bM3b1E0olZ8-00000-00000081-00000325 agnosticism is the view that the bM3b1E0olZ8-00001-00000326-00000619 existence of God of the divine or the bM3b1E0olZ8-00002-00000620-00000834 supernatural is unknown or unknowable bM3b1E0olZ8-00003-00000835-00001165 the English biologist thomas henry bM3b1E0olZ8-00004-00001166-00001561 huxley coined the word agnostic in 1869 bM3b1E0olZ8-00005-00001562-00001939 and said it simply means that a man bM3b1E0olZ8-00006-00001939-00002268 shall not say he knows or believes that bM3b1E0olZ8-00007-00002269-00002583 which he has no scientific grounds for bM3b1E0olZ8-00008-00002584-00003001 professing to know or believe bM3b1E0olZ8-00009-00003002-00003301 earlier thinkers however had written bM3b1E0olZ8-00010-00003302-00003601 works that promoted agnostic points of bM3b1E0olZ8-00011-00003602-00003910 view such as Sanjaya bilasa Potter a bM3b1E0olZ8-00012-00003911-00004279 fifth century BC Indian philosopher who bM3b1E0olZ8-00013-00004280-00004522 expressed agnosticism about any bM3b1E0olZ8-00014-00004523-00004882 afterlife and Protagoras a fifth century bM3b1E0olZ8-00015-00004883-00005185 BC Greek philosopher who expressed bM3b1E0olZ8-00016-00005186-00005509 agnosticism about the existence of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00017-00005510-00005875 gods the NASA dia sector in the Rig Veda bM3b1E0olZ8-00018-00005876-00006168 is agnostic about the origin of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00019-00006169-00006445 universe according to the philosopher bM3b1E0olZ8-00020-00006445-00006817 William L Roe agnosticism is the view bM3b1E0olZ8-00021-00006818-00007070 that human reason is incapable of bM3b1E0olZ8-00022-00007072-00007417 providing sufficient rational grounds to bM3b1E0olZ8-00023-00007418-00007678 justify either the belief that God bM3b1E0olZ8-00024-00007679-00007966 exists or the belief that God does not bM3b1E0olZ8-00025-00007967-00008205 exist bM3b1E0olZ8-00026-00008206-00008527 agnosticism is the doctrine or tenets of bM3b1E0olZ8-00027-00008528-00008758 agnostics with regard to the existence bM3b1E0olZ8-00028-00008759-00009099 of anything beyond and behind material bM3b1E0olZ8-00029-00009100-00009331 phenomena or to knowledge of a first bM3b1E0olZ8-00030-00009332-00010174 cause or God and is not a religion bM3b1E0olZ8-00031-00010175-00010893 topic defining agnosticism bM3b1E0olZ8-00032-00010894-00011209 agnosticism is of the essence of science bM3b1E0olZ8-00033-00011210-00011608 whether ancient or modern it simply bM3b1E0olZ8-00034-00011609-00011887 means that a man shall not say he knows bM3b1E0olZ8-00035-00011888-00012112 all believes that which he has no bM3b1E0olZ8-00036-00012113-00012379 scientific grounds for professing to bM3b1E0olZ8-00037-00012380-00012741 know or believe consequently bM3b1E0olZ8-00038-00012742-00013063 agnosticism puts aside not only the bM3b1E0olZ8-00039-00013063-00013341 greater part of popular theology but bM3b1E0olZ8-00040-00013343-00013627 also the greater part of anti theology bM3b1E0olZ8-00041-00013628-00014194 on the whole the Bosch of heterodoxy is bM3b1E0olZ8-00042-00014194-00014404 more offensive to me than that of bM3b1E0olZ8-00043-00014405-00014743 Orthodoxy because heterodoxy professes bM3b1E0olZ8-00044-00014744-00015038 to be guided by reason and science and bM3b1E0olZ8-00045-00015040-00015343 orthodoxy does not bM3b1E0olZ8-00046-00015344-00015663 that which agnostics deny and repudiate bM3b1E0olZ8-00047-00015665-00016012 as immoral is the contrary doctrine that bM3b1E0olZ8-00048-00016013-00016243 there are propositions which men ought bM3b1E0olZ8-00049-00016244-00016458 to believe without logically bM3b1E0olZ8-00050-00016459-00016678 satisfactory evidence and that bM3b1E0olZ8-00051-00016679-00016897 reprobation ought to attach to the bM3b1E0olZ8-00052-00016898-00017128 profession of disbelief in such an bM3b1E0olZ8-00053-00017129-00017505 adequately supported propositions bM3b1E0olZ8-00054-00017506-00017914 agnosticism in fact is not a Creed but a bM3b1E0olZ8-00055-00017915-00018199 method the essence of which lies in the bM3b1E0olZ8-00056-00018200-00018411 rigorous application of a single bM3b1E0olZ8-00057-00018412-00018671 principle bM3b1E0olZ8-00058-00018672-00018915 positively the principal may be bM3b1E0olZ8-00059-00018916-00019179 expressed in matters of the intellect bM3b1E0olZ8-00060-00019180-00019437 follow your reason as far as it will bM3b1E0olZ8-00061-00019438-00019706 take you without regard to any other bM3b1E0olZ8-00062-00019707-00020124 consideration and negatively in matters bM3b1E0olZ8-00063-00020125-00020355 of the intellect do not pretend that bM3b1E0olZ8-00064-00020356-00020603 conclusions are certain which are not bM3b1E0olZ8-00065-00020604-00021015 demonstrated or demonstrable being a bM3b1E0olZ8-00066-00021016-00021324 scientist above all else Huxley bM3b1E0olZ8-00067-00021325-00021579 presented agnosticism as a form of bM3b1E0olZ8-00068-00021580-00021963 demarcation a hypothesis with no bM3b1E0olZ8-00069-00021964-00022278 supporting objective testable evidence bM3b1E0olZ8-00070-00022279-00022667 is not an objective scientific claim as bM3b1E0olZ8-00071-00022668-00023001 such there would be no way to test said bM3b1E0olZ8-00072-00023002-00023253 hypotheses leaving the results bM3b1E0olZ8-00073-00023254-00023387 inconclusive bM3b1E0olZ8-00074-00023388-00023748 his agnosticism was not compatible with bM3b1E0olZ8-00075-00023749-00024000 forming a belief as to the truth or bM3b1E0olZ8-00076-00024001-00024387 falsehood of the claim at hand Karl bM3b1E0olZ8-00077-00024388-00024693 Popper would also describe himself as an bM3b1E0olZ8-00078-00024694-00024957 agnostic according to philosopher bM3b1E0olZ8-00079-00024958-00025289 William L Rowe in this strict sense bM3b1E0olZ8-00080-00025290-00025554 agnosticism is the view that human bM3b1E0olZ8-00081-00025555-00025802 reason is incapable of providing bM3b1E0olZ8-00082-00025804-00026084 sufficient rational grounds to justify bM3b1E0olZ8-00083-00026085-00026367 either the belief that God exists or the bM3b1E0olZ8-00084-00026368-00026595 belief that God does not exist bM3b1E0olZ8-00085-00026595-00026877 George H Smith while admitting that the bM3b1E0olZ8-00086-00026877-00027126 narrow definition of atheist was the bM3b1E0olZ8-00087-00027127-00027399 common usage definition of that word and bM3b1E0olZ8-00088-00027400-00027630 admitting that the broad definition of bM3b1E0olZ8-00089-00027631-00027930 agnostic was the common usage definition bM3b1E0olZ8-00090-00027931-00028164 of that word promoted broadening the bM3b1E0olZ8-00091-00028164-00028419 definition of atheist and narrowing the bM3b1E0olZ8-00092-00028420-00028820 definition of agnostic Smith's rejects bM3b1E0olZ8-00093-00028822-00029120 agnosticism is a third alternative to bM3b1E0olZ8-00094-00029122-00029390 theism and atheism and promotes terms bM3b1E0olZ8-00095-00029391-00029690 such as agnostic atheism the view of bM3b1E0olZ8-00096-00029691-00029864 those who do not believe in the bM3b1E0olZ8-00097-00029866-00030170 existence of any deity but do not claim bM3b1E0olZ8-00098-00030172-00030387 to know if a deity does or does not bM3b1E0olZ8-00099-00030388-00030732 exist and agnostic theism the view of bM3b1E0olZ8-00100-00030733-00030933 those who do not claim to know of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00101-00030933-00031245 existence of any deity but still believe bM3b1E0olZ8-00102-00031245-00031948 in such an existence bM3b1E0olZ8-00103-00031949-00032555 topic etymology bM3b1E0olZ8-00104-00032556-00032904 agnostic from ancient Greek a a meaning bM3b1E0olZ8-00105-00032905-00033219 without and gnosis gnosis meaning bM3b1E0olZ8-00106-00033220-00033468 knowledge was used by thomas henry bM3b1E0olZ8-00107-00033469-00033729 huxley in a speech at a meeting of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00108-00033730-00034170 metaphysical society in 1869 to describe bM3b1E0olZ8-00109-00034171-00034467 his philosophy which rejects all claims bM3b1E0olZ8-00110-00034468-00034767 of spiritual or mystical knowledge early bM3b1E0olZ8-00111-00034768-00035034 christian church leaders used the greek bM3b1E0olZ8-00112-00035035-00035351 word gnosis knowledge to describe bM3b1E0olZ8-00113-00035352-00035784 spiritual knowledge agnosticism is not bM3b1E0olZ8-00114-00035785-00036027 to be confused with religious views bM3b1E0olZ8-00115-00036028-00036300 opposing the ancient religious movement bM3b1E0olZ8-00116-00036301-00036618 of Gnosticism in particular Huxley used bM3b1E0olZ8-00117-00036619-00036882 the term in a broader more abstract bM3b1E0olZ8-00118-00036883-00037416 sense Huxley identified agnosticism not bM3b1E0olZ8-00119-00037417-00037656 as a Creed but rather as a method of bM3b1E0olZ8-00120-00037657-00037971 sceptical evidence-based inquiry in bM3b1E0olZ8-00121-00037972-00038271 recent years scientific literature bM3b1E0olZ8-00122-00038272-00038519 dealing with neuroscience and psychology bM3b1E0olZ8-00123-00038520-00039080 has used the word to mean not knowable bM3b1E0olZ8-00124-00039081-00039397 in technical and marketing literature bM3b1E0olZ8-00125-00039398-00039821 agnostic can also mean independence from bM3b1E0olZ8-00126-00039822-00040237 some parameters for example platform bM3b1E0olZ8-00127-00040238-00041269 agnostic or Hardware agnostic bM3b1E0olZ8-00128-00041270-00041982 topic qualifying agnosticism bM3b1E0olZ8-00129-00041983-00042311 Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David bM3b1E0olZ8-00130-00042312-00042524 Hume contended that meaningful bM3b1E0olZ8-00131-00042525-00042810 statements about the universe are always bM3b1E0olZ8-00132-00042811-00043202 qualified by some degree of doubt he bM3b1E0olZ8-00133-00043203-00043476 asserted that the fal ability of human bM3b1E0olZ8-00134-00043477-00043680 beings means that they cannot obtain bM3b1E0olZ8-00135-00043681-00044001 absolute certainty except in trivial bM3b1E0olZ8-00136-00044002-00044271 cases where a statement is true by bM3b1E0olZ8-00137-00044272-00044643 definition eg tautologies such as all bM3b1E0olZ8-00138-00044644-00045132 bachelors are unmarried or all triangles bM3b1E0olZ8-00139-00045133-00045852 have three corners bM3b1E0olZ8-00140-00045853-00046405 topic types bM3b1E0olZ8-00141-00046406-00046869 strong agnosticism also called hard bM3b1E0olZ8-00142-00046870-00047610 closed strict or permanent agnosticism bM3b1E0olZ8-00143-00047611-00047875 the view that the question of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00144-00047876-00048181 existence or non-existence of a deity or bM3b1E0olZ8-00145-00048182-00048448 deities and the nature of ultimate bM3b1E0olZ8-00146-00048449-00048739 reality is unknowable by reason of our bM3b1E0olZ8-00147-00048740-00048979 natural inability to verify any bM3b1E0olZ8-00148-00048980-00049212 experience with anything but another bM3b1E0olZ8-00149-00049213-00049669 subjective experience a strong agnostic bM3b1E0olZ8-00150-00049670-00050017 would say I cannot know whether a deity bM3b1E0olZ8-00151-00050018-00050472 exists or not and neither can you bM3b1E0olZ8-00152-00050473-00050830 weak agnosticism also called bM3b1E0olZ8-00153-00050831-00051484 soft open empirical or temporal bM3b1E0olZ8-00154-00051485-00051940 agnosticism the view that the existence bM3b1E0olZ8-00155-00051941-00052219 or non-existence of any deities is bM3b1E0olZ8-00156-00052220-00052491 currently unknown but is not necessarily bM3b1E0olZ8-00157-00052492-00052765 unknowable therefore one will withhold bM3b1E0olZ8-00158-00052766-00053130 judgment until evidence if any becomes bM3b1E0olZ8-00159-00053132-00053545 available a weak agnostic would say I bM3b1E0olZ8-00160-00053546-00053899 don't know whether any deities exist or bM3b1E0olZ8-00161-00053900-00054220 not but maybe one day if there is bM3b1E0olZ8-00162-00054221-00054729 evidence we can find something out bM3b1E0olZ8-00163-00054730-00055067 apathetic agnosticism bM3b1E0olZ8-00164-00055069-00055361 the view that no amount of debate can bM3b1E0olZ8-00165-00055362-00055641 prove or disprove the existence of one bM3b1E0olZ8-00166-00055641-00055874 or more deities and if one or more bM3b1E0olZ8-00167-00055875-00056196 deities exist they do not appear to be bM3b1E0olZ8-00168-00056197-00056486 concerned about the fate of humans bM3b1E0olZ8-00169-00056487-00056849 therefore their existence has little to bM3b1E0olZ8-00170-00056850-00057167 no impact on personal human affairs and bM3b1E0olZ8-00171-00057168-00057526 should be of little interest bM3b1E0olZ8-00172-00057527-00057905 you bM3b1E0olZ8-00173-00057907-00058824 topic history bM3b1E0olZ8-00174-00058825-00059466 topic Hindu philosophy bM3b1E0olZ8-00175-00059466-00059772 throughout the history of Hinduism there bM3b1E0olZ8-00176-00059773-00059961 has been a strong tradition of bM3b1E0olZ8-00177-00059962-00060230 philosophic speculation and skepticism bM3b1E0olZ8-00178-00060232-00060581 the Rig Veda takes an agnostic view on bM3b1E0olZ8-00179-00060582-00060779 the fundamental question of how the bM3b1E0olZ8-00180-00060780-00061188 universe and the gods were created NASA bM3b1E0olZ8-00181-00061189-00061524 dia soaked her creation him in the 10th bM3b1E0olZ8-00182-00061525-00062191 chapter of the Rig Veda says bM3b1E0olZ8-00183-00062192-00062980 topic Hume can't and Kierkegaard bM3b1E0olZ8-00184-00062982-00063638 Aristotle Anselm Aquinas and Descartes bM3b1E0olZ8-00185-00063639-00063909 presented arguments attempting to bM3b1E0olZ8-00186-00063910-00064190 rationally prove the existence of God bM3b1E0olZ8-00187-00064191-00064566 the skeptical empiricism of David Hume bM3b1E0olZ8-00188-00064566-00064887 the antinomies of Immanuel Kant and the bM3b1E0olZ8-00189-00064888-00065129 existential philosophy of Soren bM3b1E0olZ8-00190-00065130-00065643 Kierkegaard to abandon these attempts bM3b1E0olZ8-00191-00065644-00065913 regarding it impossible to construct any bM3b1E0olZ8-00192-00065914-00066201 unassailable proof for the existence or bM3b1E0olZ8-00193-00066202-00066641 non-existence of God in his 1844 book bM3b1E0olZ8-00194-00066642-00067073 philosophical fragments kick ago writes bM3b1E0olZ8-00195-00067074-00067414 let us call this unknown something god bM3b1E0olZ8-00196-00067415-00067727 it is nothing more than a name we bM3b1E0olZ8-00197-00067728-00067847 assigned to it bM3b1E0olZ8-00198-00067848-00068129 the idea of demonstrating that this bM3b1E0olZ8-00199-00068130-00068420 unknown something God exists could bM3b1E0olZ8-00200-00068421-00068834 scarcely suggest itself to reason for if bM3b1E0olZ8-00201-00068835-00069101 God does not exist it would of course be bM3b1E0olZ8-00202-00069102-00069365 impossible to prove it and if he does bM3b1E0olZ8-00203-00069366-00069658 exist it would be folly to attempt it bM3b1E0olZ8-00204-00069659-00070004 through at the very outset in beginning bM3b1E0olZ8-00205-00070005-00070334 my proof I would have presupposed it not bM3b1E0olZ8-00206-00070335-00070582 as doubtful but as certain a bM3b1E0olZ8-00207-00070583-00070862 presupposition is never doubtful for the bM3b1E0olZ8-00208-00070863-00071089 very reason that it is a presupposition bM3b1E0olZ8-00209-00071090-00071333 since otherwise I would not begin bM3b1E0olZ8-00210-00071334-00071582 readily understanding that the whole bM3b1E0olZ8-00211-00071583-00071890 would be impossible if he did not exist bM3b1E0olZ8-00212-00071891-00072200 but if when I speak of proving God's bM3b1E0olZ8-00213-00072201-00072500 existence I mean that I propose to prove bM3b1E0olZ8-00214-00072501-00072788 that the unknown which exists is God bM3b1E0olZ8-00215-00072789-00073235 then I express myself unfortunately for bM3b1E0olZ8-00216-00073236-00073508 in that case I do not prove anything bM3b1E0olZ8-00217-00073509-00073799 least of all in existence but merely bM3b1E0olZ8-00218-00073800-00074140 developed the content of a conception bM3b1E0olZ8-00219-00074141-00074498 Hume was Huxley's favorite philosopher bM3b1E0olZ8-00220-00074499-00074978 calling him the Prince of agnostics dai bM3b1E0olZ8-00221-00074979-00075269 duro wrote to his mistress telling of a bM3b1E0olZ8-00222-00075270-00075527 visit by Hume to the barren Dahl bark bM3b1E0olZ8-00223-00075528-00075785 and describing how a word for the bM3b1E0olZ8-00224-00075786-00075986 position that Huxley would later bM3b1E0olZ8-00225-00075987-00076307 describe as agnosticism didn't seem to bM3b1E0olZ8-00226-00076308-00076556 exist or at least wasn't common bM3b1E0olZ8-00227-00076557-00076830 knowledge at the time bM3b1E0olZ8-00228-00076831-00077126 the first time that M Hume found himself bM3b1E0olZ8-00229-00077127-00077421 at the table of the baron he was seated bM3b1E0olZ8-00230-00077422-00077841 beside him I don't know for what purpose bM3b1E0olZ8-00231-00077842-00078107 the English philosopher took it into his bM3b1E0olZ8-00232-00078108-00078360 head to remark to the Baron that he did bM3b1E0olZ8-00233-00078361-00078621 not believe in atheists that he had bM3b1E0olZ8-00234-00078622-00078998 never seen any the Baron said to him bM3b1E0olZ8-00235-00078999-00079373 count how many we are here we are bM3b1E0olZ8-00236-00079374-00079728 eighteen the Baron added it isn't too bM3b1E0olZ8-00237-00079729-00079967 bad as showing to be able to point out bM3b1E0olZ8-00238-00079968-00080265 to you fifteen at once the three others bM3b1E0olZ8-00239-00080266-00080984 haven't made up their minds bM3b1E0olZ8-00240-00080985-00081611 topic united kingdom bM3b1E0olZ8-00241-00081612-00081950 you bM3b1E0olZ8-00242-00081951-00082529 topic Charles Darwin bM3b1E0olZ8-00243-00082530-00082777 raised in a religious environment bM3b1E0olZ8-00244-00082778-00083312 Charles Darwin 1809 to 1882 studied to bM3b1E0olZ8-00245-00083313-00083618 be an Anglican clergyman while bM3b1E0olZ8-00246-00083619-00083879 eventually doubting parts of his faith bM3b1E0olZ8-00247-00083880-00084149 Darwin continued to help in church bM3b1E0olZ8-00248-00084150-00084401 affairs even while avoiding church bM3b1E0olZ8-00249-00084402-00084794 attendance Darwin stated that it would bM3b1E0olZ8-00250-00084795-00085160 be absurd to doubt that a man might be bM3b1E0olZ8-00251-00085161-00085575 an ardent theist and an eeveelution bM3b1E0olZ8-00252-00085576-00085881 although reticent about his religious bM3b1E0olZ8-00253-00085882-00086334 views in 1879 he wrote that I have never bM3b1E0olZ8-00254-00086335-00086588 been an atheist in the sense of denying bM3b1E0olZ8-00255-00086589-00086843 the existence of a God I think that bM3b1E0olZ8-00256-00086844-00087086 generally bM3b1E0olZ8-00257-00087087-00087347 an agnostic would be the most correct bM3b1E0olZ8-00258-00087348-00088092 description of my state of mind bM3b1E0olZ8-00259-00088093-00088744 topic thomas henry huxley bM3b1E0olZ8-00260-00088745-00088982 agnostic views are as old as bM3b1E0olZ8-00261-00088983-00089273 philosophical skepticism but the terms bM3b1E0olZ8-00262-00089274-00089615 agnostic and agnosticism were created by bM3b1E0olZ8-00263-00089616-00090151 Huxley 18252 1895 to sum up his thoughts bM3b1E0olZ8-00264-00090152-00090392 on contemporary developments of bM3b1E0olZ8-00265-00090393-00090742 metaphysics about the unconditioned bM3b1E0olZ8-00266-00090743-00091162 William Hamilton and the unknowable bM3b1E0olZ8-00267-00091163-00091538 Herbert Spencer though Huxley began to bM3b1E0olZ8-00268-00091539-00092093 use the term agnostic in 1869 his bM3b1E0olZ8-00269-00092094-00092393 opinions had taken shape sometime before bM3b1E0olZ8-00270-00092394-00092901 that date in a letter of September 23rd bM3b1E0olZ8-00271-00092902-00093296 1862 Charles Kingsley Huxley discussed bM3b1E0olZ8-00272-00093297-00093602 his views extensively bM3b1E0olZ8-00273-00093603-00093830 I neither affirm nor denied the bM3b1E0olZ8-00274-00093831-00094220 immortality of man I see no reason for bM3b1E0olZ8-00275-00094221-00094520 believing it but on the other hand I bM3b1E0olZ8-00276-00094521-00094763 have no means of disproving it bM3b1E0olZ8-00277-00094764-00095156 I have no aprea objections to the bM3b1E0olZ8-00278-00095157-00095513 doctrine no man who has to deal daily bM3b1E0olZ8-00279-00095514-00095732 and hourly with nature can trouble bM3b1E0olZ8-00280-00095733-00096170 himself about a priori difficulties give bM3b1E0olZ8-00281-00096171-00096452 me such evidences would justify me in bM3b1E0olZ8-00282-00096453-00096689 believing in anything else and I will bM3b1E0olZ8-00283-00096690-00097142 believe that why should I not it is not bM3b1E0olZ8-00284-00097143-00097415 half so wonderful as the conservation of bM3b1E0olZ8-00285-00097416-00097893 force or the indestructibility of matter bM3b1E0olZ8-00286-00097894-00098235 it is no use to talk to me of analogies bM3b1E0olZ8-00287-00098236-00098610 and probabilities I know what I mean bM3b1E0olZ8-00288-00098611-00098838 when I say I believe in the law of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00289-00098839-00099138 inverse squares and I will not rest my bM3b1E0olZ8-00290-00099139-00099366 life and my hopes upon weaker bM3b1E0olZ8-00291-00099367-00099694 convictions bM3b1E0olZ8-00292-00099695-00099994 that my personality is the surest thing bM3b1E0olZ8-00293-00099995-00100372 I know may be true but the attempt to bM3b1E0olZ8-00294-00100373-00100633 conceive what it is leads me into mere bM3b1E0olZ8-00295-00100634-00100807 verbal subtleties bM3b1E0olZ8-00296-00100808-00101140 I have champed up all that chaff about bM3b1E0olZ8-00297-00101141-00101419 the ego and the non ego no humane err bM3b1E0olZ8-00298-00101420-00101716 and phenomena and all the rest of it too bM3b1E0olZ8-00299-00101717-00101926 often not to know that in attempting bM3b1E0olZ8-00300-00101927-00102178 even to think of these questions the bM3b1E0olZ8-00301-00102179-00102463 human intellect flounders at once out of bM3b1E0olZ8-00302-00102464-00102656 its depth bM3b1E0olZ8-00303-00102657-00103023 and again to the same correspondent may bM3b1E0olZ8-00304-00103024-00103355 6 1860 3 bM3b1E0olZ8-00305-00103356-00103625 I have never had the least sympathy with bM3b1E0olZ8-00306-00103626-00103934 the aprea I reasoned against orthodoxy bM3b1E0olZ8-00307-00103935-00104228 and I have by nature and disposition the bM3b1E0olZ8-00308-00104229-00104483 greatest possible antipathy to all the bM3b1E0olZ8-00309-00104484-00104743 atheistic and infidel school bM3b1E0olZ8-00310-00104744-00105104 nevertheless I know that I am in spite bM3b1E0olZ8-00311-00105105-00105410 of myself exactly what the Christian bM3b1E0olZ8-00312-00105411-00105737 would call and so far as I can see is bM3b1E0olZ8-00313-00105738-00106079 justified in calling atheist and infidel bM3b1E0olZ8-00314-00106080-00106451 I cannot see one shadow or tittle of bM3b1E0olZ8-00315-00106452-00106625 evidence that the great unknown bM3b1E0olZ8-00316-00106626-00106841 underlying the phenomenon of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00317-00106842-00107135 universe stands to us in the relation of bM3b1E0olZ8-00318-00107136-00107421 a father who loves us and cares for us bM3b1E0olZ8-00319-00107422-00107834 as Christianity asserts so with regard bM3b1E0olZ8-00320-00107835-00108107 to the other great Christian dogmas bM3b1E0olZ8-00321-00108108-00108410 immortality of soul and future state of bM3b1E0olZ8-00322-00108411-00108689 rewards and punishments what possible bM3b1E0olZ8-00323-00108690-00108996 objection can i Who am compelled bM3b1E0olZ8-00324-00108997-00109071 perforce bM3b1E0olZ8-00325-00109072-00109313 to believe in the immortality of what we bM3b1E0olZ8-00326-00109314-00109576 call matter and force and in a very bM3b1E0olZ8-00327-00109577-00109847 unmistakable present state of rewards bM3b1E0olZ8-00328-00109848-00110159 and punishments for our deeds after bM3b1E0olZ8-00329-00110160-00110520 these doctrines give me a scintilla of bM3b1E0olZ8-00330-00110521-00110931 evidence and I am ready to jump at them bM3b1E0olZ8-00331-00110932-00111209 of the origin of the name agnostic to bM3b1E0olZ8-00332-00111210-00111543 describe this attitude Huxley gave the bM3b1E0olZ8-00333-00111544-00111779 following account bM3b1E0olZ8-00334-00111780-00112079 when I reached intellectual maturity and bM3b1E0olZ8-00335-00112080-00112336 began to ask myself whether I was an bM3b1E0olZ8-00336-00112338-00112666 atheist a theist or a pantheist a bM3b1E0olZ8-00337-00112667-00113011 materialist or an idealist Christian or bM3b1E0olZ8-00338-00113013-00113249 a free thinker I found that the more I bM3b1E0olZ8-00339-00113250-00113549 learned and reflected the less ready was bM3b1E0olZ8-00340-00113550-00113894 the answer until at last I came to the bM3b1E0olZ8-00341-00113895-00114116 conclusion that I had neither art nor bM3b1E0olZ8-00342-00114117-00114360 part with any of these denominations bM3b1E0olZ8-00343-00114361-00114779 except the last the one thing in which bM3b1E0olZ8-00344-00114780-00115031 most of these good people were agreed bM3b1E0olZ8-00345-00115032-00115268 was the one thing in which I differed bM3b1E0olZ8-00346-00115269-00115585 from them they were quite sure they had bM3b1E0olZ8-00347-00115586-00115988 attained a certain gnosis had more or bM3b1E0olZ8-00348-00115989-00116311 less successfully solved the problem of bM3b1E0olZ8-00349-00116313-00116621 existence while I was quite sure I had bM3b1E0olZ8-00350-00116622-00116900 not and had a pretty strong conviction bM3b1E0olZ8-00351-00116901-00117245 that the problem was insoluble and with bM3b1E0olZ8-00352-00117246-00117566 human can't on my side I could not think bM3b1E0olZ8-00353-00117567-00117890 myself presumptuous in holding fast by bM3b1E0olZ8-00354-00117891-00118154 that opinion bM3b1E0olZ8-00355-00118155-00118475 so I took thought and invented what I bM3b1E0olZ8-00356-00118476-00118798 conceived to be the appropriate title of bM3b1E0olZ8-00357-00118799-00119192 agnostic it came into my head as bM3b1E0olZ8-00358-00119193-00119531 suggestively antithetic to thee gnostic bM3b1E0olZ8-00359-00119532-00119900 of church history who professed to know bM3b1E0olZ8-00360-00119901-00120164 so much about the very things of which i bM3b1E0olZ8-00361-00120165-00120430 was ignorant bM3b1E0olZ8-00362-00120431-00120918 to my great satisfaction the term Turk bM3b1E0olZ8-00363-00120919-00121352 in 1889 Huxley wrote therefore although bM3b1E0olZ8-00364-00121353-00121697 it be as I believe demonstrable that we bM3b1E0olZ8-00365-00121698-00121920 have no real knowledge of the authorship bM3b1E0olZ8-00366-00121921-00122174 or of the date of composition of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00367-00122175-00122465 Gospels as they have come down to us and bM3b1E0olZ8-00368-00122466-00122690 that nothing better than more or less bM3b1E0olZ8-00369-00122691-00122946 probable gases can be arrived at on that bM3b1E0olZ8-00370-00122947-00123552 subject bM3b1E0olZ8-00371-00123553-00124196 topic William Stewart Ross bM3b1E0olZ8-00372-00124197-00124774 William Stuart Ross 1844 to 1906 wrote bM3b1E0olZ8-00373-00124775-00125107 under the name of Saladin he was bM3b1E0olZ8-00374-00125108-00125416 associated with Victorian freethinkers bM3b1E0olZ8-00375-00125417-00125710 and the organization the British secular bM3b1E0olZ8-00376-00125711-00126131 Union he edited the secular review from bM3b1E0olZ8-00377-00126132-00126529 1882 it was renamed agnostic journal and bM3b1E0olZ8-00378-00126530-00127012 eclectic review and closed in 1907 Ross bM3b1E0olZ8-00379-00127013-00127327 championed agnosticism in opposition to bM3b1E0olZ8-00380-00127328-00127583 the atheism of Charles Bradlaugh as an bM3b1E0olZ8-00381-00127583-00127903 open-ended spiritual exploration in why bM3b1E0olZ8-00382-00127904-00128350 I am an agnostic C 1889 he claims that bM3b1E0olZ8-00383-00128351-00128704 agnosticism is the very reverse of bM3b1E0olZ8-00384-00128705-00129316 atheism bM3b1E0olZ8-00385-00129317-00129891 topic Bertrand Russell bM3b1E0olZ8-00386-00129892-00130453 Bertrand Russell 1872 to 1970 declared bM3b1E0olZ8-00387-00130454-00130825 why I am NOT a Christian in 1927 a bM3b1E0olZ8-00388-00130826-00131194 classic statement of agnosticism bM3b1E0olZ8-00389-00131195-00131578 he calls upon his readers to stand on bM3b1E0olZ8-00390-00131579-00131857 their own two feet and look fair and bM3b1E0olZ8-00391-00131858-00132097 square at the world with a fearless bM3b1E0olZ8-00392-00132098-00132497 attitude and a free intelligence bM3b1E0olZ8-00393-00132498-00132917 in 1939 Russell gave a lecture on the bM3b1E0olZ8-00394-00132918-00133198 existence and nature of God in which he bM3b1E0olZ8-00395-00133199-00133622 characterized himself as an atheist he bM3b1E0olZ8-00396-00133623-00133772 said bM3b1E0olZ8-00397-00133773-00134053 the existence and nature of God is a bM3b1E0olZ8-00398-00134054-00134356 subject of which I can discuss only half bM3b1E0olZ8-00399-00134357-00134768 if one arrives at a negative conclusion bM3b1E0olZ8-00400-00134769-00134984 concerning the first part of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00401-00134985-00135238 question the second part of the question bM3b1E0olZ8-00402-00135239-00135584 does not arise and my position as you bM3b1E0olZ8-00403-00135585-00135829 may have gathered is a negative one on bM3b1E0olZ8-00404-00135830-00136259 this matter however later in the same bM3b1E0olZ8-00405-00136260-00136499 lecture discussing modern non bM3b1E0olZ8-00406-00136500-00136765 anthropomorphic concepts of God bM3b1E0olZ8-00407-00136766-00136987 Russell States bM3b1E0olZ8-00408-00136988-00137332 that sort of God is I think not one that bM3b1E0olZ8-00409-00137333-00137616 can actually be disproved as I think the bM3b1E0olZ8-00410-00137617-00138003 omnipotent and benevolent creator can bM3b1E0olZ8-00411-00138004-00138450 in Russells 1947 pamphlet am i an bM3b1E0olZ8-00412-00138451-00138819 atheist or an agnostic subtitled a plea bM3b1E0olZ8-00413-00138820-00139089 for tolerance in the face of new dogmas bM3b1E0olZ8-00414-00139090-00139356 he ruminates on the problem of what to bM3b1E0olZ8-00415-00139357-00139559 call himself bM3b1E0olZ8-00416-00139560-00139871 as a philosopher if I were speaking to a bM3b1E0olZ8-00417-00139872-00140132 purely philosophic or Dean's I should bM3b1E0olZ8-00418-00140133-00140402 say that I ought to describe myself as bM3b1E0olZ8-00419-00140403-00140669 an agnostic because I do not think that bM3b1E0olZ8-00420-00140670-00140939 there is a conclusive argument by which bM3b1E0olZ8-00421-00140940-00141226 one can prove that there is not a God on bM3b1E0olZ8-00422-00141227-00141569 the other hand if I am to convey the bM3b1E0olZ8-00423-00141570-00141827 right impression to the ordinary man in bM3b1E0olZ8-00424-00141828-00142076 the street I think I ought to say that I bM3b1E0olZ8-00425-00142077-00142364 am an atheist because when I say that I bM3b1E0olZ8-00426-00142365-00142627 cannot prove that there is not a god I bM3b1E0olZ8-00427-00142628-00142877 ought to add equally that I cannot prove bM3b1E0olZ8-00428-00142878-00143212 that there are not the Homeric gods bM3b1E0olZ8-00429-00143213-00143691 in his 1953 essay what is an agnostic bM3b1E0olZ8-00430-00143692-00143961 Russell states bM3b1E0olZ8-00431-00143962-00144282 an agnostic thinks it impossible to know bM3b1E0olZ8-00432-00144283-00144546 the truth in matters such as God and the bM3b1E0olZ8-00433-00144547-00144828 future life with which Christianity and bM3b1E0olZ8-00434-00144829-00145206 other religions are concerned or if not bM3b1E0olZ8-00435-00145207-00145479 impossible at least impossible at the bM3b1E0olZ8-00436-00145480-00145694 present time bM3b1E0olZ8-00437-00145695-00146285 or agnostics atheists no an atheist like bM3b1E0olZ8-00438-00146286-00146528 a Christian holds that we can know bM3b1E0olZ8-00439-00146529-00146837 whether or not there is a God the bM3b1E0olZ8-00440-00146838-00147080 Christian holds that we can know there bM3b1E0olZ8-00441-00147081-00147368 is a God the atheist that we can know bM3b1E0olZ8-00442-00147369-00147761 there is not the agnostic suspends bM3b1E0olZ8-00443-00147762-00147986 judgment saying that there are not bM3b1E0olZ8-00444-00147987-00148190 sufficient grounds either for bM3b1E0olZ8-00445-00148191-00148490 affirmation or for denial bM3b1E0olZ8-00446-00148491-00148994 later in the essay Russell adds I think bM3b1E0olZ8-00447-00148995-00149207 that if I heard a voice from the sky bM3b1E0olZ8-00448-00149208-00149441 predicting all that was going to happen bM3b1E0olZ8-00449-00149442-00149779 to me during the next 24 hours including bM3b1E0olZ8-00450-00149780-00150008 events that would have seemed highly bM3b1E0olZ8-00451-00150009-00150284 improbable and if all these events then bM3b1E0olZ8-00452-00150285-00150536 produced to happen I might perhaps be bM3b1E0olZ8-00453-00150537-00150806 convinced at least of the existence of bM3b1E0olZ8-00454-00150807-00151535 some superhuman intelligence bM3b1E0olZ8-00455-00151536-00152119 topic Leslie Weatherhead bM3b1E0olZ8-00456-00152120-00152584 in 1965 Christian theologian Leslie bM3b1E0olZ8-00457-00152585-00153109 Weatherhead 1893 to 1976 published the bM3b1E0olZ8-00458-00153110-00153591 Christian agnostic in which he argues bM3b1E0olZ8-00459-00153592-00153873 many professing agnostics are near a bM3b1E0olZ8-00460-00153874-00154095 belief in the true God than a many bM3b1E0olZ8-00461-00154096-00154386 conventional churchgoers who believe in bM3b1E0olZ8-00462-00154387-00154611 a body that does not exist whom they bM3b1E0olZ8-00463-00154612-00154802 must call God bM3b1E0olZ8-00464-00154803-00155093 although radical and unpalatable to bM3b1E0olZ8-00465-00155094-00155388 conventional theologians whether heads bM3b1E0olZ8-00466-00155389-00155712 agnosticism falls far short of Huxley's bM3b1E0olZ8-00467-00155713-00156114 and short even of weak agnosticism bM3b1E0olZ8-00468-00156115-00156387 of course the human soul will always bM3b1E0olZ8-00469-00156388-00156687 have the power to reject God for choice bM3b1E0olZ8-00470-00156688-00156978 is essential to its nature but I cannot bM3b1E0olZ8-00471-00156979-00157797 believe that anyone will finally do this bM3b1E0olZ8-00472-00157798-00158764 topic United States bM3b1E0olZ8-00473-00158765-00159378 topic Robert G Ingersoll bM3b1E0olZ8-00474-00159379-00159948 Robert G Ingersoll 1833 to 1899 an bM3b1E0olZ8-00475-00159949-00160170 Illinois lawyer and politician who bM3b1E0olZ8-00476-00160171-00160383 evolved into a well-known and bM3b1E0olZ8-00477-00160384-00160539 sought-after orator in bM3b1E0olZ8-00478-00160540-00160806 nineteenth-century America has been bM3b1E0olZ8-00479-00160807-00161279 referred to as the great agnostic in an bM3b1E0olZ8-00480-00161280-00161687 1896 lecture titled why I am an agnostic bM3b1E0olZ8-00481-00161688-00161966 ingersoll related why he was an agnostic bM3b1E0olZ8-00482-00161967-00162443 is there a supernatural power an bM3b1E0olZ8-00483-00162444-00162845 arbitrary mind an enthroned God a bM3b1E0olZ8-00484-00162846-00163134 supreme will that sways the tides and bM3b1E0olZ8-00485-00163135-00163398 currents of the world to which all bM3b1E0olZ8-00486-00163399-00163886 causes bow I do not deny I do not know bM3b1E0olZ8-00487-00163887-00164277 but I do not believe I believe that the bM3b1E0olZ8-00488-00164278-00164589 natural is supreme that from the bM3b1E0olZ8-00489-00164590-00164874 infinite chain no link can be lost or bM3b1E0olZ8-00490-00164875-00165216 broken that there is no supernatural bM3b1E0olZ8-00491-00165217-00165537 power that can answer prayer no power bM3b1E0olZ8-00492-00165538-00165903 that worship can persuade or change no bM3b1E0olZ8-00493-00165904-00166311 power that cares for man I believe that bM3b1E0olZ8-00494-00166312-00166584 with infinite arms nature embraces the bM3b1E0olZ8-00495-00166585-00166998 all that there is no interference no bM3b1E0olZ8-00496-00166999-00167325 chance that behind every event are the bM3b1E0olZ8-00497-00167326-00167628 necessary encount list causes and that bM3b1E0olZ8-00498-00167629-00167862 beyond every event will be and must be bM3b1E0olZ8-00499-00167863-00168229 the necessary encount less effects bM3b1E0olZ8-00500-00168230-00168604 is there a god I do not know is man bM3b1E0olZ8-00501-00168605-00168955 immortal I do not know one thing I do bM3b1E0olZ8-00502-00168956-00169224 know and that is that neither hope nor bM3b1E0olZ8-00503-00169225-00169648 fear belief nor denial can change the bM3b1E0olZ8-00504-00169649-00170059 fact it is as it is and it will be as it bM3b1E0olZ8-00505-00170060-00170251 must be bM3b1E0olZ8-00506-00170252-00170500 in the conclusion of the speech he bM3b1E0olZ8-00507-00170501-00170896 simply sums up the agnostic positioners bM3b1E0olZ8-00508-00170897-00171168 we can be as honest as we are ignorant bM3b1E0olZ8-00509-00171169-00171559 if we are when asked what is beyond the bM3b1E0olZ8-00510-00171560-00171838 horizon of the known we must say that we bM3b1E0olZ8-00511-00171839-00172375 do not know in 1885 Ingersoll explained bM3b1E0olZ8-00512-00172376-00172681 his comparative view of agnosticism and bM3b1E0olZ8-00513-00172682-00173110 atheism as follows the agnostic is an bM3b1E0olZ8-00514-00173111-00173602 atheist the atheist is an agnostic the bM3b1E0olZ8-00515-00173603-00173977 agnostic says I do not know but I do not bM3b1E0olZ8-00516-00173978-00174184 believe there is any god the atheist bM3b1E0olZ8-00517-00174185-00174539 says the same bM3b1E0olZ8-00518-00174540-00174859 you bM3b1E0olZ8-00519-00174860-00175479 topic Bernhard Eddings bowel bM3b1E0olZ8-00520-00175480-00175998 Kanon Bernhard Eddings Bal 1886 to 1958 bM3b1E0olZ8-00521-00175999-00176391 a popular cultural commentator Episcopal bM3b1E0olZ8-00522-00176392-00176710 priest and author lauded the necessity bM3b1E0olZ8-00523-00176711-00177036 of agnosticism in Beyond agnosticism a bM3b1E0olZ8-00524-00177037-00177331 book for tired mechanist calling it the bM3b1E0olZ8-00525-00177332-00177621 foundation of all intelligent bM3b1E0olZ8-00526-00177622-00178011 Christianity agnosticism was a temporary bM3b1E0olZ8-00527-00178012-00178254 mindset in which one rigorously bM3b1E0olZ8-00528-00178255-00178440 questioned the truths of the age bM3b1E0olZ8-00529-00178441-00178716 including the way in which one believed bM3b1E0olZ8-00530-00178717-00179100 God his view of Robert Ingersoll and bM3b1E0olZ8-00531-00179101-00179281 Thomas Paine was that they were not bM3b1E0olZ8-00532-00179282-00179572 denouncing true Christianity but rather bM3b1E0olZ8-00533-00179573-00180041 a gross perversion of it part of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00534-00180042-00180273 misunderstanding stemmed from ignorance bM3b1E0olZ8-00535-00180274-00180611 of the concepts of God and religion bM3b1E0olZ8-00536-00180612-00180894 historically a God was any real bM3b1E0olZ8-00537-00180895-00181159 perceivable force that ruled the lives bM3b1E0olZ8-00538-00181160-00181510 of humans and inspired admiration love bM3b1E0olZ8-00539-00181511-00181798 fear and homage religion was the bM3b1E0olZ8-00540-00181799-00182127 practice of it ancient peoples bM3b1E0olZ8-00541-00182128-00182424 worshipped gods with real counterparts bM3b1E0olZ8-00542-00182425-00182729 such as Mammon money and material things bM3b1E0olZ8-00543-00182730-00183138 Naboo rationality or bar al violent bM3b1E0olZ8-00544-00183139-00183411 weather Bell argued that modern peoples bM3b1E0olZ8-00545-00183412-00183690 were still paying homage with their bM3b1E0olZ8-00546-00183691-00183990 lives and their children's lives to bM3b1E0olZ8-00547-00183991-00184239 these old gods of wealth physical bM3b1E0olZ8-00548-00184240-00184698 appetites and self defecation thus if bM3b1E0olZ8-00549-00184699-00184974 one attempted to be agnostic passively bM3b1E0olZ8-00550-00184975-00185262 he or she would incidentally join the bM3b1E0olZ8-00551-00185263-00185568 worship of the world's gods bM3b1E0olZ8-00552-00185569-00186048 in unfashionable convictions 1931 he bM3b1E0olZ8-00553-00186049-00186309 criticized the Enlightenment's complete bM3b1E0olZ8-00554-00186310-00186585 faith in human sensory perception bM3b1E0olZ8-00555-00186586-00186903 augmented by scientific instruments as a bM3b1E0olZ8-00556-00186904-00187286 means of accurately grasping reality bM3b1E0olZ8-00557-00187287-00187659 firstly it was fairly new an innovation bM3b1E0olZ8-00558-00187660-00187914 of the Western world which Aristotle bM3b1E0olZ8-00559-00187915-00188172 invented and Thomas Aquinas revived bM3b1E0olZ8-00560-00188173-00188598 among the scientific community secondly bM3b1E0olZ8-00561-00188599-00189036 the divorce of pure science from human bM3b1E0olZ8-00562-00189037-00189389 experience as manifested in American bM3b1E0olZ8-00563-00189390-00189687 industrialization had completely altered bM3b1E0olZ8-00564-00189688-00189999 the environment often disfiguring it so bM3b1E0olZ8-00565-00190000-00190299 as to suggest its insufficiency to human bM3b1E0olZ8-00566-00190300-00190722 needs thirdly because scientists were bM3b1E0olZ8-00567-00190723-00191070 constantly producing more data to the bM3b1E0olZ8-00568-00191071-00191325 point where no single human could grasp bM3b1E0olZ8-00569-00191326-00191685 it all at once it followed that human bM3b1E0olZ8-00570-00191686-00191940 intelligence was incapable of attaining bM3b1E0olZ8-00571-00191941-00192177 a complete understanding of universe bM3b1E0olZ8-00572-00192178-00192453 therefore to admit the mysteries of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00573-00192454-00192717 unobserved universe was to be actually bM3b1E0olZ8-00574-00192718-00193137 scientific Bell believed that there were bM3b1E0olZ8-00575-00193138-00193362 two other ways that humans could bM3b1E0olZ8-00576-00193363-00193679 perceive and interact with the world bM3b1E0olZ8-00577-00193680-00193965 artistic experience was how one bM3b1E0olZ8-00578-00193966-00194184 expressed meaning through speaking bM3b1E0olZ8-00579-00194185-00194616 writing painting gesturing any sort of bM3b1E0olZ8-00580-00194617-00194904 communication which shared insight into bM3b1E0olZ8-00581-00194905-00195273 a human's in a reality mystical bM3b1E0olZ8-00582-00195274-00195714 experience was how one could read people bM3b1E0olZ8-00583-00195715-00195957 and harmonize with them being what we bM3b1E0olZ8-00584-00195958-00196383 commonly call love in summary man was a bM3b1E0olZ8-00585-00196384-00196811 scientist artist and lover without bM3b1E0olZ8-00586-00196812-00197192 exercising all three a person became bM3b1E0olZ8-00587-00197193-00197424 lopsided bM3b1E0olZ8-00588-00197425-00197690 Bell considered a humanist to be a bM3b1E0olZ8-00589-00197691-00197952 person who cannot rightly ignore the bM3b1E0olZ8-00590-00197953-00198137 other ways of knowing bM3b1E0olZ8-00591-00198138-00198570 however humanism like agnosticism was bM3b1E0olZ8-00592-00198571-00198834 also temporal and would eventually lead bM3b1E0olZ8-00593-00198835-00199122 to either scientific materialism or bM3b1E0olZ8-00594-00199123-00199506 theism thus he lays out the following bM3b1E0olZ8-00595-00199507-00199725 thesis bM3b1E0olZ8-00596-00199726-00200003 truth cannot be discovered by reasoning bM3b1E0olZ8-00597-00200004-00200363 on the evidence of scientific data alone bM3b1E0olZ8-00598-00200364-00200676 modern people's dissatisfaction with bM3b1E0olZ8-00599-00200677-00200954 life is the result of depending on such bM3b1E0olZ8-00600-00200955-00201378 incomplete data our ability to reason is bM3b1E0olZ8-00601-00201379-00201660 not a way to discover truth but rather a bM3b1E0olZ8-00602-00201661-00201893 way to organize our knowledge and bM3b1E0olZ8-00603-00201894-00202284 experiences somewhat sensibly without a bM3b1E0olZ8-00604-00202285-00202620 full human perception of the world ones bM3b1E0olZ8-00605-00202621-00202839 reason tends to lead them in the wrong bM3b1E0olZ8-00606-00202840-00203220 direction beyond what can be measured bM3b1E0olZ8-00607-00203221-00203508 with scientific tools there are other bM3b1E0olZ8-00608-00203509-00203760 types of perception such as one's bM3b1E0olZ8-00609-00203761-00204074 ability no another human through loving bM3b1E0olZ8-00610-00204075-00204420 ones loves cannot be dissected and bM3b1E0olZ8-00611-00204421-00204690 logged in a scientific journal but we bM3b1E0olZ8-00612-00204691-00204900 know them far better than we know the bM3b1E0olZ8-00613-00204901-00205214 surface of the Sun they show us an bM3b1E0olZ8-00614-00205215-00205476 undefinable reality that is nevertheless bM3b1E0olZ8-00615-00205477-00205755 intimate and personal and they reveal bM3b1E0olZ8-00616-00205756-00205956 qualities lovelier and truer than bM3b1E0olZ8-00617-00205957-00206433 detached facts can provide to be bM3b1E0olZ8-00618-00206434-00206759 religious in the Christian sense is to bM3b1E0olZ8-00619-00206760-00207035 live for the whole of reality God rather bM3b1E0olZ8-00620-00207036-00207450 than for a small part gods only by bM3b1E0olZ8-00621-00207451-00207686 treating this whole of reality as a bM3b1E0olZ8-00622-00207687-00208119 person good and true and perfect rather bM3b1E0olZ8-00623-00208119-00208385 than an impersonal force can we come bM3b1E0olZ8-00624-00208386-00208787 closer to the truth an ultimate person bM3b1E0olZ8-00625-00208788-00209204 can be loved but a cosmic force cannot a bM3b1E0olZ8-00626-00209205-00209505 scientist can only discover peripheral bM3b1E0olZ8-00627-00209506-00209802 truths but a lover is able to get at the bM3b1E0olZ8-00628-00209803-00209988 truth bM3b1E0olZ8-00629-00209989-00210273 there are many reasons to believe in God bM3b1E0olZ8-00630-00210273-00210480 but they are not sufficient for an bM3b1E0olZ8-00631-00210481-00210869 agnostic to become a theist it is not bM3b1E0olZ8-00632-00210871-00211104 enough to believe in an ancient holy bM3b1E0olZ8-00633-00211105-00211365 book even though when it is accurately bM3b1E0olZ8-00634-00211366-00211671 analyzed without bias it proves to be bM3b1E0olZ8-00635-00211671-00211938 more trustworthy and admirable than what bM3b1E0olZ8-00636-00211939-00212273 we are taught in school neither is it bM3b1E0olZ8-00637-00212275-00212535 enough to realize how probable it is bM3b1E0olZ8-00638-00212536-00212757 that a personal God would have to show bM3b1E0olZ8-00639-00212758-00213044 human beings how to live considering bM3b1E0olZ8-00640-00213046-00213314 they have so much trouble on their own bM3b1E0olZ8-00641-00213315-00213612 nor is it enough to believe for the bM3b1E0olZ8-00642-00213613-00213906 reason that throughout history millions bM3b1E0olZ8-00643-00213907-00214137 of people have arrived at this wholeness bM3b1E0olZ8-00644-00214138-00214389 of reality only through religious bM3b1E0olZ8-00645-00214390-00214752 experience the aforementioned reasons bM3b1E0olZ8-00646-00214753-00215067 may warm one toward religion but they bM3b1E0olZ8-00647-00215067-00215507 fall short of convincing however if one bM3b1E0olZ8-00648-00215508-00215775 presupposes that God is in fact a bM3b1E0olZ8-00649-00215776-00216096 knowable loving person as an experiment bM3b1E0olZ8-00650-00216096-00216351 and then lives according that religion bM3b1E0olZ8-00651-00216352-00216534 he or she will suddenly come bM3b1E0olZ8-00652-00216535-00216891 face-to-face with experiences previously bM3b1E0olZ8-00653-00216892-00217253 unknown one's life becomes full bM3b1E0olZ8-00654-00217254-00217551 meaningful and fearless in the face of bM3b1E0olZ8-00655-00217552-00217919 death it does not defy reason but bM3b1E0olZ8-00656-00217921-00218315 exceeds it because God has been bM3b1E0olZ8-00657-00218316-00218567 experienced through love the orders of bM3b1E0olZ8-00658-00218569-00218867 prayer fellowship and devotion now bM3b1E0olZ8-00659-00218869-00219231 matter they create order within one's bM3b1E0olZ8-00660-00219232-00219603 life continually renewing the missing bM3b1E0olZ8-00661-00219604-00220083 peace that had previously felt lost they bM3b1E0olZ8-00662-00220084-00220335 empower one to be compassionate and bM3b1E0olZ8-00663-00220336-00220827 humble not small-minded or arrogant no bM3b1E0olZ8-00664-00220828-00221127 truth should be denied outright but all bM3b1E0olZ8-00665-00221128-00221519 should be questioned science reveals an bM3b1E0olZ8-00666-00221521-00221787 ever growing vision of our universe that bM3b1E0olZ8-00667-00221788-00222027 should not be discounted due to bias bM3b1E0olZ8-00668-00222028-00222441 toward the older understandings reason bM3b1E0olZ8-00669-00222442-00222767 is to be trusted and cultivated to bM3b1E0olZ8-00670-00222769-00223062 believe in God is not to forego reason bM3b1E0olZ8-00671-00223063-00223352 or to deny scientific facts bM3b1E0olZ8-00672-00223353-00223556 to step into the unknown and discover bM3b1E0olZ8-00673-00223557-00224304 the fullness of life bM3b1E0olZ8-00674-00224305-00224952 topic demographics bM3b1E0olZ8-00675-00224953-00225262 demographic research services normally bM3b1E0olZ8-00676-00225263-00225535 do not differentiate between various bM3b1E0olZ8-00677-00225536-00225846 types of non-religious respondents so bM3b1E0olZ8-00678-00225848-00226105 agnostics are often classified in the bM3b1E0olZ8-00679-00226106-00226354 same category as atheists or other bM3b1E0olZ8-00680-00226355-00226660 non-religious people a 2010 survey bM3b1E0olZ8-00681-00226661-00226971 published in encyclopedia britannica bM3b1E0olZ8-00682-00226973-00227212 found that the non-religious people or bM3b1E0olZ8-00683-00227213-00227551 the agnostics made up about 9.6 percent bM3b1E0olZ8-00684-00227552-00227917 of the world's population bM3b1E0olZ8-00685-00227917-00228298 and November to December 2006 poll bM3b1E0olZ8-00686-00228298-00228589 published in The Financial Times gives bM3b1E0olZ8-00687-00228590-00228865 rates for the United States and five bM3b1E0olZ8-00688-00228866-00229225 European countries the rates of bM3b1E0olZ8-00689-00229226-00229548 agnosticism in the United States were at bM3b1E0olZ8-00690-00229550-00229794 fourteen percent while the rates of bM3b1E0olZ8-00691-00229796-00230080 agnosticism in the European countries bM3b1E0olZ8-00692-00230081-00230383 surveyed were considerably higher Italy bM3b1E0olZ8-00693-00230384-00230527 20 percent bM3b1E0olZ8-00694-00230528-00230929 Spain 30 percent Great Britain 35 bM3b1E0olZ8-00695-00230930-00231475 percent Germany 25 percent and France 32 bM3b1E0olZ8-00696-00231476-00231775 percent a study conducted by the Pew bM3b1E0olZ8-00697-00231776-00232063 Research Center found that about 16 bM3b1E0olZ8-00698-00232064-00232323 percent of the world's people the third bM3b1E0olZ8-00699-00232325-00232606 largest group after Christianity and bM3b1E0olZ8-00700-00232607-00233012 Islam have no religious affiliation bM3b1E0olZ8-00701-00233013-00233364 according to a 2012 report by the Pew bM3b1E0olZ8-00702-00233365-00233766 Research Center agnostics made up 3.3 bM3b1E0olZ8-00703-00233767-00234153 percent of the u.s. adult population in bM3b1E0olZ8-00704-00234154-00234498 the u.s. religious landscape survey bM3b1E0olZ8-00705-00234498-00234948 conducted by the Pew Research Center 55% bM3b1E0olZ8-00706-00234948-00235239 of agnostic respondents expressed a bM3b1E0olZ8-00707-00235240-00235759 belief in God or a universal spirit bM3b1E0olZ8-00708-00235760-00236148 whereas 41% stated that they thought bM3b1E0olZ8-00709-00236150-00236415 that they felt attention being bM3b1E0olZ8-00710-00236416-00236713 non-religious in a society where most bM3b1E0olZ8-00711-00236714-00237053 people are religious bM3b1E0olZ8-00712-00237054-00237380 according to the 2011 Australian Bureau bM3b1E0olZ8-00713-00237381-00237896 of Statistics 22% of Australians have no bM3b1E0olZ8-00714-00237896-00238240 religion a category that includes bM3b1E0olZ8-00715-00238241-00239042 agnostics between 64% and 65% bM3b1E0olZ8-00716-00239044-00239519 of Japanese and up to 81% bM3b1E0olZ8-00717-00239519-00239884 Vietnamese are atheists agnostics or do bM3b1E0olZ8-00718-00239885-00240208 not believe in a God an official bM3b1E0olZ8-00719-00240209-00240512 European Union survey reported that bM3b1E0olZ8-00720-00240513-00240803 three percent of the EU population is bM3b1E0olZ8-00721-00240804-00241042 unsure about their belief in a God or bM3b1E0olZ8-00722-00241044-00241676 spirit bM3b1E0olZ8-00723-00241677-00242280 topic criticism bM3b1E0olZ8-00724-00242281-00242590 agnosticism is criticized from a variety bM3b1E0olZ8-00725-00242591-00243001 of stand points some religious thinkers bM3b1E0olZ8-00726-00243002-00243280 see agnosticism as limiting the minds bM3b1E0olZ8-00727-00243281-00243675 capacity to know reality to materialism bM3b1E0olZ8-00728-00243676-00244036 some atheists criticize the use of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00729-00244037-00244282 term agnosticism as functionally bM3b1E0olZ8-00730-00244283-00244555 indistinguishable from atheism this bM3b1E0olZ8-00731-00244556-00244837 results in frequent criticisms of those bM3b1E0olZ8-00732-00244838-00245065 who adopt the term as avoiding the bM3b1E0olZ8-00733-00245066-00245364 Atheist label bM3b1E0olZ8-00734-00245365-00245709 you bM3b1E0olZ8-00735-00245710-00246284 topic theistic bM3b1E0olZ8-00736-00246285-00246598 theistic critics claim that agnosticism bM3b1E0olZ8-00737-00246600-00246959 is impossible in practice since a person bM3b1E0olZ8-00738-00246960-00247196 can live only either as if God did not bM3b1E0olZ8-00739-00247196-00247571 exist Etsy deus non-dairy or or as if bM3b1E0olZ8-00740-00247571-00247853 God did exist Etsy Deus dead sure bM3b1E0olZ8-00741-00247854-00248129 religious scholars such as Lawrence B bM3b1E0olZ8-00742-00248130-00248380 Brown criticized the misuse of the word bM3b1E0olZ8-00743-00248381-00248681 agnosticism claiming that it has become bM3b1E0olZ8-00744-00248682-00248917 one of the most miss applied terms in bM3b1E0olZ8-00745-00248919-00249326 metaphysics Brown raises the question bM3b1E0olZ8-00746-00249327-00249581 you claim that nothing can be known with bM3b1E0olZ8-00747-00249582-00249842 certainty bM3b1E0olZ8-00748-00249844-00250548 how then can you be so sure bM3b1E0olZ8-00749-00250548-00251078 topic Christian bM3b1E0olZ8-00750-00251079-00251475 according to pope benedict xvi strong bM3b1E0olZ8-00751-00251476-00251769 agnosticism in particular contradicts bM3b1E0olZ8-00752-00251769-00252027 itself in affirming the power of reason bM3b1E0olZ8-00753-00252028-00252435 to know scientific truth he blames the bM3b1E0olZ8-00754-00252436-00252710 exclusion of reasoning from religion and bM3b1E0olZ8-00755-00252711-00252996 ethics for dangerous pathologies such as bM3b1E0olZ8-00756-00252996-00253308 crimes against humanity and ecological bM3b1E0olZ8-00757-00253309-00253941 disasters agnosticism said rat singer is bM3b1E0olZ8-00758-00253942-00254223 always the fruit of a refusal of that bM3b1E0olZ8-00759-00254223-00254496 knowledge which is in fact offered to bM3b1E0olZ8-00760-00254496-00254737 man bM3b1E0olZ8-00761-00254738-00255129 the knowledge of God has always existed bM3b1E0olZ8-00762-00255130-00255498 he asserted that agnosticism is a choice bM3b1E0olZ8-00763-00255500-00255880 of comfort pride dominion and utility bM3b1E0olZ8-00764-00255881-00256111 over truth and is opposed by the bM3b1E0olZ8-00765-00256112-00256354 following attitudes the keenest bM3b1E0olZ8-00766-00256355-00256654 self-criticism humble listening to the bM3b1E0olZ8-00767-00256655-00256900 whole of existence the persistent bM3b1E0olZ8-00768-00256901-00257134 patience and self correction of the bM3b1E0olZ8-00769-00257135-00257398 scientific method a readiness to be bM3b1E0olZ8-00770-00257398-00257683 purified by the truth the Catholic bM3b1E0olZ8-00771-00257684-00257956 Church sees merit in examining what it bM3b1E0olZ8-00772-00257957-00258442 calls partial agnosticism specifically bM3b1E0olZ8-00773-00258442-00258767 those systems that do not aim at bM3b1E0olZ8-00774-00258769-00259051 constructing a complete philosophy of bM3b1E0olZ8-00775-00259052-00259375 the unknowable but at excluding special bM3b1E0olZ8-00776-00259376-00259746 kinds of truth notably religious from bM3b1E0olZ8-00777-00259748-00260167 the domain of knowledge however the bM3b1E0olZ8-00778-00260167-00260442 church is historically opposed to a full bM3b1E0olZ8-00779-00260444-00260731 denial of the capacity of human reason bM3b1E0olZ8-00780-00260732-00261103 to know God the Council of the Vatican bM3b1E0olZ8-00781-00261104-00261444 declares God the beginning and end of bM3b1E0olZ8-00782-00261446-00261775 all can by the natural light of human bM3b1E0olZ8-00783-00261776-00262087 reason be known with certainty from the bM3b1E0olZ8-00784-00262088-00262352 works of creation bM3b1E0olZ8-00785-00262353-00262664 Blaise Pascal argued that even if there bM3b1E0olZ8-00786-00262665-00262982 were truly no evidence for God agnostics bM3b1E0olZ8-00787-00262983-00263195 should consider what is now known as bM3b1E0olZ8-00788-00263196-00263525 Pascal's wager the infinite expected bM3b1E0olZ8-00789-00263526-00263750 value of acknowledging God is always bM3b1E0olZ8-00790-00263751-00264050 greater than the finite expected value bM3b1E0olZ8-00791-00264051-00264305 of not acknowledging his existence and bM3b1E0olZ8-00792-00264306-00264710 thus it is a safer bet to choose God bM3b1E0olZ8-00793-00264711-00264971 Peter Kreeft and Ronald tat Shelley bM3b1E0olZ8-00794-00264972-00265229 cited twenty arguments for God's bM3b1E0olZ8-00795-00265230-00265544 existence asserting that any demand for bM3b1E0olZ8-00796-00265545-00265607 evidence bM3b1E0olZ8-00797-00265608-00265859 testable in a laboratory is in effect bM3b1E0olZ8-00798-00265860-00266186 asking God the Supreme Being to become bM3b1E0olZ8-00799-00266187-00266483 man's servant bM3b1E0olZ8-00800-00266484-00266829 you bM3b1E0olZ8-00801-00266830-00267419 topic atheistic bM3b1E0olZ8-00802-00267420-00267693 according to Richard Dawkins a bM3b1E0olZ8-00803-00267694-00267966 distinction between agnosticism and bM3b1E0olZ8-00804-00267967-00268275 atheism is unwieldy and depends on how bM3b1E0olZ8-00805-00268276-00268535 close to zero a person is willing to bM3b1E0olZ8-00806-00268536-00268794 rate the probability of existence for bM3b1E0olZ8-00807-00268795-00269231 any given god-like entity about himself bM3b1E0olZ8-00808-00269232-00269673 Dawkins continues I am agnostic only to bM3b1E0olZ8-00809-00269674-00269940 the extent that I am agnostic about bM3b1E0olZ8-00810-00269941-00270293 fairies at the bottom of the garden bM3b1E0olZ8-00811-00270294-00270699 Dawkins also identifies two categories bM3b1E0olZ8-00812-00270700-00271085 of agnostics temporary agnostics in bM3b1E0olZ8-00813-00271086-00271631 practice taps and permanent agnostics in bM3b1E0olZ8-00814-00271632-00272066 principle Pat's he states that bM3b1E0olZ8-00815-00272067-00272388 agnosticism about the existence of God bM3b1E0olZ8-00816-00272389-00272729 belongs firmly in the temporary or tap bM3b1E0olZ8-00817-00272730-00273192 category either he exists or he doesn't bM3b1E0olZ8-00818-00273193-00273653 it is a scientific question one day we bM3b1E0olZ8-00819-00273654-00273951 may know the answer and meanwhile we can bM3b1E0olZ8-00820-00273952-00274212 say something pretty strong about the bM3b1E0olZ8-00821-00274213-00274732 probability and considers Pappa deeply bM3b1E0olZ8-00822-00274733-00275597 inescapable kind of fence setting bM3b1E0olZ8-00823-00275598-00276212 topic agnosticism bM3b1E0olZ8-00824-00276213-00276587 a related concept is agnosticism the bM3b1E0olZ8-00825-00276588-00276835 view that a coherent definition of a bM3b1E0olZ8-00826-00276836-00277091 deity must be put forward before the bM3b1E0olZ8-00827-00277092-00277364 question of the existence of a deity can bM3b1E0olZ8-00828-00277365-00277731 be meaningfully discussed if the chosen bM3b1E0olZ8-00829-00277732-00278083 definition is not coherent the agnostic bM3b1E0olZ8-00830-00278084-00278350 holds the non-cognitive esteem that the bM3b1E0olZ8-00831-00278351-00278632 existence of a deity is meaningless or bM3b1E0olZ8-00832-00278633-00279082 empirically untestable aj air theodore bM3b1E0olZ8-00833-00279083-00279376 drange and other philosophers see both bM3b1E0olZ8-00834-00279377-00279673 atheism and agnosticism is incompatible bM3b1E0olZ8-00835-00279674-00279925 with agnosticism on the grounds that bM3b1E0olZ8-00836-00279926-00280345 atheism and agnosticism accept a deity bM3b1E0olZ8-00837-00280346-00280742 exists as a meaningful proposition that bM3b1E0olZ8-00838-00280743-00281100 can be argued for or against bM3b1E0olZ8-00839-00281101-00281532 equals equals see also bSF_2ezsnPU-00001-00008484-00011287 foreign bSF_2ezsnPU-00002-00011288-00011921 sorry bSF_2ezsnPU-00004-00018304-00018789 foreign bSF_2ezsnPU-00006-00025284-00025708 m bSF_2ezsnPU-00008-00029568-00030011 foreign bSF_2ezsnPU-00009-00030012-00030526 [Applause] bSF_2ezsnPU-00011-00034043-00035083 [Applause] bSF_2ezsnPU-00013-00039521-00040169 [Music] bSF_2ezsnPU-00015-00043547-00043635 [Music] bSF_2ezsnPU-00017-00049179-00050483 [Music] bSF_2ezsnPU-00018-00050484-00052739 foreign bSF_2ezsnPU-00019-00052740-00053282 [Music] bSF_2ezsnPU-00020-00053283-00054046 my bSF_2ezsnPU-00021-00054047-00056371 [Music] bSF_2ezsnPU-00023-00061679-00062219 subscribe bSF_2ezsnPU-00024-00062220-00062520 bye bSFSusYYmIu-00000-00000088-00000375 look at this distinguished gentleman bSFSusYYmIu-00001-00000376-00000638 look at the way he is sitting yes very bSFSusYYmIu-00002-00000639-00000790 distinguished bSFSusYYmIu-00003-00000791-00002883 i see i see bSFSusYYmIu-00004-00002884-00003424 foreign bSFSusYYmIu-00005-00003425-00004283 [Music] bSFSusYYmIu-00006-00004284-00004613 oh bSFSusYYmIu-00007-00004614-00005683 [Music] bSFSusYYmIu-00008-00005684-00005929 yes bSFSusYYmIu-00009-00005930-00006334 [Music] bSFSusYYmIu-00010-00006335-00006703 excuse me bSFSusYYmIu-00012-00009884-00011283 so bSFSusYYmIu-00013-00011284-00012683 my bSFSusYYmIu-00014-00012684-00015275 hmm bSFSusYYmIu-00015-00015276-00016883 [Music] bSFSusYYmIu-00016-00016884-00017371 we bSFSusYYmIu-00017-00017372-00018283 [Music] bSFSusYYmIu-00018-00018284-00018459 um bSFSusYYmIu-00019-00018460-00021083 [Music] bSFSusYYmIu-00020-00021084-00021731 oh bSFSusYYmIu-00021-00021732-00022333 [Music] bSFSusYYmIu-00022-00022334-00022483 [Music] bSFSusYYmIu-00023-00022484-00024558 it's bSFSusYYmIu-00024-00024559-00025304 i mean they're not that far off bTCQJ_lsDaU-00000-00000112-00000423 suda or is an 18.5 square kilometers bTCQJ_lsDaU-00001-00000424-00000663 seven square miles spanish autonomous bTCQJ_lsDaU-00002-00000664-00000862 city on the north coast of africa bTCQJ_lsDaU-00003-00000863-00001127 separated by 14 kilometers nine miles bTCQJ_lsDaU-00004-00001128-00001311 from cadiz province on the spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00005-00001312-00001511 mainland by the strait of gibraltar and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00006-00001512-00001798 sharing a 6.4 kilometres four miles land bTCQJ_lsDaU-00007-00001800-00002126 border with m d-i-q-f-n-i-d-e-q bTCQJ_lsDaU-00008-00002127-00002431 prefecture in the kingdom of morocco bTCQJ_lsDaU-00009-00002432-00002639 it lies along the boundary between the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00010-00002640-00002895 mediterranean sea and the atlantic ocean bTCQJ_lsDaU-00011-00002896-00003142 and is one of nine populated spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00012-00003143-00003367 territories in africa and along with bTCQJ_lsDaU-00013-00003368-00003654 melilla one of two populated territories bTCQJ_lsDaU-00014-00003655-00003863 on mainland africa bTCQJ_lsDaU-00015-00003864-00004086 it was part of cadiz province until the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00016-00004087-00004438 14th of march 1995 when both suda and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00017-00004439-00004599 melilla bTCQJ_lsDaU-00018-00004600-00004822 s statutes of autonomy were passed the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00019-00004823-00004991 latter having been part of malaga bTCQJ_lsDaU-00020-00004992-00005151 province bTCQJ_lsDaU-00021-00005152-00005375 suda like malilla and the canary islands bTCQJ_lsDaU-00022-00005376-00005583 was a free port before spain joined the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00023-00005584-00005735 european union bTCQJ_lsDaU-00024-00005736-00006122 as of 2011 it has a population of 82 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00025-00006123-00006295 376. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00026-00006296-00006527 its population consists of christians bTCQJ_lsDaU-00027-00006528-00006710 muslims and small minorities of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00028-00006711-00007055 sephardic jews and ethnic sindhi hindus bTCQJ_lsDaU-00029-00007056-00007246 spanish is the official language while bTCQJ_lsDaU-00030-00007247-00007583 daria arabic is also spoken by 40 to 50 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00031-00007584-00007783 of the population which is of moroccan bTCQJ_lsDaU-00032-00007784-00008246 origin bTCQJ_lsDaU-00033-00008247-00008814 names bTCQJ_lsDaU-00034-00008815-00008983 the name abila is said to have been a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00035-00008984-00009359 punic name lofty mountain or mountain of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00036-00009360-00009623 god for jebel musa the southern pillar bTCQJ_lsDaU-00037-00009624-00009839 of hercules it appears in greek bTCQJ_lsDaU-00038-00009840-00010110 variously as abilia abilia abile abyle bTCQJ_lsDaU-00039-00010111-00010414 abblix ablex and abel steele abel piller bTCQJ_lsDaU-00040-00010415-00010678 of abilla and in latin as mount abilla bTCQJ_lsDaU-00041-00010679-00010895 abila mons or the pillar of abilla a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00042-00010896-00011078 billa colimay bTCQJ_lsDaU-00043-00011079-00011271 the settlement below jebel muza was bTCQJ_lsDaU-00044-00011272-00011463 later renamed for the seven hills around bTCQJ_lsDaU-00045-00011464-00011703 the site collectively referred to as the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00046-00011704-00011855 seven brothers bTCQJ_lsDaU-00047-00011856-00012127 greek heptadelphoi heptadelphoi latin bTCQJ_lsDaU-00048-00012128-00012406 septem fraters in particular the roman bTCQJ_lsDaU-00049-00012407-00012614 stronghold at the site took the name bTCQJ_lsDaU-00050-00012615-00012919 ford at the seven brothers castelum ad bTCQJ_lsDaU-00051-00012919-00013143 septem fraters this was gradually bTCQJ_lsDaU-00052-00013144-00013391 shortened to septem sapton sapin or bTCQJ_lsDaU-00053-00013391-00013638 occasionally septum or septa bTCQJ_lsDaU-00054-00013640-00013847 these clipped forms continued as berber bTCQJ_lsDaU-00055-00013847-00014135 sebtha and arabic sebtan or sabta arabic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00056-00014136-00014343 spout which themselves became suda in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00057-00014344-00014575 portuguese pronounced so and spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00058-00014576-00015103 pronounced theta yuta bTCQJ_lsDaU-00059-00015104-00015966 history bTCQJ_lsDaU-00060-00015968-00016366 ancient bTCQJ_lsDaU-00061-00016368-00016503 topic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00062-00016504-00016711 controlling access between the atlantic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00063-00016712-00016894 ocean and the mediterranean sea the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00064-00016895-00017071 strait of gibraltar is an important bTCQJ_lsDaU-00065-00017072-00017327 military and commercial chokepoint bTCQJ_lsDaU-00066-00017328-00017527 the phoenicians realized the extremely bTCQJ_lsDaU-00067-00017528-00017727 narrow isthmus joining the peninsula of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00068-00017728-00017919 almina to the african mainland makes bTCQJ_lsDaU-00069-00017920-00018094 suda imminently defensible and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00070-00018095-00018263 established an outpost there in the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00071-00018264-00018494 early 1st millennium bc bTCQJ_lsDaU-00072-00018495-00018686 the greek geographers record it by bTCQJ_lsDaU-00073-00018687-00018999 variations of abila the ancient name of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00074-00019000-00019294 nearby jebel musa beside kalpa the other bTCQJ_lsDaU-00075-00019295-00019503 pillar of hercules now known as the rock bTCQJ_lsDaU-00076-00019504-00019711 of gibraltar the phoenicians established bTCQJ_lsDaU-00077-00019712-00019991 cart at what is now san roque spain bTCQJ_lsDaU-00078-00019992-00020191 other good anchorages nearby became bTCQJ_lsDaU-00079-00020192-00020383 phoenician and then carthaginian ports bTCQJ_lsDaU-00080-00020384-00020678 at what are now tangiers and cadiz bTCQJ_lsDaU-00081-00020679-00020927 after carthage s destruction in the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00082-00020928-00021214 punic wars most of northwest africa was bTCQJ_lsDaU-00083-00021215-00021407 left to the roman client states of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00084-00021408-00021543 numidia and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00085-00021544-00021678 around abila bTCQJ_lsDaU-00086-00021679-00021839 mauritania bTCQJ_lsDaU-00087-00021840-00022055 punic culture continued to thrive in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00088-00022056-00022319 what the romans knew as septem bTCQJ_lsDaU-00089-00022320-00022591 after thapsis caesar and his heirs began bTCQJ_lsDaU-00090-00022592-00022863 annexing north africa directly as roman bTCQJ_lsDaU-00091-00022864-00023119 provinces but as late as augustus most bTCQJ_lsDaU-00092-00023120-00023294 of september bTCQJ_lsDaU-00093-00023295-00023503 s berber residents continued to speak bTCQJ_lsDaU-00094-00023504-00023703 and write in punic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00095-00023704-00023927 caligula assassinated the mauritanian bTCQJ_lsDaU-00096-00023928-00024150 king ptolemy in ad40 and seized his bTCQJ_lsDaU-00097-00024151-00024422 kingdom which claudius organized in 42 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00098-00024423-00024591 placing september in the province of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00099-00024592-00024799 tingetana and raising it to the level of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00100-00024800-00024927 a colony bTCQJ_lsDaU-00101-00024928-00025142 it subsequently romanized and thrived bTCQJ_lsDaU-00102-00025143-00025327 into the late 3rd century trading bTCQJ_lsDaU-00103-00025328-00025519 heavily with roman spain and becoming bTCQJ_lsDaU-00104-00025520-00025750 well known for its salted fish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00105-00025751-00025958 roads connected at overland with tingus bTCQJ_lsDaU-00106-00025960-00026262 tangiers and volubilus under theodosius bTCQJ_lsDaU-00107-00026263-00026462 the first in the late fourth century bTCQJ_lsDaU-00108-00026463-00026631 september still had ten thousand bTCQJ_lsDaU-00109-00026632-00026814 inhabitants nearly all christian bTCQJ_lsDaU-00110-00026816-00026999 citizens speaking latin and african bTCQJ_lsDaU-00111-00027000-00027455 romance bTCQJ_lsDaU-00112-00027456-00027935 topic medieval bTCQJ_lsDaU-00113-00027936-00028070 topic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00114-00028072-00028270 vandals probably invited by count bTCQJ_lsDaU-00115-00028272-00028446 boniface as protection against the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00116-00028447-00028639 empress dowager crossed the strait near bTCQJ_lsDaU-00117-00028639-00028958 tingas around 425 and swiftly overran bTCQJ_lsDaU-00118-00028960-00029135 roman north africa bTCQJ_lsDaU-00119-00029136-00029302 their king gayzurik focused his bTCQJ_lsDaU-00120-00029304-00029462 attention on the rich lands around bTCQJ_lsDaU-00121-00029463-00029662 carthage although the romans eventually bTCQJ_lsDaU-00122-00029663-00029862 accepted his conquests and he continued bTCQJ_lsDaU-00123-00029863-00030070 to raid them anyway he soon lost control bTCQJ_lsDaU-00124-00030072-00030270 of tingus and septem in a series of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00125-00030272-00030431 berber revolts bTCQJ_lsDaU-00126-00030432-00030639 when justinian decided to reconquer the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00127-00030639-00030855 vandal lands his victorious general bTCQJ_lsDaU-00128-00030856-00031062 belisarius continued along the coast bTCQJ_lsDaU-00129-00031063-00031231 making septem an outpost of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00130-00031232-00031567 byzantine empire around 533 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00131-00031568-00031790 unlike the roman administration however bTCQJ_lsDaU-00132-00031791-00031983 the byzantines did not push far into bTCQJ_lsDaU-00133-00031983-00032167 hinterland and made the more defensible bTCQJ_lsDaU-00134-00032168-00032335 september their regional capital in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00135-00032336-00032527 place of tingus bTCQJ_lsDaU-00136-00032527-00032767 epidemics less capable successors and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00137-00032768-00032951 overstretched supply lines forced a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00138-00032952-00033231 retrenchment and left september isolated bTCQJ_lsDaU-00139-00033232-00033431 it is likely that its count comes was bTCQJ_lsDaU-00140-00033432-00033623 obliged to pay homage to the visigoth bTCQJ_lsDaU-00141-00033624-00033807 kingdom in spain in the early 7th bTCQJ_lsDaU-00142-00033808-00033927 century bTCQJ_lsDaU-00143-00033928-00034111 there are no reliable contemporary bTCQJ_lsDaU-00144-00034112-00034271 accounts of the end of the islamic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00145-00034272-00034590 conquest of the maghreb around 710. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00146-00034591-00034815 instead the rapid muslim conquest of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00147-00034816-00035055 spain produced romances concerning count bTCQJ_lsDaU-00148-00035056-00035246 julian of septem and his betrayal of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00149-00035247-00035431 christendom in revenge for the dishonor bTCQJ_lsDaU-00150-00035432-00035574 that befell his daughter at king bTCQJ_lsDaU-00151-00035575-00035983 roderick s court allegedly with julian s bTCQJ_lsDaU-00152-00035984-00036159 encouragement and instructions the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00153-00036160-00036383 berber convert and friedmann tariq ibn bTCQJ_lsDaU-00154-00036384-00036590 ziad took his garrison from tangiers bTCQJ_lsDaU-00155-00036591-00036767 across the strait and overran the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00156-00036768-00036974 spanish so swiftly that both he and his bTCQJ_lsDaU-00157-00036975-00037230 persian master musa bin nuser fell afoul bTCQJ_lsDaU-00158-00037231-00037407 of a jealous caliph who stripped them of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00159-00037408-00037623 their wealth and titles bTCQJ_lsDaU-00160-00037624-00037862 after the death of julian sometimes also bTCQJ_lsDaU-00161-00037863-00038030 described as a king of the gomara bTCQJ_lsDaU-00162-00038031-00038262 berbers berber converts to islam took bTCQJ_lsDaU-00163-00038263-00038415 direct control of what they called bTCQJ_lsDaU-00164-00038416-00038518 sebtha bTCQJ_lsDaU-00165-00038519-00038687 it was then destroyed during their great bTCQJ_lsDaU-00166-00038688-00038879 revolt against the umayyad caliphate bTCQJ_lsDaU-00167-00038880-00039102 around 740. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00168-00039103-00039302 septa subsequently remained a small bTCQJ_lsDaU-00169-00039303-00039479 village of muslims and christians bTCQJ_lsDaU-00170-00039480-00039639 surrounded by ruins until its bTCQJ_lsDaU-00171-00039640-00039815 resettlement in the 9th century by bTCQJ_lsDaU-00172-00039816-00040030 magickas chief of the mikasa berber bTCQJ_lsDaU-00173-00040031-00040230 tribe who started the short-lived banu bTCQJ_lsDaU-00174-00040231-00040399 issam dynasty bTCQJ_lsDaU-00175-00040400-00040615 his great-grandson briefly allied his bTCQJ_lsDaU-00176-00040616-00040839 tribe with the idracids but banuissam bTCQJ_lsDaU-00177-00040840-00041158 rule ended in 931 when he abdicated in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00178-00041159-00041415 favor of abid r rahman 3 the umayyad bTCQJ_lsDaU-00179-00041416-00041590 caliph of cordoba bTCQJ_lsDaU-00180-00041591-00041823 suda reverted to moorish andalusian rule bTCQJ_lsDaU-00181-00041824-00042118 in 927 along with malilla and later bTCQJ_lsDaU-00182-00042119-00042423 tangier in 951 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00183-00042424-00042599 chaos ensued with the fall of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00184-00042600-00042862 spanish umayyads in 1031. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00185-00042863-00043102 following this suda and muslim iberia bTCQJ_lsDaU-00186-00043103-00043279 were controlled by successive north bTCQJ_lsDaU-00187-00043280-00043462 african dynasties bTCQJ_lsDaU-00188-00043463-00043743 starting in 1084 the almaravid berbers bTCQJ_lsDaU-00189-00043744-00043990 ruled the region until 1147 when the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00190-00043991-00044207 almahads conquered the land bTCQJ_lsDaU-00191-00044208-00044583 apart from ibn hud s rebellion in 1232 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00192-00044584-00044807 they ruled until the tunisian hafsids bTCQJ_lsDaU-00193-00044808-00045158 established control the half sids bTCQJ_lsDaU-00194-00045159-00045374 influence in the west rapidly waned and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00195-00045375-00045583 suda's inhabitants eventually expelled bTCQJ_lsDaU-00196-00045584-00045783 them in 1249. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00197-00045784-00045983 after this a period of political bTCQJ_lsDaU-00198-00045984-00046199 instability persisted under competing bTCQJ_lsDaU-00199-00046200-00046358 interests from the kingdoms of fez and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00200-00046359-00046479 grenada bTCQJ_lsDaU-00201-00046480-00046683 the fez finally conquered the region in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00202-00046684-00047327 1387 with assistance from aragon bTCQJ_lsDaU-00203-00047328-00047895 portuguese bTCQJ_lsDaU-00204-00047896-00048207 on the morning of the 21 august 1415 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00205-00048208-00048423 king john the first of portugal led his bTCQJ_lsDaU-00206-00048424-00048599 sons and their assembled forces in a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00207-00048600-00048767 surprise assault that would come to be bTCQJ_lsDaU-00208-00048768-00048990 known as the conquest of suda bTCQJ_lsDaU-00209-00048991-00049199 the battle was almost anticlimactic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00210-00049200-00049446 because the 45 000 men who traveled on bTCQJ_lsDaU-00211-00049447-00049630 200 portuguese ships caught the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00212-00049631-00049823 defenders of suda off-guard and only bTCQJ_lsDaU-00213-00049824-00050023 suffered eight casualties bTCQJ_lsDaU-00214-00050024-00050262 by nightfall the town was captured on bTCQJ_lsDaU-00215-00050263-00050502 the morning of august 22nd suda was in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00216-00050503-00050686 portuguese hands bTCQJ_lsDaU-00217-00050687-00050911 alvaro vaz de almata first count of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00218-00050912-00051111 avranches was asked to hoist what was to bTCQJ_lsDaU-00219-00051112-00051279 become the flag of suda which is bTCQJ_lsDaU-00220-00051279-00051487 identical to the flag of lisbon but in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00221-00051488-00051663 which the coat of arms of the kingdom of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00222-00051664-00051863 portugal was added to the center the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00223-00051864-00052070 original portuguese flag and coat of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00224-00052071-00052279 arms of suda remained unchanged and the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00225-00052279-00052463 modern-day suda flag features the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00226-00052464-00052766 configuration of the portuguese shield bTCQJ_lsDaU-00227-00052767-00052950 john's son henry the navigator bTCQJ_lsDaU-00228-00052951-00053126 distinguished himself in the battle bTCQJ_lsDaU-00229-00053127-00053350 being wounded during the conquest bTCQJ_lsDaU-00230-00053351-00053526 the looting of the city proved to be bTCQJ_lsDaU-00231-00053527-00053735 less profitable than expected for john bTCQJ_lsDaU-00232-00053736-00053950 the first he decided to keep the city to bTCQJ_lsDaU-00233-00053951-00054166 pursue further enterprises in the area bTCQJ_lsDaU-00234-00054167-00054550 from 1415 to 1437. pedro de menaces bTCQJ_lsDaU-00235-00054551-00054830 became the first governor of suda the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00236-00054832-00055135 benemarine sultan started the 1418 siege bTCQJ_lsDaU-00237-00055136-00055319 but was defeated by the first governor bTCQJ_lsDaU-00238-00055320-00055535 of suda before reinforcements arrived in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00239-00055536-00055775 the form of john constable of portugal bTCQJ_lsDaU-00240-00055776-00055966 and his brother henry the navigator who bTCQJ_lsDaU-00241-00055967-00056247 were sent with troops to defend sudha bTCQJ_lsDaU-00242-00056248-00056575 under king john the first s sun dwarte bTCQJ_lsDaU-00243-00056576-00056807 the colony at suda rapidly became a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00244-00056808-00057087 drain on the portuguese treasury bTCQJ_lsDaU-00245-00057088-00057326 trans-saharan trade journeyed instead to bTCQJ_lsDaU-00246-00057327-00057575 tangier it was soon realized that bTCQJ_lsDaU-00247-00057576-00057799 without the city of tangier possession bTCQJ_lsDaU-00248-00057800-00058023 of suda was worthless bTCQJ_lsDaU-00249-00058024-00058326 in 1437 duarte bTCQJ_lsDaU-00250-00058327-00058511 s brothers henry the navigator and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00251-00058512-00058726 fernando the saint prince persuaded him bTCQJ_lsDaU-00252-00058727-00058887 to launch an attack on the marinade bTCQJ_lsDaU-00253-00058888-00059119 sultanate the resulting battle of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00254-00059120-00059559 tangier 1437 led by henry was a debacle bTCQJ_lsDaU-00255-00059560-00059766 in the resulting treaty henry promised bTCQJ_lsDaU-00256-00059767-00059966 to deliver suda back to the marinades in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00257-00059967-00060166 return for allowing the portuguese army bTCQJ_lsDaU-00258-00060167-00060494 to depart unmolested which he reneged on bTCQJ_lsDaU-00259-00060495-00060694 possession of suda would indirectly lead bTCQJ_lsDaU-00260-00060695-00060942 to further portuguese expansion the main bTCQJ_lsDaU-00261-00060944-00061159 area of portuguese expansion at this bTCQJ_lsDaU-00262-00061160-00061350 time was the coast of maghreb where bTCQJ_lsDaU-00263-00061351-00061559 there was grain cattle sugar and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00264-00061560-00061854 textiles as well as fish hides wax and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00265-00061855-00062111 honey suda had to endure alone for 43 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00266-00062112-00062319 years until the position of the city was bTCQJ_lsDaU-00267-00062320-00062591 consolidated with the taking of ksars bTCQJ_lsDaU-00268-00062591-00063023 segier 1458 arzilla and tangier 1471 by bTCQJ_lsDaU-00269-00063024-00063199 the portuguese bTCQJ_lsDaU-00270-00063200-00063423 the city was recognized as a portuguese bTCQJ_lsDaU-00271-00063424-00063630 possession by the treaty of alcacovas bTCQJ_lsDaU-00272-00063632-00063919 1479 and by the treaty of tordesillas bTCQJ_lsDaU-00273-00063920-00064135 1494. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00274-00064136-00064375 in the 1540s the portuguese began bTCQJ_lsDaU-00275-00064376-00064566 building the royal walls of suda as they bTCQJ_lsDaU-00276-00064567-00064799 are today including bastians a navigable bTCQJ_lsDaU-00277-00064800-00064982 moat and a drawbridge bTCQJ_lsDaU-00278-00064983-00065135 some of these bastions are still bTCQJ_lsDaU-00279-00065136-00065342 standing like the bastions of kaurasa bTCQJ_lsDaU-00280-00065344-00065591 alta bandera and malarkuins.luis de bTCQJ_lsDaU-00281-00065592-00065894 camos lived in suda between 1549 and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00282-00065895-00066167 1551 losing his right eye in battle bTCQJ_lsDaU-00283-00066168-00066375 which influenced his work of poetry os bTCQJ_lsDaU-00284-00066376-00066767 luciatas bTCQJ_lsDaU-00285-00066768-00067287 topic iberian union bTCQJ_lsDaU-00286-00067288-00067735 topic in 1578 king sebastian of portugal bTCQJ_lsDaU-00287-00067736-00067943 died at the battle of alcazer quibber bTCQJ_lsDaU-00288-00067944-00068126 known as the battle of three kings in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00289-00068127-00068335 what is today northern morocco without bTCQJ_lsDaU-00290-00068336-00068543 descendants triggering the 1580 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00291-00068544-00068782 portuguese succession crisis bTCQJ_lsDaU-00292-00068783-00068975 his grand-uncle the elderly cardinal bTCQJ_lsDaU-00293-00068976-00069215 henry succeeded him as king but henry bTCQJ_lsDaU-00294-00069216-00069415 also had no descendants having taken bTCQJ_lsDaU-00295-00069416-00069559 holy orders bTCQJ_lsDaU-00296-00069560-00069767 when the cardinal king died two years bTCQJ_lsDaU-00297-00069768-00069967 after sebastian's disappearance three bTCQJ_lsDaU-00298-00069968-00070175 grandchildren of king manuel the first bTCQJ_lsDaU-00299-00070176-00070391 of portugal claimed the throne in fanta bTCQJ_lsDaU-00300-00070392-00070663 catarina duchess of braganza antonio bTCQJ_lsDaU-00301-00070664-00070919 prior of crato and philip ii of spain bTCQJ_lsDaU-00302-00070920-00071119 uncle of former king sebastian of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00303-00071120-00071287 portugal who would go on to be crowned bTCQJ_lsDaU-00304-00071288-00071487 king philip the first of portugal in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00305-00071488-00071735 1581. uniting the two crowns and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00306-00071736-00071950 overseas empires known as the iberian bTCQJ_lsDaU-00307-00071951-00072135 union which allowed the two kingdoms to bTCQJ_lsDaU-00308-00072136-00072382 continue without being merged bTCQJ_lsDaU-00309-00072383-00072719 during the iberian union 1580-1640 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00310-00072720-00072935 suda attracted many residents of spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00311-00072936-00073055 origin bTCQJ_lsDaU-00312-00073056-00073231 suda became the only city of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00313-00073232-00073455 portuguese empire that sided with spain bTCQJ_lsDaU-00314-00073456-00073655 when portugal regained its independence bTCQJ_lsDaU-00315-00073656-00073847 in the portuguese restoration war of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00316-00073848-00074343 1640. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00317-00074344-00074887 spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00318-00074888-00075071 disagreements regarding the border of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00319-00075072-00075294 suta resulted in the hispano-moroccan bTCQJ_lsDaU-00320-00075295-00075387 war bTCQJ_lsDaU-00321-00075388-00075615 1859-60 which ended at the battle of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00322-00075616-00075838 tatuan bTCQJ_lsDaU-00323-00075839-00076182 on the 1st of january 1668 king afonso bTCQJ_lsDaU-00324-00076183-00076406 vi of portugal recognized the formal bTCQJ_lsDaU-00325-00076407-00076623 allegiance of suta to spain and formally bTCQJ_lsDaU-00326-00076624-00076871 ceded sudha to king carlos ii of spain bTCQJ_lsDaU-00327-00076872-00077087 by the treaty of lisbon bTCQJ_lsDaU-00328-00077088-00077311 the city was attacked by moroccan forces bTCQJ_lsDaU-00329-00077312-00077503 under moulay ismail during the siege of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00330-00077504-00077862 suta 1694-1727 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00331-00077863-00078062 during the longest siege in history the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00332-00078063-00078247 city underwent changes leading to the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00333-00078248-00078487 loss of its portuguese character bTCQJ_lsDaU-00334-00078488-00078694 while most of the military operations bTCQJ_lsDaU-00335-00078695-00078871 took place around the royal walls of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00336-00078872-00079055 suda there were also small-scale bTCQJ_lsDaU-00337-00079056-00079255 penetrations by spanish forces at bTCQJ_lsDaU-00338-00079256-00079471 various points on the moroccan coast and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00339-00079472-00079615 seizure of shipping in the strait of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00340-00079616-00079782 gibraltar bTCQJ_lsDaU-00341-00079783-00080126 in july 1936 general francisco franco bTCQJ_lsDaU-00342-00080127-00080303 took command of the spanish army of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00343-00080304-00080503 africa and rebelled against the spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00344-00080504-00080694 republican government his military bTCQJ_lsDaU-00345-00080695-00080919 uprising led to the spanish civil war of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00346-00080920-00081223 1936-1939 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00347-00081224-00081447 franco transported troops to mainland bTCQJ_lsDaU-00348-00081448-00081655 spain in an airlift using transport bTCQJ_lsDaU-00349-00081656-00081959 aircraft supplied by germany and italy bTCQJ_lsDaU-00350-00081960-00082175 suda became one of the first casualties bTCQJ_lsDaU-00351-00082176-00082406 of the uprising general franco's rebel bTCQJ_lsDaU-00352-00082407-00082631 nationalist forces seized suda while at bTCQJ_lsDaU-00353-00082632-00082823 the same time the city came under fire bTCQJ_lsDaU-00354-00082824-00082991 from the air and sea forces of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00355-00082992-00083191 official republican government the llano bTCQJ_lsDaU-00356-00083192-00083391 amarillo monument was erected to honor bTCQJ_lsDaU-00357-00083392-00083623 francisco franco it was inaugurated on bTCQJ_lsDaU-00358-00083624-00083887 the 13th of july 1940. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00359-00083888-00084055 the tall obelisk has since been bTCQJ_lsDaU-00360-00084056-00084247 abandoned but the shield symbols of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00361-00084248-00084438 phalange and imperial eagle remain bTCQJ_lsDaU-00362-00084439-00084631 visible when spain recognized the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00363-00084632-00084959 independence of spanish morocco in 1956 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00364-00084960-00085167 suda and the other plazas de soberania bTCQJ_lsDaU-00365-00085168-00085382 remained under spanish rule bTCQJ_lsDaU-00366-00085383-00085575 spain considered them integral parts of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00367-00085576-00085767 the spanish state but morocco has bTCQJ_lsDaU-00368-00085768-00085975 disputed this point bTCQJ_lsDaU-00369-00085976-00086175 culturally modern suda is part of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00370-00086176-00086406 spanish region of andalusia bTCQJ_lsDaU-00371-00086407-00086606 it was attached to the province of cadiz bTCQJ_lsDaU-00372-00086607-00086911 until 1925. the spanish coast being only bTCQJ_lsDaU-00373-00086912-00087255 20 kilometers 12.5 miles away bTCQJ_lsDaU-00374-00087256-00087494 it is a cosmopolitan city with a large bTCQJ_lsDaU-00375-00087495-00087711 ethnic arab muslim minority as well as bTCQJ_lsDaU-00376-00087712-00087950 sephardic jewish and hindu minorities on bTCQJ_lsDaU-00377-00087951-00088223 the 5th of november 2007 king juan bTCQJ_lsDaU-00378-00088224-00088423 carlos the first visited the city bTCQJ_lsDaU-00379-00088424-00088631 sparking great enthusiasm from the local bTCQJ_lsDaU-00380-00088632-00088799 population and protests from the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00381-00088800-00088967 moroccan government bTCQJ_lsDaU-00382-00088968-00089159 it was the first time a spanish head of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00383-00089160-00089479 state had visited suda in 80 years bTCQJ_lsDaU-00384-00089480-00089711 since 2010 sudha and malilla have bTCQJ_lsDaU-00385-00089712-00089894 declared the muslim holiday of eid bTCQJ_lsDaU-00386-00089895-00090150 al-adha or feast of the sacrifice as an bTCQJ_lsDaU-00387-00090151-00090350 official public holiday bTCQJ_lsDaU-00388-00090351-00090535 it is the first time a non-christian bTCQJ_lsDaU-00389-00090536-00090735 religious festival has been officially bTCQJ_lsDaU-00390-00090736-00090887 celebrated in spain since the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00391-00090888-00091382 reconquista bTCQJ_lsDaU-00392-00091383-00091838 geography bTCQJ_lsDaU-00393-00091839-00091975 topic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00394-00091976-00092231 suda is dominated by monty anyara a hill bTCQJ_lsDaU-00395-00092232-00092511 along its western frontier with morocco bTCQJ_lsDaU-00396-00092512-00092703 the mountain is guarded by a military bTCQJ_lsDaU-00397-00092704-00092831 fort bTCQJ_lsDaU-00398-00092832-00093062 monte hatcho on the peninsula of almina bTCQJ_lsDaU-00399-00093063-00093215 overlooking the port is one of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00400-00093216-00093391 possible locations for the southern bTCQJ_lsDaU-00401-00093392-00093574 pillar of the pillars of hercules of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00402-00093575-00093791 greek legend the other possibility being bTCQJ_lsDaU-00403-00093792-00094262 jebel musa bTCQJ_lsDaU-00404-00094263-00094791 climate bTCQJ_lsDaU-00405-00094792-00094974 suda has a maritime influenced bTCQJ_lsDaU-00406-00094975-00095174 subtropical mediterranean climate bTCQJ_lsDaU-00407-00095175-00095406 similar to nearby spanish and moroccan bTCQJ_lsDaU-00408-00095407-00095623 cities such as tarifa al-jasiras or bTCQJ_lsDaU-00409-00095624-00095759 tangiers bTCQJ_lsDaU-00410-00095760-00095935 the average diurnal temperature bTCQJ_lsDaU-00411-00095936-00096174 variation is relatively low the average bTCQJ_lsDaU-00412-00096175-00096423 annual temperature is 18.8 degrees bTCQJ_lsDaU-00413-00096424-00096735 celsius 65.8 degrees fahrenheit with bTCQJ_lsDaU-00414-00096736-00097006 average yearly highs of 21.4 degrees bTCQJ_lsDaU-00415-00097007-00097326 celsius 70.5 degrees fahrenheit and lows bTCQJ_lsDaU-00416-00097327-00097694 of 15.7 degrees celsius 60.3 degrees bTCQJ_lsDaU-00417-00097695-00097855 fahrenheit though the suda weather bTCQJ_lsDaU-00418-00097856-00098062 station has only been in operation since bTCQJ_lsDaU-00419-00098063-00098231 2003. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00420-00098232-00098447 suda has relatively mild winters for the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00421-00098448-00098631 latitude while summers are warm yet bTCQJ_lsDaU-00422-00098632-00098815 milder than in the interior of southern bTCQJ_lsDaU-00423-00098816-00098999 spain due to the moderating effect of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00424-00099000-00099199 the straits of gibraltar bTCQJ_lsDaU-00425-00099200-00099391 summers are very dry but yearly bTCQJ_lsDaU-00426-00099392-00099638 precipitation is still at 849 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00427-00099639-00099894 millimeters 33.4 in which could be bTCQJ_lsDaU-00428-00099895-00100055 considered a humid climate if the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00429-00100056-00100599 summers were not so arid bTCQJ_lsDaU-00430-00100600-00101191 politics bTCQJ_lsDaU-00431-00101192-00101487 since 1995 suda is along with melilla bTCQJ_lsDaU-00432-00101488-00101662 one of the two autonomous cities of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00433-00101663-00101791 spain bTCQJ_lsDaU-00434-00101792-00102006 suda is known officially in spanish as bTCQJ_lsDaU-00435-00102007-00102238 ciudad autonoma de suda english bTCQJ_lsDaU-00436-00102239-00102439 autonomous city of suda with a rank bTCQJ_lsDaU-00437-00102440-00102630 between a standard spanish city and an bTCQJ_lsDaU-00438-00102631-00102823 autonomous community bTCQJ_lsDaU-00439-00102824-00103006 suda is part of the territory of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00440-00103007-00103263 european union the city was a free port bTCQJ_lsDaU-00441-00103264-00103471 before spain joined the european union bTCQJ_lsDaU-00442-00103472-00103671 in 1986 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00443-00103672-00103871 now it has a low tax system within the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00444-00103872-00104063 economic and monetary union of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00445-00104064-00104215 european union bTCQJ_lsDaU-00446-00104216-00104627 as of 2006 its population was 75 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00447-00104628-00104823 861. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00448-00104824-00105047 suda has held elections every four years bTCQJ_lsDaU-00449-00105048-00105439 since 1979 for its 25-seat assembly bTCQJ_lsDaU-00450-00105440-00105599 the leader of its government was the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00451-00105600-00105815 mayor until the autonomy statute had the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00452-00105816-00106054 title changed to the mayor president bTCQJ_lsDaU-00453-00106055-00106486 as of 2011 the people s party pp won 18 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00454-00106488-00106775 seats keeping juan jesus vivas as mayor bTCQJ_lsDaU-00455-00106776-00107119 president which he has been since 2001. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00456-00107120-00107302 the remaining seats are held by the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00457-00107303-00107575 regionalist cabias coalition 4 and the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00458-00107576-00107783 socialist workers bTCQJ_lsDaU-00459-00107783-00108127 party psoe 3 due to its small population bTCQJ_lsDaU-00460-00108128-00108302 suda elects only one member of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00461-00108303-00108510 congress of deputies the lower house of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00462-00108511-00108710 the spanish legislature bTCQJ_lsDaU-00463-00108711-00108990 as of 2011 election this post is held by bTCQJ_lsDaU-00464-00108991-00109654 francisco marquez de la rubia of the pp bTCQJ_lsDaU-00465-00109655-00110086 subdivisions bTCQJ_lsDaU-00466-00110088-00110231 topic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00467-00110232-00110534 suda is subdivided into 63 bariatas bTCQJ_lsDaU-00468-00110535-00110790 neighborhoods such as barriota de bTCQJ_lsDaU-00469-00110791-00111095 barrazoo bariata de p alfonso barriota bTCQJ_lsDaU-00470-00111096-00111654 del sarkel and el hacho bTCQJ_lsDaU-00471-00111655-00112278 dispute with morocco bTCQJ_lsDaU-00472-00112279-00112495 the government of morocco has repeatedly bTCQJ_lsDaU-00473-00112496-00112654 called for spain to transfer the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00474-00112655-00112863 sovereignty of suda and malilla together bTCQJ_lsDaU-00475-00112864-00113039 with the rest of the spanish plaza's bTCQJ_lsDaU-00476-00113040-00113263 disoberania on the north african coast bTCQJ_lsDaU-00477-00113264-00113399 on the grounds of asserting its bTCQJ_lsDaU-00478-00113400-00113678 territorial integrity morocco has bTCQJ_lsDaU-00479-00113679-00114215 claimed the territories are colonies bTCQJ_lsDaU-00480-00114216-00114863 topic economy bTCQJ_lsDaU-00481-00114864-00115054 the official currency of suda is the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00482-00115055-00115319 euro it is part of a special low tax bTCQJ_lsDaU-00483-00115320-00115599 zone in spain suda is one of two spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00484-00115600-00115775 port cities on the northern shore of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00485-00115776-00115990 africa along with malilla bTCQJ_lsDaU-00486-00115991-00116151 they are historically military bTCQJ_lsDaU-00487-00116152-00116399 strongholds free ports oil ports and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00488-00116400-00116583 also fishing ports bTCQJ_lsDaU-00489-00116583-00116790 today the economy of the city depends bTCQJ_lsDaU-00490-00116791-00117023 heavily on its port now in expansion and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00491-00117024-00117286 its industrial and retail centers bTCQJ_lsDaU-00492-00117288-00117502 suda heliport is now used to connect the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00493-00117503-00117751 city to mainland spain by air bTCQJ_lsDaU-00494-00117752-00118047 lidl decathlon group and el corte inglas bTCQJ_lsDaU-00495-00118048-00118295 hardware have branches in suda bTCQJ_lsDaU-00496-00118296-00118534 there is also a casino bTCQJ_lsDaU-00497-00118535-00118790 border trade between suda and morocco is bTCQJ_lsDaU-00498-00118791-00118999 active because of advantage of tax-free bTCQJ_lsDaU-00499-00119000-00119119 status bTCQJ_lsDaU-00500-00119120-00119327 thousands of moroccan women are involved bTCQJ_lsDaU-00501-00119328-00119623 in porter trade daily moroccan dirham is bTCQJ_lsDaU-00502-00119624-00119831 actually used in such trade despite the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00503-00119832-00120351 fact that prices are marked in euro bTCQJ_lsDaU-00504-00120352-00120975 topic transport bTCQJ_lsDaU-00505-00120976-00121143 the city receives high numbers of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00506-00121144-00121343 ferries each day from al jaciras in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00507-00121344-00121551 andalusia in the south of spain along bTCQJ_lsDaU-00508-00121552-00121799 with malilla and the canary islands bTCQJ_lsDaU-00509-00121800-00122007 the closest airport is sanya ramal bTCQJ_lsDaU-00510-00122008-00122223 airport in morocco there is a bus bTCQJ_lsDaU-00511-00122224-00122383 service throughout the city which does bTCQJ_lsDaU-00512-00122383-00122663 not pass into neighboring morocco bTCQJ_lsDaU-00513-00122664-00122878 a single road border checkpoint allows bTCQJ_lsDaU-00514-00122879-00123086 for cars to travel between morocco and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00515-00123088-00123190 suda bTCQJ_lsDaU-00516-00123191-00123383 the rest of the border is closed and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00517-00123383-00123878 inaccessible bTCQJ_lsDaU-00518-00123879-00124343 demographics bTCQJ_lsDaU-00519-00124344-00124478 topic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00520-00124479-00124702 due to its location suda is home to a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00521-00124703-00124975 mixed ethnic and religious population bTCQJ_lsDaU-00522-00124976-00125158 the two main religious groups are bTCQJ_lsDaU-00523-00125159-00125454 christians and muslims as of 2006 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00524-00125455-00125727 approximately 50 of the population was bTCQJ_lsDaU-00525-00125728-00126078 christian and approximately 49 muslim bTCQJ_lsDaU-00526-00126079-00126399 however by 2012 the portion of sutta s bTCQJ_lsDaU-00527-00126400-00126639 population that identify as roman bTCQJ_lsDaU-00528-00126640-00126895 catholic was 68.0 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00529-00126896-00127143 while the portion of suda bTCQJ_lsDaU-00530-00127144-00127407 s population that identify as muslim was bTCQJ_lsDaU-00531-00127408-00127566 28.3 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00532-00127567-00127758 spanish is the primary and official bTCQJ_lsDaU-00533-00127759-00127951 language of the enclave bTCQJ_lsDaU-00534-00127952-00128199 moroccan arabic is widely spoken as are bTCQJ_lsDaU-00535-00128200-00128695 berber and french bTCQJ_lsDaU-00536-00128696-00129231 religion bTCQJ_lsDaU-00537-00129232-00129454 christianity has been present in suda bTCQJ_lsDaU-00538-00129455-00129663 continuously from late antiquity as bTCQJ_lsDaU-00539-00129664-00129854 evidenced by the ruins of a basilica in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00540-00129855-00130014 downtown suda and accounts of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00541-00130015-00130231 martyrdom of saint daniel fasonella and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00542-00130232-00130534 his franciscans in 1227. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00543-00130535-00130727 the town's grand mosque had been built bTCQJ_lsDaU-00544-00130728-00130958 over a byzantine-era church bTCQJ_lsDaU-00545-00130959-00131263 in 1415 the year of the city's conquest bTCQJ_lsDaU-00546-00131264-00131431 the portuguese converted the grand bTCQJ_lsDaU-00547-00131432-00131647 mosque into suda cathedral bTCQJ_lsDaU-00548-00131648-00131847 the present form of the cathedral dates bTCQJ_lsDaU-00549-00131848-00132054 to refurbishments undertaken in the late bTCQJ_lsDaU-00550-00132055-00132287 17th century combining baroque and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00551-00132288-00132487 neoclassical elements bTCQJ_lsDaU-00552-00132488-00132678 it was dedicated to saint mary of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00553-00132679-00132975 assumption in 1726 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00554-00132976-00133207 the roman catholic diocese of suda was bTCQJ_lsDaU-00555-00133208-00133431 established in 1417. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00556-00133432-00133639 it incorporated the suppressed diocese bTCQJ_lsDaU-00557-00133640-00133966 of tangur in 1570. the diocese of suda bTCQJ_lsDaU-00558-00133967-00134263 was a suffragan of lisbon until 1675 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00559-00134264-00134511 when it became a suffragan of seville bTCQJ_lsDaU-00560-00134512-00134790 in 1851 suda's administration was bTCQJ_lsDaU-00561-00134791-00134990 notionally merged into the diocese of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00562-00134991-00135214 kadiz and sudha as part of a concordat bTCQJ_lsDaU-00563-00135215-00135447 between spain and the holy see the union bTCQJ_lsDaU-00564-00135448-00135654 was not actually accomplished however bTCQJ_lsDaU-00565-00135655-00136199 until 1879. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00566-00136200-00136759 education bTCQJ_lsDaU-00567-00136760-00136943 the university of grenada offers bTCQJ_lsDaU-00568-00136944-00137143 undergraduate programs at their campus bTCQJ_lsDaU-00569-00137144-00137254 in suda bTCQJ_lsDaU-00570-00137255-00137495 like all areas of spain suda is also bTCQJ_lsDaU-00571-00137496-00137687 served by the national university of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00572-00137688-00137999 distance education uned bTCQJ_lsDaU-00573-00138000-00138223 primary and secondary education is bTCQJ_lsDaU-00574-00138224-00138423 possible only in spanish however a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00575-00138424-00138583 growing number of schools are entering bTCQJ_lsDaU-00576-00138584-00139119 the bilingual education program bTCQJ_lsDaU-00577-00139120-00139766 topic migrants bTCQJ_lsDaU-00578-00139767-00139975 as in malilla suda is attractive to bTCQJ_lsDaU-00579-00139976-00140151 migrants who try to use it as an entry bTCQJ_lsDaU-00580-00140152-00140271 to europe bTCQJ_lsDaU-00581-00140272-00140495 as a result the enclave is surrounded by bTCQJ_lsDaU-00582-00140496-00140751 double fences that are 6 metres 20 feet bTCQJ_lsDaU-00583-00140752-00140951 high and hundreds of migrants congregate bTCQJ_lsDaU-00584-00140952-00141127 near the fences waiting for a chance to bTCQJ_lsDaU-00585-00141128-00141239 cross them bTCQJ_lsDaU-00586-00141240-00141423 the fences are regularly stormed by bTCQJ_lsDaU-00587-00141424-00141623 migrants trying to claim asylum once bTCQJ_lsDaU-00588-00141624-00142119 they enter suta bTCQJ_lsDaU-00589-00142120-00142639 notable people from suda bTCQJ_lsDaU-00590-00142640-00143071 topic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00591-00143072-00143766 1083-1700 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00592-00143767-00144190 qadi ayaad 1083 in suda 1149 born in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00593-00144191-00144390 sudha then belonging to the al-muravids bTCQJ_lsDaU-00594-00144391-00144647 was the great imam of that city bTCQJ_lsDaU-00595-00144648-00145039 al-adrisi 1100 in suda 1165 in suda was bTCQJ_lsDaU-00596-00145040-00145278 an arab muslim geographer cartographer bTCQJ_lsDaU-00597-00145279-00145454 and egyptologist bTCQJ_lsDaU-00598-00145455-00145654 he lived in palermo at the court of king bTCQJ_lsDaU-00599-00145655-00145951 roger ii of sicily known for the tabula bTCQJ_lsDaU-00600-00145952-00146166 rajariyana bTCQJ_lsDaU-00601-00146167-00146487 abu al-abbas as sabti suda 11 29 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00602-00146488-00146759 marrakesh 1204 is the patron saint of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00603-00146760-00146919 marrakesh bTCQJ_lsDaU-00604-00146920-00147359 joseph ben judah of suda c 1160-1226 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00605-00147360-00147543 was a jewish physician and poet and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00606-00147544-00147823 disciple of moses maimonides bTCQJ_lsDaU-00607-00147824-00148319 abu al-abbas al-azafi 1162 in suda 1236 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00608-00148320-00148535 a religious and legal scholar member of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00609-00148536-00148847 the banu allah zaffi who ruled sudha bTCQJ_lsDaU-00610-00148848-00149254 muhammad ibn rashad 1259 in sabbath 1321 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00611-00149255-00149566 was a judge writer and scholar of hadith bTCQJ_lsDaU-00612-00149567-00149802 alvaro of braganza bTCQJ_lsDaU-00613-00149803-00150054 1440-1504 was a president of council of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00614-00150055-00150439 castile bTCQJ_lsDaU-00615-00150440-00151071 topic 1700-1800 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00616-00151072-00151214 topic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00617-00151215-00151459 george kamoc bTCQJ_lsDaU-00618-00151460-00151719 1666-1732 was a royal navy captain and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00619-00151720-00151935 former admiral for spain who was exiled bTCQJ_lsDaU-00620-00151936-00152111 to suda to live out the last years of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00621-00152112-00152271 his life bTCQJ_lsDaU-00622-00152272-00152671 don fernando de leba 1734 in suda 1780 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00623-00152672-00152871 was a spanish officer who served as the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00624-00152872-00153090 third governor of upper louisiana from bTCQJ_lsDaU-00625-00153091-00153366 1778 until his death bTCQJ_lsDaU-00626-00153367-00153607 brigadier general francisco antonio bTCQJ_lsDaU-00627-00153608-00154054 garcia carrasco diaz 1742 in suda 1813 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00628-00154055-00154302 in lima peru was a spanish soldier and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00629-00154303-00154535 royal governor of chile bTCQJ_lsDaU-00630-00154536-00154902 sebastian condelen y o'regan 1757 in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00631-00154903-00155239 suda 1826 santiago de cuba was a colonel bTCQJ_lsDaU-00632-00155240-00155399 in the spanish army who served as bTCQJ_lsDaU-00633-00155400-00155743 governor of east florida 1812 1815 of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00634-00155744-00156054 santo domingo 1818 1821 and was bTCQJ_lsDaU-00635-00156055-00156526 provisional governor of cuba 1822 1823 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00636-00156527-00156783 isidro delay fabregas count of vergara bTCQJ_lsDaU-00637-00156784-00157190 and vicon avilaroblado 1790 in suda 1853 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00638-00157191-00157399 in madrid was a spanish general of the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00639-00157400-00157639 first carlest war who backed isabella ii bTCQJ_lsDaU-00640-00157640-00158126 of spain bTCQJ_lsDaU-00641-00158127-00158814 1800-1950 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00642-00158815-00159083 general francisco lano de la encomienda bTCQJ_lsDaU-00643-00159084-00159495 1879 in suda 1963 in mexico city was a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00644-00159496-00159671 spanish soldier bTCQJ_lsDaU-00645-00159672-00159907 during the spanish civil war bTCQJ_lsDaU-00646-00159908-00160166 1936-39 he remained loyal to the second bTCQJ_lsDaU-00647-00160167-00160439 spanish republic general antonio escobar bTCQJ_lsDaU-00648-00160440-00160823 huertas 1879 in suda executed 1940 in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00649-00160824-00161095 barcelona was a spanish military officer bTCQJ_lsDaU-00650-00161096-00161439 africa des los haras gavilan suda 1909 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00651-00161440-00161751 moscow 1988 was a spanish communist bTCQJ_lsDaU-00652-00161752-00162054 naturalized soviet citizen and kgb spy bTCQJ_lsDaU-00653-00162055-00162295 who went by the code name patria eugenio bTCQJ_lsDaU-00654-00162296-00162623 martine born 1925 in suda is a spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00655-00162624-00162823 film director and screenwriter jacob bTCQJ_lsDaU-00656-00162824-00163287 hassan ph.d 1936 in suda 2006 in madrid bTCQJ_lsDaU-00657-00163288-00163511 was a spanish jewish philologist jose bTCQJ_lsDaU-00658-00163512-00163831 martinez sanchez born 1945 in suda bTCQJ_lsDaU-00659-00163832-00164063 nicknamed piri is a retired spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00660-00164064-00164302 footballer mainly played for real madrid bTCQJ_lsDaU-00661-00164303-00164607 appearing in 561 competitive games and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00662-00164608-00164975 scoring 172 goals manuel chaves gonzalez bTCQJ_lsDaU-00663-00164976-00165238 born 1945 in suda is a spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00664-00165239-00165438 politician of the spanish socialist bTCQJ_lsDaU-00665-00165439-00165590 workers party bTCQJ_lsDaU-00666-00165591-00165790 he served as the third vice president of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00667-00165791-00165987 the spanish government from bTCQJ_lsDaU-00668-00165988-00166278 2009-2011 ramon castellano de torres bTCQJ_lsDaU-00669-00166279-00166590 born 1947 in suda is a spanish artist bTCQJ_lsDaU-00670-00166591-00166766 thought by some to be an expressionist bTCQJ_lsDaU-00671-00166767-00167071 painter jose ramon lopez 1950 was a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00672-00167072-00167223 sprint canoer bTCQJ_lsDaU-00673-00167224-00167487 he won the silver medal in the 1976 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00674-00167488-00167647 summer olympics bTCQJ_lsDaU-00675-00167648-00167943 topic 1950 to detopic miguel bernardo bTCQJ_lsDaU-00676-00167944-00168254 bianchetti born 1951 in suda known as bTCQJ_lsDaU-00677-00168255-00168478 migueli as a spanish retired footballer bTCQJ_lsDaU-00678-00168479-00168687 who played central defender bTCQJ_lsDaU-00679-00168688-00168926 francisco lesems and rafael lesems bTCQJ_lsDaU-00680-00168927-00169175 bobbed brothers and spanish footballers bTCQJ_lsDaU-00681-00169176-00169543 ignacio velazquez rivera born 1953 first bTCQJ_lsDaU-00682-00169544-00169775 mayor president of melilla juan jesus bTCQJ_lsDaU-00683-00169776-00170095 vivas lara suda 1953 became the mayor bTCQJ_lsDaU-00684-00170096-00170359 president of suda in spain in 2001. bTCQJ_lsDaU-00685-00170360-00170719 pedro avilas gutierrez suda 1956 is a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00686-00170720-00170951 spanish novelist from madrid bTCQJ_lsDaU-00687-00170952-00171302 name suda 1966 is a retired spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00688-00171303-00171511 footballer he scored a last-minute goal bTCQJ_lsDaU-00689-00171512-00171823 for real zaragoza in the 1995 uefa cup bTCQJ_lsDaU-00690-00171824-00171999 winners cup final bTCQJ_lsDaU-00691-00172000-00172359 eva maria asanda funkuberta born 1971 in bTCQJ_lsDaU-00692-00172360-00172614 suda is a spanish actress muhammad tayeb bTCQJ_lsDaU-00693-00172615-00172975 ahmed 1975. sudha is a spanish moroccan bTCQJ_lsDaU-00694-00172976-00173183 drug lord responsible for trafficking bTCQJ_lsDaU-00695-00173184-00173383 hashish across the strait of gibraltar bTCQJ_lsDaU-00696-00173384-00173526 and into spain bTCQJ_lsDaU-00697-00173527-00173871 lorena miranda suda 1991 is a spanish bTCQJ_lsDaU-00698-00173872-00174102 female water polo player bTCQJ_lsDaU-00699-00174103-00174311 she won the silver medal in water polo bTCQJ_lsDaU-00700-00174312-00174575 at the 2012 summer olympics bTCQJ_lsDaU-00701-00174576-00174831 topic twin towns and sister cydiastopic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00702-00174832-00175078 suda is twinned with topic c alpha topic bTCQJ_lsDaU-00703-00175079-00175326 topic referencestopic topic citation bTCQJ_lsDaU-00704-00175327-00175583 stopoc topic bibliographytopic bonnie bTCQJ_lsDaU-00705-00175584-00175847 thomas george at all 1907 the bTCQJ_lsDaU-00706-00175848-00176054 mediterranean its storied cities and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00707-00176055-00176311 venerable ruins new york james pott and bTCQJ_lsDaU-00708-00176312-00176414 co bTCQJ_lsDaU-00709-00176415-00176854 coven joseph at all eds 1843 abila bTCQJ_lsDaU-00710-00176855-00177102 lempriere's classical dictionary london bTCQJ_lsDaU-00711-00177103-00177423 longman brown green and longmans bTCQJ_lsDaU-00712-00177424-00177814 dyer thomas h 1873 september fraters a bTCQJ_lsDaU-00713-00177815-00178047 dictionary of greek and roman geography bTCQJ_lsDaU-00714-00178048-00178166 vol bTCQJ_lsDaU-00715-00178167-00178607 2 london john murray p 965 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00716-00178608-00178990 smedley edward at all eds 1845 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00717-00178991-00179283 mauritania encyclopedia metropolitana bTCQJ_lsDaU-00718-00179284-00179719 volume 22 london b fellows and al pp bTCQJ_lsDaU-00719-00179720-00179871 48-49 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00720-00179872-00180207 smith philip 1854 abilia dictionary of bTCQJ_lsDaU-00721-00180208-00180471 greek and roman geography london walton bTCQJ_lsDaU-00722-00180472-00180607 and maberly bTCQJ_lsDaU-00723-00180608-00180935 topic external links suda encyclopaedia bTCQJ_lsDaU-00724-00180936-00181326 britannica 11th ed 1911 bTCQJ_lsDaU-00725-00181327-00181543 in spanish official suda government bTCQJ_lsDaU-00726-00181544-00181687 website bTCQJ_lsDaU-00727-00181688-00182076 suda tourism website bTKtFlGpBDI-00000-00000000-00000300 Godiva bUy8ClO2CIk-00000-00000151-00000550 [Music] bUy8ClO2CIk-00001-00000551-00000927 yt dan dueling says brought to you by bUy8ClO2CIk-00002-00000927-00001239 dink duelist like you become a youtube bUy8ClO2CIk-00003-00001240-00001724 member to never guess what's going on my bUy8ClO2CIk-00004-00001725-00002063 boys whitey dan back again with another bUy8ClO2CIk-00005-00002064-00002349 duel links video and I know it looks bUy8ClO2CIk-00006-00002350-00002520 like I'm about to go on an epic journey bUy8ClO2CIk-00007-00002521-00002817 and the snow somewhere but I promise you bUy8ClO2CIk-00008-00002818-00003197 my boys I'm not doing it we're about to bUy8ClO2CIk-00009-00003198-00003453 get in here my boys and talk about the bUy8ClO2CIk-00010-00003454-00003795 new hero generation structure deck it is bUy8ClO2CIk-00011-00003796-00003950 one the new structure deck says that bUy8ClO2CIk-00012-00003951-00004100 that just came out bUy8ClO2CIk-00013-00004101-00004391 featuring favorite hero which is one of bUy8ClO2CIk-00014-00004392-00004643 the most incredible cards heroes have bUy8ClO2CIk-00015-00004644-00005052 ever seen in yugioh duel links this card bUy8ClO2CIk-00016-00005053-00005414 is a game changer so at extreme last bUy8ClO2CIk-00017-00005415-00005627 night where I played this deck and I bUy8ClO2CIk-00018-00005628-00006014 really had a lot of fun using Neos but I bUy8ClO2CIk-00019-00006015-00006239 think that honestly there is another bUy8ClO2CIk-00020-00006240-00006570 Duelist that has a better build of this bUy8ClO2CIk-00021-00006570-00006825 deck you can check out this channel do bUy8ClO2CIk-00022-00006826-00007077 links ace check him out my boys he's bUy8ClO2CIk-00023-00007078-00007326 running Neil's alias with his with a few bUy8ClO2CIk-00024-00007327-00007533 other combo cards so you should head bUy8ClO2CIk-00025-00007534-00007701 over there after you finish watching bUy8ClO2CIk-00026-00007702-00007968 this video but today I'm gonna show you bUy8ClO2CIk-00027-00007969-00008217 how I use this deck and I was using bUy8ClO2CIk-00028-00008218-00008547 balanced with favorite hero and I think bUy8ClO2CIk-00029-00008548-00008838 that you know using balanced versus bUy8ClO2CIk-00030-00008839-00009162 using the actual field spell in my bUy8ClO2CIk-00031-00009163-00009435 particular build I was getting lots of bUy8ClO2CIk-00032-00009436-00009672 bricks but then you know looking at some bUy8ClO2CIk-00033-00009673-00009879 other bills that now that the deck has bUy8ClO2CIk-00034-00009880-00010092 been out for like literally hours I bUy8ClO2CIk-00035-00010093-00010428 guess I'm not even a day I think that bUy8ClO2CIk-00036-00010429-00010680 there's definitely some viability to of bUy8ClO2CIk-00037-00010681-00010899 course running neo space but using bUy8ClO2CIk-00038-00010900-00011156 balanced with a neo space in the deck is bUy8ClO2CIk-00039-00011157-00011454 also pretty viable as well so imma let bUy8ClO2CIk-00040-00011455-00011724 you boys check it out right now so as I bUy8ClO2CIk-00041-00011725-00011886 mentioned before you know I'm running bUy8ClO2CIk-00042-00011887-00012126 favorite hero with his meals deck and bUy8ClO2CIk-00043-00012127-00012351 literally I'm running just the cheekiest bUy8ClO2CIk-00044-00012352-00012588 deck that I thought of right off rip I bUy8ClO2CIk-00045-00012589-00012774 didn't even think about using all the bUy8ClO2CIk-00046-00012775-00012860 other cards bUy8ClO2CIk-00047-00012861-00013241 I mean honestly when you have your brave bUy8ClO2CIk-00048-00013243-00013518 Neos running knee effusion it's bUy8ClO2CIk-00049-00013519-00013752 like you know one of those decks that bUy8ClO2CIk-00050-00013753-00013968 you just kind of really think about just bUy8ClO2CIk-00051-00013969-00014211 summon elemental hero brave me else and bUy8ClO2CIk-00052-00014212-00014438 getting in there for game and Loki bUy8ClO2CIk-00053-00014440-00014691 bistec it's so easy to go in for game bUy8ClO2CIk-00054-00014691-00014949 with favorite hero you can get as high bUy8ClO2CIk-00055-00014950-00015486 as 90 100 attack points 90 100 against bUy8ClO2CIk-00056-00015487-00015846 any duelists using neo space and three bUy8ClO2CIk-00057-00015847-00016088 favorite heroes but typically you're bUy8ClO2CIk-00058-00016090-00016221 only gonna be running around with a bUy8ClO2CIk-00059-00016222-00016524 meagre 50-100 you know not like that's bUy8ClO2CIk-00060-00016525-00016725 not clapping anything I'm running a bUy8ClO2CIk-00061-00016726-00016896 drowning mirror force and I'm also bUy8ClO2CIk-00062-00016897-00017094 running wall of D because I'm running bUy8ClO2CIk-00063-00017095-00017304 balanced but again I do think you should bUy8ClO2CIk-00064-00017305-00017612 check out my boy duel links aces video bUy8ClO2CIk-00065-00017613-00017883 and check out his deck and I'll have it bUy8ClO2CIk-00066-00017884-00018045 in AI cards for you guys to check it out bUy8ClO2CIk-00067-00018046-00018354 my boys but that's pretty much it I just bUy8ClO2CIk-00068-00018355-00018507 wanted to introduce you guys to this bUy8ClO2CIk-00069-00018508-00018672 deck and talk to you a little bit more bUy8ClO2CIk-00070-00018673-00018849 about it I do have a live streaming I bUy8ClO2CIk-00071-00018850-00019083 did with a yesterday and then also you bUy8ClO2CIk-00072-00019084-00019224 can watch the rest of the clips to see bUy8ClO2CIk-00073-00019225-00019422 some more duels so thank you guys so bUy8ClO2CIk-00074-00019423-00019674 much for watching and always my boys bUy8ClO2CIk-00075-00019675-00019967 keep it bUy8ClO2CIk-00076-00019968-00021303 [Music] bUy8ClO2CIk-00078-00026867-00026933 [Applause] bUy8ClO2CIk-00080-00046553-00046781 actually that's why I said kannadi it bUy8ClO2CIk-00081-00046782-00046958 might be a better choice actually that's bUy8ClO2CIk-00082-00046959-00047117 why this icon it might be a better bUy8ClO2CIk-00083-00047118-00048002 choice yeah madness that's why I said bUy8ClO2CIk-00084-00048003-00048446 cut Nadia might be a better choice but bUy8ClO2CIk-00085-00048447-00048758 well well I mean who the expecting six bUy8ClO2CIk-00086-00048759-00049187 samurais like come on who's expecting bUy8ClO2CIk-00087-00049188-00049508 six samurais pop up in the meta at this bUy8ClO2CIk-00088-00049509-00050035 stage that at this stage in the meta no bUy8ClO2CIk-00089-00050036-00050599 not this my mirror force useless but oh bUy8ClO2CIk-00090-00050600-00051749 no now I have a balance brick I've been bUy8ClO2CIk-00091-00051750-00052682 fooled bamboozled tricked obstructed bUy8ClO2CIk-00092-00052683-00053036 I won't scoop it up sure if these frames bUy8ClO2CIk-00093-00053037-00053915 freeze not your not to this he's bUy8ClO2CIk-00094-00053916-00054091 gonna go into that sink right at level bUy8ClO2CIk-00095-00054092-00054422 five chick with the level five beats can bUy8ClO2CIk-00096-00054423-00055586 be near falls back face up cards bUy8ClO2CIk-00097-00055587-00055769 effective and Gaeta until the end of the bUy8ClO2CIk-00098-00055770-00056236 turn bUy8ClO2CIk-00099-00056237-00056611 yikes bUy8ClO2CIk-00100-00056612-00057217 no not my precious bacon what's bUy8ClO2CIk-00101-00057219-00058559 happening what's happening bUy8ClO2CIk-00102-00058560-00058750 thank you bUy8ClO2CIk-00103-00058751-00059242 glad you made decision Daddo bUy8ClO2CIk-00104-00059244-00059836 [Music] bUy8ClO2CIk-00105-00059837-00060350 most unfortunate bUy8ClO2CIk-00106-00060351-00061666 this sanctuary in the sky and divine bUy8ClO2CIk-00107-00061666-00063288 [Music] bUy8ClO2CIk-00108-00063289-00063995 I knew I liked to my boy I knew I did bUy8ClO2CIk-00109-00063996-00064236 that's pretty good that's pretty good bUy8ClO2CIk-00110-00064237-00064863 strategy that's pretty good strategy you bUy8ClO2CIk-00111-00064864-00065058 said there's no reason to run drowning bUy8ClO2CIk-00112-00065059-00065388 what do you mean Shiranui is enough bUy8ClO2CIk-00113-00065389-00065637 reason to run drowning right there this bUy8ClO2CIk-00114-00065638-00066165 reason - there's no reason to run bUy8ClO2CIk-00115-00066166-00067041 drowning dog drowning no dog dog here I bUy8ClO2CIk-00116-00067042-00067905 go here I go here I go bUy8ClO2CIk-00117-00067906-00069018 Johnny Johnny for game here I go well I bUy8ClO2CIk-00118-00069019-00069977 get two boots actually bUy8ClO2CIk-00119-00069978-00070121 [Music] bUy8ClO2CIk-00120-00070122-00070732 this gonna be interesting bUy8ClO2CIk-00121-00070733-00071173 I wonder if I get too loose from this do bUy8ClO2CIk-00122-00071174-00071539 I get like 71 do I go to 71 bUy8ClO2CIk-00123-00071540-00072087 I go to 71 off this right now bUy8ClO2CIk-00124-00072088-00072399 do I go to 71 bUy8ClO2CIk-00125-00072400-00072856 do I go to 71 right now I'm about to go bUy8ClO2CIk-00126-00072857-00073216 to 70 freaking one I'm not about to hit bUy8ClO2CIk-00127-00073217-00073531 critical critical mass I'm about to hit bUy8ClO2CIk-00128-00073532-00074109 71 right now I'm about to go girl bUy8ClO2CIk-00129-00074110-00074554 I'm about to glow up I think I met the bUy8ClO2CIk-00130-00074555-00075723 glow-up sweet Jesus Jesus Jesus Christ bUy8ClO2CIk-00131-00075724-00076591 Jesus Jesus some in your ladies bring bUy8ClO2CIk-00132-00076592-00078667 them forward god bless bUy8ClO2CIk-00133-00078668-00079182 the West bUy8ClO2CIk-00134-00079183-00080458 gotta blast got a blast got a blast got bUy8ClO2CIk-00135-00080459-00081028 a blast now that's why you run drown it bUy8ClO2CIk-00136-00081029-00081334 right there cuz you can otk with one bUy8ClO2CIk-00137-00081335-00081556 attack that's why you play drowning bUy8ClO2CIk-00138-00081557-00081856 right there the big is Neil's child bUy8ClO2CIk-00139-00081857-00082269 sweet Jesus that's a boy bUy8ClO2CIk-00140-00082270-00083005 [Music] bUy8ClO2CIk-00141-00083006-00083665 [Music] bUy8ClO2CIk-00142-00083666-00084274 [Music] baz9yVufJFu-00000-00000052-00000357 the Godfrey Lowell Cabot Science Library baz9yVufJFu-00001-00000358-00000648 as one of the libraries of the Harvard baz9yVufJFu-00002-00000649-00000887 University serves mainly for baz9yVufJFu-00003-00000888-00001356 undergraduate students it opened in 1973 baz9yVufJFu-00004-00001357-00001652 as a part of the Harvard Science Center baz9yVufJFu-00005-00001653-00001955 and was named after Godfrey Lowell Cabot baz9yVufJFu-00006-00001957-00002355 a Harvard Graduate chemist the library baz9yVufJFu-00007-00002356-00002640 was transformed in 2016 baz9yVufJFu-00008-00002641-00002900 added with more flexible spaces and baz9yVufJFu-00009-00002901-00003284 updated media resources bc9MkkkcxCI-00000-00000050-00000401 godzilla vs space Godzilla kojiro vs bc9MkkkcxCI-00001-00000401-00000659 supersu goodra goodra ty supersu goodra bc9MkkkcxCI-00002-00000660-00000928 is a 1994 japanese science fiction bc9MkkkcxCI-00003-00000930-00001162 tokusatsu kaiju film featuring godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00004-00001163-00001450 produced and distributed by Toho the bc9MkkkcxCI-00005-00001451-00001655 film is directed by Ken sho Yamashita bc9MkkkcxCI-00006-00001655-00001862 and is the 21st film in the Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00007-00001863-00002057 franchise and the sixth film in the HEIs bc9MkkkcxCI-00008-00002058-00002350 a series the film was released in Japan bc9MkkkcxCI-00009-00002351-00002606 on December 10th 1994 and was released bc9MkkkcxCI-00010-00002607-00002690 direct-to-video bc9MkkkcxCI-00011-00002691-00002987 in the United States in 1999 by Columbia bc9MkkkcxCI-00012-00002988-00004190 TriStar home video topic plot Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00013-00004191-00004409 cells brought into space by bio yeontae bc9MkkkcxCI-00014-00004410-00004570 and Mothra are exposed to intense bc9MkkkcxCI-00015-00004571-00004795 radiation from a black hole resulting in bc9MkkkcxCI-00016-00004796-00005047 the birth of space Godzilla which bc9MkkkcxCI-00017-00005048-00005183 quickly makes his way to earth bc9MkkkcxCI-00018-00005184-00005390 destroying a NASA space station along bc9MkkkcxCI-00019-00005391-00005695 the way meanwhile members of the united bc9MkkkcxCI-00020-00005696-00005879 nations godzilla countermeasures center bc9MkkkcxCI-00021-00005880-00006070 arrive at berth island in order to plant bc9MkkkcxCI-00022-00006071-00006341 a mind-control device on godzilla the bc9MkkkcxCI-00023-00006342-00006571 cosmos matras twin priestesses appeared bc9MkkkcxCI-00024-00006572-00006760 a psychic miki saegusa and warned her of bc9MkkkcxCI-00025-00006761-00007071 space Godzilla's arrival mo gue RA bc9MkkkcxCI-00026-00007072-00007364 mobile operations g-force Universal bc9MkkkcxCI-00027-00007365-00007609 expert robot arrow type a mecha built by bc9MkkkcxCI-00028-00007611-00007856 the JSDF to replace mecha godzilla is bc9MkkkcxCI-00029-00007856-00008069 sent in to intercept space Godzilla but bc9MkkkcxCI-00030-00008070-00008360 suffers damage in the process space bc9MkkkcxCI-00031-00008361-00008539 Godzilla lands on birth Island and bc9MkkkcxCI-00032-00008540-00008714 attacks Godzilla's offspring little bc9MkkkcxCI-00033-00008715-00009005 Godzilla Godzilla intervenes but finds bc9MkkkcxCI-00034-00009006-00009181 himself overwhelmed by space Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00035-00009182-00009383 and is powerless to stop his clone from bc9MkkkcxCI-00036-00009384-00009556 trapping little Godzilla in a crystal bc9MkkkcxCI-00037-00009557-00009824 prison space Godzilla leaves for Japan bc9MkkkcxCI-00038-00009825-00010103 with Godzilla in pursuit shortly bc9MkkkcxCI-00039-00010104-00010316 thereafter the Yakuza abduct Miki and bc9MkkkcxCI-00040-00010317-00010510 bring her back to their base in Fukuoka bc9MkkkcxCI-00041-00010511-00010660 in an attempt to use her psychic bc9MkkkcxCI-00042-00010661-00010876 abilities to gain control over Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00043-00010877-00011144 Miki is saved by a rescue team before bc9MkkkcxCI-00044-00011145-00011405 space Godzilla arrives space Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00045-00011406-00011624 lands in central Fukuoka and forms a bc9MkkkcxCI-00046-00011625-00011827 massive fortress of celestial crystals bc9MkkkcxCI-00047-00011828-00012155 mo gue ra arrives to once again fight bc9MkkkcxCI-00048-00012156-00012346 space Godzilla but is still no match for bc9MkkkcxCI-00049-00012347-00012399 him bc9MkkkcxCI-00050-00012400-00012664 Godzilla arrives in Kagoshima Bay and bc9MkkkcxCI-00051-00012665-00012866 fights space Godzilla but space Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00052-00012866-00013178 easily gains the upper hand the JSDF bc9MkkkcxCI-00053-00013179-00013396 discovers that space Godzilla is bc9MkkkcxCI-00054-00013397-00013591 using fukuoka tower as a power converter bc9MkkkcxCI-00055-00013591-00013804 using it to transform the earth's core bc9MkkkcxCI-00056-00013805-00013996 into an energy that spacegodzilla can bc9MkkkcxCI-00057-00013997-00014251 absorb slowly killing the planet while bc9MkkkcxCI-00058-00014252-00014482 godzilla wrestles with space Godzilla mo bc9MkkkcxCI-00059-00014483-00014713 ger a splits into two different mecca's bc9MkkkcxCI-00060-00014713-00014932 the star falcon a flying battleship and bc9MkkkcxCI-00061-00014933-00015184 the land mo gu er a a tank with a large bc9MkkkcxCI-00062-00015185-00015436 drill in front of it the mech is damaged bc9MkkkcxCI-00063-00015437-00015601 that crystal fortress while godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00064-00015602-00015816 pushes over fukuoka tower cutting off bc9MkkkcxCI-00065-00015818-00016126 space Godzilla's energy supplier mo GU bc9MkkkcxCI-00066-00016127-00016336 er a quickly reforms and blasts off bc9MkkkcxCI-00067-00016337-00016519 space Godzilla's crystal-like shoulder bc9MkkkcxCI-00068-00016520-00016798 formations weakening him space Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00069-00016799-00017059 critically damages mo gu er a but is bc9MkkkcxCI-00070-00017060-00017254 subsequently incinerated by Godzilla's bc9MkkkcxCI-00071-00017255-00017515 super charged atomic heat ray space bc9MkkkcxCI-00072-00017516-00017716 Godzilla is destroyed but the JSDF bc9MkkkcxCI-00073-00017717-00017932 claims that if they keep polluting space bc9MkkkcxCI-00074-00017933-00018097 and other space Godzilla may appear bc9MkkkcxCI-00075-00018098-00018204 someday bc9MkkkcxCI-00076-00018205-00018424 Godzilla makes his way back to birth bc9MkkkcxCI-00077-00018425-00018634 island after Miki uses her psychic bc9MkkkcxCI-00078-00018635-00018823 powers to remove the mind-control device bc9MkkkcxCI-00079-00018824-00019000 from his neck which he turns to her and bc9MkkkcxCI-00080-00019001-00019252 nods in gratitude little Godzilla is bc9MkkkcxCI-00081-00019253-00019417 then freed from the crystal prison and bc9MkkkcxCI-00082-00019418-00020144 begins blowing tiny radioactive bubbles bc9MkkkcxCI-00083-00020145-00021586 topic cast topic production although bc9MkkkcxCI-00084-00021587-00021757 director Ken sho Yamashita and bc9MkkkcxCI-00085-00021758-00021961 screenwriter Hiroshi kashiwabara bc9MkkkcxCI-00086-00021962-00022162 had more experience in producing teen bc9MkkkcxCI-00087-00022163-00022357 idol movies they were not newcomers to bc9MkkkcxCI-00088-00022358-00022552 the kaiju genre having both assumed bc9MkkkcxCI-00089-00022553-00022725 minor roles in the making of terror of bc9MkkkcxCI-00090-00022726-00023008 mecha godzilla the two decided early in bc9MkkkcxCI-00091-00023009-00023137 production to make the film more bc9MkkkcxCI-00092-00023138-00023314 lighthearted than its predecessors and bc9MkkkcxCI-00093-00023315-00023458 more focused on character development bc9MkkkcxCI-00094-00023459-00023677 centering it on Megumi o darkest bc9MkkkcxCI-00095-00023678-00023905 recurring character Miki saegusa who had bc9MkkkcxCI-00096-00023906-00024103 previously played marginal roles in the bc9MkkkcxCI-00097-00024104-00024367 series the emphasis on lightheartedness bc9MkkkcxCI-00098-00024368-00024580 was such that a scene depicting Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00099-00024581-00024766 desperately trying to rescue his son bc9MkkkcxCI-00100-00024767-00024964 from space Godzilla's crystal prison was bc9MkkkcxCI-00101-00024965-00025156 deleted on account of its seriousness a bc9MkkkcxCI-00102-00025157-00025369 move disapproved by Godzilla suit actor bc9MkkkcxCI-00103-00025370-00025665 Ken Patera satsuma the idea of her space bc9MkkkcxCI-00104-00025666-00026019 Godzilla was first conceived in 1978 and bc9MkkkcxCI-00105-00026020-00026202 was designed as a homage to the monsters bc9MkkkcxCI-00106-00026203-00026389 hindered progenitor by ante by bc9MkkkcxCI-00107-00026389-00026565 incorporating tusks and a hissing roar bc9MkkkcxCI-00108-00026566-00026743 reminiscent of the ladder monster bc9MkkkcxCI-00109-00026744-00026995 creature designer Shinji Nishikawa had bc9MkkkcxCI-00110-00026995-00027177 initially envisioned space Godzilla as a bc9MkkkcxCI-00111-00027179-00027322 much more Western dragon-like creature bc9MkkkcxCI-00112-00027323-00027538 with large fin like wings on the back bc9MkkkcxCI-00113-00027539-00027754 the final design brought greater bc9MkkkcxCI-00114-00027755-00027945 resemblance to Godzilla's final form bc9MkkkcxCI-00115-00027947-00028099 from the video game super Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00116-00028100-00028358 itself also designed by Nishikawa bc9MkkkcxCI-00117-00028360-00028602 effects artist ko ichikawa kita bc9MkkkcxCI-00118-00028604-00028777 redesigned Godzilla's son has a more bc9MkkkcxCI-00119-00028777-00028951 cartoonish looking character having bc9MkkkcxCI-00120-00028952-00029133 disliked the more dinosaurian looking bc9MkkkcxCI-00121-00029135-00029455 version in Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla - bc9MkkkcxCI-00122-00029456-00029595 and hoping to launch a children's bc9MkkkcxCI-00123-00029597-00029788 spin-off TV series entitled little bc9MkkkcxCI-00124-00029789-00030064 Godzilla's underground adventure the mo bc9MkkkcxCI-00125-00030064-00030325 gu er a suit was worn by Mechagodzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00126-00030326-00030562 performer Wataru Fukuda and consisted of bc9MkkkcxCI-00127-00030563-00030832 three pieces applied separately the new bc9MkkkcxCI-00128-00030833-00031027 Godzilla suit used for the majority of bc9MkkkcxCI-00129-00031027-00031216 the film combined aspects of the suits bc9MkkkcxCI-00130-00031217-00031561 used in Godzilla vs biollante godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00131-00031562-00031902 vs king ghidorah and godzilla vs mecha bc9MkkkcxCI-00132-00031904-00032149 godzilla - having a stocky triangular bc9MkkkcxCI-00133-00032150-00032311 build wide shoulders and much less bc9MkkkcxCI-00134-00032312-00032542 pronounced ribbing on the neck the face bc9MkkkcxCI-00135-00032543-00032733 bore similarities to those used in the bc9MkkkcxCI-00136-00032735-00032914 previous two films though the eyes were bc9MkkkcxCI-00137-00032915-00033076 increased in size and given more bc9MkkkcxCI-00138-00033077-00033232 prominent lights thus making it bc9MkkkcxCI-00139-00033233-00033391 relatively less menacing looking than bc9MkkkcxCI-00140-00033392-00033661 its predecessors innovations included bc9MkkkcxCI-00141-00033662-00033832 the heads ability to fully rotate around bc9MkkkcxCI-00142-00033833-00034030 the body and the incorporation of an air bc9MkkkcxCI-00143-00034031-00034159 duct which solved the chronic bc9MkkkcxCI-00144-00034160-00034336 ventilation problems present in previous bc9MkkkcxCI-00145-00034337-00034699 suits the suit from Godzilla vs mecha bc9MkkkcxCI-00146-00034700-00034912 godzilla 2 was reused for Godzilla's bc9MkkkcxCI-00147-00034913-00035098 entrance and exit from Birth Island and bc9MkkkcxCI-00148-00035099-00035218 during the scene where he is bc9MkkkcxCI-00149-00035219-00035407 telekinetically tossed by space Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00150-00035408-00035635 composer Acura if fukube refused to be bc9MkkkcxCI-00151-00035636-00035806 involved in the film after reading the bc9MkkkcxCI-00152-00035807-00035992 script which reminded him too much of a bc9MkkkcxCI-00153-00035993-00036702 teen idol film and included rap music bc9MkkkcxCI-00154-00036703-00037378 topic English version after the film was bc9MkkkcxCI-00155-00037379-00037520 released in Japan bc9MkkkcxCI-00156-00037521-00037702 commissioned a Hong Kong company to dub bc9MkkkcxCI-00157-00037703-00037910 the film into English in this bc9MkkkcxCI-00158-00037911-00038090 international version of the movie an bc9MkkkcxCI-00159-00038091-00038296 English title card was superimposed over bc9MkkkcxCI-00160-00038297-00038501 the Japanese title as had been done with bc9MkkkcxCI-00161-00038502-00038855 the previous 90s Godzilla films Columbia bc9MkkkcxCI-00162-00038856-00039011 TriStar Home Entertainment released bc9MkkkcxCI-00163-00039012-00039320 godzilla vs space Godzilla and Godzilla bc9MkkkcxCI-00164-00039321-00039677 vs destroyer on home video on January 19 bc9MkkkcxCI-00165-00039678-00039989 1999 this was the first time either film bc9MkkkcxCI-00166-00039990-00040136 had been officially released in the bc9MkkkcxCI-00167-00040137-00040232 United States bc9MkkkcxCI-00168-00040233-00040523 Tristar used the Toho dubs but cut the bc9MkkkcxCI-00169-00040524-00040712 end credits and created new titles and bc9MkkkcxCI-00170-00040713-00040982 opening credits for both films Toho's bc9MkkkcxCI-00171-00040983-00041137 complete international version of bc9MkkkcxCI-00172-00041138-00041426 godzilla vs space Godzilla sans any bc9MkkkcxCI-00173-00041427-00041627 on-screen text besides the English title bc9MkkkcxCI-00174-00041628-00041843 has been broadcast on several premium bc9MkkkcxCI-00175-00041844-00042071 movie channels since the early 2000s as bc9MkkkcxCI-00176-00042072-00042902 well as the 2014 blu-ray release topic bc9MkkkcxCI-00177-00042903-00044264 reception topic box office released on bc9MkkkcxCI-00178-00044265-00044524 December 10th 1994 the film sold bc9MkkkcxCI-00179-00044525-00044789 approximately 3 million 200,000 tickets bc9MkkkcxCI-00180-00044790-00044981 in Japan and grossed around 20 million bc9MkkkcxCI-00181-00044982-00045083 dollars u.s. bc9MkkkcxCI-00182-00045084-00045386 32 million dollars worldwide as the bc9MkkkcxCI-00183-00045387-00045583 film's release coincided with the Kobe bc9MkkkcxCI-00184-00045584-00045767 earthquake Toho feared that the event bc9MkkkcxCI-00185-00045768-00045917 would put off audiences due to the bc9MkkkcxCI-00186-00045918-00046124 film's main battle sequence taking place bc9MkkkcxCI-00187-00046125-00046301 in the same area and thus sought to bc9MkkkcxCI-00188-00046302-00046971 remedy this by lowering ticket prices bc9MkkkcxCI-00189-00046972-00047599 topic critical reaction the film bc9MkkkcxCI-00190-00047600-00047839 received mainly mixed reviews monster bc9MkkkcxCI-00191-00047840-00048049 zero called the film a curiously bc9MkkkcxCI-00192-00048050-00048340 uninvolved effort that disappoints in bc9MkkkcxCI-00193-00048341-00048639 nearly all aspects of the production bc9MkkkcxCI-00194-00048640-00048946 American kaiju criticized the wildly bc9MkkkcxCI-00195-00048947-00049336 uneven pacing uneven special-effects and bc9MkkkcxCI-00196-00049337-00049652 exceedingly lumpy story but added that bc9MkkkcxCI-00197-00049653-00049864 most of the special effects are pretty bc9MkkkcxCI-00198-00049865-00050186 fair and the monster battles are mostly bc9MkkkcxCI-00199-00050187-00050512 fun DVD cult said it does have some bc9MkkkcxCI-00200-00050513-00050707 great destruction scenes and monster bc9MkkkcxCI-00201-00050708-00050923 battles two things that make these film bc9MkkkcxCI-00202-00050924-00051196 worthwhile to begin with the monster bc9MkkkcxCI-00203-00051197-00051382 space Godzilla is excellently designed bc9MkkkcxCI-00204-00051383-00051625 and is certainly far more menacing than bc9MkkkcxCI-00205-00051626-00051817 anything Dean Devlin and roland emmerich bc9MkkkcxCI-00206-00051818-00052156 ever dreamed up Toho Kingdom said the bc9MkkkcxCI-00207-00052157-00052426 film is far from terrible and an bc9MkkkcxCI-00208-00052427-00052711 underrated movie but felt it suffered bc9MkkkcxCI-00209-00052712-00052954 from an overly complicated story bc9MkkkcxCI-00210-00052954-00053211 underdeveloped characters and bc9MkkkcxCI-00211-00053212-00054481 forgettable music topic Home Media Sony bc9MkkkcxCI-00212-00054482-00054738 blu-ray Touhou Godzilla collection bc9MkkkcxCI-00213-00054739-00055038 released May 6 2014 bc9MkkkcxCI-00214-00055039-00055519 picture a VC 108 o P sound Japanese in bc9MkkkcxCI-00215-00055520-00055804 English 5.1 DTS bc9MkkkcxCI-00216-00055804-00056224 in lish subtitles and french extras bc9MkkkcxCI-00217-00056225-00056435 teasers and theatrical trailers seven bc9MkkkcxCI-00218-00056436-00056846 minutes 1080i 30fps notes this is a two bc9MkkkcxCI-00219-00056847-00057049 disc double feature with godzilla vs bc9MkkkcxCI-00220-00057050-00057487 mecha godzilla to DVD columbia tristar bc9MkkkcxCI-00221-00057488-00057854 home entertainment released February 1st bc9MkkkcxCI-00222-00057854-00058336 2000 aspect ratio widescreen 1.85 1 bc9MkkkcxCI-00223-00058337-00058900 anamorphic NTSC sound English 2.0 case bc9MkkkcxCI-00224-00058901-00059111 type keep case bc9MkkkcxCI-00225-00059112-00059396 region 1 note a double feature with bc9MkkkcxCI-00226-00059397-00059788 godzilla vs destroyer on the US DVD bc9MkkkcxCI-00227-00059789-00059960 release the final scene in which bc9MkkkcxCI-00228-00059961-00060146 godzilla is in the water while echoes of bc9MkkkcxCI-00229-00060147-00060371 love date of birth plays his cut however bc9MkkkcxCI-00230-00060372-00060584 it is left in the TV on demand and bc9MkkkcxCI-00231-00060585-00060973 Japanese DVD versions universe laser bc9MkkkcxCI-00232-00060974-00061501 released November 24 2006 aspect ratio bc9MkkkcxCI-00233-00061502-00061841 widescreen sound Japanese Cantonese bc9MkkkcxCI-00234-00061841-00062212 dolby digital stereo subtitles english bc9MkkkcxCI-00235-00062213-00062998 chinese traditional simplified region 3 bc9MkkkcxCI-00236-00062999-00063718 topic adaptations a manga adaptation was bc9MkkkcxCI-00237-00063719-00063880 produced shortly before the film's bc9MkkkcxCI-00238-00063881-00064091 release it was written by kanji Kashia bc9MkkkcxCI-00239-00064091-00064348 Barra and illustrated by Takayuki Sakai bc9MkkkcxCI-00240-00064349-00064571 published by shogakukan's ladybug comics bc9MkkkcxCI-00241-00064572-00065857 line topic Awards in 1995 the film won bc9MkkkcxCI-00242-00065858-00066053 the best grossing films award silver bc9MkkkcxCI-00243-00066054-00066287 award bcz1bLtk6ry-00000-00000012-00000273 the play dia pure idiot pure IDIA bcz1bLtk6ry-00001-00000274-00000615 developed under the codename ba X is a bcz1bLtk6ry-00002-00000616-00000777 home video game console released bcz1bLtk6ry-00003-00000778-00001092 exclusively in Japan in 1994 at the bcz1bLtk6ry-00004-00001093-00001299 initial price of twenty four thousand bcz1bLtk6ry-00005-00001300-00001554 eight hundred yen it was intended for a bcz1bLtk6ry-00006-00001555-00001773 young audience and like many consoles of bcz1bLtk6ry-00007-00001773-00002027 the era eg the laser active and the 3do bcz1bLtk6ry-00008-00002028-00002256 interactive multiplayer was marketed bcz1bLtk6ry-00009-00002257-00002457 more as a multimedia home entertainment bcz1bLtk6ry-00010-00002458-00002637 system than as a dedicated gaming bcz1bLtk6ry-00011-00002638-00002871 console with anime quiz software and bcz1bLtk6ry-00012-00002872-00003057 edutainment making up most of the game bcz1bLtk6ry-00013-00003058-00003327 library the play dia uses a single bcz1bLtk6ry-00014-00003328-00003547 infrared joypad with simple controls bcz1bLtk6ry-00015-00003548-00003848 Bandai the plate is manufacturer was the bcz1bLtk6ry-00016-00003849-00004061 only software publisher to support this bcz1bLtk6ry-00017-00004062-00004320 console except for VAP who published ie bcz1bLtk6ry-00018-00004321-00004421 Mikiko bcz1bLtk6ry-00019-00004422-00005145 Suzuno santoku instead of Bandai bcz1bLtk6ry-00020-00005146-00005773 topic platy a title complete list bcz1bLtk6ry-00021-00005774-00006122 you bcz1bLtk6ry-00022-00006123-00006805 topic 1994 11 titles bcz1bLtk6ry-00023-00006806-00007237 Oh 923 Dragon Ball Z Cinzia jeans ETSU bcz1bLtk6ry-00024-00007238-00007762 matsuki Kikuchi q hen pap do 109 23 bcz1bLtk6ry-00025-00007763-00008008 Bischoff Senshi Sailor Moon s quiz tae bcz1bLtk6ry-00026-00008009-00008626 ketsu sailor power keshu ba p do 209 23 bcz1bLtk6ry-00027-00008627-00009145 SD Gundam desu can be ap do 309 28 bcz1bLtk6ry-00028-00009146-00009321 Ultraman powered kaiju Gekko bcz1bLtk6ry-00029-00009322-00009424 matsusaki-san bcz1bLtk6ry-00030-00009425-00009903 ba p do 409 28 Hello Kitty you mean no bcz1bLtk6ry-00031-00009904-00010390 Kuni daibouken ba p do 511 25th aqua bcz1bLtk6ry-00032-00010391-00010849 adventure blue lil t VAP do 611 twenty bcz1bLtk6ry-00033-00010850-00011064 fifths Newton Museum kiri you men die bcz1bLtk6ry-00034-00011065-00011502 keys n pen VAP do 7-eleven twenty-fifths bcz1bLtk6ry-00035-00011503-00011814 Newton Museum Kurian nd key Cohen VAP do bcz1bLtk6ry-00036-00011815-00012334 8 1208 shop Otsu dobe you to tank anti bcz1bLtk6ry-00037-00012335-00012822 pap do 9 1216 ultra seven chicka bow a bcz1bLtk6ry-00038-00012823-00013291 sock isn't ba p d 10 12 16 s Dragon Ball bcz1bLtk6ry-00039-00013291-00013606 Z shin Siyad jeans ETSU matsuki Kikuchi bcz1bLtk6ry-00040-00013607-00014160 hen be a PD 11 topic 1995 16 titles o bcz1bLtk6ry-00041-00014161-00014541 124 Norman o Banzai Karuma daifugo be a bcz1bLtk6ry-00042-00014543-00014947 PD 1201 24 normo no Banzai densha bcz1bLtk6ry-00043-00014947-00015006 daifugo bcz1bLtk6ry-00044-00015007-00015538 be a PD 1303 22 IE Mikiko Suzuno santoku bcz1bLtk6ry-00045-00015538-00016099 vpr jo 9 7 2 2 o 3 22 Gamera the time bcz1bLtk6ry-00046-00016100-00016500 adventure be a PD 1506 22 elements voice bcz1bLtk6ry-00047-00016501-00016762 series vol 1 mica can i-- wind and bcz1bLtk6ry-00048-00016763-00017125 breeze be a PD 1806-20 two elements bcz1bLtk6ry-00049-00017126-00017422 voice series vol 2 Rika fukami private bcz1bLtk6ry-00050-00017423-00017809 step be a PD 1906 22 elements voice bcz1bLtk6ry-00051-00017810-00018124 series vol 3 ayah he Sakawa forests ways bcz1bLtk6ry-00052-00018125-00018541 be a PD 2007 28 vicious n she say ler bcz1bLtk6ry-00053-00018542-00018739 moon supers Sailor Moon to hiragana bcz1bLtk6ry-00054-00018740-00019194 lesson be a PD 2107 28 ultraman hiragana bcz1bLtk6ry-00055-00019195-00019660 daisakusen be a pd 22:07 28 ultraman bcz1bLtk6ry-00056-00019661-00020146 alphabet tve Yokoso be a pd 23:08 24 bcz1bLtk6ry-00057-00020147-00020188 bish bcz1bLtk6ry-00058-00020189-00020467 hosenki Sailor Moon ss Sailor Moon - bcz1bLtk6ry-00059-00020468-00020827 hajimete no a go be a PD 24:08 24 bcz1bLtk6ry-00060-00020828-00021123 Bischoff Sencha Sailor Moon ss Yokoso bcz1bLtk6ry-00061-00021124-00021604 Sailor yochien' be a PD 2508 24 Ultraman bcz1bLtk6ry-00062-00021605-00022036 idea ultra yochien' be a PD 26:10 bcz1bLtk6ry-00063-00022037-00022317 twentieths Chogokin selections be KP do bcz1bLtk6ry-00064-00022318-00022771 111 16 elements voice series vol 4 yuri bcz1bLtk6ry-00065-00022772-00023180 shiritori rainbow harmony be KP do - bcz1bLtk6ry-00066-00023181-00023614 12:15 sore iki and Penman picnic dubenko bcz1bLtk6ry-00067-00023615-00024169 be apd 27 bcz1bLtk6ry-00068-00024170-00024848 topic 1996 six titles bcz1bLtk6ry-00069-00024849-00025247 Oh 322 Ultraman suji de asobo ultra land bcz1bLtk6ry-00070-00025248-00025783 be a PD 2803 22 ultraman ultraman chino bcz1bLtk6ry-00071-00025785-00026306 up to daisakusen be a PD 2903 27 bcz1bLtk6ry-00072-00026307-00026657 elements voice series vol 5 mari koko de bcz1bLtk6ry-00073-00026658-00027202 welcome to the merry coton BKP do 304 24 bcz1bLtk6ry-00074-00027204-00027425 nin tomaron taro young and no be Ruchi bcz1bLtk6ry-00075-00027426-00027950 no hen be KP do 405 15 min tomaron taro bcz1bLtk6ry-00076-00027951-00028469 hajimete oberoi keshiki hen be KP do 506 bcz1bLtk6ry-00077-00028470-00028770 26 gay kazoo Cintiq arranger tatak a bcz1bLtk6ry-00078-00028772-00029492 hiragana racer be KP do 6 bcz1bLtk6ry-00079-00029493-00029969 topic not for sale six titles bcz1bLtk6ry-00080-00029970-00030126 you bcz1bLtk6ry-00081-00030127-00030458 you need to Dakotan Plataea be soo three bcz1bLtk6ry-00082-00030459-00031077 go go Ackman planet be soo five champ bcz1bLtk6ry-00083-00031078-00031362 gent a special for die hero battle Tizen bcz1bLtk6ry-00084-00031363-00031818 be soo six bandai item collection 70 be bcz1bLtk6ry-00085-00031819-00032475 soo 7 play d IQ kids be soo 9 kero kero bcz1bLtk6ry-00086-00032476-00033287 kero pete uki uki Partyland BSO 1o bcz1bLtk6ry-00087-00033288-00033857 topic internal details bcz1bLtk6ry-00088-00033858-00034367 sanyo LCA t9000 515 cd-rom host bcz1bLtk6ry-00089-00034368-00034867 interface toshiba ta 203 v f CD focus bcz1bLtk6ry-00090-00034868-00035383 tracking server toshiba TC 9 2 6 3 f CD bcz1bLtk6ry-00091-00035384-00035849 single chip processor rome 6 3 9 8 FP 4 bcz1bLtk6ry-00092-00035850-00036214 channel bt l driver for CD player motor bcz1bLtk6ry-00093-00036215-00036658 toshiba TMP 8 7 c 800 f 8-bit bcz1bLtk6ry-00094-00036659-00036992 microcontroller 8 k rom 16 K ram 8 bcz1bLtk6ry-00095-00036993-00037373 megahertz operation can access 64 K TLC bcz1bLtk6ry-00096-00037374-00037690 s 870 series which is based heavily on bcz1bLtk6ry-00097-00037691-00038417 the z80 sharp LH v 2 b 2 5 6 256 K 32 k bcz1bLtk6ry-00098-00038418-00038890 x8 static Ram chip and he seemed UPD 7 8 bcz1bLtk6ry-00099-00038891-00039343 to 1 4 GC 8-bit microcontroller 16 K ROM bcz1bLtk6ry-00100-00039344-00039692 512 byte ram 12 megahertz operation can bcz1bLtk6ry-00101-00039693-00040065 access 1 megabyte and EC 78 K series bcz1bLtk6ry-00102-00040066-00040757 Toshiba TC 5 1 4 2 5 6 J AJ 256 K word bcz1bLtk6ry-00103-00040758-00041249 x4 fast page DRAM chip Asahi cassia K 8 bcz1bLtk6ry-00104-00041250-00041602 thousand audio video processor philips bcz1bLtk6ry-00105-00041603-00041861 da 8 7 7 - aah bcz1bLtk6ry-00106-00041862-00042283 triple 8-bit DAC converter Sony CX 1 2 bcz1bLtk6ry-00107-00042284-00042868 to 9 m NTSC pal decoder roam be a 103 to bcz1bLtk6ry-00108-00042869-00043480 4 AF quad op-amp Sanyo LC 7 8 8 3 5 K 1 bcz1bLtk6ry-00109-00043481-00044011 8 bi T DAC with filter roam bu 305 to be bcz1bLtk6ry-00110-00044012-00044474 CF dual 4 channel analog multiplexer bcBJe756be8-00000-00000052-00000351 the khan shaykhun chemical attack took bcBJe756be8-00001-00000352-00000704 place on the 4th of April 2017 on the bcBJe756be8-00002-00000705-00000932 town of Concha Khan in the it'd Lib bcBJe756be8-00003-00000933-00001169 governorate of Syria the town was bcBJe756be8-00004-00001170-00001373 reported to have been struck by an bcBJe756be8-00005-00001374-00001647 airstrike by government forces followed bcBJe756be8-00006-00001648-00001925 by massive civilian chemical poisoning bcBJe756be8-00007-00001926-00002250 the release of a toxic gas which bcBJe756be8-00008-00002251-00002510 included sarin or a similar substance bcBJe756be8-00009-00002511-00002867 killed at least 74 people and injured bcBJe756be8-00010-00002868-00003201 more than 557 according to the bcBJe756be8-00011-00003202-00003534 opposition it labelled thority the bcBJe756be8-00012-00003535-00003815 attack was the deadliest use of chemical bcBJe756be8-00013-00003817-00004086 weapons in the Syrian civil war since bcBJe756be8-00014-00004086-00004463 the Gowda chemical attack in 2013 the bcBJe756be8-00015-00004464-00004791 OPCW UN joint investigative mechanism bcBJe756be8-00016-00004792-00005031 the governments of the United States bcBJe756be8-00017-00005032-00005418 United Kingdom turkey Saudi Arabia bcBJe756be8-00018-00005419-00005721 France and Israel as well as Human bcBJe756be8-00019-00005722-00005970 Rights Watch have attributed the attack bcBJe756be8-00020-00005971-00006258 to the forces of Syrian President Bashar bcBJe756be8-00021-00006259-00006648 al-assad the Syrian government said the bcBJe756be8-00022-00006648-00007041 attack was a fabrication the Russian bcBJe756be8-00023-00007042-00007274 government claimed that the incident was bcBJe756be8-00024-00007275-00007595 staged on the 7th of April the United bcBJe756be8-00025-00007596-00007920 States launched 59 cruise missiles at bcBJe756be8-00026-00007920-00008187 sharat airbase which US intelligence bcBJe756be8-00027-00008188-00008614 claimed was the source of the attack bcBJe756be8-00028-00008615-00008992 you bcBJe756be8-00029-00008993-00009721 topic background' use of chemical bcBJe756be8-00030-00009722-00010009 weapons in the Syrian civil war has been bcBJe756be8-00031-00010010-00010306 confirmed by the local sources in Syria bcBJe756be8-00032-00010307-00010702 and by the United Nations deadly attacks bcBJe756be8-00033-00010703-00010939 by chemical weapons during the war bcBJe756be8-00034-00010940-00011219 include the Gowda attack in the suburbs bcBJe756be8-00035-00011220-00011542 of Damascus in August 2013 and the bcBJe756be8-00036-00011543-00011803 Canales all attack in the suburbs of bcBJe756be8-00037-00011804-00012256 Aleppo in March 2013 while no party took bcBJe756be8-00038-00012257-00012514 responsibility for the chemical attacks bcBJe756be8-00039-00012515-00012925 a UN fact-finding mission and a UN HRC bcBJe756be8-00040-00012926-00013127 Commission of Inquiry have both bcBJe756be8-00041-00013128-00013541 investigated the attacks the UN mission bcBJe756be8-00042-00013541-00013822 found likely use of the nerve agent bcBJe756be8-00043-00013823-00014131 sarin in the case of Canales all the bcBJe756be8-00044-00014132-00014356 19th of March 2013 bcBJe756be8-00045-00014357-00014738 Sara keep the 29th of April 2013 bcBJe756be8-00046-00014738-00015091 Gao de the 21st of August 2013 bcBJe756be8-00047-00015093-00015547 Jobar the 24th of August 2013 and Ashraf bcBJe756be8-00048-00015548-00016081 e8 sanaya the 25th of August 2013 the UN bcBJe756be8-00049-00016082-00016412 HRC Commission later confirmed the use bcBJe756be8-00050-00016413-00016772 of sarin in the Canales all Saraqeb and bcBJe756be8-00051-00016773-00017021 Gowda attacks but did not mention the bcBJe756be8-00052-00017022-00017334 Jobar and the Ashraf Fiat sanaya attacks bcBJe756be8-00053-00017335-00017762 the UN HRC Commission also found the bcBJe756be8-00054-00017763-00018034 sarin used in the Canales all attack bcBJe756be8-00055-00018035-00018433 bore the same unique hallmarks as the bcBJe756be8-00056-00018434-00018677 sarin used in the Gowda attack and bcBJe756be8-00057-00018678-00018940 indicated the perpetrators likely had bcBJe756be8-00058-00018941-00019228 access to chemicals from the Syrian army bcBJe756be8-00059-00019229-00019586 stockpile those attacks prompted the bcBJe756be8-00060-00019587-00019802 international community to pressure bcBJe756be8-00061-00019803-00020087 disarmament of the Syrian armed forces bcBJe756be8-00062-00020088-00020378 from chemical weapons which was executed bcBJe756be8-00063-00020379-00020753 during 2014 despite the disarmament bcBJe756be8-00064-00020754-00020833 process bcBJe756be8-00065-00020834-00021115 dozens of incidents with suspected use bcBJe756be8-00066-00021116-00021355 of chemical weapons followed throughout bcBJe756be8-00067-00021356-00021650 Syria the majority being attributed to bcBJe756be8-00068-00021651-00021925 anti-government fighters in particular bcBJe756be8-00069-00021926-00022243 the al-qaida affiliate al-nusra front in bcBJe756be8-00070-00022244-00022376 August and bcBJe756be8-00071-00022377-00022796 / 2016 United Nations reports explicitly bcBJe756be8-00072-00022797-00023054 blamed the Syrian military of Bashar bcBJe756be8-00073-00023055-00023375 al-assad for dropping chlorine bombs on bcBJe756be8-00074-00023376-00023663 the towns of talmy knees on the 21st of bcBJe756be8-00075-00023664-00024062 April 2014 sermon on the 16th of March bcBJe756be8-00076-00024063-00024485 2015 and Q Mena's also on the 16th of bcBJe756be8-00077-00024486-00024905 March 2015 several other attacks have bcBJe756be8-00078-00024906-00025120 been alleged reported and/or bcBJe756be8-00079-00025121-00025541 investigated in December 2016 at least bcBJe756be8-00080-00025542-00025838 53 people were killed in an alleged bcBJe756be8-00081-00025839-00026122 chemical weapons attack in ISIL held bcBJe756be8-00082-00026123-00026381 villages near you Kara bath that bore bcBJe756be8-00083-00026382-00026648 similarities to the Ghouta attack with bcBJe756be8-00084-00026649-00026894 none of the Dead having blast injuries bcBJe756be8-00085-00026895-00027133 the immediate context for the khan bcBJe756be8-00086-00027135-00027389 shaykhun attack was the intensified bcBJe756be8-00087-00027389-00027761 aerial campaign in March and April 2017 bcBJe756be8-00088-00027762-00028010 by the government and its Russian Ally bcBJe756be8-00089-00028011-00028430 to gain control of Kafr Zita Merrik and bcBJe756be8-00090-00028431-00028673 al'lat amina then the three remaining bcBJe756be8-00091-00028674-00028943 rebel held towns in the northern Hama bcBJe756be8-00092-00028944-00029429 governorate on the 30th of March 2017 an bcBJe756be8-00093-00029430-00029762 air strike hit al let amina around 15 bcBJe756be8-00094-00029763-00030118 kilometers nine miles from khan shaykhun bcBJe756be8-00095-00030119-00030461 more than 70 people in the area were bcBJe756be8-00096-00030462-00030752 then exposed to an unidentified chemical bcBJe756be8-00097-00030752-00031014 agent and showed symptoms of nausea bcBJe756be8-00098-00031016-00031349 agitation foaming muscle spasm and bcBJe756be8-00099-00031350-00031627 meiosis constriction of the pupil of the bcBJe756be8-00100-00031629-00032008 eye cardiac arrest occurred in two of bcBJe756be8-00101-00032010-00032201 the victims and an orthopedic doctor bcBJe756be8-00102-00032202-00032726 died on the 3rd of April 2017 one day bcBJe756be8-00103-00032727-00032953 before the Khan shaken attack bcBJe756be8-00104-00032954-00033356 regime aircraft allegedly carried out a bcBJe756be8-00105-00033357-00033686 similar chlorine gas attack on al habit bcBJe756be8-00106-00033687-00033989 a nearby village injuring dozens and bcBJe756be8-00107-00033990-00034271 killing two children bcBJe756be8-00108-00034272-00034647 you bcBJe756be8-00109-00034648-00035184 topic attack bcBJe756be8-00110-00035185-00035532 the attack took place around 6:30 a.m. bcBJe756be8-00111-00035533-00035832 local time on the 4th of April before bcBJe756be8-00112-00035833-00036123 most children and parents had left for bcBJe756be8-00113-00036124-00036471 school or work witnesses reported bcBJe756be8-00114-00036472-00036750 smelling a strange odor about 10 minutes bcBJe756be8-00115-00036751-00036999 after a rocket attack and air strike bcBJe756be8-00116-00037000-00037230 followed by visible symptoms of bcBJe756be8-00117-00037231-00037608 poisoning white helmet workers reported bcBJe756be8-00118-00037609-00037983 for unusually weak explosions medical bcBJe756be8-00119-00037984-00038241 workers and witnesses said the attack bcBJe756be8-00120-00038242-00038445 was different than the chlorine gas bcBJe756be8-00121-00038446-00038721 attacks they had experienced in the past bcBJe756be8-00122-00038722-00039027 in which the chlorine gas usually killed bcBJe756be8-00123-00039028-00039309 a few people in confined spaces and bcBJe756be8-00124-00039310-00039678 buildings in contrast in this attack bcBJe756be8-00125-00039679-00040068 many people died outside furthermore the bcBJe756be8-00126-00040069-00040380 victims exhibited pinpoint pupils a sign bcBJe756be8-00127-00040381-00040662 of contact with nerve agents and sirens bcBJe756be8-00128-00040663-00040997 specifically other symptoms reported bcBJe756be8-00129-00040998-00041286 included coldness in the extremities bcBJe756be8-00130-00041287-00041544 decreased heart rate and low blood bcBJe756be8-00131-00041545-00041910 pressure some first responders became bcBJe756be8-00132-00041911-00042162 ill when they came into contact with the bcBJe756be8-00133-00042163-00042483 victims according to the Turkish Health bcBJe756be8-00134-00042484-00042741 Ministry medical tests have confirmed bcBJe756be8-00135-00042742-00042999 the presence of isopropyl methyl bcBJe756be8-00136-00043000-00043341 phosphonic acid a known byproduct of bcBJe756be8-00137-00043342-00043634 sarin reacting with other compounds in bcBJe756be8-00138-00043635-00044006 blood and urine samples of the victims bcBJe756be8-00139-00044007-00044337 tests by british scientists of samples bcBJe756be8-00140-00044338-00044556 found at the scene indicated the bcBJe756be8-00141-00044557-00044919 chemical involved was sarin or a sarin bcBJe756be8-00142-00044920-00045321 like substance kareem Shaheen the first bcBJe756be8-00143-00045322-00045594 reporter from Western media to visit the bcBJe756be8-00144-00045595-00045864 town after the attack photographed the bcBJe756be8-00145-00045865-00046086 crater where the chemical weapon was bcBJe756be8-00146-00046087-00046296 reported to have hit and saw an bcBJe756be8-00147-00046297-00046587 apparently abandoned warehouse and silos bcBJe756be8-00148-00046588-00047200 near the crater bcBJe756be8-00149-00047201-00047756 topic casualties bcBJe756be8-00150-00047757-00048039 medical sources Enid lib in the bcBJe756be8-00151-00048040-00048233 immediate aftermath of the attack bcBJe756be8-00152-00048234-00048594 reported more than 58 people including bcBJe756be8-00153-00048595-00048933 11 children were killed and over 300 bcBJe756be8-00154-00048934-00049281 were wounded test results of samples bcBJe756be8-00155-00049282-00049533 collected from ten of them indicated bcBJe756be8-00156-00049534-00049770 they had been exposed to sarin or a bcBJe756be8-00157-00049771-00050070 sarin like substance by 7:30 a.m. bcBJe756be8-00158-00050071-00050418 Eastern Europe summer time 100 wounded bcBJe756be8-00159-00050419-00050732 people arrived at a local field hospital bcBJe756be8-00160-00050733-00051011 the opposition Minister of Health bcBJe756be8-00161-00051012-00051363 Mohammad Firas a June D said victims bcBJe756be8-00162-00051364-00051661 experienced suffocation fluid in the bcBJe756be8-00163-00051662-00051845 lungs foaming at the mouth bcBJe756be8-00164-00051846-00052271 unconsciousness spasm and paralysis a bcBJe756be8-00165-00052272-00052597 few hours after the attack a nearby bcBJe756be8-00166-00052598-00052869 clinic treating victims was hit by an bcBJe756be8-00167-00052870-00053118 airstrike with reports that Russians bcBJe756be8-00168-00053119-00053365 bombed the hospital with the victims in bcBJe756be8-00169-00053366-00053710 an attempt to destroy the evidence the bcBJe756be8-00170-00053711-00053994 area's largest hospital was bombed two bcBJe756be8-00171-00053995-00054369 days prior according to dr abdul hatin bcBJe756be8-00172-00054370-00054687 re who treated 22 victims of the attack bcBJe756be8-00173-00054688-00054973 the symptoms of victims correspond to bcBJe756be8-00174-00054974-00055360 symptoms of exposure to sarin patients bcBJe756be8-00175-00055361-00055660 who received pralidoxime an antidote of bcBJe756be8-00176-00055661-00055915 sarin reportedly stabilized their bcBJe756be8-00177-00055916-00056296 medical state in around an hour Medecins bcBJe756be8-00178-00056297-00056613 Sans Frontieres visited Bab al-hawa bcBJe756be8-00179-00056614-00056862 hospital where they determined symptoms bcBJe756be8-00180-00056863-00057231 consistent with sarin they also visited bcBJe756be8-00181-00057232-00057492 other hospitals where victims were taken bcBJe756be8-00182-00057493-00057813 and reported that victims smelled of bcBJe756be8-00183-00057814-00058101 bleach suggesting they had been exposed bcBJe756be8-00184-00058102-00058485 to chlorine they concluded that the bcBJe756be8-00185-00058486-00058842 reports strongly suggest that victims of bcBJe756be8-00186-00058843-00059163 the attack on khan shaykhun were exposed bcBJe756be8-00187-00059164-00059422 to at least two different chemical bcBJe756be8-00188-00059423-00059890 agents on the 5th of april local doctors bcBJe756be8-00189-00059891-00060184 and rescue workers at the scene said the bcBJe756be8-00190-00060185-00060567 number of dead had risen to 74 with 600 bcBJe756be8-00191-00060568-00060786 injured while turkish President Recep bcBJe756be8-00192-00060787-00061103 Tayyip air Dolan and French ambassador bcBJe756be8-00193-00061104-00061346 to the United Nations Francois de la bcBJe756be8-00194-00061347-00061748 terre said over 100 had died rescue bcBJe756be8-00195-00061749-00062056 workers gathered soil and tissue samples bcBJe756be8-00196-00062057-00062285 and sent them to Western intelligence bcBJe756be8-00197-00062286-00062662 officials for analysis on the 6th of bcBJe756be8-00198-00062663-00062899 April the Turkish Ministry of Health bcBJe756be8-00199-00062900-00063173 which had conducted tests on people bcBJe756be8-00200-00063174-00063416 transported to Turkey said it had bcBJe756be8-00201-00063416-00063655 identified the chemical used in the bcBJe756be8-00202-00063656-00063976 attack as sarin citing lung damage found bcBJe756be8-00203-00063977-00064448 in victims in May 2017 a report from CNN bcBJe756be8-00204-00064449-00065300 puts the number of fatalities at 92 bcBJe756be8-00205-00065301-00065907 topic responsibility bcBJe756be8-00206-00065908-00066316 on the 6th of September 2017 the office bcBJe756be8-00207-00066317-00066490 of the United Nations High Commissioner bcBJe756be8-00208-00066491-00066766 for Human Rights is independent bcBJe756be8-00209-00066767-00067009 international commission of inquiry on bcBJe756be8-00210-00067010-00067297 the Syrian Arab Republic concluded that bcBJe756be8-00211-00067298-00067573 a Syrian Arab Air Force aircraft was bcBJe756be8-00212-00067574-00067798 responsible for dropping the sarin bcBJe756be8-00213-00067799-00068112 during the attack this finding was bcBJe756be8-00214-00068113-00068371 confirmed in a report released on the bcBJe756be8-00215-00068372-00068884 26th of October 2017 by the OPCW UN bcBJe756be8-00216-00068885-00069160 joint investigative mechanism many bcBJe756be8-00217-00069161-00069421 governments such as the United States bcBJe756be8-00218-00069422-00069687 and some European countries and the Gulf bcBJe756be8-00219-00069688-00069981 Cooperation Council have attributed the bcBJe756be8-00220-00069982-00070242 attack to the Syrian government bcBJe756be8-00221-00070243-00070546 according to investigation by Human bcBJe756be8-00222-00070547-00070836 Rights Watch the attack was conducted by bcBJe756be8-00223-00070837-00071086 Syrian government forces from the air bcBJe756be8-00224-00071087-00071511 using soviet-made KUB 250 aerial bombs bcBJe756be8-00225-00071512-00071890 designed to deliver sarin Belling cat bcBJe756be8-00226-00071891-00072115 suggested russia may have inadvertently bcBJe756be8-00227-00072116-00072385 provided evidence of the Syrian bcBJe756be8-00228-00072386-00072648 government's use of the m4 thousand bcBJe756be8-00229-00072649-00073011 chemical bomb syria has denied any bcBJe756be8-00230-00073012-00073326 involvement immediately following the bcBJe756be8-00231-00073327-00073626 attacks Russia said the Syrian Air Force bcBJe756be8-00232-00073627-00073810 had struck khan shaykhun bcBJe756be8-00233-00073811-00074268 between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. local bcBJe756be8-00234-00074269-00074712 time on the 4th of april but that the bcBJe756be8-00235-00074713-00074993 target had been a large terrorist bcBJe756be8-00236-00074994-00075330 ammunition depot on its eastern bcBJe756be8-00237-00075331-00075679 outskirts on the territory of the depot bcBJe756be8-00238-00075680-00075936 there were workshops which produced bcBJe756be8-00239-00075937-00076374 chemical warfare munitions and following bcBJe756be8-00240-00076375-00076791 the OPCW conclusions in October of 2017 bcBJe756be8-00241-00076792-00077106 it strongly disputed the conclusion that bcBJe756be8-00242-00077107-00077391 the Syrian government was responsible bcBJe756be8-00243-00077392-00077729 the UN Security Council session bcBJe756be8-00244-00077730-00077988 unanimously declared the need for an bcBJe756be8-00245-00077989-00078269 investigation of the chemical attack bcBJe756be8-00246-00078270-00078650 according to an OPCW report an bcBJe756be8-00247-00078651-00078898 investigation into the attack was bcBJe756be8-00248-00078899-00079179 concluded and released on the 29th of bcBJe756be8-00249-00079180-00079258 June bcBJe756be8-00250-00079259-00079576 17 which confirmed the use of sarin gas bcBJe756be8-00251-00079577-00079905 or a similar substance bcBJe756be8-00252-00079906-00080199 the United Kingdom's assessment is that bcBJe756be8-00253-00080200-00080430 it is almost certain that the Syrian bcBJe756be8-00254-00080431-00080691 government was responsible for a sarin bcBJe756be8-00255-00080692-00080961 attack on khan shaykhun on the 4th of bcBJe756be8-00256-00080962-00081375 april there is no evidence to suggest bcBJe756be8-00257-00081376-00081723 that any party to the conflict in Syria bcBJe756be8-00258-00081724-00081939 other than the Syrian government has bcBJe756be8-00259-00081940-00082236 access to a complex nerve agent such as bcBJe756be8-00260-00082237-00082644 sarin we note that the F FM's report bcBJe756be8-00261-00082645-00082889 refers to testimony from witnesses bcBJe756be8-00262-00082890-00083154 describing the presence of jets in the bcBJe756be8-00263-00083155-00083514 area at the time of the attack only the bcBJe756be8-00264-00083515-00083814 Syrian Air Force has the capability to bcBJe756be8-00265-00083815-00084042 launch a chemical weapons attack from bcBJe756be8-00266-00084043-00084252 aircraft and it has already been bcBJe756be8-00267-00084253-00084492 condemned by this council for having bcBJe756be8-00268-00084493-00084704 been found to have used chemical weapons bcBJe756be8-00269-00084705-00085002 deployed from aircraft on at least three bcBJe756be8-00270-00085003-00085896 occasions in 2014 and 2015 bcBJe756be8-00271-00085897-00086258 topic claims by the Syrian government bcBJe756be8-00272-00086259-00086961 Syrian opposition and Russian government bcBJe756be8-00273-00086962-00087300 you bcBJe756be8-00274-00087301-00087639 topic Syrian opposition claims bcBJe756be8-00275-00087640-00087992 [Music] bcBJe756be8-00276-00087993-00088238 according to the it'd Lib media center bcBJe756be8-00277-00088239-00088430 the chemical agent had the bcBJe756be8-00278-00088431-00088772 characteristics of sarin the National bcBJe756be8-00279-00088773-00089081 Coalition for Syrian revolutionary and bcBJe756be8-00280-00089082-00089336 opposition forces accused the Syrian bcBJe756be8-00281-00089337-00089567 government and the Syrian Armed Forces bcBJe756be8-00282-00089568-00089863 of carrying out the attack and called bcBJe756be8-00283-00089864-00090110 for an immediate investigation by the bcBJe756be8-00284-00090111-00090485 United Nations Security Council the bcBJe756be8-00285-00090486-00090737 opposition group said the Syrian Air bcBJe756be8-00286-00090738-00090976 Force dropped chemical bombs on a bcBJe756be8-00287-00090977-00091644 civilian population bcBJe756be8-00288-00091645-00091968 topic Syrian government claims bcBJe756be8-00289-00091969-00092297 [Music] bcBJe756be8-00290-00092298-00092570 the position of the Syrian government bcBJe756be8-00291-00092571-00092912 changed on numerous occasions on the day bcBJe756be8-00292-00092913-00093149 of the attack a Syrian government bcBJe756be8-00293-00093150-00093440 official told Reuters the government bcBJe756be8-00294-00093441-00093704 does not then has not used chemical bcBJe756be8-00295-00093705-00094001 weapons not in the past and not in the bcBJe756be8-00296-00094002-00094385 future later the Russian Ministry of bcBJe756be8-00297-00094386-00094667 Defense reiterated the statement made by bcBJe756be8-00298-00094668-00094952 the Syrian Armed Forces but said the bcBJe756be8-00299-00094953-00095198 attack on the ammunition depot took bcBJe756be8-00300-00095199-00095558 place between 11:30 and 12:30 Eastern bcBJe756be8-00301-00095559-00095819 Europe summer time and in the 13th of bcBJe756be8-00302-00095820-00096161 April interview to AFP President Assad bcBJe756be8-00303-00096162-00096743 said the attack is 100% fabrication by bcBJe756be8-00304-00096744-00097055 the United States working hand in glove bcBJe756be8-00305-00097056-00097442 with the terrorists intended to provide bcBJe756be8-00306-00097443-00097682 a pretext for the airstrike on the bcBJe756be8-00307-00097683-00098319 sharat airbase bcBJe756be8-00308-00098320-00098616 topic Russian government claims bcBJe756be8-00309-00098617-00098941 [Music] bcBJe756be8-00310-00098942-00099154 the Russian government denied bcBJe756be8-00311-00099155-00099351 involvement in the chemical attack bcBJe756be8-00312-00099352-00099637 Russia's Defense Ministry issued a bcBJe756be8-00313-00099638-00099829 statement saying the Russian Air Force bcBJe756be8-00314-00099830-00100192 had not carried out any strikes near bcBJe756be8-00315-00100193-00100540 khan shaykhun of a bleb province but bcBJe756be8-00316-00100541-00100822 said a syrian aircraft did conduct an bcBJe756be8-00317-00100823-00101062 airstrike on a warehouse containing bcBJe756be8-00318-00101063-00101326 ammunition and equipment belonging to bcBJe756be8-00319-00101327-00101523 rebels near khan shaykhun bcBJe756be8-00320-00101524-00102141 yesterday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. bcBJe756be8-00321-00102142-00102477 the Russian Foreign Ministry said it was bcBJe756be8-00322-00102478-00102772 premature to accuse the Syrian bcBJe756be8-00323-00102773-00102984 government of using chemical weapons bcBJe756be8-00324-00102985-00103431 enid lib an insist on full and impartial bcBJe756be8-00325-00103432-00103591 investigation bcBJe756be8-00326-00103592-00103873 shortly after the attack Russian bcBJe756be8-00327-00103874-00104100 presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov bcBJe756be8-00328-00104101-00104404 told reporters the use of chemical bcBJe756be8-00329-00104405-00104704 weapons as a dangerous and monstrous bcBJe756be8-00330-00104705-00104998 crime and that Russia's support for bcBJe756be8-00331-00104999-00105273 Assad as not unconditional bcBJe756be8-00332-00105274-00105625 he also said he doubted information was bcBJe756be8-00333-00105626-00106000 based on objective materials or evidence bcBJe756be8-00334-00106001-00106311 and that only Syrian government can bcBJe756be8-00335-00106313-00106644 resist terrorists on the ground bcBJe756be8-00336-00106645-00106933 ambassador mikhail ulyanov head of the bcBJe756be8-00337-00106933-00107155 russian delegation in Unga first bcBJe756be8-00338-00107156-00107428 committee director of the Department for bcBJe756be8-00339-00107429-00107709 non-proliferation and arms control of bcBJe756be8-00340-00107710-00107994 the MFA of Russia on the margins of the bcBJe756be8-00341-00107995-00108330 72nd session of the UN General Assembly bcBJe756be8-00342-00108331-00108636 stated that Russia tended more and more bcBJe756be8-00343-00108638-00108898 to opt for that version that explained bcBJe756be8-00344-00108899-00109161 the event as a staged incident and to bcBJe756be8-00345-00109163-00109357 doubt that it was the result of an air bcBJe756be8-00346-00109358-00109783 bomb strike later President Vladimir bcBJe756be8-00347-00109783-00110008 Putin said the attack could be a bcBJe756be8-00348-00110008-00110257 provocation but that several versions bcBJe756be8-00349-00110258-00110476 were possible and the UN should bcBJe756be8-00350-00110477-00110878 investigate the attack on the 11th of bcBJe756be8-00351-00110879-00110950 April bcBJe756be8-00352-00110951-00111223 Putin suggested the chemical attack was bcBJe756be8-00353-00111224-00111481 a false flag operation intended to bcBJe756be8-00354-00111482-00111742 discredit the Syrian government Belling bcBJe756be8-00355-00111743-00112021 cat founder Eliot Higgins observed that bcBJe756be8-00356-00112022-00112251 Russian claims that a warehouse bcBJe756be8-00357-00112252-00112548 Chemical Weapons was bombed related to a bcBJe756be8-00358-00112549-00112869 raid carried out two to three hours bcBJe756be8-00359-00112870-00113172 after the first images of victims bcBJe756be8-00360-00113173-00113469 appeared a statement made on the day of bcBJe756be8-00361-00113470-00113742 the attack by Major General Igor bcBJe756be8-00362-00113743-00114018 konashenkov a spokesperson for the bcBJe756be8-00363-00114019-00114279 Russian Ministry of Defence was also bcBJe756be8-00364-00114280-00114509 criticized by Higgins Belling cat bcBJe756be8-00365-00114510-00114785 colleague Dan Quezada a veteran of the bcBJe756be8-00366-00114786-00115074 US Army Reserves chemical Corps who bcBJe756be8-00367-00115075-00115449 called it an infant ill argument and by bcBJe756be8-00368-00115450-00115692 the anti Kremlin Russian nonprofit bcBJe756be8-00369-00115693-00116370 conflict intelligence team bcBJe756be8-00370-00116371-00117068 topic United States reaction bcBJe756be8-00371-00117069-00117401 you bcBJe756be8-00372-00117402-00118069 topic responsibility assessment bcBJe756be8-00373-00118070-00118346 according to the US government the bcBJe756be8-00374-00118347-00118640 Syrian government under Assad was behind bcBJe756be8-00375-00118641-00118895 the chemical attack and Syrian jets bcBJe756be8-00376-00118896-00119086 carried out the bombing of a rebel bcBJe756be8-00377-00119088-00119507 stronghold US Secretary of State Rex bcBJe756be8-00378-00119508-00119795 Tillerson was quoted as saying either bcBJe756be8-00379-00119796-00120128 Russia has been complicit or Russia has bcBJe756be8-00380-00120129-00120391 been simply incompetent bcBJe756be8-00381-00120392-00120716 according to Tillerson the u.s. appealed bcBJe756be8-00382-00120717-00120974 to Assad to cease the use of chemical bcBJe756be8-00383-00120975-00121304 weapons and oh there than that there is bcBJe756be8-00384-00121305-00121759 no change to our military posture with bcBJe756be8-00385-00121760-00122004 Isis remaining the primary priority bcBJe756be8-00386-00122005-00122371 president Donald Trump called the attack bcBJe756be8-00387-00122372-00122666 reprehensible and attributed it to the bcBJe756be8-00388-00122667-00122939 Syrian government saying the Act could bcBJe756be8-00389-00122940-00123283 not be ignored by the civilized world bcBJe756be8-00390-00123283-00123616 during his meeting with king abdullah ii bcBJe756be8-00391-00123617-00123910 of jordan trump also blamed the attack bcBJe756be8-00392-00123911-00124145 on supposed failures of the bcBJe756be8-00393-00124146-00124424 administration of his predecessor barack bcBJe756be8-00394-00124425-00124820 obama US Secretary of State Rex bcBJe756be8-00395-00124821-00125191 Tillerson said anyone who uses chemical bcBJe756be8-00396-00125192-00125489 weapons to attack his own people shows a bcBJe756be8-00397-00125490-00125789 fundamental disregard for human decency bcBJe756be8-00398-00125790-00126233 and must be held accountable u.s. bcBJe756be8-00399-00126233-00126557 representative to the UN nikki Haley has bcBJe756be8-00400-00126558-00126746 stated that though before the chemical bcBJe756be8-00401-00126747-00127004 attack the US had not considered bcBJe756be8-00402-00127005-00127309 overthrowing Syrian President Bashar al bcBJe756be8-00403-00127310-00127697 Assad from power a top US priority it is bcBJe756be8-00404-00127698-00128008 now prominent among US priorities in the bcBJe756be8-00405-00128009-00128456 region at the UN Security Council Haley bcBJe756be8-00406-00128457-00128728 said when the United Nations bcBJe756be8-00407-00128729-00129032 consistently fails in its duty to act bcBJe756be8-00408-00129033-00129316 collectively there are times in the life bcBJe756be8-00409-00129317-00129590 of states that we are compelled to take bcBJe756be8-00410-00129591-00130019 our own action by it implying if the UN bcBJe756be8-00411-00130020-00130291 failed to hold Assad accountable for the bcBJe756be8-00412-00130292-00130591 use of chemical weapons on civilians the bcBJe756be8-00413-00130592-00131021 US will CIA director Mike Pompeo bcBJe756be8-00414-00131022-00131354 confirmed on Thursday the 13th of April bcBJe756be8-00415-00131355-00131445 that his age bcBJe756be8-00416-00131446-00131685 see concluded the Syrian government was bcBJe756be8-00417-00131686-00131952 responsible for the chemical attack in bcBJe756be8-00418-00131953-00132071 khan shaykhun bcBJe756be8-00419-00132072-00132504 we were good and fast Pompeyo said the bcBJe756be8-00420-00132505-00132705 top Democrat on the House Intelligence bcBJe756be8-00421-00132706-00133110 Committee Rep Adam Schiff agreed that bcBJe756be8-00422-00133111-00133320 the Syrian government was responsible bcBJe756be8-00423-00133321-00133641 for the attack a few members of Congress bcBJe756be8-00424-00133642-00133847 and former officials expressed bcBJe756be8-00425-00133848-00134127 skepticism like Democratic congresswoman bcBJe756be8-00426-00134128-00134457 Tulsi Gabbard Republican congressman bcBJe756be8-00427-00134458-00134724 Thomas Massie and former Republican bcBJe756be8-00428-00134725-00135389 congressman Ron Paul bcBJe756be8-00429-00135390-00135947 topic missile strike bcBJe756be8-00430-00135948-00136336 on the morning of the 7th of April 2017 bcBJe756be8-00431-00136337-00136709 72 hours after the attack the United bcBJe756be8-00432-00136710-00137039 States launched 59 cruise missiles on bcBJe756be8-00433-00137040-00137342 sharat airbase a Syrian airfield near bcBJe756be8-00434-00137343-00137600 sharat believed to be the base for the bcBJe756be8-00435-00137601-00137825 aircraft that carried out the chemical bcBJe756be8-00436-00137826-00138185 attack in contrast to the coalition's bcBJe756be8-00437-00138186-00138532 accidental air raid on dear ez-zor in bcBJe756be8-00438-00138533-00138911 2016 this was both a unilateral action bcBJe756be8-00439-00138912-00139160 and the first intentional strike against bcBJe756be8-00440-00139161-00139804 the Syrian government bcBJe756be8-00441-00139805-00140342 topic sanctions bcBJe756be8-00442-00140343-00140783 on the 24th of April 2017 the United bcBJe756be8-00443-00140784-00140944 States Department of the Treasury bcBJe756be8-00444-00140945-00141398 imposed sanctions on 271 employees of bcBJe756be8-00445-00141399-00141638 the Syrian scientific studies and bcBJe756be8-00446-00141639-00141839 research center for their alleged role bcBJe756be8-00447-00141840-00142624 in producing chemical weapons bcBJe756be8-00448-00142625-00143303 topic international reactions bcBJe756be8-00449-00143304-00143639 you bcBJe756be8-00450-00143640-00144009 topic supranational and non-governmental bcBJe756be8-00451-00144010-00144762 organizations secretary-general Antonio bcBJe756be8-00452-00144763-00145209 Guterres said he was deeply disturbed by bcBJe756be8-00453-00145210-00145452 reports of the it'd Lib chemical attack bcBJe756be8-00454-00145453-00145722 noting that the use of chemical weapons bcBJe756be8-00455-00145723-00145944 as banned under international law bcBJe756be8-00456-00145945-00146265 federica mogherini the European Union's bcBJe756be8-00457-00146266-00146627 diplomatic chief called the attack awful bcBJe756be8-00458-00146628-00146903 and said Bashar al-assad's government bcBJe756be8-00459-00146904-00147389 bore primary responsibility for it the bcBJe756be8-00460-00147390-00147621 organization for the prohibition of bcBJe756be8-00461-00147622-00148062 chemical weapons OPCW expressed serious bcBJe756be8-00462-00148063-00148395 concern and said it's fact-finding bcBJe756be8-00463-00148396-00148703 mission in Syria was gathering and bcBJe756be8-00464-00148704-00148989 analyzing information from all available bcBJe756be8-00465-00148990-00149409 sources the following day the Technical bcBJe756be8-00466-00149410-00149784 Secretariat of the OPCW referring to the bcBJe756be8-00467-00149785-00150051 media reports requested all Member bcBJe756be8-00468-00150052-00150201 States of the Chemical Weapons bcBJe756be8-00469-00150202-00150423 Convention to share available bcBJe756be8-00470-00150424-00150621 information on what it described bcBJe756be8-00471-00150622-00150977 preliminary as allegations of use of bcBJe756be8-00472-00150978-00151287 chemical weapons in the con shaken area bcBJe756be8-00473-00151288-00151587 of it Lib province in the Syrian Arab bcBJe756be8-00474-00151588-00152027 Republic Amnesty International said the bcBJe756be8-00475-00152028-00152307 evidence points to an air launched bcBJe756be8-00476-00152308-00152629 chemical attack while the World Health bcBJe756be8-00477-00152630-00152913 Organization said victims carried the bcBJe756be8-00478-00152914-00153294 signs of exposure to nerve agents on the bcBJe756be8-00479-00153295-00153618 26th of October an investigative panel bcBJe756be8-00480-00153619-00153972 created by the UN Security Council said bcBJe756be8-00481-00153973-00154356 it was confident that Assad's air force bcBJe756be8-00482-00154357-00154656 was behind the chemical attack further bcBJe756be8-00483-00154657-00154935 that the attack was possible because it bcBJe756be8-00484-00154936-00155220 drew from old Syrian stockpiles that bcBJe756be8-00485-00155221-00155552 Assad had vowed to destroy in 2013 bcBJe756be8-00486-00155553-00155781 indicating that Damascus has bcBJe756be8-00487-00155782-00156024 systematically cheated international bcBJe756be8-00488-00156025-00156774 inspectors for the past four years bcBJe756be8-00489-00156775-00157512 topic UN Security Council countries bcBJe756be8-00490-00157513-00157791 France called for an emergency meeting bcBJe756be8-00491-00157792-00158061 of the United Nations Security Council bcBJe756be8-00492-00158062-00158509 after the attack France Britain and the bcBJe756be8-00493-00158510-00158719 United States who are among the bcBJe756be8-00494-00158720-00158863 permanent members of the Security bcBJe756be8-00495-00158864-00159204 Council circulated a draft to the bcBJe756be8-00496-00159205-00159454 council's 15 members condemning the bcBJe756be8-00497-00159455-00159715 attack in Syria and demanding a full bcBJe756be8-00498-00159716-00160075 investigation into it the emergency bcBJe756be8-00499-00160076-00160329 closed-door meeting was set on the 5th bcBJe756be8-00500-00160330-00160690 of April in New York United States bcBJe756be8-00501-00160691-00160987 ambassador to the United Nations nikki bcBJe756be8-00502-00160988-00161221 Haley serving as president of the bcBJe756be8-00503-00161222-00161482 Security Council for the month announced bcBJe756be8-00504-00161483-00161722 there would not be a vote on a draft bcBJe756be8-00505-00161723-00161998 resolution to respond to the chemical bcBJe756be8-00506-00161999-00162226 weapons attack but instead of one bcBJe756be8-00507-00162227-00162502 resolution by the US and a second bcBJe756be8-00508-00162503-00162757 resolution by Russia there was a third bcBJe756be8-00509-00162758-00163051 resolution unexpectedly submitted by bcBJe756be8-00510-00163052-00163270 Sweden and nine other non permanent bcBJe756be8-00511-00163271-00163641 members when the council concluded its bcBJe756be8-00512-00163642-00163846 meeting without conclusion on the bcBJe756be8-00513-00163847-00164098 morning of the 6th of April the u.s. bcBJe756be8-00514-00164099-00164454 launched a missile strike on the 12th of bcBJe756be8-00515-00164455-00164773 April the proposed draft resolution was bcBJe756be8-00516-00164774-00165049 vetoed by Russia as it attributed blame bcBJe756be8-00517-00165050-00165300 to the Syrian government before any bcBJe756be8-00518-00165301-00165661 investigation had been undertaken this bcBJe756be8-00519-00165662-00165925 was the eighth time that Russia vetoed a bcBJe756be8-00520-00165926-00166284 Security Council resolution on Syria bcBJe756be8-00521-00166285-00166666 instead on the 20th of April Russia and bcBJe756be8-00522-00166667-00167073 Iran formally proposed to start an OPCW bcBJe756be8-00523-00167074-00167346 investigation which was rejected as an bcBJe756be8-00524-00167347-00167641 investigation as already in progress and bcBJe756be8-00525-00167642-00167947 then on the 26th of April blocked UN bcBJe756be8-00526-00167948-00168238 resolution calling Syria to disclose bcBJe756be8-00527-00168239-00168552 information for the first OPCW bcBJe756be8-00528-00168553-00168861 investigation at the same accusing UN of bcBJe756be8-00529-00168862-00169170 blocking independent international bcBJe756be8-00530-00169171-00169513 investigation earlier proposed by Russia bcBJe756be8-00531-00169514-00169918 and Iran on the 26th of April 2017 bcBJe756be8-00532-00169919-00170203 french Foreign Minister jean-marc Aero bcBJe756be8-00533-00170204-00170461 said France had concluded that the bcBJe756be8-00534-00170462-00170672 Syrian government was bcBJe756be8-00535-00170673-00170965 questionably the perpetrator of the bcBJe756be8-00536-00170966-00171287 attack he added that the same mixture of bcBJe756be8-00537-00171288-00171562 sarin and hexamine had been used in the bcBJe756be8-00538-00171563-00171935 2013 Sarah cube chemical attack United bcBJe756be8-00539-00171936-00172153 Kingdom government Defense Minister bcBJe756be8-00540-00172154-00172409 Michael Fallon said he believed the bcBJe756be8-00541-00172410-00172664 Syrian Air Force responsible for the bcBJe756be8-00542-00172665-00173003 attack opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn bcBJe756be8-00543-00173004-00173306 said there should now be an immediate bcBJe756be8-00544-00173307-00173678 ceasefire and a un-led investigation bcBJe756be8-00545-00173679-00173953 rapidly into what is a horrific and bcBJe756be8-00546-00173954-00174299 totally illegal action by somebody using bcBJe756be8-00547-00174300-00174640 chemical weapons against innocent people bcBJe756be8-00548-00174641-00174995 the Egyptian Foreign Ministry released a bcBJe756be8-00549-00174996-00175232 statement saying the painful and bcBJe756be8-00550-00175233-00175583 unacceptable images of the massacre bcBJe756be8-00551-00175584-00175832 reaffirmed the necessity of reaching a bcBJe756be8-00552-00175833-00176120 political solution to end the crisis in bcBJe756be8-00553-00176121-00176363 Syria in light of the international bcBJe756be8-00554-00176364-00176669 community decisions and Security Council bcBJe756be8-00555-00176670-00177149 resolution 2254 as well as the Geneva bcBJe756be8-00556-00177150-00177762 Conventions bcBJe756be8-00557-00177763-00178327 topic other countries bcBJe756be8-00558-00178328-00178656 Iranian president Hassan rouhani called bcBJe756be8-00559-00178657-00178940 for an impartial international bcBJe756be8-00560-00178941-00179286 fact-finding body to be set up to bcBJe756be8-00561-00179287-00179601 investigate the attack Foreign Minister bcBJe756be8-00562-00179602-00179876 Mohammad Javad Zarif described the bcBJe756be8-00563-00179877-00180261 incident as very painful and condemned bcBJe756be8-00564-00180262-00180573 it but also criticized us for attacking bcBJe756be8-00565-00180574-00180837 the Syrian Air Base without any bcBJe756be8-00566-00180838-00181233 investigation Iranian Foreign Ministry bcBJe756be8-00567-00181234-00181506 spokesman Barham de semi condemned all bcBJe756be8-00568-00181507-00181935 use of chemical weapons but suggested bcBJe756be8-00569-00181936-00182164 the blame for the attack lay with bcBJe756be8-00570-00182165-00182528 terrorist groups rather than the Syrian bcBJe756be8-00571-00182529-00182724 government Canadian Prime Minister bcBJe756be8-00572-00182725-00183104 Justin Trudeau said there are continuing bcBJe756be8-00573-00183105-00183372 questions bcBJe756be8-00574-00183373-00183639 about who is responsible for these bcBJe756be8-00575-00183640-00183939 horrible attacks against civilians and bcBJe756be8-00576-00183940-00184218 that's why I'm impressing on the UN bcBJe756be8-00577-00184219-00184503 Security Council to pass the strong bcBJe756be8-00578-00184504-00184809 resolution that allows the international bcBJe756be8-00579-00184810-00185109 community to determine first of all who bcBJe756be8-00580-00185110-00185385 was responsible for these attacks and bcBJe756be8-00581-00185386-00185793 how we will move forward Israeli Prime bcBJe756be8-00582-00185794-00186093 Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on bcBJe756be8-00583-00186094-00186378 the international community to fulfill bcBJe756be8-00584-00186379-00186765 its obligation from 2013 to fully and bcBJe756be8-00585-00186766-00187047 finally remove these horrible weapons bcBJe756be8-00586-00187048-00187476 from Syria other countries who condemned bcBJe756be8-00587-00187477-00187713 the chemical attack include the Czech bcBJe756be8-00588-00187714-00188105 Republic Italy Pakistan Saudi Arabia bcBJe756be8-00589-00188106-00188367 Switzerland United Kingdom and the bcBJe756be8-00590-00188368-00188649 Vatican City the Iraqi government bcBJe756be8-00591-00188650-00188889 condemned the chemical attack and called bcBJe756be8-00592-00188890-00189156 for an initiative aimed at punishing bcBJe756be8-00593-00189157-00189549 those responsible the next day bcBJe756be8-00594-00189550-00189858 Iraqi cleric muqtada al-sadr also bcBJe756be8-00595-00189859-00190089 condemned the attacks and called for bcBJe756be8-00596-00190090-00190482 President Assad to step down Australian bcBJe756be8-00597-00190483-00190767 Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said if bcBJe756be8-00598-00190768-00191025 al Assad was found to be behind the bcBJe756be8-00599-00191026-00191325 attack as the United States believed it bcBJe756be8-00600-00191326-00191709 represented a shocking war crime other bcBJe756be8-00601-00191710-00191987 countries who accused Assad for bcBJe756be8-00602-00191988-00192237 responsibilities include Qatar and bcBJe756be8-00603-00192238-00192775 Turkey bcBJe756be8-00604-00192776-00193496 topic other views former head of the bcBJe756be8-00605-00193497-00193857 International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA bcBJe756be8-00606-00193858-00194264 Hans Blix described the u.s. retaliation bcBJe756be8-00607-00194265-00194622 as measured and specific but later bcBJe756be8-00608-00194623-00194910 criticized the rapid American military bcBJe756be8-00609-00194911-00195239 response he initially raised concern bcBJe756be8-00610-00195240-00195491 that the responsibility of the Syrian bcBJe756be8-00611-00195492-00195783 government was not yet proven but stated bcBJe756be8-00612-00195784-00196224 on the 11th of April 2017 unbalanced it bcBJe756be8-00613-00196225-00196497 seems probable that the attack with gas bcBJe756be8-00614-00196498-00196758 was undertaken by the Syrian government bcBJe756be8-00615-00196759-00197282 Air Force adding that the factual bcBJe756be8-00616-00197283-00197600 circumstances known so far do not point bcBJe756be8-00617-00197601-00197832 to the rebels as arranging the gas bcBJe756be8-00618-00197833-00198233 action other people who have expressed bcBJe756be8-00619-00198234-00198476 skepticism of the Syrian government bcBJe756be8-00620-00198477-00198764 being responsible for the attack include bcBJe756be8-00621-00198765-00199064 former UN weapons inspector scott ritter bcBJe756be8-00622-00199065-00199411 MIT professor emeritus Theodore Postol bcBJe756be8-00623-00199412-00199761 former UK ambassador to Syria and bcBJe756be8-00624-00199762-00200024 director of the British Syrian society bcBJe756be8-00625-00200025-00200300 Peter Ford investigative Israeli bcBJe756be8-00626-00200301-00200610 journalist early a very an investigative bcBJe756be8-00627-00200611-00201161 journalist Seymour Hersh the OPCW UN gem bcBJe756be8-00628-00201162-00201428 report found no merit in any of these bcBJe756be8-00629-00201429-00201708 views and concluded that the sarin used bcBJe756be8-00630-00201709-00201965 in the attack bore the Syrian regime's bcBJe756be8-00631-00201966-00202587 signature bcBJe756be8-00632-00202588-00202973 topic C also bcBJe756be8-00633-00202974-00203161 you bcBJe756be8-00634-00203162-00203449 list of massacres during the Syrian bcBJe756be8-00635-00203450-00203839 civil war Syria and weapons of mass bcBJe756be8-00636-00203840-00204259 destruction use of chemical weapons in bcBJe756be8-00637-00204260-00204577 the Syrian civil war bgbkDDeJ4o8-00000-00000016-00000367 i love you bgbkDDeJ4o8-00001-00000368-00001663 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00002-00001664-00001847 merry christmas and a happy new year bgbkDDeJ4o8-00003-00001848-00002110 this is michael jackson of the jackson 5 bgbkDDeJ4o8-00004-00002111-00002383 wishing a happy holiday to all midtown bgbkDDeJ4o8-00005-00002384-00002625 fans bgbkDDeJ4o8-00006-00002626-00003447 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00007-00003447-00003858 so bgbkDDeJ4o8-00009-00008832-00009175 so bgbkDDeJ4o8-00010-00009176-00011038 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00011-00011039-00011206 i want to thank all of the fans for bgbkDDeJ4o8-00012-00011207-00011406 their unwavering support over the past bgbkDDeJ4o8-00013-00011407-00011503 year bgbkDDeJ4o8-00014-00011504-00011751 please note it was acknowledged and bgbkDDeJ4o8-00015-00011752-00011943 greatly appreciated bgbkDDeJ4o8-00016-00011944-00013247 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00017-00013247-00013481 so bgbkDDeJ4o8-00019-00016728-00017303 do bgbkDDeJ4o8-00020-00017304-00018343 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00021-00018344-00018798 [Applause] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00022-00018799-00020175 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00023-00020176-00020414 merry christmas i love you from the bgbkDDeJ4o8-00024-00020415-00020671 bottom of my heart i love you all very bgbkDDeJ4o8-00025-00020672-00021055 very much and i shall never ever forget bgbkDDeJ4o8-00026-00021056-00021167 promise bgbkDDeJ4o8-00027-00021168-00021430 i love you avida bgbkDDeJ4o8-00028-00021431-00022058 and i'll see you again bgbkDDeJ4o8-00029-00022059-00022671 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00030-00022672-00022778 did bgbkDDeJ4o8-00031-00022779-00023071 christmas change bgbkDDeJ4o8-00032-00023072-00023413 or just bgbkDDeJ4o8-00033-00023414-00023583 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00034-00023584-00024220 me bgbkDDeJ4o8-00035-00024221-00025039 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00036-00025040-00025494 fill your heart with love bgbkDDeJ4o8-00037-00025495-00025757 where are you christmas bgbkDDeJ4o8-00038-00025758-00027174 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00039-00027175-00027495 rocking around the christmas tree at the bgbkDDeJ4o8-00040-00027495-00027751 christmas party bgbkDDeJ4o8-00041-00027752-00028062 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00042-00028063-00028423 every couple tries to stop bgbkDDeJ4o8-00043-00028424-00028718 rocking around the christmas tree left bgbkDDeJ4o8-00044-00028719-00029039 the christmas spirit bgbkDDeJ4o8-00045-00029039-00029335 later we'll have some pumpkin pie and bgbkDDeJ4o8-00046-00029336-00030004 we'll do some caroling bgbkDDeJ4o8-00047-00030005-00030887 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00048-00030888-00031558 straight bgbkDDeJ4o8-00049-00031560-00031995 thank you bgbkDDeJ4o8-00050-00031997-00033282 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00052-00036912-00037190 hello and thank you for all your love bgbkDDeJ4o8-00053-00037191-00037390 your support bgbkDDeJ4o8-00054-00037391-00037535 and your loyalty bgbkDDeJ4o8-00055-00037536-00037735 i love you all so much it has been a bgbkDDeJ4o8-00056-00037736-00037855 source of bgbkDDeJ4o8-00057-00037856-00037967 strength bgbkDDeJ4o8-00058-00037968-00038255 and inspiration i wish you a very bgbkDDeJ4o8-00059-00038256-00038415 happy christmas bgbkDDeJ4o8-00060-00038416-00038607 and a peaceful new year bgbkDDeJ4o8-00061-00038608-00038830 i look forward to seeing you soon bgbkDDeJ4o8-00062-00038831-00039087 and i love you all dearly thank you very bgbkDDeJ4o8-00063-00039088-00039183 much bgbkDDeJ4o8-00064-00039184-00039295 wow bgbkDDeJ4o8-00065-00039296-00039607 mommy's kissing santa claus bgbkDDeJ4o8-00066-00039608-00039718 i bgbkDDeJ4o8-00067-00039719-00040018 saw mommy kissing bgbkDDeJ4o8-00068-00040019-00040379 santa claus bgbkDDeJ4o8-00069-00040380-00040819 underneath the mistletoe last bgbkDDeJ4o8-00070-00040820-00042095 [Music] bgbkDDeJ4o8-00071-00042096-00042335 for working on uh the black or fight bgbkDDeJ4o8-00072-00042336-00042574 short film i would like to say thank you bgbkDDeJ4o8-00073-00042575-00042830 and we love you and we think and john bgbkDDeJ4o8-00074-00042831-00042990 enjoy the job bgbkDDeJ4o8-00075-00042991-00044287 because what john and yes bgbkDDeJ4o8-00076-00044288-00044511 because bgbkDDeJ4o8-00077-00044512-00044590 i bgbkDDeJ4o8-00078-00044591-00044679 just bgbkDDeJ4o8-00079-00044680-00045687 can't stop bgbkDDeJ4o8-00080-00045688-00045896 you biXIbSS7ID8-00000-00000032-00000271 our next interview question is biXIbSS7ID8-00001-00000272-00000503 what is the difference between a false biXIbSS7ID8-00002-00000504-00000831 positive and a false negative biXIbSS7ID8-00003-00000832-00001062 also give an example biXIbSS7ID8-00004-00001063-00001358 where false positive is more important biXIbSS7ID8-00005-00001359-00001679 than false negative and vice versa biXIbSS7ID8-00006-00001680-00001959 okay again a very interesting question biXIbSS7ID8-00007-00001960-00002239 so in the first part we'll discuss the biXIbSS7ID8-00008-00002240-00002534 difference between a false positive and biXIbSS7ID8-00009-00002535-00002847 a false negative okay so biXIbSS7ID8-00010-00002848-00003406 all of this is related to classification biXIbSS7ID8-00011-00003407-00003670 so we'll take an example biXIbSS7ID8-00012-00003671-00003999 let's say we are building a model biXIbSS7ID8-00013-00004000-00004143 which can do biXIbSS7ID8-00014-00004144-00004238 a biXIbSS7ID8-00015-00004239-00004479 covet prediction biXIbSS7ID8-00016-00004480-00004799 based on symptoms it will tell whether a biXIbSS7ID8-00017-00004800-00004983 patient has covered biXIbSS7ID8-00018-00004984-00005095 or not biXIbSS7ID8-00019-00005096-00005238 that's the model that we are going to biXIbSS7ID8-00020-00005239-00005679 build okay now uh see what can happen is biXIbSS7ID8-00021-00005680-00005918 there could be four scenarios so what i biXIbSS7ID8-00022-00005919-00006038 will do is biXIbSS7ID8-00023-00006039-00006183 i'll create biXIbSS7ID8-00024-00006184-00006510 four columns the first one is biXIbSS7ID8-00025-00006511-00006878 prediction biXIbSS7ID8-00026-00006879-00007055 the second one is biXIbSS7ID8-00027-00007056-00007270 actually biXIbSS7ID8-00028-00007272-00007423 the third one is biXIbSS7ID8-00029-00007423-00007606 nature biXIbSS7ID8-00030-00007608-00007823 and the fourth one is name i'll tell you biXIbSS7ID8-00031-00007823-00008095 what these columns mean biXIbSS7ID8-00032-00008095-00008246 so biXIbSS7ID8-00033-00008247-00008487 while building this biXIbSS7ID8-00034-00008488-00008783 model they could be four scenarios biXIbSS7ID8-00035-00008784-00008974 the first scenario is biXIbSS7ID8-00036-00008975-00009191 that the patient biXIbSS7ID8-00037-00009192-00009383 has covet biXIbSS7ID8-00038-00009384-00009471 okay biXIbSS7ID8-00039-00009472-00009814 in reality he has covered and we have biXIbSS7ID8-00040-00009815-00009927 predicted biXIbSS7ID8-00041-00009928-00010271 that he has coped so we have correctly biXIbSS7ID8-00042-00010272-00010503 predicted so we can write the nature of biXIbSS7ID8-00043-00010504-00010671 our prediction is biXIbSS7ID8-00044-00010672-00010799 correct biXIbSS7ID8-00045-00010800-00011063 the second scenario could be biXIbSS7ID8-00046-00011064-00011174 that biXIbSS7ID8-00047-00011175-00011283 the biXIbSS7ID8-00048-00011284-00011519 patient does not have biXIbSS7ID8-00049-00011520-00011623 covet biXIbSS7ID8-00050-00011624-00011878 and we also predicted that he does not biXIbSS7ID8-00051-00011879-00012006 have covet biXIbSS7ID8-00052-00012007-00012191 again the nature of the prediction would biXIbSS7ID8-00053-00012192-00012670 be correct we have correctly predicted biXIbSS7ID8-00054-00012671-00012791 right biXIbSS7ID8-00055-00012792-00013086 now the third case would be biXIbSS7ID8-00056-00013087-00013175 that biXIbSS7ID8-00057-00013176-00013447 the patient has covered biXIbSS7ID8-00058-00013447-00013751 but our model predicted that biXIbSS7ID8-00059-00013752-00013983 he does not have covet biXIbSS7ID8-00060-00013984-00014143 and in this case biXIbSS7ID8-00061-00014144-00014358 the prediction is biXIbSS7ID8-00062-00014359-00014703 incorrect okay sorry for the handwriting biXIbSS7ID8-00063-00014704-00014919 and the fourth scenario would be biXIbSS7ID8-00064-00014919-00015230 that the patient does not have covert biXIbSS7ID8-00065-00015231-00015486 but our prediction model says that the biXIbSS7ID8-00066-00015487-00015822 patient has covet again a mistake biXIbSS7ID8-00067-00015823-00016071 so incorrect biXIbSS7ID8-00068-00016072-00016319 okay so these are the possible four biXIbSS7ID8-00069-00016319-00016622 scenarios uh in a binary classification biXIbSS7ID8-00070-00016623-00016894 setup this is a binary classification biXIbSS7ID8-00071-00016895-00017039 setup okay biXIbSS7ID8-00072-00017040-00017247 now biXIbSS7ID8-00073-00017248-00017471 we have a name for all of these biXIbSS7ID8-00074-00017472-00017775 scenarios okay so what i have done is i biXIbSS7ID8-00075-00017776-00018094 have uh shown you this image so it this biXIbSS7ID8-00076-00018095-00018327 image is basically a representation of biXIbSS7ID8-00077-00018328-00018591 this table only if you think properly if biXIbSS7ID8-00078-00018592-00018783 you see the image you would see biXIbSS7ID8-00079-00018784-00018863 that biXIbSS7ID8-00080-00018864-00019119 this image is actually a representation biXIbSS7ID8-00081-00019120-00019447 of this table okay so over here we have biXIbSS7ID8-00082-00019448-00019686 predictions over here we have actual biXIbSS7ID8-00083-00019687-00019927 values okay now biXIbSS7ID8-00084-00019928-00020119 let's find out there are four blocks biXIbSS7ID8-00085-00020120-00020279 let's find out the block where biXIbSS7ID8-00086-00020280-00020567 prediction has a value of one and actual biXIbSS7ID8-00087-00020568-00020855 has a value of one and you can see biXIbSS7ID8-00088-00020856-00020950 it is biXIbSS7ID8-00089-00020951-00021111 this block biXIbSS7ID8-00090-00021112-00021463 and this is called true positive biXIbSS7ID8-00091-00021464-00021558 okay biXIbSS7ID8-00092-00021559-00021647 next biXIbSS7ID8-00093-00021648-00021983 prediction 0 actual 0 and you can see biXIbSS7ID8-00094-00021984-00022263 it is this block and this is called biXIbSS7ID8-00095-00022264-00022478 true negative biXIbSS7ID8-00096-00022479-00022894 now let's find out where prediction is 0 biXIbSS7ID8-00097-00022895-00023119 and actual is 1 biXIbSS7ID8-00098-00023120-00023422 so it is this block biXIbSS7ID8-00099-00023423-00023607 and this is called as biXIbSS7ID8-00100-00023608-00023703 false biXIbSS7ID8-00101-00023704-00023814 negative biXIbSS7ID8-00102-00023815-00023894 okay biXIbSS7ID8-00103-00023895-00024055 and the last one is biXIbSS7ID8-00104-00024056-00024311 actual is zero so biXIbSS7ID8-00105-00024312-00024455 actual is zero biXIbSS7ID8-00106-00024456-00024783 and uh prediction is one prediction is biXIbSS7ID8-00107-00024784-00025014 one so this is the fourth one and we biXIbSS7ID8-00108-00025015-00025255 call it false negative biXIbSS7ID8-00109-00025256-00025558 so false positive and false negative are biXIbSS7ID8-00110-00025559-00025727 nothing but biXIbSS7ID8-00111-00025727-00025983 the nature biXIbSS7ID8-00112-00025983-00026087 of biXIbSS7ID8-00113-00026088-00026311 misclassification biXIbSS7ID8-00114-00026312-00026479 you can perform biXIbSS7ID8-00115-00026480-00026687 you can perform two biXIbSS7ID8-00116-00026688-00026927 types of misclassification biXIbSS7ID8-00117-00026927-00027190 and one of them is false negative biXIbSS7ID8-00118-00027191-00027439 and the other one is false positive so biXIbSS7ID8-00119-00027439-00027614 if you remember this table and this biXIbSS7ID8-00120-00027616-00027887 image you will never do a mistake in the biXIbSS7ID8-00121-00027888-00028102 concept of false positive and false biXIbSS7ID8-00122-00028104-00028351 negative so i hope you are biXIbSS7ID8-00123-00028352-00028631 and you understood the concept of these biXIbSS7ID8-00124-00028632-00028846 two values now let's move on to the biXIbSS7ID8-00125-00028847-00029095 second part of the question where biXIbSS7ID8-00126-00029095-00029335 we have been asked to give a scenario biXIbSS7ID8-00127-00029336-00029535 where false positive biXIbSS7ID8-00128-00029536-00029807 is more important than false negative biXIbSS7ID8-00129-00029808-00029902 okay biXIbSS7ID8-00130-00029904-00030127 so we have to provide a scenario biXIbSS7ID8-00131-00030127-00030423 where false i'm sorry i have biXIbSS7ID8-00132-00030424-00030574 there is a mistake biXIbSS7ID8-00133-00030575-00030758 this is biXIbSS7ID8-00134-00030760-00031031 this is false positive biXIbSS7ID8-00135-00031032-00031223 this is false positive biXIbSS7ID8-00136-00031224-00031439 okay so we have we have to give a biXIbSS7ID8-00137-00031439-00031574 scenario where biXIbSS7ID8-00138-00031575-00031758 this error biXIbSS7ID8-00139-00031760-00031974 is more important or rather we should biXIbSS7ID8-00140-00031975-00032127 say crucial biXIbSS7ID8-00141-00032127-00032207 than biXIbSS7ID8-00142-00032208-00032511 false negative okay biXIbSS7ID8-00143-00032512-00032607 so biXIbSS7ID8-00144-00032608-00032807 let's take a scenario biXIbSS7ID8-00145-00032808-00033062 where biXIbSS7ID8-00146-00033063-00033399 we are doing email biXIbSS7ID8-00147-00033400-00033815 spam classification biXIbSS7ID8-00148-00033816-00034111 we are doing email spam classification biXIbSS7ID8-00149-00034112-00034255 so we are trying to build a biXIbSS7ID8-00150-00034256-00034599 classification model which can classify biXIbSS7ID8-00151-00034600-00035023 an incoming mail into spam or not spam biXIbSS7ID8-00152-00035024-00035215 so over here you can do two kinds of biXIbSS7ID8-00153-00035216-00035462 mistakes the first mistake that you can biXIbSS7ID8-00154-00035463-00035735 do is that your email is biXIbSS7ID8-00155-00035736-00035959 uh biXIbSS7ID8-00156-00035960-00036062 not biXIbSS7ID8-00157-00036063-00036167 spam biXIbSS7ID8-00158-00036168-00036374 or rather we should write it like this biXIbSS7ID8-00159-00036375-00036767 just give me one second biXIbSS7ID8-00160-00036768-00036951 so biXIbSS7ID8-00161-00036952-00037255 our email is spam biXIbSS7ID8-00162-00037256-00037743 and our prediction is not spam biXIbSS7ID8-00163-00037744-00037943 and the second mistake is biXIbSS7ID8-00164-00037944-00038262 that the incoming email biXIbSS7ID8-00165-00038263-00038367 is biXIbSS7ID8-00166-00038368-00039159 not spam biXIbSS7ID8-00167-00039160-00039255 but biXIbSS7ID8-00168-00039256-00039439 our prediction is biXIbSS7ID8-00169-00039440-00039535 spam biXIbSS7ID8-00170-00039536-00039735 so these are the two mistakes that we biXIbSS7ID8-00171-00039736-00039855 can do biXIbSS7ID8-00172-00039856-00040143 in this problem okay now you can clearly biXIbSS7ID8-00173-00040144-00040415 identify this is by the way biXIbSS7ID8-00174-00040416-00040590 the actual value biXIbSS7ID8-00175-00040591-00040895 and this is the predicted value actual biXIbSS7ID8-00176-00040896-00041262 predicted okay so you can clearly see if biXIbSS7ID8-00177-00041263-00041502 you see the first one biXIbSS7ID8-00178-00041503-00041639 you can see biXIbSS7ID8-00179-00041640-00041871 actual is one biXIbSS7ID8-00180-00041872-00042230 and um biXIbSS7ID8-00181-00042231-00042351 is zero biXIbSS7ID8-00182-00042352-00042871 so this is a case of biXIbSS7ID8-00183-00042872-00042967 false biXIbSS7ID8-00184-00042968-00043111 negative biXIbSS7ID8-00185-00043112-00043483 whereas this is the case biXIbSS7ID8-00186-00043484-00043767 of false positive biXIbSS7ID8-00187-00043768-00044071 now if you think carefully you would see biXIbSS7ID8-00188-00044072-00044390 that in this scenario false positive biXIbSS7ID8-00189-00044391-00044679 is more crucial than false negative biXIbSS7ID8-00190-00044680-00044902 because in false positive what you are biXIbSS7ID8-00191-00044903-00045046 doing is biXIbSS7ID8-00192-00045047-00045158 you are biXIbSS7ID8-00193-00045159-00045574 labeling a correct email as spam so you biXIbSS7ID8-00194-00045575-00045839 are sending it to the spam folder so biXIbSS7ID8-00195-00045840-00046055 imagine a scenario that you got biXIbSS7ID8-00196-00046056-00046271 placement in a company biXIbSS7ID8-00197-00046272-00046567 and that company sent you biXIbSS7ID8-00198-00046568-00046783 the joining details biXIbSS7ID8-00199-00046784-00047079 and your email client classified that biXIbSS7ID8-00200-00047080-00047374 email as spam and sent it to the spam biXIbSS7ID8-00201-00047375-00047607 folder and you were not able to see that biXIbSS7ID8-00202-00047608-00047846 email and you will not be able to join biXIbSS7ID8-00203-00047847-00048095 the company imagine the stakes are so biXIbSS7ID8-00204-00048096-00048190 high biXIbSS7ID8-00205-00048191-00048446 whereas in this case biXIbSS7ID8-00206-00048447-00048718 the mail was spam but our email client biXIbSS7ID8-00207-00048719-00048967 could not classify it as spam and it was biXIbSS7ID8-00208-00048968-00049174 sent to the normal folder biXIbSS7ID8-00209-00049175-00049495 so even that even in that case nothing biXIbSS7ID8-00210-00049496-00049671 much happens you just biXIbSS7ID8-00211-00049672-00050015 see the folder spam and you just uh biXIbSS7ID8-00212-00050016-00050207 spam it like you put it into the spam biXIbSS7ID8-00213-00050208-00050471 folder yourself okay so you can see the biXIbSS7ID8-00214-00050472-00050686 stakes are high in this case in biXIbSS7ID8-00215-00050687-00050839 comparison to biXIbSS7ID8-00216-00050840-00051046 the second one and this is a scenario biXIbSS7ID8-00217-00051047-00051246 where false positive biXIbSS7ID8-00218-00051247-00051550 is more important or rather crucial than biXIbSS7ID8-00219-00051551-00051702 false negative biXIbSS7ID8-00220-00051703-00051919 okay so that is the first part of the biXIbSS7ID8-00221-00051920-00052150 question regarding this biXIbSS7ID8-00222-00052151-00052311 opposite scenario biXIbSS7ID8-00223-00052312-00052575 let's see a classification of cancer biXIbSS7ID8-00224-00052576-00052703 detection biXIbSS7ID8-00225-00052704-00052911 let's say we are building a model for biXIbSS7ID8-00226-00052912-00053303 cancer detection biXIbSS7ID8-00227-00053304-00053471 again we will biXIbSS7ID8-00228-00053472-00053671 do two kinds of mistake biXIbSS7ID8-00229-00053672-00053911 so let's say actual biXIbSS7ID8-00230-00053912-00054119 is biXIbSS7ID8-00231-00054120-00054535 patient has cancer biXIbSS7ID8-00232-00054536-00054766 and predicted was zero biXIbSS7ID8-00233-00054767-00055087 no cancer biXIbSS7ID8-00234-00055088-00055215 whereas biXIbSS7ID8-00235-00055216-00055479 the second kind of mistake is biXIbSS7ID8-00236-00055479-00055694 the patient does not have biXIbSS7ID8-00237-00055695-00055999 cancer biXIbSS7ID8-00238-00056000-00056082 but biXIbSS7ID8-00239-00056083-00056238 predicted biXIbSS7ID8-00240-00056239-00056415 with cancer biXIbSS7ID8-00241-00056416-00056687 diagnosed with cancer okay so again this biXIbSS7ID8-00242-00056688-00057054 is a scenario biXIbSS7ID8-00243-00057055-00057135 of biXIbSS7ID8-00244-00057136-00057399 false negative biXIbSS7ID8-00245-00057400-00057703 and this is a scenario biXIbSS7ID8-00246-00057704-00057926 of false positive biXIbSS7ID8-00247-00057927-00058094 and you can clearly see this is common biXIbSS7ID8-00248-00058095-00058407 sense that false negative in this case biXIbSS7ID8-00249-00058408-00058694 is more crucial than false positive why biXIbSS7ID8-00250-00058695-00058919 because in this case biXIbSS7ID8-00251-00058920-00059207 the patient has cancer but it was not biXIbSS7ID8-00252-00059208-00059335 diagnosed biXIbSS7ID8-00253-00059336-00059447 so biXIbSS7ID8-00254-00059448-00059735 this is ill information the patient will biXIbSS7ID8-00255-00059736-00059903 not be informed with the problem and biXIbSS7ID8-00256-00059904-00060063 he'll just be biXIbSS7ID8-00257-00060064-00060415 chilled and he'll go away he'll not biXIbSS7ID8-00258-00060416-00060647 get the medication and he will not get biXIbSS7ID8-00259-00060648-00060894 the care and he may die so the stakes biXIbSS7ID8-00260-00060895-00061142 are very high in this case biXIbSS7ID8-00261-00061144-00061319 whereas in this case biXIbSS7ID8-00262-00061320-00061550 the patient may get a heart attack after biXIbSS7ID8-00263-00061551-00061750 hearing that he has cancer biXIbSS7ID8-00264-00061751-00062054 but after multiple tests you would get biXIbSS7ID8-00265-00062055-00062423 the correct answer so the stakes are low biXIbSS7ID8-00266-00062424-00062511 so biXIbSS7ID8-00267-00062512-00062935 this is a case cancer detection where biXIbSS7ID8-00268-00062936-00063175 false negative is more important than biXIbSS7ID8-00269-00063176-00063438 false positive okay so i hope you get biXIbSS7ID8-00270-00063439-00063695 the answer bjKFBMgtKbu-00000-00000722-00001124 marvin and a big window back why is it bjKFBMgtKbu-00001-00001125-00001507 katamari question tutorials since my bjKFBMgtKbu-00002-00001508-00003047 first time yeah la silla lacava natasha bjKFBMgtKbu-00003-00003048-00004175 nguyen Amparo corazon de cuenca eggs bjKFBMgtKbu-00004-00004176-00004619 horn but I oh oh apparently they're bjKFBMgtKbu-00005-00004620-00004931 wearing up an Internet ito nipa fiber bjKFBMgtKbu-00006-00004932-00005395 pero ya their economy today I'm gonna go bjKFBMgtKbu-00007-00005396-00005786 on and become Greg stream oh yeah yeah bjKFBMgtKbu-00008-00005787-00005975 we haven't forgotten a garage didn't bjKFBMgtKbu-00009-00005976-00006692 come in a box at which come in yeah by bjKFBMgtKbu-00010-00006693-00006906 the way in the oven nagar bonito SE que bjKFBMgtKbu-00011-00006908-00007277 sigue nagar veneto nanunuod LA but but bjKFBMgtKbu-00012-00007278-00007505 defensive inside and catalytic is a bjKFBMgtKbu-00013-00007506-00007753 buy-in expect num viewers not in a bjKFBMgtKbu-00014-00007754-00007963 nother upanishad bjKFBMgtKbu-00015-00007964-00008593 hello cream linearity all right we're bjKFBMgtKbu-00016-00008594-00009303 reading the Lord are doing Oh should I bjKFBMgtKbu-00017-00009304-00009550 become a bar terrible gutom all bjKFBMgtKbu-00018-00009551-00009885 supporters name aspirin apparently some bjKFBMgtKbu-00019-00009886-00010267 dessert buffet sometime I the circuit is bjKFBMgtKbu-00020-00010268-00010582 barren I well as about pheromone dessert bjKFBMgtKbu-00021-00010583-00010846 buffet because a guy sensei p son bjKFBMgtKbu-00022-00010847-00011884 vince'll I know [__] remix lon sino sino bjKFBMgtKbu-00023-00011885-00012519 para voce umana mean Talia bahrami pally bjKFBMgtKbu-00024-00012520-00013030 sanna streamtorrent aluminum I don't bjKFBMgtKbu-00025-00013031-00013249 know where I keep going loud look what I bjKFBMgtKbu-00026-00013250-00013663 got you a sobe beginning and cool item bjKFBMgtKbu-00027-00013663-00013993 playground at oh [__] a gutin tongue bjKFBMgtKbu-00028-00013994-00014471 stages bjKFBMgtKbu-00029-00014472-00014702 but glue my makeup within a gingerbread bjKFBMgtKbu-00030-00014703-00015053 house anyway you pile in London and bjKFBMgtKbu-00031-00015054-00015293 dessert buffet place now love desserts bjKFBMgtKbu-00032-00015294-00015766 now I now than twice plus if I remember bjKFBMgtKbu-00033-00015766-00016517 hundred 170 per person who deserve peace bjKFBMgtKbu-00034-00016518-00017051 ito pero le désert onion so gentleness bjKFBMgtKbu-00035-00017052-00017330 actually talk about are you enjoying oh bjKFBMgtKbu-00036-00017331-00017534 but I'm very end of a failure well you bjKFBMgtKbu-00037-00017535-00017944 know Amy deserts denture the unica see bjKFBMgtKbu-00038-00017945-00018466 in Serena's a shame I between Cara um bjKFBMgtKbu-00039-00018467-00018713 throwing your mama cool enough I don't bjKFBMgtKbu-00040-00018714-00019013 own any love desserts okay I love bjKFBMgtKbu-00041-00019014-00019292 desserts my cakes miram my skin Jeremy bjKFBMgtKbu-00042-00019293-00019556 holo holo my ice cream and chocolate bjKFBMgtKbu-00043-00019557-00020240 cakes the cheesecake yeah I'm a wafer me bjKFBMgtKbu-00044-00020241-00020974 biscuits sweet little nuts then indicia bjKFBMgtKbu-00045-00020975-00021397 sovereign syrup pero dile matta means bjKFBMgtKbu-00046-00021398-00021627 Divine Son bjKFBMgtKbu-00047-00021628-00021994 pression a mechanism before I opened the bjKFBMgtKbu-00048-00021995-00022386 NRA's any vulnerable again to Burrell bjKFBMgtKbu-00049-00022387-00022742 edition poonam because they affordable bjKFBMgtKbu-00050-00022743-00023592 affordable dessert buffet oh the giant bjKFBMgtKbu-00051-00023593-00024058 gold Modi of a panel this is a being bjKFBMgtKbu-00052-00024059-00024539 goal by only numbers which will be long bjKFBMgtKbu-00053-00024540-00025233 we do not the Empire ya know each other bjKFBMgtKbu-00054-00025234-00025793 I they be sweet Danielle any pop tarts bjKFBMgtKbu-00055-00025794-00026247 God so one in twin blood orgy cute bjKFBMgtKbu-00056-00026248-00026754 little Tex hahahaha rolled up a broken bjKFBMgtKbu-00057-00026755-00027293 heart bjKFBMgtKbu-00058-00027294-00027708 yeah abhilasha avenger a possible 30 bjKFBMgtKbu-00059-00027708-00027983 people keep I um preço me that's what i bjKFBMgtKbu-00060-00027985-00029124 doin ND location my lap it's a kiwa like bjKFBMgtKbu-00061-00029125-00029480 putting my heart out because not all bjKFBMgtKbu-00062-00029481-00030071 people are immune Sanogo el Gatito 2 bjKFBMgtKbu-00063-00030072-00030881 meters oh so ah i am casa oh my god bjKFBMgtKbu-00064-00030882-00031787 hahaha oh my merits of fairview but now bjKFBMgtKbu-00065-00031788-00032256 a superhighway Maddalena mikami pupunta bjKFBMgtKbu-00066-00032257-00032846 don't you just write a jeep but what did bjKFBMgtKbu-00067-00032847-00032967 we just tell you about skipping the bjKFBMgtKbu-00068-00032968-00033233 dialogs oh yeah but now that i love a bjKFBMgtKbu-00069-00033234-00033802 mere minigame legality cosmos bjKFBMgtKbu-00070-00033803-00034594 I now begin and again again I cuz I'm a bjKFBMgtKbu-00071-00034595-00034828 dialogue off to roll again you are bjKFBMgtKbu-00072-00034829-00035059 persistent pixie you know the rules yes bjKFBMgtKbu-00073-00035060-00035446 well then get along nope three rules bjKFBMgtKbu-00074-00035447-00035836 yeah boy ok so we are is what's bjKFBMgtKbu-00075-00035837-00036091 overlapping more I can't call it good bjKFBMgtKbu-00076-00036092-00036427 for morning in throat out on [__] right bjKFBMgtKbu-00077-00036428-00036598 now you can order to get stop that in bjKFBMgtKbu-00078-00036599-00037126 color ok cup week a company in the most bjKFBMgtKbu-00079-00037127-00037390 and when you became an amine order for bjKFBMgtKbu-00080-00037391-00037645 cheese whopper go Alan Turing's apple bjKFBMgtKbu-00081-00037646-00038112 juice boonton kappa bjKFBMgtKbu-00082-00038113-00039240 oh my ankle when a little bit Lombe top bjKFBMgtKbu-00083-00039241-00039532 interests Tasha katamari inspired bjKFBMgtKbu-00084-00039533-00040030 wedding shall I say mother you young bjKFBMgtKbu-00085-00040031-00040539 groom beggin ya know you have many bjKFBMgtKbu-00086-00040540-00040980 prints well I helmet you have an element bjKFBMgtKbu-00087-00040981-00041254 here whatever vidalin see the Princeton bjKFBMgtKbu-00088-00041255-00041976 but yeah you wedding needa katamari bjKFBMgtKbu-00089-00041977-00042686 inspired just about here done oh so bjKFBMgtKbu-00090-00042687-00043045 you're big enough now okay so we didn't bjKFBMgtKbu-00091-00043046-00043670 really know see ya brother sister and bjKFBMgtKbu-00092-00043671-00044292 you got 40 seconds young Stas back up bjKFBMgtKbu-00093-00044293-00045150 back up what you going to now bjKFBMgtKbu-00094-00045151-00045756 yay all right is it a sweetheart and bjKFBMgtKbu-00095-00045757-00046410 sugar tart let's see oasia don't know bjKFBMgtKbu-00096-00046411-00046614 actually if you read the dialogue porky bjKFBMgtKbu-00097-00046615-00047229 ah waxaa la mia miss Amanda me ok this bjKFBMgtKbu-00098-00047230-00047508 is really being a hater again he laughed bjKFBMgtKbu-00099-00047509-00047712 our vengeance pouch this means I bjKFBMgtKbu-00100-00047713-00048135 customers will try sweets collected bjKFBMgtKbu-00101-00048136-00048645 fifty-seven percent you know not what bjKFBMgtKbu-00102-00048646-00048819 have you been stolen door knobs ah bjKFBMgtKbu-00103-00048820-00049170 that's what she said what what why don't bjKFBMgtKbu-00104-00049171-00049404 you forget the most snacks fantasy bjKFBMgtKbu-00105-00049405-00049803 seating furniture a merry packed with bjKFBMgtKbu-00106-00049804-00050241 snaps good roll now scoring kayden bjKFBMgtKbu-00107-00050242-00050907 google and explore 24 points 24 bjKFBMgtKbu-00108-00050908-00051227 so this is being graded on a curve yes bjKFBMgtKbu-00109-00051228-00051692 ha forget it just forget the Dharma hear bjKFBMgtKbu-00110-00051694-00052035 it click you got a present yes perfect bjKFBMgtKbu-00111-00052036-00052370 for the prince you use it well yes now bjKFBMgtKbu-00112-00052371-00052919 for the start turn big whoa bjKFBMgtKbu-00113-00052920-00053179 ok palladium actually I do odense a bjKFBMgtKbu-00114-00053180-00053663 Vienna I know I'm game playing as simple bjKFBMgtKbu-00115-00053664-00054203 as trying to collect stuff ah suppose I bjKFBMgtKbu-00116-00054204-00054419 said about ten I'm a new king on a soap bjKFBMgtKbu-00117-00054420-00055345 in Oakland yeah jajaja apparent in coma bjKFBMgtKbu-00118-00055346-00055829 so far comatose era otra linea y valakii bjKFBMgtKbu-00119-00055829-00056651 memories so now you know one channel bjKFBMgtKbu-00120-00056652-00056995 sweet desserts I'm culito longer than bjKFBMgtKbu-00121-00056996-00057466 you can then develop a 14 I don't know bjKFBMgtKbu-00122-00057466-00057916 parama hula oh I mean you should be no bjKFBMgtKbu-00123-00057916-00058220 not trying to take themselves seriously bjKFBMgtKbu-00124-00058221-00058492 type ok so my daughter a cup between bjKFBMgtKbu-00125-00058494-00058745 zero voc again seeking panna cotta bjKFBMgtKbu-00126-00058746-00058942 became a cero book in my bag of memory bjKFBMgtKbu-00127-00058944-00059339 camano any baking me I think a apple and bjKFBMgtKbu-00128-00059340-00059708 take away the veto as a new player so bjKFBMgtKbu-00129-00059709-00060004 Brown management sobran I can be bjKFBMgtKbu-00130-00060005-00060290 literally literally literally I can be bjKFBMgtKbu-00131-00060291-00060590 sure that was getting music this away bjKFBMgtKbu-00132-00060591-00060971 background music metal taco and I like bjKFBMgtKbu-00133-00060972-00061163 how simple it is for especially for new bjKFBMgtKbu-00134-00061164-00061436 gamers like me met your first time we're bjKFBMgtKbu-00135-00061437-00062191 pretty sweet lover hahaha oh wait I bjKFBMgtKbu-00136-00062191-00062454 sorry no se queda Serena tag like bjKFBMgtKbu-00137-00062455-00062978 simulant Cullinan tagline person Sasha bjKFBMgtKbu-00138-00062979-00063451 I'm it it makes a nuclear let me bjKFBMgtKbu-00139-00063452-00063749 exploring new stuff yeah understanding bjKFBMgtKbu-00140-00063750-00063926 mechanics actually and learning how to bjKFBMgtKbu-00141-00063927-00064397 be patient with instructions yes I get bjKFBMgtKbu-00142-00064398-00064544 better than plastic lenses so what I was bjKFBMgtKbu-00143-00064545-00064736 a little surprises at least university I bjKFBMgtKbu-00144-00064737-00064928 predict this is a glimpse into the mind bjKFBMgtKbu-00145-00064929-00065312 of the Japanese game developer not only bjKFBMgtKbu-00146-00065313-00065555 that inertia perrin much more interior bjKFBMgtKbu-00147-00065556-00066356 machetes game s art watching and for me bjKFBMgtKbu-00148-00066357-00066589 this is a really good game to be played bjKFBMgtKbu-00149-00066590-00067019 by people who are out to just enjoy the bjKFBMgtKbu-00150-00067020-00067289 day and swap find mhmm up fun because I bjKFBMgtKbu-00151-00067290-00067751 you know poignant Briggs fun guys nature bjKFBMgtKbu-00152-00067752-00068279 are they what is this game I don't bjKFBMgtKbu-00153-00068280-00068486 understand you don't really need to bjKFBMgtKbu-00154-00068487-00068866 understand because it's art- apparel on bjKFBMgtKbu-00155-00068867-00069170 gaming naman kasi you know what Gilliam bjKFBMgtKbu-00156-00069171-00069452 anything bigger just oh play it for the bjKFBMgtKbu-00157-00069453-00070043 sake of our Allah move up fun say say it bjKFBMgtKbu-00158-00070044-00070575 was ok oh yeah bjKFBMgtKbu-00159-00070576-00070849 the word game itself inherently house bjKFBMgtKbu-00160-00070850-00071617 enjoyment of Ashley Briggs see you next bjKFBMgtKbu-00161-00071618-00071923 episode banks co6Be4bHG40-00000-00000056-00000327 how to book access to the university of co6Be4bHG40-00001-00000328-00000463 derby libraries co6Be4bHG40-00002-00000463-00000686 at kettlestone road britannia mill co6Be4bHG40-00003-00000687-00000790 chesterfield co6Be4bHG40-00004-00000791-00001095 bookstore or leak go to the library co6Be4bHG40-00005-00001096-00001199 webpage co6Be4bHG40-00006-00001200-00001511 at co6Be4bHG40-00007-00001512-00001847 uk slash library co6Be4bHG40-00008-00001848-00002399 click book your visit co6Be4bHG40-00009-00002400-00002631 from the location menu choose which co6Be4bHG40-00010-00002632-00002883 campus library you want to book access co6Be4bHG40-00011-00002884-00003023 to co6Be4bHG40-00012-00003024-00003279 from the zone menu select your preferred co6Be4bHG40-00013-00003279-00003463 type of study space co6Be4bHG40-00014-00003464-00003727 you can select either a discussion quiet co6Be4bHG40-00015-00003728-00003870 or silent zone co6Be4bHG40-00016-00003871-00004111 the library browsing option is only a 30 co6Be4bHG40-00017-00004112-00004375 minute slot to browse the shelves co6Be4bHG40-00018-00004376-00004599 from the category menu choose an co6Be4bHG40-00019-00004600-00004799 appropriate study space co6Be4bHG40-00020-00004800-00005054 be sure to choose a pc desk if you co6Be4bHG40-00021-00005055-00005438 require the use of a university computer co6Be4bHG40-00022-00005439-00005679 in the capacity menu there is only co6Be4bHG40-00023-00005680-00005895 single seat booking co6Be4bHG40-00024-00005896-00006134 if you require an accessible space or co6Be4bHG40-00025-00006135-00006206 seat co6Be4bHG40-00026-00006207-00006614 then check the accessible box co6Be4bHG40-00027-00006615-00007327 click show availability co6Be4bHG40-00028-00007328-00007574 the three hour study slots are staggered co6Be4bHG40-00029-00007575-00007687 throughout the day co6Be4bHG40-00030-00007688-00007870 so you should be able to find a time co6Be4bHG40-00031-00007872-00008383 that suits you co6Be4bHG40-00032-00008384-00008646 click a green time slot that you would co6Be4bHG40-00033-00008647-00008831 like to book co6Be4bHG40-00034-00008832-00009255 the time slot will turn yellow co6Be4bHG40-00035-00009256-00010231 click submit times sign in to you do co6Be4bHG40-00036-00010232-00010446 enter your universe to username and co6Be4bHG40-00037-00010447-00010591 password co6Be4bHG40-00038-00010592-00011574 and click log on co6Be4bHG40-00039-00011575-00011767 check that the booking details are co6Be4bHG40-00040-00011768-00012103 correct co6Be4bHG40-00041-00012104-00012735 click continue co6Be4bHG40-00042-00012736-00012991 enter your student number members of co6Be4bHG40-00043-00012991-00013215 staff should enter their staff number co6Be4bHG40-00044-00013216-00013422 this can be found on your student or co6Be4bHG40-00045-00013423-00013519 staff id co6Be4bHG40-00046-00013519-00014351 card click submit my booking co6Be4bHG40-00047-00014352-00014630 your booking is complete a confirmation co6Be4bHG40-00048-00014631-00014791 email has been sent to you co6Be4bHG40-00049-00014791-00016094 with details of your library booking co6Be4bHG40-00050-00016095-00016304 you c01ZTYhDZz8-00000-00000090-00000353 in my opinion the final season finale of c01ZTYhDZz8-00001-00000354-00000545 Little People Big World did not confirm c01ZTYhDZz8-00002-00000546-00000730 the end of the ongoing feud between Matt c01ZTYhDZz8-00003-00000731-00000994 Roloff and his son Zach I love the c01ZTYhDZz8-00004-00000996-00001162 episode where roller Farms celebrated c01ZTYhDZz8-00005-00001163-00001385 the busiest and most prosperous Time of c01ZTYhDZz8-00006-00001386-00001648 the Year pumpkin season however Zack and c01ZTYhDZz8-00007-00001650-00001852 his wife Tori chose not to attend or c01ZTYhDZz8-00008-00001853-00002147 help the question I had was what was the c01ZTYhDZz8-00009-00002148-00002417 basis for this refusal First Med decided c01ZTYhDZz8-00010-00002418-00002626 to put part of the lot up for sale and c01ZTYhDZz8-00011-00002627-00002818 then after these children a deal to buy c01ZTYhDZz8-00012-00002819-00003058 it Zach didn't just refute that c01ZTYhDZz8-00013-00003059-00003238 statement he completely denounced his c01ZTYhDZz8-00014-00003239-00003533 father as a cowardly manipulator since I c01ZTYhDZz8-00015-00003534-00003713 have seen in the last few episodes there c01ZTYhDZz8-00016-00003714-00003893 has been extreme tension between Zach c01ZTYhDZz8-00017-00003894-00004199 Tori Matt and Karen Chandler not much c01ZTYhDZz8-00018-00004200-00004445 has changed between Father and Son and c01ZTYhDZz8-00019-00004446-00004643 now the Rivalry is still there even c01ZTYhDZz8-00020-00004644-00004925 after filming has stopped Matt and Karen c01ZTYhDZz8-00021-00004926-00005147 are very upset about the Fjord they c01ZTYhDZz8-00022-00005148-00005381 never imagined it would come to this I c01ZTYhDZz8-00023-00005382-00005549 noticed that Matt and Karen looked down c01ZTYhDZz8-00024-00005550-00005752 on the example that Zack and Tori said c01ZTYhDZz8-00025-00005753-00005999 for their kids they would never publicly c01ZTYhDZz8-00026-00006000-00006172 criticize their parenting but there are c01ZTYhDZz8-00027-00006173-00006341 some things they just wouldn't do like c01ZTYhDZz8-00028-00006342-00006509 keeping the kids at their grandparents c01ZTYhDZz8-00029-00006509-00006610 house c01ZTYhDZz8-00030-00006611-00006820 still the new Little People Big World c01ZTYhDZz8-00031-00006822-00007001 season has been given the green light c01ZTYhDZz8-00032-00007002-00007277 and will Air it does came out and based c01ZTYhDZz8-00033-00007278-00007475 on the information Chandler won't be in c01ZTYhDZz8-00034-00007476-00007696 it so Tori and Zack's time on the show c01ZTYhDZz8-00035-00007697-00007937 is ending too wanting this married c01ZTYhDZz8-00036-00007938-00008092 couple Zach and Tori are already c01ZTYhDZz8-00037-00008093-00008285 becoming increasingly estranged from c01ZTYhDZz8-00038-00008286-00008501 each other and our future on the show is c01ZTYhDZz8-00039-00008502-00008759 in question much more important is the c01ZTYhDZz8-00040-00008760-00008914 relationship between Matt and his c01ZTYhDZz8-00041-00008915-00009101 significant other but it looks like c01ZTYhDZz8-00042-00009102-00009263 they're going to only improve for a c01ZTYhDZz8-00043-00009264-00009442 while because the relationship has c01ZTYhDZz8-00044-00009443-00009731 really deteriorated in recent months I c01ZTYhDZz8-00045-00009732-00009899 think Matt and Karen would like a full c01ZTYhDZz8-00046-00009900-00010103 reunion and for things to get back to c01ZTYhDZz8-00047-00010104-00010349 normal before it's too late but they're c01ZTYhDZz8-00048-00010350-00010553 so proud that they won't apologize first c01ZTYhDZz8-00049-00010554-00010763 but we want to get together as a family c01ZTYhDZz8-00050-00010764-00010949 and have everyone take responsibility c01ZTYhDZz8-00051-00010950-00011128 for their roles c01ZTYhDZz8-00052-00011129-00011387 so folks I suggest you simply keep c01ZTYhDZz8-00053-00011388-00011633 watching and see what happens next I c01ZTYhDZz8-00054-00011634-00011795 would also suggest you to Simply c01ZTYhDZz8-00055-00011796-00012005 subscribe to my channel not to miss any c01ZTYhDZz8-00056-00012006-00012324 details thanks for watching bye for now c01ZTYhDZz8-00057-00012325-00012631 [Music] c0FMl4vBYX4-00000-00000048-00000329 the Iowa Air National Guard eeeh a is c0FMl4vBYX4-00001-00000330-00000523 the air force militia of the state of c0FMl4vBYX4-00002-00000524-00000817 Iowa United States of America it is c0FMl4vBYX4-00003-00000818-00001031 along with the Iowa Army National Guard c0FMl4vBYX4-00004-00001032-00001336 an element of the Iowa National Guard as c0FMl4vBYX4-00005-00001337-00001552 state militia units the units in the c0FMl4vBYX4-00006-00001553-00001745 Iowa Air National Guard are not in the c0FMl4vBYX4-00007-00001746-00001952 normal United States Air Force chain of c0FMl4vBYX4-00008-00001953-00002165 command they are under the jurisdiction c0FMl4vBYX4-00009-00002166-00002348 of the governor of Iowa through the c0FMl4vBYX4-00010-00002349-00002498 office of the Iowa adjutant general c0FMl4vBYX4-00011-00002499-00002717 unless they are federalized by order of c0FMl4vBYX4-00012-00002718-00002900 the President of the United States c0FMl4vBYX4-00013-00002901-00003143 the Iowa Air National Guard is c0FMl4vBYX4-00014-00003144-00003365 headquartered at Camp Dodge Johnston and c0FMl4vBYX4-00015-00003365-00003547 its commander is currently Brigadier c0FMl4vBYX4-00016-00003549-00004172 General Drew de Hays c0FMl4vBYX4-00017-00004173-00004691 topic overview c0FMl4vBYX4-00018-00004692-00005081 under the total force concept Iowa Air c0FMl4vBYX4-00019-00005082-00005281 National Guard units are considered to c0FMl4vBYX4-00020-00005282-00005482 be air reserve components arc of the c0FMl4vBYX4-00021-00005483-00005843 United States Air Force USAF Iowa an c0FMl4vBYX4-00022-00005844-00006011 units are trained and equipped by the c0FMl4vBYX4-00023-00006012-00006206 Air Force and are operationally gained c0FMl4vBYX4-00024-00006207-00006418 by a major command of the USAF have c0FMl4vBYX4-00025-00006419-00006703 federalized in addition the Iowa Air c0FMl4vBYX4-00026-00006704-00006893 National Guard forces are assigned to c0FMl4vBYX4-00027-00006894-00007130 Air Expeditionary Forces and are subject c0FMl4vBYX4-00028-00007131-00007319 to deployment tasking orders along with c0FMl4vBYX4-00029-00007320-00007508 their active duty and Air Force Reserve c0FMl4vBYX4-00030-00007509-00007694 counterparts in their assigned cycle c0FMl4vBYX4-00031-00007695-00007955 deployment window along with their c0FMl4vBYX4-00032-00007956-00008168 Federal Reserve obligations as state c0FMl4vBYX4-00033-00008169-00008374 militia units the elements of the iowa c0FMl4vBYX4-00034-00008375-00008582 aang are subject to being activated by c0FMl4vBYX4-00035-00008583-00008732 order of the governor to provide c0FMl4vBYX4-00036-00008733-00008924 protection of life and property and c0FMl4vBYX4-00037-00008925-00009160 preserve peace order and public safety c0FMl4vBYX4-00038-00009161-00009434 state missions include disaster relief c0FMl4vBYX4-00039-00009435-00009599 in times of earthquakes hurricanes c0FMl4vBYX4-00040-00009600-00009860 floods and forest fires search and c0FMl4vBYX4-00041-00009861-00010039 rescue protection of vital public c0FMl4vBYX4-00042-00010040-00010778 services and support to civil defense c0FMl4vBYX4-00043-00010779-00011301 topic components c0FMl4vBYX4-00044-00011302-00011574 the Iowa Air National Guard consists of c0FMl4vBYX4-00045-00011575-00011949 the following major units 132nd wing c0FMl4vBYX4-00046-00011950-00012305 established the 25th of February 1941 as c0FMl4vBYX4-00047-00012306-00012671 124th observation squadron operates mq-9 c0FMl4vBYX4-00048-00012672-00012966 reaper stationed at Des Moines Air c0FMl4vBYX4-00049-00012966-00013296 National Guard base gained by Air Combat c0FMl4vBYX4-00050-00013297-00013733 Command the 130 2d wings operational c0FMl4vBYX4-00051-00013734-00013932 mission is to deploy worldwide and c0FMl4vBYX4-00052-00013933-00014108 execute directed tactical fighter c0FMl4vBYX4-00053-00014109-00014372 sorties to destroy enemy forces supplies c0FMl4vBYX4-00054-00014373-00014628 equipment communications systems and c0FMl4vBYX4-00055-00014629-00014830 installations with conventional weapons c0FMl4vBYX4-00056-00014831-00015116 185th air refueling wing established the c0FMl4vBYX4-00057-00015118-00015528 23rd of August 1946 as 174th Fighter c0FMl4vBYX4-00058-00015529-00015980 Squadron operates kc-135r Stratotanker c0FMl4vBYX4-00059-00015981-00016197 stationed at Sioux City Air National c0FMl4vBYX4-00060-00016197-00016563 Guard base sergeant bluff gained by Air c0FMl4vBYX4-00061-00016564-00016947 Mobility Command the mission of the 185 c0FMl4vBYX4-00062-00016948-00017219 ARW is to provide midair refueling and c0FMl4vBYX4-00063-00017220-00017442 mobility sustainment in direct support c0FMl4vBYX4-00064-00017443-00017616 of the global mission of the Air Force c0FMl4vBYX4-00065-00017617-00017966 support unit functions and capabilities c0FMl4vBYX4-00066-00017967-00018272 133 detests Quadro stationed at Fort c0FMl4vBYX4-00067-00018273-00018597 Dodge the 133 D provides an effective c0FMl4vBYX4-00068-00018598-00018809 and sustainable war fighting command and c0FMl4vBYX4-00069-00018810-00019022 control c2 capability through the c0FMl4vBYX4-00070-00019023-00019236 professional test and evaluation of the c0FMl4vBYX4-00071-00019237-00019437 control and reporting center to include c0FMl4vBYX4-00072-00019438-00019602 the development of future system c0FMl4vBYX4-00073-00019603-00020244 upgrades and modernization c0FMl4vBYX4-00074-00020245-00020747 topic history c0FMl4vBYX4-00075-00020748-00021083 on the 24th of May 1946 the United c0FMl4vBYX4-00076-00021084-00021368 States Army Air Forces in response to c0FMl4vBYX4-00077-00021369-00021593 dramatic post-war military budget cuts c0FMl4vBYX4-00078-00021594-00021794 imposed by President Harry s truman c0FMl4vBYX4-00079-00021795-00022052 allocated an active unit designations to c0FMl4vBYX4-00080-00022053-00022208 the National Guard Bureau for the c0FMl4vBYX4-00081-00022209-00022402 formation of an Air Force National Guard c0FMl4vBYX4-00082-00022403-00022675 these unit designations were allotted c0FMl4vBYX4-00083-00022676-00022853 and transferred to various State c0FMl4vBYX4-00084-00022854-00023050 National Guard bureaus to provide them c0FMl4vBYX4-00085-00023051-00023267 unit designations to re-establish them c0FMl4vBYX4-00086-00023268-00023594 as Air National Guard units the Iowa Air c0FMl4vBYX4-00087-00023595-00023792 National Guard origins date to the c0FMl4vBYX4-00088-00023793-00024086 formation of the 132 d Fighter Group at c0FMl4vBYX4-00089-00024087-00024280 Des Moines Municipal Airport des moines c0FMl4vBYX4-00090-00024281-00024485 receiving federal recognition on the c0FMl4vBYX4-00091-00024486-00024859 23rd of August 1946 it was equipped with c0FMl4vBYX4-00092-00024860-00025111 f5 1d Mustangs and its mission was the c0FMl4vBYX4-00093-00025112-00025419 air defense of the state in addition the c0FMl4vBYX4-00094-00025420-00025684 174th Fighter Squadron was formed at c0FMl4vBYX4-00095-00025685-00025862 Sioux Gateway Airport Sioux City c0FMl4vBYX4-00096-00025863-00026062 receiving federal recognition on the c0FMl4vBYX4-00097-00026063-00026443 23rd of August 1946 the 18th of c0FMl4vBYX4-00098-00026444-00026764 September 1947 however is considered the c0FMl4vBYX4-00099-00026766-00026981 Iowa Air National Guard's official berth c0FMl4vBYX4-00100-00026982-00027164 concurrent with the establishment of the c0FMl4vBYX4-00101-00027164-00027370 United States Air Force as a separate c0FMl4vBYX4-00102-00027372-00027562 branch of the United States military c0FMl4vBYX4-00103-00027563-00027770 under the National Security Act on the c0FMl4vBYX4-00104-00027770-00028189 1st of October 1962 the 174th Tactical c0FMl4vBYX4-00105-00028191-00028394 Fighter Squadron was expanded to a group c0FMl4vBYX4-00106-00028395-00028621 level in the 185th Tactical Fighter c0FMl4vBYX4-00107-00028622-00028852 Group received federal recognition and c0FMl4vBYX4-00108-00028853-00029243 was activated today the 132 d Fighter c0FMl4vBYX4-00109-00029244-00029474 Wing deploys worldwide and executes c0FMl4vBYX4-00110-00029475-00029681 directed tactical fighter sorties to c0FMl4vBYX4-00111-00029682-00029946 destroy enemy forces supplies equipment c0FMl4vBYX4-00112-00029947-00030187 communications systems and installations c0FMl4vBYX4-00113-00030188-00030530 with conventional weapons the 185th air c0FMl4vBYX4-00114-00030531-00030701 refueling wing provides midair refueling c0FMl4vBYX4-00115-00030702-00030950 and mobility sustainment in direct c0FMl4vBYX4-00116-00030951-00031120 support of the global mission of the Air c0FMl4vBYX4-00117-00031122-00031493 Force after the September 11th 2001 c0FMl4vBYX4-00118-00031494-00031683 terrorist attacks on the United States c0FMl4vBYX4-00119-00031684-00031912 elements of every Air National Guard c0FMl4vBYX4-00120-00031913-00032117 unit in Iowa has been activated in c0FMl4vBYX4-00121-00032118-00032317 support of the Global War on Terrorism c0FMl4vBYX4-00122-00032318-00032555 flight crews aircraft maintenance c0FMl4vBYX4-00123-00032556-00032807 personnel communications technicians air c0FMl4vBYX4-00124-00032808-00033020 controllers and air security personnel c0FMl4vBYX4-00125-00033021-00033233 were engaged in operation noble Eagle c0FMl4vBYX4-00126-00033234-00033433 air defense overflights of major United c0FMl4vBYX4-00127-00033434-00033770 States cities also Iowa an units have c0FMl4vBYX4-00128-00033771-00033938 been deployed overseas as part of c0FMl4vBYX4-00129-00033939-00034082 Operation Enduring free c0FMl4vBYX4-00130-00034083-00034271 in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi c0FMl4vBYX4-00131-00034272-00034466 Freedom in Iraq as well as other c0FMl4vBYX4-00132-00034467-00035098 locations as directed c0FMl4vBYX4-00133-00035099-00035635 topic see also c0FMl4vBYX4-00134-00035636-00036004 Iowa State Guard Iowa Wing Civil Air c0FMl4vBYX4-00135-00036005-00036208 Patrol c0OsDQ503i8-00000-00000131-00000512 all right so let's continue here I've c0OsDQ503i8-00001-00000513-00001094 logged into my LinkedIn account and it c0OsDQ503i8-00002-00001095-00001553 has aspects of social networks that c0OsDQ503i8-00003-00001554-00001838 we've seen before plus new ones so when c0OsDQ503i8-00004-00001839-00002150 I've logged in here I have these variety c0OsDQ503i8-00005-00002151-00002459 of links at the top and the very first c0OsDQ503i8-00006-00002460-00003515 one is under home this is my feed 40 c0OsDQ503i8-00007-00003515-00003935 people that have read my article myself c0OsDQ503i8-00008-00003936-00004694 and so we'll cover these various screens c0OsDQ503i8-00009-00004695-00005195 because of their value again as a as a c0OsDQ503i8-00010-00005196-00005543 business tool or as a marketing tool the c0OsDQ503i8-00011-00005544-00005881 very first screen here of home is where c0OsDQ503i8-00012-00005882-00006097 you're going to it's going to be a lot c0OsDQ503i8-00013-00006098-00006620 like what the what the other what the c0OsDQ503i8-00014-00006620-00006869 other ones use so I'll make the notes c0OsDQ503i8-00015-00006870-00007316 here your home screen link various c0OsDQ503i8-00016-00007317-00008371 LinkedIn screens home aka your feed c0OsDQ503i8-00017-00008372-00008860 where you see the updates of or from c0OsDQ503i8-00018-00008861-00009878 your connections that is the people you c0OsDQ503i8-00019-00009879-00010828 follow or are connected to directly c0OsDQ503i8-00020-00010829-00011435 because we have the ability to follow in c0OsDQ503i8-00021-00011436-00011917 a sense as well as connect with people c0OsDQ503i8-00022-00011918-00012360 and companies and such c0OsDQ503i8-00023-00012361-00012694 so what I mean here is you might have c0OsDQ503i8-00024-00012695-00013041 noticed there's a few items from Bill c0OsDQ503i8-00025-00013043-00013122 Gates c0OsDQ503i8-00026-00013124-00013344 I don't know Bill Gates I'm not c0OsDQ503i8-00027-00013346-00013653 connected to Bill Gates directly c0OsDQ503i8-00028-00013654-00014022 following his posts to keep up to date c0OsDQ503i8-00029-00014024-00014391 with technology but then there's also ok c0OsDQ503i8-00030-00014393-00014560 there's Richard Branson I'm following c0OsDQ503i8-00031-00014561-00014806 Richard Branson to keep up to date with c0OsDQ503i8-00032-00014807-00015019 what he's posting but then I've also got c0OsDQ503i8-00033-00015019-00015412 the content of my direct connections see c0OsDQ503i8-00034-00015413-00015994 if I have any examples like people I c0OsDQ503i8-00035-00015994-00017002 know for real oh here we go Patricia so c0OsDQ503i8-00036-00017003-00017200 this is a real person that I know in the c0OsDQ503i8-00037-00017201-00018412 real world and her but I follow his c0OsDQ503i8-00038-00018413-00018766 account so you have those those two c0OsDQ503i8-00039-00018767-00021319 abilities there connect question doing c0OsDQ503i8-00040-00021320-00021805 follows does alert them that that you're c0OsDQ503i8-00041-00021806-00022129 watching them it doesn't have to approve c0OsDQ503i8-00042-00022130-00022494 because this kind of a follow is sort of c0OsDQ503i8-00043-00022495-00022753 like the one too many connections that c0OsDQ503i8-00044-00022754-00022990 we see on the other networks whereas a c0OsDQ503i8-00045-00022991-00023215 connection is the one that I have to c0OsDQ503i8-00046-00023216-00024883 approve c0OsDQ503i8-00047-00024884-00025306 well yes and no this has right here 33 c0OsDQ503i8-00048-00025307-00025633 people view of my profile so with the c0OsDQ503i8-00049-00025635-00026024 free account it just tells me basic c0OsDQ503i8-00050-00026025-00026245 information so if I were to look at that c0OsDQ503i8-00051-00026247-00026564 it says you know 33 people you know c0OsDQ503i8-00052-00026564-00026890 Kimberly Whitfield and four other c0OsDQ503i8-00053-00026891-00027127 members looked at this stuff well to c0OsDQ503i8-00054-00027128-00027524 unlock more detail of who looked at me c0OsDQ503i8-00055-00027525-00027830 that's what I have to do upgrade to pay c0OsDQ503i8-00056-00027831-00028202 for the full version of LinkedIn so for c0OsDQ503i8-00057-00028202-00028477 free you see very little of information c0OsDQ503i8-00058-00028478-00028736 about who follows you in all of them on c0OsDQ503i8-00059-00028737-00028870 the paid version that's when you see c0OsDQ503i8-00060-00028872-00031570 more no it does it doesn't by default c0OsDQ503i8-00061-00031572-00032014 it's a person when I said over here that c0OsDQ503i8-00062-00032014-00032255 like Facebook you create a personal c0OsDQ503i8-00063-00032256-00032420 profile first and then you add a c0OsDQ503i8-00064-00032420-00032689 business page to it so we get by default c0OsDQ503i8-00065-00032690-00032993 the personal one and then we would it's c0OsDQ503i8-00066-00032994-00033121 an extra step and we'll look at that c0OsDQ503i8-00067-00033122-00033337 very soon it's under work you see we c0OsDQ503i8-00068-00033338-00034264 have all of this stuff of the person c0OsDQ503i8-00069-00034265-00034543 similar to Facebook in that you sign in c0OsDQ503i8-00070-00034544-00034706 with your personal account and then you c0OsDQ503i8-00071-00034707-00034868 click the little triangle to switch to c0OsDQ503i8-00072-00034869-00035314 the business two steps there too so c0OsDQ503i8-00073-00035315-00035539 that's the home screen right there where c0OsDQ503i8-00074-00035540-00035639 you see the updates from your c0OsDQ503i8-00075-00035640-00035893 connections and a connection can be the c0OsDQ503i8-00076-00035894-00036035 can be like a real person you're c0OsDQ503i8-00077-00036036-00036227 connected to which has been approved or c0OsDQ503i8-00078-00036228-00036506 a follow if you're following a big c0OsDQ503i8-00079-00036507-00036668 famous person like Bill Gates Richard c0OsDQ503i8-00080-00036669-00037420 Branson Madeleine Albright etc so that's c0OsDQ503i8-00081-00037421-00037607 the main screen there now this is also c0OsDQ503i8-00082-00037608-00038045 where you post new content in this home c0OsDQ503i8-00083-00038046-00038150 screen c0OsDQ503i8-00084-00038151-00038622 where you post something new for your c0OsDQ503i8-00085-00038623-00039099 connections for those that follow you or c0OsDQ503i8-00086-00039100-00039294 for those that have connected with you c0OsDQ503i8-00087-00039295-00039489 one on one and again it is a little c0OsDQ503i8-00088-00039490-00039690 weird to think about those two different c0OsDQ503i8-00089-00039691-00039927 terms or two different ideas you can c0OsDQ503i8-00090-00039928-00040050 have followers and you can have c0OsDQ503i8-00091-00040051-00040245 connections and like I said the follower c0OsDQ503i8-00092-00040246-00040494 I'm a follower of Bill Gates I don't c0OsDQ503i8-00093-00040495-00040647 know him c0OsDQ503i8-00094-00040648-00040833 he didn't approve the connection or c0OsDQ503i8-00095-00040834-00041010 anything like that I followed him and I c0OsDQ503i8-00096-00041011-00041259 I just want to keep up to date with the c0OsDQ503i8-00097-00041260-00041495 stuff he's putting out there in public c0OsDQ503i8-00098-00041496-00041868 if I were to then tried to connect he c0OsDQ503i8-00099-00041869-00041994 would look at his list and say well c0OsDQ503i8-00100-00041995-00042203 Victor Campos I don't know him c0OsDQ503i8-00101-00042204-00042450 and then they're gonna deny the c0OsDQ503i8-00102-00042451-00042603 connection because we have no real c0OsDQ503i8-00103-00042604-00042879 connection for him to approve and when c0OsDQ503i8-00104-00042880-00043077 you've got that sort of real connection c0OsDQ503i8-00105-00043078-00043281 you get more features between each other c0OsDQ503i8-00106-00043282-00043434 because we know each other we're gonna c0OsDQ503i8-00107-00043435-00043632 connect we'll be able to message each c0OsDQ503i8-00108-00043633-00043818 other we'll be able to chat with each c0OsDQ503i8-00109-00043819-00043944 other we'll be able to do that c0OsDQ503i8-00110-00043945-00044220 networking that one-on-one networking if c0OsDQ503i8-00111-00044221-00044484 I've got a connection as a follow as a c0OsDQ503i8-00112-00044485-00044682 follower I don't have that ability I can c0OsDQ503i8-00113-00044683-00045063 just read his stuff I I can click the c0OsDQ503i8-00114-00045064-00045372 like button and the comment and such but c0OsDQ503i8-00115-00045373-00045534 I don't have that more intimate c0OsDQ503i8-00116-00045535-00045735 one-on-one connection as if I had done a c0OsDQ503i8-00117-00045736-00046023 real connection I only have the ability c0OsDQ503i8-00118-00046024-00046206 to do a follow with that particular c0OsDQ503i8-00119-00046207-00047286 person so in addition to then I can c0OsDQ503i8-00120-00047287-00047499 create content here at the very top I c0OsDQ503i8-00121-00047500-00048240 have so I can write an article I can add c0OsDQ503i8-00122-00048241-00048993 an image I can add video c0OsDQ503i8-00123-00048994-00049306 so that would be a spot for me to write c0OsDQ503i8-00124-00049307-00049447 anything I want just like the other c0OsDQ503i8-00125-00049448-00049759 networks and as I said on previous day's c0OsDQ503i8-00126-00049760-00050047 about figuring out exactly what you need c0OsDQ503i8-00127-00050048-00050215 to write or having or figuring out c0OsDQ503i8-00128-00050216-00050437 exactly when you need to do on these c0OsDQ503i8-00129-00050438-00050659 networks that's that's the part that's a c0OsDQ503i8-00130-00050660-00050755 little harder to teach because c0OsDQ503i8-00131-00050756-00051037 everyone's got a different goal of what c0OsDQ503i8-00132-00051038-00051187 they want out of social media out of c0OsDQ503i8-00133-00051188-00051538 marketing but this is the place so let's c0OsDQ503i8-00134-00051539-00051934 say real world example I've got so okay c0OsDQ503i8-00135-00051935-00052102 I have director of technology at PMP c0OsDQ503i8-00136-00052103-00052294 interactive so there's my company and in c0OsDQ503i8-00137-00052295-00052459 my company what we do is we make c0OsDQ503i8-00138-00052460-00052900 websites for clients we make we run c0OsDQ503i8-00139-00052901-00053161 social media for them we make apps etc c0OsDQ503i8-00140-00053162-00053353 we do this stuff that I teach in these c0OsDQ503i8-00141-00053354-00053701 classes for clients so in theory what I c0OsDQ503i8-00142-00053702-00053880 want to use LinkedIn or all my social c0OsDQ503i8-00143-00053882-00054329 media for in my case is to either do c0OsDQ503i8-00144-00054330-00054721 customer service for people that have c0OsDQ503i8-00145-00054722-00054978 hired us or to try to get new clients c0OsDQ503i8-00146-00054979-00055252 right I would use social media trade to c0OsDQ503i8-00147-00055253-00055580 try to get more clients so in my case c0OsDQ503i8-00148-00055582-00055822 LinkedIn I would have to figure out what c0OsDQ503i8-00149-00055823-00056113 do I need to write here to either do c0OsDQ503i8-00150-00056114-00056614 customer service or get new clients in c0OsDQ503i8-00151-00056615-00056863 my case let's say customer service first c0OsDQ503i8-00152-00056864-00057202 and I use customer service in the terms c0OsDQ503i8-00153-00057203-00057448 a little bit broad in terms of usually c0OsDQ503i8-00154-00057449-00057598 when you say customer service you think c0OsDQ503i8-00155-00057599-00057715 like answering a person's question c0OsDQ503i8-00156-00057716-00057994 they've got a problem with a product you c0OsDQ503i8-00157-00057995-00058234 give them service you answer their c0OsDQ503i8-00158-00058235-00058402 question well I also use the term c0OsDQ503i8-00159-00058403-00058594 customer service in this other broad way c0OsDQ503i8-00160-00058595-00059302 that I'll show here usually LinkedIn or c0OsDQ503i8-00161-00059303-00059929 any social media as customer service or c0OsDQ503i8-00162-00059929-00060496 to get more customers c0OsDQ503i8-00163-00060497-00061061 therefore what you host should be to c0OsDQ503i8-00164-00061062-00061262 those ends and we talked about c0OsDQ503i8-00165-00061263-00061475 variations of that on the other networks c0OsDQ503i8-00166-00061476-00062341 previous day's customer service is of c0OsDQ503i8-00167-00062342-00062732 course answering questions or trying to c0OsDQ503i8-00168-00062733-00063827 fix an issue or giving something free to c0OsDQ503i8-00169-00063828-00064913 maybe get something back and I'll put an c0OsDQ503i8-00170-00064914-00065189 example in a moment but this is the one c0OsDQ503i8-00171-00065190-00065552 that a lot of times you will be engaged c0OsDQ503i8-00172-00065553-00065903 in giving something free to get c0OsDQ503i8-00173-00065904-00066110 something back and it's not guaranteed c0OsDQ503i8-00174-00066111-00066209 you'll always get something back c0OsDQ503i8-00175-00066210-00066539 especially doing it the free ways what I c0OsDQ503i8-00176-00066540-00066815 mean by that obviously in the real world c0OsDQ503i8-00177-00066816-00067199 this is buy one get one free in the real c0OsDQ503i8-00178-00067200-00067361 world pictures may agree you come to the c0OsDQ503i8-00179-00067362-00067604 business is your first time there you c0OsDQ503i8-00180-00067605-00067823 get a free cupcake well I'm losing money c0OsDQ503i8-00181-00067824-00068120 by giving a free cupcake but that person c0OsDQ503i8-00182-00068121-00068282 like that cupcake then they bought seven c0OsDQ503i8-00183-00068283-00068489 more cupcakes so I gave something away c0OsDQ503i8-00184-00068490-00068678 to get something back in the real world c0OsDQ503i8-00185-00068679-00068894 we see that all the time we might have c0OsDQ503i8-00186-00068895-00069254 done it we experience it gifts spend c0OsDQ503i8-00187-00069255-00069599 more save more right in the real world c0OsDQ503i8-00188-00069600-00069872 in the digital world social media what c0OsDQ503i8-00189-00069873-00070327 can I give away on social media return c0OsDQ503i8-00190-00070328-00070595 so here I'm trying to get more clients c0OsDQ503i8-00191-00070596-00070859 let's say so I'm not gonna give away c0OsDQ503i8-00192-00070860-00071204 like free website that's way too much of c0OsDQ503i8-00193-00071205-00071411 a loss I'm gonna give away something c0OsDQ503i8-00194-00071412-00071798 feeling free advice free tutorial a free c0OsDQ503i8-00195-00071799-00072065 PDF with like top ten tips for something c0OsDQ503i8-00196-00072066-00072263 I'm gonna give something away for free c0OsDQ503i8-00197-00072264-00072539 so then have to try to get people to c0OsDQ503i8-00198-00072540-00073046 hire us for the not free stuff c0OsDQ503i8-00199-00073047-00074094 example Victor is trying to get more web c0OsDQ503i8-00200-00074095-00075248 design clients so on LinkedIn c0OsDQ503i8-00201-00075249-00076844 he shares tutorials on basic web design c0OsDQ503i8-00202-00076845-00077622 that could lead to people finding his c0OsDQ503i8-00203-00077623-00078632 posts and reaching out to him regarding c0OsDQ503i8-00204-00078633-00079284 hiring this company or web design best c0OsDQ503i8-00205-00079285-00079602 case scenario of course and it always c0OsDQ503i8-00206-00079603-00079986 isn't it isn't always that direct but c0OsDQ503i8-00207-00079987-00080697 that's the idea that every week either c0OsDQ503i8-00208-00080698-00081093 one that I create or that I find on some c0OsDQ503i8-00209-00081094-00081462 other website and share it but every c0OsDQ503i8-00210-00081463-00081627 week I'm going to put out an article on c0OsDQ503i8-00211-00081628-00082008 the topic of web design and maybe I get c0OsDQ503i8-00212-00082009-00082233 some followers and they get this cool c0OsDQ503i8-00213-00082234-00082641 free advice but then they need more they c0OsDQ503i8-00214-00082642-00082773 need more work they need something more c0OsDQ503i8-00215-00082774-00083007 complex something customized my c0OsDQ503i8-00216-00083008-00083223 tutorials have been useful to a certain c0OsDQ503i8-00217-00083224-00083475 point but now they need to upgrade now c0OsDQ503i8-00218-00083476-00083654 they need to actually reach out to me c0OsDQ503i8-00219-00083655-00083928 and contact me regarding ok well how c0OsDQ503i8-00220-00083929-00084075 much do you charge to build a web site c0OsDQ503i8-00221-00084076-00084534 or how much I've got this budget and c0OsDQ503i8-00222-00084535-00084879 what can you do for social media and it c0OsDQ503i8-00223-00084880-00085029 could be that I'm posting something c0OsDQ503i8-00224-00085030-00085176 brand new every week for the next three c0OsDQ503i8-00225-00085177-00085466 months and then finally someone c0OsDQ503i8-00226-00085467-00085645 fishbytes c0OsDQ503i8-00227-00085646-00085840 or I could do this for two weeks in a c0OsDQ503i8-00228-00085841-00086116 row and then I get a call you never know c0OsDQ503i8-00229-00086117-00086557 it depends on so many factors who the c0OsDQ503i8-00230-00086558-00086820 audience is the value of your content c0OsDQ503i8-00231-00086821-00087121 even the seasons and just a variety of c0OsDQ503i8-00232-00087122-00087280 reasons why I may or may not work c0OsDQ503i8-00233-00087281-00087865 quickly or at all unfortunately but in c0OsDQ503i8-00234-00087866-00088015 the real world the same thing happens c0OsDQ503i8-00235-00088016-00088330 you see those radio you see you hear c0OsDQ503i8-00236-00088331-00088498 those radio ads you see those TV ads you c0OsDQ503i8-00237-00088499-00088651 see those billboards over and over and c0OsDQ503i8-00238-00088652-00088960 over and you will never call that c0OsDQ503i8-00239-00088961-00089107 plumbing company even though you see c0OsDQ503i8-00240-00089108-00089323 that billboard every day but someone c0OsDQ503i8-00241-00089324-00089497 will see it and someone will need that c0OsDQ503i8-00242-00089498-00089638 plumber and someone will call them c0OsDQ503i8-00243-00089639-00089965 because of that billboard but in social c0OsDQ503i8-00244-00089966-00090751 media it's it's this aspect as well so c0OsDQ503i8-00245-00090752-00091435 what I would do here for example over on c0OsDQ503i8-00246-00091436-00091768 our website PFD interactive comm we c0OsDQ503i8-00247-00091769-00092082 write blogs we write articles on c0OsDQ503i8-00248-00092083-00092944 technology um use the best screen c0OsDQ503i8-00249-00092945-00093226 recording software article how to code c0OsDQ503i8-00250-00093227-00093511 anything with code anywhere usual studio c0OsDQ503i8-00251-00093512-00093844 Android app tutorial so we're writing c0OsDQ503i8-00252-00093845-00094204 here articles on a specific topic here c0OsDQ503i8-00253-00094205-00094543 is my article on using this software to c0OsDQ503i8-00254-00094544-00095146 record your screen so this item this c0OsDQ503i8-00255-00095147-00095809 link would be a good one to share on on c0OsDQ503i8-00256-00095810-00096250 LinkedIn c0OsDQ503i8-00257-00096251-00096536 so I have copied and pasted the address c0OsDQ503i8-00258-00096537-00096770 of that article from my website and I'm c0OsDQ503i8-00259-00096771-00098180 about to share in LinkedIn that's an ad c0OsDQ503i8-00260-00098181-00098537 and in my particular case this company c0OsDQ503i8-00261-00098538-00099239 not on has boosted their post to appear c0OsDQ503i8-00262-00099240-00099500 in my particular case on my screen there c0OsDQ503i8-00263-00099501-00100031 so or triple bites actually that's the c0OsDQ503i8-00264-00100032-00100451 company and it says right there and so c0OsDQ503i8-00265-00100452-00100607 they have that sort of way that looks a c0OsDQ503i8-00266-00100608-00100691 little different than the other c0OsDQ503i8-00267-00100692-00101083 companies the other networks c0OsDQ503i8-00268-00101084-00101405 okay so ultimately I'm trying to get c0OsDQ503i8-00269-00101406-00101750 hired to do web design or to do tech c0OsDQ503i8-00270-00101751-00101978 jobs and that sort of thing that the c0OsDQ503i8-00271-00101979-00102191 people in my company and myself we're c0OsDQ503i8-00272-00102192-00102398 trying to get hired so here I'm giving c0OsDQ503i8-00273-00102399-00102559 away this little bit of free stuff like c0OsDQ503i8-00274-00102560-00102947 this I'm putting in this article to this c0OsDQ503i8-00275-00102948-00103397 particular topic and it might result in c0OsDQ503i8-00276-00103398-00103898 in a call or an email and such so I've c0OsDQ503i8-00277-00103899-00104361 got this content that it will be linked c0OsDQ503i8-00278-00104363-00104627 keywords the best screen recording c0OsDQ503i8-00279-00104628-00104822 software and this links back to my c0OsDQ503i8-00280-00104823-00105599 website this assumes I put the this c0OsDQ503i8-00281-00105600-00105839 assumes I've created this article on my c0OsDQ503i8-00282-00105840-00106166 website this assumes I have something to c0OsDQ503i8-00283-00106167-00106240 share c0OsDQ503i8-00284-00106241-00106505 so just because I've got the account I c0OsDQ503i8-00285-00106506-00106700 can't quite start using it right away c0OsDQ503i8-00286-00106701-00107069 with some without some content and it's c0OsDQ503i8-00287-00107070-00107288 okay to get an article from some other c0OsDQ503i8-00288-00107289-00107461 website I showed you investor junkie c0OsDQ503i8-00289-00107463-00107858 calm and and and such c0OsDQ503i8-00290-00107858-00108065 you could use articles from there those c0OsDQ503i8-00291-00108066-00108242 are public articles that you can use and c0OsDQ503i8-00292-00108243-00108527 put it on your on your profile here but c0OsDQ503i8-00293-00108528-00108725 again what's the point I'm not trying to c0OsDQ503i8-00294-00108726-00108972 sell myself as a financial c0OsDQ503i8-00295-00108973-00109503 consultant so it may or may not work but c0OsDQ503i8-00296-00109504-00109748 what I would further write here is c0OsDQ503i8-00297-00109749-00110403 looking for some great free software to c0OsDQ503i8-00298-00110404-00111027 record your screen - you need to share c0OsDQ503i8-00299-00111028-00111893 the steps when setting up a word macro c0OsDQ503i8-00300-00111894-00112989 this article explains or introduces you c0OsDQ503i8-00301-00112990-00114968 to OBS a great app for doing just that c0OsDQ503i8-00302-00114969-00115239 so this text that I'm writing here has c0OsDQ503i8-00303-00115240-00115580 these various keywords free software c0OsDQ503i8-00304-00115581-00116253 record your screen word macro so I'm c0OsDQ503i8-00305-00116254-00116580 writing something that has that explains c0OsDQ503i8-00306-00116581-00116808 what the link is and it's got the c0OsDQ503i8-00307-00116808-00117183 keywords that people may search for c0OsDQ503i8-00308-00117183-00117375 because just like every other network c0OsDQ503i8-00309-00117376-00117783 I've got that search at the top and when c0OsDQ503i8-00310-00117783-00118211 you search in in the network when you c0OsDQ503i8-00311-00118213-00118518 search inside of the network it gives c0OsDQ503i8-00312-00118519-00118704 you results in the network this is c0OsDQ503i8-00313-00118705-00118830 different than a Google search the c0OsDQ503i8-00314-00118831-00118983 Google search shows you results all over c0OsDQ503i8-00315-00118983-00119739 the web so the the results would appear c0OsDQ503i8-00316-00119740-00120354 here if someone were to search yes this c0OsDQ503i8-00317-00120355-00120630 came from our website an article on our c0OsDQ503i8-00318-00120631-00121026 website c0OsDQ503i8-00319-00121027-00121256 it automatically creates a little c0OsDQ503i8-00320-00121257-00121831 preview of it which is an active link c0OsDQ503i8-00321-00121832-00122386 post settings public public and Twitter c0OsDQ503i8-00322-00122388-00122606 so this would automatically also be sent c0OsDQ503i8-00323-00122607-00122798 off to Twitter if I've got Twitter c0OsDQ503i8-00324-00122799-00123251 connected and or instead of public to c0OsDQ503i8-00325-00123252-00123664 connections so we have those different c0OsDQ503i8-00326-00123665-00123802 things that are built in there c0OsDQ503i8-00327-00123803-00124051 we have those different ways of sharing c0OsDQ503i8-00328-00124052-00125265 the post when sharing you can publish to c0OsDQ503i8-00329-00125266-00126038 public public Plus Twitter and what do c0OsDQ503i8-00330-00126039-00126990 they call it connections connections so c0OsDQ503i8-00331-00126991-00127440 anyone can see this anyone can search c0OsDQ503i8-00332-00127441-00128174 find read this public same and goes to c0OsDQ503i8-00333-00128175-00128533 Twitter it goes to your Twitter so that c0OsDQ503i8-00334-00128534-00128693 assumes you've got a Twitter account and c0OsDQ503i8-00335-00128694-00128929 as soon as you assume as you connected c0OsDQ503i8-00336-00128930-00129091 it and you connect it in the settings in c0OsDQ503i8-00337-00129092-00129178 there somewhere c0OsDQ503i8-00338-00129179-00129801 you connect it or connections are only c0OsDQ503i8-00339-00129802-00131767 to those connected with you c0OsDQ503i8-00340-00131768-00132458 [Music] c0OsDQ503i8-00341-00132459-00132708 definitely not Instagram because that c0OsDQ503i8-00342-00132709-00132887 one works a lot different c0OsDQ503i8-00343-00132888-00133146 well that one in general is very locked c0OsDQ503i8-00344-00133147-00133344 down almost nothing can connect to c0OsDQ503i8-00345-00133345-00133695 Instagram except Instagram I have have c0OsDQ503i8-00346-00133696-00133951 to check if Facebook is allowed or not c0OsDQ503i8-00347-00133952-00134322 but this is just so that when you c0OsDQ503i8-00348-00134323-00134486 publish this on LinkedIn it c0OsDQ503i8-00349-00134487-00134670 automatically also goes to Twitter c0OsDQ503i8-00350-00134671-00135009 you're not prevented from after the fact c0OsDQ503i8-00351-00135010-00136068 then also publishing it to Facebook yeah c0OsDQ503i8-00352-00136069-00136284 it needs to go over to your Twitter c0OsDQ503i8-00353-00136285-00136581 account it needs to go somewhere it c0OsDQ503i8-00354-00136582-00136731 doesn't just go to everyone on Twitter c0OsDQ503i8-00355-00136732-00136898 it needs to go to your Twitter account c0OsDQ503i8-00356-00136899-00138809 and they need to be connected there c0OsDQ503i8-00357-00138810-00139052 there is a way to do that the default c0OsDQ503i8-00358-00139053-00139448 features don't quite work like that but c0OsDQ503i8-00359-00139449-00139707 you have you have the ability to chain c0OsDQ503i8-00360-00139708-00139920 it together did I mention it on a c0OsDQ503i8-00361-00139921-00140378 previous class buffer com this is the c0OsDQ503i8-00362-00140379-00140687 one where we can use to connect multiple c0OsDQ503i8-00363-00140688-00140864 accounts together and send them all to c0OsDQ503i8-00364-00140865-00141047 the same place I mean to all of them at c0OsDQ503i8-00365-00141048-00141401 the same time so I think I might have c0OsDQ503i8-00366-00141402-00141594 mentioned this before but if not it's c0OsDQ503i8-00367-00141595-00141834 good to mention again buffer com c0OsDQ503i8-00368-00141835-00142013 if you connect your networks together c0OsDQ503i8-00369-00142014-00142223 you put your Linkedin your Facebook your c0OsDQ503i8-00370-00142224-00142470 Twitter all into this buffer account and c0OsDQ503i8-00371-00142471-00142697 when you share something on one network c0OsDQ503i8-00372-00142698-00143188 it can go to all of them at one c0OsDQ503i8-00373-00143189-00143641 no this is its Divya our RSS is pretty c0OsDQ503i8-00374-00143642-00143878 passe nowadays so you will you don't c0OsDQ503i8-00375-00143879-00144038 really see it that much anymore it's an c0OsDQ503i8-00376-00144039-00144620 aggregator it is it's like web boy c0OsDQ503i8-00377-00144621-00145789 it's like web 1.0 yes this is the one c0OsDQ503i8-00378-00145790-00147206 you can also use to schedule yeah so I'm c0OsDQ503i8-00379-00147207-00147356 gonna say this one can go public I'm c0OsDQ503i8-00380-00147357-00147551 also going to say allow comments c0OsDQ503i8-00381-00147552-00147773 remember I mentioned you can do social c0OsDQ503i8-00382-00147774-00148141 media as a dialog or as a monologue the c0OsDQ503i8-00383-00148142-00148349 monologue is that you post stuff on your c0OsDQ503i8-00384-00148350-00148631 social media and you never reply you c0OsDQ503i8-00385-00148632-00148988 never allow people to reply to you you c0OsDQ503i8-00386-00148989-00149347 just keep it a one-way conversation and c0OsDQ503i8-00387-00149348-00149776 for most of us I don't recommend to do c0OsDQ503i8-00388-00149777-00150013 the monologue for most of us I recommend c0OsDQ503i8-00389-00150014-00150218 the dialog meaning yes let people c0OsDQ503i8-00390-00150219-00150488 comment you have the extra step of c0OsDQ503i8-00391-00150489-00150722 keeping people in line and letting and c0OsDQ503i8-00392-00150723-00151163 then approving their their comments and c0OsDQ503i8-00393-00151164-00151412 all of that but then that creates that c0OsDQ503i8-00394-00151413-00151595 community and that creates a connection c0OsDQ503i8-00395-00151596-00151990 between real people we see so many ads c0OsDQ503i8-00396-00151991-00152225 all day long in real life and in digital c0OsDQ503i8-00397-00152226-00152476 life that we get none to them or we c0OsDQ503i8-00398-00152477-00152693 actively avoid them but when we have c0OsDQ503i8-00399-00152694-00152909 these connections with real people those c0OsDQ503i8-00400-00152910-00153068 are often stronger and give you better c0OsDQ503i8-00401-00153069-00153421 results so simply letting people reply c0OsDQ503i8-00402-00153422-00153950 to your to your posts shows that you are c0OsDQ503i8-00403-00153951-00154301 you know a real company a valuable c0OsDQ503i8-00404-00154302-00154712 company and you're always able to remove c0OsDQ503i8-00405-00154713-00155127 the negative comments and such c0OsDQ503i8-00406-00155128-00157389 you post that you will get spats yes c0OsDQ503i8-00407-00157390-00157635 buffer calm but you will get better c0OsDQ503i8-00408-00157636-00157932 stats when you upgrade your buffer plan c0OsDQ503i8-00409-00157933-00158703 you get the free one yeah yeah the best c0OsDQ503i8-00410-00158704-00158931 to my knowledge the best it can do is c0OsDQ503i8-00411-00158932-00159165 publish these posts to the different c0OsDQ503i8-00412-00159166-00159429 networks at once yes and give you some c0OsDQ503i8-00413-00159430-00159699 data about how it's going but to c0OsDQ503i8-00414-00159700-00159840 actually do the replies and such you c0OsDQ503i8-00415-00159841-00160002 still have to go to the network itself c0OsDQ503i8-00416-00160003-00162390 and then do the replies yes yeah that's c0OsDQ503i8-00417-00162391-00162669 it say I really I like buffer yes it is c0OsDQ503i8-00418-00162670-00162924 a good management because yeah it's so c0OsDQ503i8-00419-00162925-00162996 much to do c0OsDQ503i8-00420-00162997-00163131 if you're learning all these networks c0OsDQ503i8-00421-00163132-00163326 there's a lot to do but if you've got c0OsDQ503i8-00422-00163327-00163554 that manager that aggregator like buffer c0OsDQ503i8-00423-00163555-00163704 and there's other ones but I like buffer c0OsDQ503i8-00424-00163705-00163878 it does help you manage it a little c0OsDQ503i8-00425-00163879-00164316 easier now it just as a test here so c0OsDQ503i8-00426-00164317-00164457 I've published this and if you're logged c0OsDQ503i8-00427-00164458-00164750 into LinkedIn c0OsDQ503i8-00428-00164751-00165063 try to try to do this I haven't checked c0OsDQ503i8-00429-00165064-00165246 it yet and he might be to you but try c0OsDQ503i8-00430-00165247-00165501 this on your search box they're search c0OsDQ503i8-00431-00165502-00165717 for the best speed recording software c0OsDQ503i8-00432-00165718-00166167 and see if this article pops up right c0OsDQ503i8-00433-00166168-00166475 there at the top there the best screen c0OsDQ503i8-00434-00166476-00166916 recording software c0OsDQ503i8-00435-00166917-00167222 so see what happens I don't know what c0OsDQ503i8-00436-00167223-00167387 I'll get since I'm searching on my own c0OsDQ503i8-00437-00167388-00167687 thing but we'll see so the best screen c0OsDQ503i8-00438-00167688-00167897 recording software that's that's what c0OsDQ503i8-00439-00167898-00168227 this is titled over here and it may be c0OsDQ503i8-00440-00168228-00168476 too new it hasn't fully propagated or c0OsDQ503i8-00441-00168477-00168890 spread out everywhere so then when I c0OsDQ503i8-00442-00168891-00169607 scroll down over here these are c0OsDQ503i8-00443-00169608-00170423 locations connections content well this c0OsDQ503i8-00444-00170424-00170603 is this is the thing if you do the c0OsDQ503i8-00445-00170604-00171002 search here the default it's showing c0OsDQ503i8-00446-00171003-00171294 people but if not show me results of c0OsDQ503i8-00447-00171295-00171594 people jobs content c0OsDQ503i8-00448-00171595-00172551 let's try switching to content c0OsDQ503i8-00449-00172552-00173141 so under content do you see that three c0OsDQ503i8-00450-00173142-00173601 minutes ago right here so so the default c0OsDQ503i8-00451-00173602-00173889 was showing me people but then there are c0OsDQ503i8-00452-00173890-00174051 these actual there's actual content c0OsDQ503i8-00453-00174052-00174404 there's actual articles so obviously I c0OsDQ503i8-00454-00174405-00174609 expect all of you to click like on that c0OsDQ503i8-00455-00174610-00175011 I'm just kidding but there's there's the c0OsDQ503i8-00456-00175012-00175248 thing I posted something and it's c0OsDQ503i8-00457-00175249-00175497 visible all over LinkedIn over 500 500 c0OsDQ503i8-00458-00175498-00175766 million users now of course someone had c0OsDQ503i8-00459-00175767-00175908 to have been searching for that topic c0OsDQ503i8-00460-00175909-00176151 they have to have been searching screen c0OsDQ503i8-00461-00176152-00176370 recorder software maybe even simply c0OsDQ503i8-00462-00176371-00176649 searching for let's say screen recorder c0OsDQ503i8-00463-00176650-00176919 let's see if it has to be that exact c0OsDQ503i8-00464-00176920-00177825 terminology screen recorder try that c0OsDQ503i8-00465-00177826-00178023 just screen recorder does it pop up with c0OsDQ503i8-00466-00178024-00178848 screen recorder alright so it seems to c0OsDQ503i8-00467-00178849-00179034 be smart enough in the old days you know c0OsDQ503i8-00468-00179035-00179265 a long time ago in the old days five c0OsDQ503i8-00469-00179266-00179538 years ago it wasn't that smart c0OsDQ503i8-00470-00179539-00179853 it had to be exact phrases so then we'd c0OsDQ503i8-00471-00179854-00180036 have to put a bunch of variations of the c0OsDQ503i8-00472-00180037-00180198 word in our article and it would look c0OsDQ503i8-00473-00180199-00180504 spammy well as these as these networks c0OsDQ503i8-00474-00180505-00180743 get a little smarter I didn't really say c0OsDQ503i8-00475-00180744-00181182 okay I wrote the word record and screen c0OsDQ503i8-00476-00181183-00181512 I can write recorder and then down here c0OsDQ503i8-00477-00181513-00181809 is screen recording so it's smart enough c0OsDQ503i8-00478-00181810-00182049 when I put screen recorder that it saw c0OsDQ503i8-00479-00182050-00182403 the variations of the word record and c0OsDQ503i8-00480-00182404-00182727 then the article showed up there so what c0OsDQ503i8-00481-00182728-00182853 I'm getting at here is we've talked c0OsDQ503i8-00482-00182854-00183009 about it in a variety of ways on the c0OsDQ503i8-00483-00183010-00183219 different networks previously but here c0OsDQ503i8-00484-00183220-00183540 it is again there is a search inside of c0OsDQ503i8-00485-00183541-00183843 the network and people are going to be c0OsDQ503i8-00486-00183844-00184032 using it maybe you've never used it or c0OsDQ503i8-00487-00184033-00184215 you've never thought of using it but c0OsDQ503i8-00488-00184216-00184371 people that perhaps use the network a c0OsDQ503i8-00489-00184372-00184665 little bit more or are curious or c0OsDQ503i8-00490-00184666-00184965 understand well search helps me find are c0OsDQ503i8-00491-00184966-00185136 going to search and if you've got c0OsDQ503i8-00492-00185137-00185372 content on these topics c0OsDQ503i8-00493-00185373-00185750 your content could appear well again I'm c0OsDQ503i8-00494-00185751-00186212 not saying here hire us to do X Y & Z c0OsDQ503i8-00495-00186213-00186530 I'm doing the part here where I've said c0OsDQ503i8-00496-00186531-00187316 using the networks in terms of customer c0OsDQ503i8-00497-00187317-00187919 service in terms of giving something for c0OsDQ503i8-00498-00187920-00188174 free and I may get something back c0OsDQ503i8-00499-00188175-00188639 it may be alike a reply a share a follow c0OsDQ503i8-00500-00188640-00189134 or a buy or a hire me remember again c0OsDQ503i8-00501-00189135-00189410 once again all of the important actions c0OsDQ503i8-00502-00189411-00189947 you got like replied share follow by all c0OsDQ503i8-00503-00189948-00190127 of them in every single Network has c0OsDQ503i8-00504-00190128-00190469 these options not options actions I can c0OsDQ503i8-00505-00190470-00190622 like something on Twitter I can like c0OsDQ503i8-00506-00190623-00190772 something a LinkedIn I can plus c0OsDQ503i8-00507-00190773-00191048 something a little bonus I can I can do c0OsDQ503i8-00508-00191049-00191318 that surprise the expression on Facebook c0OsDQ503i8-00509-00191319-00191621 all the same I can reply on all of these c0OsDQ503i8-00510-00191622-00191888 networks asking a further question or a c0OsDQ503i8-00511-00191889-00192059 person replying a simply saying great c0OsDQ503i8-00512-00192060-00192455 job or very useful I can have a share my c0OsDQ503i8-00513-00192456-00192683 article was so great that someone found c0OsDQ503i8-00514-00192684-00192896 that and shared it to their followers so c0OsDQ503i8-00515-00192897-00193103 now I've reached the 100 connections I c0OsDQ503i8-00516-00193104-00193358 have plus the 200 that they have at c0OsDQ503i8-00517-00193359-00193571 reach 300 people and maybe out of those c0OsDQ503i8-00518-00193572-00193811 300 one of them needs to hire me for a c0OsDQ503i8-00519-00193812-00194315 certain thing for that idea is the c0OsDQ503i8-00520-00194316-00194774 follow which is then now they've chosen c0OsDQ503i8-00521-00194775-00195050 to sort of subscribe to me and they want c0OsDQ503i8-00522-00195051-00195245 to see everything that I'm that I'm up c0OsDQ503i8-00523-00195246-00195551 to and then of course the biggest one c0OsDQ503i8-00524-00195552-00195704 the most important one usually is buy c0OsDQ503i8-00525-00195705-00195881 and whatever you're trying to do online c0OsDQ503i8-00526-00195882-00196037 I'm trying to get hired I'm not really c0OsDQ503i8-00527-00196038-00196109 selling anything c0OsDQ503i8-00528-00196110-00196310 yeah I'm selling my service they're c0OsDQ503i8-00529-00196311-00196763 gonna buy my service so the common c0OsDQ503i8-00530-00196764-00197419 actions on all networks again c0OsDQ503i8-00531-00197420-00197641 and they are in they go in that value c0OsDQ503i8-00532-00197642-00197828 flakes are nice but they're the least c0OsDQ503i8-00533-00197829-00198008 valuable not worthless just the least c0OsDQ503i8-00534-00198009-00198182 valuable replies are a little bit more c0OsDQ503i8-00535-00198183-00198356 worth it because I am identifying more c0OsDQ503i8-00536-00198357-00198553 people that are more serious if they c0OsDQ503i8-00537-00198554-00198770 took the time to reply they're a little c0OsDQ503i8-00538-00198771-00198965 more serious than just alike you know c0OsDQ503i8-00539-00198966-00199136 they click like they move on a reply is c0OsDQ503i8-00540-00199137-00199472 a little more effort share is also very c0OsDQ503i8-00541-00199473-00199643 good because it helps me go viral c0OsDQ503i8-00542-00199644-00199820 it helps me spread my word to more c0OsDQ503i8-00543-00199821-00200111 people follow is even better because c0OsDQ503i8-00544-00200112-00200278 someone has chosen to be my captive c0OsDQ503i8-00545-00200279-00200491 audience and of course by is the best c0OsDQ503i8-00546-00200492-00201413 because I sold something so this is the c0OsDQ503i8-00547-00201414-00201572 nest of the idea with this homescreen c0OsDQ503i8-00548-00201573-00201806 you either see the stuff of other c0OsDQ503i8-00549-00201807-00202013 accounts that you've connected with or c0OsDQ503i8-00550-00202014-00202259 you create content and just like I've c0OsDQ503i8-00551-00202260-00202481 talked about the other the other c0OsDQ503i8-00552-00202482-00202865 networks you want to be active and what c0OsDQ503i8-00553-00202866-00203033 was the minimum that I said or the c0OsDQ503i8-00554-00203034-00203249 beginner level for the other networks of c0OsDQ503i8-00555-00203250-00203675 activity how often to post once a week c0OsDQ503i8-00556-00203676-00203945 so at least once a week post something c0OsDQ503i8-00557-00203946-00204275 on the networks and by now we've talked c0OsDQ503i8-00558-00204276-00204458 about like five different networks or c0OsDQ503i8-00559-00204459-00204785 six or something you don't have to be c0OsDQ503i8-00560-00204786-00205114 active in them all you can pick one or c0OsDQ503i8-00561-00205115-00205339 two but after we do the overview of the c0OsDQ503i8-00562-00205340-00205486 different networks then you can decide c0OsDQ503i8-00563-00205487-00205717 which is the best one for you for your c0OsDQ503i8-00564-00205719-00205775 business c0OsDQ503i8-00565-00205776-00205966 which one you can put the most effort c0OsDQ503i8-00566-00205967-00207023 into my network up here is where you're c0OsDQ503i8-00567-00207023-00207350 going to see current connections and c0OsDQ503i8-00568-00207351-00207760 possible connections I have 101 that I'm c0OsDQ503i8-00569-00207761-00207944 connected with again I'm not using this c0OsDQ503i8-00570-00207944-00208196 as a popularity contest like I might c0OsDQ503i8-00571-00208196-00208484 with other networks there's people all c0OsDQ503i8-00572-00208485-00208652 the time that are asking to connect to c0OsDQ503i8-00573-00208653-00208934 me right now that says 19 when I have a c0OsDQ503i8-00574-00208935-00209081 moment I'm going to look at them and c0OsDQ503i8-00575-00209082-00209408 probably do ignore most of them because c0OsDQ503i8-00576-00209409-00209539 I want to only connect with those that c0OsDQ503i8-00577-00209540-00209971 are valuable to me just as a quick look c0OsDQ503i8-00578-00209973-00210090 here c0OsDQ503i8-00579-00210091-00210498 so Raul is a former student he's very c0OsDQ503i8-00580-00210498-00210767 good at web design and such he's trying c0OsDQ503i8-00581-00210769-00210932 to connect with me he's trying to use c0OsDQ503i8-00582-00210933-00211274 social media my connection in him so in c0OsDQ503i8-00583-00211275-00211478 LinkedIn that is he's trying to use it c0OsDQ503i8-00584-00211479-00211658 to advance himself and that's fine you c0OsDQ503i8-00585-00211659-00211826 want to use LinkedIn to advance yourself c0OsDQ503i8-00586-00211827-00212073 there's no value for me to connect to c0OsDQ503i8-00587-00212073-00212354 him probably because I've got enough c0OsDQ503i8-00588-00212355-00212549 people on my team already and PMD c0OsDQ503i8-00589-00212550-00212669 interactive I don't need another web c0OsDQ503i8-00590-00212671-00212913 designer on the team I can't hire c0OsDQ503i8-00591-00212914-00213173 another one so there's no reason there c0OsDQ503i8-00592-00213175-00213548 former student well that's fine but what c0OsDQ503i8-00593-00213550-00213829 does that matter you know not to be mean c0OsDQ503i8-00594-00213830-00214089 but there's no real connection for me to c0OsDQ503i8-00595-00214090-00214263 prove that there's no real reason for me c0OsDQ503i8-00596-00214264-00214467 to approve that connection I could I c0OsDQ503i8-00597-00214467-00214781 suppose go to his profile and read all c0OsDQ503i8-00598-00214782-00214973 of what he's about and see his c0OsDQ503i8-00599-00214975-00215126 credentials and see that he's done this c0OsDQ503i8-00600-00215127-00215534 and that and just click their icon so I c0OsDQ503i8-00601-00215535-00215771 could go there and see what what's c0OsDQ503i8-00602-00215773-00216082 what's the value now he does he will see c0OsDQ503i8-00603-00216083-00216387 over on his home feed Victor Campos c0OsDQ503i8-00604-00216388-00216719 looked at your profile so if you're okay c0OsDQ503i8-00605-00216721-00216944 with that you can click on people's c0OsDQ503i8-00606-00216946-00217169 profiles and if they've got the premium c0OsDQ503i8-00607-00217171-00217365 version they will see more detail about c0OsDQ503i8-00608-00217366-00217740 who looked at you so perhaps just by c0OsDQ503i8-00609-00217741-00217896 looking at it under here you can make c0OsDQ503i8-00610-00217896-00218351 your choice ignore or except in my case c0OsDQ503i8-00611-00218352-00218624 probably will ignore they don't have any c0OsDQ503i8-00612-00218625-00218903 value for me and again I tell people in c0OsDQ503i8-00613-00218904-00219216 these classes don't get discouraged if I c0OsDQ503i8-00614-00219217-00219404 ignore the connection if it's not c0OsDQ503i8-00615-00219405-00219584 valuable for you to connect to me I c0OsDQ503i8-00616-00219585-00219873 won't and if you're a current student I c0OsDQ503i8-00617-00219873-00220103 also won't because that's a conflict in c0OsDQ503i8-00618-00220104-00221356 the class question c0OsDQ503i8-00619-00221357-00221603 exactly but then they will be they will c0OsDQ503i8-00620-00221604-00221923 know that you've looked at their c0OsDQ503i8-00621-00221925-00222164 connection at their profile when they c0OsDQ503i8-00622-00222165-00222448 log in on their home screen they will be c0OsDQ503i8-00623-00222450-00222704 able to see who's viewed my profile they c0OsDQ503i8-00624-00222705-00222890 go there and then it's gonna show victor c0OsDQ503i8-00625-00222891-00223031 looked at your profile then they're c0OsDQ503i8-00626-00223032-00223175 gonna say he looked at my profile away c0OsDQ503i8-00627-00223176-00224540 did he accept me yes yeah yeah there is c0OsDQ503i8-00628-00224541-00224933 that c0OsDQ503i8-00629-00224934-00225121 exactly that's the value friends of c0OsDQ503i8-00630-00225123-00225305 friends so that's why you may want to c0OsDQ503i8-00631-00225306-00225448 connect with one person to get to c0OsDQ503i8-00632-00225450-00227398 another person yeah for my value yeah I c0OsDQ503i8-00633-00227398-00227639 have to check that but yes most likely c0OsDQ503i8-00634-00227640-00227891 because again I want to use it in terms c0OsDQ503i8-00635-00227892-00228080 of how is it most valuable to me to c0OsDQ503i8-00636-00228081-00228212 connect with people so I might have a c0OsDQ503i8-00637-00228213-00228605 little extra layer there to to kind of c0OsDQ503i8-00638-00228606-00228823 weed out people and again not trying to c0OsDQ503i8-00639-00228825-00229021 be mean in all of that but I want to c0OsDQ503i8-00640-00229023-00229117 connect with those that are gonna be c0OsDQ503i8-00641-00229119-00229301 valuable to me what I get to use out of c0OsDQ503i8-00642-00229302-00229706 so by putting an email that shows a c0OsDQ503i8-00643-00229707-00229838 LinkedIn that you're a legitimate c0OsDQ503i8-00644-00229839-00229904 account c0OsDQ503i8-00645-00229905-00230090 sometimes those spammers and they're c0OsDQ503i8-00646-00230091-00230284 just trying to make connections like the c0OsDQ503i8-00647-00230285-00230492 other networks full of spam so there's c0OsDQ503i8-00648-00230492-00231230 that extra step okay great I'm gonna go c0OsDQ503i8-00649-00231231-00231448 look at your profile and see if you're c0OsDQ503i8-00650-00231450-00231653 worth it c0OsDQ503i8-00651-00231654-00231763 [Music] c0OsDQ503i8-00652-00231764-00232271 why you need to show the ignore let's c0OsDQ503i8-00653-00232271-00232550 see if it popped up here already show c0OsDQ503i8-00654-00232551-00233540 more I'm not there yet okay well I c0OsDQ503i8-00655-00233541-00233696 thought that's the problem I don't have c0OsDQ503i8-00656-00233696-00233951 this account set up under needy you I've c0OsDQ503i8-00657-00233952-00234329 got it under my company email address so c0OsDQ503i8-00658-00234330-00234694 here's an example also okay if this if c0OsDQ503i8-00659-00234696-00235190 I'm saying to use LinkedIn especially c0OsDQ503i8-00660-00235191-00235498 selfishly well when when you try to c0OsDQ503i8-00661-00235500-00235637 connect with someone else c0OsDQ503i8-00662-00235638-00235817 you might have that roadblock as well c0OsDQ503i8-00663-00235817-00235961 other people might say well why would I c0OsDQ503i8-00664-00235962-00236071 connect with you I don't know you c0OsDQ503i8-00665-00236073-00236354 Arina right here is doing it a pretty c0OsDQ503i8-00666-00236355-00236896 good way a lot of people she also wrote c0OsDQ503i8-00667-00236898-00237101 a note let's say Victor I've taken your c0OsDQ503i8-00668-00237102-00237623 mobile class but I'm still gonna click c0OsDQ503i8-00669-00237623-00238379 ignore no just kidding there to say why c0OsDQ503i8-00670-00238380-00238573 are you trying to connect or who are you c0OsDQ503i8-00671-00238575-00238796 I really recommend that you take that c0OsDQ503i8-00672-00238796-00239204 moment well just just a moment I really c0OsDQ503i8-00673-00239205-00239456 recommend that you do that in order to c0OsDQ503i8-00674-00239457-00239783 show people who you are and what's the c0OsDQ503i8-00675-00239784-00240152 value of connecting with them so don't c0OsDQ503i8-00676-00240153-00240377 just do the send the request there's c0OsDQ503i8-00677-00240378-00240533 that there should be a spot there too c0OsDQ503i8-00678-00240534-00241239 right why you're trying to connect c0OsDQ503i8-00679-00241240-00241839 trying to make a connection use the Y c0OsDQ503i8-00680-00241840-00242080 box whatever it's called I'll see in a c0OsDQ503i8-00681-00242081-00242230 moment we'll try to make a connection c0OsDQ503i8-00682-00242231-00242848 use the Y box to explain why you are a c0OsDQ503i8-00683-00242848-00243364 good connection why you would make a c0OsDQ503i8-00684-00243365-00244446 good connection yes they don't reply c0OsDQ503i8-00685-00244448-00244591 there's plenty of other fish in the sea c0OsDQ503i8-00686-00244592-00245989 hopefully yeah exactly and again yes c0OsDQ503i8-00687-00245990-00246184 it's a social network we want to be c0OsDQ503i8-00688-00246185-00246444 social and all of that but again really c0OsDQ503i8-00689-00246446-00246637 when I teach this and when I do it for c0OsDQ503i8-00690-00246638-00246856 clients you want to use LinkedIn very c0OsDQ503i8-00691-00246857-00247042 selfishly you want to use it what's in c0OsDQ503i8-00692-00247042-00247501 it for me you know I don't want to help c0OsDQ503i8-00693-00247502-00247651 you and I know that's a very mean way to c0OsDQ503i8-00694-00247652-00247915 say it but I want to help myself I want c0OsDQ503i8-00695-00247916-00248155 to help my business grow I want to I c0OsDQ503i8-00696-00248156-00248515 want to improve my standing and if c0OsDQ503i8-00697-00248516-00248776 connecting with you helps me then I'll c0OsDQ503i8-00698-00248777-00249058 do it and that's perfectly fine you be a c0OsDQ503i8-00699-00249059-00249211 good and nice person everywhere else in c0OsDQ503i8-00700-00249212-00249436 life but maybe not in LinkedIn because c0OsDQ503i8-00701-00249437-00249717 you want to connect and make the best c0OsDQ503i8-00702-00249719-00250141 connections how to do that let me just c0OsDQ503i8-00703-00250142-00250492 see where that's at let's say I'm going c0OsDQ503i8-00704-00250492-00250816 to understood John Smith there might be c0OsDQ503i8-00705-00250817-00251605 more than one on LinkedIn so some people c0OsDQ503i8-00706-00251606-00251794 if they're trying to connect they says c0OsDQ503i8-00707-00251794-00252156 send in mail some of them say connect c0OsDQ503i8-00708-00252157-00252487 I'll get to that later but if I'm trying c0OsDQ503i8-00709-00252488-00252792 to connect with someone LinkedIn members c0OsDQ503i8-00710-00252794-00252973 are more likely to accept that including c0OsDQ503i8-00711-00252973-00253288 personnel no there it is so when I find c0OsDQ503i8-00712-00253289-00253681 it's dark but when I try to find a c0OsDQ503i8-00713-00253682-00253783 person c0OsDQ503i8-00714-00253784-00253978 and then I see their results right there c0OsDQ503i8-00715-00253979-00254161 then I click connect' c0OsDQ503i8-00716-00254162-00254571 that's what it's telling me to send the c0OsDQ503i8-00717-00254573-00254932 connection along with a little note or c0OsDQ503i8-00718-00254933-00255294 not so those that have just clicked c0OsDQ503i8-00719-00255296-00255541 simply click send shows me they don't c0OsDQ503i8-00720-00255542-00255873 have ten seconds to also include a note c0OsDQ503i8-00721-00255873-00256213 so I don't have I don't need ten seconds c0OsDQ503i8-00722-00256214-00257809 to click ignore so when you clicked it c0OsDQ503i8-00723-00257810-00257994 when you click the accept here it still c0OsDQ503i8-00724-00257996-00258355 shows up here yeah try to refresh the c0OsDQ503i8-00725-00258356-00258613 screen because sometimes or reload the c0OsDQ503i8-00726-00258614-00259915 screen sometimes when it shows you it c0OsDQ503i8-00727-00259916-00260161 shows up again just ignore it because if c0OsDQ503i8-00728-00260162-00260383 you know that you clicked accept it got c0OsDQ503i8-00729-00260384-00260641 done and if it's still down there just c0OsDQ503i8-00730-00260642-00260833 ignore it it's just sometimes there's c0OsDQ503i8-00731-00260834-00261094 little bugs in this thing that even c0OsDQ503i8-00732-00261094-00261246 though you know you've done something it c0OsDQ503i8-00733-00261248-00262444 shows it to you twice you can if you did c0OsDQ503i8-00734-00262445-00262855 ignore at one point you can reconnect c0OsDQ503i8-00735-00262856-00262993 but then now you have to do the c0OsDQ503i8-00736-00262994-00263329 initiative and find them again and when c0OsDQ503i8-00737-00263330-00263638 you find them then you click the connect c0OsDQ503i8-00738-00263639-00263950 button if you already ignored it it c0OsDQ503i8-00739-00263951-00264097 doesn't remember that anymore it just c0OsDQ503i8-00740-00264098-00264496 stays right there as long as they're c0OsDQ503i8-00741-00264497-00264661 trying to connect with you if you do if c0OsDQ503i8-00742-00264662-00264913 you do the ignore like that you know it c0OsDQ503i8-00743-00264914-00265144 moves it away it's like I don't know it c0OsDQ503i8-00744-00265145-00265921 went away c0OsDQ503i8-00745-00265922-00266508 let me see that's going to be over here c0OsDQ503i8-00746-00266509-00266930 after you've made connections here in c0OsDQ503i8-00747-00266931-00267146 the my network screen it says view all c0OsDQ503i8-00748-00267147-00267599 of my connections so when I go here see c0OsDQ503i8-00749-00267600-00267812 all here's everyone I'm connected with c0OsDQ503i8-00750-00267813-00268049 and actually Jose has not been that c0OsDQ503i8-00751-00268050-00268706 valuable remove connection so you see c0OsDQ503i8-00752-00268707-00268922 there then the my network screen is c0OsDQ503i8-00753-00268923-00269216 where we manage new connections and then c0OsDQ503i8-00754-00269217-00269531 the co-current connection this is like c0OsDQ503i8-00755-00269532-00269930 unfollowing so you see all you see c0OsDQ503i8-00756-00269931-00270202 everyone here and then ok it will c0OsDQ503i8-00757-00270203-00271331 constantine click there and i move so my c0OsDQ503i8-00758-00271332-00272306 network screen approve or ignore how do c0OsDQ503i8-00759-00272307-00272348 they call it c0OsDQ503i8-00760-00272349-00273014 except for ignore connections click to c0OsDQ503i8-00761-00273015-00273602 view a person's profile to confirm if c0OsDQ503i8-00762-00273603-00274968 it's a good connection or not c0OsDQ503i8-00763-00274969-00275762 only connect if you benefit you can c0OsDQ503i8-00764-00275763-00276775 search or people to connect to you c0OsDQ503i8-00765-00276776-00277240 should add a note why it's good to c0OsDQ503i8-00766-00277241-00277735 connect with them so it even linked it c0OsDQ503i8-00767-00277736-00277868 even tells you right there it's at c0OsDQ503i8-00768-00277869-00278050 something like 70% of connections happen c0OsDQ503i8-00769-00278051-00278269 when you add a note and still people c0OsDQ503i8-00770-00278270-00278443 click send without adding a note and c0OsDQ503i8-00771-00278444-00278588 they wonder why didn't I connect with c0OsDQ503i8-00772-00278589-00278757 that person why didn't they approve me c0OsDQ503i8-00773-00278758-00279052 as I showed you there Irina did it the c0OsDQ503i8-00774-00279053-00279266 right way she told me I used to be your c0OsDQ503i8-00775-00279267-00279433 student that took their mobile class and c0OsDQ503i8-00776-00279434-00279614 if I read the rest probably it'll say c0OsDQ503i8-00777-00279615-00279757 you know I want to connect I think it'll c0OsDQ503i8-00778-00279758-00279949 be valuable and maybe we'll have a c0OsDQ503i8-00779-00279950-00280183 partnership or something so again have c0OsDQ503i8-00780-00280184-00280381 to decide is it valuable c0OsDQ503i8-00781-00280382-00280568 to connect with a former student number c0OsDQ503i8-00782-00280569-00280793 one is it valuable for me to connect c0OsDQ503i8-00783-00280794-00280991 with someone regarding apps c0OsDQ503i8-00784-00280992-00281233 I teach apps in my company we make apps c0OsDQ503i8-00785-00281234-00281393 do I need to connect with another person c0OsDQ503i8-00786-00281394-00281653 that knows apps maybe I can reach out to c0OsDQ503i8-00787-00281654-00281899 them on a case by case basis external c0OsDQ503i8-00788-00281900-00282167 contractor to have them work on an app c0OsDQ503i8-00789-00282168-00282368 that we're gonna work on later maybe c0OsDQ503i8-00790-00282369-00282518 it'll maybe they're a good source of c0OsDQ503i8-00791-00282519-00282668 knowledge that I can reach out to them c0OsDQ503i8-00792-00282669-00282805 and say hey I'm having this little c0OsDQ503i8-00793-00282806-00283033 problem in my app do you know any ideas c0OsDQ503i8-00794-00283034-00283228 or where can I look they might give me c0OsDQ503i8-00795-00283229-00283471 that answer but if it's valuable for me c0OsDQ503i8-00796-00283472-00283681 I will connect and if it's not I will c0OsDQ503i8-00797-00283682-00283913 ignore I can click ignore they never get c0OsDQ503i8-00798-00283914-00284117 a notification that says Viktor ignored c0OsDQ503i8-00799-00284118-00284206 you c0OsDQ503i8-00800-00284207-00284446 it won't do that it'll just nothing will c0OsDQ503i8-00801-00284447-00284674 happen they won't know and then if they c0OsDQ503i8-00802-00284675-00284813 go out of their way to go look at their c0OsDQ503i8-00803-00284814-00284963 connections and they don't see you there c0OsDQ503i8-00804-00284964-00285118 then they'll see oh he never accepted me c0OsDQ503i8-00805-00285119-00285325 but it will never tell them Viktor c0OsDQ503i8-00806-00285326-00285563 ignored you you just it'll just go away c0OsDQ503i8-00807-00285564-00285842 and there are a few people that I have c0OsDQ503i8-00808-00285843-00286003 clicked ignore and they keep asking to c0OsDQ503i8-00809-00286004-00286228 connect I don't know what to do about c0OsDQ503i8-00810-00286229-00286477 that I guess there's a block button but c0OsDQ503i8-00811-00286478-00286613 I don't know if I want to be that mean c0OsDQ503i8-00812-00286614-00287311 I'll just be a little mean yes c0OsDQ503i8-00813-00287312-00287675 there is privacy we'll see that when we c0OsDQ503i8-00814-00287676-00287897 get over to the profile on the default c0OsDQ503i8-00815-00287898-00288161 everything that you put is public but c0OsDQ503i8-00816-00288162-00288286 there is a way to make these things c0OsDQ503i8-00817-00288287-00289568 private under me under settings and to c0OsDQ503i8-00818-00289569-00289871 show to set what can be visible or not c0OsDQ503i8-00819-00289872-00290081 and what I've got there everything it's c0OsDQ503i8-00820-00290082-00290234 pretty public it's fine that everyone c0OsDQ503i8-00821-00290235-00290483 sees it in my case for the stuff that I c0OsDQ503i8-00822-00290484-00290717 want to present in this account I'm fine c0OsDQ503i8-00823-00290718-00290957 that everyone can see it but for a lot c0OsDQ503i8-00824-00290958-00291158 of us that we maybe we're running our c0OsDQ503i8-00825-00291159-00291326 business out of our house and we don't c0OsDQ503i8-00826-00291327-00291509 want to put our our home address and all c0OsDQ503i8-00827-00291510-00291626 that of course I want to keep that c0OsDQ503i8-00828-00291627-00291839 private and under your privacy settings c0OsDQ503i8-00829-00291840-00293162 there you have that control yes no but c0OsDQ503i8-00830-00293163-00293378 like I try to show earlier before I had c0OsDQ503i8-00831-00293379-00293654 logged in I tried to view my account and c0OsDQ503i8-00832-00293655-00294074 it pop-up to say please sign in so I c0OsDQ503i8-00833-00294075-00294454 think LinkedIn is getting more more c0OsDQ503i8-00834-00294455-00294677 obvious about that that in order for you c0OsDQ503i8-00835-00294678-00294803 to look at anything you have to be c0OsDQ503i8-00836-00294804-00295229 logged in and just you know last year in c0OsDQ503i8-00837-00295230-00295505 the last year I have been able to look c0OsDQ503i8-00838-00295506-00295667 at people's LinkedIn accounts without c0OsDQ503i8-00839-00295668-00295880 logging in I don't doubt that they've c0OsDQ503i8-00840-00295881-00296129 changed it for you that you have to be c0OsDQ503i8-00841-00296130-00296333 logged in because all of these networks c0OsDQ503i8-00842-00296334-00296594 want people to join it to be in the c0OsDQ503i8-00843-00296595-00296807 network so that you just like on c0OsDQ503i8-00844-00296808-00297005 Facebook give away your information so c0OsDQ503i8-00845-00297006-00297242 that then you can do ads and boosts and c0OsDQ503i8-00846-00297243-00297455 such to reach the right audience so the c0OsDQ503i8-00847-00297456-00297608 value of the person to the network is c0OsDQ503i8-00848-00297609-00297731 that they've got an account and they're c0OsDQ503i8-00849-00297732-00297935 logged in people that are logged out are c0OsDQ503i8-00850-00297936-00298106 not valuable to them so they keep c0OsDQ503i8-00851-00298107-00298964 wanting you to log in no it shouldn't it c0OsDQ503i8-00852-00298965-00299177 shouldn't show that if you're logged in c0OsDQ503i8-00853-00299178-00299336 on Facebook it shouldn't show you any c0OsDQ503i8-00854-00299337-00299471 info because you're not in their network c0OsDQ503i8-00855-00299472-00299606 and they can only capture the c0OsDQ503i8-00856-00299607-00301109 information in the in the network your c0OsDQ503i8-00857-00301110-00303914 connections see all unfriend there let's c0OsDQ503i8-00858-00303915-00304046 take one more break c0OsDQ503i8-00859-00304047-00304277 will will then go off and look at the c0OsDQ503i8-00860-00304278-00304553 business side of things right after the c0OsDQ503i8-00861-00304554-00304886 break personal stuff well jobs that make c0OsDQ503i8-00862-00304887-00305072 sense you're you're trying to get hired c0OsDQ503i8-00863-00305073-00305314 or you're trying to put a job listing c0OsDQ503i8-00864-00305315-00305537 messages I won't click on that one but c0OsDQ503i8-00865-00305538-00305741 messages there is connecting you know c0OsDQ503i8-00866-00305742-00306047 talking one-on-one with people and the c0OsDQ503i8-00867-00306048-00306299 notifications is like the other networks c0OsDQ503i8-00868-00306300-00306476 that show you what's what's been c0OsDQ503i8-00869-00306477-00306635 happening who has followed you who has c0OsDQ503i8-00870-00306636-00306863 replied to your messages and things also c0OsDQ503i8-00871-00306864-00307127 like congratulate six letters for work c0OsDQ503i8-00872-00307128-00307487 anniversaries so as you as you add your c0OsDQ503i8-00873-00307488-00307721 jobs and stuff here it keeps track of it c0OsDQ503i8-00874-00307722-00307901 and then the networks will say well c0OsDQ503i8-00875-00307902-00308153 Victor has been 10 years at San Diego c0OsDQ503i8-00876-00308154-00308411 continuing education and my friends will c0OsDQ503i8-00877-00308412-00308570 then be alerted of that and then you can c0OsDQ503i8-00878-00308571-00309065 click it or ignore it like I will so the c0OsDQ503i8-00879-00309066-00309266 personal stuff the important part is c0OsDQ503i8-00880-00309267-00309736 home and network then c0OsDQ503i8-00881-00309737-00310123 post a job looking for a job but I will c0OsDQ503i8-00882-00310124-00310398 say also just like the other networks c0OsDQ503i8-00883-00310399-00310621 especially under posting you might have c0OsDQ503i8-00884-00310622-00310798 to pay for some of these to get the best c0OsDQ503i8-00885-00310799-00311143 features so 11:45 we'll take a break c0OsDQ503i8-00886-00311144-00311383 until 11:55 and we come back we'll look c0OsDQ503i8-00887-00311384-00311818 at this little button of work c24jwuxUAdu-00000-00000192-00000495 i feel it c24jwuxUAdu-00001-00000496-00000774 ah i'm entering my zinn the avatar state c24jwuxUAdu-00002-00000775-00001040 [__] c276m1ApP2c-00000-00000048-00000223 okay so c276m1ApP2c-00001-00000224-00000519 uh thanks to cbd colleagues for inviting c276m1ApP2c-00002-00000520-00000671 me to c276m1ApP2c-00003-00000672-00000999 co-share in this workshop uh let me just c276m1ApP2c-00004-00001000-00001239 take away this thing okay so c276m1ApP2c-00005-00001240-00001487 okay um because that's there's uh i c276m1ApP2c-00006-00001488-00001655 think that the main purpose of of c276m1ApP2c-00007-00001655-00001991 getting me here is to talk about uh c276m1ApP2c-00008-00001992-00002207 this particular simulation c276m1ApP2c-00009-00002208-00002350 that has this c276m1ApP2c-00010-00002351-00002526 pedagogical move c276m1ApP2c-00011-00002527-00002623 that c276m1ApP2c-00012-00002624-00002918 simulation typically do not have so c276m1ApP2c-00013-00002919-00003158 i just want to share about it c276m1ApP2c-00014-00003159-00003343 and then after that we will link it back c276m1ApP2c-00015-00003344-00003590 with the egd uh e-pedagogy framework c276m1ApP2c-00016-00003592-00003831 because the cbd digitally asked me to c276m1ApP2c-00017-00003832-00004070 make reference to the to the framework c276m1ApP2c-00018-00004071-00004215 so okay c276m1ApP2c-00019-00004216-00004367 the url i'm just going to place it here c276m1ApP2c-00020-00004368-00004670 for you c276m1ApP2c-00021-00004671-00004936 i've pasted it already oh okay c276m1ApP2c-00022-00004937-00005086 [Music] c276m1ApP2c-00023-00005087-00005239 too many things on my screen c276m1ApP2c-00024-00005240-00005727 [Music] c276m1ApP2c-00025-00005728-00006031 okay so in this particular uh simulation c276m1ApP2c-00026-00006032-00006279 uh to use it in srs you just click c276m1ApP2c-00027-00006280-00006383 download c276m1ApP2c-00028-00006384-00006583 model and then you can you can upload it c276m1ApP2c-00029-00006584-00006734 as a sls c276m1ApP2c-00030-00006736-00007006 media and then it will automatically run c276m1ApP2c-00031-00007008-00007270 okay so to show you the pedagogy that we c276m1ApP2c-00032-00007272-00007495 were talking about because there's some c276m1ApP2c-00033-00007495-00007719 emphasis on using c276m1ApP2c-00034-00007720-00007983 e-pedagogy so i c276m1ApP2c-00035-00007984-00008246 just remove this thing c276m1ApP2c-00036-00008247-00008483 okay so you can see that this c276m1ApP2c-00037-00008484-00008727 um i mean basically you can see that c276m1ApP2c-00038-00008728-00009063 this this simulation has been uh c276m1ApP2c-00039-00009064-00009383 supposedly well designed because because c276m1ApP2c-00040-00009384-00009606 you see if you use a slider here you can c276m1ApP2c-00041-00009607-00009774 see the the mess here then there's a c276m1ApP2c-00042-00009775-00009974 test method so everything is matched one c276m1ApP2c-00043-00009975-00010278 for one so initially when i did this c276m1ApP2c-00044-00010279-00010510 with eason junior college they they c276m1ApP2c-00045-00010511-00010751 wanted this kind of a setup because they c276m1ApP2c-00046-00010752-00010951 want the student to do c276m1ApP2c-00047-00010952-00011151 the g field okay so the gp wants to c276m1ApP2c-00048-00011152-00011319 activate the g field c276m1ApP2c-00049-00011320-00011535 then you can use this slider to see the c276m1ApP2c-00050-00011536-00011823 gpu so i plotted it in dotted line c276m1ApP2c-00051-00011824-00012046 to show the student that this is the c276m1ApP2c-00052-00012047-00012238 gravitational field strength of this c276m1ApP2c-00053-00012239-00012535 particular c276m1ApP2c-00054-00012536-00012638 m1 c276m1ApP2c-00055-00012639-00012822 then if you can drag this you can see c276m1ApP2c-00056-00012823-00012943 that this c276m1ApP2c-00057-00012944-00013311 actually also shows uh c276m1ApP2c-00058-00013312-00013591 a g value with the arrow because yjc c276m1ApP2c-00059-00013591-00013847 they use this to scaffold the c276m1ApP2c-00060-00013847-00014007 learning for student and then eventually c276m1ApP2c-00061-00014008-00014279 if you get to play uh you know you can c276m1ApP2c-00062-00014280-00014399 tell your student to predict what will c276m1ApP2c-00063-00014400-00014638 happen and then if you play oh sorry c276m1ApP2c-00064-00014640-00014894 something mess up let me just play again c276m1ApP2c-00065-00014895-00015086 oh okay i think there's a bug i i need c276m1ApP2c-00066-00015087-00015335 to i need to check what's wrong c276m1ApP2c-00067-00015336-00015438 give me c276m1ApP2c-00068-00015440-00015591 give me a couple of days to look into it c276m1ApP2c-00069-00015591-00015799 but it's supposed to c276m1ApP2c-00070-00015800-00016007 let me just see yeah it's supposed to c276m1ApP2c-00071-00016008-00016175 gravitate towards it and then stop there c276m1ApP2c-00072-00016176-00016486 now i think maybe i mess up by changing c276m1ApP2c-00073-00016487-00016703 something and then it didn't c276m1ApP2c-00074-00016704-00016871 move accordingly c276m1ApP2c-00075-00016872-00017175 okay so this is in addition to uh c276m1ApP2c-00076-00017176-00017391 easy to use slider you can see the color c276m1ApP2c-00077-00017392-00017494 coding c276m1ApP2c-00078-00017495-00017703 and c276m1ApP2c-00079-00017704-00017814 eventually c276m1ApP2c-00080-00017815-00018007 we will get the student to show both c276m1ApP2c-00081-00018008-00018199 sides of the gravitational field c276m1ApP2c-00082-00018200-00018503 strength okay and then they can c276m1ApP2c-00083-00018504-00018799 track this to see what is the effect of c276m1ApP2c-00084-00018800-00018983 what they are doing now so c276m1ApP2c-00085-00018984-00019207 if they arbitrarily try to do it it can c276m1ApP2c-00086-00019208-00019439 tell the student to do balancing neutral c276m1ApP2c-00087-00019440-00019694 point then they will have to realize c276m1ApP2c-00088-00019695-00019943 that if it's careful in a proper c276m1ApP2c-00089-00019944-00020199 lesson we can get them to decide maybe c276m1ApP2c-00090-00020200-00020519 say at this particular point where the g c276m1ApP2c-00091-00020520-00020767 resultant is zero then when they click c276m1ApP2c-00092-00020768-00020999 play in theory it's supposed to stay c276m1ApP2c-00093-00021000-00021086 there c276m1ApP2c-00094-00021087-00021230 of course it will move a bit because of c276m1ApP2c-00095-00021231-00021383 the my new c276m1ApP2c-00096-00021384-00021663 the the inability to c276m1ApP2c-00097-00021664-00021958 to precisely place it at the zero g fuel c276m1ApP2c-00098-00021959-00022239 net gpu position but if i were to reset c276m1ApP2c-00099-00022240-00022383 it c276m1ApP2c-00100-00022384-00022743 let me move it to 500 500 c276m1ApP2c-00101-00022744-00022919 smack right at the center it should not c276m1ApP2c-00102-00022920-00023022 move like c276m1ApP2c-00103-00023023-00023191 i'm just going to remove the the c276m1ApP2c-00104-00023192-00023439 different gpu so that you can see the c276m1ApP2c-00105-00023440-00023686 effects of what i'm saying so this thing c276m1ApP2c-00106-00023687-00023950 should not move at all okay so this is c276m1ApP2c-00107-00023951-00024071 one thing c276m1ApP2c-00108-00024072-00024286 so in addition to having made a c276m1ApP2c-00109-00024287-00024414 simulation c276m1ApP2c-00110-00024415-00024767 for the past 15 years for c276m1ApP2c-00111-00024768-00025030 moe colleagues i also collaborate a lot c276m1ApP2c-00112-00025031-00025230 a lot of people so c276m1ApP2c-00113-00025231-00025350 i c276m1ApP2c-00114-00025351-00025599 just want to say that um while working c276m1ApP2c-00115-00025600-00025799 on working with people c276m1ApP2c-00116-00025800-00026031 then there was one fine day jimmy asked c276m1ApP2c-00117-00026032-00026174 me uh c276m1ApP2c-00118-00026175-00026374 jimmy from yjc so c276m1ApP2c-00119-00026375-00026607 we we did some discussion so we were c276m1ApP2c-00120-00026608-00026862 thinking how can we relate this uh so in c276m1ApP2c-00121-00026863-00027095 addition to making the scene very nice c276m1ApP2c-00122-00027095-00027327 and then very intuitive to use and then c276m1ApP2c-00123-00027327-00027614 i can visualize all these nice things c276m1ApP2c-00124-00027616-00027735 we thought that there should be c276m1ApP2c-00125-00027736-00027983 something more linos which is what we c276m1ApP2c-00126-00027983-00028246 call as a pedagogy c276m1ApP2c-00127-00028247-00028551 so the the way we envision this to link c276m1ApP2c-00128-00028552-00028807 it with equation is we click on this c276m1ApP2c-00129-00028808-00029046 button called show model c276m1ApP2c-00130-00029047-00029143 okay c276m1ApP2c-00131-00029144-00029255 and then you can see that in this c276m1ApP2c-00132-00029256-00029462 particular model c276m1ApP2c-00133-00029463-00029687 we already preset because when i tried c276m1ApP2c-00134-00029688-00029951 this with students the the feedback i c276m1ApP2c-00135-00029952-00030158 got from teachers was this is too c276m1ApP2c-00136-00030160-00030390 difficult so we c276m1ApP2c-00137-00030391-00030702 made a selectable combo box c276m1ApP2c-00138-00030703-00031095 so you can now select pre-defined models c276m1ApP2c-00139-00031095-00031343 to select and then see whether this c276m1ApP2c-00140-00031344-00031727 model matches the c276m1ApP2c-00141-00031727-00032231 the uh the net g fuel uh c276m1ApP2c-00142-00032232-00032462 plotline this is the net g filter the c276m1ApP2c-00143-00032463-00032599 the c276m1ApP2c-00144-00032600-00032887 in gray of brown color so when you c276m1ApP2c-00145-00032888-00033087 change your model c276m1ApP2c-00146-00033088-00033287 you can see that the model c276m1ApP2c-00147-00033288-00033527 um will do certain things and then we c276m1ApP2c-00148-00033528-00033735 will tell the student whether this model c276m1ApP2c-00149-00033736-00033887 is a close fit c276m1ApP2c-00150-00033888-00034118 to this uh to this c276m1ApP2c-00151-00034119-00034302 great thing that is is done by the c276m1ApP2c-00152-00034303-00034462 simulation c276m1ApP2c-00153-00034463-00034615 so um c276m1ApP2c-00154-00034616-00034790 in addition to c276m1ApP2c-00155-00034791-00035046 making so so the the easy way first we c276m1ApP2c-00156-00035047-00035231 tell students to draw a model which is c276m1ApP2c-00157-00035232-00035462 the equation so it's zero so it's a zero c276m1ApP2c-00158-00035463-00035655 line so if let's say you want student to c276m1ApP2c-00159-00035656-00035895 do fine tuning because we also don't c276m1ApP2c-00160-00035896-00036046 want the student c276m1ApP2c-00161-00036047-00036239 okay let me just show you the c276m1ApP2c-00162-00036240-00036583 the various possibilities so i computed c276m1ApP2c-00163-00036584-00036815 the theoretical value for these g values c276m1ApP2c-00164-00036816-00037023 of g 1 g 2 and g c276m1ApP2c-00165-00037024-00037223 so you can actually draw and then it c276m1ApP2c-00166-00037224-00037502 will show you the theoretical value for c276m1ApP2c-00167-00037503-00037655 the g c276m1ApP2c-00168-00037656-00037743 for c276m1ApP2c-00169-00037744-00038062 m1 it can show the theoretical for g2 c276m1ApP2c-00170-00038063-00038383 and then you can show the resultant okay c276m1ApP2c-00171-00038384-00038702 but because we we wanted to c276m1ApP2c-00172-00038703-00038911 uh scaffold because c276m1ApP2c-00173-00038912-00039111 uh because we are dealing with students c276m1ApP2c-00174-00039112-00039511 who are not very uh we just want to make c276m1ApP2c-00175-00039512-00039759 learning as painless as possible so we c276m1ApP2c-00176-00039760-00039967 can actually get students so you double c276m1ApP2c-00177-00039968-00040190 click on this again it toggles into an c276m1ApP2c-00178-00040191-00040423 input field so a little bit like python c276m1ApP2c-00179-00040424-00040646 or mathematical you can start to do your c276m1ApP2c-00180-00040647-00040790 sign r c276m1ApP2c-00181-00040791-00040958 you know and then you will do the sign c276m1ApP2c-00182-00040959-00041062 uh so c276m1ApP2c-00183-00041063-00041279 can can someone suggest to me how can i c276m1ApP2c-00184-00041280-00041671 make this a little bit bigger c276m1ApP2c-00185-00041672-00041983 so that the lesson is more interactive c276m1ApP2c-00186-00041984-00042255 i'm sure as most of us should have no c276m1ApP2c-00187-00042256-00042495 difficulty c276m1ApP2c-00188-00042496-00042767 you need a constant somewhere right so c276m1ApP2c-00189-00042768-00043062 what can i key in c276m1ApP2c-00190-00043063-00043430 times 20 times 20 excellent darren c276m1ApP2c-00191-00043431-00043687 so it comes 20 becomes another you know c276m1ApP2c-00192-00043688-00043862 so that this is actually c276m1ApP2c-00193-00043863-00044143 like uh like your typical programming c276m1ApP2c-00194-00044144-00044302 this is actually javascript so the c276m1ApP2c-00195-00044303-00044423 javascript actually takes in the c276m1ApP2c-00196-00044424-00044695 language and is able to pass this into c276m1ApP2c-00197-00044696-00044830 equations c276m1ApP2c-00198-00044831-00044911 so c276m1ApP2c-00199-00044912-00045135 building on this we decided that no c276m1ApP2c-00200-00045136-00045367 student should be able to do simple c276m1ApP2c-00201-00045368-00045551 model like this okay c276m1ApP2c-00202-00045552-00045887 so they can type in this capital g c276m1ApP2c-00203-00045888-00046118 because it already has it already has a c276m1ApP2c-00204-00046119-00046446 factor for you then followed by m 1 c276m1ApP2c-00205-00046447-00046655 then divided by r square so you can see c276m1ApP2c-00206-00046656-00047102 that this actually shows uh c276m1ApP2c-00207-00047103-00047335 this actually shows uh the model that c276m1ApP2c-00208-00047336-00047527 the student employed so you can tell the c276m1ApP2c-00209-00047528-00047783 student but this this mess is here but c276m1ApP2c-00210-00047784-00048071 this equation is what you know in theory c276m1ApP2c-00211-00048072-00048167 you know so c276m1ApP2c-00212-00048168-00048446 it doesn't quite link up because it is c276m1ApP2c-00213-00048447-00048646 it is showing the g field as if it is c276m1ApP2c-00214-00048647-00048839 the mass is here c276m1ApP2c-00215-00048840-00049015 so eventually you can scaffold the c276m1ApP2c-00216-00049016-00049135 student c276m1ApP2c-00217-00049136-00049446 to subtract a constant i might am i am i c276m1ApP2c-00218-00049447-00049711 making sense so the constant you can see c276m1ApP2c-00219-00049712-00049886 from all this value is c276m1ApP2c-00220-00049887-00050055 minus 50. it's not a bit harder i just c276m1ApP2c-00221-00050056-00050223 scaffold like mine c276m1ApP2c-00222-00050224-00050399 so you can see the graph actually let me c276m1ApP2c-00223-00050400-00050471 just c276m1ApP2c-00224-00050472-00050774 minus 40 further you can see that by c276m1ApP2c-00225-00050775-00051023 changing these values uh the student can c276m1ApP2c-00226-00051024-00051214 see the impact of their model building c276m1ApP2c-00227-00051215-00051542 so you can see that this actually is the c276m1ApP2c-00228-00051544-00051838 model that matches this side of the c276m1ApP2c-00229-00051839-00052111 equation for for m1 c276m1ApP2c-00230-00052112-00052407 then you can also get student to c276m1ApP2c-00231-00052408-00052559 model c276m1ApP2c-00232-00052560-00052742 for g2 c276m1ApP2c-00233-00052744-00053063 kg2 so i'm going to click on the show so c276m1ApP2c-00234-00053064-00053238 this is actually the c276m1ApP2c-00235-00053239-00053575 underlying the the coding underneath c276m1ApP2c-00236-00053576-00053838 which is the mathematics behind this c276m1ApP2c-00237-00053839-00053919 uh c276m1ApP2c-00238-00053920-00054119 cyan model c276m1ApP2c-00239-00054120-00054479 is actually uh minus capital g c276m1ApP2c-00240-00054479-00054682 m 2 c276m1ApP2c-00241-00054683-00055150 absolute r minus 50 r minus 50 then uh c276m1ApP2c-00242-00055151-00055326 square because it's the formula we c276m1ApP2c-00243-00055327-00055526 learned we teach them r square right so c276m1ApP2c-00244-00055527-00055679 they need to use the mathematical c276m1ApP2c-00245-00055679-00055799 thinking c276m1ApP2c-00246-00055800-00055871 to c276m1ApP2c-00247-00055872-00056126 appropriate the constant call minus 50 c276m1ApP2c-00248-00056127-00056454 because it is displaced by 50. okay c276m1ApP2c-00249-00056455-00056735 then eventually c276m1ApP2c-00250-00056736-00056966 eventually we can ask them so click on c276m1ApP2c-00251-00056967-00057126 this again to show that c276m1ApP2c-00252-00057127-00057350 the full length so it's actually the c276m1ApP2c-00253-00057351-00057679 whole thing all computed together c276m1ApP2c-00254-00057679-00057838 so if let's say the students say okay c276m1ApP2c-00255-00057839-00058126 never mind i don't think this is 6.67 i c276m1ApP2c-00256-00058127-00058319 think it's actually pi or something like c276m1ApP2c-00257-00058320-00058511 that like they can propose their own you c276m1ApP2c-00258-00058512-00058671 know then you can see something is not c276m1ApP2c-00259-00058672-00058966 quite right the value pi is 3.14 it's c276m1ApP2c-00260-00058967-00059342 not big enough so it should be 6.67 c276m1ApP2c-00261-00059344-00059582 okay then okay maybe i don't think 6.6 i c276m1ApP2c-00262-00059583-00059703 think it's 7 c276m1ApP2c-00263-00059704-00059894 oh sorry 7. c276m1ApP2c-00264-00059895-00060054 so the student can propose their own c276m1ApP2c-00265-00060055-00060238 value and come to the idea that the c276m1ApP2c-00266-00060239-00060366 match c276m1ApP2c-00267-00060367-00060566 while 7 is quite close c276m1ApP2c-00268-00060567-00060742 but actually the c276m1ApP2c-00269-00060744-00060975 equation is 6.67 because that's the c276m1ApP2c-00270-00060976-00061206 value that we want the student to c276m1ApP2c-00271-00061207-00061463 remember the capital g because bear in c276m1ApP2c-00272-00061464-00061647 mind we want to make the model building c276m1ApP2c-00273-00061648-00061935 simple so it already multiplies by 10 to c276m1ApP2c-00274-00061936-00062159 the power minus 11 for the student so c276m1ApP2c-00275-00062160-00062294 the students just need to write this c276m1ApP2c-00276-00062295-00062454 long string of things c276m1ApP2c-00277-00062455-00062638 to appreciate c276m1ApP2c-00278-00062639-00062935 the model for the resultant g c276m1ApP2c-00279-00062936-00063119 so this is the c276m1ApP2c-00280-00063120-00063366 this is the pedagogy that we thought has c276m1ApP2c-00281-00063367-00063694 a place uh i did this with yjc c276m1ApP2c-00282-00063695-00063991 and innova jc and i think river valley c276m1ApP2c-00283-00063991-00064135 also uh c276m1ApP2c-00284-00064136-00064287 and vjc c276m1ApP2c-00285-00064288-00064799 in 1916 i don't know 2016. c276m1ApP2c-00286-00064800-00064879 while c276m1ApP2c-00287-00064879-00064982 uh c276m1ApP2c-00288-00064983-00065247 well i feel that there is a place in c276m1ApP2c-00289-00065248-00065447 this model building c276m1ApP2c-00290-00065448-00065750 typically my sensing is yes it's it's c276m1ApP2c-00291-00065751-00066038 not a easy pedagogy to enact but i c276m1ApP2c-00292-00066039-00066143 believe c276m1ApP2c-00293-00066144-00066471 if you can see the the power of track um c276m1ApP2c-00294-00066472-00066655 you can see the power of modeling in c276m1ApP2c-00295-00066656-00066887 let's say other software in fact darren c276m1ApP2c-00296-00066888-00067087 also talked about trinkets or writing c276m1ApP2c-00297-00067088-00067182 code c276m1ApP2c-00298-00067183-00067438 i'm not writing i'm okay i'm writing c276m1ApP2c-00299-00067439-00067615 code but i don't get student to write c276m1ApP2c-00300-00067616-00067831 code correct no i just get students to c276m1ApP2c-00301-00067832-00067975 write equations i mean simple c276m1ApP2c-00302-00067976-00068167 mathematics equation c276m1ApP2c-00303-00068168-00068319 i think for c276m1ApP2c-00304-00068320-00068535 high ability student c276m1ApP2c-00305-00068536-00068687 it should be c276m1ApP2c-00306-00068688-00068935 a good way to c276m1ApP2c-00307-00068936-00069238 excite them because c276m1ApP2c-00308-00069239-00069431 besides just playing with the simulation c276m1ApP2c-00309-00069432-00069671 i think that the stronger students will c276m1ApP2c-00310-00069672-00069823 appreciate what we are trying to do and c276m1ApP2c-00311-00069824-00070023 that's to make them think harder about c276m1ApP2c-00312-00070024-00070271 the equation linking the mathematics c276m1ApP2c-00313-00070272-00070535 equation into physics okay so that is c276m1ApP2c-00314-00070536-00070679 the c276m1ApP2c-00315-00070680-00070863 that is the c276m1ApP2c-00316-00070864-00071047 one third of the talk that i want to c276m1ApP2c-00317-00071048-00071167 give c276m1ApP2c-00318-00071168-00071247 okay c276m1ApP2c-00319-00071248-00071575 now linking back to let me see where am c276m1ApP2c-00320-00071576-00071703 i at c276m1ApP2c-00321-00071704-00072047 okay linking back to e pedagogy uh c276m1ApP2c-00322-00072048-00072319 how many of y'all have no e pedagogy c276m1ApP2c-00323-00072320-00072599 from c276m1ApP2c-00324-00072600-00072871 i can't i can't see your screen but your c276m1ApP2c-00325-00072872-00073335 kind of e pedagogy c276m1ApP2c-00326-00073336-00073838 anyone c276m1ApP2c-00327-00073839-00074087 if pedagogy is c276m1ApP2c-00328-00074088-00074462 is something from c276m1ApP2c-00329-00074463-00074623 on public service i think there's some c276m1ApP2c-00330-00074624-00074750 there's something that came out there c276m1ApP2c-00331-00074751-00074862 the etd c276m1ApP2c-00332-00074863-00074967 uh c276m1ApP2c-00333-00074968-00075206 took hold of it and then we we c276m1ApP2c-00334-00075207-00075399 made it into something that is alive in c276m1ApP2c-00335-00075400-00075599 the slsr so i just give you the short c276m1ApP2c-00336-00075600-00075775 version now okay the short version of e c276m1ApP2c-00337-00075776-00076015 pedagogy is c276m1ApP2c-00338-00076016-00076206 whether this info for skill feature for c276m1ApP2c-00339-00076207-00076447 educators and not so the short version c276m1ApP2c-00340-00076448-00076623 of e pedagogy let me just look pretty c276m1ApP2c-00341-00076624-00076823 clear c276m1ApP2c-00342-00076824-00076999 okay c276m1ApP2c-00343-00077000-00077294 it has four things okay i already c276m1ApP2c-00344-00077295-00077503 simplified yeah four things c276m1ApP2c-00345-00077504-00077735 first thing is c276m1ApP2c-00346-00077736-00077935 uh whether the c276m1ApP2c-00347-00077936-00078126 whether there is coherence in your c276m1ApP2c-00348-00078127-00078343 lesson flow okay i put it this way it's c276m1ApP2c-00349-00078344-00078559 called constructive alignment okay that c276m1ApP2c-00350-00078560-00078735 means whether that is you align your c276m1ApP2c-00351-00078736-00078894 activity with your objective with c276m1ApP2c-00352-00078895-00079047 assessment okay c276m1ApP2c-00353-00079048-00079199 the second thing c276m1ApP2c-00354-00079200-00079359 is it has c276m1ApP2c-00355-00079360-00079526 learning experience c276m1ApP2c-00356-00079527-00079782 so because in cbd etd we all talk the c276m1ApP2c-00357-00079783-00079950 same way right so c276m1ApP2c-00358-00079951-00080087 i mean i don't want to go into the c276m1ApP2c-00359-00080088-00080382 details but there are different learning c276m1ApP2c-00360-00080383-00080559 experiences c276m1ApP2c-00361-00080560-00080791 but generally we just take it as one c276m1ApP2c-00362-00080792-00081047 learning experience we need to we need c276m1ApP2c-00363-00081048-00081159 to learn c276m1ApP2c-00364-00081160-00081367 we need to experience to truly c276m1ApP2c-00365-00081368-00081519 appreciate what the teacher is talking c276m1ApP2c-00366-00081520-00081759 about because if you tell me do you feel c276m1ApP2c-00367-00081760-00082006 this that then i cannot i cannot grapple c276m1ApP2c-00368-00082007-00082167 it i cannot understand the concept i c276m1ApP2c-00369-00082168-00082375 cannot see the visualization i cannot c276m1ApP2c-00370-00082376-00082606 change the variable i do not have any c276m1ApP2c-00371-00082607-00082823 handle to understand so i think this one c276m1ApP2c-00372-00082824-00083015 is generally quite okay learning c276m1ApP2c-00373-00083016-00083223 experience okay so this is the second c276m1ApP2c-00374-00083224-00083550 uh component of e-pedagogy c276m1ApP2c-00375-00083551-00083767 the third component is active learning c276m1ApP2c-00376-00083768-00083959 process because we don't want learners c276m1ApP2c-00377-00083960-00084191 to be passive so they must be actively c276m1ApP2c-00378-00084192-00084375 constructing meaning c276m1ApP2c-00379-00084376-00084543 okay so there are all these various c276m1ApP2c-00380-00084544-00084687 steps which i also will not just give c276m1ApP2c-00381-00084688-00084838 you the big picture c276m1ApP2c-00382-00084839-00085087 in the interest of uh being clear and c276m1ApP2c-00383-00085088-00085223 succinct c276m1ApP2c-00384-00085224-00085391 okay this one clear application of c276m1ApP2c-00385-00085392-00085623 technology this one you okay i talk to c276m1ApP2c-00386-00085624-00085782 people c276m1ApP2c-00387-00085783-00085982 some people seem to think that this is c276m1ApP2c-00388-00085983-00086150 the way going forward so i need to c276m1ApP2c-00389-00086151-00086367 elaborate on a little bit on this so c276m1ApP2c-00390-00086368-00086582 assessment of learning is one of the key c276m1ApP2c-00391-00086583-00086775 application of technology c276m1ApP2c-00392-00086776-00086943 differentiation c276m1ApP2c-00393-00086944-00087087 is another key c276m1ApP2c-00394-00087088-00087199 it's another c276m1ApP2c-00395-00087200-00087391 facet that we must be c276m1ApP2c-00396-00087392-00087575 familiar with c276m1ApP2c-00397-00087576-00087775 okay so assessment and learning how we c276m1ApP2c-00398-00087776-00088015 can we can do assessment is simply just c276m1ApP2c-00399-00088016-00088359 mcq or in sls is the itt are y'all c276m1ApP2c-00400-00088360-00088606 familiar with all this acronym c276m1ApP2c-00401-00088607-00088847 i think in interactive thinking tool c276m1ApP2c-00402-00088848-00089062 like that i'll show you this is called c276m1ApP2c-00403-00089063-00089303 free response question okay so c276m1ApP2c-00404-00089304-00089511 differentiation i know is difficult uh c276m1ApP2c-00405-00089512-00089703 because in sls you can do different c276m1ApP2c-00406-00089704-00089903 pumping so high ability mid ability low c276m1ApP2c-00407-00089904-00090023 ability but c276m1ApP2c-00408-00090024-00090255 uh if it's difficult then just ignore it c276m1ApP2c-00409-00090256-00090406 for the time being but c276m1ApP2c-00410-00090407-00090535 conceptually c276m1ApP2c-00411-00090536-00090782 philosophically we all believe that c276m1ApP2c-00412-00090783-00090991 differentiation is good for teaching and c276m1ApP2c-00413-00090992-00091247 learning agreed okay c276m1ApP2c-00414-00091248-00091479 okay so we later on i'll show you c276m1ApP2c-00415-00091480-00091615 exactly lesson you can see these all c276m1ApP2c-00416-00091616-00091815 come alive quite a conceptual change c276m1ApP2c-00417-00091816-00092006 this is where i believe a lot of the c276m1ApP2c-00418-00092007-00092143 tracker c276m1ApP2c-00419-00092144-00092382 simulations the phd stuff these are c276m1ApP2c-00420-00092383-00092591 these are very very uh good for c276m1ApP2c-00421-00092592-00092743 conceptual change c276m1ApP2c-00422-00092744-00093006 what it means is there's this thing here c276m1ApP2c-00423-00093007-00093191 i will not show you the this is just an c276m1ApP2c-00424-00093192-00093326 animated gmail i will not show the c276m1ApP2c-00425-00093327-00093518 actual sim but basically you can see c276m1ApP2c-00426-00093519-00093774 very simple interface one slider one c276m1ApP2c-00427-00093775-00093871 object c276m1ApP2c-00428-00093872-00094087 the light bounces and i can see then c276m1ApP2c-00429-00094088-00094374 there's also a hint to tell the student c276m1ApP2c-00430-00094375-00094679 to do productive noticing so this will c276m1ApP2c-00431-00094680-00094823 tell you that this is what the suppose c276m1ApP2c-00432-00094824-00094959 this is what the students are supposed c276m1ApP2c-00433-00094960-00095174 to notice this is where light cannot get c276m1ApP2c-00434-00095175-00095318 through to the eye because it's being c276m1ApP2c-00435-00095319-00095615 blocked so all these are scaffolded c276m1ApP2c-00436-00095616-00095862 explicitly so very little chance because c276m1ApP2c-00437-00095863-00096087 i designed this for premier school kids c276m1ApP2c-00438-00096088-00096374 uh so there's no chance for c276m1ApP2c-00439-00096375-00096574 for for mistakes like then there's no c276m1ApP2c-00440-00096575-00096782 ambiguity right so we try to make it as c276m1ApP2c-00441-00096783-00096982 clear as possible now this is uh c276m1ApP2c-00442-00096983-00097167 something i did with c276m1ApP2c-00443-00097168-00097367 veteran i didn't know he's going to be c276m1ApP2c-00444-00097368-00097631 here so i already included it here c276m1ApP2c-00445-00097632-00097750 because c276m1ApP2c-00446-00097751-00098038 when bertrand was was with me for a c276m1ApP2c-00447-00098039-00098303 short i think 10 weeks or something then c276m1ApP2c-00448-00098304-00098503 it was an etd then c276m1ApP2c-00449-00098504-00098687 one thing led to another then he found c276m1ApP2c-00450-00098688-00098935 out i can do things so i shared with him c276m1ApP2c-00451-00098936-00099311 how you can do a model of uh aeroplane c276m1ApP2c-00452-00099312-00099631 flying backwards which at the end then c276m1ApP2c-00453-00099632-00099735 basically c276m1ApP2c-00454-00099736-00099982 we basically what bertrand did was he c276m1ApP2c-00455-00099983-00100191 did the the the c276m1ApP2c-00456-00100192-00100415 tracking of the motion or the flight of c276m1ApP2c-00457-00100416-00100743 the aeroplane then later on he's he c276m1ApP2c-00458-00100744-00100911 added a layer c276m1ApP2c-00459-00100912-00101079 of c276m1ApP2c-00460-00101080-00101262 what we call dynamic model i believe it c276m1ApP2c-00461-00101263-00101471 was the dynamic model so the model c276m1ApP2c-00462-00101472-00101799 matches the flight of the aeroplane the c276m1ApP2c-00463-00101800-00101991 the children's aeroplane c276m1ApP2c-00464-00101992-00102231 but nevertheless i believe bertrand is c276m1ApP2c-00465-00102232-00102454 here he he can tell you c276m1ApP2c-00466-00102455-00102686 uh that there's the strength of the c276m1ApP2c-00467-00102688-00102847 learning he has c276m1ApP2c-00468-00102848-00103086 acquired the concept everything comes a c276m1ApP2c-00469-00103088-00103310 lot he got apply flight you've got to c276m1ApP2c-00470-00103311-00103542 apply mg gotta apply drag you've got to c276m1ApP2c-00471-00103543-00103742 apply uh c276m1ApP2c-00472-00103743-00103839 lived c276m1ApP2c-00473-00103840-00103975 i believe these are c276m1ApP2c-00474-00103976-00104102 vaguely these are the little things i c276m1ApP2c-00475-00104103-00104366 guess veteran was with me i think five c276m1ApP2c-00476-00104367-00104510 years back is it c276m1ApP2c-00477-00104511-00104799 i can't remember how long ago but i i c276m1ApP2c-00478-00104800-00105023 had this even before bertrand i didn't c276m1ApP2c-00479-00105024-00105199 know he's here lah so i'm just going to c276m1ApP2c-00480-00105200-00105343 show it here okay so i just tell you c276m1ApP2c-00481-00105344-00105415 that c276m1ApP2c-00482-00105416-00105583 there's a lot of things that we can do c276m1ApP2c-00483-00105583-00105727 with tractor that is c276m1ApP2c-00484-00105728-00105919 powerful in model building c276m1ApP2c-00485-00105920-00106166 okay scaffolding so in simulation c276m1ApP2c-00486-00106167-00106423 typically we have all these numbers so c276m1ApP2c-00487-00106424-00106678 we make it clear to the student what you c276m1ApP2c-00488-00106679-00106934 should be noticing because in a real c276m1ApP2c-00489-00106935-00107078 micrometer it could be difficult to c276m1ApP2c-00490-00107079-00107327 notice productively let's see what you c276m1ApP2c-00491-00107328-00107543 want me to see is it this line is it c276m1ApP2c-00492-00107544-00107734 this side which line you want me to see c276m1ApP2c-00493-00107735-00107958 but using simulation we can you can c276m1ApP2c-00494-00107959-00108119 scaffold okay c276m1ApP2c-00495-00108120-00108295 then this is another example where i did c276m1ApP2c-00496-00108296-00108478 with a chemistry teacher she wanted c276m1ApP2c-00497-00108479-00108654 something i saw i helped her c276m1ApP2c-00498-00108655-00108863 so it's careful where we actually make c276m1ApP2c-00499-00108864-00109007 the the c276m1ApP2c-00500-00109008-00109286 we make the molecule uh have a c276m1ApP2c-00501-00109288-00109558 have a stronger outline to scaffold to c276m1ApP2c-00502-00109559-00109719 make that student notice oh this is c276m1ApP2c-00503-00109720-00109951 their mistake uh this is the uh this is c276m1ApP2c-00504-00109952-00110175 their shortcoming they didn't make four c276m1ApP2c-00505-00110176-00110399 and four you know so we make all this c276m1ApP2c-00506-00110400-00110583 design here c276m1ApP2c-00507-00110583-00110807 personalization this is an example where c276m1ApP2c-00508-00110808-00111023 we i think we've talked young we thought c276m1ApP2c-00509-00111024-00111223 and we thought personalization was c276m1ApP2c-00510-00111224-00111327 something c276m1ApP2c-00511-00111328-00111495 that we can do in srs but in physics c276m1ApP2c-00512-00111496-00111743 education the physics performance task c276m1ApP2c-00513-00111744-00111934 was something that we thought was very c276m1ApP2c-00514-00111935-00112054 it's a very nice slant to c276m1ApP2c-00515-00112055-00112239 personalization because we tell the c276m1ApP2c-00516-00112240-00112383 student okay this is roughly what you c276m1ApP2c-00517-00112383-00112543 need to do but you're going to decide c276m1ApP2c-00518-00112544-00112654 why it's a physics task you want to c276m1ApP2c-00519-00112655-00112871 analyze you can do a video analysis then c276m1ApP2c-00520-00112872-00113063 after 10 weeks we come and discuss the c276m1ApP2c-00521-00113064-00113254 physics i think this is one of the c276m1ApP2c-00522-00113255-00113495 examples i can recall c276m1ApP2c-00523-00113496-00113663 that uh talks about personalization at c276m1ApP2c-00524-00113664-00113775 all c276m1ApP2c-00525-00113776-00113919 method connection is thinking about c276m1ApP2c-00526-00113920-00114134 thinking we can we can later we can we c276m1ApP2c-00527-00114135-00114358 can use itt to talk about it learning c276m1ApP2c-00528-00114359-00114663 together because learning fundamentally c276m1ApP2c-00529-00114664-00114934 i could not have learned so much if i c276m1ApP2c-00530-00114935-00115071 just sit down on my table and look at c276m1ApP2c-00531-00115072-00115190 books uh c276m1ApP2c-00532-00115191-00115399 i mean all of us will agree like at some c276m1ApP2c-00533-00115400-00115575 point you need to talk to somebody the c276m1ApP2c-00534-00115576-00115751 knowledgeable other maybe somebody also c276m1ApP2c-00535-00115752-00115927 not so knowledgeable but sometimes the c276m1ApP2c-00536-00115928-00116183 bouncing idea helps me to figure out hey c276m1ApP2c-00537-00116183-00116407 oh this is how you see oh then it c276m1ApP2c-00538-00116408-00116623 strengthen may not give me the correct c276m1ApP2c-00539-00116624-00116847 answer but at least i figured out some c276m1ApP2c-00540-00116848-00117078 things along the way like oh okay so c276m1ApP2c-00541-00117079-00117471 this is the this is the e pedagogy c276m1ApP2c-00542-00117472-00117686 okay i'm going to show you a sls lesson c276m1ApP2c-00543-00117688-00117927 okay c276m1ApP2c-00544-00117928-00118399 okay the lesson is here ss lesson c276m1ApP2c-00545-00118400-00118551 okay c276m1ApP2c-00546-00118552-00118758 let me see if i can put the chat in or c276m1ApP2c-00547-00118759-00119199 not c276m1ApP2c-00548-00119200-00119407 this is the ss lesson okay so in this ss c276m1ApP2c-00549-00119408-00119527 lesson c276m1ApP2c-00550-00119528-00119607 i c276m1ApP2c-00551-00119608-00119807 designed a simulation okay this is the c276m1ApP2c-00552-00119808-00120023 same simulation typically i i will tell c276m1ApP2c-00553-00120024-00120231 student to launch in full screen but we c276m1ApP2c-00554-00120232-00120383 can put the instruction on the left and c276m1ApP2c-00555-00120383-00120566 the right so the student can c276m1ApP2c-00556-00120567-00120743 can see i mean it's a bit small on my c276m1ApP2c-00557-00120744-00120990 screen but you can see that you can get c276m1ApP2c-00558-00120991-00121175 the student to interact and again read c276m1ApP2c-00559-00121176-00121343 okay so this is one of the design that c276m1ApP2c-00560-00121344-00121502 we thought is useful c276m1ApP2c-00561-00121503-00121743 then we can get students to draw c276m1ApP2c-00562-00121744-00121943 because we wanted to draw the g field so c276m1ApP2c-00563-00121944-00122199 we give them a template then they can go c276m1ApP2c-00564-00122200-00122471 and draw the g field so of course c276m1ApP2c-00565-00122472-00122719 realizing that they can actually use the c276m1ApP2c-00566-00122720-00122934 simulation to draw c276m1ApP2c-00567-00122935-00123119 then again they can scope so it's c276m1ApP2c-00568-00123120-00123271 something like that c276m1ApP2c-00569-00123272-00123502 a one over r square form c276m1ApP2c-00570-00123503-00123783 so you want the student to draw so don't c276m1ApP2c-00571-00123783-00123854 uh c276m1ApP2c-00572-00123855-00124095 so this is one way we can get get to use c276m1ApP2c-00573-00124096-00124310 sls to do the c276m1ApP2c-00574-00124311-00124510 the performance so the student can draw c276m1ApP2c-00575-00124511-00124639 do the drawing c276m1ApP2c-00576-00124640-00124766 then after that we can use the c276m1ApP2c-00577-00124767-00124943 interactive thinking tool okay so c276m1ApP2c-00578-00124944-00125054 interactive thinking too is something c276m1ApP2c-00579-00125055-00125158 like this c276m1ApP2c-00580-00125159-00125366 uh it has three tabs because i designed c276m1ApP2c-00581-00125367-00125519 it to actually tap so the first step i c276m1ApP2c-00582-00125520-00125743 asked to learn to draw one time c276m1ApP2c-00583-00125744-00125902 and after that i draw i asked him to c276m1ApP2c-00584-00125903-00126175 draw for the other m2 okay then c276m1ApP2c-00585-00126176-00126423 eventually i get the student to draw c276m1ApP2c-00586-00126424-00126654 the m1 and m2 combined together c276m1ApP2c-00587-00126655-00126790 okay i c276m1ApP2c-00588-00126791-00126983 took i cannot take credit for this c276m1ApP2c-00589-00126983-00127223 design uh the original design was by c276m1ApP2c-00590-00127224-00127478 jimmy in yjc because i work with him as c276m1ApP2c-00591-00127479-00127751 a collaborator in 2016 and all that but c276m1ApP2c-00592-00127752-00127975 i took the worksheet from him again then c276m1ApP2c-00593-00127976-00128310 i re-put it back into sls as a as a with c276m1ApP2c-00594-00128311-00128414 my own c276m1ApP2c-00595-00128415-00128823 remix uh but the idea i took from gmail c276m1ApP2c-00596-00128824-00129039 okay so i think what happened is at the c276m1ApP2c-00597-00129040-00129239 end when the student all key in all the c276m1ApP2c-00598-00129240-00129463 answers are they can actually go to this c276m1ApP2c-00599-00129464-00129671 view all and then they can see c276m1ApP2c-00600-00129672-00129871 i i don't want to take up too much time c276m1ApP2c-00601-00129872-00130078 but basically you trust me if you get c276m1ApP2c-00602-00130079-00130295 student to use itt interactive thinking c276m1ApP2c-00603-00130296-00130590 too they can see all the students other c276m1ApP2c-00604-00130591-00130886 students responses when we are physics c276m1ApP2c-00605-00130888-00131271 teachers uh in moe i think c276m1ApP2c-00606-00131272-00131431 at some point you may have played with c276m1ApP2c-00607-00131432-00131631 this or something you may have heard of c276m1ApP2c-00608-00131632-00131839 this from your colleagues this c276m1ApP2c-00609-00131840-00132166 taking from mia is a powerful design for c276m1ApP2c-00610-00132167-00132439 sharing ideas i heard from my colleagues c276m1ApP2c-00611-00132440-00132678 i said oh yeah no big deal but as i play c276m1ApP2c-00612-00132679-00132895 with it i realize actually there's a lot c276m1ApP2c-00613-00132896-00133087 of wonderful learning that can be c276m1ApP2c-00614-00133088-00133263 achieved by getting students who do this c276m1ApP2c-00615-00133264-00133414 interactive thing you do because there's c276m1ApP2c-00616-00133415-00133654 no assessment if i just get the student c276m1ApP2c-00617-00133655-00133790 to go and write their answer then they c276m1ApP2c-00618-00133791-00133959 say hey how come this fellow draw like c276m1ApP2c-00619-00133960-00134159 this how come another follower draw like c276m1ApP2c-00620-00134160-00134399 that i see then i get to think how come c276m1ApP2c-00621-00134400-00134566 my answer is correct or wrong i think c276m1ApP2c-00622-00134567-00134871 it's fantastic as a tool for sharing c276m1ApP2c-00623-00134872-00135223 ideas so there's no marks okay c276m1ApP2c-00624-00135224-00135335 then of course there will be all these c276m1ApP2c-00625-00135336-00135639 usual multiple choice c276m1ApP2c-00626-00135640-00135854 then another one where i get students to c276m1ApP2c-00627-00135855-00136063 predict the c276m1ApP2c-00628-00136064-00136302 where's this neutral point so the design c276m1ApP2c-00629-00136303-00136575 just keep going so i i c276m1ApP2c-00630-00136576-00136807 i'm doing the design halfway but i c276m1ApP2c-00631-00136808-00137014 thought uh it would be good to share c276m1ApP2c-00632-00137015-00137214 with you some of the c276m1ApP2c-00633-00137215-00137495 thinking behind how we can c276m1ApP2c-00634-00137496-00137743 use simulations which is an essential c276m1ApP2c-00635-00137744-00137871 part of c276m1ApP2c-00636-00137872-00138151 uh blending the real equipment which i a c276m1ApP2c-00637-00138152-00138287 lot of the participants already said c276m1ApP2c-00638-00138288-00138663 you're using real equipment is fantastic c276m1ApP2c-00639-00138664-00138847 again i'd like to say that my c276m1ApP2c-00640-00138848-00139143 simulations if you use fascination c276m1ApP2c-00641-00139144-00139359 a man to augment c276m1ApP2c-00642-00139360-00139566 we do not advocate c276m1ApP2c-00643-00139567-00139807 throwing away the physics lab c276m1ApP2c-00644-00139808-00140078 what i'm doing is i'm just digitizing a c276m1ApP2c-00645-00140079-00140351 copy that you can very easily replicate c276m1ApP2c-00646-00140352-00140590 some of this physics experiment that you c276m1ApP2c-00647-00140591-00140790 can do with the student but it by no c276m1ApP2c-00648-00140791-00141007 means it is a c276m1ApP2c-00649-00141008-00141327 replacement by no means it is to it's no c276m1ApP2c-00650-00141328-00141519 by no means do i make any claims that is c276m1ApP2c-00651-00141520-00141654 superior c276m1ApP2c-00652-00141655-00141911 i am saying that it is a good way to c276m1ApP2c-00653-00141912-00142119 blend the rail with the virtual so you c276m1ApP2c-00654-00142120-00142302 have a real experiment c276m1ApP2c-00655-00142303-00142447 probably we can have something that's c276m1ApP2c-00656-00142448-00142687 similar in set up we can have it in the c276m1ApP2c-00657-00142688-00142959 virtual form put it in sls the student c276m1ApP2c-00658-00142960-00143135 do the real one in the in the real c276m1ApP2c-00659-00143136-00143302 classroom setting with you c276m1ApP2c-00660-00143303-00143559 in the sls they can also by some chance c276m1ApP2c-00661-00143560-00143783 if that if we happen to make one already c276m1ApP2c-00662-00143784-00143975 then we can put inside one they can also c276m1ApP2c-00663-00143976-00144302 manipulate it virtually to c276m1ApP2c-00664-00144303-00144583 get the best of experience in the real c276m1ApP2c-00665-00144584-00144814 world as well as a virtual c276m1ApP2c-00666-00144815-00145063 okay so then the e pedagogy come in c276m1ApP2c-00667-00145064-00145254 where we talk about some of these key c276m1ApP2c-00668-00145255-00145351 uh c276m1ApP2c-00669-00145352-00145551 key applications of technology kate c276m1ApP2c-00670-00145552-00145863 bitcoin catalan k-a-k-a-t c276m1ApP2c-00671-00145864-00146031 i think that is something that you will c276m1ApP2c-00672-00146032-00146223 keep on hearing from your school leaders c276m1ApP2c-00673-00146224-00146447 and all that so it's good to familiarize c276m1ApP2c-00674-00146448-00146575 yourself with these c276m1ApP2c-00675-00146576-00146678 uh c276m1ApP2c-00676-00146679-00146919 key applications of technology or c276m1ApP2c-00677-00146920-00147102 e-pedagogy so c276m1ApP2c-00678-00147103-00147295 and then finally i see many with an c276m1ApP2c-00679-00147296-00147511 example of an sls lesson c276m1ApP2c-00680-00147512-00147639 which i do not just talk about the c276m1ApP2c-00681-00147640-00147966 theory because i know theory very it c276m1ApP2c-00682-00147967-00148143 all sounds correct but how does it look c276m1ApP2c-00683-00148144-00148375 like show me okay i show your access c276m1ApP2c-00684-00148376-00148678 so it's in the link below by no means c276m1ApP2c-00685-00148679-00148887 it's perfect so that's why i come back c276m1ApP2c-00686-00148888-00149159 to the to the point i'm driving and uh c276m1ApP2c-00687-00149160-00149447 this lesson can be copied out to your c276m1ApP2c-00688-00149448-00149663 to your own my drive make the at this c276m1ApP2c-00689-00149664-00149783 you want to see c276m1ApP2c-00690-00149784-00149983 be the change that you want to see in c276m1ApP2c-00691-00149984-00150183 the physics lesson that i've i've c276m1ApP2c-00692-00150184-00150414 altered then you'll submit it back to c276m1ApP2c-00693-00150415-00150583 sls cg c276m1ApP2c-00694-00150584-00150807 i will look at it i say okay i will c276m1ApP2c-00695-00150808-00151087 replace it and then together we become c276m1ApP2c-00696-00151088-00151302 co-authors of a better c276m1ApP2c-00697-00151303-00151614 a better lesson that has benefit of you c276m1ApP2c-00698-00151615-00151863 as teachers on the ground and me being c276m1ApP2c-00699-00151864-00152039 in hq uh c276m1ApP2c-00700-00152040-00152302 you know doing some specialized work so c276m1ApP2c-00701-00152303-00152511 i think this is a good way to c276m1ApP2c-00702-00152512-00152639 collaborate c276m1ApP2c-00703-00152640-00152926 so with that i think it's my time is up c276m1ApP2c-00704-00152927-00153143 thank you so much c276m1ApP2c-00705-00153144-00153295 thank you so much laurence for sharing c276m1ApP2c-00706-00153296-00153495 about you know e-pedagogy and the use of c276m1ApP2c-00707-00153496-00153695 sls you know and uh simulations to c276m1ApP2c-00708-00153696-00153878 augment whatever that students are c276m1ApP2c-00709-00153879-00154078 already doing in the lab right so this c276m1ApP2c-00710-00154079-00154295 is definitely very useful c276m1ApP2c-00711-00154296-00154463 and okay at this point i think in the c276m1ApP2c-00712-00154464-00154663 chat yes there is a link being shared c276m1ApP2c-00713-00154664-00154823 for the reflection questions for today c276m1ApP2c-00714-00154824-00155039 understand that it is already uh time c276m1ApP2c-00715-00155040-00155214 you know i mean like already past five c276m1ApP2c-00716-00155215-00155407 slightly so spare of us for a bit maybe c276m1ApP2c-00717-00155408-00155551 i just need to borrow another 2-3 c276m1ApP2c-00718-00155552-00155920 minutes of a time so please access c4wbv6dHCPA-00000-00000131-00000530 Breezie my DEA explain why masternode c4wbv6dHCPA-00001-00000531-00000761 the XMP masternode is an improvement c4wbv6dHCPA-00002-00000762-00000994 money wallet that is fully synchronized c4wbv6dHCPA-00003-00000996-00001283 with the blockchain and runs 24 hours a c4wbv6dHCPA-00004-00001284-00001483 day seven days a week c4wbv6dHCPA-00005-00001484-00001823 unlike other masks it does not run on c4wbv6dHCPA-00006-00001823-00002143 any server our computer XMD token c4wbv6dHCPA-00007-00002144-00002357 developers do these jobs with great c4wbv6dHCPA-00008-00002358-00002558 rigor on the computers they create for c4wbv6dHCPA-00009-00002559-00002860 users there is no need to install any c4wbv6dHCPA-00010-00002861-00003095 programs or tokens into a different c4wbv6dHCPA-00011-00003096-00003401 environment it does not charge any fees c4wbv6dHCPA-00012-00003402-00003731 for the work as with other coins the XMD c4wbv6dHCPA-00013-00003732-00003935 coin does not regulate a certain point c4wbv6dHCPA-00014-00003936-00004295 lock allows you to make the XMB token c4wbv6dHCPA-00015-00004296-00004574 quantity you want in your hand in this c4wbv6dHCPA-00016-00004575-00004886 crypto world only the XMD typeface is c4wbv6dHCPA-00017-00004887-00005195 also seasonal the XMD coin has a c4wbv6dHCPA-00018-00005196-00005384 different delivery venue than other c4wbv6dHCPA-00019-00005385-00005708 crypto tokens all arrivals are c4wbv6dHCPA-00020-00005709-00005924 organically distributed compared to c4wbv6dHCPA-00021-00005925-00006172 coins made on master note it gives away c4wbv6dHCPA-00022-00006173-00006397 much more than crypto currencies around c4wbv6dHCPA-00023-00006398-00006457 the world c4wbv6dHCPA-00024-00006458-00006719 passive income allows people to retreat c4wbv6dHCPA-00025-00006720-00007001 on a daily basis we are proud to present c4wbv6dHCPA-00026-00007002-00007456 the amazing earnings plan to all users c5hdxtkYuQc-00000-00000005-00000222 [Applause] c5hdxtkYuQc-00001-00000223-00001243 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00002-00001244-00001880 thank you c5hdxtkYuQc-00003-00001882-00002857 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00004-00002858-00003042 baby c5hdxtkYuQc-00005-00003043-00003272 baby baby baby baby c5hdxtkYuQc-00006-00003274-00004756 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00007-00004757-00005807 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00008-00005808-00006941 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00009-00006942-00008285 friends c5hdxtkYuQc-00010-00008286-00008654 [Applause] c5hdxtkYuQc-00011-00008655-00008964 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00012-00008965-00009192 something to calm down c5hdxtkYuQc-00013-00009193-00009360 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00014-00009361-00009491 your way c5hdxtkYuQc-00015-00009492-00012335 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00016-00012336-00012645 I'm in love c5hdxtkYuQc-00017-00012646-00013412 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00018-00013413-00013466 [Applause] c5hdxtkYuQc-00019-00013468-00014538 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00020-00014538-00014563 [Applause] c5hdxtkYuQc-00021-00014565-00015701 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00022-00015702-00015922 baby c5hdxtkYuQc-00023-00015922-00016997 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00024-00016998-00017218 ready c5hdxtkYuQc-00025-00017219-00017247 [Applause] c5hdxtkYuQc-00026-00017248-00017355 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00027-00017356-00017614 [Applause] c5hdxtkYuQc-00028-00017615-00018816 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00029-00018817-00019606 [Applause] c5hdxtkYuQc-00030-00019607-00019864 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00031-00019865-00020354 foreign c5hdxtkYuQc-00032-00020355-00022608 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00033-00022609-00023246 walking through all the dust memories c5hdxtkYuQc-00034-00023247-00024491 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00035-00024492-00024863 they feel so crazy still in love with c5hdxtkYuQc-00036-00024864-00025253 you you make me feel amazing when I'm c5hdxtkYuQc-00037-00025254-00025807 next to you you make me feel so crazy c5hdxtkYuQc-00038-00025808-00028123 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00039-00028124-00029283 thank you c5hdxtkYuQc-00040-00029285-00030370 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00041-00030372-00030833 when there's no hope loving for you who c5hdxtkYuQc-00042-00030833-00031204 saw me before c5hdxtkYuQc-00043-00031205-00031570 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00044-00031572-00031674 [Applause] c5hdxtkYuQc-00045-00031675-00031924 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00046-00031925-00032483 can't share it with you c5hdxtkYuQc-00047-00032485-00033342 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00048-00033343-00033783 [Applause] c5hdxtkYuQc-00049-00033784-00034618 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00050-00034619-00035355 [Applause] c5hdxtkYuQc-00051-00035356-00036049 [Music] c5hdxtkYuQc-00052-00036050-00036368 thank you c69aHE29CUI-00000-00000061-00000403 extended eunuchs code EUC is a multibyte c69aHE29CUI-00001-00000404-00000603 character encoding system used primarily c69aHE29CUI-00002-00000604-00000844 for Japanese Korean and simplified c69aHE29CUI-00003-00000844-00001207 Chinese the structure of EUC is based on c69aHE29CUI-00004-00001208-00001500 the iso 202 2 standard which specifies a c69aHE29CUI-00005-00001501-00001680 way to represent character sets c69aHE29CUI-00006-00001682-00001930 containing a maximum of 94 characters c69aHE29CUI-00007-00001930-00002487 for 8,000 836 942 characters or 830,000 c69aHE29CUI-00008-00002488-00002932 584 943 characters as sequences of 7bit c69aHE29CUI-00009-00002933-00003336 codes only iso 202 - compliant character c69aHE29CUI-00010-00003338-00003685 sets can have EUC forms up to 4 coded c69aHE29CUI-00011-00003686-00004027 character sets referred to as g0 g1 g2 c69aHE29CUI-00012-00004028-00004465 and g3 or as code sets 0 1 2 and 3 can c69aHE29CUI-00013-00004466-00004843 be represented with the EUC scheme g0 is c69aHE29CUI-00014-00004844-00005209 almost always an ISO 646 compliant coded c69aHE29CUI-00015-00005210-00005413 character set such as us-ascii c69aHE29CUI-00016-00005414-00006084 iso 646 k RK Zechs 1003 or iso 646 JP c69aHE29CUI-00017-00006085-00006397 the lower half of G's EXO 201 that is c69aHE29CUI-00018-00006398-00006598 invoked on GL ie with the most c69aHE29CUI-00019-00006598-00006859 significant bit cleared an exception c69aHE29CUI-00020-00006859-00007131 from us ASCII is that hexadecimal 5c c69aHE29CUI-00021-00007133-00007395 backslash in u.s. ASCII is often used to c69aHE29CUI-00022-00007397-00007698 represent a yen sign in EU cjp see below c69aHE29CUI-00023-00007700-00008109 and a1 sign in EU ck r to get the EU C c69aHE29CUI-00024-00008111-00008403 form of an iso 202 to character the most c69aHE29CUI-00025-00008404-00008632 significant bit of each 7 bit byte of c69aHE29CUI-00026-00008633-00008910 the original iso 2022 codes is set by c69aHE29CUI-00027-00008911-00009205 adding 128 to each of these original 7 c69aHE29CUI-00028-00009206-00009433 bit codes this allows software to easily c69aHE29CUI-00029-00009434-00009642 distinguish whether a particular byte in c69aHE29CUI-00030-00009643-00009870 a character string belongs to the ISO c69aHE29CUI-00031-00009871-00010408 646 code or the ISO 202 to GU C code the c69aHE29CUI-00032-00010409-00010630 most commonly used D u C codes are c69aHE29CUI-00033-00010631-00010783 variable-width encoding x' with a c69aHE29CUI-00034-00010784-00011155 character belonging to g0 iso 646 c69aHE29CUI-00035-00011156-00011398 compliant coded character set taking one c69aHE29CUI-00036-00011399-00011613 bite and a character belonging to g1 c69aHE29CUI-00037-00011614-00011935 taken by a 94 by 94 coded character set c69aHE29CUI-00038-00011936-00012321 represented in two bytes the EU CCN form c69aHE29CUI-00039-00012322-00012567 of gb two three one two and he you see c69aHE29CUI-00040-00012568-00012835 KR are examples of such two by tu c c69aHE29CUI-00041-00012836-00013174 codes EU c JP includes characters c69aHE29CUI-00042-00013175-00013441 represented by up to three bytes whereas c69aHE29CUI-00043-00013441-00013702 single character in EU CTW can take up c69aHE29CUI-00044-00013703-00014019 to four bytes modern applications are c69aHE29CUI-00045-00014020-00014272 more likely to use utf-8 which supports c69aHE29CUI-00046-00014272-00014482 all of the glyphs of the EUC codes and c69aHE29CUI-00047-00014483-00014688 more and is generally more portable with c69aHE29CUI-00048-00014690-00015172 fewer vendor deviations and errors c69aHE29CUI-00049-00015172-00015762 topic EU CCN c69aHE29CUI-00050-00015763-00016116 EU CCN is the usual way to use the GB c69aHE29CUI-00051-00016116-00016293 two three one two standard for c69aHE29CUI-00052-00016294-00016590 simplified Chinese characters unlike the c69aHE29CUI-00053-00016591-00016911 case of Japanese the iso:202 to form of c69aHE29CUI-00054-00016912-00017175 G B two three one two is not normally c69aHE29CUI-00055-00017176-00017412 used though a variant form called Hz was c69aHE29CUI-00056-00017413-00017685 sometimes used on Usenet an ASCII c69aHE29CUI-00057-00017686-00017871 character is represented in its usual c69aHE29CUI-00058-00017872-00018306 encoding a character from GB 2312 is c69aHE29CUI-00059-00018307-00018504 represented by two bytes in the range c69aHE29CUI-00060-00018505-00019036 hexadecimal a1 hexadecimal Fe c69aHE29CUI-00061-00019037-00019614 topic related encoding systems c69aHE29CUI-00062-00019615-00020187 topic 748 code c69aHE29CUI-00063-00020188-00020658 an encoding related to EU cc an Asda 748 c69aHE29CUI-00064-00020659-00020943 code used in the Wits typesetting system c69aHE29CUI-00065-00020944-00021108 developed by Beijing's founder c69aHE29CUI-00066-00021109-00021324 technology now obsoleted by its newer c69aHE29CUI-00067-00021325-00021699 fits typesetting system the 748 code c69aHE29CUI-00068-00021700-00021933 contains all of g/b two three one two c69aHE29CUI-00069-00021934-00022257 but is not ISO 2022 compliant and c69aHE29CUI-00070-00022258-00022461 therefore not a true EU C code c69aHE29CUI-00071-00022462-00022641 it uses an 8-bit lead bite but c69aHE29CUI-00072-00022642-00022839 distinguishes between a second byte with c69aHE29CUI-00073-00022840-00023028 its most significant bit set and one c69aHE29CUI-00074-00023029-00023202 with its most significant bit cleared c69aHE29CUI-00075-00023203-00023352 and is therefore more similar in c69aHE29CUI-00076-00023353-00023595 structure to Big Five and other non ISO c69aHE29CUI-00077-00023596-00023832 twenty twenty-two compliant DB CS c69aHE29CUI-00078-00023833-00024093 encoding systems the nan GB two three c69aHE29CUI-00079-00024094-00024414 one two portion of the 748 code contains c69aHE29CUI-00080-00024415-00024636 traditional and Hong Kong characters and c69aHE29CUI-00081-00024637-00024780 other glyphs used in newspaper c69aHE29CUI-00082-00024781-00025091 typesetting c69aHE29CUI-00083-00025092-00025812 topic gbk and gb1 803 Oh c69aHE29CUI-00084-00025813-00026145 gbk is an extension to gb two three one c69aHE29CUI-00085-00026147-00026449 two it defines an extended form of the c69aHE29CUI-00086-00026450-00026712 EU CCN encoding capable of representing c69aHE29CUI-00087-00026713-00026980 a larger array of CJK characters sourced c69aHE29CUI-00088-00026981-00027243 largely from unicode 1.1 including c69aHE29CUI-00089-00027244-00027427 traditional chinese characters and c69aHE29CUI-00090-00027427-00027706 characters used only in Japanese it is c69aHE29CUI-00091-00027707-00027967 not however a true EUC code because c69aHE29CUI-00092-00027968-00028164 ASCII bytes may appear as trail bytes c69aHE29CUI-00093-00028166-00028405 and c1 bytes not limited to the single c69aHE29CUI-00094-00028406-00028624 shifts may appear as leader trail bytes c69aHE29CUI-00095-00028625-00028843 due to a larger encoding space being c69aHE29CUI-00096-00028844-00029208 required variants of gbk are implemented c69aHE29CUI-00097-00029210-00029557 by windows code page 936 the Microsoft c69aHE29CUI-00098-00029558-00029796 Windows code page for simplified Chinese c69aHE29CUI-00099-00029797-00030246 and by IBM's code page 1386 the unicode c69aHE29CUI-00100-00030247-00030523 based gb1 803 au character encoding c69aHE29CUI-00101-00030524-00030808 defines an extension of gbk capable of c69aHE29CUI-00102-00030808-00031105 encoding the entirety of unicode however c69aHE29CUI-00103-00031106-00031435 unicode encoded as gb 1 803 au as a c69aHE29CUI-00104-00031436-00031636 variable-width encoding which may use up c69aHE29CUI-00105-00031637-00031873 to 4 bytes per character due to an even c69aHE29CUI-00106-00031874-00032082 larger encoding space being required c69aHE29CUI-00107-00032083-00032383 being an extension of gbk it is a c69aHE29CUI-00108-00032383-00032668 superset of EU CCN but is not itself at c69aHE29CUI-00109-00032669-00032958 true EU c code being a Unicode encoding c69aHE29CUI-00110-00032959-00033202 it's repertoire is identical to that of c69aHE29CUI-00111-00033203-00033406 other Unicode transformation formats c69aHE29CUI-00112-00033407-00033796 such as utf-8 Topic others other EU CC c69aHE29CUI-00113-00033797-00033993 and extensions include the mac OS c69aHE29CUI-00114-00033994-00034186 chinese simplified script known as c69aHE29CUI-00115-00034187-00034483 codepage 10,008 or x mac chinese simple c69aHE29CUI-00116-00034484-00034839 top deck EU CJ p EU c JP as a c69aHE29CUI-00117-00034840-00035023 variable-width encoding used to c69aHE29CUI-00118-00035024-00035224 represent the elements of three japanese c69aHE29CUI-00119-00035225-00035502 character set standards namely G's X o c69aHE29CUI-00120-00035503-00036102 2o 8 G's XO 2 1 2 and G's XO 2 o 10.1 c69aHE29CUI-00121-00036103-00036358 percent of all web pages use EU c JP c69aHE29CUI-00122-00036359-00036708 since August 2018 other names for this c69aHE29CUI-00123-00036709-00036993 encoding include UNIX eyes G's or UJ is c69aHE29CUI-00124-00036994-00037489 and AT&T G's it is called code page 954 c69aHE29CUI-00125-00037490-00037807 by IBM this encoding scheme allows the c69aHE29CUI-00126-00037808-00038052 easy mixing of 7-bit ascii and 8-bit c69aHE29CUI-00127-00038053-00038245 japanese without the need for the escape c69aHE29CUI-00128-00038246-00038589 characters employed by ISO 202 - JP c69aHE29CUI-00129-00038590-00038796 which is based on the same character set c69aHE29CUI-00130-00038797-00038976 standards and without ASCII bytes c69aHE29CUI-00131-00038977-00039102 appearing as trail bytes c69aHE29CUI-00132-00039103-00039164 unlike c69aHE29CUI-00133-00039165-00039452 jeez a related and partially compatible c69aHE29CUI-00134-00039453-00039908 encoding called EU CJ is EXO 2 1 3 or UC c69aHE29CUI-00135-00039909-00040324 G's 200 4 encodes G's EXO 201 and G's c69aHE29CUI-00136-00040325-00040631 EXO 2 1 3 similarly to shift underscore c69aHE29CUI-00137-00040632-00040837 JIS XO 2 1 3 c69aHE29CUI-00138-00040838-00041024 it's shift underscore G's based c69aHE29CUI-00139-00041025-00041408 counterpart compared to EU CCN or EU c c69aHE29CUI-00140-00041409-00041726 KR EU c JP did not become as widely c69aHE29CUI-00141-00041727-00041984 adopted on PC and Macintosh systems in c69aHE29CUI-00142-00041985-00042202 Japan which used shift G's or its c69aHE29CUI-00143-00042203-00042536 extensions windows code page 932 on c69aHE29CUI-00144-00042537-00042770 Microsoft Windows and Mac Japanese on c69aHE29CUI-00145-00042771-00042950 classic Mac OS although it became c69aHE29CUI-00146-00042951-00043168 heavily used by UNIX or unix-like c69aHE29CUI-00147-00043169-00043462 operating systems except for hp-ux c69aHE29CUI-00148-00043463-00043739 therefore whether Japanese websites use c69aHE29CUI-00149-00043740-00044033 EU c JP or shift underscore G's often c69aHE29CUI-00150-00044034-00044251 depends on what OS the author uses c69aHE29CUI-00151-00044252-00044561 vendor extensions to EU c JP were c69aHE29CUI-00152-00044562-00044774 usually allocated within the individual c69aHE29CUI-00153-00044775-00045037 code sets as opposed to using invalid EU c69aHE29CUI-00154-00045038-00045296 c sequences as in popular extensions of c69aHE29CUI-00155-00045297-00045652 EU c CN and EU c KR characters are c69aHE29CUI-00156-00045653-00045995 encoded as follows as an EU c iso 2022 c69aHE29CUI-00157-00045996-00046208 compliant encoding the co control c69aHE29CUI-00158-00046209-00046376 characters space and dell are c69aHE29CUI-00159-00046377-00046667 represented as in ascii a graphical c69aHE29CUI-00160-00046668-00046901 character from ascii code set 0 is c69aHE29CUI-00161-00046902-00047096 represented as its usual one byte c69aHE29CUI-00162-00047097-00047324 representation in the range hexadecimal c69aHE29CUI-00163-00047325-00047677 - 1 hexadecimal 7e while some variants c69aHE29CUI-00164-00047678-00047951 of EU c JP encode the lower half of g's c69aHE29CUI-00165-00047952-00048287 XO 201 here most encode ascii including c69aHE29CUI-00166-00048288-00048731 the w3c wh 8 e WG encoding standard used c69aHE29CUI-00167-00048732-00049108 by html5 and so does EU c G's 200 4 c69aHE29CUI-00168-00049109-00049433 while this means that hexadecimal 5 C is c69aHE29CUI-00169-00049434-00049760 typically mapped to unicode as u + oo 5c c69aHE29CUI-00170-00049761-00050054 reverse solidus the ascii backslash u + c69aHE29CUI-00171-00050055-00050342 oo 5 c may be displayed as a yin signed c69aHE29CUI-00172-00050343-00050614 by certain japanese locale fonts eg on c69aHE29CUI-00173-00050615-00050843 Microsoft Windows for compatibility with c69aHE29CUI-00174-00050844-00051229 the lower half of G's XO 201 a character c69aHE29CUI-00175-00051230-00051508 from G's XO 208 code set 1 is c69aHE29CUI-00176-00051509-00051725 represented by two bytes both in the c69aHE29CUI-00177-00051726-00052088 range hexadecimal a1 hexadecimal Fe this c69aHE29CUI-00178-00052089-00052369 differs from the iso 202 - JP c69aHE29CUI-00179-00052370-00052555 representation by having the high c69aHE29CUI-00180-00052557-00052844 set this code set may also contain c69aHE29CUI-00181-00052845-00053084 vendor extensions in some EU cjp c69aHE29CUI-00182-00053085-00053471 variants in EU C G's 200 for the first c69aHE29CUI-00183-00053472-00053750 plane of G's EXO - 1 3 is encoded here c69aHE29CUI-00184-00053751-00053948 which is effectively a superset of c69aHE29CUI-00185-00053949-00054304 standard G's EXO 208 a character from c69aHE29CUI-00186-00054305-00054611 the upper half of G's EXO 201 half-width c69aHE29CUI-00187-00054612-00054869 kana code set 2 is represented by 2 c69aHE29CUI-00188-00054870-00054941 bytes c69aHE29CUI-00189-00054941-00055151 the first being hexadecimal 80 the c69aHE29CUI-00190-00055152-00055412 second being the usual G's EXO 201 c69aHE29CUI-00191-00055413-00055642 representation in the range hexadecimal c69aHE29CUI-00192-00055644-00055988 a1 hexadecimal DF this set may contain c69aHE29CUI-00193-00055989-00056263 IBM vendor extensions in some variants a c69aHE29CUI-00194-00056264-00056612 character from G's EXO to 1 to code set c69aHE29CUI-00195-00056613-00056969 3 is represented in EU cjp by 3 bytes c69aHE29CUI-00196-00056970-00057191 the first being hexadecimal 8f the c69aHE29CUI-00197-00057191-00057332 following 2 being in the range c69aHE29CUI-00198-00057333-00057650 hexadecimal a1 hexadecimal fe e IE with c69aHE29CUI-00199-00057651-00057911 the high bit set in addition to standard c69aHE29CUI-00200-00057912-00058229 G's EXO to 1/2 code set the third of may c69aHE29CUI-00201-00058229-00058492 also contain IBM vendor extensions in c69aHE29CUI-00202-00058494-00058865 rows 83 and 84 in some EU cjp variants c69aHE29CUI-00203-00058866-00059252 in EU c G's 200 for the second plane of c69aHE29CUI-00204-00059253-00059546 G's EXO - 1 3 is encoded here which does c69aHE29CUI-00205-00059547-00059741 not collide with the allocated rows in c69aHE29CUI-00206-00059741-00060053 standard G's EXO 2 1 2 some c69aHE29CUI-00207-00060054-00060383 implementations of EU C G's 200 for such c69aHE29CUI-00208-00060384-00060623 as the one used by python allow both G's c69aHE29CUI-00209-00060624-00060986 EXO 2 1 2 and G's EXO 2 1 3 plane 2 c69aHE29CUI-00210-00060987-00061391 characters in the set c69aHE29CUI-00211-00061391-00062000 topic EU ckr c69aHE29CUI-00212-00062001-00062341 EU ckr as a variable-width encoding to c69aHE29CUI-00213-00062342-00062566 represent Korean text using two coded c69aHE29CUI-00214-00062567-00062991 character sets Ches X 1001 formerly KC c69aHE29CUI-00215-00062992-00063569 5601 and either ISO 646 KR k z-- X 1003 c69aHE29CUI-00216-00063570-00063991 formerly KC 5630 six or us-ascii c69aHE29CUI-00217-00063992-00064478 depending on variant K's X 2901 formerly c69aHE29CUI-00218-00064479-00064901 KC 5860 one stipulates the encoding an c69aHE29CUI-00219-00064902-00065360 RFC 1557 dubbed it as EU c KR when used c69aHE29CUI-00220-00065361-00065690 with ascii it is called code page 970 by c69aHE29CUI-00221-00065691-00065996 IBM a character drawn from k's x 1000 c69aHE29CUI-00222-00065997-00066542 won ji-hyun gr hexadecimal a1 c69aHE29CUI-00223-00066543-00066806 hexadecimal Fe and a character from Ches c69aHE29CUI-00224-00066807-00067040 X 1003 or us-ascii c69aHE29CUI-00225-00067041-00067382 g0 code set to 0 takes one bite in GL c69aHE29CUI-00226-00067383-00067871 hexadecimal to 1 hexadecimal 7e 0.3 c69aHE29CUI-00227-00067872-00068165 percent of all web pages use EU c KR in c69aHE29CUI-00228-00068166-00068522 April 2016 including extensions it is c69aHE29CUI-00229-00068523-00068732 the most widely used legacy character c69aHE29CUI-00230-00068733-00068927 encoding in Korea on all three major c69aHE29CUI-00231-00068928-00069218 platforms unix-like OS Windows and Mac c69aHE29CUI-00232-00069219-00069392 but its use has been very slowly c69aHE29CUI-00233-00069393-00069602 decreasing as utf-8 gains popularity c69aHE29CUI-00234-00069603-00069929 especially on Linux and Mac OS X it is c69aHE29CUI-00235-00069930-00070118 usually referred to as when Singh wons c69aHE29CUI-00236-00070119-00070397 on in Republic of Korea the default c69aHE29CUI-00237-00070398-00070669 Korean code page for windows code page c69aHE29CUI-00238-00070670-00071117 949 IBM's 1363 is a proprietary but c69aHE29CUI-00239-00071118-00071384 upward compatible extension of e uck are c69aHE29CUI-00240-00071385-00071630 referred to as unified Hangul code Tong c69aHE29CUI-00241-00071631-00071843 have one song hyung tongue have one song c69aHE29CUI-00242-00071844-00072188 e Mac Korean used in classic Mac OS is c69aHE29CUI-00243-00072189-00072569 also compatible with EU ckr as with most c69aHE29CUI-00244-00072570-00072833 other encodings utf-8 is now preferred c69aHE29CUI-00245-00072834-00073028 for new use solving problems with c69aHE29CUI-00246-00073029-00073223 consistency between platforms and c69aHE29CUI-00247-00073224-00073619 vendors c69aHE29CUI-00248-00073620-00074188 topic EU ctw c69aHE29CUI-00249-00074189-00074532 EU ctw as a variable-width encoding that c69aHE29CUI-00250-00074533-00074806 supports us ascii and sixteen planes of c69aHE29CUI-00251-00074807-00075304 CNS 11000 643 each of which is 94 by 94 c69aHE29CUI-00252-00075305-00075562 it is a rarely used encoding for c69aHE29CUI-00253-00075563-00075763 traditional Chinese characters as used c69aHE29CUI-00254-00075764-00076075 in Taiwan Big Five is much more common c69aHE29CUI-00255-00076076-00076506 as an e you see iso 2022 encoding the co c69aHE29CUI-00256-00076507-00076747 control characters ASCII space and del c69aHE29CUI-00257-00076748-00077065 are encoded as in ascii a graphical c69aHE29CUI-00258-00077066-00077400 character from us ASCII g0 code set zero c69aHE29CUI-00259-00077401-00077671 is encoded in GL as its usual single c69aHE29CUI-00260-00077672-00077911 byte representation hexadecimal to one c69aHE29CUI-00261-00077912-00078304 hexadecimal 7e a character from CNS c69aHE29CUI-00262-00078305-00078709 11000 643 plain one code set 1 is c69aHE29CUI-00263-00078710-00079021 encoded as 2 bytes in gr hexadecimal a1 c69aHE29CUI-00264-00079022-00079390 hexadecimal Fe a character in plain 1 c69aHE29CUI-00265-00079391-00079851 through 16 of CNS 11000 643 code set 2 c69aHE29CUI-00266-00079852-00080197 is encoded as 4 bytes the first bite is c69aHE29CUI-00267-00080198-00080481 always hexadecimal 80 single shift to c69aHE29CUI-00268-00080482-00080763 the second byte hexadecimal a1 c69aHE29CUI-00269-00080764-00081037 hexadecimal bo indicates the plain the c69aHE29CUI-00270-00081038-00081168 number of which is obtained by c69aHE29CUI-00271-00081169-00081388 subtracting hexadecimal ayo from that c69aHE29CUI-00272-00081389-00081675 byte the third and fourth bytes are in c69aHE29CUI-00273-00081676-00082018 gr hexadecimal a1 hexadecimal Fe note c69aHE29CUI-00274-00082019-00082399 that the plain one of C&S 11000 643 is c69aHE29CUI-00275-00082400-00082632 encoded twice as code set 1 and a part c69aHE29CUI-00276-00082633-00082996 of code set to utf-8 is becoming more c69aHE29CUI-00277-00082997-00083232 common than he you see TW as with most c69aHE29CUI-00278-00083233-00083618 code pages c69aHE29CUI-00279-00083619-00084226 topic packed versus fixed-length form c69aHE29CUI-00280-00084227-00084448 the encoding is described above using c69aHE29CUI-00281-00084449-00084727 bytes in hexadecimal to one hexadecimal c69aHE29CUI-00282-00084728-00085069 74 code set zero bytes in hexadecimal a1 c69aHE29CUI-00283-00085070-00085402 hexadecimal fe4 code set 1 hexadecimal a c69aHE29CUI-00284-00085403-00085654 key followed by bytes in hexadecimal a1 c69aHE29CUI-00285-00085655-00085912 hexadecimal fe4 code set 2 and c69aHE29CUI-00286-00085913-00086140 hexadecimal 8f followed by bytes in c69aHE29CUI-00287-00086141-00086455 hexadecimal a1 hexadecimal fe4 code set c69aHE29CUI-00288-00086456-00086680 3 are in a variable width form referred c69aHE29CUI-00289-00086681-00086977 to as the EUC packed format this is the c69aHE29CUI-00290-00086978-00087163 form usually labeled as e you see c69aHE29CUI-00291-00087164-00087391 internal processing may make use of a c69aHE29CUI-00292-00087392-00087589 fixed length alternative form called the c69aHE29CUI-00293-00087590-00087880 EUC complete to byte format this c69aHE29CUI-00294-00087881-00088246 represents code set 0 is 2 bytes in the c69aHE29CUI-00295-00088247-00088537 range hexadecimal to 1 hexadecimal 7 e c69aHE29CUI-00296-00088538-00088765 except that the first may be hexadecimal c69aHE29CUI-00297-00088766-00089119 oo code set 1 is 2 bytes in the range c69aHE29CUI-00298-00089120-00089410 hexadecimal AO hexadecimal FF except c69aHE29CUI-00299-00089411-00089652 that the first may be hexadecimal 8 o c69aHE29CUI-00300-00089653-00089917 code set to as a byte in the range c69aHE29CUI-00301-00089918-00090199 hexadecimal to O hexadecimal 7 he or c69aHE29CUI-00302-00090200-00090457 hexadecimal oo followed by a byte in the c69aHE29CUI-00303-00090458-00090856 range hexadecimal AO hexadecimal FF code c69aHE29CUI-00304-00090857-00091114 set 3 as a byte in the range hexadecimal c69aHE29CUI-00305-00091115-00091393 AO hexadecimal FF or hexadecimal IDO c69aHE29CUI-00306-00091394-00091567 followed by a byte in the range c69aHE29CUI-00307-00091568-00091831 hexadecimal to 1 hexadecimal 7 he c69aHE29CUI-00308-00091832-00092077 initial bytes of hexadecimal oo and c69aHE29CUI-00309-00092078-00092320 hexadecimal 800 are used in cases where c69aHE29CUI-00310-00092321-00092599 the code set uses only one byte there is c69aHE29CUI-00311-00092600-00092803 also a four byte fixed length format c69aHE29CUI-00312-00092804-00093022 these fixed length forms are suited to c69aHE29CUI-00313-00093023-00093238 internal processing and are not usually c69aHE29CUI-00314-00093239-00093604 encountered in interchange EUC JP is c69aHE29CUI-00315-00093605-00093805 registered with the Jana in both formats c69aHE29CUI-00316-00093806-00094429 the packed format des EUC JP or CSE UCP c69aHE29CUI-00317-00094430-00094828 KD f mt Japanese and the fixed-width c69aHE29CUI-00318-00094829-00095109 format as see sook fix with Japanese c69aHE29CUI-00319-00095110-00095401 only the packed format is included in c69aHE29CUI-00320-00095402-00095739 the wh8 ewg encoding standard used by c69aHE29CUI-00321-00095740-00096205 html5 c69aHE29CUI-00322-00096206-00096441 topic see also c69aHE29CUI-00323-00096442-00096696 you c69aHE29CUI-00324-00096697-00097131 CJK Japanese language and computers c69aHE29CUI-00325-00097132-00097492 Korean language and computers Chinese c69aHE29CUI-00326-00097493-00097887 character encoding c69aHE29CUI-00327-00097888-00098448 topic references c69aHE29CUI-00328-00098449-00098999 topic external links c69aHE29CUI-00329-00099000-00099389 EU cjp code set table - the ASCII and c69aHE29CUI-00330-00099390-00099956 half-width parts gb1 803 o- 2000 the new c69aHE29CUI-00331-00099957-00100241 chinese national standard the new c69aHE29CUI-00332-00100242-00100448 generation of pre-press software in c69aHE29CUI-00333-00100449-00100910 china mentions the 748 code description c69aHE29CUI-00334-00100911-00101303 of the EU CTW code in chinese manual c69aHE29CUI-00335-00101304-00101678 page of EU CJ is EXO - 1 3 in purling c69aHE29CUI-00336-00101679-00101996 code module international register of c69aHE29CUI-00337-00101997-00102188 coded character sets to be used with c69aHE29CUI-00338-00102189-00102665 escape sequence section 2.4 P 14 F with c69aHE29CUI-00339-00102666-00102880 the coded character sets of China Japan c69aHE29CUI-00340-00102881-00103127 South Korea North Korea and Taiwan c69aHE29CUI-00341-00103128-00103571 iso/iec Chinese Japanese and Korean c69aHE29CUI-00342-00103572-00103763 character set standards and encoding c69aHE29CUI-00343-00103764-00104008 systems c76fjJhL-yo-00000-00000092-00000350 hi there my name is Meredith shirk I'm c76fjJhL-yo-00001-00000351-00000574 the creator of an amazing 1 minute c76fjJhL-yo-00002-00000575-00000778 workout plan that I've been successfully c76fjJhL-yo-00003-00000779-00001045 teaching my clients for the past 12 c76fjJhL-yo-00004-00001046-00001291 years I've been doing this since I was c76fjJhL-yo-00005-00001292-00001634 18 years old now because it's so hard c76fjJhL-yo-00006-00001635-00001859 for most people to believe they can c76fjJhL-yo-00007-00001860-00002030 actually reach their health and fitness c76fjJhL-yo-00008-00002030-00002306 goals using only 60 seconds of focus and c76fjJhL-yo-00009-00002307-00002570 intense movement I want to give you a c76fjJhL-yo-00010-00002571-00002900 routine for free and I'm doing this so c76fjJhL-yo-00011-00002901-00003106 you can see how this way of exercising c76fjJhL-yo-00012-00003107-00003440 might just work for you if you're busy c76fjJhL-yo-00013-00003440-00003706 like me I have a newborn baby a husband c76fjJhL-yo-00014-00003707-00003940 I'm a business owner and I have a social c76fjJhL-yo-00015-00003942-00003997 life c76fjJhL-yo-00016-00003998-00004261 so yeah I'm busy but if you have an c76fjJhL-yo-00017-00004262-00004531 active life and you still know that you c76fjJhL-yo-00018-00004532-00004709 need to work out regularly but you don't c76fjJhL-yo-00019-00004710-00004925 have the time to be going in the gym for c76fjJhL-yo-00020-00004926-00005183 an hour multiple times a week you're c76fjJhL-yo-00021-00005184-00005488 gonna absolutely love this just put in c76fjJhL-yo-00022-00005489-00005611 your name and your email address and c76fjJhL-yo-00023-00005612-00005809 below and I'll send your free workout to c76fjJhL-yo-00024-00005810-00005947 you all right I'll see you in a few c76fjJhL-yo-00025-00005948-00006037 minutes c76fjJhL-yo-00026-00006038-00006359 [Music] c8e4ACJFiwI-00000-00000050-00000256 a Congressional subcommittee in the c8e4ACJFiwI-00001-00000257-00000463 United States Congress as a subdivision c8e4ACJFiwI-00002-00000463-00000655 of a United States congressional c8e4ACJFiwI-00003-00000656-00000823 committee that considers specified c8e4ACJFiwI-00004-00000824-00001006 matters and reports back to the full c8e4ACJFiwI-00005-00001007-00001287 committee subcommittees are formed by c8e4ACJFiwI-00006-00001288-00001510 most committees to share specific tasks c8e4ACJFiwI-00007-00001511-00001663 within the jurisdiction of the full c8e4ACJFiwI-00008-00001664-00001945 committee subcommittees are responsible c8e4ACJFiwI-00009-00001946-00002104 to and work within the guidelines c8e4ACJFiwI-00010-00002105-00002290 established by their parent committees c8e4ACJFiwI-00011-00002291-00002554 in particular standing committees c8e4ACJFiwI-00012-00002555-00002727 usually create subcommittees with c8e4ACJFiwI-00013-00002728-00002947 legislative jurisdiction to consider and c8e4ACJFiwI-00014-00002948-00003187 report bills they may assign their c8e4ACJFiwI-00015-00003188-00003406 subcommittees such specific tasks as the c8e4ACJFiwI-00016-00003407-00003583 initial consideration of measures and c8e4ACJFiwI-00017-00003584-00003795 oversight of laws and programs in the c8e4ACJFiwI-00018-00003796-00004042 subcommittee's areas service on c8e4ACJFiwI-00019-00004043-00004261 subcommittees enables members to develop c8e4ACJFiwI-00020-00004262-00004472 expertise in specialized fields c8e4ACJFiwI-00021-00004473-00004702 subcommittees defuse the legislative c8e4ACJFiwI-00022-00004703-00004911 process for the most part they are c8e4ACJFiwI-00023-00004912-00005106 independent autonomous units with c8e4ACJFiwI-00024-00005107-00005320 written jurisdictions and pursuant to c8e4ACJFiwI-00025-00005321-00005524 long-standing practice most bills are c8e4ACJFiwI-00026-00005525-00005683 referred by a full committee to them c8e4ACJFiwI-00027-00005684-00005877 general requirements for establishing c8e4ACJFiwI-00028-00005878-00006067 subcommittees are established in House c8e4ACJFiwI-00029-00006068-00006274 or Senate rules but specifics with c8e4ACJFiwI-00030-00006275-00006466 respect to subcommittee assignments and c8e4ACJFiwI-00031-00006467-00006621 their jurisdiction are left up to the c8e4ACJFiwI-00032-00006622-00006864 parent committees committees have wide c8e4ACJFiwI-00033-00006865-00007066 latitude to increase or decrease the c8e4ACJFiwI-00034-00007067-00007219 number of subcommittees from one c8e4ACJFiwI-00035-00007220-00007426 congress to the next including renaming c8e4ACJFiwI-00036-00007427-00007614 or reassigning jurisdiction among c8e4ACJFiwI-00037-00007615-00007873 previous subcommittees some committees c8e4ACJFiwI-00038-00007873-00008083 like the House and Senate Appropriations c8e4ACJFiwI-00039-00008084-00008278 committees often retain a predictable c8e4ACJFiwI-00040-00008279-00008442 subcommittee structure from year to year c8e4ACJFiwI-00041-00008443-00008599 due to the set duties of each c8e4ACJFiwI-00042-00008600-00008791 subcommittee in drafting annual spending c8e4ACJFiwI-00043-00008792-00009076 bills however even these committees are c8e4ACJFiwI-00044-00009077-00009346 not immune to organizational changes new c8e4ACJFiwI-00045-00009347-00009562 subcommittees on homeland security were c8e4ACJFiwI-00046-00009563-00009831 created in 2003 to handle funding for c8e4ACJFiwI-00047-00009832-00010033 the Department of Homeland Security and c8e4ACJFiwI-00048-00010034-00010249 underwent a joint reorganization during c8e4ACJFiwI-00049-00010250-00010492 the 110th Congress to better coordinate c8e4ACJFiwI-00050-00010493-00010689 annual appropriations between the House c8e4ACJFiwI-00051-00010690-00010873 and Senate the respective party c8e4ACJFiwI-00052-00010874-00011046 conferences in both the House and Senate c8e4ACJFiwI-00053-00011047-00011296 also provide their own rules traditions c8e4ACJFiwI-00054-00011297-00011473 and precedents with respect to the c8e4ACJFiwI-00055-00011474-00011677 subcommittee assignments chairmanship of c8e4ACJFiwI-00056-00011678-00011833 subcommittees and even the number of c8e4ACJFiwI-00057-00011834-00012517 subcommittees members can serve on c8e4ACJFiwI-00058-00012518-00012905 topic house subcommittees c8e4ACJFiwI-00059-00012906-00013071 you c8e4ACJFiwI-00060-00013072-00013369 house rule 11 states the rules of the c8e4ACJFiwI-00061-00013369-00013546 house are the rules of its committees c8e4ACJFiwI-00062-00013547-00013932 and subcommittees so far as applicable c8e4ACJFiwI-00063-00013933-00014221 according to Clause 1 out 2 of the same c8e4ACJFiwI-00064-00014222-00014472 rule each subcommittee of a committee as c8e4ACJFiwI-00065-00014474-00014691 a part of that committee and is subject c8e4ACJFiwI-00066-00014693-00014878 to the authority and direction of that c8e4ACJFiwI-00067-00014879-00015115 committee and to its rules so far as c8e4ACJFiwI-00068-00015116-00015466 applicable subcommittee sizes and party c8e4ACJFiwI-00069-00015466-00015637 ratios are determined by the full c8e4ACJFiwI-00070-00015638-00015829 committee usually in concert with the c8e4ACJFiwI-00071-00015830-00016105 party leadership although negotiations c8e4ACJFiwI-00072-00016106-00016285 are often held with the minority these c8e4ACJFiwI-00073-00016286-00016506 prerogatives remain with the majority c8e4ACJFiwI-00074-00016507-00016786 generally subcommittee ratios reflect c8e4ACJFiwI-00075-00016787-00016957 the same ratio as that of a full c8e4ACJFiwI-00076-00016958-00017137 committee which in turn reflects the c8e4ACJFiwI-00077-00017138-00017371 ratio of majority to minority members in c8e4ACJFiwI-00078-00017372-00017626 the full house discussions on sub c8e4ACJFiwI-00079-00017627-00017854 committee sizes and ratios traditionally c8e4ACJFiwI-00080-00017855-00018058 begin soon after the November election c8e4ACJFiwI-00081-00018059-00018238 and often are completed by the convening c8e4ACJFiwI-00082-00018239-00018412 of the early organization meetings c8e4ACJFiwI-00083-00018413-00018636 usually held in November or December c8e4ACJFiwI-00084-00018637-00018895 final decisions are made after committee c8e4ACJFiwI-00085-00018896-00019060 assignments are ratified on the House c8e4ACJFiwI-00086-00019061-00019366 floor seat changes within a Congress can c8e4ACJFiwI-00087-00019367-00019543 necessitate adjusting sub committee c8e4ACJFiwI-00088-00019544-00019795 sizes and ratios house rule X which c8e4ACJFiwI-00089-00019796-00019984 provides for the creation of standing c8e4ACJFiwI-00090-00019985-00020188 committees limits committees to 5 sub c8e4ACJFiwI-00091-00020189-00020344 committees each though committees that c8e4ACJFiwI-00092-00020345-00020530 also have an oversight subcommittee are c8e4ACJFiwI-00093-00020531-00020782 permitted 6 sub committees several c8e4ACJFiwI-00094-00020783-00020941 committees are allowed to exceed this c8e4ACJFiwI-00095-00020942-00021118 limit to the detailed nature of their c8e4ACJFiwI-00096-00021119-00021367 jurisdiction the armed services and c8e4ACJFiwI-00097-00021368-00021544 foreign affairs and Oversight and c8e4ACJFiwI-00098-00021545-00021751 Government Reform committees each have c8e4ACJFiwI-00099-00021752-00021969 seven sub committees the Transportation c8e4ACJFiwI-00100-00021970-00022144 and Infrastructure Committee has allowed c8e4ACJFiwI-00101-00022145-00022318 six sub committees without also c8e4ACJFiwI-00102-00022319-00022504 requiring an oversight subcommittee and c8e4ACJFiwI-00103-00022505-00022705 the Appropriations Committee has 12 c8e4ACJFiwI-00104-00022706-00022903 subcommittees plus a select oversight c8e4ACJFiwI-00105-00022904-00023209 panel on intelligence House Rules also c8e4ACJFiwI-00106-00023210-00023368 prohibit any full committee from c8e4ACJFiwI-00107-00023369-00023572 establishing sub units that last longer c8e4ACJFiwI-00108-00023573-00023854 than six months if they do then the new c8e4ACJFiwI-00109-00023855-00024010 sub unit counts against the sub c8e4ACJFiwI-00110-00024011-00024139 committee limit sub committee c8e4ACJFiwI-00111-00024140-00024331 jurisdictions are not enumerated in the c8e4ACJFiwI-00112-00024332-00024511 House Rules and are determined by each c8e4ACJFiwI-00113-00024512-00024787 committee several committees establish c8e4ACJFiwI-00114-00024788-00024997 specific sub committee jurisdictions in c8e4ACJFiwI-00115-00024998-00025210 committee rules pursuant to jurisdiction c8e4ACJFiwI-00116-00025211-00025411 the jurisdiction of the full committee c8e4ACJFiwI-00117-00025412-00025624 most legislation is referred by the c8e4ACJFiwI-00118-00025625-00025807 committee to a subcommittee prior to c8e4ACJFiwI-00119-00025808-00025989 consideration by the full committee c8e4ACJFiwI-00120-00025989-00026272 however some committees retain specific c8e4ACJFiwI-00121-00026273-00026467 legislation at the full committee level c8e4ACJFiwI-00122-00026468-00026719 for example the Ways and Means Committee c8e4ACJFiwI-00123-00026720-00026962 keeps legislation amending the income c8e4ACJFiwI-00124-00026963-00027118 tax sections of the Internal Revenue c8e4ACJFiwI-00125-00027119-00027289 Code at full committee c8e4ACJFiwI-00126-00027289-00027481 the Natural Resources Committee retains c8e4ACJFiwI-00127-00027482-00027699 matters relating to Native Americans for c8e4ACJFiwI-00128-00027700-00027976 the full committee house rules further c8e4ACJFiwI-00129-00027977-00028164 require that every full committee with c8e4ACJFiwI-00130-00028166-00028360 more than 20 members must establish a c8e4ACJFiwI-00131-00028361-00028537 subcommittee on oversight though this c8e4ACJFiwI-00132-00028538-00028732 requirement does not limit the ability c8e4ACJFiwI-00133-00028733-00028870 of the full committee or its other c8e4ACJFiwI-00134-00028870-00029070 subcommittees to exercise oversight over c8e4ACJFiwI-00135-00029072-00029271 programs and agencies under their c8e4ACJFiwI-00136-00029272-00029818 jurisdiction c8e4ACJFiwI-00137-00029819-00030390 topic service on subcommittees c8e4ACJFiwI-00138-00030391-00030618 House Rules are silent on how members c8e4ACJFiwI-00139-00030619-00030808 are assigned to subcommittees as this c8e4ACJFiwI-00140-00030808-00030993 practice is traditionally governed by c8e4ACJFiwI-00141-00030994-00031215 party rules and practices house rule c8e4ACJFiwI-00142-00031216-00031398 acts generally restricts members of c8e4ACJFiwI-00143-00031399-00031590 Congress to service on no more than two c8e4ACJFiwI-00144-00031591-00031755 standing committees and no more than c8e4ACJFiwI-00145-00031756-00031930 four subcommittees within each of those c8e4ACJFiwI-00146-00031931-00032179 committees with some exceptions for c8e4ACJFiwI-00147-00032180-00032355 example the Chairman and ranking member c8e4ACJFiwI-00148-00032356-00032526 of the full committee are allowed to c8e4ACJFiwI-00149-00032527-00032721 serve ex officio on their subcommittees c8e4ACJFiwI-00150-00032722-00032905 without that service being subject to c8e4ACJFiwI-00151-00032906-00033180 the limitation also service on any c8e4ACJFiwI-00152-00033181-00033385 temporary investigative subcommittees c8e4ACJFiwI-00153-00033386-00033526 established by the Committee on c8e4ACJFiwI-00154-00033527-00033724 standards of official conduct does not c8e4ACJFiwI-00155-00033725-00033786 count c8e4ACJFiwI-00156-00033787-00034036 finally representatives can request c8e4ACJFiwI-00157-00034037-00034215 waivers from their respective party c8e4ACJFiwI-00158-00034216-00034380 caucus or conference to serve on c8e4ACJFiwI-00159-00034381-00034942 additional committees or subcommittees c8e4ACJFiwI-00160-00034943-00035548 topic house Democratic caucus c8e4ACJFiwI-00161-00035549-00035828 Democratic caucus rule 26 which c8e4ACJFiwI-00162-00035829-00035987 addresses subcommittees when the c8e4ACJFiwI-00163-00035988-00036218 Democratic Party is the majority states c8e4ACJFiwI-00164-00036219-00036371 that no subcommittee can be more than c8e4ACJFiwI-00165-00036372-00036674 60% of the size of a full committee it c8e4ACJFiwI-00166-00036675-00036845 further states that the Resident c8e4ACJFiwI-00167-00036846-00037019 Commissioner and delegates should not be c8e4ACJFiwI-00168-00037020-00037202 counted in determining subcommittee or c8e4ACJFiwI-00169-00037203-00037526 committee size House Democrats allow c8e4ACJFiwI-00170-00037527-00037721 each committee member to bid in order of c8e4ACJFiwI-00171-00037722-00037907 seniority for available subcommittee c8e4ACJFiwI-00172-00037908-00038153 leadership slots for all committees c8e4ACJFiwI-00173-00038154-00038381 except appropriations this is done by c8e4ACJFiwI-00174-00038382-00038531 full committee seniority for c8e4ACJFiwI-00175-00038532-00038690 appropriations it is done by c8e4ACJFiwI-00176-00038691-00038954 subcommittee seniority caucus rules c8e4ACJFiwI-00177-00038955-00039164 generally limit members to chair only c8e4ACJFiwI-00178-00039165-00039353 one full committee or one subcommittee c8e4ACJFiwI-00179-00039354-00039550 with legislative jurisdiction c8e4ACJFiwI-00180-00039551-00039770 subcommittee leaders selected for the c8e4ACJFiwI-00181-00039771-00039962 Appropriations Committee Energy and c8e4ACJFiwI-00182-00039963-00040127 Commerce Committee and Ways and Means c8e4ACJFiwI-00183-00040128-00040361 Committee required Democratic steering c8e4ACJFiwI-00184-00040362-00040986 and Policy Committee approval c8e4ACJFiwI-00185-00040987-00041592 topic house Republican Conference c8e4ACJFiwI-00186-00041593-00041839 Republican Conference rules are silent c8e4ACJFiwI-00187-00041840-00042052 on subcommittee size and ratio issues c8e4ACJFiwI-00188-00042053-00042280 each committee chair determines and c8e4ACJFiwI-00189-00042281-00042478 provides to other Republican members of c8e4ACJFiwI-00190-00042479-00042619 the committee the method for selecting c8e4ACJFiwI-00191-00042620-00042904 subcommittee chairs however a majority c8e4ACJFiwI-00192-00042905-00043111 of the Republican members of the full c8e4ACJFiwI-00193-00043112-00043288 committee can disapprove the selection c8e4ACJFiwI-00194-00043289-00043567 procedure Republican Conference rules c8e4ACJFiwI-00195-00043568-00043819 changes for the 108th Congress required c8e4ACJFiwI-00196-00043820-00043951 subcommittee chairs of the c8e4ACJFiwI-00197-00043952-00044149 Appropriations Committee to receive full c8e4ACJFiwI-00198-00044150-00044407 conference approval under house rules c8e4ACJFiwI-00199-00044408-00044629 subcommittee chairs are limited to six c8e4ACJFiwI-00200-00044630-00044938 years of service Republicans also limit c8e4ACJFiwI-00201-00044939-00045097 members to a single committee or c8e4ACJFiwI-00202-00045098-00045247 subcommittee chairmanship the c8e4ACJFiwI-00203-00045248-00045397 chairmanships of the standards of c8e4ACJFiwI-00204-00045398-00045574 official conduct committee and the house c8e4ACJFiwI-00205-00045575-00045772 Administration Committee are exempt c8e4ACJFiwI-00206-00045773-00045934 thereby allowing a member to chair c8e4ACJFiwI-00207-00045935-00046117 either of these panels in an additional c8e4ACJFiwI-00208-00046118-00046372 panel finally Republican Conference c8e4ACJFiwI-00209-00046373-00046588 rules prohibit a full committee chair c8e4ACJFiwI-00210-00046589-00046726 from leading a subcommittee of the c8e4ACJFiwI-00211-00046727-00046990 committee they had Republicans generally c8e4ACJFiwI-00212-00046991-00047185 leave assignment decisions to the c8e4ACJFiwI-00213-00047186-00047356 committee leader to determine although c8e4ACJFiwI-00214-00047357-00047536 most employ a bidding approach that c8e4ACJFiwI-00215-00047537-00047710 allows members to select subcommittee c8e4ACJFiwI-00216-00047711-00048007 slots chairmen are limited to six years c8e4ACJFiwI-00217-00048008-00048136 as the ranking member on the committee c8e4ACJFiwI-00218-00048137-00048343 with time spent as chairman and his c8e4ACJFiwI-00219-00048344-00048523 ranking minority member counting towards c8e4ACJFiwI-00220-00048524-00048784 the limit since the rule has come into c8e4ACJFiwI-00221-00048785-00049057 force in 1995 waivers have been granted c8e4ACJFiwI-00222-00049058-00049676 though very rarely c8e4ACJFiwI-00223-00049677-00050246 topic Senate subcommittees c8e4ACJFiwI-00224-00050247-00050465 given the smaller size of the Senate c8e4ACJFiwI-00225-00050466-00050642 there are fewer members competing for c8e4ACJFiwI-00226-00050643-00050810 committee and subcommittee assignments c8e4ACJFiwI-00227-00050811-00051071 the standing rules of the Senate do not c8e4ACJFiwI-00228-00051072-00051251 establish any limits on the number of c8e4ACJFiwI-00229-00051252-00051442 subcommittees a standing or select c8e4ACJFiwI-00230-00051444-00051632 committee may establish and gives more c8e4ACJFiwI-00231-00051633-00051758 latitude to the committee's in c8e4ACJFiwI-00232-00051759-00051892 determining their subcommittee c8e4ACJFiwI-00233-00051894-00052165 organization and membership the Senate c8e4ACJFiwI-00234-00052166-00052354 prohibits committees from creating any c8e4ACJFiwI-00235-00052355-00052565 subunit other than a subcommittee unless c8e4ACJFiwI-00236-00052566-00052769 authorized by specific resolution c8e4ACJFiwI-00237-00052770-00053371 approved by the full Senate c8e4ACJFiwI-00238-00053372-00053761 topic service on subcommittees c8e4ACJFiwI-00239-00053762-00053938 you c8e4ACJFiwI-00240-00053939-00054169 Senate rules do place some limits on c8e4ACJFiwI-00241-00054170-00054421 subcommittees the Senate classifies its c8e4ACJFiwI-00242-00054422-00054619 committees into three categories known c8e4ACJFiwI-00243-00054620-00055009 as a B or C committees Senate rule 25 c8e4ACJFiwI-00244-00055010-00055240 restricts all senators to service on no c8e4ACJFiwI-00245-00055241-00055384 more than three committees to a c8e4ACJFiwI-00246-00055385-00055588 committees and one B or C committee c8e4ACJFiwI-00247-00055589-00055822 party rules further restrict assignments c8e4ACJFiwI-00248-00055823-00055996 to no more than one among the so called c8e4ACJFiwI-00249-00055997-00056197 super a committees of appropriations c8e4ACJFiwI-00250-00056198-00056422 Armed Services Finance and Foreign c8e4ACJFiwI-00251-00056423-00056619 Relations senators are limited to c8e4ACJFiwI-00252-00056620-00056751 service on no more than three c8e4ACJFiwI-00253-00056752-00056884 subcommittees on each of the a c8e4ACJFiwI-00254-00056885-00057061 committees they serve on and no more c8e4ACJFiwI-00255-00057062-00057241 than two subcommittees from B or C c8e4ACJFiwI-00256-00057241-00057444 committees the chairman and ranking c8e4ACJFiwI-00257-00057445-00057654 member of full committees are permitted c8e4ACJFiwI-00258-00057655-00057838 to serve ex officio on any of their c8e4ACJFiwI-00259-00057839-00058123 committees subcommittees senators are c8e4ACJFiwI-00260-00058124-00058372 further restricted by rule 25 to chair c8e4ACJFiwI-00261-00058373-00058575 no more than one subcommittee on each of c8e4ACJFiwI-00262-00058576-00058735 the full committees they are a member of c8e4ACJFiwI-00263-00058736-00058975 there are additional restrictions for a c8e4ACJFiwI-00264-00058976-00059194 chairman of an a committee the chairman c8e4ACJFiwI-00265-00059195-00059347 is limited to chair only one c8e4ACJFiwI-00266-00059348-00059521 subcommittee on each a committee they c8e4ACJFiwI-00267-00059522-00059809 serve on this restriction even extends c8e4ACJFiwI-00268-00059810-00060022 to committees they don't chair Barbara c8e4ACJFiwI-00269-00060023-00060216 Boxer as a committee chairman who also c8e4ACJFiwI-00270-00060217-00060351 chairs one of her committees c8e4ACJFiwI-00271-00060352-00060681 subcommittees chairman of Class B or C c8e4ACJFiwI-00272-00060682-00060865 committees are prohibited from serving c8e4ACJFiwI-00273-00060866-00061038 as chair of any subcommittee of any c8e4ACJFiwI-00274-00061039-00061213 committee they chair and are similarly c8e4ACJFiwI-00275-00061214-00061413 restricted to serving as chair of only c8e4ACJFiwI-00276-00061414-00062027 one class a subcommittee c8e4ACJFiwI-00277-00062028-00062605 topic Senate Democratic caucus c8e4ACJFiwI-00278-00062607-00062882 Senate Democratic caucus rules are not c8e4ACJFiwI-00279-00062883-00063090 publicly available so it is hard to c8e4ACJFiwI-00280-00063091-00063242 determine how those rules apply to c8e4ACJFiwI-00281-00063244-00063540 subcommittee assignments however unlike c8e4ACJFiwI-00282-00063541-00063767 their Republican counterparts Democratic c8e4ACJFiwI-00283-00063769-00063939 Chairman and ranking members are not c8e4ACJFiwI-00284-00063940-00064130 limited to six-year terms nor are c8e4ACJFiwI-00285-00064132-00064316 chairman of full committees prohibited c8e4ACJFiwI-00286-00064317-00064466 from serving as chairman of their own c8e4ACJFiwI-00287-00064467-00065060 committees subcommittees c8e4ACJFiwI-00288-00065061-00065670 topic Senate Republican Conference c8e4ACJFiwI-00289-00065671-00065890 Republican Conference rules place c8e4ACJFiwI-00290-00065891-00066076 additional restrictions on senators c8e4ACJFiwI-00291-00066077-00066301 including term limits of six years as a c8e4ACJFiwI-00292-00066302-00066493 Committee Chairman plus six years as c8e4ACJFiwI-00293-00066494-00066790 ranking member a chair ranking member of c8e4ACJFiwI-00294-00066791-00066973 an a committee may not serve as chair c8e4ACJFiwI-00295-00066974-00067212 ranking member of any subcommittees c8e4ACJFiwI-00296-00067213-00067369 Appropriations Subcommittee c8e4ACJFiwI-00297-00067370-00067693 chairmanships are exempt a chair ranking c8e4ACJFiwI-00298-00067694-00067897 member of an on a committee excluding c8e4ACJFiwI-00299-00067898-00068107 Ethics may not serve as chair ranking c8e4ACJFiwI-00300-00068108-00068334 member of more than one subcommittee c8e4ACJFiwI-00301-00068335-00068491 Appropriations Subcommittee c8e4ACJFiwI-00302-00068492-00068791 chairmanships are not exempt the chair c8e4ACJFiwI-00303-00068792-00068980 vice chair of the Ethics Committee may c8e4ACJFiwI-00304-00068981-00069145 serve on no more than two standing c8e4ACJFiwI-00305-00069146-00069451 subcommittees a senator may not serve as c8e4ACJFiwI-00306-00069452-00069631 chair ranking member of more than two c8e4ACJFiwI-00307-00069632-00069931 subcommittees a senator shall not serve c8e4ACJFiwI-00308-00069932-00070120 more than six years as chair of any c8e4ACJFiwI-00309-00070121-00070335 Standing Committee effective January c8e4ACJFiwI-00310-00070336-00070632 1997 plus six years as ranking member of c8e4ACJFiwI-00311-00070633-00070909 the committee once a senator served six c8e4ACJFiwI-00312-00070910-00071082 years chairing a committee the term c8e4ACJFiwI-00313-00071083-00071344 would be over however if a senator c8e4ACJFiwI-00314-00071345-00071548 served six years as a ranking minority c8e4ACJFiwI-00315-00071549-00071770 member the senator could serve as chair c8e4ACJFiwI-00316-00071771-00072447 if the party controls the chamber c8e4ACJFiwI-00317-00072448-00072981 topic see also c8e4ACJFiwI-00318-00072982-00073224 list of United States House committees c8e4ACJFiwI-00319-00073225-00073407 for a complete list of current House c8e4ACJFiwI-00320-00073408-00073689 committees and subcommittees list of c8e4ACJFiwI-00321-00073690-00073878 United States Senate committees for a c8e4ACJFiwI-00322-00073879-00074040 complete list of current Senate c8e4ACJFiwI-00323-00074041-00074310 committees and subcommittees list of c8e4ACJFiwI-00324-00074311-00074442 United States joint congressional c8e4ACJFiwI-00325-00074443-00074652 committees for a complete list of c8e4ACJFiwI-00326-00074653-00074781 current joint committees and c8e4ACJFiwI-00327-00074782-00075024 subcommittees United States c8e4ACJFiwI-00328-00075025-00075228 congressional committee hashtag defunct c8e4ACJFiwI-00329-00075229-00075411 committees for an incomplete list of c8e4ACJFiwI-00330-00075412-00075732 defunct committees and subcommittees cs4aCLCSr5c-00000-00000000-00000151 hi everyone rupert goff here from the cs4aCLCSr5c-00001-00000152-00000359 mortgage lab i sat down today with nick cs4aCLCSr5c-00002-00000360-00000438 goodall from cs4aCLCSr5c-00003-00000440-00000655 corelogic and we discussed the latest cs4aCLCSr5c-00004-00000656-00000854 changes in the property market cs4aCLCSr5c-00005-00000855-00001614 hope you enjoy the interview cs4aCLCSr5c-00006-00001616-00001830 okay rupert uh nice to catch up once cs4aCLCSr5c-00007-00001832-00001926 again mate uh cs4aCLCSr5c-00008-00001927-00002151 got a big opportunity to firstly touch cs4aCLCSr5c-00009-00002152-00002239 on what's happening from a data cs4aCLCSr5c-00010-00002240-00002367 perspective but really good to hear cs4aCLCSr5c-00011-00002368-00002479 what's happening at that front line cs4aCLCSr5c-00012-00002480-00002623 through your experience too cs4aCLCSr5c-00013-00002624-00002863 so to kick things off i think i'm gonna cs4aCLCSr5c-00014-00002864-00002926 work through cs4aCLCSr5c-00015-00002927-00003055 the latest data that we're seeing cs4aCLCSr5c-00016-00003056-00003263 especially from a values perspective cs4aCLCSr5c-00017-00003264-00003447 i think when we released our june house cs4aCLCSr5c-00018-00003447-00003583 processing started there was a few cs4aCLCSr5c-00019-00003584-00003703 surprises in there cs4aCLCSr5c-00020-00003704-00003927 and the key part of that surprise was cs4aCLCSr5c-00021-00003928-00004086 that we saw some weakness cropping up in cs4aCLCSr5c-00022-00004087-00004199 some regions so cs4aCLCSr5c-00023-00004200-00004359 in general we're talking about the cs4aCLCSr5c-00024-00004360-00004519 market is slowing down cs4aCLCSr5c-00025-00004520-00004791 we saw 1.8 growth over the month of june cs4aCLCSr5c-00026-00004792-00005031 which was down on about 3.1 cs4aCLCSr5c-00027-00005032-00005270 back in uh april um so we are seeing the cs4aCLCSr5c-00028-00005271-00005447 slowdown occur across the board cs4aCLCSr5c-00029-00005448-00005615 but what was really interesting was not cs4aCLCSr5c-00030-00005616-00005838 just the 12 of the main 18 regions slow cs4aCLCSr5c-00031-00005839-00005895 down cs4aCLCSr5c-00032-00005896-00006215 we saw three areas actually go slightly cs4aCLCSr5c-00033-00006216-00006279 backwards cs4aCLCSr5c-00034-00006280-00006486 in the value data with the house price cs4aCLCSr5c-00035-00006487-00006639 index and that's been backed up by some cs4aCLCSr5c-00036-00006640-00006703 of the cs4aCLCSr5c-00037-00006704-00006934 wright's house price index data recently cs4aCLCSr5c-00038-00006936-00007127 as well and the key ones we saw was cs4aCLCSr5c-00039-00007128-00007263 gisborne was down about point cs4aCLCSr5c-00040-00007264-00007470 nine percent new plymouth down point cs4aCLCSr5c-00041-00007472-00007695 three percent and napier down point one cs4aCLCSr5c-00042-00007695-00007887 percent so effectively flat cs4aCLCSr5c-00043-00007888-00008006 and i think that's been the really cs4aCLCSr5c-00044-00008008-00008223 interesting part and the most re cs4aCLCSr5c-00045-00008224-00008359 the biggest reason i suppose it was cs4aCLCSr5c-00046-00008360-00008542 surprising for us was probably the cs4aCLCSr5c-00047-00008543-00008639 timing of it cs4aCLCSr5c-00048-00008640-00008791 it wasn't necessary we're expecting to cs4aCLCSr5c-00049-00008792-00008942 see this and a bit of weakness occurred cs4aCLCSr5c-00050-00008943-00009078 throughout some of these regions who had cs4aCLCSr5c-00051-00009079-00009263 seen such exceptional growth cs4aCLCSr5c-00052-00009264-00009431 it was the fact that we saw it so soon cs4aCLCSr5c-00053-00009432-00009542 you know in a couple of months since cs4aCLCSr5c-00054-00009543-00009591 those cs4aCLCSr5c-00055-00009592-00009727 loan-to-value ratio restrictions have cs4aCLCSr5c-00056-00009728-00009935 been brought in so that was that was the cs4aCLCSr5c-00057-00009936-00009999 thing for us cs4aCLCSr5c-00058-00010000-00010174 but uh yeah i wondered you know what are cs4aCLCSr5c-00059-00010175-00010383 you seeing in the areas that you're cs4aCLCSr5c-00060-00010384-00010510 you know present and where you guys cs4aCLCSr5c-00061-00010511-00010671 doing lots of mortgages and tournaments cs4aCLCSr5c-00062-00010672-00010806 of people on the ground there cs4aCLCSr5c-00063-00010807-00010999 yeah i mean it's it was surprising for cs4aCLCSr5c-00064-00011000-00011151 us too that it happened so quickly cs4aCLCSr5c-00065-00011152-00011223 because cs4aCLCSr5c-00066-00011224-00011414 uh from our point of view you know the cs4aCLCSr5c-00067-00011415-00011703 lvr uh restrictions were implemented in cs4aCLCSr5c-00068-00011704-00012014 march-ish i think um and so people would cs4aCLCSr5c-00069-00012015-00012174 have had pre-approvals cs4aCLCSr5c-00070-00012175-00012367 uh that that would have still been live cs4aCLCSr5c-00071-00012368-00012487 right so we're not we wouldn't have cs4aCLCSr5c-00072-00012488-00012670 expected a drop-off so quickly cs4aCLCSr5c-00073-00012671-00012799 however having said that in those cs4aCLCSr5c-00074-00012800-00012943 smaller areas you know gisborne new cs4aCLCSr5c-00075-00012944-00013063 plymouth napier cs4aCLCSr5c-00076-00013063-00013335 they uh they they've got their local cs4aCLCSr5c-00077-00013336-00013486 residents that are buying cs4aCLCSr5c-00078-00013487-00013638 but people were snapping them up because cs4aCLCSr5c-00079-00013640-00013863 they were cheap and it's possible they cs4aCLCSr5c-00080-00013863-00013894 just cs4aCLCSr5c-00081-00013895-00014135 weren't cheap enough anymore for people cs4aCLCSr5c-00082-00014136-00014279 to be kind of shopping in those areas cs4aCLCSr5c-00083-00014280-00014351 anymore cs4aCLCSr5c-00084-00014352-00014535 and you've got the lvr restrictions cs4aCLCSr5c-00085-00014536-00014671 coming in and we'll talk about a few of cs4aCLCSr5c-00086-00014672-00014799 the other things later but cs4aCLCSr5c-00087-00014800-00015111 but um we we did see a bit of a pullback cs4aCLCSr5c-00088-00015112-00015311 from that not necessarily in the home cs4aCLCSr5c-00089-00015312-00015375 ownership cs4aCLCSr5c-00090-00015376-00015638 area but more the investment uh portion cs4aCLCSr5c-00091-00015640-00015735 of that cs4aCLCSr5c-00092-00015736-00015855 you know are they shopping in those cs4aCLCSr5c-00093-00015856-00016071 areas anymore interesting to see whether cs4aCLCSr5c-00094-00016072-00016166 um cs4aCLCSr5c-00095-00016168-00016335 did that affect christchurch as well cs4aCLCSr5c-00096-00016336-00016519 because a lot of investors from say cs4aCLCSr5c-00097-00016520-00016575 auckland cs4aCLCSr5c-00098-00016576-00016758 we're looking at the christchurch as a cs4aCLCSr5c-00099-00016759-00016879 cheap uh cs4aCLCSr5c-00100-00016880-00017175 investment property area um but having cs4aCLCSr5c-00101-00017176-00017286 said that 1.8 cs4aCLCSr5c-00102-00017287-00017558 in a month is still it's still an amount cs4aCLCSr5c-00103-00017559-00017679 right like that's cs4aCLCSr5c-00104-00017680-00017894 over a year that's still kind of 20 cs4aCLCSr5c-00105-00017895-00018007 right so it's cs4aCLCSr5c-00106-00018008-00018350 um yeah it's it's a very interesting cs4aCLCSr5c-00107-00018351-00018399 topic cs4aCLCSr5c-00108-00018400-00018575 yeah yeah absolutely i think that's you cs4aCLCSr5c-00109-00018576-00018671 know there's always let's put some cs4aCLCSr5c-00110-00018672-00018847 context on that and that is so true that cs4aCLCSr5c-00111-00018848-00018919 1.8 cs4aCLCSr5c-00112-00018920-00019150 growth over a month you know 12 months cs4aCLCSr5c-00113-00019151-00019303 ago or whatever would have looked fine cs4aCLCSr5c-00114-00019304-00019447 and it still does it still has strong cs4aCLCSr5c-00115-00019448-00019639 growth across the market um but it's cs4aCLCSr5c-00116-00019640-00019783 just because you're seen such strong cs4aCLCSr5c-00117-00019784-00019886 growth recently cs4aCLCSr5c-00118-00019887-00020022 that it has been a pullback and it's the cs4aCLCSr5c-00119-00020023-00020191 first time in a while that we've seen cs4aCLCSr5c-00120-00020192-00020503 two months of that rate slowing down um cs4aCLCSr5c-00121-00020504-00020655 but yeah it's really important to point cs4aCLCSr5c-00122-00020656-00020711 out that the cs4aCLCSr5c-00123-00020712-00020919 nationwide values aren't going backwards cs4aCLCSr5c-00124-00020920-00021094 or anything like that it is just a rate cs4aCLCSr5c-00125-00021095-00021199 of growth slowing cs4aCLCSr5c-00126-00021200-00021327 i think that's really important but i cs4aCLCSr5c-00127-00021328-00021503 think your other point there you know cs4aCLCSr5c-00128-00021504-00021607 within 35 cs4aCLCSr5c-00129-00021608-00021791 more than 35 growth in somewhere like cs4aCLCSr5c-00130-00021792-00021950 gisborne it was always going to be cs4aCLCSr5c-00131-00021951-00022055 unsustainable cs4aCLCSr5c-00132-00022056-00022239 and like you said the prices the values cs4aCLCSr5c-00133-00022240-00022391 have now got to a level that people cs4aCLCSr5c-00134-00022392-00022503 won't see that is cs4aCLCSr5c-00135-00022504-00022671 you know make as value for buying that cs4aCLCSr5c-00136-00022672-00022814 property and cs4aCLCSr5c-00137-00022815-00022950 certainly they're going to be impacted cs4aCLCSr5c-00138-00022951-00023158 trying to get the the mortgage get the cs4aCLCSr5c-00139-00023159-00023286 deposit required cs4aCLCSr5c-00140-00023287-00023439 to enter that market or to buy another cs4aCLCSr5c-00141-00023440-00023558 property in that market and i think cs4aCLCSr5c-00142-00023559-00023639 that's where cs4aCLCSr5c-00143-00023640-00023839 you do start to see the investors look cs4aCLCSr5c-00144-00023840-00023950 elsewhere cs4aCLCSr5c-00145-00023951-00024135 i know that when we saw the lvr cs4aCLCSr5c-00146-00024136-00024319 restrictions a few years back where they cs4aCLCSr5c-00147-00024320-00024358 were cs4aCLCSr5c-00148-00024359-00024583 harsha and auckland we saw a number of cs4aCLCSr5c-00149-00024584-00024767 auckland investors travel down the cs4aCLCSr5c-00150-00024768-00024983 highway to hamilton where they could cs4aCLCSr5c-00151-00024984-00025167 still have a small deposit cs4aCLCSr5c-00152-00025168-00025367 and values were lower and so of course cs4aCLCSr5c-00153-00025368-00025486 they could continue to enter in the cs4aCLCSr5c-00154-00025487-00025670 market leverage their current properties cs4aCLCSr5c-00155-00025672-00025878 and continue to extend their portfolio cs4aCLCSr5c-00156-00025879-00026070 so i'd expect something similar now cs4aCLCSr5c-00157-00026072-00026351 except the lvrs are in place nationwide cs4aCLCSr5c-00158-00026352-00026502 so you just go look at an area that has cs4aCLCSr5c-00159-00026504-00026599 cheaper property and i think cs4aCLCSr5c-00160-00026600-00026718 christchurch is obviously cs4aCLCSr5c-00161-00026719-00026935 a really easy example there because of cs4aCLCSr5c-00162-00026936-00027039 the main centres cs4aCLCSr5c-00163-00027039-00027287 it's effectively the the lowest value um cs4aCLCSr5c-00164-00027288-00027487 so offering the most amount of you know cs4aCLCSr5c-00165-00027488-00027711 most affordable because that price just cs4aCLCSr5c-00166-00027712-00027846 hasn't seen the same growth cs4aCLCSr5c-00167-00027847-00028070 in the last five or six years as we have cs4aCLCSr5c-00168-00028072-00028183 around the rest of the country so i cs4aCLCSr5c-00169-00028183-00028335 think it's a really interesting one and cs4aCLCSr5c-00170-00028336-00028535 and i think in terms of looking forward cs4aCLCSr5c-00171-00028536-00028670 this is what we're now looking at you cs4aCLCSr5c-00172-00028672-00028711 know cs4aCLCSr5c-00173-00028712-00028895 in the growth phase it's almost been cs4aCLCSr5c-00174-00028895-00029111 boring because it's been up everywhere cs4aCLCSr5c-00175-00029112-00029239 and so you don't you know there's not cs4aCLCSr5c-00176-00029239-00029383 much nuance there you go it's up here cs4aCLCSr5c-00177-00029383-00029543 it's up there it's up every year cs4aCLCSr5c-00178-00029544-00029711 whereas now i think the questions we're cs4aCLCSr5c-00179-00029712-00029879 getting and we're looking into is to say cs4aCLCSr5c-00180-00029880-00029927 well cs4aCLCSr5c-00181-00029927-00030127 if we do see a slowdown maybe even a cs4aCLCSr5c-00182-00030127-00030270 downturn it could be cs4aCLCSr5c-00183-00030272-00030455 uneven around the country and that's cs4aCLCSr5c-00184-00030456-00030599 what people are going to want to know cs4aCLCSr5c-00185-00030600-00030735 you know is there more risk in certain cs4aCLCSr5c-00186-00030736-00030902 areas than others and there should be a cs4aCLCSr5c-00187-00030903-00031070 number of factors we can pull together cs4aCLCSr5c-00188-00031072-00031207 to try and understand where that might cs4aCLCSr5c-00189-00031208-00031351 be so that's where we're going to be cs4aCLCSr5c-00190-00031352-00031470 focusing our time cs4aCLCSr5c-00191-00031472-00031590 for the next few months to try and help cs4aCLCSr5c-00192-00031591-00031855 out even so even even intra city right cs4aCLCSr5c-00193-00031856-00031911 like cs4aCLCSr5c-00194-00031912-00032135 in auckland uh you know some areas of cs4aCLCSr5c-00195-00032136-00032295 auckland will continue to perform well cs4aCLCSr5c-00196-00032295-00032527 and others won't uh wellington which is cs4aCLCSr5c-00197-00032527-00032727 uh which has had a big boom cs4aCLCSr5c-00198-00032727-00032983 um over the past year or so uh will cs4aCLCSr5c-00199-00032984-00033135 probably have some areas so it's cs4aCLCSr5c-00200-00033136-00033318 it's going to be some interesting data cs4aCLCSr5c-00201-00033319-00033446 coming out i've actually forgotten about cs4aCLCSr5c-00202-00033447-00033543 the uh cs4aCLCSr5c-00203-00033544-00033839 uh regional lvr restriction i think i cs4aCLCSr5c-00204-00033840-00034007 blocked it from my mind to be honest it cs4aCLCSr5c-00205-00034008-00034190 was a bit of a nightmare if you're a cs4aCLCSr5c-00206-00034191-00034511 mortgage broker try to find that line cs4aCLCSr5c-00207-00034512-00034767 and drury where uh where it kind of ran cs4aCLCSr5c-00208-00034768-00034871 through it so cs4aCLCSr5c-00209-00034872-00035167 yeah so um happy just yeah happy to have cs4aCLCSr5c-00210-00035168-00035199 uh cs4aCLCSr5c-00211-00035200-00035407 nationwide lvr restrictions yeah it's cs4aCLCSr5c-00212-00035408-00035518 one of those things as well right cs4aCLCSr5c-00213-00035519-00035687 there has been so many changes since the cs4aCLCSr5c-00214-00035688-00035967 lbr's initially got introduced in 2013 cs4aCLCSr5c-00215-00035968-00036143 and it's hard to keep up and look back cs4aCLCSr5c-00216-00036144-00036311 and figure out what happened when cs4aCLCSr5c-00217-00036312-00036487 um and often i do have to be and i find cs4aCLCSr5c-00218-00036488-00036615 myself going to the reserve bank website cs4aCLCSr5c-00219-00036616-00036767 and go when was that change on when did cs4aCLCSr5c-00220-00036768-00036911 this one happen because cs4aCLCSr5c-00221-00036912-00037030 you quickly lose track of all the cs4aCLCSr5c-00222-00037031-00037230 changes that go on cs4aCLCSr5c-00223-00037231-00037543 yeah yeah so i mean cs4aCLCSr5c-00224-00037544-00037751 have you got data around at the first cs4aCLCSr5c-00225-00037752-00037935 home buyer kind of versus cs4aCLCSr5c-00226-00037936-00038174 investor um you know what what are you cs4aCLCSr5c-00227-00038175-00038271 seeing there cs4aCLCSr5c-00228-00038272-00038430 yeah i think that's the other key piece cs4aCLCSr5c-00229-00038431-00038574 of data we've been looking at recently cs4aCLCSr5c-00230-00038575-00038727 is how much that has changed cs4aCLCSr5c-00231-00038728-00038895 again it's not necessarily a surprise cs4aCLCSr5c-00232-00038896-00039055 because given the changes have been cs4aCLCSr5c-00233-00039056-00039279 harsher on investors but what we've cs4aCLCSr5c-00234-00039280-00039399 basically seen is we've seen cs4aCLCSr5c-00235-00039400-00039646 those investors who were up around you cs4aCLCSr5c-00236-00039647-00039830 know 28 odd percent cs4aCLCSr5c-00237-00039831-00040030 in march even they've dropped down to cs4aCLCSr5c-00238-00040031-00040190 about 24 of sales cs4aCLCSr5c-00239-00040191-00040439 um in june so it's a significant drop cs4aCLCSr5c-00240-00040440-00040495 away cs4aCLCSr5c-00241-00040496-00040623 and you know the key thing there i cs4aCLCSr5c-00242-00040624-00040743 suppose as first time buyers have cs4aCLCSr5c-00243-00040744-00040895 essentially picked up the slack cs4aCLCSr5c-00244-00040896-00041215 and they've gone from sort of 21 to 25 cs4aCLCSr5c-00245-00041216-00041343 so that four percent switch has cs4aCLCSr5c-00246-00041344-00041583 basically gone from one to another cs4aCLCSr5c-00247-00041584-00041774 um and so i think that's that's cs4aCLCSr5c-00248-00041775-00041951 necessarily unexpected the cs4aCLCSr5c-00249-00041952-00042095 other thing we did look at was to say cs4aCLCSr5c-00250-00042096-00042262 the last time the lbr restrictions were cs4aCLCSr5c-00251-00042263-00042327 at 40 cs4aCLCSr5c-00252-00042328-00042551 deposit requirement for investors what cs4aCLCSr5c-00253-00042552-00042662 happened in the cs4aCLCSr5c-00254-00042663-00042807 you know proceeding in couple of months cs4aCLCSr5c-00255-00042808-00043015 afterwards and interestingly cs4aCLCSr5c-00256-00043016-00043230 exactly the same trend back then has cs4aCLCSr5c-00257-00043231-00043358 occurred right now cs4aCLCSr5c-00258-00043359-00043511 and so when it wasn't too much of a cs4aCLCSr5c-00259-00043512-00043695 surprise and what that means for us is i cs4aCLCSr5c-00260-00043696-00043735 think cs4aCLCSr5c-00261-00043736-00043911 for the next couple of months we kind of cs4aCLCSr5c-00262-00043912-00044062 know what to expect because it's likely cs4aCLCSr5c-00263-00044063-00044215 to be similar to what happened last time cs4aCLCSr5c-00264-00044216-00044295 around cs4aCLCSr5c-00265-00044296-00044511 and i think what happened last time was cs4aCLCSr5c-00266-00044512-00044679 it sort of sort of quickly dropped by cs4aCLCSr5c-00267-00044680-00044871 about that four or five percent in a two cs4aCLCSr5c-00268-00044872-00045023 or three month period and then it cs4aCLCSr5c-00269-00045024-00045135 started to level out cs4aCLCSr5c-00270-00045136-00045383 as those investors still found a way or cs4aCLCSr5c-00271-00045384-00045511 you know those ones that weren't cs4aCLCSr5c-00272-00045512-00045711 affected by the lvrs or whatever cs4aCLCSr5c-00273-00045712-00045862 still managed to keep active in the cs4aCLCSr5c-00274-00045863-00046030 market that's appealing for one reason cs4aCLCSr5c-00275-00046031-00046118 or another cs4aCLCSr5c-00276-00046119-00046279 i think the only other factor on the cs4aCLCSr5c-00277-00046280-00046439 flip side of this of course cs4aCLCSr5c-00278-00046440-00046623 is that we've got these extra government cs4aCLCSr5c-00279-00046624-00046783 regulations coming in or that are in cs4aCLCSr5c-00280-00046784-00046839 place cs4aCLCSr5c-00281-00046840-00047055 kind of now um with the tax cs4aCLCSr5c-00282-00047056-00047271 deductibility changes for income cs4aCLCSr5c-00283-00047272-00047590 expert costs sorry for your interest cs4aCLCSr5c-00284-00047591-00047679 costs cs4aCLCSr5c-00285-00047680-00047855 um not being able to be deducted from cs4aCLCSr5c-00286-00047856-00048007 your your taxes at the end of the year cs4aCLCSr5c-00287-00048008-00048151 so i think that's an extra one that'll cs4aCLCSr5c-00288-00048152-00048207 just make cs4aCLCSr5c-00289-00048208-00048462 property less less affordable list cs4aCLCSr5c-00290-00048463-00048574 changes the game right cs4aCLCSr5c-00291-00048575-00048790 i like it yeah i think we'll see that cs4aCLCSr5c-00292-00048791-00048943 activity just diminish a little bit cs4aCLCSr5c-00293-00048944-00049102 further because of that one so yeah i cs4aCLCSr5c-00294-00049103-00049230 think that's the that's the key cs4aCLCSr5c-00295-00049231-00049399 difference this time around cs4aCLCSr5c-00296-00049400-00049671 yeah yeah i mean uh i mean you don't cs4aCLCSr5c-00297-00049672-00049839 want a policy to remove a hundred cs4aCLCSr5c-00298-00049840-00049927 percent of any cs4aCLCSr5c-00299-00049928-00050102 sector right so if you had to guess cs4aCLCSr5c-00300-00050103-00050271 about how many people would exit because cs4aCLCSr5c-00301-00050272-00050430 of the lvr restrictions you'd think cs4aCLCSr5c-00302-00050431-00050527 about sort of cs4aCLCSr5c-00303-00050528-00050774 twenty percent of it would that's cs4aCLCSr5c-00304-00050775-00050927 ideally where a policy would do take a cs4aCLCSr5c-00305-00050928-00050999 little bit out cs4aCLCSr5c-00306-00051000-00051246 but not everyone and uh something like cs4aCLCSr5c-00307-00051247-00051366 an lvr cs4aCLCSr5c-00308-00051367-00051566 where you know over the past year that's cs4aCLCSr5c-00309-00051567-00051775 totally equity based uh you know income cs4aCLCSr5c-00310-00051776-00051902 is still the same cs4aCLCSr5c-00311-00051903-00052063 although we'll talk about that later but cs4aCLCSr5c-00312-00052064-00052447 um equity has grown so you'd imagine cs4aCLCSr5c-00313-00052448-00052479 that cs4aCLCSr5c-00314-00052479-00052615 80 of people are looking to buy an cs4aCLCSr5c-00315-00052616-00052791 investment property have had a cs4aCLCSr5c-00316-00052791-00052942 large amount of equity growth in the cs4aCLCSr5c-00317-00052944-00053191 past year if they owned a property cs4aCLCSr5c-00318-00053191-00053279 already cs4aCLCSr5c-00319-00053279-00053550 let alone more than one so yeah that cs4aCLCSr5c-00320-00053551-00053703 doesn't totally surprise me and you'd cs4aCLCSr5c-00321-00053704-00053887 expect that to be about the same as as cs4aCLCSr5c-00322-00053888-00054030 the sort of 2013 cs4aCLCSr5c-00323-00054032-00054350 or last round of lvr implementations cs4aCLCSr5c-00324-00054351-00054671 um i think the tax one i i thought that cs4aCLCSr5c-00325-00054672-00054863 was going to have more of an effect cs4aCLCSr5c-00326-00054864-00055150 uh on investors than we've seen in cs4aCLCSr5c-00327-00055151-00055215 numbers cs4aCLCSr5c-00328-00055216-00055542 and anecdotally in our clients um when i cs4aCLCSr5c-00329-00055544-00055799 heard those interest rate tax deductions cs4aCLCSr5c-00330-00055800-00055871 to me cs4aCLCSr5c-00331-00055872-00056023 uh thinking about the financials and cs4aCLCSr5c-00332-00056024-00056159 thinking about the cost of you know cs4aCLCSr5c-00333-00056160-00056287 paying tax on income cs4aCLCSr5c-00334-00056288-00056542 that was quite a large one for me and it cs4aCLCSr5c-00335-00056544-00056703 felt like quite a big hammer for the cs4aCLCSr5c-00336-00056704-00056782 government to cs4aCLCSr5c-00337-00056783-00057111 to pull out um maybe cs4aCLCSr5c-00338-00057112-00057319 uh because buying an investment property cs4aCLCSr5c-00339-00057320-00057494 is not so much as your own home but cs4aCLCSr5c-00340-00057495-00057599 buying an investment property cs4aCLCSr5c-00341-00057600-00057919 is an emotional decision uh as much as a cs4aCLCSr5c-00342-00057920-00058175 numerical one um maybe people are still cs4aCLCSr5c-00343-00058176-00058279 just kind of cs4aCLCSr5c-00344-00058279-00058550 going through um we've had a couple of cs4aCLCSr5c-00345-00058551-00058591 uh cs4aCLCSr5c-00346-00058591-00058966 clients um just you know say we're still cs4aCLCSr5c-00347-00058967-00059023 keen cs4aCLCSr5c-00348-00059024-00059294 uh to buy an investment property we'd cs4aCLCSr5c-00349-00059295-00059438 quite like to see what the rules are cs4aCLCSr5c-00350-00059439-00059607 gonna be around new build cs4aCLCSr5c-00351-00059608-00059919 um because they sound quite good cs4aCLCSr5c-00352-00059920-00060199 compared to existing yeah yeah i mean cs4aCLCSr5c-00353-00060200-00060335 you're talking probably fifteen thousand cs4aCLCSr5c-00354-00060336-00060479 dollars a tax benefit cs4aCLCSr5c-00355-00060479-00060806 um per year on a on a you know a decent cs4aCLCSr5c-00356-00060807-00060911 rental kind of thing cs4aCLCSr5c-00357-00060912-00061206 um so it's it's substantial so i think cs4aCLCSr5c-00358-00061207-00061254 people cs4aCLCSr5c-00359-00061255-00061535 will once that's clarified you'll cs4aCLCSr5c-00360-00061536-00061782 probably see maybe an uptick in cs4aCLCSr5c-00361-00061783-00062094 investment buyers again which will you cs4aCLCSr5c-00362-00062095-00062150 know cs4aCLCSr5c-00363-00062151-00062294 which will push out those first home cs4aCLCSr5c-00364-00062295-00062471 buyers because there's only a finite cs4aCLCSr5c-00365-00062472-00062550 amount of cs4aCLCSr5c-00366-00062551-00062863 houses being built um but maybe first cs4aCLCSr5c-00367-00062864-00063054 time buyers will move to the existing cs4aCLCSr5c-00368-00063055-00063279 existing market that is not a tax cs4aCLCSr5c-00369-00063279-00063366 deductible cs4aCLCSr5c-00370-00063367-00063703 uh you know property anymore so yeah cs4aCLCSr5c-00371-00063704-00063830 i think that's certainly one thing we cs4aCLCSr5c-00372-00063832-00064006 will see and interestingly you know when cs4aCLCSr5c-00373-00064007-00064142 we look at our data we have seen that cs4aCLCSr5c-00374-00064144-00064287 first time buyers have been cs4aCLCSr5c-00375-00064288-00064511 turning to new builds a lot over the cs4aCLCSr5c-00376-00064512-00064654 last few years you know i think it was cs4aCLCSr5c-00377-00064655-00064791 only seven or eight years ago cs4aCLCSr5c-00378-00064791-00064959 about 10 of new builds going to first cs4aCLCSr5c-00379-00064960-00065159 home buyers it's got closer to 30 cs4aCLCSr5c-00380-00065160-00065238 percent cs4aCLCSr5c-00381-00065239-00065438 um in the recent amounts of data and cs4aCLCSr5c-00382-00065439-00065575 that's because they're favored to go cs4aCLCSr5c-00383-00065576-00065694 there themselves you know you can cs4aCLCSr5c-00384-00065695-00065838 usually buy a new build cs4aCLCSr5c-00385-00065839-00066063 with a smaller deposit and so they are cs4aCLCSr5c-00386-00066064-00066143 beneficial cs4aCLCSr5c-00387-00066144-00066294 and also when you look at the price of cs4aCLCSr5c-00388-00066295-00066423 new builds compared to existing cs4aCLCSr5c-00389-00066424-00066494 properties cs4aCLCSr5c-00390-00066495-00066631 you get more bang for your buck you know cs4aCLCSr5c-00391-00066632-00066806 you might have a chance to you know cs4aCLCSr5c-00392-00066807-00067015 shape that house how you want it uh plus cs4aCLCSr5c-00393-00067016-00067126 it's new so hopefully there's less cs4aCLCSr5c-00394-00067127-00067263 maintenance so i think there's been good cs4aCLCSr5c-00395-00067264-00067391 reason for those first-term buyers cs4aCLCSr5c-00396-00067392-00067494 turning to new build cs4aCLCSr5c-00397-00067495-00067663 but absolutely they're going to find cs4aCLCSr5c-00398-00067664-00067806 that market much more crowded in the cs4aCLCSr5c-00399-00067807-00067871 future cs4aCLCSr5c-00400-00067872-00067991 and so they probably are going to have cs4aCLCSr5c-00401-00067992-00068247 to turn to the existing properties which cs4aCLCSr5c-00402-00068248-00068399 you know according to that you'd expect cs4aCLCSr5c-00403-00068400-00068559 not to see the same growth rates because cs4aCLCSr5c-00404-00068560-00068759 they won't be the same demand for it but cs4aCLCSr5c-00405-00068760-00068855 one thing that's been interesting cs4aCLCSr5c-00406-00068856-00068999 talking to a few people real estate cs4aCLCSr5c-00407-00069000-00069119 agents and things cs4aCLCSr5c-00408-00069120-00069247 you know they've been surprised that cs4aCLCSr5c-00409-00069248-00069447 investors are still looking at existing cs4aCLCSr5c-00410-00069448-00069599 properties older properties cs4aCLCSr5c-00411-00069600-00069791 might have good bones or whatever but cs4aCLCSr5c-00412-00069792-00069919 they were like you know considering the cs4aCLCSr5c-00413-00069920-00070071 purchase price what rent you're going to cs4aCLCSr5c-00414-00070072-00070143 get cs4aCLCSr5c-00415-00070144-00070294 and now you can't and if you buy this cs4aCLCSr5c-00416-00070295-00070487 property you know since the march 27 cs4aCLCSr5c-00417-00070488-00070647 since the date has changed cs4aCLCSr5c-00418-00070648-00070815 you're now not going to be able to get cs4aCLCSr5c-00419-00070816-00071015 that that tax back on your interest cs4aCLCSr5c-00420-00071016-00071071 costs cs4aCLCSr5c-00421-00071072-00071215 which does reduce your profitability cs4aCLCSr5c-00422-00071216-00071350 considerably and you could well be cs4aCLCSr5c-00423-00071351-00071526 making a negative profit cs4aCLCSr5c-00424-00071527-00071735 and i think you know some of the some of cs4aCLCSr5c-00425-00071736-00071879 the points have been cs4aCLCSr5c-00426-00071880-00072023 when that investor realizes that maybe cs4aCLCSr5c-00427-00072024-00072223 capital growth isn't there so if you buy cs4aCLCSr5c-00428-00072224-00072326 that property and you go i'll take a cs4aCLCSr5c-00429-00072327-00072455 loss because i know the growth of that cs4aCLCSr5c-00430-00072456-00072543 market is going to cs4aCLCSr5c-00431-00072544-00072759 chew that up and so i can handle that if cs4aCLCSr5c-00432-00072760-00072879 you don't see the same growth and we're cs4aCLCSr5c-00433-00072880-00073023 already seeing that slow down cs4aCLCSr5c-00434-00073024-00073182 at some point in the future maybe a year cs4aCLCSr5c-00435-00073183-00073303 or two where they're carrying these cs4aCLCSr5c-00436-00073304-00073415 losses forward cs4aCLCSr5c-00437-00073416-00073535 they're going to go actually it's not cs4aCLCSr5c-00438-00073536-00073694 beneficial to do this especially if they cs4aCLCSr5c-00439-00073695-00073815 get a big bill cs4aCLCSr5c-00440-00073816-00074087 you know for a new roof or something 25 cs4aCLCSr5c-00441-00074088-00074215 grand or something on top of the 10 cs4aCLCSr5c-00442-00074216-00074359 grand loss they've already carried over cs4aCLCSr5c-00443-00074360-00074406 so cs4aCLCSr5c-00444-00074407-00074679 i do think that the the impact could be cs4aCLCSr5c-00445-00074680-00074743 big cs4aCLCSr5c-00446-00074744-00074959 but it's probably going to be drawn out cs4aCLCSr5c-00447-00074960-00075143 i think firstly of course it's phased in cs4aCLCSr5c-00448-00075144-00075199 for those cs4aCLCSr5c-00449-00075200-00075343 already those investors that are already cs4aCLCSr5c-00450-00075344-00075487 in the market so they're not kind of not cs4aCLCSr5c-00451-00075488-00075591 affected for cs4aCLCSr5c-00452-00075592-00075759 very much for a wee while it's slowly cs4aCLCSr5c-00453-00075760-00075943 phased in and for those people still cs4aCLCSr5c-00454-00075944-00076071 buying properties cs4aCLCSr5c-00455-00076072-00076231 maybe you know like you say they're not cs4aCLCSr5c-00456-00076232-00076455 quite realizing the impact of this cs4aCLCSr5c-00457-00076456-00076559 and until they get to the end of their cs4aCLCSr5c-00458-00076560-00076759 first financial year especially if the cs4aCLCSr5c-00459-00076760-00076919 capital growth isn't there cs4aCLCSr5c-00460-00076920-00077047 they're not going to you know they're cs4aCLCSr5c-00461-00077048-00077206 maybe not going to realize quite how cs4aCLCSr5c-00462-00077207-00077350 much impact it has cs4aCLCSr5c-00463-00077351-00077494 and so i think we may be in for a bit cs4aCLCSr5c-00464-00077495-00077703 more of a shock later on and then we cs4aCLCSr5c-00465-00077704-00077871 might see some decision making going on cs4aCLCSr5c-00466-00077872-00077919 because cs4aCLCSr5c-00467-00077920-00078126 the only other factor i'll mention is i cs4aCLCSr5c-00468-00078127-00078262 think the other problem people see is cs4aCLCSr5c-00469-00078263-00078311 they don't cs4aCLCSr5c-00470-00078312-00078503 see there being other places for them to cs4aCLCSr5c-00471-00078504-00078694 put their money and residential cs4aCLCSr5c-00472-00078695-00078759 properties just cs4aCLCSr5c-00473-00078760-00078894 what they've always been doing they've cs4aCLCSr5c-00474-00078895-00079023 heard about it from their friends or cs4aCLCSr5c-00475-00079024-00079103 family cs4aCLCSr5c-00476-00079104-00079223 and so they just continue to do that cs4aCLCSr5c-00477-00079224-00079359 like you said it's almost an emotional cs4aCLCSr5c-00478-00079360-00079455 thing and you go ah cs4aCLCSr5c-00479-00079456-00079671 if i'm holding for a long time you know cs4aCLCSr5c-00480-00079672-00079791 for retirement cs4aCLCSr5c-00481-00079792-00079903 i'm not too worried about all these cs4aCLCSr5c-00482-00079904-00080023 little things that are going to impact cs4aCLCSr5c-00483-00080024-00080206 affordability or impact my profit cs4aCLCSr5c-00484-00080207-00080343 but actually i think you know if you cs4aCLCSr5c-00485-00080344-00080503 actually start to see that your balance cs4aCLCSr5c-00486-00080504-00080631 you know at the end of the year into two cs4aCLCSr5c-00487-00080632-00080791 years that's when it might start to hit cs4aCLCSr5c-00488-00080792-00080862 home so cs4aCLCSr5c-00489-00080863-00080982 yeah it's probably a bit more down the cs4aCLCSr5c-00490-00080983-00081167 track i'd like to cs4aCLCSr5c-00491-00081168-00081415 uh forecast a correlation maybe not this cs4aCLCSr5c-00492-00081416-00081575 year or next year as they phase in the cs4aCLCSr5c-00493-00081576-00081743 tax deductibility for existing cs4aCLCSr5c-00494-00081744-00081847 properties but cs4aCLCSr5c-00495-00081848-00082031 maybe three or four years from now i cs4aCLCSr5c-00496-00082032-00082231 reckon june july you're going to see a cs4aCLCSr5c-00497-00082232-00082471 whole bunch of houses go on the market cs4aCLCSr5c-00498-00082472-00082638 in a time of year that typically you cs4aCLCSr5c-00499-00082639-00082806 don't because it's winter but cs4aCLCSr5c-00500-00082807-00082911 you're going to get to the end of cs4aCLCSr5c-00501-00082912-00083087 financial year the candidates going to cs4aCLCSr5c-00502-00083088-00083231 hand them a bill cs4aCLCSr5c-00503-00083232-00083431 for uh fifteen thousand twenty thousand cs4aCLCSr5c-00504-00083432-00083575 dollars thirty thousand dollars cs4aCLCSr5c-00505-00083576-00083759 and i think you might find that people cs4aCLCSr5c-00506-00083760-00083903 suddenly reassess their cs4aCLCSr5c-00507-00083904-00084318 uh their you know i'm so i don't know cs4aCLCSr5c-00508-00084319-00084526 that's my my line of sand i'm putting cs4aCLCSr5c-00509-00084527-00084718 down cash flow affected cs4aCLCSr5c-00510-00084719-00084862 and um like the set of things in the cs4aCLCSr5c-00511-00084863-00084975 capital growth they're gonna actually i cs4aCLCSr5c-00512-00084976-00085111 need to sell this property cs4aCLCSr5c-00513-00085112-00085343 yeah so i i totally agree i think in the cs4aCLCSr5c-00514-00085344-00085423 shorter term cs4aCLCSr5c-00515-00085424-00085615 there's also the bright line test that cs4aCLCSr5c-00516-00085616-00085750 is kind of probably stopping people cs4aCLCSr5c-00517-00085751-00085799 selling cs4aCLCSr5c-00518-00085800-00085918 you know we heard about investors we're cs4aCLCSr5c-00519-00085919-00086023 going to list all their properties cs4aCLCSr5c-00520-00086024-00086111 because of the cs4aCLCSr5c-00521-00086112-00086359 the changes on march 23 but because they cs4aCLCSr5c-00522-00086360-00086511 would have bought in the prior four or cs4aCLCSr5c-00523-00086512-00086606 five years cs4aCLCSr5c-00524-00086607-00086791 if they sold now they have to pay a cs4aCLCSr5c-00525-00086792-00086959 capital gains tax on any profit that cs4aCLCSr5c-00526-00086960-00087023 made cs4aCLCSr5c-00527-00087024-00087262 um was the better off they just hold on cs4aCLCSr5c-00528-00087263-00087415 until that five year period so i think cs4aCLCSr5c-00529-00087416-00087535 we might see little cs4aCLCSr5c-00530-00087536-00087687 bubbles as people hit their five year cs4aCLCSr5c-00531-00087688-00087862 period and they go it's not profitable cs4aCLCSr5c-00532-00087863-00087926 anymore cs4aCLCSr5c-00533-00087927-00088094 i'm not going to pay a tax on my capital cs4aCLCSr5c-00534-00088095-00088311 gain so i am going to realize that that cs4aCLCSr5c-00535-00088312-00088462 growth that i've seen over that period cs4aCLCSr5c-00536-00088463-00088606 and and bring that to market and that cs4aCLCSr5c-00537-00088607-00088767 will see a lift and supply so cs4aCLCSr5c-00538-00088768-00088943 yeah i do agree that there's that sort cs4aCLCSr5c-00539-00088944-00089126 of sort of change where you might see cs4aCLCSr5c-00540-00089127-00089206 that buyer cs4aCLCSr5c-00541-00089207-00089487 and seller power change in the future is cs4aCLCSr5c-00542-00089488-00089638 probably a couple of years away cs4aCLCSr5c-00543-00089639-00089871 yeah and and more and more just think cs4aCLCSr5c-00544-00089872-00089991 about all of those things i've got a cs4aCLCSr5c-00545-00089992-00090087 fact they're in cs4aCLCSr5c-00546-00090088-00090215 more and more people aren't going to cs4aCLCSr5c-00547-00090216-00090399 just be able to do their uh cs4aCLCSr5c-00548-00090400-00090550 accounting themselves you know it used cs4aCLCSr5c-00549-00090551-00090743 to be uh that was my income minus the cs4aCLCSr5c-00550-00090744-00090815 interest cs4aCLCSr5c-00551-00090816-00091071 and uh and yeah and and some capital cs4aCLCSr5c-00552-00091072-00091199 gains and if i sold it was how much i cs4aCLCSr5c-00553-00091200-00091326 make and i think cs4aCLCSr5c-00554-00091327-00091511 those days are gone right like there are cs4aCLCSr5c-00555-00091512-00091687 so many little factors in there that cs4aCLCSr5c-00556-00091688-00091735 could cs4aCLCSr5c-00557-00091736-00091918 swing the amount of money that you pull cs4aCLCSr5c-00558-00091919-00092062 out of a property sale cs4aCLCSr5c-00559-00092063-00092391 by thirty forty thousand dollars uh that cs4aCLCSr5c-00560-00092392-00092623 yeah yeah anyway up selling the account cs4aCLCSr5c-00561-00092624-00092750 and cs4aCLCSr5c-00562-00092751-00092871 there's a few there's a few accounting cs4aCLCSr5c-00563-00092872-00092991 suites out there that'll be happy you're cs4aCLCSr5c-00564-00092992-00093111 talking up there because they try and cs4aCLCSr5c-00565-00093112-00093311 simplify it all but uh that's right cs4aCLCSr5c-00566-00093312-00093511 it's not that easy just for the normal cs4aCLCSr5c-00567-00093512-00093655 golf that or mum and dad you know cs4aCLCSr5c-00568-00093656-00093791 investor off the road to cs4aCLCSr5c-00569-00093792-00093935 to go and do that so i think that will cs4aCLCSr5c-00570-00093936-00094094 be some extra complexity cs4aCLCSr5c-00571-00094095-00094326 yeah yeah and so then then we kind of cs4aCLCSr5c-00572-00094327-00094487 get into the other side cs4aCLCSr5c-00573-00094488-00094647 of any mortgage equation which is kind cs4aCLCSr5c-00574-00094648-00094806 of the income um cs4aCLCSr5c-00575-00094807-00095079 which is uh yeah has been kind of in the cs4aCLCSr5c-00576-00095080-00095231 in the news lately cs4aCLCSr5c-00577-00095232-00095471 um around the debt-to-income ratios and cs4aCLCSr5c-00578-00095472-00095687 yeah what's what's your thoughts on that cs4aCLCSr5c-00579-00095688-00095911 yeah i mean our take was always if the cs4aCLCSr5c-00580-00095912-00096047 market slows down cs4aCLCSr5c-00581-00096048-00096199 the reserve bank won't need to bring cs4aCLCSr5c-00582-00096200-00096343 this in even if they've now got the cs4aCLCSr5c-00583-00096344-00096494 mandate which they technically do i cs4aCLCSr5c-00584-00096495-00096623 don't think it's written into the act cs4aCLCSr5c-00585-00096624-00096703 just yet cs4aCLCSr5c-00586-00096704-00096815 but they've essentially been given cs4aCLCSr5c-00587-00096816-00097031 permission to to put that into the act cs4aCLCSr5c-00588-00097032-00097215 so that if they wanted in the future cs4aCLCSr5c-00589-00097216-00097391 they could implement some debt to income cs4aCLCSr5c-00590-00097392-00097591 restrictions um but our position they cs4aCLCSr5c-00591-00097592-00097718 always said it would take six months to cs4aCLCSr5c-00592-00097719-00097831 implement they always go through a cs4aCLCSr5c-00593-00097832-00097991 consultation phase so cs4aCLCSr5c-00594-00097992-00098182 even when it happened last month or may cs4aCLCSr5c-00595-00098183-00098303 or whatever it was cs4aCLCSr5c-00596-00098304-00098487 it was always unlucky to be implemented cs4aCLCSr5c-00597-00098488-00098606 before november cs4aCLCSr5c-00598-00098607-00098759 i think now we're seeing a slowing in cs4aCLCSr5c-00599-00098760-00098935 the market you know i think the reserve cs4aCLCSr5c-00600-00098936-00099038 bank have said they're going to wait and cs4aCLCSr5c-00601-00099039-00099182 see how the other changes impact the cs4aCLCSr5c-00602-00099183-00099238 market cs4aCLCSr5c-00603-00099239-00099487 before they do anything else that we're cs4aCLCSr5c-00604-00099488-00099615 not going to see it happen this year cs4aCLCSr5c-00605-00099616-00099671 anyway cs4aCLCSr5c-00606-00099672-00099862 and then by the end of the year we are cs4aCLCSr5c-00607-00099863-00100062 expecting growth to have slowed down to cs4aCLCSr5c-00608-00100063-00100199 you know maybe quarterly growth will be cs4aCLCSr5c-00609-00100200-00100359 closer to zero percent by the end of the cs4aCLCSr5c-00610-00100360-00100423 year cs4aCLCSr5c-00611-00100424-00100550 and i think at that point they'll say cs4aCLCSr5c-00612-00100551-00100687 well there's no need to put any extra cs4aCLCSr5c-00613-00100688-00100847 restrictions on the market cs4aCLCSr5c-00614-00100848-00101047 um and then i think that's we sort of cs4aCLCSr5c-00615-00101048-00101206 say so that might be over cs4aCLCSr5c-00616-00101207-00101406 for in terms of restrictions or any cs4aCLCSr5c-00617-00101407-00101535 government introduction cs4aCLCSr5c-00618-00101536-00101838 of any changes for this cycle and then cs4aCLCSr5c-00619-00101839-00101999 the key thing would be when we do see cs4aCLCSr5c-00620-00102000-00102047 the next cs4aCLCSr5c-00621-00102048-00102262 cycle occur we start to see values lift cs4aCLCSr5c-00622-00102263-00102439 at that point they might look to cs4aCLCSr5c-00623-00102440-00102663 you know use a combination of the lvrs cs4aCLCSr5c-00624-00102664-00102847 and the dead to income ratios cs4aCLCSr5c-00625-00102848-00102958 which they sort of talk about one cs4aCLCSr5c-00626-00102959-00103102 protects the bank one protects the cs4aCLCSr5c-00627-00103103-00103230 consumer the borrower cs4aCLCSr5c-00628-00103231-00103463 so they might look to reduce the lvrs cs4aCLCSr5c-00629-00103464-00103647 but bring in some form of dti but we are cs4aCLCSr5c-00630-00103648-00103799 talking a wee bit down the road now cs4aCLCSr5c-00631-00103800-00103958 so that's our position we don't think cs4aCLCSr5c-00632-00103959-00104086 they're gonna happen anytime soon so no cs4aCLCSr5c-00633-00104088-00104239 reason to freak out about it cs4aCLCSr5c-00634-00104240-00104430 but i was interested to know what has it cs4aCLCSr5c-00635-00104431-00104558 meant for you guys cs4aCLCSr5c-00636-00104559-00104718 have you had discussions of people going cs4aCLCSr5c-00637-00104719-00104886 i've heard about this what does it mean cs4aCLCSr5c-00638-00104888-00105063 are they trying to get in before cs4aCLCSr5c-00639-00105064-00105239 thinking what something might come in cs4aCLCSr5c-00640-00105240-00105366 and then from a really practical cs4aCLCSr5c-00641-00105367-00105543 perspective you know how would it cs4aCLCSr5c-00642-00105544-00105639 actually impact the cs4aCLCSr5c-00643-00105640-00105790 market like if there was these cs4aCLCSr5c-00644-00105791-00106015 restrictions on at you know seven times cs4aCLCSr5c-00645-00106016-00106134 income i think it would have been for cs4aCLCSr5c-00646-00106135-00106231 investors cs4aCLCSr5c-00647-00106232-00106439 five or six for owner occupiers give a cs4aCLCSr5c-00648-00106440-00106583 feel for what sort of impact they would cs4aCLCSr5c-00649-00106583-00106710 have to the market like you said maybe cs4aCLCSr5c-00650-00106711-00106775 20 cs4aCLCSr5c-00651-00106776-00106927 or hopefully not liking knocking cs4aCLCSr5c-00652-00106928-00107151 everyone out yeah well cs4aCLCSr5c-00653-00107152-00107343 that will be the magic number right what cs4aCLCSr5c-00654-00107344-00107519 what takes that yeah that 20 cs4aCLCSr5c-00655-00107520-00107751 of the market out what what number cs4aCLCSr5c-00656-00107752-00107958 multiple takes them out without taking cs4aCLCSr5c-00657-00107959-00107999 out cs4aCLCSr5c-00658-00108000-00108302 a lot too many people right um so there cs4aCLCSr5c-00659-00108303-00108495 is actually one bank which is cs4aCLCSr5c-00660-00108496-00108783 loosely implemented dtis and a sort of cs4aCLCSr5c-00661-00108783-00108823 show cs4aCLCSr5c-00662-00108824-00109207 of responsibility um it's it's not even cs4aCLCSr5c-00663-00109208-00109366 really in their calculators that we get cs4aCLCSr5c-00664-00109367-00109639 but they they run it through a dti test cs4aCLCSr5c-00665-00109640-00109951 um of about seven uh at times so that's cs4aCLCSr5c-00666-00109952-00110054 about the market cs4aCLCSr5c-00667-00110055-00110415 um for me dtis cs4aCLCSr5c-00668-00110416-00110607 would it would be a little sad for the cs4aCLCSr5c-00669-00110608-00110799 banks the banks can play cs4aCLCSr5c-00670-00110800-00111102 with income uh depending on the risk cs4aCLCSr5c-00671-00111103-00111263 appetite so if they've got a you know if cs4aCLCSr5c-00672-00111264-00111399 they've got a risk appetite they might cs4aCLCSr5c-00673-00111400-00111575 be able to allow bonuses cs4aCLCSr5c-00674-00111576-00111790 um averaged over the past two years or cs4aCLCSr5c-00675-00111791-00111927 they might be able to do you know cs4aCLCSr5c-00676-00111928-00112119 um commission based kind of be a bit cs4aCLCSr5c-00677-00112120-00112327 looser on that and if you've got a hard cs4aCLCSr5c-00678-00112328-00112447 line in the sand cs4aCLCSr5c-00679-00112448-00112623 for those people and there will be cs4aCLCSr5c-00680-00112624-00112799 policies from the reserve bank cs4aCLCSr5c-00681-00112800-00112934 around what they can accept and what cs4aCLCSr5c-00682-00112935-00113119 they can't uh cs4aCLCSr5c-00683-00113120-00113302 then you're not going to have the banks cs4aCLCSr5c-00684-00113303-00113471 being able to be as flexible cs4aCLCSr5c-00685-00113472-00113766 um in those sort of gray areas for some cs4aCLCSr5c-00686-00113767-00113943 applicants and there is a surprising cs4aCLCSr5c-00687-00113944-00114078 amount of people that fall into that cs4aCLCSr5c-00688-00114079-00114215 gray area they think about people they cs4aCLCSr5c-00689-00114216-00114407 get working for families cs4aCLCSr5c-00690-00114408-00114639 you know income from their ex-spouses or cs4aCLCSr5c-00691-00114640-00114766 something like that cs4aCLCSr5c-00692-00114767-00114943 there is a lot of ways that people earn cs4aCLCSr5c-00693-00114944-00115199 income so it's it's a little messy cs4aCLCSr5c-00694-00115200-00115534 uh so um yes i i cs4aCLCSr5c-00695-00115535-00115758 completely agree it's not imminent in on cs4aCLCSr5c-00696-00115759-00115854 you know an cs4aCLCSr5c-00697-00115855-00116078 income in the next few months and but cs4aCLCSr5c-00698-00116079-00116271 i'd like to see them stay out if they cs4aCLCSr5c-00699-00116272-00116334 can cs4aCLCSr5c-00700-00116335-00116534 uh the other thing is that is it a cs4aCLCSr5c-00701-00116535-00116727 global ditch that they're talking or cs4aCLCSr5c-00702-00116728-00116854 just mortgage debt cs4aCLCSr5c-00703-00116855-00117063 and so what does that global debt credit cs4aCLCSr5c-00704-00117064-00117271 cards high purchases and things cs4aCLCSr5c-00705-00117272-00117543 um or is it uh or is it just mortgages cs4aCLCSr5c-00706-00117544-00117599 and so cs4aCLCSr5c-00707-00117600-00117751 they'll they may have a play around with cs4aCLCSr5c-00708-00117752-00117943 that um cs4aCLCSr5c-00709-00117944-00118119 yeah look i mean i think if they cs4aCLCSr5c-00710-00118120-00118334 implement it it'll be for a good reason cs4aCLCSr5c-00711-00118335-00118519 uh because the market's going crazy cs4aCLCSr5c-00712-00118520-00118663 again lvr's aren't doing what they're cs4aCLCSr5c-00713-00118664-00118727 meant to do cs4aCLCSr5c-00714-00118728-00118951 and uh and that that's why they'll think cs4aCLCSr5c-00715-00118952-00119054 about it so cs4aCLCSr5c-00716-00119055-00119286 yeah if it comes it comes but uh but cs4aCLCSr5c-00717-00119288-00119486 yeah we would certainly prefer not to cs4aCLCSr5c-00718-00119488-00119639 see it to give that flexibility to the cs4aCLCSr5c-00719-00119640-00119751 applicant uh cs4aCLCSr5c-00720-00119752-00119934 yeah i think that's a really good point cs4aCLCSr5c-00721-00119935-00120078 i think that flexibility is the key cs4aCLCSr5c-00722-00120079-00120199 right and we know that cs4aCLCSr5c-00723-00120200-00120343 let's say banks are testing this you cs4aCLCSr5c-00724-00120344-00120534 guys know how those serviceability cs4aCLCSr5c-00725-00120535-00120599 checks are going cs4aCLCSr5c-00726-00120600-00120839 on and you have that match up to go yes cs4aCLCSr5c-00727-00120840-00120919 you know your cs4aCLCSr5c-00728-00120920-00121078 uncommitted monthly income could afford cs4aCLCSr5c-00729-00121079-00121223 to pay this mortgage even if interest cs4aCLCSr5c-00730-00121224-00121343 rates lifted you know there's cs4aCLCSr5c-00731-00121344-00121543 all these tests going on and the reserve cs4aCLCSr5c-00732-00121544-00121695 bank acknowledged that there's a number cs4aCLCSr5c-00733-00121696-00121775 of different cs4aCLCSr5c-00734-00121776-00122047 you know implementation ways of putting cs4aCLCSr5c-00735-00122048-00122119 this in cs4aCLCSr5c-00736-00122120-00122254 um whether it's debt to income whether cs4aCLCSr5c-00737-00122255-00122431 it's mortgage to income whether you just cs4aCLCSr5c-00738-00122432-00122614 look at having a floor serviceability cs4aCLCSr5c-00739-00122615-00122663 test cs4aCLCSr5c-00740-00122664-00122790 they talked about as well so there's a cs4aCLCSr5c-00741-00122791-00122958 number of different things here but the cs4aCLCSr5c-00742-00122959-00123102 one that focused on is debt to income cs4aCLCSr5c-00743-00123103-00123271 which does seem almost too simple cs4aCLCSr5c-00744-00123272-00123478 our example we talk about is it seems cs4aCLCSr5c-00745-00123479-00123743 crazy that a couple earning 200 grand cs4aCLCSr5c-00746-00123744-00123951 could afford the same property as cs4aCLCSr5c-00747-00123952-00124127 someone as a couple who had 200 grand cs4aCLCSr5c-00748-00124128-00124231 for four kids cs4aCLCSr5c-00749-00124232-00124519 you know clearly their ability to buy to cs4aCLCSr5c-00750-00124520-00124678 borrow and get that property cs4aCLCSr5c-00751-00124679-00124895 is very very different and debt to cs4aCLCSr5c-00752-00124896-00125054 income doesn't look at that at all cs4aCLCSr5c-00753-00125055-00125199 but the banks were looking at that and cs4aCLCSr5c-00754-00125200-00125423 so it is yeah interesting to see cs4aCLCSr5c-00755-00125424-00125614 how you justify just having this this cs4aCLCSr5c-00756-00125615-00125743 overall cap cs4aCLCSr5c-00757-00125744-00125910 um but the other side of that of course cs4aCLCSr5c-00758-00125911-00126054 or the further on down from that would cs4aCLCSr5c-00759-00126055-00126175 be would really limit cs4aCLCSr5c-00760-00126176-00126358 the amount of properties any investor cs4aCLCSr5c-00761-00126359-00126495 would be able to own because you'd cs4aCLCSr5c-00762-00126496-00126671 almost never be able to earn enough cs4aCLCSr5c-00763-00126672-00126743 income cs4aCLCSr5c-00764-00126744-00126951 to own more than i don't even know two cs4aCLCSr5c-00765-00126952-00127119 three four properties maybe cs4aCLCSr5c-00766-00127120-00127247 because you couldn't do it how many cs4aCLCSr5c-00767-00127248-00127439 properties would be impossible yeah i cs4aCLCSr5c-00768-00127440-00127566 can take a run at that actually because cs4aCLCSr5c-00769-00127567-00127614 um cs4aCLCSr5c-00770-00127615-00127863 um currently the way the banks do it is cs4aCLCSr5c-00771-00127864-00128078 they scale your income so if you cs4aCLCSr5c-00772-00128079-00128223 for easy numbers if you're doing ten cs4aCLCSr5c-00773-00128224-00128390 thousand dollars of rental a year which cs4aCLCSr5c-00774-00128391-00128558 would be a strangely small rental cs4aCLCSr5c-00775-00128559-00128751 um they will take seven and a half cs4aCLCSr5c-00776-00128752-00128871 thousand dollars or eight thousand cs4aCLCSr5c-00777-00128872-00129014 dollars they scale it for cs4aCLCSr5c-00778-00129015-00129263 for rates and repairs and uh vacancies cs4aCLCSr5c-00779-00129264-00129383 and things like that cs4aCLCSr5c-00780-00129383-00129583 so it turns out that the way that it cs4aCLCSr5c-00781-00129583-00129751 works out is you need about a ten cs4aCLCSr5c-00782-00129752-00129871 percent yield cs4aCLCSr5c-00783-00129872-00130166 on your rental property which is yeah it cs4aCLCSr5c-00784-00130167-00130310 will be a questionable property if it's cs4aCLCSr5c-00785-00130311-00130431 if it's got that cs4aCLCSr5c-00786-00130432-00130678 um you need about 10 to perpetually keep cs4aCLCSr5c-00787-00130679-00130743 getting enough cs4aCLCSr5c-00788-00130744-00131071 income as you buy um forget about equity cs4aCLCSr5c-00789-00131072-00131295 just income you did about 10 yield and cs4aCLCSr5c-00790-00131296-00131375 that cs4aCLCSr5c-00791-00131376-00131790 that's a lot yeah it's uh yeah yeah cs4aCLCSr5c-00792-00131791-00131902 that's a really good point and that's cs4aCLCSr5c-00793-00131903-00132031 exactly what my question was like you cs4aCLCSr5c-00794-00132032-00132151 know this will limit cs4aCLCSr5c-00795-00132152-00132414 large-scale investors um so you know and cs4aCLCSr5c-00796-00132415-00132599 maybe that's the intent who knows cs4aCLCSr5c-00797-00132600-00132807 um you know man i think there'd be a cs4aCLCSr5c-00798-00132808-00132959 strong debate against that as well that cs4aCLCSr5c-00799-00132960-00133087 sometimes professional cs4aCLCSr5c-00800-00133088-00133254 property investors do a better job than cs4aCLCSr5c-00801-00133255-00133454 the casual mum and dad on the street so cs4aCLCSr5c-00802-00133455-00133551 you know that would be a really cs4aCLCSr5c-00803-00133552-00133766 interesting unintended or maybe intended cs4aCLCSr5c-00804-00133767-00133959 consequence of something like that cs4aCLCSr5c-00805-00133960-00134127 we have to wait and see but interesting cs4aCLCSr5c-00806-00134128-00134263 you talk about the um cs4aCLCSr5c-00807-00134264-00134478 amount of rent that they would you know cs4aCLCSr5c-00808-00134479-00134702 use to to go against service on income cs4aCLCSr5c-00809-00134703-00134814 servicing a mortgage cs4aCLCSr5c-00810-00134815-00135023 i remember back it wasn't a month or so cs4aCLCSr5c-00811-00135024-00135247 ago where anz explicitly came out and cs4aCLCSr5c-00812-00135248-00135407 basically said that due to the cs4aCLCSr5c-00813-00135408-00135702 um interest cost deductibility changes cs4aCLCSr5c-00814-00135703-00135895 that they were changing their formulas cs4aCLCSr5c-00815-00135896-00136063 that essentially said for an existing cs4aCLCSr5c-00816-00136064-00136254 property um you will now cs4aCLCSr5c-00817-00136255-00136559 and we will only use 65 of your rent in cs4aCLCSr5c-00818-00136560-00136759 your serviceability for your income cs4aCLCSr5c-00819-00136760-00136990 whereas for a new build it stays at 75 cs4aCLCSr5c-00820-00136991-00137102 so it's quite interesting to see a cs4aCLCSr5c-00821-00137103-00137311 really explicit figure there cs4aCLCSr5c-00822-00137312-00137439 which shows that absolutely for cs4aCLCSr5c-00823-00137440-00137639 investors they're going to be encouraged cs4aCLCSr5c-00824-00137640-00137790 towards those new builds because cs4aCLCSr5c-00825-00137791-00137959 when you get those changes from a cs4aCLCSr5c-00826-00137960-00138119 government perspective everyone wants to cs4aCLCSr5c-00827-00138120-00138247 know what impact from a dollar cs4aCLCSr5c-00828-00138248-00138399 perspective you know to see that for me cs4aCLCSr5c-00829-00138400-00138463 and said cs4aCLCSr5c-00830-00138464-00138647 you know like you said probably 15 grand cs4aCLCSr5c-00831-00138648-00138807 for a typical property cs4aCLCSr5c-00832-00138808-00138966 that it could cost you in your tax every cs4aCLCSr5c-00833-00138967-00139127 year i think that was a figure we got cs4aCLCSr5c-00834-00139128-00139247 close to as well cs4aCLCSr5c-00835-00139248-00139559 um but probably closer to you know 700 cs4aCLCSr5c-00836-00139560-00139687 bucks in the first year because of the cs4aCLCSr5c-00837-00139688-00139807 phase introduction which is why we cs4aCLCSr5c-00838-00139808-00139935 didn't expect to see an immediate cs4aCLCSr5c-00839-00139936-00140031 reaction so cs4aCLCSr5c-00840-00140032-00140190 it's nice to get some real numbers cs4aCLCSr5c-00841-00140191-00140390 around those as well and does help you cs4aCLCSr5c-00842-00140391-00140551 get a feel for what the real impact cs4aCLCSr5c-00843-00140552-00140735 might be um as these things cs4aCLCSr5c-00844-00140736-00140983 are or aren't implemented that that cs4aCLCSr5c-00845-00140984-00141047 number from cs4aCLCSr5c-00846-00141048-00141319 a nz to 65 it was actually um higher cs4aCLCSr5c-00847-00141320-00141511 than i thought it was going to be if cs4aCLCSr5c-00848-00141512-00141735 um i mean if you think they they had i cs4aCLCSr5c-00849-00141736-00141847 can't remember exactly if they cs4aCLCSr5c-00850-00141848-00141990 had 75 percent but let's say they had a cs4aCLCSr5c-00851-00141991-00142223 75 scale in cs4aCLCSr5c-00852-00142224-00142454 now though you're now paying tax on that cs4aCLCSr5c-00853-00142455-00142566 75 percent cs4aCLCSr5c-00854-00142567-00142702 so it would be reasonable for them to cs4aCLCSr5c-00855-00142703-00142871 take 30 percent off there right and cs4aCLCSr5c-00856-00142872-00142975 scale it to 50 cs4aCLCSr5c-00857-00142976-00143254 so i thought 65 wasn't actually terribly cs4aCLCSr5c-00858-00143255-00143351 onerous um cs4aCLCSr5c-00859-00143352-00143575 considering the implications of those uh cs4aCLCSr5c-00860-00143576-00143735 tax deductibility but yeah that's a good cs4aCLCSr5c-00861-00143736-00143783 point cs4aCLCSr5c-00862-00143784-00144054 yeah it's a very good point um i like it cs4aCLCSr5c-00863-00144055-00144119 well um cs4aCLCSr5c-00864-00144120-00144375 i thought maybe the the other key topic cs4aCLCSr5c-00865-00144376-00144551 right now i'm sure it is for you guys as cs4aCLCSr5c-00866-00144552-00144631 well cs4aCLCSr5c-00867-00144632-00144831 is interest rates you know what's cs4aCLCSr5c-00868-00144832-00144935 happening with interest rates and of cs4aCLCSr5c-00869-00144936-00145039 course we just had cs4aCLCSr5c-00870-00145040-00145214 the reserve bank come out with the cs4aCLCSr5c-00871-00145215-00145383 latest monetary policy review cs4aCLCSr5c-00872-00145384-00145551 where they can change the official cash cs4aCLCSr5c-00873-00145552-00145814 rate the ocr they chose not to but they cs4aCLCSr5c-00874-00145815-00145999 have ceased well basically in a week or cs4aCLCSr5c-00875-00146000-00146126 so they've ceased to buy cs4aCLCSr5c-00876-00146127-00146302 any more government bonds so essentially cs4aCLCSr5c-00877-00146303-00146439 stop their money printing cs4aCLCSr5c-00878-00146440-00146687 so a bit of a sign of them the economy cs4aCLCSr5c-00879-00146688-00146854 not needing quite the amount of support cs4aCLCSr5c-00880-00146855-00147007 that it has in the past so cs4aCLCSr5c-00881-00147008-00147159 there's lots going on in the space i cs4aCLCSr5c-00882-00147160-00147343 know we've started to see interest rates cs4aCLCSr5c-00883-00147344-00147471 especially long-term interest rates cs4aCLCSr5c-00884-00147472-00147575 start to lift cs4aCLCSr5c-00885-00147576-00147799 um we even recently saw a couple of cs4aCLCSr5c-00886-00147800-00147935 banks move their short-term interest cs4aCLCSr5c-00887-00147936-00148119 rates ahead of the reserve bank decision cs4aCLCSr5c-00888-00148120-00148190 which was cs4aCLCSr5c-00889-00148191-00148343 quite interesting and obviously not cs4aCLCSr5c-00890-00148344-00148519 directly related to the ocr but in cs4aCLCSr5c-00891-00148520-00148671 anticipation of it later in the year cs4aCLCSr5c-00892-00148672-00148759 maybe cs4aCLCSr5c-00893-00148760-00148975 so mate i mean where do you start with cs4aCLCSr5c-00894-00148976-00149119 interest rates what's what's your take cs4aCLCSr5c-00895-00149120-00149263 at the moment do you get your crystal cs4aCLCSr5c-00896-00149264-00149407 ball out do you try and avoid that cs4aCLCSr5c-00897-00149408-00149478 what's your cs4aCLCSr5c-00898-00149479-00149702 what's your current take you know i i cs4aCLCSr5c-00899-00149703-00149919 wrote an article on my prediction for cs4aCLCSr5c-00900-00149920-00150247 interest rates 2022 and about four hours cs4aCLCSr5c-00901-00150248-00150359 after that cs4aCLCSr5c-00902-00150360-00150678 uh the uh asb ups there cs4aCLCSr5c-00903-00150679-00150863 interest rate it was out of date already cs4aCLCSr5c-00904-00150864-00150999 so yeah it's cs4aCLCSr5c-00905-00151000-00151271 it's very much crystal ball gazing um i cs4aCLCSr5c-00906-00151272-00151335 mean i cs4aCLCSr5c-00907-00151336-00151471 that's the way we thought it was going cs4aCLCSr5c-00908-00151472-00151711 to go right i mean we might have seen a cs4aCLCSr5c-00909-00151712-00151926 tip to 1.99 but no one cs4aCLCSr5c-00910-00151927-00152159 really thought uh we were going to cs4aCLCSr5c-00911-00152160-00152287 continue down cs4aCLCSr5c-00912-00152288-00152590 so um so we're now looking at at least cs4aCLCSr5c-00913-00152591-00152911 one bank with 2.55 for one year cs4aCLCSr5c-00914-00152912-00153166 being a short where they were 2.19 i cs4aCLCSr5c-00915-00153167-00153278 mean the implica cs4aCLCSr5c-00916-00153279-00153551 the implications of that so 360 dollars cs4aCLCSr5c-00917-00153552-00153607 per cs4aCLCSr5c-00918-00153608-00153790 100 000 that you're borrowing so it cs4aCLCSr5c-00919-00153791-00153935 could be a couple of grand cs4aCLCSr5c-00920-00153936-00154295 um for a mortgage uh or more with two or cs4aCLCSr5c-00921-00154296-00154502 three thousand dollars easily per annum cs4aCLCSr5c-00922-00154503-00154839 um that means uh so cs4aCLCSr5c-00923-00154840-00155095 i mean that would seem the way to do it cs4aCLCSr5c-00924-00155096-00155287 the the interesting thing about it is cs4aCLCSr5c-00925-00155288-00155343 that cs4aCLCSr5c-00926-00155344-00155711 um those who are rolling off this month cs4aCLCSr5c-00927-00155712-00155966 fixed a year ago or longer so are cs4aCLCSr5c-00928-00155967-00156190 probably on the 2.5 cs4aCLCSr5c-00929-00156191-00156566 from last year anyway uh it will be the cs4aCLCSr5c-00930-00156567-00156814 ones that fix this year for 2.19 cs4aCLCSr5c-00931-00156815-00157023 that will come off in a year's time or cs4aCLCSr5c-00932-00157024-00157135 january or february next year or cs4aCLCSr5c-00933-00157136-00157190 whatever cs4aCLCSr5c-00934-00157191-00157511 that come off on 2.5 that are gonna have cs4aCLCSr5c-00935-00157512-00157559 that cs4aCLCSr5c-00936-00157560-00157807 interest rate shock uh i think so you're cs4aCLCSr5c-00937-00157808-00157990 not gonna see that immediate but cs4aCLCSr5c-00938-00157991-00158263 it's a it's an indicator right for uh cs4aCLCSr5c-00939-00158264-00158295 for cs4aCLCSr5c-00940-00158296-00158454 where interest rates are going and it'll cs4aCLCSr5c-00941-00158455-00158566 be interesting to see whether the other cs4aCLCSr5c-00942-00158567-00158790 banks follow suit or whether they um cs4aCLCSr5c-00943-00158791-00159078 leave asp out there on the hook with cs4aCLCSr5c-00944-00159079-00159214 their higher rates cs4aCLCSr5c-00945-00159215-00159463 um yeah i mean what do you think in cs4aCLCSr5c-00946-00159464-00159535 terms of cs4aCLCSr5c-00947-00159536-00159823 you know um how people can react to this cs4aCLCSr5c-00948-00159824-00159935 yeah i mean i think cs4aCLCSr5c-00949-00159936-00160111 you know first to say that that cs4aCLCSr5c-00950-00160112-00160295 expectations on oc are changing cs4aCLCSr5c-00951-00160296-00160599 so fast you know a month ago it was cs4aCLCSr5c-00952-00160600-00160902 to lift in the second half of 2022 cs4aCLCSr5c-00953-00160903-00160999 you know and then a couple of weeks cs4aCLCSr5c-00954-00161000-00161151 later it was oh it could be the start of cs4aCLCSr5c-00955-00161152-00161271 2022 cs4aCLCSr5c-00956-00161272-00161399 and then it was shifted to oh there's a cs4aCLCSr5c-00957-00161400-00161631 chance for november and now cs4aCLCSr5c-00958-00161632-00161839 more the economist than not are tipping cs4aCLCSr5c-00959-00161840-00162007 next month we're literally saying a cs4aCLCSr5c-00960-00162008-00162151 month away in august cs4aCLCSr5c-00961-00162152-00162295 where the reserve bank might lift that cs4aCLCSr5c-00962-00162296-00162511 ocr so i think it just shows how fast cs4aCLCSr5c-00963-00162512-00162671 this is moving and it could it could cs4aCLCSr5c-00964-00162672-00162711 shift cs4aCLCSr5c-00965-00162712-00162935 even quicker we've got inflation data cs4aCLCSr5c-00966-00162936-00163159 coming out tomorrow which is friday cs4aCLCSr5c-00967-00163160-00163351 um and that could there could well be cs4aCLCSr5c-00968-00163352-00163495 another thing that influences cs4aCLCSr5c-00969-00163496-00163671 the market as to their expectations as cs4aCLCSr5c-00970-00163672-00163838 well so there's there's just so much cs4aCLCSr5c-00971-00163839-00163983 going on in the space that it is cs4aCLCSr5c-00972-00163984-00164166 changing literally daily cs4aCLCSr5c-00973-00164167-00164366 um i think my feel reading the reserve cs4aCLCSr5c-00974-00164367-00164502 bank statement yesterday cs4aCLCSr5c-00975-00164503-00164671 i'm still leaning towards november cs4aCLCSr5c-00976-00164672-00164854 everyone sort of talks about inflation cs4aCLCSr5c-00977-00164855-00165014 being the key thing everyone's watching cs4aCLCSr5c-00978-00165015-00165199 for and the reserve bank talk about the cs4aCLCSr5c-00979-00165200-00165335 inflation being cs4aCLCSr5c-00980-00165336-00165566 quite one-off in its nature and cs4aCLCSr5c-00981-00165567-00165654 temporary cs4aCLCSr5c-00982-00165655-00165790 and if that is the case then they cs4aCLCSr5c-00983-00165791-00165911 wouldn't want to get ahead of that cs4aCLCSr5c-00984-00165912-00166063 because then it starts to come down and cs4aCLCSr5c-00985-00166064-00166295 they might lift the ocr too high cs4aCLCSr5c-00986-00166296-00166431 so it does seem to me that they'll be cs4aCLCSr5c-00987-00166432-00166631 more conservative and leave it for now cs4aCLCSr5c-00988-00166632-00166823 and it's in november still my time that cs4aCLCSr5c-00989-00166824-00166999 my expectation for that but again it cs4aCLCSr5c-00990-00167000-00167143 could change tomorrow cs4aCLCSr5c-00991-00167144-00167463 um and i think the other the other part cs4aCLCSr5c-00992-00167464-00167623 of this of course cs4aCLCSr5c-00993-00167624-00167847 um is what people are doing is people's cs4aCLCSr5c-00994-00167848-00167951 expectations cs4aCLCSr5c-00995-00167952-00168119 you know we have seen people drift away cs4aCLCSr5c-00996-00168120-00168311 very minor from those cs4aCLCSr5c-00997-00168312-00168551 one year and lower rates in the last cs4aCLCSr5c-00998-00168552-00168678 couple of months where i think it's cs4aCLCSr5c-00999-00168679-00168895 peaked at sort of 79 percent of people cs4aCLCSr5c-01000-00168896-00169166 a few weeks ago were on the floating or cs4aCLCSr5c-01001-00169167-00169311 fixed rate less than a year cs4aCLCSr5c-01002-00169312-00169511 and that's dropped to about 76 or 77 cs4aCLCSr5c-01003-00169512-00169631 percent so we've already seen people cs4aCLCSr5c-01004-00169632-00169783 start to drift away from that because of cs4aCLCSr5c-01005-00169784-00169878 expectations cs4aCLCSr5c-01006-00169879-00169990 because of what we're talking about cs4aCLCSr5c-01007-00169991-00170190 because the economists everyone talking cs4aCLCSr5c-01008-00170191-00170311 about you know next time you come up cs4aCLCSr5c-01009-00170312-00170366 you're gonna cs4aCLCSr5c-01010-00170367-00170526 you're gonna have a higher interest rate cs4aCLCSr5c-01011-00170527-00170687 and then now the question is cs4aCLCSr5c-01012-00170688-00170838 you know what impact could that have on cs4aCLCSr5c-01013-00170839-00171047 the market how would people be able to cs4aCLCSr5c-01014-00171048-00171126 handle cs4aCLCSr5c-01015-00171127-00171351 seeing their mortgage payments lift for cs4aCLCSr5c-01016-00171352-00171487 probably the first time or the first cs4aCLCSr5c-01017-00171488-00171590 time in at least cs4aCLCSr5c-01018-00171591-00171783 five or six years if not their lifetime cs4aCLCSr5c-01019-00171784-00171911 depending on how long they had that cs4aCLCSr5c-01020-00171912-00171990 property cs4aCLCSr5c-01021-00171991-00172214 and i'd be keen to get your guidance on cs4aCLCSr5c-01022-00172215-00172326 you know how do you think people could cs4aCLCSr5c-01023-00172327-00172399 handle that how cs4aCLCSr5c-01024-00172400-00172559 have people managed when they've seen cs4aCLCSr5c-01025-00172560-00172711 interest rates drop and have been able cs4aCLCSr5c-01026-00172712-00172871 to re-fix a lower rate cs4aCLCSr5c-01027-00172872-00173095 um do they continue to pay the same so cs4aCLCSr5c-01028-00173096-00173287 they're paying their mortgage off faster cs4aCLCSr5c-01029-00173288-00173487 or are they happy to go sweet can lower cs4aCLCSr5c-01030-00173488-00173702 my payment and spend my money elsewhere cs4aCLCSr5c-01031-00173703-00173831 because i think that depending on the cs4aCLCSr5c-01032-00173832-00174023 share of that that could influence how cs4aCLCSr5c-01033-00174024-00174166 people adjust when it goes cs4aCLCSr5c-01034-00174167-00174383 the other way too um if they have to cs4aCLCSr5c-01035-00174384-00174526 actually shift their their spending cs4aCLCSr5c-01036-00174527-00174607 habits or cs4aCLCSr5c-01037-00174608-00174743 or maybe they can't shift their spending cs4aCLCSr5c-01038-00174744-00174871 habits so they are going to be forced cs4aCLCSr5c-01039-00174872-00174935 into some cs4aCLCSr5c-01040-00174936-00175263 harder decisions yeah i think look cs4aCLCSr5c-01041-00175264-00175599 about half our clients would say as they cs4aCLCSr5c-01042-00175600-00175735 roll off a higher rate cs4aCLCSr5c-01043-00175736-00175878 they would say let's just keep the cs4aCLCSr5c-01044-00175879-00176047 payments the same and and therefore cs4aCLCSr5c-01045-00176048-00176207 reduce the term of the mortgage so i cs4aCLCSr5c-01046-00176208-00176287 think there's cs4aCLCSr5c-01047-00176288-00176471 there's there's a good portion of cs4aCLCSr5c-01048-00176472-00176599 mortgage home owners who cs4aCLCSr5c-01049-00176600-00176831 have done that and not not every time cs4aCLCSr5c-01050-00176832-00176990 but you know that they've they've really cs4aCLCSr5c-01051-00176991-00177199 tried their best to keep payments high cs4aCLCSr5c-01052-00177200-00177254 because cs4aCLCSr5c-01053-00177255-00177599 the pain you've already um felt at four cs4aCLCSr5c-01054-00177600-00177695 percent cs4aCLCSr5c-01055-00177696-00177823 interest rates you know when it dropped cs4aCLCSr5c-01056-00177824-00178063 down to 3.2 you might as well just keep cs4aCLCSr5c-01057-00178064-00178207 the pain there right so there is there cs4aCLCSr5c-01058-00178208-00178326 is definitely a percentage of people cs4aCLCSr5c-01059-00178327-00178359 that cs4aCLCSr5c-01060-00178360-00178519 that have done that well and therefore cs4aCLCSr5c-01061-00178520-00178654 pay down their mortgage relatively cs4aCLCSr5c-01062-00178655-00178759 quickly cs4aCLCSr5c-01063-00178760-00179007 the and and and really hastened to say cs4aCLCSr5c-01064-00179008-00179151 that there are a number of reasons why cs4aCLCSr5c-01065-00179152-00179326 you might only pay minimum cs4aCLCSr5c-01066-00179327-00179511 mortgage payments so that's it's not a cs4aCLCSr5c-01067-00179512-00179678 guilt trip or judgment by any means you cs4aCLCSr5c-01068-00179679-00179887 know anyone who's expecting a baby or cs4aCLCSr5c-01069-00179888-00180238 or whatever um can adjust those so cs4aCLCSr5c-01070-00180239-00180519 um but i think uh um you know we've cs4aCLCSr5c-01071-00180520-00180711 discussed this before about cs4aCLCSr5c-01072-00180712-00181047 the pain of going from say 2.2 to cs4aCLCSr5c-01073-00181048-00181359 2.5 or 3 is that cs4aCLCSr5c-01074-00181360-00181647 at 2.2 percent typically people uh you cs4aCLCSr5c-01075-00181648-00181847 know they spend on luxuries or cs4aCLCSr5c-01076-00181848-00182135 or you know disposable kind of income cs4aCLCSr5c-01077-00182136-00182231 they get rid of it at cs4aCLCSr5c-01078-00182232-00182447 you know takeaways or uber eats or they cs4aCLCSr5c-01079-00182448-00182607 might get a sky cs4aCLCSr5c-01080-00182608-00182847 connection or they might buy a car um cs4aCLCSr5c-01081-00182848-00183063 and rack up some debt there because you cs4aCLCSr5c-01082-00183064-00183175 know they were tested cs4aCLCSr5c-01083-00183176-00183335 on their mortgage at six and a half cs4aCLCSr5c-01084-00183336-00183478 percent and now they got that and then cs4aCLCSr5c-01085-00183479-00183631 they ended up only paying cs4aCLCSr5c-01086-00183632-00183983 2.2 percent so they've got an element of cs4aCLCSr5c-01087-00183984-00184135 free money cs4aCLCSr5c-01088-00184136-00184335 the trouble is when that money gets cs4aCLCSr5c-01089-00184336-00184566 taken it gets demanded to pay your cs4aCLCSr5c-01090-00184567-00184631 mortgage cs4aCLCSr5c-01091-00184632-00184959 you know on a higher rate what cs4aCLCSr5c-01092-00184960-00185190 do you get rid of and how easily can you cs4aCLCSr5c-01093-00185191-00185295 get rid of it cs4aCLCSr5c-01094-00185296-00185495 uh equals the amount of pain that an cs4aCLCSr5c-01095-00185496-00185671 interest rate shock has so if you've got cs4aCLCSr5c-01096-00185672-00185759 savings cs4aCLCSr5c-01097-00185760-00185919 going away each month where you just you cs4aCLCSr5c-01098-00185920-00186078 just allocate that to the interest rate cs4aCLCSr5c-01099-00186079-00186223 it's not the best way to allocate a cs4aCLCSr5c-01100-00186224-00186343 savings amount but cs4aCLCSr5c-01101-00186344-00186623 but if it's locked on a car loan that's cs4aCLCSr5c-01102-00186624-00186823 hard to get rid of right that's you you cs4aCLCSr5c-01103-00186824-00186990 can't sell a car immediately and recoup cs4aCLCSr5c-01104-00186991-00187135 the amount you paid for it cs4aCLCSr5c-01105-00187136-00187438 uh if you're locked into um you know a cs4aCLCSr5c-01106-00187439-00187543 subscription that cs4aCLCSr5c-01107-00187544-00187678 maybe forces you in for a year or cs4aCLCSr5c-01108-00187679-00187975 something a cell phone bill for instance cs4aCLCSr5c-01109-00187976-00188190 uh then you can't easily get rid of that cs4aCLCSr5c-01110-00188191-00188287 so cs4aCLCSr5c-01111-00188288-00188454 that's kind of why we're pitching cs4aCLCSr5c-01112-00188455-00188663 towards start planning towards cs4aCLCSr5c-01113-00188664-00188847 three percent or four percent or five cs4aCLCSr5c-01114-00188848-00189031 percent of mortgage cs4aCLCSr5c-01115-00189032-00189350 now even if you can't do it today cs4aCLCSr5c-01116-00189351-00189623 uh you know what is four percent on your cs4aCLCSr5c-01117-00189624-00189759 mortgage look like cs4aCLCSr5c-01118-00189760-00189966 and what does it take to get there and cs4aCLCSr5c-01119-00189967-00190207 say the next six months or a year cs4aCLCSr5c-01120-00190208-00190535 and if you can do that then the day that cs4aCLCSr5c-01121-00190536-00190711 comes when you have to re-fix that four cs4aCLCSr5c-01122-00190712-00190783 percent cs4aCLCSr5c-01123-00190784-00191038 the uh the the pain isn't going to be as cs4aCLCSr5c-01124-00191039-00191183 severe because you've got rid of those cs4aCLCSr5c-01125-00191184-00191350 excessive expenses cs4aCLCSr5c-01126-00191351-00191543 um one thing i will say while i'm on cs4aCLCSr5c-01127-00191544-00191726 that topic is there are a variety of cs4aCLCSr5c-01128-00191727-00191911 ways that banks allow you to pay cs4aCLCSr5c-01129-00191912-00192078 additional make additional payments on cs4aCLCSr5c-01130-00192079-00192350 your mortgage with with no penalty cs4aCLCSr5c-01131-00192351-00192687 and there are most banks have quite a um cs4aCLCSr5c-01132-00192688-00192919 reasonable way of doing it some allow up cs4aCLCSr5c-01133-00192920-00193031 to a five percent cs4aCLCSr5c-01134-00193032-00193199 lump sum deposit which would mean you'd cs4aCLCSr5c-01135-00193200-00193350 have to stick savings away each week and cs4aCLCSr5c-01136-00193351-00193599 then put their lump sum across cs4aCLCSr5c-01137-00193600-00193814 most of the banks allow some sort of cs4aCLCSr5c-01138-00193815-00194047 increase to your payments mid-term cs4aCLCSr5c-01139-00194048-00194295 uh on fixed so you know if you can cs4aCLCSr5c-01140-00194296-00194519 figure out i'm paying 500 cs4aCLCSr5c-01141-00194520-00194678 but i've got no idea all the cs4aCLCSr5c-01142-00194679-00194847 calculations but let's say 500 a week cs4aCLCSr5c-01143-00194848-00194902 and cs4aCLCSr5c-01144-00194903-00195223 at four percent it would be 650 cs4aCLCSr5c-01145-00195224-00195431 ask your bank about how you would uh cs4aCLCSr5c-01146-00195432-00195631 increase it to 650 cs4aCLCSr5c-01147-00195632-00195935 uh and and sort of get used to that pain cs4aCLCSr5c-01148-00195936-00196126 and then any any interest rate rises in cs4aCLCSr5c-01149-00196127-00196335 the future are kind of not going to cs4aCLCSr5c-01150-00196336-00196663 severely affect anyone really probably cs4aCLCSr5c-01151-00196664-00196847 just as a disclaimer for that typically cs4aCLCSr5c-01152-00196848-00196990 if you increase the payments cs4aCLCSr5c-01153-00196991-00197175 you can't then reduce them again very cs4aCLCSr5c-01154-00197176-00197343 easily in the fixed term so just cs4aCLCSr5c-01155-00197344-00197559 think about that as well but yeah i mean cs4aCLCSr5c-01156-00197560-00197719 yeah it's it's going to be interesting cs4aCLCSr5c-01157-00197720-00197863 how people react cs4aCLCSr5c-01158-00197864-00198031 there's going to be an amount of people cs4aCLCSr5c-01159-00198032-00198166 that feel um cs4aCLCSr5c-01160-00198167-00198438 a sinking feeling just that haven't seen cs4aCLCSr5c-01161-00198439-00198566 interest rate rises cs4aCLCSr5c-01162-00198567-00198871 in um in you know in the long term cs4aCLCSr5c-01163-00198872-00199038 from a mortgage broker perspective you cs4aCLCSr5c-01164-00199039-00199271 know we haven't had to worry about cs4aCLCSr5c-01165-00199272-00199407 presenting an interest rate cs4aCLCSr5c-01166-00199408-00199575 and then three days later it actually cs4aCLCSr5c-01167-00199576-00199702 went up and we've got to deliver some cs4aCLCSr5c-01168-00199703-00199847 bad news it's been probably six years cs4aCLCSr5c-01169-00199848-00199990 since we had to give that bad news to cs4aCLCSr5c-01170-00199991-00200063 anyone cs4aCLCSr5c-01171-00200064-00200414 um so yeah it is a changing market for cs4aCLCSr5c-01172-00200415-00200519 sure cs4aCLCSr5c-01173-00200520-00200743 people will be reassessing it yeah no i cs4aCLCSr5c-01174-00200744-00200854 mean that is really interesting and like cs4aCLCSr5c-01175-00200855-00200950 i say it's just you know we have cs4aCLCSr5c-01176-00200951-00201102 relatively short memories most of us and cs4aCLCSr5c-01177-00201103-00201271 i think it is hard to think back to cs4aCLCSr5c-01178-00201272-00201454 any time like that and i think the key cs4aCLCSr5c-01179-00201455-00201583 point you got there is cs4aCLCSr5c-01180-00201584-00201735 it is people and whether they've got cs4aCLCSr5c-01181-00201736-00201959 committed or uncommitted income what the cs4aCLCSr5c-01182-00201960-00202190 you know what those levels or expenses cs4aCLCSr5c-01183-00202191-00202263 are at cs4aCLCSr5c-01184-00202264-00202390 as to how they're going to adjust for cs4aCLCSr5c-01185-00202391-00202590 this in the future as well and i do cs4aCLCSr5c-01186-00202591-00202750 think that you know because we mostly cs4aCLCSr5c-01187-00202751-00202807 fix cs4aCLCSr5c-01188-00202808-00202966 as you said the rates they're coming off cs4aCLCSr5c-01189-00202967-00203150 might not be you know as low as maybe cs4aCLCSr5c-01190-00203151-00203231 right now cs4aCLCSr5c-01191-00203232-00203431 or they were last couple of months so cs4aCLCSr5c-01192-00203432-00203590 the shock might not be quite as bad cs4aCLCSr5c-01193-00203591-00203663 either cs4aCLCSr5c-01194-00203664-00203807 i know that many people will split their cs4aCLCSr5c-01195-00203808-00203975 mortgages as well so they're coming off cs4aCLCSr5c-01196-00203976-00204102 at different rates and cs4aCLCSr5c-01197-00204103-00204254 so they should have a bit of flexibility cs4aCLCSr5c-01198-00204255-00204471 there too so our expectation isn't for a cs4aCLCSr5c-01199-00204472-00204566 significant cs4aCLCSr5c-01200-00204567-00204719 shock to many people i think the other cs4aCLCSr5c-01201-00204720-00204846 thing we didn't quite touch on with the cs4aCLCSr5c-01202-00204848-00204934 ocr cs4aCLCSr5c-01203-00204935-00205086 was despite the fact that there's you cs4aCLCSr5c-01204-00205087-00205262 know forecast picking cs4aCLCSr5c-01205-00205263-00205471 you know a lift it's mostly a lift of cs4aCLCSr5c-01206-00205471-00205679 0.25 you know next time cs4aCLCSr5c-01207-00205680-00205814 and then maybe another one within the cs4aCLCSr5c-01208-00205815-00206006 six months you know it's a very slow and cs4aCLCSr5c-01209-00206007-00206134 gradual rise cs4aCLCSr5c-01210-00206135-00206294 to the point where you know even the cs4aCLCSr5c-01211-00206296-00206446 reserve bank is sort of saying it might cs4aCLCSr5c-01212-00206448-00206646 get to two percent within three years or cs4aCLCSr5c-01213-00206648-00206703 so cs4aCLCSr5c-01214-00206704-00206886 so we're not talking about this lift of cs4aCLCSr5c-01215-00206887-00207142 the ocr even back to one percent within cs4aCLCSr5c-01216-00207144-00207246 the year maybe cs4aCLCSr5c-01217-00207248-00207366 you know when you think that the cs4aCLCSr5c-01218-00207367-00207575 emergency drop came in cs4aCLCSr5c-01219-00207576-00207758 um as covert hit it went from i think cs4aCLCSr5c-01220-00207759-00207990 one percent to 0.25 you know dropped of cs4aCLCSr5c-01221-00207991-00208303 0.75 which is unprecedented and we're cs4aCLCSr5c-01222-00208304-00208438 not even talking about going back to cs4aCLCSr5c-01223-00208439-00208575 what those normal cs4aCLCSr5c-01224-00208576-00208814 levels were so it is it's not like we're cs4aCLCSr5c-01225-00208815-00208966 talking about interest rates going from cs4aCLCSr5c-01226-00208967-00209046 the current to cs4aCLCSr5c-01227-00209048-00209310 two and a half percent to you know cs4aCLCSr5c-01228-00209311-00209471 you're paying on your mortgage five or cs4aCLCSr5c-01229-00209471-00209662 six percent within the next year or so cs4aCLCSr5c-01230-00209663-00209846 it is gradual and it should be cs4aCLCSr5c-01231-00209848-00209982 manageable but i think cs4aCLCSr5c-01232-00209983-00210151 the the other flip side of that of cs4aCLCSr5c-01233-00210152-00210294 course is people say well we've got so cs4aCLCSr5c-01234-00210296-00210471 much debt right now that even a small cs4aCLCSr5c-01235-00210471-00210542 rise cs4aCLCSr5c-01236-00210544-00210687 from those small amounts could still cs4aCLCSr5c-01237-00210688-00210846 impact some people and i think that's cs4aCLCSr5c-01238-00210848-00210991 where it'll come down to what other cs4aCLCSr5c-01239-00210992-00211263 committed um expenses they have how are cs4aCLCSr5c-01240-00211264-00211398 they going to be able to handle that one cs4aCLCSr5c-01241-00211400-00211575 or is it just a little bit of not going cs4aCLCSr5c-01242-00211576-00211646 to buy cs4aCLCSr5c-01243-00211648-00211831 you know as many beers at the pub that cs4aCLCSr5c-01244-00211832-00212063 weekend or you know or go out as cs4aCLCSr5c-01245-00212064-00212191 frequently for dinner cs4aCLCSr5c-01246-00212192-00212367 or maybe you do have to get rid of your cs4aCLCSr5c-01247-00212367-00212534 food box or whatever it might be so cs4aCLCSr5c-01248-00212535-00212639 those things that are cs4aCLCSr5c-01249-00212640-00212831 relatively fixable as opposed to like cs4aCLCSr5c-01250-00212832-00212967 say subscriptions or cs4aCLCSr5c-01251-00212967-00213191 or big sparkle purchases or cars or cs4aCLCSr5c-01252-00213192-00213294 something like that cs4aCLCSr5c-01253-00213296-00213406 and that's probably going to be the cs4aCLCSr5c-01254-00213407-00213639 telling factor i think um cs4aCLCSr5c-01255-00213640-00213942 yeah one thing we didn't talk about cs4aCLCSr5c-01256-00213944-00214079 earlier and i know we probably would cs4aCLCSr5c-01257-00214080-00214263 probably should um wrap up very shortly cs4aCLCSr5c-01258-00214264-00214382 when we talked about the strength of cs4aCLCSr5c-01259-00214383-00214527 first time buyers right now they've been cs4aCLCSr5c-01260-00214528-00214703 pretty strong for a wee while now yes cs4aCLCSr5c-01261-00214704-00214863 it's a competitive market cs4aCLCSr5c-01262-00214864-00214975 but certainly something that did the cs4aCLCSr5c-01263-00214976-00215206 rounds in the media the last week or so cs4aCLCSr5c-01264-00215207-00215431 has been how first-time buyers have been cs4aCLCSr5c-01265-00215432-00215598 using the bank of mum and dad to get cs4aCLCSr5c-01266-00215600-00215694 into the market cs4aCLCSr5c-01267-00215696-00215887 it's a really hard one to get too much cs4aCLCSr5c-01268-00215888-00216071 hard data from the mom and dad don't cs4aCLCSr5c-01269-00216071-00216255 necessarily go on the title anymore cs4aCLCSr5c-01270-00216256-00216398 from what i've heard talking to banks cs4aCLCSr5c-01271-00216400-00216615 and and the brokers like yourself cs4aCLCSr5c-01272-00216616-00216919 um it's it's mostly them giving gifts so cs4aCLCSr5c-01273-00216919-00217023 there's no real cs4aCLCSr5c-01274-00217023-00217239 tracking of that but i was interested to cs4aCLCSr5c-01275-00217240-00217487 hear you know how from your perspective cs4aCLCSr5c-01276-00217488-00217623 how are those first-time buyers cs4aCLCSr5c-01277-00217623-00217806 continuing to afford to get into the cs4aCLCSr5c-01278-00217807-00217879 market cs4aCLCSr5c-01279-00217880-00218006 we're seeing them adjust their cs4aCLCSr5c-01280-00218007-00218271 expectations using kiwisaver but how cs4aCLCSr5c-01281-00218271-00218406 much are they using their mum and dad to cs4aCLCSr5c-01282-00218407-00218567 help them out at the moment cs4aCLCSr5c-01283-00218567-00218727 yeah we we try to get the data out of cs4aCLCSr5c-01284-00218728-00218934 the banks too and then they just don't cs4aCLCSr5c-01285-00218935-00219039 track that it's cs4aCLCSr5c-01286-00219040-00219239 um i would say anecdotally we are cs4aCLCSr5c-01287-00219240-00219446 sitting around the 60 to 70 percent cs4aCLCSr5c-01288-00219448-00219751 uh of first home buyers um cs4aCLCSr5c-01289-00219752-00220055 uh use some sort of assistance from bank cs4aCLCSr5c-01290-00220056-00220191 of mum and dad and i think it's probably cs4aCLCSr5c-01291-00220192-00220279 important cs4aCLCSr5c-01292-00220280-00220606 to um explain that in terms of sometimes cs4aCLCSr5c-01293-00220607-00220815 that is on the title and helping with cs4aCLCSr5c-01294-00220816-00221023 income sometimes it's a gift sometimes cs4aCLCSr5c-01295-00221023-00221246 it's a loan that needs to be repaid back cs4aCLCSr5c-01296-00221248-00221510 either regular payments or or you know cs4aCLCSr5c-01297-00221511-00221694 upon sale of the property cs4aCLCSr5c-01298-00221696-00221887 um but but there's certainly some cs4aCLCSr5c-01299-00221888-00221998 assistance there cs4aCLCSr5c-01300-00222000-00222223 by far the most common one is a gift or cs4aCLCSr5c-01301-00222223-00222327 a loan cs4aCLCSr5c-01302-00222328-00222719 we prefer a long-term loan cs4aCLCSr5c-01303-00222719-00223079 uh just in terms of cs4aCLCSr5c-01304-00223080-00223415 divorces matrimonial separations cs4aCLCSr5c-01305-00223416-00223623 you know it's it is fundamentally an cs4aCLCSr5c-01306-00223623-00223831 early inheritance from your parents cs4aCLCSr5c-01307-00223832-00224142 if it's a gift and and so just for cs4aCLCSr5c-01308-00224144-00224294 clients to think about you know getting cs4aCLCSr5c-01309-00224296-00224423 that wrapped up and cs4aCLCSr5c-01310-00224423-00224639 and um you know uh matrimonial cs4aCLCSr5c-01311-00224640-00224742 separation kind of cs4aCLCSr5c-01312-00224744-00224991 and assets and things um but yeah look cs4aCLCSr5c-01313-00224992-00225191 there there's and it skews a little bit cs4aCLCSr5c-01314-00225192-00225294 to auckland cs4aCLCSr5c-01315-00225296-00225503 um you know in the smaller towns where cs4aCLCSr5c-01316-00225504-00225631 you only need cs4aCLCSr5c-01317-00225632-00225855 six hundred thousand only i only need cs4aCLCSr5c-01318-00225856-00226031 six hundred thousand cs4aCLCSr5c-01319-00226032-00226334 it's still a lot yeah um but but cs4aCLCSr5c-01320-00226335-00226575 there's less of that because with with cs4aCLCSr5c-01321-00226576-00226679 kiwisaver you can cs4aCLCSr5c-01322-00226680-00226863 sort of get to that that ten percent a cs4aCLCSr5c-01323-00226864-00227055 little easier but yeah in auckland cs4aCLCSr5c-01324-00227056-00227423 um high and and it's it's cs4aCLCSr5c-01325-00227423-00227727 i mean mom and dad have had a uh cs4aCLCSr5c-01326-00227728-00227887 and like the investors have had some cs4aCLCSr5c-01327-00227888-00228079 equity growth if they own a property cs4aCLCSr5c-01328-00228080-00228455 in the past 10 years um however cs4aCLCSr5c-01329-00228456-00228727 there is a discussion around uh when do cs4aCLCSr5c-01330-00228728-00228855 they need that money back cs4aCLCSr5c-01331-00228856-00229134 so if they're going to equity release it cs4aCLCSr5c-01332-00229135-00229167 in cs4aCLCSr5c-01333-00229167-00229310 three or four years time you give that cs4aCLCSr5c-01334-00229311-00229503 to the kids the kids into a top up in cs4aCLCSr5c-01335-00229504-00229687 three or four years time cs4aCLCSr5c-01336-00229688-00229863 are they gonna if they definitely need cs4aCLCSr5c-01337-00229864-00230015 in three or four years time that's quite cs4aCLCSr5c-01338-00230016-00230110 a risky cs4aCLCSr5c-01339-00230111-00230342 maneuver right so um yeah there's a cs4aCLCSr5c-01340-00230344-00230510 question around that but the most common cs4aCLCSr5c-01341-00230511-00230582 thing we see cs4aCLCSr5c-01342-00230583-00230758 is trying to get your kids to that cs4aCLCSr5c-01343-00230759-00230982 magical 20 deposit because that's where cs4aCLCSr5c-01344-00230983-00231119 the rates come down and cs4aCLCSr5c-01345-00231119-00231303 banks a lot looser with their policy cs4aCLCSr5c-01346-00231304-00231431 they'll allow you to have flat mates and cs4aCLCSr5c-01347-00231432-00231558 things so first home buyers really want cs4aCLCSr5c-01348-00231559-00231671 to get to that 20 cs4aCLCSr5c-01349-00231671-00231951 deposit um and and any help that mom and cs4aCLCSr5c-01350-00231952-00232055 dad can do to get that cs4aCLCSr5c-01351-00232056-00232391 often benefits the the kids buying cs4aCLCSr5c-01352-00232392-00232598 substantially in terms of just even cs4aCLCSr5c-01353-00232600-00232767 interest rate cs4aCLCSr5c-01354-00232767-00233039 rates that they get from the bank so cs4aCLCSr5c-01355-00233040-00233175 quite a good thing cs4aCLCSr5c-01356-00233176-00233382 really yeah and not at all surprising cs4aCLCSr5c-01357-00233383-00233582 that we're seeing seeing such a large cs4aCLCSr5c-01358-00233583-00233831 kind of thing i mean who as a 25 year cs4aCLCSr5c-01359-00233832-00233967 old cs4aCLCSr5c-01360-00233967-00234119 and fifty thousand dollars floating cs4aCLCSr5c-01361-00234119-00234231 around seventy five thousand dollars cs4aCLCSr5c-01362-00234232-00234367 each even if it's a couple cs4aCLCSr5c-01363-00234367-00234551 floating around their account right so cs4aCLCSr5c-01364-00234552-00234671 it's cs4aCLCSr5c-01365-00234671-00234846 unsurprising yeah and i think that's cs4aCLCSr5c-01366-00234848-00235015 where this you know um cs4aCLCSr5c-01367-00235016-00235223 generation debate comes in and you know cs4aCLCSr5c-01368-00235223-00235423 this k shape recovery and cs4aCLCSr5c-01369-00235423-00235582 you know inequality increasing as well cs4aCLCSr5c-01370-00235583-00235694 and that's where it gets all very cs4aCLCSr5c-01371-00235696-00235806 emotional i know cs4aCLCSr5c-01372-00235807-00235967 you know benedict is certainly very big cs4aCLCSr5c-01373-00235967-00236110 on this is saying if you don't have cs4aCLCSr5c-01374-00236111-00236223 parents that own property cs4aCLCSr5c-01375-00236223-00236358 and you're not going to about afford it cs4aCLCSr5c-01376-00236359-00236510 then you're kind of buggered forever and cs4aCLCSr5c-01377-00236511-00236671 that's where i think it gets very cs4aCLCSr5c-01378-00236671-00236879 political as well and i think that's why cs4aCLCSr5c-01379-00236880-00237046 we're seeing so much debate you know cs4aCLCSr5c-01380-00237048-00237206 either way on this one because cs4aCLCSr5c-01381-00237207-00237358 these are the things that are so common cs4aCLCSr5c-01382-00237359-00237494 right now that if you don't have parents cs4aCLCSr5c-01383-00237496-00237551 then it's cs4aCLCSr5c-01384-00237552-00237719 it is difficult to get into the market cs4aCLCSr5c-01385-00237719-00237855 if that's something that you are cs4aCLCSr5c-01386-00237856-00238103 aspiring to do um interesting you talk cs4aCLCSr5c-01387-00238104-00238198 about obviously you know they want to cs4aCLCSr5c-01388-00238200-00238327 get to that magic 20 cs4aCLCSr5c-01389-00238328-00238463 and absolutely that's obviously cs4aCLCSr5c-01390-00238464-00238639 preferable for first-time buyers cs4aCLCSr5c-01391-00238640-00238798 the one thing i've sort of been at pains cs4aCLCSr5c-01392-00238800-00238998 to continue to talk about recently and cs4aCLCSr5c-01393-00239000-00239142 it's because when i talk to brokers cs4aCLCSr5c-01394-00239144-00239391 advisors like yourself bankers they do cs4aCLCSr5c-01395-00239392-00239463 often say that cs4aCLCSr5c-01396-00239464-00239694 sometimes the the idea the perception of cs4aCLCSr5c-01397-00239696-00239815 the lbrs cs4aCLCSr5c-01398-00239816-00240031 impacts buyers or potential buyers more cs4aCLCSr5c-01399-00240032-00240158 than their reality cs4aCLCSr5c-01400-00240159-00240342 um and you look at the reserve bank data cs4aCLCSr5c-01401-00240344-00240487 and also respect that cs4aCLCSr5c-01402-00240488-00240767 you know there's a speed limit for how cs4aCLCSr5c-01403-00240767-00240927 much the banks can actually do with less cs4aCLCSr5c-01404-00240928-00240967 than cs4aCLCSr5c-01405-00240967-00241246 20 deposit for owner occupiers and so cs4aCLCSr5c-01406-00241248-00241375 they can actually do up to 20 cs4aCLCSr5c-01407-00241376-00241558 of all our occupied loans with less than cs4aCLCSr5c-01408-00241559-00241687 20 deposits so cs4aCLCSr5c-01409-00241688-00241791 yes you want to get there there's cs4aCLCSr5c-01410-00241792-00241942 benefits of doing it but you don't have cs4aCLCSr5c-01411-00241944-00242110 to get there to get into the market cs4aCLCSr5c-01412-00242111-00242271 and actually for first home buyers cs4aCLCSr5c-01413-00242271-00242415 they're the ones that are usually cs4aCLCSr5c-01414-00242416-00242591 using that allowance so we look at the cs4aCLCSr5c-01415-00242592-00242887 reserve bank data it's about 35 to 36 cs4aCLCSr5c-01416-00242888-00243119 of all first home buyers are getting a cs4aCLCSr5c-01417-00243119-00243334 mortgage you know getting that loan cs4aCLCSr5c-01418-00243335-00243551 without a 20 deposit so they're the ones cs4aCLCSr5c-01419-00243552-00243719 that actually go outside that yes they cs4aCLCSr5c-01420-00243719-00243871 might pay some higher fees or whatever cs4aCLCSr5c-01421-00243871-00243951 it is cs4aCLCSr5c-01422-00243952-00244151 but for them it's a it's a big long-term cs4aCLCSr5c-01423-00244152-00244271 purchase they're going to live in that cs4aCLCSr5c-01424-00244271-00244342 property cs4aCLCSr5c-01425-00244344-00244503 and so they'll harbor that for a short cs4aCLCSr5c-01426-00244504-00244630 term just to get into that market cs4aCLCSr5c-01427-00244631-00244703 especially cs4aCLCSr5c-01428-00244704-00244823 as the market's been growing cs4aCLCSr5c-01429-00244823-00245015 significantly so i always kind of want cs4aCLCSr5c-01430-00245016-00245046 to cs4aCLCSr5c-01431-00245048-00245142 point that out that yes there's a cs4aCLCSr5c-01432-00245144-00245319 barrier yes there's benefits to get to cs4aCLCSr5c-01433-00245319-00245367 there cs4aCLCSr5c-01434-00245367-00245598 but it's not absolutely necessary 10 can cs4aCLCSr5c-01435-00245600-00245687 do the job cs4aCLCSr5c-01436-00245688-00245871 um for any aspiring first-time buyers cs4aCLCSr5c-01437-00245871-00246015 that are out there anyway cs4aCLCSr5c-01438-00246016-00246175 it absolutely kills me when i hear cs4aCLCSr5c-01439-00246176-00246367 people say oh i wish i could buy a first cs4aCLCSr5c-01440-00246367-00246487 home but i don't have 20 cs4aCLCSr5c-01441-00246488-00246710 deposit and and if i could fly a banner cs4aCLCSr5c-01442-00246711-00246910 across new zealand and just say that cs4aCLCSr5c-01443-00246911-00247246 it is absolutely possible at 10 um cs4aCLCSr5c-01444-00247248-00247423 the criteria is a little bit higher but cs4aCLCSr5c-01445-00247423-00247694 it is not impossible at all and there is cs4aCLCSr5c-01446-00247696-00247863 there is there is quite a bit of money cs4aCLCSr5c-01447-00247864-00248063 out there for those low deposit cs4aCLCSr5c-01448-00248064-00248271 loans um and even more if you're buying cs4aCLCSr5c-01449-00248271-00248367 a new build cs4aCLCSr5c-01450-00248367-00248519 exactly because because it's unlimited cs4aCLCSr5c-01451-00248519-00248703 essentially um but yeah cs4aCLCSr5c-01452-00248704-00248927 yeah it's um for those who are who wish cs4aCLCSr5c-01453-00248928-00249063 they could get in the first home but but cs4aCLCSr5c-01454-00249064-00249255 have waited because they don't have cs4aCLCSr5c-01455-00249256-00249639 120 000 or 180 000 yeah it's it's a good cs4aCLCSr5c-01456-00249640-00249839 message to hear is that that it's okay cs4aCLCSr5c-01457-00249840-00250039 at 10 percent uh often cs4aCLCSr5c-01458-00250040-00250206 exactly and yeah and the reason it cs4aCLCSr5c-01459-00250207-00250342 always came up for me was cs4aCLCSr5c-01460-00250344-00250494 remember talking to a mortgage advisor cs4aCLCSr5c-01461-00250496-00250687 and he said it was amazing when the lbrs cs4aCLCSr5c-01462-00250688-00250830 were temporarily removed cs4aCLCSr5c-01463-00250831-00250958 all these people came and talked to them cs4aCLCSr5c-01464-00250959-00251134 and they'd assist them and go cs4aCLCSr5c-01465-00251135-00251263 why didn't you see me last month you cs4aCLCSr5c-01466-00251264-00251367 still could have got a book because it cs4aCLCSr5c-01467-00251367-00251558 didn't matter the lvrs have gone off but cs4aCLCSr5c-01468-00251559-00251734 they just threw in the media no lbs and cs4aCLCSr5c-01469-00251735-00251863 they thought sweet we can go and talk to cs4aCLCSr5c-01470-00251864-00251991 someone now it's like you should have cs4aCLCSr5c-01471-00251992-00252094 gone and talked to them anyway because cs4aCLCSr5c-01472-00252096-00252239 you just never know where you can cs4aCLCSr5c-01473-00252240-00252382 squeeze around the rules or cs4aCLCSr5c-01474-00252383-00252510 will make things work for you especially cs4aCLCSr5c-01475-00252511-00252694 if you've got decent income so yeah i do cs4aCLCSr5c-01476-00252696-00252855 think it's a good reminder to always cs4aCLCSr5c-01477-00252856-00252958 throw in there cs4aCLCSr5c-01478-00252959-00253127 yeah yeah the one message to take away cs4aCLCSr5c-01479-00253128-00253263 from today exactly cs4aCLCSr5c-01480-00253264-00253655 exactly yeah cs4aCLCSr5c-01481-00253656-00253758 i don't know if you've got any other cs4aCLCSr5c-01482-00253759-00253942 things that were burning on your mind to cs4aCLCSr5c-01483-00253944-00253998 chat cs4aCLCSr5c-01484-00254000-00254142 that's them that's the main things cs4aCLCSr5c-01485-00254144-00254319 really is the uh you know the the cs4aCLCSr5c-01486-00254319-00254551 changes in the policies around lvrs and cs4aCLCSr5c-01487-00254552-00254687 potentially dtis cs4aCLCSr5c-01488-00254688-00254951 and you know interest tax deductibility cs4aCLCSr5c-01489-00254952-00255023 and things so cs4aCLCSr5c-01490-00255023-00255191 you know that is that is the main things cs4aCLCSr5c-01491-00255192-00255310 in the market at the moment so yeah cs4aCLCSr5c-01492-00255311-00255479 thanks for uh thanks for the chat cs4aCLCSr5c-01493-00255480-00255671 yeah now great having a yard mate and uh cs4aCLCSr5c-01494-00255671-00255823 when we put this on my podcast our cs4aCLCSr5c-01495-00255823-00255887 podcast cs4aCLCSr5c-01496-00255888-00256023 we need to give you a plug for yours cs4aCLCSr5c-01497-00256023-00256110 you're gonna give a plug for your cs4aCLCSr5c-01498-00256111-00256263 podcast and then i'll play mine for cs4aCLCSr5c-01499-00256264-00256327 yours cs4aCLCSr5c-01500-00256328-00256519 yeah so our podcast is everything cs4aCLCSr5c-01501-00256519-00256751 mortgages and available on all of those cs4aCLCSr5c-01502-00256752-00256927 places that you get podcasts so just cs4aCLCSr5c-01503-00256928-00257127 just search everything mortgages and cs4aCLCSr5c-01504-00257128-00257334 and you'll find us good on you and for cs4aCLCSr5c-01505-00257335-00257471 us it's the new zealand property market cs4aCLCSr5c-01506-00257471-00257606 podcast so please do cs4aCLCSr5c-01507-00257607-00257727 check us out available on all the cs4aCLCSr5c-01508-00257728-00257919 podcasts as well and cs4aCLCSr5c-01509-00257919-00258110 let us know what you think so awesome cs4aCLCSr5c-01510-00258111-00258287 mate great to chat thanks very much cs4aCLCSr5c-01511-00258288-00259344 thanks man csjH79yQ_vc-00000-00000051-00000353 taia mooom Arabic is the Islamic act of csjH79yQ_vc-00001-00000354-00000601 dry ablution using a purified sand or csjH79yQ_vc-00002-00000602-00000827 dust which may be performed in place of csjH79yQ_vc-00003-00000827-00001076 ritual washing voodoo or ghusl if no csjH79yQ_vc-00004-00001077-00001304 clean water is readily available or if csjH79yQ_vc-00005-00001305-00001496 one is suffering from moisture induced csjH79yQ_vc-00006-00001497-00001730 skin inflammation or scaling oh you who csjH79yQ_vc-00007-00001730-00001997 believe when you intend to offer a solid csjH79yQ_vc-00008-00001998-00002246 the prayer wash your faces in your hands csjH79yQ_vc-00009-00002247-00002518 forearms up to the elbows rub by passing csjH79yQ_vc-00010-00002519-00002759 wet hands over your heads and wash your csjH79yQ_vc-00011-00002760-00003052 feet up to ankles if you are in a state csjH79yQ_vc-00012-00003053-00003277 of janaba ie after a sexual discharge csjH79yQ_vc-00013-00003278-00003540 purify yourselves bathe your whole body csjH79yQ_vc-00014-00003542-00003811 but if you are ill or on a journey or csjH79yQ_vc-00015-00003812-00004004 any of you comes after answering the csjH79yQ_vc-00016-00004004-00004100 call of nature csjH79yQ_vc-00017-00004101-00004291 or you have been in contact with women csjH79yQ_vc-00018-00004292-00004531 ie sexual intercourse and you find no csjH79yQ_vc-00019-00004532-00004732 water then perform tayammum with clean csjH79yQ_vc-00020-00004733-00004948 earth and rub therewith your faces and csjH79yQ_vc-00021-00004949-00005221 hands Allah does not want to place you csjH79yQ_vc-00022-00005222-00005434 in difficulty but he wants to purify you csjH79yQ_vc-00023-00005435-00005641 and to complete his favour to you that csjH79yQ_vc-00024-00005642-00005890 you may be thankful csjH79yQ_vc-00025-00005891-00006256 you csjH79yQ_vc-00026-00006257-00006595 topic circumstances when taya moom is csjH79yQ_vc-00027-00006595-00007031 necessary csjH79yQ_vc-00028-00007031-00007331 taya moon may be substituted for wudu or csjH79yQ_vc-00029-00007331-00007586 ghusl when access to water as restricted csjH79yQ_vc-00030-00007587-00007913 or impractical namely when sufficient csjH79yQ_vc-00031-00007914-00008117 amounts of water for ritual washing are csjH79yQ_vc-00032-00008118-00008327 not available including when using the csjH79yQ_vc-00033-00008328-00008564 available water for wudu or ghusl would csjH79yQ_vc-00034-00008565-00008782 leave insufficient water for drinking csjH79yQ_vc-00035-00008783-00009068 when obtaining water as hazardous are csjH79yQ_vc-00036-00009069-00009232 prohibitively expensive csjH79yQ_vc-00037-00009233-00009568 when using water poses a health risk csjH79yQ_vc-00038-00009569-00009971 when the water available as impure when csjH79yQ_vc-00039-00009972-00010178 you don't have potable water clarifying csjH79yQ_vc-00040-00010179-00010445 the meaning of the verse 443 o you who csjH79yQ_vc-00041-00010446-00010624 have believed do not approach prayer csjH79yQ_vc-00042-00010625-00010838 while you are intoxicated until you know csjH79yQ_vc-00043-00010839-00011018 what you are saying or in a state of csjH79yQ_vc-00044-00011019-00011221 janaba except those passing through a csjH79yQ_vc-00045-00011222-00011414 place of prayer until you have washed csjH79yQ_vc-00046-00011415-00011690 your whole body and if you are ill or on csjH79yQ_vc-00047-00011691-00011888 a journey or one of you comes from the csjH79yQ_vc-00048-00011889-00012098 place of relieving himself or you have csjH79yQ_vc-00049-00012099-00012335 contacted women and find no water then csjH79yQ_vc-00050-00012336-00012515 seek clean earth and wipe over your csjH79yQ_vc-00051-00012516-00012809 faces in your hands with it indeed Allah csjH79yQ_vc-00052-00012810-00013083 is ever pardoning and forgiving csjH79yQ_vc-00053-00013084-00013338 thus in case of illness even if there is csjH79yQ_vc-00054-00013338-00014077 water one still does not need to wash csjH79yQ_vc-00055-00014078-00014675 topic performing taya moon csjH79yQ_vc-00056-00014676-00014911 finding a piece of ground which is free csjH79yQ_vc-00057-00014912-00015233 of nagisa unclean elements this could be csjH79yQ_vc-00058-00015234-00015446 any surface that naturally collects dust csjH79yQ_vc-00059-00015447-00015797 like rock sand or grass mentally make csjH79yQ_vc-00060-00015797-00016066 Nia or intention to make taya moon csjH79yQ_vc-00061-00016066-00016439 recite the bismillah place the hands on csjH79yQ_vc-00062-00016440-00016711 the surface of the ground lift your csjH79yQ_vc-00063-00016712-00016903 hands and ensure that there is no dust csjH79yQ_vc-00064-00016904-00017083 on your palm surface by hitting your csjH79yQ_vc-00065-00017084-00017402 hands together rub your face with both csjH79yQ_vc-00066-00017403-00017644 your hands the face encompasses the csjH79yQ_vc-00067-00017645-00017836 right ear to the left and the top of the csjH79yQ_vc-00068-00017837-00018133 forehead to the bottom of the chin rub csjH79yQ_vc-00069-00018134-00018314 your hands with one another the same csjH79yQ_vc-00070-00018315-00018544 conditions that invalidate wudu also csjH79yQ_vc-00071-00018545-00018833 invalidate taya moon in addition a csjH79yQ_vc-00072-00018834-00019078 person's taya moon is invalidated as in csjH79yQ_vc-00073-00019079-00019385 when water becomes available csjH79yQ_vc-00074-00019386-00019752 you csjH79yQ_vc-00075-00019753-00020061 topic items on which taya moon is csjH79yQ_vc-00076-00020062-00020465 permitted csjH79yQ_vc-00077-00020466-00020825 taia moom is permitted on all items csjH79yQ_vc-00078-00020826-00021005 which have thick dust on them baked csjH79yQ_vc-00079-00021006-00021320 earthen pots unglazed clay limestone the csjH79yQ_vc-00080-00021321-00021656 stone to here pure earth and walls of csjH79yQ_vc-00081-00021657-00022302 mud stone or brick csjH79yQ_vc-00082-00022303-00022632 topic items on which taya moom is not csjH79yQ_vc-00083-00022633-00023037 permitted csjH79yQ_vc-00084-00023038-00023418 taia moom is not permitted on all items csjH79yQ_vc-00085-00023419-00023696 which burn to ash dissolve rot or melt csjH79yQ_vc-00086-00023697-00023930 food items csjH79yQ_vc-00087-00023931-00024756 glass metal trees wood - cui7AEP0Yi4-00000-00000003-00000236 hey guys welcome back to the fortnight cui7AEP0Yi4-00001-00000237-00000584 item shop December 21st 2019 make sure cui7AEP0Yi4-00002-00000585-00000724 to use Kotak which in the four night cui7AEP0Yi4-00003-00000725-00000896 item shop if we're gonna buy anything in cui7AEP0Yi4-00004-00000897-00001162 the store today so let's see what we get cui7AEP0Yi4-00005-00001163-00001859 in seven six five four three two one cui7AEP0Yi4-00006-00001860-00002475 let's get it guys okay we have the cui7AEP0Yi4-00007-00002476-00002809 frosted flurry though do that is an cui7AEP0Yi4-00008-00002810-00003107 awesome skin we have the Thunder crash cui7AEP0Yi4-00009-00003108-00003554 okay and we have the dark GLIP okay and cui7AEP0Yi4-00010-00003554-00003829 there were the creme Sun axe and cui7AEP0Yi4-00011-00003830-00004054 then we have the red Knight which is out cui7AEP0Yi4-00012-00004055-00004408 again guys the red Knight is back out cui7AEP0Yi4-00013-00004409-00004763 okay guys and we have the shadow ops we cui7AEP0Yi4-00014-00004764-00005163 have the magic wings okay we got that in cui7AEP0Yi4-00015-00005164-00005445 Texas okay that's a nice emote cui7AEP0Yi4-00016-00005446-00005656 jubilation okay make sure to use coat cui7AEP0Yi4-00017-00005657-00005824 equit you're gonna buy it cui7AEP0Yi4-00018-00005825-00006133 cabbie it's a pretty shot hard skin cui7AEP0Yi4-00019-00006134-00006349 bring it on cui7AEP0Yi4-00020-00006350-00006634 that's also pretty nice too new emote cui7AEP0Yi4-00021-00006636-00006863 guys make sure to use co tech which in cui7AEP0Yi4-00022-00006864-00006995 the four night item shop if you're gonna cui7AEP0Yi4-00023-00006995-00007325 buy any of these new emos skins or cui7AEP0Yi4-00024-00007326-00007528 whatever thank you for watching and I'll cui7AEP0Yi4-00025-00007529-00007804 see you next video cvkUQr7r8l0-00000-00000048-00000359 okay um welcome to our second lab cvkUQr7r8l0-00001-00000360-00000567 so in this lab we will see that how we cvkUQr7r8l0-00002-00000568-00000743 can clean the data cvkUQr7r8l0-00003-00000744-00001062 uh by using the tableau prive builder so cvkUQr7r8l0-00004-00001063-00001215 tableau private builder cvkUQr7r8l0-00005-00001216-00001599 is a pretty new a tool that in tableau cvkUQr7r8l0-00006-00001600-00001647 that cvkUQr7r8l0-00007-00001648-00002007 can help us clean the data and also cvkUQr7r8l0-00008-00002007-00002231 process the data cvkUQr7r8l0-00009-00002232-00002439 so first let's download the data that cvkUQr7r8l0-00010-00002440-00002534 we're going to use cvkUQr7r8l0-00011-00002535-00002823 so that is an excel file containing the cvkUQr7r8l0-00012-00002824-00002934 house price cvkUQr7r8l0-00013-00002935-00003142 and from zero so actually those are the cvkUQr7r8l0-00014-00003143-00003279 original data cvkUQr7r8l0-00015-00003279-00003527 that i downloaded from zero several cvkUQr7r8l0-00016-00003528-00003599 years ago cvkUQr7r8l0-00017-00003600-00004022 so let's let's download the data set cvkUQr7r8l0-00018-00004023-00004311 and once that has been downloaded let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00019-00004312-00004415 also cvkUQr7r8l0-00020-00004416-00004743 uh go to our uh onedrive folder so let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00021-00004744-00004959 make sure that we save everything cvkUQr7r8l0-00022-00004960-00005447 in onedrive so onedrive folder cvkUQr7r8l0-00023-00005448-00005983 uh so here let's cut a lab2 cvkUQr7r8l0-00024-00005984-00006175 and we can drag the data from the cvkUQr7r8l0-00025-00006176-00006399 downloaded downloads folder into cvkUQr7r8l0-00026-00006400-00006903 the onedrive folder cvkUQr7r8l0-00027-00006904-00007175 alright next let's launch the tableau cvkUQr7r8l0-00028-00007176-00007519 prep builder so cvkUQr7r8l0-00029-00007520-00007770 and i'm using tableau prep builder cvkUQr7r8l0-00030-00007772-00007903 2020.4 cvkUQr7r8l0-00031-00007904-00008214 version cvkUQr7r8l0-00032-00008215-00008495 all right so here you can see our cvkUQr7r8l0-00033-00008496-00008574 previous cvkUQr7r8l0-00034-00008575-00008991 date flows that we have cvkUQr7r8l0-00035-00008992-00009231 so now let's say we want connect to our cvkUQr7r8l0-00036-00009232-00009414 data cvkUQr7r8l0-00037-00009415-00009639 and because our data is an excel file so cvkUQr7r8l0-00038-00009640-00009751 let's choose cvkUQr7r8l0-00039-00009752-00010087 excel and let's go to our cvkUQr7r8l0-00040-00010088-00010431 uh onedrive folder so we're going to use cvkUQr7r8l0-00041-00010432-00010559 this house price cvkUQr7r8l0-00042-00010560-00010863 excel file okay cvkUQr7r8l0-00043-00010864-00011014 so now you can see the date has been cvkUQr7r8l0-00044-00011015-00011231 loaded and i don't think cvkUQr7r8l0-00045-00011232-00011535 the data interpreter will help because cvkUQr7r8l0-00046-00011536-00011727 the data is already cvkUQr7r8l0-00047-00011728-00012046 in the pretty nice structure cvkUQr7r8l0-00048-00012047-00012255 but it doesn't hurt that if you check cvkUQr7r8l0-00049-00012256-00012591 the data interpreter cvkUQr7r8l0-00050-00012592-00012886 to to preview the data so let's add a cvkUQr7r8l0-00051-00012887-00012999 cleaning stat cvkUQr7r8l0-00052-00013000-00013319 a step cvkUQr7r8l0-00053-00013319-00013543 okay so here we can see we have also cvkUQr7r8l0-00054-00013544-00013911 date all the columns cvkUQr7r8l0-00055-00013912-00014166 and the first is id so normally i would cvkUQr7r8l0-00056-00014168-00014255 use that id cvkUQr7r8l0-00057-00014256-00014479 treat as a string because id it should cvkUQr7r8l0-00058-00014480-00014830 be categorical information cvkUQr7r8l0-00059-00014831-00015047 and price is also important so we want cvkUQr7r8l0-00060-00015047-00015143 keep price cvkUQr7r8l0-00061-00015144-00015358 and also number of bedrooms and also cvkUQr7r8l0-00062-00015359-00015494 bathrooms cvkUQr7r8l0-00063-00015495-00015807 however we see that we have a lot of non cvkUQr7r8l0-00064-00015808-00016015 values cvkUQr7r8l0-00065-00016016-00016286 okay and in tableau prep so if you click cvkUQr7r8l0-00066-00016287-00016415 the non values cvkUQr7r8l0-00067-00016416-00016679 and you can see that how those values cvkUQr7r8l0-00068-00016680-00016950 distributed in other cvkUQr7r8l0-00069-00016951-00017279 columns you can see if the record has cvkUQr7r8l0-00070-00017280-00017527 non values in bedroom it is also highly cvkUQr7r8l0-00071-00017528-00017719 likely that they have non values in the cvkUQr7r8l0-00072-00017720-00017879 bathrooms cvkUQr7r8l0-00073-00017880-00018158 okay and the most of the land allowed cvkUQr7r8l0-00074-00018159-00018358 they have non values for bedroom and of cvkUQr7r8l0-00075-00018359-00018471 the bathroom cvkUQr7r8l0-00076-00018472-00018743 which actually makes sense because they cvkUQr7r8l0-00077-00018744-00018991 are not a house yet cvkUQr7r8l0-00078-00018992-00019375 so let's exclude those non values so cvkUQr7r8l0-00079-00019376-00019535 let's right click cvkUQr7r8l0-00080-00019536-00019919 and exclude cvkUQr7r8l0-00081-00019920-00020175 okay uh you can see we still have a few cvkUQr7r8l0-00082-00020176-00020391 bunch of non values so if you like you cvkUQr7r8l0-00083-00020392-00020535 can continue cvkUQr7r8l0-00084-00020536-00020767 click those non values and you can see cvkUQr7r8l0-00085-00020768-00020871 uh how those cvkUQr7r8l0-00086-00020872-00021214 are distributed across the other cvkUQr7r8l0-00087-00021215-00021439 columns so if you like you can also cvkUQr7r8l0-00088-00021440-00021567 continue excluding cvkUQr7r8l0-00089-00021568-00021894 those non values cvkUQr7r8l0-00090-00021895-00022255 okay let's move on cvkUQr7r8l0-00091-00022256-00022630 so here let's see that we don't want cvkUQr7r8l0-00092-00022631-00022950 the air conditions so let's click that cvkUQr7r8l0-00093-00022951-00023167 one and we don't want air conditions cvkUQr7r8l0-00094-00023168-00023830 stay so let's remove that one cvkUQr7r8l0-00095-00023831-00024094 and for stators so we have three types cvkUQr7r8l0-00096-00024095-00024175 for co cvkUQr7r8l0-00097-00024176-00024471 for sale by owner and also pending and cvkUQr7r8l0-00098-00024472-00024694 actually for co and also for sale by cvkUQr7r8l0-00099-00024695-00024791 owner cvkUQr7r8l0-00100-00024792-00024983 they are they should belong to the same cvkUQr7r8l0-00101-00024984-00025207 status they should always belong to four cvkUQr7r8l0-00102-00025208-00025286 ceo cvkUQr7r8l0-00103-00025287-00025575 so let's try to group those two values cvkUQr7r8l0-00104-00025576-00025750 so let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00105-00025751-00026070 click this uh cvkUQr7r8l0-00106-00026072-00026558 menu icon and let's choose group cvkUQr7r8l0-00107-00026560-00026767 let's say we want group based on the cvkUQr7r8l0-00108-00026768-00027151 pronunciations let's see cvkUQr7r8l0-00109-00027152-00027335 okay and now you can see for sale and cvkUQr7r8l0-00110-00027336-00027543 also for sale by owners has been grouped cvkUQr7r8l0-00111-00027544-00027711 together cvkUQr7r8l0-00112-00027712-00028167 okay which is nice and let's hit down cvkUQr7r8l0-00113-00028168-00028374 okay so let's move on so we don't need cvkUQr7r8l0-00114-00028375-00028518 parking cvkUQr7r8l0-00115-00028519-00028790 uh we don't need basement we don't need cvkUQr7r8l0-00116-00028791-00028911 long etc cvkUQr7r8l0-00117-00028912-00029143 until let's see lot size so we don't cvkUQr7r8l0-00118-00029144-00029367 need all the columns cvkUQr7r8l0-00119-00029368-00029695 until a lot size so we hit shift key and cvkUQr7r8l0-00120-00029695-00030007 click all those columns so we selected cvkUQr7r8l0-00121-00030008-00030135 all those columns cvkUQr7r8l0-00122-00030136-00030774 and let's say remove cvkUQr7r8l0-00123-00030775-00031118 all right so now we are looking at cvkUQr7r8l0-00124-00031119-00031511 um the lot size okay so first we have cvkUQr7r8l0-00125-00031512-00031631 some non-load size cvkUQr7r8l0-00126-00031632-00032031 so let's also remove that one cvkUQr7r8l0-00127-00032032-00032318 and also if you look at the lot size you cvkUQr7r8l0-00128-00032319-00032511 can see we have a lot of values cvkUQr7r8l0-00129-00032512-00032839 that within the zero range cvkUQr7r8l0-00130-00032840-00033039 and we also have a lot of value that is cvkUQr7r8l0-00131-00033040-00033183 above three thousand cvkUQr7r8l0-00132-00033184-00033518 six thousand or nine thousand cvkUQr7r8l0-00133-00033519-00033927 okay uh so that is pretty interesting cvkUQr7r8l0-00134-00033928-00034302 and if you look at the lot size here cvkUQr7r8l0-00135-00034303-00034527 if you uncheck the selection you can see cvkUQr7r8l0-00136-00034528-00034735 we have some values that is very cvkUQr7r8l0-00137-00034736-00034990 big and we also have some values that is cvkUQr7r8l0-00138-00034991-00035083 less than cvkUQr7r8l0-00139-00035084-00035390 one okay cvkUQr7r8l0-00140-00035391-00035743 so here that that is a problem that cvkUQr7r8l0-00141-00035744-00035983 i guess that is because some people they cvkUQr7r8l0-00142-00035984-00036174 are using the acres cvkUQr7r8l0-00143-00036175-00036335 and some people they're using square cvkUQr7r8l0-00144-00036336-00036567 foot because people are using type cvkUQr7r8l0-00145-00036568-00036887 different unit so that's why that here cvkUQr7r8l0-00146-00036888-00037102 we have different values cvkUQr7r8l0-00147-00037103-00037423 okay so to resolve that problem let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00148-00037424-00037743 create a new field in this data set so cvkUQr7r8l0-00149-00037744-00037943 let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00150-00037944-00038183 click and i'll see let's create a new cvkUQr7r8l0-00151-00038184-00038735 calculated field cvkUQr7r8l0-00152-00038736-00039055 okay so click calculate field and let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00153-00039056-00039423 use a customer calculation cvkUQr7r8l0-00154-00039424-00039918 and let's call it clean cvkUQr7r8l0-00155-00039919-00040271 lot size so here let's say we cvkUQr7r8l0-00156-00040272-00040527 want to make a judgment we say that if cvkUQr7r8l0-00157-00040528-00040639 the lot size cvkUQr7r8l0-00158-00040640-00041079 is smaller than 10 we are then cvkUQr7r8l0-00159-00041080-00041615 written the value which is the lot size cvkUQr7r8l0-00160-00041616-00041958 times 4 3 5 cvkUQr7r8l0-00161-00041959-00042335 6 0. cvkUQr7r8l0-00162-00042336-00042774 else we'll return cvkUQr7r8l0-00163-00042775-00043607 the lot size cvkUQr7r8l0-00164-00043608-00043918 okay and let's see end cvkUQr7r8l0-00165-00043919-00044279 okay so this is a very simple if else cvkUQr7r8l0-00166-00044280-00044502 statement so that means if the log size cvkUQr7r8l0-00167-00044503-00044687 is smaller than 10 cvkUQr7r8l0-00168-00044688-00044983 then we assume that that was in acres so cvkUQr7r8l0-00169-00044984-00045230 we convert that way into square foot cvkUQr7r8l0-00170-00045231-00045558 so that is this acres times this number cvkUQr7r8l0-00171-00045559-00045767 so that will convert square foot into cvkUQr7r8l0-00172-00045768-00045871 eight uh cvkUQr7r8l0-00173-00045872-00046174 convert acre into square foot cvkUQr7r8l0-00174-00046175-00046423 if that is greater than 10 will keep the cvkUQr7r8l0-00175-00046424-00046583 original value cvkUQr7r8l0-00176-00046584-00047111 okay so let's apply it cvkUQr7r8l0-00177-00047112-00047543 and save it and cvkUQr7r8l0-00178-00047544-00047999 let's see our clean lot size cvkUQr7r8l0-00179-00048000-00048302 okay so that's here cvkUQr7r8l0-00180-00048303-00048567 okay and now that looks like pretty much cvkUQr7r8l0-00181-00048568-00048702 pretty much better okay cvkUQr7r8l0-00182-00048703-00049015 so let's keep that one uh that also cvkUQr7r8l0-00183-00049016-00049246 means that we should remove the cvkUQr7r8l0-00184-00049247-00049558 lot size cvkUQr7r8l0-00185-00049559-00049774 for the year of being built so that is a cvkUQr7r8l0-00186-00049775-00049927 year that has been built cvkUQr7r8l0-00187-00049928-00050215 so if you like you can also exclude cvkUQr7r8l0-00188-00050216-00050439 those non values cvkUQr7r8l0-00189-00050440-00050639 and let's also change that way into date cvkUQr7r8l0-00190-00050640-00050911 format cvkUQr7r8l0-00191-00050912-00051511 uh mls id so we don't need that one cvkUQr7r8l0-00192-00051512-00051838 and for the zip code again let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00193-00051839-00052150 exclude those non-values cvkUQr7r8l0-00194-00052151-00052414 and also for zip code we do have a cvkUQr7r8l0-00195-00052415-00052679 geographic rules that is zip code cvkUQr7r8l0-00196-00052679-00053007 so that means we can create maps later cvkUQr7r8l0-00197-00053008-00053407 so let's convert that one into zip code cvkUQr7r8l0-00198-00053408-00053623 all right um we don't need the floor we cvkUQr7r8l0-00199-00053624-00053750 don't need the roof cvkUQr7r8l0-00200-00053751-00054063 and we don't need those stuff so cvkUQr7r8l0-00201-00054064-00054430 let's uh move on cvkUQr7r8l0-00202-00054432-00054838 so we knew we don't need a floor roof cvkUQr7r8l0-00203-00054839-00055159 until we reach the the area so let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00204-00055160-00055287 remove cvkUQr7r8l0-00205-00055288-00055815 all those selected stuff cvkUQr7r8l0-00206-00055816-00056030 all right so now we have area and we cvkUQr7r8l0-00207-00056032-00056135 still have the cvkUQr7r8l0-00208-00056136-00056407 non-values for area so let's exclude cvkUQr7r8l0-00209-00056408-00056623 that one as well cvkUQr7r8l0-00210-00056624-00056854 uh okay so here let's see we we know cvkUQr7r8l0-00211-00056855-00057103 that we have the house price and we cvkUQr7r8l0-00212-00057104-00057366 also have the size of the house but we cvkUQr7r8l0-00213-00057367-00057447 know that cvkUQr7r8l0-00214-00057448-00057775 um there is a very important cvkUQr7r8l0-00215-00057776-00058126 uh measurement of the house value that cvkUQr7r8l0-00216-00058127-00058159 is cvkUQr7r8l0-00217-00058160-00058487 unit price okay so let's create a new cvkUQr7r8l0-00218-00058488-00058694 field let's call it unit price so let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00219-00058695-00058791 see cvkUQr7r8l0-00220-00058791-00059126 here create calculate field cvkUQr7r8l0-00221-00059127-00059494 so let's cut you need price cvkUQr7r8l0-00222-00059495-00059919 so that is the value of the price cvkUQr7r8l0-00223-00059920-00060238 okay so value of the price columns cvkUQr7r8l0-00224-00060239-00060519 divided by the value of the area columns cvkUQr7r8l0-00225-00060520-00061023 so let's apply and receive cvkUQr7r8l0-00226-00061024-00061279 okay and now we have this unit price cvkUQr7r8l0-00227-00061279-00061399 field cvkUQr7r8l0-00228-00061400-00061711 okay so that's very nice cvkUQr7r8l0-00229-00061712-00062063 and we can now uh remove all the others cvkUQr7r8l0-00230-00062064-00062463 so until here so let's remove those cvkUQr7r8l0-00231-00062464-00062711 stuff cvkUQr7r8l0-00232-00062712-00063006 okay so that's a lot of date cleaning cvkUQr7r8l0-00233-00063007-00063071 process cvkUQr7r8l0-00234-00063072-00063526 so if you check this uh cvkUQr7r8l0-00235-00063527-00063742 the changes to the histories you can see cvkUQr7r8l0-00236-00063744-00063903 that we have cvkUQr7r8l0-00237-00063904-00064238 18 different operators cvkUQr7r8l0-00238-00064239-00064415 and if you think that you did something cvkUQr7r8l0-00239-00064416-00064559 wrong you can always go back cvkUQr7r8l0-00240-00064560-00064863 and also you can undo those uh cvkUQr7r8l0-00241-00064864-00065175 changes all right so now we are done cvkUQr7r8l0-00242-00065176-00065399 with the date cleaning cvkUQr7r8l0-00243-00065400-00065799 we can export the data so uh cvkUQr7r8l0-00244-00065800-00065999 so here let's say we add one more step cvkUQr7r8l0-00245-00066000-00066126 let's say we want cvkUQr7r8l0-00246-00066127-00066455 export data cvkUQr7r8l0-00247-00066456-00066750 and here let's say we save our result so cvkUQr7r8l0-00248-00066751-00067282 let's go to our onedrive folder cvkUQr7r8l0-00249-00067283-00067606 okay lab2 and let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00250-00067607-00068087 kind uh house price cvkUQr7r8l0-00251-00068088-00068303 okay so now we are going to export data cvkUQr7r8l0-00252-00068304-00068543 into this hyper format so that is a cvkUQr7r8l0-00253-00068544-00068855 optimized data format in tableau so cvkUQr7r8l0-00254-00068856-00068894 let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00255-00068895-00069238 accept that okay cvkUQr7r8l0-00256-00069239-00069415 so now we can run this flow so we can cvkUQr7r8l0-00257-00069416-00069591 write here or we can write cvkUQr7r8l0-00258-00069592-00070006 here and now that's done cvkUQr7r8l0-00259-00070007-00070319 let's also save this uh the process so cvkUQr7r8l0-00260-00070320-00070359 let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00261-00070360-00070791 save this one uh that is the flow file cvkUQr7r8l0-00262-00070792-00070991 let's save that one to our onedrive cvkUQr7r8l0-00263-00070992-00071382 folder as well cvkUQr7r8l0-00264-00071383-00071711 okay so i will call it live 2 cvkUQr7r8l0-00265-00071712-00072199 save it so now if we go to our cvkUQr7r8l0-00266-00072200-00072423 onedrive folder we have the house price cvkUQr7r8l0-00267-00072424-00072759 excel file so that it original data cvkUQr7r8l0-00268-00072760-00073062 we have the hyper file so that is the cvkUQr7r8l0-00269-00073063-00073287 tablet extract so that means that is a cvkUQr7r8l0-00270-00073288-00073343 cleaned cvkUQr7r8l0-00271-00073344-00073719 data but in the tableau extract format cvkUQr7r8l0-00272-00073720-00074119 so in the hyper format we also have this cvkUQr7r8l0-00273-00074120-00074415 flow file tableau flow file so this one cvkUQr7r8l0-00274-00074416-00074615 does not contain the data cvkUQr7r8l0-00275-00074616-00074943 so it only contains the date cleaning cvkUQr7r8l0-00276-00074944-00075247 process so if you want to apply the cvkUQr7r8l0-00277-00075248-00075399 similar process cvkUQr7r8l0-00278-00075400-00075606 the same process for the other singular cvkUQr7r8l0-00279-00075607-00075703 dataset cvkUQr7r8l0-00280-00075704-00075903 you can bring the other data set into cvkUQr7r8l0-00281-00075904-00076031 this float uh cvkUQr7r8l0-00282-00076032-00076206 file and also you can clean the data in cvkUQr7r8l0-00283-00076207-00076423 the same way cvkUQr7r8l0-00284-00076424-00076647 all right so now we have the clean data cvkUQr7r8l0-00285-00076648-00076862 so let's double click this cvkUQr7r8l0-00286-00076863-00077215 hyper file uh so that will bring the cvkUQr7r8l0-00287-00077216-00077543 tableau desktop okay cvkUQr7r8l0-00288-00077544-00077719 and so here you can see we have this cvkUQr7r8l0-00289-00077720-00077855 very nice clean cvkUQr7r8l0-00290-00077856-00078359 data set and let's create our sheet cvkUQr7r8l0-00291-00078360-00078655 okay so let's also save the the workbook cvkUQr7r8l0-00292-00078656-00078719 so let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00293-00078720-00079223 save the workbook to our cvkUQr7r8l0-00294-00079224-00079623 lab2 folder onedrive folder as well cvkUQr7r8l0-00295-00079624-00079919 so now we can say we have ids status zip cvkUQr7r8l0-00296-00079920-00079967 code cvkUQr7r8l0-00297-00079968-00080287 yet has been built house type etc cvkUQr7r8l0-00298-00080288-00080671 we have area number bathroom bathroom cvkUQr7r8l0-00299-00080672-00080999 the clean lot size price unit price cvkUQr7r8l0-00300-00081000-00081399 etc all right we also have the latitude cvkUQr7r8l0-00301-00081400-00081655 the longitude those are generated based cvkUQr7r8l0-00302-00081656-00081703 on this cvkUQr7r8l0-00303-00081704-00082038 zip code okay so let's see cvkUQr7r8l0-00304-00082039-00082294 let's drag the house type okay so let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00305-00082295-00082487 drag the house type cvkUQr7r8l0-00306-00082488-00082838 to the rows and let's drag the number cvkUQr7r8l0-00307-00082839-00083271 of the data to this column so we can see cvkUQr7r8l0-00308-00083272-00083462 that cvkUQr7r8l0-00309-00083463-00083806 how many house type we have cvkUQr7r8l0-00310-00083807-00084071 so here we can see the we have a lot of cvkUQr7r8l0-00311-00084072-00084206 single single-family home cvkUQr7r8l0-00312-00084207-00084559 and we have a few condos we have some cvkUQr7r8l0-00313-00084560-00084894 town halls and we have the land a lot cvkUQr7r8l0-00314-00084895-00085262 all right so that is our first cvkUQr7r8l0-00315-00085263-00085982 sheet so let's give it a title cvkUQr7r8l0-00316-00085983-00086350 house in cvkUQr7r8l0-00317-00086351-00086655 different types okay cvkUQr7r8l0-00318-00086656-00087062 you can customize your own title so cvkUQr7r8l0-00319-00087063-00087487 okay and next let's see that we want cvkUQr7r8l0-00320-00087488-00087823 see the uh the house price and cvkUQr7r8l0-00321-00087824-00088103 average unit price per zip code so let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00322-00088104-00088279 click the zip code cvkUQr7r8l0-00323-00088280-00088511 and if you go to show me now you can see cvkUQr7r8l0-00324-00088512-00088718 we can create a map so let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00325-00088719-00089103 check this map cvkUQr7r8l0-00326-00089104-00089335 okay so now we can because the data are cvkUQr7r8l0-00327-00089336-00089599 collected in harrisonburg so you can see cvkUQr7r8l0-00328-00089600-00089918 now we have those dots in harrisonburg cvkUQr7r8l0-00329-00089919-00090135 so if you are interested you can change cvkUQr7r8l0-00330-00090136-00090247 this base map cvkUQr7r8l0-00331-00090248-00090399 let's say we want to change that one cvkUQr7r8l0-00332-00090400-00090687 into streets cvkUQr7r8l0-00333-00090688-00090862 okay so now you can see they are in cvkUQr7r8l0-00334-00090863-00091055 heisenberg cvkUQr7r8l0-00335-00091056-00091335 and now let's say we drag unit price cvkUQr7r8l0-00336-00091336-00091671 into the size cvkUQr7r8l0-00337-00091672-00091975 okay so you can see that we have the cvkUQr7r8l0-00338-00091976-00092206 so the different size indicated the size cvkUQr7r8l0-00339-00092207-00092382 of unit price cvkUQr7r8l0-00340-00092383-00092647 however let's one let's say we want this cvkUQr7r8l0-00341-00092648-00092855 average not the sum so let's cvkUQr7r8l0-00342-00092856-00093215 convert that um the sum into cvkUQr7r8l0-00343-00093216-00093574 average okay and we can see cvkUQr7r8l0-00344-00093575-00093823 those are some places that have higher cvkUQr7r8l0-00345-00093824-00094023 average unit price cvkUQr7r8l0-00346-00094024-00094318 okay so that's a pretty nice and also we cvkUQr7r8l0-00347-00094319-00094535 have a legend cvkUQr7r8l0-00348-00094536-00095079 okay and for this one we see cvkUQr7r8l0-00349-00095080-00095647 average unit price cvkUQr7r8l0-00350-00095648-00095959 all right uh for the last one let's say cvkUQr7r8l0-00351-00095960-00096087 we want to see that cvkUQr7r8l0-00352-00096088-00096335 the trend of the unit price let's say cvkUQr7r8l0-00353-00096336-00096518 select unit price cvkUQr7r8l0-00354-00096519-00096718 hit control key and also here the house cvkUQr7r8l0-00355-00096719-00096926 being built cvkUQr7r8l0-00356-00096927-00097167 and let's use the recommended chart that cvkUQr7r8l0-00357-00097168-00097431 is a line chart cvkUQr7r8l0-00358-00097432-00097671 okay so now we can see the price that's cvkUQr7r8l0-00359-00097672-00097879 built in different years cvkUQr7r8l0-00360-00097880-00098159 however we are looking at the sub the of cvkUQr7r8l0-00361-00098160-00098215 the unit cvkUQr7r8l0-00362-00098216-00098711 price so that's change that 20 average cvkUQr7r8l0-00363-00098712-00099062 okay so now we can see we have cvkUQr7r8l0-00364-00099063-00099335 the unit price at a pretty higher in cvkUQr7r8l0-00365-00099336-00099374 that cvkUQr7r8l0-00366-00099375-00099750 year so i guess that probably because of cvkUQr7r8l0-00367-00099751-00100055 that probably just a few uh records that cvkUQr7r8l0-00368-00100056-00100294 those are outliers cvkUQr7r8l0-00369-00100295-00100511 okay and also we have unit price that in cvkUQr7r8l0-00370-00100512-00100831 the recent years cvkUQr7r8l0-00371-00100832-00101126 okay and so if you're interested we can cvkUQr7r8l0-00372-00101127-00101255 also make a forecast cvkUQr7r8l0-00373-00101256-00101559 so if we go to analytics and we can drag cvkUQr7r8l0-00374-00101560-00101671 the forecast cvkUQr7r8l0-00375-00101672-00102047 here and however in this case cvkUQr7r8l0-00376-00102048-00102335 we don't have any forecast and the cvkUQr7r8l0-00377-00102336-00102423 reason is cvkUQr7r8l0-00378-00102424-00102863 because uh we have very sparse data that cvkUQr7r8l0-00379-00102864-00103071 in the previous years so we have cvkUQr7r8l0-00380-00103072-00103430 you can see we have one that in 20 cvkUQr7r8l0-00381-00103431-00103839 in 18 on 0 four we have one that cvkUQr7r8l0-00382-00103840-00104175 in 18 20 20 okay so we have very sparse cvkUQr7r8l0-00383-00104176-00104375 data in the previous years cvkUQr7r8l0-00384-00104376-00104599 but we do have a lot of data that in the cvkUQr7r8l0-00385-00104600-00104742 recent years cvkUQr7r8l0-00386-00104743-00105063 so to do that to fill cvkUQr7r8l0-00387-00105064-00105351 out the records in the past years we can cvkUQr7r8l0-00388-00105352-00105566 go to our date source cvkUQr7r8l0-00389-00105567-00105999 and let's say we want add a filter cvkUQr7r8l0-00390-00106000-00106447 okay and let's say we want user built in cvkUQr7r8l0-00391-00106448-00106815 and we use the relative date cvkUQr7r8l0-00392-00106816-00107023 which will work and let's say we want cvkUQr7r8l0-00393-00107024-00107207 the last cvkUQr7r8l0-00394-00107208-00107510 10 years okay cvkUQr7r8l0-00395-00107511-00107751 so let's say we want the last 10 years cvkUQr7r8l0-00396-00107752-00107847 so this field cvkUQr7r8l0-00397-00107848-00108158 will apply to this entire data set cvkUQr7r8l0-00398-00108159-00108358 that will change out all the cvkUQr7r8l0-00399-00108359-00108583 visualizations that we created so that cvkUQr7r8l0-00400-00108583-00108815 is different field that we used here cvkUQr7r8l0-00401-00108816-00109054 so the filter that we use in this mark cvkUQr7r8l0-00402-00109055-00109283 will only change the existing cvkUQr7r8l0-00403-00109283-00109471 visualizations cvkUQr7r8l0-00404-00109472-00109678 the field applied to the date source cvkUQr7r8l0-00405-00109679-00109775 will cvkUQr7r8l0-00406-00109776-00110110 will impact all the visualizations okay cvkUQr7r8l0-00407-00110111-00110271 all the sheets cvkUQr7r8l0-00408-00110272-00110534 okay so now you can see we have do we do cvkUQr7r8l0-00409-00110535-00110678 have a cvkUQr7r8l0-00410-00110679-00111110 forecast and you can actually cvkUQr7r8l0-00411-00111111-00111407 i think you can add it to this forecast cvkUQr7r8l0-00412-00111408-00111590 so let's see cvkUQr7r8l0-00413-00111591-00111847 for the future exist exactly how many cvkUQr7r8l0-00414-00111848-00111951 years cvkUQr7r8l0-00415-00111952-00112271 and you can choose different models cvkUQr7r8l0-00416-00112272-00112583 okay etc all right cvkUQr7r8l0-00417-00112583-00112990 and let's see that that is a price cvkUQr7r8l0-00418-00112991-00113375 over years cvkUQr7r8l0-00419-00113376-00113663 okay and i just give some random title cvkUQr7r8l0-00420-00113664-00113847 here cvkUQr7r8l0-00421-00113848-00114071 all right so now we have those three cvkUQr7r8l0-00422-00114072-00114199 sheets cvkUQr7r8l0-00423-00114200-00114439 let's combine all those sheets into a cvkUQr7r8l0-00424-00114440-00114599 dashboard cvkUQr7r8l0-00425-00114600-00114902 okay uh so let's see cvkUQr7r8l0-00426-00114903-00115407 i want to put a map here i want to put cvkUQr7r8l0-00427-00115408-00115663 the bar chart here and also a line chart cvkUQr7r8l0-00428-00115664-00115902 here cvkUQr7r8l0-00429-00115903-00116334 okay as a best practice i want to put cvkUQr7r8l0-00430-00116335-00116663 the legend together with a map cvkUQr7r8l0-00431-00116664-00116943 and this legend together with this line cvkUQr7r8l0-00432-00116944-00117223 chart cvkUQr7r8l0-00433-00117224-00117566 okay cvkUQr7r8l0-00434-00117567-00117871 you can also adjust the view so fast cvkUQr7r8l0-00435-00117872-00118310 about this one i want the entire view cvkUQr7r8l0-00436-00118311-00118623 this one also is already the entire view cvkUQr7r8l0-00437-00118624-00118831 you can also adjust the size of the cvkUQr7r8l0-00438-00118832-00119083 dashboard so for example i choose cvkUQr7r8l0-00439-00119083-00119366 automatic cvkUQr7r8l0-00440-00119367-00119702 okay and now this one looks pretty nice cvkUQr7r8l0-00441-00119703-00120063 all right and i also want to enable the cvkUQr7r8l0-00442-00120064-00120151 filter on this cvkUQr7r8l0-00443-00120152-00120358 sheet so that for example if i want to cvkUQr7r8l0-00444-00120359-00120686 just look at the single family home cvkUQr7r8l0-00445-00120688-00120863 and you can see the the house price in cvkUQr7r8l0-00446-00120864-00121119 the price is actually increasing cvkUQr7r8l0-00447-00121120-00121358 and we can see the areas that where the cvkUQr7r8l0-00448-00121359-00121575 unit price of the single fan home are cvkUQr7r8l0-00449-00121576-00121695 higher cvkUQr7r8l0-00450-00121696-00121983 and now if i look at condo there's no cvkUQr7r8l0-00451-00121983-00122151 forecast because we don't have enough cvkUQr7r8l0-00452-00122152-00122390 data set cvkUQr7r8l0-00453-00122391-00122678 and that's similar from the townhouse cvkUQr7r8l0-00454-00122679-00123039 and also land a lot cvkUQr7r8l0-00455-00123040-00123278 okay and if you want you can also add a cvkUQr7r8l0-00456-00123279-00123439 title for this dashboard cvkUQr7r8l0-00457-00123440-00123886 so let's just call it lab2 cvkUQr7r8l0-00458-00123888-00124375 okay which actually is not a grid title cvkUQr7r8l0-00459-00124376-00124831 okay so that is the entire process so cvkUQr7r8l0-00460-00124832-00125134 let's save it and let's also export our cvkUQr7r8l0-00461-00125135-00125319 dashboard cvkUQr7r8l0-00462-00125320-00125695 so export image let's also save that one cvkUQr7r8l0-00463-00125696-00125758 to our cvkUQr7r8l0-00464-00125759-00126134 uh onedrive folder cvkUQr7r8l0-00465-00126135-00126599 okay so this is lab2 cvkUQr7r8l0-00466-00126600-00126878 okay so now if we go to our onedrive cvkUQr7r8l0-00467-00126879-00126975 folder uh cvkUQr7r8l0-00468-00126976-00127286 so now we can close those cvkUQr7r8l0-00469-00127288-00127631 files okay so what we did today cvkUQr7r8l0-00470-00127632-00127910 was that we clicked we downloaded the cvkUQr7r8l0-00471-00127911-00128031 raw data which is cvkUQr7r8l0-00472-00128032-00128358 excel file that has a lot of issues cvkUQr7r8l0-00473-00128359-00128663 we clean the data in the tableau private cvkUQr7r8l0-00474-00128664-00128878 so we exported the clean date tab in cvkUQr7r8l0-00475-00128879-00129086 this hyper format cvkUQr7r8l0-00476-00129088-00129423 and next we we load the cleaned data cvkUQr7r8l0-00477-00129424-00129775 into tableau desktop and we created this cvkUQr7r8l0-00478-00129776-00130066 very nice cvkUQr7r8l0-00479-00130067-00130367 dashboard cv-jKwskWwk-00000-00000011-00000380 the Kannada script i AST Kannada Lippe cv-jKwskWwk-00001-00000381-00000617 is an abugida of the brahmic family used cv-jKwskWwk-00002-00000618-00000784 primarily to write the Kannada language cv-jKwskWwk-00003-00000785-00001019 one of the Dravidian languages of South cv-jKwskWwk-00004-00001019-00001181 India especially in the state of cv-jKwskWwk-00005-00001182-00001406 Karnataka Kannada script is widely used cv-jKwskWwk-00006-00001407-00001672 for writing Sanskrit texts in Karnataka cv-jKwskWwk-00007-00001673-00001957 several minor languages such as Tolu cv-jKwskWwk-00008-00001959-00002198 Konkani Kodava Singh Ketty and berry cv-jKwskWwk-00009-00002199-00002429 also use alphabets based on the Kannada cv-jKwskWwk-00010-00002430-00002708 script the Kannada and Telugu scripts cv-jKwskWwk-00011-00002709-00002926 share high mutual intelligibility with cv-jKwskWwk-00012-00002927-00003100 each other and are often considered to cv-jKwskWwk-00013-00003101-00003295 be regional variants of single script cv-jKwskWwk-00014-00003296-00003584 other scripts similar to Kannada script cv-jKwskWwk-00015-00003585-00003785 are sinhala script which included some cv-jKwskWwk-00016-00003786-00003979 elements from the Kadamba script an old cv-jKwskWwk-00017-00003980-00004301 peg on script used in Burma the Kannada cv-jKwskWwk-00018-00004302-00004556 script aksaram Ali aksaram Ali or Varna cv-jKwskWwk-00019-00004557-00004777 male Varna male is a phonemic abugida of cv-jKwskWwk-00020-00004778-00004991 49 letters and is written from left to cv-jKwskWwk-00021-00004992-00005236 right the character set is almost cv-jKwskWwk-00022-00005237-00005417 identical to that of other brahmic cv-jKwskWwk-00023-00005418-00005704 scripts consonantal letters imply an cv-jKwskWwk-00024-00005705-00005933 inherent vowel letters representing cv-jKwskWwk-00025-00005934-00006145 consonants are combined to form digraphs cv-jKwskWwk-00026-00006146-00006370 attacks are attacks ARA when there is no cv-jKwskWwk-00027-00006371-00006646 intervening vowel otherwise each letter cv-jKwskWwk-00028-00006647-00006941 corresponds to a syllable the letters cv-jKwskWwk-00029-00006942-00007105 are classified into three categories cv-jKwskWwk-00030-00007106-00007451 savaris vara vowels Veon jhanavi on jana cv-jKwskWwk-00031-00007452-00007684 consonants in yogev oaxaca yogev a Hakka cv-jKwskWwk-00032-00007686-00007996 semi consonants the Kannada words for a cv-jKwskWwk-00033-00007997-00008203 letter of the script or ox are Akshara cv-jKwskWwk-00034-00008204-00008528 okra okra and Varna Varna each letter cv-jKwskWwk-00035-00008529-00008783 has its own form a Caracara and sound cv-jKwskWwk-00036-00008784-00009023 sabda sabda providing the visible and cv-jKwskWwk-00037-00009024-00009238 audible representations respectively cv-jKwskWwk-00038-00009239-00009952 Kannada is written from left to right cv-jKwskWwk-00039-00009953-00010453 topic history cv-jKwskWwk-00040-00010454-00010672 the Kannada script derives from the old cv-jKwskWwk-00041-00010673-00010900 Kannada script which evolved around 10th cv-jKwskWwk-00042-00010901-00011083 century as the continuation of the cv-jKwskWwk-00043-00011084-00011365 Kadamba alphabet of the 4th century this cv-jKwskWwk-00044-00011366-00011530 evolved from the ancient Brahmi script cv-jKwskWwk-00045-00011531-00011914 of the 3rd century BCE this is debated cv-jKwskWwk-00046-00011915-00012121 as recent excavation has led to Tala cv-jKwskWwk-00047-00012122-00012382 gunda inscription of 370 ad to be the cv-jKwskWwk-00048-00012383-00012688 oldest available over the centuries some cv-jKwskWwk-00049-00012689-00012835 changes have been made to the Kannada cv-jKwskWwk-00050-00012836-00013158 script these changes consist of cv-jKwskWwk-00051-00013159-00013375 modification of existing glyphs in the cv-jKwskWwk-00052-00013376-00013591 early Kannada script no orthographic cv-jKwskWwk-00053-00013591-00013756 distinction was made between the short cv-jKwskWwk-00054-00013757-00014185 mid e o ee o and long mid e o e however cv-jKwskWwk-00055-00014186-00014388 distinct signs were employed to denote cv-jKwskWwk-00056-00014390-00014611 the special consonants viz the trill our cv-jKwskWwk-00057-00014612-00014836 brother retroflex lateral Leia and the cv-jKwskWwk-00058-00014837-00015043 retroflex Rohtak live found only in cv-jKwskWwk-00059-00015044-00015351 South Indian languages by 5th century cv-jKwskWwk-00060-00015352-00015583 introduction of new characters Kannada cv-jKwskWwk-00061-00015584-00015802 script includes characters like seesaw cv-jKwskWwk-00062-00015803-00016344 saw our ll ll e i o om emma i mahaprabhu cv-jKwskWwk-00063-00016345-00016696 characters like kate gaga t cha d jo t cv-jKwskWwk-00064-00016697-00017080 da dee da da da p PHA be the cv-jKwskWwk-00065-00017081-00017278 introduction was done so that Sanskrit cv-jKwskWwk-00066-00017279-00017437 and loanwords into the Kannada language cv-jKwskWwk-00067-00017438-00017653 from the donor language Sanskrit could cv-jKwskWwk-00068-00017654-00017815 be written using the Kannada script cv-jKwskWwk-00069-00017816-00018013 these changes have facilitated the use cv-jKwskWwk-00070-00018014-00018190 of the Kannada script for writing many cv-jKwskWwk-00071-00018191-00018337 of the literary Indic languages cv-jKwskWwk-00072-00018338-00018942 including Sanskrit cv-jKwskWwk-00073-00018943-00019530 topic obsolete Kannada letters cv-jKwskWwk-00074-00019531-00019761 Kannada literary works employed the cv-jKwskWwk-00075-00019762-00020061 letters raw transliterated R or RH and cv-jKwskWwk-00076-00020062-00020392 luck transliterated l LH or Z H whose cv-jKwskWwk-00077-00020393-00020599 manner of articulation most plausibly cv-jKwskWwk-00078-00020600-00020767 could be akin to those in present-day cv-jKwskWwk-00079-00020768-00021042 Malayalam and Tamil the letters dropped cv-jKwskWwk-00080-00021043-00021199 out of use in the 12th and 18th cv-jKwskWwk-00081-00021200-00021517 centuries respectively later kannada cv-jKwskWwk-00082-00021518-00021834 works replaced our h & LH with rah rah cv-jKwskWwk-00083-00021835-00022089 and Lala respectively another letter cv-jKwskWwk-00084-00022090-00022327 Oran classified V on jhana consonant cv-jKwskWwk-00085-00022328-00022589 that has become extinct as NH or in cv-jKwskWwk-00086-00022590-00022828 likewise this has its equivalent in cv-jKwskWwk-00087-00022829-00023044 Telugu where it is called Nakara Pulu cv-jKwskWwk-00088-00023045-00023319 the usage of this consonant was observed cv-jKwskWwk-00089-00023320-00023562 until the 1980s in Kannada works from cv-jKwskWwk-00090-00023563-00023790 the mostly coastal areas of Karnataka cv-jKwskWwk-00091-00023791-00024019 especially the Dakshina Kannada district cv-jKwskWwk-00092-00024020-00024319 now hardly any mainstream works use this cv-jKwskWwk-00093-00024320-00024553 consonant this letter has been replaced cv-jKwskWwk-00094-00024554-00025133 by N consonant n cv-jKwskWwk-00095-00025134-00025718 topic cannot a script evolution cv-jKwskWwk-00096-00025719-00025955 the image below shows the evolution of cv-jKwskWwk-00097-00025956-00026170 Kannada script from prehistoric times to cv-jKwskWwk-00098-00026172-00026435 the modern period the Kannada script cv-jKwskWwk-00099-00026436-00026774 evolved in stages protic anata pre-owned cv-jKwskWwk-00100-00026775-00027092 kannada old kannada modern kannada the cv-jKwskWwk-00101-00027093-00027289 protocol not a script has its root in cv-jKwskWwk-00102-00027291-00027467 ancient Brahmi and appeared around the cv-jKwskWwk-00103-00027468-00027764 3rd century BC the pre old Kannada cv-jKwskWwk-00104-00027764-00027944 script appeared around the 4th century cv-jKwskWwk-00105-00027945-00028268 AD old Kannada script can be traced to cv-jKwskWwk-00106-00028269-00028477 around the 10th century AD whereas cv-jKwskWwk-00107-00028479-00028649 modern Kannada script appeared around cv-jKwskWwk-00108-00028650-00029327 the 17th century AD cv-jKwskWwk-00109-00029329-00029866 topic vowel letters cv-jKwskWwk-00110-00029867-00030177 there are 13 vowel letters Varis vara cv-jKwskWwk-00111-00030177-00030457 when a vowel follows a consonant it is cv-jKwskWwk-00112-00030458-00030633 written with a diacritic rather than as cv-jKwskWwk-00113-00030635-00031189 a separate letter cv-jKwskWwk-00114-00031191-00031692 topic yogev ah cv-jKwskWwk-00115-00031693-00031970 the yoga waha part vowel part consonant cv-jKwskWwk-00116-00031972-00032304 include two letters the an Apsara mmm cv-jKwskWwk-00117-00032305-00032649 the visarga aw another to yoga waha used cv-jKwskWwk-00118-00032650-00032832 in sanskrit but present in Kannada cv-jKwskWwk-00119-00032833-00033080 script are known as our diva circa the cv-jKwskWwk-00120-00033081-00033797 Giovanni Lea the upin Manya cv-jKwskWwk-00121-00033798-00034355 topic consonant letters cv-jKwskWwk-00122-00034356-00034634 two categories of consonant letters V on cv-jKwskWwk-00123-00034635-00034871 Jonna V on Janna are defined in Kannada cv-jKwskWwk-00124-00034872-00035036 the structured consonants and the cv-jKwskWwk-00125-00035037-00035637 unstructured consonants cv-jKwskWwk-00126-00035638-00036194 topic structured consonants cv-jKwskWwk-00127-00036195-00036434 the structured consonants are classified cv-jKwskWwk-00128-00036435-00036593 according to where the tongue touches cv-jKwskWwk-00129-00036594-00036719 the palate of the mouth and are cv-jKwskWwk-00130-00036720-00036896 classified accordingly into five cv-jKwskWwk-00131-00036897-00037166 structured groups these consonants are cv-jKwskWwk-00132-00037167-00037309 shown here with their i AST cv-jKwskWwk-00133-00037310-00037625 transcriptions see place of articulation cv-jKwskWwk-00134-00037626-00038322 for more information on tongue positions cv-jKwskWwk-00135-00038323-00038902 topic unstructured consonants cv-jKwskWwk-00136-00038903-00039097 the unstructured consonants are cv-jKwskWwk-00137-00039098-00039295 consonants that do not fall into any of cv-jKwskWwk-00138-00039296-00039571 the above structures Yaya cv-jKwskWwk-00139-00039572-00039963 rah rah rah rah obsolete cv-jKwskWwk-00140-00039964-00040908 la la la vie a saw saw saw saw saw saw cv-jKwskWwk-00141-00040909-00041789 ha ha voila al obsolete cv-jKwskWwk-00142-00041790-00042333 topic consonant conjunct cv-jKwskWwk-00143-00042334-00042588 the Kannada script is rich in conjunct cv-jKwskWwk-00144-00042589-00042804 consonant clusters with most consonants cv-jKwskWwk-00145-00042805-00043026 having a standard subjoined form and few cv-jKwskWwk-00146-00043027-00043296 true ligature clusters a table of cv-jKwskWwk-00147-00043297-00043503 consonant conjuncts follows although the cv-jKwskWwk-00148-00043504-00043704 forms of individual conjuncts may differ cv-jKwskWwk-00149-00043705-00044300 according to font cv-jKwskWwk-00150-00044301-00044895 topic pronunciation of letters cv-jKwskWwk-00151-00044896-00045261 you cv-jKwskWwk-00152-00045262-00045797 topic writing order cv-jKwskWwk-00153-00045798-00046165 you cv-jKwskWwk-00154-00046166-00046826 topic Akshara written kannada is cv-jKwskWwk-00155-00046827-00047015 composed of Akshara or cog Anita cv-jKwskWwk-00156-00047016-00047296 corresponding to syllables the letters cv-jKwskWwk-00157-00047297-00047471 for consonants combined with diacritics cv-jKwskWwk-00158-00047472-00047729 for vowels the consonant letter without cv-jKwskWwk-00159-00047730-00047971 any diacritic such as Kaka has the cv-jKwskWwk-00160-00047972-00048193 inherent value a this is called Durga cv-jKwskWwk-00161-00048194-00048452 Durga a consonant without a vowel is cv-jKwskWwk-00162-00048453-00048692 marked with a killer stroke such as KK cv-jKwskWwk-00163-00048693-00049036 this is known as her as vhr asva cv-jKwskWwk-00164-00049037-00049334 the formations shown boldface above are cv-jKwskWwk-00165-00049335-00049517 seldom used in the normal course of the cv-jKwskWwk-00166-00049518-00050072 language cv-jKwskWwk-00167-00050073-00050594 topic numerals cv-jKwskWwk-00168-00050595-00051239 the decimal numerals in the script are cv-jKwskWwk-00169-00051240-00051783 topic transliteration cv-jKwskWwk-00170-00051784-00052054 several transliteration schemes tools cv-jKwskWwk-00171-00052055-00052238 are used to type Kannada characters cv-jKwskWwk-00172-00052239-00052382 using a standard keyboard cv-jKwskWwk-00173-00052383-00052721 these include baraha based on ITR ANS cv-jKwskWwk-00174-00052722-00052966 pada software and several internet tools cv-jKwskWwk-00175-00052967-00053191 like Google transliteration quill pad cv-jKwskWwk-00176-00053192-00053483 predictive transliterate er nudie the cv-jKwskWwk-00177-00053484-00053678 government of Karnataka standard for cv-jKwskWwk-00178-00053679-00053873 Kannada input is a phonetic layout cv-jKwskWwk-00179-00053874-00054565 loosely based on transliteration cv-jKwskWwk-00180-00054566-00055150 topic in popular culture cv-jKwskWwk-00181-00055151-00055392 due to its resemblance to an eye and an cv-jKwskWwk-00182-00055394-00055603 eyebrow the Kannada letter Dada is used cv-jKwskWwk-00183-00055604-00055854 in a popular emoticon called the look of cv-jKwskWwk-00184-00055855-00056157 disapproval displayed us to underscore cv-jKwskWwk-00185-00056158-00056398 des used to convey disapproval or cv-jKwskWwk-00186-00056399-00056469 contempt cv-jKwskWwk-00187-00056470-00056815 similarly the Akshara rrrr has been used cv-jKwskWwk-00188-00056816-00057030 in emoticons to represent a monocle cv-jKwskWwk-00189-00057032-00057219 while daddy has been used to represent a cv-jKwskWwk-00190-00057220-00057784 tearing eye cv-jKwskWwk-00191-00057785-00058302 topic Unicode cv-jKwskWwk-00192-00058303-00058548 kanata script was added to the Unicode cv-jKwskWwk-00193-00058549-00058803 standard in October 1991 with the cv-jKwskWwk-00194-00058804-00059103 release of version 1.0 cv-jKwskWwk-00195-00059104-00059391 the unicode block for kannada is u + OC cv-jKwskWwk-00196-00059391-00060023 8 o u + OC FF cv-jKwskWwk-00197-00060024-00060560 topic see also cv-jKwskWwk-00198-00060561-00061022 Pyu script glycan eddie bada polar cv-jKwskWwk-00199-00061023-00061447 script Kadamba script kannada braille cv-jKwskWwk-00200-00061448-00061939 kannada grammar Kannada literature cv-jKwskWwk-00201-00061940-00062497 poetry Laurie official script cvA_FFczyng-00000-00000157-00000448 in South Africa Papaji echoes literally cvA_FFczyng-00001-00000449-00000808 translated small pot food is a dish cvA_FFczyng-00002-00000809-00001057 prepared outdoors it is traditionally cvA_FFczyng-00003-00001058-00001288 cooked in around cast-iron three-legged cvA_FFczyng-00004-00001289-00001498 pot the pot G descended from the Dutch cvA_FFczyng-00005-00001499-00001657 oven brought from the Netherlands to cvA_FFczyng-00006-00001657-00001881 South Africa in the 17th century and cvA_FFczyng-00007-00001882-00002043 found in the homes and villages of cvA_FFczyng-00008-00002044-00002281 people throughout southern Africa the cvA_FFczyng-00009-00002282-00002481 pot is heated using small amounts of cvA_FFczyng-00010-00002482-00002730 wood or charcoal or if fuel its care cvA_FFczyng-00011-00002731-00003118 twisted grass or even dried animal dung cvA_FFczyng-00012-00003119-00003395 the dish is also popular in Israel known cvA_FFczyng-00013-00003396-00003678 as puakea in Hebrew cvA_FFczyng-00014-00003679-00004258 history traditionally the recipe cvA_FFczyng-00015-00004259-00004465 includes meat vegetables like carrots cvA_FFczyng-00016-00004466-00004735 cabbage cauliflower or pumpkin starches cvA_FFczyng-00017-00004736-00004956 like rice or potatoes all slow-cooked cvA_FFczyng-00018-00004957-00005163 with Dutch Malay spices the distinctive cvA_FFczyng-00019-00005164-00005395 spicing of South Africa's early culinary cvA_FFczyng-00020-00005396-00005674 melting pot other common ingredients cvA_FFczyng-00021-00005675-00005896 include fruits and flour based products cvA_FFczyng-00022-00005897-00006120 like pasta cvA_FFczyng-00023-00006121-00006338 echoes originated with the cvA_FFczyng-00024-00006339-00006552 Voortrekker x' evolving as a stew made cvA_FFczyng-00025-00006553-00006764 of venison and vegetables if available cvA_FFczyng-00026-00006765-00007068 cooked in the pot G as trekkers pioneers cvA_FFczyng-00027-00007069-00007289 shot wild game it was added to the pot cvA_FFczyng-00028-00007290-00007563 the large bones were included to thicken cvA_FFczyng-00029-00007564-00007799 the stew each day when the wagon stopped cvA_FFczyng-00030-00007800-00008018 the pot was placed over a fire to simmer cvA_FFczyng-00031-00008019-00008321 new bones replaced old and fresh meat cvA_FFczyng-00032-00008322-00008592 replaced meat eden game included venison cvA_FFczyng-00033-00008593-00008864 poultry such as guinea fowl warthog bush cvA_FFczyng-00034-00008865-00009197 pig rabbit and hare cvA_FFczyng-00035-00009198-00009798 ingredients in general process cooking cvA_FFczyng-00036-00009799-00010029 oil is added to a pot G and placed on a cvA_FFczyng-00037-00010030-00010338 fire until hot meat is added typically cvA_FFczyng-00038-00010339-00010572 lamb or pork the meat is spiced and cvA_FFczyng-00039-00010573-00010782 often a form of alcohol is added for cvA_FFczyng-00040-00010783-00011049 flavor mostly beer old brown sherry or a cvA_FFczyng-00041-00011050-00011321 dessert wine like hum bro the views of cvA_FFczyng-00042-00011322-00011541 Afrikaner cooks in matters of seasoning cvA_FFczyng-00043-00011542-00011730 tend to be conservative garlic for cvA_FFczyng-00044-00011731-00011970 instance is used very sparingly when the cvA_FFczyng-00045-00011971-00012165 meat is lightly browned vegetables like cvA_FFczyng-00046-00012166-00012378 potatoes and me leaves maize are added cvA_FFczyng-00047-00012379-00012567 along with whatever spices are needed cvA_FFczyng-00048-00012568-00012828 water or other liquids may or may not cvA_FFczyng-00049-00012829-00013035 then be added depending on the views of cvA_FFczyng-00050-00013036-00013308 the pot G chef the lid is then closed cvA_FFczyng-00051-00013309-00013494 and the contents left to simmer slowly cvA_FFczyng-00052-00013494-00013766 without stirring this distinguishes a cvA_FFczyng-00053-00013768-00013968 pot G echoes from a stew that is stirred cvA_FFczyng-00054-00013969-00014166 the aim is that the flavors of the cvA_FFczyng-00055-00014166-00014352 different ingredients mix as little as cvA_FFczyng-00056-00014353-00014628 possible although some chefs may permit cvA_FFczyng-00057-00014629-00014802 stirring from time to time which is cvA_FFczyng-00058-00014803-00014994 highly frowned upon it does create a cvA_FFczyng-00059-00014994-00015183 stew where all the ingredients tend to cvA_FFczyng-00060-00015184-00015456 blend together and taste similar this is cvA_FFczyng-00061-00015457-00015647 also the main difference between a stew cvA_FFczyng-00062-00015648-00015875 and podgy echoes ie in a pot G you do cvA_FFczyng-00063-00015876-00016134 not stir the reason for this is so that cvA_FFczyng-00064-00016135-00016308 the flavor from the meat at the bottom cvA_FFczyng-00065-00016309-00016512 can flavor all the vegetables above wild cvA_FFczyng-00066-00016513-00016764 slow cooking if your pot G is made cvA_FFczyng-00067-00016765-00016971 properly you should still be able to see cvA_FFczyng-00068-00016972-00017160 and taste all the ingredients separately cvA_FFczyng-00069-00017161-00017418 as well as a delicious whole little cvA_FFczyng-00070-00017419-00017634 sauce or water is used so that cooking cvA_FFczyng-00071-00017635-00017832 is by steam and not boiling in a sauce cvA_FFczyng-00072-00017833-00018047 like a stew thus that heat must be very cvA_FFczyng-00073-00018048-00018300 low in constant these are some of the cvA_FFczyng-00074-00018301-00018575 secrets of each cook a pot G is a social cvA_FFczyng-00075-00018576-00018789 activity with guests generally engaging cvA_FFczyng-00076-00018790-00019008 in fireside chit chat while the pot G cvA_FFczyng-00077-00019009-00019379 cooks typically three to six hours cvA_FFczyng-00078-00019380-00019604 the potjie is usually accompanied by cvA_FFczyng-00079-00019605-00020163 rice pasta or something similar cvA_FFczyng-00080-00020164-00021506 see also bright pot pot pot brood sack cvA_FFczyng-00081-00021507-00022154 list of African dishes list of stews cvA_FFczyng-00082-00022155-00022575 perpetual stew cvA_FFczyng-00083-00022576-00022980 references cvA_FFczyng-00084-00022981-00023400 external links cvA_FFczyng-00085-00023401-00023606 you cwhxrlA3PgA-00000-00000321-00000657 good afternoon thank you for being here cwhxrlA3PgA-00001-00000658-00000966 it's a nice large group we feel certain cwhxrlA3PgA-00002-00000967-00001337 that this will be a time well worth cwhxrlA3PgA-00003-00001338-00001497 spent here and we hope you leave cwhxrlA3PgA-00004-00001498-00001730 inspired those of us who have been cwhxrlA3PgA-00005-00001730-00002136 hearing danielle all day long but it's cwhxrlA3PgA-00006-00002137-00002313 gonna be hard to get even more inspired cwhxrlA3PgA-00007-00002314-00002604 but i bet we will be here i'm ruth cwhxrlA3PgA-00008-00002605-00002814 Schanz I'm the current convener of cwhxrlA3PgA-00009-00002815-00002979 friends of restorative justice of cwhxrlA3PgA-00010-00002980-00003374 Washtenaw County which is one of the cwhxrlA3PgA-00011-00003375-00003789 organizers of this day-long event we're cwhxrlA3PgA-00012-00003790-00004155 a group of citizens local citizens who cwhxrlA3PgA-00013-00004156-00004472 are deeply persuaded by the research on cwhxrlA3PgA-00014-00004473-00004692 the efficacy of restorative justice cwhxrlA3PgA-00015-00004693-00005181 practices and these are practices used cwhxrlA3PgA-00016-00005182-00005487 in various legal systems in places cwhxrlA3PgA-00017-00005488-00005713 across this country but also cwhxrlA3PgA-00018-00005714-00006056 internationally friends of restorative cwhxrlA3PgA-00019-00006057-00006385 justice a Washtenaw County was born in cwhxrlA3PgA-00020-00006386-00006848 2012 out of the experiences of Janet and cwhxrlA3PgA-00021-00006849-00007094 Stan Reedy after their house was broken cwhxrlA3PgA-00022-00007095-00007610 into by a local teenager and although cwhxrlA3PgA-00023-00007611-00007984 the readings felt that they were well cwhxrlA3PgA-00024-00007985-00008378 taken care of by our local court system cwhxrlA3PgA-00025-00008379-00008676 they left with a profound sense that cwhxrlA3PgA-00026-00008677-00008912 something was missing from this whole cwhxrlA3PgA-00027-00008913-00009314 experience and specifically they wanted cwhxrlA3PgA-00028-00009315-00009591 to have the opportunity to talk with the cwhxrlA3PgA-00029-00009592-00009952 young man and also to work with him on cwhxrlA3PgA-00030-00009953-00010367 restitution work together so they and cwhxrlA3PgA-00031-00010368-00010652 others of us from their church who are cwhxrlA3PgA-00032-00010653-00010926 aware of the restorative practice of cwhxrlA3PgA-00033-00010927-00011177 victim-offender conferencing began cwhxrlA3PgA-00034-00011178-00011483 conversations with our local juvenile cwhxrlA3PgA-00035-00011484-00011849 justice office as well as the dispute cwhxrlA3PgA-00036-00011850-00012074 resolution Center which I'm sure many of cwhxrlA3PgA-00037-00012075-00012323 you are aware of following Fred van loos cwhxrlA3PgA-00038-00012324-00012680 first visit to Ann Arbor a number of cwhxrlA3PgA-00039-00012681-00012951 other community members joined us and we cwhxrlA3PgA-00040-00012952-00013107 formed Friends of restorative justice cwhxrlA3PgA-00041-00013108-00013419 and since then we've been joined by the cwhxrlA3PgA-00042-00013419-00013551 healing community cwhxrlA3PgA-00043-00013552-00013857 which is a local group working on cwhxrlA3PgA-00044-00013858-00014391 prisoner re-entry issues today we are cwhxrlA3PgA-00045-00014391-00014597 associated with the dispute resolution cwhxrlA3PgA-00046-00014599-00014844 center and many of us have been trained cwhxrlA3PgA-00047-00014844-00015171 to be volunteer mediators and circle cwhxrlA3PgA-00048-00015172-00015606 keepers our mission is to pursue a cwhxrlA3PgA-00049-00015607-00015960 balanced and restorative approach to cwhxrlA3PgA-00050-00015961-00016275 crime and to violence one that promotes cwhxrlA3PgA-00051-00016276-00016818 justice reparation resolution to victims cwhxrlA3PgA-00052-00016819-00017253 and to the community so we welcome you cwhxrlA3PgA-00053-00017254-00017465 to join us in our monthly meetings and cwhxrlA3PgA-00054-00017466-00017763 the brochure that you may have seen cwhxrlA3PgA-00055-00017764-00018018 coming in on restorative justice I think cwhxrlA3PgA-00056-00018019-00018467 has our website on it so we're very cwhxrlA3PgA-00057-00018468-00019614 happy to always welcome new members hi cwhxrlA3PgA-00058-00019615-00019779 everyone thank you so much for coming my cwhxrlA3PgA-00059-00019780-00020148 name is Mary Lynn Stevens I'm 17 years cwhxrlA3PgA-00060-00020149-00020484 worth of work at the U of M and retired cwhxrlA3PgA-00061-00020485-00020661 from there from here a year ago cwhxrlA3PgA-00062-00020662-00020910 wonderful awesome years but today I'm cwhxrlA3PgA-00063-00020911-00021126 here to represent Capps the other group cwhxrlA3PgA-00064-00021127-00021345 that was one of the the major leaders in cwhxrlA3PgA-00065-00021346-00021636 getting Danielle here today and making cwhxrlA3PgA-00066-00021637-00021861 this quite a spectacular moment for all cwhxrlA3PgA-00067-00021862-00022011 of you as well I hope so or thank you cwhxrlA3PgA-00068-00022012-00022236 for coming there is an enormous list cwhxrlA3PgA-00069-00022237-00022407 when when that when the biggest text cwhxrlA3PgA-00070-00022408-00022674 block in a program is all the sponsors cwhxrlA3PgA-00071-00022675-00022905 it's a great problem to have so we're cwhxrlA3PgA-00072-00022906-00023055 not going to read them all and but we cwhxrlA3PgA-00073-00023056-00023232 will be referring to them please do take cwhxrlA3PgA-00074-00023233-00023436 a time and and get a sense of that it's cwhxrlA3PgA-00075-00023437-00023718 a wonderful mix of sort of town and gown cwhxrlA3PgA-00076-00023719-00024054 if you will as well real nonprofit cwhxrlA3PgA-00077-00024055-00024231 organizations and the University and cwhxrlA3PgA-00078-00024232-00024645 some others so but anyway Capps very cwhxrlA3PgA-00079-00024646-00024852 briefly if you don't know us some of you cwhxrlA3PgA-00080-00024853-00025362 do we are a nonpartisan nonprofit policy cwhxrlA3PgA-00081-00025363-00025677 and advocacy shop unfortunately located cwhxrlA3PgA-00082-00025677-00026039 in Lansing but not East Lansing and cwhxrlA3PgA-00083-00026039-00026367 Capps actually stands for the citizens cwhxrlA3PgA-00084-00026368-00026639 Alliance on prisons and public spending cwhxrlA3PgA-00085-00026639-00026835 it's a it's a cwhxrlA3PgA-00086-00026836-00027014 a mouthful now you know why we go by the cwhxrlA3PgA-00087-00027015-00027276 acronym caps but it is our work is very cwhxrlA3PgA-00088-00027277-00027405 straightforward and it's important I cwhxrlA3PgA-00089-00027406-00027561 want you just very briefly to know about cwhxrlA3PgA-00090-00027562-00027836 it in the arena of criminal justice cwhxrlA3PgA-00091-00027837-00028098 reform in Michigan all about state law cwhxrlA3PgA-00092-00028099-00028370 and state practice we conduct extensive cwhxrlA3PgA-00093-00028371-00028635 research we then use that research to cwhxrlA3PgA-00094-00028636-00028839 come up with policy recommendations cwhxrlA3PgA-00095-00028839-00028989 what's really strong and solid and not cwhxrlA3PgA-00096-00028989-00029373 to happen we then do advocacy to advance cwhxrlA3PgA-00097-00029374-00029583 those policies and if you want to know cwhxrlA3PgA-00098-00029583-00029724 more there is some literature in the cwhxrlA3PgA-00099-00029725-00029892 back and I'll be around as well our cwhxrlA3PgA-00100-00029893-00029990 director Laura Sager cwhxrlA3PgA-00101-00029991-00030386 at the at the reception afterwards so cwhxrlA3PgA-00102-00030387-00030558 can do that so we do those three things cwhxrlA3PgA-00103-00030558-00030807 and we also do lots of education and cwhxrlA3PgA-00104-00030808-00031023 outreach statewide so that everybody can cwhxrlA3PgA-00105-00031024-00031124 learn about all this and that's what cwhxrlA3PgA-00106-00031125-00031415 brought us here today and we do all this cwhxrlA3PgA-00107-00031416-00031626 work really in pursuit of really only cwhxrlA3PgA-00108-00031627-00032064 two policy goals they connect explicitly cwhxrlA3PgA-00109-00032064-00032283 to Danielle and they really are our cwhxrlA3PgA-00110-00032283-00032442 mission they're what we're about we're cwhxrlA3PgA-00111-00032443-00032630 about two things one is ending cwhxrlA3PgA-00112-00032631-00032948 Michigan's overuse of incarceration and cwhxrlA3PgA-00113-00032949-00033280 promoting Community Safety and healing cwhxrlA3PgA-00114-00033281-00033426 that's it cwhxrlA3PgA-00115-00033427-00033879 and with that dual mission in mind more cwhxrlA3PgA-00116-00033880-00034190 commitment to safety and less reliance cwhxrlA3PgA-00117-00034191-00034337 on incarceration who could be better cwhxrlA3PgA-00118-00034338-00034724 than Danielle to be here somebody who's cwhxrlA3PgA-00119-00034725-00035249 whose work sort of screams and validates cwhxrlA3PgA-00120-00035250-00035439 and celebrates the fact that those two cwhxrlA3PgA-00121-00035440-00035693 things belong in the same breath so cwhxrlA3PgA-00122-00035694-00035892 really really so glad to have her here cwhxrlA3PgA-00123-00035893-00036054 already this morning she headlined a cwhxrlA3PgA-00124-00036055-00036308 forum in Lansing so that state officials cwhxrlA3PgA-00125-00036309-00036521 could learn about all of this and really cwhxrlA3PgA-00126-00036522-00036714 engage with the idea and I'm very happy cwhxrlA3PgA-00127-00036715-00037035 it's our turn now so really thanks to cwhxrlA3PgA-00128-00037036-00037232 all of you for coming it's really sort cwhxrlA3PgA-00129-00037233-00037430 of on behalf of all the sponsors that cwhxrlA3PgA-00130-00037431-00037632 again that big list that I hope you look cwhxrlA3PgA-00131-00037633-00037868 at I want to welcome you thank you for cwhxrlA3PgA-00132-00037869-00038061 coming thank you I know a lot of you do cwhxrlA3PgA-00133-00038062-00038201 this work I'm going to thank you for cwhxrlA3PgA-00134-00038202-00038529 that and I'm going to turn this over to cwhxrlA3PgA-00135-00038530-00038661 Carolyn who's going to actually cwhxrlA3PgA-00136-00038662-00039473 introduce any given get to Danielle cwhxrlA3PgA-00137-00039474-00039780 my name is Carolyn Madden I'm also firm cwhxrlA3PgA-00138-00039781-00039942 friends of restorative justice of cwhxrlA3PgA-00139-00039943-00040185 Washington Rock County it's wonderful to cwhxrlA3PgA-00140-00040186-00040449 be here and as you've heard we are among cwhxrlA3PgA-00141-00040450-00040644 the many community organizations and cwhxrlA3PgA-00142-00040645-00040827 university departments that have brought cwhxrlA3PgA-00143-00040828-00041133 brought Danielle here to Ann Arbor but cwhxrlA3PgA-00144-00041134-00041379 before we hear us speak I want to make cwhxrlA3PgA-00145-00041380-00041616 just a few announcements make sure that cwhxrlA3PgA-00146-00041617-00041793 you understand the process we will have cwhxrlA3PgA-00147-00041794-00042009 Danielle will speak and then we will cwhxrlA3PgA-00148-00042010-00042225 have time for questions and you should cwhxrlA3PgA-00149-00042226-00042501 have cards on your table and so please cwhxrlA3PgA-00150-00042502-00042750 write some questions that you have and cwhxrlA3PgA-00151-00042751-00042915 we will have people come around so that cwhxrlA3PgA-00152-00042916-00043070 after the talk is halfway through cwhxrlA3PgA-00153-00043071-00043290 collect the questions and then we have cwhxrlA3PgA-00154-00043291-00043452 two wonderful representatives from the cwhxrlA3PgA-00155-00043453-00043647 Gerald Ford School of Public Policy who cwhxrlA3PgA-00156-00043648-00043917 will be asking questions of Danielle we cwhxrlA3PgA-00157-00043918-00044139 also have a reception in the lobby which cwhxrlA3PgA-00158-00044140-00044337 maybe some of you have partaken already cwhxrlA3PgA-00159-00044338-00044673 but please feel free to have more as you cwhxrlA3PgA-00160-00044674-00045000 leave and stay around in the lobby out cwhxrlA3PgA-00161-00045001-00045258 there for discussion and in case you cwhxrlA3PgA-00162-00045259-00045477 want a bit more of a formal discussion cwhxrlA3PgA-00163-00045478-00045825 about next steps please come back in and cwhxrlA3PgA-00164-00045826-00046023 we have a few people who are willing to cwhxrlA3PgA-00165-00046024-00046212 sort of run a little bit of a discussion cwhxrlA3PgA-00166-00046213-00046476 about next steps to take in Washington cwhxrlA3PgA-00167-00046477-00046764 accounting also we have sign-up sheets cwhxrlA3PgA-00168-00046765-00047013 as Ruth said if you're interested in cwhxrlA3PgA-00169-00047014-00047292 working with restorative justice please cwhxrlA3PgA-00170-00047293-00047556 sign the sheet and we will be in touch cwhxrlA3PgA-00171-00047557-00047979 with you so ok again thanks to all who cwhxrlA3PgA-00172-00047980-00048216 made this possible I just want to cwhxrlA3PgA-00173-00048217-00048531 mention our other organizing sponsors cwhxrlA3PgA-00174-00048532-00048855 where these besides the two of us cwhxrlA3PgA-00175-00048856-00049067 American Friends Service Committee cwhxrlA3PgA-00176-00049068-00049337 Michigan criminal justice program cwhxrlA3PgA-00177-00049338-00049548 University of Michigan Gerald Ford cwhxrlA3PgA-00178-00049549-00049743 school how could we not thank them for cwhxrlA3PgA-00179-00049744-00049962 this wonderful venue and Michigan cwhxrlA3PgA-00180-00049963-00050166 Council on crime and delinquency who cwhxrlA3PgA-00181-00050167-00050335 besides all the wonderful work they did cwhxrlA3PgA-00182-00050336-00050562 have supplied the food for us outside so cwhxrlA3PgA-00183-00050563-00050785 we're very grateful to them and all of cwhxrlA3PgA-00184-00050786-00051006 the sponsors truly it's been a community cwhxrlA3PgA-00185-00051007-00051288 effort to get this to happen I also cwhxrlA3PgA-00186-00051289-00051627 wanted to give a light mention to Judy cwhxrlA3PgA-00187-00051628-00051942 Levy I don't know if she's here yet she cwhxrlA3PgA-00188-00051943-00052191 is a the United States District Court cwhxrlA3PgA-00189-00052192-00052365 Judge from the Eastern District of cwhxrlA3PgA-00190-00052366-00052458 Michigan cwhxrlA3PgA-00191-00052459-00052602 and she's a faculty member of the cwhxrlA3PgA-00192-00052603-00052833 University of Michigan Law School she cwhxrlA3PgA-00193-00052834-00053091 inspired us to bring Daniel Ceron here cwhxrlA3PgA-00194-00053091-00053283 to speak on behalf of restorative cwhxrlA3PgA-00195-00053284-00053532 justice and second I wanted to thank cwhxrlA3PgA-00196-00053533-00053724 Kate McCracken who's there taking cwhxrlA3PgA-00197-00053725-00053952 pictures she's the communications cwhxrlA3PgA-00198-00053953-00054254 director of caps and who not only cwhxrlA3PgA-00199-00054254-00054486 coordinated all of us and making all of cwhxrlA3PgA-00200-00054487-00054747 these events run smoothly but did it cwhxrlA3PgA-00201-00054748-00054987 with thoughtfulness and respect every cwhxrlA3PgA-00202-00054988-00055269 step of the way and then third I want to cwhxrlA3PgA-00203-00055270-00055596 thank Ivy whereas ivy Ivy is back there cwhxrlA3PgA-00204-00055597-00055794 she's a graduate student in public cwhxrlA3PgA-00205-00055795-00056064 policy at Gerald Ford and applied cwhxrlA3PgA-00206-00056065-00056295 economics in the Economics Department cwhxrlA3PgA-00207-00056296-00056610 she has waved her magic organizing wand cwhxrlA3PgA-00208-00056611-00056886 to get this venue and the Ford school cwhxrlA3PgA-00209-00056887-00057060 support for this event so we're very cwhxrlA3PgA-00210-00057061-00057392 grateful to everyone okay cwhxrlA3PgA-00211-00057394-00057716 now to our speaker speaker daniel sarod cwhxrlA3PgA-00212-00057717-00058041 has spent much of her life by her own cwhxrlA3PgA-00213-00058041-00058287 words as a student of violence she's cwhxrlA3PgA-00214-00058288-00058521 worked within the justice system as an cwhxrlA3PgA-00215-00058522-00058782 innovative scenic seeking alternatives cwhxrlA3PgA-00216-00058783-00059141 to incarceration and to end violence and cwhxrlA3PgA-00217-00059142-00059454 mass incarceration she worked with youth cwhxrlA3PgA-00218-00059454-00059736 in adolescent reentry initiative for cwhxrlA3PgA-00219-00059737-00059994 returning young men on Rikers Island and cwhxrlA3PgA-00220-00059995-00060294 with the Center for Court innovations cwhxrlA3PgA-00221-00060295-00060579 Harlan Community Justice Center a little cwhxrlA3PgA-00222-00060579-00060892 mouthful there she was a Rhodes Scholar cwhxrlA3PgA-00223-00060894-00061296 and in 2012 she received an award for cwhxrlA3PgA-00224-00061297-00061551 innovation and victim services from cwhxrlA3PgA-00225-00061552-00061871 Attorney General Holder remember him and cwhxrlA3PgA-00226-00061872-00062191 the federal office for victims of crime cwhxrlA3PgA-00227-00062192-00062475 most recently she was interviewed by the cwhxrlA3PgA-00228-00062476-00062705 Atlantic a wonderful interview you could cwhxrlA3PgA-00229-00062707-00062942 see it online and has published an cwhxrlA3PgA-00230-00062944-00063167 article by the same title as her talk cwhxrlA3PgA-00231-00063169-00063447 today she currently teaches restorative cwhxrlA3PgA-00232-00063448-00063654 justice at City University of New York cwhxrlA3PgA-00233-00063654-00063990 and is the executive director of common cwhxrlA3PgA-00234-00063991-00064280 justice it's an organization dedicated cwhxrlA3PgA-00235-00064282-00064682 to helping victims of violent crime cwhxrlA3PgA-00236-00064683-00064925 rehabilitating violent felons and cwhxrlA3PgA-00237-00064926-00065213 developing alternatives to incarceration cwhxrlA3PgA-00238-00065214-00065352 Wow cwhxrlA3PgA-00239-00065353-00065634 so with further ado please join me and cwhxrlA3PgA-00240-00065635-00065802 applaud for then cwhxrlA3PgA-00241-00065803-00065883 Suren cwhxrlA3PgA-00242-00065884-00066706 [Applause] cwhxrlA3PgA-00243-00066707-00066965 thank you all so much for having me here cwhxrlA3PgA-00244-00066966-00067172 and welcoming me in this space and cwhxrlA3PgA-00245-00067173-00067613 thanks to all that many long list of cwhxrlA3PgA-00246-00067614-00067982 people who made it possible today I want cwhxrlA3PgA-00247-00067983-00068198 to talk with you about violence and so cwhxrlA3PgA-00248-00068199-00068534 would like to talk about why we have to cwhxrlA3PgA-00249-00068535-00068762 take on the question of violence and how cwhxrlA3PgA-00250-00068763-00069302 I think we should do that and I will cwhxrlA3PgA-00251-00069303-00069656 start in the middle which is to say that cwhxrlA3PgA-00252-00069657-00070094 we cannot end mass incarceration unless cwhxrlA3PgA-00253-00070095-00070385 we take on the question of violence and cwhxrlA3PgA-00254-00070386-00070721 there are two main reasons for that the cwhxrlA3PgA-00255-00070722-00071078 first is the the deeper of the two which cwhxrlA3PgA-00256-00071079-00071408 is that our tolerance for incarceration cwhxrlA3PgA-00257-00071409-00071621 in this country is built on a story cwhxrlA3PgA-00258-00071622-00071843 about violence it's a story about who cwhxrlA3PgA-00259-00071844-00072125 commits it about who survives it about cwhxrlA3PgA-00260-00072126-00072341 what each of them are and what they want cwhxrlA3PgA-00261-00072342-00072671 it's a story as old as our country and cwhxrlA3PgA-00262-00072672-00072950 as wrong as the worst parts of our cwhxrlA3PgA-00263-00072951-00073298 history it's a story about an imagined cwhxrlA3PgA-00264-00073299-00073628 monstrous other someone who is somehow cwhxrlA3PgA-00265-00073629-00073871 fundamentally different from us and the cwhxrlA3PgA-00266-00073872-00074087 people we know and love someone from cwhxrlA3PgA-00267-00074088-00074342 whom we have to be protected from whom cwhxrlA3PgA-00268-00074343-00074647 we cannot protect ourselves and whose cwhxrlA3PgA-00269-00074648-00075046 inhumanity makes just about any action cwhxrlA3PgA-00270-00075047-00075383 justifiable and reasonable to keep us cwhxrlA3PgA-00271-00075384-00075686 protected from that harm that story in cwhxrlA3PgA-00272-00075687-00075860 this country is also a story of cwhxrlA3PgA-00273-00075861-00076142 structural racism it's the story we've cwhxrlA3PgA-00274-00076143-00076385 told about people of color and have told cwhxrlA3PgA-00275-00076386-00076610 in a particular way about black men in cwhxrlA3PgA-00276-00076611-00076700 America cwhxrlA3PgA-00277-00076701-00076925 it's the story that makes it seem cwhxrlA3PgA-00278-00076926-00077138 reasonable to build a prison instead of cwhxrlA3PgA-00279-00077139-00077432 a school to build jail beds instead of cwhxrlA3PgA-00280-00077433-00077741 hospital beds to invest in corrections cwhxrlA3PgA-00281-00077742-00077939 officers instead of teachers or cwhxrlA3PgA-00282-00077940-00078224 counselors or roads or any of the other cwhxrlA3PgA-00283-00078225-00078395 things you wish were a little better in cwhxrlA3PgA-00284-00078396-00078659 your day to day lives and it's a story cwhxrlA3PgA-00285-00078660-00079031 that we on the side of people who cwhxrlA3PgA-00286-00079032-00079205 typically advocate for criminal justice cwhxrlA3PgA-00287-00079206-00079835 reform almost invariably avoid we our cwhxrlA3PgA-00288-00079836-00079967 opponents say cwhxrlA3PgA-00289-00079968-00080285 they're all monsters we say well cwhxrlA3PgA-00290-00080286-00080567 statistically Pete speaking about 40% of cwhxrlA3PgA-00291-00080568-00080804 them aren't monsters and another 15% cwhxrlA3PgA-00292-00080805-00080987 with evidence-based practices to become cwhxrlA3PgA-00293-00080988-00081188 10% less monstrous with the right like cwhxrlA3PgA-00294-00081189-00082044 we so we fight an ancient narrative with cwhxrlA3PgA-00295-00082045-00082721 technocratic nonsense that reveals our cwhxrlA3PgA-00296-00082722-00083012 unwillingness to say like no actually cwhxrlA3PgA-00297-00083013-00083300 every single one of them is human and cwhxrlA3PgA-00298-00083301-00083546 some of them are humans who have done cwhxrlA3PgA-00299-00083547-00083822 things that are horrific that none of us cwhxrlA3PgA-00300-00083823-00084035 have any right to do but they're fully cwhxrlA3PgA-00301-00084036-00084242 human and we know them and they are ours cwhxrlA3PgA-00302-00084243-00084557 and so until we take on that story we cwhxrlA3PgA-00303-00084558-00084826 will continue to build prisons and will cwhxrlA3PgA-00304-00084827-00085013 continue to do it instead of everything cwhxrlA3PgA-00305-00085014-00085178 else we could do with those resources cwhxrlA3PgA-00306-00085179-00085451 because that story is at the centerpiece cwhxrlA3PgA-00307-00085452-00085685 of mass incarceration no matter what cwhxrlA3PgA-00308-00085686-00085880 number of people are incarcerated for cwhxrlA3PgA-00309-00085881-00086101 other kinds of offenses and we have to cwhxrlA3PgA-00310-00086102-00086279 understand the fight to end mass cwhxrlA3PgA-00311-00086280-00086567 incarceration add its centerpiece as a cwhxrlA3PgA-00312-00086568-00086740 fight against that story cwhxrlA3PgA-00313-00086741-00086954 the second reason we have to take on the cwhxrlA3PgA-00314-00086955-00087125 question of violence is a little more cwhxrlA3PgA-00315-00087126-00087394 basic and it's just that we won't reduce cwhxrlA3PgA-00316-00087395-00087671 incarceration by more than half without cwhxrlA3PgA-00317-00087672-00087899 doing so because more than half of cwhxrlA3PgA-00318-00087900-00088118 people locked up are in four kinds of cwhxrlA3PgA-00319-00088119-00088316 violence now like I wouldn't stand a cwhxrlA3PgA-00320-00088317-00088493 chance in a semester of an applied cwhxrlA3PgA-00321-00088494-00088769 economics PhD course but I know that to cwhxrlA3PgA-00322-00088770-00088841 be true cwhxrlA3PgA-00323-00088842-00089150 so 53% of people in state prisons are cwhxrlA3PgA-00324-00089151-00089332 incarcerated for violence we are not cwhxrlA3PgA-00325-00089333-00089594 getting to a transformative reduction in cwhxrlA3PgA-00326-00089595-00089729 the system unless we take on those cwhxrlA3PgA-00327-00089730-00090011 crimes and I said this this morning too cwhxrlA3PgA-00328-00090012-00090301 but even when I say 50% and some people cwhxrlA3PgA-00329-00090302-00090467 are like wow that's really ambitious cwhxrlA3PgA-00330-00090468-00090803 let's be clear the day I was born there cwhxrlA3PgA-00331-00090804-00090929 were four hundred and forty three cwhxrlA3PgA-00332-00090930-00091076 thousand eight hundred and fifty people cwhxrlA3PgA-00333-00091077-00091325 locked up in the United States I'll ask cwhxrlA3PgA-00334-00091326-00091523 you not to calculate my age if you're cwhxrlA3PgA-00335-00091524-00091679 really good at the sort of criminal cwhxrlA3PgA-00336-00091680-00092216 justice math history 440 3850 they're cwhxrlA3PgA-00337-00092217-00092471 more than 2.3 million today which means cwhxrlA3PgA-00338-00092472-00092654 even when I say 50 percent that means cwhxrlA3PgA-00339-00092655-00092909 conceding a three-fold increase in just cwhxrlA3PgA-00340-00092910-00093185 my lifetime so a world where we cwhxrlA3PgA-00341-00093186-00093344 incarcerate only cwhxrlA3PgA-00342-00093345-00093591 20% of the people who are currently cwhxrlA3PgA-00343-00093592-00093921 locked up is not some wild imagine cwhxrlA3PgA-00344-00093922-00094059 strange future cwhxrlA3PgA-00345-00094060-00094286 it's a place many of us were born into cwhxrlA3PgA-00346-00094287-00094481 and lived through and lived through cwhxrlA3PgA-00347-00094482-00094736 often in a greater degree of safety and cwhxrlA3PgA-00348-00094737-00095006 well-being than we may feel now and so cwhxrlA3PgA-00349-00095007-00095247 it's important that we not accept the cwhxrlA3PgA-00350-00095248-00095426 stories that talk about us as though we cwhxrlA3PgA-00351-00095427-00095790 are some pie-in-the-sky fools when we cwhxrlA3PgA-00352-00095791-00095969 talk about making possible something cwhxrlA3PgA-00353-00095970-00096212 that has been possible and as possible cwhxrlA3PgA-00354-00096213-00096554 everywhere else in this world and all cwhxrlA3PgA-00355-00096555-00096851 other times in human history right cwhxrlA3PgA-00356-00096852-00097116 nowhere else in human history ever has cwhxrlA3PgA-00357-00097117-00097274 incarcerated such a large portion of its cwhxrlA3PgA-00358-00097275-00097428 people compared to what we do in this cwhxrlA3PgA-00359-00097429-00097728 country and so when we say that we can cwhxrlA3PgA-00360-00097729-00097880 be different what we are saying is that cwhxrlA3PgA-00361-00097881-00098109 we can be like everyone else cwhxrlA3PgA-00362-00098110-00098417 everywhere ever that's not a radical cwhxrlA3PgA-00363-00098418-00098904 notion but the other thing is that we cwhxrlA3PgA-00364-00098905-00099080 not only can we not and mass cwhxrlA3PgA-00365-00099081-00099248 incarceration if we don't end violence cwhxrlA3PgA-00366-00099249-00099476 but we can't and violence if we don't cwhxrlA3PgA-00367-00099477-00099719 end mass incarceration and we'll talk cwhxrlA3PgA-00368-00099720-00099875 about this in a little more detail a cwhxrlA3PgA-00369-00099876-00100047 little later when I talk some about cwhxrlA3PgA-00370-00100048-00100310 safety but we have to understand mass cwhxrlA3PgA-00371-00100311-00100586 incarceration not just as something that cwhxrlA3PgA-00372-00100587-00100797 fails to deliver on the promise of cwhxrlA3PgA-00373-00100798-00101075 safety which it does every day over and cwhxrlA3PgA-00374-00101076-00101385 over but as something that makes us less cwhxrlA3PgA-00375-00101386-00101651 safe so when we know that inequity cwhxrlA3PgA-00376-00101652-00101849 drives violence and that incarceration cwhxrlA3PgA-00377-00101850-00102125 drives inequity it means incarceration cwhxrlA3PgA-00378-00102126-00102416 puts us in danger when we know that cwhxrlA3PgA-00379-00102417-00102617 ripping funds from the social service cwhxrlA3PgA-00380-00102618-00102788 infrastructure it makes violence more cwhxrlA3PgA-00381-00102789-00102992 likely and healing less available it cwhxrlA3PgA-00382-00102993-00103401 means incarceration drives violence when cwhxrlA3PgA-00383-00103402-00103589 prisons are demonstrated to be criminal cwhxrlA3PgA-00384-00103590-00103853 genic meaning people who go can be more cwhxrlA3PgA-00385-00103854-00104025 likely to commit crimes than people who cwhxrlA3PgA-00386-00104026-00104309 didn't get caught incarceration drives cwhxrlA3PgA-00387-00104310-00104555 violence and so even if we don't care cwhxrlA3PgA-00388-00104556-00104765 about incarceration if we care about cwhxrlA3PgA-00389-00104766-00105086 ending violence we have to lose it we cwhxrlA3PgA-00390-00105088-00105302 have to stop and we won't be safe until cwhxrlA3PgA-00391-00105303-00105570 we do a common justice we believe there cwhxrlA3PgA-00392-00105571-00105809 are four main principles that you guide cwhxrlA3PgA-00393-00105810-00106101 our approaches to violence the first of cwhxrlA3PgA-00394-00106102-00106257 those is that approaches to violence cwhxrlA3PgA-00395-00106258-00106500 should be survivor-centered seems cwhxrlA3PgA-00396-00106501-00106685 straightforward that the people whose cwhxrlA3PgA-00397-00106686-00106722 lie cwhxrlA3PgA-00398-00106723-00106998 are changed by what has been done should cwhxrlA3PgA-00399-00106999-00107186 be at the center of our conversations cwhxrlA3PgA-00400-00107188-00107354 and questions about what should be done cwhxrlA3PgA-00401-00107355-00107628 about that pain that their feelings cwhxrlA3PgA-00402-00107629-00107799 should matter their insight should cwhxrlA3PgA-00403-00107800-00107949 matter their needs should matter their cwhxrlA3PgA-00404-00107950-00108179 desires should matter that doesn't mean cwhxrlA3PgA-00405-00108180-00108404 we're solely driven by them we live in cwhxrlA3PgA-00406-00108405-00108570 community with each other we've got a cwhxrlA3PgA-00407-00108571-00108732 government we have all sorts of other cwhxrlA3PgA-00408-00108733-00108957 constraints on what happens but it means cwhxrlA3PgA-00409-00108958-00109206 we shouldn't get to summarily disregard cwhxrlA3PgA-00410-00109207-00109433 what they want in the decisions about cwhxrlA3PgA-00411-00109434-00109602 their cases and and about policy cwhxrlA3PgA-00412-00109603-00109833 generally we live in a country that cwhxrlA3PgA-00413-00109833-00110084 pretends to regard that highly we enact cwhxrlA3PgA-00414-00110085-00110289 laws and victims names we do that quite cwhxrlA3PgA-00415-00110290-00110574 literally we have Marsy's law and Sera's cwhxrlA3PgA-00416-00110575-00110781 law and a lot of other white women's cwhxrlA3PgA-00417-00110782-00111231 names laws and we say that we're doing cwhxrlA3PgA-00418-00111232-00111501 it on behalf of victims we do that cwhxrlA3PgA-00419-00111502-00111747 without asking most victims what they cwhxrlA3PgA-00420-00111748-00112083 want when we do ask we often disregard cwhxrlA3PgA-00421-00112083-00112269 what they tell us they want because it cwhxrlA3PgA-00422-00112270-00112464 runs contrary to what we expected to cwhxrlA3PgA-00423-00112465-00112674 hear or what is useful to the policy we cwhxrlA3PgA-00424-00112675-00112940 are trying to advance we set a policy cwhxrlA3PgA-00425-00112941-00113127 goal and then find victims who like it cwhxrlA3PgA-00426-00113128-00113336 instead of talking to the full range of cwhxrlA3PgA-00427-00113338-00113508 survivors and letting their experience cwhxrlA3PgA-00428-00113508-00113763 guide us in what policy goals we select cwhxrlA3PgA-00429-00113764-00114035 and identify and we lie about who cwhxrlA3PgA-00430-00114036-00114303 victims are about what they want about cwhxrlA3PgA-00431-00114304-00114468 what heals them and what brings them cwhxrlA3PgA-00432-00114469-00114728 peace and perhaps worst of all we lie to cwhxrlA3PgA-00433-00114729-00115146 victims about that so we have a national cwhxrlA3PgA-00434-00115147-00115304 picture of crime victims that they look cwhxrlA3PgA-00435-00115305-00115665 like me I am a survivor of serious cwhxrlA3PgA-00436-00115666-00115869 violence so to some degree that's right cwhxrlA3PgA-00437-00115870-00116066 but a young man of color is 10 and a cwhxrlA3PgA-00438-00116067-00116223 half times more likely than me to be cwhxrlA3PgA-00439-00116224-00116459 robbed or assaulted and is virtually cwhxrlA3PgA-00440-00116460-00116700 nowhere in our national story about who cwhxrlA3PgA-00441-00116701-00116936 is hurt that's because in part telling cwhxrlA3PgA-00442-00116938-00117083 that story would make that original cwhxrlA3PgA-00443-00117084-00117447 story a little confusing right it would cwhxrlA3PgA-00444-00117448-00117653 be complicated if the imagined monstrous cwhxrlA3PgA-00445-00117654-00117878 other and the person at greatest risk of cwhxrlA3PgA-00446-00117879-00118107 victimization were the same person and cwhxrlA3PgA-00447-00118108-00118368 it would maybe implicate us and that cwhxrlA3PgA-00448-00118369-00118578 perceived monstrosity because it would cwhxrlA3PgA-00449-00118579-00118851 ask us where were we when he was hurt so cwhxrlA3PgA-00450-00118852-00119009 we don't like for those stories they cwhxrlA3PgA-00451-00119010-00119210 don't coexist comfortably and it's part cwhxrlA3PgA-00452-00119211-00119427 of why telling that second story is so cwhxrlA3PgA-00453-00119428-00119714 important about being honest about who cwhxrlA3PgA-00454-00119715-00119966 is hurt but then the next thing we have cwhxrlA3PgA-00455-00119967-00120094 to do is be honest about cwhxrlA3PgA-00456-00120095-00120256 what people want when they're hurt and cwhxrlA3PgA-00457-00120257-00120532 across ages across demographics across cwhxrlA3PgA-00458-00120533-00120796 race people who are who want her tend to cwhxrlA3PgA-00459-00120797-00121075 want a few things they want answers they cwhxrlA3PgA-00460-00121076-00121366 want to know why you chose them was it a cwhxrlA3PgA-00461-00121367-00121558 real gun where are you going to shoot cwhxrlA3PgA-00462-00121558-00121811 how dare you think you have the right cwhxrlA3PgA-00463-00121813-00122155 they want to know they want closure cwhxrlA3PgA-00464-00122156-00122401 right so they want a story they can live cwhxrlA3PgA-00465-00122402-00122704 with and the world of trauma healing we cwhxrlA3PgA-00466-00122705-00122842 talk about it as a coherent narrative cwhxrlA3PgA-00467-00122843-00123028 but it's a story about what happened cwhxrlA3PgA-00468-00123029-00123217 that describes a world you can choose to cwhxrlA3PgA-00469-00123218-00123505 continue to live in they want some sense cwhxrlA3PgA-00470-00123506-00123745 of control relative to the event the cwhxrlA3PgA-00471-00123746-00123949 fundamental trauma basically distills cwhxrlA3PgA-00472-00123950-00124225 down into powerlessness right the basic cwhxrlA3PgA-00473-00124226-00124410 element of trauma is powerlessness which cwhxrlA3PgA-00474-00124411-00124648 means its opposite is power and so cwhxrlA3PgA-00475-00124649-00124836 victims want some power they want to cwhxrlA3PgA-00476-00124838-00125023 have a say and what will happen about cwhxrlA3PgA-00477-00125024-00125409 what happened to them and most of all at cwhxrlA3PgA-00478-00125410-00125527 the end of the day they want to know cwhxrlA3PgA-00479-00125528-00125668 that they and others will not go through cwhxrlA3PgA-00480-00125669-00125938 that again that that person won't hurt cwhxrlA3PgA-00481-00125939-00126082 them again that others won't hurt them cwhxrlA3PgA-00482-00126083-00126244 in the same way and that that person cwhxrlA3PgA-00483-00126245-00126376 won't hurt others in the way that they cwhxrlA3PgA-00484-00126377-00126751 were hurt most of that for victims cwhxrlA3PgA-00485-00126752-00127039 doesn't mean incarceration so what we cwhxrlA3PgA-00486-00127040-00127273 know it come in justice I've run at the cwhxrlA3PgA-00487-00127274-00127396 centerpiece of our work is an cwhxrlA3PgA-00488-00127397-00127600 alternative to incarceration for serious cwhxrlA3PgA-00489-00127601-00127908 and violent felonies where if and only cwhxrlA3PgA-00490-00127909-00128136 if the victims of crime consent people cwhxrlA3PgA-00491-00128138-00128305 who've committed crimes like assaults cwhxrlA3PgA-00492-00128306-00128572 and robberies so shootings gunpoint cwhxrlA3PgA-00493-00128573-00128755 robberies stabbings with serious cwhxrlA3PgA-00494-00128756-00128974 injuries enter into a restorative cwhxrlA3PgA-00495-00128975-00129178 justice process we're after extensive cwhxrlA3PgA-00496-00129179-00129424 preparation they enter into dialogue cwhxrlA3PgA-00497-00129425-00129609 with the people they hurt reach cwhxrlA3PgA-00498-00129610-00129766 agreements about how to make things as cwhxrlA3PgA-00499-00129767-00129967 right as possible and if they fulfill cwhxrlA3PgA-00500-00129968-00130228 those agreements have the felony charges cwhxrlA3PgA-00501-00130229-00130375 against them dismissed and don't go to cwhxrlA3PgA-00502-00130376-00130591 prison in the meantime we provide cwhxrlA3PgA-00503-00130592-00130771 wraparound services to the victims of cwhxrlA3PgA-00504-00130772-00130939 their crimes to help them come through cwhxrlA3PgA-00505-00130940-00131101 what happened to them and in their lives cwhxrlA3PgA-00506-00131102-00131452 generally when I say that we only do cwhxrlA3PgA-00507-00131453-00131638 this with victims consent it's important cwhxrlA3PgA-00508-00131639-00131878 to talk about what that means so first cwhxrlA3PgA-00509-00131879-00132133 of all fewer than half of victims of cwhxrlA3PgA-00510-00132134-00132331 violence in America call the police in cwhxrlA3PgA-00511-00132332-00132645 the first place that's a stunning number cwhxrlA3PgA-00512-00132646-00132934 it means half of people who are rendered cwhxrlA3PgA-00513-00132935-00133135 unconscious who have to be hospitalized cwhxrlA3PgA-00514-00133136-00133348 who suffer serious injury who have cwhxrlA3PgA-00515-00133349-00133425 lasting cwhxrlA3PgA-00516-00133426-00133606 physical and psychological impacts cwhxrlA3PgA-00517-00133607-00133923 prefer nothing to everything we have on cwhxrlA3PgA-00518-00133924-00134190 offer in our criminal justice system so cwhxrlA3PgA-00519-00134191-00134421 if the system whereas victim-centered as cwhxrlA3PgA-00520-00134422-00134628 it purports to be and as a lot of cwhxrlA3PgA-00521-00134629-00134823 people's bumper stickers and other kind cwhxrlA3PgA-00522-00134824-00135051 of hostile remarks suggests it is we cwhxrlA3PgA-00523-00135052-00135285 would understand that as a central moral cwhxrlA3PgA-00524-00135286-00135522 crisis of our culture and we would be cwhxrlA3PgA-00525-00135523-00135771 obsessed with correcting that wrong we cwhxrlA3PgA-00526-00135772-00136069 couldn't be farther from it of those cwhxrlA3PgA-00527-00136070-00136243 half who call the police fewer than half cwhxrlA3PgA-00528-00136244-00136512 of those make it to grand jury sometimes cwhxrlA3PgA-00529-00136513-00136673 that's because there's not an arrest cwhxrlA3PgA-00530-00136674-00136894 sometimes there's not an arrest because cwhxrlA3PgA-00531-00136895-00137106 the police don't try particularly hard cwhxrlA3PgA-00532-00137107-00137319 if you're a particular kind of victim cwhxrlA3PgA-00533-00137320-00137526 sometimes there isn't arrest that the cwhxrlA3PgA-00534-00137527-00137736 victim decides not to come they called cwhxrlA3PgA-00535-00137737-00137883 in a moment of crisis and then they cwhxrlA3PgA-00536-00137884-00138096 divest from the process that follows cwhxrlA3PgA-00537-00138097-00138231 because they don't believe it will give cwhxrlA3PgA-00538-00138232-00138513 them what they need so of that small cwhxrlA3PgA-00539-00138514-00138675 portion of people who make it to grand cwhxrlA3PgA-00540-00138676-00138897 jury we reach out to the smaller portion cwhxrlA3PgA-00541-00138898-00139134 of those who've survived violence and we cwhxrlA3PgA-00542-00139135-00139266 ask them do you want the person who hurt cwhxrlA3PgA-00543-00139267-00139422 you to be incarcerated or do you want cwhxrlA3PgA-00544-00139423-00139659 them in common justice when we give them cwhxrlA3PgA-00545-00139660-00139956 that choice 90 percent choose common cwhxrlA3PgA-00546-00139957-00140196 justice 90 percent cwhxrlA3PgA-00547-00140197-00140490 it's a crazy number right if I was like cwhxrlA3PgA-00548-00140491-00140601 one thing I want everyone to know about cwhxrlA3PgA-00549-00140602-00140964 common justice it's that number and I at cwhxrlA3PgA-00550-00140965-00141176 first I thought that was because we are cwhxrlA3PgA-00551-00141177-00141446 genuinely good people like we're cwhxrlA3PgA-00552-00141447-00141720 compassionate and we care and we believe cwhxrlA3PgA-00553-00141721-00141891 in transformation and we know we've made cwhxrlA3PgA-00554-00141892-00142074 mistakes and so do others and we believe cwhxrlA3PgA-00555-00142075-00142272 people change and we say but for the cwhxrlA3PgA-00556-00142273-00142449 grace of God go I and I think that is cwhxrlA3PgA-00557-00142450-00142809 sometimes true but the thing that we are cwhxrlA3PgA-00558-00142810-00143028 more than I gave us credit for is that cwhxrlA3PgA-00559-00143029-00143352 we are practical and I should have known cwhxrlA3PgA-00560-00143353-00143598 that about crime survivors as a survivor cwhxrlA3PgA-00561-00143599-00143919 myself crime survivors have a reputation cwhxrlA3PgA-00562-00143920-00144147 for being very emotional and we have cwhxrlA3PgA-00563-00144148-00144493 very strong feelings those feelings it cwhxrlA3PgA-00564-00144494-00144735 turns out do not override or exclude our cwhxrlA3PgA-00565-00144736-00145093 ability to exercise reason I said this cwhxrlA3PgA-00566-00145094-00145290 morning I think it's largely probably cwhxrlA3PgA-00567-00145291-00145446 sexism that makes us think those two cwhxrlA3PgA-00568-00145447-00145623 qualities are incompatible with each cwhxrlA3PgA-00569-00145624-00145827 other like feeling a feeling and making cwhxrlA3PgA-00570-00145828-00146049 a choice at the same time turns out we cwhxrlA3PgA-00571-00146050-00146415 can do both all of us that means men can cwhxrlA3PgA-00572-00146416-00146565 start feeling feelings women can you cwhxrlA3PgA-00573-00146566-00146712 trust make choices cwhxrlA3PgA-00574-00146713-00146823 wherever you are like there's a lot cwhxrlA3PgA-00575-00146824-00147039 there's good news in it for everyone cwhxrlA3PgA-00576-00147040-00147489 and and when I say we're practical I cwhxrlA3PgA-00577-00147490-00147831 mean like we of course we feel the cwhxrlA3PgA-00578-00147832-00148014 things that we feel when we're hurt we cwhxrlA3PgA-00579-00148015-00148419 feel rage that like shakes us to our cwhxrlA3PgA-00580-00148420-00148725 core like makes us almost unrecognizable cwhxrlA3PgA-00581-00148726-00149085 to ourselves like we feel loss that cwhxrlA3PgA-00582-00149086-00149352 makes us want to like wring out the cwhxrlA3PgA-00583-00149353-00149637 marrow of our bones to be rid of it cwhxrlA3PgA-00584-00149638-00150000 right we feel terror in the safest cwhxrlA3PgA-00585-00150001-00150252 places with the people we know and trust cwhxrlA3PgA-00586-00150253-00150640 most like abject terror seeking terror cwhxrlA3PgA-00587-00150641-00150921 like unresolvable cwhxrlA3PgA-00588-00150922-00151269 terror like we feel confused we feel cwhxrlA3PgA-00589-00151270-00151533 furious we feel angry we feel betrayed cwhxrlA3PgA-00590-00151534-00151800 we feel all sorts of things that we are cwhxrlA3PgA-00591-00151801-00152100 entitled to feel and yet when we are cwhxrlA3PgA-00592-00152101-00152463 asked what we want almost every time we cwhxrlA3PgA-00593-00152464-00152631 will choose the thing that will make us cwhxrlA3PgA-00594-00152632-00152952 and others safer that the one thing that cwhxrlA3PgA-00595-00152953-00153290 outranks all of that emotion is our cwhxrlA3PgA-00596-00153291-00153602 pragmatism and that pragmatism is rooted cwhxrlA3PgA-00597-00153603-00153815 in our self-interest and in our care for cwhxrlA3PgA-00598-00153816-00154152 the people around us and so our emotions cwhxrlA3PgA-00599-00154153-00154502 sometimes get co-opted and get put to cwhxrlA3PgA-00600-00154503-00154734 the service of draconian sentencing that cwhxrlA3PgA-00601-00154735-00154914 does not make us safe that does not heal cwhxrlA3PgA-00602-00154915-00155078 us that does not meet our needs that cwhxrlA3PgA-00603-00155079-00155313 does not answer our questions it does cwhxrlA3PgA-00604-00155314-00155566 not give us all the things we deserve cwhxrlA3PgA-00605-00155567-00155874 but when we are asked and given options cwhxrlA3PgA-00606-00155875-00156077 we will choose the option that will keep cwhxrlA3PgA-00607-00156078-00156399 us another safe almost every time and if cwhxrlA3PgA-00608-00156400-00156618 we are among the vast majority of crime cwhxrlA3PgA-00609-00156619-00156759 survivors who live in neighborhoods cwhxrlA3PgA-00610-00156760-00156977 where violence is prevalent and which cwhxrlA3PgA-00611-00156978-00157110 are the same neighborhoods where cwhxrlA3PgA-00612-00157111-00157332 incarceration is present you will have a cwhxrlA3PgA-00613-00157333-00157506 very hard time persuading us that cwhxrlA3PgA-00614-00157507-00157739 incarceration will keep us safe that's cwhxrlA3PgA-00615-00157740-00157911 not because we're liberal it's not cwhxrlA3PgA-00616-00157912-00158097 because we're abolitionists it's not cwhxrlA3PgA-00617-00158098-00158334 because we're radical it's because we cwhxrlA3PgA-00618-00158335-00158673 observe what we see in our own homes and cwhxrlA3PgA-00619-00158674-00158804 our buildings on our blocks in our cwhxrlA3PgA-00620-00158805-00159077 neighborhoods every day and we see that cwhxrlA3PgA-00621-00159078-00159372 for the most part prison makes people cwhxrlA3PgA-00622-00159373-00159657 worse and there are people with the cwhxrlA3PgA-00623-00159658-00159831 strength of spirit to withstand the cwhxrlA3PgA-00624-00159832-00160008 onslaught of what happens in prison cwhxrlA3PgA-00625-00160009-00160281 so not to be made worse by it there are cwhxrlA3PgA-00626-00160282-00160476 people who even become better in prison cwhxrlA3PgA-00627-00160477-00160677 but they do that not because of prison cwhxrlA3PgA-00628-00160678-00161049 but despite it but most people who live cwhxrlA3PgA-00629-00161050-00161217 in neighborhoods where incarceration has cwhxrlA3PgA-00630-00161218-00161595 promised safety live day today with the cwhxrlA3PgA-00631-00161596-00161751 degree to which that promise is cwhxrlA3PgA-00632-00161752-00162057 unfulfilled and so when given an option cwhxrlA3PgA-00633-00162058-00162282 for something that might do better cwhxrlA3PgA-00634-00162283-00162588 people choose that option not for cwhxrlA3PgA-00635-00162589-00162822 innovation and not even usually for cwhxrlA3PgA-00636-00162823-00163178 compassion but for pragmatism and safety cwhxrlA3PgA-00637-00163179-00163404 the second thing that we believe should cwhxrlA3PgA-00638-00163405-00163596 guide our responses to violence is that cwhxrlA3PgA-00639-00163597-00163734 we think they should be accountability cwhxrlA3PgA-00640-00163735-00164202 based it's important to distinguish cwhxrlA3PgA-00641-00164203-00164330 accountability from punishment cwhxrlA3PgA-00642-00164331-00164601 punishment is passive you don't have to cwhxrlA3PgA-00643-00164602-00164754 do anything to be punished someone else cwhxrlA3PgA-00644-00164755-00164985 has to do something but you don't you cwhxrlA3PgA-00645-00164986-00165200 have to just not escape it cwhxrlA3PgA-00646-00165201-00165372 accountability is different cwhxrlA3PgA-00647-00165373-00165603 accountability requires that you cwhxrlA3PgA-00648-00165604-00165876 acknowledge what you've done acknowledge cwhxrlA3PgA-00649-00165877-00166113 the impact of those actions express cwhxrlA3PgA-00650-00166114-00166431 genuine remorse make things that's right cwhxrlA3PgA-00651-00166432-00166665 as you possibly can and do the cwhxrlA3PgA-00652-00166666-00166845 extraordinarily hard labor of becoming cwhxrlA3PgA-00653-00166846-00166974 someone who won't do those things ever cwhxrlA3PgA-00654-00166975-00167033 again cwhxrlA3PgA-00655-00167034-00167247 accountability some of the hardest work cwhxrlA3PgA-00656-00167248-00167652 we as people will ever do when we do it cwhxrlA3PgA-00657-00167653-00167856 it is transformative to the people to cwhxrlA3PgA-00658-00167857-00168138 whom we are accountable but maybe even cwhxrlA3PgA-00659-00168139-00168366 more importantly it is transformative to cwhxrlA3PgA-00660-00168367-00168621 us and so I'd ask you to take a moment cwhxrlA3PgA-00661-00168622-00168900 and think about a time that you did cwhxrlA3PgA-00662-00168901-00169086 something that you know is wrong and you cwhxrlA3PgA-00663-00169087-00169209 can decide whether you want to think of cwhxrlA3PgA-00664-00169210-00169353 a little thing or a big thing like check cwhxrlA3PgA-00665-00169354-00169503 in on how you're doing today don't go cwhxrlA3PgA-00666-00169504-00169668 too big just because I asked you to I cwhxrlA3PgA-00667-00169669-00169860 know I'm at the very official lecture so cwhxrlA3PgA-00668-00169861-00170022 I can tell you what to do but don't do cwhxrlA3PgA-00669-00170023-00170325 something that's not good for you a time cwhxrlA3PgA-00670-00170326-00170415 that you did something you knew was cwhxrlA3PgA-00671-00170416-00170535 wrong that you made as right as you cwhxrlA3PgA-00672-00170536-00170772 could and so think about what the thing cwhxrlA3PgA-00673-00170773-00170916 was and how you made it as right as cwhxrlA3PgA-00674-00170917-00171183 possible and take a moment you just pay cwhxrlA3PgA-00675-00171184-00171372 attention to how it feels to think about cwhxrlA3PgA-00676-00171373-00171950 that cwhxrlA3PgA-00677-00171951-00172287 and now take a moment to think about a cwhxrlA3PgA-00678-00172288-00172542 thing you did that you know was wrong cwhxrlA3PgA-00679-00172543-00172908 that you didn't make right because you cwhxrlA3PgA-00680-00172909-00173052 didn't know how cuz it was too late cwhxrlA3PgA-00681-00173053-00173204 because you didn't have access to the cwhxrlA3PgA-00682-00173205-00173361 person because by the time you figured cwhxrlA3PgA-00683-00173362-00173559 it out you couldn't figure a way through cwhxrlA3PgA-00684-00173560-00173688 because you still don't quite see the cwhxrlA3PgA-00685-00173689-00174029 way and sit for a moment with how that cwhxrlA3PgA-00686-00174030-00175083 feels cwhxrlA3PgA-00687-00175084-00175263 I would venture that the ladder is cwhxrlA3PgA-00688-00175264-00175650 harder the first I think probably most cwhxrlA3PgA-00689-00175651-00175914 of us can think of and still feel good cwhxrlA3PgA-00690-00175915-00176202 amount of self-love a good amount of cwhxrlA3PgA-00691-00176203-00176496 pride and who we are we can recognize cwhxrlA3PgA-00692-00176497-00176730 ourselves in it we could tell someone cwhxrlA3PgA-00693-00176731-00176943 just about anyone about it and still cwhxrlA3PgA-00694-00176944-00177204 feel like we'd be able to be deserving cwhxrlA3PgA-00695-00177205-00177501 and worthy of their respect that second cwhxrlA3PgA-00696-00177502-00177777 one a little harder the best word I know cwhxrlA3PgA-00697-00177778-00177972 for that feeling it's not a perfect word cwhxrlA3PgA-00698-00177973-00178101 but it's the best I know and that's cwhxrlA3PgA-00699-00178102-00178605 shame and shame is probably my least cwhxrlA3PgA-00700-00178606-00178785 favorite emotion like if we're gonna cwhxrlA3PgA-00701-00178786-00179109 rank him um there's a bunch of crappy cwhxrlA3PgA-00702-00179110-00179526 ones it's my least favorite shame is cwhxrlA3PgA-00703-00179527-00179861 known to be core driver of violence cwhxrlA3PgA-00704-00179862-00180129 which means feeling ashamed of what we cwhxrlA3PgA-00705-00180130-00180345 have done put us at risk puts us at risk cwhxrlA3PgA-00706-00180346-00180662 of hurting people ourselves and others cwhxrlA3PgA-00707-00180663-00180978 and it's hard to know the pathway out of cwhxrlA3PgA-00708-00180979-00181143 shame and so when we talk about grief cwhxrlA3PgA-00709-00181144-00181362 and loss we know we talk about a pathway cwhxrlA3PgA-00710-00181363-00181593 we talk about stages of grief we talk cwhxrlA3PgA-00711-00181594-00181818 about the things you go through in a cwhxrlA3PgA-00712-00181819-00181986 process that we all sort of know and cwhxrlA3PgA-00713-00181987-00182145 recognize understand and can talk about cwhxrlA3PgA-00714-00182146-00182448 that return us to ourselves love to our cwhxrlA3PgA-00715-00182449-00182685 hope to our connection with each other cwhxrlA3PgA-00716-00182686-00182835 to our dignity cwhxrlA3PgA-00717-00182836-00183177 I believe accountability is the cwhxrlA3PgA-00718-00183178-00183399 corollary to grief for when we do cwhxrlA3PgA-00719-00183400-00183660 something wrong and that in answering cwhxrlA3PgA-00720-00183661-00183969 for what we have done we return to cwhxrlA3PgA-00721-00183970-00184227 ourself love to our hope to our cwhxrlA3PgA-00722-00184228-00184518 connection to our dignity it's part of cwhxrlA3PgA-00723-00184519-00184749 why that first example feels different cwhxrlA3PgA-00724-00184750-00184980 it's part of why I like the ancient cwhxrlA3PgA-00725-00184981-00185169 Hebrew word teshuva which is sometimes cwhxrlA3PgA-00726-00185170-00185412 talked about as repentance as also means cwhxrlA3PgA-00727-00185413-00185682 return all right it's that it's a return cwhxrlA3PgA-00728-00185683-00185970 to a place of a particular kind of cwhxrlA3PgA-00729-00185971-00186207 wholeness and so I believe that holding cwhxrlA3PgA-00730-00186208-00186375 people accountable as an act of love I cwhxrlA3PgA-00731-00186376-00186615 am certain people in common justice wish cwhxrlA3PgA-00732-00186616-00186948 we loved them less because it's cwhxrlA3PgA-00733-00186949-00187269 undoubtedly incredibly hard and so when cwhxrlA3PgA-00734-00187270-00187506 we deny the accountability of people who cwhxrlA3PgA-00735-00187507-00187767 have committed harm we aren't helping cwhxrlA3PgA-00736-00187768-00188028 them when we excuse their actions when cwhxrlA3PgA-00737-00188029-00188313 we talk about the idea that's like the cwhxrlA3PgA-00738-00188314-00188466 horrific thing they did was in Neve cwhxrlA3PgA-00739-00188467-00188655 because of their terrible childhoods or cwhxrlA3PgA-00740-00188656-00188823 terrible neighborhoods or terrible cwhxrlA3PgA-00741-00188824-00189102 families or terrible lives that doesn't cwhxrlA3PgA-00742-00189103-00189291 mean that we should not acknowledge the cwhxrlA3PgA-00743-00189292-00189555 way pain generates more pain the way cwhxrlA3PgA-00744-00189556-00189756 unhealed trauma is one of the surest cwhxrlA3PgA-00745-00189757-00190050 drivers of future violence the way our cwhxrlA3PgA-00746-00190051-00190224 indifference to certain people's pain cwhxrlA3PgA-00747-00190225-00190623 sets us up for a society of violence but cwhxrlA3PgA-00748-00190624-00190815 it does mean we shouldn't make excuses cwhxrlA3PgA-00749-00190816-00191022 we shouldn't do it because it's wrong cwhxrlA3PgA-00750-00191023-00191241 for the people who were hurt they did cwhxrlA3PgA-00751-00191242-00191523 not hurt less because of any feature in cwhxrlA3PgA-00752-00191524-00191691 the person who hurt them their pain is cwhxrlA3PgA-00753-00191692-00191871 just as real it's on strategic cwhxrlA3PgA-00754-00191872-00192087 politically excuse making goes over cwhxrlA3PgA-00755-00192088-00192354 really poorly in a political context cwhxrlA3PgA-00756-00192355-00192555 when we're seeing as apologizing for the cwhxrlA3PgA-00757-00192556-00192831 worst things people do but it's also cwhxrlA3PgA-00758-00192832-00193101 wrong for the people who commit that cwhxrlA3PgA-00759-00193102-00193419 harm because it excuses them from an cwhxrlA3PgA-00760-00193420-00193629 accountability process that is precisely cwhxrlA3PgA-00761-00193630-00193893 the road out of shame and back to cwhxrlA3PgA-00762-00193894-00194064 dignity it creates a barrier between cwhxrlA3PgA-00763-00194065-00194127 them cwhxrlA3PgA-00764-00194128-00194304 and that transformation and that cwhxrlA3PgA-00765-00194305-00194451 transformation is one of the most cwhxrlA3PgA-00766-00194452-00194718 important things any of us can ever have cwhxrlA3PgA-00767-00194719-00194928 the gift of undergoing in our lives and cwhxrlA3PgA-00768-00194929-00195147 so we believe responses to violence cwhxrlA3PgA-00769-00195148-00195297 should be accountability based and the cwhxrlA3PgA-00770-00195298-00195444 good news is that when people are cwhxrlA3PgA-00771-00195445-00195654 accountable when we face what we have cwhxrlA3PgA-00772-00195655-00195954 done we are very likely to be cwhxrlA3PgA-00773-00195955-00196188 transformed by it partly because of how cwhxrlA3PgA-00774-00196189-00196422 hard that is and how much we don't want cwhxrlA3PgA-00775-00196423-00196740 to do it again and partly because in it cwhxrlA3PgA-00776-00196741-00196986 we are reconnected to the people with cwhxrlA3PgA-00777-00196987-00197180 whom we share community cwhxrlA3PgA-00778-00197181-00197391 the third principle we think should cwhxrlA3PgA-00779-00197392-00197646 drive our responses to violence is that cwhxrlA3PgA-00780-00197647-00197970 they should be safety driven that also cwhxrlA3PgA-00781-00197971-00198219 sounds obvious and yet at the same time cwhxrlA3PgA-00782-00198220-00198543 nothing of what we do has basically cwhxrlA3PgA-00783-00198544-00198828 anything to do with generating safety cwhxrlA3PgA-00784-00198829-00199734 and so and so our current approach to cwhxrlA3PgA-00785-00199735-00200088 violence there is no relationship to cwhxrlA3PgA-00786-00200089-00200328 everything we know about what causes and cwhxrlA3PgA-00787-00200329-00200628 what ends silence that seems weird like cwhxrlA3PgA-00788-00200629-00200922 our approaches to disease are always cwhxrlA3PgA-00789-00200923-00201123 rooted in what we know about what causes cwhxrlA3PgA-00790-00201124-00201348 and what ends disease that seems like a cwhxrlA3PgA-00791-00201349-00201594 reasonable thing to do and yet in the cwhxrlA3PgA-00792-00201595-00201785 criminal justice arena our cwhxrlA3PgA-00793-00201786-00202057 as two violins are driven by Broderick cwhxrlA3PgA-00794-00202058-00202366 they're driven by sort of outdated cwhxrlA3PgA-00795-00202367-00202649 philosophical notions they're driven by cwhxrlA3PgA-00796-00202650-00203023 myth and they're driven by vengeance cwhxrlA3PgA-00797-00203024-00203285 it's my belief they should be driven by cwhxrlA3PgA-00798-00203286-00203428 safety that when the government cwhxrlA3PgA-00799-00203429-00203735 intervenes in a situation where someone cwhxrlA3PgA-00800-00203736-00203936 is unsafe their intervention should make cwhxrlA3PgA-00801-00203937-00204178 us all safer that that's what they're cwhxrlA3PgA-00802-00204179-00204359 there for it's part of why we so cwhxrlA3PgA-00803-00204360-00204830 joyfully pay our taxes and what we know cwhxrlA3PgA-00804-00204831-00205138 is that the core drivers of violence for cwhxrlA3PgA-00805-00205139-00205352 individuals so the biggest drivers of cwhxrlA3PgA-00806-00205353-00205571 violence are structural their poverty cwhxrlA3PgA-00807-00205571-00205925 their inequity they are racial inequity cwhxrlA3PgA-00808-00205926-00206129 they are unhealed trauma there are all cwhxrlA3PgA-00809-00206130-00206327 these things these structural factors cwhxrlA3PgA-00810-00206328-00206498 they're things like redlining drives cwhxrlA3PgA-00811-00206498-00206798 violence on the individual level the cwhxrlA3PgA-00812-00206798-00207096 core drivers of violence are shame cwhxrlA3PgA-00813-00207098-00207476 isolation exposure to violence and an cwhxrlA3PgA-00814-00207477-00207792 inability to meet one's economic needs I cwhxrlA3PgA-00815-00207794-00208076 would argue the four core features of cwhxrlA3PgA-00816-00208077-00208317 prison are shame cwhxrlA3PgA-00817-00208319-00208721 isolation exposure to violence and an cwhxrlA3PgA-00818-00208721-00208938 inability to meet one's economic needs cwhxrlA3PgA-00819-00208939-00209212 so it means our core response to cwhxrlA3PgA-00820-00209213-00209410 violence has is it's very central cwhxrlA3PgA-00821-00209411-00209698 dimensions precisely the things that cwhxrlA3PgA-00822-00209700-00209998 generate violence that is not what cwhxrlA3PgA-00823-00210000-00210448 people who want to end violence do to cwhxrlA3PgA-00824-00210450-00210634 expect the criminal justice system as we cwhxrlA3PgA-00825-00210635-00210833 know it to produce safety is wholly cwhxrlA3PgA-00826-00210834-00210941 irrational cwhxrlA3PgA-00827-00210942-00211157 it's like putting out a fire by throwing cwhxrlA3PgA-00828-00211158-00211304 a Molotov cocktail through the front cwhxrlA3PgA-00829-00211305-00211544 door of a building it doesn't make sense cwhxrlA3PgA-00830-00211544-00211834 that it would quell the flames what we cwhxrlA3PgA-00831-00211835-00212051 know about what ends violence are things cwhxrlA3PgA-00832-00212052-00212460 like relationship accountability healing cwhxrlA3PgA-00833-00212461-00212723 access to supports right all these other cwhxrlA3PgA-00834-00212723-00212938 things we know what ends violence cwhxrlA3PgA-00835-00212939-00213179 because a ton of those cases that don't cwhxrlA3PgA-00836-00213180-00213356 make it to the criminal justice system a cwhxrlA3PgA-00837-00213357-00213683 lot of those actually result some of cwhxrlA3PgA-00838-00213684-00213892 them end terribly some of them go on to cwhxrlA3PgA-00839-00213894-00214130 result in more harm and some of them end cwhxrlA3PgA-00840-00214131-00214319 in some measure of healing and some cwhxrlA3PgA-00841-00214319-00214471 measure of reconciliation and some cwhxrlA3PgA-00842-00214473-00214735 measure of peace because when we got cwhxrlA3PgA-00843-00214736-00214948 when we take into our own hands the cwhxrlA3PgA-00844-00214950-00215102 resolution of violence once and cwhxrlA3PgA-00845-00215103-00215348 while we get it right not always but cwhxrlA3PgA-00846-00215348-00215525 probably as often as our criminal cwhxrlA3PgA-00847-00215526-00215821 justice system does and so what we have cwhxrlA3PgA-00848-00215823-00216041 now in our response to violence has in cwhxrlA3PgA-00849-00216042-00216311 it none of the core ingredients of cwhxrlA3PgA-00850-00216312-00216560 safety and so if it does not have the cwhxrlA3PgA-00851-00216561-00216785 core ingredients it will not produce it cwhxrlA3PgA-00852-00216786-00217069 and what we know at common justice is cwhxrlA3PgA-00853-00217071-00217265 that there are other pathways and so in cwhxrlA3PgA-00854-00217266-00217367 the work we do cwhxrlA3PgA-00855-00217367-00217661 fewer than 7% of our participants have cwhxrlA3PgA-00856-00217662-00217862 been terminated for new crimes on our cwhxrlA3PgA-00857-00217863-00218096 watch of the people who started since cwhxrlA3PgA-00858-00218096-00218333 January 2012 after our first couple cwhxrlA3PgA-00859-00218334-00218621 years of learning one has been cwhxrlA3PgA-00860-00218621-00218879 terminated since January 2012 in nearly cwhxrlA3PgA-00861-00218880-00219158 six years find me a prison that can say cwhxrlA3PgA-00862-00219159-00219698 that um not to be sassy a little sassy I cwhxrlA3PgA-00863-00219698-00219929 like saying that to people who run cwhxrlA3PgA-00864-00219930-00220177 correction systems that's my favorite cwhxrlA3PgA-00865-00220178-00220562 they secretly like it they just don't cwhxrlA3PgA-00866-00220563-00221003 show it we know how to produce safety cwhxrlA3PgA-00867-00221004-00221216 and it's things that makes sense it's cwhxrlA3PgA-00868-00221217-00221375 facing what you've done it's making cwhxrlA3PgA-00869-00221376-00221641 those things right it's developing the cwhxrlA3PgA-00870-00221642-00221906 economic means to meet your needs other cwhxrlA3PgA-00871-00221907-00222073 than through violence it's addressing cwhxrlA3PgA-00872-00222075-00222346 the underlying pain that drives what you cwhxrlA3PgA-00873-00222348-00222500 did in the first place it's being cwhxrlA3PgA-00874-00222501-00222863 answerable it's being connected it's cwhxrlA3PgA-00875-00222864-00223144 being in community with people who you cwhxrlA3PgA-00876-00223146-00223321 make a commitment to never hurting again cwhxrlA3PgA-00877-00223323-00223505 into doing the work of becoming someone cwhxrlA3PgA-00878-00223506-00223787 who won't and so we can produce safety cwhxrlA3PgA-00879-00223788-00224090 if we choose to we cannot produce it cwhxrlA3PgA-00880-00224091-00224300 through Prisons and our ability to cwhxrlA3PgA-00881-00224301-00224441 produce it in other ways will be cwhxrlA3PgA-00882-00224442-00224705 dramatically undercut by the scale of cwhxrlA3PgA-00883-00224706-00224876 our prison system in this country cwhxrlA3PgA-00884-00224877-00225167 because the division of families reduces cwhxrlA3PgA-00885-00225167-00225421 safety because the investment in prisons cwhxrlA3PgA-00886-00225423-00225563 at the expense of everything else cwhxrlA3PgA-00887-00225564-00225896 reduces safety because the exit and cwhxrlA3PgA-00888-00225896-00226154 return of people the inconsistency of cwhxrlA3PgA-00889-00226155-00226355 community and the constant disruption cwhxrlA3PgA-00890-00226356-00226661 reduces safety and because the violence cwhxrlA3PgA-00891-00226662-00226802 and trauma people undergo while in cwhxrlA3PgA-00892-00226803-00227084 prison also reduce safety and so we have cwhxrlA3PgA-00893-00227085-00227342 a threat to our safety in this country cwhxrlA3PgA-00894-00227342-00227678 and it is a growing threat it is one cwhxrlA3PgA-00895-00227679-00227855 that has grown dramatically over the cwhxrlA3PgA-00896-00227856-00228104 last 30 years and is our system of mass cwhxrlA3PgA-00897-00228105-00228296 incarceration and unless we make it our cwhxrlA3PgA-00898-00228296-00228452 business to eradicate that cwhxrlA3PgA-00899-00228453-00228713 threat we will not be safe with each cwhxrlA3PgA-00900-00228714-00229031 other the last principle that we think cwhxrlA3PgA-00901-00229032-00229171 should guide our responses to violence cwhxrlA3PgA-00902-00229171-00229379 is that we believe that they should be cwhxrlA3PgA-00903-00229380-00229733 racially equitable we believe that first cwhxrlA3PgA-00904-00229734-00229979 for practical reasons which is that cwhxrlA3PgA-00905-00229980-00230276 inequity is demonstrated to be a driver cwhxrlA3PgA-00906-00230277-00230483 of violence so if you know something cwhxrlA3PgA-00907-00230484-00230708 produces a thing and you want less of a cwhxrlA3PgA-00908-00230709-00230825 thing you have to do less of the thing cwhxrlA3PgA-00909-00230826-00231266 that produces the thing and and we don't cwhxrlA3PgA-00910-00231267-00231437 do that so on the one hand we know we cwhxrlA3PgA-00911-00231438-00231769 have to eliminate inequity as a risk cwhxrlA3PgA-00912-00231771-00232055 factor for our culture but when I talk cwhxrlA3PgA-00913-00232056-00232214 about racial inequity I'm not talking cwhxrlA3PgA-00914-00232215-00232517 only about defendants in the system so cwhxrlA3PgA-00915-00232517-00232676 it's important to know that there are cwhxrlA3PgA-00916-00232677-00232948 racial disparities at every single stage cwhxrlA3PgA-00917-00232950-00233126 of the criminal justice system at any cwhxrlA3PgA-00918-00233127-00233344 point where a human can make a decision cwhxrlA3PgA-00919-00233346-00233525 or where a risk assessment instrument cwhxrlA3PgA-00920-00233526-00233863 developed in part by humans is used that cwhxrlA3PgA-00921-00233864-00234098 inequities process so that is at arrest cwhxrlA3PgA-00922-00234098-00234341 it's at arraignment and bail it is at cwhxrlA3PgA-00923-00234342-00234563 the felony arraignment it is a charging cwhxrlA3PgA-00924-00234564-00234776 it is a plea offers it is it sentencings cwhxrlA3PgA-00925-00234777-00235021 is at parole and at each of those places cwhxrlA3PgA-00926-00235023-00235178 the inequities that happened in the cwhxrlA3PgA-00927-00235179-00235403 previous place are only exacerbated cwhxrlA3PgA-00928-00235404-00235882 almost every time it's why we understand cwhxrlA3PgA-00929-00235883-00236156 mass incarceration to be the grandchild cwhxrlA3PgA-00930-00236157-00236473 of slavery in the child of Jim Crow it's cwhxrlA3PgA-00931-00236475-00236837 why we understand it to be for me the cwhxrlA3PgA-00932-00236838-00237119 core civil rights question of our day cwhxrlA3PgA-00933-00237119-00237365 it's why I believe our children's cwhxrlA3PgA-00934-00237366-00237614 children will ask us what we did about cwhxrlA3PgA-00935-00237615-00237863 it and we will be faced with ourselves cwhxrlA3PgA-00936-00237864-00238094 when we answer that question and that at cwhxrlA3PgA-00937-00238094-00238334 our current moment the answer is not one cwhxrlA3PgA-00938-00238335-00238562 that will dignify us or will teach a cwhxrlA3PgA-00939-00238563-00238739 lesson to that generation that we want cwhxrlA3PgA-00940-00238740-00239129 to teach and it is all of ours to cwhxrlA3PgA-00941-00239130-00239519 account for and to fix but the inequity cwhxrlA3PgA-00942-00239519-00239744 doesn't stop with the people who commit cwhxrlA3PgA-00943-00239744-00239963 harm it also includes people who are cwhxrlA3PgA-00944-00239964-00240298 hurt so we devalue certain crime victims cwhxrlA3PgA-00945-00240300-00240629 we particularly devalue victims of color cwhxrlA3PgA-00946-00240630-00240911 we pretend young men of color who were cwhxrlA3PgA-00947-00240912-00241117 hurt had it coming to them and that cwhxrlA3PgA-00948-00241119-00241348 young women of color probably don't feel cwhxrlA3PgA-00949-00241350-00241567 pain quite the same way as white women cwhxrlA3PgA-00950-00241569-00241744 do because they're so strong cwhxrlA3PgA-00951-00241744-00242066 right so we tell stories that suggest cwhxrlA3PgA-00952-00242067-00242339 that men of color deserve pain that cwhxrlA3PgA-00953-00242340-00242594 women of color can't feel pain these are cwhxrlA3PgA-00954-00242594-00243116 also old stories and when we do that we cwhxrlA3PgA-00955-00243117-00243292 shouldn't be surprised by the portion of cwhxrlA3PgA-00956-00243294-00243461 victims who don't call a criminal cwhxrlA3PgA-00957-00243462-00243698 justice system that treats their pain as cwhxrlA3PgA-00958-00243698-00244094 their fault or unimportant and we are cwhxrlA3PgA-00959-00244094-00244421 not a country that fulfills its promise cwhxrlA3PgA-00960-00244421-00244739 to equity or to safety or its basic cwhxrlA3PgA-00961-00244740-00244985 obligations to its citizens to treat cwhxrlA3PgA-00962-00244986-00245369 them with dignity and equal regard and cwhxrlA3PgA-00963-00245369-00245573 we know we can do it differently and we cwhxrlA3PgA-00964-00245573-00245834 know that partly because of how we treat cwhxrlA3PgA-00965-00245835-00246092 white people I say this is a white cwhxrlA3PgA-00966-00246092-00246302 person so I know a lot about being a cwhxrlA3PgA-00967-00246303-00246769 white person when I was charged with a cwhxrlA3PgA-00968-00246771-00247087 bunch of crimes when I was a teenager I cwhxrlA3PgA-00969-00247088-00247538 was met with mercy the judge saw in me a cwhxrlA3PgA-00970-00247539-00247838 child who had made a mistake the judge cwhxrlA3PgA-00971-00247839-00248183 worried about me thought something must cwhxrlA3PgA-00972-00248184-00248419 be happening that I made these choices cwhxrlA3PgA-00973-00248419-00248654 the judge thought I could be something cwhxrlA3PgA-00974-00248655-00248816 different than those choices that I cwhxrlA3PgA-00975-00248817-00249026 probably was already more than those cwhxrlA3PgA-00976-00249027-00249217 choices but certainly could become more cwhxrlA3PgA-00977-00249219-00249469 than them if I wasn't yet and the judge cwhxrlA3PgA-00978-00249471-00249725 made a decision to give me my life back cwhxrlA3PgA-00979-00249726-00249946 I've described it as an off-ramp from my cwhxrlA3PgA-00980-00249948-00250148 idiocy right like adolescence it's like cwhxrlA3PgA-00981-00250148-00250423 nothing but idiocy and as white folks we cwhxrlA3PgA-00982-00250425-00250625 get like off-ramp after off-ramp like we cwhxrlA3PgA-00983-00250626-00251009 get to grow up we get to become people cwhxrlA3PgA-00984-00251010-00251261 who got to grow up that's what we are cwhxrlA3PgA-00985-00251262-00251654 were people who got to grow up my cwhxrlA3PgA-00986-00251655-00251842 co-defendant who's a young man of color cwhxrlA3PgA-00987-00251844-00252128 was not met with that same mercy by any cwhxrlA3PgA-00988-00252129-00252464 stretch and it was revelatory to me and cwhxrlA3PgA-00989-00252465-00252742 it's partly because I think that the cwhxrlA3PgA-00990-00252744-00253048 central the first promise of privilege cwhxrlA3PgA-00991-00253050-00253385 the first gift of privilege is that we cwhxrlA3PgA-00992-00253386-00253646 don't have to experience it as such like cwhxrlA3PgA-00993-00253646-00253838 the gift of privileges we experience it cwhxrlA3PgA-00994-00253839-00254221 as merit we're hard-working we're smart cwhxrlA3PgA-00995-00254223-00254582 we're articulate we're kind we're lucky cwhxrlA3PgA-00996-00254583-00254873 even but surely we're not the cwhxrlA3PgA-00997-00254873-00255092 beneficiaries of structures that give us cwhxrlA3PgA-00998-00255092-00255266 things at the expense of others that cwhxrlA3PgA-00999-00255267-00255488 take things from people so that we can cwhxrlA3PgA-01000-00255489-00255788 have them that hurt people so we can cwhxrlA3PgA-01001-00255789-00256121 feel safe the destroy families so that cwhxrlA3PgA-01002-00256121-00256273 our family can have just a little bit cwhxrlA3PgA-01003-00256275-00256579 more it would be hard to know we were cwhxrlA3PgA-01004-00256580-00256871 that right and so I had the gift of cwhxrlA3PgA-01005-00256871-00257110 having that myth ripped from me and so I cwhxrlA3PgA-01006-00257111-00257300 had to understand my privilege not as cwhxrlA3PgA-01007-00257301-00257506 merit but as privilege and when that cwhxrlA3PgA-01008-00257507-00257758 happens you understand that that cwhxrlA3PgA-01009-00257759-00258004 inequity is a threat to your very soul cwhxrlA3PgA-01010-00258005-00258440 and you make that inequity your enemy cwhxrlA3PgA-01011-00258441-00258754 and you spend your life finding the cwhxrlA3PgA-01012-00258755-00259016 people to join with to listen to and to cwhxrlA3PgA-01013-00259017-00259282 follow so that by the end of your days cwhxrlA3PgA-01014-00259283-00259412 here you will have put up the best cwhxrlA3PgA-01015-00259413-00259748 possible fight and maybe even taking it cwhxrlA3PgA-01016-00259748-00260066 down but the other thing that happens cwhxrlA3PgA-01017-00260067-00260281 when someone does something for you that cwhxrlA3PgA-01018-00260282-00260542 they don't do for someone else is that cwhxrlA3PgA-01019-00260544-00260746 it reveals that that system can do what cwhxrlA3PgA-01020-00260748-00261044 it wants so prosecutors in America can cwhxrlA3PgA-01021-00261044-00261389 end mass incarceration tomorrow by cwhxrlA3PgA-01022-00261390-00261671 exercising discretion differently judges cwhxrlA3PgA-01023-00261671-00261815 in the juvenile system could end cwhxrlA3PgA-01024-00261816-00262121 juvenile incarceration tomorrow by cwhxrlA3PgA-01025-00262121-00262333 exercising their discretion differently cwhxrlA3PgA-01026-00262334-00262601 no one has to pass a thing in a state cwhxrlA3PgA-01027-00262602-00262748 legislature which I'm sure is a great cwhxrlA3PgA-01028-00262749-00262913 relief to people who try and pass things cwhxrlA3PgA-01029-00262914-00263206 in state legislatures for that to be cwhxrlA3PgA-01030-00263207-00263557 possible right because we can choose it cwhxrlA3PgA-01031-00263558-00263683 differently and so I think part of what cwhxrlA3PgA-01032-00263684-00263955 our job is as white folks is to be cwhxrlA3PgA-01033-00263956-00264334 people who testify to that fact that we cwhxrlA3PgA-01034-00264335-00264671 have been diverted so many times I did a cwhxrlA3PgA-01035-00264672-00265013 and what I will call an experiment with cwhxrlA3PgA-01036-00265014-00265207 some of the children and my extended cwhxrlA3PgA-01037-00265208-00265466 family which is a like chosen family cwhxrlA3PgA-01038-00265467-00265712 mixed race this is not like a cwhxrlA3PgA-01039-00265713-00266015 statistically significant study we grew cwhxrlA3PgA-01040-00266016-00266174 up under the Vera Institute this does cwhxrlA3PgA-01041-00266175-00266516 not meet their standards do not blame cwhxrlA3PgA-01042-00266517-00266730 them for the inadequacy of this study cwhxrlA3PgA-01043-00266731-00267055 and I asked the kids in my life what the cwhxrlA3PgA-01044-00267056-00267409 word detention means the white kids in cwhxrlA3PgA-01045-00267410-00267728 my life jewel 1 that it was like when cwhxrlA3PgA-01046-00267729-00267890 you were bad at school and had to stay cwhxrlA3PgA-01047-00267891-00268228 after kids are color in my life cwhxrlA3PgA-01048-00268229-00268381 201 cwhxrlA3PgA-01049-00268382-00268855 said it's where kids go to jail we know cwhxrlA3PgA-01050-00268856-00269076 this is happening cwhxrlA3PgA-01051-00269077-00269581 no one's surprised and so shame on us cwhxrlA3PgA-01052-00269582-00269917 for knowing and as white folks the thing cwhxrlA3PgA-01053-00269918-00270199 we know that cannot be denied to us is cwhxrlA3PgA-01054-00270200-00270445 that something else is possible because cwhxrlA3PgA-01055-00270446-00270814 it's done for us all the time I talk cwhxrlA3PgA-01056-00270815-00270979 about whiteness as the oldest cwhxrlA3PgA-01057-00270980-00271263 alternative to incarceration in America cwhxrlA3PgA-01058-00271264-00271537 it produces great results in terms of cwhxrlA3PgA-01059-00271538-00271852 like income longevity health outcomes cwhxrlA3PgA-01060-00271853-00271993 all sorts of things all terms to cwhxrlA3PgA-01061-00271994-00272236 incarceration work we're diverted all cwhxrlA3PgA-01062-00272237-00272446 the time we're asked what happened cwhxrlA3PgA-01063-00272447-00272593 instead of what's wrong with you were cwhxrlA3PgA-01064-00272594-00272818 asked what you need instead of what have cwhxrlA3PgA-01065-00272819-00273208 you done like we're asked what can we do cwhxrlA3PgA-01066-00273209-00273529 to help instead of how dare you write we cwhxrlA3PgA-01067-00273530-00273655 are met with that and that doesn't mean cwhxrlA3PgA-01068-00273656-00273937 we're always met with mercy we're met cwhxrlA3PgA-01069-00273938-00274198 with rage we're met with pain we're hurt cwhxrlA3PgA-01070-00274199-00274339 in our own families and our own cwhxrlA3PgA-01071-00274340-00274480 relationships in the streets like we're cwhxrlA3PgA-01072-00274481-00274681 not it's not that we are not also cwhxrlA3PgA-01073-00274682-00274972 exposed to pain we unquestionably are cwhxrlA3PgA-01074-00274973-00275374 and yet we are also met with mercy cwhxrlA3PgA-01075-00275375-00275674 we're met with discretion and that's cwhxrlA3PgA-01076-00275675-00275908 because we're met as though we're people cwhxrlA3PgA-01077-00275909-00276085 who are more than the worst thing we've cwhxrlA3PgA-01078-00276086-00276268 ever done we are people who are capable cwhxrlA3PgA-01079-00276269-00276475 of change we are people where the cwhxrlA3PgA-01080-00276476-00276655 exclusion of us from a community would cwhxrlA3PgA-01081-00276656-00276943 be a loss we're the removal of us from cwhxrlA3PgA-01082-00276944-00277171 our families would do damage those cwhxrlA3PgA-01083-00277172-00277348 things are assumed to be true about us cwhxrlA3PgA-01084-00277349-00277564 and so part of what we can do is that cwhxrlA3PgA-01085-00277565-00277774 when systems say they have no way to do cwhxrlA3PgA-01086-00277775-00278086 a thing we can mine our own experience cwhxrlA3PgA-01087-00278087-00278314 for evidence that they can do that thing cwhxrlA3PgA-01088-00278315-00278797 and we can call BS on it and we can cwhxrlA3PgA-01089-00278798-00279022 insist that the things that are done for cwhxrlA3PgA-01090-00279023-00279210 us are done for everyone cwhxrlA3PgA-01091-00279211-00279493 and we can refuse to accept the things cwhxrlA3PgA-01092-00279494-00279688 that are done for us until they are also cwhxrlA3PgA-01093-00279689-00280021 done for everyone and so when we think cwhxrlA3PgA-01094-00280022-00280312 about the work of ending mass cwhxrlA3PgA-01095-00280313-00280660 incarceration its vast it has to do with cwhxrlA3PgA-01096-00280661-00280939 thinking about electoral politics it has cwhxrlA3PgA-01097-00280940-00281101 to do with legislatures and ballot cwhxrlA3PgA-01098-00281102-00281230 measures and alternatives to cwhxrlA3PgA-01099-00281231-00281473 incarceration and how different parts of cwhxrlA3PgA-01100-00281474-00281725 the system exercise their discretion cwhxrlA3PgA-01101-00281726-00281893 what drives those choices and how we cwhxrlA3PgA-01102-00281894-00282214 change those drivers but it also has to cwhxrlA3PgA-01103-00282215-00282436 do with that very fundamental work that cwhxrlA3PgA-01104-00282437-00282661 I started with which is the work of cwhxrlA3PgA-01105-00282662-00282952 being at war with the foundational myth cwhxrlA3PgA-01106-00282953-00283261 of this country with telling true cwhxrlA3PgA-01107-00283262-00283579 stories in its place with resisting cwhxrlA3PgA-01108-00283580-00283774 those old stories whenever and wherever cwhxrlA3PgA-01109-00283775-00284128 they are told and with sitting with the cwhxrlA3PgA-01110-00284129-00284371 worst things we have done individually cwhxrlA3PgA-01111-00284372-00284665 and together and believing that if we cwhxrlA3PgA-01112-00284666-00284889 are accountable for those things if we cwhxrlA3PgA-01113-00284890-00285153 acknowledge what we have done cwhxrlA3PgA-01114-00285154-00285414 acknowledged the impact of those actions cwhxrlA3PgA-01115-00285415-00285874 express genuine remorse make things as cwhxrlA3PgA-01116-00285875-00286120 right as possible and become people who cwhxrlA3PgA-01117-00286121-00286447 won't do those things again that we as a cwhxrlA3PgA-01118-00286448-00286756 country can also lift up out of that cwhxrlA3PgA-01119-00286757-00287080 shame back into a place of shared cwhxrlA3PgA-01120-00287081-00287392 dignity of shared connection and have cwhxrlA3PgA-01121-00287393-00287629 shared hope and so it's my belief that cwhxrlA3PgA-01122-00287630-00287899 as we join together in the struggle to cwhxrlA3PgA-01123-00287900-00288157 end mass incarceration that we are doing cwhxrlA3PgA-01124-00288158-00288340 the work of accountability which I've cwhxrlA3PgA-01125-00288341-00288547 already told you I think is an act of cwhxrlA3PgA-01126-00288548-00288868 love and I have no question whatsoever cwhxrlA3PgA-01127-00288869-00289153 in part based on the results we see in cwhxrlA3PgA-01128-00289154-00289333 our work that if we do that together cwhxrlA3PgA-01129-00289334-00289660 we'll succeed so thank you very much for cwhxrlA3PgA-01130-00289661-00289741 your time today cwhxrlA3PgA-01131-00289742-00292038 [Applause] cwhxrlA3PgA-01132-00292039-00292279 thank everybody for coming and thank cwhxrlA3PgA-01133-00292280-00292402 Danielle again for giving such a cwhxrlA3PgA-01134-00292403-00292663 wonderful presentation we're gonna move cwhxrlA3PgA-01135-00292664-00292935 into the questions and answer section of cwhxrlA3PgA-01136-00292936-00293179 our talk you have no cards in front of cwhxrlA3PgA-01137-00293180-00293326 you if you have any questions please cwhxrlA3PgA-01138-00293327-00293482 write them down and we will be walking cwhxrlA3PgA-01139-00293483-00293737 around collecting them and we will have cwhxrlA3PgA-01140-00293738-00293968 questions fielded by two students from cwhxrlA3PgA-01141-00293969-00294121 the Ford School of Public Policy who I cwhxrlA3PgA-01142-00294122-00294544 will have introduced themselves hi my cwhxrlA3PgA-01143-00294545-00294729 name is Abbey auric I'm a first year MPP cwhxrlA3PgA-01144-00294730-00294991 interested in urban education policy cwhxrlA3PgA-01145-00294992-00295165 particularly school culture and cwhxrlA3PgA-01146-00295166-00295363 socio-emotional curriculums in middle cwhxrlA3PgA-01147-00295364-00295846 and high schools hi I'm Andrea matei I'm cwhxrlA3PgA-01148-00295847-00296053 also a first year MBA student at the cwhxrlA3PgA-01149-00296054-00296230 Ford school and I'm actually interested cwhxrlA3PgA-01150-00296231-00296449 in criminal justice policy so this is cwhxrlA3PgA-01151-00296450-00296782 directly for me I can do the first cwhxrlA3PgA-01152-00296783-00297052 question I have a question here that cwhxrlA3PgA-01153-00297053-00297253 says please describe training for staff cwhxrlA3PgA-01154-00297254-00297526 in the process in the process of crime cwhxrlA3PgA-01155-00297527-00298387 and justice in detail cwhxrlA3PgA-01156-00298388-00298630 I'm like that's either a teacher it's a cwhxrlA3PgA-01157-00298631-00298790 student who's like this is how they ask cwhxrlA3PgA-01158-00298791-00299378 me questions it's my turn so we do a lot cwhxrlA3PgA-01159-00299379-00299774 of our training of our staff in the job cwhxrlA3PgA-01160-00299775-00300050 and with us there's sort of art training cwhxrlA3PgA-01161-00300051-00300344 programs that fully prepare people for cwhxrlA3PgA-01162-00300345-00300899 what we do we don't look for people who cwhxrlA3PgA-01163-00300900-00301097 have particular degrees we have great cwhxrlA3PgA-01164-00301098-00301328 regard for what a lot of people learn in cwhxrlA3PgA-01165-00301329-00301496 school and we don't believe that those cwhxrlA3PgA-01166-00301497-00301754 lessons are only learn about in school cwhxrlA3PgA-01167-00301755-00302008 settings and so some of our staff have cwhxrlA3PgA-01168-00302009-00302327 degrees and Social Work and counseling cwhxrlA3PgA-01169-00302328-00302455 and those things and some of our staff cwhxrlA3PgA-01170-00302456-00302833 do not our staff universally come to us cwhxrlA3PgA-01171-00302834-00303002 with a really sharp racial justice cwhxrlA3PgA-01172-00303003-00303221 analysis we don't hire people who don't cwhxrlA3PgA-01173-00303222-00303527 already begin with that but for people cwhxrlA3PgA-01174-00303528-00303713 who do people go through intensive cwhxrlA3PgA-01175-00303714-00303947 training and how we think about violence cwhxrlA3PgA-01176-00303948-00304202 and what undoes it our curriculum is cwhxrlA3PgA-01177-00304203-00304435 really methodical so it's not sort of cwhxrlA3PgA-01178-00304436-00304633 based in the charisma and engagement of cwhxrlA3PgA-01179-00304634-00304841 our staff like the curriculum is entire cwhxrlA3PgA-01180-00304842-00305069 and entirely inquiry based meaning it's cwhxrlA3PgA-01181-00305070-00305540 all questions for 15 months we believe cwhxrlA3PgA-01182-00305541-00305753 that people know the things they need to cwhxrlA3PgA-01183-00305754-00305975 know to become the people they should cwhxrlA3PgA-01184-00305976-00306173 become and so that the best way to bring cwhxrlA3PgA-01185-00306174-00306374 that about is by asking them questions cwhxrlA3PgA-01186-00306375-00306614 that help them sort of surface that in cwhxrlA3PgA-01187-00306615-00306808 themselves so where staff are also cwhxrlA3PgA-01188-00306809-00307100 trained really deeply in the process of cwhxrlA3PgA-01189-00307101-00307262 asking questions instead of telling cwhxrlA3PgA-01190-00307263-00307412 people things that you wish they knew cwhxrlA3PgA-01191-00307413-00307790 which is harder than it seems and of cwhxrlA3PgA-01192-00307791-00307882 course we train people in the cwhxrlA3PgA-01193-00307883-00308072 facilitation of circles we also do a cwhxrlA3PgA-01194-00308073-00308279 large body of national work that is cwhxrlA3PgA-01195-00308280-00308426 mostly concentrated in a project called cwhxrlA3PgA-01196-00308427-00308570 healing works which is a national cwhxrlA3PgA-01197-00308571-00308744 learning collaborative for people cwhxrlA3PgA-01198-00308745-00308905 working with young men of color harmed cwhxrlA3PgA-01199-00308906-00309143 by crime it's a learning collaborative cwhxrlA3PgA-01200-00309144-00309338 we are learning in it too not just cwhxrlA3PgA-01201-00309339-00309515 teaching and we bring together people cwhxrlA3PgA-01202-00309516-00309665 around the country who are doing the cwhxrlA3PgA-01203-00309666-00309890 work of tending to the pain and violence cwhxrlA3PgA-01204-00309891-00310055 an amount of colour in their communities cwhxrlA3PgA-01205-00310056-00310292 experience and talking about the kinds cwhxrlA3PgA-01206-00310293-00310558 of strategies that work to help people cwhxrlA3PgA-01207-00310559-00310751 transform it so we are also very cwhxrlA3PgA-01208-00310752-00311201 continually a learning organization as cwhxrlA3PgA-01209-00311202-00311293 best we can cwhxrlA3PgA-01210-00311294-00311649 I hope that was adequately in detail cwhxrlA3PgA-01211-00311650-00311950 thank you so I will give the next cwhxrlA3PgA-01212-00311951-00312183 question what do you see as the role of cwhxrlA3PgA-01213-00312184-00312448 restorative practices in interrupting cwhxrlA3PgA-01214-00312449-00312582 cycles of violence when they are cwhxrlA3PgA-01215-00312583-00312964 implemented in schools hmm totally so we cwhxrlA3PgA-01216-00312965-00313332 mean the we talk about the school to cwhxrlA3PgA-01217-00313333-00313642 Prison Pipeline a lot right in the way cwhxrlA3PgA-01218-00313643-00313867 we prepare people in their educational cwhxrlA3PgA-01219-00313868-00314133 settings for a future of incarceration cwhxrlA3PgA-01220-00314134-00314338 there's the sort of classic example cwhxrlA3PgA-01221-00314339-00314583 given that the way States estimate the cwhxrlA3PgA-01222-00314584-00314725 number of jail beds they'll need a cwhxrlA3PgA-01223-00314726-00314899 decade out is by looking at third grade cwhxrlA3PgA-01224-00314900-00315132 reading scores that it is the most cwhxrlA3PgA-01225-00315133-00315282 reliable predictor more than any cwhxrlA3PgA-01226-00315283-00315487 economic measure and certainly any crime cwhxrlA3PgA-01227-00315488-00315793 measure so we know the relationship cwhxrlA3PgA-01228-00315794-00315928 between what's happening in schools and cwhxrlA3PgA-01229-00315929-00316083 what's and what's happening the criminal cwhxrlA3PgA-01230-00316084-00316359 justice system is profound we also know cwhxrlA3PgA-01231-00316360-00316603 that schools particularly in urban cwhxrlA3PgA-01232-00316604-00316717 settings are becoming increasingly cwhxrlA3PgA-01233-00316718-00317017 policed and policed in ways that mirror cwhxrlA3PgA-01234-00317018-00317248 the very worst kinds of policing that cwhxrlA3PgA-01235-00317249-00317419 happened in our streets and in our cwhxrlA3PgA-01236-00317420-00317757 communities and so the introduction of cwhxrlA3PgA-01237-00317758-00317929 restorative practices in schools is cwhxrlA3PgA-01238-00317930-00318124 super helpful developmentally right it cwhxrlA3PgA-01239-00318125-00318349 helps young people develop the skills of cwhxrlA3PgA-01240-00318350-00318571 addressing and transforming conflict it cwhxrlA3PgA-01241-00318572-00318763 helps them do that themselves to have cwhxrlA3PgA-01242-00318764-00318976 those skills to bring to bear in their cwhxrlA3PgA-01243-00318977-00319123 communities and their neighborhoods and cwhxrlA3PgA-01244-00319124-00319342 conflicts that will never involve the cwhxrlA3PgA-01245-00319343-00319594 police because no one will call them but cwhxrlA3PgA-01246-00319595-00319930 it also creates a real defense against cwhxrlA3PgA-01247-00319931-00320146 the continued incursion of law cwhxrlA3PgA-01248-00320147-00320398 enforcement into educational settings cwhxrlA3PgA-01249-00320399-00320668 which without exception happens in ways cwhxrlA3PgA-01250-00320669-00320949 that are profoundly racially disparate cwhxrlA3PgA-01251-00320950-00321423 and profoundly damaging to children and cwhxrlA3PgA-01252-00321424-00321660 the restorative justice for Oakland cwhxrlA3PgA-01253-00321661-00321913 youth let me just say their name and cwhxrlA3PgA-01254-00321914-00322110 fania Davis's name if you're interested cwhxrlA3PgA-01255-00322111-00322264 in these things I think they are hands cwhxrlA3PgA-01256-00322265-00322509 down the best people their practices cwhxrlA3PgA-01257-00322510-00322750 have been systematically integrated into cwhxrlA3PgA-01258-00322751-00322959 the Unified School System in Oakland and cwhxrlA3PgA-01259-00322960-00323221 California they started their work in cwhxrlA3PgA-01260-00323222-00323545 like the last stopped school like where cwhxrlA3PgA-01261-00323546-00323746 kids were suspended to but the state cwhxrlA3PgA-01262-00323747-00323920 still had some obligation to educate cwhxrlA3PgA-01263-00323921-00324151 them that school had the highest cwhxrlA3PgA-01264-00324152-00324349 expulsion rates and the highest rates of cwhxrlA3PgA-01265-00324350-00324496 violence anywhere in the district and cwhxrlA3PgA-01266-00324497-00324660 within the fewest within a cwhxrlA3PgA-01267-00324661-00324801 few years had one of the single highest cwhxrlA3PgA-01268-00324802-00324975 graduation rates in the district and the cwhxrlA3PgA-01269-00324976-00325273 single lowest suspension rate so they cwhxrlA3PgA-01270-00325274-00325537 just they work like the practices work cwhxrlA3PgA-01271-00325538-00325698 and there are people who know how to do cwhxrlA3PgA-01272-00325699-00325789 them cwhxrlA3PgA-01273-00325790-00326007 and those people are like extraordinary cwhxrlA3PgA-01274-00326008-00326197 teachers who are lucky for all of us cwhxrlA3PgA-01275-00326198-00326529 willing to teach restorative justice for cwhxrlA3PgA-01276-00326530-00326808 Auckland youth Vanya Davis who I am very cwhxrlA3PgA-01277-00326809-00327323 lucky to consider a teacher of mine so cwhxrlA3PgA-01278-00327324-00327616 along with this for sort of justice cwhxrlA3PgA-01279-00327617-00327858 how does it apply to cases of sexual cwhxrlA3PgA-01280-00327859-00328348 violence rape so common justice doesn't cwhxrlA3PgA-01281-00328349-00328672 address sexual violence we don't do that cwhxrlA3PgA-01282-00328673-00328888 because we think it's not because we cwhxrlA3PgA-01283-00328889-00329025 think sexual violence is worse it's cwhxrlA3PgA-01284-00329026-00329154 because we think sexual violence is cwhxrlA3PgA-01285-00329155-00329382 different I think one of the mistakes we cwhxrlA3PgA-01286-00329383-00329620 make in the way we address violence is cwhxrlA3PgA-01287-00329621-00329778 this in this country is we treat all cwhxrlA3PgA-01288-00329779-00329965 forms of violence like they're the same cwhxrlA3PgA-01289-00329966-00330313 like a domestic violence homicide and cwhxrlA3PgA-01290-00330314-00330544 Tulsa and a shooting in an open-air drug cwhxrlA3PgA-01291-00330545-00330790 market in Baltimore are fundamentally cwhxrlA3PgA-01292-00330791-00330957 the same thing and therefore require the cwhxrlA3PgA-01293-00330958-00331222 same response it's a mistake it's wrong cwhxrlA3PgA-01294-00331223-00331473 and it generates bad outcomes for cwhxrlA3PgA-01295-00331474-00331693 everyone and so when I say that we don't cwhxrlA3PgA-01296-00331694-00331905 apply restorative practices to sexual cwhxrlA3PgA-01297-00331906-00332068 violence I don't mean that they can't be cwhxrlA3PgA-01298-00332069-00332371 applied I just mean that we don't in cwhxrlA3PgA-01299-00332372-00332596 places where people have begun to do cwhxrlA3PgA-01300-00332597-00332767 that people have seen some really cwhxrlA3PgA-01301-00332768-00333000 powerful results I think without cwhxrlA3PgA-01302-00333001-00333288 question these processes require cwhxrlA3PgA-01303-00333289-00333609 adequate preparation of all the parties cwhxrlA3PgA-01304-00333610-00333817 so everyone has to understand what it is cwhxrlA3PgA-01305-00333818-00334087 have accurate expectations of what will cwhxrlA3PgA-01306-00334088-00334339 come out of it have support going into cwhxrlA3PgA-01307-00334340-00334642 it and have the option to stop part way cwhxrlA3PgA-01308-00334643-00334905 through and similarly we would never put cwhxrlA3PgA-01309-00334906-00335097 someone in the circle who cannot take cwhxrlA3PgA-01310-00335098-00335266 full responsibility for what they've cwhxrlA3PgA-01311-00335267-00335521 done and so until someone who has cwhxrlA3PgA-01312-00335522-00335823 committed sexual harm and can do the cwhxrlA3PgA-01313-00335824-00336033 work of acknowledging that they had no cwhxrlA3PgA-01314-00336034-00336268 right to do it I wouldn't consider a cwhxrlA3PgA-01315-00336269-00336520 circle in those cases for people who can cwhxrlA3PgA-01316-00336521-00336817 acknowledge that that they had no right cwhxrlA3PgA-01317-00336818-00337072 to do what they did and own it I do cwhxrlA3PgA-01318-00337073-00337431 believe it's possible to do thank you cwhxrlA3PgA-01319-00337432-00337672 can you speak about the role of cwhxrlA3PgA-01320-00337673-00337945 capitalism in mass incarceration and how cwhxrlA3PgA-01321-00337946-00338038 that either cwhxrlA3PgA-01322-00338039-00338479 and how that either inhibits restorative cwhxrlA3PgA-01323-00338480-00338614 justice and how you think that we could cwhxrlA3PgA-01324-00338615-00338869 overcome that awesome it's really fun to cwhxrlA3PgA-01325-00338870-00338989 get these questions and not know who's cwhxrlA3PgA-01326-00338990-00339370 asking them really funny and people just cwhxrlA3PgA-01327-00339371-00339616 like go for it too I'm like whoever said cwhxrlA3PgA-01328-00339617-00339760 in detail might not have said that if cwhxrlA3PgA-01329-00339761-00340870 they had to stand up so yes so the most cwhxrlA3PgA-01330-00340871-00341122 proximate relationship is things like cwhxrlA3PgA-01331-00341123-00341302 private prisons are the obvious thing cwhxrlA3PgA-01332-00341303-00341509 and though those are by no means the cwhxrlA3PgA-01333-00341510-00341665 only way people profit off of cwhxrlA3PgA-01334-00341666-00341908 incarceration I think the biggest growth cwhxrlA3PgA-01335-00341909-00342103 we will see in private prisons is cwhxrlA3PgA-01336-00342104-00342304 related to immigrant detention now and cwhxrlA3PgA-01337-00342305-00342664 so we have to understand the place of we cwhxrlA3PgA-01338-00342665-00342784 have to understand that attention of cwhxrlA3PgA-01339-00342785-00342931 immigrants in our country as a dimension cwhxrlA3PgA-01340-00342932-00343186 of mass incarceration and have to cwhxrlA3PgA-01341-00343187-00343417 include it in our overall efforts to end cwhxrlA3PgA-01342-00343418-00343522 it cwhxrlA3PgA-01343-00343523-00343714 prisons are profitable in all sorts of cwhxrlA3PgA-01344-00343715-00344002 other ways too like the connection fee cwhxrlA3PgA-01345-00344003-00344266 for most calls from prisons can be as cwhxrlA3PgA-01346-00344267-00344458 much as fifteen dollars for a single cwhxrlA3PgA-01347-00344459-00344683 call and it's not like you can go to cwhxrlA3PgA-01348-00344684-00344848 another carrier because those are the cwhxrlA3PgA-01349-00344849-00345145 only phones that you can use the towns cwhxrlA3PgA-01350-00345146-00345441 that depend on prisons for their income cwhxrlA3PgA-01351-00345442-00345787 depend often very fully on them so when cwhxrlA3PgA-01352-00345788-00345988 people in those towns fight to keep cwhxrlA3PgA-01353-00345989-00346261 those prisons open they are not fighting cwhxrlA3PgA-01354-00346262-00346480 for mass incarceration that's not the cwhxrlA3PgA-01355-00346481-00346726 animating factor they are fighting for cwhxrlA3PgA-01356-00346727-00346951 jobs they are fighting for income they cwhxrlA3PgA-01357-00346952-00347092 are fighting to be able to put a roof cwhxrlA3PgA-01358-00347093-00347353 over their children's heads I've talked cwhxrlA3PgA-01359-00347354-00347602 to a lot of corrections officers I have cwhxrlA3PgA-01360-00347603-00347836 met very few who believe prisons are cwhxrlA3PgA-01361-00347837-00348028 great it's hard to spend that much time cwhxrlA3PgA-01362-00348029-00348259 in a prison and think it's a great idea cwhxrlA3PgA-01363-00348260-00348523 I have met many corrections officers cwhxrlA3PgA-01364-00348524-00348664 including ones who work in private cwhxrlA3PgA-01365-00348665-00348847 prisons where sometimes they are cwhxrlA3PgA-01366-00348848-00349054 literally locked in for the course of cwhxrlA3PgA-01367-00349055-00349366 the day the people who work there who cwhxrlA3PgA-01368-00349367-00349930 are whose job is bondage right they are cwhxrlA3PgA-01369-00349931-00350158 employed in the bondage business and cwhxrlA3PgA-01370-00350159-00350473 some of them if you put another option cwhxrlA3PgA-01371-00350474-00350614 on the table where they could make a cwhxrlA3PgA-01372-00350615-00350833 real living would crawl across broken cwhxrlA3PgA-01373-00350834-00351106 glass to reach that option and so those cwhxrlA3PgA-01374-00351107-00351349 things are true at the same time cwhxrlA3PgA-01375-00351350-00351670 the thing I will say too though is that cwhxrlA3PgA-01376-00351671-00351973 this relationship is very old so when cwhxrlA3PgA-01377-00351974-00352150 you look at prisons now we look at their cwhxrlA3PgA-01378-00352151-00352354 predecessor and what was called convict cwhxrlA3PgA-01379-00352355-00352624 leasing right which is like the leasing cwhxrlA3PgA-01380-00352625-00352873 of humans which is a very clear one step cwhxrlA3PgA-01381-00352874-00353101 removed from the ownership of humans or cwhxrlA3PgA-01382-00353102-00353494 the presumed ownership of humans and so cwhxrlA3PgA-01383-00353495-00353950 we have for a long time had the the sort cwhxrlA3PgA-01384-00353951-00354364 of filthy alchemy of this country is the cwhxrlA3PgA-01385-00354365-00354594 transformation of freedom into money cwhxrlA3PgA-01386-00354595-00354904 alright that's been our filthy alchemy cwhxrlA3PgA-01387-00354905-00355276 from the start and so I think it's 80% cwhxrlA3PgA-01388-00355277-00355666 of the value of the stock market when it cwhxrlA3PgA-01389-00355667-00355953 first began was derived from cotton cwhxrlA3PgA-01390-00355954-00356155 alright so when we think about something cwhxrlA3PgA-01391-00356156-00356425 like reparations forget forty acres and cwhxrlA3PgA-01392-00356426-00356788 a mule like we're talking billions right cwhxrlA3PgA-01393-00356789-00357307 and so I think we have to understand we cwhxrlA3PgA-01394-00357308-00357517 have to understand that as a country the cwhxrlA3PgA-01395-00357518-00357790 thing we have decided to turn into money cwhxrlA3PgA-01396-00357791-00358066 is freedom and we have to decide if we cwhxrlA3PgA-01397-00358067-00358281 want to continue to do that or not and cwhxrlA3PgA-01398-00358282-00358557 separately decide you know what we feel cwhxrlA3PgA-01399-00358558-00358801 about capitalism overall whether it's cwhxrlA3PgA-01400-00358802-00359215 our thing or not so we talked about this cwhxrlA3PgA-01401-00359216-00359392 in the meet-and-greet earlier but just cwhxrlA3PgA-01402-00359393-00359662 to the larger audience when you formed cwhxrlA3PgA-01403-00359663-00359827 common justice you have like a lot of cwhxrlA3PgA-01404-00359828-00360150 interactions with prosecutors and DA's cwhxrlA3PgA-01405-00360151-00360489 how hard was it to get them involved cwhxrlA3PgA-01406-00360490-00360715 there's so many politics behind being cwhxrlA3PgA-01407-00360716-00360909 gentle on crime and and getting cwhxrlA3PgA-01408-00360910-00361153 reelected on that platform so was it cwhxrlA3PgA-01409-00361154-00361414 difficult getting them on board in the cwhxrlA3PgA-01410-00361415-00361707 first place it's good we did this in the cwhxrlA3PgA-01411-00361708-00361813 meet and greet because that'll help me cwhxrlA3PgA-01412-00361814-00362098 not give a forty minute answer here I cwhxrlA3PgA-01413-00362099-00362407 like being asked about prosecutors so cwhxrlA3PgA-01414-00362408-00362557 the narrow answer to your question is cwhxrlA3PgA-01415-00362558-00362746 that it wasn't terribly hard in part cwhxrlA3PgA-01416-00362747-00363094 because I I started to come and justice cwhxrlA3PgA-01417-00363095-00363280 out of the Vera Institute of Justice and cwhxrlA3PgA-01418-00363281-00363459 Vera leveraged their nearly 50-year cwhxrlA3PgA-01419-00363460-00363787 reputation on my little idea and cwhxrlA3PgA-01420-00363788-00363991 leverage their relationship with the cwhxrlA3PgA-01421-00363992-00364207 district attorney at the time to get us cwhxrlA3PgA-01422-00364208-00364432 into the room and get real consideration cwhxrlA3PgA-01423-00364433-00364696 for that possibility that helped immense cwhxrlA3PgA-01424-00364697-00364951 we for it but the reason the district cwhxrlA3PgA-01425-00364952-00365113 attorney said yes was not just because cwhxrlA3PgA-01426-00365114-00365353 like a really really smart group of cwhxrlA3PgA-01427-00365354-00365722 researchers asked him to it's because in cwhxrlA3PgA-01428-00365723-00365872 Brooklyn we have developed a cwhxrlA3PgA-01429-00365873-00366112 constituency that expects of their cwhxrlA3PgA-01430-00366113-00366433 prosecutor to be forward-thinking on cwhxrlA3PgA-01431-00366434-00366670 criminal justice like you lose in cwhxrlA3PgA-01432-00366671-00366895 Brooklyn for doing regressive things cwhxrlA3PgA-01433-00366896-00367132 that ruin people's lives and you win in cwhxrlA3PgA-01434-00367133-00367423 Brooklyn for being innovative and I cwhxrlA3PgA-01435-00367424-00367555 think one of the things when we think cwhxrlA3PgA-01436-00367556-00367753 about prosecutors we have to remember cwhxrlA3PgA-01437-00367754-00367987 they are elected we have to treat them cwhxrlA3PgA-01438-00367988-00368275 like elected officials we have to take cwhxrlA3PgA-01439-00368276-00368458 their jobs from them when we don't like cwhxrlA3PgA-01440-00368459-00368785 how they do them we have to remind them cwhxrlA3PgA-01441-00368786-00369019 who they're accountable to we have to do cwhxrlA3PgA-01442-00369020-00369235 base building works in the communities cwhxrlA3PgA-01443-00369236-00369415 most impacted by violence and cwhxrlA3PgA-01444-00369416-00369664 incarceration so that the people who put cwhxrlA3PgA-01445-00369665-00369817 them in office and can take them out are cwhxrlA3PgA-01446-00369818-00369958 the same people whose lives are at stake cwhxrlA3PgA-01447-00369959-00370171 in the decisions they make day in and cwhxrlA3PgA-01448-00370172-00370360 day out which is to say we have to cwhxrlA3PgA-01449-00370361-00370626 actually be a representative democracy cwhxrlA3PgA-01450-00370627-00370900 and when we do that we can start to get cwhxrlA3PgA-01451-00370901-00371077 prosecutors who rather than measuring cwhxrlA3PgA-01452-00371078-00371242 their success by how many convictions cwhxrlA3PgA-01453-00371243-00371485 they secure begin to measure it by the cwhxrlA3PgA-01454-00371486-00371653 degree to which they produce safety and cwhxrlA3PgA-01455-00371654-00371902 fairness and we have to hold them a cwhxrlA3PgA-01456-00371903-00372085 catchy account for that that also means cwhxrlA3PgA-01457-00372086-00372280 that when they take a risk and put cwhxrlA3PgA-01458-00372281-00372427 someone in a program and that person cwhxrlA3PgA-01459-00372428-00372607 commits a new crime we have to stand cwhxrlA3PgA-01460-00372608-00372916 with them we have to say we asked them cwhxrlA3PgA-01461-00372917-00373102 to do this and we're asking them to keep cwhxrlA3PgA-01462-00373103-00373273 doing this because despite this one cwhxrlA3PgA-01463-00373274-00373552 failure overall this choice is a far cwhxrlA3PgA-01464-00373553-00373837 smarter far more sensible and far safer cwhxrlA3PgA-01465-00373838-00374062 choice than incarceration and when they cwhxrlA3PgA-01466-00374063-00374209 incarcerate people who should not have cwhxrlA3PgA-01467-00374210-00374446 been incarcerated and those people go on cwhxrlA3PgA-01468-00374447-00374698 to commit more harm we have to ask them cwhxrlA3PgA-01469-00374699-00374911 why when in the face of all sorts of cwhxrlA3PgA-01470-00374912-00375094 evidence that incarceration was criminal cwhxrlA3PgA-01471-00375095-00375232 genic and likely to produce a bad cwhxrlA3PgA-01472-00375233-00375436 outcome they went ahead and incarcerated cwhxrlA3PgA-01473-00375437-00375664 that person and say to them that your cwhxrlA3PgA-01474-00375665-00375826 choice to incarcerate that person and cwhxrlA3PgA-01475-00375827-00375994 the result of that which is more cwhxrlA3PgA-01476-00375995-00376153 violence like that that blood is on your cwhxrlA3PgA-01477-00376154-00376375 hands and so we have to invert the cwhxrlA3PgA-01478-00376376-00376543 things that they get off the hook or and cwhxrlA3PgA-01479-00376544-00376684 the things they're held accountable to cwhxrlA3PgA-01480-00376685-00376879 so that we hold them to the standards cwhxrlA3PgA-01481-00376880-00377092 that we hold most dear and if we do that cwhxrlA3PgA-01482-00377093-00377263 they're politicians and so they'll do cwhxrlA3PgA-01483-00377264-00377524 what we say but they are not for the cwhxrlA3PgA-01484-00377525-00377668 most part we should I should be clear cwhxrlA3PgA-01485-00377669-00378023 for all my beef with prosecutors cwhxrlA3PgA-01486-00378024-00378484 which is a lot of beef they aren't most cwhxrlA3PgA-01487-00378485-00378656 of the time doing things other than what cwhxrlA3PgA-01488-00378657-00378944 we asked them to do they're doing what cwhxrlA3PgA-01489-00378945-00379139 we say they're doing what they think cwhxrlA3PgA-01490-00379140-00379357 will get them reelected and until we cwhxrlA3PgA-01491-00379358-00379538 convey different expectations it's cwhxrlA3PgA-01492-00379539-00379769 unreasonable to expect them to behave cwhxrlA3PgA-01493-00379770-00380129 any differently so I'll stop it it's cwhxrlA3PgA-01494-00380130-00380219 hard for me to stop talking about cwhxrlA3PgA-01495-00380220-00380612 prosecutors so so this next one is a cwhxrlA3PgA-01496-00380613-00380741 really wonderful kind of philosophical cwhxrlA3PgA-01497-00380742-00381058 question what do you think are some of cwhxrlA3PgA-01498-00381059-00381251 the factors responsible for the desire cwhxrlA3PgA-01499-00381252-00381518 for vengeance how can society and cwhxrlA3PgA-01500-00381519-00381704 politics devalue the need for vengeance cwhxrlA3PgA-01501-00381705-00382028 and correct the confusion of justice for cwhxrlA3PgA-01502-00382029-00382639 vengeance cwhxrlA3PgA-01503-00382640-00382853 strangely funny format cwhxrlA3PgA-01504-00382854-00383063 I think partly because when people ask cwhxrlA3PgA-01505-00383064-00383209 questions in real life they sort of cwhxrlA3PgA-01506-00383210-00383462 build on the one before in a way that's cwhxrlA3PgA-01507-00383463-00384395 a little less funny so the desire for cwhxrlA3PgA-01508-00384396-00384883 vengeance like the feeling the feeling cwhxrlA3PgA-01509-00384884-00385130 of satisfaction in the notion of someone cwhxrlA3PgA-01510-00385131-00385558 else who heard us suffering is real it's cwhxrlA3PgA-01511-00385559-00386008 almost never permanent it's almost never cwhxrlA3PgA-01512-00386009-00386387 satisfying when we actually get it it cwhxrlA3PgA-01513-00386388-00386924 never heals us it never relieves our cwhxrlA3PgA-01514-00386925-00387215 trauma I think it is not like vengeance cwhxrlA3PgA-01515-00387216-00387572 is not the opposite of trauma so it cwhxrlA3PgA-01516-00387573-00387887 doesn't work but it's it can be very cwhxrlA3PgA-01517-00387888-00388260 appealing for most of us it's a cwhxrlA3PgA-01518-00388261-00388553 temporary part it's one of the thousand cwhxrlA3PgA-01519-00388554-00388730 things we feel as we move through the cwhxrlA3PgA-01520-00388731-00388895 course of a healing trajectory which is cwhxrlA3PgA-01521-00388896-00389072 never linear so we might feel at one cwhxrlA3PgA-01522-00389073-00389273 time feel it again later and it'll arise cwhxrlA3PgA-01523-00389274-00389576 and pass I believe actually pretty cwhxrlA3PgA-01524-00389577-00389882 fundamentally that the desire for cwhxrlA3PgA-01525-00389883-00390140 vengeance isn't actually quite that I cwhxrlA3PgA-01526-00390141-00390382 think the desire for vengeance is at its cwhxrlA3PgA-01527-00390383-00390566 most fundamental a desire for cwhxrlA3PgA-01528-00390567-00390854 recognition it's a desire to have our cwhxrlA3PgA-01529-00390855-00391241 pain seen and known and that is about as cwhxrlA3PgA-01530-00391242-00391290 human cwhxrlA3PgA-01531-00391291-00391590 our need to be seen and known it is cwhxrlA3PgA-01532-00391591-00391806 about the way violence against us feels cwhxrlA3PgA-01533-00391807-00392049 like an eraser feels like a threat to cwhxrlA3PgA-01534-00392050-00392418 our very existence and the cwhxrlA3PgA-01535-00392419-00392682 counterbalance to that is to insist on cwhxrlA3PgA-01536-00392683-00392946 our existence to insist on being seen cwhxrlA3PgA-01537-00392947-00393225 and known and felt and so I think very cwhxrlA3PgA-01538-00393226-00393531 often we need that recognition and the cwhxrlA3PgA-01539-00393532-00393783 one thing we can think of that would do cwhxrlA3PgA-01540-00393784-00394122 that is revenge like the one thing where cwhxrlA3PgA-01541-00394123-00394398 we would know that we are seeing that we cwhxrlA3PgA-01542-00394399-00394701 are know that it is felt is for that cwhxrlA3PgA-01543-00394702-00394962 other person to see and feel it it's cwhxrlA3PgA-01544-00394963-00395124 part of why the most important thing we cwhxrlA3PgA-01545-00395125-00395301 say to victims at common justice when we cwhxrlA3PgA-01546-00395302-00395448 reach out to them to ask them about cwhxrlA3PgA-01547-00395449-00395631 whether they want the program or not is cwhxrlA3PgA-01548-00395632-00395781 that we say what happened to you is cwhxrlA3PgA-01549-00395782-00396117 wrong we acknowledge it we ask what cwhxrlA3PgA-01550-00396118-00396342 happened we asked how it felt we say it cwhxrlA3PgA-01551-00396343-00396636 was wrong and almost every time after we cwhxrlA3PgA-01552-00396637-00396870 say that people are like all right let's cwhxrlA3PgA-01553-00396871-00397299 do the program right we need to be seen cwhxrlA3PgA-01554-00397300-00397479 in what's been done to us and so I think cwhxrlA3PgA-01555-00397480-00397689 while I do believe the human need for cwhxrlA3PgA-01556-00397690-00397977 recognition is fundamental to our being cwhxrlA3PgA-01557-00397978-00398253 I believe that the desire for vengeance cwhxrlA3PgA-01558-00398254-00398595 is largely a sort of cultural phenomenon cwhxrlA3PgA-01559-00398596-00398901 mapped on to that fundamental human need cwhxrlA3PgA-01560-00398902-00399126 and desire the way a lot of these things cwhxrlA3PgA-01561-00399127-00399537 are I think when individual people who cwhxrlA3PgA-01562-00399538-00399831 are hurt or people whose communities cwhxrlA3PgA-01563-00399832-00400053 have been hurt now and historically want cwhxrlA3PgA-01564-00400054-00400290 vengeance that that is appropriate to cwhxrlA3PgA-01565-00400291-00400599 want that makes a lot of sense when cwhxrlA3PgA-01566-00400600-00400794 systems seek vengeance I think it's cwhxrlA3PgA-01567-00400795-00401012 totally inappropriate it's an irrational cwhxrlA3PgA-01568-00401013-00401274 emotion right our systems are not cwhxrlA3PgA-01569-00401275-00401532 supposed they don't have feelings like cwhxrlA3PgA-01570-00401533-00401703 they're not supposed to get to do feely cwhxrlA3PgA-01571-00401704-00401922 things they're supposed to make sense cwhxrlA3PgA-01572-00401923-00402162 they're supposed to be bound by reason cwhxrlA3PgA-01573-00402163-00402318 they're supposed to be bound by fairness cwhxrlA3PgA-01574-00402319-00402483 and justice they're supposed to be bound cwhxrlA3PgA-01575-00402484-00402759 by what works and so systems shouldn't cwhxrlA3PgA-01576-00402760-00403127 get to act out of a fleeting and often cwhxrlA3PgA-01577-00403128-00403329 changing emotion because part of the cwhxrlA3PgA-01578-00403330-00403590 problem too is that unlike human beings cwhxrlA3PgA-01579-00403591-00403830 systems don't change very fast so when cwhxrlA3PgA-01580-00403831-00404100 you bake one emotion into it unlike for cwhxrlA3PgA-01581-00404101-00404391 a person who when they are well loved or cwhxrlA3PgA-01582-00404392-00404505 when they are seeing or where they get cwhxrlA3PgA-01583-00404506-00404657 to stand by the ocean for a min cwhxrlA3PgA-01584-00404658-00404906 they finally get one night of real sleep cwhxrlA3PgA-01585-00404907-00405125 since they were hurt that that feeling cwhxrlA3PgA-01586-00405126-00405371 starts to recede once you build that cwhxrlA3PgA-01587-00405372-00405570 feeling into a system the system doesn't cwhxrlA3PgA-01588-00405571-00405762 have a mechanism to get it out because cwhxrlA3PgA-01589-00405763-00406109 it's not alive like it's not a person it cwhxrlA3PgA-01590-00406110-00406293 doesn't know how to just feel anything cwhxrlA3PgA-01591-00406294-00406520 that's not what it is and so when we cwhxrlA3PgA-01592-00406521-00406853 build whole structures around particular cwhxrlA3PgA-01593-00406854-00407244 emotions it means that they have they cwhxrlA3PgA-01594-00407245-00407456 become rigid and ossified around those cwhxrlA3PgA-01595-00407457-00407705 emotions because they don't have kind of cwhxrlA3PgA-01596-00407706-00407906 the involving nimbleness that we as cwhxrlA3PgA-01597-00407907-00408260 humans do and at the same time when I cwhxrlA3PgA-01598-00408261-00408542 say this I want to be really clear that cwhxrlA3PgA-01599-00408543-00408893 wanting revenge when you've been hurt is cwhxrlA3PgA-01600-00408894-00409160 just it's calm there's nothing wrong cwhxrlA3PgA-01601-00409161-00409421 with it there may be something wrong cwhxrlA3PgA-01602-00409422-00409558 with taking revenge cwhxrlA3PgA-01603-00409559-00409757 there is definitely something wrong with cwhxrlA3PgA-01604-00409758-00409937 assuming everyone else wants what you cwhxrlA3PgA-01605-00409938-00410249 want but like you get to want revenge cwhxrlA3PgA-01606-00410250-00410601 just like you get to want to die right cwhxrlA3PgA-01607-00410602-00410783 like you get to want the things that cwhxrlA3PgA-01608-00410784-00411024 happen when we've been hurt and we're cwhxrlA3PgA-01609-00411025-00411216 not wrong for wanting them but what we cwhxrlA3PgA-01610-00411217-00411495 deserve our processes that let us move cwhxrlA3PgA-01611-00411496-00411851 from those places into places where we cwhxrlA3PgA-01612-00411852-00412116 feel things that like make us want to cwhxrlA3PgA-01613-00412117-00412345 live and that make us want to live right cwhxrlA3PgA-01614-00412346-00412749 and so it's really important that we cwhxrlA3PgA-01615-00412750-00413018 don't judge people who have been heard cwhxrlA3PgA-01616-00413019-00413195 forth as though there's somehow worse cwhxrlA3PgA-01617-00413196-00413464 than victims who can forgive right away cwhxrlA3PgA-01618-00413465-00413714 it's not about there's not it's not a cwhxrlA3PgA-01619-00413715-00413928 hierarchy in that it's about which of cwhxrlA3PgA-01620-00413929-00414176 the thousand things we feel in our pain cwhxrlA3PgA-01621-00414177-00414582 we want to build into our structures for cwhxrlA3PgA-01622-00414583-00414830 responding to pain and that's a decision cwhxrlA3PgA-01623-00414831-00415053 we make collectively and it's a decision cwhxrlA3PgA-01624-00415054-00416553 we make wisely together cwhxrlA3PgA-01625-00416554-00416799 all right so a lot of pressure picking cwhxrlA3PgA-01626-00416800-00417174 the last one but I guess I'll go with cwhxrlA3PgA-01627-00417175-00417376 this one the question is how do you get cwhxrlA3PgA-01628-00417377-00417541 people who are indifferent about cwhxrlA3PgA-01629-00417542-00417759 restorative justice / mass incarceration cwhxrlA3PgA-01630-00417760-00418357 issues to care about that easy last one cwhxrlA3PgA-01631-00418358-00418903 yeah thanks do you mean how do i how cwhxrlA3PgA-01632-00418904-00420013 does one know so I think we are there cwhxrlA3PgA-01633-00420014-00420199 are a couple ways we connect into these cwhxrlA3PgA-01634-00420200-00420418 issues right like one we connect through cwhxrlA3PgA-01635-00420418-00420631 our own experience surviving harm or cwhxrlA3PgA-01636-00420632-00420834 loving people who survived time and cwhxrlA3PgA-01637-00420835-00421095 we're often taught that our experiences cwhxrlA3PgA-01638-00421096-00421324 somehow don't count because we didn't cwhxrlA3PgA-01639-00421325-00421507 call the police because it wasn't as bad cwhxrlA3PgA-01640-00421508-00421714 as what happened to our neighbor because cwhxrlA3PgA-01641-00421714-00421966 we were intoxicated at the time or cwhxrlA3PgA-01642-00421967-00422206 wearing a short skirt or because we were cwhxrlA3PgA-01643-00422207-00422439 people of color because we had a history cwhxrlA3PgA-01644-00422441-00422650 of committing a crime or for a thousand cwhxrlA3PgA-01645-00422651-00422822 reasons or because we think that maybe cwhxrlA3PgA-01646-00422823-00423109 we had it coming that we did something cwhxrlA3PgA-01647-00423110-00423352 to contribute to it that even if we did cwhxrlA3PgA-01648-00423353-00423508 in that case we did something bad in cwhxrlA3PgA-01649-00423509-00423682 another case and we sort of believed in cwhxrlA3PgA-01650-00423683-00423877 the idea that things come back around cwhxrlA3PgA-01651-00423878-00424105 right so we do all sorts of things to cwhxrlA3PgA-01652-00424106-00424300 devalue our own experience as being cwhxrlA3PgA-01653-00424301-00424539 relevant to this conversation and I cwhxrlA3PgA-01654-00424541-00424693 think we have to stop doing that I think cwhxrlA3PgA-01655-00424693-00424828 we have to care about what's happened to cwhxrlA3PgA-01656-00424829-00424966 us with cared we have to care about cwhxrlA3PgA-01657-00424967-00425110 what's happened to the people we love cwhxrlA3PgA-01658-00425110-00425295 and we have to understand that the cwhxrlA3PgA-01659-00425296-00425605 criminal justice system is powered by cwhxrlA3PgA-01660-00425606-00425970 stories about us and like if I asked cwhxrlA3PgA-01661-00425971-00426208 ever in instream if you or someone you cwhxrlA3PgA-01662-00426209-00426414 love not someone you've met or saw on TV cwhxrlA3PgA-01663-00426416-00426724 someone you love has been impacted by cwhxrlA3PgA-01664-00426725-00427276 violence raise your hand like it's all cwhxrlA3PgA-01665-00427277-00427606 of us it's not like victims right it's cwhxrlA3PgA-01666-00427607-00427774 all of us and so we have to understand cwhxrlA3PgA-01667-00427775-00427960 that these are our issues and the degree cwhxrlA3PgA-01668-00427960-00428064 to which we've been persuaded that cwhxrlA3PgA-01669-00428066-00428247 they're separate from us is because of a cwhxrlA3PgA-01670-00428248-00428575 set of stories that whether they're cwhxrlA3PgA-01671-00428576-00428677 intentionally or unintentionally cwhxrlA3PgA-01672-00428678-00428964 designed to do that have the effect cwhxrlA3PgA-01673-00428965-00429198 of excluding the vast majority of our cwhxrlA3PgA-01674-00429199-00429385 shared experience from the policy cwhxrlA3PgA-01675-00429385-00429504 debates about what should be done about cwhxrlA3PgA-01676-00429505-00429789 it and then the other part is knowing cwhxrlA3PgA-01677-00429790-00430125 that this is being done in our name like cwhxrlA3PgA-01678-00430126-00430327 if I said to you there's someone out cwhxrlA3PgA-01679-00430328-00430671 there like eating babies and he's doing cwhxrlA3PgA-01680-00430672-00431029 it for you like you would be like who cwhxrlA3PgA-01681-00431030-00431325 and you would call him and be like stop cwhxrlA3PgA-01682-00431326-00431587 like that's not what I want you to do cwhxrlA3PgA-01683-00431588-00431781 like I never said to do that cwhxrlA3PgA-01684-00431782-00432106 that's not okay not in my name and so we cwhxrlA3PgA-01685-00432107-00432417 also have to be honest that the things cwhxrlA3PgA-01686-00432418-00432840 that are done in our name are ours like cwhxrlA3PgA-01687-00432841-00433191 they belong to us and we have to own cwhxrlA3PgA-01688-00433192-00433521 them and we have to care about them and cwhxrlA3PgA-01689-00433522-00433842 we have to stop people from doing stuff cwhxrlA3PgA-01690-00433843-00434160 about us without our permission or cwhxrlA3PgA-01691-00434161-00434400 consent and I think most of us don't cwhxrlA3PgA-01692-00434401-00434616 like being talked about behind our backs cwhxrlA3PgA-01693-00434617-00434835 and most of us don't like being used cwhxrlA3PgA-01694-00434835-00435096 most of us don't like being manipulated cwhxrlA3PgA-01695-00435097-00435294 and all those things are happening to cwhxrlA3PgA-01696-00435295-00435606 all of us and then I think for some cwhxrlA3PgA-01697-00435607-00435942 people people care people enter into cwhxrlA3PgA-01698-00435943-00436119 this through much more pragmatic or cwhxrlA3PgA-01699-00436120-00436296 seemingly more pragmatic things like cwhxrlA3PgA-01700-00436297-00436729 economics like the reality is that it is cwhxrlA3PgA-01701-00436730-00437031 more important to us to lock up cwhxrlA3PgA-01702-00437032-00437256 communities of color in America than cwhxrlA3PgA-01703-00437257-00437506 just about anything else the one other cwhxrlA3PgA-01704-00437507-00437631 thing that's more important to us is cwhxrlA3PgA-01705-00437632-00437868 having a lot of bombs like if we look at cwhxrlA3PgA-01706-00437869-00437956 how we spend our money cwhxrlA3PgA-01707-00437957-00438120 number one it's like we want to have cwhxrlA3PgA-01708-00438121-00438325 just like a lot of bombs like on cwhxrlA3PgA-01709-00438326-00438504 different kinds and in different places cwhxrlA3PgA-01710-00438505-00438808 just like ready to go little bombs big cwhxrlA3PgA-01711-00438809-00439083 bombs like that's number one and then cwhxrlA3PgA-01712-00439084-00439452 number two is locking up people and cwhxrlA3PgA-01713-00439453-00439606 especially people of color that is our cwhxrlA3PgA-01714-00439607-00439920 second shared priority right and that cwhxrlA3PgA-01715-00439921-00440212 everything else that we want and don't cwhxrlA3PgA-01716-00440213-00440541 get we don't get because of the ways we cwhxrlA3PgA-01717-00440542-00440868 prioritize those things czIJt941WcI-00000-00000683-00000963 foreign czIJt941WcI-00001-00000964-00001959 [Music] czIJt941WcI-00002-00001960-00002140 [Applause] czIJt941WcI-00003-00002141-00003869 [Music] czIJt941WcI-00004-00003870-00003974 foreign czIJt941WcI-00006-00008480-00009631 [Music] czIJt941WcI-00007-00009632-00009863 no no no no no no no czIJt941WcI-00008-00009864-00010092 no czIJt941WcI-00009-00010093-00010356 no no czIJt941WcI-00010-00010357-00010534 no no no no no czIJt941WcI-00011-00010535-00010765 [Music] czIJt941WcI-00012-00010766-00010901 [Applause] czIJt941WcI-00013-00010902-00011059 no czIJt941WcI-00014-00011060-00011524 no no no no no czIJt941WcI-00015-00011525-00012017 foreign czIJt941WcI-00016-00012018-00012371 foreign czIJt941WcI-00018-00016820-00017319 thank you czIJt941WcI-00019-00017320-00019097 [Music] czIJt941WcI-00020-00019098-00019308 foreign czIJt941WcI-00021-00019309-00019346 [Music] czIJt941WcI-00022-00019347-00019646 [Applause] czIJt941WcI-00023-00019647-00020783 [Music] czIJt941WcI-00025-00023814-00024055 foreign czIJt941WcI-00026-00024056-00024756 [Music] czIJt941WcI-00027-00024757-00025136 [Applause] czIJt941WcI-00029-00028202-00029952 in YouTube czIJt941WcI-00030-00029952-00032124 [Music] czIJt941WcI-00031-00032125-00032767 thank you czIJt941WcI-00032-00032768-00034709 [Laughter] czIJt941WcI-00033-00034710-00035740 foreign czIJt941WcI-00034-00035741-00036047 [Music] cAtSaWmr6V4-00000-00000000-00000089 this is democracy now cAtSaWmr6V4-00001-00000090-00000262 the war and peace report were cAtSaWmr6V4-00002-00000263-00000503 broadcasting from the 18th UN climate cAtSaWmr6V4-00003-00000504-00000778 change summit I'm Amy Goodman the cAtSaWmr6V4-00004-00000779-00000974 billionaire brothers Charles and David cAtSaWmr6V4-00005-00000975-00001150 Koch are known for funneling vast cAtSaWmr6V4-00006-00001151-00001349 donations into Republican campaigns in cAtSaWmr6V4-00007-00001350-00001511 the United States but what impact are cAtSaWmr6V4-00008-00001512-00001655 the Koch brothers having a global cAtSaWmr6V4-00009-00001655-00001850 warming as the u.s. is accused of cAtSaWmr6V4-00010-00001851-00002066 blocking progress here at cafe teen cAtSaWmr6V4-00011-00002067-00002300 talks in Doha a new report says the Koch cAtSaWmr6V4-00012-00002301-00002540 brothers may be the biggest force behind cAtSaWmr6V4-00013-00002541-00002690 the climate stalemate the Koch brothers cAtSaWmr6V4-00014-00002691-00002939 run oil refineries and control thousands cAtSaWmr6V4-00015-00002940-00003127 of miles of pipeline giving them a cAtSaWmr6V4-00016-00003128-00003361 massive personal stake in the fossil cAtSaWmr6V4-00017-00003363-00003551 fuel industry but researchers say cAtSaWmr6V4-00018-00003552-00003763 they've also funneled tens of millions cAtSaWmr6V4-00019-00003764-00003947 of dollars into climate denial science cAtSaWmr6V4-00020-00003947-00004145 lobbying and other efforts to derail cAtSaWmr6V4-00021-00004146-00004358 policy that could lessen the impact of cAtSaWmr6V4-00022-00004359-00004517 global warming the report is called cAtSaWmr6V4-00023-00004518-00004847 faces behind a global crisis u.s. carbon cAtSaWmr6V4-00024-00004848-00005063 billionaires and the UN climate deadlock cAtSaWmr6V4-00025-00005064-00005261 to talk more about this we're joined by cAtSaWmr6V4-00026-00005262-00005420 one of its authors Victor manati cAtSaWmr6V4-00027-00005421-00005615 executive director of the International cAtSaWmr6V4-00028-00005616-00005834 Forum on globalization Victor we welcome cAtSaWmr6V4-00029-00005835-00005947 you to direction oh and i just want to cAtSaWmr6V4-00030-00005948-00006097 point out for people who are watching on cAtSaWmr6V4-00031-00006098-00006259 television you might have noticed a cAtSaWmr6V4-00032-00006260-00006638 spider over my left shoulder and that is cAtSaWmr6V4-00033-00006639-00006950 a piece of art here at the convention cAtSaWmr6V4-00034-00006951-00007210 center it's a massive 9 meter high cAtSaWmr6V4-00035-00007211-00007639 sculpture by the sculptor Louise cAtSaWmr6V4-00036-00007640-00007856 Bourgeois it's called mammal and it's cAtSaWmr6V4-00037-00007856-00008251 got a marble eggs inside the spider sac cAtSaWmr6V4-00038-00008252-00008555 and it was she thought of it fondly cAtSaWmr6V4-00039-00008556-00008798 actually for her mother who was a weaver cAtSaWmr6V4-00040-00008799-00009248 in France you have an image of the what cAtSaWmr6V4-00041-00009249-00009478 you call the coq de puss Victor Minotti cAtSaWmr6V4-00042-00009479-00009713 not exactly what you consider a positive cAtSaWmr6V4-00043-00009714-00009995 image but not looking so different for cAtSaWmr6V4-00044-00009996-00010166 what would this work of public art cAtSaWmr6V4-00045-00010167-00010492 behind us it is the perfect backdrop to cAtSaWmr6V4-00046-00010493-00010646 explain what's going on here in Delhi cAtSaWmr6V4-00047-00010647-00010813 it's it's a it's a follow the money cAtSaWmr6V4-00048-00010814-00011024 story and it goes from Doha to cAtSaWmr6V4-00049-00011025-00011270 Washington to Wichita which is where the cAtSaWmr6V4-00050-00011271-00011471 cokes are based a lot of people may cAtSaWmr6V4-00051-00011472-00011585 think this sounds like a conspiracy cAtSaWmr6V4-00052-00011586-00011912 theory but you look very soberly at what cAtSaWmr6V4-00053-00011913-00012074 who's moving the money in where it's cAtSaWmr6V4-00054-00012075-00012302 coming from these two brothers Charles cAtSaWmr6V4-00055-00012303-00012460 and David are now the world's wealthiest cAtSaWmr6V4-00056-00012461-00012597 individuals there cAtSaWmr6V4-00057-00012598-00012831 their combined net worth now exceeds cAtSaWmr6V4-00058-00012832-00012969 that of the world's wealthiest man cAtSaWmr6V4-00059-00012969-00013224 Carlos Slim and they have spent more cAtSaWmr6V4-00060-00013225-00013388 than anybody more than any gas and oil cAtSaWmr6V4-00061-00013390-00013749 company more than even Exxon in campaign cAtSaWmr6V4-00062-00013750-00014085 contributions richest men are number one cAtSaWmr6V4-00063-00014086-00014609 Carlos Slim number two is Bill Gates cAtSaWmr6V4-00064-00014610-00015027 number three is Warren I'm inácio Ortega cAtSaWmr6V4-00065-00015028-00015282 from Spain ozara the clothing company cAtSaWmr6V4-00066-00015283-00015561 then Warren Buffett but if you took the cAtSaWmr6V4-00067-00015562-00015708 the Koch brothers together and combine cAtSaWmr6V4-00068-00015709-00015900 them we consider them a single financial cAtSaWmr6V4-00069-00015901-00016215 political entities right there at 80 cAtSaWmr6V4-00070-00016216-00016497 point two billion and Carlos Slim at 70 cAtSaWmr6V4-00071-00016498-00016785 1.8 billion so they wield their wealth cAtSaWmr6V4-00072-00016786-00017022 to really stop the process in the US for cAtSaWmr6V4-00073-00017023-00017256 phasing out fossil fuels they've spent cAtSaWmr6V4-00074-00017257-00017481 more than anybody on campaign cAtSaWmr6V4-00075-00017482-00017700 contributions lobbying expenditures can cAtSaWmr6V4-00076-00017701-00017985 climb a denial science and they're not cAtSaWmr6V4-00077-00017986-00018153 saying they're the only force they are cAtSaWmr6V4-00078-00018154-00018408 part of the fossil fuels complex but cAtSaWmr6V4-00079-00018409-00018618 they are the financial force and the cAtSaWmr6V4-00080-00018619-00018798 ideological leaders of the counter cAtSaWmr6V4-00081-00018799-00018868 movement cAtSaWmr6V4-00082-00018869-00019396 I wanted to ask you about an action that cAtSaWmr6V4-00083-00019397-00019786 took place this week the I wanted to cAtSaWmr6V4-00084-00019787-00020353 play a comment of one of the people who cAtSaWmr6V4-00085-00020354-00020953 were arrested this week protesting in in cAtSaWmr6V4-00086-00020954-00021319 Texas as delegates and activists gather cAtSaWmr6V4-00087-00021320-00021502 here in doha at the UN climate cAtSaWmr6V4-00088-00021503-00021694 conference on monday to activists in cAtSaWmr6V4-00089-00021695-00021883 texas locked themselves inside a section cAtSaWmr6V4-00090-00021884-00022042 of pipe that's part of the Keystone XL cAtSaWmr6V4-00091-00022043-00022213 pipeline that's now under construction cAtSaWmr6V4-00092-00022214-00022471 by the company TransCanada the pipeline cAtSaWmr6V4-00093-00022472-00022639 would carry crude oil from canada's tar cAtSaWmr6V4-00094-00022640-00022819 sands to the US Gulf Coast the project cAtSaWmr6V4-00095-00022820-00022957 opponents say would produce lethal cAtSaWmr6V4-00096-00022958-00023080 levels of carbon emissions while cAtSaWmr6V4-00097-00023081-00023245 endangering communities along its path cAtSaWmr6V4-00098-00023246-00023500 President Obama now faces decision about cAtSaWmr6V4-00099-00023501-00023722 the pipeline's approval after laying it cAtSaWmr6V4-00100-00023723-00023950 until after the 2012 election the cAtSaWmr6V4-00101-00023951-00024139 section of the pipe where activists cAtSaWmr6V4-00102-00024140-00024343 locked themselves would run less than a cAtSaWmr6V4-00103-00024344-00024529 hundred feet from homes near Winona cAtSaWmr6V4-00104-00024530-00024835 Texas this is matt Almonte speaking in cAtSaWmr6V4-00105-00024836-00025117 the dark and 25 feet inside the section cAtSaWmr6V4-00106-00025118-00025324 of pipe after he locked himself between cAtSaWmr6V4-00107-00025325-00025525 two barrels of concrete weighing over cAtSaWmr6V4-00108-00025526-00026070 600 pounds each so first night being cAtSaWmr6V4-00109-00026072-00026833 here in this pipe and basically we set cAtSaWmr6V4-00110-00026833-00027154 up shop here I feel it's very important cAtSaWmr6V4-00111-00027155-00027343 for people to feel empowered to take cAtSaWmr6V4-00112-00027344-00027694 action against resource extraction the cAtSaWmr6V4-00113-00027695-00028177 Keystone XL pipeline is it doesn't cAtSaWmr6V4-00114-00028177-00028426 really serve to benefit anybody but the cAtSaWmr6V4-00115-00028427-00028606 corporations who will reap all the cAtSaWmr6V4-00116-00028607-00028902 profit at the expense of the communities cAtSaWmr6V4-00117-00028904-00029149 that will be poisoned through their cAtSaWmr6V4-00118-00029150-00029413 water through their air and it's just cAtSaWmr6V4-00119-00029414-00029764 not right and I wanted to plant myself cAtSaWmr6V4-00120-00029764-00030135 in the middle of that fight cAtSaWmr6V4-00121-00030136-00030408 that was activist madam on speaking 25 cAtSaWmr6V4-00122-00030408-00030555 feet inside his section of the Keystone cAtSaWmr6V4-00123-00030556-00030740 XL pipeline he and two others were later cAtSaWmr6V4-00124-00030741-00030905 removed from the pipe by police and cAtSaWmr6V4-00125-00030906-00031040 charged with resisting arrest criminal cAtSaWmr6V4-00126-00031041-00031367 trespassing and illegal dumping Victor cAtSaWmr6V4-00127-00031368-00031536 menotti what is the keystone XL pipeline cAtSaWmr6V4-00128-00031537-00031862 which thousands have protested and many cAtSaWmr6V4-00129-00031863-00032010 have been arrested for in front of the cAtSaWmr6V4-00130-00032011-00032189 White House in the last year what does cAtSaWmr6V4-00131-00032190-00032402 it have to do with the Koch brothers the cAtSaWmr6V4-00132-00032402-00032664 twenty-five percent of the current tar cAtSaWmr6V4-00133-00032664-00032927 sands imports they process already the cAtSaWmr6V4-00134-00032928-00033158 cokes have vast holdings in Canada and cAtSaWmr6V4-00135-00033159-00033360 tar sands territory they they already cAtSaWmr6V4-00136-00033361-00033492 have some of the networks of the cAtSaWmr6V4-00137-00033493-00033723 pipeline's the refineries existing in cAtSaWmr6V4-00138-00033724-00033936 Corpus Christi we call it the coke cAtSaWmr6V4-00139-00033937-00034198 Keystone pipeline cAtSaWmr6V4-00140-00034199-00034486 your final conclusions as you finish cAtSaWmr6V4-00141-00034487-00034705 this us carbon billionaires in the UN cAtSaWmr6V4-00142-00034706-00035188 climate deadlock that the world needs cAtSaWmr6V4-00143-00035189-00035482 the United States to mobilize around the cAtSaWmr6V4-00144-00035483-00035800 force of these Koch brothers to get cAtSaWmr6V4-00145-00035801-00036019 private money out of politics and to cAtSaWmr6V4-00146-00036020-00036205 isolate their extreme elements in the cAtSaWmr6V4-00147-00036206-00036388 Republican Party it's these aren't all cAtSaWmr6V4-00148-00036389-00036565 conservatives thinking this way these cAtSaWmr6V4-00149-00036566-00036688 are extremists and they need to be cAtSaWmr6V4-00150-00036689-00036973 isolated Victor Menotti with the cAtSaWmr6V4-00151-00036974-00037156 international forum on globalization cAtSaWmr6V4-00152-00037157-00037411 faces behind a global crisis u.s. carbon cAtSaWmr6V4-00153-00037412-00037591 billionaires on the UN climate deadlock cAtSaWmr6V4-00154-00037592-00037831 is his report and will link to it at cAtSaWmr6V4-00155-00037832-00038026 democracy now thanks so much for cAtSaWmr6V4-00156-00038027-00038194 watching this report from democracy now cAtSaWmr6V4-00157-00038195-00038416 your daily independent global news hour cAtSaWmr6V4-00158-00038417-00038659 we don't accept advertising or corporate cAtSaWmr6V4-00159-00038660-00038812 funding but rather rely on donations cAtSaWmr6V4-00160-00038813-00039097 from viewers like you please make your cAtSaWmr6V4-00161-00039098-00039223 contribution by visiting cAtSaWmr6V4-00162-00039224-00039448 we need your support cAtSaWmr6V4-00163-00039449-00039622 today to keep bringing you this cAtSaWmr6V4-00164-00039623-00040598 hard-hitting in-depth reporting cAtSaWmr6V4-00165-00040599-00040805 you cBE5nNN2Dg4-00000-00000005-00000361 in computer science real-time computing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00001-00000362-00000653 RTC or reactive computing describes cBE5nNN2Dg4-00002-00000654-00000919 hardware and software systems subject to cBE5nNN2Dg4-00003-00000921-00001286 a real-time constraint for example from cBE5nNN2Dg4-00004-00001287-00001562 event to system response real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00005-00001563-00001796 programs must guarantee response within cBE5nNN2Dg4-00006-00001797-00002026 specified time constraints often cBE5nNN2Dg4-00007-00002027-00002396 referred to as deadlines the correctness cBE5nNN2Dg4-00008-00002397-00002635 of these types of systems depends on cBE5nNN2Dg4-00009-00002636-00002822 their temporal aspects as well as the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00010-00002823-00003170 functional aspects real-time responses cBE5nNN2Dg4-00011-00003171-00003361 are often understood to be in the order cBE5nNN2Dg4-00012-00003363-00003556 of milliseconds and sometimes cBE5nNN2Dg4-00013-00003557-00003920 microseconds a system not specified as cBE5nNN2Dg4-00014-00003921-00004129 operating in real time cannot usually cBE5nNN2Dg4-00015-00004130-00004328 guarantee a response within any time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00016-00004329-00004568 frame although typical or expected cBE5nNN2Dg4-00017-00004569-00004925 response times may be given a real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00018-00004926-00005170 system has been described as one which cBE5nNN2Dg4-00019-00005171-00005441 controls an environment by receiving cBE5nNN2Dg4-00020-00005442-00005726 data processing them and returning the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00021-00005727-00005959 results sufficiently quickly to affect cBE5nNN2Dg4-00022-00005960-00006349 the environment at that time the term cBE5nNN2Dg4-00023-00006350-00006734 real-time is also used in simulation to cBE5nNN2Dg4-00024-00006734-00006946 mean that the simulations clock runs at cBE5nNN2Dg4-00025-00006947-00007163 the same speed as a real clock and in cBE5nNN2Dg4-00026-00007164-00007394 process control and enterprise systems cBE5nNN2Dg4-00027-00007395-00007783 to mean without significant delay cBE5nNN2Dg4-00028-00007784-00008039 real-time software may use one or more cBE5nNN2Dg4-00029-00008040-00008267 of the following synchronous programming cBE5nNN2Dg4-00030-00008268-00008513 languages real-time operating systems cBE5nNN2Dg4-00031-00008514-00008741 and real-time networks each of which cBE5nNN2Dg4-00032-00008742-00008969 provide essential frameworks on which to cBE5nNN2Dg4-00033-00008970-00009271 build a real-time software application cBE5nNN2Dg4-00034-00009272-00009514 systems used for many mission-critical cBE5nNN2Dg4-00035-00009515-00009788 applications must be real time such as cBE5nNN2Dg4-00036-00009789-00010034 for control of fly-by-wire aircraft or cBE5nNN2Dg4-00037-00010035-00010274 anti-lock brakes on a vehicle which must cBE5nNN2Dg4-00038-00010275-00010489 produce maximum deceleration but cBE5nNN2Dg4-00039-00010490-00010691 intermittently stop braking to prevent cBE5nNN2Dg4-00040-00010692-00011014 skidding real-time processing fails if cBE5nNN2Dg4-00041-00011015-00011198 not completed within a specified cBE5nNN2Dg4-00042-00011199-00011435 deadline relative to an event deadlines cBE5nNN2Dg4-00043-00011436-00011684 must always be met regardless of system cBE5nNN2Dg4-00044-00011685-00012253 load cBE5nNN2Dg4-00045-00012254-00012792 topic history cBE5nNN2Dg4-00046-00012793-00013059 the term real-time derives from its use cBE5nNN2Dg4-00047-00013060-00013254 in early simulation in which a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00048-00013255-00013482 real-world process is simulated at a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00049-00013483-00013619 rate that matched that of the real cBE5nNN2Dg4-00050-00013621-00013890 process now called real-time simulation cBE5nNN2Dg4-00051-00013891-00014274 to avoid ambiguity analog computers most cBE5nNN2Dg4-00052-00014275-00014502 often were capable of simulating at a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00053-00014503-00014700 much faster pace than real time a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00054-00014701-00014880 situation that could be just as cBE5nNN2Dg4-00055-00014881-00015105 dangerous as a slow simulation if it cBE5nNN2Dg4-00056-00015106-00015324 were not also recognized and accounted cBE5nNN2Dg4-00057-00015325-00015688 for mini-computers particularly in the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00058-00015690-00016002 1970s onwards when built into dedicated cBE5nNN2Dg4-00059-00016003-00016218 embedded systems such as dog scanners cBE5nNN2Dg4-00060-00016219-00016385 increase the need for low latency cBE5nNN2Dg4-00061-00016386-00016674 priority driven responses to important cBE5nNN2Dg4-00062-00016675-00016893 interactions with incoming data and so cBE5nNN2Dg4-00063-00016894-00017142 operating systems such as data generals cBE5nNN2Dg4-00064-00017143-00017217 RDOs cBE5nNN2Dg4-00065-00017218-00017517 real-time disk operating system and RTOS cBE5nNN2Dg4-00066-00017518-00017673 with background and foreground cBE5nNN2Dg4-00067-00017674-00017885 scheduling as well as Digital Equipment cBE5nNN2Dg4-00068-00017886-00018215 corporations rt-11 date from this era cBE5nNN2Dg4-00069-00018216-00018468 background foreground scheduling allowed cBE5nNN2Dg4-00070-00018469-00018750 low priority tasks CPU time when no cBE5nNN2Dg4-00071-00018751-00018978 foreground tasks needed to execute and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00072-00018979-00019182 gave absolute priority within the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00073-00019183-00019392 foreground to threads tasks with the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00074-00019393-00019700 highest priority real-time operating cBE5nNN2Dg4-00075-00019701-00019932 systems would also be used for time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00076-00019933-00020300 sharing multi-user duties for example cBE5nNN2Dg4-00077-00020301-00020550 data general business basic could run in cBE5nNN2Dg4-00078-00020551-00020790 the foreground or background of our do G cBE5nNN2Dg4-00079-00020791-00021003 and would introduce additional elements cBE5nNN2Dg4-00080-00021004-00021192 to the scheduling algorithm to make it cBE5nNN2Dg4-00081-00021193-00021402 more appropriate for people interacting cBE5nNN2Dg4-00082-00021403-00021744 via dumb terminals once when the most cBE5nNN2Dg4-00083-00021745-00022134 technology 6502 used in the commodore 64 cBE5nNN2Dg4-00084-00022135-00022466 in apple 2 and later when the motorola cBE5nNN2Dg4-00085-00022467-00022803 68000 used in the macintosh atari street cBE5nNN2Dg4-00086-00022804-00023064 and commodore amiga were popular anybody cBE5nNN2Dg4-00087-00023065-00023244 could use their home computer as a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00088-00023245-00023541 real-time system the possibility to cBE5nNN2Dg4-00089-00023542-00023775 deactivate other interrupts allowed for cBE5nNN2Dg4-00090-00023776-00024009 hard-coded loops with defined timing and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00091-00024010-00024219 the low interrupt latency allowed the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00092-00024220-00024425 implementation of a real-time operating cBE5nNN2Dg4-00093-00024426-00024684 system giving the user interface and the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00094-00024685-00024900 disk drives lower priority than the real cBE5nNN2Dg4-00095-00024901-00025167 time thread compared to these the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00096-00025168-00025371 programmable interrupt controller of the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00097-00025372-00025914 intel cpus 8080 6.80 586 generates a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00098-00025914-00026108 very large latency in the Windows cBE5nNN2Dg4-00099-00026110-00026217 operating system cBE5nNN2Dg4-00100-00026218-00026460 is neither a real-time operating system cBE5nNN2Dg4-00101-00026461-00026676 nor does it allow a program to take over cBE5nNN2Dg4-00102-00026677-00026898 the CPU completely in use its own cBE5nNN2Dg4-00103-00026899-00027108 scheduler without using native machine cBE5nNN2Dg4-00104-00027108-00027299 language and thus surpassing all cBE5nNN2Dg4-00105-00027300-00027573 interrupting Windows code however cBE5nNN2Dg4-00106-00027574-00027837 several coding libraries exist which cBE5nNN2Dg4-00107-00027838-00028046 offer real-time capabilities in a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00108-00028047-00028236 high-level language on a variety of cBE5nNN2Dg4-00109-00028237-00028490 operating systems for example Java cBE5nNN2Dg4-00110-00028491-00028881 real-time the motorola 68000 and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00111-00028882-00029108 subsequent family members sixty eight cBE5nNN2Dg4-00112-00029110-00029526 thousand and ten 68020 etc also became cBE5nNN2Dg4-00113-00029527-00029777 popular with manufacturers of industrial cBE5nNN2Dg4-00114-00029778-00030146 control systems this application area is cBE5nNN2Dg4-00115-00030147-00030345 one in which real-time control offers cBE5nNN2Dg4-00116-00030345-00030608 genuine advantages in terms of process cBE5nNN2Dg4-00117-00030609-00031289 performance and safety cBE5nNN2Dg4-00118-00031289-00031664 topic criteria for real-time computing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00119-00031664-00032005 [Music] cBE5nNN2Dg4-00120-00032006-00032275 a system is said to be real-time if the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00121-00032276-00032467 total correctness of an operation cBE5nNN2Dg4-00122-00032468-00032674 depends not only upon its logical cBE5nNN2Dg4-00123-00032675-00032899 correctness but also upon the time in cBE5nNN2Dg4-00124-00032900-00033217 which it is performed real-time systems cBE5nNN2Dg4-00125-00033218-00033391 as well as their deadlines are cBE5nNN2Dg4-00126-00033392-00033616 classified by the consequence of missing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00127-00033617-00033955 a deadline hard missing a deadline is a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00128-00033956-00034345 total system failure firm infrequent cBE5nNN2Dg4-00129-00034346-00034555 deadline misses are tolerable but may cBE5nNN2Dg4-00130-00034556-00034794 degrade the system's quality of service cBE5nNN2Dg4-00131-00034795-00035125 the usefulness of a result is zero after cBE5nNN2Dg4-00132-00035126-00035512 its deadline soft the usefulness of a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00133-00035513-00035701 result degrades after its deadline cBE5nNN2Dg4-00134-00035702-00035938 thereby degrading the system's quality cBE5nNN2Dg4-00135-00035939-00036145 of service thus the goal of a hard cBE5nNN2Dg4-00136-00036146-00036370 real-time system is to ensure that all cBE5nNN2Dg4-00137-00036371-00036607 deadlines are met but for soft real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00138-00036608-00036811 systems the goal becomes meeting a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00139-00036812-00037042 certain subset of deadlines in order to cBE5nNN2Dg4-00140-00037043-00037246 optimise some application specific cBE5nNN2Dg4-00141-00037247-00037546 criteria the particular criteria cBE5nNN2Dg4-00142-00037547-00037789 optimize depend on the application but cBE5nNN2Dg4-00143-00037790-00038047 some typical examples include maximizing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00144-00038048-00038275 the number of deadlines met minimizing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00145-00038276-00038506 the lateness of tasks and maximizing the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00146-00038507-00038737 number of high priority tasks meeting cBE5nNN2Dg4-00147-00038738-00039097 their deadlines hard real-time systems cBE5nNN2Dg4-00148-00039098-00039307 are used when it is imperative that an cBE5nNN2Dg4-00149-00039308-00039508 event be reacted to within a strict cBE5nNN2Dg4-00150-00039509-00039823 deadline such strong guarantees are cBE5nNN2Dg4-00151-00039824-00040006 required of systems for which not cBE5nNN2Dg4-00152-00040007-00040207 reacting in a certain interval of time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00153-00040208-00040399 would cause great loss in some manner cBE5nNN2Dg4-00154-00040400-00040612 especially damaging the surroundings cBE5nNN2Dg4-00155-00040613-00040831 physically or threatening human lives cBE5nNN2Dg4-00156-00040832-00041020 although the strict definition is simply cBE5nNN2Dg4-00157-00041021-00041230 that missing the deadline constitutes cBE5nNN2Dg4-00158-00041231-00041584 failure of the system for example a car cBE5nNN2Dg4-00159-00041585-00041779 engine control system is a hard cBE5nNN2Dg4-00160-00041780-00041977 real-time system because a delayed cBE5nNN2Dg4-00161-00041978-00042181 signal may cause engine failure or cBE5nNN2Dg4-00162-00042182-00042520 damage other examples of hard real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00163-00042521-00042781 embedded systems include medical systems cBE5nNN2Dg4-00164-00042782-00043033 such as heart pacemakers and industrial cBE5nNN2Dg4-00165-00043034-00043318 process controllers hard real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00166-00043319-00043585 systems are typically found interacting cBE5nNN2Dg4-00167-00043586-00043804 at a low level with physical Hardware in cBE5nNN2Dg4-00168-00043805-00044125 embedded systems early video game cBE5nNN2Dg4-00169-00044126-00044455 systems such as the Atari 2600 and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00170-00044456-00044686 cinema Tronics vector graphics had hard cBE5nNN2Dg4-00171-00044687-00044899 real-time requirements because of the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00172-00044900-00045079 nature of the graphics and timing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00173-00045080-00045329 hardware in the Conti cBE5nNN2Dg4-00174-00045330-00045575 of multitasking systems the scheduling cBE5nNN2Dg4-00175-00045576-00045806 policy is normally priority driven cBE5nNN2Dg4-00176-00045807-00046130 pre-emptive schedulers other scheduling cBE5nNN2Dg4-00177-00046131-00046304 algorithms include earliest deadline cBE5nNN2Dg4-00178-00046305-00046568 first which ignoring the overhead of cBE5nNN2Dg4-00179-00046569-00046766 context switching is sufficient for cBE5nNN2Dg4-00180-00046767-00047147 system loads of less than 100% new cBE5nNN2Dg4-00181-00047148-00047381 overlay scheduling systems such as an cBE5nNN2Dg4-00182-00047382-00047609 adaptive partition scheduler assist in cBE5nNN2Dg4-00183-00047610-00047825 managing large systems with a mixture of cBE5nNN2Dg4-00184-00047826-00048016 hard real-time and non real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00185-00048017-00048440 applications soft real-time systems are cBE5nNN2Dg4-00186-00048441-00048629 typically used to solve issues of cBE5nNN2Dg4-00187-00048630-00048851 concurrent access and the need to keep a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00188-00048852-00049061 number of connected systems up-to-date cBE5nNN2Dg4-00189-00049062-00049412 through changing situations an example cBE5nNN2Dg4-00190-00049413-00049601 can be software that maintains and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00191-00049602-00049808 updates the flight plans for commercial cBE5nNN2Dg4-00192-00049809-00050033 airliners the flight plans must be kept cBE5nNN2Dg4-00193-00050034-00050237 reasonably current but they can operate cBE5nNN2Dg4-00194-00050238-00050576 with the latency of a few seconds live cBE5nNN2Dg4-00195-00050577-00050834 audio/video systems are also usually cBE5nNN2Dg4-00196-00050835-00051092 soft real-time violation of constraints cBE5nNN2Dg4-00197-00051093-00051304 results in degraded quality but the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00198-00051305-00051539 system can continue to operate and also cBE5nNN2Dg4-00199-00051540-00051749 recover in the future using workload cBE5nNN2Dg4-00200-00051750-00051926 prediction and reconfiguration cBE5nNN2Dg4-00201-00051927-00052533 methodologies cBE5nNN2Dg4-00202-00052534-00052854 topic real-time in digital signal cBE5nNN2Dg4-00203-00052854-00052934 processing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00204-00052935-00053274 [Music] cBE5nNN2Dg4-00205-00053275-00053541 in a real-time digital signal processing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00206-00053541-00053865 DSP process the analyzed input and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00207-00053866-00054078 generated output samples can be cBE5nNN2Dg4-00208-00054079-00054354 processed or generated continuously in cBE5nNN2Dg4-00209-00054354-00054561 the time it takes to input and output cBE5nNN2Dg4-00210-00054562-00054791 the same set of samples independent of cBE5nNN2Dg4-00211-00054792-00055076 the processing delay it means that the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00212-00055077-00055316 processing delay must be bounded even if cBE5nNN2Dg4-00213-00055317-00055487 the processing continues for an cBE5nNN2Dg4-00214-00055488-00055791 unlimited time that means that the mean cBE5nNN2Dg4-00215-00055791-00056028 processing time per sample including cBE5nNN2Dg4-00216-00056029-00056249 overhead is no greater than the sampling cBE5nNN2Dg4-00217-00056250-00056454 period which is the reciprocal of the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00218-00056454-00056750 sampling rate this is the criterion cBE5nNN2Dg4-00219-00056751-00056910 whether the samples are grouped together cBE5nNN2Dg4-00220-00056911-00057135 in large segments and processed as cBE5nNN2Dg4-00221-00057136-00057356 blocks or a processed individually and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00222-00057357-00057518 whether there are long short or cBE5nNN2Dg4-00223-00057519-00057841 non-existent input and output buffers cBE5nNN2Dg4-00224-00057842-00058166 consider an audio DSP example if a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00225-00058167-00058499 process requires 2.01 seconds to analyze cBE5nNN2Dg4-00226-00058500-00058844 synthesize or process 2.00 seconds of cBE5nNN2Dg4-00227-00058845-00059201 sound it is not real time however if it cBE5nNN2Dg4-00228-00059202-00059541 takes 1.99 seconds it is or can be made cBE5nNN2Dg4-00229-00059541-00059951 into a real-time DSP process a common cBE5nNN2Dg4-00230-00059952-00060167 life analog is standing in a line or cBE5nNN2Dg4-00231-00060168-00060350 queue waiting for the checkout in a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00232-00060351-00060644 grocery store if the line asymptotically cBE5nNN2Dg4-00233-00060645-00060881 grows longer and longer without bound cBE5nNN2Dg4-00234-00060882-00061169 the checkout process is not real-time if cBE5nNN2Dg4-00235-00061170-00061404 the length of the line is bounded cBE5nNN2Dg4-00236-00061404-00061785 customers are being processed and output cBE5nNN2Dg4-00237-00061786-00062018 is rapidly on average as they are being cBE5nNN2Dg4-00238-00062019-00062213 inputted and that process is real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00239-00062214-00062549 the grocer might go out of business or cBE5nNN2Dg4-00240-00062550-00062736 must at least lose business if they cBE5nNN2Dg4-00241-00062737-00062886 cannot make their checkout process cBE5nNN2Dg4-00242-00062887-00063141 real-time thus it is fundamentally cBE5nNN2Dg4-00243-00063141-00063338 important that this process is real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00244-00063339-00063701 a signal processing algorithm that cBE5nNN2Dg4-00245-00063702-00063903 cannot keep up with the flow of input cBE5nNN2Dg4-00246-00063904-00064100 data with output falling farther and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00247-00064101-00064286 farther behind the input is not cBE5nNN2Dg4-00248-00064287-00064604 real-time but if the delay of the output cBE5nNN2Dg4-00249-00064605-00064787 relative to the input is bounded cBE5nNN2Dg4-00250-00064788-00065018 regarding a process that operates over cBE5nNN2Dg4-00251-00065019-00065213 an unlimited time then that signal cBE5nNN2Dg4-00252-00065214-00065474 processing algorithm is real-time even cBE5nNN2Dg4-00253-00065475-00066172 if the throughput delay may be very long cBE5nNN2Dg4-00254-00066173-00066817 Topic live versus real time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00255-00066818-00067108 real-time signal processing is necessary cBE5nNN2Dg4-00256-00067109-00067345 but not sufficient in and of itself for cBE5nNN2Dg4-00257-00067346-00067546 live signal processing such as what is cBE5nNN2Dg4-00258-00067547-00067864 required in live event support live cBE5nNN2Dg4-00259-00067865-00068125 audio digital signal processing requires cBE5nNN2Dg4-00260-00068126-00068329 both real-time operation and a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00261-00068330-00068545 sufficient limit to throughput delay so cBE5nNN2Dg4-00262-00068546-00068770 as to be tolerable to performers using cBE5nNN2Dg4-00263-00068771-00069007 stage monitors or in-ear monitors and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00264-00069008-00069223 not noticeable as lip-sync error by the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00265-00069224-00069445 audience also directly watching the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00266-00069446-00069754 performers tolerable limits to latency cBE5nNN2Dg4-00267-00069755-00069982 for live real-time processing is a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00268-00069983-00070222 subject of investigation and debate but cBE5nNN2Dg4-00269-00070223-00070474 is estimated to be between 6 and 20 cBE5nNN2Dg4-00270-00070475-00070728 milliseconds real-time bi-directional cBE5nNN2Dg4-00271-00070729-00070939 telecommunications delays of less than cBE5nNN2Dg4-00272-00070940-00071356 300 milliseconds round-trip or twice the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00273-00071357-00071592 uni-directional delay are considered cBE5nNN2Dg4-00274-00071593-00071998 acceptable to avoid undesired talkover cBE5nNN2Dg4-00275-00071999-00072681 in conversation cBE5nNN2Dg4-00276-00072682-00073362 topic real-time and high-performance cBE5nNN2Dg4-00277-00073363-00073599 real-time computing is sometimes cBE5nNN2Dg4-00278-00073600-00073799 misunderstood to be high-performance cBE5nNN2Dg4-00279-00073800-00074010 computing but this is not an accurate cBE5nNN2Dg4-00280-00074011-00074367 classification for example a massive cBE5nNN2Dg4-00281-00074368-00074622 supercomputer executing a scientific cBE5nNN2Dg4-00282-00074623-00074801 simulation may offer impressive cBE5nNN2Dg4-00283-00074802-00075042 performance yet it is not executing a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00284-00075043-00075387 real-time computation conversely once cBE5nNN2Dg4-00285-00075388-00075563 the hardware and software for an cBE5nNN2Dg4-00286-00075564-00075743 anti-lock braking system have been cBE5nNN2Dg4-00287-00075744-00075968 designed to meet its required deadlines cBE5nNN2Dg4-00288-00075969-00076185 no further performance gains are cBE5nNN2Dg4-00289-00076186-00076526 obligatory or even useful furthermore if cBE5nNN2Dg4-00290-00076527-00076757 a network server is highly loaded with cBE5nNN2Dg4-00291-00076758-00076994 network traffic its response time may be cBE5nNN2Dg4-00292-00076995-00077225 slower but will in most cases still cBE5nNN2Dg4-00293-00077226-00077442 succeed before it times out hits its cBE5nNN2Dg4-00294-00077443-00077762 deadlines hence such a network server cBE5nNN2Dg4-00295-00077763-00077943 would not be considered a real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00296-00077944-00078249 system temporal failures delays timeouts cBE5nNN2Dg4-00297-00078250-00078468 etc are typically small and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00298-00078469-00078719 compartmentalized limited in effect but cBE5nNN2Dg4-00299-00078720-00079011 are not catastrophic failures in a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00300-00079012-00079266 real-time system such as the footsie 100 cBE5nNN2Dg4-00301-00079267-00079542 index a slowdown beyond limits would cBE5nNN2Dg4-00302-00079543-00079755 often be considered catastrophic in its cBE5nNN2Dg4-00303-00079756-00080097 application context the most important cBE5nNN2Dg4-00304-00080098-00080318 requirement of a real-time system is cBE5nNN2Dg4-00305-00080319-00080626 consistent output not high throughput cBE5nNN2Dg4-00306-00080627-00080918 some kinds of software such as many cBE5nNN2Dg4-00307-00080919-00081149 chess-playing programs can fall into cBE5nNN2Dg4-00308-00081150-00081465 either category for instance a chess cBE5nNN2Dg4-00309-00081466-00081666 program designed to play in a tournament cBE5nNN2Dg4-00310-00081667-00081846 with a clock will need to decide on a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00311-00081847-00082071 move before a certain deadline or lose cBE5nNN2Dg4-00312-00082072-00082268 the game and is therefore a real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00313-00082269-00082524 computation but a chess program that is cBE5nNN2Dg4-00314-00082525-00082710 allowed to run indefinitely before cBE5nNN2Dg4-00315-00082711-00083004 moving is not in both of these cases cBE5nNN2Dg4-00316-00083005-00083286 however high performance is desirable cBE5nNN2Dg4-00317-00083287-00083507 the more work a tournament chess program cBE5nNN2Dg4-00318-00083508-00083703 can do in the allotted time the better cBE5nNN2Dg4-00319-00083704-00083924 its moves will be and the faster and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00320-00083925-00084143 unconstrained chess program runs the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00321-00084144-00084411 sooner it will be able to move this cBE5nNN2Dg4-00322-00084412-00084660 example also illustrates the essential cBE5nNN2Dg4-00323-00084661-00084800 difference between real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00324-00084801-00085053 computations and other computations if cBE5nNN2Dg4-00325-00085054-00085242 the tournament chess program does not cBE5nNN2Dg4-00326-00085243-00085473 make a decision about its next move in cBE5nNN2Dg4-00327-00085474-00085740 its allotted time it loses the game ie cBE5nNN2Dg4-00328-00085741-00086006 it fails is a real-time computation cBE5nNN2Dg4-00329-00086007-00086276 while in the other scenario meeting the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00330-00086277-00086512 deadlines is assumed not to be necessary cBE5nNN2Dg4-00331-00086513-00086730 high performance is in cBE5nNN2Dg4-00332-00086731-00086922 negative of the amount of processing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00333-00086923-00087108 that is performed in a given amount of cBE5nNN2Dg4-00334-00087109-00087348 time whereas real time is the ability to cBE5nNN2Dg4-00335-00087349-00087564 get done with the processing to yield a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00336-00087565-00088305 useful output in the available time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00337-00088306-00088883 topic near-real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00338-00088884-00089282 the term near-real-time or nearly cBE5nNN2Dg4-00339-00089283-00089684 real-time NRT in telecommunications and cBE5nNN2Dg4-00340-00089685-00089900 computing refers to the time delay cBE5nNN2Dg4-00341-00089901-00090173 introduced by automated data processing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00342-00090174-00090365 or network transmission between the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00343-00090366-00090532 occurrence of an event and the use of cBE5nNN2Dg4-00344-00090533-00090776 the processed data such as for display cBE5nNN2Dg4-00345-00090777-00091106 or feedback and control purposes for cBE5nNN2Dg4-00346-00091107-00091370 example a near real-time display depicts cBE5nNN2Dg4-00347-00091371-00091610 an event or situation as it existed at cBE5nNN2Dg4-00348-00091611-00091844 the current time - the processing time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00349-00091845-00092078 as nearly the time of the live event the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00350-00092079-00092315 distinction between the terms near cBE5nNN2Dg4-00351-00092316-00092756 real-time and real-time is somewhat cBE5nNN2Dg4-00352-00092757-00092963 nebulous and must be defined for the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00353-00092964-00093301 situation at hand the term implies that cBE5nNN2Dg4-00354-00093302-00093578 there are no significant delays in many cBE5nNN2Dg4-00355-00093579-00093920 cases processing described as real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00356-00093921-00094201 would be more accurately described as cBE5nNN2Dg4-00357-00094202-00094664 near real-time near real-time also cBE5nNN2Dg4-00358-00094665-00094876 refers to delayed real-time transmission cBE5nNN2Dg4-00359-00094877-00095198 of voice and video it allows playing cBE5nNN2Dg4-00360-00095199-00095471 video images in approximately real time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00361-00095472-00095666 without having to wait for an entire cBE5nNN2Dg4-00362-00095667-00095938 large video file to download cBE5nNN2Dg4-00363-00095939-00096251 incompatible databases can export import cBE5nNN2Dg4-00364-00096252-00096431 to common flat files that the other cBE5nNN2Dg4-00365-00096432-00096641 database can import export on a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00366-00096642-00096851 scheduled basis so that they can sync cBE5nNN2Dg4-00367-00096852-00097229 share common data in near real-time with cBE5nNN2Dg4-00368-00097230-00097619 each other the distinction between near cBE5nNN2Dg4-00369-00097620-00098078 real time and real time varies and the cBE5nNN2Dg4-00370-00098079-00098303 delay is dependent on the type and speed cBE5nNN2Dg4-00371-00098304-00098597 of the transmission the delay in near cBE5nNN2Dg4-00372-00098598-00098792 real time is typically of the order of cBE5nNN2Dg4-00373-00098793-00099556 several seconds to several minutes cBE5nNN2Dg4-00374-00099557-00100159 topic design methods cBE5nNN2Dg4-00375-00100160-00100423 several methods exist to aid the design cBE5nNN2Dg4-00376-00100424-00100672 of real-time systems an example of which cBE5nNN2Dg4-00377-00100673-00100876 is mascot an old but very successful cBE5nNN2Dg4-00378-00100877-00101125 method which represents the concurrent cBE5nNN2Dg4-00379-00101126-00101263 structure of the system cBE5nNN2Dg4-00380-00101264-00101617 other examples are hood real-time UML a cBE5nNN2Dg4-00381-00101618-00101905 ADL the Ravens car profile and real-time cBE5nNN2Dg4-00382-00101906-00102547 java equals equals see also cBUoGs40Amy-00000-00000059-00000359 agency cD4r5uikL7Q-00000-00000000-00000200 [Music] cD4r5uikL7Q-00001-00000202-00000907 [Applause] cD4r5uikL7Q-00002-00000908-00002758 [Music] cD4r5uikL7Q-00003-00002759-00002968 you cFkvxKqI2w0-00000-00000104-00000318 hey cFkvxKqI2w0-00001-00000319-00000983 welcome back to our camera cFkvxKqI2w0-00002-00000984-00001311 one more piece cFkvxKqI2w0-00003-00001312-00001491 and today we're going to cFkvxKqI2w0-00004-00001492-00002863 explore a piece of fire cFkvxKqI2w0-00005-00002864-00003247 i was going there and well cFkvxKqI2w0-00006-00003247-00003422 and my goal is to retrieve dagger that cFkvxKqI2w0-00007-00003423-00003695 can kill some guy cFkvxKqI2w0-00008-00003696-00003975 that is very evil or something i don't cFkvxKqI2w0-00009-00003976-00004543 know i don't exactly judge this cFkvxKqI2w0-00010-00004544-00004702 i took cFkvxKqI2w0-00011-00004703-00005422 i took sort of failure from someone cFkvxKqI2w0-00012-00005423-00005583 okay cFkvxKqI2w0-00013-00005584-00005838 and we will also retrieve explosive cFkvxKqI2w0-00014-00005839-00007103 medallion cFkvxKqI2w0-00015-00007104-00007478 yes i'll do that for you cFkvxKqI2w0-00016-00007479-00007751 oh this is a basic plate mail it's not cFkvxKqI2w0-00017-00007752-00010239 something amazing cFkvxKqI2w0-00018-00010240-00010735 [Music] cFkvxKqI2w0-00019-00010736-00010967 okay so i failed this question with that cFkvxKqI2w0-00020-00010968-00011046 guy cFkvxKqI2w0-00021-00011047-00011263 which suddenly cFkvxKqI2w0-00022-00011264-00011583 does sadly common for amy cFkvxKqI2w0-00023-00011584-00011783 she's not very cFkvxKqI2w0-00025-00015408-00016615 thank cFkvxKqI2w0-00026-00016616-00016839 arc cFkvxKqI2w0-00027-00016840-00018071 setting mass cFkvxKqI2w0-00028-00018072-00018311 you think you can cFkvxKqI2w0-00029-00018312-00019094 it is done cFkvxKqI2w0-00030-00019095-00019382 you can sneak through cFkvxKqI2w0-00031-00019383-00021507 [Laughter] cFkvxKqI2w0-00032-00021508-00022143 [Applause] cFkvxKqI2w0-00033-00022144-00022703 yes i'll do that for you cFkvxKqI2w0-00034-00022704-00023086 yes i'll do that for you cFkvxKqI2w0-00035-00023087-00023999 holy why cFkvxKqI2w0-00036-00024000-00025894 um cFkvxKqI2w0-00037-00025895-00026879 i hate this place why are we here cFkvxKqI2w0-00038-00026880-00027311 oh oh okay cFkvxKqI2w0-00039-00027312-00027487 i think armor cFkvxKqI2w0-00040-00027488-00027583 uh cFkvxKqI2w0-00041-00027583-00027807 i think wearing oh no no no this this cFkvxKqI2w0-00042-00027808-00028111 armor is important cFkvxKqI2w0-00043-00028112-00028358 okay cFkvxKqI2w0-00044-00028360-00029158 we will need to reset turn cFkvxKqI2w0-00045-00029160-00029743 okay done cFkvxKqI2w0-00046-00029744-00030255 haladon elite sword cFkvxKqI2w0-00047-00030256-00030823 [Applause] cFkvxKqI2w0-00048-00030824-00030967 okay great cFkvxKqI2w0-00049-00030968-00031183 but this is not exactly what i wanted to cFkvxKqI2w0-00050-00031183-00031399 get from here cFkvxKqI2w0-00051-00031400-00032158 however it's nice teleportation temples cFkvxKqI2w0-00052-00032160-00033607 first cFkvxKqI2w0-00053-00033608-00034343 do i have nice auto safe no cFkvxKqI2w0-00054-00034344-00036177 so if i would have exiting cFkvxKqI2w0-00055-00036178-00037623 [Applause] cFkvxKqI2w0-00056-00037624-00037985 whatever cFkvxKqI2w0-00057-00037986-00038607 [Applause] cFkvxKqI2w0-00058-00038608-00038855 honestly don't feel anything this fire cFkvxKqI2w0-00059-00038856-00039079 resistance is pretty good cFkvxKqI2w0-00060-00039080-00039351 okay i got what i wanted cFkvxKqI2w0-00061-00039352-00039495 excluding cFkvxKqI2w0-00062-00039496-00039902 what i came here for cFkvxKqI2w0-00063-00039903-00040318 holy cFkvxKqI2w0-00064-00040319-00040862 we are supposed to get darker cFkvxKqI2w0-00065-00040863-00041111 cladding it's what is so weak balance cFkvxKqI2w0-00066-00041112-00041639 what is better what the white so cFkvxKqI2w0-00067-00041640-00041846 this is so much worse than cFkvxKqI2w0-00068-00041847-00043506 balance what kaladon's are terrible cFkvxKqI2w0-00069-00043507-00043662 [Applause] cFkvxKqI2w0-00070-00043663-00045039 do i have blade cFkvxKqI2w0-00071-00045040-00045135 no cFkvxKqI2w0-00072-00045136-00046862 i don't have blade cFkvxKqI2w0-00073-00046863-00049839 so cFkvxKqI2w0-00074-00049840-00051638 yes i'll do that for you cFkvxKqI2w0-00075-00051639-00051870 okay we made it cFkvxKqI2w0-00076-00051871-00052214 it wasn't easy cFkvxKqI2w0-00077-00052215-00052382 but we done it cFkvxKqI2w0-00078-00052383-00052550 i mostly cFkvxKqI2w0-00079-00052551-00053687 wanted to get a mullet cFkvxKqI2w0-00080-00053688-00053879 and this animal that makes explosion on cFkvxKqI2w0-00081-00053879-00054071 your income but it's cFkvxKqI2w0-00082-00054072-00054254 weird cFkvxKqI2w0-00083-00054255-00055620 i will try to demonstrate cFkvxKqI2w0-00084-00055621-00056111 [Laughter] cFkvxKqI2w0-00085-00056112-00056559 they have way too much cFkvxKqI2w0-00086-00056560-00056807 i mean that's horrible raven i hope cFkvxKqI2w0-00087-00056808-00057438 nothing wrong will happen to you yes cFkvxKqI2w0-00088-00057439-00057854 when i say cFkvxKqI2w0-00089-00057855-00058215 wait what why it's not exploding cFkvxKqI2w0-00090-00058216-00059694 why are you not exploding cFkvxKqI2w0-00091-00059695-00059894 why is my medallion not exploding don't cFkvxKqI2w0-00092-00059895-00060206 tell me it's only the one nearby friends cFkvxKqI2w0-00093-00060207-00060815 it exploded at last time cFkvxKqI2w0-00094-00060816-00060935 come on cFkvxKqI2w0-00095-00060936-00061182 hello cFkvxKqI2w0-00096-00061183-00061583 i'm just trying to cross around cFkvxKqI2w0-00097-00061584-00062926 [Music] cFkvxKqI2w0-00098-00062927-00063454 ah cFkvxKqI2w0-00099-00063455-00063735 fire resistance 17 cFkvxKqI2w0-00100-00063736-00064071 and she had also some good ring cFkvxKqI2w0-00101-00064072-00064223 nevermind raven cFkvxKqI2w0-00102-00064224-00064415 that was amazing okay cFkvxKqI2w0-00103-00064416-00064703 okay so cFkvxKqI2w0-00104-00064704-00064871 apparently i think cFkvxKqI2w0-00105-00064872-00065497 i think we cannot use this cFkvxKqI2w0-00106-00065498-00065687 [Applause] cFkvxKqI2w0-00107-00065688-00066359 it was glorious cFkvxKqI2w0-00108-00066360-00066707 thanks for watching cFnrhoCGD1k-00000-00000157-00000426 Chesser che soo is a low louis language cFnrhoCGD1k-00001-00000427-00000625 spoken in southern shuang by County cFnrhoCGD1k-00002-00000626-00000832 northern Champaign County and a Shan cFnrhoCGD1k-00003-00000833-00001140 County in Yunnan China cFnrhoCGD1k-00004-00001141-00001362 the chess who refer to themselves its cFnrhoCGD1k-00005-00001363-00001569 Susu Paul or T sucio cFnrhoCGD1k-00006-00001570-00002046 jiseok OG Shoop oh eun-ah 1955 reports cFnrhoCGD1k-00007-00002047-00002247 that chess who has spoken mostly in teh cFnrhoCGD1k-00008-00002248-00002426 heat on ship ty hey Sean with a cFnrhoCGD1k-00009-00002427-00002816 population of over 360 as of 1955 cFnrhoCGD1k-00010-00002817-00003201 ethnologue reports 3300 chesa speakers cFnrhoCGD1k-00011-00003202-00003390 out of an ethnic population of six cFnrhoCGD1k-00012-00003390-00003820 thousand six hundred people as of 2007 cFnrhoCGD1k-00013-00003821-00004144 Bradlee 2007 reports that chess who is cFnrhoCGD1k-00014-00004145-00004378 closely related to na su and classifies cFnrhoCGD1k-00015-00004379-00004630 it as an acid language chess who cFnrhoCGD1k-00016-00004631-00004810 speaker's consider themselves to be a cFnrhoCGD1k-00017-00004811-00004957 separate ethnic group from the cFnrhoCGD1k-00018-00004958-00005236 surrounding me su speakers the chessy cFnrhoCGD1k-00019-00005237-00005428 language is currently being replaced by cFnrhoCGD1k-00020-00005429-00005710 me su and Chinese chess who is also used cFnrhoCGD1k-00021-00005711-00005886 as a second language by Heller su cFnrhoCGD1k-00022-00005887-00006372 speakers ethnologue cFnrhoCGD1k-00023-00006373-00006673 references cH8YaoKrlIE-00000-00000006-00000329 Ministry now you are a millionaire now cH8YaoKrlIE-00001-00000330-00000599 you have money now God uses your church cH8YaoKrlIE-00002-00000600-00000899 whatever it is and you forget that I am cH8YaoKrlIE-00003-00000900-00001127 a brand ambassador do not make the cH8YaoKrlIE-00004-00001128-00001378 mistake of vashti cH8YaoKrlIE-00005-00001379-00001612 a vashti was a bad woman from the cH8YaoKrlIE-00006-00001613-00001775 beginning the king would not marry her cH8YaoKrlIE-00007-00001776-00002014 he married her because at some point in cH8YaoKrlIE-00008-00002016-00002273 her life she seemed to be a worthy wife cH8YaoKrlIE-00009-00002274-00002542 but something happened when she got into cH8YaoKrlIE-00010-00002543-00002776 the palace you know in the palace those cH8YaoKrlIE-00011-00002777-00002968 days you didn't do anything just snap cH8YaoKrlIE-00012-00002969-00003256 your finger and everything would come cH8YaoKrlIE-00013-00003257-00003575 and so vastly forgot that she was only cH8YaoKrlIE-00014-00003576-00003797 Queen because she married a king not cH8YaoKrlIE-00015-00003797-00004103 because she fought any war and won cH8YaoKrlIE-00016-00004104-00004343 her sitting on that Throne is because of cH8YaoKrlIE-00017-00004344-00004691 relationship not personal conquest and cH8YaoKrlIE-00018-00004692-00004954 the King now called for her you are my cH8YaoKrlIE-00019-00004955-00005201 wife you are my image cH8YaoKrlIE-00020-00005202-00005459 so she just felt no this is your thing cH8YaoKrlIE-00021-00005460-00005711 I'm tired I'm embarrassed you can't keep cH8YaoKrlIE-00022-00005712-00005902 falling my hand like this I have my own cH8YaoKrlIE-00023-00005903-00006161 agenda too and that was the end of it do cH8YaoKrlIE-00024-00006162-00006395 you know the King was so good he did not cH8YaoKrlIE-00025-00006396-00006581 even want to do anything to her he was cH8YaoKrlIE-00026-00006581-00006731 the elders who came and said King don't cH8YaoKrlIE-00027-00006731-00007031 keep quiet this will become a trend cH8YaoKrlIE-00028-00007031-00007303 she will now be promoting another brand cH8YaoKrlIE-00029-00007304-00007564 Rebellion being that brand he said let cH8YaoKrlIE-00030-00007565-00007798 that woman get out there is no record of cH8YaoKrlIE-00031-00007800-00008146 her saying sorry and she left cH8YaoKrlIE-00032-00008147-00008381 Now esther wanted to make the same cH8YaoKrlIE-00033-00008382-00008651 mistake too a village girl who was taken cH8YaoKrlIE-00034-00008652-00009010 from shushan and when she became Queen cH8YaoKrlIE-00035-00009011-00009310 when it was time her man was plotting to cH8YaoKrlIE-00036-00009311-00009545 destroy God's people and she was the cH8YaoKrlIE-00037-00009546-00009809 only person being his wife who had cH8YaoKrlIE-00038-00009810-00010096 access to his ears and his heart aside cH8YaoKrlIE-00039-00010097-00010253 from her man cH8YaoKrlIE-00040-00010254-00010528 and Mordecai would imagine that she cH8YaoKrlIE-00041-00010529-00010745 would leverage on that influence to cH8YaoKrlIE-00042-00010746-00010949 quickly talk to him and she seemed cH8YaoKrlIE-00043-00010950-00011171 non-challenged and her man I mean cH8YaoKrlIE-00044-00011172-00011483 Mordechai sent her a warning he said do cH8YaoKrlIE-00045-00011484-00011783 not think you know let it not be have cH8YaoKrlIE-00046-00011784-00012028 you let it not be that he was so such a cH8YaoKrlIE-00047-00012029-00012263 time as this that God has raised you in cH8YaoKrlIE-00048-00012264-00012455 other words do not think when they are cH8YaoKrlIE-00049-00012456-00012664 done with us you will also be spared you cH8YaoKrlIE-00050-00012665-00012901 are also a Jew cH8YaoKrlIE-00051-00012902-00013193 remembered ah I've forgotten that the cH8YaoKrlIE-00052-00013194-00013463 reason why he brought me here is to see cH8YaoKrlIE-00053-00013463-00013703 that his purposes are preserved and she cH8YaoKrlIE-00054-00013704-00013883 says set yourselves too fast forget cH8YaoKrlIE-00055-00013884-00014099 about whatever royalty we are going to cH8YaoKrlIE-00056-00014100-00014399 fast tell everyone to fast cH8YaoKrlIE-00057-00014400-00014693 and she went before the king if I perish cH8YaoKrlIE-00058-00014694-00014993 I perish and the King lifted the golden cH8YaoKrlIE-00059-00014994-00015413 Center cH8YaoKrlIE-00060-00015413-00015641 Esther what is wrong cH8YaoKrlIE-00061-00015641-00015971 and she said no problem King I just want cH8YaoKrlIE-00062-00015972-00016283 to put a fist to honor you and let you cH8YaoKrlIE-00063-00016284-00016627 be so well represented as Captain over cH8YaoKrlIE-00064-00016628-00016955 127 provinces the king said my God this cH8YaoKrlIE-00065-00016956-00017213 is I'm hearing something that I've been cH8YaoKrlIE-00066-00017214-00017405 looking for for a long time he said um cH8YaoKrlIE-00067-00017406-00017608 please can her man also come for that cH8YaoKrlIE-00068-00017609-00017843 party and the foolish man also joined cH8YaoKrlIE-00069-00017844-00018167 and went he went the first time the King cH8YaoKrlIE-00070-00018168-00018491 was so his glory was so flaunted listen cH8YaoKrlIE-00071-00018492-00018743 without her asking the king said can you cH8YaoKrlIE-00072-00018744-00018994 make this happen again and she did it cH8YaoKrlIE-00073-00018995-00019097 again cH8YaoKrlIE-00074-00019098-00019319 and when she had won his heart the Bible cH8YaoKrlIE-00075-00019320-00019697 says when it was now the Feast of wines cH8YaoKrlIE-00076-00019698-00019955 she now came cH8YaoKrlIE-00077-00019956-00020129 wine cH8YaoKrlIE-00078-00020130-00020483 I would not even talk about that cH8YaoKrlIE-00079-00020484-00020800 there's power in wine cH8YaoKrlIE-00080-00020801-00021011 and she came and met the King after he cH8YaoKrlIE-00081-00021012-00021071 was happy cH8YaoKrlIE-00082-00021072-00021208 [Music] cH8YaoKrlIE-00083-00021209-00021497 at the height of his excitement and she cH8YaoKrlIE-00084-00021498-00021749 says King you see that I've represented cH8YaoKrlIE-00085-00021750-00022000 you sincerely oh yes but I have a need cH8YaoKrlIE-00086-00022001-00022330 fine you have focused on meeting my need cH8YaoKrlIE-00087-00022331-00022553 I must be a faithful husband what is cH8YaoKrlIE-00088-00022554-00022889 your need there is a traitor somewhere cH8YaoKrlIE-00089-00022890-00023141 that person once would destroy my people cH8YaoKrlIE-00090-00023142-00023386 and destroy the agenda of God who is cH8YaoKrlIE-00091-00023387-00023675 that person and he said how man ah but cH8YaoKrlIE-00092-00023676-00023855 I'm close to her man cH8YaoKrlIE-00093-00023856-00024100 the Bible says he went into the garden a cH8YaoKrlIE-00094-00024101-00024364 wise King to think about it and her man cH8YaoKrlIE-00095-00024365-00024557 now went and knelt down close to her to cH8YaoKrlIE-00096-00024558-00024755 beg her when he came out and he said cH8YaoKrlIE-00097-00024756-00024947 what is happening I'm thinking of what cH8YaoKrlIE-00098-00024948-00025114 to do with you and you are now cH8YaoKrlIE-00099-00025115-00025552 complicating this go and hang him cH8YaoKrlIE-00100-00025553-00025722 [Music] cH8YaoKrlIE-00101-00025723-00026020 the same thing he plotted for he was cH8YaoKrlIE-00102-00026022-00026224 hung there as a testimony cH8YaoKrlIE-00103-00026225-00026411 [Music] cH8YaoKrlIE-00104-00026412-00026602 let me tell you you don't know how far cH8YaoKrlIE-00105-00026604-00026879 God can go when you have vowed that your cH8YaoKrlIE-00106-00026880-00027089 life will represent him there are cH8YaoKrlIE-00107-00027089-00027239 battles you will not know anything about cH8YaoKrlIE-00108-00027239-00027527 is when God God is done with them he cH8YaoKrlIE-00109-00027527-00027658 will come to you and say let me tell you cH8YaoKrlIE-00110-00027660-00027773 what would have happened to you last cH8YaoKrlIE-00111-00027774-00028024 year however I went before you because cH8YaoKrlIE-00112-00028025-00028217 your heart is determined to see me cH8YaoKrlIE-00113-00028218-00028433 lifted cH8YaoKrlIE-00114-00028433-00028720 Hallelujah hear me please cH8YaoKrlIE-00115-00028722-00028870 pastors cH8YaoKrlIE-00116-00028872-00029290 Apostles be shops prophets we need to cH8YaoKrlIE-00117-00029291-00029596 understand that when God begins to cH8YaoKrlIE-00118-00029597-00029855 produce results through our lives listen cH8YaoKrlIE-00119-00029856-00030131 carefully most of our results in this cH8YaoKrlIE-00120-00030132-00030401 kingdom are largely based on principles cH8YaoKrlIE-00121-00030402-00030718 not necessarily relationships so if your cH8YaoKrlIE-00122-00030719-00031012 results just happen like that except you cH8YaoKrlIE-00123-00031013-00031235 present that result in a way and a cH8YaoKrlIE-00124-00031236-00031481 manner that it spells Jesus listen cH8YaoKrlIE-00125-00031482-00031745 carefully it is possible that people can cH8YaoKrlIE-00126-00031745-00032068 clap and you end up becoming a celebrity cH8YaoKrlIE-00127-00032069-00032357 not an ambassador there is a difference cH8YaoKrlIE-00128-00032358-00032735 between a celebrity and an ambassador a cH8YaoKrlIE-00129-00032736-00032999 celebrity has influence an ambassador cH8YaoKrlIE-00130-00033000-00033155 has purpose cH8YaoKrlIE-00131-00033156-00033437 there is a big difference between a cH8YaoKrlIE-00132-00033438-00033743 celebrity and an ambassador a celebrity cH8YaoKrlIE-00133-00033744-00033881 let me repeat cH8YaoKrlIE-00134-00033882-00034096 has influence cH8YaoKrlIE-00135-00034097-00034385 by whatever value they provide but an cH8YaoKrlIE-00136-00034386-00034583 ambassador has purpose cH8YaoKrlIE-00137-00034584-00034829 that my influence is not just a waste cH8YaoKrlIE-00138-00034830-00035099 it's not just for the sake of it cH8YaoKrlIE-00139-00035100-00035381 it is for purpose God has not called us cH8YaoKrlIE-00140-00035382-00035621 to be celebrities he has called us to be cH8YaoKrlIE-00141-00035622-00035890 ambassadors if being a celebrity is part cH8YaoKrlIE-00142-00035891-00036107 of the pathway that leads you to cH8YaoKrlIE-00143-00036108-00036371 becoming an ambassador then he will make cH8YaoKrlIE-00144-00036372-00036509 it happen cH8YaoKrlIE-00145-00036510-00036743 this message is very powerful go and cH8YaoKrlIE-00146-00036744-00037012 listen to it again it explains why cH8YaoKrlIE-00147-00037013-00037259 certain people may not seem to be able cH8YaoKrlIE-00148-00037260-00037540 to secure God's commitment there is cH8YaoKrlIE-00149-00037541-00037780 something about their lives that is not cH8YaoKrlIE-00150-00037781-00037985 determined to see him glorified don't cH8YaoKrlIE-00151-00037986-00038135 forget what we are discussing tonight cH8YaoKrlIE-00152-00038136-00038575 and they glorified God in cLBzAZwGllE-00000-00000008-00000158 good morning and welcome back to our cLBzAZwGllE-00001-00000159-00000366 little piece of paradise smack dab in cLBzAZwGllE-00002-00000367-00000543 the middle of the canadian forest in cLBzAZwGllE-00003-00000544-00000790 2021 we brought you along every sunday cLBzAZwGllE-00004-00000791-00001023 as we built our dream off-grid home here cLBzAZwGllE-00005-00001024-00001223 and we're just getting started before we cLBzAZwGllE-00006-00001224-00001462 begin the interior of the dome from the cLBzAZwGllE-00007-00001463-00001630 kitchen the floors and all the other cLBzAZwGllE-00008-00001632-00001830 exciting projects we have planned we cLBzAZwGllE-00009-00001832-00002047 figured we'd take a look back on 2021 cLBzAZwGllE-00010-00002048-00002215 and how we got here to where we are cLBzAZwGllE-00011-00002216-00002431 today with no experience and most cLBzAZwGllE-00012-00002432-00002655 importantly why we chose to live alone cLBzAZwGllE-00013-00002656-00002807 in the woods in a dome in the first cLBzAZwGllE-00014-00002808-00002942 place but it's getting a little cold cLBzAZwGllE-00015-00002943-00003126 outside so let's head in and warm up by cLBzAZwGllE-00016-00003127-00003343 the fire let's go we're tyler and todd cLBzAZwGllE-00017-00003344-00003575 and in 2020 we parked our rv in the cLBzAZwGllE-00018-00003576-00003759 middle of the canadian forest to live cLBzAZwGllE-00019-00003760-00003919 out our dream of building an off-grid cLBzAZwGllE-00020-00003920-00004151 home for ourselves hundreds of projects cLBzAZwGllE-00021-00004152-00004351 and thousands of small steps later our cLBzAZwGllE-00022-00004352-00004535 journey to build a simple life has led cLBzAZwGllE-00023-00004536-00004727 us to where we are today hit that cLBzAZwGllE-00024-00004728-00004895 subscribe button and give this video a cLBzAZwGllE-00025-00004896-00005086 thumbs up which helps us get introduced cLBzAZwGllE-00026-00005087-00005359 to more like-minded people just like you cLBzAZwGllE-00027-00005360-00005453 come cLBzAZwGllE-00028-00005454-00005767 [Applause] cLBzAZwGllE-00029-00005768-00006021 i along really care cLBzAZwGllE-00030-00006022-00007527 [Music] cLBzAZwGllE-00031-00007528-00007895 not gonna lie it feels pretty surreal to cLBzAZwGllE-00032-00007895-00008134 finally be sitting here in our home with cLBzAZwGllE-00033-00008136-00008239 a roof cLBzAZwGllE-00034-00008240-00008455 over our heads it's um cLBzAZwGllE-00035-00008456-00008759 it's been a long last year cLBzAZwGllE-00036-00008760-00008991 it's hard to believe that exactly a year cLBzAZwGllE-00037-00008992-00009255 ago we were snowshoeing cLBzAZwGllE-00038-00009256-00009383 in this area cLBzAZwGllE-00039-00009384-00009519 and um cLBzAZwGllE-00040-00009520-00009710 now it's our home yeah we fell in love cLBzAZwGllE-00041-00009711-00009878 with it it was just a beautiful area and cLBzAZwGllE-00042-00009879-00010031 we knew we wanted to do something with cLBzAZwGllE-00043-00010032-00010303 it we had originally kind of set out cLBzAZwGllE-00044-00010304-00010527 from living in the rv with such low cLBzAZwGllE-00045-00010528-00010735 ceilings and a cramped space and having cLBzAZwGllE-00046-00010736-00010967 to shovel the roof every time it snowed cLBzAZwGllE-00047-00010968-00011167 and every hour feeling that little stove cLBzAZwGllE-00048-00011168-00011310 through the night we knew we wanted cLBzAZwGllE-00049-00011311-00011487 something with high ceilings so we were cLBzAZwGllE-00050-00011488-00011895 looking at a-frames and just all kinds cLBzAZwGllE-00051-00011896-00012006 of different structures until we cLBzAZwGllE-00052-00012007-00012214 eventually found geodesic domes and once cLBzAZwGllE-00053-00012215-00012438 we saw these we just couldn't get them cLBzAZwGllE-00054-00012439-00012623 out of our heads yeah as soon as we cLBzAZwGllE-00055-00012624-00012830 discovered them it was just like we were cLBzAZwGllE-00056-00012831-00012999 hooked like it we didn't need to see cLBzAZwGllE-00057-00013000-00013255 anything else and a big reason and cLBzAZwGllE-00058-00013256-00013551 motivator from that was the cost of cLBzAZwGllE-00059-00013552-00013735 building supplies like everything just cLBzAZwGllE-00060-00013736-00013903 went through the roof cLBzAZwGllE-00061-00013904-00014063 with kovit so cLBzAZwGllE-00062-00014063-00014247 we found this alternative living cLBzAZwGllE-00063-00014247-00014583 solution and we kind of went all in but cLBzAZwGllE-00064-00014584-00014863 we had a lot of problems cLBzAZwGllE-00065-00014863-00015111 um the three main ones were we didn't cLBzAZwGllE-00066-00015112-00015319 have a water supply we didn't have cLBzAZwGllE-00067-00015319-00015558 electricity and we had no ability to cLBzAZwGllE-00068-00015559-00015766 grow our own food three very important cLBzAZwGllE-00069-00015768-00015950 things when you're living off grid so cLBzAZwGllE-00070-00015951-00016143 before we could even do anything with cLBzAZwGllE-00071-00016144-00016439 the geodesic dome we had to at least cLBzAZwGllE-00072-00016440-00016599 solve some of those problems so the cLBzAZwGllE-00073-00016600-00016879 first one that we took on was the food cLBzAZwGllE-00074-00016880-00017143 luckily in 2020 we had built the raised cLBzAZwGllE-00075-00017144-00017399 garden beds which we used hugelkultur cLBzAZwGllE-00076-00017400-00017535 and they were performing well and cLBzAZwGllE-00077-00017536-00017711 producing a lot of food but it wasn't cLBzAZwGllE-00078-00017712-00017935 enough so we got to work in the spring cLBzAZwGllE-00079-00017936-00018214 of expanding the growing garden we had cLBzAZwGllE-00080-00018215-00018367 to build cLBzAZwGllE-00081-00018368-00018599 fencing all around and yeah to hopefully cLBzAZwGllE-00082-00018600-00018767 keep out the deer and the raccoon and cLBzAZwGllE-00083-00018768-00018927 all the critters but then we also made cLBzAZwGllE-00084-00018928-00019079 them so that we can grow our vining cLBzAZwGllE-00085-00019080-00019263 plants up them so we had our bees cLBzAZwGllE-00086-00019264-00019471 growing on it and it it just turned out cLBzAZwGllE-00087-00019472-00019599 really nice i feel like it really cLBzAZwGllE-00088-00019600-00019822 finished that space off what we decided cLBzAZwGllE-00089-00019823-00020030 to do was to plant the vegetables that cLBzAZwGllE-00090-00020031-00020247 were the most expensive to purchase cLBzAZwGllE-00091-00020248-00020486 where we are in nova scotia so we really cLBzAZwGllE-00092-00020487-00020663 tried to focus on cLBzAZwGllE-00093-00020664-00020950 peppers tomato we did a lot of cherry cLBzAZwGllE-00094-00020951-00021255 tomatoes we did spicy peppers yeah like cLBzAZwGllE-00095-00021256-00021511 habanero the yield was cLBzAZwGllE-00096-00021512-00021783 so massive and so we tried our hands at cLBzAZwGllE-00097-00021784-00021935 preserving the food for the first time cLBzAZwGllE-00098-00021936-00022119 which was fun we did a couple different cLBzAZwGllE-00099-00022120-00022327 variations of preserving onions we did cLBzAZwGllE-00100-00022328-00022630 some dill carrots um basically anything cLBzAZwGllE-00101-00022631-00022863 that you could preserve we attempted to cLBzAZwGllE-00102-00022864-00022935 do cLBzAZwGllE-00103-00022936-00023111 and we're really grateful that we did cLBzAZwGllE-00104-00023112-00023367 that because we're still benefiting from cLBzAZwGllE-00105-00023368-00023558 all of the gifts that the land gave us cLBzAZwGllE-00106-00023559-00023735 last summer and not except for the cLBzAZwGllE-00107-00023736-00023942 pickles the pickles are almost gone yeah cLBzAZwGllE-00108-00023943-00024247 we made some fire nice pickles oh they cLBzAZwGllE-00109-00024248-00024471 are so good the best pickles that i've cLBzAZwGllE-00110-00024472-00024686 ever had hands down having all this food cLBzAZwGllE-00111-00024687-00024927 was so amazing but we realized that we cLBzAZwGllE-00112-00024928-00025142 didn't really have a sustainable way of cLBzAZwGllE-00113-00025143-00025375 watering it prior to this we were going cLBzAZwGllE-00114-00025376-00025622 to a spring maybe 5-10 minutes down the cLBzAZwGllE-00115-00025623-00025790 road with our five-gallon jugs and cLBzAZwGllE-00116-00025791-00026031 filling those up every couple days which cLBzAZwGllE-00117-00026032-00026231 it just wasn't sustainable especially cLBzAZwGllE-00118-00026232-00026390 when we're trying to grow literally cLBzAZwGllE-00119-00026391-00026623 hundreds of pounds of food it just we cLBzAZwGllE-00120-00026624-00026799 would be going to the spring twice a day cLBzAZwGllE-00121-00026800-00027135 so we really needed to come up with a cLBzAZwGllE-00122-00027136-00027358 water solution that we wouldn't we would cLBzAZwGllE-00123-00027360-00027662 just never run out we drilled down 260 cLBzAZwGllE-00124-00027663-00027918 feet into the earth and luckily for us cLBzAZwGllE-00125-00027919-00028151 we did hit a very good source of water cLBzAZwGllE-00126-00028152-00028439 we're at 4.5 gallons per minute cLBzAZwGllE-00127-00028439-00028679 which is an infinite supply we will cLBzAZwGllE-00128-00028680-00028902 never run out because we would never use cLBzAZwGllE-00129-00028904-00029095 as much as what we're producing per cLBzAZwGllE-00130-00029095-00029287 minute once we actually had the well cLBzAZwGllE-00131-00029288-00029487 drilled we really needed to come up with cLBzAZwGllE-00132-00029488-00029670 a solution of okay it's great there's cLBzAZwGllE-00133-00029672-00029862 water 260 feet deep but how do we cLBzAZwGllE-00134-00029863-00030007 actually get it out cLBzAZwGllE-00135-00030008-00030231 so i did a lot of research and i figured cLBzAZwGllE-00136-00030232-00030574 out a way to modify a 12-volt pump in cLBzAZwGllE-00137-00030575-00030831 order to get the water out using just cLBzAZwGllE-00138-00030832-00031102 the power of the sun a lot of people cLBzAZwGllE-00139-00031103-00031399 said that it was impossible to do and we cLBzAZwGllE-00140-00031400-00031823 did it cLBzAZwGllE-00141-00031824-00032327 we got water cLBzAZwGllE-00142-00032327-00032487 we proved them all wrong we proved them cLBzAZwGllE-00143-00032488-00032614 wrong if you want us to do something cLBzAZwGllE-00144-00032616-00032758 tell us it's impossible because we'll cLBzAZwGllE-00145-00032760-00032959 prove you wrong the one tricky thing cLBzAZwGllE-00146-00032960-00033167 though about that was we didn't have cLBzAZwGllE-00147-00033168-00033431 enough energy to consistently have water cLBzAZwGllE-00148-00033432-00033599 whenever we needed it cLBzAZwGllE-00149-00033600-00033855 so what we had to do was build a water cLBzAZwGllE-00150-00033856-00034079 tower so on really sunny days we could cLBzAZwGllE-00151-00034080-00034351 pump all of the water out using the sun cLBzAZwGllE-00152-00034352-00034527 fill up the water tower cLBzAZwGllE-00153-00034528-00034927 it's working cLBzAZwGllE-00154-00034928-00035111 how do you feel cLBzAZwGllE-00155-00035112-00035390 i feel good and then anytime we needed cLBzAZwGllE-00156-00035391-00035559 water for watering our vegetables and cLBzAZwGllE-00157-00035560-00035767 all that kind of stuff we had a supply cLBzAZwGllE-00158-00035768-00035990 it's just a really basic principle it's cLBzAZwGllE-00159-00035991-00036183 the gravity from the weight of the water cLBzAZwGllE-00160-00036184-00036439 pushes it down through the hose and it cLBzAZwGllE-00161-00036440-00036623 actually gives a lot of pressure yeah cLBzAZwGllE-00162-00036624-00036855 and works really really well yeah we had cLBzAZwGllE-00163-00036856-00037079 no issues no pun intended no issues cLBzAZwGllE-00164-00037080-00037199 whatsoever cLBzAZwGllE-00165-00037200-00037446 but then we were like okay now we cLBzAZwGllE-00166-00037447-00037687 finally have a water supply so maybe we cLBzAZwGllE-00167-00037688-00037918 can retire the baby wipe showers we got cLBzAZwGllE-00168-00037919-00038111 no running water here and we're stuck on cLBzAZwGllE-00169-00038112-00038415 the land for 14 days so cLBzAZwGllE-00170-00038416-00038655 things are great and the rubbermaid toe cLBzAZwGllE-00171-00038656-00038871 in the living room i'm getting foaming cLBzAZwGllE-00172-00038872-00039118 hands up in my eyes yeah it was time to cLBzAZwGllE-00173-00039119-00039302 have a little bit of an upgrade so we cLBzAZwGllE-00174-00039303-00039527 built one of our favorite projects that cLBzAZwGllE-00175-00039528-00039695 we've done here on the land cLBzAZwGllE-00176-00039696-00039943 the most beautiful outdoor shower we cLBzAZwGllE-00177-00039944-00040159 could have ever dreamed of we just used cLBzAZwGllE-00178-00040160-00040318 some fence boards that we got from our cLBzAZwGllE-00179-00040319-00040551 local hardware store six feet long and cLBzAZwGllE-00180-00040552-00040790 we just put those up to create a wall so cLBzAZwGllE-00181-00040791-00040927 that from the main house you won't be cLBzAZwGllE-00182-00040928-00041062 able to see someone's bits and bobs cLBzAZwGllE-00183-00041063-00041207 while they're showering cLBzAZwGllE-00184-00041208-00041479 and then um we have an instant hot water cLBzAZwGllE-00185-00041480-00041702 heater that's designed to go outside and cLBzAZwGllE-00186-00041703-00042015 it works so so well yeah all we did was cLBzAZwGllE-00187-00042016-00042279 put a crusher dust base down along with cLBzAZwGllE-00188-00042280-00042479 riverstone on top we built a little bit cLBzAZwGllE-00189-00042480-00042758 of a platform and then suddenly we had a cLBzAZwGllE-00190-00042759-00042990 shower we realized pretty quickly that cLBzAZwGllE-00191-00042991-00043174 we were getting a lot of buildup and cLBzAZwGllE-00192-00043175-00043446 scale on the shower and we did some cLBzAZwGllE-00193-00043447-00043639 research and we realized that cLBzAZwGllE-00194-00043640-00043871 our infinite water supply actually cLBzAZwGllE-00195-00043872-00044199 required some treatment in order to use cLBzAZwGllE-00196-00044200-00044343 looking back we probably should have cLBzAZwGllE-00197-00044344-00044551 tested the water right away we were just cLBzAZwGllE-00198-00044552-00044823 too excited that set us off on the cLBzAZwGllE-00199-00044824-00045062 journey of figuring out a way to cLBzAZwGllE-00200-00045063-00045295 properly treat our water we had some cLBzAZwGllE-00201-00045296-00045518 companies come out and the quotes ranged cLBzAZwGllE-00202-00045519-00045727 from seven to eight thousand that was cLBzAZwGllE-00203-00045728-00045927 not an option for us so we had to come cLBzAZwGllE-00204-00045928-00046158 up with another solution and tyler did cLBzAZwGllE-00205-00046159-00046399 such a good job of figuring that out you cLBzAZwGllE-00206-00046400-00046630 spent a lot of time at university of cLBzAZwGllE-00207-00046631-00046879 youtube and figured out how to create a cLBzAZwGllE-00208-00046880-00047095 filter system and ever since then we've cLBzAZwGllE-00209-00047096-00047255 never had any build-up you've ever used cLBzAZwGllE-00210-00047256-00047446 we've been able to get good suds with cLBzAZwGllE-00211-00047447-00047774 ourselves it's nice yeah it um it was a cLBzAZwGllE-00212-00047775-00047983 lot of work to obviously figure all of cLBzAZwGllE-00213-00047984-00048399 that stuff out but i think once i cLBzAZwGllE-00214-00048400-00048615 had that experience i it built a lot of cLBzAZwGllE-00215-00048616-00048918 confidence that would be important later cLBzAZwGllE-00216-00048919-00049143 down the road of this land project like cLBzAZwGllE-00217-00049144-00049415 we've taken on a lot of things that cLBzAZwGllE-00218-00049416-00049574 previously i would have said we weren't cLBzAZwGllE-00219-00049575-00049823 capable of but i think it's important to cLBzAZwGllE-00220-00049824-00049927 realize cLBzAZwGllE-00221-00049928-00050190 anything that you think is impossible if cLBzAZwGllE-00222-00050191-00050367 you just give yourself a little bit of cLBzAZwGllE-00223-00050368-00050630 patience some time watch some youtube cLBzAZwGllE-00224-00050631-00050807 videos you can really figure out cLBzAZwGllE-00225-00050808-00050974 anything and cLBzAZwGllE-00226-00050975-00051238 i i really feel comfortable taking on cLBzAZwGllE-00227-00051239-00051438 any project now so on the flip side of cLBzAZwGllE-00228-00051439-00051646 having the well and drinking water we cLBzAZwGllE-00229-00051647-00051846 had to figure out a way to deal with our cLBzAZwGllE-00230-00051847-00052087 waste water so in nova scotia they don't cLBzAZwGllE-00231-00052088-00052287 recognize gray water that meant that we cLBzAZwGllE-00232-00052288-00052559 had to look at actual septic systems so cLBzAZwGllE-00233-00052560-00052775 we went with a really cool system that cLBzAZwGllE-00234-00052776-00052999 doesn't require any power it's all cLBzAZwGllE-00235-00053000-00053263 gravity fed and the way it works is our cLBzAZwGllE-00236-00053264-00053487 effluent from the house and buildings go cLBzAZwGllE-00237-00053488-00053735 into the tank where it's held once that cLBzAZwGllE-00238-00053736-00054023 fills it'll go overflowing into the cLBzAZwGllE-00239-00054024-00054215 filtering portion where it goes through cLBzAZwGllE-00240-00054216-00054430 hundreds of pounds of coconut fiber cLBzAZwGllE-00241-00054432-00054663 before it enters into our leaching field cLBzAZwGllE-00242-00054664-00054950 and re-enters the earth's water table as cLBzAZwGllE-00243-00054951-00055126 clean water before we get too far ahead cLBzAZwGllE-00244-00055127-00055263 of ourselves we're going to take a quick cLBzAZwGllE-00245-00055264-00055447 moment and thank the sponsor of today's cLBzAZwGllE-00246-00055448-00055630 video athletic greens if you've been cLBzAZwGllE-00247-00055632-00055815 fond along in 2021 you know that cLBzAZwGllE-00248-00055816-00055991 athletic greens has been with us every cLBzAZwGllE-00249-00055991-00056142 step of the way and that's because we cLBzAZwGllE-00250-00056144-00056350 truly love the product it's how we start cLBzAZwGllE-00251-00056351-00056623 every single day is having an ag because cLBzAZwGllE-00252-00056624-00056854 it's amazing it contains 75 vitamins cLBzAZwGllE-00253-00056855-00057054 minerals whole food sourced ingredients cLBzAZwGllE-00254-00057055-00057223 it's promoting gut health it's given you cLBzAZwGllE-00255-00057224-00057375 energy it's giving you all that good cLBzAZwGllE-00256-00057376-00057599 stuff that you need plus on top of that cLBzAZwGllE-00257-00057600-00057838 it's keto paleo and vegan friendly which cLBzAZwGllE-00258-00057839-00058054 is a huge win for us and if all that cLBzAZwGllE-00259-00058055-00058287 wasn't enough it actually tastes great cLBzAZwGllE-00260-00058288-00058415 if you've ever had a green or a cLBzAZwGllE-00261-00058416-00058607 multivitamin before they're normally cLBzAZwGllE-00262-00058608-00058903 really bitter and sort of chalky tasting cLBzAZwGllE-00263-00058904-00059175 not athletic greens it's so subtly sweet cLBzAZwGllE-00264-00059176-00059366 it's sort of like bubble gum is the cLBzAZwGllE-00265-00059367-00059599 closest flavor i could i guess explain cLBzAZwGllE-00266-00059600-00059854 it as it's just such an important staple cLBzAZwGllE-00267-00059855-00060030 in our day if you want to find out more cLBzAZwGllE-00268-00060032-00060191 about how athletic greens can fit into cLBzAZwGllE-00269-00060191-00060382 your health journey make sure you use cLBzAZwGllE-00270-00060383-00060550 the link in our description box down cLBzAZwGllE-00271-00060551-00060726 below using that link they're going to cLBzAZwGllE-00272-00060727-00060926 give you five free travel packs as well cLBzAZwGllE-00273-00060927-00061119 as a one year supply of the vitamin d cLBzAZwGllE-00274-00061120-00061359 drops but back to the video we are going cLBzAZwGllE-00275-00061360-00061591 to be chatting about electricity cLBzAZwGllE-00276-00061591-00061911 starting last year we had a generator cLBzAZwGllE-00277-00061912-00062103 and a small amount of solar and that's cLBzAZwGllE-00278-00062104-00062287 how we were getting by here at the land cLBzAZwGllE-00279-00062288-00062550 which quickly we learned wasn't enough cLBzAZwGllE-00280-00062551-00062847 so that kind of set us off on a journey cLBzAZwGllE-00281-00062848-00063094 of solar turns out the engineering and cLBzAZwGllE-00282-00063095-00063335 the permit requirements for building an cLBzAZwGllE-00283-00063336-00063535 off-grid solar array in nova scotia cLBzAZwGllE-00284-00063536-00063694 especially the size that we wanted to cLBzAZwGllE-00285-00063695-00063903 build was a lot more daunting than we cLBzAZwGllE-00286-00063904-00064159 could have ever imagined so we needed a cLBzAZwGllE-00287-00064160-00064430 quick fix for our energy supply so what cLBzAZwGllE-00288-00064432-00064630 we decided to do we had already burned cLBzAZwGllE-00289-00064632-00064847 through one generator oh yeah the cLBzAZwGllE-00290-00064848-00065254 generator saga cLBzAZwGllE-00291-00065255-00065447 we tried to repair it turns out we're cLBzAZwGllE-00292-00065448-00065663 better at like building things than cLBzAZwGllE-00293-00065664-00065847 fixing generators cLBzAZwGllE-00294-00065848-00066175 todd cLBzAZwGllE-00295-00066176-00066255 no cLBzAZwGllE-00296-00066256-00066447 you're finishing yourself so what we cLBzAZwGllE-00297-00066448-00066687 decided to do was invest in a thousand cLBzAZwGllE-00298-00066688-00066967 watts of solar on the roof of the rv cLBzAZwGllE-00299-00066968-00067223 which was such a game changer it was a cLBzAZwGllE-00300-00067224-00067431 really great temporary fix and allowed cLBzAZwGllE-00301-00067432-00067599 us some breathing room to continue with cLBzAZwGllE-00302-00067600-00067855 the engineering leveling the whole solar cLBzAZwGllE-00303-00067856-00068150 field area putting in the helical piles cLBzAZwGllE-00304-00068151-00068375 and the best part about it was we know cLBzAZwGllE-00305-00068376-00068550 that travel is always going to be a part cLBzAZwGllE-00306-00068551-00068694 of our life and when we hit the road cLBzAZwGllE-00307-00068695-00068967 again and we you know go camping cLBzAZwGllE-00308-00068968-00069126 off-grid somewhere we're gonna have all cLBzAZwGllE-00309-00069127-00069343 the power requirements that we need so cLBzAZwGllE-00310-00069344-00069663 it really was a sort of a win-win and cLBzAZwGllE-00311-00069664-00069903 the main solar project continues to this cLBzAZwGllE-00312-00069904-00070094 day we actually just finished doing work cLBzAZwGllE-00313-00070095-00070279 on that so we're really excited to cLBzAZwGllE-00314-00070280-00070455 update you in a few weeks on what's cLBzAZwGllE-00315-00070456-00070606 happening with that so by the time we cLBzAZwGllE-00316-00070607-00070799 finally had our electricity and our cLBzAZwGllE-00317-00070800-00071094 water sorted it was mid-summer and we'd cLBzAZwGllE-00318-00071095-00071279 realized that we hadn't really done cLBzAZwGllE-00319-00071280-00071511 anything for basically a year except cLBzAZwGllE-00320-00071512-00071791 work so we decided to explore our own cLBzAZwGllE-00321-00071792-00072031 backyard and really take some down time cLBzAZwGllE-00322-00072032-00072375 we did a lot of kayaking and hiking it cLBzAZwGllE-00323-00072376-00072567 was really nice but then it was back to cLBzAZwGllE-00324-00072568-00072782 work because we wanted a space that we cLBzAZwGllE-00325-00072783-00073087 could relax that sort of set off the cLBzAZwGllE-00326-00073088-00073294 seating area by the pond as well as the cLBzAZwGllE-00327-00073295-00073503 courtyard because actually i just want cLBzAZwGllE-00328-00073504-00073791 to preface this by saying todd sold this cLBzAZwGllE-00329-00073792-00074071 project to me as it would be about a day cLBzAZwGllE-00330-00074072-00074279 to do i also sold the land to you that cLBzAZwGllE-00331-00074280-00074543 it would only be a year yeah that's true cLBzAZwGllE-00332-00074544-00074782 the most difficult part of that project cLBzAZwGllE-00333-00074783-00075071 by far was that stupid rock in the cLBzAZwGllE-00334-00075072-00075335 middle of the courtyard it was days of cLBzAZwGllE-00335-00075336-00075623 just hammering and hammering that as cLBzAZwGllE-00336-00075624-00075855 soon as we saw that area start to take cLBzAZwGllE-00337-00075856-00076271 shape once we put garden beds in and it cLBzAZwGllE-00338-00076272-00076550 hundreds of loads of rock by hand i cLBzAZwGllE-00339-00076551-00076838 should say yeah that was a lot of work cLBzAZwGllE-00340-00076839-00077055 so once all of that took place though it cLBzAZwGllE-00341-00077056-00077287 was very clear that this would be the cLBzAZwGllE-00342-00077288-00077615 perfect outdoor movie theater and cLBzAZwGllE-00343-00077616-00077903 it's epic it's epic like every summer cLBzAZwGllE-00344-00077904-00078079 night was spent out there with just cLBzAZwGllE-00345-00078080-00078271 having barbecues and friends and family cLBzAZwGllE-00346-00078272-00078519 over it was one of the best projects cLBzAZwGllE-00347-00078520-00078687 we've done here as much fun as it was cLBzAZwGllE-00348-00078688-00078903 relaxing for a few weeks in the summer cLBzAZwGllE-00349-00078904-00079143 it became very obvious that we needed to cLBzAZwGllE-00350-00079144-00079319 get our butts back in gear because cLBzAZwGllE-00351-00079320-00079479 winter was going to be here before we cLBzAZwGllE-00352-00079480-00079694 knew it we didn't have a dome we didn't cLBzAZwGllE-00353-00079695-00079887 have a foundation we didn't have a road cLBzAZwGllE-00354-00079888-00080111 to get to the dome we literally had cLBzAZwGllE-00355-00080112-00080247 nothing done cLBzAZwGllE-00356-00080248-00080519 so we decided to rent a skid steer and cLBzAZwGllE-00357-00080520-00080726 an excavator and learn how to operate cLBzAZwGllE-00358-00080727-00080999 both of them to build a road and that cLBzAZwGllE-00359-00081000-00081103 was cLBzAZwGllE-00360-00081104-00081343 beyond empowering it was cLBzAZwGllE-00361-00081344-00081623 when i look back i think that moment oh cLBzAZwGllE-00362-00081624-00081767 as well as a tractor i totally forgot cLBzAZwGllE-00363-00081768-00081862 about that cLBzAZwGllE-00364-00081863-00082182 it just pushing pushing ourselves to do cLBzAZwGllE-00365-00082183-00082335 things that we never thought we were cLBzAZwGllE-00366-00082336-00082462 capable of cLBzAZwGllE-00367-00082463-00082671 was um cLBzAZwGllE-00368-00082672-00082847 it built a lot of like personal cLBzAZwGllE-00369-00082848-00083182 self-confidence in in my own life plus cLBzAZwGllE-00370-00083183-00083382 it was a lot of fun using those toys cLBzAZwGllE-00371-00083383-00083671 like cLBzAZwGllE-00372-00083672-00083911 the equipment but it was really really cLBzAZwGllE-00373-00083912-00084150 good and yeah i think it really cLBzAZwGllE-00374-00084151-00084375 pushed us over the edge that that was a cLBzAZwGllE-00375-00084376-00084511 turning point for us that we realized we cLBzAZwGllE-00376-00084512-00084735 can actually do this yeah and before we cLBzAZwGllE-00377-00084736-00085023 knew it we suddenly had a road built we cLBzAZwGllE-00378-00085024-00085279 had an area for where the dome was gonna cLBzAZwGllE-00379-00085280-00085375 go cLBzAZwGllE-00380-00085376-00085679 and then we realized okay so we need to cLBzAZwGllE-00381-00085680-00085871 get engineering involved to make sure cLBzAZwGllE-00382-00085872-00086031 we're building this correctly the cLBzAZwGllE-00383-00086032-00086199 foundation everything that goes along cLBzAZwGllE-00384-00086200-00086431 with that so while we waited for all of cLBzAZwGllE-00385-00086432-00086615 the engineering to be finalized for the cLBzAZwGllE-00386-00086616-00086871 dome we got to work cutting and cLBzAZwGllE-00387-00086872-00087135 splitting firewood and then we built a cLBzAZwGllE-00388-00087136-00087406 10 by 20 wood seasoning shed to go right cLBzAZwGllE-00389-00087407-00087543 next to where we were gonna build the cLBzAZwGllE-00390-00087544-00087782 dome because we needed to have a wood cLBzAZwGllE-00391-00087783-00088015 supply and it turns out wood needs to cLBzAZwGllE-00392-00088016-00088206 season who knew cLBzAZwGllE-00393-00088207-00088423 so that was a lot of work but i'm glad cLBzAZwGllE-00394-00088424-00088647 we did it because it is like it's nice cLBzAZwGllE-00395-00088648-00088815 having our heat here especially where we cLBzAZwGllE-00396-00088816-00089055 don't have a full electric connected to cLBzAZwGllE-00397-00089056-00089215 the dome yet we wouldn't we wouldn't be cLBzAZwGllE-00398-00089216-00089375 able to stay in here without doing that cLBzAZwGllE-00399-00089376-00089591 it wouldn't have been possible but let cLBzAZwGllE-00400-00089592-00089711 me tell you cLBzAZwGllE-00401-00089712-00089967 lifting eight cord of wood and stacking cLBzAZwGllE-00402-00089968-00090350 it is it's truly back breaking it's an cLBzAZwGllE-00403-00090351-00090526 incredible amount of physical work and cLBzAZwGllE-00404-00090527-00090782 we're glad that that is behind us yeah cLBzAZwGllE-00405-00090783-00090967 but while this was all going on the cLBzAZwGllE-00406-00090968-00091143 engineering was taking longer than we cLBzAZwGllE-00407-00091144-00091287 thought plus there was a bit of a cLBzAZwGllE-00408-00091288-00091487 shipping delay with getting the actual cLBzAZwGllE-00409-00091488-00091743 dome here from over in bc cLBzAZwGllE-00410-00091744-00091975 so we got to work on the gazebo project cLBzAZwGllE-00411-00091976-00092175 down at the dome so we built a multi-use cLBzAZwGllE-00412-00092176-00092367 space outside that could be used as a cLBzAZwGllE-00413-00092368-00092575 living room we can use it as an outdoor cLBzAZwGllE-00414-00092576-00092726 kitchen it's a great place to have cLBzAZwGllE-00415-00092727-00092959 people over we laid a beautiful cLBzAZwGllE-00416-00092960-00093191 composite deck floor underneath crusher cLBzAZwGllE-00417-00093192-00093518 dust and the space just came together cLBzAZwGllE-00418-00093519-00093791 unbelievably well like and we we still cLBzAZwGllE-00419-00093792-00093967 use it like in the evenings we'll go out cLBzAZwGllE-00420-00093968-00094262 and we'll sit by the fire it's just cLBzAZwGllE-00421-00094263-00094455 it's magical it's magic i keep saying cLBzAZwGllE-00422-00094456-00094687 everything's my favorite project i know cLBzAZwGllE-00423-00094688-00094903 it's really hard like truly to pick like cLBzAZwGllE-00424-00094904-00095071 a favorite project because everything cLBzAZwGllE-00425-00095072-00095215 that we've done cLBzAZwGllE-00426-00095216-00095511 has been so methodical and cLBzAZwGllE-00427-00095512-00095711 we've done it exactly the way that we've cLBzAZwGllE-00428-00095712-00095911 always dreamt that it would be and it cLBzAZwGllE-00429-00095912-00096118 somehow turned out better so cLBzAZwGllE-00430-00096119-00096262 like looking back at all of these cLBzAZwGllE-00431-00096263-00096550 memories it's just yeah this the land cLBzAZwGllE-00432-00096551-00096935 project it's truly a dream the way i cLBzAZwGllE-00433-00096936-00097191 view everything that we're doing here is cLBzAZwGllE-00434-00097192-00097423 kind of like an expression of art cLBzAZwGllE-00435-00097424-00097606 it's like our souls and our journeys cLBzAZwGllE-00436-00097607-00097806 because you can see the different areas cLBzAZwGllE-00437-00097807-00097935 that we've developed and i can still cLBzAZwGllE-00438-00097936-00098150 remember how we were feeling and what we cLBzAZwGllE-00439-00098151-00098311 were working through to make that work cLBzAZwGllE-00440-00098312-00098615 it's just it's a really cool place to cLBzAZwGllE-00441-00098616-00098806 stay as ours once the gazebo was done cLBzAZwGllE-00442-00098807-00098974 the timing actually worked out perfect cLBzAZwGllE-00443-00098975-00099126 because we were ready to install the cLBzAZwGllE-00444-00099127-00099326 foundation so for the foundation of the cLBzAZwGllE-00445-00099327-00099567 dome we've gone with 16 helical cLBzAZwGllE-00446-00099568-00099774 they just screw into the ground and then cLBzAZwGllE-00447-00099775-00099967 if we for whatever reason wanted to cLBzAZwGllE-00448-00099968-00100174 remove this structure we can just cLBzAZwGllE-00449-00100175-00100343 unscrew them back out of the ground so cLBzAZwGllE-00450-00100344-00100494 you're not disturbing the soil like if cLBzAZwGllE-00451-00100495-00100774 we were to do sauna tubes and we learned cLBzAZwGllE-00452-00100775-00100943 our lesson with sauna tubes that was cLBzAZwGllE-00453-00100944-00101206 another reason why concrete was just out cLBzAZwGllE-00454-00101207-00101535 of the picture sonotube coming in cLBzAZwGllE-00455-00101536-00101687 let go of the tube you're gonna knock it cLBzAZwGllE-00456-00101688-00101991 over cLBzAZwGllE-00457-00101992-00102174 okay cLBzAZwGllE-00458-00102175-00102406 what the hell is this channel the front cLBzAZwGllE-00459-00102407-00102734 gate that we built in 2020 was so cLBzAZwGllE-00460-00102735-00102966 physically demanding that we decided cLBzAZwGllE-00461-00102967-00103110 we're never going to do that i don't cLBzAZwGllE-00462-00103111-00103334 ever want to see a bag of concrete again cLBzAZwGllE-00463-00103335-00103582 never never not interested the other cLBzAZwGllE-00464-00103583-00103775 reason that we went with helical piles cLBzAZwGllE-00465-00103776-00104039 over the sonotubes was because each pile cLBzAZwGllE-00466-00104040-00104302 is engineered specifically for a weight cLBzAZwGllE-00467-00104303-00104430 load so cLBzAZwGllE-00468-00104431-00104686 building this structure on top of a cLBzAZwGllE-00469-00104688-00104927 foundation we didn't want to ever roll cLBzAZwGllE-00470-00104928-00105134 down the hill the dome is perched up cLBzAZwGllE-00471-00105135-00105454 like 30 feet in the air so it just it cLBzAZwGllE-00472-00105455-00105799 had to be exact so once we had the sauna cLBzAZwGllE-00473-00105800-00105966 tubes in the ground cLBzAZwGllE-00474-00105967-00106175 we realized we cLBzAZwGllE-00475-00106176-00106478 majorly effed up this was the biggest cLBzAZwGllE-00476-00106479-00106686 mistake hands down that we made on the cLBzAZwGllE-00477-00106688-00106807 land cLBzAZwGllE-00478-00106808-00107071 we were a bit naive and thought you know cLBzAZwGllE-00479-00107072-00107295 having running water and electricity at cLBzAZwGllE-00480-00107296-00107478 the dome is not that big of a deal we cLBzAZwGllE-00481-00107479-00107727 were going to install a holding tank cLBzAZwGllE-00482-00107728-00107943 like you have in an rv underneath the cLBzAZwGllE-00483-00107944-00108127 deck and run a garden hose down and fill cLBzAZwGllE-00484-00108128-00108390 it when we needed it and tyler had a cLBzAZwGllE-00485-00108391-00108615 tree over there that he was gonna cLBzAZwGllE-00486-00108616-00108831 like throughout the day go out and have cLBzAZwGllE-00487-00108832-00109095 a pulley system to raise and lower these cLBzAZwGllE-00488-00109096-00109319 solar panels that he could catch the sun cLBzAZwGllE-00489-00109320-00109551 at different times of day yeah i was cLBzAZwGllE-00490-00109552-00109823 definitely naive and penny pinching a cLBzAZwGllE-00491-00109824-00110023 little bit i just i didn't want to spend cLBzAZwGllE-00492-00110024-00110166 more money than we needed to but it cLBzAZwGllE-00493-00110167-00110454 became very obvious that that entire cLBzAZwGllE-00494-00110455-00110631 driveway that we just finished building cLBzAZwGllE-00495-00110632-00110951 for the dome had to rip up so in the cLBzAZwGllE-00496-00110952-00111190 excavator we went and we dug up and cLBzAZwGllE-00497-00111191-00111502 trenched that whole area four feet deep cLBzAZwGllE-00498-00111503-00111758 and let me tell you that was cLBzAZwGllE-00499-00111759-00111951 that that was the most physical cLBzAZwGllE-00500-00111952-00112151 demanding project that we've done on the cLBzAZwGllE-00501-00112152-00112239 land we cLBzAZwGllE-00502-00112240-00112415 literally started work at seven in the cLBzAZwGllE-00503-00112416-00112647 morning we didn't finish until 10 30 at cLBzAZwGllE-00504-00112648-00112799 night we went to bed and they were cLBzAZwGllE-00505-00112800-00112966 showing up the next day to start on the cLBzAZwGllE-00506-00112967-00113215 deck that was the day i wanted to cry cLBzAZwGllE-00507-00113216-00113478 my hair on fire and run away cLBzAZwGllE-00508-00113479-00113695 i am so i really think i blocked that cLBzAZwGllE-00509-00113696-00114047 day out that was um that was incredibly cLBzAZwGllE-00510-00114048-00114166 hard work cLBzAZwGllE-00511-00114167-00114510 but we got it done we connected the dome cLBzAZwGllE-00512-00114511-00114686 all the way to the power station it cLBzAZwGllE-00513-00114688-00114854 became very obvious we may as well just cLBzAZwGllE-00514-00114855-00115102 finish the conduit to run everywhere so cLBzAZwGllE-00515-00115103-00115278 everything gets tied into this one cLBzAZwGllE-00516-00115279-00115478 central spot on the land and then gets cLBzAZwGllE-00517-00115479-00115678 distributed to wherever we need water cLBzAZwGllE-00518-00115679-00115927 and electricity however in order to cLBzAZwGllE-00519-00115928-00116095 prevent the water from freezing in the cLBzAZwGllE-00520-00116096-00116319 winter we decided that doing closed cell cLBzAZwGllE-00521-00116320-00116543 spray foam insulation all along the cLBzAZwGllE-00522-00116544-00116727 walls made the most sense when you're cLBzAZwGllE-00523-00116728-00116966 living off grid or you're living cLBzAZwGllE-00524-00116967-00117190 alternatively whether it's in a van or cLBzAZwGllE-00525-00117191-00117439 on a sailboat things are different and cLBzAZwGllE-00526-00117440-00117686 there are no how-to guides you really cLBzAZwGllE-00527-00117688-00117983 have to figure it out as you go which is cLBzAZwGllE-00528-00117983-00118254 stressful and nerve-wracking but also cLBzAZwGllE-00529-00118255-00118558 incredibly empowering and yeah we cLBzAZwGllE-00530-00118559-00118695 learned a lot and we made a lot of cLBzAZwGllE-00531-00118696-00118999 mistakes doing the trench but look where cLBzAZwGllE-00532-00119000-00119286 we are now yeah we we figured it out cLBzAZwGllE-00533-00119288-00119519 exactly but from there it was time to cLBzAZwGllE-00534-00119520-00119678 start building the deck that the dome cLBzAZwGllE-00535-00119679-00119951 was actually going to sit on which was cLBzAZwGllE-00536-00119952-00120134 also a huge skill for us we had never cLBzAZwGllE-00537-00120135-00120383 built a deck before in our lives had no cLBzAZwGllE-00538-00120383-00120686 idea where to start let alone a 30-foot cLBzAZwGllE-00539-00120688-00120919 octagon in the middle of the woods cLBzAZwGllE-00540-00120920-00121134 we made the decision to hire a couple cLBzAZwGllE-00541-00121135-00121439 local guys to teach us how to attach the cLBzAZwGllE-00542-00121440-00121686 deck to the foundation and once we had cLBzAZwGllE-00543-00121688-00121951 it done it only took a morning to build cLBzAZwGllE-00544-00121952-00122183 this gold perimeter and then from there cLBzAZwGllE-00545-00122183-00122375 todd and i finished up the deck we laid cLBzAZwGllE-00546-00122376-00122671 all of the deck boards that was a really cLBzAZwGllE-00547-00122672-00122966 um big moment because once we had the cLBzAZwGllE-00548-00122967-00123166 foundation as well as the deck attached cLBzAZwGllE-00549-00123167-00123439 to it we could see the vision and that cLBzAZwGllE-00550-00123440-00123607 just changed everything it really cLBzAZwGllE-00551-00123608-00123814 motivated us and got us moving on to cLBzAZwGllE-00552-00123815-00124054 getting the dome structure like going cLBzAZwGllE-00553-00124055-00124158 which cLBzAZwGllE-00554-00124159-00124463 was a huge feat that was something that cLBzAZwGllE-00555-00124464-00124719 again i underestimated how big of a cLBzAZwGllE-00556-00124720-00124910 project it was to build a structure this cLBzAZwGllE-00557-00124911-00125095 size so just to give perspective we're cLBzAZwGllE-00558-00125096-00125390 in a 26 foot dome with 14 foot ceilings cLBzAZwGllE-00559-00125391-00125647 it is a massive building massive the cLBzAZwGllE-00560-00125648-00125902 first few rows of the perimeter it cLBzAZwGllE-00561-00125903-00126127 really was not difficult but once we got cLBzAZwGllE-00562-00126128-00126431 up high we realized okay the 10 foot cLBzAZwGllE-00563-00126432-00126614 ladder we bought is not going to work so cLBzAZwGllE-00564-00126615-00126814 we had to get scaffolding learn how to cLBzAZwGllE-00565-00126815-00127023 put that together and then we realized cLBzAZwGllE-00566-00127024-00127399 that we don't like heights oh yeah cLBzAZwGllE-00567-00127400-00127519 no but cLBzAZwGllE-00568-00127520-00127710 we got the structure together then we cLBzAZwGllE-00569-00127711-00127895 got to the liners so for the interior cLBzAZwGllE-00570-00127896-00128071 liner it's the first one that goes on so cLBzAZwGllE-00571-00128072-00128358 it ties onto the frames so it's kind of cLBzAZwGllE-00572-00128359-00128623 hanging on the inside so we got up on cLBzAZwGllE-00573-00128624-00128863 that scaffolding and we just held onto cLBzAZwGllE-00574-00128864-00129102 the bars and hoped that it worked out cLBzAZwGllE-00575-00129103-00129383 and guess what it did it went up pretty cLBzAZwGllE-00576-00129383-00129702 easy and then we were like okay the pvc cLBzAZwGllE-00577-00129703-00129934 exterior liner that'll be nothing yeah cLBzAZwGllE-00578-00129935-00130095 they said use four people were like cLBzAZwGllE-00579-00130096-00130271 we've gotten by with two this far we cLBzAZwGllE-00580-00130272-00130502 don't need those extra hands so cLBzAZwGllE-00581-00130503-00130863 that was difficult so the liner is i cLBzAZwGllE-00582-00130864-00131078 think it's a little over 300 pounds is cLBzAZwGllE-00583-00131079-00131375 the pvc liner and it took forever it cLBzAZwGllE-00584-00131376-00131559 took us a whole day and we could only cLBzAZwGllE-00585-00131560-00131783 get it just halfway over we kept cLBzAZwGllE-00586-00131784-00131983 thinking that if we could just get over cLBzAZwGllE-00587-00131984-00132278 the top of the dome gravity would pull cLBzAZwGllE-00588-00132279-00132431 the rest of it down well it's not that cLBzAZwGllE-00589-00132432-00132559 way because gravity's working on the cLBzAZwGllE-00590-00132560-00132751 other side with the 280 pounds of cLBzAZwGllE-00591-00132752-00132927 material that's sitting there cLBzAZwGllE-00592-00132928-00133166 gravity's tricky that way yeah building cLBzAZwGllE-00593-00133167-00133414 this dome was so much more difficult cLBzAZwGllE-00594-00133415-00133607 because of the location we chose we cLBzAZwGllE-00595-00133608-00133863 always do that to ourselves and i'm very cLBzAZwGllE-00596-00133864-00134054 very glad that we did it but building it cLBzAZwGllE-00597-00134055-00134287 on the side of a hill is a lot more cLBzAZwGllE-00598-00134288-00134487 consideration than building it in the cLBzAZwGllE-00599-00134488-00134654 middle of the field like it would have cLBzAZwGllE-00600-00134655-00134775 it would have been easier we could have cLBzAZwGllE-00601-00134776-00135007 used equipment to help us lift it over cLBzAZwGllE-00602-00135008-00135199 luckily for us todd's dad had the day cLBzAZwGllE-00603-00135200-00135447 off work so he was able to come through cLBzAZwGllE-00604-00135448-00135766 and help us so huge shout out again huge cLBzAZwGllE-00605-00135767-00136054 obviously finding people to help living cLBzAZwGllE-00606-00136055-00136239 as remotely as we do and in the middle cLBzAZwGllE-00607-00136240-00136471 of covid is is just very difficult cLBzAZwGllE-00608-00136472-00136711 todd's parents live five minutes away so cLBzAZwGllE-00609-00136712-00136854 yeah it was a huge help did i get a cLBzAZwGllE-00610-00136855-00136951 camel cLBzAZwGllE-00611-00136952-00137095 i told you so cLBzAZwGllE-00612-00137096-00137239 [Laughter] cLBzAZwGllE-00613-00137240-00137366 nothing i love more than my cLBzAZwGllE-00614-00137367-00137510 father-in-law proving me wrong cLBzAZwGllE-00615-00137511-00137839 [Laughter] cLBzAZwGllE-00616-00137840-00138063 so once we had the dome cover on it was cLBzAZwGllE-00617-00138064-00138287 pretty smooth sailing after that we made cLBzAZwGllE-00618-00138288-00138551 sure that we fastened everything to cLBzAZwGllE-00619-00138552-00138790 the foundation so we had to use these cLBzAZwGllE-00620-00138791-00139023 jable clips that we had to modify we cLBzAZwGllE-00621-00139024-00139199 just sawed them off once the dome was cLBzAZwGllE-00622-00139200-00139366 covered and it was weather tight it was cLBzAZwGllE-00623-00139367-00139566 time to figure out some insulation for cLBzAZwGllE-00624-00139567-00139807 underneath the deck we ended up going cLBzAZwGllE-00625-00139808-00140063 with spray foam which worked out to be cLBzAZwGllE-00626-00140064-00140343 the best decision for us for a number of cLBzAZwGllE-00627-00140344-00140663 reasons one it gives us a really high r cLBzAZwGllE-00628-00140664-00140863 value because there's five inches of cLBzAZwGllE-00629-00140864-00141095 spray foam underneath us it also acts as cLBzAZwGllE-00630-00141096-00141287 our vapor barrier so we're no longer cLBzAZwGllE-00631-00141288-00141471 going to be at risk of getting that cLBzAZwGllE-00632-00141472-00141735 water coming up through from the ground cLBzAZwGllE-00633-00141736-00141959 and third it's animal and rodent cLBzAZwGllE-00634-00141960-00142183 retardant once we had our insulation cLBzAZwGllE-00635-00142184-00142383 done we were able to finally install our cLBzAZwGllE-00636-00142384-00142631 wood stove which was actually maybe one cLBzAZwGllE-00637-00142632-00142823 of the most emotional days cLBzAZwGllE-00638-00142824-00143071 of this whole project and that's because cLBzAZwGllE-00639-00143072-00143311 we were finally in a place that we had a cLBzAZwGllE-00640-00143312-00143543 roof over our head we were going to be cLBzAZwGllE-00641-00143544-00143887 warm and it was just really cLBzAZwGllE-00642-00143888-00144143 grounding to see a dream that so many cLBzAZwGllE-00643-00144144-00144319 people not only online but in our cLBzAZwGllE-00644-00144320-00144487 personal life kept telling us that we cLBzAZwGllE-00645-00144488-00144799 were crazy or never going to be able to cLBzAZwGllE-00646-00144800-00145071 see our dream through to fruition and to cLBzAZwGllE-00647-00145072-00145278 finally be inside of it and get some cLBzAZwGllE-00648-00145279-00145447 heat going it cLBzAZwGllE-00649-00145448-00145743 yeah it was just the culmination of cLBzAZwGllE-00650-00145744-00146031 literally a year's dream and so much cLBzAZwGllE-00651-00146032-00146302 hard work and it was also the holidays cLBzAZwGllE-00652-00146303-00146495 so we were able to put up our christmas cLBzAZwGllE-00653-00146496-00146863 tree and just appreciate and live in the cLBzAZwGllE-00654-00146864-00147102 beauty that we've worked so hard for cLBzAZwGllE-00655-00147103-00147375 it was it was really emotional and we cLBzAZwGllE-00656-00147376-00147647 got to spend some time off and just like cLBzAZwGllE-00657-00147648-00147926 enjoy our new home but obviously if you cLBzAZwGllE-00658-00147927-00148071 can see behind us cLBzAZwGllE-00659-00148072-00148287 we didn't have too much of a break we cLBzAZwGllE-00660-00148288-00148511 wanted to continue making progress on cLBzAZwGllE-00661-00148512-00148847 the dome and we've we've accomplished a cLBzAZwGllE-00662-00148848-00149166 lot we've been busy very busy and we're cLBzAZwGllE-00663-00149167-00149471 really looking forward to 2022 we're cLBzAZwGllE-00664-00149472-00149839 feeling so rested and reinvigorated and cLBzAZwGllE-00665-00149840-00150023 we just can't wait to continue on the cLBzAZwGllE-00666-00150024-00150311 land i said this earlier but we are only cLBzAZwGllE-00667-00150312-00150519 just getting started everything that we cLBzAZwGllE-00668-00150520-00150735 have planned and everything to come is cLBzAZwGllE-00669-00150736-00150951 just it's exciting it's exciting i think cLBzAZwGllE-00670-00150952-00151087 the dome cLBzAZwGllE-00671-00151088-00151295 is kind of like a catalyst for the rest cLBzAZwGllE-00672-00151296-00151551 of the project because like this is done cLBzAZwGllE-00673-00151552-00151719 what else can we accomplish like that's cLBzAZwGllE-00674-00151720-00151935 how i'm kind of waking up each day and i cLBzAZwGllE-00675-00151936-00152207 just love it i really like truly believe cLBzAZwGllE-00676-00152208-00152383 that we can do anything cLBzAZwGllE-00677-00152384-00152647 and so can you like if i'm telling you cLBzAZwGllE-00678-00152648-00152902 right now if the two of us could figure cLBzAZwGllE-00679-00152903-00153102 out how to do all of this like we're a cLBzAZwGllE-00680-00153103-00153407 mess on the best of days cLBzAZwGllE-00681-00153408-00153599 so the next time you're having a little cLBzAZwGllE-00682-00153600-00153943 bit of self-doubt do us a favor and pick cLBzAZwGllE-00683-00153944-00154119 yourself up watch some youtube videos of cLBzAZwGllE-00684-00154120-00154319 how to do something and cLBzAZwGllE-00685-00154320-00154559 get a new skill you can do it yeah cLBzAZwGllE-00686-00154560-00154631 but cLBzAZwGllE-00687-00154632-00154783 we're gonna end it here because we've cLBzAZwGllE-00688-00154784-00155023 got more work to do and we're so excited cLBzAZwGllE-00689-00155024-00155239 to keep bringing you along every sunday cLBzAZwGllE-00690-00155240-00155414 as we continue with our dream here at cLBzAZwGllE-00691-00155415-00155784 the land see you next sunday cMC0YlrtTCg-00000-00001040-00001303 my name is anjali pupuno and i'm from cMC0YlrtTCg-00001-00001304-00001558 the seychelles first and foremost an cMC0YlrtTCg-00002-00001559-00001734 islander cMC0YlrtTCg-00003-00001735-00001918 and the ceo of the seychelles cMC0YlrtTCg-00004-00001919-00002134 conservation and climate adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00005-00002135-00002223 trust cMC0YlrtTCg-00006-00002224-00002455 so my day-to-day job really involves cMC0YlrtTCg-00007-00002456-00002671 financing projects in the seychelles for cMC0YlrtTCg-00008-00002672-00002879 adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00009-00002880-00003126 so coming from an island that is cMC0YlrtTCg-00010-00003127-00003390 urgently in need of adaptation finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00011-00003392-00003695 and after a long day of negotiations cMC0YlrtTCg-00012-00003696-00004015 it's fitting to end my day this way cMC0YlrtTCg-00013-00004015-00004263 being surrounded by countries showing cMC0YlrtTCg-00014-00004264-00004470 leadership cMC0YlrtTCg-00015-00004471-00004599 just to note cMC0YlrtTCg-00016-00004600-00004783 and i thank everyone for being here at cMC0YlrtTCg-00017-00004784-00004991 the end of this day cMC0YlrtTCg-00018-00004992-00005191 that this is a virtual this is a hybrid cMC0YlrtTCg-00019-00005192-00005431 event with both in audience and a cMC0YlrtTCg-00020-00005432-00005591 virtual event cMC0YlrtTCg-00021-00005592-00005775 uh we would like to thank the resilience cMC0YlrtTCg-00022-00005776-00005943 hub and the high-level champions for cMC0YlrtTCg-00023-00005944-00006127 hosting the event space cMC0YlrtTCg-00024-00006128-00006327 uh we would like to thank cMC0YlrtTCg-00025-00006328-00006575 e3g and the international institute for cMC0YlrtTCg-00026-00006576-00006710 environment and development for cMC0YlrtTCg-00027-00006711-00006895 supporting the event so i'm going cMC0YlrtTCg-00028-00006895-00007055 through my thank yous and thank the cMC0YlrtTCg-00029-00007056-00007246 members of the champions group on cMC0YlrtTCg-00030-00007247-00007463 adaptation finance for really cMC0YlrtTCg-00031-00007464-00007719 prioritizing this event at cop26 to cMC0YlrtTCg-00032-00007720-00007959 bring greater awareness and attention to cMC0YlrtTCg-00033-00007959-00008134 adaptation finance and i'm going to tell cMC0YlrtTCg-00034-00008136-00008263 you why cMC0YlrtTCg-00035-00008264-00008439 especially coming from a small island cMC0YlrtTCg-00036-00008440-00008703 developing state cMC0YlrtTCg-00037-00008704-00008871 it's always one thing to say that cMC0YlrtTCg-00038-00008872-00009095 climate finance is available cMC0YlrtTCg-00039-00009096-00009303 it's something completely different to cMC0YlrtTCg-00040-00009304-00009614 say that it is accessible cMC0YlrtTCg-00041-00009615-00009839 and that is critical especially when you cMC0YlrtTCg-00042-00009840-00010014 come from a small island developing cMC0YlrtTCg-00043-00010015-00010127 states cMC0YlrtTCg-00044-00010128-00010231 90 cMC0YlrtTCg-00045-00010232-00010527 90 95 000 people cMC0YlrtTCg-00046-00010528-00010767 and guess what you're characterized as a cMC0YlrtTCg-00047-00010768-00010983 high income country cMC0YlrtTCg-00048-00010984-00011174 and all of a sudden the access to cMC0YlrtTCg-00049-00011175-00011374 concessionary finance is no longer cMC0YlrtTCg-00050-00011375-00011710 available let alone grants cMC0YlrtTCg-00051-00011711-00011831 it completely ignores our cMC0YlrtTCg-00052-00011832-00012046 vulnerabilities and of course the cMC0YlrtTCg-00053-00012047-00012295 inequity of actually having to fund cMC0YlrtTCg-00054-00012296-00012495 adaptation efforts on such a small cMC0YlrtTCg-00055-00012496-00012687 population cMC0YlrtTCg-00056-00012688-00012919 the burden is heavier on each person cMC0YlrtTCg-00057-00012919-00013135 because there are so few of us cMC0YlrtTCg-00058-00013136-00013366 it's no longer cMC0YlrtTCg-00059-00013368-00013566 a 50 a 50 million cMC0YlrtTCg-00060-00013568-00013863 us dollar port divided by a larger cMC0YlrtTCg-00061-00013863-00014063 population in terms of burden but it's cMC0YlrtTCg-00062-00014063-00014294 only on 90 000 people cMC0YlrtTCg-00063-00014295-00014535 so you can just imagine why this is so cMC0YlrtTCg-00064-00014536-00014719 important for us and why climate cMC0YlrtTCg-00065-00014719-00014999 adaptation finance needs to cMC0YlrtTCg-00066-00015000-00015222 really be present and available and cMC0YlrtTCg-00067-00015223-00015503 accessible to all countries and in cMC0YlrtTCg-00068-00015504-00015671 particular and of course i would say cMC0YlrtTCg-00069-00015672-00015991 this small island developing states cMC0YlrtTCg-00070-00015991-00016150 so we need to ensure that there is cMC0YlrtTCg-00071-00016151-00016399 quantity we need to ensure that there is cMC0YlrtTCg-00072-00016400-00016647 quality we need to be ensuring that the cMC0YlrtTCg-00073-00016648-00016847 finance is actually delivering impact on cMC0YlrtTCg-00074-00016848-00017030 the ground it's responding to the needs cMC0YlrtTCg-00075-00017031-00017319 of the people on the ground we know that cMC0YlrtTCg-00076-00017320-00017503 adaptation efforts are often very much cMC0YlrtTCg-00077-00017504-00017686 linked to these very specific national cMC0YlrtTCg-00078-00017687-00017927 contexts cMC0YlrtTCg-00079-00017928-00018239 but with all of that in mind cMC0YlrtTCg-00080-00018240-00018343 today cMC0YlrtTCg-00081-00018344-00018591 and this started back in anger cMC0YlrtTCg-00082-00018592-00018839 at the united general assembly cMC0YlrtTCg-00083-00018840-00019111 we feel heard cMC0YlrtTCg-00084-00019112-00019358 the thing that we've been talking about cMC0YlrtTCg-00085-00019359-00019591 emphasizing the importance of this cMC0YlrtTCg-00086-00019592-00019863 finally a group of champions makes us cMC0YlrtTCg-00087-00019864-00020094 feel heard cMC0YlrtTCg-00088-00020095-00020471 so with that i'd love to begin our event cMC0YlrtTCg-00089-00020472-00020735 with the first panel there's going to be cMC0YlrtTCg-00090-00020736-00020958 two panels with ministers or their cMC0YlrtTCg-00091-00020959-00021319 representative sharing statements cMC0YlrtTCg-00092-00021320-00021735 so we will begin with the first uh panel cMC0YlrtTCg-00093-00021736-00021991 and i'd like to invite uh cMC0YlrtTCg-00094-00021992-00022343 minister com brophy of uh of ireland cMC0YlrtTCg-00095-00022344-00022535 minister of state for overseas cMC0YlrtTCg-00096-00022536-00022767 development aid and diaspora cMC0YlrtTCg-00097-00022768-00022975 i understand he will be joining us cMC0YlrtTCg-00098-00022976-00023143 virtually cMC0YlrtTCg-00099-00023144-00023335 i hope that's all set up tech team we're cMC0YlrtTCg-00100-00023336-00023630 good to go and the question for him is cMC0YlrtTCg-00101-00023631-00023822 tell us about the champions group on cMC0YlrtTCg-00102-00023823-00024078 adaptation finance what support have you cMC0YlrtTCg-00103-00024079-00024263 been hearing from other climate finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00104-00024264-00024550 providers cMC0YlrtTCg-00105-00024551-00024742 thank you thank you very much hopefully cMC0YlrtTCg-00106-00024743-00025071 you are hearing me uh loud and clear i'm cMC0YlrtTCg-00107-00025072-00025263 delighted to be joining you this evening cMC0YlrtTCg-00108-00025264-00025486 i'm particularly glad to welcome new cMC0YlrtTCg-00109-00025487-00025639 members to the champions group on cMC0YlrtTCg-00110-00025639-00025870 adaptation and to have the opportunity cMC0YlrtTCg-00111-00025872-00026118 to explain to other finance providers as cMC0YlrtTCg-00112-00026119-00026327 well as developing countries civil cMC0YlrtTCg-00113-00026327-00026607 society and other stakeholders present cMC0YlrtTCg-00114-00026608-00026887 our aims ambitions and objectives for cMC0YlrtTCg-00115-00026888-00027055 those who do not know we launched the cMC0YlrtTCg-00116-00027056-00027311 champions group on adaptation as part of cMC0YlrtTCg-00117-00027312-00027583 the un general assembly and climate week cMC0YlrtTCg-00118-00027583-00027927 in new york in september 2021. cMC0YlrtTCg-00119-00027927-00028102 we know that individual country cMC0YlrtTCg-00120-00028104-00028246 investments in adaptation are cMC0YlrtTCg-00121-00028247-00028383 insufficient cMC0YlrtTCg-00122-00028383-00028590 and the estimated adaptation costs in cMC0YlrtTCg-00123-00028591-00028911 developing countries are five to ten cMC0YlrtTCg-00124-00028912-00029111 times greater than current public cMC0YlrtTCg-00125-00029112-00029399 adaptation finance flows and indeed that cMC0YlrtTCg-00126-00029400-00029727 gap is widening the aim of this group is cMC0YlrtTCg-00127-00029727-00029935 to increase the total share of climate cMC0YlrtTCg-00128-00029936-00030087 finance spend on adaptation of cMC0YlrtTCg-00129-00030088-00030351 resilience particularly for ldcs and cMC0YlrtTCg-00130-00030352-00030470 since cMC0YlrtTCg-00131-00030472-00030687 now we will lead by example in cMC0YlrtTCg-00132-00030688-00030895 committing to a balanced approach in our cMC0YlrtTCg-00133-00030895-00031135 own public climate finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00134-00031136-00031423 we will advocate for improved quality cMC0YlrtTCg-00135-00031424-00031718 and accessibility of adaptation finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00136-00031719-00031967 and we encourage other finance providers cMC0YlrtTCg-00137-00031968-00032246 to join us in these efforts cMC0YlrtTCg-00138-00032247-00032446 adaptation finance currently makes up cMC0YlrtTCg-00139-00032447-00032646 less than 20 cMC0YlrtTCg-00140-00032647-00032862 of total climate violence cMC0YlrtTCg-00141-00032863-00033079 now at the event in september there was cMC0YlrtTCg-00142-00033080-00033359 agreement that we need to dramatically cMC0YlrtTCg-00143-00033360-00033695 increase both the volume and the share cMC0YlrtTCg-00144-00033696-00033846 of this support cMC0YlrtTCg-00145-00033847-00034039 we discussed the gendered impacts of cMC0YlrtTCg-00146-00034040-00034231 climate change and the need for a cMC0YlrtTCg-00147-00034232-00034462 stronger voice for women in decision cMC0YlrtTCg-00148-00034463-00034718 making at all levels cMC0YlrtTCg-00149-00034719-00034902 there was particular mention of the cMC0YlrtTCg-00150-00034903-00035079 existential threat faced by the small cMC0YlrtTCg-00151-00035080-00035255 island developing states there were cMC0YlrtTCg-00152-00035256-00035527 calls for climate finance to be based on cMC0YlrtTCg-00153-00035528-00035815 vulnerability to climate change and not cMC0YlrtTCg-00154-00035816-00036039 just on gdp cMC0YlrtTCg-00155-00036040-00036279 i'm delighted to report that earlier cMC0YlrtTCg-00156-00036280-00036511 this week that shock our prime minister cMC0YlrtTCg-00157-00036512-00036711 announced that ireland will more than cMC0YlrtTCg-00158-00036712-00036935 double our climate finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00159-00036936-00037143 by 2025. cMC0YlrtTCg-00160-00037144-00037495 others have also made strong commitments cMC0YlrtTCg-00161-00037496-00037662 but we must ensure cMC0YlrtTCg-00162-00037663-00037895 that every cent of this increased cMC0YlrtTCg-00163-00037896-00038183 finance is being used effectively and cMC0YlrtTCg-00164-00038184-00038351 efficiently in addressing the cMC0YlrtTCg-00165-00038352-00038551 vulnerabilities of those cMC0YlrtTCg-00166-00038552-00038774 most in need cMC0YlrtTCg-00167-00038775-00039030 quality adaptation action means looking cMC0YlrtTCg-00168-00039031-00039239 beyond assessing greenhouse gas cMC0YlrtTCg-00169-00039240-00039495 reductions and finance flows cMC0YlrtTCg-00170-00039496-00039718 we need to measure the impact on the cMC0YlrtTCg-00171-00039719-00039830 ground cMC0YlrtTCg-00172-00039831-00040039 on how adaptation action helps cMC0YlrtTCg-00173-00040040-00040318 communities to cope with their changing cMC0YlrtTCg-00174-00040319-00040518 environments cMC0YlrtTCg-00175-00040519-00040695 since that launch in september the cMC0YlrtTCg-00176-00040696-00040927 champions group on adaptation has been cMC0YlrtTCg-00177-00040928-00041158 active in reaching out to partners at cMC0YlrtTCg-00178-00041159-00041407 all levels including multinational cMC0YlrtTCg-00179-00041408-00041558 development banks cMC0YlrtTCg-00180-00041559-00041815 we held calls with the africa group cMC0YlrtTCg-00181-00041816-00042062 where we discussed capacity issues that cMC0YlrtTCg-00182-00042063-00042318 inhibit access to finance as well as cMC0YlrtTCg-00183-00042319-00042527 issues that prevent capital moving to cMC0YlrtTCg-00184-00042528-00042671 the local level cMC0YlrtTCg-00185-00042672-00042823 we've also taken on board cMC0YlrtTCg-00186-00042824-00043039 recommendations from other groups such cMC0YlrtTCg-00187-00043040-00043167 as the call to action from the cMC0YlrtTCg-00188-00043168-00043455 roundtable process of sids and access to cMC0YlrtTCg-00189-00043456-00043687 finance this group is growing and the cMC0YlrtTCg-00190-00043688-00044023 message and adaptation is being heard cMC0YlrtTCg-00191-00044024-00044199 i look forward to hearing from all cMC0YlrtTCg-00192-00044200-00044327 present here cMC0YlrtTCg-00193-00044328-00044535 on both the challenges and the cMC0YlrtTCg-00194-00044536-00044839 priorities for how we bring forward more cMC0YlrtTCg-00195-00044840-00045135 action on adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00196-00045136-00045712 thank you cMC0YlrtTCg-00197-00045713-00046030 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-00198-00046031-00046287 thank you very much minister and cMC0YlrtTCg-00199-00046288-00046518 music to my ears cMC0YlrtTCg-00200-00046519-00046799 i have to say uh we've heard the cMC0YlrtTCg-00201-00046800-00046983 statistics cMC0YlrtTCg-00202-00046984-00047199 and abs and it's such great news to hear cMC0YlrtTCg-00203-00047200-00047374 that we really need to be focusing on cMC0YlrtTCg-00204-00047375-00047662 vulnerability rather than gdp cMC0YlrtTCg-00205-00047663-00047862 and of course that's you know and i cMC0YlrtTCg-00206-00047863-00048015 think that's really important the fact cMC0YlrtTCg-00207-00048016-00048183 that we need to think about having women cMC0YlrtTCg-00208-00048184-00048302 in leadership cMC0YlrtTCg-00209-00048303-00048543 uh and and the gendered impacts uh with cMC0YlrtTCg-00210-00048544-00048815 regards to climate but also cMC0YlrtTCg-00211-00048816-00049055 it was great to hear that we're not just cMC0YlrtTCg-00212-00049056-00049367 focused on key performance indicators cMC0YlrtTCg-00213-00049368-00049607 like amount disbursed cMC0YlrtTCg-00214-00049608-00049895 we're really thinking about impact on cMC0YlrtTCg-00215-00049896-00050062 the ground cMC0YlrtTCg-00216-00050063-00050230 and i think with that you know it's cMC0YlrtTCg-00217-00050231-00050423 really important to also consider how cMC0YlrtTCg-00218-00050424-00050599 the people on the ground are also cMC0YlrtTCg-00219-00050600-00050830 participating and co-designing and cMC0YlrtTCg-00220-00050831-00051055 thinking through how finance is being cMC0YlrtTCg-00221-00051056-00051358 effectively as you said and efficiently cMC0YlrtTCg-00222-00051359-00051575 used on the ground cMC0YlrtTCg-00223-00051576-00051807 so i think now every most of our cMC0YlrtTCg-00224-00051808-00052111 panelists are going to be cMC0YlrtTCg-00225-00052112-00052326 are going to be cMC0YlrtTCg-00226-00052327-00052463 in person cMC0YlrtTCg-00227-00052464-00052742 i believe ambassador webson will be cMC0YlrtTCg-00228-00052744-00052935 joining us very shortly from from cMC0YlrtTCg-00229-00052936-00053282 meiosis cMC0YlrtTCg-00230-00053283-00053703 um but in the interim um i will call cMC0YlrtTCg-00231-00053704-00053966 upon and very much to join us on on the cMC0YlrtTCg-00232-00053967-00054126 stage uh cMC0YlrtTCg-00233-00054127-00054279 one at a time but then invite you to cMC0YlrtTCg-00234-00054279-00054438 stay uh cMC0YlrtTCg-00235-00054439-00054726 mr tom de bruyne minister for trade for cMC0YlrtTCg-00236-00054727-00054847 foreign trade and development cMC0YlrtTCg-00237-00054848-00055007 corporation from the kingdom of cMC0YlrtTCg-00238-00055008-00055126 netherlands cMC0YlrtTCg-00239-00055127-00055287 and please cMC0YlrtTCg-00240-00055288-00055607 and the question to you minister is cMC0YlrtTCg-00241-00055608-00055742 what have you heard from your cMC0YlrtTCg-00242-00055744-00055991 engagements with ldcs and sids on the cMC0YlrtTCg-00243-00055991-00057150 priorities for the adaptation finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00244-00057151-00057271 yes cMC0YlrtTCg-00245-00057272-00057550 it works it works cMC0YlrtTCg-00246-00057551-00057847 thank you very much for organizing cMC0YlrtTCg-00247-00057848-00057982 this meeting cMC0YlrtTCg-00248-00057983-00058159 and cMC0YlrtTCg-00249-00058160-00058404 coming from a country cMC0YlrtTCg-00250-00058405-00058559 [Music] cMC0YlrtTCg-00251-00058560-00058588 where cMC0YlrtTCg-00252-00058589-00058759 [Music] cMC0YlrtTCg-00253-00058760-00059038 half of the country is below cMC0YlrtTCg-00254-00059039-00059182 sea level cMC0YlrtTCg-00255-00059183-00059463 we know something about adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00256-00059464-00059671 so we understand cMC0YlrtTCg-00257-00059672-00059999 the needs of the developing countries cMC0YlrtTCg-00258-00060000-00060079 and cMC0YlrtTCg-00259-00060079-00060230 what they actually cMC0YlrtTCg-00260-00060232-00060471 ask for is just what you said at the cMC0YlrtTCg-00261-00060472-00060615 beginning cMC0YlrtTCg-00262-00060616-00061006 quantity quality and accessibility cMC0YlrtTCg-00263-00061007-00061119 and cMC0YlrtTCg-00264-00061120-00061344 on quantity cMC0YlrtTCg-00265-00061345-00061479 [Music] cMC0YlrtTCg-00266-00061479-00061694 it is absolutely cMC0YlrtTCg-00267-00061695-00061966 imperative that we follow the request of cMC0YlrtTCg-00268-00061967-00062271 the un secretary general's call that we cMC0YlrtTCg-00269-00062272-00062391 spend cMC0YlrtTCg-00270-00062391-00062606 half of climate funds cMC0YlrtTCg-00271-00062607-00062919 to adaptation actually the netherlands cMC0YlrtTCg-00272-00062920-00063126 public contribution cMC0YlrtTCg-00273-00063127-00063359 to cMC0YlrtTCg-00274-00063360-00063591 climate financing cMC0YlrtTCg-00275-00063591-00063942 is two-thirds for adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00276-00063944-00064359 again because we know what it is cMC0YlrtTCg-00277-00064360-00064687 and i have the pleasure to make cMC0YlrtTCg-00278-00064688-00064966 on money some announcements cMC0YlrtTCg-00279-00064967-00065382 because we will cMC0YlrtTCg-00280-00065383-00065671 give new contributions cMC0YlrtTCg-00281-00065672-00065926 20 million euros cMC0YlrtTCg-00282-00065927-00066191 to ndc partnership cMC0YlrtTCg-00283-00066192-00066315 an additional cMC0YlrtTCg-00284-00066316-00066487 75 cMC0YlrtTCg-00285-00066488-00066815 million to cgir cMC0YlrtTCg-00286-00066816-00067119 and an additional 25 cMC0YlrtTCg-00287-00067120-00067223 million cMC0YlrtTCg-00288-00067224-00067631 to the ldc fund cMC0YlrtTCg-00289-00067632-00067863 so that will be our additional cMC0YlrtTCg-00290-00067864-00068023 contribution cMC0YlrtTCg-00291-00068024-00068335 to climate financing cMC0YlrtTCg-00292-00068336-00068447 now on cMC0YlrtTCg-00293-00068448-00068591 quality cMC0YlrtTCg-00294-00068592-00068847 i fully agree with what you said in the cMC0YlrtTCg-00295-00068848-00068959 beginning cMC0YlrtTCg-00296-00068960-00069182 that cMC0YlrtTCg-00297-00069183-00069287 we should cMC0YlrtTCg-00298-00069288-00069447 look at the cMC0YlrtTCg-00299-00069448-00069887 needs based contributions that is really cMC0YlrtTCg-00300-00069888-00070263 important on accessibility cMC0YlrtTCg-00301-00070264-00070438 we should make sure cMC0YlrtTCg-00302-00070439-00070559 that cMC0YlrtTCg-00303-00070560-00070711 funds become cMC0YlrtTCg-00304-00070712-00070999 available for example for women cMC0YlrtTCg-00305-00071000-00071319 but also for local communities cMC0YlrtTCg-00306-00071320-00071687 that's really something that we value cMC0YlrtTCg-00307-00071688-00071967 very much and that's where i would like cMC0YlrtTCg-00308-00071968-00072231 to end my contribution thank you cMC0YlrtTCg-00309-00072232-00072293 again cMC0YlrtTCg-00310-00072294-00072871 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-00311-00072872-00073079 thank you very much uh minister and it's cMC0YlrtTCg-00312-00073080-00073303 amazing what you can cMC0YlrtTCg-00313-00073304-00073494 what you can do when both everybody cMC0YlrtTCg-00314-00073495-00073711 understands and it's good to hear from cMC0YlrtTCg-00315-00073712-00073894 netherlands that you understand as much cMC0YlrtTCg-00316-00073895-00074143 as we do the importance of adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00317-00074144-00074311 two-thirds of your funding is for cMC0YlrtTCg-00318-00074312-00074447 adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00319-00074448-00074615 and and i think you're right you know cMC0YlrtTCg-00320-00074616-00074855 women local communities indigenous cMC0YlrtTCg-00321-00074856-00075103 people uh and really marginalized group cMC0YlrtTCg-00322-00075104-00075431 must not be left behind in this in this cMC0YlrtTCg-00323-00075432-00075591 need to adapt to client to the impacts cMC0YlrtTCg-00324-00075592-00075726 of climate change cMC0YlrtTCg-00325-00075727-00075943 so now i'm going to welcome cMC0YlrtTCg-00326-00075944-00076150 ambassador webster cMC0YlrtTCg-00327-00076151-00076471 the chair of the alliance of small cMC0YlrtTCg-00328-00076472-00076623 island states cMC0YlrtTCg-00329-00076624-00076887 so definitely seychelles is chair in in cMC0YlrtTCg-00330-00076888-00077062 all of this cMC0YlrtTCg-00331-00077063-00077271 ambassador webster is ambassador cMC0YlrtTCg-00332-00077272-00077535 extraordinaire and cMC0YlrtTCg-00333-00077536-00077687 plenty potentially permanent cMC0YlrtTCg-00334-00077688-00077894 representative of antigua and barbuda to cMC0YlrtTCg-00335-00077895-00078055 the united nations cMC0YlrtTCg-00336-00078056-00078350 uh ambassador webster uh question to you cMC0YlrtTCg-00337-00078351-00078662 is what are the challenges forces that cMC0YlrtTCg-00338-00078663-00078871 needs to be addressed and what solutions cMC0YlrtTCg-00339-00078872-00079055 are you calling for cMC0YlrtTCg-00340-00079056-00079359 thank you ambassador um cMC0YlrtTCg-00341-00079360-00079591 thank you so much angelique it's always cMC0YlrtTCg-00342-00079592-00079782 a pleasure cMC0YlrtTCg-00343-00079783-00080167 to be with you and cMC0YlrtTCg-00344-00080168-00080415 how much i admire your enthusiasm as you cMC0YlrtTCg-00345-00080416-00080526 bring your cMC0YlrtTCg-00346-00080527-00080799 youthful exuberance to these types of cMC0YlrtTCg-00347-00080800-00080967 discussions cMC0YlrtTCg-00348-00080968-00081255 and doing it so well for so long it's a cMC0YlrtTCg-00349-00081256-00081462 pleasure cMC0YlrtTCg-00350-00081463-00081662 friends colleagues cMC0YlrtTCg-00351-00081663-00081871 i want to thank the champions for cMC0YlrtTCg-00352-00081872-00082135 inviting eosis to be part of this cMC0YlrtTCg-00353-00082136-00082287 discussion cMC0YlrtTCg-00354-00082288-00082518 it is particularly important cMC0YlrtTCg-00355-00082519-00082775 to hear from those who are struggling cMC0YlrtTCg-00356-00082776-00082991 suffering most cMC0YlrtTCg-00357-00082992-00083159 i wanted to just spend a little time on cMC0YlrtTCg-00358-00083160-00083294 a few things cMC0YlrtTCg-00359-00083295-00083462 a little bit on resilience and to cMC0YlrtTCg-00360-00083463-00083711 explain where how we are cMC0YlrtTCg-00361-00083712-00083894 dealing with it and how we feel a little cMC0YlrtTCg-00362-00083895-00084015 bit on cMC0YlrtTCg-00363-00084016-00084150 finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00364-00084151-00084455 and and to this um to mention discuss cMC0YlrtTCg-00365-00084456-00084679 the question of development finance and cMC0YlrtTCg-00366-00084680-00084918 climate finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00367-00084919-00085223 you see enhancing resilience for us as cMC0YlrtTCg-00368-00085224-00085482 small states is great it's of great cMC0YlrtTCg-00369-00085483-00085815 importance it's something that we take cMC0YlrtTCg-00370-00085816-00085992 serious and it's something that we cMC0YlrtTCg-00371-00085993-00086118 [Music] cMC0YlrtTCg-00372-00086119-00086206 both cMC0YlrtTCg-00373-00086207-00086638 at the in the the human resource level cMC0YlrtTCg-00374-00086639-00086831 as much as what the cMC0YlrtTCg-00375-00086832-00087159 level of finding support and funding we cMC0YlrtTCg-00376-00087160-00087447 take and move forward because we are a cMC0YlrtTCg-00377-00087448-00087746 resilient people as island people cMC0YlrtTCg-00378-00087747-00087894 [Music] cMC0YlrtTCg-00379-00087895-00088038 it is cMC0YlrtTCg-00380-00088039-00088223 kid it is key cMC0YlrtTCg-00381-00088224-00088399 fighting resilience and building cMC0YlrtTCg-00382-00088400-00088799 resilience is key to our sustainability cMC0YlrtTCg-00383-00088800-00089015 if not we would lose cMC0YlrtTCg-00384-00089016-00089326 the hard work gains that we have earned cMC0YlrtTCg-00385-00089327-00089550 over years in our development cMC0YlrtTCg-00386-00089551-00089750 we are exposed to cMC0YlrtTCg-00387-00089751-00089911 global shocks cMC0YlrtTCg-00388-00089912-00090143 as much as we're exposed to climate cMC0YlrtTCg-00389-00090144-00090279 change cMC0YlrtTCg-00390-00090280-00090479 as you know cMC0YlrtTCg-00391-00090480-00090638 la in the last cMC0YlrtTCg-00392-00090639-00090838 two years or year and a half cMC0YlrtTCg-00393-00090839-00091038 we have all been fighting cMC0YlrtTCg-00394-00091039-00091143 the cMC0YlrtTCg-00395-00091144-00091287 pandemic cMC0YlrtTCg-00396-00091288-00091575 and and we as small island states have cMC0YlrtTCg-00397-00091576-00091831 had that double shock where we have been cMC0YlrtTCg-00398-00091832-00092055 fighting the pandemic while at the same cMC0YlrtTCg-00399-00092056-00092318 time climate change doesn't stop to say cMC0YlrtTCg-00400-00092319-00092518 let's give them a break we are still cMC0YlrtTCg-00401-00092519-00092759 fighting climate change cMC0YlrtTCg-00402-00092760-00093047 while we were struggling to mobilize cMC0YlrtTCg-00403-00093048-00093343 health resources and human humanitarian cMC0YlrtTCg-00404-00093344-00093711 resources we at the same time had to cMC0YlrtTCg-00405-00093712-00094006 fight because many of our island nations cMC0YlrtTCg-00406-00094007-00094199 were hit by the hurricane season cMC0YlrtTCg-00407-00094200-00094543 hurricane season is an annual occurrence cMC0YlrtTCg-00408-00094544-00094703 just as cMC0YlrtTCg-00409-00094704-00094959 christmas comes or carnival in our cMC0YlrtTCg-00410-00094960-00095238 culture hurricane comes cMC0YlrtTCg-00411-00095239-00095503 and we have to be prepared cMC0YlrtTCg-00412-00095504-00095623 however cMC0YlrtTCg-00413-00095624-00095894 the cMC0YlrtTCg-00414-00095895-00096159 the criteria however we cMC0YlrtTCg-00415-00096160-00096494 we are still struggling to find criteria cMC0YlrtTCg-00416-00096495-00096711 for the financial institutions and the cMC0YlrtTCg-00417-00096712-00096918 large countries to cMC0YlrtTCg-00418-00096919-00097223 understand that sids or small island cMC0YlrtTCg-00419-00097224-00097391 developing states cMC0YlrtTCg-00420-00097392-00097703 require special circumstances to deal cMC0YlrtTCg-00421-00097704-00097967 with our unique vulnerabilities cMC0YlrtTCg-00422-00097968-00098238 we have as you know put on the table cMC0YlrtTCg-00423-00098239-00098599 for many years over 30 years and now we cMC0YlrtTCg-00424-00098600-00098831 are seeming to get some traction and cMC0YlrtTCg-00425-00098832-00099103 certainly the discussion on building in cMC0YlrtTCg-00426-00099104-00099462 a vulnerability index to assist small cMC0YlrtTCg-00427-00099463-00099799 states who have special circumstantial cMC0YlrtTCg-00428-00099800-00100174 needs is now finally look like we can be cMC0YlrtTCg-00429-00100175-00100415 cup making ground i say that because we cMC0YlrtTCg-00430-00100416-00100599 have support from the secretary general cMC0YlrtTCg-00431-00100600-00100831 of the united nations and we have cMC0YlrtTCg-00432-00100832-00101031 support going through the united nations cMC0YlrtTCg-00433-00101032-00101231 itself cMC0YlrtTCg-00434-00101232-00101406 we need cMC0YlrtTCg-00435-00101407-00101782 public financing for adaptation to con cMC0YlrtTCg-00436-00101783-00102047 it continues to cMC0YlrtTCg-00437-00102048-00102406 to um to be to be to be effective cMC0YlrtTCg-00438-00102407-00102694 adaptation as you know is cMC0YlrtTCg-00439-00102695-00102910 the most significant aspect and we are cMC0YlrtTCg-00440-00102911-00103334 hoping that coming out of cup we can see cMC0YlrtTCg-00441-00103335-00103590 equal resources put for adaptation and cMC0YlrtTCg-00442-00103591-00103927 mitigation that for us is critical cMC0YlrtTCg-00443-00103928-00104118 at the same time we are also looking at cMC0YlrtTCg-00444-00104119-00104334 the issue of loss and damage cMC0YlrtTCg-00445-00104335-00104558 because our countries are saddled with cMC0YlrtTCg-00446-00104559-00104758 the burden whenever we are hit cMC0YlrtTCg-00447-00104759-00104839 to cMC0YlrtTCg-00448-00104840-00105095 borrow money to rebuild cMC0YlrtTCg-00449-00105096-00105390 most of our island nations cMC0YlrtTCg-00450-00105391-00105743 as as it was put to me cMC0YlrtTCg-00451-00105744-00106023 most of our island nations if sea level cMC0YlrtTCg-00452-00106024-00106310 rise doesn't drown us then we will we cMC0YlrtTCg-00453-00106311-00106534 will drown in debt cMC0YlrtTCg-00454-00106535-00106647 because cMC0YlrtTCg-00455-00106648-00106902 in order for us to rebuild which has cMC0YlrtTCg-00456-00106903-00107239 become now an annual occurrence we have cMC0YlrtTCg-00457-00107240-00107639 to borrow and we have therefore not just cMC0YlrtTCg-00458-00107640-00108015 a crisis of climate disaster but we have cMC0YlrtTCg-00459-00108016-00108439 a fiscal crisis of debt cMC0YlrtTCg-00460-00108440-00108758 to this end we are working with cMC0YlrtTCg-00461-00108759-00109023 the united nations system cMC0YlrtTCg-00462-00109024-00109343 to build a multi-vulnerability index cMC0YlrtTCg-00463-00109344-00109534 we are seeking the support cMC0YlrtTCg-00464-00109535-00109831 from the international community to get cMC0YlrtTCg-00465-00109832-00110047 this index in place cMC0YlrtTCg-00466-00110048-00110423 so that when we are when the island cMC0YlrtTCg-00467-00110424-00110727 nations are hit by disaster cMC0YlrtTCg-00468-00110728-00110990 this can be one of the mechanism used cMC0YlrtTCg-00469-00110991-00111327 and not just gdp to allow for cMC0YlrtTCg-00470-00111328-00111599 concessional financing grant financing cMC0YlrtTCg-00471-00111600-00111783 debt relief cMC0YlrtTCg-00472-00111783-00112086 as we if as we attempt to couple these cMC0YlrtTCg-00473-00112088-00112358 with innovative financial instruments cMC0YlrtTCg-00474-00112359-00112663 such as debt swaps cMC0YlrtTCg-00475-00112664-00112919 which the small states have begun cMC0YlrtTCg-00476-00112920-00113215 to showing the way as to how we can use cMC0YlrtTCg-00477-00113216-00113390 these cMC0YlrtTCg-00478-00113391-00113823 having said that as a resilient people cMC0YlrtTCg-00479-00113824-00113990 we will continue cMC0YlrtTCg-00480-00113991-00114263 to work towards cMC0YlrtTCg-00481-00114264-00114583 putting our own national resources into cMC0YlrtTCg-00482-00114583-00114919 innovation into adaptation and we will cMC0YlrtTCg-00483-00114920-00115199 continue to build partnerships cMC0YlrtTCg-00484-00115200-00115478 we will continue to build regional and cMC0YlrtTCg-00485-00115479-00115702 intra-regional partnerships which we cMC0YlrtTCg-00486-00115703-00115919 hope will attract um cMC0YlrtTCg-00487-00115920-00116166 um private corporations and private cMC0YlrtTCg-00488-00116167-00116454 companies to work with the the the cMC0YlrtTCg-00489-00116455-00116719 islands of the cMC0YlrtTCg-00490-00116720-00117039 small state source a06 cMC0YlrtTCg-00491-00117040-00117207 i want to cMC0YlrtTCg-00492-00117208-00117558 stop there and i can go on but i want to cMC0YlrtTCg-00493-00117559-00117743 stop there and hopefully we will have an cMC0YlrtTCg-00494-00117744-00118039 opportunity to have a little bit of a cMC0YlrtTCg-00495-00118040-00118334 um a question and answer discussion cMC0YlrtTCg-00496-00118335-00118607 but the the alliance of small island cMC0YlrtTCg-00497-00118608-00118775 states want to cMC0YlrtTCg-00498-00118776-00119023 appreciate the work that being done by cMC0YlrtTCg-00499-00119024-00119286 the champions and to assure you of our cMC0YlrtTCg-00500-00119288-00119543 cooperation and to cMC0YlrtTCg-00501-00119544-00119702 assure you that we cMC0YlrtTCg-00502-00119703-00119871 who feels it most cMC0YlrtTCg-00503-00119872-00120243 need you most i thank you cMC0YlrtTCg-00504-00120244-00120823 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-00505-00120824-00121047 thank you very much ambassador and a lot cMC0YlrtTCg-00506-00121048-00121247 a lot to reflect there but just a couple cMC0YlrtTCg-00507-00121248-00121527 of points that i'll point to cMC0YlrtTCg-00508-00121528-00121702 it's great to see the champions come cMC0YlrtTCg-00509-00121703-00121863 forward um cMC0YlrtTCg-00510-00121864-00122102 i think it's important to think about cMC0YlrtTCg-00511-00122103-00122278 grants versus cMC0YlrtTCg-00512-00122279-00122383 debts cMC0YlrtTCg-00513-00122383-00122478 um cMC0YlrtTCg-00514-00122479-00122590 and and cMC0YlrtTCg-00515-00122591-00122783 thinking about how these cMC0YlrtTCg-00516-00122783-00122975 financing arrangements are structured cMC0YlrtTCg-00517-00122976-00123119 there's there's a lot to think about and cMC0YlrtTCg-00518-00123120-00123366 as i said you know one i'm one to to cMC0YlrtTCg-00519-00123367-00123599 believe in co-designing really the the cMC0YlrtTCg-00520-00123600-00123854 providers and the recipients and really cMC0YlrtTCg-00521-00123855-00124078 entering in equitable partnerships cMC0YlrtTCg-00522-00124079-00124214 but also cMC0YlrtTCg-00523-00124215-00124399 i have to say this as somebody who cMC0YlrtTCg-00524-00124400-00124599 manages the proceeds of a debt for cMC0YlrtTCg-00525-00124600-00124743 nature swap cMC0YlrtTCg-00526-00124744-00124966 another element where having private cMC0YlrtTCg-00527-00124967-00125239 actors be involved leveraging public cMC0YlrtTCg-00528-00125240-00125454 funds to attract philanthropy to attract cMC0YlrtTCg-00529-00125455-00125695 impact investors is also another very cMC0YlrtTCg-00530-00125696-00125886 interesting avenue that is worth cMC0YlrtTCg-00531-00125888-00126071 exploring and i know many small states cMC0YlrtTCg-00532-00126072-00126366 are keen to to explore those cMC0YlrtTCg-00533-00126367-00126647 so we'll move to our next speaker cMC0YlrtTCg-00534-00126648-00126823 and i know it's we're sort of coming up cMC0YlrtTCg-00535-00126824-00127063 front and going back to sit down so i cMC0YlrtTCg-00536-00127064-00127223 won't stop that momentum so we'll cMC0YlrtTCg-00537-00127224-00127383 continue that way cMC0YlrtTCg-00538-00127383-00127775 the next speaker is from denmark mr cMC0YlrtTCg-00539-00127776-00128086 fleming mueller mortensen the minister cMC0YlrtTCg-00540-00128088-00128295 of development cooperation cMC0YlrtTCg-00541-00128296-00128599 and from denmark our question to you is cMC0YlrtTCg-00542-00128600-00128854 what has denmark discovered about cMC0YlrtTCg-00543-00128855-00129054 implementing its pledge on adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00544-00129055-00129231 finance so a little bit of lessons cMC0YlrtTCg-00545-00129232-00129423 learned and sharing from from denmark cMC0YlrtTCg-00546-00129424-00129566 please cMC0YlrtTCg-00547-00129567-00129751 thank you very much and i have to start cMC0YlrtTCg-00548-00129752-00129934 to say it's really a pleasure being here cMC0YlrtTCg-00549-00129935-00130175 and that many people gathering here is cMC0YlrtTCg-00550-00130176-00130310 really great cMC0YlrtTCg-00551-00130311-00130502 climate change is cMC0YlrtTCg-00552-00130503-00130743 defining cMC0YlrtTCg-00553-00130744-00131007 the challenge of our time cMC0YlrtTCg-00554-00131008-00131175 i think we all agree about that and cMC0YlrtTCg-00555-00131176-00131575 climate change adaptation is a necessity cMC0YlrtTCg-00556-00131576-00131783 the people hardest cMC0YlrtTCg-00557-00131784-00132031 have the fewest resources to adapt to cMC0YlrtTCg-00558-00132032-00132319 the consequences and at the same time cMC0YlrtTCg-00559-00132320-00132478 only one cMC0YlrtTCg-00560-00132479-00132759 in four us dollars for climate finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00561-00132760-00132951 goes to adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00562-00132952-00133359 we need a much better balance cMC0YlrtTCg-00563-00133360-00133590 the champion group is a group of donor cMC0YlrtTCg-00564-00133591-00133863 countries that will walk the talk and cMC0YlrtTCg-00565-00133864-00134014 lead by example cMC0YlrtTCg-00566-00134015-00134311 i believe this is the most credible way cMC0YlrtTCg-00567-00134312-00134583 to lead and build trust and address the cMC0YlrtTCg-00568-00134584-00134807 needs on the ground cMC0YlrtTCg-00569-00134808-00134983 and i'm really happy to see that more cMC0YlrtTCg-00570-00134984-00135231 colleagues are joining cMC0YlrtTCg-00571-00135232-00135511 us in this important call maybe that's cMC0YlrtTCg-00572-00135512-00135654 the reason why we are so many people cMC0YlrtTCg-00573-00135655-00135814 here today cMC0YlrtTCg-00574-00135815-00136087 in addition to scaling up adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00575-00136088-00136343 finance we also need to address the cMC0YlrtTCg-00576-00136344-00136687 quality of finance as well as the access cMC0YlrtTCg-00577-00136688-00136990 to finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00578-00136991-00137254 for developing countries and not least cMC0YlrtTCg-00579-00137255-00137535 the the least developed countries and cMC0YlrtTCg-00580-00137536-00137759 small island developing states as we cMC0YlrtTCg-00581-00137760-00138078 just heard about now this includes our cMC0YlrtTCg-00582-00138079-00138207 commitment cMC0YlrtTCg-00583-00138208-00138414 to help avert cMC0YlrtTCg-00584-00138415-00138687 minimize and address climate in cMC0YlrtTCg-00585-00138688-00138823 in cMC0YlrtTCg-00586-00138824-00139278 induced loss and damage cMC0YlrtTCg-00587-00139279-00139607 the danish government is stepping up cMC0YlrtTCg-00588-00139608-00139854 we will increase our grant-based cMC0YlrtTCg-00589-00139855-00140214 financing for climate action to at least cMC0YlrtTCg-00590-00140215-00140499 500 million us dollars annually from cMC0YlrtTCg-00591-00140500-00140871 2023 and we will dedicate at least 60 cMC0YlrtTCg-00592-00140872-00141271 percent to climate adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00593-00141272-00141599 i think the same as the dutch cMC0YlrtTCg-00594-00141600-00141759 we must step up cMC0YlrtTCg-00595-00141760-00141975 efforts to assist people in the front cMC0YlrtTCg-00596-00141976-00142463 line of devastating weather events cMC0YlrtTCg-00597-00142464-00142743 this is also a cornerstone in the cMC0YlrtTCg-00598-00142744-00143095 principles for locally led adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00599-00143096-00143335 that denmark has joined just before cMC0YlrtTCg-00600-00143336-00143551 coming to glasgow cMC0YlrtTCg-00601-00143552-00143735 let us cMC0YlrtTCg-00602-00143736-00144007 continue to join forces cMC0YlrtTCg-00603-00144008-00144319 to put these people in the center of our cMC0YlrtTCg-00604-00144320-00144631 efforts i really hope we will cMC0YlrtTCg-00605-00144632-00144895 and i think that when we see more people cMC0YlrtTCg-00606-00144896-00145063 coming too cMC0YlrtTCg-00607-00145064-00145247 that's the way we will cMC0YlrtTCg-00608-00145248-00145550 move thank you very much cMC0YlrtTCg-00609-00145551-00146054 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-00610-00146055-00146214 thank you very much minister and very cMC0YlrtTCg-00611-00146215-00146407 much walking the talk cMC0YlrtTCg-00612-00146408-00146583 and the fact that you mentioned loss and cMC0YlrtTCg-00613-00146584-00146726 damage we cMC0YlrtTCg-00614-00146727-00146902 ambassador webster and claxton and i cMC0YlrtTCg-00615-00146903-00147078 were all smiling you can't see behind cMC0YlrtTCg-00616-00147079-00147247 the mask where you saw my smile cMC0YlrtTCg-00617-00147248-00147383 um cMC0YlrtTCg-00618-00147384-00147478 so cMC0YlrtTCg-00619-00147479-00147687 our next speaker cMC0YlrtTCg-00620-00147688-00147902 is from the united kingdom cMC0YlrtTCg-00621-00147903-00148151 uh vel cMC0YlrtTCg-00622-00148152-00148366 genindran the climate and environment cMC0YlrtTCg-00623-00148367-00148535 director from the uk cMC0YlrtTCg-00624-00148536-00148687 uh so cMC0YlrtTCg-00625-00148688-00148959 cop presidency i suppose cMC0YlrtTCg-00626-00148960-00149166 are we making progress cMC0YlrtTCg-00627-00149167-00149319 it's been a week cMC0YlrtTCg-00628-00149320-00149447 well it's been quite a long time cMC0YlrtTCg-00629-00149448-00149599 actually it's been a few it's been many cMC0YlrtTCg-00630-00149600-00149863 years in the president's view what more cMC0YlrtTCg-00631-00149864-00150054 needs to be done cMC0YlrtTCg-00632-00150055-00150254 uh thank you angelique and thanks to cMC0YlrtTCg-00633-00150255-00150414 colleagues for organizing this event i cMC0YlrtTCg-00634-00150415-00150631 always think when you hear the testimony cMC0YlrtTCg-00635-00150632-00150807 that we heard from ambassador webster cMC0YlrtTCg-00636-00150808-00151007 website it really reminds you why this cMC0YlrtTCg-00637-00151008-00151207 conversation is so important and i'm so cMC0YlrtTCg-00638-00151208-00151439 glad we're having it i'm so glad there's cMC0YlrtTCg-00639-00151440-00151559 a group of us that are really cMC0YlrtTCg-00640-00151560-00151726 championing this issue cMC0YlrtTCg-00641-00151727-00151975 um have we made progress absolutely i cMC0YlrtTCg-00642-00151976-00152214 think we have um you know over the last cMC0YlrtTCg-00643-00152215-00152471 year we've had all of the g7 countries cMC0YlrtTCg-00644-00152472-00152647 announce not only increases in climate cMC0YlrtTCg-00645-00152648-00152895 finance but within that increases in the cMC0YlrtTCg-00646-00152896-00153166 adaptation share it's not just the g7 cMC0YlrtTCg-00647-00153167-00153311 we've seen that from other donors we've cMC0YlrtTCg-00648-00153312-00153502 seen it from there the multilateral cMC0YlrtTCg-00649-00153503-00153702 development banks so i think that's cMC0YlrtTCg-00650-00153703-00153935 really um you know that is definitely cMC0YlrtTCg-00651-00153936-00154239 progress is it enough absolutely not we cMC0YlrtTCg-00652-00154240-00154431 know that the share started from a very cMC0YlrtTCg-00653-00154432-00154590 low baseline it was cMC0YlrtTCg-00654-00154591-00154943 20 billion i think in 2019 so only 25 of cMC0YlrtTCg-00655-00154944-00155166 climate finance that year so that's too cMC0YlrtTCg-00656-00155167-00155407 low it needs to be higher that's why cMC0YlrtTCg-00657-00155408-00155631 this group this group of champions was cMC0YlrtTCg-00658-00155632-00155854 formed to try and encourage others to do cMC0YlrtTCg-00659-00155855-00156078 more i would undo one i do want to say cMC0YlrtTCg-00660-00156079-00156399 one thing which is this shouldn't be a cMC0YlrtTCg-00661-00156400-00156607 an either or between mitigation and cMC0YlrtTCg-00662-00156608-00156823 adaptation we need to grow the overall cMC0YlrtTCg-00663-00156824-00157078 envelope and within that we need more cMC0YlrtTCg-00664-00157079-00157287 adaptation so you can't i don't want cMC0YlrtTCg-00665-00157288-00157463 this to be a conversation about reducing cMC0YlrtTCg-00666-00157464-00157590 mitigation in order to increase cMC0YlrtTCg-00667-00157591-00157863 adaptation both need to grow so that was cMC0YlrtTCg-00668-00157864-00157966 one point cMC0YlrtTCg-00669-00157967-00158151 in terms of progress as well i mean cMC0YlrtTCg-00670-00158152-00158311 we've heard a bit about it not just cMC0YlrtTCg-00671-00158312-00158551 being public finance we do need to see cMC0YlrtTCg-00672-00158552-00158719 more private finance we need to see more cMC0YlrtTCg-00673-00158720-00158878 financial innovation we're seeing some cMC0YlrtTCg-00674-00158879-00159143 of that the debt to nature swaps and cMC0YlrtTCg-00675-00159144-00159326 some of the dfi's the development cMC0YlrtTCg-00676-00159327-00159487 finance institutions have launched a cMC0YlrtTCg-00677-00159488-00159719 collaborative to try and increase cMC0YlrtTCg-00678-00159720-00159999 private sector funding for adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00679-00160000-00160223 that's very early stages but just the cMC0YlrtTCg-00680-00160224-00160399 fact that those organizations are cMC0YlrtTCg-00681-00160400-00160663 convening to try and draw in more cMC0YlrtTCg-00682-00160664-00160935 private finance is progress but again we cMC0YlrtTCg-00683-00160936-00161102 need to see more and just the last thing cMC0YlrtTCg-00684-00161103-00161263 on on the finance side because i briefly cMC0YlrtTCg-00685-00161264-00161447 want to touch on quality as well cMC0YlrtTCg-00686-00161448-00161719 is that there's also a system issue here cMC0YlrtTCg-00687-00161720-00162023 how do you integrate physical climate cMC0YlrtTCg-00688-00162024-00162119 risk cMC0YlrtTCg-00689-00162120-00162247 into cMC0YlrtTCg-00690-00162248-00162511 all financial decisions so how does our cMC0YlrtTCg-00691-00162512-00162687 decision to invest in a road how do we cMC0YlrtTCg-00692-00162688-00162854 integrate the physical climate risk of cMC0YlrtTCg-00693-00162855-00162951 that and cMC0YlrtTCg-00694-00162952-00163102 we heard earlier in lots of different cMC0YlrtTCg-00695-00163103-00163343 sessions that we're seeing progress on cMC0YlrtTCg-00696-00163344-00163535 those physical climate risk metrics and cMC0YlrtTCg-00697-00163536-00163759 how we're integrating those in so again cMC0YlrtTCg-00698-00163760-00163926 early stages and we're seeing progress cMC0YlrtTCg-00699-00163927-00164071 but more needs to be done and i just cMC0YlrtTCg-00700-00164072-00164199 wanted to highlight those areas the cMC0YlrtTCg-00701-00164200-00164326 public cMC0YlrtTCg-00702-00164327-00164502 progress more to done private and then cMC0YlrtTCg-00703-00164503-00164654 the system and then just very briefly if cMC0YlrtTCg-00704-00164655-00164807 i could on quality cMC0YlrtTCg-00705-00164808-00164990 um because i think one of our colleagues cMC0YlrtTCg-00706-00164991-00165159 mentioned it again i do think there's cMC0YlrtTCg-00707-00165160-00165295 progress but i think this conversation cMC0YlrtTCg-00708-00165296-00165471 needs to be more than cMC0YlrtTCg-00709-00165472-00165663 the funds it tends to be you know it cMC0YlrtTCg-00710-00165664-00165887 takes too long and it's too cMC0YlrtTCg-00711-00165888-00166054 bureaucratic to get money out of the cMC0YlrtTCg-00712-00166055-00166183 funds i think that is an important cMC0YlrtTCg-00713-00166184-00166302 conversation cMC0YlrtTCg-00714-00166303-00166423 but it needs to be more than that it cMC0YlrtTCg-00715-00166424-00166614 needs to be how do we get behind urgent cMC0YlrtTCg-00716-00166615-00166823 climate action at a national level at cMC0YlrtTCg-00717-00166824-00166951 scale cMC0YlrtTCg-00718-00166952-00167207 supporting governments so that's the cMC0YlrtTCg-00719-00167208-00167359 first thing let's think about the system cMC0YlrtTCg-00720-00167360-00167454 and we heard cMC0YlrtTCg-00721-00167455-00167702 earlier today from the chair of the oecd cMC0YlrtTCg-00722-00167703-00167902 development assistance committee about cMC0YlrtTCg-00723-00167903-00168111 how we need to integrate development and cMC0YlrtTCg-00724-00168112-00168278 climate adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00725-00168279-00168478 um just on the quality i think others cMC0YlrtTCg-00726-00168479-00168654 have talked about locally led adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00727-00168655-00168887 only 10 of adaptation finance reaches cMC0YlrtTCg-00728-00168888-00169054 local levels there's been a lot of cMC0YlrtTCg-00729-00169055-00169207 conversations about the importance of cMC0YlrtTCg-00730-00169208-00169423 locally led adaptation and i just think cMC0YlrtTCg-00731-00169424-00169607 that needs to be a key part of the cMC0YlrtTCg-00732-00169608-00169766 debate going forward and then the last cMC0YlrtTCg-00733-00169767-00169935 part is the amount that flows to sids cMC0YlrtTCg-00734-00169936-00170190 and ldc's in africa which we know is too cMC0YlrtTCg-00735-00170191-00170295 low cMC0YlrtTCg-00736-00170296-00170495 not enough adaptation finance flows to cMC0YlrtTCg-00737-00170496-00170671 the countries that most need it and that cMC0YlrtTCg-00738-00170672-00170959 also needs to be a key part of our cMC0YlrtTCg-00739-00170960-00171151 agenda so i guess when you wrap all of cMC0YlrtTCg-00740-00171152-00171383 that together yes we have seen progress cMC0YlrtTCg-00741-00171384-00171519 does that mean the job is done cMC0YlrtTCg-00742-00171520-00171807 absolutely not that's why this group of cMC0YlrtTCg-00743-00171808-00171975 champions is so important because we cMC0YlrtTCg-00744-00171976-00172183 need to keep pushing this agenda and cMC0YlrtTCg-00745-00172184-00172351 both of the uk and as the clock cMC0YlrtTCg-00746-00172352-00172526 president we will continue to keep cMC0YlrtTCg-00747-00172527-00172902 prioritizing and supporting all of that cMC0YlrtTCg-00748-00172903-00173049 thank you very cMC0YlrtTCg-00749-00173050-00173212 [Music] cMC0YlrtTCg-00750-00173213-00173623 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-00751-00173624-00173783 thank you very much and i think we're cMC0YlrtTCg-00752-00173784-00173966 completely aligned and on the same page cMC0YlrtTCg-00753-00173967-00174231 on on all those issues um cMC0YlrtTCg-00754-00174232-00174487 so glad to hear that we're not talking cMC0YlrtTCg-00755-00174488-00174638 about taking away finance from cMC0YlrtTCg-00756-00174639-00174935 mitigation this is additional finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00757-00174936-00175190 ending channel towards adaptation and i cMC0YlrtTCg-00758-00175191-00175423 completely agree with you it's not just cMC0YlrtTCg-00759-00175424-00175543 about cMC0YlrtTCg-00760-00175544-00175687 there are few things right it's not just cMC0YlrtTCg-00761-00175688-00175935 about the funding being available cMC0YlrtTCg-00762-00175936-00176111 there's a lot of thought leadership that cMC0YlrtTCg-00763-00176112-00176335 is going on in different institutions cMC0YlrtTCg-00764-00176336-00176623 and countries uh some countries piloting cMC0YlrtTCg-00765-00176624-00176790 these little innovations hoping that we cMC0YlrtTCg-00766-00176791-00177014 go to scale um and a lot of thought cMC0YlrtTCg-00767-00177015-00177166 leadership about cMC0YlrtTCg-00768-00177167-00177302 uh cMC0YlrtTCg-00769-00177303-00177647 uh multi mdbs and uh banks now thinking cMC0YlrtTCg-00770-00177648-00177854 about how are they including risk in cMC0YlrtTCg-00771-00177855-00178151 their decision so absolutely where we're cMC0YlrtTCg-00772-00178152-00178366 completely aligned and on the same page cMC0YlrtTCg-00773-00178367-00178631 on on this in terms of yes there's cMC0YlrtTCg-00774-00178632-00178759 progress cMC0YlrtTCg-00775-00178760-00178878 i know there's a lot of thought cMC0YlrtTCg-00776-00178879-00179063 leadership a lot of thinking we've got cMC0YlrtTCg-00777-00179064-00179335 the champions group now but more needs cMC0YlrtTCg-00778-00179336-00179551 to be done more countries need to join cMC0YlrtTCg-00779-00179552-00179751 this champions group cMC0YlrtTCg-00780-00179752-00179975 so we're going to turn to um cMC0YlrtTCg-00781-00179976-00180223 our second panel and i think we're we're cMC0YlrtTCg-00782-00180224-00180390 gonna have to keep it the same format in cMC0YlrtTCg-00783-00180391-00180575 terms of calling each one cMC0YlrtTCg-00784-00180576-00180871 up um but the next panel will be hearing cMC0YlrtTCg-00785-00180872-00181111 from another group of countries uh very cMC0YlrtTCg-00786-00181112-00181287 much looking at what are the next steps cMC0YlrtTCg-00787-00181288-00181526 to unlock progress on adaptation finance cMC0YlrtTCg-00788-00181527-00181902 post club 26 so really the the what next cMC0YlrtTCg-00789-00181903-00182102 question cMC0YlrtTCg-00790-00182103-00182319 um and and of course right we we're cMC0YlrtTCg-00791-00182320-00182471 going to leave here we don't want the cMC0YlrtTCg-00792-00182472-00182678 political momentum to stop and we know cMC0YlrtTCg-00793-00182679-00182911 that's often what happens we're all cMC0YlrtTCg-00794-00182912-00183143 building up to an event then the event cMC0YlrtTCg-00795-00183144-00183399 ends we all go home cMC0YlrtTCg-00796-00183400-00183559 what we don't want is not no more cMC0YlrtTCg-00797-00183560-00183695 business as usual cMC0YlrtTCg-00798-00183696-00183854 right so cMC0YlrtTCg-00799-00183855-00184159 um for for to kick us off on this next cMC0YlrtTCg-00800-00184160-00184495 uh next panel we're going to invite our cMC0YlrtTCg-00801-00184496-00184654 um cMC0YlrtTCg-00802-00184655-00184943 our the minister from from sweden mr and cMC0YlrtTCg-00803-00184944-00185126 i really apologize if i'm butchering all cMC0YlrtTCg-00804-00185127-00185399 of your names i'm terribly sorry if it cMC0YlrtTCg-00805-00185400-00185543 makes you feel any better everyone cMC0YlrtTCg-00806-00185544-00185983 butchers mine um cMC0YlrtTCg-00807-00185984-00186126 so uh cMC0YlrtTCg-00808-00186127-00186543 mr pear olsen fred of the minister for cMC0YlrtTCg-00809-00186544-00186759 international development cooperation cMC0YlrtTCg-00810-00186760-00187071 from sweden and my question to you is cMC0YlrtTCg-00811-00187072-00187207 what will the champions group on cMC0YlrtTCg-00812-00187208-00187431 adaptation finance do next we're excited cMC0YlrtTCg-00813-00187432-00189095 the momentum has started what's next cMC0YlrtTCg-00814-00189096-00189350 yes that's it someone switched it off cMC0YlrtTCg-00815-00189351-00189495 that was it cMC0YlrtTCg-00816-00189496-00189702 um well thank you very much for inviting cMC0YlrtTCg-00817-00189703-00189926 me up here and and for this introduction cMC0YlrtTCg-00818-00189927-00190150 and um i think i do think when i i cMC0YlrtTCg-00819-00190151-00190302 listen to all of the panelists here i cMC0YlrtTCg-00820-00190303-00190495 think we also need to reconsider who we cMC0YlrtTCg-00821-00190496-00190663 call champions here cMC0YlrtTCg-00822-00190664-00190935 uh because i think the real champions cMC0YlrtTCg-00823-00190936-00191159 are the people that shows incredible cMC0YlrtTCg-00824-00191160-00191447 resilience uh and and make livelihoods cMC0YlrtTCg-00825-00191448-00191711 and living um in these conditions that cMC0YlrtTCg-00826-00191712-00191926 we've created uh putting our planet on cMC0YlrtTCg-00827-00191927-00192071 on a fever cMC0YlrtTCg-00828-00192072-00192207 um cMC0YlrtTCg-00829-00192208-00192471 and and i think this cop is is all about cMC0YlrtTCg-00830-00192472-00192663 ambitions right we're coming here to to cMC0YlrtTCg-00831-00192664-00192847 improve and come with greater ambitions cMC0YlrtTCg-00832-00192848-00193087 we raised the level we raised the bar cMC0YlrtTCg-00833-00193088-00193247 what happens after this cop is that we cMC0YlrtTCg-00834-00193248-00193375 need to move from ambition to cMC0YlrtTCg-00835-00193376-00193511 accountability cMC0YlrtTCg-00836-00193512-00193702 and there's no promises that will save cMC0YlrtTCg-00837-00193703-00193959 this planet or our livelihoods but only cMC0YlrtTCg-00838-00193960-00194119 us living up to those promises and i cMC0YlrtTCg-00839-00194120-00194319 think that is what this champions group cMC0YlrtTCg-00840-00194320-00194511 on adaptation is all about a group of cMC0YlrtTCg-00841-00194512-00194623 countries cMC0YlrtTCg-00842-00194624-00194799 that feel the responsibility to show the cMC0YlrtTCg-00843-00194800-00195166 way on on adaptation financing cMC0YlrtTCg-00844-00195167-00195335 and and one of our priorities is of cMC0YlrtTCg-00845-00195336-00195559 course to raise the overall financing cMC0YlrtTCg-00846-00195560-00195743 that goes to adaptation and we've heard cMC0YlrtTCg-00847-00195744-00195902 some about that before cMC0YlrtTCg-00848-00195903-00196135 sweden has risen to this challenge by cMC0YlrtTCg-00849-00196136-00196287 announcing that we will double our cMC0YlrtTCg-00850-00196288-00196614 climate financing to 2025 cMC0YlrtTCg-00851-00196615-00196871 and and roughly half of this will go cMC0YlrtTCg-00852-00196872-00197063 into adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00853-00197064-00197278 in line with partner countries needs and cMC0YlrtTCg-00854-00197279-00197438 and priorities cMC0YlrtTCg-00855-00197439-00197590 but equally important we have to make cMC0YlrtTCg-00856-00197591-00197854 sure that that adaptation finances is cMC0YlrtTCg-00857-00197855-00198143 readily also available to partner cMC0YlrtTCg-00858-00198144-00198350 countries to communities to the most cMC0YlrtTCg-00859-00198351-00198566 vulnerable people and communities that cMC0YlrtTCg-00860-00198567-00198759 is in the need of this financing and we cMC0YlrtTCg-00861-00198760-00198966 know that this is not the case today we cMC0YlrtTCg-00862-00198967-00199183 are channeling a lot of adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00863-00199184-00199559 financing to protect our trade routes cMC0YlrtTCg-00864-00199560-00199695 not to protect the most vulnerable cMC0YlrtTCg-00865-00199696-00199902 communities and that has to change cMC0YlrtTCg-00866-00199903-00200135 so moving forward beyond cop 26 will cMC0YlrtTCg-00867-00200136-00200390 continue we will continue our engagement cMC0YlrtTCg-00868-00200391-00200550 and collaboration with climate cMC0YlrtTCg-00869-00200551-00200783 vulnerable countries of course to build cMC0YlrtTCg-00870-00200784-00200943 shared priorities cMC0YlrtTCg-00871-00200944-00201295 uh collaborate on actions uh to even out cMC0YlrtTCg-00872-00201296-00201495 old relationships and build mutual cMC0YlrtTCg-00873-00201496-00201702 partnerships and the way forward to cMC0YlrtTCg-00874-00201703-00202071 champion adaptation finance solutions cMC0YlrtTCg-00875-00202072-00202254 i'd like to highlight a few things that cMC0YlrtTCg-00876-00202255-00202447 would be crucial for us in that work and cMC0YlrtTCg-00877-00202448-00202526 one cMC0YlrtTCg-00878-00202527-00202726 firstly as as donors cMC0YlrtTCg-00879-00202727-00202950 we need to ensure long-term adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-00880-00202951-00203199 finance and this is necessary to create cMC0YlrtTCg-00881-00203200-00203438 the predictability that is needed for us cMC0YlrtTCg-00882-00203439-00203719 to engage in in adaptation uh and to cMC0YlrtTCg-00883-00203720-00203950 deal with adaptation so sweden provides cMC0YlrtTCg-00884-00203951-00204190 multi-annual support to most of the big cMC0YlrtTCg-00885-00204191-00204407 climate funds to the adaptation fund to cMC0YlrtTCg-00886-00204408-00204502 the fund for the least developed cMC0YlrtTCg-00887-00204503-00204750 countries and i do it i do encourage cMC0YlrtTCg-00888-00204751-00204958 other donors to do the same because with cMC0YlrtTCg-00889-00204959-00205158 multi-annual and and cMC0YlrtTCg-00890-00205159-00205390 non-earmarked support we create the cMC0YlrtTCg-00891-00205391-00205542 conditions that you can that you can cMC0YlrtTCg-00892-00205544-00205727 predict and you can work long-term and cMC0YlrtTCg-00893-00205728-00205910 you can also put the resources where the cMC0YlrtTCg-00894-00205911-00206062 biggest needs are cMC0YlrtTCg-00895-00206063-00206206 secondly of course we need to continue cMC0YlrtTCg-00896-00206207-00206566 to build capacity nationally locally cMC0YlrtTCg-00897-00206567-00206719 but let's not fool ourselves to think cMC0YlrtTCg-00898-00206719-00206942 that we can come with capacity cMC0YlrtTCg-00899-00206944-00207182 the capacity is there the knowledge is cMC0YlrtTCg-00900-00207183-00207423 there and we need to use that bottom-up cMC0YlrtTCg-00901-00207423-00207598 approach to start from the communities cMC0YlrtTCg-00902-00207600-00207814 that are vulnerable use the knowledge cMC0YlrtTCg-00903-00207815-00207998 use the force and resources that they cMC0YlrtTCg-00904-00208000-00208279 are and then build from from from there cMC0YlrtTCg-00905-00208280-00208503 and i think that is an important key and cMC0YlrtTCg-00906-00208504-00208638 thirdly of course we need to make sure cMC0YlrtTCg-00907-00208639-00208855 that this type of financing also finds cMC0YlrtTCg-00908-00208856-00209062 its way through national budgeting cMC0YlrtTCg-00909-00209063-00209238 national plans and so on of course and cMC0YlrtTCg-00910-00209239-00209423 we can support that from the from the cMC0YlrtTCg-00911-00209423-00209598 champions group planning processes and cMC0YlrtTCg-00912-00209600-00209871 so on so our ambition is that we can cMC0YlrtTCg-00913-00209871-00210023 jointly deliver on all of this to the cMC0YlrtTCg-00914-00210023-00210271 cop 27. cMC0YlrtTCg-00915-00210271-00210503 and and that we can stand as partners uh cMC0YlrtTCg-00916-00210504-00210791 and with results by cop 27. cMC0YlrtTCg-00917-00210792-00210958 and halfway through this cop and the cMC0YlrtTCg-00918-00210959-00211167 next cop we will also host the stockholm cMC0YlrtTCg-00919-00211167-00211406 plus 50 conference to celebrate the 50th cMC0YlrtTCg-00920-00211407-00211591 anniversary of the ever first u.n cMC0YlrtTCg-00921-00211592-00211751 conference on the human environment that cMC0YlrtTCg-00922-00211752-00211982 was held in stockholm in 1972 and cMC0YlrtTCg-00923-00211983-00212206 perhaps we can use stockholm plus 50 cMC0YlrtTCg-00924-00212207-00212423 also as a stock taker on the work that cMC0YlrtTCg-00925-00212423-00212623 we do so and i would love the champions cMC0YlrtTCg-00926-00212623-00212871 group and and and adaptation countries cMC0YlrtTCg-00927-00212871-00213167 to to to to join us in in that in june cMC0YlrtTCg-00928-00213167-00213398 next year an opportunity to to further cMC0YlrtTCg-00929-00213400-00213655 promote this to this agenda together cMC0YlrtTCg-00930-00213656-00213839 so to end i just want to say that i'm cMC0YlrtTCg-00931-00213840-00214055 very particularly happy to also announce cMC0YlrtTCg-00932-00214056-00214127 that cMC0YlrtTCg-00933-00214128-00214367 new uh partners are joining uh the cMC0YlrtTCg-00934-00214367-00214598 champions group today um cMC0YlrtTCg-00935-00214600-00214863 new zealand australia italy african cMC0YlrtTCg-00936-00214864-00215142 development bank you're most welcome cMC0YlrtTCg-00937-00215144-00215358 thank you for joining us we need more cMC0YlrtTCg-00938-00215359-00215687 voices more resources cMC0YlrtTCg-00939-00215688-00215991 and more policy pushing this agenda the cMC0YlrtTCg-00940-00215992-00216334 the right way um together partnership is cMC0YlrtTCg-00941-00216335-00216558 leadership uh and then we can actually cMC0YlrtTCg-00942-00216559-00216751 make a change and and cMC0YlrtTCg-00943-00216752-00216934 increase the support from the oral cMC0YlrtTCg-00944-00216935-00217119 community to the most vulnerable people cMC0YlrtTCg-00945-00217119-00217294 to the most vulnerable communities and cMC0YlrtTCg-00946-00217296-00217455 create that adaptation that we cMC0YlrtTCg-00947-00217456-00217606 desperately need yeah thank you very cMC0YlrtTCg-00948-00217607-00217758 much cMC0YlrtTCg-00949-00217759-00218358 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-00950-00218359-00218582 so first off cMC0YlrtTCg-00951-00218583-00218958 i'll see you in stockholm i'll be there cMC0YlrtTCg-00952-00218959-00219110 secondly cMC0YlrtTCg-00953-00219111-00219319 i really want to i really liked you gave cMC0YlrtTCg-00954-00219319-00219527 me an idea as you were speaking cMC0YlrtTCg-00955-00219528-00219751 i wonder who cMC0YlrtTCg-00956-00219752-00219927 in in these halls cMC0YlrtTCg-00957-00219928-00220151 are tracking all the political cMC0YlrtTCg-00958-00220152-00220406 announcement being made cMC0YlrtTCg-00959-00220407-00220679 who's actually tracking it and who how cMC0YlrtTCg-00960-00220680-00220919 are we finding ways to hold everyone who cMC0YlrtTCg-00961-00220919-00221182 made these announcements in these cMC0YlrtTCg-00962-00221183-00221431 very nice side event halls and making cMC0YlrtTCg-00963-00221432-00221551 sure that they're delivering on their cMC0YlrtTCg-00964-00221552-00221663 promises cMC0YlrtTCg-00965-00221664-00221863 and i challenge the young people in this cMC0YlrtTCg-00966-00221864-00222055 room to let's have a climate cMC0YlrtTCg-00967-00222056-00222327 accountability advocate let's keep cMC0YlrtTCg-00968-00222328-00222510 that accountability there i think you're cMC0YlrtTCg-00969-00222511-00222655 absolutely right that that needs to cMC0YlrtTCg-00970-00222656-00222806 happen cMC0YlrtTCg-00971-00222807-00223006 and when it comes to capacity and cMC0YlrtTCg-00972-00223007-00223182 long-term adaptation financing i cMC0YlrtTCg-00973-00223183-00223342 couldn't agree more cMC0YlrtTCg-00974-00223344-00223582 as someone who runs a trust fund love cMC0YlrtTCg-00975-00223583-00223839 the whole idea of a multi-annual cMC0YlrtTCg-00976-00223840-00224039 funding helps us plan cMC0YlrtTCg-00977-00224040-00224351 and also the part about capacity is so cMC0YlrtTCg-00978-00224352-00224591 important we often make the mistake of cMC0YlrtTCg-00979-00224592-00225006 parachuting capacity in cMC0YlrtTCg-00980-00225007-00225223 and it's no surprise when it doesn't cMC0YlrtTCg-00981-00225223-00225423 last for very long because it's not cMC0YlrtTCg-00982-00225423-00225615 sustainable and the people don't have cMC0YlrtTCg-00983-00225616-00225823 the ownership cMC0YlrtTCg-00984-00225823-00226127 many of the solutions are there in these cMC0YlrtTCg-00985-00226128-00226351 countries and in the minds of the people cMC0YlrtTCg-00986-00226352-00226503 in those countries cMC0YlrtTCg-00987-00226504-00226742 ambassador webster is here we spent cMC0YlrtTCg-00988-00226744-00226951 some time last week looking at sid cMC0YlrtTCg-00989-00226952-00227151 solutions for sids cMC0YlrtTCg-00990-00227152-00227358 there are many small islands coming up cMC0YlrtTCg-00991-00227359-00227631 with solutions that can be very valuable cMC0YlrtTCg-00992-00227632-00227839 and can be adopted by other other small cMC0YlrtTCg-00993-00227840-00228046 islands as well cMC0YlrtTCg-00994-00228048-00228287 but we'll move to our next speaker cMC0YlrtTCg-00995-00228288-00228527 someone who i've visited his country um cMC0YlrtTCg-00996-00228528-00228831 and had a lovely time um cMC0YlrtTCg-00997-00228832-00229071 i must say and no i'm not gonna say it i cMC0YlrtTCg-00998-00229071-00229294 may offend people but your people are cMC0YlrtTCg-00999-00229296-00229534 one of the most amazing people i've ever cMC0YlrtTCg-01000-00229535-00229663 visited cMC0YlrtTCg-01001-00229664-00229934 uh his excellency la mindiba the cMC0YlrtTCg-01002-00229935-00230110 minister of environment climate change cMC0YlrtTCg-01003-00230111-00230263 and natural resources from the cMC0YlrtTCg-01004-00230264-00230510 government of the gambia cMC0YlrtTCg-01005-00230511-00230758 uh minister cMC0YlrtTCg-01006-00230759-00230975 what are your priorities for addressing cMC0YlrtTCg-01007-00230976-00231167 some of these issues on the road to cMC0YlrtTCg-01008-00231167-00231487 cop27 we want to hear the priorities cMC0YlrtTCg-01009-00231488-00231727 from from the gambia and least developed cMC0YlrtTCg-01010-00231728-00232127 countries cMC0YlrtTCg-01011-00232128-00232351 yes it is okay cMC0YlrtTCg-01012-00232352-00232655 thank you very much madam chair cMC0YlrtTCg-01013-00232656-00232831 i think this is cMC0YlrtTCg-01014-00232832-00233006 a great opportunity cMC0YlrtTCg-01015-00233007-00233231 for us to share with you cMC0YlrtTCg-01016-00233232-00233455 our priorities from the other side of cMC0YlrtTCg-01017-00233456-00233567 the coin cMC0YlrtTCg-01018-00233567-00233798 i have seen that the champions here have cMC0YlrtTCg-01019-00233800-00233967 made some commitments cMC0YlrtTCg-01020-00233967-00234510 but i really like the swedish cMC0YlrtTCg-01021-00234511-00234903 as developed developing countries cMC0YlrtTCg-01022-00234904-00235006 we have cMC0YlrtTCg-01023-00235007-00235167 challenges cMC0YlrtTCg-01024-00235167-00235351 but those challenges cMC0YlrtTCg-01025-00235352-00235479 we have cMC0YlrtTCg-01026-00235480-00235758 solutions within ourselves but we really cMC0YlrtTCg-01027-00235759-00235942 need access cMC0YlrtTCg-01028-00235944-00236087 to resources cMC0YlrtTCg-01029-00236088-00236334 technology capacity cMC0YlrtTCg-01030-00236335-00236606 and so on but to start with cMC0YlrtTCg-01031-00236607-00236927 your excellencies i would like to cMC0YlrtTCg-01032-00236928-00237358 join the eosis and malawi to welcome the cMC0YlrtTCg-01033-00237359-00237519 champions cMC0YlrtTCg-01034-00237519-00237758 the adaptation champions cMC0YlrtTCg-01035-00237759-00237991 this is something that we look forward cMC0YlrtTCg-01036-00237992-00238110 to cMC0YlrtTCg-01037-00238111-00238294 as we all know cMC0YlrtTCg-01038-00238296-00238582 gambia is one the only country cMC0YlrtTCg-01039-00238583-00238727 in the whole world cMC0YlrtTCg-01040-00238728-00239127 that has an ndc that is 1.5 degrees cMC0YlrtTCg-01041-00239128-00239406 celsius compliant cMC0YlrtTCg-01042-00239407-00239551 and here cMC0YlrtTCg-01043-00239552-00239815 we have clearly set our priorities in cMC0YlrtTCg-01044-00239816-00240046 that ndc cMC0YlrtTCg-01045-00240048-00240279 and as a developing country as a least cMC0YlrtTCg-01046-00240280-00240415 developed country cMC0YlrtTCg-01047-00240416-00240639 i have just highlighted few of the cMC0YlrtTCg-01048-00240640-00240727 issues cMC0YlrtTCg-01049-00240728-00240830 one cMC0YlrtTCg-01050-00240831-00241230 is access unfettered access cMC0YlrtTCg-01051-00241231-00241527 to resources that is financial support cMC0YlrtTCg-01052-00241528-00241727 for adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-01053-00241728-00241934 and here i like cMC0YlrtTCg-01054-00241935-00242079 your approach cMC0YlrtTCg-01055-00242080-00242391 of going down to the people because cMC0YlrtTCg-01056-00242392-00242703 that is where vulnerabilities are cMC0YlrtTCg-01057-00242704-00242967 that is where we need to enhance the cMC0YlrtTCg-01058-00242967-00243094 resilience cMC0YlrtTCg-01059-00243096-00243382 of these vulnerable groups cMC0YlrtTCg-01060-00243383-00243575 and communities cMC0YlrtTCg-01061-00243576-00243934 that suffer from the impact of climate cMC0YlrtTCg-01062-00243935-00244239 change on their lives and livelihoods so cMC0YlrtTCg-01063-00244240-00244471 it is important that when we are cMC0YlrtTCg-01064-00244471-00244630 designing cMC0YlrtTCg-01065-00244631-00244710 these cMC0YlrtTCg-01066-00244711-00244934 mechanisms we need to take into cMC0YlrtTCg-01067-00244935-00245198 consideration how do we reach out to cMC0YlrtTCg-01068-00245200-00245423 those people cMC0YlrtTCg-01069-00245423-00245671 from the oecd cMC0YlrtTCg-01070-00245671-00245791 report cMC0YlrtTCg-01071-00245792-00245967 only ten percent cMC0YlrtTCg-01072-00245967-00246215 of these resources is reaching to the cMC0YlrtTCg-01073-00246216-00246455 grassroots that is the people cMC0YlrtTCg-01074-00246456-00246719 and we need to change that paradigm cMC0YlrtTCg-01075-00246719-00246934 and we cannot change that paradigm cMC0YlrtTCg-01076-00246935-00247191 without the support of cMC0YlrtTCg-01077-00247192-00247351 ud champions cMC0YlrtTCg-01078-00247352-00247663 and therefore and all other mechanisms cMC0YlrtTCg-01079-00247664-00247967 either the 100 billion is here cMC0YlrtTCg-01080-00247967-00248334 or it is not here before 2025 but as i cMC0YlrtTCg-01081-00248335-00248423 said cMC0YlrtTCg-01082-00248423-00248758 we need these funds yesterday not even cMC0YlrtTCg-01083-00248759-00248910 today cMC0YlrtTCg-01084-00248911-00249127 these resources cMC0YlrtTCg-01085-00249128-00249334 other people from the small island cMC0YlrtTCg-01086-00249335-00249503 states have talked about the cMC0YlrtTCg-01087-00249504-00249782 vulnerability from small island states cMC0YlrtTCg-01088-00249783-00250055 but us in this in the sahel cMC0YlrtTCg-01089-00250056-00250263 being in the sahel itself is a cMC0YlrtTCg-01090-00250264-00250439 vulnerability cMC0YlrtTCg-01091-00250440-00250710 we are at risk in this again cMC0YlrtTCg-01092-00250711-00250998 so people's livelihoods are at risk cMC0YlrtTCg-01093-00251000-00251142 every day cMC0YlrtTCg-01094-00251144-00251367 people are losing lives cMC0YlrtTCg-01095-00251367-00251694 people are losing livelihoods how do we cMC0YlrtTCg-01096-00251696-00252039 remedy this is to enhance our adaptive cMC0YlrtTCg-01097-00252040-00252334 capacities at local level and at cMC0YlrtTCg-01098-00252335-00252655 national level this is a priority cMC0YlrtTCg-01099-00252656-00252967 one we all know the gambia cMC0YlrtTCg-01100-00252967-00253279 75 percent of our population is engaged cMC0YlrtTCg-01101-00253280-00253430 in agriculture cMC0YlrtTCg-01102-00253431-00253687 and agriculture is one sector which is cMC0YlrtTCg-01103-00253688-00253951 very sensitive to climate change but cMC0YlrtTCg-01104-00253952-00254223 also a contributor to climate change if cMC0YlrtTCg-01105-00254223-00254439 you look at our ndc you'll see that cMC0YlrtTCg-01106-00254440-00254671 agriculture is a priority our method of cMC0YlrtTCg-01107-00254671-00254991 production how do we employ the power of cMC0YlrtTCg-01108-00254992-00255239 science technology and innovation to cMC0YlrtTCg-01109-00255240-00255494 change our method of production so that cMC0YlrtTCg-01110-00255496-00255830 the people who depend on this sector can cMC0YlrtTCg-01111-00255831-00256094 produce and enhance their productivity cMC0YlrtTCg-01112-00256096-00256375 but also enhance the volunteer cMC0YlrtTCg-01113-00256376-00256727 we're also looking at our energy sector cMC0YlrtTCg-01114-00256728-00257030 which will enable us to achieve our mdc cMC0YlrtTCg-01115-00257031-00257223 within the targeted time frame by cMC0YlrtTCg-01116-00257223-00257510 reducing our greenhouse gas emission cMC0YlrtTCg-01117-00257511-00257663 by 49 cMC0YlrtTCg-01118-00257664-00257927 this is what we charge ourselves in the cMC0YlrtTCg-01119-00257928-00258263 ndc but we also looking at our waste cMC0YlrtTCg-01120-00258264-00258479 disposal which is also contributing to cMC0YlrtTCg-01121-00258480-00258798 greenhouse gases so what technology is cMC0YlrtTCg-01122-00258800-00259063 available from the global north to cMC0YlrtTCg-01123-00259064-00259351 support us to ensure that we have we do cMC0YlrtTCg-01124-00259352-00259655 not only have waste management system cMC0YlrtTCg-01125-00259656-00259951 but a landfill that can enable us to cMC0YlrtTCg-01126-00259952-00260063 manage cMC0YlrtTCg-01127-00260064-00260382 generate and manage these waste into a cMC0YlrtTCg-01128-00260383-00260655 more responsible and responsive to cMC0YlrtTCg-01129-00260656-00260806 climate change cMC0YlrtTCg-01130-00260807-00261046 the other aspect that is very cMC0YlrtTCg-01131-00261048-00261310 significant in our priorities is cMC0YlrtTCg-01132-00261311-00261527 resilience building but the crux of the cMC0YlrtTCg-01133-00261528-00261775 matter is how do we cMC0YlrtTCg-01134-00261776-00262055 access resources and get it down to the cMC0YlrtTCg-01135-00262056-00262367 people so these are our priorities cMC0YlrtTCg-01136-00262368-00262615 on behalf of my government cMC0YlrtTCg-01137-00262616-00262751 i would want to cMC0YlrtTCg-01138-00262752-00262879 thank cMC0YlrtTCg-01139-00262880-00263119 the champion group for inviting the cMC0YlrtTCg-01140-00263120-00263471 gambia to share our thoughts and also cMC0YlrtTCg-01141-00263472-00263727 our priorities which is very important cMC0YlrtTCg-01142-00263728-00263943 for us but one plea cMC0YlrtTCg-01143-00263944-00264047 i have cMC0YlrtTCg-01144-00264048-00264182 is that cMC0YlrtTCg-01145-00264183-00264447 we are all together in this cMC0YlrtTCg-01146-00264448-00264655 and it is important that the global cMC0YlrtTCg-01147-00264656-00264751 north cMC0YlrtTCg-01148-00264752-00265087 also enhance their ambition cMC0YlrtTCg-01149-00265088-00265223 because if not cMC0YlrtTCg-01150-00265224-00265382 what would happen cMC0YlrtTCg-01151-00265383-00265606 the small island states cMC0YlrtTCg-01152-00265607-00265855 the developed countries with all these cMC0YlrtTCg-01153-00265856-00266063 nice plants that we have cMC0YlrtTCg-01154-00266064-00266375 with all the activities that we have cMC0YlrtTCg-01155-00266376-00266647 it will all be negated by cMC0YlrtTCg-01156-00266648-00266951 the non-action of the global world so i cMC0YlrtTCg-01157-00266952-00267191 think it is important for all of us to cMC0YlrtTCg-01158-00267192-00267503 and to ensure that we have an ambition cMC0YlrtTCg-01159-00267504-00267806 that is responsive to 1.5 degrees cMC0YlrtTCg-01160-00267807-00268039 nothing less on that i thank you all for cMC0YlrtTCg-01161-00268040-00268167 your kind cMC0YlrtTCg-01162-00268168-00268919 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-01163-00268920-00269110 thank you minister i think you've summed cMC0YlrtTCg-01164-00269111-00269447 it up well we're all in this together cMC0YlrtTCg-01165-00269448-00269551 uh cMC0YlrtTCg-01166-00269552-00269815 so we all need to take action ambition cMC0YlrtTCg-01167-00269816-00270006 finance adaptation and building cMC0YlrtTCg-01168-00270007-00270399 resilience uh i'm very conscious of time cMC0YlrtTCg-01169-00270400-00270543 and i and i don't and it's such cMC0YlrtTCg-01170-00270544-00270695 important conversation so i don't want cMC0YlrtTCg-01171-00270696-00270879 to cut anybody off cMC0YlrtTCg-01172-00270880-00271087 but we'll try to stick to the allocated cMC0YlrtTCg-01173-00271088-00271334 time as much as possible uh the next cMC0YlrtTCg-01174-00271335-00271599 speaker is from germany cMC0YlrtTCg-01175-00271600-00272006 doctor yugan zatla the director general cMC0YlrtTCg-01176-00272007-00272319 yes please join us up up on stage and cMC0YlrtTCg-01177-00272320-00272510 now our question to you is what can the cMC0YlrtTCg-01178-00272511-00272751 members of the champions group do to cMC0YlrtTCg-01179-00272752-00272927 help address the issue highlighted in cMC0YlrtTCg-01180-00272928-00273175 the 100 billion delivery plan that more cMC0YlrtTCg-01181-00273176-00273334 work needs to be done to increase cMC0YlrtTCg-01182-00273335-00273527 adaptation finance which still lags cMC0YlrtTCg-01183-00273528-00274039 behind finance for mitigation cMC0YlrtTCg-01184-00274040-00274327 interesting question cMC0YlrtTCg-01185-00274328-00274615 yes i'll start with the quantity and the cMC0YlrtTCg-01186-00274616-00274782 100 million cMC0YlrtTCg-01187-00274783-00275039 i mean we know there is a problem cMC0YlrtTCg-01188-00275040-00275415 our state uh secretary in our ministry cMC0YlrtTCg-01189-00275416-00275615 for environment has looked cMC0YlrtTCg-01190-00275616-00275710 at that cMC0YlrtTCg-01191-00275711-00276199 the canadian government and cMC0YlrtTCg-01192-00276200-00276295 they have cMC0YlrtTCg-01193-00276296-00276471 come up with a roadmap and we are now cMC0YlrtTCg-01194-00276472-00276647 quite confident that cMC0YlrtTCg-01195-00276648-00276958 we will over perform in the next year cMC0YlrtTCg-01196-00276959-00277039 and cMC0YlrtTCg-01197-00277040-00277334 achieve this goal i mean promises and cMC0YlrtTCg-01198-00277335-00277558 please follow up cMC0YlrtTCg-01199-00277559-00277806 yes not only the young ones the youth cMC0YlrtTCg-01200-00277807-00278063 but also the old ones everyone yeah cMC0YlrtTCg-01201-00278064-00278343 so this is about the quantity of climate cMC0YlrtTCg-01202-00278344-00278599 finance but then we have the cMC0YlrtTCg-01203-00278600-00278855 the issue of adaptation finance and i cMC0YlrtTCg-01204-00278856-00278967 think cMC0YlrtTCg-01205-00278968-00279151 it's it's quite obvious that we have a cMC0YlrtTCg-01206-00279152-00279271 problem here cMC0YlrtTCg-01207-00279272-00279495 that the adaptation needs are really cMC0YlrtTCg-01208-00279496-00279758 increasing are high and the share is too cMC0YlrtTCg-01209-00279759-00279839 low cMC0YlrtTCg-01210-00279840-00279910 so cMC0YlrtTCg-01211-00279911-00280158 i would invite everybody as the cMC0YlrtTCg-01212-00280159-00280375 ambassador also did cMC0YlrtTCg-01213-00280376-00280734 he referred to youthful exuberance cMC0YlrtTCg-01214-00280735-00280999 i think that's what we need um cMC0YlrtTCg-01215-00281000-00281239 exuberance youthful or not cMC0YlrtTCg-01216-00281240-00281575 we have to to get this figure up more cMC0YlrtTCg-01217-00281576-00281815 adaptation financing cMC0YlrtTCg-01218-00281816-00282119 and our youthful chancellor cMC0YlrtTCg-01219-00282120-00282334 angela merkel she cMC0YlrtTCg-01220-00282335-00282623 has announced only recently that germany cMC0YlrtTCg-01221-00282624-00283006 will increase its climate financing from cMC0YlrtTCg-01222-00283007-00283287 4 billion to 6 billion cMC0YlrtTCg-01223-00283288-00283430 in cMC0YlrtTCg-01224-00283431-00283743 2025 cMC0YlrtTCg-01225-00283744-00284039 and also we will increase the share of cMC0YlrtTCg-01226-00284040-00284303 our adaptation finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01227-00284304-00284591 we want to see a balance between cMC0YlrtTCg-01228-00284592-00284799 adaptation and cMC0YlrtTCg-01229-00284800-00285030 mitigation finance that's another cMC0YlrtTCg-01230-00285031-00285151 commitment cMC0YlrtTCg-01231-00285152-00285382 please cMC0YlrtTCg-01232-00285383-00285534 track cMC0YlrtTCg-01233-00285535-00285703 and cMC0YlrtTCg-01234-00285704-00285967 then with regard to cMC0YlrtTCg-01235-00285968-00286167 the question cMC0YlrtTCg-01236-00286168-00286327 um cMC0YlrtTCg-01237-00286328-00286406 yes cMC0YlrtTCg-01238-00286407-00286527 how to cMC0YlrtTCg-01239-00286528-00286758 it's more on quality i think my cMC0YlrtTCg-01240-00286759-00286991 colleague from the uk said cMC0YlrtTCg-01241-00286992-00287439 no either or grow the pie cMC0YlrtTCg-01242-00287440-00287558 and cMC0YlrtTCg-01243-00287559-00287751 that's right cMC0YlrtTCg-01244-00287752-00288015 but we can also look at another issue cMC0YlrtTCg-01245-00288016-00288103 it's cMC0YlrtTCg-01246-00288104-00288463 where adaptation and mitigation finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01247-00288464-00288734 is perhaps overlapping cMC0YlrtTCg-01248-00288735-00288982 for example nature based solutions cMC0YlrtTCg-01249-00288983-00289327 circulate economy offers really cMC0YlrtTCg-01250-00289328-00289663 possibilities to do both adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-01251-00289664-00289767 and cMC0YlrtTCg-01252-00289768-00289967 mitigation cMC0YlrtTCg-01253-00289968-00290182 and cMC0YlrtTCg-01254-00290183-00290463 again with regard to adaptation finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01255-00290464-00290687 i would like to make another it's not an cMC0YlrtTCg-01256-00290688-00290943 announcement but just to remind you cMC0YlrtTCg-01257-00290944-00291047 that cMC0YlrtTCg-01258-00291048-00291143 we cMC0YlrtTCg-01259-00291144-00291415 increase germany our commitments to the cMC0YlrtTCg-01260-00291416-00291687 least developed country fund cMC0YlrtTCg-01261-00291688-00291775 in cMC0YlrtTCg-01262-00291776-00291927 this year cMC0YlrtTCg-01263-00291928-00291999 by cMC0YlrtTCg-01264-00292000-00292306 another 100 million to now cMC0YlrtTCg-01265-00292307-00292575 415 million cMC0YlrtTCg-01266-00292576-00292703 euro cMC0YlrtTCg-01267-00292704-00292967 again please please track cMC0YlrtTCg-01268-00292968-00293054 um cMC0YlrtTCg-01269-00293055-00293271 and perhaps the last point cMC0YlrtTCg-01270-00293272-00293687 access to perhaps another another cMC0YlrtTCg-01271-00293688-00293943 issue with regard to the quality cMC0YlrtTCg-01272-00293944-00294206 because i think the the issue of debt cMC0YlrtTCg-01273-00294207-00294527 has been rings i think that's a very cMC0YlrtTCg-01274-00294528-00294863 important thing we have to cMC0YlrtTCg-01275-00294864-00295079 to cMC0YlrtTCg-01276-00295080-00295191 try cMC0YlrtTCg-01277-00295192-00295495 to provide this adaptation finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01278-00295496-00295719 in cMC0YlrtTCg-01279-00295720-00295934 concessional and highly concessional cMC0YlrtTCg-01280-00295935-00296047 form cMC0YlrtTCg-01281-00296048-00296230 in particular for countries with high cMC0YlrtTCg-01282-00296231-00296471 debt i think that's that's an important cMC0YlrtTCg-01283-00296472-00296799 issue and if possible we have to provide cMC0YlrtTCg-01284-00296800-00296930 it in cMC0YlrtTCg-01285-00296931-00297239 pre-arranged form because this makes it cMC0YlrtTCg-01286-00297240-00297454 quicker and therefore example as you cMC0YlrtTCg-01287-00297455-00297534 know cMC0YlrtTCg-01288-00297535-00297630 we are cMC0YlrtTCg-01289-00297631-00297830 we initiated our cMC0YlrtTCg-01290-00297831-00298095 insta resilience cMC0YlrtTCg-01291-00298096-00298358 partnership where we try to increase cMC0YlrtTCg-01292-00298359-00298623 funding which is pre-arranged cMC0YlrtTCg-01293-00298624-00298910 and a last point on the access to to cMC0YlrtTCg-01294-00298911-00299158 finance issue i think that's really the cMC0YlrtTCg-01295-00299159-00299334 difficult one cMC0YlrtTCg-01296-00299335-00299558 usually elderly men they always have cMC0YlrtTCg-01297-00299559-00299671 answers cMC0YlrtTCg-01298-00299672-00299934 i do not have um cMC0YlrtTCg-01299-00299935-00300134 with regard to this issue cMC0YlrtTCg-01300-00300135-00300287 but cMC0YlrtTCg-01301-00300288-00300558 what we what i can say is cMC0YlrtTCg-01302-00300559-00300967 germany will join the the task force cMC0YlrtTCg-01303-00300968-00301095 to access cMC0YlrtTCg-01304-00301096-00301319 to climate finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01305-00301320-00301543 and if you don't have an answer at least cMC0YlrtTCg-01306-00301544-00301734 you have a process and we are committed cMC0YlrtTCg-01307-00301735-00302080 to that thank you cMC0YlrtTCg-01308-00302081-00302503 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-01309-00302504-00302703 thank you very much um cMC0YlrtTCg-01310-00302704-00302871 we will follow up cMC0YlrtTCg-01311-00302872-00303030 and i feel that cMC0YlrtTCg-01312-00303031-00303230 we get really good answers when we get cMC0YlrtTCg-01313-00303231-00303454 the elderly white men with lots of other cMC0YlrtTCg-01314-00303455-00303606 people together cMC0YlrtTCg-01315-00303607-00303815 and we discuss and come up with cMC0YlrtTCg-01316-00303816-00304030 solutions together so um i hope that cMC0YlrtTCg-01317-00304031-00304239 starsville is task force is well cMC0YlrtTCg-01318-00304240-00304454 constitutional well constituted with cMC0YlrtTCg-01319-00304455-00304623 lots of representative and i'm sure cMC0YlrtTCg-01320-00304624-00304799 we're going to get the answer to to cMC0YlrtTCg-01321-00304800-00305071 access the finance so moving on swiftly cMC0YlrtTCg-01322-00305072-00305175 to cMC0YlrtTCg-01323-00305176-00305343 minister of environment and climate cMC0YlrtTCg-01324-00305344-00305510 change from finland cMC0YlrtTCg-01325-00305511-00305703 miss krista mcconan cMC0YlrtTCg-01326-00305704-00305999 um minister cMC0YlrtTCg-01327-00306000-00306158 our question for you is how will the cMC0YlrtTCg-01328-00306159-00306375 champions group continue to engage with cMC0YlrtTCg-01329-00306376-00306654 sids and ldcs on this agenda so we're cMC0YlrtTCg-01330-00306655-00306871 listening very keenly we've heard sids cMC0YlrtTCg-01331-00306872-00307110 thank you thank you well first i i'd cMC0YlrtTCg-01332-00307111-00307382 like to start telling cMC0YlrtTCg-01333-00307383-00307591 telling you that finland is also cMC0YlrtTCg-01334-00307592-00307871 strongly scaling up climate finance for cMC0YlrtTCg-01335-00307872-00308119 the development country partners during cMC0YlrtTCg-01336-00308120-00308351 this government term we have increased cMC0YlrtTCg-01337-00308352-00308710 it by 80 percent and we have also heard cMC0YlrtTCg-01338-00308711-00308958 the calls for more emphasis on cMC0YlrtTCg-01339-00308959-00309127 adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-01340-00309128-00309415 finance and we are striving towards an cMC0YlrtTCg-01341-00309416-00309654 even better balance cMC0YlrtTCg-01342-00309655-00309887 while we are very inspired by the work cMC0YlrtTCg-01343-00309888-00310079 of the champions group cMC0YlrtTCg-01344-00310080-00310423 improving the quality of and access to cMC0YlrtTCg-01345-00310424-00310679 adaptation finance are very important cMC0YlrtTCg-01346-00310680-00310991 token targets and of course in addition cMC0YlrtTCg-01347-00310992-00311358 to increasing funding as well cMC0YlrtTCg-01348-00311359-00311558 i believe we need increased cMC0YlrtTCg-01349-00311559-00311910 understanding of risks adaptation needs cMC0YlrtTCg-01350-00311911-00312206 and available solutions in order to cMC0YlrtTCg-01351-00312207-00312527 successfully enhance brazilians cMC0YlrtTCg-01352-00312528-00312767 i also have a pleasure to welcome the cMC0YlrtTCg-01353-00312768-00313015 champions group to finland to city of cMC0YlrtTCg-01354-00313016-00313303 lahti which which is actually the korean cMC0YlrtTCg-01355-00313304-00313679 capital of europe this year just in such cMC0YlrtTCg-01356-00313680-00313847 in five weeks cMC0YlrtTCg-01357-00313848-00314175 the aim is to discuss priorities in the cMC0YlrtTCg-01358-00314176-00314503 cop 27 with least developed countries cMC0YlrtTCg-01359-00314504-00314751 and small island development states i cMC0YlrtTCg-01360-00314752-00315158 hope there we will find more answers cMC0YlrtTCg-01361-00315159-00315423 it will also be an opportunity for cMC0YlrtTCg-01362-00315424-00315679 action with the coalition of finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01363-00315680-00315982 ministers for climate action cMC0YlrtTCg-01364-00315983-00316223 which is cultured by finland and cMC0YlrtTCg-01365-00316224-00316399 indonesia cMC0YlrtTCg-01366-00316400-00316654 the last meeting will kick off by the cMC0YlrtTCg-01367-00316655-00316919 set of the dialogue dialogues on cMC0YlrtTCg-01368-00316920-00317310 adaptation finance during 2022 cMC0YlrtTCg-01369-00317311-00317567 organized by the champions group member cMC0YlrtTCg-01370-00317568-00317727 countries cMC0YlrtTCg-01371-00317728-00317975 in the coming year we need to build cMC0YlrtTCg-01372-00317976-00318287 support for scaling up global adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-01373-00318288-00318591 finance and commit to a balanced cMC0YlrtTCg-01374-00318592-00318903 approach in public climate finance as cMC0YlrtTCg-01375-00318904-00319191 well as improve transparency of cMC0YlrtTCg-01376-00319192-00319351 reporting cMC0YlrtTCg-01377-00319352-00319703 we will also reach out to other climate cMC0YlrtTCg-01378-00319704-00320054 finance providers to welcome new members cMC0YlrtTCg-01379-00320055-00320263 to join to effort cMC0YlrtTCg-01380-00320264-00320534 i hope we can have many of you and cMC0YlrtTCg-01381-00320535-00320782 others in lahti cMC0YlrtTCg-01382-00320783-00321087 either in person or virtually cMC0YlrtTCg-01383-00321088-00321304 thank you cMC0YlrtTCg-01384-00321305-00321839 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-01385-00321840-00322103 thank you very much minister um cMC0YlrtTCg-01386-00322104-00322343 i hope the i hope your call is heard and cMC0YlrtTCg-01387-00322344-00322543 more countries join cMC0YlrtTCg-01388-00322544-00322806 and in fact when the group was launched cMC0YlrtTCg-01389-00322807-00323110 back at unga i believe it was september cMC0YlrtTCg-01390-00323111-00323295 it was a small group a small group of cMC0YlrtTCg-01391-00323296-00323503 ambitious countries though cMC0YlrtTCg-01392-00323504-00323727 and i remember the launch and i you know cMC0YlrtTCg-01393-00323728-00323919 i was i was sitting in the seychelles cMC0YlrtTCg-01394-00323920-00324103 was very excited cMC0YlrtTCg-01395-00324104-00324303 and that was in september and we're only cMC0YlrtTCg-01396-00324304-00324519 two months later and i hear there's new cMC0YlrtTCg-01397-00324520-00324654 members cMC0YlrtTCg-01398-00324655-00324934 so it's really fantastic to see that new cMC0YlrtTCg-01399-00324935-00325134 members are committing to the objectives cMC0YlrtTCg-01400-00325135-00325303 of the champions group cMC0YlrtTCg-01401-00325304-00325454 and i'm gonna give an opportunity for cMC0YlrtTCg-01402-00325455-00325727 the new members to all all three come on cMC0YlrtTCg-01403-00325728-00325967 stage uh representatives from new cMC0YlrtTCg-01404-00325968-00326158 zealand australia cMC0YlrtTCg-01405-00326159-00326343 and the african development bank if we cMC0YlrtTCg-01406-00326344-00327687 can join us on stage cMC0YlrtTCg-01407-00327688-00327958 we have the adb no one cMC0YlrtTCg-01408-00327959-00328110 okay so cMC0YlrtTCg-01409-00328111-00328351 seems our colleagues um from the african cMC0YlrtTCg-01410-00328352-00328527 development bank have not been able to cMC0YlrtTCg-01411-00328528-00328687 to make it but cMC0YlrtTCg-01412-00328688-00328934 i'm sure we'll get a an update from them cMC0YlrtTCg-01413-00328935-00329215 later on cMC0YlrtTCg-01414-00329216-00329606 so the questions for our new cMC0YlrtTCg-01415-00329607-00329958 our new champions cMC0YlrtTCg-01416-00329959-00330134 why have you decided to join the cMC0YlrtTCg-01417-00330135-00330334 champions group and what are your cMC0YlrtTCg-01418-00330335-00330519 priorities for supporting a better cMC0YlrtTCg-01419-00330520-00330727 balance for and access to adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-01420-00330728-00331054 finance moving forward cMC0YlrtTCg-01421-00331055-00331191 i will start cMC0YlrtTCg-01422-00331192-00331310 we'll start with uh let's go cMC0YlrtTCg-01423-00331311-00331430 alphabetical order we'll start with cMC0YlrtTCg-01424-00331431-00332039 australia cMC0YlrtTCg-01425-00332040-00332327 thank you very much um i am not as cMC0YlrtTCg-01426-00332328-00332639 billed uh ambassador jamie s mister um cMC0YlrtTCg-01427-00332640-00332823 our head of delegation who unfortunately cMC0YlrtTCg-01428-00332824-00333047 has been called away to consultations uh cMC0YlrtTCg-01429-00333048-00333254 my name is peter elder and despite the cMC0YlrtTCg-01430-00333255-00333487 scottish accent i am indeed cMC0YlrtTCg-01431-00333488-00333767 the director of our cop delegation this cMC0YlrtTCg-01432-00333768-00334054 year and i'm very honored and delighted cMC0YlrtTCg-01433-00334055-00334247 to be on the stage today to cMC0YlrtTCg-01434-00334248-00334534 join fellow champions as a new member cMC0YlrtTCg-01435-00334535-00334687 and the one thing cMC0YlrtTCg-01436-00334688-00334815 that australia has been particularly cMC0YlrtTCg-01437-00334816-00335078 inspired by is the ambition of the group cMC0YlrtTCg-01438-00335079-00335287 and this is a group that leads by cMC0YlrtTCg-01439-00335288-00335551 example and australia is very keen to uh cMC0YlrtTCg-01440-00335552-00335751 to sign up to that cMC0YlrtTCg-01441-00335752-00335854 um cMC0YlrtTCg-01442-00335855-00336039 of course focusing on adaptation and cMC0YlrtTCg-01443-00336040-00336254 resilience is a key part of australia's cMC0YlrtTCg-01444-00336255-00336399 development program cMC0YlrtTCg-01445-00336400-00336630 and in fact uh over the period of the cMC0YlrtTCg-01446-00336631-00337015 first commitment period of 2015 to 2020 cMC0YlrtTCg-01447-00337016-00337351 over 70 percent of our climate finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01448-00337352-00337582 is invested in adaptation and resilience cMC0YlrtTCg-01449-00337583-00337830 building activities cMC0YlrtTCg-01450-00337831-00337951 earlier cMC0YlrtTCg-01451-00337952-00338134 in cop last week cMC0YlrtTCg-01452-00338135-00338399 our prime minister announced a doubling cMC0YlrtTCg-01453-00338400-00338623 of our climate finance meeting high cMC0YlrtTCg-01454-00338624-00338775 ambition goal cMC0YlrtTCg-01455-00338776-00338943 and we certainly expect that we will cMC0YlrtTCg-01456-00338944-00339158 maintain a strong proportion an above cMC0YlrtTCg-01457-00339159-00339454 balanced proportion of that finance for cMC0YlrtTCg-01458-00339455-00339719 adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-01459-00339720-00339878 our development assistance is very cMC0YlrtTCg-01460-00339879-00340063 focused on our region as members of the cMC0YlrtTCg-01461-00340064-00340239 pacific family cMC0YlrtTCg-01462-00340240-00340423 the pacific small island developing cMC0YlrtTCg-01463-00340424-00340727 states and around 700 million dollars of cMC0YlrtTCg-01464-00340728-00340967 our two billion we anticipate will go to cMC0YlrtTCg-01465-00340968-00341230 climate finance in the pacific over 2020 cMC0YlrtTCg-01466-00341231-00341519 to 2025. cMC0YlrtTCg-01467-00341520-00341630 um cMC0YlrtTCg-01468-00341631-00341775 we believe that we have something to cMC0YlrtTCg-01469-00341776-00341951 offer the champions group we we have cMC0YlrtTCg-01470-00341952-00342191 learned by partnership and experience cMC0YlrtTCg-01471-00342192-00342351 quite a bit about deploying adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-01472-00342352-00342567 finance and the needs of our pacific cMC0YlrtTCg-01473-00342568-00342782 small island developing states but also cMC0YlrtTCg-01474-00342783-00342999 our southeast asian developing country cMC0YlrtTCg-01475-00343000-00343254 partners as well cMC0YlrtTCg-01476-00343255-00343591 and one thing noting this is a can-do cMC0YlrtTCg-01477-00343592-00343839 group and not just a rhetorical group is cMC0YlrtTCg-01478-00343840-00343991 we come with an offer cMC0YlrtTCg-01479-00343992-00344295 and australia proposes to lead some work cMC0YlrtTCg-01480-00344296-00344527 drawing on the experience and the data cMC0YlrtTCg-01481-00344528-00344727 that the champions group has cMC0YlrtTCg-01482-00344728-00344967 to prepare a qualitative paper on the cMC0YlrtTCg-01483-00344968-00345103 state of play cMC0YlrtTCg-01484-00345104-00345278 on the effectiveness of adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-01485-00345279-00345582 finance in time for cop next year when cMC0YlrtTCg-01486-00345583-00345815 we meet again in charmal sheikh cMC0YlrtTCg-01487-00345816-00345982 we've heard a lot in the previous cMC0YlrtTCg-01488-00345983-00346134 speakers about the cMC0YlrtTCg-01489-00346135-00346375 uh quality of adaptation finance and cMC0YlrtTCg-01490-00346376-00346582 about the sustainability challenge cMC0YlrtTCg-01491-00346583-00346767 and our report we propose will bring cMC0YlrtTCg-01492-00346768-00346951 forward recommendations to improve the cMC0YlrtTCg-01493-00346952-00347230 quality of adaptation finance and to cMC0YlrtTCg-01494-00347231-00347463 give the champions group some added cMC0YlrtTCg-01495-00347464-00347695 momentum going into next year's cMC0YlrtTCg-01496-00347696-00347878 adaptation co-op cMC0YlrtTCg-01497-00347879-00348175 so with that again australia is proud to cMC0YlrtTCg-01498-00348176-00348382 join the champions group and looks very cMC0YlrtTCg-01499-00348383-00348591 much forward to working with our fellow cMC0YlrtTCg-01500-00348592-00348816 members thank you cMC0YlrtTCg-01501-00348817-00349182 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-01502-00349183-00349351 thank you very much cMC0YlrtTCg-01503-00349352-00349582 ambassador cMC0YlrtTCg-01504-00349583-00349839 and over to me and cMC0YlrtTCg-01505-00349840-00350087 i cannot claim to be ambassador k cMC0YlrtTCg-01506-00350088-00350310 harrison either cMC0YlrtTCg-01507-00350311-00350591 but my name is chris carson from the new cMC0YlrtTCg-01508-00350592-00350806 zealand delegation and i'm delighted to cMC0YlrtTCg-01509-00350807-00351087 be here representing new zealand today cMC0YlrtTCg-01510-00351088-00351303 the question i think was cMC0YlrtTCg-01511-00351304-00351663 why did we join well for us a key driver cMC0YlrtTCg-01512-00351664-00351919 is because adaptation is just so cMC0YlrtTCg-01513-00351920-00352199 important for our pacific neighbors cMC0YlrtTCg-01514-00352200-00352527 and climate change is already reversing cMC0YlrtTCg-01515-00352528-00352727 some of the development outcomes in the cMC0YlrtTCg-01516-00352728-00352919 pacific which was cMC0YlrtTCg-01517-00352920-00353134 that ambassador webster made earlier on cMC0YlrtTCg-01518-00353135-00353295 as well cMC0YlrtTCg-01519-00353296-00353582 even so adaptation finance is cMC0YlrtTCg-01520-00353583-00353767 currently grossly cMC0YlrtTCg-01521-00353768-00354158 grossly underfunded and imbalanced with cMC0YlrtTCg-01522-00354159-00354271 i believe cMC0YlrtTCg-01523-00354272-00354495 only around 20 percent of the finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01524-00354496-00354710 going to adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-01525-00354711-00354806 um cMC0YlrtTCg-01526-00354807-00355087 we we joined because of the need to cMC0YlrtTCg-01527-00355088-00355423 collectively encourage parties to to do cMC0YlrtTCg-01528-00355424-00355734 more to support the scaling up of cMC0YlrtTCg-01529-00355735-00356191 adaptation finance and to get a better a cMC0YlrtTCg-01530-00356192-00356351 better balance across the different cMC0YlrtTCg-01531-00356352-00356740 finance streams thank you cMC0YlrtTCg-01532-00356741-00357206 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-01533-00357207-00357439 thank you thank you very much and i will cMC0YlrtTCg-01534-00357440-00357591 say welcome to the group since i was cMC0YlrtTCg-01535-00357592-00357727 there at the launch i feel part of the cMC0YlrtTCg-01536-00357728-00358110 group sort of so your trusted friend cMC0YlrtTCg-01537-00358111-00358263 so welcome to the group and thank you cMC0YlrtTCg-01538-00358264-00358543 very much our final cMC0YlrtTCg-01539-00358544-00358703 speaker to provide us with some closing cMC0YlrtTCg-01540-00358704-00359087 remarks is mr selwenhart cMC0YlrtTCg-01541-00359088-00359263 a special advisor to the secretary cMC0YlrtTCg-01542-00359264-00359478 general on climate action and assistant cMC0YlrtTCg-01543-00359479-00359695 secretary general for the climate action cMC0YlrtTCg-01544-00359696-00359830 team cMC0YlrtTCg-01545-00359831-00360063 uh mr hart cMC0YlrtTCg-01546-00360064-00360230 uh question for you is what are you cMC0YlrtTCg-01547-00360231-00360406 hearing about the key priorities that cMC0YlrtTCg-01548-00360407-00360582 the champions group and other climate cMC0YlrtTCg-01549-00360583-00361519 finance providers could address cMC0YlrtTCg-01550-00361520-00361758 thanks for that capacity building um cMC0YlrtTCg-01551-00361759-00362206 but it's a pleasure to be here and um cMC0YlrtTCg-01552-00362207-00362454 what have we been hearing cMC0YlrtTCg-01553-00362455-00362847 one of the inconvenient truths cMC0YlrtTCg-01554-00362848-00363103 of the global response to the climate cMC0YlrtTCg-01555-00363104-00363310 crisis cMC0YlrtTCg-01556-00363311-00363615 is that adaptation and resilience cMC0YlrtTCg-01557-00363616-00363830 remains the neglected half of the cMC0YlrtTCg-01558-00363831-00364047 climate equation cMC0YlrtTCg-01559-00364048-00364375 after close to 30 years of international cMC0YlrtTCg-01560-00364376-00364615 climate negotiations cMC0YlrtTCg-01561-00364616-00364947 adaptation finance remains a mere cMC0YlrtTCg-01562-00364948-00365134 25 cMC0YlrtTCg-01563-00365135-00365406 of total climate finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01564-00365407-00365678 25 cMC0YlrtTCg-01565-00365679-00365806 despite cMC0YlrtTCg-01566-00365807-00365967 what we're seeing cMC0YlrtTCg-01567-00365968-00366158 across the world in every continent on cMC0YlrtTCg-01568-00366159-00366415 every continent in every region and in cMC0YlrtTCg-01569-00366416-00366751 every country escalating impacts cMC0YlrtTCg-01570-00366752-00367103 despite what was promised cMC0YlrtTCg-01571-00367104-00367343 in the paris agreement to balance cMC0YlrtTCg-01572-00367344-00367663 adaptation and resilience finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01573-00367664-00368047 it still remains a mere 25 cMC0YlrtTCg-01574-00368048-00368239 that is not balance cMC0YlrtTCg-01575-00368240-00368463 that is not balance cMC0YlrtTCg-01576-00368464-00368654 and when you look deeper at the numbers cMC0YlrtTCg-01577-00368655-00368782 this 25 cMC0YlrtTCg-01578-00368783-00369015 represents about 20 billion and the cMC0YlrtTCg-01579-00369016-00369230 estimated cost of adaptation to the cMC0YlrtTCg-01580-00369231-00369430 developing world cMC0YlrtTCg-01581-00369431-00369695 will rise to as much as 300 billion cMC0YlrtTCg-01582-00369696-00370103 dollars a year by 2030. cMC0YlrtTCg-01583-00370104-00370278 this is outrageous i've said this before cMC0YlrtTCg-01584-00370279-00370454 and it's unacceptable cMC0YlrtTCg-01585-00370455-00370663 so first and foremost we have to cMC0YlrtTCg-01586-00370664-00371006 significantly scale up climate finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01587-00371007-00371230 and this is why the secretary general cMC0YlrtTCg-01588-00371231-00371519 has been making this clarion call cMC0YlrtTCg-01589-00371520-00371719 for the last year or so cMC0YlrtTCg-01590-00371720-00371927 called to donors and the mdbs to cMC0YlrtTCg-01591-00371928-00372151 increase their climate finance to at cMC0YlrtTCg-01592-00372152-00372327 least 50 cMC0YlrtTCg-01593-00372328-00372671 of total climate finance cMC0YlrtTCg-01594-00372672-00372871 and we thank the netherlands denmark and cMC0YlrtTCg-01595-00372872-00373247 sweden that have responded positively cMC0YlrtTCg-01596-00373248-00373343 now cMC0YlrtTCg-01597-00373344-00373478 champions cMC0YlrtTCg-01598-00373479-00373678 you need to step up cMC0YlrtTCg-01599-00373679-00373887 you need to step up you just can't call cMC0YlrtTCg-01600-00373888-00374215 yourself a champion and not respond to cMC0YlrtTCg-01601-00374216-00374375 this cMC0YlrtTCg-01602-00374376-00374695 secondly is the issue of access cMC0YlrtTCg-01603-00374696-00374958 many of you have heard the concerns of cMC0YlrtTCg-01604-00374959-00375143 the developing countries especially cMC0YlrtTCg-01605-00375144-00375375 those on the front lines of the climate cMC0YlrtTCg-01606-00375376-00375719 crisis in 2019 cMC0YlrtTCg-01607-00375720-00376039 adaptation climate finance declined by cMC0YlrtTCg-01608-00376040-00376206 25 cMC0YlrtTCg-01609-00376207-00376543 to the small island developing states cMC0YlrtTCg-01610-00376544-00376958 sids in 2019 received 1.8 cMC0YlrtTCg-01611-00376959-00377206 of total climate finance laws and these cMC0YlrtTCg-01612-00377207-00377351 are countries on the front lines of the cMC0YlrtTCg-01613-00377352-00377575 climate crisis or recognizing that cMC0YlrtTCg-01614-00377576-00377775 knowledge is being vulnerable and the cMC0YlrtTCg-01615-00377776-00378015 first to be impacted in every decision cMC0YlrtTCg-01616-00378016-00378247 and resolution on climate finance has cMC0YlrtTCg-01617-00378248-00378527 been adopted as part of this convention cMC0YlrtTCg-01618-00378528-00378830 so we need to do better we need to do cMC0YlrtTCg-01619-00378831-00379134 better on the access question the tools cMC0YlrtTCg-01620-00379135-00379375 the instruments they're all there cMC0YlrtTCg-01621-00379376-00379630 and i heard someone say what do we need cMC0YlrtTCg-01622-00379631-00379847 to do i have three recommendations for cMC0YlrtTCg-01623-00379848-00380087 you to champion as champions in the cMC0YlrtTCg-01624-00380088-00380415 places that matter first reduce the red cMC0YlrtTCg-01625-00380416-00380519 tape cMC0YlrtTCg-01626-00380520-00380799 the red tape in bureaucracy is a massive cMC0YlrtTCg-01627-00380800-00381119 challenge to sids ldcs african countries cMC0YlrtTCg-01628-00381120-00381367 vulnerable countries who need this cMC0YlrtTCg-01629-00381368-00381519 finance more cMC0YlrtTCg-01630-00381520-00381775 so we need you to champion a reduction cMC0YlrtTCg-01631-00381776-00381999 of red tape and bureaucracy on the cMC0YlrtTCg-01632-00382000-00382282 boards of the mdbs and the gcf and the cMC0YlrtTCg-01633-00382283-00382567 jeff these are the places where we need cMC0YlrtTCg-01634-00382568-00382767 you to champion the reduction of the red cMC0YlrtTCg-01635-00382768-00383047 team secondly capacity building yes cMC0YlrtTCg-01636-00383048-00383247 these countries are usually small or cMC0YlrtTCg-01637-00383248-00383510 poor countries and they need capacity cMC0YlrtTCg-01638-00383511-00383743 building support cMC0YlrtTCg-01639-00383744-00383902 to prepare cMC0YlrtTCg-01640-00383903-00384151 and execute and implement project cMC0YlrtTCg-01641-00384152-00384382 badly needed capacity building cMC0YlrtTCg-01642-00384383-00384719 support across every single sits region cMC0YlrtTCg-01643-00384720-00384895 and the third cMC0YlrtTCg-01644-00384896-00385263 third priority the eligibility criteria cMC0YlrtTCg-01645-00385264-00385502 and the thresholds that are used cMC0YlrtTCg-01646-00385503-00385630 to cMC0YlrtTCg-01647-00385631-00385902 grant access to climate finance and cMC0YlrtTCg-01648-00385903-00386134 development support in general cMC0YlrtTCg-01649-00386135-00386430 these per capita income being used as cMC0YlrtTCg-01650-00386431-00386678 the sole measure cMC0YlrtTCg-01651-00386679-00386902 unfairs cMC0YlrtTCg-01652-00386903-00387127 we know the rationale but it cMC0YlrtTCg-01653-00387128-00387271 significantly cMC0YlrtTCg-01654-00387272-00387495 undermines the ability of vulnerable cMC0YlrtTCg-01655-00387496-00387695 developing countries cMC0YlrtTCg-01656-00387696-00387871 small primarily the small island cMC0YlrtTCg-01657-00387872-00388023 developing states and middle-income cMC0YlrtTCg-01658-00388024-00388287 developing countries who need adaptation cMC0YlrtTCg-01659-00388288-00388615 support so we need you as champions to cMC0YlrtTCg-01660-00388616-00388854 champion this issue in the oecd on the cMC0YlrtTCg-01661-00388855-00389063 boards of the mdbs and other places cMC0YlrtTCg-01662-00389064-00389415 where these rules are unfairly applied cMC0YlrtTCg-01663-00389416-00389630 so cMC0YlrtTCg-01664-00389631-00389791 increasing cMC0YlrtTCg-01665-00389792-00390167 the volume and solving the access issues cMC0YlrtTCg-01666-00390168-00390391 this is what we've been hearing cMC0YlrtTCg-01667-00390392-00390799 we have a unique moment at cop26 to make cMC0YlrtTCg-01668-00390800-00390934 a dent cMC0YlrtTCg-01669-00390935-00391119 to make a dent and send the right cMC0YlrtTCg-01670-00391120-00391351 political signals that we're seeing a cMC0YlrtTCg-01671-00391352-00391639 sea change in how adaptation issues are cMC0YlrtTCg-01672-00391640-00391878 dealt with so as champions i really cMC0YlrtTCg-01673-00391879-00392071 encourage you i thank all of you for cMC0YlrtTCg-01674-00392072-00392278 joining this group cMC0YlrtTCg-01675-00392279-00392510 it has been an amazing and marvelous cMC0YlrtTCg-01676-00392511-00392806 experience working with all of you cMC0YlrtTCg-01677-00392807-00393023 but our work does not and will not and cMC0YlrtTCg-01678-00393024-00393247 must not end at glasgow cMC0YlrtTCg-01679-00393248-00393471 we need to take it cMC0YlrtTCg-01680-00393472-00393902 through cop 27 through cop28 cMC0YlrtTCg-01681-00393903-00394287 every day every hour every minute cMC0YlrtTCg-01682-00394288-00394487 because when you look at what is cMC0YlrtTCg-01683-00394488-00394663 happening in the vulnerable developing cMC0YlrtTCg-01684-00394664-00394823 countries when you look at what is cMC0YlrtTCg-01685-00394824-00395006 happening in developing worlds when you cMC0YlrtTCg-01686-00395007-00395175 look at what is happening in your own cMC0YlrtTCg-01687-00395176-00395582 countries cMC0YlrtTCg-01688-00395583-00395734 we must all recognize that this is a cMC0YlrtTCg-01689-00395735-00396015 race that we cannot afford to lose so cMC0YlrtTCg-01690-00396016-00396127 thank you cMC0YlrtTCg-01691-00396128-00396406 champions you have our support we will cMC0YlrtTCg-01692-00396407-00396639 work with you and we will win this race cMC0YlrtTCg-01693-00396640-00396746 thank you cMC0YlrtTCg-01694-00396747-00397630 [Applause] cMC0YlrtTCg-01695-00397631-00397847 that was an excellent ending to our cMC0YlrtTCg-01696-00397848-00398134 events um thank you very much mr hart cMC0YlrtTCg-01697-00398135-00398215 for cMC0YlrtTCg-01698-00398216-00398487 for those reflections um i know we're cMC0YlrtTCg-01699-00398488-00398639 seven minutes late so i'm just going to cMC0YlrtTCg-01700-00398640-00398823 thank all the speakers thank you very cMC0YlrtTCg-01701-00398824-00399015 much to the champions those who took cMC0YlrtTCg-01702-00399016-00399143 initiative cMC0YlrtTCg-01703-00399144-00399343 those who started in the first original cMC0YlrtTCg-01704-00399344-00399551 group those who are joining cMC0YlrtTCg-01705-00399552-00399719 i thank all of you cMC0YlrtTCg-01706-00399720-00399887 for showing that leadership really cMC0YlrtTCg-01707-00399888-00400039 walking the talk cMC0YlrtTCg-01708-00400040-00400278 and i hope others continue to join you cMC0YlrtTCg-01709-00400279-00400519 so finally thank you to e3g and the cMC0YlrtTCg-01710-00400520-00400695 international institute for environment cMC0YlrtTCg-01711-00400696-00400863 and development for supporting this cMC0YlrtTCg-01712-00400864-00401095 event thank you for the audience who've cMC0YlrtTCg-01713-00401096-00401223 sat through and listened to the cMC0YlrtTCg-01714-00401224-00401478 commitments and i hope we're work what cMC0YlrtTCg-01715-00401479-00401654 is it moving from ambition to cMC0YlrtTCg-01716-00401655-00401815 accountability let's make sure we're cMC0YlrtTCg-01717-00401816-00401975 following up on all these political cMC0YlrtTCg-01718-00401976-00402182 comments or the political commitments cMC0YlrtTCg-01719-00402183-00402358 that are being made cMC0YlrtTCg-01720-00402359-00402543 and finally there are refreshments cMC0YlrtTCg-01721-00402544-00402727 downstairs i'm told and everyone is cMC0YlrtTCg-01722-00402728-00403015 welcome so please join us as we continue cMC0YlrtTCg-01723-00403016-00403175 this conversation it's only the cMC0YlrtTCg-01724-00403176-00403548 beginning thank you cpThPp0JT2E-00000-00000000-00000137 [Music] cpThPp0JT2E-00001-00000138-00000429 foreign cpThPp0JT2E-00003-00004554-00004661 foreign cpThPp0JT2E-00004-00004662-00006444 [Music] cpThPp0JT2E-00005-00006445-00008779 [Music] cpThPp0JT2E-00006-00008780-00009791 [Music] cpThPp0JT2E-00007-00009792-00009892 foreign cpThPp0JT2E-00008-00009893-00011855 [Music] cpThPp0JT2E-00009-00011856-00012306 [Music] cO-7nxhd69y-00000-00000000-00000305 Steven Chu Chinese zhudi when pinyin zu cO-7nxhd69y-00001-00000306-00000703 d1 born February 28 1948 is an American cO-7nxhd69y-00002-00000704-00000875 physicist in a former government cO-7nxhd69y-00003-00000876-00001133 official he is known for his research at cO-7nxhd69y-00004-00001134-00001297 Bell Labs and Stanford University cO-7nxhd69y-00005-00001298-00001516 regarding the cooling and trapping of cO-7nxhd69y-00006-00001517-00001705 atoms with laser light for which he won cO-7nxhd69y-00007-00001707-00002009 the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997 along cO-7nxhd69y-00008-00002010-00002185 with his scientific colleagues claude cO-7nxhd69y-00009-00002186-00002384 cohen-tannoudji and william Daniel cO-7nxhd69y-00010-00002385-00002600 Phillips chu served as the 12th United cO-7nxhd69y-00011-00002601-00002860 States Secretary of Energy from 2009 to cO-7nxhd69y-00012-00002861-00003184 2013 at the time of his appointment as cO-7nxhd69y-00013-00003185-00003422 energy secretary Chu was a professor of cO-7nxhd69y-00014-00003422-00003599 physics and molecular and cellular cO-7nxhd69y-00015-00003600-00003856 biology at the University of California cO-7nxhd69y-00016-00003857-00004022 Berkeley and the director of the cO-7nxhd69y-00017-00004022-00004178 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory cO-7nxhd69y-00018-00004179-00004372 where his research was concerned cO-7nxhd69y-00019-00004373-00004588 primarily with the study of biological cO-7nxhd69y-00020-00004589-00004804 systems at the single molecule level Chu cO-7nxhd69y-00021-00004805-00005024 resigned his energy secretary on April cO-7nxhd69y-00022-00005025-00005390 22nd 2013 he returned to Stanford as cO-7nxhd69y-00023-00005391-00005576 professor of physics and professor of cO-7nxhd69y-00024-00005577-00005909 molecular and cellular physiology chu is cO-7nxhd69y-00025-00005910-00006116 a vocal advocate for more research into cO-7nxhd69y-00026-00006117-00006293 renewable energy and nuclear power cO-7nxhd69y-00027-00006294-00006496 arguing that a shift away from fossil cO-7nxhd69y-00028-00006497-00006695 fuels is essential to combating climate cO-7nxhd69y-00029-00006695-00006764 change cO-7nxhd69y-00030-00006765-00007019 he has conceived of a global glucose cO-7nxhd69y-00031-00007020-00007226 economy a form of a low-carbon economy cO-7nxhd69y-00032-00007227-00007478 in which glucose from tropical plants cO-7nxhd69y-00033-00007479-00007671 has shipped around like oil as today cO-7nxhd69y-00034-00007672-00007964 topic education and early life Chu was cO-7nxhd69y-00035-00007965-00008224 born in st. Louis Missouri with ancestry cO-7nxhd69y-00036-00008225-00008492 from Luo taiking in jung-soo china and cO-7nxhd69y-00037-00008493-00008701 graduated from Garden City High School cO-7nxhd69y-00038-00008702-00009031 he received both a BA in mathematics and cO-7nxhd69y-00039-00009032-00009278 a BS in physics in 1970 from the cO-7nxhd69y-00040-00009279-00009556 University of Rochester he went on to cO-7nxhd69y-00041-00009557-00009739 earn his PhD in physics from the cO-7nxhd69y-00042-00009740-00009985 University of California Berkeley under cO-7nxhd69y-00043-00009986-00010321 Eugene D Commons in 1976 during which he cO-7nxhd69y-00044-00010322-00010478 was supported by a National Science cO-7nxhd69y-00045-00010479-00010712 Foundation graduate research fellowship cO-7nxhd69y-00046-00010713-00010996 Chu comes from a family of scholars his cO-7nxhd69y-00047-00010997-00011249 father zhu chunchu earned a doctorate in cO-7nxhd69y-00048-00011250-00011485 chemical engineering from MIT and taught cO-7nxhd69y-00049-00011486-00011678 at Washington University in st. Louis cO-7nxhd69y-00050-00011679-00011914 and Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and cO-7nxhd69y-00051-00011915-00012160 his mother studied economics his cO-7nxhd69y-00052-00012161-00012424 maternal grandfather xu tian li earned a cO-7nxhd69y-00053-00012425-00012674 PhD from Cornell University and was a cO-7nxhd69y-00054-00012675-00012863 professor and president of Ken Jin cO-7nxhd69y-00055-00012863-00013136 University Haiyang University his cO-7nxhd69y-00056-00013137-00013372 mother's uncle Li Xiu hua a physic cO-7nxhd69y-00057-00013374-00013556 scientist studied physics at the cO-7nxhd69y-00058-00013557-00013741 Sorbonne before returning to China cO-7nxhd69y-00059-00013741-00014027 choose older brother Gilbert Chu is a cO-7nxhd69y-00060-00014028-00014255 professor of biochemistry and medicine cO-7nxhd69y-00061-00014256-00014396 at Stanford University cO-7nxhd69y-00062-00014397-00014663 his younger brother Morgan Chu is a cO-7nxhd69y-00063-00014663-00014894 partner and former co managing partner cO-7nxhd69y-00064-00014894-00015088 at the law firm I rel in Manila cO-7nxhd69y-00065-00015088-00015347 according to qu his two brothers and cO-7nxhd69y-00066-00015347-00015644 four cousins have four PhDs three MDS cO-7nxhd69y-00067-00015644-00016040 and a JD among them in 1997 he married cO-7nxhd69y-00068-00016041-00016262 Jean Feder a British American Oxford cO-7nxhd69y-00069-00016263-00016535 trained physicist he has two sons cO-7nxhd69y-00070-00016536-00016727 Jeffrey and Michael from a previous cO-7nxhd69y-00071-00016728-00016952 marriage to Lisa Chu Thiel Bart Chu is cO-7nxhd69y-00072-00016953-00017129 interested in sports such as baseball cO-7nxhd69y-00073-00017130-00017423 swimming and cycling he taught himself cO-7nxhd69y-00074-00017424-00017624 tennis by reading a book in the 8th cO-7nxhd69y-00075-00017625-00017846 grade and was a second string substitute cO-7nxhd69y-00076-00017847-00018101 for the school team for three years he cO-7nxhd69y-00077-00018102-00018263 also taught himself how to pole vault cO-7nxhd69y-00078-00018264-00018479 using bamboo poles obtained from the cO-7nxhd69y-00079-00018480-00018755 local carpet store Shu said he never cO-7nxhd69y-00080-00018756-00018923 learned to speak Chinese because his cO-7nxhd69y-00081-00018924-00019100 parents always spoke to their children cO-7nxhd69y-00082-00019101-00019373 in English topic career and research cO-7nxhd69y-00083-00019374-00019541 after obtaining his doctorate he cO-7nxhd69y-00084-00019542-00019721 remained at Berkeley as a postdoctoral cO-7nxhd69y-00085-00019722-00019928 researcher for two years before joining cO-7nxhd69y-00086-00019929-00020132 Bell Labs where he and his several cO-7nxhd69y-00087-00020133-00020294 co-workers carried out his Nobel cO-7nxhd69y-00088-00020295-00020579 prize-winning laser cooling work he left cO-7nxhd69y-00089-00020580-00020777 Bell Labs and became a professor of cO-7nxhd69y-00090-00020778-00021065 physics at Stanford University in 1987 cO-7nxhd69y-00091-00021066-00021251 serving as the chair of its physics cO-7nxhd69y-00092-00021252-00021563 department from 1990 to 1993 and from cO-7nxhd69y-00093-00021564-00021989 1999 to 2001 at Stanford Chu and three cO-7nxhd69y-00094-00021990-00022241 others initiated the BIOX program which cO-7nxhd69y-00095-00022242-00022472 focuses on interdisciplinary research in cO-7nxhd69y-00096-00022473-00022676 biology and medicine and played a key cO-7nxhd69y-00097-00022677-00022850 role in securing the funding for the cO-7nxhd69y-00098-00022851-00023009 Cavalier Institute for particle cO-7nxhd69y-00099-00023010-00023312 astrophysics and cosmology in August cO-7nxhd69y-00100-00023313-00023579 2004 Xu was appointed as the director of cO-7nxhd69y-00101-00023580-00023690 the Lawrence Berkeley National cO-7nxhd69y-00102-00023691-00023972 Laboratory a US Department of Energy cO-7nxhd69y-00103-00023973-00024173 National Laboratory and joined UC cO-7nxhd69y-00104-00024174-00024356 Berkeley's department of physics and cO-7nxhd69y-00105-00024357-00024592 department of molecular and cell biology cO-7nxhd69y-00106-00024593-00024830 under choose leadership the Lawrence cO-7nxhd69y-00107-00024831-00025040 Berkeley National Laboratory has been a cO-7nxhd69y-00108-00025041-00025247 center of research into biofuels and cO-7nxhd69y-00109-00025248-00025496 solar energy he spearheaded the cO-7nxhd69y-00110-00025497-00025697 laboratory's Helios project an cO-7nxhd69y-00111-00025698-00025858 initiative to develop methods of cO-7nxhd69y-00112-00025860-00026057 harnessing solar power as a source of cO-7nxhd69y-00113-00026058-00026182 renewable energy for transportation cO-7nxhd69y-00114-00026183-00026456 choose early research focused on atomic cO-7nxhd69y-00115-00026457-00026654 physics by developing laser cooling cO-7nxhd69y-00116-00026655-00026764 techniques and the cO-7nxhd69y-00117-00026766-00026960 nito optical trapping of atoms using cO-7nxhd69y-00118-00026961-00027242 lasers he and his co-workers at Bell cO-7nxhd69y-00119-00027243-00027458 Labs developed a way to cool atoms by cO-7nxhd69y-00120-00027458-00027670 employing six laser beams opposed in cO-7nxhd69y-00121-00027672-00027830 pairs and arranged in three directions cO-7nxhd69y-00122-00027831-00028027 at right angles to each other cO-7nxhd69y-00123-00028027-00028256 trapping atoms with this method allows cO-7nxhd69y-00124-00028257-00028487 scientists to study individual atoms cO-7nxhd69y-00125-00028488-00028639 with great accuracy cO-7nxhd69y-00126-00028639-00028856 additionally the technique can be used cO-7nxhd69y-00127-00028857-00029060 to construct an atomic clock with great cO-7nxhd69y-00128-00029061-00029264 precision at Stanford choose research cO-7nxhd69y-00129-00029264-00029447 interests expanded into biological cO-7nxhd69y-00130-00029448-00029648 physics and polymer physics at the cO-7nxhd69y-00131-00029649-00029768 single molecule level cO-7nxhd69y-00132-00029769-00030070 he studied enzyme activity in protein cO-7nxhd69y-00133-00030072-00030293 and RNA folding using techniques like cO-7nxhd69y-00134-00030294-00030469 fluorescence resonance energy transfer cO-7nxhd69y-00135-00030470-00030749 atomic force microscopy and optical cO-7nxhd69y-00136-00030750-00031022 tweezers his polymer physics research cO-7nxhd69y-00137-00031023-00031292 used individual DNA molecules to study cO-7nxhd69y-00138-00031293-00031454 polymer dynamics and their phase cO-7nxhd69y-00139-00031455-00031712 transitions he continued researching cO-7nxhd69y-00140-00031713-00031939 atomic physics as well and developed new cO-7nxhd69y-00141-00031941-00032476 methods of laser cooling and trapping cO-7nxhd69y-00142-00032477-00032975 topic honors and awards cO-7nxhd69y-00143-00032976-00033236 Steven Chu as a co-winner of the Nobel cO-7nxhd69y-00144-00033237-00033484 Prize in Physics in 1997 for the cO-7nxhd69y-00145-00033485-00033746 development of methods to cool and trap cO-7nxhd69y-00146-00033747-00034010 atoms with laser light shared with cO-7nxhd69y-00147-00034011-00034196 claude cohen-tannoudji and William cO-7nxhd69y-00148-00034197-00034415 Daniel Philips he is a member of the US cO-7nxhd69y-00149-00034416-00034631 National Academy of Sciences the cO-7nxhd69y-00150-00034632-00034802 American Academy of Arts and Sciences cO-7nxhd69y-00151-00034803-00035093 the American Philosophical Society and cO-7nxhd69y-00152-00035094-00035297 the academia sinica and is a foreign cO-7nxhd69y-00153-00035298-00035447 member of the chinese academy of cO-7nxhd69y-00154-00035448-00035639 sciences and the korean academy of cO-7nxhd69y-00155-00035640-00035888 science and engineering he was also cO-7nxhd69y-00156-00035889-00036062 awarded the Humboldt Prize by the cO-7nxhd69y-00157-00036063-00036281 Alexander von Humboldt foundation in cO-7nxhd69y-00158-00036282-00036680 1995 Xu received an honorary Doctorate cO-7nxhd69y-00159-00036681-00036875 from Boston University when he was the cO-7nxhd69y-00160-00036876-00037136 keynote speaker at the 2007 commencement cO-7nxhd69y-00161-00037137-00037418 exercises he is a senior fellow of the cO-7nxhd69y-00162-00037419-00037709 design futures Council Diablo magazine cO-7nxhd69y-00163-00037710-00037916 awarded him an eco award in its April cO-7nxhd69y-00164-00037917-00038153 2009 issue shortly after he was cO-7nxhd69y-00165-00038154-00038395 nominated for Energy Secretary cO-7nxhd69y-00166-00038396-00038672 Washington University in st. Louis and cO-7nxhd69y-00167-00038673-00038894 Harvard University awarded him honorary cO-7nxhd69y-00168-00038895-00039161 doctorates during their 2010 and 2009 cO-7nxhd69y-00169-00039162-00039473 commencement exercises respectively he cO-7nxhd69y-00170-00039474-00039674 was awarded an honorary degree from Yale cO-7nxhd69y-00171-00039675-00039898 University during its 2010 commencement cO-7nxhd69y-00172-00039899-00040193 he was also awarded an honorary degree cO-7nxhd69y-00173-00040194-00040388 from the Polytechnic Institute of New cO-7nxhd69y-00174-00040389-00040622 York University the same institution at cO-7nxhd69y-00175-00040623-00040769 which his father taught for several cO-7nxhd69y-00176-00040770-00041081 years during its 2011 commencement Penn cO-7nxhd69y-00177-00041082-00041276 State University awarded him an honorary cO-7nxhd69y-00178-00041277-00041534 Doctorate during their 2012 commencement cO-7nxhd69y-00179-00041535-00041798 exercises in 2014 cO-7nxhd69y-00180-00041799-00041996 choo was awarded an honorary Doctorate cO-7nxhd69y-00181-00041997-00042170 from Williams College during which he cO-7nxhd69y-00182-00042171-00042347 gave a talk moderated by Williams cO-7nxhd69y-00183-00042348-00042635 College professor protic Majumder Chu cO-7nxhd69y-00184-00042636-00042848 was also awarded an honorary Doctorate cO-7nxhd69y-00185-00042849-00043109 from Amherst College in 2017 where he cO-7nxhd69y-00186-00043110-00043319 later gave a lecture titled climate cO-7nxhd69y-00187-00043320-00043550 change and needed technical solutions cO-7nxhd69y-00188-00043551-00043886 for a sustainable future in March 2018 cO-7nxhd69y-00189-00043887-00044102 Chu was elected a foreign member of the cO-7nxhd69y-00190-00044103-00044456 Royal Society for mums in 2014 his cO-7nxhd69y-00191-00044457-00044726 nomination reads Stephen choose cO-7nxhd69y-00192-00044727-00044942 development of methods to laser cool and cO-7nxhd69y-00193-00044943-00045152 trap Adams was recognized by the award cO-7nxhd69y-00194-00045153-00045512 of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997 he cO-7nxhd69y-00195-00045513-00045716 also pioneered the development of atom cO-7nxhd69y-00196-00045717-00045923 interferometry for precision measurement cO-7nxhd69y-00197-00045924-00046112 and he introduced methods to visualize cO-7nxhd69y-00198-00046113-00046373 and manipulate single biomolecules Simon cO-7nxhd69y-00199-00046374-00046552 Dainius Lee with optical tweezers cO-7nxhd69y-00200-00046553-00046802 throughout his career he has sought new cO-7nxhd69y-00201-00046803-00046973 solutions to the energy and climate cO-7nxhd69y-00202-00046974-00047327 challenges from January 2009 to April cO-7nxhd69y-00203-00047328-00047633 2013 he was the 12th US Secretary of cO-7nxhd69y-00204-00047634-00047873 Energy under President Barack Obama and cO-7nxhd69y-00205-00047874-00048104 initiated the Advanced Research Projects cO-7nxhd69y-00206-00048105-00048332 Agency energy the energy innovation hubs cO-7nxhd69y-00207-00048333-00048521 and the clean energy ministerial cO-7nxhd69y-00208-00048522-00048882 meetings cO-7nxhd69y-00209-00048883-00049517 topic US Secretary of Energy cO-7nxhd69y-00210-00049518-00049762 his nomination to be Secretary of Energy cO-7nxhd69y-00211-00049763-00049985 was unanimously confirmed by the US cO-7nxhd69y-00212-00049986-00050365 Senate on January 20th 2009 On January cO-7nxhd69y-00213-00050366-00050737 21st 2009 she was sworn in as Secretary cO-7nxhd69y-00214-00050738-00050861 of Energy in the Barack Obama cO-7nxhd69y-00215-00050862-00051200 administration Chu is the first person cO-7nxhd69y-00216-00051201-00051415 appointed to the US cabinet after having cO-7nxhd69y-00217-00051416-00051725 won a Nobel Prize he is also the second cO-7nxhd69y-00218-00051726-00051904 chinese-american to be a member of the cO-7nxhd69y-00219-00051905-00052141 US cabinet after former Secretary of cO-7nxhd69y-00220-00052142-00052357 Labor Elaine Chao his scientific work cO-7nxhd69y-00221-00052358-00052591 continued however and he even published cO-7nxhd69y-00222-00052592-00052801 a paper on gravitational redshift in cO-7nxhd69y-00223-00052802-00053057 nature in February 2010 and another one cO-7nxhd69y-00224-00053058-00053303 he co-authored in July 2010 in March cO-7nxhd69y-00225-00053304-00053582 2011 Chu said that regulators at the US cO-7nxhd69y-00226-00053583-00053801 Nuclear Regulatory Commission should not cO-7nxhd69y-00227-00053802-00054001 delay approving construction licenses cO-7nxhd69y-00228-00054002-00054229 for planned US nuclear power plants in cO-7nxhd69y-00229-00054230-00054374 the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi cO-7nxhd69y-00230-00054375-00054667 nuclear disaster in Japan in August 2011 cO-7nxhd69y-00231-00054669-00054929 Chu praised an advisory panel report on cO-7nxhd69y-00232-00054929-00055094 curbing the environmental risks of cO-7nxhd69y-00233-00055095-00055403 natural gas development Chu responded to cO-7nxhd69y-00234-00055404-00055567 the panel's report on hydraulic cO-7nxhd69y-00235-00055569-00055757 fracturing the controversial drilling cO-7nxhd69y-00236-00055758-00055976 method that is enabling a u.s. gas boom cO-7nxhd69y-00237-00055977-00056126 while bringing fears of groundwater cO-7nxhd69y-00238-00056127-00056390 contamination the report called for cO-7nxhd69y-00239-00056391-00056573 better data collection of air and water cO-7nxhd69y-00240-00056574-00056926 data as well as rigorous air pollution cO-7nxhd69y-00241-00056927-00057149 standards and mandatory disclosure of cO-7nxhd69y-00242-00057150-00057326 the chemicals used in the hydraulic cO-7nxhd69y-00243-00057327-00057616 fracturing process Xu said that he would cO-7nxhd69y-00244-00057617-00057869 be working closely with my colleagues in cO-7nxhd69y-00245-00057870-00058034 the administration to review the cO-7nxhd69y-00246-00058035-00058255 recommendations and to chart a path for cO-7nxhd69y-00247-00058257-00058454 continued development of this vital cO-7nxhd69y-00248-00058454-00058792 energy resource in a safe manner Xu cO-7nxhd69y-00249-00058794-00058997 faced controversy for a statement he cO-7nxhd69y-00250-00058998-00059194 made prior to being appointed claiming cO-7nxhd69y-00251-00059195-00059426 in a September 2008 interview with The cO-7nxhd69y-00252-00059427-00059657 Wall Street Journal that somehow we have cO-7nxhd69y-00253-00059658-00059837 to figure out how to boost the price of cO-7nxhd69y-00254-00059838-00060176 gasoline to the levels in Europe however cO-7nxhd69y-00255-00060177-00060476 in March 2012 he retracted this comment cO-7nxhd69y-00256-00060477-00060694 saying since I walked in the door as cO-7nxhd69y-00257-00060695-00060914 Secretary of Energy I've been doing cO-7nxhd69y-00258-00060915-00061124 everything in my powers to do what we cO-7nxhd69y-00259-00061125-00061478 can to reduce those prices and that he cO-7nxhd69y-00260-00061479-00061726 no longer shares the view that we need cO-7nxhd69y-00261-00061727-00061922 to figure out how to boost gasoline cO-7nxhd69y-00262-00061923-00062317 prices in America On February 12 2013 cO-7nxhd69y-00263-00062319-00062585 chu was the designated survivor during cO-7nxhd69y-00264-00062586-00062731 the State of the Union address on cO-7nxhd69y-00265-00062732-00062891 February 1st 23 cO-7nxhd69y-00266-00062891-00063094 team Chu announced his intent to resign cO-7nxhd69y-00267-00063095-00063355 in his resignation announcement he cO-7nxhd69y-00268-00063357-00063521 warned of the risks of climate change cO-7nxhd69y-00269-00063522-00063730 from continued reliance on fossil fuels cO-7nxhd69y-00270-00063732-00063976 and wrote the stone-age did not end cO-7nxhd69y-00271-00063977-00064166 because we ran out of stones we cO-7nxhd69y-00272-00064166-00064504 transitioned to better solutions he cO-7nxhd69y-00273-00064505-00065109 resigned on April 22nd 2013 cO-7nxhd69y-00274-00065110-00065490 topic energy and climate change cO-7nxhd69y-00275-00065491-00065651 you cO-7nxhd69y-00276-00065652-00065891 shuh has been a vocal advocate for more cO-7nxhd69y-00277-00065892-00066074 research into renewable energy and cO-7nxhd69y-00278-00066075-00066293 nuclear power arguing that is shift away cO-7nxhd69y-00279-00066294-00066506 from fossil fuels is essential to combat cO-7nxhd69y-00280-00066507-00066794 climate change in global warming he also cO-7nxhd69y-00281-00066795-00067103 spoke at the 2009 and 2011 National cO-7nxhd69y-00282-00067104-00067277 Science Bowl about the importance of cO-7nxhd69y-00283-00067278-00067496 America's science students emphasizing cO-7nxhd69y-00284-00067497-00067667 their future role in environmental cO-7nxhd69y-00285-00067668-00067910 planning and Global Initiative Xu said cO-7nxhd69y-00286-00067911-00068126 that a typical coal power plant emits cO-7nxhd69y-00287-00068127-00068357 100 times more radiation than a nuclear cO-7nxhd69y-00288-00068358-00068753 power plant she warns that global cO-7nxhd69y-00289-00068754-00068960 warming could wipe out California farms cO-7nxhd69y-00290-00068961-00069119 within the century he joined the cO-7nxhd69y-00291-00069120-00069293 Copenhagen climate Council an cO-7nxhd69y-00292-00069294-00069470 international collaboration between cO-7nxhd69y-00293-00069471-00069686 business and science established to cO-7nxhd69y-00294-00069687-00069953 create momentum for the 2009 UN climate cO-7nxhd69y-00295-00069954-00070145 change conference in Copenhagen Denmark cO-7nxhd69y-00296-00070146-00070403 in 2015 Chiu signed the may now cO-7nxhd69y-00297-00070404-00070664 declaration 2015 on climate change on cO-7nxhd69y-00298-00070665-00070892 the final day of the 65th lindau Nobel cO-7nxhd69y-00299-00070893-00071147 laureate meeting the declaration was cO-7nxhd69y-00300-00071148-00071432 signed by a total of 76 Nobel laureates cO-7nxhd69y-00301-00071433-00071600 and handed to then president of the cO-7nxhd69y-00302-00071601-00071810 French Republic Francois Hollande as cO-7nxhd69y-00303-00071811-00072086 part of the successful cop21 climate cO-7nxhd69y-00304-00072087-00072347 summit in Paris Chiu was instrumental in cO-7nxhd69y-00305-00072348-00072533 submitting a winning bid for the energy cO-7nxhd69y-00306-00072534-00072803 Biosciences Institute a BP funded five cO-7nxhd69y-00307-00072804-00072928 hundred million dollars cO-7nxhd69y-00308-00072929-00073133 multidisciplinary collaboration between cO-7nxhd69y-00309-00073134-00073373 UC Berkeley the Lawrence Berkeley Lab cO-7nxhd69y-00310-00073374-00073634 and the University of Illinois this cO-7nxhd69y-00311-00073635-00073799 sparked controversy on the Berkeley cO-7nxhd69y-00312-00073800-00073994 campus where some fear the alliance cO-7nxhd69y-00313-00073995-00074174 could harm the school's reputation for cO-7nxhd69y-00314-00074175-00074384 academic integrity based partially on cO-7nxhd69y-00315-00074385-00074597 his research at UC Berkeley Chiu has cO-7nxhd69y-00316-00074598-00074885 speculated that a global glucose economy cO-7nxhd69y-00317-00074886-00075149 a form of a low-carbon economy could cO-7nxhd69y-00318-00075150-00075422 replace the current system in the future cO-7nxhd69y-00319-00075423-00075674 special varieties of high glucose plants cO-7nxhd69y-00320-00075675-00075869 would be grown in the tropics processed cO-7nxhd69y-00321-00075870-00076019 and then the chemical would be shipped cO-7nxhd69y-00322-00076020-00076184 around like oil as today to other cO-7nxhd69y-00323-00076185-00076481 countries the Saint Petersburg Times has cO-7nxhd69y-00324-00076482-00076751 stated that Jews concept shows vision on cO-7nxhd69y-00325-00076752-00076916 the scale needed to deal with global cO-7nxhd69y-00326-00076917-00077234 warming Chu has also advocated making cO-7nxhd69y-00327-00077235-00077411 the roofs of buildings and the tops of cO-7nxhd69y-00328-00077412-00077582 roads around the world white or other cO-7nxhd69y-00329-00077583-00077771 light colors which may reflect sunlight cO-7nxhd69y-00330-00077772-00077963 back into space and mitigate global cO-7nxhd69y-00331-00077964-00078248 warming the effect would be according to cO-7nxhd69y-00332-00078249-00078470 Chu similar to taking every car in the cO-7nxhd69y-00333-00078471-00078700 world off the roads for about 11 years cO-7nxhd69y-00334-00078701-00078974 Samuel Thernstrom a resident fellow at cO-7nxhd69y-00335-00078975-00079050 the American cO-7nxhd69y-00336-00079051-00079245 Enterprise Institute and co-director of cO-7nxhd69y-00337-00079246-00079470 its geo engineering project expressed cO-7nxhd69y-00338-00079471-00079662 support for the idea in the American cO-7nxhd69y-00339-00079663-00079944 praising Chu for do aim the nation a cO-7nxhd69y-00340-00079945-00080461 service with the concept cO-7nxhd69y-00341-00080462-00080978 topic see also cO-7nxhd69y-00342-00080979-00081275 United States Department of Energy cO-7nxhd69y-00343-00081276-00081584 timeline of low-temperature technology cO-7nxhd69y-00344-00081585-00081907 energy policy of the United States cO-7nxhd69y-00345-00081908-00082257 University of Rochester list of Nobel cO-7nxhd69y-00346-00082258-00082467 laureates affiliated with the University cO-7nxhd69y-00347-00082468-00082887 of Rochester cO-7nxhd69y-00348-00082888-00083396 topic references cO-7nxhd69y-00349-00083397-00083949 topic external links cO-7nxhd69y-00350-00083950-00084241 Secretary of Energy Steven Chu at United cO-7nxhd69y-00351-00084242-00084547 States Department of Energy the Nobel cO-7nxhd69y-00352-00084548-00084847 Prize in Physics 1997 from Nobel Prize cO-7nxhd69y-00353-00084848-00085107 with biography lecture diploma photos cO-7nxhd69y-00354-00085108-00085444 symposia and links bio from Lawrence cO-7nxhd69y-00355-00085445-00085765 Berkeley National Laboratory energy at cO-7nxhd69y-00356-00085766-00085834 Berkeley cO-7nxhd69y-00357-00085835-00086044 solutions for global warming Berkeley cO-7nxhd69y-00358-00086045-00086386 University November 13 2007 includes cO-7nxhd69y-00359-00086387-00086562 link to event on YouTube cO-7nxhd69y-00360-00086563-00086824 BP makes Berkeley world center for cO-7nxhd69y-00361-00086825-00087051 biofuels press release on the BP cO-7nxhd69y-00362-00087052-00087419 collaboration February 16 2007 cO-7nxhd69y-00363-00087420-00087805 alternative energy sources March 28 2005 cO-7nxhd69y-00364-00087806-00088123 choose PowerPoint presentation Boulder's cO-7nxhd69y-00365-00088124-00088336 physicists give two thumbs up article on cO-7nxhd69y-00366-00088337-00088555 other Nobel laureates reactions to chew cO-7nxhd69y-00367-00088556-00088857 as Secretary of Energy you see TV cO-7nxhd69y-00368-00088858-00089181 programs with Steven Chu physics meets cO-7nxhd69y-00369-00089182-00089541 biology Berkeley's Nobel tradition cO-7nxhd69y-00370-00089542-00089794 holding onto atoms and molecules with cO-7nxhd69y-00371-00089795-00090034 lasers laser cooling from atomic clocks cO-7nxhd69y-00372-00090035-00090355 to watching biomolecules move what can cO-7nxhd69y-00373-00090356-00090657 physics say about life conversations cO-7nxhd69y-00374-00090658-00090871 with history a scientists random walk cO-7nxhd69y-00375-00090872-00091206 with Steven Chu bio and personal page cO-7nxhd69y-00376-00091207-00091431 from Stanford University Department of cO-7nxhd69y-00377-00091432-00091768 Physics Steven Chu uncovering the secret cO-7nxhd69y-00378-00091769-00091978 life of molecules from Stanford online cO-7nxhd69y-00379-00091979-00092463 report July 16 1997 choose biophysics cO-7nxhd69y-00380-00092464-00092626 research group at University of cO-7nxhd69y-00381-00092627-00092907 California Berkeley growing energy cO-7nxhd69y-00382-00092908-00093178 Berkeley labs Steve Chu on what termite cO-7nxhd69y-00383-00093179-00093363 guts have to do with global warming from cO-7nxhd69y-00384-00093364-00093717 UC Berkeley News September 30th 2005 cO-7nxhd69y-00385-00093718-00094015 choose lecture on the Helios project for cO-7nxhd69y-00386-00094016-00094237 renewable energy on YouTube March 12 cO-7nxhd69y-00387-00094238-00094609 2008 climate disasters a significant cO-7nxhd69y-00388-00094610-00094825 possibility interview with Steve Chu at cO-7nxhd69y-00389-00094826-00095068 Copenhagen climate Council November 3rd cO-7nxhd69y-00390-00095069-00095302 2008 cO-7nxhd69y-00391-00095303-00095569 interview with Steven Chu from growing cO-7nxhd69y-00392-00095570-00095881 energy from the PBS series e squared cO-7nxhd69y-00393-00095882-00096273 energy on YouTube appearances on c-span cO-7nxhd69y-00394-00096274-00096673 Steven Chu on Charlie Rose Steven Chu on cO-7nxhd69y-00395-00096674-00097036 IMDB Steven Chu collected news and cO-7nxhd69y-00396-00097037-00097378 commentary the New York Times interview cO-7nxhd69y-00397-00097379-00097879 April 19 2009 weird little bacteria in cO-7nxhd69y-00398-00097880-00098197 our energy future by Steven Chu in April cO-7nxhd69y-00399-00098198-00098629 16 2012 Scientific American works by or cO-7nxhd69y-00400-00098630-00098824 about Steven Chu in library's WorldCat cO-7nxhd69y-00401-00098825-00099082 catalog