dmTDyz4_y1U-00000-00000288-00000608 Adventures of Awizonosz dmTDyz4_y1U-00001-00000942-00001142 Family Christmas dmTDyz4_y1U-00002-00011872-00012104 Two hours later dmTDyz4_y1U-00003-00026618-00026748 After an hour dmTDyz4_y1U-00004-00027874-00028274 To be continue! dmTDyz4_y1U-00005-00029589-00030102 Merry Christmas dnQt482x12y-00000-00483215-00483415 Thanks for watching ! e01wtjCvmC4-00000-00000000-00000200 Relaxing music 10 minutes e4YbeS5tmQY-00000-00000000-00000083 You have entered e4YbeS5tmQY-00001-00000083-00000286 the plumbing business success zone, e4YbeS5tmQY-00002-00000286-00000560 teaching entrepreneurs the business of plumbing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00003-00000560-00000751 This is "Potty Talk Live," e4YbeS5tmQY-00004-00000751-00000931 recorded live every week. e4YbeS5tmQY-00005-00000931-00001205 Turn on notifications to never miss an episode. e4YbeS5tmQY-00006-00001205-00001433 Now, your host, Richard Behney, e4YbeS5tmQY-00007-00001433-00001658 the Million Dollar Plumber. e4YbeS5tmQY-00008-00001894-00002060 Hey, hey, plumbing pros, e4YbeS5tmQY-00009-00002060-00002344 welcome to the 338th episode e4YbeS5tmQY-00010-00002344-00002473 of "Potty Talk Live." e4YbeS5tmQY-00011-00002473-00002619 Hey there, I'm your host, Richard Behney, e4YbeS5tmQY-00012-00002619-00002753 the Million Dollar Plumber, e4YbeS5tmQY-00013-00002753-00003013 along with my co-host, the Lovely Laura e4YbeS5tmQY-00014-00003013-00003327 where we're talking the business of plumbing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00015-00003327-00003579 That's right, how to systemize, stylize, e4YbeS5tmQY-00016-00003579-00003869 and monetize your plumbing business. e4YbeS5tmQY-00017-00003869-00004275 And how to take it where you wanna take it in 2022. e4YbeS5tmQY-00018-00004275-00004378 2022. e4YbeS5tmQY-00019-00004378-00004528 That's right, Happy New Year. e4YbeS5tmQY-00020-00004528-00004612 Happy New Year, everybody. e4YbeS5tmQY-00021-00004612-00004907 It's good to be back, welcome. e4YbeS5tmQY-00022-00004907-00004991 How do we do this? e4YbeS5tmQY-00023-00004991-00005166 I don't know, it's been a hot minute. e4YbeS5tmQY-00024-00005303-00005386 What? e4YbeS5tmQY-00025-00005386-00005469 Wait, how does this thing work? e4YbeS5tmQY-00026-00005469-00005666 I almost forgot, hey, hey, hey, hey. e4YbeS5tmQY-00027-00005792-00005875 I wouldn't let you forget that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00028-00005875-00006013 Hey, it's good to, e4YbeS5tmQY-00029-00006013-00006178 BV's reminding us how to do this. e4YbeS5tmQY-00030-00006178-00006262 Hey, BV. e4YbeS5tmQY-00031-00006262-00006364 That's right, type "live" e4YbeS5tmQY-00032-00006364-00006509 if you're watching live e4YbeS5tmQY-00033-00006509-00006617 here in the comments, e4YbeS5tmQY-00034-00006617-00006726 Let us know you're a part of e4YbeS5tmQY-00035-00006726-00006882 the live social audience. e4YbeS5tmQY-00036-00006882-00007032 And if you're watching the replay, e4YbeS5tmQY-00037-00007032-00007141 please type "replay," e4YbeS5tmQY-00038-00007141-00007251 let us know you caught the replay, e4YbeS5tmQY-00039-00007251-00007415 type replay in the comments. e4YbeS5tmQY-00040-00007415-00007583 And if you're listening to the podcast, e4YbeS5tmQY-00041-00007583-00007683 you know what to do, e4YbeS5tmQY-00042-00007683-00007824 just keep on listening. e4YbeS5tmQY-00043-00007824-00007967 Keep on listening, e4YbeS5tmQY-00044-00007967-00008183 so Casteels are in the house e4YbeS5tmQY-00045-00008183-00008505 in the plumbing business success zone, e4YbeS5tmQY-00046-00008505-00008670 yes, love to hear that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00047-00008670-00008912 338th, I remember the armoire, e4YbeS5tmQY-00048-00008912-00009146 let's go, thank you for reminding me. e4YbeS5tmQY-00049-00009146-00009292 Please don't, Darrell. e4YbeS5tmQY-00050-00009471-00009582 We're debating on going back e4YbeS5tmQY-00051-00009582-00009818 and erasing all those. e4YbeS5tmQY-00052-00009818-00010113 All those old ones, yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-00053-00010113-00010231 It shows where we came from. e4YbeS5tmQY-00054-00010231-00010314 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00055-00010314-00010462 and that's important, e4YbeS5tmQY-00056-00010462-00010686 we're not always, e4YbeS5tmQY-00057-00010686-00010817 we don't start out, e4YbeS5tmQY-00058-00010817-00010995 multimillion dollar plumbing businesses. e4YbeS5tmQY-00059-00010995-00011078 Hey, Matt, correct. e4YbeS5tmQY-00060-00011078-00011259 Start with a kind of a beater truck e4YbeS5tmQY-00061-00011259-00011345 and work our way. e4YbeS5tmQY-00062-00011345-00011600 So you go back and look at some of our -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00063-00011600-00011721 No. e4YbeS5tmQY-00064-00011721-00011825 No, no, don't do it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00065-00011825-00011974 If that yahoo can do it, e4YbeS5tmQY-00066-00011974-00012088 you know you can do it, right? e4YbeS5tmQY-00067-00012088-00012171 Hey, Bo. e4YbeS5tmQY-00068-00012171-00012360 Hey, Bo, Full Speed Plumbing live from the e4YbeS5tmQY-00069-00012360-00012659 I5 Corridor in Western Washington, e4YbeS5tmQY-00070-00012659-00012795 How's the weather out there now, Bo? e4YbeS5tmQY-00071-00012795-00013041 Did you guys get through everything? e4YbeS5tmQY-00072-00013041-00013149 Bobby, Bobby. e4YbeS5tmQY-00073-00013236-00013424 I'll tell you, Bo and crew, e4YbeS5tmQY-00074-00013424-00013548 I mean, they really stepped up, e4YbeS5tmQY-00075-00013548-00013765 they had that cold front come through e4YbeS5tmQY-00076-00013765-00013849 and all the frozen pipes e4YbeS5tmQY-00077-00013849-00013993 and all that kind of stuff. e4YbeS5tmQY-00078-00013993-00014154 Well, did they just sit back and whine and cry? e4YbeS5tmQY-00079-00014154-00014310 No, they did not. e4YbeS5tmQY-00080-00014310-00014529 Guys gave up, their team gave up even e4YbeS5tmQY-00081-00014529-00014800 their free time off and that kind of stuff e4YbeS5tmQY-00082-00014800-00014883 to get it done. e4YbeS5tmQY-00083-00014883-00015127 Get it done, Copeland's in the house. e4YbeS5tmQY-00084-00015127-00015254 The Copelands. e4YbeS5tmQY-00085-00015254-00015696 Nice to see you guys again, or sort of, anyway. e4YbeS5tmQY-00086-00015696-00015791 Good to be here. e4YbeS5tmQY-00087-00015791-00015874 Hey, Jared. e4YbeS5tmQY-00088-00015874-00015974 Hey, welcome brother. e4YbeS5tmQY-00089-00015974-00016146 good to have you here, man. e4YbeS5tmQY-00090-00016146-00016229 What am I doing here? e4YbeS5tmQY-00091-00016229-00016330 I'm just making sure e4YbeS5tmQY-00092-00016330-00016503 I have all the things here. e4YbeS5tmQY-00093-00016503-00016643 So yes, what's the temp? e4YbeS5tmQY-00094-00016643-00016768 That's not our question for tonight, e4YbeS5tmQY-00095-00016768-00016933 but what's the temp where you're at tonight? e4YbeS5tmQY-00096-00016933-00017152 I know that that, at least we hear, e4YbeS5tmQY-00097-00017152-00017465 there's big snow storms and things that e4YbeS5tmQY-00098-00017465-00017631 kind of swept across the country, right? e4YbeS5tmQY-00099-00017631-00017715 Yep. e4YbeS5tmQY-00100-00017715-00017798 We heard. e4YbeS5tmQY-00101-00017798-00018013 So some of our clients are, like, in e4YbeS5tmQY-00102-00018013-00018223 negative 30, 30 below. e4YbeS5tmQY-00103-00018223-00018337 Whoa, that's crazy. e4YbeS5tmQY-00104-00018337-00018507 It was cold this morning though in Florida. e4YbeS5tmQY-00105-00018507-00018590 Oh man. e4YbeS5tmQY-00106-00018590-00018673 Oh. e4YbeS5tmQY-00107-00018673-00018757 I mean, I got the, e4YbeS5tmQY-00108-00018757-00018840 hit me in the face e4YbeS5tmQY-00109-00018840-00019022 when walked out to go work out. e4YbeS5tmQY-00110-00019022-00019158 68. e4YbeS5tmQY-00111-00019158-00019241 68. e4YbeS5tmQY-00112-00019241-00019326 It's crazy. e4YbeS5tmQY-00113-00019326-00019469 We, like, froze to death this morning. e4YbeS5tmQY-00114-00019469-00019618 Global warming's gonna kill me. e4YbeS5tmQY-00115-00019970-00020128 We're not supposed to do that but e4YbeS5tmQY-00116-00020128-00020235 it's hard to not. e4YbeS5tmQY-00117-00020235-00020318 Wah. e4YbeS5tmQY-00118-00020479-00020684 Yeah, our bodies had adjusted to the other heat. e4YbeS5tmQY-00119-00020684-00020885 I know, yeah, we were climatized. e4YbeS5tmQY-00120-00020885-00020989 We are above freezing e4YbeS5tmQY-00121-00020989-00021285 but now we have a monster backlog of calls. e4YbeS5tmQY-00122-00021285-00021465 Buffalo are running, baby, that's right, e4YbeS5tmQY-00123-00021465-00021652 that's what we call it, buffalo running. e4YbeS5tmQY-00124-00021652-00021855 And with the buffalo running, e4YbeS5tmQY-00125-00021855-00022046 you gotta put on your, e4YbeS5tmQY-00126-00022046-00022326 your whatever to get out there e4YbeS5tmQY-00127-00022326-00022514 and get it done. e4YbeS5tmQY-00128-00022514-00022678 And he's looking forward to this episode, e4YbeS5tmQY-00129-00022678-00022897 we're going to get to this year. e4YbeS5tmQY-00130-00022897-00023132 We had Ms. Shelby had put up our title here e4YbeS5tmQY-00131-00023132-00023224 a little bit ago, e4YbeS5tmQY-00132-00023224-00023369 where do you want to be e4YbeS5tmQY-00133-00023369-00023479 this time next year? e4YbeS5tmQY-00134-00023479-00023661 So it's appropriate, e4YbeS5tmQY-00135-00023661-00023859 this is the time of year where we got to, e4YbeS5tmQY-00136-00023859-00023984 we got to do a two part series here e4YbeS5tmQY-00137-00023984-00024373 where we're gonna take a quick look back. e4YbeS5tmQY-00138-00024373-00024492 Quick look, quick look, e4YbeS5tmQY-00139-00024492-00024742 and then we're gonna look forward. e4YbeS5tmQY-00140-00024742-00024825 Spend more time looking forward. e4YbeS5tmQY-00141-00024825-00024967 Right, we're gonna spend more time looking forward. e4YbeS5tmQY-00142-00024967-00025143 But we do need to take a quick look back. e4YbeS5tmQY-00143-00025143-00025256 so we're gonna be doing that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00144-00025256-00025478 Not at back episodes, Darrell. e4YbeS5tmQY-00145-00025602-00025686 The armoire. e4YbeS5tmQY-00146-00025686-00025852 Armoire. e4YbeS5tmQY-00147-00025852-00025994 Goodness sakes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00148-00026118-00026384 that was the armoire e4YbeS5tmQY-00149-00026480-00026806 when we started our first Attaboy office. e4YbeS5tmQY-00150-00026806-00026965 30s, yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00151-00026965-00027112 so it was like it meant something. e4YbeS5tmQY-00152-00027112-00027225 It was sentimental. e4YbeS5tmQY-00153-00027225-00027374 Of course, when we moved here, we burn it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00154-00027468-00027656 Before we moved here. e4YbeS5tmQY-00155-00027792-00027875 Poured some gas on it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00156-00027875-00027986 That thing was a million pounds. e4YbeS5tmQY-00157-00028177-00028260 It was. e4YbeS5tmQY-00158-00028260-00028344 But it's seen a lot. e4YbeS5tmQY-00159-00028344-00028497 Getting cold in New England, Jacob says. e4YbeS5tmQY-00160-00028497-00028687 Yes, I would assume so. e4YbeS5tmQY-00161-00028687-00028825 Are we the only ones that really didn't get hit? e4YbeS5tmQY-00162-00028825-00028916 Very cold in Indiana. e4YbeS5tmQY-00163-00028916-00028999 Where you at in Indiana? e4YbeS5tmQY-00164-00028999-00029105 Oh, Andrea, hey. e4YbeS5tmQY-00165-00029105-00029221 Yeah, Andrea, yeah, e4YbeS5tmQY-00166-00029221-00029344 Barretts are in Indiana. e4YbeS5tmQY-00167-00029344-00029472 I forget what part. e4YbeS5tmQY-00168-00029472-00029594 Where you guys at? e4YbeS5tmQY-00169-00029594-00029710 Whitestown? e4YbeS5tmQY-00170-00029710-00029794 Yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-00171-00029794-00029877 No, that's not it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00172-00029877-00029960 I can't remember. e4YbeS5tmQY-00173-00029960-00030044 It was colder in Minnesota e4YbeS5tmQY-00174-00030044-00030129 than it is in your refrigerator? e4YbeS5tmQY-00175-00030377-00030538 That's so awful. e4YbeS5tmQY-00176-00030538-00030666 That's so awful. e4YbeS5tmQY-00177-00030666-00030795 Low in, oh wait, e4YbeS5tmQY-00178-00030795-00030991 Waxahachie, thank you, tonight. e4YbeS5tmQY-00179-00030991-00031074 Those are the Babes, e4YbeS5tmQY-00180-00031074-00031192 well, that's why Babe is blue. e4YbeS5tmQY-00181-00031192-00031315 Yes, the Babe is -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00182-00031315-00031399 The blue ox. e4YbeS5tmQY-00183-00031399-00031524 It's blue 'cause it's freezing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00184-00031524-00031665 Freezing up there, right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00185-00031665-00031857 So Waxahachie, Texas. e4YbeS5tmQY-00186-00031955-00032038 29. e4YbeS5tmQY-00187-00032038-00032121 How is It cold in Texas? e4YbeS5tmQY-00188-00032121-00032243 Isn't it not supposed to be cold? e4YbeS5tmQY-00189-00032243-00032460 We just had Roadrunner Plumbing, e4YbeS5tmQY-00190-00032460-00032599 they say it was 40 degrees e4YbeS5tmQY-00191-00032599-00032695 or something like that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00192-00032695-00032852 I mean, that's San Antonio. e4YbeS5tmQY-00193-00032852-00032935 Yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-00194-00032935-00033034 It's like, man. e4YbeS5tmQY-00195-00033034-00033118 What's going on? e4YbeS5tmQY-00196-00033118-00033217 Global warming. e4YbeS5tmQY-00197-00033217-00033347 Carmen's live, e4YbeS5tmQY-00198-00033347-00033430 good to have you here. e4YbeS5tmQY-00199-00033430-00033544 Carmen, nice to see your new trucks e4YbeS5tmQY-00200-00033544-00033681 too by the way. e4YbeS5tmQY-00201-00033681-00033772 I saw the post. e4YbeS5tmQY-00202-00033772-00033994 Congratulations on your new branding, e4YbeS5tmQY-00203-00033994-00034126 that was exciting to see. e4YbeS5tmQY-00204-00034126-00034209 I love seeing that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00205-00034209-00034493 And I see him right there in the profile. e4YbeS5tmQY-00206-00034493-00034658 so, Jacob, where does he want to be e4YbeS5tmQY-00207-00034658-00034815 this time next year, he says -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00208-00034815-00035024 I want to have a couple trucks and techs. e4YbeS5tmQY-00209-00035024-00035107 Absolutely. e4YbeS5tmQY-00210-00035107-00035190 Of course, Jacob, e4YbeS5tmQY-00211-00035190-00035387 so I'm assuming it's you. e4YbeS5tmQY-00212-00035387-00035525 Your butt's in the truck right now. e4YbeS5tmQY-00213-00035525-00035622 Gonna assume so. e4YbeS5tmQY-00214-00035622-00035727 There's no reason why your butt e4YbeS5tmQY-00215-00035727-00035907 can't be out of the truck e4YbeS5tmQY-00216-00035907-00035992 by this time next year. e4YbeS5tmQY-00217-00036098-00036344 Back, we used to have, we had a client, e4YbeS5tmQY-00218-00036344-00036662 one of our clients a day out of Fairbanks, Alaska. e4YbeS5tmQY-00219-00036662-00036755 Alaska. e4YbeS5tmQY-00220-00036755-00036903 you wanna talk cold. e4YbeS5tmQY-00221-00036903-00037180 Fairbanks, Alaska. e4YbeS5tmQY-00222-00037180-00037412 Every excuse for why, e4YbeS5tmQY-00223-00037412-00037565 "There's not enough plumbers, e4YbeS5tmQY-00224-00037565-00037707 there's not enough customers, e4YbeS5tmQY-00225-00037707-00037926 no one's going to pay that." e4YbeS5tmQY-00226-00037926-00038200 This time in less than a year, e4YbeS5tmQY-00227-00038200-00038309 he's gone from one truck -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00228-00038309-00038392 To 10. e4YbeS5tmQY-00229-00038392-00038476 10 trucks. e4YbeS5tmQY-00230-00038476-00038572 10, 10 trucks. e4YbeS5tmQY-00231-00038572-00038683 10 trucks. e4YbeS5tmQY-00232-00038683-00038766 To... e4YbeS5tmQY-00233-00038766-00038949 2.5 million dollars. e4YbeS5tmQY-00234-00039237-00039420 2.5 million dollars. e4YbeS5tmQY-00235-00039510-00039650 And his goal for the year e4YbeS5tmQY-00236-00039650-00039926 was he wanted to hit a million. e4YbeS5tmQY-00237-00039926-00040009 Just really stretchin' them. e4YbeS5tmQY-00238-00040009-00040191 Yes, but he -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00239-00040191-00040326 He did it the MDP way. e4YbeS5tmQY-00240-00040326-00040661 I guess I just love the guys that just -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00241-00040661-00040867 Just say, "burn the ships and do it." e4YbeS5tmQY-00242-00040867-00040950 And do it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00243-00040950-00041120 Johnny said it was 60 degrees last night. e4YbeS5tmQY-00244-00041120-00041298 It snowed five inches in DC, over six hours e4YbeS5tmQY-00245-00041298-00041462 and now it's below zero. e4YbeS5tmQY-00246-00041462-00041552 Everything is freezing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00247-00041552-00041768 Our daughter was just in DC e4YbeS5tmQY-00248-00041768-00041933 and had to drive back to Virginia. e4YbeS5tmQY-00249-00041933-00042016 Arlington area. e4YbeS5tmQY-00250-00042016-00042103 Yeah, and said it was -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00251-00042103-00042186 Yeah, DC in the winter, yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-00252-00042186-00042339 Yeah, and the snow was really, really bad e4YbeS5tmQY-00253-00042339-00042493 so yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00254-00042777-00042860 Cherry Blossom Plumbing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00255-00042860-00042943 Cherry Blossom. e4YbeS5tmQY-00256-00042943-00043027 Nice looking trucks. e4YbeS5tmQY-00257-00043027-00043184 Yes, if you guys want to go check out e4YbeS5tmQY-00258-00043184-00043289 a cool brand, guys, I don't know e4YbeS5tmQY-00259-00043289-00043376 if you have your truck up e4YbeS5tmQY-00260-00043376-00043460 on your website yet or not. e4YbeS5tmQY-00261-00043460-00043544 Alexander says this time next year, e4YbeS5tmQY-00262-00043544-00043662 I'm going to grow by three techs minimum. e4YbeS5tmQY-00263-00043662-00043852 I was talking about Cherry Blossom, e4YbeS5tmQY-00264-00043852-00043935 thank you, Alex. e4YbeS5tmQY-00265-00043935-00044020 Oh, I'm sorry. e4YbeS5tmQY-00266-00044020-00044139 I was talking about Cherry Blossom. e4YbeS5tmQY-00267-00044139-00044367 I know, I'm sorry, Cherry Blossom. e4YbeS5tmQY-00268-00044367-00044545 Alexander...I'm just excited he's -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00269-00044545-00044676 Grow by three techs minimum. e4YbeS5tmQY-00270-00044676-00044836 Him and his lovely wife, Sandra. e4YbeS5tmQY-00271-00044836-00045062 But anyway, Cherry Blossom just rebranded with e4YbeS5tmQY-00272-00045062-00045301 Dan The Man, KickCharge. e4YbeS5tmQY-00273-00045301-00045476 They are not blanding any longer. e4YbeS5tmQY-00274-00045476-00045591 No they're not, man, e4YbeS5tmQY-00275-00045591-00045716 good looking, good looking. e4YbeS5tmQY-00276-00045716-00046021 Cherry Blossom Plumbing out of DC area. e4YbeS5tmQY-00277-00046021-00046212 Everybody's setting himself up for 2022, e4YbeS5tmQY-00278-00046212-00046366 it's going to be a great year e4YbeS5tmQY-00279-00046366-00046595 and we're going to get to that, e4YbeS5tmQY-00280-00046595-00046799 But we need to take just a quick look back. e4YbeS5tmQY-00281-00046799-00046933 So it's just wise to do that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00282-00046933-00047100 And we'll talk about that here. e4YbeS5tmQY-00283-00047100-00047183 Question for, let's get into our question. e4YbeS5tmQY-00284-00047183-00047382 Yes, tell the Question of Today tonight. e4YbeS5tmQY-00285-00047382-00047796 What is something you accomplished in 2021? e4YbeS5tmQY-00286-00047796-00048042 Give us something that you accomplished in 2021. e4YbeS5tmQY-00287-00048042-00048147 Whatever comes to mind. e4YbeS5tmQY-00288-00048147-00048230 It could be personal, e4YbeS5tmQY-00289-00048230-00048358 it could be the business. e4YbeS5tmQY-00290-00048358-00048618 Something you overcame, e4YbeS5tmQY-00291-00048618-00048781 dollar figure, whatever e4YbeS5tmQY-00292-00048781-00048881 so what comes to mind? e4YbeS5tmQY-00293-00048881-00049071 Something you accomplished in 2021. e4YbeS5tmQY-00294-00049071-00049345 An obstacle you overcame, right? e4YbeS5tmQY-00295-00049345-00049523 Or just something that happened e4YbeS5tmQY-00296-00049523-00049634 that you feel really proud about. e4YbeS5tmQY-00297-00049634-00049718 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00298-00049718-00049801 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00299-00049801-00049884 So we want to recognize that -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00300-00049884-00050003 'Cause it's easy to go back and look at, e4YbeS5tmQY-00301-00050003-00050166 "Oh, I made this mistake, I made this mistake, e4YbeS5tmQY-00302-00050166-00050310 I really screwed this up." e4YbeS5tmQY-00303-00050310-00050411 That's easy to do. e4YbeS5tmQY-00304-00050411-00050533 Right, and of course we know that, e4YbeS5tmQY-00305-00050533-00050649 we're going to get, we'll get to that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00306-00050649-00051021 We know when we did bonehead stuff, e4YbeS5tmQY-00307-00051021-00051225 In fact, we tend to focus on that e4YbeS5tmQY-00308-00051225-00051349 or get all wrapped up in that, e4YbeS5tmQY-00309-00051349-00051640 it's like the one bad review. e4YbeS5tmQY-00310-00051640-00051868 We have one bad review and then there's, like, e4YbeS5tmQY-00311-00051868-00052094 50 good ones right there. e4YbeS5tmQY-00312-00052094-00052278 Mikki, that's right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00313-00052278-00052555 Added two trucks, Top Hat Plumbing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00314-00052555-00052638 Pushin' it, that's right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00315-00052638-00052847 Yes, they did, nice looking, e4YbeS5tmQY-00316-00052847-00053023 talk about nice looking trucks. e4YbeS5tmQY-00317-00053023-00053106 There we go. e4YbeS5tmQY-00318-00053106-00053235 Totally fits their personality. e4YbeS5tmQY-00319-00053235-00053442 Yes, they added two new trucks. e4YbeS5tmQY-00320-00053442-00053525 What about everybody else? e4YbeS5tmQY-00321-00053525-00053695 What was something you accomplished last year? e4YbeS5tmQY-00322-00053695-00053832 And make it happen, right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00323-00053832-00053916 Hit four -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00324-00054030-00054221 Is that all, Carter's Plumbing? e4YbeS5tmQY-00325-00054221-00054468 I bragged about you today, Matt, right? e4YbeS5tmQY-00326-00054468-00054728 Four million in revenue. e4YbeS5tmQY-00327-00054728-00054839 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00328-00054839-00054965 Guts, and he did it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00329-00054965-00055101 Mike signed up with MDP. e4YbeS5tmQY-00330-00055101-00055291 Hey, that is a good accomplishment. e4YbeS5tmQY-00331-00055291-00055412 That is a good accomplishment. e4YbeS5tmQY-00332-00055412-00055526 Yeah, love hearing that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00333-00055526-00055667 I like that accomplishment. e4YbeS5tmQY-00334-00055667-00055853 Matt is doing a great job pushing forward. e4YbeS5tmQY-00335-00055853-00055963 Joined the MDP family. e4YbeS5tmQY-00336-00055963-00056081 Look at all these suck ups. e4YbeS5tmQY-00337-00056244-00056327 Thank you, Bobby. e4YbeS5tmQY-00338-00056327-00056533 Thank you, Bobby. e4YbeS5tmQY-00339-00056533-00056748 they did a cool thing with e4YbeS5tmQY-00340-00056748-00056890 the big deal with the -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00341-00056890-00056984 Jersey Boys. e4YbeS5tmQY-00342-00056984-00057137 Yeah, Jersey Boys, they branded The Jersey Boys. e4YbeS5tmQY-00343-00057137-00057357 And also Dan, Dan Antonelli, yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00344-00057357-00057495 Kleat, rebrand, e4YbeS5tmQY-00345-00057495-00057627 getting my name off the van. e4YbeS5tmQY-00346-00057627-00057853 So what's the name of your company now, Kleat? e4YbeS5tmQY-00347-00057853-00058146 Our friend from down, our mate from down under, e4YbeS5tmQY-00348-00058146-00058229 what's the name of -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00349-00058229-00058502 Yeah, you have a name yet? e4YbeS5tmQY-00350-00058502-00058593 Yeah, we'd love to e4YbeS5tmQY-00351-00058593-00058748 hear what it is so, e4YbeS5tmQY-00352-00058748-00058964 bought a new van, Mike said. e4YbeS5tmQY-00353-00058964-00059047 And those are great accomplishments e4YbeS5tmQY-00354-00059047-00059145 'cause that's a big deal, e4YbeS5tmQY-00355-00059145-00059273 especially if it's one of your first, e4YbeS5tmQY-00356-00059273-00059700 that's a big deal to get a brand new truck. e4YbeS5tmQY-00357-00059700-00060050 New shop, Tyler, that's right, that's a biggie. e4YbeS5tmQY-00358-00060050-00060191 I got to hear, e4YbeS5tmQY-00359-00060191-00060350 glad to hear you're feeling better, guys. e4YbeS5tmQY-00360-00060350-00060477 Yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-00361-00060477-00060673 Rebranded, got a full-time tech e4YbeS5tmQY-00362-00060673-00060816 and another vehicle, good, e4YbeS5tmQY-00363-00060816-00060963 that's pushin', doing those things. e4YbeS5tmQY-00364-00060963-00061183 he's an example of, e4YbeS5tmQY-00365-00061183-00061399 mentioned our, e4YbeS5tmQY-00366-00061399-00061750 the crew up in Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. e4YbeS5tmQY-00367-00062080-00062302 and when they started, just had the one, e4YbeS5tmQY-00368-00062302-00062635 he had a truck and the idea of buying a truck -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00369-00062635-00062798 Was big, big deal. e4YbeS5tmQY-00370-00062798-00063045 And, doing the investing e4YbeS5tmQY-00371-00063045-00063328 in the branding and the marketing, e4YbeS5tmQY-00372-00063419-00063609 not to mention putting the systems in place e4YbeS5tmQY-00373-00063609-00063886 and piece rate, everyone's union up here. e4YbeS5tmQY-00374-00063886-00064066 That's why, "We can't pay piece rate, e4YbeS5tmQY-00375-00064066-00064248 everybody buys union, e4YbeS5tmQY-00376-00064248-00064339 they'll kill me." e4YbeS5tmQY-00377-00064339-00064531 no one will do it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00378-00064531-00064649 He did it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00379-00064649-00064802 Right, and he has guys lining up e4YbeS5tmQY-00380-00064802-00064939 to work for him. e4YbeS5tmQY-00381-00064939-00065088 Prospector Plumbing is the name of that company. e4YbeS5tmQY-00382-00065088-00065360 Right, and now they're getting really picky. e4YbeS5tmQY-00383-00065360-00065444 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00384-00065444-00065718 Anne Marie and Jordan Bay Plumbing e4YbeS5tmQY-00385-00065718-00066019 rebranded and they stopped looking back, e4YbeS5tmQY-00386-00066019-00066259 that's right, love hearing that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00387-00066259-00066448 We're going to touch on that, thank you. e4YbeS5tmQY-00388-00066448-00066531 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00389-00066531-00066938 That's a biggie that looking back is what hurts. e4YbeS5tmQY-00390-00066938-00067064 What really kind of what's hurts us, e4YbeS5tmQY-00391-00067064-00067266 holding us back, it's an anchor. e4YbeS5tmQY-00392-00067266-00067371 Advertised on a billboard. e4YbeS5tmQY-00393-00067371-00067469 Nice, branding, e4YbeS5tmQY-00394-00067469-00067565 what's the name of the company? e4YbeS5tmQY-00395-00067565-00067691 I'm trying to see it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00396-00067691-00067897 Elgin, no, I can't read it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00397-00067897-00067980 Sorry. e4YbeS5tmQY-00398-00067980-00068112 I started helping my husband in the office. e4YbeS5tmQY-00399-00068112-00068288 So glad that we are the plumbing company e4YbeS5tmQY-00400-00068288-00068488 with two PPCs, it's been a wonderful blessing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00401-00068488-00068719 That's right, Lisa and, oh gosh, e4YbeS5tmQY-00402-00068719-00068870 what's her husband's name? e4YbeS5tmQY-00403-00068870-00069029 Oh, sorry, Lisa. e4YbeS5tmQY-00404-00069121-00069204 Yup. e4YbeS5tmQY-00405-00069330-00069470 It's Bo's, yeah, Bo's brother, right? e4YbeS5tmQY-00406-00069470-00069554 Yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-00407-00069554-00069784 Yes, congratulations on the expansion e4YbeS5tmQY-00408-00069784-00070022 you guys are doing and the rebranding, all those. e4YbeS5tmQY-00409-00070022-00070115 Erin. e4YbeS5tmQY-00410-00070115-00070304 Service Titan and now PPC e4YbeS5tmQY-00411-00070304-00070538 and rebranding coming this month. e4YbeS5tmQY-00412-00070538-00070765 Oh my gosh, I love hearing that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00413-00070765-00070905 These are great accomplishments, guys, e4YbeS5tmQY-00414-00070905-00071084 you should all be proud. e4YbeS5tmQY-00415-00071084-00071277 Full rebrand, repurchased one truck, e4YbeS5tmQY-00416-00071277-00071498 more than we planned to buy for the year e4YbeS5tmQY-00417-00071498-00071725 and over 100k in a month, yep. e4YbeS5tmQY-00418-00071725-00071859 Yay. e4YbeS5tmQY-00419-00071859-00071989 Roadrunners. e4YbeS5tmQY-00420-00071989-00072103 Roadrunner Plumbing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00421-00072103-00072415 And gosh, these are all MDP. e4YbeS5tmQY-00422-00072415-00072576 So these are MDP. e4YbeS5tmQY-00423-00072576-00072836 What's fun is we know kind of the inside story. e4YbeS5tmQY-00424-00072836-00072953 Not kind of, because we get e4YbeS5tmQY-00425-00072953-00073167 the privilege of working with them. e4YbeS5tmQY-00426-00073167-00073466 And so all these guys now, e4YbeS5tmQY-00427-00073466-00073685 we've seen what they've had to overcome. e4YbeS5tmQY-00428-00073685-00073862 And so those of you that are in the Academy, e4YbeS5tmQY-00429-00073862-00074027 or not in Academy, or just, e4YbeS5tmQY-00430-00074027-00074421 our viewers, which is good to have you here as well. e4YbeS5tmQY-00431-00074421-00074579 the things that you're facing, e4YbeS5tmQY-00432-00074579-00074746 these others guys have faced too. e4YbeS5tmQY-00433-00074746-00074955 They faced them, yeah, and overcame them. e4YbeS5tmQY-00434-00074955-00075108 And more, and overcame them. e4YbeS5tmQY-00435-00075108-00075300 That's the thing, it's just moving forward. e4YbeS5tmQY-00436-00075300-00075482 So some of you newer guys can look at and go, e4YbeS5tmQY-00437-00075482-00075680 "Okay well, look at Bo, Bo's rebranded, e4YbeS5tmQY-00438-00075680-00075877 has nine trucks, a call center. e4YbeS5tmQY-00439-00075877-00076002 he's big, e4YbeS5tmQY-00440-00076093-00076401 yeah, he didn't have any problems... e4YbeS5tmQY-00441-00076745-00076855 We know better. e4YbeS5tmQY-00442-00076855-00077003 Well, let him tell you the story about e4YbeS5tmQY-00443-00077003-00077189 when he started changing things, e4YbeS5tmQY-00444-00077189-00077287 his whole crew quit. e4YbeS5tmQY-00445-00077287-00077447 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00446-00077447-00077638 Elgin County, thanks, guys. e4YbeS5tmQY-00447-00077638-00077821 Or even Carter, Matt Carter, e4YbeS5tmQY-00448-00077821-00078097 four million, so people can look at e4YbeS5tmQY-00449-00078097-00078327 Carter Plumbing, which they're a huge company now. e4YbeS5tmQY-00450-00078327-00078549 And then, "Oh, well that's just because it's them," e4YbeS5tmQY-00451-00078549-00078661 or it's this or it's that, e4YbeS5tmQY-00452-00078661-00078851 no, they started out just like you did. e4YbeS5tmQY-00453-00078851-00079018 Same thing, all the same struggles, e4YbeS5tmQY-00454-00079018-00079106 all the same issues. e4YbeS5tmQY-00455-00079106-00079299 Bruce says new transit, new tech, e4YbeS5tmQY-00456-00079299-00079464 new pickup. e4YbeS5tmQY-00457-00079464-00079603 Congratulations, Bruce. e4YbeS5tmQY-00458-00079603-00079895 Right, 2021 was a, e4YbeS5tmQY-00459-00079895-00080103 with all the social stuff going on e4YbeS5tmQY-00460-00080103-00080285 and the political stuff and all the, e4YbeS5tmQY-00461-00080285-00080368 all the garbage. e4YbeS5tmQY-00462-00080368-00080451 What political stuff? e4YbeS5tmQY-00463-00080451-00080674 I don't want to get into it, e4YbeS5tmQY-00464-00080674-00080909 that can hold most people back, e4YbeS5tmQY-00465-00080909-00080994 but you can see everyone, e4YbeS5tmQY-00466-00080994-00081206 the ones that push forward e4YbeS5tmQY-00467-00081206-00081498 and not only just survive, but thrive. e4YbeS5tmQY-00468-00081498-00081617 Right, Aaron Silvia. e4YbeS5tmQY-00469-00081617-00081779 Doesn't mean it's easy. e4YbeS5tmQY-00470-00081779-00081900 Bahama Plumbing, Service Titan, MDP, e4YbeS5tmQY-00471-00081900-00082298 hired a tech, start Kichcharge tomorrow. e4YbeS5tmQY-00472-00082298-00082532 Yay, go get those trucks rebranded. e4YbeS5tmQY-00473-00082532-00082616 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00474-00082616-00082736 Love hearing that, that's so fun. e4YbeS5tmQY-00475-00082736-00082819 Yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-00476-00082819-00083010 It's just fun to see it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00477-00083010-00083345 Bakes, they also hit 100k in December, mindblowing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00478-00083345-00083429 You did? I don't think we knew that! e4YbeS5tmQY-00479-00083429-00083642 Do the work and follow MDP e4YbeS5tmQY-00480-00083642-00083854 and it will, thank you for the e4YbeS5tmQY-00481-00083854-00083945 kind words, whatever. e4YbeS5tmQY-00482-00083945-00084110 Congratulations, Babes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00483-00084110-00084338 Yeah, they did it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00484-00084338-00084521 I mean, come and making it happen. e4YbeS5tmQY-00485-00084521-00084712 That's what, I mean, we're proud. e4YbeS5tmQY-00486-00084712-00084829 I know I mentioned, a couple here, e4YbeS5tmQY-00487-00084829-00084987 but it's just proud e4YbeS5tmQY-00488-00085148-00085325 of just sticking with it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00489-00085325-00085557 And hired Plumbline. e4YbeS5tmQY-00490-00085557-00085644 Another great accomplishment. e4YbeS5tmQY-00491-00085644-00085873 Plumbline has changed e4YbeS5tmQY-00492-00085873-00086107 a lot of businesses out there for the better. e4YbeS5tmQY-00493-00086107-00086192 So there we go. e4YbeS5tmQY-00494-00086192-00086316 Congratulations, guys, love hearing that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00495-00086316-00086470 Here's stuff happening. e4YbeS5tmQY-00496-00086470-00086609 So where do you want to be in this time next year? e4YbeS5tmQY-00497-00086609-00086711 I don't know. e4YbeS5tmQY-00498-00086711-00086915 This is part one of a two-part series. e4YbeS5tmQY-00499-00086915-00087169 See Joe's started MDP, let me just -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00500-00087169-00087342 Oh yeah, bring that back up, please. e4YbeS5tmQY-00501-00087342-00087425 Joe's around here, e4YbeS5tmQY-00502-00087425-00087592 I just wanna see what he accomplished. e4YbeS5tmQY-00503-00087592-00087764 Bought a van, e4YbeS5tmQY-00504-00087764-00087967 uniforms with Cintas. e4YbeS5tmQY-00505-00087967-00088145 Started using HCP. e4YbeS5tmQY-00506-00088145-00088228 HCP, HCP? e4YbeS5tmQY-00507-00088408-00088532 doubled last year's revenue. e4YbeS5tmQY-00508-00088532-00088672 I'm not sure what HCP is. e4YbeS5tmQY-00509-00088672-00088755 Thanks, Coach. e4YbeS5tmQY-00510-00088857-00089187 Doubled last year's revenue, doubled it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00511-00089187-00089359 Way to go, that's a big accomplishment. e4YbeS5tmQY-00512-00089359-00089569 That is a huge accomplishment. e4YbeS5tmQY-00513-00089569-00089765 Man, not many people can say that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00514-00089765-00089877 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00515-00089877-00090044 There we go. e4YbeS5tmQY-00516-00090044-00090201 I know he's in the Success Academy as well, e4YbeS5tmQY-00517-00090201-00090387 so tonight, what are we -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00518-00090387-00090487 I'm proud. e4YbeS5tmQY-00519-00090602-00090703 We're so proud of our kids. e4YbeS5tmQY-00520-00090703-00091045 Yeah, it's just, I know how hard it is. e4YbeS5tmQY-00521-00091129-00091212 It is hard. e4YbeS5tmQY-00522-00091212-00091345 And most people don't do it e4YbeS5tmQY-00523-00091345-00091460 because it's hard. e4YbeS5tmQY-00524-00091460-00091670 So much easier to give up, so much easier. e4YbeS5tmQY-00525-00091670-00091872 Or point fingers or excuses, e4YbeS5tmQY-00526-00091872-00091992 'Cause stuff happens. e4YbeS5tmQY-00527-00091992-00092075 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00528-00092075-00092225 It's really, it's simple, e4YbeS5tmQY-00529-00092225-00092409 these processes are simple. e4YbeS5tmQY-00530-00092409-00092599 And the stuff we talk about here is simple. e4YbeS5tmQY-00531-00092599-00092695 That's why, e4YbeS5tmQY-00532-00092695-00092801 I don't want to make it sound like e4YbeS5tmQY-00533-00092801-00092891 you have to be some genius e4YbeS5tmQY-00534-00092891-00092990 and all this complicated stuff e4YbeS5tmQY-00535-00092990-00093135 and all these numbers. e4YbeS5tmQY-00536-00093135-00093225 I know that sounds sexier e4YbeS5tmQY-00537-00093225-00093308 and probably sounds smarter if I -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00538-00093308-00093498 I think we proved that it's not. e4YbeS5tmQY-00539-00093713-00093944 But the reality of it is e4YbeS5tmQY-00540-00093944-00094093 it's hard to keep pushing forward. e4YbeS5tmQY-00541-00094093-00094177 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00542-00094177-00094377 So when you get that new system e4YbeS5tmQY-00543-00094377-00094588 and have to figure out that new system, e4YbeS5tmQY-00544-00094588-00094816 at the same time when you're working, e4YbeS5tmQY-00545-00094816-00094947 and you're tired, e4YbeS5tmQY-00546-00094947-00095062 "I don't wanna, e4YbeS5tmQY-00547-00095062-00095246 I don't want to figure this stuff out." e4YbeS5tmQY-00548-00095246-00095476 Or you spend the big bucks with a new system e4YbeS5tmQY-00549-00095476-00095643 and it doesn't work smoothly, e4YbeS5tmQY-00550-00095643-00095740 like the new marketing system e4YbeS5tmQY-00551-00095740-00095824 or something like that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00552-00095824-00095917 And it's like, son of a -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00553-00095917-00096000 Gun. e4YbeS5tmQY-00554-00096000-00096167 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00555-00096167-00096376 Or it's getting trucks, e4YbeS5tmQY-00556-00096376-00096607 getting that truck, e4YbeS5tmQY-00557-00096607-00096706 the idea could, e4YbeS5tmQY-00558-00096706-00097063 it's been so ingrained into us, e4YbeS5tmQY-00559-00097063-00097233 especially if we're guys, e4YbeS5tmQY-00560-00097233-00097390 we work with our hands and make this happen, e4YbeS5tmQY-00561-00097390-00097625 so I'll get this beater truck and I'll paint it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00562-00097625-00097828 I'll put some Bondo on it and paint it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00563-00097828-00097941 I'll keep it running, e4YbeS5tmQY-00564-00097941-00098137 I got a good deal on it, e4YbeS5tmQY-00565-00098137-00098243 Pretty sure we did that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00566-00098243-00098453 So the idea of going out and financing, e4YbeS5tmQY-00567-00098453-00098662 getting in debt, the fear of, well, e4YbeS5tmQY-00568-00098662-00098856 I'm now $60,000 in debt e4YbeS5tmQY-00569-00098856-00099034 with this new truck, e4YbeS5tmQY-00570-00099034-00099172 that kind of a thing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00571-00099172-00099275 It's hard to overcome. e4YbeS5tmQY-00572-00099275-00099423 Right, so overcoming that stuff e4YbeS5tmQY-00573-00099423-00099618 to move forward, e4YbeS5tmQY-00574-00099618-00099803 And so it's not easy. e4YbeS5tmQY-00575-00099803-00099886 It's not easy. e4YbeS5tmQY-00576-00099886-00100097 But it is simple. e4YbeS5tmQY-00577-00100097-00100414 In fact, our guy, in Alaska. e4YbeS5tmQY-00578-00100532-00100625 Bo, what's your brother's name? e4YbeS5tmQY-00579-00100625-00100743 It literally, it's, e4YbeS5tmQY-00580-00100743-00100851 I'm not gonna be able to go on with the show e4YbeS5tmQY-00581-00100851-00100954 till I figure that out. e4YbeS5tmQY-00582-00100954-00101120 Even he had sent me the statement e4YbeS5tmQY-00583-00101120-00101258 and we were talking about this stuff e4YbeS5tmQY-00584-00101258-00101507 and he goes, "I feel this should have been harder." e4YbeS5tmQY-00585-00101507-00101674 Yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-00586-00101674-00101786 It was a little too easy. e4YbeS5tmQY-00587-00101786-00101944 Right, he's like, "What am I missing? e4YbeS5tmQY-00588-00101944-00102027 What's happening? e4YbeS5tmQY-00589-00102027-00102111 Something's going to, e4YbeS5tmQY-00590-00102111-00102359 I mean, something's going to happen here." e4YbeS5tmQY-00591-00102359-00102480 This is too -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00592-00102480-00102563 No. e4YbeS5tmQY-00593-00102563-00102711 Two plus two, it's simple math, e4YbeS5tmQY-00594-00102711-00102943 two plus two equals four, e4YbeS5tmQY-00595-00102943-00103044 but you gotta be willing e4YbeS5tmQY-00596-00103044-00103184 to write on the chalkboard e4YbeS5tmQY-00597-00103184-00103392 two plus two equals four. e4YbeS5tmQY-00598-00103493-00103611 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00599-00103611-00103694 While all the other kids e4YbeS5tmQY-00600-00103694-00103817 are throwing spitballs at you, e4YbeS5tmQY-00601-00103817-00104016 and doing all that kind of stuff. e4YbeS5tmQY-00602-00104016-00104394 you gotta be willing to do that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00603-00104394-00104517 See, Bo, which he has, e4YbeS5tmQY-00604-00104517-00104631 he's flown all over the US. e4YbeS5tmQY-00605-00104631-00104798 There's a guy, got to get the trucks, e4YbeS5tmQY-00606-00104798-00104964 gotta get, to expand, e4YbeS5tmQY-00607-00104964-00105147 you gotta get trucks when there are no trucks. e4YbeS5tmQY-00608-00105147-00105231 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00609-00105231-00105394 While most guys sit back and wonder, e4YbeS5tmQY-00610-00105394-00105580 "There's no trucks." e4YbeS5tmQY-00611-00105580-00105822 Well, there's trucks somewhere, e4YbeS5tmQY-00612-00105822-00105968 you gotta go find the trucks. e4YbeS5tmQY-00613-00105968-00106212 That's the difference between winning e4YbeS5tmQY-00614-00106212-00106373 and whining, e4YbeS5tmQY-00615-00106373-00106488 Don't be a whiner, be a winner. e4YbeS5tmQY-00616-00106488-00106725 Right, so these guys are doing it e4YbeS5tmQY-00617-00106725-00106863 and that's what I'm proud of. e4YbeS5tmQY-00618-00106863-00107073 I'm proud to be associated e4YbeS5tmQY-00619-00107073-00107169 with those kinds of people. e4YbeS5tmQY-00620-00107169-00107252 With winners. e4YbeS5tmQY-00621-00107252-00107335 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00622-00107335-00107419 Absolutely, e4YbeS5tmQY-00623-00107419-00107847 so where do you want to be this time next year? e4YbeS5tmQY-00624-00107847-00107930 It's a two part series. e4YbeS5tmQY-00625-00107930-00108014 Correct. e4YbeS5tmQY-00626-00108014-00108220 Part one, we're going to take a look back, e4YbeS5tmQY-00627-00108220-00108465 we're going to take a quick look back e4YbeS5tmQY-00628-00108465-00108648 and give you some things to look back at. e4YbeS5tmQY-00629-00108648-00108958 we want to take stock so to speak. e4YbeS5tmQY-00630-00108958-00109158 Now here's, let me give you the warning here. e4YbeS5tmQY-00631-00109158-00109303 We're taking stock, e4YbeS5tmQY-00632-00109303-00109486 This is not the time, e4YbeS5tmQY-00633-00109624-00109905 we're not looking to go back e4YbeS5tmQY-00634-00109905-00110113 and relive all the guilt. e4YbeS5tmQY-00635-00110201-00110284 And all the mistakes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00636-00110284-00110550 And all the mistakes and feel guilty about it e4YbeS5tmQY-00637-00110550-00110743 and then figure out all the exact things e4YbeS5tmQY-00638-00110743-00110896 that we could have done better e4YbeS5tmQY-00639-00110896-00111136 and relive everything, e4YbeS5tmQY-00640-00111136-00111385 We have a tendency to do that in our personal lives. e4YbeS5tmQY-00641-00111385-00111703 and we have a tendency to do that with business. e4YbeS5tmQY-00642-00111703-00111911 this is going to be e4YbeS5tmQY-00643-00112190-00112495 the MDP way of taking stock, like a truck stock. e4YbeS5tmQY-00644-00112495-00112653 It's kind of like, e4YbeS5tmQY-00645-00112653-00112862 "Ah, that's about two dozen e4YbeS5tmQY-00646-00112862-00113029 and a half inch copper, nineties." e4YbeS5tmQY-00647-00113029-00113155 That's about, e4YbeS5tmQY-00648-00113155-00113459 I didn't count every single one. e4YbeS5tmQY-00649-00113609-00113754 we're not going to do that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00650-00113754-00113850 We don't have to do that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00651-00113850-00113981 We're just going to take -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00652-00113981-00114082 A quick stock. e4YbeS5tmQY-00653-00114082-00114168 A quick stock. e4YbeS5tmQY-00654-00114168-00114282 glance over it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00655-00114282-00114418 Right, and I say also, e4YbeS5tmQY-00656-00114418-00114597 reason I kind of put it that way, e4YbeS5tmQY-00657-00114597-00114794 look, e4YbeS5tmQY-00658-00114794-00115011 when I go over these, we're going to go over, e4YbeS5tmQY-00659-00115011-00115095 there's three different areas to take stock. e4YbeS5tmQY-00660-00115095-00115179 There's three? e4YbeS5tmQY-00661-00115179-00115332 Which happens to make it convenient, right? e4YbeS5tmQY-00662-00115332-00115445 Three; e4YbeS5tmQY-00663-00115445-00115599 Good, better, best? e4YbeS5tmQY-00664-00115599-00115775 Easy to remember, e4YbeS5tmQY-00665-00115775-00115979 But there really is, there's three, e4YbeS5tmQY-00666-00115979-00116182 Three areas we're going to take stock in, e4YbeS5tmQY-00667-00116182-00116294 And each one of these, e4YbeS5tmQY-00668-00116294-00116547 when I talk about it and we bring it up, e4YbeS5tmQY-00669-00116547-00116690 you're going to know right away, e4YbeS5tmQY-00670-00116690-00116951 "Oh, this didn't work." e4YbeS5tmQY-00671-00116951-00117148 Or, "I blew that." e4YbeS5tmQY-00672-00117148-00117232 Or, "I didn't do that." e4YbeS5tmQY-00673-00117232-00117315 Something will come to mind. e4YbeS5tmQY-00674-00117315-00117402 Something will come to mind. e4YbeS5tmQY-00675-00117402-00117558 We know. e4YbeS5tmQY-00676-00117558-00117800 So it's, like, even our personal side. e4YbeS5tmQY-00677-00117800-00117941 When I take a look at, e4YbeS5tmQY-00678-00117941-00118135 stood back and took stock in, like, e4YbeS5tmQY-00679-00118135-00118479 a personal thing that I hit my goal weight e4YbeS5tmQY-00680-00118479-00118567 when I didn't. e4YbeS5tmQY-00681-00118751-00118926 But you were close. e4YbeS5tmQY-00682-00119019-00119259 But I was like, "Why? e4YbeS5tmQY-00683-00119259-00119470 why does the world hate me? e4YbeS5tmQY-00684-00119470-00119595 There was COVID e4YbeS5tmQY-00685-00119712-00119852 and Laura made me go out e4YbeS5tmQY-00686-00119852-00119963 to dinner on date nights," e4YbeS5tmQY-00687-00119963-00120156 and all that kind of, whatever, e4YbeS5tmQY-00688-00120156-00120369 instead of blaming everybody else -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00689-00120369-00120527 You're blaming me? e4YbeS5tmQY-00690-00120527-00120627 I know why e4YbeS5tmQY-00691-00120749-00120886 I didn't lose the exact, e4YbeS5tmQY-00692-00120886-00121170 get to exactly where I wanted to be, e4YbeS5tmQY-00693-00121170-00121302 And so do you, e4YbeS5tmQY-00694-00121302-00121476 and you know what your business, e4YbeS5tmQY-00695-00121476-00121580 so keep that in mind. e4YbeS5tmQY-00696-00121580-00121741 So that's what we want to do e4YbeS5tmQY-00697-00121741-00121843 because with that, e4YbeS5tmQY-00698-00121843-00122127 we don't want to get all caught up into e4YbeS5tmQY-00699-00122127-00122294 look, I'm not a big, e4YbeS5tmQY-00700-00122531-00122649 start on a guy level. e4YbeS5tmQY-00701-00122649-00122858 We spend too much time of e4YbeS5tmQY-00702-00123003-00123133 "Why am I hurt?" e4YbeS5tmQY-00703-00123133-00123216 Navel gazing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00704-00123216-00123355 Navel gazing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00705-00123355-00123729 Does anybody know what navel gazing is anymore? e4YbeS5tmQY-00706-00123729-00124013 "Why doesn't my daddy love --" e4YbeS5tmQY-00707-00124013-00124122 whatever, you know what I'm saying? e4YbeS5tmQY-00708-00124122-00124253 It's all this in which we kind of e4YbeS5tmQY-00709-00124253-00124434 even brought up in all this, e4YbeS5tmQY-00710-00124434-00124536 we gotta feel good. e4YbeS5tmQY-00711-00124536-00124777 Guys, get over that crap and get over, e4YbeS5tmQY-00712-00124777-00124874 and certainly the businesses e4YbeS5tmQY-00713-00124874-00125140 that get over that crap succeed. e4YbeS5tmQY-00714-00125140-00125315 So it's taking that quick look e4YbeS5tmQY-00715-00125315-00125459 saying, "Oh, we're not going to do that again, e4YbeS5tmQY-00716-00125459-00125556 how can we fix it?" e4YbeS5tmQY-00717-00125556-00125746 And then we're gonna move forward. e4YbeS5tmQY-00718-00125746-00125913 So that's the thing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00719-00125913-00126099 Rub some dirt on it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00720-00126099-00126235 There we go. e4YbeS5tmQY-00721-00126235-00126375 So you should tell the kids. e4YbeS5tmQY-00722-00126375-00126458 Rub some dirt on it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00723-00126458-00126622 Fall and get a little cut, rub some dirt on it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00724-00126622-00126864 A little cleaner on it, e4YbeS5tmQY-00725-00127050-00127134 Some glue. e4YbeS5tmQY-00726-00127134-00127261 Some duct tape to cut. e4YbeS5tmQY-00727-00127261-00127419 and move on. e4YbeS5tmQY-00728-00127419-00127550 that's what we're going to do. e4YbeS5tmQY-00729-00127550-00127669 it's like, "Hey, don't do that e4YbeS5tmQY-00730-00127669-00127827 when the sawzall again." e4YbeS5tmQY-00731-00127827-00127911 That was stupid. e4YbeS5tmQY-00732-00127911-00128056 Don't cut your hand off with that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00733-00128056-00128140 "Watch this!" e4YbeS5tmQY-00734-00128335-00128419 Hold my beer. e4YbeS5tmQY-00735-00128839-00128940 Here we go. e4YbeS5tmQY-00736-00128940-00129211 what's the first thing we wanna take -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00737-00129211-00129307 I don't know. e4YbeS5tmQY-00738-00129307-00129522 Number one. e4YbeS5tmQY-00739-00129522-00129605 Hit it, Shelby. e4YbeS5tmQY-00740-00129605-00129996 Take system inventory. e4YbeS5tmQY-00741-00129996-00130132 So we're going to look at our systems e4YbeS5tmQY-00742-00130132-00130279 or lack of systems. e4YbeS5tmQY-00743-00130279-00130563 so here, a lot, some just went on vacation. e4YbeS5tmQY-00744-00130563-00130860 for some time you left for over a weekend, e4YbeS5tmQY-00745-00130860-00131187 or if you feel like I can't even leave for a day. e4YbeS5tmQY-00746-00131187-00131305 I can't even go fishing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00747-00131305-00131650 I can't do anything without so-and-so calling me. e4YbeS5tmQY-00748-00131650-00131758 Or all the guys calling me. e4YbeS5tmQY-00749-00131758-00131909 Or all the wheels falling off the -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00750-00131909-00132046 Right, you know what that is e4YbeS5tmQY-00751-00132046-00132374 so right now, take a look at, e4YbeS5tmQY-00752-00132374-00132685 your year here in 2021, e4YbeS5tmQY-00753-00132685-00132975 And something will come to mind. e4YbeS5tmQY-00754-00132975-00133061 On a system that's not working. e4YbeS5tmQY-00755-00133061-00133287 Right, it seems like it's a big deal. e4YbeS5tmQY-00756-00133287-00133504 how do we train? e4YbeS5tmQY-00757-00133504-00133697 It's always a big deal, I always knew -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00758-00133697-00133842 Yeah, when we bring somebody on, e4YbeS5tmQY-00759-00133842-00134102 when we onboard, what do we have to do? e4YbeS5tmQY-00760-00134102-00134365 Right, it's always like the first time we did it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00761-00134365-00134576 Yeah, and then you're starting on Monday e4YbeS5tmQY-00762-00134576-00134694 and then your Sunday night, e4YbeS5tmQY-00763-00134694-00134790 you're scrambling trying to find all the e4YbeS5tmQY-00764-00134790-00134956 paperwork that needs to be done e4YbeS5tmQY-00765-00134956-00135070 and all the things that, e4YbeS5tmQY-00766-00135070-00135310 the tasks that need to be done, yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00767-00135310-00135470 That's a system inventory e4YbeS5tmQY-00768-00135470-00135636 and that if you don't have that, e4YbeS5tmQY-00769-00135636-00135836 and then part of your system's broken. e4YbeS5tmQY-00770-00135836-00135930 So you don't have to go back, e4YbeS5tmQY-00771-00135930-00136019 we're not talking about now e4YbeS5tmQY-00772-00136019-00136109 looking at all your systems, e4YbeS5tmQY-00773-00136109-00136269 go through a fine tooth and how, e4YbeS5tmQY-00774-00136269-00136541 let's get the pulse real quick. e4YbeS5tmQY-00775-00136541-00136747 what something comes to mind. e4YbeS5tmQY-00776-00136747-00136870 we've got to fix that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00777-00136870-00136953 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00778-00136953-00137037 Or let's not do that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00779-00137037-00137181 Do it that way, that doesn't way doesn't work. e4YbeS5tmQY-00780-00137181-00137264 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00781-00137264-00137393 So now it leads us into 2022. e4YbeS5tmQY-00782-00137393-00137570 We gotta find a way to do it this way. e4YbeS5tmQY-00783-00137570-00137841 Or systems such as answering the phones. e4YbeS5tmQY-00784-00137841-00137925 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00785-00137925-00138074 Maybe you've got one CSR e4YbeS5tmQY-00786-00138074-00138293 and they seem to get a lot of calls e4YbeS5tmQY-00787-00138293-00138636 that sit in queue or get calls that get missed. e4YbeS5tmQY-00788-00138636-00138735 That's a system problem e4YbeS5tmQY-00789-00138735-00138955 that either you don't have enough CSRs, e4YbeS5tmQY-00790-00138955-00139266 or maybe you need to hire a service like Plumbline e4YbeS5tmQY-00791-00139266-00139530 to take care of overflows. e4YbeS5tmQY-00792-00139530-00139707 Lisa, what is your husband's name? e4YbeS5tmQY-00793-00139707-00139960 It's driving me insane. e4YbeS5tmQY-00794-00139960-00140114 Well, Lisa mentioned Trainual here, e4YbeS5tmQY-00795-00140114-00140280 it's a great way to keep, e4YbeS5tmQY-00796-00140280-00140465 keep those systems organized. e4YbeS5tmQY-00797-00140465-00140592 Trainual is a great way to e4YbeS5tmQY-00798-00140592-00140692 keep those systems organized. e4YbeS5tmQY-00799-00140692-00140905 You're exactly right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00800-00140905-00141034 So as we look at that, e4YbeS5tmQY-00801-00141034-00141287 what's the system we need to fix, e4YbeS5tmQY-00802-00141287-00141596 Or a system we need to add, e4YbeS5tmQY-00803-00141596-00141679 Scott? e4YbeS5tmQY-00804-00141679-00141921 Caveat I want to give here or a warning: e4YbeS5tmQY-00805-00141921-00142084 Keep it simple, e4YbeS5tmQY-00806-00142084-00142284 keep it simple. e4YbeS5tmQY-00807-00142284-00142630 let's not get all wrapped up in, e4YbeS5tmQY-00808-00142797-00142899 systems and doing that kind of thing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00809-00142899-00143166 System's gonna become like executive orders, e4YbeS5tmQY-00810-00143166-00143333 just all this e4YbeS5tmQY-00811-00143333-00143416 all this stuff being thrown at you e4YbeS5tmQY-00812-00143416-00143796 and mandates and all that, it's all, e4YbeS5tmQY-00813-00143796-00143967 doesn't mean anything, e4YbeS5tmQY-00814-00143967-00144050 We're just now getting -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00815-00144050-00144161 It gets you all worked up e4YbeS5tmQY-00816-00144161-00144330 and messes everything up. e4YbeS5tmQY-00817-00144330-00144455 Screws everything up, e4YbeS5tmQY-00818-00144455-00144646 Let's see what he has told me. e4YbeS5tmQY-00819-00144646-00144831 Mikki says, "We're just now getting the guys e4YbeS5tmQY-00820-00144831-00144935 to use the good, better, best. e4YbeS5tmQY-00821-00144935-00145169 They've seen that it works," yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00822-00145169-00145438 So that's one, she's saying the system, yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00823-00145438-00145558 That you knew you needed to have it in place, e4YbeS5tmQY-00824-00145558-00145654 it's a matter of getting it into place, e4YbeS5tmQY-00825-00145654-00145814 or once it's in and the guys are using it, e4YbeS5tmQY-00826-00145814-00146036 it works every single time. e4YbeS5tmQY-00827-00146036-00146285 Every single, yes, it does. e4YbeS5tmQY-00828-00146285-00146488 you don't need special sales training e4YbeS5tmQY-00829-00146488-00146637 and all that kind of stuff. e4YbeS5tmQY-00830-00146637-00146743 You can systemize, e4YbeS5tmQY-00831-00146743-00146827 that's a good example right there. e4YbeS5tmQY-00832-00146827-00147043 You can systemize selling. e4YbeS5tmQY-00833-00147138-00147314 first of all, the customer is already sold, e4YbeS5tmQY-00834-00147314-00147401 they called you. e4YbeS5tmQY-00835-00147401-00147594 But you got to systemize e4YbeS5tmQY-00836-00147594-00147723 the sales process. e4YbeS5tmQY-00837-00147723-00147806 Correct. e4YbeS5tmQY-00838-00147806-00148113 Don't just leave it to up to your guys. e4YbeS5tmQY-00839-00148113-00148371 Providing good, better, best system. e4YbeS5tmQY-00840-00148371-00148509 Well, that's why we call it in the Academy, e4YbeS5tmQY-00841-00148509-00148648 the service sales system. e4YbeS5tmQY-00842-00148648-00148857 Service sales systems. e4YbeS5tmQY-00843-00148857-00149022 Services sales system, service sales system, e4YbeS5tmQY-00844-00149022-00149136 service sales system. e4YbeS5tmQY-00845-00149136-00149406 Right, because it is a system, e4YbeS5tmQY-00846-00149406-00149556 that you can put in play e4YbeS5tmQY-00847-00149556-00149739 and what systems work, e4YbeS5tmQY-00848-00149739-00149908 where they can run without you. e4YbeS5tmQY-00849-00149908-00150007 Because ultimately that's what e4YbeS5tmQY-00850-00150007-00150145 we're trying to do here, right? e4YbeS5tmQY-00851-00150145-00150377 So that the business doesn't depend on you. e4YbeS5tmQY-00852-00150377-00150548 so you've got to have that in place. e4YbeS5tmQY-00853-00150548-00150942 So that's number one, take system inventory. e4YbeS5tmQY-00854-00150942-00151193 Anyone have any questions? e4YbeS5tmQY-00855-00151193-00151277 Yes I do. e4YbeS5tmQY-00856-00151277-00151602 What is Lisa McKenzie's husband's name? e4YbeS5tmQY-00857-00151602-00151890 Guys, please solve that right now e4YbeS5tmQY-00858-00151890-00152092 or the Lovely Laura'd be -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00859-00152092-00152239 I can see it. e4YbeS5tmQY-00860-00152239-00152522 We've said it 100 times when we talked to Bo. e4YbeS5tmQY-00861-00152522-00152605 Oh, don't you, e4YbeS5tmQY-00862-00152605-00152733 I just hate when it's just right there. e4YbeS5tmQY-00863-00152733-00152816 What is it? e4YbeS5tmQY-00864-00152816-00152902 Or just text me, Bo. e4YbeS5tmQY-00865-00152902-00153048 Really, it's driving me crazy. e4YbeS5tmQY-00866-00153048-00153149 Go ahead, you can go to number two, e4YbeS5tmQY-00867-00153149-00153251 I'm all right, I'll live. e4YbeS5tmQY-00868-00153251-00153334 Number two. e4YbeS5tmQY-00869-00153334-00153419 Shelby, give us number two. e4YbeS5tmQY-00870-00153419-00153655 Caleb, thank you, Bo. e4YbeS5tmQY-00871-00153655-00153845 Caleb, I knew it was a bible name. e4YbeS5tmQY-00872-00153845-00154091 I just couldn't remember what it was. e4YbeS5tmQY-00873-00154091-00154324 Hi, Caleb, I won't forget from now on. e4YbeS5tmQY-00874-00154324-00154509 Number two Shelby. e4YbeS5tmQY-00875-00154509-00154628 We were there. e4YbeS5tmQY-00876-00154628-00154780 Push us along, Shelby. e4YbeS5tmQY-00877-00154780-00155018 Help us. e4YbeS5tmQY-00878-00155018-00155156 Take people inventory. e4YbeS5tmQY-00879-00155156-00155406 take inventory of your people. e4YbeS5tmQY-00880-00155406-00155593 Right now, you think of somebody, e4YbeS5tmQY-00881-00155593-00155798 there's somebody that you want to fire. e4YbeS5tmQY-00882-00155911-00156081 And then don't let it be your spouse. e4YbeS5tmQY-00883-00156081-00156289 It cannot be your spouse. e4YbeS5tmQY-00884-00156497-00156838 We're gonna look at firing or hiring, e4YbeS5tmQY-00885-00156838-00156961 So there's someone right now, e4YbeS5tmQY-00886-00156961-00157117 you can think of someone that's, like, e4YbeS5tmQY-00887-00157117-00157249 every time there's always someone e4YbeS5tmQY-00888-00157249-00157377 you're talking about, whatever, e4YbeS5tmQY-00889-00157377-00157483 that's someone you're going to get rid of. e4YbeS5tmQY-00890-00157483-00157571 Yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-00891-00157571-00157764 And probably should have a while back, e4YbeS5tmQY-00892-00157764-00158040 should have been done awhile ago. e4YbeS5tmQY-00893-00158040-00158272 Yes, and then once you do fire them, e4YbeS5tmQY-00894-00158272-00158416 it's always a sense of relief. e4YbeS5tmQY-00895-00158416-00158581 And then why didn't I do this earlier? e4YbeS5tmQY-00896-00158581-00158664 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00897-00158664-00158844 Yeah, if you've got e4YbeS5tmQY-00898-00158844-00158927 a decent sized crew at all, e4YbeS5tmQY-00899-00158927-00159040 there's someone on your crew right now, e4YbeS5tmQY-00900-00159040-00159203 you're thinking -- e4YbeS5tmQY-00901-00159203-00159316 Someone that's cancer, e4YbeS5tmQY-00902-00159316-00159554 someone that just isn't with the program, e4YbeS5tmQY-00903-00159554-00159692 someone that you're always, e4YbeS5tmQY-00904-00159692-00159835 they're good when you e4YbeS5tmQY-00905-00159835-00159990 talk to them on Monday and they e4YbeS5tmQY-00906-00159990-00160305 make it through halfway, today's Tuesday. e4YbeS5tmQY-00907-00160305-00160483 See if they show up on your right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00908-00160483-00160681 but he's a good guy. e4YbeS5tmQY-00909-00160681-00160835 He's a good guy, no, fire him. e4YbeS5tmQY-00910-00160835-00160976 He's got kids. e4YbeS5tmQY-00911-00161144-00161427 Yeah, but if he comes to mind immediately e4YbeS5tmQY-00912-00161427-00161703 or her, it could be a CSR, if you got a few CSRs, e4YbeS5tmQY-00913-00161703-00161841 maybe there's someone that's just e4YbeS5tmQY-00914-00161841-00161937 not working out so well. e4YbeS5tmQY-00915-00161937-00162021 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00916-00162021-00162104 "If people are holding you back, e4YbeS5tmQY-00917-00162104-00162187 get rid of them! e4YbeS5tmQY-00918-00162187-00162271 Systems and culture come together e4YbeS5tmQY-00919-00162271-00162494 so much better and faster when they are gone." e4YbeS5tmQY-00920-00162494-00162577 Yes, and again, the Mckenzies e4YbeS5tmQY-00921-00162577-00162800 can certainly speak to that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00922-00162800-00162983 They've had a complete overhaul. e4YbeS5tmQY-00923-00162983-00163066 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00924-00163066-00163199 Her and Caleb. e4YbeS5tmQY-00925-00163320-00163454 Well, with our businesses e4YbeS5tmQY-00926-00163454-00163571 and, business owners, e4YbeS5tmQY-00927-00163571-00163764 we are responsible and I, e4YbeS5tmQY-00928-00163764-00163987 the hearts, I hear it all the time e4YbeS5tmQY-00929-00163987-00164125 'cause it's fun to see e4YbeS5tmQY-00930-00164125-00164390 when you guys start out, it's like, e4YbeS5tmQY-00931-00164390-00164725 "My guys are going to pay the guys the best." e4YbeS5tmQY-00932-00164725-00164897 "And we're gonna have parties, e4YbeS5tmQY-00933-00164897-00165198 I'm going to bring in clowns on Fridays e4YbeS5tmQY-00934-00165198-00165462 and we'll do massages, clown massages." e4YbeS5tmQY-00935-00165715-00165904 we're going to do all this stuff e4YbeS5tmQY-00936-00165904-00166231 and it's going to be Shangri-La e4YbeS5tmQY-00937-00166231-00166331 within 30 days. e4YbeS5tmQY-00938-00166575-00166680 All these guys suck. e4YbeS5tmQY-00939-00166842-00166925 And you suck. e4YbeS5tmQY-00940-00167181-00167498 so want to keep the hearts. e4YbeS5tmQY-00941-00167498-00167687 so it is our, e4YbeS5tmQY-00942-00167687-00167859 it is a blessing e4YbeS5tmQY-00943-00167859-00168006 and it's our responsibility e4YbeS5tmQY-00944-00168006-00168180 to provide, e4YbeS5tmQY-00945-00168180-00168513 a great working environment, opportunity, e4YbeS5tmQY-00946-00168613-00168725 Clear expectations. e4YbeS5tmQY-00947-00168725-00168841 Those kinds of things, e4YbeS5tmQY-00948-00168841-00168945 that's why we have systems in place e4YbeS5tmQY-00949-00168945-00169082 to help provide good equipment. e4YbeS5tmQY-00950-00169082-00169166 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00951-00169166-00169292 Safe work environment, yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00952-00169292-00169535 But if the guys don't step up e4YbeS5tmQY-00953-00169535-00169776 and take advantage of it, e4YbeS5tmQY-00954-00169776-00169901 take advantage of the opportunity, e4YbeS5tmQY-00955-00169901-00170117 not take advantage of you. e4YbeS5tmQY-00956-00170357-00170479 that you've done all you can do. e4YbeS5tmQY-00957-00170479-00170640 Right, you can't push a man up a root. e4YbeS5tmQY-00958-00170640-00170869 You're hurting the rest of your crew. e4YbeS5tmQY-00959-00170869-00170953 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-00960-00170953-00171179 Really, you're hurting the rest of your crew. e4YbeS5tmQY-00961-00171179-00171314 And even more importantly, e4YbeS5tmQY-00962-00171314-00171516 you're hurting your family. e4YbeS5tmQY-00963-00171516-00171695 That's what this business asset is for, e4YbeS5tmQY-00964-00171695-00171874 it's for your family, e4YbeS5tmQY-00965-00171874-00172177 not to give Joe a slack job e4YbeS5tmQY-00966-00172177-00172375 and let him off, e4YbeS5tmQY-00967-00172375-00172513 Time and time and time. e4YbeS5tmQY-00968-00172513-00172607 That he can come and he can run e4YbeS5tmQY-00969-00172607-00172781 and do whatever he wants to do and e4YbeS5tmQY-00970-00172781-00173050 when he's sick every other Monday e4YbeS5tmQY-00971-00173050-00173169 and has to take the dog to the vet e4YbeS5tmQY-00972-00173169-00173410 every other Friday, e4YbeS5tmQY-00973-00173555-00173819 Not that we would know anything about that. e4YbeS5tmQY-00974-00173819-00174075 So, that someone comes to mind. e4YbeS5tmQY-00975-00174289-00174396 Hi, Caleb. e4YbeS5tmQY-00976-00174396-00174569 You should feel special e4YbeS5tmQY-00977-00174569-00174720 other than I forgot your name. e4YbeS5tmQY-00978-00174819-00174950 This is the Caleb McKenzie. e4YbeS5tmQY-00979-00174950-00175033 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-00980-00175126-00175392 And so, we also want to look at hiring. e4YbeS5tmQY-00981-00175392-00175511 So same kind of a thing. e4YbeS5tmQY-00982-00175511-00175658 You need to cough, don't you? e4YbeS5tmQY-00983-00175658-00175820 Yeah, I think I got a little bit, e4YbeS5tmQY-00984-00175820-00176053 what's the new COVID strain? e4YbeS5tmQY-00985-00176254-00176472 it's basically a cold. e4YbeS5tmQY-00986-00176472-00176692 I think I got a cold, but now it's COVID. e4YbeS5tmQY-00987-00176692-00176792 Oh no. e4YbeS5tmQY-00988-00176792-00176891 Yeah, you got it right here? e4YbeS5tmQY-00989-00176891-00177011 In your chest. e4YbeS5tmQY-00990-00177011-00177103 Do you wanna cough? e4YbeS5tmQY-00991-00177302-00177398 Little, weak cough. e4YbeS5tmQY-00992-00177398-00177565 That was pathetic. e4YbeS5tmQY-00993-00177767-00177882 I'm sorry, honey. e4YbeS5tmQY-00994-00177882-00177966 Check. e4YbeS5tmQY-00995-00178096-00178185 Next. e4YbeS5tmQY-00996-00178185-00178575 So Bo says, I tell our team that we are, e4YbeS5tmQY-00997-00178575-00178772 we're here to provide them opportunities, e4YbeS5tmQY-00998-00178772-00178964 but the outcomes are up to them. e4YbeS5tmQY-00999-00178964-00179159 Good, yes, that's exactly right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01000-00179159-00179335 So this is an area, e4YbeS5tmQY-01001-00179335-00179456 this is a very important area e4YbeS5tmQY-01002-00179456-00179539 to take inventory. e4YbeS5tmQY-01003-00179539-00179769 because we wind up carrying, e4YbeS5tmQY-01004-00179769-00179998 it becomes like our, e4YbeS5tmQY-01005-00179998-00180362 like our, our shop where we just, e4YbeS5tmQY-01006-00180362-00180510 it winds up being all this junk stuff, e4YbeS5tmQY-01007-00180510-00180773 all this excess PVC and fittings e4YbeS5tmQY-01008-00180773-00180937 that we'll never use. e4YbeS5tmQY-01009-00180937-00181168 boxes of, e4YbeS5tmQY-01010-00181168-00181298 faucets that we've robbed, e4YbeS5tmQY-01011-00181298-00181487 parts and stuff, that kind of stuff. e4YbeS5tmQY-01012-00181487-00181655 Well, the same, it comes with our people, e4YbeS5tmQY-01013-00181655-00181887 So we want them keeping these people on. e4YbeS5tmQY-01014-00181887-00182099 ask your family who you should fire. e4YbeS5tmQY-01015-00182099-00182239 In particular. e4YbeS5tmQY-01016-00182239-00182322 They will know -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01017-00182322-00182536 That's a really good point. e4YbeS5tmQY-01018-00182536-00182709 Lisa is smart. e4YbeS5tmQY-01019-00182709-00182826 She is smart. e4YbeS5tmQY-01020-00182826-00182909 Hold on to her. e4YbeS5tmQY-01021-00182909-00182992 'Cause I hear you talking e4YbeS5tmQY-01022-00182992-00183235 about all the time, Joe, e4YbeS5tmQY-01023-00183235-00183385 that Joe guy, Joe. e4YbeS5tmQY-01024-00183639-00183792 That is really smart. e4YbeS5tmQY-01025-00183792-00183979 We need to put that in somewhere in the Academy, e4YbeS5tmQY-01026-00183979-00184080 because that is true. e4YbeS5tmQY-01027-00184080-00184163 Who do you talk about the most, e4YbeS5tmQY-01028-00184163-00184540 it's the ones that's stressing you out the most. e4YbeS5tmQY-01029-00184540-00184716 So starting a new year, e4YbeS5tmQY-01030-00184716-00185005 it's a good time to clean house in that area. e4YbeS5tmQY-01031-00185005-00185130 And if you're, e4YbeS5tmQY-01032-00185130-00185214 if you're one truck, e4YbeS5tmQY-01033-00185214-00185347 for those that just haven't, e4YbeS5tmQY-01034-00185347-00185437 you just got your first guy, e4YbeS5tmQY-01035-00185437-00185521 you're in that kind of thing, e4YbeS5tmQY-01036-00185521-00185662 and it's not working out, e4YbeS5tmQY-01037-00185662-00185865 get another guy to replace it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01038-00185865-00186207 I mean, don't cut your nose off to spite your face. e4YbeS5tmQY-01039-00186207-00186439 So I'm not saying, unless he's doing, e4YbeS5tmQY-01040-00186439-00186606 if he's stealing from you e4YbeS5tmQY-01041-00186606-00186730 and you've been knowing he's stealing from you e4YbeS5tmQY-01042-00186730-00186870 and you just kind of look past it, e4YbeS5tmQY-01043-00186870-00187002 those kinds of things e4YbeS5tmQY-01044-00187002-00187109 you've got to get rid of right now. e4YbeS5tmQY-01045-00187109-00187193 Correct. e4YbeS5tmQY-01046-00187193-00187300 but if it's just someone e4YbeS5tmQY-01047-00187300-00187402 who's not working out, e4YbeS5tmQY-01048-00187402-00187618 he's just sick half the time, late, e4YbeS5tmQY-01049-00187618-00187882 kind of a bad attitude half the time. e4YbeS5tmQY-01050-00187882-00188093 guys will be up and down. e4YbeS5tmQY-01051-00188093-00188260 "Normally he's a nice guy, e4YbeS5tmQY-01052-00188260-00188566 but every once in a while, he just goes crazy." e4YbeS5tmQY-01053-00188566-00188887 Well, that's not the kind of environment you want. e4YbeS5tmQY-01054-00188887-00188979 People don't feel comfortable e4YbeS5tmQY-01055-00188979-00189096 working in that environment. e4YbeS5tmQY-01056-00189096-00189179 Correct. e4YbeS5tmQY-01057-00189179-00189291 Joe, that's right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01058-00189386-00189469 Sorry, Joe. e4YbeS5tmQY-01059-00189469-00189639 I'm sorry, Joseph, you're right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01060-00189639-00189832 Coming from a real good guy. e4YbeS5tmQY-01061-00190151-00190262 That's funny. e4YbeS5tmQY-01062-00190262-00190386 Well, I was going to use my name, I guess. e4YbeS5tmQY-01063-00190386-00190470 Richard. e4YbeS5tmQY-01064-00190470-00190553 Dick. e4YbeS5tmQY-01065-00190658-00190952 It's a family show and they might e4YbeS5tmQY-01066-00190952-00191103 take the wrong meaning and all that -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01067-00191103-00191203 You think? e4YbeS5tmQY-01068-00191296-00191403 There's no comment on that. e4YbeS5tmQY-01069-00191403-00191655 Cancel culture, I get in trouble. e4YbeS5tmQY-01070-00191655-00191853 Do you have something to give away for free? e4YbeS5tmQY-01071-00191853-00191936 Hey, do I? e4YbeS5tmQY-01072-00191936-00192038 Do I have something that we still have e4YbeS5tmQY-01073-00192038-00192300 left over from Christmas? e4YbeS5tmQY-01074-00192300-00192396 It's a Christmas special. e4YbeS5tmQY-01075-00192396-00192554 Hey, thank you for watching here. e4YbeS5tmQY-01076-00192554-00192763 We have something for you for our viewers here. e4YbeS5tmQY-01077-00192763-00193071 It's my MDP Million Dollar Plumber Blueprint. e4YbeS5tmQY-01078-00193071-00193233 Million Dollar Plumber. e4YbeS5tmQY-01079-00193233-00193316 And in my blueprint, e4YbeS5tmQY-01080-00193316-00193469 I lay out the specs for you. e4YbeS5tmQY-01081-00193469-00193748 The specs that you need to build a successful, e4YbeS5tmQY-01082-00193748-00194028 self-sustaining, and profitable plumbing business, e4YbeS5tmQY-01083-00194028-00194189 it's all in there for you and it's free. e4YbeS5tmQY-01084-00194189-00194272 What? e4YbeS5tmQY-01085-00194272-00194420 Free. e4YbeS5tmQY-01086-00194420-00194540 Simply type free in the comments, e4YbeS5tmQY-01087-00194540-00194868 or go to e4YbeS5tmQY-01088-00194868-00195028 to grab your free copy. e4YbeS5tmQY-01089-00195028-00195180 Do it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01090-00195180-00195446 There's some good stuff in there you got to know. e4YbeS5tmQY-01091-00195446-00195530 So do it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01092-00195530-00195667 So there we go, e4YbeS5tmQY-01093-00195667-00195834 So as we're taking a look back in, e4YbeS5tmQY-01094-00195834-00196023 in our rear view mirror, e4YbeS5tmQY-01095-00196023-00196180 and again, this is just a look back. e4YbeS5tmQY-01096-00196180-00196471 Don't get all gazing in the rear view mirror. e4YbeS5tmQY-01097-00196471-00196674 I mean, we're racing here. e4YbeS5tmQY-01098-00196674-00196802 and so we don't want to spend the, e4YbeS5tmQY-01099-00196802-00197039 races aren't won looking in the rear view mirror, e4YbeS5tmQY-01100-00197039-00197245 races are won looking forward. e4YbeS5tmQY-01101-00197245-00197353 we'll get into that next week. e4YbeS5tmQY-01102-00197353-00197453 You die doin' that. e4YbeS5tmQY-01103-00197453-00197648 But we do need to be aware, e4YbeS5tmQY-01104-00197648-00197807 We need to check our mirrors here e4YbeS5tmQY-01105-00197807-00198051 as we're coming out of 2021. e4YbeS5tmQY-01106-00198051-00198198 and then see what, e4YbeS5tmQY-01107-00198198-00198515 what we can do better. e4YbeS5tmQY-01108-00198515-00198604 So we're taking that quick look. e4YbeS5tmQY-01109-00198604-00198687 So we're taking that quick look, e4YbeS5tmQY-01110-00198687-00198806 we're taking a quick inventory e4YbeS5tmQY-01111-00198806-00199053 of our systems, e4YbeS5tmQY-01112-00199053-00199305 Or lack of systems, e4YbeS5tmQY-01113-00199305-00199589 I'm gonna take an inventory of our people, e4YbeS5tmQY-01114-00199589-00199745 There's somebody we need to take out back and shoot. e4YbeS5tmQY-01115-00199745-00199996 Shoot, right, or we e4YbeS5tmQY-01116-00199996-00200165 need to hire, get better. e4YbeS5tmQY-01117-00200165-00200320 Probably need to hire e4YbeS5tmQY-01118-00200320-00200465 and you certainly need to be recruiting, e4YbeS5tmQY-01119-00200465-00200794 but you probably do need to hire so. e4YbeS5tmQY-01120-00200794-00200966 which brings us to number three. e4YbeS5tmQY-01121-00200966-00201078 and this is the biggie. e4YbeS5tmQY-01122-00201078-00201247 The biggest. e4YbeS5tmQY-01123-00201247-00201524 We need to take personal inventory. e4YbeS5tmQY-01124-00201524-00201796 Take personal inventory, e4YbeS5tmQY-01125-00201796-00201987 Let me start by saying here, e4YbeS5tmQY-01126-00201987-00202279 it's time to accept responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01127-00202539-00202839 Winners accept responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01128-00202839-00202923 For? e4YbeS5tmQY-01129-00202923-00203081 Everything. e4YbeS5tmQY-01130-00203081-00203234 Everything. e4YbeS5tmQY-01131-00203234-00203389 If I hear, e4YbeS5tmQY-01132-00203389-00203607 if the businesses that I see e4YbeS5tmQY-01133-00203607-00203932 that aren't where they want them to be, e4YbeS5tmQY-01134-00204053-00204191 as quickly as they want e4YbeS5tmQY-01135-00204191-00204323 and it's usually, well, e4YbeS5tmQY-01136-00204323-00204512 "We can't find people." e4YbeS5tmQY-01137-00204512-00204853 Or, "I can't get trucks," or, e4YbeS5tmQY-01138-00204853-00205007 "Our customers won't pay that," e4YbeS5tmQY-01139-00205007-00205168 or, "We get pushed back or my guys e4YbeS5tmQY-01140-00205168-00205409 won't do this or don't do that." e4YbeS5tmQY-01141-00205409-00205592 My guys won't, that's a big one. e4YbeS5tmQY-01142-00205592-00205675 My guys just won't. e4YbeS5tmQY-01143-00205675-00206067 Pointing to, whatever's happening is your fault. e4YbeS5tmQY-01144-00206067-00206163 You gotta accept e4YbeS5tmQY-01145-00206163-00206325 and this is gonna be a harsh one, e4YbeS5tmQY-01146-00206325-00206463 but this is a reality, e4YbeS5tmQY-01147-00206463-00206830 winners accept responsibility for themselves e4YbeS5tmQY-01148-00206830-00207040 and for the game. e4YbeS5tmQY-01149-00207040-00207146 that's what you hear. e4YbeS5tmQY-01150-00207146-00207384 the winners always, they want the ball. e4YbeS5tmQY-01151-00207384-00207467 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01152-00207467-00207594 Whether it's football player, e4YbeS5tmQY-01153-00207594-00207677 Tom Brady wants -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01154-00207677-00207761 Put me in, coach. e4YbeS5tmQY-01155-00207761-00207895 He wants the ball. e4YbeS5tmQY-01156-00207895-00207978 Let me, I want the ball. e4YbeS5tmQY-01157-00207978-00208113 So he can cheat, let's just be clear. e4YbeS5tmQY-01158-00208113-00208395 Michael Jordan e4YbeS5tmQY-01159-00208395-00208516 wants the ball. e4YbeS5tmQY-01160-00208516-00208721 winners want the ball, e4YbeS5tmQY-01161-00208721-00208860 they want the game. e4YbeS5tmQY-01162-00208860-00209072 for you to win your game, e4YbeS5tmQY-01163-00209072-00209359 you must accept responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01164-00209359-00209491 That is key right there. e4YbeS5tmQY-01165-00209491-00209635 That's the one thing I could get across. e4YbeS5tmQY-01166-00209635-00209830 Which is kind of tough sometimes e4YbeS5tmQY-01167-00209830-00209979 'cause most of the time e4YbeS5tmQY-01168-00209979-00210136 guys that start their own plumbing business e4YbeS5tmQY-01169-00210136-00210332 have never had a business before, e4YbeS5tmQY-01170-00210332-00210482 plumbing or whatever. e4YbeS5tmQY-01171-00210482-00210736 They've gone from being an employee e4YbeS5tmQY-01172-00210736-00210959 where everything's kind of dictated to them e4YbeS5tmQY-01173-00210959-00211217 to now, "You are responsible for everything, e4YbeS5tmQY-01174-00211217-00211408 it is a hundred percent on your shoulders." e4YbeS5tmQY-01175-00211408-00211492 100%. e4YbeS5tmQY-01176-00211594-00211677 And I'll give that, e4YbeS5tmQY-01177-00211677-00211965 that was a very nice, soft way of e4YbeS5tmQY-01178-00211965-00212170 giving the guys a little bit of a pass. e4YbeS5tmQY-01179-00212170-00212430 Which is true 'cause we come up working, e4YbeS5tmQY-01180-00212430-00212655 Bo, my guys won't. e4YbeS5tmQY-01181-00212655-00212910 You are the leaders, why are you allowing that? e4YbeS5tmQY-01182-00212910-00212993 Correct. e4YbeS5tmQY-01183-00212993-00213076 Exactly right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01184-00213076-00213160 Why are you allowing it? e4YbeS5tmQY-01185-00213160-00213243 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01186-00213243-00213351 If they won't do it, you're allowing it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01187-00213351-00213435 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01188-00213435-00213530 It's that's simple. e4YbeS5tmQY-01189-00213530-00213615 and so we do come from e4YbeS5tmQY-01190-00213615-00213830 working for others and that kind of a thing. e4YbeS5tmQY-01191-00213830-00213935 so I was too nice. e4YbeS5tmQY-01192-00213935-00214117 Well, and then we do get in an environment e4YbeS5tmQY-01193-00214117-00214388 where now we're the boss, e4YbeS5tmQY-01194-00214388-00214587 Well, it's not as, e4YbeS5tmQY-01195-00214587-00214677 a lot of times when the guys want to know, e4YbeS5tmQY-01196-00214677-00214786 what's it look like? e4YbeS5tmQY-01197-00214786-00215197 Well, how do I manage better or how do I, e4YbeS5tmQY-01198-00215197-00215392 you don't need to learn how to manage better e4YbeS5tmQY-01199-00215392-00215500 or how to, figure out e4YbeS5tmQY-01200-00215500-00215729 how to do whatever better. e4YbeS5tmQY-01201-00215729-00215981 You just need to accept responsibility first. e4YbeS5tmQY-01202-00215981-00216170 Accept responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01203-00216170-00216436 Accept responsibility, when Joe -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01204-00216436-00216519 Sorry, Joe. e4YbeS5tmQY-01205-00216519-00216686 Sorry, Joseph. e4YbeS5tmQY-01206-00216686-00216823 When Joe goes out there e4YbeS5tmQY-01207-00216823-00217148 and doesn't provide three options -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01208-00217148-00217239 It's your fault. e4YbeS5tmQY-01209-00217239-00217504 It's your fault, not his fault. e4YbeS5tmQY-01210-00217504-00217727 Why do you say, "Well, he just won't do it." e4YbeS5tmQY-01211-00217727-00217882 "Well, he wouldn't do it, how is it my fault? e4YbeS5tmQY-01212-00217882-00217997 He's the one that's there," e4YbeS5tmQY-01213-00217997-00218176 because you're the boss. e4YbeS5tmQY-01214-00218176-00218270 It's because you allowed it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01215-00218270-00218401 It's your fault, you allowed him. e4YbeS5tmQY-01216-00218401-00218597 So the first time that he doesn't e4YbeS5tmQY-01217-00218597-00218765 give three options. e4YbeS5tmQY-01218-00218765-00218941 it doesn't work your system. e4YbeS5tmQY-01219-00218941-00219082 It isn't waiting until next week, e4YbeS5tmQY-01220-00219082-00219273 I'll talk to him when I get a chance. e4YbeS5tmQY-01221-00219273-00219481 It's, "Son of a -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01222-00219481-00219598 Gun. e4YbeS5tmQY-01223-00219598-00219748 and you're on the phone, e4YbeS5tmQY-01224-00219748-00219882 "What the, Joe?" e4YbeS5tmQY-01225-00220094-00220225 That's what you gotta do. e4YbeS5tmQY-01226-00220225-00220421 That's accepting responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01227-00220421-00220648 If you can't, Bo's another great example here. e4YbeS5tmQY-01228-00220648-00220811 There's no trucks, there's not one truck e4YbeS5tmQY-01229-00220811-00221034 in his area to be found. e4YbeS5tmQY-01230-00221034-00221251 I mean, you couldn't steal a truck. e4YbeS5tmQY-01231-00221347-00221464 Not legally. e4YbeS5tmQY-01232-00222121-00222249 "You cannot fix anything e4YbeS5tmQY-01233-00222249-00222497 that you're not in control, take control." e4YbeS5tmQY-01234-00222497-00222580 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01235-00222580-00222748 So we would say what Bo is a great example e4YbeS5tmQY-01236-00222748-00222934 of here where literally he would, e4YbeS5tmQY-01237-00222934-00223169 he called all over the country to find a truck. e4YbeS5tmQY-01238-00223169-00223316 I mean, he had one in Chicago e4YbeS5tmQY-01239-00223316-00223639 where he wasn't, Bo, didn't you fly out to Chicago e4YbeS5tmQY-01240-00223639-00223749 and pick up the truck and then drove it back. e4YbeS5tmQY-01241-00223749-00223963 He went a few different places. e4YbeS5tmQY-01242-00223963-00224108 that kind of a thing. e4YbeS5tmQY-01243-00224108-00224196 Didn't Ted get a truck for him e4YbeS5tmQY-01244-00224196-00224325 and meet him somewhere? e4YbeS5tmQY-01245-00224325-00224483 Yeah e4YbeS5tmQY-01246-00224483-00224595 Yeah, something. e4YbeS5tmQY-01247-00224595-00224743 So you do what you gotta, e4YbeS5tmQY-01248-00224743-00224943 that's accepting responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01249-00224943-00225067 Not saying well, e4YbeS5tmQY-01250-00225067-00225401 "There's COVID and they're not making ships e4YbeS5tmQY-01251-00225401-00225629 for trucks, damn, China." e4YbeS5tmQY-01252-00225629-00225783 how can we, e4YbeS5tmQY-01253-00225783-00225955 whatever you want to blame it on, e4YbeS5tmQY-01254-00225955-00226168 you accept responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01255-00226168-00226263 Accept responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01256-00226263-00226355 Yes, 'cause it's yours. e4YbeS5tmQY-01257-00226355-00226523 so as we're taking personal inventory, e4YbeS5tmQY-01258-00226523-00226747 so when looking back, e4YbeS5tmQY-01259-00226747-00226980 at what hasn't worked, e4YbeS5tmQY-01260-00227097-00227388 we gotta accept, personal responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01261-00227388-00227471 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01262-00227471-00227680 then we can take personal inventory, e4YbeS5tmQY-01263-00227680-00227824 take personal inventory. e4YbeS5tmQY-01264-00227824-00228110 what could I have jumped on better? e4YbeS5tmQY-01265-00228110-00228537 What could I have made a move on, e4YbeS5tmQY-01266-00228537-00228629 What did I allow? e4YbeS5tmQY-01267-00228629-00228758 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01268-00228758-00228944 And guys, this is coming from a guy I know e4YbeS5tmQY-01269-00228944-00229245 today because I've had a lot of, e4YbeS5tmQY-01270-00229245-00229405 I've won a lot in this area, e4YbeS5tmQY-01271-00229405-00229568 which has given me confidence, e4YbeS5tmQY-01272-00229568-00229731 but I'm not a guy that likes, e4YbeS5tmQY-01273-00229731-00230003 I'm a sales guy, I don't like confrontation. e4YbeS5tmQY-01274-00230003-00230188 I want everybody, so I kind of e4YbeS5tmQY-01275-00230188-00230339 ride the guys hard about, e4YbeS5tmQY-01276-00230339-00230577 "This is going to be the best work environment e4YbeS5tmQY-01277-00230577-00230676 and we're going to have, e4YbeS5tmQY-01278-00230676-00230836 clowns come and whatever," e4YbeS5tmQY-01279-00230836-00230933 I was that guy. e4YbeS5tmQY-01280-00231162-00231339 I wasn't gonna say a word, e4YbeS5tmQY-01281-00231339-00231549 let's just be clear. e4YbeS5tmQY-01282-00231549-00231693 So I was that guy that wanted e4YbeS5tmQY-01283-00231693-00231983 everyone to be happy and, e4YbeS5tmQY-01284-00231983-00232144 "Here, let me just stock, e4YbeS5tmQY-01285-00232144-00232387 let me give you all the tools e4YbeS5tmQY-01286-00232387-00232574 and I'll buy these special tools for you." e4YbeS5tmQY-01287-00232574-00232820 And "Here's my credit card, e4YbeS5tmQY-01288-00232820-00233037 go do whatever." e4YbeS5tmQY-01289-00233290-00233427 I was that guy. e4YbeS5tmQY-01290-00233427-00233659 In the beginning, you got better. e4YbeS5tmQY-01291-00233659-00233884 And so I wasn't one that liked confrontation. e4YbeS5tmQY-01292-00233884-00234043 So looking back when I had to take, e4YbeS5tmQY-01293-00234043-00234278 look back at certain times and take inventory, e4YbeS5tmQY-01294-00234278-00234403 it was like, e4YbeS5tmQY-01295-00234403-00234721 huh, I allowed, as Bo brought up. e4YbeS5tmQY-01296-00234721-00234935 I just want to, "Bobby and I e4YbeS5tmQY-01297-00234935-00235158 got a lot of pushback it seemed. e4YbeS5tmQY-01298-00235158-00235428 Our new tech seems to get no pushback. e4YbeS5tmQY-01299-00235428-00235725 So he goes to every one now --" e4YbeS5tmQY-01300-00235725-00235821 They gave us pushback. e4YbeS5tmQY-01301-00235821-00236008 "And sells them high tickets." e4YbeS5tmQY-01302-00236008-00236275 Yeah, isn't that funny how that happens? e4YbeS5tmQY-01303-00236275-00236474 Because Aaron and Bobby are the owners, e4YbeS5tmQY-01304-00236474-00236757 so yeah, you know how close it is. e4YbeS5tmQY-01305-00236757-00236899 If it's anything that you're like, e4YbeS5tmQY-01306-00236899-00237145 "Oh, take control, take control," yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01307-00237145-00237399 So you gotta take, so, e4YbeS5tmQY-01308-00237399-00237529 I look back in my situation, e4YbeS5tmQY-01309-00237529-00237704 so we weren't getting things done e4YbeS5tmQY-01310-00237704-00237952 and guys weren't giving three options e4YbeS5tmQY-01311-00237952-00238101 or weren't doing things, e4YbeS5tmQY-01312-00238101-00238274 I just say, well, I was allowing it e4YbeS5tmQY-01313-00238274-00238531 to happen because I didn't want the confrontation. e4YbeS5tmQY-01314-00238531-00238614 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01315-00238614-00238836 So I had to get better at saying, e4YbeS5tmQY-01316-00238836-00238986 "No, this is what we're going to do." e4YbeS5tmQY-01317-00238986-00239069 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01318-00239069-00239283 You've gotten pretty good at it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01319-00239283-00239491 And that's when I discovered BEB. e4YbeS5tmQY-01320-00239491-00239700 "Bo and Ted's excellent adventure." e4YbeS5tmQY-01321-00239957-00240040 That was a good one. e4YbeS5tmQY-01322-00240040-00240183 Oh, to be a fun while they're, e4YbeS5tmQY-01323-00240183-00240319 "Desperate times call for desperate measures. e4YbeS5tmQY-01324-00240319-00240536 I haven't stolen a truck yet." e4YbeS5tmQY-01325-00240699-00240846 Sorry, Caleb. e4YbeS5tmQY-01326-00240846-00240972 we'll be on the lookout though. e4YbeS5tmQY-01327-00240972-00241055 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01328-00241055-00241145 Looking out for you. e4YbeS5tmQY-01329-00241145-00241320 But you do what you gotta get done. e4YbeS5tmQY-01330-00241320-00241551 Yes, and again, it is your responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01331-00241551-00241741 It is your responsibility, right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01332-00241741-00241866 So, and that's in everything. e4YbeS5tmQY-01333-00241866-00242124 So, for guys like me that aren't, e4YbeS5tmQY-01334-00242124-00242501 like a very technical and tech minded, e4YbeS5tmQY-01335-00242501-00242740 that kind of stuff and it's not really quite my interest. e4YbeS5tmQY-01336-00242740-00243058 I can't say, well, that's just not who I am e4YbeS5tmQY-01337-00243058-00243224 and what I do. e4YbeS5tmQY-01338-00243224-00243408 No, it's my responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01339-00243408-00243603 if you don't want e4YbeS5tmQY-01340-00243603-00243761 a successful plumbing business e4YbeS5tmQY-01341-00243761-00243893 or do what it takes to have e4YbeS5tmQY-01342-00243893-00244170 a successful business to create this asset e4YbeS5tmQY-01343-00244170-00244359 that provides security and the life e4YbeS5tmQY-01344-00244359-00244590 that you desire for you and your family, e4YbeS5tmQY-01345-00244590-00245056 go plumb and be a wrench for someone else, e4YbeS5tmQY-01346-00245226-00245494 If you want to step up and you know there's, e4YbeS5tmQY-01347-00245494-00245599 you have to take responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01348-00245599-00245745 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01349-00245745-00245979 take that inventory. e4YbeS5tmQY-01350-00246273-00246406 That's coming. e4YbeS5tmQY-01351-00246559-00246642 You know what you got. e4YbeS5tmQY-01352-00246642-00246803 You gots to do what you gots to do. e4YbeS5tmQY-01353-00246803-00246946 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01354-00246946-00247056 And it's an attitude e4YbeS5tmQY-01355-00247056-00247219 that we're kind of joking about. e4YbeS5tmQY-01356-00247219-00247435 Does that mean it's not tough to get trucks? e4YbeS5tmQY-01357-00247435-00247746 Are there these issues that stand in our way or, e4YbeS5tmQY-01358-00247746-00248094 whatever's happening, yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01359-00248094-00248327 But it's an attitude, e4YbeS5tmQY-01360-00248327-00248435 it's an attitude. e4YbeS5tmQY-01361-00248435-00248628 I'll use Bo as an example here again. e4YbeS5tmQY-01362-00248628-00248729 They had all that, e4YbeS5tmQY-01363-00248729-00248848 the weather come through up there e4YbeS5tmQY-01364-00248848-00249081 and instead of looking for an opportunity e4YbeS5tmQY-01365-00249081-00249406 to where everybody could be off, right? e4YbeS5tmQY-01366-00249516-00249802 This is an opportunity that I could keep running. e4YbeS5tmQY-01367-00249802-00250031 I can make some money for my guys e4YbeS5tmQY-01368-00250031-00250212 and for the company, e4YbeS5tmQY-01369-00250212-00250360 And we can take care of our community. e4YbeS5tmQY-01370-00250360-00250452 I was gonna say take care e4YbeS5tmQY-01371-00250452-00250619 of the community as well. e4YbeS5tmQY-01372-00250619-00250702 Bonus. e4YbeS5tmQY-01373-00250702-00250785 Excuse me. e4YbeS5tmQY-01374-00250785-00250869 Yeah, that's a good cough. e4YbeS5tmQY-01375-00250869-00251003 And take care of our community. e4YbeS5tmQY-01376-00251003-00251137 So what they do, e4YbeS5tmQY-01377-00251137-00251412 they didn't have, like, a set plan e4YbeS5tmQY-01378-00251412-00251724 and "Let's pull out this plan e4YbeS5tmQY-01379-00251724-00251825 and do all this and wait till e4YbeS5tmQY-01380-00251825-00251908 everything's perfect." e4YbeS5tmQY-01381-00251908-00252068 They didn't even have enough guys. e4YbeS5tmQY-01382-00252068-00252152 Yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-01383-00252152-00252319 So they're getting subs and they're doing, e4YbeS5tmQY-01384-00252319-00252453 I mean, they're just doing whatever it takes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01385-00252453-00252536 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01386-00252536-00252661 Accepting responsibility, a leader e4YbeS5tmQY-01387-00252661-00252940 accepts the responsibility and just does it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01388-00252940-00253023 Correct. e4YbeS5tmQY-01389-00253023-00253278 and the good news is guys, e4YbeS5tmQY-01390-00253278-00253524 if you do this, 9.9 times out of 10, e4YbeS5tmQY-01391-00253524-00253625 you come out on top. e4YbeS5tmQY-01392-00253625-00253816 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01393-00253816-00254059 And the 0.5, you'll learn something. e4YbeS5tmQY-01394-00254059-00254142 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01395-00254142-00254409 You don't fail, you learn something, right? e4YbeS5tmQY-01396-00254409-00254596 Employees are not performing, e4YbeS5tmQY-01397-00254596-00254804 what do they need from you as their boss? e4YbeS5tmQY-01398-00254804-00255031 Training, help, leadership, e4YbeS5tmQY-01399-00255031-00255155 more instruction, et cetera. e4YbeS5tmQY-01400-00255155-00255272 The answer's probably yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01401-00255272-00255356 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01402-00255356-00255439 The answer is yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01403-00255439-00255735 But it's accepting the responsibility. e4YbeS5tmQY-01404-00255735-00255898 So if we look back at 2021 e4YbeS5tmQY-01405-00255898-00256072 or whatever it is, e4YbeS5tmQY-01406-00256072-00256303 accept responsibility and whatever pops to mind e4YbeS5tmQY-01407-00256303-00256425 or something, e4YbeS5tmQY-01408-00256425-00256543 I need to be better at e4YbeS5tmQY-01409-00256543-00256751 this part of my business. e4YbeS5tmQY-01410-00256939-00257059 And if you, yeah, so again, e4YbeS5tmQY-01411-00257059-00257215 as Richard mentioned what those things are, e4YbeS5tmQY-01412-00257215-00257418 if something came to mind, more than likely, e4YbeS5tmQY-01413-00257418-00257615 that's the thing you need to e4YbeS5tmQY-01414-00257615-00257810 look at and kind of reflect on e4YbeS5tmQY-01415-00257810-00257983 and then fix for next year. e4YbeS5tmQY-01416-00257983-00258218 We know that we know these things, e4YbeS5tmQY-01417-00258218-00258384 I know whether it's business e4YbeS5tmQY-01418-00258384-00258512 and even our personal lives, e4YbeS5tmQY-01419-00258512-00258713 we're looking for some, like, special pill. e4YbeS5tmQY-01420-00258713-00258827 Magic, quick fix. e4YbeS5tmQY-01421-00258827-00259101 Magic, right, six minute abs. e4YbeS5tmQY-01422-00259101-00259355 We take this pill and it just e4YbeS5tmQY-01423-00259355-00259563 melts the fat off of us. e4YbeS5tmQY-01424-00259563-00259841 Or if we, we read this book, e4YbeS5tmQY-01425-00259841-00260239 it has the one, the answer to this system, e4YbeS5tmQY-01426-00260239-00260322 that system, in fact that we, e4YbeS5tmQY-01427-00260322-00260427 guys, you see, did we go from systems e4YbeS5tmQY-01428-00260427-00260669 and systems and systems are failing. e4YbeS5tmQY-01429-00260669-00260752 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01430-00260752-00260841 They're looking for a shiny bauble. e4YbeS5tmQY-01431-00260841-00261003 Because they're not accepting responsibility e4YbeS5tmQY-01432-00261003-00261156 but I don't like to say this e4YbeS5tmQY-01433-00261156-00261309 'cause I don't want to drive anybody away. e4YbeS5tmQY-01434-00261309-00261660 But any system works, any business. e4YbeS5tmQY-01435-00261660-00261889 Well, I don't know about that, e4YbeS5tmQY-01436-00261889-00262014 there's different ways to skin a cat. e4YbeS5tmQY-01437-00262014-00262143 There's different ways to, right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01438-00262143-00262334 And then what outcome that you want. e4YbeS5tmQY-01439-00262334-00262417 Correct. e4YbeS5tmQY-01440-00262417-00262501 And so -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01441-00262501-00262638 There's some out there that suck. e4YbeS5tmQY-01442-00262638-00262751 We've seen them. e4YbeS5tmQY-01443-00262751-00262907 Yeah. e4YbeS5tmQY-01444-00262907-00263126 But even if you did, but even, right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01445-00263126-00263267 Hello? e4YbeS5tmQY-01446-00263267-00263371 Yes, there are. e4YbeS5tmQY-01447-00263371-00263464 Do you want me to start naming them? e4YbeS5tmQY-01448-00263464-00263596 Yeah, well. e4YbeS5tmQY-01449-00263596-00263768 I wouldn't because they themselves e4YbeS5tmQY-01450-00263768-00263931 aren't truly successful at that they're doing, e4YbeS5tmQY-01451-00263931-00264049 they're selling me 'cause there's e4YbeS5tmQY-01452-00264049-00264132 so many opportunities. e4YbeS5tmQY-01453-00264132-00264215 that's true. e4YbeS5tmQY-01454-00264215-00264431 Jeff just said and said with Babe Plumbing, e4YbeS5tmQY-01455-00264431-00264658 was this Potty Talk Live meant for us tonight? e4YbeS5tmQY-01456-00264658-00264831 Speaking to our hearts tonight. e4YbeS5tmQY-01457-00264831-00264964 Love that, good. e4YbeS5tmQY-01458-00265076-00265193 Glad that we're speaking to you. e4YbeS5tmQY-01459-00265193-00265276 I hope in a good way. e4YbeS5tmQY-01460-00265276-00265360 In a good way, yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01461-00265360-00265454 And it may just be fun e4YbeS5tmQY-01462-00265454-00265599 and I can come across hard and kind of hit. e4YbeS5tmQY-01463-00265599-00265843 And this isn't about beating yourself up. e4YbeS5tmQY-01464-00265843-00265941 That's why I didn't want to, look, e4YbeS5tmQY-01465-00265941-00266082 we all make mistakes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01466-00266082-00266374 Even the ones that things have been going well. e4YbeS5tmQY-01467-00266374-00266643 And in 2021 and overall, e4YbeS5tmQY-01468-00266643-00266790 I've been doing good things. e4YbeS5tmQY-01469-00266790-00267021 There's things that we look back and think, e4YbeS5tmQY-01470-00267021-00267243 I can't believe I did that. e4YbeS5tmQY-01471-00267243-00267446 Or I handled that guy that way e4YbeS5tmQY-01472-00267446-00267583 or that customer that way. e4YbeS5tmQY-01473-00267583-00267678 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01474-00267678-00267959 Or I let that program go on too long e4YbeS5tmQY-01475-00267959-00268076 that I spent money on, e4YbeS5tmQY-01476-00268076-00268249 blah, blah, blah, without pulling the plug. e4YbeS5tmQY-01477-00268249-00268333 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01478-00268333-00268457 That kind of stuff, e4YbeS5tmQY-01479-00268457-00268624 so we all have those things. e4YbeS5tmQY-01480-00268624-00268832 So, but don't want to beat ourselves up over that. e4YbeS5tmQY-01481-00268832-00268974 That's also why I would say e4YbeS5tmQY-01482-00268974-00269216 it doesn't, in my life experience -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01483-00269309-00269444 excuse me, to spend time e4YbeS5tmQY-01484-00269444-00269609 going back and examining e4YbeS5tmQY-01485-00269609-00269764 everything in our business e4YbeS5tmQY-01486-00269764-00269906 and not to mention our personal lives, e4YbeS5tmQY-01487-00269906-00270067 trying to figure out why, e4YbeS5tmQY-01488-00270067-00270201 our mommy and daddy didn't love us e4YbeS5tmQY-01489-00270201-00270352 or whatever it is we have where we're at. e4YbeS5tmQY-01490-00270352-00270523 And I want to hit, my personal, e4YbeS5tmQY-01491-00270523-00270715 it doesn't do any good. e4YbeS5tmQY-01492-00270823-00270965 And if you look at anyone, e4YbeS5tmQY-01493-00270965-00271209 all the people who've been successful e4YbeS5tmQY-01494-00271209-00271424 in whatever endeavor, e4YbeS5tmQY-01495-00271424-00271692 and some of them have horrific stories. e4YbeS5tmQY-01496-00271692-00271775 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01497-00271775-00271997 Don't spend their time looking back e4YbeS5tmQY-01498-00271997-00272231 and trying to fix what that was. e4YbeS5tmQY-01499-00272231-00272424 It's like, I know why I tend to e4YbeS5tmQY-01500-00272424-00272666 behave like this and that's I know why. e4YbeS5tmQY-01501-00272666-00272797 That's why I say when I say, e4YbeS5tmQY-01502-00272797-00272934 if you think about what people e4YbeS5tmQY-01503-00272934-00273149 or what systems or what, e4YbeS5tmQY-01504-00273149-00273370 there's something that comes to mind right now. e4YbeS5tmQY-01505-00273370-00273540 That's the answer. e4YbeS5tmQY-01506-00273540-00273773 you don't need to know why exactly e4YbeS5tmQY-01507-00273773-00273931 and how go back and try to fix it e4YbeS5tmQY-01508-00273931-00274060 because we can't go back in time and fix things. e4YbeS5tmQY-01509-00274060-00274143 Correct. e4YbeS5tmQY-01510-00274143-00274403 You cannot, you can't go back and change. e4YbeS5tmQY-01511-00274403-00274486 'Cause it's over. e4YbeS5tmQY-01512-00274486-00274620 So don't beat, e4YbeS5tmQY-01513-00274715-00274844 we have examples here, e4YbeS5tmQY-01514-00274844-00275079 not getting any one examples but e4YbeS5tmQY-01515-00275079-00275373 you know that they, e4YbeS5tmQY-01516-00275373-00275536 they kept doing the one thing e4YbeS5tmQY-01517-00275536-00275739 for some years, e4YbeS5tmQY-01518-00275739-00275898 and it's like, I want to be, e4YbeS5tmQY-01519-00275898-00276062 we could have been so much farther along. e4YbeS5tmQY-01520-00276062-00276252 Well, no, you can't beat yourself up over that. e4YbeS5tmQY-01521-00276252-00276340 Can't do that, no. e4YbeS5tmQY-01522-00276340-00276740 You're moving forward now and you know why now? e4YbeS5tmQY-01523-00276740-00276823 So don't do it again. e4YbeS5tmQY-01524-00276823-00276906 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01525-00276906-00276990 Whatever that is, stop. e4YbeS5tmQY-01526-00276990-00277073 Stop it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01527-00277073-00277156 Stop it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01528-00277156-00277252 "Doctor, it hurts when I hit myself like this." e4YbeS5tmQY-01529-00277252-00277367 Cut the crap. e4YbeS5tmQY-01530-00277367-00277495 Cut the crap. e4YbeS5tmQY-01531-00277938-00278275 So that is our look back at 2021, e4YbeS5tmQY-01532-00278275-00278471 short look back next week, e4YbeS5tmQY-01533-00278471-00278578 Potty Talk Live, e4YbeS5tmQY-01534-00278578-00278699 we'll be talking about? e4YbeS5tmQY-01535-00278699-00278782 2022. e4YbeS5tmQY-01536-00278932-00279162 Hey, 2022 is going to be a great year. e4YbeS5tmQY-01537-00279162-00279245 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01538-00279245-00279329 don't let anyone -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01539-00279329-00279430 Say it, right now, e4YbeS5tmQY-01540-00279430-00279720 everybody type in the comments, e4YbeS5tmQY-01541-00279720-00279849 2022 e4YbeS5tmQY-01542-00279849-00280023 is our year. e4YbeS5tmQY-01543-00280023-00280186 Is Babe Plumbing's year. e4YbeS5tmQY-01544-00280186-00280350 It is Full Speed Plumbing's year. e4YbeS5tmQY-01545-00280350-00280513 Whatever it is, make the statement. e4YbeS5tmQY-01546-00280513-00280638 Say it out loud e4YbeS5tmQY-01547-00280737-00280933 and you'll be right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01548-00280933-00281157 You don't need to follow the herd. e4YbeS5tmQY-01549-00281157-00281306 Run parallel. e4YbeS5tmQY-01550-00281306-00281632 Refuse to participate in everyone else's angst e4YbeS5tmQY-01551-00281632-00281781 and troubles. e4YbeS5tmQY-01552-00281781-00281864 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01553-00281864-00282100 Don't participate, create your own reality. e4YbeS5tmQY-01554-00282100-00282291 Own reality, yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01555-00282291-00282409 It works. e4YbeS5tmQY-01556-00282409-00282628 In fact, that's what winners do. e4YbeS5tmQY-01557-00282628-00282751 They create their own reality. e4YbeS5tmQY-01558-00282751-00282998 in their mind, they're already winners. e4YbeS5tmQY-01559-00282998-00283251 They've already achieved e4YbeS5tmQY-01560-00283251-00283410 things that they were working at. e4YbeS5tmQY-01561-00283410-00283609 I love, my day, e4YbeS5tmQY-01562-00283609-00283734 the story is -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01563-00283821-00283915 There we go, Bo. e4YbeS5tmQY-01564-00283915-00284136 There we go, I own 2022. e4YbeS5tmQY-01565-00284136-00284286 Is Michael Jordan. e4YbeS5tmQY-01566-00284430-00284567 Yes, MJ. e4YbeS5tmQY-01567-00284567-00284890 Who was already, right, who was already e4YbeS5tmQY-01568-00284890-00285017 great at what he did. e4YbeS5tmQY-01569-00285017-00285144 Epoch Plumbing. e4YbeS5tmQY-01570-00285144-00285306 But he wants to take his game to another level e4YbeS5tmQY-01571-00285306-00285503 so he got coaching on how to play a big man e4YbeS5tmQY-01572-00285503-00285687 inside and that kind of, in his mind, e4YbeS5tmQY-01573-00285687-00285816 he was already before he even, e4YbeS5tmQY-01574-00285816-00286003 already behaved and was able to play like that e4YbeS5tmQY-01575-00286003-00286312 was already the best big man inside. e4YbeS5tmQY-01576-00286312-00286396 Excuse me. e4YbeS5tmQY-01577-00286396-00286479 Oh, honey. e4YbeS5tmQY-01578-00286479-00286562 I know, it's starting to hit me. e4YbeS5tmQY-01579-00286562-00286715 It is, 2022 is going to be the best year e4YbeS5tmQY-01580-00286715-00287015 for Bobby and Jersey Plumbing. e4YbeS5tmQY-01581-00287015-00287099 And it is. e4YbeS5tmQY-01582-00287099-00287324 So claim that, in your mind, e4YbeS5tmQY-01583-00287324-00287466 2022 is our year. e4YbeS5tmQY-01584-00287554-00287682 So it's gonna be a great year. e4YbeS5tmQY-01585-00287682-00287832 And you refuse to, e4YbeS5tmQY-01586-00287954-00288037 I'm not sure what these e4YbeS5tmQY-01587-00288037-00288126 other people are talking about. e4YbeS5tmQY-01588-00288126-00288302 Right, it's a great year, e4YbeS5tmQY-01589-00288302-00288425 things are great at Proper Plumbing. e4YbeS5tmQY-01590-00288425-00288597 Things are great at Top Hat Plumbing. e4YbeS5tmQY-01591-00288597-00288969 Things are great, 2022 is our year. e4YbeS5tmQY-01592-00288969-00289161 And don't allow yourself, when things happen, e4YbeS5tmQY-01593-00289161-00289330 here we go again, or this is how -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01594-00289330-00289532 Oh, here's where it breaks. e4YbeS5tmQY-01595-00289532-00289734 Here's where we're going to die, this is it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01596-00289734-00290011 Stop that, stop that, that's nonsense. e4YbeS5tmQY-01597-00290011-00290315 2022 is Iron Mountain Plumbing's year, yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01598-00290315-00290398 That's right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01599-00290398-00290510 Love hearing that. e4YbeS5tmQY-01600-00290510-00290610 And it's true, and all those statements e4YbeS5tmQY-01601-00290610-00290739 are absolutely true. e4YbeS5tmQY-01602-00290739-00290822 That's not a lie. e4YbeS5tmQY-01603-00290822-00290956 ALTEK, that's the name of his company, e4YbeS5tmQY-01604-00290956-00291190 2022 is ALTEK Services year. e4YbeS5tmQY-01605-00291318-00291532 Here we have, Australia, e4YbeS5tmQY-01606-00291532-00291616 we hear e4YbeS5tmQY-01607-00291718-00291973 things are socially kind of rough e4YbeS5tmQY-01608-00291973-00292214 around Australia for most people. e4YbeS5tmQY-01609-00292214-00292409 So that may be a reality. e4YbeS5tmQY-01610-00292409-00292505 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01611-00292505-00292793 But that doesn't have to be the reality, e4YbeS5tmQY-01612-00292793-00292909 for your plumbing business. e4YbeS5tmQY-01613-00292909-00293072 That doesn't have to be the reality. e4YbeS5tmQY-01614-00293072-00293169 You don't have to live in that, e4YbeS5tmQY-01615-00293169-00293347 doesn't mean you don't have to deal with it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01616-00293347-00293430 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01617-00293430-00293555 But you don't have to live in it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01618-00293555-00293638 Don't participate in it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01619-00293638-00293765 Does that make sense? e4YbeS5tmQY-01620-00293765-00293873 So I'm not saying e4YbeS5tmQY-01621-00293873-00294065 that we stick our head in the sand e4YbeS5tmQY-01622-00294065-00294179 and that we just aren't aware e4YbeS5tmQY-01623-00294179-00294360 of what's going on and, or, e4YbeS5tmQY-01624-00294360-00294486 these things don't affect us e4YbeS5tmQY-01625-00294486-00294589 when our government is saying, e4YbeS5tmQY-01626-00294589-00294711 we have to do this or that e4YbeS5tmQY-01627-00294711-00294823 or that kind of stuff. e4YbeS5tmQY-01628-00294823-00294931 What we're doing is e4YbeS5tmQY-01629-00294931-00295164 we're not allowing us to take us off track e4YbeS5tmQY-01630-00295164-00295358 of what we're going to do. e4YbeS5tmQY-01631-00295358-00295750 Correct, 2022 is my best year yet says Jared. e4YbeS5tmQY-01632-00295848-00296233 Roadrunner said 2022 is the year of the Roadrunner. e4YbeS5tmQY-01633-00296233-00296480 Is that on the Chinese calendar? e4YbeS5tmQY-01634-00296480-00296577 2022 has already started off great e4YbeS5tmQY-01635-00296577-00296661 and will only get better, e4YbeS5tmQY-01636-00296661-00296763 finally, our year. e4YbeS5tmQY-01637-00296763-00296847 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01638-00296847-00296982 Absolutely, for Bahama Plumbing. e4YbeS5tmQY-01639-00296982-00297157 Absolutely, 2022 is going to be e4YbeS5tmQY-01640-00297157-00297328 the start of our future Mike said. e4YbeS5tmQY-01641-00297328-00297545 Yeah, because Mike, gosh, Mike, was it you e4YbeS5tmQY-01642-00297545-00297761 that your wife is joining? e4YbeS5tmQY-01643-00297761-00297903 I can't remember, I could be wrong. e4YbeS5tmQY-01644-00297903-00298103 Somebody in the Success Academy talked about that e4YbeS5tmQY-01645-00298103-00298233 last week, anyway, e4YbeS5tmQY-01646-00298233-00298439 so guys, you made the statement, e4YbeS5tmQY-01647-00298439-00298641 so now make it true. e4YbeS5tmQY-01648-00298641-00298724 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01649-00298724-00298820 There you go. e4YbeS5tmQY-01650-00298820-00298956 So next week we're going to be looking at that. e4YbeS5tmQY-01651-00298956-00299121 We're going to get into that, e4YbeS5tmQY-01652-00299121-00299267 And what you can do e4YbeS5tmQY-01653-00299267-00299490 to do just that, to make it your year e4YbeS5tmQY-01654-00299490-00299657 and they're really simple things. e4YbeS5tmQY-01655-00299657-00299934 Again, this isn't rocket science. e4YbeS5tmQY-01656-00299934-00300170 It really isn't, success is not rocket science. e4YbeS5tmQY-01657-00300170-00300254 Right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01658-00300254-00300369 There's one good way to e4YbeS5tmQY-01659-00300369-00300554 start the new year off right. e4YbeS5tmQY-01660-00300554-00300654 But yes, if you haven't already -- e4YbeS5tmQY-01661-00300654-00300753 Do you know what that is? e4YbeS5tmQY-01662-00300753-00300837 Yes. e4YbeS5tmQY-01663-00300837-00300920 What is it? e4YbeS5tmQY-01664-00300920-00301244 It's the Million Dollar Plumber Success Academy. e4YbeS5tmQY-01665-00301244-00301464 There we go, right on cue, Shelby. e4YbeS5tmQY-01666-00301464-00301547 So good. e4YbeS5tmQY-01667-00301547-00301646 She's so good. e4YbeS5tmQY-01668-00301646-00301889 She is so good, right? e4YbeS5tmQY-01669-00301889-00302250 The Success Academy lays out everything for you e4YbeS5tmQY-01670-00302250-00302620 to build a successful self-sustaining e4YbeS5tmQY-01671-00302620-00302751 and profitable plumbing business. e4YbeS5tmQY-01672-00302751-00302864 For 2022. e4YbeS5tmQY-01673-00302864-00303001 That's right, it's all in there. e4YbeS5tmQY-01674-00303001-00303098 If you're really serious about e4YbeS5tmQY-01675-00303098-00303280 being in a different spot e4YbeS5tmQY-01676-00303280-00303647 this time next year, going into 2023, e4YbeS5tmQY-01677-00303647-00303838 you need the Success Academy. e4YbeS5tmQY-01678-00303838-00303966 It's all there for you, e4YbeS5tmQY-01679-00303966-00304231 And you can check it out, 14 day free trial. e4YbeS5tmQY-01680-00304231-00304392 we were going to get rid of that slide, e4YbeS5tmQY-01681-00304392-00304536 I want to keep that on because e4YbeS5tmQY-01682-00304536-00304716 I just want you to feel like you're not afraid. e4YbeS5tmQY-01683-00304716-00304864 Like, "Oh, I gotta pay something right away e4YbeS5tmQY-01684-00304864-00305001 and I don't know if it's any good." e4YbeS5tmQY-01685-00305001-00305113 Just do it, check it out. e4YbeS5tmQY-01686-00305113-00305215 You'll be hooked. e4YbeS5tmQY-01687-00305215-00305381 if you're serious about e4YbeS5tmQY-01688-00305381-00305482 growing a plumbing business. e4YbeS5tmQY-01689-00305482-00305594 If you're not, forget it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01690-00305594-00305764 Then this isn't for you, e4YbeS5tmQY-01691-00305764-00305912 But if you are, this is for you, e4YbeS5tmQY-01692-00305912-00306120 So do it, make 2022 your year e4YbeS5tmQY-01693-00306120-00306375 so there you have it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01694-00306375-00306598 Hey, we'll hit more next week. e4YbeS5tmQY-01695-00306598-00306682 But in the meantime, e4YbeS5tmQY-01696-00306682-00306786 there's always the reminder that you were e4YbeS5tmQY-01697-00306786-00306884 purposely wonderfully created e4YbeS5tmQY-01698-00306884-00307039 and you were created to do great things. e4YbeS5tmQY-01699-00307039-00307157 So live like a champion. e4YbeS5tmQY-01700-00307157-00307240 Buh-bye. e4YbeS5tmQY-01701-00307240-00307324 Thank you for tuning in e4YbeS5tmQY-01702-00307324-00307478 to Potty Talk Live e4YbeS5tmQY-01703-00307478-00307607 with Richard Behney, e4YbeS5tmQY-01704-00307607-00307726 the Million Dollar Plumber. e4YbeS5tmQY-01705-00307726-00307952 If you enjoy this show, share it now. e4YbeS5tmQY-01706-00307952-00308098 Just do it. e4YbeS5tmQY-01707-00308098-00308235 To catch past episodes e4YbeS5tmQY-01708-00308235-00308393 and get alerts for new episodes, e4YbeS5tmQY-01709-00308393-00308566 turn notifications on now e4YbeS5tmQY-01710-00308566-00308752 and join us again for more tips, e4YbeS5tmQY-01711-00308752-00308985 techniques, and strategies to help you grow e4YbeS5tmQY-01712-00308985-00309123 your plumbing business. e7oMoZFDw4y-00000-00000105-00000366 Hey, you are smart enough. e7oMoZFDw4y-00001-00000381-00000669 Stop telling yourself the excuse that you're not smart enough. e7oMoZFDw4y-00002-00000672-00000834 Your lack of intelligence is not. e7oMoZFDw4y-00003-00000834-00000933 What's holding you back. e7oMoZFDw4y-00004-00000999-00001407 As Jerry Seinfeld said on the Tim Ferriss show, the mind is infinite, e7oMoZFDw4y-00005-00001452-00001650 but the brain is like a dog. e7oMoZFDw4y-00006-00001695-00002139 It has to be contained and trained in a repetitive, systematic way. e7oMoZFDw4y-00007-00002205-00002550 What you have to do is not focus on how smart or stupid you think e7oMoZFDw4y-00008-00002550-00002786 you are, but on building a system. e7oMoZFDw4y-00009-00002824-00003349 That will help you make small daily steps towards the goal you want to accomplish. e7oMoZFDw4y-00010-00003376-00003692 Focus on the system you want to build and not on how smart e7oMoZFDw4y-00011-00003694-00003820 or stupid you think you are. e7oMoZFDw4y-00012-00003880-00004165 Let me know what you think is the biggest challenge that's facing e7oMoZFDw4y-00013-00004165-00004471 you or preventing you for building the system and our try and help. e7oMoZFDw4y-00014-00004516-00004558 Thanks. etdpznrlEyE-00000-00000042-00000174 Don't bother! etdpznrlEyE-00001-00000174-00000374 Just ask, I'll talk! etdpznrlEyE-00002-00000520-00000720 Just ask! etdpznrlEyE-00003-00000921-00001121 We arrived on time! etdpznrlEyE-00004-00001771-00001971 Here we go! etdpznrlEyE-00005-00002048-00002354 Everyone knows that BBQ needs to be well done! etdpznrlEyE-00006-00002619-00002819 So, Edo, you saw the video? etdpznrlEyE-00007-00002841-00003041 Yes etdpznrlEyE-00008-00003086-00003286 There were lots of comments! etdpznrlEyE-00009-00003327-00003527 Well, over 100 thousand! etdpznrlEyE-00010-00003562-00003961 Actually, 105K of views, but there were some 200 comments! etdpznrlEyE-00011-00003961-00004122 They don't believe you! etdpznrlEyE-00012-00004122-00004384 Do you know who gave only one positive comment? etdpznrlEyE-00013-00004384-00004536 Captain's son! etdpznrlEyE-00014-00004536-00004846 He wrote it's all true, he was here and he got convinced! etdpznrlEyE-00015-00004846-00005046 There's no other but truth! etdpznrlEyE-00016-00006960-00007160 Tuesday is slow, there are no people! etdpznrlEyE-00017-00007188-00007480 I had live music the night before! etdpznrlEyE-00018-00007573-00008087 I'm going to show you what I've recorded! etdpznrlEyE-00019-00008121-00008667 One party here at my place! etdpznrlEyE-00020-00009655-00010331 You need 2 - 3 minutes to get it prepared! etdpznrlEyE-00021-00011447-00011647 They come here to watch! etdpznrlEyE-00022-00011659-00012134 One man came with a lamb to roast and with 100 euros! etdpznrlEyE-00023-00012201-00012587 "Can you make that what you said you can do in 45 minutes!" etdpznrlEyE-00024-00012690-00012890 It depends on the size of a lamb! etdpznrlEyE-00025-00013555-00013755 Is that it? etdpznrlEyE-00026-00013792-00013992 This gives quality to the meat! etdpznrlEyE-00027-00014165-00014444 People say it's too much! etdpznrlEyE-00028-00014444-00014817 It can't be too much, it will take as much as it needs! etdpznrlEyE-00029-00014817-00015166 We came to make your denial of negative comments! etdpznrlEyE-00030-00015406-00015887 We said we want to video your denial for our viewers to see etdpznrlEyE-00031-00015887-00016087 how it's done! etdpznrlEyE-00032-00016322-00017091 We need twice as much salt to be put on it while it's roasting! etdpznrlEyE-00033-00017217-00017513 You can't make it too salty even if you put 10 kilos! etdpznrlEyE-00034-00018877-00019130 Those who hate you will always say bad things! etdpznrlEyE-00035-00019191-00019391 You know that? etdpznrlEyE-00036-00019410-00019621 It's not true, yadda yadda! etdpznrlEyE-00037-00019654-00019854 They never came to see it for themselves! etdpznrlEyE-00038-00020748-00020861 That's it! etdpznrlEyE-00039-00021933-00022237 Now we put it on! etdpznrlEyE-00040-00022416-00022616 The fireplace is ready! etdpznrlEyE-00041-00026202-00026402 How long until it's done? etdpznrlEyE-00042-00026473-00026729 This one is 17 kilos, one hour!! etdpznrlEyE-00043-00028134-00028551 We started with roasting, it's ten past nine AM etdpznrlEyE-00044-00028734-00028934 We'll see! etdpznrlEyE-00045-00028966-00029258 It needs to be done in 60 minutes! etdpznrlEyE-00046-00029559-00030032 We're going on a cup of coffee with Edo, and then we'll return! etdpznrlEyE-00047-00030138-00030434 Would you like a coffee or slivovitz? etdpznrlEyE-00048-00030660-00031072 It's the ninth minute, you said its skin is almost done! etdpznrlEyE-00049-00031412-00031943 Out of 176 comments, 170 of them told you were lying! etdpznrlEyE-00050-00032084-00032284 Now, you'll prove it! etdpznrlEyE-00051-00033094-00033294 Are you hungry? etdpznrlEyE-00052-00033337-00033537 Are you thirsty? etdpznrlEyE-00053-00034208-00034750 Here, you can see what happened in just 10 minutes! etdpznrlEyE-00054-00034885-00035085 That's the second load of salt? etdpznrlEyE-00055-00035821-00036154 You said you wash it with beer at the end? etdpznrlEyE-00056-00036181-00036570 I need to wash it from all the ash etdpznrlEyE-00057-00041164-00041496 No lying, no nothing, who comes first, it's his! etdpznrlEyE-00058-00041535-00041707 Hey, I never told you! etdpznrlEyE-00059-00041719-00042292 They watched the video somewhere in Sweden! etdpznrlEyE-00060-00042309-00042731 One day, a man came here with a nice car, and he said: etdpznrlEyE-00061-00042830-00043030 "Are you that guy?" - I told him that I am! etdpznrlEyE-00062-00043081-00043408 "Here is one lamb and 100 euros!" etdpznrlEyE-00063-00043408-00043715 "I'm giving up both the lamb and 100 euros!" etdpznrlEyE-00064-00043796-00044240 I put his lamb and in 48 minutes I started to take it off! etdpznrlEyE-00065-00044253-00044453 And he's watching! etdpznrlEyE-00066-00044544-00045135 It was all his, only he wanted to see it with his own eyes! etdpznrlEyE-00067-00045687-00046195 He said: "I've never witnessed it in my life! etdpznrlEyE-00068-00046247-00046833 How can you roast it for 2h or more, it'll lose all the juice! etdpznrlEyE-00069-00048564-00049082 And that's how the man saw for himself! etdpznrlEyE-00070-00050828-00051523 And I made it in 48 minutes and when I took the lamb of the fireplace... etdpznrlEyE-00071-00051523-00051967 Here's your lamb and your money! etdpznrlEyE-00072-00055034-00055234 Are there inspections controlling? etdpznrlEyE-00073-00055253-00055833 Well, they do come, and they're nice! If you pay regularly you have no troubles! etdpznrlEyE-00074-00056126-00056326 My wife is in Germany! etdpznrlEyE-00075-00056591-00057123 She left 15 days ago, my daughter-in-law is expecting a baby! etdpznrlEyE-00076-00057418-00057618 So, you're alone then? etdpznrlEyE-00077-00057751-00057951 I am alone although I have the help of kids back at home! etdpznrlEyE-00078-00058099-00058425 I have two sons and a daughter! etdpznrlEyE-00079-00058889-00058957 Come on! etdpznrlEyE-00080-00058957-00059007 Cheers! etdpznrlEyE-00081-00059405-00059562 F her (slivovitz) etdpznrlEyE-00082-00059562-00059872 If it depended on you I wouldn't sell anything today! etdpznrlEyE-00083-00059959-00060457 Who missed the chance to try it last year, they can come this one! etdpznrlEyE-00084-00062854-00063541 I'm telling you, while the Arizona market was fully working! etdpznrlEyE-00085-00063541-00064088 I would roast and sell around 18 to 22 lambs per day! etdpznrlEyE-00086-00064694-00065035 And today it's 2 to 3 per day! etdpznrlEyE-00087-00065205-00065405 Do you have a pension? etdpznrlEyE-00088-00065553-00065868 So, you're not in the red if you don't sell anything? etdpznrlEyE-00089-00065884-00066512 No, there are 5 incomes in our house, we all work! etdpznrlEyE-00090-00066620-00067317 My son from Germany always sends me some 500 euros per month! etdpznrlEyE-00091-00067346-00067546 This is like a hobby for you? etdpznrlEyE-00092-00067593-00068013 Yes, what will I do when I wake up, please, tell me what? etdpznrlEyE-00093-00068241-00068797 This way, I meet people, there's something to talk, sometimes to drink! etdpznrlEyE-00094-00077525-00077725 There, you heard a snap! etdpznrlEyE-00095-00077839-00078039 Right leg! etdpznrlEyE-00096-00078097-00078612 After 28 to 30 minutes, it always snaps! etdpznrlEyE-00097-00078634-00078834 That's the proof! etdpznrlEyE-00098-00078847-00079047 The bone is cold! etdpznrlEyE-00099-00079060-00079260 Look, it's cold! etdpznrlEyE-00100-00080353-00081045 (Edo cursing at non-believers!) etdpznrlEyE-00101-00081045-00081545 Don't record that, I'm furious! etdpznrlEyE-00102-00081648-00081848 And this spot! etdpznrlEyE-00103-00081902-00082102 If you don't cut it etdpznrlEyE-00104-00082114-00082314 There's no chance to make it done! etdpznrlEyE-00105-00084312-00084734 They will tell me that I'm lying! etdpznrlEyE-00106-00085041-00085528 One man came last night! "How much for a kilo?" etdpznrlEyE-00107-00085528-00085902 30 marks! For 5 years I kept that price! etdpznrlEyE-00108-00086075-00086208 "Oh, it's expensive!" etdpznrlEyE-00109-00086208-00086408 Eat the potatoes! It's cheaper! etdpznrlEyE-00110-00086408-00086948 F... sack is 10 marks! It can last for a month for you, your kids, and your wife! etdpznrlEyE-00111-00086984-00087184 Don't eat lamb bbq! etdpznrlEyE-00112-00087223-00087423 Do you work here every day? etdpznrlEyE-00113-00087486-00087947 I work 23 years straight, never missed a day etdpznrlEyE-00114-00088387-00088587 Every day! etdpznrlEyE-00115-00088662-00088862 Let me tell you. etdpznrlEyE-00116-00088884-00089176 I said 30 thousand, but it is way more than that! etdpznrlEyE-00117-00089367-00089775 There is a lot of more, must be 5 or 6 thousand more! etdpznrlEyE-00118-00089819-00090331 Just do the math, for 7 to 8 years, every day I sold around 17 lambs! etdpznrlEyE-00119-00090442-00090700 14, 17, 18... etdpznrlEyE-00120-00090713-00090975 365 x 17... etdpznrlEyE-00121-00091000-00091287 around 1800 per year! etdpznrlEyE-00122-00091451-00091791 that's 10 years, it's 18 thousand etdpznrlEyE-00123-00091849-00092192 And I'm doing this business for 23 years! etdpznrlEyE-00124-00092646-00093000 But I can tell you that I have never tricked anyone! etdpznrlEyE-00125-00093669-00093869 It's going to be done in under 1 hour! etdpznrlEyE-00126-00093889-00094313 I told you around 1h etdpznrlEyE-00127-00095340-00095540 You're some weird man! etdpznrlEyE-00128-00095676-00095876 He drank his juice! etdpznrlEyE-00129-00095969-00096169 I see the cap untouched! etdpznrlEyE-00130-00096286-00096433 Do you want another one? etdpznrlEyE-00131-00096433-00096633 It's going to be too much! etdpznrlEyE-00132-00096756-00097184 After I take the lamb out, take some and buzz off! etdpznrlEyE-00133-00100802-00101002 When were you born? etdpznrlEyE-00134-00101018-00101218 1950 etdpznrlEyE-00135-00101472-00101790 But, I was never ill! etdpznrlEyE-00136-00103519-00103798 I have decent guests! etdpznrlEyE-00137-00103873-00104168 I don't accept bad behavior! etdpznrlEyE-00138-00104482-00105000 I am 23 years here, I never had anyone breaking the bottle! etdpznrlEyE-00139-00107548-00107852 Well, fellas, we should be taking it out in a few! etdpznrlEyE-00140-00108360-00108833 We started at 10 past 9 am etdpznrlEyE-00141-00108860-00109255 It's 10 past 10 am, and the lamb is done! etdpznrlEyE-00142-00109269-00109594 1 hour, 17 kilos! etdpznrlEyE-00143-00110553-00111025 YOu can help me, this is cold so you can grab it! etdpznrlEyE-00144-00115369-00115752 No one lies here, no one is deceiving! etdpznrlEyE-00145-00119581-00120026 What the F... it's not done! Well, what is this! etdpznrlEyE-00146-00120135-00120385 Just show them, what is this! etdpznrlEyE-00147-00120432-00120762 They roasted theirs for 1,5 hours, they just dried it! etdpznrlEyE-00148-00120776-00120976 Just tell them that! etdpznrlEyE-00149-00136603-00136803 This is the sweetest part! etdpznrlEyE-00150-00136817-00137064 Here, take it and see what's the real bbq lamb! etdpznrlEyE-00151-00139796-00139996 Here, take this, eat, eat, eat! etdpznrlEyE-00152-00140191-00140475 You can't, you hold that F... cam, etdpznrlEyE-00153-00140487-00140735 I would drop that into the forest by this time! etdpznrlEyE-00154-00141325-00141525 And that's that! etdpznrlEyE-00155-00141580-00141963 17 kilos, 1 hour! 3 minutes per kilogram! etdpznrlEyE-00156-00141980-00142202 Just as Edo said in our first video! etdpznrlEyE-00157-00142202-00142402 It's true! etdpznrlEyE-00158-00142480-00142680 And it's delicious! etdpznrlEyE-00159-00143133-00143333 Well done Edo! etdpznrlEyE-00160-00143345-00143698 I thank you for coming and checking! etdpznrlEyE-00161-00143878-00144435 Those who said it's not true, should come and try! etdpznrlEyE-00162-00145323-00145835 Also, tell them that you ate the meat 10 minutes after we put it on fire! etdpznrlEyE-00163-00145858-00146235 We took a bite from the first layer! etdpznrlEyE-00164-00146306-00147031 Edo, we trusted in you, and we're glad you proved that! etdpznrlEyE-00165-00147183-00148083 It's enough now, and let's see how many comments are now going to be! etdpznrlEyE-00166-00148099-00149143 Only one wrote the truth, captain's son! Because he was here! etdpznrlEyE-00167-00149367-00149460 Because... etdpznrlEyE-00168-00149476-00149814 When you say something, it has to be that way! eu5c12i8HY0-00000-00004183-00004337 Jesus! eu5c12i8HY0-00001-00004391-00004620 "To the city of San Francisco. eu5c12i8HY0-00002-00004640-00004976 "I will enjoy killing one person every day... eu5c12i8HY0-00003-00004996-00005312 "...until you pay me one hundred thousand dollars. eu5c12i8HY0-00004-00005333-00005649 "lf you agree, say so tomorrow morning... eu5c12i8HY0-00005-00005669-00005972 " personal column, San Francisco Chronicle... eu5c12i8HY0-00006-00005992-00006187 "...and I will set up meeting. eu5c12i8HY0-00007-00006200-00006362 "lf I do not hear from you... eu5c12i8HY0-00008-00006422-00006772 "'ll be my next pleasure to kill a Catholic priest or a.... eu5c12i8HY0-00009-00007041-00007142 "...Scorpio." eu5c12i8HY0-00010-00007458-00007646 What goes on in their minds? eu5c12i8HY0-00011-00007666-00007781 Kooks. eu5c12i8HY0-00012-00007801-00008198 Where the hell does he expect me to find a hundred thousand dollars? eu5c12i8HY0-00013-00008218-00008574 You're not thinking of paying him, are you, Mr. Mayor? eu5c12i8HY0-00014-00008668-00009079 The City of San Francisco does not pay criminals not to commit crimes. eu5c12i8HY0-00015-00009200-00009395 Instead, we pay a police department. eu5c12i8HY0-00016-00009509-00009758 Chief, who's in charge of this case? eu5c12i8HY0-00017-00009852-00010040 Inspector Callahan. He's outside. eu5c12i8HY0-00018-00010450-00010693 Send lnspector Callahan in. eu5c12i8HY0-00019-00011049-00011157 Callahan? eu5c12i8HY0-00020-00011318-00011520 Mr. Mayor, lnspector Callahan. eu5c12i8HY0-00021-00011540-00011654 All right. eu5c12i8HY0-00022-00011674-00011796 Let's have it. eu5c12i8HY0-00023-00011917-00012165 -What? -Your report. What have you done? eu5c12i8HY0-00024-00012273-00012441 For the past 3/4 hour... eu5c12i8HY0-00025-00012461-00012751 ...I've been sitting in your outer office waiting on you. eu5c12i8HY0-00026-00012872-00013167 Damn it, Harry. It's the mayor you're talking to. eu5c12i8HY0-00027-00013416-00013753 Won't you sit down, lnspector Callahan? eu5c12i8HY0-00028-00014775-00014970 There's a madman loose. eu5c12i8HY0-00029-00014990-00015326 I've asked you what's being done. Fair enough? eu5c12i8HY0-00030-00015656-00015938 We've got a dozen men checking identification files. eu5c12i8HY0-00031-00015958-00016322 Checking on all known extortionists, rooftop prowlers... eu5c12i8HY0-00032-00016342-00016476 ...rifle nuts, peepers-- eu5c12i8HY0-00033-00016496-00016651 Mr. Mayor? eu5c12i8HY0-00034-00016705-00016994 We've arranged for rooftop surveillance and helicopters... eu5c12i8HY0-00035-00017014-00017364 ...especially around the Catholic churches and schools... eu5c12i8HY0-00036-00017391-00017572 ...and in the black area. eu5c12i8HY0-00037-00017593-00017815 Ballistics is checking on the slug. eu5c12i8HY0-00038-00017835-00017989 We're sure it's a 30-06. eu5c12i8HY0-00039-00018010-00018285 Seven lands and grooves, right-hand twist-- eu5c12i8HY0-00040-00018312-00018494 We're running a computer check... eu5c12i8HY0-00041-00018514-00018891 ...on everybody in the files whose birthday falls between... eu5c12i8HY0-00042-00018911-00019059 ...October 23 and November 21. eu5c12i8HY0-00044-00049284-00049396 Natives of Scorpio. eu5c12i8HY0-00045-00049591-00049717 Thank you, lnspector. eu5c12i8HY0-00046-00049828-00049990 Mention this note to anyone? eu5c12i8HY0-00047-00050341-00050488 How about you? eu5c12i8HY0-00048-00050528-00050627 Nobody. eu5c12i8HY0-00049-00050648-00050835 Your wife, sweetheart? Press? eu5c12i8HY0-00050-00050855-00050985 Nobody. eu5c12i8HY0-00051-00051289-00051616 All right. Give the message to the Chronicle. eu5c12i8HY0-00052-00051663-00051965 We'll pay. But we need time to get the money together. eu5c12i8HY0-00053-00051986-00052192 Wait a minute. Do I get this right? eu5c12i8HY0-00054-00052217-00052393 You'll play this creep's game? eu5c12i8HY0-00055-00052417-00052597 It'll give us breathing space. eu5c12i8HY0-00056-00052624-00052826 It might get somebody killed. eu5c12i8HY0-00057-00052924-00053114 Let me meet with the son of a bitch! eu5c12i8HY0-00058-00053134-00053497 Nope, none of that. It would end up with a real bloodbath. eu5c12i8HY0-00059-00053518-00053811 I agree with the chief. We'll do it this way. eu5c12i8HY0-00060-00053832-00054118 Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Come on, Callahan, let's go. eu5c12i8HY0-00061-00054773-00055153 I don't want trouble, like you had last year in the Fillmore district. eu5c12i8HY0-00062-00055236-00055385 That's my policy. eu5c12i8HY0-00063-00055407-00055740 When an adult male is chasing a female... eu5c12i8HY0-00064-00055760-00056194 ...with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard. That's my policy. eu5c12i8HY0-00065-00056217-00056380 Intent? eu5c12i8HY0-00066-00056401-00056564 How did you establish that? eu5c12i8HY0-00067-00056738-00057241 When a naked man chases a woman in an alley with a knife and a hard-on... eu5c12i8HY0-00068-00057262-00057602 ...I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross. eu5c12i8HY0-00069-00057946-00058202 I think he's got a point. eu5c12i8HY0-00070-00063661-00063961 -lnspector Callahan. -Jaffee. eu5c12i8HY0-00071-00064055-00064141 Usual. eu5c12i8HY0-00072-00064245-00064465 Usual lunch, or usual dinner? eu5c12i8HY0-00073-00064486-00064641 What difference does it make? eu5c12i8HY0-00074-00064733-00064866 Not much. eu5c12i8HY0-00075-00065103-00065252 Hey, Jaffee... eu5c12i8HY0-00076-00065407-00065663 that tan Ford still in front of the bank? eu5c12i8HY0-00077-00065737-00065996 Tan Ford? eu5c12i8HY0-00078-00066401-00066503 Yeah, tan Ford. eu5c12i8HY0-00079-00066524-00066633 Engine running? eu5c12i8HY0-00080-00066738-00067018 I don't know. How can I tell? eu5c12i8HY0-00081-00067068-00067398 -Exhaust fumes out of the tailpipe. -That's awful! eu5c12i8HY0-00082-00067455-00067638 Look at that pollution. eu5c12i8HY0-00083-00068129-00068316 Do me a favor, will you? eu5c12i8HY0-00084-00068410-00068622 Call this telephone number. eu5c12i8HY0-00085-00068720-00068826 Police Department? eu5c12i8HY0-00086-00068847-00069123 Tell them lnspector Callahan thinks there's a... eu5c12i8HY0-00087-00069144-00069460 ...two-eleven in progress at the bank. Got it? eu5c12i8HY0-00088-00069681-00069783 Got it. eu5c12i8HY0-00089-00069804-00070141 Be sure and tell them it's in progress, right? eu5c12i8HY0-00090-00070161-00070277 In progress. eu5c12i8HY0-00091-00070298-00070424 Yes, sir. eu5c12i8HY0-00092-00070829-00071252 Now, if they'll just wait till the cavalry arrives. eu5c12i8HY0-00093-00071623-00071759 Shit! eu5c12i8HY0-00094-00073171-00073270 Halt! eu5c12i8HY0-00095-00081793-00081973 I know what you're thinking. eu5c12i8HY0-00096-00082023-00082313 Did he fire six shots or only five? eu5c12i8HY0-00097-00082333-00082750 To tell the truth, in all the excitement I've kind of lost track myself. eu5c12i8HY0-00098-00082801-00083107 But since this is a.44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun... eu5c12i8HY0-00099-00083128-00083357 ...and would blow your head clean off... eu5c12i8HY0-00100-00083378-00083801've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" eu5c12i8HY0-00101-00083822-00083984 Well, do you, punk? eu5c12i8HY0-00102-00086187-00086393 I got to know. eu5c12i8HY0-00103-00088129-00088385 Son of a bitch! eu5c12i8HY0-00104-00088787-00089043 It looks like we can save that leg. eu5c12i8HY0-00105-00089063-00089250 I've got a couple under my knee. eu5c12i8HY0-00106-00089270-00089450 Ever consider another line of work? eu5c12i8HY0-00107-00089517-00089716 I really appreciate this, Steve. eu5c12i8HY0-00108-00089737-00089981 We Potrero Hill boys have to stick together. eu5c12i8HY0-00109-00090001-00090177 Nothing fancy, now. eu5c12i8HY0-00110-00090198-00090557 Just a little tweezers and Mercurochrome. eu5c12i8HY0-00111-00090578-00090884 Do I tell you how to beat a confession out of a prisoner? eu5c12i8HY0-00112-00091029-00091338 -I haven't got all night. -You might experience discomfort. eu5c12i8HY0-00113-00091359-00091725 But if you do, just have your wife fix a... eu5c12i8HY0-00114-00091816-00091960 Sorry, Harry. eu5c12i8HY0-00115-00092006-00092155 What will you do with those? eu5c12i8HY0-00116-00092177-00092303 Cut your pants off. eu5c12i8HY0-00117-00092323-00092607 -No. We'll pull them off. -lt'll hurt. eu5c12i8HY0-00118-00092627-00092880 For $29.50, let it hurt. eu5c12i8HY0-00119-00092901-00093160 You can turn your back if you're embarrassed. eu5c12i8HY0-00120-00101412-00101672 -Good morning, lnspector. -Maria. eu5c12i8HY0-00121-00102260-00102507 You wanted to see me, Lieutenant? eu5c12i8HY0-00122-00102894-00103143 When the hell you going to get a haircut? eu5c12i8HY0-00123-00103164-00103354 Whenever you do. eu5c12i8HY0-00124-00103374-00103784 Who's got time? I was up till 3 a.m. checking the search patterns. eu5c12i8HY0-00125-00103805-00104142 -Put in for overtime. -That'll be the day. eu5c12i8HY0-00126-00104162-00104388 You made a good pinch. Chief was pleased. eu5c12i8HY0-00127-00104409-00104725 -He was? -He wanted me to tell you: "Well done! " eu5c12i8HY0-00128-00104746-00104948 I can't tell you how moved I am. eu5c12i8HY0-00129-00104969-00105182 I pass along a compliment... eu5c12i8HY0-00130-00105203-00105597 could be a little polite. It might not kill you to say thanks. eu5c12i8HY0-00131-00105617-00105813 I'd rather say thanks to a raise. eu5c12i8HY0-00132-00105833-00106270 Harry, check communications. Something from Chicago. A gun nut. eu5c12i8HY0-00133-00106291-00106588 -I'll get right on it. -Now wait a minute! eu5c12i8HY0-00134-00106611-00106767 I'll put somebody with you. eu5c12i8HY0-00135-00107368-00107474 What are you saying? eu5c12i8HY0-00136-00107499-00107642 You need a partner. eu5c12i8HY0-00137-00107705-00108022 -What's wrong with the one I've got? -He's in the hospital! eu5c12i8HY0-00138-00108072-00108396 -He'll be out in a few weeks. -Say hello to Chico Gonzales. eu5c12i8HY0-00139-00108416-00108689 -He'll be working with you. -You must be kidding. eu5c12i8HY0-00140-00108710-00108933 I have no time to break in newcomers. eu5c12i8HY0-00141-00108953-00109273 -Why don't you do this boy a favor? -What do you mean? eu5c12i8HY0-00142-00109327-00109721 You know what happens to guys I worked with. Deitzick's in the hospital... eu5c12i8HY0-00143-00109741-00109881 ...and Fanduchi's dead. eu5c12i8HY0-00144-00109901-00110027 So? eu5c12i8HY0-00145-00110165-00110510 If I need a partner, I'll get me one who knows what he's doing. eu5c12i8HY0-00146-00110532-00110651 What about DiGeorgio? eu5c12i8HY0-00147-00110672-00110805 No way! eu5c12i8HY0-00148-00110825-00111052 You work with Gonzales or you don't work. eu5c12i8HY0-00149-00111072-00111278 Straight from the fifth floor. Got it? eu5c12i8HY0-00150-00111573-00111695 I got it. eu5c12i8HY0-00151-00112177-00112413 If you see DiGeorgio, send him in here! eu5c12i8HY0-00152-00112574-00112717 You from around here? eu5c12i8HY0-00153-00112737-00112953 Yeah, but I went to San Jose State. eu5c12i8HY0-00154-00112974-00113323 -Play ball? -No, I boxed. Light heavyweight. eu5c12i8HY0-00155-00113344-00113641 Just what I need is a college boy. eu5c12i8HY0-00156-00113661-00114057 -Found anything you like about me yet? -It's early yet. eu5c12i8HY0-00157-00114078-00114301 -Get your degree? -Sociology. eu5c12i8HY0-00158-00114322-00114821 -Sociology! You'll go far, if you live. -I intend to. eu5c12i8HY0-00159-00114843-00115062 Inspector Callahan. eu5c12i8HY0-00160-00115083-00115459 Don't let your degree get you killed. I'm liable to get killed with you. eu5c12i8HY0-00161-00115480-00115616 I'll remember that. eu5c12i8HY0-00162-00115757-00116137 -Hero! Nice work yesterday. -Fatso! Bressler wants to see you. eu5c12i8HY0-00163-00116207-00116447 You're a sweet man, Harry. eu5c12i8HY0-00164-00116931-00117208 There is one question, lnspector Callahan. eu5c12i8HY0-00165-00117248-00117451 Why do they call you Dirty Harry? eu5c12i8HY0-00166-00117472-00117655 That's one thing about our Harry. eu5c12i8HY0-00167-00117675-00117808 Doesn't play favorites. eu5c12i8HY0-00168-00117829-00118285 Harry hates everybody: limeys, micks, hebes, dagos, niggers, honkies, chinks. eu5c12i8HY0-00169-00118333-00118462 You name it. eu5c12i8HY0-00170-00118483-00118885 -How does he feel about Mexicans? -Ask him! eu5c12i8HY0-00171-00118970-00119153 Especially spics. eu5c12i8HY0-00172-00136367-00136654 Hey! There's a guy on the roof over there! eu5c12i8HY0-00173-00136674-00136877 On Stockton Street by Washington Square. eu5c12i8HY0-00174-00139304-00139423 You, on the roof! eu5c12i8HY0-00175-00139497-00139627 You, there! eu5c12i8HY0-00176-00139647-00139827 Yes, you. Stop what you're doing. eu5c12i8HY0-00177-00139871-00140118 Turn around and put your hands in the air. eu5c12i8HY0-00178-00141930-00142179 I don't know how the helicopter boys lost him! eu5c12i8HY0-00179-00142217-00142503 How could they let him get out without seeing him? eu5c12i8HY0-00180-00142524-00142910 They were probably talking instead of looking, like they were supposed to. eu5c12i8HY0-00181-00142931-00143090 That's possible. eu5c12i8HY0-00182-00143858-00144171 -Attention, all units. -Turn that thing up louder. eu5c12i8HY0-00183-00144309-00144672 Prowler last seen in the vicinity of Washington Square. eu5c12i8HY0-00184-00144692-00144808 He is an adult male. eu5c12i8HY0-00185-00144829-00145199 Caucasian. Repeat, adult male Caucasian. eu5c12i8HY0-00186-00145220-00145453 When last seen, he was wearing tan chinos... eu5c12i8HY0-00187-00145473-00145860 ...pale blue shirt, brown coat or sweater, dark gloves. eu5c12i8HY0-00188-00145880-00146020 He had a tan suitcase... eu5c12i8HY0-00189-00146040-00146474 ...which probably contains a 30-06 rifle. He's wanted.... eu5c12i8HY0-00190-00146494-00146834 Those loonies! They ought to throw a net over the whole bunch! eu5c12i8HY0-00191-00146881-00147051 I know what you mean. eu5c12i8HY0-00192-00147385-00147461 There! eu5c12i8HY0-00193-00147482-00147551 What? eu5c12i8HY0-00194-00147572-00147741 Tan suitcase. eu5c12i8HY0-00195-00147779-00147855 Where? eu5c12i8HY0-00196-00147879-00148009 I lost him. eu5c12i8HY0-00197-00148223-00148378 There he goes, over there. eu5c12i8HY0-00198-00148399-00148533 Does that bag look tan? eu5c12i8HY0-00199-00148553-00148779 I don't know, I haven't even seen him yet. eu5c12i8HY0-00200-00148800-00148966 Go to Filber and hang a left. eu5c12i8HY0-00201-00149007-00149166 Look out for these people! eu5c12i8HY0-00202-00149187-00149270 Fruitcake! eu5c12i8HY0-00203-00149290-00149503 Get out of the way, hammerhead! eu5c12i8HY0-00204-00149904-00150253 It was a tan suitcase. I know it was. eu5c12i8HY0-00205-00150405-00150602 I saw him. eu5c12i8HY0-00206-00150622-00150788 -There he is. -I see him. eu5c12i8HY0-00207-00151065-00151252 Car 2, the license number... eu5c12i8HY0-00208-00151272-00151559 10-32 on that Chevrolet, Colorado plates. eu5c12i8HY0-00209-00152100-00152490 -How do you want to work this? -Find another way in. I'll go in here. eu5c12i8HY0-00210-00152510-00152797 Car 2, what's the model of that Chevrolet? eu5c12i8HY0-00211-00153097-00153374 Car 2. It's an lmpala convertible. eu5c12i8HY0-00212-00153434-00153561 10-4. eu5c12i8HY0-00213-00154766-00155085 You can cancel that 1 0-25. Three cars here. eu5c12i8HY0-00214-00157382-00157555 Anybody home? eu5c12i8HY0-00215-00159834-00160037 Did you bring me a present? eu5c12i8HY0-00216-00160098-00160257 Let me see it. eu5c12i8HY0-00217-00161716-00161889 It's beautiful! eu5c12i8HY0-00218-00161986-00162299 Why don't you go get a nice container of egg rolls? eu5c12i8HY0-00219-00162867-00163037 You getting an eyeful? eu5c12i8HY0-00220-00163057-00163284 You goddamn pie hawker! eu5c12i8HY0-00221-00163304-00163541 -We should call the police. -I am a police-- eu5c12i8HY0-00222-00164402-00164605 Up against the wall. Right now! Move. eu5c12i8HY0-00223-00165076-00165195 Let them go. eu5c12i8HY0-00224-00165303-00165396 You heard me. eu5c12i8HY0-00225-00165420-00165586 They assaulted a police officer. eu5c12i8HY0-00226-00165607-00165926 A police officer! He was standing on a can peeking in... eu5c12i8HY0-00227-00165947-00166144 ...on Hot Mary and her boyfriend! eu5c12i8HY0-00228-00166164-00166311 Beat it. Get out of here. eu5c12i8HY0-00229-00166784-00167097 -How about the man with the suitcase? -Wrong number. eu5c12i8HY0-00230-00167218-00167417 I just had another thought. eu5c12i8HY0-00231-00167438-00167587 Yeah? About what? eu5c12i8HY0-00232-00167609-00167858 About why they call you Dirty Harry. eu5c12i8HY0-00233-00168533-00168713 Inspector 71. eu5c12i8HY0-00234-00168983-00169277 Inspector 71. Please respond to your call. eu5c12i8HY0-00235-00169380-00169617 Inspector 71. Do you read me? eu5c12i8HY0-00236-00169677-00170040 -This is lnspector 71. -I've got an 8-0-4 in progress. eu5c12i8HY0-00237-00170061-00170327 California Hall at Polk and Turk streets. eu5c12i8HY0-00238-00170348-00170528 1 0-4. We're on our way. eu5c12i8HY0-00239-00172634-00172763 It's some idiot. eu5c12i8HY0-00240-00172800-00172994 Where? I don't see him. eu5c12i8HY0-00241-00173014-00173290 -There he is. -Yeah. Now I see him. eu5c12i8HY0-00242-00173478-00173854 I have a 1 0-29 and a 10-28. eu5c12i8HY0-00243-00173875-00174208 In 600 block of Baker. On a Chevrolet. eu5c12i8HY0-00244-00174229-00174712 California license. D-dog, C-Charlie, V-Victor 4-7-2. eu5c12i8HY0-00245-00175547-00175977 We thought it was your sniper, but it turned out to be a suicide attempt. eu5c12i8HY0-00246-00177318-00177755 -Anybody try to talk him down? -Yeah, no luck. But now you're here.... eu5c12i8HY0-00247-00177775-00178062 -You mean, I go up. -We'd sure appreciate it. eu5c12i8HY0-00248-00178456-00178762 Look at him go, will you? He's going to get hurt! eu5c12i8HY0-00249-00185300-00185493 Don't you try to get me! eu5c12i8HY0-00250-00185623-00185990 Not me. You're the one who wants to get yourself killed. Not me. eu5c12i8HY0-00251-00186060-00186420 Always happens with you guys. The last minute you want to... eu5c12i8HY0-00252-00186441-00186944 ...grab onto somebody, take somebody with you. Down you go. Not me! eu5c12i8HY0-00253-00187011-00187171 Won't you try to grab me? eu5c12i8HY0-00254-00187302-00187789 A friend of mine was up about 20 floors with a jumper a few years ago. eu5c12i8HY0-00255-00187809-00188032 The jumper grabbed him and they went off. eu5c12i8HY0-00256-00188052-00188162 Mashed all over. eu5c12i8HY0-00257-00188182-00188609 Couldn't tell which legs was with which, which arms with which.... eu5c12i8HY0-00258-00188630-00188960 It was a terrible mess. I tell you, I almost threw up myself. eu5c12i8HY0-00259-00189013-00189307 -I'd just like your name and address. -Why? eu5c12i8HY0-00260-00189327-00189583 It's such a mess down there afterwards! eu5c12i8HY0-00261-00189604-00190027 It makes identification impossible. Even if they find your driver's license! eu5c12i8HY0-00262-00190048-00190188 All that blood! eu5c12i8HY0-00263-00190535-00190784 I think I'm going to puke! eu5c12i8HY0-00264-00190805-00191175 Don't do that, son. All those people down there looking up. eu5c12i8HY0-00265-00191196-00191492 The fire chief looking up. With his face.... eu5c12i8HY0-00266-00191563-00191689 You rotten bastard! eu5c12i8HY0-00267-00196387-00196631 Get the stretcher out here. eu5c12i8HY0-00268-00197869-00198356 Now you know why I'm called Dirty Harry. Every dirty job that comes along. eu5c12i8HY0-00269-00199741-00199887 Inspector 71. eu5c12i8HY0-00270-00200064-00200241 This is lnspector 71. eu5c12i8HY0-00271-00200261-00200721 Got something for you. Corner of Sierra and Texas. A young boy, Negro. eu5c12i8HY0-00272-00200969-00201071 What about him? eu5c12i8HY0-00273-00201092-00201372 Shot in the face. Blew part of it away. eu5c12i8HY0-00274-00201569-00201766 Anybody know who the boy is? eu5c12i8HY0-00275-00201786-00201999 His name was Charlie Russell. eu5c12i8HY0-00276-00202036-00202189 I'm his mother. eu5c12i8HY0-00277-00202260-00202559 He's only 10 years old. eu5c12i8HY0-00278-00203948-00204214 Inspector, this officer-- Oh, Jesus Christ! eu5c12i8HY0-00279-00204235-00204455 You'd better go check on the mother. eu5c12i8HY0-00280-00205710-00205823 What do you have? eu5c12i8HY0-00281-00205930-00206153 That 30-06 shell casing. eu5c12i8HY0-00282-00206174-00206354 He was up here all right. eu5c12i8HY0-00283-00206821-00207008 Welcome to Homicide. eu5c12i8HY0-00284-00208913-00209333 The man who designed blue serge uniforms for police departments... eu5c12i8HY0-00285-00209377-00209583 ...has to sell these for a living! eu5c12i8HY0-00286-00210044-00210271 .458 Magnum? eu5c12i8HY0-00287-00210471-00210768 -This thing will stop an elephant. -Yeah. eu5c12i8HY0-00288-00210865-00211264 -Apparently you like a little edge. -All I can get, sir. eu5c12i8HY0-00289-00211286-00211609 He's no elephant, Harry. He's no animal of any kind. eu5c12i8HY0-00290-00211629-00211795 What have you got, Lieutenant? eu5c12i8HY0-00291-00211816-00212256 The blue flags represent the units that are going to be on duty by dark tonight. eu5c12i8HY0-00292-00212277-00212510 -Double shifts and overtime. -At nighttime. eu5c12i8HY0-00293-00212530-00212817 Daylight, the helicopters will keep him off the roofs. eu5c12i8HY0-00294-00212837-00213247 We're going for high visibility. Units will make themselves very noticeable. eu5c12i8HY0-00295-00213267-00213523 -Except here. -Right. The North Beach area. eu5c12i8HY0-00296-00213544-00213714 We're saving that for him. eu5c12i8HY0-00297-00213745-00214004 -Have you found a good stakeout? -I think so. eu5c12i8HY0-00298-00214025-00214428 It's a building that overlooks the roof where they spotted him yesterday. eu5c12i8HY0-00299-00214495-00214658 Something bothering you? eu5c12i8HY0-00300-00214732-00214815 Nothing. eu5c12i8HY0-00301-00214836-00215059 Speak up. You're among friends here. eu5c12i8HY0-00302-00215079-00215396 It seems a long shot that he'd come back to the same roof. eu5c12i8HY0-00303-00215416-00215729 There are a lot of rooftops in San Francisco. eu5c12i8HY0-00304-00215753-00216116 Most of them are locked. This particular one'll be open for him. eu5c12i8HY0-00305-00216194-00216527 These sick guys have behavior patterns. eu5c12i8HY0-00306-00216547-00216931 We know they'll rob the very same store 3, 4 times in a row. eu5c12i8HY0-00307-00216961-00217210 Must appeal to their superego or something. eu5c12i8HY0-00308-00217232-00217468 Scorpio strikes again. eu5c12i8HY0-00309-00217525-00217734 They like that feeling. eu5c12i8HY0-00310-00217755-00218122 There's one other reason why he might pick the same rooftop. eu5c12i8HY0-00311-00218142-00218452 He's got a clear view of the St. Peter and Paul's church. eu5c12i8HY0-00312-00218473-00218685 And they're having a novena tonight. eu5c12i8HY0-00313-00218706-00218869 Go on. eu5c12i8HY0-00314-00218910-00219223 The note. He threatened to kill a priest or a Negro. eu5c12i8HY0-00315-00219244-00219410 The Russell boy was black. eu5c12i8HY0-00316-00219430-00219810 He may just figure he owes himself a padre. eu5c12i8HY0-00317-00221342-00221532 Inspector 71. eu5c12i8HY0-00318-00221659-00221903 We're in position to start our surveillance. eu5c12i8HY0-00319-00224295-00224415 How about the priest? eu5c12i8HY0-00320-00224435-00224772 -He knows he's being set up for bait? -Yeah, he wanted to. eu5c12i8HY0-00321-00224899-00225196 We told him we had a volunteer willing to take his place. eu5c12i8HY0-00322-00225246-00225362 Who? eu5c12i8HY0-00323-00225550-00225662 Never guess. eu5c12i8HY0-00324-00225717-00226029 Yeah, I know. Welcome to Homicide. eu5c12i8HY0-00325-00235146-00235436 You owe it to yourself to live a little, Harry. eu5c12i8HY0-00326-00236925-00237154 Son-of-a-bitch took the bait! eu5c12i8HY0-00327-00237275-00237518 When I say " now," hit him with the light. eu5c12i8HY0-00328-00241773-00241871 Now! eu5c12i8HY0-00329-00245970-00246157 -You all right? -I think so. eu5c12i8HY0-00330-00251653-00251799 Call an ambulance. eu5c12i8HY0-00331-00251950-00252122 Collins never knew what hit him. eu5c12i8HY0-00332-00252573-00252876 Let's go. Clear the alley. There's nothing to see. eu5c12i8HY0-00333-00252897-00253137 Call headquarters. He's loose in North Beach. eu5c12i8HY0-00334-00257862-00258139 It's a whole new ball game, fellows. eu5c12i8HY0-00335-00258189-00258448 He grabbed a 14-year-old girl. eu5c12i8HY0-00336-00258586-00258719 Ann-Mary Deacon. eu5c12i8HY0-00337-00258740-00259092 The bomb squad got a call. Suspicious object in Golden Gate Park. eu5c12i8HY0-00338-00259113-00259569 It was addressed to the mayor. The lab sent it to us, with this letter inside. eu5c12i8HY0-00339-00259601-00259780 "Ann-Mary Deacon, buried alive." eu5c12i8HY0-00340-00259801-00260184 The poor kid went to the movies last night and never came home. eu5c12i8HY0-00341-00260241-00260564 " Double-crossing San Francisco police made me do this. eu5c12i8HY0-00342-00260585-00260958 " New ransom $200,000, in used tens and twenties. eu5c12i8HY0-00343-00261019-00261188 "One man with yellow bag. eu5c12i8HY0-00344-00261209-00261475 "South side Marina. Green East Harbor. eu5c12i8HY0-00345-00261496-00261639 "9 p. m. eu5c12i8HY0-00346-00261659-00261882 "She has oxygen till 3 a.m. tomorrow. eu5c12i8HY0-00347-00261903-00262159 " Red panties and bra. Nice tits. eu5c12i8HY0-00348-00262180-00262563 "Mole on left thigh. Anything cute and you'll force me to let girl die... eu5c12i8HY0-00349-00262583-00262856 "...of slow suffocation. Signed, Scorpio." eu5c12i8HY0-00350-00263107-00263210 Anything else? eu5c12i8HY0-00351-00263388-00263807 The mother identified the bra, the hank of hair. eu5c12i8HY0-00352-00263845-00263954 And that. eu5c12i8HY0-00353-00263975-00264148 The dentist identified that. eu5c12i8HY0-00354-00264355-00264611 Said it was pulled out with a pair of pliers. eu5c12i8HY0-00355-00264802-00264915 You know she's dead. eu5c12i8HY0-00356-00264936-00265376 All I know is the letter says she'll be alive until 3 a.m. eu5c12i8HY0-00357-00265500-00265846 The mayor's out trying to put the money together now. eu5c12i8HY0-00358-00265937-00266096 He's using up a lot of favors. eu5c12i8HY0-00359-00266314-00266473 He wants to pay. eu5c12i8HY0-00360-00266644-00266797 No tricks. eu5c12i8HY0-00361-00267408-00267605 We need a bag man. You want the job? eu5c12i8HY0-00362-00267815-00267918 You got it. eu5c12i8HY0-00363-00267939-00268248 -Be in the chief's office at 6 p.m. -All right. eu5c12i8HY0-00364-00268269-00268539 -Wait a minute. What about me? -You're out. eu5c12i8HY0-00365-00268559-00268739 No cover? Not even one man? eu5c12i8HY0-00366-00268967-00269113 Sure that's how to do it? eu5c12i8HY0-00367-00269133-00269430 I'm not sure! But those are my orders. All right? eu5c12i8HY0-00368-00269637-00270027 No wonder they call him Dirty Harry. He gets the shit end of the stick. eu5c12i8HY0-00369-00270098-00270371 One more word and you're chopped off at the ankles. eu5c12i8HY0-00370-00270458-00270767 Al, let's split the difference. Give him the night off. eu5c12i8HY0-00371-00270865-00271081 Get the hell out of here, both of you. eu5c12i8HY0-00372-00272220-00272439 Testing 1, 2, 3-- eu5c12i8HY0-00373-00272463-00272797 -What are you yelling for? -All you have to do is whisper. eu5c12i8HY0-00374-00272844-00273117 "Mary had a little lamb, its fleece as white as snow." eu5c12i8HY0-00375-00273137-00273297 Okay, that's better. eu5c12i8HY0-00376-00273318-00273614 It's good for 2 or 3 blocks. But in a tunnel... eu5c12i8HY0-00377-00273635-00273781 ...forget it. eu5c12i8HY0-00378-00273815-00274031 All right, Sid. What do I owe you? eu5c12i8HY0-00379-00274052-00274264 Bring it back in one piece. eu5c12i8HY0-00380-00274682-00274865 $200,000. eu5c12i8HY0-00381-00274886-00275085 Count it and sign for it. eu5c12i8HY0-00382-00275346-00275543 Did you count it out? eu5c12i8HY0-00383-00275793-00275970 Did you count it, chief? eu5c12i8HY0-00384-00276144-00276370 It's not my responsibility. eu5c12i8HY0-00385-00276587-00276944 Always knew I'd get rich on the police force. eu5c12i8HY0-00386-00277241-00277547 Just make sure nobody takes it away from you. eu5c12i8HY0-00387-00277855-00278255 God knows how he'll contact you. He'll probably run you all over town. eu5c12i8HY0-00388-00278276-00278519 Go where you're told. Do what you're told. eu5c12i8HY0-00389-00278546-00278852 Play it straight down the line. Okay? eu5c12i8HY0-00390-00279764-00279997 Nothing cute. Nothing fancy. eu5c12i8HY0-00391-00280018-00280347 Just pay the ransom money and report back here. eu5c12i8HY0-00392-00280632-00280922 Would you mind if I borrowed a little Scotch tape? eu5c12i8HY0-00393-00281976-00282372 It's disgusting that a police officer should know how to use that weapon. eu5c12i8HY0-00394-00288833-00289206 -You got a yellow suitcase? -Yeah, I got it right with me. eu5c12i8HY0-00395-00289537-00289774 -What's your name? -Callahan. eu5c12i8HY0-00396-00289794-00290053 -What are you? -Police officer. eu5c12i8HY0-00397-00290211-00290351 Hello? eu5c12i8HY0-00398-00291426-00291628 All right, police officer... eu5c12i8HY0-00399-00291649-00291832 ...this is how we play. eu5c12i8HY0-00400-00291949-00292276 I bounce you all over town to make sure you're alone. eu5c12i8HY0-00401-00292323-00292636 If I even think you're being followed, the girl dies. eu5c12i8HY0-00402-00292657-00293070 If you talk to anyone, even if it's a Pekinese pissing on a lamppost... eu5c12i8HY0-00403-00293107-00293251 ...the girl dies. eu5c12i8HY0-00404-00293271-00293580 -ls the girl okay? -Just shut up and listen. eu5c12i8HY0-00405-00293608-00293744 No car. eu5c12i8HY0-00406-00293788-00294161 I give you some time to go from phone booth to phone booth. eu5c12i8HY0-00407-00294185-00294545 I ring 4 times. You don't answer by the fourth ring... eu5c12i8HY0-00408-00294565-00294768 ...that's the end of the game. eu5c12i8HY0-00409-00294816-00294978 The girl dies. eu5c12i8HY0-00410-00294999-00295186 What time you got? eu5c12i8HY0-00411-00295286-00295616 -9:30. Now listen-- -You listen. eu5c12i8HY0-00412-00295687-00295842 I'm watching you. eu5c12i8HY0-00413-00295907-00296266 Not all the time, but you'll never know when or where. eu5c12i8HY0-00414-00296374-00296814 Now get to Forest Hills Station as fast as you can. Understand? eu5c12i8HY0-00415-00297402-00297695 -Yeah. -I hope you're not stupid. eu5c12i8HY0-00416-00301833-00301982 Downstairs. Take the "K" car. eu5c12i8HY0-00417-00302003-00302379 Get off at Church and 20th. Hurry up, or you'll blow it. eu5c12i8HY0-00418-00314956-00315158 You sound like you had a good rest. eu5c12i8HY0-00419-00315186-00315549 You'll need it. I'm going to give you a nice little run this time. eu5c12i8HY0-00420-00315570-00315919 You better make it, because if you don't, dead girl! eu5c12i8HY0-00421-00315940-00316260 Public phone, hamburger stand, Aquatic Park. eu5c12i8HY0-00422-00316481-00316793 Hubba-hubba-hubba, pig bastard. eu5c12i8HY0-00423-00320194-00320354 What's in the bag, man? eu5c12i8HY0-00424-00320468-00320808 -You dudes get lost now, you hear? -Screw the bag! eu5c12i8HY0-00425-00320838-00320965 Just give us the wallet. eu5c12i8HY0-00426-00321346-00321515 You don't listen, asshole! eu5c12i8HY0-00427-00324292-00324475 Don't answer that! eu5c12i8HY0-00428-00325413-00325857 -Who picked it up? -Some old guy. Never saw him before. eu5c12i8HY0-00429-00326337-00326510 Chico, he hung up. eu5c12i8HY0-00430-00326764-00326997 -You know Mt. Davidson Park? -Yeah. eu5c12i8HY0-00431-00327018-00327144 Go to the cross. eu5c12i8HY0-00432-00331055-00331282 I'm at the entrance on Lansdale Street. eu5c12i8HY0-00433-00331386-00331588 I'm going up. eu5c12i8HY0-00434-00333027-00333230 I see a couple of people. eu5c12i8HY0-00435-00333571-00333754 Just a couple of kids necking. eu5c12i8HY0-00436-00333785-00334004 Boys or girls? eu5c12i8HY0-00437-00335880-00336096 I'm Callahan. eu5c12i8HY0-00438-00336314-00336513 My friends call me Alice. eu5c12i8HY0-00439-00336564-00336704 And I will take a dare. eu5c12i8HY0-00440-00336838-00337124 When was the last time you were busted? eu5c12i8HY0-00441-00337178-00337481 If you're a vice, I'll kill myself. eu5c12i8HY0-00442-00337538-00337671 Well, do it at home. eu5c12i8HY0-00443-00344032-00344144 Freeze! eu5c12i8HY0-00444-00344245-00344432 Just like a statue. eu5c12i8HY0-00445-00344525-00344674 That's right. eu5c12i8HY0-00446-00344749-00345046 One wrong move, anything, I don't care. eu5c12i8HY0-00447-00345066-00345332 I'll kill you and the girl both. eu5c12i8HY0-00448-00345403-00345539 Understand? eu5c12i8HY0-00449-00345690-00345813 Yeah. eu5c12i8HY0-00450-00345983-00346099 Drop the bag. eu5c12i8HY0-00451-00346457-00346597 Left hand. eu5c12i8HY0-00452-00346647-00346814 Let's see the gun. eu5c12i8HY0-00453-00347368-00347488 My! eu5c12i8HY0-00454-00347535-00347698 That's a big one. eu5c12i8HY0-00455-00347852-00348045 Left hand. Throw it. eu5c12i8HY0-00456-00348176-00348298 Easy. eu5c12i8HY0-00457-00348736-00348876 Raise your hands. eu5c12i8HY0-00458-00348896-00349073 Come on, get them up. eu5c12i8HY0-00459-00349454-00349576 Now turn. eu5c12i8HY0-00460-00349597-00349777 Face the cross. eu5c12i8HY0-00461-00350041-00350153 Come on. eu5c12i8HY0-00462-00350174-00350458 Put your nose right up against the cement. eu5c12i8HY0-00463-00352650-00353070 You lift that hand once more and I won't let you know where the girl is! eu5c12i8HY0-00464-00353107-00353290 Do we understand each other? eu5c12i8HY0-00465-00353391-00353524 Do we understand each other? eu5c12i8HY0-00466-00353664-00353864 Don't pass out on me yet! No, no. eu5c12i8HY0-00467-00353885-00354051 No, no. Not yet. Not yet! eu5c12i8HY0-00468-00354072-00354295 Don't pass out on me yet, you rotten oinker! eu5c12i8HY0-00469-00354402-00354651 Do we understand each other? eu5c12i8HY0-00470-00354732-00355199 If you care what happens to the girl, you'd better answer me! All right? eu5c12i8HY0-00471-00355219-00355339 Listen to me carefully. eu5c12i8HY0-00472-00355450-00355622 I've changed my mind. eu5c12i8HY0-00473-00355680-00355846 I'm going to let her die. eu5c12i8HY0-00474-00356037-00356267 I just wanted you to know that. eu5c12i8HY0-00475-00356708-00357160 You understand? I just wanted to make sure you knew that before I killed you. eu5c12i8HY0-00476-00358099-00358255 Goodbye, Callahan! eu5c12i8HY0-00477-00359200-00359376 Chico, don't kill him! eu5c12i8HY0-00478-00370878-00371215 The hospital report on Gonzales looks okay, Chief. eu5c12i8HY0-00479-00371235-00371469 Yeah. Well, he's a pretty tough kid. eu5c12i8HY0-00480-00371522-00371662 He's right here. eu5c12i8HY0-00481-00371682-00371845 He's got two cracked ribs. eu5c12i8HY0-00482-00371866-00372153 They want to do some more tests on him in the morning. eu5c12i8HY0-00483-00372173-00372496 The son of a bitch really kicked him a couple of beauts. eu5c12i8HY0-00484-00372517-00372646 I'm sending him home. eu5c12i8HY0-00485-00372667-00372807 Right, Chief. eu5c12i8HY0-00486-00372910-00373093 He says beat it! That's an order. eu5c12i8HY0-00487-00373307-00373660 The chief wants to know if I misunderstood his orders. eu5c12i8HY0-00488-00373681-00374047 Meaning, am I just plain stupid or did I deliberately disobey him? eu5c12i8HY0-00489-00374068-00374288 He wants to know what Gonzales was doing there. eu5c12i8HY0-00490-00374308-00374578 He wants to know why we screwed everything up. eu5c12i8HY0-00491-00374599-00374775 What am I going to tell him? eu5c12i8HY0-00492-00375026-00375266 Why don't you start by telling him the truth? eu5c12i8HY0-00493-00375319-00375649 Tell him Gonzales was obeying orders from a superior. Me. eu5c12i8HY0-00494-00375676-00375932 Tell him you didn't know anything about it. eu5c12i8HY0-00495-00375953-00376306 When this is over, if he wants my badge, he can have that too. eu5c12i8HY0-00496-00376507-00376784 You wouldn't have a belt of booze around here, would you? eu5c12i8HY0-00497-00377502-00377721 Lieutenant Bressler's office. eu5c12i8HY0-00498-00378005-00378195 -Put him on. -What is it? eu5c12i8HY0-00499-00378259-00378782 It's Park Emergency. They just treated a guy who had a knife wound in the leg. eu5c12i8HY0-00500-00378953-00379256 Yeah, doctor? What'd this guy look like? eu5c12i8HY0-00501-00379310-00379493 Long blond hair... eu5c12i8HY0-00502-00379514-00379997 ...medium build, about 150 pounds. Pale complexion. eu5c12i8HY0-00503-00380021-00380384 -He didn't give you his name, doc? -Nope. eu5c12i8HY0-00504-00380498-00380667 They usually give a phony name. eu5c12i8HY0-00505-00380815-00381012 But I've seen him someplace. eu5c12i8HY0-00506-00381065-00381482 It's important you remember. There's a 14-year-old girl who's suffocating. eu5c12i8HY0-00507-00381502-00381708 I'm trying to think! eu5c12i8HY0-00508-00381729-00381869 It was.... eu5c12i8HY0-00509-00381949-00382109 I believe he works around here. eu5c12i8HY0-00510-00382130-00382449 Doctor, could you give him something? He's in pain! eu5c12i8HY0-00511-00382470-00382636 Yes, just a moment. eu5c12i8HY0-00512-00383064-00383213 She'll be dead in an hour! eu5c12i8HY0-00513-00383234-00383437 I'm trying to remember! eu5c12i8HY0-00514-00383674-00383864 I've got who he is. eu5c12i8HY0-00515-00383955-00384375 When they had football, he used to sell programs at the stadium. eu5c12i8HY0-00516-00384439-00384718 I think the groundskeeper lets him live there. eu5c12i8HY0-00517-00384739-00384998 -Live where? -There. eu5c12i8HY0-00518-00385506-00385669 Kezar Stadium. eu5c12i8HY0-00519-00392113-00392329 Illegal entry. No warrant. eu5c12i8HY0-00520-00392363-00392536 Looks like we climb. eu5c12i8HY0-00521-00392673-00392822 Too much linguine. eu5c12i8HY0-00522-00393040-00393217 I'll find another way. eu5c12i8HY0-00523-00412927-00413029 Stop! eu5c12i8HY0-00524-00415026-00415345 Don't do anything more! You tried to kill me! eu5c12i8HY0-00525-00415486-00415599 You need any help? eu5c12i8HY0-00526-00415746-00416159 -Go on and get some air, fatso. -Please! No more! eu5c12i8HY0-00527-00416200-00416553 Can't you see I'm hurt? You shot me! Please, don't! eu5c12i8HY0-00528-00416611-00416830 Let me have a doctor! eu5c12i8HY0-00529-00416858-00417104 Please, get me the doctor! Don't kill me! eu5c12i8HY0-00530-00417161-00417310 The girl, where is she? eu5c12i8HY0-00531-00417331-00417461 You tried to kill me! eu5c12i8HY0-00532-00417482-00417901 If I did, your head would be splattered all over this field. Where's the girl? eu5c12i8HY0-00533-00417929-00418041 I want a lawyer. eu5c12i8HY0-00534-00418062-00418256 I said, where's the girl? eu5c12i8HY0-00535-00418292-00418445 I have the right for one. eu5c12i8HY0-00536-00418466-00418615 Where's the girl? eu5c12i8HY0-00537-00418636-00418959 I have the right for a lawyer! eu5c12i8HY0-00538-00419040-00419196 Don't! Please! eu5c12i8HY0-00539-00419227-00419423 I have rights. I want a lawyer! eu5c12i8HY0-00540-00429327-00429570 Harry Callahan. He said it was urgent. eu5c12i8HY0-00541-00429590-00429990 Yes, the district attorney has been wanting to talk to you. eu5c12i8HY0-00542-00430021-00430340 -It's lnspector Callahan. -Have him come in, please. eu5c12i8HY0-00543-00430445-00430668 Won't you come this way? eu5c12i8HY0-00544-00430708-00431048 -May I bring you in a cup of coffee? -No, thanks. eu5c12i8HY0-00545-00431919-00432096 I'll be done in a minute. eu5c12i8HY0-00546-00432173-00432309 Have a seat. eu5c12i8HY0-00547-00432753-00433099 I've just been looking over your arrest report. eu5c12i8HY0-00548-00433261-00433594 A very unusual piece of police work. eu5c12i8HY0-00549-00433775-00433901 Really amazing. eu5c12i8HY0-00550-00434028-00434144 I had some luck. eu5c12i8HY0-00551-00434165-00434555 You're lucky I'm not indicting you for assault with intent to commit murder! eu5c12i8HY0-00552-00434849-00435326 Where does it say you've got a right to kick down doors, torture suspects? eu5c12i8HY0-00553-00435346-00435752 Deny medical attention and legal counsel? Where have you been? eu5c12i8HY0-00554-00435830-00436099 Does Escobedo ring a bell? Miranda? eu5c12i8HY0-00555-00436267-00436504 You must have heard of the 4th Amendment! eu5c12i8HY0-00556-00436714-00437001 What I'm saying is, that man had rights. eu5c12i8HY0-00557-00437138-00437414 I'm all broken up about that man's rights. eu5c12i8HY0-00558-00437435-00437675 You should be. I've got news for you. eu5c12i8HY0-00559-00437695-00437971 When he's well enough to leave the hospital, he walks. eu5c12i8HY0-00560-00438102-00438255 What are you talking about? eu5c12i8HY0-00561-00438282-00438398 He's free! eu5c12i8HY0-00562-00438493-00438622 You're letting him go? eu5c12i8HY0-00563-00438646-00438822 We have to. We can't try him. eu5c12i8HY0-00564-00438843-00438976 And why is that? eu5c12i8HY0-00565-00438996-00439299 Because I'm not wasting 1/2 million tax dollars... eu5c12i8HY0-00566-00439320-00439543 ...on a trial we can't possibly win. eu5c12i8HY0-00567-00439594-00439846 The problem is, we don't have any evidence. eu5c12i8HY0-00568-00439867-00440023 What do you call that? eu5c12i8HY0-00569-00440044-00440160 I call it nothing. eu5c12i8HY0-00570-00440208-00440327 Zero. eu5c12i8HY0-00571-00440468-00440844 You're saying that Ballistics can't match the bullet up to this rifle? eu5c12i8HY0-00572-00440865-00441171 It does not matter what Ballistics can do! eu5c12i8HY0-00573-00441212-00441502 This rifle might make a nice souvenir. eu5c12i8HY0-00574-00441612-00441875 -But it's inadmissible as evidence! -Who says? eu5c12i8HY0-00575-00441896-00442012 It's the law. eu5c12i8HY0-00576-00442083-00442235 Then the law is crazy! eu5c12i8HY0-00577-00442343-00442626 This is Judge Bannerman of the appellate court. eu5c12i8HY0-00578-00442647-00443146 He also holds classes in constitutional law. I've asked him for an opinion. eu5c12i8HY0-00579-00443167-00443273 Your Honor? eu5c12i8HY0-00580-00443401-00443891 In my opinion, the search of the suspect's quarters was illegal. eu5c12i8HY0-00581-00443911-00444324 Evidence obtained thereby, such as that hunting rifle for instance... eu5c12i8HY0-00582-00444345-00444544 inadmissible in court. eu5c12i8HY0-00583-00444565-00444964 You should have gotten a search warrant. I'm sorry. eu5c12i8HY0-00584-00444992-00445315 -It's that simple. -Search warrant? A girl was dying! eu5c12i8HY0-00585-00445343-00445640 She was, in fact, dead according to the medical report! eu5c12i8HY0-00586-00445660-00445789 But I didn't know that! eu5c12i8HY0-00587-00445843-00446330 The court would recognize the officer's legitimate concern for the girl... eu5c12i8HY0-00588-00446354-00446777 ...but there is no way they can possibly condone police torture. eu5c12i8HY0-00589-00446844-00447207 All evidence concerning the girl, the suspect's confession... eu5c12i8HY0-00590-00447228-00447358 ...physical evidence... eu5c12i8HY0-00591-00447385-00447611 ...would have to be excluded. eu5c12i8HY0-00592-00448209-00448406 You can get him on something! eu5c12i8HY0-00593-00448426-00448723 Without the evidence of the gun and the girl? eu5c12i8HY0-00594-00448806-00449083 I couldn't convict him of spitting on the sidewalk! eu5c12i8HY0-00595-00449253-00449493 Now, the suspect's rights... eu5c12i8HY0-00596-00449514-00449700 ...were violated... eu5c12i8HY0-00597-00449720-00449940 ...under the 4th and 5th... eu5c12i8HY0-00598-00449961-00450251 ...and probably the 6th and 14th Amendments. eu5c12i8HY0-00599-00450271-00450527 And Ann-Mary Deacon, what about her rights? eu5c12i8HY0-00600-00450548-00450854 She's raped and left in a hole to die! Who speaks for her? eu5c12i8HY0-00601-00450875-00451038 The district attorney's office! eu5c12i8HY0-00602-00451132-00451308 If you'll let us. eu5c12i8HY0-00603-00451476-00451885 I have a wife and kids. I don't want him on the streets any more than you do. eu5c12i8HY0-00604-00451919-00452092 He won't be out there long. eu5c12i8HY0-00605-00452113-00452336 What is that supposed to mean? eu5c12i8HY0-00606-00452380-00452682 Sooner or later he will stub his toe and I'll be there. eu5c12i8HY0-00607-00452710-00452973 This office won't stand for any harassment! eu5c12i8HY0-00608-00453037-00453467 You're crazy if you think you've heard the last of him. He will kill again. eu5c12i8HY0-00609-00453504-00453653 How do you know? eu5c12i8HY0-00610-00453781-00453951 Because he likes it. eu5c12i8HY0-00611-00468716-00468896 You sure you weren't tailed? eu5c12i8HY0-00612-00468943-00469066 Yeah. eu5c12i8HY0-00613-00471535-00471762 You really want $200 worth. eu5c12i8HY0-00614-00471872-00472063 Every penny of it. eu5c12i8HY0-00615-00473494-00473641 Might as well be comfortable. eu5c12i8HY0-00616-00473711-00473874 Go on, sit. eu5c12i8HY0-00617-00474645-00474789 Relax. eu5c12i8HY0-00618-00474912-00475106 Take it easy. eu5c12i8HY0-00619-00475149-00475382 It's going to be all right. eu5c12i8HY0-00620-00479514-00479740 You sure you want the rest of it? eu5c12i8HY0-00621-00479817-00479993 Every penny's worth! eu5c12i8HY0-00622-00480144-00480490 You black son of a bitch! eu5c12i8HY0-00623-00482660-00482907 This one's on the house. eu5c12i8HY0-00624-00484378-00484541 That's got to be him. eu5c12i8HY0-00625-00484779-00485195 Are you claiming that the San Francisco Police did this to you? eu5c12i8HY0-00626-00485216-00485409 I swear it. As God is my judge. eu5c12i8HY0-00627-00485429-00485646 Why are they harassing you? eu5c12i8HY0-00628-00485666-00485872 They tried to frame me with the murder. eu5c12i8HY0-00629-00485893-00486183 And now they're trying to murder me. And look at me! eu5c12i8HY0-00630-00486204-00486630 I'm supposed to be innocent until proven guilty and look at what they did to me. eu5c12i8HY0-00631-00486651-00486977 Everywhere I go cops follow me. And just look at me! eu5c12i8HY0-00632-00487031-00487325 Just a minute, nurse. Let me ask him one more question. eu5c12i8HY0-00633-00487345-00487557 -Did you see who did this to you? -Yes. eu5c12i8HY0-00634-00487578-00487701 Can you identify him? eu5c12i8HY0-00635-00487722-00488188 His name is Callahan. He's a big cop. Works Homicide. Callahan. eu5c12i8HY0-00636-00488436-00488752 Now, that's the reruns from the 4 o'clock news. eu5c12i8HY0-00637-00488773-00489072 Since then he's given a statement to The Chronicle. eu5c12i8HY0-00638-00489126-00489456 He claims you've been following him. And beat him up. eu5c12i8HY0-00639-00489550-00489727 What about it, Harry? eu5c12i8HY0-00640-00489820-00490076 -You want my star? -I want an answer. eu5c12i8HY0-00641-00490097-00490274 Have you been following him? eu5c12i8HY0-00642-00490431-00490791 Yeah, I've been following him on my own time. eu5c12i8HY0-00643-00490811-00491045 -Anybody can tell I didn't do that. -How? eu5c12i8HY0-00644-00491105-00491385 Because he looks too damn good, that's how! eu5c12i8HY0-00645-00491472-00491749 Before I let you go, let's get one thing straight. eu5c12i8HY0-00646-00491769-00492042 I don't want any more surveillance! eu5c12i8HY0-00647-00492133-00492309 Neither does he. eu5c12i8HY0-00648-00492503-00492609 What does that mean? eu5c12i8HY0-00649-00492797-00492960 Good night, sir. eu5c12i8HY0-00650-00493341-00493520 Go ahead. Try them. eu5c12i8HY0-00651-00493574-00493937 -Guy makes them where I always eat. -Thank you. eu5c12i8HY0-00652-00493958-00494217 I talked to Bressler about being on with me. eu5c12i8HY0-00653-00494325-00494588 So you know you got a spot when you get out. eu5c12i8HY0-00654-00494659-00494968 I don't know if I am coming back, Harry. eu5c12i8HY0-00655-00495286-00495599 Doing a lot of thinking about it and.... eu5c12i8HY0-00656-00495800-00496126 I have a teaching credential. And I figure... eu5c12i8HY0-00657-00496193-00496396 ...what for? You know? eu5c12i8HY0-00658-00496737-00497031 -Time for therapy. -You hang in there now. eu5c12i8HY0-00659-00497632-00497841 See you tomorrow. Same time? eu5c12i8HY0-00660-00500127-00500397 -It's my fault, you know. -What? eu5c12i8HY0-00661-00500464-00500711 His leaving. I thought I could take it. eu5c12i8HY0-00662-00500731-00500878 No class. eu5c12i8HY0-00663-00500958-00501174 -Don't ever say that. -What? eu5c12i8HY0-00664-00501202-00501385 Don't ever low-rate yourself. eu5c12i8HY0-00665-00501429-00501798 What I meant was, whatever it takes to be a cop's wife... eu5c12i8HY0-00666-00501832-00502052 ...I'm just not sure I'm making it. eu5c12i8HY0-00667-00502073-00502325 He really tries, and all these bastards... eu5c12i8HY0-00668-00502346-00502583 ..."pig" this and "pig" that. eu5c12i8HY0-00669-00502707-00503087 But maybe it's when I watch him walk out that door at night. eu5c12i8HY0-00670-00503107-00503237 And I think... eu5c12i8HY0-00671-00503347-00503596 ...what if it's the last time I see him? eu5c12i8HY0-00672-00503708-00503867 Am I the only one? eu5c12i8HY0-00673-00503905-00504091 Doesn't it drive your wife crazy? eu5c12i8HY0-00674-00504128-00504241 No. eu5c12i8HY0-00675-00504355-00504568 You mean she got used to it? eu5c12i8HY0-00676-00504605-00504799 No, she never did, really. eu5c12i8HY0-00677-00504819-00504949 What then? eu5c12i8HY0-00678-00505012-00505145 She's dead. eu5c12i8HY0-00679-00505253-00505429 Please, forgive me. eu5c12i8HY0-00680-00505493-00505823 She was driving home and a drunk crossed the center line. eu5c12i8HY0-00681-00505843-00505983 No reason for it, really. eu5c12i8HY0-00682-00506070-00506300 -I'm so sorry. -That's okay. eu5c12i8HY0-00683-00506374-00506536 I want you to tell Chico... eu5c12i8HY0-00684-00506627-00506854 ...that I understand him quitting. eu5c12i8HY0-00685-00506874-00507187 I think he's right. This is no life for you two. eu5c12i8HY0-00686-00507255-00507567 -Why do you stay in it, then? -I don't know. eu5c12i8HY0-00687-00507732-00507872 I really don't. eu5c12i8HY0-00688-00511602-00511829 Let me have a 5th of Seagram's. Please. eu5c12i8HY0-00689-00511976-00512173 What the hell happened to you? eu5c12i8HY0-00690-00512193-00512390 My wife's brother. eu5c12i8HY0-00691-00512416-00512526 I hit her... eu5c12i8HY0-00692-00512547-00512719 he hit me. eu5c12i8HY0-00693-00512740-00512889 Several times. eu5c12i8HY0-00694-00513044-00513193 $5.69. eu5c12i8HY0-00695-00513397-00513707 You're the guy that's been robbed all these times. eu5c12i8HY0-00696-00513728-00513977 14 times the last 3 years. eu5c12i8HY0-00697-00513998-00514301 Last 2 times, they sent them out here on platters. eu5c12i8HY0-00698-00514322-00514584 I'm getting to be a pretty good shot. eu5c12i8HY0-00699-00514695-00515065 And I always keep it right here. Right where it's handy. eu5c12i8HY0-00700-00515086-00515345 Please, I scare easy. eu5c12i8HY0-00701-00515653-00515950 Dirty son of a bitch! You pilferer! eu5c12i8HY0-00702-00519597-00519713 Goodbye. eu5c12i8HY0-00703-00519844-00520024 See you tomorrow. eu5c12i8HY0-00704-00521015-00521274 Everybody out who gets out here? eu5c12i8HY0-00705-00521309-00521461 School bus inspector. eu5c12i8HY0-00706-00521482-00521745 One minute. I'm not allowed to have anybody-- eu5c12i8HY0-00707-00521766-00521939 I'm authorizing it, so go. eu5c12i8HY0-00708-00521959-00522139 What are you doing? I don't know you. eu5c12i8HY0-00709-00522159-00522593 Hear me, old hag. Drive or I'll decorate this bus with your brains. eu5c12i8HY0-00710-00522800-00523160 -Where? -Just get started. I'll tell you where. eu5c12i8HY0-00711-00523641-00523804 Let's have some fun now. eu5c12i8HY0-00712-00523824-00523977 Who knows a song? eu5c12i8HY0-00713-00523998-00524318 Everybody knows a song. You? You must know a beautiful one. eu5c12i8HY0-00714-00524355-00524535 Come on, sing for us. eu5c12i8HY0-00715-00524629-00524875 Old McDonald had a farm eu5c12i8HY0-00716-00524896-00525086 E-l-E-l-O eu5c12i8HY0-00717-00525106-00525389 And on his farm, he had some ducks. eu5c12i8HY0-00718-00534869-00535259 -Millie, this is lnspector Callahan. -The Mayor is waiting for you. eu5c12i8HY0-00719-00535683-00535953 -What's up? -Another note from our boy. eu5c12i8HY0-00720-00535973-00536383 -Who's he grabbed now? -That's the trouble, we don't know yet. eu5c12i8HY0-00721-00536604-00536880 The jet must be fueled and ready to go in 1/2 an hour. eu5c12i8HY0-00722-00536934-00537247 Skeleton crew. They must be volunteers. eu5c12i8HY0-00723-00537295-00537488 Tell them the man is dangerous. eu5c12i8HY0-00724-00537508-00537881 I'll read you this note which was delivered at 8:00 this morning. eu5c12i8HY0-00725-00537915-00538071 "To the City of San Francisco... eu5c12i8HY0-00726-00538092-00538341 "You double-crossed me for the last time. eu5c12i8HY0-00727-00538362-00538829 " I'm warning you to have my $200,000 in a jet airplane ready and waiting. eu5c12i8HY0-00728-00538906-00539286 " I'll call the Mayor's office at 1:00 and tell you about the hostages... eu5c12i8HY0-00729-00539307-00539583 "...who I will be happy to kill if you don't do... eu5c12i8HY0-00730-00539604-00539830 "...exactly what I say. Scorpio." eu5c12i8HY0-00731-00540127-00540337 Better have somebody standing by! eu5c12i8HY0-00732-00540358-00540554 I don't think it's a false alarm. eu5c12i8HY0-00733-00540575-00540798 There's a call for you on line 2. eu5c12i8HY0-00734-00540818-00541065 I think it's the one you've been waiting for. eu5c12i8HY0-00735-00541732-00542026 -It's the Mayor. -I got 7 kids from Park Street School. eu5c12i8HY0-00736-00542270-00542392 I got the bus and.... eu5c12i8HY0-00737-00542413-00542766 Come on, honey, now back in the bus. That's a good girl. eu5c12i8HY0-00738-00542787-00542984 I got the bus driver. Here she is. eu5c12i8HY0-00739-00543014-00543154 Just tell him. eu5c12i8HY0-00740-00543197-00543344 Not my fault, he had a gun-- eu5c12i8HY0-00741-00543364-00543466 Just your name! eu5c12i8HY0-00742-00543864-00544017 This is Marcella Platt. eu5c12i8HY0-00743-00544155-00544457 You can check if you want. But I don't see any point. eu5c12i8HY0-00744-00544478-00544641 I'm not bullshitting. eu5c12i8HY0-00745-00544662-00544961 It's simple. I got the kids. You start screwing around... eu5c12i8HY0-00746-00544982-00545141 ...the kids start dying. eu5c12i8HY0-00747-00545162-00545525 -The plane ready? -It's being fueled, and ready to go. eu5c12i8HY0-00748-00545546-00545826 The money will be there by the time you get there. eu5c12i8HY0-00749-00545846-00546176 Listen carefully. I will drive along nice and easy. eu5c12i8HY0-00750-00546197-00546396 Just me and a busload of kids. eu5c12i8HY0-00751-00546417-00546754 I'll turn off at Sir Drake Blvd., on my way to Santa Rosa Airport. eu5c12i8HY0-00752-00546774-00546947 I don't want any police cars... eu5c12i8HY0-00753-00546968-00547094 ...helicopters, whatever. eu5c12i8HY0-00754-00547121-00547537 If you play this game by the rules, the kids will have a nice plane ride. eu5c12i8HY0-00755-00547558-00547728 Where are you going? eu5c12i8HY0-00756-00547792-00548058 I'll tell the pilot when I get on. No alerts. eu5c12i8HY0-00757-00548309-00548635 I guarantee you, you will not be molested in any way. eu5c12i8HY0-00758-00548656-00548812 I give you my word of honor. eu5c12i8HY0-00759-00548946-00549140 Marcella Platt. It checks. eu5c12i8HY0-00760-00549564-00549780 Willing to take the money to him? eu5c12i8HY0-00761-00549814-00550240 When will you stop messing around with this guy? He has to be stopped now! eu5c12i8HY0-00762-00550261-00550567 He's got a busload of kids and I can't take that chance. eu5c12i8HY0-00763-00550628-00550918 I gave my word of honor and he will not be molested! eu5c12i8HY0-00764-00550938-00551115 And that's a direct order! eu5c12i8HY0-00765-00551312-00551652 You can just get yourself another delivery boy. eu5c12i8HY0-00766-00559734-00559943 Row, row, row your boat eu5c12i8HY0-00767-00559964-00560177 Gently down the stream eu5c12i8HY0-00768-00560197-00560624 Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream eu5c12i8HY0-00769-00561028-00561211 Where are we going? eu5c12i8HY0-00770-00561309-00561678 -This isn't the right way! -We're going to the ice cream factory. eu5c12i8HY0-00771-00561699-00561896 Anyone doesn't want to, can get off. eu5c12i8HY0-00772-00561916-00562175 I want to go home to my mother. eu5c12i8HY0-00773-00562196-00562322 Go home to your what? eu5c12i8HY0-00774-00562406-00562579 Now, sing! Sing again! eu5c12i8HY0-00775-00562600-00562763 Row, row, row your boat eu5c12i8HY0-00776-00562783-00562973 What's the matter? Don't you sing? eu5c12i8HY0-00777-00563140-00563363 Are you sick? What is it? eu5c12i8HY0-00778-00563444-00563703 Sing or your mothers will die! eu5c12i8HY0-00779-00563724-00564001 I'll kill your mothers! And the rest of you! eu5c12i8HY0-00780-00564735-00564929 Get in the right-hand lane. eu5c12i8HY0-00781-00564949-00565189 Not right to treat children that way. eu5c12i8HY0-00782-00565209-00565465 -You'll hurt them. -Just drive the goddamn bus! eu5c12i8HY0-00783-00565486-00565692 And get in the right-hand lane! eu5c12i8HY0-00784-00566384-00566593 I want my mother. eu5c12i8HY0-00785-00567428-00567587 The sign, Sir Drake Blvd. eu5c12i8HY0-00786-00567608-00567728 Make a right there. eu5c12i8HY0-00787-00568199-00568389 Not this one. eu5c12i8HY0-00788-00568449-00568589 I want my mother. eu5c12i8HY0-00789-00568719-00568792 Shut up! eu5c12i8HY0-00790-00569026-00569185 Just get to the right! eu5c12i8HY0-00791-00570678-00570834 Jesus! eu5c12i8HY0-00792-00571639-00571858 What the hell is he doing up there? eu5c12i8HY0-00793-00572360-00572676 What the hell are you doing? Pass the V.W., will you? eu5c12i8HY0-00794-00592620-00592783 Drop the gun, creep! eu5c12i8HY0-00795-00593067-00593276 I'll blow his brains out. eu5c12i8HY0-00796-00593621-00593794 Drop the fucking gun! eu5c12i8HY0-00797-00598536-00598712 I know what your thinking, punk. eu5c12i8HY0-00798-00598836-00599180 You're thinking: "Did he fire 6 shots, or only 5?" eu5c12i8HY0-00799-00599277-00599617 To tell you the truth, I forgot myself, in all this excitement. eu5c12i8HY0-00800-00599710-00600083 But being this is a.44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun... eu5c12i8HY0-00801-00600104-00600384 ...and will blow your head clean off... eu5c12i8HY0-00802-00600411-00600608've got to ask yourself... eu5c12i8HY0-00803-00600738-00600914 ..."Do I feel lucky?" eu5c12i8HY0-00804-00601502-00601725 Well, do you, punk? ewZkkeDzjmg-00000-00000313-00000731 Hello, I'm Colin and here are today's headlines live from Pride House 2012 in London with ewZkkeDzjmg-00001-00000731-00000868 Pinksixty. ewZkkeDzjmg-00002-00000868-00001302 One of the 20th Century's literary giants, Gore Vidal, has died at his home in Los Angeles, ewZkkeDzjmg-00003-00001302-00001403 aged 86. ewZkkeDzjmg-00004-00001403-00001867 Vidal wrote the novel Myra Breckinridge, the screenplay for Ben Hur, and ran for office ewZkkeDzjmg-00005-00001867-00002027 twice, losing both times. ewZkkeDzjmg-00006-00002027-00002532 The equality campaign website, All Out, has just passed the one million member milestone. ewZkkeDzjmg-00007-00002532-00002941 The group campaigns against homophobia around the world, and has had an impact in many high-profile ewZkkeDzjmg-00008-00002941-00003091 cases. ewZkkeDzjmg-00009-00003091-00003528 The US Democrats have agreed to make marriage equality part of their platform for election. ewZkkeDzjmg-00010-00003528-00003904 The panel decided over the weekend to send the amendment up for final aproval at the ewZkkeDzjmg-00011-00003904-00004150 annual convention in September. ewZkkeDzjmg-00012-00004150-00004519 Catholic bishops in Kenya have said they oppose any attempt in influencing their traditional ewZkkeDzjmg-00013-00004519-00004836 teachings around conctraception and gay marriage. ewZkkeDzjmg-00014-00004836-00005307 Their comments follow its $4.2 billion drive to promote family planning in the country. ewZkkeDzjmg-00015-00005307-00005881 And finally, photos have emerged from Steven Soderbergh's latest movie, Behind the Candelabra. ewZkkeDzjmg-00016-00005881-00006335 Michael Douglas plays Liberace and Matt Damon, his lover, in this new HBO biopic, due out ewZkkeDzjmg-00017-00006335-00006435 next year. ewZkkeDzjmg-00018-00006435-00006535 That's all from us today. ewZkkeDzjmg-00019-00006535-00006623 Join us again tomorrow. eyzWvFxQefo-00000-00000212-00000454 So, this is how it all started. eyzWvFxQefo-00001-00000454-00000625 A just bougt my 3D-printer eyzWvFxQefo-00002-00000625-00000915 and I wanted to try it out, eyzWvFxQefo-00003-00000915-00001358 so I decided to print gears. eyzWvFxQefo-00004-00001358-00001495 I made these eyzWvFxQefo-00005-00001495-00001723 as my first project. eyzWvFxQefo-00006-00001723-00002041 It's called the gear painting and eyzWvFxQefo-00007-00002041-00002304 you can find it on Thingiverse. eyzWvFxQefo-00008-00002304-00002450 All the eyzWvFxQefo-00009-00002450-00002802 part are there. eyzWvFxQefo-00010-00002802-00003390 There's no bearings or anything, it's just basically nails with printed parts on them. eyzWvFxQefo-00011-00003554-00003775 So, that was the first one. eyzWvFxQefo-00012-00003775-00003940 I decided that if I could do eyzWvFxQefo-00013-00003940-00004293 gears, I could probably do some other eyzWvFxQefo-00014-00004293-00004763 advanced mechanics, so I decided to do a Gear Project. eyzWvFxQefo-00015-00004763-00005128 and... I hade a free space eyzWvFxQefo-00016-00005128-00005291 in our staircase. eyzWvFxQefo-00017-00005291-00005760 A free wall which is about four meters high eyzWvFxQefo-00018-00005760-00006003 and two meters wide. eyzWvFxQefo-00019-00006003-00006212 That's the whole space. eyzWvFxQefo-00020-00006212-00006608 So, I put the whole project on the wall. eyzWvFxQefo-00021-00006608-00007025 Emm... It's basically six frames, three white eyzWvFxQefo-00022-00007025-00007265 and three black. eyzWvFxQefo-00023-00007265-00007412 And then eh, eyzWvFxQefo-00024-00007412-00007531 everything is driven eyzWvFxQefo-00025-00007531-00007879 from this third frame eyzWvFxQefo-00026-00007879-00008020 Eh, there is eyzWvFxQefo-00027-00008020-00008238 the driving gear eyzWvFxQefo-00028-00008238-00008592 coming from motor in the boxes at the side there eyzWvFxQefo-00029-00008592-00008695 Aemm, eyzWvFxQefo-00030-00008695-00009140 They're not lined up perfectly. I will a redesign of the boxes. eyzWvFxQefo-00031-00009140-00009308 But that's how it looks. eyzWvFxQefo-00032-00009308-00009558 And the motor is coming in right there, eyzWvFxQefo-00033-00009558-00009788 that's the driving gear. eyzWvFxQefo-00034-00009788-00009998 and the this one goes up to eyzWvFxQefo-00035-00009998-00010245 other frames up here. eyzWvFxQefo-00036-00010245-00010675 and the last one, this one goes down here. eyzWvFxQefo-00037-00010675-00010919 So, it all drives like that, eyzWvFxQefo-00038-00010919-00011163 it's a double gear. eyzWvFxQefo-00039-00011163-00011318 teeth at the top eyzWvFxQefo-00040-00011318-00011622 and teeth at the side. eyzWvFxQefo-00041-00011622-00012043 The theeth at the side drives the gears inside the frame eyzWvFxQefo-00042-00012043-00012373 and, the ones on sticking out, like this. eyzWvFxQefo-00043-00012373-00012890 Then there is the axes coming with the universal joint eyzWvFxQefo-00044-00012890-00013190 driving the next frame. eyzWvFxQefo-00045-00013190-00013671 There is a RJ11 connection which connects the... lighting. eyzWvFxQefo-00046-00013671-00013856 As you can see, it's lit. eyzWvFxQefo-00047-00013856-00014207 Connects the lighting down to the next frame and up to the next frame. eyzWvFxQefo-00048-00014207-00014465 so if you go down here eyzWvFxQefo-00049-00014465-00015081 to the next frame. eyzWvFxQefo-00050-00015081-00015244 And then... it's black, and eyzWvFxQefo-00051-00015244-00015852 then you have the driving gear white instead, the doubble gear, and the... eyzWvFxQefo-00052-00015852-00016302 white gears is coming out, and it goes further eyzWvFxQefo-00053-00016302-00016622 to the next frame... eyzWvFxQefo-00054-00016622-00016923 The same idea. eyzWvFxQefo-00055-00016923-00017068 Ahemm... eyzWvFxQefo-00056-00017068-00017400 The RJ11 connection is used to... eyzWvFxQefo-00057-00017400-00017748 to just to just have the lighting so if I pull this one eyzWvFxQefo-00058-00017748-00018045 It looses the light. eyzWvFxQefo-00059-00018045-00018507 Very simple. eyzWvFxQefo-00060-00018507-00018801 Ehm... This is the top part, it's about 3 meters eyzWvFxQefo-00061-00018801-00019104 from staircase. eyzWvFxQefo-00062-00019104-00019503 Then it gose the next one. eyzWvFxQefo-00063-00019503-00020159 It's two white gears sticking out on this frame. eyzWvFxQefo-00064-00020159-00020425 And then, the universal joints again of course eyzWvFxQefo-00065-00020425-00020934 to the next one like this. eyzWvFxQefo-00066-00020934-00021173 One black gear is sticking out. eyzWvFxQefo-00067-00021173-00021397 The motor is quite strong. eyzWvFxQefo-00068-00021397-00021945 So, it's not a good idea to put your finger like this... I think you will hurt. eyzWvFxQefo-00069-00021945-00022114 But eventually... eyzWvFxQefo-00070-00022114-00022541 something will probably break before your finger breaks, but it will hurt. eyzWvFxQefo-00071-00022541-00022757 And there is all ball bearings everywhere, eyzWvFxQefo-00072-00022757-00022969 so, on the gears have eyzWvFxQefo-00073-00022969-00023342 ball bearings, this is M6 screws. eyzWvFxQefo-00074-00023342-00023815 Ball bearings on everything. On the holder there is a ball bearing. eyzWvFxQefo-00075-00023815-00024008 and there is a, eyzWvFxQefo-00076-00024008-00024288 ball bearing on the eyzWvFxQefo-00077-00024288-00024559 holder right there. eyzWvFxQefo-00078-00024559-00024696 And the same on eyzWvFxQefo-00079-00024696-00024944 every frame everywhere. eyzWvFxQefo-00080-00024944-00025234 In the universal joints as well. eyzWvFxQefo-00081-00025234-00025408 Ball bearings... eyzWvFxQefo-00082-00025408-00025642 So, it's very quiet. eyzWvFxQefo-00083-00025642-00025875 The whole idea whas that it should be quiet so eyzWvFxQefo-00084-00025875-00026169 it should not disturb anyone. eyzWvFxQefo-00085-00026169-00026340 for the moment the... eyzWvFxQefo-00086-00026340-00026658 the motor is a little bit noisy. eyzWvFxQefo-00087-00026658-00026855 It is something wrong with, so I will change it. eyzWvFxQefo-00088-00026855-00027091 when I get the new one. eyzWvFxQefo-00089-00027091-00027357 So this is the whole thingie... eyzWvFxQefo-00090-00027357-00027543 and is there is a, uh... eyzWvFxQefo-00091-00027543-00027877 Remote controll to controll the lighting eyzWvFxQefo-00092-00027877-00028577 so if I do red here, the thing is red. eyzWvFxQefo-00093-00029128-00029568 Green, it's green, And blue of course, and white. eyzWvFxQefo-00094-00029568-00029852 You can also be changed the eyzWvFxQefo-00095-00029852-00030359 amount, change how, how... eyzWvFxQefo-00096-00030359-00030830 bright it should be. eyzWvFxQefo-00097-00030830-00031202 Very nice. eyzWvFxQefo-00098-00031202-00031902 Ehh.. Yea, that's about it I think. eBnQszFLj88-00000-00000567-00001375 On one side of Windsor High Street stands William the Conqueror's fortress, the largest inhabited castle in the world. eBnQszFLj88-00001-00001492-00002588 On the other, beneath a pile of blankets inside the bus shelter, is Carla Giazzi, a homeless 24-year-old - or 'vagrant' as the local council describes her. eBnQszFLj88-00002-00002705-00003357 Now it looks as if both of them will play a supporting role in the great royal showpiece of the year. eBnQszFLj88-00003-00003474-00004337 It is a cast iron rule of royal weddings that they always generate some unexpected political or diplomatic maelstrom ahead of the big day eBnQszFLj88-00004-00004454-00005406 It happened to the future Queen in 1947 after an MP claimed her wedding dress had been produced by 'enemy' silkworms from Japan (it hadn't) eBnQszFLj88-00005-00005523-00006331 And so it is that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle find their own marriage plans mired in a furious row about homelessness in Windsor. eBnQszFLj88-00006-00006448-00008055 By last night, their wedding had been recast as a grand tableau of social inequality played out on news bulletins around the world with the happy couple demonised on social media as a cross between King Croesus and Marie Antoinette - and all thanks to the leader of the local council. eBnQszFLj88-00007-00008172-00009114 If Simon Dudley was ever on the guest list for St George's Chapel, Windsor on May 19, his name will surely have been erased by now eBnQszFLj88-00008-00009231-00010907 For reasons best known to himself, the leader of Tory-controlled Windsor and Maidenhead Council - or 'the Royal Borough' as it likes to call itself - decided to use Christmas week to demand that the police deal with an 'epidemic' of 'rough-sleeping and vagrancy' on the streets of Windsor ahead of the wedding eBnQszFLj88-00009-00011024-00011721 In his festive tweet, Mr Dudley added that aggressive beggars had been 'marching tourists to cashpoints'. eBnQszFLj88-00010-00011838-00013262 He has since provided more details in a letter to the local Police Commissioner for Thames Valley, Anthony Stansfeld, in which he deplores the 'hostile atmosphere for our residents and the seven million tourists who come to Windsor each year' eBnQszFLj88-00011-00013379-00014561 'It is becoming increasingly concerning to see the quantities of bags and detritus that those begging are accumulating and leaving on our pavements, thus presenting a security risk,' he warns eBnQszFLj88-00012-00014678-00015603 'Obviously, the level of tourist interest is set to multiply with the Royal Wedding and there are increased concerns from our residents about their safety eBnQszFLj88-00013-00015719-00016278 The whole situation also presents a beautiful town in a sadly unfavourable light.' eBnQszFLj88-00014-00016395-00017234 In response, the police commissioner said that he had been 'surprised' by the letter which had been released to the media before he had received it eBnQszFLj88-00015-00017351-00017703 But he would consider Mr Dudley's points. eBnQszFLj88-00016-00017820-00018695 The council leader was unavailable for comment yesterday, having chosen to launch his broadside while on a skiing holiday in Wyoming eBnQszFLj88-00017-00018812-00019322 His media management does have a certain Donald Trump quality about it. eBnQszFLj88-00018-00019439-00020021 However, there was no shortage of heated debate on the freezing streets of Windsor eBnQszFLj88-00019-00020138-00020864 I found opinion fiercely divided on the causes of homelessness in one of Britain's wealthiest areas. eBnQszFLj88-00020-00020981-00021642 The one thing which united all sides, however, was a degree of sympathy for the royal couple. eBnQszFLj88-00021-00021759-00023095 'If I was Prince Harry I would be furious that the biggest day of my life has been overshadowed by all this,' said Murphy James, 34, who runs the Windsor Homeless Project from a room at the local Baptist church eBnQszFLj88-00022-00023212-00023698 'We are always told that the royals have to stay out of politics eBnQszFLj88-00023-00023815-00024275 And here you have a politician politicising a royal wedding.' eBnQszFLj88-00024-00024392-00025274 Once homeless himself, Mr James helps the charity provide a drop-in centre, legal support and a weekly meal for all-comers eBnQszFLj88-00025-00025391-00025977 He thought that there were between 12 and 15 people sleeping rough in Windsor at present eBnQszFLj88-00026-00026095-00026756 Several more come here to beg from elsewhere, something which angers the 'resident' rough-sleepers eBnQszFLj88-00027-00026873-00027541 But Mr James said the one thing all beggars have in common is some sort of mental health issue eBnQszFLj88-00028-00027658-00028257 Hence his irritation at Mr Dudley's attempt to drag Prince Harry into the argument eBnQszFLj88-00029-00028374-00029038 'Prince Harry and his brother have brought the whole issue of mental health home to millions of people who wouldn't eD-4ESjKxwE-00000-00000000-00000282 [This is Ruby] eD-4ESjKxwE-00001-00000354-00000516 [ME: How so cute] eD-4ESjKxwE-00002-00000517-00000654 [Ruby: Get away!] eD-4ESjKxwE-00003-00000719-00000921 [ME: So cute~] eD-4ESjKxwE-00004-00000970-00001153 [Ruby: Get away from me!] eD-4ESjKxwE-00005-00001202-00001471 [ME: Why are you avoiding~ c'mon] eD-4ESjKxwE-00006-00001521-00001721 (Avoiding) eD-4ESjKxwE-00007-00001761-00001951 [Taking a step backward] eD-4ESjKxwE-00008-00002037-00002213 [ME: Finally would you come to me?] eD-4ESjKxwE-00009-00002213-00002304 [Ruby: Of course no~] eD-4ESjKxwE-00010-00002304-00002396 [The end] eIVxz5iwMtI-00000-00000066-00000120 Choose your actors. eIVxz5iwMtI-00001-00000216-00000667 Okay. Andre, Cat, Beck and Jade. eIVxz5iwMtI-00002-00000760-00000904 Yeah, you. eIVxz5iwMtI-00003-00001551-00001871 Jade, kiss your boyfriend on your own time. eIVxz5iwMtI-00004-00001885-00002048 Oh, I will. eIVxz5iwMtI-00005-00002145-00002312 I know, but they're still not back with the solvent. eIVxz5iwMtI-00006-00002325-00002582 Well, we're on in two minutes, and you still look disgusting. eIVxz5iwMtI-00007-00002639-00002779 I could play the lead. eIVxz5iwMtI-00008-00002792-00003016 No, we don't have anyone else to play your part. eIVxz5iwMtI-00009-00003059-00003276 We're indoors, lose the scarf. eIVxz5iwMtI-00010-00003470-00003560 Well, hello. eIVxz5iwMtI-00011-00003573-00003740 I don't believe we've met. You are? eIVxz5iwMtI-00012-00003753-00003960 Oh, yes. My name's Malcolm Winchester Fizzenworth. eIVxz5iwMtI-00013-00003973-00004117 It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. eIVxz5iwMtI-00014-00004130-00004257 It's a lovely home ya have here. eIVxz5iwMtI-00015-00004270-00004391 Let's step over in that direction, eIVxz5iwMtI-00016-00004404-00004504 that way there, very good then. eIVxz5iwMtI-00017-00004517-00004637 Sure. eIVxz5iwMtI-00018-00004651-00004734 He got very soft lobes, doesn't he? eIVxz5iwMtI-00019-00004748-00004881 Thank you. Don't pull. eIVxz5iwMtI-00020-00004924-00005038 Hey! You! eIVxz5iwMtI-00021-00005051-00005271 [chuckles] Why, hello, officer. eIVxz5iwMtI-00022-00005285-00005542 Isn't this just a lovely shin-dig? eIVxz5iwMtI-00023-00005592-00005749 I can see your belly button. eIVxz5iwMtI-00024-00005899-00006192 Why, yes, that is my belly button. eIVxz5iwMtI-00025-00006276-00006639 Have you ever considered filling it with Raisin Bran? eIVxz5iwMtI-00026-00006730-00007030 Well, no. My name is Betty-Sue Golden-Heart. eIVxz5iwMtI-00027-00007043-00007347 I live on a farm in Alabama, just north of a little-- eIVxz5iwMtI-00028-00007560-00007767 Now you're eating Raisin Bran. eIVxz5iwMtI-00029-00007811-00007981 Mm. I just love eating cereal eIVxz5iwMtI-00030-00007994-00008274 that's been manhandled by your filthy hands. eIVxz5iwMtI-00031-00008371-00009072 ♪ Give it up Oh, yeah ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00032-00009085-00009746 [cheering] eIVxz5iwMtI-00033-00009759-00010450 [cheering] eIVxz5iwMtI-00034-00010463-00010687 [cheering] eIVxz5iwMtI-00035-00010700-00011014 Yeah, we go to school with them. That's what's up. eIVxz5iwMtI-00036-00011027-00011174 Where's Jade? eIVxz5iwMtI-00037-00011187-00011428 Somebody looking for the best dang steamboat captain eIVxz5iwMtI-00038-00011441-00011618 this here river's ever seen? eIVxz5iwMtI-00039-00011728-00011891 Why are you wearing Tori's dress? eIVxz5iwMtI-00040-00011905-00012125 'Cause she's playing hospital, so I'm playing Suzy. eIVxz5iwMtI-00041-00012138-00012315 Tori's gonna be back in plenty of time. eIVxz5iwMtI-00042-00012328-00012645 Oh. Then I'll just keep her dress warm. eIVxz5iwMtI-00043-00012946-00013326 And Hollywood Arts' first ever prome queen is... eIVxz5iwMtI-00044-00013369-00013526 [beeping] eIVxz5iwMtI-00045-00013676-00013837 Jade West! eIVxz5iwMtI-00046-00013850-00013963 - What?! - What?! eIVxz5iwMtI-00047-00013977-00014137 - What? - That's right. eIVxz5iwMtI-00048-00014150-00014270 Congratulations Jade. eIVxz5iwMtI-00049-00014284-00014524 No. Stop! Stop congratulating me! eIVxz5iwMtI-00050-00014537-00014828 I'm not your stupid prome queen! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! eIVxz5iwMtI-00051-00014841-00015138 [grumbling] eIVxz5iwMtI-00052-00015151-00015545 And Hollywood Arts' first ever prome king... eIVxz5iwMtI-00053-00015558-00015685 [dinging] eIVxz5iwMtI-00054-00015712-00015905 Doug the diaper guy! eIVxz5iwMtI-00055-00015972-00016346 What?! What?! Are you kidding me?! eIVxz5iwMtI-00056-00016359-00016483 Oh, yeah. eIVxz5iwMtI-00057-00016496-00016836 Oh, yeah! [screaming] eIVxz5iwMtI-00058-00016890-00017000 [screaming] eIVxz5iwMtI-00059-00017013-00017253 [music playing] eIVxz5iwMtI-00060-00017383-00017530 [gasping] eIVxz5iwMtI-00061-00017747-00018128 Who took my ruby cell phone? Was it you? eIVxz5iwMtI-00062-00018194-00018435 I didn't mean to. Here, you can have it back. eIVxz5iwMtI-00063-00018481-00018968 Good, give it. [screaming] eIVxz5iwMtI-00064-00019042-00019169 Curses! eIVxz5iwMtI-00065-00019199-00019446 I'll never be able to get that ruby cell phone eIVxz5iwMtI-00066-00019459-00019646 as long as it's April Fools' Day! eIVxz5iwMtI-00067-00019659-00019813 You know, speaking of that, eIVxz5iwMtI-00068-00019826-00019963 are we really not gonna do anything for April Fools' Day? eIVxz5iwMtI-00069-00019976-00020463 Silence! I'll get you, my pretty. eIVxz5iwMtI-00070-00020497-00020663 And your little fish, too! eIVxz5iwMtI-00071-00020677-00020787 Oh. eIVxz5iwMtI-00072-00020840-00020977 Oh be gone. eIVxz5iwMtI-00073-00020990-00021274 You have no powers in this restroom. eIVxz5iwMtI-00074-00021367-00021815 The witch sneers at Dorothy... then exits. eIVxz5iwMtI-00075-00021828-00022018 ♪ Christmas time with you ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00076-00022031-00022142 Whoo! eIVxz5iwMtI-00077-00022155-00022385 ♪ So if you feel it coming ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00078-00022409-00022612 ♪ On this special day ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00079-00022625-00022766 ♪ Just trust your heart ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00080-00022779-00023059 ♪ Don't let your head Get in the way ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00081-00023073-00023289 ♪ 'Cause it's Christmas ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00082-00023346-00023616 ♪ And the start Of something new ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00083-00023630-00023830 ♪ Well it's Christmas ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00084-00023867-00024180 ♪ And I hope you Will feel it too ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00085-00024194-00024474 ♪ Candy canes and mistletoe ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00086-00024487-00024701 ♪ Jack Frost nipping At your nose ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00087-00024714-00025121 ♪ But all of it means nothing Without you ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00088-00025135-00025522 [music playing] eIVxz5iwMtI-00089-00025535-00025819 ♪ Just for a minute You get a feeling ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00090-00025832-00026059 ♪ Look up in the sky ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00091-00026072-00026342 ♪ Santa's here So get in the spirit ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00092-00026356-00026596 ♪ Just give it a try ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00093-00026609-00026883 ♪ Children beaming And I'm dreaming ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00094-00026896-00027113 ♪ Hoping that it's true ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00095-00027153-00027307 ♪ 'Cause it would mean so much ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00096-00027320-00027627 ♪ To spend this Christmas time With you ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00097-00027694-00028208 ♪ So if you feel it comin' On this special day ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00098-00028221-00028368 ♪ Just trust your heart ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00099-00028381-00028745 ♪ 'Cause I can't wait To hear you say ♪ eIVxz5iwMtI-00100-00030240-00030547 Wow. Incredible outfit. eIVxz5iwMtI-00101-00030660-00030797 I look like an idiot. eIVxz5iwMtI-00102-00030957-00031668 A... pretty pink idiot... with a thing on her head. eIVxz5iwMtI-00103-00031831-00031968 Thanks. eIVxz5iwMtI-00104-00032118-00032262 Didn't expect to see you here. eIVxz5iwMtI-00105-00032368-00032672 Well... everyone else was coming to cheer you on, eIVxz5iwMtI-00106-00032685-00033049 so... I figured I would, too. eIVxz5iwMtI-00107-00033173-00033506 And... you look way better in that than I would've. eIVxz5iwMtI-00108-00033880-00034140 Hey. I heard my name. eIVxz5iwMtI-00109-00034464-00034611 Jade, what are you wearing? eIVxz5iwMtI-00110-00034624-00034744 Is that? eIVxz5iwMtI-00111-00034757-00034998 Oh, yeah. This is a copy of the costume eIVxz5iwMtI-00112-00035011-00035258 that Tawny Walker-Black wore in your favorite movie... eIVxz5iwMtI-00113-00035271-00035398 The Scissoring. eIVxz5iwMtI-00114-00035411-00035538 Whoa. eIVxz5iwMtI-00115-00035582-00035835 Uh, look Moose brought me roses. eIVxz5iwMtI-00116-00035909-00036272 Did you bring any for Jade? No? Okay. eIVxz5iwMtI-00117-00036473-00036633 So rehearsal. Uh, we were thinking eIVxz5iwMtI-00118-00036646-00036776 we should meet... eIVxz5iwMtI-00119-00036820-00037020 We were, uh, thinking we should meet... eIVxz5iwMtI-00120-00037063-00037247 We... Goodbye. eIVxz5iwMtI-00121-00037413-00037704 And look, these are the actual scissors eIVxz5iwMtI-00122-00037717-00037814 from the movie. eIVxz5iwMtI-00123-00037827-00037987 Oh my God, that is so cool. eIVxz5iwMtI-00124-00038001-00038128 I gave her those! eIVxz5iwMtI-00125-00038141-00038331 Yeah, and look how sharp they are. eIVxz5iwMtI-00126-00038344-00038451 [gasping] eIVxz5iwMtI-00127-00038822-00038988 My Moose flowers. eIVxz5iwMtI-00128-00039145-00039275 Here I am... eIVxz5iwMtI-00129-00039385-00039579 just walking through school... eIVxz5iwMtI-00130-00039659-00039773 hoping the flour bomber eIVxz5iwMtI-00131-00039786-00040039 doesn't ruin my awesome, expensive outfit eIVxz5iwMtI-00132-00040053-00040363 by, you know... flour bombing me! eIVxz5iwMtI-00133-00040577-00040717 That better not happen! eIVxz5iwMtI-00134-00040807-00040940 Okay. eIVxz5iwMtI-00135-00041061-00041337 There's my girl just blending in with the crowd. eIVxz5iwMtI-00136-00041394-00041614 I want to know who that flour bomber is. eIVxz5iwMtI-00137-00041628-00041868 Ah, so you wore that to get his attention? eIVxz5iwMtI-00138-00041881-00042102 Yep and when he tries to get me, I am going to grab him eIVxz5iwMtI-00139-00042115-00042268 and wrestle him down to the ground. eIVxz5iwMtI-00140-00042282-00042465 He might like that. eIVxz5iwMtI-00141-00042539-00042645 [chuckles] I'd like that. eIVxz5iwMtI-00142-00042659-00042796 [chuckles] eIVxz5iwMtI-00143-00042916-00043063 Hey, is that us? eIVxz5iwMtI-00144-00043106-00043269 [gasping] Oh, my gosh, that is us. eIVxz5iwMtI-00145-00043283-00043490 Oh, yeah, I'm wearing my red boots. eIVxz5iwMtI-00146-00043503-00043670 Um, can you zoom in tighter on Jade? eIVxz5iwMtI-00147-00043683-00043943 I think. Oh, zuma, zoom, zoom. eIVxz5iwMtI-00148-00044020-00044160 Um. [gasping] eIVxz5iwMtI-00149-00044367-00044621 No. Okay, no, I-I-I'm not-- eIVxz5iwMtI-00150-00044634-00044808 - Picking your nose? - Cat! eIVxz5iwMtI-00151-00044921-00045175 I was not picking it. I was just scratching eIVxz5iwMtI-00152-00045188-00045358 the outside of my nose, like this. eIVxz5iwMtI-00153-00045411-00045572 Um, yeah. You see, from this angle, eIVxz5iwMtI-00154-00045585-00045782 - just looks like you're pick-- - Don't say it! eIVxz5iwMtI-00155-00045929-00046142 Okay, nobody mentions this to anyone. eIVxz5iwMtI-00156-00046189-00046289 - We won't. - Promise. eIVxz5iwMtI-00157-00046302-00046436 You mean you picking your nose? eIVxz5iwMtI-00158-00046449-00046623 - Cat! - Come on. eIVxz5iwMtI-00159-00046636-00046780 I was scratching it. eIVxz5iwMtI-00160-00046793-00046913 Right eIVxz5iwMtI-00161-00047340-00047590 [laughing] eIVxz5iwMtI-00162-00047864-00048198 That was a great scene, Trina. eIVxz5iwMtI-00163-00048211-00048435 Really high quality television. eIVxz5iwMtI-00164-00048448-00048698 [kissing] Top notch acting. eIVxz5iwMtI-00165-00048782-00048955 Why are you here? Get out! eIVxz5iwMtI-00166-00048968-00049199 No, we want to watch you act. eIVxz5iwMtI-00167-00049212-00049422 Yeah. D-Does lady cheese boob get away eIVxz5iwMtI-00168-00049436-00049542 from the hungry mice children? eIVxz5iwMtI-00169-00049556-00049716 [gasping] eIVxz5iwMtI-00170-00049763-00049993 Trina, are these your amigas? eIVxz5iwMtI-00171-00050006-00050246 No. This is my mean sister and her rude friend. eIVxz5iwMtI-00172-00050260-00050513 Hey! Do not call me her friend! eIVxz5iwMtI-00173-00050677-00050834 Well, whoever these senoritas may be, eIVxz5iwMtI-00174-00050847-00050974 you are both muy pretty. eIVxz5iwMtI-00175-00050987-00051137 - Thank you. - Gracias. eIVxz5iwMtI-00176-00051151-00051284 We're just visiting. eIVxz5iwMtI-00177-00051297-00051431 Listen, we're about to film our next scene. eIVxz5iwMtI-00178-00051444-00051714 Would you like to be in the show with Trina? eIVxz5iwMtI-00179-00051808-00051915 Why her?! eIVxz5iwMtI-00180-00051928-00052058 Thank you, but I-I'd really rather not... eIVxz5iwMtI-00181-00052071-00052208 A'buh buh buh buh! eIVxz5iwMtI-00182-00052235-00052355 Remember the deal with Sikowitz. eIVxz5iwMtI-00183-00052402-00052599 - I don't want... - You have to do it. eIVxz5iwMtI-00184-00052612-00052705 [arguing] eIVxz5iwMtI-00185-00052719-00052826 Yes. eIVxz5iwMtI-00186-00053066-00053440 Yes. I will be in the next scene. eIVxz5iwMtI-00187-00053453-00053623 Wonderful. [chuckles] eIVxz5iwMtI-00188-00053743-00053900 Can she be in it, too? eIVxz5iwMtI-00189-00054043-00054197 [music playing] eIVxz5iwMtI-00190-00054210-00054310 Si! eIVxz5iwMtI-00191-00054324-00054501 [screaming] eIVxz5iwMtI-00192-00054514-00054657 Si! Si! eIVxz5iwMtI-00193-00054671-00054881 [screaming] eIVxz5iwMtI-00194-00054894-00054998 Si! eIVxz5iwMtI-00195-00055011-00055128 [screaming] eIVxz5iwMtI-00196-00055141-00055308 Si! Si! eIVxz5iwMtI-00197-00055348-00055508 Si! Rapido! eIVxz5iwMtI-00198-00055522-00055698 Come here! Hey! eK-sudD6jso-00000-00000036-00000972 lost edges what are they and why do they seem to be a secret for achieving painterly effects so eK-sudD6jso-00001-00000972-00001554 welcome to Monet Cafe I'm artist Susan Jenkins and in this lesson you'll be learning just that eK-sudD6jso-00002-00001554-00002316 and more this is a full pastel painting tutorial so I hope you learn lots and have lots of fun also eK-sudD6jso-00003-00002316-00002742 if you would go ahead and like this video I'd really appreciate it subscribe to this channel eK-sudD6jso-00004-00002742-00003294 if you haven't already and click that Bell icon to be notified of future videos if you're a patron of eK-sudD6jso-00005-00003294-00003834 mine on my patreon page you will be getting extra content and if you would like to become a patron eK-sudD6jso-00006-00003834-00004326 of mine it's only five dollars a month you help to support this channel keep the free videos coming eK-sudD6jso-00007-00004326-00004884 plus you join my patreon family the reference image oh my goodness this is such a lovely image eK-sudD6jso-00008-00004884-00005490 from it's a great site for copyright free reference images and I will have a clickable eK-sudD6jso-00009-00005490-00005988 link in the description of this video to be able to access this reference image if you're a patron eK-sudD6jso-00010-00005988-00006492 of mine on my patreon page you will be getting some extra goodies a traceable image that'll be eK-sudD6jso-00011-00006492-00007188 great for beginners also a downloadable copy of my color notes which will be helpful now let's go eK-sudD6jso-00012-00007188-00007595 ahead and talk about the products used in this lesson I think it'll be helpful I'll also have eK-sudD6jso-00013-00007595-00008220 clickable links in the description of this video the surface I'm using is called sennelier lockart eK-sudD6jso-00014-00008220-00008892 pastel card that's a long name but it's one of my favorite surfaces and I love that it lends eK-sudD6jso-00015-00008892-00009654 itself already to those lost edges those painterly edges and I'm going to be talking a lot about the eK-sudD6jso-00016-00009654-00010164 surface as I paint you can buy individual sheets of this surface but I like to buy it in a pad the eK-sudD6jso-00017-00010164-00010674 surface color I'll be using is kind of like a grayish blue I can't remember the exact name of eK-sudD6jso-00018-00010674-00011424 it but I already have my sketch in and here is a glimpse at The Pastels I have pre-chosen you eK-sudD6jso-00019-00011424-00012084 can see I have a varied palette the rectangular pastels are Terry Ludwig pastels and I even have eK-sudD6jso-00020-00012084-00012570 some sennelier Pastels in there as well which is the same company that makes the surface now eK-sudD6jso-00021-00012570-00013068 I've got a couple of blenders here and the one that I actually used for this painting was the eK-sudD6jso-00022-00013068-00013800 lighter colored one and it is a blender made by pan pastels they're called Soft sponge bars or art eK-sudD6jso-00023-00013800-00014304 sponges and you can get mine was the round but these little pointy ones work really great too eK-sudD6jso-00024-00014304-00014813 these smaller packs are quite affordable you can actually wash them and reuse them but they do make eK-sudD6jso-00025-00014813-00015516 other styles and they work great with the actual pan pastels themselves but I find they also work eK-sudD6jso-00026-00015516-00016176 great with regular pastels and they work really good on this sennelier paper it's a very textured eK-sudD6jso-00027-00016176-00016770 paper so you'll see me using that blender later in the video just to soften some things you'll eK-sudD6jso-00028-00016770-00017490 see me using a mix of real time and a little bit of Speed video as well because this painting it eK-sudD6jso-00029-00017490-00018000 took me it was around three hours long I find that when I do still life images especially something eK-sudD6jso-00030-00018054-00018696 with this complexity I would say it looks simple like a coffee cup but you've got to make sure eK-sudD6jso-00031-00018696-00019506 you get that ellipse that circular shape correct with the saucer so those things are something that eK-sudD6jso-00032-00019506-00020004 will make your painting look amateur very quickly if you don't get them right so I'm a little bit eK-sudD6jso-00033-00020004-00020616 fastidious with those things you know a leaf or a cloud it's okay if you get things a little bit eK-sudD6jso-00034-00020616-00021156 not where they are in the image but with something like this you definitely want to get things right eK-sudD6jso-00035-00021156-00021636 you will also get some really good close-up footage especially when I do the strawberries eK-sudD6jso-00036-00021636-00022170 I'm going to talk a lot about lost edges when I paint those strawberries and so I'm going to eK-sudD6jso-00037-00022170-00022824 try to give you the best footage possible but what I'm doing here is using a combination of some cool eK-sudD6jso-00038-00022824-00023598 colors with different values they're very neutral and they're very cool and I'm just emulating the eK-sudD6jso-00039-00023598-00024210 values that I'm that I see in that tablecloth and I will gradually really layer the values eK-sudD6jso-00040-00024210-00024768 now I'm going to speed up a little section coming up here because again the painting was about three eK-sudD6jso-00041-00024768-00025458 hours long so I'm going to make it to where I have teaching points that I'm making in this but what eK-sudD6jso-00042-00025458-00025974 I wanted to share here I think it helps to speed it up you can see how The Pastels start to blend eK-sudD6jso-00043-00025974-00026568 themselves and later I realized you know what I was getting a little bit too detailed for the eK-sudD6jso-00044-00026568-00027270 early stages of the tablecloth we often like to do what's called blocking in big shapes and values to eK-sudD6jso-00045-00027270-00027912 begin with and here's where you can see me using the blender this is the pan pastel blender again eK-sudD6jso-00046-00027912-00028452 the one that I used has a more of a rounded Edge instead of a pointy Edge they both either one eK-sudD6jso-00047-00028452-00029022 would work fine but I really just kind of wipe mine off on a paper towel when I change colors eK-sudD6jso-00048-00029022-00029645 and that seems to work great and it's just kind of softening some of the pastels that I've already eK-sudD6jso-00049-00029645-00030504 put down and my strategy with the tablecloth is basically to get in the basic values and color eK-sudD6jso-00050-00030504-00031158 temperatures there are some cooler areas in the tablecloth where there are some shadows and I'm eK-sudD6jso-00051-00031158-00031794 keeping it very neutral in this area one of the reasons for that is because it does look kind of eK-sudD6jso-00052-00031794-00032424 neutral and I don't want this background section the part that's behind the coffee cup to be much eK-sudD6jso-00053-00032424-00033012 of a focal point what would you say the focal point is in this composition well the strawberries eK-sudD6jso-00054-00033012-00034068 Lead You In definitely but obvious the coffee cup so things in nature typically are more detailed in eK-sudD6jso-00055-00034068-00034734 the foreground and gradually get less detailed in the background but we can push those facts about eK-sudD6jso-00056-00034734-00035262 nature as artists we have artistic license and I really wanted to keep the roses and the background eK-sudD6jso-00057-00035262-00036036 very out of focus and it kind of was in the photo anyway they used that photography trick where you eK-sudD6jso-00058-00036036-00036552 you can change the aperture to make that fuzzy background and it's really a neat effect and eK-sudD6jso-00059-00036552-00037212 it's very artistic as well and now you'll see me grabbing a blue and what I'm going to do with the eK-sudD6jso-00060-00037212-00037698 blue is use it where there are a little bit more Shadow it's a little bit darker in values than eK-sudD6jso-00061-00037698-00038358 some of those lighter tones I had put down and if I squint my eyes here's a here's a great trick for eK-sudD6jso-00062-00038358-00038970 if you are a beginner artist if you want to see values and general color temperatures more clearly eK-sudD6jso-00063-00039042-00039606 squint your eyes I mean really squint them a lot and look at your reference image and all of a eK-sudD6jso-00064-00039606-00040182 sudden you will see oh my goodness underneath some of those Roses it's pretty cool I'm almost seeing eK-sudD6jso-00065-00040182-00040698 a little bit of blue I get the question all the time is how did you know to use that color when eK-sudD6jso-00066-00040698-00041172 you didn't see it in the photo well there are little subtleties that you can see like right eK-sudD6jso-00067-00041172-00041694 now I'm using this purple if you look behind that coffee cup where I just put that purple I eK-sudD6jso-00068-00041694-00042168 I really see it and you probably would in this photo too if if you could see it more clearly eK-sudD6jso-00069-00042168-00042810 you can pull it up on from the link in the description of this video and you can see eK-sudD6jso-00070-00042810-00043488 it here I tried to keep the print out that I used beside me but occasionally I might throw the image eK-sudD6jso-00071-00043488-00044100 up here too so you can see what I'm painting while I'm painting it all right now here I am going to eK-sudD6jso-00072-00044100-00044712 speed up this background section I'll still talk through with some commentary but I'm still just eK-sudD6jso-00073-00044712-00045660 working on the basic values and I'm adding in a little bit of warmth I noticed that some areas eK-sudD6jso-00074-00045660-00046344 had a little bit of influence of the items that were around it often if you have red flowers on eK-sudD6jso-00075-00046344-00046944 a white tablecloth you'll get a little bit of that red color filtering down onto the white eK-sudD6jso-00076-00046944-00047526 tablecloth and even though this tablecloth you would say oh that's just a white what would that eK-sudD6jso-00077-00047526-00048246 be a linen tablecloth there are so many different subtleties of color in this and also there's quite eK-sudD6jso-00078-00048246-00048954 a bit of folding in the tablecloth and you start to notice those little nuances of value changes eK-sudD6jso-00079-00048954-00049698 and color temperature changes when things are in a crevice or the light is behind a fold you're eK-sudD6jso-00080-00049698-00050298 going to get more shadows in the valley areas and also too a great thing to do at the beginning of eK-sudD6jso-00081-00050298-00051054 a painting is to identify where your light source is and I could identify the light source in this eK-sudD6jso-00082-00051054-00051641 well you can see it on the strawberries there is um a highlight on the strawberries and also eK-sudD6jso-00083-00051641-00052194 in the coffee in the coffee cup can you see where the light will you could where the light area was eK-sudD6jso-00084-00052194-00052655 in that cup so you can tell the light source is kind of coming almost if you were looking at it eK-sudD6jso-00085-00052655-00053160 kind of from up and behind your head a little bit and so that's really going to help you a lot with eK-sudD6jso-00086-00053160-00053970 knowing where to add those shadows and those folds and areas in that tablecloth also too you see here eK-sudD6jso-00087-00053970-00054516 where the little teeny image is that I put up in the left corner if you shrink your image down eK-sudD6jso-00088-00054516-00055134 really small create a little thumbnail that also is a really neat way to quickly identify where eK-sudD6jso-00089-00055134-00055758 your big shapes and values are it sounds so silly to say make your image smaller to see more clearly eK-sudD6jso-00090-00055758-00056496 but you really are can more easily identify values in a thumbnail image just like I said eK-sudD6jso-00091-00056496-00057114 before squint so you can see more clearly but uh by squinting you're actually filtering out out the eK-sudD6jso-00092-00057114-00057720 light thus more easily able to identify values and I'm still playing around with this adding some of eK-sudD6jso-00093-00057720-00058674 those cooler tones that I'm just sensing would be cooler in those shadowy areas and you can see too eK-sudD6jso-00094-00058674-00059466 I've added some of those greens around the Roses where the leaves will be notice I did not add eK-sudD6jso-00095-00059466-00060090 there are some warmer tones in those leaves warmer colors in those leaves but with pastel painting eK-sudD6jso-00096-00060090-00060654 with a lot of painting actually acrylic and oil as well we typically work dark to light we lay down eK-sudD6jso-00097-00060654-00061308 our darker values and because the medium is opaque we're able to lay light over dark and so you see eK-sudD6jso-00098-00061308-00062196 I got the strawberry little leaves on top as well and you'll gradually see me layering lighter and eK-sudD6jso-00099-00062196-00062790 warmer values on tops now I'm getting in some of the folds now in this tablecloth again like I eK-sudD6jso-00100-00062790-00063762 said I I almost over are detailed work too much on that tablecloth in the background and I later you eK-sudD6jso-00101-00063762-00064272 know even when you've been painting a long time sometimes you have to remind yourself of the basic eK-sudD6jso-00102-00064272-00064800 rules which is the big shapes and the blocking in so I really could have been a little faster eK-sudD6jso-00103-00064800-00065255 of this painting if I remembered that which is what I start to do now with the tablecloth you'll eK-sudD6jso-00104-00065255-00065964 see as I work I do more of that blocking in so I am trying now let's talk a little bit about the eK-sudD6jso-00105-00065964-00067074 point of this video which is lost edges and a lost Edge is creating an edge where there's a division eK-sudD6jso-00106-00067074-00067830 there's a change of subject matter without using a line I had a patreon lesson one time that was eK-sudD6jso-00107-00067830-00068544 online versus Edge lines are typically think of that more like drawing you have um and there's eK-sudD6jso-00108-00068544-00068928 nothing wrong with lines I mean sometimes you'll use a line in a painting but if you want that eK-sudD6jso-00109-00068928-00069714 painterly look we focus more on these edges it means one value next to another value it's more eK-sudD6jso-00110-00069714-00070506 of a think of a a big block of light next to a big block of dark you're gonna have that illusion eK-sudD6jso-00111-00070506-00071124 of a line basically often I'll break my pastels like I did there I just needed it to be a little eK-sudD6jso-00112-00071124-00071670 smaller but you're going to have that illusion of a separation and it feels like a line you can see eK-sudD6jso-00113-00071670-00072198 how it's happened here where some of the lighter areas are next to some of those darker areas that eK-sudD6jso-00114-00072198-00072966 I've put down you to get that optical illusion of a line and it's really just two values juxtaposed eK-sudD6jso-00115-00072966-00073506 to each other so that is something you want to focus on if you want that painterly look eK-sudD6jso-00116-00073506-00074376 avoid a lot of linear strokes and if you do have them have them in strategic areas and have them eK-sudD6jso-00117-00074376-00074994 very gestural which you'll see me do later with some of the coffee cup highlights I have a few eK-sudD6jso-00118-00074994-00075708 little linear Strokes on those so really this is still just the blocking in stage but you see it eK-sudD6jso-00119-00075708-00076266 starts to come together and you have to learn to be patient with these things because when I eK-sudD6jso-00120-00076266-00076848 was first starting with soft pastel painting I thought that it needed to look like that thing eK-sudD6jso-00121-00076848-00077616 that I was painting right away and it's going to look a little odd for a while which is actually eK-sudD6jso-00122-00077616-00078390 a good thing Embrace that what many artists call the Adolescent phase because if you go go in and eK-sudD6jso-00123-00078390-00078942 you start getting overly detailed on one thing particularly and then you move to the next thing eK-sudD6jso-00124-00078942-00080004 you are going to lose that Harmony that painterly feel that feeling of impressionism rather than if eK-sudD6jso-00125-00080004-00080676 you work the whole the blocking in stage getting these values in like I was saying the big basic eK-sudD6jso-00126-00080676-00081432 shapes and also another reason that it kind of looks a little odd for a while is especially if eK-sudD6jso-00127-00081432-00081828 you're working on a really sanded surface like this I'm going to talk a little bit more about eK-sudD6jso-00128-00081828-00082536 this surface right now the sennelier pastelicart card it's very textured and there are some artists eK-sudD6jso-00129-00082536-00083142 who have said they have a little bit of a hard time working on it maybe because it is very eK-sudD6jso-00130-00083142-00083970 textured but I find that it layers so beautifully but because it's so textured it it takes a while eK-sudD6jso-00131-00083970-00084450 for those layers to start to actually look like something it's going to look a little eK-sudD6jso-00132-00084516-00085206 um uh uh broken or textural for a while until you get enough pastels down for it to them to eK-sudD6jso-00133-00085206-00085818 start to actually blend themselves but definitely resist that urge to get too detailed in any one eK-sudD6jso-00134-00085818-00086424 area okay so now you see I've gotten in some of the greens for the the leaves and the Roses some eK-sudD6jso-00135-00086424-00087030 of the greens that are in the strawberries and now again like I said a lot of times with pastels we eK-sudD6jso-00136-00087030-00087612 work dark to light I got in a pretty rich burgundy I'm just squinting my eyes and looking at where eK-sudD6jso-00137-00087612-00088320 the darkest darks are for these strawberries and it was definitely on those underneath sides I've eK-sudD6jso-00138-00088320-00088890 zoomed in here a bit more so you can watch me work this is a Terry Ludwig I think it's from the Terry eK-sudD6jso-00139-00088890-00089814 Ludwig darks set they have a Terry Ludwig darks one and two Terry Ludwig is a U.S company they are eK-sudD6jso-00140-00089814-00090618 wonderful people I just love their company and I love their pastels and they perform beautifully on eK-sudD6jso-00141-00090618-00091500 this sennelier la carte pastel card it's like they're they're so nice and soft and smooth that eK-sudD6jso-00142-00091500-00092496 they just fill that tooth um just very beautifully smoothly and they just feel like butter when you eK-sudD6jso-00143-00092496-00093054 apply them again I've used a combination of different pastels and now you'll see me move eK-sudD6jso-00144-00093054-00093666 on from the strawberries often what I do is if I have a pastel in my hand before grabbing another eK-sudD6jso-00145-00093666-00094182 color to work on the strawberries I'll see where I can use that color somewhere else in the painting eK-sudD6jso-00146-00094182-00094794 and not only is it efficient because you know you already got it in your hand you might as well use eK-sudD6jso-00147-00094794-00095598 it it also will cause your painting to become more harmonious I will sometimes use a color even if I eK-sudD6jso-00148-00095598-00096132 don't really see it in the reference image if I can fudge a little bit and say oh there might be eK-sudD6jso-00149-00096132-00096828 a little bit of that dark red or or a pretty blue somewhere else I'll might add a little pop of it eK-sudD6jso-00150-00096828-00097542 in that place as long as it's not too odd just to keep that the painting feeling connected now this eK-sudD6jso-00151-00097542-00098202 is another really pretty almost like a cranberry reddish color and again working that dark to light eK-sudD6jso-00152-00098202-00098784 strategy it's a little bit lighter in value than the first one I put down I think this is also a eK-sudD6jso-00153-00098784-00099336 Terry Ludwig pastel the other one had a little more Brown in it I think this one might have a eK-sudD6jso-00154-00099336-00099990 little bit more magenta to it but look at how my marks they're just kind of scumbling and this is eK-sudD6jso-00155-00099990-00100686 also going to help with those lost edges there's no lines here these are just colors in blocked eK-sudD6jso-00156-00100686-00101502 out fashion and I think it's kind of fascinating I actually love re-watching my videos and doing eK-sudD6jso-00157-00101502-00102198 a voiceover like I'm doing now because I get to watch as an observer rather than just painting eK-sudD6jso-00158-00102198-00102935 it and I get to be mesmerized by the process of how it really does start to come together okay eK-sudD6jso-00159-00102935-00103800 you can see this is a it's a warm red but it's a lighter value and why am I putting a lighter value eK-sudD6jso-00160-00103800-00104490 here well that is my source of light is in that general area you're also going to see me later eK-sudD6jso-00161-00104490-00105150 adding some of these colors to the areas where Shadows are just a little bit of a hint of that eK-sudD6jso-00162-00105150-00105858 red where the light but light bounces off light in color bounces off of each other and when you can eK-sudD6jso-00163-00105858-00106428 sort of just learn a little bit of the rules of how light behaves it's just going to enhance your eK-sudD6jso-00164-00106428-00107022 ability as an artist and look at that gorgeous red that's another Terry Ludwig I used a lot of Terry eK-sudD6jso-00165-00107022-00107628 Ludwig's in this painting they're just so luscious again they work great with the sennelier paper and eK-sudD6jso-00166-00107628-00108311 what I'm doing you can't see my face here thank goodness because I I never fix up and but I'm eK-sudD6jso-00167-00108311-00108906 squinting my eyes really hard and I'm looking at the strawberry and I'm seeing not just the eK-sudD6jso-00168-00108906-00109572 values but I'm seeing the form of the strawberry and sometimes I will I use my fingers sometimes eK-sudD6jso-00169-00109572-00110183 just to knock things off and blend I don't like to over blend but I will see the form and how eK-sudD6jso-00170-00110183-00110808 the shape is of the strawberry and I'll make my Strokes in a way to enhance that three-dimensional eK-sudD6jso-00171-00110808-00111264 feel of the strawberry give that illusion of three dimensions even though I'm working eK-sudD6jso-00172-00111264-00112074 on a two-dimensional surface so just scumbling in colors and values and it's like I've said so many eK-sudD6jso-00173-00112074-00112535 times now I think I know I never heard anybody else say this so I think it's my expression eK-sudD6jso-00174-00112535-00113202 painting is easy Once you know the rules and I made it so hard when I first started painting eK-sudD6jso-00175-00113202-00113808 because I didn't know any rules I was using my own rules so when I started finally learning some eK-sudD6jso-00176-00113808-00114306 things I love to share the story that's how Monet Cafe started I started making a little video and eK-sudD6jso-00177-00114306-00114876 telling people hey this is how I used to do it now this is how I do it and so that was kind of the eK-sudD6jso-00178-00114930-00115644 the birth of Monet Cafe but you can see now just by a few values and colors it's starting to take eK-sudD6jso-00179-00115644-00116466 form that strawberry is gradually starting to feel like it's sticking out from the paper and eK-sudD6jso-00180-00116466-00117432 um this also is still using the strategy of Edge versus line I'm just putting in little eK-sudD6jso-00181-00117432-00118290 marks I'm not making any lines and they really will help your painting feel impressionistic and eK-sudD6jso-00182-00118290-00118902 have that painterly style that I know so many strive for those are what some of the comments eK-sudD6jso-00183-00118902-00119532 that I get most often on my channel is I really want a more painterly style and you may find it eK-sudD6jso-00184-00119532-00120083 hard to believe I I keep leaning more and more pain early I actually am doing things that are eK-sudD6jso-00185-00120083-00120930 a bit more abstract and I'm loving it but when I first started I was really detailed and very eK-sudD6jso-00186-00120930-00121500 realistic now I do admire photo realism people who can do that but everybody's got their own eK-sudD6jso-00187-00121500-00122009 thing and I just love that painterly look I think it's just beautiful it's romantic eK-sudD6jso-00188-00122009-00122561 looking to me and and passionate looking and I'm like you know what we're artists we can eK-sudD6jso-00189-00122670-00123642 um make the world through our eyes and create something that isn't exactly like what you see in eK-sudD6jso-00190-00123642-00124188 the photo or the image so it's a lot of fun now I found when I was adding some of these colors eK-sudD6jso-00191-00124248-00124758 I found that there were I didn't purposely plan some of these spaces you know where the little eK-sudD6jso-00192-00124758-00125352 strawberry seeds are but the paper because it's so textured I started to see where there were eK-sudD6jso-00193-00125352-00125970 some little um parts of the paper peeking through and I decided to kind of let it be my guide you'll eK-sudD6jso-00194-00125970-00126516 see me kind of develop that as I go look at that it's already starting to look like a strawberry so eK-sudD6jso-00195-00126576-00127176 um as I move I progress through the painting you'll see me get to the phase of where I adding eK-sudD6jso-00196-00127176-00127661 those final little glistening highlights a little bit darker areas where some of the seeds are eK-sudD6jso-00197-00127661-00128418 but you will notice later as I'm painting the strawberries that I resist the urge to really eK-sudD6jso-00198-00128418-00128916 even measure and get all those strawberry seeds exactly where they need to go you want to get it eK-sudD6jso-00199-00128994-00129792 um botanically suggestively accurate but you don't have to put every seed in there put a few eK-sudD6jso-00200-00129792-00130350 and because if you do put every seed in there all of a sudden you have taken that that viewer and eK-sudD6jso-00201-00130350-00130842 gotten them to focus on the strawberries and it will become a barrier to going into the painting eK-sudD6jso-00202-00130842-00131790 So suggest a few that you think would be just the most appropriate to suggest sometimes it's just a eK-sudD6jso-00203-00131790-00132618 gut feeling and then move on as I've done here and now I uh a couple of things I need to continue to eK-sudD6jso-00204-00132618-00133206 block in are the coffee cup and the roses in the background and then I'll gradually start working eK-sudD6jso-00205-00133206-00133662 the whole but I am going to have to speed up a few things here or this fit I'm 22 minutes into eK-sudD6jso-00206-00133662-00134256 it right now so I'm going to speed up a few things I'll talk through it and probably add some music eK-sudD6jso-00207-00134256-00135006 but I'm going to focus a lot on the roses and the strawberries as those progress because I think eK-sudD6jso-00208-00135006-00135642 those are some great teaching opportunities for lost edges often I like to establish My Darkest eK-sudD6jso-00209-00135642-00136224 dark and lightest light and in the coffee cup situation here I know my darkest dark is that eK-sudD6jso-00210-00136338-00136896 um interior part of the cup where there is actual coffee and again the top part it looks almost like eK-sudD6jso-00211-00136896-00137454 an upside down crescent moon is going to be where I see the Highlight but I got in some eK-sudD6jso-00212-00137454-00138162 of the light elements on the um the the handle of the coffee cup and a little bit on some of eK-sudD6jso-00213-00138162-00138894 the rim and you'll see me develop some of these Shadows that are not only on the cup but also on eK-sudD6jso-00214-00138894-00139500 the saucer now they may look a little bit dark at first but I know that as I gradually start eK-sudD6jso-00215-00139500-00140214 adding other colors and values that things will lighten up now I am going to be speeding things eK-sudD6jso-00216-00140214-00141138 up a bit this lesson on Lost edges is best taut I think by the strawberries and the Roses eK-sudD6jso-00217-00141246-00142044 um I will have hopefully a future video on things like ellipses and more detail drawing eK-sudD6jso-00218-00142044-00142920 on still life objects but but I gotta I gotta just be honest with you guys uh this is uh editing post eK-sudD6jso-00219-00142920-00143604 hurricane Ian and um if you followed my channel for a while you know that my husband and I went eK-sudD6jso-00220-00143604-00144378 through hurricane Irma in 2017 with some really devastating losses we lost our home due to a flood eK-sudD6jso-00221-00144378-00145080 we ended up ended up renovating it and selling it but uh it was we were living out of a travel eK-sudD6jso-00222-00145080-00145740 trailer for a while with my two College age boys and and so but you know what everything is ends up eK-sudD6jso-00223-00145854-00146658 um Romans 8 28 God works all things for good and some people end it right there but there's more to eK-sudD6jso-00224-00146658-00147264 them who are the called according to his purpose okay it's not always our purpose what we think is eK-sudD6jso-00225-00147264-00147966 great for our lives because God really did take that storm and create a rainbow out of it and so eK-sudD6jso-00226-00147966-00148470 you know we just went through hurricane Ian we did not have the devastating loss that we had before eK-sudD6jso-00227-00148470-00149178 but we have a we have some damage and we have uh family members friends neighbors that we're eK-sudD6jso-00228-00149178-00149934 helping and so that's why Monet Cafe had a little pause in some content but uh so I'm a little bit eK-sudD6jso-00229-00149934-00150582 tired right now so I'm speeding this section up but at about I think it's about 26 minutes into eK-sudD6jso-00230-00150582-00151092 this I'm going to slow it up and I'm going to talk to you a little bit more about some of the eK-sudD6jso-00231-00151188-00151992 um colors and values that I'm using inside the coffee cup to give that illusion of three eK-sudD6jso-00232-00151992-00152724 dimension and reflection and then I'm also going to have slower content during the final creation eK-sudD6jso-00233-00152724-00153144 of the strawberries and a little bit more with those Roses again this video I mean this eK-sudD6jso-00234-00153144-00153990 painting was about three hours long longer than my normal painting So and that was recorded prior eK-sudD6jso-00235-00153990-00154770 to Hurricane Ian and so I was just left with the footage when we had to prep and try to save a lot eK-sudD6jso-00236-00154770-00155424 of things before the storm so as I typically do I'm just blabbing on I really feel like I'm like eK-sudD6jso-00237-00155424-00156072 in y'all's living room or a little cubby where you have your art studio and I just feel a sense of eK-sudD6jso-00238-00156072-00156852 intimacy often when I talk during a voice over and so I I guess I'm just going to keep talking during eK-sudD6jso-00239-00156852-00157578 this sped up section and yeah at that point I needed some coffee myself so I added a little bit eK-sudD6jso-00240-00157578-00158250 of warmth now notice everything felt very cool and I know that there was some light shining on this eK-sudD6jso-00241-00158250-00158880 coffee cup and the light was catching inside that inner part that I'm working on right there it was eK-sudD6jso-00242-00158880-00159348 catching on a little bit of the saucer my saucer is a little wonky right now I have to kind of eK-sudD6jso-00243-00159348-00160356 reshape that but fortunately pastel surfaces like the sennelier pastel la carte card you have quite eK-sudD6jso-00244-00160356-00160974 a decent amount of layering you can do so not that you want to be haphazard with correcting things eK-sudD6jso-00245-00160974-00161430 but you do have some leeway there all right now see that dark dark I added eK-sudD6jso-00246-00161430-00162066 okay contrast creates focal interest and that dark dark next to the light of the cup eK-sudD6jso-00247-00162066-00162534 is the obvious focal point so even though those strawberries are pretty interesting eK-sudD6jso-00248-00162630-00163158 um that's going to be a focal point now here's the part I was talking about um the light because that eK-sudD6jso-00249-00163158-00163722 some what does sunlight do it warms you up right so it warms up colors it warmed up that coffee eK-sudD6jso-00250-00163722-00164352 in that coffee cup so at that little Rim where the coffee meets the cup there are some warmer eK-sudD6jso-00251-00164352-00165000 values there's another luscious Terry Ludwig right there and um some I didn't want to go too eK-sudD6jso-00252-00165000-00165600 light you got to watch your values you want to if you get your values right everything's just gonna eK-sudD6jso-00253-00165600-00166248 sing and and going to work in your painting and so I want to make sure I didn't get them too light eK-sudD6jso-00254-00166344-00166968 um so I'm adding a little bit of that pretty kind of Burgundy rich brick color there and eK-sudD6jso-00255-00166968-00167574 and a little bit more look at that beautiful dark there just analyzing the reference image eK-sudD6jso-00256-00167574-00168402 and making sure my darks are where they need to be and now I decide okay I've I've kind of got that eK-sudD6jso-00257-00168402-00168918 in the coffee cup looks good other than fixing the ellipse of the saucer and then I'm going to eK-sudD6jso-00258-00168918-00169440 move on I lightened up a little bit there is light shining on that top part of the coffee eK-sudD6jso-00259-00169440-00170028 sitting in the cup and now let's start working on these roses now if you remember if you're still eK-sudD6jso-00260-00170028-00170772 hanging in there for this long for this video if you remember I said that I wanted these roses to eK-sudD6jso-00261-00170772-00171444 be painterly impressionistic and not get too much focal attention oh but pause that thought eK-sudD6jso-00262-00171444-00172032 for a minute because I realized I needed a little bit of punch look at that beautiful orange Terry eK-sudD6jso-00263-00172032-00172632 Ludwig and this one's a little bit darker and that just gave that little hint of light hitting coffee eK-sudD6jso-00264-00172632-00173298 you know coffee in sunlight it does have a little bit of warmth to it the color of the actual coffee eK-sudD6jso-00265-00173298-00174066 so uh that is going to really help develop the focal point strategy too the contrast when you eK-sudD6jso-00266-00174066-00174564 have light next to dark your eye goes to that so that's a focal strategy and that little difference eK-sudD6jso-00267-00174564-00175182 of color is a contra is a color contrast element for focal point so now I'm going to work on these eK-sudD6jso-00268-00175182-00175944 roses and I want you to notice how loose and painterly I'm doing this now years ago I would eK-sudD6jso-00269-00175944-00176592 have felt like I had to try to get every rose petal correct and now I've learned over the years eK-sudD6jso-00270-00176592-00177522 that I don't want the viewer to focus too much on these roses they're an exit Point okay you're eK-sudD6jso-00271-00177522-00177996 going to come in I think I love this reference photo so much it had kind of a nice s-shaped eK-sudD6jso-00272-00177996-00178410 curve to it you come in at the strawberries you curve around to the coffee cup then you eK-sudD6jso-00273-00178410-00179094 curve back around going out to those flowers and it had a a natural focal point strength to eK-sudD6jso-00274-00179094-00179700 it the strawberries were a bit in Focus the cup is in the center the which I usually don't like eK-sudD6jso-00275-00179700-00180204 things in the center like with the landscape but it worked it worked well for this reference image eK-sudD6jso-00276-00180282-00181092 um and then the roses are just a suggestion at the end of the painting so now I am going to eK-sudD6jso-00277-00181092-00181662 add some music for your listening pleasure as you watch this but I'll be back at around 34 eK-sudD6jso-00278-00181662-00182388 minutes into the video to share more on the topic of lost edges when I work more on the strawberries eK-sudD6jso-00279-00182388-00183156 but continue to watch as I develop these roses noticing that I'm really just working on values eK-sudD6jso-00280-00183156-00183804 colors and keeping it nice and painterly and loose alright enjoy this music I'll be back eK-sudD6jso-00281-00186198-00187692 thank you eK-sudD6jso-00282-00188886-00189054 foreign eK-sudD6jso-00283-00189840-00189882 foreign eK-sudD6jso-00284-00193326-00194310 thank you eK-sudD6jso-00285-00196140-00197130 foreign eK-sudD6jso-00286-00197268-00197286 foreign eK-sudD6jso-00287-00200664-00200964 foreign eK-sudD6jso-00288-00204012-00204450 foreign eK-sudD6jso-00289-00205428-00206669 I've got a really nice deep burgundy in my hand I'm adding a little bit to some of the eK-sudD6jso-00290-00206669-00207504 creases and centers of the Roses but I'm also going to use this color as a dark underneath eK-sudD6jso-00291-00207504-00208086 some of the shadowy areas of these strawberries that's going to really make them feel grounded eK-sudD6jso-00292-00208086-00208919 and three-dimensional I thought I would also go ahead and zoom in on a little glimmer of light eK-sudD6jso-00293-00208919-00209736 I noticed that the the little highlight inside the lighter area of the coffee cup was kind of eK-sudD6jso-00294-00209736-00210228 a little bluish tint I just softened the edges a little bit with my finger and it really gives eK-sudD6jso-00295-00210228-00210984 that little reflection also adding some purples I love deep purples and shadows here I'm still eK-sudD6jso-00296-00210984-00211662 developing some of the Reds I use a combination of darker Reds and burgundies and lighter Reds eK-sudD6jso-00297-00211662-00212310 and burgundies but also cooler and warmer Reds in both the strawberries and the Roses now you can eK-sudD6jso-00298-00212310-00212969 see remember how I said I worked dark to light now I'm adding this really nice cool green it's just a eK-sudD6jso-00299-00212969-00213588 little bit lighter in value than the dark green I had put down and I'm I'm popping a little bit eK-sudD6jso-00300-00213588-00214134 of that in with the Roses as well keep in mind dark to light I put my darker values down first eK-sudD6jso-00301-00214134-00214752 laying those lighter values and keeping color temperature in mind because often when things eK-sudD6jso-00302-00214752-00215496 are in Shadow your greens are even going to be cooler they're not so warm and like that sunlight eK-sudD6jso-00303-00215496-00216198 green like the one I have in my hand now which I have reserved to final marks at the end just eK-sudD6jso-00304-00216198-00216846 where the sun is glinting on some of those leaves of the strawberries what are those things called eK-sudD6jso-00305-00216846-00217271 at the tops of strawberries I don't know you guys are always so great at commenting and letting me eK-sudD6jso-00306-00217271-00217817 know these things I'm learning learning so much from you guys that's awesome so now I'm adding eK-sudD6jso-00307-00217817-00218664 notice this is warmer can you tell this is warmer um some of the warmth from the Sun or whatever the eK-sudD6jso-00308-00218664-00219228 light source is that's hitting this coffee cup I'm allowing it to highlight just those little edges eK-sudD6jso-00309-00219228-00219798 and rims again lost edges notice I don't have any lines and now I'm using that little burgundy eK-sudD6jso-00310-00219798-00220517 to kind of carve in some of those dark areas again those have little seeds in there in the eK-sudD6jso-00311-00220517-00221273 strawberries but I'm resisting the urge to paint every seed and I'm just letting um I I don't know eK-sudD6jso-00312-00221273-00221880 I'm being a little intuitive with this and looking at the reference image but also feeling where the eK-sudD6jso-00313-00221880-00222480 strawberries would be now why would I be layering this kind of cool color that neutral grayish eK-sudD6jso-00314-00222480-00223230 blue and now this purpley color I'm seeing the highlights are a little bit cool so that really eK-sudD6jso-00315-00223230-00223890 gave some color interest made this more painterly and fun we want our paintings to be fun a visual eK-sudD6jso-00316-00223890-00224621 treat for the viewer now I'm using this little red again just tapping in little areas that would be eK-sudD6jso-00317-00224621-00225090 around where some of those seeds would be I've noticed I haven't done a lot of strawberries but eK-sudD6jso-00318-00225090-00225623 I've noticed it's like there's a little divot the seed is pressed in so you get a little bit of a eK-sudD6jso-00319-00225623-00226236 shadow around where the seed is and then a little bit of a highlight because the seeds are kind of eK-sudD6jso-00320-00226236-00226980 light the actual seeds is really small kind of light so that's my that's how my strategy is and eK-sudD6jso-00321-00226980-00227784 I think it came off as believable but also back to the focus of this video painterly impressionistic eK-sudD6jso-00322-00227784-00228378 and loose I don't have to paint every seed in this now I'm giving a hint I think I changed my mind eK-sudD6jso-00323-00228378-00229104 with that I was like that was too much contrast in value so I decided to grab a little bit of eK-sudD6jso-00324-00229104-00229769 warm oranges can you see that it's a lighter value but it's not as light as that first one that I put eK-sudD6jso-00325-00229769-00230262 on there that would have looked very artificial and fake these are more believable I think that eK-sudD6jso-00326-00230262-00230880 happens off often we see something as oh that's white or that's really light when really the eK-sudD6jso-00327-00230880-00231467 value is a little bit darker than you think so I think you can tell that from the the oranges that eK-sudD6jso-00328-00231467-00232026 I put down versus that creamy color that I started with now I'm using this little bit of a brownish eK-sudD6jso-00329-00232026-00232746 to go in and add where maybe some of those little Shadows are where some of the seeds are again not eK-sudD6jso-00330-00232746-00233376 everywhere if it's everywhere it's nowhere the first person I artist I heard say that was Marla eK-sudD6jso-00331-00233376-00233969 bagetta I don't know who originally said it but I give her the credit for that so now look at this eK-sudD6jso-00332-00233969-00234684 nice neutral kind of a greenish neutral Golden Green is that a good description of that color eK-sudD6jso-00333-00234684-00235278 but it's really given that feeling I knocked down with my finger that first light color I put down eK-sudD6jso-00334-00235278-00235704 there and it's starting to feel like strawberries right I mean it does to me let me know if you eK-sudD6jso-00335-00235704-00236556 think it does give me a comment and um oh this is a really pretty Terry Ludwig look at that Coral eK-sudD6jso-00336-00236556-00237192 pink color this is going to be where some of my lighter values are of the glints of light that's eK-sudD6jso-00337-00237192-00237846 hitting some of these areas of the strawberries and I thought that this color was great because eK-sudD6jso-00338-00237846-00238290 it was a little bit different than some of the Reds that I had it's like I said it's a little eK-sudD6jso-00339-00238290-00238812 bit more coral color and I thought they came out really fun I like these strawberries I thought eK-sudD6jso-00340-00238812-00239526 this painting and the reference image had a lot of neat focal points but again you don't want to eK-sudD6jso-00341-00239592-00240282 over emphasize everything pick the things usually the thing you want to emphasize is what Drew you eK-sudD6jso-00342-00240282-00240912 to that reference image in the first place and I I think it was just the beautiful composition eK-sudD6jso-00343-00240912-00241566 of course the coffee cup but that lead-in of the strawberries as well the roses are a little bit eK-sudD6jso-00344-00241566-00242202 more of a supporting character and an afterthought and I'm still developing these strawberries but eK-sudD6jso-00345-00242202-00242844 also notice that this sennelier la carte pastel card has allowed for a decent amount of layering eK-sudD6jso-00346-00242844-00243312 I don't want to overdo it because if I keep layering and layering what's going to happen eK-sudD6jso-00347-00243312-00244056 is my color is going to get muddy and I'm going to lose the beautiful quality about soft pastels to eK-sudD6jso-00348-00244056-00244656 begin with they're one of the most vibrant colors of any medium it's because they're almost all eK-sudD6jso-00349-00244656-00245490 pure pigment there's very little binder in soft pastels so I I think that they ended up looking eK-sudD6jso-00350-00245490-00246060 painterly again let me know what you think I felt like they looked three-dimensional it's a final eK-sudD6jso-00351-00246060-00246666 point because this video is already 41 minutes long I took a blue and remember what I said about eK-sudD6jso-00352-00246666-00247512 a highlight sometimes it's not white and I took this blue and I did these little um swirls almost eK-sudD6jso-00353-00247512-00248250 oval shaped swirls around where I thought some of those seeds were remember the seeds are pressed in eK-sudD6jso-00354-00248250-00249108 so it's a little darker in the center and the outer part is going to catch the Highlight so eK-sudD6jso-00355-00249108-00249648 I just suggested that and I thought it made that feel a little bit more strawberry-ish eK-sudD6jso-00356-00249648-00250362 if that's a word so here is a little bit more of those final little highlights of warmth on eK-sudD6jso-00357-00250362-00250817 some of the greenery of the strawberries trying to keep in mind that the warmest eK-sudD6jso-00358-00250908-00251508 colors and the lightest values are only going to be where the light is hitting them and now I'm eK-sudD6jso-00359-00251508-00251976 adding just a little bit more like I said of that blue this time I'm just glazing it a little bit eK-sudD6jso-00360-00251976-00252642 on some areas and just enhancing that highlight of the strawberries a little bit more now I did eK-sudD6jso-00361-00252642-00253296 want to lighten some things up I'm looking now at where some of the cloth is lighter where the eK-sudD6jso-00362-00253296-00253998 light is catching it and just literally just giving it a little glaze turning the pastel on eK-sudD6jso-00363-00253998-00254682 its side and you've probably noticed the majority of my Strokes are not linear they're using pastels eK-sudD6jso-00364-00254682-00255354 on their sides or just maybe a slight little edge of the pastel that again is going to help you to eK-sudD6jso-00365-00255354-00256169 create those painterly edges lost edges they're called Lost edges really let me let me just wrap eK-sudD6jso-00366-00256169-00256973 it up with this video they're they're not defined it's a it's just a suggestion of an edge and and eK-sudD6jso-00367-00256973-00257850 again those soft and easy edges are going to help your painting I want to personally thank all of my eK-sudD6jso-00368-00257850-00258564 patrons on my patreon page my husband and I thank you so much your support has helped me keep these eK-sudD6jso-00369-00258564-00259158 videos coming to many all over the world and help us just keep going personally as well so God bless eK-sudD6jso-00370-00259158-00260442 you all thank you so much comment like this video and as always God bless and happy painting foreign eLe3ZPdRjuu-00000-00000000-00000200 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته eLe3ZPdRjuu-00001-00000200-00000400 See you again with Ahmad 81 eLe3ZPdRjuu-00002-00000400-00000600 this is a great Indonesian rice field eLe3ZPdRjuu-00003-00000600-00000800 Indonesian agriculture is very broad eLe3ZPdRjuu-00005-00001000-00001200 there is no irrigation here eM52Mu4rac8-00000-00002018-00002305 >>> HELLO AND WELCOME TO MID-AMERICAN GARDENER. eM52Mu4rac8-00001-00002305-00002617 WE ARE SO THANKFUL THAT YOU HAVE JOINED US. eM52Mu4rac8-00002-00002617-00002717 WE ARE GLAD THAT YOU ARE HERE. eM52Mu4rac8-00003-00002717-00003303 WE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT PLANTS AND BUGS AND INSECTS AND DISEASES AND ALL THINGS GARDENING. eM52Mu4rac8-00004-00003303-00003446 SO THANKS FOR JOINING US. eM52Mu4rac8-00005-00003446-00003571 MY NAME IS DIANNE NOLAND. eM52Mu4rac8-00006-00003571-00004061 I TEACH HORTICULTURE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ON THE URBANA-CHAMPAIGN CAMPUS, AND eM52Mu4rac8-00007-00004061-00004239 I AM IN THE CROP SCIENCES DEPARTMENT. eM52Mu4rac8-00008-00004239-00004777 IF THERE ARE ANY CUT FLOWER QUESTIONS OR PERENNIAL LANDSCAPING QUESTIONS, I WILL ANSWER THOSE, eM52Mu4rac8-00009-00004777-00005136 BUT THERE ARE THREE HIGHLY TALENTED PEOPLE RIGHT HERE WITH ME. eM52Mu4rac8-00010-00005136-00005640 LET'S FIND OUT THEIR AREA OF EXPERTISE, AND YOU CAN DIRECT YOUR CALLS AND YOUR INTEREST eM52Mu4rac8-00011-00005640-00005740 TOWARDS THEIR AREA. eM52Mu4rac8-00012-00005740-00005926 I WILL START FIRST WITH MIKE BRUNK. eM52Mu4rac8-00013-00005926-00006026 HI, MIKE. eM52Mu4rac8-00014-00006026-00006126 >> GOOD EVENING. eM52Mu4rac8-00015-00006126-00006226 HOW ARE YOU? eM52Mu4rac8-00016-00006226-00006326 >> DOING GOOD. eM52Mu4rac8-00017-00006326-00006614 I AM A CITY ARBORIST WITH THE CITY OF URBANA. eM52Mu4rac8-00018-00006614-00006784 MY SPECIALTY IS TREES. eM52Mu4rac8-00019-00006784-00007213 I KNOW A LITTLE BIT ABOUT TURF AND SOME THINGS ABOUT LANDSCAPE RECYCLING. eM52Mu4rac8-00020-00007213-00007313 >> EXCELLENT. eM52Mu4rac8-00021-00007313-00007702 WELL, NOW WE ARE GOING TO ASK YOU TO ANSWER A QUESTION. eM52Mu4rac8-00022-00007702-00007881 WHAT HAVE YOU GOT FOR US? eM52Mu4rac8-00023-00007881-00007981 >> ALL RIGHT. eM52Mu4rac8-00024-00007981-00008361 I HAVE GOT ACTUALLY TWO QUESTIONS THAT ARE SIMILAR. eM52Mu4rac8-00025-00008361-00008853 SO I AM GOING TO READ THEM BOTH AND GIVE THEM BOTH THE SAME ANSWER. eM52Mu4rac8-00026-00008853-00009198 WE HAVE A SNOWDRIFT CRAB APPLE TREE APPROXIMATELY 20 YEARS OLD. eM52Mu4rac8-00027-00009198-00009657 IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS HERE HAVE BEEN SPORADIC BLOOMS SOME SINGLE, SOME MULTIPLE. eM52Mu4rac8-00028-00009657-00009900 IT IS THE FIRST YEAR IT HAS HAPPENED. eM52Mu4rac8-00029-00009900-00010195 HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF THIS BEFORE? eM52Mu4rac8-00030-00010195-00010656 QUESTION TWO IS I HAVE A WHITE LILAC BUSH WHICH STARTED DEVELOPING BUDS, AND TODAY IS eM52Mu4rac8-00031-00010656-00010756 BLOOMING. eM52Mu4rac8-00032-00010756-00011180 I AM CONCERNED WITH THE COLD WEATHER COMING ALL THE BUDS WILL BE KILLED AND IT WON'T BLOOM eM52Mu4rac8-00033-00011180-00011280 NEXT SPRING. eM52Mu4rac8-00034-00011280-00011519 CAN YOU TELL ME WHY THIS IS HAPPENING? eM52Mu4rac8-00035-00011519-00011639 THESE ARE ALL GOOD QUESTIONS. eM52Mu4rac8-00036-00011639-00011909 THIS HAPPENS ON OCCASION. eM52Mu4rac8-00037-00011909-00012400 WHAT IS GOING ON IS THE TREES ARE TRICKED BASICALLY INTO BLOOMING IN THE FALL THINKING eM52Mu4rac8-00038-00012400-00012650 THEY ARE GOING INTO SPRING. eM52Mu4rac8-00039-00012650-00013225 WHY THAT IS THIS YEAR, I THINK, IS BECAUSE WE HAVE HAD AMPLE MOISTURE THROUGHOUT SPRING eM52Mu4rac8-00040-00013225-00013834 AND EARLY SUMMER, AND SO THE TREES DIDN'T DEVELOP A VERY EXTENSIVE ROOT SYSTEM. eM52Mu4rac8-00041-00013834-00014726 THEN WE GO INTO A SHORT LITTLE DROUGHTY PERIOD AND TREES GO INTO WHAT THEY CALL ECTODORMANCY. eM52Mu4rac8-00042-00014726-00015583 THEY STOP GROWING, AT LEAST THE PARTS ABOVE GROUND, AND THE PARTS ABOVE GROUND KIND OF eM52Mu4rac8-00043-00015583-00016069 GO INTO LATENT STAGE OF DORMANT SEED TYPE DEAL. eM52Mu4rac8-00044-00016069-00016434 THEN WE GET RAIN AGAIN AND IT IS, HEY, IT IS SPRINGTIME! eM52Mu4rac8-00045-00016434-00016930 SO SOME OF THE FLOWER BUDS ARE SHOWING UP HERE IN THE FALL eM52Mu4rac8-00046-00016930-00017080 BECAUSE OF THAT ODDITY. eM52Mu4rac8-00047-00017080-00017356 NOW, YOU KNOW, THIS IS THE MIDWEST. eM52Mu4rac8-00048-00017356-00017731 MOTHER NATURE IS NEVER THE SAME FROM YEAR TO YEAR. eM52Mu4rac8-00049-00017731-00017856 SO TREES ARE RESILIENT. eM52Mu4rac8-00050-00017856-00018001 I DON'T THINK IT IS GOING TO HURT THEM. eM52Mu4rac8-00051-00018001-00018359 YOU MAY LOSE SOME FLOWERS NEXT SPRING, BUT I THINK THEY WILL BE FINE. eM52Mu4rac8-00052-00018359-00018545 BUT THAT'S WHAT IS GOING ON. eM52Mu4rac8-00053-00018545-00018797 >> CRAB APPLES AND POTENTIAL LILAC. eM52Mu4rac8-00054-00018797-00018897 >> RIGHT. eM52Mu4rac8-00055-00018897-00018997 YEAH. eM52Mu4rac8-00056-00018997-00019097 >> INTERESTING. eM52Mu4rac8-00057-00019097-00019564 I WAS SAYING A FEW WEEKS AGO, MY BOTTLEBRUSH BUCKEYE PRODUCED ANOTHER FLOWER WHICH I THINK eM52Mu4rac8-00058-00019564-00019808 IS VERY UNUSUAL. eM52Mu4rac8-00059-00019808-00020114 LET US KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE THE FLOWERING, BUT IT IS ALL THE SAME ANSWER. eM52Mu4rac8-00060-00020114-00020386 IT IS GETTING TRICKED. eM52Mu4rac8-00061-00020386-00020550 THANK YOU VERY MUCH. eM52Mu4rac8-00062-00020550-00020736 LET'S GO TO THE MAN IN THE MIDDLE, DR. eM52Mu4rac8-00063-00020736-00020912 DON WHITE. eM52Mu4rac8-00064-00020912-00021420 >> I AM DON WHITE PLANT PATHOLOGIST AT UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. eM52Mu4rac8-00065-00021420-00022116 I TAUGHT PLANT PATHOLOGY TO A LOT OF BRIGHT STUDENTS eM52Mu4rac8-00066-00022116-00022595 FIELD CROPS AND DISEASES AND ORNAMENTALS AND TURF GRASSES AND CORN DISEASE RESEARCH AND eM52Mu4rac8-00067-00022595-00022719 GENETIC RESISTENCE. eM52Mu4rac8-00068-00022719-00023238 MOST RECENTLY, I HAVE BECOME A MASTER GARDENER WHICH HAS BEEN ALL KINDS OF FUN. eM52Mu4rac8-00069-00023238-00023448 IT IS A GOOD VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY. eM52Mu4rac8-00070-00023448-00023895 IF YOU WANT TO GO THROUGH THE TRAINING, YOU CAN CHECK IT OUT ON THE INTERNET AND PROBABLY eM52Mu4rac8-00071-00023895-00024295 GET REGISTERED NOW FOR TRAINING THIS SPRING. eM52Mu4rac8-00072-00024295-00024560 >> NOW, DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW US? eM52Mu4rac8-00073-00024560-00024660 SOMETHING BRAND NEW? eM52Mu4rac8-00074-00024660-00024965 >> I HAVE SOMETHING THAT I HOPE YOU HAVEN'T SEEN BEFORE. eM52Mu4rac8-00075-00024965-00025375 IT IS CALLED BACTERIAL FASCIANS. eM52Mu4rac8-00076-00025375-00026091 I WOULD LIKE TO CALL IT BACTERIAL FASCINATION BECAUSE THIS IS A BACTERIAL DISEASE THAT OCCURS eM52Mu4rac8-00077-00026091-00026644 PRIMARILY ON VEGETATIVELY PROPAGATED PLANTS FROM GREENHOUSES. eM52Mu4rac8-00078-00026644-00027372 I HAVE SEEN IT ON GERANIUM, RIGOR BEGONIAS, AND AFRICAN VIOLETS. eM52Mu4rac8-00079-00027372-00027877 IT FORMS LEAFY GALLS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PLANT. eM52Mu4rac8-00080-00027877-00028481 AND GENERALLY WHAT HAPPENS YOU SEE THIS MOST OFTEN ON PLANTS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF THE eM52Mu4rac8-00081-00028481-00028581 GREENHOUSE. eM52Mu4rac8-00082-00028581-00028708 THEY ARE VEGETATIVELY PROPAGATED. eM52Mu4rac8-00083-00028708-00029358 WHAT IS HAPPENING WE ARE USING MORE AND MORE HORMONES AND THINGS LIKE THAT IN GREENHOUSES. eM52Mu4rac8-00084-00029358-00030158 WE ARE DOING MORE CELL CULTURE, AND WE ARE ALSO REUSING SOIL A LOT OF TIMES IN SO MANY eM52Mu4rac8-00085-00030158-00030445 OF THESE BIGGER COMMERCIAL GREENHOUSE. eM52Mu4rac8-00086-00030445-00030677 AND THIS BACTERIUM LIVES ON THE SURFACE. eM52Mu4rac8-00087-00030677-00031460 IT HAS ONLY BEEN FOUND OUTDOORS ONE TIME THAT I KNOW OF AND THAT'S PISTACHIO ROOTS IN CALIFORNIA. eM52Mu4rac8-00088-00031460-00031724 I DOUBT WE HAVE PISTACHIOS HERE. eM52Mu4rac8-00089-00031724-00032712 I THINK IT IS KIND OF A NEAT LITTLE DISEASE. eM52Mu4rac8-00090-00032712-00032883 >> IT IS REALLY INTERESTING, BUT IT IS PROBABLY NOT GOOD. eM52Mu4rac8-00091-00032883-00033334 >> WELL -- >> IT IS GOOD IF YOU ARE A PLANT PATHOLOGIST. eM52Mu4rac8-00092-00033334-00033672 >> GOOD IF YOU ARE A PLANT PATHOLOGIST, KIND OF NEAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00093-00033672-00034013 >> WHAT WOULD GREENHOUSE PEOPLE DO IF THEY FOUND IT? eM52Mu4rac8-00094-00034013-00034203 >> THEY WOULD THROW THEM OUT. eM52Mu4rac8-00095-00034203-00035089 THEY WOULD ACTUALLY THROW THEM IN THE DISCARD PILE AND MAYBE TRY TO COMPOST THAT SOIL MIX, eM52Mu4rac8-00096-00035089-00035478 AND MAYBE COME BACK AND GET THEM AGAIN I CAN HOPE. eM52Mu4rac8-00097-00035478-00035628 >> THAT'S INTERESTING. eM52Mu4rac8-00098-00035628-00035847 I HAVE NOT SEEN THAT BEFORE. eM52Mu4rac8-00099-00035847-00036047 THANKS FOR BRINGING THAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00100-00036047-00036416 NOW WE ARE GOING TO GO NEXT TO THE PERSON NEXT TO ME, AND THIS IS DR. eM52Mu4rac8-00101-00036416-00036516 JIM APPLEBY. eM52Mu4rac8-00102-00036516-00036616 WHAT HAVE YOU GOT FOR US, JIM? eM52Mu4rac8-00103-00036616-00036975 >> WELL, YOU KNOW I AM AN ENTOMOLOGIST AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. eM52Mu4rac8-00104-00036975-00037381 SO I DEAL WITH THE INSECTS AND MITES ATTACKING TREES, SHRUBS AND FLOWERS. eM52Mu4rac8-00105-00037381-00037755 NOW YOU KNOW WE ARE ALL INTERESTED IN NATURAL INSECT CONTROL. eM52Mu4rac8-00106-00037755-00038250 ONE OF THE BEST NATURAL AGENTS TO CONTROL INSECTS ARE BIRDS. eM52Mu4rac8-00107-00038250-00038822 WE ALL LIKE TO FEED BIRDS, AND WE LIKE TO VIEW BIRDS, ETCETERA, ETCETERA. eM52Mu4rac8-00108-00038822-00039042 WE LIKE TO FEED THEM, PARTICULARLY IN THE WINTERTIME. eM52Mu4rac8-00109-00039042-00039215 IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT. eM52Mu4rac8-00110-00039215-00039477 BIRDS HAVE A HIGH METABOLIC RATE. eM52Mu4rac8-00111-00039477-00039832 THEY NEED FOOD ALL THE TIME DURING THE WINTER MONTHS. eM52Mu4rac8-00112-00039832-00040116 IF THEY DON'T GET THAT, THEY DON'T SURVIVE. eM52Mu4rac8-00113-00040116-00040775 ONE THING IF YOU FEED THE BIRDS, YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RACCOONS AND SQUIRRELS AND POSSUMS. eM52Mu4rac8-00114-00040775-00041211 AND SO THEY GET IN FEEDERS AND ACTUALLY DESTROY THE FEEDERS. eM52Mu4rac8-00115-00041211-00041722 ONE METHOD I HAVE FOUND REALLY WORKS WELL IS TO USE A PVC PIPE. eM52Mu4rac8-00116-00041722-00042281 I CAN'T BRING IN THE WHOLE PIPE SO THIS IS JUST A SAMPLE OF A PIPE. eM52Mu4rac8-00117-00042281-00042919 AND WE ARE GOING TO LEARN HOW TO MAKE THIS BIRD NEEDER NEXT WEEK ON THE WEB SITE. eM52Mu4rac8-00118-00042919-00043019 >> GREAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00119-00043019-00043294 >> I CAN'T GIVE YOU ALL THE DETAILS RIGHT NOW. eM52Mu4rac8-00120-00043294-00043406 IT IS TOO LENGTHY. eM52Mu4rac8-00121-00043406-00043887 BUT NEXT WEEK'S WEB SITE, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO READ THIS ABOUT THE BIRDS. eM52Mu4rac8-00122-00043887-00044190 ESSENTIALLY WHAT IT IS, THOUGH, PVC PIPE. eM52Mu4rac8-00123-00044190-00044796 SO THE ANIMALS CAN'T GET THEIR CLAWS INTO THIS PIPE, AND THEY CAN'T GET UP. eM52Mu4rac8-00124-00044796-00045271 WHEN YOU DO HAVE THIS PIPE, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE A LID ON THE PIPE BECAUSE SEVERAL eM52Mu4rac8-00125-00045271-00045718 YEARS AGO I HAD ONE OF THESE, AND I DID NOT HAVE A LID ON IT, AND, GOSH, LITTLE SCREECH eM52Mu4rac8-00126-00045718-00046088 OWL FELL IN THE PIPE AND DIED. eM52Mu4rac8-00127-00046088-00046343 VERY IMPORTANT TO SEAL THE PIPE. eM52Mu4rac8-00128-00046343-00047127 ON THIS PIPE YOU CAN ATTACH BRACKETS LIKE THIS, AND THEN YOU CAN USE YOUR--HANG YOUR eM52Mu4rac8-00129-00047127-00047344 FEEDERS ON THESE BRACKETS. eM52Mu4rac8-00130-00047344-00048035 IF WE COULD SHOW THAT PICTURE OF THE ONE I HAVE AT HOME, THAT SHOWS WHAT THE ACTUAL POLE eM52Mu4rac8-00131-00048035-00048149 LOOKS LIKE. eM52Mu4rac8-00132-00048149-00048583 SO THAT'S WHAT THE POLE LOOKS LIKE, AND YOU CAN SEE I HAVE QUITE A FEW DIFFERENT FEEDERS eM52Mu4rac8-00133-00048583-00048802 ON THE POLE. eM52Mu4rac8-00134-00048802-00049006 AND IT REALLY HAS WORKED VERY, VERY WELL. eM52Mu4rac8-00135-00049006-00049125 I DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS. eM52Mu4rac8-00136-00049125-00049758 NOW WITH SQUIRRELS GETTING UP INTO MY FEEDERS OR RACCOONS OR ANYTHING ELSE. eM52Mu4rac8-00137-00049758-00049930 >> THEY JUST CAN'T GRASP ON. eM52Mu4rac8-00138-00049930-00050536 >> CAN'T GRASP ONTO IT AND THEY FALL DOWN AND IT REALLY WORKS OUT WELL. eM52Mu4rac8-00139-00050536-00050732 IT IS REALLY FUN TO FEED BIRDS. eM52Mu4rac8-00140-00050732-00050832 >> IT IS. eM52Mu4rac8-00141-00050832-00051094 AND WE HAVE SO MANY DIFFERENT SPECIES OF BIRDS IN THE AREA. eM52Mu4rac8-00142-00051094-00051276 IT IS REALLY A LOT OF FUN. eM52Mu4rac8-00143-00051276-00051453 >> SO NATURAL INSECT CONTROL. eM52Mu4rac8-00144-00051453-00051553 >> NATURAL INSECT CONTROL. eM52Mu4rac8-00145-00051553-00051653 THANK YOU, JIM. eM52Mu4rac8-00146-00051653-00051753 VERY MUCH. eM52Mu4rac8-00147-00051753-00051853 I APPRECIATE THAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00148-00051853-00052363 LET'S GO TO OUR SECTION ON "DID YOU KNOW" PART OF THE SHOW. eM52Mu4rac8-00149-00052363-00053660 34 TO 36 MILLION CHRISTMAS TREES ARE PRODUCED EACH YEAR, AND 95% ARE SHIPPED OR SOLD DIRECTLY eM52Mu4rac8-00150-00053660-00054307 FROM CHRISTMAS TREE FARMS. eM52Mu4rac8-00151-00054307-00054662 >>> WE ARE GETTING PEOPLE READY THINKING ABOUT CHRISTMAS TREES. eM52Mu4rac8-00152-00054662-00054762 OKAY. eM52Mu4rac8-00153-00054762-00055294 LET'S GO TO THE PHONE LINES NOW AND RON HAS A QUESTION ABOUT GINKOS FOR US ON LINE TWO. eM52Mu4rac8-00154-00055294-00055401 HI THERE, RON. eM52Mu4rac8-00155-00055401-00055527 >>CALLER: HI THERE. eM52Mu4rac8-00156-00055527-00055627 YEAH. eM52Mu4rac8-00157-00055627-00056132 I HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT -- I HAVE MATURE GINKO TREE IN MY FRONT YARD, FEMALE GINKO TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00158-00056132-00056779 I WAS IN THIS HOUSE FOUR YEARS, AND EVERY YEAR ABOUT THIS TIME, IT IS DEVELOPING ALL eM52Mu4rac8-00159-00056779-00057442 KINDS OF BERRIES AND STARTING TO DROP THEM, AND I NOTICED THIS YEAR FOR WHATEVER REASON, eM52Mu4rac8-00160-00057442-00058108 I HAVEN'T SEEN A SINGLE FRUIT ON THE TREE, AND I SWEAR NORMALLY BY THIS TIME, THEY ARE eM52Mu4rac8-00161-00058108-00058208 ALL OVER THE PLACE. eM52Mu4rac8-00162-00058208-00058966 I AM WONDERING IF IT IS UNUSUAL TO HAVE NON-PRODUCING YEARS LIKE THAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00163-00058966-00059226 >> MOST PEOPLE WOULD BE RELIEVED. eM52Mu4rac8-00164-00059226-00059816 >> I THINK THAT'S RARE, AND IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD A FROST NIP THE BUDS JUST eM52Mu4rac8-00165-00059816-00060436 AT THE EXACT RIGHT TIME IN THE SPRINGTIME TO KEEP IT FROM FRUITING THIS YEAR. eM52Mu4rac8-00166-00060436-00060626 >> I AM REALLY SURPRISED. eM52Mu4rac8-00167-00060626-00061329 I WAS TALKING WITH SOME OF MY STUDENTS, AND HOW THEY WOULD SELECT THEM FOR EATING. eM52Mu4rac8-00168-00061329-00061637 IN THEIR CULTURE, THEY WOULD EAT THEM. eM52Mu4rac8-00169-00061637-00061866 I THOUGHT, OHHH, I SHOULD HAVE ASKED HOW. eM52Mu4rac8-00170-00061866-00062073 IS IT PREPARED IN A CERTAIN WAY? eM52Mu4rac8-00171-00062073-00062257 IS IT BEFORE IT SMELLS? eM52Mu4rac8-00172-00062257-00062520 I DON'T KNOW HOW IT WORKS, BUT I AM VERY SURPRISED. eM52Mu4rac8-00173-00062520-00062731 RON, YOU ARE FORTUNATE, IT SOUNDS LIKE. eM52Mu4rac8-00174-00062731-00062848 >> IT IS AN ODD YEAR. eM52Mu4rac8-00175-00062848-00063194 YOU WILL PROBABLY CONTINUE TO GET FRUIT YEAR AFTER YEAR. eM52Mu4rac8-00176-00063194-00063294 >> GOOD. eM52Mu4rac8-00177-00063294-00063526 THANK YOU FOR THAT COMMENT AND QUESTION. eM52Mu4rac8-00178-00063526-00063876 LET'S GO TO RUTH'S QUESTION ABOUT THORNLESS BLACKBERRIES ON LINE THREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00179-00063876-00063976 HI, RUTH. eM52Mu4rac8-00180-00063976-00064076 >> HELLO. eM52Mu4rac8-00181-00064076-00064274 THANKS FOR TAKING MY CALL. eM52Mu4rac8-00182-00064274-00064377 >> YOU ARE WELCOME. eM52Mu4rac8-00183-00064377-00064514 >>CALLER: I HAVE TWO THORNLESS BLACKBERRY BUSHES. eM52Mu4rac8-00184-00064514-00065693 I PLANTED ONE IN THE SPRING THIS YEAR AND ONE IN THE FALL LAST YEAR, AND THEY BOTH HAD eM52Mu4rac8-00185-00065693-00065901 BERRIES THIS YEAR. eM52Mu4rac8-00186-00065901-00066292 BUT MY QUESTION IS THEY HAVE GROWN SO MUCH. eM52Mu4rac8-00187-00066292-00067095 SHOULD I CUT THESE OFF, TRIM THEM OR SHOULD I JUST LEAVE THEM BECAUSE THEY HAVE REALLY eM52Mu4rac8-00188-00067095-00067366 GROWN? eM52Mu4rac8-00189-00067366-00067560 >> WE NEED BOB SKIRVIN HERE. eM52Mu4rac8-00190-00067560-00068162 AS I RECALL, THEY FRUIT ON THE SECOND YEAR GROWTH. eM52Mu4rac8-00191-00068162-00068389 SO YOU CAN WAIT A LITTLE BIT. eM52Mu4rac8-00192-00068389-00068715 I USUALLY DO IT MORE IN THE SPRING, OR YOU CAN TRIM THEM NOW. eM52Mu4rac8-00193-00068715-00069247 I WAIT TO SEE THE DARKER, THE ONES THAT HAVE TURNED A DARKER COLOR AND THE NEW ONES YOU eM52Mu4rac8-00194-00069247-00069347 CAN TELL. eM52Mu4rac8-00195-00069347-00069465 THEY ARE A LITTLE SHINIER. eM52Mu4rac8-00196-00069465-00069895 YOU TRIM OUT THE OLD ONES, AND I USUALLY DO IT IN THE SPRING ALTHOUGH YOU CAN DO IT NOW. eM52Mu4rac8-00197-00069895-00070691 I KNOW BOB ALSO TALKS ABOUT TRIMMING THEM BACK TO NOT BE TEN FEET LONG, BUT YOU CAN eM52Mu4rac8-00198-00070691-00070874 TRIM BACK THE TIPS. eM52Mu4rac8-00199-00070874-00071248 OTHERWISE TAKE OFF THE OLD GROWTH AND LET THE NEW GROWTH COME ALONG. eM52Mu4rac8-00200-00071248-00071718 I DON'T KNOW IF ANYONE WANTS TO CHIME IN, BUT THAT'S HOW I RECALL. eM52Mu4rac8-00201-00071718-00071825 AND THAT'S WHAT I DO WITH MINE. eM52Mu4rac8-00202-00071825-00072164 I TRIM THEM IN SPRING, THE OLD CANES. eM52Mu4rac8-00203-00072164-00072456 YOU CAN TELL THEY WILL ALMOST BREAK OFF, TOO. eM52Mu4rac8-00204-00072456-00073074 YOU CAN DECIDE HOW ENERGETIC YOU ARE, WHETHER YOU WANT TO DO NOW OR IN THE SPRING. eM52Mu4rac8-00205-00073074-00073388 THANK YOU BEING RUTH, FOR YOUR QUESTION ON THORNLESS BLACKBERRIES. eM52Mu4rac8-00206-00073388-00073874 LET'S GO TO PAT'S QUESTION, AND IT IS ABOUT ROSES ON LINE FIVE. eM52Mu4rac8-00207-00073874-00073974 HELLO, PAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00208-00073974-00074343 >>CALLER: HELLO AND THANK YOU FOR TAKING MY CALL. eM52Mu4rac8-00209-00074343-00074481 >> YOU ARE WELCOME. eM52Mu4rac8-00210-00074481-00075100 >>CALLER: I HAVE A CLIMBING ROSE BUSH, AND I DIDN'T CUT ALL THE ROSES OFF BECAUSE THEY eM52Mu4rac8-00211-00075100-00075317 WERE TOO FAR UP FOR ME. eM52Mu4rac8-00212-00075317-00075883 AND THEY HAVE DEVELOPED LIKE A RED SEED BALL ON THEM. eM52Mu4rac8-00213-00075883-00076167 IS THAT REALLY A SEED? eM52Mu4rac8-00214-00076167-00076446 >> THAT IS ROSE HIPS. eM52Mu4rac8-00215-00076446-00077021 IT IS AFTER THE PLANT, YOU LET THE FLOWER GO, IT DEVELOPS ROSE HIPS. eM52Mu4rac8-00216-00077021-00077126 I HAVE A LOT OF ROSE HIPS. eM52Mu4rac8-00217-00077126-00077472 IT IS A SORT OF VITAMIN C, AND PEOPLE USE THEM IN TEA. eM52Mu4rac8-00218-00077472-00077793 I USE THEM FOR DECORATION AS WELL. eM52Mu4rac8-00219-00077793-00078245 YOU CAN USE THEM FOR VITAMIN C. SO SOME YEARS THEY DON'T PRODUCE THEM AS MUCH. eM52Mu4rac8-00220-00078245-00078739 I THINK THIS YEAR IS A GOOD YEAR, LIKE THE GINKOS, THEY ARE PRODUCING. eM52Mu4rac8-00221-00078739-00079051 YOU HAVE ROSE HIPS. eM52Mu4rac8-00222-00079051-00079462 WHEN PEOPLE SAY THAT, IT IS AFTER THE ROSE HAS FLOWERED. eM52Mu4rac8-00223-00079462-00079562 THANK YOU, PAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00224-00079562-00079752 THAT'S A REALLY BEAUTIFUL THING. eM52Mu4rac8-00225-00079752-00080105 LOOKS GREAT WITH LEAVES AND OTHER GOURDS AND THINGS AS WELL. eM52Mu4rac8-00226-00080105-00080209 ALL RIGHT. eM52Mu4rac8-00227-00080209-00080826 LET'S GO TO A QUESTION FROM PAT -- OH, NO, FROM KAY ON LINE SIX ABOUT A PINE TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00228-00080826-00080926 HI, KAY. eM52Mu4rac8-00229-00080926-00081026 WHAT IS YOUR QUESTION? eM52Mu4rac8-00230-00081026-00081149 >>CALLER: HELLO. eM52Mu4rac8-00231-00081149-00081933 I HAD AN ARBORIST COME AND LOOK AT MY NEIGHBOR'S PIPE TREE ABOUT TWO AND HALF YEARS AGO. eM52Mu4rac8-00232-00081933-00082233 IT HAS DEAD NEEDLES ON IT. eM52Mu4rac8-00233-00082233-00082395 THERE IS A ROW OF PINE TREES. eM52Mu4rac8-00234-00082395-00082860 THIS ONE SEEMS TO BE THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS A PROBLEM. eM52Mu4rac8-00235-00082860-00083332 THEY TOLD ME THAT'S JUST THE NATURE OF A PINE TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00236-00083332-00084073 IN LISTENING TO YOUR PROGRAM, I THOUGHT ONE OF THE GUESTS ON THERE STATE ED THAT SOME eM52Mu4rac8-00237-00084073-00084351 OF THE -- IT LOOKS LIKE A WHITE PINE. eM52Mu4rac8-00238-00084351-00085001 SOME OF THOSE DID HAVE A DISEASE, AND I WOULD LIKE TO PRINT SOMETHING IN -- PUT SOMETHING eM52Mu4rac8-00239-00085001-00085451 IN AN AREA KIND OF ACROSS THE FENCE. eM52Mu4rac8-00240-00085451-00086243 DIDN'T KNOW IF I SHOULD, WHAT IS GOING ON TO THE TREE BECAUSE THAT CUT DOWN, CAN I PLANT eM52Mu4rac8-00241-00086243-00086343 SOMETHING? eM52Mu4rac8-00242-00086343-00086575 >> OKAY, MIKE, I AM LOOKING AT YOU. eM52Mu4rac8-00243-00086575-00087081 >> OKAY, WELL, THE BEST THING CAN YOU DO WHEN YOU HAVE A HEDGEROW OF PIPES AND YOU WANT eM52Mu4rac8-00244-00087081-00087993 TO PLANT MORE PINES, IS TO MIX IT UP SO MAYBE SOME SPRUCES, CONCOLOR OR NORWEGIAN SPRUCE eM52Mu4rac8-00245-00087993-00088105 BECAUSE SOMETHING DIFFERENT. eM52Mu4rac8-00246-00088105-00088729 BECAUSE IF IT IS A DISEASE WITH THAT PARTICULAR TREE AND YOU PLANT THE SAME KIND OF TREE, eM52Mu4rac8-00247-00088729-00088937 MORE THAN LIKELY IT IS GOING TO SPREAD TO THAT TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00248-00088937-00089270 BUT IT IS UNLIKELY IF YOU PLANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT. eM52Mu4rac8-00249-00089270-00089826 SO REALLY TO KNOW THE EXACT ANSWER, THOUGH, WE HAVE TO KEY OUT WHAT EXACTLY IS WRONG WITH eM52Mu4rac8-00250-00089826-00090063 THAT PARTICULAR TREE, WHAT KIND OF A TREE IS IT? eM52Mu4rac8-00251-00090063-00090168 IS IT A WHITE PINE? eM52Mu4rac8-00252-00090168-00090488 IS IT A COLORADO SPRUCE? eM52Mu4rac8-00253-00090488-00090950 THEN THAT WOULD GUIDE YOU POSSIBLY ON WHAT YOU SHOULD PLANT, WHAT YOU SHOULDN'T PLANT, eM52Mu4rac8-00254-00090950-00091427 DEPENDING WHAT KIND OF TREE IT IS AND WHAT KIND OF PROBABLY FUNGAL DISEASE IT HAS. eM52Mu4rac8-00255-00091427-00091808 >> I WILL JUMP IN BECAUSE THE LAST SEVERAL WEEKS WE HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT DISEASES eM52Mu4rac8-00256-00091808-00092132 ON BLUE SPRUCE SPECIFICALLY. eM52Mu4rac8-00257-00092132-00092281 SO IT HASN'T BEEN PINE DISEASE. eM52Mu4rac8-00258-00092281-00092611 IT HAS BEEN EVERYTHING THAT BLUE SPRUCE GETS. eM52Mu4rac8-00259-00092611-00092864 WHITE PINES ARE DOING NOW, THOUGH. eM52Mu4rac8-00260-00092864-00093194 >> WHITE PINES ARE JUST DROPPING THEIR TWO YEAR OLD NEEDLES. eM52Mu4rac8-00261-00093194-00093402 >> THAT'S WHAT SHE NEEDS TO KNOW AS WELL. eM52Mu4rac8-00262-00093402-00093799 THAT'S ON THE INSIDE OF THE WHITE PINES, YOU WILL SEAT NEEDLE DROP RIGHT NOW, AND THAT'S eM52Mu4rac8-00263-00093799-00094171 JUST TYPICAL SHEDDING. eM52Mu4rac8-00264-00094171-00094504 THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH -- IF IT IS A WHITE PINE, WITH THE WHITE PINE. eM52Mu4rac8-00265-00094504-00094930 IT YELLOWS AND DROP THE NEEDLES ON THE INSIDE OF THE TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00266-00094930-00095291 >> YOU CAN TELL THE OLDER IS WHAT IS DROPPING, NOT THE NEWER. eM52Mu4rac8-00267-00095291-00095391 >> RIGHT. eM52Mu4rac8-00268-00095391-00095516 IT IS ON THE INSIDE, NOT THE OUTSIDE. eM52Mu4rac8-00269-00095516-00095777 >> SOUNDS LIKE THE ARBORIST SAID IT WAS A NATURAL THING. eM52Mu4rac8-00270-00095777-00096149 BUT MAKE SURE IT IS THE SECOND YEAR. eM52Mu4rac8-00271-00096149-00096252 BUT ANYWAY GOOD ANSWER. eM52Mu4rac8-00272-00096252-00096419 >> TIPS ARE STILL GREEN? eM52Mu4rac8-00273-00096419-00096732 >>CALLER: THESE ARE NOT DROPPING FROM THE INSIDE. eM52Mu4rac8-00274-00096732-00097326 THEY ARE CLEAR UP TO THE TIP, AND NOT MY PINE TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00275-00097326-00097516 IT IS MY NEIGHBOR'S PINE TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00276-00097516-00097997 >> DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY NEEDLES YOU HAVE PER FASCICLE? eM52Mu4rac8-00277-00097997-00098277 >>CALLER: OH, MY GOODNESS. eM52Mu4rac8-00278-00098277-00098520 >> SOFT NEEDLES OR LONG POINTED ONES. eM52Mu4rac8-00279-00098520-00099079 >> >>CALLER: THEY ARE VERY COARSE. eM52Mu4rac8-00280-00099079-00099202 >> YOU MIGHT HAVE PINE WILT. eM52Mu4rac8-00281-00099202-00100002 IT IS A NEMATODE DISEASE THAT KILLED OUT AUSTRIAN AND RED AND SCOTCH PINE. eM52Mu4rac8-00282-00100002-00100250 IT IS VERY DEADLY. eM52Mu4rac8-00283-00100250-00100749 IT IS REPORTED IN LITERATURE ON WHITE PIPE, BUT I HAVE NEVER SEEN ONE. eM52Mu4rac8-00284-00100749-00101382 SO WHITE PINE A LOT OF TIMES DOES FAIRLY WELL IN TERMS OF DISEASE RESISTANCE. eM52Mu4rac8-00285-00101382-00101869 AND SO IF YOU WANTED TO PLANT A PINE, I THINK I WOULD SELECT WHITE PINE. eM52Mu4rac8-00286-00101869-00102320 >> THEN GO WITH FIR AND OTHER THINGS, BUT NOT COLORADO SPRUCE. eM52Mu4rac8-00287-00102320-00102463 >> THEY DON'T LIKE ICE STORMS. eM52Mu4rac8-00288-00102463-00102766 >> NO, THEY DON'T LIKE ICE STORMS. eM52Mu4rac8-00289-00102766-00103010 NORWAY SPRUCE IS BEAUTIFUL. eM52Mu4rac8-00290-00103010-00103298 I LOVE CONCOLOR FIR. eM52Mu4rac8-00291-00103298-00103669 >> OR LIMBER PINE, VERY TOUGH. eM52Mu4rac8-00292-00103669-00103850 LOOKS LIKE A WHITE PINE. eM52Mu4rac8-00293-00103850-00104261 >> SO JUST AVOID ANYTHING LONG AND POINTED, AUSTRIAN, SCOTCH. eM52Mu4rac8-00294-00104261-00104585 I AM SURPRISED THEY LIVED IN LONG. eM52Mu4rac8-00295-00104585-00105195 >> I WOULD AVOID COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE, NEEDLE CAST. eM52Mu4rac8-00296-00105195-00105635 >> DO A LITTLE HOMEWORK, BUT THESE ARE GOOD SUGGESTIONS. eM52Mu4rac8-00297-00105635-00105744 THANK YOU FOR THAT QUESTION. eM52Mu4rac8-00298-00105744-00105844 THAT WAS VERY GOOD. eM52Mu4rac8-00299-00105844-00106267 WE WILL DO ONE MORE QUESTION, AND LET'S GO TO MARK'S QUESTION ON LINE TWO ABOUT OAK GALL. eM52Mu4rac8-00300-00106267-00106367 HI, MARK. eM52Mu4rac8-00301-00106367-00106467 >>CALLER: HI. eM52Mu4rac8-00302-00106467-00106615 HOW ARE YOU DOING TONIGHT? eM52Mu4rac8-00303-00106615-00106776 >> DOING GREAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00304-00106776-00106876 YOUR QUESTION? eM52Mu4rac8-00305-00106876-00107599 >>CALLER: WE HAVE SEVERAL OAK TREES, AND WE HAD OAK GALL IN IT, OAK GALL WASP, AND I'D eM52Mu4rac8-00306-00107599-00108060 LIKE TO KNOW IF THERE IS ANY PROCEDURE TO GET RID OF THAT AND PROTECT THE TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00307-00108060-00108441 >> JIM, DO YOU WANT TO TAKE IT AWAY? eM52Mu4rac8-00308-00108441-00108809 >> WELL, WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE APPEARANCE OF THE GALLS. eM52Mu4rac8-00309-00108809-00109197 >>CALLER: THEY ARE LARGE ROUND HARDBALLS. eM52Mu4rac8-00310-00109197-00109338 >> AND ON THE BRANCHES? eM52Mu4rac8-00311-00109338-00109517 >>CALLER: RIGHT. eM52Mu4rac8-00312-00109517-00109938 >> THAT'S THE HORNED OAK GALL, AND I WILL TELL YOU THERE IS REALLY NO GOOD TREATMENT eM52Mu4rac8-00313-00109938-00110076 FOR THAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00314-00110076-00110492 WE DO FIND THAT SOME TREES ARE RESISTANT TO GALLING. eM52Mu4rac8-00315-00110492-00110977 SOMETIMES YOU WILL FIND A TREE THAT IS HEAVILY INFESTED AND RIGHT NEXT TO IT IS ONE THAT eM52Mu4rac8-00316-00110977-00111191 IS COMPLETELY FREE OF GALLS. eM52Mu4rac8-00317-00111191-00111604 BUT THERE IS REALLY NO GOOD TREATMENT FOR THAT UNFORTUNATELY. eM52Mu4rac8-00318-00111604-00112133 IF YOU GO IN THE STATE, PARTICULARLY IN OUR STATE, ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF THE STATE AROUND eM52Mu4rac8-00319-00112133-00112433 MOUNT VERNON, IT IS EXTREMELY SERIOUS IN THAT AREA. eM52Mu4rac8-00320-00112433-00112679 IT IS ACTUALLY KILLING SOME OF THE TREES. eM52Mu4rac8-00321-00112679-00113198 BUT UNFORTUNATELY, IT IS JUST NO CONTROL KNOWN YET. eM52Mu4rac8-00322-00113198-00113645 WE ARE SORRY TO PASS THAT ALONG TO YOU, BUT THAT IS THE ANSWER. eM52Mu4rac8-00323-00113645-00114127 NOW, I AM GOING TO START OVER WITH YOU, MIKE, IF YOU WANT TO ANSWER, WE WILL DO ANOTHER eM52Mu4rac8-00324-00114127-00114447 ROUND OF QUESTIONS OR SHOW AND TELL. eM52Mu4rac8-00325-00114447-00114983 >> OKAY, WE HAD A CALLER SEND IN A PICTURE OF A TREE FROM A DISTANCE. eM52Mu4rac8-00326-00114983-00115083 IF WE COULD SHOW THAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00327-00115083-00115508 IT IS A NICE FALL COLOR TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00328-00115508-00116019 AND WE ARE TO PROVIDE SOME INPUT ON WHAT WE THINK IT IS. eM52Mu4rac8-00329-00116019-00116440 SO HERE IT IS. eM52Mu4rac8-00330-00116440-00116540 OKAY. eM52Mu4rac8-00331-00116540-00116923 SO I THINK, FROM A DISTANCE, THIS LOOKS LIKE A WHITE ASH. eM52Mu4rac8-00332-00116923-00117320 SHE OR HE DESCRIBES THE TREE AS OUTER LEAVES ARE DEEP PURPLE. eM52Mu4rac8-00333-00117320-00117800 WELL, THERE IS SPECIES OF ASH, VARIETY CALLED AUTUMN PURPLE. eM52Mu4rac8-00334-00117800-00118236 THERE IS ALSO VARIETY CALLED AUTUMN APPLAUSE. eM52Mu4rac8-00335-00118236-00118633 EITHER WAY, IT IS MORE THAN LIKELY THIS IS A WHITE ASH. eM52Mu4rac8-00336-00118633-00118914 I'D HAVE TO SAY IT IS A VERY HEALTHY LOOKING TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00337-00118914-00119533 TO KEEP IT THAT WAY BECAUSE OF THE EMERALD ASH BORER, THE TREE REALLY NEEDS TO BE TREATED. eM52Mu4rac8-00338-00119533-00120057 SO THE OWNER OF THE TREE SHOULD LOOK INTO LOCAL ARBORIST AND HAVING THE TREE TREATED eM52Mu4rac8-00339-00120057-00120638 WITH -- THERE ARE SEVERAL DIFFERENT KINDS OF TREATMENTS, BUT MORE THAN LIKELY THEY WILL eM52Mu4rac8-00340-00120638-00121124 WANT TO PREVENT THIS TREE FROM GETTING EMERALD ASH BORER TO KEEP IT ALIVE. eM52Mu4rac8-00341-00121124-00121564 >> JUST A LITTLE HEADS UP, IF YOU HAVE A DISTANT PICTURE OF A TREE, IF YOU COULD SEND A PICTURE eM52Mu4rac8-00342-00121564-00121664 OF THE LEAF. eM52Mu4rac8-00343-00121664-00121827 >> THAT WAS A GUESS. eM52Mu4rac8-00344-00121827-00121927 ASH TREE. eM52Mu4rac8-00345-00121927-00122027 >> I THINK YOU ARE RIGHT. eM52Mu4rac8-00346-00122027-00122178 BUT BOY, REALLY QUICKER. eM52Mu4rac8-00347-00122178-00122870 >> IF WE HAVE A CLOSE UP OF THE LEAF DETAIL OR FRUIT IF THEY HAVE THAT AVAILABLE. eM52Mu4rac8-00348-00122870-00123367 >> BUT STILL I THINK THAT WAS A REALLY PRETTY AUTUMN APPLAUSE OR AUTUMN -- WHAT WAS THE eM52Mu4rac8-00349-00123367-00123467 OTHER ONE? eM52Mu4rac8-00350-00123467-00123567 >> AUTUMN PURPLE. eM52Mu4rac8-00351-00123567-00123797 >> THANK YOU, MIKE FOR THAT. eM52Mu4rac8-00352-00123797-00123973 LET'S GO TO YOU, DON. eM52Mu4rac8-00353-00123973-00124404 YES, I HAVE A DISEASE OF ZINNIA THAT IS VERY COMMON. eM52Mu4rac8-00354-00124404-00124720 IT IS CALLED BACTERIAL BLIGHT. eM52Mu4rac8-00355-00124720-00125127 THERE IS ALTERNARIA BLIGHT ON ZINNIA THAT IS FAIRLY COMMON. eM52Mu4rac8-00356-00125127-00125765 IT IS REALLY DIFFICULT TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE ON BACTERIAL BLIGHT ON ZINNIA AND ALTERNARIA eM52Mu4rac8-00357-00125765-00125865 LEAF BLIGHT. eM52Mu4rac8-00358-00125865-00126185 HERE WE HAVE THE BACTERIAL DISEASE. eM52Mu4rac8-00359-00126185-00126520 IT IS IN ZINNIA STAND THAT HAD A LOT OF GRASS WEEDS IN IT. eM52Mu4rac8-00360-00126520-00127329 IF YOU GO TO THE NEXT SLIDE, AND THEN THE NEXT ONE, HERE A CLOSE UP, A LOT OF TIMES eM52Mu4rac8-00361-00127329-00127713 ON BACTERIAL BLIGHT, THE LESION WILL BE LIMITED BIT VEINS. eM52Mu4rac8-00362-00127713-00128146 IT WILL BE SQUARED OFF, AND KEEP GOING. eM52Mu4rac8-00363-00128146-00128386 NEXT SLIDE, KEEP GOING. eM52Mu4rac8-00364-00128386-00128798 HERE IS WHAT I WANTED. eM52Mu4rac8-00365-00128798-00129249 TAKE LITTLE SECTION OF LEAF, PUT IT IT IN A MICROSCOPE AND DROP OF WATER. eM52Mu4rac8-00366-00129249-00129359 WHAT IS THIS, DIANNE? eM52Mu4rac8-00367-00129359-00129550 YOU HAD THE COURSE. eM52Mu4rac8-00368-00129550-00129650 >> OOZE. eM52Mu4rac8-00369-00129650-00129854 >> BACTERIAL OOZE. eM52Mu4rac8-00370-00129854-00130262 THIS IS A CLOUD OF BACTERIA THAT COMES FROM THE LEAF TISSUE. eM52Mu4rac8-00371-00130262-00130842 NOW, A LOT OF TIMES YOU LIKE TO KNOW IF IT IS BACTERIAL BLIGHT OR ALTERNARIA BLIGHT BECAUSE eM52Mu4rac8-00372-00130842-00131402 THE BACTERIAL BLIGHT IS SEED BORNE, AND A LOT OF TIMES WHEN YOU BUY THE SEED PACKAGE, eM52Mu4rac8-00373-00131402-00131638 YOU ARE BUYING THE BACTERIA ALONG WITH IT. eM52Mu4rac8-00374-00131638-00132382 AND IN WET YEARS LIKE THIS PAST YEAR, BACTERIAL BLIGHT ON ZINNIA HAS BEEN VERY SERIOUS. eM52Mu4rac8-00375-00132382-00132728 AND REALLY IF YOU DON'T MIND THE LEAF BLIGHT, I GUESS THAT'S OKAY. eM52Mu4rac8-00376-00132728-00133239 BUT THERE IS A LOT OF RESISTENCE, DIFFERENCES IN SUSCEPTIBILITY. eM52Mu4rac8-00377-00133239-00133898 WITH MOST OF THE HERBACEOUS ORNAMENTALS, I WOULD RECOMMEND GOING TO ARBORETUM GARDENS eM52Mu4rac8-00378-00133898-00134270 OR IDEA GARDENS WHERE THEY HAVE PLANTS THAT ARE LABELED. eM52Mu4rac8-00379-00134270-00134717 FIND THINGS YOU THINK ARE PRETTY IN TERMS OF FLOWERS AND THINGS THAT HAVE HEALTHY LEAVES. eM52Mu4rac8-00380-00134717-00135139 THEN BUY THOSE VARIETIES. eM52Mu4rac8-00381-00135139-00135259 >> COMPARE IT SIDE BY SIDE. eM52Mu4rac8-00382-00135259-00135458 >> YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE THE PICTURES IN THE BOOK. eM52Mu4rac8-00383-00135458-00135869 GO FIND REAL STUFF AND LOOK AT THE LEAVES AND FLOWERS. eM52Mu4rac8-00384-00135869-00136475 >> THERE ARE PLACES ALL OVER MIDDLE AMERICA THAT YOU CAN GO TO THAT ARE LABELED WELL. eM52Mu4rac8-00385-00136475-00136575 >> YES. eM52Mu4rac8-00386-00136575-00136964 >> THAT'S A GOOD HINT, BUT BACTERIAL OOZE, I HAD FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT THAT, AND THEN THERE eM52Mu4rac8-00387-00136964-00137064 IT WAS. eM52Mu4rac8-00388-00137064-00137239 >> THAT'S THE REASON I BROUGHT IT. eM52Mu4rac8-00389-00137239-00138073 >> (LAUGHING) THE ZINNIAS HAD IT BUT MINE DID GROW OUT OF IT ONCE IT GOT WET. eM52Mu4rac8-00390-00138073-00138173 THANK YOU, DON. eM52Mu4rac8-00391-00138173-00138369 AND NOW, JIM. eM52Mu4rac8-00392-00138369-00138719 I TALKED ABOUT DIFFERENT BIRD FEEDERS. eM52Mu4rac8-00393-00138719-00139039 SOME OF THESE THAT CAN BE HUNG BY PVC PIPE. eM52Mu4rac8-00394-00139039-00139923 THIS IS A CAGE THAT CAN ACTUALLY BE BEEF SUET AND WOODPECKERS AND KNOT HATCHES AND CHICKADEES eM52Mu4rac8-00395-00139923-00140529 LOVE SUET AND HANG IT FROM THE POLE. eM52Mu4rac8-00396-00140529-00140750 THIS IS A BALTIMORE ORIOLE FEEDER. eM52Mu4rac8-00397-00140750-00141055 I LIVE OUT IN THE COUNTRY AND HAVE VERY TALL TREES. eM52Mu4rac8-00398-00141055-00141783 IF YOU HAVE THAT TYPE OF SIGHT, I WOULD SUGGEST YOU PUT UP BALTIMORE ORIOLE FEEDER. eM52Mu4rac8-00399-00141783-00142666 I PUT SOME GRAPE JELLY IN THIS IN A BOWL, AND THIS IS A NICE FEEDER BECAUSE IT IS PROTECTED eM52Mu4rac8-00400-00142666-00142879 FROM THE RAIN. eM52Mu4rac8-00401-00142879-00143532 I TOLD YOU THIS BEFORE SEVERAL YEARS AGO, WHEN I CONDUCTED A TEST, I PUT OUT TWO PACKAGES eM52Mu4rac8-00402-00143532-00143976 -- I MEAN TWO JARS OF GRAPE JELLY, I MEAN FOUR JARS. eM52Mu4rac8-00403-00143976-00144779 TWO WERE CHEAP STORE BRAND, AND TWO OF THEM WERE MADE BY WELCHS OR SMUCKERS. eM52Mu4rac8-00404-00144779-00145242 THE BALTIMORE ORIOLES DEFINITELY DOWNED THE EXPENSIVE GRAPE JELLY BUT THEY DIDN'T TOUCH eM52Mu4rac8-00405-00145242-00145414 THE STORE BOUGHT. eM52Mu4rac8-00406-00145414-00145899 EVENTUALLY THEY WOULD, BUT REAL WE OUGHT TO FEED THEM. eM52Mu4rac8-00407-00145899-00146124 >> UPTOWN ORIOLES. eM52Mu4rac8-00408-00146124-00146835 THIS IS A NICE FEEDER, TOO, BECAUSE LITTLE MEET UP HERE TO KEEP THE ANTS AWAY. eM52Mu4rac8-00409-00146835-00147128 YOU FILL WITH WATER AND THE ANTS CAN'T GET DOWN. eM52Mu4rac8-00410-00147128-00147321 AND THEY WILL! eM52Mu4rac8-00411-00147321-00147622 >> THEY PROBABLY WOULD GO FOR THE CHEAP JELLY. eM52Mu4rac8-00412-00147622-00147965 MY ORIOLES LIKE ORANGES BETTER THAN GRAPE. eM52Mu4rac8-00413-00147965-00148171 WE HAVE TRIED THAT AS WELL. eM52Mu4rac8-00414-00148171-00148613 >> OTHER FEEDER, I REALLY LIKE THIS FEEDER THAT PUTS SUNFLOWER SEEDS IN IT. eM52Mu4rac8-00415-00148613-00149250 IT HAS THIS NICE TOP ON IT SO IT IS PROTECTED FROM THE RAIN AND WORKS OUT REALLY WELL. eM52Mu4rac8-00416-00149250-00149350 >> NICE. eM52Mu4rac8-00417-00149350-00149471 >> BY THAT PVC PIPE. eM52Mu4rac8-00418-00149471-00149777 THIS IS SORT OF THE CADILLAC IN BIRD FEEDERS. eM52Mu4rac8-00419-00149777-00149937 >> AND DRAINAGE HOLES. eM52Mu4rac8-00420-00149937-00150196 >> REALLY, REALLY NICE. eM52Mu4rac8-00421-00150196-00150621 >> IT IS SO FUN TO WATCH THEM AND SEE WHAT BIRDS YOU HAVE. eM52Mu4rac8-00422-00150621-00150846 IF YOU HAVE THIS, THEY WILL COME. eM52Mu4rac8-00423-00150846-00150987 YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THEY ARE IN THE AREA. eM52Mu4rac8-00424-00150987-00151508 >> I GENERALLY TELL PEOPLE IF THEY WANT ORIOLES, GET THE FEEDER UP WITH GRAPE JELLY BY THE eM52Mu4rac8-00425-00151508-00151608 MIDDLE OF APRIL. eM52Mu4rac8-00426-00151608-00151792 THEY GENERALLY COME THE LAST WEEK IN APRIL. eM52Mu4rac8-00427-00151792-00151936 BUT THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL BIRDS. eM52Mu4rac8-00428-00151936-00152286 I HAVE GENERALLY THREE BEARS OF BALTIMORE ORIOLES. eM52Mu4rac8-00429-00152286-00152685 >> I THINK WE HAVE TWO PAIR AND REAL FUN TO WATCH IT. eM52Mu4rac8-00430-00152685-00152800 IT REALLY IS. eM52Mu4rac8-00431-00152800-00153286 >> I AM TELLING YOU THE QUESTIONS AND THE SHOW AND TELL ARE JUST RIGHT. eM52Mu4rac8-00432-00153286-00153386 THAT'S WHAT WE LIKE TO SEE. eM52Mu4rac8-00433-00153386-00153804 SO THANK YOU, FOLKS, FOR BRINGING ALL OF YOUR EXPERTISE TO THE SHOW. eM52Mu4rac8-00434-00153804-00154022 WE WANT TO THANK EACH OF YOU FOR WATCHING. eM52Mu4rac8-00435-00154022-00154191 IT IS SO GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU. eM52Mu4rac8-00436-00154191-00154373 I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT WEEK GARDENING. eM52Mu4rac8-00437-00154373-00155912 SEE YOU NEXT TIME. eM52Mu4rac8-00438-00155912-00157386 BYE-BYE. >> eMaUd99KT4y-00000-00000145-00000345 HELLO, it's me Princess Peach eMaUd99KT4y-00001-00000345-00000443 We see you again ! eMaUd99KT4y-00002-00000508-00000785 For a new video eMaUd99KT4y-00003-00000785-00000972 I want to tell you about a subject, You see a subject who angry me eMaUd99KT4y-00005-00001048-00001263 But not a subject who angry me like this eMaUd99KT4y-00006-00001333-00001533 no a subject who really angry me ! It's angry me until ..... eMaUd99KT4y-00008-00001635-00001808 Oh sorry ! eMaUd99KT4y-00009-00001839-00002100 I take back my soul ! Everything is ok eMaUd99KT4y-00010-00002119-00002414 So yes, I wanted to talk about the hypocrisis eMaUd99KT4y-00011-00002480-00002782 I talk about this subject because I have known a lot in my life eMaUd99KT4y-00012-00002782-00002943 a lot a lot a lot eMaUd99KT4y-00013-00003120-00003436 In fact, what is a hypocrite ? eMaUd99KT4y-00014-00003446-00003610 There are persons who hide his veritable feels eMaUd99KT4y-00016-00003854-00003954 They lie about their opinions eMaUd99KT4y-00018-00004180-00004230 I have a question eMaUd99KT4y-00021-00004384-00004534 WHY YOU DO THAT ? eMaUd99KT4y-00022-00004534-00004734 I have believed that you was cool man eMaUd99KT4y-00023-00004838-00005160 They do like that eMaUd99KT4y-00024-00005204-00005529 Oh my baby, I have missed you ! eMaUd99KT4y-00025-00005544-00005644 I love your look ! eMaUd99KT4y-00026-00005779-00005979 You are very pretty like that eMaUd99KT4y-00027-00005979-00006120 You really are my best friend eMaUd99KT4y-00028-00006264-00006423 And when you are not here eMaUd99KT4y-00029-00006536-00006770 Oh my gad, I hate her ! eMaUd99KT4y-00030-00006770-00006886 Who she is ? eMaUd99KT4y-00031-00006926-00007026 She is pathetic eMaUd99KT4y-00032-00007071-00007344 And .. it's the party eMaUd99KT4y-00034-00007498-00007548 When the cat is not here eMaUd99KT4y-00035-00007548-00007701 The mouses dance eMaUd99KT4y-00037-00007830-00007903 I juste want to give you some money eMaUd99KT4y-00038-00007903-00007966 Take ! Take eMaUd99KT4y-00039-00008014-00008230 Go Buy a life eMaUd99KT4y-00040-00008230-00008457 And hypocrites make me laugh when they talk eMaUd99KT4y-00041-00008457-00008507 Hey ! You know what ? eMaUd99KT4y-00043-00008704-00008926 No what ? Tell meeee eMaUd99KT4y-00044-00008926-00009088 The last time, I have seen the other eMaUd99KT4y-00045-00009128-00009298 NO REALLY? eMaUd99KT4y-00046-00009302-00009530 Oh wait, she have taken weight, eMaUd99KT4y-00048-00009580-00009742 I have never seen a big ass like that eMaUd99KT4y-00050-00009792-00010032 Haha, I see her everyday to go at the food store buying chocolates eMaUd99KT4y-00052-00010082-00010311 It's doesn't surprise me if she is fat eMaUd99KT4y-00053-00010311-00010590 Futhermore, she wears slim clothes, I don't understand why she does that eMaUd99KT4y-00054-00010590-00010915 She must stop it ! The nutella is not possible eMaUd99KT4y-00055-00010915-00011226 She so fat that when you see her you don't know if she is in front or in back eMaUd99KT4y-00059-00011883-00012182 I told me, this people may boring in theirs life eMaUd99KT4y-00060-00012182-00012456 If the are boring, they may be busy eMaUd99KT4y-00061-00012480-00012711 The poors ... No poors eMaUd99KT4y-00063-00012886-00012996 Theirs life can't be interesting eMaUd99KT4y-00065-00013292-00013581 This is not a reason for clash the other if you are bored in your life eMaUd99KT4y-00066-00013581-00013818 it's horrible eMaUd99KT4y-00067-00013818-00013879 This hallucinant eMaUd99KT4y-00068-00013879-00014092 In a way, if you keep attention on they eMaUd99KT4y-00069-00014092-00014308 they are happy eMaUd99KT4y-00070-00014308-00014410 But in other way eMaUd99KT4y-00071-00014410-00014574 You forget them eMaUd99KT4y-00072-00014574-00014822 This make them angry, and the keep go on to clash you eMaUd99KT4y-00073-00014822-00014911 They don't forget you, they have you on eyes ! Warning eMaUd99KT4y-00074-00014911-00015222 I want to tell you eMaUd99KT4y-00075-00015222-00015422 it's doesn't mind eMaUd99KT4y-00076-00015422-00015521 And hypocrisis clash make them laugh eMaUd99KT4y-00077-00015521-00015827 They believe that they are puissant eMaUd99KT4y-00079-00016030-00016212 You are better than them eMaUd99KT4y-00080-00016212-00016412 So sad that hypocrites are not threatened species eMaUd99KT4y-00082-00016516-00016700 YESSSS ! We will have vacations eMaUd99KT4y-00083-00016776-00016878 Little riddle eMaUd99KT4y-00084-00016916-00017016 What is the favorite event of a hypocrite ? eMaUd99KT4y-00086-00017132-00017298 This carnaval ! eMaUd99KT4y-00087-00017386-00017486 Because they love to be hidden eMaUd99KT4y-00088-00017922-00018078 I'm good eMaUd99KT4y-00089-00018078-00018188 There is citation who said eMaUd99KT4y-00090-00018226-00018529 the drool of the frog doesn't reach the white dove eMaUd99KT4y-00092-00018664-00018844 Seriously, I have things to say to you eMaUd99KT4y-00093-00018884-00018934 One eMaUd99KT4y-00094-00018954-00019046 You are mean eMaUd99KT4y-00095-00019132-00019262 You will go in hell eMaUd99KT4y-00096-00019484-00019588 Satanic eMaUd99KT4y-00097-00019588-00019860 This is the end of this video eMaUd99KT4y-00098-00019860-00020119 We will not speak again about them eMaUd99KT4y-00099-00020120-00020286 We have said that we have to ignore them eMaUd99KT4y-00100-00020300-00020490 If you to you fed up about hypocrites eMaUd99KT4y-00101-00020494-00020682 Share my video eMaUd99KT4y-00102-00020710-00020896 subscribe to my channel eMaUd99KT4y-00103-00021110-00021210 Or I will speak about you eMaUd99KT4y-00104-00021448-00021594 BYYYYE eNXY_Fk3704-00000-00000000-00000488 today we're going to be taking a look at the top 10 most powerful players ever in rise of kingdoms eNXY_Fk3704-00001-00000488-00001048 the combined power of these 10 players is over 9 billion that's more than most alliances in the eNXY_Fk3704-00002-00001048-00001655 entire game who are these people are they actually millionaires and has this list changed since the eNXY_Fk3704-00003-00001655-00002216 last time i made this video all the way back in march there's been some crazy kvks since march and eNXY_Fk3704-00004-00002216-00002720 a lot of the players on this list have gone down in power back up in power and also one of these eNXY_Fk3704-00005-00002720-00003240 mega rich whales has from what i can tell quit the game that's right they spent all this money to be eNXY_Fk3704-00006-00003240-00003752 in the top 10 and I'm pretty sure they've quit so stay tuned to see who it is but first as a small eNXY_Fk3704-00007-00003752-00004136 content creator videos like this one wouldn't be possible if it weren't for sponsors like the one eNXY_Fk3704-00008-00004136-00004576 we have today Huawei app gallery app gallery is basically just an alternative to the google play eNXY_Fk3704-00009-00004576-00005064 store that has a ton of extra benefits for people who play games like rise of kingdoms that includes eNXY_Fk3704-00010-00005064-00005504 games like infinity kingdom or lords mobile first of all they have a loyalty program that gives you eNXY_Fk3704-00011-00005504-00006048 up to 300 euros in Huawei coupons every single month and of course the higher your loyalty level eNXY_Fk3704-00012-00006048-00006552 is the more you get and they're easy to redeem just go to the loyalty rewards page in game center eNXY_Fk3704-00013-00006552-00007064 to find them on top of that there's also a VIP program for all players who reach level 5 in game eNXY_Fk3704-00014-00007064-00007664 center if you're a VIP member you can get 1 620 euros worth of Huawei coupons every single month eNXY_Fk3704-00015-00007664-00008136 getting to the VIP page is easy just head over to the rewards page in game center and that's not to eNXY_Fk3704-00016-00008136-00008600 mention all the other perks of using app gallery app gallery is constantly offering a bunch of free eNXY_Fk3704-00017-00008600-00009008 rewards and discounts for a bunch of different games that you've probably already played or heard eNXY_Fk3704-00018-00009008-00009384 of before and honestly getting up and running with app gallery is pretty easy first make sure eNXY_Fk3704-00019-00009384-00009792 you save your progress on the game you play most no matter what game you play you can usually link eNXY_Fk3704-00020-00009792-00010248 it to your Facebook or your google account here in the settings next use the link below to download eNXY_Fk3704-00021-00010248-00010664 Huawei app gallery for your android device or your emulator once it's finished downloading you're eNXY_Fk3704-00022-00010664-00011112 gonna have to download the hms core and game center from Huawei and this is pretty much just eNXY_Fk3704-00023-00011112-00011568 their version of the google services from there create an app gallery account within your country eNXY_Fk3704-00024-00011568-00011944 that's listed here on the screen once you're logged in use app gallery to go and download eNXY_Fk3704-00025-00011944-00012360 your favorite city builder games then all you have to do is log back into your game account so using eNXY_Fk3704-00026-00012360-00012728 your google or Facebook account like we talked about earlier and that's it now you can enjoy all eNXY_Fk3704-00027-00012728-00013080 the benefits of playing on app gallery so what are you guys waiting for go ahead and click the eNXY_Fk3704-00028-00013080-00013568 link down below to give it a try okay without further ado number 10 on the list of the most eNXY_Fk3704-00029-00013568-00014104 powerful players in rise of kingdoms right now is none other than flying baroness in kingdom 1601 eNXY_Fk3704-00030-00014104-00014600 this player is often on these top 10 lists that i do here in rise of kingdoms and i gotta say last eNXY_Fk3704-00031-00014600-00015063 night i collected this data and today I'm going back to record the video and it looks like if i eNXY_Fk3704-00032-00015063-00015688 recorded this correctly last night about 24 hours ago they had 695 million power and right now they eNXY_Fk3704-00033-00015688-00016448 are down to 626 million power they dropped like my entire accounts worth of power in a day yeah this eNXY_Fk3704-00034-00016448-00016896 player's got to be at least a millionaire like this person is balling out of absolute control eNXY_Fk3704-00035-00016896-00017456 you can see that they have 13 billion 309 million kill points let's take a look at the breakdown it eNXY_Fk3704-00036-00017456-00018104 looks like we've got more t5 kills than t4 kills way more kill points in that department for sure eNXY_Fk3704-00037-00018104-00018904 over 450 million tier 5 units have been killed by flying baroness alone and 412 million at t4 eNXY_Fk3704-00038-00018904-00019536 units rocking the Germany civilization really good for cavalry players and for training extra troops eNXY_Fk3704-00039-00019536-00019944 definitely one of the best civilizations in the game for sure taking a look in the more info eNXY_Fk3704-00040-00019944-00020592 section we can see that their highest power ever was 742 million which just so you guys know if you eNXY_Fk3704-00041-00020592-00021032 compared their highest power ever to the current list we have that would still only bring them eNXY_Fk3704-00042-00021032-00021544 up to number nine they'd only move up a single place that's how powerful these players are okay eNXY_Fk3704-00043-00021544-00022208 they also have 114 million dead troops absolutely insane let's take a look at their commander view eNXY_Fk3704-00044-00022208-00022728 we actually don't get to see anything here other than what commanders they have they do have Nevsky eNXY_Fk3704-00045-00022728-00023440 obviously YSS and Zenobia here so still rocking a garrison from a while ago but still nonetheless eNXY_Fk3704-00046-00023440-00023984 very effective and rocking the Xiang Yu as well this makes a ton of sense I'm sure flying baroness eNXY_Fk3704-00047-00023984-00024488 is an insane rally lead and garrison lead and you probably have nothing to worry about if you're eNXY_Fk3704-00048-00024488-00024888 in their garrison a rally looks like they don't have an album and their achievements are pretty eNXY_Fk3704-00049-00024888-00025352 straightforward number one at sunset canyon 100 million power stone 3 in Olympia season eNXY_Fk3704-00050-00025352-00025792 four okay you know when i see alliance black rose i think of black rose dragon from yugioh eNXY_Fk3704-00051-00025792-00026383 and is definitely one of the most badass cards out there moving on to number nine we have bt cyborg eNXY_Fk3704-00052-00026383-00027176 in kingdom 2291 this player is coming in at over 700 million power we have 709 million power that's eNXY_Fk3704-00053-00027176-00027704 right we've already broken the 700 million mark and we're only at number nine on the list now if eNXY_Fk3704-00054-00027704-00028239 we take a look at the kill points we see a much different story flying baroness had a ton of kill eNXY_Fk3704-00055-00028239-00029200 points over 14 billion here we could see 4 billion 553 million kill points we see 148 million tier 5 eNXY_Fk3704-00056-00029200-00029872 units were killed and 158 million tier four units were killed also rocking the Germany civilization eNXY_Fk3704-00057-00029872-00030432 here doesn't touch champions of Olympia clearly okay and honestly ay me neither all right nothing eNXY_Fk3704-00058-00030432-00030832 on the achievement mall looking kind of empty over here and the album okay we got something in the eNXY_Fk3704-00059-00030832-00031256 album looks like we got some captain America we got some marvel i don't know is what i don't know eNXY_Fk3704-00060-00031256-00031704 who this is anybody know who this is looks like he's from tekken or something am i am i right eNXY_Fk3704-00061-00031704-00032248 probably not we got superman over here big marvel fan okay dc sorry superman's dc my apologies I'm eNXY_Fk3704-00062-00032248-00032744 gonna get roasted in the comments for this man taking a look in the more info we see 67 million eNXY_Fk3704-00063-00032744-00033320 dead troops and this is pretty much the highest power bt cyborg has ever been highest power was eNXY_Fk3704-00064-00033320-00033952 710 million so they've lost about 1 million power since their peak pretty crazy stuff there if you eNXY_Fk3704-00065-00033952-00034456 ask me that is just so much power let's take a look at the commander view here we can see also eNXY_Fk3704-00066-00034456-00035088 got Nevsky in the drill master slot and charge captain is also filled by Xiang Yu we also see eNXY_Fk3704-00067-00035088-00035568 that the knighthead and the iron guard are filled with the archers so we got two rally sets here eNXY_Fk3704-00068-00035568-00036104 okay gilga and henry with Nevsky and Xiang Yu insane stuff there we love to see it unfortunately eNXY_Fk3704-00069-00036104-00036552 we don't get to take a look at BT cyborg's talent builds or anything like that i'm sure these are eNXY_Fk3704-00070-00036552-00036840 all expertise though it's not something you have to worry about with a player like this eNXY_Fk3704-00071-00036840-00037448 a truly insane account i wish i could afford something like this bt cyborg hey if you're hiring eNXY_Fk3704-00072-00037448-00037984 brother just reach out okay i i I'm probably more affordable than you think okay moving on to eNXY_Fk3704-00073-00037984-00038600 number eight on the list we have none other than Mimi yes perfume of Mimi does clock in at number eNXY_Fk3704-00074-00038600-00039576 eight this time with an impressive 770 million power and 14 billion kill points coming in at 596 eNXY_Fk3704-00075-00039576-00040400 million tier 4 units 397 million tier 5 units and also rocking the Germany civilization we see a lot eNXY_Fk3704-00076-00040400-00040968 of Germany tonight ladies and gentlemen if we hop over to the more info section we can see over 103 eNXY_Fk3704-00077-00040968-00041520 million dead troops absolutely insane but what's even crazier is that the highest power ever was eNXY_Fk3704-00078-00041520-00042248 over 800 million so lost about 33 million since her peak on this account a little spoiler there eNXY_Fk3704-00079-00042248-00042736 let's take a look in the uh album we see okay i remember this look it was she like on a date or eNXY_Fk3704-00080-00042736-00043112 something like that playing rise of kingdoms i mean hey if you guys saw the short i just eNXY_Fk3704-00081-00043112-00043504 uploaded the other day i might have been doing my dailies at the club i might have been i don't know eNXY_Fk3704-00082-00043504-00043904 check out the short if you missed it on my channel here we have what i assumed to be Mimi in front of eNXY_Fk3704-00083-00043904-00044384 a Ferrari a yellow Ferrari is she parked on the water too it looks like there's a bridge that's eNXY_Fk3704-00084-00044384-00044792 like oh my god this probably costs more than the Ferrari to be honest with you guys especially eNXY_Fk3704-00085-00044792-00045240 because at this point you know she's probably got a bunch of uh talents on these iconic crystals oh eNXY_Fk3704-00086-00045240-00045800 we got the Gucci shoes the Gucci bag we got the Gucci everything and okay yeah i remember this eNXY_Fk3704-00087-00045800-00046288 account i remembered this account because I'm a fatty and yeah I'd be much fatter if i lived this eNXY_Fk3704-00088-00046288-00046792 lifestyle that's for sure taking a look at the commanders okay we do see that Mimi allows us to eNXY_Fk3704-00089-00046792-00047304 take a look at at least their skill and star level and of course they're all legendary and maxed out eNXY_Fk3704-00090-00047304-00047768 not sure what's going on over here other than Ragnar just being an absolute savage i love to see eNXY_Fk3704-00091-00047768-00048200 it there's a little sprinkle of personality right because you don't need Ragnar here she put Ragnar eNXY_Fk3704-00092-00048200-00048656 here just to show off that it's expertised and i like that that's badass we got the drill master eNXY_Fk3704-00093-00048656-00049168 and iron guard here a mandatory and artemisia really interesting stuff there love to see that eNXY_Fk3704-00094-00049168-00049600 combination probably not something you're using for a garrison these days but definitely powerful eNXY_Fk3704-00095-00049600-00050088 in the open field i mean who knows it's Mimi maybe it is a savage garrison under her rule eNXY_Fk3704-00096-00050088-00050672 i don't know but we do have henry and Boudica so clearly this is an archer themed account at least eNXY_Fk3704-00097-00050672-00051088 that's what i can tell by just looking at what she's got here and of course Boudica and henry eNXY_Fk3704-00098-00051088-00051655 are both already maxed out absolutely insane but the maxed Ragnar i thought the first expertise eNXY_Fk3704-00099-00051655-00052079 Ragnar i would have seen would have been on snap's account but here we see Mimi just has the eNXY_Fk3704-00100-00052079-00052528 credit card to just slam it on the table be like boom max out Ragnar what are you gonna do this eNXY_Fk3704-00101-00052528-00052960 account finished the engineering achievements just straight up and is almost done with overlord and eNXY_Fk3704-00102-00052960-00053479 is finished with vanquisher oh my god moving on to number seven on the list we have none other than eNXY_Fk3704-00103-00053479-00054248 also Mimi yes literally also Mimi same player same alliance same kingdom 1175. she's just got she's eNXY_Fk3704-00104-00054248-00054704 just balling she's just literally got so much money she has no no idea what to do with Mimi eNXY_Fk3704-00105-00054704-00055167 if you're watching i'll be your personal assistant okay and i probably will do it for cheaper than eNXY_Fk3704-00106-00055167-00055624 than what you're what you already got anyway okay enough is enough also rocking the Germany eNXY_Fk3704-00107-00055624-00056064 civilization here we've got all four players here rock and Germany so far is that a bug are they all eNXY_Fk3704-00108-00056064-00056432 actually rocking Germany i mean even the previous account was clearly an archer account and they're eNXY_Fk3704-00109-00056432-00057152 still rocking Germany like what's going on anyway 773 million power with over 11 billion kill points eNXY_Fk3704-00110-00057152-00057944 taking a look the breakdown is oh my god it's so close it's almost identical 368 million tier 4 eNXY_Fk3704-00111-00057944-00058528 and 368 million tier 5 kills on this account here we can see 64 million dead troops and the highest eNXY_Fk3704-00112-00058528-00059104 power ever was 803 million it's like Mimi's trying to keep these accounts like right next to each eNXY_Fk3704-00113-00059104-00059648 other it's actually insane looking at the album we just see a little bit uh more flexing okay eNXY_Fk3704-00114-00059648-00060208 more Gucci stuff I'm assuming Mimi owns a horse which is like absolutely um incredible wait what eNXY_Fk3704-00115-00060208-00060776 if the horse's name is Mimi oh my goodness i want to pet the horse oh we got a little change here we eNXY_Fk3704-00116-00060776-00061255 got some Fendi instead of Gucci this time still whipping the Ferrari though we love to see it we eNXY_Fk3704-00117-00061255-00061720 love to see what's this we got plantains and some other sweets it looks like with the of course rise eNXY_Fk3704-00118-00061720-00062272 of kingdoms so Mimi obviously has three accounts because holy sh imagine this is your day okay you eNXY_Fk3704-00119-00062272-00062728 wake up you get your three rise of kingdoms iPads and you take a trip to the Gucci store in your eNXY_Fk3704-00120-00062728-00063167 Ferrari that somebody else drives because you're not broke like that that's that's what i imagined eNXY_Fk3704-00121-00063167-00063648 Mimi's life to be absolutely incredible taking a look at the commander view we can see here that eNXY_Fk3704-00122-00063648-00064296 this looks like it's got a couple of different options okay we do see uh some cavalry focus here eNXY_Fk3704-00123-00064296-00064912 with Bertrand and Jadwiga however we see Flavius so does that mean this is the this must be like eNXY_Fk3704-00124-00064912-00065512 the garrison account and then what do we got the max Suleiman really maxed Suleiman what is going eNXY_Fk3704-00125-00065512-00065936 on here is that another flex or are you actually rallying with this because it's set as the charge eNXY_Fk3704-00126-00065936-00066432 captain i have no idea what's going on with the Suleiman here but hey if it works for her it works eNXY_Fk3704-00127-00066432-00066800 for her and honestly probably anything works for her because she could just put the best equipment eNXY_Fk3704-00128-00066800-00067272 with the best everything in there and and just reinforce it with her other accounts oh my god eNXY_Fk3704-00129-00067272-00067608 we got the max Honda that's pretty much uh that's something that you see a little bit eNXY_Fk3704-00130-00067608-00068088 more often than like than the Suleiman for sure and of course the Bertrand you don't really see eNXY_Fk3704-00131-00068088-00068408 max Bertrand to be honest with you i really don't know what the focus of this account eNXY_Fk3704-00132-00068408-00068824 is to be honest uh it's i mean she probably just has so much money it doesn't even matter eNXY_Fk3704-00133-00068824-00069288 she could just max everything and it's just chilling coming in at number six we have to pay eNXY_Fk3704-00134-00069288-00069952 tribute to none other than Burnaby in kingdom 1680 ladies and gentlemen it is my understanding that eNXY_Fk3704-00135-00069952-00070608 Burnaby might have quit rise of kingdoms a long time ago in fact because look at the kill points eNXY_Fk3704-00136-00070608-00071472 only 1.5 billion kill points but over 804 million power now this is a player that gained a ton of eNXY_Fk3704-00137-00071472-00072200 notoriety when videos on YouTube surfaced of them gemming troops for pre-kvk rewards eNXY_Fk3704-00138-00072664-00073440 an absolute legend in rise of kingdom's history but hasn't moved power in a long time so long in eNXY_Fk3704-00139-00073440-00074008 fact that this player doesn't appear on websites such as rokboard which if you guys didn't know eNXY_Fk3704-00140-00074008-00074552 videos like this one wouldn't be possible without the data over on so if you guys eNXY_Fk3704-00141-00074552-00075160 want a reliable way to get statistics for your kingdom go ahead and check out their service i am eNXY_Fk3704-00142-00075160-00075712 not sponsored by them i'm not affiliated with them they've never asked me to shout them out but again eNXY_Fk3704-00143-00075712-00076136 these videos wouldn't be possible without them so i do appreciate all their hard work but Burnaby eNXY_Fk3704-00144-00076136-00076664 doesn't show up in their top 10 most powerful because he i to my knowledge doesn't appear eNXY_Fk3704-00145-00076664-00077104 in the kingdom ranking from what i can tell but i was able to find their account because there are eNXY_Fk3704-00146-00077104-00077704 videos of their profile and you can take a look at the player id so we take a look at their album eNXY_Fk3704-00147-00077704-00078176 there's nothing here i don't know if they just don't have an album or if when the account hasn't eNXY_Fk3704-00148-00078176-00078568 been logged into for a certain amount of time they just remove the album I'm not really sure we see eNXY_Fk3704-00149-00078568-00079072 no achievements here on the wall at all but this is the first player that is not rocking Germany eNXY_Fk3704-00150-00079072-00079608 they're rocking the Arabian civilization absolutely insane in the farmer alliance eNXY_Fk3704-00151-00079608-00080000 that's another clue for me as to how i feel like obviously this players quit the game right you eNXY_Fk3704-00152-00080000-00080536 don't have 804 million power and only 1.5 billion kill points if you're actively playing the game eNXY_Fk3704-00153-00080536-00081144 and you wouldn't of course be in a farm alliance taking a look at the more information we see 14.7 eNXY_Fk3704-00154-00081144-00081816 million dead troops nothing too crazy there and their highest power ever was 841 million and eNXY_Fk3704-00155-00081816-00082296 ladies and gentlemen if they were their highest power ever right now they would still only move up eNXY_Fk3704-00156-00082296-00082920 one more place on the list yeah this this list gets absolutely insane they haven't even enabled eNXY_Fk3704-00157-00082920-00083440 the commander view feature so yeah I'm pretty sure it's been a while since Burnaby logged in Burnaby eNXY_Fk3704-00158-00083440-00083856 if you're watching this if you see this somehow what happened man what what happened why'd you eNXY_Fk3704-00159-00083856-00084208 quit if you guys know Burnaby if you've played with him let me know in the comment section below eNXY_Fk3704-00160-00084208-00084824 why you think he quit coming in at number five on the list we have none other than kang 747 now this eNXY_Fk3704-00161-00084824-00085520 player was actually supposed to be number four on the list as of last night but they've dropped eNXY_Fk3704-00162-00085520-00086048 power and the player who's actually at number four has gained an insane amount of power when i eNXY_Fk3704-00163-00086048-00087144 checked last night kang 747 had 869 million power and now they're down to 810 million 668 000 power eNXY_Fk3704-00164-00087144-00087648 still an insane number but i just can't believe that in 24 hours they've lost so much and the eNXY_Fk3704-00165-00087648-00087968 other players gained so much we're going to talk about them in just a second but kang eNXY_Fk3704-00166-00087968-00088664 747 is actually uh they also used to go by the name of madness in a previous episode their player eNXY_Fk3704-00167-00088664-00089200 name was all in Chinese so i had to translate it to roughly madness but we've got seven billion eNXY_Fk3704-00168-00089200-00089952 kill points on this player 215 million tier fours and 242 million tier fives also rocking eNXY_Fk3704-00169-00089952-00090560 the Arabian civilization just like Burnaby they do dabble in champions of Olympia they are gold eNXY_Fk3704-00170-00090560-00091096 three which is pretty incredible and of course their achievement wall is also all blanked out eNXY_Fk3704-00171-00091096-00091816 absolutely insane gathering of talent gathering of elites meta breaker children of glory oh my god eNXY_Fk3704-00172-00091816-00092456 and a gifted audience what is going on here with the achievements legend oh it's got six of the eNXY_Fk3704-00173-00092456-00093072 child of fate achievements absolutely incredible still hasn't done what Mimi has done and finished eNXY_Fk3704-00174-00093072-00093552 the engineering or vanquisher achievement anyway taking a look at the album you'll see some of the eNXY_Fk3704-00175-00093552-00094136 cutest little puppy pictures you've ever seen in your life oh my goodness look at the little face eNXY_Fk3704-00176-00094136-00094608 it's so cute i just want to squish it oh we gotta drop a like on that one everybody go and like this eNXY_Fk3704-00177-00094608-00095088 on his album okay otherwise you're fired does he have three accounts and they all have like are eNXY_Fk3704-00178-00095088-00095584 these all zenith skins too what the heck my man's a legend he's a he's a legend he's pulling a Mimi eNXY_Fk3704-00179-00095584-00096112 taking a look at the more info you can see that they have almost 54 million dead troops and look eNXY_Fk3704-00180-00096112-00096912 at the highest power ever bro 976 million oh my god dude holy sh we're getting we're getting up eNXY_Fk3704-00181-00096912-00097256 there boys and girls we are getting up there that's for sure taking a look at the command eNXY_Fk3704-00182-00097256-00097832 review you see a lot of the same culprits that you might expect here with a couple of newcomers so eNXY_Fk3704-00183-00097832-00098264 we haven't seen guan you i don't believe today uh on the on the commander view which is nice eNXY_Fk3704-00184-00098264-00098728 i don't think we've seen Nebu either which is a little bit shocking to me but of course we do see eNXY_Fk3704-00185-00098728-00099288 Nevsky and Xiang Yu as well although i don't know why they would be killing barbs with Nevsky but eNXY_Fk3704-00186-00099288-00099744 i guess they just want to show off that they have him i don't know we also see Zenobia over here so eNXY_Fk3704-00187-00099744-00100112 clearly this is a player that can open field they can rally they can garrison they can do eNXY_Fk3704-00188-00100112-00100608 whatever they want basically they've got what seems to be infinite money and i don't know eNXY_Fk3704-00189-00100608-00100928 clearly they've been playing the game for a while because they they have the uh the ninja eNXY_Fk3704-00190-00100928-00101424 gaiden logo here pretty insane stuff moving on to number four on the list this is a player you're eNXY_Fk3704-00191-00101424-00102016 familiar with and it is dark cookie well actually it's dn cookie but it used to be dark cookie guys eNXY_Fk3704-00192-00102016-00102600 last night when i when i pulled this data for the video he was at 846 million power and now he's at eNXY_Fk3704-00193-00102600-00103192 882 million power what is going on with these players ladies and gentlemen dn cookie is the eNXY_Fk3704-00194-00103192-00103800 ottoman empire first time we're seeing ottomans here in the video with 6.6 billion kill points eNXY_Fk3704-00195-00103800-00104535 165 million tier four with 244 million tier five this list just keeps getting crazier although eNXY_Fk3704-00196-00104535-00105008 i will note that I'm pretty sure flying baroness at number 10 still has the most amount of kill eNXY_Fk3704-00197-00105008-00105559 points unless you add up all of Mimi's accounts maybe i don't know now the album is set to private eNXY_Fk3704-00198-00105559-00106120 but i will say that the alliance dark nation does have other members with the name dark in eNXY_Fk3704-00199-00106120-00106744 it for example there's also a dark brownie with over 420 million power and a dark Oreo with over eNXY_Fk3704-00200-00106744-00107168 200 million power I'm not going to scroll through here and honestly oh there's brownie right there eNXY_Fk3704-00201-00107168-00107672 400 oh my god this account went up 60 million too this is pr... it's got to be the same player right eNXY_Fk3704-00202-00107672-00108159 holy sh okay we're just gonna focus on the account that's actually on the top 10 list taking a look eNXY_Fk3704-00203-00108159-00108711 at the highest this this is their highest power ever they're literally this is it they are peaking eNXY_Fk3704-00204-00108711-00109183 right now this is actually an insane moment in history to be looking at dark cookies account eNXY_Fk3704-00205-00109183-00109735 unless they continue to push power 84 million dead units here not surprising there taking a look at eNXY_Fk3704-00206-00109735-00110272 the commander view you will see some of the same suspects we do see Honda over here killing barbs eNXY_Fk3704-00207-00110272-00110632 not sure why that would be the case but you do have Guan Yu in the attack slot we have a eNXY_Fk3704-00208-00110632-00111288 mandatory as the iron guard Xiang Yu as the charge captain obviously and Zenobia of course as the eNXY_Fk3704-00209-00111288-00111735 night head so a lot of diversity here honestly a lot of diversity I'm not sure what this account eNXY_Fk3704-00210-00111735-00112176 is specializing in just looking at the command of you alone but what i can say is that this eNXY_Fk3704-00211-00112176-00112704 account is like there's it's just insane okay although only 81 command what commanders don't eNXY_Fk3704-00212-00112704-00113240 don't you have what what he don't got what he don't have i don't get it how could you i have 75 eNXY_Fk3704-00213-00113240-00113632 and there's 10 commanders in the game that i don't have so that means there's 85 commanders so i eNXY_Fk3704-00214-00113632-00114120 don't think anyone we've seen so far in this video has all the commanders unlocked what what is going eNXY_Fk3704-00215-00114120-00114680 on there now i don't i might have missed this okay but dark cookie is in kingdom 1556 and kang 747 is eNXY_Fk3704-00216-00114680-00115192 in kingdom 1534 i don't want to forget about their kingdoms because a player is only as good as their eNXY_Fk3704-00217-00115192-00115552 kingdom so we gotta make sure to shout out those guys as well with that being said we're gonna move eNXY_Fk3704-00218-00115552-00116072 on to number three on the list and this is where the power numbers start to get really insane we eNXY_Fk3704-00219-00116072-00116711 have none other than Farm Whale 808 ladies and gentlemen you may know this player as Yoda 808 eNXY_Fk3704-00220-00116711-00117248 they've been in my live streams they've made this list before and i am pleased to announce eNXY_Fk3704-00221-00117248-00118008 that they have officially broken the one billion power mark if I'm not mistaken this might be only eNXY_Fk3704-00222-00118008-00118640 the third player ever to break the 1 billion power mark will they stop here who knows but what i can eNXY_Fk3704-00223-00118640-00119359 say is that just a few weeks ago when baba was in kvk there was a point in time where Farm Whale 808 eNXY_Fk3704-00224-00119359-00119911 had more power than Baba TC Ataturk that is truly whether well hey whether you look at these kill eNXY_Fk3704-00225-00119911-00120320 points and say he doesn't deserve whatever you might say he knows he's a farmer okay but here's eNXY_Fk3704-00226-00120320-00120824 a couple things you got to know about Farm Whale 808 okay first of all this is the newest account eNXY_Fk3704-00227-00120824-00121368 on the entire list by a pretty substantial margin the only one that even comes close is dark cookie eNXY_Fk3704-00228-00121368-00121856 and dark cookies been around for quite a while and number two this is still an insane amount of eNXY_Fk3704-00229-00121856-00122280 power no matter how you cut it no matter how you slice it no matter how you dice it okay this is an eNXY_Fk3704-00230-00122280-00123128 insane amount of power congrats on breaking the 1 billion power marker we've got 4.45 billion kill eNXY_Fk3704-00231-00123128-00124096 points 199 million tier 4 units 119 million tier 5 units in kingdom 1854 also rocking the Germany eNXY_Fk3704-00232-00124096-00124592 civilization these guys must be in troop training mode because I've never seen this many of the eNXY_Fk3704-00233-00124592-00125016 same civilization on a top 10 list in my life let's take a look at the more information and eNXY_Fk3704-00234-00125016-00125704 here we can see yes they are currently at their highest power ever with 59 million dead troops eNXY_Fk3704-00235-00125704-00126344 taking a peek at the commander view and we got meme'd ladies and gentlemen we got a straight up eNXY_Fk3704-00236-00126344-00126896 meme'd on boys i don't i never seen it I've never seen something like this in my rise of kingdoms eNXY_Fk3704-00237-00126896-00127504 life my boy is rocking mark's woman okay which is a peacekeeper so i guess that makes sense we got eNXY_Fk3704-00238-00127504-00128088 two gatherers that are actual gatherers okay uh and i mean the rest of this stuff i mean i guess eNXY_Fk3704-00239-00128088-00128792 knighthead makes sense for city keeper Lancelot i i i guess i don't can you imagine having over a eNXY_Fk3704-00240-00128792-00129335 billion power and this is what your commander view looks like and i swear i did not tell him that i eNXY_Fk3704-00241-00129335-00129759 was filming this video this is literally just he's just straight up trolling okay he's got to be just eNXY_Fk3704-00242-00129759-00130496 straight up trolling brother my brother in Christ my brother my lord Jesus Christ what are you doing eNXY_Fk3704-00243-00130496-00131208 holy sh i just realized wait a minute he probably actually uses dragon lancer and wins trades eNXY_Fk3704-00244-00131312-00132144 look at this it's all cavalry talented except the horn what mark's woman all talented except eNXY_Fk3704-00245-00132144-00133184 the accessories and the gloves with the archers holy sh he did it the absolute mad lad oh my eNXY_Fk3704-00246-00133264-00133944 god this is the sexiest player album I've ever seen in my life oh he's got the screenshot of the eNXY_Fk3704-00247-00133944-00134376 nine nine nine nine nine nine nine i love that that's sick oh look at the little puppy i had eNXY_Fk3704-00248-00134376-00134728 already liked that i probably liked that during a live stream to be honest with you guys my god eNXY_Fk3704-00249-00134728-00135296 what a crazy account i love it moving on to number two on the list and this is actually eNXY_Fk3704-00250-00135296-00135888 the oldest account on the list following that's right the previous account Farm Whale was the eNXY_Fk3704-00251-00135888-00136328 youngest account on on this list and now we've got the oldest account on the list coming in at number eNXY_Fk3704-00252-00136328-00136800 two and of course it is your favorite ladies and gentlemen Baba TC Ataturk he comes in at number eNXY_Fk3704-00253-00136800-00137312 two every single time it doesn't matter how hard he fights in kvk it doesn't matter how many times eNXY_Fk3704-00254-00137312-00137872 he migrates it doesn't matter where he is what he's doing what's going on in his life he still is eNXY_Fk3704-00255-00137872-00138736 an absolute legend in rise of kingdoms 1.1 billion power that's a Farm Whale is coming for your spot eNXY_Fk3704-00256-00138736-00139296 baba you gotta be careful but again in reality it's really no comparison this kill point number eNXY_Fk3704-00257-00139296-00139936 is just this is higher than multiple players on this list combined baba is tried and true one eNXY_Fk3704-00258-00139936-00140512 of the most savage players in the entire game they put their money where their mouth is okay eNXY_Fk3704-00259-00140512-00141040 he's chilling in kingdom 1556 rocking the ottoman civilization and i love taking a look at his eNXY_Fk3704-00260-00141040-00141536 profile just to see we've taken a look at this profile a number of times okay he often shows eNXY_Fk3704-00261-00141536-00141928 up obviously in the most powerful list but also in the most kills list obviously because he has eNXY_Fk3704-00262-00141928-00142696 the troops to kill and we could see 29.4 billion kill points 1.1 billion tier 5 kills absolutely eNXY_Fk3704-00263-00142696-00143728 disgusting oh my god that is so good 719 million tier 4 unit kills absolute savagery boys and girls eNXY_Fk3704-00264-00143728-00144160 now if we take a look at the album this album i believe is the same album as we've seen before eNXY_Fk3704-00265-00144160-00144712 he's rocking the Ducati we all know baba loves the suits he likes the cars and i don't want to make eNXY_Fk3704-00266-00144712-00145216 assumptions uh is this is this his son is this his nephew I'm not really sure but it's an adorable eNXY_Fk3704-00267-00145216-00145648 picture look at all the likes this has got to be one of the most famous if not the most 11 000 eNXY_Fk3704-00268-00145648-00146088 likes on the Ducati boys we gotta go in we're just gonna go in and like all the pictures okay bing eNXY_Fk3704-00269-00146088-00146464 bada boom there it is ladies and gentlemen I'm surprised i haven't liked them already but come on eNXY_Fk3704-00270-00146464-00146912 i mean the guy i gotta just emphasize this one more time those kill points are so much eNXY_Fk3704-00271-00146912-00147328 higher than everyone else on the list it's just embarrassing almost taking a look at the commander eNXY_Fk3704-00272-00147328-00148032 view we see still rocking Cao Cao in the ranger slot but of course we have Nevsky and Attila very eNXY_Fk3704-00273-00148032-00148536 interesting and surprising combo that when Nevsky came out nobody really thought that Attila Nevsky eNXY_Fk3704-00274-00148536-00148992 was gonna be as big of a thing some people thought oh it's like a fun combo but no Attila Nevsky eNXY_Fk3704-00275-00148992-00149528 actually popping off to be honest with you okay we also see the Guan Yu and the Trajan here rocking eNXY_Fk3704-00276-00149528-00150024 the Trajan that that is for somebody who can deal the most insane amount of damage in the entire eNXY_Fk3704-00277-00150024-00150480 game he's still focused on uh you know providing a little bit of support for the other armies in eNXY_Fk3704-00278-00150480-00150896 the open field i think that's pretty noble i think that's pretty badass he does give us a little peek eNXY_Fk3704-00279-00150896-00151368 at the talent builds and honestly this is a very solid talent build i think this is probably the eNXY_Fk3704-00280-00151368-00151832 best talent build that uh he could have gone with to be completely fair with you yeah i actually eNXY_Fk3704-00281-00151832-00152392 like this build a lot i probably would do the same thing Nevsky maybe honestly I'm not a huge eNXY_Fk3704-00282-00152392-00152920 fan of feral nature but i do think that it makes a lot of sense here with the naked rage i would say eNXY_Fk3704-00283-00152920-00153480 for most players naked rage is questionable but because baba is obviously going to be dealing more eNXY_Fk3704-00284-00153480-00154000 damage than anybody else in the open field i think that this is a good a good play for him overall eNXY_Fk3704-00285-00154000-00154464 really solid talent build i don't know why i would i just prefer going to the top of the the cab tree eNXY_Fk3704-00286-00154464-00154920 but that's just because i don't want to risk over raging with feral nature but honestly baba just eNXY_Fk3704-00287-00154920-00155312 he could just do whatever he wants okay his nephew is going to hit you like a tactical nuke anyway it eNXY_Fk3704-00288-00155312-00155728 doesn't even matter same thing with the Guan Yu talents I'm not sure i love these talents i don't eNXY_Fk3704-00289-00155728-00156304 love feral nature but again it's gonna work for baba it doesn't matter he's gonna kill you it eNXY_Fk3704-00290-00156304-00156736 is what it is now coming over here to the Trajan i think this is solid for Trajan depending on if eNXY_Fk3704-00291-00156736-00157112 you're gonna use mixed units if you're gonna use mix units you probably want to grab these things eNXY_Fk3704-00292-00157112-00157520 on the end here realistically he's covered some of the most important bases and honestly i don't use eNXY_Fk3704-00293-00157520-00158064 Trajan so I'm in no position to uh to give advice on Trajan of course baba rocking all the golden eNXY_Fk3704-00294-00158064-00158672 achievements on the wall ladies and gentlemen oh i want to see yo i want to see baba's equipment eNXY_Fk3704-00295-00158672-00159104 i just got to see it i just got to see it baba share... i just want to know how much of it is eNXY_Fk3704-00296-00159104-00159680 talented is all of it talented and how many iconic crystals does he have oh my god dude oh my god eNXY_Fk3704-00297-00159736-00160152 wait oh oh he didn't even finish the engineered achievements what's going on here he did finish eNXY_Fk3704-00298-00160152-00160584 vanquisher though okay oh he's got seven of the child of fates that's i think the highest we've eNXY_Fk3704-00299-00160584-00161104 seen so far taking a look at the more info section we can see that baba had a highest power ever eNXY_Fk3704-00300-00161104-00161808 of 1.3 billion yes that is because baba just puts his troops on the line absolutely insane eNXY_Fk3704-00301-00161808-00162656 190 almost 191 million dead troops what an insane player this is ladies and gentlemen eNXY_Fk3704-00302-00162656-00163176 now even if baba was at his highest power ever he still wouldn't be number one on this list eNXY_Fk3704-00303-00163176-00163992 because number one on the list is none other than maverick l that's right 1.3 billion power and it's eNXY_Fk3704-00304-00163992-00164704 1.369 billion so it still would have been higher than baba's highest ever also rocking Germany eNXY_Fk3704-00305-00164704-00165160 no idea what's going on here ladies and gentlemen everyone is Germany today but maverick in kingdom eNXY_Fk3704-00306-00165160-00166056 2010 8 billion kill points baba has 21 billion more kill points than the highest power player in eNXY_Fk3704-00307-00166056-00166456 the game that's when i look at it and I'm just like okay obviously bob is clearly the eNXY_Fk3704-00308-00166456-00167000 most powerful player right but technically by numbers it's maverick unless if we add up eNXY_Fk3704-00309-00167056-00167992 perfume of Mimi and flower of Mimi we get over 1.5 billion power so technically technically Mimi has eNXY_Fk3704-00310-00167992-00168520 a higher combined power than anyone else on this list just something to think about because that eNXY_Fk3704-00311-00168520-00169120 is an absolutely nauseating realization like think about how much money both of Mimi's accounts cost eNXY_Fk3704-00312-00169240-00169880 anyway maverick okay 218 million tier 4 kills 291 million tier 5 kills if we take eNXY_Fk3704-00313-00169880-00170424 a look at the more information section we can see highest power ever was 1.5 billion eNXY_Fk3704-00314-00170424-00171200 holy sh 156 million dead troops i mean boys i don't know what the deal is here with maverick's eNXY_Fk3704-00315-00171200-00171632 account they got it set to private they have no achievement set here people are saying through eNXY_Fk3704-00316-00171632-00172120 the grapevine that this is somebody related to the dev team that this is somebody related to eNXY_Fk3704-00317-00172120-00172672 someone who owns part of Lilith or something like i don't know okay I'm not sure what the story is eNXY_Fk3704-00318-00172672-00173384 behind maverick seems to be a pretty uh mysterious figure okay baba is like front and center like eNXY_Fk3704-00319-00173384-00173960 people know baba he is all about it okay and maverick is just kind of like silently at the top eNXY_Fk3704-00320-00174032-00174424 nobody really knows that much about him at least not i don't maverick if you're watching send me eNXY_Fk3704-00321-00174424-00174976 a message in-game or or over on discord I'd love to see your equipment but until then we can take eNXY_Fk3704-00322-00174976-00175488 a look at the commanders here and uh we're also rocking the Cao Cao in the ranger slot we see eNXY_Fk3704-00323-00175488-00176088 the drill master Nevsky of course we see Guan Yu and Xiang Yu very uh common occurrences here eNXY_Fk3704-00324-00176088-00176624 today and yadda as well but even maverick doesn't have all the commanders how have you guys spent eNXY_Fk3704-00325-00176624-00177120 millions of dollars on this game and you don't have all the commanders bro I'm so dumb bro I'm so eNXY_Fk3704-00326-00177176-00177856 dumb holy sh i just realized that Torgny and Wafura i only have 75 because I'm in the eNXY_Fk3704-00327-00177856-00178392 power of game mode i don't actually have these so they're re there really is only 83 commanders okay eNXY_Fk3704-00328-00178392-00178960 i take it back I'm a fool forgive me they do have all the commanders how dare i question them eNXY_Fk3704-00329-00178960-00179352 they're not broke they're extremely rich of course they have all the commanders yeah take a look at eNXY_Fk3704-00330-00179352-00179920 the achievements not even close for engineering vanquisher's kinda close five out of 11 for child eNXY_Fk3704-00331-00179920-00180576 of fate not much is known about maverick but he is known to be the most powerful player in rise of eNXY_Fk3704-00332-00180576-00181040 kingdoms and with that being said i want to know in the comment section below who is your favorite eNXY_Fk3704-00333-00181040-00181624 player on this list is it baba is it Mimi do you want to pay respects to Burnaby i would love to eNXY_Fk3704-00334-00181624-00182024 know in the comment section below and while you're down there visit the description and eNXY_Fk3704-00335-00182024-00182608 download Huawei app gallery thank you to them once again for supporting the channel and sponsoring eNXY_Fk3704-00336-00182608-00183024 this video you made it all the way to the end of the video so clearly you liked it hopefully eNXY_Fk3704-00337-00183024-00183424 you'll drop a thumbs up on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new around here click the bell eNXY_Fk3704-00338-00183424-00183808 to be notified the next time that i upload a rise of kingdoms video and with that being said guys eNXY_Fk3704-00339-00183808-00184184 thank you so much for watching this has been Omniarch i will talk to you guys again soon peace eQSHsz2Bb9c-00000-00000023-00000633 Hi I'm Rachel Stievater I am the farm manager at UVM's Catamount Farm and we eQSHsz2Bb9c-00001-00000633-00001161 are going to talk about starting seeds. Today we have a whole lot that we have eQSHsz2Bb9c-00002-00001161-00001689 planted in here. We've been going since late February but eQSHsz2Bb9c-00003-00001689-00002614 there are still things that you can be planting at home. eQSHsz2Bb9c-00004-00002810-00003263 So what are the things you need to start your own seeds at home? You need a eQSHsz2Bb9c-00005-00003263-00003715 container, you need some kind of a potting soil, and you need their seeds. eQSHsz2Bb9c-00006-00003715-00004313 Once I have my container filled I like to make sure it's nice and wet all the eQSHsz2Bb9c-00007-00004313-00004730 way through to the bottom of the container. Then I use my fingertips to eQSHsz2Bb9c-00008-00004730-00005150 make a little bit of an indent in the soil so that the seed has somewhere to eQSHsz2Bb9c-00009-00005150-00005729 rest into and then you sow your seeds. Take a little more soil, cover them up eQSHsz2Bb9c-00010-00005729-00005779 and if they still look a little dry then water them one more time. eQSHsz2Bb9c-00011-00005779-00006086 It depends on eQSHsz2Bb9c-00012-00006086-00006638 the seed but in general if your seed hasn't sprouted within a week something eQSHsz2Bb9c-00013-00006638-00007123 probably went screwy, either it got too dry, or maybe the seed is too old, then eQSHsz2Bb9c-00014-00007123-00007361 you may want to try again. eQSHsz2Bb9c-00015-00007361-00007636 And that's how you start seeds. eR7gkEkpAFE-00000-00000764-00000971 Welcome to Part II of McMaster Libraries eR7gkEkpAFE-00001-00000971-00001161 Boolean Searching Series. eR7gkEkpAFE-00002-00001162-00001446 In Part I we established that the Boolean Operators eR7gkEkpAFE-00003-00001450-00001814 AND OR NOT, are effective search tools eR7gkEkpAFE-00004-00001814-00002034 This is a great starting point but if we eR7gkEkpAFE-00005-00002034-00002244 don't format our searches correctly, eR7gkEkpAFE-00006-00002244-00002433 the search engine may still have a difficult eR7gkEkpAFE-00007-00002433-00002756 time understanding what we are asking it to do. eR7gkEkpAFE-00008-00002756-00002898 By using the Boolean Modifiers eR7gkEkpAFE-00009-00002898-00003189 quotations, asterisk and brackets, eR7gkEkpAFE-00010-00003189-00003329 we can ensure that we are directing the eR7gkEkpAFE-00011-00003329-00003594 search engine to find exactly what we are looking for. eR7gkEkpAFE-00012-00003611-00003864 First let's talk about quotations. eR7gkEkpAFE-00013-00003864-00004079 If a phrase is put within quotation marks eR7gkEkpAFE-00014-00004079-00004221 the database knows that it must find eR7gkEkpAFE-00015-00004221-00004403 articles that contain the quoted phrase eR7gkEkpAFE-00016-00004403-00004699 exactly as contained within the quotations. eR7gkEkpAFE-00017-00004700-00005040 So if we use the same example from Part 1 of this series eR7gkEkpAFE-00018-00005040-00005228 where we were looking for information on eR7gkEkpAFE-00019-00005228-00005384 cats and dementia therapy, eR7gkEkpAFE-00020-00005384-00005580 putting dementia therapy in quotes eR7gkEkpAFE-00021-00005580-00005866 tells the database to only retrieve articles that contain eR7gkEkpAFE-00022-00005866-00005990 the phrase dementia therapy. eR7gkEkpAFE-00023-00006024-00006280 Quotes can be useful in narrowing search results. eR7gkEkpAFE-00024-00006280-00006488 They allow us to package concepts that are eR7gkEkpAFE-00025-00006489-00006698 more than one word together, instead of eR7gkEkpAFE-00026-00006698-00006837 searching each word of the phrase eR7gkEkpAFE-00027-00006837-00007098 independent of the others. eR7gkEkpAFE-00028-00007098-00007364 The asterisk is another important tool used in searching. eR7gkEkpAFE-00029-00007365-00007584 The asterisk is a way in which we can eR7gkEkpAFE-00030-00007584-00007752 take into consideration the many eR7gkEkpAFE-00031-00007752-00007989 different ways we can express a word. eR7gkEkpAFE-00032-00007989-00008112 So instead of having to tell the database eR7gkEkpAFE-00033-00008112-00008301 to search for documents containing the eR7gkEkpAFE-00034-00008301-00008668 words therapy OR therapies OR therapeutic, eR7gkEkpAFE-00035-00008668-00008786 we can simply truncate the word eR7gkEkpAFE-00036-00008787-00009104 after the last shared letter, in this case p, eR7gkEkpAFE-00037-00009104-00009286 and add an asterisk. eR7gkEkpAFE-00038-00009286-00009494 This tells the database that as long as the word begins eR7gkEkpAFE-00039-00009495-00009828 with t-h-e-r-a-p it doesn't matter what the eR7gkEkpAFE-00040-00009828-00009975 rest of the world looks like. eR7gkEkpAFE-00041-00009975-00010176 So if you are searching for a word that eR7gkEkpAFE-00042-00010176-00010389 has many different variations, think of eR7gkEkpAFE-00043-00010389-00010620 all the variations of the word, truncate eR7gkEkpAFE-00044-00010620-00010818 the word after the last shared letter and eR7gkEkpAFE-00045-00010818-00011049 add an asterisk. This will ensure that the eR7gkEkpAFE-00046-00011049-00011199 database knows you want all the eR7gkEkpAFE-00047-00011199-00011391 variations of the word possible and eR7gkEkpAFE-00048-00011391-00011684 broaden the set of relevant results retrieved. eR7gkEkpAFE-00049-00011684-00011902 Brackets, also known as parentheses, eR7gkEkpAFE-00050-00011902-00012134 are super important to include when searching. eR7gkEkpAFE-00051-00012134-00012302 Remember back in high school algebra eR7gkEkpAFE-00052-00012302-00012460 when you learned about BEDMAS? eR7gkEkpAFE-00053-00012460-00012612 The rules of BEDMAS tell eR7gkEkpAFE-00054-00012612-00012771 us to perform the operations within eR7gkEkpAFE-00055-00012771-00012986 brackets before anything else. eR7gkEkpAFE-00056-00012986-00013230 Search engines work the same way. eR7gkEkpAFE-00057-00013230-00013428 Brackets are a way to direct the database as to eR7gkEkpAFE-00058-00013428-00013663 which Boolean Operators to apply first. eR7gkEkpAFE-00059-00013663-00013984 Say I enter in a search like this: eR7gkEkpAFE-00060-00013984-00014149 The search engine will probably read my search from eR7gkEkpAFE-00061-00014149-00014356 left-to-right applying the operators in eR7gkEkpAFE-00062-00014356-00014590 a different order than I intended. eR7gkEkpAFE-00063-00014590-00014791 By adding brackets, we were able to tell the eR7gkEkpAFE-00064-00014791-00015004 database exactly what terms and Boolean eR7gkEkpAFE-00065-00015004-00015175 Operators belong together. eR7gkEkpAFE-00066-00015175-00015406 So with brackets, my search should look a eR7gkEkpAFE-00067-00015406-00015562 little something like this: eR7gkEkpAFE-00068-00015688-00015862 By including these brackets I'm able to eR7gkEkpAFE-00069-00015862-00016057 communicate to the database that I eR7gkEkpAFE-00070-00016057-00016204 want to retrieve documents that eR7gkEkpAFE-00071-00016204-00016429 contain some variation of the word cat eR7gkEkpAFE-00072-00016429-00016822 but NOT p-cat AND these documents must eR7gkEkpAFE-00073-00016822-00017226 also contains some variation of the word therapy or treatment. eR7gkEkpAFE-00074-00017226-00017358 Without brackets, we eR7gkEkpAFE-00075-00017359-00017512 can't be sure the search engine has eR7gkEkpAFE-00076-00017512-00017800 interpreted our search the same way that we do, eR7gkEkpAFE-00077-00017800-00018084 which could lead us to some wonky results. eR7gkEkpAFE-00078-00018084-00018288 In summary, quotation marks are a eR7gkEkpAFE-00079-00018289-00018403 way in which we can tell the search eR7gkEkpAFE-00080-00018403-00018706 engine to retrieve exact phrases. eR7gkEkpAFE-00081-00018706-00018838 Asterisk are a way in which we can tell the search eR7gkEkpAFE-00082-00018838-00019009 engine to retrieve multiple variations eR7gkEkpAFE-00083-00019009-00019330 of a word. And lastly brackets are a way in eR7gkEkpAFE-00084-00019330-00019486 which we can communicate to the database eR7gkEkpAFE-00085-00019486-00019660 which terms and operators belong together. eR7gkEkpAFE-00086-00019753-00019951 Remember to consult McMaster Libraries eR7gkEkpAFE-00087-00019951-00020146 Boolean Cheat Sheet if you need any further eR7gkEkpAFE-00088-00020146-00020430 clarification or just a simple refresher. eR7gkEkpAFE-00089-00020442-00020792 If you have any questions, librarians are here to help! eR7gkEkpAFE-00090-00020792-00021024 Visit us in any of our libraries on campus, eR7gkEkpAFE-00091-00021024-00021238 or book a research consultation for one-on-one assistance. eRHdcrPU-wy-00000-00000007-00000302 SmokingStrobes eRHdcrPU-wy-00001-00000302-00000607 On Location Photography eRHdcrPU-wy-00002-00000607-00001001 Starring Jinri Liqiu / First Day of Autumn eRHdcrPU-wy-00003-00001001-00001507 Concert Photos in Your Pub eRHdcrPU-wy-00004-00001507-00001806 Hey fellow photographer, how's it going? I'm Michael Zelbel. eRHdcrPU-wy-00005-00001806-00002007 Today I would like to show you eRHdcrPU-wy-00006-00002007-00002303 how you can make photos of a musician. eRHdcrPU-wy-00007-00002303-00002807 The musician is giving a concert in a small pub or small venue. eRHdcrPU-wy-00008-00002807-00003007 I want you to make the photos in a way eRHdcrPU-wy-00009-00003007-00003405 so that it looks like the concert is on a big stage. eRHdcrPU-wy-00010-00003405-00003909 That could be your favorite local artist in a local pub or something. eRHdcrPU-wy-00011-00003909-00004207 The photos would be really charming for that artist. eRHdcrPU-wy-00012-00004207-00004600 Last week, one of our cousins dropped a comment eRHdcrPU-wy-00013-00004600-00004806 under last week's video which said: eRHdcrPU-wy-00014-00004806-00005102 "You know, you are always shooting this girls, eRHdcrPU-wy-00015-00005102-00005400 but I cannot do that because in my country eRHdcrPU-wy-00016-00005400-00005605 this sort of photography would be illegal." eRHdcrPU-wy-00017-00005605-00006009 This cousin cannot do bikini- or nude photography, or beauty photography. eRHdcrPU-wy-00018-00006009-00006507 I thought, there are so many topics that are fun to photograph. eRHdcrPU-wy-00019-00006507-00007004 Why not show some of them. Today I'm into music. eRHdcrPU-wy-00020-00007004-00007307 I think shooting in a small venue like a pub is just lovely eRHdcrPU-wy-00021-00007307-00007509 because over there I'm in the front row. eRHdcrPU-wy-00022-00007509-00007806 I'm in contact with the musician. The musician is eRHdcrPU-wy-00023-00007806-00008109 throwing me special looks and makes special moves just for me eRHdcrPU-wy-00024-00008109-00008400 if I'm nice and if I cheer them up. eRHdcrPU-wy-00025-00008400-00008602 I can even use speedlights, eRHdcrPU-wy-00026-00008602-00008805 which I could not do in a big concert hall. eRHdcrPU-wy-00027-00008805-00009108 Big concert halls, they require me to be an eRHdcrPU-wy-00028-00009108-00009405 accredited photographer working for a music magazine. eRHdcrPU-wy-00029-00009405-00009801 I can only be there alone. I cannot use speedlights. eRHdcrPU-wy-00030-00009801-00010007 I can only shoot 3 songs or something. eRHdcrPU-wy-00031-00010007-00010309 You know, shooting in a pub is much more fun. eRHdcrPU-wy-00032-00010309-00010603 In any concert, I have to come with eRHdcrPU-wy-00033-00010603-00010807 super lightweight gear, super slim gear. eRHdcrPU-wy-00034-00010807-00011006 I cannot setup lightstands or something. eRHdcrPU-wy-00035-00011006-00011209 You know, that would be really asking for trouble. eRHdcrPU-wy-00036-00011209-00011707 So all I have is one speedlight, and, fortunately, eRHdcrPU-wy-00037-00011707-00012002 I have an assistant who is holding that speedlight. eRHdcrPU-wy-00038-00012002-00012207 In our case, this assistant is Cousin Jade. eRHdcrPU-wy-00039-00012207-00012609 She is holding the speedlight which is a very small speedlight, eRHdcrPU-wy-00040-00012609-00013108 not very strong, it's just guide number 43 and eRHdcrPU-wy-00041-00013108-00013500 she is just holding it up into the air, into the direction of the band. eRHdcrPU-wy-00042-00013500-00014008 Basically what we do is: We have a stage. eRHdcrPU-wy-00043-00014008-00014309 It's a pretty small stage. It got some lighting and everything. eRHdcrPU-wy-00044-00014309-00014601 It got musicians in the middle of the stage. eRHdcrPU-wy-00045-00014601-00015002 I'm shooting from one side of the stage towards the band eRHdcrPU-wy-00046-00015002-00015207 and Cousin Jade will go to the other side, eRHdcrPU-wy-00047-00015207-00015505 to hold the speedlight over there. eRHdcrPU-wy-00048-00015505-00016004 Or, if I change sides and I shoot from that side of the stage, eRHdcrPU-wy-00049-00016004-00016307 then Cousin Jade will change to the other side. eRHdcrPU-wy-00050-00016307-00016700 There is always a big distance between camera and eRHdcrPU-wy-00051-00016700-00017105 the speedlight which contributes to the lighting eRHdcrPU-wy-00052-00017105-00017509 so that the lighting setup is nicely 3-dimensional. eRHdcrPU-wy-00053-00017509-00018001 The ISO is pushed quite hight, because on stage it's very dark. eRHdcrPU-wy-00054-00018001-00018501 The shutter speed should be around 1/125th or faster eRHdcrPU-wy-00055-00018501-00018807 so that the action is sort of frozen. eRHdcrPU-wy-00056-00018807-00019103 Of course I'm shooting with open aperture. eRHdcrPU-wy-00057-00019103-00019607 So that is one trick: use a speedlight in a small pub. eRHdcrPU-wy-00058-00019607-00019809 Another trick would be: go low. eRHdcrPU-wy-00059-00019809-00020209 Go down to your knees and shoot upwards. eRHdcrPU-wy-00060-00020209-00020405 This does two things for you: eRHdcrPU-wy-00061-00020405-00020900 Point A it introduces a very good big stage feeling, eRHdcrPU-wy-00062-00020900-00021200 like you would be on a big stage where the artist is high up. eRHdcrPU-wy-00063-00021200-00021705 Another thing is, in a pub a lot of times there's eRHdcrPU-wy-00064-00021705-00021903 a lot of clutter in the background. eRHdcrPU-wy-00065-00021903-00022200 The walls don't look like a big stage and so on. eRHdcrPU-wy-00066-00022200-00022407 But if you go very low and shoot upwards, eRHdcrPU-wy-00067-00022407-00022805 then a lot of times you can avoid a lot of the clutter. eRHdcrPU-wy-00068-00022805-00023008 You are just shooting against the ceiling. eRHdcrPU-wy-00069-00023008-00023307 There is some lighting equipment hanging under the ceiling. eRHdcrPU-wy-00070-00023307-00024105 That is OK. So I would say, go down to your knees! eRHdcrPU-wy-00071-00024105-00024407 Shoot upwards! It will make your photos really really eRHdcrPU-wy-00072-00024407-00024701 different from everybody else's photos. eRHdcrPU-wy-00073-00024701-00025106 You can gel your speedlights to make the light a bit warmer. eRHdcrPU-wy-00074-00025106-00025509 That's up to your taste. Or you can use color gels. eRHdcrPU-wy-00075-00025509-00025706 All of that is fine in a concert. eRHdcrPU-wy-00076-00025706-00026101 Just if you now go and visit a concert, eRHdcrPU-wy-00077-00026101-00026402 don't forget your earplugs. It will be very loud. eRHdcrPU-wy-00078-00026402-00026704 And, yes, go there, have some fun. eRHdcrPU-wy-00079-00026704-00027300 Ok, that's it. Please click on the like-button. Click on the +1 button. eRHdcrPU-wy-00080-00027300-00027703 Please let me know if this sort of video, eRHdcrPU-wy-00081-00027703-00028202 this video about music photography instead of beauty, eRHdcrPU-wy-00082-00028202-00028409 is OK for you, if that is interesting for you. eRHdcrPU-wy-00083-00028409-00028706 Drop me a comment. Let me know if that eRHdcrPU-wy-00084-00028706-00029005 resonates with you, or if you just say: eRHdcrPU-wy-00085-00029005-00029406 "No, that's really not my thing. Don't bother me with that stuff!" eRHdcrPU-wy-00086-00029406-00029707 Alrighty! In any case: I wish you a lot of fun eRHdcrPU-wy-00087-00029707-00030007 with your photography and good light! eRHdcrPU-wy-00088-00030007-00030602 [Jinri Liqui / First Day of Autum playing Jianghu / Vagabounds] eRHdcrPU-wy-00089-00030602-00031500 [Full song and lyrics on] eRIHtLXjbHI-00000-00001100-00001800 Congress leader Praful Patel's daughter Poorna Patel tied the knot with Namit Soni eRIHtLXjbHI-00001-00001900-00002600 Representative Image. eRIHtLXjbHI-00002-00002700-00003900 National Congress Party leader Praful Patel's daughter Poorna Patel tied the knot with her longtime beau and businessman Namit Soni over the weekend. eRIHtLXjbHI-00003-00004000-00005000 For her reception, Poorna looked stunning in a custom-made Manish Malhotra golden lehenga while her husband wore a black suit. eRIHtLXjbHI-00004-00005100-00005900 PDT The who's who of Bollywood arrived at the starry reception party on Saturday and wished the couple. eRIHtLXjbHI-00005-00006000-00007000 Shah Rukh Khan, who is all geared up for his upcoming film, 'Zero', donned a three-piece black suit. eRIHtLXjbHI-00006-00007100-00007800 Whereas Hrithik Roshan looked dapper in a black blazer suit. eRIHtLXjbHI-00007-00007900-00008600 Mukesh Ambani arrived with his daughter Isha Ambani. eRIHtLXjbHI-00008-00008700-00009400 She wore a stunning floor-length peach dress. eRIHtLXjbHI-00009-00009500-00010800 Bollywood divas Sonakshi Sinha and Katrina Kaif also arrived at the event wearing a gorgeous yellow Anarkali and an ivory and golden lehenga, respectively. eRIHtLXjbHI-00010-00010900-00011600 Daisy Shah also shined at the event in a stunning golden saree. eRIHtLXjbHI-00011-00011700-00012600 Newly-weds Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi also complimented each other in a navy blue lehenga and a black suit. eRIHtLXjbHI-00012-00012700-00013400 Urvashi Rautela donned a pink lehenga while Zareen Khan opted for a green-orange one. eRIHtLXjbHI-00013-00013500-00014200 Cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni arrived with his wife Sakshi Dhoni and daughter Ziva. eRIHtLXjbHI-00014-00014300-00015600 The star-studded affair was also attended by Sachin Tendulkar, Madhur Bhandarkar, Prasoon Joshi, Manish Malhotra and Zaheer Khan. eThzUf_HbZY-00000-00000140-00000575 >> Live from Boston, Massachusetts, this is the CUBE, eThzUf_HbZY-00001-00000575-00000907 covering Spark Summit East 2017 eThzUf_HbZY-00002-00000907-00001134 brought to you by databricks. eThzUf_HbZY-00003-00001134-00001550 Now, here are your hosts Dave Valante and George Gilbert. eThzUf_HbZY-00004-00001701-00001857 >> Welcome back to Boston everyone. eThzUf_HbZY-00005-00001857-00002083 It's snowing like crazy outside, eThzUf_HbZY-00006-00002083-00002421 it's a cold mid-winter day here in Boston eThzUf_HbZY-00007-00002421-00002611 but we're here with the CUBE, eThzUf_HbZY-00008-00002611-00002804 the world-wide leader in tech coverage. eThzUf_HbZY-00009-00002804-00002995 We are live covering Spark Summit. eThzUf_HbZY-00010-00002995-00003218 This is wall to wall coverage, this is our second day here. eThzUf_HbZY-00011-00003218-00003482 John Landry with us, he's the distinguished eThzUf_HbZY-00012-00003482-00003741 technologist for HP's personal systems eThzUf_HbZY-00013-00003741-00004001 data science group within Hewlett Packard. eThzUf_HbZY-00014-00004001-00004103 John, welcome. eThzUf_HbZY-00015-00004103-00004241 >> Thank you very much for having me here. eThzUf_HbZY-00016-00004241-00004359 >> So I was saying, I was joking, eThzUf_HbZY-00017-00004359-00004602 we do a lot of shows with HPE, eThzUf_HbZY-00018-00004602-00004975 it's nice to have HP back on the CUBE, it's been awhile. eThzUf_HbZY-00019-00004975-00005085 But I want to start there. eThzUf_HbZY-00020-00005085-00005420 The company split up just over a year ago eThzUf_HbZY-00021-00005420-00005813 and it's seemingly been successful for both sides eThzUf_HbZY-00022-00005813-00006071 but you were describing to us that you've eThzUf_HbZY-00023-00006071-00006542 gone through an IT transformation of sorts within HP. eThzUf_HbZY-00024-00006542-00006729 Can you describe that? eThzUf_HbZY-00025-00006729-00007065 >> In the past, we were basically a data warehousing eThzUf_HbZY-00026-00007065-00007294 type of approach with reporting and what have you eThzUf_HbZY-00027-00007294-00007623 coming out of data warehouses, using Vertica, eThzUf_HbZY-00028-00007623-00007870 but recently, we made an investment into eThzUf_HbZY-00029-00007870-00008102 more of a programming platform for analytics eThzUf_HbZY-00030-00008102-00008430 and so where transformation to the cloud is about that eThzUf_HbZY-00031-00008430-00008732 where we're basically instead of investing into eThzUf_HbZY-00032-00008732-00008967 our own data centers because really, with the split, eThzUf_HbZY-00033-00008967-00009225 our data centers went with Hewlett Packard Enterprise, eThzUf_HbZY-00034-00009225-00009528 is that we're building our software platform in the cloud eThzUf_HbZY-00035-00009528-00009754 and that software platform includes analytics eThzUf_HbZY-00036-00009754-00010101 and in this case, we're building big data on top of Spark eThzUf_HbZY-00037-00010101-00010379 and so that transformation is huge for us, eThzUf_HbZY-00038-00010379-00010659 but it's also enabled us to move a lot faster, eThzUf_HbZY-00039-00010659-00010845 the velocity of our business and to be eThzUf_HbZY-00040-00010845-00011000 able to match up to that better. eThzUf_HbZY-00041-00011000-00011243 Like I said, it's mainly around the software development eThzUf_HbZY-00042-00011243-00011382 really more than anything else. eThzUf_HbZY-00043-00011382-00011509 >> Describe your role in a little eThzUf_HbZY-00044-00011509-00011686 bit more detail inside of HP. eThzUf_HbZY-00045-00011686-00012131 >> My role is I'm the leader in our big data investments eThzUf_HbZY-00046-00012131-00012425 and so I've been leading teams internally eThzUf_HbZY-00047-00012425-00012816 and also collaborating across HP with our print group eThzUf_HbZY-00048-00012816-00013069 and what we've done is we've managed to put together eThzUf_HbZY-00049-00013069-00013549 a strategy around our cloud-based solution to that. eThzUf_HbZY-00050-00013549-00013819 One of the things that was important was we had a common eThzUf_HbZY-00051-00013819-00014186 platform because when you put a program platform in place, eThzUf_HbZY-00052-00014186-00014460 if it's not common, then we can't collaborate. eThzUf_HbZY-00053-00014460-00014766 Our investment could be fractured, we could have eThzUf_HbZY-00054-00014766-00015009 a lot of side little efforts going on and what have you so eThzUf_HbZY-00055-00015009-00015371 my role is to pry the leadership in the direction for that eThzUf_HbZY-00056-00015371-00015571 and also one of the reasons I'm here today eThzUf_HbZY-00057-00015571-00015743 is to get involved in the Spark community eThzUf_HbZY-00058-00015743-00015956 because our investment is in Spark eThzUf_HbZY-00059-00015956-00016114 so that's another part of my role eThzUf_HbZY-00060-00016114-00016275 is to get involved with the industry eThzUf_HbZY-00061-00016275-00016583 and to be able to connect with the experts in the industry eThzUf_HbZY-00062-00016583-00016798 so we can leverage off of that eThzUf_HbZY-00063-00016798-00016998 because we don't have that expertise internally. eThzUf_HbZY-00064-00016998-00017176 >> What are the strategic and tactical objectives eThzUf_HbZY-00065-00017176-00017342 of your analytics initiatives? eThzUf_HbZY-00066-00017342-00017672 Is it to get better predictive maintenance on your devices? eThzUf_HbZY-00067-00017672-00017861 Is it to create new services for customers? eThzUf_HbZY-00068-00017861-00017956 Can you describe that? eThzUf_HbZY-00069-00017956-00018128 >> It's two-fold, internal and external eThzUf_HbZY-00070-00018128-00018441 so internally, we got millions of dollars of opportunity eThzUf_HbZY-00071-00018441-00018769 to better our products with cost, eThzUf_HbZY-00072-00018769-00019102 also to optimize our business models and eThzUf_HbZY-00073-00019241-00019470 the way we can do that is by using the data eThzUf_HbZY-00074-00019470-00019627 that comes back from our products, our services, eThzUf_HbZY-00075-00019627-00019820 our customers, combining that together eThzUf_HbZY-00076-00019820-00020044 and creating models around that that are then eThzUf_HbZY-00077-00020044-00020305 automated and can be turned into apps eThzUf_HbZY-00078-00020305-00020606 that can be used internally by our organizations. eThzUf_HbZY-00079-00020606-00020864 The second part is to take the same approach, eThzUf_HbZY-00080-00020864-00021126 same data, but apply that back towards our customers eThzUf_HbZY-00081-00021126-00021388 and so with the split, our enterprise services group eThzUf_HbZY-00082-00021388-00021669 also went with Hewlett Packard Enterprise eThzUf_HbZY-00083-00021669-00021954 and so now, we have a dedicated effort towards eThzUf_HbZY-00084-00021954-00022322 creating manage services for the commercial environment. eThzUf_HbZY-00085-00022322-00022528 And that's both on the print size and on the eThzUf_HbZY-00086-00022528-00022925 personal system side so to basically fuel that, eThzUf_HbZY-00087-00022925-00023151 analytics is a big part of the story. eThzUf_HbZY-00088-00023151-00023348 So we've had different things that you'll see out there eThzUf_HbZY-00089-00023348-00023511 like touch point manager is one of our services eThzUf_HbZY-00090-00023511-00023721 we're delivering in personal systems. eThzUf_HbZY-00091-00023721-00023804 >> Dave: What is that? eThzUf_HbZY-00092-00023804-00024102 >> Touch point manager is aimed at providing management eThzUf_HbZY-00093-00024102-00024546 services for SMB and for commercial environments. eThzUf_HbZY-00094-00024546-00024823 So for instance, in touch point manager, eThzUf_HbZY-00095-00024823-00025276 we can provide predictive type of capabilities for support. eThzUf_HbZY-00096-00025276-00025588 A number of different services that companies eThzUf_HbZY-00097-00025588-00025832 are looking for when they buy our products. eThzUf_HbZY-00098-00025832-00026154 Another thing we're going after too is device as a service. eThzUf_HbZY-00099-00026154-00026369 So there's another thing that we've announced recently eThzUf_HbZY-00100-00026369-00026527 that basically we're invested into there eThzUf_HbZY-00101-00026527-00026857 and so this is obviously if you're delivering devices as eThzUf_HbZY-00102-00026857-00027151 a service, you want to do that as optimal as possible. eThzUf_HbZY-00103-00027151-00027346 Well, being able to understand the devices, eThzUf_HbZY-00104-00027346-00027532 what's happening with them, been able to predictive eThzUf_HbZY-00105-00027532-00027889 support on them, been able to optimize the usage eThzUf_HbZY-00106-00027889-00028121 of those devices, that's all important. eThzUf_HbZY-00107-00028121-00028210 >> Dave: A lot of data. eThzUf_HbZY-00108-00028210-00028406 >> The data really helps us out, right? eThzUf_HbZY-00109-00028406-00028736 So the data that we can collect back from our devices eThzUf_HbZY-00110-00028736-00029153 and to be able to take that and turn that around into eThzUf_HbZY-00111-00029153-00029427 applications that are delivering information inside eThzUf_HbZY-00112-00029427-00029709 or outside is huge for us, a huge opportunity. eThzUf_HbZY-00113-00029709-00030182 >> It's interesting where you talk about internal eThzUf_HbZY-00114-00030182-00030477 initiatives and manage services, which sound like eThzUf_HbZY-00115-00030477-00030775 they're most external, but on the internal ones, eThzUf_HbZY-00116-00030775-00031085 you were talking about taking customer data eThzUf_HbZY-00117-00031085-00031478 and internal data and turning those into live models. eThzUf_HbZY-00118-00031478-00031622 Can you elaborate on that? eThzUf_HbZY-00119-00031622-00031829 >> Sure, I can give you a great example is eThzUf_HbZY-00120-00031829-00032081 on our mobile products, they all have batteries. eThzUf_HbZY-00121-00032081-00032379 All of our batteries are instrumented as smart batteries eThzUf_HbZY-00122-00032379-00032509 and that's an industry standard but eThzUf_HbZY-00123-00032509-00032757 HP actually goes a step further on that, eThzUf_HbZY-00124-00032757-00033025 it's the information that we put into our batteries. eThzUf_HbZY-00125-00033025-00033309 So by monitoring those batteries and the usage in the field eThzUf_HbZY-00126-00033309-00033670 is we can tell how optimally they're performing, eThzUf_HbZY-00127-00033670-00033822 but also how they're being used eThzUf_HbZY-00128-00033822-00034108 and how we can better design batteries going forward. eThzUf_HbZY-00129-00034108-00034344 So in addition, we can actually provide eThzUf_HbZY-00130-00034344-00034585 information back into our supply chain. eThzUf_HbZY-00131-00034585-00034808 For instance, there's a cell supplier for the battery, eThzUf_HbZY-00132-00034808-00035147 there's a pack supplier, there's our unit manufacturer eThzUf_HbZY-00133-00035147-00035354 for the product, and so a lot of things eThzUf_HbZY-00134-00035354-00035638 that we've been able to uncover is that eThzUf_HbZY-00135-00035638-00035828 we can go and improve process. eThzUf_HbZY-00136-00035828-00036052 And so improving process alone helps eThzUf_HbZY-00137-00036052-00036267 to improve the quality of what we deliver eThzUf_HbZY-00138-00036267-00036469 and the quality of the experience to our customers. eThzUf_HbZY-00139-00036469-00036752 So that's one example of just using the data, eThzUf_HbZY-00140-00036752-00036955 turning that around into a model. eThzUf_HbZY-00141-00036955-00037400 >> Is there an advantage to having such high volume, eThzUf_HbZY-00142-00037400-00037800 such market share in getting not just more data, eThzUf_HbZY-00143-00037960-00038251 but sort of more of the bell curve, eThzUf_HbZY-00144-00038347-00038491 so you get the edge conditions? eThzUf_HbZY-00145-00038491-00038830 >> Absolutely, it's really interesting because eThzUf_HbZY-00146-00038830-00039053 when we started out on this, everybody's used to doing eThzUf_HbZY-00147-00039053-00039301 reporting which is absolute numbers and eThzUf_HbZY-00148-00039301-00039466 how much did you shift and all that kind of stuff. eThzUf_HbZY-00149-00039466-00039577 But, we're doing big data, right? eThzUf_HbZY-00150-00039577-00039839 So in big data, you just need a good sample population. eThzUf_HbZY-00151-00039839-00039992 Turn the data scientist into that and eThzUf_HbZY-00152-00039992-00040270 they've got their statistical algorithms against that. eThzUf_HbZY-00153-00040270-00040390 They give you the confidence factor eThzUf_HbZY-00154-00040390-00040560 based upon the data that you have eThzUf_HbZY-00155-00040560-00040849 so it's absolutely a good factor for us eThzUf_HbZY-00156-00040849-00041215 because we don't have to see all the platforms out there. eThzUf_HbZY-00157-00041215-00041587 Then, the other thing is, when you look at populations, eThzUf_HbZY-00158-00041587-00041819 we see variances in different customers eThzUf_HbZY-00159-00041819-00042120 so we're looking at, like one of our populations eThzUf_HbZY-00160-00042120-00042300 that's very valuable to us is our own, eThzUf_HbZY-00161-00042300-00042539 so we take the 60 thousand units that we have eThzUf_HbZY-00162-00042539-00042942 internally at HP and that's one of our sample populations. eThzUf_HbZY-00163-00042942-00043269 What a better way to get information on your own products? eThzUf_HbZY-00164-00043269-00043451 But, you take that and you take it to eThzUf_HbZY-00165-00043451-00043592 one of our other customers and eThzUf_HbZY-00166-00043592-00043793 their population's going to look slight different. eThzUf_HbZY-00167-00043793-00043877 Why? eThzUf_HbZY-00168-00043877-00044071 Because they use the products differently. eThzUf_HbZY-00169-00044071-00044328 So one of the things is just usage of the products, eThzUf_HbZY-00170-00044328-00044643 the environment they're used in, how they use them. eThzUf_HbZY-00171-00044643-00045051 Our sample populations are great in that respect. eThzUf_HbZY-00172-00045222-00045619 Of course, the other thing is, very important to point out, eThzUf_HbZY-00173-00045619-00045948 we only collect data under the rules and regulations eThzUf_HbZY-00174-00045948-00046196 that are out there, so we absolutely follow that eThzUf_HbZY-00175-00046196-00046372 and we absolutely keep our data secure eThzUf_HbZY-00176-00046372-00046794 and we absolutely keep everything and that's important. eThzUf_HbZY-00177-00046794-00047071 Sometimes, today they get a little bit eThzUf_HbZY-00178-00047071-00047324 spooked sometimes around that, but eThzUf_HbZY-00179-00047324-00047571 the case is that our services are provided eThzUf_HbZY-00180-00047571-00047789 based on customers signing up for them. eThzUf_HbZY-00181-00047789-00048054 >> I'm guessing you don't collect more data than Google. eThzUf_HbZY-00182-00048054-00048226 >> No, we're nowhere near Google. eThzUf_HbZY-00183-00048226-00048426 >> So, if you're not spooked at Google - eThzUf_HbZY-00184-00048426-00048586 >> That's what I tell people. eThzUf_HbZY-00185-00048586-00048957 I say if you got a smartphone, you're giving up eThzUf_HbZY-00186-00048957-00049267 a lot more data than we're collecting. eThzUf_HbZY-00187-00049267-00049444 >> Buy something from Amazon. eThzUf_HbZY-00188-00049444-00049686 Spark, where does Spark fit into all of this? eThzUf_HbZY-00189-00049686-00049960 >> Spark is great because we needed a programming platform eThzUf_HbZY-00190-00049960-00050413 that could scale in our data centers and in our previous eThzUf_HbZY-00191-00050413-00050624 approaches, we didn't have a programming platform. eThzUf_HbZY-00192-00050624-00050743 We started with a Hadoop, eThzUf_HbZY-00193-00050743-00050901 the Hadoop was very complex though. eThzUf_HbZY-00194-00050901-00051074 It really gets down to the hardware eThzUf_HbZY-00195-00051074-00051372 and you're programming and trying to eThzUf_HbZY-00196-00051372-00051578 distribute that load and getting clusters eThzUf_HbZY-00197-00051578-00051969 and you pick up Spark and immediately abstraction. eThzUf_HbZY-00198-00051969-00052310 The other thing is it allows me to hire people eThzUf_HbZY-00199-00052310-00052464 that can actually program on top of it. eThzUf_HbZY-00200-00052464-00052725 I don't have to get someone that knows Map Reduce. eThzUf_HbZY-00201-00052725-00052921 I can sit there and it's like what do you know? eThzUf_HbZY-00202-00052921-00053403 You know R, Scala, you know Python, it doesn't matter. eThzUf_HbZY-00203-00053403-00053667 I can run all of that on top of it. eThzUf_HbZY-00204-00053667-00053776 So that's huge for us. eThzUf_HbZY-00205-00053776-00053957 The other thing is flat out the speed eThzUf_HbZY-00206-00053957-00054329 because as you start getting going with this, eThzUf_HbZY-00207-00054329-00054506 we get this pull all of a sudden. eThzUf_HbZY-00208-00054506-00054748 It's like well I only need the data like once a month, eThzUf_HbZY-00209-00054748-00054965 it's like I need it once a week, I need it once a day, eThzUf_HbZY-00210-00054965-00055277 I need the output of this by the hour now. eThzUf_HbZY-00211-00055277-00055548 So, the scale and the speed of that is huge eThzUf_HbZY-00212-00055548-00055773 and then when you put that on the cloud platform, eThzUf_HbZY-00213-00055773-00056031 you know, Spark on a cloud platform like Amazon, eThzUf_HbZY-00214-00056031-00056301 now I've got access to all the compute instances. eThzUf_HbZY-00215-00056301-00056483 I can scale that, I can optimize it eThzUf_HbZY-00216-00056483-00056692 because I don't always need all the power. eThzUf_HbZY-00217-00056692-00056956 The flexibility of Spark and being able eThzUf_HbZY-00218-00056956-00057167 to deliver that is huge for our success. eThzUf_HbZY-00219-00057167-00057314 >> So, I've got to ask some columbo questions eThzUf_HbZY-00220-00057314-00057496 and George, maybe you can help me sort of frame it. eThzUf_HbZY-00221-00057496-00057738 So you mentioned you were using Hadoop. eThzUf_HbZY-00222-00057738-00058064 Like a lot of Hadoop practitioners, eThzUf_HbZY-00223-00058064-00058175 you found it very complex. eThzUf_HbZY-00224-00058175-00058342 Now, Hewlett Packard has resources. eThzUf_HbZY-00225-00058342-00058504 Many companies don't but so you mentioned eThzUf_HbZY-00226-00058504-00058836 people out doing Python and R and Scale and Map Reduce, eThzUf_HbZY-00227-00058836-00059196 are you basically saying okay, we're going to unify eThzUf_HbZY-00228-00059196-00059515 portions of our Hadoop complexity with Spark eThzUf_HbZY-00229-00059515-00059844 and that's going to simplify our efforts? eThzUf_HbZY-00230-00059844-00060093 >> No, what we actually did was we started eThzUf_HbZY-00231-00060093-00060229 on the Hadoop side of it. eThzUf_HbZY-00232-00060229-00060433 The first thing we did was try to move from a data eThzUf_HbZY-00233-00060433-00060678 warehouse to more of a data lake approach or repository eThzUf_HbZY-00234-00060678-00060891 and that was internal, right? eThzUf_HbZY-00235-00060891-00061044 >> Dave: And that was a cost reduction? eThzUf_HbZY-00236-00061044-00061332 >> That was a cost reduction but also, data accessibility. eThzUf_HbZY-00237-00061332-00061415 >> Dave: Yeah, okay. eThzUf_HbZY-00238-00061415-00061612 >> The other thing we did was ingesting the data. eThzUf_HbZY-00239-00061612-00061753 When you're starting to bring data in from eThzUf_HbZY-00240-00061753-00061991 millions of devices, we had a problem eThzUf_HbZY-00241-00061991-00062386 coming through the firewall type approach eThzUf_HbZY-00242-00062386-00062535 and you got to have something in front of that eThzUf_HbZY-00243-00062535-00062877 like a Kafka or something in front of it that can handle it. eThzUf_HbZY-00244-00062877-00063021 So when we moved to the cloud, eThzUf_HbZY-00245-00063021-00063222 we didn't even try to put up our own, eThzUf_HbZY-00246-00063222-00063489 we just used Kinesis and that we didn't eThzUf_HbZY-00247-00063489-00063760 have to spend any resources to go solve that problem. eThzUf_HbZY-00248-00063760-00063976 Well, the next thing was, when we got the data, eThzUf_HbZY-00249-00063976-00064233 you need to ingest the data in and our data's coming in, eThzUf_HbZY-00250-00064233-00064376 we want to split it out, we needed eThzUf_HbZY-00251-00064376-00064727 to clean it and what you, we actually started out eThzUf_HbZY-00252-00064727-00065104 running Java and then we ran Java on top of Hadoop, eThzUf_HbZY-00253-00065104-00065521 but then we came across Spark and we said that's it. eThzUf_HbZY-00254-00065624-00065932 For us to go to the next step of actually really get into eThzUf_HbZY-00255-00065932-00066172 Hadoop, we were going to have to get some more skills eThzUf_HbZY-00256-00066172-00066349 and to find the skills to actually program eThzUf_HbZY-00257-00066349-00066530 in Hadoop was going to be complex. eThzUf_HbZY-00258-00066530-00066747 And to train them organically was going to be complex. eThzUf_HbZY-00259-00066747-00066903 We got a lot of smart people, but- eThzUf_HbZY-00260-00066903-00067027 >> Dave: You got a lot of stuff to do, too. eThzUf_HbZY-00261-00067027-00067269 >> That's the thing, we wanted to spend more time eThzUf_HbZY-00262-00067269-00067487 getting information out of the data as opposed eThzUf_HbZY-00263-00067487-00067926 to the framework of getting it to run and everything. eThzUf_HbZY-00264-00067926-00068152 >> Dave: Okay, so there's a lot of questions coming out. eThzUf_HbZY-00265-00068152-00068567 You mentioned Kinesis, so you've replaced that? eThzUf_HbZY-00266-00068567-00068684 >> Yeah, when we went to the cloud, eThzUf_HbZY-00267-00068684-00069097 we used as many Amazon services as we can eThzUf_HbZY-00268-00069097-00069431 as opposed to growing something for ourselves eThzUf_HbZY-00269-00069431-00069836 so when we get onto Amazon, you know, getting data into eThzUf_HbZY-00270-00069836-00070162 an S3 bucket through Kineses was a no-brainer. eThzUf_HbZY-00271-00070162-00070411 When we transferred over to the cloud, eThzUf_HbZY-00272-00070411-00070686 it took us less than 30 days to point our devices eThzUf_HbZY-00273-00070686-00071087 at Kinesis and we had all our data flowing into S3. eThzUf_HbZY-00274-00071087-00071519 So that was like wow, let's go do something else. eThzUf_HbZY-00275-00071519-00071669 >> So I got to ask you something else. eThzUf_HbZY-00276-00071669-00071835 Again, I love when practitioners come on. eThzUf_HbZY-00277-00071835-00072051 So, one of the complaints that I hear sometimes eThzUf_HbZY-00278-00072051-00072273 from AWS users and I wonder if you see this eThzUf_HbZY-00279-00072273-00072568 is the data pipeline is getting more and more complex. eThzUf_HbZY-00280-00072568-00072782 I got an API for Kinesis, one for S3, eThzUf_HbZY-00281-00072782-00073061 one for DynamoDB, one for Elastic Plus. eThzUf_HbZY-00282-00073061-00073336 There must be 15 proprietary APIs eThzUf_HbZY-00283-00073452-00073772 that are primitive, and again, it gets complicated eThzUf_HbZY-00284-00073772-00073977 and sometimes it's hard to even figure out eThzUf_HbZY-00285-00073977-00074222 what's the right cost model to use. eThzUf_HbZY-00286-00074222-00074427 Is that increasingly becoming more complex eThzUf_HbZY-00287-00074427-00074583 or is it just so much simpler than eThzUf_HbZY-00288-00074583-00074775 what you had before and you're in nirvana right now? eThzUf_HbZY-00289-00074775-00075009 >> When you mentioned costs, just the cost eThzUf_HbZY-00290-00075009-00075331 of moving to the cloud was a major cost reduction for us. eThzUf_HbZY-00291-00075331-00075470 >> Reduction? eThzUf_HbZY-00292-00075470-00075601 >> So now it's - eThzUf_HbZY-00293-00075601-00075982 >> You had that HP corporate tax on you before - eThzUf_HbZY-00294-00075982-00076083 >> Yeah, now we're going from eThzUf_HbZY-00295-00076083-00076289 data centers and software licenses. eThzUf_HbZY-00296-00076289-00076460 >> So that was a big win for you? eThzUf_HbZY-00297-00076460-00076789 >> Yeah, huge, and that released us up to go spend dollars eThzUf_HbZY-00298-00076789-00077110 on resources to focus on the data science aspect. eThzUf_HbZY-00299-00077110-00077256 So when we start looking at it, eThzUf_HbZY-00300-00077256-00077442 we continually optimized, don't get me wrong. eThzUf_HbZY-00301-00077442-00077701 But, the point is, if we can bring it up real quickly, eThzUf_HbZY-00302-00077701-00077865 that's going to save us a lot of money eThzUf_HbZY-00303-00077865-00078067 even if you don't have to maintain it. eThzUf_HbZY-00304-00078067-00078294 So we want to focus on creating the code eThzUf_HbZY-00305-00078294-00078477 inside of Spark that's actually doing eThzUf_HbZY-00306-00078477-00078740 the real work as opposed to the infrastructure. eThzUf_HbZY-00307-00078740-00078914 So that cost savings was huge. eThzUf_HbZY-00308-00078914-00079110 Now, when you look at it over time, eThzUf_HbZY-00309-00079110-00079299 we could've over analyzed that and everything else, eThzUf_HbZY-00310-00079299-00079593 but what we did was we used a rapid prototyping approach eThzUf_HbZY-00311-00079593-00079807 and then from there, we continued to optimize. eThzUf_HbZY-00312-00079807-00079986 So what's really good about the cloud eThzUf_HbZY-00313-00079986-00080235 is you can predict the cost and with internal data eThzUf_HbZY-00314-00080235-00080403 centers and software licenses and everything else, eThzUf_HbZY-00315-00080403-00080516 you can't predict the cost because eThzUf_HbZY-00316-00080516-00080703 everybody's trying to figure out who's paying for what. eThzUf_HbZY-00317-00080703-00080906 But in the case of the cloud, it's all pretty much eThzUf_HbZY-00318-00080906-00081283 you get your bill and you understand what you're paying. eThzUf_HbZY-00319-00081283-00081366 So anyway - eThzUf_HbZY-00320-00081366-00081457 >> And then you can adjust accordingly? eThzUf_HbZY-00321-00081457-00081772 >> We continue to optimize so we use the services eThzUf_HbZY-00322-00081772-00082078 but if we have for some reason, it's going to deliver eThzUf_HbZY-00323-00082078-00082362 us an advantage, we'll go develop it. eThzUf_HbZY-00324-00082362-00082744 But right now, our advantage is we got umteen opportunities eThzUf_HbZY-00325-00082744-00083189 to create AI type code and applications to basically eThzUf_HbZY-00326-00083189-00083548 automate these services, we don't even have eThzUf_HbZY-00327-00083655-00083772 enough resources to do it right now. eThzUf_HbZY-00328-00083772-00084054 But, the common programming platform's going to help us. eThzUf_HbZY-00329-00084054-00084467 >> Can you drill into those umpteen examples? eThzUf_HbZY-00330-00084467-00084608 Just some of them because - eThzUf_HbZY-00331-00084608-00084792 >> I mentioned the battery one for instance. eThzUf_HbZY-00332-00084792-00084969 So take that across the whole system eThzUf_HbZY-00333-00084969-00085178 so now you've got your storage devices, eThzUf_HbZY-00334-00085178-00085484 you've got your software that's running on there, eThzUf_HbZY-00335-00085484-00085857 we've got built into our system security monitoring eThzUf_HbZY-00336-00085857-00086194 at the firmware level just basically connecting into that eThzUf_HbZY-00337-00086194-00086458 and adding AI around that is huge because now eThzUf_HbZY-00338-00086458-00086707 we can see a tax that may be happening upon your fleet eThzUf_HbZY-00339-00086707-00087015 and we can create services out of that. eThzUf_HbZY-00340-00087015-00087417 Anything that you can automate around that eThzUf_HbZY-00341-00087417-00087725 is money in our pocket or money in our customers' pocket eThzUf_HbZY-00342-00087725-00088044 so if we can save them money with these new services, eThzUf_HbZY-00343-00088044-00088275 they're going to be more willing to come to HP for products. eThzUf_HbZY-00344-00088275-00088465 >> It's actually more than just automation eThzUf_HbZY-00345-00088465-00088757 because it's the stuff you couldn't do with eThzUf_HbZY-00346-00088757-00089152 1,000 monkeys trying to write Shakespeare. eThzUf_HbZY-00347-00089152-00089486 You have data that you could not get before. eThzUf_HbZY-00348-00089486-00089602 >> You're right, what we're doing, eThzUf_HbZY-00349-00089602-00089883 the automation is helping us uncover things eThzUf_HbZY-00350-00089883-00090060 that we would've never seen and you're right, eThzUf_HbZY-00351-00090060-00090418 the whole gorilla walking through the room, eThzUf_HbZY-00352-00090532-00090773 I could sit there and I could show you eThzUf_HbZY-00353-00090773-00090959 tons of examples of where we're missing the boat. eThzUf_HbZY-00354-00090959-00091268 Even when we brought up our first data sets, eThzUf_HbZY-00355-00091268-00091463 we started looking at them and some of the stuff eThzUf_HbZY-00356-00091463-00091723 we looked at, we thought this is just bad data eThzUf_HbZY-00357-00091723-00092049 and actually it wasn't, it was bad product. eThzUf_HbZY-00358-00092049-00092177 >> People talk about dark data - eThzUf_HbZY-00359-00092177-00092426 >> We had no data models, we had no data model eThzUf_HbZY-00360-00092426-00092595 to say is it good or bad? eThzUf_HbZY-00361-00092595-00092817 And now we have data models and we're continuing eThzUf_HbZY-00362-00092817-00093062 to create those data models around, eThzUf_HbZY-00363-00093062-00093357 you create the data model and then you can continue eThzUf_HbZY-00364-00093357-00093806 to teach it and that's where we create the apps around it. eThzUf_HbZY-00365-00093806-00094034 Our primitives are the data models eThzUf_HbZY-00366-00094034-00094269 that we're creating from the device data that we have. eThzUf_HbZY-00367-00094269-00094542 >> Are there some of these apps where some of the eThzUf_HbZY-00368-00094542-00094859 intelligence lives on the device and it can, eThzUf_HbZY-00369-00094859-00095314 like in a security attack, it's a big surface area, eThzUf_HbZY-00370-00095314-00095594 you want to lock it down right away. eThzUf_HbZY-00371-00095594-00095677 >> We do. eThzUf_HbZY-00372-00095677-00095865 The good example on the security is we built eThzUf_HbZY-00373-00095865-00096134 something into our products called Sure Start. eThzUf_HbZY-00374-00096134-00096516 What essentially it is is we have ability eThzUf_HbZY-00375-00096516-00096772 to monitor the firmware layer and so eThzUf_HbZY-00376-00096772-00097101 there's a local process that's running independent eThzUf_HbZY-00377-00097101-00097325 of everything else that's running that's monitoring eThzUf_HbZY-00378-00097325-00097517 what's happening at that firmware level. eThzUf_HbZY-00379-00097517-00097753 Well, if there's an attack, it's going to immediately eThzUf_HbZY-00380-00097753-00098069 prevent the attack or recover from the attack. eThzUf_HbZY-00381-00098069-00098219 Well, that's built into the product. eThzUf_HbZY-00382-00098219-00098495 >> But it has to have a model of what eThzUf_HbZY-00383-00098495-00098687 this anomalous behavior is. eThzUf_HbZY-00384-00098687-00098838 >> Well in our case, we're monitoring eThzUf_HbZY-00385-00098838-00099150 what the firmware should look like and if we see eThzUf_HbZY-00386-00099150-00099404 that the firmware, you know you take check sums eThzUf_HbZY-00387-00099404-00099643 from the firmware or the pattern - eThzUf_HbZY-00388-00099643-00099856 >> So the firmware does not change? eThzUf_HbZY-00389-00099856-00100048 >> Well basically we can take the characteristics eThzUf_HbZY-00390-00100048-00100247 of the firmware and monitor it. eThzUf_HbZY-00391-00100247-00100559 If we see that changing, then we know something's wrong. eThzUf_HbZY-00392-00100559-00100870 Now it can get corrupt through hardware failure maybe eThzUf_HbZY-00393-00100870-00101153 because glitches can happen maybe. eThzUf_HbZY-00394-00101238-00101489 I mean solar flares can cause problems sometimes. eThzUf_HbZY-00395-00101489-00101845 So, the point is we've found that customers eThzUf_HbZY-00396-00101845-00102079 had problems sometimes where basically their firmware eThzUf_HbZY-00397-00102079-00102241 would get corrupted and they couldn't start their system. eThzUf_HbZY-00398-00102241-00102426 So we're like are we getting attacked? eThzUf_HbZY-00399-00102426-00102678 Is this a hardware issue? eThzUf_HbZY-00400-00102678-00102832 Could it be bad Flash devices? eThzUf_HbZY-00401-00102832-00103239 There's always all kinds of things that could cause that. eThzUf_HbZY-00402-00103239-00103479 Well now we monitor it and we know what's going on. eThzUf_HbZY-00403-00103479-00103802 Now, the other cool thing is we create logs from that eThzUf_HbZY-00404-00103802-00104174 so when those events occur, we can collect those logs eThzUf_HbZY-00405-00104174-00104324 and we're monitoring those events eThzUf_HbZY-00406-00104324-00104538 so now we can have something monitor the logs eThzUf_HbZY-00407-00104538-00104721 that are monitoring all the units. eThzUf_HbZY-00408-00104721-00104989 So, if you've got millions of units out there, eThzUf_HbZY-00409-00104989-00105149 how are you going to do that manually? eThzUf_HbZY-00410-00105149-00105365 You can't and that's where the automation comes in. eThzUf_HbZY-00411-00105365-00105699 >> So the logs give you the ability up in the cloud eThzUf_HbZY-00412-00105699-00106001 or at HP to look at the ecosystem of devices, eThzUf_HbZY-00413-00106001-00106253 but there is intelligence down on the - eThzUf_HbZY-00414-00106253-00106458 >> There's intelligence to protect the device eThzUf_HbZY-00415-00106458-00106621 in an auto recover which is really cool. eThzUf_HbZY-00416-00106621-00106847 So in the past, you had to get your repair. eThzUf_HbZY-00417-00106847-00107263 Imagine if someone attacked your fleet of notebooks. eThzUf_HbZY-00418-00107356-00107584 Say you got 10 thousand of them and basically eThzUf_HbZY-00419-00107584-00107789 it brought every single one of them down one day. eThzUf_HbZY-00420-00107789-00107953 What would you do? eThzUf_HbZY-00421-00107953-00108078 >> Dave: Freak. eThzUf_HbZY-00422-00108165-00108366 >> And everything you got to replace. eThzUf_HbZY-00423-00108366-00108531 It was just an attack and it could happen eThzUf_HbZY-00424-00108531-00108944 so we basically protect against that with our products eThzUf_HbZY-00425-00108944-00109263 and at the same time, we can see that may be a current eThzUf_HbZY-00426-00109263-00109638 and then from the footprints of it, we can then eThzUf_HbZY-00427-00109638-00109967 do analysis on it and determine was that malicious, eThzUf_HbZY-00428-00109967-00110258 is this happening because of a hardware issue, eThzUf_HbZY-00429-00110258-00110445 is this happening because maybe we tried eThzUf_HbZY-00430-00110445-00110692 to update the firmware and something happened there? eThzUf_HbZY-00431-00110692-00110872 What caused that to happen? eThzUf_HbZY-00432-00110872-00111091 And so that's where collecting the data eThzUf_HbZY-00433-00111091-00111316 from the population then helps us do that eThzUf_HbZY-00434-00111316-00111650 and then mix that with other things like service events. eThzUf_HbZY-00435-00111650-00111911 Are we seeing service events being driven by this? eThzUf_HbZY-00436-00111911-00112084 Thermal, we can look at the thermal data. eThzUf_HbZY-00437-00112084-00112249 Maybe there's some kind of heat issue eThzUf_HbZY-00438-00112249-00112420 that's causing this to happen. eThzUf_HbZY-00439-00112420-00112581 So we starting mixing that. eThzUf_HbZY-00440-00112581-00112906 >> Did Samsung come calling to buy this? eThzUf_HbZY-00441-00113125-00113443 >> Well, actually what's funny is Samsung is actually eThzUf_HbZY-00442-00113443-00113706 a supplier of ours, is a battery supplier of ours. eThzUf_HbZY-00443-00113706-00113910 So, by monitoring the batteries, what's interesting eThzUf_HbZY-00444-00113910-00114201 is we're helping them out because we go back to them. eThzUf_HbZY-00445-00114201-00114349 One of the things I'm working on, eThzUf_HbZY-00446-00114349-00114575 is we want to create apps that can go back to them eThzUf_HbZY-00447-00114575-00114728 and they can see the performance eThzUf_HbZY-00448-00114728-00115010 of their product that they're delivering to us. eThzUf_HbZY-00449-00115010-00115282 So instead of us having to call a meeting and saying hey eThzUf_HbZY-00450-00115282-00115539 guys let's talk about this, we've got some problems here. eThzUf_HbZY-00451-00115539-00115709 Imagine how much time that takes. eThzUf_HbZY-00452-00115709-00115932 But if they can self-monitor, eThzUf_HbZY-00453-00115932-00116285 then they're going to want to keep supplying to us, eThzUf_HbZY-00454-00116285-00116420 then they're going to better their product. eThzUf_HbZY-00455-00116420-00116572 >> That's huge. eThzUf_HbZY-00456-00116572-00116812 What a productivity boost because you're like eThzUf_HbZY-00457-00116812-00117107 hey, we got a problem, let's meet and talk about it eThzUf_HbZY-00458-00117107-00117294 and then you take an action to go eThzUf_HbZY-00459-00117294-00117435 and figure out what it is. eThzUf_HbZY-00460-00117435-00117701 Now if you need a meeting, it's like let's look at the data. eThzUf_HbZY-00461-00117701-00117823 >> Yeah, you don't have enough people. eThzUf_HbZY-00462-00117823-00118231 >> But there's also potentially a shift in pricing power. eThzUf_HbZY-00463-00118231-00118509 I would imagine it shifts a little more in your favor eThzUf_HbZY-00464-00118509-00118769 if you have all the data that indicates eThzUf_HbZY-00465-00118769-00119065 the quality of their product. eThzUf_HbZY-00466-00119065-00119172 >> That's an interesting thing. eThzUf_HbZY-00467-00119172-00119438 I don't know that we've reached that point. eThzUf_HbZY-00468-00119438-00119729 I think that in the future, it would be something eThzUf_HbZY-00469-00119729-00119989 that could be included in the contracts. eThzUf_HbZY-00470-00119989-00120296 The fact that the world is the way it is today eThzUf_HbZY-00471-00120296-00120621 and data is a big part of that to where eThzUf_HbZY-00472-00120621-00120982 going forward, absolutely, the fact that eThzUf_HbZY-00473-00120982-00121234 you have that data helps you to better have eThzUf_HbZY-00474-00121234-00121438 a relationship with your suppliers. eThzUf_HbZY-00475-00121438-00121780 >> And your customers, I mean it used to be that eThzUf_HbZY-00476-00121780-00122185 the brand used to have all the information. eThzUf_HbZY-00477-00122185-00122389 The internet obviously changed all that, eThzUf_HbZY-00478-00122389-00122614 but this whole digital transformation and IOT eThzUf_HbZY-00479-00122614-00122826 and all those log data, that sort of levels eThzUf_HbZY-00480-00122826-00123046 the playing field back to the brand. eThzUf_HbZY-00481-00123046-00123139 >> John: It actually changes it. eThzUf_HbZY-00482-00123139-00123380 >> You can now add value for the consumer eThzUf_HbZY-00483-00123380-00123533 that you couldn't before. eThzUf_HbZY-00484-00123533-00123658 >> And that's what HP's trying to do. eThzUf_HbZY-00485-00123658-00123799 We're invested to exactly do that eThzUf_HbZY-00486-00123799-00124214 is to really improve or increase the value of our brand. eThzUf_HbZY-00487-00124214-00124353 We have a strong brand today but - eThzUf_HbZY-00488-00124353-00124553 >> What do you guys do with - we got to wrap - eThzUf_HbZY-00489-00124553-00124681 but what do you do with databricks? eThzUf_HbZY-00490-00124681-00124788 What's the relationship there? eThzUf_HbZY-00491-00124788-00124990 >> Databricks, again we decided that we didn't want to eThzUf_HbZY-00492-00124990-00125280 be the experts on managing the whole Spark thing. eThzUf_HbZY-00493-00125280-00125671 The other part was that we're going to be involved with Spark eThzUf_HbZY-00494-00125671-00125907 and help them drive the direction as far as eThzUf_HbZY-00495-00125907-00126112 our use cases and what have you. eThzUf_HbZY-00496-00126112-00126306 Databricks and Spark go hand in hand. eThzUf_HbZY-00497-00126306-00126704 They got the experts there and it's been huge, eThzUf_HbZY-00498-00126704-00126939 our relationship, being able to work with these guys. eThzUf_HbZY-00499-00126939-00127147 But I recognize the fact that, eThzUf_HbZY-00500-00127147-00127465 and going back to software development and everything else, eThzUf_HbZY-00501-00127465-00127630 we don't want to spare resources on that. eThzUf_HbZY-00502-00127630-00127788 We got too many other things to do eThzUf_HbZY-00503-00127788-00127997 and the less that I have to worry about eThzUf_HbZY-00504-00127997-00128332 my Spark code running and scaling and the cost of it eThzUf_HbZY-00505-00128332-00128622 and being able to put code in production, the better eThzUf_HbZY-00506-00128622-00128833 and so, having that layer there is eThzUf_HbZY-00507-00128833-00129158 saving us a ton of money and resources and a ton of time. eThzUf_HbZY-00508-00129158-00129405 Just imagine time to market, it's just huge. eThzUf_HbZY-00509-00129405-00129722 >> Alright, John, sorry we got to wrap. eThzUf_HbZY-00510-00129722-00129975 Awesome having you on, thanks for sharing your story. eThzUf_HbZY-00511-00129975-00130099 >> It's great to talk to you guys. eThzUf_HbZY-00512-00130099-00130208 >> Alright, keep it right there everybody. eThzUf_HbZY-00513-00130208-00130303 We'll be back with our next guest. eThzUf_HbZY-00514-00130303-00130445 This is the CUBE live from Spark Summit East, eThzUf_HbZY-00515-00130445-00130620 we'll be right back. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00000-00000354-00000610 Summon is like Michener Libraries’ own personal Google. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00001-00000610-00001090 It gives you one search box to search lots of information available to you through the Libraries. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00002-00001090-00001443 If I’m writing a paper on the ethics of the death penalty, eWBK9rvJyJQ-00003-00001443-00001857 I’d enter some keywords into this search box on the Libraries’ homepage eWBK9rvJyJQ-00004-00001975-00002242 and then click on search. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00005-00002450-00003356 Summon will bring back lots of different results like journal articles, books, trade publications, and all other kinds of sources. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00006-00003356-00003849 Each result gives you a little bit of information about the material. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00007-00003849-00004090 It'll tell you what type of material it is eWBK9rvJyJQ-00008-00004090-00004336 and also where it's located. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00009-00004336-00004631 For a book, if you click on the title, eWBK9rvJyJQ-00010-00004631-00005343 it'll take you into the Libraries' catalog where you can get the rest of the information about it. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00011-00005343-00005691 For journal articles, if you click on the title eWBK9rvJyJQ-00012-00005691-00006115 for an article that's available full text online, it should bring you to the article. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00013-00006115-00006581 Keep in mind it is technology and it doesn't always work right the first time. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00014-00006581-00007109 You may need to use this link here to look for an article if it's missing. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00015-00007109-00007668 Summon also gives you lots of options on the left to refine or limit your results. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00016-00007668-00008135 For example, if you only want scholarly or peer-reviewed sources eWBK9rvJyJQ-00017-00008135-00008330 you can check that. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00018-00008330-00008730 You can also limit by date if you're looking for more recent materials. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00019-00008730-00009159 And the other limits as you see fit. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00020-00009159-00009623 As you can see, Summon is a great tool for research on any subject. eWBK9rvJyJQ-00021-00009623-00010096 If you do have questions about using Summon, feel free to ask a librarian. eYXWDmQ1T5c-00000-00000000-00000708 here's how to make a monster and train your creativity in five easy steps the exercise eYXWDmQ1T5c-00001-00000708-00001362 I'm about to show you is just as good if you're a professional artist or if you've never touched eYXWDmQ1T5c-00002-00001362-00002016 a brush before and don't worry even if you don't own a brush and ink I'll show you what to do by eYXWDmQ1T5c-00003-00002016-00002652 the end of this video my name is Kim Diaz Holm and you may also know me as Den Unge Herr Holm eYXWDmQ1T5c-00004-00002652-00003347 and I've drawn a lot of monsters overall my TikTok the hashtag #dailyinkmonster has been seen more eYXWDmQ1T5c-00005-00003347-00004146 than 80 million times and some of my videos have been watched by over 18 million people some of eYXWDmQ1T5c-00006-00004146-00004788 these monsters are silly some are serious others are from folklore and mythology and a lot of them eYXWDmQ1T5c-00007-00004788-00005484 are my own invention being diagnosed bipolar some of these monsters are drawn on days where I'm full eYXWDmQ1T5c-00008-00005484-00006228 of energy and others on days where I'd rather not draw anything at all one of the most common eYXWDmQ1T5c-00009-00006228-00006936 comments I get is that seeing me create art makes people want to create art themselves but then eYXWDmQ1T5c-00010-00006936-00007709 when you sit down with a blank sheet of paper it's harder than you think so in this video I'm eYXWDmQ1T5c-00011-00007709-00008514 going to show you the step-by-step solution how I solve this problem myself when I don't know what eYXWDmQ1T5c-00012-00008514-00009198 to draw and I'm gonna show you in the simplest way possible so easy even toddler could do it and if eYXWDmQ1T5c-00013-00009198-00009966 you want you can even follow along press pause on each of the steps and draw your monster as we go eYXWDmQ1T5c-00014-00009966-00010746 Step 1 place a drop of Ink on a paper and blow on it if you place too much ink it might get messy eYXWDmQ1T5c-00015-00010746-00011496 and if you place too little the monster might get tiny but either way it's okay you'll get a eYXWDmQ1T5c-00016-00011496-00012318 feel for it eventually Step 2 Place some ice you don't have to stare at the ink plot and wait for eYXWDmQ1T5c-00017-00012318-00013044 the perfect monster you can force the process by placing two eyes anywhere it doesn't matter eYXWDmQ1T5c-00018-00013044-00013884 just place the eyes and you will start to see the Monster step 3 give iy teeth monsters gotta eat eYXWDmQ1T5c-00019-00013974-00014700 again don't worry exactly where just try to put them in relation to the eyes and wherever you eYXWDmQ1T5c-00020-00014700-00015462 place them will reveal the monster to you in a new way there are Limitless options none of them are eYXWDmQ1T5c-00021-00015462-00016260 wrong they're all just different step four give it legs it's a monster it doesn't need a body or eYXWDmQ1T5c-00022-00016260-00017226 a tail it just needs legs and boof there you go you have a monster step 5 give it a name every eYXWDmQ1T5c-00023-00017226-00017838 monster needs a name if it doesn't make sense you can just pretend it's named in a dead language eYXWDmQ1T5c-00024-00017910-00018822 so play around with words and sounds like a klerliklurluklrenklu-enklurk. eYXWDmQ1T5c-00025-00018948-00019722 I'll call it Enklurk it's an Enklurk that's a monster but legs and it knows how to use them eYXWDmQ1T5c-00026-00020106-00020754 anyhow if you followed along what did you name your monster of course there are countless of eYXWDmQ1T5c-00027-00020754-00021450 ways to adapt this exercise to your level of skill to your level of exercise and to eYXWDmQ1T5c-00028-00021450-00022104 challenge yourself in new ways and even after making thousands of these they still surprise eYXWDmQ1T5c-00029-00022104-00022698 me now finally I promise to show what to do if you haven't got the right tools but first if you eYXWDmQ1T5c-00030-00022698-00023160 like the video remember to subscribe and press the Bell icon even though I've been on YouTube eYXWDmQ1T5c-00031-00023160-00023808 for a while I'm very new to creating videos like this and if you showed a sign that I'm eYXWDmQ1T5c-00032-00023808-00024378 on the right path that would mean the world to me and if you'd rather have me make other types eYXWDmQ1T5c-00033-00024378-00024924 of videos you do comment and share your thoughts I'm still figuring my way and trying things out eYXWDmQ1T5c-00034-00024924-00025416 now back to what you have to do if you don't have the right tools for this demonstration I'm going eYXWDmQ1T5c-00035-00025416-00026100 to use a Legend of Zelda ballpoint pen it's not a particularly good pen it just looks cool eYXWDmQ1T5c-00036-00026100-00026789 fact it's so top-heavy that I found it a bit of a pain but it doesn't really matter step one is eYXWDmQ1T5c-00037-00026789-00027462 just to draw a random doodle or scribble then all the other steps are the same step two add eyes eYXWDmQ1T5c-00038-00027522-00028458 step three add teeth step 4 add legs spider legs are cool step five give it a name eYXWDmQ1T5c-00039-00028530-00029136 this one is kinda like the last one but spider-ish so let's call it Spidlurk. eYXWDmQ1T5c-00040-00029220-00029988 Spidlurk and you can do variations of this exercise with markers with crayons with watercolor eYXWDmQ1T5c-00041-00029988-00030900 with pencils with chalk on a sidewalk if you ever find yourself saying I'd love to do this but I eYXWDmQ1T5c-00042-00030900-00031710 don't have the right tools then there's probably some other reason you're postponing it tools don't eYXWDmQ1T5c-00043-00031710-00032382 matter there's always a way to practice something if you really want to and then when you finally eYXWDmQ1T5c-00044-00032382-00033180 get the tools you'll be better prepared so that's it your step-by-step guide to making a monster and eYXWDmQ1T5c-00045-00033180-00033780 if you keep practicing the exercise will grow with you finally remember that all my art is available eYXWDmQ1T5c-00046-00033780-00034398 for free use that means there are over a thousand monsters in high resolution that you can download eYXWDmQ1T5c-00047-00034398-00034872 copy change you can write stories about them you can tattoo them on your skin and you can eYXWDmQ1T5c-00048-00034872-00035430 even sell them as long as you put my name on them if you think that's cool and want to say thanks eYXWDmQ1T5c-00049-00035430-00035976 then supporting on patreon with only one dollar a month helps more than you'll ever know and if you eYXWDmQ1T5c-00050-00035976-00036594 and if you're slightly more in-depth look at the process then check out the video where I explain eYXWDmQ1T5c-00051-00036594-00037290 my thoughts bit by bit while I'm drawing an ink monster and solving a modern mystery eb9ZBze6Bro-00001-00005268-00005318 Take all TOPIK Actual Tests through TOPIK Master! eb9ZBze6Bro-00002-00005318-00007700 Enjoy it! efw4we09dvE-00000-00000000-00000200 Всем привет elVpUSXbHg4-00000-00000065-00000635 By this point you should have an idea of what resolution is, why elVpUSXbHg4-00001-00000635-00000990 it's important for print and web, and what standard print and web resolutions elVpUSXbHg4-00002-00000990-00001379 are. I would like you to write down those print formulas we talked about. That 1.5 time elVpUSXbHg4-00003-00001379-00001842 the LPI would be grayscale image resolution for print and elVpUSXbHg4-00004-00001842-00002247 2 times the LPI would be color. You don't have to use them just yet. You elVpUSXbHg4-00005-00002247-00002538 should know that resampling means you're going to change them or pixel in an elVpUSXbHg4-00006-00002538-00003044 image and that upsampling is adding and downsampling is deleting. If I had to elVpUSXbHg4-00007-00003044-00003489 choose I would say downsampling is preferred to upsampling. Downsampling elVpUSXbHg4-00008-00003489-00003921 takes the pixels you have and deletes some of them. Upsampling would make up elVpUSXbHg4-00009-00003921-00004542 new ones. I think that's way worse than just deleting some. While you're elVpUSXbHg4-00010-00004542-00004898 working in Photoshop it is important to make sure that you are saving your work elVpUSXbHg4-00011-00004898-00005282 as you go. There's a key command for save and it's a universal key command that elVpUSXbHg4-00012-00005282-00005700 you can use at any software application and that is Command + S or if you're on a elVpUSXbHg4-00013-00005700-00006192 PC it is Control + S. I would make sure that you're choosing File > Save or elVpUSXbHg4-00014-00006192-00006693 Command + S or Ctrl + S like every 30 seconds as you working on your project. elVpUSXbHg4-00015-00006693-00007101 You should just have your left hand hovering over Command and S at all times. elVpUSXbHg4-00016-00007101-00007434 You want to make sure you save your project especially if you have a elVpUSXbHg4-00017-00007434-00007881 computer that kind of crashes a lot. You don't want to end up working for hours elVpUSXbHg4-00018-00007881-00008484 and then have your computer crash and you lose all of your work. We also elVpUSXbHg4-00019-00008484-00008811 want to save as we go because we're using that working file we talked about... elVpUSXbHg4-00020-00008811-00009303 it is very important to me to please make sure you're always using Photoshop files... when elVpUSXbHg4-00021-00009303-00009810 you're saving your Photoshop file as you go it allows you to ensure that you're elVpUSXbHg4-00022-00009810-00010215 not going to miss anything that you thought that you had created. There's a elVpUSXbHg4-00023-00010215-00010611 difference between File > Save and File >Save As. If you are working in your elVpUSXbHg4-00024-00010611-00010982 working file you're just going to keep choosing File >Save. File >Save As... you can elVpUSXbHg4-00025-00010982-00011460 save versions if you wanted to. Let's say that you work a couple elVpUSXbHg4-00026-00011460-00011856 hours and you're at a point where you have to go one of two directions elVpUSXbHg4-00027-00011856-00012332 with whatever you're creating... you could save a copy and you can save a copy by elVpUSXbHg4-00028-00012332-00012681 choosing File >Save As. Just make sure that if you're still working and I'm elVpUSXbHg4-00029-00012681-00013169 doing air quotes here... you're working file... that you're still using your elVpUSXbHg4-00030-00013169-00013468 Photoshop file. The only time I would like you to change the file format elVpUSXbHg4-00031-00013468-00013993 to a PNG or a TIFF or EPS or PDF is if you're completely done your project and elVpUSXbHg4-00032-00013993-00014763 you're saving it for a particular output reason. When you're saving your project I elVpUSXbHg4-00033-00014763-00015172 would recommend always expanding the Save As dialog box. That's just a general elVpUSXbHg4-00034-00015172-00015568 rule of thumb. Anytime you see a little down arrow, expand it. It gives you a elVpUSXbHg4-00035-00015568-00016148 visual of where you're saving your work. The number one elVpUSXbHg4-00036-00016148-00016713 question that I get asked about saving projects is, "where is my file?" I elVpUSXbHg4-00037-00016713-00017026 cannot tell you where your file is if you don't know where you put your file. elVpUSXbHg4-00038-00017026-00017484 If you use the small dialog box on the left hand side here... it doesn't elVpUSXbHg4-00039-00017484-00017815 really tell me where it's at. Right now it's going to desktop... so I could elVpUSXbHg4-00040-00017815-00018132 probably figure that out, but it might have filenames and you might have multiple elVpUSXbHg4-00041-00018132-00018592 folders that have similar file names. A lot of the times it will default to elVpUSXbHg4-00042-00018592-00019075 Documents and so the first place I'll tell you to look is under Documents, but elVpUSXbHg4-00043-00019075-00019378 if you expand that dialog box you get a visual of where you're saving and you elVpUSXbHg4-00044-00019378-00019765 can make sure that you're you're making a purposeful decision about where you elVpUSXbHg4-00045-00019765-00020650 want to save your project. Photoshop can not only open a wide variety of file elVpUSXbHg4-00046-00020650-00021154 formats it can also create them. Earlier in the lecture we talked about elVpUSXbHg4-00047-00021154-00021666 how Photoshop has the ability to open lots of different files. If people give elVpUSXbHg4-00048-00021666-00021879 you file and you don't know where to open it elVpUSXbHg4-00049-00021879-00022332 try Photoshop because Photoshop comes and tons of different files. It also can elVpUSXbHg4-00050-00022332-00022812 create tons of different files. There are 2, well in lPhotoshop there are more, but elVpUSXbHg4-00051-00022812-00023460 in general, there are two basic ways to create files in a program. You can choose elVpUSXbHg4-00052-00023460-00023931 File > Save As or you can choose File > Export. As a general rule of thumb File > Save AS elVpUSXbHg4-00053-00023931-00024490 will allow you to save as file formats that you could open in your elVpUSXbHg4-00054-00024490-00025078 program. So in Photoshop, you can File > Save As all of the file formats listed elVpUSXbHg4-00055-00025078-00025701 on the right-hand side here: Photoshop, Large Document Formats, JPEG, Photoshop PDF... elVpUSXbHg4-00056-00025701-00026143 you can make PNG files, you can make TIFF files, etc. There are lots of different elVpUSXbHg4-00057-00026143-00026662 options on there. In InDesign, for example I also teach that, if you elVpUSXbHg4-00058-00026662-00027166 try to File >Save As in InDesign you can only save as an elVpUSXbHg4-00059-00027166-00027738 InDesign .INDD file and a .IDML (InDesign markup language file) elVpUSXbHg4-00060-00027738-00028276 because those are the only file formats you can open in InDesign, but elVpUSXbHg4-00061-00028276-00028891 if you choose File >Export you can export to file formats that your particular elVpUSXbHg4-00062-00028891-00029347 software may not be able to open but it could create. So in InDesign elVpUSXbHg4-00063-00029347-00029988 I can export to a PDF, PNG, or TIFF file, but because I can't open them in elVpUSXbHg4-00064-00029988-00030672 InDesign I couldn't Save As... if that makes sense. There's also an option in elVpUSXbHg4-00065-00030672-00031152 Photoshop for Save for Web. This is kind of... I want to say it is old school... It is elVpUSXbHg4-00066-00031152-00031572 one of the first things that was really cool about Photoshop way back in the day. elVpUSXbHg4-00067-00031572-00032152 It allowed you to choose your web settings. With web you're always elVpUSXbHg4-00068-00032152-00032500 concerned with having smallest file size, but you still want the image to look elVpUSXbHg4-00069-00032500-00033019 good and different things and if you did File > Save for Web you were able to see elVpUSXbHg4-00070-00033019-00033337 like four different versions. You could choose lots of different settings. elVpUSXbHg4-00071-00033337-00033822 ... like in the screenshot here. I'm saving as a GIF file. I could choose to save it elVpUSXbHg4-00072-00033822-00034428 as a PNG or JPG and different things. It's not like a main feature of elVpUSXbHg4-00073-00034428-00034786 Photoshop anymore and so for those of you who are looking elVpUSXbHg4-00074-00034786-00035395 for Save for Web it's now under File > Export and then Save for Web Legacy, but elVpUSXbHg4-00075-00035395-00035668 it's still there and you can still click on it and click through the diagram. elVpUSXbHg4-00076-00035668-00036025 We're not going to go through all the settings just now, but what's cool is it elVpUSXbHg4-00077-00036025-00036550 kind of shows you four different versions and it tells you how big the elVpUSXbHg4-00078-00036550-00037177 file is, how long it would take to load at a particular data rate, and things elVpUSXbHg4-00079-00037177-00037786 like that. That's pretty cool. You can see in this little zoomed up diagram elVpUSXbHg4-00080-00037786-00038272 that I have different options here. I can limit the color. So a GIF file by elVpUSXbHg4-00081-00038272-00039016 default has 256 colors. I can lower that. I could decide how... if there's going to be elVpUSXbHg4-00082-00039016-00039471 differ on different things... how it's going to blend and blur. I can see it elVpUSXbHg4-00083-00039471-00039901 visually. I don't know it's going to come across on the lecture video but you elVpUSXbHg4-00084-00039901-00040358 may want to open the slideshow... This one down here. You can tell it has... the elVpUSXbHg4-00085-00040358-00040736 background is breaking up. It has banding of color which is something that is elVpUSXbHg4-00086-00040736-00041191 inherent to a GIF file because it doesn't do tone ranges very well, but I elVpUSXbHg4-00087-00041191-00041612 can see right here even though it's the smallest load time 149 seconds... This is a elVpUSXbHg4-00088-00041612-00042106 giant file... Even though it has a small load time I would have to accept that elVpUSXbHg4-00089-00042106-00042519 it's going to have some banding of color in the background. elVpUSXbHg4-00090-00042519-00043108 When you are done with your project or you're done for the day you need to elVpUSXbHg4-00091-00043108-00043531 close out of Photoshop and you need to quit out of Photoshop. I'm elVpUSXbHg4-00092-00043531-00044083 specifically going to talk about this for Macs because Mac's are a little elVpUSXbHg4-00093-00044083-00044411 foreign to some people. If you're in our computer lab it's important that elVpUSXbHg4-00094-00044411-00044815 you quit out of the program and you close your file. In the top left elVpUSXbHg4-00095-00044815-00045322 hand corner of your file there's a little tab and it has an X on it. If you elVpUSXbHg4-00096-00045322-00045766 close out of that you're closing the file, but you're not quitting Photoshop. elVpUSXbHg4-00097-00045766-00046112 Keep in mind that if you want to close your file you can choose File > Close. elVpUSXbHg4-00098-00046112-00047191 You can do Command or Control + C... no I'm sorry it is W. It will close elVpUSXbHg4-00099-00047191-00047758 out of your document. You can also do Ctrl or Command + Q which is quit and it will elVpUSXbHg4-00100-00047758-00048319 quit out of your program. When you are done working for the day make sure that elVpUSXbHg4-00101-00048319-00048712 a choose File >Save and you save your file and then if you want to close out elVpUSXbHg4-00102-00048712-00049009 of your document you can close by hitting the little X in the top elVpUSXbHg4-00103-00049009-00049393 left-hand corner, but you'll notice that I still have the other image open from a elVpUSXbHg4-00104-00049393-00050028 previous lecture. I haven't quit out of Photoshop. If I close that one... let's hit save... elVpUSXbHg4-00105-00050028-00050411 I'm still in Photoshop. Photoshop like, "Okay I'm ready. What do you want to do elVpUSXbHg4-00106-00050411-00051106 next?" In the top left-hand corner of the Photoshop workspace window here, I can elVpUSXbHg4-00107-00051106-00051563 also hit a little red X... but again that's just closing out of the window. It's not elVpUSXbHg4-00108-00051563-00051892 closing out of Photoshop. Notice how I have Photoshop the top elVpUSXbHg4-00109-00051892-00052262 left-hand corner and then I also have the window that I'm in... the application elVpUSXbHg4-00110-00052262-00052714 bar... I think it's called the application window... if I close out of this I still elVpUSXbHg4-00111-00052714-00053206 have Photoshop open. It still says Photoshop at the top. On a Mac if you elVpUSXbHg4-00112-00053206-00053552 zoom in... again, I don't know if the zoom is going to work on the recorded lecture... elVpUSXbHg4-00113-00053552-00053891 those little dots underneath the software applications that you're using... elVpUSXbHg4-00114-00053891-00054314 if you see a little dot under anything besides the Finder it's still open. elVpUSXbHg4-00115-00054314-00054648 You need to make sure your quitting whether you choose the name of the elVpUSXbHg4-00116-00054648-00055310 program so Photoshop and then Quit or you can only do Command or Control + Q. elVpUSXbHg4-00117-00055633-00056105 Let's go back to the slide and finish up this lecture . When you are saving elVpUSXbHg4-00118-00056105-00056760 and quitting if you get prompt that says obviously that you haven't save your elVpUSXbHg4-00119-00056760-00057167 changes you'll have to make a decision about it. You can also know that elVpUSXbHg4-00120-00057167-00057660 something has been changed. If you choose File > Save As and you don't have the elVpUSXbHg4-00121-00057660-00058074 option to save... it's grayed out... it means you have saved all of your changes. elVpUSXbHg4-00122-00058074-00058475 You shouldn't get that prompt. You can also... if you see a little asterisk next elVpUSXbHg4-00123-00058475-00058895 to the name of your file... it means that you have changes that were made that elVpUSXbHg4-00124-00058895-00059472 we're not saved. Keep that in mind as well. I'm going to wrap up this elVpUSXbHg4-00125-00059472-00060014 lecture on creating files. We will move forward with the next lecture. Make sure elVpUSXbHg4-00126-00060014-00060762 that you're completing... if we go back to the Home tab here... complete the lecture, read elVpUSXbHg4-00127-00060762-00061208 chapter 2 (no longer required) and answer the questions for knowledge test 2. I'm not sure if I elVpUSXbHg4-00128-00061208-00061710 mentioned this already but the knowledge tests are based on the reading (slideshow) and the elVpUSXbHg4-00129-00061710-00062168 lectures cover about 90% of the reading but you're still expected to do the elVpUSXbHg4-00130-00062168-00062543 reading and so if you jump right to the knowledge test without doing the reading elVpUSXbHg4-00131-00062543-00062906 you will be able to answer all the questions and the questions are in the elVpUSXbHg4-00132-00062906-00063316 order that you'll read them so I would recommend doing your reading and your elVpUSXbHg4-00133-00063316-00063729 knowledge that's at the same time have them open side-by-side there's no time elVpUSXbHg4-00134-00063729-00064113 and you get two attempts it's not meant to be make-or-break it's meant to pull elVpUSXbHg4-00135-00064113-00064514 out key information okay and as always if you have any questions you can email elVpUSXbHg4-00136-00064514-00065152 me or your instructor at his or her preferred communication methods enwWZ6x0ANE-00000-00000696-00001066 I will become one with the curve of your smile. enwWZ6x0ANE-00001-00001114-00001248 My body enwWZ6x0ANE-00002-00001270-00001498 will take every inch of the enwWZ6x0ANE-00003-00001498-00001792 magic arc of your lips enwWZ6x0ANE-00004-00001792-00002094 transforming into a wet kiss. enwWZ6x0ANE-00005-00002218-00002348 Your every breath, enwWZ6x0ANE-00006-00002460-00002690 the wind will become warm. enwWZ6x0ANE-00007-00002782-00002920 Your sweat enwWZ6x0ANE-00008-00002960-00003244 will be raining to wash me away. enwWZ6x0ANE-00009-00003342-00003558 Every voice of yours, enwWZ6x0ANE-00010-00003558-00003704 my God to pray. enwWZ6x0ANE-00011-00003850-00003992 Your eyes enwWZ6x0ANE-00012-00004015-00004174 are the love... enwWZ6x0ANE-00013-00004244-00004404 Your smile enwWZ6x0ANE-00014-00004432-00004566 is love... enwWZ6x0ANE-00015-00004708-00004836 And I am enwWZ6x0ANE-00016-00004852-00005142 a scattering pleasure seeking enwWZ6x0ANE-00017-00005142-00005452 your body to sink into it. f0lTJiADTsU-00000-00000000-00000411 control of fire ants is difficult because the workers protect the Queen f0lTJiADTsU-00001-00000411-00000930 and move her to safety when the mound is threatened scientists eventually may be f0lTJiADTsU-00002-00000930-00001488 able to discover a way to lower the equilibrium population of fire ants one f0lTJiADTsU-00003-00001488-00001943 way may be to import parasites and predators from the ants native South f0lTJiADTsU-00004-00001943-00002510 America such as these decapitating flies scientists are studying their f0lTJiADTsU-00005-00002510-00003002 effectiveness and impact six species of the decapitating flies have been f0lTJiADTsU-00006-00003002-00003779 released in fire ant infested areas of the United States meanwhile integrated f0lTJiADTsU-00007-00003779-00004280 fire ant management is the recommended approach for fire ant control it uses a f0lTJiADTsU-00008-00004280-00004932 combination of practices over time there is no single best method for fire ant f0lTJiADTsU-00009-00004932-00005512 control because each site is different however methods which are effective f0lTJiADTsU-00010-00005512-00006132 economical and least toxic to the environment are the best options the f0lTJiADTsU-00011-00006132-00006515 most effective control methods cause minimal disturbance to the mound and f0lTJiADTsU-00012-00006515-00007176 eliminate the egg producing queen it is not always necessary to treat an entire f0lTJiADTsU-00013-00007176-00007775 area for fire ants map fire ant mound locations and treat only the areas where f0lTJiADTsU-00014-00007775-00008310 fire ant control is most desirable this can save money by reducing the cost of f0lTJiADTsU-00015-00008310-00008778 labor and materials because fire ant workers and other predators kill f0lTJiADTsU-00016-00008778-00009288 approximately ninety-five percent of new fire ant queens leaving fire ant mounds f0lTJiADTsU-00017-00009288-00009759 and low priority areas may actually slow the re-infestation of the higher f0lTJiADTsU-00018-00009759-00010382 priority areas fire ant control products are available at home improvement stores f0lTJiADTsU-00019-00010382-00011132 lawn and garden centers hardware stores and farmers co-ops other products are f0lTJiADTsU-00020-00011132-00011561 available only from specialty stores or through professional pest control f0lTJiADTsU-00021-00011561-00012161 service providers most control products are baits or contact insecticides f0lTJiADTsU-00022-00012161-00012902 formulated as dusts granules aerosols or liquids f0SKvS2-sFg-00000-00000000-00001482 ❌ MGK , Jxdn Type f0SKvS2-sFg-00001-00003192-00003352 Beat - f0SKvS2-sFg-00002-00005652-00005814 "Maybe" | Pop f0SKvS2-sFg-00003-00006372-00006658 Punk Rock •Alexx f0SKvS2-sFg-00004-00009690-00009906 Melo• f3mt1TirGfg-00000-00000000-00000196 Hello. f3mt1TirGfg-00001-00000196-00000506 I'm Park Jihoon. I play the role of Yeon Si-eun of Weak Hero Class 1. f3mt1TirGfg-00002-00000506-00000707 I'm Choi Hyunwook. I play the role of Ahn Sooho. f3mt1TirGfg-00003-00000707-00000972 I'm Hong Kyung. I play the role of Oh Beomseok. f3mt1TirGfg-00004-00001128-00001385 About Me: Weak Hero Class 1 f3mt1TirGfg-00005-00001388-00001743 You may answer the question about me. f3mt1TirGfg-00006-00001743-00002214 There will be a gift for the winner. f3mt1TirGfg-00007-00002214-00002515 There are the time to know about each other and the gift. f3mt1TirGfg-00008-00002515-00002623 It's like killing two birds with one stone. f3mt1TirGfg-00009-00002624-00002794 It's having your cake and eating it. f3mt1TirGfg-00010-00002794-00002900 Let's go. f3mt1TirGfg-00011-00002900-00003034 It's the first question. f3mt1TirGfg-00012-00003034-00003435 It's a question from my video. f3mt1TirGfg-00013-00003435-00003571 It's a little bit difficult. f3mt1TirGfg-00014-00003571-00004219 1. How many centimeters long is your eye in the video? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00015-00004219-00004335 Answer : 4.3cm For one eye? f3mt1TirGfg-00016-00004335-00004535 Yes. How many centimeters is it? f3mt1TirGfg-00017-00004535-00004621 Hyunwook. f3mt1TirGfg-00018-00004622-00004780 1.8cm? f3mt1TirGfg-00019-00004780-00004921 No way. f3mt1TirGfg-00020-00004921-00005126 I measured it with a ruler. f3mt1TirGfg-00021-00005170-00005236 Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00022-00005236-00005362 Yes, Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00023-00005362-00005615 2.3cm f3mt1TirGfg-00024-00005672-00005752 UP. f3mt1TirGfg-00025-00005752-00005839 3.1cm? f3mt1TirGfg-00026-00005882-00005981 UP. f3mt1TirGfg-00027-00005981-00006083 UP? f3mt1TirGfg-00028-00006083-00006163 -Alright. f3mt1TirGfg-00029-00006366-00006468 Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00030-00006468-00006591 3.5cm f3mt1TirGfg-00031-00006591-00006796 Oh.... UP f3mt1TirGfg-00032-00006822-00006866 Hyunwook. f3mt1TirGfg-00033-00006866-00006990 3.7cm f3mt1TirGfg-00034-00006990-00007099 Isn't it for one eye? f3mt1TirGfg-00035-00007099-00007210 For one eye. f3mt1TirGfg-00036-00007210-00007382 It's gone. f3mt1TirGfg-00037-00007383-00007581 The answer was 4.3cm. f3mt1TirGfg-00038-00007622-00007680 Really? f3mt1TirGfg-00039-00007680-00007764 It's quite huge. f3mt1TirGfg-00040-00007764-00007878 No, I didn't measure it. f3mt1TirGfg-00041-00007878-00008025 My manager measured it with a ruler. f3mt1TirGfg-00042-00008097-00008217 Wow, it's deep. f3mt1TirGfg-00043-00008217-00008431 Is it 4.3cm..? f3mt1TirGfg-00044-00008431-00008545 I think so. f3mt1TirGfg-00045-00008545-00009075 2. Which role did I play in the drama 'Jumong' when he was a child? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00046-00009075-00009353 Answer: A salt seller's son. The hint is OOO's son. f3mt1TirGfg-00047-00009353-00009441 I have no idea about history. f3mt1TirGfg-00048-00009441-00009518 W..well.. f3mt1TirGfg-00049-00009519-00009743 It's a son of a seller. f3mt1TirGfg-00050-00009743-00009866 This is the entire hint. f3mt1TirGfg-00051-00009867-00009909 It's a big deal. f3mt1TirGfg-00052-00009909-00010064 A son of a seller? f3mt1TirGfg-00053-00010064-00010236 OO seller's son. f3mt1TirGfg-00054-00010236-00010549 What was precious in the past? f3mt1TirGfg-00055-00010549-00010684 There are so many precious things in the past. f3mt1TirGfg-00056-00010777-00010857 Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00057-00010939-00011080 A farmer's son? f3mt1TirGfg-00058-00011274-00011370 A rice seller? f3mt1TirGfg-00059-00011428-00011519 No. f3mt1TirGfg-00060-00011519-00011615 A grain seller. f3mt1TirGfg-00061-00011616-00011729 No. f3mt1TirGfg-00062-00011729-00011882 Hey, we like rice soup. f3mt1TirGfg-00063-00011882-00011996 Hyunwook. Hyunwook. f3mt1TirGfg-00064-00011996-00012095 A salt seller. f3mt1TirGfg-00065-00012164-00012213 It's the answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00066-00012213-00012253 Is it right? f3mt1TirGfg-00067-00012389-00012569 Then, I have 1 point, right? f3mt1TirGfg-00068-00012569-00012769 -Here goes 1. f3mt1TirGfg-00069-00012878-00013269 3. What's the color of the pants in the music video 'Moon&Back'? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00070-00013269-00013358 Answer: red How can I know it? f3mt1TirGfg-00071-00013359-00013498 Answer: red I think I saw it. Wait. f3mt1TirGfg-00072-00013498-00013671 Isn't it a strong color? f3mt1TirGfg-00073-00013671-00013783 Is it a single color? f3mt1TirGfg-00074-00013783-00013852 Sure. f3mt1TirGfg-00075-00013852-00013930 Pink? f3mt1TirGfg-00076-00013930-00014006 Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00077-00014006-00014084 Red. f3mt1TirGfg-00078-00014085-00014152 It's the answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00079-00014244-00014357 Oh, the red on red? f3mt1TirGfg-00080-00014469-00014777 I put on red pants on red hair. f3mt1TirGfg-00081-00014777-00016400 4. He danced over a song by JYP in the 'King of masked singer.' What was the song? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00082-00016400-00016495 Answer: Who's your mama -Hyunwook. f3mt1TirGfg-00083-00016495-00016578 Who's your mama. f3mt1TirGfg-00084-00016640-00016717 -Wow, it's the answer. Is it right? f3mt1TirGfg-00085-00016812-00016876 Is it true? f3mt1TirGfg-00086-00016876-00017098 It isn't planned. It's insane. f3mt1TirGfg-00087-00017099-00017241 In the Thailand vlog, f3mt1TirGfg-00088-00017241-00017535 I filmed a short one. f3mt1TirGfg-00089-00017536-00019057 5. In the Thailand vlog, he reads an article he wrote while he watched the sea from the airplane. He said 'he wanted to become OO in the ocean'. Choose the OO among the given choices. [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00090-00019057-00019326 He wanted to become a OO in the ocean. f3mt1TirGfg-00091-00019326-00019513 ① Whale f3mt1TirGfg-00092-00019514-00019750 ② Sun f3mt1TirGfg-00093-00019750-00019971 ③ Buoy f3mt1TirGfg-00094-00019971-00020171 ④ Yacht f3mt1TirGfg-00095-00020171-00020321 ⑤ Wind f3mt1TirGfg-00096-00020321-00020544 Answer: ③ Buoy When I imagine Jihoon's perspective, f3mt1TirGfg-00097-00020544-00020696 I think he will like the wind. f3mt1TirGfg-00098-00020696-00020758 Hyunwook. f3mt1TirGfg-00099-00020758-00020822 Wind. f3mt1TirGfg-00100-00020822-00020888 It's wrong. f3mt1TirGfg-00101-00020976-00021016 Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00102-00021065-00021138 Whale. f3mt1TirGfg-00103-00021165-00021262 It's wrong. f3mt1TirGfg-00104-00021262-00021358 It's the last chance. f3mt1TirGfg-00105-00021358-00021528 Well, I think I can do it. f3mt1TirGfg-00106-00021528-00021933 He likes cars or something like that. f3mt1TirGfg-00107-00021933-00022103 A yacht in the ocean. f3mt1TirGfg-00108-00022103-00022160 It's wrong. f3mt1TirGfg-00109-00022177-00022247 Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00110-00022247-00022319 Buoy? f3mt1TirGfg-00111-00022320-00022406 Right. f3mt1TirGfg-00112-00022576-00022760 -It's 2:2. f3mt1TirGfg-00113-00022966-00023083 Which number? f3mt1TirGfg-00114-00023084-00023182 Should I answer it? f3mt1TirGfg-00115-00023182-00023348 No.3 buoy. f3mt1TirGfg-00116-00023349-00023420 -Is it right? f3mt1TirGfg-00117-00023533-00023681 Now, my questions are finished. f3mt1TirGfg-00118-00023681-00023867 Changing the examiner. f3mt1TirGfg-00119-00023867-00024155 It's time to learn about me. f3mt1TirGfg-00120-00024155-00024347 From my perspective, it seems to be easy. f3mt1TirGfg-00121-00024347-00024798 1. What's Moon Jiwoong's nickname in the drama 'Twenty Five Twenty One'? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00122-00024798-00024873 Answer: A lovely in class 7 -Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00123-00024873-00024947 A lovely in class 7. f3mt1TirGfg-00124-00024947-00025027 It's the answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00125-00025088-00025278 -It's 3:0. f3mt1TirGfg-00126-00025278-00025627 It might be easy if you've watched it. f3mt1TirGfg-00127-00025628-00026388 2. Which song did Na U-chan sing at Wang's birthday party in the drama 'Racket Boys'? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00128-00026389-00026540 I'll change it to a multiple-choice test. f3mt1TirGfg-00129-00026540-00026756 ① Busan Vacances f3mt1TirGfg-00130-00026756-00026956 ② Airplane f3mt1TirGfg-00131-00026957-00027117 ③ When I go to Busan f3mt1TirGfg-00132-00027117-00027266 ④ When I stand in Busan f3mt1TirGfg-00133-00027266-00027408 ⑤ When I come to Busan f3mt1TirGfg-00134-00027408-00027548 Answer: ③ When I go to Busan Go, come, and stand. f3mt1TirGfg-00135-00027705-00027802 Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00136-00027802-00027925 No. 4, When I stand in Busan. f3mt1TirGfg-00137-00027925-00028014 It's wrong. f3mt1TirGfg-00138-00028014-00028150 No. 3, When I go to Busan. f3mt1TirGfg-00139-00028151-00028237 It's the answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00140-00028336-00028543 I sang the song f3mt1TirGfg-00141-00028543-00028817 'When I go to Busan' by Choi Baekho. f3mt1TirGfg-00142-00028818-00029046 What's the Airplane in No. 2? f3mt1TirGfg-00143-00029046-00029136 I have no idea. Lol f3mt1TirGfg-00144-00029136-00029273 Lol f3mt1TirGfg-00145-00029273-00029877 3. Which solution did not appear in the video 'Choi Hyunwook's counseling center'? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00146-00029878-00030198 ① Let's not regret during the only life. f3mt1TirGfg-00147-00030199-00030435 ② When you get confused, don't do it. f3mt1TirGfg-00148-00030435-00030697 ③ Life starts today. f3mt1TirGfg-00149-00030697-00030918 ④ You will see tomorrow's sun tomorrow. f3mt1TirGfg-00150-00030918-00031011 Choose the one I didn't write f3mt1TirGfg-00151-00031011-00031236 Answer: ④ You will see tomorrow's sun tomorrow. among them. f3mt1TirGfg-00152-00031437-00031837 No. 2, When you get confused, don't do it? f3mt1TirGfg-00153-00031889-00031927 It's wrong. f3mt1TirGfg-00154-00031927-00032031 Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00155-00032031-00032300 No. 4. You will see tomorrow's sun tomorrow? f3mt1TirGfg-00156-00032300-00032404 It's the answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00157-00032404-00032530 It's the last question. f3mt1TirGfg-00158-00032530-00032712 It's hard for me, too. f3mt1TirGfg-00159-00032712-00033232 4. Which color he never used for the necktie in the school uniform? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00160-00033232-00033449 It's a multiple-choice test, too. f3mt1TirGfg-00161-00033449-00033571 ① Black f3mt1TirGfg-00162-00033571-00033707 ② Green f3mt1TirGfg-00163-00033707-00033851 ③ Yellow f3mt1TirGfg-00164-00033851-00033979 ④ Navy f3mt1TirGfg-00165-00033979-00034202 ⑤ Gray f3mt1TirGfg-00166-00034202-00034414 There is an answer here. f3mt1TirGfg-00167-00034414-00034486 Answer: ③ Yellow Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00168-00034487-00034568 Answer: ③ Yellow No. 1, black. f3mt1TirGfg-00169-00034569-00034709 Nope. f3mt1TirGfg-00170-00034709-00034816 No. 2, green. f3mt1TirGfg-00171-00034817-00034948 Nope. f3mt1TirGfg-00172-00034948-00035085 No. 5, gray. f3mt1TirGfg-00173-00035086-00035158 Nope. f3mt1TirGfg-00174-00035158-00035260 No. 4, navy. f3mt1TirGfg-00175-00035260-00035460 The answer was no. 3. f3mt1TirGfg-00176-00035460-00035728 This answer is null. f3mt1TirGfg-00177-00035728-00035807 There is one more. f3mt1TirGfg-00178-00035807-00035938 One more? f3mt1TirGfg-00179-00035938-00036030 Oh, there is one more. f3mt1TirGfg-00180-00036030-00036435 I had a 'Choi Hyunwook test' in Elite Uniform. f3mt1TirGfg-00181-00036435-00036892 5. What's the tip for cooking delicious ramen in the video [Choi Hyunwook test by Elite Uniform]? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00182-00036893-00037022 -It's a short-answer question. 5. What's the tip for cooking delicious ramen in the video [Choi Hyunwook test by Elite Uniform]? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00183-00037022-00037133 Answer: Adding two peppers and one egg. The hint is f3mt1TirGfg-00184-00037134-00037646 Answer: Adding two peppers and one egg. that I like spicy taste and protein. f3mt1TirGfg-00185-00037646-00037752 Protein? f3mt1TirGfg-00186-00037752-00037846 Spicy taste and protein. f3mt1TirGfg-00187-00037846-00037944 Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00188-00037944-00038126 Pepper and egg. f3mt1TirGfg-00189-00038127-00038275 How many? f3mt1TirGfg-00190-00038275-00038401 -How many peppers? Should I answer it? f3mt1TirGfg-00191-00038471-00038555 Hong Kyung. f3mt1TirGfg-00192-00038555-00038916 Three peppers and two eggs. f3mt1TirGfg-00193-00038917-00039047 Nope. f3mt1TirGfg-00194-00039047-00039193 There is one chance left. f3mt1TirGfg-00195-00039193-00039311 There are two chances. f3mt1TirGfg-00196-00039312-00039668 Should I say some peppers and eggs for the answer? f3mt1TirGfg-00197-00039668-00039831 Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00198-00039831-00040103 Two peppers and one egg. f3mt1TirGfg-00199-00040103-00040275 It's the answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00200-00040275-00040352 -Well, f3mt1TirGfg-00201-00040352-00040454 -is it 3:3? f3mt1TirGfg-00202-00040524-00040809 Now, there will be a winner between the two. f3mt1TirGfg-00203-00040809-00040976 Changing the examiner. f3mt1TirGfg-00204-00040976-00042032 1. What was the most popular comment in the best new actor prize in the 2021 Paeksang Arts Awards? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00205-00042032-00042188 Answer: I can't remember(think of it) Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00206-00042188-00042267 I watched it, though. f3mt1TirGfg-00207-00042267-00042397 Huh... No. f3mt1TirGfg-00208-00042397-00042512 Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00209-00042512-00042624 Really. f3mt1TirGfg-00210-00042624-00042693 It's wrong. f3mt1TirGfg-00211-00042693-00042864 It's a sentence. f3mt1TirGfg-00212-00042864-00042978 Oh, answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00213-00042978-00043094 Thank you. f3mt1TirGfg-00214-00043094-00043216 It's a short sentence. f3mt1TirGfg-00215-00043332-00043532 I was out of my mind. f3mt1TirGfg-00216-00043532-00043668 Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00217-00043668-00043840 I'm confused. f3mt1TirGfg-00218-00043881-00043935 You said you watched it. f3mt1TirGfg-00219-00043935-00044009 Lol You said you watched it. f3mt1TirGfg-00220-00044009-00044207 Sometimes, we forget something. f3mt1TirGfg-00221-00044207-00044379 There were many moments like that. f3mt1TirGfg-00222-00044379-00044527 I'm saying the whole answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00223-00044527-00044667 So, there's a comment I had. f3mt1TirGfg-00224-00044667-00044796 Oh, oh, oh. f3mt1TirGfg-00225-00044796-00044914 Like this. f3mt1TirGfg-00226-00044914-00045008 Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00227-00045008-00045226 Oh, oh.. I forgot about it. f3mt1TirGfg-00228-00045226-00045356 I forgot about it? f3mt1TirGfg-00229-00045386-00045536 Is there anything else? f3mt1TirGfg-00230-00045536-00045674 I can't.. f3mt1TirGfg-00231-00045674-00045879 I can't remember. f3mt1TirGfg-00232-00045946-00046018 Jihoon answered. f3mt1TirGfg-00233-00046123-00046293 Hey, by the way, f3mt1TirGfg-00234-00046293-00046461 he said almost everything. f3mt1TirGfg-00235-00046461-00046674 It's the same context, though. f3mt1TirGfg-00236-00046675-00047673 2. In the comment for the prize, he thanked his companion dogs. What are the companion dogs' name? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00237-00047673-00047848 Answer: Won-i, Coco, Leonardo Di Caprio. Only one will be enough for the answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00238-00047848-00048007 - Answer. It's a very famous person. f3mt1TirGfg-00239-00048007-00048151 Pong-i? Isn't it something like this? f3mt1TirGfg-00240-00048190-00048278 Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00241-00048278-00048386 Leonardo Di Caprio. f3mt1TirGfg-00242-00048386-00048436 - Right. f3mt1TirGfg-00243-00048488-00048603 Oh, I can remember it. f3mt1TirGfg-00244-00048603-00048731 You're sure the winner. f3mt1TirGfg-00245-00048731-00049490 3. What was Hong Kyung's favorite country in the interview with 'Cine 21'? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00246-00049491-00049629 Answer: London. Is it Korea? f3mt1TirGfg-00247-00049629-00049810 No, it's in Europe. f3mt1TirGfg-00248-00049810-00049915 Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00249-00049915-00050033 London? f3mt1TirGfg-00250-00050033-00050102 Is it right? f3mt1TirGfg-00251-00050324-00050407 - Three times. f3mt1TirGfg-00252-00050407-00051263 4. What were the answers to the question about 'food and places of Busan' in the 'Weak Hero Class 1' mini talk show at the Busan International Film Festival? [1 point] f3mt1TirGfg-00253-00051263-00051382 Answer: I'll follow you. Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00254-00051475-00051596 Pork rice soup. f3mt1TirGfg-00255-00051628-00051725 Nope. f3mt1TirGfg-00256-00051725-00051954 You talked with Hyunwook back then. f3mt1TirGfg-00257-00051954-00052048 Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00258-00052156-00052278 Pufferfish stew. f3mt1TirGfg-00259-00052278-00052538 Hyunwook said the pufferfish stew. f3mt1TirGfg-00260-00052538-00052664 What did I say? f3mt1TirGfg-00261-00052664-00052792 Isn't it about food? f3mt1TirGfg-00262-00052792-00052879 Isn't it about food? f3mt1TirGfg-00263-00052879-00053023 It's not food. f3mt1TirGfg-00264-00053026-00053599 After my comment, Hyunwook took me like this. f3mt1TirGfg-00265-00053626-00053734 Oh! f3mt1TirGfg-00266-00053738-00053876 -Answer. Nampo village? f3mt1TirGfg-00267-00053876-00054027 No, the grilled beef tripe? f3mt1TirGfg-00268-00054027-00054131 No. f3mt1TirGfg-00269-00054131-00054389 I said something. So you brought me. f3mt1TirGfg-00270-00054389-00054490 Did we go? f3mt1TirGfg-00271-00054490-00054586 What did I say? f3mt1TirGfg-00272-00054586-00054755 Shall we change it to a multiple choice? f3mt1TirGfg-00273-00054755-00054809 Great. f3mt1TirGfg-00274-00054809-00054891 Great. Great. f3mt1TirGfg-00275-00054891-00055139 ① I have no idea. f3mt1TirGfg-00276-00055139-00055376 ② I'll think about it. f3mt1TirGfg-00277-00055376-00055647 ③ I'll follow you. f3mt1TirGfg-00278-00055647-00055867 ④ I'll have a meal at the hotel. f3mt1TirGfg-00279-00055868-00056269 ⑤ I'll go to a restaurant in front of my hotel. f3mt1TirGfg-00280-00056269-00056336 - Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00281-00056364-00056473 No. 3, I'll follow you. f3mt1TirGfg-00282-00056595-00056633 Right. f3mt1TirGfg-00283-00056634-00056805 Lol f3mt1TirGfg-00284-00056805-00057133 I can vaguely recall it. f3mt1TirGfg-00285-00057133-00057416 I will just follow you. f3mt1TirGfg-00286-00057416-00057558 I remember it. f3mt1TirGfg-00287-00057558-00059067 5. In the video 'An honor to the new actor', he said, 'my symbol is OOO'. What is this OOO? [1점] f3mt1TirGfg-00288-00059067-00059279 Answer: seriousness. What's my symbol? f3mt1TirGfg-00289-00059280-00059456 You are too OO. f3mt1TirGfg-00290-00059456-00059686 You are too OOO, something like this. f3mt1TirGfg-00291-00059686-00059892 You are too OOO...? f3mt1TirGfg-00292-00059892-00059978 In three words? f3mt1TirGfg-00293-00059978-00060125 Yes, in three words. f3mt1TirGfg-00294-00060125-00060470 We say that you are so humorous. f3mt1TirGfg-00295-00060470-00060634 But is it in three words? f3mt1TirGfg-00296-00060634-00060803 I thank you. f3mt1TirGfg-00297-00060803-00060904 I appreciate you..? f3mt1TirGfg-00298-00060904-00061000 Lol f3mt1TirGfg-00299-00061000-00061167 Is it too hard? What should I do? f3mt1TirGfg-00300-00061167-00061401 It's too broad. f3mt1TirGfg-00301-00061401-00061532 Answer. f3mt1TirGfg-00302-00061532-00061649 You are too serious. f3mt1TirGfg-00303-00061649-00061813 It's right. f3mt1TirGfg-00304-00061813-00062046 So, what's the gift? f3mt1TirGfg-00305-00062046-00062233 I'm so curious. f3mt1TirGfg-00306-00062400-00062473 -Oh! f3mt1TirGfg-00307-00062494-00062655 - I love it. Is it a calendar? f3mt1TirGfg-00308-00062655-00062825 You can remove them one by one. f3mt1TirGfg-00309-00062825-00062958 Like this? f3mt1TirGfg-00310-00062958-00063088 There are chocolates inside. f3mt1TirGfg-00311-00063088-00063317 Oh, it smells so. f3mt1TirGfg-00312-00063346-00063394 -Does it smell? f3mt1TirGfg-00313-00063460-00063478 -Yes. f3mt1TirGfg-00314-00063478-00063516 -Really? f3mt1TirGfg-00315-00063579-00063712 - Oh, it does. - Right? f3mt1TirGfg-00316-00063761-00063940 Oh, it smells sweet. f3mt1TirGfg-00317-00064038-00064515 - Thanks. f3mt1TirGfg-00318-00064807-00064853 Time. f3mt1TirGfg-00319-00064853-00064901 Time. Time. f3mt1TirGfg-00320-00064901-00065044 I regret that I was too desperate. f3mt1TirGfg-00321-00065044-00065244 I agree. ㅠ ㅠ f3mt1TirGfg-00322-00065279-00065574 Today, we had filming for f3mt1TirGfg-00323-00065574-00065790 Marie Claire's December issue. f3mt1TirGfg-00324-00065790-00065918 Weak Hero Class 1 f3mt1TirGfg-00325-00065918-00066415 Please look forward to it. f3mt1TirGfg-00326-00066415-00066508 -Thank you. Please look forward to it. f3mt1TirGfg-00327-00066508-00066843 Marie Claire's December issue. f3mt1TirGfg-00328-00066844-00067059 Please subscribe, like, and alarm for the channel. f3mt1TirGfg-00329-00067062-00067262 -We love likes. f3mt1TirGfg-00330-00067359-00067559 -Bye. f4kvYtTp9N4-00000-00000010-00000263 ITS PREY.” f4kvYtTp9N4-00001-00000263-00000270 ITS PREY.” f4kvYtTp9N4-00002-00000270-00001007 ITS PREY.” ANOTHER GREAT PHOTO FROM STEVE. f4kvYtTp9N4-00003-00001007-00001014 ITS PREY.” ANOTHER GREAT PHOTO FROM STEVE. f4kvYtTp9N4-00004-00001014-00001074 ITS PREY.” ANOTHER GREAT PHOTO FROM STEVE. >>> OUR CRUISE WITH THE NEWS f4kvYtTp9N4-00005-00001074-00001081 ANOTHER GREAT PHOTO FROM STEVE. >>> OUR CRUISE WITH THE NEWS f4kvYtTp9N4-00006-00001081-00001144 ANOTHER GREAT PHOTO FROM STEVE. >>> OUR CRUISE WITH THE NEWS GIVE-AWAY IS BACK AGAIN THIS f4kvYtTp9N4-00007-00001144-00001151 >>> OUR CRUISE WITH THE NEWS GIVE-AWAY IS BACK AGAIN THIS f4kvYtTp9N4-00008-00001151-00001177 >>> OUR CRUISE WITH THE NEWS GIVE-AWAY IS BACK AGAIN THIS SUMMER. f4kvYtTp9N4-00009-00001177-00001184 GIVE-AWAY IS BACK AGAIN THIS SUMMER. f4kvYtTp9N4-00010-00001184-00001254 GIVE-AWAY IS BACK AGAIN THIS SUMMER. EVERY WEEK NIGHT BETWEEN NOW AND f4kvYtTp9N4-00011-00001254-00001261 SUMMER. EVERY WEEK NIGHT BETWEEN NOW AND f4kvYtTp9N4-00012-00001261-00001321 SUMMER. EVERY WEEK NIGHT BETWEEN NOW AND THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST WE WILL f4kvYtTp9N4-00013-00001321-00001327 EVERY WEEK NIGHT BETWEEN NOW AND THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST WE WILL f4kvYtTp9N4-00014-00001327-00001388 EVERY WEEK NIGHT BETWEEN NOW AND THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST WE WILL BE ANNOUNCING FIVE POTENTIAL f4kvYtTp9N4-00015-00001388-00001394 THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST WE WILL BE ANNOUNCING FIVE POTENTIAL f4kvYtTp9N4-00016-00001394-00001451 THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST WE WILL BE ANNOUNCING FIVE POTENTIAL QUALIFIERS FOR OUR CRUISE f4kvYtTp9N4-00017-00001451-00001458 BE ANNOUNCING FIVE POTENTIAL QUALIFIERS FOR OUR CRUISE f4kvYtTp9N4-00018-00001458-00001488 BE ANNOUNCING FIVE POTENTIAL QUALIFIERS FOR OUR CRUISE GIVEAWAY. f4kvYtTp9N4-00019-00001488-00001494 QUALIFIERS FOR OUR CRUISE GIVEAWAY. f4kvYtTp9N4-00020-00001494-00001561 QUALIFIERS FOR OUR CRUISE GIVEAWAY. IF YOU SEE YOUR NAME, JUST GIVE f4kvYtTp9N4-00021-00001561-00001568 GIVEAWAY. IF YOU SEE YOUR NAME, JUST GIVE f4kvYtTp9N4-00022-00001568-00001624 GIVEAWAY. IF YOU SEE YOUR NAME, JUST GIVE US A CALL AT THE NUMBER ON f4kvYtTp9N4-00023-00001624-00001631 IF YOU SEE YOUR NAME, JUST GIVE US A CALL AT THE NUMBER ON f4kvYtTp9N4-00024-00001631-00002058 IF YOU SEE YOUR NAME, JUST GIVE US A CALL AT THE NUMBER ON THE SCREEN BEFORE 5:00 P.M. ON f4kvYtTp9N4-00025-00002058-00002065 US A CALL AT THE NUMBER ON THE SCREEN BEFORE 5:00 P.M. ON f4kvYtTp9N4-00026-00002065-00002225 US A CALL AT THE NUMBER ON THE SCREEN BEFORE 5:00 P.M. ON HERE ARE THE POTENTIAL f4kvYtTp9N4-00027-00002225-00002232 THE SCREEN BEFORE 5:00 P.M. ON HERE ARE THE POTENTIAL f4kvYtTp9N4-00028-00002232-00002415 THE SCREEN BEFORE 5:00 P.M. ON HERE ARE THE POTENTIAL QUALIFIERS, MICHELLE HAWKINS OF f4kvYtTp9N4-00029-00002415-00002422 HERE ARE THE POTENTIAL QUALIFIERS, MICHELLE HAWKINS OF f4kvYtTp9N4-00030-00002422-00002679 HERE ARE THE POTENTIAL QUALIFIERS, MICHELLE HAWKINS OF BEMIDJI, CYNTHIA HASKIN OF f4kvYtTp9N4-00031-00002679-00002686 QUALIFIERS, MICHELLE HAWKINS OF BEMIDJI, CYNTHIA HASKIN OF f4kvYtTp9N4-00032-00002686-00002842 QUALIFIERS, MICHELLE HAWKINS OF BEMIDJI, CYNTHIA HASKIN OF BEMIDJI, CLAUDE CARTER OF f4kvYtTp9N4-00033-00002842-00002849 BEMIDJI, CYNTHIA HASKIN OF BEMIDJI, CLAUDE CARTER OF f4kvYtTp9N4-00034-00002849-00002909 BEMIDJI, CYNTHIA HASKIN OF BEMIDJI, CLAUDE CARTER OF SHEVLIN. f4kvYtTp9N4-00035-00002909-00002916 BEMIDJI, CLAUDE CARTER OF SHEVLIN. f4kvYtTp9N4-00036-00002916-00003193 BEMIDJI, CLAUDE CARTER OF SHEVLIN. BETSEY LUTGEN OF BLACKDUCK AND f4kvYtTp9N4-00037-00003193-00003199 SHEVLIN. BETSEY LUTGEN OF BLACKDUCK AND f4kvYtTp9N4-00038-00003199-00003319 SHEVLIN. BETSEY LUTGEN OF BLACKDUCK AND JEAN CASTLE OF BEMIDJI. f5d3hLvPLwM-00000-00000637-00000990 The Bureau of Land Management is involved in a unique study. f5d3hLvPLwM-00001-00001000-00001671 We're capturing Monarch Butterflies to place tags on their wings for a Southwest Monarch f5d3hLvPLwM-00002-00001671-00002064 Study that we're conducting across the West. We're trying to find out more f5d3hLvPLwM-00003-00002064-00002636 information about Monarchs. Since 1980 their populations have declined by 99%. f5d3hLvPLwM-00004-00002636-00003189 (It's a male.) Some of the speculation of why that is, is: loss of habitat; loss of f5d3hLvPLwM-00005-00003189-00003698 breeding habitat; loss of overwintering habitat; pesticides; and there may be f5d3hLvPLwM-00006-00003698-00004242 other factors that we don't know about still. So this information that we gather f5d3hLvPLwM-00007-00004242-00004752 from recovered tags that we put on the Monarchs can help inform us. There's a f5d3hLvPLwM-00008-00004752-00005127 western and eastern population of Monarchs and they're divided by the f5d3hLvPLwM-00009-00005127-00005632 Rocky Mountains. There's not a lot known about the Monarch populations in Utah f5d3hLvPLwM-00010-00005632-00006084 specifically, but also we need more information about monarchs in the West. f5d3hLvPLwM-00011-00006084-00006501 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service right now is reviewing information and data f5d3hLvPLwM-00012-00006501-00006986 about the Monarch Butterflies and this data helps feed that information for the f5d3hLvPLwM-00013-00006986-00007464 U.S. Fish and Wildlife to make an informed decision. We capture the Monarchs and f5d3hLvPLwM-00014-00007464-00007922 bring them to the tagging station. Each butterfly gets a unique number. We place f5d3hLvPLwM-00015-00007922-00008424 the tag on their discal cell and hold it on there for three seconds. We record if f5d3hLvPLwM-00016-00008424-00008892 they're male or female; the condition that their wings are in. Condition one is f5d3hLvPLwM-00017-00008892-00009417 a very poor condition. Condition two is fair to good. Condition three looks f5d3hLvPLwM-00018-00009417-00009918 excellent; the wings look pretty good. And then, condition four is they've just f5d3hLvPLwM-00019-00009918-00010421 eclosed from their Crystalis; meaning they just emerged. In a f5d3hLvPLwM-00020-00010421-00010942 Monarchs life, when they're laying eggs and breeding, they can lay up to 400 or f5d3hLvPLwM-00021-00010942-00011669 500 eggs they lay them on the milkweed, usually one egg on a plant. Milkweed is f5d3hLvPLwM-00022-00011669-00012134 the... the only larval host plant for the Monarch Butterfly. f5d3hLvPLwM-00023-00012134-00012404 It's milkweed, because of its milky sap; and that's just one of the f5d3hLvPLwM-00024-00012404-00012725 characteristics of the family. There's about seven or eight different species f5d3hLvPLwM-00025-00012725-00013094 in Utah and here in the Uinta Basin there's probably five or six different f5d3hLvPLwM-00026-00013094-00013409 species of milkweed. The Showy Milkweed and the Swamp Milkweed f5d3hLvPLwM-00027-00013409-00013757 tend to occur in spots where there's water and those two are usually the ones f5d3hLvPLwM-00028-00013757-00014156 that we associate with Monarch Caterpillars. The other species that we f5d3hLvPLwM-00029-00014156-00014732 have in the state are more dryland-type milkweed and at the moment we don't know how much f5d3hLvPLwM-00030-00014732-00015194 the planner depends on these dry land milkweed even though there's... there's f5d3hLvPLwM-00031-00015194-00015575 probably a lot more of those scattered about. But, we just don't know the f5d3hLvPLwM-00032-00015575-00015824 connection between the Monarchs and these dryland milkweeds and we're f5d3hLvPLwM-00033-00015824-00016277 trying to be able to monitor that and track that. Milkweed is a huge factor in the f5d3hLvPLwM-00034-00016277-00016820 Monarch's lifecycle, because they rely on it for laying their eggs and then also f5d3hLvPLwM-00035-00016820-00017303 the caterpillars once they hatch out... the larvae... once they hatch out they eat the f5d3hLvPLwM-00036-00017303-00017864 leaves from the milkweed which creates the toxic taste to deter predators from f5d3hLvPLwM-00037-00017864-00018269 eating them. The caterpillars also markedly colored its black, yellow and f5d3hLvPLwM-00038-00018269-00018710 white and really fine stripes all up and down the body. As it eats that milkweed, f5d3hLvPLwM-00039-00018710-00019058 that's when it incorporates into its system and then as it pupates and goes f5d3hLvPLwM-00040-00019058-00019520 and turns into an adult butterfly (it's a female) that same toxin carries with it in its blood f5d3hLvPLwM-00041-00019520-00019790 and it maintains that toxicity even into adulthood. f5d3hLvPLwM-00042-00019790-00020438 Once the Monarch lays its egg, it takes about five days for the larvae to hatch f5d3hLvPLwM-00043-00020438-00021073 out of the egg and then the larvae will start eating on the milkweed. f5d3hLvPLwM-00044-00021073-00021581 And, it goes through five, it's called instars, where it molts five times before f5d3hLvPLwM-00045-00021581-00022106 it pupates and becomes a chrysalis. The caterpillar stage is about two weeks and f5d3hLvPLwM-00046-00022106-00022546 then it's about two weeks in the chrysalis before it emerges as an adult f5d3hLvPLwM-00047-00022546-00022996 butterfly. There's four generations of monarchs that occur in a year. This is f5d3hLvPLwM-00048-00022996-00023437 the fourth generation and this generation will migrate. We're looking at f5d3hLvPLwM-00049-00023437-00024070 their migration patterns and survival. They usually migrate to California or f5d3hLvPLwM-00050-00024070-00024451 into Mexico. And so, they will live for eight to nine f5d3hLvPLwM-00051-00024451-00024962 months down there and then once Spring comes, they'll head back this way lay f5d3hLvPLwM-00052-00024962-00025325 eggs and then that next generation that hatches out they make their way up to f5d3hLvPLwM-00053-00025325-00025807 the northern regions of their range. The other generations besides the fourth f5d3hLvPLwM-00054-00025807-00026344 generation only live to be between fifteen to thirty days. Once they lay their eggs f5d3hLvPLwM-00055-00026344-00026589 they die after that. f5d3hLvPLwM-00056-00027623-00028131 There is another butterfly that looks remarkably like a Monarch, who mimics the f5d3hLvPLwM-00057-00028131-00028467 Monarch's color, that's called the Viceroy. They're readily confused with each other. f5d3hLvPLwM-00058-00028467-00028794 It's not a monarch. That's a Viceroy. It's a little bit f5d3hLvPLwM-00059-00028794-00029166 smaller than a Monarch and it's got a black stripe through its lower wing and f5d3hLvPLwM-00060-00029166-00029675 that's really the only two differences I can tell between the two. f7sg9uN01xM-00000-00000470-00000538 Welcome. f7sg9uN01xM-00001-00000573-00001025 So this is the set of slides on email writing. f7sg9uN01xM-00002-00001050-00001418 Specifically, what are the dos and don'ts, when you're writing emails. f7sg9uN01xM-00003-00001502-00001551 Ok. f7sg9uN01xM-00004-00001592-00001952 Email etiquette demands that you be prompt in your replies. f7sg9uN01xM-00005-00002000-00002544 People tend to write emails because they are looking for a quick reply, so if they send f7sg9uN01xM-00006-00002544-00003142 you an email, they do expect a reply within maybe maximum two days. f7sg9uN01xM-00007-00003196-00003801 So, if you expect to reply beyond this time limit, it's always nice to write to them saying, f7sg9uN01xM-00008-00003801-00004287 I have received your mail and I am planning to respond to you by this date. f7sg9uN01xM-00009-00004364-00004744 And your responses should be simple, direct and short. f7sg9uN01xM-00010-00004744-00005092 Email is not the place to write huge stories. f7sg9uN01xM-00011-00005118-00005168 Ok. f7sg9uN01xM-00012-00005176-00005874 Typically people write emails to get information or to get something done, unnecessarily long f7sg9uN01xM-00013-00005874-00006276 emails are distracting and it's not a good idea to do it. f7sg9uN01xM-00014-00006376-00006850 There is also another mistake that people do I have found out that they sign up for f7sg9uN01xM-00015-00006850-00007448 services which floods the mailboxes of people who send them mails. f7sg9uN01xM-00016-00007486-00007536 Ok. f7sg9uN01xM-00017-00007573-00008123 And those are unnecessary mails. There are services which will tell the sender that, f7sg9uN01xM-00018-00008123-00008478 Yes, the mail has been received and I will respond. f7sg9uN01xM-00019-00008478-00008682 This is totally unnecessary. f7sg9uN01xM-00020-00008712-00009311 We don't want any robot to come and tell us that, okay so and so has received the mail. f7sg9uN01xM-00021-00009311-00009595 We actually would like the person to respond. f7sg9uN01xM-00022-00009595-00009880 So these kind of services, when you sign up you have to be careful. f7sg9uN01xM-00023-00009881-00010221 Especially your professional account you should not sign up for these services. f7sg9uN01xM-00024-00010264-00010820 And, also you should be careful, when signing up for services which send mails to all your f7sg9uN01xM-00025-00010820-00011509 contacts because your mail id might have hundreds of contacts, some of them are your students, f7sg9uN01xM-00026-00011509-00011820 some of them are your colleagues, some of them are your superiors and some of them are f7sg9uN01xM-00027-00011820-00012313 professional contacts, who are somewhere else may be editor of some journal, or some professor f7sg9uN01xM-00028-00012313-00012994 somewhere else and it's not nice to send common mails about some service to all of them. f7sg9uN01xM-00029-00013017-00013484 So, when you sign up for these services, you should avoid signing up your professional f7sg9uN01xM-00030-00013484-00013730 email id for these services. f7sg9uN01xM-00031-00013860-00014410 So you should keep people posted, if there will be delay, you should let them know in advance. f7sg9uN01xM-00032-00014444-00014834 And suppose, if you told them that I'll be getting back to you by such and such date f7sg9uN01xM-00033-00014834-00015308 and if you're not able to, before that date you should write us short email indicating f7sg9uN01xM-00034-00015308-00015750 that there is going to be delay and the probable date by which you will get back to them. f7sg9uN01xM-00035-00015769-00015984 And you should keep to your timelines. f7sg9uN01xM-00036-00015984-00016396 This is very important, so sometimes there are mails which are time bound, so within f7sg9uN01xM-00037-00016396-00016758 that timeline, you're expected to reply and you should do it. f7sg9uN01xM-00038-00016818-00017298 And there is another thing, so you have to be extremely careful with attachments. f7sg9uN01xM-00039-00017298-00017616 I have seen people sometimes making this mistake. f7sg9uN01xM-00040-00017646-00018390 So, there are ways in which you can put larger files online and giving a link for people to download. f7sg9uN01xM-00041-00018397-00018717 So you should, as much as possible, use that option. f7sg9uN01xM-00042-00018748-00019210 Even, when you have a green signal from the other person for receiving attachments, sometimes f7sg9uN01xM-00043-00019210-00019690 when you have attachment because the attachment is big it takes some time for the mail to be sent. f7sg9uN01xM-00044-00019738-00020216 And if you're impatient and if you don't notice that there is a sending information that is f7sg9uN01xM-00045-00020217-00020755 showing up, and if you keep clicking, the other person's mailbox gets flooded four or f7sg9uN01xM-00046-00020755-00021143 five copies of the same mail and each mail has a big attachment. f7sg9uN01xM-00047-00021198-00022056 So, so please do not click `Send' more than once and that can flood the recipient's email inboxes. f7sg9uN01xM-00048-00022084-00022578 And, you should use emails sparingly and professionally in the professional context. f7sg9uN01xM-00049-00022690-00022758 Ok. f7sg9uN01xM-00050-00022758-00022856 Thank you. f8rQyXAXdeu-00000-00000050-00000299 You come in here to Mount Holyoke f8rQyXAXdeu-00001-00000299-00000588 with a passion and a desire, and Mount Holyoke really f8rQyXAXdeu-00002-00000588-00000796 helps you build up to that. f8rQyXAXdeu-00003-00000796-00001064 I always wanted to go to London, and I wanted f8rQyXAXdeu-00004-00001064-00001207 to go to London for a year. f8rQyXAXdeu-00005-00001207-00001435 When I said that, I had staff members who were like, f8rQyXAXdeu-00006-00001435-00001688 oh, you should take this class, or make sure f8rQyXAXdeu-00007-00001688-00001884 that you get it into this deadline, f8rQyXAXdeu-00008-00001884-00002195 or reach out to me if you want a recommendation. f8rQyXAXdeu-00009-00002195-00002379 I applied to the London School of Economics, f8rQyXAXdeu-00010-00002379-00002641 and in the spring, I found out that I'd gotten in. f8rQyXAXdeu-00011-00002641-00002948 Mount Holyoke helped me pursue and get f8rQyXAXdeu-00012-00002948-00003147 my dream, which was to go to London. f8rQyXAXdeu-00013-00003147-00003418 And then after I applied, and I got this opportunity f8rQyXAXdeu-00014-00003418-00003728 to go to Hong Kong, I felt like I had the skills. f8rQyXAXdeu-00015-00003728-00004064 And I felt like I was ready to take that next leap. fqbm-5puPjY-00000-00000792-00001592 If I want to use my Apple AirPods as my headphones and my microphone on a Chromebook, fqbm-5puPjY-00001-00001704-00001912 first I need to go to my Bluetooth settings. fqbm-5puPjY-00002-00002160-00002984 Scanning for the devices. If they don't show up, you may have to pair them initially. fqbm-5puPjY-00003-00003080-00003488 Press the button on your AirPods case with the AirPod case open. fqbm-5puPjY-00004-00003720-00004144 It'll start blinking with a white light. My AirPods show up fqbm-5puPjY-00005-00004360-00004464 and they are now connected. fqbm-5puPjY-00006-00004680-00005104 They will work as headphones, however, I want to also use them as my microphone fqbm-5puPjY-00007-00005216-00005992 so in the settings again, I click on the arrow next to to the right of the sound options fqbm-5puPjY-00008-00006112-00006640 and I can see they are set as my output and my input so if they're still picking up the internal fqbm-5puPjY-00009-00006640-00007400 microphone on your computer, you may have to click to switch that. Now if I put my AirPods in fqbm-5puPjY-00010-00007576-00007816 and I go to Voice Typing in Google Docs, fqbm-5puPjY-00011-00008080-00009528 click the microphone and everything I am saying is going into Google Docs through my AirPods. fvhpwadg-Yc-00001-00000005-00000800 Sustainability means that things can keep going. Can sustain themselves, can continue into the future and go on forever. fvhpwadg-Yc-00002-00000800-00001450 From a human perspective, sustainability for our planet means that it can continue to do what it was designed to do. fvhpwadg-Yc-00003-00001450-00002175 Provide fresh air, clean water, produce food and allow us all to have a high quality of life forever. fvhpwadg-Yc-00004-00002175-00002670 Unsustainability means that it cannot and that is where we are now. fvhpwadg-Yc-00005-00002670-00003300 Twenty years ago scientists in Sweden developed a definition for sustainability with four basic principles. fvhpwadg-Yc-00006-00003300-00003650 These can be seen as the care instructions for our planet. fvhpwadg-Yc-00007-00003650-00003879 If we follow them, it is good for our planet. fvhpwadg-Yc-00008-00003879-00004350 and because we are part of the system that is our planet, it's good for us too. fvhpwadg-Yc-00009-00004350-00004950 The care instructions are as follows: reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and heavy metals, fvhpwadg-Yc-00010-00004950-00005330 reduce our dependence on synthetic chemicals that persist in nature, fvhpwadg-Yc-00011-00005330-00005550 reduce our destruction of nature, fvhpwadg-Yc-00012-00005550-00005950 ensure we are not stopping people globally from meeting their needs. fvhpwadg-Yc-00013-00005950-00006620 Demand for the earth's services, clean air, water, food increases as the population increases fvhpwadg-Yc-00014-00006620-00007350 and living standards rise, but the earth's ability to provide these services is declining because of the way we are living. fvhpwadg-Yc-00015-00007350-00008200 In our search for prosperity, growth and success, we are destroying the system that we as humans are completely dependent upon, nature. fvhpwadg-Yc-00016-00008200-00008575 We humans have become a threat to our own way of life. fvhpwadg-Yc-00017-00008575-00009150 The earth is a system and everything is connected, society, environment and the economy. fvhpwadg-Yc-00018-00009150-00009930 Too live sustainably, we need to follow the four care instructions and apply them to everything we do at home and at work. fvhpwadg-Yc-00019-00009930-00010430 If we can follow these care instructions, we can work together to be sustainable. fvhpwadg-Yc-00020-00010430-00010720 We will all have a better quality of life. fvhpwadg-Yc-00021-00010720-00011220 We'll waste less, we'll pollute less and we'll create more things we value in society fvhpwadg-Yc-00022-00011220-00011740 while improving our planet's chances of providing us with the very things we need to survive. fvofpJzQ5tI-00000-00000262-00000830 With Conroe ISD’s 2019 Bond Referendum on the May 4th ballot, you may be wondering what fvofpJzQ5tI-00001-00000830-00001122 those funds can and cannot be used for. fvofpJzQ5tI-00002-00001122-00001563 Bond funds can be used for constructing new schools and facilities. fvofpJzQ5tI-00003-00001563-00002048 They can also be used for major renovations and additions to buildings, as well as safety fvofpJzQ5tI-00004-00002048-00002614 and security, land purchases for sites for new schools, buses, and technology. fvofpJzQ5tI-00005-00002614-00003081 Bond funds cannot be used for salaries or pay increases for employees. fvofpJzQ5tI-00006-00003081-00003577 Early Voting begins Monday, April 22nd and runs through Tuesday, April 30th. fvofpJzQ5tI-00007-00003577-00003807 Election day is Saturday May 4th. fvofpJzQ5tI-00008-00003807-00004290 Ensure that you register to vote by April 4th in order to have your voice heard. fvofpJzQ5tI-00009-00004290-00004898 To learn more about the 2019 bond referendum, please visit fwP3zw83IbE-00000-00001263-00001590 Hi, I'm Bonnie Serratore with Spiritual Acceleration. I want fwP3zw83IbE-00001-00001590-00001989 to share what actually happens to people who have accidents. fwP3zw83IbE-00002-00002028-00002382 And what I mean by an accident is where you have something fwP3zw83IbE-00003-00002382-00002808 happen to the body, where you have a, where you have a fall, fwP3zw83IbE-00004-00002868-00003270 your hit, you know, hit. car accident, something where you fwP3zw83IbE-00005-00003270-00003714 are literally traumatized physically, okay, it needs to be fwP3zw83IbE-00006-00003717-00004053 strong enough, not just a little bump, okay, it's got to be like fwP3zw83IbE-00007-00004053-00004596 a hard fall or hard hitting car accidents, motorcycle accidents, fwP3zw83IbE-00008-00004596-00004869 bike accidents somewhere where you've actually had a pretty fwP3zw83IbE-00009-00004869-00005388 big, intense physical fall, okay, or be or hit. So fwP3zw83IbE-00010-00005394-00005943 oftentimes when we are hit or in any way have an accident, part fwP3zw83IbE-00011-00005943-00006246 of our energy literally gets knocked out of the body, this is fwP3zw83IbE-00012-00006246-00006747 for real, okay? Oftentimes, that never comes back in, this is why fwP3zw83IbE-00013-00006747-00007317 people experience different kinds of intensities after some fwP3zw83IbE-00014-00007317-00007595 kind of accident, okay, they don't, they never feel right fwP3zw83IbE-00015-00007595-00007970 again, they don't feel whole, sometimes their head is foggy, fwP3zw83IbE-00016-00007970-00008397 or they just can't seem to get focused. There's a lot of fwP3zw83IbE-00017-00008397-00008799 different things that people experience that are caused by fwP3zw83IbE-00018-00008799-00009228 that fall, but more so it's because we are no longer in fwP3zw83IbE-00019-00009228-00009747 fully in the body. Okay, so in order to get that back in, we fwP3zw83IbE-00020-00009747-00010089 literally have to knock it back in, okay, and you can have fwP3zw83IbE-00021-00010089-00010392 someone help you do that. Or like, let's just say you got hit fwP3zw83IbE-00022-00010392-00010704 from the side, from the right side, you're going to be knocked fwP3zw83IbE-00023-00010704-00011007 down over here in the opposite direction. And wherever that fwP3zw83IbE-00024-00011019-00011484 that was that hit was, okay. So, energetically, if you were going fwP3zw83IbE-00025-00011484-00011748 to have someone help you put you right back in your body, which fwP3zw83IbE-00026-00011748-00012129 you can do, I'm telling you straight up, anybody can do it, fwP3zw83IbE-00027-00012132-00012636 okay? Even if it's on the head, okay. So what we do is get the fwP3zw83IbE-00028-00012636-00012981 person to stand over here, now they're going to just hold hold fwP3zw83IbE-00029-00012981-00013299 the energy, like several feet away, like about that far away, fwP3zw83IbE-00030-00013322-00013605 they're going to imagine in their mind's eye, they're going fwP3zw83IbE-00031-00013605-00014037 to pretend, okay, that they're literally feeling your energy fwP3zw83IbE-00032-00014037-00014313 that's outside of your body, they're going to just feel that, fwP3zw83IbE-00033-00014313-00014597 sense that and then they're going to have the intention of fwP3zw83IbE-00034-00014597-00014919 pushing it, knocking it back in, okay? So they're going to fwP3zw83IbE-00035-00014922-00015186 literally take the energy, and they're going to do a quick fwP3zw83IbE-00036-00015186-00015641 little boop like that, okay, so you feel that on your body, fwP3zw83IbE-00037-00015669-00015990 you're feeling you're feeling that punch on the body, okay, fwP3zw83IbE-00038-00016005-00016281 you'll know if it gets knocked back in because you'll feel it. fwP3zw83IbE-00039-00016284-00016593 It's really cool. I love it. Okay, now if it's on the head, fwP3zw83IbE-00040-00016596-00016815 again, you're still going to, you know, that person is going fwP3zw83IbE-00041-00016815-00017064 to be over here. And they're just going to hold that and then fwP3zw83IbE-00042-00017064-00017400 they're going to come in with a, you know, so a quick little like fwP3zw83IbE-00043-00017400-00017670 that, okay? And it needs to be strong enough that you're fwP3zw83IbE-00044-00017670-00018024 literally knocking that frequency back in to the body. fwP3zw83IbE-00045-00018048-00018435 Okay? So having your energy having an accident in some kind fwP3zw83IbE-00046-00018435-00018735 of having your energy out in lean out of your body is going fwP3zw83IbE-00047-00018735-00019248 to affect you in many, many, many different ways. Okay, so if fwP3zw83IbE-00048-00019248-00019452 it's a severe enough accident, fwP3zw83IbE-00049-00019562-00019931 we can actually have the soul energy, our actual soul fwP3zw83IbE-00050-00019931-00020345 frequency, it can get divided or split, it can get shattered, fwP3zw83IbE-00051-00020372-00020768 seriously shattered, okay, it can get cracked through it all fwP3zw83IbE-00052-00020768-00021218 these cracks. When that happens, we never feel quite right. We fwP3zw83IbE-00053-00021218-00021692 never feel quite whole, we feel kind of discombobulated. We fwP3zw83IbE-00054-00021692-00022331 don't know why. And we can feel like we just can't make our fwP3zw83IbE-00055-00022334-00022922 decisions, or we just don't feel like we once did. Okay, so those fwP3zw83IbE-00056-00022922-00023348 are good indicators that you need some support and help. So I fwP3zw83IbE-00057-00023348-00023738 actually when we're dealing with soul fracturing, soul splitting, fwP3zw83IbE-00058-00023762-00024104 soul cracking things of that nature, you're going to need to fwP3zw83IbE-00059-00024104-00024467 deal, get help from someone who is a professional that knows how fwP3zw83IbE-00060-00024467-00024824 to work at that those levels. But basically, when you have an fwP3zw83IbE-00061-00024824-00025199 accident and you get knocked out of your body, you can help have fwP3zw83IbE-00062-00025199-00025637 a friend help you get knocked back in and then you're going to fwP3zw83IbE-00063-00025637-00025868 feel well balanced Oh, and you're going to feel way fwP3zw83IbE-00064-00025868-00026354 different. It's a great, great way to help help yourself and fwP3zw83IbE-00065-00026354-00026717 get help is have someone help you to push you back into your fwP3zw83IbE-00066-00026717-00027101 own physical body. Alright, so those of you who have had fwP3zw83IbE-00067-00027101-00027467 accidents, falls, something that you just not right anymore. fwP3zw83IbE-00068-00027536-00028025 Check this out, play with it and see what happens and it feel fwP3zw83IbE-00069-00028025-00028556 much better having yourself back home. And just so you know, this fwP3zw83IbE-00070-00028556-00028982 is a great way to learn more about Spiritual Acceleration. If fwP3zw83IbE-00071-00028982-00029231 you're not familiar with us, our website we have lots of fwP3zw83IbE-00072-00029231-00029630 wonderful free gifts and lots of cool things that will help you fwP3zw83IbE-00073-00029663-00029987 you know, discover more about how do you wake up, how do you fwP3zw83IbE-00074-00029987-00030352 end your suffering. How do you get liberated? That's what we're fwP3zw83IbE-00075-00030352-00030589 all about is liberation. So check us out at fwP3zw83IbE-00076-00030614-00030962 Look for our free gifts and also look fwP3zw83IbE-00077-00030962-00031295 for what we what we offer. Alright, hope to see you there fyyDai8NT6U-00000-00000157-00000725 Woo, well as you can tell there's a huge weather change today. fyyDai8NT6U-00001-00000725-00001057 It's Saturday, what is it the 28th? fyyDai8NT6U-00002-00001057-00001863 Let's see here uh yeah, March 28th. fyyDai8NT6U-00003-00001863-00002068 Huge weather change. fyyDai8NT6U-00004-00002068-00002894 Freezing cold here this morning, I'm in the Gorton's fisher man, You know what I always fyyDai8NT6U-00005-00002894-00002994 say? fyyDai8NT6U-00006-00002994-00003196 I always say be over-prepared. fyyDai8NT6U-00007-00003196-00003508 Than under prepared. fyyDai8NT6U-00008-00003508-00003749 I'm, I'm ready. fyyDai8NT6U-00009-00003749-00004076 I don't feel like getting wet, I don't feel like getting cold. fyyDai8NT6U-00010-00004076-00004351 There ain't no HMO's in the fishing business. fyyDai8NT6U-00011-00004351-00004492 Welp, uh. fyyDai8NT6U-00012-00004492-00005036 We're going to go out to the jetty's today, two guys, and I guess we are going to still fyyDai8NT6U-00013-00005036-00005410 feed the bluefish. fyyDai8NT6U-00014-00005410-00005924 But one thing I wanted to mention is, in the near future here. fyyDai8NT6U-00015-00005924-00006631 In the near future, I'm going to be doing a review. fyyDai8NT6U-00016-00006631-00007350 On the Diala Tatula 200 HD Extreme high speed. fyyDai8NT6U-00017-00007350-00007495 Okay? fyyDai8NT6U-00018-00007495-00007795 That's coming up. fyyDai8NT6U-00019-00007795-00008502 And the review is going to be pretty much uh, does it withstand saltwater, and really fyyDai8NT6U-00020-00008502-00008812 is it worth all of the hype. fyyDai8NT6U-00021-00008812-00009444 So, um that's coming up. fyyDai8NT6U-00022-00009444-00010528 And another sort of review, or let you know is a non-ice bait box, food box, that I'm fyyDai8NT6U-00023-00010528-00010818 going to be putting on the boat here for the summer. fyyDai8NT6U-00024-00010818-00010942 No ice. fyyDai8NT6U-00025-00010942-00011326 You don't put any ice in it. fyyDai8NT6U-00026-00011326-00011877 So that's another review type thing that's coming up. fyyDai8NT6U-00027-00011877-00012240 And uh, look for that in the future. fyyDai8NT6U-00028-00012240-00012911 And I guess my guys will be here any minute, so I need to get something rigged up, but fyyDai8NT6U-00029-00012911-00013077 we're going to try jigging. fyyDai8NT6U-00030-00013077-00013366 Float ring fishing, at the jetty's. fyyDai8NT6U-00031-00013366-00014270 It's North West 15, maybe a little stronger than 15.Really cold, huge weather change from fyyDai8NT6U-00032-00014270-00014370 the last time. fyyDai8NT6U-00033-00014370-00015119 3, or 4 days it's bright, sunny, there's not a cloud in the sky. fyyDai8NT6U-00034-00015119-00015697 And all week it's been gloomy, rainy, and not much wind at all. fyyDai8NT6U-00035-00015697-00015966 So we'll see. fyyDai8NT6U-00036-00015966-00016908 Alright we've been out here 5 minutes. fyyDai8NT6U-00037-00016908-00017312 Look at this. fyyDai8NT6U-00038-00017312-00017719 She paddled the slab spoon. fyyDai8NT6U-00039-00017719-00018089 With a shrimp added. fyyDai8NT6U-00040-00018089-00018298 We had a shrimp on there. fyyDai8NT6U-00041-00018298-00018398 Look that son of a gun. fyyDai8NT6U-00042-00018398-00018586 That's a nice one. fyyDai8NT6U-00043-00018586-00019255 It got the hook all the way down his yap. fyyDai8NT6U-00044-00019255-00019355 First five minutes up here. fyyDai8NT6U-00045-00019355-00019455 This is my first sheepshead ever. fyyDai8NT6U-00046-00019455-00019555 First sheepshead ever. fyyDai8NT6U-00047-00019555-00019667 I like that. fyyDai8NT6U-00048-00019667-00019924 I had a guy last week. fyyDai8NT6U-00049-00019924-00020177 First trout, first redfish, first sheep's head. fyyDai8NT6U-00050-00020177-00020278 First everything. fyyDai8NT6U-00051-00020278-00020445 You know? fyyDai8NT6U-00052-00020445-00020545 Okay. fyyDai8NT6U-00053-00020545-00021037 Let me put him back in here and grab my pliers. fyyDai8NT6U-00054-00021037-00021656 Well, this is the first sheepshead on the slab spoon. fyyDai8NT6U-00055-00021656-00021930 Ever? fyyDai8NT6U-00056-00021930-00022202 Ever. fyyDai8NT6U-00057-00022202-00022627 Usually trout, redfish, flounder. fyyDai8NT6U-00058-00022627-00023068 Alright, well fish in the box baby! f_CgYZJF8sY-00000-00000000-00000200 pj prostite ya ne znal kak perevesti video na eng yazyck fClLcL047fo-00000-00000627-00001229 I address the Russians who are watching us. Interviews of your soldiers will not be shown on federal channels fClLcL047fo-00001-00001253-00002367 share this video among your friends and relatives, especially in Russian social networks, so that more people will know the truth about the war fClLcL047fo-00002-00002367-00002628 -What's your full name? -Antisov Dmitriy Ivanovich fClLcL047fo-00003-00002734-00003111 -Date of birth? -23rd of March, 1975 fClLcL047fo-00004-00003139-00003642 -Where are you from? -Ural, Chelyabinsk region fClLcL047fo-00005-00003642-00003968 -Where are you from in Chelyabinsk region? -Kartalinsky District fClLcL047fo-00006-00003968-00004312 -Which settlement? -Let's stop at that fClLcL047fo-00007-00004363-00004634 -Why? -So it doesn't go any further fClLcL047fo-00008-00004730-00005168 -Kartalinsky District, that should be enough -Okay, let it be like that fClLcL047fo-00009-00005209-00005846 -Do you have a family? -Yes, I have a wife, 4 daughters and 2 granddaughters fClLcL047fo-00010-00005846-00006046 -4 daughters? How old are they? fClLcL047fo-00011-00006196-00007125 -The oldest one is 22, she'll soon turn 23, one will turn 14, the other is turning 11 and the last had turned 6 years old fClLcL047fo-00012-00007153-00007458 -That's many kids and all are daughters, right? -Yes fClLcL047fo-00013-00007458-00007713 -How did you end up in the war in Ukraine? fClLcL047fo-00014-00008037-00008902 -At first, I watched the TV a lot and apparently it's been nightmarish, I'll say it like that fClLcL047fo-00015-00009055-00009569 Lots of worry for the people of Donbas fClLcL047fo-00016-00010077-00010311 Lots of deaths from children's side fClLcL047fo-00017-00010597-00010951 If you were in Donetsk, have you been to Angels Alley? fClLcL047fo-00018-00010978-00011894 -I've been there for a few months, but that was before it became an uncontrolled territory of Ukraine, because it's very dangerous fClLcL047fo-00019-00011976-00012223 -Maybe. But anyway, people go there fClLcL047fo-00020-00012295-00012464 -You've been to Donetsk? -Yes fClLcL047fo-00021-00012464-00013186 -When? -Not so long ago. I'm in captivity for a month already. It was around December fClLcL047fo-00022-00013319-00014518 -So, you watched TV, lots of worry, and then? -And then we were shown the nationalists, all those movements: fClLcL047fo-00023-00014518-00014871 Azov, "Tornado", all that fClLcL047fo-00024-00015154-00016272 How many people there were during 2014... I had little kids at the time and then a daughter was born fClLcL047fo-00025-00016347-00017092 I triggered the situation a bit and it so happened that at one moment... fClLcL047fo-00026-00017566-00018179 I don't know how to call it, by the call of heart or something alike fClLcL047fo-00027-00018379-00019216 I have relatives who lived in Donetsk region, they're no longer there, they moved to Russia fClLcL047fo-00028-00019618-00020115 I didn't want to stand aside fClLcL047fo-00029-00020425-00021099 I can't understand or answer my own question as to why I'm here fClLcL047fo-00030-00021099-00022141 When there's talking on central TV or somewhere else, what you have not seen with your eyes, I won't say any more fClLcL047fo-00031-00022305-00023153 -You voluntarily signed the contract? -No, I'm not a volunteer, I'm mobilized fClLcL047fo-00032-00023242-00023500 -You were mobilized, when? -On 2nd of November fClLcL047fo-00033-00023700-00024213 -You had gotten drafting summons? -No, we were approached and told to visit the enlistment office fClLcL047fo-00034-00024213-00024659 I arrived, it's like in our village, so fClLcL047fo-00035-00024874-00025074 On 21st of December I appeared here fClLcL047fo-00036-00025196-00025621 -In Ukraine? -Yes. On 27th I stood at the position fClLcL047fo-00037-00025710-00026142 On 5th of January our position had been completely defeated, I was the one alive fClLcL047fo-00038-00026207-00026519 -How many people died? -8 people fClLcL047fo-00039-00026635-00026866 -What kind of position did you have? fClLcL047fo-00040-00027166-00027424 -A type of watchdog position, I'll call it that fClLcL047fo-00041-00027424-00027678 -Were you infantry? -Yes, a gunner fClLcL047fo-00042-00027678-00028601 -In which settlement were you captured? -Berestove, that's Bakhmut district fClLcL047fo-00043-00028779-00029210 -What tasks were you given? -We mainly dug trenches fClLcL047fo-00044-00029238-00030485 For situations like if backup arrives. We dug trenches at night. During the day we acted as surveillance fClLcL047fo-00045-00030737-00031000 We didn't do anything else fClLcL047fo-00046-00031037-00031708 -You have 4 daughters, right? What did your wife say when you were mobilized? -You know, I... fClLcL047fo-00047-00031908-00032084 Didn't talk to her much about it fClLcL047fo-00048-00032196-00032396 -So you made the decision alone? Do you live together? fClLcL047fo-00049-00032410-00033861 -We live together, well, I don't mean about a man or anything. Didn't let her, how should I put this? fClLcL047fo-00050-00034601-00035186 I didn't want her to be involved in this situation, so that she'd live her life fClLcL047fo-00051-00035255-00035553 I don't know who was promised how much fClLcL047fo-00052-00035652-00036129 -You were supposed to be told how much you'd be paid -A lot of what they say fClLcL047fo-00053-00036149-00036288 -What were you told? fClLcL047fo-00054-00036488-00036821 -Believe me or not, but I didn't bother to ask fClLcL047fo-00055-00036821-00037160 -So ideology prevailed -It seems so fClLcL047fo-00056-00037382-00039403 Ideology can be two-branched, first is when you run blindly, no idea where,. Second ideology is when you give an account of your understanding of your actions, fClLcL047fo-00057-00039573-00039773 but it's too late to step back fClLcL047fo-00058-00039852-00040284 -Which is yours? -I most likely have both of them fClLcL047fo-00059-00040577-00041298 -What was your job? -I repaired computers, phones fClLcL047fo-00060-00041336-00041764 -Were you an individual entrepreneur -In a village? No fClLcL047fo-00061-00041805-00042950 It's too expensive there to repair all those devices fClLcL047fo-00062-00042950-00043883 -What was your average salary? -Daily I earned from 1k to 2k rubles fClLcL047fo-00063-00043883-00044318 -So you earned 30k monthly on average -Not always fClLcL047fo-00064-00044349-00044624 -Not always? So it was 20k - 25k, right? -Somewhere around that fClLcL047fo-00065-00044624-00045028 -That's not a lot of money -Yes, that's not a lot fClLcL047fo-00066-00045028-00045522 -What does your wife do? -My wife is a housewife, she looks after our children fClLcL047fo-00067-00045522-00045977 -So you're the only breadwinner in the family, right? -Yes fClLcL047fo-00068-00046158-00046310 -Look... fClLcL047fo-00069-00046696-00047230 I take it that you've been busy with TV most of your life fClLcL047fo-00070-00047479-00047859 -It wasn't that it kept me occupied for the most part fClLcL047fo-00071-00047904-00048104 -Have you wondered about it yourself? fClLcL047fo-00072-00048104-00049170 -For example I came back home from a garden or something, I sat down to drink tea, there are news being broadcasted, I watched before the coup fClLcL047fo-00073-00049251-00049939 After the coup I blocked all news channels -What do you mean before coup? fClLcL047fo-00074-00050000-00050534 -When the situation in Donbas began in 2014 fClLcL047fo-00075-00050578-00051514 -Listen, Dmitriy, let's be precise about what you call a coup, because I spoke to many Russians... fClLcL047fo-00076-00051514-00052338 -No, when in Kyiv Maidan began. After it... -You blocked news channels, right? fClLcL047fo-00077-00052338-00052491 -Yes -And? fClLcL047fo-00078-00052525-00053083 -I personally monitor it, so my children would watch what's interesting to them fClLcL047fo-00079-00053283-00054322 Then I switched receivers, I have a tricolor applicator and it happened that I don't know yet what it's like, nonetheless, maybe I'll figure it out, fClLcL047fo-00080-00054322-00054801 If I get lucky to go back home fClLcL047fo-00081-00055292-00055833 -What year was it when you changed it? -In 2019 fClLcL047fo-00082-00055871-00056299 -And since 2019 you actively watched all that, yes? -Yes fClLcL047fo-00083-00056337-00056629 Well, not actively, but... fClLcL047fo-00084-00056629-00056979 -What did you watch there? News? Solvyov? 60 minutes? fClLcL047fo-00085-00056979-00057564 -I don't watch Solovyov that much, but I do watch some debates fClLcL047fo-00086-00057564-00058415 and in principle, it wasn't like it is today back then, even on Solovyov's show, where it'd only be focused on Ukraine fClLcL047fo-00087-00058415-00059055 -They talked a lot -Your people say a lot too, since we watch news here fClLcL047fo-00088-00059110-00059640 -Look, it's factual, because many talk about Russia, because there's war fClLcL047fo-00089-00059681-00060106 -That's obvious -You understand that, many speak about new counteroffensive and so on fClLcL047fo-00090-00060106-00060780 -I partly won't speak for all Russians, but I'll say that many Russians aren't happy with what's happening right now fClLcL047fo-00091-00060818-00061410 -Where? -In general, what's happening between us fClLcL047fo-00092-00061410-00061842 -Look, I watched and saw that many support the Special Military Operation fClLcL047fo-00093-00061842-00062717 -Many support it, yes, I mean when it reaches them and their families, then they begin thinking about it fClLcL047fo-00094-00062734-00063043 -What education do you have? -Secondary special fClLcL047fo-00095-00063043-00063932 -What specialty? -Turner fClLcL047fo-00096-00063932-00064370 -I assume you didn't work much by your specialty -I didn't even work fClLcL047fo-00097-00064370-00064666 -You didn't? -I served in the army fClLcL047fo-00098-00064710-00065374 -I get that, but you were born in 1975, after army you had time in life -I continued serving in the army overtime fClLcL047fo-00099-00065411-00065666 -Meaning you signed a contract, right? -Yes fClLcL047fo-00100-00065693-00066238 -How long were you there for? -I quit in 2008 fClLcL047fo-00101-00066438-00066736 I gathered money and since then began working for myself fClLcL047fo-00102-00066736-00066936 -Look, you... fClLcL047fo-00103-00067202-00068415 I'll honestly say, I talk to many, the theses are the same: Donetsk, Luhansk, Nazis and so on fClLcL047fo-00104-00068504-00068929 You appeal to all those things that you watched the TV fClLcL047fo-00105-00068929-00069811 Ok, if there's Nazism in Ukraine, then I have a logical question - describe me Ukrainian Nazism fClLcL047fo-00106-00070107-00070522 You see, if you watch it then you should make conclusions fClLcL047fo-00107-00070522-00071834 -When you're sitting on one side and on the other side you're shown a cartoon, for example, like Peppa Pig fClLcL047fo-00108-00071834-00073125 There's nothing weird or scary in that cartoon and on the other side there's ideology that for me, it's like keeping an eye on how they were living now. For example, fClLcL047fo-00109-00073176-00074000 they bathed in mud and something else. I don't know how to properly answer your question fClLcL047fo-00110-00074173-00075233 But when I sit on an armchair, sip tea and see on TV how "Aidar" battalion executed someone fClLcL047fo-00111-00075233-00076084 You see it on YouTube or some Telegram channels... fClLcL047fo-00112-00076084-00076512 -Look, I have a bit of a discrepancy, I'm sorry fClLcL047fo-00113-00076563-00077868 Yes, there was Aidar battalion. It fought in Eastern Ukraine in 2014. You said channels were blocked and in 2019 you resumed fClLcL047fo-00114-00077902-00078675 -Look, I talk about the TV, I have a phone on my hands and I can watch more on YouTube fClLcL047fo-00115-00078675-00078875 -Ok, so what was shown about Aidar? fClLcL047fo-00116-00078940-00080746 -It wasn't exactly shown about Aidar, but it was shown about a village where Aidar had been and locals talk of burials and so on fClLcL047fo-00117-00080817-00081491 And so you watch all this and your head boils from it fClLcL047fo-00118-00081512-00082387 You think to delete YouTube or something, but you can't get it out of your head anymore fClLcL047fo-00119-00082387-00082982 -Ok. You still didn't answer my question. Describe me a Ukrainian Nazi fClLcL047fo-00120-00083119-00083632 -What should he look like? Who is he? What's the percentage of them in Ukraine? fClLcL047fo-00121-00083714-00084439 You're just telling me the process, I want to hear corollaries of the Nazi image fClLcL047fo-00122-00084671-00084871 -Image of a Nazi? -Ukrainian Nazi fClLcL047fo-00123-00084871-00085129 -I don't know how to describe one fClLcL047fo-00124-00085129-00085503 -The TV was supposed to explain what one looks like fClLcL047fo-00125-00085527-00086569 -For example when I watched the news last time about Azovstal, when the prisoners were brought out fClLcL047fo-00126-00086569-00087857 And when they were undressed, half had tattoos with Nazi swastikas, those Hitler eagles or how do you name them correctly fClLcL047fo-00127-00087857-00088261 -I also watched that, because Russians showed it, but we didn't see fClLcL047fo-00128-00088296-00089703 First of all, even if there were those tattoos, which I didn't see, it could be on 1 or 2 people. Most of them were Runes fClLcL047fo-00129-00089938-00090179 You know what Runes are? -No fClLcL047fo-00130-00090295-00090495 -It's not Nazi swastikas fClLcL047fo-00131-00090655-00091445 Second of all, even if it's like that, are there Nazis in Russia? fClLcL047fo-00132-00091598-00092548 -We had them as well, they were called "Russian National Idea", they were bald -Skinheads? fClLcL047fo-00133-00092565-00093594 -Yes. We had them, maybe we still have them. Who knows. I was not like these people, so to speak fClLcL047fo-00134-00094338-00095118 If you want to ask me if I saw Nazis when I came here, the answer is no, I haven't seen them fClLcL047fo-00135-00095240-00096170 When I was being captured I lost consciousness from contusion and I experienced an epileptic seizure fClLcL047fo-00136-00096262-00096575 -Are you an epileptic? -There was such a thing fClLcL047fo-00137-00096575-00097327 -How were you taken into the army to fight? I just don't understand -That's how it is with us fClLcL047fo-00138-00097351-00098533 And so they helped me get out of this state, AFU, because I don't know how to correctly call them fClLcL047fo-00139-00098673-00099302 Soldiers, maybe. I don't even know their ranks fClLcL047fo-00140-00099616-00100338 In principle I didn't see their ranks, only yellow tape bands fClLcL047fo-00141-00100454-00101145 -Were they normal people? -Yes, they didn't harm me fClLcL047fo-00142-00101468-00101972 When I regained consciousness I thanked them for not killing me fClLcL047fo-00143-00102245-00102919 Then I was brought into a BMP and driven away fClLcL047fo-00144-00103075-00103766 I went through 2 or 3 transfers and ended up in Kharkiv, in a detention center fClLcL047fo-00145-00103966-00104166 -I understand that fClLcL047fo-00146-00104276-00105273 Many viewers heard the same theses in Ukraine. Do you believe the theses about defense of Donetsk and Luhansk? fClLcL047fo-00147-00105417-00105685 You said you haven't seen Nazis, yet fClLcL047fo-00148-00105930-00106199 -You know, it's not that... fClLcL047fo-00149-00106744-00107571 How do I answer correctly... so there'd be no pathos fClLcL047fo-00150-00108090-00108580 It's hard to find truth from your side and our side fClLcL047fo-00151-00108624-00110201 Throughout the 8 years, when the situation was happening, not specifically the TV or YouTube, when the shelling of Donetsk and Luhansk happened fClLcL047fo-00152-00110430-00111121 I don't know how to correctly name it. It can't be Nazism, maybe genocide fClLcL047fo-00153-00111196-00111430 -Of whom? -Of Russian people fClLcL047fo-00154-00111525-00112104 I mean what was happening back then. I don't know how to formulate it differently. You told me I can say anything fClLcL047fo-00155-00112193-00112747 -Yes, of course. I always say that you can tell me whatever you think fClLcL047fo-00156-00113149-00114106 -For example, what's happening on your central TV is one thing, what's happening on our central TV is entirely different fClLcL047fo-00157-00114205-00114981 Inconsistencies are on both sides, it happens. Maybe someone benefits from it, maybe someone finds it normal fClLcL047fo-00158-00114981-00115887 -Look, Dmitriy, you talk about some defense of Donbas. I'll just explain to you logically fClLcL047fo-00159-00116109-00116650 Just where's the logic in all those actions? Explain to me fClLcL047fo-00160-00116742-00117610 The offensive began towards Kyiv, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson region, right? Half of Ukraine fClLcL047fo-00161-00117638-00117902 So they wanted to move and cut it all off fClLcL047fo-00162-00118000-00118956 -Sorry to interrupt. I haven't thought this deeply like you fClLcL047fo-00163-00119000-00119892 -I'm just explaining to you. If it was supposed to be defense of Donetsk and Luhansk from genocide, then why go on an armed offensive on the capital and other cities? fClLcL047fo-00164-00119953-00120153 Kharkiv region included fClLcL047fo-00165-00120153-00121000 -Regarding this question, I told you how I was here since 2nd of November and I can't tell you anything about those actions fClLcL047fo-00166-00121000-00121394 -Dmitriy, the invasion, full-scale war began on 24th of February fClLcL047fo-00167-00121448-00121983 You're watching TV, those YouTube videos and in Vkontakte since 2019 fClLcL047fo-00168-00122044-00123260 So it has all already happened. Kyiv and Chernihiv haven't fallen. The only regional administration Russians managed to occupy was Kherson fClLcL047fo-00169-00123475-00124241 From Kharkiv direction they were beaten out. They continue trying to advance with difficulty in Donetsk and Luhansk regions and so on fClLcL047fo-00170-00124295-00124495 I have a question then fClLcL047fo-00171-00124695-00125811 Why did Russia bomb half of Ukraine during the offensive? Why did she do missile strikes on Lviv and so on, with "Kalibr" and "Kinzhal" missiles fClLcL047fo-00172-00125835-00125964 Explain to me this logic fClLcL047fo-00173-00126434-00126634 -I can't even answer this question fClLcL047fo-00174-00126664-00127283 -You told me there's a genocide of Donetsk and Luhansk fClLcL047fo-00175-00127283-00127756 I have another question. Have you seen the statistics on deaths? fClLcL047fo-00176-00127933-00128590 Russian TV won't show that, year by year: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, etc. fClLcL047fo-00177-00128652-00129244 In 2021, the situation was perfect, everything was going silent fClLcL047fo-00178-00129332-00130044 And sooner or later, most likely Ukraine could've solved the problem, if it wasn't for Russia fClLcL047fo-00179-00130111-00130311 I'll explain the logic fClLcL047fo-00180-00130349-00131000 There was Yanukovich, a pro-Russian president, Russians love him fClLcL047fo-00181-00131200-00131481 Ukrainians didn't want him, because Ukrainians wanted to be with Europe fClLcL047fo-00182-00131604-00132114 Yanukovich was pro-Russian and he didn't sign the association. Russians called it a "coup" fClLcL047fo-00183-00132247-00132884 According to Russian law, or let's start with Ukraine first. Who's the source of authority? fClLcL047fo-00184-00133208-00133425 Who is it in Russia? -Putin fClLcL047fo-00185-00133425-00133826 -Putin. The only source of authority in Russia is Putin fClLcL047fo-00186-00133863-00134592 In Ukraine it's different. The only source of authority in Ukraine is the people fClLcL047fo-00187-00134684-00134884 It's even written in our constitution, but in Russia it's Putin fClLcL047fo-00188-00135084-00135734 -Yes, but you said the only source of authority -Yes, Putin. But in Ukraine it's people fClLcL047fo-00189-00135836-00136629 And so people didn't want what Yanukovich was doing and went outside to protest, because we're a democratic country, you understand? fClLcL047fo-00190-00136829-00137568 Yanukovich fled. Ukraine couldn't be without authority, so elections were held and Poroshenko was elected fClLcL047fo-00191-00137664-00138522 Poroshenko here and there, in different ways it was spinning all over again. Crimea had been annexed before the elections and they went after Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts fClLcL047fo-00192-00138559-00139063 I'm just telling you about the cause-and-effect connection. So far, my chain is running smoothly fClLcL047fo-00193-00139063-00139372 You'll just interrupt me if you say "No, Lyubomyr, it's a no" fClLcL047fo-00194-00139423-00139678 So, Putin took Crimea, Ukraine is weak fClLcL047fo-00195-00139855-00140502 Then he thought, "Let's take Donetsk and Luhansk", because there was no pro-Russian Yanukovich, right? fClLcL047fo-00196-00140624-00141250 Ukrainian people kickstarted. Putin took Crimea, took Donetsk and Luhansk, he'll go further fClLcL047fo-00197-00141305-00141624 People mobilized. The army was in shambles and so on fClLcL047fo-00198-00141679-00142482 Volunteer battalions appeared. That's why they appeared, because they had to defend the country. That's it, they went to fight fClLcL047fo-00199-00142578-00144387 I am not a Poroshenko sympathizer, but Medvedchuk stood up for him politically and economically, it's a fact fClLcL047fo-00200-00144415-00145041 But Putin during Poroshenko's leadership failed to impose his game, right? fClLcL047fo-00201-00145041-00145885 Poroshenko left. How did people in Russia react? Everyone screamed "Salute" to Zelensky, hoping the war ends soon fClLcL047fo-00202-00145885-00146521 Zelensky also wanted to finish it all, but he saw that it's impossible to negotiate with Putin fClLcL047fo-00203-00146552-00147158 Ukraine chose pro-European, pro-Western course and Putin had to do something fClLcL047fo-00204-00147219-00148527 In 2022 he sent troops to forcefully tilt Ukraine, because such a country like Ukraine can't want something. She should want what Putin wants fClLcL047fo-00205-00148527-00149000 The way Lukashenko wants, but that's what Putin wants fClLcL047fo-00206-00149054-00149295 Belarusians, that's almost Russia fClLcL047fo-00207-00149312-00150518 Do you get the logic? And these all rocked the Russian people: Nazis, Banderites, Donetsk and Luhansk being shelled, and so on. Because there was one goal: fClLcL047fo-00208-00150566-00151400 it's not mass media, it's propagandists, to get it into the heads of people like you that something needs to be solved here fClLcL047fo-00209-00151437-00151637 Do you get my logic? fClLcL047fo-00210-00152036-00152755 -I'm not politically deep in this situation, but... fClLcL047fo-00211-00152840-00153770 -Is there logic in all of this? -I heard what you said. Each person has their own opinion fClLcL047fo-00212-00153770-00154518 -Look, you say you're not a politically deep person, but you were watching the TV since 2019 and came here over politics fClLcL047fo-00213-00154600-00155196 -It's not a political situation. I don't even know how to correctly say... fClLcL047fo-00214-00156000-00156200 I'm not a politic in this situation fClLcL047fo-00215-00156292-00156810 -All Russians aren't politics. Have you ever voted? -Never fClLcL047fo-00216-00156831-00157184 -Never, yet the only source of authority is Putin. Great fClLcL047fo-00217-00157430-00158400 -Well, first of all, my situation is like that, that I never voted fClLcL047fo-00218-00159093-00159364 Who else can replace Putin for example? fClLcL047fo-00219-00159487-00159816 -Look, you just... fClLcL047fo-00220-00160194-00161451 -How do I say this correctly... I know that majority of the audience will insult me, let it be that way fClLcL047fo-00221-00161601-00162848 And... For example... the elections ended, presidents were switched. Putin had been replaced by some other person fClLcL047fo-00222-00162933-00163859 Where's the guarantee that other branches won't be broken? fClLcL047fo-00223-00163859-00164287 -Replaced with whom? -I don't know fClLcL047fo-00224-00164434-00164586 -In Russia? -Yes fClLcL047fo-00225-00164586-00165308 -Look, presidents in Ukraine change every time. A lot has happened fClLcL047fo-00226-00165335-00166694 -I just can't say anything bad about Putin, because not that he's minuscule, he still helps his people fClLcL047fo-00227-00166694-00168206 -What do you mean he helps his people? What's the function of the president? Explain to me, please fClLcL047fo-00228-00168226-00168788 -Function of the president is to look after his country, keep her in order fClLcL047fo-00229-00168788-00169233 -Will he do Russians a favor? -Why a favor? fClLcL047fo-00230-00169281-00170303 -Look, a perfect Putin, that helps your people. is when your salary in the village is 150 dollars fClLcL047fo-00231-00170695-00171000 This is powerful. Does Putin help you personally? fClLcL047fo-00232-00171061-00171360 -It's not powerful, but nonetheless... -Nonetheless what? fClLcL047fo-00233-00171431-00172143 You like to live this way? For 150 dollars? Having 4 daughters? And glorify Putin? fClLcL047fo-00234-00172729-00173281 -Is there any other choice? -You're asking me? That's your country, not mine fClLcL047fo-00235-00173509-00174040 -It's clear that it's my country -If you don't have a choice then continue living the same way fClLcL047fo-00236-00174272-00175287 You understand that having a job for 150 dollars, you go to another country resolve geopolitics. I'm sorry, but that's absurd fClLcL047fo-00237-00175447-00176000 And you, with a salary of 150 dollars tell me how great Putin is fClLcL047fo-00238-00176774-00177212 -Your hryvnia worths more than our ruble -Dmitry, we don't interfere with you fClLcL047fo-00239-00177673-00177907 We try to solve our own problems in our own country fClLcL047fo-00240-00178520-00178792 We don't try to create Ural's Republic in your country fClLcL047fo-00241-00179242-00180080 We don't try to overthrow Kadyrov in Ichkeria to honor Dzhohar Dudayev's death. See what I mean? fClLcL047fo-00242-00180363-00181156 Ukrainians try to solve their problems on their own, but geopolitics with a salary of 150 dollars come here. That's absurd fClLcL047fo-00243-00181852-00182021 -That's what the situation is like fClLcL047fo-00244-00182102-00182312 -Do you understand what I mean? -Yes fClLcL047fo-00245-00182424-00182556 -And you like Putin fClLcL047fo-00246-00182641-00183673 You can like Putin, sorry for my saying, while living in your sh*t, but not dictate what to do for another country fClLcL047fo-00247-00183714-00183948 What's the greatness in all of what you just told me? fClLcL047fo-00248-00184000-00184459 -Where did you get the 150 dollars from? -20k rubles is 150 dollars fClLcL047fo-00249-00184598-00185034 -We have people who earn more -Screw it, 30k rubles fClLcL047fo-00250-00185095-00185295 -30k is the most average fClLcL047fo-00251-00185592-00186082 But nonetheless, not everyone has such situation -200 - 300 dollars fClLcL047fo-00252-00186122-00186564 I'm talking to you right now -Not about salary fClLcL047fo-00253-00186601-00186801 -No, it's an important component fClLcL047fo-00254-00186856-00187751 A person with a 200 dollars salary goes here, because, I'm sorry, many Russians go here for money fClLcL047fo-00255-00188119-00188947 Don't Skabeeva and Solovyov want to raise the question why your salary is 200 dollars? Do you not want to hear it? fClLcL047fo-00256-00189230-00189481 Doesn't that interest Russian people? fClLcL047fo-00257-00189887-00190087 Why aren't the pensions bigger and so on? fClLcL047fo-00258-00190145-00190866 Let them compare how people live in Europe and why Ukraine wants to be there, this is a good topic for the broadcast - why Ukraine wants into Europe fClLcL047fo-00259-00190887-00191431 What are the social guarantees there and pensions. Do they not want to show that on Russian TV? fClLcL047fo-00260-00191489-00192092 -Maybe they'll show now -I don't think they will. They've been busy with Nazis and Ukraine for 8 years fClLcL047fo-00261-00192092-00192292 and propagandized that to the likes of you fClLcL047fo-00262-00192412-00193617 You know what the bigger problem is? What happens if Ukraine succeeds in building a powerful and good government? It will be a shock to Russians and Putin fClLcL047fo-00263-00193781-00194649 -It's not like a shock. Good for you if that happens fClLcL047fo-00264-00194649-00194965 -For us that will be good, but for Russians it'll be a shock fClLcL047fo-00265-00195016-00195622 How come some Ukraine can do that? Let's drag it down to ours's 100 dollars a month fClLcL047fo-00266-00195956-00196156 See what I mean? -Yes fClLcL047fo-00267-00196443-00197110 -Ukraine as a successful country shouldn't exist for Russians. Ukrainians should live in sh*t or under it fClLcL047fo-00268-00197208-00197343 Do you understand my point? fClLcL047fo-00269-00197496-00198249 -Well, in sh*t or under it is very rude -Yes, it is rude, but it's the reality fClLcL047fo-00270-00198286-00199604 -And I think that those questions are not optimal for the current situation fClLcL047fo-00271-00200409-00200783 From the point of no return to the beginning already - gone -Yes, it has escalated a lot fClLcL047fo-00272-00200783-00201818 Because Russians think, roughly speaking, that there are Nazis, that "We can't resolve it still", or "We saw it in a different aspect", it all sounds ridiculous, very fClLcL047fo-00273-00202320-00202768 I don't want to show photos of what Russians would do here, how they already destroyed cities fClLcL047fo-00274-00203031-00203579 Which were very far away from Donetsk and Luhansk, which you came to defend fClLcL047fo-00275-00203644-00204911 What they did to Mariupol, to Kherson, Kharkiv, Kyiv, how they still shell civilians. What's it all for? To protect Donetsk and Luhansk? fClLcL047fo-00276-00205484-00206221 -I don't know why it's happening like that, I won't lie fClLcL047fo-00277-00206435-00207133 -You still answer to me with propaganda theses fClLcL047fo-00278-00207205-00207780 Defend Donetsk and Luhansk, the alley, call of the heart and so on fClLcL047fo-00279-00207804-00208423 You understand that it's a dumb pathos that has nothing under it and which had been engraved into your head? fClLcL047fo-00280-00208590-00209199 They are criminals, not just Putin, but Skabeeva, Solovyov and so on fClLcL047fo-00281-00209319-00209696 And if we look at it, you're just biomass fClLcL047fo-00282-00210030-00210128 That's how it turns out fClLcL047fo-00283-00211209-00211521 -I have nothing else to say regarding this fClLcL047fo-00284-00211675-00212000 And I'm very sorry that such situation occurred fClLcL047fo-00285-00212200-00213034 I understand that my words for your or the audience, that watches, mean nothing fClLcL047fo-00286-00213296-00214052 Excuses from your side, for example, that there no people like me fClLcL047fo-00287-00214553-00214815 But I'm very sorry that this happened fClLcL047fo-00288-00215060-00215881 -Sorry for what? -That we used to be friends and then it all went downhill fast fClLcL047fo-00289-00216014-00216214 I'm very sorry for that fClLcL047fo-00290-00217659-00218610 -Do you want to say anything to Ukrainians? -I think they understood what I said before fClLcL047fo-00291-00218671-00218782 -What about Russians? fClLcL047fo-00292-00219444-00220336 -They should think more, before doing anything. I have nothing else to say fHFCFhBbjDc-00000-00000000-00000588 building a smart home on a budget DIY home automation tips as technology continues to evolve fHFCFhBbjDc-00001-00000588-00001080 Smart Homes are becoming increasingly popular but for many people the cost of building a smart fHFCFhBbjDc-00002-00001080-00001590 home can be prohibitive however there are ways to build a smart home on a budget and it all starts fHFCFhBbjDc-00003-00001590-00002112 with DIY home automation tips the first step in building a smart home on a budget is to focus on fHFCFhBbjDc-00004-00002112-00002574 the most important areas of your home for example you may want to start by automating your lighting fHFCFhBbjDc-00005-00002574-00003054 and thermostat these are two of the most basic and essential elements of a smart home and they can be fHFCFhBbjDc-00006-00003054-00003492 automated relatively easily and inexpensively one of the best ways to automate your lighting fHFCFhBbjDc-00007-00003492-00003936 and thermostat is through the use of smart bulbs and smart thermostats these devices can fHFCFhBbjDc-00008-00003936-00004350 be controlled through your smartphone or tablet and they allow you to control the lighting and fHFCFhBbjDc-00009-00004350-00004770 temperature of your home from anywhere another important aspect of building a smart home on a fHFCFhBbjDc-00010-00004770-00005280 budget is to focus on security this can be done by installing smart cameras and smart locks which fHFCFhBbjDc-00011-00005280-00005712 can be controlled through your smartphone or tablet these devices allow you to monitor your fHFCFhBbjDc-00012-00005712-00006198 home from anywhere in control who has access to your home an another great DIY home automation fHFCFhBbjDc-00013-00006198-00006702 tip is to use home automation hubs these devices allow you to control all of your smart devices fHFCFhBbjDc-00014-00006702-00007242 from one central location making it easier to manage and control your smart home finally it's fHFCFhBbjDc-00015-00007242-00007698 important to stay up to date on the latest home automation technology this can be done by reading fHFCFhBbjDc-00016-00007698-00008226 home automation blogs attending home automation conferences and following home automation experts fHFCFhBbjDc-00017-00008226-00008748 on social media in conclusion building a smart home on a budget is possible by focusing on the fHFCFhBbjDc-00018-00008748-00009228 most important areas of your home using smart bulbs and smart thermostats installing smart fHFCFhBbjDc-00019-00009228-00009690 cameras and smart locks using home automation hubs and staying up to date with the latest fHFCFhBbjDc-00020-00009690-00010242 home automation technology with these DIY home automation tips you can build a smart home on a fHFCFhBbjDc-00021-00010242-00010674 budget that fits your needs in your budget the future of living how smart home automation is fHFCFhBbjDc-00022-00010674-00011166 changing the way we live in the past the idea of a smart home seemed like something out of a science fHFCFhBbjDc-00023-00011166-00011700 fiction movie but today smart home technology is becoming increasingly accessible and affordable fHFCFhBbjDc-00024-00011700-00012120 and it's changing the way we live one of the biggest ways that that smart home automation fHFCFhBbjDc-00025-00012120-00012660 is changing the way we live is by making our homes more efficient smart thermostats for example can fHFCFhBbjDc-00026-00012660-00013091 learn our preferences and automatically adjust the temperature to our liking smart lights can fHFCFhBbjDc-00027-00013091-00013541 be controlled from our smartphones allowing us to turn them off and on remotely saving Energy fHFCFhBbjDc-00028-00013541-00014094 Smart home automation is also making our homes more secure smart locks and cameras allow us to fHFCFhBbjDc-00029-00014094-00014610 monitor our homes from anywhere and to control who has access to our homes this added security gives fHFCFhBbjDc-00030-00014610-00015066 homeowners peace of mind and a sense of control over their home environment smart home automation fHFCFhBbjDc-00031-00015066-00015522 is also making our homes more convenient with voice controlled assistance like Amazon's Alexa fHFCFhBbjDc-00032-00015522-00016044 and Google home we can control our smart devices with just our voice this makes it easy to control fHFCFhBbjDc-00033-00016044-00016518 our lights thermostat and other smart devices without having to physically interact with them fHFCFhBbjDc-00034-00016518-00016986 the future of living is becoming more and more connected and smart home automation is at the fHFCFhBbjDc-00035-00016986-00017472 Forefront of this change as technology continues to evolve we can expect to see more and more fHFCFhBbjDc-00036-00017472-00017982 smart home devices being developed making our homes more efficient more secure and more can fHFCFhBbjDc-00037-00017982-00018528 convenient in conclusion smart home automation is changing the way we live by making our homes more fHFCFhBbjDc-00038-00018528-00019080 efficient more secure and more convenient with the constant advancements in technology the future of fHFCFhBbjDc-00039-00019080-00019542 living is becoming more and more connected and smart home automation is leading the way the fHFCFhBbjDc-00040-00019542-00020064 benefits of smart home automation how technology is improving Our Lives smart home automation is fHFCFhBbjDc-00041-00020064-00020508 the integration of Technology into our homes to make our daily lives more convenient efficient fHFCFhBbjDc-00042-00020508-00021048 and secure this technology enables us to control and monitor our homes using smartphones voice fHFCFhBbjDc-00043-00021048-00021552 activated assistance and other devices making it easy to manage and control our home environment fHFCFhBbjDc-00044-00021552-00022104 the benefits of smart home automation are numerous and it is improving our lives in various ways one fHFCFhBbjDc-00045-00022104-00022632 of the biggest benefits of smart home automation is Energy Efficiency smart thermostats for example fHFCFhBbjDc-00046-00022632-00023052 can learn our preferences and automatically adjust the temperature to our liking smart fHFCFhBbjDc-00047-00023052-00023472 lights can be controlled from our smartphones allowing us to turn them off and on remotely fHFCFhBbjDc-00048-00023472-00023976 saving energy this not only saves US money on our energy bills but it also helps to reduce fHFCFhBbjDc-00049-00023976-00024528 our carbon footprint smart home automation is also making our homes more secure smart locks fHFCFhBbjDc-00050-00024528-00024954 and cameras allow us to monitor our homes from anywhere and to control who has access to our fHFCFhBbjDc-00051-00024954-00025404 homes this added security gives homeowners peace of mind and a sense of control over their home fHFCFhBbjDc-00052-00025404-00025914 environment smart home automation is also making our homes more convenient with voice controlled fHFCFhBbjDc-00053-00025914-00026358 assistance like Amazon's Alexa and Google home we can control our smart devices with fHFCFhBbjDc-00054-00026358-00026850 just our voice this makes it easy to control our lights thermostat and other smart devices fHFCFhBbjDc-00055-00026850-00027264 without having to physically interact with them this convenience allows us to focus on fHFCFhBbjDc-00056-00027264-00027816 other things making our lives more manageable in addition smart home automation is also making our fHFCFhBbjDc-00057-00027816-00028260 homes more accessible with the integration of Technology such as voice activated assistance fHFCFhBbjDc-00058-00028260-00028745 we can make our homes more accessible to people with disabilities allowing them to control their fHFCFhBbjDc-00059-00028745-00029244 environment with ease in conclusion smart home automation is improving Our Lives by making our fHFCFhBbjDc-00060-00029244-00029748 homes the benefits of smart home automation how technology is improving Our Lives smart fHFCFhBbjDc-00061-00029748-00030186 home automation is the integration of technology and to our homes to make our daily lives more fHFCFhBbjDc-00062-00030186-00030720 convenient efficient and secure this technology enables us to control and monitor our homes using fHFCFhBbjDc-00063-00030720-00031236 smartphones voice activated assistance and other devices making it easy to manage and control fHFCFhBbjDc-00064-00031236-00031698 our home environment the benefits of smart home automation are numerous and it is improving our fHOaihtS6XA-00000-00000403-00000453 Hi! fHOaihtS6XA-00001-00000453-00000774 I am Artem Pedchenko, I am 38 and I live in Kharkiv. fHOaihtS6XA-00002-00000774-00001175 I worked as a project manager at Oristel Company for the last six years. fHOaihtS6XA-00003-00001175-00001672 In this position, I was involved in the development of the software for real estate fHOaihtS6XA-00004-00001672-00001897 from scratch to commercial operation. fHOaihtS6XA-00005-00001897-00002360 My core responsibilities there were: doing up commercial assignments, identification fHOaihtS6XA-00006-00002360-00002727 of priority tasks and monitoring progress of the implementation, fHOaihtS6XA-00007-00002727-00003048 review and evaluate the results, conducting presentations of the program fHOaihtS6XA-00008-00003048-00003400 for the potential clients, and implementation of the program in real estate. fHOaihtS6XA-00009-00003400-00003761 During my work, I had to solve different difficult situations. fHOaihtS6XA-00010-00003761-00004122 For instance, once upon a time owner of the company decided to calculate fHOaihtS6XA-00011-00004122-00004446 how much time job of each person’s take. fHOaihtS6XA-00012-00004446-00004932 For this I started from audit current business process and analysis. fHOaihtS6XA-00013-00004932-00005317 I also made some interviews with personnel and data collections. fHOaihtS6XA-00014-00005317-00005697 Finally, I formalized all this information in the spreadsheet fHOaihtS6XA-00015-00005697-00006146 with exact action, time and pay rate for every action. fHOaihtS6XA-00016-00006146-00006753 So every employee could calculate himself how much he or she earned during the month. fHOaihtS6XA-00017-00006753-00006927 If you asked me what type of work I prefer, I will tell you that I could work in a team fHOaihtS6XA-00018-00006927-00007027 or alone. fHOaihtS6XA-00019-00007027-00007320 It depends on the type of task that I have to do. fHOaihtS6XA-00020-00007320-00007503 Nevertheless, I like to crunch numbers. fHOaihtS6XA-00021-00007503-00007795 I have to say some words about my online experience. fHOaihtS6XA-00022-00007795-00008543 I made wireframes for the future portal and filled it with content when the job was done. fHOaihtS6XA-00023-00008543-00008834 As people say man doesn't live his bread alone. fHOaihtS6XA-00024-00008834-00009338 So I also want to share some information about myself except work. fHOaihtS6XA-00025-00009338-00009697 I'm fond of reading and I like sports, especially calisthenics. fHOaihtS6XA-00026-00009697-00010047 My life principle is “under promise over deliver”. fHOaihtS6XA-00027-00010047-00010322 I am honest, creative and scrupulous. fHOaihtS6XA-00028-00010322-00010654 As far as I'm concerned, my weakness is pedantry. fHOaihtS6XA-00029-00010654-00010964 I have always been fascinated with receiving new knowledge, fHOaihtS6XA-00030-00010964-00011237 improve my English and advance my skills. fHOaihtS6XA-00031-00011237-00011882 For instance, last month I started to study the opportunities of the software fHOaihtS6XA-00032-00011882-00012058 for creating sites and the APIs. fHOaihtS6XA-00033-00012058-00012507 I am looking for a full time job or it could be a part-time one as well. fHOaihtS6XA-00034-00012507-00012715 Why should you choose me among other candidates? fHOaihtS6XA-00035-00012715-00013028 I am attentive to details with a strong sense of deadlines, fHOaihtS6XA-00036-00013028-00013306 know English and work with PC on a high level. fHOaihtS6XA-00037-00013306-00013517 Thank you for your attention! fLjff-b96fU-00000-00000032-00000396 WARNING: This video is not related to JzBoy's "Stickmen vs Terraria" main timeline and story (fanmade) therefore does not have any impact on it. This is a "What if", confirmation by the original author may be possible. Also, this is just a TEST. fpgpmtT45OY-00000-00000006-00000602 how to work from home and still get stuff done this is part one of a fpgpmtT45OY-00001-00000602-00001146 two-part series okay so you're planning on working from home but you got some fpgpmtT45OY-00002-00001146-00001533 concerns you got some concerns about what you're gonna get accomplished well fpgpmtT45OY-00003-00001533-00001919 you should because if you do this wrong you won't get much accomplished you fpgpmtT45OY-00004-00001919-00002259 won't get much stuff done now this video isn't just for somebody working from fpgpmtT45OY-00005-00002259-00002733 home it's for managers is for team leaders anybody who has to spend their fpgpmtT45OY-00006-00002733-00003105 working hours in their house and being productive you're gonna love this fpgpmtT45OY-00007-00003105-00003420 because you're gonna have some great things to help you out and become more fpgpmtT45OY-00008-00003420-00003896 productive and we're starting right now hey I'm J.R. Fisher or welcome to my fpgpmtT45OY-00009-00003896-00004446 channel I've been selling online since 2009 and I've sold millions of dollars fpgpmtT45OY-00010-00004446-00004842 of both digital and physical products and on this channel what I do is I share fpgpmtT45OY-00011-00004842-00005352 with you those tips tricks and techniques that will help you grow your fpgpmtT45OY-00012-00005352-00005696 online business or start one if you haven't done so already now are you fpgpmtT45OY-00013-00005696-00006114 working from home now are you thinking about working from home if you have some fpgpmtT45OY-00014-00006114-00006540 questions about it you have some issues to get some problems put it in the fpgpmtT45OY-00015-00006540-00006876 comments below I want to hear what you've got to say about working from fpgpmtT45OY-00016-00006876-00007329 home and having an online presence because that's basically what we do when fpgpmtT45OY-00017-00007329-00007673 we work from home we rarely have a notepad and pencil right we're all on fpgpmtT45OY-00018-00007673-00008072 the computer we're all hooked into the internet and there's some advantages and fpgpmtT45OY-00019-00008072-00008484 some disadvantages to that so let's talk about being more productive and what you fpgpmtT45OY-00020-00008484-00008934 can do now I also have a $97 ecommerce course it's fpgpmtT45OY-00021-00008934-00009282 absolutely free you can get it in the description below you just click and fpgpmtT45OY-00022-00009282-00009779 learn no credit card required in addition to that if you would please fpgpmtT45OY-00023-00009779-00010335 subscribe I would really appreciate it and cell notifications turn on the bail fpgpmtT45OY-00024-00010335-00010788 notifications and turn on all notifications so you get notified you're fpgpmtT45OY-00025-00010788-00011229 part of the Fisher family the VIP group that gets notified every single time I fpgpmtT45OY-00026-00011229-00011523 do these videos now keep in mind this is a fpgpmtT45OY-00027-00011523-00011997 two-part series so this is part number one you will want to go from this one fpgpmtT45OY-00028-00011997-00012405 and in the link but excuse me in the description below there's a link and you fpgpmtT45OY-00029-00012405-00012888 can click on part two and you can watch the second part you need to watch part fpgpmtT45OY-00030-00012888-00013254 two if you watch part one and don't skip to part two without seeing part one fpgpmtT45OY-00031-00013254-00013694 they're both necessary number one I would say is if you can do this it's fpgpmtT45OY-00032-00013694-00014043 really important build a permanent workspace if you have a permanent fpgpmtT45OY-00033-00014043-00014481 workspace it's already set up for you to work then it's not so difficult now this fpgpmtT45OY-00034-00014481-00014850 is my office at the house here I've got lights around here I got the camera here fpgpmtT45OY-00035-00014850-00015222 and all this stuff because I shoot mostly videos in this office here and fpgpmtT45OY-00036-00015222-00015522 it's my permanent workspace I'm not gonna come in here and watch movies or fpgpmtT45OY-00037-00015522-00015936 watch TV or play games or do anything else but it worked in here because this fpgpmtT45OY-00038-00015936-00016311 is my work environment so if you can set up an area of your house even if it's a fpgpmtT45OY-00039-00016311-00016713 desk in the corner something along those lines where you can actually work and fpgpmtT45OY-00040-00016713-00017034 get things done it's much better that you do that if you try to sit on your fpgpmtT45OY-00041-00017034-00017433 couch or your lounge chair and try to work there all day long it just it's not fpgpmtT45OY-00042-00017433-00017751 fitting of a work environment and I think you're gonna find it really hard fpgpmtT45OY-00043-00017751-00018054 to do now if you don't have the room that's what you got to do you work with fpgpmtT45OY-00044-00018054-00018537 what you got number two invest in quality technology fpgpmtT45OY-00045-00018537-00018966 just because you're at home that doesn't mean that you have to have poor quality fpgpmtT45OY-00046-00018966-00019398 technology try to have the best computer you can afford try to have the best fpgpmtT45OY-00047-00019398-00019887 lighting you can afford try to have good furnishings in your office your work fpgpmtT45OY-00048-00019887-00020211 space make sure you have great internet you know one of the most irritating fpgpmtT45OY-00049-00020211-00020658 things that people say when they work in offices even in businesses is that the fpgpmtT45OY-00050-00020658-00021057 Internet's too slow that they spend a lot of time waiting for the internet and fpgpmtT45OY-00051-00021057-00021333 when you do that that's downtime guys that's something you could accomplish fpgpmtT45OY-00052-00021333-00021828 more in if you didn't have to wait for the computer to load a screen so invest fpgpmtT45OY-00053-00021828-00022254 in that higher speed internet for your house even though it's a house Internet fpgpmtT45OY-00054-00022254-00022670 it's not going to be near what you need for a business we have a much advanced fpgpmtT45OY-00055-00022670-00023075 internet for our home because we know we're gonna need that extra bandwidth fpgpmtT45OY-00056-00023075-00023580 number three get comfortable office furniture if you're gonna be sitting all fpgpmtT45OY-00057-00023580-00024006 day long you want a chair that is really good it's ergonomic it's gonna be fpgpmtT45OY-00058-00024006-00024325 comfortable for you if you have a small little you know fpgpmtT45OY-00059-00024325-00024658 plastic chair that you're sitting in all day it's gonna be really hard for you to fpgpmtT45OY-00060-00024658-00025108 work I would say a desk and this is a really nice desk I have here but it's fpgpmtT45OY-00061-00025108-00025525 not necessary a desk doesn't matter that much but your chair really really does fpgpmtT45OY-00062-00025525-00025957 so you know get something that's gonna be comfortable now if you have a little fpgpmtT45OY-00063-00025957-00026302 bit of money try to decorate it the way you want you know get a comfortable fpgpmtT45OY-00064-00026302-00026611 office furniture but get stuff that looks nice something that's pleasing to fpgpmtT45OY-00065-00026611-00026944 you stuff that you're gonna look at it every day and feel good working in that fpgpmtT45OY-00066-00026944-00027264 environment if you can do that and you have the money for it that's another fpgpmtT45OY-00067-00027264-00027877 great investment number four set real work hours okay don't say when I get up fpgpmtT45OY-00068-00027877-00028225 I'm gonna go to work you actually have to set real work hours you know whether fpgpmtT45OY-00069-00028225-00028672 it's 9:00 to 5:00 or 10 to 4 or whatever it is understand that during that period fpgpmtT45OY-00070-00028672-00029052 of time you can't get up and just go watch a movie or go to the mall and walk fpgpmtT45OY-00071-00029052-00029370 around you can't do it those are your work hours those are the fpgpmtT45OY-00072-00029370-00029773 hours you're gonna work now that doesn't mean that you have to work 9:00 to 5:00 fpgpmtT45OY-00073-00029773-00030106 Monday through Friday because that's just not the case I know a lot of times fpgpmtT45OY-00074-00030106-00030382 when the weekends I'll end up working hours probably every week and I work fpgpmtT45OY-00075-00030382-00030864 some hours but the point is once I've set those work hours I don't do anything fpgpmtT45OY-00076-00030864-00031411 else in those work hours and blood work number 5 avoid work creep what's work fpgpmtT45OY-00077-00031411-00031845 week well a work creep can go to different ways work creep can creep into fpgpmtT45OY-00078-00031845-00032329 your personal time right work creep can let your personal time creep into your fpgpmtT45OY-00079-00032329-00032851 work so try to keep those separate if you say you're gonna work from 9:00 to fpgpmtT45OY-00080-00032851-00033268 6:00 whatever it is then just work from 9:00 to 6:00 then after six o'clock fpgpmtT45OY-00081-00033268-00033745 close the laptop don't work anymore now if you own your own business this may be fpgpmtT45OY-00082-00033745-00034195 a little harder to do I know it is for me because we have things that come up fpgpmtT45OY-00083-00034195-00034491 on the weekends and nights and they just they gotta get handled and that's just fpgpmtT45OY-00084-00034491-00034915 part of owning a business but the one thing I try not to do is let my personal fpgpmtT45OY-00085-00034915-00035401 life creep into my work life in other words I don't say hey you know I saw on fpgpmtT45OY-00086-00035401-00035725 the internet here there's this really cool movie I think I'm gonna run in the fpgpmtT45OY-00087-00035725-00035995 living room and watch this movie and then I'll come back and get some work fpgpmtT45OY-00088-00035995-00036295 done it never happens there never happens because I know I'm actually fpgpmtT45OY-00089-00036295-00036640 stealing from me then when you're watching a show I have nothing fpgpmtT45OY-00090-00036640-00036961 shows or TV shows but when you're watching that understand you're watching fpgpmtT45OY-00091-00036961-00037347 somebody else live their life instead of you living your life that's exactly what fpgpmtT45OY-00092-00037347-00037800 you're doing you're watching somebody act out they life okay and instead of fpgpmtT45OY-00093-00037800-00038311 just living your life so when you do that you want to keep that a limited fpgpmtT45OY-00094-00038311-00038650 amount of time because it's going to take away from your income and your work fpgpmtT45OY-00095-00038650-00039141 habits number six discover your productivity periods everybody's fpgpmtT45OY-00096-00039141-00039444 different you know some people work really well in the morning some people fpgpmtT45OY-00097-00039444-00039853 work really well at night I deal a lot with other internet marketers and some fpgpmtT45OY-00098-00039853-00040194 of these guys don't get up to lunch and they will start working but they'll fpgpmtT45OY-00099-00040194-00040506 work till 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and that's their productive times fpgpmtT45OY-00100-00040506-00041128 fortunately with the internet you can work anywhere you're the most productive fpgpmtT45OY-00101-00041128-00041413 to get stuff done if you're not a morning person fpgpmtT45OY-00102-00041413-00041713 don't try to get stuff done in the morning you know if you're a late night fpgpmtT45OY-00103-00041713-00042084 person you like working after midnight by all means you can certainly do that fpgpmtT45OY-00104-00042084-00042376 as long as you're not working for an employer that requires you to work at a fpgpmtT45OY-00105-00042376-00042841 certain time I have employees around the world that work for us and generally fpgpmtT45OY-00106-00042841-00043201 speaking unless we're having a meeting or something like that I don't care what fpgpmtT45OY-00107-00043201-00043561 they work it doesn't matter and I don't monitor that it doesn't matter to me fpgpmtT45OY-00108-00043561-00043891 because they're not answering phones they're not you know interacting with fpgpmtT45OY-00109-00043891-00044233 customers or anything like that when they're in a foreign country so I let fpgpmtT45OY-00110-00044233-00044551 them work their own schedule I think they appreciate that and it gives them fpgpmtT45OY-00111-00044551-00044824 time to have time with their family when they choose to do so fpgpmtT45OY-00112-00044824-00045409 number seven update your to-do list every single day certain days I have fpgpmtT45OY-00113-00045409-00045913 certain things I have to do like today is a Tuesday and today I have to shoot fpgpmtT45OY-00114-00045913-00046246 videos that's what I'm doing right now I'm shooting a video but yesterday I had fpgpmtT45OY-00115-00046246-00046609 to get scripts ready so that was on Monday so I know there's certain days I fpgpmtT45OY-00116-00046609-00046969 have to get certain things done tomorrow Wednesday and I have to start sending fpgpmtT45OY-00117-00046969-00047383 out emails for my Friday training so I will sit down and start writing those fpgpmtT45OY-00118-00047383-00047797 emails and getting those emails set up to go out to do the Friday training so fpgpmtT45OY-00119-00047797-00048250 every day has things I have to do and I update that to-do list based on what's fpgpmtT45OY-00120-00048250-00048862 gotten accomplished number eight stick to one project management app my apps fpgpmtT45OY-00121-00048862-00049243 are abundant now and there's so many good ones out there and I get it but you fpgpmtT45OY-00122-00049243-00049488 know when you are working on different projects fpgpmtT45OY-00123-00049488-00049750 you don't need different project management fpgpmtT45OY-00124-00049750-00050113 ah okay you can just get one app and use that one app when you have to switch fpgpmtT45OY-00125-00050113-00050512 from one platform to another constantly it's gonna eat up a lot of your time I fpgpmtT45OY-00126-00050512-00050881 would recommend you find one you like you can get asana you can get Basecamp fpgpmtT45OY-00127-00050881-00051271 there's somebody out there Trello there's so many ones out there that you fpgpmtT45OY-00128-00051271-00051775 could actually use just pick the one you like and use that one number nine don't fpgpmtT45OY-00129-00051775-00052345 work in your PJs okay it it really affects your mental attitude if you fpgpmtT45OY-00130-00052345-00052699 don't get up and get dressed every day you got it put clothes on that are fpgpmtT45OY-00131-00052699-00053140 appropriate for work okay some people will stay in their pajamas all day I fpgpmtT45OY-00132-00053140-00053452 think it's a tough way to work it's not something I would choose to do and I fpgpmtT45OY-00133-00053452-00053809 think mentally it affects the quality of your work when you're doing that too fpgpmtT45OY-00134-00053809-00054235 you're not really in the work mode so get up get dressed number 10 I fpgpmtT45OY-00135-00054235-00054583 originally put number 10 develop a morning routine but I get it some of you fpgpmtT45OY-00136-00054583-00054937 guys don't get up in the morning that's okay you don't have to but develop a fpgpmtT45OY-00137-00054937-00055387 routine so whenever you start your day whatever you're doing make sure you have fpgpmtT45OY-00138-00055387-00055891 a routine maybe your routine is when you first get to your desk your laptop or fpgpmtT45OY-00139-00055891-00056215 whatever you check all your emails for orders maybe you're getting orders or fpgpmtT45OY-00140-00056215-00056583 maybe you check him you know for any problems you have to take care of and fpgpmtT45OY-00141-00056583-00056991 then maybe at lunchtime you have to work on a website and maybe after that you've fpgpmtT45OY-00142-00056991-00057397 got to work with clients but have some type of routine that you do on a daily fpgpmtT45OY-00143-00057397-00057832 basis it can often change especially if you work for yourself I know mine fpgpmtT45OY-00144-00057832-00058333 changes but I do have a routine set up to where this is what I intend to do and fpgpmtT45OY-00145-00058333-00058810 if I have to make adjustments then I'll do it number 11 I'm not saying you got fpgpmtT45OY-00146-00058810-00059026 to get up early I'm not saying at all but set an alarm fpgpmtT45OY-00147-00059026-00059527 set an alarm so that you wake up at the same time every day have the same fpgpmtT45OY-00148-00059527-00059875 routine this is really important to getting things accomplished is having fpgpmtT45OY-00149-00059875-00060247 that routine and doing the same thing every day if you're in the military gosh fpgpmtT45OY-00150-00060247-00060613 they really make them get up early but they do it at the same time every single fpgpmtT45OY-00151-00060613-00060861 day they don't have them get up at 4 a.m. one day and the 9 fpgpmtT45OY-00152-00060861-00061299 the next and 5a and the next they wouldn't be as productive now I don't fpgpmtT45OY-00153-00061299-00061751 personally set alarm so I'm one of the few people don't because I can wake up fpgpmtT45OY-00154-00061751-00062102 pretty much at the same time every day that's not a problem for me but if you fpgpmtT45OY-00155-00062102-00062589 can't do that make sure you set your alarms so that you get up and work at fpgpmtT45OY-00156-00062589-00062930 the same time every day give yourself the same respect you would fpgpmtT45OY-00157-00062930-00063297 give a boss the boss is gonna expect you to be there at a certain time give fpgpmtT45OY-00158-00063297-00063762 yourself that same respect to because you are now your own boss number twelve fpgpmtT45OY-00159-00063762-00064208 oh my gosh this is a big one I see so many people screw this up exercise and fpgpmtT45OY-00160-00064208-00064635 stretch regularly so especially if you're sitting behind the computer it's fpgpmtT45OY-00161-00064635-00064986 easy to get stiff and uncomfortable and really sitting is not good for you fpgpmtT45OY-00162-00064986-00065414 sitting as they say the new smoking so you want to get up and walk around every fpgpmtT45OY-00163-00065414-00065772 now and then you want to get regular exercise this is a big killer if you fpgpmtT45OY-00164-00065772-00066225 work at home I've seen a lot of internet marketers get really really big because fpgpmtT45OY-00165-00066225-00066570 they don't really exercise they don't have to they're not walking around an fpgpmtT45OY-00166-00066570-00066924 office they're not walking around a building or warehouse or whatever so fpgpmtT45OY-00167-00066924-00067443 they literally get no exercise whatsoever you need to put exercise into fpgpmtT45OY-00168-00067443-00067958 your program number thirteen deep healthy hard to do okay when you are fpgpmtT45OY-00169-00067958-00068256 working at home you could pretty much eat anything you want if you want fpgpmtT45OY-00170-00068256-00068594 chocolate chip ice cream for lunch you could pretty much do that every day if fpgpmtT45OY-00171-00068594-00068931 you wanted wouldn't be a problem wouldn't be good for your health though fpgpmtT45OY-00172-00068931-00069344 so when you're thinking about planning your meals or whatever it is you know fpgpmtT45OY-00173-00069344-00069723 having a turkey sandwich is okay every now and then as opposed to having you fpgpmtT45OY-00174-00069723-00070050 know greasy burgers and fried chicken all the time try to throw in a salad fpgpmtT45OY-00175-00070050-00070413 every now and then try to throw in some vegetables eating healthy at home is fpgpmtT45OY-00176-00070413-00070860 super important because it's so easy not to number fourteen here's that here's fpgpmtT45OY-00177-00070860-00071426 the break you need take short breaks you don't have to work 9 to 6 all day long fpgpmtT45OY-00178-00071426-00071852 and never take a break that's not required of you matter of fact you'll be fpgpmtT45OY-00179-00071852-00072314 more productive if you get up every hour or two walk around for five minutes fpgpmtT45OY-00180-00072314-00072770 stretch your legs get a breath of fresh air do something different from sitting fpgpmtT45OY-00181-00072770-00073212 at that computer and sitting on your butt okay it's gonna stimulate your fpgpmtT45OY-00182-00073212-00073539 brain a little bit more and you'll be more productive so take short breaks as fpgpmtT45OY-00183-00073539-00073915 you would on a job you know the the state of California I live in fpgpmtT45OY-00184-00073915-00074251 California they require that you know individuals get breaks after a certain fpgpmtT45OY-00185-00074251-00074593 period of time make sure you respect yourself as much as the state of fpgpmtT45OY-00186-00074593-00075148 California respects the value of those workers okay take care of yourself so fpgpmtT45OY-00187-00075148-00075529 those are the first fourteen tips I have for you for working at home and getting fpgpmtT45OY-00188-00075529-00075901 stuff done this is video one of two there's another fpgpmtT45OY-00189-00075901-00076366 video after this I put the link in the description below make sure you click fpgpmtT45OY-00190-00076366-00076681 that link and see the second half you're going to want to do all those things too fpgpmtT45OY-00191-00076681-00077095 and I really appreciate you watching this video if you have not subscribed fpgpmtT45OY-00192-00077095-00077440 you need to do so right now before you go to the video go ahead and subscribe fpgpmtT45OY-00193-00077440-00077905 just hit the button it's easy go I'll wait you got it okay cool fpgpmtT45OY-00194-00077905-00078235 now you want to turn on all notifications I'll give you a second to fpgpmtT45OY-00195-00078235-00078505 do that you're gonna click that button and then you're gonna click the part fpgpmtT45OY-00196-00078505-00079027 that says turn on all notifications go ahead and do it I'll wait good you got fpgpmtT45OY-00197-00079027-00079390 it great now one more thing give me one of these I mean what does it cost you fpgpmtT45OY-00198-00079390-00079777 cost you nothing give me one of these give me a thumbs up there or one of fpgpmtT45OY-00199-00079777-00080122 these that cost you nothing either but give me something give me some feedback fpgpmtT45OY-00200-00080122-00080617 and in the comments put in the comments how you're productive at home or how you fpgpmtT45OY-00201-00080617-00080947 haven't been productive and the reason for it because you could help a lot of fpgpmtT45OY-00202-00080947-00081367 people out if you have any questions about this whatsoever put it in the fpgpmtT45OY-00203-00081367-00081772 comments below I'm here to help you and I like doing it I really appreciate your fpgpmtT45OY-00204-00081772-00082195 input thank you so much for watching this video and I'll see you in the next fpgpmtT45OY-00205-00082195-00082553 one fpgpmtT45OY-00206-00082553-00082957 forget to subscribe to my channel and fpgpmtT45OY-00207-00082957-00083555 notified every time I do a new video also click on one of those videos there fpgpmtT45OY-00208-00083555-00083875 watch my channel fpHR6AF5agk-00000-00000000-00000668 In this video we will show you how to clean the hearing aid. fpHR6AF5agk-00001-00000686-00001702 To clean the hearing aid, you unscrew the tubing from the hearing aid, by turning it anticlockwise. fpHR6AF5agk-00002-00001703-00003515 You then use the reusable cleaning wire. Push it through the end, keep pushing the wire until it comes out of the other side. fpHR6AF5agk-00003-00003515-00005513 You then push the wire through the dome. fpHR6AF5agk-00004-00005513-00006326 You then re-attach the tube by turning it clockwise into the hearing aid. fpHR6AF5agk-00005-00006326-00007152 If there is any debris left on the hearing aid or the dome, clean it using a tissue or wipe. fpHR6AF5agk-00006-00007158-00007995 It's best to clean one hearing aid at a time, so that the wires don't get mixed up. fpHR6AF5agk-00007-00007995-00008410 That is how you clean a hearing aid. fRSC2_Aq3LA-00026-00007862-00008666 the answer should be 114 fSdKQQGx5oA-00000-00000349-00000709 We deal with a lot of heat, so burns and slips. fSdKQQGx5oA-00001-00000709-00000912 The next one would probably be spillages. fSdKQQGx5oA-00002-00000912-00001227 So, obviously, it's quite a wet environment. fSdKQQGx5oA-00003-00001227-00001348 We do roast our own coffee, fSdKQQGx5oA-00004-00001348-00001584 so we do a lot of manual handling. fSdKQQGx5oA-00005-00001584-00001876 We move quite large volumes, tonnes of coffee a week. fSdKQQGx5oA-00006-00001876-00002091 So, really, it's just trip hazards, fSdKQQGx5oA-00007-00002091-00002300 customers leaving things in odd spots, fSdKQQGx5oA-00008-00002300-00002412 obviously, is a big one, fSdKQQGx5oA-00009-00002412-00002530 so people will leave their bag fSdKQQGx5oA-00010-00002530-00002674 maybe at the bottom of a table. fSdKQQGx5oA-00011-00002674-00002949 So, we've got a couple steps within the café, fSdKQQGx5oA-00012-00002949-00003186 and we've got some tape on that, some yellow tape. fSdKQQGx5oA-00013-00003186-00003490 I think, just anytime you deal with a high volume of people, fSdKQQGx5oA-00014-00003490-00003723 you're gonna be presented with some risks fSdKQQGx5oA-00015-00003723-00003944 that are not prepared for. fSdKQQGx5oA-00016-00003944-00004115 It is quite a fast-paced environment, fSdKQQGx5oA-00017-00004115-00004266 which tends to mean that you're quite aware fSdKQQGx5oA-00018-00004266-00004458 of what's around you at the time, fSdKQQGx5oA-00019-00004458-00004807 but the repetitiveness of making a thousand coffees a day, fSdKQQGx5oA-00020-00004807-00005077 the biggest thing that we notice is RSI fSdKQQGx5oA-00021-00005077-00005336 and baristas getting injuries within their wrists and stuff, fSdKQQGx5oA-00022-00005336-00005547 so it's more or less just rotating them in and out fSdKQQGx5oA-00023-00005547-00005684 of those positions to make sure that they're fSdKQQGx5oA-00024-00005684-00005848 not doing that same motion day-in, day-out, fSdKQQGx5oA-00025-00005848-00006003 every single day. fSdKQQGx5oA-00026-00006003-00006194 Your number one hazard, I would say, in any workplace fSdKQQGx5oA-00027-00006194-00006311 is the people you're working with fSdKQQGx5oA-00028-00006311-00006511 and knowing where they are, and around them. fSdKQQGx5oA-00029-00006511-00006731 I think if you go into any bar or café fSdKQQGx5oA-00030-00006731-00006880 you'll notice everyone says 'backs' fSdKQQGx5oA-00031-00006880-00006988 as they walk behind you. fSdKQQGx5oA-00032-00006988-00007440 A big hazard anywhere is people just not alerting you fSdKQQGx5oA-00033-00007440-00007676 to their presence, I guess, and fSdKQQGx5oA-00034-00007676-00007820 you turn around and you've got a bunch of hot coffees fSdKQQGx5oA-00035-00007820-00007985 and you walk into them. fSdKQQGx5oA-00036-00007985-00008212 I guess the main thing here is, so it would be fSdKQQGx5oA-00037-00008212-00008342 don't stop, and communicate, fSdKQQGx5oA-00038-00008342-00008535 make sure you're talking to the people around you. fSdKQQGx5oA-00039-00008535-00008752 October is National Safe Work Month. fSdKQQGx5oA-00040-00008752-00009037 Visit the website to find out how you can get involved. fSdKQQGx5oA-00041-00009037-00009212 Safety is everyone's business fSdKQQGx5oA-00042-00009212-00009628 and your knowledge and experiences are worth sharing. fSJEBwuWW2M-00000-00001058-00001776 Water and water management are very important to IRRI Nutrition for three fSJEBwuWW2M-00001-00001776-00002526 reasons so one of the approaches that we are trying to promote in IRRI Nutrition fSJEBwuWW2M-00002-00002526-00003215 is the integrated rice systems that means growing rice not just by itself fSJEBwuWW2M-00003-00003215-00003735 but rice together with other crops or rice together with fish. This is to fSJEBwuWW2M-00004-00003735-00004245 increase crop diversity and diet diversity which are essential for human fSJEBwuWW2M-00005-00004245-00004785 nutrition. Water of course is needed by the rice plant to grow and is needed by fSJEBwuWW2M-00006-00004785-00005328 the rice plant in order to absorb nutrients from the soil, so the quality fSJEBwuWW2M-00007-00005328-00005837 of the nutrients that are taken up by the rice plant, as well as the quality of fSJEBwuWW2M-00008-00005837-00006473 the nutrients that then lodge into the rice grain, are dependent in many ways fSJEBwuWW2M-00009-00006473-00007100 through that water system and the water that is in our rice fields. fSJEBwuWW2M-00010-00007100-00007881 Related to that is the work we are pursuing about safer rice because water fSJEBwuWW2M-00011-00007881-00008535 in the rice fields also carries with it heavy metals and heavy metals are not fSJEBwuWW2M-00012-00008535-00008764 safe for a human being. fTfBC8jYVPg-00000-00000685-00000819 Thank Safety First. fTfBC8jYVPg-00001-00000819-00001253 Hi, this is Rick Martens from Martens Manurigation fTfBC8jYVPg-00002-00001253-00001696 and thanks for previewing these safety tips. Remembered, fTfBC8jYVPg-00003-00001696-00002191 safety is an ongoing program, don't take things for granted, fTfBC8jYVPg-00004-00002191-00002539 receive regular training, review and update fTfBC8jYVPg-00005-00002539-00002905 equipment regularly. If you build it keep it safe. fTfBC8jYVPg-00006-00002905-00003288 Monitor fatigue, keep an eye on stress, fTfBC8jYVPg-00007-00003288-00003696 and don't forget the day-to-day safety equipment. Alertness: fTfBC8jYVPg-00008-00003696-00004204 always be aware of what's going on around you, use your safety glasses, fTfBC8jYVPg-00009-00004204-00004610 protective clothing, and gloves, and of course, fTfBC8jYVPg-00010-00004610-00005134 always use your hearing protection. Thank you for your attention and have a safe fTfBC8jYVPg-00011-00005134-00005343 and healthy year. Goodbye. fTs-fvGzj6c-00000-00000000-00000158 Triple sugar iron. fTs-fvGzj6c-00001-00000158-00000622 Triple Sugar Iron, TSI, is a multi-test medium. fTs-fvGzj6c-00002-00000623-00000873 The medium indicates whether an organism fTs-fvGzj6c-00003-00000873-00001282 can ferment any 1 or more of 3 sugars. fTs-fvGzj6c-00004-00001282-00001495 Lactose, sucrose, and glucose. fTs-fvGzj6c-00005-00001495-00001982 It can also detect the production of H2S and gas. fTs-fvGzj6c-00006-00002099-00002573 Use an 18 to 24 hour pure culture as the inoculum source. fTs-fvGzj6c-00007-00002573-00003052 Pick a single colony using an inoculating wire. fTs-fvGzj6c-00008-00003052-00003490 Make 1 stab down the center of the medium fTs-fvGzj6c-00009-00003490-00003791 to within 2 millimeters of the bottom. fTs-fvGzj6c-00010-00003791-00004221 Then streak the surface of the slant in a zig-zag fashion. fTs-fvGzj6c-00011-00004221-00004482 Loosen the caps of the tubes fTs-fvGzj6c-00012-00004482-00004659 prior to incubation. fTs-fvGzj6c-00013-00004659-00004975 Incubate the tubes for 18 - 24 hours fTs-fvGzj6c-00014-00004975-00005400 at 35¡ celcius in an aerobic incubator. fXU93gmpGGo-00000-00000099-00000332 And we're going to learn three things. fXU93gmpGGo-00001-00000332-00000672 First of all, looking at this power plant, we're going to fXU93gmpGGo-00002-00000672-00000936 learn how a power plant works. fXU93gmpGGo-00003-00000936-00001438 Basically how we burn coal or oil or natural gas and fXU93gmpGGo-00004-00001438-00001645 generate electricity. fXU93gmpGGo-00005-00001645-00001986 Second thing we're going to learn is about the efficiency fXU93gmpGGo-00006-00001986-00002237 of each of these devices. fXU93gmpGGo-00007-00002237-00002603 And the third thing that we're going to learn is when three fXU93gmpGGo-00008-00002603-00003074 devices are combined together, the boiler, the turbine, and fXU93gmpGGo-00009-00003074-00003648 generator, how the efficiency drops, cumulative efficiency. fXU93gmpGGo-00010-00003648-00003938 So this is the part that is called the generator, what fXU93gmpGGo-00011-00003938-00004124 generates the electricity. fXU93gmpGGo-00012-00004124-00004648 Electricity generation is a simple operation. fXU93gmpGGo-00013-00004648-00004980 If you look at the physics, it's very simple. fXU93gmpGGo-00014-00004980-00005289 We need a magnet, we have a magnet here. fXU93gmpGGo-00015-00005289-00005532 The red one is a magnet. fXU93gmpGGo-00016-00005532-00005903 And we need a copper wire, or a conductor, basically. fXU93gmpGGo-00017-00005903-00006224 A conductor is inside here, which is fXU93gmpGGo-00018-00006224-00006459 wound around this armature. fXU93gmpGGo-00019-00006459-00006956 And this copper wire, when it turns in the magnetic field, fXU93gmpGGo-00020-00006956-00007054 you get electricity. fXU93gmpGGo-00021-00007054-00007231 Let's see. fXU93gmpGGo-00022-00007231-00007683 If you turn this, actually the bulb is not turning on. fXU93gmpGGo-00023-00007683-00008020 The reason is we don't have enough energy here, or the fXU93gmpGGo-00024-00008020-00008116 speed is not enough. fXU93gmpGGo-00025-00008116-00008397 Let's look at this again. fXU93gmpGGo-00026-00008397-00008899 It goes, which means that if we are able to somehow turn fXU93gmpGGo-00027-00008899-00009174 this armature in the magnetic field, you can generate fXU93gmpGGo-00028-00009174-00009292 electricity. fXU93gmpGGo-00029-00009292-00009546 There are two ways in which you can generate electricity. fXU93gmpGGo-00030-00009546-00009880 You can go to the power plant and keep on turning this when fXU93gmpGGo-00031-00009880-00010402 we don't need any coal or oil natural gas, or we could use fXU93gmpGGo-00032-00010402-00011054 some other way to turn this armature. fXU93gmpGGo-00033-00011054-00011261 That's what I'm choosing here. fXU93gmpGGo-00034-00011261-00011765 I'm using steam to turn this generator. fXU93gmpGGo-00035-00011765-00012080 So to generate steam, we need a fuel. fXU93gmpGGo-00036-00012080-00012456 So we have a fuel that we are going to burn and fXU93gmpGGo-00037-00012456-00012610 generate the steam. fXU93gmpGGo-00038-00012974-00013328 And this boiler is filled with water. fXU93gmpGGo-00039-00013328-00013786 Normally this is supposed to be full with water. fXU93gmpGGo-00040-00013786-00014253 And that's what we're going to do, we're going fXU93gmpGGo-00041-00014253-00014379 fill this with water. fXU93gmpGGo-00042-00014730-00015771 And once it is full we can start the fire. fXU93gmpGGo-00043-00015771-00016076 This is closed. fXU93gmpGGo-00044-00016076-00016745 Now I'm going to light this fuel. fXU93gmpGGo-00045-00016745-00016980 All right, we're lighting the fuel here. fXU93gmpGGo-00046-00016980-00017623 This is camp cook fuel, methenamine, smokeless fuel. fXU93gmpGGo-00047-00017623-00018079 As you can see, it's a little difficult to get fXU93gmpGGo-00048-00018079-00018364 it going, the fire. fXU93gmpGGo-00049-00018364-00019309 But once it burns this is the place where you would be using fXU93gmpGGo-00050-00019309-00019713 coal or oil or natural gas. fXU93gmpGGo-00051-00019713-00019919 So I'm sticking it into this boiler. fXU93gmpGGo-00052-00019919-00020562 So now the fire is inside and it is boiling this water. fXU93gmpGGo-00053-00020562-00020810 This water boils and turns into steam. fXU93gmpGGo-00054-00020810-00021136 I'm going to close this valve to make sure that the pressure fXU93gmpGGo-00055-00021136-00021741 inside is built up to a level that it can turn this turbine. fXU93gmpGGo-00056-00021741-00022180 And when this boiler really burns coal or oil natural gas, fXU93gmpGGo-00057-00022180-00022743 the combustion gasses, which consists of carbon dioxide, fXU93gmpGGo-00058-00022743-00023031 carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, all fXU93gmpGGo-00059-00023031-00023294 of them, go through this stack. fXU93gmpGGo-00060-00023294-00023586 This is where most of the pollution goes out when you fXU93gmpGGo-00061-00023586-00023747 burn the fossil fuels. fXU93gmpGGo-00062-00023747-00024274 And the steam goes through this pipe and then turns this fXU93gmpGGo-00063-00024274-00024450 turbine, like an engine. fXU93gmpGGo-00064-00024450-00024909 And when this turbine turns, you turn the generator. fXU93gmpGGo-00065-00024909-00025295 I'm going to turn this one now to your side so that you can fXU93gmpGGo-00066-00025295-00025701 see the fire inside the boiler here. fXU93gmpGGo-00067-00026169-00026355 So you can see the fire inside the boiler. fXU93gmpGGo-00068-00026355-00026457 So it is lighting up. fXU93gmpGGo-00069-00026457-00026845 The fire is turning, slowly, this water into steam. fXU93gmpGGo-00070-00026845-00027087 There is a glass here through which you fXU93gmpGGo-00071-00027087-00027214 can see level, actually. fXU93gmpGGo-00072-00027214-00027658 In a power plant the operators monitor the water level. fXU93gmpGGo-00073-00027658-00027995 If the water level goes too low it's dangerous. fXU93gmpGGo-00074-00027995-00028151 You're running the boiler dry. fXU93gmpGGo-00075-00028151-00028462 If the water level is too high, again, there's not fXU93gmpGGo-00076-00028462-00028813 enough room for this steam to be there. fXU93gmpGGo-00077-00028813-00029826 So once the pressure is built, we can see how that steam fXU93gmpGGo-00078-00029826-00030042 turns the turbine. fXU93gmpGGo-00079-00030042-00030357 There are two things that we want to learn from here. fXU93gmpGGo-00080-00030357-00030585 One side is this pollution that-- fXU93gmpGGo-00081-00030585-00030944 In the next chapter we'll be talking about how much of fXU93gmpGGo-00082-00030944-00031280 these gases are going into the atmosphere and creating fXU93gmpGGo-00083-00031280-00031752 problems for us like global warming, acid rain, and ozone fXU93gmpGGo-00084-00031752-00032063 formation at the ground level, and so on. fXU93gmpGGo-00085-00032063-00032298 The second pollution that you normally see from a power fXU93gmpGGo-00086-00032298-00032787 plant is, not all the energy that we are putting into the fXU93gmpGGo-00087-00032787-00033152 steam, really, is used to turn the turbine. fXU93gmpGGo-00088-00033152-00033526 You can always see from here, when it is turning, more than fXU93gmpGGo-00089-00033526-00033906 half of the energy comes out in the form of steam that is fXU93gmpGGo-00090-00033906-00034101 going out like in a car. fXU93gmpGGo-00091-00034101-00034485 You see the tailpipe gases coming out. fXU93gmpGGo-00092-00035340-00035790 The light is going really good. fXU93gmpGGo-00093-00035790-00036218 The bulb is turning on, and it's turning at high speed. fXU93gmpGGo-00094-00036218-00036540 And this is where the energy is, actually the steam is fXU93gmpGGo-00095-00036540-00036665 coming out. fXU93gmpGGo-00096-00037305-00037673 It's really hot here, so you can see the water, actually, fXU93gmpGGo-00097-00037673-00037921 condensing on my hand. fXU93gmpGGo-00098-00037921-00038379 This is where half of the energy is going out, what fXU93gmpGGo-00099-00038379-00038498 we're putting in. fXU93gmpGGo-00100-00038498-00038914 So the efficiency of this power plant is only 35%. fXU93gmpGGo-00101-00038914-00039694 90% of what we put in is coming in to the turbine here, fXU93gmpGGo-00102-00039694-00040212 and this turbine is putting out only 40% of this 90%, fXU93gmpGGo-00103-00040212-00040706 which is about 36 units, and this generator is turning that fXU93gmpGGo-00104-00040706-00040906 into about 35 units of electricity. fXU93gmpGGo-00105-00040906-00041256 So overall, when we start our business with 100, we're fXU93gmpGGo-00106-00041256-00041574 coming out with 35 units of electricity. fXU93gmpGGo-00107-00041574-00041863 So the overall efficiency is only 35% fYi-vbDee1o-00000-00000010-00000216 WITH AJ FELDMAN. fYi-vbDee1o-00001-00000216-00000223 WITH AJ FELDMAN. fYi-vbDee1o-00002-00000223-00000283 WITH AJ FELDMAN. >> ARROW THE BEMID fYi-vbDee1o-00003-00000283-00000290 WITH AJ FELDMAN. >> ARROW THE BEMID fYi-vbDee1o-00004-00000290-00000350 WITH AJ FELDMAN. >> ARROW THE BEMID IN GIRWES SETCCER fYi-vbDee1o-00005-00000350-00000357 >> ARROW THE BEMID IN GIRWES SETCCER fYi-vbDee1o-00006-00000357-00000537 >> ARROW THE BEMID IN GIRWES SETCCER TEAM IS NO STRANGER TO EAST fYi-vbDee1o-00007-00000537-00000543 IN GIRWES SETCCER TEAM IS NO STRANGER TO EAST fYi-vbDee1o-00008-00000543-00000643 IN GIRWES SETCCER TEAM IS NO STRANGER TO EAST GRAND FORKS. fYi-vbDee1o-00009-00000643-00000650 TEAM IS NO STRANGER TO EAST GRAND FORKS. fYi-vbDee1o-00010-00000650-00000767 TEAM IS NO STRANGER TO EAST GRAND FORKS. LAST YEAR IN THE REGULAR SEASOP fYi-vbDee1o-00011-00000767-00000774 GRAND FORKS. LAST YEAR IN THE REGULAR SEASOP fYi-vbDee1o-00012-00000774-00000954 GRAND FORKS. LAST YEAR IN THE REGULAR SEASOP THENG,ACAND N FELL 2 TO 1 IN fYi-vbDee1o-00013-00000954-00000960 LAST YEAR IN THE REGULAR SEASOP THENG,ACAND N FELL 2 TO 1 IN fYi-vbDee1o-00014-00000960-00001184 LAST YEAR IN THE REGULAR SEASOP THENG,ACAND N FELL 2 TO 1 IN OVERTIME, AND IN THE SECTION fYi-vbDee1o-00015-00001184-00001191 THENG,ACAND N FELL 2 TO 1 IN OVERTIME, AND IN THE SECTION fYi-vbDee1o-00016-00001191-00001287 THENG,ACAND N FELL 2 TO 1 IN OVERTIME, AND IN THE SECTION CHRROW PIONSHIP GRROW POINT BEMD fYi-vbDee1o-00017-00001287-00001294 OVERTIME, AND IN THE SECTION CHRROW PIONSHIP GRROW POINT BEMD fYi-vbDee1o-00018-00001294-00001347 OVERTIME, AND IN THE SECTION CHRROW PIONSHIP GRROW POINT BEMD IN GOT fYi-vbDee1o-00019-00001347-00001354 CHRROW PIONSHIP GRROW POINT BEMD IN GOT fYi-vbDee1o-00020-00001354-00001504 CHRROW PIONSHIP GRROW POINT BEMD IN GOT THEIR REVENGE HEADING TO STATE fYi-vbDee1o-00021-00001504-00001511 IN GOT THEIR REVENGE HEADING TO STATE fYi-vbDee1o-00022-00001511-00001641 IN GOT THEIR REVENGE HEADING TO STATE WINNING BY THE SAME SCORE IN fYi-vbDee1o-00023-00001641-00001648 THEIR REVENGE HEADING TO STATE WINNING BY THE SAME SCORE IN fYi-vbDee1o-00024-00001648-00001908 THEIR REVENGE HEADING TO STATE WINNING BY THE SAME SCORE IN OVERTIME, AND TONIGHT THEY MET fYi-vbDee1o-00025-00001908-00001915 WINNING BY THE SAME SCORE IN OVERTIME, AND TONIGHT THEY MET fYi-vbDee1o-00026-00001915-00001948 WINNING BY THE SAME SCORE IN OVERTIME, AND TONIGHT THEY MET AGAIN. fYi-vbDee1o-00027-00001948-00001955 OVERTIME, AND TONIGHT THEY MET AGAIN. fYi-vbDee1o-00028-00001955-00002112 OVERTIME, AND TONIGHT THEY MET AGAIN. THE RIVALRY CONTINUES. fYi-vbDee1o-00029-00002112-00002118 AGAIN. THE RIVALRY CONTINUES. fYi-vbDee1o-00030-00002118-00002282 AGAIN. THE RIVALRY CONTINUES. BEMIDJI LOOKING FOR THEIR FOURTH fYi-vbDee1o-00031-00002282-00002288 THE RIVALRY CONTINUES. BEMIDJI LOOKING FOR THEIR FOURTH fYi-vbDee1o-00032-00002288-00002435 THE RIVALRY CONTINUES. BEMIDJI LOOKING FOR THEIR FOURTH WIN IN A ROW TO START OFF THE fYi-vbDee1o-00033-00002435-00002442 BEMIDJI LOOKING FOR THEIR FOURTH WIN IN A ROW TO START OFF THE fYi-vbDee1o-00034-00002442-00002489 BEMIDJI LOOKING FOR THEIR FOURTH WIN IN A ROW TO START OFF THE SEASON. fYi-vbDee1o-00035-00002489-00002495 WIN IN A ROW TO START OFF THE SEASON. fYi-vbDee1o-00036-00002495-00002665 WIN IN A ROW TO START OFF THE SEASON. IN THE FOURTH MINUTE, RILEY fYi-vbDee1o-00037-00002665-00002672 SEASON. IN THE FOURTH MINUTE, RILEY fYi-vbDee1o-00038-00002672-00002826 SEASON. IN THE FOURTH MINUTE, RILEY SENDS THE FREE KICK ILTI fYi-vbDee1o-00039-00002826-00002832 IN THE FOURTH MINUTE, RILEY SENDS THE FREE KICK ILTI fYi-vbDee1o-00040-00002832-00002972 IN THE FOURTH MINUTE, RILEY SENDS THE FREE KICK ILTI SHND WS RIGHT THERE TO HEAD IT N fYi-vbDee1o-00041-00002972-00002979 SENDS THE FREE KICK ILTI SHND WS RIGHT THERE TO HEAD IT N fYi-vbDee1o-00042-00002979-00003086 SENDS THE FREE KICK ILTI SHND WS RIGHT THERE TO HEAD IT N FOR THE GOAL. fYi-vbDee1o-00043-00003086-00003093 SHND WS RIGHT THERE TO HEAD IT N FOR THE GOAL. fYi-vbDee1o-00044-00003093-00003276 SHND WS RIGHT THERE TO HEAD IT N FOR THE GOAL. EAST GRAND FORAND N UP 1 TO fYi-vbDee1o-00045-00003276-00003283 FOR THE GOAL. EAST GRAND FORAND N UP 1 TO fYi-vbDee1o-00046-00003283-00003353 FOR THE GOAL. EAST GRAND FORAND N UP 1 TO NOTHING. fYi-vbDee1o-00047-00003353-00003360 EAST GRAND FORAND N UP 1 TO NOTHING. fYi-vbDee1o-00048-00003360-00003556 EAST GRAND FORAND N UP 1 TO NOTHING. THE LUMBERJACKS WOULD ANSWER. fYi-vbDee1o-00049-00003556-00003563 NOTHING. THE LUMBERJACKS WOULD ANSWER. fYi-vbDee1o-00050-00003563-00003767 NOTHING. THE LUMBERJACKS WOULD ANSWER. LINDSEY WITH THE AGGRESSIVE RUN, fYi-vbDee1o-00051-00003767-00003773 THE LUMBERJACKS WOULD ANSWER. LINDSEY WITH THE AGGRESSIVE RUN, fYi-vbDee1o-00052-00003773-00003933 THE LUMBERJACKS WOULD ANSWER. LINDSEY WITH THE AGGRESSIVE RUN, TIES IT UP AT ONE. fYi-vbDee1o-00053-00003933-00003940 LINDSEY WITH THE AGGRESSIVE RUN, TIES IT UP AT ONE. fYi-vbDee1o-00054-00003940-00004204 LINDSEY WITH THE AGGRESSIVE RUN, TIES IT UP AT ONE. STIL fYi-vbDee1o-00055-00004204-00004397 DEAN STOPS ONE, GETS IT BY THE fYi-vbDee1o-00056-00004397-00004404 DEAN STOPS ONE, GETS IT BY THE fYi-vbDee1o-00057-00004404-00004461 DEAN STOPS ONE, GETS IT BY THE KEEPER. fYi-vbDee1o-00058-00004461-00004467 DEAN STOPS ONE, GETS IT BY THE KEEPER. fYi-vbDee1o-00059-00004467-00004601 DEAN STOPS ONE, GETS IT BY THE KEEPER. THE GREEN WAVPOINT THEY WOULD TE fYi-vbDee1o-00060-00004601-00004607 KEEPER. THE GREEN WAVPOINT THEY WOULD TE fYi-vbDee1o-00061-00004607-00004701 KEEPER. THE GREEN WAVPOINT THEY WOULD TE THE LEAD 3 TO 2. fYi-vbDee1o-00062-00004701-00004708 THE GREEN WAVPOINT THEY WOULD TE THE LEAD 3 TO 2. fYi-vbDee1o-00063-00004708-00004914 THE GREEN WAVPOINT THEY WOULD TE THE LEAD 3 TO 2. BUT A GOAL BY DEAN AND ANOTHER fZ5uBUs6Xzg-00000-00000229-00000931 video arcade fdgRBIc3Hlc-00000-00000754-00001191 My favorite teacher, and it's tough to choose because they're all so great, my fdgRBIc3Hlc-00001-00001191-00001408 favorite teacher was Bill Hetrick. fdgRBIc3Hlc-00002-00001408-00001639 He was my eighth grade English teacher. fdgRBIc3Hlc-00003-00001639-00002334 He was an eccentric man, a hard teacher, demanded a lot of us, a little cold and fdgRBIc3Hlc-00004-00002334-00002436 distant. fdgRBIc3Hlc-00005-00002436-00002991 But he was a real lover of poetry and he brought poetry to life for fdgRBIc3Hlc-00006-00002991-00003184 us, and challenged us. fdgRBIc3Hlc-00007-00003184-00003422 And up to that point growing up in a Mexican-American fdgRBIc3Hlc-00008-00003422-00003850 family, I had been socialized to think of poetry as something that was only for fdgRBIc3Hlc-00009-00003850-00003950 girls. fdgRBIc3Hlc-00010-00003950-00004350 I was a boy, science fiction, adventure, fantasy, that kind of stuff you fdgRBIc3Hlc-00011-00004350-00004450 know, fdgRBIc3Hlc-00012-00004450-00004671 pirates and monsters. fdgRBIc3Hlc-00013-00004671-00004956 And he really kind of pulled the lid back off of fdgRBIc3Hlc-00014-00004956-00005428 poetry for me and helped me to understand just how amazing and fdgRBIc3Hlc-00015-00005428-00005809 beautiful and complex and powerful it was. fdgRBIc3Hlc-00016-00005809-00005971 And it just set me on this path that fdgRBIc3Hlc-00017-00005971-00006405 made me want to be a poet and it made me want to help other people to understand fdgRBIc3Hlc-00018-00006405-00006575 the importance of poetry. fdgRBIc3Hlc-00019-00006575-00006966 So if I had to choose one teacher who had will who fdgRBIc3Hlc-00020-00006966-00007192 really shaped my future it would be Bill Hetrick. fdCxHZxnrou-00000-00000600-00000662 Fin! fdCxHZxnrou-00001-00000662-00000862 You shut your little whore mouth! fdCxHZxnrou-00002-00002162-00002362 including the ones we don't care about fdCxHZxnrou-00003-00002362-00002562 there are almost 200 wonderous nation cats fdCxHZxnrou-00004-00002902-00003102 these are the G8 pussies! fdCxHZxnrou-00005-00003641-00003841 You know it's always sunny when I'm around! fdCxHZxnrou-00006-00003919-00004119 Mehh "you know it's always sunny when I'm around" fdCxHZxnrou-00007-00004720-00005036 Guess what, dude? My awesome boss totally hates your lameass boss, fdCxHZxnrou-00008-00005036-00005309 so he really wants to beat your McLoser boss in everything. fdCxHZxnrou-00009-00005845-00006118 If you actually have friends and aren't just fooling yourself fdCxHZxnrou-00010-00006613-00006982 In the desert they were able to travel over 25km per day. fdCxHZxnrou-00011-00006982-00007116 No conversions America! fdCxHZxnrou-00012-00007116-00007200 Learn metric. fdCxHZxnrou-00013-00007476-00007837 Italy went to Africa bc who knows, and you don't really care. fdCxHZxnrou-00014-00008674-00008874 Flattery will get you nowhere! fdCxHZxnrou-00015-00008874-00009074 If we keep looking at each other, maybe he'll go away. fdCxHZxnrou-00016-00009546-00009845 Why, I'm so strong, I even defeated scary Sweden! fdCxHZxnrou-00017-00009845-00009988 I lost my meatballs :( fdCxHZxnrou-00018-00010304-00010402 Russia! I would never! fdCxHZxnrou-00019-00010402-00010552 I mean, unless you ask me too ;) fdCxHZxnrou-00020-00010552-00010662 Do not touch me :) fdCxHZxnrou-00021-00011339-00011716 I don't know what you mean. And how on earth could you consider cockiness a very good trait? fdCxHZxnrou-00022-00011716-00011962 The c*ck brings with it free spirit and boldness fdCxHZxnrou-00023-00012379-00012766 And he's been like staying with Mr Britain even since Britain totally kicked China's ass fdCxHZxnrou-00024-00013452-00013652 Didn't you know that you're my brother? fdCxHZxnrou-00025-00013696-00013848 Britain! I'm hungry! fdCxHZxnrou-00026-00013848-00014048 Stick some food in my face hole! fdCxHZxnrou-00027-00014605-00014886 It seems Canada is a symbol of happiness fdCxHZxnrou-00028-00014886-00015086 they do have a pretty hot prime minister fdCxHZxnrou-00029-00015716-00015873 By someone who could TCB (take care of business) fdCxHZxnrou-00030-00015873-00015990 Grandpa! fdCxHZxnrou-00031-00015990-00016190 Known as SEXY grandoa rome fdCxHZxnrou-00032-00016500-00016700 My boss said I had to live wirh him fdCxHZxnrou-00033-00016776-00016897 Your face hurts me. fdCxHZxnrou-00034-00017155-00017355 -whole lot of work cleaning that stuff up fdCxHZxnrou-00035-00017355-00017425 *random ass scream fdCxHZxnrou-00036-00017578-00017687 hoooorse (but in a really weird way) fdCxHZxnrou-00037-00018121-00018321 The winners will receive prizes like a car fdCxHZxnrou-00038-00018321-00018521 and other crap I didn't need anymore! fdCxHZxnrou-00039-00018861-00019061 Give me candy or I'll play a trick! fdCxHZxnrou-00040-00019061-00019261 Hwllo! I'm candy! feEiVA-JV3U-00000-00000500-00001000 It was easy to bring [young] people together through football, but challenges would arise once you mentioned the need to save. feEiVA-JV3U-00001-00001000-00001500 Some would argue that that they didn’t have a job and so didn’t have a stable source of income which would allow them to save. feEiVA-JV3U-00002-00001500-00002000 Others thought that their money would get lost in projects that wouldn’t benefit them directly. feEiVA-JV3U-00003-00002000-00002500 And others didn’t see the need to unite in saving because they would later inherit assets from their parents or grandparents. feEiVA-JV3U-00004-00002500-00003000 Many of the youths found it a challenge to contribute twenty shillings – feEiVA-JV3U-00005-00003000-00003500 it was a little amount which would take time to mature to a substantial amount that could even build a house. feEiVA-JV3U-00006-00003500-00004000 They wanted to carry out other activities that would give them a much greater amount of money, feEiVA-JV3U-00007-00004000-00004500 and so bringing them together proved to be a great challenge. feEiVA-JV3U-00008-00004500-00005000 Secondly, it was a challenge to bring them together for the usual meetings, feEiVA-JV3U-00009-00005000-00005500 because if they weren’t given money afterwards, they wouldn’t turn up the next meeting. feEiVA-JV3U-00010-00005500-00006000 They wanted the easy way through things. Still today, most youths want to have it easy. feEiVA-JV3U-00011-00006000-00006500 If you give them 200sh they will quickly take it for themselves, feEiVA-JV3U-00012-00006500-00007000 but if you have nothing to give them, they won’t attend the meetings. feEiVA-JV3U-00013-00007000-00007500 This was one of the challenges, and it continues to be a challenge in the community. feEiVA-JV3U-00014-00007500-00008000 One of the lessons I have learnt is that patience pays, and once you are patient you are bound to thrive. feEiVA-JV3U-00015-00008000-00008500 There are people that have really been patient for a long time and in the long run it has paid off. feEiVA-JV3U-00016-00008500-00009000 For me, I have been patient in what I do. feEiVA-JV3U-00017-00009000-00009500 Take, for example the work I do: I don’t get paid for it, but in turn it is rewarding. feEiVA-JV3U-00018-00009500-00010000 Now, my life has now changed and I feel that indeed I have learnt a lot. feEiVA-JV3U-00019-00010000-00010500 Also, there are other youths that have also gained a lot through me. feEiVA-JV3U-00020-00010500-00011000 This has made me discover my own ability to bring people together for the purpose of changing lives. feEiVA-JV3U-00021-00011000-00011500 Up to now this motivates me, and I am not about to quit this anytime soon. feEiVA-JV3U-00022-00011500-00012000 I will keep bringing people together to generate more ideas that will benefit society and the coming generations. feEiVA-JV3U-00023-00012000-00012500 I have discovered that we have the potential and the resources: if we can just say that we possess the potential, then we can change our lives. fhUaoyi4g_Y-00000-00000000-00000200 Marble Run Race fjB_ozLSRs8-00000-00000011-00000474 8 B-List Celebs Who Are Jerks (And 7 Who Are Sweethearts). fjB_ozLSRs8-00001-00000474-00000936 B-Listers – where would our celebrity-obsessed culture be without them? fjB_ozLSRs8-00002-00000936-00001530 Not as idealized or untouchable as the A-list elite, they seem a little closer to reality, fjB_ozLSRs8-00003-00001530-00001795 a little closer to… us. fjB_ozLSRs8-00004-00001795-00002348 When it comes to who ends up as a jerk or a sweetheart, fame can play a number of roles. fjB_ozLSRs8-00005-00002348-00002920 Some of the celebs on our list actually made it to the top of their game – at one time, fjB_ozLSRs8-00006-00002920-00003044 that is. fjB_ozLSRs8-00007-00003044-00003631 In fact, in some cases, a jerkish personality and widespread rumors of being difficult to fjB_ozLSRs8-00008-00003631-00004013 work with seem to have sidelined a once promising career. fjB_ozLSRs8-00009-00004013-00004591 In other cases, individuals who are genuinely nice and not obsessed with money or fame may fjB_ozLSRs8-00010-00004591-00005052 be consciously foregoing the kind of fishbowl scrutiny and Hollywood competitiveness that fjB_ozLSRs8-00011-00005052-00005317 would put them on the A-list. fjB_ozLSRs8-00012-00005317-00005819 Here’s a list of 15 who’ve become notable for being either a jerk or a sweetheart – and fjB_ozLSRs8-00013-00005819-00006176 it isn’t always who you’d think. fjB_ozLSRs8-00014-00006176-00006276 1. fjB_ozLSRs8-00015-00006276-00006450 Sweetheart: Steve Buscemi. fjB_ozLSRs8-00016-00006450-00006806 It almost hurts to put actor Steve Buscemi on the B-list. fjB_ozLSRs8-00017-00006806-00007318 He’s easily one of the most recognizable actors in Hollywood, and he’s taken on a fjB_ozLSRs8-00018-00007318-00007850 number of iconic roles, from his breakout in the Coen Brothers’ hit Fargo to a starring fjB_ozLSRs8-00019-00007850-00008086 turn in HBO’s Boardwalk Empire. fjB_ozLSRs8-00020-00008086-00008731 Still, you couldn’t say that he’s achieved leading-man status, and what’s more, that fjB_ozLSRs8-00021-00008731-00009227 doesn’t seem to bother the talented actor who’s universally described as down-to-earth fjB_ozLSRs8-00022-00009227-00009340 and relatable. fjB_ozLSRs8-00023-00009340-00009860 A former firefighter, his time spent literally helping to dig through the rubble of what fjB_ozLSRs8-00024-00009860-00010448 was once the World Trade Center after 9/11 has become the stuff of legend. fjB_ozLSRs8-00025-00010448-00010970 He spent five days working 12-hour shifts looking for traces of his former firefighting fjB_ozLSRs8-00026-00010970-00011070 colleagues. fjB_ozLSRs8-00027-00011070-00011620 His reputation with acting colleagues is no less stellar, with universal reports of his fjB_ozLSRs8-00028-00011620-00011840 kindness and generosity. fjB_ozLSRs8-00029-00011840-00012422 He may play bad guys and rough characters on screen, but by all accounts, that comes fjB_ozLSRs8-00030-00012422-00012772 in opposition to a true heart of gold. fjB_ozLSRs8-00031-00012772-00012872 2. fjB_ozLSRs8-00032-00012872-00013131 Sweetheart: Rooney Mara. fjB_ozLSRs8-00033-00013131-00013601 Actress Rooney Mara gained fame in the American version of the dark thriller The Girl With fjB_ozLSRs8-00034-00013601-00014115 The Dragon Tattoo, and while she’s worked steadily since then, she hasn’t quite hit fjB_ozLSRs8-00035-00014115-00014306 the A-list heights just yet. fjB_ozLSRs8-00036-00014306-00014741 But when it comes to philanthropy, she’s already a superstar. fjB_ozLSRs8-00037-00014741-00014959 Rooney comes from a wealthy family. fjB_ozLSRs8-00038-00014959-00015510 Her mother’s family founded the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL franchise, and her father’s fjB_ozLSRs8-00039-00015510-00015801 family, ditto with the New York Giants. fjB_ozLSRs8-00040-00015801-00016322 But, while they’re rich and privileged, her parents seem to have instilled socially fjB_ozLSRs8-00041-00016322-00016648 responsible values in the talented actress. fjB_ozLSRs8-00042-00016648-00017018 She founded Faces of Kibera in 2008. fjB_ozLSRs8-00043-00017018-00017687 The charity offers food, shelter, and medicine to orphans in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, fjB_ozLSRs8-00044-00017687-00018112 and it’s not the only charitable organization she’s associated with. fjB_ozLSRs8-00045-00018112-00018665 It would be easy for her to party away a privileged lifestyle, so we applaud her efforts to give fjB_ozLSRs8-00046-00018665-00018803 back instead. fjB_ozLSRs8-00047-00018803-00018917 3. fjB_ozLSRs8-00048-00018917-00019170 Sweetheart: Jack Black. fjB_ozLSRs8-00049-00019170-00019714 Jack Black seemed destined for comedic success after School of Rock and other ostensible fjB_ozLSRs8-00050-00019714-00019848 breakout roles. fjB_ozLSRs8-00051-00019848-00020381 We’re not sure what happened to plunk him down on the B-list, but we’re pretty certain fjB_ozLSRs8-00052-00020381-00020653 it had nothing to do with his personality. fjB_ozLSRs8-00053-00020653-00021229 In an interview, one of his old buddies from grade school related the story of how Jack fjB_ozLSRs8-00054-00021229-00021770 brought candy to school and hid it around the playground, just as a nice surprise for fjB_ozLSRs8-00055-00021770-00021922 his schoolmates. fjB_ozLSRs8-00056-00021922-00022412 Another story on the internet is told by someone who works at a movie theater. fjB_ozLSRs8-00057-00022412-00022899 They say that Jack came in to watch a flick and spilled popcorn all along the front row fjB_ozLSRs8-00058-00022899-00023193 – and then insisted on cleaning it up himself. fjB_ozLSRs8-00059-00023193-00023840 He’s funny and is a talented musician, too, so we’re hoping another big break comes fjB_ozLSRs8-00060-00023840-00024044 his way soon. fjB_ozLSRs8-00061-00024044-00024144 4. fjB_ozLSRs8-00062-00024144-00024265 Sweetheart: George Takei. fjB_ozLSRs8-00063-00024265-00024890 Star Trek icon and current social media star George Takei is apparently just as nice a fjB_ozLSRs8-00064-00024890-00025325 guy off screen as he sounds in the posts read and shared by millions. fjB_ozLSRs8-00065-00025325-00025981 In his posts, he comes across as humane and intelligent, and the stories from fans and fjB_ozLSRs8-00066-00025981-00026165 co-stars back up the impression. fjB_ozLSRs8-00067-00026165-00026799 There are many reports to confirm the fact that in his many appearances at fan events, fjB_ozLSRs8-00068-00026799-00027352 he won’t leave autograph signings until he’s talked to every single person one to fjB_ozLSRs8-00069-00027352-00027452 one. fjB_ozLSRs8-00070-00027452-00027833 He once appeared at a media event hours before it started, just so he could sign a doll for fjB_ozLSRs8-00071-00027833-00028258 a sick fan who couldn’t make it in person. fjB_ozLSRs8-00072-00028258-00028833 His family was sent to internment camps during World War II, and he struggled with acceptance fjB_ozLSRs8-00073-00028833-00029399 as a gay man in Hollywood for years, but he never comes across as bitter and angry. fjB_ozLSRs8-00074-00029399-00029918 He’s even hosted a Youtube series showing seniors how to use technology. fjB_ozLSRs8-00075-00029918-00030530 Sure, he’s had his public feud with fellow original Trekker William Shatner, but we hear fjB_ozLSRs8-00076-00030530-00030930 Will’s a douchebag, so we’re not holding it against George. fjB_ozLSRs8-00077-00030930-00031030 5. fjB_ozLSRs8-00078-00031030-00031288 Sweetheart: Keanu Reeves. fjB_ozLSRs8-00079-00031288-00031765 We’ve all probably seen that meme about Keanu Reeves and what a down-to-earth guy fjB_ozLSRs8-00080-00031765-00031959 he really is. fjB_ozLSRs8-00081-00031959-00032203 It turns out that it all seems to be true. fjB_ozLSRs8-00082-00032203-00032849 Once an A-lister with The Matrix trilogy and other hit movies on his resume, he’s slipped fjB_ozLSRs8-00083-00032849-00033342 to the B-list in recent years, although the groundbreaking John Wick and John Wick 2 seem fjB_ozLSRs8-00084-00033342-00033574 to be putting him back in the spotlight. fjB_ozLSRs8-00085-00033574-00034074 If so, it really couldn’t happen to a better, more awesome guy. fjB_ozLSRs8-00086-00034074-00034630 He’s certainly known a lot of tragedy in his life, including abandonment by his father fjB_ozLSRs8-00087-00034630-00035294 at an early age, the death of BF River Phoenix, and the stillborn birth of his child by former fjB_ozLSRs8-00088-00035294-00035547 wife Jennifer Syme in 1999. fjB_ozLSRs8-00089-00035547-00036203 He’s also garnered a reputation as one of the most generous and charitable guys in Hollywood. fjB_ozLSRs8-00090-00036203-00036900 He made about $114 million personally from The Matrix series – and insisted on giving fjB_ozLSRs8-00091-00036900-00037339 about $80 million of that to special effects and make-up people. fjB_ozLSRs8-00092-00037339-00037918 He took voluntary pay cuts on movies like The Devil’s Advocate so that producers could fjB_ozLSRs8-00093-00037918-00038401 afford stars like Al Pacino and reportedly gave a down-on-his-luck stage builder – one fjB_ozLSRs8-00094-00038401-00038991 of the poorest paid people on a typical movie set — a $20,000 Christmas bonus just to fjB_ozLSRs8-00095-00038991-00039150 help out. fjB_ozLSRs8-00096-00039150-00039708 There are no rumors of bad behavior, which is unusual for Hollywood, to counter all the fjB_ozLSRs8-00097-00039708-00039933 stories of generosity and just plain niceness. fjB_ozLSRs8-00098-00039933-00040405 Here’s hoping the John Wick series catapults him back onto the A-list. fjB_ozLSRs8-00099-00040405-00040811 It literally couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. fjB_ozLSRs8-00100-00040811-00040916 6. fjB_ozLSRs8-00101-00040916-00041130 Sweetheart: Blake Lively. fjB_ozLSRs8-00102-00041130-00041780 She’s known for a few prominent movie roles and, of course, her big career break in Gossip fjB_ozLSRs8-00103-00041780-00042469 Girls, but these days, blond beauty Blake Lively is probably best known for her marriage fjB_ozLSRs8-00104-00042469-00042969 to megastar Ryan Reynolds and an Instagram account that reveals her as everybody’s fjB_ozLSRs8-00105-00042969-00043088 sweetheart next door. fjB_ozLSRs8-00106-00043088-00043671 She’s shared funny pics of herself with a double chin, chowing down on pizza, adorable fjB_ozLSRs8-00107-00043671-00043884 family photos, and more. fjB_ozLSRs8-00108-00043884-00044499 Blake comes across as down-to-earth and perfectly relatable – despite the megastar couplehood fjB_ozLSRs8-00109-00044499-00044972 and an enviable sense of style that’s made her a fashion icon. fjB_ozLSRs8-00110-00044972-00045496 She’s one of those rare actresses who are equally loved by her male and female fans. fjB_ozLSRs8-00111-00045496-00046025 We’re hoping motherhood doesn’t put her career on hold for too long so she can bounce fjB_ozLSRs8-00112-00046025-00046552 right up to A-list status, where this sexy sweetheart really belongs. fjB_ozLSRs8-00113-00046552-00046667 7. fjB_ozLSRs8-00114-00046667-00046933 Sweetheart: Brendan Fraser. fjB_ozLSRs8-00115-00046933-00047427 Brendan Fraser was a rare star who could combine action and comedic roles in his heyday on fjB_ozLSRs8-00116-00047427-00047642 the A-list back in the day. fjB_ozLSRs8-00117-00047642-00048220 His career peaked in The Mummy trilogy, especially the first two outings starring opposite Rachel fjB_ozLSRs8-00118-00048220-00048361 Weisz. fjB_ozLSRs8-00119-00048361-00049099 In fact, in 2017, even outside the spotlight for about three years at that point, his rabid fjB_ozLSRs8-00120-00049099-00049755 fans urged for a boycott of the reboot starring Tom Cruise, out of deference for the actor. fjB_ozLSRs8-00121-00049755-00050244 It turns out the fan devotion, in this case, is justified. fjB_ozLSRs8-00122-00050244-00050850 From interviewers to co-stars, the reaction to the big, square-jawed actor has been one fjB_ozLSRs8-00123-00050850-00051013 of universal goodwill. fjB_ozLSRs8-00124-00051013-00051590 He’s prone to giggles, and that sweetness his characters display onscreen is apparently fjB_ozLSRs8-00125-00051590-00051804 true to life. fjB_ozLSRs8-00126-00051804-00052286 It’s too bad the former A-lister made some bad career decisions and got derailed by a fjB_ozLSRs8-00127-00052286-00052814 few personal issues, landing him squarely on the B-side of Hollywood. fjB_ozLSRs8-00128-00052814-00052914 8. fjB_ozLSRs8-00129-00052914-00053123 Jerk: Gene Simmons. fjB_ozLSRs8-00130-00053123-00053766 In June 2017, KISS frontman Gene Simmons abandoned his efforts to trademark the devils’ horn fjB_ozLSRs8-00131-00053766-00054049 hand gesture that he says he made famous. fjB_ozLSRs8-00132-00054049-00054208 Trademark a hand gesture? fjB_ozLSRs8-00133-00054208-00054444 It’s a jerk move by definition. fjB_ozLSRs8-00134-00054444-00055145 Along with trying to trademark a hand gesture performed by millions of metal – and not fjB_ozLSRs8-00135-00055145-00055717 necessarily KISS – fans, Simmons routinely trashes other musicians in public, including fjB_ozLSRs8-00136-00055717-00055997 Nirvana and Madonna, among others. fjB_ozLSRs8-00137-00055997-00056492 He’s well known for making pithy statements like men shouldn’t get married until they’re fjB_ozLSRs8-00138-00056492-00056756 60 and that rock died in 1988. fjB_ozLSRs8-00139-00056756-00057345 He’s also known for cashing in wherever he can, including a reality TV show, KISS fjB_ozLSRs8-00140-00057345-00057491 condoms, and more. fjB_ozLSRs8-00141-00057491-00057983 That’s where the devil’s hand gesture trademark attempt comes into the picture, fjB_ozLSRs8-00142-00057983-00058102 we’re guessing. fjB_ozLSRs8-00143-00058102-00058669 The biggest question, though, is why media types continue to interview this has been fjB_ozLSRs8-00144-00058669-00058842 and ask him his opinion on… anything. fl9bXzVBii8-00000-00000701-00001021 What is Robots.txt? fl9bXzVBii8-00001-00001021-00001488 Robots.txt - is a text file in the root directory of your website. It contains instructions fl9bXzVBii8-00002-00001488-00001964 for search engines. With the help of this file you can disable the indexing of certain fl9bXzVBii8-00003-00001964-00002664 pages and sections of your website, specify the main mirror of a site, as well as to point fl9bXzVBii8-00004-00002788-00002921 out the path to the sitemap. fl9bXzVBii8-00005-00002921-00003166 Robots.txt usefulness can be seen at an example of closing from the technical sections indexing fl9bXzVBii8-00006-00003166-00003733 of your website. If you have a technical pages open for indexing, the search engine will fl9bXzVBii8-00007-00003733-00004236 try to throw out yhose pages from the index . It may accidentally close the useful pages fl9bXzVBii8-00008-00004236-00004261 of your website. fl9bXzVBii8-00009-00004259-00004302 How to create a robots.txt? fl9bXzVBii8-00010-00004302-00004990 You can use an ordinary notebook to create a robots.txt file. Put it in the root directory fl9bXzVBii8-00011-00004990-00005580 of your website. The first thing that will make the search engine robot on your website fl9bXzVBii8-00012-00005580-00005962 is reading the files with instructions. fl9bXzVBii8-00013-00005962-00006128 How to configure robots.txt? fl9bXzVBii8-00014-00006128-00006828 To configure the robots.txt file two main directives (User-agent and Disallow) are used. fl9bXzVBii8-00015-00006845-00007440 The first directive specifies on what kind of search engine robot will perform a ban fl9bXzVBii8-00016-00007440-00007861 on indexing, prescribed in the second directive. Example: User-agent: * Disallow :/ - in this fl9bXzVBii8-00017-00007861-00008471 form the instruction will prohibit for indexing the whole website for all search engines. fl9bXzVBii8-00018-00008471-00008929 If you enter the path to the directory or file after Disallow, the robot will stop to fl9bXzVBii8-00019-00008929-00009629 index them. Never prescribe several ways on a single line, this line will not work. If fl9bXzVBii8-00020-00009646-00010171 you want to open a file or a directory for indexing, use the command Allow. fl9bXzVBii8-00021-00010171-00010521 Additional directives are also used in robots.txt: fl9bXzVBii8-00022-00010521-00010681 Host Directive fl9bXzVBii8-00023-00010681-00011242 Is used if your website has multiple mirrors. This directive indicates the primary mirror fl9bXzVBii8-00024-00011242-00011725 of your website. Namely this one will attend in the search results. fl9bXzVBii8-00025-00011725-00011750 SiteMap Directive fl9bXzVBii8-00026-00011742-00012442 This is a command which helps the search engine to determine where the file with a map of fl9bXzVBii8-00027-00012574-00012842 your website is. fl9bXzVBii8-00028-00012842-00012916 Crawl-delay Directive fl9bXzVBii8-00029-00012916-00013304 It is used to delay between loading pages of your website by the search robot. This fl9bXzVBii8-00030-00013304-00014004 one will be useful in case if your website has a lot of pages. For example: Crawl-delay: fl9bXzVBii8-00031-00014169-00014625 5 -- the pause between page loadings will be 5 seconds. fl9bXzVBii8-00032-00014625-00014670 Request-rate Directive fl9bXzVBii8-00033-00014670-00015218 It is responsible for the loading frequency of pages by the search robot. For example: fl9bXzVBii8-00034-00015218-00015526 Request-rate: 1/10 - the robot loads a single page every 10 seconds. fl9bXzVBii8-00035-00015526-00015570 Visit-time Directive fl9bXzVBii8-00036-00015570-00015987 It defines the time interval in which the robot is allowed to load pages. It is necessary fl9bXzVBii8-00037-00015987-00016101 to set the Greenwich Visit-time: 0400-0600. fl9bXzVBii8-00038-00016101-00016404 What results will the incorrect configuration of robots.txt lead to? fl9bXzVBii8-00039-00016404-00017104 The incorrect setting of the robots.txt file can lead to the fact that the pages containing fl9bXzVBii8-00040-00017384-00017756 confidential information about your users or customers will be open for the search and fl9bXzVBii8-00041-00017756-00018306 on the contrary, the desired pages can be banned for indexing by search engine robots. fl9bXzVBii8-00042-00018306-00018636 How to validate the configuration of robots.txt? fl9bXzVBii8-00043-00018636-00019093 You can use the service Yandex.Webmaster which is called Analysis of robots.txt. Enter the fl9bXzVBii8-00044-00019093-00019793 name of the domain which is to be tested in the field and you will see all of the mistakes. flqdzz0cJCo-00000-00000475-00000741 KU6J flqdzz0cJCo-00001-00001598-00001854 K7VK flqdzz0cJCo-00002-00002729-00003000 K4ADV flqdzz0cJCo-00003-00003884-00004158 W7USA flqdzz0cJCo-00004-00005015-00005276 NU7Y flqdzz0cJCo-00005-00006246-00006527 K0JQZ flqdzz0cJCo-00006-00007583-00007890 WA7NCL flqdzz0cJCo-00007-00008871-00009160 KI4SVM flqdzz0cJCo-00008-00010080-00010328 K7PX flqdzz0cJCo-00009-00011247-00011500 AA0BV flqdzz0cJCo-00010-00012394-00012694 WW7D flqdzz0cJCo-00011-00013604-00013867 K7ODX flqdzz0cJCo-00012-00014905-00015220 KD7WPJ flqdzz0cJCo-00013-00016190-00016487 wz4m flqdzz0cJCo-00014-00017329-00017590 K4QS flqdzz0cJCo-00015-00018473-00018773 WA9STI flqdzz0cJCo-00016-00019631-00019875 N7RR flqdzz0cJCo-00017-00020759-00021051 KE7BGM flqdzz0cJCo-00018-00021976-00022221 N1ZF flqdzz0cJCo-00019-00023079-00023349 K7ATN flqdzz0cJCo-00020-00024207-00024514 W7JET flqdzz0cJCo-00021-00025380-00025633 W1EJ flqdzz0cJCo-00022-00026508-00026771 AC7MA flqdzz0cJCo-00023-00027597-00027845 NN5K flqdzz0cJCo-00024-00028645-00028890 K7MK flqdzz0cJCo-00025-00029774-00030084 WG0AT flqdzz0cJCo-00026-00030976-00031254 W3DX flqdzz0cJCo-00027-00032097-00032364 KT0A flqdzz0cJCo-00028-00033232-00033501 N6JZT flqdzz0cJCo-00029-00034377-00034637 NS1TA flqdzz0cJCo-00030-00035505-00035781 KK1W flqdzz0cJCo-00031-00036597-00036860 AD5A flqdzz0cJCo-00032-00037718-00038012 WB5USB flqdzz0cJCo-00033-00038895-00039159 NG7A flqdzz0cJCo-00034-00039974-00040219 N0OI flqdzz0cJCo-00035-00041114-00041382 KH2TJ flqdzz0cJCo-00036-00042284-00042560 NJ7V flqdzz0cJCo-00037-00043383-00043647 K6TW flqdzz0cJCo-00038-00044489-00044778 WC6J flqdzz0cJCo-00039-00045645-00045896 N7LP flqdzz0cJCo-00040-00046814-00047092 KB9ILT flqdzz0cJCo-00041-00048043-00048312 KX0R flqdzz0cJCo-00042-00049223-00049493 K1JD flqdzz0cJCo-00043-00050444-00050729 K4LPQ flqdzz0cJCo-00044-00051672-00051933 N1FJ flqdzz0cJCo-00045-00052861-00053139 WA2USA flqdzz0cJCo-00046-00054110-00054378 K7JFD flqdzz0cJCo-00047-00055270-00055543 KI4TN flqdzz0cJCo-00048-00056401-00056661 K2JB flqdzz0cJCo-00049-00057519-00057768 NS7P flqdzz0cJCo-00050-00058618-00058879 W1ZU flqdzz0cJCo-00051-00059807-00060083 K6HPX flqdzz0cJCo-00052-00060950-00061196 N7UN flqdzz0cJCo-00053-00062046-00062329 KD5KC flqdzz0cJCo-00054-00063172-00063414 N4EX flqdzz0cJCo-00055-00064180-00064429 NU7A flqdzz0cJCo-00056-00065230-00065506 NM5TW flqdzz0cJCo-00057-00066313-00066580 AE5KA flqdzz0cJCo-00058-00067471-00067758 W2CKL flqdzz0cJCo-00059-00068710-00069020 WX4TW flqdzz0cJCo-00060-00069911-00070166 NK8Q flqdzz0cJCo-00061-00070997-00071237 N0TA flqdzz0cJCo-00062-00072128-00072392 AC0PR flqdzz0cJCo-00063-00073361-00073648 W0CP flqdzz0cJCo-00064-00074618-00074928 WA7JTM flqdzz0cJCo-00065-00075967-00076294 KC4WZB flqdzz0cJCo-00066-00077283-00077548 K1LB flqdzz0cJCo-00067-00078416-00078656 K7SO flqdzz0cJCo-00068-00079490-00079769 WU7H flqdzz0cJCo-00069-00080628-00080884 ND7PA flqdzz0cJCo-00070-00081753-00082015 NY4G flqdzz0cJCo-00071-00082883-00083167 W5ODS flqdzz0cJCo-00072-00084051-00084327 WA6MM flqdzz0cJCo-00073-00085245-00085531 K4KPK flqdzz0cJCo-00074-00086442-00086691 N4SFR flqdzz0cJCo-00075-00087515-00087744 N6ZA flqdzz0cJCo-00076-00088602-00088865 KR7RK flqdzz0cJCo-00077-00089790-00090043 N2GBR flqdzz0cJCo-00078-00090987-00091276 KW4JM flqdzz0cJCo-00079-00092332-00092621 KD0YOB flqdzz0cJCo-00080-00093625-00093870 NA6MG flqdzz0cJCo-00081-00094659-00094896 N3II flqdzz0cJCo-00082-00095704-00095959 AC1Z flqdzz0cJCo-00083-00096793-00097025 N1EU flqdzz0cJCo-00084-00097781-00098031 NM5S flqdzz0cJCo-00085-00098821-00099084 N7CW flqdzz0cJCo-00086-00099952-00100196 K9PM flqdzz0cJCo-00087-00101117-00101401 KC7DM flqdzz0cJCo-00088-00102381-00102678 WB0USI flqdzz0cJCo-00089-00103605-00103856 AE7AP flqdzz0cJCo-00090-00104705-00104969 N1IDN flqdzz0cJCo-00091-00105861-00106147 KE5AKL flqdzz0cJCo-00092-00107116-00107396 N0PCL flqdzz0cJCo-00093-00108332-00108611 WH6LE flqdzz0cJCo-00094-00109468-00109726 AA6XA flqdzz0cJCo-00095-00110618-00110870 N6JFD flqdzz0cJCo-00096-00111840-00112132 W0CCA flqdzz0cJCo-00097-00113052-00113308 W6UB flqdzz0cJCo-00098-00114150-00114426 K1TNT flqdzz0cJCo-00099-00115283-00115572 W4EON flqdzz0cJCo-00100-00116396-00116672 KT5X flqdzz0cJCo-00101-00117480-00117745 K9IR flqdzz0cJCo-00102-00118666-00118958 W0CCA flqdzz0cJCo-00103-00119901-00120146 N1ZF flqdzz0cJCo-00104-00121003-00121254 N7LP flqdzz0cJCo-00105-00122121-00122383 N1FJ flqdzz0cJCo-00106-00123216-00123466 NU7A flqdzz0cJCo-00107-00124429-00124718 KD0YOB flqdzz0cJCo-00108-00125842-00126123 K0JQZ flqdzz0cJCo-00109-00127135-00127421 KE5AKL flqdzz0cJCo-00110-00128331-00128621 WC6J flqdzz0cJCo-00111-00129488-00129759 K7ATN flqdzz0cJCo-00112-00130609-00130859 N4SFR flqdzz0cJCo-00113-00131761-00132045 KC7DM flqdzz0cJCo-00114-00132973-00133244 K1JD flqdzz0cJCo-00115-00134120-00134380 K4QS flqdzz0cJCo-00116-00135248-00135496 K7PX flqdzz0cJCo-00117-00136390-00136645 AC1Z flqdzz0cJCo-00118-00137505-00137771 K9IR flqdzz0cJCo-00119-00138681-00138967 W2CKL flqdzz0cJCo-00120-00139884-00140130 N0OI flqdzz0cJCo-00121-00140998-00141282 W5ODS flqdzz0cJCo-00122-00142157-00142421 N1IDN flqdzz0cJCo-00123-00143278-00143523 NA6MG flqdzz0cJCo-00124-00144406-00144675 N6JZT flqdzz0cJCo-00125-00145516-00145762 N7UN flqdzz0cJCo-00126-00146630-00146917 K4KPK flqdzz0cJCo-00127-00147827-00148105 W3DX flqdzz0cJCo-00128-00148928-00149192 K6TW flqdzz0cJCo-00129-00150007-00150257 AE7AP flqdzz0cJCo-00130-00151099-00151396 wz4m flqdzz0cJCo-00131-00152272-00152541 KX0R flqdzz0cJCo-00132-00153442-00153706 AC7MA flqdzz0cJCo-00133-00154616-00154879 KR7RK flqdzz0cJCo-00134-00155735-00156002 AE5KA flqdzz0cJCo-00135-00156818-00157117 WW7D flqdzz0cJCo-00136-00157952-00158220 KT0A flqdzz0cJCo-00137-00159080-00159356 KK1W flqdzz0cJCo-00138-00160277-00160565 KI4SVM flqdzz0cJCo-00139-00161434-00161663 N6ZA flqdzz0cJCo-00140-00162471-00162749 WU7H flqdzz0cJCo-00141-00163556-00163820 NG7A flqdzz0cJCo-00142-00164663-00164928 K1LB flqdzz0cJCo-00143-00165770-00166015 N7RR flqdzz0cJCo-00144-00166917-00167214 WB0USI flqdzz0cJCo-00145-00168150-00168426 NJ7V flqdzz0cJCo-00146-00169233-00169481 NN5K flqdzz0cJCo-00147-00170367-00170675 WA7NCL flqdzz0cJCo-00148-00171603-00171864 NU7Y flqdzz0cJCo-00149-00172747-00173031 KD5KC flqdzz0cJCo-00150-00173991-00174269 KB9ILT flqdzz0cJCo-00151-00175239-00175526 W0CP flqdzz0cJCo-00152-00176436-00176712 WA6MM flqdzz0cJCo-00153-00177645-00177908 AC0PR flqdzz0cJCo-00154-00178851-00179107 ND7PA flqdzz0cJCo-00155-00180051-00180335 K4LPQ flqdzz0cJCo-00156-00181295-00181594 WA9STI flqdzz0cJCo-00157-00182426-00182675 NM5S flqdzz0cJCo-00158-00183404-00183642 N3II flqdzz0cJCo-00159-00184476-00184744 KH2TJ flqdzz0cJCo-00160-00185647-00185904 AA6XA flqdzz0cJCo-00161-00186728-00187004 KT5X flqdzz0cJCo-00162-00187846-00188107 W1ZU flqdzz0cJCo-00163-00188940-00189172 N1EU flqdzz0cJCo-00164-00190101-00190429 KC4WZB flqdzz0cJCo-00165-00191417-00191688 K4ADV flqdzz0cJCo-00166-00192556-00192801 K7MK flqdzz0cJCo-00167-00193651-00193906 K7VK flqdzz0cJCo-00168-00194771-00195045 W7USA flqdzz0cJCo-00169-00195944-00196196 N2GBR flqdzz0cJCo-00170-00197122-00197432 WG0AT flqdzz0cJCo-00171-00198316-00198556 K7SO flqdzz0cJCo-00172-00199389-00199645 W6UB flqdzz0cJCo-00173-00200607-00200922 KD7WPJ flqdzz0cJCo-00174-00201884-00202160 NM5TW flqdzz0cJCo-00175-00203055-00203331 K6HPX flqdzz0cJCo-00176-00204215-00204488 KI4TN flqdzz0cJCo-00177-00205346-00205606 K2JB flqdzz0cJCo-00178-00206490-00206755 KU6J flqdzz0cJCo-00179-00207673-00207941 K7JFD flqdzz0cJCo-00180-00208867-00209174 W7JET flqdzz0cJCo-00181-00210047-00210303 NK8Q flqdzz0cJCo-00182-00211186-00211431 K9PM flqdzz0cJCo-00183-00212307-00212596 W4EON flqdzz0cJCo-00184-00213419-00213660 N0TA flqdzz0cJCo-00185-00214543-00214806 K7ODX flqdzz0cJCo-00186-00215784-00216076 KE7BGM flqdzz0cJCo-00187-00217046-00217335 KW4JM flqdzz0cJCo-00188-00218271-00218581 WX4TW flqdzz0cJCo-00189-00219457-00219720 NY4G flqdzz0cJCo-00190-00220570-00220846 K1TNT flqdzz0cJCo-00191-00221747-00222000 AA0BV flqdzz0cJCo-00192-00222876-00223126 NS7P flqdzz0cJCo-00193-00224010-00224289 WA2USA flqdzz0cJCo-00194-00225191-00225451 NS1TA flqdzz0cJCo-00195-00226251-00226493 N4EX flqdzz0cJCo-00196-00227336-00227588 N6JFD flqdzz0cJCo-00197-00228547-00228858 WA7JTM flqdzz0cJCo-00198-00229843-00230138 WB5USB flqdzz0cJCo-00199-00231048-00231310 N7CW flqdzz0cJCo-00200-00232160-00232439 WH6LE flqdzz0cJCo-00201-00233296-00233549 W1EJ flqdzz0cJCo-00202-00234346-00234610 AD5A flqdzz0cJCo-00203-00235485-00235764 N0PCL flqdzz0cJCo-00204-00236753-00237029 K6HPX flqdzz0cJCo-00205-00237956-00238217 N1FJ flqdzz0cJCo-00206-00239111-00239356 K9PM flqdzz0cJCo-00207-00240172-00240435 AD5A flqdzz0cJCo-00208-00241199-00241443 N7RR flqdzz0cJCo-00209-00242292-00242561 KX0R flqdzz0cJCo-00210-00243505-00243773 K7JFD flqdzz0cJCo-00211-00244682-00244928 N0OI flqdzz0cJCo-00212-00245752-00246001 NS7P flqdzz0cJCo-00213-00246878-00247167 KI4SVM flqdzz0cJCo-00214-00248087-00248347 W1ZU flqdzz0cJCo-00215-00249189-00249418 N6ZA flqdzz0cJCo-00216-00250319-00250599 N0PCL flqdzz0cJCo-00217-00251527-00251788 K4QS flqdzz0cJCo-00218-00252638-00252903 KU6J flqdzz0cJCo-00219-00253769-00254045 WA6MM flqdzz0cJCo-00220-00254868-00255118 NU7A flqdzz0cJCo-00221-00255899-00256140 N0TA flqdzz0cJCo-00222-00256989-00257258 N6JZT flqdzz0cJCo-00223-00258134-00258431 wz4m flqdzz0cJCo-00224-00259348-00259611 AC0PR flqdzz0cJCo-00225-00260488-00260729 N4EX flqdzz0cJCo-00226-00261606-00261915 WA7JTM flqdzz0cJCo-00227-00262833-00263094 NU7Y flqdzz0cJCo-00228-00263893-00264141 NN5K flqdzz0cJCo-00229-00264983-00265246 KR7RK flqdzz0cJCo-00230-00266198-00266461 K7ODX flqdzz0cJCo-00231-00267310-00267547 N3II flqdzz0cJCo-00232-00268381-00268650 KH2TJ flqdzz0cJCo-00233-00269586-00269886 WA9STI flqdzz0cJCo-00234-00270751-00271024 KI4TN flqdzz0cJCo-00235-00271848-00272093 K7MK flqdzz0cJCo-00236-00272883-00273132 NM5S flqdzz0cJCo-00237-00273982-00274261 WA2USA flqdzz0cJCo-00238-00275231-00275525 WB5USB flqdzz0cJCo-00239-00276427-00276695 KT0A flqdzz0cJCo-00240-00277545-00277853 W7JET flqdzz0cJCo-00241-00278736-00279007 K4ADV flqdzz0cJCo-00242-00279867-00280123 W6UB flqdzz0cJCo-00243-00280983-00281230 K7PX flqdzz0cJCo-00244-00282099-00282362 N7CW flqdzz0cJCo-00245-00283176-00283440 NG7A flqdzz0cJCo-00246-00284290-00284551 K2JB flqdzz0cJCo-00247-00285426-00285666 K7SO flqdzz0cJCo-00248-00286516-00286766 N4SFR flqdzz0cJCo-00249-00287624-00287902 W3DX flqdzz0cJCo-00250-00288760-00289018 AA6XA flqdzz0cJCo-00251-00289860-00290136 NM5TW flqdzz0cJCo-00252-00291090-00291418 KC4WZB flqdzz0cJCo-00253-00292388-00292664 NJ7V flqdzz0cJCo-00254-00293522-00293800 WH6LE flqdzz0cJCo-00255-00294677-00294953 KK1W flqdzz0cJCo-00256-00295847-00296112 K1LB flqdzz0cJCo-00257-00297066-00297358 W0CCA flqdzz0cJCo-00258-00298373-00298670 WB0USI flqdzz0cJCo-00259-00299606-00299861 K7VK flqdzz0cJCo-00260-00300771-00301060 KW4JM flqdzz0cJCo-00261-00302014-00302267 AA0BV flqdzz0cJCo-00262-00303186-00303442 ND7PA flqdzz0cJCo-00263-00304284-00304560 KT5X flqdzz0cJCo-00264-00305452-00305736 K4LPQ flqdzz0cJCo-00265-00306695-00306979 KD5KC flqdzz0cJCo-00266-00307991-00308272 K0JQZ flqdzz0cJCo-00267-00309251-00309526 K1TNT flqdzz0cJCo-00268-00310383-00310647 N1IDN flqdzz0cJCo-00269-00311496-00311746 N7LP flqdzz0cJCo-00270-00312581-00312847 K9IR flqdzz0cJCo-00271-00313715-00313985 K1JD flqdzz0cJCo-00272-00314861-00315161 WW7D flqdzz0cJCo-00273-00316003-00316263 NS1TA flqdzz0cJCo-00274-00317165-00317452 K4KPK flqdzz0cJCo-00275-00318388-00318698 WX4TW flqdzz0cJCo-00276-00319589-00319863 W7USA flqdzz0cJCo-00277-00320735-00320981 N1ZF flqdzz0cJCo-00278-00321914-00322201 W2CKL flqdzz0cJCo-00279-00323186-00323478 KE7BGM flqdzz0cJCo-00280-00324353-00324599 N7UN flqdzz0cJCo-00281-00325449-00325701 N2GBR flqdzz0cJCo-00282-00326585-00326848 NY4G flqdzz0cJCo-00283-00327690-00327961 K7ATN flqdzz0cJCo-00284-00328828-00329113 W5ODS flqdzz0cJCo-00285-00330023-00330333 WG0AT flqdzz0cJCo-00286-00331258-00331545 KE5AKL flqdzz0cJCo-00287-00332515-00332822 WA7NCL flqdzz0cJCo-00288-00333827-00334105 KB9ILT flqdzz0cJCo-00289-00335177-00335466 KD0YOB flqdzz0cJCo-00290-00336435-00336699 K6TW flqdzz0cJCo-00291-00337522-00337767 NA6MG flqdzz0cJCo-00292-00338582-00338815 N1EU flqdzz0cJCo-00293-00339631-00339920 W4EON flqdzz0cJCo-00294-00340762-00341040 WU7H flqdzz0cJCo-00295-00341900-00342156 AC1Z flqdzz0cJCo-00296-00343032-00343284 W1EJ flqdzz0cJCo-00297-00344187-00344470 KC7DM flqdzz0cJCo-00298-00345493-00345808 KD7WPJ flqdzz0cJCo-00299-00346803-00347067 AC7MA flqdzz0cJCo-00300-00347951-00348206 NK8Q flqdzz0cJCo-00301-00349115-00349402 W0CP flqdzz0cJCo-00302-00350269-00350536 AE5KA flqdzz0cJCo-00303-00351351-00351602 AE7AP flqdzz0cJCo-00304-00352486-00352738 N6JFD flqdzz0cJCo-00305-00353648-00353937 WC6J flqdzz0cJCo-00306-00354891-00355183 W0CCA flqdzz0cJCo-00307-00356127-00356434 W7JET flqdzz0cJCo-00308-00357265-00357505 N0TA flqdzz0cJCo-00309-00358321-00358582 NU7Y flqdzz0cJCo-00310-00359483-00359762 WA2USA flqdzz0cJCo-00311-00360690-00360954 AC7MA flqdzz0cJCo-00312-00361795-00362058 K6TW flqdzz0cJCo-00313-00362935-00363211 K6HPX flqdzz0cJCo-00314-00364188-00364467 KB9ILT flqdzz0cJCo-00315-00365392-00365656 N1IDN flqdzz0cJCo-00316-00366498-00366753 W6UB flqdzz0cJCo-00317-00367544-00367792 NN5K flqdzz0cJCo-00318-00368575-00368848 KI4TN flqdzz0cJCo-00319-00369645-00369911 AE5KA flqdzz0cJCo-00320-00370709-00370959 NS7P flqdzz0cJCo-00321-00371809-00372074 K1LB flqdzz0cJCo-00322-00372950-00373202 W1EJ flqdzz0cJCo-00323-00374060-00374336 K1TNT flqdzz0cJCo-00324-00375246-00375535 KW4JM flqdzz0cJCo-00325-00376463-00376723 W1ZU flqdzz0cJCo-00326-00377651-00377938 K4KPK flqdzz0cJCo-00327-00378866-00379127 N1FJ flqdzz0cJCo-00328-00380003-00380281 W3DX flqdzz0cJCo-00329-00381090-00381331 N4EX flqdzz0cJCo-00330-00382218-00382515 WB0USI flqdzz0cJCo-00331-00383409-00383659 NU7A flqdzz0cJCo-00332-00384543-00384830 W2CKL flqdzz0cJCo-00333-00385739-00386007 KT0A flqdzz0cJCo-00334-00386850-00387139 W4EON flqdzz0cJCo-00335-00388031-00388293 KR7RK flqdzz0cJCo-00336-00389176-00389422 N0OI flqdzz0cJCo-00337-00390349-00390629 N0PCL flqdzz0cJCo-00338-00391583-00391854 K4ADV flqdzz0cJCo-00339-00392842-00393170 KC4WZB flqdzz0cJCo-00340-00394140-00394416 NJ7V flqdzz0cJCo-00341-00395265-00395516 AE7AP flqdzz0cJCo-00342-00396358-00396629 K7ATN flqdzz0cJCo-00343-00397445-00397674 N6ZA flqdzz0cJCo-00344-00398455-00398701 N7UN flqdzz0cJCo-00345-00399508-00399805 wz4m flqdzz0cJCo-00346-00400647-00400908 K4QS flqdzz0cJCo-00347-00401724-00402000 KT5X flqdzz0cJCo-00348-00402824-00403073 N4SFR flqdzz0cJCo-00349-00403958-00404267 WX4TW flqdzz0cJCo-00350-00405091-00405341 NM5S flqdzz0cJCo-00351-00406157-00406433 KK1W flqdzz0cJCo-00352-00407343-00407642 WA9STI flqdzz0cJCo-00353-00408594-00408888 WB5USB flqdzz0cJCo-00354-00409831-00410100 N6JZT flqdzz0cJCo-00355-00410992-00411265 W7USA flqdzz0cJCo-00356-00412251-00412532 K0JQZ flqdzz0cJCo-00357-00413518-00413773 NK8Q flqdzz0cJCo-00358-00414638-00414896 AA6XA flqdzz0cJCo-00359-00415754-00416020 KU6J flqdzz0cJCo-00360-00416956-00417263 WA7NCL flqdzz0cJCo-00361-00418244-00418527 KC7DM flqdzz0cJCo-00362-00419454-00419724 KX0R flqdzz0cJCo-00363-00420667-00420931 K7ODX flqdzz0cJCo-00364-00421841-00422085 K7MK flqdzz0cJCo-00365-00422969-00423253 KD5KC flqdzz0cJCo-00366-00424188-00424442 AA0BV flqdzz0cJCo-00367-00425378-00425687 WG0AT flqdzz0cJCo-00368-00426605-00426866 K2JB flqdzz0cJCo-00369-00427776-00428047 K1JD flqdzz0cJCo-00370-00428923-00429183 NS1TA flqdzz0cJCo-00371-00430077-00430345 KH2TJ flqdzz0cJCo-00372-00431179-00431416 N3II flqdzz0cJCo-00373-00432190-00432469 WU7H flqdzz0cJCo-00374-00433303-00433566 N7CW flqdzz0cJCo-00375-00434450-00434702 N6JFD flqdzz0cJCo-00376-00435628-00435880 N2GBR flqdzz0cJCo-00377-00436764-00437064 WW7D flqdzz0cJCo-00378-00437898-00438163 K9IR flqdzz0cJCo-00379-00438946-00439208 AD5A flqdzz0cJCo-00380-00440050-00440337 W0CP flqdzz0cJCo-00381-00441385-00441674 KD0YOB flqdzz0cJCo-00382-00442697-00442944 K7PX flqdzz0cJCo-00383-00443812-00444075 NY4G flqdzz0cJCo-00384-00444932-00445178 N1ZF flqdzz0cJCo-00385-00446103-00446371 K7JFD flqdzz0cJCo-00386-00447307-00447562 AC1Z flqdzz0cJCo-00387-00448430-00448670 K7SO flqdzz0cJCo-00388-00449640-00449955 KD7WPJ flqdzz0cJCo-00389-00450993-00451285 KE7BGM flqdzz0cJCo-00390-00452270-00452581 WA7JTM flqdzz0cJCo-00391-00453524-00453808 W5ODS flqdzz0cJCo-00392-00454703-00454992 WC6J flqdzz0cJCo-00393-00455868-00456146 WH6LE flqdzz0cJCo-00394-00456989-00457264 NM5TW flqdzz0cJCo-00395-00458174-00458437 AC0PR flqdzz0cJCo-00396-00459320-00459552 N1EU flqdzz0cJCo-00397-00460403-00460689 KE5AKL flqdzz0cJCo-00398-00461589-00461865 WA6MM flqdzz0cJCo-00399-00462695-00462959 NG7A flqdzz0cJCo-00400-00463774-00464025 N7LP flqdzz0cJCo-00401-00464942-00465226 K4LPQ flqdzz0cJCo-00402-00466152-00466407 K7VK flqdzz0cJCo-00403-00467283-00467528 K9PM flqdzz0cJCo-00404-00468448-00468737 KI4SVM flqdzz0cJCo-00405-00469657-00469913 ND7PA flqdzz0cJCo-00406-00470755-00470999 N7RR flqdzz0cJCo-00407-00471823-00472068 NA6MG flqdzz0cJCo-00408-00472969-00473223 AA0BV flqdzz0cJCo-00409-00474133-00474406 W7USA flqdzz0cJCo-00410-00475263-00475508 K7MK flqdzz0cJCo-00411-00476376-00476624 K7PX flqdzz0cJCo-00412-00477534-00477796 KR7RK flqdzz0cJCo-00413-00478680-00478980 WW7D flqdzz0cJCo-00414-00479795-00480035 N0TA flqdzz0cJCo-00415-00480877-00481133 AC1Z flqdzz0cJCo-00416-00482027-00482316 WC6J flqdzz0cJCo-00417-00483141-00483389 NN5K flqdzz0cJCo-00418-00484182-00484437 W6UB flqdzz0cJCo-00419-00485305-00485615 WX4TW flqdzz0cJCo-00420-00486533-00486843 WG0AT flqdzz0cJCo-00421-00487666-00487904 N3II flqdzz0cJCo-00422-00488727-00488980 N2GBR flqdzz0cJCo-00423-00489863-00490160 wz4m flqdzz0cJCo-00424-00491010-00491289 W3DX flqdzz0cJCo-00425-00492214-00492524 WA7JTM flqdzz0cJCo-00426-00493458-00493765 W7JET flqdzz0cJCo-00427-00494777-00495066 KD0YOB flqdzz0cJCo-00428-00496149-00496456 WA7NCL flqdzz0cJCo-00429-00497409-00497665 ND7PA flqdzz0cJCo-00430-00498482-00498731 NM5S flqdzz0cJCo-00431-00499529-00499784 K7VK flqdzz0cJCo-00432-00500641-00500886 NA6MG flqdzz0cJCo-00433-00501735-00501986 N7LP flqdzz0cJCo-00434-00502896-00503190 WB5USB flqdzz0cJCo-00435-00504176-00504455 KB9ILT flqdzz0cJCo-00436-00505354-00505627 KI4TN flqdzz0cJCo-00437-00506511-00506790 WA2USA flqdzz0cJCo-00438-00507657-00507889 N1EU flqdzz0cJCo-00439-00508826-00509107 K0JQZ flqdzz0cJCo-00440-00510093-00510369 WA6MM flqdzz0cJCo-00441-00511253-00511518 K1LB flqdzz0cJCo-00442-00512394-00512670 K1TNT flqdzz0cJCo-00443-00513595-00513859 AC0PR flqdzz0cJCo-00444-00514784-00515034 N4SFR flqdzz0cJCo-00445-00515910-00516155 K9PM flqdzz0cJCo-00446-00517109-00517406 WB0USI flqdzz0cJCo-00447-00518394-00518681 K4KPK flqdzz0cJCo-00448-00519575-00519841 K9IR flqdzz0cJCo-00449-00520716-00521016 WA9STI flqdzz0cJCo-00450-00521900-00522163 NY4G flqdzz0cJCo-00451-00523005-00523276 K7ATN flqdzz0cJCo-00452-00524118-00524381 N7CW flqdzz0cJCo-00453-00525197-00525441 N7RR flqdzz0cJCo-00454-00526257-00526518 NS1TA flqdzz0cJCo-00455-00527401-00527688 KE5AKL flqdzz0cJCo-00456-00528597-00528858 N1FJ flqdzz0cJCo-00457-00529753-00530013 W1ZU flqdzz0cJCo-00458-00530855-00531131 KT5X flqdzz0cJCo-00459-00531981-00532241 K2JB flqdzz0cJCo-00460-00533177-00533453 K6HPX flqdzz0cJCo-00461-00534381-00534652 K4ADV flqdzz0cJCo-00462-00535528-00535786 AA6XA flqdzz0cJCo-00463-00536703-00536995 KE7BGM flqdzz0cJCo-00464-00537947-00538231 KD5KC flqdzz0cJCo-00465-00539175-00539464 KW4JM flqdzz0cJCo-00466-00540373-00540637 N1IDN flqdzz0cJCo-00467-00541572-00541852 N0PCL flqdzz0cJCo-00468-00542753-00543017 K6TW flqdzz0cJCo-00469-00543831-00544082 AE7AP flqdzz0cJCo-00470-00544923-00545169 N0OI flqdzz0cJCo-00471-00545984-00546251 AE5KA flqdzz0cJCo-00472-00547118-00547405 W0CP flqdzz0cJCo-00473-00548299-00548539 K7SO flqdzz0cJCo-00474-00549388-00549667 WH6LE flqdzz0cJCo-00475-00550532-00550777 N1ZF flqdzz0cJCo-00476-00551710-00551995 K4LPQ flqdzz0cJCo-00477-00552946-00553215 N6JZT flqdzz0cJCo-00478-00554117-00554401 W5ODS flqdzz0cJCo-00479-00555269-00555529 NU7Y flqdzz0cJCo-00480-00556345-00556574 N6ZA flqdzz0cJCo-00481-00557398-00557674 NJ7V flqdzz0cJCo-00482-00558599-00558886 W2CKL flqdzz0cJCo-00483-00559812-00560077 KU6J flqdzz0cJCo-00484-00560953-00561216 AC7MA flqdzz0cJCo-00485-00562137-00562420 KC7DM flqdzz0cJCo-00486-00563306-00563585 WU7H flqdzz0cJCo-00487-00564412-00564688 NM5TW flqdzz0cJCo-00488-00565488-00565738 NU7A flqdzz0cJCo-00489-00566599-00566887 KI4SVM flqdzz0cJCo-00490-00567814-00568084 KX0R flqdzz0cJCo-00491-00568918-00569160 N4EX flqdzz0cJCo-00492-00569986-00570262 KK1W flqdzz0cJCo-00493-00571138-00571391 W1EJ flqdzz0cJCo-00494-00572275-00572545 K1JD flqdzz0cJCo-00495-00573429-00573718 W4EON flqdzz0cJCo-00496-00574610-00574862 N6JFD flqdzz0cJCo-00497-00575814-00576082 K7JFD flqdzz0cJCo-00498-00576940-00577203 AD5A flqdzz0cJCo-00499-00577993-00578253 K4QS gocAKTb4KCk-00000-00000008-00000448 this project is all about creating visualizations in tableau so we're going to create multiple gocAKTb4KCk-00001-00000448-00000880 visualizations we'll combine all of those to create our dashboard and then we can share gocAKTb4KCk-00002-00000880-00001328 that dashboard and you can put that on your resume in your portfolio or on your linkedin gocAKTb4KCk-00003-00001328-00001776 i want to mention once again i tried to make this as beginner friendly as i possibly could so gocAKTb4KCk-00004-00001776-00002296 if you have no experience with tableau at all you should still be able to do this portfolio project gocAKTb4KCk-00005-00002296-00002680 and add it to your portfolio without further ado let's jump over my screen and get started gocAKTb4KCk-00006-00002680-00003144 on the project so let's start the project and the very first thing that we need to do is download gocAKTb4KCk-00007-00003144-00003728 tableau public all you have to do is go to the link that i will leave in the description below gocAKTb4KCk-00008-00003728-00004160 all you have to do is go in here put in your email click download the app gocAKTb4KCk-00009-00004160-00004672 um of course i've already downloaded it and i checked multiple times and it works gocAKTb4KCk-00010-00004752-00005176 then you just go through the process to actually create an account and once you gocAKTb4KCk-00011-00005176-00005784 have that account then you can start building your visualizations now you also get an online account gocAKTb4KCk-00012-00005880-00006224 this is my alex the analyst account this is the visualization that we're going to be working on gocAKTb4KCk-00013-00006360-00007031 and just to give you a really quick look at it this is it this is what we're going to be working gocAKTb4KCk-00014-00007031-00007784 on it's nothing crazy nothing too hard anybody should be able to do this this is supposed to be a gocAKTb4KCk-00015-00007968-00008560 more of a road map to how to get started how to create your first dashboard whether it is gocAKTb4KCk-00016-00008560-00009000 very simple like mine which i would consider this pretty simple um one that i think we can gocAKTb4KCk-00017-00009000-00009560 do in under an hour and a half um whereas i tried earlier to do one and i recorded for gocAKTb4KCk-00018-00009560-00010232 about three hours and um it was what i would consider much i don't want to say it's better gocAKTb4KCk-00019-00010232-00010792 but it was just more advanced a lot more colors more different things but it just took forever gocAKTb4KCk-00020-00010792-00011296 i didn't think it was very um helpful for a lot of people i thought it was a little bit too complex gocAKTb4KCk-00021-00011352-00011696 so i trimmed it down got down to the nitty gritty and this is what we're gonna be working gocAKTb4KCk-00022-00011696-00012048 with um so i'm really excited about it because i think this is actually a lot better than the gocAKTb4KCk-00023-00012048-00012712 longer version so um you'll have this account and once you download everything um you'll be able to gocAKTb4KCk-00024-00012712-00013216 kind of search like i'm searching right now search for tableau a tableau desktop is going to come up gocAKTb4KCk-00025-00013328-00014096 and you will now be able to insert it now you know we worked on all these things in sql gocAKTb4KCk-00026-00014096-00014696 and we created the views we did all this work um tableau public you can't connect to gocAKTb4KCk-00027-00014696-00015144 a database you can't connect the sql server and that's kind of a bummer because it'd be gocAKTb4KCk-00028-00015144-00015496 super great to be able to do that and in a work environment that's what you would do gocAKTb4KCk-00029-00015576-00016216 you know ideally that's what you do sometimes you download it for excel for different reasons um but gocAKTb4KCk-00030-00016216-00016792 we can't do that we're going to use using excel for this so what i've done is i've created these gocAKTb4KCk-00031-00016792-00017280 queries used for tableau project and i've already saved this query i'm going to put it in the gocAKTb4KCk-00032-00017384-00017896 description so you have it um i tweaked again i went through and i tweaked some of gocAKTb4KCk-00033-00017896-00018264 the scripts that we worked through it's very similar if you notice it's very very similar gocAKTb4KCk-00034-00018368-00018776 to what we worked on in the first project i tweaked them these are the first four gocAKTb4KCk-00035-00018832-00019240 these are the only four visualizations we're gonna be doing nothing crazy i promise you gocAKTb4KCk-00036-00019328-00019752 originally and i kept the original queries in here in case you were curious and wanted to gocAKTb4KCk-00037-00019752-00020208 look at them and try to use them i had these and there were seven of them and gocAKTb4KCk-00038-00020384-00020792 again it just took a really long time to get through the video gocAKTb4KCk-00039-00020856-00021400 i felt like it was just too much to be fair so i i genuinely do believe that trimming it gocAKTb4KCk-00040-00021400-00021768 down was the best decision and it's going to be better for you it's going to be better for me gocAKTb4KCk-00041-00021768-00022240 um and we will go from there so all we're going to do is we're going to run this gocAKTb4KCk-00042-00022328-00022864 let's execute it and we're going to hit up in this top left and what we're going to do is gocAKTb4KCk-00043-00022864-00023368 ctrl shift c and what that does is it copies the data as well as the headers and that's gocAKTb4KCk-00044-00023432-00024032 that's something we need so really quick let me get out of these this is from a previous gocAKTb4KCk-00045-00024176-00025120 attempt let's go to excel and we are going to insert this and we're going to save it gocAKTb4KCk-00046-00025176-00025576 so we're going to do file save as i'm just gonna go to my downloads and i'm gonna say gocAKTb4KCk-00047-00025720-00026816 let's do tableau table one and replace for me because i already did that one let's go back um gocAKTb4KCk-00048-00026816-00027232 and i put some notes in there you can read through it this is just to double check that the numbers gocAKTb4KCk-00049-00027232-00027952 are right and why it's correct i mean why we're using it this is number two plus copy again upper gocAKTb4KCk-00050-00027952-00028488 right ctrl shift c is going to copy everything with the headers and that is what we want gocAKTb4KCk-00051-00028576-00029136 um again i know this is tedious it's not really that tedious um i hope this isn't crazy tedious gocAKTb4KCk-00052-00029136-00029816 but it is very manual normally you wouldn't have to do this but we do and that's okay i think gocAKTb4KCk-00053-00030039-00030192 the tablet table too i think this is gocAKTb4KCk-00054-00030192-00030439 a good learning experience good bonding experience for all of us gocAKTb4KCk-00055-00030656-00031272 if you do this with me then we we that means we've seen stuff together man and gales gocAKTb4KCk-00056-00031408-00031848 um so this one control shift c there's gonna be our tablet table three gocAKTb4KCk-00057-00032072-00032896 all right oops oops what am i doing i need a new one um so something you need to look out for gocAKTb4KCk-00058-00032896-00033560 and something that we didn't have to look out from the previous two is nulls now when you insert or gocAKTb4KCk-00059-00033560-00034200 upload data or import data into tableau tableau is going to do the best job that it can to assign gocAKTb4KCk-00060-00034200-00034952 a data type to that column and if you have nulls in any of your columns it could gocAKTb4KCk-00061-00034952-00035728 mistake that for a string or it most likely will if you look i already have this sorted by gocAKTb4KCk-00062-00035728-00036208 highest to lowest if you go down to the very bottom there are these nulls here we don't want gocAKTb4KCk-00063-00036208-00036848 the nulls we want those to be zeros because then it will be numeric and it'll assign it a numeric gocAKTb4KCk-00064-00036904-00037640 data type and so what we're going to do is we're going to do control h and that's just habit um gocAKTb4KCk-00065-00037640-00038120 i almost always do that so we're going to do null and that just assigns it to not just one gocAKTb4KCk-00066-00038120-00038704 sheet but if there's multiple sheets with nulls in it um we'll do that we'll null we'll go to zero gocAKTb4KCk-00067-00038808-00039440 replace all and we should be good to go this should fix uh any issue that we might occur or gocAKTb4KCk-00068-00039440-00039776 have in the future and i promise you somebody's going to skip this part of the video and they're gocAKTb4KCk-00069-00039776-00040096 going to have this issue and they're going to come back they're going to be watching this wishing gocAKTb4KCk-00070-00040096-00040496 they just watch this in the first place so stick around because we have to do this in the next one gocAKTb4KCk-00071-00040496-00041520 as well so we'll do file we'll do save as download so do tableau table three now you may be wondering gocAKTb4KCk-00072-00041600-00042096 alex why aren't we just saving this in one excel with different sheets why aren't we doing that gocAKTb4KCk-00073-00042096-00042672 well that's great really a fantastic question to be honest the reason for that is if we include gocAKTb4KCk-00074-00042672-00043224 all of these in i'm just going to keep going while we're talking if you include include all of these gocAKTb4KCk-00075-00043224-00044024 in just one excel they have to all be able to tie together um and as you can may be able to tell now gocAKTb4KCk-00076-00044024-00044592 they don't and that's because you know it's like a joint you have to be able to join it on like a gocAKTb4KCk-00077-00044592-00045168 date or the continent or the location or multiple of those things and if you notice we can't do that gocAKTb4KCk-00078-00045168-00045752 with these um and so we have to separate them out now we also need to change the date in this one gocAKTb4KCk-00079-00045752-00046464 so let's do short date i just have to go right up into this drop down after clicking on the c and gocAKTb4KCk-00080-00046464-00046944 there are nulls in this one as well uh let me see if we'll find any yeah there's nulls here as well gocAKTb4KCk-00081-00047032-00047912 so we need to do the exact same thing so nulls to zero replace all and there was 5 000 done um gocAKTb4KCk-00082-00048040-00048584 let me make sure because i thought there were more than that um but let's see maybe i'm wrong gocAKTb4KCk-00083-00048752-00048832 okay that's great gocAKTb4KCk-00084-00049088-00049936 no that's fantastic okay so we're good to go we have uh once we save this we have our four uh gocAKTb4KCk-00085-00050128-00050464 i can't talk at the same time i can't talk and type gocAKTb4KCk-00086-00050560-00051112 tableau table four we have all of them ready to go we have all of them set up now we need to actually gocAKTb4KCk-00087-00051112-00051848 get them into tableau and then we need to start building our visualizations so pull up tableau gocAKTb4KCk-00088-00051848-00052576 with me click microsoft excel and we're gonna go to table one and we're gonna open gocAKTb4KCk-00089-00052872-00053504 and this is exactly what we had before this is our table one now we don't want to add connections to gocAKTb4KCk-00090-00053504-00053984 this what we want to do is let's go down to this it says it's prompting us to go to the worksheet gocAKTb4KCk-00091-00053984-00054488 so now we have access to this table that we just imported or this excel sheet that we just imported gocAKTb4KCk-00092-00054488-00054967 what you'd want to do is you can you can do it here i'm for sake of what we're doing i'm just gocAKTb4KCk-00093-00054967-00055760 going to go to sheet2 go to this this one right here it says new data source go to microsoft excel gocAKTb4KCk-00094-00055760-00056184 and we're just going to do this for all of them so we're going to do we're going to import it gocAKTb4KCk-00095-00056296-00056928 we're going to go over here now we have our table 2 in here again just doing this you don't have to gocAKTb4KCk-00096-00056928-00057488 do it exactly how i'm doing it there's a faster way but for visual purposes i'm going to do it gocAKTb4KCk-00097-00057488-00058391 like that um all right and then four we're gonna add it and now that we have them all opened up gocAKTb4KCk-00098-00058448-00058767 what i'm going to do now is i'm going to cut myself off the screen because you know you gocAKTb4KCk-00099-00058767-00059079 don't need to see me anymore and i'm going to i'm honestly i'm gonna get in the way um because we're gocAKTb4KCk-00100-00059079-00059479 actually gonna start building our visualizations i want you to be able to see everything be able to gocAKTb4KCk-00101-00059479-00060088 track everything i don't wanna be in the way in this upper corner wherever i am um so thank you gocAKTb4KCk-00102-00060088-00060576 for sticking with me i'm gonna get out of here so you can just hear my voice and we will continue on gocAKTb4KCk-00103-00060576-00061264 from here all right so you should still be hearing my voice i am still here but uh we are gonna get gocAKTb4KCk-00104-00061264-00061976 started now the very first one we're gonna do is by far the simplest it's extremely simple gocAKTb4KCk-00105-00061976-00062520 let me show you we're going to be looking we're going to be doing this one right here okay so the gocAKTb4KCk-00106-00062616-00063304 these global numbers with just these colors and and the columns and rows so very simple let's go gocAKTb4KCk-00107-00063304-00064048 back over here so what we need for this is the total cases total deaths and the average depth gocAKTb4KCk-00108-00064048-00064591 percentage so we have those over here oh let's go over to table one because we were just on gocAKTb4KCk-00109-00064591-00065224 table four because we just imported that one so we have total cases we'll make that a column uh total gocAKTb4KCk-00110-00065367-00066240 depths and depth percentage now of course this is not how we want it visualized at all um what gocAKTb4KCk-00111-00066240-00066752 we want to do is go over to the show me and then go right back up here for these text tables so if gocAKTb4KCk-00112-00066752-00067328 you oh let me click on it so right down here oh gosh come on it says text tables down there at gocAKTb4KCk-00113-00067328-00067736 the very bottom of this box down there it says for text tables try one dimension one measure gocAKTb4KCk-00114-00067736-00068560 so that is what we have now and we want to move these measures right up here into the columns gocAKTb4KCk-00115-00068664-00069224 and let's rearrange these really quick not perfect that's exactly how i wanted it so now we have the gocAKTb4KCk-00116-00069224-00069784 total cases total deaths and death percentage um let's expand this just a little bit so we can see gocAKTb4KCk-00117-00069784-00070496 each one perfect um there's a few things that we need we need to change in here um to make it just gocAKTb4KCk-00118-00070496-00071272 more user-friendly make it look better and once we actually put this into the dashboard at the end gocAKTb4KCk-00119-00071272-00071704 we'll probably have to come back here and change a few things anyways but it'll give us a pretty good gocAKTb4KCk-00120-00071704-00072296 start so the very first thing that we want to do is just change the coloring change some of the gocAKTb4KCk-00121-00072296-00073040 formatting uh and and make it look a little nicer and then we'll do a little bit after that so you gocAKTb4KCk-00122-00073040-00073680 know you can if you see over here on these marks there's color size text detail tool tip um that's gocAKTb4KCk-00123-00073680-00074360 referring to these numbers right here or what is in these rows so if we go over here to color and gocAKTb4KCk-00124-00074360-00074888 we you know make them orange or green we can do that i like them black i think it's going to stand gocAKTb4KCk-00125-00074888-00075376 out when we put the color behind it i personally like that look you can also change the size gocAKTb4KCk-00126-00075496-00075864 and make it as large as you want i actually do want the size to be a little bit larger gocAKTb4KCk-00127-00075864-00076840 anyways so let's do that right now it doesn't hurt and let's pull this down a little bit so if we go gocAKTb4KCk-00128-00076840-00077344 up here to format and let's do shading this is going to where we can get some of these colors gocAKTb4KCk-00129-00077344-00078056 let's go over to columns and our header i believe that's what these are our headers um let's go over gocAKTb4KCk-00130-00078056-00078864 to this color that's perfect let's just keep it like that i think um that's easy enough and gocAKTb4KCk-00131-00079024-00079392 let's see let's see if this is referring to our gocAKTb4KCk-00132-00079560-00080072 um maybe it's not i was trying to change these really quick but i'm forgetting where those are gocAKTb4KCk-00133-00080216-00080904 not super important we can always do that later but we also want to change the shading on these gocAKTb4KCk-00134-00080904-00081368 as well now if you go over here and you go to the worksheet and you change that it's gocAKTb4KCk-00135-00081368-00081752 going to change the entire thing that looks absolutely terrible i do not recommend that gocAKTb4KCk-00136-00081752-00082544 but if you go to the pane the pane is what's referring to this with the rows in it so we gocAKTb4KCk-00137-00082544-00083120 can do this i like it a little bit lighter maybe like that i think that doesn't look bad at all gocAKTb4KCk-00138-00083232-00084184 um so there's a lot that you can customize in here um you can even do grid lines trend lines um gocAKTb4KCk-00139-00084272-00084464 let me see maybe we want to do something like this gocAKTb4KCk-00140-00084624-00085168 i mean i personally like um doing some sort of lines to like separate these out gocAKTb4KCk-00141-00085256-00085864 but we don't have to but i'm going to try to do a little bit um no not trying grid lines gocAKTb4KCk-00142-00086000-00086720 yeah something like this so let me do a little smaller just like that super simple separates it gocAKTb4KCk-00143-00086816-00087248 makes it look nice we'll probably come back and change this at some point but then this gocAKTb4KCk-00144-00087248-00087840 is a really good this was very similar to what i did originally and i think this will be good to go gocAKTb4KCk-00145-00087896-00088608 for now um let's keep going let's go on to our second sheet hey future alex here gocAKTb4KCk-00146-00088608-00089048 i realized that i forgot to show you something and i did not want to leave it out i wanted to gocAKTb4KCk-00147-00089048-00089552 make sure that you knew how to do this so i'm coming back in time we have already completed gocAKTb4KCk-00148-00089552-00090056 the entire dashboard but we're going to pretend that we have not and we are still on sheet 1. gocAKTb4KCk-00149-00090112-00090696 what we're going to be looking at is this death percentage right here it says 2 as in 2 percent gocAKTb4KCk-00150-00090760-00091304 but it's rounding to the nearest whole number and for death percentage we want to be a little gocAKTb4KCk-00151-00091304-00092088 bit more accurate than 2 percent maybe 2.1103 or whatever that number is we want to be a little bit gocAKTb4KCk-00152-00092088-00092680 better um and so i think we want to go to the two decimal points or the or the you know 2.11 gocAKTb4KCk-00153-00092736-00093256 which is what the number will be so the first thing that i'm going to show you is how not to gocAKTb4KCk-00154-00093256-00093776 do it um and this is probably something a lot of people will do i know i did you'll go right here gocAKTb4KCk-00155-00093776-00094336 and you'll right-click and you'll go to format and you know this is not where you need to be looking gocAKTb4KCk-00156-00094400-00094696 although you can look through here and figure that out yourself if you want to gocAKTb4KCk-00157-00094800-00095240 the actual place where you need to look is right here in this measure values gocAKTb4KCk-00158-00095240-00095936 so let's go over here let's click the drop down we'll go to format and under the default pane gocAKTb4KCk-00159-00095936-00096352 there's this numbers and if we click on it we can go to number custom gocAKTb4KCk-00160-00096440-00097072 and change the decimal place so as you can see right now it's affecting every single column gocAKTb4KCk-00161-00097072-00097600 and we don't want that and it's very easy to just specify what column you do want so we're going to gocAKTb4KCk-00162-00097600-00098232 go up here to fields click the drop down and go to sum death percentage and now the only option we gocAKTb4KCk-00163-00098232-00098856 have is just numbers so that makes it really easy i'm going to click here go to number custom and gocAKTb4KCk-00164-00098856-00099424 then it automatically goes to 2 but you can go as specific as you'd like i'm going to keep it at 2 gocAKTb4KCk-00165-00099520-00100272 for um at the end of the video you're gonna see that it says two on mine because i'm going back gocAKTb4KCk-00166-00100272-00100960 the next day and showing you this but i hope that yours says 2.11 or as specific as you'd like to be gocAKTb4KCk-00167-00100960-00101512 so that you have that so i hope now yours will be better than mine at the very end i hope that this gocAKTb4KCk-00168-00101512-00102208 was helpful and well let's continue with the video so sheet2 and let's get rid of this format lines gocAKTb4KCk-00169-00102208-00102776 let's go to table two so what we are doing in this one is we're going to be creating and i'll gocAKTb4KCk-00170-00102776-00103232 go back here to show you we're creating this graph right here okay that's great gocAKTb4KCk-00171-00103296-00103680 give it a second um we're going to be creating that bar graph that you just saw gocAKTb4KCk-00172-00103840-00104335 and i'm not gonna wait for it it's if you look right here this small bar graph gocAKTb4KCk-00173-00104335-00104992 um that's what this one right here that's what we're gonna be making right now this one should gocAKTb4KCk-00174-00104992-00105583 i believe the the second simplest i i kind of did them in order of simplicity um gocAKTb4KCk-00175-00105696-00106335 so let's go over here we need our location you can either drop it down here as a column or drop gocAKTb4KCk-00176-00106335-00107104 it in here's a column either one works um so it's africa asia europe north america oceana gocAKTb4KCk-00177-00107256-00108032 south america let's try to expand this a little bit oh okay that was way too far let's do gocAKTb4KCk-00178-00108111-00108808 like that perfect um so we have our locations and what this one is going to be actually looking at gocAKTb4KCk-00179-00108808-00109576 is the total death count so the current global death count so we want to do this by rows and gocAKTb4KCk-00180-00109576-00110328 it's already looking super close to what we wanted or what we had in the um the previous thing gocAKTb4KCk-00181-00110328-00110880 so super super close already um and you can do other things if you want to you know you want to gocAKTb4KCk-00182-00110880-00111376 mess up your visualization with a pie chart go for it um or do what i just did you know go for gocAKTb4KCk-00183-00111376-00111992 it uh but i i like the simple look of of the pie chart you can i'll show you how to kind of gocAKTb4KCk-00184-00111992-00112416 change the colors in a little bit if you want to do that you don't have to but you absolutely can gocAKTb4KCk-00185-00112568-00113128 um so something that i want to do that i personally like doing is going is ordering gocAKTb4KCk-00186-00113128-00113776 them by highest to lowest i like that descending look so let's go up here and let's go to sort gocAKTb4KCk-00187-00113896-00114624 and i want to do it manually so let's see which one's the biggest so europe should be at the top gocAKTb4KCk-00188-00114759-00116040 then north america and then asia and then south america oops south america is before asia there gocAKTb4KCk-00189-00116040-00116776 we go let's exit out of that we could keep it exactly how it is and it would be fine but we gocAKTb4KCk-00190-00116776-00117800 want to make some additional changes to it um i want to rename this location to continent gocAKTb4KCk-00191-00117800-00117968 not right i think it's right here gocAKTb4KCk-00192-00118183-00118928 that's it so let's do let's do um content is that useful content yeah that's facebook on it perfect gocAKTb4KCk-00193-00118928-00119688 and then it changes up here um super easy if we do go if we do this right here and we oops gocAKTb4KCk-00194-00119688-00120440 we change this to color then we can change the colors these are our marks and we can change gocAKTb4KCk-00195-00120440-00121104 certain things about them so the size right if we want to change the size we can do that i like gocAKTb4KCk-00196-00121104-00121592 to keep it pretty moderate just a normal i don't i'm not i don't want to get too crazy over here gocAKTb4KCk-00197-00121592-00122216 all right i'm just trying to try to help so if we do the color you can do lots of different colors gocAKTb4KCk-00198-00122216-00123383 um and and you can uh you know you can do it in like a descending order oh that didn't work at all gocAKTb4KCk-00199-00123456-00123976 orange sign palette apply there we go you can do it in descending order if you want gocAKTb4KCk-00200-00123976-00124504 that looks totally fine um you can keep a theme in your tableau dashboard which gocAKTb4KCk-00201-00124504-00124896 will be something that i probably talk about in my tutorials um speaking of gocAKTb4KCk-00202-00125000-00125432 something i have not mentioned and i'm just going to take a super quick break like 30 seconds gocAKTb4KCk-00203-00125432-00126040 something i have not mentioned is if you have never done a tableau project before gocAKTb4KCk-00204-00126040-00126383 a lot of this might be very confusing and i hope i'm not going through it too fast gocAKTb4KCk-00205-00126464-00127064 i'm coming into this with hopefully the i hope i'm explaining it and going through it slow enough gocAKTb4KCk-00206-00127064-00127616 i am going to be doing a complete tableau series coming up very soon like within the next two gocAKTb4KCk-00207-00127616-00128208 months i'm starting it um and so i'm gonna have a complete tutorial on a lot of the basics a lot gocAKTb4KCk-00208-00128208-00128656 of the things that we're looking at right now as well as some a few more advanced things so gocAKTb4KCk-00209-00128768-00129208 you know i i did that backwards i you know i could have done the tutorial first but i gocAKTb4KCk-00210-00129208-00129640 really think these projects are um important to do so i got them up first but gocAKTb4KCk-00211-00129640-00130064 if you're having trouble with these look forward to those in the future um and just try to keep gocAKTb4KCk-00212-00130064-00130383 up with these you'll learn a lot just by going through these and doing what we're doing anyways gocAKTb4KCk-00213-00130440-00130792 so let's get back to the project i don't want to harp on that too much but gocAKTb4KCk-00214-00130864-00131472 the colors you can do a lot with if you want to i i personally just want to gocAKTb4KCk-00215-00131728-00132176 keep it how it was so i'm just doing ctrl z i'm just going to keep it like this not getting not gocAKTb4KCk-00216-00132176-00132720 doing anything too crazy not doing anything fancy um but please play around with it do what you gocAKTb4KCk-00217-00132720-00133432 think looks nice again i am trying to keep it as simple as possible let's not confuse anybody so we gocAKTb4KCk-00218-00133432-00134304 have this there's a few other things that you may consider doing uh speaking of something like like gocAKTb4KCk-00219-00134304-00134936 this you can edit this axis now as of right now it's doing tick marks or i think i'm going to call gocAKTb4KCk-00220-00134936-00135432 them tick marks yeah they are called ten marks of one hundred thousand okay you don't have to have gocAKTb4KCk-00221-00135432-00136144 it like this um you can change it and customize it however you want so you know if we want to make it gocAKTb4KCk-00222-00136384-00136768 let me see if that's right yeah if we want to make it like this where it goes up a little gocAKTb4KCk-00223-00136768-00137456 higher that's totally fine um and if these tick marks they're automatic um they're doing tick gocAKTb4KCk-00224-00137456-00137992 marks of whoops you know that's just a million so that's what it's going to look like with a gocAKTb4KCk-00225-00137992-00138520 million over here um and we can also get rid of one and then it's going to be the exact thing gocAKTb4KCk-00226-00138520-00138912 that we just did or we can get rid of another one it's gonna look like that we can get rid gocAKTb4KCk-00227-00138912-00139480 of another one and it's just gonna you know it's gonna it's gonna look how you make it look okay gocAKTb4KCk-00228-00139544-00140216 i'm just gonna keep it with the automatic again um not because i'm lazy but because i think it's just gocAKTb4KCk-00229-00140272-00140800 a little bit easier if you want to change this total death count uh you definitely gocAKTb4KCk-00230-00140800-00141328 can i i i personally we can keep it like that i might even change it to death count later on gocAKTb4KCk-00231-00141440-00142056 but i think this looks nice it's in order it's simple um and and visualizations that should gocAKTb4KCk-00232-00142056-00142608 not be crazy hard to read so that is the end of our second visualization we're going to move on gocAKTb4KCk-00233-00142608-00143384 to our third one and arguably my favorite which is the map um so let's go to number three let's gocAKTb4KCk-00234-00143384-00143864 go to table three and let's go look really quick at what this looks like just kind of gocAKTb4KCk-00235-00143864-00144464 like this um and i i think how we have it or going to do it is going to be even better gocAKTb4KCk-00236-00144664-00145408 so what we have is we have the location and in the location as you can see these are all countries gocAKTb4KCk-00237-00145408-00145928 now it's not going to open up these map options and the show me it's not going to open up those gocAKTb4KCk-00238-00145928-00146528 map options because um that's not how the map options work as of now it's just looking at as gocAKTb4KCk-00239-00146528-00147064 a text but we want to tell it and say hey this is not just a location this is this is part of gocAKTb4KCk-00240-00147064-00147608 a geography this is something that you should be looking at differently so we can change this gocAKTb4KCk-00241-00147608-00147968 and we go we're going to we're going to click on this little drop down i'm going to go down gocAKTb4KCk-00242-00147968-00148480 right here to geographic role and we're going to go down to country region and let's click gocAKTb4KCk-00243-00148480-00149208 on that and as you can see down here they just generated some longitude and latitude so what we gocAKTb4KCk-00244-00149208-00149984 need to do for that is stick them right up here so there's our longitude here's our latitude gocAKTb4KCk-00245-00150176-00150664 excuse me for a second i just sneezed uh it is allergy season for me my goodness gocAKTb4KCk-00246-00150664-00151128 it is not pretty over here um so we have the longitude and latitude gocAKTb4KCk-00247-00151128-00151616 and as you can see it opened up that map for us that is fantastic and now what we need to do gocAKTb4KCk-00248-00151720-00152504 is we need to start adding things in now it's not um automatically really quick if you want to do gocAKTb4KCk-00249-00152504-00153088 the pan you want to be able to like reposition it that's what i want to do reposition it about gocAKTb4KCk-00250-00153088-00153616 right here you just click on this arrow click pan this is how you like select multiple i don't gocAKTb4KCk-00251-00153616-00154048 really need that so i keep it on the pan from the most part anyways now this is where we need to gocAKTb4KCk-00252-00154312-00155048 insert like what is going to be looked at and then what is going to be what colors how are gocAKTb4KCk-00253-00155048-00155576 we going to assign colors to these countries okay so the first thing i want to add over here gocAKTb4KCk-00254-00155576-00156208 is the location so that i can now look and assign something to each location and i want to make gocAKTb4KCk-00255-00156304-00156704 i'm going to keep that the same really quick because i want to add in what we're actually gocAKTb4KCk-00256-00156704-00157248 looking at which is our percent population infected now why do i not want to add it gocAKTb4KCk-00257-00157248-00157904 over here is because it ruins everything um that's why i want to add it right down here gocAKTb4KCk-00258-00158080-00158720 and that's fantastic and i want to actually make this a color oh now that already much gocAKTb4KCk-00259-00158816-00159584 how do i say this it resembles it a lot more closely um so you know this is gocAKTb4KCk-00260-00159656-00160024 a lot more along the lines of what we were hoping for so this is looking really really good gocAKTb4KCk-00261-00160112-00160712 so um there's a few things that i you know want to mention or talk about before gocAKTb4KCk-00262-00160712-00161184 we actually start moving into this one tableau has their own whole section called map up here gocAKTb4KCk-00263-00161280-00161576 and there's a lot of things that you can do with it we're not going to be looking gocAKTb4KCk-00264-00161576-00161912 at everything today but one thing i do want to look at is just these background maps gocAKTb4KCk-00265-00162064-00162760 it whoops it adds a little bit of depth a little bit of um it can change the moods like this is gocAKTb4KCk-00266-00162760-00163312 a nighttime one so if you have like nighttime data we're looking at i don't know this star's gocAKTb4KCk-00267-00163312-00163928 sun's rotation i have no idea you can do that the one we're going to be doing is this outdoors one gocAKTb4KCk-00268-00163928-00164400 and it's just going to show the ocean and if you notice the united states and like all the actual gocAKTb4KCk-00269-00164400-00165192 country names get a lot brighter um something that you know you can do is add something like a label gocAKTb4KCk-00270-00165192-00165792 and before that would have made sense um because if we have it like this where it's light you can't gocAKTb4KCk-00271-00165792-00166368 really see the united states behind there but you may have a label on there and the label helps gocAKTb4KCk-00272-00166432-00167032 but i don't like this label per se you can always change it and go and make it better gocAKTb4KCk-00273-00167032-00167536 i don't necessarily like how they have those labels so i'm gonna use the outdoors and i'm gocAKTb4KCk-00274-00167536-00167976 gonna get rid of this so i'm just gonna go to detail i like how this looks a lot more gocAKTb4KCk-00275-00167976-00168504 it just suits what i personally prefer but if you don't like that as much go over here go to gocAKTb4KCk-00276-00168504-00168944 label and then adjust that label to how you like it i think that is perfectly acceptable gocAKTb4KCk-00277-00169168-00169784 now these colors aren't to my taste as you can see over here we have this um this gocAKTb4KCk-00278-00169784-00170240 legend and we'll get to that in a second but i personally like a little bit different colors gocAKTb4KCk-00279-00170312-00170984 and we can change that by going whoops by going to color clicking on that going edit colors gocAKTb4KCk-00280-00171040-00171784 so um i don't know why i pulled it over there and pull it back doesn't make sense i personally like gocAKTb4KCk-00281-00171784-00172448 reds oranges these kind of things at least the infection rates because i feel like gocAKTb4KCk-00282-00172512-00173376 it i don't know it's kind of a scary thing so i want to make it uh that way and so you can do gocAKTb4KCk-00283-00173376-00174032 something like this i think that looks very nice we may even keep it like that but just for sake of gocAKTb4KCk-00284-00174216-00174544 what we're doing you can do something like this gocAKTb4KCk-00285-00174704-00175200 and it again it's the personal taste okay so if you don't like this one don't use it i gocAKTb4KCk-00286-00175200-00175800 i don't want you to use it i want you to find one that that really looks good to you um and gocAKTb4KCk-00287-00175800-00176392 just know that anyone that you choose you'll still have this right over here okay so you should be gocAKTb4KCk-00288-00176392-00176912 all right let's do let's try this red to gold i think this is kind of what we're going for um gocAKTb4KCk-00289-00177120-00177824 and to me right off the bat just starting out looks like we're doing pretty good um let's go gocAKTb4KCk-00290-00177824-00178192 over here really quick let's go to this legend and drop us down so there's a few things you can do gocAKTb4KCk-00291-00178192-00178744 over here uh but one thing i want to do is just edit this title i don't want it to say the sum gocAKTb4KCk-00292-00178824-00179608 because each country has its own row in our excel so it's not actually the sum it's gocAKTb4KCk-00293-00179608-00180144 just it's row but you know i don't want people thinking this some type of aggregate function i gocAKTb4KCk-00294-00180144-00180608 just want people to know this is the percent of the population infected and speaking of gocAKTb4KCk-00295-00180712-00181656 uh we should edit this to do let's see let's do percent population infected gocAKTb4KCk-00296-00181824-00182248 per country i don't know if that's why we had it in the last one but that's what we're naming gocAKTb4KCk-00297-00182248-00183024 it in this one um all right i think i think this one looks good i mean we could do more gocAKTb4KCk-00298-00183144-00184072 with this um in terms of labeling and um colors and different stuff but we don't need to we do gocAKTb4KCk-00299-00184072-00184688 not need to do that one thing i will note um again just to make this more of a memorable or teachable gocAKTb4KCk-00300-00184688-00185184 moment you don't only have to have one thing in these marks if i want to add a location down here gocAKTb4KCk-00301-00185184-00185984 i can and i can change it um and make it i didn't want to do that that looks terrible but you can do gocAKTb4KCk-00302-00185984-00186704 multiple things so i can have a label here and and i can do you know the color down here i can gocAKTb4KCk-00303-00186704-00187248 do multiple things with it so just know that if you want multiple if you oh hey i want to have a gocAKTb4KCk-00304-00187248-00187768 color on the location i also want to have a label on the location you can do that you just have to gocAKTb4KCk-00305-00187768-00188336 add multiple things that marks uh teachable moments just trying to just trying to keep it gocAKTb4KCk-00306-00188432-00188960 just kind of trying to keep the learning alive um let's go on to the next one let's go to sheet 4 gocAKTb4KCk-00307-00189128-00189768 and go to table four now this one we're going to be doing some time series we have some time gocAKTb4KCk-00308-00189768-00190488 series data here and for this um we're going to be selecting a few specific countries you can gocAKTb4KCk-00309-00190488-00191008 select whichever countries you want but i have a few that i'll show you in a little bit that gocAKTb4KCk-00310-00191064-00191440 you know i think are just not the most relevant but are really interesting gocAKTb4KCk-00311-00191512-00192472 um so what we need to do is we need to bring over the date and we want that to be on our a column gocAKTb4KCk-00312-00192472-00192976 because we want it to show the progression over time the thing that we're going to be looking gocAKTb4KCk-00313-00192976-00193384 at is actually the percent of the population infected so let's bring that down right here gocAKTb4KCk-00314-00193520-00194384 um and look it already tried its best to create something and it really did it tried its best gocAKTb4KCk-00315-00194488-00194816 let's why do i keep scooting it just a little bit i want to scoot the whole way gocAKTb4KCk-00316-00194952-00195568 it tried its best it really did um but let's pull let's drop this down really quick there's a few gocAKTb4KCk-00317-00195568-00196296 different things that we want to look at first off is like just this the dates because right now it gocAKTb4KCk-00318-00196296-00197032 literally is just 2020 and 2021 and that's not exactly what we want um but let's let's do this gocAKTb4KCk-00319-00197032-00197648 really quick let's put month um it's breaking out by month um now i'm regretting making it larger gocAKTb4KCk-00320-00197704-00198448 um if you notice it doesn't have 2020 or 2021 in here at all um it just has january february gocAKTb4KCk-00321-00198448-00199208 march april may and july so it's breaking it out per month um let me go back to make it small again gocAKTb4KCk-00322-00199320-00199936 it's bringing it up per month and that's not what we want um and we don't quarter either we want to gocAKTb4KCk-00323-00199936-00200592 have it by year we we do want it separated by year because we want the distinction between 2020 and gocAKTb4KCk-00324-00200592-00201200 2021 because those are not those are not the same there's con there's a continual time period from gocAKTb4KCk-00325-00201200-00201752 year to year so what we're going to do is go down here and this is where we can adjust now gocAKTb4KCk-00326-00201752-00202256 just for the sake of things i'm going to show day it gets very specific and you can do it this way gocAKTb4KCk-00327-00202440-00202968 and so on each day you can do the percent population effect of that as you can see gocAKTb4KCk-00328-00202968-00203512 it's going higher and higher and higher that's not that won't be that way in just a little bit gocAKTb4KCk-00329-00203512-00204232 that's summing the percent um of all the countries so you know we have it like this um gocAKTb4KCk-00330-00204296-00205023 you can also whoops we can also do month and this is kind of what i prefer it's just simpler to do gocAKTb4KCk-00331-00205023-00205552 it it simply looks so look at it like this so you know just the way it has it and then look at it gocAKTb4KCk-00332-00205552-00206032 like this um it's just what i would consider a little bit easier gocAKTb4KCk-00333-00206119-00206519 okay so you don't have to do it like that um do it however you would like gocAKTb4KCk-00334-00206736-00207384 um whoops that is not what i was trying to click so we want to break this out by each gocAKTb4KCk-00335-00207464-00208264 individual country okay we don't want the sum that's not what what we want so let's gocAKTb4KCk-00336-00208264-00208919 go down down here let's say average that's not what we want either why did i do that gocAKTb4KCk-00337-00209064-00209760 um we want to break this out by the location right we want to break this up by country gocAKTb4KCk-00338-00209840-00210288 completely ignore the last like two things that i just did we're gonna break it out by location gocAKTb4KCk-00339-00210288-00211008 um and as of right now this is a com this is a hot mess um they're all in there let's look at this gocAKTb4KCk-00340-00211008-00211856 one in dora they're all in there but they look horrible um i mean that's that's not what you want gocAKTb4KCk-00341-00211856-00212784 um so you know let's we can easily break this out oops by color and it's starting to look a lot gocAKTb4KCk-00342-00212784-00213264 better and look now we have this legend that shows us which color is what so i mean we're already gocAKTb4KCk-00343-00213264-00214016 just killing it um this looks 10 times better than it did just a minute ago it still looks gocAKTb4KCk-00344-00214016-00214767 terrible um and we can limit this to specific locations um i think it's right up here let me see gocAKTb4KCk-00345-00215023-00215416 is it sort i don't know if it's sort um let me see gocAKTb4KCk-00346-00215632-00216256 let me see if it's location maybe it's filter here we go so if we go i'm going to restart gocAKTb4KCk-00347-00216256-00216576 in case you didn't see that so i'm just going to go to location i'm going to do the drop down i'm gocAKTb4KCk-00348-00216576-00217223 going to go to filter and what i'm going to do is i'm going to look for a few specific countries so gocAKTb4KCk-00349-00217223-00218064 i'm going to go to none um i want to do united states as well as united kingdom let's do gocAKTb4KCk-00350-00218176-00219464 mexico we'll do india we'll do china and what else should we do um any other any other places gocAKTb4KCk-00351-00219608-00220071 no i think that should be fine let's just keep it there and we'll apply that and we'll click ok gocAKTb4KCk-00352-00220200-00220928 so as you can see um it's still summing it let's go let's not go to sum let's just go to gocAKTb4KCk-00353-00221271-00221608 i mean it's not wrong it's just gocAKTb4KCk-00354-00221840-00222280 excuse me it's just doing the max i mean let's see what the difference is between gocAKTb4KCk-00355-00222280-00222912 max and the average it's nothing uh or hardly anything you know what for simply simplicity's gocAKTb4KCk-00356-00222912-00223416 sake i don't want to get into all that stuff we're just going to keep it with average um gocAKTb4KCk-00357-00223576-00224192 so it's going to over that month what is in that month what's the average in that month if you use gocAKTb4KCk-00358-00224192-00224632 the maximum it's breaking up by month so what's the max in that month again i'm not going to go gocAKTb4KCk-00359-00224632-00225032 into all that why we want to do it let's just stick with average it's the i think that makes gocAKTb4KCk-00360-00225032-00225712 the most sense the simplest so what we have right now is it starts off at literally the january gocAKTb4KCk-00361-00225712-00226319 where almost no countries had any infection rates and it slowly progresses and as you can see the gocAKTb4KCk-00362-00226319-00227048 united states were just unfortunately doing well i'm in this category and as of april of 2021 um gocAKTb4KCk-00363-00227136-00227967 you know we have a 9.5 this is by the way this is exact same data we used two weeks ago for gocAKTb4KCk-00364-00228023-00228504 the first portfolio project if you want this to be current and upgraded you're just going to have to gocAKTb4KCk-00365-00228504-00229319 get the new data and then and and um update that in your tables to get the most recent data for gocAKTb4KCk-00366-00229319-00230088 may um so we have this and it's looking really good there are obviously some things that we gocAKTb4KCk-00367-00230088-00231152 can do with this to make these better some things like um you know we can add labels and and excuse gocAKTb4KCk-00368-00231152-00231848 me um and if we do add labels really quick why not we'll add a locate another location let's do label gocAKTb4KCk-00369-00231848-00232664 let's see what that looks like so now we have the label on here looks you know perfectly fine um we gocAKTb4KCk-00370-00232664-00233504 can also do let's see let's see what else we want um do we want to add the path because we could gocAKTb4KCk-00371-00233728-00234264 let's see what the path looks like oh that looks terrible let me see if the order changes anything gocAKTb4KCk-00372-00234328-00235048 um no i just accidentally ate it whoops um let's see what else we can get in here gocAKTb4KCk-00373-00235152-00235896 um dimension no i don't i i'm just messing around real quick to see if i can um gocAKTb4KCk-00374-00236104-00236640 find anything interesting um but the colors are auto-generated you can always change the colors gocAKTb4KCk-00375-00236719-00237608 um just remove this one it didn't really add anything to it so we have this and it looks gocAKTb4KCk-00376-00237608-00238367 pretty good now something that we can do that's extremely easy is to add some um gocAKTb4KCk-00377-00238464-00238944 predictive analysis or forecasting like where are these numbers going to go in the future gocAKTb4KCk-00378-00238944-00239656 so all you have to do is go to analysis go down to forecast and just say show forecast gocAKTb4KCk-00379-00239816-00240112 and that's about as easy as it could possibly be um gocAKTb4KCk-00380-00240232-00240984 at least you know i mean it could be easier that's about as easy as it's gonna get um gocAKTb4KCk-00381-00241040-00241592 now i want to know i want some additional information on here just for me myself and i so gocAKTb4KCk-00382-00241592-00242576 i'm going to do this percent population and let's do labels for these as well why is it saying 279 gocAKTb4KCk-00383-00242712-00243400 oh because that's the sum uh let's go over here go to average okay so now it's showing gocAKTb4KCk-00384-00243400-00244048 um now it's showing our numbers okay so it went back to march and then it's forecasting ahead gocAKTb4KCk-00385-00244048-00244664 now if i shrink this a little bit to like june when it starts like ramping up the forecasting gocAKTb4KCk-00386-00244664-00245584 will go away um i i can do that i could do i can do an exact oops let me not do that gocAKTb4KCk-00387-00245648-00246584 i can do like a custom range um let me see if i can what am i doing what on earth am i doing gocAKTb4KCk-00388-00246888-00247104 it's a format let's take a look in here gocAKTb4KCk-00389-00247456-00248088 ah i genuinely don't know where i'm looking right now i'm trying to um gocAKTb4KCk-00390-00248288-00248967 shrink this date to like june and somebody out there who's watching is like alex come on in gocAKTb4KCk-00391-00249096-00249792 i'm like yeah i know i really do get it um i don't remember where to go to do that um but that's okay gocAKTb4KCk-00392-00249792-00250319 just imagine shrinking it like june and the forecasting go away going away because it gocAKTb4KCk-00393-00250319-00250919 needs i believe 12 months of data to be able to predict into the future um and these look numbers gocAKTb4KCk-00394-00250919-00251719 look pretty accurate it's it's predicting until march the end of the year um and if i know the u.s gocAKTb4KCk-00395-00251816-00252344 yeah that's uh probably pretty accurate so by the end of this year's projecting about 20 gocAKTb4KCk-00396-00252432-00252832 it's very possible i mean who knows who knows we're starting to level off right gocAKTb4KCk-00397-00252904-00253760 right you see this curve starting to go down yeah go straight back up so um this right here i mean gocAKTb4KCk-00398-00253760-00254432 it's pretty good right we're doing all right so let's rename this let's call this percent gocAKTb4KCk-00399-00254592-00255288 population infected now this is just what i wanted to do you don't have to do this you can do gocAKTb4KCk-00400-00255367-00256184 um you know whatever you want if you want to make it look different make it look unique i recommend gocAKTb4KCk-00401-00256184-00256784 you just mess around with here again we can mess with the tick marks as much as we want um i don't gocAKTb4KCk-00402-00256784-00257376 wanna call the month of date that seems odd to me i'm just gonna type i'm just gonna do month gocAKTb4KCk-00403-00257632-00258367 i don't know just seems better so now we have our last visualization and now if we go down here gocAKTb4KCk-00404-00258367-00258728 that's another sheet that's a new dashboard which is new gocAKTb4KCk-00405-00258808-00259256 so we have our new dashboard right here let's change the size gocAKTb4KCk-00406-00259592-00259816 just do automatic makes it the largest gocAKTb4KCk-00407-00259912-00260728 um and let's start let's start adding things i'm just going to start adding them because well i can gocAKTb4KCk-00408-00261016-00261728 um and let's do let's add this map and let's add this um just a as a start gocAKTb4KCk-00409-00261808-00262488 that's what we have and it's already looking pretty good um i want this to come down next gocAKTb4KCk-00410-00262488-00263056 to this visualization or be attached to it i'm going to drag it right here gocAKTb4KCk-00411-00263168-00263872 okay this one i'm going drag let me see if it um we'll stay up stay in here oh that looks gocAKTb4KCk-00412-00263872-00264296 terrible i'm just gonna keep it there i'm gonna drag try to drag this gocAKTb4KCk-00413-00264392-00265024 let me see how can i get this to stay up top oh here let me um let me try to extend this one gocAKTb4KCk-00414-00265408-00266184 that's not that's not really how that helpful to be honest okay getting closer gocAKTb4KCk-00415-00266272-00266792 and let's scooch this out just a bit maybe even to here oh that didn't work gocAKTb4KCk-00416-00266968-00267792 that's not working jeez i am butchering this um formatting in these things i i am not a fan of um gocAKTb4KCk-00417-00268064-00268240 uh but you know what can you do gocAKTb4KCk-00418-00268480-00269112 whoops let me go over here to drag um we'll do like kind of like that picture gocAKTb4KCk-00419-00269208-00269752 it covers a lot of countries um okay this is very close i mean gocAKTb4KCk-00420-00270000-00270760 we could get closer but i mean this is about it uh and let me stop right here and just say gocAKTb4KCk-00421-00270760-00271224 if you've made it here you're doing a really good job um i i don't know if i went too fast gocAKTb4KCk-00422-00271224-00272144 or too slow or what i did but you know we got the data into tableau we looked at our data we gocAKTb4KCk-00423-00272328-00272984 we then created each of the four visualizations and then put it into a dashboard gocAKTb4KCk-00424-00272984-00273592 and as is right here we're pretty close right there's some things that need to be changed um gocAKTb4KCk-00425-00273800-00274416 so we'll like we need some some new headers and stuff like that but let's take a look gocAKTb4KCk-00426-00274544-00275232 and this one needs to be um what are we going to call this one this is the total deaths gocAKTb4KCk-00427-00275408-00276520 per consonant just keep it simple keep it simple so i mean for as quickly as we got as we did this gocAKTb4KCk-00428-00276584-00277256 is a fairly good beginner dashboard there's so so much that you can do with this gocAKTb4KCk-00429-00277312-00277928 there's so much that you can do with this um and if i had three hours four hours five hours gocAKTb4KCk-00430-00277984-00278984 uh you know we could do that but honestly that that would just be insane um in all to gocAKTb4KCk-00431-00278984-00279464 be completely realistic this did not take me an hour and a half to make initially right i had to gocAKTb4KCk-00432-00279464-00279992 mess with things i had to um i had to readjust things i had to go back and look at my queries gocAKTb4KCk-00433-00280064-00280736 in actuality this took me a week um or probably the more advanced one took me a week and and so gocAKTb4KCk-00434-00280736-00281088 i don't want you to get this picture in your head that this is just only takes an hour and gocAKTb4KCk-00435-00281088-00281720 a half like legitimately this could be weeks of work um to look at the look at the data make sure gocAKTb4KCk-00436-00281720-00282312 that the data is clean to make sure that your visualizations do what you want um you may want gocAKTb4KCk-00437-00282384-00283096 um to have some type of theme some color theme along the way you know there is so much that gocAKTb4KCk-00438-00283096-00283568 can go into visualizations that we have not even discussed that i will talk about in the series gocAKTb4KCk-00439-00283568-00284224 um a little quite a bit more there's so much that could go into this um and so i don't want you to gocAKTb4KCk-00440-00284224-00284696 get the impression that i was able to do this in a short amount of time i promise you it took me gocAKTb4KCk-00441-00284696-00285336 quite a while um legitimately a week on and off working on it like an hour or two a night because gocAKTb4KCk-00442-00285432-00285856 i just i'm not perfect i make mistakes i'm like oh i messed this data up oh i forgot there were gocAKTb4KCk-00443-00285856-00286456 nulls in there things that i polished up and got and told you beforehand because i made those gocAKTb4KCk-00444-00286456-00287024 mistakes when i was going through it so i wanted to set that precedent now so you didn't think that gocAKTb4KCk-00445-00287024-00287640 i was some genius because i don't want anybody to think that is not the case so let's keep going we gocAKTb4KCk-00446-00287640-00288040 have now let's say let's just call this completed of course there's more that we can do to make it gocAKTb4KCk-00447-00288040-00288616 better um this could be a little larger um and honestly i should make that a little bit larger gocAKTb4KCk-00448-00288952-00289392 yeah i don't know why i didn't do that make this a little bit larger and and so now we're gocAKTb4KCk-00449-00289392-00290000 done now we want let's say say okay uh you know i finished my dashboard i want to share gocAKTb4KCk-00450-00290000-00290616 this to linkedin i want to share this as a portfolio project in on my resume how do i do that gocAKTb4KCk-00451-00290616-00291240 so so simple we're going to go to file we're going to save to public or tablet public as gocAKTb4KCk-00452-00291328-00291992 it's going to basically say what is it and i'm going to say let me say covid dashboard gocAKTb4KCk-00453-00292152-00292784 let's say tutorial you don't write that that's not useful tutorial tutorial gocAKTb4KCk-00454-00292864-00293216 i am as you can tell i talk to myself a lot when i'm spelling helps me gocAKTb4KCk-00455-00293216-00293728 sound things out so we're going to save this and watch the magic it's amazing gocAKTb4KCk-00456-00293936-00294616 it's saving it it's saving it and boom it opens it up and there is your dashboard gocAKTb4KCk-00457-00294616-00295368 now you get your own um url that you can literally copy and you can send to somebody gocAKTb4KCk-00458-00295368-00295800 and say hey look i made this and they can click on that link and they can go to it so gocAKTb4KCk-00459-00296016-00296768 again oh what is this i don't know why it's doing that again this is not perfect by any means but gocAKTb4KCk-00460-00296768-00297376 i hope it showed you some of the concepts some of the ideas that i had behind the data itself gocAKTb4KCk-00461-00297456-00298000 um i didn't want this to be three hours which it was before and so i condensed it maybe this is now gocAKTb4KCk-00462-00298000-00298448 like 45 minutes which i would be super happy about to be honest the shorter the better um gocAKTb4KCk-00463-00298560-00299128 because i want people to be able to actually get through it and learn something and see how you gocAKTb4KCk-00464-00299128-00299744 can easily make a dashboard and be able to share it and it make a huge impact on your potential gocAKTb4KCk-00465-00299744-00300424 career it really can make a difference and so i highly encourage you to make many of these right gocAKTb4KCk-00466-00300424-00301144 on my on my alex analyst he's not going to get a job with one dashboard maybe maybe he is somebody gocAKTb4KCk-00467-00301144-00301944 really likes his current dashboard but do two three four five um this is your tableau portfolio gocAKTb4KCk-00468-00301944-00302632 right your portfolio for sql your portfolio for python those are going to be in github gocAKTb4KCk-00469-00302632-00303224 and those you'll need multiple of those as well so don't just stop here with one okay let this gocAKTb4KCk-00470-00303224-00303880 be a starting place and then you grow from here this should not i don't think this should be your gocAKTb4KCk-00471-00303880-00304528 final pro product it's it's not bad but you can go further from there and and improve on what we've gocAKTb4KCk-00472-00304528-00305232 worked on today and make it awesome so that is all i got uh you know i i hope this has been helpful gocAKTb4KCk-00473-00305232-00305720 i you know i again i hope i didn't disappoint anybody by not doing like the three hour one gocAKTb4KCk-00474-00305720-00306280 because there's that one guy out there like oh man i wanted to do the three hour tutorial well gocAKTb4KCk-00475-00306344-00306824 you're the only one i didn't i wouldn't have wanted to do my own three hour tutorial so gocAKTb4KCk-00476-00306824-00307112 i hope that the people out there who are watching this who got this far gocAKTb4KCk-00477-00307176-00307816 were able to successfully complete it to get the kind of visual visualization they were hoping for gocAKTb4KCk-00478-00307888-00308184 i really appreciate you watching this i hope again i hope it was helpful g0kjxxivyrk-00000-00000539-00001349 Good morning, mr, master, maestro or simplt g0kjxxivyrk-00001-00001349-00001465 or g0kjxxivyrk-00002-00001465-00002508 simply David, yes David, why not David, David Lynch? g0kjxxivyrk-00003-00002508-00002952 It's November 8th, 2022 and it's a Tuesday. g0kjxxivyrk-00004-00002952-00003817 Here in Naples a clear, clear afternoon, very still right now, it's already afternoon, are g0kjxxivyrk-00005-00003817-00003917 13:10 g0kjxxivyrk-00006-00003917-00004607 p. m. in this moment, very still right now, 68.2 fahrenheit 20 celsius g0kjxxivyrk-00007-00004607-00005479 Sorry but .. in this moment are 16 and some minutes, sorry if I do this second part only g0kjxxivyrk-00008-00005479-00005579 now g0kjxxivyrk-00009-00005579-00006069 but there were problems that not depended by me. g0kjxxivyrk-00010-00006069-00006968 However being already late afternoon in this moment as I said, are 16:00 in this moment g0kjxxivyrk-00011-00006968-00008223 I think that the temperature is this, is changed, yes we have 1 degree less, in this moment g0kjxxivyrk-00012-00008223-00008536 66.2 fahrenheit 19 celsius, g0kjxxivyrk-00013-00008536-00009318 but the really important with this atmosphere is that today we had, I say had because at g0kjxxivyrk-00014-00009318-00009418 this g0kjxxivyrk-00015-00009418-00009698 point the day goes to the end, g0kjxxivyrk-00016-00009698-00010493 we had thooooooooooooooooooose g0kjxxivyrk-00017-00010493-00011254 beautiful g0kjxxivyrk-00018-00011254-00011596 blue skies and golden sunshine all along the way in fact. g0kjxxivyrk-00019-00011596-00011696 But as you know here g0kjxxivyrk-00020-00011696-00011986 all along the way less hours having we a completely different schedule g0kjxxivyrk-00021-00011986-00012254 in comparison above all with the American friends. g0kjxxivyrk-00022-00012254-00012454 Well, so said this: g0kjxxivyrk-00023-00012454-00012972 so from the mythical window with the gray, new courtain, gray as you know with these g0kjxxivyrk-00024-00012972-00013072 beautiful g0kjxxivyrk-00025-00013072-00013211 painted wavy branches g0kjxxivyrk-00026-00013211-00014111 and its green roller shooter, not visible in this period and in fact here in the shot g0kjxxivyrk-00027-00014111-00014405 and finally from my mythical keyboard Yamaha DGX640, YPG, YPG-625 g0kjxxivyrk-00028-00014405-00015380 Have a great day to him, all the people who follow the channel and the Weathers, yes, g0kjxxivyrk-00029-00015680-00016906 really a greeting to everyone, also to my brother and finally I hope you all have a g0kjxxivyrk-00030-00016906-00017006 great g0kjxxivyrk-00031-00017006-00017311 breakfast. Unfortunately I already did it today being afternoon. Breakfast is always g0kjxxivyrk-00032-00017311-00017411 one of the most beautiful g0kjxxivyrk-00033-00017411-00018286 things in the life and in the world. g0kjxxivyrk-00034-00018586-00018973 I'll see you tomorrow. g0-kxHI3sJI-00000-00000040-00000328 Hello and welcome. g0-kxHI3sJI-00001-00000459-00001078 Yesterday Stephanie and I g0-kxHI3sJI-00002-00001140-00002090 watched a ballet. We g0-kxHI3sJI-00003-00002242-00002824 liked that. However g0-kxHI3sJI-00004-00003052-00003686 I liked seeing my parents again more g0-kxHI3sJI-00005-00003774-00004472 than the ballet. g0-kxHI3sJI-00006-00004648-00005004 We actually got g0-kxHI3sJI-00007-00005204-00005884 home at three in the morning, g0-kxHI3sJI-00008-00005912-00006473 so I am somewhat g0-kxHI3sJI-00009-00006762-00007273 tired today. g0-kxHI3sJI-00010-00007688-00008382 When this video is viewable, it will be Zamenhof day. g0-kxHI3sJI-00011-00008382-00008820 So, happy Zamenhof day! g0-kxHI3sJI-00012-00008972-00009794 Zamenhof day is about g0-kxHI3sJI-00013-00009794-00010214 the birthday of Zamenhof. g0-kxHI3sJI-00014-00010300-00011418 Zamenhof was born more than 150 years ago. g0-kxHI3sJI-00015-00011544-00012118 He created Esperanto. g0-kxHI3sJI-00016-00012350-00013168 I believe that he died during g0-kxHI3sJI-00017-00013216-00013540 1917, g0-kxHI3sJI-00018-00013576-00014397 but his language is indeed living on. g0-kxHI3sJI-00019-00014768-00015772 That is an amazing thing about Esperanto. g0-kxHI3sJI-00020-00015840-00016556 There are indeed multiple, many g0-kxHI3sJI-00021-00017004-00017226 constructed languages, but g0-kxHI3sJI-00022-00017352-00018036 Esperanto lives on after the death g0-kxHI3sJI-00023-00018292-00018758 of its creator. g0-kxHI3sJI-00024-00019018-00019424 That is all for today. g0-kxHI3sJI-00025-00019424-00019624 Until tomorrow! g2BRbY0NIiM-00002-00017637-00018975 •Alexx Melo• g7f1tAAxLpQ-00000-00000000-00000050 paniss kay kuya nelmar g7f1tAAxLpQ-00001-00000050-00000645 ah I got money back on my rope and bagging Palawan and about yeah yo Tommy g7f1tAAxLpQ-00002-00000645-00001834 la Stella Valle Polycarp invitato Sergei Simona an ad in tow g7f1tAAxLpQ-00003-00001836-00003339 whoa 300 that I owe ya Yin so Trego need dari necessaries every man anniversary g7f1tAAxLpQ-00004-00003339-00004484 Dada you to me family relative is that it better gamma Dada Dada Dada g9RDQiJBhGu-00000-00000050-00000203 Let's rock and roll, young learners. g9RDQiJBhGu-00001-00000216-00000457 Okay, roll call. Dig it. g9RDQiJBhGu-00002-00000470-00000663 I'm going to give you all awesome nicknames. g9RDQiJBhGu-00003-00000677-00001094 Uh, Hot Rod, Clapton, Handband. g9RDQiJBhGu-00004-00001124-00001257 But my name is Summer. g9RDQiJBhGu-00005-00001271-00001511 Dude, you can't give yourself a nickname. g9RDQiJBhGu-00006-00001524-00001641 You'll be Summer. g9RDQiJBhGu-00007-00001654-00001835 This is going to be really confusing. g9RDQiJBhGu-00008-00001891-00002168 Dr. Roboto. Zack. g9RDQiJBhGu-00009-00002182-00002305 That's my actual name. g9RDQiJBhGu-00010-00002318-00002522 Your parents nailed it. g9RDQiJBhGu-00011-00003159-00003276 Who did that? g9RDQiJBhGu-00012-00003496-00003860 Because that was... awesome. g9RDQiJBhGu-00013-00003977-00004254 So you're not going to put it in the confiscation closet. g9RDQiJBhGu-00014-00004270-00004504 New teacher. New rules. g9RDQiJBhGu-00015-00004527-00004768 I say let's make this whole learning thing fun. g9RDQiJBhGu-00016-00004811-00004994 I don't just wanna teach you guys, g9RDQiJBhGu-00017-00005008-00005145 I wanna inspire- g9RDQiJBhGu-00018-00005378-00005829 All I'm saying... is that we can do this the boring way... g9RDQiJBhGu-00019-00005912-00006076 or the Mr. Finn way. g9RDQiJBhGu-00020-00006286-00006519 I say we do it the Mr. Finn way. g9RDQiJBhGu-00021-00006533-00006756 [music playing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00022-00006780-00006913 Follow my lead. g9RDQiJBhGu-00023-00007163-00007494 Thou blind fool, Love, what dost thou to mine eyes g9RDQiJBhGu-00024-00007507-00007654 In rock that means g9RDQiJBhGu-00025-00007667-00007991 ♪ Love isn't kind It makes you blind ♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00026-00008084-00008354 That they behold, and see not what they see? g9RDQiJBhGu-00027-00008374-00008778 ♪ I thought you were hot Now I know you're not ♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00028-00008792-00009059 Fog machine! Lights! g9RDQiJBhGu-00029-00009119-00009282 Tasty lead. g9RDQiJBhGu-00030-00009486-00009679 [unintelligible] g9RDQiJBhGu-00031-00009816-00010066 In things right true my heart and eyes have erred, g9RDQiJBhGu-00032-00010079-00010373 And to this false plague am I now transferred. g9RDQiJBhGu-00033-00010403-00010563 I got this. g9RDQiJBhGu-00034-00010577-00010904 ♪ Crushing on a girl Needs to meet your papa ♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00035-00010920-00011317 That's it. But mine rhyme. Keys. g9RDQiJBhGu-00036-00011331-00011671 [unintelligible] Bring the song to Mika. g9RDQiJBhGu-00037-00012255-00012419 Yeah. g9RDQiJBhGu-00038-00012499-00012642 Alright. g9RDQiJBhGu-00039-00012732-00012919 Shakespeare brought the funk. g9RDQiJBhGu-00040-00012956-00013083 Where'd you learn to teach like that? g9RDQiJBhGu-00041-00013096-00013253 Uh, I'm in a special program. g9RDQiJBhGu-00042-00013269-00013653 I'm, uh, getting my Masters in teachology g9RDQiJBhGu-00043-00013666-00014187 at the Van Halen Institute. I go every day after school. g9RDQiJBhGu-00044-00014200-00014310 [bell ringing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00045-00014324-00014671 Oh, man. Guys, great day. g9RDQiJBhGu-00046-00014684-00014818 It's just lunch time. g9RDQiJBhGu-00047-00014871-00015194 Seriously? I really need to get a watch. g9RDQiJBhGu-00048-00015231-00015622 [music playing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00049-00015635-00015762 Mr. Finn is fun, g9RDQiJBhGu-00050-00015775-00015999 but there is no way he's a real teacher. g9RDQiJBhGu-00051-00016029-00016219 He asked to borrow lunch money. g9RDQiJBhGu-00052-00016286-00016543 Guys, he's the best teacher we've ever had. g9RDQiJBhGu-00053-00016556-00016776 Just because he's fun doesn't mean he's not legit. g9RDQiJBhGu-00054-00016820-00016930 I'll prove it. g9RDQiJBhGu-00055-00016943-00017200 [music playing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00056-00017213-00017560 So far, we've followed Mr. Finn a taco truck, laser tag, g9RDQiJBhGu-00057-00017574-00017690 and now here. g9RDQiJBhGu-00058-00017710-00018128 [music playing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00059-00018141-00018278 That's our teacher? g9RDQiJBhGu-00060-00018291-00018461 Dewey Finn, teacher? g9RDQiJBhGu-00061-00018475-00018732 He's not qualified to teach a dog to bark, g9RDQiJBhGu-00062-00018745-00019082 but he is a rock god. Whoo! g9RDQiJBhGu-00063-00019095-00019229 Rock and roll! g9RDQiJBhGu-00064-00019242-00019609 [music playing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00065-00019622-00019989 [music playing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00066-00020003-00020236 Oh. Hey, guys. g9RDQiJBhGu-00067-00020320-00020470 Definitely not a teacher. g9RDQiJBhGu-00068-00020483-00020700 [music playing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00069-00020713-00020897 - Mr. Finn? - He's gone. g9RDQiJBhGu-00070-00020910-00021067 Look, he left his laptop. g9RDQiJBhGu-00071-00021468-00021915 Hey, guys, You guys were right. You need a real teacher. g9RDQiJBhGu-00072-00021951-00022135 So I'm on my way back to my old job. g9RDQiJBhGu-00073-00022222-00022532 And just so you know, even though it was only a day, g9RDQiJBhGu-00074-00022575-00022789 being your teacher was one of the greatest honors g9RDQiJBhGu-00075-00022802-00023199 of my life. So, guess this is goodbye. g9RDQiJBhGu-00076-00023279-00023396 Forever. g9RDQiJBhGu-00077-00023520-00023750 Oh, and check out the box. g9RDQiJBhGu-00078-00024484-00024654 Mr. Finn got all of our stuff back g9RDQiJBhGu-00079-00024667-00024828 from the confiscation closet. g9RDQiJBhGu-00080-00024991-00025118 My dodgeball. g9RDQiJBhGu-00081-00025135-00025271 Why'd that get taken away? g9RDQiJBhGu-00082-00025548-00025685 Now I get it. g9RDQiJBhGu-00083-00025735-00025902 Mr. Finn left because of us. g9RDQiJBhGu-00084-00025915-00026129 We have to get him back if we want to be a band. g9RDQiJBhGu-00085-00026142-00026276 [all agreeing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00086-00026319-00026449 We better move fast. g9RDQiJBhGu-00087-00026469-00026733 If Principal Mullen sees he's gone, he'll be fired. g9RDQiJBhGu-00088-00026780-00026943 Then let's get to that yogurt stand. g9RDQiJBhGu-00089-00026956-00027180 [music playing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00090-00027193-00027440 Yo, yo yo. My name is Yogurt Boy. g9RDQiJBhGu-00091-00027454-00027704 [unintelligible] for you to enjoy. g9RDQiJBhGu-00092-00028101-00028438 Hey, guys. Wait. Why aren't you in school? g9RDQiJBhGu-00093-00028464-00028598 We want you to come back, Mr. Finn. g9RDQiJBhGu-00094-00028611-00028722 [all] Yeah. g9RDQiJBhGu-00095-00028735-00029035 I can't go back. I have my dignity. g9RDQiJBhGu-00096-00029169-00029426 Besides, you guys are right. You need a real teacher. g9RDQiJBhGu-00097-00029476-00029632 You are a real teacher, Mr. Finn. g9RDQiJBhGu-00098-00029646-00029759 [all] Yeah. g9RDQiJBhGu-00099-00029816-00030043 I mean, you taught us the meaning of Shakespeare. g9RDQiJBhGu-00100-00030056-00030270 You inspired us to rock out on the quad. g9RDQiJBhGu-00101-00030306-00030423 And you made learning fun. g9RDQiJBhGu-00102-00030436-00030583 Actual fun. g9RDQiJBhGu-00103-00030597-00030720 Do you know the last time we had fun at this school? g9RDQiJBhGu-00104-00030774-00031134 Kindergarten, December 12th, finger painting. g9RDQiJBhGu-00105-00031271-00031448 It really doesn't happen much. g9RDQiJBhGu-00106-00031594-00031841 Come on, Mr. Finn. We wanna win Battle of the Bands, g9RDQiJBhGu-00107-00031855-00032011 and we can't do it without you. g9RDQiJBhGu-00108-00032025-00032172 Come on, Mr. Finn. g9RDQiJBhGu-00109-00032185-00032435 You want to be a teacher, we want to be a rock band. g9RDQiJBhGu-00110-00032449-00032605 - Yeah. - We'll make you a deal. g9RDQiJBhGu-00111-00032645-00032866 We'll keep your secret if you keep ours. g9RDQiJBhGu-00112-00032879-00033076 - Come on, Mr. Finn. - Come back with us. g9RDQiJBhGu-00113-00033399-00033503 You got a deal. g9RDQiJBhGu-00114-00033516-00033626 [cheering] g9RDQiJBhGu-00115-00033640-00034087 [music playing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00116-00034100-00034197 ♪ Hey! ♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00117-00034210-00034387 [music playing] g9RDQiJBhGu-00118-00034401-00034554 ♪ Uh-huh-huh ♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00119-00034627-00034838 ♪ What I like about you ♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00120-00034954-00035155 ♪ You hold me tight ♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00121-00035328-00035732 ♪ Tell me I'm the only one Wanna come over tonight ♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00122-00035758-00035922 ♪ Yeah ♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00123-00035935-00036202 ♪ Keep on whispering in my ear♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00124-00036222-00036479 ♪ Tell me all the things That I wanna hear ♪ g9RDQiJBhGu-00125-00036493-00036943 ♪ Cause it's true That's what I like about you ♪ g9TbFsEgZOE-00000-00000000-00000200 How to apply filter formula gqDSar1rBMg-00000-00000002-00000574 Hi there. A while ago, I talked about the challenges of being a multi-passionate gqDSar1rBMg-00001-00000598-00001110 Today it's time to take a look at the benefits. A subject that is a lot more fun gqDSar1rBMg-00002-00001110-00001580 If you like what you're seeing here consider subscribing. If I get more gqDSar1rBMg-00003-00001580-00001946 questions on the subject, I will definitely make more videos about it gqDSar1rBMg-00004-00001946-00002477 I have made a little list about the benefits that I could think of. It's by gqDSar1rBMg-00005-00002477-00003110 no means a complete list, as nobody can think of everything. If you want to add gqDSar1rBMg-00006-00003110-00003896 something or ask a question, do it in the comments. Let's get started on that list gqDSar1rBMg-00007-00004025-00004766 You're interesting. You have lots of conversation topics. You know a lot of gqDSar1rBMg-00008-00004766-00005282 different things. People can ask you about stuff, if they need help with gqDSar1rBMg-00009-00005282-00005797 something and usually, you can give them an answer. Provided they know what you're gqDSar1rBMg-00010-00005797-00006834 interested in. For example, if someone asks me about sewing or photography or gqDSar1rBMg-00011-00006834-00007315 painting, drawing, things like that, I can usually give them an answer. The same gqDSar1rBMg-00012-00007315-00007958 goes for a problem on their website or something to do with using graphics gqDSar1rBMg-00013-00007958-00008530 software. So you are a lot more interesting if you have a lot of interests gqDSar1rBMg-00014-00008868-00009846 You're curious and curiosity is not a bad thing. It's really really good gqDSar1rBMg-00015-00009846-00010638 Because it... you figure out things more you learn a lot of new stuff gqDSar1rBMg-00016-00010638-00011202 You're curious about people so you get to know people gqDSar1rBMg-00017-00011358-00012008 The next on the list is: you're a creative thinker. You always have new ideas gqDSar1rBMg-00018-00012008-00012732 This can, of course, go too far but you can always come up with an idea gqDSar1rBMg-00019-00012960-00013597 You have a lot of choices. You don't have to do the same thing day in day out gqDSar1rBMg-00020-00013599-00014224 There's always something new and exciting to learn. Skillshare is a real gqDSar1rBMg-00021-00014224-00014878 death trap. Pinterest too for that matter it's so easy to get caught up in gqDSar1rBMg-00022-00014878-00015286 everything. You want to learn everything. You want to try. But it's really good gqDSar1rBMg-00023-00015286-00016315 that you're willing to learn, that you have all these interests. Because you can gqDSar1rBMg-00024-00016315-00016882 you get to work your brain. It's good for your brain to learn new things gqDSar1rBMg-00025-00017116-00017952 You have a lot of fun things to do. It doesn't matter what your passions are gqDSar1rBMg-00026-00017953-00018574 Because you think that they're fun, you always have a lot of fun things to do gqDSar1rBMg-00027-00018749-00019469 Exploring all these passions also builds a lot of different skills. This means gqDSar1rBMg-00028-00019469-00020024 that you're able to do most things yourself because you can figure out how gqDSar1rBMg-00029-00020024-00020881 to do it. If you don't know it, you learn how to do it, and then you do it gqDSar1rBMg-00030-00021044-00021618 You can also combine all these talents into something completely new that gqDSar1rBMg-00031-00021618-00022445 the world has never seen before. Think about that for a minute. You can create gqDSar1rBMg-00032-00022445-00023120 something totally unique. Wouldn't that be fun? gqDSar1rBMg-00033-00023272-00023791 if you prefer to have a regular job, you can find a job that is actually fun for gqDSar1rBMg-00034-00023791-00024496 you to do. A job that you actually like doing. And I know a lot of people don't gqDSar1rBMg-00035-00024496-00025036 have that option. That's the short list that I created of all the benefits of being gqDSar1rBMg-00036-00025036-00025701 a multi-passionate. There are a lot more but as I said, those are the ones that I gqDSar1rBMg-00037-00025701-00026139 could come up with right now If you want to see some names of some successful gqDSar1rBMg-00038-00026139-00026623 multi-passionates, you can head on over to the blog I've linked to in the gqDSar1rBMg-00039-00026623-00027280 description, where I have summed up both the challenges, the benefits and I've gqDSar1rBMg-00040-00027280-00027730 listed up some names of successful multi- passionates. And there are also some gqDSar1rBMg-00041-00027730-00028363 links to some of them which have good resources on the subject Plus some gqDSar1rBMg-00042-00028363-00028858 advice for fellow multi-passionate people. I hope you liked this video and gqDSar1rBMg-00043-00028858-00029358 that you will stick around. Subscribe, share it with your friends. I'll be back gqDSar1rBMg-00044-00029358-00029639 next week. Bye bye guCG9A5Nos8-00000-00000000-00000830 Daily Metta Jan 3 2016 guCG9A5Nos8-00001-00000830-00000919 Michael: Hello, guCG9A5Nos8-00002-00000919-00001330 this is your Daily Metta for January 3rd, 2016. guCG9A5Nos8-00003-00001330-00001789 You know, with the book we’re talking about, The Search for a Nonviolent Future, guCG9A5Nos8-00004-00001789-00002220 it’s almost 12 years-old and yet it’s one of those things – guCG9A5Nos8-00005-00002220-00002820 everything that I wrote in this book is truer today than it was 12 years ago. guCG9A5Nos8-00006-00002820-00003140 The violence that I talk about has gotten more intense. guCG9A5Nos8-00007-00003140-00003729 And the nonviolence has got more intense. So we live in extremely interesting times. guCG9A5Nos8-00008-00003729-00004120 And I want to tarry a little bit more then, on the introduction, guCG9A5Nos8-00009-00004120-00004330 the preface that I wrote to the book. guCG9A5Nos8-00010-00004330-00004630 When I finished that preface, a lot of people said, guCG9A5Nos8-00011-00004630-00005250 “You’d feel differently if you actually had a relative who was killed on 9/11.” guCG9A5Nos8-00012-00005250-00005730 Well, let me read you the last paragraph of the preface, guCG9A5Nos8-00013-00005730-00006260 “I dedicate this preface to my cousin, Chick, who suffered a heart attack and died guCG9A5Nos8-00014-00006260-00006580 after his wife, Sylvita, guCG9A5Nos8-00015-00006580-00007170 staggered home late that night from her job on the first floor of the World Trade Center.” guCG9A5Nos8-00016-00007170-00007790 So I did have a relative who died as a direct result of the 9/11 attacks. guCG9A5Nos8-00017-00007790-00008000 And you know what? It doesn’t matter. guCG9A5Nos8-00018-00008000-00008570 We all died a little bit in those attacks, and we’re dying over and over again guCG9A5Nos8-00019-00008570-00009100 in the attacks that roll on, domestically and internationally. guCG9A5Nos8-00020-00009100-00009540 So we must come to grips with what is causing the violence in our world. guCG9A5Nos8-00021-00009540-00010010 And that’s why I’m very happy about, “Search for a Nonviolent Future,” because, guCG9A5Nos8-00022-00010010-00010270 okay, maybe I made some mistakes guCG9A5Nos8-00023-00010270-00010940 and I misidentified a little bit what causes violence and why nonviolence is so successful. guCG9A5Nos8-00024-00010940-00011480 Sure, I may have gotten some things wrong, but at least it points us to the problem, guCG9A5Nos8-00025-00011480-00012170 that the biggest dilemma that we’re facing in our world is this crisis guCG9A5Nos8-00026-00012170-00012470 between violence and nonviolence. guCG9A5Nos8-00027-00012470-00012819 Now the Buddha once said, “Hasten to do good. guCG9A5Nos8-00028-00012819-00013260 If you do not do good, evil may enter your mind.” guCG9A5Nos8-00029-00013260-00013560 And sort of that’s kind of my point too. guCG9A5Nos8-00030-00013560-00013919 Hasten to learn about and practice nonviolence. guCG9A5Nos8-00031-00013919-00014480 If we don’t do that, violence can partake of our being, guCG9A5Nos8-00032-00014480-00015010 even if we’re very much opposed to it in our conscious life. guCG9A5Nos8-00033-00015010-00015530 So thank you once again. This is your Daily Metta for January 3rd. guCG9A5Nos8-00034-00015530-00015760 And as Mahatma Gandhi once said, guCG9A5Nos8-00035-00015760-00016520 if you are inclined to join us, don’t hesitate to "join the experiment.” guRkbDgoLy4-00000-00002352-00002704 The lights are low, the night is young guRkbDgoLy4-00001-00002774-00003048 and stars light up the Latin sky guRkbDgoLy4-00002-00003132-00003429 The tango band begins to play guRkbDgoLy4-00003-00003450-00003761 in your heart a burnin’ desire. guRkbDgoLy4-00004-00003886-00004168 A certain magic in her eyes guRkbDgoLy4-00005-00004212-00004534 seems to tell you: have no fear guRkbDgoLy4-00006-00004642-00004900 you are dancin’ skin to skin guRkbDgoLy4-00007-00004928-00005202 and she whispers so smooth in your ear: guRkbDgoLy4-00008-00005278-00005530 Come dance with me the tango guRkbDgoLy4-00009-00005558-00005802 all night long … guRkbDgoLy4-00010-00006048-00006270 Come dance with me the tango guRkbDgoLy4-00011-00006294-00006554 ’till the break of dawn … guRkbDgoLy4-00012-00008254-00008600 She makes you slowly lose your mind guRkbDgoLy4-00013-00008664-00008970 and you are fixed as if by glue guRkbDgoLy4-00014-00009030-00009304 you will dance the night away guRkbDgoLy4-00015-00009342-00009674 tonight all your dreams will come true. guRkbDgoLy4-00016-00009718-00009942 Come dance with me the tango guRkbDgoLy4-00017-00010014-00010282 all night long … guRkbDgoLy4-00018-00010448-00010706 Come dance with me the tango guRkbDgoLy4-00019-00010738-00010968 ’till the break of dawn … guRkbDgoLy4-00020-00012708-00012884 [Come on, let’s tango] guRkbDgoLy4-00021-00013110-00013280 [Come on, let’s tango] guRkbDgoLy4-00022-00013488-00013640 [Come on, let’s tango] guRkbDgoLy4-00023-00013836-00014008 [Come on, let’s tango] guRkbDgoLy4-00024-00014180-00014382 Take her to the dance floor by the hand guRkbDgoLy4-00025-00014396-00014616 she’ll guide you this night to a foreign land guRkbDgoLy4-00026-00014644-00014858 your skin feels tight, a sudden urge within guRkbDgoLy4-00027-00014894-00015184 you and she begin to tango skin to skin. guRkbDgoLy4-00028-00015210-00015332 [Come on, let’s tango,] guRkbDgoLy4-00029-00015336-00015480 [Come on, let’s tango] guRkbDgoLy4-00030-00015656-00015772 Feel the drama rise, guRkbDgoLy4-00031-00015784-00015908 look deep in her eyes guRkbDgoLy4-00032-00015932-00016091 the temperature rises higher, guRkbDgoLy4-00033-00016116-00016262 you feel the burnin’ desire guRkbDgoLy4-00034-00016288-00016476 lost in love time just flows guRkbDgoLy4-00035-00016504-00016656 where it’s ending, nobody knows. guRkbDgoLy4-00036-00016708-00016844 [Come on, let’s tango] guRkbDgoLy4-00037-00016868-00017002 [Come on, let’s tango] guRkbDgoLy4-00038-00017108-00017344 Come dance with me the tango guRkbDgoLy4-00039-00017388-00017612 all night long … guRkbDgoLy4-00040-00017844-00018082 Come dance with me the tango guRkbDgoLy4-00041-00018106-00018400 ’till the break of dawn … guRkbDgoLy4-00042-00018574-00018822 Come dance with me the tango guRkbDgoLy4-00043-00018868-00019140 all night long … guRkbDgoLy4-00044-00019314-00019554 Come dance with me the tango guRkbDgoLy4-00045-00019586-00019898 ’till the break of dawn … guRkbDgoLy4-00046-00020062-00020290 Come dance with me the tango guRkbDgoLy4-00047-00020334-00020544 all night long … guRkbDgoLy4-00048-00020790-00021070 Come dance with me the tango guRkbDgoLy4-00049-00021102-00021296 ’till the break of dawn … gvQI5bvIZmo-00000-00000000-00000200 Freestyle Beat gvQI5bvIZmo-00001-00000200-00000400 "Gossip" MonkeyMuzik gvQI5bvIZmo-00002-00000400-00000600 HipHop Boom Bap Chill Free Type Beat gvQI5bvIZmo-00003-00000600-00000800 Sad Piano LoFi Rap Instrumental BGM 2022 gxo_QqBoKnU-00000-00000024-00000456 man let me tell you if you guys honestly thought that anime war was crazy then we're going to be gxo_QqBoKnU-00001-00000456-00000872 raising all different types of hell on today's video as i want to welcome you all back once gxo_QqBoKnU-00002-00000872-00001600 again to another episode of dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3 mods this is team arkhan vs team adult gxo_QqBoKnU-00003-00001600-00002184 zeno mass star media's anime award let's not waste any more time my team leader is going to be none gxo_QqBoKnU-00004-00002184-00002808 other than adult zeno in which i will say out of all of the fan creations in this community adult gxo_QqBoKnU-00005-00002808-00003415 zeno looks pretty cool i'm actually really pissed that he didn't have the be-all end-all victory gxo_QqBoKnU-00006-00003415-00003872 over archon but we're gonna talk about that as we progress so let's not waste any more time guys it gxo_QqBoKnU-00007-00003872-00004448 is december look at this we have omni king goku dude hell yeah that's like zeno and goku fused gxo_QqBoKnU-00008-00004448-00005192 into one right now where is the ultimate killer there he is all right so we have omni gogeta now gxo_QqBoKnU-00009-00005192-00005736 this is a little different because it's not really the accurate representation of what gogeta was gxo_QqBoKnU-00010-00005736-00006320 in mastar's depiction of anime war but even though this is close that'll have to do for now so in the gxo_QqBoKnU-00011-00006320-00006623 meantime we have a whole bunch of villains here that i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and play up gxo_QqBoKnU-00012-00006623-00007240 against right now but i wanna see who else i can use i wanna use maybe midoriya for this one maybe gxo_QqBoKnU-00013-00007240-00007704 all might all we have we have ryuk from death now i mean what's what's he really gonna do right gxo_QqBoKnU-00014-00007704-00008120 uh but either way guys if of course you guys are new to this channel then i do encourage gxo_QqBoKnU-00015-00008120-00008624 you guys to go on ahead and smash that subscribe button and give this video a big thumbs up if you gxo_QqBoKnU-00016-00008624-00009160 guys do hopefully want to see the continuation of anime war in the future because how awesome gxo_QqBoKnU-00017-00009160-00009584 would that be if if they were to actually do that but the one thing that i really wanted to gxo_QqBoKnU-00018-00009584-00010112 see was the grand priest get involved like that would have been so cool so arkhan is going to be gxo_QqBoKnU-00019-00010112-00010712 the enemy and on top of that i want to go ahead and go back to choose some of mass star media's gxo_QqBoKnU-00020-00010712-00011328 uh villains here like zarama and stuff like that so 2020 is over and so is anime war right but gxo_QqBoKnU-00021-00011328-00011864 as you guys may have noticed on my channel i've been continuing anime war through the form of a gxo_QqBoKnU-00022-00011864-00012552 manga and what's really cool about that i would say is the fact that i think manga form offers a gxo_QqBoKnU-00023-00012552-00013072 whole lot of like experience that's different than the actual animated stuff that master used to do gxo_QqBoKnU-00024-00013072-00013504 even though master said that he's finished and he's doing other things and that's cool and all gxo_QqBoKnU-00025-00013504-00014072 because he's no longer doing uh anime war like he used to and even though anime was cool for gxo_QqBoKnU-00026-00014072-00014656 what it was oh my christ is that exodia oh hell yeah we're gonna fight exodia dude the omni king gxo_QqBoKnU-00027-00014656-00015232 versus exodia question is where are we gonna fight i want to fight somewhere nice the city of gt gxo_QqBoKnU-00028-00015232-00015736 probably not what's this the city of the future hell yeah so the thing about omni gxo_QqBoKnU-00029-00015736-00016240 zeno and which i will say again his overall form looks pretty cool like you get to see gxo_QqBoKnU-00030-00016240-00016760 basically the multiverse within him right it's it's the omni king evolved and i will say gxo_QqBoKnU-00031-00016760-00017280 for what it's worth i think the omni king should have completely wrecked arkham but who knows gxo_QqBoKnU-00032-00017280-00017832 who knows what the future holds for not only anime war but i think that this is an interesting take gxo_QqBoKnU-00033-00017832-00018416 on fan creations because again master media created this uh just as a form of fan fiction gxo_QqBoKnU-00034-00018416-00018872 right and i've seen many people in the community create their own versions of not just anime war gxo_QqBoKnU-00035-00018872-00019480 but fan mangas fan animations and this is why the community grows into its own because everyone has gxo_QqBoKnU-00036-00019480-00020048 their own style everyone has something different to offer and hopefully going into 2021 we're gxo_QqBoKnU-00037-00020048-00020536 gonna see more fan mangas more fan animations jesus christ arkhan is like i think he's pretty gxo_QqBoKnU-00038-00020536-00021056 strong in this game i forgot how strong he was but also at the same time i forgot how strong uh gxo_QqBoKnU-00039-00021056-00021608 zeno's adult form is too now here's my little rant right i i told master this personally so gxo_QqBoKnU-00040-00021664-00022096 they should have had it i mean master should have had it to where the omni king should have been the gxo_QqBoKnU-00041-00022096-00022752 one to completely destroy arkhan that was like one of my biggest pet peeves because if the omni king gxo_QqBoKnU-00042-00022752-00023432 were to evolve right theoretically and if he were to have basically limitless slash infinite power gxo_QqBoKnU-00043-00023432-00024080 then wouldn't it only be fair for the omni king to completely obliterate this person dark siphoning gxo_QqBoKnU-00044-00024080-00024808 or not increased in power or not ultra instinct or not you know i i i solely stand with the idea gxo_QqBoKnU-00045-00024808-00025344 that the omni king should have been the one to completely end archon by the end of anime gxo_QqBoKnU-00046-00025344-00025856 war now that turned out a little different as of course you guys may have seen but in the future gxo_QqBoKnU-00047-00025856-00026448 right let's say for example if you were to want to see a fan manga involving zeno or any other you gxo_QqBoKnU-00048-00026448-00026944 know creation such as what you guys see in anime war what would you guys like the narrative to be gxo_QqBoKnU-00049-00026944-00027656 because i want to see more of an evolved slash sirius xeno like that really gave me uh i think gxo_QqBoKnU-00050-00027656-00028288 hope to see a serious zeno actually take his job once serious and what i really enjoyed about gxo_QqBoKnU-00051-00028288-00028824 anime war was the fact that once zeno arrived he met business like he he knew right off the gxo_QqBoKnU-00052-00028824-00029336 gate what he was getting himself into and even his guards from the get-go the way they fought arkhan gxo_QqBoKnU-00053-00029336-00029904 was pretty solid um i just really hope that in the future we do get to see more of you know adult gxo_QqBoKnU-00054-00029904-00030456 zeno if people want to add him into a fan fiction because i've seen several people actually create gxo_QqBoKnU-00055-00030456-00030968 uh fan stories involving zeno's evolved form for example there was a manga i think that was gxo_QqBoKnU-00056-00030968-00031464 put out a year ago that had beerus versus the omni king right if you guys remember that one gxo_QqBoKnU-00057-00031464-00032232 and that story in and of itself featured an ever so evolving omni king and this dude was destroying gxo_QqBoKnU-00058-00032232-00032816 beerus right and he was destroying him in the like taking the form of like this crocodile monster so gxo_QqBoKnU-00059-00032816-00033448 that was pretty cool to to see actually oh damn he got me damn you are khan anime work yeah this this gxo_QqBoKnU-00060-00033448-00034008 is more like anime war episode like freaking 20 the battle to determine the fate of the entire you gxo_QqBoKnU-00061-00034008-00034536 know complexity of the multiverse right here but either way um i definitely feel like there should gxo_QqBoKnU-00062-00034536-00035096 be alternate cuts to anime war um even though i know master always complains about the length of gxo_QqBoKnU-00063-00035096-00035584 the animation and stuff like that i just feel like there should be like a what if right like what if gxo_QqBoKnU-00064-00035584-00036216 what if we didn't get to see omni gogeta what if we actually saw omni vegito instead or gxo_QqBoKnU-00065-00036216-00036680 something like that right and um this is gonna be interesting oh yeah damn you know what i'm gxo_QqBoKnU-00066-00036680-00037256 going to swap out i'm going to swap out for omni king goku yes omni goku who i think that would gxo_QqBoKnU-00067-00037256-00037800 have been a cool concept because what anime war is it's it's something completely freaking fictional gxo_QqBoKnU-00068-00037800-00038256 right it's something that really shouldn't be taken serious and people want to you know gxo_QqBoKnU-00069-00038256-00038712 gravitate towards that and being like oh man this that in the third oh i love the ui i love gxo_QqBoKnU-00070-00038712-00039392 the ui animation right here damn zarama just got freaking cut not even close but i just think that gxo_QqBoKnU-00071-00039392-00040048 going into 2021 this is just a small example of i think something that fans need to do and what i gxo_QqBoKnU-00072-00040048-00040640 mean by that is fans need to start creating their own stories their own fan animations for example gxo_QqBoKnU-00073-00040640-00041200 there are several fan animations out there that really have a good narrative that have fantastic gxo_QqBoKnU-00074-00041200-00041816 animations fantastic battles and i feel as if everybody that has or you know at least gxo_QqBoKnU-00075-00041816-00042368 has somewhat of a platform deserves to have their work be recognized so we've been doing a great job gxo_QqBoKnU-00076-00042368-00042920 in exposing these people to give them some shine because i think that a lot of animators do deserve gxo_QqBoKnU-00077-00042920-00043384 their due credit especially if they're honest with their work so i've seen lots of people if you guys gxo_QqBoKnU-00078-00043384-00044080 remember um the evil the evil angel the dark angel versus brogeta that was pretty freaking insane gxo_QqBoKnU-00079-00044080-00044544 so i mean we've seen so much even even from from dragon ball deliverance and stuff like that but gxo_QqBoKnU-00080-00044544-00045072 being the fact that it's 20 20 uh 2020 the year 2021 is approaching what are some things that gxo_QqBoKnU-00081-00045072-00045736 you guys want to see from the fan fiction fandom in 2021 you guys want to see more animations do gxo_QqBoKnU-00082-00045736-00046184 you guys want to see more fan mangas let me know in the comment section below because everyone has gxo_QqBoKnU-00083-00046184-00046808 a different preference as to what they want for me i i would definitely say go with manga style gxo_QqBoKnU-00084-00046808-00047264 you know kind of content first and then adapt that through the form of animation i think that gxo_QqBoKnU-00085-00047264-00047752 that would ultimately work but uh it's really all subjective it really all depends on how you gxo_QqBoKnU-00086-00047752-00048256 want to look at it right because some people just want to see an animation and no manga at all while gxo_QqBoKnU-00087-00048256-00048704 others actually differ they want to see manga and animation so whatever it is you guys want to see i gxo_QqBoKnU-00088-00048704-00049152 mean just let me know in the comment section below and also guys if there's anything you guys want gxo_QqBoKnU-00089-00049152-00049664 me to create from anime war in the form of a manga then i do encourage you guys to drop your thoughts gxo_QqBoKnU-00090-00049664-00050144 in the comment section below as to what and i'll try my very best to do that for you guys is he gxo_QqBoKnU-00091-00050144-00050944 switching out oh crap okay so it's evil omni goku right the evil version of goku which was supposed gxo_QqBoKnU-00092-00050944-00051464 to be goku black i remember why mastar did it but it was just so tacky to see him just like gxo_QqBoKnU-00093-00051464-00052032 just i don't know why goku whatever the hell it was super saiyan white at the time you know but gxo_QqBoKnU-00094-00052032-00052472 let me see let me see if i can actually swap out here who am i going to swap out for oh there he is gxo_QqBoKnU-00095-00052632-00053072 oh yeah he's finished okay so obviously i remember too i don't know if you guys remember gxo_QqBoKnU-00096-00053072-00053704 um they actually master actually did gogeta versus black goku or dark goku whatever it is gxo_QqBoKnU-00097-00053704-00054248 that he called it in his series um which if you guys remember he went as far as to use i think gxo_QqBoKnU-00098-00054248-00054904 it was kaio ken times 100 or something like that i mean correct me if i'm wrong it was so long ago gxo_QqBoKnU-00099-00054904-00055304 but that's that's a concept that i think a lot of people were talking about in the fandom for such gxo_QqBoKnU-00100-00055304-00056088 a long time oh you know what if we saw gogeta use kaio ken times 1000 or what if we saw super saiyan gxo_QqBoKnU-00101-00056088-00056688 blue evolution 3 or something like that you know fans have a really weird way of expressing like gxo_QqBoKnU-00102-00056688-00057144 what they want to see but you can't really fault anybody for wanting to see something different gxo_QqBoKnU-00103-00057144-00057704 something unique even though it is wacky it is what it is but going into 2021 i'm definitely gxo_QqBoKnU-00104-00057704-00058136 planning on doing something involving the omni characters i think that you guys have seen that on gxo_QqBoKnU-00105-00058136-00058672 my channel thus far and i want to see what we can bring here oh i need to finish this dude off you gxo_QqBoKnU-00106-00058672-00059400 are done as soon as i fire this bro it's oh it's done oh wait first of all how was this dude alive gxo_QqBoKnU-00107-00059464-00060144 like i mean i got that damn it you know what i'm gonna have to use our boy jitting i'm gonna have gxo_QqBoKnU-00108-00060144-00060672 to call forth one of the strongest see this was something that really kind of irritated me i think gxo_QqBoKnU-00109-00060672-00061240 in anime war and that was the fact that we didn't get to see much from jiren we didn't get to see gxo_QqBoKnU-00110-00061240-00061808 much from broly stuff like that like that really that really sucked i would say because there was gxo_QqBoKnU-00111-00061808-00062448 so much potential there for for those characters to be thrown in and last year i did a fan manga of gxo_QqBoKnU-00112-00062448-00063144 anime war where basically the uh the dimensional time warps were opened up like the the space time gxo_QqBoKnU-00113-00063144-00063536 continuum and we had all different kinds of characters come through you had jiren you had gxo_QqBoKnU-00114-00063536-00064224 broly you had golden frieza you had kefla you had some pretty like powerful ass characters step in gxo_QqBoKnU-00115-00064224-00064776 and they assisted everyone in fighting arkhan but here in the conclusion of anime war it was gxo_QqBoKnU-00116-00064776-00065416 it was done a tad bit different so let me finish this dude off because this version of omni goku gxo_QqBoKnU-00117-00065416-00065880 is really pissing me off but again i i hope you guys have a fantastic holiday season a fantastic gxo_QqBoKnU-00118-00065880-00066432 christmas fantastic new year's of course i mean the growth on the channel has been amazingly gxo_QqBoKnU-00119-00066432-00066912 supportive and i have to thank all of you guys for that because without you i mean i really wouldn't gxo_QqBoKnU-00120-00066912-00067536 be do i i would not be doing this at all because and the thing about tenkaichi right this game gxo_QqBoKnU-00121-00067536-00068088 is so fun it doesn't matter how old it is like there's still there's still replayable value for gxo_QqBoKnU-00122-00068088-00068560 this game so you can always go back and do so much more because there's so much more to offer gxo_QqBoKnU-00123-00068560-00069064 i forgot this dude's name i remember when master first made him i was like dude really like you're gxo_QqBoKnU-00124-00069064-00069480 just making an evil genema or at least like like like a dark version of genembe or whatever the gxo_QqBoKnU-00125-00069480-00070104 hell it was but i mean at the end i didn't really mind it only because they all fused into this one gxo_QqBoKnU-00126-00070104-00070576 mega creature and i was like all right well this is this is an interesting take because i mean gxo_QqBoKnU-00127-00070576-00071088 these dudes weren't dying blue gohan fought him all that you know you had god piccolo fight him he gxo_QqBoKnU-00128-00071088-00071552 wasn't dying so i was like all right well what's it gonna take for these dudes to die especially if gxo_QqBoKnU-00129-00071552-00071960 like some of the strongest fighters that we have aren't really like shelling in or just doing much gxo_QqBoKnU-00130-00071960-00072504 to stop them oh look at this how awesome would this have been dude having jiren a part of anime gxo_QqBoKnU-00131-00072504-00072928 war would have been the best because jiren would have soloed everybody like i mean even though they gxo_QqBoKnU-00132-00072928-00073424 would have siphoned off his energy and blah blah it still would have been so cool to see oh let gxo_QqBoKnU-00133-00073424-00074112 me see here damn jiren is putting on a clinic yo what a way to close off 2020 and the thing was too gxo_QqBoKnU-00134-00074112-00074520 like we actually started the year off with a bang to like i the only thing i'm waiting for for some gxo_QqBoKnU-00135-00074520-00075072 of these games are like mods of myrno you know mods of like other specific characters i'm still gxo_QqBoKnU-00136-00075072-00075704 waiting to see raikon in tenkaichi iii because we had him in tengai before but like i don't i don't gxo_QqBoKnU-00137-00075704-00076160 even know what happened like they just decided like not to include him but include like zycor gxo_QqBoKnU-00138-00076160-00076712 oh my god that's a humanoid exodia bro that is so clean he looks like a [ __ ] though it's kind gxo_QqBoKnU-00139-00076712-00077184 of weird all right so i'm gonna have i'm gonna have to die of the grand priest finish you off gxo_QqBoKnU-00140-00077264-00077752 and the thing is with exodia 2 like you know like i i think it's pretty cool to see like certain gxo_QqBoKnU-00141-00077752-00078272 characters make a cameo but you know it is what it is i mean master should have done more damn gxo_QqBoKnU-00142-00078384-00079072 did you guys just see that yo exodia just did damage dude exodia just did some heavy damage hold gxo_QqBoKnU-00143-00079072-00079760 the horses hold your horses there lonnie let me finish this dude off hold on you son of a [ __ ] gxo_QqBoKnU-00144-00079760-00080152 this is what i think should have happened not necessarily with the priest and exodia gxo_QqBoKnU-00145-00080152-00080608 but the grand priest even though he was holding the multiverse together and whatever the hell the gxo_QqBoKnU-00146-00080608-00081048 case may have been i still think that the grand priest should have been more or less involved gxo_QqBoKnU-00147-00081048-00081608 in that final fight you guys get what i'm saying like playing like throwing hands with arkhan that gxo_QqBoKnU-00148-00081608-00082208 would have been so cool prior to i think the omni king having an adult form i think that would have gxo_QqBoKnU-00149-00082208-00082776 been clean i think that would have been dope let me swap out here oh there he is there he is the be gxo_QqBoKnU-00150-00082776-00083280 all and all and and the thing is like if there's any character from any anime ward that i really gxo_QqBoKnU-00151-00083280-00083872 like a lot it's zeno's adult form xeno's adult form is really really really cool like some gxo_QqBoKnU-00152-00083872-00084528 people may look at that and go ah it looks so stupid nah like zeno's zeno's adult adult form gxo_QqBoKnU-00153-00084528-00085112 looks really really cool what the hell is this oh i remember this attack yo this attack literally gxo_QqBoKnU-00154-00085112-00085744 destroys everything in sight so if exodia wants smoke you better get smoke homeboy look at this gxo_QqBoKnU-00155-00085744-00086296 i'm just gonna i'm just gonna beat the crap out of him from behind just never ending hits and the gxo_QqBoKnU-00156-00086296-00086888 thing was too what was cool is the fact that um the omni king actually had ultra instinct right gxo_QqBoKnU-00157-00086888-00087328 or at least adult omni king had ultra instinct and that was something that i was like wait what gxo_QqBoKnU-00158-00087392-00087936 oh wait a minute oh he got me he got me all right if i don't if i don't finish this dude off quick gxo_QqBoKnU-00159-00088000-00088632 then oh he got me again all right time for me to unleash my oh crap crap crap crap crap gxo_QqBoKnU-00160-00088704-00089184 yeah oh yeah he's gonna finish me off hold on i'm gonna have to put exodia in his place gxo_QqBoKnU-00161-00089184-00089944 there we go off with exodia's head who is last it's zarama okay all right now now the thing is gxo_QqBoKnU-00162-00089944-00090568 zarama zarama's interesting i mean i i would have liked to have seen more from zarama right i think gxo_QqBoKnU-00163-00090568-00091056 that they should have done like a momentary fusion battle with him and what i mean by that gxo_QqBoKnU-00164-00091056-00091752 is have zarama fight like evolution blue vegito or like whatever the case may be right uh just gxo_QqBoKnU-00165-00091752-00092584 do something different per se oh crap revenge that whoa no no no no no no okay good good we survived gxo_QqBoKnU-00166-00092584-00093112 hold on now can you survive oh we got him game set match dude they should have done more with him gxo_QqBoKnU-00167-00093112-00093848 but either way that was the anime war game dude this was so clean this was so clean only because gxo_QqBoKnU-00168-00093904-00094600 someone out there actually turned anime war into a modded game for tenkaichi so much respect goes gxo_QqBoKnU-00169-00094600-00095024 out to the people that actually made this so again thank you all so much for your time i hope gxo_QqBoKnU-00170-00095024-00095488 you guys enjoyed if you guys did be sure to go on ahead and slap a big fat like down below tune back gxo_QqBoKnU-00171-00095488-00095944 in for the next video and i'll be seeing you all down the comment section below take it easy guys gxo_QqBoKnU-00172-00095944-00096784 peace gxo_QqBoKnU-00173-00097080-00098008 cookie gxA4gCTuCVo-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 4070 Ti | HITMAN 3 | Ryzen 7 5800X3D g_6LDAehX-E-00000-00001092-00002340 How does tango dance look? The tango dance, also known as the g_6LDAehX-E-00001-00002340-00002988 tango rioplatense, is a highly regarded partner dance that has its roots in European, African, g_6LDAehX-E-00002-00002988-00003600 and Indigenous dances. It is a social dance, typically performed by a gentleman and lady g_6LDAehX-E-00003-00003600-00004326 in close embrace, with a stalking-like walk and expressive gestures. The steps are improvisational g_6LDAehX-E-00004-00004326-00004890 and can range from slow, slithering movements to quick foot flicks and head turns. g_6LDAehX-E-00005-00004986-00005778 This dance is powerful, earthy, and dramatic, and its personalized nature allows for countless g_6LDAehX-E-00006-00005778-00006426 variations and styles to develop. The tango rioplatense is a timeless symbol of the tango g_6LDAehX-E-00007-00006426-00006918 culture, revered by historians and those involved in the tango world. gAPu318jhKc-00000-00000096-00001592 okay i'm trying to eat you, but you're just too fast. gAPu318jhKc-00001-00002328-00002984 no. don't split. stop splitting. no. stop. yes, i hate you! yes. gD3eVEcSfCy-00000-00000168-00000200 I worked on myself a lot and still learned from life 0:00:13.000,1193:02:47.295 Introduce yourself gGls63JHvZ0-00000-00000072-00000648 jumbo, your video has been fixed. this means that we're not going to change it from a like to a gGls63JHvZ0-00001-00000648-00001376 dislike, because we added a 24-hour time, wait, no, a 48-hour time when it was first noticed, gGls63JHvZ0-00002-00001440-00002408 and it was first around 3 p.m yesterday, so now it was found with the subtitles added back, gGls63JHvZ0-00003-00002464-00003152 and this means it's good, but it turned out that this one was updated just a couple of hours ago. gGls63JHvZ0-00004-00003215-00003896 so somewhere in the last 24 hours, it must have been added, or then updated, which is weird. gGls63JHvZ0-00005-00003896-00004296 i don't know how this can happen, and your video remains light the whole time. gGblxbPY52y-00000-00000142-00000542 2 eggs gGblxbPY52y-00001-00000706-00000906 1 cup of sugar gGblxbPY52y-00002-00000969-00001169 Vanilla sugar gGblxbPY52y-00003-00003258-00003458 1 cup of oil gGblxbPY52y-00004-00004178-00004378 Cocoa powder gGblxbPY52y-00005-00006978-00007178 Chocolate flakes gGblxbPY52y-00006-00007775-00007975 Cornstarch gGblxbPY52y-00007-00010322-00010522 Flour gGblxbPY52y-00008-00011483-00011683 Baking powder gGblxbPY52y-00009-00020701-00020901 Chocolate chips gGblxbPY52y-00010-00025725-00025925 Bake gHonzervD00-00000-00000086-00000371 Hi Friends, this is Blackheath train station gHonzervD00-00001-00000371-00000759 Blackheath station is about 961 metres away gHonzervD00-00002-00000759-00000907 from the Grand Canyon Track gHonzervD00-00003-00000907-00001173 This may take about 13 minutes of walking gHonzervD00-00004-00001173-00001478 You can park your car at the Grand Canyon car park gHonzervD00-00005-00001478-00001701 and walk towards Evans Lookout gHonzervD00-00006-00001703-00002011 to start the Grand Canyon walk in a clockwise loop gHonzervD00-00007-00002011-00002265 Enjoy the majestic view of the Grose Valley gHonzervD00-00008-00002265-00002532 from disabled accessible Evans Lookout gHonzervD00-00009-00002578-00002826 As you decend to the base of Grand Canyon gHonzervD00-00010-00002826-00003082 You will find yourself in a different world gHonzervD00-00011-00003082-00003294 Big giant fern tree everywhere gHonzervD00-00012-00003334-00003579 seems like you are in Dinosaurs land gHonzervD00-00013-00003617-00003821 The track go along Greaves creek gHonzervD00-00014-00003821-00004065 There are several ponds with red crayfish gHonzervD00-00015-00004065-00004363 Eventually, the track lead you up to the main road gHonzervD00-00016-00004363-00004557 at Neates Glen parking area gHonzervD00-00017-00004596-00004919 You can walk along an easy track back to your car park gHonzervD00-00018-00005526-00005665 Today is very lucky gHonzervD00-00019-00005790-00005965 We are able to park here gHonzervD00-00020-00006094-00006365 At the Evans Lookout point car park gHonzervD00-00021-00006609-00006834 Is a very small car park gHonzervD00-00022-00007259-00007395 and there's the toilet there gHonzervD00-00023-00007619-00007951 very lucky to get this parking point gHonzervD00-00024-00013621-00013721 it's very nice gHonzervD00-00025-00017226-00017613 so today we also make a Loop gHonzervD00-00026-00017738-00018061 Our starting point is from the Evans Lookout gHonzervD00-00027-00021911-00022180 Hi Li Ern, today clear blue sky gHonzervD00-00028-00025623-00026042 They're actually stay here for lookout gHonzervD00-00029-00026042-00026358 They didn't go to the Grand Canyon below gHonzervD00-00030-00026455-00026848 Li Ern "give" 5 minutes later or 2 minutes gHonzervD00-00031-00030250-00030476 You know that's called a Grose Valley gHonzervD00-00032-00030630-00030998 Grose Valley yeah oh gHonzervD00-00033-00031205-00031333 Grose Valley gHonzervD00-00034-00033000-00034092 I think it's about 300m "down" gHonzervD00-00035-00034507-00034719 okay shall we start now gHonzervD00-00036-00035790-00035990 okay start now gHonzervD00-00037-00038428-00038586 Yep let's go gHonzervD00-00038-00039403-00039542 yeah go down gHonzervD00-00039-00040313-00040886 today is Clear Blue Sky, very nice weather gHonzervD00-00040-00043165-00043750 all right there you go, Grand Canyon, let's go gHonzervD00-00041-00044198-00044300 be careful Li Ern gHonzervD00-00042-00045115-00045255 today's clear blue sky gHonzervD00-00043-00045680-00045867 Yep, yeah gHonzervD00-00044-00049140-00049219 thank you gHonzervD00-00045-00057541-00057703 very clear water gHonzervD00-00046-00064005-00064115 thank you gHonzervD00-00047-00064505-00064888 Ha ha gHonzervD00-00048-00066042-00066122 what is that gHonzervD00-00049-00066261-00066342 huh gHonzervD00-00050-00066442-00066534 that's a tree gHonzervD00-00051-00066826-00066906 thank you gHonzervD00-00052-00067457-00067539 so tall gHonzervD00-00053-00067989-00068188 okay we reach the waterfall now gHonzervD00-00054-00071360-00071439 okay gHonzervD00-00055-00071568-00071943 yeah is that still closed? the Grose Valley gHonzervD00-00056-00071960-00072288 yeah its closed but what if not close gHonzervD00-00057-00072676-00072927 There is landslide (news) from the Internet gHonzervD00-00058-00072927-00073092 they say is landslide gHonzervD00-00059-00073415-00073523 opening April gHonzervD00-00060-00073843-00073996 just a few more weeks now gHonzervD00-00061-00074134-00074234 maybe a few more weeks gHonzervD00-00062-00074234-00074353 how you go, hi gHonzervD00-00063-00074353-00074796 2 weeks gHonzervD00-00064-00074926-00075089 yeah you'll go there gHonzervD00-00065-00075234-00075602 you'll go there once it's open before gHonzervD00-00066-00075984-00076064 thank you gHonzervD00-00067-00082364-00082689 oh my god gHonzervD00-00068-00085997-00086077 hi gHonzervD00-00069-00086334-00086602 more water today wow gHonzervD00-00070-00086730-00086810 I think gHonzervD00-00071-00089435-00089515 yeah gHonzervD00-00072-00089643-00089781 oh what next then gHonzervD00-00073-00091185-00091311 What is that coming from gHonzervD00-00074-00092606-00092702 is a Vortex gHonzervD00-00075-00093252-00093365 okay let's go gHonzervD00-00076-00107633-00107893 guys I need a shower okay gHonzervD00-00077-00115906-00115984 oh gHonzervD00-00078-00117710-00117896 "Take photo" gHonzervD00-00079-00141927-00142039 so many people gHonzervD00-00080-00142515-00142615 traffic jam gHonzervD00-00081-00144318-00144407 I know the track gHonzervD00-00082-00146573-00147073 Li Ern, we are going to get wet, ha your shoes gHonzervD00-00083-00147353-00147485 I remove your shoes (or not?) gHonzervD00-00084-00147914-00148030 he's driving across gHonzervD00-00085-00148442-00148585 he's gonna help you across gHonzervD00-00086-00148706-00148881 yeah he's gonna help you across gHonzervD00-00087-00150353-00150446 big long stick gHonzervD00-00088-00151485-00151602 that's what the show gHonzervD00-00089-00152661-00152742 yeah gHonzervD00-00090-00153131-00153231 thank you gHonzervD00-00091-00153460-00153756 thank you this is so fun gHonzervD00-00092-00161953-00162034 well gHonzervD00-00093-00162269-00162350 sorry gHonzervD00-00094-00171527-00171607 thank you gHonzervD00-00095-00172903-00172984 so deep gHonzervD00-00096-00173903-00173984 go on gHonzervD00-00097-00178223-00178322 gotta be careful gHonzervD00-00098-00192356-00192442 the white one gHonzervD00-00099-00213171-00213277 oh my god gHonzervD00-00100-00223838-00223917 hi gHonzervD00-00101-00226896-00226976 thank you gHonzervD00-00102-00228902-00229414 Do we got lobster? "today" no lobster gHonzervD00-00103-00240942-00241026 On the light gHonzervD00-00104-00244767-00244877 go through the tunnel gHonzervD00-00105-00245673-00245827 all the trees like that gHonzervD00-00106-00247052-00247131 okay gHonzervD00-00107-00247352-00247452 we go there and see gHonzervD00-00108-00252434-00252565 it's a nice stream gHonzervD00-00109-00252706-00252877 is there any fish, no gHonzervD00-00110-00253752-00253889 everybody is coming here gHonzervD00-00111-00258138-00258217 how did we get there gHonzervD00-00112-00259353-00259434 I think gHonzervD00-00113-00261021-00261123 oh no gHonzervD00-00114-00269297-00269377 Hmm gHonzervD00-00115-00270146-00270226 Haha gHonzervD00-00116-00270868-00270972 it's very easy gHonzervD00-00117-00272865-00272946 yeah gHonzervD00-00118-00281618-00281857 no no no gHonzervD00-00119-00282614-00282802 it says here; honor of the cameraman gHonzervD00-00120-00285726-00285806 yeah gHonzervD00-00121-00285918-00286026 we make it again gHonzervD00-00122-00286702-00286781 oh gHonzervD00-00123-00286993-00287139 we finally reached this car gHonzervD00-00124-00287438-00287607 we're getting stronger gHonzervD00-00125-00288873-00288981 We reached the car park now. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00000-00000609-00000876 Sales is a numbers game. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00001-00000876-00001670 Not every bad day or every bad week is a symptom of a bad process or is a symptom of something gK2IKY42ZKQ-00002-00001670-00001838 not working. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00003-00001838-00002022 Sometimes you just have a bad day. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00004-00002022-00002227 Sometimes you just have a bad week. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00005-00002227-00002580 Sometimes you're even going to have a bad month, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're gK2IKY42ZKQ-00006-00002580-00002748 doing anything wrong. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00007-00002748-00003229 It may just be the person on the other side of the table the timing wasn't right. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00008-00003229-00003760 So what are some things I can do when I get in the mental block in sales? gK2IKY42ZKQ-00009-00003760-00004404 There are times in sales where you just kind of hit this roadblock. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00010-00004404-00004801 And I really have two answers for that. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00011-00004801-00005376 Number one, is probably one that you might not expect, which is sometimes you just need gK2IKY42ZKQ-00012-00005376-00005619 to stop. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00013-00005619-00006110 Sometimes when you're making calls and you're just not in it, like your mind's not there. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00014-00006110-00006683 You're not fully engaged, sometimes it's a good idea just to stop and maybe stop for gK2IKY42ZKQ-00015-00006683-00006853 the rest of the day. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00016-00006853-00007163 And understand that like, Hey, I'm just like in a bad mental place right now. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00017-00007163-00007678 And I'm not giving it my full 100% and sometimes pushing through and just going through the gK2IKY42ZKQ-00018-00007678-00008192 motions when you're not at 100% is not a good thing. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00019-00008192-00008609 Now that's very different from a lot of what you know you you've heard from me, which is gK2IKY42ZKQ-00020-00008609-00009006 like push through and keep going and you know, do it anyway. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00021-00009006-00009570 But sometimes, like you'll actually hurt yourself in the results that you're going to get by gK2IKY42ZKQ-00022-00009570-00009706 doing it anyway. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00023-00009706-00009928 So sometimes you just need to take a break. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00024-00009928-00010308 Sometimes it's literally just like going outside and taking like a 10-15 minute walk. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00025-00010308-00010694 So you're making calls, making calls, making calls, cold calling, doing doing this, you gK2IKY42ZKQ-00026-00010694-00011232 know, whatever your sales activities are just taking like 15 minutes to go walk around the gK2IKY42ZKQ-00027-00011232-00011742 building, getting some fresh air, and then get right back into what you're doing this gK2IKY42ZKQ-00028-00011742-00011908 huge. gK2IKY42ZKQ-00029-00011908-00012304 But sometimes you're in a place where like, you really need to just go like take a nap. gK_ZsOHbM2y-00000-00000992-00001228 growing up ain’t easy gK_ZsOHbM2y-00001-00001228-00001466 too many things to do weekly gK_ZsOHbM2y-00002-00001480-00001732 to many thoughts to think deeply gK_ZsOHbM2y-00003-00001746-00001948 too many thoughts to be sleeping gK_ZsOHbM2y-00004-00001986-00002162 oh my god I’m not eating gK_ZsOHbM2y-00005-00002198-00002399 I feel so empty I’m receding gK_ZsOHbM2y-00006-00002442-00002630 and my all friends are misleading gK_ZsOHbM2y-00007-00002634-00003050 all these posts and the lives their leading, oh no way gK_ZsOHbM2y-00008-00003050-00003278 I ain’t gonna stand for this today gK_ZsOHbM2y-00009-00003278-00003494 ima keep my head down I’m ok gK_ZsOHbM2y-00010-00003494-00003852 i don’t wanna listen to a word they say uh gK_ZsOHbM2y-00011-00003854-00004130 and we all know fear is the slogan yea gK_ZsOHbM2y-00012-00004130-00004498 and we all feel broken yea,and we all outspoken gK_ZsOHbM2y-00013-00004520-00004732 need someone who can just go show them gK_ZsOHbM2y-00014-00004732-00004938 sometimes I struggle in this place gK_ZsOHbM2y-00015-00004964-00005162 been in circles several days gK_ZsOHbM2y-00016-00005162-00005606 never knowing the right way,mmmm yea gK_ZsOHbM2y-00017-00005620-00005904 sometimes I struggle in this place gK_ZsOHbM2y-00018-00005904-00006106 people look the other way gK_ZsOHbM2y-00019-00006112-00006584 and we all deal with our pain oh yea gK_ZsOHbM2y-00020-00006668-00006876 no I’m not down no I’m not out gK_ZsOHbM2y-00021-00006878-00007114 if I got voice they gon hear me shout gK_ZsOHbM2y-00022-00007114-00007344 I can make my own choice and we’ve all got a mouth gK_ZsOHbM2y-00023-00007364-00007568 ima make noise yea that i don’t doubt gK_ZsOHbM2y-00024-00007570-00007822 I don’t fear failure, not yet gK_ZsOHbM2y-00025-00007822-00008058 mistakes they make you better don’t regret gK_ZsOHbM2y-00026-00008058-00008320 and like drake said man, I’m upset gK_ZsOHbM2y-00027-00008320-00008590 too many people out here wastin their breath yeah yeah gK_ZsOHbM2y-00028-00008598-00009102 and still I feel like we’ve just all been going crazy gK_ZsOHbM2y-00029-00009102-00009574 too many people need to find them self some safety gK_ZsOHbM2y-00030-00009574-00010066 just take control of your life it’s all day to day yea gK_ZsOHbM2y-00031-00010078-00010258 don’t need nobody else gK_ZsOHbM2y-00032-00010258-00010476 myself can always save me gK_ZsOHbM2y-00033-00010476-00010716 sometimes I struggle in this place gK_ZsOHbM2y-00034-00010716-00010938 been in circles several days gK_ZsOHbM2y-00035-00010942-00011204 never knowing the right way gK_ZsOHbM2y-00036-00011206-00011376 mmmm yea gK_ZsOHbM2y-00037-00011384-00011688 sometimes I struggle in this place gK_ZsOHbM2y-00038-00011688-00011902 people look the other way gK_ZsOHbM2y-00039-00011902-00012332 and we all deal with our pain oh yeah gK_ZsOHbM2y-00040-00012332-00012618 sometimes I struggle in this place gK_ZsOHbM2y-00041-00012618-00013122 been in circles several days, never knowing the right way gK_ZsOHbM2y-00042-00013130-00013296 mmm yea gK_ZsOHbM2y-00043-00013297-00013566 sometimes I struggle in this place gK_ZsOHbM2y-00044-00013566-00013826 people look the other way gK_ZsOHbM2y-00045-00013826-00014072 and we all deal with our pain gK_ZsOHbM2y-00046-00014076-00014244 oh yea gK_ZsOHbM2y-00047-00014250-00015712 * Outro * gK_ZsOHbM2y-00048-00015712-00016554 * Like , subsribe, and share with your friends! * ;) gOrtuIYUsRy-00000-00000014-00000458 AUJOURD'HUI LE 19 AVRIL 2023, LES FORCES ARMÉE DE LA FÉDÉRATION DE RUSSIE POURSUIT SON gOrtuIYUsRy-00001-00000458-00000718 OPÉRATION MILITAIRE SPÉCIALE EN UKRAINE. gOrtuIYUsRy-00002-00000718-00001200 Dans la direction de Kupyansk, des frappes d'assaut et d'aviation de l'armée, des tirs gOrtuIYUsRy-00003-00001200-00001616 d'artillerie et des systèmes de lance-flammes lourds du groupe de forces "occidental" ont gOrtuIYUsRy-00004-00001616-00001905 frappé des unités ennemies dans les zones des colonies de Novoselovskoye de la République gOrtuIYUsRy-00005-00001905-00002532 populaire de Lougansk, Kotlyarovka, Zagoruykovka, Ivanovka et Pershotravneve de la région de gOrtuIYUsRy-00006-00002532-00002632 Kharkov. gOrtuIYUsRy-00007-00002632-00003051 Un dépôt de munitions de la 3e brigade de chars des forces armées ukrainiennes a été gOrtuIYUsRy-00008-00003051-00003185 détruit près de la colonie de Dvurechnaya. gOrtuIYUsRy-00009-00003185-00003621 En outre, les actions de deux groupes ukrainiens de sabotage et de reconnaissance ont été gOrtuIYUsRy-00010-00003621-00004048 réprimées dans les zones des colonies de Sinkovka et d'Orlyanske dans la région de gOrtuIYUsRy-00011-00004048-00004148 Kharkiv. gOrtuIYUsRy-00012-00004148-00004551 Au cours de la journée, plus de 120 militaires ukrainiens, un char, deux véhicules de combat gOrtuIYUsRy-00013-00004551-00005043 blindés, deux voitures, ainsi qu'un véhicule de combat Grad MLRS ont été détruits dans gOrtuIYUsRy-00014-00005043-00005143 cette direction. gOrtuIYUsRy-00015-00005143-00005493 Dans la direction Krasno-Limansky, les frappes de l'aviation opérationnelle et tactique gOrtuIYUsRy-00016-00005493-00005946 et de l'armée, les tirs d'artillerie du groupe de troupes "Centre" ont vaincu les unités gOrtuIYUsRy-00017-00005946-00006345 des Forces armées ukrainiennes dans les zones des colonies de Nevskoye, Chervonaya Dibrova gOrtuIYUsRy-00018-00006345-00006845 de la République populaire de Lougansk et Grigorovka de la République populaire de gOrtuIYUsRy-00019-00006845-00006945 Donetsk. gOrtuIYUsRy-00020-00006945-00007256 Les pertes de l'ennemi se sont élevées à 75 militaires ukrainiens, ainsi qu'à deux gOrtuIYUsRy-00021-00007256-00007417 véhicules de combat blindés. gOrtuIYUsRy-00022-00007417-00007883 Dans la direction de Donetsk, des détachements d'assaut ont libéré les trois quarts des gOrtuIYUsRy-00023-00007883-00008310 parties nord-ouest, centre et sud-ouest de la ville d'Artemovsk en une journée. gOrtuIYUsRy-00024-00008310-00008438 Les troupes aéroportées ont bloqué la ville depuis les périphéries nord et sud. gOrtuIYUsRy-00025-00008438-00008625 L'aviation opérationnelle-tactique et militaire, l'artillerie du groupe de troupes "Sud" ont gOrtuIYUsRy-00026-00008625-00009424 soutenu les actions des détachements d'assaut. gOrtuIYUsRy-00027-00009424-00009841 Au cours de la dernière journée, l'aviation a effectué quatre sorties, l'artillerie du gOrtuIYUsRy-00028-00009841-00010071 groupe a effectué 67 missions de tir. gOrtuIYUsRy-00029-00010071-00010538 Dans les zones des colonies de Stupochki, Krasnoye de la République populaire de Donetsk, gOrtuIYUsRy-00030-00010538-00011045 ainsi que dans les parties nord-ouest et centrale de la ville d'Artemovsk, les tentatives des gOrtuIYUsRy-00031-00011045-00011488 forces armées ukrainiennes de contre-attaquer les détachements d'assaut ont été contrecarrées. gOrtuIYUsRy-00032-00011488-00011870 Un dépôt de munitions de la 68e brigade mécanisée des forces armées ukrainiennes gOrtuIYUsRy-00033-00011870-00012371 a été détruit près de la colonie de Krasnogorovka dans la République populaire de Donetsk. gOrtuIYUsRy-00034-00012371-00012742 Les pertes ennemies par jour s'élevaient à 380 militaires ukrainiens, un char, deux gOrtuIYUsRy-00035-00012742-00013309 véhicules de combat d'infanterie, cinq véhicules de combat blindés, huit véhicules, une monture gOrtuIYUsRy-00036-00013309-00013678 d'artillerie automotrice Akatsiya, un obusier D-20 et un véhicule de combat Grad MLRS. gOrtuIYUsRy-00037-00013678-00014058 Dans les directions sud-Donetsk et Zaporozhye, des frappes opérationnelles et tactiques gOrtuIYUsRy-00038-00014058-00014606 et de l'aviation de l'armée, des tirs d'artillerie du groupe de troupes Vostok ont ​​touché gOrtuIYUsRy-00039-00014606-00015016 des unités ennemies dans les zones des colonies de Vuhledar, Pavlovka de la République populaire gOrtuIYUsRy-00040-00015016-00015581 de Donetsk, Chervonoe, Malaya Tokmachka et Kamenskoye de la région de Zaporozhye. gOrtuIYUsRy-00041-00015581-00016044 En outre, dans les zones des colonies de Vladimirovka et Neskuchnoe de la République populaire gOrtuIYUsRy-00042-00016044-00016509 de Donetsk, les actions de deux groupes ukrainiens de sabotage et de reconnaissance ont été gOrtuIYUsRy-00043-00016509-00016609 arrêtées. gOrtuIYUsRy-00044-00016609-00016926 Au cours de la dernière journée, les pertes ennemies dans ces zones se sont élevées gOrtuIYUsRy-00045-00016926-00017301 à 120 militaires ukrainiens, deux véhicules de combat blindés, deux véhicules et l'obusier gOrtuIYUsRy-00046-00017301-00017401 Msta-B. gOrtuIYUsRy-00047-00017401-00017892 Dans la direction de Kherson, à la suite de dégâts causés par le feu, jusqu'à 30 gOrtuIYUsRy-00048-00017892-00018251 militaires ukrainiens, deux voitures, une monture d'artillerie automotrice Gvozdika gOrtuIYUsRy-00049-00018251-00018567 et un obusier D-30 ont été détruits en une journée. gOrtuIYUsRy-00050-00018567-00018926 Un dépôt de munitions de la 126e brigade de défense territoriale a été détruit gOrtuIYUsRy-00051-00018926-00019279 près du village de Zmievka, dans la région de Kherson. gOrtuIYUsRy-00052-00019279-00019723 L'aviation opérationnelle et tactique et militaire, les troupes de missiles et l'artillerie gOrtuIYUsRy-00053-00019723-00020059 des groupes de troupes (forces) des Forces armées de la Fédération de Russie au cours gOrtuIYUsRy-00054-00020059-00020693 de la journée ont vaincu 98 unités d'artillerie des Forces armées ukrainiennes sur des positions gOrtuIYUsRy-00055-00020693-00021033 de tir, des effectifs et du matériel dans 133 districts. gOrtuIYUsRy-00056-00021033-00021430 Dans la zone de la colonie de Seversk Maly de la République populaire de Donetsk, un gOrtuIYUsRy-00057-00021430-00021901 ponton induit par les forces armées ukrainiennes sur la rivière Seversky Donets a été détruit. gOrtuIYUsRy-00058-00021901-00022317 Le poste de commandement et d'observation du bataillon de la 110e brigade mécanisée gOrtuIYUsRy-00059-00022317-00022713 des Forces armées ukrainiennes a été touché près du village d'Avdiivka dans la République gOrtuIYUsRy-00060-00022713-00022917 populaire de Donetsk. gOrtuIYUsRy-00061-00022917-00023312 Un dépôt de carburant pour l'équipement militaire de la 17e brigade de chars des forces gOrtuIYUsRy-00062-00023312-00023740 armées ukrainiennes a été détruit près du village de Konstantinovka dans la République gOrtuIYUsRy-00063-00023740-00023893 populaire de Donetsk. gOrtuIYUsRy-00064-00023893-00024300 L'aviation des forces aérospatiales russes a abattu trois avions des forces aériennes gOrtuIYUsRy-00065-00024300-00024436 ukrainiennes en une journée, notamment: gOrtuIYUsRy-00066-00024436-00024909 Dans les zones des colonies de Novoukrainka et de Sergeevka de la République populaire gOrtuIYUsRy-00067-00024909-00025190 de Donetsk, deux chasseurs ukrainiens MiG-29 ont été abattus; gOrtuIYUsRy-00068-00025190-00025820 Un avion ukrainien Su-25 a été abattu près du village de Dolgenkoye dans la région de gOrtuIYUsRy-00069-00025820-00025920 Kharkiv. gOrtuIYUsRy-00070-00025920-00026307 Un avion Su-25 de l'armée de l'air ukrainienne a été abattu au moyen de la défense aérienne gOrtuIYUsRy-00071-00026307-00026889 dans la zone de la colonie d'Ugledar de la République populaire de Donetsk. gOrtuIYUsRy-00072-00026889-00027183 En outre, quatre roquettes du système de lance-roquettes multiples HIMARS ont été gOrtuIYUsRy-00073-00027183-00027507 interceptées et six véhicules aériens sans pilote ukrainiens ont été détruits dans gOrtuIYUsRy-00074-00027507-00028003 les zones des colonies de Podo-Kalinovka dans la région de Kherson, Komsomolskoye de la gOrtuIYUsRy-00075-00028003-00028522 République populaire de Donetsk, Novogorovka, Ilyinka et Chervonopopovka de la République gOrtuIYUsRy-00076-00028522-00028691 populaire de Louhansk. gOrtuIYUsRy-00077-00028691-00029466 Au total, depuis le début de l'opération militaire spéciale, ont été détruits : 411 gOrtuIYUsRy-00078-00029466-00029835 avions, 228 hélicoptères, 3 776 véhicules aériens sans pilote, 415 systèmes de missiles gOrtuIYUsRy-00079-00029835-00030300 antiaériens, 8 732 chars et autres véhicules blindés de combat, 1 089 véhicules de combat gOrtuIYUsRy-00080-00030300-00030658 à lancement multiple systèmes de roquettes, 4 619 pièces d'artillerie de campagne et gOrtuIYUsRy-00081-00030658-00031178 mortiers, ainsi que 9 617 unités de véhicules militaires spéciaux. gTM4i4TIAac-00000-00000000-00000200 Start of the run gTM4i4TIAac-00001-00002092-00002292 using the glich that 2nd io used and just made it a bit faster. gTM4i4TIAac-00002-00005869-00006069 end of run gUupmmyY-oo-00000-00000072-00000736 i will never load shorts but my ipad ever again. by the way, can you please fix this problem in gUupmmyY-oo-00001-00000736-00001208 48 hours or else i will never use youtube again, and i will stop uploading new videos to youtube, gUupmmyY-oo-00002-00001208-00001888 so please fix the issue with my comments because they're not showing up anymore. and this is sad. gW9o5NBk28U-00000-00000064-00000616 Empirical studies typically need to demonstrate reliability and validity of their measures. gW9o5NBk28U-00001-00000616-00001184 The two commonly used tools for doing so are factor analysis for validation and gW9o5NBk28U-00002-00001184-00001736 coefficient alpha for demonstrating reliability. There are also other techniques that can be gW9o5NBk28U-00003-00001736-00002200 applied but these are the most commonly used ones and they are also the easiest to apply. gW9o5NBk28U-00004-00002280-00002952 Let's take a look at empirical example. Our example comes from Baron and Tang and they gW9o5NBk28U-00005-00003016-00003536 measure social skills of entrepreneurs. And here we can see that they are saying gW9o5NBk28U-00006-00003536-00003888 that they apply alpha. So there's the alpha gW9o5NBk28U-00007-00003888-00004496 character for reliability assessment. They present some numbers 0.85, 0.71 and they gW9o5NBk28U-00008-00004496-00004960 also report that they applied factor analysis. So what do these two techniques do gW9o5NBk28U-00009-00004960-00005312 and why are they used. And used here what is the logic. gW9o5NBk28U-00010-00005432-00005920 Also what does this table mean. So this table shows the factor analysis results gW9o5NBk28U-00011-00005920-00006328 and it also shows us the alphas that they were calculating for this case. gW9o5NBk28U-00012-00006392-00007016 To understand what this table is about we need to first understand a bit about measurement gW9o5NBk28U-00013-00007088-00007368 and what is reliability. So let's assume that we have gW9o5NBk28U-00014-00007368-00007600 this bathroom scale here. It's a bit rusty, gW9o5NBk28U-00015-00007600-00008072 we don't know whether it is reliable or not. To determine if the scale is reliable, gW9o5NBk28U-00016-00008072-00008744 if it always gives the same result when you step on it it's very easy to check by simply gW9o5NBk28U-00017-00008744-00009208 stepping on the scale once. Getting the reading. Stepping off, gW9o5NBk28U-00018-00009208-00009792 letting the scale to reset, then stepping on the scale again, getting the reading, gW9o5NBk28U-00019-00009792-00010440 stepping off, letting it reset, stepping on, getting the reading and stepping off. Now you gW9o5NBk28U-00020-00010440-00011064 have three different readings from the same scale. If those all three readings are the same gW9o5NBk28U-00021-00011064-00011560 or very similar to one another then we conclude that this scale is reliable. gW9o5NBk28U-00022-00011680-00012056 It lacks any random error. It of course does not tell gW9o5NBk28U-00023-00012056-00012352 us if it's a valid scale. It might show 10 kilos too gW9o5NBk28U-00024-00012352-00012928 much or 10 kilos to little but that's not the question that reliability addresses. gW9o5NBk28U-00025-00012928-00013312 Reliability is about consistency. If we measure the same thing gW9o5NBk28U-00026-00013312-00013856 again and again do we get the same result. So how do we do that when we measure people. gW9o5NBk28U-00027-00013912-00014424 If we want to measure a person's social perception then we can't simply ask the gW9o5NBk28U-00028-00014424-00014808 same question again and again. Because a person will remember gW9o5NBk28U-00029-00014808-00015296 what they answered for the previous time and then they will just repeat what they answered. gW9o5NBk28U-00030-00015296-00015840 So it doesn't work, so people don't reset as easily as scales do, bathroom scales. gW9o5NBk28U-00031-00016000-00016744 In practice we often use multiple different questions that are called distinct measures. gW9o5NBk28U-00032-00016744-00017184 We have five different questions that are all supposed to measure the same thing. gW9o5NBk28U-00033-00017248-00017680 But they are sufficiently distinct so that the person doesn't really recognize that gW9o5NBk28U-00034-00017680-00018272 these are actually asking about the same thing. About persons social perception capabilities. gW9o5NBk28U-00035-00018368-00018952 They are nevertheless sufficiently similar that we can argue that they all measure the same thing. gW9o5NBk28U-00036-00019032-00019440 This is a fine balance on how different and how similar the items can be. gW9o5NBk28U-00037-00019528-00020104 There is also another strategy for assessing reliability, called test retest reliability. gW9o5NBk28U-00038-00020104-00020592 Where we actually ask the same question over and over with a time delay. gW9o5NBk28U-00039-00020592-00021064 But this is a bit problematic because the time delay for asking a question for from gW9o5NBk28U-00040-00021064-00021520 a person needs to be days or weeks. Or otherwise the person will remember gW9o5NBk28U-00041-00021520-00022032 their past answer and will just repeat it without reconsidering the question. gW9o5NBk28U-00042-00022032-00022416 So in practice most studies use these distinct measures we asked. gW9o5NBk28U-00043-00022488-00022992 For example three or five different questions that are supposed to measure the same thing. gW9o5NBk28U-00044-00022992-00023168 But they're different enough that the person gW9o5NBk28U-00045-00023168-00023400 doesn't realize that they're being asked the same thing. gW9o5NBk28U-00046-00023512-00023936 Factor analysis is a tool for validating these multiple item measures. gW9o5NBk28U-00047-00023936-00024392 This is a table of factory analysis results and what these results tell gW9o5NBk28U-00048-00024392-00024928 us or what factor analysis tells us. It tells which items go together. gW9o5NBk28U-00049-00024928-00025464 Which items have something in common or if there are any underlying dimensions in the data. gW9o5NBk28U-00050-00025464-00026112 So the idea of factor analysis here is that if we have five measurement scales then these gW9o5NBk28U-00051-00026112-00026632 items should be grouped empirically, according to the things that they're supposed to measure. gW9o5NBk28U-00052-00026632-00026983 So these file items are supposed to mess with social perception. gW9o5NBk28U-00053-00026983-00027512 So we say that conceptually they have in common that they all measure social perceptions. gW9o5NBk28U-00054-00027512-00027912 Then we look at do they have something in common also empirically. gW9o5NBk28U-00055-00027912-00028416 And factor analysis does that for us. So factor analysis identifies gW9o5NBk28U-00056-00028416-00028712 that these five items belong to factor number two. gW9o5NBk28U-00057-00028768-00029176 So when we look at this table we want to see a pattern like this. gW9o5NBk28U-00058-00029239-00029727 Each item belongs to one factor these numbers are called factor loadings. gW9o5NBk28U-00059-00029727-00030120 Ideally the loading on the main factor would be more than 0.7. gW9o5NBk28U-00060-00030120-00030783 This 0.5 is a bit weak so 0.7 is typically acceptable reliability for that item. gW9o5NBk28U-00061-00030783-00031256 We also want to see that the items don't load highly on the other factors. gW9o5NBk28U-00062-00031312-00031648 If we assume that this factor 3 for example is expressiveness. gW9o5NBk28U-00063-00031704-00032064 These items correlate strongly because they all measure expressiveness. gW9o5NBk28U-00064-00032064-00032424 We want to see low values here in the social perception items. gW9o5NBk28U-00065-00032424-00032800 These social perception items should not depend on expressiveness. gW9o5NBk28U-00066-00032800-00033360 And this is a very clean factor solution because the social perception items only load on the gW9o5NBk28U-00067-00033360-00034032 social perception factor but not the others. We want to see that these are small and the gW9o5NBk28U-00068-00034032-00034240 main loadings are large. What is small? gW9o5NBk28U-00069-00034336-00034760 Less than 0.2 less than 0.3 depending on the source is typically considered small. gW9o5NBk28U-00070-00034832-00035304 Not all the items work ideally. For example this item here: "people tell gW9o5NBk28U-00071-00035304-00036016 me that I'm a sensitive and understanding person" is loading on factor 4 and factor 3 and factor 1. gW9o5NBk28U-00072-00036160-00036856 So it's not cleanly measuring only factor 5 which is social adaptability but it gW9o5NBk28U-00073-00036856-00037536 also depends on for example expressiveness. So that kind of items we might consider dropping gW9o5NBk28U-00074-00037536-00037928 but it was retained in this study because it have been validated before. gW9o5NBk28U-00075-00037984-00038312 This is factor analysis. You look for pattern where each gW9o5NBk28U-00076-00038312-00038664 item loads on the same, that they are supposed to measure the same thing. gW9o5NBk28U-00077-00038664-00038976 Loads on the same factor and not on any other factors. gW9o5NBk28U-00078-00038976-00039416 Then we would typically label these factors. This would be labeled social perception, this gW9o5NBk28U-00079-00039416-00040104 would be labeled social adaptability and so on. This is the tool that we use for gW9o5NBk28U-00080-00040104-00040440 validating items empirically. How do we access reliability? gW9o5NBk28U-00081-00040512-00041008 Once we have established that items measure something in common by using factor analysis. gW9o5NBk28U-00082-00041008-00041408 We calculate coefficient alpha. How exactly it's calculated? gW9o5NBk28U-00083-00041408-00041832 It's not useful to know. But it basically calculates gW9o5NBk28U-00084-00041832-00042368 the reliability of the average or the sum of items that belong to the same scale. gW9o5NBk28U-00085-00042424-00043160 If we take the integration on scale here it has 4 items, we take a sum of those 4 items. gW9o5NBk28U-00086-00043160-00043720 Then the alpha here tells us what would be the reliability of that sum. gW9o5NBk28U-00087-00043800-00044296 Typically values greater than 0.7 are considered acceptable. gW9o5NBk28U-00088-00044296-00044896 But oftentimes we get higher, sometimes we get lower and sometimes lower reliability can be gW9o5NBk28U-00089-00044968-00045352 okay if your question is something that hasn't been never asked that before. gW9o5NBk28U-00090-00045352-00045768 If you're studying something that has very well established scales gW9o5NBk28U-00091-00045768-00046440 then we might require 0.85, 0.9 reliability because we are the baseline so high already. gW9o5NBk28U-00092-00046512-00046920 So let's take a summary of measurement. The important concept of investment is gW9o5NBk28U-00093-00046920-00047440 reliability, lack of random noise in our measures. Validity, do the variables actually measure gW9o5NBk28U-00094-00047440-00047864 what they are supposed to measure. Reliability is conceptually easy gW9o5NBk28U-00095-00047864-00048384 to demonstrate and vertically you just take repeated measures using the same instrument. gW9o5NBk28U-00096-00048384-00048832 If they correlate it is reliable. With measuring people and their attitudes gW9o5NBk28U-00097-00048832-00049344 and perceptions this is difficult because the person remembers, what they answered in the past. gW9o5NBk28U-00098-00049344-00049920 So in practice we have to use multiple questions that are slightly different to do that. gW9o5NBk28U-00099-00049992-00050456 And then we calculate coefficient out. Validity is something that we gW9o5NBk28U-00100-00050456-00051056 can only demonstrate less directly. In practice validity is an argument for it gW9o5NBk28U-00101-00051056-00051752 that we have to make on conceptual grounds. For example if we use a ceo's name as a measure gW9o5NBk28U-00102-00051752-00052312 of gender we have to on conceptual grounds argue, that name is a good measure of gender. gW9o5NBk28U-00103-00052312-00052648 It's pretty obvious for most people that that would be a valid measure. gW9o5NBk28U-00104-00052712-00053352 Empirically when we have multiple items we can apply factor analysis to demonstrate, that those gW9o5NBk28U-00105-00053352-00053928 indicators that are supposed to measure the same thing also have something in common empirically. gW9o5NBk28U-00106-00053928-00054432 And then we assume that what they have in common is actually that they measure the same thing. gW9o5NBk28U-00107-00054432-00054816 In practice using coefficient alpha and factor analysis gW9o5NBk28U-00108-00054816-00055248 is what most of the articles that apply survey data do this. gX23mAfMCP8-00000-00000050-00000293 UNDERWATER CONSTRUCTION TEAM 1 AND NAVAL MOBILE gX23mAfMCP8-00001-00000293-00000577 CONSTRUCTION TEAM 11 CAME TOGETHER TO PARTICIPATE IN gX23mAfMCP8-00002-00000577-00000730 OPERATION MATADOR. gX23mAfMCP8-00003-00000730-00000967 THE EXERCISE IS DESIGNED FOR NAVAL CONSTRUCTION gX23mAfMCP8-00004-00000967-00001271 UNITS TO PRACTICE COMMAND AND CONTROL ELEMENTS WITH gX23mAfMCP8-00005-00001271-00001378 REAL WORLD SCENARIOS. gX23mAfMCP8-00006-00001431-00001788 "ALL OF THIS IS A PART OF BECOMING AN ADAPTIVE FORCE gX23mAfMCP8-00007-00001788-00002152 PACKAGE SO THAT WE CAN ACCOMPLISH MISSIONS WHEN gX23mAfMCP8-00008-00002152-00002292 WE DEPLOY OUT." gX23mAfMCP8-00009-00002292-00002676 WORKING TOGETHER, NMCB 11 AND UCT 1, DUG OUT, gX23mAfMCP8-00010-00002676-00002876 WELDED, BROUGHT TO THE SURFACE AND TOOK OUT A gX23mAfMCP8-00011-00002876-00003079 SIMULATED MILITARY SHIPPING CONTAINER. gX23mAfMCP8-00012-00003079-00003203 THE MISSION WAS A SUCCESS. gX23mAfMCP8-00013-00003203-00003553 THESE SEABEES LIVE UP TO THEIR NAME BY GOING UNDER gX23mAfMCP8-00014-00003553-00003823 WATER BUT ABOVE EXPECTATIONS. gX23mAfMCP8-00015-00003823-00004050 "THIS WAS ONE OF THE REQUIRED OPERATIONAL gX23mAfMCP8-00016-00004050-00004250 CAPABILITIES FOR THE NAVY THAT WE'RE PRACTICING HERE gX23mAfMCP8-00017-00004250-00004601 FOR PORT OPENINGS, AND I FEEL LIKE WE'VE HIT THE gX23mAfMCP8-00018-00004601-00004841 NAIL ON THE HEAD AND WE ACCOMPLISHED IT REALLY gX23mAfMCP8-00019-00004841-00004944 WELL." gX23mAfMCP8-00020-00004944-00005442 CORPORAL ANNIKA MOODY, NAVAL STATION ROTA. gcTkdtxW8oo-00000-00000000-00000288 In Sitamarhi district of Bihar, block Bathnaha, gcTkdtxW8oo-00001-00000312-00000574 Rupauli rupahara Panchayat, village Koili, gcTkdtxW8oo-00002-00000574-00000774 has population of about 500-700 people. gcTkdtxW8oo-00003-00000816-00001084 Most of the people in this village are entitled for gcTkdtxW8oo-00004-00001102-00001374 Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, under which they get LPG connection. gcTkdtxW8oo-00005-00001374-00001654 And they had applied for it after the launch of scheme. gcTkdtxW8oo-00006-00001654-00001923 But almost everyone got the LPG connection in the village, gcTkdtxW8oo-00007-00001952-00002264 except 5-7 women, who are still waiting for their gas connection. gcTkdtxW8oo-00008-00002264-00002590 Due to which they are quite upset. gcTkdtxW8oo-00009-00002762-00003116 The problem is that it's been two month since we gave an application for LPG cylinder. gcTkdtxW8oo-00010-00003228-00003428 I was the first to fill the form in our village, gcTkdtxW8oo-00011-00003428-00003802 but everyone got the cylinder except me. gcTkdtxW8oo-00012-00004078-00004234 Why didn't you receive it? gcTkdtxW8oo-00013-00004234-00004434 I don't know, we spoke to the village head about this, gcTkdtxW8oo-00014-00004434-00004722 he says we will get it soon. gcTkdtxW8oo-00015-00004768-00004968 Sometime he says we will get it in 10 days or 15 days. gcTkdtxW8oo-00016-00004968-00005168 We have been waiting for two months now. gcTkdtxW8oo-00017-00005276-00005368 We spoke to the village head. gcTkdtxW8oo-00018-00005368-00005482 What did he say? gcTkdtxW8oo-00019-00005482-00005900 He said I will get it later. gcTkdtxW8oo-00020-00005900-00006284 What problems do you face without a gas cylinder? gcTkdtxW8oo-00021-00006284-00006544 We have to get firewood from outside. gcTkdtxW8oo-00022-00006544-00006964 To get the firewood we have to leave our children alone. gcTkdtxW8oo-00023-00006964-00007292 Who else is going to take care of them if not us? gcTkdtxW8oo-00024-00007292-00007492 That is our problem. We want the gas cyinders soon. gcTkdtxW8oo-00025-00007522-00007926 I appeal to all the viewers watching this video to gcTkdtxW8oo-00026-00007926-00008248 call District Magistrate on this number- gcTkdtxW8oo-00027-00008248-00008754 9431241088. gcTkdtxW8oo-00028-00008754-00008954 Please call him and gcTkdtxW8oo-00029-00008954-00009370 help me in getting LPG connections for these women. gcTkdtxW8oo-00030-00009370-00009656 I am Guddi, from Sitamarhi district, Bihar, gcTkdtxW8oo-00031-00009656-00009822 for IndiaUnheard. gfyHNgqxstY-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video gfyHNgqxstY-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view gfyHNgqxstY-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. gfyHNgqxstY-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much gfNn864KTEy-00000-00001129-00001555 hi everyone this is the untwisted voice of terry chi and welcome to my video gfNn864KTEy-00001-00001555-00002048 blog this video today's vote on building self-confidence and in this video i'm gfNn864KTEy-00002-00002048-00002351 going to share with you some of the things throughout my journey in life gfNn864KTEy-00003-00002351-00002759 that I've done that tear down my self-confidence but I also want to share gfNn864KTEy-00004-00002759-00003259 a few things that I do on a daily basis to build my self-confidence they're very gfNn864KTEy-00005-00003259-00003790 simple tasks that I do but they're very effective for me but there's many things gfNn864KTEy-00006-00003790-00004333 you can do to build your self-confidence I'm gonna put a list down below that gfNn864KTEy-00007-00004333-00004597 there's you know 10 20 things that you can do to build your self-confidence gfNn864KTEy-00008-00004597-00005104 that are not covered in this video but let's start off by things that I used to gfNn864KTEy-00009-00005104-00005492 do that tear down my self-confidence thought however that it used to do is gfNn864KTEy-00010-00005492-00005921 compare myself to other people and when I mean compare myself to other people I gfNn864KTEy-00011-00005921-00006586 mean in a negative light always putting myself second comparing myself to other gfNn864KTEy-00012-00006586-00007081 people oh you have a prettier wife I'll look at mine you have a bigger house gfNn864KTEy-00013-00007081-00007577 I'll look at mine you have a better car a better job you're more educated you're gfNn864KTEy-00014-00007577-00008093 taller you're shorter all those kind of comparisons to other people but I always gfNn864KTEy-00015-00008093-00008849 put myself second and that plays havoc on my self-confidence so when I do this gfNn864KTEy-00016-00008849-00009328 and I kind of do it automatically sometimes I put a stop to it I stop gfNn864KTEy-00017-00009328-00009850 doing that stop comparing myself I start wanting what I have and being grateful gfNn864KTEy-00018-00009850-00010390 for what I have another thing I used to do is self-talk the way I spoke to gfNn864KTEy-00019-00010390-00010978 myself I was always hard on myself I was almost abusive to myself of the gfNn864KTEy-00020-00010978-00011374 way I spoke to myself if I made a mistake or if I didn't measure up to gfNn864KTEy-00021-00011374-00011968 somebody my self-talk was very negative towards myself I would say if somebody gfNn864KTEy-00022-00011968-00012449 spoke to me the way I spoke to myself I punch him in the face I really mean that gfNn864KTEy-00023-00012449-00012961 I was really harsh on myself I was emotionally mentally abusive to myself gfNn864KTEy-00024-00012961-00013535 that's a hobbit that I used to do all the time that one took a little bit of gfNn864KTEy-00025-00013535-00013951 work to get me out of it and sometimes I go back to these things and I just like gfNn864KTEy-00026-00013951-00014286 to know I practice self-confidence techniques a lot I gfNn864KTEy-00027-00014286-00014816 really really do another thing I used to do to tear down my self-confidence I gfNn864KTEy-00028-00014816-00015584 never looked doctor myself mine I mean physically emotionally and mentally you gfNn864KTEy-00029-00015584-00016050 know I never I never meditated I never looked doctor my spiritual side I wasn't gfNn864KTEy-00030-00016050-00016572 aware of the way I was thinking and mentally I never exercise I never ate gfNn864KTEy-00031-00016572-00017244 well I never slept well I never looked after Terry physically and emotionally gfNn864KTEy-00032-00017244-00017784 and mentally and you know something nowadays I really aware of that I step gfNn864KTEy-00033-00017784-00018225 back and I look after myself a lot better than I ever did and you know gfNn864KTEy-00034-00018225-00018834 that's a real sign of a confident person self caring is a really great sign of a gfNn864KTEy-00035-00018834-00019331 confident person so what do I do to build out myself what do i what gfNn864KTEy-00036-00019331-00019773 technique so I do on a daily basis to build out myself well first thing I do gfNn864KTEy-00037-00019773-00020244 and you're gonna say Terry gee this is crazy what I'm gonna tell you what I do gfNn864KTEy-00038-00020244-00020870 is like compliment people I walk around and if I see something in a friend of gfNn864KTEy-00039-00020870-00021570 mine a co-worker a girlfriend a person at the bank you know bank teller car gfNn864KTEy-00040-00021570-00021965 dealership wherever it may be I make it a point to tell the person gfNn864KTEy-00041-00021965-00022385 that I appreciate what they've done or thanked them or give them some sort of gfNn864KTEy-00042-00022385-00022931 compliment that I recognized something great in them and you might say well gfNn864KTEy-00043-00022931-00023435 that's fake Terry that's how is that gonna build your self-confidence well gfNn864KTEy-00044-00023435-00023981 it's very simple people who have low self-confidence like me I my confidence gfNn864KTEy-00045-00023981-00024285 is a lot better but I did have more self-confidence very low self-confidence gfNn864KTEy-00046-00024285-00024860 at once don't have any balance in their life a lot of times they look at the gfNn864KTEy-00047-00024860-00025481 world kind of negative not even knowing it so by giving compliments to people gfNn864KTEy-00048-00025481-00026054 you start getting an emotional mental lightness about you and you start gfNn864KTEy-00049-00026054-00026511 feeling balanced a little bit not everything inside or everything gfNn864KTEy-00050-00026511-00026993 fagor everything you say is negative and plus you become really popular because gfNn864KTEy-00051-00026993-00027512 everybody likes a compliment and you'll see that you're okay that everything is gfNn864KTEy-00052-00027512-00028115 okay you're likable you can lighten up and you start to see yourself in a gfNn864KTEy-00053-00028115-00028859 different light I know it's a simple task but if you do it you will feel what gfNn864KTEy-00054-00028859-00029390 I'm telling you you will start seeing the results from simple complimenting gfNn864KTEy-00055-00029390-00029897 other people about things that you like about them but the key to complimenting gfNn864KTEy-00056-00029897-00030486 people is it can't be fake it has to be real you have to really believe it gfNn864KTEy-00057-00030486-00030959 because the compliment will come across as being true and you know you'll get gfNn864KTEy-00058-00030959-00031439 that result that you want maybe sound hokey but try it try it for gfNn864KTEy-00059-00031439-00031784 30 days and tell me how you made out because I'm gonna tell you something gfNn864KTEy-00060-00031784-00032513 it's a real simple task to help you find emotional spiritual and mental balance gfNn864KTEy-00061-00032513-00032955 in your life to see some positives around you and that's really key that's gfNn864KTEy-00062-00032955-00033531 really key a second thing that I do is self-talk and I know that I've talked gfNn864KTEy-00063-00033531-00034068 about self-talk a lot and I talk about a lot in my blogs but self-talk is really gfNn864KTEy-00064-00034068-00034781 really really important and when I had really really low self-confidence I had gfNn864KTEy-00065-00034781-00035252 to ask people what was good of me what was good in me and I know that sounds gfNn864KTEy-00066-00035252-00035706 ridiculous but I had to because I couldn't find it or I didn't have the gfNn864KTEy-00067-00035706-00036218 confidence to believe that there was actually good in me so what I do and gfNn864KTEy-00068-00036218-00036771 what I continue to do is when I do a good deed or somebody compliments me I gfNn864KTEy-00069-00036771-00037337 kind of write it down or I put it in my mind and I and I kind of nurture those gfNn864KTEy-00070-00037337-00037787 positive events that I've done in my life like I bought a house I bought a gfNn864KTEy-00071-00037787-00038306 car I paid my bills on time I'm on relativity now I'm a nice person I'm gfNn864KTEy-00072-00038306-00038609 funny there's a lot of things about me that gfNn864KTEy-00073-00038609-00039030 are great qualities and that's what I mean when times get rough are you gfNn864KTEy-00074-00039030-00039240 feeling low or you want to build your confidence gfNn864KTEy-00075-00039240-00039930 find things in you that you love about yourself be your own best friend find gfNn864KTEy-00076-00039930-00040380 those things at the beginning like I say they'll take work write them down and gfNn864KTEy-00077-00040380-00040893 just go over them I don't care 10 20 30 40 times a day gfNn864KTEy-00078-00040893-00041402 things that you like about yourself and this will help you build self-confidence gfNn864KTEy-00079-00041402-00041961 within yourself self-confidence is the ability to feel confident in your gfNn864KTEy-00080-00041961-00042578 ability but also its knowing oneself it's a really great technique to start gfNn864KTEy-00081-00042578-00043065 knowing yourself and not always focusing on the dark side of yourself gfNn864KTEy-00082-00043065-00043512 or the negative or the things you can't do because that's not really who you are gfNn864KTEy-00083-00043512-00044049 that's a part of you but it's not all of you we all have parts of us that we wish gfNn864KTEy-00084-00044049-00044487 we didn't have or we didn't really like but we need to accept ourselves as you gfNn864KTEy-00085-00044487-00045134 know as a whole not as a part and most certainly not in a negative way all the gfNn864KTEy-00086-00045134-00045563 time it's really destructive so find things about yourself that you love are gfNn864KTEy-00087-00045563-00045971 you great bricklayer Keaney are you a great gardener things that you love to gfNn864KTEy-00088-00045971-00046452 do that people compliment you on and remember those things boosts your gfNn864KTEy-00089-00046452-00047211 self-talk become positive become a mirror a cheerleader for yourself this gfNn864KTEy-00090-00047211-00047811 last one is really key it's really key and that's why it's what kind of problem gfNn864KTEy-00091-00047811-00048463 in my collar here it's really key this one is action to have self-confidence gfNn864KTEy-00092-00048463-00048938 without action it's not going to work it's like having an ice-cream cone gfNn864KTEy-00093-00048938-00049427 without the ice cream all you have is a cone it's not an ice cream cone right gfNn864KTEy-00094-00049427-00050196 but doing it building confidence without action they'll never work we need to gfNn864KTEy-00095-00050196-00050805 learn to stretch ourselves to put ourselves in situations that make us gfNn864KTEy-00096-00050805-00051329 feel fear that make us feel awkward you can do this in a little events at the gfNn864KTEy-00097-00051329-00051714 time you don't have to do big great big things but you can strict yourself gfNn864KTEy-00098-00051714-00052305 once a month twice a month things that you wouldn't normally do gfNn864KTEy-00099-00052305-00052847 like if you want to play cards with the guys or you want to take top dancing or gfNn864KTEy-00100-00052847-00053336 take swimming lessons or you want to take public speaking or make a video gfNn864KTEy-00101-00053336-00053950 blog go ahead and do it put yourself in a situation that you really don't know gfNn864KTEy-00102-00053950-00054604 the outcome of it and I'll give you a small situation that I did about six gfNn864KTEy-00103-00054604-00055013 months ago we're not in front of these crowded crowds about fifty people and gfNn864KTEy-00104-00055013-00055538 we're applying for a volunteer position and the job was I was doing volunteer gfNn864KTEy-00105-00055538-00056066 work but it was it was like I'm on the board right and I said to myself I'm gfNn864KTEy-00106-00056066-00056455 gonna try and go up there and I'm gonna try and do it and I wasn't prepared but gfNn864KTEy-00107-00056455-00056857 I went up there and I talked on blogs all the time I talked in front of people gfNn864KTEy-00108-00056857-00057400 quite often and I went up there and I froze and I failed and I felt like a gfNn864KTEy-00109-00057400-00058112 fool you know I failed i sat down I got I blew it I felt embarrassed and all gfNn864KTEy-00110-00058112-00058570 those kind of things the other person went out with this this young lady she gfNn864KTEy-00111-00058570-00058979 got the job she got the volunteer job and kudos to her she should have got as gfNn864KTEy-00112-00058979-00059308 she was more confident than me but you know something I did fail at it gfNn864KTEy-00113-00059308-00059741 and I sat down I felt embarrassed but you know something there's 50 people in gfNn864KTEy-00114-00059741-00060179 that room we all had the same opportunity to apply for the volunteer gfNn864KTEy-00115-00060179-00060800 position only two of us got up only two of us got up am ia failure of course not gfNn864KTEy-00116-00060800-00061489 I never got the position but I was 2 out of 52 people who got up there and said gfNn864KTEy-00117-00061489-00062054 hey I count I'm going to try this win lose or draw I'm going to try it and gfNn864KTEy-00118-00062054-00062600 that is what confidence is about get out there if you ask the girl out and she gfNn864KTEy-00119-00062600-00063139 says no to you the next time it'll be easier to ask rejection is a part of gfNn864KTEy-00120-00063139-00063611 building confidence failure is a part of building confidence if we don't have it gfNn864KTEy-00121-00063611-00064199 in our lives we will never get confident we can't wait all the time well maybe we gfNn864KTEy-00122-00064199-00064393 can maybe some people do win all the time gfNn864KTEy-00123-00064393-00064701 but I not one over time so building confidence gfNn864KTEy-00124-00064701-00065417 is an action get out there stretch yourself put yourself in situations that gfNn864KTEy-00125-00065417-00065958 you normally wouldn't do start off small and build up and you'll see your gfNn864KTEy-00126-00065958-00066681 confidence will improve and then one other thing stay at it don't stop gfNn864KTEy-00127-00066681-00067368 if you fail if you get rejected you fall flat on your face get up and do it some gfNn864KTEy-00128-00067368-00067722 more most people who build confidence or gfNn864KTEy-00129-00067722-00068070 build new habits that are positive in their lives stop gfNn864KTEy-00130-00068070-00068499 they give up after a few failures or this isn't working gfNn864KTEy-00131-00068499-00069237 don't do that don't stomp so take action get yourself out there build your gfNn864KTEy-00132-00069237-00069810 confidence and let me know if this video was any help to you and remember look gfNn864KTEy-00133-00069810-00070290 after yourself because it shows thank you very much for watching my video blog gfNn864KTEy-00134-00070290-00070628 and take care of yourself ggauo5GCHu8-00000-00000616-00001264 Well, it's that time of year. We have a tomato plant that we've started inside. It's growing nicely. ggauo5GCHu8-00001-00001264-00001736 We've got it here in a container. Obviously, it's been by the window and as we can see ggauo5GCHu8-00002-00001736-00002296 it's a little bit leggy. Essentially, what that is, is we have our plants that we start by seed. ggauo5GCHu8-00003-00002296-00002784 They're usually by a window or a light source and that light source isn't quite strong enough, so ggauo5GCHu8-00004-00002784-00003368 those plants start reaching for light. They end up getting a stem that's pretty long ggauo5GCHu8-00005-00003368-00003847 and that's what we call leggy. Now when we start planting our tomatoes, something that's ggauo5GCHu8-00006-00003847-00004400 really cool to help increase their ability to stay more stable during the growing season. ggauo5GCHu8-00007-00004400-00004832 So, we can actually plant them deeper than what they're actually growing here in this container. ggauo5GCHu8-00008-00004904-00005424 So, for this plant for example, we could dig a hole here in our garden space. ggauo5GCHu8-00009-00005608-00006000 So we've got this, we can actually do what's called trenching where we're physically going ggauo5GCHu8-00010-00006000-00006648 to lay this plant on the side and then actually point it so it's facing up, or we can actually ggauo5GCHu8-00011-00006648-00007472 dig deeper down into our garden bed and physically plant it deeper to where that stem is then at the ggauo5GCHu8-00012-00007472-00008088 the top of the soil surface. The recommendation, usually, is to take off these two little leaves, ggauo5GCHu8-00013-00008088-00008640 which are called cotyledons, and we want to plant to that depth. We'll back fill a little bit here, ggauo5GCHu8-00014-00008904-00009344 and then this is going to be our new our new little tomato plant that's going to end ggauo5GCHu8-00015-00009344-00010016 up taking root and provide us with some lovely tomatoes later on in the growing season. ggauo5GCHu8-00016-00010016-00011240 From the University of Wyoming Extension I'm Brian Sebade and you're watching From the Ground Up. gh06N7CAnZ0-00000-00000090-00000322 Hi, I'm Anette and I'm from Denmark. gh06N7CAnZ0-00001-00000338-00000606 And I have the SYNCHRONY with the FLEX 24 electrode. gh06N7CAnZ0-00002-00000646-00000861 On of my MED-EL miracle moments gh06N7CAnZ0-00003-00000942-00001154 was when I understood speech gh06N7CAnZ0-00004-00001170-00001282 for the first time. gh06N7CAnZ0-00005-00001298-00001374 A whole sentence. gh06N7CAnZ0-00006-00001390-00001828 It was my husband. He actually called me and said: gh06N7CAnZ0-00007-00001844-00002054 "When do we eat dinner tonight?" gh06N7CAnZ0-00008-00002070-00002198 I think... gh06N7CAnZ0-00009-00002326-00002698 when you no longer can understand speech gh06N7CAnZ0-00010-00002714-00002942 it's time to get the cochlear implant. gh06N7CAnZ0-00011-00002958-00003406 My advice would be not to give up gh06N7CAnZ0-00012-00003438-00003706 when you switch it on for the first time gh06N7CAnZ0-00013-00003722-00004110 and the sound maybe isn't what you expected. gh06N7CAnZ0-00014-00004126-00004366 But keep on going and gh06N7CAnZ0-00015-00004410-00004658 in time it will be perfect I think. gi2BvQLPq_c-00000-00000058-00000581 Hey students. This is a short little video based on time I've spent teaching gi2BvQLPq_c-00001-00000581-00000966 and learning online to provide you a little bit of direction on what to gi2BvQLPq_c-00002-00000966-00001451 expect and hopefully how to succeed when you're suddenly foisted into the online gi2BvQLPq_c-00003-00001451-00001969 environment like many of you have been. So I'm going to start by sharing what is gi2BvQLPq_c-00004-00001969-00002528 important I think at its bare minimum for you to be aware of. So first and gi2BvQLPq_c-00005-00002528-00003039 foremost to be successful online I can't overemphasize the need for you to gi2BvQLPq_c-00006-00003039-00003557 maintain a consistent schedule. If it's at all possible I would suggest keep gi2BvQLPq_c-00007-00003557-00004092 exactly the same schedule that you currently use with your courses and a gi2BvQLPq_c-00008-00004092-00004653 university schedule or university pipeline. Secondly, encourage you to focus gi2BvQLPq_c-00009-00004653-00005153 on the location. Location matters. Now I know for some of you if you're forced to gi2BvQLPq_c-00010-00005153-00005568 stay home now you may have to compete with space with family siblings and gi2BvQLPq_c-00011-00005568-00005892 other environments that are going to have a bit of an impact on your ability gi2BvQLPq_c-00012-00005892-00006348 to concentrate and focus. But probably more so than any other factor, these two gi2BvQLPq_c-00013-00006348-00006738 will help you be successful. If you maintain a consistent schedule you're gi2BvQLPq_c-00014-00006738-00007104 going to have time and effort devoted to the main elements of your course. If you gi2BvQLPq_c-00015-00007104-00007547 can find sort of a consistent location for learning that minimizes distractions gi2BvQLPq_c-00016-00007547-00007920 puts your phone out of the way you'll have a much better chance of being able gi2BvQLPq_c-00017-00007920-00008400 to stay focused on learning the topic areas that are a critical part of your gi2BvQLPq_c-00018-00008400-00008661 course. Another element that you're going to gi2BvQLPq_c-00019-00008661-00009036 find and this one's a bit more complex to communicate but it's this idea of gi2BvQLPq_c-00020-00009036-00009554 coherence. So when you go to a university you'll have your faculty member teaching gi2BvQLPq_c-00021-00009554-00009960 you and they will tell you exactly what it is that you need to know often in a gi2BvQLPq_c-00022-00009960-00010407 very well structured lecture type of format or group activity format. When you gi2BvQLPq_c-00023-00010407-00010767 learn online that fragments. Suddenly you have bits and pieces here: you might gi2BvQLPq_c-00024-00010767-00011214 watch part of a YouTube video, you might engage in a discussion forum and in the gi2BvQLPq_c-00025-00011214-00011649 end you'll end up having bits and pieces that aren't as coherent as a regular gi2BvQLPq_c-00026-00011649-00012102 lecture might be. A key element here that relates to the coherence thing is being gi2BvQLPq_c-00027-00012102-00012567 aware of just the nature of that experience and recognizing that it takes gi2BvQLPq_c-00028-00012567-00012944 a little bit more effort when you have bits and pieces everywhere to try and gi2BvQLPq_c-00029-00012944-00013272 pull them together in a meaning way. So one of the things I often gi2BvQLPq_c-00030-00013272-00013678 recommend students is to focus on resources and activities that help you gi2BvQLPq_c-00031-00013678-00013981 connect the pieces that you're encountering. This can be visualization, gi2BvQLPq_c-00032-00013981-00014521 this can be extensive review, this can be students taking time to draw out gi2BvQLPq_c-00033-00014521-00015079 how the course pieces fit together, it's just some way of being able to say gi2BvQLPq_c-00034-00015079-00015469 because I don't have the structure of a faculty member telling me exactly what gi2BvQLPq_c-00035-00015469-00015822 the pieces are and I'm getting bits and pieces everywhere it's helpful for you gi2BvQLPq_c-00036-00015822-00016147 to put more time and effort into connecting the pieces when you're gi2BvQLPq_c-00037-00016147-00016489 involved in this kind of format and simple techniques like extensive review gi2BvQLPq_c-00038-00016489-00017023 and visualization can help make that easier for you to achieve. A fifth gi2BvQLPq_c-00039-00017023-00017431 point I just want to emphasize as a mindset and that mindset is essentially gi2BvQLPq_c-00040-00017431-00018004 having a bit of a patient approach to your for yourself and also for lack of a gi2BvQLPq_c-00041-00018004-00018424 better word kindness for others. So you're not alone in the stress that gi2BvQLPq_c-00042-00018424-00018817 you're feeling. Chances are your faculty members are overwhelmed they're stressed gi2BvQLPq_c-00043-00018817-00019198 with the details of moving curriculum online when they hadn't planned on doing gi2BvQLPq_c-00044-00019198-00019714 it. I know a lot of faculty been working you know 10, 12, 15 hours a day trying to gi2BvQLPq_c-00045-00019714-00020089 make that transition and for all of you you're stressed nervous about what's gi2BvQLPq_c-00046-00020089-00020497 involved and a range of related questions that could be family members gi2BvQLPq_c-00047-00020497-00020878 at home, it could be financial and so on, it could be existential. So there's a lot gi2BvQLPq_c-00048-00020878-00021307 of critical things for you to focus on as well in an attitude of being patient gi2BvQLPq_c-00049-00021307-00021748 with yourself and with others will certainly help make the experience a gi2BvQLPq_c-00050-00021748-00022207 little bit easier for you in the long run. Everyone is upended, everyone is gi2BvQLPq_c-00051-00022207-00022621 unsure of what's happening. Another point and the final one I'll mention here is gi2BvQLPq_c-00052-00022621-00023071 just ask questions. Like when in doubt, ask questions. Ask questions of a faculty gi2BvQLPq_c-00053-00023071-00023458 member. Ask questions of fellow students. But make it an effort to if you don't gi2BvQLPq_c-00054-00023458-00023968 understand, make it explicit. When you're learning online it has the capability of gi2BvQLPq_c-00055-00023968-00024403 being a bit isolating sometimes but by being willing to engage and ask gi2BvQLPq_c-00056-00024403-00024808 questions on a regular basis you can help minimize that sense of isolation gi2BvQLPq_c-00057-00024808-00025366 or connect more meaningfully to students and to the teachers that are gi2BvQLPq_c-00058-00025366-00025735 teaching the course. Good luck as you make the transition online. It's not easy gi2BvQLPq_c-00059-00025735-00026200 but in many ways it's a situation all of us have very little control over and the gi2BvQLPq_c-00060-00026200-00026667 best we can do really is try and make the best of the situation. glCf78_5Lfu-00000-00000348-00000479 Good afternoon, Doctor. glCf78_5Lfu-00001-00000479-00000602 Sit down. glCf78_5Lfu-00002-00000602-00000729 Your schedule has been cleared. glCf78_5Lfu-00003-00000729-00001148 Do not attempt to leave the room until you are told that this session is over. glCf78_5Lfu-00004-00001148-00001485 The door is already locked, but it is crucial you pay attention. glCf78_5Lfu-00005-00001485-00001585 Good. glCf78_5Lfu-00006-00001585-00002050 You are now part of the SCP Foundation's Ethics Committee. glCf78_5Lfu-00007-00002050-00002207 This is not a demotion. glCf78_5Lfu-00008-00002207-00002307 Sit down. glCf78_5Lfu-00009-00002307-00002448 Yes, you're terrified. glCf78_5Lfu-00010-00002448-00003006 You think you're being punished for some failure, some lapse of judgement, some horrible disaster glCf78_5Lfu-00011-00003006-00003172 that you were involved with. glCf78_5Lfu-00012-00003172-00003454 You think that your career with the Foundation is over. glCf78_5Lfu-00013-00003454-00003810 You might even have thought that 'transferred to the Ethics Committee' is a euphemism for glCf78_5Lfu-00014-00003810-00003935 'killed'. glCf78_5Lfu-00015-00003935-00004071 This is not the case. glCf78_5Lfu-00016-00004071-00004417 You'll notice I said "killed" instead of "terminated". glCf78_5Lfu-00017-00004417-00004559 That's a deliberate choice. glCf78_5Lfu-00018-00004559-00004871 On the Ethics Committee, we don't use euphemisms. glCf78_5Lfu-00019-00004871-00005318 Because of the work that the SCP Foundation does, a lot of personnel think that the idea glCf78_5Lfu-00020-00005318-00005603 of the Foundation having an Ethics Committee is just a bad joke. glCf78_5Lfu-00021-00005603-00006094 Or they know that the Committee exists, but they've got the impression that we're an ineffectual glCf78_5Lfu-00022-00006094-00006194 laughingstock. glCf78_5Lfu-00023-00006194-00006709 A bunch of purposeless seat-fillers who wave a rubber stamp that says APPROVED, and never glCf78_5Lfu-00024-00006709-00006881 dare to voice an objection. glCf78_5Lfu-00025-00006881-00007177 Yes, I see you've heard the jokes. glCf78_5Lfu-00026-00007177-00007659 Here's one - 'how many members of the Ethics Committee does it take to change a lightbulb? glCf78_5Lfu-00027-00007659-00007759 None! glCf78_5Lfu-00028-00007759-00007934 The Ethics Committee can't change anything!' glCf78_5Lfu-00029-00007934-00008119 No, it's all right. glCf78_5Lfu-00030-00008119-00008305 You're meant to laugh. glCf78_5Lfu-00031-00008305-00008708 We make an effort to sustain the impression that we're useless, because we are the secret glCf78_5Lfu-00032-00008708-00008986 power within the SCP Foundation. glCf78_5Lfu-00033-00008986-00009128 Sit down. glCf78_5Lfu-00034-00009128-00009382 Yes, there are the O5s. glCf78_5Lfu-00035-00009382-00009760 They judge what is and isn't safe, and that's a vital and important function. glCf78_5Lfu-00036-00009760-00010336 But we are the ones who advise the O5s on what is and is not acceptable. glCf78_5Lfu-00037-00010336-00010827 You've done horrible, awful things while working for the Foundation — don't try to deny it, glCf78_5Lfu-00038-00010827-00010927 Doctor. glCf78_5Lfu-00039-00010927-00011250 We've all done horrible awful things while working for the Foundation. glCf78_5Lfu-00040-00011250-00011564 That is one of the unavoidable consequences of working with SCPs. glCf78_5Lfu-00041-00011564-00012077 And on occasion, you've wondered if we are the, quote unquote, bad guys. glCf78_5Lfu-00042-00012077-00012278 Well… we're not. glCf78_5Lfu-00043-00012278-00012500 And that is because of the Ethics Committee. glCf78_5Lfu-00044-00012500-00012649 This is your first lesson. glCf78_5Lfu-00045-00012649-00012928 Do you understand? glCf78_5Lfu-00046-00012928-00013221 Remember this: the Foundation is not evil. glCf78_5Lfu-00047-00013221-00013531 We do not torture people "just because". glCf78_5Lfu-00048-00013531-00013773 We are against unnecessary cruelty. glCf78_5Lfu-00049-00013773-00014140 Which means somebody has to decide when cruelty is necessary. glCf78_5Lfu-00050-00014140-00014362 And that somebody is us. glCf78_5Lfu-00051-00014362-00014553 Stop trembling. glCf78_5Lfu-00052-00014553-00014775 It is important that you remember this. glCf78_5Lfu-00053-00014775-00014948 It is your second lesson. glCf78_5Lfu-00054-00014948-00015226 The Foundation does not rule the world. glCf78_5Lfu-00055-00015226-00015470 The Foundation serves the world. glCf78_5Lfu-00056-00015470-00015670 Do you understand what that means? glCf78_5Lfu-00057-00015670-00016112 Regardless of what the general population might think it wants, what we do, what the glCf78_5Lfu-00058-00016112-00016534 Foundation does, is in the overall best interests of that general population. glCf78_5Lfu-00059-00016534-00017121 Yes, I'm sure you did realize that already… but you haven't thought of the deeper implications. glCf78_5Lfu-00060-00017121-00017447 You've consoled yourself by thinking that all the torture and murder is for the greater glCf78_5Lfu-00061-00017447-00017557 good. glCf78_5Lfu-00062-00017557-00017914 This implies that there is a greater good… and a lesser good. glCf78_5Lfu-00063-00017914-00018317 It implies that there are multiple distinct goods, and that these can be quantified and glCf78_5Lfu-00064-00018317-00018417 compared. glCf78_5Lfu-00065-00018417-00018700 This is what we on the Ethics Committee do. glCf78_5Lfu-00066-00018700-00019065 We are the ones who balance the moral costs of everything the Foundation does. glCf78_5Lfu-00067-00019065-00019495 And in order to balance those costs, we must know those costs. glCf78_5Lfu-00068-00019495-00019681 Do you realize what that means, Doctor? glCf78_5Lfu-00069-00019681-00020339 It means that we know everything the Foundation does, has done, and will ever do. glCf78_5Lfu-00070-00020339-00020700 Everything that has ever been redacted or expunged, we know it. glCf78_5Lfu-00071-00020700-00020884 Every last detail. glCf78_5Lfu-00072-00020884-00021515 Yes, including what SCP-447-2 does when it comes in contact with dead bodies. glCf78_5Lfu-00073-00021515-00021936 Yes, we know exactly what Procedure 110-Montauk is, too. glCf78_5Lfu-00074-00021936-00022036 We should. glCf78_5Lfu-00075-00022036-00022206 We're the ones who designed it. glCf78_5Lfu-00076-00022206-00022363 No, it's quite all right. glCf78_5Lfu-00077-00022363-00022466 It's a common reaction. glCf78_5Lfu-00078-00022466-00022909 Perhaps we shouldn't schedule these meetings directly after lunch, I suppose. glCf78_5Lfu-00079-00022909-00023131 Here, wipe your mouth. glCf78_5Lfu-00080-00023131-00023427 You will no longer be participating in active research. glCf78_5Lfu-00081-00023427-00023895 You may consider yourself a researcher at large, flitting from one project to another, glCf78_5Lfu-00082-00023895-00024126 from one site to another, at will. glCf78_5Lfu-00083-00024126-00024489 This is not a secret; you are welcome to tell all your friends that you have been transferred glCf78_5Lfu-00084-00024489-00024859 to the Ethics Committee… if you can deal with the jokes and the pity. glCf78_5Lfu-00085-00024859-00025343 You will observe what is done, and ask the participants - and yourself - why it is being glCf78_5Lfu-00086-00025343-00025443 done. glCf78_5Lfu-00087-00025443-00025905 If at any point you feel that something is excessive or unnecessary or wrong, you inform glCf78_5Lfu-00088-00025905-00026005 us. glCf78_5Lfu-00089-00026005-00026441 We will summon the people involved, and ask them questions, in that meek ineffectual way glCf78_5Lfu-00090-00026441-00026642 that your coworkers have mocked. glCf78_5Lfu-00091-00026642-00027160 And then, word will filter down from the O5s, through the many levels of our bureaucracy. glCf78_5Lfu-00092-00027160-00027531 And those who are unethical will be given reprimands which will be noted on their permanent glCf78_5Lfu-00093-00027531-00027631 record. glCf78_5Lfu-00094-00027631-00028022 Or their pay will be cut, or they will be demoted, or they will be transferred to another glCf78_5Lfu-00095-00028022-00028158 project. glCf78_5Lfu-00096-00028158-00028413 Or they will be shot for crimes against humanity. glCf78_5Lfu-00097-00028413-00028651 This is your third lesson. glCf78_5Lfu-00098-00028651-00028751 Remember it. glCf78_5Lfu-00099-00028751-00028919 The 'P' stands for 'Protect'. glCf78_5Lfu-00100-00028919-00029506 The Foundation protects humanity from SCPs, and we protect the Foundation from itself. glCf78_5Lfu-00101-00029506-00029882 We judge what is and is not acceptable for the Foundation to do. glCf78_5Lfu-00102-00029882-00030450 We balance evils so that on the whole, and in the long run, evil is minimized. glCf78_5Lfu-00103-00030450-00030691 No, you don't have a choice about being on the Committee. glCf78_5Lfu-00104-00030691-00030844 …Yes, the irony is lovely, isn't it. h1BkUFfVHF0-00000-00000066-00000258 Hey everyone, NeuroRebel here. h1BkUFfVHF0-00001-00000261-00000749 And this week, we are going to talk about Autistic people and sex. h1BkUFfVHF0-00002-00000788-00001199 So if you're interested and want to know more, please stay tuned. h1BkUFfVHF0-00003-00004767-00005070 So Autistic people can and do have sex. h1BkUFfVHF0-00004-00005115-00005157 Okay. h1BkUFfVHF0-00005-00005160-00005202 That's it. h1BkUFfVHF0-00006-00005209-00005266 End The video. h1BkUFfVHF0-00007-00005288-00005394 We'll talk to you next time. h1BkUFfVHF0-00008-00005538-00005598 Just kidding. h1BkUFfVHF0-00009-00005601-00006099 I'm not going to let myself off that easily, but there is a misconception out h1BkUFfVHF0-00010-00006099-00006924 there that Autistic people do not have sex or have urges or any of those things. h1BkUFfVHF0-00011-00007000-00007564 That are common in a lot of other humans. h1BkUFfVHF0-00012-00007564-00008155 Although some Autistic people may not experience sexual urges or have sex. h1BkUFfVHF0-00013-00008227-00008560 A lot of us do because we're just human. h1BkUFfVHF0-00014-00008629-00009160 There is this myth that Autistic people just can't be sexual h1BkUFfVHF0-00015-00009160-00009733 beings, but that's definitely not true with me or my partners. h1BkUFfVHF0-00016-00009819-00010338 I asked on Twitter what other Autistic people's experience with sexuality h1BkUFfVHF0-00017-00010338-00010971 is, because I've found that sex can be a very wonderful sensory experience. h1BkUFfVHF0-00018-00011000-00011216 It was a very interesting conversation. h1BkUFfVHF0-00019-00011240-00011576 We talked about many things, including the fact that a lot of Autistic people h1BkUFfVHF0-00020-00011576-00011945 commented and said, "Hey, you know, we're actually very sexual, and some h1BkUFfVHF0-00021-00011945-00012103 of us are even in the kink community." h1BkUFfVHF0-00022-00012120-00012437 I do want to mention that there were a great number of people on h1BkUFfVHF0-00023-00012461-00012974 the Twitter community that said that they were also Autistic and asexual. h1BkUFfVHF0-00024-00013007-00013421 So the point is just like with neurotypicals and the rest of h1BkUFfVHF0-00025-00013421-00014041 humanity, Autistic sexuality ranges the full sexual spectrum. h1BkUFfVHF0-00026-00014126-00014488 A lot of Autistic people on Twitter said that they enjoyed sex is h1BkUFfVHF0-00027-00014488-00015071 because it is, and I agree with this, a pleasurable sensory activity. h1BkUFfVHF0-00028-00015131-00015902 A lot of us are sensory seekers and we find pleasure in sex because if you do h1BkUFfVHF0-00029-00015902-00016141 it right, it can be very pleasurable. h1BkUFfVHF0-00030-00016235-00016793 Also, Autistic people on Twitter who shared that, for them, the sensory aspects h1BkUFfVHF0-00031-00016793-00017309 of sex are not pleasurable and can even be overwhelming and are off putting. h1BkUFfVHF0-00032-00017387-00017750 This also makes sense , because each and every Autistic person has very h1BkUFfVHF0-00033-00017750-00018167 different sensory needs has a unique sensory profile and different sensory h1BkUFfVHF0-00034-00018167-00018452 things that they enjoy or must avoid. h1BkUFfVHF0-00035-00018542-00019053 There is no one unified experience of Autistic people and sex but h1BkUFfVHF0-00036-00019080-00019242 I don't expect there should be. h1BkUFfVHF0-00037-00019248-00019668 There's not any one experience of neurotypical people with sex either. h1BkUFfVHF0-00038-00019722-00020058 Everyone likes different things, everyone's into different things h1BkUFfVHF0-00039-00020097-00020310 and that's just human nature. h1BkUFfVHF0-00040-00020365-00020716 These are things people don't want to talk about with regards to Autistic h1BkUFfVHF0-00041-00020716-00021519 people, and it's unfortunate because people are often infantilizing us h1BkUFfVHF0-00042-00021522-00021701 and saying, "Oh no, they're Autistic. h1BkUFfVHF0-00043-00021701-00021932 They couldn't possibly be interested in sex. h1BkUFfVHF0-00044-00021932-00022113 They couldn't possibly want to have sex." h1BkUFfVHF0-00045-00022146-00022398 This can be very harmful for a lot of reasons. h1BkUFfVHF0-00046-00022428-00022809 One big reason being that Autistic and neurodivergent young people h1BkUFfVHF0-00047-00022809-00023073 may not get proper sex education. h1BkUFfVHF0-00048-00023109-00023620 There's already a lot of statistics on sex education and just assuming h1BkUFfVHF0-00049-00023620-00024273 abstinence doesn't necessarily have great outcomes compared to when young h1BkUFfVHF0-00050-00024273-00024759 people are properly educated about how to have safe and consensual sex. h1BkUFfVHF0-00051-00024873-00025377 That's another very serious part of needing to have sex education h1BkUFfVHF0-00052-00025377-00025728 or have the conversations about sex with your Autistic or neurodivergent h1BkUFfVHF0-00053-00025728-00026101 children, because assuming they won't have sex and not having the h1BkUFfVHF0-00054-00026101-00026745 conversations with them around sex and boundaries and being able to say no. h1BkUFfVHF0-00055-00027009-00027474 We need to have these conversations otherwise we are leaving our youth h1BkUFfVHF0-00056-00027477-00028071 in a very dangerous position when these situations inevitably come up. h1BkUFfVHF0-00057-00028226-00028346 I hope I did this one justice. h1BkUFfVHF0-00058-00028361-00028613 I'm not going to talk too long about this one. h1BkUFfVHF0-00059-00028649-00029057 I just think it's important to talk about why assuming Autistic h1BkUFfVHF0-00060-00029057-00029879 people are never going to have any interest in sex is harmful h1BkUFfVHF0-00061-00029889-00030333 . We need to de-stigmatize and open up and be willing to admit h1BkUFfVHF0-00062-00030363-00030769 and share on some of these more intimate topics, with boundaries. h1BkUFfVHF0-00063-00030775-00031177 That's as much as I'm willing to share today, know your own personal limits. h1BkUFfVHF0-00064-00031185-00031521 If you don't feel like making a YouTube video on this topic, h1BkUFfVHF0-00065-00031545-00031728 I will completely understand. h1BkUFfVHF0-00066-00031728-00032298 A very huge and special thank you to my Patreon supporters and Facebook h1BkUFfVHF0-00067-00032301-00032866 subscribers for being the power behind the NeuroRebel content creation engine. h1BkUFfVHF0-00068-00032870-00033027 I could not do this without you. h1BkUFfVHF0-00069-00033059-00033406 To those subscribers, as a special thank you, get access to videos like this one h1BkUFfVHF0-00070-00033406-00033760 before they're released to the public, generally about a month in advance. h1BkUFfVHF0-00071-00033787-00034150 It's just very small way to say thanks for all of the help that you do to h1BkUFfVHF0-00072-00034150-00034666 make sure I am able to continuously create high quality content. h1BkUFfVHF0-00073-00034745-00034898 I'll talk to you all next week. h1BkUFfVHF0-00074-00034904-00035060 I put out new videos every Wednesday. h1BkUFfVHF0-00075-00035081-00035375 If you found this video helpful, please don't forget to subscribe. h1BkUFfVHF0-00076-00035408-00035783 And if you have ideas for a future topic or something you would want to hear about h1BkUFfVHF0-00077-00035783-00035954 in the future, drop a comment below. h1BkUFfVHF0-00078-00035999-00036113 I'll talk to you next week. h1BkUFfVHF0-00079-00036152-00036203 Bye h5hX2j6PUPM-00000-00000614-00000897 What's going on boys and girls what's up world h5hX2j6PUPM-00001-00000897-00001248 Austin John plays here and today we're going to be talking about the trial of h5hX2j6PUPM-00002-00001248-00001650 the sword if you have the expansion past DLC and you've already obtained the h5hX2j6PUPM-00003-00001650-00002100 master sword from its super secret not secret location you could return to the h5hX2j6PUPM-00004-00002100-00002505 kuraki forest and place the master sword back which will bring you into the h5hX2j6PUPM-00005-00002505-00002901 trials I'm going to be going over prep for the trials then some helpful hints h5hX2j6PUPM-00006-00002901-00003305 and then covering all three parts of the trials now you may be done with the h5hX2j6PUPM-00007-00003305-00003789 first or first two-thirds of the trials and you're stuck on the final part but h5hX2j6PUPM-00008-00003789-00004146 I'm going to recommend watching this video all the way through as there's a h5hX2j6PUPM-00009-00004146-00004509 lot of really helpful things that are going to be valid for all three parts of h5hX2j6PUPM-00010-00004509-00004898 the trials plus you're going to be spending like two to ten hours on this I h5hX2j6PUPM-00011-00004898-00005303 think watching a ten minute video all the way through is worth it right also h5hX2j6PUPM-00012-00005303-00005657 if you have a friend who's doing trial of the sword be sure to share this with h5hX2j6PUPM-00013-00005657-00006117 them on social media text them the link whatever first let's talk prep for h5hX2j6PUPM-00014-00006117-00006504 things to cover before we're going to dive in there's a lot of treasure in h5hX2j6PUPM-00015-00006504-00006995 here and very very helpful items hidden inside of some chests set up your shaken h5hX2j6PUPM-00016-00006995-00007353 sensor to look for treasure chests you'll be able to find hidden stuff like h5hX2j6PUPM-00017-00007353-00007820 Royal Guard swords and ancient arrows second thing to know is that you can h5hX2j6PUPM-00018-00007820-00008331 carry stat buffs into the trials so I'd recommend a 30-minute defense buff or h5hX2j6PUPM-00019-00008331-00008796 attack you can cook up one of these with a dragon horn and three armored porgies h5hX2j6PUPM-00020-00008796-00009240 or mighty porgies for attack both of these porgies can be found on the small h5hX2j6PUPM-00021-00009240-00009650 circle lake east of eventide island and i'm sure you know how to farm dragon h5hX2j6PUPM-00022-00009650-00010140 parts by now third if you're not great at taking down a guardian buy shield h5hX2j6PUPM-00023-00010140-00010661 parrying i'd really really really recommend practicing it like a lot and h5hX2j6PUPM-00024-00010661-00011106 force max out your hearts if you have a hundred and twenty shrines no problem h5hX2j6PUPM-00025-00011106-00011654 full stamina 27 hearts easy if you're shy of that 120 shrine number then i'd h5hX2j6PUPM-00026-00011654-00012071 recommend doing full hearts and lacking in stamina you're not going to be h5hX2j6PUPM-00027-00012071-00012552 climbing a lot you'll just be limited on your your slow motion air time bow and h5hX2j6PUPM-00028-00012552-00013002 arrow stuff for the 120 club up there might as well cook up a hard you radish h5hX2j6PUPM-00029-00013002-00013224 or truffle before you enter for those three h5hX2j6PUPM-00030-00013224-00013587 extra temporary hearts now that we're all set up with prep there's a few h5hX2j6PUPM-00031-00013587-00014100 pieces of advice here every single room as soon as you enter activate stasis to h5hX2j6PUPM-00032-00014100-00014487 identify your enemies as well as any other objects that you can interact with h5hX2j6PUPM-00033-00014487-00014826 you'll be finding a lot of weapons in here but you're not going to have our h5hX2j6PUPM-00034-00014826-00015338 BOCES fury and ten savage lonel crushers you have a lot of very weak weapons so h5hX2j6PUPM-00035-00015338-00015819 use the weaker weapons to fight your lower tier enemies as well as stronger h5hX2j6PUPM-00036-00015819-00016212 enemies that you disarmed by the way disarming enemies is going to be key h5hX2j6PUPM-00037-00016212-00016587 also if you didn't know once you start at the beginning trials you won't be h5hX2j6PUPM-00038-00016587-00016980 able to save you need to finish all of them and there are twelve levels if you h5hX2j6PUPM-00039-00016980-00017403 die you have to load your most recent save and start from level one if you h5hX2j6PUPM-00040-00017403-00017745 beat all twelve levels you're going to be returned to the Lost Woods and you h5hX2j6PUPM-00041-00017745-00018168 can choose to start the middle trials at any time also you can save the middle h5hX2j6PUPM-00042-00018168-00019113 trials there are 17 of them and there are 23 final trials when you first start h5hX2j6PUPM-00043-00019113-00019494 you'll be thrown into a matrix like simulation of the great plateau with h5hX2j6PUPM-00044-00019494-00019902 nothing imagine even tide but no champions abilities and no raft for h5hX2j6PUPM-00045-00019902-00020370 smuggling items on board you can only use what you scavenge and pick up you'll h5hX2j6PUPM-00046-00020370-00020793 be starting with a tree branch in your underwear sexy when you first start h5hX2j6PUPM-00047-00020793-00021000 bombs you're going to be a big friend of yours h5hX2j6PUPM-00048-00021000-00021402 they're great against low tier enemies as well as disrupting large groups of h5hX2j6PUPM-00049-00021402-00021828 enemies that are running after you the first room has three bull Coughlin's and h5hX2j6PUPM-00050-00021828-00022338 a campfire you can try to sneak up and steal their weapons from the log or just h5hX2j6PUPM-00051-00022338-00022578 climb the tree and bomb all three of them at once h5hX2j6PUPM-00052-00022578-00022962 once all the enemies in the room are defeated scour the entire room and h5hX2j6PUPM-00053-00022962-00023322 you're going to be looking for drop two and placed weapons hidden chests that h5hX2j6PUPM-00054-00023322-00023742 beep from your sheikah sensor and metal boxes as well as wooden boxes and crates h5hX2j6PUPM-00055-00023742-00024132 if you took my advice with a thirty-minute defense buff you can still h5hX2j6PUPM-00056-00024132-00024573 scavenge the room but just don't waste too much time once you have a more full h5hX2j6PUPM-00057-00024573-00025011 inventory attack the boxes and crates that you find with your weapons not h5hX2j6PUPM-00058-00025011-00025476 bombs every piece of food in them may save your life so you don't want them h5hX2j6PUPM-00059-00025476-00025998 flying away remember axes take less damage and deal more damage to wooden h5hX2j6PUPM-00060-00025998-00026460 crates and sledgehammers are more effective against metal boxes on floor h5hX2j6PUPM-00061-00026460-00026712 to the Vacaville on the right side of the enemy h5hX2j6PUPM-00062-00026712-00027081 encampment has a bow and there are two barrels next to him that have arrows h5hX2j6PUPM-00063-00027081-00027503 this game is just setting you up for success you can shoot the fire choo-choo h5hX2j6PUPM-00064-00027503-00027920 and glide up with his explosion and fire to the upper areas having an encampment h5hX2j6PUPM-00065-00027920-00028305 while in the air you can shoot enemies in the face easier without them noticing h5hX2j6PUPM-00066-00028305-00028772 you also once you get a wooden shield you can start to farm enemies from the h5hX2j6PUPM-00067-00028772-00029264 Volkhov line archers for three just has to choose you can shoot them from far h5hX2j6PUPM-00068-00029264-00029643 away with your newly farmed arrows you'll be finding a lot of arrows in h5hX2j6PUPM-00069-00029643-00029913 this section of the game so don't be afraid to use them h5hX2j6PUPM-00070-00029913-00030333 especially on enemies like you choose that can burst into a ball of flames ice h5hX2j6PUPM-00071-00030333-00030807 or electricity upon death and of course you can use bombs to conserve arrows for h5hX2j6PUPM-00072-00030807-00031287 your more non threatening enemies this room is a great example of the trials h5hX2j6PUPM-00073-00031287-00031761 hidden chests there are two chests on wooden platforms on the walls of this h5hX2j6PUPM-00074-00031761-00032195 room you won't have any fire arrows yet so you most likely have to use the to h5hX2j6PUPM-00075-00032195-00032643 choose fire to shoot them down or possibly use their fire to glide up and h5hX2j6PUPM-00076-00032643-00033108 then get it and just not kill all them yet anyways you'll have to use a lot of h5hX2j6PUPM-00077-00033108-00033618 effects of enemies death quite a bit especially for choo-choos and kind of h5hX2j6PUPM-00078-00033618-00034040 keys too you've probably collected a bunch of Spears by now so don't be so h5hX2j6PUPM-00079-00034040-00034461 quick as to throw those away they may not have a high power rating but you can h5hX2j6PUPM-00080-00034461-00034991 unleash a lot of attacks quickly and keep your enemies at a distance on floor h5hX2j6PUPM-00081-00034991-00035421 7 you'll be finding a rest area the beginning trials has one rest area the h5hX2j6PUPM-00082-00035421-00035850 middle trials has two and the final has three the rest areas are going to h5hX2j6PUPM-00083-00035850-00036303 provide you a varying amount of fairies based on the rest level three chests h5hX2j6PUPM-00084-00036303-00036762 with various helpful items for crates with items and food usually for h5hX2j6PUPM-00085-00036762-00037221 mushrooms growing two apples on a tree some other trees three fish in a cooking h5hX2j6PUPM-00086-00037221-00037571 pot if you took my advice on the 30 minute buff then you want to make sure h5hX2j6PUPM-00087-00037571-00038043 that you cook any benefit giving food with a different benefit giving food h5hX2j6PUPM-00088-00038043-00038556 this way it'll cancel them out like cooking iron shroom and a mighty banana h5hX2j6PUPM-00089-00038556-00038996 together you want them just for the hearts not for their effects and there's h5hX2j6PUPM-00090-00038996-00039444 no monster par so don't worry about making dubious suit it can't happen you h5hX2j6PUPM-00091-00039444-00039780 most likely won't need to collect the wood from the trees in here until the h5hX2j6PUPM-00092-00039780-00040024 third and that's only to help melt some ice h5hX2j6PUPM-00093-00040024-00040612 faster so it's not even in necessity also you won't really need tree branches h5hX2j6PUPM-00094-00040612-00040993 or coal rock leaves that could fall from the trees here Florrie is where it h5hX2j6PUPM-00095-00040993-00041449 starts to suck a lot this game is going to start to throw lizalfos at you and h5hX2j6PUPM-00096-00041449-00041815 they can swim they have ranged attacks and they're fast and they could jump h5hX2j6PUPM-00097-00041815-00042319 from afar so try to separate them as much as possible also this is a great h5hX2j6PUPM-00098-00042319-00042898 enemy to use Spears on and don't be a hero you can use stasis on an enemy and h5hX2j6PUPM-00099-00042898-00043321 I'll make hitting agile enemies much easier like a level 9 h5hX2j6PUPM-00100-00043321-00043762 there's dr. ox and Wiz robes Eustatius on a wizzrobe and shoot him in the face h5hX2j6PUPM-00101-00043762-00044113 once or twice and then will fall to the ground and that'll make getting damage h5hX2j6PUPM-00102-00044113-00044509 on him much easier floor 10 is the level that a lot of people start to have h5hX2j6PUPM-00103-00044509-00044914 trouble with and there's a bunch of higher tier lizalfos here I recommend h5hX2j6PUPM-00104-00044914-00045349 staying on the circle area and keep knocking them off keeping them off with h5hX2j6PUPM-00105-00045349-00045709 bombs and if they climb up knock them off with a quick combo to get them back h5hX2j6PUPM-00106-00045709-00046096 into the water this may be a little bit more of a devious process but it h5hX2j6PUPM-00107-00046096-00046486 conserves your hearts and that's one of the most important parts here Florida h5hX2j6PUPM-00108-00046486-00046831 leaven is a nice boat ride that you need to create a bunch of vocab lines on h5hX2j6PUPM-00109-00046831-00047209 platforms if you hit them directly in the face they're going to fall back and h5hX2j6PUPM-00110-00047209-00047674 possibly fall in the water remember Bouck oblems and mob ones can't really h5hX2j6PUPM-00111-00047674-00048067 swim so if you shoot them in the face knocked in the water that's immediate h5hX2j6PUPM-00112-00048067-00048556 death and makes your job much easier floor 12 is the last level of the h5hX2j6PUPM-00113-00048556-00048973 beginner trials and you're going to be going up against a blue helix with metal h5hX2j6PUPM-00114-00048973-00049408 shin guards so just keep your distance and take him out normally remember that h5hX2j6PUPM-00115-00049408-00049747 the first time you shoot him in the eye you could grab all the weapons from h5hX2j6PUPM-00116-00049747-00050131 around his neck and it's going to be the last battle of the beginner trials so h5hX2j6PUPM-00117-00050131-00050548 unleash everything you have on them now let's talk about the middle trials the h5hX2j6PUPM-00118-00050548-00050992 middle trials first start with a section that focuses a bit on wind dodging h5hX2j6PUPM-00119-00050992-00051372 enemies can be a little difficult in such a small place so don't be afraid to h5hX2j6PUPM-00120-00051372-00051736 use cases to get a couple hits off on them especially since you're starting h5hX2j6PUPM-00121-00051736-00052108 with no gear once again also remember that stasis on an h5hX2j6PUPM-00122-00052108-00052558 exploding barrel is totally a thing on the second floor you'll be put up h5hX2j6PUPM-00123-00052558-00052951 against to fire Wiz robes you could stasis them and shoot them in the face h5hX2j6PUPM-00124-00052951-00053252 and they'll fall into the pit of death and that'll make your life a little bit h5hX2j6PUPM-00125-00053252-00053714 easier there's a lot of wind here so use your slow time archery skills to your h5hX2j6PUPM-00126-00053714-00053987 advantage same thing goes for the next floor floor h5hX2j6PUPM-00127-00053987-00054341 three and if you've gotten around to all the barrels and chests you should have a h5hX2j6PUPM-00128-00054341-00054711 small collection of various arrows at this point which is going to be very h5hX2j6PUPM-00129-00054711-00055130 helpful floor four is the single guardian just like it once in the room h5hX2j6PUPM-00130-00055130-00055550 is done same remember I said shield parrying super important for this four h5hX2j6PUPM-00131-00055550-00055919 or five is a rest point and the sixth level is going to bring you to a dark h5hX2j6PUPM-00132-00055919-00056474 steamed area anything that emits light shoot it in the face the next floor has h5hX2j6PUPM-00133-00056474-00056939 a lot more enemies just remember that every enemy that has damage now has a h5hX2j6PUPM-00134-00056939-00057447 health meter on it and it makes tracking them much easier the floor has a few h5hX2j6PUPM-00135-00057447-00057956 ways robes and now it's a great time to remember to use those ice arrows on fire h5hX2j6PUPM-00136-00057956-00058485 enemies and vice versa floor 9 is the single stationary guardian deflect it h5hX2j6PUPM-00137-00058485-00058898 once and you're done floor 10 is the helix in the dark just like the five h5hX2j6PUPM-00138-00058898-00059357 flow ruin shrine his eye is going to glow pretty bright and his shin guards h5hX2j6PUPM-00139-00059357-00059823 are burnable so he shouldn't give you too much trouble floor 11 is another h5hX2j6PUPM-00140-00059823-00060263 rest point but now there's two fairies yay sneak up make sure to collect both h5hX2j6PUPM-00141-00060263-00060741 of those cook up some goodies and your second piece of armor the next floor 12 h5hX2j6PUPM-00142-00060741-00061181 is filled with Guardian Scouts with defense up three they don't really pose h5hX2j6PUPM-00143-00061181-00061583 a threat every time that you get shot it's going to do a quarter of a heart so h5hX2j6PUPM-00144-00061583-00061955 take them out easily floor 13 is several-week h5hX2j6PUPM-00145-00061955-00062369 guardian Scouts the first one has a spear and remember that Guardians are h5hX2j6PUPM-00146-00062369-00062780 weak to Guardian weapons also there's a hidden chest that you need to use my h5hX2j6PUPM-00147-00062780-00063212 niece's for in this room the next room is kind of a combination in the previous h5hX2j6PUPM-00148-00063212-00063573 two and it shouldn't give you any trouble make sure to use arrows on their h5hX2j6PUPM-00149-00063573-00064039 stationary guardian Scouts and then take out the floor guardian Scouts with these h5hX2j6PUPM-00150-00064039-00064616 415 pins you up against too much harder guardian Scouts try to separate them h5hX2j6PUPM-00151-00064616-00065061 also remember that if both of them spin rushing you at the same time only one h5hX2j6PUPM-00152-00065061-00065622 will be stopped by a pillar and floor 16 of the middle trials is your last floor h5hX2j6PUPM-00153-00065622-00066143 it's a major test of strength that means the hardest guardian Scout now you don't h5hX2j6PUPM-00154-00066143-00066368 need to conserve your weapons or arrows since h5hX2j6PUPM-00155-00066368-00066706 the last level so throw everything you've got at them h5hX2j6PUPM-00156-00066706-00067144 time for the final trials the final trial start with a reigning theme and h5hX2j6PUPM-00157-00067144-00067531 lots of stall enemies there's going to be a lot of rusty weapons sitting on the h5hX2j6PUPM-00158-00067531-00067861 floor in these levels and they attract the lightning so use that to your h5hX2j6PUPM-00159-00067861-00068129 advantage also you'll probably find some h5hX2j6PUPM-00160-00068129-00068449 vocabulary arms just kind of chillin on the ground those are going to be your h5hX2j6PUPM-00161-00068449-00068875 first weapons you can also use Magni psious on a rusty weapon to learn h5hX2j6PUPM-00162-00068875-00069329 lightning to enemies searcher out these first four area as well as there's going h5hX2j6PUPM-00163-00069329-00069791 to be some elemental arrows and grab all the rusty weapons that you can for later h5hX2j6PUPM-00164-00069791-00070288 trust me level 2 has some electric keys and I just learned that they attract h5hX2j6PUPM-00165-00070288-00070730 lightning did not know that was a thing stall is also spawned inside of the h5hX2j6PUPM-00166-00070730-00071198 skull with some powerful weapons keep in mind that they only have one HP so use h5hX2j6PUPM-00167-00071198-00071567 spears to take them out while keeping your distance be sure to use magnesium h5hX2j6PUPM-00168-00071567-00071926 to get that buried chest right next to the skull and you're going to find a h5hX2j6PUPM-00169-00071926-00072424 Royal Guard sword that's going to help a lot level 3 is a lot of fun you could h5hX2j6PUPM-00170-00072424-00072826 grab a metal chest at the start and just use it to take out all the enemies by h5hX2j6PUPM-00171-00072826-00073235 slamming into their head stall mob legs come out of the ground when you get h5hX2j6PUPM-00172-00073235-00073633 close to their spawn point now is the level that once you've taken out all the h5hX2j6PUPM-00173-00073633-00074060 enemies I'm going to recommend getting rid of any bone and wood weapons that h5hX2j6PUPM-00174-00074060-00074624 you can and pick up any metal and rusty weapons that you can level 4 is also a h5hX2j6PUPM-00175-00074624-00074944 lot of fun there's going to be a lot of stall bow columns on horseback h5hX2j6PUPM-00176-00074944-00075380 I recommend climbing a tree and using stasis on them to remove them from the h5hX2j6PUPM-00177-00075380-00075866 horse then a single shot to the head and you won't need to worry about them h5hX2j6PUPM-00178-00075866-00076529 anymore level 5 we get a stall mix if you have the Hylian Shield I'm sure you h5hX2j6PUPM-00179-00076529-00076945 know how to take care of this guy he's going to drop a fire ice and Electric h5hX2j6PUPM-00180-00076945-00077551 weapon and oh boy are these going to be really helpful going forward all three h5hX2j6PUPM-00181-00077551-00077968 of them sort of a very very specific purpose I'm going to let you know what h5hX2j6PUPM-00182-00077968-00078367 those are when the time comes floor 6 is one of your three rest areas h5hX2j6PUPM-00183-00078367-00078785 and you're probably wondering why you just got flame breaker boots well get h5hX2j6PUPM-00184-00078785-00079262 ready for a lot of flames 4:7 has two flame pebbles and you can h5hX2j6PUPM-00185-00079262-00079680 either let the earth octorok knock them out or hit them with ice and pick h5hX2j6PUPM-00186-00079680-00080157 to take care of them now's your opportunity to turn all of your rusty h5hX2j6PUPM-00187-00080157-00080552 weapons into non rusty ones with this octorok and that's going to fill your h5hX2j6PUPM-00188-00080552-00080919 inventory with some much better weapons on floor 8 there are three h5hX2j6PUPM-00189-00080919-00081389 fire-breathing lizalfos and up dress keep in mind these enemies dive with one h5hX2j6PUPM-00190-00081389-00081857 single ice arrow or swipe from an ice weapon which is good news for you same h5hX2j6PUPM-00191-00081857-00082272 thing goes for The Wiz robes and lizalfos on level 9 although just keep h5hX2j6PUPM-00192-00082272-00082751 in mind that hitting a fire wizzrobe while he stasis with an ice weapon h5hX2j6PUPM-00193-00082751-00083220 doesn't count as an opposite elemental attack so you need to do it without h5hX2j6PUPM-00194-00083220-00083643 stasis on level 10 you're going to find a camp with mob legs with some really h5hX2j6PUPM-00195-00083643-00084150 powerful weapons use your electric weapon to disarm and disable them they h5hX2j6PUPM-00196-00084150-00084608 can't deal much damage once that are unarmed also there's the chest in the h5hX2j6PUPM-00197-00084608-00085143 lava with three ancient arrows make sure to grab those level eleven is an igneous h5hX2j6PUPM-00198-00085143-00085566 talus swipe him with your ice weapon to cool him off then swing your h5hX2j6PUPM-00199-00085566-00086061 sledgehammer at him for an easy kill bomb off his arms before he goes off fly h5hX2j6PUPM-00200-00086061-00086517 moan and then you'll be able to keep him cooled off and then mount him again h5hX2j6PUPM-00201-00086517-00086988 level 12 is your second of three rest areas for the final trials at which h5hX2j6PUPM-00202-00086988-00087357 you'll be getting a highly in tunic this is also going to be some spicy peppers h5hX2j6PUPM-00203-00087357-00087819 and hearty radishes here the next few levels are ice based so cooking the h5hX2j6PUPM-00204-00087819-00088232 spicy peppers as well as the sizzle fin trout will really help keep you warm h5hX2j6PUPM-00205-00088232-00088832 after your defense up runs out level 13 is pretty simple use fire on the ice h5hX2j6PUPM-00206-00088832-00089199 pebbles to take care of them remember for the harder enemies to disarm them h5hX2j6PUPM-00207-00089199-00089633 with your Thunder blade and then they won't pose much of a threat anymore also h5hX2j6PUPM-00208-00089633-00089994 some of the large icicles in this area if you melt them they give you a chest h5hX2j6PUPM-00209-00089994-00090452 your sheikah sensor should probably tell you which ones those are level 14 has h5hX2j6PUPM-00210-00090452-00090819 some ice enemies that you could take out with your fire arrows there's also going h5hX2j6PUPM-00211-00090819-00091457 to be 3h arrows in the chest in some ice make sure to grab those level 15 is the h5hX2j6PUPM-00212-00091457-00091941 larger camp use your fire arrow on the wizzrobe as soon as possible he has a h5hX2j6PUPM-00213-00091941-00092400 blizzard rod and it can really really mess you up again use your Thunder blade h5hX2j6PUPM-00214-00092400-00092916 on the stronger enemies to disarm them level 16 is a frost talus treat this h5hX2j6PUPM-00215-00092916-00093306 like the fire talus but you know ice instead of fire and them h5hX2j6PUPM-00216-00093306-00093738 with the fire thing great level 17 is going to be one of the easiest levels h5hX2j6PUPM-00217-00093738-00094149 you're going to be doing it's a Lionel shoot it with an ancient arrow you're h5hX2j6PUPM-00218-00094149-00094677 done I'm serious he just disappears and he's considered dead now if you think h5hX2j6PUPM-00219-00094677-00095130 this is cheap then don't do it and lose a lot of hearts and that's fine you're h5hX2j6PUPM-00220-00095130-00095508 going to have a lot of harder battles ahead of you so I can definitely h5hX2j6PUPM-00221-00095508-00096129 recommend these a Janeiro's level 18 is your final rest area and you're going to h5hX2j6PUPM-00222-00096129-00096525 need it there's three fairies here and I hope you have all of your fairies from h5hX2j6PUPM-00223-00096525-00096981 the previous levels as well also there's some Hardy bass make sure to cook those h5hX2j6PUPM-00224-00096981-00097377 bass up one at a time as each one is going to give you temporary hearts and h5hX2j6PUPM-00225-00097377-00098009 fully restore all of your hearts level 19 is going to be six dormant Guardians h5hX2j6PUPM-00226-00098009-00098484 use the trees as cover and shield reflect them one at a time once those h5hX2j6PUPM-00227-00098484-00099087 two were taken out another two will wake up automatically and then again level 20 h5hX2j6PUPM-00228-00099087-00099561 is a single Roman Guardian he only takes three shield deflects to defeat him also h5hX2j6PUPM-00229-00099561-00099888 there's optional horses if you want to take him out that way but going to h5hX2j6PUPM-00230-00099888-00100422 definitely recommend the shield to flex level 21 is the single flying guardian h5hX2j6PUPM-00231-00100422-00100875 personally I've never done a good job with them optimally you just want to h5hX2j6PUPM-00232-00100875-00101265 shield deflect them alternatively you could destroy all the propellers so it's h5hX2j6PUPM-00233-00101265-00101625 helpless and lays on the ground and it's actually kind of sad you should put it h5hX2j6PUPM-00234-00101625-00102204 out of its misery level 22 is a whole party of Guardians all three of them a h5hX2j6PUPM-00235-00102204-00102656 walking flying and a stationary castle one make sure to take them out one at a h5hX2j6PUPM-00236-00102656-00103092 time if you're going to use any ancient arrows here that's fine just make sure h5hX2j6PUPM-00237-00103092-00103605 to keep one or two for later and then finale level 23 you're going to be going h5hX2j6PUPM-00238-00103605-00104118 up against a stationary castle Guardian 10 red bow Copland's with powerful h5hX2j6PUPM-00239-00104118-00104427 weapons on horseback and a Silver Line Oh h5hX2j6PUPM-00240-00104427-00104868 first thing ancient arrow to the lionel he's out of there wherever you choose to h5hX2j6PUPM-00241-00104868-00105240 battle these bow Copland's I'm going to recommend being out of range of the h5hX2j6PUPM-00242-00105240-00105618 Guardian for the Volkhov lens you can just kill them with one shot with a h5hX2j6PUPM-00243-00105618-00106163 well-placed bomb or a single hit from a spear they're all red basic vocabulary h5hX2j6PUPM-00244-00106163-00106529 can't adjust the more you break them up the easier h5hX2j6PUPM-00245-00106529-00106826 your life is going to be don't bother mounting a horse it's going h5hX2j6PUPM-00246-00106826-00107157 to be a waste of time and you're going to be knocked off immediately and then h5hX2j6PUPM-00247-00107157-00107564 lastly take out that stationary Guardian well there you have it ladies and h5hX2j6PUPM-00248-00107564-00107960 gentlemen that's a pretty solid strategy for taking on every single level for h5hX2j6PUPM-00249-00107960-00108380 trial of the sword I hope it was helpful and I know it was long so thank you for h5hX2j6PUPM-00250-00108380-00108734 sticking around if you have any additional piece of advice be sure to h5hX2j6PUPM-00251-00108734-00109050 drop them in the comment section down below be sure to click the card in the h5hX2j6PUPM-00252-00109050-00109661 top right corner to see my other dlc videos until next time Austin Jon out be h5hX2j6PUPM-00253-00109661-00109971 sure to LIKE this video and subscribe I'm going to be giving you guys lots of h5hX2j6PUPM-00254-00109971-00110363 helpful videos in the next following days and weeks till next time h5hX2j6PUPM-00255-00110363-00110872 Austin Jon out h92-AAM-_EY-00000-00000703-00000830 In the elevator h92-AAM-_EY-00001-00001203-00001230 one person, dead or alive hrGS9xKaRb4-00000-00001434-00001760 Please describe the game - what is it like, what do you do? hrGS9xKaRb4-00001-00001760-00002124 The game is about going down a well wearing guns for shoes hrGS9xKaRb4-00002-00002124-00002470 so you just basically you keep falling down this well hrGS9xKaRb4-00003-00002470-00002722 seeing what's up hrGS9xKaRb4-00004-00002722-00002966 seeing what's down actually hrGS9xKaRb4-00005-00003040-00003425 so the main gimmick of the game is that you are wearing this thing called the gunboots hrGS9xKaRb4-00006-00003514-00003792 it looks like this. hrGS9xKaRb4-00007-00003905-00004294 And so if you press jump while you're jumping you shoot downwards hrGS9xKaRb4-00008-00004294-00004762 and the objective is to keep going down. hrGS9xKaRb4-00009-00004812-00005288 So every time you beat a level you get to choose from these sets of 3 random upgrades hrGS9xKaRb4-00010-00005348-00005940 I'll get this which will enable me to burn the enemies away when I stomp on them hrGS9xKaRb4-00011-00006559-00006927 So you are showcasing your game here - what's the name of the game hrGS9xKaRb4-00012-00006927-00007206 Our game is Clockwork damage. hrGS9xKaRb4-00013-00007216-00007366 Why should people play it? hrGS9xKaRb4-00014-00007425-00007663 So, a couple years ago when we started development hrGS9xKaRb4-00015-00007663-00008059 we've seen that in mobile there's not really very good quality games hrGS9xKaRb4-00016-00008059-00008484 and the games that there were, even if some of them had decent graphics, they didn't have hrGS9xKaRb4-00017-00008500-00008826 the in-depth story that true gamers really like to see. hrGS9xKaRb4-00018-00008826-00009319 I like a story that also you can change by the decisions you take and so on hrGS9xKaRb4-00019-00009319-00009685 so we decided to do a game that has a very powerful story hrGS9xKaRb4-00020-00009698-00009930 It's exclusive for mobile, at least for now hrGS9xKaRb4-00021-00009931-00010260 so for iOS and Android - also for nVidia Shield hrGS9xKaRb4-00022-00010260-00010500 so you could use a gamepad hrGS9xKaRb4-00023-00010531-00010865 and you'll find the simpleness - that is action RPG hrGS9xKaRb4-00024-00010904-00011311 I think you'll find really fun to play, and you can customize a lot of the things you can do in the game hrGS9xKaRb4-00025-00011311-00011637 a lot of the weapons in unique ways hrGS9xKaRb4-00026-00011728-00012122 Yesterday I saw that there is a lot of different weapon options - you can switch the weapons - can you do it? hrGS9xKaRb4-00027-00012148-00012458 Absolutely yeah, so we can switch the weapons within the game hrGS9xKaRb4-00028-00012458-00012861 without stopping so we can shoot different weapons for example hrGS9xKaRb4-00029-00012861-00013141 I really like this one where we hrGS9xKaRb4-00030-00013141-00013523 can use lightning to shoot several ones at the same time hrGS9xKaRb4-00031-00013523-00014031 now we can also go to the workshop and customize a lot of things here hrGS9xKaRb4-00032-00014031-00014347 so we can choose the different hats, the engine as well hrGS9xKaRb4-00033-00014347-00014782 or even the armor as well. hrGS9xKaRb4-00034-00015541-00015840 The name of the game, what is it? hrGS9xKaRb4-00035-00015840-00016382 So this game is Galak-Z: The Dimensional. It's a spaceship shooting a game coming to Playstation 4 and PC later this year hrGS9xKaRb4-00036-00016516-00017088 It's sort of a roguelike take, a modern sort of artificial intelligence and physics-based hrGS9xKaRb4-00037-00017123-00017437 roguelike take on the classic spaceship shooter hrGS9xKaRb4-00038-00017437-00017783 from you know the old school kind of 2D shooting games hrGS9xKaRb4-00039-00017783-00018082 So the game starts with you - you're having a mission you come in from outer space hrGS9xKaRb4-00040-00018082-00018434 and you fly into these caves, you can see I have this cave here hrGS9xKaRb4-00041-00018434-00018750 this is my target here so I'm gonna find my way in here hrGS9xKaRb4-00042-00018768-00019010 Everytime I play this this is gonna be a procedurally generated cave hrGS9xKaRb4-00043-00019041-00019229 So it's always different? hrGS9xKaRb4-00044-00019266-00019646 Yeah, it's always different, different squads of enemies, different groups hrGS9xKaRb4-00045-00019647-00019853 There's some enemies there hrGS9xKaRb4-00046-00019937-00020127 So I played this game yesterday hrGS9xKaRb4-00047-00020138-00020438 and there's a lot of physics going on, could you tell us a bit about that? hrGS9xKaRb4-00048-00020438-00020769 So the whole world is based on Newtonian physics so everything's got real amounts of float and mass hrGS9xKaRb4-00049-00020949-00021449 you know it's in outer space - we cheated a bit to feel a bit more arcadey and fun hrGS9xKaRb4-00050-00021449-00021761 Is there some kind of story going on, why are you doing these missions? hrGS9xKaRb4-00051-00021816-00022309 So there was supposed to be a giant peace treaty with the Imperials and the Earth hrGS9xKaRb4-00052-00022362-00022748 And the earth fleet went out to meet them and then go over the terms hrGS9xKaRb4-00053-00022748-00022995 And there was a giant ambush hrGS9xKaRb4-00054-00022995-00023315 And they got wiped out the earth fleet is almost completely gone now. hrGS9xKaRb4-00055-00023315-00023893 I noticed the cell shading style is very specific and hard to pull of, could you tell us a bit more about that? hrGS9xKaRb4-00056-00023954-00024460 So the game is sort of 2D and 3D, it's a mix, you know it functions on a 2D plane but a lot of the hrGS9xKaRb4-00057-00024461-00024761 ships and stuff have to be 3D hrGS9xKaRb4-00058-00024761-00025053 the toon shading is just something we've spent a lot of time tuning and kind of working on hrGS9xKaRb4-00059-00025060-00025450 to really make it kind of match stylistically a lot of the old anime we were looking at for reference. hrGS9xKaRb4-00060-00026370-00026702 [The game] What is it, please tell me something about it hrGS9xKaRb4-00061-00026720-00027022 Yeah, Rollers of the Realm is a video game that combines hrGS9xKaRb4-00062-00027023-00027501 classic arcade pinball and fantasy role-playing games hrGS9xKaRb4-00063-00027501-00027939 Well this game combines two completely different game genres hrGS9xKaRb4-00064-00027942-00028410 that haven't really been mashed together the way that we have hrGS9xKaRb4-00065-00028422-00028788 So it's very innovative and it's easy to play hrGS9xKaRb4-00066-00028826-00029322 So you can start playing right away but it has a lot of depth to the gameplay so hrGS9xKaRb4-00067-00029322-00029535 can get in quickly but then you hrGS9xKaRb4-00068-00029535-00029848 you can really get interested in it. hrGS9xKaRb4-00069-00029848-00030019 it's very similar to hrGS9xKaRb4-00070-00030019-00030337 regular pinball on a high level hrGS9xKaRb4-00071-00030337-00030406 But hrGS9xKaRb4-00072-00030406-00030823 you can see there's enemies on the field that you need to defeat hrGS9xKaRb4-00073-00030823-00031229 and you have to use your pinball flippers to try to attack them hrGS9xKaRb4-00074-00031670-00032067 So basically my game is called Pixel Pirate hrGS9xKaRb4-00075-00032067-00032362 It's a kind of famicom hrGS9xKaRb4-00076-00032362-00032563 super Famicom hrGS9xKaRb4-00077-00032563-00032703 or NES hrGS9xKaRb4-00078-00032703-00033015 Super NES hybrid hrGS9xKaRb4-00079-00033015-00033196 I'm using the NES restrictions hrGS9xKaRb4-00080-00033419-00033693 Okay, so what do you mean by these restrictions? hrGS9xKaRb4-00081-00033693-00034138 So the NES was a great console hrGS9xKaRb4-00082-00034138-00034319 it had a lot of great games hrGS9xKaRb4-00083-00034319-00034687 but its restrictions with color hrGS9xKaRb4-00084-00034687-00034880 and how many sprites you could have hrGS9xKaRb4-00085-00034880-00035005 those kinds of things hrGS9xKaRb4-00086-00035080-00035290 were kind of what made game look the way they did hrGS9xKaRb4-00087-00035423-00036035 so I've used those restrictions but also used modern technologies to create this game. hrGS9xKaRb4-00088-00036081-00036393 Here you are, the main character. You're Pete. hrGS9xKaRb4-00089-00036470-00036582 You can jump, you can punch, you can run hrGS9xKaRb4-00090-00036912-00037050 OW! AAAUW hrGS9xKaRb4-00091-00037167-00037871 So the idea from the game is a cross between Super Mario and Monkey Island, if you will. hsIGTxB4eTo-00000-00000046-00000180 [I want to look fit...] hsIGTxB4eTo-00001-00000180-00000256 [But I also want to eat Tteokbokki...] hsIGTxB4eTo-00002-00000256-00000360 [But I also want to eat Tteokbokki] [So stressful!!!] hsIGTxB4eTo-00003-00000360-00000516 [I can't go out] hsIGTxB4eTo-00004-00000516-00000700 ['cause I'm worried I'll binge...] hsIGTxB4eTo-00005-00000700-00000869 [Everyone seem to lose weight easily, why cant I?] hsIGTxB4eTo-00006-00000869-00001038 [It's depressing!!!] hsIGTxB4eTo-00007-00001038-00001202 [I regret eating again...] hsIGTxB4eTo-00008-00001202-00001318 [I'm so tired] hsIGTxB4eTo-00009-00001360-00001746 Hey, I'm Jessie from Dano, here to talk all about healthy diets and sustainable lifestyle. hsIGTxB4eTo-00010-00001746-00002020 Today is our sixth habit-shaping class. hsIGTxB4eTo-00011-00002020-00002458 This might be the most important one out of the six. hsIGTxB4eTo-00012-00002458-00002848 [Habit-shaping class] [Lesson 7] hsIGTxB4eTo-00013-00002848-00003206 So far, we talked about how to successfully lose weight hsIGTxB4eTo-00014-00003206-00003422 and how to do it better. hsIGTxB4eTo-00015-00003422-00003846 This time, we'll talk about the negative feelings that everyone comes across while losing weight. hsIGTxB4eTo-00016-00003846-00003986 Feeling guilty after eating too much, hsIGTxB4eTo-00017-00003986-00004124 feeling worried because you're not losing weight... hsIGTxB4eTo-00018-00004124-00004754 Today's going to be about how to handle and get over these emotions. hsIGTxB4eTo-00019-00004754-00005236 So I hope you listen into this sixth lesson. hsIGTxB4eTo-00020-00005236-00005528 [Lesson six: handling negative feelings from dieting.] hsIGTxB4eTo-00021-00005528-00005756 A lot of you ask me these questions. hsIGTxB4eTo-00022-00005756-00005962 Do you never overeat? hsIGTxB4eTo-00023-00005962-00006220 Do you never get stressed about your body and diet? hsIGTxB4eTo-00024-00006220-00006490 I also actually overeat at times, hsIGTxB4eTo-00025-00006490-00006670 I get stressed and I regret doing it. hsIGTxB4eTo-00026-00006670-00007134 I also get anxious if I don't see results in my body compared to the effort I put in. hsIGTxB4eTo-00027-00007134-00007430 I'm a human too, so I also feel those negative emotions. hsIGTxB4eTo-00028-00007430-00007718 But compared to how I was in the past, hsIGTxB4eTo-00029-00007718-00008442 I learnt how to quickly handle and get out of negative emotions, rather than feeling those emotions less. hsIGTxB4eTo-00030-00008442-00008726 In psychology, there's a term called 'mental fitness'. hsIGTxB4eTo-00031-00008726-00009188 There are lots of similarities between physical fitness and mental fitness. hsIGTxB4eTo-00032-00009188-00009390 Let's assume we're hiking up a hill. hsIGTxB4eTo-00033-00009390-00009824 If we worked out regularly, had lots of muscle mass, and have good cardiovascular endurance, hsIGTxB4eTo-00034-00009824-00010202 we would be able to hike up the hill with ease. hsIGTxB4eTo-00035-00010202-00010474 But if we're weaker and our endurance level is low, hsIGTxB4eTo-00036-00010474-00010724 we're likely to give up in the middle. hsIGTxB4eTo-00037-00010724-00010882 It works the same for mental fitness. hsIGTxB4eTo-00038-00010882-00011474 Not only when we're trying to lose weight, but when we are stressed, sad, or are mentally shocked, hsIGTxB4eTo-00039-00011474-00011648 we go into a deep pit. hsIGTxB4eTo-00040-00011648-00012010 To get out of that pit, we have to have mental strength. hsIGTxB4eTo-00041-00012010-00012308 If you lack that strength, it's really difficult to get out of the pit, hsIGTxB4eTo-00042-00012308-00012588 and you keep sliding back down into the pit. hsIGTxB4eTo-00043-00012588-00012788 What we have to keep in mind here is that hsIGTxB4eTo-00044-00012788-00013191 mental strength, just like training for muscular strength, hsIGTxB4eTo-00045-00013191-00013513 can get stronger with repeated training. hsIGTxB4eTo-00046-00013513-00013625 I also used those methods. hsIGTxB4eTo-00047-00013625-00013818 I don't avoid those pits, hsIGTxB4eTo-00048-00013818-00014247 but I have enough mental strength to quickly get out of them, hsIGTxB4eTo-00049-00014247-00014450 and I'm going to share with you how I do that. hsIGTxB4eTo-00050-00014450-00014716 [Lesson 6: Dieting emotion mallet.] hsIGTxB4eTo-00051-00014716-00015108 I'm going to hand you an "emotion mallet." hsIGTxB4eTo-00052-00015108-00015376 Let's imagine we're playing whac-a-mole. hsIGTxB4eTo-00053-00015376-00015538 Sadness can pop up, hsIGTxB4eTo-00054-00015538-00015700 anxiousness can pop up, hsIGTxB4eTo-00055-00015700-00016108 or guilt, stress, and lethargy can pop up. hsIGTxB4eTo-00056-00016108-00016714 I'll hand you five mallets to target each of these negative emotions. hsIGTxB4eTo-00057-00016714-00017142 I hope you use the appropriate mallet to whack your negative emotions. hsIGTxB4eTo-00058-00017142-00017262 Let's start! hsIGTxB4eTo-00059-00017280-00017492 [01. Anxiety mallet] hsIGTxB4eTo-00060-00017492-00017736 The first mallet is the anxiety mallet. hsIGTxB4eTo-00061-00017736-00017916 You often get anixous when you're on a diet, right? hsIGTxB4eTo-00062-00017916-00018224 "I'm going out with my friend today, what if I overeat?" hsIGTxB4eTo-00063-00018224-00018384 "What if I don't keep the promises I made myself?" hsIGTxB4eTo-00064-00018384-00018730 "Is my diet on track, as I planned?" hsIGTxB4eTo-00065-00018730-00019054 If you're feeling anxious like this, I suggest you use this mallet. hsIGTxB4eTo-00066-00019054-00019558 Try to imagine the most comfortable environment you can possibly imagine. hsIGTxB4eTo-00067-00019558-00019904 It could be something you don't remember, like when you're in your mother's womb. hsIGTxB4eTo-00068-00019904-00020270 It could be a bed in a warm room. hsIGTxB4eTo-00069-00020270-00020678 It could be a hammock on the beach, hung on palm trees. hsIGTxB4eTo-00070-00020678-00021200 It doesn't matter what, but it has to be the most comforting and stable environment you can envision. hsIGTxB4eTo-00071-00021200-00021534 A space where you're confident that nothing can hurt you. hsIGTxB4eTo-00072-00021534-00021806 Tell yourself that you are safe and comforted, hsIGTxB4eTo-00073-00021806-00022054 and take deep breaths with your eyes closed. hsIGTxB4eTo-00074-00022054-00022542 In my mind, I'm seeing the peaceful Alps that I saw during my honeymoon. hsIGTxB4eTo-00075-00022542-00022782 Set that in your mind in advance. hsIGTxB4eTo-00076-00022782-00022950 Let's try it with me. hsIGTxB4eTo-00077-00022950-00023140 Close your eyes, and take deep breaths. hsIGTxB4eTo-00078-00023408-00023814 I'm sitting on a patch of grass in the Swiss Alps. hsIGTxB4eTo-00079-00023814-00024092 Like this, even if we just did it for five seconds, hsIGTxB4eTo-00080-00024092-00024246 do you feel more refreshed? hsIGTxB4eTo-00081-00024246-00024870 Keep a snapshot of the warmest and the safest environment you can imagine in your mind. hsIGTxB4eTo-00082-00024870-00025190 When you feel anxious, hold this mallet up, hsIGTxB4eTo-00083-00025190-00025446 and try meditating, even just for five seconds. hsIGTxB4eTo-00084-00025446-00025660 [02. Lethargy mallet] hsIGTxB4eTo-00085-00025660-00026050 The second mallet is a 'lethargy mallet' you can use when you feel like you have no energy. hsIGTxB4eTo-00086-00026050-00026508 If you keep on thinking that you have to manage your diet and work out, hsIGTxB4eTo-00087-00026508-00026666 you might think, "why am I doing this in the first place?" hsIGTxB4eTo-00088-00026666-00027014 There are times you have no motivation to continue the diet. hsIGTxB4eTo-00089-00027014-00027294 Do a self-diagnosis first. hsIGTxB4eTo-00090-00027294-00027698 First, how much time do you spend working out every day? hsIGTxB4eTo-00091-00027698-00028156 How many times do you feel during the day that you should work out? hsIGTxB4eTo-00092-00028156-00028595 How much time do you think about managing your diet? hsIGTxB4eTo-00093-00028595-00029008 How much time do you spend on sleeping and taking a break? hsIGTxB4eTo-00094-00029008-00029516 And lastly, how long has this lethargy persisted? hsIGTxB4eTo-00095-00029516-00029714 If you're lacking time for rest, hsIGTxB4eTo-00096-00029714-00030194 and you think about working out and having a good diet too often, hsIGTxB4eTo-00097-00030194-00030577 your lethargy might come from wanting to do well. hsIGTxB4eTo-00098-00030577-00030870 If that's the case, rather than pushing yourself to do something, hsIGTxB4eTo-00099-00030870-00031292 I recommend you to have time for you to do nothing. hsIGTxB4eTo-00100-00031292-00031842 If you think you have to do something, then you often end up not wanting to do it. hsIGTxB4eTo-00101-00031842-00032092 But if you don't have to do anything, hsIGTxB4eTo-00102-00032092-00032474 you might feel a new flame in your heart. hsIGTxB4eTo-00103-00032474-00032844 Choose a weekend, don't make any plans, hsIGTxB4eTo-00104-00032844-00033234 and don't think about what to eat or when to work out. hsIGTxB4eTo-00105-00033234-00033418 Just have a day off to rest. hsIGTxB4eTo-00106-00033418-00033796 When you regain your mental energy as you rest up, hsIGTxB4eTo-00107-00033796-00034004 then use that energy hsIGTxB4eTo-00108-00034004-00034386 to plan something with willingness. hsIGTxB4eTo-00109-00034386-00034536 If you're at that stage, hsIGTxB4eTo-00110-00034536-00034766 wear nice clothes and shoes, hsIGTxB4eTo-00111-00034766-00034904 head out and take a walk, hsIGTxB4eTo-00112-00034904-00035104 or go to a cafe to read a book. hsIGTxB4eTo-00113-00035106-00035316 If you try doing things you don't normally do, hsIGTxB4eTo-00114-00035316-00035712 you'll naturally be able to get out of the pit of lethargy. hsIGTxB4eTo-00115-00035712-00035914 [03. Stress mallet] hsIGTxB4eTo-00116-00035914-00036378 The third mallet is a stress mallet to deal with stress. hsIGTxB4eTo-00117-00036378-00036680 Nobody is completely stress-free. hsIGTxB4eTo-00118-00036680-00036928 There are stresses that build up, hsIGTxB4eTo-00119-00036928-00037226 and there are stresses from a shocking event. hsIGTxB4eTo-00120-00037226-00037538 If you don't handle these stresses as they come, hsIGTxB4eTo-00121-00037538-00037812 these build up to become a physical illness. hsIGTxB4eTo-00122-00037812-00038092 Especially when you're on a diet, there are lots of stressful moments. hsIGTxB4eTo-00123-00038092-00038274 That might be from hurtful comments from others, hsIGTxB4eTo-00124-00038274-00038550 or from when your weight-loss doesn't go as planned. hsIGTxB4eTo-00125-00038550-00038880 The way to handle these stress well hsIGTxB4eTo-00126-00038880-00039112 is to express your stress physically. hsIGTxB4eTo-00127-00039112-00039322 Shout, move your body hsIGTxB4eTo-00128-00039322-00039534 or describe different situations. hsIGTxB4eTo-00129-00039534-00039974 Help yourself express your emotions physically. hsIGTxB4eTo-00130-00039974-00040136 The easiest way to do this hsIGTxB4eTo-00131-00040136-00040318 is to scream under a blanket. hsIGTxB4eTo-00132-00040318-00040566 If you can't yell because you live in a small space, hsIGTxB4eTo-00133-00040566-00040812 you can scream without sound. hsIGTxB4eTo-00134-00040812-00041146 Other people can't hear you, but you can let out your stress. hsIGTxB4eTo-00135-00041146-00041378 It's also good to let it out with your body. hsIGTxB4eTo-00136-00041378-00041518 Exercising would be best, hsIGTxB4eTo-00137-00041518-00041666 but you can dance, hsIGTxB4eTo-00138-00041666-00041794 or flutter your feet. hsIGTxB4eTo-00139-00041794-00042342 If you try to externally express the stress you feel in your mind, hsIGTxB4eTo-00140-00042342-00042576 that will help you handle that stress. hsIGTxB4eTo-00141-00042576-00042924 But stress ranges from something you can handle by letting out a scream hsIGTxB4eTo-00142-00042924-00043116 to something more fundamental. hsIGTxB4eTo-00143-00043116-00043618 For example, you might continually be stressed from your relationship with your boss at work, hsIGTxB4eTo-00144-00043618-00043836 or stress from your family relationships. hsIGTxB4eTo-00145-00043836-00044138 So, this mallet I shared today hsIGTxB4eTo-00146-00044138-00044798 is to help you get out of the stressful pit, quickly. hsIGTxB4eTo-00147-00044798-00045156 It's not to resolve these fundamental causes of stress. hsIGTxB4eTo-00148-00045156-00045698 Of course, finding the root cause and resolving it is the most important for chronic stress. hsIGTxB4eTo-00149-00045698-00046260 But, the method I shared today will help you resolve everyday stresses. hsIGTxB4eTo-00150-00046260-00046466 [04. Regret mallet] hsIGTxB4eTo-00151-00046466-00046704 The fourth mallet is a 'regret mallet.' hsIGTxB4eTo-00152-00046704-00046936 When we're on a diet, we regret every day. hsIGTxB4eTo-00153-00046936-00047072 After a drink, hsIGTxB4eTo-00154-00047074-00047218 after a late night snack, hsIGTxB4eTo-00155-00047218-00047380 after you skip a workout... hsIGTxB4eTo-00156-00047380-00047740 There are moments you regret because you couldn't keep the promises you made to yourself. hsIGTxB4eTo-00157-00047740-00048142 But regretting itself doesn't help you lose weight and help you change. hsIGTxB4eTo-00158-00048142-00048532 The more important thing is to plan out for your future. hsIGTxB4eTo-00159-00048532-00048952 So rather than regretting, you should think about what to do next. hsIGTxB4eTo-00160-00048952-00049072 But this is hard. hsIGTxB4eTo-00161-00049072-00049340 Personally, I focus on the days left in my life., hsIGTxB4eTo-00162-00049340-00049522 For example, I'm thirty now. hsIGTxB4eTo-00163-00049522-00049748 If I assume I live until 90, I have 60 more years left. hsIGTxB4eTo-00164-00049748-00050144 If you convert that into months, that's 720 months. hsIGTxB4eTo-00165-00050144-00050592 That means, if I flip the calendar 720 times, I die. hsIGTxB4eTo-00166-00050592-00050834 So it makes each day feel more important. hsIGTxB4eTo-00167-00050834-00051616 So, rather than regretting, I try to think how to make good decisions with my next 720 opportunities. hsIGTxB4eTo-00168-00051616-00052262 That way, I can flip my thinking, and get myself out of the regretful pit. hsIGTxB4eTo-00169-00052262-00052632 For example, I had the sichuan mala spice soup with my friends last night. hsIGTxB4eTo-00170-00052632-00052844 Since I ate something spicy, I craved for sweets. hsIGTxB4eTo-00171-00052844-00052986 So I had sweet snacks. hsIGTxB4eTo-00172-00052986-00053490 Of course, I regretted because my stomach felt weird, and my body felt heavy. hsIGTxB4eTo-00173-00053490-00053664 But rather than focusing on regret, hsIGTxB4eTo-00174-00053664-00053976 I planned out my meals for the next day. hsIGTxB4eTo-00175-00053976-00054120 I have three chances the next day, hsIGTxB4eTo-00176-00054120-00054264 and another three the next day. hsIGTxB4eTo-00177-00054264-00054641 There are more than enough chances for me to make up for my mistake, hsIGTxB4eTo-00178-00054641-00054900 so I think to myself to make better choices next. hsIGTxB4eTo-00179-00054900-00055248 That helps me safely get out of this pit of regret. hsIGTxB4eTo-00180-00055248-00055472 [05. Depression mallet] hsIGTxB4eTo-00181-00055472-00055767 The fifth mallet is a depression mallet. hsIGTxB4eTo-00182-00055767-00056072 Depression is not something I can talk about lightly or simply. hsIGTxB4eTo-00183-00056072-00056296 There are lots of different ways to recover from depression. hsIGTxB4eTo-00184-00056296-00056762 And sometimes, you need drugs even at some early stages of depression. hsIGTxB4eTo-00185-00056762-00056894 So today, hsIGTxB4eTo-00186-00056894-00057186 I'm going to talk about slight feelings of depression when you're on a diet. hsIGTxB4eTo-00187-00057186-00057444 Before we dive into the pit of depression, hsIGTxB4eTo-00188-00057444-00057786 I'll talk about ways to pull you out of it. hsIGTxB4eTo-00189-00057786-00058150 Think about someone you admire and like. hsIGTxB4eTo-00190-00058150-00058424 It could be a teacher you really liked as a child, hsIGTxB4eTo-00191-00058424-00058564 it could be your mom, hsIGTxB4eTo-00192-00058564-00058738 and it could be a celebrity you like. hsIGTxB4eTo-00193-00058738-00059334 Imagine what that person would say if they were to write an encouraging letter to you right now, hsIGTxB4eTo-00194-00059334-00059512 and say that to yourself! hsIGTxB4eTo-00195-00059512-00059791 For example, if my mom were to send me a letter, hsIGTxB4eTo-00196-00059791-00059962 she would say that I am valuable as is. hsIGTxB4eTo-00197-00059962-00060508 Even if you don't do anything, or try anything, your existence is valuable to me! hsIGTxB4eTo-00198-00060508-00060682 She would say something like that. hsIGTxB4eTo-00199-00060682-00061116 The best thing you earn from this practice, hsIGTxB4eTo-00200-00061116-00061520 is that, if you use your own language to talk about and make judgements about yourself, hsIGTxB4eTo-00201-00061522-00061916 you'll only focus on the negatives, since you're feeling down. hsIGTxB4eTo-00202-00061916-00062334 But if you move away from your own perspective, hsIGTxB4eTo-00203-00062334-00062712 and see yourself from the eyes of someone you love, hsIGTxB4eTo-00204-00062712-00062882 you'll see yourself more objectively hsIGTxB4eTo-00205-00062882-00063160 and tell yourself something more kind. hsIGTxB4eTo-00206-00063160-00063350 Although you might feel depressed, hsIGTxB4eTo-00207-00063350-00063466 you would have words you want to hear. hsIGTxB4eTo-00208-00063466-00063784 You'd want to hear something kind and encouraging. hsIGTxB4eTo-00209-00063784-00063966 But it's hard to say that yourself, hsIGTxB4eTo-00210-00063966-00064164 so you borrow someone else's eyes hsIGTxB4eTo-00211-00064164-00064438 and tell yourself what you need to hear. hsIGTxB4eTo-00212-00064438-00064920 This way, you can raise yourself up from feeling down hsIGTxB4eTo-00213-00064920-00065502 and give yourself enough energy to help you out of the pit of depression. hsIGTxB4eTo-00214-00065502-00065840 [Habit shaping class] [Lesson 6: Dealing with emotions that come with dieting] hsIGTxB4eTo-00215-00065840-00066944 Today, we talked about ways to improve your mental strength to help you out of these emotional pits. hsIGTxB4eTo-00216-00066944-00067270 So, we looked into anxiety, lethargy, stress, regret and depression. hsIGTxB4eTo-00217-00067270-00067882 I shared with you mallets to help you whack these five emotions. hsIGTxB4eTo-00218-00067882-00067986 Today's homework! hsIGTxB4eTo-00219-00067986-00068878 Write down one of the five emotions you felt as you try to lose weight and shape your habits. hsIGTxB4eTo-00220-00068878-00069420 Then, share what you plan to do with the appropriate emotion mallet that I shared today. hsIGTxB4eTo-00221-00069420-00069586 Or, a review of what you tried out. hsIGTxB4eTo-00222-00069586-00069808 It'd be great if you could leave those in the comments. hsIGTxB4eTo-00223-00069808-00069966 I'll read the comments one by one hsIGTxB4eTo-00224-00069966-00070304 to see what emotions you find difficult to handle, hsIGTxB4eTo-00225-00070304-00070812 and what emotions prevent you from shaping your habits and give you hardships. hsIGTxB4eTo-00226-00070812-00071026 Then, I'll see you in the next class! hsIGTxB4eTo-00227-00071026-00071208 Bye! hw9aioZw8cY-00000-00000056-00000640 well hi everyone uh welcome to my talk uh i'm aditi i'm a software engineer working at isovelyn hw9aioZw8cY-00001-00000712-00001400 and this talk features a joint work with martinez a bit of context into why debugging kubernetes hw9aioZw8cY-00002-00001400-00002224 networking is relevant for us martinez and i work on psyllium which is an open source cni hw9aioZw8cY-00003-00002336-00003048 powered by ebpf and we work with one of the most sophisticated set of users hw9aioZw8cY-00004-00003048-00003679 uh and to enable them uh to network and secure their communities clusters hw9aioZw8cY-00005-00003792-00004184 uh so yeah let's get started in this talk i'm going to share hw9aioZw8cY-00006-00004184-00004704 our debugging experiences and present a new tool that we have developed using ebpf hw9aioZw8cY-00007-00004856-00005664 so let's take a common kubernetes cluster where our request is coming on to kubernetes node and hw9aioZw8cY-00008-00005728-00006392 it's being delivered to a service part so the request traffic will first get processed at neck hw9aioZw8cY-00009-00006456-00007023 it'll then get routed to linux kernel networking stack and then uh it'll traverse hw9aioZw8cY-00010-00007023-00007823 from host network namespace to the pod network namespace via a couple of uh v devices pair hw9aioZw8cY-00011-00007936-00008512 so whenever there are network connect connectivity issues we start with control plane checking all hw9aioZw8cY-00012-00008512-00009096 the configurations are correct our services our services are deployed the service part is up and hw9aioZw8cY-00013-00009096-00009752 running and we always make sure that it's not the dns but today i want to draw attention to hw9aioZw8cY-00014-00009752-00010464 a key component that often are treated as a black box and that's the linux kernel network debugging hw9aioZw8cY-00015-00010464-00011208 linux current networking is hard and let's zoom in to see why that is so this is a detailed network hw9aioZw8cY-00016-00011208-00011872 flow diagram of linux kernel network internals and as you can see there are overwhelming number of uh hw9aioZw8cY-00017-00011952-00012568 packet processing functions so when you send a single packet uh it requires many hw9aioZw8cY-00018-00012568-00013256 many hubs until it reaches its destination uh so sure there are like packet counters and uh hw9aioZw8cY-00019-00013336-00014080 stats that you can observe uh but these are not enough uh to get to the root cause uh because hw9aioZw8cY-00020-00014080-00014824 kernel state can't be observed in real time uh in an easy manner so we have this internal hw9aioZw8cY-00021-00014824-00015640 uh joke uh that whenever we're trying to track a packet in linux kernel uh it's like finding waldo hw9aioZw8cY-00022-00015696-00016263 one can easily feel lost when they fall down the rabbit hole of linux kernel networking hw9aioZw8cY-00023-00016368-00017152 so next we are gonna look at some of our uh uh most godu tools so one of our most favorite tools hw9aioZw8cY-00024-00017152-00017704 is tcp dump and you always reach for is whenever there are like network connectivity issues and i hw9aioZw8cY-00025-00017704-00018472 agree that uh it's a good tool to start your debug routine but the problem with tcp down is that it hw9aioZw8cY-00026-00018472-00019176 only gives you high level information because uh the tcp tap tcp dump tap points are at the hw9aioZw8cY-00027-00019176-00019904 periphery of linux kernel networking stack but in real life situation is much more complex and hw9aioZw8cY-00028-00019960-00020504 either the packets are dropped in the neck or in the stack or in the pod network name space hw9aioZw8cY-00029-00020504-00021256 uh and so and so forth so next up moving on to like traditional logging based methods uh hw9aioZw8cY-00030-00021256-00021992 whenever developers don't have access to good uh debugger they always rely on logging based hw9aioZw8cY-00031-00022136-00022600 debugging so kernel exposes this print k function which you can use hw9aioZw8cY-00032-00022600-00023184 to add debugging statements in the kernel code but it requires recompiling the kernel hw9aioZw8cY-00033-00023184-00023728 and in many cases reboot so it's not a viable option in production environments hw9aioZw8cY-00034-00023800-00024384 if you're not careful with uh your debug statements uh it can cause kernel panics hw9aioZw8cY-00035-00024736-00025280 in short it's it's very slow uh it has very slow debugging cycles because uh hw9aioZw8cY-00036-00025280-00025856 it requires many many iterations uh let's say you ruled out that dns is not the issue here hw9aioZw8cY-00037-00025856-00026432 and you wanna now trace packets going to the cube api server you can't easily do that hw9aioZw8cY-00038-00026600-00027008 so moving on to uh some some of the generic tracing tools uh hw9aioZw8cY-00039-00027064-00027832 so a couple of examples are perf or vp of trace uh superf is a performance measuring tool that also hw9aioZw8cY-00040-00027832-00028600 allows you to trace calls to some of the network uh linux kernel network uh functions and if you hw9aioZw8cY-00041-00028600-00029112 have used for before then you can identify uh the snippet that i've added uh on the slide hw9aioZw8cY-00042-00029232-00029880 so in this case i'm using perf record to record all the calls that are going to uh escape hw9aioZw8cY-00043-00030032-00030616 free skb free function that which is which is invoked whenever a packet is dropped in the kernel hw9aioZw8cY-00044-00030704-00031304 and per script is then used to dump traces uh that are collected from perf record hw9aioZw8cY-00045-00031383-00032088 and as you can see uh the output uh is very limited uh it doesn't have hw9aioZw8cY-00046-00032088-00032576 uh limit it has very limited filtering capabilities so if you're trying to debug hw9aioZw8cY-00047-00032576-00033208 a dns issue you can't specify hey i want to trace all the packets that are going to port 53. hw9aioZw8cY-00048-00033344-00033824 uh there is no information about let's say for example source or destination ip addresses hw9aioZw8cY-00049-00033824-00034440 ports uh and as i mentioned before whenever you use sport record you have to specify what hw9aioZw8cY-00050-00034440-00035088 function you're trying to trace uh calls to and in many cases uh you don't have that information hw9aioZw8cY-00051-00035088-00035960 when you're starting out with debugging an issue so we we approach this debugging uh problem in a hw9aioZw8cY-00052-00036032-00036712 very different manner so uh not all network connectivity issues involve hw9aioZw8cY-00053-00036712-00037376 packet drops and uh if i want to introduce introspect kernel uh network state in a hw9aioZw8cY-00054-00037528-00038216 in a fine-grained manner then is there any uh way to get a list of all packet processing functions hw9aioZw8cY-00055-00038376-00039224 next up we want to get callbacks to uh whenever these functions are executed so that we can hw9aioZw8cY-00056-00039224-00040160 analyze kernel state uh uh in a more detailed uh fashion but more importantly uh we're gonna filter hw9aioZw8cY-00057-00040160-00040760 this callbacks only for traffic that's relevant for us so this is the wish list that martinez and hw9aioZw8cY-00058-00040760-00041496 i came up with and uh this brings to brings me to the second part of my presentation where uh where hw9aioZw8cY-00059-00041496-00042256 we are gonna find answers to these questions uh using ebpf so ebpf has captured the imagination hw9aioZw8cY-00060-00042256-00043224 of many in recent years uh and uh companies like facebook netflix isovalene uh are using ebpf to hw9aioZw8cY-00061-00043224-00043952 solve a spectrum of use cases uh to so so to set the context for our new tool uh let's look at what hw9aioZw8cY-00062-00043952-00044832 ebpf is so ebpf is an internal virtual machine uh that safely executes native code on certain events hw9aioZw8cY-00063-00044928-00045432 it's highly programmable and it's performing because the code is executed directly in hw9aioZw8cY-00064-00045432-00046240 the kernel and because of this reasons uh it's touted as the javascript for the kernel and uh hw9aioZw8cY-00065-00046296-00046712 let's unpack this information uh with an end-to-end workflow uh hw9aioZw8cY-00066-00046712-00047400 next so here i have uh a simple uh bpf program where i've added a cr hw9aioZw8cY-00067-00047400-00048128 k probe to one of the uh network functions in linux kernel and k probes is a debug mechanism hw9aioZw8cY-00068-00048304-00049056 in linux kernel where it allows you to execute bpf programs whenever any kernel instruction hw9aioZw8cY-00069-00049056-00049864 is executed so when you attach a k probe uh in your bpf program to a linux learner function uh hw9aioZw8cY-00070-00049864-00050464 your bpf program will be executed whenever uh that function is called so in this case as you can see hw9aioZw8cY-00071-00050528-00051112 uh i'm getting call back or rather i hope that i'll get called back whenever ip local hw9aioZw8cY-00072-00051112-00052112 deliver function is executed and skb is the linux representation of packet so in this program uh i'm hw9aioZw8cY-00073-00052112-00052952 going to parse that skb uh dump some fields uh and let's look at what how we can compile it next so hw9aioZw8cY-00074-00052952-00053736 this program is compiled using clang which outputs an elf uh binary that contains bpf byte code hw9aioZw8cY-00075-00053816-00054455 it's it next fed to an ebpf loader so the loader is going to parse the uh hw9aioZw8cY-00076-00054520-00055432 elf uh file and uh the binary and uh it's gonna set the context for this uh uh program which hw9aioZw8cY-00077-00055432-00056048 includes like setting the type so in this case the program type is bpf prog type k probe and this hw9aioZw8cY-00078-00056048-00056712 type is going to decide what kernel state this my program is going to have access to next uh the hw9aioZw8cY-00079-00056712-00057400 loader triggers loading and verification of this program so in the previous slide i mentioned that hw9aioZw8cY-00080-00057479-00058304 bpf the kernel ensures that bpf programs are run safely so ebpf verifier is tasked with ensuring hw9aioZw8cY-00081-00058304-00059096 that uh the verifier will ensure that your program doesn't have a null pointer dereferences or it's hw9aioZw8cY-00082-00059096-00059752 not trying to access any out of bound memory uh and whether your program terminates or not hw9aioZw8cY-00083-00059816-00060448 and if you have written fair amount of uh bpf if you're done a fair amount of bpf programming hw9aioZw8cY-00084-00060448-00061096 then i'm sure you have interesting stories to tell about uh how you fought with the verifier hw9aioZw8cY-00085-00061167-00061879 so once uh the verifier approves your program is just compiled to native code and i mentioned hw9aioZw8cY-00086-00061879-00062424 earlier that ebpf follows an event-driven model so what does it mean in this case hw9aioZw8cY-00087-00062600-00063296 in my program i've attached a k probe to ip local deliver function so this function uh hw9aioZw8cY-00088-00063432-00064216 delivers packet to a local destination uh so let's say a packet is delivered on the eth0 interface hw9aioZw8cY-00089-00064216-00064840 on your kubernetes node and uh it's supposed to be uh delivered to a local leader in part hw9aioZw8cY-00090-00064840-00065560 then uh the packet will be uh executed by ip local deliver function where it reassembles hw9aioZw8cY-00091-00065560-00066296 ip fragments and uh hands it off to the next level layers excuse me which is the transport layer hw9aioZw8cY-00092-00066352-00067040 so uh in this case it's going to generate an event and my bpf program is going to be executed hw9aioZw8cY-00093-00067192-00068056 and as the bpf program if you uh uh if you can see uh just before it returns uh it it writes this uh hw9aioZw8cY-00094-00068056-00068856 notification to bpf map so bpf map is a shared data structure between kernel and user space and hw9aioZw8cY-00095-00068856-00069752 that's how kernel relays this information into the uh user space so great yeah uh just as we hw9aioZw8cY-00096-00069752-00070528 uh traced uh callbacks to the ip local deliver function can we just get a list of all the uh hw9aioZw8cY-00097-00070528-00071080 net kernel network packet processing functions and just keep like a hard coded list hw9aioZw8cY-00098-00071192-00071936 not exactly because kernel function signature can change across kernel versions so k probe api is hw9aioZw8cY-00099-00071936-00072840 is considered unstable so how do we reliably get debug information about different kernel function hw9aioZw8cY-00100-00072840-00073728 signatures so that's where btf comes into play uh btf is short for bpf type format and it's a hw9aioZw8cY-00101-00073728-00074448 debug format that stores information like function signatures different uh data structures that are hw9aioZw8cY-00102-00074448-00075208 defined in kernel and so and so forth but the cool thing about btf is that it's super compact hw9aioZw8cY-00103-00075208-00076168 so in recent kernels it's packaged in kernels by default so kernel exposes it exposes its own debug hw9aioZw8cY-00104-00076168-00076968 information like function signature and different data structure types via asus fs interface uh and hw9aioZw8cY-00105-00077096-00077904 yeah okay so uh just to get a sense of what btf information looks like uh i've dumped a uh uh hw9aioZw8cY-00106-00078008-00078776 btf information for a simple uh function that accesses the skb uh structure and on the hw9aioZw8cY-00107-00078776-00079392 right you can see that it gives you information about various types so if you start at the top hw9aioZw8cY-00108-00079520-00080136 it tells you that there is a pointer to the structure sk buff and what different members hw9aioZw8cY-00109-00080136-00080696 does the escape of structure has and what are their respective offsets but one important hw9aioZw8cY-00110-00080696-00081360 type then i want to highlight here is the func proto func proto defines a function signature hw9aioZw8cY-00111-00081360-00081880 so what kind of arguments does a function accept what what's the written type is hw9aioZw8cY-00112-00082064-00082376 so with this uh let's revisit our wish list hw9aioZw8cY-00113-00082480-00083256 so we mentioned that hey we wanted a reliable way to get the list of all the network uh processing hw9aioZw8cY-00114-00083256-00083768 uh network packet processing uh functions in the kernel and we can easily get that information hw9aioZw8cY-00115-00083768-00084608 from the btf file next we can attach k probes to all of them so just as k probes allow you to hw9aioZw8cY-00116-00084608-00085384 execute bp a function when a function is executed k red probes are allow you allow your bpf programs hw9aioZw8cY-00117-00085384-00086056 to be executed when a function that it's uh where the function where the k rate probe is attached is hw9aioZw8cY-00118-00086056-00086984 uh return and uh more importantly we can easily uh filter callbacks using with the help of bpf maps hw9aioZw8cY-00119-00087112-00087800 so with this background i'm really excited to present peru peru is an ebpf based linux hw9aioZw8cY-00120-00087800-00088568 kernel debugger and peru is short for packet where are you conceptualization of this tool hw9aioZw8cY-00121-00088568-00089144 uh the credit for conceptualization of this tool goes to martinez and next we are going to hw9aioZw8cY-00122-00089256-00090168 take a walkthrough of the peru internals peru consists of a user space agent uh written in go hw9aioZw8cY-00123-00090248-00091104 and it interfaces with user to collect uh filter information so uh let's say i'm trying to debug hw9aioZw8cY-00124-00091104-00091872 traffic that's going to the cube api server part so i run peru with this filter parameters where i hw9aioZw8cY-00125-00091872-00092768 set the protocol to tcp destination ipsec to the cube api pod ip and the destination port is set to hw9aioZw8cY-00126-00092888-00093680 443 next perl goes ahead and programs this information in this filter map which is a bpf map hw9aioZw8cY-00127-00093808-00094616 it then uses the celium uh excuse me sorry it then uh uses the psyllium evpf loader uh to collect hw9aioZw8cY-00128-00094616-00095336 uh btf information for the underlying kernel so in this case it's gonna do a call to this sysfs hw9aioZw8cY-00129-00095336-00096136 interface uh it's gonna search all the kernel uh functions and then it's just gonna uh get iterate hw9aioZw8cY-00130-00096136-00096800 over that list and uh filter them to collect uh pack uh collect functions that accept skb hw9aioZw8cY-00131-00096800-00097448 as one of the parameters and just a reminder skb is the packet representation in the linux kernel hw9aioZw8cY-00132-00097568-00098608 it then goes ahead and loads our ebpf programs to all these functions uh so in this particular case hw9aioZw8cY-00133-00098608-00099200 uh i'm interested in getting uh callbacks from the linux kernel whenever my packet goes through hw9aioZw8cY-00134-00099264-00100040 all the uh network functions in the linux kernel so uh for example uh in the previous hw9aioZw8cY-00135-00100040-00100664 example we saw how my bpf program was executed or whenever i p local deliverer function was called hw9aioZw8cY-00136-00100720-00101392 uh so the e0 for example is is the first event that gets uh called whenever my packet hw9aioZw8cY-00137-00101392-00102168 is executed by ip local deliver ip local deliver is then gonna hand off that packet to uh parse hw9aioZw8cY-00138-00102168-00102832 t uh layer four which is like tcp in this case so that's going to be e1 uh the one thing that i want hw9aioZw8cY-00139-00102832-00103488 to highlight here is that uh my bpf program is going to filter all these callbacks based on the hw9aioZw8cY-00140-00103559-00103983 uh filter information that it receives from the bpf map hw9aioZw8cY-00141-00104232-00104792 all right so uh in the beginning of the presentation i mentioned that linux kernel hw9aioZw8cY-00142-00104792-00105488 networking is treated as a black box and uh because of the uh complexity that's involved so hw9aioZw8cY-00143-00105568-00106111 uh with the help of peru i i hope i can convince you to give it a try and hw9aioZw8cY-00144-00106111-00106664 see how easy it is to debug linux kernel networking issues so in the lower half of hw9aioZw8cY-00145-00106664-00107400 uh of the clip i'm running peru with a set of filters uh so for example i'm filtering traffic hw9aioZw8cY-00146-00107400-00108016 destined to our destination port 80 and protocol is set to tcp hw9aioZw8cY-00147-00108288-00108983 so i have added an iptable rule here which is going to drop packets to this destination and port hw9aioZw8cY-00148-00109072-00109559 tupu and whenever i run a call request it's going to generate output trees hw9aioZw8cY-00149-00109768-00110408 and i'm going to know that oh okay yeah this is where my packet is getting dropped so in the next hw9aioZw8cY-00150-00110480-00111168 few slides we're going to look at real world examples and how peru helped us to debug those hw9aioZw8cY-00151-00111424-00112320 scenarios so the first example i have a kubernetes cluster where i'm running a multi-homing setup hw9aioZw8cY-00152-00112320-00112952 what does it mean so in this setup a pod is assigned ip addresses from uh two different hw9aioZw8cY-00153-00112952-00113792 ip subnets so let's uh do a request walkthrough from right of the screen to the left uh where a hw9aioZw8cY-00154-00113792-00114544 pod is trying to reach the queue api server port in my cluster so the port does a curve request hw9aioZw8cY-00155-00114711-00115272 where the source ip address is set to the power ip address and the destination is the cube service hw9aioZw8cY-00156-00115272-00115928 cluster ip this request is going to hit the iptable rule that's installed by q proxy hw9aioZw8cY-00157-00116040-00116583 and the rule says states that hey uh all the traffic that's destined to hw9aioZw8cY-00158-00116583-00117400 uh cube service cluster ip uh it needs to be denatured to cube api server forward ip address so hw9aioZw8cY-00159-00117400-00118016 after the rule we can see that the destination ip address has been translated from the cluster ip to hw9aioZw8cY-00160-00118016-00118672 the ip address of the cube api server part uh this request reaches the destination kubernetes node hw9aioZw8cY-00161-00118735-00119200 and it's routed through the eth1 interface and then is delivered uh hw9aioZw8cY-00162-00119200-00119776 to the cube api server part now the queue api server part is going to send a reply back hw9aioZw8cY-00163-00119840-00120408 the source ip address is uh correctly set to the ip address of the cube api server and the hw9aioZw8cY-00164-00120408-00121024 destination ip address is the ip address that was uh that was received in the request packet hw9aioZw8cY-00165-00121088-00121864 and this packet is being routed through e0 not eth1 and there is no surprise that this reply hw9aioZw8cY-00166-00121864-00122496 never reaches the source so let's see how peru helps and helps us in debugging this uh issue hw9aioZw8cY-00167-00122759-00123440 so here uh i'm right i'm running peru with a bunch of filters i'm filtering traffic hw9aioZw8cY-00168-00123496-00124280 going to uh destination port 443 which is the uh which is where cube api server pod is listening on hw9aioZw8cY-00169-00124335-00125183 and i've set the protocol to tcp and i invite you to look at the output of peru here the nf hw9aioZw8cY-00170-00125311-00126224 so this is the trace of all the kernel functions that my traffic of interest is going through so nf hw9aioZw8cY-00171-00126224-00126976 hook slow uh is the kernel function that's executed to implement uh iptable rules and hw9aioZw8cY-00172-00127040-00127696 we can see that the source ip address in this case is still set to 190 to 168 and not the ip hw9aioZw8cY-00173-00127696-00128432 address from uh the the subnet where that's used to connect to the cube api server so that's why hw9aioZw8cY-00174-00128432-00129159 this packet will uh will be dropped when when it's sent out of the e1 interface next up uh we hw9aioZw8cY-00175-00129159-00129800 frequently have mtu mis configuration issues in our clusters so i have a simple setup here where hw9aioZw8cY-00176-00129800-00130624 uh i have a single node kubernetes cluster uh my udp pod is uh getting traffic from an external hw9aioZw8cY-00177-00130624-00131544 uh entity and that extra and the size of the udp packet is uh pretty large and uh the sender has hw9aioZw8cY-00178-00131544-00132152 said uh don't fragment bit on this request so this request is going to traverse through hw9aioZw8cY-00179-00132152-00132808 uh the eth1 interface on the kubernetes node and then uh it's going to uh traverse through the v8 hw9aioZw8cY-00180-00132864-00133544 devices pair and then it's going to be delivered to the udp pod and uh based on the mtu information hw9aioZw8cY-00181-00133544-00134272 we can see that there is a mismatch so let's see what happens to the traffic so again i'm running hw9aioZw8cY-00182-00134272-00135032 peru but this time i have changed i've set the protocol to udp uh the destination port is 443 and hw9aioZw8cY-00183-00135088-00135752 uh i have i have a new filter here which says output mirror uh which is going to print a bunch hw9aioZw8cY-00184-00135752-00136504 of skb uh members here so as you can see uh the there is a mismatch between packet length hw9aioZw8cY-00185-00136504-00137320 and uh mtu that's configured on the if index and the if index 18 refers to the eth one and seven hw9aioZw8cY-00186-00137320-00138216 refers to the v0 and as a result this packet will be dropped so lastly there is a security hw9aioZw8cY-00187-00138216-00138888 mechanism in linux kernel it's called reverse path filter it essentially ensures that the hw9aioZw8cY-00188-00138888-00139624 source uh address set on packet a received packet is routable via the same interface that it came in hw9aioZw8cY-00189-00139624-00140264 and this is to ensure that there are no spoofed uh packets where i p address the source ip address is hw9aioZw8cY-00190-00140408-00140976 so in this case uh i have a i have an incoming request uh coming to my pod uh hw9aioZw8cY-00191-00141048-00141752 let's say this is my service pod and the request is translated dna to my pods so the destination hw9aioZw8cY-00192-00141752-00142392 is set to the pod ip address so when this request is received on the eth1 interface on my hw9aioZw8cY-00193-00142480-00143176 kubernetes node there is an rp filter configured on this interface by default and it's set in hw9aioZw8cY-00194-00143176-00143912 the strict mode so this request will be dropped because if you look at the uh ip route table here hw9aioZw8cY-00195-00144096-00144344 it says that all the traffic that's uh hw9aioZw8cY-00196-00144456-00145296 that's uh destined to 10.0.0 24 subnet uh it needs to be received on the ve30 interface but hw9aioZw8cY-00197-00145296-00146024 in this case we are receiving it at ease one so uh let's see what information peru gives us here hw9aioZw8cY-00198-00146128-00147064 so this time i have set the destination ip filter uh which is set to my pod ips and we can see that hw9aioZw8cY-00199-00147064-00147648 the packet is being dropped and let's see why that is so just before the packet is dropped hw9aioZw8cY-00200-00147648-00148424 we can see that uh there is a callback from fib validate source function so this kernel function hw9aioZw8cY-00201-00148424-00149248 essentially executes the rp reverse path filter logic uh where it it it will uh check if what the hw9aioZw8cY-00202-00149248-00149984 source ip address on this packet is and if it's received on the interface uh that it's expected to hw9aioZw8cY-00203-00150144-00150880 so here are the peru highlights uh peru is an ebps based open source tool to debug kernel networking hw9aioZw8cY-00204-00150936-00151512 and it does so uh by abstracting kernel networking details but more importantly hw9aioZw8cY-00205-00151568-00152504 peru exposes advanced filtering capabilities and it prints packet level metadata so that you can hw9aioZw8cY-00206-00152504-00153416 introspect a kernel in a fine-grained manner and it's portable across kernel versions so uh some hw9aioZw8cY-00207-00153416-00154416 acknowledgements uh super uh uses the ebpf uh uh kernel functionality uh and based on k probe uh so hw9aioZw8cY-00208-00154416-00155224 uh thanks to bpf kernel developers steven rosted for uh k probes uh we are using the bpfsn printf hw9aioZw8cY-00209-00155224-00156056 btf function that's exposed in the kernel uh so that we can print skb members in a safe manner and hw9aioZw8cY-00210-00156056-00157016 furrow uses psyllium evpf uh go library as an ebpf loader to load our uh to load ebpf uh functions hw9aioZw8cY-00211-00157016-00157680 and lastly uh we recently discovered that i there is this new function a new tool it's hw9aioZw8cY-00212-00157680-00158752 called ipv ipf ipf trace2 and it has some similar uh functionalities as uh peru and it was released hw9aioZw8cY-00213-00158752-00159392 before peru so we are acknowledging it here so yeah thanks for your time and i open it for hw9aioZw8cY-00214-00159392-00159800 questions you