcDEQkJy-00011-00002716-00002922 and why it seems to be so hard to land 5hrAcDEQkJy-00012-00002923-00003614 safely on the surface of Mars 5hrAcDEQkJy-00013-00003615-00003935 [Music] 5hBH61elsNk-00000-00000000-00000359 hey I oughta myrrh yeah you got to shout 5hBH61elsNk-00001-00000360-00000482 that out when I should have probably 5hBH61elsNk-00002-00000483-00000941 mentioned that before but so and and yes 5hBH61elsNk-00003-00000942-00001851 and so are anyway [__] anyway anyway 5hBH61elsNk-00005-00005076-00005568 anyway so and I if they'd done this why 5hBH61elsNk-00006-00005569-00006083 anyway anyway so anyway 5hBH61elsNk-00007-00006084-00006431 anyway tits it's it's hairless woman 5hBH61elsNk-00008-00006431-00007652 tits but oh but so anyway um Stuart Lee 5hBH61elsNk-00009-00007653-00007997 the kind of [__] he would think was good 5hBH61elsNk-00010-00007998-00008878 [Music] 5hBH61elsNk-00011-00008879-00009509 let's dance so anyway but anyway 5hBH61elsNk-00012-00009510-00010533 [Applause] 5iNhG1nl8nU-00000-00000000-00002534 I wonder bring this take this light down 5iNhG1nl8nU-00001-00002535-00002849 is that possible that's better 5iNhG1nl8nU-00002-00002850-00003043 happy thanks very much well I'm going to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00003-00003044-00003274 as you know speak from the perspective 5iNhG1nl8nU-00004-00003275-00003626 of the funders of research but in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00005-00003627-00003740 particular I'm going to try to stand 5iNhG1nl8nU-00006-00003740-00004006 back and try to create what I think is a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00007-00004007-00004319 the key areas of rationale the sorts of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00008-00004320-00004535 things that we're talking about now the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00009-00004536-00004835 raw society funds research but only to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00010-00004836-00004997 the tune of a few million pounds per 5iNhG1nl8nU-00011-00004998-00005249 year but until recently I've been a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00012-00005250-00005470 member of a Research Council and the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00013-00005471-00005629 chair of one of its major boards at a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00014-00005630-00005881 fund that fund research to the tune of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00015-00005882-00006034 several hundred million pounds a year 5iNhG1nl8nU-00016-00006035-00006266 and I would say that the perspective of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00017-00006267-00006506 why they do that and what it's for isn't 5iNhG1nl8nU-00018-00006506-00006703 different between between the two bodies 5iNhG1nl8nU-00019-00006704-00007214 and this is what they care about the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00020-00007215-00007456 best science and it's useful application 5iNhG1nl8nU-00021-00007458-00007720 period that's what it's about 5iNhG1nl8nU-00022-00007722-00008039 but of course the large question is what 5iNhG1nl8nU-00023-00008040-00008288 is the best science now can we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00024-00008289-00008510 characterize it and how do we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00025-00008511-00008803 incentivize the system including 5iNhG1nl8nU-00026-00008804-00009008 universities and Institute's to ensure 5iNhG1nl8nU-00027-00009009-00009178 that they are doing the best science and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00028-00009179-00009506 training training best scientists and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00029-00009507-00009674 it's very important to say that the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00030-00009675-00009899 funders of research their motivation is 5iNhG1nl8nU-00031-00009900-00010127 rather different from the motivation of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00032-00010128-00010388 both universities and institutes 5iNhG1nl8nU-00033-00010389-00010673 universities of course have to balance 5iNhG1nl8nU-00034-00010674-00010924 teaching on the one hand and research on 5iNhG1nl8nU-00035-00010925-00011153 the other you know someone who's had a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00036-00011154-00011449 very senior responsibility in university 5iNhG1nl8nU-00037-00011450-00011630 I would say we often get it seriously 5iNhG1nl8nU-00038-00011631-00011855 wrong and often to the detriment of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00039-00011856-00012227 teaching and then of course both 5iNhG1nl8nU-00040-00012228-00012545 universities and institutes they are in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00041-00012546-00012808 competition for funding they're in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00042-00012809-00013001 competition for reputation which is a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00043-00013002-00013365 rather slippery animal and of course the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00044-00013366-00013524 costs that catherine has been talking 5iNhG1nl8nU-00045-00013525-00013803 about are all about can we can we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00046-00013804-00013991 balance the budget in our institution 5iNhG1nl8nU-00047-00013993-00014301 that's an important in a very important 5iNhG1nl8nU-00048-00014302-00014550 issue but as usually it's useful to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00049-00014551-00014732 start with little history I'll follow 5iNhG1nl8nU-00050-00014733-00015027 Simon in doing this this fellow is Henry 5iNhG1nl8nU-00051-00015028-00015246 Alden Berg he was a German theologian 5iNhG1nl8nU-00052-00015247-00015636 who in the early 1660s was appointed as 5iNhG1nl8nU-00053-00015637-00015834 the first secretary of the Royal Society 5iNhG1nl8nU-00054-00015835-00016035 of the newly formed Royal Society of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00055-00016036-00016290 London Henley was an inveterate 5iNhG1nl8nU-00056-00016291-00016542 correspondent he corresponded with what 5iNhG1nl8nU-00057-00016543-00016761 we would now call scientists from all 5iNhG1nl8nU-00058-00016762-00016962 over Europe and Beyond including China 5iNhG1nl8nU-00059-00016963-00017223 and and and the USA and he had the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00060-00017224-00017451 bright idea wouldn't it be good rather 5iNhG1nl8nU-00061-00017452-00017646 than keeping this correspondence private 5iNhG1nl8nU-00062-00017647-00017901 if it were to be published and he 5iNhG1nl8nU-00063-00017902-00018075 suggested to the new society that would 5iNhG1nl8nU-00064-00018076-00018252 be a good idea they agreed let him go 5iNhG1nl8nU-00065-00018253-00018507 ahead and he created the Philosophical 5iNhG1nl8nU-00066-00018508-00018663 Transactions of the Royal Society which 5iNhG1nl8nU-00067-00018664-00018909 still survive as a frontline cited 5iNhG1nl8nU-00068-00018910-00019218 publication Henry adopted two key 5iNhG1nl8nU-00069-00019219-00019473 principles the first was that the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00070-00019474-00019623 letters that he published should be in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00071-00019624-00019848 the vernacular probably for the first 5iNhG1nl8nU-00072-00019849-00020070 time by a serious body putting Latin to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00073-00020071-00020460 one side and secondly that scientific 5iNhG1nl8nU-00074-00020461-00020634 concepts that were published in the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00075-00020635-00021039 transactions must be supported by the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00076-00021040-00021291 evidence which underlay them the two had 5iNhG1nl8nU-00077-00021292-00021522 to be published together and indeed if 5iNhG1nl8nU-00078-00021523-00021645 you look at some of the things that he 5iNhG1nl8nU-00079-00021646-00021855 wrote he wrote the equivalent of saying 5iNhG1nl8nU-00080-00021856-00022058 that you don't do that it's malpractice 5iNhG1nl8nU-00081-00022059-00022275 now if you think about the present day 5iNhG1nl8nU-00082-00022276-00022619 we practice malpractice on a massive and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00083-00022620-00022947 increasing scale and we need to worry 5iNhG1nl8nU-00084-00022948-00023194 about it 5iNhG1nl8nU-00085-00023195-00023691 Henry also defined the the function of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00086-00023692-00023886 research in a way that I think could 5iNhG1nl8nU-00087-00023887-00024300 beautifully cover the often rather 5iNhG1nl8nU-00088-00024301-00024474 long-winded aspirations and modern 5iNhG1nl8nU-00089-00024475-00024678 research councils have to encourage 5iNhG1nl8nU-00090-00024679-00024981 people to to find out new things impart 5iNhG1nl8nU-00091-00024982-00025140 their knowledge to one another and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00092-00025141-00025305 contribute what they can to the grand 5iNhG1nl8nU-00093-00025306-00025479 design of improving natural knowledge 5iNhG1nl8nU-00094-00025480-00025719 and the universal good of mankind I mean 5iNhG1nl8nU-00095-00025720-00025952 what what could be better but of course 5iNhG1nl8nU-00096-00025954-00026220 the large question is how do we in what 5iNhG1nl8nU-00097-00026220-00026402 I think of now is very much a post 5iNhG1nl8nU-00098-00026404-00026720 Gutenberg era post post printing era 5iNhG1nl8nU-00099-00026722-00027072 how do we ensure that that that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00100-00027073-00027348 Enterprise is maintained when we have 5iNhG1nl8nU-00101-00027349-00027660 the capacity to to to acquire massive 5iNhG1nl8nU-00102-00027661-00027960 digital resources and to manipulate them 5iNhG1nl8nU-00103-00027961-00028104 and we have cyberspace through which we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00104-00028105-00028623 can communicate and of course we all 5iNhG1nl8nU-00105-00028624-00029076 produce this wave data storm if you like 5iNhG1nl8nU-00106-00029077-00029268 compared to 30 years ago 5iNhG1nl8nU-00107-00029269-00029544 we have almost unimaginable quantities 5iNhG1nl8nU-00108-00029545-00029669 of data which are increasing 5iNhG1nl8nU-00109-00029670-00029925 exponentially annually and they offer 5iNhG1nl8nU-00110-00029926-00030164 both problems and opportunities the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00111-00030166-00030287 problem can be rather neatly 5iNhG1nl8nU-00112-00030288-00030594 characterized about 30 years ago I 5iNhG1nl8nU-00113-00030595-00030738 published a paper with a with a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00114-00030739-00031083 colleague in nature which had seven 5iNhG1nl8nU-00115-00031083-00031401 hard-won data points in it really hard 5iNhG1nl8nU-00116-00031402-00031701 one I can tell you and we published the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00117-00031702-00031926 data in full we described the method 5iNhG1nl8nU-00118-00031927-00032193 precisely the equipment we'd used the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00119-00032194-00032469 uncertainties involved the potential the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00120-00032470-00032769 magnitude of the errors it was there for 5iNhG1nl8nU-00121-00032770-00032976 others to scrutinize which they did to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00122-00032977-00033132 replicate the data which they did to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00123-00033133-00033339 improve on the data to bring in more 5iNhG1nl8nU-00124-00033340-00033594 data to him amend the concept and in a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00125-00033595-00033825 sense it was a very nice example if you 5iNhG1nl8nU-00126-00033826-00034053 like of the self-correcting capacity of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00127-00034054-00034389 science if you put the evidence as well 5iNhG1nl8nU-00128-00034390-00034596 as the concept so it's open for scrutiny 5iNhG1nl8nU-00129-00034597-00034836 others can identify the errors that can 5iNhG1nl8nU-00130-00034837-00035144 add to it amend it and in principle a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00131-00035145-00035348 fundamental issue in relation to science 5iNhG1nl8nU-00132-00035349-00035646 and this principle of openness and it's 5iNhG1nl8nU-00133-00035647-00035838 over publication that Henry Oldenburg 5iNhG1nl8nU-00134-00035839-00036093 advocated historians of science have 5iNhG1nl8nU-00135-00036094-00036309 argued that it's been the key engine 5iNhG1nl8nU-00136-00036310-00036594 which generated the scientific 5iNhG1nl8nU-00137-00036595-00036732 revolutions of the 18th and 19th 5iNhG1nl8nU-00138-00036733-00037155 centuries so that's a problem how do we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00139-00037156-00037860 cope with this massive data storm we've 5iNhG1nl8nU-00140-00037861-00038075 just completed or nearly completed an 5iNhG1nl8nU-00141-00038076-00038289 experiment which is analogous to the one 5iNhG1nl8nU-00142-00038290-00038538 that we did 30 years ago except this 5iNhG1nl8nU-00143-00038539-00038846 time we have about seven petabytes of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00144-00038847-00039138 data and even nature isn't big enough to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00145-00039139-00039444 accommodate that what can we do if we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00146-00039445-00039732 are going to free ourselves the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00147-00039733-00039915 accusation of malpractice and adhere to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00148-00039916-00039990 olden 5iNhG1nl8nU-00149-00039991-00040227 Oldenburg's dictum the only thing we can 5iNhG1nl8nU-00150-00040228-00040477 do of course is to make that data openly 5iNhG1nl8nU-00151-00040478-00040705 available current currently at the time 5iNhG1nl8nU-00152-00040706-00040887 of publication so others can scrutinize 5iNhG1nl8nU-00153-00040888-00041130 it in the way that in principle should 5iNhG1nl8nU-00154-00041131-00041493 be done so there are solutions I'm sad 5iNhG1nl8nU-00155-00041494-00041762 sad to say that there's just been a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00156-00041763-00042211 circulation of a proposal for the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00157-00042212-00042402 research assessment that will take place 5iNhG1nl8nU-00158-00042403-00042570 in Britain after the next one the next 5iNhG1nl8nU-00159-00042571-00042708 one takes place at the end of this year 5iNhG1nl8nU-00160-00042709-00042832 and they're talking about the one that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00161-00042833-00043068 will follow on and the conclusion has 5iNhG1nl8nU-00162-00043069-00043510 been or the proposal was but data data 5iNhG1nl8nU-00163-00043511-00043674 the supportive publications we'll think 5iNhG1nl8nU-00164-00043675-00043786 about that in the future 5iNhG1nl8nU-00165-00043787-00043930 our view is very simple and quite 5iNhG1nl8nU-00166-00043931-00044121 fundamental it's non-negotiable that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00167-00044122-00044326 actually unless you publish it 5iNhG1nl8nU-00168-00044327-00044487 concurrently with the concept that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00169-00044488-00044749 actually it's malpractice so we're 5iNhG1nl8nU-00170-00044750-00045198 pretty hard line on that one and then 5iNhG1nl8nU-00171-00045199-00045465 the question arises well how serious is 5iNhG1nl8nU-00172-00045466-00045667 this issue this is a publication about a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00173-00045668-00045948 year ago in nature where a group of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00174-00045949-00046360 American scientists analyzed the the top 5iNhG1nl8nU-00175-00046361-00046585 50 benchmark papers in preclinical 5iNhG1nl8nU-00176-00046586-00046789 Oncology over the previous two decades 5iNhG1nl8nU-00177-00046790-00047124 or so and what they found was that only 5iNhG1nl8nU-00178-00047125-00047532 11% of their results could be replicated 5iNhG1nl8nU-00179-00047533-00047854 the reason that the unrepeatable part 5iNhG1nl8nU-00180-00047855-00048111 were and replicated was various it was 5iNhG1nl8nU-00181-00048112-00048280 because there had errors of logic 5iNhG1nl8nU-00182-00048281-00048532 obviously but the predominant reasons 5iNhG1nl8nU-00183-00048533-00048711 was that was not an the data wasn't 5iNhG1nl8nU-00184-00048712-00048942 there or the metadata that's to say the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00185-00048943-00049180 data about data wasn't adequate such 5iNhG1nl8nU-00186-00049181-00049332 that the experiment couldn't probably be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00187-00049333-00049632 followed now one of the problems here of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00188-00049633-00049908 course is that we do seriously risk not 5iNhG1nl8nU-00189-00049909-00050098 only a crisis of replicability which 5iNhG1nl8nU-00190-00050099-00050376 means wasting public money but also a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00191-00050377-00050554 crisis of credibility and we really have 5iNhG1nl8nU-00192-00050555-00050779 to be careful and certainly but the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00193-00050780-00050932 biomedical community have taken this 5iNhG1nl8nU-00194-00050933-00051168 issue immensely seriously and so should 5iNhG1nl8nU-00195-00051169-00051489 the rest of us then the opportunity what 5iNhG1nl8nU-00196-00051490-00051685 new things can be done that couldn't be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00197-00051686-00052083 done before using data and one I think 5iNhG1nl8nU-00198-00052084-00052261 rather lovely example comes in the field 5iNhG1nl8nU-00199-00052262-00052404 of bioinformatics some of you will 5iNhG1nl8nU-00200-00052405-00052638 recognize this this diagram it's the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00201-00052639-00052837 elixir program funded in part at least 5iNhG1nl8nU-00202-00052838-00052982 by the European Union 5iNhG1nl8nU-00203-00052983-00053171 supporting the European bioinformatics 5iNhG1nl8nU-00204-00053172-00053513 Institute in developing infrastructure 5iNhG1nl8nU-00205-00053514-00053807 data curation tools standards training 5iNhG1nl8nU-00206-00053808-00054032 training of the like and the reason why 5iNhG1nl8nU-00207-00054033-00054329 they've done it is largely because 5iNhG1nl8nU-00208-00054329-00054524 bioinformatics is a relatively new 5iNhG1nl8nU-00209-00054525-00054700 discipline it's not weighed down by 5iNhG1nl8nU-00210-00054701-00054971 habits and practices that come from an 5iNhG1nl8nU-00211-00054972-00055244 earlier era of science and the crucial 5iNhG1nl8nU-00212-00055245-00055424 change that's happened in the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00213-00055425-00055642 bioinformatics domain initially they 5iNhG1nl8nU-00214-00055644-00055888 started by mandating open data but 5iNhG1nl8nU-00215-00055889-00056090 actually what's happened now is that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00216-00056091-00056341 increasingly by informaticians no matter 5iNhG1nl8nU-00217-00056342-00056561 how younger ill they are they see that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00218-00056562-00056711 the benefits of having this massive 5iNhG1nl8nU-00219-00056712-00056950 shared resource to which they individual 5iNhG1nl8nU-00220-00056951-00057134 contribute had been far greater than 5iNhG1nl8nU-00221-00057135-00057374 simply hugging your own brother rather 5iNhG1nl8nU-00222-00057375-00057629 pitiful little data base your own chest 5iNhG1nl8nU-00223-00057629-00057916 and actually that's the crucial step why 5iNhG1nl8nU-00224-00057916-00058213 how do you make scientists want to do it 5iNhG1nl8nU-00225-00058214-00058691 rather than be forced to do it and of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00226-00058691-00059090 course we with the horizons that offer 5iNhG1nl8nU-00227-00059091-00059257 themselves are very substantial this 5iNhG1nl8nU-00228-00059258-00059462 very pretty diagram you don't need to be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00229-00059463-00059675 able to read the names on those little 5iNhG1nl8nU-00230-00059676-00059926 bubbles but essentially there's a series 5iNhG1nl8nU-00231-00059927-00060169 of databases in the series of cognate 5iNhG1nl8nU-00232-00060170-00060572 areas in in the life sciences and if we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00233-00060573-00061046 can integrate those databases so they 5iNhG1nl8nU-00234-00061047-00061163 can speak to each other in an 5iNhG1nl8nU-00235-00061164-00061381 intelligent way the potential the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00236-00061382-00061588 exciting potential arises there are 5iNhG1nl8nU-00237-00061589-00061763 whole areas of human understanding which 5iNhG1nl8nU-00238-00061764-00062024 we may be able to conceive of and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00239-00062025-00062285 manipulate in far more profound ways 5iNhG1nl8nU-00240-00062286-00062537 than we currently do and it's one of the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00241-00062538-00062750 great challenges I think in in data 5iNhG1nl8nU-00242-00062751-00062966 science can we achieve good data 5iNhG1nl8nU-00243-00062966-00063238 integration the other obvious problem of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00244-00063239-00063440 course is what I've called here dynamic 5iNhG1nl8nU-00245-00063441-00063691 data if you think about it most of the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00246-00063692-00063913 data that we use is which purports to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00247-00063914-00064223 measure a natural phenomenon isn't 5iNhG1nl8nU-00248-00064224-00064400 actually a measurement of that phenomena 5iNhG1nl8nU-00249-00064401-00064637 the raw data is often something like a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00250-00064638-00065009 voltage and we then actually deduce from 5iNhG1nl8nU-00251-00065010-00065279 that what the conductivity of a material 5iNhG1nl8nU-00252-00065279-00065563 might be in other words almost all the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00253-00065564-00065719 things that we think of as data aren't 5iNhG1nl8nU-00254-00065720-00066056 raw data at all there were using proxies 5iNhG1nl8nU-00255-00066057-00066258 for the phenomenon we want to measure 5iNhG1nl8nU-00256-00066259-00066507 and of course the time goes on how do we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00257-00066508-00066741 how do we develop those proxies we do it 5iNhG1nl8nU-00258-00066742-00067038 by having experimentally based theories 5iNhG1nl8nU-00259-00067039-00067200 which tell us about the relationship 5iNhG1nl8nU-00260-00067201-00067500 between the proxy and the reality and of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00261-00067501-00067758 course as time goes on we improve our 5iNhG1nl8nU-00262-00067759-00067956 theories improve our measurements and so 5iNhG1nl8nU-00263-00067957-00068208 what happens the data changes so the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00264-00068209-00068409 data is got to be dynamic it can't just 5iNhG1nl8nU-00265-00068410-00068619 sit there can't be fossil and of course 5iNhG1nl8nU-00266-00068620-00068760 we want to be able to add to that data 5iNhG1nl8nU-00267-00068761-00069018 in creative ways now of course because 5iNhG1nl8nU-00268-00069019-00069354 very large data sets are available now 5iNhG1nl8nU-00269-00069355-00069684 or can be acquired then we need a whole 5iNhG1nl8nU-00270-00069685-00069981 series of tools as ordinary scientists 5iNhG1nl8nU-00271-00069982-00070203 to be able to manipulate them 5iNhG1nl8nU-00272-00070204-00070548 effectively mr. justice a few there we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00273-00070549-00070797 can't possibly conceive that let's say 5iNhG1nl8nU-00274-00070798-00071007 all our life scientists all our 5iNhG1nl8nU-00275-00071008-00071268 mathematicians will become infamous ins 5iNhG1nl8nU-00276-00071269-00071430 they can't do those two things together 5iNhG1nl8nU-00277-00071431-00071625 they need tools which is developed by 5iNhG1nl8nU-00278-00071626-00071763 real researchers and one of the things I 5iNhG1nl8nU-00279-00071764-00071979 would hope for is the European 5iNhG1nl8nU-00280-00071980-00072306 Commission in its focus on data science 5iNhG1nl8nU-00281-00072307-00072525 actually recognizes there is strategic 5iNhG1nl8nU-00282-00072526-00072660 research that needs to be done to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00283-00072661-00072867 generate the tools that scientists need 5iNhG1nl8nU-00284-00072868-00073116 to work with and the issue at the bottom 5iNhG1nl8nU-00285-00073117-00073407 a new breed of data scientists the 0.75 5iNhG1nl8nU-00286-00073408-00073680 FTEs that I refer to just isn't good 5iNhG1nl8nU-00287-00073681-00074007 enough and of course the reason why 5iNhG1nl8nU-00288-00074008-00074133 governments are concerned about the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00289-00074134-00074268 reason why the Commission is concerned 5iNhG1nl8nU-00290-00074269-00074567 is because of the economic implications 5iNhG1nl8nU-00291-00074568-00074871 and they're serious and important 5iNhG1nl8nU-00292-00074872-00074997 because if you if you think in a rather 5iNhG1nl8nU-00293-00074998-00075321 fundamental way doing using data well 5iNhG1nl8nU-00294-00075322-00075555 and efficiently it's simply a means of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00295-00075556-00075831 maximizing the utility of human 5iNhG1nl8nU-00296-00075832-00076103 understanding which actually means 5iNhG1nl8nU-00297-00076104-00076461 getting the same output from a lesser 5iNhG1nl8nU-00298-00076462-00076728 resource or getting a bigger output from 5iNhG1nl8nU-00299-00076729-00076914 the same resource so it's ultimately 5iNhG1nl8nU-00300-00076915-00077136 it's about efficiency but of course the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00301-00077137-00077238 reason why our politicians have been 5iNhG1nl8nU-00302-00077239-00077508 driving along is the is the axiom that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00303-00077509-00077748 someone coined recently that that data 5iNhG1nl8nU-00304-00077749-00078138 is the new oil but the crucial thing is 5iNhG1nl8nU-00305-00078139-00078393 that it's not just about data curation 5iNhG1nl8nU-00306-00078394-00078609 scientists have to change the way we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00307-00078610-00078894 work Jim Gray quoted here as one of the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00308-00078895-00079314 one of the data science gurus and his 5iNhG1nl8nU-00309-00079315-00079473 comment is quite embarrassing that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00310-00079474-00079599 scientists 5iNhG1nl8nU-00311-00079600-00079937 in day out what we're doing in terms of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00312-00079938-00080105 data and Isis is truly dreadful 5iNhG1nl8nU-00313-00080106-00080340 we're embarrassed by our data so what 5iNhG1nl8nU-00314-00080341-00080541 are we doing wrong well I can tell you I 5iNhG1nl8nU-00315-00080542-00080675 think fairly clearly and the first of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00316-00080676-00081059 all we we are not utilizing 5iNhG1nl8nU-00317-00081060-00081315 scientifically valid processing what 5iNhG1nl8nU-00318-00081316-00081569 we're doing is importing from a former 5iNhG1nl8nU-00319-00081570-00081867 era a relatively simple experimental 5iNhG1nl8nU-00320-00081868-00082074 science a way of working that doesn't 5iNhG1nl8nU-00321-00082075-00082380 actually fit large data volumes and and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00322-00082381-00082556 data complexities and we need to think 5iNhG1nl8nU-00323-00082557-00082838 in Bayesian terms more and more we need 5iNhG1nl8nU-00324-00082839-00083030 innovative manipulation tools which I 5iNhG1nl8nU-00325-00083031-00083192 referred to before to put in the hands 5iNhG1nl8nU-00326-00083193-00083330 of ordinary scientists they can use them 5iNhG1nl8nU-00327-00083331-00083600 and we need effective management of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00328-00083601-00083843 research data which is somewhat a key a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00329-00083844-00084159 key issue for for us and for going to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00330-00084160-00084291 underlying all this is a need for 5iNhG1nl8nU-00331-00084292-00084465 education and training and I would say 5iNhG1nl8nU-00332-00084466-00084684 just a path to cap Catherine's comment 5iNhG1nl8nU-00333-00084685-00084867 actually the senior professors that need 5iNhG1nl8nU-00334-00084868-00085059 training and education rather than the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00335-00085060-00085238 young postdocs they've got this twigged 5iNhG1nl8nU-00336-00085239-00085481 senior professors like me probably 5iNhG1nl8nU-00337-00085482-00085767 probably never will and I say one of the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00338-00085768-00085937 serious issues too is if you go about 30 5iNhG1nl8nU-00339-00085938-00086087 40 years and look at the undergraduate 5iNhG1nl8nU-00340-00086088-00086275 science curriculum in many countries 5iNhG1nl8nU-00341-00086276-00086525 certainly in the UK but also many others 5iNhG1nl8nU-00342-00086526-00086732 you find the statistical content is 5iNhG1nl8nU-00343-00086733-00086946 diminished through time it ought to be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00344-00086947-00087086 increasing though it's a different sort 5iNhG1nl8nU-00345-00087087-00087279 of statistics and we need it seriously 5iNhG1nl8nU-00346-00087280-00087482 here otherwise we're making absolutely 5iNhG1nl8nU-00347-00087483-00087729 fundamental errors and of course the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00348-00087730-00088049 other aspect which relates to this is 5iNhG1nl8nU-00349-00088050-00088343 captured by this Guardian headline 5iNhG1nl8nU-00350-00088344-00088698 science is broken Guardians pretty 5iNhG1nl8nU-00351-00088699-00088979 serious serious newspaper and of course 5iNhG1nl8nU-00352-00088980-00089168 what we see is that the rewards for 5iNhG1nl8nU-00353-00089169-00089324 doing science largely because the way in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00354-00089325-00089421 which science is cherished by 5iNhG1nl8nU-00355-00089422-00089642 governments are now so great that the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00356-00089643-00089847 temptation is for scientists to do 5iNhG1nl8nU-00357-00089848-00090036 things which really they shouldn't be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00358-00090037-00090305 doing and that ranges from malpractice 5iNhG1nl8nU-00359-00090306-00090528 at one end which is partial reporting of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00360-00090529-00090779 their findings to fundamental fraud 5iNhG1nl8nU-00361-00090780-00090962 whether innovating inventing data at the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00362-00090963-00091017 other end 5iNhG1nl8nU-00363-00091018-00091215 but of course personal integrity matters 5iNhG1nl8nU-00364-00091216-00091549 but also we need system integrity that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00365-00091550-00091874 my view really means we need open 5iNhG1nl8nU-00366-00091875-00092211 openness about published data and the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00367-00092212-00092432 argument is that sunlight is the best 5iNhG1nl8nU-00368-00092433-00092693 disinfectant and somehow we have to make 5iNhG1nl8nU-00369-00092694-00092773 that work 5iNhG1nl8nU-00370-00092774-00093139 here but other other dimensions too in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00371-00093140-00093289 relation to open date or an open site 5iNhG1nl8nU-00372-00093290-00093466 switch crucial I mean this is this 5iNhG1nl8nU-00373-00093467-00093682 fellas Tim gars very distinguished 5iNhG1nl8nU-00374-00093683-00093850 mathematician of fields medalists the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00375-00093851-00093988 equivalent of a Nobel Prize in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00376-00093989-00094228 mathematics about three or four years 5iNhG1nl8nU-00377-00094229-00094501 ago Tim published on his blog site a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00378-00094502-00094729 challenge to fellow mathematicians on a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00379-00094730-00094852 particular problem which had been 5iNhG1nl8nU-00380-00094853-00095089 outstanding for decades mathematical 5iNhG1nl8nU-00381-00095090-00095569 problem about 27 people submitted more 5iNhG1nl8nU-00382-00095570-00095749 than 800 substantive comments the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00383-00095750-00095997 comments were quickly discarded or 5iNhG1nl8nU-00384-00095998-00096394 rapidly developed and they rectum 5iNhG1nl8nU-00385-00096395-00096565 reckoned that within 32 days they solved 5iNhG1nl8nU-00386-00096566-00096772 the problem not only had this solved 5iNhG1nl8nU-00387-00096773-00097023 that problem but a much harder 5iNhG1nl8nU-00388-00097024-00097204 generalization of what had been as a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00389-00097205-00097348 rather specialized problem it really was 5iNhG1nl8nU-00390-00097349-00097411 extraordinary 5iNhG1nl8nU-00391-00097412-00097624 Tim's comment was it's like it was like 5iNhG1nl8nU-00392-00097625-00097855 driving a car while Norman research is 5iNhG1nl8nU-00393-00097856-00098203 pushing it now those who fund research 5iNhG1nl8nU-00394-00098204-00098632 we don't fund research and science in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00395-00098633-00098884 order to paper in nature or some other 5iNhG1nl8nU-00396-00098885-00099202 journal we found science to said that it 5iNhG1nl8nU-00397-00099203-00099454 we get science back we fundamentally 5iNhG1nl8nU-00398-00099455-00099826 don't care how it comes out if it comes 5iNhG1nl8nU-00399-00099827-00100033 out this way and it's more efficient 5iNhG1nl8nU-00400-00100034-00100198 than the tedious process of spending 5iNhG1nl8nU-00401-00100199-00100312 three years thinking about your next 5iNhG1nl8nU-00402-00100313-00100513 paper and for goodness sake let's do it 5iNhG1nl8nU-00403-00100514-00100711 we're funding science for the outcomes 5iNhG1nl8nU-00404-00100712-00100888 of science not the particular forms of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00405-00100889-00101182 output in a conventional paper if you 5iNhG1nl8nU-00406-00101183-00101323 ask the question what is it that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00407-00101324-00101473 inhibits this sort of thing well I have 5iNhG1nl8nU-00408-00101474-00101599 to say it's this has taken off in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00409-00101600-00101812 mathematics in a very serious way what 5iNhG1nl8nU-00410-00101813-00102034 inhibits it it's simply the criteria for 5iNhG1nl8nU-00411-00102035-00102268 credit and promotion it's as simple and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00412-00102269-00102657 as stark as that we're bogged down in a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00413-00102658-00103014 rather antiquated way of doing things 5iNhG1nl8nU-00414-00103015-00103386 there's also a equally fundamental issue 5iNhG1nl8nU-00415-00103388-00103798 and that openness of itself has no has 5iNhG1nl8nU-00416-00103799-00104170 no zero value unless it's what we call 5iNhG1nl8nU-00417-00104171-00104395 intelligent openness now who wouldn't 5iNhG1nl8nU-00418-00104396-00104731 want to be intelligent an intelligent 5iNhG1nl8nU-00419-00104732-00105009 openness for us means that the data must 5iNhG1nl8nU-00420-00105010-00105261 be accessible you got to find it it's 5iNhG1nl8nU-00421-00105263-00105451 got to be intelligible you gotta be able 5iNhG1nl8nU-00422-00105452-00105622 to understand it it's got to be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00423-00105623-00105799 accessible you want to know for example 5iNhG1nl8nU-00424-00105800-00106027 whether the person producing it has a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00425-00106028-00106161 financial interest in a pretty 5iNhG1nl8nU-00426-00106163-00106390 outcome and it's got to be reusable you 5iNhG1nl8nU-00427-00106391-00106630 got to be able to use it again and only 5iNhG1nl8nU-00428-00106631-00106954 when those criteria are fulfilled we we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00429-00106955-00107176 argue is is the data properly properly 5iNhG1nl8nU-00430-00107177-00107370 open and that's what we have to aim for 5iNhG1nl8nU-00431-00107371-00107647 and I couldn't bear put this little 5iNhG1nl8nU-00432-00107648-00107808 rider at the bottom that many 5iNhG1nl8nU-00433-00107809-00108040 politicians are quite confused about 5iNhG1nl8nU-00434-00108041-00108190 this issue what they don't realize is 5iNhG1nl8nU-00435-00108191-00108349 that actually most scientific data 5iNhG1nl8nU-00436-00108350-00108544 cannot fit neatly into an Excel 5iNhG1nl8nU-00437-00108545-00108730 spreadsheet which is the implication of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00438-00108731-00109093 many of their public pronouncements but 5iNhG1nl8nU-00439-00109094-00109297 the question then arises I mean from a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00440-00109298-00109456 statement here from last month to three 5iNhG1nl8nU-00441-00109457-00109699 weeks ago from really Cruz the whose 5iNhG1nl8nU-00442-00109700-00110002 responsibility is open data max other 5iNhG1nl8nU-00443-00110003-00110191 things taxpayers who are paying for 5iNhG1nl8nU-00444-00110192-00110353 research who want to see something back 5iNhG1nl8nU-00445-00110354-00110599 directly through open access to results 5iNhG1nl8nU-00446-00110600-00111154 and data now data dumping is absolutely 5iNhG1nl8nU-00447-00111155-00111418 worthless it wasted time and effort if I 5iNhG1nl8nU-00448-00111419-00111706 just to my fellow taxpayer if I dump my 5iNhG1nl8nU-00449-00111707-00111973 stuff on our recent experiment on the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00450-00111974-00112057 Antarctic Ice Sheet 5iNhG1nl8nU-00451-00112058-00112330 what value is it to them absolutely zero 5iNhG1nl8nU-00452-00112331-00112498 well it will do is take my time up and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00453-00112499-00112833 annoy the annoy them is it worthwhile 5iNhG1nl8nU-00454-00112834-00113200 then following Neela Cruz dictum to the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00455-00113201-00113491 whole output of European science no why 5iNhG1nl8nU-00456-00113492-00113680 not because if science would stop 5iNhG1nl8nU-00457-00113681-00114054 tomorrow if we had to make our data 5iNhG1nl8nU-00458-00114055-00114328 available so that further citizens could 5iNhG1nl8nU-00459-00114329-00114676 understand it and in fact if it could be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00460-00114677-00114901 intelligently open to them I can make my 5iNhG1nl8nU-00461-00114902-00115078 data relatively easily available to my 5iNhG1nl8nU-00462-00115079-00115126 peers 5iNhG1nl8nU-00463-00115127-00115330 Blash to my fellow citizens a very 5iNhG1nl8nU-00464-00115331-00115608 different kettle of fish and we would 5iNhG1nl8nU-00465-00115609-00115846 argue that what's really needed is that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00466-00115847-00116020 we should target what we call Public 5iNhG1nl8nU-00467-00116021-00116323 Interest science that's not a difficult 5iNhG1nl8nU-00468-00116324-00116827 concept it it's what you see in the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00469-00116828-00117070 newspaper what the newspapers concern 5iNhG1nl8nU-00470-00117071-00117244 themselves with climate change energy 5iNhG1nl8nU-00471-00117245-00117466 earth resources infectious disease 5iNhG1nl8nU-00472-00117467-00117700 obesity novel technology and so on there 5iNhG1nl8nU-00473-00117701-00117909 are other obvious issues those are the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00474-00117910-00118114 areas where we should be prioritizing in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00475-00118115-00118375 relation to what we would argue our 5iNhG1nl8nU-00476-00118376-00118659 Public Interest science and it's got to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00477-00118660-00118836 be the data the arguments the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00478-00118838-00118993 uncertainties and the options not just 5iNhG1nl8nU-00479-00118994-00119271 ex cathedra statements from from 5iNhG1nl8nU-00480-00119272-00119446 scientists in their people 5iNhG1nl8nU-00481-00119447-00119656 so our argument is actually the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00482-00119657-00119872 Commission's policy needs to be more 5iNhG1nl8nU-00483-00119873-00120022 nuanced that's a polite way of saying 5iNhG1nl8nU-00484-00120023-00120520 they should rewrite it and also we 5iNhG1nl8nU-00485-00120521-00120729 should remember and many of you will be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00486-00120730-00120898 familiar some of you may not be but I 5iNhG1nl8nU-00487-00120899-00121062 mean there is an extraordinary movement 5iNhG1nl8nU-00488-00121063-00121203 going on at the moment which goes under 5iNhG1nl8nU-00489-00121204-00121372 the heading which is not a patronizing 5iNhG1nl8nU-00490-00121373-00121890 heading of citizen scientists which may 5iNhG1nl8nU-00491-00121891-00122085 well in an absolutely fundamental way 5iNhG1nl8nU-00492-00122086-00122281 change the social dynamics of science 5iNhG1nl8nU-00493-00122282-00122494 over the next over the following decades 5iNhG1nl8nU-00494-00122495-00122829 and essentially what's happened is that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00495-00122830-00123073 in some areas of science the distinction 5iNhG1nl8nU-00496-00123074-00123240 between the professional scientists who 5iNhG1nl8nU-00497-00123241-00123429 pay for doing science and the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00498-00123430-00123568 non-professional of scientists who isn't 5iNhG1nl8nU-00499-00123569-00123786 paid is beginning to get very fuzzy and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00500-00123787-00124006 in some cases disappearing these are 5iNhG1nl8nU-00501-00124007-00124236 examples of citizen science projects 5iNhG1nl8nU-00502-00124237-00124425 which involve serious professional 5iNhG1nl8nU-00503-00124426-00124734 researchers and serious citizens who 5iNhG1nl8nU-00504-00124735-00125037 contribute to them and our formerly part 5iNhG1nl8nU-00505-00125038-00125388 of the project 5iNhG1nl8nU-00506-00125389-00125733 it's a crucially important trend and if 5iNhG1nl8nU-00507-00125734-00125925 you look at one or two of these some of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00508-00125926-00126133 them have got beautiful bits of software 5iNhG1nl8nU-00509-00126133-00126366 associated with them which my youngest 5iNhG1nl8nU-00510-00126367-00126753 daughter who is a computer games fan she 5iNhG1nl8nU-00511-00126754-00126879 thinks they're better than computer 5iNhG1nl8nU-00512-00126880-00127156 games and she's dead right and it's one 5iNhG1nl8nU-00513-00127157-00127287 of the areas which we should be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00514-00127288-00127594 concentrating on making sure that we use 5iNhG1nl8nU-00515-00127595-00127972 AI we extend this concept of openness to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00516-00127973-00128259 tears citizen scientists and ordinary 5iNhG1nl8nU-00517-00128260-00128513 citizens and realize that actually 5iNhG1nl8nU-00518-00128514-00128722 openness has got to be audience 5iNhG1nl8nU-00519-00128723-00129111 sensitive but there are boundaries and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00520-00129112-00129236 the boundaries have already been 5iNhG1nl8nU-00521-00129237-00129493 referred to this although open it ought 5iNhG1nl8nU-00522-00129494-00129687 to be the default position we have to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00523-00129688-00129840 recognize that will be boundaries to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00524-00129841-00130065 openness and some of them are legitimate 5iNhG1nl8nU-00525-00130066-00130299 commercial interests some of privacy and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00526-00130300-00130662 say for example in public health use of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00527-00130663-00130894 public health data you can demonstrate 5iNhG1nl8nU-00528-00130895-00131122 that for anything other than an than a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00529-00131123-00131421 trivial use of the data completely 5iNhG1nl8nU-00530-00131422-00131688 complete anonymization is mathematically 5iNhG1nl8nU-00531-00131689-00131968 impossible so actually there's a balance 5iNhG1nl8nU-00532-00131969-00132124 to be struck between the public interest 5iNhG1nl8nU-00533-00132125-00132409 in utilizing large data sets for the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00534-00132410-00132462 public good 5iNhG1nl8nU-00535-00132463-00132646 and the private interest in maintaining 5iNhG1nl8nU-00536-00132647-00132737 privacy 5iNhG1nl8nU-00537-00132738-00132916 very very difficult want to strike 5iNhG1nl8nU-00538-00132917-00133145 safety and security some of you may have 5iNhG1nl8nU-00539-00133146-00133331 been aware of debates of the last year 5iNhG1nl8nU-00540-00133332-00133565 really very difficult and all those 5iNhG1nl8nU-00541-00133566-00133787 boundaries are fuzzy if you had a lawyer 5iNhG1nl8nU-00542-00133788-00134168 and tell him to sit down and say draw me 5iNhG1nl8nU-00543-00134169-00134489 a legal boundary he it would take two 5iNhG1nl8nU-00544-00134490-00134890 thousand pages of legal jargon to do it 5iNhG1nl8nU-00545-00134891-00135125 just to give an example of the fuzziness 5iNhG1nl8nU-00546-00135126-00135290 this is you don't need to be able to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00547-00135291-00135502 read what this says here but the list on 5iNhG1nl8nU-00548-00135503-00135647 the left-hand side is simply a list of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00549-00135648-00135983 commercial sectors and the boxes simply 5iNhG1nl8nU-00550-00135984-00136157 and the colors simply indicate the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00551-00136158-00136448 extent to which openness is part of the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00552-00136449-00136661 business model and you can see how very 5iNhG1nl8nU-00553-00136662-00136901 variable it is and indeed when you 5iNhG1nl8nU-00554-00136902-00137069 one thing you find there's certain 5iNhG1nl8nU-00555-00137070-00137404 certain sectors become more open other 5iNhG1nl8nU-00556-00137405-00137651 sectors become less open and you just 5iNhG1nl8nU-00557-00137652-00137878 can't have a general rule which applies 5iNhG1nl8nU-00558-00137879-00138331 to business as a as a as a generous 5iNhG1nl8nU-00559-00138332-00138638 young scientist matter and the matter of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00560-00138639-00138761 course because they're the future as 5iNhG1nl8nU-00561-00138762-00138887 well as actually having greater 5iNhG1nl8nU-00562-00138888-00139031 potential to develop the things we're 5iNhG1nl8nU-00563-00139032-00139235 talking about we've spoken to a lot of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00564-00139236-00139451 young scientists and I particularly 5iNhG1nl8nU-00565-00139452-00139619 highlighted four of the issues which 5iNhG1nl8nU-00566-00139620-00139946 they struck out as important or struck 5iNhG1nl8nU-00567-00139947-00140164 on as important the first one there had 5iNhG1nl8nU-00568-00140165-00140359 no problem at all with the idea that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00569-00140360-00140606 publicly funded data is not a Private 5iNhG1nl8nU-00570-00140607-00140878 Reserve it's public it's a public 5iNhG1nl8nU-00571-00140879-00141322 resource second fascinating one was that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00572-00141323-00141602 research data should be and indeed can 5iNhG1nl8nU-00573-00141603-00141899 be as easy to remix as music is to a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00574-00141900-00142109 disc jockey in other words actually you 5iNhG1nl8nU-00575-00142110-00142244 have to rather think carefully about 5iNhG1nl8nU-00576-00142245-00142514 standards imposing standards may not be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00577-00142515-00142787 a very intelligent way to go a crucial 5iNhG1nl8nU-00578-00142788-00142907 one for them of course is what we've 5iNhG1nl8nU-00579-00142908-00143116 talked about is giving credit for useful 5iNhG1nl8nU-00580-00143117-00143300 data communication such as the ones I've 5iNhG1nl8nU-00581-00143301-00143495 Illustrated and novel ways of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00582-00143496-00143669 collaborating and of course the final 5iNhG1nl8nU-00583-00143670-00143822 one is training training and support 5iNhG1nl8nU-00584-00143823-00144085 which is crucially inviting important 5iNhG1nl8nU-00585-00144086-00144350 now there are responsibilities in all 5iNhG1nl8nU-00586-00144351-00144527 this a so-called stakeholders horrible 5iNhG1nl8nU-00587-00144528-00144944 word nevermind from the top down the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00588-00144945-00145106 funders of research what do they need to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00589-00145107-00145315 do they need to mandate intelligent what 5iNhG1nl8nU-00590-00145316-00145562 I call intelligent openness they need to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00591-00145563-00145826 accept diverse outcomes we're interested 5iNhG1nl8nU-00592-00145827-00145984 in the science not how you publish 5iNhG1nl8nU-00593-00145985-00146257 it and the cost of open data is a cost 5iNhG1nl8nU-00594-00146258-00146434 of science I'm not sure I agree with 5iNhG1nl8nU-00595-00146435-00146662 Catherine when she says cost is a big 5iNhG1nl8nU-00596-00146663-00147097 issue it is but I mean you can't say 5iNhG1nl8nU-00597-00147098-00147445 let's either do science or do data the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00598-00147446-00147579 two belong together you can't separate 5iNhG1nl8nU-00599-00147580-00147802 them with scientists this question of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00600-00147803-00148075 changing the mindset incentivizing them 5iNhG1nl8nU-00601-00148076-00148294 and that's either the stick or the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00602-00148295-00148732 carrot the stick is is promotion the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00603-00148733-00149035 carrot is having them recognize that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00604-00149036-00149140 actually there's more in it for them 5iNhG1nl8nU-00605-00149141-00149419 than keeping their data close learners 5iNhG1nl8nU-00606-00149420-00149593 societies have an important role to play 5iNhG1nl8nU-00607-00149594-00149821 because of course to a large degree they 5iNhG1nl8nU-00608-00149822-00150106 epitomize the principles and the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00609-00150107-00150412 priorities of whole groups of scientists 5iNhG1nl8nU-00610-00150413-00150619 and researchers universities and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00611-00150620-00150925 Institute's have have really quite 5iNhG1nl8nU-00612-00150926-00151132 difficult choices to make first of all 5iNhG1nl8nU-00613-00151133-00151312 to what extent do they accept 5iNhG1nl8nU-00614-00151313-00151462 responsibility for the data and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00615-00151463-00151621 knowledge they create it's a large 5iNhG1nl8nU-00616-00151622-00151803 question secondly do they have 5iNhG1nl8nU-00617-00151804-00152100 strategies which are designed to to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00618-00152101-00152314 further their view of what the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00619-00152315-00152521 responsibility is to have management 5iNhG1nl8nU-00620-00152522-00152713 processes that make the strategy's work 5iNhG1nl8nU-00621-00152714-00152956 are there incentives and promotion 5iNhG1nl8nU-00622-00152957-00153141 criteria that have been developed to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00623-00153142-00153352 ensure that young people or old people - 5iNhG1nl8nU-00624-00153353-00153574 that matter will want to do this because 5iNhG1nl8nU-00625-00153575-00153739 it's in their amazing interest to do so 5iNhG1nl8nU-00626-00153740-00154024 and can they be proactive and not just 5iNhG1nl8nU-00627-00154025-00154294 compliant I think Simon alluded to this 5iNhG1nl8nU-00628-00154295-00154609 in the UK recently we've had research 5iNhG1nl8nU-00629-00154610-00154882 council saying that your data must be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00630-00154883-00155119 submitted to us at the end of a project 5iNhG1nl8nU-00631-00155120-00155490 which we pay for and the universities at 5iNhG1nl8nU-00632-00155491-00155650 the moment are concentrating getting the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00633-00155651-00155877 management procedures in place so they 5iNhG1nl8nU-00634-00155878-00156043 can satisfy the research counts that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00635-00156044-00156339 this has been done but I mean frankly as 5iNhG1nl8nU-00636-00156340-00156574 a researcher I can fool the research 5iNhG1nl8nU-00637-00156575-00156745 council bureaucrats or university 5iNhG1nl8nU-00638-00156746-00156961 bureaucrats any day of the week and 5iNhG1nl8nU-00639-00156962-00157150 actually unless I really want to do it 5iNhG1nl8nU-00640-00157151-00157381 I'm gonna continue fooling them so 5iNhG1nl8nU-00641-00157382-00157525 actually getting getting over that 5iNhG1nl8nU-00642-00157526-00157738 boundary is an important one research 5iNhG1nl8nU-00643-00157739-00157987 Assessors and research assessment which 5iNhG1nl8nU-00644-00157988-00158119 of course is vital to the funding of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00645-00158120-00158304 universities and Institute's then you 5iNhG1nl8nU-00646-00158305-00158461 need to recognize the diversity of 5iNhG1nl8nU-00647-00158462-00158758 contributions I alluded to and the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00648-00158759-00158977 publishers of course our key gatekeepers 5iNhG1nl8nU-00649-00158978-00159228 what they must do and many of them are 5iNhG1nl8nU-00650-00159229-00159340 moving in this direction 5iNhG1nl8nU-00651-00159341-00159487 particularly in the medical air medical 5iNhG1nl8nU-00652-00159488-00159699 area is mandating current data 5iNhG1nl8nU-00653-00159700-00160054 deposition well as it says here words 5iNhG1nl8nU-00654-00160055-00160255 the chief this is our recent project 5iNhG1nl8nU-00655-00160256-00160495 which is finishing this year and what 5iNhG1nl8nU-00656-00160496-00160675 are we doing about all this individually 5iNhG1nl8nU-00657-00160676-00160915 well I suppose I made a special effort 5iNhG1nl8nU-00658-00160916-00161095 given that I was involved in this report 5iNhG1nl8nU-00659-00161096-00161314 last year and if we didn't if we weren't 5iNhG1nl8nU-00660-00161315-00161518 honest with our data then we'd be taken 5iNhG1nl8nU-00661-00161519-00161731 to the cleaners as we say and we're 5iNhG1nl8nU-00662-00161732-00161938 doing it three or four sorts of things 5iNhG1nl8nU-00663-00161939-00162157 the data supporting publications going 5iNhG1nl8nU-00664-00162158-00162445 to be concurrently available and the the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00665-00162446-00162640 the permanent identifier that will be in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00666-00162641-00162985 place all the data will be in the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00667-00162986-00163162 research council repositories by it by 5iNhG1nl8nU-00668-00163163-00163360 in November and also in international 5iNhG1nl8nU-00669-00163361-00163723 repositories the data that relate to the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00670-00163724-00163951 stability of ice sheets why we said I 5iNhG1nl8nU-00671-00163952-00164305 say here it it's intelligently open to - 5iNhG1nl8nU-00672-00164306-00164527 to the public why well if you live in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00673-00164528-00164599 the Netherlands 5iNhG1nl8nU-00674-00164600-00164773 if the Antarctic Ice Sheet were to fall 5iNhG1nl8nU-00675-00164774-00164953 off its continent the Netherlands were 5iNhG1nl8nU-00676-00164954-00165091 no longer exists or you'd be up to 5iNhG1nl8nU-00677-00165092-00165310 hearing in water so actually there's a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00678-00165311-00165496 public interest and what the public 5iNhG1nl8nU-00679-00165497-00165724 doesn't want or shouldn't want is me 5iNhG1nl8nU-00680-00165725-00165913 telling them the Netherlands either are 5iNhG1nl8nU-00681-00165914-00166105 or are not going to flood but actually 5iNhG1nl8nU-00682-00166106-00166318 providing them with the data the 5iNhG1nl8nU-00683-00166319-00166498 uncertainties that permit them to make 5iNhG1nl8nU-00684-00166499-00166687 their judgments in the democratic 5iNhG1nl8nU-00685-00166688-00166900 society about whether this science is a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00686-00166901-00167101 sort of science on which public action 5iNhG1nl8nU-00687-00167102-00167269 which will be very costly is going to be 5iNhG1nl8nU-00688-00167270-00167488 based and we're also going to do some 5iNhG1nl8nU-00689-00167489-00167746 crowdsourcing for a theory that we find 5iNhG1nl8nU-00690-00167747-00168004 very elusive later in the year and I 5iNhG1nl8nU-00691-00168005-00168157 don't say that my University which is 5iNhG1nl8nU-00692-00168158-00168283 probably much the leaders it well 5iNhG1nl8nU-00693-00168284-00168496 certainly once the leaders in the UK in 5iNhG1nl8nU-00694-00168497-00168753 relation to data and data management I 5iNhG1nl8nU-00695-00168754-00169081 can find on the University website what 5iNhG1nl8nU-00696-00169082-00169354 I ought to do but I know anyway but 5iNhG1nl8nU-00697-00169355-00169618 actually that's it the university as an 5iNhG1nl8nU-00698-00169619-00169837 organism hasn't come to terms relation 5iNhG1nl8nU-00699-00169838-00169996 it's got a long wait a long way too long 5iNhG1nl8nU-00700-00169997-00170272 way to go so what are we going with all 5iNhG1nl8nU-00701-00170273-00170482 this well I think it's pretty simple 5iNhG1nl8nU-00702-00170483-00170881 really all the scientific literature 5iNhG1nl8nU-00703-00170882-00171166 online all the data online and for them 5iNhG1nl8nU-00704-00171167-00171397 to interoperate it's an achievable 5iNhG1nl8nU-00705-00171398-00171730 objective but actually if you think 5iNhG1nl8nU-00706-00171731-00171943 about it we have a statement about 5iNhG1nl8nU-00707-00171944-00172150 political devolution in Scotland it's a 5iNhG1nl8nU-00708-00172151-00172432 process not an event that's true here - 5iNhG1nl8nU-00709-00172433-00172633 will be worried about this in 50 years 5iNhG1nl8nU-00710-00172634-00172713 time we will weave 5iNhG1nl8nU-00711-00172714-00173032 on it no we'll still be worried so just 5iNhG1nl8nU-00712-00173033-00173322 keep worrying thank you 5kML9PN2iYg-00000-00000032-00000231 i guess we'll go over here all right 5kML9PN2iYg-00001-00000231-00000375 guys this is my moment 5kML9PN2iYg-00002-00000376-00000574 uh my moment to shine and you have to 5kML9PN2iYg-00003-00000575-00000695 listen to me 5kML9PN2iYg-00004-00000696-00001007 things are going crazy out there 5kML9PN2iYg-00005-00001008-00001582 things are pretty crazy 5kML9PN2iYg-00006-00001583-00001734 you removing those glasses that aren't 5kML9PN2iYg-00007-00001735-00001902 as earnest as you thought they were 5kML9PN2iYg-00008-00001903-00002263 now putting them back on oh oh man 5kML9PN2iYg-00009-00002264-00002439 all right i'm sorry i didn't mean to 5kML9PN2iYg-00010-00002440-00002575 yell at you 5kML9PN2iYg-00011-00002576-00002807 i just i just want attention and this is 5kML9PN2iYg-00012-00002808-00002966 my moment to shine 5kML9PN2iYg-00013-00002967-00003295 okay um 5kML9PN2iYg-00014-00003296-00003551 oh man being the new sheriff in town is 5kML9PN2iYg-00015-00003552-00003654 really difficult 5kML9PN2iYg-00016-00003655-00003847 i have to hold a gun all right it's kind 5kML9PN2iYg-00017-00003847-00004063 of keep going here 5kML9PN2iYg-00018-00004064-00004422 okay all right take a seat 5kML9PN2iYg-00019-00004423-00004727 you're gonna be fine you might be 5kML9PN2iYg-00020-00004728-00004967 wondering what's going on with this guy 5kML9PN2iYg-00021-00004968-00005327 now let me tell you he's a drunk 5kML9PN2iYg-00022-00005328-00005663 a sad sad drunk now you listen here 5kML9PN2iYg-00023-00005664-00005854 you don't talk to him like that he is a 5kML9PN2iYg-00024-00005855-00005967 very 5kML9PN2iYg-00025-00005968-00006151 he comes from a bar doesn't make him a 5kML9PN2iYg-00026-00006152-00006270 horrible person 5kML9PN2iYg-00027-00006271-00006495 okay okay don't get your pennies in a 5kML9PN2iYg-00028-00006495-00006703 bunch we're gonna need him at the top of 5kML9PN2iYg-00029-00006704-00006855 his game if we're gonna survive this 5kML9PN2iYg-00030-00006856-00007095 night besides 5kML9PN2iYg-00031-00007095-00007310 don't you have a gun aren't you gonna 5kML9PN2iYg-00032-00007311-00007414 defend us 5kML9PN2iYg-00033-00007415-00007663 it's this is a crazy night well your 5kML9PN2iYg-00034-00007664-00007767 silence says that 5kML9PN2iYg-00035-00007768-00007934 you're probably not gonna help us but 5kML9PN2iYg-00036-00007936-00008127 hey you know listen listen my moment to 5kML9PN2iYg-00037-00008128-00008271 shine is going through that door 5kML9PN2iYg-00038-00008272-00008510 and i'm gonna come out a hero oh that my 5kML9PN2iYg-00039-00008511-00008646 boy is a window 5kML9PN2iYg-00040-00008647-00008774 do you actually think that you can go 5kML9PN2iYg-00041-00008775-00008959 through a window listen it's not what 5kML9PN2iYg-00042-00008960-00009167 you do it's how you do it 5kML9PN2iYg-00043-00009168-00009423 good bad drunk there's so many different 5kML9PN2iYg-00044-00009424-00009574 things about this place 5kML9PN2iYg-00045-00009575-00009742 that you have to think about i'm not 5kML9PN2iYg-00046-00009743-00009919 trying to make you angry or anything i 5kML9PN2iYg-00047-00009920-00010127 need to get out of here 5kML9PN2iYg-00048-00010128-00010735 this place sucks 5kML9PN2iYg-00049-00010736-00010953 now it's my time to shine 5kML9PN2iYg-00050-00010954-00011127 [Applause] 5kML9PN2iYg-00051-00011128-00011306 all right i got you oh no i didn't 5kML9PN2iYg-00052-00011307-00011542 [Applause] 5kML9PN2iYg-00053-00011543-00011863 no one can stand my stand gun are you 5kML9PN2iYg-00054-00011864-00011919 okay 5kML9PN2iYg-00055-00011920-00012135 you look like you've been uh scratching 5kML9PN2iYg-00056-00012136-00012278 your crew i'm just gonna 5kML9PN2iYg-00057-00012279-00012551 need to go to the hospital come on oh no 5kML9PN2iYg-00058-00012552-00012591 no 5kML9PN2iYg-00059-00012592-00012783 i'm fine i'm just gonna write an 5kML9PN2iYg-00060-00012784-00012951 editorial about this 5kML9PN2iYg-00061-00012952-00013271 dear usa today i do not 5kML9PN2iYg-00062-00013272-00013511 like these animals that just come into 5kML9PN2iYg-00063-00013512-00013615 your houses 5kML9PN2iYg-00064-00013616-00014143 scratch your ankle and just go 5kML9PN2iYg-00065-00014144-00014279 can't just say you're doing the the 5kML9PN2iYg-00066-00014280-00014463 shooting wrong here 5kML9PN2iYg-00067-00014463-00014607 you can't shoot him when you can't see 5kML9PN2iYg-00068-00014608-00014822 him difficult to roy 5kML9PN2iYg-00069-00014823-00014943 unless you can see through doors you 5kML9PN2iYg-00070-00014944-00015135 really can't shoot those things and 5kML9PN2iYg-00071-00015136-00015327 that's when i decided 5kML9PN2iYg-00072-00015328-00015638 to have a heart attack and so people 5kML9PN2iYg-00073-00015640-00015830 would pay more attention to me 5kML9PN2iYg-00074-00015831-00016135 don't listen to him he's just faking it 5kML9PN2iYg-00075-00016136-00016383 whoa oh wow that's some good oh i think 5kML9PN2iYg-00076-00016384-00016439 we really 5kML9PN2iYg-00077-00016440-00016719 didn't have these monsters those 5kML9PN2iYg-00078-00016720-00018142 monsters could kill us 5kML9PN2iYg-00079-00018143-00018505 [Music] 5kRt6PTCdmu-00000-00000000-00000142 in the Bahamas authorities have 5kRt6PTCdmu-00001-00000143-00000377 published a list of 2,500 people who 5kRt6PTCdmu-00002-00000378-00000548 went missing after hurricane durian 5kRt6PTCdmu-00003-00000549-00000740 ravaged the island nation early 5kRt6PTCdmu-00004-00000741-00001075 September as a category 5 storm the 5kRt6PTCdmu-00005-00001076-00001328 official death toll stands at 50 but 5kRt6PTCdmu-00006-00001329-00001516 Prime Minister Hubert Menace warned 5kRt6PTCdmu-00007-00001517-00001816 Wednesday the number is likely to soar 5kRt6PTCdmu-00008-00001817-00002048 compounding the Bahamas misery as a 5kRt6PTCdmu-00009-00002049-00002302 massive oil spill that's begun to spread 5kRt6PTCdmu-00010-00002303-00002537 into the ocean off the southern coast of 5kRt6PTCdmu-00011-00002538-00002776 Grand Bahama Island after hurricane 5kRt6PTCdmu-00012-00002777-00003098 durian blew the lids off six giant crude 5kRt6PTCdmu-00013-00003099-00003415 oil tanks this comes as multiple news 5kRt6PTCdmu-00014-00003417-00003602 outlets reported the Trump 5kRt6PTCdmu-00015-00003603-00003856 administration has decided not to grant 5kRt6PTCdmu-00016-00003857-00004090 temporary protected status to Bohemians 5kRt6PTCdmu-00017-00004092-00004301 which would allow them to work and live 5kRt6PTCdmu-00018-00004302-00004493 in the United States until it's safe for 5kRt6PTCdmu-00019-00004494-00004769 them to return home in response the 5kRt6PTCdmu-00020-00004770-00004988 National Immigration Law Center tweeted 5kRt6PTCdmu-00021-00004989-00005306 for the Trump administration to deny TPS 5kRt6PTCdmu-00022-00005307-00005561 to those seeking shelter is yet another 5kRt6PTCdmu-00023-00005562-00005845 example of their sheer cruelty they said 5kRt6PTCdmu-00024-00005846-00006188 on Wednesday the Miami Herald reported a 5kRt6PTCdmu-00025-00006189-00006434 twelve-year-old Bahamian girl whose home 5kRt6PTCdmu-00026-00006434-00006638 was destroyed by the hurricane was 5kRt6PTCdmu-00027-00006639-00006823 separated from her family by US 5kRt6PTCdmu-00028-00006825-00007006 authorities after arriving in South 5kRt6PTCdmu-00029-00007008-00007283 Florida the girl kicked or appalled had 5kRt6PTCdmu-00030-00007284-00007492 arrived with her godmother at an airport 5kRt6PTCdmu-00031-00007493-00007681 in West Palm Beach and was taken into 5kRt6PTCdmu-00032-00007683-00007828 the custody of the Health and Human 5kRt6PTCdmu-00033-00007829-00008012 Services Department and moved to a 5kRt6PTCdmu-00034-00008013-00008198 facility for unaccompanied immigrant 5kRt6PTCdmu-00035-00008199-00008624 children in miami-dade County 5kV-wKni8OQ-00000-00000106-00001702 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00001-00001703-00001871 so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00002-00001872-00002118 so the first question is how are you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00003-00002119-00002295 coping with the covet 19 5kV-wKni8OQ-00004-00002296-00002542 crisis and how do you make sure that you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00005-00002543-00002999 get work done 5kV-wKni8OQ-00006-00003000-00003327 tips for getting my work done 5kV-wKni8OQ-00007-00003328-00003622 from my uh perspective it's been i mean 5kV-wKni8OQ-00008-00003623-00003759 part of the problem is being 5kV-wKni8OQ-00009-00003760-00004103 sometimes doing too much work because 5kV-wKni8OQ-00010-00004104-00004438 when you you're in this situation 5kV-wKni8OQ-00011-00004439-00004751 when that you can be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00012-00004752-00005015 in some way you are uh you can be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00013-00005016-00005135 enriched by 5kV-wKni8OQ-00014-00005136-00005359 many more people right you can be ready 5kV-wKni8OQ-00015-00005360-00005559 for a meeting numbers anytime soon all 5kV-wKni8OQ-00016-00005560-00005686 this that's what 5kV-wKni8OQ-00017-00005687-00006022 um people would 5kV-wKni8OQ-00018-00006023-00006254 would assume because the distances are 5kV-wKni8OQ-00019-00006255-00006431 shorter now 5kV-wKni8OQ-00020-00006431-00006614 there are no distances everybody said 5kV-wKni8OQ-00021-00006615-00006791 the same this so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00022-00006792-00006975 what happens is that if you don't 5kV-wKni8OQ-00023-00006976-00007142 control it you end up 5kV-wKni8OQ-00024-00007143-00008535 lot 5kV-wKni8OQ-00025-00008536-00008774 it happened we had our support and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00026-00008775-00009063 guidance and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00027-00009064-00009423 just awareness of not to stress 5kV-wKni8OQ-00028-00009424-00009910 be too stressed and not to have a good 5kV-wKni8OQ-00029-00009911-00010206 work-life balance so i've been able to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00030-00010207-00010351 manage it very well now 5kV-wKni8OQ-00031-00010352-00010735 by uh mixing walks there 5kV-wKni8OQ-00032-00010736-00011055 every day with uh then meetings and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00033-00011056-00011174 sitting down at 5kV-wKni8OQ-00034-00011175-00011542 home to just focus on work i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00035-00011543-00011838 also want to say that for when you have 5kV-wKni8OQ-00036-00011839-00011903 a team 5kV-wKni8OQ-00037-00011904-00012167 and or you're running projects i think 5kV-wKni8OQ-00038-00012168-00012335 the important thing when 5kV-wKni8OQ-00039-00012336-00012614 uh i mean i don't think it's just a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00040-00012615-00012774 pandemic but in general as 5kV-wKni8OQ-00041-00012775-00013086 work becomes more remote and more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00042-00013087-00013279 and i think we couldn't take advantage 5kV-wKni8OQ-00043-00013280-00013471 of that right because 5kV-wKni8OQ-00044-00013472-00013791 that's uh that could be um a good well 5kV-wKni8OQ-00045-00013791-00013943 trying to figure out what is the right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00046-00013944-00014119 hybrid way of working 5kV-wKni8OQ-00047-00014119-00014422 halfway more happy person would be could 5kV-wKni8OQ-00048-00014423-00014630 be ideal for many people 5kV-wKni8OQ-00049-00014631-00014871 so in that case it's very important to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00050-00014872-00014943 have 5kV-wKni8OQ-00051-00014944-00015271 a very clear understanding of common 5kV-wKni8OQ-00052-00015272-00015335 goals 5kV-wKni8OQ-00053-00015336-00015591 for the projects where everybody is 5kV-wKni8OQ-00054-00015591-00015671 doing 5kV-wKni8OQ-00055-00015672-00015935 what we know what we want to achieve 5kV-wKni8OQ-00056-00015936-00016238 short iterations on 5kV-wKni8OQ-00057-00016240-00016543 milestones that you can review often of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00058-00016544-00016591 course 5kV-wKni8OQ-00059-00016592-00016958 check-ins quick zoom check-ins once in a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00060-00016959-00017015 while 5kV-wKni8OQ-00061-00017016-00017175 but there is some work that it's better 5kV-wKni8OQ-00062-00017176-00017407 to be done without meeting so i think 5kV-wKni8OQ-00063-00017408-00017463 that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00064-00017464-00017735 that's also important to do on this time 5kV-wKni8OQ-00065-00017736-00017791 still 5kV-wKni8OQ-00066-00017792-00018039 there is a strategic work on some review 5kV-wKni8OQ-00067-00018040-00018111 work and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00068-00018112-00018350 more reading and more thinking that you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00069-00018351-00018479 could do 5kV-wKni8OQ-00070-00018480-00018855 uh in and well 5kV-wKni8OQ-00071-00018856-00019135 on your own so taking advantage of those 5kV-wKni8OQ-00072-00019136-00019263 and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00073-00019264-00019614 so that that's been the balance and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00074-00019615-00019799 we've been able to continue doing a lot 5kV-wKni8OQ-00075-00019800-00019935 of work harder 5kV-wKni8OQ-00076-00019936-00020375 with and well during the whole last year 5kV-wKni8OQ-00077-00020376-00020678 thank you and then 5kV-wKni8OQ-00078-00020679-00020919 question two before all this what would 5kV-wKni8OQ-00079-00020920-00021183 a typical working day have looked like 5kV-wKni8OQ-00080-00021184-00021478 and how does it look now 5kV-wKni8OQ-00081-00021479-00021911 yes it's easy to forget right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00082-00021912-00022222 how it used to look uh well i used to go 5kV-wKni8OQ-00083-00022223-00022471 a lot on campus and to be at my office 5kV-wKni8OQ-00084-00022472-00022630 and it would be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00085-00022631-00022863 in general a very friendly environment 5kV-wKni8OQ-00086-00022864-00023086 to talk to everybody around 5kV-wKni8OQ-00087-00023087-00023407 the offices nearby most of the team is 5kV-wKni8OQ-00088-00023408-00023767 is the same floor in the offices 5kV-wKni8OQ-00089-00023768-00023983 right next to mine so it was easy to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00090-00023984-00024142 chat with them 5kV-wKni8OQ-00091-00024143-00024319 and i guess those are the things that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00092-00024320-00024503 you miss right that just 5kV-wKni8OQ-00093-00024504-00024799 just be able to chat without having 5kV-wKni8OQ-00094-00024800-00024894 planned a meeting 5kV-wKni8OQ-00095-00024895-00025214 and having brainstorming sessions about 5kV-wKni8OQ-00096-00025215-00025303 things that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00097-00025304-00025614 you do like almost spontaneously 5kV-wKni8OQ-00098-00025616-00025911 so yeah it was a lot of a lot of meeting 5kV-wKni8OQ-00099-00025912-00025990 with people 5kV-wKni8OQ-00100-00025991-00026174 a lot of times sometimes walking from 5kV-wKni8OQ-00101-00026175-00026479 one part of campus to another 5kV-wKni8OQ-00102-00026480-00026814 to meet with different teams and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00103-00026816-00027079 groups and and also a lot more traveling 5kV-wKni8OQ-00104-00027080-00027302 to conferences 5kV-wKni8OQ-00105-00027304-00027614 so i think that now it's well i'm pretty 5kV-wKni8OQ-00106-00027616-00027807 fortunate right now and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00107-00027808-00028007 uh maybe do full house in the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00108-00028008-00028143 countryside and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00109-00028144-00028527 can do walks and that sounds much nicer 5kV-wKni8OQ-00110-00028527-00028743 than having to travel for conferences 5kV-wKni8OQ-00111-00028744-00028831 all the time 5kV-wKni8OQ-00112-00028832-00029102 yeah yeah well there's part of traveling 5kV-wKni8OQ-00113-00029104-00029231 for conferences but i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00114-00029232-00029543 also missed because it's really nice to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00115-00029544-00029807 see collaborators you could cover your 5kV-wKni8OQ-00116-00029808-00029895 my work with 5kV-wKni8OQ-00117-00029895-00030343 and just have interesting conversations 5kV-wKni8OQ-00118-00030344-00030551 and travel sometimes to beautiful places 5kV-wKni8OQ-00119-00030552-00030790 but uh but i think was too much so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00120-00030791-00030958 i think it has helped me realize that i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00121-00030960-00031102 was way too much 5kV-wKni8OQ-00122-00031103-00031511 and i like the quiet life and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00123-00031512-00031823 a lot of walks and nature 5kV-wKni8OQ-00124-00031824-00032127 and this can be surrounded 5kV-wKni8OQ-00125-00032127-00032607 wow i understand you love 5kV-wKni8OQ-00126-00032608-00032902 yeah more balanced in a way rather than 5kV-wKni8OQ-00127-00032903-00033095 some unnecessary travel 5kV-wKni8OQ-00128-00033096-00033359 now uh exactly that's why you do that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00129-00033360-00033479 anymore 5kV-wKni8OQ-00130-00033480-00033799 yes but hopefully we restore 5kV-wKni8OQ-00131-00033800-00033935 i mean that's what we're thinking at 5kV-wKni8OQ-00132-00033936-00034174 harvard how we restart 5kV-wKni8OQ-00133-00034175-00034502 after the pandemic by not saying we go 5kV-wKni8OQ-00134-00034503-00034671 back to where we were before 5kV-wKni8OQ-00135-00034672-00034862 that would be absurd right i mean i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00136-00034863-00035015 think everybody should think about 5kV-wKni8OQ-00137-00035016-00035633 how not 5kV-wKni8OQ-00138-00035634-00036495 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00139-00036496-00036702 to be nice work but it could be more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00140-00036703-00036862 productive and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00141-00036863-00037215 more enjoyable work 5kV-wKni8OQ-00142-00037216-00037711 thanks that sounds very inspiring 5kV-wKni8OQ-00143-00037712-00037959 so can you highlight three main ways 5kV-wKni8OQ-00144-00037960-00038230 that your work has supported researchers 5kV-wKni8OQ-00145-00038231-00038623 over the last few months 5kV-wKni8OQ-00146-00038624-00038951 okay um i yeah 5kV-wKni8OQ-00147-00038952-00039239 several things some are sort of ongoing 5kV-wKni8OQ-00148-00039240-00039511 but i'll start with 5kV-wKni8OQ-00149-00039512-00039839 two three that have happened so uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00150-00039840-00040151 i work well one of my 5kV-wKni8OQ-00151-00040152-00040590 roles at harvard is as the university 5kV-wKni8OQ-00152-00040591-00040783 researcher management officer 5kV-wKni8OQ-00153-00040784-00040918 university-wide so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00154-00040919-00041039 working with all schools and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00155-00041040-00041239 collaborating across all the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00156-00041240-00041607 departments and units and the university 5kV-wKni8OQ-00157-00041608-00041999 and in that role i have worked with my 5kV-wKni8OQ-00158-00042000-00042151 colleagues to create a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00159-00042152-00042415 service catalog upon all the services 5kV-wKni8OQ-00160-00042416-00042558 that harvard provides 5kV-wKni8OQ-00161-00042559-00042790 for this to support research mostly 5kV-wKni8OQ-00162-00042791-00042879 focusing on 5kV-wKni8OQ-00163-00042880-00043118 on data services and computing services 5kV-wKni8OQ-00164-00043119-00043351 but also administrative infrastructure 5kV-wKni8OQ-00165-00043352-00043471 services that are 5kV-wKni8OQ-00166-00043472-00043790 also useful to uh um 5kV-wKni8OQ-00167-00043791-00044039 to improve or don't kind uh how you do 5kV-wKni8OQ-00168-00044040-00044151 your research 5kV-wKni8OQ-00169-00044152-00044487 so we put together i mean the part of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00170-00044488-00044574 the problem 5kV-wKni8OQ-00171-00044575-00044879 uh is that a lot of the support 5kV-wKni8OQ-00172-00044880-00045207 for helping research and and also focus 5kV-wKni8OQ-00173-00045208-00045279 on 5kV-wKni8OQ-00174-00045280-00045630 uh with think of open science or more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00175-00045631-00045943 data management or just disseminating 5kV-wKni8OQ-00176-00045944-00046111 all the research 5kV-wKni8OQ-00177-00046112-00046327 all the products of the artifacts of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00178-00046328-00046518 research right not only the publications 5kV-wKni8OQ-00179-00046519-00046567 but the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00180-00046568-00046943 yeah the data the the code and so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00181-00046944-00047246 um so all those services can be very 5kV-wKni8OQ-00182-00047247-00047535 distributed within the university or 5kV-wKni8OQ-00183-00047536-00047855 on a research institution uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00184-00047856-00048183 and and many times you don't know 5kV-wKni8OQ-00185-00048184-00048262 exactly what 5kV-wKni8OQ-00186-00048263-00048502 what is happening right in other units 5kV-wKni8OQ-00187-00048503-00048574 so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00188-00048575-00048774 doing an inventory of everything that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00189-00048775-00048879 existed and putting 5kV-wKni8OQ-00190-00048880-00049111 it in a common website where it could be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00191-00049112-00049199 shared within 5kV-wKni8OQ-00192-00049200-00049518 a unified way so that we can compare 5kV-wKni8OQ-00193-00049519-00049630 easily 5kV-wKni8OQ-00194-00049631-00049927 what uh what is the well support 5kV-wKni8OQ-00195-00049928-00050102 research data management or research 5kV-wKni8OQ-00196-00050103-00050271 computing one area 5kV-wKni8OQ-00197-00050272-00050511 the university versus another so that it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00198-00050512-00050623 helps them to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00199-00050624-00050823 improve the services later right and to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00200-00050824-00051007 see are there is there 5kV-wKni8OQ-00201-00051008-00051246 an opportunity to unify some of them or 5kV-wKni8OQ-00202-00051247-00051494 to uh or to coordinate better some of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00203-00051495-00051607 the services or 5kV-wKni8OQ-00204-00051608-00051814 are there some gaps so that's been one 5kV-wKni8OQ-00205-00051815-00052007 of the early areas 5kV-wKni8OQ-00206-00052008-00052175 and as part of this for example we 5kV-wKni8OQ-00207-00052176-00052511 brought electronic lab notebooks 5kV-wKni8OQ-00208-00052512-00052854 in particular our space as a as one 5kV-wKni8OQ-00209-00052855-00053182 of the services for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00210-00053183-00053471 researchers at harvard to to have a to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00211-00053472-00053654 be able to use in their lab to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00212-00053655-00053935 to be able to collect and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00213-00053936-00054054 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00214-00054055-00054366 manage better all the data and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00215-00054367-00054615 information that they have connected to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00216-00054616-00054687 a research 5kV-wKni8OQ-00217-00054688-00055015 project uh and integrated them with 5kV-wKni8OQ-00218-00055016-00055215 other parts the repositories and other 5kV-wKni8OQ-00219-00055216-00055359 parts of the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00220-00055360-00055711 the well harvard system 5kV-wKni8OQ-00221-00055712-00056030 so and then others better maybe are more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00222-00056032-00056199 couple more that are 5kV-wKni8OQ-00223-00056200-00056447 ongoing so with the database project we 5kV-wKni8OQ-00224-00056448-00056575 constantly 5kV-wKni8OQ-00225-00056576-00056726 created new releases that help 5kV-wKni8OQ-00226-00056727-00056911 researchers to continue 5kV-wKni8OQ-00227-00056912-00057399 sharing data in what we hope to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00228-00057400-00057663 provide you know more user-friendly ways 5kV-wKni8OQ-00229-00057664-00057887 of sharing data but also more features 5kV-wKni8OQ-00230-00057888-00057942 that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00231-00057944-00058247 facilitates uh data management and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00232-00058248-00058359 sharing 5kV-wKni8OQ-00233-00058360-00058630 and supporting fair principles so that's 5kV-wKni8OQ-00234-00058632-00058735 an ongoing thing 5kV-wKni8OQ-00235-00058736-00059023 right but a particular hardware we've 5kV-wKni8OQ-00236-00059024-00059087 been 5kV-wKni8OQ-00237-00059088-00059438 uh working on on a proposal this is not 5kV-wKni8OQ-00238-00059439-00059638 yet in place it hasn't yet 5kV-wKni8OQ-00239-00059639-00059887 helped researchers but uh we're hoping 5kV-wKni8OQ-00240-00059888-00060094 that will be the case in the next years 5kV-wKni8OQ-00241-00060095-00060311 so uh for creating a hardware data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00242-00060312-00060447 commons where we integrate the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00243-00060448-00060623 repositories that harbor including the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00244-00060624-00060766 harvard database 5kV-wKni8OQ-00245-00060767-00061199 repository for data with the open access 5kV-wKni8OQ-00246-00061200-00061519 repository for publication and under 5kV-wKni8OQ-00247-00061520-00061703 preservation repository from the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00248-00061704-00061894 libraries the harvard libraries 5kV-wKni8OQ-00249-00061895-00062215 with research computing so we and and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00250-00062216-00062263 also 5kV-wKni8OQ-00251-00062264-00062647 supporting better workflows 5kV-wKni8OQ-00252-00062648-00062991 and the containerization of the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00253-00062991-00063638 packaging of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00254-00063639-00063766 all the steps that you've done in your 5kV-wKni8OQ-00255-00063767-00063975 research with the data and the coherence 5kV-wKni8OQ-00256-00063976-00064199 so that's what we call these data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00257-00064200-00064287 commons 5kV-wKni8OQ-00258-00064288-00064582 and i would say the third one is it's 5kV-wKni8OQ-00259-00064583-00064623 been 5kV-wKni8OQ-00260-00064624-00065006 working on areas related to data privacy 5kV-wKni8OQ-00261-00065007-00065350 and and sensitive data so in particular 5kV-wKni8OQ-00262-00065351-00065638 uh launching a project that is called 5kV-wKni8OQ-00263-00065639-00065911 opendp for differential privacy 5kV-wKni8OQ-00264-00065912-00066247 for a weekly we're building a library of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00265-00066248-00066575 algorithms and methods to add uh some 5kV-wKni8OQ-00266-00066576-00066926 amount of noise an amount of noise to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00267-00066927-00067175 the statistical releases of a data set 5kV-wKni8OQ-00268-00067176-00067263 so that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00269-00067264-00067550 you could really release that publicly 5kV-wKni8OQ-00270-00067551-00067623 because 5kV-wKni8OQ-00271-00067624-00067982 it protects the sensitive information of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00272-00067983-00068126 the data sets 5kV-wKni8OQ-00273-00068127-00068463 by by adding 5kV-wKni8OQ-00274-00068464-00068782 sufficient nodes that you know and know 5kV-wKni8OQ-00275-00068783-00069015 any individual within the data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00276-00069016-00069375 could be reid identified 5kV-wKni8OQ-00277-00069376-00069559 so i think they said three three 5kV-wKni8OQ-00278-00069560-00069975 projects 5kV-wKni8OQ-00279-00069976-00070175 what was the name of that last project 5kV-wKni8OQ-00280-00070176-00070399 you said 5kV-wKni8OQ-00281-00070400-00070615 dp from differential privacy 5kV-wKni8OQ-00282-00070616-00070703 differential 5kV-wKni8OQ-00283-00070704-00071047 privacies mathematical approach to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00284-00071048-00071319 privacy preserving privacy preserving 5kV-wKni8OQ-00285-00071320-00071482 algorithms 5kV-wKni8OQ-00286-00071483-00071750 yes open the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00287-00071751-00072111 differential privacy open in the sense 5kV-wKni8OQ-00288-00072112-00072143 of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00289-00072144-00072375 open source project it's an open source 5kV-wKni8OQ-00290-00072376-00072471 project so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00291-00072472-00072703 uh there is a transparency about how we 5kV-wKni8OQ-00292-00072704-00072799 do that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00293-00072800-00073311 but it adds it protects privacy 5kV-wKni8OQ-00294-00073312-00073582 if you have any links yes don't hesitate 5kV-wKni8OQ-00295-00073583-00073735 to send them 5kV-wKni8OQ-00296-00073736-00074047 so i don't spell it wrong 5kV-wKni8OQ-00297-00074048-00074503 thanks okay 5kV-wKni8OQ-00298-00074504-00074750 so your career began in research and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00299-00074751-00074903 astrophysics 5kV-wKni8OQ-00300-00074904-00075119 and then the design and implementation 5kV-wKni8OQ-00301-00075120-00075303 of software for astronomical 5kV-wKni8OQ-00302-00075304-00075462 observations 5kV-wKni8OQ-00303-00075463-00075719 how did you get to where you are today 5kV-wKni8OQ-00304-00075720-00075950 yes that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00305-00075951-00076143 often i just send you the link by the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00306-00076144-00076279 way to open the video 5kV-wKni8OQ-00307-00076280-00076806 okay so yeah 5kV-wKni8OQ-00308-00076807-00077238 i'm often asked a similar question 5kV-wKni8OQ-00309-00077239-00077615 and first i usually point out that there 5kV-wKni8OQ-00310-00077616-00077647 are 5kV-wKni8OQ-00311-00077648-00077911 actually many uh large number of large 5kV-wKni8OQ-00312-00077912-00077967 fraction 5kV-wKni8OQ-00313-00077968-00078199 of data scientists are physics 5kV-wKni8OQ-00314-00078200-00078287 physicists and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00315-00078288-00078623 as astrophysicists right so because 5kV-wKni8OQ-00316-00078624-00078967 uh and in astronomy and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00317-00078968-00079271 physics and physics uh a lot of the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00318-00079272-00079631 the work that uh that we do 5kV-wKni8OQ-00319-00079632-00079926 is first of all managing analyzing very 5kV-wKni8OQ-00320-00079927-00080143 large amounts of data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00321-00080144-00080343 and building a lot of the systems that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00322-00080344-00080447 are needed 5kV-wKni8OQ-00323-00080448-00080743 for to do so because we don't have 5kV-wKni8OQ-00324-00080744-00080862 usually 5kV-wKni8OQ-00325-00080863-00081135 uh companies or many products that do 5kV-wKni8OQ-00326-00081136-00081319 the analysis of that data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00327-00081320-00081591 or that that they work on or they build 5kV-wKni8OQ-00328-00081592-00081631 uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00329-00081632-00082111 the how to uh do a remote observation 5kV-wKni8OQ-00330-00082112-00082438 in a telescope so so they're usually the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00331-00082439-00082743 the systems and the tools that are used 5kV-wKni8OQ-00332-00082744-00082775 in 5kV-wKni8OQ-00333-00082776-00083094 research uh within astronomy of physics 5kV-wKni8OQ-00334-00083095-00083591 um happen to be built by the same 5kV-wKni8OQ-00335-00083592-00083911 the same well researchers right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00336-00083912-00084303 uh in those fields so you learn a lot of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00337-00084304-00084359 that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00338-00084360-00084711 by actually doing it at some point 5kV-wKni8OQ-00339-00084712-00084975 uh when there were a lot of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00340-00084976-00085215 opportunities to go to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00341-00085216-00085462 the private sector and through startups 5kV-wKni8OQ-00342-00085463-00085662 working on software development 5kV-wKni8OQ-00343-00085663-00086015 uh i just had a good opportunity to move 5kV-wKni8OQ-00344-00086016-00086350 into a company to a startup and and then 5kV-wKni8OQ-00345-00086351-00086687 i went into for a few years i learned 5kV-wKni8OQ-00346-00086688-00086882 more about software development and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00347-00086883-00087111 management several projects 5kV-wKni8OQ-00348-00087112-00087471 some on building software for education 5kV-wKni8OQ-00349-00087472-00087559 and some 5kV-wKni8OQ-00350-00087560-00087887 related to biotechs and which i mean 5kV-wKni8OQ-00351-00087888-00088175 in every case it involves a lot of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00352-00088176-00088343 building 5kV-wKni8OQ-00353-00088344-00088582 systems that that would help with data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00354-00088583-00088791 management and our analysis were 5kV-wKni8OQ-00355-00088792-00089135 very focused on on a specific 5kV-wKni8OQ-00356-00089136-00089511 field and then at some point i was 5kV-wKni8OQ-00357-00089512-00089743 i was missing being a harvard and an 5kV-wKni8OQ-00358-00089744-00089823 academian 5kV-wKni8OQ-00359-00089824-00090126 and i went back to harvard in that case 5kV-wKni8OQ-00360-00090127-00090367 with the role of uh creating a project 5kV-wKni8OQ-00361-00090368-00090471 that ended up 5kV-wKni8OQ-00362-00090472-00090855 ended up being the database for um 5kV-wKni8OQ-00363-00090856-00091159 well a platform for creating uh data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00364-00091160-00091311 sharing platform right and building a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00365-00091312-00091447 repository for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00366-00091448-00091726 making data more accessible for research 5kV-wKni8OQ-00367-00091727-00091838 and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00368-00091839-00092055 that was a much more general a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00369-00092056-00092199 generalizable 5kV-wKni8OQ-00370-00092200-00092511 approach than it had what i had done 5kV-wKni8OQ-00371-00092512-00092799 before but it's got a lot of the common 5kV-wKni8OQ-00372-00092800-00093015 uh yeah common areas 5kV-wKni8OQ-00373-00093016-00093350 so it's it's uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00374-00093351-00093679 some from the from now it looks like it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00375-00093680-00093911 could have been planned but also in life 5kV-wKni8OQ-00376-00093912-00094182 there are a lot of things that have 5kV-wKni8OQ-00377-00094183-00094391 just happened at the moment that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00378-00094392-00094591 personal 5kV-wKni8OQ-00379-00094592-00094871 sometimes yeah personal powers of life 5kV-wKni8OQ-00380-00094872-00095071 yeah that gives you opportunities 5kV-wKni8OQ-00381-00095072-00095247 for personal situations that make you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00382-00095248-00095431 saying okay now it's a good moment to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00383-00095432-00095591 make a change and so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00384-00095592-00095887 but from once you've gone through it you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00385-00095888-00095926 could 5kV-wKni8OQ-00386-00095927-00096076 make sense of it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00387-00096077-00096311 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00388-00096312-00096543 yeah definitely those choices we make 5kV-wKni8OQ-00389-00096544-00096718 along the way 5kV-wKni8OQ-00390-00096719-00096855 they make sense and they make a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00391-00096856-00097055 difference 5kV-wKni8OQ-00392-00097056-00097206 so it definitely sounds like yeah 5kV-wKni8OQ-00393-00097207-00097391 sharing data sharing was something you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00394-00097392-00097462 wanted to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00395-00097463-00097871 get behind 5kV-wKni8OQ-00396-00097872-00098167 and now we have a lighter question this 5kV-wKni8OQ-00397-00098168-00098199 was 5kV-wKni8OQ-00398-00098200-00098638 one of ron's inputs fc barcelona or 5kV-wKni8OQ-00399-00098639-00098806 do you have any favorite football 5kV-wKni8OQ-00400-00098807-00098999 players 5kV-wKni8OQ-00401-00099000-00099303 well it's very easy answer 5kV-wKni8OQ-00402-00099304-00099767 i'm from barcelona so barsa 5kV-wKni8OQ-00403-00099768-00100015 and i guess messy because we all love 5kV-wKni8OQ-00404-00100016-00100294 messi 5kV-wKni8OQ-00405-00100295-00100559 so yeah i i don't watch it that often 5kV-wKni8OQ-00406-00100560-00100703 it's only when there is a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00407-00100704-00101062 like a very interesting 5kV-wKni8OQ-00408-00101063-00101350 match could be or some madrid or some 5kV-wKni8OQ-00409-00101351-00101462 finals or so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00410-00101463-00101735 so but i did i i for many years i've 5kV-wKni8OQ-00411-00101736-00101950 been playing soccer 5kV-wKni8OQ-00412-00101951-00102247 in in boston with the women's team oh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00413-00102248-00102303 wow 5kV-wKni8OQ-00414-00102304-00102486 so you're actually yeah you actually 5kV-wKni8OQ-00415-00102488-00102630 know 5kV-wKni8OQ-00416-00102631-00102934 football doesn't mean that i know it's a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00417-00102935-00102982 very 5kV-wKni8OQ-00418-00102983-00103327 friendly team 5kV-wKni8OQ-00419-00103328-00103639 well right we got together we said oh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00420-00103640-00103718 why don't we 5kV-wKni8OQ-00421-00103719-00103990 we used to coach our our sons or our 5kV-wKni8OQ-00422-00103991-00104134 daughters and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00423-00104135-00104366 at some point we said why don't we learn 5kV-wKni8OQ-00424-00104367-00104582 more about it and play ourselves and we 5kV-wKni8OQ-00425-00104583-00104710 made a team and now we're 5kV-wKni8OQ-00426-00104711-00105095 in the some yeah some tournaments in new 5kV-wKni8OQ-00427-00105096-00105319 england well that's great do you still 5kV-wKni8OQ-00428-00105320-00105623 well before corona were you playing or i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00429-00105624-00105766 was playing just before 5kV-wKni8OQ-00430-00105767-00106143 yeah i think but i haven't been playing 5kV-wKni8OQ-00431-00106144-00106351 since then unfortunately 5kV-wKni8OQ-00432-00106352-00106551 oh is this something you can pick up 5kV-wKni8OQ-00433-00106552-00106727 again maybe 5kV-wKni8OQ-00434-00106728-00107047 yeah getting older but yeah i'll try to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00435-00107048-00107286 yeah i was never good at it so there's 5kV-wKni8OQ-00436-00107288-00107463 no there is not much to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00437-00107464-00107686 you know i know i don't claim to be good 5kV-wKni8OQ-00438-00107688-00107958 it was a lot of fun though 5kV-wKni8OQ-00439-00107959-00108134 it's about having fun and getting 5kV-wKni8OQ-00440-00108135-00108399 exercise isn't it and it's social 5kV-wKni8OQ-00441-00108400-00108702 it's also very social so yeah it was 5kV-wKni8OQ-00442-00108703-00108790 wonderful the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00443-00108791-00109263 the humans yeah was really okay well 5kV-wKni8OQ-00444-00109264-00109447 i'm sure we'll get an opportunity to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00445-00109448-00109623 continue that or to meet them again and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00446-00109624-00109663 have 5kV-wKni8OQ-00447-00109664-00110015 a have a have a rematch a postcovid 5kV-wKni8OQ-00448-00110016-00110239 match 5kV-wKni8OQ-00449-00110240-00110390 um actually women's football is quite 5kV-wKni8OQ-00450-00110391-00110527 big in norway we don't need to go into 5kV-wKni8OQ-00451-00110528-00110710 that now but uh oh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00452-00110711-00111054 yeah it's uh it's on national tv yeah 5kV-wKni8OQ-00453-00111055-00111239 yeah i've seen it it's it's yeah it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00454-00111240-00111447 seems to be quite big here so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00455-00111448-00111751 that's great yeah good for norway nobody 5kV-wKni8OQ-00456-00111752-00111951 does a lot of things very well so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00457-00111952-00112254 that's another one 5kV-wKni8OQ-00458-00112255-00112486 and yeah back to a more technical 5kV-wKni8OQ-00459-00112488-00112583 question 5kV-wKni8OQ-00460-00112583-00112919 um dataverse is used more and more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00461-00112920-00113151 but what are its major features and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00462-00113152-00113327 major current developments 5kV-wKni8OQ-00463-00113328-00113719 including ddi cdi metadata standard 5kV-wKni8OQ-00464-00113720-00113943 and then a sub question who are your 5kV-wKni8OQ-00465-00113944-00114166 main users and are there differences 5kV-wKni8OQ-00466-00114167-00114223 between 5kV-wKni8OQ-00467-00114224-00114766 us and european users 5kV-wKni8OQ-00468-00114767-00115102 okay let me see there is um 5kV-wKni8OQ-00469-00115103-00115423 a lot into the questions where i start 5kV-wKni8OQ-00470-00115424-00115734 so uh yeah um they 5kV-wKni8OQ-00471-00115735-00115975 they were just having growing uh i mean 5kV-wKni8OQ-00472-00115976-00116134 the most important part 5kV-wKni8OQ-00473-00116135-00116278 part of the universe that had the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00474-00116279-00116447 diverse project that has grown is the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00475-00116448-00116583 community it's community 5kV-wKni8OQ-00476-00116583-00116902 right and and by uh of developers and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00477-00116903-00117071 users 5kV-wKni8OQ-00478-00117072-00117447 and also not only growing in size but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00479-00117448-00117766 uh so being much more engaged so in some 5kV-wKni8OQ-00480-00117767-00118102 in some way um a lot of the new features 5kV-wKni8OQ-00481-00118103-00118263 now also come from 5kV-wKni8OQ-00482-00118264-00118431 groups not only the institute for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00483-00118432-00118607 quantitative social science at harvard 5kV-wKni8OQ-00484-00118608-00118678 where 5kV-wKni8OQ-00485-00118679-00118878 it was first developed and it continues 5kV-wKni8OQ-00486-00118879-00119095 being developed but also from groups all 5kV-wKni8OQ-00487-00119096-00119158 over 5kV-wKni8OQ-00488-00119159-00119439 the world right and europe has many 5kV-wKni8OQ-00489-00119440-00119583 groups in europe has had 5kV-wKni8OQ-00490-00119583-00119951 a very strong um well contribution 5kV-wKni8OQ-00491-00119952-00120239 to to the project and to new features so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00492-00120240-00120351 there are some of the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00493-00120352-00120502 features that are being developed now 5kV-wKni8OQ-00494-00120503-00120719 and in paris thanks to the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00495-00120720-00120999 to some members of the community uh for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00496-00121000-00121086 example 5kV-wKni8OQ-00497-00121088-00121263 more better support for multiple 5kV-wKni8OQ-00498-00121264-00121454 licenses so that provide 5kV-wKni8OQ-00499-00121455-00121766 more licenses so the universe had 5kV-wKni8OQ-00500-00121767-00122054 um but you also ask about the main 5kV-wKni8OQ-00501-00122055-00122214 features right so some of the main 5kV-wKni8OQ-00502-00122215-00122375 features i would say are 5kV-wKni8OQ-00503-00122376-00122727 uh providing uh flow for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00504-00122728-00122983 for depositing data being able to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00505-00122983-00123183 publish it with a voi 5kV-wKni8OQ-00506-00123183-00123510 they decided while it could be handled 5kV-wKni8OQ-00507-00123511-00123575 on it but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00508-00123576-00123934 um but it is most of the time a diy 5kV-wKni8OQ-00509-00123935-00124199 persistent identifier right and a data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00510-00124200-00124399 salutation that gives credit to the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00511-00124400-00124527 developers 5kV-wKni8OQ-00512-00124528-00124839 and so on and and it supports uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00513-00124840-00125143 data set um but first data universe 5kV-wKni8OQ-00514-00125144-00125351 collection so collection of data sets 5kV-wKni8OQ-00515-00125352-00125495 and data sets 5kV-wKni8OQ-00516-00125496-00125847 with metadata and files and and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00517-00125848-00126247 recently we've been adding features that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00518-00126248-00126614 adds more support for different uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00519-00126615-00126871 ways of depositing very large amounts of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00520-00126872-00126934 files 5kV-wKni8OQ-00521-00126935-00127254 uh every time depositing 5kV-wKni8OQ-00522-00127255-00127495 more data it supports any type of file 5kV-wKni8OQ-00523-00127496-00127686 so then that way 5kV-wKni8OQ-00524-00127688-00127910 we think of the platform as a generalist 5kV-wKni8OQ-00525-00127911-00128119 leader repository because it can support 5kV-wKni8OQ-00526-00128120-00128207 many 5kV-wKni8OQ-00527-00128208-00128463 many fields but it was initiated whether 5kV-wKni8OQ-00528-00128464-00128566 it started with 5kV-wKni8OQ-00529-00128567-00128895 a support for social science and because 5kV-wKni8OQ-00530-00128896-00129054 of that it has a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00531-00129055-00129351 very strong support for ddi right and so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00532-00129352-00129383 it's 5kV-wKni8OQ-00533-00129383-00129710 it's i mean the universe takes 5kV-wKni8OQ-00534-00129711-00129958 taken from the beginning metadata is a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00535-00129959-00130199 very important part of uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00536-00130200-00130407 media data standards important part of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00537-00130408-00130510 the features 5kV-wKni8OQ-00538-00130511-00130895 so we we try to export to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00539-00130896-00131127 all the standards that are useful to the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00540-00131128-00131295 community right and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00541-00131296-00131551 so the metadata can be some exported 5kV-wKni8OQ-00542-00131552-00131631 dublin core 5kV-wKni8OQ-00543-00131632-00131975 in data site metadata and ddi but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00544-00131976-00132175 one of the things that i think 5kV-wKni8OQ-00545-00132176-00132335 distinguishes from 5kV-wKni8OQ-00546-00132336-00132575 other repositories is also the extensive 5kV-wKni8OQ-00547-00132576-00132743 worry about metadata 5kV-wKni8OQ-00548-00132744-00132999 for tabular data files that the ddi 5kV-wKni8OQ-00549-00133000-00133127 supports very well 5kV-wKni8OQ-00550-00133128-00133575 so all the detail uh uh variable 5kV-wKni8OQ-00551-00133576-00133854 uh well the fun level of the the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00552-00133855-00134071 variable labels and names and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00553-00134072-00134366 target variable types and so and that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00554-00134367-00134502 helps a lot to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00555-00134503-00134702 then be able to explore the data to do 5kV-wKni8OQ-00556-00134703-00134935 analysis on the data and to standardize 5kV-wKni8OQ-00557-00134936-00135031 it and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00558-00135032-00135223 and hopefully at some point be able to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00559-00135224-00135343 merge one data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00560-00135344-00135543 file with another right so that's when 5kV-wKni8OQ-00561-00135544-00135823 vdi cdi that you also ask 5kV-wKni8OQ-00562-00135824-00136247 us about uh welcome comes in because uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00563-00136248-00136559 database is very well placed to to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00564-00136560-00136775 extend now and be able to support the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00565-00136776-00137143 ddi cdi so we've been identifying a few 5kV-wKni8OQ-00566-00137144-00137295 use cases that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00567-00137296-00137663 could be useful to to support 5kV-wKni8OQ-00568-00137664-00138127 and we're working here with 5kV-wKni8OQ-00569-00138128-00138559 with simon hudson from coda with stephen 5kV-wKni8OQ-00570-00138560-00138814 macker i'm going to say their name right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00571-00138815-00138878 because i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00572-00138879-00139207 don't pronounce it very well 5kV-wKni8OQ-00573-00139208-00139647 from also the from the australia 5kV-wKni8OQ-00574-00139648-00140223 from sorry 5kV-wKni8OQ-00575-00140224-00140527 the australian what is it a alien data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00576-00140528-00140871 ada yeah yes 5kV-wKni8OQ-00577-00140872-00141327 ada ada that's it yes 5kV-wKni8OQ-00578-00141328-00141527 australian data archive yeah i think i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00579-00141528-00141695 get this newsletter 5kV-wKni8OQ-00580-00141696-00141911 as much as i know about them yeah now 5kV-wKni8OQ-00581-00141912-00142031 they're wonderful 5kV-wKni8OQ-00582-00142032-00142223 they use database and they've been 5kV-wKni8OQ-00583-00142224-00142359 expanding also 5kV-wKni8OQ-00584-00142360-00142614 while helping to expand and be very 5kV-wKni8OQ-00585-00142615-00142775 creative with the functionality 5kV-wKni8OQ-00586-00142776-00143159 so were working and uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00587-00143160-00143487 with several others and i can i should 5kV-wKni8OQ-00588-00143488-00143766 i should mention all the names now but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00589-00143767-00143823 uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00590-00143824-00144166 i can give them to you later 5kV-wKni8OQ-00591-00144167-00144511 but uh yeah just to see how we would um 5kV-wKni8OQ-00592-00144512-00144823 support the icbi 5kV-wKni8OQ-00593-00144824-00145135 the reverse so i believe you asked a few 5kV-wKni8OQ-00594-00145136-00145447 another connected question right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00595-00145448-00145683 yeah sorry it was a combination of two 5kV-wKni8OQ-00596-00145684-00145990 questions so that was the first one 5kV-wKni8OQ-00597-00145991-00146183 and then the second question was who are 5kV-wKni8OQ-00598-00146184-00146359 your main users 5kV-wKni8OQ-00599-00146360-00146623 and are there differences between 5kV-wKni8OQ-00600-00146624-00146799 european and u.s 5kV-wKni8OQ-00601-00146800-00147175 users so yeah in terms of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00602-00147176-00147559 users it just depends on what really 5kV-wKni8OQ-00603-00147560-00147790 what you refer to so for the hard part 5kV-wKni8OQ-00604-00147791-00148014 of our repository which is open to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00605-00148015-00148335 to any researcher and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00606-00148336-00148678 for any discipline uh so we have users 5kV-wKni8OQ-00607-00148679-00148751 from 5kV-wKni8OQ-00608-00148752-00148959 any research individual researcher we 5kV-wKni8OQ-00609-00148960-00149135 also have journals that use 5kV-wKni8OQ-00610-00149136-00149454 the uh the repository to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00611-00149455-00149759 to just well uh able to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00612-00149760-00149943 deposit all the data that accompanies 5kV-wKni8OQ-00613-00149944-00150095 their publications in the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00614-00150096-00150414 in the journal right um 5kV-wKni8OQ-00615-00150415-00150614 and yeah it doesn't have to be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00616-00150615-00150839 associated updated with hardware 5kV-wKni8OQ-00617-00150840-00151095 this is the hardware diversity open to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00618-00151096-00151311 other research community 5kV-wKni8OQ-00619-00151312-00151590 but then the the database software 5kV-wKni8OQ-00620-00151591-00151671 platform 5kV-wKni8OQ-00621-00151672-00151975 right there at the open source platform 5kV-wKni8OQ-00622-00151976-00152225 uh in that case the users are usually in 5kV-wKni8OQ-00623-00152226-00152335 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00624-00152336-00152502 research institutions research 5kV-wKni8OQ-00625-00152503-00152663 organizations universities 5kV-wKni8OQ-00626-00152664-00152902 all over the world either they have they 5kV-wKni8OQ-00627-00152903-00152999 want to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00628-00153000-00153278 set up their own institutional 5kV-wKni8OQ-00629-00153279-00153390 repository 5kV-wKni8OQ-00630-00153391-00153726 or repository for very 5kV-wKni8OQ-00631-00153727-00153943 often in the case there is a repository 5kV-wKni8OQ-00632-00153944-00154095 to support 5kV-wKni8OQ-00633-00154096-00154311 several universities for example in 5kV-wKni8OQ-00634-00154312-00154407 norway right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00635-00154408-00154678 uh that there are several universities 5kV-wKni8OQ-00636-00154679-00154735 that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00637-00154736-00155095 would use database and under the same 5kV-wKni8OQ-00638-00155096-00155302 platform or the same instance or 5kV-wKni8OQ-00639-00155303-00155602 installation of the universe software 5kV-wKni8OQ-00640-00155603-00155902 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00641-00155903-00156207 but each one has its own collection the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00642-00156208-00156263 same 5kV-wKni8OQ-00643-00156264-00156639 in in texas there is a consortium of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00644-00156640-00156839 universities so they use all the same 5kV-wKni8OQ-00645-00156840-00157007 installation in canada there is 5kV-wKni8OQ-00646-00157008-00157183 something similar right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00647-00157184-00157399 and then their archives like like we 5kV-wKni8OQ-00648-00157400-00157575 just mentioned probably australian 5kV-wKni8OQ-00649-00157576-00157735 archives 5kV-wKni8OQ-00650-00157736-00158014 they would be another user but our users 5kV-wKni8OQ-00651-00158015-00158231 and contributors and developers so they 5kV-wKni8OQ-00652-00158232-00158351 become 5kV-wKni8OQ-00653-00158352-00158671 everything in this case um yep and i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00654-00158672-00158839 think the differences between 5kV-wKni8OQ-00655-00158840-00159119 european uh usa i don't think there is 5kV-wKni8OQ-00656-00159120-00159295 necessarily that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00657-00159296-00159566 huge differences i think that the what 5kV-wKni8OQ-00658-00159567-00159926 have we seen though that europe has been 5kV-wKni8OQ-00659-00159927-00160143 has advanced more has been more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00660-00160144-00160590 proactive and supporting open science 5kV-wKni8OQ-00661-00160591-00161071 and also mr eos by the european open 5kV-wKni8OQ-00662-00161072-00161351 open science cloud and with other uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00663-00161352-00161447 well 5kV-wKni8OQ-00664-00161448-00161735 i'm sure says that has also uh played a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00665-00161736-00161775 role 5kV-wKni8OQ-00666-00161776-00161966 with many organizations that have been 5kV-wKni8OQ-00667-00161967-00162087 supporting that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00668-00162088-00162407 so so that they are 5kV-wKni8OQ-00669-00162408-00162743 they're ready to to just 5kV-wKni8OQ-00670-00162744-00163111 well provide solutions for sharing data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00671-00163112-00163407 in the us there are some universities 5kV-wKni8OQ-00672-00163408-00163502 that are moving 5kV-wKni8OQ-00673-00163503-00163751 forward very much with that but it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00674-00163752-00163871 hasn't reached 5kV-wKni8OQ-00675-00163872-00164583 everywhere yet 5kV-wKni8OQ-00676-00164584-00165047 thanks so what are the main barriers for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00677-00165048-00165295 the reuse of research data and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00678-00165296-00165566 code and what is for you the key to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00679-00165567-00165647 improving 5kV-wKni8OQ-00680-00165648-00166047 research data management yeah 5kV-wKni8OQ-00681-00166048-00166495 various and we keep finding new ones but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00682-00166496-00166799 i mentioned a couple right uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00683-00166800-00167102 one is the fact that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00684-00167103-00167423 when we have well when our own 5kV-wKni8OQ-00685-00167424-00167599 researchers and also from the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00686-00167600-00167735 perspective of research in the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00687-00167736-00167863 perspective of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00688-00167864-00168095 their profession will be that that it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00689-00168096-00168295 supports uh researchers right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00690-00168296-00168631 so i can see from from 5kV-wKni8OQ-00691-00168632-00169126 um great or 5kV-wKni8OQ-00692-00169127-00169351 prepare your data in a way that anybody 5kV-wKni8OQ-00693-00169352-00169583 else rather 5kV-wKni8OQ-00694-00169584-00169854 besides you and your group can use right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00695-00169855-00169902 so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00696-00169903-00170207 uh provide the proper descriptions and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00697-00170208-00170343 metadata 5kV-wKni8OQ-00698-00170344-00170663 being uh organized and cleaned 5kV-wKni8OQ-00699-00170664-00171023 with formats that are easy to reuse and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00700-00171024-00171095 so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00701-00171096-00171447 so uh i i think the the lack of of this 5kV-wKni8OQ-00702-00171448-00171687 uh description of the data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00703-00171688-00172063 and the information if you just put a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00704-00172064-00172287 table of values that means nothing right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00705-00172288-00172438 when you start having a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00706-00172439-00172726 uh something that describes every column 5kV-wKni8OQ-00707-00172727-00172775 i mean 5kV-wKni8OQ-00708-00172776-00172999 now we're talking about how much data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00709-00173000-00173223 could be other types of data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00710-00173224-00173383 when you start describing every column 5kV-wKni8OQ-00711-00173384-00173519 you have more information but when you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00712-00173520-00173614 describe 5kV-wKni8OQ-00713-00173615-00173990 how that that variable uh attribute was 5kV-wKni8OQ-00714-00173991-00174287 collected and how it compares to others 5kV-wKni8OQ-00715-00174288-00174366 and does it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00716-00174367-00174687 use a control vocab or you know is it as 5kV-wKni8OQ-00717-00174688-00174814 you follow us better and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00718-00174815-00175014 how you can then you can start 5kV-wKni8OQ-00719-00175015-00175119 understanding 5kV-wKni8OQ-00720-00175120-00175351 better the data set right so the more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00721-00175352-00175431 you describe 5kV-wKni8OQ-00722-00175432-00175663 it and the more standardized it is the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00723-00175664-00175759 easiest to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00724-00175760-00175966 use i think that's one of the problems 5kV-wKni8OQ-00725-00175967-00176143 and that's one of the areas that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00726-00176144-00176511 data curators and research data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00727-00176512-00176695 management kind of help to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00728-00176696-00176887 just do that from the beginning instead 5kV-wKni8OQ-00729-00176888-00177078 of doing it at the end when 5kV-wKni8OQ-00730-00177079-00177319 you have to publish the data and then 5kV-wKni8OQ-00731-00177320-00177478 you don't have all that information 5kV-wKni8OQ-00732-00177479-00177535 right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00733-00177536-00177790 and even if you don't do it to for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00734-00177791-00178063 somebody else to reuse it we often say 5kV-wKni8OQ-00735-00178064-00178271 that even for your own research if you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00736-00178272-00178351 go back to it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00737-00178352-00178631 after five years to understand how that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00738-00178632-00178807 dataset was collected what it was 5kV-wKni8OQ-00739-00178808-00179071 what are the transformations of the data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00740-00179072-00179223 and so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00741-00179224-00179463 so when you're very familiar with 5kV-wKni8OQ-00742-00179464-00179687 building a code book for it right so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00743-00179688-00179983 some things like uh similar things but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00744-00179984-00180104 that expands or 5kV-wKni8OQ-00745-00180105-00180278 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00746-00180279-00180551 might be different basically how you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00747-00180552-00180607 think about 5kV-wKni8OQ-00748-00180608-00180838 it so that's one thing the other thing 5kV-wKni8OQ-00749-00180839-00180919 is that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00750-00180920-00181247 they show that some data that a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00751-00181248-00181471 growing number of data in social science 5kV-wKni8OQ-00752-00181472-00181614 but uh also in other 5kV-wKni8OQ-00753-00181615-00181847 therefore in medicine and health and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00754-00181848-00181966 public health and so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00755-00181967-00182287 there is um data that has privacy issues 5kV-wKni8OQ-00756-00182288-00182438 whether we talk to before about 5kV-wKni8OQ-00757-00182439-00182607 sensitive data sets 5kV-wKni8OQ-00758-00182608-00182935 um data that comes from industry right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00759-00182936-00183119 or from technologies that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00760-00183120-00183343 that they have a hard time sharing it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00761-00183344-00183483 for research so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00762-00183484-00183766 having both the proper data use 5kV-wKni8OQ-00763-00183767-00183999 agreements to be able to use data more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00764-00184000-00184102 easily 5kV-wKni8OQ-00765-00184103-00184243 for um 5kV-wKni8OQ-00766-00184244-00184423 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00767-00184424-00184719 to be able to be used for research but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00768-00184720-00184783 also 5kV-wKni8OQ-00769-00184784-00185111 having the infrastructure 5kV-wKni8OQ-00770-00185112-00185495 the technology and and all the tools to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00771-00185496-00185654 be able to analyze data 5kV-wKni8OQ-00772-00185655-00185975 that has privacy uh information 5kV-wKni8OQ-00773-00185976-00186326 right um and that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00774-00186327-00186559 that's i mean they're we're working on 5kV-wKni8OQ-00775-00186560-00186663 that and there's 5kV-wKni8OQ-00776-00186664-00186854 there's start to be solutions and it can 5kV-wKni8OQ-00777-00186855-00187319 be with that but it still isn't various 5kV-wKni8OQ-00778-00187320-00187478 so those are the main two barriers i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00779-00187479-00187863 would think but i'm sure there 5kV-wKni8OQ-00780-00187864-00188207 thank you yeah so on the one hand 5kV-wKni8OQ-00781-00188208-00188454 a lack of yeah description of data and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00782-00188455-00188678 all the necessary 5kV-wKni8OQ-00783-00188679-00188966 standards and metadata and formats etc 5kV-wKni8OQ-00784-00188967-00189111 but then also you highlighted 5kV-wKni8OQ-00785-00189112-00189383 yeah privacy issues and having the right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00786-00189384-00189575 kind of use agreements and tools 5kV-wKni8OQ-00787-00189576-00189783 in a way for this interoperability but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00788-00189784-00189935 that is reliable 5kV-wKni8OQ-00789-00189936-00190238 and safe and yeah 5kV-wKni8OQ-00790-00190239-00190990 so yeah thank you and then 5kV-wKni8OQ-00791-00190991-00191175 oh yeah so the key that was your part 5kV-wKni8OQ-00792-00191176-00191335 the question the key to improving 5kV-wKni8OQ-00793-00191336-00191478 research data management 5kV-wKni8OQ-00794-00191479-00191999 i guess it's two keys 5kV-wKni8OQ-00795-00192000-00192199 one thing it's never just one it's kind 5kV-wKni8OQ-00796-00192200-00192326 of both 5kV-wKni8OQ-00797-00192327-00192638 well and probably some of things but i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00798-00192639-00192695 think 5kV-wKni8OQ-00799-00192696-00193031 that part of it is to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00800-00193032-00193350 for both of those things 5kV-wKni8OQ-00801-00193351-00193687 being about the more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00802-00193688-00193999 education the sometimes people talk 5kV-wKni8OQ-00803-00194000-00194263 about the cultural change or the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00804-00194264-00194478 the the awareness of that these things 5kV-wKni8OQ-00805-00194479-00194663 can be started at the beginning you can 5kV-wKni8OQ-00806-00194664-00194847 think about 5kV-wKni8OQ-00807-00194848-00195166 about that plus providing the right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00808-00195167-00195478 infrastructure and the tools whenever 5kV-wKni8OQ-00809-00195479-00195671 this can be done over made a reason 5kV-wKni8OQ-00810-00195672-00195983 easy it should be done right but there 5kV-wKni8OQ-00811-00195984-00196111 are sometimes a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00812-00196112-00196535 legal issues too and so so i think that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00813-00196536-00196775 i don't know i would say describing it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00814-00196776-00196838 as a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00815-00196839-00197150 one key i think it's that bringing all 5kV-wKni8OQ-00816-00197151-00197214 those 5kV-wKni8OQ-00817-00197215-00197471 different groups together that it's not 5kV-wKni8OQ-00818-00197472-00197647 research it's not anymore about 5kV-wKni8OQ-00819-00197648-00197943 just one researcher that goes and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00820-00197944-00198111 collects the data and wants to analyze 5kV-wKni8OQ-00821-00198112-00198223 right it's about 5kV-wKni8OQ-00822-00198224-00198395 having uh um 5kV-wKni8OQ-00823-00198396-00198526 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00824-00198527-00198735 a data clean well somebody that is 5kV-wKni8OQ-00825-00198736-00198983 moderately a professional data scientist 5kV-wKni8OQ-00826-00198984-00199295 or data somebody that understands about 5kV-wKni8OQ-00827-00199296-00199390 data management 5kV-wKni8OQ-00828-00199391-00199671 somebody involved in creation there's 5kV-wKni8OQ-00829-00199672-00199895 sometimes a legal aspect so there's 5kV-wKni8OQ-00830-00199896-00200102 all those things collaborating on all 5kV-wKni8OQ-00831-00200103-00200254 those things and understanding all of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00832-00200255-00200414 them from the beginning 5kV-wKni8OQ-00833-00200415-00200631 helps to them that they have be better 5kV-wKni8OQ-00834-00200632-00200863 quality and more reusable 5kV-wKni8OQ-00835-00200864-00201271 thank you so harvard university has a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00836-00201272-00201375 reference guide 5kV-wKni8OQ-00837-00201376-00201654 on research data management but are you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00838-00201655-00201863 familiar with the cester data management 5kV-wKni8OQ-00839-00201864-00202111 expert guide and is there room for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00840-00202112-00202335 collaboration 5kV-wKni8OQ-00841-00202336-00202559 oh it's looking for collaboration 5kV-wKni8OQ-00842-00202560-00202719 definitely 5kV-wKni8OQ-00843-00202720-00202975 i am not familiar very familiar with it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00844-00202976-00203038 so i 5kV-wKni8OQ-00845-00203039-00203223 i don't want to say something i know 5kV-wKni8OQ-00846-00203224-00203399 that it it isn't 5kV-wKni8OQ-00847-00203400-00203638 and probably read many parts of it but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00848-00203639-00203759 uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00849-00203760-00204159 i think i would need 5kV-wKni8OQ-00850-00204160-00204695 yeah i like to be careful about 5kV-wKni8OQ-00851-00204696-00204910 i love to learn more about it to see 5kV-wKni8OQ-00852-00204911-00205119 what ways we could call right 5kV-wKni8OQ-00853-00205119-00205398 great well i can definitely i can like 5kV-wKni8OQ-00854-00205400-00205510 highlight 5kV-wKni8OQ-00855-00205511-00205727 i can send you a couple of videos and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00856-00205728-00205951 point you because it's quite a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00857-00205952-00206246 it's quite a complete guide in fact 5kV-wKni8OQ-00858-00206248-00206366 interestingly 5kV-wKni8OQ-00859-00206367-00206566 the training section of the website and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00860-00206567-00206758 our data management expert guide 5kV-wKni8OQ-00861-00206759-00206998 are our most popular web pages and they 5kV-wKni8OQ-00862-00207000-00207246 have been for like the last two years 5kV-wKni8OQ-00863-00207248-00207519 so we yeah we've really found that this 5kV-wKni8OQ-00864-00207519-00207638 seems to be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00865-00207639-00207879 filling a need because when you look for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00866-00207880-00207982 what people 5kV-wKni8OQ-00867-00207983-00208166 have done a little bit of research on 5kV-wKni8OQ-00868-00208167-00208334 the web say okay what are people looking 5kV-wKni8OQ-00869-00208335-00208398 for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00870-00208400-00208679 and when they look up data management or 5kV-wKni8OQ-00871-00208680-00208862 research data management 5kV-wKni8OQ-00872-00208863-00209038 then they're basically looking for what 5kV-wKni8OQ-00873-00209039-00209223 is it how do i do it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00874-00209223-00209423 and then our data management expert 5kV-wKni8OQ-00875-00209423-00209575 guide like really answers that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00876-00209576-00209758 like we have seven chapters so we go 5kV-wKni8OQ-00877-00209759-00209967 through the whole research daily life 5kV-wKni8OQ-00878-00209967-00210055 cycle 5kV-wKni8OQ-00879-00210056-00210382 uh yeah the whole ice cream 5kV-wKni8OQ-00880-00210383-00210606 and it's great yeah we now have like a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00881-00210607-00210815 campaign to get it become more familiar 5kV-wKni8OQ-00882-00210816-00211071 yeah i can send you i can i'll send you 5kV-wKni8OQ-00883-00211071-00211127 a couple of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00884-00211128-00211391 links and we've had like for the last 5kV-wKni8OQ-00885-00211392-00211606 two years now we've had an ongoing 5kV-wKni8OQ-00886-00211607-00211839 twitter campaign called data management 5kV-wKni8OQ-00887-00211840-00211975 monday 5kV-wKni8OQ-00888-00211976-00212215 and each each monday so i've already 5kV-wKni8OQ-00889-00212216-00212287 scheduled it 5kV-wKni8OQ-00890-00212288-00212623 next monday now each monday we basically 5kV-wKni8OQ-00891-00212623-00212871 pick one aspect of the data management 5kV-wKni8OQ-00892-00212871-00213046 guide and we go through all the chapters 5kV-wKni8OQ-00893-00213048-00213223 so that we cover them equally but we 5kV-wKni8OQ-00894-00213223-00213367 pick like one thing 5kV-wKni8OQ-00895-00213367-00213606 and either make a poll out of it or a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00896-00213607-00213679 question 5kV-wKni8OQ-00897-00213680-00213934 and then on monday we share that and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00898-00213935-00214079 yeah and we found that to be quite 5kV-wKni8OQ-00899-00214080-00214198 successful 5kV-wKni8OQ-00900-00214200-00214382 there's quite a lot of engagement around 5kV-wKni8OQ-00901-00214383-00214542 data management great that's a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00902-00214544-00214855 very good idea so yeah yeah it would be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00903-00214856-00215055 fantastic to collaborate and find a way 5kV-wKni8OQ-00904-00215056-00215094 that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00905-00215096-00215327 especially straining materials and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00906-00215328-00215415 things like that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00907-00215416-00215710 that could be shared okay yeah that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00908-00215711-00215751 would be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00909-00215752-00216119 that's a great idea great i'll pop you a 5kV-wKni8OQ-00910-00216119-00216519 link i have a group that one is the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00911-00216519-00216775 researcher coordination group the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00912-00216776-00216975 researcher management coordination group 5kV-wKni8OQ-00913-00216976-00217142 and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00914-00217144-00217398 there are um they're professionals that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00915-00217400-00217534 are 5kV-wKni8OQ-00916-00217535-00217815 the iraq curators they are researcher 5kV-wKni8OQ-00917-00217816-00217934 managers 5kV-wKni8OQ-00918-00217935-00218382 for across all the schools at harvard 5kV-wKni8OQ-00919-00218383-00218710 and maybe it would be good if one of the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00920-00218711-00219046 times you join us and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00921-00219048-00219375 it's a working group that we help us 5kV-wKni8OQ-00922-00219376-00219558 connect and see what's happening 5kV-wKni8OQ-00923-00219559-00219967 across the different schools yeah 5kV-wKni8OQ-00924-00219967-00220255 well i would say the 11 i would never be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00925-00220256-00220494 president of the u.s 5kV-wKni8OQ-00926-00220496-00220694 for one thing i can't you have to be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00927-00220696-00221119 born in the u.s 5kV-wKni8OQ-00928-00221119-00221542 i was born in barcelona so that will not 5kV-wKni8OQ-00929-00221544-00221846 work for me 5kV-wKni8OQ-00930-00221848-00222263 i know it's a hypothetical question 5kV-wKni8OQ-00931-00222264-00222479 so what are you most looking forward to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00932-00222480-00222663 achieving in 2021 5kV-wKni8OQ-00933-00222664-00222871 yeah i think that's a nice question what 5kV-wKni8OQ-00934-00222871-00223006 are you most looking forward to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00935-00223007-00223167 achieving in 2021 5kV-wKni8OQ-00936-00223167-00223455 let's end on a hopeful note i know it's 5kV-wKni8OQ-00937-00223456-00223731 a very difficult one 5kV-wKni8OQ-00938-00223732-00224046 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00939-00224048-00224223 let's see because i have a number of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00940-00224223-00224439 projects that i want to be successful 5kV-wKni8OQ-00941-00224440-00224646 i hope that they are successful but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00942-00224648-00224846 since you're asking me to choose one 5kV-wKni8OQ-00943-00224848-00225011 thing um 5kV-wKni8OQ-00944-00225012-00225158 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-00945-00225159-00225655 i i think achieving that we move 5kV-wKni8OQ-00946-00225656-00225958 some step forward towards 5kV-wKni8OQ-00947-00225959-00226246 uh well continue to towards supporting 5kV-wKni8OQ-00948-00226248-00226351 open science 5kV-wKni8OQ-00949-00226352-00226727 if first starting at harvard so that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00950-00226728-00227151 there is more awareness and and more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00951-00227152-00227391 all the way from infrastructure to tools 5kV-wKni8OQ-00952-00227392-00227519 to services 5kV-wKni8OQ-00953-00227519-00227863 to to any 5kV-wKni8OQ-00954-00227864-00228175 policies and so to support that but 5kV-wKni8OQ-00955-00228176-00228503 then beyond hardware for 5kV-wKni8OQ-00956-00228504-00228687 for any place in the world to be able to 5kV-wKni8OQ-00957-00228688-00228923 support more data sharing co-chairing 5kV-wKni8OQ-00958-00228923-00229142 representability and rigor and research 5kV-wKni8OQ-00959-00229144-00229231 better 5kV-wKni8OQ-00960-00229232-00229446 quality to provide a better quality 5kV-wKni8OQ-00961-00229448-00229551 research and so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00962-00229552-00229871 but i i think i think at the end it's 5kV-wKni8OQ-00963-00229871-00230046 important is also that all the research 5kV-wKni8OQ-00964-00230048-00230151 that we do 5kV-wKni8OQ-00965-00230152-00230382 has a good implication to improve 5kV-wKni8OQ-00966-00230383-00230471 society 5kV-wKni8OQ-00967-00230471-00230806 and to improve the world we live in uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00968-00230807-00231119 and to improve our knowledge of the 5kV-wKni8OQ-00969-00231119-00231446 world surround us so just 5kV-wKni8OQ-00970-00231448-00231782 having this combination of uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00971-00231783-00232031 achieving that people trust morally in 5kV-wKni8OQ-00972-00232032-00232158 science and 5kV-wKni8OQ-00973-00232159-00232503 stress and that they 5kV-wKni8OQ-00974-00232504-00232831 also i mean while needs to be 5kV-wKni8OQ-00975-00232832-00233110 verified um so but that there is a more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00976-00233111-00233167 that 5kV-wKni8OQ-00977-00233167-00233446 a more dialogue is uh researchers 5kV-wKni8OQ-00978-00233448-00233527 scientists 5kV-wKni8OQ-00979-00233528-00233798 and societies so that it's more 5kV-wKni8OQ-00980-00233800-00233951 understood 5kV-wKni8OQ-00981-00233952-00234263 why it's important to uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-00982-00234264-00234582 to learn about the world around us 5kV-wKni8OQ-00983-00234583-00234791 thank you i was gonna say it could also 5kV-wKni8OQ-00984-00234792-00235039 be a it could also be something private 5kV-wKni8OQ-00985-00235040-00235239 that you're looking forward to achieving 5kV-wKni8OQ-00986-00235240-00235606 and it could be i don't know 5kV-wKni8OQ-00987-00235607-00235919 writing a book or playing the piano well 5kV-wKni8OQ-00988-00235919-00235991 so 5kV-wKni8OQ-00989-00235992-00236255 yeah i've been trying all of them during 5kV-wKni8OQ-00990-00236256-00236487 the pandemic 5kV-wKni8OQ-00991-00236488-00236806 one of the things that i'm um i started 5kV-wKni8OQ-00992-00236807-00237039 some time ago but it's gonna be a decade 5kV-wKni8OQ-00993-00237040-00237119 or two of 5kV-wKni8OQ-00994-00237119-00237431 work is a writing up uh play or might 5kV-wKni8OQ-00995-00237432-00237742 end up being a netflix series you know 5kV-wKni8OQ-00996-00237744-00237958 similar type of series about the cosmic 5kV-wKni8OQ-00997-00237959-00238142 microwave background 5kV-wKni8OQ-00998-00238144-00238463 and and and combined with 5kV-wKni8OQ-00999-00238464-00238903 a a a human love story 5kV-wKni8OQ-01000-00238904-00239294 so 5kV-wKni8OQ-01001-00239296-00239631 yeah so i have a an 5kV-wKni8OQ-01002-00239632-00239846 idea of applause and i've been 5kV-wKni8OQ-01003-00239848-00239942 developing 5kV-wKni8OQ-01004-00239944-00240303 and i interviewed several cosmologies 5kV-wKni8OQ-01005-00240304-00240767 to to get a lot of the input on the 5kV-wKni8OQ-01006-00240767-00240967 uh on how the cosmic microbial 5kV-wKni8OQ-01007-00240967-00241094 background was discovered that 5kV-wKni8OQ-01008-00241096-00241391 i used to to have an office just next to 5kV-wKni8OQ-01009-00241392-00241471 one of the 5kV-wKni8OQ-01010-00241471-00241727 nobel prize uh robert sun one of the 5kV-wKni8OQ-01011-00241728-00241823 nobel prize win 5kV-wKni8OQ-01012-00241823-00241991 so wilson and pence's discover the 5kV-wKni8OQ-01013-00241992-00242127 microwave background 5kV-wKni8OQ-01014-00242128-00242376 um 5kV-wKni8OQ-01015-00242377-00242679 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-01016-00242680-00243006 so that inspired me to write about that 5kV-wKni8OQ-01017-00243007-00243215 i was just going to introduce a few 5kV-wKni8OQ-01018-00243216-00243406 other people 5kV-wKni8OQ-01019-00243407-00243639 for phenomena physicists what is a 5kV-wKni8OQ-01020-00243640-00243846 cosmic microwave 5kV-wKni8OQ-01021-00243848-00244246 okay right uh yeah i was told that 5kV-wKni8OQ-01022-00244248-00244415 i shouldn't call it the car is my 5kV-wKni8OQ-01023-00244416-00244758 microwave background nobody will read it 5kV-wKni8OQ-01024-00244759-00245158 i'm imagining a microwave in futurama 5kV-wKni8OQ-01025-00245159-00245342 i have like a futurama seat in my head 5kV-wKni8OQ-01026-00245344-00245623 so i can't be right 5kV-wKni8OQ-01027-00245623-00245863 so yeah i don't need to find the right 5kV-wKni8OQ-01028-00245864-00246142 the right title that attracts people 5kV-wKni8OQ-01029-00246144-00246503 without scaring them but so 5kV-wKni8OQ-01030-00246504-00246806 a is the radiation that that was visa 5kV-wKni8OQ-01031-00246807-00247110 very soon after the big bang uh the big 5kV-wKni8OQ-01032-00247111-00247398 bang you probably know because it's 5kV-wKni8OQ-01033-00247400-00247791 good there's a lot more um 5kV-wKni8OQ-01034-00247792-00248071 yeah explanations about the big bang so 5kV-wKni8OQ-01035-00248071-00248144 um 5kV-wKni8OQ-01036-00248144-00248279 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-01037-00248280-00248527 radiation that uh that has been 5kV-wKni8OQ-01038-00248528-00248671 expanding 5kV-wKni8OQ-01039-00248671-00248942 while the universe is expanding right 5kV-wKni8OQ-01040-00248944-00248975 and 5kV-wKni8OQ-01041-00248976-00249319 and as of now is at 2.7 kelvin 5kV-wKni8OQ-01042-00249319-00249727 so about three degrees absolute degrees 5kV-wKni8OQ-01043-00249728-00250103 right counting degrees um and it's all 5kV-wKni8OQ-01044-00250104-00250430 all around the the universe so no matter 5kV-wKni8OQ-01045-00250431-00250542 where it's observed 5kV-wKni8OQ-01046-00250544-00250798 whatever direction you'll find this 5kV-wKni8OQ-01047-00250800-00250894 microwave 5kV-wKni8OQ-01048-00250896-00251119 it's microwaving some very this low 5kV-wKni8OQ-01049-00251119-00251223 temperature 5kV-wKni8OQ-01050-00251223-00251542 radiation that is are just the leftover 5kV-wKni8OQ-01051-00251544-00251910 of the big band 5kV-wKni8OQ-01052-00251911-00252206 something very i find it very romantic 5kV-wKni8OQ-01053-00252207-00252287 surrounded 5kV-wKni8OQ-01054-00252288-00252534 thank you radiation i look for i look 5kV-wKni8OQ-01055-00252535-00252727 forward to that play 5kV-wKni8OQ-01056-00252728-00253030 so look we're already enabling 20 years 5kV-wKni8OQ-01057-00253031-00253191 i was going to say you need to get 5kV-wKni8OQ-01058-00253192-00253382 riding yeah 5kV-wKni8OQ-01059-00253383-00253639 yeah it's going to take a while but but 5kV-wKni8OQ-01060-00253640-00253694 uh 5kV-wKni8OQ-01061-00253696-00253951 yeah so you're right one of the 5kV-wKni8OQ-01062-00253952-00254158 achievements with finding more time to 5kV-wKni8OQ-01063-00254159-00254246 write and 5kV-wKni8OQ-01064-00254248-00254446 some of these personal things yeah 5kV-wKni8OQ-01065-00254448-00254655 exactly i was having these personal 5kV-wKni8OQ-01066-00254656-00254751 goals as well 5kV-wKni8OQ-01067-00254752-00254982 and maybe now is a really good time to 5kV-wKni8OQ-01068-00254983-00255063 realize that 5kV-wKni8OQ-01069-00255064-00255182 these personal goals are really 5kV-wKni8OQ-01070-00255183-00255319 important and they're not going to get 5kV-wKni8OQ-01071-00255319-00255439 done if we 5kV-wKni8OQ-01072-00255440-00255823 keep prioritizing work right or we 5kV-wKni8OQ-01073-00255823-00256006 look too high about trying to change the 5kV-wKni8OQ-01074-00256007-00256151 world maybe we 5kV-wKni8OQ-01075-00256152-00256510 change little parts 5kV-wKni8OQ-01076-00256511-00256823 yeah great thank you very much thank you 5kV-wKni8OQ-01077-00256823-00256975 for all the questions 5kV-wKni8OQ-01078-00256976-00257198 well you're welcome so i've got it's a 5kV-wKni8OQ-01079-00257200-00257946 very nice conversation 5kV-wKni8OQ-01080-00257946-00258751 [Music] 5kV-wKni8OQ-01081-00258752-00258959 you 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00000-00000003-00000250 yo what does that mean the lizard it's 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00001-00000252-00000470 your boy living after petra be back in 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00002-00000471-00000512 it again 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00003-00000513-00000925 and welcome back to slime rancher but 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00004-00000926-00001157 not just any slime rancher and we're 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00005-00001158-00001441 gonna be redoing the whole series 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00006-00001442-00001718 because the first time around I really 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00007-00001719-00001904 didn't know what I was doing and I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00008-00001905-00002039 really liked this game in a lot of you 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00009-00002039-00002222 guys seem to like it as well so we're 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00010-00002223-00002348 gonna take a different approach out at 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00011-00002349-00002399 this time 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00012-00002400-00002575 okay I know the tutorial can I can I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00013-00002576-00002758 just stop doing this please someone I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00014-00002759-00003062 like you know kill myself um well we're 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00015-00003063-00003206 gonna need to build an incinerator right 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00016-00003207-00003313 away because I want to kill some of 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00017-00003314-00003440 these bastards because they're [__] 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00018-00003440-00003668 homos I need 450 for that all right 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00019-00003669-00003833 well because I know what I'm doing this 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00020-00003834-00003961 time there shouldn't be any much of a 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00021-00003962-00004195 problem I know how to back I know what 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00022-00004196-00004670 are you guys doing alright now I know 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00023-00004671-00004856 what you guys are thinking why did I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00024-00004857-00005027 decide to bring this game back because 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00025-00005028-00005258 subnautica has just now ended um I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00026-00005259-00005420 haven't uploaded velocity oh yeah I know 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00027-00005421-00005663 you guys I know that's what's gonna 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00028-00005664-00005720 happen 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00029-00005721-00006074 what there's a reason behind it I need 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00030-00006075-00006236 to put these guys in here just because I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00031-00006237-00006692 need money but I'm saying though awesome 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00032-00006693-00006869 not again just finished which is a good 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00033-00006870-00007166 thing on different senses alright there 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00034-00007167-00007337 we go okay we got that okay I know how 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00035-00007338-00007564 to play slime rancher guy chill 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00036-00007565-00008063 s for you Tobi oh my god fly my 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00037-00008064-00008483 childhood now he's shark food all right 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00038-00008484-00008924 moving on alright photographers okay I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00039-00008925-00009131 know I know I know okay so what do I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00040-00009132-00009299 need to upgrade this um because I need 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00041-00009300-00009623 to do I want to do a poor character so I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00042-00009624-00009770 need 500 for that that's not too much 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00043-00009771-00010260 but for now go ahead and just be more 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00044-00010261-00010577 yeah yes are so happy all the time I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00045-00010578-00010820 don't like that I feel I feel like you 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00046-00010821-00010949 guys are gonna be the death of me one 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00047-00010950-00011408 day stop I don't want you I'll do this 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00048-00011409-00011567 okay all right give me that all right 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00049-00011568-00011912 let's go man I missed this game though I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00050-00011913-00012088 miss like put the very beginning of it 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00051-00012089-00012271 because that's when I was like really 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00052-00012272-00012548 into the game and this game was like a 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00053-00012549-00012674 really good game they've updated a 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00054-00012675-00012965 little lot by the way um since I last 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00055-00012966-00013265 actually did a video on it but I wanted 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00056-00013266-00013436 to start fresh just because I didn't 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00057-00013437-00013586 really like the other ten episodes that 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00058-00013587-00013838 I did even though I was very fond of the 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00059-00013838-00014021 series very fond of the game I decided I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00060-00014022-00014254 wanted to go back to it anyway 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00061-00014255-00014549 hello Beatrix the names Harvison twill 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00062-00014550-00014918 ogres what is that name venture Explorer 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00063-00014919-00015128 informer order of this year wrench you 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00064-00015129-00015313 can now call your own pleased to make 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00065-00015315-00015449 your acquaintance I was wrenching for 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00066-00015450-00015625 more years than I can remember and felt 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00067-00015626-00015827 there was one last venture left in me so 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00068-00015828-00016060 so I have setup to find just that 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00069-00016061-00016238 basically this [__] went into 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00070-00016238-00016478 retirement but now he had to go more in 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00071-00016479-00016661 depth than when he needed to be alright 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00072-00016662-00016910 but before I go I'm taking one last to 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00073-00016911-00017125 around the cereal and I love so keep 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00074-00017126-00017372 your peepers peeled peepers peeled 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00075-00017373-00017603 that's a Subotica reference copyright 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00076-00017604-00017894 for notes like these if you want to hear 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00077-00017895-00018080 what an old cube has to say every now 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00078-00018081-00018283 and again be talking to you I love this 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00079-00018284-00018452 game man this gave us so far this game 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00080-00018453-00018719 is just so down to earth just a relaxing 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00081-00018720-00019097 game my first mru and like you oh look 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00082-00019098-00019247 you guys poop thank you I appreciate it 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00083-00019248-00019463 I'm gonna start taking these ports 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00084-00019464-00019610 around even though I'm not gonna really 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00085-00019611-00019769 be using the pink ports after a while 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00086-00019770-00020060 just because they're one of the most 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00087-00020061-00020264 useless ports in the game but I mean 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00088-00020265-00020633 whatever right star Mel from Casey 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00089-00020634-00020908 I got a office of the ranch house 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00090-00020909-00021158 there's a guard over here someone go hit 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00091-00021159-00021439 this mostly gonna keep things more at a 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00092-00021440-00021668 convenient location so last time I kind 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00093-00021669-00021818 of spread things out in different areas 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00094-00021819-00022016 and it didn't really work out for me so 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00095-00022017-00022178 I'm gonna try to work things based off 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00096-00022179-00022549 what my land is and kind of keep that 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00097-00022550-00022835 the same which is something I had a 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00098-00022836-00023174 problem with before rocky um I missed 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00099-00023175-00023249 you buddy 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00100-00023250-00023453 that hurt though alright so I wonder 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00101-00023454-00023650 y'all kill that Gordo right on it that's 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00102-00023651-00023830 the best option even how he doesn't do 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00103-00023831-00023999 much anyway he just said service ass you 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00104-00024000-00024191 know oh my god I almost killed myself so 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00105-00024192-00024446 to suck all right buddy let's hope this 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00106-00024447-00025248 is enough for you I don't know if it is 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00107-00025249-00025938 oh god it is do it easy man alright 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00108-00025939-00026730 alright you guys are gonna make me 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00109-00026731-00027447 richer you guys are gonna make me so 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00110-00027448-00027717 bridge that I'm not gonna have any money 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00111-00027718-00028402 look but first I don't need you guys I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00112-00028404-00028617 am such a horrible person 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00113-00028618-00028857 alright moving on alright anyway I feel 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00114-00028858-00029025 like I should get a poco food so I can 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00115-00029026-00029241 build a garden that way feeding my 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00116-00029242-00029447 slimes isn't too much of an issue I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00117-00029448-00029751 don't know what you guys think yeah good 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00118-00029752-00030261 oh oh rocky can't touch this mmm dude 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00119-00030262-00030423 honestly I love this game though dude 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00120-00030424-00030699 it's such a like relaxing game like no 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00121-00030700-00030870 horror elements oh I mean I guess there 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00122-00030870-00031023 is I mean I've gotten scared of it 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00123-00031024-00031176 before but like I mean that wasn't 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00124-00031177-00031370 really much I don't know I liked it I'm 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00125-00031372-00031860 just very peaceful alright 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00126-00031861-00032013 I now have enough to go get a garden 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00127-00032014-00032391 which I'm gonna put up here well should 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00128-00032392-00032708 be on it doesn't matter alright then 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00129-00032708-00033042 draw those there and then I'll build one 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00130-00033043-00033522 right here and put carrots there we go 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00131-00033523-00033915 so that'll that'll fix that problem go 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00132-00033916-00034115 ahead and snag these up 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00133-00034116-00034388 I'm also gonna put my nervous ornament 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00134-00034389-00034682 on those seems like a great spot for it 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00135-00034683-00034832 let's go all right it's ready next time 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00136-00034833-00035132 which is good because then I can well 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00137-00035133-00035300 actually I don't know if I want to go 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00138-00035301-00035516 after phosphorus lines just yet just 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00139-00035517-00035753 because I don't have the money necessary 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00140-00035754-00036002 or just necessarily to be able to like 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00141-00036003-00036278 hold them well I have like the money but 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00142-00036279-00036401 I don't have enough to like build the 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00143-00036402-00036650 solar show out here like pink slimes I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00144-00036651-00036926 don't want you in my life I mean granted 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00145-00036927-00037091 you're nice to have around because 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00146-00037092-00037244 you're happy and joyful all the damn 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00147-00037245-00037318 time 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00148-00037319-00037714 but around here I only use you for money 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00149-00037715-00038069 you know like some business you gotta 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00150-00038070-00038360 make big bank I know but I feel like one 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00151-00038361-00038498 of you guys is gonna turn into at our 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00152-00038499-00038573 real quick 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00153-00038574-00038723 thank you because you were about to eat 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00154-00038724-00039059 at a beep or you do I understand you're 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00155-00039060-00039257 hungry I'll just kill you how about that 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00156-00039258-00039605 like that um I know I do what you got 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00157-00039606-00039863 for me this entire case system was 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00158-00039864-00040088 sealed off from Kate a cave and when I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00159-00040089-00040337 first discovered it maybe that's why the 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00160-00040338-00040616 fellas up here up ahead are so grumpy 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00161-00040617-00040892 haven't had a bite in a long time in any 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00162-00040893-00041111 case that long-awaited bike can come 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00163-00041112-00041285 from your own drum bring some food to 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00164-00041286-00041573 calm them down oh well I didn't think of 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00165-00041574-00041675 this from a logical standpoint 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00166-00041676-00041891 apparently you can stop the Ferrell 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00167-00041892-00042184 slimes was with food which I didn't know 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00168-00042185-00042503 how come on anybody's that's like so I'm 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00169-00042504-00042701 looking to go towards the Indigo quarry 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00170-00042702-00043133 oh no no no no no 19d go the other place 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00171-00043134-00043349 the Moscow point it's not too much out 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00172-00043350-00043519 of my way and I know the dangers of it 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00173-00043520-00043781 so it shouldn't beat you guys plus I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00174-00043782-00044027 need I want my Nana boom-booms I miss 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00175-00044028-00044234 Nana boom boom also I know you cannot 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00176-00044235-00044384 access the ancient ruins from this 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00177-00044385-00044531 location as well so that's always good 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00178-00044532-00045441 to know all right 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00179-00045442-00045835 most like it yeah then of a bomb Nana 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00180-00045836-00046185 booboo I missed you 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00181-00046186-00047032 hi Nana boo boo thanks Bunnel 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00182-00047033-00047224 I missed Anna boom boom she was my 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00183-00047225-00047473 favorite mas link it may seem like an 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00184-00047474-00047629 ancient jungle of sorts but the fact is 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00185-00047630-00047785 that much of you what you see here 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00186-00047786-00047977 wasn't even around when I first began 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00187-00047978-00048145 exploring this line at this rate I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00188-00048146-00048313 reckon that it won't be long before this 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00189-00048314-00048478 greenery completely overtakes the far 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00190-00048479-00049317 far range interesting Italy enough 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00191-00049318-00049522 alright I want more native boom-booms 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00192-00049523-00049744 where's my Nana boom-booms at Nana boo 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00193-00049745-00050080 boo always these are the weather isn't 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00194-00050081-00050299 this where the hunters line is no no 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00195-00050300-00050410 Nana boo boo 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00196-00050411-00050815 I miss you I want you though who could 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00197-00050816-00051295 want you huh 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00198-00051296-00051723 oh my god it's Nana boo boo literally 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00199-00051724-00052150 honey slime yes I love honey sponge more 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00200-00052151-00052242 Nana boo burbs 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00201-00052244-00052402 Nana boom-booms I can have all the Nana 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00202-00052403-00052657 boo moves that I want Nana boo boo 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00203-00052658-00052833 [Applause] 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00204-00052834-00053219 [Music] 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00205-00053220-00053499 wait honey's time I need you you guys 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00206-00053500-00053777 are so crucial to my survival here 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00207-00053778-00054009 without you guys I can't get any rich 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00208-00054010-00054444 any Richard so and a boo-boo 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00209-00054445-00054783 I miss you Nana boo moon was always my 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00210-00054784-00054834 favorite 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00211-00054835-00055197 it was always hurt wait is that I met 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00212-00055198-00055328 Mingo I see 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00213-00055329-00055691 well thanks dick I guess I wasn't gonna 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00214-00055692-00055845 be using that no I'm gonna boom-boom 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00215-00055846-00055986 give me a hug Nana boo boo Nana boo boo 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00216-00055987-00056114 give me a hug 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00217-00056115-00056409 poor cute oh well bye Nana boo boom have 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00218-00056410-00056598 a nice flight oh I know there's a hunter 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00219-00056599-00056717 slumming around here by the way I don't 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00220-00056719-00056829 know where he's at though hey that's 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00221-00056829-00056966 another slime I wouldn't mind getting 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00222-00056967-00057228 now that I have my Nana boom booms and 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00223-00057229-00057390 honey slimes I feel like I'm gonna make 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00224-00057391-00057629 some big boss all right I'm gonna put my 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00225-00057630-00057711 Nana boom-booms 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00226-00057712-00058752 over here well I need a boo-boo and then 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00227-00058753-00059120 I'm gonna put my honey slides over here 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00228-00059121-00059352 even though these two always want to 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00229-00059353-00059607 merge with one another bro okay you guys 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00230-00059608-00060039 are crazy you guys are gonna kill each 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00231-00060040-00060191 other 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00232-00060191-00060441 look you guys already hit a knock one 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00233-00060441-00060554 way over there 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00234-00060555-00061004 I need a building a solar I need to 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00235-00061005-00061267 build a thing super quick for you guys 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00236-00061269-00061503 that's my number one priority right now 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00237-00061504-00061740 cuz I got a built on the upgrade for 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00238-00061741-00061989 that totally you guys get enough food 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00239-00061990-00062316 right now I gotta build the higher walls 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00240-00062316-00062691 in the upgrade as soon as possible for 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00241-00062691-00063123 those two yeah there's one up there he 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00242-00063124-00063495 went way up there Nana boom boom get 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00243-00063496-00063999 down from there as for you two 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00244-00064000-00064170 nipple-twisters stay away from my honey 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00245-00064171-00064520 slime 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00246-00064521-00065116 my feed you guys you sir you guys happy 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00247-00065117-00065583 Nana boo boom I'm gonna shoot you way up 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00248-00065584-00066027 in this face you guys need to stay away 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00249-00066028-00066441 from my honey sponges they're there for 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00250-00066442-00066867 a reason every time you guys go near one 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00251-00066868-00067389 of them oh no no no hey you guys are the 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00252-00067390-00067953 most useless limes in the game can you 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00253-00067954-00068435 guys stop blowing each other oh my god 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00254-00068436-00068868 get outta here yo can you guys stop 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00255-00068869-00069381 blowing each other up Nana boo boo you 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00256-00069382-00069603 guys are gonna be the death of me no one 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00257-00069604-00069860 that's how I lost all of them before and 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00258-00069861-00070566 without you guys I am nothing I gotta be 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00259-00070567-00070743 able to make this stuff morning but not 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00260-00070744-00071085 even upbeat not being a problem I'm 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00261-00071086-00071262 worried about fellows all right you guys 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00262-00071263-00071388 are still there that's always good 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00263-00071389-00071697 and of course you Fricker's got in all 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00264-00071698-00072018 right I guess that's for you guys can 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00265-00072019-00072654 you stop blowing each other out I know I 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00266-00072655-00073125 know I know it must be hard got live a 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00267-00073126-00074187 life Nana boo boom no you guys stop aah 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00268-00074188-00074436 [Music] 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00269-00074437-00074690 you know after trying to feed you guys 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00270-00074691-00075041 all you do is kill me this is the things 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00271-00075042-00075751 I get for trying to feed you anymore 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00272-00075752-00076079 well me surely a tall bigger wall will 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00273-00076080-00076276 help a little bit I guess I don't know 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00274-00076277-00076582 can you all stop actually know the fact 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00275-00076583-00076744 that they're pink slimes actually makes 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00276-00076745-00077084 this better because it allows them to 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00277-00077085-00077338 eat literally everything yeah there you 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00278-00077339-00077751 go 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00279-00077752-00078011 do another that now that they're trying 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00280-00078012-00078196 to stalk then you really can't do much 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00281-00078197-00078717 wait maybe if I made these guys paint 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00282-00078718-00078959 down allow them to eat literally 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00283-00078960-00079166 everything which is nice to know though 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00284-00079167-00079469 that these guys 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00285-00079470-00080190 [Music] 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00286-00080191-00080407 this mother like Nisha 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00287-00080408-00080857 yeah I got you insecure turn your whole 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00288-00080858-00081178 life into a paddle that you write back 5mmrcZG0ZPk-00289-00081179-00081451 in my world 5mnYboA37YE-00000-00000017-00000343 the Gerhard Hertzberg Canada gold medal 5mnYboA37YE-00001-00000344-00000551 for science and engineering is awarded 5mnYboA37YE-00002-00000552-00000773 by the Natural Sciences and Engineering 5mnYboA37YE-00003-00000774-00001082 Research Council NSERC of Canada to 5mnYboA37YE-00004-00001083-00001343 recognize research contributions 5mnYboA37YE-00005-00001344-00001582 characterized by both excellence and 5mnYboA37YE-00006-00001583-00002002 influence prior to 2000 NSERC had 5mnYboA37YE-00007-00002003-00002189 awarded the Canada gold medal for 5mnYboA37YE-00008-00002190-00002414 science and engineering before deciding 5mnYboA37YE-00009-00002415-00002612 to rename the award to honor Gerhard 5mnYboA37YE-00010-00002613-00002941 Hertzberg winner of the 1971 Nobel Prize 5mnYboA37YE-00011-00002942-00003164 in Chemistry the Hertzberg medal is 5mnYboA37YE-00012-00003165-00003379 commonly called Canada's top award for 5mnYboA37YE-00013-00003380-00003629 science and engineering it is an 5mnYboA37YE-00014-00003629-00003815 individual annual award that recognizes 5mnYboA37YE-00015-00003815-00004054 continued excellence and influence in 5mnYboA37YE-00016-00004055-00004261 research in either Natural Sciences or 5mnYboA37YE-00017-00004262-00004570 engineering the award is a gold medal 5mnYboA37YE-00018-00004571-00004763 and the guarantee of 1 million dollars 5mnYboA37YE-00019-00004764-00004940 over five years to use for personal 5mnYboA37YE-00020-00004941-00005552 research 5mnYboA37YE-00021-00005553-00006148 topic about the award 5mnYboA37YE-00022-00006149-00006431 nserc's canada gold medal for science 5mnYboA37YE-00023-00006431-00006631 and engineering was first awarded in 5mnYboA37YE-00024-00006631-00006908 1991 to raymond Lemieux a chemist 5mnYboA37YE-00025-00006909-00007170 working at University of Alberta 5mnYboA37YE-00026-00007172-00007381 mathematician James Arthur from the 5mnYboA37YE-00027-00007383-00007670 University of Toronto was the 1999 5mnYboA37YE-00028-00007670-00007913 recipient the last year before the award 5mnYboA37YE-00029-00007914-00008090 was renamed in honor of Gerhard 5mnYboA37YE-00030-00008091-00008399 Hertzberg the winner of the 1971 Nobel 5mnYboA37YE-00031-00008400-00008563 Prize in Chemistry 5mnYboA37YE-00032-00008564-00008888 NSERC decided to rename the award after 5mnYboA37YE-00033-00008889-00009110 Hertzberg because they felt he embodied 5mnYboA37YE-00034-00009111-00009290 the two main qualities of the award 5mnYboA37YE-00035-00009291-00009509 namely research contributions that are 5mnYboA37YE-00036-00009510-00009707 of high quality and influential the 5mnYboA37YE-00037-00009708-00009874 Hertzberg medal is awarded to a 5mnYboA37YE-00038-00009875-00010082 scientist or engineer working at a 5mnYboA37YE-00039-00010083-00010298 facility in Canada it is considered 5mnYboA37YE-00040-00010299-00010490 Canada's top award for science and 5mnYboA37YE-00041-00010491-00010793 engineering eligible facilities include 5mnYboA37YE-00042-00010794-00011085 universities government and private labs 5mnYboA37YE-00043-00011086-00011312 nominations can be submitted by any 5mnYboA37YE-00044-00011313-00011512 Canadian citizen or permanent resident 5mnYboA37YE-00045-00011513-00011792 the winner is chosen by a selection 5mnYboA37YE-00046-00011793-00011935 committee representing different 5mnYboA37YE-00047-00011936-00012148 scientific disciplines who make a 5mnYboA37YE-00048-00012149-00012410 recommendations to the current NSERC 5mnYboA37YE-00049-00012411-00012713 president the award consists of a gold 5mnYboA37YE-00050-00012714-00012916 medal and the guarantee of at least 1 5mnYboA37YE-00051-00012917-00013121 million dollars to use for research or 5mnYboA37YE-00052-00013122-00013291 for establishing research chairs 5mnYboA37YE-00053-00013293-00013493 fellowships or scholarships in the 5mnYboA37YE-00054-00013494-00014121 recipients name 5mnYboA37YE-00055-00014122-00014672 topic recipients 5mnYboA37YE-00056-00014672-00015196 source 5mnYboA37YE-00057-00015197-00015797 Topic Award of Excellence 5mnYboA37YE-00058-00015799-00016238 from 2002 until 2009 three finalists 5mnYboA37YE-00059-00016240-00016425 were selected for the Hertzberg medal 5mnYboA37YE-00060-00016426-00016602 and the winner selected from among em 5mnYboA37YE-00061-00016603-00016899 the other two finalists if it was the 5mnYboA37YE-00062-00016900-00017115 first time as a finalist were awarded 5mnYboA37YE-00063-00017116-00017481 nserc's Award of Excellence 643uagtC8Bc-00000-00000000-00000238 hi everyone and welcome to my youtube 643uagtC8Bc-00001-00000239-00000511 channel so i'm just going to get started 643uagtC8Bc-00002-00000512-00000695 right off the bat with this video i will 643uagtC8Bc-00003-00000696-00001007 be sharing with you all my top 10 tips 643uagtC8Bc-00004-00001008-00001239 for how to choose the right university 643uagtC8Bc-00005-00001240-00001487 the right college best for you 643uagtC8Bc-00006-00001488-00001839 um for context i am currently a graduate 643uagtC8Bc-00007-00001839-00001942 student 643uagtC8Bc-00008-00001943-00002175 um at the university of north texas so i 643uagtC8Bc-00009-00002176-00002342 did my undergrad degree and now i'm in 643uagtC8Bc-00010-00002343-00002487 grad school 643uagtC8Bc-00011-00002488-00002671 on full scholarship for both degrees so 643uagtC8Bc-00012-00002672-00002791 if you need help with scholarships 643uagtC8Bc-00013-00002792-00002975 that's also what my content talks about 643uagtC8Bc-00014-00002976-00003206 but anywho for the sake of this video 643uagtC8Bc-00015-00003207-00003806 let's just get started 643uagtC8Bc-00016-00003807-00004047 so the very first tip i have for you is 643uagtC8Bc-00017-00004047-00004367 to stay up to date with the news that is 643uagtC8Bc-00018-00004368-00004638 taking place at your university and so 643uagtC8Bc-00019-00004639-00004863 in order to do this you can follow your 643uagtC8Bc-00020-00004864-00005070 university's um 643uagtC8Bc-00021-00005071-00005286 twitter accounts you can follow the 643uagtC8Bc-00022-00005287-00005527 student-based journalism 643uagtC8Bc-00023-00005528-00005759 club or school that they have because 643uagtC8Bc-00024-00005760-00005879 they should be 643uagtC8Bc-00025-00005880-00006022 up to date with what's going on 643uagtC8Bc-00026-00006023-00006175 throughout the university whether that's 643uagtC8Bc-00027-00006176-00006422 on twitter instagram facebook whatever 643uagtC8Bc-00028-00006423-00006575 typically they're on twitter from my 643uagtC8Bc-00029-00006576-00006759 experience with my school and make sure 643uagtC8Bc-00030-00006759-00006959 to also study up on how that specific 643uagtC8Bc-00031-00006959-00007239 university treated or is still treating 643uagtC8Bc-00032-00007240-00007463 their students during the pandemic with 643uagtC8Bc-00033-00007464-00008031 covid because some of these universities 643uagtC8Bc-00034-00008031-00008255 you probably should not be attending 643uagtC8Bc-00035-00008256-00008399 considering how 643uagtC8Bc-00036-00008400-00008574 they treated their students during a 643uagtC8Bc-00037-00008575-00008710 whole pandemic 643uagtC8Bc-00038-00008711-00009046 just saying 643uagtC8Bc-00039-00009047-00009214 well that's strong okay so the next 643uagtC8Bc-00040-00009215-00009383 thing that you really want to look for 643uagtC8Bc-00041-00009384-00009591 before considering going to a specific 643uagtC8Bc-00042-00009592-00009687 school 643uagtC8Bc-00043-00009688-00009999 is how good is that particular program 643uagtC8Bc-00044-00010000-00010231 that you're enrolling in or specifically 643uagtC8Bc-00045-00010232-00010535 how competitive it is to get into 643uagtC8Bc-00046-00010536-00010742 so as an example of this i know someone 643uagtC8Bc-00047-00010743-00010999 who went to ut austin 643uagtC8Bc-00048-00011000-00011174 and they were trying to get into their 643uagtC8Bc-00049-00011175-00011351 school of engineering i believe over 643uagtC8Bc-00050-00011352-00011591 there and so they got into ut austin but 643uagtC8Bc-00051-00011592-00011799 it was so competitive to get into the 643uagtC8Bc-00052-00011800-00011999 school of engineering so they literally 643uagtC8Bc-00053-00012000-00012174 went two years 643uagtC8Bc-00054-00012175-00012446 of not being able to get in and delaying 643uagtC8Bc-00055-00012447-00012638 their graduation by like 2-0 years so 643uagtC8Bc-00056-00012639-00012838 you know having to pay them more in 643uagtC8Bc-00057-00012839-00013007 tuition which is crazy and the same 643uagtC8Bc-00058-00013008-00013247 thing happened at my university of where 643uagtC8Bc-00059-00013247-00013407 this person was trying to get into the 643uagtC8Bc-00060-00013408-00013566 highly competitive graphic design 643uagtC8Bc-00061-00013568-00013711 program we have here i didn't even know 643uagtC8Bc-00062-00013712-00013894 it was that competitive but again with 643uagtC8Bc-00063-00013895-00014230 him he was trying for two years to get 643uagtC8Bc-00064-00014231-00014455 in and because they only have like x 643uagtC8Bc-00065-00014456-00014727 amount of people that are allowed in per 643uagtC8Bc-00066-00014728-00014919 year it was so hard it wasn't that he 643uagtC8Bc-00067-00014919-00015063 wasn't good enough for anything it was 643uagtC8Bc-00068-00015063-00015215 just 643uagtC8Bc-00069-00015216-00015471 too too little of slots left so make 643uagtC8Bc-00070-00015472-00015694 sure to study up on 643uagtC8Bc-00071-00015695-00015894 how competitive that particular program 643uagtC8Bc-00072-00015895-00016175 is and to set up like zoom calls with 643uagtC8Bc-00073-00016176-00016350 those who are already enrolled in it and 643uagtC8Bc-00074-00016351-00016567 also zoom calls with like the advisors 643uagtC8Bc-00075-00016568-00016863 or the dean over that specific part of 643uagtC8Bc-00076-00016864-00017047 the school so the next tip i have 643uagtC8Bc-00077-00017048-00017375 relates to financial aid which can make 643uagtC8Bc-00078-00017376-00017719 or break your college experience so when 643uagtC8Bc-00079-00017720-00017927 you get your financial aid award letter 643uagtC8Bc-00080-00017928-00018191 from your university just know that 643uagtC8Bc-00081-00018192-00018558 sometimes you can in fact negotiate how 643uagtC8Bc-00082-00018559-00018799 much money um they give you so like 643uagtC8Bc-00083-00018800-00019014 let's say that you're this you know this 643uagtC8Bc-00084-00019015-00019255 very great student of where you got 643uagtC8Bc-00085-00019256-00019479 accepted into all these prestigious 643uagtC8Bc-00086-00019480-00019655 universities different schools across 643uagtC8Bc-00087-00019656-00019758 the nation 643uagtC8Bc-00088-00019759-00019943 and you're trying to make your decision 643uagtC8Bc-00089-00019944-00020055 the only thing that will persuade you 643uagtC8Bc-00090-00020056-00020214 from not pursuing that particular 643uagtC8Bc-00091-00020215-00020430 university is that they're not giving 643uagtC8Bc-00092-00020431-00020639 you enough in grants and scholarships 643uagtC8Bc-00093-00020640-00020830 and all that so yeah i have a template 643uagtC8Bc-00094-00020831-00021022 linked in my bio description that you 643uagtC8Bc-00095-00021023-00021303 can download on how to appeal for 643uagtC8Bc-00096-00021304-00021486 financial aid and also when you are 643uagtC8Bc-00097-00021487-00021686 deciding on a specific school look into 643uagtC8Bc-00098-00021687-00021886 how many scholarships they offer for 643uagtC8Bc-00099-00021887-00022175 current college students a lot of people 643uagtC8Bc-00100-00022176-00022399 they stop applying for scholarships like 643uagtC8Bc-00101-00022400-00022519 their senior year of high school because 643uagtC8Bc-00102-00022520-00022678 they don't expect to 643uagtC8Bc-00103-00022679-00022894 get any while they're in college but i 643uagtC8Bc-00104-00022895-00023094 want a whole bunch of all as a current 643uagtC8Bc-00105-00023095-00023294 college student so make sure to figure 643uagtC8Bc-00106-00023295-00023567 out and determine how likely you are to 643uagtC8Bc-00107-00023568-00023719 win those scholarships once you are 643uagtC8Bc-00108-00023720-00024014 eligible to even apply for them now i 643uagtC8Bc-00109-00024015-00024199 will say that when it comes to appealing 643uagtC8Bc-00110-00024200-00024455 for financial aid and writing out like a 643uagtC8Bc-00111-00024456-00024886 letter to do so it more so works at 643uagtC8Bc-00112-00024887-00025127 like state level schools schools of 643uagtC8Bc-00113-00025128-00025222 where 643uagtC8Bc-00114-00025223-00025447 it is somewhat easier to get in like 643uagtC8Bc-00115-00025448-00025591 they don't have 643uagtC8Bc-00116-00025592-00025814 um like a long wait list of people 643uagtC8Bc-00117-00025816-00026039 because they're so very very selective 643uagtC8Bc-00118-00026039-00026199 on who gets in like you know those top 643uagtC8Bc-00119-00026200-00026527 tier uh tier one schools ivy leagues etc 643uagtC8Bc-00120-00026527-00026774 so appealing for financial aid more so 643uagtC8Bc-00121-00026775-00027007 works for like state level schools 643uagtC8Bc-00122-00027008-00027174 because at the end of the day their main 643uagtC8Bc-00123-00027175-00027343 priority is more so getting their 643uagtC8Bc-00124-00027344-00027607 numbers up meaning enrollment numbers up 643uagtC8Bc-00125-00027608-00027735 so if you can 643uagtC8Bc-00126-00027736-00027895 write out a letter saying hey the only 643uagtC8Bc-00127-00027895-00028055 thing that's preventing me from 643uagtC8Bc-00128-00028056-00028231 enrolling at your institution is the 643uagtC8Bc-00129-00028232-00028358 fact that you're not giving me enough 643uagtC8Bc-00130-00028360-00028567 money and they're more likely to try any 643uagtC8Bc-00131-00028568-00028807 means possible to ensure that you stay 643uagtC8Bc-00132-00028808-00029007 with them brief intermission here i hope 643uagtC8Bc-00133-00029008-00029190 that this has been helpful so far if you 643uagtC8Bc-00134-00029191-00029343 really want to increase your chances of 643uagtC8Bc-00135-00029344-00029511 winning scholarships then consider 643uagtC8Bc-00136-00029512-00029702 enrolling in my online course the 643uagtC8Bc-00137-00029704-00029879 scholarship algorithm it gives you a 643uagtC8Bc-00138-00029880-00030070 step-by-step strategy on how to go about 643uagtC8Bc-00139-00030072-00030295 the overall scholarship process the most 643uagtC8Bc-00140-00030295-00030527 effective way possible increasing your 643uagtC8Bc-00141-00030527-00030783 chances of winning by 10 times more here 643uagtC8Bc-00142-00030783-00030935 are some of the people who have won as a 643uagtC8Bc-00143-00030936-00031151 result of the course videos additionally 643uagtC8Bc-00144-00031152-00031358 the course also comes with my book by 643uagtC8Bc-00145-00031360-00031518 the same title the scholarship winning 643uagtC8Bc-00146-00031519-00031711 likelihood calculator and my 643uagtC8Bc-00147-00031712-00031911 personalized services if you want to add 643uagtC8Bc-00148-00031912-00032158 that on too see if i had something like 643uagtC8Bc-00149-00032160-00032335 this back when i was a senior in high 643uagtC8Bc-00150-00032336-00032535 school there is no doubt in my mind that 643uagtC8Bc-00151-00032536-00032735 i would have gotten a full-ride 643uagtC8Bc-00152-00032736-00032951 scholarship right off the bat no 643uagtC8Bc-00153-00032952-00033135 questions asked and for those watching 643uagtC8Bc-00154-00033136-00033374 this video you can get 25 643uagtC8Bc-00155-00033375-00033655 off the basic master course with this 643uagtC8Bc-00156-00033656-00033895 promo code okay now back to the main 643uagtC8Bc-00157-00033896-00034111 video so as for the next tip this 643uagtC8Bc-00158-00034112-00034415 relates to getting a job on campus or 643uagtC8Bc-00159-00034416-00034743 off campus but specifically on campus um 643uagtC8Bc-00160-00034744-00034918 look into the job opportunities that 643uagtC8Bc-00161-00034919-00035231 your specific university offers whether 643uagtC8Bc-00162-00035232-00035527 that's work study non-work study see i 643uagtC8Bc-00163-00035528-00035695 personally think that schools are more 643uagtC8Bc-00164-00035696-00035895 likely to 643uagtC8Bc-00165-00035896-00036127 hire you if you are work study because 643uagtC8Bc-00166-00036128-00036255 if you don't know the difference between 643uagtC8Bc-00167-00036256-00036518 work study and non-work study work study 643uagtC8Bc-00168-00036519-00036711 is a way i believe like eighty percent 643uagtC8Bc-00169-00036712-00036790 of 643uagtC8Bc-00170-00036791-00036983 um the pay that you will be receiving 643uagtC8Bc-00171-00036984-00037174 from that job is paid from the federal 643uagtC8Bc-00172-00037175-00037335 government and then twenty percent of it 643uagtC8Bc-00173-00037336-00037623 would be paid by the actual institution 643uagtC8Bc-00174-00037624-00037879 your university whereas non-work study 643uagtC8Bc-00175-00037880-00038039 outside of the fafsa 643uagtC8Bc-00176-00038040-00038167 fafsa 643uagtC8Bc-00177-00038168-00038415 however you pronounce that word um that 643uagtC8Bc-00178-00038416-00038639 money 643uagtC8Bc-00179-00038640-00038839 non-work study is more so a hundred 643uagtC8Bc-00180-00038840-00039143 percent of the university uh paying for 643uagtC8Bc-00181-00039144-00039335 your your payroll so from their 643uagtC8Bc-00182-00039336-00039559 perspective it would be a lot cheaper to 643uagtC8Bc-00183-00039560-00039743 hire someone who is work study as 643uagtC8Bc-00184-00039744-00039902 opposed to non-work study so if you're 643uagtC8Bc-00185-00039903-00040159 filling out the fafsa fafsa 643uagtC8Bc-00186-00040160-00040399 whatever um make sure that you check 643uagtC8Bc-00187-00040400-00040599 that box that says work study and if you 643uagtC8Bc-00188-00040600-00040790 have the option to get a job this work 643uagtC8Bc-00189-00040791-00041023 study do it now another great job to 643uagtC8Bc-00190-00041024-00041311 have as a college student is working for 643uagtC8Bc-00191-00041312-00041695 student housing um for two years i was 643uagtC8Bc-00192-00041696-00042007 an r.a a resident assistant so at my 643uagtC8Bc-00193-00042008-00042230 particular university that fully paid 643uagtC8Bc-00194-00042231-00042327 for 643uagtC8Bc-00195-00042328-00042623 my housing my meal plan 643uagtC8Bc-00196-00042624-00042871 and then i got like a monthly stipend of 643uagtC8Bc-00197-00042872-00043127 400 per semester and all these other 643uagtC8Bc-00198-00043128-00043527 perks right and so it depends uh 643uagtC8Bc-00199-00043528-00043807 like the perks for being an ra or an fa 643uagtC8Bc-00200-00043808-00044071 or an h a f a is facility assistant h.a 643uagtC8Bc-00201-00044072-00044351 is housing ambassador the perks differ 643uagtC8Bc-00202-00044352-00044574 from university to university i at first 643uagtC8Bc-00203-00044575-00044839 thought every university has a setup of 643uagtC8Bc-00204-00044840-00045023 where you get your housing fully paid 643uagtC8Bc-00205-00045024-00045158 for plus your meal plan but other 643uagtC8Bc-00206-00045159-00045423 schools it might be like you only get 70 643uagtC8Bc-00207-00045424-00045695 you get like a 70 off discount for 643uagtC8Bc-00208-00045696-00045951 housing and maybe 643uagtC8Bc-00209-00045952-00046271 one semester of your meal plan uh paid 643uagtC8Bc-00210-00046272-00046511 for like again it differs from school to 643uagtC8Bc-00211-00046512-00046695 school so make sure that when you're 643uagtC8Bc-00212-00046696-00046918 creating like your excel spreadsheet or 643uagtC8Bc-00213-00046919-00047015 whatever 643uagtC8Bc-00214-00047016-00047207 uh showing the pros and cons and 643uagtC8Bc-00215-00047208-00047407 comparisons between each individual 643uagtC8Bc-00216-00047408-00047583 school that you're interested in that 643uagtC8Bc-00217-00047584-00047783 you also take that into account if you 643uagtC8Bc-00218-00047784-00047958 are interested in being 643uagtC8Bc-00219-00047959-00048223 an raha fa and i can make a separate 643uagtC8Bc-00220-00048224-00048383 video and i can make a separate video 643uagtC8Bc-00221-00048384-00048599 about that so just let me know in the 643uagtC8Bc-00222-00048600-00048758 comment section if you're interested in 643uagtC8Bc-00223-00048759-00048935 learning how to become an ra because it 643uagtC8Bc-00224-00048936-00049135 is fairly competitive because you know 643uagtC8Bc-00225-00049136-00049271 a lot of people want their college 643uagtC8Bc-00226-00049272-00049407 housing and meal plan and all these 643uagtC8Bc-00227-00049408-00049630 other benefits paid for so 643uagtC8Bc-00228-00049631-00049799 yeah some other job opportunities to 643uagtC8Bc-00229-00049800-00050007 look into as a college student would be 643uagtC8Bc-00230-00050008-00050327 like being a ta or an r.a meeting a 643uagtC8Bc-00231-00050328-00050599 teaching assistant or research assistant 643uagtC8Bc-00232-00050600-00050855 now these positions are more so geared 643uagtC8Bc-00233-00050856-00051102 towards those who are enrolled in grad 643uagtC8Bc-00234-00051103-00051319 school sometimes they're also open to 643uagtC8Bc-00235-00051320-00051494 undergrad again it depends on the 643uagtC8Bc-00236-00051495-00051719 university and how they operate and 643uagtC8Bc-00237-00051720-00052087 everything but similar with um 643uagtC8Bc-00238-00052088-00052254 the position as an ra it comes with a 643uagtC8Bc-00239-00052255-00052407 lot of benefits depending on the school 643uagtC8Bc-00240-00052408-00052679 of course like if you are a teaching 643uagtC8Bc-00241-00052679-00052838 assistant or research assistant at a 643uagtC8Bc-00242-00052839-00053063 particular university it might just pay 643uagtC8Bc-00243-00053064-00053311 fully for your housing it might just pay 643uagtC8Bc-00244-00053312-00053607 for both housing and tuition again it 643uagtC8Bc-00245-00053608-00053807 all depends on that particular school 643uagtC8Bc-00246-00053808-00053999 and the perks that they offer so now 643uagtC8Bc-00247-00054000-00054279 let's talk about housing how to choose 643uagtC8Bc-00248-00054279-00054575 um the right apartments the right dorm 643uagtC8Bc-00249-00054576-00054815 whatever it may be if you have the 643uagtC8Bc-00250-00054816-00054982 opportunity to 643uagtC8Bc-00251-00054983-00055366 do an in-person tour of where you are 643uagtC8Bc-00252-00055367-00055607 thinking of living and if they don't 643uagtC8Bc-00253-00055608-00055847 offer that or perhaps the university is 643uagtC8Bc-00254-00055848-00055999 like too far away from where you 643uagtC8Bc-00255-00056000-00056207 currently live for you to just only 643uagtC8Bc-00256-00056208-00056463 visit just to tour you know the housing 643uagtC8Bc-00257-00056464-00056711 um you can do a virtual tour via 643uagtC8Bc-00258-00056712-00056959 facetime zoom whatever it may be and 643uagtC8Bc-00259-00056960-00057215 they just show you around the complex 643uagtC8Bc-00260-00057216-00057607 and also given my past role as an ra 643uagtC8Bc-00261-00057608-00057830 when you're looking into housing do not 643uagtC8Bc-00262-00057832-00058199 depend on just the tips and advice from 643uagtC8Bc-00263-00058200-00058391 those who work in housing because you 643uagtC8Bc-00264-00058391-00058687 know their job is to make sure that the 643uagtC8Bc-00265-00058688-00058919 facility looks as presentable as 643uagtC8Bc-00266-00058920-00059038 possible 643uagtC8Bc-00267-00059039-00059271 um sometimes it is a lot better to seek 643uagtC8Bc-00268-00059272-00059447 advice from those who actually live 643uagtC8Bc-00269-00059448-00059654 there so that might be of where you are 643uagtC8Bc-00270-00059655-00059903 going to youtube and checking out vlog 643uagtC8Bc-00271-00059904-00060142 videos of move-in day for a particular 643uagtC8Bc-00272-00060144-00060287 dorm that you're interested in looking 643uagtC8Bc-00273-00060288-00060526 into our particular apartment complex 643uagtC8Bc-00274-00060527-00060703 you're interested in living in whatever 643uagtC8Bc-00275-00060704-00060999 it may be do not be too dependent on 643uagtC8Bc-00276-00061000-00061319 just the pictures or the videos provided 643uagtC8Bc-00277-00061320-00061550 on the website from your university 643uagtC8Bc-00278-00061551-00061654 because again 643uagtC8Bc-00279-00061655-00061863 things can be photoshopped they try 643uagtC8Bc-00280-00061864-00062038 their best to make things look good 643uagtC8Bc-00281-00062039-00062263 because at the end of the day their goal 643uagtC8Bc-00282-00062264-00062494 is to get your money and also i will 643uagtC8Bc-00283-00062495-00062726 make a separate video on again how to 643uagtC8Bc-00284-00062727-00062999 become an ra as well as how to choose 643uagtC8Bc-00285-00063000-00063479 the right roommate because 643uagtC8Bc-00286-00063479-00063694 i got stories for that one and also just 643uagtC8Bc-00287-00063695-00063919 overall housing tips for apartments or 643uagtC8Bc-00288-00063920-00064087 dorms because there's so much that goes 643uagtC8Bc-00289-00064088-00064399 into it and this video is not so much 643uagtC8Bc-00290-00064400-00064582 dedicated to just that so i'm going to 643uagtC8Bc-00291-00064583-00064887 have a separate video for that okay so 643uagtC8Bc-00292-00064888-00065103 the next thing you want to look 643uagtC8Bc-00293-00065104-00065319 you want to look out for when choosing a 643uagtC8Bc-00294-00065320-00065615 particular university or college is 643uagtC8Bc-00295-00065616-00065950 proximity proximity to home proximity to 643uagtC8Bc-00296-00065951-00066279 your classes proximity to 643uagtC8Bc-00297-00066280-00066447 student life 643uagtC8Bc-00298-00066448-00066782 uh night life like the bars and all that 643uagtC8Bc-00299-00066783-00066926 whatever it may be 643uagtC8Bc-00300-00066927-00067182 um because i have seen so many 643uagtC8Bc-00301-00067183-00067375 situations where people i know they get 643uagtC8Bc-00302-00067376-00067567 into their dream school 643uagtC8Bc-00303-00067568-00067799 but it's like in the middle of nowhere 643uagtC8Bc-00304-00067800-00068006 and there's nothing much to do and it 643uagtC8Bc-00305-00068007-00068255 takes like a 30 643uagtC8Bc-00306-00068256-00068615 30 minute drive just to get to places 643uagtC8Bc-00307-00068616-00068831 where they can really enjoy themselves 643uagtC8Bc-00308-00068832-00069015 outside of the context of their 643uagtC8Bc-00309-00069016-00069223 education in school and also i want you 643uagtC8Bc-00310-00069224-00069375 to ask yourself this 643uagtC8Bc-00311-00069376-00069743 are you a homebody are you someone 643uagtC8Bc-00312-00069744-00070063 who would prefer to be fairly close to 643uagtC8Bc-00313-00070064-00070271 where your parents where your 643uagtC8Bc-00314-00070272-00070591 um your childhood home is so for me i 643uagtC8Bc-00315-00070592-00070838 live like a little over an hour away 643uagtC8Bc-00316-00070839-00071038 from home and so i can go there honestly 643uagtC8Bc-00317-00071039-00071279 anytime and at first i was somewhat of a 643uagtC8Bc-00318-00071280-00071455 homebody i would go there my freshman 643uagtC8Bc-00319-00071456-00071671 year like every other weekend but as i 643uagtC8Bc-00320-00071672-00071831 got older i 643uagtC8Bc-00321-00071832-00072159 i just loved having my own space and 643uagtC8Bc-00322-00072160-00072391 not having to do the chores 643uagtC8Bc-00323-00072392-00072559 that i did not cause in the first place 643uagtC8Bc-00324-00072560-00072767 like why am i washing these dishes when 643uagtC8Bc-00325-00072768-00072982 i didn't do that anywho make sure to 643uagtC8Bc-00326-00072983-00073167 take into account proximity because 643uagtC8Bc-00327-00073168-00073399 again i know a lot of people where 643uagtC8Bc-00328-00073400-00073479 they 643uagtC8Bc-00329-00073480-00073671 were home bodies but then they decide to 643uagtC8Bc-00330-00073672-00073967 go to a school that's across the nation 643uagtC8Bc-00331-00073968-00074135 and they're constantly missing their 643uagtC8Bc-00332-00074136-00074335 family they're not really adapting well 643uagtC8Bc-00333-00074336-00074471 to the environment the social 643uagtC8Bc-00334-00074472-00074606 environment of their school and so they 643uagtC8Bc-00335-00074607-00074815 end up being miserable transferring 643uagtC8Bc-00336-00074816-00075047 dropping out and all that so make sure 643uagtC8Bc-00337-00075048-00075175 to take that into account when you're 643uagtC8Bc-00338-00075176-00075359 choosing a school and again proximity or 643uagtC8Bc-00339-00075360-00075591 location also pertains to the particular 643uagtC8Bc-00340-00075592-00075815 dorm or apartment you choose to live in 643uagtC8Bc-00341-00075816-00076015 so like let's say you are a chemistry 643uagtC8Bc-00342-00076016-00076223 major and all of your or most of your 643uagtC8Bc-00343-00076224-00076431 classes are in the chemistry building 643uagtC8Bc-00344-00076432-00076582 and you know that there is a certain 643uagtC8Bc-00345-00076583-00076791 apartment complex that's really close to 643uagtC8Bc-00346-00076792-00076991 it well it makes sense for you to choose 643uagtC8Bc-00347-00076992-00077206 to live at that apartment as opposed to 643uagtC8Bc-00348-00077207-00077438 one where you have to walk like a long 643uagtC8Bc-00349-00077439-00077838 distance or drive or take the bus or 643uagtC8Bc-00350-00077839-00077991 perhaps let's say that you don't like 643uagtC8Bc-00351-00077992-00078150 your family well in that case it would 643uagtC8Bc-00352-00078151-00078367 be best to choose a school that's as far 643uagtC8Bc-00353-00078368-00078535 away as possible so that you have the 643uagtC8Bc-00354-00078536-00078671 excuse 643uagtC8Bc-00355-00078672-00078967 of you know not being able to afford 643uagtC8Bc-00356-00078968-00079238 a plane ride a plane ticket every single 643uagtC8Bc-00357-00079239-00079438 time just to visit them for each holiday 643uagtC8Bc-00358-00079439-00079719 season or whatever okay so now let's get 643uagtC8Bc-00359-00079720-00080038 into social life i'm giving you advice 643uagtC8Bc-00360-00080039-00080359 on this as someone with social anxiety 643uagtC8Bc-00361-00080360-00080687 see the very first semester is so 643uagtC8Bc-00362-00080688-00080806 crucial 643uagtC8Bc-00363-00080807-00081182 when it comes to forming social groups 643uagtC8Bc-00364-00081183-00081519 networking et cetera so if you are 643uagtC8Bc-00365-00081520-00081767 someone who constantly just 643uagtC8Bc-00366-00081768-00081959 you know is in your room all the time 643uagtC8Bc-00367-00081960-00082062 like me 643uagtC8Bc-00368-00082063-00082238 you're not gonna have much of a social 643uagtC8Bc-00369-00082239-00082399 life i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go 643uagtC8Bc-00370-00082400-00082591 ahead and tell you that right now so you 643uagtC8Bc-00371-00082592-00082782 really need to go outside of your 643uagtC8Bc-00372-00082783-00083047 comfort zone go outside of your box 643uagtC8Bc-00373-00083048-00083215 um 643uagtC8Bc-00374-00083216-00083462 and just get out 643uagtC8Bc-00375-00083463-00083718 and so to get an idea of what the social 643uagtC8Bc-00376-00083719-00083903 life is like at your school what the 643uagtC8Bc-00377-00083904-00084143 culture is like at your school um you 643uagtC8Bc-00378-00084144-00084431 can watch vlogs stay in the live videos 643uagtC8Bc-00379-00084432-00084543 of a 643uagtC8Bc-00380-00084544-00084750 stanford student day in the life videos 643uagtC8Bc-00381-00084751-00084959 of ut austin student 643uagtC8Bc-00382-00084960-00085167 look up those things on youtube or 643uagtC8Bc-00383-00085168-00085375 perhaps even on tick tock 643uagtC8Bc-00384-00085376-00085615 and see what it's like and see whether 643uagtC8Bc-00385-00085616-00085879 or not you like it it also helps to join 643uagtC8Bc-00386-00085880-00086135 facebook groups or group me's if you can 643uagtC8Bc-00387-00086136-00086423 find them or even discord chats and 643uagtC8Bc-00388-00086424-00086575 getting to know people that way and this 643uagtC8Bc-00389-00086576-00086847 is also a great outlet for finding a 643uagtC8Bc-00390-00086848-00087071 roommate if you are in need of one 643uagtC8Bc-00391-00087072-00087223 another thing that you can do is 643uagtC8Bc-00392-00087224-00087487 researching online the clubs and 643uagtC8Bc-00393-00087488-00087743 organizations on campus that that school 643uagtC8Bc-00394-00087744-00087831 has 643uagtC8Bc-00395-00087832-00088071 and then following them on social media 643uagtC8Bc-00396-00088072-00088231 seeing how active they are with their 643uagtC8Bc-00397-00088232-00088455 social media accounts typically how 643uagtC8Bc-00398-00088456-00088631 active they are with their social media 643uagtC8Bc-00399-00088632-00088855 is also reflective of how active they 643uagtC8Bc-00400-00088856-00089111 are in person i have learned this the 643uagtC8Bc-00401-00089112-00089238 hard way because there was one 643uagtC8Bc-00402-00089239-00089462 organization i try to be a part of 643uagtC8Bc-00403-00089463-00089615 and the last time they updated their 643uagtC8Bc-00404-00089616-00089871 social media was like over a year ago 643uagtC8Bc-00405-00089872-00090023 and then when i joined the organization 643uagtC8Bc-00406-00090024-00090231 we literally only met like one or two 643uagtC8Bc-00407-00090232-00090399 times so again 643uagtC8Bc-00408-00090400-00090535 the more active they are with their 643uagtC8Bc-00409-00090536-00090711 social media the more likely they are to 643uagtC8Bc-00410-00090712-00090999 be active in real life um typically from 643uagtC8Bc-00411-00091000-00091182 what i've seen student-based 643uagtC8Bc-00412-00091183-00091391 organizations they're more so active on 643uagtC8Bc-00413-00091392-00091575 twitter so make sure to follow their 643uagtC8Bc-00414-00091576-00091806 twitter accounts primarily 643uagtC8Bc-00415-00091807-00091999 and also follow relevant hashtags 643uagtC8Bc-00416-00092000-00092215 related to that school 643uagtC8Bc-00417-00092216-00092399 like the abbreviated form of their 643uagtC8Bc-00418-00092400-00092543 school 643uagtC8Bc-00419-00092544-00092679 and see what other people are saying and 643uagtC8Bc-00420-00092680-00092862 again reach out to people 643uagtC8Bc-00421-00092863-00093094 dm people ask them what the school's 643uagtC8Bc-00422-00093095-00093359 like perhaps set up a short zoom call 643uagtC8Bc-00423-00093360-00093606 phone call five to 15 minutes just so 643uagtC8Bc-00424-00093607-00093967 you can get a legit up-to-date idea of 643uagtC8Bc-00425-00093968-00094167 what the school is like because let's 643uagtC8Bc-00426-00094168-00094326 say you reach out to someone who went to 643uagtC8Bc-00427-00094327-00094535 the school maybe over five years ago 643uagtC8Bc-00428-00094536-00094711 well going to a school like five years 643uagtC8Bc-00429-00094712-00094903 ago as opposed to today 643uagtC8Bc-00430-00094904-00095111 can be totally different especially 643uagtC8Bc-00431-00095112-00095359 taking into context how the pandemic has 643uagtC8Bc-00432-00095360-00095518 affected things so make sure to get the 643uagtC8Bc-00433-00095519-00095718 most up-to-date information about the 643uagtC8Bc-00434-00095719-00095982 current climate and the current culture 643uagtC8Bc-00435-00095983-00096206 of that particular institution another 643uagtC8Bc-00436-00096207-00096374 thing you want to look out for when it 643uagtC8Bc-00437-00096375-00096591 comes to choosing a school 643uagtC8Bc-00438-00096592-00096759 is the temperature 643uagtC8Bc-00439-00096760-00097087 so i live in texas it's pretty hot here 643uagtC8Bc-00440-00097088-00097262 a lot of times i mean right now as i'm 643uagtC8Bc-00441-00097263-00097447 recording this video it's kind of cold 643uagtC8Bc-00442-00097448-00097671 but for the most part it's like hot 643uagtC8Bc-00443-00097672-00097799 not too cold 643uagtC8Bc-00444-00097800-00097879 and 643uagtC8Bc-00445-00097880-00098135 i literally could not see myself living 643uagtC8Bc-00446-00098136-00098399 in somewhere like the north northeast 643uagtC8Bc-00447-00098400-00098559 new york 643uagtC8Bc-00448-00098560-00098759 i would not survive i do not like the 643uagtC8Bc-00449-00098760-00098982 snow when we had a 643uagtC8Bc-00450-00098983-00099223 blackout what was that last year in 643uagtC8Bc-00451-00099224-00099343 texas 643uagtC8Bc-00452-00099344-00099482 um i was 643uagtC8Bc-00453-00099483-00099735 freezing and i lit i actually have a 643uagtC8Bc-00454-00099736-00100071 traumatic experience with snow where 643uagtC8Bc-00455-00100072-00100343 my brother he left me 643uagtC8Bc-00456-00100344-00100471 in the park 643uagtC8Bc-00457-00100472-00100615 knowing that i'm directionally 643uagtC8Bc-00458-00100616-00100774 challenged 643uagtC8Bc-00459-00100775-00100967 and it took me two hours to find my 643uagtC8Bc-00460-00100968-00101087 house 643uagtC8Bc-00461-00101088-00101255 when it was literally only a 10 minute 643uagtC8Bc-00462-00101256-00101503 walk anywho i don't like the snow and 643uagtC8Bc-00463-00101504-00101799 that's why i could not see myself 643uagtC8Bc-00464-00101800-00102079 enrolling in a school that was heavily 643uagtC8Bc-00465-00102080-00102326 snowed in all the time so that's why i 643uagtC8Bc-00466-00102327-00102502 went ahead and just stayed in the south 643uagtC8Bc-00467-00102503-00102758 in my own state okay so now let's talk 643uagtC8Bc-00468-00102759-00103063 about 643uagtC8Bc-00469-00103064-00103263 diversity and inclusion 643uagtC8Bc-00470-00103264-00103502 which is so very important especially if 643uagtC8Bc-00471-00103503-00103742 you are a minority such as myself now 643uagtC8Bc-00472-00103743-00103927 when i talk about diversity and 643uagtC8Bc-00473-00103928-00104127 inclusion i'm not just talking about 643uagtC8Bc-00474-00104128-00104358 like the diversity of the students but 643uagtC8Bc-00475-00104359-00104534 also the diversity of the types of 643uagtC8Bc-00476-00104535-00104751 classes you can take as well as the 643uagtC8Bc-00477-00104752-00104999 diversity of the staff and the faculty 643uagtC8Bc-00478-00105000-00105190 so to give you an example of this my 643uagtC8Bc-00479-00105191-00105583 school is classified as an msi or hsi so 643uagtC8Bc-00480-00105583-00105847 minority serving institution or hispanic 643uagtC8Bc-00481-00105848-00106110 serving institution but then our faculty 643uagtC8Bc-00482-00106111-00106439 and staff is like predominantly white 643uagtC8Bc-00483-00106440-00106590 and so if you know anything about the 643uagtC8Bc-00484-00106591-00106783 research behind retention when it comes 643uagtC8Bc-00485-00106783-00106895 to 643uagtC8Bc-00486-00106896-00107134 school and performance of students 643uagtC8Bc-00487-00107135-00107390 students tend to be much more likely to 643uagtC8Bc-00488-00107391-00107615 retain the information they learned if 643uagtC8Bc-00489-00107616-00107807 they are taught by someone who looks 643uagtC8Bc-00490-00107808-00108039 like them now that's not to say that you 643uagtC8Bc-00491-00108040-00108247 can't properly learn from someone who's 643uagtC8Bc-00492-00108248-00108471 totally different demographic from you 643uagtC8Bc-00493-00108472-00108702 but that you are in most cases more 643uagtC8Bc-00494-00108703-00108975 likely to learn from someone who also 643uagtC8Bc-00495-00108976-00109158 looks like you to give more context 643uagtC8Bc-00496-00109159-00109358 about this so i have been at my 643uagtC8Bc-00497-00109359-00109558 institution for a little over 643uagtC8Bc-00498-00109559-00109727 going into five years i went here for 643uagtC8Bc-00499-00109728-00109927 undergrad and now for grad school 643uagtC8Bc-00500-00109928-00110286 and i have never had a black professor 643uagtC8Bc-00501-00110288-00110575 well i take that back so i had two black 643uagtC8Bc-00502-00110576-00110815 professors but they were only virtual so 643uagtC8Bc-00503-00110816-00111095 we never got you know face-to-face um 643uagtC8Bc-00504-00111096-00111383 time in a classroom all of my in-person 643uagtC8Bc-00505-00111383-00111631 professors have always been 643uagtC8Bc-00506-00111632-00111854 not like me and so 643uagtC8Bc-00507-00111855-00112023 even though that has been the case i was 643uagtC8Bc-00508-00112024-00112223 still able to get like a 4.0 with gpa 643uagtC8Bc-00509-00112224-00112399 and everything but again if you look at 643uagtC8Bc-00510-00112400-00112695 the data some people really need to be 643uagtC8Bc-00511-00112696-00112902 represented in who they are being taught 643uagtC8Bc-00512-00112903-00113078 by so if you know that you are that type 643uagtC8Bc-00513-00113079-00113319 of person um perhaps it would be better 643uagtC8Bc-00514-00113320-00113590 for you to attend institutions such as 643uagtC8Bc-00515-00113591-00113831 like an hbcu if you're black like me and 643uagtC8Bc-00516-00113832-00114078 you really want to also be exposed to 643uagtC8Bc-00517-00114079-00114375 other black educators in that way now as 643uagtC8Bc-00518-00114376-00114734 for the final tip i have for this video 643uagtC8Bc-00519-00114735-00115071 it relates to size the size of the 643uagtC8Bc-00520-00115072-00115247 overall school 643uagtC8Bc-00521-00115248-00115590 the size of how many people are enrolled 643uagtC8Bc-00522-00115591-00115719 in the school 643uagtC8Bc-00523-00115720-00116119 and the size average size of your main 643uagtC8Bc-00524-00116120-00116454 classes so basically the professor to 643uagtC8Bc-00525-00116455-00116647 student ratio 643uagtC8Bc-00526-00116648-00116863 if there's a smaller ratio 643uagtC8Bc-00527-00116864-00117023 if there's a smaller gap in the ratio 643uagtC8Bc-00528-00117024-00117286 between the student and the professor 643uagtC8Bc-00529-00117288-00117463 then again that helps with retention 643uagtC8Bc-00530-00117464-00117695 because studies have shown that less 643uagtC8Bc-00531-00117696-00117927 likely the student's retention is going 643uagtC8Bc-00532-00117928-00118151 to be higher because they have less 643uagtC8Bc-00533-00118152-00118319 access to one-on-one attention and all 643uagtC8Bc-00534-00118320-00118575 that so yeah make sure to take that into 643uagtC8Bc-00535-00118576-00118783 account because 643uagtC8Bc-00536-00118783-00118910 i don't want for you guys to be 643uagtC8Bc-00537-00118911-00119134 overwhelmed some of these campuses are 643uagtC8Bc-00538-00119135-00119247 huge 643uagtC8Bc-00539-00119248-00119447 and if you are someone who is like 643uagtC8Bc-00540-00119448-00119654 claustrophobic or just overwhelmed by 643uagtC8Bc-00541-00119655-00119902 seeing too many bodies all at once 643uagtC8Bc-00542-00119903-00120095 especially during a pandemic 643uagtC8Bc-00543-00120096-00120247 you're gonna kind of freak out like i 643uagtC8Bc-00544-00120248-00120383 did so 643uagtC8Bc-00545-00120383-00120607 make sure to keep that in mind anywho 643uagtC8Bc-00546-00120608-00120807 that's all for today's video i hope that 643uagtC8Bc-00547-00120808-00120990 this was helpful make sure to like and 643uagtC8Bc-00548-00120991-00121183 subscribe to my youtube channel and 643uagtC8Bc-00549-00121183-00121358 check out the full playlist of all the 643uagtC8Bc-00550-00121359-00121583 other videos i have on here again my 643uagtC8Bc-00551-00121583-00121783 content started out with scholarship 643uagtC8Bc-00552-00121783-00121958 advice so if you need help with that if 643uagtC8Bc-00553-00121959-00122127 you want to graduate debt-free like i 643uagtC8Bc-00554-00122128-00122327 did for undergrad and will again for 643uagtC8Bc-00555-00122328-00122502 grad school then make sure to check out 643uagtC8Bc-00556-00122503-00122719 that playlist as well as the playlist on 643uagtC8Bc-00557-00122720-00122975 other college related advice that i have 643uagtC8Bc-00558-00122976-00124095 for you bye 643uagtC8Bc-00559-00124096-00124303 you 67sNUUguFQk-00000-00000008-00000342 scale we definitely do scale so let me 67sNUUguFQk-00001-00000343-00000582 rescale all right so let's see we gotta 67sNUUguFQk-00002-00000583-00000774 have hope gotta have a blank there's 67sNUUguFQk-00003-00000775-00000886 this echo 67sNUUguFQk-00004-00000888-00001070 and um 67sNUUguFQk-00005-00001071-00001343 and he was basically saying gg at like 67sNUUguFQk-00006-00001344-00001495 when we had one kill and it was six 67sNUUguFQk-00007-00001496-00001830 deaths right um and he i told him dude 67sNUUguFQk-00008-00001832-00002023 if you continue to be salty and negative 67sNUUguFQk-00009-00002023-00002151 and stuff like that i promise you it's 67sNUUguFQk-00010-00002152-00002295 gonna get worse and he stopped he was 67sNUUguFQk-00011-00002296-00002463 actually very cool about it 67sNUUguFQk-00012-00002464-00002623 and um 67sNUUguFQk-00013-00002624-00002823 he he ended up going 15 67sNUUguFQk-00014-00002824-00003039 like 15 six and then i ended up going 67sNUUguFQk-00015-00003040-00003399 like nine six fifteen or something like 67sNUUguFQk-00016-00003400-00003615 basically it was a really good game 67sNUUguFQk-00017-00003615-00003911 and uh 67sNUUguFQk-00018-00003911-00004119 and we won we won but we were definitely 67sNUUguFQk-00019-00004120-00004303 on the path of losing because of all the 67sNUUguFQk-00020-00004304-00004519 tilt and stuff like that 67sNUUguFQk-00021-00004520-00004686 so this video i'm probably going to 67sNUUguFQk-00022-00004687-00004886 title it how to not tilt 67sNUUguFQk-00023-00004887-00005031 and how to win your games or something 67sNUUguFQk-00024-00005032-00005238 like that if we win but if we don't win 67sNUUguFQk-00025-00005239-00005615 it i'm just going to say 67sNUUguFQk-00026-00005616-00006111 yeah we should 67sNUUguFQk-00027-00006112-00006327 all right good job good job 67sNUUguFQk-00028-00006328-00006670 good job guys good job guys 67sNUUguFQk-00029-00006672-00006919 see exactly if you don't you can just 67sNUUguFQk-00030-00006920-00007334 make some magic happen 67sNUUguFQk-00031-00007336-00007511 yeah so i got him to flash that's good 67sNUUguFQk-00032-00007512-00007998 [Music] 67sNUUguFQk-00033-00008000-00008431 all right so look at that 67sNUUguFQk-00034-00008432-00008631 look at that beautiful see that how to 67sNUUguFQk-00035-00008632-00008799 not tell and then you can win your games 67sNUUguFQk-00036-00008800-00008942 look at that easy 67sNUUguFQk-00037-00008943-00009142 so good job guys good job 67sNUUguFQk-00038-00009143-00009255 don't tell 67sNUUguFQk-00039-00009256-00009439 but of course the nars back door which 67sNUUguFQk-00040-00009440-00009614 is maybe not a good 67sNUUguFQk-00041-00009615-00009742 um 67sNUUguFQk-00042-00009743-00009983 i can't really leave my top lane either 67sNUUguFQk-00043-00009984-00010078 so 67sNUUguFQk-00044-00010079-00010271 all right so basically 67sNUUguFQk-00045-00010272-00010487 um that was really good gold now i can 67sNUUguFQk-00046-00010488-00010631 finally buy my black cleaver which is 67sNUUguFQk-00047-00010632-00010751 what i wanted 67sNUUguFQk-00048-00010752-00011103 um 67sNUUguFQk-00049-00011104-00011278 all right so i'm gonna get this and then 67sNUUguFQk-00050-00011279-00011478 i'm gonna go oh actually let me get this 67sNUUguFQk-00051-00011479-00011838 one wave and then i'm gonna go back 67sNUUguFQk-00052-00011839-00012046 just one more just one more 67sNUUguFQk-00053-00012047-00012255 just one more just one more 67sNUUguFQk-00054-00012256-00012391 just one more 67sNUUguFQk-00055-00012392-00012591 yeah so look at that if we were to tilt 67sNUUguFQk-00056-00012592-00012727 like look at we're obviously still 67sNUUguFQk-00057-00012728-00012943 losing but i have no i have a i have 67sNUUguFQk-00058-00012944-00013311 hope dude this isn't this is a a win if 67sNUUguFQk-00059-00013312-00014038 change your mindset 67sNUUguFQk-00060-00014040-00014158 all right let's try to give stay 67sNUUguFQk-00061-00014159-00014383 positive so let's see so 67sNUUguFQk-00062-00014384-00014535 so let's get um i want to get a gwin 67sNUUguFQk-00063-00014536-00014719 souls now because um 67sNUUguFQk-00064-00014719-00014983 we fight for those who cannot all right 67sNUUguFQk-00065-00014984-00015286 so um so let's already take it 67sNUUguFQk-00066-00015287-00016007 i'll help you 67sNUUguFQk-00067-00016008-00016222 so like let me go help him start 67sNUUguFQk-00068-00016223-00016447 grouping 67sNUUguFQk-00069-00016448-00016703 so we gotta group a little bit like 67sNUUguFQk-00070-00016704-00017207 gotta be careful though 67sNUUguFQk-00071-00017208-00017479 okay 67sNUUguFQk-00072-00017480-00018686 yeah so we shouldn't be fighting don't 67sNUUguFQk-00073-00018687-00018886 all right so let them let 67sNUUguFQk-00074-00018887-00019247 them make the mistakes 67sNUUguFQk-00075-00019248-00019422 all right so what we can get the score 67sNUUguFQk-00076-00019423-00019686 back to um four to fifteen if we let 67sNUUguFQk-00077-00019687-00019839 them make the mistakes 67sNUUguFQk-00078-00019840-00020239 um 67sNUUguFQk-00079-00020240-00020391 so yeah i'm gonna head uh 67sNUUguFQk-00080-00020392-00020799 um jeremy need some farm that's good 67sNUUguFQk-00081-00020800-00021030 all right so let's let's ward this a 67sNUUguFQk-00082-00021031-00022414 little bit 67sNUUguFQk-00083-00022415-00022583 all right i can i can afford to do that 67sNUUguFQk-00084-00022584-00022694 type of stuff 67sNUUguFQk-00085-00022695-00022847 because i know that my health and i have 67sNUUguFQk-00086-00022848-00023271 flash and i'm trying to 67sNUUguFQk-00087-00023272-00023878 care 67sNUUguFQk-00088-00023879-00024039 oh she missed the stunner that she would 67sNUUguFQk-00089-00024040-00024839 have definitely died 67sNUUguFQk-00090-00024840-00024967 all right so like you gotta stay 67sNUUguFQk-00091-00024968-00025119 positive gotta stay positive you know 67sNUUguFQk-00092-00025120-00025271 and games like this just gotta stay 67sNUUguFQk-00093-00025272-00025471 positive 67sNUUguFQk-00094-00025472-00025670 so yeah one top i mean one bottom that's 67sNUUguFQk-00095-00025672-00025750 good 67sNUUguFQk-00096-00025751-00025999 way to split good job trend all right so 67sNUUguFQk-00097-00026000-00026270 let's see 67sNUUguFQk-00098-00026272-00026839 look at that that's good 67sNUUguFQk-00099-00026839-00027023 all right so let's see yeah so i guess 67sNUUguFQk-00100-00027024-00027143 we're going to lose it because i don't 67sNUUguFQk-00101-00027144-00027318 have any health i don't know what is 67sNUUguFQk-00102-00027319-00027439 doing 67sNUUguFQk-00103-00027439-00027574 god guys 67sNUUguFQk-00104-00027575-00027823 okay let's not stress them out 67sNUUguFQk-00105-00027824-00028335 we're already stressed you know 67sNUUguFQk-00106-00028336-00028590 i can't fight right now 67sNUUguFQk-00107-00028591-00029023 none of us can really do 67sNUUguFQk-00108-00029024-00030014 all right good good good good 67sNUUguFQk-00109-00030016-00030174 all right so um 67sNUUguFQk-00110-00030175-00030374 right now i have a um 67sNUUguFQk-00111-00030375-00030527 so let's get this because i want to i 67sNUUguFQk-00112-00030527-00030743 want to get that 1100 but we also need 67sNUUguFQk-00113-00030744-00030895 some tanks so let's see you do have an 67sNUUguFQk-00114-00030895-00031167 ep they have some ap um they mostly have 67sNUUguFQk-00115-00031168-00031431 a deep so let's get this aed right here 67sNUUguFQk-00116-00031432-00031567 i already have a lot of armor but you 67sNUUguFQk-00117-00031568-00031695 know right now i'm kind of more 67sNUUguFQk-00118-00031695-00031958 concerned about nar lee sin 67sNUUguFQk-00119-00031960-00032231 lucian that i am a morgan i'm just gonna 67sNUUguFQk-00120-00032232-00032518 dodge her stuns in the sona you know 67sNUUguFQk-00121-00032519-00033046 keep farm up 67sNUUguFQk-00122-00033047-00033590 four ton 67sNUUguFQk-00123-00033591-00033902 all right 67sNUUguFQk-00124-00033903-00034183 cinema scales well and so do um so does 67sNUUguFQk-00125-00034184-00034367 karen 67sNUUguFQk-00126-00034368-00034695 yeah you definitely need to award that 67sNUUguFQk-00127-00034696-00034823 all right let me see hopefully they 67sNUUguFQk-00128-00034824-00035662 didn't get that already 67sNUUguFQk-00129-00035663-00035839 hopefully i can get this then it would 67sNUUguFQk-00130-00035840-00036039 be a good ward on bearing because then 67sNUUguFQk-00131-00036040-00036159 they'd have to pass through this in 67sNUUguFQk-00132-00036160-00036295 order to get it or they go on the red 67sNUUguFQk-00133-00036296-00036430 but 67sNUUguFQk-00134-00036431-00036767 i doubt they would do that you know 67sNUUguFQk-00135-00036768-00036990 so yeah like pretty soon i'm gonna be 67sNUUguFQk-00136-00036991-00037207 4-2 hopefully you know i don't want to 67sNUUguFQk-00137-00037208-00037390 don't want to jinx myself but you know 67sNUUguFQk-00138-00037391-00037607 at this rate if we continue to work as a 67sNUUguFQk-00139-00037608-00037799 team like this and we do good you know 67sNUUguFQk-00140-00037800-00038823 the owner is doing good good job elena 67sNUUguFQk-00141-00038824-00038859 all right 67sNUUguFQk-00142-00038860-00039223 [Music] 67sNUUguFQk-00143-00039224-00039367 all right so look at that we win late 67sNUUguFQk-00144-00039368-00039543 game that's true because trend crits 67sNUUguFQk-00145-00039544-00039751 dude like it's ridiculous and we can 67sNUUguFQk-00146-00039752-00040243 create anybody 67sNUUguFQk-00147-00040244-00040599 [Music] 67sNUUguFQk-00148-00040600-00041111 look at that easy kill 67sNUUguFQk-00149-00041112-00041471 look at that easy 67sNUUguFQk-00150-00041472-00041630 all right so there we have it um right 67sNUUguFQk-00151-00041631-00041935 now they're gonna try to baron um 67sNUUguFQk-00152-00041936-00042271 which is a good good call by them 67sNUUguFQk-00153-00042272-00042511 by them all right so let's see 67sNUUguFQk-00154-00042512-00042735 let me get 67sNUUguFQk-00155-00042736-00043007 um can i sell this and get the 67sNUUguFQk-00156-00043008-00044590 that not uh 67sNUUguFQk-00157-00044591-00044743 all right things like that come and go 67sNUUguFQk-00158-00044744-00044911 all right but the dragon is gonna be in 67sNUUguFQk-00159-00044912-00045167 four minutes so 67sNUUguFQk-00160-00045168-00045383 uh opportunity is about that wrong but 67sNUUguFQk-00161-00045384-00045615 let's try to keep our farm up and we can 67sNUUguFQk-00162-00045616-00045799 definitely do good right 67sNUUguFQk-00163-00045800-00045911 so 67sNUUguFQk-00164-00045912-00046095 important not to 67sNUUguFQk-00165-00046096-00046327 why send three for now it makes no sense 67sNUUguFQk-00166-00046328-00046543 and then trade for baron 67sNUUguFQk-00167-00046544-00046711 she has a point there but the thing is 67sNUUguFQk-00168-00046712-00046902 that 67sNUUguFQk-00169-00046903-00046983 we 67sNUUguFQk-00170-00046984-00047143 we try to do something we try to make a 67sNUUguFQk-00171-00047144-00047415 play you know and sometimes when you try 67sNUUguFQk-00172-00047416-00047607 to make a play it doesn't 67sNUUguFQk-00173-00047608-00047823 work out for the best but we definitely 67sNUUguFQk-00174-00047824-00048223 got a kill which is really nice 67sNUUguFQk-00175-00048224-00048462 um we can still like i'm still going to 67sNUUguFQk-00176-00048463-00048623 try to build tanki i'm building 67sNUUguFQk-00177-00048624-00048807 lethality i have no idea like that's 67sNUUguFQk-00178-00048808-00048967 smart but 67sNUUguFQk-00179-00048968-00049223 i'm trying my best here um i'm going to 67sNUUguFQk-00180-00049224-00049607 build the tank after i get the guinzel's 67sNUUguFQk-00181-00049608-00050030 oh geez yep i'm not going to load this 67sNUUguFQk-00182-00050031-00050295 maybe he holds it all right 67sNUUguFQk-00183-00050296-00050911 all right good good good 67sNUUguFQk-00184-00050912-00051487 how you guys doing guys come on defend 67sNUUguFQk-00185-00051488-00051870 forward this world needs hope 67sNUUguFQk-00186-00051871-00052070 don't chase these things gosh we need 67sNUUguFQk-00187-00052071-00052263 you to defend we need to let them make 67sNUUguFQk-00188-00052264-00052414 the mistakes they have baron too you 67sNUUguFQk-00189-00052415-00052903 know except for gnar thankfully 67sNUUguFQk-00190-00052904-00053303 all right so um so let's see 67sNUUguFQk-00191-00053304-00053423 i want to go help them but at the same 67sNUUguFQk-00192-00053424-00053575 time if i help them we're going to lose 67sNUUguFQk-00193-00053576-00053991 some type of tower 67sNUUguFQk-00194-00053991-00054166 i'm trying guys turning me to put in 67sNUUguFQk-00195-00054167-00054375 some work got a kill 67sNUUguFQk-00196-00054376-00054663 good for him 67sNUUguFQk-00197-00054664-00054879 i can't really do everything let me i'm 67sNUUguFQk-00198-00054879-00055375 gonna get that wave and then i'm gonna 67sNUUguFQk-00199-00055376-00055526 um 67sNUUguFQk-00200-00055527-00055663 they're gonna push top now look at 67sNUUguFQk-00201-00055664-00056279 they're gonna rotate the top 67sNUUguFQk-00202-00056279-00057015 or steal our jungle 67sNUUguFQk-00203-00057016-00057215 all right so let's see i'm gonna ward 67sNUUguFQk-00204-00057216-00057366 this right here because hopefully they 67sNUUguFQk-00205-00057367-00057487 might have taken our wolves but you 67sNUUguFQk-00206-00057488-00057630 never know if they didn't or not yeah 67sNUUguFQk-00207-00057632-00057807 they did and they definitely took that 67sNUUguFQk-00208-00057808-00058030 so 67sNUUguFQk-00209-00058032-00058175 keep farm up we definitely could win 67sNUUguFQk-00210-00058176-00058375 this like look at trend god has a kill 67sNUUguFQk-00211-00058376-00058591 yeah we're gonna win 67sNUUguFQk-00212-00058591-00058735 we're gonna win 67sNUUguFQk-00213-00058736-00058830 actually i don't want to say that 67sNUUguFQk-00214-00058832-00058959 because right now i don't think like 67sNUUguFQk-00215-00058960-00059126 it's kind of a hard game you know but 67sNUUguFQk-00216-00059127-00059247 let me get this 67sNUUguFQk-00217-00059248-00059423 and then um 67sNUUguFQk-00218-00059424-00059607 actually i'm considering okay i can 67sNUUguFQk-00219-00059608-00059887 either get to detect wards or i can get 67sNUUguFQk-00220-00059888-00059966 to 67sNUUguFQk-00221-00059967-00060199 run away 67sNUUguFQk-00222-00060200-00060342 i'm thinking detecting words might 67sNUUguFQk-00223-00060344-00060759 actually even be a better idea but 67sNUUguFQk-00224-00060760-00060847 we can 67sNUUguFQk-00225-00060848-00061126 maybe group soon 67sNUUguFQk-00226-00061127-00061303 lee sin kind of camped me up top a 67sNUUguFQk-00227-00061304-00061391 little bit 67sNUUguFQk-00228-00061391-00061654 so it kind of got me um gotten on our 67sNUUguFQk-00229-00061655-00061830 head of course and right now nars three 67sNUUguFQk-00230-00061832-00062079 two like that's typical for 67sNUUguFQk-00231-00062079-00062223 um 67sNUUguFQk-00232-00062224-00062406 it's nara is kind of one of those champs 67sNUUguFQk-00233-00062407-00062566 you know 67sNUUguFQk-00234-00062567-00062871 things are warded 67sNUUguFQk-00235-00062872-00063135 guys get the don't 67sNUUguFQk-00236-00063136-00063311 oh dude 67sNUUguFQk-00237-00063312-00064326 all right 67sNUUguFQk-00238-00064327-00064975 oh my gosh what you doing brother 67sNUUguFQk-00239-00064976-00065182 all right so that was i don't know 67sNUUguFQk-00240-00065183-00065287 what they're doing or what they're 67sNUUguFQk-00241-00065288-00065471 trying to do but let's try to get this 67sNUUguFQk-00242-00065472-00065782 farm here 67sNUUguFQk-00243-00065783-00065982 uh yeah they got it see you there i 67sNUUguFQk-00244-00065983-00066119 guess they're running away fast was a 67sNUUguFQk-00245-00066120-00067031 good idea 67sNUUguFQk-00246-00067032-00067759 good good good i could kill this 67sNUUguFQk-00247-00067760-00068343 i can't defend this 67sNUUguFQk-00248-00068344-00068806 oh no 67sNUUguFQk-00249-00068807-00068991 yeah i can't like all right so let's get 67sNUUguFQk-00250-00068992-00069167 let's get this let's get this um where 67sNUUguFQk-00251-00069168-00069406 is it at 67sNUUguFQk-00252-00069407-00069543 some health because i'm kind of low on 67sNUUguFQk-00253-00069544-00069782 health all right try to wait it out guys 67sNUUguFQk-00254-00069783-00070556 i mean 67sNUUguFQk-00255-00070557-00070838 [Music] 67sNUUguFQk-00256-00070839-00071047 all right 900 true damage dude that's 67sNUUguFQk-00257-00071048-00071647 freaking great 67sNUUguFQk-00258-00071648-00071959 well you are the villain 67sNUUguFQk-00259-00071960-00072143 all right so basically garen is a good 67sNUUguFQk-00260-00072144-00072262 pick because look at that he just can't 67sNUUguFQk-00261-00072263-00072399 hold people and it's like you don't have 67sNUUguFQk-00262-00072400-00073967 to really get 67sNUUguFQk-00263-00073968-00074862 good job good job good job 67sNUUguFQk-00264-00074863-00075047 uh fudge i don't know if we should but 67sNUUguFQk-00265-00075048-00075231 you know 67sNUUguFQk-00266-00075232-00075350 all right 67sNUUguFQk-00267-00075351-00076662 don't do it 67sNUUguFQk-00268-00076663-00076838 uh-oh 67sNUUguFQk-00269-00076839-00077031 gotta leave gotta leave 67sNUUguFQk-00270-00077032-00077143 oh no 67sNUUguFQk-00271-00077144-00077382 all right that might be that's tough see 67sNUUguFQk-00272-00077383-00077582 the the one time that i started chasing 67sNUUguFQk-00273-00077583-00077791 is the one time that i died you see that 67sNUUguFQk-00274-00077792-00078015 like i try to tell them to back off but 67sNUUguFQk-00275-00078016-00078247 in general i didn't follow my own advice 67sNUUguFQk-00276-00078248-00078519 so let's see so i'm gonna get this and 67sNUUguFQk-00277-00078520-00078735 then i'm gonna 1100 away don't surrender 67sNUUguFQk-00278-00078736-00079038 guys come on come on stay strong 67sNUUguFQk-00279-00079039-00079599 no surrender 67sNUUguFQk-00280-00079600-00080111 no dude we can like 67sNUUguFQk-00281-00080112-00080887 this guy has so you're so negative 67sNUUguFQk-00282-00080888-00081159 all right all right so let's um try to 67sNUUguFQk-00283-00081160-00081279 see what we can do here this is 67sNUUguFQk-00284-00081280-00081438 definitely one of those games 67sNUUguFQk-00285-00081439-00081615 like i'm not trying to like lose you 67sNUUguFQk-00286-00081616-00081806 know and i hope that we can win 67sNUUguFQk-00287-00081807-00082006 i have my all 67sNUUguFQk-00288-00082007-00082447 wow that's really toxic 67sNUUguFQk-00289-00082448-00082911 all right so um let's try to farm up 67sNUUguFQk-00290-00082912-00083271 all right so let's see it 67sNUUguFQk-00291-00083272-00083662 so let's see here 67sNUUguFQk-00292-00083663-00083847 so let's see let's see we def we still 67sNUUguFQk-00293-00083848-00084031 scale like i have faith 67sNUUguFQk-00294-00084032-00084247 ari is kind of like maybe 67sNUUguFQk-00295-00084248-00084415 negative with her words but she's doing 67sNUUguFQk-00296-00084416-00084559 pretty good she's not like giving up she 67sNUUguFQk-00297-00084560-00084759 didn't give up i guess like 67sNUUguFQk-00298-00084760-00084926 if there's somebody she can kill or help 67sNUUguFQk-00299-00084927-00085087 out she normally will do it which is 67sNUUguFQk-00300-00085088-00085172 good 67sNUUguFQk-00301-00085173-00085326 [Music] 67sNUUguFQk-00302-00085327-00088159 oh yeah if they get bearing it's over 67sNUUguFQk-00303-00088160-00088326 oh my gosh i could have just killed it 67sNUUguFQk-00304-00088327-00088535 without the all but i tried to 67sNUUguFQk-00305-00088536-00089494 save tristan to be honest 67sNUUguFQk-00306-00089495-00090159 i gotta go back and defend 67sNUUguFQk-00307-00090160-00090294 i'm not gonna be using that for anything 67sNUUguFQk-00308-00090295-00090518 else so i better 67sNUUguFQk-00309-00090519-00090871 have a better tp you know 67sNUUguFQk-00310-00090872-00091055 all right guys so it would have been a 67sNUUguFQk-00311-00091056-00091182 little bit helpful if at least one of 67sNUUguFQk-00312-00091183-00091350 the bristol one lane but 67sNUUguFQk-00313-00091351-00091503 you know like we're sticking in it it's 67sNUUguFQk-00314-00091504-00091623 not like we just 67sNUUguFQk-00315-00091624-00091991 it's not like we just gave up and 67sNUUguFQk-00316-00091992-00092223 and lost so that's good 67sNUUguFQk-00317-00092224-00092423 we obviously are way 67sNUUguFQk-00318-00092424-00092550 oh we're actually doing pretty good with 67sNUUguFQk-00319-00092551-00092647 the farm 67sNUUguFQk-00320-00092648-00092743 but um 67sNUUguFQk-00321-00092744-00093182 dang it dude 67sNUUguFQk-00322-00093183-00093311 oh damn 67sNUUguFQk-00323-00093312-00093535 damn 67sNUUguFQk-00324-00093536-00093679 i can 67sNUUguFQk-00325-00093680-00094199 i don't know 67sNUUguFQk-00326-00094200-00094300 yeah i gotta leave 67sNUUguFQk-00327-00094301-00094759 [Music] 67sNUUguFQk-00328-00094760-00094982 we are the best 67sNUUguFQk-00329-00094983-00095231 this is not a good one 67sNUUguFQk-00330-00095232-00095359 all right so 67sNUUguFQk-00331-00095360-00095511 maybe i can get one more kill before 67sNUUguFQk-00332-00095512-00096143 this game ends but 67sNUUguFQk-00333-00096144-00096367 all right so let's let me get that um 67sNUUguFQk-00334-00096368-00096518 finish this build 67sNUUguFQk-00335-00096519-00096631 and then 67sNUUguFQk-00336-00096632-00098103 we can do it 67sNUUguFQk-00337-00098104-00098191 all right 67sNUUguFQk-00338-00098192-00098599 come on easy 67sNUUguFQk-00339-00098600-00099079 i think you should just save their life 67sNUUguFQk-00340-00099080-00099518 all right 67sNUUguFQk-00341-00099519-00100455 all right um 67sNUUguFQk-00342-00100456-00100706 all right so this is the tough one 67sNUUguFQk-00343-00100707-00101687 definitely um 67sNUUguFQk-00344-00101688-00102311 i'm trying guys i'm really trying 67sNUUguFQk-00345-00102312-00102452 i tried 67sNUUguFQk-00346-00102453-00102623 [Music] 67sNUUguFQk-00347-00102624-00102806 all right guys so there you have it um 67sNUUguFQk-00348-00102807-00103047 we did our best we almost did it i tried 67sNUUguFQk-00349-00103048-00103263 remain tilt free hopefully this helps 67sNUUguFQk-00350-00103264-00103375 you guys like 67sNUUguFQk-00351-00103376-00103542 remain a little bit tilt free hopefully 67sNUUguFQk-00352-00103543-00103678 it wasn't too boring 67sNUUguFQk-00353-00103679-00103966 uh it's important to stay told because 67sNUUguFQk-00354-00103967-00104166 if i stayed like that and totally like 67sNUUguFQk-00355-00104167-00104342 that and other people stayed like that 67sNUUguFQk-00356-00104343-00104502 then we could have win we could have won 67sNUUguFQk-00357-00104503-00104654 i think 67sNUUguFQk-00358-00104655-00104919 but you know at the end of the day 67sNUUguFQk-00359-00104920-00105102 some games you win some games you lose 67sNUUguFQk-00360-00105103-00105383 right um so let's honor leona because 67sNUUguFQk-00361-00105383-00105566 she actually she remained free and she 67sNUUguFQk-00362-00105567-00105727 did real good i think 67sNUUguFQk-00363-00105728-00105839 um 67sNUUguFQk-00364-00105840-00105990 all right well thanks guys thanks for 67sNUUguFQk-00365-00105991-00106127 watching 67sNUUguFQk-00366-00106128-00106271 all right thank you 67sNUUguFQk-00367-00106272-00106454 subscribe to aatrox city i would 67sNUUguFQk-00368-00106455-00106671 appreciate it like and subscribe thanks 67sNUUguFQk-00369-00106672-00106972 bye 67ylwjUzVo4-00000-00000008-00000247 hello there finally today is the day i'm 67ylwjUzVo4-00001-00000248-00000478 gonna finish rudy's 30 songs in 30 days 67ylwjUzVo4-00002-00000479-00000695 challenge it's been a struggle but also 67ylwjUzVo4-00003-00000696-00000871 a lot of fun i guess it would have been 67ylwjUzVo4-00004-00000872-00001143 way easier if i didn't have to write and 67ylwjUzVo4-00005-00001144-00001423 record the songs but also film the whole 67ylwjUzVo4-00006-00001424-00001767 thing and i'm tired well nobody cares 67ylwjUzVo4-00007-00001768-00001959 let's get this done 67ylwjUzVo4-00008-00001960-00002118 what's your favorite game for the 67ylwjUzVo4-00009-00002119-00002342 classic game boy well for me definitely 67ylwjUzVo4-00010-00002343-00002575 is the first part of kirby's dreamland i 67ylwjUzVo4-00011-00002576-00002775 can even finish that game in about 20 67ylwjUzVo4-00012-00002776-00002999 minutes or so unlike this freaking 67ylwjUzVo4-00013-00003000-00003279 challenge so let's make some chippy bit 67ylwjUzVo4-00014-00003279-00004013 music what do you say 67ylwjUzVo4-00016-00007968-00009817 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00017-00009818-00009974 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00018-00009975-00010246 okay next thing i want to do is some 67ylwjUzVo4-00019-00010247-00010999 hip-hop to lo-fi based on this riff 67ylwjUzVo4-00020-00011000-00012438 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00021-00012439-00012767 i'm gonna place it over this drum bead 67ylwjUzVo4-00022-00012768-00012927 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00023-00012928-00013055 so 67ylwjUzVo4-00024-00013056-00014791 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00025-00014791-00015008 so 67ylwjUzVo4-00026-00015009-00016847 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00027-00016848-00017212 done 67ylwjUzVo4-00028-00017213-00018062 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00029-00018063-00018967 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00030-00018968-00019318 so 67ylwjUzVo4-00031-00019319-00020414 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00032-00020415-00020616 so 67ylwjUzVo4-00033-00020617-00021569 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00034-00021570-00021807 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00035-00021808-00023150 so 67ylwjUzVo4-00036-00023151-00023366 so 67ylwjUzVo4-00037-00023367-00025502 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00038-00025503-00026617 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00039-00026618-00028362 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00040-00028363-00029102 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00041-00029104-00029695 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00042-00029695-00030983 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00043-00030983-00031543 you 67ylwjUzVo4-00044-00031544-00033095 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00045-00033096-00033210 so 67ylwjUzVo4-00046-00033211-00035443 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00047-00035444-00036536 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00048-00036537-00037481 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00049-00037482-00037759 [Laughter] 67ylwjUzVo4-00050-00037760-00039485 for the next piece let's go industrial 67ylwjUzVo4-00051-00039486-00040383 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00052-00040384-00040630 you want to hear a joke why did the 67ylwjUzVo4-00053-00040631-00040735 chicken 67ylwjUzVo4-00054-00040736-00041374 crossed the 67ylwjUzVo4-00055-00041375-00041646 why did the chicken cross the road yeah 67ylwjUzVo4-00056-00041647-00041967 why did the chicken cross the road how 67ylwjUzVo4-00057-00041968-00042235 much 67ylwjUzVo4-00058-00042236-00042815 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00059-00042816-00044862 right 67ylwjUzVo4-00060-00044863-00045185 chicks 67ylwjUzVo4-00061-00045186-00048039 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00062-00048040-00048279 okay is anyone down for some old school 67ylwjUzVo4-00063-00048280-00048471 death metal i just learned that this 67ylwjUzVo4-00064-00048472-00048774 masterpiece is more than 30 years old it 67ylwjUzVo4-00065-00048775-00049111 came out like when i was -1 and still 67ylwjUzVo4-00066-00049112-00049374 such a masterpiece so i decided to make 67ylwjUzVo4-00067-00049375-00049599 a song in this style of death for the 67ylwjUzVo4-00068-00049600-00049767 lyrics once more i took a trip to 67ylwjUzVo4-00069-00049768-00049974 wikihow and i found this entry about how 67ylwjUzVo4-00070-00049975-00050199 to be cool in high school which is the 67ylwjUzVo4-00071-00050200-00050415 most toxic that i've read in a long 67ylwjUzVo4-00072-00050416-00051759 time so this is be cool in high school 67ylwjUzVo4-00073-00051760-00052879 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00074-00052879-00053067 that's just 67ylwjUzVo4-00075-00053069-00055079 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00076-00055079-00055287 is 67ylwjUzVo4-00077-00055288-00055872 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00078-00055873-00056164 [Applause] 67ylwjUzVo4-00079-00056165-00056841 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00080-00056841-00057494 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00081-00057495-00057860 don't you practice 67ylwjUzVo4-00082-00057861-00058710 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00083-00058711-00060726 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00084-00060727-00060920 so 67ylwjUzVo4-00085-00060921-00062159 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00086-00062160-00063542 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00087-00063544-00063852 okay 67ylwjUzVo4-00088-00063853-00066273 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00089-00066274-00066345 [Applause] 67ylwjUzVo4-00090-00066346-00066959 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00091-00066960-00067240 hey guys 67ylwjUzVo4-00092-00067241-00067740 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00093-00067741-00067991 [Applause] 67ylwjUzVo4-00094-00067992-00068260 yes 67ylwjUzVo4-00095-00068261-00068950 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00096-00068951-00069254 yes 67ylwjUzVo4-00097-00069255-00069659 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00098-00069660-00070058 [Applause] 67ylwjUzVo4-00099-00070059-00070129 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00100-00070130-00070352 [Applause] 67ylwjUzVo4-00101-00070353-00071391 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00102-00071392-00071615 i just recorded the last song holy 67ylwjUzVo4-00103-00071616-00071831 smokes we're finally done i'm kinda 67ylwjUzVo4-00104-00071832-00072015 exhausted and i'm really not sure if i'm 67ylwjUzVo4-00105-00072016-00072215 gonna be writing new stuff within the 67ylwjUzVo4-00106-00072216-00072455 next weeks kinda glad that it's over but 67ylwjUzVo4-00107-00072456-00072655 also i'm very pleased with how it went 67ylwjUzVo4-00108-00072656-00072815 before i'm gonna play the last song to 67ylwjUzVo4-00109-00072816-00073047 you i just wanted to say thank you thank 67ylwjUzVo4-00110-00073048-00073223 you so much for sticking around for 67ylwjUzVo4-00111-00073224-00073382 liking my videos and giving some 67ylwjUzVo4-00112-00073383-00073591 feedback that was really encouraging at 67ylwjUzVo4-00113-00073592-00073743 times and i'm not sure if i would have 67ylwjUzVo4-00114-00073744-00073919 gotten through with it without your 67ylwjUzVo4-00115-00073920-00074103 feedback so thank you thank you thank 67ylwjUzVo4-00116-00074104-00074326 you so hopefully i see you soon this is 67ylwjUzVo4-00117-00074327-00074709 song number 30. cheers 67ylwjUzVo4-00118-00074710-00075871 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00119-00075872-00076050 30 67ylwjUzVo4-00120-00076051-00076511 days is what it takes 67ylwjUzVo4-00121-00076512-00077006 but i have to confess i only did it for 67ylwjUzVo4-00122-00077007-00077303 the fame 67ylwjUzVo4-00123-00077304-00077595 30 days 67ylwjUzVo4-00124-00077596-00078326 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00125-00078327-00078631 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00126-00078632-00078799 days 67ylwjUzVo4-00127-00078800-00079143 i think i made some folks go deaf and 67ylwjUzVo4-00128-00079144-00079750 blind 67ylwjUzVo4-00129-00079751-00080206 i might have lost some fans i might even 67ylwjUzVo4-00130-00080207-00080528 have lost some friends 67ylwjUzVo4-00131-00080529-00081111 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00132-00081112-00081438 but for the rest of you 67ylwjUzVo4-00133-00081439-00081748 i hope to see you again 67ylwjUzVo4-00134-00081749-00083662 [Music] 67ylwjUzVo4-00135-00083663-00083872 you 68-5_vV_nhg-00000-00000007-00000168 MP3 Museum 68-5_vV_nhg-00001-00000169-00002508 [Music] 68-5_vV_nhg-00002-00002509-00003620 [Music] 68-5_vV_nhg-00003-00003621-00006131 [Music] 68-5_vV_nhg-00004-00006132-00007020 thank you 68-5_vV_nhg-00005-00007022-00007175 [Music] 68-5_vV_nhg-00006-00007176-00009003 okay 68-5_vV_nhg-00007-00009004-00009627 [Music] 68-5_vV_nhg-00008-00009628-00010933 [Music] 68-5_vV_nhg-00009-00010934-00011453 [Music] 68-5_vV_nhg-00010-00011454-00011650 let's go 68-5_vV_nhg-00011-00011651-00012731 [Music] 68-5_vV_nhg-00012-00012732-00014957 down 68-5_vV_nhg-00013-00014958-00016807 believe me 68-5_vV_nhg-00014-00016808-00017201 [Music] 6rtodRaHuty-00000-00000776-00001015 [Music] 6rtodRaHuty-00001-00001016-00001183 i am very fascinated by 6rtodRaHuty-00002-00001184-00001495 proteins proteins are incredibly diverse 6rtodRaHuty-00003-00001496-00001582 and there are different kinds of 6rtodRaHuty-00004-00001583-00001671 proteins 6rtodRaHuty-00005-00001672-00001902 so some of them are structural so they 6rtodRaHuty-00006-00001903-00001982 basically 6rtodRaHuty-00007-00001984-00002207 building blocks of cells and ultimately 6rtodRaHuty-00008-00002208-00002302 our bodies 6rtodRaHuty-00009-00002303-00002526 but then a lot of them are involved in 6rtodRaHuty-00010-00002527-00002607 regulation 6rtodRaHuty-00011-00002608-00002879 or signal transmission i'm trying to 6rtodRaHuty-00012-00002880-00002950 understand 6rtodRaHuty-00013-00002951-00003199 the structures of proteins involved in 6rtodRaHuty-00014-00003200-00003351 wind signaling pathway 6rtodRaHuty-00015-00003352-00003567 and in particular in the freezer 6rtodRaHuty-00016-00003568-00003759 receptors in their structure 6rtodRaHuty-00017-00003760-00003951 those are proteins that try to transmit 6rtodRaHuty-00018-00003952-00004095 signals from outside 6rtodRaHuty-00019-00004096-00004343 into the cells and this particular 6rtodRaHuty-00020-00004344-00004399 signaling 6rtodRaHuty-00021-00004400-00004638 pathway is involved in determination of 6rtodRaHuty-00022-00004639-00004727 sulfate 6rtodRaHuty-00023-00004728-00004886 so it's incredibly important in 6rtodRaHuty-00024-00004887-00005111 embryogenesis when cells are trying to 6rtodRaHuty-00025-00005112-00005183 figure out 6rtodRaHuty-00026-00005184-00005454 what they will become but also in adults 6rtodRaHuty-00027-00005455-00005599 because any disregulation of this 6rtodRaHuty-00028-00005600-00005686 pathway 6rtodRaHuty-00029-00005687-00006015 can lead to abnormalities and ultimate 6rtodRaHuty-00030-00006016-00006254 conditions such as cancer 6rtodRaHuty-00031-00006255-00006478 winning the see south central fellowship 6rtodRaHuty-00032-00006479-00006639 means a great deal to me because it 6rtodRaHuty-00033-00006640-00006814 means i can focus on my research for the 6rtodRaHuty-00034-00006815-00006983 next five years 6rtodRaHuty-00035-00006984-00007270 right now is an incredible time to do 6rtodRaHuty-00036-00007272-00007439 structural biology projects 6rtodRaHuty-00037-00007440-00007598 because we can combine x-ray 6rtodRaHuty-00038-00007600-00007774 crystallography that's been around for 6rtodRaHuty-00039-00007775-00007910 many years and also 6rtodRaHuty-00040-00007911-00008095 the very new and excited method of 6rtodRaHuty-00041-00008095-00008319 cryoelectron microscopy 6rtodRaHuty-00042-00008320-00008535 i hope that my work will lead to 6rtodRaHuty-00043-00008536-00008703 fundamental understanding 6rtodRaHuty-00044-00008704-00008959 of this wind signaling pathway and how 6rtodRaHuty-00045-00008960-00009151 we can target it therapeutically for 6rtodRaHuty-00046-00009152-00010110 treating cancer 6rtodRaHuty-00047-00010111-00010320 you 6uWjdH5UnVA-00000-00001359-00001566 ladies and gentlemen good afternoon this 6uWjdH5UnVA-00001-00001567-00001726 is the captain speaking 6uWjdH5UnVA-00002-00001727-00002175 uh just about ready to depart 6uWjdH5UnVA-00003-00002176-00002415 can't wait to open this so this is a 6uWjdH5UnVA-00004-00002416-00002599 passage from 6uWjdH5UnVA-00005-00002600-00002918 my family from south korea and i'm gonna 6uWjdH5UnVA-00006-00002919-00002999 open this 6uWjdH5UnVA-00007-00003000-00003406 i can't wait i'm just gonna open it 6uWjdH5UnVA-00008-00003407-00003711 took about a week awesome 6uWjdH5UnVA-00009-00003711-00004070 they're bad like this like 6uWjdH5UnVA-00010-00004071-00004679 cookies and things like this oh my god 6uWjdH5UnVA-00011-00004680-00004902 oh i can smell it 6uWjdH5UnVA-00012-00004903-00005047 [Applause] 6uWjdH5UnVA-00013-00005048-00005383 oh intense smell quick bro 6uWjdH5UnVA-00014-00005384-00005799 like fish shed a lot of things 6uWjdH5UnVA-00015-00005800-00006215 [Applause] 6uWjdH5UnVA-00016-00006216-00006527 delicious best one korean ones are so 6uWjdH5UnVA-00017-00006528-00006614 good 6uWjdH5UnVA-00018-00006615-00007142 another one wow it's survived 6uWjdH5UnVA-00019-00007143-00007398 it's a rice korean chili but it's not 6uWjdH5UnVA-00020-00007400-00007510 like spicy us 6uWjdH5UnVA-00021-00007511-00007855 it's really tasty to go with barbecue 6uWjdH5UnVA-00022-00007856-00008174 wow how can you be fresher than the veg 6uWjdH5UnVA-00023-00008175-00008423 you just buy from the same spray here 6uWjdH5UnVA-00024-00008424-00008751 it's incredible at least i requested to 6uWjdH5UnVA-00025-00008752-00008887 extend me some 6uWjdH5UnVA-00026-00008888-00009255 dried dried fish to make soup 6uWjdH5UnVA-00027-00009256-00009567 try polak delicious 6uWjdH5UnVA-00028-00009568-00010014 very good for pregnant woman 6uWjdH5UnVA-00029-00010015-00010406 what's this oh it's like seaweed soup 6uWjdH5UnVA-00030-00010407-00010663 or you just pour water in here so it's 6uWjdH5UnVA-00031-00010664-00010831 okay 6uWjdH5UnVA-00032-00010832-00011214 delicious 6uWjdH5UnVA-00033-00011215-00011710 i requested this too it's like serpir 6uWjdH5UnVA-00034-00011711-00012023 fermented squid 6uWjdH5UnVA-00035-00012024-00012303 delicious it's very good with them with 6uWjdH5UnVA-00036-00012304-00012478 rice 6uWjdH5UnVA-00037-00012479-00012830 hopefully it's okay what's this 6uWjdH5UnVA-00038-00012831-00013271 i don't know what this is mysterious 6uWjdH5UnVA-00039-00013272-00013535 off something it's quite mushy so 6uWjdH5UnVA-00040-00013536-00013711 i'm not quite sure what it is 6uWjdH5UnVA-00041-00013712-00014230 it's here another here open it 6uWjdH5UnVA-00042-00014231-00014438 if i smell it i think i'll know what it 6uWjdH5UnVA-00043-00014440-00015071 is 6uWjdH5UnVA-00044-00015072-00015407 okay okay this goes on the carpet 6uWjdH5UnVA-00045-00015408-00016127 yeah again 6uWjdH5UnVA-00046-00016128-00016550 ah i think oh 6uWjdH5UnVA-00047-00016551-00016975 ah i think it's like dried radish 6uWjdH5UnVA-00048-00016976-00017343 kimchi nice i think so oh it could be 6uWjdH5UnVA-00049-00017344-00017447 fish 6uWjdH5UnVA-00050-00017448-00017750 juice i'll let you try it first 6uWjdH5UnVA-00051-00017751-00018030 what's this ah it's delicious like sweet 6uWjdH5UnVA-00052-00018031-00018119 potato 6uWjdH5UnVA-00053-00018120-00018383 crisps you like this one it's nice it's 6uWjdH5UnVA-00054-00018384-00018694 bit hard but it's delicious 6uWjdH5UnVA-00055-00018695-00018975 a lot of stuff and this this disposable 6uWjdH5UnVA-00056-00018976-00019071 gloves because 6uWjdH5UnVA-00057-00019072-00019430 um korean one is the best and then 6uWjdH5UnVA-00058-00019431-00019686 what's this ah is your another beer but 6uWjdH5UnVA-00059-00019687-00019927 it's delicious it's like a dried 6uWjdH5UnVA-00060-00019928-00020463 uh fish snack and sweet and salty 6uWjdH5UnVA-00061-00020464-00020719 actually say sweet and sour i like it 6uWjdH5UnVA-00062-00020720-00020830 yes 6uWjdH5UnVA-00063-00020831-00021078 wow a lot of stuff at least i requested 6uWjdH5UnVA-00064-00021079-00021271 it's like you make oak spoon soup 6uWjdH5UnVA-00065-00021272-00021422 but it's like an essence obviously you 6uWjdH5UnVA-00066-00021423-00021575 just pour a tiny bit underneath 6uWjdH5UnVA-00067-00021576-00021878 it yes it's so delicious whoa what's 6uWjdH5UnVA-00068-00021879-00022086 this 6uWjdH5UnVA-00069-00022087-00022430 amazing wow it's a dry squid 6uWjdH5UnVA-00070-00022431-00022791 quite big one wow 6uWjdH5UnVA-00071-00022792-00023127 this i'm gonna eat it for like 6uWjdH5UnVA-00072-00023128-00023471 six months or something nice design 6uWjdH5UnVA-00073-00023472-00024119 delicious and then 6uWjdH5UnVA-00074-00024120-00024439 wow what's this this uh 6uWjdH5UnVA-00075-00024440-00024903 dried squid um side dish 6uWjdH5UnVA-00076-00024904-00025214 and that's another dried radish 6uWjdH5UnVA-00077-00025215-00025542 side dish that's part of good 6uWjdH5UnVA-00078-00025543-00025846 side dish nice and that's black bean 6uWjdH5UnVA-00079-00025847-00025983 side dish 6uWjdH5UnVA-00080-00025983-00026327 delicious and that was 6uWjdH5UnVA-00081-00026327-00026683 our food that's a pickle radish 6uWjdH5UnVA-00082-00026683-00026901 delicious 6uWjdH5UnVA-00083-00026902-00027530 [Music] 6uWjdH5UnVA-00084-00027531-00028083 [Applause] 6uWjdH5UnVA-00085-00028083-00028431 ah they all need not food 6uWjdH5UnVA-00086-00028432-00028687 the only not the only not edible one is 6uWjdH5UnVA-00087-00028688-00028751 um 6uWjdH5UnVA-00088-00028752-00029087 pink pink yeah it's a traditional one 6uWjdH5UnVA-00089-00029088-00029390 nice it would be nice for so cold ah 6uWjdH5UnVA-00090-00029391-00029687 and i asked my sister to send me some 6uWjdH5UnVA-00091-00029688-00029758 cotton 6uWjdH5UnVA-00092-00029760-00029943 cotton masks because the quality is 6uWjdH5UnVA-00093-00029944-00030262 really good korean cotton is very good 6uWjdH5UnVA-00094-00030263-00030702 wow a lot of stuff and that's lipstick 6uWjdH5UnVA-00095-00030703-00031039 um peripera lipsticks the 6uWjdH5UnVA-00096-00031039-00031295 is the price is like perry perry 6uWjdH5UnVA-00097-00031295-00031390 peripera 6uWjdH5UnVA-00098-00031391-00031823 is the name of the brand what it is 6uWjdH5UnVA-00099-00031824-00032118 and the price is not very expensive but 6uWjdH5UnVA-00100-00032119-00032279 the quality is so good 6uWjdH5UnVA-00101-00032280-00032590 korean cosmetic product very good 6uWjdH5UnVA-00102-00032591-00032967 good good good 6uWjdH5UnVA-00103-00032968-00033590 wow a lot of stuff oh my god 6uWjdH5UnVA-00104-00033591-00033999 ah it must be my dad 6uWjdH5UnVA-00105-00034000-00034335 i recognize these ones 6uWjdH5UnVA-00106-00034336-00034702 like crunch snack barley rice 6uWjdH5UnVA-00107-00034703-00035023 crunchy they're basically um what are we 6uWjdH5UnVA-00108-00035024-00035167 the breakfast cereal they're called 6uWjdH5UnVA-00109-00035168-00035455 yeah sugar puffs sugar puffs yeah 6uWjdH5UnVA-00110-00035456-00035639 similar stuff right 6uWjdH5UnVA-00111-00035640-00036127 wow a lot so many things 6uWjdH5UnVA-00112-00036128-00036399 i don't know why they send this just 6uWjdH5UnVA-00113-00036400-00036543 package yourself 6uWjdH5UnVA-00114-00036544-00036815 not separately someone taxed it yeah 6uWjdH5UnVA-00115-00036816-00036983 maybe they ate it before they oh no 6uWjdH5UnVA-00116-00036984-00037295 i hope not anyway that's all everything 6uWjdH5UnVA-00117-00037296-00037681 i'm so happy oh my god 6uWjdH5UnVA-00118-00037682-00037799 [Applause] 6uWjdH5UnVA-00119-00037800-00038111 oh my god look at this damn 6uWjdH5UnVA-00120-00038112-00038279 [Music] 6uWjdH5UnVA-00121-00038280-00038688 thank you mom thank you dog thank you 6uWjdH5UnVA-00122-00038689-00039283 [Music] 6uWjdH5UnVA-00123-00039284-00040759 sister 6uWjdH5UnVA-00124-00040760-00040984 my 6vpvcVZwpc4-00000-00000000-00000125 you guys ready 6vpvcVZwpc4-00001-00000126-00000383 I'm ready if everyone else is okay I got 6vpvcVZwpc4-00002-00000384-00000545 the thumbs up from the photographer okay 6vpvcVZwpc4-00003-00000546-00000695 got a thumbs up for me okay what you 6vpvcVZwpc4-00004-00000696-00001193 guys 6vpvcVZwpc4-00005-00001194-00001361 now this ceremony is going to be short 6vpvcVZwpc4-00006-00001362-00001895 but marriage is not right so uh 6vpvcVZwpc4-00007-00001896-00002063 remember that you have each other to 6vpvcVZwpc4-00008-00002064-00002339 support you uh during the trials of the 6vpvcVZwpc4-00009-00002340-00002615 tribulations the ups and downs the 6vpvcVZwpc4-00010-00002616-00002783 challenges and especially the joys that 6vpvcVZwpc4-00011-00002784-00002981 your married life will bring to you now 6vpvcVZwpc4-00012-00002982-00003118 you two are now a couple but you're not 6vpvcVZwpc4-00013-00003119-00003299 alone I mean look around you got family 6vpvcVZwpc4-00014-00003300-00003520 you've got friends well here probably 6vpvcVZwpc4-00015-00003521-00003683 around the world that are there to 6vpvcVZwpc4-00016-00003684-00003886 support you they're a great resource use 6vpvcVZwpc4-00017-00003887-00004069 them when you need them 6vpvcVZwpc4-00018-00004070-00004451 uh remember to be kind and to be patient 6vpvcVZwpc4-00019-00004452-00004631 each with the other one 6vpvcVZwpc4-00020-00004632-00004817 allow yourself to forgive and to be 6vpvcVZwpc4-00021-00004818-00004997 forgiven you know we're all humans you 6vpvcVZwpc4-00022-00004998-00005177 make mistakes and I think as part of a 6vpvcVZwpc4-00023-00005178-00005254 good marriage you have to make 6vpvcVZwpc4-00024-00005255-00005477 allowances for this human being 6vpvcVZwpc4-00025-00005478-00005627 be faithful 6vpvcVZwpc4-00026-00005628-00005891 honest and true each together 6vpvcVZwpc4-00027-00005892-00006065 not only do these make your marriage 6vpvcVZwpc4-00028-00006066-00006329 vows strong it helps build the base of a 6vpvcVZwpc4-00029-00006330-00006556 great relationship for life 6vpvcVZwpc4-00030-00006558-00006784 so I want to talk to you that you're 6vpvcVZwpc4-00031-00006786-00006964 going to look at her 6vpvcVZwpc4-00032-00006965-00007127 okay 6vpvcVZwpc4-00033-00007128-00007409 so Joey do you take Angela to be your 6vpvcVZwpc4-00034-00007409-00007619 lawfully wedded wife to having to hold 6vpvcVZwpc4-00035-00007620-00008033 for this day forward 6vpvcVZwpc4-00036-00008034-00008159 you did Joey 6vpvcVZwpc4-00037-00008159-00008555 hopefully wedded husband 6vpvcVZwpc4-00038-00008556-00008717 and as much as you have placed your 6vpvcVZwpc4-00039-00008718-00008933 faith each to the other and to those of 6vpvcVZwpc4-00040-00008934-00009191 us present just both literally 6vpvcVZwpc4-00041-00009192-00009442 and figuratively and in person and 6vpvcVZwpc4-00042-00009443-00009677 virtually then by The Authority invested 6vpvcVZwpc4-00043-00009678-00009881 in me I Pronounce You 6vpvcVZwpc4-00044-00009882-00010259 husband and wife congratulations you two 6vpvcVZwpc4-00045-00010260-00010805 and you guys can apply it's okay 6vpvcVZwpc4-00046-00010806-00010985 congratulations 6vpvcVZwpc4-00047-00010986-00011203 thank you congratulations 6vpvcVZwpc4-00048-00011204-00011664 there you go thank you voila 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00000-00000053-00000301 Harold Rivas a red German wine grape 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00001-00000302-00000493 variety produced by crossing blower 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00002-00000494-00000745 Portuguese ER and lamb burger it was 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00003-00000746-00000943 created by Auguste Harold at the grape 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00004-00000944-00001141 breeding Institute in Winesburg in the 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00005-00001142-00001416 Wurttemberg region in 1929 and was named 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00006-00001417-00001485 after him 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00007-00001486-00001755 one of heraldry bees drawbacks as it's 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00008-00001757-00001977 relatively late ripening it is harvested 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00009-00001978-00002201 at about the same time as Pinot Noir 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00010-00002202-00002545 heraldry was grown on a total of 155 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00011-00002546-00002910 hectares 380 acres in Germany in 2008 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00012-00002911-00003192 with a decreasing trend there were 99 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00013-00003193-00003529 hectares 240 acres in Palatinate 32 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00014-00003529-00003874 hectares 79 acres in Rheinhessen and 23 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00015-00003875-00004181 hectares 57 acres in Wurttemberg in 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00016-00004182-00004399 Palatinate it is typically used to 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00017-00004400-00004594 produce light almost pinkish colored 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00018-00004595-00005152 wines 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00019-00005153-00005663 topic synonyms 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00020-00005664-00005910 the only synonyms of Harold Rivas its 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00021-00005911-00006828 breeding code we s130 or Winesburg s130 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00022-00006829-00007333 topic offspring 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00023-00007334-00007563 heraldry was later crossed with health 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00024-00007564-00007720 and Steiner by Harold to produce 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00025-00007720-00007906 Dornfeld er which has become the most 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00026-00007906-00008103 widely planted of the grape varieties 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00027-00008104-00008410 created by Harold Hegel is also health 6zUn6Zk5UA8-00028-00008411-00008743 in Steiner times heraldry 6-meUxEBy7u-00000-00000216-00000831 [Music] 6-meUxEBy7u-00001-00000832-00001567 [Music] 6-meUxEBy7u-00002-00001568-00002000 thank you 6-meUxEBy7u-00003-00002001-00003116 [Music] 6-meUxEBy7u-00004-00003117-00005179 [Music] 6-meUxEBy7u-00005-00005180-00005426 thank you 6-meUxEBy7u-00006-00005427-00007266 [Music] 6-utxlcpDKg-00000-00000032-00000238 you may have seen my last three walk 6-utxlcpDKg-00001-00000239-00000438 throughs of the porsche 996 6-utxlcpDKg-00002-00000440-00000767 997 and 991 ranges i'll put a link to 6-utxlcpDKg-00003-00000768-00000894 them in the description and there's a 6-utxlcpDKg-00004-00000896-00001127 pop out at the top of the screen too 6-utxlcpDKg-00005-00001128-00001319 this time though we go back in time and 6-utxlcpDKg-00006-00001320-00001543 take a look at the porsche 993 range of 6-utxlcpDKg-00007-00001544-00001630 the 911. 6-utxlcpDKg-00008-00001632-00001847 like the last times i've built a guide 6-utxlcpDKg-00009-00001848-00002030 which shows you all the different models 6-utxlcpDKg-00010-00002032-00002126 in the range 6-utxlcpDKg-00011-00002127-00002391 and whilst the 993 isn't as nuanced or 6-utxlcpDKg-00012-00002392-00002575 confusing as later ranges 6-utxlcpDKg-00013-00002576-00002734 i will guide you through it and i've 6-utxlcpDKg-00014-00002735-00002926 even shown in the guide this time 6-utxlcpDKg-00015-00002927-00003126 the production numbers of each variant 6-utxlcpDKg-00016-00003127-00003270 of 993 6-utxlcpDKg-00017-00003271-00003454 i hope that by the end of this if you 6-utxlcpDKg-00018-00003455-00003631 are looking for a 993 then you'll be 6-utxlcpDKg-00019-00003632-00003838 better educated for your search 6-utxlcpDKg-00020-00003839-00004031 and know which are the genuinely rare 6-utxlcpDKg-00021-00004032-00004375 cars the 993 range is notable for being 6-utxlcpDKg-00022-00004376-00004406 the 6-utxlcpDKg-00023-00004407-00004783 last of the air-cooled 911s as a 996 6-utxlcpDKg-00024-00004784-00005006 owner and overall 911 fan 6-utxlcpDKg-00025-00005007-00005175 i must concede that i've never truly 6-utxlcpDKg-00026-00005176-00005367 understood why this is important 6-utxlcpDKg-00027-00005368-00005615 but here we are this contributes to the 6-utxlcpDKg-00028-00005616-00005806 values of 993s which are now 6-utxlcpDKg-00029-00005807-00006102 quite significant the days of cheap 993s 6-utxlcpDKg-00030-00006103-00006343 are well and truly behind us 6-utxlcpDKg-00031-00006344-00006518 in fact you'll be lucky to find one 6-utxlcpDKg-00032-00006519-00006742 anywhere of any variant for much less 6-utxlcpDKg-00033-00006743-00006806 than 40 6-utxlcpDKg-00034-00006808-00007046 000 us dollars and even then with a 6-utxlcpDKg-00035-00007047-00007295 higher mileage as we will discover some 6-utxlcpDKg-00036-00007295-00007495 models go for multiples of that 6-utxlcpDKg-00037-00007495-00007823 so firstly to the basics the porsche 993 6-utxlcpDKg-00038-00007823-00008087 is the fourth generation of 911 it 6-utxlcpDKg-00039-00008088-00008295 superseded the 964 6-utxlcpDKg-00040-00008296-00008695 and was launched in 1994 for the 1995 us 6-utxlcpDKg-00041-00008696-00008807 model year 6-utxlcpDKg-00042-00008808-00009071 it had a relatively short life cycle and 6-utxlcpDKg-00043-00009072-00009287 production was handed over to the 996 6-utxlcpDKg-00044-00009288-00009478 model in 1998 6-utxlcpDKg-00045-00009479-00009663 so combine the concept of it being the 6-utxlcpDKg-00046-00009664-00009839 last air-cooled car 6-utxlcpDKg-00047-00009840-00009999 and the low production numbers and you 6-utxlcpDKg-00048-00010000-00010151 get strong demand 6-utxlcpDKg-00049-00010152-00010423 for what is a well-designed pretty car 6-utxlcpDKg-00050-00010424-00010535 even today 6-utxlcpDKg-00051-00010536-00010742 it was deemed to be a step change in the 6-utxlcpDKg-00052-00010743-00010959 engineering of the 911 range compared to 6-utxlcpDKg-00053-00010960-00011087 its predecessor 6-utxlcpDKg-00054-00011088-00011383 the m64 engine was carried over from the 6-utxlcpDKg-00055-00011384-00011495 964 6-utxlcpDKg-00056-00011496-00011670 but was significantly refined and 6-utxlcpDKg-00057-00011671-00011870 coupled with a new six-speed manual 6-utxlcpDKg-00058-00011871-00011967 gearbox 6-utxlcpDKg-00059-00011968-00012238 or four-speed chiptronic the end result 6-utxlcpDKg-00060-00012239-00012319 was a car that 6-utxlcpDKg-00061-00012320-00012527 actually only shared just 20 percent of 6-utxlcpDKg-00062-00012528-00012703 its parts with its predecessor 6-utxlcpDKg-00063-00012704-00012927 porsche's engineers also took a look at 6-utxlcpDKg-00064-00012928-00013063 the car's handling 6-utxlcpDKg-00065-00013063-00013263 and by using an entirely new design of 6-utxlcpDKg-00066-00013263-00013558 suspension managed to reduce the 964's 6-utxlcpDKg-00067-00013559-00013727 lift off oversteer 6-utxlcpDKg-00068-00013728-00013911 and by adding bigger brakes and revised 6-utxlcpDKg-00069-00013912-00014030 power steering 6-utxlcpDKg-00070-00014031-00014351 made it a nicer car to drive as ever the 6-utxlcpDKg-00071-00014352-00014591 range began with the carrera models with 6-utxlcpDKg-00072-00014591-00014855 their naturally aspirated 3.6 liter flat 6-utxlcpDKg-00073-00014856-00014983 6 engines 6-utxlcpDKg-00074-00014984-00015294 early models with the m6405 engines put 6-utxlcpDKg-00075-00015295-00015566 out 268 brake horsepower 6-utxlcpDKg-00076-00015568-00015911 rising to 281 bhp 6-utxlcpDKg-00077-00015912-00016175 from 1996 and the advent of the further 6-utxlcpDKg-00078-00016176-00016247 revised 6-utxlcpDKg-00079-00016247-00016583 m64 21 engine ims 6-utxlcpDKg-00080-00016584-00016894 issues are not a concern with the 993 in 6-utxlcpDKg-00081-00016895-00017039 case you were wondering 6-utxlcpDKg-00082-00017040-00017247 both coupe and cabriolet models were 6-utxlcpDKg-00083-00017248-00017486 offered in carrera form from launch 6-utxlcpDKg-00084-00017487-00017679 and they were joined by the new glass 6-utxlcpDKg-00085-00017680-00017935 roofed targa in 1996. 6-utxlcpDKg-00086-00017936-00018119 the targa broke the mould of tiger 6-utxlcpDKg-00087-00018120-00018343 styling that people have become used to 6-utxlcpDKg-00088-00018344-00018647 since the models launch in 1966 6-utxlcpDKg-00089-00018648-00018879 instead of the usual removable panel 6-utxlcpDKg-00090-00018880-00018991 above the seats 6-utxlcpDKg-00091-00018992-00019255 the 993 had a large glass sunroof 6-utxlcpDKg-00092-00019256-00019414 sweeping from the top of the windscreen 6-utxlcpDKg-00093-00019415-00019583 to the back of the car 6-utxlcpDKg-00094-00019584-00019783 it allowed a lot of light in but it has 6-utxlcpDKg-00095-00019784-00019967 a bit of a reputation for noise and 6-utxlcpDKg-00096-00019968-00020103 unreliability 6-utxlcpDKg-00097-00020104-00020319 i'll leave you to decide if the styling 6-utxlcpDKg-00098-00020320-00020414 was an improvement 6-utxlcpDKg-00099-00020415-00020783 over the classic targa design in 1996 as 6-utxlcpDKg-00100-00020784-00020958 part of the midline upgrade that 6-utxlcpDKg-00101-00020959-00021191 heralded the more powerful engine 6-utxlcpDKg-00102-00021192-00021303 porsche launch the 6-utxlcpDKg-00103-00021304-00021647 s and 4s models these are often touted 6-utxlcpDKg-00104-00021648-00021847 as the pick of the range and command 6-utxlcpDKg-00105-00021848-00022071 much higher prices than the carrera 6-utxlcpDKg-00106-00022072-00022303 they made much fewer of them two 6-utxlcpDKg-00107-00022304-00022543 contributing to low supply and high 6-utxlcpDKg-00108-00022544-00022647 demand 6-utxlcpDKg-00109-00022648-00022886 these models use the turbo model's wider 6-utxlcpDKg-00110-00022887-00023103 body and the beefier looks whilst 6-utxlcpDKg-00111-00023104-00023263 contributing to weight 6-utxlcpDKg-00112-00023264-00023494 also allowed wider wheels and tires 6-utxlcpDKg-00113-00023495-00023686 affording better handling 6-utxlcpDKg-00114-00023687-00023903 in today's market these go for between 6-utxlcpDKg-00115-00023904-00024111 sixty and a hundred and twenty thousand 6-utxlcpDKg-00116-00024112-00024207 dollars 6-utxlcpDKg-00117-00024208-00024399 compared with the standard carreras 6-utxlcpDKg-00118-00024400-00024591 which go between forty and 6-utxlcpDKg-00119-00024592-00024822 eighty thousand dollars talking of the 6-utxlcpDKg-00120-00024823-00025063 turbo porsche launched these from the 6-utxlcpDKg-00121-00025064-00025263 beginning of the 993. 6-utxlcpDKg-00122-00025264-00025631 it came with a new twin turbo flat 6 3.6 6-utxlcpDKg-00123-00025632-00025743 liter engine 6-utxlcpDKg-00124-00025744-00026143 pushing out 402 bhp in standard form 6-utxlcpDKg-00125-00026144-00026511 quite some hike from the 355 bhp 6-utxlcpDKg-00126-00026512-00026831 of the 964 turbo as mentioned before 6-utxlcpDKg-00127-00026832-00027070 the turbo also had a body that was just 6-utxlcpDKg-00128-00027072-00027255 over two inches wider than the standard 6-utxlcpDKg-00129-00027256-00027351 carrera 6-utxlcpDKg-00130-00027352-00027527 and also for the first time ever was 6-utxlcpDKg-00131-00027527-00027727 given all-wheel drive to maximize 6-utxlcpDKg-00132-00027727-00027846 traction 6-utxlcpDKg-00133-00027847-00028111 it made a compelling car in 1995 and was 6-utxlcpDKg-00134-00028112-00028335 one of the fastest cars on the road 6-utxlcpDKg-00135-00028336-00028518 the power race was on and the 6-utxlcpDKg-00136-00028519-00028687 manufacturers seemed to compete with 6-utxlcpDKg-00137-00028688-00028807 each other from here 6-utxlcpDKg-00138-00028808-00028990 to see who could squeeze the most amount 6-utxlcpDKg-00139-00028991-00029167 of power in their cars 6-utxlcpDKg-00140-00029168-00029343 for example it wasn't long before 6-utxlcpDKg-00141-00029344-00029599 mercedes pushed 500 bhp into their 6-utxlcpDKg-00142-00029600-00029999 sl55 competitor but that's another story 6-utxlcpDKg-00143-00030000-00030414 this car weighed just 3 307 pounds which 6-utxlcpDKg-00144-00030416-00030614 keeps it competitive on performance even 6-utxlcpDKg-00145-00030616-00030895 today by the way that's almost 1 000 6-utxlcpDKg-00146-00030895-00031183 pounds lighter than the sl55 6-utxlcpDKg-00147-00031183-00031479 this is the beauty of porsche 911s folks 6-utxlcpDKg-00148-00031480-00031758 the 1996 and later cars are 6-utxlcpDKg-00149-00031760-00031967 generally recognized as being the turbos 6-utxlcpDKg-00150-00031968-00032214 to have with a stronger transmission and 6-utxlcpDKg-00151-00032216-00032407 other minor luxuries added 6-utxlcpDKg-00152-00032408-00032623 you'll be hard pushed to find a 993 6-utxlcpDKg-00153-00032624-00032823 turbo for less than 125 6-utxlcpDKg-00154-00032824-00033095 000 these days going all the way up to 6-utxlcpDKg-00155-00033096-00033215 200 000 6-utxlcpDKg-00156-00033216-00033471 for lower mileage cars we are not quite 6-utxlcpDKg-00157-00033472-00033687 done with the turbo models yet though 6-utxlcpDKg-00158-00033688-00033983 all turbo models were coupes except for 6-utxlcpDKg-00159-00033984-00034055 14 6-utxlcpDKg-00160-00034056-00034302 cars that were produced before the 993 6-utxlcpDKg-00161-00034303-00034479 turbo model came out 6-utxlcpDKg-00162-00034480-00034815 and using a 964 single turbo 6-utxlcpDKg-00163-00034816-00035207 engine 5-speed gearbox and its rear wing 6-utxlcpDKg-00164-00035208-00035471 so good luck finding one of those and 6-utxlcpDKg-00165-00035472-00035695 also being able to afford it too 6-utxlcpDKg-00166-00035696-00036143 one sold in 2017 for 1.4 million dollars 6-utxlcpDKg-00167-00036144-00036335 to complete the walkthrough of the turbo 6-utxlcpDKg-00168-00036336-00036535 models we come to the turbo 6-utxlcpDKg-00169-00036536-00036879 s model released in 1997 6-utxlcpDKg-00170-00036880-00037135 late in the model range period they put 6-utxlcpDKg-00171-00037136-00037383 on larger turbo chargers and managed to 6-utxlcpDKg-00172-00037384-00037439 squeeze 6-utxlcpDKg-00173-00037440-00037830 just under 450 bhp out of it 6-utxlcpDKg-00174-00037831-00038087 the last of the air-cooled turbos if 6-utxlcpDKg-00175-00038088-00038255 that matters to anyone 6-utxlcpDKg-00176-00038256-00038543 i think 400 000 up for these uh and i'll 6-utxlcpDKg-00177-00038544-00038815 remind you that 996 turbos can be had 6-utxlcpDKg-00178-00038816-00039023 for about 10 percent of that 6-utxlcpDKg-00179-00039024-00039262 just saying you know did i mention that 6-utxlcpDKg-00180-00039263-00039479 i'm a 996 owner 6-utxlcpDKg-00181-00039480-00039774 not sure so that's the carrera and turbo 6-utxlcpDKg-00182-00039775-00039862 models 6-utxlcpDKg-00183-00039863-00040159 what else well how about the gt there 6-utxlcpDKg-00184-00040160-00040374 really is only one gt model in this 6-utxlcpDKg-00185-00040375-00040479 range although 6-utxlcpDKg-00186-00040480-00040695 initially it was called the gt it was 6-utxlcpDKg-00187-00040696-00040807 called the gt2 6-utxlcpDKg-00188-00040808-00041127 later in its life the gt started as a 6-utxlcpDKg-00189-00041128-00041190 race car 6-utxlcpDKg-00190-00041191-00041335 developed for the road so that the 6-utxlcpDKg-00191-00041336-00041599 racing versions could qualify to race 6-utxlcpDKg-00192-00041600-00041790 it was based on the turbo and had its 6-utxlcpDKg-00193-00041791-00041911 engine tweaked 6-utxlcpDKg-00194-00041912-00042183 to give out a little bit more power and 6-utxlcpDKg-00195-00042184-00042390 was stripped of the all-wheel drive 6-utxlcpDKg-00196-00042391-00042662 system in order to save weight later 6-utxlcpDKg-00197-00042663-00043174 models in 1997 pushed out 444 bhp 6-utxlcpDKg-00198-00043175-00043487 only 57 cars were produced and are 6-utxlcpDKg-00199-00043488-00043887 incredibly hard to find one sold in 2016 6-utxlcpDKg-00200-00043888-00044143 for 2.4 million dollars 6-utxlcpDKg-00201-00044144-00044343 perhaps if you'd like something similar 6-utxlcpDKg-00202-00044344-00044583 to the gt2 but for a little less money 6-utxlcpDKg-00203-00044584-00044783 maybe its baby brother might suit you 6-utxlcpDKg-00204-00044784-00045015 the carrera rs 6-utxlcpDKg-00205-00045016-00045215 really based on the carrera rather than 6-utxlcpDKg-00206-00045216-00045551 the gt2 it had the 3.8 liter engine 6-utxlcpDKg-00207-00045552-00045887 giving power of 296 bhp 6-utxlcpDKg-00208-00045888-00046167 matched with trick suspension a huge 6-utxlcpDKg-00209-00046168-00046239 rear wing 6-utxlcpDKg-00210-00046240-00046430 and such weight saving measures as 6-utxlcpDKg-00211-00046431-00046615 removing the rear seats 6-utxlcpDKg-00212-00046616-00046895 and deploying thinner glass this car 6-utxlcpDKg-00213-00046896-00046990 really began 6-utxlcpDKg-00214-00046991-00047295 porsche's gt philosophy they're still 6-utxlcpDKg-00215-00047296-00047462 upwards of four hundred thousand dollars 6-utxlcpDKg-00216-00047463-00047607 if you can find one 6-utxlcpDKg-00217-00047608-00047846 more if you want the rs club sport track 6-utxlcpDKg-00218-00047847-00047999 oriented version 6-utxlcpDKg-00219-00048000-00048239 they made just over a thousand of all rs 6-utxlcpDKg-00220-00048240-00048327 models 6-utxlcpDKg-00221-00048328-00048590 very cool indeed i must say so that's 6-utxlcpDKg-00222-00048591-00048839 the whole range of 993 done 6-utxlcpDKg-00223-00048840-00049039 except for the rarest one of them all 6-utxlcpDKg-00224-00049040-00049311 the 993 speedster 6-utxlcpDKg-00225-00049312-00049623 one of one or we could say two if we 6-utxlcpDKg-00226-00049624-00049790 include the cabriolet that 6-utxlcpDKg-00227-00049791-00050030 jerry seinfeld sent back to porsche's 6-utxlcpDKg-00228-00050031-00050279 exclusive department for conversion 6-utxlcpDKg-00229-00050280-00050479 the real one was produced as a special 6-utxlcpDKg-00230-00050480-00050655 car for ferry porsche's 6-utxlcpDKg-00231-00050656-00050902 60th birthday don't you wish you had 6-utxlcpDKg-00232-00050903-00051151 your own car company 6-utxlcpDKg-00233-00051152-00051287 of course i couldn't leave without 6-utxlcpDKg-00234-00051288-00051542 showing you another one of one car 6-utxlcpDKg-00235-00051544-00051950 2018's project gold porsche built a new 6-utxlcpDKg-00236-00051951-00052375 993 turbo in 2018 from the 6 000 or so 6-utxlcpDKg-00237-00052376-00052566 parts they had for maintaining customer 6-utxlcpDKg-00238-00052567-00052830 cars and used modern processes and 6-utxlcpDKg-00239-00052832-00053023 manufacturing to do so 6-utxlcpDKg-00240-00053024-00053215 the pity of this car i'm afraid is it'll 6-utxlcpDKg-00241-00053216-00053423 never be driven on the road it was 6-utxlcpDKg-00242-00053424-00053599 registered as a new car but doesn't 6-utxlcpDKg-00243-00053600-00053791 adhere to modern safety standards and 6-utxlcpDKg-00244-00053791-00053926 regulations 6-utxlcpDKg-00245-00053927-00054159 regardless a truly wonderful car i'm 6-utxlcpDKg-00246-00054160-00054375 sure you'll agree 6-utxlcpDKg-00247-00054376-00054559 so that's the walkthrough of the porsche 6-utxlcpDKg-00248-00054560-00054847 993 range which i hope was helpful 6-utxlcpDKg-00249-00054848-00055126 porsche produced just over 68 000 of 6-utxlcpDKg-00250-00055127-00055247 them worldwide 6-utxlcpDKg-00251-00055248-00055607 a fraction of the 175 996's that 6-utxlcpDKg-00252-00055608-00055750 superseded it 6-utxlcpDKg-00253-00055751-00056054 they are rare capable reliable and the 6-utxlcpDKg-00254-00056055-00056199 last of the line 6-utxlcpDKg-00255-00056200-00056463 makes for a desirable high-value car 6-utxlcpDKg-00256-00056464-00056679 very cherished by owners and enthusiasts 6-utxlcpDKg-00257-00056679-00056791 alike 6-utxlcpDKg-00258-00056791-00056999 stay tuned for more great films coming 6-utxlcpDKg-00259-00057000-00057159 your direction soon 6-utxlcpDKg-00260-00057160-00057350 meantime take a look at my other porsche 6-utxlcpDKg-00261-00057351-00057487 films and walkthroughs 6-utxlcpDKg-00262-00057488-00057615 some good stuff in there if you're 6-utxlcpDKg-00263-00057616-00057791 looking for a porsche see you in the 6-utxlcpDKg-00264-00057791-00057854 next one 6-utxlcpDKg-00265-00057855-00059136 thanks for watching 6-bRRxo9m6c-00000-00000432-00000947 [Music] 6-bRRxo9m6c-00001-00000948-00002883 [Music] 6-bRRxo9m6c-00002-00002884-00003588 so 6-bRRxo9m6c-00004-00007695-00009883 [Music] 6-bRRxo9m6c-00005-00009884-00010317 so 6-bRRxo9m6c-00006-00010318-00011295 [Music] 6-bRRxo9m6c-00007-00011296-00011903 [Music] 6-bRRxo9m6c-00008-00011904-00013868 [Music] 6-bRRxo9m6c-00009-00013869-00016030 [Music] 6-bRRxo9m6c-00010-00016031-00016240 you 6_t0ovS_UwY-00000-00000096-00000342 the jewish diaspora hebrew futsa 6_t0ovS_UwY-00001-00000343-00000591 tepsa or exile hebrew gallup galway 6_t0ovS_UwY-00002-00000592-00000807 yiddish golus refers to the dispersion 6_t0ovS_UwY-00003-00000808-00000983 of israelites or jews out of their 6_t0ovS_UwY-00004-00000984-00001207 ancestral homeland the land of israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-00005-00001208-00001383 and their subsequent settlement in other 6_t0ovS_UwY-00006-00001384-00001478 parts of the globe 6_t0ovS_UwY-00007-00001479-00001702 in terms of the hebrew bible the term 6_t0ovS_UwY-00008-00001703-00001814 exile 6_t0ovS_UwY-00009-00001816-00001998 denotes the fate of the israelites who 6_t0ovS_UwY-00010-00002000-00002183 were taken into exile from the kingdom 6_t0ovS_UwY-00011-00002184-00002447 of israel during the 8th century bce and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00012-00002448-00002639 the judahites from the kingdom of judah 6_t0ovS_UwY-00013-00002640-00002847 who were taken into exile during the 6th 6_t0ovS_UwY-00014-00002848-00003039 century bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00015-00003040-00003247 while in exile the judahites became 6_t0ovS_UwY-00016-00003247-00003343 known as 6_t0ovS_UwY-00017-00003344-00003767 jews yevium or yehudam mordecai the jew 6_t0ovS_UwY-00018-00003768-00003943 from the book of esther being the first 6_t0ovS_UwY-00019-00003944-00004183 biblical mention of the term 6_t0ovS_UwY-00020-00004184-00004431 the first exile was the assyrian exile 6_t0ovS_UwY-00021-00004432-00004638 the expulsion from the kingdom of israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-00022-00004639-00004879 samaria begun by tiglath piles or three 6_t0ovS_UwY-00023-00004880-00005206 of assyria in 733 bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00024-00005207-00005447 this process was completed by sargan ii 6_t0ovS_UwY-00025-00005448-00005622 with the destruction of the kingdom in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00026-00005623-00005951 722 bce concluding a three-year siege of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00027-00005952-00006159 samaria begun by shalmaneser v 6_t0ovS_UwY-00028-00006160-00006359 the next experience of exile was the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00029-00006360-00006550 babylonian captivity in which 6_t0ovS_UwY-00030-00006551-00006710 portions of the population of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00031-00006711-00006967 kingdom of judah were deported in 597 6_t0ovS_UwY-00032-00006968-00007039 bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00033-00007040-00007275 and again in 586 bce by the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00034-00007276-00007495 neo-babylonian empire under the rule of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00035-00007495-00007710 nebuchadnezzar ii 6_t0ovS_UwY-00036-00007711-00007942 a jewish diaspora existed for several 6_t0ovS_UwY-00037-00007943-00008134 centuries before the fall of the second 6_t0ovS_UwY-00038-00008136-00008278 temple and their dwelling in other 6_t0ovS_UwY-00039-00008279-00008463 countries for the most part was not a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00040-00008464-00008710 result of compulsory dislocation 6_t0ovS_UwY-00041-00008711-00008951 before the middle of the 1st century ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00042-00008952-00009095 in addition to judea 6_t0ovS_UwY-00043-00009096-00009310 syria and babylonia large jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00044-00009311-00009487 communities existed in the roman 6_t0ovS_UwY-00045-00009488-00009735 provinces of egypt cyrene and crete and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00046-00009736-00009783 in rome 6_t0ovS_UwY-00047-00009784-00009999 itself after the siege of jerusalem in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00048-00010000-00010142 63 bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00049-00010143-00010327 when the hasmonean kingdom became a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00050-00010328-00010495 protectorate of rome emigration 6_t0ovS_UwY-00051-00010496-00010646 intensified 6_t0ovS_UwY-00052-00010647-00010887 in 6ce the region was organized as the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00053-00010888-00011103 roman province of judea 6_t0ovS_UwY-00054-00011104-00011327 the judean population revolted against 6_t0ovS_UwY-00055-00011328-00011623 the roman empire in 66 ce in the first 6_t0ovS_UwY-00056-00011624-00011823 jewish roman war which culminated in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00057-00011824-00012142 destruction of jerusalem in 70 ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00058-00012143-00012335 during the siege the romans destroyed 6_t0ovS_UwY-00059-00012336-00012606 the second temple and most of jerusalem 6_t0ovS_UwY-00060-00012607-00012822 this watershed moment the elimination of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00061-00012823-00013022 the symbolic center of judaism and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00062-00013023-00013247 jewish identity constrained many jews to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00063-00013247-00013455 reformulate a new self-definition and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00064-00013456-00013638 adjust their existence to the prospect 6_t0ovS_UwY-00065-00013640-00013911 of an indefinite period of displacement 6_t0ovS_UwY-00066-00013912-00014247 in 132 ce kokba led a rebellion against 6_t0ovS_UwY-00067-00014247-00014422 hadrian a revolt connected with the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00068-00014423-00014607 renaming of jerusalem as ila 6_t0ovS_UwY-00069-00014608-00014847 capitalina after four years of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00070-00014847-00015063 devastating warfare the uprising was 6_t0ovS_UwY-00071-00015063-00015247 suppressed and jews were forbidden 6_t0ovS_UwY-00072-00015247-00015463 access to jerusalem 6_t0ovS_UwY-00073-00015463-00015671 during the middle ages due to increasing 6_t0ovS_UwY-00074-00015672-00015822 migration and resettlement 6_t0ovS_UwY-00075-00015823-00016022 jews divided into distinct regional 6_t0ovS_UwY-00076-00016023-00016183 groups which today are generally 6_t0ovS_UwY-00077-00016184-00016358 addressed according to two primary 6_t0ovS_UwY-00078-00016359-00016591 geographical groupings the ashkenazi of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00079-00016592-00016758 northern and eastern europe and the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00080-00016759-00016927 sephardic jews of iberia 6_t0ovS_UwY-00081-00016928-00017150 spain and portugal north africa and the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00082-00017151-00017286 middle east 6_t0ovS_UwY-00083-00017287-00017471 these groups have parallel histories 6_t0ovS_UwY-00084-00017472-00017679 sharing many cultural similarities as 6_t0ovS_UwY-00085-00017680-00017855 well as a series of massacres 6_t0ovS_UwY-00086-00017856-00018039 persecutions and expulsions 6_t0ovS_UwY-00087-00018040-00018335 such as the expulsion from spain in 1492 6_t0ovS_UwY-00088-00018336-00018583 the expulsion from england in 1290 and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00089-00018584-00018758 the expulsion from arab countries in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00090-00018759-00019063 1948 to 1973. 6_t0ovS_UwY-00091-00019064-00019263 although the two branches comprise many 6_t0ovS_UwY-00092-00019264-00019486 unique ethno-cultural practices and have 6_t0ovS_UwY-00093-00019487-00019694 links to their local host populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00094-00019695-00019863 such as central europeans for the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00095-00019864-00020086 ashkenazim and hispanics and arabs for 6_t0ovS_UwY-00096-00020087-00020271 the sephardim their shared religion and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00097-00020272-00020471 ancestry as well as their continuous 6_t0ovS_UwY-00098-00020472-00020694 communication and population transfers 6_t0ovS_UwY-00099-00020695-00020919 has been responsible for a unified sense 6_t0ovS_UwY-00100-00020920-00021086 of cultural and religious jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00101-00021087-00021255 identity between sephardim and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00102-00021256-00021478 ashkenazim from the late roman period to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00103-00021479-00022022 the present 6_t0ovS_UwY-00104-00022023-00022663 origins and uses of the terms 6_t0ovS_UwY-00105-00022664-00022855 has been a common phenomenon for many 6_t0ovS_UwY-00106-00022856-00023047 people since antiquity but what is 6_t0ovS_UwY-00107-00023048-00023247 particular about the jewish instance is 6_t0ovS_UwY-00108-00023248-00023358 the pronounced negative 6_t0ovS_UwY-00109-00023359-00023535 religious indeed metaphysical 6_t0ovS_UwY-00110-00023536-00023735 connotations traditionally attached to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00111-00023736-00023903 dispersion and exile gallup 6_t0ovS_UwY-00112-00023904-00024103 two conditions which were conflated the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00113-00024104-00024294 english term diaspora which entered 6_t0ovS_UwY-00114-00024295-00024591 usage as late as 1876 and the hebrew 6_t0ovS_UwY-00115-00024592-00024758 word gallup though covering a similar 6_t0ovS_UwY-00116-00024759-00024942 semantic range bear some distinct 6_t0ovS_UwY-00117-00024943-00025142 differences in connotation 6_t0ovS_UwY-00118-00025143-00025367 the former has no traditional equivalent 6_t0ovS_UwY-00119-00025368-00025471 in hebrew usage 6_t0ovS_UwY-00120-00025472-00025694 stephen bowman argues that diaspora in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00121-00025695-00025902 antiquity connoted emigration from an 6_t0ovS_UwY-00122-00025904-00026102 ancestral mother city with the immigrant 6_t0ovS_UwY-00123-00026104-00026302 community maintaining its cultural ties 6_t0ovS_UwY-00124-00026304-00026487 with the place of origin 6_t0ovS_UwY-00125-00026488-00026679 just as the greek city exported its 6_t0ovS_UwY-00126-00026680-00026807 surplus population 6_t0ovS_UwY-00127-00026808-00026999 so did jerusalem while remaining the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00128-00027000-00027158 cultural and religious center or 6_t0ovS_UwY-00129-00027160-00027367 metropolis irvamb 6_t0ovS_UwY-00130-00027368-00027631 israel for the outlying communities it 6_t0ovS_UwY-00131-00027632-00027855 could have two senses in biblical terms 6_t0ovS_UwY-00132-00027856-00028046 the idea of becoming a guiding light 6_t0ovS_UwY-00133-00028047-00028199 unto the nations by dwelling in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00134-00028200-00028399 midst of gentiles or of enduring the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00135-00028400-00028646 pain of exile from one's homeland 6_t0ovS_UwY-00136-00028647-00028862 the conditions of diaspora in the former 6_t0ovS_UwY-00137-00028863-00029062 case were premised on the free exercise 6_t0ovS_UwY-00138-00029063-00029374 of citizenship or resident alien status 6_t0ovS_UwY-00139-00029375-00029607 galut implies by comparison living is a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00140-00029608-00029735 denigrated minority 6_t0ovS_UwY-00141-00029736-00029902 stripped of such rights in the host 6_t0ovS_UwY-00142-00029904-00030039 society 6_t0ovS_UwY-00143-00030039-00030231 sometimes diaspora and gallup are 6_t0ovS_UwY-00144-00030232-00030374 defined as voluntary 6_t0ovS_UwY-00145-00030375-00030751 as opposed to involuntary exile diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00146-00030752-00030974 it has been argued has a political edge 6_t0ovS_UwY-00147-00030975-00031174 referring to geopolitical dispersion 6_t0ovS_UwY-00148-00031175-00031374 which may be involuntary but which can 6_t0ovS_UwY-00149-00031375-00031414 assume 6_t0ovS_UwY-00150-00031416-00031607 under different conditions a positive 6_t0ovS_UwY-00151-00031608-00031727 nuance 6_t0ovS_UwY-00152-00031727-00031967 glut is more teleological and connotes a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00153-00031968-00032111 sense of uprootedness 6_t0ovS_UwY-00154-00032112-00032358 daniel boyeran defines diaspora as a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00155-00032360-00032551 state where people have a dual cultural 6_t0ovS_UwY-00156-00032552-00032614 allegiance 6_t0ovS_UwY-00157-00032616-00032815 productive of a double consciousness and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00158-00032816-00033007 in this sense a cultural condition not 6_t0ovS_UwY-00159-00033008-00033207 premised on any particular history 6_t0ovS_UwY-00160-00033208-00033374 as opposed to gallup which is more 6_t0ovS_UwY-00161-00033375-00033599 descriptive of an existential situation 6_t0ovS_UwY-00162-00033600-00033807 that properly of exile conveying a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00163-00033808-00034007 particular psychological outlook the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00164-00034008-00034207 greek word diaspora dispersion 6_t0ovS_UwY-00165-00034208-00034399 first appears as a neologism in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00166-00034400-00034599 translation of the old testament known 6_t0ovS_UwY-00167-00034600-00034815 as the septuagint where it occurs 14 6_t0ovS_UwY-00168-00034816-00034871 times 6_t0ovS_UwY-00169-00034872-00035046 starting with a passage reading a's 6_t0ovS_UwY-00170-00035047-00035359 diaspora n pesais basilais tas jes thou 6_t0ovS_UwY-00171-00035360-00035567 shall be a diaspora or dispersion 6_t0ovS_UwY-00172-00035568-00035795 in all kingdoms of the earth deuteronomy 6_t0ovS_UwY-00173-00035796-00035918 xxviii 6_t0ovS_UwY-00174-00035919-00036223 25 translating sauwa whose root suggests 6_t0ovS_UwY-00175-00036224-00036271 trouble 6_t0ovS_UwY-00176-00036272-00036535 terror in these contexts it never 6_t0ovS_UwY-00177-00036536-00036599 translated 6_t0ovS_UwY-00178-00036600-00036799 any term in the original tanakh drawn 6_t0ovS_UwY-00179-00036800-00036990 from the hebrew root glt 6_t0ovS_UwY-00180-00036991-00037246 glo which lies behind galah angola nor 6_t0ovS_UwY-00181-00037247-00037383 even golov 6_t0ovS_UwY-00182-00037384-00037687 gola appears 42 times and goloth in 15 6_t0ovS_UwY-00183-00037688-00037902 passages and first occurs in the second 6_t0ovS_UwY-00184-00037903-00038055 kings chapter 17 6_t0ovS_UwY-00185-00038056-00038287 23's reference to the deportation of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00186-00038288-00038518 judean elite to babylonia 6_t0ovS_UwY-00187-00038519-00038759 stefan dufoy in surveying the textual 6_t0ovS_UwY-00188-00038760-00039055 evidence draws the following conclusion 6_t0ovS_UwY-00189-00039056-00039262 goloth and diaspora are drawn from two 6_t0ovS_UwY-00190-00039263-00039495 completely different lexicons 6_t0ovS_UwY-00191-00039496-00039735 the first refers to episodes precise and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00192-00039736-00039935 dateable in the history of the people of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00193-00039936-00040143 israel when the latter was subjected to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00194-00040144-00040271 a foreign occupation 6_t0ovS_UwY-00195-00040272-00040479 such as that of babylon in which most of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00196-00040480-00040671 the occurrences are found 6_t0ovS_UwY-00197-00040672-00040846 the second perhaps with a single 6_t0ovS_UwY-00198-00040847-00041023 exception that remains debatable 6_t0ovS_UwY-00199-00041024-00041215 is never used to speak of the past and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00200-00041216-00041358 does not concern babylon 6_t0ovS_UwY-00201-00041359-00041535 the instrument of dispersion is never 6_t0ovS_UwY-00202-00041536-00041702 the historical sovereign of another 6_t0ovS_UwY-00203-00041703-00041823 country 6_t0ovS_UwY-00204-00041824-00042046 diaspora is the word for chastisement 6_t0ovS_UwY-00205-00042047-00042199 but the dispersion in question 6_t0ovS_UwY-00206-00042200-00042407 has not occurred yet it is potential 6_t0ovS_UwY-00207-00042408-00042599 conditional on the jews not respecting 6_t0ovS_UwY-00208-00042600-00042839 the law of god it follows that diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00209-00042840-00043046 belongs not to the domain of history but 6_t0ovS_UwY-00210-00043047-00043318 of theology 6_t0ovS_UwY-00211-00043319-00043535 in talmudic and post-talmudic rabbinic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00212-00043536-00043743 literature this phenomenon was referred 6_t0ovS_UwY-00213-00043744-00043823 to as galut 6_t0ovS_UwY-00214-00043824-00044046 exile a term with strongly negative 6_t0ovS_UwY-00215-00044047-00044135 connotations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00216-00044136-00044430 often contrasted with gula redemption 6_t0ovS_UwY-00217-00044431-00044679 eugene borowitz describes goluttas 6_t0ovS_UwY-00218-00044680-00044951 fundamentally a theological category the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00219-00044952-00044999 modern 6_t0ovS_UwY-00220-00045000-00045335 hebrew concept of tephutzo tpw 6_t0ovS_UwY-00221-00045336-00045590 scattered was introduced in the 1930s by 6_t0ovS_UwY-00222-00045591-00045823 the jewish-american zionist academic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00223-00045824-00046015 simon ravitovic who to some degree 6_t0ovS_UwY-00224-00046016-00046190 argued for the acceptance of the jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00225-00046191-00046390 presence outside the land of israel as a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00226-00046391-00046662 modern reality and an inevitability 6_t0ovS_UwY-00227-00046663-00046911 the greek term for diaspora diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00228-00046912-00047095 also appears three times in the new 6_t0ovS_UwY-00229-00047096-00047246 testament where it refers to the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00230-00047247-00047415 scattering of israel i.e 6_t0ovS_UwY-00231-00047416-00047615 the ten northern tribes of israel as 6_t0ovS_UwY-00232-00047616-00047774 opposed to the southern kingdom of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00233-00047775-00048039 judah although james 1 2 1 refers to the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00234-00048040-00048311 scattering of all 12 tribes 6_t0ovS_UwY-00235-00048312-00048527 in modern times the contrasting meanings 6_t0ovS_UwY-00236-00048528-00048751 of diaspora galut have given rise to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00237-00048752-00048967 controversy among jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00238-00048968-00049143 bowman states this in the following 6_t0ovS_UwY-00239-00049144-00049279 terms 6_t0ovS_UwY-00240-00049280-00049518 diaspora follows the greek usage and is 6_t0ovS_UwY-00241-00049519-00049718 considered a positive phenomenon that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00242-00049719-00049918 continues the prophetic call of israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-00243-00049919-00050079 to be a light unto the nations and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00244-00050080-00050271 establish homes and families among the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00245-00050272-00050399 gentiles 6_t0ovS_UwY-00246-00050400-00050630 the prophet jeremiah issues this call to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00247-00050631-00050886 the pre-exilic emigrants in egypt 6_t0ovS_UwY-00248-00050887-00051111 galat is a religious nationalist term 6_t0ovS_UwY-00249-00051112-00051319 which implies exile from the homeland as 6_t0ovS_UwY-00250-00051320-00051479 a result of collective sins 6_t0ovS_UwY-00251-00051479-00051650 and exile that will be redeemed at 6_t0ovS_UwY-00252-00051651-00051870 yhwh's pleasure 6_t0ovS_UwY-00253-00051871-00052094 jewish messianism is closely connected 6_t0ovS_UwY-00254-00052095-00052319 with the concept of gallup 6_t0ovS_UwY-00255-00052320-00052519 in zionist debates a distinction was 6_t0ovS_UwY-00256-00052520-00052782 made between galut and golus gola 6_t0ovS_UwY-00257-00052783-00053007 the latter denoted social and political 6_t0ovS_UwY-00258-00053008-00053166 exile whereas the former 6_t0ovS_UwY-00259-00053167-00053371 while consequential on the latter was a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00260-00053372-00053575 psycho-spiritual framework that was not 6_t0ovS_UwY-00261-00053576-00053750 wholly dependent on the conditions of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00262-00053751-00053975 life in diasporic exile since one could 6_t0ovS_UwY-00263-00053976-00054119 technically remain in galut 6_t0ovS_UwY-00264-00054120-00054399 even in eretz israel whereas theodore 6_t0ovS_UwY-00265-00054400-00054566 herzl and his followers thought that the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00266-00054567-00054742 establishment of a jewish state would 6_t0ovS_UwY-00267-00054744-00054950 put an end to the diasporic exile 6_t0ovS_UwY-00268-00054951-00055150 ahad haam thought to the contrary that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00269-00055151-00055319 such a state's function would be to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00270-00055320-00055479 sustain jewish nationhood in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00271-00055479-00055975 diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00272-00055976-00056479 pre-roman diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00273-00056479-00056838 in 722 bce the assyrians under sargan 6_t0ovS_UwY-00274-00056839-00057079 ii successor to shalmaneser v conquered 6_t0ovS_UwY-00275-00057079-00057247 the kingdom of israel and many 6_t0ovS_UwY-00276-00057248-00057479 israelites were deported to mesopotamia 6_t0ovS_UwY-00277-00057479-00057687 the jewish proper diaspora began with 6_t0ovS_UwY-00278-00057688-00057935 the babylonian exile in the 6th century 6_t0ovS_UwY-00279-00057936-00058015 bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00280-00058016-00058191 after the overthrow of the kingdom of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00281-00058191-00058542 judah in 586 bce by nebuchadnezzar ii of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00282-00058544-00058615 babylon 6_t0ovS_UwY-00283-00058616-00058791 see babylonian captivity and the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00284-00058791-00059023 deportation of a considerable portion of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00285-00059024-00059254 its inhabitants to mesopotamia the jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00286-00059255-00059447 had two principal cultural centers 6_t0ovS_UwY-00287-00059448-00059638 babylonia and the land of israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-00288-00059639-00059847 deportees returned to the samaria after 6_t0ovS_UwY-00289-00059848-00060071 the neo-babylonian empire was in turn 6_t0ovS_UwY-00290-00060072-00060294 conquered by cyrus the great 6_t0ovS_UwY-00291-00060295-00060519 the biblical book of ezra includes two 6_t0ovS_UwY-00292-00060520-00060694 texts said to be decrees allowing the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00293-00060695-00060838 deported jews to return to their 6_t0ovS_UwY-00294-00060839-00061038 homeland after decades and ordering the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00295-00061039-00061191 temple rebuilt 6_t0ovS_UwY-00296-00061191-00061391 the differences in content and tone of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00297-00061391-00061615 the two decrees one in hebrew and one in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00298-00061616-00061799 aramaic have caused some scholars 6_t0ovS_UwY-00299-00061800-00062071 to question their authenticity the cyrus 6_t0ovS_UwY-00300-00062072-00062126 cylinder 6_t0ovS_UwY-00301-00062127-00062319 an ancient tablet on which is written a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00302-00062320-00062494 declaration in the name of cyrus 6_t0ovS_UwY-00303-00062495-00062687 referring to restoration of temples and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00304-00062688-00062894 repatriation of exiled peoples 6_t0ovS_UwY-00305-00062895-00063103 has often been taken as corroboration of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00306-00063104-00063311 the authenticity of the biblical decrees 6_t0ovS_UwY-00307-00063312-00063526 attributed to cyrus but other scholars 6_t0ovS_UwY-00308-00063527-00063703 point out that the cylinder's text is 6_t0ovS_UwY-00309-00063704-00063942 specific to babylon and mesopotamia and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00310-00063944-00064215 makes no mention of judah or jerusalem 6_t0ovS_UwY-00311-00064216-00064471 lester elgrab asserted that the alleged 6_t0ovS_UwY-00312-00064472-00064535 decree of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00313-00064536-00064823 cyrus regarding judah cannot be 6_t0ovS_UwY-00314-00064824-00064991 considered authentic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00315-00064991-00065230 but that there was a general policy of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00316-00065232-00065447 allowing deportees to return and to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00317-00065448-00065735 re-establish cult sites 6_t0ovS_UwY-00318-00065736-00065991 he also stated that archaeology suggests 6_t0ovS_UwY-00319-00065992-00066119 that the return was a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00320-00066120-00066415 trickle taking place over decades rather 6_t0ovS_UwY-00321-00066416-00066543 than a single event 6_t0ovS_UwY-00322-00066544-00066719 there is no sudden expansion of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00323-00066720-00066887 population base of 30 6_t0ovS_UwY-00324-00066888-00067103 000 and no credible indication of any 6_t0ovS_UwY-00325-00067104-00067311 special interest in yehud although most 6_t0ovS_UwY-00326-00067312-00067511 of the jewish people during this period 6_t0ovS_UwY-00327-00067512-00067711 especially the wealthy families were to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00328-00067712-00067935 be found in babylonia the existence they 6_t0ovS_UwY-00329-00067936-00067991 led there 6_t0ovS_UwY-00330-00067992-00068143 under the successive rulers of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00331-00068144-00068382 achaemenids the seleucids the partiaans 6_t0ovS_UwY-00332-00068383-00068591 and the sasanians was obscure and devoid 6_t0ovS_UwY-00333-00068592-00068871 of political influence the poorest but 6_t0ovS_UwY-00334-00068872-00069079 most fervent of the exiles returned to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00335-00069080-00069263 judah the land of israel during the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00336-00069264-00069531 reign of the achaemenids c 6_t0ovS_UwY-00337-00069532-00069775 550-330 bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00338-00069776-00069959 there with the reconstructed temple in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00339-00069960-00070175 jerusalem as their center they organized 6_t0ovS_UwY-00340-00070176-00070391 themselves into a community animated by 6_t0ovS_UwY-00341-00070392-00070567 a remarkable religious arter and a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00342-00070568-00070775 tenacious attachment to the torah as the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00343-00070776-00070967 focus of its identity 6_t0ovS_UwY-00344-00070968-00071150 as this little nucleus increased in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00345-00071151-00071326 numbers with the accession of recruits 6_t0ovS_UwY-00346-00071327-00071519 from various quarters it awoke to a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00347-00071520-00071599 consciousness of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00348-00071600-00071782 itself and strove once again for 6_t0ovS_UwY-00349-00071783-00071967 national independence and political 6_t0ovS_UwY-00350-00071968-00072159 enfranchisement and sovereignty the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00351-00072160-00072406 first jewish diaspora in egypt arose in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00352-00072407-00072606 the last century of pharonic rule 6_t0ovS_UwY-00353-00072607-00072767 apparently with the settlement there 6_t0ovS_UwY-00354-00072768-00072982 either under ashurbanipal or during the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00355-00072983-00073199 reign of semiticus of a colony of jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00356-00073200-00073415 mercenaries a military class that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00357-00073416-00073599 successively served the persian the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00358-00073600-00073806 ptolemaic and roman governments down to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00359-00073807-00074015 the early decades of the second century 6_t0ovS_UwY-00360-00074016-00074206 ce when the revolt against trajan 6_t0ovS_UwY-00361-00074207-00074335 destroyed them 6_t0ovS_UwY-00362-00074336-00074487 their presence was buttressed by 6_t0ovS_UwY-00363-00074488-00074662 numerous jewish administrators who 6_t0ovS_UwY-00364-00074663-00074838 joined them in egypt's military and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00365-00074839-00075023 urban centers while communities in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00366-00075024-00075255 alexandria and rome dated back to before 6_t0ovS_UwY-00367-00075256-00075462 the maccabean revolt the population in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00368-00075463-00075671 the jewish diaspora expanded after the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00369-00075672-00075999 pompey's campaign in 62 bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00370-00076000-00076199 under the hasmonean princes who were at 6_t0ovS_UwY-00371-00076200-00076391 first high priests and then kings the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00372-00076392-00076582 jewish state displayed even a certain 6_t0ovS_UwY-00373-00076583-00076871 luster and annexed several territories 6_t0ovS_UwY-00374-00076872-00077094 soon however discord within the royal 6_t0ovS_UwY-00375-00077095-00077279 family and the growing disaffection of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00376-00077280-00077503 the pious the soul of the nation towards 6_t0ovS_UwY-00377-00077504-00077679 rulers who no longer evinced any 6_t0ovS_UwY-00378-00077680-00077887 appreciation of the real aspirations of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00379-00077888-00078079 their subjects made the jewish nation 6_t0ovS_UwY-00380-00078080-00078279 easy pray for the ambitions of the now 6_t0ovS_UwY-00381-00078280-00078479 increasingly autocratic and imperial 6_t0ovS_UwY-00382-00078480-00078767 romans the successors of the seleucids 6_t0ovS_UwY-00383-00078768-00079079 in 63 bce pompey invaded jerusalem 6_t0ovS_UwY-00384-00079080-00079271 the jewish people lost their political 6_t0ovS_UwY-00385-00079272-00079431 sovereignty and independence and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00386-00079432-00079882 gabonese subjected the jewish people to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00387-00079883-00080087 tribute 6_t0ovS_UwY-00388-00080088-00080599 early diaspora populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00389-00080600-00080847 the jewish diaspora in egypt was already 6_t0ovS_UwY-00390-00080848-00081006 several centuries old 6_t0ovS_UwY-00391-00081007-00081167 it was as old as that of the east 6_t0ovS_UwY-00392-00081168-00081335 babylon but not until the early 6_t0ovS_UwY-00393-00081336-00081399 hellenistic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00394-00081400-00081567 period did it achieve comparable 6_t0ovS_UwY-00395-00081568-00081815 importance alexander the great's 6_t0ovS_UwY-00396-00081816-00081991 breathtakingly rapid campaign of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00397-00081992-00082135 conquest led to the swift 6_t0ovS_UwY-00398-00082136-00082287 commercialization of the eastern 6_t0ovS_UwY-00399-00082288-00082631 mediterranean after 333 bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00400-00082632-00082815 after numerous vicissitudes and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00401-00082816-00083015 especially owing to internal dissensions 6_t0ovS_UwY-00402-00083016-00083215 within the seleucid dynasty on the one 6_t0ovS_UwY-00403-00083216-00083391 hand and to the interested support of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00404-00083392-00083638 the pre-roman empire the pre-autocratic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00405-00083639-00083791 roman republic on the other 6_t0ovS_UwY-00406-00083792-00084006 the cause of jewish independence finally 6_t0ovS_UwY-00407-00084007-00084223 triumphed as early as the 3rd century 6_t0ovS_UwY-00408-00084224-00084455 bce jewish communities sprang up in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00409-00084456-00084606 aegean islands greece 6_t0ovS_UwY-00410-00084607-00084943 asia minor cyrenaica italy and egypt 6_t0ovS_UwY-00411-00084944-00085135 in palestine under the favorable 6_t0ovS_UwY-00412-00085136-00085350 auspices of the long period of peace 6_t0ovS_UwY-00413-00085351-00085543 almost a whole century which followed 6_t0ovS_UwY-00414-00085544-00085735 the advent of the ptolemies the new ways 6_t0ovS_UwY-00415-00085736-00085879 were to flourish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00416-00085880-00086103 by means of all kinds of contacts and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00417-00086104-00086287 particularly thanks to the development 6_t0ovS_UwY-00418-00086288-00086526 of commerce hellenism infiltrated on all 6_t0ovS_UwY-00419-00086527-00086735 sides in varying degrees 6_t0ovS_UwY-00420-00086736-00086918 the ports of the mediterranean coast 6_t0ovS_UwY-00421-00086919-00087118 were indispensable to commerce and from 6_t0ovS_UwY-00422-00087119-00087294 the very beginning of the hellenistic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00423-00087295-00087350 period 6_t0ovS_UwY-00424-00087351-00087582 underwent great development in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00425-00087583-00087806 western diaspora greek quickly became 6_t0ovS_UwY-00426-00087807-00088023 dominant in jewish life and little sign 6_t0ovS_UwY-00427-00088024-00088247 remains of profound contact with hebrew 6_t0ovS_UwY-00428-00088248-00088471 or aramaic the latter probably being the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00429-00088472-00088615 more prevalent 6_t0ovS_UwY-00430-00088616-00088831 the proportion of jews in the diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00431-00088832-00089031 in relation to the size of the nation as 6_t0ovS_UwY-00432-00089032-00089199 a whole increased steadily throughout 6_t0ovS_UwY-00433-00089200-00089350 the hellenistic era and reached 6_t0ovS_UwY-00434-00089351-00089535 astonishing dimensions in the early 6_t0ovS_UwY-00435-00089536-00089855 roman period particularly in alexandria 6_t0ovS_UwY-00436-00089856-00090031 it was not least for this reason that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00437-00090032-00090199 the jewish people became a major 6_t0ovS_UwY-00438-00090200-00090318 political factor 6_t0ovS_UwY-00439-00090319-00090479 especially since the jews in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00440-00090480-00090750 diaspora notwithstanding strong cultural 6_t0ovS_UwY-00441-00090751-00090950 social and religious tensions remained 6_t0ovS_UwY-00442-00090951-00091182 firmly united with their homeland 6_t0ovS_UwY-00443-00091183-00091367 smallwood writes that it is reasonable 6_t0ovS_UwY-00444-00091368-00091503 to conjecture that many 6_t0ovS_UwY-00445-00091504-00091687 such as the settlement in putioli 6_t0ovS_UwY-00446-00091688-00091935 attested in 4 bce went back to the late 6_t0ovS_UwY-00447-00091936-00092199 pre-roman empire roman republic or early 6_t0ovS_UwY-00448-00092200-00092406 empire and originated in voluntary 6_t0ovS_UwY-00449-00092407-00092582 emigration and the lure of trade and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00450-00092583-00092662 commerce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00451-00092663-00092847 dating the numerous settlements is 6_t0ovS_UwY-00452-00092848-00093087 difficult some settlements may have 6_t0ovS_UwY-00453-00093088-00093326 resulted from the jewish revolts 6_t0ovS_UwY-00454-00093327-00093543 others such as the jewish community in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00455-00093544-00093774 rome were far older dating back to at 6_t0ovS_UwY-00456-00093775-00094111 least the mid-second century bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00457-00094112-00094326 although it expanded greatly following 6_t0ovS_UwY-00458-00094327-00094447 pompey's campaign 6_t0ovS_UwY-00459-00094448-00094799 in 62 bce in 6 ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00460-00094800-00095103 the romans annexed judea only the jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00461-00095104-00095359 in babylonian remained outside of roman 6_t0ovS_UwY-00462-00095360-00095438 rule 6_t0ovS_UwY-00463-00095439-00095662 unlike the greek-speaking hellenized 6_t0ovS_UwY-00464-00095663-00095887 jews in the west the jewish communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-00465-00095888-00096135 in babylonian and judea continued the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00466-00096136-00096391 use of aramaic as a primary language 6_t0ovS_UwY-00467-00096392-00096582 as early as the middle of the second 6_t0ovS_UwY-00468-00096583-00096831 century bce the jewish author of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00469-00096832-00097047 third book of the oracle of sibilena 6_t0ovS_UwY-00470-00097048-00097215 addressed the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00471-00097216-00097526 chosen people saying every land is full 6_t0ovS_UwY-00472-00097527-00097638 of thee and every sea 6_t0ovS_UwY-00473-00097639-00097831 the most diverse witnesses such as 6_t0ovS_UwY-00474-00097832-00097950 strabo philo 6_t0ovS_UwY-00475-00097951-00098143 seneca luke the author of the acts of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00476-00098144-00098391 the apostles cicero and josephus 6_t0ovS_UwY-00477-00098392-00098582 all mention jewish populations in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00478-00098583-00098823 cities of the mediterranean basin 6_t0ovS_UwY-00479-00098824-00099047 see also history of the jews in india 6_t0ovS_UwY-00480-00099048-00099238 and history of the jews in china for 6_t0ovS_UwY-00481-00099239-00099311 pre-roman 6_t0ovS_UwY-00482-00099312-00099615 and post-diasporic populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00483-00099616-00099815 king agrippa the first in a letter to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00484-00099816-00100031 caligula enumerated among the provinces 6_t0ovS_UwY-00485-00100032-00100238 of the jewish diaspora almost all the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00486-00100239-00100447 hellenized and non-hellenized countries 6_t0ovS_UwY-00487-00100448-00100574 of the orient 6_t0ovS_UwY-00488-00100575-00100791 this enumeration was far from complete 6_t0ovS_UwY-00489-00100792-00101062 as italy and cyrene were not included 6_t0ovS_UwY-00490-00101063-00101279 the epigraphic discoveries from year to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00491-00101280-00101471 year augment the number of known jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00492-00101472-00101638 communities but must be viewed with 6_t0ovS_UwY-00493-00101639-00101815 caution due to the lack of precise 6_t0ovS_UwY-00494-00101816-00101991 evidence of their numbers 6_t0ovS_UwY-00495-00101992-00102135 according to the ancient jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00496-00102136-00102382 historian josephus the next most dense 6_t0ovS_UwY-00497-00102383-00102575 jewish population after the land of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00498-00102576-00102799 israel and babylonia was in syria 6_t0ovS_UwY-00499-00102800-00103023 particularly in antioch and damascus 6_t0ovS_UwY-00500-00103024-00103254 where 10 000 to 18 000 jews were 6_t0ovS_UwY-00501-00103255-00103502 massacred during the great insurrection 6_t0ovS_UwY-00502-00103503-00103718 the ancient jewish philosopher philo 6_t0ovS_UwY-00503-00103719-00103854 gives the number of jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00504-00103855-00104054 inhabitants in egypt as one million 6_t0ovS_UwY-00505-00104055-00104263 one-eighth of the population 6_t0ovS_UwY-00506-00104264-00104494 alexandria was by far the most important 6_t0ovS_UwY-00507-00104495-00104742 of the egyptian jewish communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-00508-00104743-00104951 the jews in the egyptian diaspora were 6_t0ovS_UwY-00509-00104952-00105095 on a par with their ptolemaic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00510-00105096-00105310 counterparts and close ties existed for 6_t0ovS_UwY-00511-00105311-00105471 them with jerusalem 6_t0ovS_UwY-00512-00105472-00105702 as in other hellenistic diasporas the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00513-00105703-00105919 egyptian diaspora was one of choice not 6_t0ovS_UwY-00514-00105920-00105999 of imposition 6_t0ovS_UwY-00515-00106000-00106166 to judge by the accounts of wholesale 6_t0ovS_UwY-00516-00106167-00106407 massacres in 115 bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00517-00106408-00106566 the number of jewish residents in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00518-00106567-00106831 cyrenaica cyprus and mesopotamia was 6_t0ovS_UwY-00519-00106832-00106975 also large 6_t0ovS_UwY-00520-00106976-00107127 at the commencement of the reign of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00521-00107128-00107358 caesar augustus there were over 7000 6_t0ovS_UwY-00522-00107359-00107543 jews in rome though this is only the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00523-00107544-00107710 number that is said to have escorted the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00524-00107711-00107910 envoys who came to demand the deposition 6_t0ovS_UwY-00525-00107911-00107999 of archelaus 6_t0ovS_UwY-00526-00108000-00108247 compare bringman klaus gashishta dur 6_t0ovS_UwY-00527-00108248-00108527 juden i'm alterdom stuttgart 2005 6_t0ovS_UwY-00528-00108528-00108934 s 202 bringman talks about 8000 jews who 6_t0ovS_UwY-00529-00108935-00109127 lived in the city of rome 6_t0ovS_UwY-00530-00109128-00109286 many sources say that the jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00531-00109288-00109534 constituted a full one-tenth ten percent 6_t0ovS_UwY-00532-00109535-00109727 of the population of the ancient city of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00533-00109728-00109886 rome itself 6_t0ovS_UwY-00534-00109888-00110102 finally if the sums confiscated by the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00535-00110103-00110327 governor lucius valerius flaccas in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00536-00110328-00110431 year 62 6_t0ovS_UwY-00537-00110432-00110766 61sts bce represented the tax of a drama 6_t0ovS_UwY-00538-00110767-00110934 per head for a single year it would 6_t0ovS_UwY-00539-00110935-00111151 imply that the jewish population of asia 6_t0ovS_UwY-00540-00111152-00111439 minor numbered 45 000 adult males for a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00541-00111440-00112127 total of at least 180 000 persons 6_t0ovS_UwY-00542-00112128-00112615 under the roman empire 6_t0ovS_UwY-00543-00112616-00112886 the 13th century author bar hebreus gave 6_t0ovS_UwY-00544-00112888-00113158 a figure of 6944 6_t0ovS_UwY-00545-00113159-00113486 000 jews in the roman world salo whitmer 6_t0ovS_UwY-00546-00113488-00113719 baron considered the figure convincing 6_t0ovS_UwY-00547-00113720-00113910 the figure of seven million within and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00548-00113911-00114110 one million outside the roman world in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00549-00114111-00114310 the mid-first century became widely 6_t0ovS_UwY-00550-00114311-00114366 accepted 6_t0ovS_UwY-00551-00114367-00114639 including by louis feldman however 6_t0ovS_UwY-00552-00114640-00114847 contemporary scholars now accept that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00553-00114848-00115039 barr hebreus based his figure on a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00554-00115040-00115271 census of total roman citizens and thus 6_t0ovS_UwY-00555-00115272-00115758 included non-jews the figure of 6944 6_t0ovS_UwY-00556-00115759-00116015 000 being recorded in eusebius chronicon 6_t0ovS_UwY-00557-00116016-00116110 louis feldman 6_t0ovS_UwY-00558-00116111-00116295 previously an active supporter of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00559-00116296-00116495 figure now states that he and baron were 6_t0ovS_UwY-00560-00116496-00116623 mistaken 6_t0ovS_UwY-00561-00116624-00116847 philo gives a figure of one million jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00562-00116848-00116975 living in egypt 6_t0ovS_UwY-00563-00116976-00117215 john r bartlett rejects baron's figures 6_t0ovS_UwY-00564-00117216-00117286 entirely 6_t0ovS_UwY-00565-00117288-00117463 arguing that we have no clue as to the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00566-00117464-00117639 size of the jewish demographic in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00567-00117640-00117775 ancient world 6_t0ovS_UwY-00568-00117776-00117975 the romans did not distinguish between 6_t0ovS_UwY-00569-00117976-00118183 jews inside and outside of the land of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00570-00118183-00118351 israel judea 6_t0ovS_UwY-00571-00118352-00118566 they collected an annual temple tax from 6_t0ovS_UwY-00572-00118567-00118823 jews both in and outside of israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-00573-00118824-00118990 the revolts in and suppression of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00574-00118991-00119239 diaspora communities in egypt libya and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00575-00119240-00119695 crete in 115-117 ce had a severe impact 6_t0ovS_UwY-00576-00119696-00120239 on the jewish diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00577-00120240-00120766 roman destruction of judea 6_t0ovS_UwY-00578-00120767-00120975 it is commonly claimed that the diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00579-00120976-00121158 began with rome's twofold crushing of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00580-00121159-00121399 jewish national aspirations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00581-00121400-00121631 david aberbach for one has argued that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00582-00121632-00121854 much of the european jewish diaspora by 6_t0ovS_UwY-00583-00121855-00122054 which he means exile or voluntary 6_t0ovS_UwY-00584-00122055-00122127 migration 6_t0ovS_UwY-00585-00122128-00122310 originated with the jewish wars which 6_t0ovS_UwY-00586-00122311-00122686 occurred between 66 and 135 ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00587-00122688-00122871 martin goodman states that it is only 6_t0ovS_UwY-00588-00122872-00123071 after the destruction of jerusalem that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00589-00123072-00123247 jews are found in northern europe and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00590-00123248-00123407 along the western mediterranean 6_t0ovS_UwY-00591-00123408-00123695 coast this widespread popular belief 6_t0ovS_UwY-00592-00123696-00123871 holds that there was a sudden expulsion 6_t0ovS_UwY-00593-00123872-00123999 of jews from judea 6_t0ovS_UwY-00594-00124000-00124190 syria palestina and that this was 6_t0ovS_UwY-00595-00124191-00124358 crucial for the establishment of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00596-00124359-00124447 diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00597-00124448-00124678 israel bartle contends that sand 6_t0ovS_UwY-00598-00124679-00124863 is incorrect in ascribing this view to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00599-00124864-00125031 most jewish study scholars 6_t0ovS_UwY-00600-00125032-00125190 instead arguing that this view is 6_t0ovS_UwY-00601-00125191-00125399 negligible among serious jewish study 6_t0ovS_UwY-00602-00125400-00125527 scholars 6_t0ovS_UwY-00603-00125528-00125710 arguing that the growth of diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00604-00125711-00125958 jewish communities was a gradual process 6_t0ovS_UwY-00605-00125959-00126119 that occurred over the centuries 6_t0ovS_UwY-00606-00126120-00126295 starting with the assyrian destruction 6_t0ovS_UwY-00607-00126296-00126519 of israel the babylonian destruction of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00608-00126520-00126758 judah the roman destruction of judea and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00609-00126759-00126878 the subsequent rule of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00610-00126879-00127151 christians and muslims after the revolt 6_t0ovS_UwY-00611-00127152-00127366 the jewish religious and cultural center 6_t0ovS_UwY-00612-00127367-00127534 shifted to the babylonian jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00613-00127535-00127751 community and its scholars 6_t0ovS_UwY-00614-00127752-00127934 for the generations that followed the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00615-00127935-00128127 destruction of the second temple event 6_t0ovS_UwY-00616-00128128-00128327 came to represent a fundamental insight 6_t0ovS_UwY-00617-00128328-00128471 about the jews who had become a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00618-00128472-00128678 dispossessed and persecuted people for 6_t0ovS_UwY-00619-00128679-00128847 much of their history 6_t0ovS_UwY-00620-00128848-00129054 following the barcoba revolt jews were 6_t0ovS_UwY-00621-00129055-00129310 reduced to a holy diaspora people eric s 6_t0ovS_UwY-00622-00129311-00129495 gruen maintains for example that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00623-00129496-00129654 focusing on the destruction of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00624-00129655-00129847 temple misses the point that already 6_t0ovS_UwY-00625-00129848-00129910 before this 6_t0ovS_UwY-00626-00129911-00130166 the diaspora was well established 6_t0ovS_UwY-00627-00130167-00130414 compulsory dislocation of people cannot 6_t0ovS_UwY-00628-00130415-00130566 explain more than a fraction of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00629-00130567-00130751 eventual diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00630-00130752-00130966 avram ehrlich also states that already 6_t0ovS_UwY-00631-00130967-00131119 well before the destruction of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00632-00131120-00131271 temple in 70 ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00633-00131272-00131478 more jews lived in the diaspora than in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00634-00131479-00131599 israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-00635-00131600-00131831 according to israel yuval the babylonian 6_t0ovS_UwY-00636-00131832-00132063 captivity created a promise of return in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00637-00132064-00132231 the jewish consciousness which had the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00638-00132232-00132383 effect of enhancing the jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00639-00132384-00132487 self-perception of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00640-00132488-00132663 exile after the destruction of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00641-00132664-00132847 second temple albeit their dispersion 6_t0ovS_UwY-00642-00132848-00133083 was due to an array of non-exilic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00643-00133084-00133271 factors 6_t0ovS_UwY-00644-00133272-00133590 roman rule which began in 63 bce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00645-00133591-00133878 continued until a revolt from ce 66 to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00646-00133879-00133935 70 6_t0ovS_UwY-00647-00133936-00134095 a jewish uprising to fight for 6_t0ovS_UwY-00648-00134096-00134278 independence was eventually crushed 6_t0ovS_UwY-00649-00134279-00134383 after four years 6_t0ovS_UwY-00650-00134384-00134590 culminating in the capture of jerusalem 6_t0ovS_UwY-00651-00134591-00134751 and the burning and destruction of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00652-00134752-00134927 temple the center of the national and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00653-00134928-00135095 religious life of the jews throughout 6_t0ovS_UwY-00654-00135096-00135207 the world 6_t0ovS_UwY-00655-00135208-00135407 the jewish diaspora at the time of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00656-00135408-00135575 temple's destruction according to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00657-00135576-00135871 josephus was in parthia persia babylonia 6_t0ovS_UwY-00658-00135872-00135927 iraq 6_t0ovS_UwY-00659-00135928-00136143 arabia as well as some jews beyond the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00660-00136144-00136414 euphrates and in adiabean kurdistan 6_t0ovS_UwY-00661-00136415-00136671 in josephus own words he had informed 6_t0ovS_UwY-00662-00136672-00136871 the remotest arabians 6_t0ovS_UwY-00663-00136872-00137102 about the destruction exactly when roman 6_t0ovS_UwY-00664-00137103-00137311 anti-judaism began as a question of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00665-00137312-00137414 scholarly debate 6_t0ovS_UwY-00666-00137415-00137623 however historian hayam hillel ben 6_t0ovS_UwY-00667-00137624-00137799 sasson has proposed that the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00668-00137800-00138223 crisis under caligula 37-41 was the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00669-00138224-00138447 first open break between rome and the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00670-00138448-00138559 jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00671-00138560-00138766 meanwhile the ketos war led to the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00672-00138767-00138951 destruction of jewish communities in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00673-00138952-00139087 crete and north africa 6_t0ovS_UwY-00674-00139088-00139414 in 117 ce and consequently the dispersal 6_t0ovS_UwY-00675-00139415-00139647 of jews already living outside of judea 6_t0ovS_UwY-00676-00139648-00139807 to further reaches of the empire 6_t0ovS_UwY-00677-00139808-00140007 jerusalem had been left in ruins from 6_t0ovS_UwY-00678-00140008-00140199 the time of vespasian 6_t0ovS_UwY-00679-00140200-00140423 sixty years later hadrian who had been 6_t0ovS_UwY-00680-00140424-00140590 instrumental in the expulsion from 6_t0ovS_UwY-00681-00140591-00140807 palestine of marquis turbo after his 6_t0ovS_UwY-00682-00140808-00140975 bloody repression of jews in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00683-00140976-00141207 diaspora in 117 ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00684-00141208-00141439 on visiting the area of ayudaya decided 6_t0ovS_UwY-00685-00141440-00141663 to rebuilt the city in 130 ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00686-00141664-00141863 and settle it circumstantial evidence 6_t0ovS_UwY-00687-00141864-00142054 suggesting it was he who renamed it ila 6_t0ovS_UwY-00688-00142055-00142263 capitalina with a roman colonia and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00689-00142264-00142463 foreign cults it is commonly held that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00690-00142464-00142654 this was done as an insult to the jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00691-00142655-00142831 and as a means of erasing the land's 6_t0ovS_UwY-00692-00142832-00142935 jewish identity 6_t0ovS_UwY-00693-00142936-00143111 other argued that this project was 6_t0ovS_UwY-00694-00143112-00143263 expressive of an intention of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00695-00143264-00143447 establishing administratively and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00696-00143448-00143639 culturally affirm roman imperial 6_t0ovS_UwY-00697-00143640-00143735 presence and thus 6_t0ovS_UwY-00698-00143736-00143923 incorporate the province now called 6_t0ovS_UwY-00699-00143924-00144135 cyropalastina into the roman world 6_t0ovS_UwY-00700-00144136-00144239 system 6_t0ovS_UwY-00701-00144240-00144431 these political measures were according 6_t0ovS_UwY-00702-00144432-00144654 to monaco more devoid of any intention 6_t0ovS_UwY-00703-00144655-00144887 to eliminate judaism indeed the pagan 6_t0ovS_UwY-00704-00144888-00145087 reframing of jerusalem may have been a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00705-00145088-00145278 strategic move designed to challenge 6_t0ovS_UwY-00706-00145279-00145414 rather the growing threat 6_t0ovS_UwY-00707-00145415-00145623 pretensions and influence of converts to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00708-00145624-00145814 christianity for whom jerusalem 6_t0ovS_UwY-00709-00145815-00145999 was likewise a crucial symbol of their 6_t0ovS_UwY-00710-00146000-00146287 faith implementation of these plans led 6_t0ovS_UwY-00711-00146288-00146414 to violent opposition 6_t0ovS_UwY-00712-00146415-00146599 and triggered a full-scale insurrection 6_t0ovS_UwY-00713-00146600-00146743 with the revolt led by bar 6_t0ovS_UwY-00714-00146744-00147054 kokba 132-136 6_t0ovS_UwY-00715-00147055-00147351 ce assisted according to diocassius by 6_t0ovS_UwY-00716-00147352-00147559 some other peoples perhaps arabs who had 6_t0ovS_UwY-00717-00147560-00147823 recently been subjected by trajan 6_t0ovS_UwY-00718-00147824-00147983 jews were forbidden entrance to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00719-00147984-00148143 jerusalem on pain of death 6_t0ovS_UwY-00720-00148144-00148390 except for the day of tishbov there was 6_t0ovS_UwY-00721-00148391-00148543 a further shift of the center of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00722-00148544-00148599 religious 6_t0ovS_UwY-00723-00148600-00148831 authority from yavna as rabbis regrouped 6_t0ovS_UwY-00724-00148832-00149031 in usha in the western galilee where the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00725-00149032-00149214 mishnah was composed 6_t0ovS_UwY-00726-00149215-00149399 this ban struck a blow at jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00727-00149400-00149623 national identity within palestine while 6_t0ovS_UwY-00728-00149624-00149823 the romans however continue to allow 6_t0ovS_UwY-00729-00149824-00150023 jews in the diaspora their distinct 6_t0ovS_UwY-00730-00150024-00150199 national and religious identity 6_t0ovS_UwY-00731-00150200-00150366 throughout the empire the military 6_t0ovS_UwY-00732-00150367-00150654 defeats of the jews in judea in 70 ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00733-00150655-00150943 and again in 135 ce with thousands sold 6_t0ovS_UwY-00734-00150944-00151175 into slavery meant a drop in palestine's 6_t0ovS_UwY-00735-00151176-00151407 jewish population was balanced by a rise 6_t0ovS_UwY-00736-00151408-00151590 in diaspora numbers 6_t0ovS_UwY-00737-00151591-00151751 these slaves and their children were 6_t0ovS_UwY-00738-00151752-00151951 eventually manumitted and joined local 6_t0ovS_UwY-00739-00151952-00152119 free communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-00740-00152120-00152239 it has been argued that the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00741-00152240-00152454 archaeological evidence is suggestive of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00742-00152455-00152639 a roman genocide taking place 6_t0ovS_UwY-00743-00152640-00152902 during the second revolt a significant 6_t0ovS_UwY-00744-00152903-00153119 movement of gentiles and samaritans into 6_t0ovS_UwY-00745-00153120-00153343 villages formerly with a jewish majority 6_t0ovS_UwY-00746-00153344-00154031 appears to have taken place thereafter 6_t0ovS_UwY-00747-00154032-00154647 post-roman period jewish populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00748-00154648-00154854 during the middle ages due to increasing 6_t0ovS_UwY-00749-00154855-00155087 geographical dispersion and resettlement 6_t0ovS_UwY-00750-00155088-00155287 jews divided into distinct regional 6_t0ovS_UwY-00751-00155288-00155439 groups which today are generally 6_t0ovS_UwY-00752-00155440-00155614 addressed according to two primary 6_t0ovS_UwY-00753-00155615-00155854 geographical groupings the ashkenazi of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00754-00155855-00156014 northern and eastern europe and the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00755-00156015-00156183 sephardic jews of iberia 6_t0ovS_UwY-00756-00156184-00156399 spain and portugal north africa and the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00757-00156400-00156535 middle east 6_t0ovS_UwY-00758-00156536-00156726 these groups have parallel histories 6_t0ovS_UwY-00759-00156727-00156926 sharing many cultural similarities as 6_t0ovS_UwY-00760-00156927-00157111 well as a series of massacres 6_t0ovS_UwY-00761-00157112-00157343 persecutions and expulsions such as the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00762-00157344-00157590 expulsion from spain in 1492 6_t0ovS_UwY-00763-00157591-00157831 the expulsion from england in 1290 and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00764-00157832-00158007 the expulsion from arab countries in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00765-00158008-00158311 1948 to 1973 6_t0ovS_UwY-00766-00158312-00158511 although the two branches comprise many 6_t0ovS_UwY-00767-00158512-00158743 unique ethnocultural practices and have 6_t0ovS_UwY-00768-00158744-00158951 links to their local host populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00769-00158952-00159119 such as central europeans for the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00770-00159120-00159351 ashkenazim and hispanics and arabs for 6_t0ovS_UwY-00771-00159352-00159535 the sephardim their shared religion and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00772-00159536-00159735 ancestry as well as their continuous 6_t0ovS_UwY-00773-00159736-00159966 communication and population transfers 6_t0ovS_UwY-00774-00159967-00160190 has been responsible for a unified sense 6_t0ovS_UwY-00775-00160191-00160359 of cultural and religious jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00776-00160360-00160526 identity between sephardim and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00777-00160527-00160751 ashkenazim from the late roman period to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00778-00160752-00160895 the present 6_t0ovS_UwY-00779-00160896-00161263 by 1764 there were about 750 000 6_t0ovS_UwY-00780-00161264-00161431 jews in the polish-lithuanian 6_t0ovS_UwY-00781-00161432-00161671 commonwealth the worldwide jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00782-00161672-00161751 population 6_t0ovS_UwY-00783-00161752-00161926 comprising the middle east and the rest 6_t0ovS_UwY-00784-00161927-00162583 of europe was estimated at 1.2 million 6_t0ovS_UwY-00785-00162584-00163159 classic period jews and samaritans 6_t0ovS_UwY-00786-00163160-00163423 the jews hebrew yedyam yahudam also 6_t0ovS_UwY-00787-00163424-00163583 known as the jewish people are an 6_t0ovS_UwY-00788-00163584-00163775 ethnoreligious group who mainly trace 6_t0ovS_UwY-00789-00163776-00163959 their origins to the ancient israelites 6_t0ovS_UwY-00790-00163960-00164119 of the levant as well as other 6_t0ovS_UwY-00791-00164120-00164390 contributory peoples populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00792-00164391-00164599 the samaritans consider themselves to be 6_t0ovS_UwY-00793-00164600-00164790 the remaining population of the northern 6_t0ovS_UwY-00794-00164791-00164983 kingdom of israel who were not expelled 6_t0ovS_UwY-00795-00164984-00165166 during the ten tribes exile and who 6_t0ovS_UwY-00796-00165167-00165319 joined with the incoming assyrian 6_t0ovS_UwY-00797-00165320-00165495 populations to form the samaritan 6_t0ovS_UwY-00798-00165496-00165631 community 6_t0ovS_UwY-00799-00165632-00165847 some biblical scholars also consider 6_t0ovS_UwY-00800-00165848-00166047 that parts of the judean population had 6_t0ovS_UwY-00801-00166048-00166207 stayed to live in their homes during the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00802-00166208-00166399 exilic period and later joined the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00803-00166400-00166607 returning israelites from babylon and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00804-00166608-00166766 formed the jews of the classic and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00805-00166767-00166966 hasmonean era 6_t0ovS_UwY-00806-00166967-00167199 after the persian conquest of babylon in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00807-00167200-00167399 539 bce judah 6_t0ovS_UwY-00808-00167400-00167647 hebrew yevda yehuda became a province of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00809-00167648-00167823 the persian empire 6_t0ovS_UwY-00810-00167824-00168023 this status continued into the following 6_t0ovS_UwY-00811-00168024-00168247 hellenistic period when yehud became a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00812-00168248-00168471 disputed province of ptolemaic egypt and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00813-00168472-00168647 seleucid syria 6_t0ovS_UwY-00814-00168648-00168838 in the early part of the second century 6_t0ovS_UwY-00815-00168839-00169095 bce a revolt against the seleucids led 6_t0ovS_UwY-00816-00169096-00169278 to the establishment of an independent 6_t0ovS_UwY-00817-00169279-00169447 jewish kingdom under the hasmonean 6_t0ovS_UwY-00818-00169448-00169575 dynasty 6_t0ovS_UwY-00819-00169576-00169775 the hasmoneans adopted a deliberate 6_t0ovS_UwY-00820-00169776-00169999 policy of imitating and reconstituting 6_t0ovS_UwY-00821-00170000-00170199 the davidic kingdom and as part of this 6_t0ovS_UwY-00822-00170200-00170383 forcibly converted to judaism their 6_t0ovS_UwY-00823-00170384-00170599 neighbours in the land of israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-00824-00170600-00170814 the conversions included nabataeans 6_t0ovS_UwY-00825-00170815-00171038 zabadines and etorians the peoples of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00826-00171039-00171214 the former philistine cities the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00827-00171215-00171487 moabites ammonites and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00828-00171488-00171687 attempts were also made to incorporate 6_t0ovS_UwY-00829-00171688-00171871 the samaritans following takeover of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00830-00171872-00171999 samaria 6_t0ovS_UwY-00831-00172000-00172183 the success of mass conversions is 6_t0ovS_UwY-00832-00172184-00172390 however questionable as most groups 6_t0ovS_UwY-00833-00172391-00172575 retained their tribal separations and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00834-00172576-00172775 mostly turned hellenistic or christian 6_t0ovS_UwY-00835-00172776-00172959 with perhaps being the only 6_t0ovS_UwY-00836-00172960-00173111 exception to merge into the jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00837-00173112-00173326 society under herodian dynasty and in 6_t0ovS_UwY-00838-00173327-00173511 the following period of jewish roman 6_t0ovS_UwY-00839-00173512-00173623 wars 6_t0ovS_UwY-00840-00173624-00173775 while there are some references to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00841-00173776-00173983 maintaining the tribal separation among 6_t0ovS_UwY-00842-00173984-00174190 israelites during the hasmonean period 6_t0ovS_UwY-00843-00174191-00174375 the dominant position of the tribe of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00844-00174376-00174614 judah as well as nationalistic policies 6_t0ovS_UwY-00845-00174615-00174814 of hasmonians to refer to residents of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00846-00174815-00175047 hasmonean judea as jews practically 6_t0ovS_UwY-00847-00175048-00175223 erased the tribal distinction with the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00848-00175224-00175407 exception of the priestly orders of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00849-00175408-00175775 levitz and kohanim tribe of levi 6_t0ovS_UwY-00850-00175776-00175983 the babylonian jewish community though 6_t0ovS_UwY-00851-00175984-00176143 maintaining permanent ties with the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00852-00176144-00176375 hasmonean and later herodian kingdoms 6_t0ovS_UwY-00853-00176376-00176590 evolved into a separate jewish community 6_t0ovS_UwY-00854-00176591-00176759 which during the talmudic period 6_t0ovS_UwY-00855-00176760-00176919 assembled its own practices the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00856-00176920-00177054 babylonian talmud 6_t0ovS_UwY-00857-00177055-00177223 slightly differing from the jerusalem 6_t0ovS_UwY-00858-00177224-00177478 talmud the babylonian jewry is 6_t0ovS_UwY-00859-00177479-00177678 considered to be the predecessor of most 6_t0ovS_UwY-00860-00177679-00178238 mizrahi jewish communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-00861-00178239-00178735 middle ages 6_t0ovS_UwY-00862-00178736-00179183 ashkenazi jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00863-00179184-00179447 ashkenazi jews is a general category of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00864-00179448-00179638 jewish populations who immigrated to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00865-00179639-00179702 what is now 6_t0ovS_UwY-00866-00179703-00179895 germany and northeastern france during 6_t0ovS_UwY-00867-00179896-00180095 the middle ages and until modern times 6_t0ovS_UwY-00868-00180096-00180271 used to adhere to the yiddish culture 6_t0ovS_UwY-00869-00180272-00180502 and the ashkenazi prayer style 6_t0ovS_UwY-00870-00180503-00180678 there is evidence that groups of jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00871-00180679-00180863 had immigrated to germania during the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00872-00180864-00181063 roman era they were probably merchants 6_t0ovS_UwY-00873-00181064-00181223 who followed the roman legions during 6_t0ovS_UwY-00874-00181224-00181390 their conquests 6_t0ovS_UwY-00875-00181391-00181663 to a larger degree modern ashkenazi jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00876-00181664-00181863 are the descendants of jews who migrated 6_t0ovS_UwY-00877-00181864-00182063 into northern france and lower germany 6_t0ovS_UwY-00878-00182064-00182278 around 800 1000 ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-00879-00182279-00182487 later migrating into eastern europe as 6_t0ovS_UwY-00880-00182488-00182678 well as local europeans who intermixed 6_t0ovS_UwY-00881-00182679-00182814 with jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-00882-00182815-00183054 many ashkenazi jews are also descended 6_t0ovS_UwY-00883-00183055-00183287 from saparti jews exiled from spain 6_t0ovS_UwY-00884-00183288-00183575 first during islamic persecutions 12th 6_t0ovS_UwY-00885-00183576-00183751 centuries and later during christian 6_t0ovS_UwY-00886-00183752-00184031 reconquests 13th 15th centuries and the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00887-00184032-00184151 spanish inquisition 6_t0ovS_UwY-00888-00184152-00184478 15th 16th centuries in this sense the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00889-00184479-00184575 modern term 6_t0ovS_UwY-00890-00184576-00184895 ashkenazi refers to a subset of jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00891-00184896-00185023 religious practices 6_t0ovS_UwY-00892-00185024-00185214 adopted over time rather than to a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00893-00185215-00185423 strict ethnogeographic division which 6_t0ovS_UwY-00894-00185424-00185663 became erased over time 6_t0ovS_UwY-00895-00185664-00185990 in 2006 a study by doran behar and karl 6_t0ovS_UwY-00896-00185991-00186183 skorecki of the technion and ramban 6_t0ovS_UwY-00897-00186184-00186335 medical center in haifa 6_t0ovS_UwY-00898-00186336-00186519 israel demonstrated that the vast 6_t0ovS_UwY-00899-00186520-00186766 majority of ashkenazi jews both men and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00900-00186767-00186814 women 6_t0ovS_UwY-00901-00186815-00187078 have middle eastern ancestry according 6_t0ovS_UwY-00902-00187079-00187335 to nicholas wade's 2010 autosomal study 6_t0ovS_UwY-00903-00187336-00187575 ashkenazi jews share a common ancestry 6_t0ovS_UwY-00904-00187576-00187790 with other jewish groups and ashkenazi 6_t0ovS_UwY-00905-00187791-00188014 and saparti jews have roughly 30 6_t0ovS_UwY-00906-00188015-00188214 european ancestry with the rest being 6_t0ovS_UwY-00907-00188215-00188359 middle eastern 6_t0ovS_UwY-00908-00188360-00188550 according to hammur the ashkenazi 6_t0ovS_UwY-00909-00188551-00188766 population expanded through a series of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00910-00188767-00188878 bottlenecks 6_t0ovS_UwY-00911-00188879-00189078 events that squeeze a population down to 6_t0ovS_UwY-00912-00189079-00189207 small numbers 6_t0ovS_UwY-00913-00189208-00189383 perhaps as it migrated from the middle 6_t0ovS_UwY-00914-00189384-00189575 east after the destruction of the second 6_t0ovS_UwY-00915-00189576-00189831 temple in 70 ce to italy reaching the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00916-00189832-00190102 rhine valley in the 10th century 6_t0ovS_UwY-00917-00190103-00190319 david goldstein a duke university 6_t0ovS_UwY-00918-00190320-00190511 geneticist and director of the duke 6_t0ovS_UwY-00919-00190512-00190599 center for human 6_t0ovS_UwY-00920-00190600-00190807 genome variation has said that the work 6_t0ovS_UwY-00921-00190808-00190983 of the technion and ramban team 6_t0ovS_UwY-00922-00190984-00191150 served only to confirm that genetic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00923-00191151-00191350 drift played a major role in shaping 6_t0ovS_UwY-00924-00191351-00191587 ashkenazi mitochondrial dna 6_t0ovS_UwY-00925-00191588-00191807 mtdna which is inherited in a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00926-00191808-00192111 matrilineal manner goldstein argues that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00927-00192112-00192343 the technion and ramban mtd and a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00928-00192344-00192543 studies fail to actually establish a 6_t0ovS_UwY-00929-00192544-00192735 statistically significant link between 6_t0ovS_UwY-00930-00192736-00192950 modern jews and historic middle eastern 6_t0ovS_UwY-00931-00192951-00193111 populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00932-00193112-00193311 this differs from the patrilineal case 6_t0ovS_UwY-00933-00193312-00193495 where goldstein said there is no doubt 6_t0ovS_UwY-00934-00193496-00193638 of a middle eastern origin 6_t0ovS_UwY-00935-00193639-00193943 in june 2010 behar at all shows that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00936-00193944-00194190 most jewish samples form a remarkably 6_t0ovS_UwY-00937-00194191-00194414 tight subcluster with common genetic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00938-00194415-00194678 origin that overlays druze and cypriot 6_t0ovS_UwY-00939-00194679-00194887 samples but not samples from other 6_t0ovS_UwY-00940-00194888-00195159 levantine populations or paired diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-00941-00195160-00195366 host populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00942-00195367-00195719 in contrast ethiopian jews beta israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-00943-00195720-00196007 and indian jews bene israel and kachini 6_t0ovS_UwY-00944-00196008-00196207 cluster with neighboring autochthonous 6_t0ovS_UwY-00945-00196208-00196463 populations in ethiopia and western 6_t0ovS_UwY-00946-00196464-00196511 india 6_t0ovS_UwY-00947-00196512-00196750 respectively despite a clear paternal 6_t0ovS_UwY-00948-00196751-00196950 link between the bene israel and the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00949-00196951-00197126 levant 6_t0ovS_UwY-00950-00197127-00197366 the most parsimonious explanation for 6_t0ovS_UwY-00951-00197367-00197623 these observations as a common genetic 6_t0ovS_UwY-00952-00197624-00197814 origin which is consistent with an 6_t0ovS_UwY-00953-00197815-00198038 historical formulation of the jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-00954-00198039-00198271 people as descending from ancient hebrew 6_t0ovS_UwY-00955-00198272-00198583 and israelite residents of the levant 6_t0ovS_UwY-00956-00198584-00198775 in conclusion the authors are stating 6_t0ovS_UwY-00957-00198776-00198983 that the genetic results are concordant 6_t0ovS_UwY-00958-00198984-00199175 with the dispersion of the people of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00959-00199176-00199519 ancient israel throughout the old world 6_t0ovS_UwY-00960-00199520-00199726 regarding the samples he used behar 6_t0ovS_UwY-00961-00199727-00199831 points out that 6_t0ovS_UwY-00962-00199832-00200095 our conclusion favoring common ancestry 6_t0ovS_UwY-00963-00200096-00200207 of jewish people 6_t0ovS_UwY-00964-00200208-00200414 over recent admixture is further 6_t0ovS_UwY-00965-00200415-00200631 supported by the fact that our sample 6_t0ovS_UwY-00966-00200632-00200687 contains 6_t0ovS_UwY-00967-00200688-00200871 individuals that are known not to be 6_t0ovS_UwY-00968-00200872-00201087 admixed in the most recent one or two 6_t0ovS_UwY-00969-00201088-00201350 generations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00970-00201351-00201671 a 2013 study of ashkenazi mitochondrial 6_t0ovS_UwY-00971-00201672-00201799 dna by costa 6_t0ovS_UwY-00972-00201800-00201983 at all reached the conclusion that the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00973-00201984-00202190 four major female founders and most of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00974-00202191-00202414 the minor female founders had ancestry 6_t0ovS_UwY-00975-00202415-00202590 in prehistoric europe rather than the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00976-00202591-00202799 near east or caucasus 6_t0ovS_UwY-00977-00202800-00202975 according to the study these findings 6_t0ovS_UwY-00978-00202976-00203143 point to a significant role for the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00979-00203144-00203326 conversion of women in the formation of 6_t0ovS_UwY-00980-00203327-00203487 ashkenazi communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-00981-00203488-00203807 a study by haber et all 2013 6_t0ovS_UwY-00982-00203808-00204023 noted that while previous studies of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00983-00204024-00204231 levant which had focused mainly on 6_t0ovS_UwY-00984-00204232-00204438 diaspora jewish populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00985-00204439-00204743 showed that the jews form a distinctive 6_t0ovS_UwY-00986-00204744-00204903 cluster in the middle east 6_t0ovS_UwY-00987-00204904-00205182 these studies did not make clear whether 6_t0ovS_UwY-00988-00205183-00205375 the factors driving this structure would 6_t0ovS_UwY-00989-00205376-00205606 also involve other groups in the levant 6_t0ovS_UwY-00990-00205607-00205855 quote dot the authors found strong 6_t0ovS_UwY-00991-00205856-00206103 evidence that modern levant populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00992-00206104-00206303 descend from two major apparent 6_t0ovS_UwY-00993-00206304-00206551 ancestral populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-00994-00206552-00206798 one set of genetic characteristics which 6_t0ovS_UwY-00995-00206800-00207031 is shared with modern-day europeans and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00996-00207032-00207246 central asians is most prominent in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-00997-00207248-00207455 levant amongst 6_t0ovS_UwY-00998-00207456-00207742 lebanese armenians cypriots druze and 6_t0ovS_UwY-00999-00207744-00207966 jews as well as turks iranians and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01000-00207967-00208134 caucasian populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-01001-00208135-00208398 quote dot the second set of inherited 6_t0ovS_UwY-01002-00208400-00208631 genetic characteristics is shared with 6_t0ovS_UwY-01003-00208632-00208766 populations in other 6_t0ovS_UwY-01004-00208767-00208966 parts of the middle east as well as some 6_t0ovS_UwY-01005-00208967-00209190 african populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-01006-00209191-00209431 levant populations in this category 6_t0ovS_UwY-01007-00209432-00209590 today include 6_t0ovS_UwY-01008-00209591-00209879 palestinians jordanians syrians as well 6_t0ovS_UwY-01009-00209880-00209991 as north africans 6_t0ovS_UwY-01010-00209992-00210327 ethiopians saudis and bedouin quote dot 6_t0ovS_UwY-01011-00210328-00210527 concerning this second component of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01012-00210528-00210758 ancestry the authors remark that while 6_t0ovS_UwY-01013-00210759-00210958 it correlates with 6_t0ovS_UwY-01014-00210959-00211215 the pattern of the islamic expansion and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01015-00211216-00211287 that 6_t0ovS_UwY-01016-00211288-00211534 a pre-islamic expansion levant was more 6_t0ovS_UwY-01017-00211535-00211598 genetically 6_t0ovS_UwY-01018-00211600-00211775 similar to europeans than to middle 6_t0ovS_UwY-01019-00211776-00211934 easterners they also 6_t0ovS_UwY-01020-00211935-00212175 say that its presence in lebanese 6_t0ovS_UwY-01021-00212176-00212239 christians 6_t0ovS_UwY-01022-00212240-00212503 saparti and ashkenazi jews cypriots and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01023-00212504-00212703 armenians might suggest that its spread 6_t0ovS_UwY-01024-00212704-00212887 to the levant could also represent an 6_t0ovS_UwY-01025-00212888-00213023 earlier event 6_t0ovS_UwY-01026-00213023-00213198 the authors also found a strong 6_t0ovS_UwY-01027-00213200-00213375 correlation between religion and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01028-00213376-00213639 apparent ancestry in the levant 6_t0ovS_UwY-01029-00213640-00213894 all jews saparti and ashkenazi cluster 6_t0ovS_UwY-01030-00213896-00213982 in one branch 6_t0ovS_UwY-01031-00213983-00214182 drews from mount lebanon and druze from 6_t0ovS_UwY-01032-00214183-00214367 mount carmel are depicted on a private 6_t0ovS_UwY-01033-00214367-00214415 branch 6_t0ovS_UwY-01034-00214416-00214615 and lebanese christians form a private 6_t0ovS_UwY-01035-00214616-00214806 branch with the christian populations of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01036-00214807-00215039 armenia and cyprus placing the lebanese 6_t0ovS_UwY-01037-00215040-00215239 muslims as an outer group 6_t0ovS_UwY-01038-00215240-00215463 the predominantly muslim populations of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01039-00215464-00215694 syrians palestinians and jordanians 6_t0ovS_UwY-01040-00215696-00215887 cluster on branches with other muslim 6_t0ovS_UwY-01041-00215888-00216103 populations as distant as morocco and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01042-00216104-00216239 yemen 6_t0ovS_UwY-01043-00216240-00216551 another 2013 study made by doran m behar 6_t0ovS_UwY-01044-00216552-00216734 of the rambam health care campus in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01045-00216735-00216839 israel and others 6_t0ovS_UwY-01046-00216840-00217158 suggests that cumulatively our analyses 6_t0ovS_UwY-01047-00217159-00217198 point 6_t0ovS_UwY-01048-00217200-00217479 strongly to ancestry of ashkenazi jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01049-00217480-00217679 primarily from european and middle 6_t0ovS_UwY-01050-00217680-00217887 eastern populations and not from 6_t0ovS_UwY-01051-00217888-00218103 populations in or near the caucasus 6_t0ovS_UwY-01052-00218104-00218223 region 6_t0ovS_UwY-01053-00218223-00218479 the combined set of approaches suggests 6_t0ovS_UwY-01054-00218480-00218710 that the observations of ashkenazi 6_t0ovS_UwY-01055-00218711-00218975 proximity to european and middle eastern 6_t0ovS_UwY-01056-00218976-00219215 populations in population structure 6_t0ovS_UwY-01057-00219216-00219455 analyses reflect actual genetic 6_t0ovS_UwY-01058-00219456-00219687 proximity of ashkenazi jews to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01059-00219688-00219942 populations with predominantly european 6_t0ovS_UwY-01060-00219944-00220182 and middle eastern ancestry components 6_t0ovS_UwY-01061-00220183-00220391 and lack of visible intragression from 6_t0ovS_UwY-01062-00220392-00220639 the region of the hazar kaganate 6_t0ovS_UwY-01063-00220640-00220855 particularly among the northern vulga 6_t0ovS_UwY-01064-00220856-00221103 and north caucasus populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-01065-00221104-00221742 into the ashkenazi community 6_t0ovS_UwY-01066-00221744-00222167 sephardic jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01067-00222167-00222398 saparti jews are jews whose ancestors 6_t0ovS_UwY-01068-00222400-00222591 lived in spain or portugal 6_t0ovS_UwY-01069-00222592-00222806 some three hundred thousand jews resided 6_t0ovS_UwY-01070-00222807-00223023 in spain before the spanish inquisition 6_t0ovS_UwY-01071-00223023-00223223 in the 15th century when the reyes 6_t0ovS_UwY-01072-00223223-00223423 catellicos reconquered spain from the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01073-00223423-00223615 arabs and ordered the jews to convert to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01074-00223616-00223831 catholicism leave the country or face 6_t0ovS_UwY-01075-00223832-00224039 execution without trial 6_t0ovS_UwY-01076-00224040-00224231 those who chose not to convert between 6_t0ovS_UwY-01077-00224232-00224431 forty thousand and one hundred thousand 6_t0ovS_UwY-01078-00224432-00224694 were expelled from spain in 1492 in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01079-00224696-00224919 wake of the alhambra decree 6_t0ovS_UwY-01080-00224919-00225158 sephardic jews subsequently migrated to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01081-00225159-00225246 north africa 6_t0ovS_UwY-01082-00225248-00225479 maghreb christian europe netherlands 6_t0ovS_UwY-01083-00225480-00225671 britain france and poland throughout the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01084-00225671-00225855 ottoman empire and even the newly 6_t0ovS_UwY-01085-00225856-00226055 discovered latin america 6_t0ovS_UwY-01086-00226056-00226263 in the ottoman empire the sephardim 6_t0ovS_UwY-01087-00226264-00226463 mostly settled in the european portion 6_t0ovS_UwY-01088-00226464-00226663 of the empire and mainly in the major 6_t0ovS_UwY-01089-00226664-00226823 cities such as istanbul 6_t0ovS_UwY-01090-00226823-00227127 selenic and bursa selenic which is today 6_t0ovS_UwY-01091-00227128-00227303 known as thessaloniki and found in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01092-00227304-00227487 modern-day greece had a large and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01093-00227488-00227687 flourishing sephardic community as was 6_t0ovS_UwY-01094-00227688-00228006 the community of maltese jews in malta 6_t0ovS_UwY-01095-00228007-00228239 a small number of sephardic refugees who 6_t0ovS_UwY-01096-00228240-00228431 fled via the netherlands as muranos 6_t0ovS_UwY-01097-00228432-00228655 settled in hamburg and altona germany in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01098-00228656-00228815 the early 16th century 6_t0ovS_UwY-01099-00228816-00229023 eventually appropriating ashkenazic 6_t0ovS_UwY-01100-00229023-00229198 jewish rituals into their religious 6_t0ovS_UwY-01101-00229200-00229319 practice 6_t0ovS_UwY-01102-00229319-00229519 one famous figure from the sephardic 6_t0ovS_UwY-01103-00229519-00229719 ashkenazic population is gluckl of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01104-00229719-00229831 hameln 6_t0ovS_UwY-01105-00229832-00230039 some relocated to the united states 6_t0ovS_UwY-01106-00230040-00230206 establishing the country's first 6_t0ovS_UwY-01107-00230207-00230415 organized community of jews and erecting 6_t0ovS_UwY-01108-00230416-00230671 the united states first synagogue 6_t0ovS_UwY-01109-00230671-00230894 nevertheless the majority of sephardim 6_t0ovS_UwY-01110-00230896-00231071 remained in spain and portugal as 6_t0ovS_UwY-01111-00231071-00231271 conversos which would also be the fate 6_t0ovS_UwY-01112-00231271-00231455 for those who had migrated to spanish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01113-00231456-00231727 and portuguese ruled latin america 6_t0ovS_UwY-01114-00231728-00231951 sephardic jews evolved to form most of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01115-00231952-00232151 north africa's jewish communities of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01116-00232152-00232231 modern era 6_t0ovS_UwY-01117-00232232-00232398 as well as the bulk of the turkish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01118-00232400-00232646 syrian galilean and jerusalemite jews of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01119-00232648-00233110 the ottoman period 6_t0ovS_UwY-01120-00233111-00233542 mizrahi jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01121-00233544-00233767 mizrahi jews are jews descended from the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01122-00233767-00233967 jewish communities of the middle east 6_t0ovS_UwY-01123-00233967-00234175 central asia and the caucasus largely 6_t0ovS_UwY-01124-00234176-00234382 originating from the babylonian jewry of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01125-00234383-00234551 the classic period 6_t0ovS_UwY-01126-00234552-00234782 the term mizrahi is used in israel in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01127-00234783-00235006 the language of politics media and some 6_t0ovS_UwY-01128-00235007-00235223 social scientists for jews from the arab 6_t0ovS_UwY-01129-00235223-00235382 world and adjacent primarily 6_t0ovS_UwY-01130-00235383-00235606 muslim-majority countries 6_t0ovS_UwY-01131-00235607-00235823 the definition of mizrahi includes the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01132-00235823-00235967 modern iraqi jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01133-00235967-00236263 syrian jews lebanese jews persian jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01134-00236264-00236463 afghan jews bakarian jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01135-00236464-00236815 kurdish jews mountain jews georgian jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01136-00236816-00237006 some also include the north african 6_t0ovS_UwY-01137-00237007-00237231 sephardic communities and yemenite jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01138-00237232-00237439 under the definition of mizrahi but do 6_t0ovS_UwY-01139-00237440-00237567 that from rather political 6_t0ovS_UwY-01140-00237567-00238158 generalization than ancestral reasons 6_t0ovS_UwY-01141-00238159-00238575 yemenite jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01142-00238576-00238742 temenum are jews who were living in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01143-00238744-00238942 yemen prior to immigrating to ottoman 6_t0ovS_UwY-01144-00238944-00239134 palestine and israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01145-00239135-00239367 their geographic and social isolation 6_t0ovS_UwY-01146-00239367-00239542 from the rest of the jewish community 6_t0ovS_UwY-01147-00239544-00239719 over the course of many centuries 6_t0ovS_UwY-01148-00239719-00239894 allowed them to develop a liturgy and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01149-00239896-00240094 set of practices that are significantly 6_t0ovS_UwY-01150-00240096-00240279 distinct from those of other oriental 6_t0ovS_UwY-01151-00240280-00240479 jewish groups they themselves comprise 6_t0ovS_UwY-01152-00240480-00240663 three distinctly different groups though 6_t0ovS_UwY-01153-00240664-00240855 the distinction is one of religious law 6_t0ovS_UwY-01154-00240856-00241119 and liturgy rather than of ethnicity 6_t0ovS_UwY-01155-00241119-00241279 traditionally the genesis of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01156-00241280-00241487 yemenite jewish community came after the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01157-00241488-00241703 babylonian exile though the community 6_t0ovS_UwY-01158-00241704-00241934 most probably emerged during roman times 6_t0ovS_UwY-01159-00241935-00242110 and it was significantly reinforced 6_t0ovS_UwY-01160-00242111-00242310 during the reign of du nuwas in the 6th 6_t0ovS_UwY-01161-00242311-00242406 century ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-01162-00242407-00242615 and during later muslim conquests in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01163-00242616-00242751 7th century ce 6_t0ovS_UwY-01164-00242752-00242934 which drove the arab jewish tribes out 6_t0ovS_UwY-01165-00242935-00243406 of central arabia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01166-00243407-00243839 karaiti jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01167-00243840-00244046 quraim are jews who used to live mostly 6_t0ovS_UwY-01168-00244048-00244255 in egypt iraq and crimea during the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01169-00244256-00244398 middle ages 6_t0ovS_UwY-01170-00244400-00244567 they are distinguished by the form of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01171-00244567-00244742 judaism which they observe 6_t0ovS_UwY-01172-00244744-00244942 rabbinic jews of varying communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-01173-00244944-00245103 have affiliated with the karaiti 6_t0ovS_UwY-01174-00245104-00245319 community throughout the millennia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01175-00245319-00245558 as such kariti jews are less an ethnic 6_t0ovS_UwY-01176-00245559-00245710 division than they are members of a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01177-00245711-00245942 particular branch of judaism 6_t0ovS_UwY-01178-00245944-00246206 charity judaism recognizes the tanakh as 6_t0ovS_UwY-01179-00246207-00246391 the single religious authority for the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01180-00246392-00246534 jewish people 6_t0ovS_UwY-01181-00246535-00246751 linguistic principles and contextual 6_t0ovS_UwY-01182-00246752-00246942 exegesis are used in arriving at the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01183-00246944-00247151 correct meaning of the torah 6_t0ovS_UwY-01184-00247152-00247351 karaiti jews strive to adhere to the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01185-00247352-00247487 plain or most obvious 6_t0ovS_UwY-01186-00247488-00247630 understanding of the text when 6_t0ovS_UwY-01187-00247631-00247806 interpreting the tanakh 6_t0ovS_UwY-01188-00247807-00248063 by contrast rabbinical judaism regards 6_t0ovS_UwY-01189-00248064-00248142 an oral law 6_t0ovS_UwY-01190-00248144-00248342 codified and recorded in the mishnah and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01191-00248344-00248558 the talmud as being equally binding on 6_t0ovS_UwY-01192-00248559-00248871 jews and mandated by god in rabbinical 6_t0ovS_UwY-01193-00248871-00249119 judaism the oral law forms the basis of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01194-00249119-00249415 religion morality and jewish life 6_t0ovS_UwY-01195-00249416-00249639 kariti jews rely on the use of sound 6_t0ovS_UwY-01196-00249640-00249791 reasoning and the application of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01197-00249792-00249967 linguistic tools to determine the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01198-00249967-00250119 correct meaning of the tanakh while 6_t0ovS_UwY-01199-00250119-00250310 rabbinical judaism looks towards the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01200-00250311-00250510 oral law codified in the talmud to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01201-00250511-00250671 provide the jewish community with an 6_t0ovS_UwY-01202-00250671-00250846 accurate understanding of the hebrew 6_t0ovS_UwY-01203-00250848-00250998 scriptures 6_t0ovS_UwY-01204-00251000-00251191 the differences between karaiti and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01205-00251192-00251391 rabbinic judaism go back more than a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01206-00251392-00251542 thousand years 6_t0ovS_UwY-01207-00251544-00251758 rabbinical judaism originates from the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01208-00251759-00251991 pharisees of the second temple period 6_t0ovS_UwY-01209-00251992-00252206 karaiti judaism may have its origins 6_t0ovS_UwY-01210-00252207-00252463 among the sadducees of the same era 6_t0ovS_UwY-01211-00252464-00252687 karaiti jews hold the entire hebrew 6_t0ovS_UwY-01212-00252688-00252934 bible to be a religious authority 6_t0ovS_UwY-01213-00252935-00253167 as such the vast majority of karaites 6_t0ovS_UwY-01214-00253167-00253415 believe in the resurrection of the dead 6_t0ovS_UwY-01215-00253416-00253655 kariti jews are widely regarded as being 6_t0ovS_UwY-01216-00253656-00253855 helatically jewish by the orthodox 6_t0ovS_UwY-01217-00253856-00253982 rabonate 6_t0ovS_UwY-01218-00253983-00254151 similarly members of the rabbinic 6_t0ovS_UwY-01219-00254152-00254342 community are considered jews by the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01220-00254344-00254551 motzit hakamim if they are patrilineally 6_t0ovS_UwY-01221-00254552-00254991 jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01222-00254992-00255479 modern era 6_t0ovS_UwY-01223-00255480-00255910 israeli jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01224-00255911-00256142 jews of israel comprise an increasingly 6_t0ovS_UwY-01225-00256144-00256342 mixed wide range of jewish communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-01226-00256344-00256591 making aliyah from europe north africa 6_t0ovS_UwY-01227-00256592-00256830 and elsewhere in the middle east while a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01228-00256831-00257046 significant portion of israeli jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01229-00257048-00257246 still retain memories of their sephardic 6_t0ovS_UwY-01230-00257248-00257406 ashkenazi and mizrahi 6_t0ovS_UwY-01231-00257407-00257623 origins mixed jewish marriages among the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01232-00257623-00257830 communities are very common 6_t0ovS_UwY-01233-00257831-00257998 there are also smaller groups of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01234-00258000-00258246 yemenite jews indian jews and others who 6_t0ovS_UwY-01235-00258248-00258446 still retain a semi-separate communal 6_t0ovS_UwY-01236-00258448-00258542 life 6_t0ovS_UwY-01237-00258544-00258775 there are also approximately 50 000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01238-00258776-00258967 adherents of kariti judaism 6_t0ovS_UwY-01239-00258967-00259151 most of whom live in israel but their 6_t0ovS_UwY-01240-00259152-00259303 exact numbers are not known 6_t0ovS_UwY-01241-00259304-00259446 because most karaites have not 6_t0ovS_UwY-01242-00259448-00259734 participated in any religious censuses 6_t0ovS_UwY-01243-00259735-00259958 the beta israel though somewhat disputed 6_t0ovS_UwY-01244-00259959-00260094 as the descendants of the ancient 6_t0ovS_UwY-01245-00260096-00260303 israelites are widely recognized in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01246-00260304-00260767 israel as ethiopian jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01247-00260767-00261255 topic american jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01248-00261256-00261503 the ancestry of most american jews goes 6_t0ovS_UwY-01249-00261504-00261719 back to ashkenazi jewish communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-01250-00261719-00261910 that immigrated to the u.s in the course 6_t0ovS_UwY-01251-00261911-00262119 of the 19th and 20th centuries 6_t0ovS_UwY-01252-00262119-00262319 as well as more recent influxes of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01253-00262320-00262495 persian and other misrahe jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01254-00262496-00262615 immigrants 6_t0ovS_UwY-01255-00262616-00262799 the american jewish community is 6_t0ovS_UwY-01256-00262800-00262951 considered to contain the highest 6_t0ovS_UwY-01257-00262952-00263143 percentage of mixed marriages between 6_t0ovS_UwY-01258-00263144-00263351 jews and non-jews resulting in both 6_t0ovS_UwY-01259-00263352-00263567 increased assimilation and a significant 6_t0ovS_UwY-01260-00263568-00263799 influx of non-jews becoming identified 6_t0ovS_UwY-01261-00263800-00263927 as jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01262-00263928-00264158 the most widespread practice in the u.s 6_t0ovS_UwY-01263-00264159-00264399 is reform judaism which doesn't require 6_t0ovS_UwY-01264-00264400-00264606 or see the jews as direct descendants of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01265-00264607-00264839 the ethnic jews or biblical israelites 6_t0ovS_UwY-01266-00264840-00265030 but rather adherents of the jewish faith 6_t0ovS_UwY-01267-00265031-00265175 in its reformist version 6_t0ovS_UwY-01268-00265176-00265399 in contrast to orthodox judaism the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01269-00265400-00265591 mainstream practice in israel which 6_t0ovS_UwY-01270-00265592-00265758 considers the jews as a closed 6_t0ovS_UwY-01271-00265759-00265934 ethnoreligious community with very 6_t0ovS_UwY-01272-00265935-00266463 strict procedures for conversion 6_t0ovS_UwY-01273-00266464-00266863 french jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01274-00266864-00267079 the jews of modern france number around 6_t0ovS_UwY-01275-00267080-00267351 400 000 persons largely descendants of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01276-00267352-00267558 north african communities some of which 6_t0ovS_UwY-01277-00267559-00267758 were sephardic communities that had come 6_t0ovS_UwY-01278-00267759-00267943 from spain and portugal 6_t0ovS_UwY-01279-00267944-00268143 others were arab and berber jews from 6_t0ovS_UwY-01280-00268144-00268382 algeria morocco and tunisia who were 6_t0ovS_UwY-01281-00268383-00268567 already living in north africa before 6_t0ovS_UwY-01282-00268568-00268751 the jewish exodus from the iberian 6_t0ovS_UwY-01283-00268752-00268863 peninsula 6_t0ovS_UwY-01284-00268864-00269039 and to a smaller degree members of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01285-00269040-00269230 ashkenazi jewish communities who 6_t0ovS_UwY-01286-00269231-00269351 survived world war 6_t0ovS_UwY-01287-00269352-00269839 ii and the holocaust 6_t0ovS_UwY-01288-00269840-00270239 mountain jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01289-00270240-00270439 mountain jews are jews from the eastern 6_t0ovS_UwY-01290-00270440-00270623 and northern slopes of the caucasus 6_t0ovS_UwY-01291-00270624-00270758 mainly azerbaijan 6_t0ovS_UwY-01292-00270759-00270999 chechnya and dagestan they are the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01293-00271000-00271623 descendants of persian jews from iran 6_t0ovS_UwY-01294-00271624-00272047 bukharan jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01295-00272048-00272247 bukharan jews are an ethnic group from 6_t0ovS_UwY-01296-00272248-00272471 central asia who historically practiced 6_t0ovS_UwY-01297-00272472-00272647 judaism and spoke bukhori 6_t0ovS_UwY-01298-00272648-00273230 a dialect of the tajik persian language 6_t0ovS_UwY-01299-00273231-00273655 kai fung jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01300-00273656-00273871 the kaifeng jews are members of a small 6_t0ovS_UwY-01301-00273872-00274055 jewish community in kai fung in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01302-00274056-00274215 hanan province of china who have 6_t0ovS_UwY-01303-00274216-00274430 assimilated into chinese society while 6_t0ovS_UwY-01304-00274431-00274606 preserving some jewish traditions and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01305-00274607-00275039 customs 6_t0ovS_UwY-01306-00275040-00275455 cochin jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01307-00275456-00275727 cochin jews also called malabar jews are 6_t0ovS_UwY-01308-00275728-00275934 the oldest group of jews in india with 6_t0ovS_UwY-01309-00275935-00276110 possible routes that are claimed to date 6_t0ovS_UwY-01310-00276111-00276334 back to the time of king solomon 6_t0ovS_UwY-01311-00276335-00276527 the kochin jews settled in the kingdom 6_t0ovS_UwY-01312-00276528-00276679 of cochin in south india 6_t0ovS_UwY-01313-00276680-00276951 now part of the state of kerala as early 6_t0ovS_UwY-01314-00276952-00277071 as the 12th century 6_t0ovS_UwY-01315-00277072-00277255 mention is made of the black jews in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01316-00277256-00277406 southern india 6_t0ovS_UwY-01317-00277407-00277639 the jewish traveler benjamin of tedella 6_t0ovS_UwY-01318-00277640-00277871 speaking of kolam keelan on the malabar 6_t0ovS_UwY-01319-00277872-00278215 coast writes in his itinerary 6_t0ovS_UwY-01320-00278216-00278430 throughout the island including all the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01321-00278431-00278527 towns thereof 6_t0ovS_UwY-01322-00278528-00278830 lives several thousand israelites the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01323-00278831-00279063 inhabitants are all black and the jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01324-00279064-00279158 also 6_t0ovS_UwY-01325-00279159-00279399 the latter are good and benevolent they 6_t0ovS_UwY-01326-00279400-00279623 know the law of moses and the prophets 6_t0ovS_UwY-01327-00279624-00279839 and to a small extent the talmud and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01328-00279840-00280006 hilachah 6_t0ovS_UwY-01329-00280007-00280191 these people later became known as the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01330-00280192-00280334 malabari jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01331-00280335-00280510 they built synagogues in kerala 6_t0ovS_UwY-01332-00280511-00280806 beginning in the 12th and 13th centuries 6_t0ovS_UwY-01333-00280807-00280947 they are known to have developed 6_t0ovS_UwY-01334-00280948-00281143 judeo-malayalam a dialect of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01335-00281144-00281630 malayalam language 6_t0ovS_UwY-01336-00281631-00282063 parody see jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01337-00282064-00282223 parody sea jews are mainly the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01338-00282224-00282415 descendants of sephardic jews who 6_t0ovS_UwY-01339-00282416-00282599 originally immigrated to india from 6_t0ovS_UwY-01340-00282600-00282663 seferod 6_t0ovS_UwY-01341-00282664-00282879 spain and portugal during the 15th and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01342-00282880-00283103 16th centuries in order to flee forced 6_t0ovS_UwY-01343-00283104-00283310 conversion or persecution in the wake of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01344-00283311-00283495 the alhambra decree which expelled the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01345-00283496-00283647 jews from spain 6_t0ovS_UwY-01346-00283648-00283839 they are sometimes referred to as white 6_t0ovS_UwY-01347-00283840-00284039 jews although that usage is generally 6_t0ovS_UwY-01348-00284040-00284263 considered pejorative or discriminatory 6_t0ovS_UwY-01349-00284264-00284430 and it is instead used to refer to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01350-00284431-00284630 relatively recent jewish immigrants 6_t0ovS_UwY-01351-00284631-00284854 end of the 15th century onwards who are 6_t0ovS_UwY-01352-00284855-00285071 predominantly sephardim the parodysi 6_t0ovS_UwY-01353-00285072-00285247 jews of cochin are a community of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01354-00285248-00285479 sephardic jews whose ancestors settled 6_t0ovS_UwY-01355-00285480-00285695 among the larger cochin jewish community 6_t0ovS_UwY-01356-00285696-00285823 located in kerala 6_t0ovS_UwY-01357-00285824-00286015 a coastal southern state of india the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01358-00286016-00286223 parody sea jews of madras traded in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01359-00286224-00286439 diamonds precious stones and corals they 6_t0ovS_UwY-01360-00286440-00286639 had very good relations with the rulers 6_t0ovS_UwY-01361-00286640-00286815 of golkanda they maintained trade 6_t0ovS_UwY-01362-00286816-00286934 connections with europe 6_t0ovS_UwY-01363-00286935-00287175 and their language skills were useful 6_t0ovS_UwY-01364-00287176-00287415 although the sephardim spoke ladino i.e 6_t0ovS_UwY-01365-00287416-00287591 spanish or judeo-spanish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01366-00287592-00287787 in india they learned to speak tamil and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01367-00287788-00288382 judeo-malayalam from the malabar jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01368-00288383-00288791 georgian jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01369-00288792-00288958 the georgian jews are considered 6_t0ovS_UwY-01370-00288959-00289158 ethnically and culturally distinct from 6_t0ovS_UwY-01371-00289159-00289343 neighboring mountain jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01372-00289344-00289543 they were also traditionally a highly 6_t0ovS_UwY-01373-00289544-00289743 separate group from the ashkenazi jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01374-00289744-00290182 in georgia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01375-00290183-00290575 krimchaks 6_t0ovS_UwY-01376-00290576-00290791 the krimchaks are jewish ethno-religious 6_t0ovS_UwY-01377-00290792-00290982 communities of crimea derived from 6_t0ovS_UwY-01378-00290983-00291282 turkic speaking adherence of orthodox 6_t0ovS_UwY-01379-00291283-00291615 judaism 6_t0ovS_UwY-01380-00291616-00291982 anuzum 6_t0ovS_UwY-01381-00291983-00292127 during the history of the jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01382-00292128-00292327 diaspora jews who lived in christian 6_t0ovS_UwY-01383-00292328-00292519 europe were often attacked by the local 6_t0ovS_UwY-01384-00292520-00292639 christian population 6_t0ovS_UwY-01385-00292640-00292806 and they were often forced to convert to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01386-00292807-00292958 christianity 6_t0ovS_UwY-01387-00292959-00293279 many known as anusam forced ones 6_t0ovS_UwY-01388-00293280-00293503 continued practicing judaism in secret 6_t0ovS_UwY-01389-00293504-00293679 while living outwardly as ordinary 6_t0ovS_UwY-01390-00293680-00293806 christians 6_t0ovS_UwY-01391-00293807-00293999 the best-known anusam communities were 6_t0ovS_UwY-01392-00294000-00294151 the jews of spain and the jews of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01393-00294152-00294215 portugal 6_t0ovS_UwY-01394-00294216-00294454 although they existed throughout europe 6_t0ovS_UwY-01395-00294455-00294671 in the centuries since the rise of islam 6_t0ovS_UwY-01396-00294672-00294871 many jews living in the muslim world 6_t0ovS_UwY-01397-00294872-00295047 were forced to convert to islam 6_t0ovS_UwY-01398-00295048-00295254 such as the mashati jews of persia who 6_t0ovS_UwY-01399-00295255-00295471 continued to practice judaism in secret 6_t0ovS_UwY-01400-00295472-00295695 and eventually moved to israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01401-00295696-00295895 many of the anusim's descendants left 6_t0ovS_UwY-01402-00295896-00296071 judaism over the years 6_t0ovS_UwY-01403-00296072-00296254 the results of a genetic study of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01404-00296255-00296471 population of the iberian peninsula 6_t0ovS_UwY-01405-00296472-00296734 released in december 2008 attest to a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01406-00296735-00296919 high level of religious conversion 6_t0ovS_UwY-01407-00296920-00297158 whether voluntary or enforced driven by 6_t0ovS_UwY-01408-00297159-00297343 historical episodes of religious 6_t0ovS_UwY-01409-00297344-00297534 intolerance which ultimately led to the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01410-00297535-00298110 integration of the onusim's descendants 6_t0ovS_UwY-01411-00298111-00298543 modern samaritans 6_t0ovS_UwY-01412-00298544-00298719 the samaritans who comprised a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01413-00298720-00298943 comparatively large group in classical 6_t0ovS_UwY-01414-00298944-00299254 times now number 745 people and today 6_t0ovS_UwY-01415-00299255-00299471 they live in two communities in israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01416-00299472-00299654 and the west bank and they still regard 6_t0ovS_UwY-01417-00299655-00299830 themselves as descendants of the tribes 6_t0ovS_UwY-01418-00299831-00300030 of ephraim named by them as aphraem and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01419-00300031-00300287 manasseh named by them as monach 6_t0ovS_UwY-01420-00300288-00300487 samaritans adhere to a version of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01421-00300488-00300695 torah known as the samaritan pentateuch 6_t0ovS_UwY-01422-00300696-00300871 which differs in some respects from the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01423-00300872-00300982 masoretic text 6_t0ovS_UwY-01424-00300983-00301191 sometimes in important ways and lesser 6_t0ovS_UwY-01425-00301192-00301367 from the septuagint 6_t0ovS_UwY-01426-00301368-00301599 the samaritans consider themselves banay 6_t0ovS_UwY-01427-00301600-00301679 israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01428-00301680-00302039 children of israel or israelites 6_t0ovS_UwY-01429-00302040-00302199 but they do not regard themselves as 6_t0ovS_UwY-01430-00302200-00302343 yehudam jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01431-00302344-00302679 they view the term jews as a designation 6_t0ovS_UwY-01432-00302680-00302863 for followers of judaism which they 6_t0ovS_UwY-01433-00302864-00303063 assert as a related but unaltered and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01434-00303064-00303247 amended religion which was brought back 6_t0ovS_UwY-01435-00303248-00303471 by the exiled israelite ritunes and is 6_t0ovS_UwY-01436-00303472-00303639 therefore not the true religion of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01437-00303640-00303823 ancient israelites which according to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01438-00303824-00304295 them is samaritanism 6_t0ovS_UwY-01439-00304296-00304710 genetic studies 6_t0ovS_UwY-01440-00304711-00304958 ydna studies tend to imply a small 6_t0ovS_UwY-01441-00304959-00305175 number of founders in an old population 6_t0ovS_UwY-01442-00305176-00305334 whose members parted and followed 6_t0ovS_UwY-01443-00305335-00305551 different migration paths 6_t0ovS_UwY-01444-00305552-00305751 in most jewish populations these 6_t0ovS_UwY-01445-00305752-00305943 male-line ancestors appear to have been 6_t0ovS_UwY-01446-00305944-00306127 mainly middle eastern 6_t0ovS_UwY-01447-00306128-00306375 for example ashkenazi jews share more 6_t0ovS_UwY-01448-00306376-00306567 common paternal lineages with other 6_t0ovS_UwY-01449-00306568-00306743 jewish and middle eastern groups than 6_t0ovS_UwY-01450-00306744-00306958 with non-jewish populations in areas 6_t0ovS_UwY-01451-00306959-00307151 where jews lived in eastern europe 6_t0ovS_UwY-01452-00307152-00307415 germany and the french rhine valley this 6_t0ovS_UwY-01453-00307416-00307599 is consistent with jewish traditions 6_t0ovS_UwY-01454-00307600-00307823 which place most jewish paternal origins 6_t0ovS_UwY-01455-00307824-00308071 in the region of the middle east 6_t0ovS_UwY-01456-00308072-00308287 conversely the maternal lineages of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01457-00308288-00308415 jewish populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-01458-00308416-00308679 studied by looking at mitochondrial dna 6_t0ovS_UwY-01459-00308680-00308934 are generally more heterogeneous 6_t0ovS_UwY-01460-00308935-00309175 scholars such as harry oster and raphael 6_t0ovS_UwY-01461-00309176-00309375 fac believe this indicates that many 6_t0ovS_UwY-01462-00309376-00309534 jewish males found new mates from 6_t0ovS_UwY-01463-00309535-00309599 european 6_t0ovS_UwY-01464-00309600-00309775 and other communities in the places 6_t0ovS_UwY-01465-00309776-00309951 where they migrated in the diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-01466-00309952-00310167 after fleeing ancient israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01467-00310168-00310399 in contrast behar has found evidence 6_t0ovS_UwY-01468-00310400-00310654 that about 40 percent of ashkenazi jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01469-00310655-00310839 originate maternally from just four 6_t0ovS_UwY-01470-00310840-00311006 female founders who were of middle 6_t0ovS_UwY-01471-00311007-00311158 eastern origin 6_t0ovS_UwY-01472-00311159-00311399 the populations of saparti and mizrahi 6_t0ovS_UwY-01473-00311400-00311527 jewish communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-01474-00311528-00311743 showed no evidence for a narrow founder 6_t0ovS_UwY-01475-00311744-00311863 effect 6_t0ovS_UwY-01476-00311864-00312087 subsequent studies carried out by fetter 6_t0ovS_UwY-01477-00312088-00312279 at all confirmed the large portion of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01478-00312280-00312406 the non-local maternal 6_t0ovS_UwY-01479-00312407-00312719 origin among ashkenazi jews reflecting 6_t0ovS_UwY-01480-00312720-00312863 on their findings related to the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01481-00312864-00313110 maternal origin of ashkenazi jews the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01482-00313111-00313239 authors conclude 6_t0ovS_UwY-01483-00313240-00313487 clearly the differences between jews and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01484-00313488-00313703 non-jews are far larger than those 6_t0ovS_UwY-01485-00313704-00313991 observed among the jewish communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-01486-00313992-00314199 hence differences between the jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01487-00314200-00314382 communities can be overlooked when 6_t0ovS_UwY-01488-00314383-00314734 non-jews are included in the comparisons 6_t0ovS_UwY-01489-00314735-00314982 studies of autosomal dna which look at 6_t0ovS_UwY-01490-00314983-00315199 the entire dna mixture have become 6_t0ovS_UwY-01491-00315200-00315399 increasingly important as the technology 6_t0ovS_UwY-01492-00315400-00315519 develops 6_t0ovS_UwY-01493-00315520-00315710 they show that jewish populations have 6_t0ovS_UwY-01494-00315711-00315895 tended to form relatively closely 6_t0ovS_UwY-01495-00315896-00316054 related groups in independent 6_t0ovS_UwY-01496-00316055-00316223 communities with most people in a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01497-00316224-00316447 community sharing significant ancestry 6_t0ovS_UwY-01498-00316448-00316558 in common 6_t0ovS_UwY-01499-00316559-00316799 for jewish populations of the diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-01500-00316800-00317023 the genetic composition of ashkenazi 6_t0ovS_UwY-01501-00317024-00317279 saparti and mizrahi jewish populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-01502-00317280-00317447 show a predominant amount of shared 6_t0ovS_UwY-01503-00317448-00317654 middle eastern ancestry 6_t0ovS_UwY-01504-00317655-00317903 according to behar the most parsimonious 6_t0ovS_UwY-01505-00317904-00318063 explanation for this shared middle 6_t0ovS_UwY-01506-00318064-00318271 eastern ancestry is that it is 6_t0ovS_UwY-01507-00318272-00318447 consistent with the historical 6_t0ovS_UwY-01508-00318448-00318654 formulation of the jewish people as 6_t0ovS_UwY-01509-00318655-00318854 descending from ancient hebrew and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01510-00318855-00319151 israelite residents of the levant 6_t0ovS_UwY-01511-00319152-00319382 and the dispersion of the people of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01512-00319383-00319727 ancient israel throughout the old world 6_t0ovS_UwY-01513-00319728-00319951 north african italian and others of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01514-00319952-00320199 iberian origin show variable frequencies 6_t0ovS_UwY-01515-00320200-00320415 of admixture with non-jewish historical 6_t0ovS_UwY-01516-00320416-00320606 host populations among the maternal 6_t0ovS_UwY-01517-00320607-00320719 lines 6_t0ovS_UwY-01518-00320720-00320943 in the case of ashkenazi and saparti 6_t0ovS_UwY-01519-00320944-00321191 jews in particular moroccan jews who are 6_t0ovS_UwY-01520-00321192-00321415 closely related the source of non-jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01521-00321416-00321623 admixture is mainly southern european 6_t0ovS_UwY-01522-00321624-00321823 while mizrahi jews show evidence of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01523-00321824-00321991 admixture with other middle eastern 6_t0ovS_UwY-01524-00321992-00322167 populations and sub-saharan 6_t0ovS_UwY-01525-00322168-00322471 africans behar at all have remarked on 6_t0ovS_UwY-01526-00322472-00322663 an especially close relationship of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01527-00322664-00322958 ashkenazi jews and modern italians 6_t0ovS_UwY-01528-00322959-00323134 jews were found to be more closely 6_t0ovS_UwY-01529-00323135-00323295 related to groups in the north of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01530-00323296-00323495 fertile crescent kurds turks and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01531-00323496-00323727 armenians than to arabs the studies also 6_t0ovS_UwY-01532-00323728-00323910 showed that persons of sephardic binae 6_t0ovS_UwY-01533-00323911-00324110 anusam origin those who are descendants 6_t0ovS_UwY-01534-00324111-00324167 of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01535-00324168-00324406 anusam who were forced to convert to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01536-00324407-00324630 catholicism throughout today's iberia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01537-00324631-00324854 spain and portugal and iboro america 6_t0ovS_UwY-01538-00324855-00325047 hispanic america and brazil 6_t0ovS_UwY-01539-00325048-00325319 estimated that up to 19.8 percent of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01540-00325320-00325558 modern population of iberia and at least 6_t0ovS_UwY-01541-00325559-00325758 10 percent of the modern population of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01542-00325759-00325982 iberoamerica has sephardic jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01543-00325983-00326263 ancestry within the last few centuries 6_t0ovS_UwY-01544-00326264-00326487 the bene israel and the cochin jews of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01545-00326488-00326710 india beta israel of ethiopia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01546-00326711-00326887 and a portion of the lemba people of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01547-00326888-00327103 southern africa meanwhile despite more 6_t0ovS_UwY-01548-00327104-00327327 closely resembling the local populations 6_t0ovS_UwY-01549-00327328-00327503 of their native countries also have some 6_t0ovS_UwY-01550-00327504-00328110 more remote ancient jewish descent 6_t0ovS_UwY-01551-00328111-00328782 zionist negation of the diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-01552-00328783-00328951 according to eliezer schwede the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01553-00328952-00329175 rejection of life in the diaspora as a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01554-00329176-00329343 central assumption in all currents of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01555-00329344-00329471 zionism 6_t0ovS_UwY-01556-00329472-00329671 underlying this attitude was the feeling 6_t0ovS_UwY-01557-00329672-00329854 that the diaspora restricted the full 6_t0ovS_UwY-01558-00329855-00330095 growth of jewish national life 6_t0ovS_UwY-01559-00330096-00330334 for instance the poet hayam naman bialik 6_t0ovS_UwY-01560-00330335-00330454 wrote 6_t0ovS_UwY-01561-00330455-00330639 according to schweid bialik meant that 6_t0ovS_UwY-01562-00330640-00330791 the seed 6_t0ovS_UwY-01563-00330792-00331023 was the potential of the jewish people 6_t0ovS_UwY-01564-00331024-00331175 preserved in the diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-01565-00331176-00331327 this seed could only give rise to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01566-00331328-00331487 deformed results however 6_t0ovS_UwY-01567-00331488-00331671 once conditions changed the seed could 6_t0ovS_UwY-01568-00331672-00331863 still provide a plentiful harvest in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01569-00331864-00332054 this matter sternhall distinguishes two 6_t0ovS_UwY-01570-00332055-00332278 schools of thought in zionism 6_t0ovS_UwY-01571-00332279-00332478 one was the liberal or utilitarian 6_t0ovS_UwY-01572-00332479-00332782 school of theatre herzl and max mordo 6_t0ovS_UwY-01573-00332783-00332999 especially after the dreyfus affair they 6_t0ovS_UwY-01574-00333000-00333182 held that anti-semitism would never 6_t0ovS_UwY-01575-00333183-00333382 disappear and they saw zionism as a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01576-00333383-00333703 rational solution for jewish individuals 6_t0ovS_UwY-01577-00333704-00333895 the other was the organic nationalist 6_t0ovS_UwY-01578-00333896-00334087 school it was prevalent among the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01579-00334088-00334271 zionist olam and they saw the movement 6_t0ovS_UwY-01580-00334272-00334487 as a project to rescue the jewish nation 6_t0ovS_UwY-01581-00334488-00334695 rather than as a project to only rescue 6_t0ovS_UwY-01582-00334696-00334878 jewish individuals 6_t0ovS_UwY-01583-00334879-00335134 for them zionism was the rebirth of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01584-00335135-00335230 nation 6_t0ovS_UwY-01585-00335231-00335454 contrary to the negation of the diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-01586-00335455-00335623 view the acceptance of jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01587-00335624-00335799 communities outside israel was 6_t0ovS_UwY-01588-00335800-00335982 postulated by those like simon 6_t0ovS_UwY-01589-00335983-00336215 ravidovich also a zionist who viewed the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01590-00336216-00336415 jews as a culture which had evolved into 6_t0ovS_UwY-01591-00336416-00336623 a new worldly entity that had no reason 6_t0ovS_UwY-01592-00336624-00336806 to seek an exclusive return either 6_t0ovS_UwY-01593-00336807-00336871 physical 6_t0ovS_UwY-01594-00336872-00337095 emotional or spiritual to its indigenous 6_t0ovS_UwY-01595-00337096-00337263 lands and who believed that the jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01596-00337264-00337482 could remain one people even outside 6_t0ovS_UwY-01597-00337483-00337599 israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01598-00337600-00337782 it was argued that the dynamics of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01599-00337783-00337951 diaspora which were affected by 6_t0ovS_UwY-01600-00337952-00338039 persecution 6_t0ovS_UwY-01601-00338040-00338287 numerous subsequent exiles as well as by 6_t0ovS_UwY-01602-00338288-00338503 political and economic conditions had 6_t0ovS_UwY-01603-00338504-00338687 created a new jewish awareness of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01604-00338688-00338887 world and a new awareness of the jews by 6_t0ovS_UwY-01605-00338888-00339015 the world 6_t0ovS_UwY-01606-00339016-00339223 in effect there are many zionists today 6_t0ovS_UwY-01607-00339224-00339367 who do not embrace the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01608-00339368-00339671 negation of the diaspora as any kind of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01609-00339672-00339895 absolute and who see no conflict 6_t0ovS_UwY-01610-00339896-00340095 and even a beneficial and worldly and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01611-00340096-00340254 positive symbiosis 6_t0ovS_UwY-01612-00340255-00340430 between a diaspora of healthy 6_t0ovS_UwY-01613-00340431-00340639 self-respecting jewish communities such 6_t0ovS_UwY-01614-00340640-00340782 as those which have evolved in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01615-00340783-00341015 united states canada and several other 6_t0ovS_UwY-01616-00341016-00341199 western countries and a vital and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01617-00341200-00341682 evolving israeli society and state of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01618-00341683-00341806 israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01619-00341807-00342367 topic mystical explanation 6_t0ovS_UwY-01620-00342368-00342654 rabbi t z v i alimelec of denov benay 6_t0ovS_UwY-01621-00342655-00342919 yisacher hodish kislev 2 25 6_t0ovS_UwY-01622-00342920-00343071 explains that each exile was 6_t0ovS_UwY-01623-00343072-00343263 characterized by a different negative 6_t0ovS_UwY-01624-00343264-00343399 aspect 6_t0ovS_UwY-01625-00343400-00343630 the babylonian exile was characterized 6_t0ovS_UwY-01626-00343631-00343871 by physical suffering and oppression 6_t0ovS_UwY-01627-00343872-00344087 the babylonians were lopsided towards 6_t0ovS_UwY-01628-00344088-00344223 the sephirah of gevra 6_t0ovS_UwY-01629-00344224-00344503 strength and bodily might the persian 6_t0ovS_UwY-01630-00344504-00344751 exile was one of emotional temptation 6_t0ovS_UwY-01631-00344752-00344943 the persians were hedonists who declared 6_t0ovS_UwY-01632-00344944-00345127 that the purpose of life is to pursue 6_t0ovS_UwY-01633-00345128-00345303 indulgence and lusts 6_t0ovS_UwY-01634-00345304-00345543 let us eat and drink for tomorrow we may 6_t0ovS_UwY-01635-00345544-00345639 die 6_t0ovS_UwY-01636-00345640-00345830 they were lopsided towards the quality 6_t0ovS_UwY-01637-00345831-00346047 of chessed attraction and kindness 6_t0ovS_UwY-01638-00346048-00346310 albeit to the self hellenistic 6_t0ovS_UwY-01639-00346311-00346510 civilization was highly cultured and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01640-00346511-00346623 sophisticated 6_t0ovS_UwY-01641-00346624-00346799 although the greeks had a strong sense 6_t0ovS_UwY-01642-00346800-00346999 of aesthetics they were highly pompous 6_t0ovS_UwY-01643-00347000-00347167 and they viewed aesthetics as an end in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01644-00347168-00347278 itself 6_t0ovS_UwY-01645-00347279-00347454 they were excessively attached to the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01646-00347455-00347639 quality of tifferette beauty 6_t0ovS_UwY-01647-00347640-00347863 this was also related to an appreciation 6_t0ovS_UwY-01648-00347864-00348039 of the intellect's transcendence over 6_t0ovS_UwY-01649-00348040-00348223 the body which reveals the beauty of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01650-00348224-00348358 spirit 6_t0ovS_UwY-01651-00348359-00348599 the exile of adam began with rome whose 6_t0ovS_UwY-01652-00348600-00348775 culture lacked any clearly defined 6_t0ovS_UwY-01653-00348776-00348927 philosophy 6_t0ovS_UwY-01654-00348928-00349134 rather it adopted the philosophies of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01655-00349135-00349278 all the preceding cultures 6_t0ovS_UwY-01656-00349279-00349447 causing roman culture to be in a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01657-00349448-00349606 constant flux 6_t0ovS_UwY-01658-00349607-00349823 although the roman empire has fallen the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01659-00349824-00350030 jews are still in the exile of adam and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01660-00350031-00350230 indeed one can find this phenomenon of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01661-00350231-00350439 ever-changing trends dominating modern 6_t0ovS_UwY-01662-00350440-00350606 western society 6_t0ovS_UwY-01663-00350607-00350806 the romans and the various nations who 6_t0ovS_UwY-01664-00350807-00350919 inherited their rule 6_t0ovS_UwY-01665-00350920-00351215 e.g the holy roman empire the europeans 6_t0ovS_UwY-01666-00351216-00351303 the americans 6_t0ovS_UwY-01667-00351304-00351543 are lopsided towards malchet sovereignty 6_t0ovS_UwY-01668-00351544-00351751 the lowest saphira which can be received 6_t0ovS_UwY-01669-00351752-00351934 from any of the others and can act as a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01670-00351935-00352127 medium for them the jewish fast day of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01671-00352128-00352334 tisha b'av commemorates the destruction 6_t0ovS_UwY-01672-00352335-00352495 of the first and second temples in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01673-00352496-00352703 jerusalem and the subsequent exile of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01674-00352704-00352927 the jews from the land of israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01675-00352928-00353127 the jewish tradition maintains that the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01676-00353128-00353334 roman exile would be the last and that 6_t0ovS_UwY-01677-00353335-00353519 after the people of israel returned to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01678-00353520-00353695 their land they would never be exiled 6_t0ovS_UwY-01679-00353696-00353799 again 6_t0ovS_UwY-01680-00353800-00354030 this statement is based on the verse you 6_t0ovS_UwY-01681-00354031-00354247 paying for your sin is over daughter of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01682-00354248-00354367 zion he will not 6_t0ovS_UwY-01683-00354368-00354775 exile you any more tm wound beat zin 6_t0ovS_UwY-01684-00354776-00355254 l yaus blauk 6_t0ovS_UwY-01685-00355255-00355830 topic in christian theology 6_t0ovS_UwY-01686-00355831-00356030 according to aharon oppenheimer the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01687-00356031-00356239 concept of the exile beginning after the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01688-00356240-00356439 destruction of the second jewish temple 6_t0ovS_UwY-01689-00356440-00356639 was developed by early christians who 6_t0ovS_UwY-01690-00356640-00356815 saw the destruction of the temple as a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01691-00356816-00357023 punishment for jewish diacide and by 6_t0ovS_UwY-01692-00357024-00357199 extension as an affirmation of the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01693-00357200-00357406 christians as god's new chosen people or 6_t0ovS_UwY-01694-00357407-00357615 the new israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01695-00357616-00357823 in actually in the period that followed 6_t0ovS_UwY-01696-00357824-00357967 the destruction of the temple 6_t0ovS_UwY-01697-00357968-00358239 jews had many freedoms the people of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01698-00358240-00358447 israel had religious economic and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01699-00358448-00358654 cultural autonomy and the bar-kakba 6_t0ovS_UwY-01700-00358655-00358878 revolt demonstrated the unity of israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01701-00358879-00359063 and their political military power at 6_t0ovS_UwY-01702-00359064-00359182 that time 6_t0ovS_UwY-01703-00359183-00359358 therefore according to aharon 6_t0ovS_UwY-01704-00359359-00359534 oppenheimer it should be noted that the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01705-00359535-00359767 jewish exile only started after the bar 6_t0ovS_UwY-01706-00359768-00359982 kokba revolt which devastated the jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01707-00359983-00360167 community of judea 6_t0ovS_UwY-01708-00360168-00360399 despite popular conception jews have had 6_t0ovS_UwY-01709-00360400-00360575 a continuous presence in the land of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01710-00360576-00360806 israel despite the exile of the majority 6_t0ovS_UwY-01711-00360807-00361030 of judeans the jerusalem talmud was 6_t0ovS_UwY-01712-00361031-00361175 signed in the 4th century 6_t0ovS_UwY-01713-00361176-00361415 hundreds of years after the revolt 6_t0ovS_UwY-01714-00361416-00361639 moreover many jews remained in israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01715-00361640-00361775 even centuries later 6_t0ovS_UwY-01716-00361776-00361951 including during the byzantine period 6_t0ovS_UwY-01717-00361952-00362134 many remnants of synagogues are found 6_t0ovS_UwY-01718-00362135-00362287 from this period 6_t0ovS_UwY-01719-00362288-00362447 jews have been a majority or a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01720-00362448-00362663 significant plurality in jerusalem in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01721-00362664-00362871 the millennia since their exile with few 6_t0ovS_UwY-01722-00362872-00363039 exceptions including the period 6_t0ovS_UwY-01723-00363040-00363310 following the siege of jerusalem 1099 by 6_t0ovS_UwY-01724-00363311-00363495 the crusaders and the 18 years of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01725-00363496-00363678 jordanian occupation of eastern 6_t0ovS_UwY-01726-00363679-00363751 jerusalem 6_t0ovS_UwY-01727-00363752-00363943 in which jerusalem's historic jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01728-00363944-00364399 quarter was expelled 6_t0ovS_UwY-01729-00364400-00364654 topic historical comparison of jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01730-00364655-00365110 population 6_t0ovS_UwY-01731-00365111-00365495 a carrot austria czech republic slovenia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01732-00365496-00365815 b carat albania iraq jordan lebanon 6_t0ovS_UwY-01733-00365816-00366151 macedonia syria turkey c 6_t0ovS_UwY-01734-00366152-00366495 carrick croatia hungary slovakia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01735-00366496-00366782 d carat baltic states estonia latvia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01736-00366783-00366871 lithuania 6_t0ovS_UwY-01737-00366872-00367191 belarus moldova russia including siberia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01738-00367192-00367343 ukraine 6_t0ovS_UwY-01739-00367344-00367654 e carat caucasus armenia azerbaijan 6_t0ovS_UwY-01740-00367655-00367887 georgia central asia kazakhstan 6_t0ovS_UwY-01741-00367888-00368078 kyrgyzstan tajikistan 6_t0ovS_UwY-01742-00368079-00368687 turkmenistan uzbekistan 6_t0ovS_UwY-01743-00368688-00369103 today 6_t0ovS_UwY-01744-00369104-00369358 as of 2010 the largest numbers of jews 6_t0ovS_UwY-01745-00369359-00369523 live in israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01746-00369524-00369799 5703 7700 united 6_t0ovS_UwY-01747-00369800-00370110 states 5275 000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01748-00370111-00370482 france 483 5500 canada 6_t0ovS_UwY-01749-00370483-00370939 375 000 the united kingdom 269 6_t0ovS_UwY-01750-00370940-00371291 000-292 000 russia 205 6_t0ovS_UwY-01751-00371292-00371678 000-1.5 million argentina 182 6_t0ovS_UwY-01752-00371679-00372195 3300 germany 119 000 and brazil 107 6_t0ovS_UwY-01753-00372196-00372527 329. these numbers reflect the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01754-00372528-00372871 core jewish population defined as being 6_t0ovS_UwY-01755-00372872-00373127 not inclusive of non-jewish members of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01756-00373128-00373367 jewish households persons of jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01757-00373368-00373543 ancestry who profess another 6_t0ovS_UwY-01758-00373544-00373702 monotheistic religion 6_t0ovS_UwY-01759-00373703-00373951 other non-jews of jewish ancestry and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01760-00373952-00374182 other non-jews who may be interested in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01761-00374183-00374382 jewish matters 6_t0ovS_UwY-01762-00374383-00374606 significant jewish populations also 6_t0ovS_UwY-01763-00374607-00374775 remain in middle eastern and north 6_t0ovS_UwY-01764-00374776-00374982 african countries outside of israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01765-00374983-00375302 particularly iran turkey morocco tunisia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01766-00375303-00375423 and yemen 6_t0ovS_UwY-01767-00375424-00375615 in general these populations are 6_t0ovS_UwY-01768-00375616-00375791 shrinking due to low growth rates and 6_t0ovS_UwY-01769-00375792-00375927 high rates of emigration 6_t0ovS_UwY-01770-00375928-00376239 particularly since the 1960s 6_t0ovS_UwY-01771-00376240-00376471 the jewish autonomous oblast continues 6_t0ovS_UwY-01772-00376472-00376743 to be an autonomous oblast of russia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01773-00376744-00376999 the chief rabbi of barobidzan mordecai 6_t0ovS_UwY-01774-00377000-00377054 shiner 6_t0ovS_UwY-01775-00377055-00377239 says there are four thousand jews in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01776-00377240-00377391 capital city 6_t0ovS_UwY-01777-00377392-00377630 governor nikolai mikhailovich volkov has 6_t0ovS_UwY-01778-00377631-00377799 stated that he intends to 6_t0ovS_UwY-01779-00377800-00378006 support every valuable initiative 6_t0ovS_UwY-01780-00378007-00378199 maintained by our local jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01781-00378200-00378510 organizations the barobidzon synagogue 6_t0ovS_UwY-01782-00378511-00378799 opened in 2004 on the 70th anniversary 6_t0ovS_UwY-01783-00378800-00379095 of the region's founding in 1934. 6_t0ovS_UwY-01784-00379096-00379375 an estimated 75 000 jews live in the 6_t0ovS_UwY-01785-00379376-00379606 vast siberia region metropolitan 6_t0ovS_UwY-01786-00379607-00379758 areas with the largest jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01787-00379759-00379943 populations are listed below 6_t0ovS_UwY-01788-00379944-00380167 the one source at jewishtemples.org 6_t0ovS_UwY-01789-00380168-00380247 states that 6_t0ovS_UwY-01790-00380248-00380463 it is difficult to come up with exact 6_t0ovS_UwY-01791-00380464-00380634 population figures on a 6_t0ovS_UwY-01792-00380635-00380799 country-by-country basis 6_t0ovS_UwY-01793-00380800-00381134 let alone city by city around the world 6_t0ovS_UwY-01794-00381135-00381327 figures for russia and other cis 6_t0ovS_UwY-01795-00381328-00381599 countries are but educated guesses 6_t0ovS_UwY-01796-00381600-00381839 the source cited here the 2010 world 6_t0ovS_UwY-01797-00381840-00381999 jewish population survey 6_t0ovS_UwY-01798-00382000-00382254 also notes that unlike our estimates of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01799-00382255-00382406 jewish populations in 6_t0ovS_UwY-01800-00382407-00382647 individual countries the data reported 6_t0ovS_UwY-01801-00382648-00382910 here on urban jewish populations do not 6_t0ovS_UwY-01802-00382911-00383102 fully adjust for possible double 6_t0ovS_UwY-01803-00383103-00383399 counting due to multiple residences 6_t0ovS_UwY-01804-00383400-00383630 the differences in the united states may 6_t0ovS_UwY-01805-00383631-00383839 be quite significant in the range of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01806-00383840-00383958 tens of thousands 6_t0ovS_UwY-01807-00383959-00384151 involving both major and minor 6_t0ovS_UwY-01808-00384152-00384471 metropolitan areas 6_t0ovS_UwY-01809-00384472-00384702 gush dan tel aviv and surroundings 6_t0ovS_UwY-01810-00384703-00385158 israel 297900 6_t0ovS_UwY-01811-00385159-00385475 new york city new york u.s 2007 6_t0ovS_UwY-01812-00385476-00385975 850 jerusalem 705 000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01813-00385976-00386534 los angeles california u.s 684950 6_t0ovS_UwY-01814-00386535-00386975 haifa israel 671 4400 6_t0ovS_UwY-01815-00386976-00387295 miami florida u.s 485 6_t0ovS_UwY-01816-00387296-00387667 8850 beer shiva israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01817-00387668-00387982 367 6_t0ovS_UwY-01818-00387983-00388375 san francisco california u.s 345 6_t0ovS_UwY-01819-00388376-00388895 7700 paris france 284 000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01820-00388896-00389206 chicago illinois u.s 270 6_t0ovS_UwY-01821-00389207-00389527 500 philadelphia pennsylvania 6_t0ovS_UwY-01822-00389528-00389887 u.s 263 8800 6_t0ovS_UwY-01823-00389888-00390391 boston massachusetts u.s 229100 6_t0ovS_UwY-01824-00390392-00390878 washington dc u.s 215600 6_t0ovS_UwY-01825-00390879-00391278 london united kingdom 195 000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01826-00391279-00391615 toronto canada 180 000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01827-00391616-00392071 atlanta georgia u.s 119800 6_t0ovS_UwY-01828-00392072-00392382 moscow russia 95000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01829-00392383-00392775 san diego california u.s 89000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01830-00392776-00393119 cleveland ohio u.s 87000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01831-00393120-00393482 phoenix arizona u.s 82 6_t0ovS_UwY-01832-00393483-00393902 900 montreal canada 80 000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01833-00393903-00394615 sao paulo brazil 75000 6_t0ovS_UwY-01834-00394616-00395127 see also 6_t0ovS_UwY-01835-00395128-00395647 references 6_t0ovS_UwY-01836-00395648-00396110 bibliography 6_t0ovS_UwY-01837-00396111-00396343 immigration to israel from north america 6_t0ovS_UwY-01838-00396344-00396663 hits 22-year highcnsnews.com 6_t0ovS_UwY-01839-00396664-00397087 december 30 2005 aviv karen s 6_t0ovS_UwY-01840-00397088-00397471 schneer david 2005 new jews the end of 6_t0ovS_UwY-01841-00397472-00397630 the jewish diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-01842-00397631-00398530 new york new york university press isbn 6_t0ovS_UwY-01843-00398531-00398699 97808147440170 6_t0ovS_UwY-01844-00398700-00399302 oclc 60321977 6_t0ovS_UwY-01845-00399303-00399687 feldman lewis h 1990 some observations 6_t0ovS_UwY-01846-00399688-00399919 on the name of palestine 6_t0ovS_UwY-01847-00399920-00400199 hebrew union college annual hebrew union 6_t0ovS_UwY-01848-00400200-00400447 college jewish institute of religion 6_t0ovS_UwY-01849-00400448-00400915 61 21-2 jstor 6_t0ovS_UwY-01850-00400916-00401278 23508 11770 6_t0ovS_UwY-01851-00401279-00401623 jacobson david 2001. when palestine 6_t0ovS_UwY-01852-00401624-00401751 meant israel 6_t0ovS_UwY-01853-00401752-00402478 biblical archaeology review 27 3 6_t0ovS_UwY-01854-00402479-00402943 external links 6_t0ovS_UwY-01855-00402944-00403110 jewish diaspora at the jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01856-00403111-00403247 encyclopedia 6_t0ovS_UwY-01857-00403248-00403551 com world jewish congress jewish 6_t0ovS_UwY-01858-00403552-00403710 communities 6_t0ovS_UwY-01859-00403711-00403927 research and articles about the diaspora 6_t0ovS_UwY-01860-00403928-00404175 experience and israel diaspora relations 6_t0ovS_UwY-01861-00404176-00404399 on the burman jewish policy archive at 6_t0ovS_UwY-01862-00404400-00404599 nyu wagner 6_t0ovS_UwY-01863-00404600-00405183 the diaspora and israel rich cohen 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00000-00000045-00000305 the colony of Fiji was a British crown 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00001-00000306-00000673 colony that existed from 1874 to 1970 in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00002-00000674-00000881 the territory of the present-day nation 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00003-00000882-00001178 of Fiji the United Kingdom declined its 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00004-00001179-00001382 first opportunity to annex the kingdom 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00005-00001383-00001739 of Fiji in 1852 righto sir ooh yep 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00006-00001739-00001934 Anissa Kokubo had offered to cede the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00007-00001935-00002111 islands subject to being allowed to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00008-00002112-00002231 retain his two EVD 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00009-00002232-00002432 king of Fiji title a condition 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00010-00002433-00002630 unacceptable to both the British and to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00011-00002631-00002825 many of his fellow Chiefs who regarded 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00012-00002826-00003058 him only as first among equals if that 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00013-00003059-00003269 mounting debts and threats from the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00014-00003270-00003500 United States Navy had led kake about to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00015-00003501-00003728 establish a constitutional monarchy with 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00016-00003729-00003904 a government dominated by European 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00017-00003906-00004166 settlers in 1871 following an agreement 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00018-00004167-00004406 with the Australian Polynesia company to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00019-00004407-00004649 pay his debts the collapse of the new 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00020-00004650-00004826 regime drove him to make another offer 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00021-00004827-00005105 of session in 1872 which the British 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00022-00005106-00005444 accepted on the 10th of October 1874 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00023-00005445-00005687 Britain began its rule of Fiji which 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00024-00005688-00006256 lasted until the 10th of October 1970 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00025-00006257-00006895 topic Fiji for the Fijians 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00026-00006897-00007199 sir Hercules Robinson who had arrived on 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00027-00007200-00007527 the 23rd of September 1874 was appointed 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00028-00007528-00007794 as interim governor he was replaced in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00029-00007795-00008156 June 1875 by Sir Arthur Gordon rather 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00030-00008158-00008358 than established direct rule in all 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00031-00008359-00008583 spheres gordon granted autonomy over 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00032-00008584-00008796 local affairs to fiji chiefs though they 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00033-00008797-00008970 were now forbidden to engage in tribal 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00034-00008971-00009276 warfare the colony was divided into four 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00035-00009277-00009507 regions each under the control of Iroko 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00036-00009508-00009713 these regions were further subdivided 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00037-00009714-00009899 into twelve districts each ruled by a 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00038-00009900-00010179 traditional chief a Great Council of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00039-00010180-00010488 Chiefs was established in 1876 to advise 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00040-00010489-00010739 the governor this body remained in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00041-00010740-00010932 existence until being suspended by the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00042-00010933-00011121 military-backed interim government in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00043-00011122-00011488 2007 and abolished in 2012 under the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00044-00011489-00011766 1997 Constitution it functioned as an 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00045-00011767-00011958 electoral college that chose Fiji 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00046-00011959-00012198 president vice-president and 14 of the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00047-00012199-00012524 32 senators in its early days the Great 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00048-00012525-00012713 Council was supplemented by a native 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00049-00012714-00012930 regulation board now the Fijian Affairs 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00050-00012931-00013140 Board these two bodies together made 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00051-00013141-00013368 laws for the Fijians European settlers 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00052-00013369-00013658 however were not subject to its laws in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00053-00013659-00013974 1882 the capital was moved from lavaca 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00054-00013975-00014277 to the more accessible Suva adopting a 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00055-00014278-00014588 Fiji for the phidian's policy Gordon 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00056-00014590-00014766 prohibited further sales of land 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00057-00014766-00015047 although it could be leased this policy 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00058-00015048-00015272 has been continued hardly modified to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00059-00015273-00015537 this day and some 83% of the land is 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00060-00015538-00015800 still natively owned he also banned the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00061-00015801-00016011 exploitation of phidian's as labourers 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00062-00016012-00016203 and following the failure of the cotton 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00063-00016204-00016413 growing enterprise in the early 1870s 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00064-00016414-00016722 Gordon decided in 1878 to import 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00065-00016723-00016899 indentured labourers from India to work 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00066-00016900-00017088 on the sugarcane fields that had taken 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00067-00017089-00017380 the place of the cotton plantations the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00068-00017381-00017684 463 Indians arrived on the 14th of May 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00069-00017685-00018072 1879 the first of some 61,000 that were 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00070-00018073-00018324 to come before the scheme ended in 1916 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00071-00018325-00018581 the plan involved bringing the Indian 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00072-00018582-00018780 workers to Fiji on a five-year contract 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00073-00018781-00018990 after which they could return to India 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00074-00018991-00019164 at their own expense if they chose to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00075-00019165-00019337 renew their contract for a second 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00076-00019338-00019503 five-year term they would be given the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00077-00019504-00019668 option of returning to India at the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00078-00019669-00019857 government's expense or remaining in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00079-00019858-00020173 Fiji the great majority chose to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00080-00020174-00020386 the Queensland Act which regulated 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00081-00020387-00020611 indentured labor in Queensland was made 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00082-00020612-00021104 lime Fiji also 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00083-00021105-00021743 topic Fiji in World War one Fiji was 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00084-00021744-00021953 only peripherally involved in World War 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00085-00021954-00022157 one one notable incident occurred in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00086-00022158-00022457 September 1917 when count felix von 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00087-00022458-00022664 luckner arrived at wakaya Island off the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00088-00022665-00022889 eastern coast of Viti Levu after his 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00089-00022890-00023099 raider the Seattle er had run aground in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00090-00023100-00023264 the Cook Islands following the shelling 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00091-00023265-00023441 of Papeete in the French territory of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00092-00023442-00023750 Tahiti on the 21st of September the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00093-00023751-00023933 district police inspector took a number 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00094-00023934-00024128 of phidian's to wakaya and Vaughn 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00095-00024129-00024293 luckner not realizing that they were 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00096-00024294-00024692 unarmed unwittingly surrendered citing 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00097-00024693-00024878 unwillingness to exploit the Fijian 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00098-00024879-00025085 people the colonial authorities did not 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00099-00025086-00025385 permit phidian's to enlist one fijian of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00100-00025386-00025589 chiefly rank a great-grandson of kake 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00101-00025590-00025766 about to join the French Foreign Legion 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00102-00025767-00026018 however and received Frances highest 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00103-00026019-00026245 military decoration the Croix de Guerre 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00104-00026245-00026486 after going on to complete a law degree 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00105-00026487-00026636 at Oxford University 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00106-00026637-00026927 this same chief returned to Fiji in 1921 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00107-00026927-00027116 as both a war hero in the country's 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00108-00027117-00027395 first-ever University graduate in the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00109-00027395-00027608 years that followed righto sir lawless 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00110-00027608-00027848 hakuna as he was later known established 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00111-00027849-00028039 himself as the most powerful chief in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00112-00028041-00028280 Fiji and forged embryonic institutions 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00113-00028281-00028424 for what would later become the modern 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00114-00028425-00028816 Fijian nation 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00115-00028817-00029429 topic Fiji in World War two 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00116-00029430-00029702 by the time of World War two the United 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00117-00029702-00029908 Kingdom had reversed its policy of not 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00118-00029909-00030110 enlisting natives and many thousands of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00119-00030111-00030293 phidian's volunteered for the feejee 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00120-00030294-00030476 Infantry Regiment which was under the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00121-00030477-00030674 command of rah to Sir Edward cake about 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00122-00030675-00030895 another great-grandson of seru Eponine 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00123-00030897-00031174 Sakai cabal the regiment was attached to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00124-00031175-00031382 New Zealand and Australian army units 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00125-00031383-00031673 during the war the Empire of Japan's 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00126-00031674-00031870 attack on Pearl Harbor on the 8th of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00127-00031872-00032155 December 1941 Fiji time marked the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00128-00032156-00032426 beginning of the Pacific War Japanese 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00129-00032427-00032642 submarines launched sea planes that flew 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00130-00032643-00032951 over Fiji Japanese submarine i-25 on the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00131-00032952-00033239 17th of March 1942 and Japanese 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00132-00033240-00033460 submarine i-10 on the 30th of November 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00133-00033461-00033793 1941 because of its central location 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00134-00033794-00034045 Fiji was selected as a training base for 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00135-00034046-00034343 the Allies an airstrip was built at Nadi 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00136-00034344-00034574 later to become an international airport 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00137-00034575-00034786 and gun emplacements studied the coast 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00138-00034787-00034999 phidian's gained a reputation for 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00139-00035000-00035224 bravery in the solomon islands campaign 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00140-00035225-00035440 with one war correspondent describing 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00141-00035441-00035648 their ambush tactics as death with 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00142-00035649-00035752 velvet gloves 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00143-00035753-00036020 corporal saif Anaya Sukanya Vaalu of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00144-00036021-00036233 yukata was posthumously awarded the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00145-00036234-00036437 Victoria Cross as a result of his 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00146-00036438-00036643 bravery in the battle of Bougainville 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00147-00036644-00036955 Indo phidian's however generally refused 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00148-00036956-00037157 to enlist after their demand for equal 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00149-00037158-00037433 treatment to Europeans was refused they 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00150-00037434-00037633 disbanded a platoon they had organized 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00151-00037634-00037832 and contributed nothing more than one 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00152-00037833-00038045 officer and seventy enlisted men in a 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00153-00038046-00038255 reserve transport section on condition 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00154-00038256-00038489 that they not be sent overseas the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00155-00038490-00038693 refusal of endo phidian's to play an 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00156-00038694-00038882 active role in the war efforts become 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00157-00038883-00039080 part of the ideological construction 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00158-00039081-00039299 employed by Fiji and ethno nationalists 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00159-00039300-00039502 to justify inter-ethnic tensions in the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00160-00039503-00039890 post-war years 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00161-00039891-00040118 topic the development of political 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00162-00040119-00040577 institutions 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00163-00040578-00040837 a legislative council initially with 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00164-00040838-00041048 advisory powers had existed as an 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00165-00041049-00041435 appointed body since 1874 but in 1904 it 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00166-00041436-00041627 was made a partly elective body with 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00167-00041628-00041822 European male settlers empowered to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00168-00041823-00042035 elect six of the 19 councillors two 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00169-00042036-00042218 members were appointed by the colonial 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00170-00042219-00042415 governor from a list of six candidates 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00171-00042416-00042608 submitted by the great Council of Chiefs 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00172-00042609-00042905 a further eight official members were 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00173-00042906-00043070 appointed by the governor at his own 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00174-00043071-00043310 discretion the governor himself was the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00175-00043311-00043589 19th member the first nominated Indian 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00176-00043590-00043840 member was appointed in 1916 this 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00177-00043841-00044114 position was made elective from 1929 a 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00178-00044115-00044411 four member Executive Council had also 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00179-00044412-00044671 been established in 1904 this was not a 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00180-00044672-00044975 cabinet in the modern sense as its 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00181-00044976-00045143 members were not responsible to the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00182-00045144-00045473 Legislative Council after World War Two 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00183-00045474-00045650 Fiji began to take its first steps 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00184-00045651-00045923 towards internal self-government the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00185-00045924-00046160 Legislative Council was expanded to 32 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00186-00046161-00046514 members in 1953 15 of them elected and 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00187-00046515-00046696 divided equally among the three major 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00188-00046697-00046907 ethnic constituencies indigenous 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00189-00046908-00047158 phidian's Indo phidian's and Europeans 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00190-00047159-00047471 Indo Fijian and European electors voted 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00191-00047472-00047657 directly for three of the five members 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00192-00047658-00047837 allocated to them the other two were 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00193-00047838-00048008 appointed by the governor the five 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00194-00048009-00048182 indigenous Fijian members were all 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00195-00048183-00048412 nominated by the great Council of Chiefs 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00196-00048413-00048674 Ratu Saguna was chosen as the first 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00197-00048675-00048746 speaker 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00198-00048747-00048968 although the Legislative Council still 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00199-00048969-00049124 had few of the powers of the modern 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00200-00049125-00049325 Parliament it brought native phidian's 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00201-00049326-00049517 and Indo phidian's into the official 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00202-00049518-00049694 political structure for the first time 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00203-00049695-00049880 and fostered the beginning of a modern 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00204-00049881-00050186 political culture in Fiji these steps 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00205-00050187-00050375 towards self-rule were welcomed by the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00206-00050376-00050582 Indo Fijian community which by that time 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00207-00050583-00050792 had come to outnumber the native Fijian 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00208-00050793-00050873 population 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00209-00050874-00051146 fearing Indo Fijian domination many 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00210-00051147-00051364 Fijian chiefs saw the benevolent rule of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00211-00051365-00051577 the British as preferable to Indo Fijian 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00212-00051578-00051766 control and resisted British moves 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00213-00051767-00052045 towards autonomy by this time however 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00214-00052046-00052232 the United Kingdom had apparently 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00215-00052233-00052480 decided to divest itself of its colonial 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00216-00052482-00052675 empire and pressed ahead with reforms 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00217-00052676-00052937 the Fijian people as a whole were 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00218-00052938-00053234 enfranchised for the first time in 1963 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00219-00053235-00053419 when the legislature was made a wholly 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00220-00053420-00053648 elected body except for two members out 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00221-00053649-00053894 of 36 nominated by the great Council of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00222-00053895-00054025 Chiefs 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00223-00054026-00054275 1964 saw the first step towards 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00224-00054276-00054429 responsible government with the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00225-00054429-00054619 introduction of the member system 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00226-00054620-00054857 specific portfolios were given to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00227-00054858-00054992 certain elected members of the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00228-00054993-00055232 Legislative Council they did not 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00229-00055233-00055418 constitute a cabinet in the Westminster 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00230-00055419-00055580 sense of the term as they were 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00231-00055581-00055757 officially advisers to the colonial 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00232-00055758-00055949 governor rather than ministers with 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00233-00055950-00056144 executive authority and were responsible 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00234-00056145-00056324 only to the governor not to the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00235-00056325-00056591 legislature nevertheless over the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00236-00056592-00056819 ensuing three-year the then Governor Sir 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00237-00056820-00057032 Derek J Quay treated the members more 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00238-00057033-00057222 and more like ministers to prepare them 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00239-00057223-00057705 for the advent of responsible government 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00240-00057707-00058275 topic responsible government 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00241-00058276-00058534 a constitutional conference was held in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00242-00058535-00058806 London in July 1965 to discuss 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00243-00058807-00059010 constitutional changes with a view to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00244-00059011-00059286 introducing responsible government endo 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00245-00059287-00059538 phidian's led by ad patel demanded the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00246-00059539-00059685 immediate introduction of full 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00247-00059686-00059866 self-government with a fully elected 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00248-00059866-00060093 legislature to be elected by universal 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00249-00060094-00060357 suffrage on a common voters roll these 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00250-00060358-00060559 demands were vigorously rejected by the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00251-00060560-00060766 ethnic Fijian delegation who still 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00252-00060766-00060942 feared loss of control over natively 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00253-00060943-00061149 owned land and resources should an Indo 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00254-00061150-00061335 Fijian dominated government come to 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00255-00061336-00061593 power the British made it clear however 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00256-00061594-00061800 that they were determined to bring fiji 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00257-00061801-00061956 to self-government and eventual 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00258-00061957-00062223 independence realizing that they had no 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00259-00062224-00062278 choice 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00260-00062279-00062505 fiji chiefs decided to negotiate for the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00261-00062506-00062772 best deal they could get a series of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00262-00062773-00063003 compromises led to the establishment of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00263-00063004-00063297 a cabinet system of government in 1967 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00264-00063298-00063531 with Ratu kamas AZ mara as the first 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00265-00063532-00063816 chief minister ongoing negotiations 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00266-00063817-00064050 between mara and city Koya who had taken 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00267-00064051-00064242 over the leadership of the mainly Indo 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00268-00064243-00064459 Fijian National Federation party on 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00269-00064460-00064773 Patel's death in 1969 led to a second 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00270-00064774-00064972 constitutional conference in London in 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00271-00064973-00065274 April 1970 at which Fiji Legislative 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00272-00065275-00065499 Council agreed on a compromise electoral 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00273-00065500-00065722 formula and a timetable for independence 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00274-00065723-00065868 as a fully sovereign and independent 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00275-00065869-00066103 nation with the Commonwealth the 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00276-00066104-00066298 Legislative Council would be replaced 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00277-00066299-00066462 with a bicameral parliament with a 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00278-00066463-00066687 Senate dominated by Fijian chiefs and a 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00279-00066688-00066828 popularly elected House of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00280-00066829-00067128 Representatives in the 52 member house 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00281-00067129-00067341 made of phidian's and Indo phidian's 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00282-00067342-00067573 would each be allocated 22 seats of 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00283-00067574-00067765 which 12 would represent communal 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00284-00067766-00067953 constituencies comprising voters 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00285-00067954-00068175 registered on strictly ethnic roles and 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00286-00068176-00068361 another 10 representing national 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00287-00068362-00068538 constituencies to which members were 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00288-00068539-00068757 allocated by ethnicity but elected by 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00289-00068758-00069034 universal suffrage a further eight seats 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00290-00069035-00069303 were reserved for general electors 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00291-00069304-00069588 Europeans Chinese the nahban Islanders 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00292-00069589-00069788 and other minorities three of these were 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00293-00069789-00070203 communal and five national with this 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00294-00070204-00070422 compromise Fiji became independent on 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00295-00070423-00071002 the 10th of October 1970 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00296-00071003-00071519 topic see also 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00297-00071520-00072017 kingdom of Fiji monarchy of Fiji history 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00298-00072018-00072309 of Fiji Fiji during the time of cake 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00299-00072310-00072591 about military history of the British 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00300-00072592-00073107 Commonwealth in the Second World War 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00301-00073108-00073468 topic references 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00302-00073469-00073632 you 6CdxKgS2o6Y-00303-00073633-00073839 you 6EuFav451Do-00000-00000093-00002518 [Music] 6EuFav451Do-00001-00002519-00002679 hello everyone in this video i want to 6EuFav451Do-00002-00002680-00002839 talk about create studio 6EuFav451Do-00003-00002840-00003063 and actually it's a really good tool 6EuFav451Do-00004-00003064-00003199 that i have found that it's 6EuFav451Do-00005-00003200-00003503 actually for the price it's a one-time 6EuFav451Do-00006-00003504-00003567 payment 6EuFav451Do-00007-00003568-00003927 that it costs around 47 or more or less 6EuFav451Do-00008-00003928-00004206 and actually for the price and having 6EuFav451Do-00009-00004207-00004375 unlimited access 6EuFav451Do-00010-00004376-00004670 or like for lifetime in comparison to 6EuFav451Do-00011-00004671-00004847 other tools for creating 6EuFav451Do-00012-00004848-00005199 uh motion graphics or even animated 6EuFav451Do-00013-00005200-00005406 icons and so on 6EuFav451Do-00014-00005407-00005631 create studio i have found that it's a 6EuFav451Do-00015-00005632-00005743 good tool 6EuFav451Do-00016-00005744-00005975 and actually if you are not 6EuFav451Do-00017-00005976-00006167 knowledgeable or 6EuFav451Do-00018-00006168-00006591 more like intermediate or even for pros 6EuFav451Do-00019-00006592-00006975 after effects users if you combine the 6EuFav451Do-00020-00006976-00007191 the tool of create studio with after 6EuFav451Do-00021-00007192-00007278 effects 6EuFav451Do-00022-00007279-00007510 it can actually be really useful to 6EuFav451Do-00023-00007511-00007623 create more 6EuFav451Do-00024-00007623-00007983 outstanding and more likable videos 6EuFav451Do-00025-00007984-00008246 so i don't consider myself the best 6EuFav451Do-00026-00008247-00008351 video creator 6EuFav451Do-00027-00008352-00008678 as you can see this trying and improving 6EuFav451Do-00028-00008679-00008767 these 6EuFav451Do-00029-00008768-00009078 self recorded videos 6EuFav451Do-00030-00009079-00009391 and to keep improving them but as far as 6EuFav451Do-00031-00009392-00009551 i have tested out to 6EuFav451Do-00032-00009552-00009935 create with create studio 6EuFav451Do-00033-00009936-00010167 especially on the animated characters 6EuFav451Do-00034-00010168-00010278 it's really 6EuFav451Do-00035-00010279-00010559 easy and in the next part of the video i 6EuFav451Do-00036-00010560-00010767 will show you how you can start using 6EuFav451Do-00037-00010768-00010831 this 6EuFav451Do-00038-00010832-00011246 tool to create the animated characters 6EuFav451Do-00039-00011247-00011503 one of the good things is that it's 6EuFav451Do-00040-00011504-00011727 really easy it's just like a drag and 6EuFav451Do-00041-00011728-00011823 drop 6EuFav451Do-00042-00011824-00012167 tool you don't have to really be 6EuFav451Do-00043-00012168-00012406 like in after effects you don't have to 6EuFav451Do-00044-00012407-00012614 be really 6EuFav451Do-00045-00012615-00012935 tech savvy with the 6EuFav451Do-00046-00012936-00013247 frames and the keyframes and set it up 6EuFav451Do-00047-00013247-00013294 the 6EuFav451Do-00048-00013295-00013607 speed graph and so on and that's a good 6EuFav451Do-00049-00013608-00013711 thing with 6EuFav451Do-00050-00013712-00014103 create studio that for handshaking 6EuFav451Do-00051-00014104-00014415 walking and other styles of animations 6EuFav451Do-00052-00014416-00014607 actually create studio helps you really 6EuFav451Do-00053-00014608-00014847 good of course there are some other 6EuFav451Do-00054-00014847-00014975 animated character 6EuFav451Do-00055-00014976-00015311 tools and might haven't tested out that 6EuFav451Do-00056-00015312-00015350 much 6EuFav451Do-00057-00015351-00015679 only some free versions of others but 6EuFav451Do-00058-00015680-00015838 paying for great studio i think it 6EuFav451Do-00059-00015840-00016222 has been a good decision 6EuFav451Do-00060-00016223-00016407 because at least i know that i have this 6EuFav451Do-00061-00016408-00016639 tool and i and mixing up the digital 6EuFav451Do-00062-00016640-00016807 asset that you can use from ebatto 6EuFav451Do-00063-00016808-00016879 elements 6EuFav451Do-00064-00016880-00017071 after effects and not now that with 6EuFav451Do-00065-00017072-00017271 create studio it's actually a really 6EuFav451Do-00066-00017272-00017399 good 6EuFav451Do-00067-00017400-00017703 idea to be creative and this opportunity 6EuFav451Do-00068-00017704-00017839 to mix up 6EuFav451Do-00069-00017840-00018071 what does the negative sides of create 6EuFav451Do-00070-00018072-00018199 studio is that 6EuFav451Do-00071-00018200-00018519 some characters are might a little bit 6EuFav451Do-00072-00018520-00018599 rigid 6EuFav451Do-00073-00018600-00018863 they don't have that much sort of 6EuFav451Do-00074-00018864-00019007 movements 6EuFav451Do-00075-00019008-00019303 so if you want a more specific type of 6EuFav451Do-00076-00019304-00019375 movement 6EuFav451Do-00077-00019376-00019630 of your character you will have to stick 6EuFav451Do-00078-00019631-00019807 to what it's already on the 6EuFav451Do-00079-00019808-00020103 on their presets another thing to 6EuFav451Do-00080-00020104-00020214 consider about 6EuFav451Do-00081-00020215-00020455 create studios is that yes they have 6EuFav451Do-00082-00020456-00020543 like an 6EuFav451Do-00083-00020544-00020919 upsell what it's said on these types of 6EuFav451Do-00084-00020920-00021271 tools is that if you want another types 6EuFav451Do-00085-00021272-00021439 of characters then you will have to 6EuFav451Do-00086-00021440-00021519 either 6EuFav451Do-00087-00021520-00021694 pay for the monthly or yearly 6EuFav451Do-00088-00021695-00021822 subscription 6EuFav451Do-00089-00021823-00022150 or pay the one-time credits 6EuFav451Do-00090-00022151-00022471 uh for the specific character 6EuFav451Do-00091-00022472-00022791 so that might be one of the probably not 6EuFav451Do-00092-00022792-00023030 negative side but the thing to consider 6EuFav451Do-00093-00023031-00023263 when using create studio 6EuFav451Do-00094-00023264-00023471 and following up i will show you that 6EuFav451Do-00095-00023472-00023647 tool thanks for watching 6EuFav451Do-00096-00023648-00023847 okay so now in this part of the video i 6EuFav451Do-00097-00023848-00023999 will try to create 6EuFav451Do-00098-00024000-00024311 another video i will show you 6EuFav451Do-00099-00024312-00024599 how it creates studio works and 6EuFav451Do-00100-00024600-00024750 basically here 6EuFav451Do-00101-00024751-00025127 you have the basic area a home 6EuFav451Do-00102-00025128-00025575 store in case you need some other 6EuFav451Do-00103-00025576-00025967 templates that will make easier the 6EuFav451Do-00104-00025968-00026351 video creation also depending on the 6EuFav451Do-00105-00026352-00026711 type and category so but for this 6EuFav451Do-00106-00026712-00027070 you will need either to have the credits 6EuFav451Do-00107-00027072-00027423 or the all access plan which is by 6EuFav451Do-00108-00027424-00027743 monthly or annual pass so 6EuFav451Do-00109-00027744-00027999 it will depend on your need but actually 6EuFav451Do-00110-00028000-00028083 the 6EuFav451Do-00111-00028083-00028374 first payment that you do that it's 6EuFav451Do-00112-00028375-00028439 around 6EuFav451Do-00113-00028439-00028774 47 for just one time 6EuFav451Do-00114-00028775-00029102 it's enough also if you're uh 6EuFav451Do-00115-00029104-00029351 after effects user or any other platform 6EuFav451Do-00116-00029352-00029535 you can actually combine and create 6EuFav451Do-00117-00029536-00029727 really good videos 6EuFav451Do-00118-00029727-00029918 so that's a good thing with create 6EuFav451Do-00119-00029919-00030199 studio that it makes easier 6EuFav451Do-00120-00030200-00030535 the video creation according to any need 6EuFav451Do-00121-00030536-00030927 that you have for logo creations 6EuFav451Do-00122-00030927-00031255 especially also for youtube openers 6EuFav451Do-00123-00031256-00031567 so as i said it will be depending on 6EuFav451Do-00124-00031568-00031974 your needs and well here it's the alt 6EuFav451Do-00125-00031975-00032199 access plan 6EuFav451Do-00126-00032200-00032495 so it will depend also again the monthly 6EuFav451Do-00127-00032495-00032599 plan 6EuFav451Do-00128-00032600-00032862 and in case you need to do some more 6EuFav451Do-00129-00032863-00033023 tutorials you can go 6EuFav451Do-00130-00033024-00033271 straight ahead to the create studio 6EuFav451Do-00131-00033272-00033527 official youtube channel 6EuFav451Do-00132-00033528-00033855 here there are some videos that can be 6EuFav451Do-00133-00033856-00033999 helpful 6EuFav451Do-00134-00034000-00034167 besides i hope that this video is 6EuFav451Do-00135-00034168-00034311 helpful for you that 6EuFav451Do-00136-00034312-00034615 also can give you a first 6EuFav451Do-00137-00034616-00034862 steps on getting to know if create 6EuFav451Do-00138-00034863-00035215 studio is a good tool 6EuFav451Do-00139-00035216-00035479 for me and for personal projects i find 6EuFav451Do-00140-00035480-00035567 it easy to 6EuFav451Do-00141-00035568-00035815 work with let's create here a new 6EuFav451Do-00142-00035816-00035967 project 6EuFav451Do-00143-00035968-00036483 let's say this will be create studio 6EuFav451Do-00144-00036484-00036959 review and i will go here to choose the 6EuFav451Do-00145-00036960-00037262 1080 pixels hd 6EuFav451Do-00146-00037263-00037535 and the background you can or you can 6EuFav451Do-00147-00037536-00037671 set up also the 6EuFav451Do-00148-00037672-00037883 different width and height and the 6EuFav451Do-00149-00037884-00038055 background 6EuFav451Do-00150-00038056-00038430 and basically this is the main 6EuFav451Do-00151-00038431-00038999 dashboard here if you need to add text 6EuFav451Do-00152-00039000-00039383 you can edit here 6EuFav451Do-00153-00039384-00039911 studio also if you need to change 6EuFav451Do-00154-00039912-00040430 the fonts 6EuFav451Do-00155-00040431-00040815 or also if you need to upload your own 6EuFav451Do-00156-00040816-00041007 custom fonts you can also do it from 6EuFav451Do-00157-00041008-00041118 here 6EuFav451Do-00158-00041119-00041615 you need to upload them via 6EuFav451Do-00159-00041616-00041983 and here you can add the custom fonts 6EuFav451Do-00160-00041984-00042174 here you can set up and it's worth 6EuFav451Do-00161-00042175-00042467 mentioning that it must be in the 6EuFav451Do-00162-00042468-00042774 woff2 format 6EuFav451Do-00163-00042775-00043079 and also on a zip file 6EuFav451Do-00164-00043080-00043415 so let me go back here to the video 6EuFav451Do-00165-00043416-00043767 so that is like a project settings 6EuFav451Do-00166-00043768-00044055 so for example i didn't save here and 6EuFav451Do-00167-00044056-00044135 then 6EuFav451Do-00168-00044136-00044590 create studio click and just save 6EuFav451Do-00169-00044591-00045246 let me just change for uh beva's nui 6EuFav451Do-00170-00045247-00045630 then we set up here back 6EuFav451Do-00171-00045631-00045943 here we can change font size spacing and 6EuFav451Do-00172-00045944-00046039 so on so 6EuFav451Do-00173-00046040-00046283 i will try to create like an intro video 6EuFav451Do-00174-00046284-00046415 using 6EuFav451Do-00175-00046416-00046702 create studio the good thing is they 6EuFav451Do-00176-00046703-00046927 already have 6EuFav451Do-00177-00046928-00047311 the good thing they already have some 6EuFav451Do-00178-00047312-00047695 pre-made templates so if you want to 6EuFav451Do-00179-00047696-00048046 work even faster 6EuFav451Do-00180-00048047-00048351 you can choose any one 6EuFav451Do-00181-00048352-00048911 that you need also there i have here 6EuFav451Do-00182-00048912-00049390 the scenes that you want to to use 6EuFav451Do-00183-00049391-00049727 so let's search for one that it's 6EuFav451Do-00184-00049728-00050086 suitable for an intro let's say 6EuFav451Do-00185-00050087-00050423 let's see this superhero 6EuFav451Do-00186-00050424-00050774 let's you can just click and download 6EuFav451Do-00187-00050775-00050951 and once it's download you can actually 6EuFav451Do-00188-00050952-00051279 just drag and drop 6EuFav451Do-00189-00051279-00051687 we will set up here 6EuFav451Do-00190-00051688-00052054 and for example to add here your logo 6EuFav451Do-00191-00052055-00052414 we can just click here 6EuFav451Do-00192-00052415-00052759 we can actually okay let's 6EuFav451Do-00193-00052760-00052999 delete this is one thing that you cannot 6EuFav451Do-00194-00053000-00053159 do 6EuFav451Do-00195-00053160-00053654 is to you just backspace 6EuFav451Do-00196-00053655-00053926 okay so i just deleted here that's one 6EuFav451Do-00197-00053927-00054015 thing that 6EuFav451Do-00198-00054016-00054247 we cannot just copy and paste so if we 6EuFav451Do-00199-00054248-00054599 go inside here 6EuFav451Do-00200-00054600-00054975 and we can just here 6EuFav451Do-00201-00054976-00055215 where it says replace logo we can just 6EuFav451Do-00202-00055216-00055391 click here replace 6EuFav451Do-00203-00055391-00055766 we must add another image 6EuFav451Do-00204-00055767-00056087 so you can just import yours at once 6EuFav451Do-00205-00056088-00056438 we can go here i will just use 6EuFav451Do-00206-00056439-00056782 one of my logos 6EuFav451Do-00207-00056783-00057303 and i will just double click here 6EuFav451Do-00208-00057304-00057671 and we have it here easily 6EuFav451Do-00209-00057672-00058119 we can just have here the main 6EuFav451Do-00210-00058120-00058391 so we go back to the main project and 6EuFav451Do-00211-00058391-00058519 let's say 6EuFav451Do-00212-00058520-00058847 we want the same superhero but 6EuFav451Do-00213-00058848-00059103 with another scene so we can go back 6EuFav451Do-00214-00059104-00059335 here to the studio 6EuFav451Do-00215-00059336-00059663 we let's search for another scene 6EuFav451Do-00216-00059664-00060047 let's go back here to 6EuFav451Do-00217-00060048-00060471 to backgrounds and as you can see here 6EuFav451Do-00218-00060472-00060679 there are like the ones that we can 6EuFav451Do-00219-00060679-00060959 buy with some credits or if we have the 6EuFav451Do-00220-00060960-00061175 alt access plan 6EuFav451Do-00221-00061176-00061519 and then we can just search for the one 6EuFav451Do-00222-00061520-00061742 that is suitable 6EuFav451Do-00223-00061744-00061919 and let's find one that it's also 6EuFav451Do-00224-00061920-00062311 suitable for us superhero 6EuFav451Do-00225-00062312-00062638 so let's choose this one okay we drag 6EuFav451Do-00226-00062639-00063082 and drop 6EuFav451Do-00227-00063083-00063238 and 6EuFav451Do-00228-00063239-00063638 we have here the starting 6EuFav451Do-00229-00063639-00064063 so we can add a transition before 6EuFav451Do-00230-00064064-00064482 so we have we need an out trans 6EuFav451Do-00231-00064483-00064630 transition 6EuFav451Do-00232-00064632-00065191 and let's just download one here 6EuFav451Do-00233-00065191-00065511 and we just drag and drop we just had it 6EuFav451Do-00234-00065512-00065887 here 6EuFav451Do-00235-00065888-00066335 and 6EuFav451Do-00236-00066336-00066655 okay to change the color we just click 6EuFav451Do-00237-00066656-00066847 here 6EuFav451Do-00238-00066848-00067335 we can either use a drop 6EuFav451Do-00239-00067336-00067606 or if we want for example this pink 6EuFav451Do-00240-00067607-00067726 color 6EuFav451Do-00241-00067727-00068071 we can just clap it here and 6EuFav451Do-00242-00068072-00068375 we might have a better 6EuFav451Do-00243-00068376-00068863 transition color 6EuFav451Do-00244-00068864-00069094 so this is a thing and for example this 6EuFav451Do-00245-00069095-00069263 is a good thing about create studio that 6EuFav451Do-00246-00069264-00069303 you 6EuFav451Do-00247-00069304-00069550 all these minor details you don't have 6EuFav451Do-00248-00069551-00069663 to really 6EuFav451Do-00249-00069664-00070006 worry about that much they already 6EuFav451Do-00250-00070007-00070287 set up easily and now here on the part 6EuFav451Do-00251-00070288-00070519 of characters 6EuFav451Do-00252-00070520-00070711 especially well here they have in case 6EuFav451Do-00253-00070712-00071182 you need hands 6EuFav451Do-00254-00071183-00071482 like in devices or if you need some 3d 6EuFav451Do-00255-00071483-00071703 characters 6EuFav451Do-00256-00071704-00071894 you can just also download the ones that 6EuFav451Do-00257-00071895-00072094 are already included 6EuFav451Do-00258-00072095-00072359 or if you want the special ones of 6EuFav451Do-00259-00072360-00072526 course 6EuFav451Do-00260-00072527-00072806 as i mentioned you need the other plan 6EuFav451Do-00261-00072807-00072982 so let's search for the 6EuFav451Do-00262-00072983-00073343 superhero we have it here and let's say 6EuFav451Do-00263-00073344-00073375 we 6EuFav451Do-00264-00073376-00073679 will just add 6EuFav451Do-00265-00073680-00074006 the superhero after a while 6EuFav451Do-00266-00074007-00074719 if we want to expand the time here 6EuFav451Do-00267-00074720-00075094 okay so let's say we want this character 6EuFav451Do-00268-00075095-00075238 to do some action 6EuFav451Do-00269-00075239-00075823 so here you can just find the different 6EuFav451Do-00270-00075824-00076071 that the figure and character can do and 6EuFav451Do-00271-00076072-00076150 let's say 6EuFav451Do-00272-00076151-00076615 fly in 6EuFav451Do-00273-00076616-00076815 so actually this is more like a flight 6EuFav451Do-00274-00076816-00077494 it seems like a more fly out or 6EuFav451Do-00275-00077495-00077862 we can just add it let's say 6EuFav451Do-00276-00077863-00078231 that if we 6EuFav451Do-00277-00078232-00078567 say here's we just 6EuFav451Do-00278-00078568-00079326 have to block here 6EuFav451Do-00279-00079327-00079759 okay so i have here the character 6EuFav451Do-00280-00079760-00080303 let me set it up to a bigger area 6EuFav451Do-00281-00080304-00080711 and then 6EuFav451Do-00282-00080712-00080982 it stays and that's another thing that 6EuFav451Do-00283-00080983-00081119 creates studio mouse 6EuFav451Do-00284-00081120-00081335 well i think that they should already 6EuFav451Do-00285-00081336-00081438 fix it like to 6EuFav451Do-00286-00081439-00081735 do a proper change of time or to expand 6EuFav451Do-00287-00081736-00081894 the time 6EuFav451Do-00288-00081895-00082231 so to add more 6EuFav451Do-00289-00082232-00082479 action to the character we have to go 6EuFav451Do-00290-00082480-00082599 here to 6EuFav451Do-00291-00082600-00082862 let's say idle and then we add this more 6EuFav451Do-00292-00082863-00082911 time 6EuFav451Do-00293-00082912-00083238 so we don't lose that character so 6EuFav451Do-00294-00083239-00083606 let's say it passed a car 6EuFav451Do-00295-00083607-00083918 and then we have our character and he 6EuFav451Do-00296-00083919-00084206 stops there by 6EuFav451Do-00297-00084207-00084471 and then we want another action so we 6EuFav451Do-00298-00084472-00084615 can just say 6EuFav451Do-00299-00084616-00085150 he wants to take a selfie 6EuFav451Do-00300-00085151-00085311 and that's another thing that if we 6EuFav451Do-00301-00085312-00085591 cannot change like exactly the time here 6EuFav451Do-00302-00085592-00085735 as far as i have learned 6EuFav451Do-00303-00085736-00086062 how how to use create studio we will 6EuFav451Do-00304-00086063-00086206 have to 6EuFav451Do-00305-00086207-00086647 create again a copy 6EuFav451Do-00306-00086648-00087055 of the character 6EuFav451Do-00307-00087056-00087750 we must have the same space 6EuFav451Do-00308-00087751-00088175 let's say here 6EuFav451Do-00309-00088176-00088487 this is as far as i have learned if 6EuFav451Do-00310-00088488-00088782 i'm wrong if there's other create studio 6EuFav451Do-00311-00088783-00088999 people watching this 6EuFav451Do-00312-00089000-00089311 but as far as i know there is or i have 6EuFav451Do-00313-00089312-00089375 searched 6EuFav451Do-00314-00089376-00089703 i haven't found a copy 6EuFav451Do-00315-00089704-00090015 of the same icons so let's say i want to 6EuFav451Do-00316-00090016-00090311 reduce the time of the idle and we have 6EuFav451Do-00317-00090312-00090487 it here 6EuFav451Do-00318-00090488-00091094 so 6EuFav451Do-00319-00091095-00091582 okay let's change the action here back 6EuFav451Do-00320-00091583-00091918 let's see what's he's drinking 6EuFav451Do-00321-00091919-00092247 he's drinking some water and let's say 6EuFav451Do-00322-00092248-00092367 we want him out 6EuFav451Do-00323-00092368-00092703 fly out again or just we can if 6EuFav451Do-00324-00092704-00093135 we can change this to wave 6EuFav451Do-00325-00093136-00093406 if it's drinking we have to click here 6EuFav451Do-00326-00093407-00093599 fly out 6EuFav451Do-00327-00093600-00094135 and then he will go 6EuFav451Do-00328-00094136-00094503 then if we go back here for example if 6EuFav451Do-00329-00094504-00094750 i have expanded that time here but we 6EuFav451Do-00330-00094751-00094903 should also expand the time 6EuFav451Do-00331-00094904-00095287 inside so that 6EuFav451Do-00332-00095288-00095823 if we do shift and click 6EuFav451Do-00333-00095824-00096862 we have this video all set up 6EuFav451Do-00334-00096863-00097815 okay so 6EuFav451Do-00335-00097816-00098118 so we have here the video 6EuFav451Do-00336-00098119-00098438 now he enters he drinks 6EuFav451Do-00337-00098439-00098767 and now he flies away and then 6EuFav451Do-00338-00098768-00099511 i will just add another transition 6EuFav451Do-00339-00099512-00099847 let me see 6EuFav451Do-00340-00099848-00100438 what's another good transition to add 6EuFav451Do-00341-00100439-00101103 let's add this circle 6EuFav451Do-00342-00101104-00101462 if you want to change the color let's 6EuFav451Do-00343-00101463-00101831 choose a more reddish color 6EuFav451Do-00344-00101832-00102071 then let's change this yellow to a more 6EuFav451Do-00345-00102072-00102311 bluish 6EuFav451Do-00346-00102312-00102615 then we have the white and if we go back 6EuFav451Do-00347-00102616-00103254 here 6EuFav451Do-00348-00103255-00103727 and then we have that white screen 6EuFav451Do-00349-00103728-00104775 okay 6EuFav451Do-00350-00104776-00104990 or we can have this also as well it's 6EuFav451Do-00351-00104991-00105166 more like a animated 6EuFav451Do-00352-00105167-00105551 cool one 6EuFav451Do-00353-00105552-00105743 let's see the difference between this 6EuFav451Do-00354-00105744-00106527 one and the other one 6EuFav451Do-00355-00106528-00107495 this one we have to scale it 6EuFav451Do-00356-00107496-00107886 it seems like more 125 6EuFav451Do-00357-00107888-00108231 or less 120 6EuFav451Do-00358-00108232-00109215 and they're like minor details so 122. 6EuFav451Do-00359-00109216-00109710 and here in the end 6EuFav451Do-00360-00109711-00110015 we can just 6EuFav451Do-00361-00110016-00111207 add another 6EuFav451Do-00362-00111208-00112454 let's say till here 6EuFav451Do-00363-00112455-00113127 we shall go back here add some more 6EuFav451Do-00364-00113128-00113543 time 6EuFav451Do-00365-00113544-00113790 i hope that this video is getting good 6EuFav451Do-00366-00113791-00113919 so that you can also 6EuFav451Do-00367-00113920-00114231 learn how to use or it's helpful 6EuFav451Do-00368-00114232-00114543 to know how to create 6EuFav451Do-00369-00114544-00115278 okay we can just add 6EuFav451Do-00370-00115279-00115678 let's see another 6EuFav451Do-00371-00115679-00116095 i will just add another shape 6EuFav451Do-00372-00116096-00117078 i will just create a white screen here 6EuFav451Do-00373-00117079-00117495 and for example 6EuFav451Do-00374-00117496-00117719 we have it here directly to the white 6EuFav451Do-00375-00117720-00117878 screen 6EuFav451Do-00376-00117879-00118110 we have here the super hero he flies and 6EuFav451Do-00377-00118111-00118319 then we have the 6EuFav451Do-00378-00118320-00118495 so it will depend also on your 6EuFav451Do-00379-00118496-00118743 creativity that's a good thing on 6EuFav451Do-00380-00118744-00119119 on having create studio 6EuFav451Do-00381-00119120-00119478 it's a good tool for 6EuFav451Do-00382-00119479-00119951 creative people so let's add the 6EuFav451Do-00383-00119952-00120383 end card 6EuFav451Do-00384-00120383-00120614 you have here channel transition we have 6EuFav451Do-00385-00120615-00120902 end card graphics 6EuFav451Do-00386-00120903-00121423 and card kits 6EuFav451Do-00387-00121424-00122127 and we just added this one 6EuFav451Do-00388-00122128-00122502 and we back drag and drop 6EuFav451Do-00389-00122503-00123102 we will set the end youtube card here 6EuFav451Do-00390-00123103-00123286 and after the explosion we have the 6EuFav451Do-00391-00123288-00123727 white screen and then 6EuFav451Do-00392-00123728-00123983 we should also make it a little bit 6EuFav451Do-00393-00123983-00124143 wider 6EuFav451Do-00394-00124144-00124847 to avoid any black area 6EuFav451Do-00395-00124848-00125190 and we have the explosion and the 6EuFav451Do-00396-00125191-00125558 thanks for watching previous 6EuFav451Do-00397-00125559-00125743 let's say i don't i want to change the 6EuFav451Do-00398-00125744-00125886 font 6EuFav451Do-00399-00125888-00126271 of all these areas so we go back here 6EuFav451Do-00400-00126272-00126799 we just change here to people's noise 6EuFav451Do-00401-00126800-00127254 here and also 6EuFav451Do-00402-00127255-00127534 there is also the subscribe button so we 6EuFav451Do-00403-00127535-00127975 will have to go inside 6EuFav451Do-00404-00127976-00128286 the subscribe button and we just change 6EuFav451Do-00405-00128288-00128534 it to beva's noise 6EuFav451Do-00406-00128535-00129023 so we will have here the setup 6EuFav451Do-00407-00129024-00129631 we can just delete these ones or just 6EuFav451Do-00408-00129632-00129934 just to show what's coming up or i will 6EuFav451Do-00409-00129935-00130127 set it up here at the end of the video 6EuFav451Do-00410-00130128-00130223 so that 6EuFav451Do-00411-00130224-00130799 that one's that the recommended videos 6EuFav451Do-00412-00130800-00131135 and of course we have it here 6EuFav451Do-00413-00131136-00131414 and we have the animation thanks for 6EuFav451Do-00414-00131415-00131502 watching 6EuFav451Do-00415-00131503-00131823 subscribe and we have it here now we'll 6EuFav451Do-00416-00131824-00132119 leave it here in 30 seconds you can see 6EuFav451Do-00417-00132120-00132343 it here 6EuFav451Do-00418-00132344-00132671 and of course 6EuFav451Do-00419-00132672-00132959 we will have to set up some music the 6EuFav451Do-00420-00132960-00133127 good thing about 6EuFav451Do-00421-00133128-00133399 create studio they just released twinkle 6EuFav451Do-00422-00133400-00133511 it's a good tool 6EuFav451Do-00423-00133512-00133831 for creators and video creators to use 6EuFav451Do-00424-00133832-00134031 some music as background so i would just 6EuFav451Do-00425-00134032-00135375 open twinkle 6EuFav451Do-00426-00135376-00135719 twinkle is a new tool that creator 6EuFav451Do-00427-00135720-00135831 studio 6EuFav451Do-00428-00135832-00136102 have for their tools here you can find 6EuFav451Do-00429-00136103-00136183 different 6EuFav451Do-00430-00136184-00136631 music music tracks sound effects 6EuFav451Do-00431-00136632-00136863 and also they have a text to speech but 6EuFav451Do-00432-00136864-00137039 but i actually recommend more 6EuFav451Do-00433-00137040-00137287 speech law it's another tool that i 6EuFav451Do-00434-00137288-00137583 already have some article on my website 6EuFav451Do-00435-00137584-00138078 um it's not really good uh speech hello 6EuFav451Do-00436-00138079-00138678 let me see if i can also show you 6EuFav451Do-00437-00138679-00138951 okay so here i have speech hello and 6EuFav451Do-00438-00138952-00139135 here i have twinkle 6EuFav451Do-00439-00139136-00139478 so i will go to ai voice 6EuFav451Do-00440-00139479-00139766 and the one that i use mainly is andrew 6EuFav451Do-00441-00139767-00139951 the one that i have found so now you can 6EuFav451Do-00442-00139952-00140143 listen 6EuFav451Do-00443-00140144-00140527 hello this is andrew this is a preview 6EuFav451Do-00444-00140528-00141711 for full text okay let me uh 6EuFav451Do-00445-00141712-00142023 okay let me make it further hello 6EuFav451Do-00446-00142024-00142311 this is andrew i'm a text to speech 6EuFav451Do-00447-00142312-00142454 voice 6EuFav451Do-00448-00142455-00142711 this is a preview okay now i go to 6EuFav451Do-00449-00142712-00142823 twinkle let's 6EuFav451Do-00450-00142824-00143239 i have here english 6EuFav451Do-00451-00143240-00143639 let's use charles 6EuFav451Do-00452-00143640-00144223 and then generate preview 6EuFav451Do-00453-00144224-00144526 hello this is andrew i am a text to 6EuFav451Do-00454-00144527-00144743 speech voice 6EuFav451Do-00455-00144744-00145087 and i don't know but my 6EuFav451Do-00456-00145088-00145399 ear seems different and better 6EuFav451Do-00457-00145400-00145719 to use speech hello as in as 6EuFav451Do-00458-00145720-00146039 twinkle but here is the option 6EuFav451Do-00459-00146040-00146231 especially is another better option but 6EuFav451Do-00460-00146232-00146463 here if if you already have twinkle 6EuFav451Do-00461-00146464-00146647 and you need a text-to-speech tool here 6EuFav451Do-00462-00146648-00146831 is it and also 6EuFav451Do-00463-00146832-00147126 here there a twinkle there is also some 6EuFav451Do-00464-00147127-00147399 special effects and visual effects 6EuFav451Do-00465-00147400-00147695 but just to go further with the video 6EuFav451Do-00466-00147696-00147807 creation 6EuFav451Do-00467-00147808-00148159 i will just set up uh let's find 6EuFav451Do-00468-00148160-00148343 that the thing also with these tools to 6EuFav451Do-00469-00148344-00148559 find a good one 6EuFav451Do-00470-00148560-00148895 a good music so i would just click on 6EuFav451Do-00471-00148896-00148943 this 6EuFav451Do-00472-00148944-00149189 track let's listen 6EuFav451Do-00473-00149190-00149743 [Music] 6EuFav451Do-00474-00149744-00150063 probably a little bit too probably a 6EuFav451Do-00475-00150064-00150263 little bit too much piano let's go out 6EuFav451Do-00476-00150264-00150781 for action 6EuFav451Do-00477-00150782-00151111 [Music] 6EuFav451Do-00478-00151112-00151878 or make it happen 6EuFav451Do-00479-00151879-00153151 let me test enjoy the embarks 6EuFav451Do-00480-00153152-00153343 there's a thing about cinematic probably 6EuFav451Do-00481-00153344-00153614 it's too cinematic 6EuFav451Do-00482-00153615-00154231 let's see morning mood 6EuFav451Do-00483-00154232-00155695 or let's go directly to rock 6EuFav451Do-00484-00155696-00156054 probably this is a good one 6EuFav451Do-00485-00156055-00156383 we can also try to search for 6EuFav451Do-00486-00156384-00156790 any other sound effects here 6EuFav451Do-00487-00156791-00157119 that's a thing that almost 6EuFav451Do-00488-00157120-00157359 finally the perfect takes time and as 6EuFav451Do-00489-00157360-00157502 you can see here in this video i'm 6EuFav451Do-00490-00157503-00157711 trying to also keep this area because 6EuFav451Do-00491-00157712-00157951 these are the steps actually that a 6EuFav451Do-00492-00157952-00158151 video creator 6EuFav451Do-00493-00158152-00158487 has beginner intermediate 6EuFav451Do-00494-00158488-00158839 you must follow or you follow and also 6EuFav451Do-00495-00158840-00158966 or probably even the 6EuFav451Do-00496-00158967-00159190 professionals there even probably have 6EuFav451Do-00497-00159191-00159383 better ways to find the correct 6EuFav451Do-00498-00159384-00159719 music let's try to find 6EuFav451Do-00499-00159720-00159983 a good also transition for that 6EuFav451Do-00500-00159984-00160543 transition that we have created 6EuFav451Do-00501-00160544-00160951 probably too short 6EuFav451Do-00502-00160952-00161311 and well we just 6EuFav451Do-00503-00161312-00161626 we have some 6EuFav451Do-00504-00161627-00161935 [Music] 6EuFav451Do-00505-00161936-00162063 this is the thing with these tools 6EuFav451Do-00506-00162064-00162247 trying to find the perfect one 6EuFav451Do-00507-00162248-00162495 so if we go back here to media we will 6EuFav451Do-00508-00162496-00162623 just go 6EuFav451Do-00509-00162624-00163278 to import 6EuFav451Do-00510-00163279-00163783 i will just upload 6EuFav451Do-00511-00163784-00164837 and i will just clear drag 6EuFav451Do-00512-00164838-00165283 [Music] 6EuFav451Do-00513-00165284-00165511 too 6EuFav451Do-00514-00165512-00165999 here we can add a swipe 6EuFav451Do-00515-00166000-00166159 and as you can see here we have the 6EuFav451Do-00516-00166160-00166423 black 6EuFav451Do-00517-00166424-00166847 so we can move before 6EuFav451Do-00518-00166848-00167190 we can just set it up here 6EuFav451Do-00519-00167191-00167502 and set it up 6EuFav451Do-00520-00167503-00167854 to avoid that area those 6EuFav451Do-00521-00167855-00168263 minor details 6EuFav451Do-00522-00168264-00168678 okay we have here 6EuFav451Do-00523-00168679-00169271 let's add the transition noise here 6EuFav451Do-00524-00169272-00169809 we can add it here directly 6EuFav451Do-00525-00169810-00170519 [Music] 6EuFav451Do-00526-00170520-00170711 probably hear that color it's a little 6EuFav451Do-00527-00170712-00170951 bit lost so i would just change the 6EuFav451Do-00528-00170952-00171478 color here let's add some more 6EuFav451Do-00529-00171479-00171623 and as you can see here we have the 6EuFav451Do-00530-00171624-00172278 black so 6EuFav451Do-00531-00172279-00173031 well we'll just grab like this red color 6EuFav451Do-00532-00173032-00173343 okay 6EuFav451Do-00533-00173344-00173719 and 6EuFav451Do-00534-00173720-00174238 okay now we have that issue 6EuFav451Do-00535-00174239-00174743 having here okay 6EuFav451Do-00536-00174744-00175302 let's add it twice 6EuFav451Do-00537-00175303-00176597 we have it down here to add more order 6EuFav451Do-00538-00176598-00177695 [Music] 6EuFav451Do-00539-00177696-00177895 okay so for example this we can look for 6EuFav451Do-00540-00177896-00178199 an explosion 6EuFav451Do-00541-00178200-00178599 here at twinkle so 6EuFav451Do-00542-00178600-00178854 let's go more like let's see if we can 6EuFav451Do-00543-00178855-00179283 fight like bomb explosion 6EuFav451Do-00544-00179284-00180319 let's 6EuFav451Do-00545-00180320-00180502 let's use this one it's probably the 6EuFav451Do-00546-00180503-00181190 best suitable 6EuFav451Do-00547-00181191-00181535 or 6EuFav451Do-00548-00181536-00182247 these are more like booms 6EuFav451Do-00549-00182248-00182438 let's stick to the one that we already 6EuFav451Do-00550-00182439-00182607 used 6EuFav451Do-00551-00182608-00182871 we go back here we will have to import 6EuFav451Do-00552-00182872-00183038 media 6EuFav451Do-00553-00183039-00183919 to the explosion 6EuFav451Do-00554-00183920-00184119 and we go back here and we have two 6EuFav451Do-00555-00184120-00184302 imports 6EuFav451Do-00556-00184303-00184847 we have the explosion 6EuFav451Do-00557-00184848-00185238 and we also have here explosion 6EuFav451Do-00558-00185239-00185638 this might be suitable 6EuFav451Do-00559-00185639-00186463 we set it here at the same time 6EuFav451Do-00560-00186464-00186750 actually the sound of the this one is 6EuFav451Do-00561-00186751-00187014 even louder 6EuFav451Do-00562-00187015-00187350 so here 6EuFav451Do-00563-00187351-00187863 we can just get get it down the volume 6EuFav451Do-00564-00187864-00189319 well it's not really loud so 6EuFav451Do-00565-00189320-00190583 [Music] 6EuFav451Do-00566-00190584-00190743 and as you can see we already have 6EuFav451Do-00567-00190744-00190902 created uh videos 6EuFav451Do-00568-00190903-00191271 it can take more time and can show you 6EuFav451Do-00569-00191272-00191399 just like to find a 6EuFav451Do-00570-00191400-00193751 probably a wash for the 6EuFav451Do-00572-00197144-00197366 so now let's add a whoosh probably for 6EuFav451Do-00573-00197367-00197695 the fine 6EuFav451Do-00574-00197696-00198031 we have it here we just added that back 6EuFav451Do-00575-00198032-00198302 again 6EuFav451Do-00576-00198303-00198743 and also let's add here this 6EuFav451Do-00577-00198744-00199295 push we have it here let's listen 6EuFav451Do-00578-00199296-00199563 probably a little bit 6EuFav451Do-00579-00199564-00199766 [Music] 6EuFav451Do-00580-00199767-00199943 we're gonna actually it's really really 6EuFav451Do-00581-00199944-00200175 low here 6EuFav451Do-00582-00200176-00200831 so if we set it back here 2 30 24. 6EuFav451Do-00583-00200832-00201119 the watch is too low and that's the 6EuFav451Do-00584-00201120-00201566 things 6EuFav451Do-00585-00201567-00201887 to really listen so we'll just remove it 6EuFav451Do-00586-00201888-00202319 just keep it as simple as that and 6EuFav451Do-00587-00202320-00202663 basically this is how we have the 6EuFav451Do-00588-00202664-00203063 video so i hope it helps you to lead to 6EuFav451Do-00589-00203064-00203278 know a little bit more of what 6EuFav451Do-00590-00203279-00203543 about what can you create with create 6EuFav451Do-00591-00203544-00203695 studio 6EuFav451Do-00592-00203696-00203926 it's really easy and simple to use as 6EuFav451Do-00593-00203927-00204047 you can see i don't 6EuFav451Do-00594-00204048-00204326 it's been probably like 10 to 15 minutes 6EuFav451Do-00595-00204327-00204647 what it took me to create this animation 6EuFav451Do-00596-00204648-00204855 of course if you need to add more text 6EuFav451Do-00597-00204856-00204975 shapes 6EuFav451Do-00598-00204976-00205406 icons or to have a like this 6EuFav451Do-00599-00205407-00205742 tracking spotlight like more like a 6EuFav451Do-00600-00205744-00205823 james bond 6EuFav451Do-00601-00205823-00206079 effect it's really useful so we just can 6EuFav451Do-00602-00206080-00206198 save 6EuFav451Do-00603-00206200-00206414 and publish we can just choose the 6EuFav451Do-00604-00206415-00206662 destination 6EuFav451Do-00605-00206663-00206951 and that's it as easy as that you can 6EuFav451Do-00606-00206952-00207751 also combine it with after effects 6EuFav451Do-00607-00207752-00208142 or with on or also with any other tool 6EuFav451Do-00608-00208144-00208351 that you have for video creations 6EuFav451Do-00609-00208352-00208575 i hope that it helped you to learn more 6EuFav451Do-00610-00208576-00208727 about create studio 6EuFav451Do-00611-00208728-00209119 i do recommend it because for the price 6EuFav451Do-00612-00209119-00209510 it's affordable and a good tool to have 6EuFav451Do-00613-00209511-00209703 you don't have to be paying the monthly 6EuFav451Do-00614-00209704-00209846 price of subscription 6EuFav451Do-00615-00209848-00210158 only with the basic or of course if you 6EuFav451Do-00616-00210159-00210527 go for the other plan then also 6EuFav451Do-00617-00210528-00210791 well you have to change for that the 6EuFav451Do-00618-00210792-00210903 monthly payment 6EuFav451Do-00619-00210904-00211215 but for now the basic plan is uh fully 6EuFav451Do-00620-00211216-00211431 recommended also twinkle 6EuFav451Do-00621-00211432-00211687 it's a good to have tool because you 6EuFav451Do-00622-00211688-00211806 already can 6EuFav451Do-00623-00211807-00212063 mix up with also after effects or with 6EuFav451Do-00624-00212064-00212198 any other 6EuFav451Do-00625-00212200-00212591 tool so i hope that this video helped 6EuFav451Do-00626-00212592-00212679 you 6EuFav451Do-00627-00212680-00213194 and thanks for watching 6EuFav451Do-00628-00213194-00214161 [Music]