OSjXRJ9tKgA-00000-00006500-00006550 BOI OSjXRJ9tKgA-00001-00006726-00006811 BIGBOI OSjXRJ9tKgA-00002-00006850-00007000 HE LIT AF OUbwkObAyEA-00000-00000040-00000400 When I was eight my parents gave me a present for Christmas OUbwkObAyEA-00001-00000463-00000848 I loved that gift so much but I wanted to spend all my time with it OUbwkObAyEA-00002-00001032-00001592 As i grew up I did summer jobs to earn the money and buy new versions of it OUbwkObAyEA-00003-00001664-00002072 That gift was the first home computer, do you remember it? OUbwkObAyEA-00004-00002200-00002600 So when I was 8 I found my passion: OUbwkObAyEA-00005-00002600-00002748 computer technology OUbwkObAyEA-00006-00002814-00003472 And today 40 years later I'm steering the digital transformation of one of the largest bank in Europe OUbwkObAyEA-00007-00003552-00004096 And now where I'm a father I'm helping my daughter to find our own passion OUbwkObAyEA-00008-00004096-00004792 Because I think the happy people are the ones who turn their passion into their job OVTxu8PoboU-00000-00000210-00000820 WHEN THE ENEMY STRUCK AT PEARL HARBOR THE WHOLE OF AMERICA'S MIGHTY PRODUCTIVE MACHINERY OVTxu8PoboU-00001-00000820-00001182 WAS THROWN IN TO HIGH GEAR TO PLACE THE COUNTRY ON A OVTxu8PoboU-00002-00001182-00001648 FULL WAR FOOTING RECOGNIZING THE NEED FOR AN ORGANIZATION OF OVTxu8PoboU-00003-00001648-00002273 SKILLED WORKERS, TO BUILD ADVANCED BASES IN ACTIVE THEATERS OF WAR OVTxu8PoboU-00004-00002273-00002757 THE BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS OBTAINED AUTHORITY FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FIRST OVTxu8PoboU-00005-00002757-00002968 NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION. OVTxu8PoboU-00006-00003090-00003774 WELL THE PRIMARY DIFFERENCE IS THE SEABEES ARE ON LAND AND THE SAILORS ARE ON THE SEA. OVTxu8PoboU-00007-00004100-00004418 THAT'S THE DISTINGUISHABLE DIFFERENCE. OVTxu8PoboU-00008-00004419-00005203 DURING WORLD WAR II THE SEABEES WERE ESTABLISHED AND WE WERE GOING ALL OVER THE WORLD BUILDING OVTxu8PoboU-00009-00005204-00005380 AIRFIELDS. OVTxu8PoboU-00010-00005380-00005734 BUILDING COMPLEXES. OVTxu8PoboU-00011-00005735-00006382 I WENT INTO THE SEABEES RIGHT OUT OF BOOT CAMP IN 1946. OVTxu8PoboU-00012-00006382-00006856 I WENT TO CARPENTER SCHOOL AND THEN SHIPPED OFF TO THE PHILIPPINES. OVTxu8PoboU-00013-00006856-00007502 I ASKED FOR A BATTLE SHIP AND I GOT THE SEABEES INSTEAD OF A BB. OVTxu8PoboU-00014-00007502-00007733 ALL IN ALL I DON'T REGRET IT. OVTxu8PoboU-00015-00007733-00007934 I ENJOYED THE SEABEES. OVTxu8PoboU-00016-00007934-00008483 WHEN AN EARTHQUAKE WENT INTO KODAK, ALASKA, IT SHUT DOWN THE BASE. OVTxu8PoboU-00017-00008483-00008583 EVERYTHING SHUT DOWN. OVTxu8PoboU-00018-00008583-00008907 A LITTLE TSUNAMI CAME IN AT THAT PARTICULAR TIME. OVTxu8PoboU-00019-00008908-00009456 WITHIN 24 HOURS FROM THE TIME WE WERE NOTIFIED, WE WERE ON THAT STATION. OVTxu8PoboU-00020-00009680-00010062 MY BOSS SAID "YOU'RE A RESERVIST?" OVTxu8PoboU-00021-00010078-00010128 I SAID "YEA". OVTxu8PoboU-00022-00010130-00010228 HE SAYS "IN WHAT?" OVTxu8PoboU-00023-00010228-00010348 I SAID "THE NAVY!" OVTxu8PoboU-00024-00010348-00010556 HE SAYS "HOW COME YOU'RE NOT A SEABEE?" OVTxu8PoboU-00025-00010578-00010678 I SAID WHAT'S A SEABEE? OVTxu8PoboU-00026-00010678-00010881 I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT A SEABEE WAS. OVTxu8PoboU-00027-00010881-00011309 "YOU'RE A CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICIAN, YOU SHOULD BE A SEABEE!" AND I SAID, "THIS BEATS ROWING OVTxu8PoboU-00028-00011309-00011472 A BOAT AROUND BOSTON HARBOR." OVTxu8PoboU-00029-00011472-00011878 SO I SAID "HOW DO I GET INTO THIS OUTFIT?" OVTxu8PoboU-00030-00011878-00012731 IN THE SEABEES, YOU GET TO KNOW A LOT OF PEOPLE IN THE BEES, A LOT OF SHIPMATES AND YOU MIGHT OVTxu8PoboU-00031-00012731-00013194 GO FROM ONE BATTALION TO ANOTHER, BUT EVENTUALLY YOU MEET UP AGAIN. OVTxu8PoboU-00032-00013194-00013675 IT'S A LOT CLOSER KNIT FAMILY IN THE SEABEES. OVTxu8PoboU-00033-00013675-00013824 I ENJOYED IT. OVTxu8PoboU-00034-00013824-00013969 EVERY BIT OF IT. OVTxu8PoboU-00035-00013969-00014219 I DID NOT WANT TO GET OUT OF THE NAVY. OVTxu8PoboU-00036-00014219-00014602 I WAS IN THE BEES, THEY HAD TO CARRY ME OUT. OVTxu8PoboU-00037-00014602-00015382 THE SEABEES IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TODAY TO ADVANCE THEIR LIFE. OVTxu8PoboU-00038-00015382-00016113 THE BEES TODAY ARE JUST AS HARD WORKING AS THE BEES IN THE OLD DAYS. OVTxu8PoboU-00039-00016113-00016717 STAY WITH IT AND WORK HARD AT IT AND ADVANCE IN IT AND YOU'D BE SURPRISED AT THE DIVIDENDS OVTxu8PoboU-00040-00016717-00016844 IN YOUR LATER LIFE. OWsxhi_vYAc-00000-00000000-00000475 Hello everyone. My name is Paul Richards, and in this video we're talking about how OWsxhi_vYAc-00001-00000475-00000948 to livestream a corporate event, or a large event. We've got some tips for you OWsxhi_vYAc-00002-00000948-00001703 on how to do that, so let's get started. So here I am in my virtual set here, and we're gonna OWsxhi_vYAc-00003-00001703-00002068 talk about tips for live streaming. So this is we're not making a marketing OWsxhi_vYAc-00004-00002068-00002477 video, we're not just doing some live a streaming concert, we're live streaming a OWsxhi_vYAc-00005-00002477-00002905 corporate event, and there's some different challenges for each type of OWsxhi_vYAc-00006-00002905-00003395 different event. So, we're going to talk about those in this video. So a lot of OWsxhi_vYAc-00007-00003395-00003922 times, large corporate events you know, you you need to be able to capture audio OWsxhi_vYAc-00008-00003922-00004357 from at least one presenter, maybe a microphone is being passed around for OWsxhi_vYAc-00009-00004357-00004761 questions, and you need to be able to capture at least one maybe two video OWsxhi_vYAc-00010-00004761-00005202 feeds so a video of the presenter, and maybe a video of the crowd. So we're going to OWsxhi_vYAc-00011-00005202-00005582 talk about how to do that. But the most basic thing that you want to make sure OWsxhi_vYAc-00012-00005582-00006041 and talk about before the live event is how are you going to secure a good OWsxhi_vYAc-00013-00006041-00006425 internet connection? Because we're talking about live streaming here. Now if you're live OWsxhi_vYAc-00014-00006425-00006822 streaming, you might want to also consider local recordings. If something OWsxhi_vYAc-00015-00006822-00007115 happens, there's a blip in the network or something like that you still have a OWsxhi_vYAc-00016-00007115-00007609 hard-coded recording on your PC to do that. Now if you're gonna be recording to OWsxhi_vYAc-00017-00007609-00008249 your PC, make sure you have enough space on your PC to allow you to record. You OWsxhi_vYAc-00018-00008249-00008686 know gigabytes, and gigabytes of files. You might want to use a calculator online to OWsxhi_vYAc-00019-00008686-00009165 say okay it's going to be a two-hour event, I'm doing 1080p 30, how much OWsxhi_vYAc-00020-00009165-00009679 storage do I need on my laptop to do that? So think about that as well. If there's OWsxhi_vYAc-00021-00009679-00010142 an audio guy, make friends with the audio guy. You're going to need to tap into his OWsxhi_vYAc-00022-00010142-00010674 system. So, if you are the audio guy great, you know what you're doing. OWsxhi_vYAc-00023-00010674-00011110 Have a wireless microphone on your presenter, a wireless microphone that's OWsxhi_vYAc-00024-00011110-00011642 being handed out, take that mixed feed or that audio feed, that high quality OWsxhi_vYAc-00025-00011642-00012075 audio, and figure out a way that you can take it and maybe convert it to USB if OWsxhi_vYAc-00026-00012075-00012590 you're using your laptop. Or, take if you're using like more of a dedicated appliance OWsxhi_vYAc-00027-00012590-00013017 like this vMix go or TriCaster, use the inputs there. Just make sure you have OWsxhi_vYAc-00028-00013017-00013289 that conversation about getting the audio OWsxhi_vYAc-00029-00013290-00013912 into your system professionally. Also, we mentioned this a little bit, choosing OWsxhi_vYAc-00030-00013912-00014508 the right camera, you could just use a webcam to get a 1080p wide shot right in OWsxhi_vYAc-00031-00014508-00014931 front of you, right of the audience. But, it's most likely that you want to use OWsxhi_vYAc-00032-00014931-00015501 one two or maybe three cameras, to capture to really create an awesome OWsxhi_vYAc-00033-00015501-00016093 experience. So two cameras, you can fade in between them so you can zoom in to OWsxhi_vYAc-00034-00016093-00016533 one person who's the presenter, have the other camera for panning in the room, OWsxhi_vYAc-00035-00016533-00016895 and getting different, different shots, and you can have presets. So you can have OWsxhi_vYAc-00036-00016895-00017471 a wide angle of the stage, a podium, the banner, different spaces that you want OWsxhi_vYAc-00037-00017471-00017955 to capture, and then fade between the two different sets. When you're doing a live OWsxhi_vYAc-00038-00017955-00018311 stream like this, you want to, now this is using vMix, but it could be Wire- OWsxhi_vYAc-00039-00018311-00018676 Cast or any other software, you want to use your preview OWsxhi_vYAc-00040-00018676-00019224 and your output minor to its best ability. So you want to be previewing what you're about to OWsxhi_vYAc-00041-00019224-00019563 go live with, and make sure it's perfect before you send it over to the live OWsxhi_vYAc-00042-00019563-00020065 screen. Also branding is very important if you're doing corporate events, see if you can OWsxhi_vYAc-00043-00020065-00020806 brand it. Doing lower thirds such as this here, to brand the event is a is a good OWsxhi_vYAc-00044-00020806-00021269 idea. So hopefully those are some good tips for you guys on live streaming a OWsxhi_vYAc-00045-00021269-00021929 corporate event. Those should be the basics, of course practice makes perfect. OWsxhi_vYAc-00046-00021929-00022295 Anything you're gonna do test it, make sure it works, make sure you're OWsxhi_vYAc-00047-00022295-00022661 comfortable with the technology that you're using. Subscribe to our YouTube OWsxhi_vYAc-00048-00022661-00023034 channel if you felt like this was helpful, we've got a whole bunch of cool OWsxhi_vYAc-00049-00023034-00023409 tutorials and tips and tricks, we do live streams every Friday, and then we have OWsxhi_vYAc-00050-00023409-00023589 free virtual sets below. Thanks, everybody. OXKAoXGPC-A-00000-00000080-00000784 1.2f Operations with Integers - Add and Subtract Several Integers. OXKAoXGPC-A-00001-00000786-00001873 When adding and subtracting many integers we work left to right. OXKAoXGPC-A-00002-00001873-00002254 The easy way to remember this is we work through the problem OXKAoXGPC-A-00003-00002256-00002922 the same way we would read through the problem from the left to the right. OXKAoXGPC-A-00004-00002924-00003744 We do one step at a time to ensure that no steps are skipped. OXKAoXGPC-A-00005-00003756-00004450 In example one we see that there are a couple sets of double signs. OXKAoXGPC-A-00006-00004460-00004948 We must address this before we can solve the problem. OXKAoXGPC-A-00007-00004958-00005818 We see that the first double sign is a positive and a negative. This first sign turns into a negative. OXKAoXGPC-A-00008-00005818-00006590 In the second example there are two negative symbols, two negatives become a OXKAoXGPC-A-00009-00006595-00007464 positive, remember the way to decide what double signs become is by OXKAoXGPC-A-00010-00007464-00007928 remembering your multiplication rules and that a positive times a negative OXKAoXGPC-A-00011-00007928-00008466 results in a negative, whereas a negative times a negative results in a positive. OXKAoXGPC-A-00012-00008472-00009080 After we have addressed the double signs we then can rewrite the rest of the problem, OXKAoXGPC-A-00013-00009092-00009822 bringing down those numbers from above. OXKAoXGPC-A-00014-00009824-00010742 We now have a problem that has no double signs, so we may now start working left to right. OXKAoXGPC-A-00015-00010746-00011012 We do the first two numbers. OXKAoXGPC-A-00016-00011012-00011662 When looking at these first two numbers, we see that they are both negatives. OXKAoXGPC-A-00017-00011674-00012432 Since they are the same sign we know we must use the rule: same sign add and keep. OXKAoXGPC-A-00018-00012440-00013412 This means I do five plus two to give me seven, and keep means, keep the sign of the two numbers. OXKAoXGPC-A-00019-00013422-00014134 We now bring everything else straight down and continue the problem. OXKAoXGPC-A-00020-00014146-00014830 In the next step, we have the first two numbers going left to right once again. OXKAoXGPC-A-00021-00014834-00015266 This time we see that it is a negative seven and a positive six. OXKAoXGPC-A-00022-00015276-00015562 These two numbers do not have the same sign OXKAoXGPC-A-00023-00015574-00016047 therefore; we must use the rule for different signs. OXKAoXGPC-A-00024-00016054-00016774 When there are different signs, we use the rule: different signs subtract, keep the sign of the larger number. OXKAoXGPC-A-00025-00016784-00017062 This means we must first subtract the two numbers. OXKAoXGPC-A-00026-00017082-00017692 Seven minus six gives you one and keep the sign of the larger number. OXKAoXGPC-A-00027-00017696-00018208 The larger number is negative seven, so our answer is negative one. OXKAoXGPC-A-00028-00018209-00019181 We now must bring down all other pieces of the problem that we have yet to use. OXKAoXGPC-A-00029-00019181-00019932 We now see that we have negative one, minus four, plus eight. OXKAoXGPC-A-00030-00019940-00020316 We now look at the next two numbers from left to right. OXKAoXGPC-A-00031-00020320-00020684 We assess whether they have the same sign or different. OXKAoXGPC-A-00032-00020690-00021052 These two numbers have the same sign both of which are negative OXKAoXGPC-A-00033-00021064-00021556 therefore, we use the rule same sign add and keep. OXKAoXGPC-A-00034-00021558-00022104 Since they are the same sign we add them together one plus four is five. OXKAoXGPC-A-00035-00022110-00022826 Keep the sign, means keep the sign of the number, which means we keep it negative. OXKAoXGPC-A-00036-00022828-00023456 Since we did nothing to the positive eight we bring it down . OXKAoXGPC-A-00037-00023466-00023842 In our final step, we only have two numbers left. OXKAoXGPC-A-00038-00023858-00024440 We now decide which rule to use, we see that these two numbers have different signs. OXKAoXGPC-A-00039-00024448-00024622 Since they have different signs, OXKAoXGPC-A-00040-00024624-00025136 we must subtract them from one another and keep the sign of the larger number. OXKAoXGPC-A-00041-00025144-00025816 When we do eight minus five we get three and the larger number is eight and it is positive OXKAoXGPC-A-00042-00025830-00026044 therefore, our answer is positive. OXKAoXGPC-A-00043-00026058-00026495 We do not however need to write the positive symbol in front of the three OXKAoXGPC-A-00044-00026512-00026882 and therefore, our answer is three. OXKAoXGPC-A-00045-00026882-00027510 Example two, in example two we can see that once again we have double signs OXKAoXGPC-A-00046-00027518-00028186 we must first address these double signs before we are able to solve the problem. OXKAoXGPC-A-00047-00028186-00028695 Remember, double signs follow the rules for multiplication. OXKAoXGPC-A-00048-00028698-00029080 therefore, a positive and a negative make a negative, OXKAoXGPC-A-00049-00029088-00029476 and a negative and a negative make a positive. OXKAoXGPC-A-00050-00029477-00029714 Since we have done nothing to the rest of the problem OXKAoXGPC-A-00051-00029720-00030770 all other parts are brought straight down. After bringing all the pieces down we can see OXKAoXGPC-A-00052-00030789-00031077 that we have no double signs and therefore, OXKAoXGPC-A-00053-00031082-00031638 can start working from left to right. We start with the two numbers at the front OXKAoXGPC-A-00054-00031648-00032127 and we see that we have a positive four and a negative eight these OXKAoXGPC-A-00055-00032136-00032508 two numbers have different signs therefore, we need to subtract them from OXKAoXGPC-A-00056-00032510-00033186 one another. When we have eight minus four we get the answer of four. We then must decide OXKAoXGPC-A-00057-00033194-00033848 the sign on the number and since the eight is the larger number we keep its sign giving OXKAoXGPC-A-00058-00033862-00034574 the answer negative four. We then bring down the rest of the problem to continue OXKAoXGPC-A-00059-00034574-00035309 solving. We now look at the next two numbers in the problem and see that it OXKAoXGPC-A-00060-00035318-00035841 is negative four and a negative three. These two numbers have the same sign OXKAoXGPC-A-00061-00035841-00036461 therefore, we use the rule same sign add and keep. When I add the three and the four OXKAoXGPC-A-00062-00036461-00037093 together I get a seven, and keeping the symbol means that the seven is negative. OXKAoXGPC-A-00063-00037093-00038000 I next bring down all of the pieces from above. I can now look at the next two OXKAoXGPC-A-00064-00038000-00038732 numbers. I have a negative seven and a positive one these two numbers have OXKAoXGPC-A-00065-00038744-00039052 different signs and therefore I must subtract. OXKAoXGPC-A-00066-00039062-00039478 The seven minus one would give me a six. OXKAoXGPC-A-00067-00039494-00039784 After subtracting I must determine the sign. OXKAoXGPC-A-00068-00039792-00040178 Remember, we always keep the sign on the larger number. OXKAoXGPC-A-00069-00040186-00040768 The larger number is seven and it was negative so our sign is negative. OXKAoXGPC-A-00070-00040782-00041266 We next bring down the positive three. OXKAoXGPC-A-00071-00041268-00041746 We now only have two numbers remaining. These two numbers are negative OXKAoXGPC-A-00072-00041746-00042330 six and positive three. They have different signs therefore we must subtract them. OXKAoXGPC-A-00073-00042346-00042922 The six minus three would give me a three. I then must determine the OXKAoXGPC-A-00074-00042922-00043502 sign on the number and since the six is the larger number, I keep its sign which OXKAoXGPC-A-00075-00043508-00044418 was negative. Therefore the answer is negative three. Remember, that when solving OXKAoXGPC-A-00076-00044426-00044984 many integers with adding and subtracting we always work left to right. OXKAoXGPC-A-00077-00044988-00045542 Before we may work left to right, remember to get rid of double signs OXKAoXGPC-A-00078-00045542-00045906 using the multiplication rules. OadtgHH6jvu-00000-00000575-00001061 More and more people across the globe are suffering from airway diseases like asthma OadtgHH6jvu-00001-00001061-00001509 and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. OadtgHH6jvu-00002-00001509-00002074 If these patients need surgery requiring general anesthesia, their airway disease can complicate OadtgHH6jvu-00003-00002074-00002608 the process and change how quickly anesthesia takes effect and wears off. OadtgHH6jvu-00004-00002608-00003189 One common issue is that these patients experience what is called ventilation-perfusion mismatch, OadtgHH6jvu-00005-00003189-00003760 where some lung regions may get enough air, but not enough blood flow, or vice-versa. OadtgHH6jvu-00006-00003760-00004232 When this happens, it can change how the body processes different types of anesthetics, OadtgHH6jvu-00007-00004232-00004540 but so far the details aren’t clear. OadtgHH6jvu-00008-00004540-00005099 Now, a study has investigated whether anesthetic solubility -- how easily the drug dissolves OadtgHH6jvu-00009-00005099-00005199 in blood -- is important. OadtgHH6jvu-00010-00005199-00006008 In the study, an international group of anesthesiologists evaluated two inhalational anesthetics in OadtgHH6jvu-00011-00006008-00006581 pigs, using a drug called methacholine to constrict the airways, and mimic the airway OadtgHH6jvu-00012-00006581-00006995 disease of an asthmatic or someone with COPD. OadtgHH6jvu-00013-00006995-00007669 The team tested desflurane, a volatile anesthetic with very low solubility, and isoflurane, OadtgHH6jvu-00014-00007669-00007869 which is more soluble. OadtgHH6jvu-00015-00007869-00008442 They measured the uptake and elimination of each drug before and during bronchoconstriction OadtgHH6jvu-00016-00008442-00008873 using micropore membrane inlet mass spectrometry. OadtgHH6jvu-00017-00008873-00009389 In this technique, the amount of anesthetic can be evaluated accurately and quickly with OadtgHH6jvu-00018-00009389-00009778 mass spectrometry using a small blood sample. OadtgHH6jvu-00019-00009778-00010277 The group found that both drugs were slower to be taken up and eliminated in pigs when OadtgHH6jvu-00020-00010277-00010821 their airways were constricted -- but the effect was more severe with desflurane. OadtgHH6jvu-00021-00010821-00011374 For example, while peak uptake fell by less than a quarter in the isoflurane group, it OadtgHH6jvu-00022-00011374-00011728 dropped almost to half in the desflurane group. OadtgHH6jvu-00023-00011728-00012384 Similarly, elimination fell by just 8 percent in the pigs given isoflurane, versus 46 percent OadtgHH6jvu-00024-00012384-00012621 in those given desflurane. OadtgHH6jvu-00025-00012621-00013072 The results still need to be confirmed in humans, but they suggest that less soluble OadtgHH6jvu-00026-00013072-00013640 drugs like desflurane are more affected by ventilation-perfusion scatter, as can be seen OadtgHH6jvu-00027-00013640-00013915 in asthma or COPD. OadtgHH6jvu-00028-00013915-00014484 Such scattering slows down the onset of anesthesia as well as the recovery from it -- offsetting OadtgHH6jvu-00029-00014484-00014851 some of the advantages modern, low solubility anesthetics have. OagqV6AC9GM-00000-00000008-00000424 Jesus’ Mother and Brothers A story from the life of Jesus OagqV6AC9GM-00001-00000600-00001200 One day Jesus was teaching a group of people about God. His Mother and his brothers came to OagqV6AC9GM-00002-00001200-00001760 the house that he was in. They had heard about the things he was doing and saying. They thought he OagqV6AC9GM-00003-00001760-00002296 was going crazy and they wanted to stop him. One of the friends of Jesus, who he called OagqV6AC9GM-00004-00002296-00002712 disciples, informed Jesus that his siblings and his mother were waiting outside. OagqV6AC9GM-00005-00002808-00003368 Jesus responded: „Who is my mother? Who are my brothers? Aren’t they the people OagqV6AC9GM-00006-00003368-00004384 who listen to God’s words and follow him? You are my family because you trust in God. Od8YldWgPzY-00000-00000000-00000097 GARLIC Od8YldWgPzY-00001-00000097-00000221 CILANTRO Od8YldWgPzY-00002-00000251-00000377 JALAPENOS Od8YldWgPzY-00003-00000421-00000572 SALT Od8YldWgPzY-00004-00000650-00000850 1 LIME Od8YldWgPzY-00005-00000895-00001095 APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Od8YldWgPzY-00006-00001146-00001346 CREME FRAICHE Od8YldWgPzY-00007-00001353-00001454 MIX MIX MIX! OhvyhshdJI0-00000-00000000-00000678 camel spiders also known as wind scorpions sun spiders or soliffugence are arachnids that belong OhvyhshdJI0-00001-00000678-00001308 to the order salifidi despite their name they are not true spiders or scorpions but rather a OhvyhshdJI0-00002-00001308-00001884 distinct group of arachnids with a unique set of physical and behavioral characteristics physical OhvyhshdJI0-00003-00001884-00002520 characteristics camel spiders are typically between one and six inches in length with a OhvyhshdJI0-00004-00002520-00003138 body that is divided into two distinct regions the Persona which contains the head thorax and first OhvyhshdJI0-00005-00003138-00003708 pair of legs and the epistosoma which contains the abdomen and the remaining four pairs of legs OhvyhshdJI0-00006-00003779-00004332 the prosoma is covered in a tough exoskeleton that helps to protect the spider's internal organs from OhvyhshdJI0-00007-00004332-00004956 damage the epistosoma is generally soft and flexible allowing the spider to curl its body OhvyhshdJI0-00008-00004956-00005652 around prey or into tight spaces camel spiders are known for their large powerful jaws which OhvyhshdJI0-00009-00005652-00006204 are located at the front of the persona these Jaws are capable of delivering a painful bite OhvyhshdJI0-00010-00006204-00006738 to prey or humans but they are not venomous and their bite is not typically considered dangerous OhvyhshdJI0-00011-00006828-00007368 the spider's Jaws are also used for grooming and they are lined with sharp comb-like structures OhvyhshdJI0-00012-00007368-00007998 that help to clean and maintain the spider's sensory organs camel spiders have eight legs Each OhvyhshdJI0-00013-00007998-00008634 of which is covered in tiny hairs and spines these hairs and spines are highly sensitive to touch and OhvyhshdJI0-00014-00008634-00009210 vibration and they help the spider to navigate its environment detect prey and avoid predators OhvyhshdJI0-00015-00009300-00009744 the legs are also equipped with powerful muscles that allow the spider to run very OhvyhshdJI0-00016-00009744-00010272 quickly up to speeds of 10 miles per hour making them one of the fastest arachnids in the world OhvyhshdJI0-00017-00010350-00011022 behavioral characteristics camel spiders are primarily nocturnal Hunters using their Keen OhvyhshdJI0-00018-00011022-00011658 senses to detect and capture prey under cover of Darkness they are opportunistic feeders preying OhvyhshdJI0-00019-00011658-00012288 on a wide variety of small animals including insects rodents reptiles and other arachnids OhvyhshdJI0-00020-00012354-00012894 when they locate their prey they use their jaws to crush and tear it apart and then they use the OhvyhshdJI0-00021-00012894-00013458 digestive fluids to break it down and consume it camel spiders are also known for their OhvyhshdJI0-00022-00013458-00013932 aggressive behavior and they will not hesitate to attack anything that they perceive as a thread OhvyhshdJI0-00023-00013997-00014454 this can include other animals such as snakes lizards and even humans OhvyhshdJI0-00024-00014538-00015047 despite their fearsome reputation however camel spiders are generally not considered OhvyhshdJI0-00025-00015047-00015504 dangerous to humans and their bites are typically only painful and not venomous OhvyhshdJI0-00026-00015588-00016146 camel spiders are found in arid regions around the world including parts of Africa the Middle OhvyhshdJI0-00027-00016146-00016776 East and the southwestern United States they are well adapted to these harsh environments and they OhvyhshdJI0-00028-00016776-00017382 have a number of unique adaptations that help them to survive in the Heat and the dryness one of the OhvyhshdJI0-00029-00017382-00017832 most important adaptations of camel spiders is their ability to regulate their body temperature OhvyhshdJI0-00030-00017928-00018426 they are capable of raising their body temperature by as much as 30 degrees Fahrenheit above the OhvyhshdJI0-00031-00018426-00018852 surrounding air temperature which allows them to remain active even in extreme heat OhvyhshdJI0-00032-00018936-00019518 they do this by orienting themselves towards the Sun and using their dark exoskeleton to absorb as OhvyhshdJI0-00033-00019518-00020076 much heat as possible they can also adjust the blood flow to their legs and abdomen allowing OhvyhshdJI0-00034-00020076-00020712 them to cool down when necessary camel spiders are also adapted to conserve water which is critical OhvyhshdJI0-00035-00020712-00021246 in the Arid environments in which they live they are able to go for long periods of time OhvyhshdJI0-00036-00021246-00021852 without drinking water and they can also absorb moisture from the air and from their food they OhvyhshdJI0-00037-00021852-00022320 are also equipped with special organs in their exoskeleton that allow them to sense and avoid OhvyhshdJI0-00038-00022320-00022956 areas of high humidity which can be dangerous for them in conclusion camel spiders are unique OiHzjRMpOb8-00000-00001607-00002199 Can you feel me im coming down from cloud 9 to a marathon OiHzjRMpOb8-00001-00002199-00003499 I know you feel me with your tongue Cannot believe me when I say Im done OiHzjRMpOb8-00002-00003499-00004444 with all the nonsense, all the bullshit OiHzjRMpOb8-00003-00004444-00005288 I might fear a whole lot at the start but when we look upon the stars OiHzjRMpOb8-00004-00005288-00006732 its like summertime magic listen to me we'll have a lot of brand new starts OiHzjRMpOb8-00005-00006732-00007500 can you feel me im going up to a whole new universe OiHzjRMpOb8-00006-00007500-00008513 im planting our seeds up on mars could you realise it?were we always wrong? OiHzjRMpOb8-00007-00008513-00010089 is there nothing to imagine? OiHzjRMpOb8-00008-00014434-00014484 were we always wrong OkRUmRLIkdI-00000-00001038-00001230 I have the pleasure of introducing OkRUmRLIkdI-00001-00001230-00001694 a very phenomenal man, someone that is really special. OkRUmRLIkdI-00002-00001694-00002007 An uplifter, someone that empowers and definitely OkRUmRLIkdI-00003-00002007-00002397 motivates, Robert Britten, from Pierce College, OkRUmRLIkdI-00004-00002397-00003024 a native of Louisiana, is a publisher, a writer, poet, OkRUmRLIkdI-00005-00003024-00003557 educator, speaker, business owner, and mentor. OkRUmRLIkdI-00006-00003557-00003809 Robert holds a Bachelors of Arts degree OkRUmRLIkdI-00007-00003809-00004299 in Organizational Leadership from Brandman University OkRUmRLIkdI-00008-00004299-00004795 and is currently pursuing a Master's of Education. OkRUmRLIkdI-00009-00004795-00005095 He is a trained facilitator and is OkRUmRLIkdI-00010-00005095-00005407 dependable in dependable strengths. OkRUmRLIkdI-00011-00005407-00005957 He has formulated and designed half and full day workshops OkRUmRLIkdI-00012-00005957-00006226 on responsive success and mentoring. OkRUmRLIkdI-00013-00006226-00006595 He is a program manager at Pierce College in Lakewood, OkRUmRLIkdI-00014-00006595-00007115 Washington, and a past recipient of the Allen Spence Scholarship OkRUmRLIkdI-00015-00007115-00007220 Award. OkRUmRLIkdI-00016-00007220-00007570 Robert is also a graduate of the Social Justice Leadership OkRUmRLIkdI-00017-00007570-00007920 Institute and serves as a board member for the LightHouse OkRUmRLIkdI-00018-00007920-00008151 StoreHouse. OkRUmRLIkdI-00019-00008151-00008451 Robert is often seen telling his story of triumph OkRUmRLIkdI-00020-00008451-00008703 over adversity and encouraging others OkRUmRLIkdI-00021-00008703-00008985 to find personal strength through their gifts. OkRUmRLIkdI-00022-00008985-00009544 He is a husband, a father, and a social justice advocate. OkRUmRLIkdI-00023-00009544-00010041 Robert's books, When Leadership Matters OkRUmRLIkdI-00024-00010041-00010276 and No Time Like the Present, are OkRUmRLIkdI-00025-00010276-00010900 available at www.vitalforcebooks.com, OkRUmRLIkdI-00026-00010900-00011359 as well as in this corner after the presentation. OkRUmRLIkdI-00027-00011359-00011719 Can you all please join me in welcoming Robert Britten? OkRUmRLIkdI-00028-00012344-00012425 Good morning. OkRUmRLIkdI-00029-00012425-00012602 I think I got some sound. OkRUmRLIkdI-00030-00012602-00012663 Good morning. OkRUmRLIkdI-00031-00012663-00012832 Thank you so much, [? Dominque. ?] I OkRUmRLIkdI-00032-00012832-00013024 appreciate you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00033-00013024-00013421 Thank you Highline College and [? Dominique ?] OkRUmRLIkdI-00034-00013421-00013679 for recognizing and seeing a gift in me OkRUmRLIkdI-00035-00013679-00014158 and asking me to come and speak before you today, OkRUmRLIkdI-00036-00014158-00014531 and to Doris Martinez and the entire team of individuals OkRUmRLIkdI-00037-00014531-00015169 who consulted and decided that the voice that I have OkRUmRLIkdI-00038-00015169-00015508 is a voice that should be heard. OkRUmRLIkdI-00039-00015508-00015728 And I thank you for that opportunity OkRUmRLIkdI-00040-00015728-00015913 and for this opportunity. OkRUmRLIkdI-00041-00015913-00016363 But I also want you to know that during this week and beyond, OkRUmRLIkdI-00042-00016363-00016988 you also have a voice that is worthy of being heard. OkRUmRLIkdI-00043-00016988-00017374 Let it not be mistaken. OkRUmRLIkdI-00044-00017374-00017954 You are great, and you have the greatest opportunity before you OkRUmRLIkdI-00045-00017954-00018623 today to take action for a cause that you believe in. OkRUmRLIkdI-00046-00018623-00018947 And if you believe in social justice, OkRUmRLIkdI-00047-00018947-00019337 if you believe in equality, if you believe OkRUmRLIkdI-00048-00019337-00019595 in the right of every human being OkRUmRLIkdI-00049-00019595-00020191 to live in a dignified manner, then you have work to do. OkRUmRLIkdI-00050-00020191-00020643 And today, as we continue the legacy of Dr. King, OkRUmRLIkdI-00051-00020643-00021099 we will implore you to use your gifts, to move OkRUmRLIkdI-00052-00021099-00021490 the needle of progress forward. OkRUmRLIkdI-00053-00021490-00021630 Again, I thank you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00054-00021630-00021708 I thank you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00055-00021708-00021989 And I thank you again. OkRUmRLIkdI-00056-00021989-00022196 I want to begin with a poem and end OkRUmRLIkdI-00057-00022196-00022571 with a poem in this presentation, out my book OkRUmRLIkdI-00058-00022571-00022803 No Time Like the Present. OkRUmRLIkdI-00059-00022803-00023468 And this first piece is called "Is America for Me?" OkRUmRLIkdI-00060-00023468-00023768 "Is America for me, the lost child OkRUmRLIkdI-00061-00023768-00024140 of Africa, who after 400 years is still OkRUmRLIkdI-00062-00024140-00024491 an alien in the land of his birth? OkRUmRLIkdI-00063-00024491-00024908 Is America for me, the one who lived the American nightmare so OkRUmRLIkdI-00064-00024908-00025265 that others may live the American dream? OkRUmRLIkdI-00065-00025265-00025586 Is America for me, the America whose wars OkRUmRLIkdI-00066-00025586-00026012 I fought to prove myself a man among men OkRUmRLIkdI-00067-00026012-00026408 only to meet defeat in the face of victory? OkRUmRLIkdI-00068-00026408-00026888 Is America for me, the woman whose mind and body OkRUmRLIkdI-00069-00026888-00027302 was brutalized by men who did not know she OkRUmRLIkdI-00070-00027302-00027770 would emerge to become the queen she was created to be? OkRUmRLIkdI-00071-00027770-00028127 Is America for me, the man whose dignity that OkRUmRLIkdI-00072-00028127-00028436 was stripped so that the legacy of greatness OkRUmRLIkdI-00073-00028436-00028739 could not be passed on? OkRUmRLIkdI-00074-00028739-00029132 Is America for me, the child without a foundation OkRUmRLIkdI-00075-00029132-00029492 upon which to build his life while exposed OkRUmRLIkdI-00076-00029492-00029802 to a world that takes a life? OkRUmRLIkdI-00077-00029802-00030217 Is America for me, he who is willing to be for her what she OkRUmRLIkdI-00078-00030217-00030533 could not dare be for herself? OkRUmRLIkdI-00079-00030533-00031110 The America who she carries the lash of her whip OkRUmRLIkdI-00080-00031110-00031470 and loves her in spite of herself. OkRUmRLIkdI-00081-00031470-00031980 Is America truly for me?" OkRUmRLIkdI-00082-00031980-00032617 And you may ask, how does that question relate OkRUmRLIkdI-00083-00032617-00032986 to the legacy of Dr. King? OkRUmRLIkdI-00084-00032986-00033623 You see, Dr. King was more than the "I Have a Dream" speech. OkRUmRLIkdI-00085-00033623-00034018 Dr. King was more than a pastor. OkRUmRLIkdI-00086-00034018-00034327 Dr. King was more than an advocate. OkRUmRLIkdI-00087-00034327-00034753 Dr. King was simply more than a man. OkRUmRLIkdI-00088-00034753-00035200 But what he did was he used his personal victories OkRUmRLIkdI-00089-00035200-00035632 and his personal tragedies to build a platform OkRUmRLIkdI-00090-00035632-00035947 upon which we now stand. OkRUmRLIkdI-00091-00035947-00036259 When I speak about the tragedies of Dr. King, OkRUmRLIkdI-00092-00036259-00036502 there is one such tragedy we seldom OkRUmRLIkdI-00093-00036502-00036701 speak about when we talk about his legacy. OkRUmRLIkdI-00094-00037020-00037624 At the age of 15, Dr. King was a very precocious young man. OkRUmRLIkdI-00095-00037624-00038185 And he had this desire to want to go into town all the time. OkRUmRLIkdI-00096-00038185-00038464 But on this particular day, his parents OkRUmRLIkdI-00097-00038464-00038701 say, Martin, we need you to stay home and look OkRUmRLIkdI-00098-00038701-00039174 after your grandmother and look after your siblings, OkRUmRLIkdI-00099-00039174-00039405 because we have to go and take care of some business. OkRUmRLIkdI-00100-00039663-00040044 After his parents left and left him in charge, OkRUmRLIkdI-00101-00040044-00040242 his desire to want to go into town OkRUmRLIkdI-00102-00040242-00040636 was so great that he left home and went into town. OkRUmRLIkdI-00103-00040636-00040908 And while he was out, his grandmother OkRUmRLIkdI-00104-00040908-00041163 fell down a flight of stairs. OkRUmRLIkdI-00105-00041163-00041600 And as a result of her injuries, she passed away. OkRUmRLIkdI-00106-00041600-00041872 That has such a profound impact upon him OkRUmRLIkdI-00107-00041872-00042092 that he went into depression, because he OkRUmRLIkdI-00108-00042092-00042416 based her dying on his not being there OkRUmRLIkdI-00109-00042416-00042770 when he was told to be there. OkRUmRLIkdI-00110-00042770-00043117 And as a result of that depression, OkRUmRLIkdI-00111-00043117-00043565 on the third floor balcony from his home, he jumped. OkRUmRLIkdI-00112-00043565-00043955 He tried to take his own life as the result of the guilt he OkRUmRLIkdI-00113-00043955-00044355 felt for not being there. OkRUmRLIkdI-00114-00044355-00044823 But apparently he survived, as so many of you OkRUmRLIkdI-00115-00044823-00045117 have survived tragedies in your life, OkRUmRLIkdI-00116-00045117-00045512 and you have overcome homelessness. OkRUmRLIkdI-00117-00045512-00045694 You've overcome poverty. OkRUmRLIkdI-00118-00045694-00045872 You've overcome people telling you OkRUmRLIkdI-00119-00045872-00046034 that you couldn't be something. OkRUmRLIkdI-00120-00046034-00046689 You've overcome so many things, and today you stand in an arena OkRUmRLIkdI-00121-00046689-00047078 where you can display your greatness. OkRUmRLIkdI-00122-00047078-00047335 So you, too, are an overcomer. OkRUmRLIkdI-00123-00047335-00047551 But the question remains, what am I OkRUmRLIkdI-00124-00047551-00047969 going to do with the victories that I've accomplished, OkRUmRLIkdI-00125-00047969-00048363 that I've obtained, that I've seen my way through, OkRUmRLIkdI-00126-00048363-00048588 that I've been led through by others, OkRUmRLIkdI-00127-00048588-00048756 that I have been mentored through, OkRUmRLIkdI-00128-00048756-00049026 that I've been coached through? OkRUmRLIkdI-00129-00049026-00049512 What am I going to do with my tragedy, OkRUmRLIkdI-00130-00049512-00049903 and how can I turn it into triumph? OkRUmRLIkdI-00131-00049903-00050365 Today I am tasked with the privilege and the honor OkRUmRLIkdI-00132-00050365-00051040 of speaking to you on some subjects that are related OkRUmRLIkdI-00133-00051040-00051429 to the civil rights movement. OkRUmRLIkdI-00134-00051429-00051654 Capitalism. OkRUmRLIkdI-00135-00051654-00052075 Capitalism is an economic and political system OkRUmRLIkdI-00136-00052075-00052462 in which a country's trade and industry are OkRUmRLIkdI-00137-00052462-00052837 controlled by private owners for profit, OkRUmRLIkdI-00138-00052837-00053108 rather than by the state. OkRUmRLIkdI-00139-00053108-00053742 So capitalism has always been linked to civil rights, OkRUmRLIkdI-00140-00053742-00054091 and in several important ways, but two in particular. OkRUmRLIkdI-00141-00054091-00054141 Jobs. OkRUmRLIkdI-00142-00054504-00054735 We don't recognize, or should I say OkRUmRLIkdI-00143-00054735-00055059 we forget, that the March on Washington OkRUmRLIkdI-00144-00055059-00055341 was not just a march for people together. OkRUmRLIkdI-00145-00055341-00055932 It was titled The March for Jobs and Freedom. OkRUmRLIkdI-00146-00055932-00056151 That was the original title or topic OkRUmRLIkdI-00147-00056151-00056529 for them going to Washington, for jobs, OkRUmRLIkdI-00148-00056529-00056901 which is an economic piece of our economy OkRUmRLIkdI-00149-00056901-00057141 that's tied to capitalism. OkRUmRLIkdI-00150-00057141-00057603 If you control industry, you control the people. OkRUmRLIkdI-00151-00057603-00057852 You control where they go and how they go. OkRUmRLIkdI-00152-00057852-00058287 You can control how quickly they get to a higher plateau. OkRUmRLIkdI-00153-00058287-00058795 And so there is nothing that is by chance in our environment. OkRUmRLIkdI-00154-00058795-00059163 But it is part of a systemic process and a system OkRUmRLIkdI-00155-00059163-00059397 that is designed to-- OkRUmRLIkdI-00156-00059397-00059821 as it was then, the same as it is now-- OkRUmRLIkdI-00157-00059821-00060115 to promote the wealth of the wealthy OkRUmRLIkdI-00158-00060115-00060586 and to keep those who are considered lower OkRUmRLIkdI-00159-00060586-00060892 in position and in place. OkRUmRLIkdI-00160-00060892-00061161 It was also about power. OkRUmRLIkdI-00161-00061161-00061434 Power is really about economics. OkRUmRLIkdI-00162-00061434-00061787 And when you control power, the feel of power, OkRUmRLIkdI-00163-00061787-00062172 the flow of power, you control the influence of things. OkRUmRLIkdI-00164-00062172-00062550 It's like the educational system you're part of. OkRUmRLIkdI-00165-00062550-00062772 We believe a narrative that we've OkRUmRLIkdI-00166-00062772-00063177 been taught that is sometimes a false narrative. OkRUmRLIkdI-00167-00063177-00063461 But what do we want to do with the narrative about who OkRUmRLIkdI-00168-00063461-00063913 we are as individuals and a collective body? OkRUmRLIkdI-00169-00063913-00064327 We have to be willing to do for others OkRUmRLIkdI-00170-00064327-00064684 what they yet not have the courage to do for themselves. OkRUmRLIkdI-00171-00064684-00065146 To be a social justice advocate, to be a civil rights advocate, OkRUmRLIkdI-00172-00065146-00065437 to be an advocate for anyone, requires OkRUmRLIkdI-00173-00065437-00065758 us to put something at stake, requires us OkRUmRLIkdI-00174-00065758-00065944 to put something on the line. OkRUmRLIkdI-00175-00065944-00066105 In the real estate market, we call it OkRUmRLIkdI-00176-00066105-00066340 we have to put some skin in the game. OkRUmRLIkdI-00177-00066340-00066601 And so in order for you to put some skin in the game, OkRUmRLIkdI-00178-00066601-00066842 you have to determine what you're willing to risk. OkRUmRLIkdI-00179-00067094-00067391 There are things that you see, that you encounter OkRUmRLIkdI-00180-00067391-00068025 in your educational journeys, that you take issue with, OkRUmRLIkdI-00181-00068025-00068393 but you remain silent on. OkRUmRLIkdI-00182-00068393-00068627 Realize that the Civil Rights Movement OkRUmRLIkdI-00183-00068627-00069030 moved in great part because of students. OkRUmRLIkdI-00184-00069030-00069452 It is students like you who decide that enough is enough. OkRUmRLIkdI-00185-00069452-00069677 And like Dr. King, you take action. OkRUmRLIkdI-00186-00069677-00069994 You put some skin in the game. OkRUmRLIkdI-00187-00069994-00070199 But what is your issue? OkRUmRLIkdI-00188-00070199-00070364 What is your cause? OkRUmRLIkdI-00189-00070364-00070705 What are you willing to fight for? OkRUmRLIkdI-00190-00070705-00071357 You see, because civil rights, social justice, equality, OkRUmRLIkdI-00191-00071357-00071836 equity, inclusion, those things is not for them to start. OkRUmRLIkdI-00192-00071836-00072127 It's for me to start. OkRUmRLIkdI-00193-00072127-00072435 You see, social justice doesn't start out there. OkRUmRLIkdI-00194-00072435-00072561 It starts in here. OkRUmRLIkdI-00195-00072818-00073055 What activates you? OkRUmRLIkdI-00196-00073055-00073277 What motivates you? OkRUmRLIkdI-00197-00073277-00073684 What compels you to do the work that you do? OkRUmRLIkdI-00198-00073684-00073915 Do you have a purpose? OkRUmRLIkdI-00199-00073915-00074107 Dr. King had a purpose. OkRUmRLIkdI-00200-00074107-00074395 Those around him had a purpose. OkRUmRLIkdI-00201-00074395-00074776 And it is important to know that you cannot fight the fight OkRUmRLIkdI-00202-00074776-00074973 alone. OkRUmRLIkdI-00203-00074973-00075148 And why is that important? OkRUmRLIkdI-00204-00075148-00075639 Because when you do work together, you find commonality. OkRUmRLIkdI-00205-00075639-00075804 You find common ground. OkRUmRLIkdI-00206-00075804-00076062 There were blacks and whites and Asians OkRUmRLIkdI-00207-00076062-00076397 all together in the Civil Rights Movement. OkRUmRLIkdI-00208-00076397-00076608 It was not just Dr. King, although he OkRUmRLIkdI-00209-00076608-00076922 was the symbol of it. OkRUmRLIkdI-00210-00076922-00077467 You are now the proof that the symbol was real. OkRUmRLIkdI-00211-00077467-00077653 But the efforts and the fight must OkRUmRLIkdI-00212-00077653-00078034 continue, because you have to align yourself OkRUmRLIkdI-00213-00078034-00078389 with individuals of like mind. OkRUmRLIkdI-00214-00078389-00078748 Who you associate with matters. OkRUmRLIkdI-00215-00078748-00079033 Who you spend your time with matters. OkRUmRLIkdI-00216-00079033-00079498 The work that you do day in and day out matters. OkRUmRLIkdI-00217-00079498-00079830 I'll give you a story. OkRUmRLIkdI-00218-00079830-00080306 Once there was an eagle who got injured, OkRUmRLIkdI-00219-00080306-00080654 and he landed in this field. OkRUmRLIkdI-00220-00080654-00080949 And this farmer found this eagle, OkRUmRLIkdI-00221-00080949-00081367 and he took him home and placed him in the chicken coop OkRUmRLIkdI-00222-00081367-00081670 and he nursed this eagle back to health. OkRUmRLIkdI-00223-00081670-00081842 But it took some time. OkRUmRLIkdI-00224-00081842-00082246 But during the time that it took for the eagle to heal, OkRUmRLIkdI-00225-00082246-00082706 he began to mimic the behaviors of the chicken. OkRUmRLIkdI-00226-00082706-00082919 And as a result, when the chickens went out OkRUmRLIkdI-00227-00082919-00083273 to start plucking and clucking and doing what they do, OkRUmRLIkdI-00228-00083273-00083885 the eagle followed suit, because he saw himself as one of them. OkRUmRLIkdI-00229-00083885-00084468 He identified with them and began to be just like them. OkRUmRLIkdI-00230-00084468-00084785 And so one day, an eagle was flying over OkRUmRLIkdI-00231-00084785-00085025 and noticed him among the chickens. OkRUmRLIkdI-00232-00085025-00085343 And he flew down close to him and say, man, what in the world OkRUmRLIkdI-00233-00085343-00085448 are you doing? OkRUmRLIkdI-00234-00085448-00085693 Don't you know who you are? OkRUmRLIkdI-00235-00085693-00085844 He said, yes I do. OkRUmRLIkdI-00236-00085844-00086072 I'm a chicken. OkRUmRLIkdI-00237-00086072-00086552 And so he began to, again, to start clucking and pecking OkRUmRLIkdI-00238-00086552-00086627 in the dirt. OkRUmRLIkdI-00239-00086627-00086962 He said, look at yourself. OkRUmRLIkdI-00240-00086962-00087241 Now look at me. OkRUmRLIkdI-00241-00087241-00087824 I am what you are capable of if you only believe in your gifts. OkRUmRLIkdI-00242-00087824-00088220 And so the eagle took flight, and the eagle OkRUmRLIkdI-00243-00088220-00088586 that was once injured is looking at him and saying, wow. OkRUmRLIkdI-00244-00088586-00088901 He can fly. OkRUmRLIkdI-00245-00088901-00089263 He can do things that I have not yet dared to do, OkRUmRLIkdI-00246-00089263-00089618 or I can't remember doing them because I've been divorced OkRUmRLIkdI-00247-00089618-00089938 from myself for so long. OkRUmRLIkdI-00248-00089938-00090499 And now the eagle comes back and say, what you've seen me do, OkRUmRLIkdI-00249-00090499-00090607 you do. OkRUmRLIkdI-00250-00090607-00090742 Flap your wings. OkRUmRLIkdI-00251-00090742-00091108 You are greater than what you are right now. OkRUmRLIkdI-00252-00091108-00091270 Let me show you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00253-00091270-00091723 And so what happened is that he took a leap of faith OkRUmRLIkdI-00254-00091723-00092141 and took flight, because he now hung OkRUmRLIkdI-00255-00092141-00092736 around someone that saw above what the possibilities were. OkRUmRLIkdI-00256-00092736-00092940 When you are in civil rights, when OkRUmRLIkdI-00257-00092940-00093156 you are doing social justice work, OkRUmRLIkdI-00258-00093156-00093576 you must associate with people that see a solution OkRUmRLIkdI-00259-00093576-00093866 and not just see the problem. OkRUmRLIkdI-00260-00093866-00094097 And when you see the solution, now you OkRUmRLIkdI-00261-00094097-00094346 know what you are capable of doing, OkRUmRLIkdI-00262-00094346-00094923 because it requires you to now take action and not OkRUmRLIkdI-00263-00094923-00095486 be reactionary to the day and the situation. OkRUmRLIkdI-00264-00095486-00095745 Militarism. OkRUmRLIkdI-00265-00095745-00096120 Militarism is a political orientation of a people OkRUmRLIkdI-00266-00096120-00096543 or a government to maintain a strong military force OkRUmRLIkdI-00267-00096543-00096888 and be prepared to use it aggressively OkRUmRLIkdI-00268-00096888-00097434 to defend or promote its own or its national interests. OkRUmRLIkdI-00269-00097716-00098082 Dr. King met face to face with militarism, OkRUmRLIkdI-00270-00098082-00098271 because the local state government OkRUmRLIkdI-00271-00098271-00098458 and the federal government did not OkRUmRLIkdI-00272-00098458-00099055 mind using their might and their strength to squash him. OkRUmRLIkdI-00273-00099055-00099292 They did not mind putting the dogs on him. OkRUmRLIkdI-00274-00099292-00099796 They did not mind using their military might OkRUmRLIkdI-00275-00099796-00100463 against civilians who were protesting peacefully for jobs, OkRUmRLIkdI-00276-00100463-00100869 for economic freedom, for the right to vote, OkRUmRLIkdI-00277-00100869-00101292 for the right to exist as human beings. OkRUmRLIkdI-00278-00101292-00101705 And yet there were some in the society that said, OkRUmRLIkdI-00279-00101705-00102061 you are not worthy. OkRUmRLIkdI-00280-00102061-00102593 But I want to encourage you today to re-look at yourself. OkRUmRLIkdI-00281-00102593-00102950 And when you look at yourself, look at the reflection, OkRUmRLIkdI-00282-00102950-00103166 and not look beyond the reflection OkRUmRLIkdI-00283-00103166-00103328 to see what's behind you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00284-00103328-00103660 Because the most important thing to you OkRUmRLIkdI-00285-00103660-00104129 is what's in front of you, not what's behind you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00286-00104129-00104481 When you look at yourself, what do you see? OkRUmRLIkdI-00287-00104481-00104676 Do you like it? OkRUmRLIkdI-00288-00104676-00105175 And more importantly, does it like you? OkRUmRLIkdI-00289-00105175-00105695 Does your reflection like what it sees? OkRUmRLIkdI-00290-00105695-00106210 If your reflection does not like you, it will not promote you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00291-00106210-00106755 If your reflection does not promote you, OkRUmRLIkdI-00292-00106755-00106970 it will not exalt you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00293-00106970-00107623 If your reflection does not satisfy the work that you do, OkRUmRLIkdI-00294-00107623-00107798 find new work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00295-00107798-00108044 But one of the things that's really important for us OkRUmRLIkdI-00296-00108044-00108264 to understand about social justice OkRUmRLIkdI-00297-00108264-00108680 work in the civil rights era and in today's era OkRUmRLIkdI-00298-00108680-00109094 is that it requires us to have a healthy dose and a firm OkRUmRLIkdI-00299-00109094-00109363 sense of self. OkRUmRLIkdI-00300-00109363-00109558 Because if you don't know who you are, OkRUmRLIkdI-00301-00109558-00109843 someone else will tell you who you are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00302-00109843-00110008 If you don't know where you're going, OkRUmRLIkdI-00303-00110008-00110323 someone else will lead you to where they think you should be. OkRUmRLIkdI-00304-00110323-00110758 If you don't become aware of your strength, OkRUmRLIkdI-00305-00110758-00111183 somebody will remind you of how weak you are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00306-00111183-00111601 So we have to be willing to move, OkRUmRLIkdI-00307-00111601-00112147 because movement creates energy. OkRUmRLIkdI-00308-00112147-00112540 And energy creates synergy. OkRUmRLIkdI-00309-00112540-00112838 Who are you connected with? OkRUmRLIkdI-00310-00112838-00113324 Dr. King said, "I am convinced that if we OkRUmRLIkdI-00311-00113324-00113734 are to get on the right side of the world revolution, OkRUmRLIkdI-00312-00113734-00114247 we must undergo a radical revolution of values. OkRUmRLIkdI-00313-00114247-00114783 When machines and computers, profit motives, and property OkRUmRLIkdI-00314-00114783-00115134 rights are considered more important than people, OkRUmRLIkdI-00315-00115134-00115710 the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism OkRUmRLIkdI-00316-00115710-00116040 are incapable of being conquered." OkRUmRLIkdI-00317-00116431-00116860 We must be willing to stand in the gap. OkRUmRLIkdI-00318-00116860-00117439 Someone sitting next to you may not be as strong as you are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00319-00117439-00117795 But when you recognize someone's weakness, OkRUmRLIkdI-00320-00117795-00117990 you don't point it out. OkRUmRLIkdI-00321-00117990-00118174 You help them up. OkRUmRLIkdI-00322-00118174-00118655 Bring them to your level so that you can do the work together. OkRUmRLIkdI-00323-00118655-00119086 You see, so often we become marginalized by who OkRUmRLIkdI-00324-00119086-00119403 we think we are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00325-00119403-00119772 Self-imposed limitations, because someone else OkRUmRLIkdI-00326-00119772-00120210 has controlled the narrative that we now believe. OkRUmRLIkdI-00327-00120210-00120569 Who do you know yourself to be? OkRUmRLIkdI-00328-00120569-00120880 This is a very diverse group. OkRUmRLIkdI-00329-00120880-00121114 We have to be willing to come into spaces OkRUmRLIkdI-00330-00121114-00121501 and meet people where they are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00331-00121501-00121807 I came into a session one time and there OkRUmRLIkdI-00332-00121807-00122198 was a young Muslim woman in the setting. OkRUmRLIkdI-00333-00122198-00122677 And there was a prayer to be offered. OkRUmRLIkdI-00334-00122677-00123100 And at that moment, I stopped everyone in the room, OkRUmRLIkdI-00335-00123100-00123470 and I prayed the Al-Fatiha prayer. OkRUmRLIkdI-00336-00123470-00123633 And what tripped everyone in the room OkRUmRLIkdI-00337-00123633-00124020 out was that I began to say [SPEAKING ARABIC].. OkRUmRLIkdI-00338-00124438-00124783 And I recited the Al-Fatiha. OkRUmRLIkdI-00339-00124783-00124948 And there was an Asian woman-- OkRUmRLIkdI-00340-00124948-00125281 because my wife is [INAUDIBLE] and Chinese-- OkRUmRLIkdI-00341-00125281-00125605 and she had never been greeted in a public setting in her own OkRUmRLIkdI-00342-00125605-00125852 language, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH]. OkRUmRLIkdI-00343-00125852-00126228 And so we have to recognize the people who are in our midst OkRUmRLIkdI-00344-00126228-00126445 so that we can meet their needs. OkRUmRLIkdI-00345-00126445-00126619 If you're not meeting people's needs, OkRUmRLIkdI-00346-00126619-00127036 you're not doing the work of social justice. OkRUmRLIkdI-00347-00127036-00127472 Civil rights requires us to meet people where they are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00348-00127472-00127820 Social justice requires us to treat people OkRUmRLIkdI-00349-00127820-00128228 as if they were me. OkRUmRLIkdI-00350-00128228-00128352 Let me say that again. OkRUmRLIkdI-00351-00128352-00128658 Social justice requires us to treat people OkRUmRLIkdI-00352-00128658-00128772 as if they were me. OkRUmRLIkdI-00353-00129059-00129420 I don't want to be mistreated, so why in the world OkRUmRLIkdI-00354-00129420-00129783 would I go out and mistreat someone else? OkRUmRLIkdI-00355-00129783-00130202 We have to be willing to do the work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00356-00130202-00130456 And this work is sacrificial. OkRUmRLIkdI-00357-00130456-00130673 This work is important. OkRUmRLIkdI-00358-00130673-00131035 And this work requires you to take action. OkRUmRLIkdI-00359-00131306-00131545 Racism. OkRUmRLIkdI-00360-00131545-00132233 Racism is an air of superiority that says, I'm better than you OkRUmRLIkdI-00361-00132233-00132461 because of who I say I am. OkRUmRLIkdI-00362-00132772-00133377 Racism brings on militarism. OkRUmRLIkdI-00363-00133377-00133885 But militarism brings on complacency OkRUmRLIkdI-00364-00133885-00134170 when you think you have all the power. OkRUmRLIkdI-00365-00134170-00134611 But let me tell you something today, my friends. OkRUmRLIkdI-00366-00134611-00134785 You have the power. OkRUmRLIkdI-00367-00134785-00135199 Not only do you have the power, you are the power. OkRUmRLIkdI-00368-00135199-00135532 You are the power of this nation. OkRUmRLIkdI-00369-00135532-00135784 You are the power of your homes. OkRUmRLIkdI-00370-00135784-00136030 You are the power of your communities. OkRUmRLIkdI-00371-00136030-00136216 You are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00372-00136216-00136516 Stop giving away something for free OkRUmRLIkdI-00373-00136516-00136876 that you've sweated your entire lives for. OkRUmRLIkdI-00374-00136876-00137173 Stop giving away your dignity because it's OkRUmRLIkdI-00375-00137173-00137509 what your forefathers died for. OkRUmRLIkdI-00376-00137509-00137872 Stop giving away your strength, because you are stronger OkRUmRLIkdI-00377-00137872-00138168 than you think you are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00378-00138168-00138475 Join me in the Civil Rights Movement. OkRUmRLIkdI-00379-00138475-00138756 Join me in the social justice movement, OkRUmRLIkdI-00380-00138756-00139303 so that we together can accomplish much. OkRUmRLIkdI-00381-00139303-00139573 I can't do this alone. OkRUmRLIkdI-00382-00139573-00139800 But I need you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00383-00139800-00140371 And I invite you to join the fight for social equality OkRUmRLIkdI-00384-00140371-00140635 and social justice. OkRUmRLIkdI-00385-00140635-00141397 Racism is in place to protect power and privilege. OkRUmRLIkdI-00386-00141397-00141757 And when that power and that privilege is threatened, OkRUmRLIkdI-00387-00141757-00142102 the systemic roots of fear step in. OkRUmRLIkdI-00388-00142551-00142961 When position and privilege are threatened, OkRUmRLIkdI-00389-00142961-00143476 people take action to protect what they love. OkRUmRLIkdI-00390-00143476-00143590 You see it today. OkRUmRLIkdI-00391-00143590-00143737 You saw it 50 years ago. OkRUmRLIkdI-00392-00143737-00143860 You saw 60 years ago. OkRUmRLIkdI-00393-00143860-00144212 You saw it 400 years ago. OkRUmRLIkdI-00394-00144212-00144546 Let me just draw a parallel. OkRUmRLIkdI-00395-00144546-00145149 The policies, and the mandates, and the dictates of Jim Crow OkRUmRLIkdI-00396-00145149-00145569 are eerily similar to the policies, the programs, OkRUmRLIkdI-00397-00145569-00146026 and the lack of movement in the era of Donald Crow. OkRUmRLIkdI-00398-00146026-00146579 And so what we find is that we are in some ways OkRUmRLIkdI-00399-00146579-00147055 moving backwards instead of progressing forward. OkRUmRLIkdI-00400-00147055-00147800 How can we, as a society based on humanity, with the desire OkRUmRLIkdI-00401-00147800-00148372 to serve humanity, not serve all of our citizens, OkRUmRLIkdI-00402-00148372-00148837 not serve all of those who come here and want to be here? OkRUmRLIkdI-00403-00148837-00149137 You see, we are a nation of immigrants, OkRUmRLIkdI-00404-00149137-00149351 but we've forgotten our immigration status. OkRUmRLIkdI-00405-00149610-00149939 We are a nation of immigrants who have forgotten OkRUmRLIkdI-00406-00149939-00150185 our immigration status. OkRUmRLIkdI-00407-00150185-00150593 And what that means is that I now see myself as something OkRUmRLIkdI-00408-00150593-00150802 other than what I was. OkRUmRLIkdI-00409-00150802-00151180 They've re-written the script about their identity, OkRUmRLIkdI-00410-00151180-00151662 and that identity informs the actions that they take. OkRUmRLIkdI-00411-00151662-00152156 Your identity forms the actions that you take. OkRUmRLIkdI-00412-00152156-00152487 What do you want from this journey? OkRUmRLIkdI-00413-00152487-00152757 What do you need from this journey? OkRUmRLIkdI-00414-00152757-00153345 Have you been able to articulate your worth to someone else? OkRUmRLIkdI-00415-00153345-00153687 You see, we are so quick in our society OkRUmRLIkdI-00416-00153687-00154175 to tell people what I'm not capable of. OkRUmRLIkdI-00417-00154175-00154368 I'm depressed. OkRUmRLIkdI-00418-00154368-00154747 I'm this, I'm that, and I'm the other. OkRUmRLIkdI-00419-00154747-00155052 Let's start building ourselves up. OkRUmRLIkdI-00420-00155052-00155253 One of the most important conversations OkRUmRLIkdI-00421-00155253-00155451 you will ever have in your life is OkRUmRLIkdI-00422-00155451-00156052 the one you have with yourself, because your self-talk matters. OkRUmRLIkdI-00423-00156052-00156309 Your self talk matters. OkRUmRLIkdI-00424-00156309-00156902 What you say to yourself informs the actions that you take. OkRUmRLIkdI-00425-00156902-00157436 As students, you are sponges. OkRUmRLIkdI-00426-00157436-00157889 And we have an opportunity to impact humanity. OkRUmRLIkdI-00427-00157889-00158045 You see, the Civil Rights Movement OkRUmRLIkdI-00428-00158045-00158576 was a movement towards humanity, towards a more humane system OkRUmRLIkdI-00429-00158576-00159009 of living and being and existing. OkRUmRLIkdI-00430-00159009-00159195 What do we really want? OkRUmRLIkdI-00431-00159195-00159363 What do we really want? OkRUmRLIkdI-00432-00159363-00159582 Is our educational journey really so OkRUmRLIkdI-00433-00159582-00159939 that we can get ahead or so that we can get ahead? OkRUmRLIkdI-00434-00159939-00160146 You see, because there is a difference OkRUmRLIkdI-00435-00160146-00160505 between the I and the we. OkRUmRLIkdI-00436-00160505-00160721 Dr. King was concerned with the we. OkRUmRLIkdI-00437-00161032-00161500 If you are concerned with we, we can do some work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00438-00161500-00161911 If you are concerned with we, we can get in the trenches. OkRUmRLIkdI-00439-00161911-00162567 If you are concerned with we, we can build something. OkRUmRLIkdI-00440-00162567-00162798 It is quicker and easier for strangers OkRUmRLIkdI-00441-00162798-00163040 to get together and do meaningful work OkRUmRLIkdI-00442-00163040-00163335 than it is for people who know one another. OkRUmRLIkdI-00443-00163335-00163506 And why is that? OkRUmRLIkdI-00444-00163506-00163809 Because if you've known me all my life, OkRUmRLIkdI-00445-00163809-00164061 you've known that I've tried several businesses. OkRUmRLIkdI-00446-00164061-00164313 You've known that I failed at several businesses. OkRUmRLIkdI-00447-00164313-00164562 You know that I've been into this network marketing OkRUmRLIkdI-00448-00164562-00164694 and I've been into that thing. OkRUmRLIkdI-00449-00164694-00165051 And so because you know me, only thing you know is my failures. OkRUmRLIkdI-00450-00165051-00165258 Also, you don't want to do business with me. OkRUmRLIkdI-00451-00165258-00165471 You don't want to do work with me, because you say, OkRUmRLIkdI-00452-00165471-00165766 Robert, all you've done is fail. OkRUmRLIkdI-00453-00165766-00166076 But a stranger will hear the idea. OkRUmRLIkdI-00454-00166076-00166329 He'll say, man, let's get to work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00455-00166329-00166640 So we need to get out of that sense of familiarity OkRUmRLIkdI-00456-00166640-00166874 and think we know one another, and start OkRUmRLIkdI-00457-00166874-00167081 getting in the trenches and doing the work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00458-00167363-00167699 Are you running the risk of being assaulted because you OkRUmRLIkdI-00459-00167699-00167816 get in the trenches? OkRUmRLIkdI-00460-00167816-00167994 Yes. OkRUmRLIkdI-00461-00167994-00168345 Are you running the risk of having your background checked? OkRUmRLIkdI-00462-00168345-00168445 Yes, you are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00463-00168445-00168726 Are you running the risk of being marginalized? OkRUmRLIkdI-00464-00168726-00168871 Yes, you are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00465-00168871-00169536 But it is a risk worth taking, because humanity is at stake. OkRUmRLIkdI-00466-00169536-00170061 What does the world require of you? OkRUmRLIkdI-00467-00170061-00170362 What do you require of yourself? OkRUmRLIkdI-00468-00170362-00170874 What are your standards for your greatest level of achievement? OkRUmRLIkdI-00469-00170874-00171139 What do you want? OkRUmRLIkdI-00470-00171139-00171413 Dr. King is more than a dream. OkRUmRLIkdI-00471-00171413-00172128 Dr. King is a reality, and you are part of that reality. OkRUmRLIkdI-00472-00172128-00172305 Where do we want to take it? OkRUmRLIkdI-00473-00172305-00172473 What do we want to do with it? OkRUmRLIkdI-00474-00172473-00172928 How do we want to shape Highline College? OkRUmRLIkdI-00475-00172928-00173264 How do we want to shape the surrounding community? OkRUmRLIkdI-00476-00173264-00173621 How are we going to shape the landscape of politics OkRUmRLIkdI-00477-00173621-00173780 in our communities? OkRUmRLIkdI-00478-00173780-00174306 What are we going to stand for, and why? OkRUmRLIkdI-00479-00174306-00174585 Because you must know your why. OkRUmRLIkdI-00480-00174585-00174969 If you have no concept of what your why is, OkRUmRLIkdI-00481-00174969-00175307 someone else can give you one. OkRUmRLIkdI-00482-00175307-00175758 And that can be so far removed from your original intent. OkRUmRLIkdI-00483-00175758-00176057 Now, when we talk about original intent, OkRUmRLIkdI-00484-00176057-00176390 it talks about how we intended to do something one way, OkRUmRLIkdI-00485-00176390-00176558 but ended up doing another thing, OkRUmRLIkdI-00486-00176558-00176944 because we were influenced to do so. OkRUmRLIkdI-00487-00176944-00177538 But when you stand on what you know, when you believe in self, OkRUmRLIkdI-00488-00177538-00177868 when you have self dignity and you've aligned yourselves OkRUmRLIkdI-00489-00177868-00178312 with the right people to do the right work at the right time OkRUmRLIkdI-00490-00178312-00178697 in the right season, you win. OkRUmRLIkdI-00491-00178697-00178954 And humanity wins. OkRUmRLIkdI-00492-00178954-00179255 Who among you is willing to do the work? OkRUmRLIkdI-00493-00179255-00179401 Let me just see a show of hands. OkRUmRLIkdI-00494-00179401-00179907 Who among you is willing to do social justice work? OkRUmRLIkdI-00495-00179907-00180021 Amen to that. OkRUmRLIkdI-00496-00180021-00180226 Every hand is up. OkRUmRLIkdI-00497-00180226-00180573 So what I want you to do is make a commitment OkRUmRLIkdI-00498-00180573-00180915 to yourself, to your community, and to your family OkRUmRLIkdI-00499-00180915-00181239 that you will do something meaningful OkRUmRLIkdI-00500-00181239-00181499 for and towards humanity. OkRUmRLIkdI-00501-00181499-00181997 And it could be something as simple as saying hi to someone OkRUmRLIkdI-00502-00181997-00182234 that you have not said hi to. OkRUmRLIkdI-00503-00182234-00182528 It could be something as simple as giving someone OkRUmRLIkdI-00504-00182528-00182855 $1 when it's your very last. OkRUmRLIkdI-00505-00182855-00183175 It could be something as simple as speaking OkRUmRLIkdI-00506-00183175-00183611 against a micro-aggression that you hear in class OkRUmRLIkdI-00507-00183611-00183963 and supporting a fellow student. OkRUmRLIkdI-00508-00183963-00184212 Even though it may make you unpopular, OkRUmRLIkdI-00509-00184212-00184479 you do the right thing. OkRUmRLIkdI-00510-00184479-00185014 It gives you the courage to speak truth to power. OkRUmRLIkdI-00511-00185014-00185314 Social justice is about, collectively OkRUmRLIkdI-00512-00185314-00185608 and individually, we have the courage OkRUmRLIkdI-00513-00185608-00185970 to speak truth to power. OkRUmRLIkdI-00514-00185970-00186236 And when we fail to do that, the power OkRUmRLIkdI-00515-00186236-00186768 does its own thing in its own way and in its own time. OkRUmRLIkdI-00516-00186768-00187035 If you want to change power structures, OkRUmRLIkdI-00517-00187035-00187401 if you want to change systemic ways of doing things, OkRUmRLIkdI-00518-00187401-00187599 do the work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00519-00187599-00187716 That's your challenge. OkRUmRLIkdI-00520-00187716-00188168 How do I get involved in the work? OkRUmRLIkdI-00521-00188168-00188729 Again, the Civil Rights Movement was more than Dr. King. OkRUmRLIkdI-00522-00188729-00189026 Sure, it was Congressman Lewis. OkRUmRLIkdI-00523-00189026-00189251 It was Dick Gregory. OkRUmRLIkdI-00524-00189251-00189527 It was Fannie Lou Hamer. OkRUmRLIkdI-00525-00189527-00189765 It was Joan Trumpauer. OkRUmRLIkdI-00526-00189765-00190128 It was all of these people who collectively formalized OkRUmRLIkdI-00527-00190128-00190776 a process by which we spoke against an atrocity called OkRUmRLIkdI-00528-00190776-00191514 racism, called prejudice, called segregation, called OkRUmRLIkdI-00529-00191514-00191748 dehumanization. OkRUmRLIkdI-00530-00191748-00191979 We spoke against them. OkRUmRLIkdI-00531-00191979-00192545 And when we became silent, it kept moving, OkRUmRLIkdI-00532-00192545-00192977 and it kept progressing, and it is still in front of us today. OkRUmRLIkdI-00533-00192977-00193439 And we must now again rise up as Dr. King and those around him OkRUmRLIkdI-00534-00193439-00193971 rose up to do meaningful work for social justice, OkRUmRLIkdI-00535-00193971-00194364 for civil rights, for humanity. OkRUmRLIkdI-00536-00194364-00194768 Because your humanity affects the world. OkRUmRLIkdI-00537-00194768-00195170 Your humanity affects the world. OkRUmRLIkdI-00538-00195170-00195308 What do you want to do with it? OkRUmRLIkdI-00539-00195308-00195795 You may say, well, I want to write about my experiences, OkRUmRLIkdI-00540-00195795-00196019 but I don't know how to write. OkRUmRLIkdI-00541-00196019-00196346 And I challenge that thinking, because you do OkRUmRLIkdI-00542-00196346-00196520 know how to write. OkRUmRLIkdI-00543-00196520-00196631 And I tell you this. OkRUmRLIkdI-00544-00196631-00196940 When I do writing workshops, one of the fundamental things OkRUmRLIkdI-00545-00196940-00197168 I teach people is that if you learn to speak, OkRUmRLIkdI-00546-00197168-00197414 you automatically know how to write. OkRUmRLIkdI-00547-00197414-00197672 Because if you speak properly, you will write properly. OkRUmRLIkdI-00548-00197672-00197997 Because the average person writes the way they speak. OkRUmRLIkdI-00549-00197997-00198182 And so if you have a voice that needs OkRUmRLIkdI-00550-00198182-00198687 to be heard, speak it and write it. OkRUmRLIkdI-00551-00198687-00198975 Learn to speak, you'll learn to write. OkRUmRLIkdI-00552-00198975-00199266 Dr. King was so prolific at speaking OkRUmRLIkdI-00553-00199266-00199699 that his writings are now part of the archives of humanity OkRUmRLIkdI-00554-00199699-00199749 forever. OkRUmRLIkdI-00555-00200054-00200359 What are you going to say? OkRUmRLIkdI-00556-00200359-00200633 Who are you going to say it to? OkRUmRLIkdI-00557-00200633-00201036 One of the things that Dr. King said, OkRUmRLIkdI-00558-00201036-00201243 he says "nothing in all the world OkRUmRLIkdI-00559-00201243-00201555 is more dangerous than sincere ignorance OkRUmRLIkdI-00560-00201555-00201715 and conscientious stupidity." OkRUmRLIkdI-00561-00201986-00202127 Did you catch that? OkRUmRLIkdI-00562-00202127-00202328 It says "nothing in all the world OkRUmRLIkdI-00563-00202328-00202619 is more dangerous than sincere ignorance OkRUmRLIkdI-00564-00202619-00202863 and conscientious stupidity." OkRUmRLIkdI-00565-00202863-00203069 You see, Dr. King was really concerned OkRUmRLIkdI-00566-00203069-00203456 about the content of the words, the impact OkRUmRLIkdI-00567-00203456-00203729 that the words would have on humanity. OkRUmRLIkdI-00568-00203729-00204110 What is it that you want to say, and how can you OkRUmRLIkdI-00569-00204110-00204558 say it in a way that lifts humanity up? OkRUmRLIkdI-00570-00204558-00204865 We have to be willing to do that work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00571-00204865-00205621 And when we become protective of job over humanity, we lose. OkRUmRLIkdI-00572-00205621-00205863 And I understand that you have to earn a living. OkRUmRLIkdI-00573-00205863-00206152 I understand that you have to feed your family. OkRUmRLIkdI-00574-00206152-00206359 I understand that you've got to pay the bills. OkRUmRLIkdI-00575-00206359-00206767 But I also understand that work has to be done. OkRUmRLIkdI-00576-00206767-00207021 And it's not going to be done by me waiting on you to do it. OkRUmRLIkdI-00577-00207021-00207258 I have to do my part. OkRUmRLIkdI-00578-00207258-00207554 Are you willing to do your part? OkRUmRLIkdI-00579-00207554-00208092 You see, because the whole idea of capitalism and militarism OkRUmRLIkdI-00580-00208092-00208398 and harmonizing the factions of racism OkRUmRLIkdI-00581-00208398-00208800 and bringing things together so that we can accomplish peace? OkRUmRLIkdI-00582-00208800-00209235 That work is not only hard work, it's dangerous work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00583-00209235-00209555 Because not everybody wants peace. OkRUmRLIkdI-00584-00209555-00209858 But you have to strive towards peace. OkRUmRLIkdI-00585-00209858-00210158 You want harmony in your home when you go home every day. OkRUmRLIkdI-00586-00210158-00210392 You don't want to go home and be at war with your spouse OkRUmRLIkdI-00587-00210392-00210536 or with your children every day. OkRUmRLIkdI-00588-00210536-00210665 You want peace. OkRUmRLIkdI-00589-00210665-00210896 If you work for peace in your home, OkRUmRLIkdI-00590-00210896-00211117 let's work for peace outside the front door. OkRUmRLIkdI-00591-00211117-00211331 Let's work for peace on the curb. OkRUmRLIkdI-00592-00211331-00211532 Let's work for peace in the community center. OkRUmRLIkdI-00593-00211532-00211763 Let's work for peace in every encounter OkRUmRLIkdI-00594-00211763-00211969 that we have with one another. OkRUmRLIkdI-00595-00211969-00212482 Let's strive for peace, because that also OkRUmRLIkdI-00596-00212482-00212865 speaks to the depth of your love of self. OkRUmRLIkdI-00597-00212865-00213242 How hard are you willing to fight? OkRUmRLIkdI-00598-00213242-00213455 What are you willing to give? OkRUmRLIkdI-00599-00213455-00213680 Why are you willing to give it? OkRUmRLIkdI-00600-00213680-00214665 And is my sacrifice the best that I can give? OkRUmRLIkdI-00601-00214665-00215064 You see, so often we want to give what does not hurt us. OkRUmRLIkdI-00602-00215064-00215380 But when you give when it hurts, oh, OkRUmRLIkdI-00603-00215380-00215595 now you're on the right path. OkRUmRLIkdI-00604-00215595-00215754 It's like that person that's exercised OkRUmRLIkdI-00605-00215754-00215967 and they got to push that one last one, OkRUmRLIkdI-00606-00215967-00216144 that one last rep out. OkRUmRLIkdI-00607-00216144-00216379 Because when you get the pain, when OkRUmRLIkdI-00608-00216379-00216784 you feel the impact of social injustice, OkRUmRLIkdI-00609-00216784-00217137 now you want to work for justice. OkRUmRLIkdI-00610-00217137-00217494 But if you have never felt the sting of prejudice, OkRUmRLIkdI-00611-00217494-00217869 if you have never felt the sting of homelessness, OkRUmRLIkdI-00612-00217869-00218236 if you have never felt the sting of being an outcast, OkRUmRLIkdI-00613-00218236-00218434 if you have never felt the sting, OkRUmRLIkdI-00614-00218434-00218861 then you don't know what I know. OkRUmRLIkdI-00615-00218861-00219094 If you have never walked into prison OkRUmRLIkdI-00616-00219094-00219392 and then walked out of prison because of some act OkRUmRLIkdI-00617-00219392-00219776 that you did, if you can't identify, you don't know. OkRUmRLIkdI-00618-00219776-00220148 And so what I want to tell you is that your experience matters OkRUmRLIkdI-00619-00220148-00220298 to the work that you do. OkRUmRLIkdI-00620-00220563-00221002 And it informs the work that you do. OkRUmRLIkdI-00621-00221002-00221239 What do you want? OkRUmRLIkdI-00622-00221239-00221496 Are you waiting for me to give it to you? OkRUmRLIkdI-00623-00221496-00221758 Are you waiting for the world to give it to you? OkRUmRLIkdI-00624-00221758-00222425 Or are you going to go out today and seize your moment? OkRUmRLIkdI-00625-00222425-00222790 It really boils down to your moment. OkRUmRLIkdI-00626-00222790-00223323 Because we're all at a different space with different agendas. OkRUmRLIkdI-00627-00223323-00223742 And if you don't have an agenda, get one. OkRUmRLIkdI-00628-00223742-00224126 If you don't have an agenda, get one. OkRUmRLIkdI-00629-00224126-00224291 I've got an agenda. OkRUmRLIkdI-00630-00224291-00224642 I'm self motivated to do this work, OkRUmRLIkdI-00631-00224642-00224929 not because I want to be seen and heard, OkRUmRLIkdI-00632-00224929-00225309 but because humanity needs to grow beyond what it currently OkRUmRLIkdI-00633-00225309-00225492 is. OkRUmRLIkdI-00634-00225492-00225802 I have an agenda. OkRUmRLIkdI-00635-00225802-00226269 Will the agenda that I'm a part of assist me and help me OkRUmRLIkdI-00636-00226269-00226419 in my personal endeavors? OkRUmRLIkdI-00637-00226419-00226632 Of course it will. OkRUmRLIkdI-00638-00226632-00226913 I'm selfish that way. OkRUmRLIkdI-00639-00226913-00227240 But so should you be about the work that you do. OkRUmRLIkdI-00640-00227494-00227859 There's a saying that a man is worthy of his hire. OkRUmRLIkdI-00641-00227859-00228121 A woman is worthy of her hire. OkRUmRLIkdI-00642-00228121-00228444 Stop giving your gifts away for free. OkRUmRLIkdI-00643-00228938-00229169 When I look at the social justice movement, OkRUmRLIkdI-00644-00229169-00229414 when I look at the Civil Rights Movement, OkRUmRLIkdI-00645-00229414-00229637 there was a price to be paid. OkRUmRLIkdI-00646-00229637-00229955 And many paid it with their very lives. OkRUmRLIkdI-00647-00229955-00230444 When we look at the economics of the Civil Rights Movement, OkRUmRLIkdI-00648-00230444-00230742 there was lots of money came into the organization OkRUmRLIkdI-00649-00230742-00230871 that Dr. King founded. OkRUmRLIkdI-00650-00230871-00230976 But you know what? OkRUmRLIkdI-00651-00230976-00231213 He didn't take any of it for himself. OkRUmRLIkdI-00652-00231213-00231456 When he died, his wife was poor. OkRUmRLIkdI-00653-00231456-00231639 When he died, his wife had to get a job. OkRUmRLIkdI-00654-00231639-00231925 When he died, his children didn't have anything. OkRUmRLIkdI-00655-00231925-00232416 And so what we find is that the work that you do OkRUmRLIkdI-00656-00232416-00232808 won't always pay you what you're worth. OkRUmRLIkdI-00657-00232808-00233023 The work that you do won't always OkRUmRLIkdI-00658-00233023-00233150 pay you what you're worth. OkRUmRLIkdI-00659-00233150-00233486 But you can definitely demand it. OkRUmRLIkdI-00660-00233486-00233885 And when you start to demand it, the whole idea OkRUmRLIkdI-00661-00233885-00234381 of equal pay for equal work will begin to make sense to you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00662-00234381-00234657 Because you've been in that space. OkRUmRLIkdI-00663-00234657-00234888 You've worn those shoes. OkRUmRLIkdI-00664-00234888-00235263 And your civil rights moment is now to stand for yourself OkRUmRLIkdI-00665-00235263-00235716 and to stand for others, because the journey is bigger than you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00666-00235716-00235917 The journey is bigger than me. OkRUmRLIkdI-00667-00235917-00236355 But the journey can never be bigger than us. OkRUmRLIkdI-00668-00236355-00236934 Collectively, it is about what we do together. OkRUmRLIkdI-00669-00236934-00237627 And what is it that you desire to do with me? OkRUmRLIkdI-00670-00237627-00238069 When I speak, I want to inform you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00671-00238069-00238378 When I speak, I want to touch you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00672-00238378-00238705 When Dr. King spoke, he touched people. OkRUmRLIkdI-00673-00238705-00239011 And he was more than just a dream. OkRUmRLIkdI-00674-00239011-00239423 He was a reality that is real today. OkRUmRLIkdI-00675-00239423-00239807 50 years ago, he was real. OkRUmRLIkdI-00676-00239807-00240088 Today, he is real. OkRUmRLIkdI-00677-00240088-00240329 The legacy is real. OkRUmRLIkdI-00678-00240329-00240715 What you tie yourself to is real. OkRUmRLIkdI-00679-00240715-00241226 What you do today matters for tomorrow. OkRUmRLIkdI-00680-00241226-00241784 And how will you culminate that into a peaceful protest OkRUmRLIkdI-00681-00241784-00242152 that shows that you're willing to do the work? OkRUmRLIkdI-00682-00242152-00242638 This coming weekend there's a women's march. OkRUmRLIkdI-00683-00242992-00243188 There are going to be hundreds of thousands OkRUmRLIkdI-00684-00243188-00243641 of women, millions of women around this country marching OkRUmRLIkdI-00685-00243641-00244138 for equal rights, equal pay, equal status, for just OkRUmRLIkdI-00686-00244138-00244594 the opportunity to be heard, to be seen, and to be validated. OkRUmRLIkdI-00687-00244898-00245157 Where's the men's March? OkRUmRLIkdI-00688-00245157-00245492 Why is it that I always have to see my sisters out there OkRUmRLIkdI-00689-00245492-00245775 marching for something that's going to benefit us all, OkRUmRLIkdI-00690-00245775-00246000 and I don't see us? OkRUmRLIkdI-00691-00246000-00246471 You see, Dr. King was really about being the example, OkRUmRLIkdI-00692-00246471-00246781 putting himself out so that others could see OkRUmRLIkdI-00693-00246781-00247181 what the possibilities were. OkRUmRLIkdI-00694-00247181-00247389 What are your possibilities? OkRUmRLIkdI-00695-00247389-00247736 Are you willing to go out there and march for your daughter, OkRUmRLIkdI-00696-00247736-00248148 for your wife, for your sister, for your mother, OkRUmRLIkdI-00697-00248148-00248291 for your granddaughter? OkRUmRLIkdI-00698-00248291-00248594 Are you willing to get out there march for them and with them OkRUmRLIkdI-00699-00248594-00248744 in solidarity? OkRUmRLIkdI-00700-00248744-00248987 Because their fight is your fight. OkRUmRLIkdI-00701-00249260-00249694 If we make the excuse that the game is on, we'll never go. OkRUmRLIkdI-00702-00249694-00249969 If we make the excuse that this is my only day off, OkRUmRLIkdI-00703-00249969-00250073 we'll never go. OkRUmRLIkdI-00704-00250073-00250619 If we make the excuse that it's too cold, they'll never go. OkRUmRLIkdI-00705-00250619-00250856 And what we're really saying to our sisters OkRUmRLIkdI-00706-00250856-00251198 is that you don't really matter that much to me. OkRUmRLIkdI-00707-00251198-00251444 That's what we're really saying by default, OkRUmRLIkdI-00708-00251444-00252015 because our silence among our women is deafening. OkRUmRLIkdI-00709-00252015-00252519 Where is the voice of the man for the women? OkRUmRLIkdI-00710-00252519-00253208 Dr. King spoke to humanity so that everyone can benefit. OkRUmRLIkdI-00711-00253208-00253694 I challenge each of us today to go out this weekend OkRUmRLIkdI-00712-00253694-00254296 and support the wombs that bore us. OkRUmRLIkdI-00713-00254296-00254609 I challenge us to do that, because now we're OkRUmRLIkdI-00714-00254609-00254780 adding to the conversation. OkRUmRLIkdI-00715-00254780-00255188 We're adding to the dialogue, and we are becoming activists OkRUmRLIkdI-00716-00255188-00255478 in an activist moment. OkRUmRLIkdI-00717-00255478-00255637 This is your opportunity. OkRUmRLIkdI-00718-00255637-00255838 This is our opportunity. OkRUmRLIkdI-00719-00255838-00256175 What are we going to do with it? OkRUmRLIkdI-00720-00256175-00256386 There is an old adage that states, OkRUmRLIkdI-00721-00256386-00256728 once a mind has been stretched to a new dimension, OkRUmRLIkdI-00722-00256728-00257001 it can never go back to what it was. OkRUmRLIkdI-00723-00257001-00257226 And it is my hope that you never go back OkRUmRLIkdI-00724-00257226-00257559 to what you were yesterday, but that today creates OkRUmRLIkdI-00725-00257559-00257832 a new beginning for you to recognize OkRUmRLIkdI-00726-00257832-00258126 what you are capable of doing and becoming OkRUmRLIkdI-00727-00258126-00258477 on behalf of humanity. OkRUmRLIkdI-00728-00258477-00259067 And so I asked you this question in the beginning. OkRUmRLIkdI-00729-00259067-00259377 Is America for me? OkRUmRLIkdI-00730-00259377-00259644 And I want to give you an answer, a response that OkRUmRLIkdI-00731-00259644-00260217 says, I, too, am American. OkRUmRLIkdI-00732-00260217-00260607 "I, too, am American, and I claim her as mine. OkRUmRLIkdI-00733-00260607-00260932 I bled to build and defend her sovereignty OkRUmRLIkdI-00734-00260932-00261294 so that outside powers could not penetrate the mighty structure OkRUmRLIkdI-00735-00261294-00261596 she was destined to become. OkRUmRLIkdI-00736-00261596-00261971 I, too, am American, and I claim her as mine. OkRUmRLIkdI-00737-00261971-00262302 My hands picked her cotton, baled her hay, OkRUmRLIkdI-00738-00262302-00262620 and harvested her crops so that she OkRUmRLIkdI-00739-00262620-00262932 could gain financial and political independence OkRUmRLIkdI-00740-00262932-00263328 in a world built on domination. OkRUmRLIkdI-00741-00263328-00263682 I, too, am American, and I claim her as mine. OkRUmRLIkdI-00742-00263682-00263943 My body endured the lash of her whip, OkRUmRLIkdI-00743-00263943-00264259 and my queen endured her sexual abuse OkRUmRLIkdI-00744-00264259-00264540 so that her ego could be satisfied OkRUmRLIkdI-00745-00264540-00264947 and her self righteous pride justified. OkRUmRLIkdI-00746-00264947-00265361 I, too, am American, and I claim her as mine. OkRUmRLIkdI-00747-00265361-00265760 For no other people have endured her hardships as I have, OkRUmRLIkdI-00748-00265760-00266069 and no other people were stripped of their dignity, OkRUmRLIkdI-00749-00266069-00266375 culture, and history as I have. OkRUmRLIkdI-00750-00266375-00266855 So if you must know, I, too, am American, OkRUmRLIkdI-00751-00266855-00267163 and I claim her as mine." OkRUmRLIkdI-00752-00267163-00267273 Thank you very much. OkRUmRLIkdI-00753-00267273-00267622 [APPLAUSE] OkRUmRLIkdI-00754-00267720-00268112 Marches in cities like Seattle and Portland OkRUmRLIkdI-00755-00268112-00268651 and Los Angeles, every liberal city, make a difference. OkRUmRLIkdI-00756-00268651-00269761 Don't we need marches in Tulsa and Oklahoma City and really OkRUmRLIkdI-00757-00269761-00270103 red states [INAUDIBLE] Trump? OkRUmRLIkdI-00758-00270103-00270236 Yeah. OkRUmRLIkdI-00759-00270236-00270296 We do. OkRUmRLIkdI-00760-00270296-00270701 We need solidarity everywhere. OkRUmRLIkdI-00761-00270701-00271180 And the best way to build a movement for solidarity OkRUmRLIkdI-00762-00271180-00271606 is to start where you are, and to do the work you can OkRUmRLIkdI-00763-00271606-00271767 with the constituents you have. OkRUmRLIkdI-00764-00271767-00272119 There's a saying that there's five degrees of separation, OkRUmRLIkdI-00765-00272119-00272360 so someone you know knows someone in those red states. OkRUmRLIkdI-00766-00272360-00272642 And so you vocalize your sphere of influence, OkRUmRLIkdI-00767-00272642-00272846 that can spread to some of those other countries, OkRUmRLIkdI-00768-00272846-00273031 those other states or what have you, OkRUmRLIkdI-00769-00273031-00273385 and cause an overswell of individuals OkRUmRLIkdI-00770-00273385-00273660 interested in the same work that you're interested in. OkRUmRLIkdI-00771-00273660-00273913 And so you can link up, whether it's through social media, OkRUmRLIkdI-00772-00273913-00274097 whether it's through a phone call, OkRUmRLIkdI-00773-00274097-00274285 whether it's through whatever means. OkRUmRLIkdI-00774-00274285-00274425 But make the connections. OkRUmRLIkdI-00775-00274425-00274749 Speak your truth where you are, and then allow OkRUmRLIkdI-00776-00274749-00275062 the fire that is in you to catch on other places. OkRUmRLIkdI-00777-00276491-00276541 OK. OkRUmRLIkdI-00778-00276541-00276689 Hello. OkRUmRLIkdI-00779-00276689-00277108 I was just wondering, at one point you mentioned that when OkRUmRLIkdI-00780-00277108-00277297 you notice that other people around you OkRUmRLIkdI-00781-00277297-00277655 aren't as strong as you, instead of pointing out their flaws, OkRUmRLIkdI-00782-00277655-00278023 to lift them up to where you are. OkRUmRLIkdI-00783-00278023-00278459 But what do you do if you make continuous efforts to do so, OkRUmRLIkdI-00784-00278459-00278825 and they kind of reject that and don't want OkRUmRLIkdI-00785-00278825-00278995 to make that movement forward? OkRUmRLIkdI-00786-00278995-00279287 At what point do you make the decision OkRUmRLIkdI-00787-00279287-00279685 to leave them behind and continue forward yourself, OkRUmRLIkdI-00788-00279685-00279835 so you're not holding yourself back? OkRUmRLIkdI-00789-00279835-00279885 Right. OkRUmRLIkdI-00790-00279885-00280183 Excellent point, and great question. OkRUmRLIkdI-00791-00280183-00280382 This is what we have to recognize, OkRUmRLIkdI-00792-00280382-00280829 not only in civil rights, social justice, OkRUmRLIkdI-00793-00280829-00281078 or even in your personal life. OkRUmRLIkdI-00794-00281078-00281525 Everyone is not meant to go on your journey with you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00795-00281525-00281823 [INAUDIBLE] Not everyone is meant to go on your journey OkRUmRLIkdI-00796-00281823-00282072 with you, because they may not be ready. OkRUmRLIkdI-00797-00282072-00282420 Sometimes, we have to go out and stake our claim OkRUmRLIkdI-00798-00282420-00282718 and then return, because then they'll be ready. OkRUmRLIkdI-00799-00282718-00283016 Because you have to be the example of what's possible. OkRUmRLIkdI-00800-00283016-00283414 And when they see you in your new light, OkRUmRLIkdI-00801-00283414-00283662 it's going to attract them to you all the more. OkRUmRLIkdI-00802-00283662-00283811 And then you circle back. OkRUmRLIkdI-00803-00283811-00283961 I'm here to support you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00804-00283961-00284220 Without any malice, without pointing out well, OkRUmRLIkdI-00805-00284220-00284458 you should have done this, and you should have done that, OkRUmRLIkdI-00806-00284458-00284706 right where they are, in that moment, OkRUmRLIkdI-00807-00284706-00285153 accept them for who they are and then build them up. OkRUmRLIkdI-00808-00285153-00285600 But don't be afraid to go your journey first. OkRUmRLIkdI-00809-00285600-00285650 Thank you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00810-00285650-00285799 You're welcome. OkRUmRLIkdI-00811-00285799-00285899 Hello, Robert. OkRUmRLIkdI-00812-00285899-00286098 Thank you so much for being here today. OkRUmRLIkdI-00813-00286098-00286188 Thank you. OkRUmRLIkdI-00814-00286188-00286396 I actually wanted to ask you a question in regards OkRUmRLIkdI-00815-00286396-00286644 to the three topics that you spoke about, OkRUmRLIkdI-00816-00286644-00286992 so capitalism, militarism, and racism. OkRUmRLIkdI-00817-00286992-00287300 Of course, we have a current administration OkRUmRLIkdI-00818-00287300-00287871 that it's rhetoric, I would say, is definitely OkRUmRLIkdI-00819-00287871-00288034 against pretty much all of the concepts OkRUmRLIkdI-00820-00288034-00288344 that you spoke about today in terms of-- you OkRUmRLIkdI-00821-00288344-00288622 said something in regards to humanity being at risk. OkRUmRLIkdI-00822-00288622-00288915 With the current administration that we have in the United OkRUmRLIkdI-00823-00288915-00289520 States, how do we keep this momentum of unity OkRUmRLIkdI-00824-00289520-00289914 when we turn on the news and there's OkRUmRLIkdI-00825-00289914-00290181 just constant rhetoric of hatred, OkRUmRLIkdI-00826-00290181-00290720 especially coming from those that are in power, both in not OkRUmRLIkdI-00827-00290720-00291234 just monetary power, but also government power? OkRUmRLIkdI-00828-00291234-00291284 Yes. OkRUmRLIkdI-00829-00291284-00291334 Yes. OkRUmRLIkdI-00830-00291334-00291416 Excellent question. OkRUmRLIkdI-00831-00291416-00291516 Thank you for that. OkRUmRLIkdI-00832-00291516-00291944 One of the things that I suggest is to [INAUDIBLE].. OkRUmRLIkdI-00833-00291944-00292508 Because we are so inundated with information. OkRUmRLIkdI-00834-00292508-00292941 Let's limit our exposure to television. OkRUmRLIkdI-00835-00292941-00293492 If we can limit our exposure to the amount of negativity OkRUmRLIkdI-00836-00293492-00293943 that we're hearing, because the things that injure us, OkRUmRLIkdI-00837-00293943-00294042 affect us. OkRUmRLIkdI-00838-00294042-00294280 The things that we allow inside-- there's OkRUmRLIkdI-00839-00294280-00294439 a saying that says the only thing that OkRUmRLIkdI-00840-00294439-00294639 can come out of a man is what's inside of a man. OkRUmRLIkdI-00841-00294639-00295083 And so when we have these images going into our periphery, OkRUmRLIkdI-00842-00295083-00295381 when we have these noises coming into our ears, OkRUmRLIkdI-00843-00295381-00295827 those things become embedded in us, unless we purge them out. OkRUmRLIkdI-00844-00295827-00296175 And so sometimes we have to have a purging system OkRUmRLIkdI-00845-00296175-00296621 by which to separate ourselves from the noise, so to speak. OkRUmRLIkdI-00846-00296621-00296943 And so one of the things that really helps OkRUmRLIkdI-00847-00296943-00297372 is to create a circle of friends that you trust, OkRUmRLIkdI-00848-00297372-00297754 where you can come out and speak your truth in that space, OkRUmRLIkdI-00849-00297754-00298188 to get it out of you, so that you can get it out of you OkRUmRLIkdI-00850-00298188-00298537 and not harbor resentment, not harbor fear, OkRUmRLIkdI-00851-00298537-00298787 because now you've got a collective body. OkRUmRLIkdI-00852-00298787-00299136 And you can find solidarity among people of like mind. OkRUmRLIkdI-00853-00299136-00299435 And so one of the things that's really important for us, OkRUmRLIkdI-00854-00299435-00299635 especially as persons of color, is OkRUmRLIkdI-00855-00299635-00300084 that we find points of solidarity among ourselves OkRUmRLIkdI-00856-00300084-00300336 so that we can support one another. OkRUmRLIkdI-00857-00300336-00300532 Because you're not going to be as strong as you OkRUmRLIkdI-00858-00300532-00300647 need to be every day. OkRUmRLIkdI-00859-00300647-00300854 You're going to need somebody to lean on. OkRUmRLIkdI-00860-00300854-00301013 And when you find somebody to lean on, OkRUmRLIkdI-00861-00301013-00301258 you know that you don't have to carry the load by yourself. OkRUmRLIkdI-00862-00301258-00301748 And so find those cohorts, those comrades in arms OkRUmRLIkdI-00863-00301748-00301993 that you can speak your truth to, OkRUmRLIkdI-00864-00301993-00302287 without being judged by them. OkRUmRLIkdI-00865-00302287-00302593 And lay it on the line. OkRUmRLIkdI-00866-00302593-00302845 Sometimes, for instance, I'm planning now OkRUmRLIkdI-00867-00302845-00303312 a small retreat for a select group of men, where the men are OkRUmRLIkdI-00868-00303312-00303474 going to just get together, go and have OkRUmRLIkdI-00869-00303474-00303887 a weekend of solidarity, just so we can strategize and talk OkRUmRLIkdI-00870-00303887-00304208 about our experience, our issues, our desires, OkRUmRLIkdI-00871-00304208-00304451 our wants for our communities and our families. OkRUmRLIkdI-00872-00304451-00304812 And how can we build a community around the men that OkRUmRLIkdI-00873-00304812-00305046 really want to do this work? OkRUmRLIkdI-00874-00305046-00305280 Get your girlfriends together. OkRUmRLIkdI-00875-00305280-00305410 Have a girl's weekend. OkRUmRLIkdI-00876-00305410-00305777 Just chill and talk about your stuff, your issues. OkRUmRLIkdI-00877-00305777-00306125 Cleanse without the outside noise. OkRUmRLIkdI-00878-00306125-00306474 And then come to a place of being ready to do the work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00879-00306872-00307022 Hello. OkRUmRLIkdI-00880-00307022-00307370 So something that I've noticed [INAUDIBLE] a lot of the time OkRUmRLIkdI-00881-00307370-00307669 recently, and I wanted [INAUDIBLE] OkRUmRLIkdI-00882-00307669-00308117 is that the head of it or leaders of it OkRUmRLIkdI-00883-00308117-00308516 will be public, and then will be doing this work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00884-00308516-00308864 And then people online will kind of try to expose them, OkRUmRLIkdI-00885-00308864-00309088 will try to figure out if they've-- oh, OkRUmRLIkdI-00886-00309088-00309252 they've bought this company. OkRUmRLIkdI-00887-00309252-00309400 They support this company. OkRUmRLIkdI-00888-00309400-00309540 Oh, they support this. OkRUmRLIkdI-00889-00309540-00309698 We shouldn't trust the [? movement, ?] OkRUmRLIkdI-00890-00309698-00310095 and the entire thing [INAUDIBLE].. OkRUmRLIkdI-00891-00310095-00310392 Is the whole thing of exposing someone and trying OkRUmRLIkdI-00892-00310392-00310839 to find if they're good if not, is that-- it feels bad, OkRUmRLIkdI-00893-00310839-00311186 but is it beneficial to be honest? OkRUmRLIkdI-00894-00311186-00311583 Or is it bad because you're kind of [INAUDIBLE] the movement? OkRUmRLIkdI-00895-00311583-00311682 Right. OkRUmRLIkdI-00896-00311682-00311930 I believe that-- and this is personally. OkRUmRLIkdI-00897-00311930-00312228 I just think that it depends on the motive of the individual, OkRUmRLIkdI-00898-00312228-00312476 because intent matters. OkRUmRLIkdI-00899-00312476-00312575 Intent matters. OkRUmRLIkdI-00900-00312575-00312823 What is your intention for exposing? OkRUmRLIkdI-00901-00312823-00312996 You see, and I'm of the impression OkRUmRLIkdI-00902-00312996-00313244 that if you know something about me that you consider OkRUmRLIkdI-00903-00313244-00313392 to be detrimental, let me know. OkRUmRLIkdI-00904-00313392-00313517 I'll tell you what it's about. OkRUmRLIkdI-00905-00313517-00313721 I want to give you the honor of telling something OkRUmRLIkdI-00906-00313721-00313914 that I can tell myself. OkRUmRLIkdI-00907-00313914-00314292 And when you get to the-- OkRUmRLIkdI-00908-00314292-00314588 there are things that I did 50 years ago OkRUmRLIkdI-00909-00314588-00314834 that someone could say OK, we're going to [INAUDIBLE].. OkRUmRLIkdI-00910-00314834-00314933 What was that again? OkRUmRLIkdI-00911-00314933-00315132 I'll tell them [INAUDIBLE] self. OkRUmRLIkdI-00912-00315132-00315348 You can't hold my past against me. OkRUmRLIkdI-00913-00315348-00315546 If I did it, I own it. OkRUmRLIkdI-00914-00315546-00315694 I don't have to run. OkRUmRLIkdI-00915-00315694-00315941 You see, right now we're in a political climate OkRUmRLIkdI-00916-00315941-00316210 where we're surrounded by political cowards, OkRUmRLIkdI-00917-00316210-00316472 where we're not willing to speak the truth. OkRUmRLIkdI-00918-00316472-00316914 We're willing to support a lie rather than support the truth, OkRUmRLIkdI-00919-00316914-00317159 because there is some economic gain in it for us. OkRUmRLIkdI-00920-00317159-00317658 You see, if the economics of politics stay static, OkRUmRLIkdI-00921-00317658-00317869 if I'm going to be in politics whether I go in-- OkRUmRLIkdI-00922-00317869-00318106 I don't care if I go in poor, I'm going to come our rich. OkRUmRLIkdI-00923-00318106-00318380 Because it is the system that is built OkRUmRLIkdI-00924-00318380-00318754 to build up the revenue for the haves OkRUmRLIkdI-00925-00318754-00319003 so that the have-nots have less. OkRUmRLIkdI-00926-00319003-00319252 And so what we find again, when you OkRUmRLIkdI-00927-00319252-00319750 find someone willing to expose a movement to-- OkRUmRLIkdI-00928-00319750-00320073 all of the good that it does, to expose one OkRUmRLIkdI-00929-00320073-00320248 particular thing to dismantle it, OkRUmRLIkdI-00930-00320248-00320646 then I question the integrity of that individual who OkRUmRLIkdI-00931-00320646-00320920 want to destroy a movement so that they OkRUmRLIkdI-00932-00320920-00321194 can be seen in the moment. OkRUmRLIkdI-00933-00321194-00321493 You are bigger than your past. OkRUmRLIkdI-00934-00321493-00321642 I am bigger than my past. OkRUmRLIkdI-00935-00321642-00322040 But let me tell you, when you put your efforts in front OkRUmRLIkdI-00936-00322040-00322289 of you, and your passion to drive OkRUmRLIkdI-00937-00322289-00322738 that message is authentic, don't worry about the naysayers. OkRUmRLIkdI-00938-00322738-00322887 Speak your truth anyway. OkRUmRLIkdI-00939-00322887-00323153 If someone has something to say, sure, I did it. OkRUmRLIkdI-00940-00323153-00323236 I own it. OkRUmRLIkdI-00941-00323236-00323485 This was the context in which it was done. OkRUmRLIkdI-00942-00323485-00323684 That was my thinking at that time, OkRUmRLIkdI-00943-00323684-00323833 and this is my thinking now. OkRUmRLIkdI-00944-00323833-00324132 You're not going to derail this movement, because humanity OkRUmRLIkdI-00945-00324132-00324331 demands that it stays alive. OkRUmRLIkdI-00946-00324829-00324929 Oh, yes, ma'am. OkRUmRLIkdI-00947-00325750-00325800 Yeah. OkRUmRLIkdI-00948-00325800-00326124 I'd like to know where you see the future of leadership going OkRUmRLIkdI-00949-00326124-00326448 in the future of this messed up economy as well OkRUmRLIkdI-00950-00326448-00326622 as the homeless crisis we have now. OkRUmRLIkdI-00951-00326622-00326821 And you know that that does not discriminate. OkRUmRLIkdI-00952-00326821-00327120 We have people of all races, all breeds, all colors out there. OkRUmRLIkdI-00953-00327120-00327419 And I would like to know where your views stand on that. OkRUmRLIkdI-00954-00327419-00327817 Would you or your agency be willing to help in the fight OkRUmRLIkdI-00955-00327817-00328116 to end homelessness, to stand up for the values OkRUmRLIkdI-00956-00328116-00328315 of the homeless person, so that they, too, OkRUmRLIkdI-00957-00328315-00328813 can gain the success that you have gained in your life? OkRUmRLIkdI-00958-00328813-00328913 Great question. OkRUmRLIkdI-00959-00328913-00329062 And thank you for asking that. OkRUmRLIkdI-00960-00329361-00329660 I think that we have a responsibility, OkRUmRLIkdI-00961-00329660-00330164 as persons and citizens of a civilized society, OkRUmRLIkdI-00962-00330164-00330601 to ensure that those who are less fortunate OkRUmRLIkdI-00963-00330601-00331385 have equal access to housing, food, clothing, jobs, OkRUmRLIkdI-00964-00331385-00331727 resources, if they desire it. OkRUmRLIkdI-00965-00331727-00332361 Now, I want to point out that not every person wants it. OkRUmRLIkdI-00966-00332361-00332766 However, if they desire it, it should be available to them, OkRUmRLIkdI-00967-00332766-00333077 and they should not be having a barrier that limits exposure OkRUmRLIkdI-00968-00333077-00333275 to it, or their access to it. OkRUmRLIkdI-00969-00333275-00333572 And as a country, we can do a better job. OkRUmRLIkdI-00970-00333572-00333893 If we can send billions of dollars to a foreign country, OkRUmRLIkdI-00971-00333893-00334116 if we can spend billions of dollars on defense, OkRUmRLIkdI-00972-00334116-00334366 we can spend a billion dollars on the homeless crisis. OkRUmRLIkdI-00973-00334366-00334666 We can correct a lot of issues, but it is not OkRUmRLIkdI-00974-00334666-00334966 in the best interest of the-- when we talk about militarism, OkRUmRLIkdI-00975-00334966-00335299 and capitalism, capitalism is a plague when OkRUmRLIkdI-00976-00335299-00335416 you talk about homelessness. OkRUmRLIkdI-00977-00335416-00335578 If they're not going to make the money, OkRUmRLIkdI-00978-00335578-00335866 they're not going to do that work. OkRUmRLIkdI-00979-00335866-00335916 Yes. OkRUmRLIkdI-00980-00335916-00335966 Yeah. OkRUmRLIkdI-00981-00335966-00336216 On that note, I'm glad you said that, because right now, OkRUmRLIkdI-00982-00336216-00336416 the homeless people that are out there OkRUmRLIkdI-00983-00336416-00336666 can't even get a federal response. OkRUmRLIkdI-00984-00336666-00336716 Right. OkRUmRLIkdI-00985-00336716-00336874 If they cannot get a federal response, OkRUmRLIkdI-00986-00336874-00337199 how is the leadership skills of today going to help them get OkRUmRLIkdI-00987-00337199-00337366 a state and a federal response? OkRUmRLIkdI-00988-00337366-00337666 Well, that's where persons like you and I come into play. OkRUmRLIkdI-00989-00337666-00337895 We need to get in front of our elected officials OkRUmRLIkdI-00990-00337895-00338091 and let them know our story. OkRUmRLIkdI-00991-00338091-00338385 Because if you tell them your story-- OkRUmRLIkdI-00992-00338385-00338564 I was telling Doris earlier that I'm trying OkRUmRLIkdI-00993-00338564-00338728 to write a series of stories. OkRUmRLIkdI-00994-00338728-00339019 And the book is called You Told My Story. OkRUmRLIkdI-00995-00339019-00339265 There are so many people who are where you are OkRUmRLIkdI-00996-00339265-00339515 and where you've been, but you are so far OkRUmRLIkdI-00997-00339515-00339860 removed from where you were that you're on an upward tick OkRUmRLIkdI-00998-00339860-00340300 right now, but they're the memory of what used to be. OkRUmRLIkdI-00999-00340300-00340594 Or they're even the memory of what was last night. OkRUmRLIkdI-01000-00340594-00340887 If you tell your story to the right person, OkRUmRLIkdI-01001-00340887-00341134 and get the right action behind you, OkRUmRLIkdI-01002-00341134-00341382 and be willing to be the voice of that movement OkRUmRLIkdI-01003-00341382-00341573 in this community, you'll get some action. OkRUmRLIkdI-01004-00341573-00341827 On that note, I'd like to give you-- this is the week before, OkRUmRLIkdI-01005-00341827-00341926 not last week's. OkRUmRLIkdI-01006-00341926-00342192 That was the issue about the homeless people OkRUmRLIkdI-01007-00342192-00342390 not being able to get a federal response. OkRUmRLIkdI-01008-00342390-00342604 If you go to realchange.org, you can catch up OkRUmRLIkdI-01009-00342604-00342825 on some of the issues that are out there and as well OkRUmRLIkdI-01010-00342825-00343033 as I would like you to see the centerfold on that. OkRUmRLIkdI-01011-00343033-00343380 If you open it up and hold it up, OkRUmRLIkdI-01012-00343380-00343577 some more [? dope ?] for the crowd. OkRUmRLIkdI-01013-00343577-00343627 Yep. OkRUmRLIkdI-01014-00344122-00344419 And what does this center page say to you? OkRUmRLIkdI-01015-00344419-00344667 Tipping the scales in favor of the ones that have, OkRUmRLIkdI-01016-00344667-00344865 and less in favor of the ones that OkRUmRLIkdI-01017-00344865-00345112 don't, or may have slightly, a little, OkRUmRLIkdI-01018-00345112-00345360 but not quite enough to make it. OkRUmRLIkdI-01019-00345360-00345656 And what are you willing to do to begin this fight here OkRUmRLIkdI-01020-00345656-00345706 and now? OkRUmRLIkdI-01021-00345706-00346103 I am going to Olympia on February 1 OkRUmRLIkdI-01022-00346103-00346348 and standing up for the issues that affect us. OkRUmRLIkdI-01023-00346348-00346644 I'm going with [? RAP. ?] That's basically the housing OkRUmRLIkdI-01024-00346644-00346791 alliance of Cape County. OkRUmRLIkdI-01025-00346791-00346841 All right. OkRUmRLIkdI-01026-00346841-00346857 Great. OkRUmRLIkdI-01027-00346857-00347038 And I'm going to be standing up for not OkRUmRLIkdI-01028-00347038-00347383 only the homeless people, but the formerly homeless people OkRUmRLIkdI-01029-00347383-00347777 that are now at risk of losing their homes OkRUmRLIkdI-01030-00347777-00347975 because the constant rent increases. OkRUmRLIkdI-01031-00347975-00348350 What I'm afraid of there is if this-- not just OkRUmRLIkdI-01032-00348350-00348547 for white folks, this is for all of us, OK? OkRUmRLIkdI-01033-00348547-00348597 Sure. OkRUmRLIkdI-01034-00348597-00348940 But if they keep continuing to raise rents to the point OkRUmRLIkdI-01035-00348940-00349137 that the people that have contributed OkRUmRLIkdI-01036-00349137-00349432 so much to the [INAUDIBLE] and created voucher OkRUmRLIkdI-01037-00349432-00349786 programs like Section 8, housing programs, OkRUmRLIkdI-01038-00349786-00350079 to keep them off the street, to get them off the street OkRUmRLIkdI-01039-00350079-00350253 and help them go to school, help them OkRUmRLIkdI-01040-00350253-00350502 with programs like the women's program OkRUmRLIkdI-01041-00350502-00350670 up here, whatever else they have, OkRUmRLIkdI-01042-00350670-00350967 what if they cut that funding because they OkRUmRLIkdI-01043-00350967-00351166 can no longer afford to contribute OkRUmRLIkdI-01044-00351166-00351364 because their rent may get [INAUDIBLE].. OkRUmRLIkdI-01045-00351364-00351414 Right. OkRUmRLIkdI-01046-00351414-00351463 Now see-- OkRUmRLIkdI-01047-00351463-00351513 What do we-- OkRUmRLIkdI-01048-00351513-00351612 Now, what is your name? OkRUmRLIkdI-01049-00351612-00351662 Belinda. OkRUmRLIkdI-01050-00351662-00351712 Belinda. OkRUmRLIkdI-01051-00351712-00351811 I'm on the last page. OkRUmRLIkdI-01052-00351811-00351910 Belinda, I'm Robert. OkRUmRLIkdI-01053-00351910-00352143 Now, this is what I would suggest that you do, Belinda. OkRUmRLIkdI-01054-00352143-00352389 Because this is going to be critical to continuing the work OkRUmRLIkdI-01055-00352389-00352557 that you do. OkRUmRLIkdI-01056-00352557-00352687 All this stuff you said? OkRUmRLIkdI-01057-00352687-00352834 Write it down. OkRUmRLIkdI-01058-00352834-00353128 Write it, and then make it plain. OkRUmRLIkdI-01059-00353128-00353297 Write it and make it plain. OkRUmRLIkdI-01060-00353297-00353592 Give it everywhere you go. OkRUmRLIkdI-01061-00353592-00353838 whenever you're in front of someone of influence, OkRUmRLIkdI-01062-00353838-00353986 speak your truth. OkRUmRLIkdI-01063-00353986-00354135 Tell them the message. OkRUmRLIkdI-01064-00354135-00354212 Give the message. OkRUmRLIkdI-01065-00354212-00354412 But be consistent. OkRUmRLIkdI-01066-00354412-00354662 Don't say one thing today and something else tomorrow. OkRUmRLIkdI-01067-00354662-00355138 Develop a message and take that message everywhere you go. OkRUmRLIkdI-01068-00355138-00355435 Because you matter. OkRUmRLIkdI-01069-00355435-00355485 All right. OkRUmRLIkdI-01070-00355485-00355684 Let's do this. OkRUmRLIkdI-01071-00355684-00355933 Yes, sir. OkRUmRLIkdI-01072-00355933-00356107 Thank you so much for coming, Robert. OkRUmRLIkdI-01073-00356107-00356574 I guess I was thinking about you spoke OkRUmRLIkdI-01074-00356574-00356880 a lot about the sort of continuities I mean, OkRUmRLIkdI-01075-00356880-00357324 both in what we're facing and also in the challenges we have OkRUmRLIkdI-01076-00357324-00357647 and the kind of responses we've got to stand up to from 50 OkRUmRLIkdI-01077-00357647-00357878 years ago and from right now. OkRUmRLIkdI-01078-00357878-00358095 I think you spoke really insightfully and powerfully OkRUmRLIkdI-01079-00358095-00358194 about that. OkRUmRLIkdI-01080-00358194-00358582 Part of what I'm preoccupied with thinking about Black Lives OkRUmRLIkdI-01081-00358582-00358790 Matter movement and a lot of the youth [INAUDIBLE] OkRUmRLIkdI-01082-00358790-00359141 popping up these days is one of the discontinuities OkRUmRLIkdI-01083-00359141-00359344 that they say, we need to look at things OkRUmRLIkdI-01084-00359344-00359942 with a little different focus than King's generation has been OkRUmRLIkdI-01085-00359942-00360290 caught up in the conversation around the politics OkRUmRLIkdI-01086-00360290-00360489 of respectability [INAUDIBLE]. OkRUmRLIkdI-01087-00360489-00360938 And then some of the ways that Rosa Parks OkRUmRLIkdI-01088-00360938-00361436 was like the third choice for somebody to lead that movement. OkRUmRLIkdI-01089-00361436-00361759 And the first movement was a teenage woman OkRUmRLIkdI-01090-00361759-00362083 whose father turned out to be an alcoholic and [INAUDIBLE].. OkRUmRLIkdI-01091-00362083-00362232 Oh, we can't have that image. OkRUmRLIkdI-01092-00362232-00362432 And the second was the woman who got pregnant. OkRUmRLIkdI-01093-00362432-00362631 And she was like 17, and they were like, sorry, OkRUmRLIkdI-01094-00362631-00362967 we can't use you as our leader because it gives us OkRUmRLIkdI-01095-00362967-00363029 the wrong face. OkRUmRLIkdI-01096-00363029-00363228 And the voices that I'm hearing a lot OkRUmRLIkdI-01097-00363228-00363627 are saying now that if particularly black-- OkRUmRLIkdI-01098-00363627-00363926 but racial struggles kind of wait for the Kings OkRUmRLIkdI-01099-00363926-00364274 and wait for the upstanding, faultless, polished members OkRUmRLIkdI-01100-00364274-00364498 of the community, that's also kind OkRUmRLIkdI-01101-00364498-00364772 of reinforcing the excuses that are used to write off OkRUmRLIkdI-01102-00364772-00364922 the majority, right? OkRUmRLIkdI-01103-00364922-00365121 And especially with the centrality OkRUmRLIkdI-01104-00365121-00365370 of mass incarceration and criminalization OkRUmRLIkdI-01105-00365370-00365859 as an excuse for racism in its current form. OkRUmRLIkdI-01106-00365859-00366067 And then one other thing that I'm preoccupied with OkRUmRLIkdI-01107-00366067-00366415 was back in that struggle, King himself said basically OkRUmRLIkdI-01108-00366415-00366615 they're trying to get the liberals in the north, OkRUmRLIkdI-01109-00366615-00366914 the Kennedy administration, to stand up OkRUmRLIkdI-01110-00366914-00367163 against the local power structure OkRUmRLIkdI-01111-00367163-00367511 and the old white supremacist [INAUDIBLE] from the south. OkRUmRLIkdI-01112-00367511-00367851 And some of the issues we're dealing with now with policing, OkRUmRLIkdI-01113-00367851-00368084 with what you were saying, capitalism, militarism, those OkRUmRLIkdI-01114-00368084-00368208 are national issues. OkRUmRLIkdI-01115-00368208-00368607 And I don't know who the Kennedy administration is in our time, OkRUmRLIkdI-01116-00368607-00368657 right? OkRUmRLIkdI-01117-00368657-00369005 We don't have an outside power that we can call in against it. OkRUmRLIkdI-01118-00369005-00369105 The power is us. OkRUmRLIkdI-01119-00369105-00369304 So I was just curious what some of your-- OkRUmRLIkdI-01120-00369304-00369603 I mean, I know there's no easy answer, I'm aware. OkRUmRLIkdI-01121-00369603-00369801 But I was just curious with all your insights OkRUmRLIkdI-01122-00369801-00370001 about the continuities, if you also thought out, OkRUmRLIkdI-01123-00370001-00370193 I mean, if you also have any insights to share OkRUmRLIkdI-01124-00370193-00370649 about the difference in focus, how that might change things up OkRUmRLIkdI-01125-00370649-00370997 to not play into that kind of respectability game. OkRUmRLIkdI-01126-00370997-00371396 If we continue to wait for the perfect person OkRUmRLIkdI-01127-00371396-00371794 to come in and lead the fight, we'll never get there. OkRUmRLIkdI-01128-00371794-00371993 Everyone has flaws. OkRUmRLIkdI-01129-00371993-00372143 Everyone is broken. OkRUmRLIkdI-01130-00372143-00372342 Everyone comes from a place of brokenness. OkRUmRLIkdI-01131-00372342-00372740 But we have to be committed to healing one another's hurts. OkRUmRLIkdI-01132-00372740-00373139 And when we get to the point where-- there's an old Negro OkRUmRLIkdI-01133-00373139-00373462 spiritual, a hymn, that says that he looked beyond my faults OkRUmRLIkdI-01134-00373462-00373587 to see my need. OkRUmRLIkdI-01135-00373587-00373935 If we begin to look beyond the faults of individuals OkRUmRLIkdI-01136-00373935-00374284 and accept the good that they do in the moment, OkRUmRLIkdI-01137-00374284-00374583 we can put all that other rhetoric behind. OkRUmRLIkdI-01138-00374583-00374917 The other thing that's really important about what you're OkRUmRLIkdI-01139-00374917-00375128 saying is that I want you to kind of consider OkRUmRLIkdI-01140-00375128-00375302 this as an analogy. OkRUmRLIkdI-01141-00375302-00375584 The lenses-- I'm putting on glasses now-- so OkRUmRLIkdI-01142-00375584-00376080 the lenses you put on, you wear, dictate what you see OkRUmRLIkdI-01143-00376080-00376349 and how clearly you see it. OkRUmRLIkdI-01144-00376349-00376549 What are the lenses we're putting on? OkRUmRLIkdI-01145-00376549-00376749 Are we wearing a lens of hate today? OkRUmRLIkdI-01146-00376749-00376996 Are we wearing a lens of discord? OkRUmRLIkdI-01147-00376996-00377213 Are we wearing a lens of discontentment? OkRUmRLIkdI-01148-00377213-00377388 Are we wearing the lens of disgruntlement? OkRUmRLIkdI-01149-00377388-00377608 Are we wearing the lens of hope? OkRUmRLIkdI-01150-00377608-00377780 Are we wearing the lens of love? OkRUmRLIkdI-01151-00377780-00378247 Because the lens you wear in the moment dictates how clearly you OkRUmRLIkdI-01152-00378247-00378371 see the issues. OkRUmRLIkdI-01153-00378371-00378568 That's [INAUDIBLE]. OkRUmRLIkdI-01154-00378568-00378618 I like that. OkRUmRLIkdI-01155-00378618-00378915 That's like Abraham Lincoln once said. OkRUmRLIkdI-01156-00378915-00379190 If you look for dirt, you truly will find it. OkRUmRLIkdI-01157-00379190-00379361 So why don't you look for something good? OkRUmRLIkdI-01158-00379361-00379459 Yeah, exactly. OkRUmRLIkdI-01159-00379459-00379559 Look for something good. OkRUmRLIkdI-01160-00379559-00379806 All right. OkRUmRLIkdI-01161-00379806-00380153 All right. OkRUmRLIkdI-01162-00380153-00380499 So, I had a question about-- you mentioned OkRUmRLIkdI-01163-00380499-00380747 capitalism and the connection with race and civil rights OkRUmRLIkdI-01164-00380747-00380895 and stuff. OkRUmRLIkdI-01165-00380895-00381242 But there's different forms of government. OkRUmRLIkdI-01166-00381242-00381687 So is there one that meshes well with civil rights OkRUmRLIkdI-01167-00381687-00382083 in the sense of, like, it's more [INAUDIBLE] or whatever? OkRUmRLIkdI-01168-00382083-00382281 Not very good at expressing it. OkRUmRLIkdI-01169-00382281-00382727 Or are none of them perfect, and [INAUDIBLE].. OkRUmRLIkdI-01170-00383222-00383481 I don't think you have to create anything new. OkRUmRLIkdI-01171-00383481-00383781 Just work on fixing what's broken with what's OkRUmRLIkdI-01172-00383781-00383880 already in existence. OkRUmRLIkdI-01173-00383880-00384054 Government is not [INAUDIBLE] government. OkRUmRLIkdI-01174-00384054-00384377 Government is a machine, a systematic machine OkRUmRLIkdI-01175-00384377-00384675 that is designed-- OkRUmRLIkdI-01176-00384675-00384924 there's a thing called original intent. OkRUmRLIkdI-01177-00384924-00385222 Now, the original intent, based on the Constitution, OkRUmRLIkdI-01178-00385222-00385371 was that all men are created equal OkRUmRLIkdI-01179-00385371-00385644 and that every man has the right to life, OkRUmRLIkdI-01180-00385644-00385818 liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. OkRUmRLIkdI-01181-00385818-00386017 That's the framework. OkRUmRLIkdI-01182-00386017-00386464 But the framework was broken and all of these other things OkRUmRLIkdI-01183-00386464-00386763 began to become center stage, so to speak. OkRUmRLIkdI-01184-00386763-00387110 And so we can go back to the framework OkRUmRLIkdI-01185-00387110-00387409 and really reconstitute ourselves OkRUmRLIkdI-01186-00387409-00387856 to doing what's right as opposed to doing what's expedient. OkRUmRLIkdI-01187-00387856-00388104 We'll benefit humanity all the more, OkRUmRLIkdI-01188-00388104-00388701 because what I think we do greatly is we mess things up. OkRUmRLIkdI-01189-00388701-00388949 We do a great job of messing things up. OkRUmRLIkdI-01190-00388949-00389347 And then we want someone to come behind us and clean up. OkRUmRLIkdI-01191-00389347-00389645 But if we want to do something meaningful today OkRUmRLIkdI-01192-00389645-00389943 in our economy, in our environment, OkRUmRLIkdI-01193-00389943-00390142 develop your voice. OkRUmRLIkdI-01194-00390142-00390440 Take your action that you can take. OkRUmRLIkdI-01195-00390440-00390739 And whoever wants to come along for the journey, go. OkRUmRLIkdI-01196-00390739-00391086 And if no one wants to come, go by yourself. OkRUmRLIkdI-01197-00391086-00391236 But at least go. OkRUmRLIkdI-01198-00391236-00391335 Make your mark. OkRUmRLIkdI-01199-00391335-00391782 Take your stand and make the world know who you are. OkRUmRLIkdI-01200-00391782-00392130 Because you deserve to be seen and heard. OkRUmRLIkdI-01201-00392478-00392778 You talked about aligning ourselves OkRUmRLIkdI-01202-00392778-00392974 with like-minded individuals. OkRUmRLIkdI-01203-00393267-00393512 Doesn't that lead to polarization, OkRUmRLIkdI-01204-00393512-00394634 and shouldn't we try and change the mind of some people OkRUmRLIkdI-01205-00394634-00395075 in the Alt-Right and show them our side of the argument? OkRUmRLIkdI-01206-00395075-00395139 Yes. OkRUmRLIkdI-01207-00395139-00395277 You're definitely right. OkRUmRLIkdI-01208-00395277-00395711 And that statement was not exclusive to only work OkRUmRLIkdI-01209-00395711-00395914 with individuals who believe as you believe, OkRUmRLIkdI-01210-00395914-00396159 who see as you see, who think as you think. OkRUmRLIkdI-01211-00396159-00396582 But now it becomes important that you develop the means OkRUmRLIkdI-01212-00396582-00396865 by which to articulate your position in such a way OkRUmRLIkdI-01213-00396865-00397046 that it does not threaten their position. OkRUmRLIkdI-01214-00397046-00397644 But give them the opportunity to change their mind, to see OkRUmRLIkdI-01215-00397644-00397809 your truth as being valid. OkRUmRLIkdI-01216-00397809-00398109 You see, the thing that separates us in humanity OkRUmRLIkdI-01217-00398109-00398458 is that we don't see one another as valid. OkRUmRLIkdI-01218-00398458-00398657 We don't validate one another's position. OkRUmRLIkdI-01219-00398657-00398956 But if your position is just as valid as mine, OkRUmRLIkdI-01220-00398956-00399155 let's do some things. OkRUmRLIkdI-01221-00399155-00399454 There may be some nuances to what you do, OkRUmRLIkdI-01222-00399454-00399603 but now let's have a debate. OkRUmRLIkdI-01223-00399603-00399786 You know, I would encourage you to look OkRUmRLIkdI-01224-00399786-00400101 at some of the debates between F. Lee Buckley and James OkRUmRLIkdI-01225-00400101-00400201 Baldwin. OkRUmRLIkdI-01226-00400201-00400549 Look at that debate, James Baldwin and F. Lee Buckley. OkRUmRLIkdI-01227-00400549-00400798 Man, I tell you, you will be amazed at the way that these OkRUmRLIkdI-01228-00400798-00401197 two gentlemen are able to articulate their positions 50 OkRUmRLIkdI-01229-00401197-00401657 years ago, and really understand the depth and the magnitude OkRUmRLIkdI-01230-00401657-00402093 of the issues and yet be willing to do a debate in a civilized OkRUmRLIkdI-01231-00402093-00402417 manner by which you're educating those who believe as you OkRUmRLIkdI-01232-00402417-00402740 believe and bring in those who don't. OkRUmRLIkdI-01233-00402740-00403338 [INAUDIBLE] Any other questions? OkRUmRLIkdI-01234-00403338-00403687 Family, I thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. OkRUmRLIkdI-01235-00403687-00403886 It has been my honor and my pleasure OkRUmRLIkdI-01236-00403886-00404234 to stand before you, to stand as a comrade OkRUmRLIkdI-01237-00404234-00404533 in arms to fight for social justice, OkRUmRLIkdI-01238-00404533-00404918 to fight for civil rights, to fight on behalf of students OkRUmRLIkdI-01239-00404918-00405347 and their desire to want more and their desire to change OkRUmRLIkdI-01240-00405347-00405679 humanity one person at a time. OkRUmRLIkdI-01241-00405679-00405769 Thank you very much. OkRUmRLIkdI-01242-00405769-00406074 [APPLAUSE] OlDyItlGKdE-00000-00000040-00000728 Hello everyone. I'm Anup. I work with the Freiburg Galaxy team in Germany. In this talk, we will OlDyItlGKdE-00001-00000728-00001384 learn about regression. In machine learning, in the previous talk, we focused on “introduction OlDyItlGKdE-00002-00001384-00001920 to machine learning” and then “classification in machine learning”. In this talk, we will learn OlDyItlGKdE-00003-00001920-00002984 about what regression is briefly and then we will see different approaches for regression. OlDyItlGKdE-00004-00003064-00003784 Regression as we have discussed before is a kind of supervised learning. We have a label and in OlDyItlGKdE-00005-00003784-00004696 comparison to classification, the labels for the regression task contain real numbers. For example, OlDyItlGKdE-00006-00004696-00005432 on the right, there are two tables. The top table, we can see that all the features are already real OlDyItlGKdE-00007-00005432-00006368 numbers. The target is also a real number. Using this top table, we can train our model OlDyItlGKdE-00008-00006368-00006984 because we know the features and their targets and in the bottom table we can use the train OlDyItlGKdE-00009-00006984-00007592 model to predict the target. We just know only the features and we can predict the target. OlDyItlGKdE-00010-00007840-00008600 Regression tasks actually require an error function. Error functions are OlDyItlGKdE-00011-00008600-00009312 mathematical functions which give the difference between the true and the predicted values. OlDyItlGKdE-00012-00009392-00009984 There can be different examples of cost functions which we can see in the next slides. OlDyItlGKdE-00013-00010056-00010568 There are different approaches in regression which can be used depending on the data. There OlDyItlGKdE-00014-00010568-00011432 are linear models such as linear regression, support vector machines or more clearly we OlDyItlGKdE-00015-00011432-00012112 can say support vector regressors. It has two variants linear and non-linear both. OlDyItlGKdE-00016-00012264-00012784 There are k nearest neighbors approaches and then tree and ensemble approaches. OlDyItlGKdE-00017-00012912-00013663 We will be seeing examples of all these algorithms. Some examples of real-life OlDyItlGKdE-00018-00013736-00014208 regression tasks are predicting gene expression patterns. Gene expression patterns OlDyItlGKdE-00019-00014424-00015040 has all real numbers for gene expression corresponding to each gene. OlDyItlGKdE-00020-00015247-00015584 It can also be used for estimating DNA copy number. OlDyItlGKdE-00021-00015719-00016640 Some segments in any genome can be replicated, and can be copied. Sometimes it's doubled, sometimes OlDyItlGKdE-00022-00016640-00017184 tripled or sometimes it's quadrupled. In different people, to estimate this dna copy number, which OlDyItlGKdE-00023-00017184-00017992 is a number, regression algorithms can be used. Another task could be to identify drug responses OlDyItlGKdE-00024-00018240-00018664 to therapeutic therapeutic changes OlDyItlGKdE-00025-00018912-00019152 in the gene expression patterns. OlDyItlGKdE-00026-00019576-00020320 Cost function: cost functions as we discussed before cost functions are mathematical functions. OlDyItlGKdE-00027-00020576-00021216 It is actually used for computing the error between the true and the predicted targets. OlDyItlGKdE-00028-00021360-00021960 By this, we can say that whether our algorithm is doing good or not, if the error is too high OlDyItlGKdE-00029-00022016-00022848 then we assume that the algorithm, the regressor is not performing very well. If the error is very OlDyItlGKdE-00030-00022848-00023624 low then we say that the regressor is performing very well. Some common examples of cost functions OlDyItlGKdE-00031-00023728-00024480 are mean squared error or mean absolute error or coefficient of determination and so on. OlDyItlGKdE-00032-00024888-00025536 One example of error would be if we see here, is a true target which is 9 OlDyItlGKdE-00033-00025536-00026144 and the predicted target is 3.4. We can apply one of these error functions, for example, OlDyItlGKdE-00034-00026144-00027056 mean absolute error. Then, we subtract 9 from 3.4 and we find what is the error OlDyItlGKdE-00035-00027464-00028127 Now, we see different models or different algorithms used for regression tasks. First one OlDyItlGKdE-00036-00028127-00028927 is a linear model in the image at the bottom. We can see that the black dots are the targets which OlDyItlGKdE-00037-00028927-00029624 are plotted here. We assume that we have only two features in this plot which can be easily plotted OlDyItlGKdE-00038-00029752-00029992 and then a straight line is fit through OlDyItlGKdE-00039-00030127-00030983 these targets. This straight line is our learning curve, our learning curve. OlDyItlGKdE-00040-00031152-00031904 Since linear models give straight lines. The equation for the straight line can be given as OlDyItlGKdE-00041-00032016-00032383 “y” which is the predicted target - the quantity that we want to know OlDyItlGKdE-00042-00032608-00033216 which can be equal to the “w_0” which is the intercept of the straight line and then for OlDyItlGKdE-00043-00033216-00034008 each feature a coefficient is learned and these coefficients are weight one weight, weight two OlDyItlGKdE-00044-00034008-00034984 and up to weight n and for each feature all these coefficients can be merged together and can be OlDyItlGKdE-00045-00034984-00035488 called as weights which is the weight vector. We can also include the bias in the weight vector and OlDyItlGKdE-00046-00035568-00036720 it becomes the size of the weight vector becomes “n + 1”. “x” is the input and it has n features: OlDyItlGKdE-00047-00037024-00037624 the quantity that we see here on the right. This particular quantity, this is the mean squared OlDyItlGKdE-00048-00037624-00038456 error which is actually minimized for learning in linear models, for example, in linear regression. OlDyItlGKdE-00049-00038520-00039408 So, we solve this equation and find a set of weights which minimizes this equation. OlDyItlGKdE-00050-00039408-00039944 Different examples of linear models are linear regression, ridge regression, elastic net. They OlDyItlGKdE-00051-00039944-00040784 work on similar principles but this minimization equation that we just discussed differs a bit. OlDyItlGKdE-00052-00040928-00041552 These linear models are simple to understand and they run fast OlDyItlGKdE-00053-00041728-00042448 but the disadvantage is when we need to have a non-linear boundary on non-linear relations OlDyItlGKdE-00054-00042448-00043224 in the data then these models do not work well. When we have non-linearities OlDyItlGKdE-00055-00043224-00043912 in our data for those datasets we need to use the non-linear models. OlDyItlGKdE-00056-00044160-00044984 Support vector machines: support vector machines or we can say support vector regressors svrs, OlDyItlGKdE-00057-00045096-00045920 they can be linear and non-linear both. On the right, we can say that we can see that OlDyItlGKdE-00058-00046168-00046912 there is this dark line which is the separator between the boundaries. OlDyItlGKdE-00059-00047160-00048200 Support vector machines, in general, are maximum margin algorithms. The decision boundary OlDyItlGKdE-00060-00048408-00049296 is having the maximum distance from samples belonging to different classes. OlDyItlGKdE-00061-00049848-00050560 We need only the support vectors. The dark circles that we see here are the support vectors. OlDyItlGKdE-00062-00050560-00051328 We need only these vectors to classify a new sample and the rest of the data we can throw away OlDyItlGKdE-00063-00051472-00052008 which makes support vector machines highly memory efficient because these support OlDyItlGKdE-00064-00052008-00052696 vectors are too few compared to all the data points. Advantages of support vector machines OlDyItlGKdE-00065-00052696-00053152 are that with high dimensional data it works well. By high dimensional data, OlDyItlGKdE-00066-00053304-00054112 we mean that the number of samples is too less compared to the number of features. OlDyItlGKdE-00067-00054336-00054800 But, one thing we need to remember is that it can be prone to overfitting OlDyItlGKdE-00068-00054800-00055520 when the data is highly dimensional therefore we need to use good regularization techniques OlDyItlGKdE-00069-00055624-00056184 to avoid that. It is highly memory efficient because it is used OlDyItlGKdE-00070-00056424-00057120 only with support vectors and restful data is always thrown away. Disadvantages OlDyItlGKdE-00071-00057191-00057800 of support vector machines are it has a large runtime which increases with the data. OlDyItlGKdE-00072-00058024-00058720 Examples of support vector machines are SVR. This is support vector regressor (SVR) and Nu OlDyItlGKdE-00073-00058720-00059400 SVR. These are non-linear variants and linear SVR is the linear variant of support vector machines. OlDyItlGKdE-00074-00059952-00060560 Now, we discuss K-nearest neighbors. The K-nearest neighbors approach is a very OlDyItlGKdE-00075-00060624-00061296 simple approach which is easy to understand. As it tries to find K neighbors around OlDyItlGKdE-00076-00061296-00062144 each data point to predict a new sample. Advantages of k-nearest neighbor are that OlDyItlGKdE-00077-00062328-00062832 it is nonparametric. What we mean by non-parametric is OlDyItlGKdE-00078-00062976-00063888 this algorithm can learn any form of decision function, it's not restricted to some parameters. OlDyItlGKdE-00079-00064120-00065016 It can learn any form of function and the size of the parameters actually increases OlDyItlGKdE-00080-00065016-00065712 with the data. It has to learn many different parameters which is one of the disadvantages OlDyItlGKdE-00081-00065712-00066592 of using k-nearest neighbors and since it depends on a lot of parameters which depends OlDyItlGKdE-00082-00066592-00067448 on the size of the data, the runtime increases and also it needs to keep all the neighbors OlDyItlGKdE-00083-00067448-00068208 of each data point. It has high memory requirements, also it's insensitive to outliers. OlDyItlGKdE-00084-00068552-00069280 But, one of the good features of k nearest neighbors is it can learn irregular boundaries. OlDyItlGKdE-00085-00069472-00069736 So it's good for those datasets having OlDyItlGKdE-00086-00069816-00070824 a high degree of nonlinearity. On the right we can see that we are using k neighbors regressor and OlDyItlGKdE-00087-00070928-00071808 these are the target points shown in yellow and the blue line is the prediction. OlDyItlGKdE-00088-00072072-00072576 In the bottom also, is the same algorithm but with a slightly different parameter OlDyItlGKdE-00089-00072648-00073344 and we can see that it is actually overfitting because OlDyItlGKdE-00090-00073344-00074384 it's trying to learn and to fit all the data points and not generalizing too well. OlDyItlGKdE-00091-00074632-00074880 Decision trees: decision trees OlDyItlGKdE-00092-00075096-00075776 learn simple decision rules based on the features in the dataset. Let's suppose we have two OlDyItlGKdE-00093-00075776-00076584 features in a dataset x1 and x2. On the right, we can see that all these data points are plotted, OlDyItlGKdE-00094-00076744-00077648 x1 on the y-axis and x2 on the x-axis. Then, we try to divide the dataset into two parts. OlDyItlGKdE-00095-00077792-00078600 By this simple decision rule, x2 is less than 0.30. Then, the entire dataset, all the samples OlDyItlGKdE-00096-00078600-00079120 would be divided into two - one on the left and one on the one set, on the left and one set on OlDyItlGKdE-00097-00079120-00079888 the right. In this node, here we again make our decision - “x” one less than point eight. Now, OlDyItlGKdE-00098-00079888-00080792 again all the samples here would be divided into two parts. Similarly, we say that x1 is OlDyItlGKdE-00099-00080792-00081672 less than 0.88 which further divides the dataset into two parts here and further we move downwards. OlDyItlGKdE-00100-00081928-00082664 These leaves actually give the categories that we have learned using these all decision rules. OlDyItlGKdE-00101-00082664-00083648 We can count these categories as 2 2 4 5 6 7. Here, we can see that there are seven different OlDyItlGKdE-00102-00083648-00084712 parts in the whole dataset. Whenever a new sample comes in, then a decision is evaluated OlDyItlGKdE-00103-00084712-00085584 and we need to follow only one of the paths here which makes it an efficient learning algorithm. OlDyItlGKdE-00104-00085760-00086328 We see that the decision tree learns simple rules and for prediction, we need to follow one path. OlDyItlGKdE-00105-00086448-00086688 The advantages of a decision tree OlDyItlGKdE-00106-00086792-00087416 are: it's very easy to interpret as we saw in the simple example with two features here OlDyItlGKdE-00107-00087696-00088456 and for prediction, we need to follow only one path and it's logarithmic cost for predicting a OlDyItlGKdE-00108-00088456-00089048 new sample. However, there are a few disadvantages of using decision trees. It's very sensitive OlDyItlGKdE-00109-00089048-00089896 to variations in the data. If the training and test data have some variations, then it becomes OlDyItlGKdE-00110-00090048-00090640 prone to overfitting. It may give a very good accuracy on the training data but OlDyItlGKdE-00111-00090712-00091688 it may perform poorly on the test data. Decision trees are also sensitive to imbalanced datasets. OlDyItlGKdE-00112-00091688-00092720 If there is one class which is dominant then the data is not balanced. Data is not balanced OlDyItlGKdE-00113-00092824-00093664 because of the dominant classes and non-dominant classes and then it gives a very biased model. OlDyItlGKdE-00114-00093808-00094376 Therefore, it's very important to balance the dataset before using the decision trees. OlDyItlGKdE-00115-00095016-00095720 To avoid the problems of using these decision trees, we have ensemble models. Ensemble models OlDyItlGKdE-00116-00095720-00096432 are nothing but a combination of many, many different trees. There are two approaches: OlDyItlGKdE-00117-00096432-00096816 two ensemble models - bagging and boosting. In the bagging approach, OlDyItlGKdE-00118-00097008-00097864 independent trees are built using the same data and then average prediction is taken from all of OlDyItlGKdE-00119-00097864-00098992 these decision trees which learns on the data in an independent way. Examples of bagging are Random OlDyItlGKdE-00120-00098992-00099848 Forest, Bagging and Extremely Randomized Trees regressor. Another ensemble model is boosting. OlDyItlGKdE-00121-00100000-00100984 In boosting, we take a few decision trees and then improve these models sequentially OlDyItlGKdE-00122-00101064-00101848 and these models try to combine weak models and form a robust ensemble OlDyItlGKdE-00123-00101928-00102888 and then an average prediction is taken from these models. Examples of boosting are AdaBoost, OlDyItlGKdE-00124-00102952-00103656 Gradient Boosting and Extra Gradient Boosting and so on. On the right, we can see that OlDyItlGKdE-00125-00103976-00104624 there are different trees. In this ensemble model, 30 trees in this ensemble model and each tree OlDyItlGKdE-00126-00104624-00105535 makes a prediction and then we take an average prediction as the final prediction of unseen data. OlDyItlGKdE-00127-00105768-00106583 Ensemble models generally give better accuracy in comparison to using single decision trees OlDyItlGKdE-00128-00106688-00107672 but one of the disadvantages of an ensemble model is it is computationally expensive if the data OlDyItlGKdE-00129-00107672-00108880 increases or if you use a lot of decision trees as a number of estimators then the runtime increases. OlDyItlGKdE-00130-00109176-00109824 In this talk, we learned about regression in general and then we talked about different OlDyItlGKdE-00131-00109896-00110792 models of regression. Some are linear, some are nonlinear. Now, we will go to the hands-on section OlDyItlGKdE-00132-00110792-00111424 where we will be using regression techniques we discussed here on our biological data. OlDyItlGKdE-00133-00111559-00112208 Hello everyone. In this session, we will be doing a hands-on on our biological dataset and OlDyItlGKdE-00134-00112352-00112535 the task would be regression. OlDyItlGKdE-00135-00112744-00113088 In the previous session, we discussed what is regression OlDyItlGKdE-00136-00113144-00113432 briefly and different techniques to do regression OlDyItlGKdE-00137-00113583-00114183 before going into the hands-on tutorial. Let's look at the training website of Galaxy. OlDyItlGKdE-00138-00114496-00115111 The link to the website is training.galaxyproject.org. We can see there OlDyItlGKdE-00139-00115111-00115856 are several tutorials for different analyses. To find the tutorial that we will be using for the OlDyItlGKdE-00140-00115856-00116608 hands-on session would be under “statistics and machine learning”. We open this category OlDyItlGKdE-00141-00116888-00117783 and we will find the regression in machine learning at the bottom. Let's open the tutorial. OlDyItlGKdE-00142-00118504-00118735 In this tutorial, we will see OlDyItlGKdE-00143-00119024-00119535 background about regression and some background about the dataset that we would be using. OlDyItlGKdE-00144-00119608-00120359 Then, we will be seeing how the different models of regression, different algorithms of regression OlDyItlGKdE-00145-00120424-00121280 are used and then at the end, we will be seeing the visualization techniques to OlDyItlGKdE-00146-00121280-00122183 evaluate the performance of each of these regression algorithms and we will be also OlDyItlGKdE-00147-00122183-00122840 seeing how to optimize the hyper parameters. In the introduction part, we discussed OlDyItlGKdE-00148-00122952-00123608 one of the hyper parameter optimization techniques which is grid search. You will be using the same OlDyItlGKdE-00149-00123664-00124168 grid search approach to optimize the hyper parameters of one of the regressors. OlDyItlGKdE-00150-00124520-00124783 Let's start the tutorial. OlDyItlGKdE-00151-00125072-00125680 We have already discussed what regression is - regression is one OlDyItlGKdE-00152-00125680-00126183 of the tasks of supervised learning where the targets are real numbers. OlDyItlGKdE-00153-00126352-00126824 These real numbers, the targets can be anything - it can be a DNA copy number, it can be gene OlDyItlGKdE-00154-00126824-00127583 expression patterns, it can be biological age which is the target in this hands-on session. OlDyItlGKdE-00155-00127704-00128408 To learn, we try to minimize the cost function. The cost function gives the error between the OlDyItlGKdE-00156-00128408-00128935 true and the predicted targets. There are different examples of cost function such as OlDyItlGKdE-00157-00128935-00129535 mean squared error, mean absolute error, coefficient of determination or r squared error OlDyItlGKdE-00158-00129672-00130992 and so on. In this tutorial, we'll be using a dataset based on Yana Neue et al. study which OlDyItlGKdE-00159-00130992-00131416 does chronological age prediction using dna methylation datasets. OlDyItlGKdE-00160-00131880-00133048 In this dataset, the biomarkers are the genes which have the CpG sites which are DNA -methylated OlDyItlGKdE-00161-00133104-00134040 and these DNA-methylated CpG sites have the highest correlation with the biological age. These OlDyItlGKdE-00162-00134160-00134856 genes or biomarkers are 13 in number which have the highest correlation with age and that's why OlDyItlGKdE-00163-00134944-00135472 they are being used in the dataset for predicting, for learning and predicting a biological age. OlDyItlGKdE-00164-00135872-00136632 You can learn more about the original analysis in this paper which is linked in the tutorial. Also, OlDyItlGKdE-00165-00136632-00137360 if you are interested you can learn more about DNA-methylation and CpG sites also. These are also OlDyItlGKdE-00166-00137360-00138168 linked. In DNA-methylation, a methyl group gets attached to one of the nucleotides. In this case OlDyItlGKdE-00167-00138352-00138976 for CpG sites, DNA methylation for the methylation to occur, methyl groups OlDyItlGKdE-00168-00138976-00139704 get added to the cytosine (C) nucleotide and because of that, gene expression pattern changes OlDyItlGKdE-00169-00139904-00140672 and by measuring the DNA methylation pattern of gene expression change, OlDyItlGKdE-00170-00140856-00141584 it is also measured against age as well. How these patterns are changing with age OlDyItlGKdE-00171-00141752-00142552 and using this dataset, we'll be using different regressors and see how each of them performs. OlDyItlGKdE-00172-00142984-00143448 Just to reiterate, we will be using regression techniques and analyzing a OlDyItlGKdE-00173-00143448-00144296 DNA methylation dataset. This dataset is obtained from blood cells. First of all, we'll be using, OlDyItlGKdE-00174-00144416-00145064 then we'll be downloading the datasets and uploading them to Galaxy then we will use a linear OlDyItlGKdE-00175-00145064-00145832 model which is a simple model. Then, we use the train model to predict using an unseen dataset. OlDyItlGKdE-00176-00145832-00146448 Also, we will visualize a prediction of how good we are doing. Then, we will use an ensemble method OlDyItlGKdE-00177-00146504-00147184 for a regression task and then we will use another ensemble method for hyperparameter optimization. OlDyItlGKdE-00178-00147600-00148296 We have already discussed the regression a couple of times before. We can see in the plot OlDyItlGKdE-00179-00148360-00149208 that the targets are blue circles and the fitting curve is the red one. So this OlDyItlGKdE-00180-00149208-00150216 fitting curve is plotted across the targets and this fitting curve is learned by a regressor. OlDyItlGKdE-00181-00150696-00151384 When we have the data or the targets of this kind as shown in figure 2, we can say that OlDyItlGKdE-00182-00151592-00152248 there is a linear relationship and if we use only a linear regressor, then OlDyItlGKdE-00183-00152248-00152992 we can find a very good fit already but not always. We have this kind of dataset available OlDyItlGKdE-00184-00153056-00153776 and in real life many datasets have non-linearities. Therefore, it's good to OlDyItlGKdE-00185-00153888-00154544 try out nonlinear algorithms as well to see if performance is improved. OlDyItlGKdE-00186-00154856-00155336 Cost function we have discussed briefly. What is the cost function? OlDyItlGKdE-00187-00155336-00155624 Once again we should look at the cost function: OlDyItlGKdE-00188-00156008-00156816 The blue circles or the blue dots are the targets of the dataset and the black line is the curve OlDyItlGKdE-00189-00156872-00157632 that is learned by the algorithm which gives the best fit through these target points. OlDyItlGKdE-00190-00157912-00158592 Cost function tries to determine the error between the true value and the predicted OlDyItlGKdE-00191-00158592-00159576 value. So the predicted value lies across the black line which is the straight line curve and OlDyItlGKdE-00192-00159576-00160640 the true value lies somewhere here and we try to minimize this distance by learning this curve and OlDyItlGKdE-00193-00160640-00161296 this error is computed for each of the data points and then averaged. So, whichever straight line OlDyItlGKdE-00194-00161296-00162584 gives the lowest error is the best straight line curve that defines or that explains the targets. OlDyItlGKdE-00195-00163376-00164008 As discussed before, we'll be using a DNA-methylation dataset for this tutorial OlDyItlGKdE-00196-00164008-00164592 and we will apply a couple of scikit-learn algorithms which are available in Galaxy OlDyItlGKdE-00197-00164696-00165384 to predict biological age using DNA-methylation patterns of datasets. OlDyItlGKdE-00198-00165808-00166904 First of all, we need to download datasets into Galaxy before doing that, let's go to Galaxy. OlDyItlGKdE-00199-00167240-00167944 This is the homepage of Galaxy on the left side and there are lots of tools which are actually OlDyItlGKdE-00200-00167944-00168744 different algorithms for different analyses. Here, we will find our different regressors, OlDyItlGKdE-00201-00168928-00169688 on the right is the Galaxy history where all the datasets are uploaded in this history. OlDyItlGKdE-00202-00169920-00170512 So we did it for classification, for any new analysis like we will be doing here, OlDyItlGKdE-00203-00170584-00171160 it's always good to create a new history. Let's click on this plus button to create a new history OlDyItlGKdE-00204-00171472-00172952 and then we give it a meaningful name and now we try to upload all the dataset. There are three OlDyItlGKdE-00205-00172952-00173672 datasets - the first one is the training dataset which is “train rows”, the second dataset is the OlDyItlGKdE-00206-00173672-00174384 “test rows” which we will be using for evaluation. The test rows also contain the true labels. OlDyItlGKdE-00207-00174616-00174984 The third dataset contains only the test rows without the labels, OlDyItlGKdE-00208-00175056-00175776 the second and third dataset are actually the same, only difference is the second dataset OlDyItlGKdE-00209-00175776-00176496 contains two labels. The third dataset, we will be using for prediction. Then, we will have predicted OlDyItlGKdE-00210-00176496-00177000 targets, then we'll compare the predicted targets with the true targets from the second dataset. OlDyItlGKdE-00211-00177160-00178008 These datasets are also available on Zenodo. We go there and we can have a look. We have OlDyItlGKdE-00212-00178008-00178648 all these datasets available here, you can also download and get a view of all these datasets. OlDyItlGKdE-00213-00178968-00179568 To copy these datasets either we can just select and copy all these links. OlDyItlGKdE-00214-00179720-00180176 Otherwise, alternatively we can just go here and OlDyItlGKdE-00215-00180360-00181224 copy all these links of the dataset. To upload the dataset into Galaxy, we will click on upload data. OlDyItlGKdE-00216-00181512-00182184 Then, we go to “paste fetch data” and we just paste all the links. OlDyItlGKdE-00217-00182680-00183256 We need our table of dataset, therefore, it's always good to type our table or dataset here OlDyItlGKdE-00218-00183336-00184032 and we just start the analysis and start the data upload process. OlDyItlGKdE-00219-00184320-00184704 It all turns green and then we close it. Now we can see here, OlDyItlGKdE-00220-00184800-00185496 all these three datasets are in queue and soon they will be uploaded when all of them turn green. OlDyItlGKdE-00221-00185872-00187136 We can wait a bit here. So the steps that I followed here, these steps are also written. OlDyItlGKdE-00222-00187296-00187928 We just copy all the links and then go to paste fetch data and then start the process. We should OlDyItlGKdE-00223-00187928-00188792 also rename the datasets as we see here all these datasets have their links appended to their names. OlDyItlGKdE-00224-00188888-00189224 It may not be meaningful, also these are very big names OlDyItlGKdE-00225-00189224-00189936 and so it's good to have small and meaningful names here. Once they turn yellow, OlDyItlGKdE-00226-00190024-00190392 once they start getting uploaded, we can change the names of the datasets OlDyItlGKdE-00227-00190512-00191024 also. We should also check that the datatype of all these three datasets is tabular if it is not OlDyItlGKdE-00228-00191024-00191984 tabular. If it is, for example, comma separated or text file then our algorithms will not work. OlDyItlGKdE-00229-00192112-00192872 our datasets are uploaded. Let's now rename these datasets. We will click on these OlDyItlGKdE-00230-00192936-00193888 edit attributes pencil icon and this screen is shown to us. Then we just remove these links here OlDyItlGKdE-00231-00193960-00194784 and save them. Similarly we will do so for the remaining two datasets. OlDyItlGKdE-00232-00196464-00197128 Now, we have meaningful names to our datasets and we can browse through these datasets. OlDyItlGKdE-00233-00197240-00198296 We can see that, we have 105 rows for the dataset test dataset and it has 13 columns. OlDyItlGKdE-00234-00198296-00198984 These columns are the genes and all these numbers are the dna methylation patterns recorded. OlDyItlGKdE-00235-00199256-00199904 These are the same test rows but in this dataset we also have age as OlDyItlGKdE-00236-00199904-00200496 one column which is the true target for these dataset rows. OlDyItlGKdE-00237-00200744-00201544 These are the train rows and we have 209 lines and 209 rows. The first row is the column names and we OlDyItlGKdE-00238-00201744-00202048 will not be using this first row. For training, OlDyItlGKdE-00239-00202120-00203184 only 208 rows we'll be using for training and we also have the targets, age, defined for each row. OlDyItlGKdE-00240-00203280-00203984 We go to the tutorial, we have done all these steps here. Here OlDyItlGKdE-00241-00204216-00204848 the number of rows is defined which we have already discussed. We have 208 rows OlDyItlGKdE-00242-00204848-00205319 corresponding to individual samples. So, it's coming from different people OlDyItlGKdE-00243-00205384-00206208 and for each row there are 13 features and the last column, the age column defines the target. OlDyItlGKdE-00244-00206312-00206952 Similarly, the test set contains 104 rows coming from 104 different people and age defines OlDyItlGKdE-00245-00207040-00207767 the target, the biological age. First of all, we'll be using a linear model OlDyItlGKdE-00246-00207856-00208784 for training on the DNA-methylation dataset and then predict the age OlDyItlGKdE-00247-00208984-00209744 in the hands-on section. Here, we'll try to find this particular tool in Galaxy, we select OlDyItlGKdE-00248-00209864-00211584 this text and go to Galaxy and try to find this particular tool. OlDyItlGKdE-00249-00212448-00212560 Yes, it's right here. OlDyItlGKdE-00250-00212840-00213056 We just make it a bit smaller here. OlDyItlGKdE-00251-00213232-00213760 Now, this is a generalized linear model. So, it contains both our classification and regression OlDyItlGKdE-00252-00213760-00214448 models together. We'll be using a regression model here. Let's go back to the definition, we OlDyItlGKdE-00253-00214512-00215423 need to specify a regression training model and then we use a linear regression model from this OlDyItlGKdE-00254-00215488-00216456 which is right here. Now, our data is tabular. We will select “tabular data”. Now we have OlDyItlGKdE-00255-00216456-00217184 two sections - first we need to select all the features and then we need to select the target. OlDyItlGKdE-00256-00217384-00217976 The targets can be selected here. To do that, first we select the training sample dataset. OlDyItlGKdE-00257-00218119-00218680 We select the train rows, our datasets contain header. We have seen this. These are the headers, OlDyItlGKdE-00258-00218680-00219344 here these are the headers which are gene names. Then we say yes “our dataset has headers”. OlDyItlGKdE-00259-00219504-00220119 Since our features and targets are contained in the same dataset, we need to separate them. OlDyItlGKdE-00260-00220184-00220984 Therefore, this option comes in handy. Now, we need only the features, only the gene names. OlDyItlGKdE-00261-00220984-00221592 Therefore, we will choose this option “all columns excluding some column header name” which will OlDyItlGKdE-00262-00221592-00222400 select everything excluding the header name that we type here. So, we have typed “age”. Therefore, OlDyItlGKdE-00263-00222471-00223064 it will take into account all the columns except the age which contain our features. OlDyItlGKdE-00264-00223223-00223712 Now, to select the feature as it targets, we select the same dataset because the features and OlDyItlGKdE-00265-00223712-00224432 the targets are also present here and it contains headers and now we need to select only one column, OlDyItlGKdE-00266-00224432-00225136 the target column there. Therefore, we choose the option “select columns by header name” and we use OlDyItlGKdE-00267-00225136-00226128 the same header name here. We can see that we have done the same things as specified in the tutorial. OlDyItlGKdE-00268-00226344-00226984 Then, we go on and run the model. OlDyItlGKdE-00269-00227656-00227992 We can see that a new dataset is created but OlDyItlGKdE-00270-00227992-00228384 still queued in Galaxy and the job has not started running. OlDyItlGKdE-00271-00229328-00229928 We can go back to the tutorial and try to answer this question - what is learnt by a linear OlDyItlGKdE-00272-00229928-00230952 regressor as we have seen in the presentation that linear algorithms learn a straight line curve. OlDyItlGKdE-00273-00231144-00231792 So, the function in the straight line. These are the coefficients that we need which OlDyItlGKdE-00274-00231871-00232416 are actually learned by the regressor and using those weights which are the OlDyItlGKdE-00275-00232416-00233064 coefficients for each feature, we can predict the target for a new sample. OlDyItlGKdE-00276-00233344-00234464 Let's see. We can see that our job is running now and meanwhile we can move on to predicting age OlDyItlGKdE-00277-00234464-00235056 using the test dataset. Now, test dataset does not contain any age information. We will try OlDyItlGKdE-00278-00235056-00236271 to predict it using the model that we have learned here. This is our learnt model and then we need to OlDyItlGKdE-00279-00236271-00237144 use the same tool as we have used before but now we will be using it in a different mode. First, OlDyItlGKdE-00280-00237144-00237616 we used it as a trained model but now in the second step, we used “load a model and predict” OlDyItlGKdE-00281-00237823-00238200 For that, we need to have two input datasets - first OlDyItlGKdE-00282-00238200-00238536 one is the model which is automatically selected OlDyItlGKdE-00283-00238752-00239216 and the second is the dataset that we want to predict on the test rows. OlDyItlGKdE-00284-00239480-00239880 Our test rows dataset contains a header. We just make it as “yes” OlDyItlGKdE-00285-00239880-00240632 and we want to predict our class labels here. The class labels are the real number targets. Let's OlDyItlGKdE-00286-00240632-00241504 just verify that we have done the same things. Yes, we have done it right and then we execute it. OlDyItlGKdE-00287-00241919-00242816 This dataset will create predictions for all the rows and these predictions are the age. The OlDyItlGKdE-00288-00242912-00244471 dataset is already running now. To see and compare the performance, we need some visualization tools. OlDyItlGKdE-00289-00244471-00245192 We have some visualization tools in Galaxy which we can use and evaluate the performance or OlDyItlGKdE-00290-00245192-00245880 visualize the performance of all the tools that we are using. Before using the visualization, OlDyItlGKdE-00291-00245960-00246656 we need to do a removal of the headers from the dataset which we will be using OlDyItlGKdE-00292-00246776-00247464 now. This dataset is already finished and we see it's a tabular dataset and we can actually OlDyItlGKdE-00293-00247464-00248352 visualize it. We can see that the last column is predicted based on all these features using our OlDyItlGKdE-00294-00248352-00248967 trained model. The last column is the predicted age and now we'll be using our true dataset OlDyItlGKdE-00295-00249223-00249408 and try to see how good we are doing. OlDyItlGKdE-00296-00249632-00250367 Before that, we need to remove the headers because this dataset does not contain any header. OlDyItlGKdE-00297-00250464-00251000 So, we will go for it and we will test roll labels. OlDyItlGKdE-00298-00251952-00252592 We also should rename our predicted file so that we remember OlDyItlGKdE-00299-00252736-00253608 in future which dataset we are dealing with. Therefore, we have it and also we will rename this OlDyItlGKdE-00300-00253664-00254519 dataset without the header as well and we just rename it by clicking on the pencil icon. OlDyItlGKdE-00301-00254680-00255567 Both our datasets are renamed. Now, we can easily use the visualization tool here. Let's OlDyItlGKdE-00302-00255664-00256384 copy this name of the tool and search it in Galaxy tool search. OlDyItlGKdE-00303-00257936-00258576 Now, we have this tool definition open. It has two parameters. First is the input data file OlDyItlGKdE-00304-00258576-00259184 and second is the predicted data file. Input data file will contain the dataset containing the true OlDyItlGKdE-00305-00259271-00259856 targets. So, the two targets are present in the test rows labels without header OlDyItlGKdE-00306-00259919-00260240 and the predicted data file is in “predicted data linear” OlDyItlGKdE-00307-00260319-00261119 and then we will run this job and this will be generating three different plots. OlDyItlGKdE-00308-00261967-00262448 Until these jobs turn green, we can see the results already in the OlDyItlGKdE-00309-00262712-00263448 in the tutorial. First plot is actually the comparison OlDyItlGKdE-00310-00263504-00264312 plotting of the real values, the true ones and predicted values as a point plot. Here, OlDyItlGKdE-00311-00264480-00265424 the blue points give the true values and the predicted values are in orange color OlDyItlGKdE-00312-00265504-00266184 and these are on x-axis, we see is the number of data points. We have 108 points OlDyItlGKdE-00313-00266368-00267224 in the test set, 108 rows in the test set and for each row we get true and predicted values. We can OlDyItlGKdE-00314-00267224-00268432 see that, for most of the rows in the test set, we are getting close true and predicted values which OlDyItlGKdE-00315-00268432-00269768 says that the performance is good. When these blue and orange points differ from each other for OlDyItlGKdE-00316-00269840-00270496 each point on the x-axis, then we can say that our performance is not good OlDyItlGKdE-00317-00270496-00271136 because true and predicted values are far from each other. Then, we see the scatter plot. OlDyItlGKdE-00318-00271320-00272344 This scatter plot plots predicted and true values. For a good performance, most of the points should OlDyItlGKdE-00319-00272344-00272984 stay along this orange line. This is the x = y curve which says that the true and OlDyItlGKdE-00320-00272984-00273544 predicted values lie on the x = y curve because they are very close to each other. OlDyItlGKdE-00321-00273608-00274152 If these points are scattered around the x and y, x = y curve then our prediction is not good. OlDyItlGKdE-00322-00274408-00274952 In this plot, we can also see that the root mean squared error is 4.1 which says that OlDyItlGKdE-00323-00275112-00275768 we are predicting the biological age with an error with an average error of 4.1 years. OlDyItlGKdE-00324-00275928-00277008 For example, if the true target is 50 then we are either predicting around 46 years or 54 years. OlDyItlGKdE-00325-00277272-00277976 The r2 score is 0.93. We will discuss about r2 score soon, just to give OlDyItlGKdE-00326-00278120-00278840 a brief introduction about r2 score is - if it is closer to 1.0, our prediction is OlDyItlGKdE-00327-00278840-00279488 very good and if it is a negative number or very small number, then our prediction for regression OlDyItlGKdE-00328-00279488-00280400 is not good and r squared is one of the error functions that is used in regression tasks. OlDyItlGKdE-00329-00280552-00281272 The third plot is the residual plot. A residual plot shows the predicted targets OlDyItlGKdE-00330-00281344-00281936 against the residual. Residual is the predicted target minus the true target. OlDyItlGKdE-00331-00282064-00282712 So, it can be a negative value (predicted minus true values) or a positive one. OlDyItlGKdE-00332-00282856-00283752 How to analyze this plot? If this plot contains points which are randomly scattered around the OlDyItlGKdE-00333-00283912-00284744 y = 0 line, then we say that our prediction is good. If it shows any kind of pattern then OlDyItlGKdE-00334-00284960-00285520 then our performance, we can say that our performance is suffering from some problem. OlDyItlGKdE-00335-00285696-00286240 These points should be distributed along the y = 0 line and should not show any OlDyItlGKdE-00336-00286240-00286792 pattern. Using these three plots, we can judge the performance of our algorithm OlDyItlGKdE-00337-00287016-00287976 in different ways. Our jobs are actually finished and let's just collapse the tool section here. OlDyItlGKdE-00338-00288088-00288256 so that we have a bigger area. OlDyItlGKdE-00339-00288480-00288808 Let's click on the actual versus predicted curve. OlDyItlGKdE-00340-00289048-00289872 So, here in this interactive plot, we can see for one for one row, OlDyItlGKdE-00341-00289872-00290784 the true value is 66 and we are predicting around 59. For another point, we can see that the true OlDyItlGKdE-00342-00290784-00291896 value is 68 years and we are predicting 65.33. There are some not so good predictions - 69 OlDyItlGKdE-00343-00291896-00292584 and 60 but there are also some very good ones. For example, if for this particular OlDyItlGKdE-00344-00292680-00293464 row in the test set 65 is the true target and 65.53 is predicted. OlDyItlGKdE-00345-00293736-00294664 Let's open the scatter plot as well. So, here we can see that most of the data points lie along OlDyItlGKdE-00346-00294664-00295496 the x = y curve and which says that the predicted and true values are close to each other. OlDyItlGKdE-00347-00295560-00296312 However, we can see some predictions which are far away from the true targets and some which OlDyItlGKdE-00348-00296384-00296949 are many which are close to the x = y line. OlDyItlGKdE-00349-00296949-00297600 The idea is most of the points in this plot should lie along the x = y line. OlDyItlGKdE-00350-00297824-00298432 The third plot as we saw there is the residual plot and we see here the points are OlDyItlGKdE-00351-00298536-00299096 scattered around the y = 0 line and do not show any distinguishable pattern. OlDyItlGKdE-00352-00299296-00299784 We'll be making the same plots for different regressors as well. OlDyItlGKdE-00353-00300144-00300648 Now, let's go to the tutorial and learn a bit more about the coefficient of determination. OlDyItlGKdE-00354-00300784-00301792 Coefficient of determination, also called r2 or r squared, cost function is popularly used OlDyItlGKdE-00355-00301792-00302840 for a regression task as a metric of performance. Let's see in this figure 8, OlDyItlGKdE-00356-00303000-00303880 all these points are scattered around the x equal to y curve and we see that the r squared score OlDyItlGKdE-00357-00303880-00304392 is negative which is a bad performance. Therefore, these points are scattered. OlDyItlGKdE-00358-00304688-00305248 If we have most data points that lie very, very close to the x = y curve, OlDyItlGKdE-00359-00305248-00305808 then our performance is very high. Here, we see that it's almost the best performance OlDyItlGKdE-00360-00305808-00306536 because the maximum value of r squared can get 1.0 and the minimum value is OlDyItlGKdE-00361-00306536-00308184 any negative number. Any negative number which can go back to a very large number. OlDyItlGKdE-00362-00308840-00309048 We have one question here to answer. OlDyItlGKdE-00363-00309304-00310072 Since, inspected the plots what can we say about the predictions? From figures 5, 6 and 7 OlDyItlGKdE-00364-00310128-00310712 we can say that the prediction is good and acceptable. We have a high r squared score OlDyItlGKdE-00365-00310712-00311472 which is 0.93 and the predicted and true age, for most of the predicted samples are OlDyItlGKdE-00366-00311608-00312464 in the test set, they are good and they are very close which gives an idea of a good performance. OlDyItlGKdE-00367-00312632-00313240 Till now, we have used a linear regression model for predicting biological age using OlDyItlGKdE-00368-00313240-00314040 DNA-methylation dataset. Using linear models is always good to start with but it is not OlDyItlGKdE-00369-00314040-00314688 the best approach. We should always try to use non-linear models to see if we can do better. OlDyItlGKdE-00370-00314832-00315480 Therefore, in this section of the tutorial, we will be using the ensemble method for a OlDyItlGKdE-00371-00315480-00316048 regression task to predict biological age using the DNA-methylation dataset. OlDyItlGKdE-00372-00316592-00317320 One example of non-linearity we can see in figure 10 is that the targets are scattered OlDyItlGKdE-00373-00317416-00318168 like a curve. If you try to fit all these target points through a straight line, OlDyItlGKdE-00374-00318168-00318624 then we will not get the best results. Therefore, to have OlDyItlGKdE-00375-00318944-00319504 all these targets/target points explained, we need to use some non-linear algorithm OlDyItlGKdE-00376-00319648-00320120 to find the right curve to explain most of the points in the targets. OlDyItlGKdE-00377-00320464-00321224 In the ensemble suite, there are lots of algorithms to be used as regressors. For example, OlDyItlGKdE-00378-00321224-00321936 random forest regressor and gradient boosting regressor. In this approach, we will use a OlDyItlGKdE-00379-00321936-00322696 gradient boosting regressor. The paper that we are dealing with here and we are using the data from, OlDyItlGKdE-00380-00322696-00323296 they used Random Forest which is an ensemble-based regressor as I just mentioned before. OlDyItlGKdE-00381-00323448-00324552 Then, we compare the performance of both of these regressors. Let's go to the hands-on section. We OlDyItlGKdE-00382-00324552-00325312 need to use a tool named “ensemble method for classification and regression”. We copy the text OlDyItlGKdE-00383-00325512-00325760 and go to galaxy and try to find this OlDyItlGKdE-00384-00325760-00326384 tool. OlDyItlGKdE-00385-00327520-00327784 We found this tool and then, we open the definition OlDyItlGKdE-00386-00327912-00328424 of the tool and we see what options we need to use. OlDyItlGKdE-00387-00328624-00329552 We want to train a model. Okay, so it has not loaded so far then we can wait for a few seconds. OlDyItlGKdE-00388-00329728-00330168 Then, we need to select the ensemble method as a gradient boosting regressor, OlDyItlGKdE-00389-00330256-00330784 we need to be careful with it because in the same drop down, OlDyItlGKdE-00390-00330784-00331192 we will find a gradient boosting classifier as well. So, it's better to be careful OlDyItlGKdE-00391-00331192-00331712 not to choose this particular algorithm otherwise, it will give a failed dataset. OlDyItlGKdE-00392-00331896-00332872 This is now open and we select our “train a model” and then we select a gradient boosting regressor. OlDyItlGKdE-00393-00333136-00333784 Our data is already tabular and all these options remain the same here. We need to select OlDyItlGKdE-00394-00333872-00334576 “train rows”. Our train rows have headers and we want to select only the features. Therefore, OlDyItlGKdE-00395-00334576-00335240 we will exclude the “age column” from this dataset which will give us all the feature columns. OlDyItlGKdE-00396-00335312-00335632 Now, we need to select only the target values. OlDyItlGKdE-00397-00335760-00336368 We will select the same dataset because it contains the target as well. This dataset OlDyItlGKdE-00398-00336368-00337016 has headers and now we want to select only one column. We select this option “select columns OlDyItlGKdE-00399-00337016-00338112 by header name” and we select “age” here and try to put the age here and then execute this job. OlDyItlGKdE-00400-00338712-00339408 Then, the dataset is already created but the job has not started running. OlDyItlGKdE-00401-00339576-00339848 Meanwhile, we can go back to the OlDyItlGKdE-00402-00339992-00340608 tutorial and try to answer this question about what is learned by gradient boosting regressor. OlDyItlGKdE-00403-00341016-00341776 Gradient boosting regressor has several attributes which are actually learned OlDyItlGKdE-00404-00341864-00342528 internally by the algorithm using the data. One of those attributes is future importances. OlDyItlGKdE-00405-00342696-00343448 We know that we have several features in the training data. For each feature, OlDyItlGKdE-00406-00343544-00344232 this regressor gives an important score on how important a particular feature is. If the feature OlDyItlGKdE-00407-00344232-00344864 value is higher in magnitude then the feature is very important and highly correlated with OlDyItlGKdE-00408-00344864-00345744 the age or the target in general. If the future importance magnitude is a small number then it's OlDyItlGKdE-00409-00345744-00346688 not so correlated to do feature engineering. For example, let's say if there are a lot of features OlDyItlGKdE-00410-00346880-00347504 then we can do feature engineering and try to remove all those features having small OlDyItlGKdE-00411-00347504-00347992 feature importance values which will improve the runtime of the algorithm. OlDyItlGKdE-00412-00348184-00348544 Then there are a number of estimators - how many estimators OlDyItlGKdE-00413-00348760-00349304 and what kind of estimators are there and there are many more OlDyItlGKdE-00414-00349480-00350384 such as oob improvement - oob improvement stores incremental improvement. Since gradient boosting OlDyItlGKdE-00415-00350384-00351376 follows a boosting approach and there are only few trees which are weak learners and they try to OlDyItlGKdE-00416-00351376-00352440 improve themselves sequentially and incrementally to finally form a robust ensemble model so the OlDyItlGKdE-00417-00352440-00353680 oob improvement stores that change. Our jobs get finished and we get this trained model here and OlDyItlGKdE-00418-00353680-00354600 now we will use this train model for predicting the test rows. We use an ensemble model because OlDyItlGKdE-00419-00354736-00355256 gradient boosting is an ensemble method and really using actually the same tool OlDyItlGKdE-00420-00355544-00356216 but now with a different mode “load a model and predict”, it needs our two datasets, the model OlDyItlGKdE-00421-00356272-00356944 which is the gradient boosting regressor and the test rows without the true age. OlDyItlGKdE-00422-00357016-00357776 Our dataset contains a header and we want to predict the targets then we execute this. OlDyItlGKdE-00423-00358032-00358712 We just copy this text so that we can rename our new dataset. OlDyItlGKdE-00424-00358976-00360128 Let's go to the “pencil icon” and then rename this dataset as predicted data using gradient boosting. OlDyItlGKdE-00425-00360536-00361504 Using this predicted dataset, we can plot our different visualization OlDyItlGKdE-00426-00361752-00362136 to see how good we are doing with the ensemble model. OlDyItlGKdE-00427-00362664-00363592 We have this tool available, in this tool we need to select our true values as the input data file OlDyItlGKdE-00428-00363592-00364400 which are test row labels. We just confirm from the tool definition here. Yes, it's the test row OlDyItlGKdE-00429-00364400-00365296 labels and then we want to use predicted data and we just execute it. It will give the same OlDyItlGKdE-00430-00365296-00365880 plots here and we see how good we are doing with the ensemble model OlDyItlGKdE-00431-00366136-00366512 as long as these jobs are not finished. We can look at the plots here. OlDyItlGKdE-00432-00366848-00367656 We can see in this scatter plot. Most of the data points lie along the x = y line OlDyItlGKdE-00433-00367656-00368944 which is good and the root mean squared error is 3.85. If you go or if you remember what was the OlDyItlGKdE-00434-00368944-00369800 root mean squared error with the linear model it was 4.1. We can just get it confirmed with OlDyItlGKdE-00435-00369800-00370712 the linear model. We can see that with the linear model it was 4.1 and with the ensemble model it is OlDyItlGKdE-00436-00370960-00371656 3.85. Let's just look at the dataset which just got created here. OlDyItlGKdE-00437-00372008-00372584 So, we can see the root mean square is 3.85 years OlDyItlGKdE-00438-00372704-00373472 which means that we are predicting with and with an error of 3.85 years. OlDyItlGKdE-00439-00373776-00373984 Let's look at the residual plot. OlDyItlGKdE-00440-00375168-00376024 These files are a little bit bigger, so it takes some time to load so this residual plot OlDyItlGKdE-00441-00376024-00376528 between the predicted values and the residual the difference between the predicted and true values. OlDyItlGKdE-00442-00376752-00376920 These points are scattered OlDyItlGKdE-00443-00377080-00377760 all across the y = 0 line and they don't show any kind of pattern which is good and OlDyItlGKdE-00444-00377760-00378608 that shows that the performance is good. Then we can also see the actual versus predicted curve. OlDyItlGKdE-00445-00378888-00379016 Here also we can see that OlDyItlGKdE-00446-00379256-00379584 the predicted values are close to the true values OlDyItlGKdE-00447-00379736-00380376 for most of the points in the test data which says that our performance is reasonably good. OlDyItlGKdE-00448-00380728-00381368 We saw that we get we got a slight improvement in performance compared to OlDyItlGKdE-00449-00381432-00381944 performance by using ensembl model in comparison to using linear model OlDyItlGKdE-00450-00382256-00382904 Now, we will try to use a hyperparameter search technique to see if we can still do better OlDyItlGKdE-00451-00382904-00383376 because any machine learning algorithm has lots of hyperparameters OlDyItlGKdE-00452-00383376-00383864 which needs to be optimized for better performance. OlDyItlGKdE-00453-00384112-00385624 For this to do we first need to build a pipeline which is a package for pre-processing steps and OlDyItlGKdE-00454-00385712-00386304 estimators. Currently, in this particular tutorial, we are not using any pre-processing OlDyItlGKdE-00455-00386304-00387336 steps, but in the pipeline we are just using the algorithm; the gradient boosting algorithm but in OlDyItlGKdE-00456-00387392-00387832 real life, we should use some pre-processing techniques with the data and then use OlDyItlGKdE-00457-00387984-00388760 estimators because raw data contains lots of noise and outliers which should be removed OlDyItlGKdE-00458-00388920-00389624 to get a good performance on the data. Let's try to find this pipeline builder, OlDyItlGKdE-00459-00389792-00390784 we just try to find the pipeline builder tool. OlDyItlGKdE-00460-00391120-00391664 In this tool, as I mentioned before we can use pre-processing steps. We can OlDyItlGKdE-00461-00391664-00392200 choose different types of transformations here on the data which will be applied OlDyItlGKdE-00462-00392256-00392856 sequentially. We can also add many different pre-processing steps one after another, but in OlDyItlGKdE-00463-00392856-00393408 this step we are not doing that. We will just use the final estimator which is our regressor. OlDyItlGKdE-00464-00393600-00394224 Gradient boosting is an ensemble method, we will go to sklearn ensemble scikit-learn OlDyItlGKdE-00465-00394224-00394984 ensemble and then we will find the option of using gradient boosting regressor. OlDyItlGKdE-00466-00395568-00395920 We just put a random state equal to 42 here OlDyItlGKdE-00467-00396064-00397784 which is nothing but to find the repeatable performance every time we run the experiment. OlDyItlGKdE-00468-00397864-00398176 We need output parameters for search cv “yes”. OlDyItlGKdE-00469-00398360-00399024 We want to have this so that we can set the hyperparameter here. We will see that in the next OlDyItlGKdE-00470-00399024-00399672 step and then we execute this pipeline builder. This pipeline builder will return two datasets: OlDyItlGKdE-00471-00399672-00401056 the first one is a list, is a tabular list of all the hyperparameters of Gradient Boosting regressor OlDyItlGKdE-00472-00401168-00401488 and the default values will be also present there OlDyItlGKdE-00473-00401680-00402432 and the second one is a zip file which is the pipeline containing the estimator algorithm. OlDyItlGKdE-00474-00403168-00403656 We have finished this step and are waiting for the results to come. OlDyItlGKdE-00475-00403960-00404432 Now, we will use another tool for actually searching for the hyperparameter. OlDyItlGKdE-00476-00404592-00405160 In this tool, two options are there: first one is grid search and another one is random. OlDyItlGKdE-00477-00405160-00405808 In grid search, we will specify discrete values of each hyperparameter we want to optimize OlDyItlGKdE-00478-00405896-00406184 while in the random search, we will use a range OlDyItlGKdE-00479-00406272-00406944 from which the algorithm will sample a value and then use it for a particular hyperparameter. OlDyItlGKdE-00480-00407280-00407848 The value of the hyperparameter that we want to optimize is the number of estimators. OlDyItlGKdE-00481-00407904-00408616 The default value of the number of estimators for the gradient boosting regressor is 100 but we OlDyItlGKdE-00482-00408616-00409408 don't know if 100 is the optimal value. Therefore, we will choose some values which are less than OlDyItlGKdE-00483-00409408-00410239 100 and some values which are more than 100 to see if we are getting a better performance or OlDyItlGKdE-00484-00410360-00410952 to be more specific we are getting a lesser root mean squared error or higher r squared scores. OlDyItlGKdE-00485-00411384-00411880 This search of hyperparameters will be done through a five-fold cross-validation. OlDyItlGKdE-00486-00412143-00412856 We discussed it briefly in five-fold cross-validation. The entire dataset is divided OlDyItlGKdE-00487-00412856-00413568 into five equal parts and four parts are used for training and one part is used for validation. OlDyItlGKdE-00488-00413743-00414664 The validation set as shown in this example image keeps shifting left so that OlDyItlGKdE-00489-00414664-00415488 each part or each sample will be used for training and validation both. OlDyItlGKdE-00490-00415760-00416047 The accuracy we will be getting for OlDyItlGKdE-00491-00416047-00416520 each iteration for each fold and then we will be averaging on the accuracy. OlDyItlGKdE-00492-00416760-00417384 Similarly, we can do a three-fold cross validation or ten-fold cross-validation as well. OlDyItlGKdE-00493-00417656-00418360 Our jobs finished. The pipeline builder tool that we ran a few minutes before, OlDyItlGKdE-00494-00418464-00419160 let's look at this tabular data that it contains. We can see that there are different parameters OlDyItlGKdE-00495-00419280-00419784 actually. These are hyperparameters of the algorithm which can be OlDyItlGKdE-00496-00419960-00420968 set by the users and depending on this value, the performance of the algorithm varies. Therefore, we OlDyItlGKdE-00497-00420968-00421584 need to find some default values already set but we need to find the right values for our dataset. OlDyItlGKdE-00498-00422160-00423096 To use this hyperparameter search tool, first we will try to find this tool in Galaxy's tool suite. OlDyItlGKdE-00499-00423576-00424552 Here is our tool. The tool definition is open, so as I explained before we have two approaches for OlDyItlGKdE-00500-00424608-00424976 hyperparameter search grid search and randomized search. In this tutorial, OlDyItlGKdE-00501-00424976-00425784 we will use a grid search. It takes several files and parameters and we will be using OlDyItlGKdE-00502-00426000-00426592 the help from the tutorial and fill in the right values. We have already selected the grid search OlDyItlGKdE-00503-00426592-00427608 cv and our pipeline estimator object data file is already this one and it's already loaded here. OlDyItlGKdE-00504-00427792-00428104 Now, the estimator is not a deep learning model, it should be “no”. OlDyItlGKdE-00505-00428264-00428608 Now, we need to select the file containing the OlDyItlGKdE-00506-00428688-00429496 parameter names, we should select this particular file and when we select this file, this drop down OlDyItlGKdE-00507-00429496-00430464 with the parameter name will be automatically selected. Now, we should see which particular OlDyItlGKdE-00508-00430464-00431159 hyperparameter we need to optimize. We should find it if we want to optimize “n_estimators”. OlDyItlGKdE-00509-00431352-00431784 Therefore, we just selected an estimator and the default value of this is hundred. OlDyItlGKdE-00510-00432135-00432976 Now we should give a search list which contains a list of different values OlDyItlGKdE-00511-00432976-00433720 that “n_estimators” should take instead of a hundred. For the first iteration, it will take OlDyItlGKdE-00512-00433720-00434360 n_estimator is equal to 25, in the next iteration it will take 50 and then 75 and then 100 and then OlDyItlGKdE-00513-00434360-00434960 200. For each of this iteration, it will report an accuracy and the best one will be taken out. OlDyItlGKdE-00514-00435208-00435888 Since, we have many other hyper parameters to tune, we can add insert parameter search OlDyItlGKdE-00515-00435888-00436480 and choose let's say alpha and specify different values of alpha just like here OlDyItlGKdE-00516-00436680-00437400 but we are not optimizing it and therefore we will not be using more parameters. OlDyItlGKdE-00517-00437584-00438072 Let's go back to the tutorial and see what options we need to set for advanced options. OlDyItlGKdE-00518-00438216-00438512 We need to select the primary metric for scoring. OlDyItlGKdE-00519-00439135-00439784 The primary metric for scoring is r squared therefore we select the r squared here OlDyItlGKdE-00520-00439896-00440543 and now we should select what is the cross validation split here. OlDyItlGKdE-00521-00440639-00442096 We select k fold cross validation and we will be using five splits. The data OlDyItlGKdE-00522-00442096-00442656 will be split into five equal parts, we can specify here 10. The dataset will be OlDyItlGKdE-00523-00442728-00443464 divided into 10 equal parts and it should be at least 2 which we should not specify less than 2 OlDyItlGKdE-00524-00443464-00444352 because it won't make any sense. So using k-fold it will divide the data in a contiguous way. OlDyItlGKdE-00525-00445128-00445847 Then before splitting we want to shuffle the data “yes” and we can specify some seed number OlDyItlGKdE-00526-00445928-00446264 to get repeatable results. OlDyItlGKdE-00527-00446576-00446880 Then we try to see OlDyItlGKdE-00528-00447128-00448184 what different options we need to set another one is raise fit error yes id is already set. OlDyItlGKdE-00529-00448576-00449216 So a race fit error is “no” here which means that if you specify some values in the search, OlDyItlGKdE-00530-00449376-00450160 in the search list and this value causes an error, then our program will stop OlDyItlGKdE-00531-00450256-00451135 if we specify that as “no”. Then if it encounters any error then execution will keep running and it OlDyItlGKdE-00532-00451135-00451920 will just simply skip that value which is good for us because we don't want to take a wrong number OlDyItlGKdE-00533-00452376-00453232 which will not give any results and it will just waste the time. Now, all the advanced options OlDyItlGKdE-00534-00453232-00454008 are finished and now, we will select the input data type as before. Our data type is tabular. OlDyItlGKdE-00535-00454128-00454760 Now we want to “select all the features” from the train rows and we select this dataset and we OlDyItlGKdE-00536-00454760-00455535 contain “our dataset contains header” and we want to exclude the “age” column from the features list OlDyItlGKdE-00537-00455743-00456472 and in the second part we just want to select only the target column and OlDyItlGKdE-00538-00456472-00456872 therefore we will “select that column by header name”. OlDyItlGKdE-00539-00457112-00457512 Then, we go back to this definition and see if we are doing it right OlDyItlGKdE-00540-00457639-00458504 or test separately “no” and whether to hold “yeah” and we want to save the best estimator OlDyItlGKdE-00541-00458664-00458872 as we know, as we discussed before that OlDyItlGKdE-00542-00459096-00459920 against each tested value of the n estimators, there will be a different model. We want to OlDyItlGKdE-00543-00459920-00460824 find the best estimator which gives the best performance for the estimator chosen OlDyItlGKdE-00544-00460824-00461656 and we will be using this trained best trained estimator to predict the test rows. Now, OlDyItlGKdE-00545-00461656-00462512 we execute this tool. This tool will be generating two datasets - first one is the best estimator OlDyItlGKdE-00546-00462647-00463447 for the best hyperparameter set and the second is the detailed results of the hyperparameter search OlDyItlGKdE-00547-00463528-00464112 which will be a tabular file and it will have all the information - what type of parameters OlDyItlGKdE-00548-00464247-00465208 we optimized, what are the ranks, what is the accuracy for each tested hyperparameter, OlDyItlGKdE-00549-00465280-00466247 what is the time for finishing the the job for each value and so on. OlDyItlGKdE-00550-00466247-00466600 It's also important because if we specify a higher number of estimators OlDyItlGKdE-00551-00466664-00467784 it will take a larger time to finish. OlDyItlGKdE-00552-00468384-00469072 Since, we have used an ensemble method as an estimator and for predicting the age OlDyItlGKdE-00553-00469143-00469496 we need to use “ensemble method for classification and regression”, OlDyItlGKdE-00554-00469568-00470112 therefore we'll go to the tool section and try to find this tool again. OlDyItlGKdE-00555-00470376-00470680 So, in the meantime our job has not started. OlDyItlGKdE-00556-00471232-00471984 yeah so we go down and OlDyItlGKdE-00557-00472320-00472735 okay maybe it's in the top yeah it's at the top. OlDyItlGKdE-00558-00473152-00473384 We have found the tool. OlDyItlGKdE-00559-00474032-00474784 Now we need to run this tool in the prediction mode. OlDyItlGKdE-00560-00475008-00475568 Let's go back to the tutorial and use the “ensemble method for classification and OlDyItlGKdE-00561-00475568-00476239 regression”. Now, we need to use the “load and model predict” option. The model that we want OlDyItlGKdE-00562-00476239-00477000 to use is still not finished but its data is not generated. The file is generated and OlDyItlGKdE-00563-00477088-00477816 we can still use it and push it to the queue. The prediction data is the test rows OlDyItlGKdE-00564-00478064-00479488 here and the dataset contains headers. We want to predict the class labels which are age OlDyItlGKdE-00565-00479608-00480328 and are real numbers. Then, we can execute this tool, we can still execute this tool but it will OlDyItlGKdE-00566-00480328-00481024 not produce any data. It will produce some results only when these jobs get finished. OlDyItlGKdE-00567-00481360-00482039 We can still do that, so meanwhile we can see that the jobs have started running already. OlDyItlGKdE-00568-00482256-00482608 This particular tool will return one file OlDyItlGKdE-00569-00482608-00483184 which is the predicted file - test rows with the predicted age. OlDyItlGKdE-00570-00483680-00484704 We can use the same plotting tools to plot the performance of OlDyItlGKdE-00571-00484912-00485984 of this ensemble method but with the best hyperparameter OlDyItlGKdE-00572-00486776-00487656 so the input data file would be the file with the true age information and the predicted OlDyItlGKdE-00573-00487656-00488352 data file would be this particular file which is getting generated and now we can execute OlDyItlGKdE-00574-00488447-00489512 this tool similar to previous plotting examples. We will be getting three plots again OlDyItlGKdE-00575-00489600-00490735 and we can see that this job got finished and this job has given us the predicted age. OlDyItlGKdE-00576-00491439-00491984 We can see here the predicted column is the age, OlDyItlGKdE-00577-00492168-00492416 the predicted age and we'll compare it with the true age. OlDyItlGKdE-00578-00492647-00493143 Another dataset we should look at is the hyperparameter search dataset. OlDyItlGKdE-00579-00493343-00494112 This dataset contains all the information that was done in the hyperparameter search operation. OlDyItlGKdE-00580-00494239-00494832 We can see that “n_estimators” attribute or hyperparameter we try to optimize OlDyItlGKdE-00581-00494896-00495272 and the different values that we used got listed here. OlDyItlGKdE-00582-00495784-00496168 The accuracy with the mean test score is also listed here. OlDyItlGKdE-00583-00496600-00497184 We can say that the “n_estimators” with rank one has the highest accuracy. OlDyItlGKdE-00584-00497296-00498176 In this particular, hyperparameter search, the default estimator is giving an accuracy of 90.91 OlDyItlGKdE-00585-00498272-00498904 and the “n_estimator” is giving an accuracy of 0.9146 which is slightly higher OlDyItlGKdE-00586-00498984-00500024 and these scores are actually r squared scores. Closer it is to 1.0, the better it is. OlDyItlGKdE-00587-00500024-00500656 There are other options or column names which can be explored. So, since we OlDyItlGKdE-00588-00500752-00501980 specified five-fold cross-validation, the accuracy is given for each fold - for 0, fold 1 and so on. OlDyItlGKdE-00589-00502352-00503168 We can also see that when the estimators are less, then the fit time/training time is less OlDyItlGKdE-00590-00503168-00503592 and when number of estimators are increasing and the fit time is also increasing. OlDyItlGKdE-00591-00504047-00504535 Let's look at the plots. First of all, let's look at the residual plot. OlDyItlGKdE-00592-00505112-00505808 Again, we see that the points are scattered across the y = x line and have no visible pattern. OlDyItlGKdE-00593-00505872-00506984 Therefore, the performance we expect to be good then we look at the scatter plot. OlDyItlGKdE-00594-00508264-00509239 We can see that most of the points lie across the y = x line and the root mean squared error is 3.76 OlDyItlGKdE-00595-00509320-00510088 and the squared r squared is 0.94. So, with the ensemble method without hyperparameter OlDyItlGKdE-00596-00510088-00510880 optimization we got 3.85 years as root mean squared error. But, now we have improved it OlDyItlGKdE-00597-00510880-00511960 to 3.76. It proves that it's important to optimize the hyperparameter of an algorithm OlDyItlGKdE-00598-00511960-00513047 to see if we can do better. We go to see actual versus predicted OlDyItlGKdE-00599-00513047-00513984 values. OlDyItlGKdE-00600-00514272-00515120 Here are the points on the true and predicted values and we see that most of the points lie OlDyItlGKdE-00601-00515120-00516047 close to each other as the prediction error is only 3.76 years on an average. OlDyItlGKdE-00602-00516304-00516447 Let's go back to the tutorial OlDyItlGKdE-00603-00516632-00517168 and we see similar plots here. OlDyItlGKdE-00604-00517535-00517800 After doing the hyperparameter search, OlDyItlGKdE-00605-00518032-00518839 the residual plot has no patterns and most of the data points lie across the y = x line and OlDyItlGKdE-00606-00518896-00519608 the true and predicted values for each sample in the test set. It's close to each other. OlDyItlGKdE-00607-00520143-00520656 In comparison to Jana Neue et. al. study which used Random Forest OlDyItlGKdE-00608-00520656-00521400 as a regressor, it achieved 3.93 years as root mean squared score OlDyItlGKdE-00609-00521496-00522039 and with our hyper parameter search and gradient boosting algorithm, OlDyItlGKdE-00610-00522128-00523112 we achieved 3.7 years as the r squared score. Therefore, we did slightly better than this paper. OlDyItlGKdE-00611-00523296-00523784 Therefore, it's very important to optimize the hyper parameters of the algorithm OlDyItlGKdE-00612-00524176-00524624 and this tutorial also shows that with the machine learning tools in Galaxy, we can achieve OlDyItlGKdE-00613-00524704-00525424 state-of-the-art predictions using machine learning regressors and classifiers as well. OlDyItlGKdE-00614-00525624-00526000 With this, we reach the conclusion of this tutorial. OlDyItlGKdE-00615-00526304-00526944 In this tutorial and the presentation before, we learned what regression is, the basic concepts OlDyItlGKdE-00616-00526944-00527560 of regression, what the different techniques to do regression are. For example, there are linear OlDyItlGKdE-00617-00527560-00528144 models which try to fit a straight line across the targets. Then, there are non-linear models OlDyItlGKdE-00618-00528200-00528984 for learning the non-linearities. In the data, then we saw what the different visualization OlDyItlGKdE-00619-00529040-00529888 plots are which can be used to evaluate the performance of a regressor and at the end, we saw OlDyItlGKdE-00620-00529952-00530664 how using hyper parameter search algorithms can improve the performance of an algorithm because OlDyItlGKdE-00621-00530720-00531528 there are many hyper parameters and the ideal values are not fixed for them. They vary from OlDyItlGKdE-00622-00531528-00532184 data to data and problem to problem. Therefore it's important to optimize the hyperparameters. OlDyItlGKdE-00623-00532280-00533048 I hope you will learn something new using this tutorial. You can try out different OlDyItlGKdE-00624-00533048-00533744 regressors on the same data or alternatively, you can use a different dataset and try to use OlDyItlGKdE-00625-00533744-00534296 different algorithms on those. For example, we didn't use a pre-processing technique. You can OlDyItlGKdE-00626-00534296-00534968 try out different pre-processing techniques on a raw dataset and then use a hyper parameter search OlDyItlGKdE-00627-00534968-00535776 technique, maybe the random search, and see and compare the results across different algorithms. OlDyItlGKdE-00628-00535968-00536432 Thank you. At the end of the tutorial, you will find a feedback section. OlDyItlGKdE-00629-00536520-00537096 Let us improve the content of the tutorial by giving your invaluable feedback. Thanks a lot. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00000-00000211-00000554 Are you confused with all the misinformation about COVID-19? PoIQ2uXtwVI-00001-00000554-00000813 Are you unsure what you should be doing right now to prepare? PoIQ2uXtwVI-00002-00000813-00001284 Hi, I'm Matthew Renze data science consultant author, and public speaker. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00003-00001284-00001626 I've been asked by many of my friends, family, and clients for advice on how they should PoIQ2uXtwVI-00004-00001626-00001882 be handling the COVID-19 pandemic. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00005-00001882-00002247 As a data science consultant, many people have come to trust my evidence-based, rational PoIQ2uXtwVI-00006-00002247-00002508 decision-making approach as a valuable source of information. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00007-00002508-00002890 So, to help all of you that are currently confused about what to believe or unsure about PoIQ2uXtwVI-00008-00002890-00003252 what to do next, I've created this video to summarize the five things that you should PoIQ2uXtwVI-00009-00003252-00003639 be doing right now to prepare for the COVID-19 pandemic. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00010-00003639-00003928 Step 1 - Educate yourself from reliable sources. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00011-00003928-00004280 There is currently a tremendous amount of misinformation floating around the web and PoIQ2uXtwVI-00012-00004280-00004596 social media regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00013-00004596-00005040 In addition, our highly politicized news sources have exaggerated some facts and downplayed PoIQ2uXtwVI-00014-00005040-00005250 other more important facts. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00015-00005250-00005673 This has led to a highly distorted view of the situation compared to the reality of things. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00016-00005673-00006183 First, you need to educate yourself about the COVID-19 pandemic from reliable sources. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00017-00006183-00006603 These include the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, and medical PoIQ2uXtwVI-00018-00006603-00006878 experts with a background in epidemiology. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00019-00006878-00007300 These do not include entertainment "news" sources, politically-biased media sources, PoIQ2uXtwVI-00020-00007300-00007453 or social media. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00021-00007453-00007856 Focus on the scientific evidence and the story that the data are currently telling. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00022-00007856-00008304 The real picture becomes very clear once you have the right information. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00023-00008304-00008593 Step 2 - Act now to flatten the curve. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00024-00008593-00008965 The biggest problem we face is the potential of overloading our health-care system with PoIQ2uXtwVI-00025-00008965-00009142 a flood of sick patients. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00026-00009142-00009666 While roughly 80% of COVID-19 cases are mild, 20% require hospitalization. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00027-00009666-00010106 Of those 20% hospitalized, roughly 5% require intensive care. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00028-00010106-00010324 Multiply these numbers by millions of people PoIQ2uXtwVI-00029-00010324-00010630 and you have a national healthcare emergency on your hands. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00030-00010630-00010876 Patient survival rates are mostly dependent on age PoIQ2uXtwVI-00031-00010876-00011124 and the presence of underlying health conditions. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00032-00011125-00011531 However, for those in the high-risk category, their survival rate largely depends on access PoIQ2uXtwVI-00033-00011531-00011709 to proper medical care. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00034-00011709-00012086 If the hospitals become overwhelmed these higher-risk patients will not have access PoIQ2uXtwVI-00035-00012086-00012558 to supplemental oxygen, ventilators, doctors, or nurses. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00036-00012558-00013019 As a result, many more people will likely die if the hospitals become overwhelmed. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00037-00013019-00013484 The best thing we can do right now is to take proactive measures to "flatten the curve". PoIQ2uXtwVI-00038-00013484-00013882 Exponential growth curves (like the spread of the COVID-19 virus) start off slow PoIQ2uXtwVI-00039-00013882-00014119 but then explode very rapidly. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00040-00014119-00014441 As a result, we need to be proactive to reduce the trajectory PoIQ2uXtwVI-00041-00014441-00014654 of this exponential growth curve. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00042-00014654-00014996 By flattening the curve, we slow the spread of the virus and reduce the likelihood of PoIQ2uXtwVI-00043-00014996-00015244 overwhelming our medical infrastructure. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00044-00015244-00015608 This is the single most important thing we can do right now to minimize the overall death toll PoIQ2uXtwVI-00045-00015608-00015886 and damage to our society. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00046-00015886-00016300 Every day we wait to take action now means literally thousands more lives will be lost PoIQ2uXtwVI-00047-00016301-00016529 a few weeks from now. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00048-00016529-00016839 Step 3 - Do your part to save lives. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00049-00016839-00017011 Many of us feel helpless in all of this. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00050-00017011-00017353 We don't think there is anything that one person can do to make a significant impact PoIQ2uXtwVI-00051-00017353-00017512 on the outcome of this situation. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00052-00017512-00017998 However, please know that you have a major role to play in this historic world event. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00053-00017998-00018525 You can save real human lives by doing your part to flatten the growth curve of this pandemic. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00054-00018525-00018915 In addition, there are many people in the low-risk category who aren't concerned about PoIQ2uXtwVI-00055-00018915-00019144 getting seriously ill or dying from this virus. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00056-00019144-00019572 However, you need to realize that this isn't about *you* - this is about helping save the PoIQ2uXtwVI-00057-00019572-00019962 lives of the 20% of the population in the high-risk category. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00058-00019962-00020372 They need your help right now to slow the spread of the virus so the health-care system PoIQ2uXtwVI-00059-00020372-00020835 won't be overwhelmed and they can get the medical care necessary to save their lives. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00060-00020835-00020973 So how do we flatten the curve? PoIQ2uXtwVI-00061-00020973-00021378 Well, there are a few key evidence-based recommendations from the experts. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00062-00021378-00021717 First, stay at home (if possible) to avoid spreading the virus. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00063-00021717-00022069 Second, avoid gatherings of 10 or more people. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00064-00022069-00022436 Third, keep a distance of at least 6 feet from other people in public. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00065-00022436-00022865 Fourth, wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00066-00022865-00023190 Fifth, avoid touching your face as much as possible. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00067-00023190-00023587 And finally, if you show any symptoms it is imperative that you self-quarentine to avoid PoIQ2uXtwVI-00068-00023587-00023788 spreading the virus to others. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00069-00023788-00024225 The CDC has a full list of these recommendations at the URL below. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00070-00024225-00024576 When you combine all of our individual proactive measures, it will have a tremendous impact PoIQ2uXtwVI-00071-00024576-00024921 on the long-term outcome of this pandemic. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00072-00024921-00025206 Step 4 - Be Prepared but Don't Hoard. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00073-00025206-00025606 Over the past few days, you've almost certainly noticed an absence of some kinds of food, PoIQ2uXtwVI-00074-00025606-00025893 beverages, and dry goods at your local grocery store. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00075-00025893-00026193 Checkout lines have likely gotten much longer as well. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00076-00026193-00026552 Some people are stocking up on a few extra items – just in case they get quarantined PoIQ2uXtwVI-00077-00026552-00026941 for a couple of days – while others appear to be stockpiling toilet paper in preparation PoIQ2uXtwVI-00078-00026941-00027138 for a zombie apocalypse. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00079-00027138-00027568 It's generally good advice to have a reasonable supply of shelf-stable food and supplies on hand PoIQ2uXtwVI-00080-00027568-00027805 in the event of a short-term emergency. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00081-00027805-00028155 In addition, by minimizing the number of trips you need to take to the grocery store over PoIQ2uXtwVI-00082-00028155-00028497 the next few weeks, you'll reduce the likelihood of spreading the virus. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00083-00028497-00029025 However, it's wasteful and economically disruptive to hoard months' worth of food and supplies. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00084-00029025-00029474 In addition, hoarding medical supplies creates very dangerous situations for medical professionals PoIQ2uXtwVI-00085-00029474-00029800 who desperately need them to treat patients. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00086-00029800-00030106 Step 5 - Keep calm and stay sane. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00087-00030106-00030356 Things are going to be very unusual for the next few months. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00088-00030356-00030760 Schools will be closed, some businesses will be closed, vacations will be canceled, PoIQ2uXtwVI-00089-00030760-00031030 weddings will be postponed, and much more. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00090-00031030-00031361 Most of us have not lived through a pandemic of this nature in our lifetimes. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00091-00031361-00031815 So, you need to expect significant disruptions to normal life in the next few months. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00092-00031815-00032318 However, please remember that even during the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 the lights PoIQ2uXtwVI-00093-00032318-00032680 stayed on, water kept running, and food was still available. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00094-00032680-00033059 In addition, even after the Great Depression, the stock market recovered, unemployement PoIQ2uXtwVI-00095-00033059-00033302 went down, and things returned to normal. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00096-00033302-00033659 It's quite safe to assume that this situation will be the same in the end. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00097-00033659-00034069 In the meantime, please do what you can to make life at home "feel" as normal as possible PoIQ2uXtwVI-00098-00034069-00034202 for you and your family. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00099-00034202-00034675 Maintaining routines (even from home) is very important for our psychological sense of security. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00100-00034675-00035150 In addition, be sure to stay in contact with your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00101-00035150-00035424 Just be sure to do it remotely from the comfort of your own home. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00102-00035424-00035822 We have lots of telecommunication technologies available now to make this possible. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00103-00035822-00036182 So, to summarize, the five things you should be doing right now PoIQ2uXtwVI-00104-00036182-00036436 to handle the COVID-19 pandemic are: PoIQ2uXtwVI-00105-00036436-00036666 Educate yourself from reliable sources, PoIQ2uXtwVI-00106-00036666-00036866 Act now to flatten the curve, PoIQ2uXtwVI-00107-00036866-00037078 Do your part to save lives, PoIQ2uXtwVI-00108-00037078-00037266 Be prepared but don't hoard, PoIQ2uXtwVI-00109-00037266-00037510 and keep calm and stay sane. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00110-00037511-00037825 When all is said and done, my hope is that this experience will teach our society PoIQ2uXtwVI-00111-00037826-00038102 an important lesson about what we value most in our lives, PoIQ2uXtwVI-00112-00038102-00038300 what the real threats are in our world, PoIQ2uXtwVI-00113-00038300-00038776 and how we should allocate resources to improve the lives of every living creature on this planet. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00114-00038776-00039275 Ultimately, I hope we will become more resilient as individuals, as businesses, as a society, PoIQ2uXtwVI-00115-00039275-00039590 and as a planet as a result of this experience. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00116-00039590-00039986 In the meantime, however, please remember that we're all in this together. PoIQ2uXtwVI-00117-00039986-00040070 Thank you. P0eOSiBJLT8-00000-00000184-00001592 wow P0eOSiBJLT8-00001-00002000-00002640 hello guys so yeah today i'm going to show you how to install brackets for html as last time i told P0eOSiBJLT8-00002-00002640-00003472 you that we are going to start html so so please so type hashtag exam row because our exams are P0eOSiBJLT8-00003-00003472-00004416 gonna over after two like two days then you just have to go to uh you just have to go to brackets P0eOSiBJLT8-00004-00004416-00005240 i o i will give the link in the description so you can see my brackets release one is going to P0eOSiBJLT8-00005-00005240-00006072 install so i'll skip this part so please subscribe till then and yeah meet you after the video P0eOSiBJLT8-00006-00006623-00007000 so as you can see my installations is like over P0eOSiBJLT8-00007-00007000-00007576 so i'll just click on it till then i can subscribe please so P0eOSiBJLT8-00008-00007864-00008048 it's preparing to install P0eOSiBJLT8-00009-00008432-00008968 so i'll just uh if you want change you can change the location where to install or you P0eOSiBJLT8-00010-00008968-00009440 can just leave it like that but before you have to change you just have to go to the place where P0eOSiBJLT8-00011-00009440-00010056 you want to change it then i'll go to adief for me then you have to create a new folder or your P0eOSiBJLT8-00012-00010160-00010952 brackets or it will be just like a jumble up as you can see on the screen right now so yeah P0eOSiBJLT8-00013-00010952-00011432 so i'll just name it brackets and enter it then i'll minimize this then i'll just P0eOSiBJLT8-00014-00011488-00012248 change over here and just go to e volume then i don't know where to go because i'm a little P0eOSiBJLT8-00015-00012248-00013144 confused after a long time because they were again once again i'll just should i close no close i'll P0eOSiBJLT8-00016-00013144-00013872 just change it then to e volume double click on adip when you double click on it then i'll P0eOSiBJLT8-00017-00013872-00014712 go to brackets as you can see over there then i'll just do okay so it will just get installed P0eOSiBJLT8-00018-00014712-00015408 and over here as you can see it's like when i do the next it's gonna be a black scene because like P0eOSiBJLT8-00019-00015504-00016224 it will be your notifications or you should do yes you should do yes because something will happen P0eOSiBJLT8-00020-00016224-00017000 when i don't know you just have to do yes and it will just start doing so it can it depends on P0eOSiBJLT8-00021-00017000-00017928 the computer which you have the loading and the downloading and all that stuff so i'll just wait P0eOSiBJLT8-00022-00017928-00018648 over here and i can subscribe guys please it will be a motivation for me please come on P0eOSiBJLT8-00023-00019160-00019728 till then we'll talk about the next video should i make the next video on like how to P0eOSiBJLT8-00024-00019728-00020640 remove copyright or no copyright on your youtube videos or like for something related to windows P0eOSiBJLT8-00025-00020696-00021056 settings and all or just uh just make a hashtag P0eOSiBJLT8-00026-00021256-00021808 or copyright because because copyright is the main thing in the youtube P0eOSiBJLT8-00027-00021944-00022584 so this will just happen again it will just make the progress let it do P0eOSiBJLT8-00028-00022680-00023416 just wait so yeah what what i was talking about the video on copyright how to remove the copyright P0eOSiBJLT8-00029-00023416-00024104 and like that stuff so make hashtag copyright or hashtag windows settings to change the question P0eOSiBJLT8-00030-00024104-00024680 yeah i'll change the cursor the color of the custom so should i make a video on that or P0eOSiBJLT8-00031-00024680-00025176 on copyright please let me know in the comment and if you have any done regarding the brackets P0eOSiBJLT8-00032-00025176-00026192 installing just please tell me in the comment i'll just make sure i'll answer in the 24 hours so P0eOSiBJLT8-00033-00026520-00027383 i'll just make it it takes a little bit of time actually depending on your cpu of the pc P0eOSiBJLT8-00034-00027600-00028183 and just wait only a few minutes P0eOSiBJLT8-00035-00029736-00030383 so it's like copying new files over here so let's see what happens oh you know P0eOSiBJLT8-00036-00030520-00030983 just let it do all the stuff for you fast P0eOSiBJLT8-00037-00031680-00032383 it depends on the cpu as i told you P0eOSiBJLT8-00038-00032664-00033296 you can also subscribe my other gaming channels and my brother's channel you can P0eOSiBJLT8-00039-00033296-00033976 see on the top right and my channel on the left so you can just see it over there so P0eOSiBJLT8-00040-00034048-00034512 guys so please like and subscribe because it takes a lot of so just now we just have P0eOSiBJLT8-00041-00034512-00035064 to just finish it over there i just missed it use it we just have to finish our day P0eOSiBJLT8-00042-00035512-00036232 sometimes it's it's just it just launches the bracket just launches uh just go to the type P0eOSiBJLT8-00043-00036232-00036928 here to search brackets then you can i think so you can't download this on mac os you just have P0eOSiBJLT8-00044-00036928-00037984 to go to the youtube which is the best for html so yeah guys you could just type it over there P0eOSiBJLT8-00045-00038208-00038496 so the practice is going to open over here now P0eOSiBJLT8-00046-00038832-00040128 this will take a little bit of time and so just uh i've been like making product projects on P0eOSiBJLT8-00047-00040128-00040800 this bracket so for me just then you have to just allow access if it's like says so P0eOSiBJLT8-00048-00040800-00041536 i'll just open the folder which shows that the starting so i've already done this i've already P0eOSiBJLT8-00049-00041536-00042184 used brackets so it's showing me for like this so once again it takes a time over here P0eOSiBJLT8-00050-00043584-00044616 yeah yeah it's gonna happen it's gonna load so i just click the html file over here so yeah guys P0eOSiBJLT8-00051-00044616-00045216 it just looks like this and there will be two there will be screen shots getting started P0eOSiBJLT8-00052-00045216-00045904 main css and oh yeah so it will be like this so yeah guys this is the process how to P0eOSiBJLT8-00053-00045984-00046768 do this so please subscribe like and share the video and support me till then subscribe P0eOSiBJLT8-00054-00046848-00047784 my other channels also so yeah guys bye and have a nice day ahead so bye guys P0eOSiBJLT8-00055-00049912-00049920 you P1-8_vV_8jY-00000-00000463-00001128 For everyone who is joining us today, my name is Rich Dana, P1-8_vV_8jY-00001-00001128-00001744 and this is the latest edition of the University of Iowa Special Collections Summer Seminar Series. P1-8_vV_8jY-00002-00001744-00002344 I'm going to cover basically a whole century of stuff, and P1-8_vV_8jY-00003-00002456-00003048 as you can imagine, I'll be moving pretty quickly here, so. Today's presentation is called "Cheap P1-8_vV_8jY-00004-00003048-00003815 Copies: The Rise of Amateur Printing, Fanzines, and the 'Mimeograph Revolution.'" This is a P1-8_vV_8jY-00005-00004024-00004792 presentation that comes about from my work in a number of different collections within P1-8_vV_8jY-00006-00004792-00005528 Special Collections. I was for a time the Curatorial Assistant to Pete Valestrai, P1-8_vV_8jY-00007-00005704-00006520 for the Hevlin Science Fiction Fanzine Collection. And so I spent a lot of time with that. And P1-8_vV_8jY-00008-00006520-00007000 most recently, I've worked a lot with the Sackner Archives of Concrete and Visual Poetry. P1-8_vV_8jY-00009-00007064-00007536 And as I was working on these different collections, I started realizing that P1-8_vV_8jY-00010-00007536-00008095 there were a lot of visual similarities between a lot of stuff that the early 20th P1-8_vV_8jY-00011-00008095-00008904 century avant-garde was doing, and the amateur artists of the fanzine world were doing. So P1-8_vV_8jY-00012-00009040-00009656 I've done some research on this, and these are basically my preliminary P1-8_vV_8jY-00013-00009656-00009984 findings. P1-8_vV_8jY-00014-00010376-00010616 Whoops. A little lag in the P1-8_vV_8jY-00015-00010848-00010968 slide thing here. P1-8_vV_8jY-00016-00011320-00012000 Okay so poet and provocateur, Ed Sanders, purchased his first used hand-operated Mimeograph P1-8_vV_8jY-00017-00012000-00012800 Machine in 1962. Pre-digital office duplicators like the Mimeograph, the Ditto Machine, and small P1-8_vV_8jY-00018-00012800-00013496 offset presses freed Sanders and the 1960s radical artists and writers from the constraints of the P1-8_vV_8jY-00019-00013496-00014160 publishing industry, and brought the power of the printing press to the people. Sanders was not the P1-8_vV_8jY-00020-00014160-00014904 first to use cheap copying technology however, to produce democratic multiples. I theorized that P1-8_vV_8jY-00021-00014904-00015472 Sanders and the radical underground publishers of the 60s took their model from an unlikely source. P1-8_vV_8jY-00022-00015472-00016080 That being science fiction fandom. Some of them probably grew up among the blue-collar teenage P1-8_vV_8jY-00023-00016080-00016592 fans of far-fetched adventure stories who had been creating an international network P1-8_vV_8jY-00024-00016592-00017216 of amateur fanzines since well before the onset of World War II. But from where did P1-8_vV_8jY-00025-00017216-00017832 these young fans of the fledging genre of Scientifiction draw their influences? P1-8_vV_8jY-00026-00017912-00018472 Undoubtedly they were imitating the cheap printed monthly pulp magazines with titles like, P1-8_vV_8jY-00027-00018472-00019160 "Amazing Stories and Weird Tales," but that wasn't their only influence. Another legendary modernist, P1-8_vV_8jY-00028-00019160-00019704 Edward Bernays, who was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, and the father of modern advertising, P1-8_vV_8jY-00029-00019768-00020248 wrote that "People are rarely aware of the real reasons which motivate their actions." P1-8_vV_8jY-00030-00020320-00020856 In the zeitgeist of this new industrial age, were the seeds of political cultural and artistic P1-8_vV_8jY-00031-00020856-00021384 revolt. the wave of immigrants fleeing World War I and the Russian Revolution that brought P1-8_vV_8jY-00032-00021384-00021992 European artists like Marcel Duchamp to New York, also carried the two-year-old child, P1-8_vV_8jY-00033-00021992-00022656 Isaac Asimov from Russia to Ellis Island. So in this presentation we'll look at the aesthetic P1-8_vV_8jY-00034-00022656-00023264 oscillation between the highbrow of the avant-garde and these lowbrow outsider artists. P1-8_vV_8jY-00035-00023392-00023944 both groups wrote a common Sine wave through the 20th century. Feralizing the cast off information P1-8_vV_8jY-00036-00023944-00025192 technology of the era to create the images that defined their era, and that of the future. So P1-8_vV_8jY-00037-00025648-00026152 our story starts more than 60 years before Ed Sanders cranked his first Mimeograph copier. P1-8_vV_8jY-00038-00026224-00026760 In Paris in 1900, the Eiffel Tower was the centerpiece of the World's Fair, P1-8_vV_8jY-00039-00026760-00027408 standing as a soaring monument to new technology. Coincidentally, the new Edison Mimeograph P1-8_vV_8jY-00040-00027408-00028039 Machine also made a big splash at the 1900 World's Fair, cranking out documents with no lead type. P1-8_vV_8jY-00041-00028176-00028672 Around the same time Alfred Zhari, the symbolist writer and playwright, P1-8_vV_8jY-00042-00028672-00029160 was inspiring the fledgling surrealists and dadas, but he also wrote and published P1-8_vV_8jY-00043-00029160-00029824 time travel stories and corresponded with H.G Wells and other fantasy writers. In many ways P1-8_vV_8jY-00044-00029824-00030280 Zhari helped launch both of the parallel movements I'm talking about today. P1-8_vV_8jY-00045-00030472-00030912 Now I'm not going to go through all the technologies that I'll be talking about, P1-8_vV_8jY-00046-00030912-00031768 but in the video recording you'll be able to see all of these. If people have questions about the P1-8_vV_8jY-00047-00031768-00032336 specifics of the different printing technologies I'll be happy to address those in more detail P1-8_vV_8jY-00048-00032336-00033104 in the Q & A session at the end. But for the time being, just to give you an idea what we're talking P1-8_vV_8jY-00049-00033104-00033960 about. On the left is a Hectograph, which is a a plate with a jelly pad, that is used to transfer P1-8_vV_8jY-00050-00033960-00034512 writing. In the middle is a Mimeograph Machine, which is a type of stencil duplicator. P1-8_vV_8jY-00051-00034616-00035352 And on the right is a Ditto Machine, a spirit duplicator, which basically works on the same P1-8_vV_8jY-00052-00035352-00036128 theory as the Hectograph. But like I said, I'd be happy to go into that more later. P1-8_vV_8jY-00053-00036280-00036832 Suffice it to say, they're all sort of revolutionary low-cost copying P1-8_vV_8jY-00054-00036832-00037576 technologies that could produce small numbers of copies, unlike a Letterpress for instance. P1-8_vV_8jY-00055-00037744-00038488 So the first piece that we'll be looking at today from the University of Iowa Special Collections is P1-8_vV_8jY-00056-00038488-00039152 "The Blind Man." With the arrival of the wave of European artists escaping the war, New York's P1-8_vV_8jY-00057-00039152-00039792 fledgling avant-garde was ignited. Marcel Duchamp joined forces with Beatrice Wood and others to P1-8_vV_8jY-00058-00039792-00040344 produce two issues of "The Blind Man," perhaps the best known of the American dada publications. P1-8_vV_8jY-00059-00040608-00041064 This is not in Special Collections, but I love this piece and I wanted to use it as P1-8_vV_8jY-00060-00041064-00041928 a reference. And when you see the pieces down the line, I think you'll see why. Nadezhda Liubavina P1-8_vV_8jY-00061-00042040-00042984 was part of the sego, Zagodnia, sorry, the Zagodia futurist art collective in Russia P1-8_vV_8jY-00062-00043120-00043992 around 1918. Zagodia means today. I put this in because, unlike the Italian futurists, P1-8_vV_8jY-00063-00043992-00045016 the work of the Russians was quite crude, and sort of rough. And I think it, P1-8_vV_8jY-00064-00045016-00045544 we'll see that reflected especially, in some of the fanzine artists that we look at down the line. P1-8_vV_8jY-00065-00045880-00046656 A much more slick sort of take on things by Louis Lozowick. This is actually in the Stanley P1-8_vV_8jY-00066-00046656-00047232 Art Museum. It's a print. Lozowick immigrated to the United States from the Ukraine to attend P1-8_vV_8jY-00067-00047232-00047872 design school at Ohio State. Known for his skill as both a painter and lithographer, he created P1-8_vV_8jY-00068-00047872-00048696 stylized urban images influenced by deco and constructivism. This piece was done in 1925. P1-8_vV_8jY-00069-00048952-00049720 And now for the pulps. Frank R. Paul. This is a cover of "Amazing Stories" depicting H.G Wells, P1-8_vV_8jY-00070-00049720-00050280 "War of the Worlds." And Frank R. Paul was known as the king of pulp magazine cover art. He was P1-8_vV_8jY-00071-00050280-00050840 born in Austria, and trained as an architect. Paul's work was known for its highly technical P1-8_vV_8jY-00072-00050840-00051704 detail, but also his almost comical ineptitude at drawing human faces. The cheap three color P1-8_vV_8jY-00073-00051704-00052424 printing technique used by pulp publishers lent that covers, their trademark almost stencil-like P1-8_vV_8jY-00074-00052424-00053272 appearance. Those big blocks of color, and the limited use of color. The limited number of colors P1-8_vV_8jY-00075-00053272-00054367 used in great amounts is definitely indicative of the pulps. Here a couple of interior illustrations P1-8_vV_8jY-00076-00054367-00055248 by Frank R. Paul. The one on the right, sort of like the Lozowick piece. Cityscape of the P1-8_vV_8jY-00077-00055248-00056144 future with soaring buildings. But the one that really, kind of appeals to me, is the one on the P1-8_vV_8jY-00078-00056144-00056984 left called "Inside a Piece of Sugar," which for 1921, is an extremely psychedelic kind of piece. P1-8_vV_8jY-00079-00057248-00058032 So the young fans of the science fiction magazine started to experiment with making their own. And P1-8_vV_8jY-00080-00058088-00058855 this fanzine cover was created by a 17 year old fan from Philadelphia named John Baltodonis, who P1-8_vV_8jY-00081-00059104-00059952 created the first fanzine in Philadelphia. After he served in World War II, Baltodonis taught high P1-8_vV_8jY-00082-00059952-00060640 school art and continued to participate in fandom until his death in 1998. And this is a Hectograph P1-8_vV_8jY-00083-00060640-00061584 print. The limited number of colors, sort of like the pulp magazines that they were aping, P1-8_vV_8jY-00084-00061672-00062504 is due to the fact that there were a certain number of aniline dye pencils that would copy P1-8_vV_8jY-00085-00062504-00063336 through the hecto process. They were purple, blue, yellow, red, and sometimes you see some green. P1-8_vV_8jY-00086-00063455-00064152 And they were not particularly light fast, so a lot of these covers have faded a lot. But P1-8_vV_8jY-00087-00064152-00064679 this one from the Hevlin Science Fiction Collection is in particularly good condition. P1-8_vV_8jY-00088-00064976-00065984 This is the back cover of a fanzine from 1939 by Leslie Perri, whose real name was Doris Baumgart. P1-8_vV_8jY-00089-00066048-00066744 She was from Queens. She was a member of the early science fiction club, The Futurians, and she went P1-8_vV_8jY-00090-00066744-00067256 on to a career as a writer and illustrator of pulp magazines. Unfortunately died very young P1-8_vV_8jY-00091-00067256-00068032 of lung cancer. Famous as both an outspoken woman in fandom, and as a outspoken socialist, P1-8_vV_8jY-00092-00068168-00068904 this fanzine called "In Your Teeth, Gentlemen" is a response to the technocrats in fandom. P1-8_vV_8jY-00093-00068976-00069544 Those who sort of aligned themselves with Italian futurism, and sometimes even fascism. P1-8_vV_8jY-00094-00069824-00070712 In their defense many of these technocrats did go on to fight the fascists in World War II, but P1-8_vV_8jY-00095-00070976-00071720 before the war, they were sort of fascinated by the technological marvels of the Italian fascists. P1-8_vV_8jY-00096-00071920-00072136 Another Futurian, John Michel, P1-8_vV_8jY-00097-00072272-00072768 this is one of his fanzines. Michel was one of the founders of the New York science fiction group, P1-8_vV_8jY-00098-00072768-00073376 The Futurians as well. Ge was considered the most left wing of The Futurians, and his P1-8_vV_8jY-00099-00073376-00074056 particular brand of utopian ideology became known as Michelism. He would later become a successful P1-8_vV_8jY-00100-00074056-00074720 writer and editor, but he also produced the cover art for his early fanzines, and his style, P1-8_vV_8jY-00101-00074888-00075520 more so than a lot of others, really echoed that sort of European avant-garde style. P1-8_vV_8jY-00102-00075616-00076456 We can see sort of the dada slash futurist influence going on here. P1-8_vV_8jY-00103-00076696-00077296 Damon Knight's work was considerably different. It was very technical and clean. And P1-8_vV_8jY-00104-00077408-00078008 some of you probably won't be surprised to hear that Damon Knight received his graphic P1-8_vV_8jY-00105-00078008-00078776 arts training at a WPA art center in Oregon. He met the members of The Futurians at a science P1-8_vV_8jY-00106-00078776-00079320 fiction convention in Denver in 1940, and later moved to New York to join the group. P1-8_vV_8jY-00107-00079608-00080264 This is a silk screen print, much like many of the WPA posters that we're all familiar with. P1-8_vV_8jY-00108-00080472-00081384 This is a a stenciled cover by Jack Widenbeck. It's the cover of Chanticleer Magazine from 1945. P1-8_vV_8jY-00109-00081600-00082216 It's often listed as silk screen, but I think it's a stencil and airbrush, or maybe some P1-8_vV_8jY-00110-00082216-00082944 sort of Pershoir technique. He was from Battle Creek, Michigan, and was a member of Nova press. P1-8_vV_8jY-00111-00083016-00083864 And they were famous for their stencil work. He and Abby and Al Ashby, all produced these amazing P1-8_vV_8jY-00112-00083864-00084872 stenciled covers that really have the feel of a Russian futurist, or constructivist kind of thing. P1-8_vV_8jY-00113-00085128-00085664 In his book, "LIttle History of the Mimeograph Revolution," authors Clay and Phillips point to P1-8_vV_8jY-00114-00085664-00086248 1943 as the official beginning of the literary movement that became known as the Mimeograph P1-8_vV_8jY-00115-00086248-00086976 Revolution. When William Everson published poems in an unofficial newsletter, "The Untied," and P1-8_vV_8jY-00116-00086976-00087584 helped run the Mimeograph Machine and produce his own ex-war elegies, among other small volumes in P1-8_vV_8jY-00117-00087584-00088280 a conscientious objector camp at Waldport, Oregon. After the war, Everson and other radicals settled P1-8_vV_8jY-00118-00088280-00088792 in the bay area of California, while on the east coast Greenwich Village in New York City became P1-8_vV_8jY-00119-00088792-00089496 the hub of artistic activity. City Lights Books opened in 53, publishing Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" P1-8_vV_8jY-00120-00089496-00090160 shortly thereafter. The 40s and 50s were also the heyday of science fiction fanzines, obviously. P1-8_vV_8jY-00121-00090256-00090880 And many fans returned from the military and pursued careers as writers and artists, P1-8_vV_8jY-00122-00090880-00091496 or attended college on the GI Bill, where they intermingled with the literary and artistic P1-8_vV_8jY-00123-00091496-00092152 rebels of the time. Science fiction became more experimental, and fanzines followed suit. P1-8_vV_8jY-00124-00092232-00092936 And these pictures are not of the copies we have in Special Collections. Some of these P1-8_vV_8jY-00125-00093016-00093624 I forgot to mention earlier are pictures that I borrowed from elsewhere, but of works that P1-8_vV_8jY-00126-00093624-00094360 are in our collection. So those you'll see have a photo credit on the slide, indicating P1-8_vV_8jY-00127-00094360-00095088 where they're from. But we do have in Special Collections copies of the war elegies by Everson. P1-8_vV_8jY-00128-00095360-00096136 This is the cover of "C Comics," and was done by Joe Brainard, a New York artist influenced by pop, P1-8_vV_8jY-00129-00096136-00096784 the pop art movement. Brainerd was one of the first to combine poetry and comics. P1-8_vV_8jY-00130-00097104-00097768 Back to Ed Sanders his most famous Mimeograph was "[ __ ] YOU! A Magazine of the Arts." P1-8_vV_8jY-00131-00097912-00098504 Perhaps no publication of the era illustrates the transgressive nature of the 1960s counter culture, P1-8_vV_8jY-00132-00098560-00099280 so clearly as "[ __ ] YOU!" Ed Sanders became well known as a member of the proto punk band, P1-8_vV_8jY-00133-00099280-00100488 The Fugs. While working with Pete Valestreri on some some stuff in some flat files in the P1-8_vV_8jY-00134-00100488-00101096 Ken Friedman Fluxus Collection, we came across not one, but multiple copies of this poster. P1-8_vV_8jY-00135-00101336-00101984 A poster by Stanley Mouse for "The Human Be-In," which was arguably the first major event of the P1-8_vV_8jY-00136-00101984-00102768 psychedelic era. This poster by Mouse is a classic hippie mashup of deco and science fiction styles, P1-8_vV_8jY-00137-00102824-00104008 and even the purple color sort of echoes that Hectograph style. But this was the P1-8_vV_8jY-00138-00104008-00104864 first of many, what would be, kind of become the iconic, psychedelic posters of the 1960s. P1-8_vV_8jY-00139-00105096-00105776 Also during the 60s, The Diggers were doing their thing in the bay area, and P1-8_vV_8jY-00140-00105832-00106752 they were a radical street theater group that also had food distribution systems and P1-8_vV_8jY-00141-00106752-00107256 other things like that. Again this is from the the Fluxus Collection, P1-8_vV_8jY-00142-00107328-00107935 and the "1% Free" poster. This appeared in the winter of 68, and became a digger trademark P1-8_vV_8jY-00143-00107935-00108592 for their street events. According to The Diggers Online Archives, various interpretations P1-8_vV_8jY-00144-00108592-00109240 of the posters cryptic symbology evolved. One interpretation, which gained a certain popularity, P1-8_vV_8jY-00145-00109240-00109728 was that merchants and rock bands were expected to contribute one percent of their receipts to the P1-8_vV_8jY-00146-00109728-00110335 free city bank to fund various activities, including the food distribution system. P1-8_vV_8jY-00147-00110664-00111416 Fluxus began happening in the 70s. This is a poster for a performance by the COUM P1-8_vV_8jY-00148-00111416-00111911 Transmissions. They explored graphical propaganda techniques, P1-8_vV_8jY-00149-00111911-00112272 and later became the art noise band Throbbing Gristle, P1-8_vV_8jY-00150-00112376-00112968 and after that psychic tv. And they really started to bridge the gap between Fluxus and punk. P1-8_vV_8jY-00151-00113248-00114135 And of course the 70s 80s and 90s were full of punk fanzines. Later developing into P1-8_vV_8jY-00152-00114135-00115168 what we now call zines. Special Collections holds a great many collections of zines and fanzines, P1-8_vV_8jY-00153-00115168-00115983 including a lot of riot girl stuff from the 90s. So if you are interested in P1-8_vV_8jY-00154-00115983-00116640 taking a deep dive into zines, we have great resources for you to look at. P1-8_vV_8jY-00155-00116808-00117480 This piece is by Jenny Holtzer. Holzer explores words as visual art, and her rubber stamp set P1-8_vV_8jY-00156-00117480-00117983 challenges the viewer to become a participant in the creation of the art. This is from the P1-8_vV_8jY-00157-00117983-00118640 recently acquired Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, the largest collection of P1-8_vV_8jY-00158-00118640-00119183 concrete and visual poetry in the world, and its home is now at the University of Iowa. P1-8_vV_8jY-00159-00119359-00119783 Also from the Sackner Collection, this is John Giorno's "You Gotta Burn to Shine," P1-8_vV_8jY-00160-00119783-00120704 a limited edition, which includes spray paint and stencils with lines from his book. And like P1-8_vV_8jY-00161-00120704-00121176 Holzer, he's pulling the reader deeper into the meaning of the text through participation. P1-8_vV_8jY-00162-00121472-00122200 And sort of circling back, we'll do a couple of items from the 21st century to wrap up. P1-8_vV_8jY-00163-00122280-00122928 Raymond Pettibon and Cristin Sheehan Sullivan, "Scream at the Librarian," is a soap screen P1-8_vV_8jY-00164-00122928-00123408 and letterpress book that really has a lot of, this cover shows a lot of P1-8_vV_8jY-00165-00123583-00124183 dada influence, a lot of Russian influence as well, while also being P1-8_vV_8jY-00166-00124408-00125280 you know, very much in the punk tradition. And finally, we'll wrap up with Shepard Fairey. P1-8_vV_8jY-00167-00125344-00126183 Shepard's a post-punk graphic artist who created the Russian constructivist inspired progress P1-8_vV_8jY-00168-00126183-00126688 posters and stickers to express his support for the presidential campaign of Barack Obama. P1-8_vV_8jY-00169-00126792-00127344 They were so popular that the Obama campaign contacted Fairey, and asked him to produce P1-8_vV_8jY-00170-00127344-00127848 another edition, but asked if he would change the slogan to the now famous, "Hope." P1-8_vV_8jY-00171-00128256-00128983 And I will wrap up with a quote from Michael Basinki. In from his introduction P1-8_vV_8jY-00172-00129048-00129680 to an author index to little magazines of the Mimeograph Revolution, and he's talking P1-8_vV_8jY-00173-00129680-00130224 specifically about the literary movement here, but I think everything he says here applies to P1-8_vV_8jY-00174-00130296-00130904 fanzines as well. "The Mimeo Revolution did not instantaneously precipitate. P1-8_vV_8jY-00175-00130976-00131504 Through the 1950s, there were little magazines publishing innovative poetry. P1-8_vV_8jY-00176-00131504-00132152 They existed in the shadow of Eisenhower and McCarthyism-- The university system was expanding P1-8_vV_8jY-00177-00132152-00132752 and was both inspirational and an easy target for those crazy craving a frank poetic engagement. P1-8_vV_8jY-00178-00132864-00133376 It was a heady time-- Their publishing was meant to be rebellious and, therefore, P1-8_vV_8jY-00179-00133376-00134008 a romantic aura surrounds the Mimeo Revolution. Its legitimate parameters have yet to be fully P1-8_vV_8jY-00180-00134008-00134632 established. Its full impact has yet to be considered. The context, materiality, P1-8_vV_8jY-00181-00134632-00135240 and the history of the Mimeo Revolution await documentation. The stories of the editors, poets, P1-8_vV_8jY-00182-00135240-00136064 and their mimeo magazines need to be written." And with that, I will say thank you for coming P1-8_vV_8jY-00183-00136064-00136808 and watching. And we'll stop the recording, and we will make time for some questions. P1BhOsKw_sy-00000-00000040-00000360 Hey, friends. So spectral processing is all the rage these days. P1BhOsKw_sy-00001-00000373-00000760 It seems like every single week, a new plugin or a new device is coming out P1BhOsKw_sy-00002-00000773-00001050 that takes advantage of spectral processing in some way. P1BhOsKw_sy-00003-00001063-00001493 And it's for a good reason, too. There's a lot of undiscovered sonic territory with spectral, P1BhOsKw_sy-00004-00001506-00001823 and it's all over some of the freshest new music that's coming out. P1BhOsKw_sy-00005-00001836-00002233 So in this video, we're going to take a look at one of Ableton's new devices called Spectral Time, P1BhOsKw_sy-00006-00002246-00002663 which I feel is a really powerful device that most folks have overlooked. P1BhOsKw_sy-00007-00002676-00002973 The sound design potential here is through the roof. Let's check it out. P1BhOsKw_sy-00008-00003733-00004116 Okay, so here's a hastily assembled hip-hop groove that I have here. Take a listen. P1BhOsKw_sy-00009-00005216-00005840 So, yeah, it's kind of boring. There's not really much going on. I'm going to hit this Cue key, and I'm going to activate all of the Spectral Time... P1BhOsKw_sy-00010-00005853-00006190 processors that I have running at once in the set. Now take a listen. P1BhOsKw_sy-00011-00007293-00007856 Yeah. So each one of these tracks has a Spectral Time on it, as well as I made one as a Return Track. P1BhOsKw_sy-00012-00007870-00008493 So I'm just going to go ahead and mute the Return track, and I'll delete this Spectral Time, and let's just listen to this first track by itself. P1BhOsKw_sy-00013-00008773-00009346 Just about as boring as possible, right? I'm going to grab a Spectral Time and drag it here, and let's just take a look at what's going on. P1BhOsKw_sy-00014-00009360-00009826 So to understand spectral time, you have to realize that it's actually just two different devices. P1BhOsKw_sy-00015-00009840-00010236 There's kind of a Freezer section and then there's a Spectral Delay. P1BhOsKw_sy-00016-00010250-00010573 Okay, so I'm going to turn off the Delay for now and let's just listen to the Freezer. P1BhOsKw_sy-00017-00010586-00011050 So the way that the Freezer works is essentially you have this little button, and you can do it manually so you can be like... P1BhOsKw_sy-00018-00011276-00011730 So I just froze that first note, right? Nothing special. Kind of boring. P1BhOsKw_sy-00019-00011743-00012096 Now, you could manually turn on Freeze and turn off freeze, and sometimes that's fun to do. P1BhOsKw_sy-00020-00012110-00012490 But I'm going to turn it on to Retrigger mode. Now, you can turn up the Sensitivity, P1BhOsKw_sy-00021-00012503-00013240 and if you activate Freeze, what will happen is that it'll activate and deactivate Freeze depending upon the incoming audio. So take a listen. P1BhOsKw_sy-00022-00013796-00014269 So essentially, every single time it hears some audio, you can see this little yellow thing light up. P1BhOsKw_sy-00023-00014463-00014893 It's clearing the buffer out and then replacing it with the next little snippet of audio. P1BhOsKw_sy-00024-00014906-00015376 Now you can change the way that it sounds by going over to Resolution. Let's turn it onto Ultra. P1BhOsKw_sy-00025-00015613-00015756 That's different. High. P1BhOsKw_sy-00026-00015950-00016333 And then on Low you get kind of more of like a glitchy kind of crappy digital sound. P1BhOsKw_sy-00027-00016583-00017260 But each one of these Resolution settings has a place and can create vastly different sounds with this device, right? P1BhOsKw_sy-00028-00017273-00017443 So let's just put it back on High for now. P1BhOsKw_sy-00029-00017456-00017906 So then we have X-fade, and this is how much time it takes to get between each different Freeze. P1BhOsKw_sy-00030-00017920-00018166 So to listen to this, let's turn the Dry/Wet all the way up. P1BhOsKw_sy-00031-00018180-00018380 Now, if it's turned all the way down to its lowest setting, P1BhOsKw_sy-00032-00018393-00018760 which happens to be two milliseconds, it's pretty much going to be instant. P1BhOsKw_sy-00033-00019053-00019533 But if we start to turn this up a little bit, it's going to fade between each sampling. P1BhOsKw_sy-00034-00020296-00020980 So by itself, the Freezer is pretty powerful. And you can use this to take very staccato sounds and stretch them out over time. P1BhOsKw_sy-00035-00020993-00021320 Now, let's take a look at the Delay size. I'm going to turn off the Freezer, turn on the Delay, P1BhOsKw_sy-00036-00021333-00021700 and at this moment, it's essentially just a normal delay, right? So we have Feedback. P1BhOsKw_sy-00037-00021713-00021960 Let's go ahead and listen to this delay as it is. P1BhOsKw_sy-00038-00022370-00022533 And we can turn the Time down. P1BhOsKw_sy-00039-00022883-00023526 Or we could switch it to a Synced mode. So in this case, let's go to 16th, and then you can subdivide the 16th, so now we get... P1BhOsKw_sy-00040-00024153-00024450 Right on. So that's just a normal delay at the moment. P1BhOsKw_sy-00041-00024463-00024876 But what we're dealing with here is we're dealing with spectral. And what does spectral actually mean? P1BhOsKw_sy-00042-00024890-00025460 Well, what we're talking about is frequencies. So what's cool about this delay is that you can start to influence P1BhOsKw_sy-00043-00025473-00025820 how the delay reacts depending upon the source material, okay? P1BhOsKw_sy-00044-00025833-00026206 And the way that you control that is down here in this section. Now, the first one is Tilt. P1BhOsKw_sy-00045-00026220-00026823 And essentially it will take the Delay Time and shift it toward the lows or shift it toward the highs depending upon which way you go. P1BhOsKw_sy-00046-00026836-00027393 So with this setting we have right now, I'm going to turn the Dry/Wet up a little bit more so we can really listen to this delay. P1BhOsKw_sy-00047-00027406-00027589 Now take a listen to what Tilt does. P1BhOsKw_sy-00048-00028226-00028703 Really cool sounds, right? So essentially, we're taking the spectra and we're sort of smearing it, right? P1BhOsKw_sy-00049-00028716-00029193 We're saying, okay, the top frequencies are going to be delayed right on the 16th. P1BhOsKw_sy-00050-00029206-00029776 But as we go down to the lower frequencies, they're pushed away from the top frequencies, and it's causing kind of "zi-ooon." P1BhOsKw_sy-00051-00029789-00030006 So if we went the other way, we go "whiiiip." P1BhOsKw_sy-00052-00030813-00031236 So then we have the Spray control. And you could consider this... I feel like they should have said "smear," P1BhOsKw_sy-00053-00031250-00031920 because what this will do is it will distribute the frequencies and make it a little bit more of a smeary kind of sound. Take a listen. P1BhOsKw_sy-00054-00032086-00032283 That's without it. P1BhOsKw_sy-00055-00032633-00033286 And Spray is useful for turning Spectral Time sort of into more of a reverb. Now, the last one is Mask. P1BhOsKw_sy-00056-00033300-00033710 And so I'm going to turn the Tilt up a little bit more in the Tilt down a little bit. Take a listen to this. P1BhOsKw_sy-00057-00034156-00034743 Now, what Mask will do is it's kind of like a choke control for either the lows or the highs. P1BhOsKw_sy-00058-00034756-00035136 If I want the highs to be choked out a little bit more, I'll turn it to the right. Take a listen. P1BhOsKw_sy-00059-00035850-00036643 So it's kind of limiting or turning down the amount of time that it takes for the Tilt or the Spray control to occur. P1BhOsKw_sy-00060-00036656-00037133 And so that's for the top end and then I could do the opposite by choking out the low end. P1BhOsKw_sy-00061-00037910-00038176 You could almost think of this as like a Global Time control, right? P1BhOsKw_sy-00062-00038190-00038706 So another thing that's cool about this is that because we're dealing with time, we can start to distribute that across P1BhOsKw_sy-00063-00038720-00039036 the stereo field by turning up the Stereo control. Take a listen. P1BhOsKw_sy-00064-00039660-00040240 And then when it comes to sound design, we have a Mix control. Like right now we have a Dry/Wet for the entire effect over here. P1BhOsKw_sy-00065-00040253-00040470 And then we have a Dry/Wet for just the Delay. P1BhOsKw_sy-00066-00040483-00040836 So if I turn the Dry/Wet for the delay all the way up, we get... P1BhOsKw_sy-00067-00041153-00041670 Sounds awesome. But if we turn the Dry/Wet all the way up here, we just have the spectral delay. P1BhOsKw_sy-00068-00042090-00042320 Super rad. So now let's turn the Freezer back on. P1BhOsKw_sy-00069-00042333-00042816 And what we have now is a situation where the Freezer is being fed into the Delay, P1BhOsKw_sy-00070-00042830-00042996 and that's where you can see this control here. P1BhOsKw_sy-00071-00043010-00043446 At the moment, the Freezer is being fed into the Delay because of this button. Now let's take a listen. P1BhOsKw_sy-00072-00044263-00044856 Of course, we can turn the Mix down now and kind of get the Freezer to come all the way through to the output as well as the Delay. P1BhOsKw_sy-00073-00045346-00045783 Now, that's lasting kind of a long time. Let's go back to the Freezer and look at another option. P1BhOsKw_sy-00074-00045796-00046123 So when you're on Retrigger mode, you also have the ability to choose P1BhOsKw_sy-00075-00046136-00046386 how long the Fade In time and Fade Out times are. P1BhOsKw_sy-00076-00046400-00046743 So let's go ahead and turn off the Delay real quick and take a listen to this. P1BhOsKw_sy-00077-00047326-00047790 So maybe this is yielding a more usable result when it comes to the Freezer going into the Delay. P1BhOsKw_sy-00078-00047803-00048133 Let's go ahead and turn the Delay back on and make the Fade In time instantly. P1BhOsKw_sy-00079-00048703-00048993 Now we can hear that the Delay is kind of swirling around your head, right? P1BhOsKw_sy-00080-00049006-00049513 Maybe what we want to do is just have it so that one note triggers an entire cycle of what's happening here P1BhOsKw_sy-00081-00049526-00049956 where we have a Freeze and then we have one Delay that's doing this cool stereo thing. P1BhOsKw_sy-00082-00049970-00050316 Well, what I could do is I could just turn the Feedback all the way down. Now take a listen. P1BhOsKw_sy-00083-00050803-00051123 It's just so cool - all the way up with Stereo. P1BhOsKw_sy-00084-00051829-00052153 Got to love it. And then you could now let's say you wanted to do some sound design P1BhOsKw_sy-00085-00052166-00052640 where this was just the sound you were making, just the swirly part. Just turn the Dry/Wet all the way up. P1BhOsKw_sy-00086-00053063-00053476 Now, of course, this is going to be latent compared to everything else. Let's go ahead and listen to this in the mix. P1BhOsKw_sy-00087-00054523-00054963 So yeah, that's kind of cool. But I think it'll sound better if we have the Dry/Wet, like, maybe at half. P1BhOsKw_sy-00088-00055613-00055950 Real quick, if you're enjoying this video and you're enjoying my teaching style, P1BhOsKw_sy-00089-00055963-00056336 I have a really awesome Ableton webinar that you can watch up here where it's kind of like P1BhOsKw_sy-00090-00056350-00056883 a speed training, where I go through a lot of the essential Ableton skills that you might want to know that will help make your music P1BhOsKw_sy-00091-00056896-00057213 more interesting, more creative, and more exciting. So if you want to check that out, P1BhOsKw_sy-00092-00057226-00057566 the link's down in the description and then up here. Anyway, let's get back to it. P1BhOsKw_sy-00093-00057586-00057823 So let's move on to track 2 and listen to what's happening here. P1BhOsKw_sy-00094-00057836-00058426 So without Spectral Time, this is just Ableton's Upright Piano that they made with Spitfire, sounds like this. P1BhOsKw_sy-00095-00058663-00058926 And then with Spectral Time, this is what I did. P1BhOsKw_sy-00096-00059829-00060083 And so, what I want to do is I want to go ahead and build this up from scratch. P1BhOsKw_sy-00097-00060103-00060560 So I'm going to grab a Spectral Time, slap it on here. I'll put it on Retrigger mode. P1BhOsKw_sy-00098-00060573-00061170 And what I'm doing is I'm using Sensitivity. And what's cool about this is that it's freezing and unfreezing the track because P1BhOsKw_sy-00099-00061183-00061510 the piano is coming in and out of sensitivity range. P1BhOsKw_sy-00100-00061523-00062179 You can see this little yellow thing each time it resamples the audio. I'm going to turn off the Delay and just listen to what this does. P1BhOsKw_sy-00101-00062963-00063413 So this kind of garbling effect is happening and it kind of makes the piano sound like lo-fi, right? P1BhOsKw_sy-00102-00063426-00063816 We could put it on Low mode and get a really, really lo-fi kind of sound. P1BhOsKw_sy-00103-00064220-00064533 But I think that Mid actually is my favorite sound here. P1BhOsKw_sy-00104-00064800-00065193 And we could mangle this further by maybe changing the Fade In and Fade Out times. P1BhOsKw_sy-00105-00065516-00066036 So now let's look at the Delay. And I should say a really good way to work with Spectral Time is to turn off the Freezer P1BhOsKw_sy-00106-00066050-00066433 when you're working on the Delay so that you can hear what's happening. P1BhOsKw_sy-00107-00066446-00066773 So on this Delay, what I'd like to do is kind of make this spread out a little bit more. P1BhOsKw_sy-00108-00066786-00067296 And so what I'll do is I'm going to be working with the Spray. I want to kind of make this kind of more like a reverb. P1BhOsKw_sy-00109-00067313-00067713 So I'm going to turn my Delay Time down, turn the Feedback up and the Spray up a bit, P1BhOsKw_sy-00110-00067726-00067850 and let's start working with this. P1BhOsKw_sy-00111-00068406-00069110 Now, one thing we haven't gotten into yet is the Shift. So Spectral Time also has built into it a frequency shifter. P1BhOsKw_sy-00112-00069123-00069510 Because again, we're dealing with frequencies here. We're dealing with spectral frequencies, right? P1BhOsKw_sy-00113-00069523-00069786 So let's turn the Delay Time all the way up and listen to Shift. P1BhOsKw_sy-00114-00070086-00070663 Now, if you go to the right, you're going to have the pitch go up. If you go to the left, you're going to have the pitch go down. P1BhOsKw_sy-00115-00071133-00071986 So low settings like this can get some kind of cool - it almost sounds like a cassette or something, like something like constantly slowing down. P1BhOsKw_sy-00116-00072440-00072670 Let's go ahead and add some stereo. P1BhOsKw_sy-00117-00073806-00074130 Cool, now that we have that dialed in, I'll turn on the Freezer. P1BhOsKw_sy-00118-00074456-00074820 Now this is 100% wet I'll bring this back. And now it's got the piano in there. P1BhOsKw_sy-00119-00075326-00075916 So I think in this situation, it might make sense to choke the lows out completely with the Mask. P1BhOsKw_sy-00120-00075930-00076486 And then we're going to get a pretty interesting sound here where we're kind of focusing more on the frequency shifter sound. P1BhOsKw_sy-00121-00077370-00077946 Super weird. Cool, so let's look at the drums now. So here's the drum sound without the Spectral Time. P1BhOsKw_sy-00122-00078223-00078330 Here's with it. P1BhOsKw_sy-00123-00078670-00078990 Now, drums have a lot of really fun options you can do with Spectral Time. P1BhOsKw_sy-00124-00079003-00079280 I might not even rebuild the same thing. Let's go ahead and take a listen to this now. P1BhOsKw_sy-00125-00079346-00079706 And what I'll do is I'll turn on Retrigger, of course, and we'll use the Sensitivity yet again. P1BhOsKw_sy-00126-00079850-00080066 I'll turn off the Delay. P1BhOsKw_sy-00127-00080350-00080536 That's one option of what you could do. P1BhOsKw_sy-00128-00080550-00081083 I'm going to shift this over here so that I have more control over the Freezer's volume P1BhOsKw_sy-00129-00081096-00081576 because right now if we leave it on the X-Fade mode, we're just going to have endless freezing of noise, right? P1BhOsKw_sy-00130-00081590-00082030 So instead I'm going to turn it on this mode and we'll have an instant fade in and a longer fade out. P1BhOsKw_sy-00131-00082606-00083053 So in this regard, it's kind of like a room reverb, right? If I turn this up, I can get a little bit more. P1BhOsKw_sy-00132-00083660-00084136 So that's pretty interesting. And yeah, if you turn the Dry/Wet down a little bit, you can get kind of like a pseudo reverb. P1BhOsKw_sy-00133-00084503-00084783 Now that's cool, but let's go ahead and turn on the delay and now we're going to have some fun. P1BhOsKw_sy-00134-00084796-00085320 So I'm going to turn this on the Time mode, right? And let's put it on a 16th on one. P1BhOsKw_sy-00135-00085333-00085486 So basically just one 16th. P1BhOsKw_sy-00136-00085683-00086183 And what I'll do is I'll turn the Dry/Wet back up and I'll turn off the Freezer for now. And we're just going to listen to the Delay. P1BhOsKw_sy-00137-00086906-00087213 And so what I'd like to do is shift the Delay toward the top. P1BhOsKw_sy-00138-00087226-00087423 So I'll go ahead and turn up the Shift a bit. P1BhOsKw_sy-00139-00087873-00088283 Nice. Okay, so now we're going to use the Tilt and I'm going to bring it to the right P1BhOsKw_sy-00140-00088296-00088820 and so what that's going to do is, remember, it's going to make the lows have longer delay times than the highs, P1BhOsKw_sy-00141-00088833-00089033 and then we'll get a really cool sound going. P1BhOsKw_sy-00142-00089913-00090340 Boom. I love it. That's awesome. Let's turn on the Freezer and see what we got. P1BhOsKw_sy-00143-00090610-00091013 So obviously my Fade Out time is really long, so I've kind of lost that interesting effect. P1BhOsKw_sy-00144-00091026-00091250 So I can turn the Fade Out time down a little bit. And now we get... P1BhOsKw_sy-00145-00091893-00092286 So up until this point, we've had the Freeze going into the Delay. P1BhOsKw_sy-00146-00092300-00092610 Now let's do the opposite. Let's have the Delay go into the Freeze. P1BhOsKw_sy-00147-00092623-00092986 And remember, there's a Dry/Wet mix. Let's go ahead and leave the Mix all the way up, though, at this point P1BhOsKw_sy-00148-00093000-00093466 and take a listen to what we have. Now we might have to adjust the Sensitivity to get the Freeze to work P1BhOsKw_sy-00149-00093480-00093853 because we're changing the volume that's going into it. But let's go ahead and listen to what we got. P1BhOsKw_sy-00150-00094406-00094820 Now we can turn the Fade Out time and take a listen to a brand new sound. P1BhOsKw_sy-00151-00095363-00095833 That's pretty cool. And maybe we'll turn the Mix down and get more of the dry going into the Freezer. P1BhOsKw_sy-00152-00096590-00096973 So, yeah, completely different sounds when you're switching between these modes, right? P1BhOsKw_sy-00153-00096993-00097506 Alright, let's go to the next track. And this is a Wavetable bass. Let's take a listen to what it sounds like by itself. P1BhOsKw_sy-00154-00098416-00099060 Now, another thing that Spectral Time can do is it can add stereo width to your sounds in an interesting way. P1BhOsKw_sy-00155-00099073-00099306 So I'm not even going to use the Freezer. Let's just look at the Delay. P1BhOsKw_sy-00156-00099320-00099556 And what I'm going to do is turn the Delay Time pretty low. P1BhOsKw_sy-00157-00099570-00100046 Let's try 30 milliseconds, and let's take a listen to what the result is thus far. P1BhOsKw_sy-00158-00100793-00101336 Now, thanks to our ability to tilt the Delay Times, we can tilt the lows and highs away from each other P1BhOsKw_sy-00159-00101350-00101756 and take advantage of the Stereo effect. Right now, we won't make any stereo P1BhOsKw_sy-00160-00101866-00102233 because there isn't any information where we're tilting the frequencies. P1BhOsKw_sy-00161-00102253-00102426 But as I start to tilt, listen. P1BhOsKw_sy-00162-00103153-00103696 So, yeah, that sounds really good. Now, another thing I could do is go up to Shift, and start to shift the frequencies around. P1BhOsKw_sy-00163-00104566-00104823 So without the Spectral Time, we get this. P1BhOsKw_sy-00164-00105156-00105340 Let's listen with the Spectral Time. P1BhOsKw_sy-00165-00105793-00106376 Rad. And then the final track is just a shaker. And this is what it's like without the Spectral Time. P1BhOsKw_sy-00166-00106483-00106933 And then with the Spectral Time, I'm using the Delay to kind of make some stereo sounds happen. P1BhOsKw_sy-00167-00107123-00107396 So the way that I'm doing this is I'm just grabbing a Spectral Time, P1BhOsKw_sy-00168-00107483-00107926 turning off Freeze, turning on Delay, making the Delay Time very short. P1BhOsKw_sy-00169-00108230-00108440 So now we can hear the "shio shio." P1BhOsKw_sy-00170-00108770-00109300 We can hear that kind of sound starting to come through. Let's go ahead and use the Spray and the Stereo. P1BhOsKw_sy-00171-00110909-00111300 So, yeah, I could overtime for the fun of it. Let's go ahead and listen to this with the Drum Rack. P1BhOsKw_sy-00172-00111559-00112286 I could, over time, maybe change the Tilt. So I'll look at the automation here, and I'll go ahead and change the Tilt times P1BhOsKw_sy-00173-00112300-00112706 so that it's kind of oscillating through different Tilt times. This could be really fun. P1BhOsKw_sy-00174-00113243-00113796 So, yeah, you can add a lot of interest with this thing. And then finally, let's take a look at Spectral Time as a Return effect. P1BhOsKw_sy-00175-00113809-00114076 So what I've decided to do is I've decided to use Sync. P1BhOsKw_sy-00176-00114090-00114733 What does Sync do? Well, essentially, it's just constantly retriggering the Freezer over time. P1BhOsKw_sy-00177-00114746-00115236 And so what I'm doing is I'm using this to constantly retrigger it every 30 seconds. P1BhOsKw_sy-00178-00115250-00115603 Alright, what we get... let's just go ahead and listen to this by itself. P1BhOsKw_sy-00179-00116363-00116803 So by constantly retriggering, very quickly, we're getting that kind of lo-fi kind of sound. P1BhOsKw_sy-00180-00116816-00117273 But I'm feeding that into a delay that's highly smeared with the Spray, and we get this. P1BhOsKw_sy-00181-00117840-00118306 Cool. So with all those changes that I've made, let's go ahead and listen to the dry jam. P1BhOsKw_sy-00182-00118630-00119056 And here's the Spectral Time's. P1BhOsKw_sy-00183-00119486-00119643 Dry. P1BhOsKw_sy-00184-00119813-00119909 Spectral. P1BhOsKw_sy-00185-00120436-00120759 Awesome. Well, I hope you enjoyed this. I hope you use Spectral Time a lot P1BhOsKw_sy-00186-00120773-00121280 because you can come up with a lot of really new awesome sounds. And if you like this kind of thing, like, comment, subscribe. P1BhOsKw_sy-00187-00121293-00121509 Much love, everybody. I'll see you next time. Thank you. P3xrx9DSN4u-00000-00000406-00000543 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. P3xrx9DSN4u-00001-00000543-00000969 I'M PETTY OFFICER BRANDIE WILLS WITH YOUR HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE FLEET. P3xrx9DSN4u-00002-00000969-00001387 ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT EXAMS WILL BE ADMINISTERED ON THE FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD THURSDAYS P3xrx9DSN4u-00003-00001387-00001529 OF SEPTEMBER. P3xrx9DSN4u-00004-00001529-00002095 FIRST CLASS EXAMS ARE THE 5TH.SECOND CLASS EXAMS ARE THE 12TH.AND THIRD CLASS EXAMS ARE P3xrx9DSN4u-00005-00002095-00002222 THE 19TH. P3xrx9DSN4u-00006-00002222-00002735 SEE YOUR COMMAND CAREER COUNSELOR, OR CHAIN OF COMMAND, TO CHECK YOUR TEST ELIGIBILITY. P3xrx9DSN4u-00007-00002735-00003008 SEPTEMBER IS NAVY SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTH. P3xrx9DSN4u-00008-00003008-00003457 THIS YEAR'S THEME, "THRIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITY," IS BASED ON THE IMPORTANCE OF BUILDING RESILIENCY P3xrx9DSN4u-00009-00003457-00003669 THROUGH COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. P3xrx9DSN4u-00010-00003669-00004094 IF YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW IS EXPERIENCING THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE, PLEASE, CALL THE NATIONAL P3xrx9DSN4u-00011-00004094-00004687 SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE AT 1-800-273-TALK. P3xrx9DSN4u-00012-00004687-00004957 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. P3xrx9DSN4u-00013-00004957-00005153 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. P9d9LL0wPCM-00000-00000008-00000568 alright welcome guys to resident evil village gameplay so in the last episode P9d9LL0wPCM-00001-00000568-00001168 we met our whole family of mother miranda i guess now we have to fight them all P9d9LL0wPCM-00002-00001168-00001823 one by one i am excited how this game will play now because now we have escaped the dungeons P9d9LL0wPCM-00003-00001823-00002984 so now we are heading straight finding it and start a roads so let's get into the gameplay P9d9LL0wPCM-00004-00003447-00004384 alright so we are back in the castle P9d9LL0wPCM-00005-00005560-00005784 looking for rose P9d9LL0wPCM-00006-00007704-00008584 blood P9d9LL0wPCM-00007-00010624-00011056 mother i bring you fresh prey you are so kind to me daughters P9d9LL0wPCM-00008-00011816-00012496 ah now let's take a look at him wow well ethan winters P9d9LL0wPCM-00009-00012584-00014184 you escaped my little brother's idiot gains did you let's see how special you are yes mother yes P9d9LL0wPCM-00010-00015168-00015663 hmm starting to go a little stale then let's devour his man flesh quickly P9d9LL0wPCM-00011-00015663-00016232 mother i am the one who captured him now now daughters first i must inform mother miranda P9d9LL0wPCM-00012-00016384-00016720 quickly mother i am the one who captured him now now daughters P9d9LL0wPCM-00013-00016784-00018384 first i must inform mother miranda but later well there will be enough for everyone uh P9d9LL0wPCM-00014-00018864-00019784 oh be careful P9d9LL0wPCM-00015-00020152-00021184 what are you doing P9d9LL0wPCM-00016-00024000-00025384 oh P9d9LL0wPCM-00017-00025680-00025792 [ __ ] this guy P9d9LL0wPCM-00018-00026256-00026783 and this guy handles so much pain i can't even imagine crazy witches P9d9LL0wPCM-00019-00032712-00032864 is this all gold P9d9LL0wPCM-00020-00033440-00033784 did i just pick up P9d9LL0wPCM-00021-00034656-00035184 what do i need need cam fluid P9d9LL0wPCM-00022-00037376-00037984 would probably sell this as it is P9d9LL0wPCM-00023-00039352-00040784 thank you thank you there P9d9LL0wPCM-00024-00041176-00041512 is that blood that is blood P9d9LL0wPCM-00025-00042040-00042264 and not kidding they're gonna suck me P9d9LL0wPCM-00026-00042264-00044984 dry this is my way out if things go south P9d9LL0wPCM-00027-00045776-00046384 interesting P9d9LL0wPCM-00028-00046568-00047784 huh P9d9LL0wPCM-00029-00048984-00049184 can i take this P9d9LL0wPCM-00030-00051832-00051984 uh P9d9LL0wPCM-00031-00054464-00054784 oh P9d9LL0wPCM-00032-00059184-00060384 okay this is where i came from P9d9LL0wPCM-00033-00061664-00061784 where have they taken rows P9d9LL0wPCM-00034-00062855-00063184 what's this P9d9LL0wPCM-00035-00063240-00064584 uh P9d9LL0wPCM-00036-00065224-00065936 okay so they got me here when i was here and trying to open this store then they got P9d9LL0wPCM-00037-00065936-00067128 me mask the angels blended case and only then will you be saved mask the angels blended case P9d9LL0wPCM-00038-00067376-00067672 i guess i'm gonna find something to put on here P9d9LL0wPCM-00039-00067936-00068088 and by the looks of it P9d9LL0wPCM-00040-00068456-00068944 wait a feet up i i i hear something something familiar P9d9LL0wPCM-00041-00069280-00070392 is this no this is not it oh we meet again duke oyster where there's coin to be made P9d9LL0wPCM-00042-00070568-00071408 and have you found your daughter no if she is truly here the lady of the castle would have P9d9LL0wPCM-00043-00071408-00072208 kept little rose in her private chambers would she not tell me to ask the very same why don't P9d9LL0wPCM-00044-00072208-00072984 you take a look maybe you'll get lucky and speaking of looking care to make a purchase P9d9LL0wPCM-00045-00073648-00074712 thanks for the tip guys well then feel free to peruse P9d9LL0wPCM-00046-00074976-00075784 3500 um that's good i take it as always a trustworthy fair exchange P9d9LL0wPCM-00047-00076368-00076736 i will sell one first date what the hell ah P9d9LL0wPCM-00048-00077072-00077184 pay me no mind P9d9LL0wPCM-00049-00077512-00077576 hell yeah P9d9LL0wPCM-00050-00077984-00078080 please come again P9d9LL0wPCM-00051-00078344-00079984 okay now i have some more space P9d9LL0wPCM-00052-00080280-00080472 find the dimitrijs chamber P9d9LL0wPCM-00053-00080872-00081496 hold up i need to check my settings all right so now we are back P9d9LL0wPCM-00054-00081720-00081920 everything is so quiet in the castle P9d9LL0wPCM-00055-00082496-00083032 what's this charms all over the village and now in this castle P9d9LL0wPCM-00056-00083328-00084184 i guess they must be important or something we'll find out later in this game P9d9LL0wPCM-00057-00084800-00085584 so there's the statues maybe i think i need to get the faces P9d9LL0wPCM-00058-00087816-00088032 i came here already P9d9LL0wPCM-00059-00088320-00088456 now the door is closed P9d9LL0wPCM-00060-00088984-00089224 and the daughters are pretty scary P9d9LL0wPCM-00061-00089288-00090016 but in the painting they look beautiful all right so let's get going P9d9LL0wPCM-00062-00090240-00090408 i guess now i'll go upstairs P9d9LL0wPCM-00063-00090792-00091416 hold up let me check here first first there gunpowder no P9d9LL0wPCM-00064-00091624-00092584 so it's the crystal stone P9d9LL0wPCM-00065-00094472-00094584 by the looks of it P9d9LL0wPCM-00066-00094960-00096784 i don't see they're gonna bring on masters here because this place is so beautiful P9d9LL0wPCM-00067-00097352-00098240 okay so i can drag this there's some handgun ammos and what's this it's just an ordinary tea cup P9d9LL0wPCM-00068-00099248-00099584 i wonder what this goes P9d9LL0wPCM-00069-00100048-00100984 okay so i have such this room P9d9LL0wPCM-00070-00102624-00103783 uh P9d9LL0wPCM-00071-00105159-00105183 uh P9d9LL0wPCM-00072-00110416-00110783 am i supposed to put a bottle in it P9d9LL0wPCM-00073-00111016-00112183 special bottle adult with flowers P9d9LL0wPCM-00074-00113008-00113583 that will be too easy P9d9LL0wPCM-00075-00113968-00114983 uh P9d9LL0wPCM-00076-00115600-00116383 feel free to read if you want to just gonna pause P9d9LL0wPCM-00077-00116959-00117783 wow that is beautiful P9d9LL0wPCM-00078-00118720-00119183 nice gunpowder P9d9LL0wPCM-00079-00119608-00120111 what's this painting say some horses and a guy and dogs P9d9LL0wPCM-00080-00120328-00120583 who's this on this statue P9d9LL0wPCM-00081-00120976-00121983 it's locked from the other side so i cannot go through here nice some currency P9d9LL0wPCM-00082-00122128-00122840 okay so i guess i have to find the wine bottle that's gonna be put there on that puzzle P9d9LL0wPCM-00083-00122952-00124040 nothing here i'm just gonna making sure that anything breakable i'm not missing P9d9LL0wPCM-00084-00124600-00124856 it's that guy again from the previous painting P9d9LL0wPCM-00085-00125192-00125280 yes i think so P9d9LL0wPCM-00086-00125744-00126728 nice some lease that's the currency i have a maroon eye that i can put in that statue's eyes P9d9LL0wPCM-00087-00127072-00127583 yeah that's gonna probably open a door P9d9LL0wPCM-00088-00128064-00128983 huh P9d9LL0wPCM-00089-00129504-00129720 i haven't cut open a man in a while P9d9LL0wPCM-00090-00129832-00130640 let me string you up slice your jugular and just watch thank you miss dad which would you prefer P9d9LL0wPCM-00091-00131024-00131144 i can't hold back any P9d9LL0wPCM-00092-00131776-00132192 all longer i got a shotgun and they're not afraid to use it hold up with this P9d9LL0wPCM-00093-00132880-00133184 all right we are in the new location P9d9LL0wPCM-00094-00133472-00133664 i'm just gonna search everything thoroughly P9d9LL0wPCM-00095-00133880-00134760 i'm not missing anything all right june 9th 1958 it was my first day working P9d9LL0wPCM-00096-00134760-00135368 at the castle today it was the most shocked to see the other stuff for all women P9d9LL0wPCM-00097-00135504-00136280 the mistress and her daughters were very adamant that they wouldn't bite it was quite peculiar P9d9LL0wPCM-00098-00136776-00137640 june 23 1958 it's been two weeks since i started working at the castle and i am a P9d9LL0wPCM-00099-00137640-00138512 little afraid another made adela made a mistake and miss danilisa slashed her face with a knife P9d9LL0wPCM-00100-00138608-00139344 and at night i can hear wailing as if ghosts roam the halls i want to go home P9d9LL0wPCM-00101-00139552-00140336 july 8th 1958 i don't know what to do the young ladies were complaining it was P9d9LL0wPCM-00102-00140336-00141000 too hot and stuffy during dinner so i opened the window just a crack P9d9LL0wPCM-00103-00141112-00142056 shut it shut it now they all shrinked at me in unison i fear i may be taken down into the cellar P9d9LL0wPCM-00104-00142144-00142984 never to be seen off again i don't know what to do i don't know what to do P9d9LL0wPCM-00105-00143376-00144384 so they are afraid of sunlight i think P9d9LL0wPCM-00106-00144672-00146048 ugh can i find some vine here P9d9LL0wPCM-00107-00146352-00146472 not just any wine P9d9LL0wPCM-00108-00146856-00147184 bottle made with flowers design P9d9LL0wPCM-00109-00148584-00148808 she must be 10 feet tall P9d9LL0wPCM-00110-00149088-00149984 at least P9d9LL0wPCM-00111-00150272-00150536 but i heard people talking she's like P9d9LL0wPCM-00112-00150616-00151264 mr x from the resident evil 2 but resident evil 2 mr x was defeated in the end of the P9d9LL0wPCM-00113-00151264-00152784 game as i recall so i guess in this game she must she must die that's gonna be interesting P9d9LL0wPCM-00114-00153464-00154184 that's a puzzle P9d9LL0wPCM-00115-00154904-00155584 i think i need to let them P9d9LL0wPCM-00116-00156696-00157088 and then this door will open what this guy doing P9d9LL0wPCM-00117-00157504-00158080 in the middle of the battle one side is attacking another side is defending i P9d9LL0wPCM-00118-00158080-00158384 guess P9d9LL0wPCM-00119-00158624-00159784 so P9d9LL0wPCM-00120-00160752-00161184 that's an easy puzzle P9d9LL0wPCM-00121-00161624-00161936 can i break this yes handgun ammo thanks P9d9LL0wPCM-00122-00162248-00162680 so i got plenty of handgun ammos 75 P9d9LL0wPCM-00123-00163080-00163296 i'm about to create a mess in this P9d9LL0wPCM-00124-00163296-00165384 castle thing is sure if you have inventory you can take down the big fights P9d9LL0wPCM-00125-00165688-00166784 you need to be very cautious how you gonna use your inventory P9d9LL0wPCM-00126-00167016-00167408 there's an arrow going to his leg P9d9LL0wPCM-00127-00167872-00168248 man the details they have did then this is pretty amazing P9d9LL0wPCM-00128-00168520-00168856 after so much time i see a resident evil P9d9LL0wPCM-00129-00169200-00169584 that gives you the vibe of resident evil 4 P9d9LL0wPCM-00130-00169640-00171960 alright so we have made it this far so thank you guys and see you in the next one take care you P9lNkuTez6c-00000-00002763-00003244 In the text it says the word "stigmatized." P9lNkuTez6c-00001-00003244-00003661 What do you think that word "stigmatized" means? P9lNkuTez6c-00002-00003661-00003947 And if you'd like, could you tell us what line number that was on P9lNkuTez6c-00003-00003947-00004122 when she talks about… P9lNkuTez6c-00004-00004122-00004322 Line 50? P9lNkuTez6c-00005-00004322-00004528 So folks, you can go ahead and turn to Line 50. P9lNkuTez6c-00006-00004528-00004999 Let's see if we can figure out what that word "stigmatized" means. P9lNkuTez6c-00007-00004999-00005406 Because Shirley says that her personal role too P9lNkuTez6c-00008-00005406-00006241 is that if a woman steps out of order, they're stigmatized as being what? P9lNkuTez6c-00009-00006241-00006384 Unfeminine. P9lNkuTez6c-00010-00006384-00006569 I'm sorry, what did you say, Adrian? P9lNkuTez6c-00011-00006569-00006706 Unfeminine. P9lNkuTez6c-00012-00006706-00007095 Unfeminine, right? Unfeminine. P9lNkuTez6c-00013-00007095-00007495 Okay, so Kyle, what do you think that means, "stigmatized", then? P9lNkuTez6c-00014-00007495-00007606 Labeled. P9lNkuTez6c-00015-00007606-00008379 Labeled. Very good. Labeled as stigmatized, right. P9lNkuTez6c-00016-00008379-00008746 This table, I'm going to come back to you. P9lNkuTez6c-00017-00008746-00008987 Labeled is stigmatized. P9lNkuTez6c-00018-00008987-00009342 Do you think Shirley ever felt P9lNkuTez6c-00019-00009342-00009910 what it was like to be stigmatized or labeled as something. P9lNkuTez6c-00020-00009910-00010001 Yes. P9lNkuTez6c-00021-00010001-00010099 Okay. P9lNkuTez6c-00022-00010099-00010342 And why do you think that? P9lNkuTez6c-00023-00010342-00010645 Because she was African-American and so she was woman. P9lNkuTez6c-00024-00010645-00011101 She was going to be labeled because she was in a house of political terms P9lNkuTez6c-00025-00011101-00011383 and that she was going to be picked on about that. P9lNkuTez6c-00026-00011383-00011764 Okay, and what else is doing? What else is she trying to do? P9lNkuTez6c-00027-00011764-00012280 She's trying to fight for woman to have equal rights as men, P9lNkuTez6c-00028-00012280-00012561 to get any job they want, except for typing. P9lNkuTez6c-00029-00012561-00012661 Right. P9lNkuTez6c-00030-00012661-00013125 She's trying to get women a job that requires thought, P9lNkuTez6c-00031-00013125-00013380 not just "Do you type?" P9lNkuTez6c-00032-00013380-00013713 She's trying to say yes, this is what we want. P9lNkuTez6c-00033-00013713-00014121 We want women in the workforce. We want women to be leaders. P9lNkuTez6c-00034-00014121-00014260 All right, good job. PrFEIqKPvh0-00000-00000890-00001432 Let's learn how to create a beautiful watercolor stroke in illustrator. PrFEIqKPvh0-00001-00001432-00002353 Lets go over to google and download a watercolor stroke png file. PrFEIqKPvh0-00002-00002353-00002978 Now let's place or drag that png file in illustrator by going to file place or using the shortcut PrFEIqKPvh0-00003-00002978-00003354 command + shift + p on mac or control + shift key in Windows. PrFEIqKPvh0-00004-00003354-00003783 Now we can reduce the size of the imported file. PrFEIqKPvh0-00005-00003783-00004558 Now while the file is selected got to the objects tab and click rasterize. Rasterization turns PrFEIqKPvh0-00006-00004558-00004801 your vector artwork into a raster image. PrFEIqKPvh0-00007-00004801-00005714 the raster image is made up of pixels. PrFEIqKPvh0-00008-00005714-00006221 Next, lets click the image trace toggle button and choose high-fidelity photo. PrFEIqKPvh0-00009-00006221-00007770 Give Illustrator a second to process the image. PrFEIqKPvh0-00010-00007770-00009757 Next, let's click the expand button then right click the png file and choose ungroup. PrFEIqKPvh0-00011-00009757-00010695 Once you've done that you can click and remove those unwanted white areas in the image PrFEIqKPvh0-00012-00010695-00012097 for a cleaner brush stroke. PrFEIqKPvh0-00013-00012097-00012496 If you'd like you can use a black layer behind the stroke file to double check for PrFEIqKPvh0-00014-00012496-00014705 unwanted white edges. PrFEIqKPvh0-00015-00014705-00015216 Now go to your brush panel under window/ brushes or by selecting F5. PrFEIqKPvh0-00017-00019088-00019843 Give this brush a name and select the Stretch to Fit option. PrFEIqKPvh0-00018-00020174-00021362 Voila! there you are, a beautiful watercolor stroke created from any png or watercolor PrFEIqKPvh0-00019-00021362-00021412 stroke file. PrFEIqKPvh0-00020-00021412-00021881 Feel free to experiment or adjust the stroke width for narrower or wider brush strokes. PrFEIqKPvh0-00021-00021881-00022359 Opacities can be adjusted as well. PrFEIqKPvh0-00022-00022359-00022965 I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial today. PrFEIqKPvh0-00023-00022965-00023401 Remember to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe for more Illustrator and Photoshop PrFEIqKPvh0-00024-00023401-00023451 tips. PtYqbsEprzU-00000-00000354-00000632 Temperature PtYqbsEprzU-00001-00000842-00000980 Hey Hoo Bae PtYqbsEprzU-00002-00001036-00001100 Hey! PtYqbsEprzU-00003-00001180-00001280 Hey PtYqbsEprzU-00004-00001324-00001476 You obviously saw me so why did you keep going? PtYqbsEprzU-00005-00001512-00001566 Sorry? PtYqbsEprzU-00006-00001620-00001700 Did you have something you want to say? PtYqbsEprzU-00007-00001762-00001889 Geez, you jerk PtYqbsEprzU-00008-00001936-00002039 So you PtYqbsEprzU-00009-00002064-00002286 You saw me and didn't even greet your upperclassman? PtYqbsEprzU-00010-00002304-00002394 So PtYqbsEprzU-00011-00002414-00002590 Can I ask you something as a friend? PtYqbsEprzU-00012-00002652-00002766 Sure PtYqbsEprzU-00013-00002900-00002992 Sorry PtYqbsEprzU-00014-00003024-00003078 What is it? PtYqbsEprzU-00015-00003138-00003247 Are you into guys? PtYqbsEprzU-00016-00003302-00003364 Well... PtYqbsEprzU-00017-00003408-00003468 If you are sorry PtYqbsEprzU-00018-00003520-00003626 maybe I can buy you a coffee or something? PtYqbsEprzU-00019-00003740-00003808 It's just PtYqbsEprzU-00020-00003829-00004028 you don't seem interested in girls at all PtYqbsEprzU-00021-00004120-00004192 You could give it a shot! PtYqbsEprzU-00022-00004234-00004318 For yourself... PtYqbsEprzU-00023-00004384-00004512 Coffee? PtYqbsEprzU-00024-00004594-00004694 No PtYqbsEprzU-00025-00004706-00004812 It's more like... PtYqbsEprzU-00026-00004828-00004944 It's more like what? PtYqbsEprzU-00027-00005038-00005138 You're not being real PtYqbsEprzU-00028-00005186-00005242 ...just friendly... PtYqbsEprzU-00029-00005406-00005466 you PtYqbsEprzU-00030-00005510-00005658 what if I do this? PtYqbsEprzU-00031-00005698-00005822 So... PtYqbsEprzU-00032-00005866-00006044 you don't have a boyfriend right? PtYqbsEprzU-00033-00006068-00006160 Cut it out PtYqbsEprzU-00034-00006324-00006430 a partner PtYqbsEprzU-00035-00006688-00006880 Well, it seems I still don't have one PtYqbsEprzU-00036-00006948-00007048 ...ok PtYqbsEprzU-00037-00007100-00007252 so what's your type? PtYqbsEprzU-00038-00007318-00007456 The right type of person for me? PtYqbsEprzU-00039-00007480-00007580 The right type of person for me PtYqbsEprzU-00040-00007616-00007798 Someone who likes the same movies or music PtYqbsEprzU-00041-00007806-00008012 Someone who likes the same movies or music PtYqbsEprzU-00042-00008031-00008128 What kind of music? PtYqbsEprzU-00043-00008140-00008190 Franz PtYqbsEprzU-00044-00008202-00008252 Liszt PtYqbsEprzU-00045-00008434-00008606 oh yeah...I know who that is PtYqbsEprzU-00046-00008654-00008706 you PtYqbsEprzU-00047-00008836-00008936 Do you want to go out with me? PtYqbsEprzU-00048-00008980-00009052 When I'm in the military PtYqbsEprzU-00049-00009086-00009184 I'll make ₩ 3,000,000 PtYqbsEprzU-00050-00009244-00009334 It's not like that PtYqbsEprzU-00051-00009396-00009602 I'm just helping you find out who you are PtYqbsEprzU-00052-00009644-00009694 my grade point average PtYqbsEprzU-00053-00009724-00009910 I even had a 4.3 grade point average PtYqbsEprzU-00054-00009948-00010142 You should be grateful for someone whose at my level PtYqbsEprzU-00055-00010210-00010360 Hey, how can I date my friends? PtYqbsEprzU-00056-00010460-00010572 Hey what year is this? PtYqbsEprzU-00057-00010612-00010686 Are you filming a sitcom? PtYqbsEprzU-00058-00010700-00010768 As for us, how can I like... PtYqbsEprzU-00059-00010792-00010874 I like you PtYqbsEprzU-00060-00011010-00011196 I'm also practicing guitar nowadays PtYqbsEprzU-00061-00011202-00011302 I told you I liked you PtYqbsEprzU-00062-00011358-00011458 So it's ok if we go out PtYqbsEprzU-00063-00011562-00011698 So if you turn me down, we won't be friends PtYqbsEprzU-00064-00011724-00011824 I'm sorry PtYqbsEprzU-00065-00015202-00015924 Episode 0: The right person for me? Pv0SLI9eaAo-00000-00000604-00000758 I can black here Pv0SLI9eaAo-00001-00000758-00002581 Hello everyone, my name is begimai and welcome to my channel on my blog and now we are going Pv0SLI9eaAo-00002-00002581-00003888 to eat sushi with us today it is cloudy and since Saturday we decided with the whole family Pv0SLI9eaAo-00003-00003888-00004011 to go out and have lunch together Pv0SLI9eaAo-00004-00004011-00006686 in general, I ate a little more and now we are going to the supermarket to shop for us Pv0SLI9eaAo-00006-00012311-00012569 but a Pv0SLI9eaAo-00007-00012569-00014443 releasing a Casco clean sigg will not bring you closer to buying diamonds, it will simply Pv0SLI9eaAo-00008-00014443-00015074 give them good luck for couples and swim somewhere, look at the size, this is peanut butter, look Pv0SLI9eaAo-00009-00015074-00017401 at my hand and at the post I have big hands, so can you imagine to what size we remove Pv0SLI9eaAo-00010-00017401-00017865 what we will drink tonight are we kidding or not Pv0SLI9eaAo-00011-00017865-00018005 child code busy Pv0SLI9eaAo-00012-00018005-00018620 we sing and let it play and understand Pv0SLI9eaAo-00014-00021778-00022052 youtube Pv0SLI9eaAo-00015-00022052-00022326 pies Pv0SLI9eaAo-00016-00022326-00022601 fight Pv0SLI9eaAo-00018-00025688-00026694 decided to draw and chat you now I really want it all to start, I started to shoot more Pv0SLI9eaAo-00019-00026694-00027872 video because I have to be and also return to the boss I would like you show your friends Pv0SLI9eaAo-00020-00027872-00028501 and take pictures of various tea lattes with them and yes, good morning, I already drank Pv0SLI9eaAo-00021-00028501-00028737 my coffee heavily on my haunches. Pv0SLI9eaAo-00022-00028737-00029406 shaggy hair because it has not yet paid off today we have very warm outside the window Pv0SLI9eaAo-00023-00029406-00030300 very beautiful now I will show it and today will be a big day I will have a lot of plans Pv0SLI9eaAo-00024-00030300-00031031 I will choose classes for the fall I also want to take summer courses then do my homework Pv0SLI9eaAo-00025-00031031-00031677 edit the video together I will not be at home as always by the way on the video I usually Pv0SLI9eaAo-00026-00031677-00032688 go out somewhere, go for a walk, and this usually only happens on weekends, so you don’t Pv0SLI9eaAo-00028-00040985-00041243 video Pv0SLI9eaAo-00029-00041243-00041810 I can't get this close, I can't Pv0SLI9eaAo-00030-00041810-00042412 using a cookie box for Pv0SLI9eaAo-00031-00042412-00043507 what you will not do for the sake of the video and in this video I will answer questions Pv0SLI9eaAo-00032-00043507-00044575 that no one asked me because I did not ask anyone and I just wanted to shoot a video Pv0SLI9eaAo-00033-00044575-00045115 answers to questions so I googled and what interesting questions for videos on YouTube Pv0SLI9eaAo-00034-00045115-00047038 why not yet I tried to make codes, they didn't work for me and I'm upset, but I thought why Pv0SLI9eaAo-00035-00047038-00047920 this should be used, so I shoot a video, so the first question Pv0SLI9eaAo-00036-00047920-00048623 it takes a little time at night it takes a terrible long time Pv0SLI9eaAo-00037-00048623-00049273 who did you want to become as a child as a child I wanted to become a fashion designer Pv0SLI9eaAo-00038-00049273-00050158 and I always dreamed of calling my farm a fight whose is why my channel is called where Pv0SLI9eaAo-00039-00050158-00050716 may by boccia you know the sound of gucci and armani wrestling che versace I really Pv0SLI9eaAo-00040-00050716-00051297 liked the last movies you watched all of attraction and here the intake period is in Russian but Pv0SLI9eaAo-00041-00051297-00052258 it is very interesting to walk and see how you drink when you have lipstick on your lips, Pv0SLI9eaAo-00042-00052258-00052363 I will accept it Pv0SLI9eaAo-00043-00052363-00054781 it seems to me my mother is not even visible at night you will build everyone hello my Pv0SLI9eaAo-00044-00054781-00055380 name is begimai and welcome to my channel and therefore I would like to ask a video Pv0SLI9eaAo-00045-00055380-00055797 I would like to make a video answers to the question but then I invented it for anyone Pv0SLI9eaAo-00046-00055797-00056355 and will be of interest then I decided to shoot a video how I entered the usa but for Pv0SLI9eaAo-00047-00056355-00057019 this I need to write a projectile messi points to finish, because you get rubbish, so I decided Pv0SLI9eaAo-00048-00057019-00057423 to shoot a video about how I lost 10 kilograms, but again I need to say everything about the Pv0SLI9eaAo-00049-00057423-00058377 meaning of the script to write about it did not write to say about such a beautiful color Pv1csaUeKug-00000-00000000-00000408 Bonjour tout le monde my name is Christine and I'm coming to you from the Pv1csaUeKug-00001-00000408-00000948 beautiful wonderful city of Paris at the sacre coeur Montmartre to tell you about my Pv1csaUeKug-00002-00000948-00001488 new youtube channel on yoga tutorials that will be coming to you every Friday Pv1csaUeKug-00003-00001488-00002175 morning Paris I'm at midnight and you can also go to my website to read my Pv1csaUeKug-00004-00002175-00002692 blogs for further information yoga flower Paris calm and I hope to see you there Pv1csaUeKug-00005-00003779-00004172 hi again okay today what we're going to be looking at is a posture Pv1csaUeKug-00006-00004172-00004746 called Supta Padangusthasana it's the reclining leg hand to toe pose and Pv1csaUeKug-00007-00004746-00005280 it's great for the lower back it aligns the pelvis and it balances the two sides Pv1csaUeKug-00008-00005280-00005727 of the back not only does it relieved sciatica and back pain but it also Pv1csaUeKug-00009-00005727-00006244 released minstrel cramps and it's also great for calming high blood pressure Pv1csaUeKug-00010-00006244-00006872 but if that's the case then you need to put a blanket behind the head okay and Pv1csaUeKug-00011-00006872-00007356 this is also really good for removing stiffness and arthritis as well so what Pv1csaUeKug-00012-00007356-00007815 you're going to need is a belt and we're going to check the belt so it'll be Pv1csaUeKug-00013-00007815-00008328 ready and we're just going to come to dom donna against the wall okay this is Pv1csaUeKug-00014-00008328-00008847 really good for alignment and what i want you to do just for the minute is Pv1csaUeKug-00015-00008847-00009504 really press all the toes into the wall especially the big toes and the little Pv1csaUeKug-00016-00009504-00010136 toes and especially the two corners of the heels and then what we're going to Pv1csaUeKug-00017-00010136-00010653 do is we're going to try and put a dimple right above the knee caps and you Pv1csaUeKug-00018-00010653-00011186 feel what's going on in the outer legs and the compact mess that you find in Pv1csaUeKug-00019-00011186-00011631 the hips that's what we want that's going to protect our lower back so we're Pv1csaUeKug-00020-00011631-00012432 going to just bend the knees come back lay down on the floor and extend the Pv1csaUeKug-00021-00012432-00013212 legs again and as this is soup to that pedigree stephana optical ettore so what Pv1csaUeKug-00022-00013212-00013595 that means is we're we're working on articulations and in Pv1csaUeKug-00023-00013595-00014372 the in the bones we're going to put the belt right above the heel and we're Pv1csaUeKug-00024-00014372-00014909 going to find a 90 degree angle and that's just put in the femur head back Pv1csaUeKug-00025-00014909-00015491 in its home back in the ball and socket joint and just kind of waiver hover Pv1csaUeKug-00026-00015491-00016010 around that and because obviously it's not nine degrees for everybody it's not Pv1csaUeKug-00027-00016010-00016532 one-size-fits-all it's probably 88 for you maybe 89 for another person maybe Pv1csaUeKug-00028-00016532-00017282 ninety one for me so it's really really interesting to find where you're at in Pv1csaUeKug-00029-00017282-00018003 your body and just try and play with it and see what feels really good so what Pv1csaUeKug-00030-00018003-00018459 we're going to do is we're going to open up the elbows open if the shoulders open Pv1csaUeKug-00031-00018459-00019037 up the chest keeping the both legs straight both of the thighs rolled into Pv1csaUeKug-00032-00019037-00019734 the center we're going to try and push this thigh away from the ribcage take it Pv1csaUeKug-00033-00019734-00020253 down to the left foot as we're pulling it to the 90 degree angle keep the Pv1csaUeKug-00034-00020253-00020732 stomach soft the only thing that should be working here are the fingers and the Pv1csaUeKug-00035-00020732-00021509 biceps and just breathe into it again pushing that thigh the right thigh away Pv1csaUeKug-00036-00021509-00023001 from the ribcage and breathe breathe and then take in the belt into the right Pv1csaUeKug-00037-00023001-00023718 hand put in the left hand on the left hip we're going to grow into lateral and Pv1csaUeKug-00038-00023718-00024388 this is great for menstrual cramps this posture the face of the posture and Pv1csaUeKug-00039-00024388-00025062 using the elbow as a little leverage we're just going to go over and breathe Pv1csaUeKug-00040-00025062-00025888 into this three times again pushing the right thigh away from the ribcage Pv1csaUeKug-00041-00025969-00026662 keeping the left leg the left foot active against the wall press the big Pv1csaUeKug-00042-00026662-00027292 toe into the wall and on the inhale come back up bring the leg a little bit Pv1csaUeKug-00043-00027292-00027841 towards the head if you have the flexibility before releasing it into the Pv1csaUeKug-00044-00027841-00028516 90 degree angle we're going to go into perrito souped-up paw begu stefana using Pv1csaUeKug-00045-00028516-00029101 the thumb we're going to press the thumb into the right groin to pull that by Pv1csaUeKug-00046-00029101-00029745 away from a rib cage and on the exhale we're just going to come over keeping Pv1csaUeKug-00047-00029745-00030406 the left foot perpendicular to the floor on the wall against the wall and again Pv1csaUeKug-00048-00030406-00031030 trying to really pull that thigh away from the ribcage keeping the stomach Pv1csaUeKug-00049-00031030-00031648 soft and trying to keep both of the shoulders on the ground breathe into it Pv1csaUeKug-00050-00031648-00032079 relax abandon the stomach Pv1csaUeKug-00051-00032410-00033359 and on the inhale come back up and pull the leg into the head before releasing Pv1csaUeKug-00052-00033359-00034037 it and just put it back in its place for a minute to really feel and observe all Pv1csaUeKug-00053-00034037-00034391 the reverberations and the residents and the both legs and the difference between Pv1csaUeKug-00054-00034391-00034805 them because it's really really a lot different so I'm going to give you a Pv1csaUeKug-00055-00034805-00035345 variation for the other side ratan right now we can do this starting in this Pv1csaUeKug-00056-00035345-00035684 position and this might be good for a lot of you that don't have the Pv1csaUeKug-00057-00035684-00036140 flexibility at the time for the moment so what we're going to do is we're going Pv1csaUeKug-00058-00036140-00036844 to loop this right about the above the heel keeping the right leg bent and Pv1csaUeKug-00059-00036844-00037544 doing all the actions trying to pull the thigh away from the ribcage keeping this Pv1csaUeKug-00060-00037544-00038207 leg really really straight the foot very active pull in elbows apart opening the Pv1csaUeKug-00061-00038207-00038900 chest trying to relax the shoulders into the ground ok and now keeping the Pv1csaUeKug-00062-00038900-00039458 stomach soft we're just going to skim the right leg on the floor and try and Pv1csaUeKug-00063-00039458-00040112 find the wall again with the foot and there you go we're in the full phase one Pv1csaUeKug-00064-00040112-00040820 now so keeping the foot flush against the wall just breathe into this keep Pv1csaUeKug-00065-00040820-00041465 trying to push that fought thigh away from the ribcage and after three breaths Pv1csaUeKug-00066-00041465-00042263 we're going to take the belt into the left hand pressing the right hand on the Pv1csaUeKug-00067-00042263-00042950 right hip and on the exhale bringing this over laterally keeping the right Pv1csaUeKug-00068-00042950-00043712 hip on the floor and again trying to push this left thigh away from the Pv1csaUeKug-00069-00043712-00044533 ribcage and breathe into it keep in the stomach soft Pv1csaUeKug-00070-00044709-00045649 and on the inhale coming back up and changing the belt to the right hand with Pv1csaUeKug-00071-00045649-00046390 the left thumb pushing that left thumb into the left groin on exhale bringing Pv1csaUeKug-00072-00046390-00047131 that left leg over the top keeping the right foot perpendicular against the Pv1csaUeKug-00073-00047131-00047959 wall keeping the stomach soft I know it's a challenge but we're going to try Pv1csaUeKug-00074-00047959-00049099 and get there just feel how good that feels this is how you feel if you had Pv1csaUeKug-00075-00049099-00050140 sciatica this would be so good and I'm inhale come back up pulling the leg a Pv1csaUeKug-00076-00050140-00051007 little bit towards the head before releasing it back down to the ground and Pv1csaUeKug-00077-00051007-00051816 just relax and feel the resonance in both the legs and when you're ready then Pv1csaUeKug-00078-00051816-00053124 the knees and turn to the side and press up and there you go that's it for today Pv1csaUeKug-00079-00053124-00053641 thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed it if you liked it then give Pv1csaUeKug-00080-00053641-00054202 me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel and share on maybe Facebook or Pv1csaUeKug-00081-00054202-00054814 Instagram why not you can also go to my website yoga flower Paris calm for Pv1csaUeKug-00082-00054814-00055473 further information on this episode and on other episodes so allah PvFLIzjQt2Y-00000-00000819-00001320 With its Global Accessibility and Digital Inclusion Strategy, the global PvFLIzjQt2Y-00001-00001320-00001928 IT service provider Atos introduced a policy for accessibility and digital inclusion PvFLIzjQt2Y-00002-00001928-00002524 back in 2010, covering more than 70 country offices. Its measures focus not only PvFLIzjQt2Y-00003-00002524-00003060 on internal areas but also on the entire supply chain. PvFLIzjQt2Y-00004-00003060-00003384 Philippe Mareine & Alexandra Nothnagel: "Accessibility and digital Inclusion are part of ATOS PvFLIzjQt2Y-00005-00003384-00003760 raison d'être." "We work hard to make accessibility and inclusion PvFLIzjQt2Y-00006-00003760-00004104 mainstream and help colleagues with disabilities feel that they are fully belong." Pzgowg1hxgk-00000-00000000-00000480 Stuffy World Studios Presents, a Terrific day for Tiana. Pzgowg1hxgk-00001-00001432-00002120 Tiana, why can't we play today because i've got ninja karate and i've got Pzgowg1hxgk-00002-00002120-00002896 everything you can skip it all today's a terrific fall day let's look at all the leaves oh yeah it's Pzgowg1hxgk-00003-00002896-00003624 in the middle of november i guess we kind of have fun yeah but we just gotta go find peach Pzgowg1hxgk-00004-00003704-00004424 let's go get peach this is really fun i love this um hi peach Pzgowg1hxgk-00005-00004424-00005120 oh hey guys i was just playing with in the lead what are you guys coming here for we Pzgowg1hxgk-00006-00005120-00005784 are thinking that maybe we could all play together of course i love that idea let's go Pzgowg1hxgk-00007-00005976-00006592 look at us we have all these leaves in our hands this will probably be a lot to carry Pzgowg1hxgk-00008-00006688-00007695 well they're pretty pretty haha i said it two times oh wow they always are falling leaves Pzgowg1hxgk-00009-00007695-00008584 are always falling i don't know why because it's the middle of fall peach oh yeah Pzgowg1hxgk-00010-00009088-00009984 we're on this lovely swing Pzgowg1hxgk-00011-00011192-00012784 that swings crazy i agree it was really crazy Pzgowg1hxgk-00012-00012880-00013288 oh that's a horrible idea the zip line is going Pzgowg1hxgk-00013-00013496-00014184 are you okay virginia over here fine come on Pzgowg1hxgk-00014-00014440-00015144 thank you for watching zionna's terrific day please tune in for more stuffy world PzNf8Geuw1U-00000-00003938-00004758 Producer PzNf8Geuw1U-00001-00005239-00006134 Location explorer PzNf8Geuw1U-00002-00006650-00007471 Advisor PzNf8Geuw1U-00003-00007967-00008901 Music PzNf8Geuw1U-00004-00009244-00010134 Shot and edited by PzNf8Geuw1U-00005-00054728-00055080 - So it keeps going off the rails to visit the bus terminal - Eceabat PzNf8Geuw1U-00006-00055080-00055353 - This bus is a wanderer then - Çanakkale PzNf8Geuw1U-00007-00055353-00055606 Almost all the buses are like that PzNf8Geuw1U-00008-00055606-00056000 - Yes, all of them are working this way now - Ezine, Küçükkuyu PzNf8Geuw1U-00009-00057115-00057788 Think about it, they boarded the bus and there were only three people in it. Including them PzNf8Geuw1U-00010-00057788-00058170 But it will get crowded by stopping in coach stations PzNf8Geuw1U-00011-00058228-00058546 But they didn't let them sit together PzNf8Geuw1U-00012-00058757-00059168 Is it because it will be full or? PzNf8Geuw1U-00013-00061279-00061575 - Want some? - No, I'm full PzNf8Geuw1U-00014-00061575-00061774 This was a fulfilling meal PzNf8Geuw1U-00015-00061774-00062155 - I can eat three of these - He won't be able to bring the bass guitar PzNf8Geuw1U-00016-00063251-00063629 He can't take the amp from your place, can he? PzNf8Geuw1U-00017-00064448-00065068 There has to be more of them. I think they can easily enter here without us seeing them PzNf8Geuw1U-00018-00065097-00065708 - So how can we remove him from the house? - How can we remove him... We can remove him with the "Jar Movement" again PzNf8Geuw1U-00019-00065757-00066102 Or we'll use the "Pincer Movement" PzNf8Geuw1U-00020-00066102-00066591 - How can we apply Jar Movement to the back of the fridge? - We will drag the fridge a bit PzNf8Geuw1U-00021-00066649-00067022 - And hope it won't run away in the meantime - Will it fit here? PzNf8Geuw1U-00022-00067022-00067386 I think we should let it stay there. Spiders don't move that much PzNf8Geuw1U-00023-00067386-00067789 But I'm psychologically, I mean... With something like this PzNf8Geuw1U-00024-00067789-00068103 - Being in the same house with something like this - No PzNf8Geuw1U-00025-00068103-00068548 - He would be more comfortable outside anyway - That's right PzNf8Geuw1U-00026-00068610-00069252 Ahhh, I will get it with this. Okay, we will drag it a bit and... But what will we tuck in between? Okay okay I find it. PzNf8Geuw1U-00027-00069372-00069577 Let me look misteryo PzNf8Geuw1U-00028-00069577-00069815 Don't frighten the... the kid PzNf8Geuw1U-00029-00069881-00070444 Look, it's legs has things. Stripes and yellow and black PzNf8Geuw1U-00030-00070489-00070779 - Misteryo I need one more person for this - What will we do? PzNf8Geuw1U-00031-00070779-00071216 - I will enclose the jar on it and you will - Do we have anything straight, like paper? PzNf8Geuw1U-00032-00071216-00071412 - Paper won't work - It won't? PzNf8Geuw1U-00033-00071412-00071697 You know why? Because it is too big PzNf8Geuw1U-00034-00072259-00072601 We're taking it. We're taking the friend now PzNf8Geuw1U-00035-00072601-00073029 - Look look, look at this style. Fuck - Can it jump? PzNf8Geuw1U-00036-00073029-00073197 Let me look PzNf8Geuw1U-00037-00073677-00074271 - With this? - Yes this. You close the jar and I'll handle the rest PzNf8Geuw1U-00038-00074448-00074850 - Super - Yes. Don't hurt the legs PzNf8Geuw1U-00039-00074895-00075170 - It jumps. It is too fast - It jumps? PzNf8Geuw1U-00040-00075170-00075420 You think we can do it with this? PzNf8Geuw1U-00041-00075734-00075933 It's too fast PzNf8Geuw1U-00042-00075933-00076260 Here, misteryo. Take this PzNf8Geuw1U-00043-00076668-00077043 Give me the tray. There is a rescue operation PzNf8Geuw1U-00044-00077043-00077272 But we are rescuing ourselves PzNf8Geuw1U-00045-00077293-00077489 Don't crush it's legs PzNf8Geuw1U-00046-00077526-00077910 It is jumping It is now in the mode of... PzNf8Geuw1U-00047-00078282-00078765 - Great tactic. We call this the friction tactic - This is Pincer Movement PzNf8Geuw1U-00048-00078765-00079106 Now the hardest part. I think you should concentrate PzNf8Geuw1U-00049-00079930-00080272 - It really is too fast - It's like if we open it suddenly it will jump into our faces PzNf8Geuw1U-00050-00080272-00080527 Let us look closer PzNf8Geuw1U-00051-00082449-00082703 It's as big as my cigarette right? PzNf8Geuw1U-00052-00157768-00158102 And there is this time events PzNf8Geuw1U-00053-00158102-00158281 Now this time events are like this PzNf8Geuw1U-00054-00158281-00158836 Let's say you are making a song in 120 BPM. A dance song PzNf8Geuw1U-00055-00158836-00159396 120 BPM means 120 beats per minute PzNf8Geuw1U-00056-00159562-00159932 It makes 60.000 milliseconds in a minute PzNf8Geuw1U-00057-00159932-00160313 If we divide the 60.000 to 120, we'll find 500 PzNf8Geuw1U-00058-00160400-00160959 So if you move in 500 and its multiples PzNf8Geuw1U-00059-00160959-00161504 You'd catch things fitting to 120 BPM PzNf8Geuw1U-00060-00161888-00162358 Let's check what BPM we're using now PzNf8Geuw1U-00061-00162511-00163131 90 BPM. What would it give us in 90 BPM, let's calculate PzNf8Geuw1U-00062-00164342-00164612 Man, a very dangerous number appeared PzNf8Geuw1U-00063-00179271-00179916 - Can you make it 10? - There is no 10. Human ear can't hear 10. 20 to 20kHz PzNf8Geuw1U-00064-00180776-00181000 Make it 20 again PzNf8Geuw1U-00065-00181545-00182000 We can find in which Hz this building resonates PzNf8Geuw1U-00066-00183855-00184128 This is the highest frequencies PzNf8Geuw1U-00067-00184161-00184765 Let's start on a music here PzNf8Geuw1U-00068-00184822-00185193 I opened a drum loop channel PzNf8Geuw1U-00069-00185643-00187613 Now in this channel, I'm opening ES2 Synthesizer as an instrument and made this sound with oscillators by using three waves PzNf8Geuw1U-00070-00187613-00188277 But these sounds differ from each other in terms of 'sends' even though they are all the same wave P_lARVDxDW4-00000-00000000-00001201 *Chaos P_lARVDxDW4-00001-00001201-00002377 *Intro P_lARVDxDW4-00002-00002377-00004456 *Cinematic Music P_lARVDxDW4-00004-00008961-00010647 *Music P_lARVDxDW4-00005-00064803-00066298 *Outro PDN9GK7Q6UE-00001-00000050-00000258 News Haaaam "skin good" about the formation of "independent body" to manage the insurance funds - Faraj nearby: Say Lord PDN9GK7Q6UE-00003-00000308-00000532 The pensioners in Egypt are not only the 9 million citizens who have left the service as we imagine, but behind them families where the young man who has been unemployed since graduation, divorced daughter and sick wife are all waiting for the pension of the head of the family, which means that the number of beneficiaries of pensions is 40 million citizens affected by the value of this pension Which does not include any allowances or bonuses, why does the government deal with pensioners like this? And procrastinate in giving them their rights ?. PDN9GK7Q6UE-00005-00000582-00000824 The decision of the government to increase the pensions of ministers, governors, parliamentarians and diplomats, and at the same time filing a lawsuit to stop the implementation of the Administrative Court ruling, obliges the government to add 80% of the value of the last 5 bonuses to the variable wage for their benefit, despite the court's demand for the state and society to stand by them. PDN9GK7Q6UE-00007-00000874-00001222 The investment of insurance funds in Egypt went through several phases. In the 1960s, it was through the 4.5% Savings Fund, later called the National Investment Bank. The government borrowed from it. By the beginning of 2000, the insurance funds were managed in investment projects at an interest rate of 11% until a decision was taken. Insurance Authority and the National Investment Bank to the Ministry of Finance to become Minister of Finance creditor and debtor Avi at the same time! It was an illegal decision. The insurance funds currently amount to 760 billion pounds, of which 150 billion is paid annually pensions requiring investment in a scientific way and the continued support of the state, which reaches 50%, otherwise these funds will be destroyed within 5 years. PDN9GK7Q6UE-00008-00001244-00001418 There is a breakthrough to solve the problem of pensions after the government submitted a draft law to parliament to form an independent body is not restricted by government systems to manage insurance funds and has been approved and will be effective from next January PDTfP_MPsp4-00000-00000000-00000200 I’m about to pin my comment. PHSGAuuLk2E-00000-00000048-00000308 Hello, I am Colin Ley. PHSGAuuLk2E-00001-00000308-00000471 I am Shreya Ley. PHSGAuuLk2E-00002-00000471-00000626 We are the owners of LayRoots, PHSGAuuLk2E-00003-00000626-00001017 which is an asset protection and estate planning law firm. PHSGAuuLk2E-00004-00001017-00001103 Today Shreya... PHSGAuuLk2E-00005-00001103-00001186 Yes Colin. PHSGAuuLk2E-00006-00001186-00001554 Let's talk about ultimate secrecy. PHSGAuuLk2E-00007-00001554-00001637 Whoa. PHSGAuuLk2E-00008-00001737-00001877 And why you can't have it. PHSGAuuLk2E-00009-00001877-00002058 (both laughing) PHSGAuuLk2E-00010-00002058-00002242 Not for you. PHSGAuuLk2E-00011-00002242-00002455 So we spoke with somebody PHSGAuuLk2E-00012-00002455-00002765 who was interested in setting up asset protection trust, PHSGAuuLk2E-00013-00002765-00002982 having this asset protection plan PHSGAuuLk2E-00014-00002982-00003447 in which nobody involved knew PHSGAuuLk2E-00015-00003447-00003620 who was behind the trust, PHSGAuuLk2E-00016-00003620-00003756 its beneficiary, PHSGAuuLk2E-00017-00003756-00003938 who was setting up the trust, PHSGAuuLk2E-00018-00003938-00004136 what assets were in the trust. PHSGAuuLk2E-00019-00004136-00004437 They wanted people to ask no questions. PHSGAuuLk2E-00020-00004437-00004521 Mmm. PHSGAuuLk2E-00021-00004521-00004813 And kind of like glance away from what was happening. PHSGAuuLk2E-00022-00004813-00005119 And this is before my time, your time, PHSGAuuLk2E-00023-00005119-00005302 our time in this industry. PHSGAuuLk2E-00024-00005302-00005502 There was a time when you could do that, PHSGAuuLk2E-00025-00005502-00005766 like when people just kind of looked the other way, PHSGAuuLk2E-00026-00005766-00006155 they didn't care who was behind the curtain. PHSGAuuLk2E-00027-00006155-00006283 Mmm, okay. PHSGAuuLk2E-00028-00006283-00006378 Of different identities. PHSGAuuLk2E-00029-00006378-00006461 I see. PHSGAuuLk2E-00030-00006461-00006623 But things have changed, PHSGAuuLk2E-00031-00006623-00007013 and I think the start of that was 911. PHSGAuuLk2E-00032-00007013-00007176 Mmm, that makes sense. PHSGAuuLk2E-00033-00007176-00007654 And the government passed a lot of laws, PHSGAuuLk2E-00034-00007654-00007984 that basically required people... PHSGAuuLk2E-00035-00007984-00008170 To know their customer. PHSGAuuLk2E-00036-00008170-00008298 Yes. PHSGAuuLk2E-00037-00008298-00008798 Those KYC regulations were put in place, PHSGAuuLk2E-00038-00008798-00009033 and that made people, PHSGAuuLk2E-00039-00009033-00009170 it made people accountable for PHSGAuuLk2E-00040-00009170-00009616 knowing who they were setting up these entities for. PHSGAuuLk2E-00041-00009616-00009793 They had to know basically PHSGAuuLk2E-00042-00009793-00010024 that they weren't helping terrorists, PHSGAuuLk2E-00043-00010024-00010149 that they weren't helping... PHSGAuuLk2E-00044-00010149-00010233 Right. PHSGAuuLk2E-00045-00010233-00010401 Launder money, commit crimes, PHSGAuuLk2E-00046-00010401-00010752 so they had an obligation to figure out who the people are PHSGAuuLk2E-00047-00010752-00010915 behind all of the entities. PHSGAuuLk2E-00048-00010915-00011053 And that continues today, PHSGAuuLk2E-00049-00011053-00011471 and there's been other legislation as well, PHSGAuuLk2E-00050-00011471-00011664 that just makes sure that PHSGAuuLk2E-00051-00011664-00011961 people are sharing this information. PHSGAuuLk2E-00052-00011961-00012072 Interesting enough, PHSGAuuLk2E-00053-00012072-00012334 the United States was demanding this information PHSGAuuLk2E-00054-00012334-00012576 from countries all around the world, PHSGAuuLk2E-00055-00012576-00013076 yet they don't really require as much for themselves. PHSGAuuLk2E-00056-00013091-00013591 So the U.S. is still considered a black hole of sorts, PHSGAuuLk2E-00057-00013597-00013681 for information. PHSGAuuLk2E-00058-00013681-00013916 But anyway, getting off point. PHSGAuuLk2E-00059-00013916-00014097 But even if it is, PHSGAuuLk2E-00060-00014097-00014334 and still some people need to know PHSGAuuLk2E-00061-00014334-00014468 who is behind the curtain. PHSGAuuLk2E-00062-00014468-00014551 Yeah. PHSGAuuLk2E-00063-00014551-00014635 Like a bank is not going to allow you PHSGAuuLk2E-00064-00014635-00014769 to open a bank account. PHSGAuuLk2E-00065-00014769-00014853 Right. PHSGAuuLk2E-00066-00014853-00015068 If they don't know, PHSGAuuLk2E-00067-00015068-00015316 have some like identifying information. PHSGAuuLk2E-00068-00015316-00015399 Yep. PHSGAuuLk2E-00069-00015399-00015596 And I think when we've had calls from people, PHSGAuuLk2E-00070-00015596-00015971 sometimes they don't even want their local bank... PHSGAuuLk2E-00071-00015971-00016054 Right. PHSGAuuLk2E-00072-00016054-00016144 Knowing who they are. PHSGAuuLk2E-00073-00016144-00016344 Or whatever bank they're using, PHSGAuuLk2E-00074-00016344-00016534 they don't even want them to know who they are, PHSGAuuLk2E-00075-00016534-00017015 they want to be completely anonymous and off the grid. PHSGAuuLk2E-00076-00017015-00017098 Yep. PHSGAuuLk2E-00077-00017098-00017339 And if you have an independent trustee PHSGAuuLk2E-00078-00017339-00017615 signing on to help with your trust, PHSGAuuLk2E-00079-00017615-00017744 they're going to need to know... PHSGAuuLk2E-00080-00017744-00017827 Yep. PHSGAuuLk2E-00081-00017827-00017952 Who is involved as well. PHSGAuuLk2E-00082-00017952-00018142 Someone's gonna need to know. PHSGAuuLk2E-00083-00018142-00018225 Yeah. PHSGAuuLk2E-00084-00018225-00018377 Everyone doesn't need to know, PHSGAuuLk2E-00085-00018377-00018522 but someone needs to know. PHSGAuuLk2E-00086-00018522-00018605 Yeah. PHSGAuuLk2E-00087-00018605-00018688 And this doesn't mean PHSGAuuLk2E-00088-00018688-00018811 that your information needs to be PHSGAuuLk2E-00089-00018811-00019020 plastered up on the internet somewhere... PHSGAuuLk2E-00090-00019020-00019103 Right. PHSGAuuLk2E-00091-00019103-00019190 For people to look up. PHSGAuuLk2E-00092-00019190-00019422 But it means that the people who are involved, PHSGAuuLk2E-00093-00019422-00019710 the bank accounts that are involved, PHSGAuuLk2E-00094-00019710-00019868 people are going to need to know... PHSGAuuLk2E-00095-00019868-00019958 Right. PHSGAuuLk2E-00096-00019958-00020060 Who they're dealing with. PHSGAuuLk2E-00097-00020060-00020434 Because they're also going to be, PHSGAuuLk2E-00098-00020434-00020654 the finger is going to be pointed at them, PHSGAuuLk2E-00099-00020654-00020737 at some point, PHSGAuuLk2E-00100-00020737-00020931 if something goes wrong. PHSGAuuLk2E-00101-00020931-00021046 Yeah. PHSGAuuLk2E-00102-00021046-00021146 And be like, PHSGAuuLk2E-00103-00021146-00021249 who is this person? PHSGAuuLk2E-00104-00021249-00021548 Who are you acting for? PHSGAuuLk2E-00105-00021548-00021691 Why are you doing these things? PHSGAuuLk2E-00106-00021691-00021774 Yep. PHSGAuuLk2E-00107-00021774-00022165 So if ultimate secrecy is what you're after, PHSGAuuLk2E-00108-00022165-00022551 if you're looking to set up completely anonymous entities, PHSGAuuLk2E-00109-00022551-00022723 that nobody knows about, PHSGAuuLk2E-00110-00022864-00022991 not going to happen anymore. PHSGAuuLk2E-00111-00022991-00023103 Not in the U.S. PHSGAuuLk2E-00112-00023206-00023289 Yeah. PHSGAuuLk2E-00113-00023393-00023831 Not anywhere where the entity would be useful. PHSGAuuLk2E-00114-00023831-00024060 Right, no stable government? PHSGAuuLk2E-00115-00024060-00024558 Yeah, so if there were places that did offer that, PHSGAuuLk2E-00116-00024558-00024813 you know good luck openin' a bank account PHSGAuuLk2E-00117-00024813-00025059 in a more normal place. PHSGAuuLk2E-00118-00025059-00025142 Mm hmm. PHSGAuuLk2E-00119-00025142-00025421 You know those are the countries PHSGAuuLk2E-00120-00025421-00025764 that end up on the black list of countries, PHSGAuuLk2E-00121-00025764-00025957 and they don't like to be on there, so... PHSGAuuLk2E-00122-00025957-00026052 Yeah. PHSGAuuLk2E-00123-00026052-00026315 Anyway, so you're gonna have to PHSGAuuLk2E-00124-00026315-00026611 open your doors a little bit PHSGAuuLk2E-00125-00026611-00027007 to the people helping with your entities PHSGAuuLk2E-00126-00027007-00027157 and your assets. PHSGAuuLk2E-00127-00027157-00027240 Thanks Colin. PHSGAuuLk2E-00128-00027240-00027386 Thanks Shreya. PHSGAuuLk2E-00129-00027386-00027543 See you next time. PL9uMzMEXCY-00000-00000050-00000146 [MUSIC PLAYING] PL9uMzMEXCY-00001-00000146-00000382 Part of what's amazing about investing in a women's PL9uMzMEXCY-00002-00000382-00000737 education, and certainly a Mount Holyoke education, PL9uMzMEXCY-00003-00000737-00000909 is seeing those women come together PL9uMzMEXCY-00004-00000909-00001340 from all of these disparate places and unique paths. PL9uMzMEXCY-00005-00001340-00001776 I think it's precisely this kind of network that's so diverse PL9uMzMEXCY-00006-00001776-00001960 and has so many resources that's going PL9uMzMEXCY-00007-00001960-00002206 to make a difference as they go out into the world. PL9uMzMEXCY-00008-00002206-00002455 Even though you have all this individual power, PL9uMzMEXCY-00009-00002455-00002659 you don't have to do things alone. PL9uMzMEXCY-00010-00002659-00002958 Along the way there are other women to support you. PL9uMzMEXCY-00011-00002958-00003249 That common experience creates this camaraderie PL9uMzMEXCY-00012-00003249-00003544 between women, especially women who are pursuing leadership. PL9uMzMEXCY-00013-00003544-00003775 Being in a women's college puts our students PL9uMzMEXCY-00014-00003775-00004077 in a position where they are always going PL9uMzMEXCY-00015-00004077-00004222 to be the ones that must run. PL9uMzMEXCY-00016-00004222-00004407 They must put themselves forward. PL9uMzMEXCY-00017-00004407-00004710 It's a competitive world in which we work and we live. PL9uMzMEXCY-00018-00004710-00004964 We are really teaching women to be comfortable PL9uMzMEXCY-00019-00004964-00005152 with that, to be resilient. PL9uMzMEXCY-00020-00005152-00005295 The biggest thing about the school PL9uMzMEXCY-00021-00005295-00005536 is the relationships you make and the amazing people PL9uMzMEXCY-00022-00005536-00005610 you meet. PL9uMzMEXCY-00023-00005610-00005923 With alums, when they leave, and they still continue that, PL9uMzMEXCY-00024-00005923-00006148 it's like passing on a legacy and inspiring PL9uMzMEXCY-00025-00006148-00006352 future generations of Mount Holyoke students. PL9uMzMEXCY-00026-00006352-00006728 It's a long term investment in the power of women PL9uMzMEXCY-00027-00006728-00006920 and what they're going to do both locally PL9uMzMEXCY-00028-00006920-00007072 and at a global scale. PL9uMzMEXCY-00029-00007072-00007252 People look at me, and they're like oh, you PL9uMzMEXCY-00030-00007252-00007459 went to an all-women's colleges-- why? PL9uMzMEXCY-00031-00007459-00007626 And I'm like why not, now? PL9uMzMEXCY-00032-00007626-00007847 There's something beautiful about being PL9uMzMEXCY-00033-00007847-00008232 amongst these women that encourage you and empower you PL9uMzMEXCY-00034-00008232-00008526 to be better and make yourself do better. PL9uMzMEXCY-00035-00008526-00008709 This environment really challenged me, PL9uMzMEXCY-00036-00008709-00008869 and I'm happy that it did, because I PL9uMzMEXCY-00037-00008869-00009040 don't think I would have gotten the same experience anywhere PL9uMzMEXCY-00038-00009040-00009100 else. PL9uMzMEXCY-00039-00009100-00009435 [MUSIC PLAYING] PLsm0UlalMu-00000-00000003-00000422 let's talk about some features in Gmail that you may not have known about before PLsm0UlalMu-00001-00000422-00000867 right now I'm looking at a particular email and you may not have ever noticed PLsm0UlalMu-00002-00000867-00001398 if I hover just above the email there are three dots and these are some more PLsm0UlalMu-00003-00001398-00001748 features that you might may not have noticed before so I'm gonna click on PLsm0UlalMu-00004-00001748-00002327 that first one is Mark as unread once you read an email like I'm looking at PLsm0UlalMu-00005-00002327-00002969 right now when you go back to like your inbox it shows it as gray this will put PLsm0UlalMu-00006-00002969-00003479 it back to bold showing it as unread and that way drawing more attention to it PLsm0UlalMu-00007-00003479-00004073 there's also mark as important this will then teach Gmail that that is an PLsm0UlalMu-00008-00004073-00004635 important email to you maybe based on a person as you continue to do this it PLsm0UlalMu-00009-00004635-00005103 starts to know the importance of emails maybe drawing it up in your inbox PLsm0UlalMu-00010-00005103-00005496 there are rules that you can set in the settings on that if you want to look at PLsm0UlalMu-00011-00005496-00005939 that a little bit further you can add to your tasks if you need to remind PLsm0UlalMu-00012-00005939-00006492 yourself of something you can add a star which is easy to find the email then and PLsm0UlalMu-00013-00006492-00006968 I do this a lot once you add the star over here there is a starred folder all PLsm0UlalMu-00014-00006968-00007413 those emails that you have starred will be in there you can create an event from PLsm0UlalMu-00015-00007413-00008175 this which will then go on your calendar I'm going to show you the mute one and PLsm0UlalMu-00016-00008175-00008625 then come back to the other one the mute one is great if there's a conversation PLsm0UlalMu-00017-00008625-00009165 going on with a lot of people it doesn't pertain to you if you tap on mute what PLsm0UlalMu-00018-00009165-00009518 it does is it removes you from that conversation you will not get any PLsm0UlalMu-00019-00009518-00010040 further emails on that and the last one is filter messages like this if you ever PLsm0UlalMu-00020-00010040-00010527 want to find more emails that are like this one particularly who it's from if PLsm0UlalMu-00021-00010527-00011093 you click on the filter messages like this and then tap on search it will then PLsm0UlalMu-00022-00011093-00011592 go through your email and find all those similar emails so hopefully some of PLsm0UlalMu-00023-00011592-00012192 these tips and features I have shown you will help you save some time and that PLsm0UlalMu-00024-00012192-00012475 you have a great day PNlfawtknQ4-00000-00000038-00000363 Have you ever thought about becoming a firefighter? PNlfawtknQ4-00001-00000363-00000838 Firefighters respond to emergencies and protect the community from disasters like fires, gas PNlfawtknQ4-00002-00000838-00001040 leaks, and chemical spills. PNlfawtknQ4-00003-00001040-00001441 They also respond to accidents and help get people out of dangerous situations with their PNlfawtknQ4-00004-00001441-00001800 specialised training Firefighters need to be really fit and healthy PNlfawtknQ4-00005-00001800-00002249 as it’s often physically demanding work You’ll also need to be able to think on PNlfawtknQ4-00006-00002249-00002694 your feet and work well under pressure, and you’ll be expected to remain calm even when PNlfawtknQ4-00007-00002694-00003207 the world is literally burning around you Firefighters work in close teams with other PNlfawtknQ4-00008-00003207-00003543 firefighters, but you’ll also be working with other emergency professionals such as PNlfawtknQ4-00009-00003543-00004025 the police or medical personnel, so you’ll need to build your communication and collaboration PNlfawtknQ4-00010-00004025-00004178 skills. PNlfawtknQ4-00011-00004178-00004700 You can expect to work with volunteer firefighters during bushfire season and may need to work PNlfawtknQ4-00012-00004700-00005059 with the community so you’ll need to be patient and able to lead others. PNlfawtknQ4-00013-00005059-00005610 Part of your role is to maintain your equipment and vehicles in perfect condition, so they’re PNlfawtknQ4-00014-00005610-00005781 ready when they’re needed. PNlfawtknQ4-00015-00005781-00006217 There are around twelve thousand firefighters in Australia, but getting in is competitive PNlfawtknQ4-00016-00006217-00006577 and you’ll need to go through a lengthy application process, including fitness testing PNlfawtknQ4-00017-00006577-00007103 But, it’s a highly rewarding career and you’ll play a vital role in your community. PNlfawtknQ4-00018-00007103-00007548 If you’re ready to find out more head to Study Work Grow and check out the link below PNlfawtknQ4-00019-00007548-00007591 this video PNOLJ4Ai7HU-00000-00000000-00000774 many of the early archaeologists came to the study of ancient Egypt and ancient Nubia from the PNOLJ4Ai7HU-00001-00000774-00001650 perspective of Semitic languages or the study of the Hebrew Bible and it was very important to them PNOLJ4Ai7HU-00002-00001650-00002622 to bring Egypt specifically into the sphere of of biblical studies and so they had to carve Egypt PNOLJ4Ai7HU-00003-00002622-00003390 away from Africa to bring it into that sphere and the way that they did that was they used race PNOLJ4Ai7HU-00004-00003468-00004026 so these early archaeologists effectively made ancient Egypt PNOLJ4Ai7HU-00005-00004026-00004644 white in the sense that they made it part of a dominant Western culture PNOLJ4Ai7HU-00006-00004710-00005430 and ancient Nubia was separated from that it was black and this was how they took PNOLJ4Ai7HU-00007-00005430-00005958 Egypt Out of Africa and put it into this this Semitic sphere this biblical sphere PQ744j9KfLQ-00000-00000008-00000157 Good evening, everyone! PQ744j9KfLQ-00001-00000157-00000317 It's such a pleasure to be here. PQ744j9KfLQ-00002-00000317-00000823 This is my first time in Sweden and I'm enjoying every moment of it... except for the weather. PQ744j9KfLQ-00003-00000823-00001192 [Laughter] But other than that, fantastic! PQ744j9KfLQ-00004-00001192-00001776 It's so good to be at a conference about the internet, because I remember my first internet... PQ744j9KfLQ-00005-00001776-00002090 conference. It was in 1992. PQ744j9KfLQ-00006-00002091-00002565 There were about one hundred people there; all of them were either computer scientists PQ744j9KfLQ-00007-00002565-00002815 or computer science students. PQ744j9KfLQ-00008-00002815-00003397 Despite the fact that we were telling them the entire world was about to change, no one PQ744j9KfLQ-00009-00003397-00004113 believed us -- at least, no one believed me because I was 19 years old, awkward and shy. PQ744j9KfLQ-00010-00004113-00004354 That wasn't working so well. PQ744j9KfLQ-00011-00004354-00004711 But it taught me one thing: it taught me to trust my instincts. PQ744j9KfLQ-00012-00004711-00005026 Because, in fact, it did change the world. PQ744j9KfLQ-00013-00005026-00005328 My second book is called "The Internet of Money." PQ744j9KfLQ-00014-00005328-00005845 The reason for that is because the technology I'm going to talk about today is about to PQ744j9KfLQ-00015-00005845-00006125 transform the world in equal measure. PQ744j9KfLQ-00016-00006125-00006530 It will also transform the internet itself. PQ744j9KfLQ-00017-00006530-00007222 Bitcoin, an invention created on January 3rd 2009 by an anonymous creator. PQ744j9KfLQ-00018-00007222-00007711 Unleashed as an open-source project, built by a community of volunteers. PQ744j9KfLQ-00019-00007711-00008045 Run as a peer-to-peer network. PQ744j9KfLQ-00020-00008045-00008628 Derided, laughed at, and ignored for the first five or six years. PQ744j9KfLQ-00021-00008628-00008877 But not so much anymore. PQ744j9KfLQ-00022-00008877-00009207 People are beginning to pay attention, just like with the internet. PQ744j9KfLQ-00023-00009207-00009578 Things that were previously unthinkable are now thinkable. PQ744j9KfLQ-00024-00009578-00010161 People are beginning to notice that this is something more than what they are told. PQ744j9KfLQ-00025-00010161-00010398 And what are they told? PQ744j9KfLQ-00026-00010398-00010996 Drug dealers! Pornographers! Criminals! PQ744j9KfLQ-00027-00010996-00011439 Guess what? That's what they said at the first conference in 1992. PQ744j9KfLQ-00028-00011439-00011863 They were wrong then and they are wrong now. PQ744j9KfLQ-00029-00011863-00012560 Every time you meet someone like a dentist or a hairdress who uses bitcoin, it undermines PQ744j9KfLQ-00030-00012560-00012736 that silly narrative. PQ744j9KfLQ-00031-00012736-00013437 Bitcoin is a protocol, and what better stage to talk about a protocol. PQ744j9KfLQ-00032-00013438-00013932 The moment you start talking about Bitcoin and thinking about Bitcoin, it brings up PQ744j9KfLQ-00033-00013932-00014644 a very difficult question: what is money? PQ744j9KfLQ-00034-00014644-00015238 Most of us, from all the conversations I've had with thousands of people around the world, PQ744j9KfLQ-00035-00015238-00015663 have no idea what money is or how it works. PQ744j9KfLQ-00036-00015663-00016231 It's one of those technologies that is so deeply embedded in our culture that it has PQ744j9KfLQ-00037-00016231-00016498 become completely invisible to us. PQ744j9KfLQ-00038-00016498-00016987 In fact, we don't even need to think about money unless it stops working. PQ744j9KfLQ-00039-00016987-00017554 In some countries, they realise that it stops working and then everybody has interesting PQ744j9KfLQ-00040-00017554-00017928 things to say about what money is. PQ744j9KfLQ-00041-00017928-00018636 What is money? At its very basic level, money isn't value. PQ744j9KfLQ-00042-00018636-00019270 In fact, you use money to get things of value (products or services), but there is no value PQ744j9KfLQ-00043-00019270-00019573 in the money itself. PQ744j9KfLQ-00044-00019573-00020209 Money isn't a construct of authority; we seem to think that these days, because all of our PQ744j9KfLQ-00045-00020209-00020722 money comes from certain authoritative sources. PQ744j9KfLQ-00046-00020722-00021321 Some guy with a crown says "this is your money," and it's your money. PQ744j9KfLQ-00047-00021321-00021512 That's the authority it comes from. PQ744j9KfLQ-00048-00021512-00021860 But what if money could be created without an authority? PQ744j9KfLQ-00049-00021860-00022247 What if money could be created simply through use? PQ744j9KfLQ-00050-00022247-00022715 It turns out that what money really is, is a language. PQ744j9KfLQ-00051-00022715-00023233 Money is a language that human beings created to express value to each other. PQ744j9KfLQ-00052-00023233-00023656 As a language, it's one of the fundamental constructs of civilisation that allows us PQ744j9KfLQ-00053-00023656-00024026 to exceed what's known as the Dunbar number. PQ744j9KfLQ-00054-00024026-00024684 The Dunbar number is the maximum number of individuals who can operate in a tribe on PQ744j9KfLQ-00055-00024684-00025101 the basis of kinship, of acquaintance. PQ744j9KfLQ-00056-00025101-00025676 If you want two tribes to work together, you need some common bond. PQ744j9KfLQ-00057-00025676-00026477 These bonds have included culture, language, religion, and money -- a fundamental construct PQ744j9KfLQ-00058-00026477-00027172 that allows us to exceed the scale of a single tribe and engage in commerce with others on PQ744j9KfLQ-00059-00027172-00027447 a greater scale. PQ744j9KfLQ-00060-00027447-00028199 As our money has evolved in its scale, it has allowed us to collaborate and engage in PQ744j9KfLQ-00061-00028199-00028591 commerce on a greater level. PQ744j9KfLQ-00062-00028591-00029089 Money is also, ironically, a system of control. PQ744j9KfLQ-00063-00029089-00029593 Controlling money confers great power to those who control it. PQ744j9KfLQ-00064-00029593-00030238 As a result, kings and governments have always held a very tight control over money, pretty PQ744j9KfLQ-00065-00030238-00030870 much like how they used to hold it over religion for the same reasons. PQ744j9KfLQ-00066-00030870-00031043 Now that has changed. PQ744j9KfLQ-00067-00031043-00031780 On January 3rd 2009, the world changed because some person(s) created a peer-to-peer protocol. PQ744j9KfLQ-00068-00031780-00032395 A flat network with no central servers, all clients, that is able to express money as PQ744j9KfLQ-00069-00032395-00032600 a content type. PQ744j9KfLQ-00070-00032600-00033074 As internet professionals, you may understand what I mean when I say "money as a content PQ744j9KfLQ-00071-00033074-00033855 type," money that is expressed purely as data, transmitted using any communication medium PQ744j9KfLQ-00072-00033855-00034083 that can convey information. PQ744j9KfLQ-00073-00034083-00034572 A bitcoin transaction doesn't need to be transmitted over the Bitcoin network, although that's PQ744j9KfLQ-00074-00034572-00034772 a convenient way to do it. PQ744j9KfLQ-00075-00034772-00035021 You could encode it in Skype emojis. PQ744j9KfLQ-00076-00035021-00035421 You could write it up and put it in a Craigslist ad. PQ744j9KfLQ-00077-00035421-00036133 You could post it on Facebook in the background of a picture of kittens playing with yarn. PQ744j9KfLQ-00078-00036133-00037084 Money as pure information on a network that is simultaneously uncensorable, open to anyone, PQ744j9KfLQ-00079-00037084-00037347 neutral, and global. PQ744j9KfLQ-00080-00037347-00038072 There are no borders on this new technology, just like there are no borders on the internet. PQ744j9KfLQ-00081-00038072-00038554 Everyone can access it because it is not a product, it is not a company. PQ744j9KfLQ-00082-00038554-00038866 You do not need to register for an account. PQ744j9KfLQ-00083-00038866-00039113 You simply download a client. PQ744j9KfLQ-00084-00039113-00039743 A Bitcoin client is very much like a web browser, the user interface that 'speaks' the protocol PQ744j9KfLQ-00085-00039743-00040036 to other Bitcoin clients out there. PQ744j9KfLQ-00086-00040036-00040666 As soon as you download that one application, you can join a global economy; that global PQ744j9KfLQ-00087-00040666-00041577 economy is open to anyone of any race, religion, creed, ethnicity, age, and gender in the world. PQ744j9KfLQ-00088-00041577-00042234 For most people, this concept hasn't yet quite sunk in. PQ744j9KfLQ-00089-00042234-00043044 The children born today may not know a world in which banks exist, a world in which paper PQ744j9KfLQ-00090-00043044-00043672 money exists, any more than the young people in our industry today have no idea what the PQ744j9KfLQ-00091-00043672-00044056 world used to look like before the internet. PQ744j9KfLQ-00092-00044056-00044530 How many of you here remember libraries and looking up reference cards? PQ744j9KfLQ-00093-00044530-00044703 Okay, you're over 40 years old. PQ744j9KfLQ-00094-00044703-00045120 So am I. Gotcha! PQ744j9KfLQ-00095-00045120-00045834 The children born today may never drive a car, never have a world without the internet, PQ744j9KfLQ-00096-00045834-00046516 never know a world where banks control money and is issued only by kings or nation states. PQ744j9KfLQ-00097-00046516-00047021 Money will be an integral protocol of the internet as a content type that can be transmitted PQ744j9KfLQ-00098-00047021-00047327 by anyone, anywhere. PQ744j9KfLQ-00099-00047327-00047455 But that's not enough. PQ744j9KfLQ-00100-00047455-00047608 Let's make it more fun. PQ744j9KfLQ-00101-00047608-00048083 Every form of money, until today, has to have a person behind it. PQ744j9KfLQ-00102-00048083-00048741 Money can only be owned and managed by people, or people together forming an assocation - a PQ744j9KfLQ-00103-00048741-00049002 legal fiction called the corporation. PQ744j9KfLQ-00104-00049002-00049800 But Bitcoin is a protocol where autonomous agents can own and manage money themselves. PQ744j9KfLQ-00105-00049800-00050001 No people required. PQ744j9KfLQ-00106-00050001-00050700 Imagine a corporation with no directors, no shareholders, no employees, running entirely PQ744j9KfLQ-00107-00050700-00051539 based on scripted machine learning or maybe just a few simple heuristic rules, that operates PQ744j9KfLQ-00108-00051539-00052479 autonomously of any human action, managing budgets in the amounts of billions of dollars. PQ744j9KfLQ-00109-00052479-00052848 At this point in the audience, we have a split. PQ744j9KfLQ-00110-00052848-00053125 Some people are thinking, 'Oh no! PQ744j9KfLQ-00111-00053125-00053409 That sounds terrible. PQ744j9KfLQ-00112-00053409-00053570 What if it's a virus? PQ744j9KfLQ-00113-00053570-00054251 What if it's intelligent ransomware that self-propagates and buys Amazon Web Service systems so that PQ744j9KfLQ-00114-00054251-00054498 it can grow when it's successful? PQ744j9KfLQ-00115-00054498-00055170 What if it starts running A/B testing on itself by hiring programmers to make it better?' PQ744j9KfLQ-00116-00055170-00055594 Yeah, all of that is going to happen. PQ744j9KfLQ-00117-00055594-00056325 But what if it's an intelligent charity that detect the emergence of a natural disaster, PQ744j9KfLQ-00118-00056325-00056982 that automatically and instantaneously diverts large funds directly to the people most in PQ744j9KfLQ-00119-00056982-00057289 need without human intervention? PQ744j9KfLQ-00120-00057289-00058007 And, unlike most charities today, 100% of the funds donated go to those in need. PQ744j9KfLQ-00121-00058007-00058244 The world is about to change. PQ744j9KfLQ-00122-00058244-00058378 Self-driving cars? PQ744j9KfLQ-00123-00058378-00058655 How about self-owning cars? PQ744j9KfLQ-00124-00058655-00059147 Cars that are not owned by a corporation, but cars that _are_ a corporation. PQ744j9KfLQ-00125-00059147-00059815 Cars that pay for their electricity or gas, maintenance and leasing fees by giving rides PQ744j9KfLQ-00126-00059815-00060165 to human beings who pay them in cryptocurrencies. PQ744j9KfLQ-00127-00060165-00060903 Imagine software such as intelligent articles that propagate across the internet as content PQ744j9KfLQ-00128-00060903-00061322 and expand their reach because people read them. PQ744j9KfLQ-00129-00061322-00061754 As a result, they're able to buy more hosting services so they can further expand their PQ744j9KfLQ-00130-00061754-00061908 reach. PQ744j9KfLQ-00131-00061908-00062055 This is not the money of your grandparents. PQ744j9KfLQ-00132-00062055-00062439 It's not the money of your parents. PQ744j9KfLQ-00133-00062439-00062987 This is money that is fully programmable, scriptable, with capabilities that can be PQ744j9KfLQ-00134-00062987-00063149 finely tuned. PQ744j9KfLQ-00135-00063149-00063613 You can specify who can access it and when, how it can be dispersed. PQ744j9KfLQ-00136-00063613-00064187 A whole new field has opened up which is now called "smart contracts." PQ744j9KfLQ-00137-00064187-00064978 This system allows people to program the behaviour of entire systems that can also manage money. PQ744j9KfLQ-00138-00064978-00065660 "Money" is such a narrow word to describe this, because we use things all the time that PQ744j9KfLQ-00139-00065660-00066130 kind of look like money but aren't really money. PQ744j9KfLQ-00140-00066130-00066811 What about loyalty points, tokens, subway cards, airline miles? PQ744j9KfLQ-00141-00066811-00067564 What about the expression of a Justin Bieber fan with full access to the catalogue of music, PQ744j9KfLQ-00142-00067564-00067698 as a token? PQ744j9KfLQ-00143-00067698-00068536 What about all of the other brands that can be turned into tokens and made into a global PQ744j9KfLQ-00144-00068536-00069104 exchangeable system directly on the internet through this protocol? PQ744j9KfLQ-00145-00069104-00069644 On January 3rd 2009, the world changed. PQ744j9KfLQ-00146-00069644-00070363 Since then, more than a thousand other cryptocurrencies have been created using the same recipe, almost PQ744j9KfLQ-00147-00070363-00070567 all of them open-source. PQ744j9KfLQ-00148-00070567-00071194 They're expanding in all directions, exploring every possible niche of this ecosystem, every PQ744j9KfLQ-00149-00071194-00072013 tiny variation in capabilities and features, creating new markets, raising funds for thousands PQ744j9KfLQ-00150-00072013-00072263 of start-ups around the world. PQ744j9KfLQ-00151-00072263-00072832 Thousands of software engineers and developers are training to use this technology. PQ744j9KfLQ-00152-00072832-00073252 The internet itself is changing very rapidly. PQ744j9KfLQ-00153-00073252-00073792 Now we have autonomous agents that are using money on the internet; these are, in many PQ744j9KfLQ-00154-00073792-00074441 cases, beyond the control of any jurisdiction. PQ744j9KfLQ-00155-00074441-00074936 What are the large corporations going to do with this new magical, open, decentralised, PQ744j9KfLQ-00156-00074936-00075402 neutral, borderless, censorship-resistant network? PQ744j9KfLQ-00157-00075402-00075521 They're going to say, "Great! PQ744j9KfLQ-00158-00075521-00075966 We'd like that... but could you take out the open, decentralised, neutral, borderless, PQ744j9KfLQ-00159-00075966-00076326 censorship-resistant properties and package it with a service-level agreement (SLA), a PQ744j9KfLQ-00160-00076326-00076732 twelve-month license, and control? PQ744j9KfLQ-00161-00076732-00076858 Control for us." PQ744j9KfLQ-00162-00076858-00077389 They will take the internet and they will make intranets. PQ744j9KfLQ-00163-00077389-00078088 They will make closed gardens of boring, stale content that is fundamentally insecure and PQ744j9KfLQ-00164-00078088-00078631 sits in the backyard of corporations adding a tiny bit of value. PQ744j9KfLQ-00165-00078631-00079158 Outside the participation of the global community, insulated from the wave of innovation that PQ744j9KfLQ-00166-00079158-00079352 is happening all around us. PQ744j9KfLQ-00167-00079352-00079883 They will create these intranets, they will claim victory, they will turn around and they PQ744j9KfLQ-00168-00079883-00080319 will say, "We invented Blockchain." PQ744j9KfLQ-00169-00080319-00080626 They will be wrong and they will fail. PQ744j9KfLQ-00170-00080626-00081265 The real principle, the real exciting thing about this technology, is not the blockchain, PQ744j9KfLQ-00171-00081265-00081695 which is a database artefact created out of this protocol. PQ744j9KfLQ-00172-00081695-00082604 It is the ability to achieve distributed consensus among parties that don't trust each other, PQ744j9KfLQ-00173-00082604-00083430 across great distances, without any central party, authority, or intermediary. PQ744j9KfLQ-00174-00083430-00084165 That consensus from the outside looks chaotic, messy, and weird. PQ744j9KfLQ-00175-00084165-00084841 Well, everyone in this room already knows something that is open, flat, weird, and not PQ744j9KfLQ-00176-00084841-00085086 understood by corporations: the internet. PQ744j9KfLQ-00177-00085086-00085451 We already did it once, we're going to do it again. PQ744j9KfLQ-00178-00085451-00086025 This time, we're going to bring the entire world with us. PQ744j9KfLQ-00179-00086025-00086469 In the background of this grand story, there is another story that's playing out. PQ744j9KfLQ-00180-00086469-00087123 After 25 years of the internet, it still takes three to five days to send money from here PQ744j9KfLQ-00181-00087123-00087394 to a country that's not in Europe. PQ744j9KfLQ-00182-00087394-00087797 It will still cost you $30-40 to send money. PQ744j9KfLQ-00183-00087797-00088223 That's only if the country you're sending it to isn't a poor country, in which case PQ744j9KfLQ-00184-00088223-00088576 it will cost far more and take far longer. PQ744j9KfLQ-00185-00088576-00089327 A giant network of centralised, closed, corrupt systems that are sucking money out of the PQ744j9KfLQ-00186-00089327-00089541 poorest people on this planet. PQ744j9KfLQ-00187-00089541-00090126 In 2017, 2.5 billion people do not have access to banking. PQ744j9KfLQ-00188-00090126-00090589 That means they have zero access to banking and are entirely cash-based. PQ744j9KfLQ-00189-00090589-00091175 That's only counting heads of household -- not their spouses, not their children. PQ744j9KfLQ-00190-00091175-00091307 Clearly they don't 'matter.' PQ744j9KfLQ-00191-00091307-00091812 That's according to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. PQ744j9KfLQ-00192-00091812-00092779 Imagine what happens if you bring banking to an app, to everyone who has a $20 Android PQ744j9KfLQ-00193-00092779-00092879 smartphone. PQ744j9KfLQ-00194-00092879-00093362 Three-and-a-half to four billion people are on the internet today; just over one billion PQ744j9KfLQ-00195-00093362-00093980 people among them have banking and full access to financial services. PQ744j9KfLQ-00196-00093980-00094560 We're going to bring it to the other six billion fast. PQ744j9KfLQ-00197-00094560-00094969 This is going to change the world faster than the spread of cell phones. PQ744j9KfLQ-00198-00094969-00095424 Imagine a $20 Android landing in a village in Kenya. PQ744j9KfLQ-00199-00095424-00095891 It's no longer just a communications device, it's a bank. PQ744j9KfLQ-00200-00095891-00096161 Not a bank account, but a bank. PQ744j9KfLQ-00201-00096161-00096568 It can 'wire' and receive funds from anywhere in the world. PQ744j9KfLQ-00202-00096568-00097295 It can do lending or receive loans for a mortgage, to buy seeds for a field, to bring disaster PQ744j9KfLQ-00203-00097295-00097396 relief. PQ744j9KfLQ-00204-00097396-00097824 It can internationally connect to every person on this planet. PQ744j9KfLQ-00205-00097824-00098086 We can do this within the next ten years. PQ744j9KfLQ-00206-00098086-00098796 The world will radically transform when you bring the capability of broad economic inclusion PQ744j9KfLQ-00207-00098796-00098987 to everyone in this world. PQ744j9KfLQ-00208-00098987-00099257 You would think that banks want to do this? PQ744j9KfLQ-00209-00099257-00099632 You'd be wrong. PQ744j9KfLQ-00210-00099632-00100124 It's not really profitable serving people who have little money, little connectivity, PQ744j9KfLQ-00211-00100124-00100598 no access to ID, in oppressed countries with terrible governments. PQ744j9KfLQ-00212-00100598-00101207 Also, in most of those countries, banks _are_ criminals and criminal organisations. PQ744j9KfLQ-00213-00101207-00101687 Or really quite indistinguishable from the local mob. PQ744j9KfLQ-00214-00101687-00101931 So how do we fix that? PQ744j9KfLQ-00215-00101931-00102518 Up to now the approach for all of these technologies, whether it was PayPal or any of the others PQ744j9KfLQ-00216-00102518-00103383 we've seen slowly emerge in financial technology, was to carefully and politely ask for permission. PQ744j9KfLQ-00217-00103383-00103822 Bitcoin is not asking for permission. PQ744j9KfLQ-00218-00103822-00104106 We "forgot" to do that. PQ744j9KfLQ-00219-00104106-00104760 And we will proceed in (un)banking the entire world without asking for anyone's permission. PQ744j9KfLQ-00220-00104760-00104999 This protocol is now spreading. PQ744j9KfLQ-00221-00104999-00105491 If this one gets shut down, a 14-year-old with a copy of my book can rebuild it in a PQ744j9KfLQ-00222-00105491-00106033 weekend, in any programming language, and launch it again with a new name. PQ744j9KfLQ-00223-00106033-00106439 Again and again until we succeed. PQ744j9KfLQ-00224-00106439-00106671 The world is now connected. PQ744j9KfLQ-00225-00106671-00107242 Finance is now an application and money is a content type. PQ744j9KfLQ-00226-00107242-00108000 Welcome to our new planet. PQ744j9KfLQ-00227-00108000-00109250 Thank you. PXjZvuV5TqU-00000-00002776-00003640 we finally made it to the vellisca axe murder house let me take let me take PXjZvuV5TqU-00001-00003728-00004472 oh my god did you say something no are you sure yeah i just stepped down here that was it and it's PXjZvuV5TqU-00002-00004472-00005616 the award you're scaring me um so here we have a story of a family there were six children total PXjZvuV5TqU-00003-00005616-00006559 that were murdered here by an axe murderer and two adults it was two neighbor kids and the family had PXjZvuV5TqU-00004-00006559-00007552 four kids on their own they have no idea who the suspect was he allegedly waited up in the attic PXjZvuV5TqU-00005-00007704-00008480 before midnight and he was here before anyone had seen anyway we're going to see tonight if PXjZvuV5TqU-00006-00008480-00009496 we can get any evidence that supports this place being haunted i hear that it's got residual energy PXjZvuV5TqU-00007-00009552-00010224 i saw pictures in in one of the rooms where people allegedly got scratched here i don't really PXjZvuV5TqU-00008-00010280-00010896 think that's a common thing so for it to happen it would be quite the miracle if it happened tonight PXjZvuV5TqU-00009-00010896-00011680 we would actually welcome that michael's here aka glowing ghost paranormal that would be pretty PXjZvuV5TqU-00010-00011680-00012344 amazing if we got that tonight if we don't it's also okay i'm pretty excited to be here anyway PXjZvuV5TqU-00011-00012408-00013368 let's get to the investigation also i believe it was in 2014 there was a paranormal investigator PXjZvuV5TqU-00012-00013368-00014360 that came here on his own and apparently trigger warning but he self-harmed i believe PXjZvuV5TqU-00013-00014360-00015104 it was something along the lines of mental illness i'm not sure but i feel awful that that happened PXjZvuV5TqU-00014-00015104-00015824 he said he heard voices there's not many updates on that case but it's something PXjZvuV5TqU-00015-00015824-00016536 to note this is where two of the children stayed i believe it was the neighbor's children PXjZvuV5TqU-00016-00016792-00017432 and i think they were the last to be murdered in this house because the axe murderer PXjZvuV5TqU-00017-00017544-00018240 started from the attic and worked his way down and i believe the parents were his first victims PXjZvuV5TqU-00018-00018312-00019168 this room was occupied by aina and lena that's so sad this is the kitchen PXjZvuV5TqU-00019-00019440-00019784 i love this stove PXjZvuV5TqU-00020-00019904-00020408 it's very old very antiquey place and look that says 1912. PXjZvuV5TqU-00021-00020608-00021264 that's so cool there's not a lot of places to hide so it's quite PXjZvuV5TqU-00022-00021264-00021936 obvious that the murderer did get in while they were missing from the home because PXjZvuV5TqU-00023-00022136-00022744 it's it's small there's not many areas you can really hide this here PXjZvuV5TqU-00024-00023000-00023360 is across from the attic where he supposedly PXjZvuV5TqU-00025-00023640-00024736 was staying so here this was occupied by the parents quite young and that's where PXjZvuV5TqU-00026-00024832-00025424 supposedly the axe murderer swung back so hard [ __ ] hit the back end of the room PXjZvuV5TqU-00027-00025695-00025808 onto this bed PXjZvuV5TqU-00028-00026088-00026495 and i believe this is the original bedding or something because it's quite PXjZvuV5TqU-00029-00026639-00027224 old i would think it would be but yeah i can't PXjZvuV5TqU-00030-00027456-00028088 it's not very pleasant um i said like that's one of the scariest things to me is the whole PXjZvuV5TqU-00031-00028088-00028424 home invasion aspect of her because that's one of the things that i get afraid of when i'm PXjZvuV5TqU-00032-00028480-00029024 home alone by myself yeah like i've never heard of like the ghosts or problems i'm scared of like PXjZvuV5TqU-00033-00029024-00029583 the real life stuff and to imagine just be like going to bed at night going to sleep and then PXjZvuV5TqU-00034-00029664-00031008 some jerk crawls out of your attic with an axe here are the four children that stayed up here PXjZvuV5TqU-00035-00031008-00031800 and i do believe all of this is original stuff because it's got holes in it and i can PXjZvuV5TqU-00036-00031800-00032656 only imagine that i don't know about the toys but i do know the betting seems more original PXjZvuV5TqU-00037-00032888-00032944 so like PXjZvuV5TqU-00038-00033256-00033432 did you hear that so like PXjZvuV5TqU-00039-00033744-00033992 did you hear that yeah PXjZvuV5TqU-00040-00034704-00035224 so like years ago and with some religions when somebody passed away they would cover PXjZvuV5TqU-00041-00035224-00035672 all the mirrors because they were afraid mirrors were portals and they didn't want people to get PXjZvuV5TqU-00042-00035776-00036376 stuck in the mirrors when they were crossing over so they covered all the mirrors for a certain PXjZvuV5TqU-00043-00036376-00036992 amount of days to ensure that the soul would pass over um and then they also cover them to make PXjZvuV5TqU-00044-00036992-00037984 sure nothing crosses and calms out yeah like the whole theory of the portal that i don't believe in PXjZvuV5TqU-00045-00039840-00040784 let's take a gander to the ox murder room our final spot PXjZvuV5TqU-00046-00041352-00041576 i bet he was licking all these windows a lot too PXjZvuV5TqU-00047-00041864-00042264 i don't know why there's money in the ceiling it seems bizarre PXjZvuV5TqU-00048-00042520-00043096 like i don't think you can get very lucky from this attic i think if anything it's just like PXjZvuV5TqU-00049-00043176-00043816 somebody with either mental illness or somebody who was just a very angry person stayed in here PXjZvuV5TqU-00050-00043816-00044472 it is really weird to put money in yeah almost like an offering yeah not like it PXjZvuV5TqU-00051-00044472-00044984 for what the axe man who murdered everyone but there's money here there's money there PXjZvuV5TqU-00052-00045168-00046088 i'm not quite sure what that means i think we're about ready to start investigating PXjZvuV5TqU-00053-00046088-00046888 and let's see what happens i don't know i feel like i feel like a presence is here but PXjZvuV5TqU-00054-00047160-00047984 i can't see anything obviously we keep hearing noises from the attic which is where allegedly PXjZvuV5TqU-00055-00047984-00049112 well apparently the murderer was in so we're gonna try amy's crypt app ghost tube vox PXjZvuV5TqU-00056-00049168-00049592 we're gonna see if we can get any voices in here who's here with us PXjZvuV5TqU-00057-00050456-00051984 brock did it say brock PXjZvuV5TqU-00058-00052200-00052608 brock were you one of the family members PXjZvuV5TqU-00059-00052855-00053128 or were you the murderer PXjZvuV5TqU-00060-00053344-00053504 can you say hello to us please PXjZvuV5TqU-00061-00054328-00054960 i'm sick i'm sick that's what it sounds like did you have mental health problems PXjZvuV5TqU-00062-00055376-00056184 okay you sounded aggressive and i heard someone behind me too yeah i did too PXjZvuV5TqU-00063-00056240-00056296 is that you PXjZvuV5TqU-00064-00056864-00057584 okay PXjZvuV5TqU-00065-00057808-00057858 no PXjZvuV5TqU-00066-00058120-00058984 i don't want to talk to the murderer unless you're going to tell us who you are PXjZvuV5TqU-00067-00059336-00059720 suddenly got quiet when i said that great now nobody's gonna talk PXjZvuV5TqU-00068-00060167-00061808 tell us who did it since you're a coward PXjZvuV5TqU-00069-00061808-00062160 sound like it came from downstairs sounds like a door almost like somebody coming in PXjZvuV5TqU-00070-00062224-00062640 like i could feel it on my on like sitting here i could feel that PXjZvuV5TqU-00071-00063640-00063776 was that you downstairs PXjZvuV5TqU-00072-00064024-00064584 are you downstairs because you're a coward you had to murder people while they were sleeping PXjZvuV5TqU-00073-00065191-00065328 and you murdered children PXjZvuV5TqU-00074-00065824-00067384 that's pretty cowardly and pathetic PXjZvuV5TqU-00075-00067600-00067816 did you want revenge on the family PXjZvuV5TqU-00076-00068120-00068784 was it money was it personal what was the reason PXjZvuV5TqU-00077-00069024-00069080 talk to us PXjZvuV5TqU-00078-00069952-00070184 say something that's what it sounds like PXjZvuV5TqU-00079-00070696-00070928 hiding from us like you did the family huh PXjZvuV5TqU-00080-00071472-00071584 knock your eyes out the window PXjZvuV5TqU-00081-00071792-00071904 amityville horror PXjZvuV5TqU-00082-00072544-00072984 no like it's good because PXjZvuV5TqU-00083-00073104-00074056 i mean i feel like if we're taunting the worst one i feel like i could debunk a lot you know PXjZvuV5TqU-00084-00074376-00074560 you haven't said anything significant yet PXjZvuV5TqU-00085-00074704-00074984 and that's all we want to hear something that's worth hearing PXjZvuV5TqU-00086-00075408-00075784 do you hear something PXjZvuV5TqU-00087-00076232-00076504 if you want us to leave this attic tell us to leave PXjZvuV5TqU-00088-00077056-00077184 tell us to get out PXjZvuV5TqU-00089-00077816-00078624 don't PXjZvuV5TqU-00090-00078624-00079656 like how i wonder what they had in here when he was hiding because it's a creaky room he had to PXjZvuV5TqU-00091-00079656-00080744 be super steel and i'm thinking they didn't check here i'm guessing because unless this was full PXjZvuV5TqU-00092-00080832-00081800 me did you check it because i think like the way it's set up was like i think that was a closet and PXjZvuV5TqU-00093-00081800-00082272 then you know how it has the little door into the attic yeah so there's probably a closet that they PXjZvuV5TqU-00094-00082272-00082976 used and never came in here unless they needed to gotcha definitely like this was a closet PXjZvuV5TqU-00095-00082976-00083520 and inside the closet was a small opening to the attic so they probably never went back there yeah PXjZvuV5TqU-00096-00083744-00084184 michael and i just heard a little kid's voice not sure if it was paranormal PXjZvuV5TqU-00097-00084320-00085088 but i'm thinking outside because it's almost 8 30 at night it sounded like a little kid's voice PXjZvuV5TqU-00098-00085368-00086168 yeah well it was weird for sure he got out the ball and it seems like it started then okay PXjZvuV5TqU-00099-00086312-00086984 yes we're gonna roll the ball i got the ball right here if you guys want to play catch PXjZvuV5TqU-00100-00087128-00088384 because they y'all seem to like this game PXjZvuV5TqU-00101-00088544-00089784 who wants to come play with the ball PXjZvuV5TqU-00102-00090568-00091184 you want us to roll it to you next PXjZvuV5TqU-00103-00091912-00092600 can you get it PXjZvuV5TqU-00104-00092600-00093984 it to me PXjZvuV5TqU-00105-00094928-00095384 ready PXjZvuV5TqU-00106-00096104-00096784 wow PXjZvuV5TqU-00107-00099760-00099832 are you winning PXjZvuV5TqU-00108-00100136-00100984 what's the score PXjZvuV5TqU-00109-00101064-00101176 all right your turn get it PXjZvuV5TqU-00110-00102208-00102384 who's better me or joey PXjZvuV5TqU-00111-00103352-00103416 nice job PXjZvuV5TqU-00112-00103696-00103920 this is better michael or joey PXjZvuV5TqU-00113-00104280-00104688 can you push it over here can you bring the ball back to us please PXjZvuV5TqU-00114-00105111-00105311 i know i'm not good at it all right PXjZvuV5TqU-00115-00105456-00105808 i don't want to get up can you take it over here did you say now PXjZvuV5TqU-00116-00106504-00106583 take it over please PXjZvuV5TqU-00117-00107320-00108032 i swear i thought i heard a guy like loud it was loud to me that said no PXjZvuV5TqU-00118-00108488-00108583 i think i won PXjZvuV5TqU-00119-00108992-00109383 you kept kicking it across the room PXjZvuV5TqU-00120-00109496-00109896 what's what we're about to do is an estus method session PXjZvuV5TqU-00121-00109896-00110528 in the attic and this this could get interesting did you hear a cat PXjZvuV5TqU-00122-00111880-00112183 open the door he's following him PXjZvuV5TqU-00123-00113224-00113624 my heart it's black no it's not PXjZvuV5TqU-00124-00113832-00113882 oh PXjZvuV5TqU-00125-00114176-00115008 we have a cat visitor up here why cutie we can't let you in PXjZvuV5TqU-00126-00115008-00115320 i feel bad i know but y'all remember that because PXjZvuV5TqU-00127-00115376-00115848 i hope it runs again because it's probably one of the things that people mistake for like footsteps PXjZvuV5TqU-00128-00115848-00116296 or foot because it was running across the roof yeah and if you weren't paying attention PXjZvuV5TqU-00129-00116296-00116928 you would have thought it was like a spirit footsteps or running yes or like a child sound PXjZvuV5TqU-00130-00117135-00117783 hi cutie let's see listen see if he runs again PXjZvuV5TqU-00131-00118120-00118376 see that could easily sound like footsteps if you weren't PXjZvuV5TqU-00132-00118552-00119216 yeah so if anybody like tried to make you believe it was footsteps when it was a cat PXjZvuV5TqU-00133-00119216-00119783 here's your debunker right here yeah and the cat isn't like a one-off um PXjZvuV5TqU-00134-00119888-00120496 i've been here three times every time i've been here the cat's been outside um and even when PXjZvuV5TqU-00135-00120496-00121104 i checked in this time he said there's a gray cat that's always around don't let it in um so PXjZvuV5TqU-00136-00121432-00121535 so hello PXjZvuV5TqU-00137-00121864-00121983 hi PXjZvuV5TqU-00138-00122368-00123383 hi i wish i could let you win but we can't okay you gotta find your home PXjZvuV5TqU-00139-00123920-00123970 hello PXjZvuV5TqU-00140-00124200-00124376 hello is anyone here with us PXjZvuV5TqU-00141-00124759-00125024 that way where's that way PXjZvuV5TqU-00142-00125816-00126183 what's your name PXjZvuV5TqU-00143-00127120-00127688 are any of the children here sound like like every mortal PXjZvuV5TqU-00144-00128183-00128496 are you like i'm not sure what that means PXjZvuV5TqU-00145-00128720-00128983 who killed you PXjZvuV5TqU-00146-00129520-00129680 what was the person's name PXjZvuV5TqU-00147-00130159-00130752 it's not like medical medical hi hi what's your name PXjZvuV5TqU-00148-00131432-00132304 tell me your name i'm joey michael is the one who's using you to talk did you live here PXjZvuV5TqU-00149-00132576-00133184 days days over there PXjZvuV5TqU-00150-00133640-00133816 is your bedroom upstairs right now PXjZvuV5TqU-00151-00134200-00134584 is your bedroom upstairs PXjZvuV5TqU-00152-00134920-00135248 you it's like you you just know or sign PXjZvuV5TqU-00153-00135568-00135618 can you PXjZvuV5TqU-00154-00135880-00136448 pull on the back of michael's jacket can you pull at the collar PXjZvuV5TqU-00155-00136696-00136800 let us know you're here PXjZvuV5TqU-00156-00137128-00137840 what the [ __ ] PXjZvuV5TqU-00157-00137840-00138488 the argument was there an argument here is that why you killed someone PXjZvuV5TqU-00158-00138608-00139016 or who someone murdered you all michael michael PXjZvuV5TqU-00159-00139488-00139752 it was a child's voice but i couldn't hear what they said PXjZvuV5TqU-00160-00139960-00140520 hi you can play around with michael and pull out his collar PXjZvuV5TqU-00161-00141368-00141584 or you can rub his back PXjZvuV5TqU-00162-00142000-00142456 here hi you want to play around with michael and play a game PXjZvuV5TqU-00163-00142944-00143440 he doesn't know i'm asking to do that so tap his shoulder PXjZvuV5TqU-00164-00143800-00144424 tap it real hard play a game with him PXjZvuV5TqU-00165-00144424-00144696 can you tap it again i think you i think you did PXjZvuV5TqU-00166-00144920-00145744 make them you can speak through michael if you want to do you have a message for us PXjZvuV5TqU-00167-00145744-00146432 it almost sounded like i said what do you say michael maiden PXjZvuV5TqU-00168-00146896-00147184 tap tap his left shoulder PXjZvuV5TqU-00169-00147824-00148584 and then tap his right shoulder see if michael says something go ahead PXjZvuV5TqU-00170-00148848-00148898 attic PXjZvuV5TqU-00171-00149152-00149312 yeah come up here in the attic PXjZvuV5TqU-00172-00149608-00150264 i also feel like somebody's touching my hair my head who's touching his head PXjZvuV5TqU-00173-00150608-00150712 are you one of the children PXjZvuV5TqU-00174-00151000-00151050 get out PXjZvuV5TqU-00175-00151272-00151384 why PXjZvuV5TqU-00176-00151880-00152000 he knows something PXjZvuV5TqU-00177-00152304-00152368 who knows PXjZvuV5TqU-00178-00152656-00153088 who's he go no tell me who he is PXjZvuV5TqU-00179-00153480-00154272 who yes tell me who he is who are you talking about you're asking me yes i'm asking you PXjZvuV5TqU-00180-00154864-00155584 tell me his name torture torture PXjZvuV5TqU-00181-00155704-00155888 are you talking about the one who murdered you PXjZvuV5TqU-00182-00156504-00156592 something dark PXjZvuV5TqU-00183-00156976-00157352 who's dark who did it i'm not afraid of him PXjZvuV5TqU-00184-00158176-00158384 we want to know the truth of what happened PXjZvuV5TqU-00185-00158832-00159472 we're currently in the parents bedroom it seems that this was the first area PXjZvuV5TqU-00186-00159552-00160496 where he struck and we haven't it's kind of like in the hallway it's a very interesting spot for a PXjZvuV5TqU-00187-00160496-00161016 bed it's a weird spot for a bedroom isn't it like this yeah like you would think this would be like PXjZvuV5TqU-00188-00161016-00161664 just like a sitting area or something because there's no privacy yeah there's absolutely yeah PXjZvuV5TqU-00189-00161664-00162440 there's no way you could get busy with it over here but like because there's this steps down here PXjZvuV5TqU-00190-00162528-00163136 so it's really yeah not a good place for the parentals anyway PXjZvuV5TqU-00191-00163280-00164192 we're gonna see if we get any kind of response right now and yeah we're just chilling PXjZvuV5TqU-00192-00164456-00165384 is anyone here PXjZvuV5TqU-00193-00165472-00165576 i heard something PXjZvuV5TqU-00194-00165808-00165928 i heard something over there PXjZvuV5TqU-00195-00166352-00166784 who's here PXjZvuV5TqU-00196-00167672-00168184 did you have fun playing with michael earlier he felt you PXjZvuV5TqU-00197-00168656-00169584 can you tell us your name PXjZvuV5TqU-00198-00171296-00171346 you PZeZJcJEucy-00000-00000393-00000912 Put some oil in a pot PZeZJcJEucy-00001-00001029-00001520 Grate 1 tablespoon of garlic and 1 tablespoon of ginger PZeZJcJEucy-00002-00001732-00002209 and put in a pot PZeZJcJEucy-00003-00002306-00002845 Cut 250g of chicken PZeZJcJEucy-00004-00003381-00003893 and put in a pot PZeZJcJEucy-00005-00004075-00004587 add 2 tablespoon of curry paste PZeZJcJEucy-00006-00004600-00005093 roasting a little PZeZJcJEucy-00007-00005096-00005610 and add 650ml of water PZeZJcJEucy-00008-00006400-00006922 250ml of coconut milk PZeZJcJEucy-00009-00007141-00007642 Cut 1/2 of carrot PZeZJcJEucy-00010-00009500-00010021 1/2 of bell pepper PZeZJcJEucy-00011-00010559-00011062 some sweet peas PZeZJcJEucy-00012-00011597-00012106 little of leek PZeZJcJEucy-00013-00012368-00012859 salt, pepper PZeZJcJEucy-00014-00013028-00013523 when the vegetables are soft, soup is ready PZeZJcJEucy-00015-00013524-00014049 finally add lime juice PZeZJcJEucy-00016-00017609-00018176 (3 portion) 1 tablespoon of garlic, 1 tablespoon of ginger, 2 tablespoon curry paste, 1/2 carrot, 1/2 bell pepper, 1/2 leek, little sweet peas, 250ml coconut milk, 250g chicken, 650ml of water, lime juice PakRKOc9XtA-00000-00000947-00001829 There came a time when we had traveled the roads of third dimensional spirituality as far as they could go PakRKOc9XtA-00001-00001829-00002744 We had obediently done the prayers, rituals and practices that were supposed to enlighten us PakRKOc9XtA-00002-00002744-00003435 We had committed ourselves to being on a spiritual path PakRKOc9XtA-00003-00003435-00004224 Yet, something was admittedly missing PakRKOc9XtA-00004-00004224-00005001 We still weren't happy or fulfilled or feeling home PakRKOc9XtA-00005-00005001-00005564 Everyday life presented a formidable challenge PakRKOc9XtA-00006-00005564-00006386 Sure we were fine, as long as we were meditating or being alone PakRKOc9XtA-00007-00006386-00007277 We loved exploring the spiritual realms, but didn't always like the shift back into worldly life PakRKOc9XtA-00008-00007277-00008007 We found ourselves split between two polarities PakRKOc9XtA-00009-00008007-00008941 our Spiritual and our Physical Worlds PakRKOc9XtA-00010-00009539-00010383 It was often difficult shifting between these two poles PakRKOc9XtA-00011-00010383-00011648 It shocked our sensitivities to move abruptly from one world to the next, each so different from the other PakRKOc9XtA-00012-00011648-00012376 In either world, we felt incomplete PakRKOc9XtA-00013-00012376-00013378 because we had to leave part of ourselves behind in order to enter the chosen reality PakRKOc9XtA-00014-00013378-00014042 Thus we continued to separate ourselves in two PakRKOc9XtA-00015-00014790-00015816 Often, this was expressed as a division in the flow of energy through our chakras or energy centers PakRKOc9XtA-00016-00015816-00016914 The upper chakras belonged to the Spiritual realms, while the lower chakras represented our Physical PakRKOc9XtA-00017-00016914-00017292 human world PakRKOc9XtA-00018-00017292-00018197 We experienced great difficulty in getting our energy flow to unite the upper and lower energy centers PakRKOc9XtA-00019-00018197-00018972 We resided in the upper chakras when we were being "Spiritual" PakRKOc9XtA-00020-00018972-00019583 and in the lower chakras when we had to deal with the "Physical" world PakRKOc9XtA-00021-00019583-00020065 No wonder we weren't feeling whole! PakRKOc9XtA-00022-00020537-00021411 This situation caused much distress and conflict within our emotional bodies PakRKOc9XtA-00023-00021411-00021807 As our emotions became increasingly out of balance PakRKOc9XtA-00024-00021807-00022884 we judged them as not "Spiritual" and tried to isolate and cut them off PakRKOc9XtA-00025-00022884-00023895 If we experienced anger or sorrow, we felt that we were off our spiritual path PakRKOc9XtA-00026-00023895-00025435 Our poor human selves were deemed unacceptable and unworthy of entrance into the higher realms PakRKOc9XtA-00027-00025435-00026784 Thus, we continued to close off and deny very real parts of ourselves PakRKOc9XtA-00028-00026784-00027845 simply because we did not know how to integrate the spiritual with the human and the physical PakRKOc9XtA-00029-00027845-00028839 Our poor divided selves suffered and languished in the sea of duality PakRKOc9XtA-00030-00028839-00029699 while we searched for the key that would make us whole PeWsrg-yk-Q-00000-00000504-00000855 00:04 Paul Matzko: Welcome back for the final episode of our three-part TechCrunch Disrupt PeWsrg-yk-Q-00001-00000855-00001196 series about the latest trends out of Silicon Valley. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00002-00001196-00001320 I'm your host, Paul Matzko. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00003-00001320-00001786 Today, I want to talk to you about the way that venture capitalists and startup engineers PeWsrg-yk-Q-00004-00001786-00002215 at TechCrunch Disrupt talked about the state and regulation. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00005-00002215-00002700 The shortest possible summary is less than you might think, but in interesting ways. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00006-00002700-00003173 Let me start by saying how refreshing it was to be surrounded by folks who are fixated PeWsrg-yk-Q-00007-00003173-00003546 on what they can do, rather than what they should do. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00008-00003546-00004078 Now, there is a conversation to be had about how blinkered tech culture can be, how they PeWsrg-yk-Q-00009-00004078-00004569 can inadvertently or advertently, cause harm because they don't think through the social PeWsrg-yk-Q-00010-00004569-00004807 ramifications of the tech they are developing. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00011-00004807-00005434 00:47 Paul Matzko: For example, when social media engineers invented the "infinite scroll", PeWsrg-yk-Q-00012-00005434-00005941 you know, how you can keep flicking up indefinitely on Twitter or Facebook or Insta, they didn't PeWsrg-yk-Q-00013-00005941-00006162 think about how addictive it would be. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00014-00006162-00006638 Indeed, now, the big social media companies are scrambling to undo some of that damage PeWsrg-yk-Q-00015-00006638-00006990 by building in time use monitors and controls. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00016-00006990-00007453 But even Silicon Valley types have to take heed of what regulators are doing. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00017-00007453-00008039 The difference between a successful startup and a failure is as likely to be bureaucracy PeWsrg-yk-Q-00018-00008039-00008312 as a flawed monetization plan. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00019-00008312-00008734 So there was a panel at TechCrunch for instance, discussing the difference between how car PeWsrg-yk-Q-00020-00008734-00009373 share companies like Uber and Lyft were received by regulators and scooter rental companies PeWsrg-yk-Q-00021-00009373-00009758 like Lime and Bird more recently have been received. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00022-00009758-00010235 Despite having essentially the same "It's better to ask forgiveness than permission" PeWsrg-yk-Q-00023-00010235-00010642 approach to in this bold regulation, they've had very different outcomes. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00024-00010642-00011129 Now, in this case, transportation regulators are coming down hard on scooters, because PeWsrg-yk-Q-00025-00011129-00011362 they kinda got pantsed by the ride-hailing corporations. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00026-00011362-00011822 01:51 Paul Matzko: But while that's kind of a libertarian friendly way of thinking about PeWsrg-yk-Q-00027-00011822-00012387 regulation, let's break things and if we break enough things, we'll show how we can improve PeWsrg-yk-Q-00028-00012387-00012894 society, none of the people I interviewed or met while at the conference was formally PeWsrg-yk-Q-00029-00012894-00013022 libertarian. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00030-00013022-00013654 There is a general ethos of annoyance there at regulators who won't let them do cool tech PeWsrg-yk-Q-00031-00013654-00014234 stuff, but it's too inchoate to really be considered proto-libertarian and any kind PeWsrg-yk-Q-00032-00014234-00014405 of systematic way. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00033-00014405-00014840 But one thing is very clear from spending time at TechCrunch, and that's that the US PeWsrg-yk-Q-00034-00014840-00015438 is being bypassed by other countries in part because of the difficulty and the increasing PeWsrg-yk-Q-00035-00015438-00016031 difficulty of doing innovative work without falling afoul of local, state and federal PeWsrg-yk-Q-00036-00016031-00016131 regulators. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00037-00016131-00016548 02:38 Paul Matzko: One of the exhibitors on Startup Alley was a company named Wingly, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00038-00016548-00017041 which is essentially applying the Airbnb business model to private planes. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00039-00017041-00017444 So let's say you own a half a million dollar private plane, should we all be so lucky, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00040-00017444-00017783 and regularly hop over the English Channel with it. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00041-00017783-00018297 It might be faster than taking the train or flying commercial, or maybe you just like PeWsrg-yk-Q-00042-00018297-00018397 flying. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00043-00018397-00018915 You love seeing the cliffs of Dover, but it's expensive to own and operate a plane and jet PeWsrg-yk-Q-00044-00018915-00019081 fuel ain't cheap. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00045-00019081-00019638 So rather than flying alone, the idea of Wingly is that you would use their app to offer one PeWsrg-yk-Q-00046-00019638-00020264 or two of your seats in your plane for passengers who would then help you defray the cost of PeWsrg-yk-Q-00047-00020264-00020364 fuel. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00048-00020364-00020464 It's a win-win. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00049-00020464-00021044 Your maintenance cost, your operating cost is lower and the passenger gets the convenience PeWsrg-yk-Q-00050-00021044-00021339 and luxury of a private plane ride. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00051-00021339-00021439 That sounds great, right? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00052-00021439-00021851 03:31 Paul Matzko: So what does regulation have to do with this story? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00053-00021851-00022141 Wingly is a French company. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00054-00022141-00022715 Aviation, despite the reputation of regulation on the continent versus the US, aviation is PeWsrg-yk-Q-00055-00022715-00023175 actually significantly less regulated in much of Europe than in the US. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00056-00023175-00023729 By contrast, a US company called Flytenow, that essentially wanted to do the same thing, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00057-00023729-00024313 was just shut down this year by the FAA which ruled that defraying fuel cost made Flytenow PeWsrg-yk-Q-00058-00024313-00024657 pilots commercial rather than private pilots. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00059-00024657-00025161 And thus, they would be subject to all the training requirements, all the labor organization PeWsrg-yk-Q-00060-00025161-00025427 rules that applied to commercial piloting. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00061-00025427-00025546 Why did they do that? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00062-00025546-00025938 Well, part of it's lobbying from pilot unions, they don't like the competition. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00063-00025938-00026464 But also because if there's one thing that bureaucracies abhor, it's risk, risk of any PeWsrg-yk-Q-00064-00026464-00026564 kind. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00065-00026564-00027024 They don't want passengers taking the risks involved in flying on a private plane, which PeWsrg-yk-Q-00066-00027024-00027124 are real. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00067-00027124-00027513 You are more likely to die in a crash on a private plane than you are in a commercial PeWsrg-yk-Q-00068-00027513-00027613 flight. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00069-00027613-00027963 At the same time, that risk, while it's larger, it's not as large as dying in a car crash PeWsrg-yk-Q-00070-00027963-00028163 one mile from your home. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00071-00028163-00028681 So risk is always relative, but the FAA has essentially a zero tolerance policy towards PeWsrg-yk-Q-00072-00028681-00028975 risk when it comes to new innovative business models. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00073-00028975-00029443 04:47 Paul Matzko: Now, at the end of the day, flight sharing is a relatively niche PeWsrg-yk-Q-00074-00029443-00029550 consumer audience. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00075-00029550-00029953 We're essentially making access to private plane rides accessible to the upper middle PeWsrg-yk-Q-00076-00029953-00030455 class and not just the upper class, and it's an incremental upgrade. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00077-00030455-00031025 But on the other hand, there is a developing niche that falls under transportation regulation PeWsrg-yk-Q-00078-00031025-00031581 that has the potential to transform the lives of everyone, regardless of income or ownership. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00079-00031581-00031949 I'm talking here of autonomous vehicles and they're coming very, very soon. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00080-00031949-00032439 In fact, depending on what you count, they're already here in the sense that most of us, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00081-00032439-00032965 if we buy a new car or buying a car that parks itself, it does its own cruise control, it PeWsrg-yk-Q-00082-00032965-00033402 has emergency braking if we can't stop quickly enough on our own. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00083-00033402-00033936 And features like that are becoming the new standard for vehicles. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00084-00033936-00034372 That's what's called level two automation on a level five scale. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00085-00034372-00034819 They're all techs that assist a human driver who's still responsible to keep their hands PeWsrg-yk-Q-00086-00034819-00035234 on the wheel and their eyes looking out the windows at all time. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00087-00035234-00035869 But levels three to five all involve increasing levels of driver-free automation with level PeWsrg-yk-Q-00088-00035869-00036196 five being a car that has no steering wheel at all. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00089-00036196-00036653 06:01 Paul Matzko: Our next interview is with a autonomous car company called Byton which PeWsrg-yk-Q-00090-00036653-00037096 is developing a level three car with hopes for a level four car in the near future. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00091-00037096-00037196 Listen in. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00092-00037196-00037296 [pause] PeWsrg-yk-Q-00093-00037296-00037840 06:14 Paul Matzko: I'm here with Florian Baur who's the head of product management for a PeWsrg-yk-Q-00094-00037840-00038086 car manufacturer called Byton. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00095-00038086-00038419 They do some autonomous vehicles, it's an electric vehicle. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00096-00038419-00038537 It's designed to be shared. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00097-00038537-00038812 We're gonna talk a little bit about more of that together, but thanks for coming on with PeWsrg-yk-Q-00098-00038812-00038918 me Florian, I appreciate it. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00099-00038918-00039018 06:29 Florian Baur: Sure. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00100-00039018-00039118 Thanks for having me. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00101-00039118-00039555 06:31 Paul Matzko: To kick us off, I should mention that Byton is literally around the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00102-00039555-00039841 neck of every attendee of TechCrunch Disrupt. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00103-00039841-00040300 They're on our lanyards for our name tags. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00104-00040300-00040513 I hadn't heard of Byton until this conference. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00105-00040513-00040815 So tell me a little bit about the company. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00106-00040815-00041102 When our listeners hear Byton they're thinking probably... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00107-00041102-00041461 Or think of car companies sponsoring major tech conference. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00108-00041461-00041759 They're probably not at this point thinking about Byton. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00109-00041759-00041997 Tell me why they should be aware of Byton. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00110-00041997-00042097 07:00 Florian Baur: Alright. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00111-00042097-00042602 So Byton is a company that was founded about a little bit more than two years ago, it was PeWsrg-yk-Q-00112-00042602-00043343 founded in Hong Kong and one investor had an idea and started recruiting people for PeWsrg-yk-Q-00113-00043343-00043933 about one or two years until he found the perfect team from different spaces to actually PeWsrg-yk-Q-00114-00043933-00044121 pull this off. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00115-00044121-00044612 So we're a bunch of ex-BMW people who worked on the BMW-I sub brand. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00116-00044612-00045006 We have a lot of people who used to work at Tesla before. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00117-00045006-00045618 We combined this knowledge with the tech knowledge from other companies from Apple or Google. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00118-00045618-00046033 And you name the company we probably have an ex-employee in our company now. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00119-00046033-00046169 07:42 Paul Matzko: It's good. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00120-00046169-00046649 07:42 Florian Baur: So we started off very small with just an idea on a blank sheet of PeWsrg-yk-Q-00121-00046649-00046749 paper. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00122-00046749-00047192 We understood that the future is gonna be electric so it had to be an electric car, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00123-00047192-00047292 right? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00124-00047292-00047392 That was no question. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00125-00047392-00047675 The future's gonna be connected, that's what we knew. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00126-00047675-00048493 So we had to do something to leverage technology to actually connect things to things and also PeWsrg-yk-Q-00127-00048493-00048743 develop a car as a device. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00128-00048743-00049358 So, as one additional smart device in your ecosystems of devices that you just add to PeWsrg-yk-Q-00129-00049358-00049552 your other devices. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00130-00049552-00050077 And then, of course, we had to tackle the question of autonomous cars. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00131-00050077-00050402 We all know the future is gonna be somewhat autonomous. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00132-00050402-00050747 So, of course, we wanna play in that field, as well. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00133-00050747-00051516 And we need to consider the changing customer habits of maybe not even owning a car in the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00134-00051516-00051892 future anymore but using it on demand in a shared vehicle. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00135-00051892-00052225 So we also tackled that space a little bit. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00136-00052225-00052658 And the idea was from a blank sheet of paper to keep all these things in mind, and design PeWsrg-yk-Q-00137-00052658-00053257 a vehicle architecture that is scalable to multiple products and future proof for the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00138-00053257-00053357 next 10 years. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00139-00053357-00053975 08:54 Paul Matzko: So you don't necessarily need to be at the kind of maximum future capability PeWsrg-yk-Q-00140-00053975-00054217 in any of those regards, you just have to be... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00141-00054217-00054654 But you need to build in the capacity to get there in the future. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00142-00054654-00055176 So with the self-driving bit, my understanding is the prototype that's out on display, here PeWsrg-yk-Q-00143-00055176-00055599 on the floor and the exhibition hall is like level three autonomous. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00144-00055599-00055798 09:17 Florian Baur: Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00145-00055798-00056129 So basically, these things come step by step. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00146-00056129-00056735 The first car will be super focused on the user experience, on the new way to interact PeWsrg-yk-Q-00147-00056735-00057152 with the car, we have a 49-inch screen built in to the dashboard. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00148-00057152-00057380 09:31 Paul Matzko: It's quite impressive I'll say that as someone who's sat in the car. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00149-00057380-00057480 It's... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00150-00057480-00057580 It surrounds you in the front. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00151-00057580-00057897 09:37 Florian Baur: It's probably gonna be the biggest screen you see on the market and PeWsrg-yk-Q-00152-00057897-00058358 the difference is we're not just talking about it, we're actually doing and developing it PeWsrg-yk-Q-00153-00058358-00058972 and we're adding a driver display that we call Driver Tablet that is a touch screen PeWsrg-yk-Q-00154-00058972-00059667 right in the middle of the steering wheel to prepare for use cases that will be eventually PeWsrg-yk-Q-00155-00059667-00060304 enabled by autonomous driving or by more and more situations in which you can give control PeWsrg-yk-Q-00156-00060304-00060419 to the vehicle. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00157-00060419-00060519 Right? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00158-00060519-00061179 So the goal is to develop everything with the future in mind, so we're not dependent PeWsrg-yk-Q-00159-00061179-00061294 on autonomous driving. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00160-00061294-00061816 You can still drive the car yourself, it still has a steering wheel because the risk would PeWsrg-yk-Q-00161-00061816-00061949 just be too high that... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00162-00061949-00062366 And at some point, it's a legal issue and you can't offer the car because it doesn't PeWsrg-yk-Q-00163-00062366-00062510 have a steering wheel. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00164-00062510-00063137 The screen offers you endless opportunities for services based on your personal profile PeWsrg-yk-Q-00165-00063137-00063569 that you bring to the car, it recognizes you with a facial recognition camera, it knows PeWsrg-yk-Q-00166-00063569-00064079 exactly what seat you're taking to bring your content onto your screen or your area of the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00167-00064079-00064322 screen that is most convenient to you. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00168-00064322-00064619 10:43 Paul Matzko: Which is both of us as parents of young children will appreciate. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00169-00064619-00064719 10:47 Florian Baur: Exactly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00170-00064719-00065054 You can just send something to the back, and make sure they're happy. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00171-00065054-00065241 10:53 Paul Matzko: Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00172-00065241-00065341 That's true. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00173-00065341-00065499 Number one priority for every parent driving. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00174-00065499-00066041 10:55 Florian Baur: Or quiet or one of the two or ideally both. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00175-00066041-00066633 And yeah, so advanced levels of autonomous driving will enable more and more use cases PeWsrg-yk-Q-00176-00066633-00066976 for the content on these screens. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00177-00066976-00067380 And the goal is that the user interface will just grow with these use cases and not have PeWsrg-yk-Q-00178-00067380-00067911 to be rethought after level four and level five will come. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00179-00067911-00068120 So the first car as you mentioned will have level three capabilities. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00180-00068120-00068269 11:22 Paul Matzko: Which means? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00181-00068269-00068731 11:22 Florian Baur: Highway Pilot and other individual situations in which the car will PeWsrg-yk-Q-00182-00068731-00068956 be able to take over. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00183-00068956-00069499 So remote parking and all of these features that add convenience to your day to day life. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00184-00069499-00069910 But it's not like this on and off switch that a level four is. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00185-00069910-00070558 Let's say it's either completely autonomous or not, it's more situation-adequate, also PeWsrg-yk-Q-00186-00070558-00071017 in line with the legal requirements that you have to fulfill in all the markets. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00187-00071017-00071591 Then the second car we're developing on the same platform by the way is equipped with PeWsrg-yk-Q-00188-00071591-00071700 level four technology. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00189-00071700-00072010 We're partnering with a company called Aurora in this space. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00190-00072010-00072708 12:01 Florian Baur: Aurora was founded by the head of Google's activities in the self-driving PeWsrg-yk-Q-00191-00072708-00073424 space teaming up with the person at Tesla and the person at Uber, who developed autonomous PeWsrg-yk-Q-00192-00073424-00073975 driving technology there, and they created their own company, and they provide the hardware, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00193-00073975-00074795 and the algorithm and we act as the vehicle integration company for them to be able to PeWsrg-yk-Q-00194-00074795-00075351 hand in hand, be quick to market because one thing is the system and another thing is the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00195-00075351-00075606 application on each car that is different. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00196-00075606-00075706 12:35 Paul Matzko: Right. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00197-00075706-00075806 Right. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00198-00075806-00076270 12:36 Florian Baur: Because every car has different geometries and just different... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00199-00076270-00076381 Is engineered differently. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00200-00076381-00076837 So the same system might work differently or needs to be adjusted for every car. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00201-00076837-00077489 And we need to bring some of that integration knowledge to this partnership to get some PeWsrg-yk-Q-00202-00077489-00077739 traction and speed to the development. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00203-00077739-00077988 12:58 Paul Matzko: No, that makes sense. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00204-00077988-00078513 So that there we have the user display, we have the software of the car, which I imagine PeWsrg-yk-Q-00205-00078513-00078922 again, you can push updates remotely, wirelessly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00206-00078922-00079174 Which is something that other companies are doing as well. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00207-00079174-00079774 Now, is there any concern with having a big dashboard display like that? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00208-00079774-00080352 I know this again isn't unique to Byton, but is there a concern about viewer attention PeWsrg-yk-Q-00209-00080352-00080643 that folks looking at their screens rather than... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00210-00080643-00080935 Is there a system for discouraging that? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00211-00080935-00081577 13:29 Florian Baur: The first thing I can say there is that the screen is not impacting PeWsrg-yk-Q-00212-00081577-00081677 your field of vision. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00213-00081677-00082126 That was the number one importance for us in the design of the car, so we moved the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00214-00082126-00082523 dashboard as low as possible to move the screen down as low as possible. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00215-00082523-00083013 So the top of the screen is actually the same height as your windshield wipers, so it's PeWsrg-yk-Q-00216-00083013-00083155 not impacting your field of vision. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00217-00083155-00083711 And then when it comes to driver distraction, of course, we will not be able to allow moving PeWsrg-yk-Q-00218-00083711-00084080 images in a driving situation at first. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00219-00084080-00084979 We're looking at different opportunities to put additional coding on the screen, for example, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00220-00084979-00085839 to enable the passenger to enjoy some of the video content while a driver is still driving. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00221-00085839-00086280 But again, the hardware setup is ready for autonomous driving. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00222-00086280-00086868 Autonomous driving might not keep up the pace, but when it's there, the car is already perfectly PeWsrg-yk-Q-00223-00086868-00086968 designed for that. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00224-00086968-00087991 And you still have a lot of content that you can display on that 49-inch screen without PeWsrg-yk-Q-00225-00087991-00088224 being too distracting. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00226-00088224-00088660 The main goal should be to reduce the number of inputs you have to give to the system. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00227-00088660-00088918 So the more you share with the vehicle, the more data. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00228-00088918-00089018 14:49 Paul Matzko: Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00229-00089018-00089297 14:50 Florian Baur: The more it knows about you and the more it can anticipate what you PeWsrg-yk-Q-00230-00089297-00089397 wanna do next. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00231-00089397-00089677 So we can prompt you messages, you just have to say yes or no. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00232-00089677-00090358 Either using a hand gesture, with the gesture control cameras or in your Driver Tablet, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00233-00090358-00090554 just have a touch button to say yes or no, right? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00234-00090554-00090654 15:06 Paul Matzko: Yeah, yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00235-00090654-00091063 15:06 Florian Baur: And the more you use the car, and the more the car learns about you, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00236-00091063-00091314 the better these suggestions will get. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00237-00091314-00091768 So actually, in terms of the usage of the car, we're already... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00238-00091768-00092350 Let's say we're already quite certain that it will be more intuitive, and less distracting PeWsrg-yk-Q-00239-00092350-00092683 than finding a button somewhere hidden in some menu or... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00240-00092683-00092783 15:27 Paul Matzko: Right. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00241-00092783-00092883 Oh yeah, yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00242-00092883-00092983 [chuckle] PeWsrg-yk-Q-00243-00092983-00093083 15:28 Florian Baur: But then when it comes to content, of course, we're very careful PeWsrg-yk-Q-00244-00093083-00093681 as to which functions and features and services and products we actually enable in a driving PeWsrg-yk-Q-00245-00093681-00094250 situation and which ones do we actually disable when the car's driving and only allow in a PeWsrg-yk-Q-00246-00094250-00094854 heavy traffic situation or when you're having a quick charging stop, right? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00247-00094854-00095369 And you can charge the car up to 80% in about 30 minutes. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00248-00095369-00095905 That's enough time to watch an episode of your favorite Netflix show for example, right? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00249-00095905-00096414 And it's much more convenient than using your tiny little iPhone screen or a smart phone PeWsrg-yk-Q-00250-00096414-00096514 screen. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00251-00096514-00096614 Not to mention any brands. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00252-00096614-00096743 16:06 Paul Matzko: It's smart enough to know that it's... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00253-00096743-00096844 You're parked so you're not... [chuckle] PeWsrg-yk-Q-00254-00096844-00096944 16:08 Florian Baur: Exactly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00255-00096944-00097068 16:09 Paul Matzko: There's no danger to the... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00256-00097068-00097258 Right, right right, yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00257-00097258-00097989 Is there, I mean, if there's facial recognition software and driver cameras, can it tell if PeWsrg-yk-Q-00258-00097989-00098118 you're falling asleep? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00259-00098118-00098294 Can it track eye movement, eyelids... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00260-00098294-00098800 16:23 Florian Baur: So that's called the Driver Monitoring System, we need that for certain PeWsrg-yk-Q-00261-00098800-00099679 functions in autonomous driving that still require the driver's attention legally. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00262-00099679-00099889 So we have to track your attention. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00263-00099889-00100741 And we're further developing new functions and features around that topic to also contextually PeWsrg-yk-Q-00264-00100741-00101506 be able to display some information on the screen or even get around today's legislation PeWsrg-yk-Q-00265-00101506-00101638 in the future potentially. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00266-00101638-00102217 For example, imagine you could have the passenger watch a movie and keep track of the driver's PeWsrg-yk-Q-00267-00102217-00102840 attention, if the driver looks at the movie content, you just warn him to not do it anymore, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00268-00102840-00103083 or you just turn it off. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00269-00103083-00103904 So we're playing around a lot with these use cases that might enable more features without PeWsrg-yk-Q-00270-00103904-00104263 being dangerous. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00271-00104263-00104374 Safety is the number one concern. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00272-00104374-00104832 And of course, we wanna comply with all the legal requirements in all markets, but we PeWsrg-yk-Q-00273-00104832-00105457 also wanna help shape legislation in the future, to make sure that legislation will keep up PeWsrg-yk-Q-00274-00105457-00106189 with all the technology development in this highly regulated automotive space that slows PeWsrg-yk-Q-00275-00106189-00106409 down innovation a lot. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00276-00106409-00106558 17:45 Paul Matzko: Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00277-00106558-00106969 We'll get to the kind of regulatory angle here, I think, in a minute. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00278-00106969-00107073 But first, so we've talked... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00279-00107073-00107544 We've talked electric, we've talked AV, we've talked about the screens, we've talked about PeWsrg-yk-Q-00280-00107544-00107648 the car a bit. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00281-00107648-00108114 How are you looking to build car sharing into Byton now? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00282-00108114-00109100 18:02 Florian Baur: So the car is potentially a preferred solution for an Uber driver or PeWsrg-yk-Q-00283-00109100-00109495 a DiDi driver in China, or a Lyft driver. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00284-00109495-00110067 Because you can make every Byton or you could turn every Byton into your Byton by just bringing PeWsrg-yk-Q-00285-00110067-00110228 your face. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00286-00110228-00110705 So it doesn't matter if it's my car or your car, you sit in your seat, whatever it is, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00287-00110705-00111058 the driver's seat or the rear right seat and you bring all your content there. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00288-00111058-00111173 18:31 Paul Matzko: Cool. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00289-00111173-00111273 Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00290-00111273-00111749 18:31 Florian Baur: So, it could potentially be a preferred choice for a user to take me PeWsrg-yk-Q-00291-00111749-00112394 as an Uber driver with a Byton car because you can be more productive, you can be entertained, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00292-00112394-00112744 you can continue whatever you are doing outside of the car, in the car... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00293-00112744-00113029 18:47 Paul Matzko: It knows that you're in season two of whatever. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00294-00113029-00113129 18:50 Florian Baur: Exactly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00295-00113129-00113475 18:50 Paul Matzko: The third episode kicks on for you while your Uber driver is tearing PeWsrg-yk-Q-00296-00113475-00113575 you around there. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00297-00113575-00114092 18:54 Florian Baur: Or we have the selfie camera there so you could record your important PeWsrg-yk-Q-00298-00114092-00114494 presentation that you're about to have and play it back to you. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00299-00114494-00114594 There's so many different use cases... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00300-00114594-00114694 19:05 Paul Matzko: Yeah, it's cool. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00301-00114694-00115030 19:06 Florian Baur: That make you be more productive or whatever you require in that PeWsrg-yk-Q-00302-00115030-00115283 certain situation. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00303-00115283-00116040 We treat every passenger as relevant as the driver. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00304-00116040-00116300 So the experience in every seat is the same. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00305-00116300-00116982 And this is also one aspect that prepares us for the shared bit of mobility is even PeWsrg-yk-Q-00306-00116982-00117539 in a car with three strangers, you would still have your own zone and your own seat with PeWsrg-yk-Q-00307-00117539-00118178 your content, and basically make it your car. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00308-00118178-00118407 You're sharing it but you still have your own space, right? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00309-00118407-00118513 19:44 Paul Matzko: Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00310-00118513-00118613 Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00311-00118613-00118900 19:45 Florian Baur: And we're already thinking about the second and the third car, and we PeWsrg-yk-Q-00312-00118900-00119200 have a lot more to share in the next 12 months. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00313-00119200-00119494 19:52 Paul Matzko: So what's the time frame for... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00314-00119494-00120008 I see the prototype out here, from the website there's another model, another variant for PeWsrg-yk-Q-00315-00120008-00120108 2022. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00316-00120108-00120208 20:00 Florian Baur: Exactly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00317-00120208-00120308 Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00318-00120308-00120574 20:02 Paul Matzko: But this one on the floor out here, when are you expecting that to be PeWsrg-yk-Q-00319-00120574-00120674 in production? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00320-00120674-00121091 20:05 Florian Baur: We're kicking off production end of next year for the China market first PeWsrg-yk-Q-00321-00121091-00121311 and then six months later we'll bring it to the US. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00322-00121311-00121626 So by mid-2020, you'll be able to get it here. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00323-00121626-00121947 And another three, four months later we'll bring it to Europe as well. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00324-00121947-00122388 And then 18 months after the start of production of the first car, we'll release our second PeWsrg-yk-Q-00325-00122388-00123011 car, which is a sedan concept, we call it K-Byte and the SUV is M-Byte, also priced PeWsrg-yk-Q-00326-00123011-00123333 very similarly and derived from the same platform. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00327-00123333-00123716 20:34 Paul Matzko: Now, when you say priced similarly, where is this slotting in? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00328-00123716-00123816 20:36 Florian Baur: Yeah, exactly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00329-00123816-00123916 Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00330-00123916-00124016 It's still early stage. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00331-00124016-00124528 We can't really share the details for the second car, but our aim is to be an approachable PeWsrg-yk-Q-00332-00124528-00125028 brand, to not start high-end and then slowly move down the ladder. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00333-00125028-00125763 We wanna go where the volume is, also to have an interesting business case for our investors PeWsrg-yk-Q-00334-00125763-00126145 because it's such a heavy upfront investment to develop a car. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00335-00126145-00126691 You would like it to be scalable and applicable to multiple different products and not just PeWsrg-yk-Q-00336-00126691-00126791 one. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00337-00126791-00126900 And that's what we're doing. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00338-00126900-00127369 And then another, about one and a half, two years later, we'll bring the third car out PeWsrg-yk-Q-00339-00127369-00127610 on the same platform again. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00340-00127610-00128199 And we're already thinking about a second platform, which is very early stage right PeWsrg-yk-Q-00341-00128199-00128765 now, but as you can see, the stuff that we're showing here is already old for us, right? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00342-00128765-00128865 21:28 Paul Matzko: Yeah, yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00343-00128865-00129119 21:28 Florian Baur: There are very long development cycles in the automotive industry, so you PeWsrg-yk-Q-00344-00129119-00129715 have to think ahead and you have to match it with a shorter and faster developing cycles PeWsrg-yk-Q-00345-00129715-00129957 in tech companies. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00346-00129957-00130780 We have the unique challenge to synchronize the mindset between the people with a tech PeWsrg-yk-Q-00347-00130780-00131321 background and the people with an automotive background, both have their pros and cons PeWsrg-yk-Q-00348-00131321-00131781 and we're only successful if we listen to all of them and take the best out of each PeWsrg-yk-Q-00349-00131781-00131902 and everyone's experience. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00350-00131902-00132434 21:58 Paul Matzko: Well, it's a reminder with a Byton competitor, with Tesla, they ran in PeWsrg-yk-Q-00351-00132434-00133077 into some of that with their production line where there was that Elon Musk brought that PeWsrg-yk-Q-00352-00133077-00133607 tech sector mindset which is, why can't we have a quick product cycle, why don't we just PeWsrg-yk-Q-00353-00133607-00134007 disrupt new things, new ideas, layer them on? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00354-00134007-00134778 Whereas, the traditional car production line is, whoa, you need precision, you need a level PeWsrg-yk-Q-00355-00134778-00134878 of... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00356-00134878-00135227 Everything has to be carefully thought through in advance because if anything in the product PeWsrg-yk-Q-00357-00135227-00135815 supply chain or on the production line goes just a little bit off, everything can just... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00358-00135815-00135940 22:38 Florian Baur: Fall apart, yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00359-00135940-00136040 22:39 Paul Matzko: Fall apart really quickly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00360-00136040-00136140 22:39 Florian Baur: Exactly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00361-00136140-00136320 22:39 Paul Matzko: And so they had issues putting those two pieces together. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00362-00136320-00136420 22:42 Florian Baur: Exactly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00363-00136420-00136789 You have to find the right balance and this is key. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00364-00136789-00137502 What other players in the industry have done is remarkable in this short time and it opened PeWsrg-yk-Q-00365-00137502-00137796 up a lot of opportunities for the new players. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00366-00137796-00138472 But I think there's a strong debate about strong leaders who are very influential, as PeWsrg-yk-Q-00367-00138472-00139549 opposed to maybe listening to the experts to make the best possible product. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00368-00139549-00140267 And we're trying to really set a freeze date to a certain hardware component that needs PeWsrg-yk-Q-00369-00140267-00140684 a freeze date, and then we don't talk about it anymore. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00370-00140684-00141031 We don't walk in a week later and say, "Oh, I changed my mind." PeWsrg-yk-Q-00371-00141031-00141163 And this is one thing. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00372-00141163-00141512 And the second thing is, we don't do innovation for the innovation's sake. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00373-00141512-00142148 We don't do crazy door concepts or anything that might potentially give you problems with PeWsrg-yk-Q-00374-00142148-00142398 water leakage and things like that. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00375-00142398-00143210 We use all of that knowledge from the more boring automotive world and then we focus PeWsrg-yk-Q-00376-00143210-00143737 our attention on where the faster cycles actually allow us to be innovative and to keep the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00377-00143737-00143837 product fresh. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00378-00143837-00144282 And this is connectivity, and this is the user experience that is much more valued by PeWsrg-yk-Q-00379-00144282-00144977 the consumer than an incremental 10th of a second acceleration improvement or a unique PeWsrg-yk-Q-00380-00144977-00145266 door concept that only you have lamented for. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00381-00145266-00145366 [overlapping conversation] PeWsrg-yk-Q-00382-00145366-00145466 24:11 Paul Matzko: [24:11] ____ doing, yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00383-00145466-00145656 24:12 Florian Baur: So we're taking a lot of off-the-shelf components that have proven PeWsrg-yk-Q-00384-00145656-00145756 to be safe... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00385-00145756-00145856 24:16 Paul Matzko: Smart, yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00386-00145856-00146098 24:17 Florian Baur: And also accepted in the market. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00387-00146098-00146198 And then we innovate... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00388-00146198-00146345 24:21 Paul Matzko: There's a supplying chain for it, it's all right, yup, yup. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00389-00146345-00146711 24:23 Florian Baur: Exactly, it's all there, and it's all optimized in terms of cost so PeWsrg-yk-Q-00390-00146711-00147109 that we can position the car at an accessible price point too. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00391-00147109-00147209 24:31 Paul Matzko: Nice, yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00392-00147209-00147644 24:31 Florian Baur: We can't go too crazy, but we wanna go crazy where the customer expects PeWsrg-yk-Q-00393-00147644-00147787 us to. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00394-00147787-00148183 And I think you can see a lot of this here in our first M-Byte concept. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00395-00148183-00148331 24:41 Paul Matzko: Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00396-00148331-00148472 No, it's an impressive prototype. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00397-00148472-00149230 I look forward to seeing it on the roads or on the lots come 2020. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00398-00149230-00149653 One more thing I was gonna ask about, during a panel yesterday, I think it was a robotics PeWsrg-yk-Q-00399-00149653-00150185 panel on the main stage, they ended the session by asking... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00400-00150185-00150605 And make sure I get the criteria right here. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00401-00150605-00151413 At what point do you think level five vehicles, so level five automation, full no hands-on... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00402-00151413-00151521 25:14 Florian Baur: No steering wheel. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00403-00151521-00151622 25:14 Paul Matzko: No steering wheel, nothing... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00404-00151622-00152090 Will be at least 10% of the vehicles, consumer vehicles on the road? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00405-00152090-00152625 And the panelists ranged anywhere from 10 years at the lower limit to 30 years at the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00406-00152625-00153293 upper limit, but notably two of them mentioned 10-15 years but in China first. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00407-00153293-00153575 Now Byton has some China roots. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00408-00153575-00153940 You're coming out with the first car in China first. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00409-00153940-00154374 From your perspective, why does coming out in China first make a lot of sense? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00410-00154374-00155065 What role does China play in the AV space more generally? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00411-00155065-00155196 What would your estimate be? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00412-00155196-00155308 Your answer to that question. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00413-00155308-00155460 25:52 Florian Baur: Okay, there's a lot of... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00414-00155460-00155585 25:55 Paul Matzko: Yeah, lots and lots going on there. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00415-00155585-00155738 25:55 Florian Baur: Different elements on this question. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00416-00155738-00156356 So first of all, the electric vehicle market in China is twice the size of the electric PeWsrg-yk-Q-00417-00156356-00156548 vehicle market in the US and Europe combined. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00418-00156548-00156648 26:05 Paul Matzko: Wow. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00419-00156648-00157046 26:05 Florian Baur: This is why we have to absolutely be quick to market there to capture PeWsrg-yk-Q-00420-00157046-00157450 some of that market share before it takes off without us. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00421-00157450-00157813 Of course, the US is a very important market too, so we don't wanna have too much time PeWsrg-yk-Q-00422-00157813-00157953 in between. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00423-00157953-00158789 But then shifting to autonomous driving, I think when China and the Chinese government PeWsrg-yk-Q-00424-00158789-00159311 is committed to something, they actually do everything to achieve that target. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00425-00159311-00159487 They did it with electric vehicles. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00426-00159487-00159947 They took it very seriously, they started subsidizing a lot of companies, and in the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00427-00159947-00160643 beginning, there were only very cheap players popping out, but now we have more and more PeWsrg-yk-Q-00428-00160643-00161333 technology-focused companies as our competitors out of China already that will first hit the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00429-00161333-00161716 Chinese market and some of them are also planning to go global. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00430-00161716-00162380 I think China has understood that you can only survive as a global company, so you have PeWsrg-yk-Q-00431-00162380-00162504 to go where the talent is. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00432-00162504-00162825 27:05 Florian Baur: We're going to Germany for our vehicle design because the design PeWsrg-yk-Q-00433-00162825-00163024 infrastructure is best in Central Europe. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00434-00163024-00163685 We're going for tech development and serial development of our first car to the Bay Area PeWsrg-yk-Q-00435-00163685-00164035 because that's where you find the best people for that space. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00436-00164035-00164483 And we're going to China for manufacturing, because that's where you get the best opportunities PeWsrg-yk-Q-00437-00164483-00164906 and the talent to actually get the best quality in production. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00438-00164906-00165566 My previous company BMW has the most advanced factory in China and not in Germany. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00439-00165566-00165817 So, you have to go where the talent is. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00440-00165817-00166562 And China is very open to the collaboration and appreciative of the global talent that PeWsrg-yk-Q-00441-00166562-00166682 comes in. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00442-00166682-00167114 And I think this is a major difference to my home country, Germany, but also to what PeWsrg-yk-Q-00443-00167114-00167852 I see here in the US, is that other areas in the world are getting more and more protective PeWsrg-yk-Q-00444-00167852-00168376 of what they have, while China is opening up more and at the same time, gaining speed. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00445-00168376-00168968 28:04 Florian Baur: And I think if you have that mentality of not being able to do the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00446-00168968-00169322 stuff alone, you have to partner with the best, and it doesn't matter whether they're PeWsrg-yk-Q-00447-00169322-00170037 in Scandinavia, whether they're in Antarctica or in the Bay Area or in China, you just have PeWsrg-yk-Q-00448-00170037-00170632 to go there and convince the best people to work with you and collaborate on the best PeWsrg-yk-Q-00449-00170632-00170908 possible solution for the consumer. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00450-00170908-00171244 So with consumer relevance, not just for the technology's sake. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00451-00171244-00171566 And I think that's best understood in China right now. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00452-00171566-00171793 And of course, you have 1.3-1.4 billion customers potentially. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00453-00171793-00171937 28:39 Paul Matzko: It's a big market. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00454-00171937-00172037 Yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00455-00172037-00172527 28:39 Florian Baur: So it's a huge market in itself, so there's a lot of money for subsidizing PeWsrg-yk-Q-00456-00172527-00173204 and incentivizing companies to build up their R&D or production facilities in cities that PeWsrg-yk-Q-00457-00173204-00173886 have been super small in the past 100 years, and now are growing at a rapid pace, overtaking PeWsrg-yk-Q-00458-00173886-00174403 major European cities already in two, three years' time. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00459-00174403-00174999 And they already start building cities with full connectivity of... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00460-00174999-00175267 Everything is connected, like Internet of Things and stuff. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00461-00175267-00175402 29:13 Paul Matzko: Right. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00462-00175402-00175537 They're building cities from scratch with that capability in there. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00463-00175537-00175891 29:17 Florian Baur: They're building the infrastructure, it's ready for autonomous driving. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00464-00175891-00176458 And this is why you'll see the autonomous driving space will grow in these areas with PeWsrg-yk-Q-00465-00176458-00176618 these cities. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00466-00176618-00176932 And I think that's the unique bit about China. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00467-00176932-00177083 China is still very hungry. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00468-00177083-00177528 You walk around in the Bay Area, everyone has already collected enough stock options. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00469-00177528-00177988 I mean, I'm exaggerating a little bit, but it's the general vibe that you feel in the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00470-00177988-00178088 Bay Area. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00471-00178088-00178188 29:41 Paul Matzko: It's contentment in a sense. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00472-00178188-00178288 29:41 Florian Baur: Exactly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00473-00178288-00178914 And people are more focused on their work/life balance here and then you go to China and PeWsrg-yk-Q-00474-00178914-00179787 people might not have the skill in every discipline yet, but they're hungry, and they're hardworking, PeWsrg-yk-Q-00475-00179787-00179988 and they're committed, and they're listening. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00476-00179988-00180430 And they're appreciative of, as I said, the expert knowledge that you bring. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00477-00180430-00181044 They're no longer here to copy, they're now here to really think about solving real problems PeWsrg-yk-Q-00478-00181044-00181468 and how to bring an existing product or an existing service to the next level, and I PeWsrg-yk-Q-00479-00181468-00182283 think it's super enjoyable to work in this global setup with the best people from anywhere PeWsrg-yk-Q-00480-00182283-00182383 in the world. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00481-00182383-00182506 I hope I answered some of... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00482-00182506-00182606 [overlapping conversation] PeWsrg-yk-Q-00483-00182606-00182910 30:26 Paul Matzko: No, yeah, I think all three of them, I threw a bunch at you all at the PeWsrg-yk-Q-00484-00182910-00183010 same time. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00485-00183010-00183721 Well, I think one of your fellow Byton representatives mentioned that there were some 400 plus AV PeWsrg-yk-Q-00486-00183721-00184160 companies or AV adjacent companies operating in China right now. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00487-00184160-00184635 It's the single biggest locus of AV development. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00488-00184635-00184930 So it's truly remarkable what's going on over there. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00489-00184930-00185122 There was actually a really good... PeWsrg-yk-Q-00490-00185122-00185618 We did an episode for Building Tomorrow for this podcast about the transformation of China PeWsrg-yk-Q-00491-00185618-00186160 and the ways in which the country is leapfrogging the US, the tech adoption rates on everything PeWsrg-yk-Q-00492-00186160-00186572 from digital payment systems to drone deliveries, you name it. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00493-00186572-00186744 31:05 Florian Baur: Exactly. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00494-00186744-00187543 They didn't have PCs for a long time, but now they do mobile payments in every, let's PeWsrg-yk-Q-00495-00187543-00187798 say, segment of the society, right? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00496-00187798-00187905 31:18 Paul Matzko: Yeah, yeah. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00497-00187905-00188005 It's truly remarkable. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00498-00188005-00188455 Well, Florian, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me and I think our listeners PeWsrg-yk-Q-00499-00188455-00188895 will understand a lot more about what Byton's doing and a little more about the AV space. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00500-00188895-00188995 So thanks for your time. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00501-00188995-00189391 31:29 Florian Baur: And please tell your user or listeners to download the Byton app. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00502-00189391-00189983 It's free and they can bring our M-Byte concept into their living room if they have a dual PeWsrg-yk-Q-00503-00189983-00190469 camera phone because we have an augmented reality feature on our app. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00504-00190469-00190928 And if you want, you can already sign up and get more information, get invitations for PeWsrg-yk-Q-00505-00190928-00191332 our upcoming events in your area and stay tuned. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00506-00191332-00191456 31:53 Paul Matzko: Great, thank you so much. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00507-00191456-00191556 [pause] PeWsrg-yk-Q-00508-00191556-00191938 31:55 Paul Matzko: As you listen to this interview, you might have been thinking of Episode 9 PeWsrg-yk-Q-00509-00191938-00192052 of Building Tomorrow. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00510-00192052-00192315 Is China beating the US innovation? PeWsrg-yk-Q-00511-00192315-00192781 We recorded the episode prior to TechCrunch, but everything I saw at this conference confirm PeWsrg-yk-Q-00512-00192781-00193349 that yes, indeed, China is in pole position to be the site of the next autonomous vehicle PeWsrg-yk-Q-00513-00193349-00193559 style Silicon Valley. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00514-00193559-00193963 Now, even though there's always the chance that the authoritarian central government PeWsrg-yk-Q-00515-00193963-00194519 could shoot itself in its economic foot, tech startups that do have the favor of the Communist PeWsrg-yk-Q-00516-00194519-00195010 Party on their side can innovate mostly free from regulation, and they don't have to deal PeWsrg-yk-Q-00517-00195010-00195528 with the welter of regulatory bodies that a startup has to in the United States, from PeWsrg-yk-Q-00518-00195528-00196028 the San Francisco City Council deciding they don't like scooters, or the Federal Aeronautics PeWsrg-yk-Q-00519-00196028-00196331 Administration deciding they don't like flight sharing. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00520-00196331-00196431 And that's it for this week. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00521-00196431-00196803 And in fact, that's it for our TechCrunch Disrupt series of episodes. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00522-00196803-00197121 Thank you for listening and until next week, be well. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00523-00197121-00197221 [music] PeWsrg-yk-Q-00524-00197221-00197516 32:52 Paul Matzko: Building Tomorrow is produced by Tess Terrible. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00525-00197516-00198019 If you enjoy our show, please rate, review and subscribe to us on iTunes, or wherever PeWsrg-yk-Q-00526-00198019-00198126 you get your podcasts. PeWsrg-yk-Q-00527-00198126-00198637 To learn about Building Tomorrow or to discover other great podcasts, visit us on the web PeWsrg-yk-Q-00528-00198637-00198763 at libertarianism.org. PfYU_guqkUo-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 4090 vs RTX 3090 | Far Cry 5 BENCHMARK Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00000-00000090-00000374 Back in 1911 Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00001-00000405-00001148 Dr. Sun Yat-sen brought up this radical new idea a republic of citizens or Min-Guo Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00002-00001188-00001458 The republic of citizens means Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00003-00001482-00002072 that not only the citizens can participate in democracy through representative voting power Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00004-00002092-00002372 But they can also participate directly Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00005-00002396-00002880 through referenda through recourse and through the citizens assembly Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00006-00002880-00003364 this constitutional spirit of a republic belonging directly to the citizens Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00007-00003390-00003842 and not only to the representatives gained a new life in Taiwan Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00008-00003842-00004064 and through the cyberspace Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00009-00004064-00004450 The digital culture is based on the idea of multistakeholderism Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00010-00004450-00004892 This word means that anyone who is affected by any policy Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00011-00004926-00005366 has the right to say that they want to participate in that policy Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00012-00005366-00005710 and the binding power is now through coercive power Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00013-00005710-00006402 but through a deliberation between people of different positions different ideologies, but then with a shared value Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00014-00006402-00006890 through the Internet we have successfully enacted Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00015-00006890-00007431 Dr. Sun Yat-sen idea of direct democracy through a collecting for referenda Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00016-00007431-00008115 through a petition through sandbox applications and through the presidential hackathon Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00017-00008116-00008904 I would say that previously the internet enabled only people who text or message Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00018-00008904-00009204 or sent pictures or now videos with each other Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00019-00009264-00009839 But now with the latest in immersive reality as well as 5G networks Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00020-00009870-00010198 We can bring the democracy everywhere Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00021-00010198-00010982 I personally tour around Taiwan to the indigenous nations to the rural places to the offshore islands Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00022-00011046-00011518 Everywhere I bring with myself the idea of the problem as a human right Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00023-00011518-00011992 so we can deliberate based on the local citizens initiatives Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00024-00012024-00012454 and agendas setting power and bring forth all the municipalities Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00025-00012454-00013086 and all the ministerial organs into a single virtual connected space Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00026-00013162-00013568 this is a public of citizens Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00027-00013586-00014213 where people is not satisfied only by providing two or three bits every four years Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00028-00014232-00014730 But rather they can participate day to day in a national participation platform Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00029-00014730-00014966 join.gov.tw Pgf0DBk0sLQ-00030-00014966-00015697 that has now more than 10 million visitors out of 23 million people in the republic of citizens Ph44XGHQVh4-00000-00001288-00002064 Hey Girl what's goin on Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00000-00001070-00001365 Item #: SCP-1775 Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00001-00001365-00001534 Object Class: Euclid Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00002-00001534-00002175 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1775 has been designated as a condemned building; a Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00003-00002175-00002685 barbed wire fence has been constructed around a 20 metre radius to deter unauthorized access. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00004-00002685-00003314 Inquiries into the status of SCP-1775 are to be fielded by Samuel Clark Properties, Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00005-00003314-00003645 a Foundation construction front. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00006-00003645-00004431 During SCP-1775's active phase, researchers are to monitor SCP-1775-X instances for any Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00007-00004431-00005011 deviations in movement and behavior patterns; should any deviations be noted, the current Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00008-00005011-00005425 head researcher of SCP-1775 is to be informed without delay. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00009-00005425-00006402 Description: SCP-1775 is an abandoned ████ Department Store, located in Detroit, Michigan. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00010-00006402-00007090 SCP-1775 was closed in 1979 and shows wear and damage typical of Detroit's urban decay, Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00011-00007090-00007524 with interior support beams and ceilings in advanced stages of neglect. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00012-00007524-00007954 Although similar in appearance and condition to other abandoned buildings in the Detroit Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00013-00007954-00008640 area, SCP-1775 is distinguishable by the lack of any evidence of impromptu human habitation Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00014-00008640-00009114 ("squatting"), such as trash and makeshift bedding. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00015-00009114-00009765 SCP-1775's anomalous properties manifest between the hours of 09:00 and 20:00 every day of Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00016-00009765-00010003 the week excluding Sunday. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00017-00010003-00010482 During this time, the damage to its interior will be repaired, restoring it to near perfect Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00018-00010482-00011095 condition: walls will be repainted, crumbling support beams are restored, etc. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00019-00011095-00011688 Despite these cosmetic changes, the interior of SCP-1775 will remain devoid of any material Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00020-00011688-00012249 not present prior to the activation event, with the exception of SCP-1775-X. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00021-00012249-00013009 SCP-1775-X (where "X" designates a number) are a series of humanoid spectral entities Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00022-00013009-00013649 that manifest within the interior of SCP-1775 during an activation event. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00023-00013649-00014503 Aside from occasional deviations (see Addendum 1775-A), SCP-1775-X instances follow a set Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00024-00014503-00014868 pattern of behavior during all activation events. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00025-00014868-00015288 All attempts to interact with or directly alter their behavior patterns have failed Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00026-00015288-00015548 due to their intangible nature. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00027-00015548-00016320 After the cessation of an SCP-1775 activation event at 20:00 hours, SCP-1775-X instances Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00028-00016320-00017048 will vanish, and the interior of SCP-1775 will once again resemble its inactive state. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00029-00017048-00017654 Attempts to observe SCP-1775 during this transition have been met with failure: recording equipment Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00030-00017654-00018226 (including personnel tracking devices) placed in the interior spontaneously fails, and personnel Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00031-00018226-00018624 present during the shift have never been recovered. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00032-00018624-00018895 SCP-1775-X Behavior Log Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00033-00018895-00019789 Entity: SCP-1775-3 Period of Activity: 11:00-17:00, Monday-Thursday Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00034-00019789-00020273 Description: Manifests near a shelf at the back of the store. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00035-00020273-00020790 Spends the entirety of the manifestation event bending down, picking up nonexistent objects, Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00036-00020790-00021262 and "placing" them on the shelf. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00037-00021262-00021837 Entity: SCP-1775-9 Period of Activity: 9:00-18:00, Tuesday-Saturday Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00038-00021837-00022295 Description: Manifests behind a counter at the front of the store. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00039-00022295-00022717 Currently theorized to be a cashier (despite no equipment being present). Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00040-00022717-00023193 Frequently moves its fingers up and down in a typing motion in front of its "register", Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00041-00023193-00023589 occasionally pausing to make motions with its hands resembling the removal and organization Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00042-00023589-00023856 of cash. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00043-00023856-00024398 Entity: SCP-1775-29 Period of Activity: 9:00-20:00, Monday-Saturday Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00044-00024398-00025142 Description: Stands near the entrance to the store, holding its hands behind its back. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00045-00025142-00025529 When a person enters the store, it will briefly wave at them before returning to its previous Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00046-00025529-00025629 stance. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00047-00025629-00026083 To date, it has never shown any signs of movement unless a person enters the store. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00048-00026083-00026920 Addendum 1775-A: On several occasions, SCP-1775-X instances have deviated from their recorded Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00049-00026920-00027020 behavior. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00050-00027020-00027387 A brief summary of these deviations is provided below: Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00051-00027387-00027886 Entity: SCP-1775-3 Date: █/█/████ Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00052-00027886-00028410 Deviation: Before placing another item on the shelf, it placed its hands over its head Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00053-00028410-00028831 and assumed a fetal position; it remained in this position until the event ended at Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00054-00028831-00029018 20:00. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00055-00029018-00029579 Entity: SCP-1775-9 Date: █/█/████ Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00056-00029579-00030144 Deviation: Stepped away from the counter and covered its face in its hands, in an apparent Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00057-00030144-00030244 sign of despondence. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00058-00030244-00030791 After 30 minutes, it ceased this action and resumed its normal behavior. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00059-00030791-00031298 Entity: SCP-1775-██ Date: █/█/████ Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00060-00031298-00031801 Deviation: Ran from its manifestation point in the west side of the store to the east Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00061-00031801-00032025 side, colliding with the opposite wall. Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00062-00032025-00032551 After colliding, it rapidly punched the wall for approximately 3 hours before collapsing Pj1qOlK6Mzc-00063-00032551-00032857 and remaining motionless until the event ended at 20:00. PlRYZmg9hDI-00000-00000112-00000342 Hey, this is Wes Shields with EXP Realty! PlRYZmg9hDI-00001-00000342-00000706 I'm coming to you today from 2401 Huffine Circle. PlRYZmg9hDI-00002-00000706-00001424 Super, super excited about this little house Has not come on the market yet PlRYZmg9hDI-00003-00001424-00001839 Will come on the market this weekend We'll be holding an open house here Sunday, PlRYZmg9hDI-00004-00001839-00002213 from 2 to 4 If you know anyone who needs a great, little PlRYZmg9hDI-00005-00002213-00002703 house, this house is a little over 1700, almost 1800 square feet, it's all been redone. PlRYZmg9hDI-00006-00002703-00002817 It is gorgeous! PlRYZmg9hDI-00007-00002817-00003068 Corner lot, walking distance to the school (ETSU) PlRYZmg9hDI-00008-00003068-00003472 Come out and see us 2 to 4, we'll answer all your questions, and this one won't last long, PlRYZmg9hDI-00009-00003472-00003600 so bring a contract! PmeQRl7r5fQ-00000-00000061-00000570 Okay, first try to ignore my BS, there is something wrong with me today! PmeQRl7r5fQ-00001-00000570-00001078 And second, it is true that GNOME Files hasn't much of development the last year. PmeQRl7r5fQ-00002-00001078-00001386 And I don't think much will happen till GTK 4 port. PmeQRl7r5fQ-00003-00001460-00001971 But one thing that can be fixed until then, is the locations auto-completion story. PmeQRl7r5fQ-00004-00001971-00002539 Very very well known story, we go on location mode and simply we don't get places autocomplete. PmeQRl7r5fQ-00005-00002697-00003272 Then we have this merge request by James Westman, that works in GNOME for fun and experience! PmeQRl7r5fQ-00006-00003272-00003642 And so he is fixing bugs that annoy him, and everyone else really! PmeQRl7r5fQ-00007-00003642-00003907 And that was a very nice message! PmeQRl7r5fQ-00008-00003907-00004364 So going to Builder and try the merge request with a super fast Flatpak build. PmeQRl7r5fQ-00009-00005830-00006259 And now we get this super useful drop down with our potential choices. PmeQRl7r5fQ-00010-00006259-00006694 The implementation isn't perfect, and James actually explains the issues, PmeQRl7r5fQ-00011-00006694-00006842 but you get the idea! PnKu0RSfEbU-00000-00000296-00000496 Hello, this is Hoshik TV. PnKu0RSfEbU-00001-00001113-00001313 A cute baby hamster PnKu0RSfEbU-00002-00002252-00002452 This is a newborn baby PnKu0RSfEbU-00003-00003456-00003682 not so afraid... PnKu0RSfEbU-00004-00004290-00004532 Subscriptions and likes are love♡ PnKu0RSfEbU-00005-00004946-00005241 good luck everyone ^^ PnRwmcMhhB4-00000-00000010-00000063 THEY TAKE DOWN BSU TONIGHT BY A PnRwmcMhhB4-00001-00000063-00000070 THEY TAKE DOWN BSU TONIGHT BY A PnRwmcMhhB4-00002-00000070-00000363 THEY TAKE DOWN BSU TONIGHT BY A FINAL OF 5-2. PnRwmcMhhB4-00003-00000363-00000370 THEY TAKE DOWN BSU TONIGHT BY A FINAL OF 5-2. PnRwmcMhhB4-00004-00000370-00000500 THEY TAKE DOWN BSU TONIGHT BY A FINAL OF 5-2. >>> HITTING THE HARDWOOD, BSU PnRwmcMhhB4-00005-00000500-00000507 FINAL OF 5-2. >>> HITTING THE HARDWOOD, BSU PnRwmcMhhB4-00006-00000507-00000777 FINAL OF 5-2. >>> HITTING THE HARDWOOD, BSU MEN TAKING ON NUMBER 24 PnRwmcMhhB4-00007-00000777-00000784 >>> HITTING THE HARDWOOD, BSU MEN TAKING ON NUMBER 24 PnRwmcMhhB4-00008-00000784-00000847 >>> HITTING THE HARDWOOD, BSU MEN TAKING ON NUMBER 24 MSU-MOORHEAD. PnRwmcMhhB4-00009-00000847-00000854 MEN TAKING ON NUMBER 24 MSU-MOORHEAD. PnRwmcMhhB4-00010-00000854-00001104 MEN TAKING ON NUMBER 24 MSU-MOORHEAD. EARLY ON, DEVERS DOWN SEVEN. PnRwmcMhhB4-00011-00001104-00001111 MSU-MOORHEAD. EARLY ON, DEVERS DOWN SEVEN. PnRwmcMhhB4-00012-00001111-00001591 MSU-MOORHEAD. EARLY ON, DEVERS DOWN SEVEN. SHANE WHITE FINISHES STRONG IN PnRwmcMhhB4-00013-00001591-00001598 EARLY ON, DEVERS DOWN SEVEN. SHANE WHITE FINISHES STRONG IN PnRwmcMhhB4-00014-00001598-00001661 EARLY ON, DEVERS DOWN SEVEN. SHANE WHITE FINISHES STRONG IN TRAFFIC. PnRwmcMhhB4-00015-00001661-00001668 SHANE WHITE FINISHES STRONG IN TRAFFIC. PnRwmcMhhB4-00016-00001668-00001871 SHANE WHITE FINISHES STRONG IN TRAFFIC. HE HAD 13 OFF THE BENCH. PnRwmcMhhB4-00017-00001871-00001878 TRAFFIC. HE HAD 13 OFF THE BENCH. PnRwmcMhhB4-00018-00001878-00002132 TRAFFIC. HE HAD 13 OFF THE BENCH. THE LEAD GETS CUT TO FIVE. PnRwmcMhhB4-00019-00002132-00002138 HE HAD 13 OFF THE BENCH. THE LEAD GETS CUT TO FIVE. PnRwmcMhhB4-00020-00002138-00002258 HE HAD 13 OFF THE BENCH. THE LEAD GETS CUT TO FIVE. LATER, THE BRIEFS CUTTING THE PnRwmcMhhB4-00021-00002258-00002265 THE LEAD GETS CUT TO FIVE. LATER, THE BRIEFS CUTTING THE PnRwmcMhhB4-00022-00002265-00002465 THE LEAD GETS CUT TO FIVE. LATER, THE BRIEFS CUTTING THE LEAD. PnRwmcMhhB4-00023-00002465-00002472 LATER, THE BRIEFS CUTTING THE LEAD. PnRwmcMhhB4-00024-00002472-00002619 LATER, THE BRIEFS CUTTING THE LEAD. SOME MORE LUCAS. PnRwmcMhhB4-00025-00002619-00002625 LEAD. SOME MORE LUCAS. PnRwmcMhhB4-00026-00002625-00002766 LEAD. SOME MORE LUCAS. THERE'S A THREE. PnRwmcMhhB4-00027-00002766-00002772 SOME MORE LUCAS. THERE'S A THREE. PnRwmcMhhB4-00028-00002772-00003156 SOME MORE LUCAS. THERE'S A THREE. LEAD CUT TO ONE. PnRwmcMhhB4-00029-00003156-00003163 THERE'S A THREE. LEAD CUT TO ONE. PnRwmcMhhB4-00030-00003163-00003263 THERE'S A THREE. LEAD CUT TO ONE. MOORHEAD OVERPOWERING THE PnRwmcMhhB4-00031-00003263-00003269 LEAD CUT TO ONE. MOORHEAD OVERPOWERING THE PnRwmcMhhB4-00032-00003269-00003423 LEAD CUT TO ONE. MOORHEAD OVERPOWERING THE BEAVERS IN THIS ONE. PnRwmcMhhB4-00033-00003423-00003429 MOORHEAD OVERPOWERING THE BEAVERS IN THIS ONE. PnRwmcMhhB4-00034-00003429-00003610 MOORHEAD OVERPOWERING THE BEAVERS IN THIS ONE. HE LED ALL SCORES WITH 19. PnRwmcMhhB4-00035-00003610-00003616 BEAVERS IN THIS ONE. HE LED ALL SCORES WITH 19. PnRwmcMhhB4-00036-00003616-00003660 BEAVERS IN THIS ONE. HE LED ALL SCORES WITH 19. THEY TAKE DOWN BSU 102-78. Qo4RGGGsl7u-00000-00000259-00000554 watts family vlog Q1SdHPzWBgy-00000-00002067-00002330 The alarm is on. I'm going to watch it. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00001-00002468-00002587 Is it fun? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00002-00003274-00003404 Hello. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00003-00003481-00003715 Can I start? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00004-00003772-00003940 Hello, MOA. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00005-00004110-00004288 HUENINGKAI is here. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00006-00004461-00004646 So, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00007-00004816-00005020 I turned it on Q1SdHPzWBgy-00008-00005020-00005373 because I missed you, MOA. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00009-00005469-00005693 For now, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00010-00005693-00006074 we are in the fourth city Q1SdHPzWBgy-00011-00006074-00006409 Dallas. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00012-00006528-00006693 We are here. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00013-00006809-00006973 So, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00014-00007053-00007275 what was I going to talk about? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00015-00007380-00007552 Before that, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00016-00007570-00007970 I was curious about this flavor. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00017-00008012-00008218 This one. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00018-00008307-00008547 This is my favorite cereal flavor, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00019-00008547-00008821 but this is drinks. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00020-00008888-00009245 So, I'm curious about Q1SdHPzWBgy-00021-00009503-00009788 how it tastes. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00022-00009863-00010028 Well. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00023-00010178-00010411 How will it taste? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00024-00010434-00010779 Just in case, let me shake it. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00025-00011517-00011978 YEONJUN asked me to leave a review after trying it. Let me do this in front of MOA. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00026-00012539-00012793 It has proteins, too. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00027-00013253-00013498 It tastes like this. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00028-00013592-00013842 After you pour cereal Q1SdHPzWBgy-00029-00013860-00014220 and milk. After you eat all cereal, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00030-00014220-00014431 you have leftover milk. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00031-00014431-00014565 It tastes like that. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00032-00014688-00014871 Exactly like it. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00033-00014979-00015434 It's tasty since I like this cereal. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00034-00015455-00015626 Just, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00035-00015694-00015910 sweet milk. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00036-00015948-00016408 Less sweeter than strawberry milk. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00037-00016408-00016580 Something like that. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00038-00016742-00017031 If you find strawberry too sweet, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00039-00017031-00017245 you should try this. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00040-00017276-00017408 Anyway, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00041-00017528-00017678 I saw something. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00042-00017894-00018056 "Who's next to you?" Q1SdHPzWBgy-00043-00018229-00018613 My roommate is TAEHYUN. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00044-00018654-00019003 - Hi. - He's going to watch it, too. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00045-00019046-00019224 I should bring popcorns. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00046-00019287-00019449 Funny. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00047-00019499-00019708 He's watching this next to me. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00048-00019825-00020010 Yes. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00049-00020142-00020568 Did I have meals? Yes. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00050-00020615-00020936 Before the stages, I ate well. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00051-00020936-00021203 Here it's 12 am. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00052-00021234-00021636 Is it 2 there? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00053-00021739-00022101 Isn't it Friday today? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00054-00022101-00022276 Friday. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00055-00022357-00022691 - Friday. - 2 pm on Friday. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00056-00022691-00023077 Then, you should be either working or at school. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00057-00023116-00023475 Should I scream now? Are you watching this in secret? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00058-00023569-00023931 Thank you so much for watching this. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00059-00024065-00024302 What time will I go to bed? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00060-00024634-00024931 I'm not sure. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00061-00024936-00025258 I go to sleep when I get tired. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00062-00025258-00025405 Time is not fixed. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00063-00026699-00027117 This is a pillow. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00064-00027614-00027954 School finished early since it's summer vacation. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00065-00027954-00028148 Right, summer vacation. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00066-00028224-00028494 You should go to water parks. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00067-00028987-00029315 Other members. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00068-00029315-00029704 I'm not sure. I think they are getting ready to go to sleep. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00069-00030400-00030733 A doll? Hold on. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00070-00030816-00030985 The doll. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00071-00033047-00033241 The doll. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00072-00033259-00033630 I brought this one. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00073-00033752-00033953 You brought the doll here. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00074-00034022-00034428 - My sister gave this to me. - So pretty. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00075-00034483-00034697 - So cute. - Right. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00076-00034697-00035019 - It was a gift. - Why didn't I think of that? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00077-00035126-00035428 My sister gave this to me to cuddle while sleeping. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00078-00035428-00035722 Thank you. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00079-00035954-00036316 We are going to Huston next. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00080-00036316-00036634 We will do a concert there. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00081-00036634-00036865 We have three cities left. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00082-00037898-00038178 What do I want to have the most when I get back to Korea? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00083-00038178-00038398 Cold noodles. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00084-00038582-00038976 I want to eat cold noodles. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00085-00040519-00040697 Thank you. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00086-00040992-00041392 Thank you for many heartwarming messages. It's touching. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00087-00041591-00041769 Isn't it so cute? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00088-00041910-00042235 Thank you. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00089-00042934-00043340 "I will eat cold noodles on behalf of you" You got me. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00090-00043377-00043663 I mocked you a lot before. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00091-00043663-00043836 I deserve this. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00092-00044447-00044794 Out of food I had in the U.S.? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00093-00044794-00044976 Brunch. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00094-00044976-00045190 For breakfast. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00095-00045230-00045783 Scrambled eggs and pancakes are so good. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00096-00047359-00047530 Right. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00097-00047530-00047818 MOA, what are you doing now? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00098-00047877-00048048 It's weekend tomorrow. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00099-00048068-00048320 You should all have fun. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00100-00048825-00048998 Where? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00101-00049049-00049341 I think I saw something. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00102-00049343-00049491 Never mind. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00103-00049764-00049952 Schools? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00104-00050214-00050590 It's the vacation season. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00105-00051276-00051479 I left Molang. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00106-00051479-00051639 I couldn't bring it. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00107-00052309-00052852 I bought this drink from the convenience store. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00108-00052927-00053338 The convenience store was cool. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00109-00053458-00053769 Food there is also good. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00110-00054564-00054846 What I think of travelling. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00111-00054846-00055158 Well, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00112-00055158-00055481 it's been 3 years since I visited here last time. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00113-00055524-00055691 It's new. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00114-00055729-00055918 New, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00115-00056157-00056461 and jet lags are messed up. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00116-00056461-00056765 But, it doesn't bother me to perform. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00117-00058637-00058854 Concert today. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00118-00058879-00059119 It was so hot. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00119-00059166-00059440 The concert was so hot. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00120-00059487-00059649 For real. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00121-00060011-00060216 Well, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00122-00060273-00060619 I noticed many of our fans. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00123-00060696-00060995 They were having so much fun. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00124-00061237-00061464 It was so much fun. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00125-00062445-00062675 "Did you drink grape juice?" Q1SdHPzWBgy-00126-00062748-00063145 I didn't drink it these days. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00127-00063145-00063427 I'm drinking apple juice more. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00128-00063427-00063612 I'm so into it. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00129-00063658-00063795 It's so good. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00130-00063952-00064202 I will buy them both when I get back to Korea. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00131-00065195-00065495 I haven't named this doll. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00132-00065500-00065703 Can you name it? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00133-00067561-00067814 I'm using the room with TAEHYUN. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00134-00068155-00068339 I'm his roommate. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00135-00068357-00068717 He asked me, actually. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00136-00068767-00068957 When we were asked Q1SdHPzWBgy-00137-00068957-00069256 about roommates for hotel. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00138-00069256-00069714 TAEHYUN said my name right away. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00139-00069714-00070023 So I had no choice. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00140-00070023-00070461 He wanted it so much, so I couldn't reject him. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00141-00070544-00070818 You are creating a rumor. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00142-00071050-00071355 - You were cute. - He's comfortable to stay with. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00143-00071355-00071651 Right, you are so cute. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00144-00072826-00072997 "What did you eat today?" Q1SdHPzWBgy-00145-00073019-00073243 I had BBQ. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00146-00073422-00073704 It's so amazing. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00147-00073704-00074070 It was the whole thing and so good. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00148-00074088-00074257 On the outside, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00149-00074316-00074648 it was hard, but inside, it was so soft. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00150-00074648-00074831 It was so good. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00151-00074887-00075173 I had it with sauce. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00152-00076341-00076724 Isn't my front hair long now? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00153-00076843-00077103 I tried so hard. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00154-00077175-00077517 It's been a year getting it back. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00155-00079417-00079661 For the sauce. What should I say? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00156-00079661-00079995 I eat sauce for pork cutlets. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00157-00080035-00080368 I don't eat ketchup or mustard. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00158-00080396-00080735 I eat sauce for pork cutlets. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00159-00083229-00083387 Well, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00160-00083521-00083729 my color stays on well. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00161-00083807-00084003 It's black now. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00162-00085273-00085505 Today, "5 Nights on a Business Trip" is on? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00163-00085560-00085719 I didn't know. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00164-00085778-00085990 It's on today. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00165-00086057-00086182 Really? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00166-00086531-00086727 Please enjoy it. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00167-00088174-00088564 It's on today. We had so much fun filming it. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00168-00088817-00089121 It was like a field day for real. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00169-00089258-00089602 I got to meet PD Nah Young Seok in person. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00170-00089641-00089786 So amazing. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00171-00089811-00090216 It was like meeting a celebrity in person. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00172-00091278-00091432 8 hours later... then.. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00173-00091432-00091787 I think it will be aired around 10 PM. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00174-00091818-00092050 What I want to eat right now? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00175-00092097-00092352 I don't have any specific thing in mind. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00176-00092379-00092647 I am not that hungry. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00177-00093747-00094005 "MINIONS 2" is available! Q1SdHPzWBgy-00178-00094005-00094270 I've seen the 1st movie. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00179-00094270-00094552 I think it's been a long time since the first movie. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00180-00094597-00094762 I shall go and watch if possible. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00181-00094762-00095103 There are so many movies that I missed. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00182-00095259-00095488 There are so many fun movies in the theatre. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00183-00097070-00097280 Today is your birthday! Q1SdHPzWBgy-00184-00097280-00097447 Happy birthday. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00185-00098811-00099123 Right, we was trying to name this doll. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00186-00099123-00099588 What shall I call you? What should be your name? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00187-00101370-00101576 Huchako? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00188-00102140-00102348 It has a real name! Q1SdHPzWBgy-00189-00102724-00102877 Huchako! Q1SdHPzWBgy-00190-00102877-00103067 I think it's fine. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00191-00103067-00103430 We can make a combination. Sorry. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00192-00103813-00104186 Okay, you are Huchako. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00193-00104275-00104392 Okay. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00194-00106535-00106774 Did you have lunch, MOA? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00195-00107054-00107373 Usually you may eat at 12. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00196-00107580-00108104 Don't you eat lunch from 12-1 in office? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00197-00108180-00108513 I think lunch time was similar in school too. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00198-00111400-00111729 Did you have ramen? You should have eaten better. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00199-00111729-00111941 But ramen does taste good. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00200-00111941-00112163 It's really convenient to eat too. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00201-00112326-00112848 I think it's the best food out of the ones that you can make real quick. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00202-00115070-00115261 Good. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00203-00115443-00115628 Already! Q1SdHPzWBgy-00204-00115782-00116100 We did concert at 4 cities. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00205-00116128-00116400 We only have 3 cities left. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00206-00116400-00116555 Time flies. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00207-00116583-00116819 I think it will pass real quick. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00208-00117061-00117472 I always have amazing experience. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00209-00117524-00117949 Well even in the US, the time zone is different. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00210-00118224-00118787 Let's say, when moving from Atlanta to Dallas, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00211-00118816-00119272 if the plane time is 3PM to 5PM, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00212-00119272-00119496 if we say it takes about 2 hours, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00213-00119599-00119892 we arrive in Dallas at 4PM. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00214-00120283-00120967 Because of the time gap, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00215-00121129-00121445 I felt like I moved back to the past. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00216-00121533-00121685 So, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00217-00121752-00122171 if I arrive there, I feel like only 1 hour passed. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00218-00122171-00122321 That was really weird. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00219-00124519-00125016 Ah, my sister bought this for me. She told me to hold him when going to bed. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00220-00125816-00126301 "This is a really amazing experience. So cool". Q1SdHPzWBgy-00221-00126301-00126460 Thank you. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00222-00126596-00126776 It was fun. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00223-00129349-00129858 Isn't there a heart like this? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00224-00129858-00130471 My fingers are not flexible, so I can't. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00225-00130584-00130750 Does it look like a heart? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00226-00130750-00131038 This was cool. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00227-00131171-00131478 You have to put these straight, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00228-00131478-00131660 and bend them here. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00229-00131660-00131794 I can't. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00230-00131850-00131982 Like... Q1SdHPzWBgy-00231-00132166-00132357 I can't. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00232-00132608-00133149 My fingers can't bend that much, right? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00233-00133354-00133496 Like Q1SdHPzWBgy-00234-00133700-00134433 your fingers are supposed to touch the ground when you do this Q1SdHPzWBgy-00235-00134433-00134643 but I can't. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00236-00135029-00135384 Okay, that's today's TMI. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00237-00136034-00136276 Above the index finger? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00238-00136395-00136570 It's harder. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00239-00137383-00137694 What I did on the plane? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00240-00137728-00137902 I... Q1SdHPzWBgy-00241-00138031-00138199 Switch. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00242-00138245-00138697 Zelda. I've been playing Zelda. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00243-00138852-00139034 I started late. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00244-00139034-00139151 It was popular. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00245-00139151-00139436 I think it still is. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00246-00139436-00139851 It's a famous game. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00247-00139968-00140214 I was told I should play it on Switch. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00248-00140269-00140555 Zelda and Odyssey were a must. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00249-00140586-00140888 That's why I started. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00250-00142088-00142323 "Drama vs movie." Q1SdHPzWBgy-00251-00142323-00142726 It doesn't matter. I like them both. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00252-00142959-00143735 Dramas give me longer impression Q1SdHPzWBgy-00253-00143735-00144017 but fun... Q1SdHPzWBgy-00254-00144017-00144262 Dramas are fun too but Q1SdHPzWBgy-00255-00144444-00144568 movies Q1SdHPzWBgy-00256-00144568-00145153 show a lot of things in a short amount of time, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00257-00145153-00145765 so I watch movies if I want to feel the thrill. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00258-00146991-00147140 Good. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00259-00147251-00147734 I'll read two more comments and have a photo time. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00260-00149220-00149761 Movie. What would be a good movie? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00261-00151664-00151817 Okay. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00262-00152052-00152359 I haven't watched "The Witch: Part 2". Q1SdHPzWBgy-00263-00152359-00152636 There are a lot of good movies right now. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00264-00152892-00153082 I missed so many of them. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00265-00153373-00153841 Right. "Thor". I forgot. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00266-00153841-00154021 So many movies to watch. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00267-00154844-00155033 "Today's TMI"? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00268-00155057-00155244 I woke up at 4am. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00269-00155244-00155448 Yesterday, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00270-00155525-00155730 we traveled Q1SdHPzWBgy-00271-00155782-00156121 from one city to this city. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00272-00156177-00156481 We didn't have a schedule. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00273-00156481-00156757 I fell asleep right after I arrived. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00274-00156886-00157125 So I woke up at 4 am. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00275-00157125-00157640 I woke up at 1am, went back to sleep, and woke up at 4. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00276-00157954-00158150 I had a good sleep though. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00277-00158197-00158463 I worked out in the morning Q1SdHPzWBgy-00278-00158542-00158803 and had a concert. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00279-00159149-00159426 That would be enough. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00280-00159464-00159589 Very... Q1SdHPzWBgy-00281-00159704-00159945 No, I want to read more. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00282-00160251-00160494 Did I meet my family? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00283-00160494-00160639 Of course. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00284-00160639-00161054 I saw my dad after 3 years. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00285-00161270-00161972 My granddad was supposed to come, Q1SdHPzWBgy-00286-00161972-00162511 but he got COVID. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00287-00162511-00162992 So unfortunately, I couldn't see him. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00288-00162992-00163163 I missed him. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00289-00163303-00163579 But my grandma came. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00290-00163762-00164081 That was Chicago. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00291-00164157-00164483 Grandma, uncle, dad... Q1SdHPzWBgy-00292-00164640-00164834 They saw the performances. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00293-00165102-00165357 I wish my granddad was there. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00294-00165476-00165702 I hope he gets well. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00295-00166430-00166560 Okay. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00296-00166611-00166905 Love you guys. What pose should I do? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00297-00167781-00168165 I'll take the picture with this. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00298-00170348-00170547 What next? Q1SdHPzWBgy-00299-00172689-00172966 HUENING peace? This one. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00300-00172966-00173070 Okay. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00301-00173222-00173389 Right away. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00302-00173722-00173947 This way. No. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00303-00176409-00176545 Okay. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00304-00176579-00176715 Good. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00305-00176912-00177455 Have a safe summer break. Have a good summer. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00306-00177455-00177703 I heard a heatwave has come. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00307-00177703-00178251 Turn on the air conditioner Q1SdHPzWBgy-00308-00178295-00178733 or a fan if you want to cut your utility bills. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00309-00178907-00179029 Well. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00310-00179078-00179343 I hope you have a good summer. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00311-00179372-00179612 Go to a water park. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00312-00179657-00179860 Have fun, everyone. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00313-00179925-00180553 We'll tour the rest of the cities Q1SdHPzWBgy-00314-00180627-00180911 and come back to Korea. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00315-00180957-00181334 Have a good Friday. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00316-00181334-00181638 Enjoy your weekend. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00317-00181670-00181880 I'll get going. Q1SdHPzWBgy-00318-00181880-00182056 Bye. Q2jHt3lLPkU-00000-00067748-00067928 Hi, C. Q2jHt3lLPkU-00001-00067928-00068012 Hi, D. Q2jHt3lLPkU-00002-00068012-00068510 Do you want to go with me to that occult party that you love so much? Q2jHt3lLPkU-00003-00068510-00068710 Yes, come on. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00000-00001188-00001827 My name is Ritayan Mitra. I work at North Carolina State University. My research focus Q4iXciaFTLQ-00001-00001827-00002107 is climate change communication. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00002-00002107-00002671 Cultural cognition has come out of Yale University, and Dan Kahan is one of the big proponents. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00003-00002671-00003500 The theory in its nascent form was there from the 1980s, where Douglas and Wildavsky first Q4iXciaFTLQ-00004-00003500-00004384 suggested that we think according to our cultures and our understanding is largely clouded by Q4iXciaFTLQ-00005-00004384-00005084 what our cultural world views are. There are these two models: one is cultural cognition, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00006-00005096-00005560 and one is knowledge deficit. Knowledge deficit is like, “We don’t Q4iXciaFTLQ-00007-00005560-00006308 understand”—there is this consensus gap because people don’t understand the science. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00008-00006309-00006843 So there is a balance somewhere, and we don’t know exactly what the balance is between Q4iXciaFTLQ-00009-00006843-00007019 culture and knowledge. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00010-00007500-00008274 Again, going back to the work of Douglas and Wildavsky, where they say that we can group Q4iXciaFTLQ-00011-00008274-00009072 people according to four parameters: that is hierarchist, egalitarian, communitarian, and Q4iXciaFTLQ-00012-00009072-00009700 individualistic. Depending on our—but, very simply, it’s more like you can group them Q4iXciaFTLQ-00013-00009700-00010250 as democrats and republicans. There is a correlation, but it’s not like one to one. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00014-00010250-00011246 Cultural cognition is like saying democrats will believe in climate change because that Q4iXciaFTLQ-00015-00011246-00011865 is what their cultural worldview or political worldview, if you will, that dictates them Q4iXciaFTLQ-00016-00011865-00012559 to believe in climate change; and republicans, on the other hand, will become more skeptic. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00017-00012559-00013209 The interesting thing about cultural cognition is they say that if you give them more literacy, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00018-00013209-00013956 if you educate the republicans, they will become even more skeptical. That’s the interesting bit. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00019-00013956-00014772 The reason for that is people use a motivated cognition bias, so they are using their education Q4iXciaFTLQ-00020-00014772-00015472 to actually promote their cultural worldview, rather than using it to be knowledgeable about Q4iXciaFTLQ-00021-00015472-00015654 the whole thing. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00022-00015655-00016515 Why would someone use their political worldview to understand science? That’s because the Q4iXciaFTLQ-00023-00016515-00017215 entire debate on climate change has been politically charged for a long time, so there is a partisanship Q4iXciaFTLQ-00024-00017215-00018039 embedded into the whole debate. People normally tend to think in terms of a partisan kind Q4iXciaFTLQ-00025-00018039-00018813 of a basis. They actually were a partisanship to the whole problem of—whole issue of climate Q4iXciaFTLQ-00026-00018813-00019571 change. That is where it comes from. It has been observed with few other topics like vaccines, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00027-00019571-00020075 which have been politically charged, or by the media. Media has played a big role in Q4iXciaFTLQ-00028-00020075-00020692 this. Over the years, it was not initially very politically charged topic, but, over Q4iXciaFTLQ-00029-00020692-00021167 the years, it became politically charged because there are two sides, two different views of Q4iXciaFTLQ-00030-00021167-00021327 the debate. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00031-00021784-00022420 It’s probably about anti-business. It started from there. Also, the religious part of it, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00032-00022421-00022940 and religion is also tied to conservatism, so there’s this whole connection, and there Q4iXciaFTLQ-00033-00022940-00023304 are few different feedbacks playing into the whole debate. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00034-00023304-00023807 Framing does play a very important role. An entire body of research exists as to when you are Q4iXciaFTLQ-00035-00023807-00024349 talking to a particular group like evangelicals, we would want to frame it in a particular Q4iXciaFTLQ-00036-00024349-00025199 context. Katharine Hayhoe has done a beautiful job of doing that in that recent documentary Q4iXciaFTLQ-00037-00025199-00025894 which came out. Yes, there has been some work on that as well: how to frame it properly Q4iXciaFTLQ-00038-00025894-00026076 for two different aisles. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00039-00026664-00027502 Some of your research has shown, actually yours and Lewandowsky's, which shows that 97%, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00040-00027502-00028277 if you tell people that 97 percent of climate scientists agree that this climate Q4iXciaFTLQ-00041-00028277-00028788 change is real, then people start believing more. That itself shows that there is some Q4iXciaFTLQ-00042-00028788-00029457 aspect of knowledge playing into a whole thing. There is probably—it’s not like we don’t Q4iXciaFTLQ-00043-00029457-00029944 think according to our cultures. There is definitely a gap between republican and democrats, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00044-00029944-00030730 and we all know that, but the part which I am not sure about is if you educate people, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00045-00030731-00031361 do they really become more skeptical? Do they really use their culture—use the signs to Q4iXciaFTLQ-00046-00031361-00031830 promote their culture? That part is not well established. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00047-00031830-00032393 Knowledge depends on what you are measuring, what is knowledge to you? If you’re asking Q4iXciaFTLQ-00048-00032393-00033121 someone questions totally unrelated to understanding of climate change, then it’s not supposed Q4iXciaFTLQ-00049-00033121-00033506 to show any correlation with risk perception. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00050-00033506-00034484 Khan used a 22-item set to measure literacy, and he found out that, well, there is no correlation, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00051-00034484-00035066 that knowledge actually is not helping. Then there are a few other studies like one by Q4iXciaFTLQ-00052-00035066-00035988 Stevenson et al, 2014, which shows that if you are using climate change questions, then Q4iXciaFTLQ-00053-00035988-00036666 the relationship is there that with more literacy, skepticism goes down, and there are other studies Q4iXciaFTLQ-00054-00036666-00037366 as well. So it is dependent on what you are measuring. Is it something related to climate or something Q4iXciaFTLQ-00055-00037366-00037938 totally numeracy or basic science, which is not related to climate at all? Q4iXciaFTLQ-00056-00037938-00038584 It’s not education which is polarizing. It’s the type of education. That’s the Q4iXciaFTLQ-00057-00038584-00039374 very big take-home point. If you are looking at only educating someone with number skills, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00058-00039374-00039756 then that’s not going to help. I think that’s the biggest take-home point. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00059-00040128-00041070 I would say a lot of systems thinking, thinking of climate as a big connected system where Q4iXciaFTLQ-00060-00041071-00041721 there are feedback loops, inefficiencies, and the traditional way of doing science or Q4iXciaFTLQ-00061-00041721-00042421 math is like breaking down a big problem into smaller bits and then solving them independently, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00062-00042421-00043241 and it’s kind of like those bits add up to the big problem. But systems thinking is looking Q4iXciaFTLQ-00063-00043241-00044193 at problems from a holistic point of view. It’s like two plus two adding to five. So there Q4iXciaFTLQ-00064-00044194-00044741 are some inefficiencies in the system, and, if you at each discrete part, you will not Q4iXciaFTLQ-00065-00044741-00045122 be able to get the answer correct. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00066-00045122-00045699 Communication and education should go hand in hand. It’s not like the communicators Q4iXciaFTLQ-00067-00045699-00046238 are doing a really bad job of taking the science to the public. Well, we can improve definitely, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00068-00046238-00047118 but there also has to be a somewhat kind of a receptive frame of mind so that people understand Q4iXciaFTLQ-00069-00047118-00047834 what the scientists are talking about. I agree that the scientists can do a better job and Q4iXciaFTLQ-00070-00047835-00048397 communicators can help them in doing that job, but if you don’t have the right set Q4iXciaFTLQ-00071-00048397-00048921 of skills, if the public doesn’t have the right set of skills to understand that, “Okay, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00072-00048921-00049616 the climate is a big connected system, and there are a lot of fuzziness, and we don’t Q4iXciaFTLQ-00073-00049616-00050209 understand—there are uncertainties, but that doesn’t mean we know nothing”—these Q4iXciaFTLQ-00074-00050209-00050909 are concepts which the public should know to really grasp what’s going on. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00075-00050909-00051412 Harping about, “Okay, the uncertainties are there and trying to…”—I think we have done Q4iXciaFTLQ-00076-00051412-00052139 a lot of progress with that, and we still need to go do more, but we also need to educate Q4iXciaFTLQ-00077-00052139-00052754 the public about what is uncertainty, how we look at the system. If that is not there, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00078-00052754-00053169 then I don’t think that only communication can help. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00079-00053169-00053832 Education has two different things, so it’s best to do it at the same time because if Q4iXciaFTLQ-00080-00053832-00054583 it’s like—I think of it like if you are not getting aware of something, it’s a two-body Q4iXciaFTLQ-00081-00054583-00055088 problem, sort of. Like, okay, someone has a message, and someone has to understand the Q4iXciaFTLQ-00082-00055088-00055632 message, and you can work on the message as much as you can, but if this person doesn’t Q4iXciaFTLQ-00083-00055632-00056332 have that capacity to—both of them should work together, I guess. Education will be Q4iXciaFTLQ-00084-00056336-00056844 working with this group, and communication with the other group, and then we can talk. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00085-00057320-00058082 Yes. I don’t know if there is like this one thing we can do to address this problem. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00086-00058082-00058527 I think a lot of people agree that’s a good thing, that’s a good start, and there will Q4iXciaFTLQ-00087-00058527-00059311 always be a few skeptics. One point of view which I somewhat subscribe to is: let’s Q4iXciaFTLQ-00088-00059312-00060064 work with what we have. Let’s work with the people who are agreeing with—who are Q4iXciaFTLQ-00089-00060064-00060641 getting that, “Okay, yes, climate changes every year.” There is a big number of people Q4iXciaFTLQ-00090-00060641-00061269 who actually think that climate change is real. There will be skeptics, and we should Q4iXciaFTLQ-00091-00061269-00062141 keep working on them like, okay, giving them some education, trying to address their questions Q4iXciaFTLQ-00092-00062141-00062833 as much as we can, but let’s not fixate on that. Let’s move with what we have. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00093-00062833-00063251 There has been improvement over the years, not as much as we would expect, so the consensus Q4iXciaFTLQ-00094-00063251-00064110 gap—it’s still there. There has been some progress. My worry is if we focus too much Q4iXciaFTLQ-00095-00064110-00064888 on the skeptics, then we are not working with what we already have, some of the consensus Q4iXciaFTLQ-00096-00064888-00065405 we have, and I guess that’s a balance to strike. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00097-00065405-00065958 Some of our efforts should also be focused on how to move forward, how to move forward Q4iXciaFTLQ-00098-00065958-00066377 from this. Okay, whether it’s happening or not happening, there is a big group of Q4iXciaFTLQ-00099-00066377-00067158 people who agree with the climate change, the big debate that, “Yes, it’s happening; Q4iXciaFTLQ-00100-00067158-00067800 it’s real, and scientists agree, and we are with you.” Yes, I agree that we need Q4iXciaFTLQ-00101-00067800-00068532 to work with them more and focus our energy more on how to move forward and not get too Q4iXciaFTLQ-00102-00068533-00069170 bogged down with the smaller group of people, and we should keep working on them but not Q4iXciaFTLQ-00103-00069170-00069596 focus our entire energy on that smaller group of people. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00104-00070088-00070892 My area of research is climate change, understanding, communication. That’s the big area of research. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00105-00070893-00071380 This particular problem, there was this—actually this paper by Dan Kahan got me interested Q4iXciaFTLQ-00106-00071380-00071933 into this whole topic, and I was like, “Well, that’s a very interesting result, that if Q4iXciaFTLQ-00107-00071933-00072689 you are educating people, they’re using that education to promote their culture,” Q4iXciaFTLQ-00108-00072691-00073085 and that was very interesting to me, so I started looking more into it, and that’s Q4iXciaFTLQ-00109-00073085-00073194 how I got involved. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00110-00073194-00073855 Also, it’s a very challenging problem, and it’s a very relevant problem. Instead of Q4iXciaFTLQ-00111-00073855-00074883 working on something—which is scientifically relevant, but this is a very present and real Q4iXciaFTLQ-00112-00074883-00075647 danger we are facing, so that motivated me into getting more into this question. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00113-00076152-00077294 Everything. We have a big role to play. The choices we make every day—that is definitely Q4iXciaFTLQ-00114-00077295-00078267 affecting future generations. We might not be able to see it in our lifetime, the choices Q4iXciaFTLQ-00115-00078267-00079247 we make, how it’s—or we might be. We are pretty close to that stage. That is where, Q4iXciaFTLQ-00116-00079247-00079695 again, you know, geoscience comes into play because the concept of deep time, how the Q4iXciaFTLQ-00117-00079695-00080672 choices we make today can have an effect like decades from today and how little bit of accumulation Q4iXciaFTLQ-00118-00080672-00081708 can lead to bigger accumulation in the future, that again is making people aware that the Q4iXciaFTLQ-00119-00081708-00082272 system works in a slightly different way. You cannot point the remote to a TV and switch Q4iXciaFTLQ-00120-00082272-00082929 it on. It’s not like as—the feedback is not as quick. There is a delay. There is a Q4iXciaFTLQ-00121-00082929-00083022 time gap. Q4iXciaFTLQ-00122-00083022-00083694 We have a big role to play, and it’s best that we try and understand how the system behaves. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00000-00000096-00000262 hello ! My name is Denis Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00001-00000262-00000721 Welcome to this video I will show you i elaborate a cieling light Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00002-00000721-00001147 I was not satisfied about its brightness and about the quality of its white Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00003-00001147-00001632 So I decided to go for it you can read what I used at the end of this Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00004-00001632-00001823 video and in description. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00005-00001823-00002024 Now let's take action. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00006-00002024-00002382 This cieling light was created to put two e27 bulbs. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00007-00002382-00002807 My idea is to put 4 of them to double the brightness Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00008-00002808-00003374 For this reason I bored the cieling light frame in order to move the overall dimensions Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00009-00003374-00003604 to leave more space in the center. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00010-00003604-00004170 I test the new position to insure me that the lamp holder is not obstructed. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00011-00004170-00004434 then I place a third light bulb Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00012-00004434-00004726 to give me an IDEA of how it could be. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00013-00004726-00005134 so I make a first hole to attach this lamp holder too Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00014-00005134-00005574 and I screw it in that point to measure the footprint on the top. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00015-00005574-00005970 What a Pity ! Cover does not close ! Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00016-00005970-00006332 It will need to hole a little closer to the centre Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00017-00006332-00006695 to attach the lamp holder without obstructing the glass. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00018-00006808-00007000 Now it closes perfectly ! I measure it to do the same in the opposite. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00019-00007108-00007436 I measure it to do the same in the opposite Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00020-00007436-00008026 I check dimensions also there. then I create the last support hole . Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00021-00008026-00008604 I try to understend How can I SET alluminium support sink and the led driver. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00022-00008604-00009074 alluminium support is too long. I cut it with a saw ! Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00023-00009074-00009366 Then I go to smooth the sharp parts. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00024-00009366-00009566 Now it's perfect ! Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00025-00009566-00010468 I'm going to make a first through hole. It will need to attach alluminium bar to the frame. I keep position pointing a screw Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00026-00010468-00010818 then I make the other through hole to the opposite. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00027-00010818-00011962 I want to position the LEDs in this way four PCBs with 3 LEDs each and a single violet LED in the middle Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00028-00011962-00012568 I take now measurements of where it's BETTER to drill for attaching central PCBs Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00029-00012568-00012832 I'm drilling for screws that will hold them. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00030-00012832-00013268 I sign now position for the screws of violet LED. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00031-00013268-00013594 I make that holes with a smaller drill bit. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00032-00013594-00014230 I take some transparent plastic from packages . I will recycle it to create washers. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00033-00014230-00014784 That washers will protect elettric circuit from FALSE contacts with metal screws. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00034-00014784-00015310 Let's go now to assembly external CUSTOM PCBs with different color LEDs Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00035-00015310-00015728 in this job I'm using thermal grease beetween LED and PCB Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00036-00015728-00016144 and I'm melting tin wire for soldering elettrical contacts in the circuit Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00037-00016144-00016466 This two PCBs have the same configuration. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00038-00016466-00016858 They both have a single warm white High CRI LED Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00039-00016858-00017304 a DEEP red LED and a Cyan Torquise phoshorous LED Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00040-00017320-00017652 the reason for what I do this is that normal LED bulbs Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00041-00017652-00018110 does not have enough of some importat colors that compose visible light Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00042-00018136-00018506 and my intention is to rise them to archive a better white Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00043-00018534-00018866 and a BETTER color rendering FROM this cieling. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00044-00018866-00019328 Now you can see PCBs that I will mount in central position Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00045-00019356-00019908 They will be different One of them have a Neutral white High CRI LED Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00046-00019944-00020296 a bright RED LED and a Cyan LED Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00047-00020340-00020906 The other one have a pair of bright red LEDs and a turquoise LED . Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00048-00020964-00021514 I'm going to position and to fix PCBs with screws, nuts and washers. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00049-00021570-00021770 I need thermal grease there too. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00050-00021828-00022116 LED life is better when they're cooled. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00051-00022152-00022750 I go to link electrically PCBs circuit by pond wire and small wires. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00052-00022846-00023308 I set in position external PCBs and I link them too. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00053-00023308-00024222 I link small wires to the LED driver it will supply the series of 13 LEDs Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00054-00024298-00025128 I go to position alluminium baron cieling frame with the PCB. then I Mount screws , washers and nutsto fix them together. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00055-00025202-00025430 Never forget Thermal grease, my friends. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00056-00025472-00025780 I repeat what I just did to the other side. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00057-00025810-00026239 After i did some links with high current wires cieling is ready Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00058-00026276-00026764 I'm going to do a little test because I want to see how it works before installatin Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00059-00026812-00027422 For doing it I reduced much brightness of my camera to see better light parts and colors. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00060-00027456-00028088 I'm going now to remove old cieling. soon I'll put there the one that I just modified. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00061-00028116-00028526 Camera brightnes is not low.There is really darnkess ! Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00062-00028572-00028814 I'm there only with battery lights. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00063-00028858-00029316 I turned off electricity in all my home for security Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00064-00029333-00029502 I' finishing my job Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00065-00029533-00029818 mounting BULBS and glass Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00066-00030127-00030502 In the final layoutI decided to mount a cold white bulb with three warm white bubs to balance the temperature. Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00067-00030554-00030842 I switch on the electricity now I can not wait to see the result ! Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00068-00030900-00031164 WOW ! That's really nice ! Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00069-00031218-00031622 I decided to make two photos with the same camera settings Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00070-00031654-00032062 to see how is the light before and after Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00071-00032139-00032339 it's brighter and warmer Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00072-00032339-00032539 white rendering is better Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00073-00032539-00032866 even if there you can't see colored objects Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00074-00032914-00033118 I gained color rendering too Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00075-00033152-00033730 now STOP if you want to read what I used Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00076-00033866-00034248 before concluding i invite you to be careful when yu work Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00077-00034282-00034408 drilling can be dangerous Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00078-00034420-00034648 going upstairs can be dangerous Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00079-00034664-00035008 using electricity can be very dangerous Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00080-00035190-00035390 if you like this video, put a "Like" Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00081-00035422-00035622 thanks for sharing Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00082-00035658-00035928 follow me subscribing the channel Q4Tk4MbBnLE-00083-00035958-00036440 follow me in the street Q5iVat4zono-00000-00002347-00002668 We never celebrate our birthday. I never celebrate my birthday. Q5iVat4zono-00001-00002768-00003068 I did it just once for my 18th birthday. Q5iVat4zono-00002-00003168-00003468 I celebrated it last year but I never did it before. Q5iVat4zono-00003-00003568-00003879 We are not interested much about the day. Q5iVat4zono-00004-00003979-00004368 So when newcomers arrive they are asked “how old are you?” Q5iVat4zono-00005-00004451-00004951 Ok, they know their age but they don't know the day they were born. Q5iVat4zono-00006-00005031-00005531 Maybe they can say 1st of January, because it's a simple way to solve it. Q5iVat4zono-00007-00005615-00006115 Because if you don't know it and you don't have any contact with your family, Q5iVat4zono-00008-00006200-00006400 you have to say one day. Q5iVat4zono-00009-00006468-00006831 I think in Europe it is really important to know your birth date, Q5iVat4zono-00010-00006915-00007072 for you guys, but for us not. Q5iVat4zono-00011-00007223-00007551 In Bangladesh we use three types of calendars. Q5iVat4zono-00012-00007651-00007843 We can use the Gregorian calendar, Q5iVat4zono-00013-00007943-00008243 because it's International and we can be connected to the world. Q5iVat4zono-00014-00008343-00008547 We have our own calendar. Q5iVat4zono-00015-00008647-00008900 Baṅgābda (Bangali) calendar is its name and Q5iVat4zono-00016-00009068-00009451 we use also the Islamic calendar, the Hijri calendar Q5iVat4zono-00017-00009500-00009968 because it's related with our religion as we are Muslims. Q5iVat4zono-00018-00010100-00010351 According to one calendar or another my birthday changes. Q5iVat4zono-00019-00010611-00011400 For example in Bengali calendar, I was born on the 12th Poush of 1399. Q5iVat4zono-00020-00011772-00012360 But according to the Gregorian calendar, I was born on the 26th December 1992. Q5iVat4zono-00021-00012611-00012811 So they are completely different. Q5iVat4zono-00022-00012911-00013251 And in Arabian calendar my birthday changes again. Q5iVat4zono-00023-00013451-00013863 Some people when asked they can remember the period of year, Q5iVat4zono-00024-00013963-00014456 maybe they were born in ramadan or in summer, or in winter time. Q5iVat4zono-00025-00014556-00014668 They remember that, ok. Q5iVat4zono-00026-00014768-00015051 But actually the day, they don't remember. Q5iVat4zono-00027-00015151-00015451 Because we aren't much concerned about the date. Q5iVat4zono-00028-00015551-00016056 It's always better to say according to which calendar you are telling your birthday. Q5iVat4zono-00029-00016156-00017031 And generally in Bangladesh, parents, like the majority of Bangladeshi, Q5iVat4zono-00030-00017131-00017343 at least during my time, Q5iVat4zono-00031-00017472-00018051 used to do agriculture and they used the Bengali calendar Q5iVat4zono-00032-00018251-00018983 because it was easier to know when it is time to cultivate the rice, Q5iVat4zono-00033-00019251-00019531 when it is the season to harvest. Q5iVat4zono-00034-00019783-00020263 So they feel closest to the Bengali calendar. Q5iVat4zono-00035-00020560-00020831 Converting between calendars it's not easy Q5iVat4zono-00036-00021075-00021280 for the people working in farming. Q5iVat4zono-00037-00021380-00021872 They don't know how to convert from one calendar to another. Q5iVat4zono-00038-00021972-00022180 So it's difficult for them to say Q5iVat4zono-00039-00022280-00022775 when exactly they were born according at least to the Gregorian calendar. Q5iVat4zono-00040-00022911-00023111 In my case, when I came Q5iVat4zono-00041-00023211-00023672 they actually didn't ask me when I was born but how old I was. Q5iVat4zono-00042-00023756-00024115 They didn’t ask the exact date, but they wrote January the 1st. Q5iVat4zono-00043-00024200-00024703 But later when I got home they asked me if it was the correct date or not. Q5iVat4zono-00044-00024768-00025107 I said I didn't know. I couldn't say if it was correct or not. Q5iVat4zono-00045-00025207-00025507 The next time I got in contact with my family, Q5iVat4zono-00046-00025607-00026107 I tried to communicate with them and I asked them about the date. Q5iVat4zono-00047-00026207-00026547 They told me the correct one and we changed it. Q5iVat4zono-00048-00026756-00027131 The newcomers who come now are usually minor, Q5iVat4zono-00049-00027231-00027620 they need time to know exactly when they were born. Q5iVat4zono-00050-00027827-00028131 The first time when a policeman asks them, Q5iVat4zono-00051-00028356-00028475 “tell me your birthday”, Q5iVat4zono-00052-00028575-00029063 they used to say 01.01.1993 or 1995, 1997... Q5iVat4zono-00053-00029163-00029339 according to the year of their birthday. Q5iVat4zono-00054-00029568-00030180 But as they don't know exactly the date, they say 01.01, the 1st of January Q5iVat4zono-00055-00030356-00031123 and it's very complicated for the officers who work to understand. Q5iVat4zono-00056-00031223-00031731 They wonder, how it is possible that we are all born on the 1st of January. Q5iVat4zono-00057-00032000-00032375 They should give them time Q5iVat4zono-00058-00032463-00032736 to find out their exact birthday. Q5iVat4zono-00059-00032768-00032968 When a newcomer comes here, Q5iVat4zono-00060-00033168-00033856 he sees everything different from his own society, the language... Q5iVat4zono-00061-00033956-00034411 When you don't understand something or someone you are confused. Q5iVat4zono-00062-00034780-00034915 How do I travel, Q5iVat4zono-00063-00035015-00035568 how do I ask something to someone if we don’t understand each other. Q5iVat4zono-00064-00035740-00036280 It's complicated and professionals should know everything related to newcomers. Q5iVat4zono-00065-00036463-00036831 In our culture when speaking to somebody older than you Q5iVat4zono-00066-00036931-00037307 you don't look in his eyes. Q5iVat4zono-00067-00037468-00037711 No, you have to look down like this Q5iVat4zono-00068-00037811-00037951 For us it is normal. Q5iVat4zono-00069-00038043-00038160 It's maximum respect for us Q5iVat4zono-00070-00038228-00038400 But for you guys is disrespectful Q5iVat4zono-00071-00038500-00038680 For you it means that we are not in contact Q5iVat4zono-00072-00038747-00038951 that I'm not respecting you. Q5iVat4zono-00073-00039051-00039560 If you see someone behaving like this, Q5iVat4zono-00074-00039631-00039863 don’t think he is doing this Q5iVat4zono-00075-00039963-00040111 because of disrespect Q5iVat4zono-00076-00040151-00040351 or don’t care about what I am saying; Q5iVat4zono-00077-00040451-00040751 I think you have to ask the person Q5iVat4zono-00078-00040800-00040931 why are you doing this. Q9UEh6fPGX4-00000-00000100-00000683 For the starting videos we will show detailed logins. Go down and Q9UEh6fPGX4-00001-00000683-00001349 click on the Start. Left-click on the box which will take us to the "Settings". Q9UEh6fPGX4-00002-00001350-00001820 You will find the settings here. Let us go to a bigger Settings window and click on Q9UEh6fPGX4-00003-00001820-00002650 "Networks and Internet". Next click on "Show available networks". Q9UEh6fPGX4-00004-00002650-00003403 Next click on the FusionAPxxx... to connect to Fusion robot via Wi-Fi. Q9UEh6fPGX4-00005-00003403-00004063 This takes a bit of time to connect our computer to our Fusion robot which has Q9UEh6fPGX4-00006-00004063-00004843 been previously started up. Now we are connected! Good! Now start up Q9UEh6fPGX4-00007-00004843-00005709 Google Chrome browser. We want to login to the Fusion robot. Q9UEh6fPGX4-00008-00005710-00006480 Type in Q9UEh6fPGX4-00009-00006480-00007143 We are now logged in to the Fusion Interface. First of all we have to Q9UEh6fPGX4-00010-00007143-00008336 go into Admin. Next type in our password. Click on "Login". Click on "Launch". Q9UEh6fPGX4-00011-00008336-00008989 Click on "Launch". We can now program in Blockly. Q9UEh6fPGX4-00012-00008990-00009560 First we will cancel the Python code option which we are not going to use. Now start coding in Blockly. Q9UEh6fPGX4-00013-00009560-00010290 First set the speed of our robot to "turtle" (medium speed). Q9UEh6fPGX4-00014-00010290-00010766 We want our robot to go forwards one unit of distance. Q9UEh6fPGX4-00015-00010766-00011639 Next add another one unit of distance forwards. Next add in a one time unit "Pause". Q9UEh6fPGX4-00016-00011640-00012323 Move the elevator to give us more room on the screen. Q9UEh6fPGX4-00017-00012323-00012893 Next send our robot backwards one distance unit, Q9UEh6fPGX4-00018-00012893-00013476 and then backwards another distance unit. Q9UEh6fPGX4-00019-00013700-00014523 Click on the "smaller size" box to make our program a bit smaller. Q9UEh6fPGX4-00020-00014523-00015199 so we can see the whole Blockly program on the screen at the same time. Not quite... Q9UEh6fPGX4-00021-00015280-00015780 Yes. Our Blockly program shows going two steps forward at medium speed. Q9UEh6fPGX4-00022-00015780-00016430 pausing for a little while, and then going two distance units backwards Q9UEh6fPGX4-00023-00016430-00016853 at medium speed. Now let us test our Program by running it. Click on "Run". Q9UEh6fPGX4-00024-00016853-00017939 Our robot goes forwards and backwards quite beautifully! Good! So, we had programmed our robot to do what we Q9UEh6fPGX4-00025-00017940-00018346 wanted it to do! Excellent... Qr03hew12Mk-00000-00000156-00000356 hey everybody. how's it going? Qr03hew12Mk-00001-00000446-00000613 today I'm going to show you what programs do Qr03hew12Mk-00002-00000613-00000775 when it comes to playing wordle Qr03hew12Mk-00003-00000983-00001185 I have a 400,000-word list Qr03hew12Mk-00004-00001185-00001385 and I'm going to develop a bot to use it Qr03hew12Mk-00005-00001548-00001748 ok, first things first Qr03hew12Mk-00006-00001774-00001908 how should we play this game? Qr03hew12Mk-00007-00001965-00002015 well Qr03hew12Mk-00008-00002015-00002119 it's a guessing game Qr03hew12Mk-00009-00002119-00002390 and you improve your guesses every time to find the answer Qr03hew12Mk-00010-00002673-00002873 ok, my first guess is 'fringe'. Qr03hew12Mk-00011-00003188-00003346 here you see 3 colors Qr03hew12Mk-00012-00003422-00003565 green for correct letters, Qr03hew12Mk-00013-00003565-00003765 and yellow for letters that you should move Qr03hew12Mk-00014-00003804-00004004 and gray for the ones that you should get rid of Qr03hew12Mk-00015-00004086-00004319 a good word based on these rules Qr03hew12Mk-00016-00004319-00004529 should be something like 'advise' Qr03hew12Mk-00017-00004893-00005209 let's try another guess and it's gonna be 'polite' Qr03hew12Mk-00018-00005429-00005577 let's go with 'cookie' Qr03hew12Mk-00019-00005864-00005949 and, that's it Qr03hew12Mk-00020-00006233-00006515 here is how the python bot removes wrong words. Qr03hew12Mk-00021-00008965-00009058 here is the code. Qr03hew12Mk-00022-00009058-00009285 I'm not going to explain how to write it now Qr03hew12Mk-00023-00009320-00009499 but I will do it in a future video. Qr03hew12Mk-00024-00009625-00009878 there is 4 necessary input to run the code. Qr03hew12Mk-00025-00010110-00010264 first one is word length. Qr03hew12Mk-00026-00010309-00010491 another one is green letters. Qr03hew12Mk-00027-00010554-00010840 and the bot will capture 2 other inputs by itself. Qr03hew12Mk-00028-00010840-00011177 'code' and 'play', will be my openers to the game. Qr03hew12Mk-00029-00011267-00011644 there is one 'E' as green letter and we should import it to initials. Qr03hew12Mk-00030-00011679-00011791 let's run the bot. Qr03hew12Mk-00031-00012124-00012300 'lake' would be a good guess here. Qr03hew12Mk-00032-00012469-00012808 let's add 'A' as a green letter and run the bot again. Qr03hew12Mk-00033-00013193-00013383 next guess should be 'tale'. Qr03hew12Mk-00034-00013520-00013669 here is another green letter Qr03hew12Mk-00035-00014168-00014376 our final guess here should be 'sale'. Qr03hew12Mk-00036-00014617-00014848 ok, that's it. let's move on to other levels. Qr03hew12Mk-00037-00041004-00041245 that's all for this video, I hope you enjoyed it. Qr03hew12Mk-00038-00041338-00041640 by the way, if you are interested in playing challenging games Qr03hew12Mk-00039-00041640-00041708 like me Qr03hew12Mk-00040-00041786-00041954 make sure to check my other videos. Qr03hew12Mk-00041-00041976-00042039 have fun Qr03hew12Mk-00042-00042051-00042149 hope to see you again. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00000-00001237-00002102 - Stop foreclosures! - Save our homes! QtFH6Rzq7rA-00001-00002138-00002776 - Stop foreclosures in this town! - Hey, hey, walk around! QtFH6Rzq7rA-00002-00003086-00003193 They've blocked the doors. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00003-00004214-00004461 Specifically, we're targeting Wells Fargo... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00004-00004477-00004778 because it's one of the banks that has the worst track record... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00005-00004814-00005281 of closing people out of their houses and destroying communities... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00006-00005315-00005915 by selling faulty loans and then using what they created through faulty loans... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00007-00005922-00006202 to completely remove people... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00008-00006216-00006596 from the places they live and the communities they live. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00009-00006926-00008578 - Who bailed out the banks? - We bailed out the banks! QtFH6Rzq7rA-00010-00009265-00009496 Dozens of us here are blockading Wells Fargo... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00011-00009516-00009636 because enough is enough. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00012-00009646-00009923 Personally, my family - my parents lost their home. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00013-00009936-00010286 They had to move into my uncle's home, and his home was also foreclosed on. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00014-00010316-00010740 And then today, Washington Mutual, Wells Fargo, Chase Bank... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00015-00010764-00011000 are all involved in trying to take away my grandmother's home. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00016-00011044-00011304 The banks got bailed out here, my family got kicked out. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00017-00011321-00011468 This is happening all around the country... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00018-00011484-00011741 and it's time that the banks understand: they've gotta pay. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00019-00016990-00017871 - Banks got bailed out! - We got sold out! QtFH6Rzq7rA-00020-00018271-00018555 That's what the banks are doing to the people of this country. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00021-00018591-00018875 We bailed out the banks and they're foreclosing on our homes. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00022-00018982-00019202 And I don't think that's right. That's why I'm here today. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00023-00019282-00019469 We were just getting ready to retire... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00024-00019489-00019833 and 36% of our money was gone. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00025-00019893-00020246 And now just recently our health insurance has gone up... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00026-00020273-00020550 to where it's almost half of my husband's retirement. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00027-00020643-00020877 So, that's very concerning. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00028-00020924-00021071 But being, you know... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00029-00021084-00021408 I want my money back, and I want Wall Street held accountable. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00030-00021458-00021608 And that's why I'm here. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00031-00021698-00021788 In Oakland... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00032-00021838-00022215 90 percent of the foreclosures are concentrated in three zip codes. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00033-00022255-00022422 So you can tell that it was systematic. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00034-00022449-00022689 It's not distributed evenly across the city. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00035-00022709-00022926 It's like concentrated in deep East Oakland. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00036-00023009-00023299 People are -elders, a lot of elders were targeted. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00037-00023309-00023693 We also have a lot of people who are monolingual Spanish speakers who were targeted... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00038-00023733-00023890 and some of the poorest black people. QtFH6Rzq7rA-00039-00031047-00031518 And to anybody that says to you the 99 percent that are camping out on the streets... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00040-00031548-00031821 the 99 percent that are fighting back in union halls... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00041-00031831-00032288 the 99 percent that are organizing in low income communites of color don't have demands? QtFH6Rzq7rA-00042-00032375-00032622 - That's a lie. - A lie! QtFH6Rzq7rA-00043-00032635-00033043 They're not trying to hear our demands, and that's a different thing! Am I right? QtFH6Rzq7rA-00044-00033156-00033416 Do we have demands to make of the one percent? QtFH6Rzq7rA-00045-00033430-00033520 Crowd: Yeah! QtFH6Rzq7rA-00046-00033560-00033800 Do you have demands to make of the one percent?! QtFH6Rzq7rA-00047-00033817-00033947 Crowd: Yeah! QtFH6Rzq7rA-00048-00033973-00034180 We have them -we wrote here on the wall... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00049-00034334-00034748 We are demanding the foreclosure of Wells Fargo, am I right? QtFH6Rzq7rA-00050-00034771-00034948 Crowd: [cheers] QtFH6Rzq7rA-00051-00035004-00035271 - Is Wells Fargo part of the one percent? - Crowd: Yeah! QtFH6Rzq7rA-00052-00035305-00035882 Do we demand that Wells Fargo implement a moratorium on forelcosures today? QtFH6Rzq7rA-00053-00035912-00036086 Crowd: Yes! QtFH6Rzq7rA-00054-00036122-00036336 Is five hundred and nineteen years enough? QtFH6Rzq7rA-00055-00036483-00036583 Are we done? QtFH6Rzq7rA-00056-00036673-00036813 Are we over foreclosures? QtFH6Rzq7rA-00057-00036916-00037173 Are we ready for the end of the theft of our land? QtFH6Rzq7rA-00058-00037300-00037684 Are we ready for a moratorium on private prisons... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00059-00037700-00038171 and the incarceration of immigrants, of black people, of asian people... QtFH6Rzq7rA-00060-00038194-00038478 of poor white people, of communities that have suffered enough? Qu_NhrXeqDk-00000-00000070-00000549 TWO WEST POINT CADETS RECENTLY SPENT TIME LEARNING ABOUT MILITARY ROBOTICS AND SOFTWARE Qu_NhrXeqDk-00001-00000549-00001037 PROGRAMMING AT THE U.S. ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY AT ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MARYLAND. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00002-00001037-00001768 THE U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY AND THE LABORATORY COLLABORATE EACH SUMMER TO SUPPORT THE INSTITUTION'S Qu_NhrXeqDk-00003-00001768-00002148 ACADEMIC INDIVIDUAL ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00004-00002148-00002722 CADETS BENJAMIN BAUMGARTNER AND DEVIN MEN WORKED CLOSELY WITH THEIR MENTOR, ARL AEROSPACE Qu_NhrXeqDk-00005-00002722-00003261 ENGINEER RAYMOND VON WAHLDE, TO PROGRAM ROBOTS IN A UNIQUE MICRO-FACTORY. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00006-00003261-00003660 AT WEST POINT THEY LET YOU BASICALLY BUILD YOUR OWN SUMMERS AND USUALLY PEOPLE GO ALONG Qu_NhrXeqDk-00007-00003660-00003896 WITH WHAT'S IN THEIR MAJOR. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00008-00003896-00004347 I'M ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND HE'S MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00009-00004347-00004721 THEY SELECT SOME SORT OF ACADEMIC OPPORTUNITY THAT GOES ALONG WITH THAT. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00010-00004721-00005237 THE CADETS USED A SIMPLE CODING LANGUAGE IN MICROSOFT NOTEPAD TO SEND INSTRUCTIONS TO Qu_NhrXeqDk-00011-00005237-00005822 A FINGERNAIL-SIZED PIECE OF METAL THAT LEVITATED WHILE MOVING ABOVE A MAGNETIC FIELD. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00012-00005822-00006481 THE "ROBOT" WOULD PICK UP GRAPHITE MATERIALS AND USING WATER TENSION, ASSEMBLE A MICRO-STRUCTURE. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00013-00006481-00007029 THE EXERCISE REQUIRED LOGIC AND COMMON SENSE TO USE THE SHORTEST AMOUNT OF CODE POSSIBLE Qu_NhrXeqDk-00014-00007029-00007221 TO ACCOMPLISH THE DESIRED RESULTS. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00015-00007221-00007768 I'M ALWAYS IMPRESSED WITH HOW QUICKLY CADETS RISE TO THE CHALLENGE I GIVE THEM. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00016-00007768-00008532 THEY WERE CONFRONTED WITH PROGRAMMING A MICRO-FACTORY THAT THEY HAD NEVER SEEN BEFORE AND WERE ABLE Qu_NhrXeqDk-00017-00008532-00008871 TO MANEUVER THE ROBOT AROUND VERY QUICKLY. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00018-00008871-00009329 VON WAHLDE HAS BEEN MENTORING WEST POINT CADETS AT THE LABORATORY SINCE 2000. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00019-00009329-00009442 THEY'RE FUTURE ARMY LEADERS. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00020-00009442-00009825 I WAS ONCE TOLD TO TREAT THE CADETS AS IF THEY WERE GOING TO BE HEADING THE LABORATORY Qu_NhrXeqDk-00021-00009825-00009957 AT SOME POINT. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00022-00009957-00010481 SO I SHOW THEM THE RESPECT THAT THEY'RE DUE AS UP AND COMING OFFICERS. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00023-00010481-00010915 DURING THE FINAL WEEK OF THEIR VISIT, THE CADETS JOINED A TRAINING CLASS ON UNMANNED Qu_NhrXeqDk-00024-00010915-00011339 AERIAL VEHICLES WITH ABOUT 30 ACTIVE DUTY SOLDIERS AND MARINES. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00025-00011339-00011902 BOTH CADETS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO PILOT A UAV AND PROGRAM IT FOR AN AUTONOMOUS FLIGHT. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00026-00011902-00012306 I'VE LEARNED A LOT ABOUT YOU KNOW WHAT I CAME HERE TO LEARN AND A LITTLE MORE. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00027-00012306-00012756 I DID A LOT MORE CODING THAN I THOUGHT I WOULD BE DOING AND I'VE BEEN WORKING WITH ROBOTS, Qu_NhrXeqDk-00028-00012756-00012874 WHICH IS REALLY COOL. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00029-00012874-00013447 AS AN ARMY OFFICER, I THINK UNDERSTANDING HOW ALL THESE MECHANISMS WORK AND HOW EVERYTHING Qu_NhrXeqDk-00030-00013447-00013643 FITS TOGETHER IS REALLY IMPORTANT. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00031-00013643-00014138 EARLIER THIS YEAR, BRIGADIER GENERAL CINDY R. JEBB, THE U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY DEAN OF Qu_NhrXeqDk-00032-00014138-00014528 ACADEMICS, TOURED THE LABORATORY AND MET WITH ARL LEADERSHIP. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00033-00014528-00014643 ARL DIRECTOR DR. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00034-00014643-00015087 PHILIP PERCONTI TOLD HER THAT THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE ORGANIZATIONS HAS BEEN OF GREAT Qu_NhrXeqDk-00035-00015087-00015482 VALUE TO THE LABORATORY AS WELL AS THE FUTURE ARMY OFFICERS. Qu_NhrXeqDk-00036-00015482-00016027 "WE WANT FUTURE OFFICERS TO UNDERSTAND OUR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CAPABILITIES AND OUR Qu_NhrXeqDk-00037-00016027-00016403 ROLE IN BUILDING AND EQUIPPING THE FUTURE FORCE." Qu_NhrXeqDk-00038-00016403-00016565 FOR ARL TV... Qu_NhrXeqDk-00039-00016565-00016632 I'M DAVID MCNALLY QviB8wkZHfA-00000-00000097-00000600 Welcome to the METRO Trip app. This video will show you many of the important features of the app QviB8wkZHfA-00001-00000600-00001050 the first time you run it. Start out by clicking the green METRO Trip app icon. QviB8wkZHfA-00002-00001050-00001430 After reviewing the quick tip screens you'll then see the main screen. QviB8wkZHfA-00003-00001430-00001900 Starting from the top, you'll see three lines that represent the menu icon. QviB8wkZHfA-00004-00001900-00002358 To the right are the search and plan a trip icons. Looking again to the QviB8wkZHfA-00005-00002358-00002748 left part of the screen, you'll see multiple circles. These are bus routes. QviB8wkZHfA-00006-00002748-00003246 You can scroll up and down to see what routes are near your location. QviB8wkZHfA-00007-00003246-00003651 The blue icon in the upper right corner of the map is the center button. Click this icon QviB8wkZHfA-00008-00003651-00004148 to recenter the map on your location. Lastly, the dark blue solid circle QviB8wkZHfA-00009-00004148-00004530 located at the center of the larger circle shows your current location on the map. QviB8wkZHfA-00010-00004530-00004893 The small blue dots show the locations of the closest bus stops near you. QviB8wkZHfA-00011-00004930-00005589 Now, let's set up the app. Click the menu icon to reveal the menu. QviB8wkZHfA-00012-00005589-00006040 Click the settings icon near the bottom of the menu. You'll then be asked to set a notification. QviB8wkZHfA-00013-00006040-00006550 There are two kinds of notifications: pulse vibrations and background vibrations. QviB8wkZHfA-00014-00006550-00007050 If you have an older version of Android, you may not see background vibration option. QviB8wkZHfA-00015-00007050-00007450 Click the toggle on the right part of the menu to activate these features. QviB8wkZHfA-00016-00007450-00007850 Now, close the menu to activate these features and return to the main screen. QviB8wkZHfA-00017-00007850-00008350 Clicking one of the routes launches a pop-up which will ask what direction you're traveling. QviB8wkZHfA-00018-00008350-00008750 Just choose your direction. Once you've selected your direction, the bus route QviB8wkZHfA-00019-00008750-00009400 is displayed as a black line. The bus stop closest to your location is shown as a large blue bus icon. QviB8wkZHfA-00020-00009400-00009600 with the stop name pointing at the stop. QviB8wkZHfA-00021-00009600-00010068 After the data has been sent to the app the live location of the buses on QviB8wkZHfA-00022-00010068-00010650 the route you chose will be revealed on the app. Green moving icons denote live buses. QviB8wkZHfA-00023-00010650-00011072 A gray bus icon represents a bus that is not reporting its location. QviB8wkZHfA-00024-00011072-00011480 These buses will move according to the schedule of the chosen route. QviB8wkZHfA-00025-00011480-00011949 The bottom portion of the map now shows the route name, its direction, the stop name, and the QviB8wkZHfA-00026-00011949-00012370 and the stop ID. You can the map as well as pinch and zoom. At the bottom of the app are the predicted QviB8wkZHfA-00027-00012370-00012693 At the bottom of the app are the predicted arrival times. Real-time predictions QviB8wkZHfA-00028-00012693-00013141 project the bus arrival time to within a five minute window. If the bus is not QviB8wkZHfA-00029-00013141-00013556 reporting, the time will be grayed over, denoting the scheduled arrival time. QviB8wkZHfA-00030-00013556-00013947 Pressing the up arrow in the lower right part of the app, displays the predictions QviB8wkZHfA-00031-00013947-00014484 in a clock like format. Another major feature is the plan a trip. Click the QviB8wkZHfA-00032-00014484-00014919 plan a trip icon in the top right hand corner of the app -- its shaped like an arrow. QviB8wkZHfA-00033-00014919-00015193 If you're planning a trip from your current location, QviB8wkZHfA-00034-00015193-00015976 just enter your destination address on the To line. Now pick your destination QviB8wkZHfA-00035-00015976-00016540 from the drop-down. Click the three vertical dots to change when you want to leave. QviB8wkZHfA-00036-00016540-00016850 Or just go straight to the itineraries down below. QviB8wkZHfA-00037-00016850-00017350 Once you've chosen your itinerary, clicking the up arrow shows more of the trip. QviB8wkZHfA-00038-00017350-00017800 If you've turned on pulse vibrations, the track itinerary button will also appear. QviB8wkZHfA-00039-00017800-00018500 Click the track itinerary button and confirm tracking. A green radar icon will now appear on the screen to show QviB8wkZHfA-00040-00018500-00019263 the actively tracked trip. Clicking the track itinerary once more, enables you to cancel the tracking. QxpXI62SaV8-00000-00000000-00002300 Music Playing QzX1CeQjOXy-00000-00000010-00000173 ACTION, BOTTOM OF THE 8th QzX1CeQjOXy-00001-00000173-00000180 ACTION, BOTTOM OF THE 8th QzX1CeQjOXy-00002-00000180-00000777 ACTION, BOTTOM OF THE 8th INNING. QzX1CeQjOXy-00003-00000777-00000784 ACTION, BOTTOM OF THE 8th INNING. QzX1CeQjOXy-00004-00000784-00001004 ACTION, BOTTOM OF THE 8th INNING. >> AJ: AFTER BRANDON ALT QzX1CeQjOXy-00005-00001004-00001011 INNING. >> AJ: AFTER BRANDON ALT QzX1CeQjOXy-00006-00001011-00001171 INNING. >> AJ: AFTER BRANDON ALT SUFFERED A NONCONTACT KNEE QzX1CeQjOXy-00007-00001171-00001177 >> AJ: AFTER BRANDON ALT SUFFERED A NONCONTACT KNEE QzX1CeQjOXy-00008-00001177-00001504 >> AJ: AFTER BRANDON ALT SUFFERED A NONCONTACT KNEE INJURY LAST WEEK'S WIN OVER QzX1CeQjOXy-00009-00001504-00001511 SUFFERED A NONCONTACT KNEE INJURY LAST WEEK'S WIN OVER QzX1CeQjOXy-00010-00001511-00001641 SUFFERED A NONCONTACT KNEE INJURY LAST WEEK'S WIN OVER U-MARY, JUNIOR JARED HENNING QzX1CeQjOXy-00011-00001641-00001648 INJURY LAST WEEK'S WIN OVER U-MARY, JUNIOR JARED HENNING QzX1CeQjOXy-00012-00001648-00001831 INJURY LAST WEEK'S WIN OVER U-MARY, JUNIOR JARED HENNING WILL START FOR THE BEAVERS THIS QzX1CeQjOXy-00013-00001831-00001838 U-MARY, JUNIOR JARED HENNING WILL START FOR THE BEAVERS THIS QzX1CeQjOXy-00014-00001838-00001901 U-MARY, JUNIOR JARED HENNING WILL START FOR THE BEAVERS THIS WEEK. QzX1CeQjOXy-00015-00001901-00001908 WILL START FOR THE BEAVERS THIS WEEK. QzX1CeQjOXy-00016-00001908-00002008 WILL START FOR THE BEAVERS THIS WEEK. WHILE THEY'RE STILL WAITING FOR QzX1CeQjOXy-00017-00002008-00002015 WEEK. WHILE THEY'RE STILL WAITING FOR QzX1CeQjOXy-00018-00002015-00002255 WEEK. WHILE THEY'RE STILL WAITING FOR THE OFFICIAL RESULTS, HEAD COACH QzX1CeQjOXy-00019-00002255-00002262 WHILE THEY'RE STILL WAITING FOR THE OFFICIAL RESULTS, HEAD COACH QzX1CeQjOXy-00020-00002262-00002615 WHILE THEY'RE STILL WAITING FOR THE OFFICIAL RESULTS, HEAD COACH BRANDON BOLTE SAYS IT LOOKS LIKE QzX1CeQjOXy-00021-00002615-00002622 THE OFFICIAL RESULTS, HEAD COACH BRANDON BOLTE SAYS IT LOOKS LIKE QzX1CeQjOXy-00022-00002622-00002809 THE OFFICIAL RESULTS, HEAD COACH BRANDON BOLTE SAYS IT LOOKS LIKE ALT WILL BE OUT FOR A WHILE BUT QzX1CeQjOXy-00023-00002809-00002816 BRANDON BOLTE SAYS IT LOOKS LIKE ALT WILL BE OUT FOR A WHILE BUT QzX1CeQjOXy-00024-00002816-00002982 BRANDON BOLTE SAYS IT LOOKS LIKE ALT WILL BE OUT FOR A WHILE BUT QUOTE, YOU NEVER KNOW WITH QzX1CeQjOXy-00025-00002982-00002989 ALT WILL BE OUT FOR A WHILE BUT QUOTE, YOU NEVER KNOW WITH QzX1CeQjOXy-00026-00002989-00003329 ALT WILL BE OUT FOR A WHILE BUT QUOTE, YOU NEVER KNOW WITH MIRACLES AND EVERYTHING ELSE. QzX1CeQjOXy-00027-00003329-00003336 QUOTE, YOU NEVER KNOW WITH MIRACLES AND EVERYTHING ELSE. QzX1CeQjOXy-00028-00003336-00003416 QUOTE, YOU NEVER KNOW WITH MIRACLES AND EVERYTHING ELSE. >> AJ: REALLY A SHAME. QzX1CeQjOXy-00029-00003416-00003423 MIRACLES AND EVERYTHING ELSE. >> AJ: REALLY A SHAME. QzX1CeQjOXy-00030-00003423-00003580 MIRACLES AND EVERYTHING ELSE. >> AJ: REALLY A SHAME. I BELIEVE SIX TOUCHDOWNS, NO QzX1CeQjOXy-00031-00003580-00003586 >> AJ: REALLY A SHAME. I BELIEVE SIX TOUCHDOWNS, NO QzX1CeQjOXy-00032-00003586-00003823 >> AJ: REALLY A SHAME. I BELIEVE SIX TOUCHDOWNS, NO PICKS, OFF TO A GREAT START. QzX1CeQjOXy-00033-00003823-00003830 I BELIEVE SIX TOUCHDOWNS, NO PICKS, OFF TO A GREAT START. QzX1CeQjOXy-00034-00003830-00003943 I BELIEVE SIX TOUCHDOWNS, NO PICKS, OFF TO A GREAT START. >> DENNIS: HE REALLY WAS, AND QzX1CeQjOXy-00035-00003943-00003950 PICKS, OFF TO A GREAT START. >> DENNIS: HE REALLY WAS, AND QzX1CeQjOXy-00036-00003950-00004210 PICKS, OFF TO A GREAT START. >> DENNIS: HE REALLY WAS, AND WAS ONLY GOING TO GET BETTER. QzX1CeQjOXy-00037-00004210-00004217 >> DENNIS: HE REALLY WAS, AND WAS ONLY GOING TO GET BETTER. QzX1CeQjOXy-00038-00004217-00004370 >> DENNIS: HE REALLY WAS, AND WAS ONLY GOING TO GET BETTER. OF COURSE, HE'S GOT THE BIG ARM, QzX1CeQjOXy-00039-00004370-00004377 WAS ONLY GOING TO GET BETTER. OF COURSE, HE'S GOT THE BIG ARM, QzX1CeQjOXy-00040-00004377-00004484 WAS ONLY GOING TO GET BETTER. OF COURSE, HE'S GOT THE BIG ARM, BUT HOPEFULLY SOMETHING WILL QzX1CeQjOXy-00041-00004484-00004491 OF COURSE, HE'S GOT THE BIG ARM, BUT HOPEFULLY SOMETHING WILL QzX1CeQjOXy-00042-00004491-00004671 OF COURSE, HE'S GOT THE BIG ARM, BUT HOPEFULLY SOMETHING WILL WORK OUT AND IT'S NOT AS SERIOUS QzX1CeQjOXy-00043-00004671-00004677 BUT HOPEFULLY SOMETHING WILL WORK OUT AND IT'S NOT AS SERIOUS QzX1CeQjOXy-00044-00004677-00004871 BUT HOPEFULLY SOMETHING WILL WORK OUT AND IT'S NOT AS SERIOUS AS THEY THINK. QzX1CeQjOXy-00045-00004871-00004878 WORK OUT AND IT'S NOT AS SERIOUS AS THEY THINK. QzX1CeQjOXy-00046-00004878-00005031 WORK OUT AND IT'S NOT AS SERIOUS AS THEY THINK. >> AJ: NEXT MAN UP, HENNING, QzX1CeQjOXy-00047-00005031-00005038 AS THEY THINK. >> AJ: NEXT MAN UP, HENNING, QzX1CeQjOXy-00048-00005038-00005185 AS THEY THINK. >> AJ: NEXT MAN UP, HENNING, HE'S SEEN A LOT OF TIME, AND QzX1CeQjOXy-00049-00005185-00005191 >> AJ: NEXT MAN UP, HENNING, HE'S SEEN A LOT OF TIME, AND QzX1CeQjOXy-00050-00005191-00005338 >> AJ: NEXT MAN UP, HENNING, HE'S SEEN A LOT OF TIME, AND MAYBE THERE IS ANOTHER FRESHMAN QzX1CeQjOXy-00051-00005338-00005345 HE'S SEEN A LOT OF TIME, AND MAYBE THERE IS ANOTHER FRESHMAN QzX1CeQjOXy-00052-00005345-00005375 HE'S SEEN A LOT OF TIME, AND MAYBE THERE IS ANOTHER FRESHMAN TO STEP UP. Q-1ynUoWtSM-00000-00000000-00000587 five-minute break approximately halfway through the webinar if you do have to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00001-00000587-00001149 get up and get a refill on coffee or something while a speaker is going um Q-1ynUoWtSM-00002-00001149-00001599 don't worry you won't miss anything because the webinar is being recorded Q-1ynUoWtSM-00003-00001599-00002228 and we'll send a link to you so this is especially great if you're thinking so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00004-00002228-00002898 quickly along with what people are saying and asking you can always go back Q-1ynUoWtSM-00005-00002898-00003675 and relook at it furthermore we are on Twitter so please if you'd like to join Q-1ynUoWtSM-00006-00003675-00004655 into the conversation with that use the hashtag #soasw2020 if you have any Q-1ynUoWtSM-00007-00004655-00005286 questions throughout the webinar we have we're trying something new this year we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00008-00005286-00005873 have a padlet that you can just go into and put the questions there however if Q-1ynUoWtSM-00009-00005873-00006483 you only have one screen and you don't like toggling between zoom and your Q-1ynUoWtSM-00010-00006483-00007029 internet browser that's okay you can always put your question into the chat Q-1ynUoWtSM-00011-00007029-00007586 and one of our chat moderators will grab that for you at the end of the webinar Q-1ynUoWtSM-00012-00007586-00008081 is when we'll be answering all of the questions so don't worry if you have a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00013-00008081-00008564 question for the first or second speaker we promise we will get to your question Q-1ynUoWtSM-00014-00008564-00009007 but we'll only be taking questions at the end Q-1ynUoWtSM-00015-00009007-00009779 Thank You Stacy Stacy's kindly put the link to the tablet in the chat so let's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00016-00009779-00010281 go ahead and get started um today we have a wonderful lineup of speakers for Q-1ynUoWtSM-00017-00010281-00010754 you we first have Natalie Fritz who is the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00018-00010754-00011259 curator of the library in archives for the Clark County Historical Society at Q-1ynUoWtSM-00019-00011259-00011675 the Heritage Center in Springfield where she has been for 14 years Q-1ynUoWtSM-00020-00011675-00012221 she holds a degree in history from Kent State University and a master's in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00021-00012221-00012675 public history from Wright State University she serves on the board of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00022-00012675-00013169 the Ohio Local History Alliance as a representative for region 7 where she is Q-1ynUoWtSM-00023-00013169-00013532 a member of the Advocacy in his co-chair of the Society of Ohio Q-1ynUoWtSM-00024-00013532-00014246 Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee at the Heritage Center she Q-1ynUoWtSM-00025-00014246-00014741 manages the Historical Society's research library in handles community Q-1ynUoWtSM-00026-00014741-00015302 outreach related to the collections following Natalie we will have Steve Q-1ynUoWtSM-00027-00015302-00015986 Ammidown who has been the manuscripts and outreach archivist for the Brown Q-1ynUoWtSM-00028-00015986-00016592 Popular Cultural Library since 2016 he received his master of library Q-1ynUoWtSM-00029-00016592-00017039 science degree from the University of Maryland College Park in 2014 Q-1ynUoWtSM-00030-00017039-00017510 Steve was the Romance Writers of America's Kathy Lange's librarian of the year Q-1ynUoWtSM-00031-00017510-00017954 in 2019 for his work in preserving and promoting the history of the romance Q-1ynUoWtSM-00032-00017954-00018503 genre his work includes running the Brown Popular Culture Library's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00033-00018503-00018977 social media presence which has been an invaluable tool for raising the profile Q-1ynUoWtSM-00034-00018977-00019691 of the library with both researchers in the general public following Steve we'll Q-1ynUoWtSM-00035-00019691-00020147 have our five-minute break and then we'll have Jenifer Baker and Jen Hanny Q-1ynUoWtSM-00036-00020147-00020723 Conover joining us Jenifer Baker has been the deputy archivist at Warren Q-1ynUoWtSM-00037-00020723-00021074 County for the past five years she received her bachelor's degree in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00038-00021074-00021587 history from Miami University and her master's degree in public history from Q-1ynUoWtSM-00039-00021587-00022139 Wright State University Jen is the director of records management in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00040-00022139-00022643 archives at Warren County Ohio where she has been for seven years she has a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00041-00022643-00023066 bachelor's in history from Miami University and a master's in public Q-1ynUoWtSM-00042-00023066-00023663 history also from Wright State University and kind of wrapping it up Q-1ynUoWtSM-00043-00023663-00024170 for us is Miriam Intrator who has been the Special Collections librarian for Q-1ynUoWtSM-00044-00024170-00024581 rare books at Ohio University's Mahn Center for archives and special Q-1ynUoWtSM-00045-00024581-00025127 collections for over six years she is also liaison librarian to the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00046-00025127-00025487 university's Honors Program and dedicates much of her time during the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00047-00025487-00026291 academic year to instruction and outreach so we're really excited without Q-1ynUoWtSM-00048-00026291-00026713 further ado Natalie Q-1ynUoWtSM-00049-00027151-00028291 let me started all right good morning everyone Q-1ynUoWtSM-00050-00028291-00028730 happy to be here with you guys I'm actually at work today for the first Q-1ynUoWtSM-00051-00028730-00029233 time in several weeks because I have two kids at home that cannot possibly leave Q-1ynUoWtSM-00052-00029233-00029651 me alone for more than two minutes now I'll pop in so I decided I had to come Q-1ynUoWtSM-00053-00029651-00030304 here to do this I've been at the Clark County Historical Society for 14 years I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00054-00030304-00030820 started all of our social media accounts and as Steve will talk about the next Q-1ynUoWtSM-00055-00030820-00031320 one decided that there was some that it was not worth the time to continue with Q-1ynUoWtSM-00056-00031320-00032207 so I focused mainly on just a few we're located downtown and Springfield in this Q-1ynUoWtSM-00057-00032207-00032677 one hundred thirty year old historic building we're one of the few that has Q-1ynUoWtSM-00058-00032677-00033143 survived downtown we've seen a lot come down and just in the last few year but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00059-00033143-00033599 we have a museum on the west end of the building on the first and second floor Q-1ynUoWtSM-00060-00033599-00034097 and an annex and then our collections storage is on the second floor and then Q-1ynUoWtSM-00061-00034097-00034478 our research library archives where I spend my time is on third floor on the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00062-00034478-00035009 east end of the building we have five full-time staff and three part-time and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00063-00035009-00035353 there are three of us in the curatorial Department but I'm the one that's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00064-00035353-00036053 dedicated to the archives we have about 80 volunteers mostly retirees who work Q-1ynUoWtSM-00065-00036053-00036478 at the front desk in the museum as docents and collections there and in the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00066-00036478-00036965 archives each semester we also have a handful of Wittenberg students who work Q-1ynUoWtSM-00067-00036965-00037328 with us being their community service requirements and we occasionally have Q-1ynUoWtSM-00068-00037328-00037946 interns from Wright State and elsewhere my usual day-to-day work is managing the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00069-00037946-00038288 library and archives assisting researchers which is one of my favorite Q-1ynUoWtSM-00070-00038288-00038734 parts overseeing processing and indexing projects I rarely get to actually do any Q-1ynUoWtSM-00071-00038734-00039269 of those myself anymore I also do most of our basic marketing flyers and such Q-1ynUoWtSM-00072-00039269-00039740 for events and things that we do I manage our website and I do community Q-1ynUoWtSM-00073-00039740-00040079 outreach through our local newspaper doing regular Q-1ynUoWtSM-00074-00040079-00040580 weekly features multiple days a week and all of our social media outreach I've Q-1ynUoWtSM-00075-00040580-00041006 always made it a point with our outreach to stick to a regular posting schedule Q-1ynUoWtSM-00076-00041006-00041363 what's that weekly post because I've limited time and I know that at least I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00077-00041363-00041774 can stick to a regular schedule I try to make things as simple as possible Q-1ynUoWtSM-00078-00041774-00042091 I go for the low-hanging fruit I share stuff on the fly Q-1ynUoWtSM-00079-00042091-00042596 things that are connected to new donations researcher discoveries outside Q-1ynUoWtSM-00080-00042596-00043127 research requests and collections and pross process I often try and stack Q-1ynUoWtSM-00081-00043127-00043661 planned posts that I have to work across multiple areas so I can share things Q-1ynUoWtSM-00082-00043661-00044020 within a short time stand off I'll talk a little bit more about that later I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00083-00044020-00044572 wanted to share this background as to what I do as our our before to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00084-00044572-00045166 demonstrate how that way of working with the low-hanging fruit was became even Q-1ynUoWtSM-00085-00045166-00045650 more important starting last year at the museum if you want to imagine this slide Q-1ynUoWtSM-00086-00045650-00046172 as the night before this is actually taken after nine o'clock so we imagine Q-1ynUoWtSM-00087-00046172-00046877 this about nine o'clock on Thursday April 25th 2019 this is later that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00088-00046877-00047594 evening I received a call from my boss around 11:30 looked down at my phone and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00089-00047594-00047999 said to my husband I should answer that shouldn't I this can't be good Q-1ynUoWtSM-00090-00047999-00048647 and I was told that there had been a major leak and that I should probably Q-1ynUoWtSM-00091-00048647-00049157 get down there so 15 minutes later I walked into this scene on our east end Q-1ynUoWtSM-00092-00049157-00049603 of the building um with water on the floor in the lobby I took the elevator Q-1ynUoWtSM-00093-00049603-00050044 up to the second floor and realized that water was pouring in the elevator and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00094-00050044-00050626 got up to the second floor where my boss assured me that the archives were ok but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00095-00050626-00051094 the we needed to focus on the second floor collections area so this is me Q-1ynUoWtSM-00096-00051094-00051659 following my boss down the hall and this is one that I wish was a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00097-00051659-00052161 a video so you can get the full effect of the fact that it was raining in the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00098-00052161-00052754 building what had happened was a pipe in the wall on the third floor in the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00099-00052754-00053533 archives you know and that imposed wall had fallen broken pressurized and pumped Q-1ynUoWtSM-00100-00053533-00054050 700 gallons of water throughout the East End of the building straight down so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00101-00054050-00054585 that first evening we focused on clearing out the collections rooms as Q-1ynUoWtSM-00102-00054585-00055062 much as we could we have seven rooms down this hallway that you see here and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00103-00055062-00055488 this is one of the rooms where I probably can't see it very well but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00104-00055488-00055781 these boxes have already collapsed under water weight Q-1ynUoWtSM-00105-00055781-00056475 so we stuffed that time pulling out as many tables as we could and using our we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00106-00056475-00056841 have a big open room where we used for programming that's beyond the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00107-00056841-00057559 collections area that we started setting stuff up in there so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00108-00057559-00057966 this up here you can see this is a few days later all of our damaged boxes Q-1ynUoWtSM-00109-00057966-00058459 where we have removed everything late stuff out to drive marked them and made Q-1ynUoWtSM-00110-00058459-00058854 lists of what boxes needed to be replaced in middle here is me and a math Q-1ynUoWtSM-00111-00058854-00059419 before it was cool those first few days the ceilings were in danger of caving in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00112-00059419-00059827 and a couple of the rooms and we weren't sure what exactly was was in the air so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00113-00059827-00060363 we had masks to protect ourselves then Q-1ynUoWtSM-00114-00060771-00061507 so this room here is where we we started to collect everything we had our all our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00115-00061507-00061900 collections on tables and under the tables here was where the archives one Q-1ynUoWtSM-00116-00061900-00062560 and you remember I told you they said that the archives were broke a the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00117-00062560-00063085 archives were not okay we were lucky in that we didn't lose much collections Q-1ynUoWtSM-00118-00063085-00063508 most of the damage to boxes was from splash up from water on the floor as the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00119-00063508-00064039 fire department was pushing water out but the floor damage was catastrophic Q-1ynUoWtSM-00120-00064039-00064395 enough that they had to replace the floors which meant we had to move Q-1ynUoWtSM-00121-00064395-00065140 absolutely everything so about four days after we had after it had happened and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00122-00065140-00065410 we had been moving stuff on the second floor we had to start moving stuff in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00123-00065410-00065947 the archive so they can start work up there as well there was some stuff we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00124-00065947-00066316 realized right away we couldn't keep on site so we move our probate records to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00125-00066316-00066948 off-site storage which was about 500 boxes the we had we filled the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00126-00066948-00067711 collections research room where we filled the library with as many boxes we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00127-00067711-00068092 could which meant obviously we were going to have to close the library even Q-1ynUoWtSM-00128-00068092-00068500 to volunteers because there wasn't any place for anybody to work anymore Q-1ynUoWtSM-00129-00068500-00069022 this is our first floor usually a meeting room we had tables in there with Q-1ynUoWtSM-00130-00069022-00069364 collections on the tables and along the walls and under the tables was where we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00131-00069364-00069781 had all of the archival boxes I tried to keep stuff together as much as I could Q-1ynUoWtSM-00132-00069781-00070411 these white labels show which categories things are so that I had the ability to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00133-00070411-00070888 access stuff somewhat if needed I could get to something because Q-1ynUoWtSM-00134-00070888-00071350 I knew right off the bat I did not want to lose our ability to share our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00135-00071350-00071695 collections and to do our regular features in the paper because that keeps Q-1ynUoWtSM-00136-00071695-00072181 us visible in the community so I spent a lot of time those first few days on top Q-1ynUoWtSM-00137-00072181-00072619 of moving constantly taking pictures of many things that I could as we have Q-1ynUoWtSM-00138-00072619-00072988 these different boxes I took pictures of artifacts that I knew I could use later Q-1ynUoWtSM-00139-00072988-00073435 I grabbed little pictures of things from the archives we had to close the museum Q-1ynUoWtSM-00140-00073435-00073912 for a month and see down here we had to move some of the archival material out Q-1ynUoWtSM-00141-00073912-00074515 and museum for a short period until we could do more condensing and get stuff Q-1ynUoWtSM-00142-00074515-00074962 up so BOM week unfortunately last year also had to be closed during our what Q-1ynUoWtSM-00143-00074962-00075342 was normally our busiest time of the year we were most for the month of May Q-1ynUoWtSM-00144-00075342-00075964 so I spent a lot of time just trying to work with with what we had reverting Q-1ynUoWtSM-00145-00075964-00076528 back to what what I had done before as much as possible so that we could Q-1ynUoWtSM-00146-00076528-00077038 still people with regular features and we reused a lot of things that we had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00147-00077038-00077716 used in past post pulled pictures that we maybe had used before we got through Q-1ynUoWtSM-00148-00077716-00078352 2019 they rebuilt the second floor replaced everything in the archives and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00149-00078352-00078781 I was able to move everything back we were able to reset the archives and get Q-1ynUoWtSM-00150-00078781-00079225 all the shelving back up by the end of July but we weren't able to reopen Q-1ynUoWtSM-00151-00079225-00079669 because I had to then turn my focus back down to the second floor to help clear Q-1ynUoWtSM-00152-00079669-00079984 the room that we had filled and then get everything back into the collection Q-1ynUoWtSM-00153-00079984-00080494 storage area so we didn't actually open the archives back up to the public until Q-1ynUoWtSM-00154-00080494-00081067 November although we were allowed to start bringing volunteers back to work Q-1ynUoWtSM-00155-00081067-00081478 and work on projects starting in June as we had as we were able to clear space Q-1ynUoWtSM-00156-00081478-00081889 and access the boxes that they needed to to work on projects that they had been Q-1ynUoWtSM-00157-00081889-00082447 working on so we got through that year we said okay 2020 is gonna be great well Q-1ynUoWtSM-00158-00082447-00082897 we'll be able to focus on the second floor Virginia and Casey are the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00159-00082897-00083311 curators people in the curatorial Department and we knew that they had a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00160-00083311-00083641 lot of volunteers that we're raring to get in and help them do a lot of the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00161-00083641-00084100 repacking that they were getting need to do from temporarily packed boxes Q-1ynUoWtSM-00162-00084100-00084444 we'd already made plans to have a big one-year anniversary Q-1ynUoWtSM-00163-00084444-00084948 celebration where we would invite people in and have a big party do kind of an Q-1ynUoWtSM-00164-00084948-00085443 open house show people what had happened where we were at where we were going but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00165-00085443-00085911 as you all know by early March everybody kind of started to realize that the year Q-1ynUoWtSM-00166-00085911-00086457 was not going to go the way we we had intended by the second week March I was Q-1ynUoWtSM-00167-00086457-00087048 at home working from home with two kids also trying to do school at home so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00168-00087048-00087435 that's when I really buckled down on them okay we'll just work with what we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00169-00087435-00088022 have that first week I was excited to see the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00170-00088022-00088536 offerings that places like qzm had for webinars I signed up for everything that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00171-00088536-00089076 I could as far as getting ideas for how to connect during this time got some Q-1ynUoWtSM-00172-00089076-00089676 great ideas there the most interesting thing I found during that first week was Q-1ynUoWtSM-00173-00089676-00090327 the first webinar the someone had said this is a great time to try all sorts of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00174-00090327-00090750 new things you know just run with things don't worry about planning and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00175-00090750-00091071 development just just run with it you know this is a good time to test things Q-1ynUoWtSM-00176-00091071-00091521 out people are at home they want content they want to see stuff the second week I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00177-00091521-00092007 attended a similar webinar through Tuesday and then someone said maybe we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00178-00092007-00092319 need to chill down chill out a little bit don't worry about trying to do Q-1ynUoWtSM-00179-00092319-00092769 everything we might be here a little bit longer than we anticipated on you don't Q-1ynUoWtSM-00180-00092769-00093333 want to burn out too quickly so over the past few weeks I've been watching a lot Q-1ynUoWtSM-00181-00093333-00093876 of those about collections tear reopening and more as I'm sure a lot of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00182-00093876-00094368 you have been doing but I did get a lot of ideas that I decided to brace embrace Q-1ynUoWtSM-00183-00094368-00094824 the main thing was buckling down on what we normally do these are the normal Q-1ynUoWtSM-00184-00094824-00095367 features that we send to the paper a regular historic photo that runs on Q-1ynUoWtSM-00185-00095367-00095901 Mondays on Thursdays they do with then and now and Fridays we would do a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00186-00095901-00096330 feature from the museum and last year when we were closed I made sure that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00187-00096330-00096681 when we did the Friday museum feature that I would feature collections Q-1ynUoWtSM-00188-00096681-00096915 something that was not on display because I didn't want in particular Q-1ynUoWtSM-00189-00096915-00097443 visit while we were not there so I've been doing a lot more of that as well Q-1ynUoWtSM-00190-00097443-00097751 pulling items that I previously feature like as Q-1ynUoWtSM-00191-00097751-00098177 a collection spotlights that we do on Saturdays and I'm sending those to the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00192-00098177-00098592 paper to kind of save a little bit of time and effort to share things that we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00193-00098592-00098916 some people may have seen in the past but maybe they didn't hit the same Q-1ynUoWtSM-00194-00098916-00099427 audience as the newspaper so I know I can reach different audiences that way Q-1ynUoWtSM-00195-00099427-00099945 this is our regular Wednesday feature we'll do a who what aura where is it and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00196-00099945-00100320 have people guess what it is so I've been trying to line those up a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00197-00100320-00100899 lot more recently if I for example you know where is it will most likely be Q-1ynUoWtSM-00198-00100899-00101418 sent to the paper the following week as an event now if I can manage it and I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00199-00101418-00102525 can use the same captain's in writing to save time another example of our weekly Q-1ynUoWtSM-00200-00102525-00102968 post is our Saturday spotlights where we highlight new donations one I really Q-1ynUoWtSM-00201-00102968-00103334 didn't want to lose either but last year we had to stop donations completely Q-1ynUoWtSM-00202-00103334-00103938 between May and November as to we're dealing with our a water disaster so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00203-00103938-00104472 what I did then was usually I'll just highlight you know a single donation we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00204-00104472-00104778 never mentioned the donor so we'll say you know this came from a collection we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00205-00104778-00105216 might has multiple things well we'll talk about what variety of things were Q-1ynUoWtSM-00206-00105216-00105501 in that donation but what I started doing instead was taking pictures of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00207-00105501-00105945 just about everything and highlighting them across multiple weeks not Q-1ynUoWtSM-00208-00105945-00106283 necessarily mentioning that it was all from the same donor just so that we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00209-00106283-00106629 could still highlight stuff because I knew we were going to start running low Q-1ynUoWtSM-00210-00106629-00107175 on on new things to highlight I just loved everything together this is an Q-1ynUoWtSM-00211-00107175-00107670 example of one that was that came in just before all of this it was addressed Q-1ynUoWtSM-00212-00107670-00108027 that had been on had been donated to an old mr. Rogers show and I had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00213-00108027-00108410 highlighted about on a Saturday on our pages on with a letter that came with Q-1ynUoWtSM-00214-00108410-00108840 the original handwritten note from the person who had made it and a couple Q-1ynUoWtSM-00215-00108840-00109152 other materials and then I turned around used to see a caption dissent in the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00216-00109152-00109923 paper so we use that as we were going into the spring there was a lot of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00217-00109923-00110342 things that we knew we were going to be losing that we normally do we have an Q-1ynUoWtSM-00218-00110342-00110700 annual peeps in history will recreate a historic scene out of here so I have Q-1ynUoWtSM-00219-00110700-00110907 really wonderful volunteers to get really Q-1ynUoWtSM-00220-00110907-00111311 and start planning all the the props and things that are needed and they'd Q-1ynUoWtSM-00221-00111311-00111661 already we'd already planned what we were gonna do for this year which was Q-1ynUoWtSM-00222-00111661-00112109 very timely it was supposed to be a recreation of the building that's next Q-1ynUoWtSM-00223-00112109-00112526 to our building that had been renovated and was reopening as a marketplace and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00224-00112526-00113102 co-working space they've all been shut down too so when Q-1ynUoWtSM-00225-00113102-00113516 we realized we were gonna have to scrap the peeps I was we were sad but we had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00226-00113516-00113982 already told our volunteers that we were gonna be closing at least two volunteers Q-1ynUoWtSM-00227-00113982-00114554 and that we ended up closing completely the next week so my brilliant husband Q-1ynUoWtSM-00228-00114554-00114897 who said he definitely needs to get the credit for this so that since I'd Q-1ynUoWtSM-00229-00114897-00115197 already bought the peeps and some of the props that we could do peep support Q-1ynUoWtSM-00230-00115197-00115770 games which I decided to kill two birds with one stone with that and entertain Q-1ynUoWtSM-00231-00115770-00116177 my kids so I let my fifth grader come up with all the ideas of what we could do Q-1ynUoWtSM-00232-00116177-00116724 we used her old dollhouse furniture and and stuff and were able to kind of give Q-1ynUoWtSM-00233-00116724-00117033 her some experience doing some stuff this this one up here was actually a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00234-00117033-00117508 stop-motion video which she was excited to do because she had planned to do a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00235-00117508-00117921 program at the live load library that was on stop-motion video and they'd had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00236-00117921-00118398 to cancel that so we made a little stop-motion video for our peeps here she Q-1ynUoWtSM-00237-00118398-00118932 also has been doing a lot of the Girl Scouts of western Ohio have been doing Q-1ynUoWtSM-00238-00118932-00119405 online badges throughout the weeks and this was one where they were making a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00239-00119405-00119919 boat she said oh we could put the peep on here sorry we've been trying to do Q-1ynUoWtSM-00240-00119919-00120260 that and that that's another organization that I've been talking to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00241-00120260-00120624 since I'm also a Girl Scout leader about how we can do some programming in the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00242-00120624-00121158 future what Girl Scouts virtually other things we just started kind of throwing Q-1ynUoWtSM-00243-00121158-00121514 the peeps into anything we were doing at home there you know we've got zooming we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00244-00121514-00121833 were doing lots of puzzles so we've got peeps doing puzzles and then my daughter Q-1ynUoWtSM-00245-00121833-00122285 sent me this little George peeping in here this was all her she she was very Q-1ynUoWtSM-00246-00122285-00122622 sad when I told her in Easter that we were gonna need to stop doing this but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00247-00122622-00123183 this was the one time that we kind of brought back our Instagram page that was Q-1ynUoWtSM-00248-00123183-00123648 one that I had decided it wasn't worth the effort that most of our audiences on Q-1ynUoWtSM-00249-00123648-00124170 Facebook and the interaction is there but I share all of our peeps and a few Q-1ynUoWtSM-00250-00124170-00124488 other things too at this time Q-1ynUoWtSM-00251-00124488-00125194 another thing that I was able to revamp was we we normally do a spring March Q-1ynUoWtSM-00252-00125194-00125703 Madness and since the real March Madness was canceled and our program that we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00253-00125703-00126108 were going to base this around our March this year it was going to be based on Q-1ynUoWtSM-00254-00126108-00126451 characters that our annual Night at the Museum program where we had to start Q-1ynUoWtSM-00255-00126451-00126877 figures and we were gonna you know have people pick who they would most like to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00256-00126877-00127335 meet we we already knew that we were probably gonna have to scrap the king of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00257-00127335-00127633 the program and then what we did I said okay I guess we'll stop both the history Q-1ynUoWtSM-00258-00127633-00128289 madness and that week between when the schools closed and when they told Q-1ynUoWtSM-00259-00128289-00128817 everybody no I have to stay home we decided I decided to go ahead and pull Q-1ynUoWtSM-00260-00128817-00129100 all of the captions and photos that I had been sending to the paper all the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00261-00129100-00129613 years about the museum and do a March Madness about the museum it wasn't Q-1ynUoWtSM-00262-00129613-00129942 wasn't very much worth it was just a couple hours to throw together you know Q-1ynUoWtSM-00263-00129942-00130533 you know editing program online just to toss the pictures and in the captions Q-1ynUoWtSM-00264-00130533-00130977 and then we had a way that we could allow people into the museum virtually Q-1ynUoWtSM-00265-00130977-00131323 and let them choose some of their favorites and we had a lot of our our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00266-00131323-00131863 regular followers that interact with us a lot were excited to see that and I'm Q-1ynUoWtSM-00267-00131863-00132141 really glad that I did this because yesterday I got a call from Wittenberg Q-1ynUoWtSM-00268-00132141-00132477 University who's moving forward with their summer internship program and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00269-00132477-00132864 normally they would come and visit the museum and the Library and Archives in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00270-00132864-00133195 the tour with us but since we're still closed and they won't be able to do that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00271-00133195-00133477 they asked if we could do something virtually and I said I have all of these Q-1ynUoWtSM-00272-00133477-00133890 slides that I've already made so we I can put that together for them and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00273-00133890-00134613 provide it so I was glad that I had put a little bit of work in to do those Q-1ynUoWtSM-00274-00134625-00135072 another thing that I'd seen a lot on those webinars were people talking about Q-1ynUoWtSM-00275-00135072-00135477 puzzles that they were offering to people at home so I thought that seemed Q-1ynUoWtSM-00276-00135477-00135811 like a fairly easy thing that we could do I just did a Google search for Q-1ynUoWtSM-00277-00135811-00136467 something that was free and easy chose I'm a puzzle calm and I was able to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00278-00136467-00136822 upload some of our photos to offer puzzles to people a couple of days a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00279-00136822-00137161 week and they've seemed to really like them I've been tracking them through Q-1ynUoWtSM-00280-00137161-00137703 just shortened the links to see how many pics we get and we get we got up to 300 Q-1ynUoWtSM-00281-00137703-00138047 on over three it was very popular we're getting about Q-1ynUoWtSM-00282-00138047-00138739 100 hundred fifty on each other the links and bonus here I had my my son Q-1ynUoWtSM-00283-00138739-00139409 work on the one of the puzzles and kept him busy for about 20 minutes and even Q-1ynUoWtSM-00284-00139409-00139727 tried to throw the iPad one or two times when he got frustrated so that was a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00285-00139727-00140339 good way to keep em busy my boss had said that he wanted some slightly easier Q-1ynUoWtSM-00286-00140339-00140792 ones for his grandkids so I released these same puzzles and nine and twelve Q-1ynUoWtSM-00287-00140792-00141239 piece so that you could more easily do that and we had people that said they Q-1ynUoWtSM-00288-00141239-00141533 would definitely buy a real puzzle so I've had something that we'll look into Q-1ynUoWtSM-00289-00141533-00142037 in the future I think we can make some great puzzles after after all of this Q-1ynUoWtSM-00290-00142037-00142448 another thing I've relied a lot on is I use the time how about personally and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00291-00142448-00143003 since I take so many pictures myself it worked every day I started looking at Q-1ynUoWtSM-00292-00143003-00143267 your time pop to see if there was anything that I had taken pictures of in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00293-00143267-00143777 the past that I could reuse or use like this one popped up the other day it was Q-1ynUoWtSM-00294-00143777-00144176 a had been a donation from a donor that she had wanted me to send her a picture Q-1ynUoWtSM-00295-00144176-00144638 she gave it so I took picture and send it over to her I realized I never did Q-1ynUoWtSM-00296-00144638-00144944 anything with this picture I didn't share it or send it to the paper so I'm Q-1ynUoWtSM-00297-00144944-00145301 gonna go back and pull it and caption there and I'll be able to easily use Q-1ynUoWtSM-00298-00145301-00145829 this one for the paper another one was I had chosen this gentleman to be or who Q-1ynUoWtSM-00299-00145829-00146276 was it Wednesday but was kind of upset with myself that I didn't have a picture Q-1ynUoWtSM-00300-00146276-00146645 of his case anywhere and I said well I don't think I could get into the museum Q-1ynUoWtSM-00301-00146645-00146990 to get a picture and the next day it popped up on my time hot but I forgotten Q-1ynUoWtSM-00302-00146990-00147392 I'd taken a picture five years ago want to replace the lights in his face so I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00303-00147392-00147941 was able to more easily put together a profile and a information about him Q-1ynUoWtSM-00304-00147941-00148265 because his when I zoomed in on here I could read all the text and the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00305-00148265-00148769 information that I needed for him as well they've kind of dip their toes into Q-1ynUoWtSM-00306-00148769-00149393 doing virtual programming we had our first bar last week as a virtual slide Q-1ynUoWtSM-00307-00149393-00149957 show where we just let the attendees talk I was really nervous about that but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00308-00149957-00150572 it went well we had at one point about 60 people on the call and we just did it Q-1ynUoWtSM-00309-00150572-00151046 through zoom and I just put together a PowerPoint slideshow of pictures about Q-1ynUoWtSM-00310-00151046-00151453 15 pictures from around Springfield and I let them talk Q-1ynUoWtSM-00311-00151453-00151866 gave us a lot of great information that we didn't already have we reported it Q-1ynUoWtSM-00312-00151866-00152411 they've cleared up some things gave us some new information people found each Q-1ynUoWtSM-00313-00152411-00153013 other on it it was it was a lot it was really neat and my bosses said you know Q-1ynUoWtSM-00314-00153013-00153436 he really liked us to continue doing that in the future so we decided to make Q-1ynUoWtSM-00315-00153436-00153979 it a biweekly thing so next Wednesday we're going to do a Clark County History Q-1ynUoWtSM-00316-00153979-00154390 trivia night so I'll be putting together some PowerPoint slides and these are Q-1ynUoWtSM-00317-00154390-00154784 both these are all by registration so we have a little bit of control over over Q-1ynUoWtSM-00318-00154784-00155341 it so we sent that out yesterday and I've already gotten about 20 Q-1ynUoWtSM-00319-00155341-00155827 registrations so hopefully that will go well next week it's gotten us thinking Q-1ynUoWtSM-00320-00155827-00156299 about how we can adapt other programs virtually because we honestly don't know Q-1ynUoWtSM-00321-00156299-00156712 how long this will be since most of our volunteers our retirees we we're really Q-1ynUoWtSM-00322-00156712-00157303 hesitant to bring them back anytime soon and we know that there's other things in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00323-00157303-00157748 the community that we might be able to do and adapt like this is a class that I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00324-00157748-00158230 taught on genealogy that I could easily adapt for a virtual program that we did Q-1ynUoWtSM-00325-00158230-00158590 for the the Senior Center who has since cancelled all their classes this is Q-1ynUoWtSM-00326-00158590-00159088 another class that we did courtesy Senior Center on preservation Virginia Q-1ynUoWtSM-00327-00159088-00159545 Casey and I and we know that we could very easily adapt that and share with Q-1ynUoWtSM-00328-00159545-00160024 people on through soon so that's things that we've discussed haven't this is Q-1ynUoWtSM-00329-00160024-00160433 something that I'm not sure yet how we will to handle this I'm having big Q-1ynUoWtSM-00330-00160433-00160898 student groups in here doing projects how we'll be able to do that moving Q-1ynUoWtSM-00331-00160898-00161542 forward but as far as behind the scenes tours these two here show pictures of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00332-00161542-00161827 people that came in when things were good when they could see how things were Q-1ynUoWtSM-00333-00161827-00162262 set up and in our collections areas and in the archives I think maybe something Q-1ynUoWtSM-00334-00162262-00162589 that we could do now is show them where we are what we're working back towards Q-1ynUoWtSM-00335-00162589-00162928 and maybe open up some boxes and show people stuff and we could do that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00336-00162928-00163462 virtually this was an oral history program that we did right after it was Q-1ynUoWtSM-00337-00163462-00163852 just last month in April someone from the city had contacted about adapting Q-1ynUoWtSM-00338-00163852-00164260 their programs their program that they were going to do live and if we could Q-1ynUoWtSM-00339-00164260-00164665 support it and be a because it was going to be about oral Q-1ynUoWtSM-00340-00164665-00165016 histories that were eventually gonna come to us so we did a program there of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00341-00165016-00165473 kids interviewing their elders and I of course offered my daughter to be one of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00342-00165473-00166139 the interview interviewers for that one here that we haven't discussed yet when Q-1ynUoWtSM-00343-00166139-00166525 I'm hoping we don't have to adapt it virtually as our wizarding event program Q-1ynUoWtSM-00344-00166525-00167189 for those of you that love Harry Potter that's that program is my baby and so I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00345-00167189-00167689 got to do things like write Wizarding BIOS for people in our real history and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00346-00167689-00168170 things like that it's been a very popular program the last two years it's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00347-00168170-00168702 supposed to be in October we don't know where things will be then but we'll see Q-1ynUoWtSM-00348-00168702-00169076 that's about all I have but I didn't want to share a piece that I got from a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00349-00169076-00169477 webinar I was on yesterday for museum it was the best piece of advice that I'd Q-1ynUoWtSM-00350-00169477-00169838 heard was do not worry about what people are doing which is what kind of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00351-00169838-00170159 paralyzed me the first couple of weeks was thinking we're not doing enough we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00352-00170159-00170486 should be doing more and it made me really stressed out because you know Q-1ynUoWtSM-00353-00170486-00170996 I've got this furry co-worker and I have two other smaller co-workers that like Q-1ynUoWtSM-00354-00170996-00171383 to burst in through the room all the time and make it a little bit difficult Q-1ynUoWtSM-00355-00171383-00171824 to do work but they said you know everybody's coming from a different Q-1ynUoWtSM-00356-00171824-00172172 place you may have different staff you may have different resources different Q-1ynUoWtSM-00357-00172172-00172513 funding just do the best that you can and that's what we've been trying to do Q-1ynUoWtSM-00358-00172513-00172867 through this and that's what I've always tried to do is with what we share in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00359-00172867-00173309 what we do but I'll leave you with this this little pie here from one of my Q-1ynUoWtSM-00360-00173309-00173648 volunteers who dropped it on my porch the week after we closed because she Q-1ynUoWtSM-00361-00173648-00174287 usually brings pies in on Wednesday was sad that she was gonna see us that's all Q-1ynUoWtSM-00362-00174287-00174694 I have to share thank you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00363-00174800-00175494 Thank You Natalie for such a wonderful example of different things that we can Q-1ynUoWtSM-00364-00175494-00176112 do but I really like your point of it's not necessarily what other people are Q-1ynUoWtSM-00365-00176112-00176721 doing like do what you can but don't worry about what anyone else is doing so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00366-00176721-00177657 up next we have Steve so Steve take it away all right good morning everybody Q-1ynUoWtSM-00367-00177657-00178839 hang on a second let me just get everything going here okay so good Q-1ynUoWtSM-00368-00178839-00179283 morning and welcome to a presentation that probably feels a lot more relevant Q-1ynUoWtSM-00369-00179283-00179856 now than it would have six or eight weeks ago my name is Steve Ammidown and I'm Q-1ynUoWtSM-00370-00179856-00180237 the manuscripts and outreach archivist for the Brown Popular Culture Library at Q-1ynUoWtSM-00371-00180237-00180846 Bowling Green State University so as part of the outreach half of my job I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00372-00180846-00181371 get to give talks to University and outside groups conduct tours of our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00373-00181371-00181830 amazing collections and run our social media accounts so obviously it's that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00374-00181830-00182289 last part that I'm going to talk about today I did want to quickly mention that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00375-00182289-00182922 I'm I'm just thrilled to be here you know ALAO and SOA are doing such a major Q-1ynUoWtSM-00376-00182922-00183381 amazing work in Ohio and it's great to be a part of that and I want to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00377-00183381-00183936 especially thank the organizers for inviting me and and for doing all the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00378-00183936-00184524 hard work necessary to move this event online so this was originally going to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00379-00184524-00185145 be a much more interactive talk social media is after all a group effort but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00380-00185145-00185649 obviously that's not the case so I want you to do something instead while I'm Q-1ynUoWtSM-00381-00185649-00186261 talking take a minute and write down the names of the social media platforms that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00382-00186261-00186816 your library archives Historical Society are using if you know it may be also jot Q-1ynUoWtSM-00383-00186816-00187326 down how long you've been using them and just keep this in mind and keep it at Q-1ynUoWtSM-00384-00187326-00188073 hand as we go through the talk so for more than a decade going back to the mid Q-1ynUoWtSM-00385-00188073-00188368 to and there's been kind of a singular Q-1ynUoWtSM-00386-00188368-00188758 approach to social media in libraries and archives and it doesn't matter if Q-1ynUoWtSM-00387-00188758-00189370 you're a public academic governmental it crosses all boundaries like Magpies were Q-1ynUoWtSM-00388-00189370-00189769 kind of drawn to the shiny things I want to try them all so every new thing that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00389-00189769-00190429 comes up we're on top of it and there's a certain amount of sense to that we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00390-00190429-00190780 want to be where the people are and we want to showcase our ability to quickly Q-1ynUoWtSM-00391-00190780-00191494 adapt and be on the cutting edge and and obviously our in our professional Q-1ynUoWtSM-00392-00191494-00192016 publications and bloggers are out there sort of egging us on so you know Animal Q-1ynUoWtSM-00393-00192016-00192601 Crossing and tick tock and snapchat and of course Second Life or have all gotten Q-1ynUoWtSM-00394-00192601-00193237 their moment in the Sun with library use this seems especially true in our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00395-00193237-00193774 current cultural moment our digital connections to our patrons feel more Q-1ynUoWtSM-00396-00193774-00194221 important than ever and I'm sure that more than a few of you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00397-00194221-00194782 have gotten some increased interest in your social media work from your Q-1ynUoWtSM-00398-00194782-00195472 administrators and and supervisor two dozen plate the thing is there is a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00399-00195472-00195973 cycle to these things and we've all seen it over and over again an organization Q-1ynUoWtSM-00400-00195973-00196459 adopts a new platform with great fanfare sometimes you're lucky enough to get a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00401-00196459-00197020 press release and media coverage to go along with it you devote staff time and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00402-00197020-00197542 if you're lucky even additional funds to the new platform as and the organization Q-1ynUoWtSM-00403-00197542-00198211 then work does its best to make the most of it sometimes you bring on an intern Q-1ynUoWtSM-00404-00198211-00198859 or assign a particular staffer to generate the content and steer the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00405-00198859-00199375 project but then there comes the inevitable crash maybe the platform Q-1ynUoWtSM-00406-00199375-00199696 falls in a favor maybe that staffer discovers they can't Q-1ynUoWtSM-00407-00199696-00199987 master the platform and no one else wants to do it Q-1ynUoWtSM-00408-00199987-00200584 maybe someone leaves without sharing the passwords and or maybe something else Q-1ynUoWtSM-00409-00200584-00200914 just takes precedent I mean we are libraries and archives other things are Q-1ynUoWtSM-00410-00200914-00201594 always coming up so the account quickly becomes a ghost Q-1ynUoWtSM-00411-00201618-00202170 before anyone knows that years have gone by the accounts still alive though Q-1ynUoWtSM-00412-00202170-00202639 eagerly advertising that offer event that's coming up in April looks for five Q-1ynUoWtSM-00413-00202639-00203257 years ago the page often still bears the organization's name and logo and maybe Q-1ynUoWtSM-00414-00203257-00203653 it still links to your website as well assuming that link isn't dead as well Q-1ynUoWtSM-00415-00203653-00204169 so the single official presence your organization has on that platform is now Q-1ynUoWtSM-00416-00204169-00204799 a complete ghost town and the the pages I've selected here what you know a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00417-00204799-00205285 couple of them are we're really notable at the time had a Hennepin County in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00418-00205285-00205900 Minnesota was highly touted and written about for their MySpace page years ago Q-1ynUoWtSM-00419-00205900-00206467 and this screenshot was taken a couple of days ago so that page still exists Q-1ynUoWtSM-00420-00206467-00207190 out there the New York Public Library their tumblr page was was revered for a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00421-00207190-00207880 long time and the last post on there is from more than two years ago and it's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00422-00207880-00208342 promoting something on another platform that they've also stopped doing so so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00423-00208342-00208827 there's a lot of these pages out there what do we what do we remember it or not Q-1ynUoWtSM-00424-00208827-00209326 I can speak from some experience on this because when I arrived at the brown Q-1ynUoWtSM-00425-00209326-00209755 popular culture library we had no fewer than eight accounts on various social Q-1ynUoWtSM-00426-00209755-00210262 media and blogging platforms all I've been adopted with the best of intentions Q-1ynUoWtSM-00427-00210262-00210835 but our our small staff before people didn't have time to maintain them many Q-1ynUoWtSM-00428-00210835-00211294 of them were just neglected they would occasionally get resurrected when an Q-1ynUoWtSM-00429-00211294-00211750 intern or a student worker would arrive with new ideas and then just get Q-1ynUoWtSM-00430-00211750-00212319 abandoned again for a while when that person left now I managed to social Q-1ynUoWtSM-00431-00212319-00212742 media accounts we have an Instagram account that has around 500 followers Q-1ynUoWtSM-00432-00212742-00213238 which is yeah it's fine it could be better and our Twitter account which has Q-1ynUoWtSM-00433-00213238-00213873 become moderately successful it has more than 3,000 followers we did we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00434-00213873-00214354 the most recent one platform we eliminated was our Facebook page which Q-1ynUoWtSM-00435-00214354-00214807 we got rid of last year we do still contribute to the University library's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00436-00214807-00215134 Facebook Paige every once in a while the other Q-1ynUoWtSM-00437-00215134-00215836 five accounts you see here Flickr WordPress Pinterest Tumblr and our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00438-00215836-00216223 presence on the University library's YouTube account have all been either put Q-1ynUoWtSM-00439-00216223-00216792 into hibernation or deleted entirely so what caused this kind of drastic change Q-1ynUoWtSM-00440-00216792-00217288 so part of it was a directive from the University that every unit on campus had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00441-00217288-00217819 to clean up their social media presence for us the decision-making was actually Q-1ynUoWtSM-00442-00217819-00218257 pretty easy the content we had on those platforms that that we weren't using Q-1ynUoWtSM-00443-00218257-00218779 anymore Pinterest Tumblr Flickr WordPress and and the videos we had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00444-00218779-00219258 posted on the YouTube account for University Libraries it was all dated Q-1ynUoWtSM-00445-00219258-00219805 and had received little if any engagement some of it was even ported Q-1ynUoWtSM-00446-00219805-00220216 over from other platforms so there were a lot of dead links and things that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00447-00220216-00220753 didn't work anymore these accounts had been created primarily just to have a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00448-00220753-00221251 presence to do a thing on that platform without any real sort of strategy or Q-1ynUoWtSM-00449-00221251-00222094 vision for why there was also a matter of resources I as the one now charged Q-1ynUoWtSM-00450-00222094-00222721 with the social media did not have time to tend to and create content for eight Q-1ynUoWtSM-00451-00222721-00223183 different accounts and we also didn't have the budget to do things like Q-1ynUoWtSM-00452-00223183-00223681 Facebook ads or targeted targeted advertisements on other platforms to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00453-00223681-00224332 grow our audience so as I started to look around the social media landscape Q-1ynUoWtSM-00454-00224332-00224821 for libraries and I saw all these ghost pages and I thought about all that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00455-00224821-00225331 wasted time and effort I tried to think of maybe if there's a new way that we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00456-00225331-00225865 can approach the adoption of these new platforms differently and and more Q-1ynUoWtSM-00457-00225865-00226258 thoughtfully than we had been especially now that we're in this period of great Q-1ynUoWtSM-00458-00226258-00226777 uncertainty and budget cuts and all of these other things I think there are Q-1ynUoWtSM-00459-00226777-00227314 four things that that we can look at as essential to consider before we even Q-1ynUoWtSM-00460-00227314-00227842 open a social media account first we need to understand the existing audience Q-1ynUoWtSM-00461-00227842-00228228 on the platform second we need to make sure that the contact Q-1ynUoWtSM-00462-00228228-00229017 content that we can produce matches that platform third I think it's essential Q-1ynUoWtSM-00463-00229017-00229363 that we define what success is going to look like in advance before we've even Q-1ynUoWtSM-00464-00229363-00230022 started and forth and this is a really important point but I rarely hear people Q-1ynUoWtSM-00465-00230022-00230541 talking about it is having an exit plan ready from day one from the very Q-1ynUoWtSM-00466-00230541-00231177 beginning so when it comes to understanding the audience I think there Q-1ynUoWtSM-00467-00231177-00231636 are three key questions that we need to ask first who is the audience who's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00468-00231636-00232059 already a member of that platform is it for kids is the young professionals Q-1ynUoWtSM-00469-00232059-00233136 budding genealogists political nerds what is it and and once we understand Q-1ynUoWtSM-00470-00233136-00233472 that and and we can understand that by spending some time on that platform Q-1ynUoWtSM-00471-00233472-00234040 ourselves once we establish that it's important that we identify if that's an Q-1ynUoWtSM-00472-00234040-00234678 audience we need to reach for example a genealogical society means tick-tock as Q-1ynUoWtSM-00473-00234678-00235215 much as the teen librarian might need Facebook the you know there's a real Q-1ynUoWtSM-00474-00235215-00235727 mismatch there between the who needs to see the content and the platform itself Q-1ynUoWtSM-00475-00235727-00236340 and then finally I think that you need to stop and think about whether you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00476-00236340-00236914 reach the exact same audience via another platform especially now we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00477-00236914-00237214 should not be making more work for ourselves if it's not going to lead to a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00478-00237214-00238063 positive game one more thing I wanted to point out in this segment is that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00479-00238063-00238476 libraries need to be careful about getting out of our Layton's I say I'm Q-1ynUoWtSM-00480-00238476-00239136 thinking specifically of platforms like snapchat and tick tock but it can apply Q-1ynUoWtSM-00481-00239136-00239740 to any of them you know these the two platforms are snap snap chatting Tech Q-1ynUoWtSM-00482-00239740-00240267 Talk are primarily for entertainment and for teens and younger folks if you as an Q-1ynUoWtSM-00483-00240267-00240838 institution try to play it too cool or you're trying to be too hip it backfires Q-1ynUoWtSM-00484-00240838-00241311 spectacularly and you just you've wasted all of your time and effort so make sure Q-1ynUoWtSM-00485-00241311-00241761 you establish your institutional voice before you start the account and then Q-1ynUoWtSM-00486-00241761-00242266 you stick to it you know at a pop culture library we can be a little more Q-1ynUoWtSM-00487-00242266-00242703 irreverent a little more off-the-cuff because that's pop culture that's what Q-1ynUoWtSM-00488-00242703-00243148 we do but if your County Historical Society you should be careful about that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00489-00243148-00243603 and really think through the audience's that are going to hear your that are Q-1ynUoWtSM-00490-00243603-00244315 going to see your content so every social media platform has its own Q-1ynUoWtSM-00491-00244315-00244789 specialties and quirks and it's really helpful to understand them upfront since Q-1ynUoWtSM-00492-00244789-00245244 we don't have a huge amount of time I hold a few examples just to give you an Q-1ynUoWtSM-00493-00245244-00245754 idea some things to look for so starting with Twitter Twitter's best features Q-1ynUoWtSM-00494-00245754-00246084 also one of the things that makes it really hard for institutions to be Q-1ynUoWtSM-00495-00246084-00246669 successful it's fast there are tens of millions of users and even though the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00496-00246669-00247138 platform's algorithms can control what you see you still miss dozens of posts Q-1ynUoWtSM-00497-00247138-00247576 every minute it's a really terrific platform for posting topical and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00498-00247576-00248346 relevant content you know for example we might celebrate an anniversary of a TV Q-1ynUoWtSM-00499-00248346-00249139 show or you know mark the the passing of a celebrity and we can do that instantly Q-1ynUoWtSM-00500-00249139-00249691 without having scheduled things and and have some faith that people are actually Q-1ynUoWtSM-00501-00249691-00249991 going to see our content because they're looking for that TV show or that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00502-00249991-00250683 celebrity it's also it's a platform built on community which is really Q-1ynUoWtSM-00503-00250683-00251173 important being a passive user isn't enough you have to engage with posts Q-1ynUoWtSM-00504-00251173-00251500 that are air owned and you have to become part of the logic larger Q-1ynUoWtSM-00505-00251500-00252105 conversation otherwise people will just see you as a spammer or just not worth Q-1ynUoWtSM-00506-00252105-00252517 following if you're just cross posting your Facebook posts to Twitter you're Q-1ynUoWtSM-00507-00252517-00252929 just working against yourself in the end Q-1ynUoWtSM-00508-00253077-00253573 so YouTube we often think of as sort of a secondary social network so we post Q-1ynUoWtSM-00509-00253573-00254071 our videos there we can take advantage of things like auto captioning which for Q-1ynUoWtSM-00510-00254071-00254539 us public institutions is really important that so that we're compliant Q-1ynUoWtSM-00511-00254539-00254957 and accessible and then we can link to them from blogs or Q-1ynUoWtSM-00512-00254957-00255365 social media posts elsewhere but it's also a place where you can build your Q-1ynUoWtSM-00513-00255365-00255944 own audience so YouTube is filled with interesting things people are often Q-1ynUoWtSM-00514-00255944-00256256 looking for it they call it satisfying content Q-1ynUoWtSM-00515-00256256-00256940 so there's behind-the-scenes videos there's how-to videos and and spotlights Q-1ynUoWtSM-00516-00256940-00257435 on certain topics that people really get into and right now a lot of parents are Q-1ynUoWtSM-00517-00257435-00257846 using content from YouTube to augment their kids lessons so there's a real Q-1ynUoWtSM-00518-00257846-00258419 opportunity however it is really tricky to build an audience on YouTube the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00519-00258419-00258908 platform's algorithm rewards constant updates and long videos so over 15 Q-1ynUoWtSM-00520-00258908-00259538 minutes as well as metrics like how many people subscribe to the channel and how Q-1ynUoWtSM-00521-00259538-00259867 many people like individual videos so if you're not adding to it all the time Q-1ynUoWtSM-00522-00259867-00260323 you're not going to build an audience there but you can certainly still use Q-1ynUoWtSM-00523-00260323-00261128 that content on other platforms so Instagram is almost an entirely visual Q-1ynUoWtSM-00524-00261128-00261707 platform so it's got to focus on videos and photos it's a good way especially Q-1ynUoWtSM-00525-00261707-00262220 for archives and special collections to share unique and visually interesting Q-1ynUoWtSM-00526-00262220-00262805 materials and followers are as important here as they are elsewhere but the use Q-1ynUoWtSM-00527-00262805-00263296 of hashtags can also allow your posts to be seen by a much broader audience Q-1ynUoWtSM-00528-00263296-00263825 unfortunately again for special collections and archives links aren't Q-1ynUoWtSM-00529-00263825-00264212 allowed in posts until you reach a certain size a certain number of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00530-00264212-00264665 followers as an account so it can be difficult to do things like connect an Q-1ynUoWtSM-00531-00264665-00265268 image with a catalog entry so that's a really tricky problem it's also trend Q-1ynUoWtSM-00532-00265268-00265613 driven so your content has to be relevant and it has to be something Q-1ynUoWtSM-00533-00265613-00266030 again going back to the hashtags has to be something people are looking for in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00534-00266030-00266678 order to stand out nostalgia items do really well on Instagram and just sort Q-1ynUoWtSM-00535-00266678-00267349 of quirky weird things do well especially in the short video format Q-1ynUoWtSM-00536-00267391-00267950 Facebook is obviously the elephant in any social media conversation the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00537-00267950-00268295 massive platform that allows for posting all kinds of content Q-1ynUoWtSM-00538-00268295-00268973 from images to videos gifts and a whole other lot of things it has this built-in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00539-00268973-00269390 event calendar and fundraising tool that a lot of us have started to use because Q-1ynUoWtSM-00540-00269390-00269911 we can't do it ourselves however it's a really tricky platform so I mentioned Q-1ynUoWtSM-00541-00269911-00270494 that we deleted our Facebook page we had at the time we deleted we had almost Q-1ynUoWtSM-00542-00270494-00270982 exactly 400 people who had liked our page but we found that it was the same Q-1ynUoWtSM-00543-00270982-00271507 10 or 15 people engaging with every single post and it was really difficult Q-1ynUoWtSM-00544-00271507-00271933 to figure out if that was because our content wasn't good maybe it was boring Q-1ynUoWtSM-00545-00271933-00272474 I don't know or if it was because the algorithms within Facebook we're trying Q-1ynUoWtSM-00546-00272474-00273007 to force us to pay more to reach all our followers through targeted ads and other Q-1ynUoWtSM-00547-00273007-00273368 items maybe it was a little bit of both I'm not sure but it can be really tricky Q-1ynUoWtSM-00548-00273368-00273890 to use and a lot of places end up using it more just to post their hours and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00549-00273890-00274435 post events constant posting isn't rewarded as much as it is on other Q-1ynUoWtSM-00550-00274435-00275201 platforms so I think the next step is we have to define success in advance so we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00551-00275201-00275719 try to figure out how we're going to define success on this platform Q-1ynUoWtSM-00552-00275719-00276181 now that you've determined the audience what are you trying to reach them for Q-1ynUoWtSM-00553-00276181-00276776 what are you trying to accomplish as we just saw different platforms are good Q-1ynUoWtSM-00554-00276776-00277159 for different tasks some might be good for one or two things as you can see Q-1ynUoWtSM-00555-00277159-00277595 here Facebook and YouTube and Twitter can all be used for multiple different Q-1ynUoWtSM-00556-00277595-00278539 things well others are very specific so tic toc and snapchat have very specific Q-1ynUoWtSM-00557-00278539-00279218 audiences and abilities that are difficult for a library archive to take Q-1ynUoWtSM-00558-00279218-00279656 advantage of it's helpful here when you're trying to determine what you want Q-1ynUoWtSM-00559-00279656-00280253 to accomplish to be as specific and measurable as you can so for example you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00560-00280253-00280681 know let's say we want to increase our event attendance by 25% this is the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00561-00280681-00281086 number you're already tracking here you're already tracking how many people Q-1ynUoWtSM-00562-00281086-00281625 attend each event and as you continue to trap that you can Q-1ynUoWtSM-00563-00281625-00282006 matches against the amount of time your your using the platform to promote the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00564-00282006-00282504 event and then go from there and that kind of brings me to metrics in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00565-00282504-00283062 general every platform has some kind kind of metrics dashboard now and a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00566-00283062-00283593 large percentage of it is just complete gobbly gook while there are metrics that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00567-00283593-00284184 can show you whether an individual post was shared and liked a good amount of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00568-00284184-00284640 time a lot of the metrics that you'll find are sort of what they call vanity Q-1ynUoWtSM-00569-00284640-00285072 metrics which basically exists to make you feel good about your continued use Q-1ynUoWtSM-00570-00285072-00285549 of the platform so on face book its views on Twitter its impressions and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00571-00285549-00285882 these boats essentially mean that your post appeared on someone's screen Q-1ynUoWtSM-00572-00285882-00286287 doesn't mean they engage for that in a meaningful way so it's not exactly Q-1ynUoWtSM-00573-00286287-00286728 helpful so instead I'd recommend using more measurable things like increased Q-1ynUoWtSM-00574-00286728-00287220 foot traffic clicks to your website reference requests fundraising Q-1ynUoWtSM-00575-00287220-00287772 improvements especially for most smaller libraries and archives these are numbers Q-1ynUoWtSM-00576-00287772-00288105 you're already tracking and so you can easily observe over time whether they Q-1ynUoWtSM-00577-00288105-00289188 change one one of the ways I think we can avoid becoming ghost accounts is to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00578-00289188-00289626 create a timeline and stick to it so now that you've picked your metrics you've Q-1ynUoWtSM-00579-00289626-00290130 identified your audience you can give yourself a set period of time a year or Q-1ynUoWtSM-00580-00290130-00290544 six months whatever works best you know a fiscal year whatever works best for Q-1ynUoWtSM-00581-00290544-00291045 your institution to see if the new platform has an impact if that platform Q-1ynUoWtSM-00582-00291045-00291417 doesn't seem to be working out if you're not seeing huge increases you know Q-1ynUoWtSM-00583-00291417-00291819 consider making some changes to your strategy trying different approaches and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00584-00291819-00292443 posts and then giving it another six months the point here is work Q-1ynUoWtSM-00585-00292443-00293165 methodically but quickly so you're trying to work in manageable chunks and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00586-00293165-00293769 understand that all of these platforms have a real cost even if they're free on Q-1ynUoWtSM-00587-00293769-00294420 the surface our time and money in libraries is not infinite so we have so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00588-00294420-00294963 setting a realistic time frame can give you a savings in time and money you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00589-00294963-00295446 you give yourself a certain amount of time to create your content and you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00590-00295446-00296000 minimize the amount of money you're spending on things like staff salaries Q-1ynUoWtSM-00591-00296000-00296753 dedicated to social media and audience reach the last and most important way to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00592-00296753-00297243 define success is to identify who's going to do the work if you're a loan Q-1ynUoWtSM-00593-00297243-00297867 arranger or social media staff of one congratulations you are the one but I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00594-00297867-00298334 want to emphasize for those folks that your time is precious and you shouldn't Q-1ynUoWtSM-00595-00298334-00298802 be using platforms you're not comfortable with so ways to do to get Q-1ynUoWtSM-00596-00298802-00299351 more comfortable is to use it yourself personally also spend time reading and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00597-00299351-00299892 and understanding the content on the platform I always tell people read more Q-1ynUoWtSM-00598-00299892-00300395 than you post look at what other institutions like yours are doing Q-1ynUoWtSM-00599-00300395-00301070 understand that the things that they are having success with and what they're not Q-1ynUoWtSM-00600-00301070-00301563 successful with if you're lucky enough to have a social media capable staff you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00601-00301563-00301952 can start by talking with those who might already use the platform their Q-1ynUoWtSM-00602-00301952-00302274 understanding in the community and especially the tone and voice of the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00603-00302274-00303225 platform can be a secret to success but be aware that sorry be aware that those Q-1ynUoWtSM-00604-00303225-00303659 folks may not have the time the extra time within there are already busy Q-1ynUoWtSM-00605-00303659-00304106 schedule to do this work or their approach to the platform may be very Q-1ynUoWtSM-00606-00304106-00304607 different from that institutional voice that we talked about earlier so you just Q-1ynUoWtSM-00607-00304607-00304957 need to keep that in mind as you going Q-1ynUoWtSM-00608-00304960-00305429 so the the final thing and the most important part of this whole process I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00609-00305429-00305900 think is planning for the day when it's time to turn off the account this might Q-1ynUoWtSM-00610-00305900-00306266 seem kind of defeatist but it will save you from lots of headaches in the end Q-1ynUoWtSM-00611-00306266-00306833 first you need to identify who determines when you're done so if you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00612-00306833-00307382 and your board of trustees sit down at that six-month mark or your boss sit Q-1ynUoWtSM-00613-00307382-00307863 down at that six-month mark to look at your your existing time frame that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00614-00307863-00308301 you've given yourself for success that's a good natural decision point Q-1ynUoWtSM-00615-00308301-00308819 and and you can kind of identify who the important folks are to have in that room Q-1ynUoWtSM-00616-00308819-00309486 in addition to your metrics that we we've already discussed consider whether Q-1ynUoWtSM-00617-00309486-00309975 the staff test with running the account still enjoys doing it the level of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00618-00309975-00310611 enthusiasm of the people posting content can show on the platform and it can Q-1ynUoWtSM-00619-00310611-00311145 really it should really be a major consideration as you're deciding whether Q-1ynUoWtSM-00620-00311145-00311607 you want to continue and you should also talk with your stakeholders so if you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00621-00311607-00311943 delete your platform tomorrow will your stakeholders actually care Q-1ynUoWtSM-00622-00311943-00312393 this is what we found with our Facebook account that most of those who engaged Q-1ynUoWtSM-00623-00312393-00312753 with us there we're following us elsewhere as well so they didn't really Q-1ynUoWtSM-00624-00312753-00313395 notice or have any strong feelings about whether our Facebook page went around or Q-1ynUoWtSM-00625-00313395-00314073 went away so once you've decided it's time you need to identify your approach Q-1ynUoWtSM-00626-00314073-00314718 so there are two options that I think are worth looking at the first is to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00627-00314718-00315183 stop posting but retain the page this is especially useful if you have a lot of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00628-00315183-00315492 followers but you've just reached a point where you can't support the page Q-1ynUoWtSM-00629-00315492-00316059 anymore so you give your followers warning say you know after this date Q-1ynUoWtSM-00630-00316059-00316410 we're not going to update this page and then your last post should be a static Q-1ynUoWtSM-00631-00316410-00316875 post indicating that the page isn't being updated and give other people give Q-1ynUoWtSM-00632-00316875-00317349 people other ways to connect a few things behind the scenes that are really Q-1ynUoWtSM-00633-00317349-00317751 important in this case are to make sure that the username and password Q-1ynUoWtSM-00634-00317751-00318483 information is kept and updated as necessary because the account can still Q-1ynUoWtSM-00635-00318483-00319359 be hacked dormant accounts especially on on platforms like Twitter are our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00636-00319359-00320034 frequent targets of hackers and spam bots and you also want to make sure that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00637-00320034-00320553 you have two factor authentication enabled you should have that already but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00638-00320553-00321108 this is especially a good time to enact that and then you also want to go back Q-1ynUoWtSM-00639-00321108-00321363 to every once in a while to make sure that nothing has gone wrong make sure Q-1ynUoWtSM-00640-00321363-00321661 that people aren't spamming your account in some way Q-1ynUoWtSM-00641-00321661-00322521 so it's sort of it's free like a puppy think of it that way you know it's a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00642-00322521-00322977 solution but it's it's one where you have to you have to keep managing it the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00643-00322977-00323640 other option is to delete your page entirely in this case you again want to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00644-00323640-00324011 give ample warning to your followers with our Facebook page we did two weeks Q-1ynUoWtSM-00645-00324011-00324528 and we found that worked really well again with posts that include the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00646-00324528-00325014 information about where else they can find you you'll also want to research Q-1ynUoWtSM-00647-00325014-00325446 the platform's deletion process all of them are a little bit different and they Q-1ynUoWtSM-00648-00325446-00325980 all want to retain you as they use I'll talk about this in a second talk more Q-1ynUoWtSM-00649-00325980-00326349 about that in a second where it's possible you want to download Q-1ynUoWtSM-00650-00326349-00326844 all of the data you can from the platform this is this is doable on Q-1ynUoWtSM-00651-00326844-00327420 platforms like Twitter and Facebook and their videos and web pages online you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00652-00327420-00328005 can use to to do that this will give you a record of the posts and media that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00653-00328005-00328385 appeared on there just in case you need to refer back to them for some reason or Q-1ynUoWtSM-00654-00328385-00328742 you want to reuse that content elsewhere Q-1ynUoWtSM-00655-00328772-00329475 then you want to pull the plug and it's it's time to delete the delete the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00656-00329475-00330075 platform go through the process and then again you need to make sure that you're Q-1ynUoWtSM-00657-00330075-00330651 going back occasionally to make to check for possible impersonators squatters Q-1ynUoWtSM-00658-00330651-00331235 people that may be trying to pretend they are you on that platform I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00659-00331235-00331653 mentioned the shutdown processes I wanted to share my experience with with Q-1ynUoWtSM-00660-00331653-00332157 three of the ones that we've done Facebook Tumblr and Pinterest because Q-1ynUoWtSM-00661-00332157-00332931 they're they're good indicators of how finicky these processes can be Facebook Q-1ynUoWtSM-00662-00332931-00333339 pages can only be deleted by the page owner which is a good reason to keep Q-1ynUoWtSM-00663-00333339-00333993 very good records of what email account the Facebook account is tied to because Q-1ynUoWtSM-00664-00333993-00334488 if you lose that you're going to have some issues you can download all the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00665-00334488-00334992 data from your page takes a while and it's usually a pretty big file once you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00666-00334992-00335190 go through the deletion process your page Q-1ynUoWtSM-00667-00335190-00335649 switches to unpublished mode for two weeks means it's not visible but it Q-1ynUoWtSM-00668-00335649-00336273 still exists it's worthwhile going back after two weeks to make sure that the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00669-00336273-00336897 page actually does go away tumblr is more of a slash-and-burn approach you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00670-00336897-00337449 can't download your data and assuming you only have one page active on tumblr Q-1ynUoWtSM-00671-00337449-00337926 the only way to remove that page from view is to delete the entire account so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00672-00337926-00338457 be ready for that when you go through the process Pinterest I found to be Q-1ynUoWtSM-00673-00338457-00338919 particularly tricky you can delete the page but as soon as you log back into Q-1ynUoWtSM-00674-00338919-00339456 Pinterest it automatically res or resurrects the page and when they send Q-1ynUoWtSM-00675-00339456-00339780 you that email confirming that you deleted it the biggest link there is to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00676-00339780-00340335 log back in so if they're trying to get you back in in any way they possibly can Q-1ynUoWtSM-00677-00340335-00340668 as I said these are all a little different and each is tricky in its own Q-1ynUoWtSM-00678-00340668-00341379 way so make sure you do your research I wanted to share this worksheet and just Q-1ynUoWtSM-00679-00341379-00341751 as a useful exercise to get down on paper everything you know and don't know Q-1ynUoWtSM-00680-00341751-00342252 about your social media accounts so the platform name how long you used it who Q-1ynUoWtSM-00681-00342252-00342726 the audience is and what you use it for I think doing this every once in a while Q-1ynUoWtSM-00682-00342726-00343173 even if you're not just starting your account is really helpful to to really Q-1ynUoWtSM-00683-00343173-00343767 think about what you're doing in terms of social media I'm including a couple Q-1ynUoWtSM-00684-00343767-00344330 of links here two really interesting resources the first is by Adam Kazari Q-1ynUoWtSM-00685-00344330-00345014 when he was at the Museum of English world life and it goes through the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00686-00345014-00345837 planning and aftermath of a very popular post that the Merle made back in 2018 Q-1ynUoWtSM-00687-00345837-00346401 and I recommend following their accounts to understand what they do that's a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00688-00346401-00346749 little bit different but it's really helpful in terms of understanding Q-1ynUoWtSM-00689-00346749-00347214 strategy and ways to go about things that maybe are a little bit different Q-1ynUoWtSM-00690-00347214-00347744 than you've engaged with before and then the other one is an article I found Q-1ynUoWtSM-00691-00347744-00348246 recently on public libraries online that goes into a lot of the stuff that I've Q-1ynUoWtSM-00692-00348246-00348450 already talked about here but in a little more deep Q-1ynUoWtSM-00693-00348450-00348882 so it's it's worth looking at I will say that you should always be wary of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00694-00348882-00349395 articles about social media many of them are completely out of date by the time Q-1ynUoWtSM-00695-00349395-00350001 they're published if it doesn't have a byline of the year you are in it's it's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00696-00350001-00350730 worth taking it with a grain of salt so that's it for me I'm happy to talk to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00697-00350730-00351321 folks afterwards feel free to email me or find me on Twitter Facebook and I'm Q-1ynUoWtSM-00698-00351321-00351708 glad to chat thanks again to the organizers for having me and enjoy the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00699-00351708-00352437 rest of your day thank you Steve I know that I certainly learned a lot Q-1ynUoWtSM-00700-00352437-00353037 from your talk with that being said we are approximately halfway through the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00701-00353037-00353448 webinar we're going to take a quick five-minute break Q-1ynUoWtSM-00702-00353448-00354282 but we will resume at 11:14 please continue to drop questions on the padlet Q-1ynUoWtSM-00703-00354282-00355134 or in the chat and if you have any questions for someone who is hosting Q-1ynUoWtSM-00704-00355134-00355796 please let either me Suzanne ruler or Stephanie Brooking know Q-1ynUoWtSM-00705-00356113-00356932 all right everyone welcome back to our outreach webinar up next we have Q-1ynUoWtSM-00707-00360479-00361127 Haney you'll also hear from Jenifer Baker I am the director of records Q-1ynUoWtSM-00708-00361127-00361628 management and Archives here at Warren County and today we're going to talk a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00709-00361628-00362213 little bit about oral histories kind of a case study of what we did here at Q-1ynUoWtSM-00710-00362213-00363181 Warren County to try to get our oral history program going and you see our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00711-00363181-00363654 title let's try this again revamping oral history of Warren County Q-1ynUoWtSM-00712-00363654-00364078 Jenifer will give you a lot more Q-1ynUoWtSM-00713-00364156-00364842 or the title this with our ups and downs of trying to get this program going so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00714-00364842-00365530 with a little bit of background about myself again like I said I'm the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00715-00365530-00365962 director of records management here at Warren County I think previously mentioned Q-1ynUoWtSM-00716-00365962-00366694 I have been here for seven years before working at Warren County I worked at the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00717-00366694-00367132 Air Force history office at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base was a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00718-00367132-00367813 processing archivist at the Greene County room at the Greene County Library Q-1ynUoWtSM-00719-00367813-00368404 and then I spent a couple years working at the University of Dayton in their Q-1ynUoWtSM-00720-00368404-00369972 circulation department when I got here in 2013 we did not have much of a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00721-00369972-00371308 outreach at home we are can you guys see my screen hold on we can't currently see Q-1ynUoWtSM-00722-00371308-00371914 yours okay sorry about that I must not have shared my screen all Q-1ynUoWtSM-00723-00371914-00372595 right give me just one second sorry about that guys can you see my screen Q-1ynUoWtSM-00724-00372595-00373369 now yes okay sorry about that all right Thank You Jenifer for letting Q-1ynUoWtSM-00725-00373369-00374325 me know all right so um just a little bit background about the record Center Q-1ynUoWtSM-00726-00374337-00374890 staff members our mission is to serve the public through the protection and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00727-00374890-00375274 access to public records and document the activities of questionable Warren Q-1ynUoWtSM-00728-00375274-00376066 County and we have a relatively large record storage area again when I got to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00729-00376066-00376795 Warren County we did not have much of a presence online period with this slide Q-1ynUoWtSM-00730-00376795-00377434 you'll see that this was our website the website started in 2001 and this was the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00731-00377434-00377727 website that we had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00732-00377767-00378253 when I started in 2013 and this was basically it Q-1ynUoWtSM-00733-00378253-00378727 there was an email from our area that you can make a reference request but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00734-00378727-00379209 beforehand you did not have any kind of social media we didn't really have a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00735-00379209-00380614 basic inventory of how to find our our records and we really didn't have much Q-1ynUoWtSM-00736-00380614-00381313 presence except where patrons could come in it could make web requests or they Q-1ynUoWtSM-00737-00381313-00381979 could give us a call so when I started I wanted to change that I have being that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00738-00381979-00382444 pretty much every position I've ever had has been very public focused and that's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00739-00382444-00382897 what we are we are a public institution I wanted to adopt ich in our public Q-1ynUoWtSM-00740-00382897-00383467 access and outreach so the first thing I did was updated our website and then I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00741-00383467-00384030 began an overhaul of our inventory and indexing of Records that year and the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00742-00384030-00384745 next couple years we had interns that would come in and they would accession Q-1ynUoWtSM-00743-00384745-00385315 our records and then also put them in access Excel databases so we had a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00744-00385315-00385639 better idea of where they were but eventually we could also get those Q-1ynUoWtSM-00745-00385639-00386395 records online so that individuals could start researching them then in 2015 I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00746-00386395-00387304 hired an intern who you'll see here uh Shelby Dixon be she had prior to being Q-1ynUoWtSM-00747-00387304-00388290 our intern she had worked with some social media and also had worked with Q-1ynUoWtSM-00748-00388290-00388972 outreach educational outreach and we had hired her to do the launch our Facebook Q-1ynUoWtSM-00749-00388972-00389604 page and WordPress and also write with with some guidance from myself and our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00750-00389604-00390079 prosecutor's office social media policy so that we could launch our Facebook and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00751-00390079-00390751 WordPress and then also she worked on our educational outreach program which Q-1ynUoWtSM-00752-00390751-00391167 Jenifer now runs and worked on Q-1ynUoWtSM-00753-00391324-00391970 zip it with our infirmary building fast forward to 2017 something that I had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00754-00391970-00392522 been wanting to start doing for a while was an oral history program I had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00755-00392522-00393317 actually seen some videos from looking County which they had done a County home Q-1ynUoWtSM-00756-00393317-00393979 oral history project back in 2012 13 and 14 and I thought these were wonderful Q-1ynUoWtSM-00757-00393979-00394624 they had they had videos he also had sometimes Q-1ynUoWtSM-00758-00394765-00395256 just recording audio recordings of individuals that they had interviewed Q-1ynUoWtSM-00759-00395256-00395962 that had spent time living at their old county home and I wanted something Q-1ynUoWtSM-00760-00395962-00396520 similar at Warren County just because we had so many people that had been as Q-1ynUoWtSM-00761-00396520-00396868 we've been doing different exhibits reach out to us saying that they have Q-1ynUoWtSM-00762-00396868-00397576 stories to share about living living at the county home they remember going to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00763-00397576-00398118 the old infirmary building they remember Q-1ynUoWtSM-00764-00398160-00398839 having field trips at the old county jail and so when when once I started Q-1ynUoWtSM-00765-00398839-00399166 looking at looking County stuff I kind of got a little jealous and decided to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00766-00399166-00399808 do some research and see if this was something that we need to do and as one Q-1ynUoWtSM-00767-00399808-00400180 of my slides are as what I have on there says imitation is the best form of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00768-00400180-00401005 flattery I kind of decided that I kind of liked what looking County had had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00769-00401005-00401442 done so I stole some of their ideas and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00770-00401589-00402289 then went on from some best practices from the Smithsonian and some other Q-1ynUoWtSM-00771-00402289-00402823 universities about how they do their oral histories we put together an oral Q-1ynUoWtSM-00772-00402823-00403327 history release form and then I basically told Jenifer to go be awesome Q-1ynUoWtSM-00773-00403327-00403915 I have a tendency to have ideas and then have this let the staff kind of go with Q-1ynUoWtSM-00774-00403915-00404685 them go with it so I will go ahead and let Jennifer take the screen Q-1ynUoWtSM-00775-00406044-00406651 so as Jen said I am in charge of Warren County Records Center and Archives Q-1ynUoWtSM-00776-00406651-00407347 outreach program and with most of our projects the way that it works is Jen Q-1ynUoWtSM-00777-00407347-00408037 comes up with brilliant ideas and then she tells me to go be awesome so these Q-1ynUoWtSM-00778-00408037-00408574 are some pictures of some of the projects we've worked on for our oral Q-1ynUoWtSM-00779-00408574-00409354 history program Jen kind of went over some of the origins story of that for me Q-1ynUoWtSM-00780-00409354-00409768 my understanding was that we were going to be interviewing or the idea was to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00781-00409768-00410728 interview employees and retirees mostly you know when I started in 2015 we were Q-1ynUoWtSM-00782-00410728-00411265 just getting started on all of our outreach so even though the oral Q-1ynUoWtSM-00783-00411265-00411688 histories were mentioned it was just not something that we prioritized at the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00784-00411688-00412390 time we were getting our Facebook page and our blog up first so that we could Q-1ynUoWtSM-00785-00412390-00412855 really get our face and name out there and then we followed that up with the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00786-00412855-00413323 education outreach program which is something that I do primarily which Q-1ynUoWtSM-00787-00413323-00413905 takes a lot of my time so you know in the beginning of our outreach it just Q-1ynUoWtSM-00788-00413905-00414565 was not a priority for us so when we were researching our historic jail and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00789-00414565-00415069 sheriff's present presidents is when the opportunity really kind of presented Q-1ynUoWtSM-00790-00415069-00415721 itself to make this a priority for us to get done so um you know we got to work Q-1ynUoWtSM-00791-00415721-00416302 figuring out logistics of creating an oral history this is not something that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00792-00416302-00416803 I had any experience doing we have went over it a little bit during Q-1ynUoWtSM-00793-00416803-00417338 my program at Wright State but it is not something that they focus on either so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00794-00417338-00418175 my training was very limited but luckily if you go online it is really easy to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00795-00418175-00418620 find a lot of free resources we'll help you set up your program so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00796-00418620-00419034 make sure as Jen said that you're not reinventing the wheel Q-1ynUoWtSM-00797-00419034-00419688 so she mentioned the Smithsonian that we use their resources they have a folk Q-1ynUoWtSM-00798-00419688-00420205 life and oral history interviewing guideline that is what we use to set up Q-1ynUoWtSM-00799-00420205-00420834 our questions so the base questions that we ask people so while we were Q-1ynUoWtSM-00800-00420834-00421609 researching our exhibit on the sheriff's residence we very quickly put together Q-1ynUoWtSM-00801-00421609-00422307 policies waivers and questions and then we followed that up with answering all Q-1ynUoWtSM-00802-00422307-00422805 the how when and where information so you know you need to know how you're Q-1ynUoWtSM-00803-00422805-00423384 going to conduct your interviews what method you're going to use for us in our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00804-00423384-00424059 first interview in the summer of 2017 we had an audio recorder that we thought Q-1ynUoWtSM-00805-00424059-00424536 would work best so that's what we decided to go with the win and where Q-1ynUoWtSM-00806-00424536-00425148 information we preferred to do these at our location because we can control the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00807-00425148-00425803 environment so you know we we give people the option or we give them the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00808-00425803-00426273 option to set it up at our building or they we could meet them where they were Q-1ynUoWtSM-00809-00426273-00426880 at and then like I said don't reinvent the wheel so to make sure you're going Q-1ynUoWtSM-00810-00426880-00427267 out and searching resources which we have a list that we can share with you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00811-00427267-00427764 at the end so once we figured out the logistics of that first interview and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00812-00427764-00428334 this was a fast process our big case that we change out everywhere that you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00813-00428334-00428876 can see in the earth that we change out every other summer you can see it here Q-1ynUoWtSM-00814-00428876-00429555 we do that with our intern starting in May and we have it open by August so all Q-1ynUoWtSM-00815-00429555-00430255 of this usually takes place in the summer so our first interview was with Q-1ynUoWtSM-00816-00430255-00430982 Miriam and Vance Satterthwaite so we conducted this interview on July 26 2017 Q-1ynUoWtSM-00817-00430982-00431538 they were one of the last families who lived in our sheriff's residence so it Q-1ynUoWtSM-00818-00431538-00431943 was vital to get in be with them while we were researching Q-1ynUoWtSM-00819-00431943-00432610 our exhibit so they their story tied into what we were already researching Q-1ynUoWtSM-00820-00432610-00433207 because Miriam was the wife of the current or the sheriff in the early Q-1ynUoWtSM-00821-00433207-00433818 1960s but she was also the jail matron and then Vance Satterthwaite is their Q-1ynUoWtSM-00822-00433818-00434329 son so he lived in the sheriff's residence as a child so their story Q-1ynUoWtSM-00823-00434329-00434884 clearly tied into what we were trying to research already now there was a sense Q-1ynUoWtSM-00824-00434884-00435538 of urgency while we were preparing to interview them because Miriam is was in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00825-00435538-00436138 her early 90s I believe at the time so you know with an aging population Q-1ynUoWtSM-00826-00436138-00436593 especially with the buildings in Warren County most of them closed in the mid Q-1ynUoWtSM-00827-00436593-00437235 1960s so if anybody has experience in those buildings they're going to be part Q-1ynUoWtSM-00828-00437235-00437617 of that population so we want to make sure that we were getting this story as Q-1ynUoWtSM-00829-00437617-00438109 quickly as possible also like I said we were trying to get it before our exhibit Q-1ynUoWtSM-00830-00438109-00438797 opened in August just talking to people especially when you're doing multiple Q-1ynUoWtSM-00831-00438797-00439306 interviews or I'm sorry interviews with multiple people there were multiple Q-1ynUoWtSM-00832-00439306-00439825 scheduling conflicts throughout the process of getting this first interview Q-1ynUoWtSM-00833-00439825-00440656 set up and then the interview because we did not have much experience or maybe we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00834-00440656-00441139 could have researched better ended up being two hours 13 minutes and 54 Q-1ynUoWtSM-00835-00441139-00441763 seconds which is excessive especially if you're expecting other people to listen Q-1ynUoWtSM-00836-00441763-00442347 or watch these interviews and then the last thing about this interview was that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00837-00442347-00443064 we used our audio recorders so we only had audio of this interview and since we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00838-00443064-00443530 live in such a visual environment right now especially if you want to share any Q-1ynUoWtSM-00839-00443530-00444301 of your information only having audio is just not ideal so so that's how our Q-1ynUoWtSM-00840-00444301-00444766 first interview went and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00841-00444766-00445389 so flash are going forward our next interviews weren't until the summer of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00842-00445389-00446043 2019 so we went almost two years before we had another interview and I went back Q-1ynUoWtSM-00843-00446043-00446539 and reviewed some of the places where we got stuck in this process so we got we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00844-00446539-00446947 had an idea got really excited implemented it and then we kind of just Q-1ynUoWtSM-00845-00446947-00447421 fell off the cliff and you know didn't conduct another interview for quite a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00846-00447421-00447871 while so some of the ways that we got stuck and weren't able to move forward Q-1ynUoWtSM-00847-00447871-00448314 is that we made assumptions that the people in the community would want to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00848-00448314-00448756 participate so we put up a flyer you know calling the community to action Q-1ynUoWtSM-00849-00448756-00449197 saying hey if you want to share your story we were assuming that they were as Q-1ynUoWtSM-00850-00449197-00449545 excited about this program that they probably didn't even know about as we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00851-00449545-00450256 were so lack of follow-up we also did not post about the interview that we had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00852-00450256-00450652 conducted so I'm not really sure how I thought we would get excitement Q-1ynUoWtSM-00853-00450652-00451051 generated so make sure that you're posting about it and then prioritization Q-1ynUoWtSM-00854-00451051-00451735 once fall hit I went back to doing those education outreach programs and that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00855-00451735-00452137 took up most of my time so it just was not a priority for me and it wasn't a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00856-00452137-00452739 priority for the records center and then lastly lack of confidence it's really Q-1ynUoWtSM-00857-00452739-00453184 hard to reach out to people and be rejected so you kind of have to build a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00858-00453184-00453712 thick skin when you're asking people to share their stories with you so those Q-1ynUoWtSM-00859-00453712-00454245 were some of the areas where I believe we you know kind of failed temporarily Q-1ynUoWtSM-00860-00454245-00454785 so how we overcame all of those obstacles so starting in the summer of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00861-00454785-00455460 2019 we were researching our children's home and we already knew that this we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00862-00455460-00455806 didn't have a lot of personal stories and we did not know a lot about the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00863-00455806-00456322 daily operations or how the children were kept or how they behaved while Q-1ynUoWtSM-00864-00456322-00456757 staying there so we wanted to get some personal stories to help us tell the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00865-00456757-00457218 history of the building itself so some of the ways that we were able to do that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00866-00457218-00457818 so do not hesitate to reach out directly to people if you have some contact Q-1ynUoWtSM-00867-00457818-00458059 information so if you have a phone number Q-1ynUoWtSM-00868-00458059-00458584 and email or even Facebook don't hesitate to reach out to people one of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00869-00458584-00459059 the things that I did was I went on to some of the other local Facebook pages Q-1ynUoWtSM-00870-00459059-00459643 that had posted about our children's home and I actually just read through Q-1ynUoWtSM-00871-00459643-00460114 all the comments that were on that post because it's public if those people were Q-1ynUoWtSM-00872-00460114-00460524 confident enough to post about their experience at the children's home I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00873-00460524-00461044 reached out directly to them so I would send them direct messages or if they had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00874-00461044-00461521 included their email address I sent them emails directly letting them know what Q-1ynUoWtSM-00875-00461521-00462028 we were doing what the program was what sort of information we were hoping to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00876-00462028-00462592 gain from this and then a contact so that they could follow up also we may Q-1ynUoWtSM-00877-00462592-00463141 turn to post about this regularly on our Facebook page as you can see here this Q-1ynUoWtSM-00878-00463141-00463621 is an example of one of the posters that we created asking for people's stories Q-1ynUoWtSM-00879-00463621-00464126 because we wanted to make sure that they knew that their story is valuable and we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00880-00464126-00464617 let them know that we were reaching out not just for the children's home but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00881-00464617-00465091 anyone who had spent time in any of our county buildings or anybody who had Q-1ynUoWtSM-00882-00465091-00465460 worked for the county that might no longer so anything that would add value Q-1ynUoWtSM-00883-00465460-00466198 to the warren county government history word of mouth one of my co-workers who Q-1ynUoWtSM-00884-00466198-00466747 is now spearheading this program she's lived in Warren County her whole life so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00885-00466747-00467242 she knows a whole bunch of people so if you know someone who knows someone who Q-1ynUoWtSM-00886-00467242-00467611 knows someone make sure that you write those names down and document that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00887-00467611-00468307 information and get a contact get contact information also I talked about Q-1ynUoWtSM-00888-00468307-00468814 our program to every person that I encounter when they ask about what we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00889-00468814-00469253 are working on so that they know we are searching for these stories to help add Q-1ynUoWtSM-00890-00469253-00469807 to our oral histories so making sure that you're promoting it by word of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00891-00469807-00470392 mouth with various people that you're talking to also all of our exhibits now Q-1ynUoWtSM-00892-00470392-00471035 have Flyers that advertise our program and then we usually have a poster Q-1ynUoWtSM-00893-00471035-00471644 our exhibits that includes information as well about how people can share their Q-1ynUoWtSM-00894-00471644-00472302 stories with us and then finally just be insistent and consistent so making sure Q-1ynUoWtSM-00895-00472302-00472898 that you're insisting especially letting people know that their story is valuable Q-1ynUoWtSM-00896-00472898-00473607 and consistently following up with those people okay some lessons that we are Q-1ynUoWtSM-00897-00473607-00473955 learning and I say this because I continue to make some of these mistakes Q-1ynUoWtSM-00898-00473955-00474501 as I'm interviewing people so first of all I get very nervous so calming down Q-1ynUoWtSM-00899-00474501-00474942 make sure you take a deep breath it's very exciting to get someone to confirm Q-1ynUoWtSM-00900-00474942-00475308 that they're going to share their story with you but you have to make sure that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00901-00475308-00475932 you're prepared to accept that story and do all the proper sets so for me that's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00902-00475932-00476468 the biggest thing secondly take pictures the first interview that we did I didn't Q-1ynUoWtSM-00903-00476468-00476904 even share it on our Facebook page because it was such long audio and I Q-1ynUoWtSM-00904-00476904-00477260 didn't have an a picture of that experience to accompany it so make sure Q-1ynUoWtSM-00905-00477260-00477681 you take pictures and I put that because I continue to forget because I get it so Q-1ynUoWtSM-00906-00477681-00478329 excited so make sure you take pictures be flexible you know if you're trying to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00907-00478329-00478755 meet these people on their time sometimes you do have to be flexible and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00908-00478755-00479315 sometimes we've offered our time outside of work in order to make these Q-1ynUoWtSM-00909-00479315-00479843 interviews happen research so make sure you're researching the topic that you're Q-1ynUoWtSM-00910-00479843-00480303 wanting to interview someone about but also researching that person if you can Q-1ynUoWtSM-00911-00480303-00480767 so making sure you know stuff about them before you interview them that way you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00912-00480767-00481338 can tailor the topics that you want to discuss stay on topic that's a big one Q-1ynUoWtSM-00913-00481338-00481889 because if you don't stay on top of that your interview people will continue Q-1ynUoWtSM-00914-00481889-00482334 talking and maybe sometimes that information isn't valuable to the story Q-1ynUoWtSM-00915-00482334-00482805 you're trying to tell prepare for deviations as I said people Q-1ynUoWtSM-00916-00482805-00483579 will continue to elaborate and then be sensitive like I said the first person Q-1ynUoWtSM-00917-00483579-00484107 that we interviewed was in her mid 90s so your questions need to be sensitive Q-1ynUoWtSM-00918-00484107-00484557 to the generation so you want to make sure that you're Q-1ynUoWtSM-00919-00484557-00485048 sensitive to them also when people were put into the children's home that's a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00920-00485048-00485658 sensitive topic in itself so you don't want to hit on you know any topics that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00921-00485658-00486138 are going to upset them keep it PC we're a local county Q-1ynUoWtSM-00922-00486138-00486528 government we're not trying to dig up dirt about the community we just want Q-1ynUoWtSM-00923-00486528-00487104 people to share their stories so we had a prosecutor's employee that was Q-1ynUoWtSM-00924-00487104-00487554 retiring that was very worried about sharing her story because I think she Q-1ynUoWtSM-00925-00487554-00488088 thought we were looking for more information than what we were have a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00926-00488088-00488670 disclaimer we had a local lawyer that we interviewed about a really Q-1ynUoWtSM-00927-00488670-00489189 famous case in Warren County and he was a very colorful figure so we wanted to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00928-00489189-00489762 make sure that if people were watching that they knew that the opinions or the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00929-00489762-00490298 discussion wasn't necessarily reflective of what our policies were and then Q-1ynUoWtSM-00930-00490298-00490739 finally follow up with people you know make sure that when you're trying to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00931-00490739-00491147 schedule your interviews that you're following up with people so that they Q-1ynUoWtSM-00932-00491147-00491628 understand the value of what they have to say but then also following up after Q-1ynUoWtSM-00933-00491628-00492132 the interview so they know how appreciative you are of their story and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00934-00492132-00492609 they might be willing to to then reach out to other people that they think Q-1ynUoWtSM-00935-00492609-00493193 might be able to add to our oral history experience and then this is an example Q-1ynUoWtSM-00936-00493193-00493814 of one of the posters that we've created after we had done some oral histories on Q-1ynUoWtSM-00937-00493814-00494316 the children's home so we made sure to share some quotes from those that help Q-1ynUoWtSM-00938-00494316-00494862 tell the story of the building and then finally because of all those things we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00939-00494862-00495410 were able to successfully interview all of these wonderful individuals and I'm Q-1ynUoWtSM-00940-00495410-00495675 gonna go ahead and give it back to Jen because I think I talked a little too Q-1ynUoWtSM-00941-00495675-00496727 long so all right so to follow up Q-1ynUoWtSM-00942-00496757-00497705 with Jennifer and I can share our YouTube page in a chat box so you guys Q-1ynUoWtSM-00943-00497705-00498245 can all check check check these out one of the things once we have done started Q-1ynUoWtSM-00944-00498245-00498914 doing a lot of the interviews that I I will take responsibility for is we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00945-00498914-00499295 haven't really done much with transcriptions obviously in the end of Q-1ynUoWtSM-00946-00499295-00499724 the day this is great to have the stuff online and available to the public but Q-1ynUoWtSM-00947-00499724-00500238 people also just because we want to be a tea Q-1ynUoWtSM-00948-00500238-00500657 even if there are two hour-long interview people who are interested in Q-1ynUoWtSM-00949-00500657-00501391 reading what they've talked about but it's something that we we would get to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00950-00501391-00502126 when we get get to it some of YouTube does have transcription software that Q-1ynUoWtSM-00951-00502126-00502513 goes with their stuff but it's not great you don't also get some of those little Q-1ynUoWtSM-00952-00502513-00502867 added things that you write your notes of course when you're doing the Q-1ynUoWtSM-00953-00502867-00503544 interviews and it's not always act Q-1ynUoWtSM-00954-00503592-00504168 right we also have the recorder device that we use as well as transcription Q-1ynUoWtSM-00955-00504168-00504783 software but it's the same thing so for six weeks most of my staff all my staff Q-1ynUoWtSM-00956-00504783-00505764 actually had been out so I had put all of our interviews in onedrive so at some Q-1ynUoWtSM-00957-00505764-00506168 point maybe some of the staff members could do transcriptions they have time Q-1ynUoWtSM-00958-00506168-00506556 because they were all going to be working from home well behold we realize Q-1ynUoWtSM-00959-00506556-00507239 that one of our staff members who doesn't do anything with outreach is Q-1ynUoWtSM-00960-00507239-00507810 actually a it's awesome at doing transcriptions so that's what he's been Q-1ynUoWtSM-00961-00507810-00508752 doing and this is at one of the interviews but we have and some of his Q-1ynUoWtSM-00962-00508752-00509382 transcription so when I have started doing this presentation I had a whole Q-1ynUoWtSM-00963-00509382-00509768 different idea of what we were going to be doing towards or what I was going to Q-1ynUoWtSM-00964-00509768-00510341 be talking about at the end but then COVID happened so I decided that maybe Q-1ynUoWtSM-00965-00510341-00511007 they take their approach of what happens now that we are in a post coated time Q-1ynUoWtSM-00966-00511007-00511467 and something that I've been doing a little bit of research in is how do we Q-1ynUoWtSM-00967-00511467-00511899 how do we advance this moving forward you'll see that I have a couple Q-1ynUoWtSM-00968-00511899-00512301 different apps obviously right now we're using zoom there's other apps and other Q-1ynUoWtSM-00969-00512301-00512763 technologies we can you can utilize WebEx GoToMeeting google duo and Q-1ynUoWtSM-00970-00512763-00513456 hangouts if you have access to that and then also Microsoft chains all of these Q-1ynUoWtSM-00971-00513456-00513749 have capabilities Q-1ynUoWtSM-00972-00513807-00514332 being able to have individuals and yourself be recorded or you could just Q-1ynUoWtSM-00973-00514332-00514851 record them with your audio the problem with a lot of these is that if you don't Q-1ynUoWtSM-00974-00514851-00515285 already have teams or Google Hangouts they after a free trial which specially Q-1ynUoWtSM-00975-00515285-00515817 the Zoom WebEx GoTo Meeting a lot of times there's a costs involved so that's Q-1ynUoWtSM-00976-00515817-00516138 something you have to think about another thing is is that especially with Q-1ynUoWtSM-00977-00516138-00516591 the demographic that we have we're talking about individuals who are older Q-1ynUoWtSM-00978-00516591-00517189 they may not be as tech savvy how do you utilize these Q-1ynUoWtSM-00979-00517189-00517828 with individuals who may not have that same type of technological experience Q-1ynUoWtSM-00980-00517828-00518507 and moving forward what we might end up having to do is social distancing with Q-1ynUoWtSM-00981-00518507-00519188 masks and the old-fashioned recording device as Jennifer said we do have we do Q-1ynUoWtSM-00982-00519188-00519659 have a recorder that we use with some of our interviewees because we give them Q-1ynUoWtSM-00983-00519659-00520163 the option of whether they want to be on camera or not with the with the release Q-1ynUoWtSM-00984-00520163-00520414 that they sign Q-1ynUoWtSM-00985-00520618-00521422 sorry oops I want to thank you guys for letting us be part of this and thank you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00986-00521422-00521905 if you have any questions please feel free to let us know Thank You Jenifer Q-1ynUoWtSM-00987-00521905-00522401 and Jen so much just as a gentle reminder because it looks like we have a Q-1ynUoWtSM-00988-00522401-00523109 good chance of going over our time for noon we are recording this so if you Q-1ynUoWtSM-00989-00523109-00523732 have to duck out right at noon or just before please watch the recording for Q-1ynUoWtSM-00990-00523732-00524311 this wonderful talk coming up Miriam please take it away Q-1ynUoWtSM-00991-00524520-00525859 thank you you get my screen share going um thanks all for being here really Q-1ynUoWtSM-00992-00525859-00526640 excited to be a part of this and really grateful to the organizers for making it Q-1ynUoWtSM-00993-00526640-00527957 happen online hopefully everybody can see my screen now so my topic today is Q-1ynUoWtSM-00994-00527957-00528757 outreach in a time of overwhelm how can we maintain or gain momentum and these Q-1ynUoWtSM-00995-00528757-00529297 are the learning objectives or the takeaways that I included with my Q-1ynUoWtSM-00996-00529297-00529767 proposal and I will say that this is not what I had originally proposed my Q-1ynUoWtSM-00997-00529767-00530315 pre-pandemic topic was the librarians guide to fearless cold calling or Q-1ynUoWtSM-00998-00530315-00530776 getting comfortable with uncomfortable outreach techniques that is still very Q-1ynUoWtSM-00999-00530776-00531292 very relevant here but I've shifted the focus a bit the topic is still relevant Q-1ynUoWtSM-01000-00531292-00531655 because something that I've been feeling since this began and that I've heard Q-1ynUoWtSM-01001-00531655-00532115 from many colleagues from different institutions that they are also feeling Q-1ynUoWtSM-01002-00532115-00532582 and experiencing is not wanting to contact faculty or whoever your Q-1ynUoWtSM-01003-00532582-00533107 stakeholders partners and collaborators are nobody wants to bother anyone else Q-1ynUoWtSM-01004-00533107-00533473 or create more work for them or be insensitive to some of the other Q-1ynUoWtSM-01005-00533473-00533923 difficulties they may be contending with whether it's illness home schooling Q-1ynUoWtSM-01006-00533923-00534392 children job losses or other losses as with most Q-1ynUoWtSM-01007-00534392-00534749 things what I've started to conclude and work through and which I hope will come Q-1ynUoWtSM-01008-00534749-00535154 through over the course of this talk is that all we can try to do is find a Q-1ynUoWtSM-01009-00535154-00535589 balance balance how much we contact people and what we say to or ask of them Q-1ynUoWtSM-01010-00535589-00536075 or offer them with the need is is desire to keep doing our jobs and to keep doing Q-1ynUoWtSM-01011-00536075-00536612 them as well as circumstances allow also balancing realizing that our time and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01012-00536612-00536951 the difficulties we may be contending with are just as important to take into Q-1ynUoWtSM-01013-00536951-00537356 consideration as worrying about others basically as we heard from Natalie Q-1ynUoWtSM-01014-00537356-00537752 earlier do what you can and what is right for you and don't worry about what Q-1ynUoWtSM-01015-00537752-00538505 anyone else is doing so one instance where my original topic coincides with Q-1ynUoWtSM-01016-00538505-00538973 what I'm talking about today is the idea of seizing the moment and by that I do Q-1ynUoWtSM-01017-00538973-00539543 not mean sees this kovin moment which sounds a bit morbid what I do mean is Q-1ynUoWtSM-01018-00539543-00539969 that when any opportunity even an uncertain or a longshot one pops up Q-1ynUoWtSM-01019-00539969-00540542 during this time but really anytime seize it and try to act on it an example Q-1ynUoWtSM-01020-00540542-00540947 for me came via my capacity as liaison librarian to the University Honors Q-1ynUoWtSM-01021-00540947-00541361 programs which is another part of my job in addition to being responsible for the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01022-00541361-00541955 rare books for us with COVID the shift remote classes happened during spring Q-1ynUoWtSM-01023-00541955-00542381 break and then spring break was extended an extra week by then there were only a Q-1ynUoWtSM-01024-00542381-00542831 few weeks left in the semester which ended in late April a week or so after Q-1ynUoWtSM-01025-00542831-00543208 spring break the director of one of the honors programs sent an email about Q-1ynUoWtSM-01026-00543208-00543626 co-curricular and other engagement resources and experiences these are Q-1ynUoWtSM-01027-00543626-00544097 required for her students to advance in their program totally spontaneously Q-1ynUoWtSM-01028-00544097-00544544 without planning or really even thinking about it I immediately responded with an Q-1ynUoWtSM-01029-00544544-00544910 idea that popped into my head when I read her email which was to offer a Q-1ynUoWtSM-01030-00544910-00545528 virtual synchronous tour so to speak of our digital archives the director was Q-1ynUoWtSM-01031-00545528-00545927 excited she pulled her students about it along with some other program offers Q-1ynUoWtSM-01032-00545927-00546275 that had been made students were interested and so we went ahead and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01033-00546275-00546683 scheduled at that point I had less than a week to prepare to teach online which Q-1ynUoWtSM-01034-00546683-00547132 is something I've never done before here's the program description a Q-1ynUoWtSM-01035-00547132-00547576 one-hour session that will combine of primary sources with a virtual guide Q-1ynUoWtSM-01036-00547576-00548023 try digital archives participants will learn to define and identify primary Q-1ynUoWtSM-01037-00548023-00548419 source materials and will gain comfort and familiarity with searching viewing Q-1ynUoWtSM-01038-00548419-00548803 and downloading our digitized content there will be time for individual Q-1ynUoWtSM-01039-00548803-00549307 exploration and Q&A as well when my boss found out about it she asked if it could Q-1ynUoWtSM-01040-00549307-00549723 be more widely promoted the honors director agreed and so we did just that Q-1ynUoWtSM-01041-00549723-00550246 circulating the notice and posting it on the online events calendar library Q-1ynUoWtSM-01042-00550246-00550609 student workers and other student employees in need of work to fill their Q-1ynUoWtSM-01043-00550609-00551143 time from home were also invited in the end I had 12 participants which given Q-1ynUoWtSM-01044-00551143-00551507 the circumstances and the very short timeline was a number I was pretty happy Q-1ynUoWtSM-01045-00551507-00552223 with it did include a few library colleagues with so little time to create Q-1ynUoWtSM-01046-00552223-00552553 and prepare the session I didn't have a lot of time to think about assessment Q-1ynUoWtSM-01047-00552553-00552928 but since I had never taught online before and was using new to me tools Q-1ynUoWtSM-01048-00552928-00553267 like answergarden I still wanted to have at least a brief Q-1ynUoWtSM-01049-00553267-00553732 survey survey for participants to complete at the end it completed the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01050-00553732-00554132 survey during an in-person class I would normally keep a few minutes at the end Q-1ynUoWtSM-01051-00554132-00554605 of a session for a survey like this to ensure maximum participation as I think Q-1ynUoWtSM-01052-00554605-00554980 we all know if you send out a survey after response rates tend to be Q-1ynUoWtSM-01053-00554980-00555490 extremely low so how to replicate that online for a class and with instructors Q-1ynUoWtSM-01054-00555490-00555937 agreement you could make completion of the survey a condition to demonstrate Q-1ynUoWtSM-01055-00555937-00556303 that students completed the session for attendance or participation points for Q-1ynUoWtSM-01056-00556303-00556747 the day since this was a more informal session with a mixed audience I still Q-1ynUoWtSM-01057-00556747-00557057 left a few minutes at the end and I asked participants to complete the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01058-00557057-00557398 survey before we're logging off of the meeting that way they didn't have to Q-1ynUoWtSM-01059-00557398-00557770 allot any additional time to complete it I'm not going to spend a lot of time on Q-1ynUoWtSM-01060-00557770-00558214 the results since we're low on time and since might not be able to see the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01061-00558214-00558805 charts very well through the sharestream but briefly they were very positive and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01062-00558805-00559226 I just wanted to mention the questions that I did ask first I asked if the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01063-00559226-00559626 session met exceeded or did not meet their expectations Q-1ynUoWtSM-01064-00559626-00560057 next I included a series of statements to which they could respond not at all a Q-1ynUoWtSM-01065-00560057-00560545 little neutral some or yes absolutely absolutely these were this session Q-1ynUoWtSM-01066-00560545-00560885 improved my understanding of the digital CAI's this session improved my Q-1ynUoWtSM-01067-00560885-00561299 understanding of primary sources after this session I am more likely to use Q-1ynUoWtSM-01068-00561299-00561674 digital archives materials the presentation was clear and informative Q-1ynUoWtSM-01069-00561674-00562115 the instructor made space for questions and discussion and I would recommend the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01070-00562115-00562529 session to other students or classes I tried to write questions that reflected Q-1ynUoWtSM-01071-00562529-00562862 the learning objectives and that evaluated both the content and my own Q-1ynUoWtSM-01072-00562862-00563390 performance finally I asked three write-in questions which many of you Q-1ynUoWtSM-01073-00563390-00563762 will be familiar with what is one new thing you learned one question you still Q-1ynUoWtSM-01074-00563762-00564029 have and one thing that could have been done better Q-1ynUoWtSM-01075-00564029-00564485 one thing I was interested in is that I received very similar comments to what I Q-1ynUoWtSM-01076-00564485-00564965 received during an in-person session where the main criticism or suggestion Q-1ynUoWtSM-01077-00564965-00565442 is almost always for more time with the materials so overall I felt that the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01078-00565442-00565859 session was successful probably the comment I was most excited Q-1ynUoWtSM-01079-00565859-00566219 about was somebody writing I learned that I shouldn't be worried about using Q-1ynUoWtSM-01080-00566219-00566603 archives because they are there to be used even though I was introducing the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01081-00566603-00567119 students to digital archives I talked about the archives being open and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01082-00567119-00567461 available to anyone and anyone being able to come in and access and use Q-1ynUoWtSM-01083-00567461-00568010 materials so having somebody remember that and have that as their takeaway was Q-1ynUoWtSM-01084-00568010-00568400 really important to me the whole was mostly useful for me to Q-1ynUoWtSM-01085-00568400-00568721 get a better understanding of what was possible in terms of remote outreach and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01086-00568721-00569057 instruction for archives and special collections and this got me thinking Q-1ynUoWtSM-01087-00569057-00569525 about what I could do moving forward the main thing I realized is that I had done Q-1ynUoWtSM-01088-00569525-00569867 a synchronous session and what is most useful to most people right now Q-1ynUoWtSM-01089-00569867-00570332 including faculty and instructors and including most of us is content Q-1ynUoWtSM-01090-00570332-00570764 available for asynchronous sessions and short instructional tutorial style Q-1ynUoWtSM-01091-00570764-00571265 videos perhaps a series of them rather than a single long video which students Q-1ynUoWtSM-01092-00571265-00571721 can get lost confused or just lose the thread and interest so that's where I Q-1ynUoWtSM-01093-00571721-00572141 began that's where I was when I began really thinking about this summer and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01094-00572141-00572555 especially the fall I had an interactive slide here which I took out because of Q-1ynUoWtSM-01095-00572555-00572894 time but I hope that you'll all be thinking about it possible kind of seize Q-1ynUoWtSM-01096-00572894-00573260 the moment example which has recently come up for you or maybe one that you Q-1ynUoWtSM-01097-00573260-00573671 can create because you never know what it might turn into my video tour is now Q-1ynUoWtSM-01098-00573671-00574004 part of another project that one of our assistant Dean's is sharing with various Q-1ynUoWtSM-01099-00574004-00574361 groups on campus so take a risk by responding to an email Q-1ynUoWtSM-01100-00574361-00574744 before I could talk myself out of it has led to something that is now taking on a Q-1ynUoWtSM-01101-00574744-00575336 bit of a life of its own so now I'm focusing most of my time and attention Q-1ynUoWtSM-01102-00575336-00575846 on preparing for fall and fall for us at least and perhaps for most of you is Q-1ynUoWtSM-01103-00575846-00576293 still very up in the air which is made planning difficult at first my strategy Q-1ynUoWtSM-01104-00576293-00576737 was to wait until we knew which of the three main scenarios would come to pass Q-1ynUoWtSM-01105-00576737-00577394 so either we would reopen with classes on campus but with restrictions partial Q-1ynUoWtSM-01106-00577394-00577771 reopening with some classes and some students on campus others online and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01107-00577771-00578428 still remote or ongoing closure with all classes and students continuing remotely Q-1ynUoWtSM-01108-00578428-00578825 but then when I started thinking about special collections and how we normally Q-1ynUoWtSM-01109-00578825-00579421 work I realized that there was really no reason to wait probably this these Q-1ynUoWtSM-01110-00579421-00579860 images are what a lot of your normal instruction sessions also look like Q-1ynUoWtSM-01111-00579860-00580373 groups of students and instructors and visitors closely clustered around an Q-1ynUoWtSM-01112-00580373-00580819 item or set of items talking touching pointing taking notes passing things Q-1ynUoWtSM-01113-00580819-00581264 around asking questions and so on and what I came to realize in conversation Q-1ynUoWtSM-01114-00581264-00581654 with my colleagues in our special collections is that even if somewhere Q-1ynUoWtSM-01115-00581654-00582094 all students are back on campus in the fall we will not work this way with Q-1ynUoWtSM-01116-00582094-00582488 people close to one another and touching all the materials we're not yet sure how Q-1ynUoWtSM-01117-00582488-00583019 we will work but the safest easiest way to proceed was to sue assumed that most Q-1ynUoWtSM-01118-00583019-00583496 of my fall instruction will take place regardless of where students and classes Q-1ynUoWtSM-01119-00583496-00584048 physically are this realization helped me break the paralysis I had been in of Q-1ynUoWtSM-01120-00584048-00584384 not reaching out to faculty because I couldn't imagine what to say to them or Q-1ynUoWtSM-01121-00584384-00584936 how we might start planning and I hope we have time for them everyone can Q-1ynUoWtSM-01122-00584936-00585443 quickly go to slido.com and just take a very quick poll you can use your Q-1ynUoWtSM-01123-00585443-00585866 laptop or your phone or any other device and just go to slido.com type in the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01124-00585866-00586462 code our code is eight seven five three seven you can also use your phone to Q-1ynUoWtSM-01125-00586462-00586973 scan the QR code which should take you right there if it isn't working let me Q-1ynUoWtSM-01126-00586973-00587350 know or I'll know because no response is working okay Q-1ynUoWtSM-01127-00587350-00587956 just take a minute to see if people know what their fall is gonna look like since Q-1ynUoWtSM-01128-00587956-00589029 we do not yet know not yet determined is so far the winner yeah Q-1ynUoWtSM-01129-00589188-00589975 some of you have partial reopening okay so uncertainty is ruling the day Q-1ynUoWtSM-01130-00589975-00590574 for most of us that's reassuring to hear even though I know it's very difficult Q-1ynUoWtSM-01131-00590574-00590992 so feel free to keep responding I'm gonna keep going since we're low on time Q-1ynUoWtSM-01132-00590992-00591762 I can get the slide to advance Q-1ynUoWtSM-01133-00593225-00593990 okay um so with this uncertainty I was have been very overwhelmed and unsure of Q-1ynUoWtSM-01134-00593990-00594375 how to proceed in this new world so I looked to my good friend and colleague Q-1ynUoWtSM-01135-00594375-00594825 Hanna Schmillen who is our librarian for Health Sciences and one of the most Q-1ynUoWtSM-01136-00594825-00595257 organized efficient and productive librarians I know she keeps this sort of Q-1ynUoWtSM-01137-00595257-00595659 matrix on her desk and refers to it constantly some time ago I had her share Q-1ynUoWtSM-01138-00595659-00596063 a copy with me with me because it's such a useful reference when you're trying to Q-1ynUoWtSM-01139-00596063-00596492 decide how to prioritize projects and even before that trying to decide which Q-1ynUoWtSM-01140-00596492-00597027 projects to accept in which to pass on are saved for another time basically it Q-1ynUoWtSM-01141-00597027-00597378 helps you weigh risk and reward by thinking about how much work a project Q-1ynUoWtSM-01142-00597378-00597773 will be and how much of an impact it will have so something that is difficult Q-1ynUoWtSM-01143-00597773-00598238 and will likely have little impact try to avoid doing it if it's pretty easy Q-1ynUoWtSM-01144-00598238-00598721 and will have a big impact start there and so on so it's pretty basic but for Q-1ynUoWtSM-01145-00598721-00599184 me it really helps to have it laid out like this and I decided to adopt her Q-1ynUoWtSM-01146-00599184-00599784 matrix for the current situation just to help me get started so this is what it Q-1ynUoWtSM-01147-00599784-00600210 looks like and this being able to do this was the second thing Q-1ynUoWtSM-01148-00600210-00600651 along with realizing that I should plan for a remote instruction for fall no Q-1ynUoWtSM-01149-00600651-00600990 matter what instead of waiting around for formal pronouncements from the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01150-00600990-00601479 University that really helped propelled me and motivated me to figure out how I Q-1ynUoWtSM-01151-00601479-00601950 can still do my job basically without access to the physical materials and how Q-1ynUoWtSM-01152-00601950-00602451 to make the goals within my job still relevant and meaningful and to start Q-1ynUoWtSM-01153-00602451-00603033 conducting outreach again so basically the place that I would start first is to Q-1ynUoWtSM-01154-00603033-00603459 match faculty and classes being offered in the fall that I've previously worked Q-1ynUoWtSM-01155-00603459-00603761 with so we're already know the assignments I kind of know what they're Q-1ynUoWtSM-01156-00603761-00604173 looking for and what they're doing and see which one's of those I can match up Q-1ynUoWtSM-01157-00604173-00604521 with materials that we already have digitized these are the people I'm Q-1ynUoWtSM-01158-00604521-00604911 contacting first one at a time individually with course specific and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01159-00604911-00605313 material specific ideas questions and suggestions Q-1ynUoWtSM-01160-00605313-00605934 um the next group of people that I'm contacting but more selectively are also Q-1ynUoWtSM-01161-00605934-00606360 faculty in classes I worked with previously but for whom we currently do Q-1ynUoWtSM-01162-00606360-00606798 not have any available digitized materials so then the conversation is Q-1ynUoWtSM-01163-00606798-00607290 can we create a targeted digitization project this summer perhaps or are there Q-1ynUoWtSM-01164-00607290-00607608 primary sources in the library's existing databases that we could work Q-1ynUoWtSM-01165-00607608-00608049 with are there digitized materials available via other institutions that we Q-1ynUoWtSM-01166-00608049-00608694 could use there's increasing usage of other people's materials during this Q-1ynUoWtSM-01167-00608694-00608970 time and that's that's something that's really exciting Q-1ynUoWtSM-01168-00608970-00609474 or can I brainstorm with the faculty member any other ways of proceeding what Q-1ynUoWtSM-01169-00609474-00609966 I'm doing very minimally is sending out a general emails with links to resources Q-1ynUoWtSM-01170-00609966-00610413 to faculty that just sort of say I'm here please contact me if and when you Q-1ynUoWtSM-01171-00610413-00610974 need support I think that's too vague and with the overwhelm that I know I and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01172-00610974-00611451 so many other people are feeling plus the flood of emails that everyone Q-1ynUoWtSM-01173-00611451-00611880 is getting I think that kind of thing at least in my experience is getting a Q-1ynUoWtSM-01174-00611880-00612306 little bit lost and not getting a lot of responses to and then when I'm not doing Q-1ynUoWtSM-01175-00612306-00612666 at all and what I would normally be doing is trying to identify faculty and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01176-00612666-00613296 classes that I've never worked with before at least for this fall that is Q-1ynUoWtSM-01177-00613296-00613737 too difficult in terms of also matching them with materials so that's on my Q-1ynUoWtSM-01178-00613737-00614178 don't do this list and the general emails thing is almost done I don't do Q-1ynUoWtSM-01179-00614178-00614748 this list either I'm really working on the targeted the much more targeted Q-1ynUoWtSM-01180-00614748-00615164 individualized emails Q-1ynUoWtSM-01181-00615560-00616040 we don't really have time but I was hoping to do a brainstorm with you for Q-1ynUoWtSM-01182-00616040-00616694 all of your what comes to mind for your highest impact slash easiest most doable Q-1ynUoWtSM-01183-00616694-00617339 possible next step I'm not gonna do it right now but I hope that you'll be Q-1ynUoWtSM-01184-00617339-00617882 thinking about that and I hope that thinking about framing your next step in Q-1ynUoWtSM-01185-00617882-00619313 that way is helpful for you some of you as it has been for me so one Q-1ynUoWtSM-01186-00619313-00619688 thing that I think epidemic librarians are constantly asking ourselves and I Q-1ynUoWtSM-01187-00619688-00620117 think this translate to translates to any institution and again whoever your Q-1ynUoWtSM-01188-00620117-00620567 stakeholders and partners and collaborators are what do they need from Q-1ynUoWtSM-01189-00620567-00621038 us and what do they want from us right now there's so much uncertainty but I Q-1ynUoWtSM-01190-00621038-00621469 feel like the question now is more fraud and more difficult to answer than ever Q-1ynUoWtSM-01191-00621469-00622082 but I finally sort of got beyond my desire to not bother anyone and realize Q-1ynUoWtSM-01192-00622082-00622622 that we will only know the answers if we ask so if we reach out and they say no I Q-1ynUoWtSM-01193-00622622-00622976 can't think about doing this or collaborating right now that tells us Q-1ynUoWtSM-01194-00622976-00623393 something if we reach out and we get no response that tells us something they Q-1ynUoWtSM-01195-00623393-00623738 might also be thrilled that we asked I've just started reaching out and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01196-00623738-00624095 everyone I reached out to has said they didn't want to bother me they don't want Q-1ynUoWtSM-01197-00624095-00624458 to make more work for me they don't want to take up my time these are exactly the Q-1ynUoWtSM-01198-00624458-00624869 same reasons that Iowa's hesitant to reach out to them so I tell them this is Q-1ynUoWtSM-01199-00624869-00625280 my job and this is the part of my job that I most want to be doing and that's Q-1ynUoWtSM-01200-00625280-00625787 where the conversations begin some faculty are also looking for something Q-1ynUoWtSM-01201-00625787-00626237 new something fun something to help them fill their remote class time which is Q-1ynUoWtSM-01202-00626237-00626660 brand new to them as well and not all their content is going to transfer some Q-1ynUoWtSM-01203-00626660-00627167 need help some don't some welcome fresh perspective some don't so really exactly Q-1ynUoWtSM-01204-00627167-00627478 the same as in normal circumstances but these are anything but normal Q-1ynUoWtSM-01205-00627478-00627917 circumstances everything is heightened and we're charged so taking the first Q-1ynUoWtSM-01206-00627917-00628340 step for me at least felt a lot scarier than usual until I just started doing it Q-1ynUoWtSM-01207-00628340-00628869 I have a long list of faculty still to contact and I'm gonna keep doing it one Q-1ynUoWtSM-01208-00628869-00629321 by one thought fully only when I have a grain of a specific idea for what I Q-1ynUoWtSM-01209-00629321-00629658 might be able to offer them and their students in the room remote environment Q-1ynUoWtSM-01210-00629658-00630459 after all how else will they know what is possible so far for fall and I just Q-1ynUoWtSM-01211-00630459-00630846 started to faculty have reached out to me and I've reached out to two others Q-1ynUoWtSM-01212-00630846-00631386 and I wanted to share their responses of course not all responses will be so Q-1ynUoWtSM-01213-00631386-00631914 great and positive many I expect will not respond at all but these first steps Q-1ynUoWtSM-01214-00631914-00632436 and having a clear plan and approach and having some positive response have given Q-1ynUoWtSM-01215-00632436-00633177 me the confidence and the path to keep moving forward thank you so much I will Q-1ynUoWtSM-01216-00633177-00633584 be happy to answer your questions after the fact please feel free to email me Q-1ynUoWtSM-01217-00633584-00634088 there's a link to my slide show and also to another sort of seize the moment Q-1ynUoWtSM-01218-00634088-00634548 posts that I wrote for the university's teaching continuity site for faculty Q-1ynUoWtSM-01219-00634548-00635115 there was sort of a vague call put out and just like what's the work the tour I Q-1ynUoWtSM-01220-00635115-00635451 just immediately said hey I could write about this thing and then I figured it Q-1ynUoWtSM-01221-00635451-00635896 out after so thank you so much everybody Q-1ynUoWtSM-01222-00636026-00636579 thank you so much Miriam for your fantastic presentation I Q-1ynUoWtSM-01223-00636579-00637076 really feel like it's great to have an idea of how to move forward Q-1ynUoWtSM-01224-00637076-00637725 intentionally and start reaching out to faculty despite all of the uncertainty Q-1ynUoWtSM-01225-00637725-00638415 of this time and we are right at noon I would like to once again thank our Q-1ynUoWtSM-01226-00638415-00639044 fantastic speakers for today and hopefully everyone has different ideas Q-1ynUoWtSM-01227-00639044-00639708 of how they can move forward at their own institutions we will be answering Q-1ynUoWtSM-01228-00639708-00640089 questions as I have promised but we'll be doing them in a slightly different Q-1ynUoWtSM-01229-00640089-00640812 way to be sensitive to the time of the participants so we will be sending out a Q-1ynUoWtSM-01230-00640812-00641325 Google Doc of all of the answers to your questions that you've stuck in the chat Q-1ynUoWtSM-01231-00641325-00642036 and also on the padlet if you have any questions after the fact please get in Q-1ynUoWtSM-01232-00642036-00642290 touch with speakers or with one of the organizers Q-1ynUoWtSM-01233-00642290-00642746 of this event and we'll make sure that you're put in touch and get an answer to Q-1ynUoWtSM-01234-00642746-00643515 that question I also would like to give a very very grateful thank you to all of Q-1ynUoWtSM-01235-00643515-00644217 those who have worked to plan this from picking speakers and reaching out and Q-1ynUoWtSM-01236-00644217-00644651 inviting them to working the logistics of making sure that this could be moved Q-1ynUoWtSM-01237-00644651-00645417 online so thank you Stephanie Stacy Collette Bill Cate and Suzanne will be Q-1ynUoWtSM-01238-00645417-00645765 sending out an evaluation in the next few days so please keep an eye out for Q-1ynUoWtSM-01239-00645765-00646313 that but otherwise have a fantastic Thursday Q-wwLWpYqEo-00000-00000000-00000200 Insert Random Date in Libre Calc QA0ZfjtWn8y-00000-00000443-00000803 It's important to care for the paint on your new or used vehicle to keep it QA0ZfjtWn8y-00001-00000803-00001155 looking at its best, both short and longterm, but with all the different QA0ZfjtWn8y-00002-00001155-00001509 detailing products available, choosing the right solution for your paint on your car QA0ZfjtWn8y-00003-00001509-00001814 can become complicated and even overwhelming very quickly. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00004-00001844-00002090 That's why Meguiar's developed a simple process. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00005-00002117-00002495 Once you understand our five steps of paint care, selecting the right products QA0ZfjtWn8y-00006-00002495-00002639 will be much, much easier. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00007-00003152-00003307 Step One, WASHING. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00008-00003383-00003794 Washing removes loose contaminants like dust, dirt, and road film that settle on QA0ZfjtWn8y-00009-00003794-00003881 top of clean paint. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00010-00003911-00004233 We always recommend using a high quality Meguiar's car wash. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00011-00004256-00004766 This ensures it's pH balanced and optimized for washing automotive surfaces while also QA0ZfjtWn8y-00012-00004766-00005058 preserving wax protection and other beneficial nutrients. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00013-00005078-00005475 Stay away from dish detergents and other relatively harsh wash solutions, not QA0ZfjtWn8y-00014-00005475-00005570 intended for cars. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00015-00005594-00005995 As they will dry out the paint finish and remove or diminish existing wax QA0ZfjtWn8y-00016-00005995-00006047 protection. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00017-00006083-00006545 If you're doing a classic bucket and hose wash Meguiar's Ultimate Wash and Wax is a QA0ZfjtWn8y-00018-00006545-00006941 great choice as it'll gently clean your paint, boost gloss, and leave additional QA0ZfjtWn8y-00019-00006941-00007153 wax protection behind each time you use it. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00020-00007204-00007623 If you prefer washing with a foam, cannon Meguiar's Gold Class Car Wash Shampoo and QA0ZfjtWn8y-00021-00007623-00008011 Conditioner foams great, and will gently clean and condition paint without removing QA0ZfjtWn8y-00022-00008011-00008089 wax protection. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00023-00008233-00008395 If you don't have access to a hose. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00024-00008416-00008848 A great alternative to traditional washing is Meguiar's Ultimate Waterless Wash and QA0ZfjtWn8y-00025-00008848-00008890 Wax. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00026-00008905-00009328 Just spray on and wipe gently with a clean, premium microfiber towel like QA0ZfjtWn8y-00027-00009328-00009839 Meguiar's Supreme Shine Microfiber Towels, with a second clean microfiber wipe dry, QA0ZfjtWn8y-00028-00009850-00010039 then flip your towel for a final wipe. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00029-00010103-00010484 We recommend washing your vehicle at least once a week to keep it looking its best QA0ZfjtWn8y-00030-00010484-00010600 and free of contaminants. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00031-00010655-00011047 Also, always be sure to wash your car in the shade and make sure the surface is QA0ZfjtWn8y-00032-00011047-00011132 cool to the touch. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00033-00011141-00011467 This will help reduce water spots and streaking during the drying process. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00034-00011592-00011754 Step Two, CLEANING and PREPPING. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00035-00011823-00012342 The cleaning step removes defects like oxidation, stains, swirls, over spray, and QA0ZfjtWn8y-00036-00012342-00012480 even environmental fallout. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00037-00012507-00012897 It's essential for achieving crystal clear reflections and maximizing long lasting QA0ZfjtWn8y-00038-00012897-00012950 protection. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00039-00013011-00013407 Depending on the condition of your car, the cleaning step can usually be done with QA0ZfjtWn8y-00040-00013407-00013935 a clay system like our new Hybrid Ceramic Quick Clay Kit or our Classic Smooth QA0ZfjtWn8y-00041-00013935-00014304 Surface Clay Kit to remove contaminants that have bonded on top of the paint. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00042-00014355-00014775 After these above surface contaminants have been removed, it's time to focus on QA0ZfjtWn8y-00043-00014775-00015060 the below surface defects in the paint life swirls and scratches. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00044-00015101-00015539 Defect removal by hand or Dual Action polisher is simple when using a clear-coat QA0ZfjtWn8y-00045-00015539-00015815 safe paint cleaner, like Meguiar's Ultimate Compound. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00046-00015839-00016208 Keep in mind if the paint on your car is smooth to the touch and doesn't have any QA0ZfjtWn8y-00047-00016208-00016577 defects, swirls or hazing, you can skip the cleaning step and go right to QA0ZfjtWn8y-00048-00016577-00016679 polishing or waxing. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00049-00016836-00016965 Step Three, POLISHING. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00050-00017103-00017529 It's important to note that using a Polish like Meguiar's Ultimate Polish is an QA0ZfjtWn8y-00051-00017532-00017907 optional step that is designed to bring out maximum gloss and depth of shine. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00052-00017976-00018288 If you have a dark colored vehicle and you are looking for the deepest gloss QA0ZfjtWn8y-00053-00018288-00018630 possible, you'll want to apply Ultimate Polish before applying wax. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00054-00018786-00018912 Step Four, WAXING. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00055-00018999-00019462 Applying a quality wax like Meguiar's Ultimate Wax or Gold Class Carnauba Plus QA0ZfjtWn8y-00056-00019468-00019807 is the best way to protect your newly clean finished from contaminants. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00057-00019852-00020251 It provides a sacrificial barrier between your car's paint and the environment to QA0ZfjtWn8y-00058-00020251-00020419 maintain its new appearance longer. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00059-00020479-00020896 Whether you use a liquid or a paste, we recommend waxing your vehicle at least QA0ZfjtWn8y-00060-00020896-00021274 three to four times per year to ensure you have maximum protection at all times. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00061-00021315-00021736 For this step, Meguiar's also has advanced options that deliver longer lasting QA0ZfjtWn8y-00062-00021736-00021898 protection beyond conventional wax. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00063-00021965-00022433 These products like our new Hybrid Ceramic platform or Synthetic Polymer based QA0ZfjtWn8y-00064-00022433-00022868 platform use cutting edge technology to push the boundaries of traditional wax. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00065-00022958-00023366 For extreme durability that employs our latest SiO2 based technology. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00066-00023385-00023768 Meguiar's Hybrid Ceramic wax is now available in both spray and liquid QA0ZfjtWn8y-00067-00023768-00023831 formats. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00068-00023864-00024275 Both are extremely easy to use and offer some of the latest technology available QA0ZfjtWn8y-00069-00024275-00024536 for outstanding protection and water beating performance. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00070-00024627-00025014 If time's a concern, another great option that offers protection and a brilliant QA0ZfjtWn8y-00071-00025014-00025236 shine is Meguiar's Ultimate Quik Wax. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00072-00025266-00025713 Simply spray on and wipe off with a clean, high quality microfiber towel for a QA0ZfjtWn8y-00073-00025713-00025920 brilliant shine and long lasting protection. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00074-00026115-00026271 Step Five, MAINTAINING. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00075-00026428-00026833 This step is all about keeping your car looking better longer, so you don't have QA0ZfjtWn8y-00076-00026833-00027001 to do the previous four steps as often. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00077-00027043-00027490 Using a spray detailer like Meguiar's Ultimate Quick Detailer or new Hybrid QA0ZfjtWn8y-00078-00027490-00027898 Ceramic Detailer is the easiest way to remove light dust or fingerprints on a QA0ZfjtWn8y-00079-00027898-00027994 regular basis. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00080-00028006-00028474 Simply mist on and wipe off to give your car's exterior a longer, just detailed QA0ZfjtWn8y-00081-00028474-00028498 look. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00082-00028552-00028960 In addition, spray detailers and spray waxes are a great way to maintain and QA0ZfjtWn8y-00083-00028960-00029209 extend the life of paint protection films and coatings. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00084-00029310-00029679 Now that you understand the five steps to paint care, it will be easy to choose the QA0ZfjtWn8y-00085-00029679-00030039 right products and obtain even better results every time you detail your car. QA0ZfjtWn8y-00086-00030075-00030501 For additional detailing, tips and techniques, visit Meguiars.com or check us QA0ZfjtWn8y-00087-00030501-00030639 out on Instagram and Facebook. QE41P4Yw3co-00000-00000010-00000170 WE WILL ENJOY THE SUMMER. QE41P4Yw3co-00001-00000170-00000176 WE WILL ENJOY THE SUMMER. QE41P4Yw3co-00002-00000176-00000336 WE WILL ENJOY THE SUMMER. >> THANKS, CLAYTON. QE41P4Yw3co-00003-00000336-00000343 WE WILL ENJOY THE SUMMER. >> THANKS, CLAYTON. QE41P4Yw3co-00004-00000343-00000410 WE WILL ENJOY THE SUMMER. >> THANKS, CLAYTON. >>> WITH THE POWER OF SCIENCE QE41P4Yw3co-00005-00000410-00000417 >> THANKS, CLAYTON. >>> WITH THE POWER OF SCIENCE QE41P4Yw3co-00006-00000417-00000467 >> THANKS, CLAYTON. >>> WITH THE POWER OF SCIENCE MUCH CAN BE CREATED. QE41P4Yw3co-00007-00000467-00000473 >>> WITH THE POWER OF SCIENCE MUCH CAN BE CREATED. QE41P4Yw3co-00008-00000473-00000874 >>> WITH THE POWER OF SCIENCE MUCH CAN BE CREATED. TREK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL DID THAT QE41P4Yw3co-00009-00000874-00000880 MUCH CAN BE CREATED. TREK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL DID THAT QE41P4Yw3co-00010-00000880-00000924 MUCH CAN BE CREATED. TREK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL DID THAT WITH BUTTERFLIES. QE41P4Yw3co-00011-00000924-00000930 TREK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL DID THAT WITH BUTTERFLIES. QE41P4Yw3co-00012-00000930-00001000 TREK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL DID THAT WITH BUTTERFLIES. FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE QE41P4Yw3co-00013-00001000-00001007 WITH BUTTERFLIES. FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE QE41P4Yw3co-00014-00001007-00001067 WITH BUTTERFLIES. FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW QE41P4Yw3co-00015-00001067-00001074 FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW QE41P4Yw3co-00016-00001074-00001444 FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW STUDENTS ARE CREATING LIFE. QE41P4Yw3co-00017-00001444-00001451 HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW STUDENTS ARE CREATING LIFE. QE41P4Yw3co-00018-00001451-00001641 HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW STUDENTS ARE CREATING LIFE. >> THE CREATION OF LIFE COMES IN QE41P4Yw3co-00019-00001641-00001648 STUDENTS ARE CREATING LIFE. >> THE CREATION OF LIFE COMES IN QE41P4Yw3co-00020-00001648-00001805 STUDENTS ARE CREATING LIFE. >> THE CREATION OF LIFE COMES IN DIFFERENT COLORS AND SIZES. QE41P4Yw3co-00021-00001805-00001811 >> THE CREATION OF LIFE COMES IN DIFFERENT COLORS AND SIZES. QE41P4Yw3co-00022-00001811-00002055 >> THE CREATION OF LIFE COMES IN DIFFERENT COLORS AND SIZES. AT TREK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL, THEY QE41P4Yw3co-00023-00002055-00002062 DIFFERENT COLORS AND SIZES. AT TREK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL, THEY QE41P4Yw3co-00024-00002062-00002228 DIFFERENT COLORS AND SIZES. AT TREK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL, THEY OFFER SCIENCE CLASSES IN THE QE41P4Yw3co-00025-00002228-00002235 AT TREK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL, THEY OFFER SCIENCE CLASSES IN THE QE41P4Yw3co-00026-00002235-00002375 AT TREK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL, THEY OFFER SCIENCE CLASSES IN THE SHAPE OF A BUTTERFLY. QE41P4Yw3co-00027-00002375-00002382 OFFER SCIENCE CLASSES IN THE SHAPE OF A BUTTERFLY. QE41P4Yw3co-00028-00002382-00002492 OFFER SCIENCE CLASSES IN THE SHAPE OF A BUTTERFLY. >> IT'S A GREAT THING IF THEY QE41P4Yw3co-00029-00002492-00002499 SHAPE OF A BUTTERFLY. >> IT'S A GREAT THING IF THEY QE41P4Yw3co-00030-00002499-00002689 SHAPE OF A BUTTERFLY. >> IT'S A GREAT THING IF THEY CAN LOOK AT THIS AND SAY IT QE41P4Yw3co-00031-00002689-00002696 >> IT'S A GREAT THING IF THEY CAN LOOK AT THIS AND SAY IT QE41P4Yw3co-00032-00002696-00002959 >> IT'S A GREAT THING IF THEY CAN LOOK AT THIS AND SAY IT REALLY IS A BEAUTIFUL CREATURE. QE41P4Yw3co-00033-00002959-00002966 CAN LOOK AT THIS AND SAY IT REALLY IS A BEAUTIFUL CREATURE. QE41P4Yw3co-00034-00002966-00003323 CAN LOOK AT THIS AND SAY IT REALLY IS A BEAUTIFUL CREATURE. >> IT STARTED OFF AT LARVA. QE41P4Yw3co-00035-00003323-00003329 REALLY IS A BEAUTIFUL CREATURE. >> IT STARTED OFF AT LARVA. QE41P4Yw3co-00036-00003329-00003453 REALLY IS A BEAUTIFUL CREATURE. >> IT STARTED OFF AT LARVA. THEY ARE ATTACHED TO THE QE41P4Yw3co-00037-00003453-00003460 >> IT STARTED OFF AT LARVA. THEY ARE ATTACHED TO THE QE41P4Yw3co-00038-00003460-00003553 >> IT STARTED OFF AT LARVA. THEY ARE ATTACHED TO THE BUTTERFLIES SINCE THEY WERE QE41P4Yw3co-00039-00003553-00003560 THEY ARE ATTACHED TO THE BUTTERFLIES SINCE THEY WERE QE41P4Yw3co-00040-00003560-00003710 THEY ARE ATTACHED TO THE BUTTERFLIES SINCE THEY WERE THERE SINCE THE BEGINNING. QE41P4Yw3co-00041-00003710-00003717 BUTTERFLIES SINCE THEY WERE THERE SINCE THE BEGINNING. QE41P4Yw3co-00042-00003717-00003917 BUTTERFLIES SINCE THEY WERE THERE SINCE THE BEGINNING. >> I REALLY LIKED TAKING CARE OF QE41P4Yw3co-00043-00003917-00003923 THERE SINCE THE BEGINNING. >> I REALLY LIKED TAKING CARE OF QE41P4Yw3co-00044-00003923-00003947 THERE SINCE THE BEGINNING. >> I REALLY LIKED TAKING CARE OF THEM. QE41P4Yw3co-00045-00003947-00003953 >> I REALLY LIKED TAKING CARE OF THEM. QE41P4Yw3co-00046-00003953-00004070 >> I REALLY LIKED TAKING CARE OF THEM. IT WAS THE BEST. QE41P4Yw3co-00047-00004070-00004077 THEM. IT WAS THE BEST. QE41P4Yw3co-00048-00004077-00004247 THEM. IT WAS THE BEST. >> STUDENTS WERE RESPONSIBLE FO? QE41P4Yw3co-00049-00004247-00004254 IT WAS THE BEST. >> STUDENTS WERE RESPONSIBLE FO? QE41P4Yw3co-00050-00004254-00004327 IT WAS THE BEST. >> STUDENTS WERE RESPONSIBLE FO? TRACKING THE PROGRESS OF THE QE41P4Yw3co-00051-00004327-00004334 >> STUDENTS WERE RESPONSIBLE FO? TRACKING THE PROGRESS OF THE QE41P4Yw3co-00052-00004334-00004447 >> STUDENTS WERE RESPONSIBLE FO? TRACKING THE PROGRESS OF THE BUTTERFLY AND DOCUMENTING QE41P4Yw3co-00053-00004447-00004454 TRACKING THE PROGRESS OF THE BUTTERFLY AND DOCUMENTING QE41P4Yw3co-00054-00004454-00004481 TRACKING THE PROGRESS OF THE BUTTERFLY AND DOCUMENTING WEIGHT. QE41P4Yw3co-00055-00004481-00004487 BUTTERFLY AND DOCUMENTING WEIGHT. QE41P4Yw3co-00056-00004487-00004824 BUTTERFLY AND DOCUMENTING WEIGHT. THAT WASh"ñ?ñ?ñ? DONE WITH THE A QE41P4Yw3co-00057-00004824-00004831 WEIGHT. THAT WASh"ñ?ñ?ñ? DONE WITH THE A QE41P4Yw3co-00058-00004831-00004961 WEIGHT. THAT WASh"ñ?ñ?ñ? DONE WITH THE A COLLECTED. QE41P4Yw3co-00059-00004961-00004968 THAT WASh"ñ?ñ?ñ? DONE WITH THE A COLLECTED. QE41P4Yw3co-00060-00004968-00005095 THAT WASh"ñ?ñ?ñ? DONE WITH THE A COLLECTED. >> HOPING THEY GET MOST OUT OF QE41P4Yw3co-00061-00005095-00005101 COLLECTED. >> HOPING THEY GET MOST OUT OF QE41P4Yw3co-00062-00005101-00005371 COLLECTED. >> HOPING THEY GET MOST OUT OF IT IS BEING ABLE TO COLLECT THE QE41P4Yw3co-00063-00005371-00005378 >> HOPING THEY GET MOST OUT OF IT IS BEING ABLE TO COLLECT THE QE41P4Yw3co-00064-00005378-00005568 >> HOPING THEY GET MOST OUT OF IT IS BEING ABLE TO COLLECT THE DATA AND ANALYZE IT, ALTHOUGH QE41P4Yw3co-00065-00005568-00005575 IT IS BEING ABLE TO COLLECT THE DATA AND ANALYZE IT, ALTHOUGH QE41P4Yw3co-00066-00005575-00005815 IT IS BEING ABLE TO COLLECT THE DATA AND ANALYZE IT, ALTHOUGH BEING ABLE TO APPRECIATE THE QE41P4Yw3co-00067-00005815-00005822 DATA AND ANALYZE IT, ALTHOUGH BEING ABLE TO APPRECIATE THE QE41P4Yw3co-00068-00005822-00005969 DATA AND ANALYZE IT, ALTHOUGH BEING ABLE TO APPRECIATE THE BUTTERFLIES IS IMPORTANT, TOO. QE41P4Yw3co-00069-00005969-00005975 BEING ABLE TO APPRECIATE THE BUTTERFLIES IS IMPORTANT, TOO. QE41P4Yw3co-00070-00005975-00006362 BEING ABLE TO APPRECIATE THE BUTTERFLIES IS IMPORTANT, TOO. >> THEY EVEN HAD NAMES LIKE QE41P4Yw3co-00071-00006362-00006369 BUTTERFLIES IS IMPORTANT, TOO. >> THEY EVEN HAD NAMES LIKE QE41P4Yw3co-00072-00006369-00006396 BUTTERFLIES IS IMPORTANT, TOO. >> THEY EVEN HAD NAMES LIKE JEROME. QE41P4Yw3co-00073-00006396-00006403 >> THEY EVEN HAD NAMES LIKE JEROME. QE41P4Yw3co-00074-00006403-00006573 >> THEY EVEN HAD NAMES LIKE JEROME. IT WAS TIME TO RELEASE THE QE41P4Yw3co-00075-00006573-00006579 JEROME. IT WAS TIME TO RELEASE THE QE41P4Yw3co-00076-00006579-00006726 JEROME. IT WAS TIME TO RELEASE THE BUTTERFLIES AND HAVE THEM SPREAD QE41P4Yw3co-00077-00006726-00006733 IT WAS TIME TO RELEASE THE BUTTERFLIES AND HAVE THEM SPREAD QE41P4Yw3co-00078-00006733-00006793 IT WAS TIME TO RELEASE THE BUTTERFLIES AND HAVE THEM SPREAD THEIR WINGS. QE41P4Yw3co-00079-00006793-00006800 BUTTERFLIES AND HAVE THEM SPREAD THEIR WINGS. QE41P4Yw3co-00080-00006800-00006943 BUTTERFLIES AND HAVE THEM SPREAD THEIR WINGS. >> DUE TO THE LIMITED FOOD QE41P4Yw3co-00081-00006943-00006950 THEIR WINGS. >> DUE TO THE LIMITED FOOD QE41P4Yw3co-00082-00006950-00007106 THEIR WINGS. >> DUE TO THE LIMITED FOOD SUPPLY, BUTTERFLIES MAY NOT QE41P4Yw3co-00083-00007106-00007113 >> DUE TO THE LIMITED FOOD SUPPLY, BUTTERFLIES MAY NOT QE41P4Yw3co-00084-00007113-00007217 >> DUE TO THE LIMITED FOOD SUPPLY, BUTTERFLIES MAY NOT SURVIVE, BUT THEY ARE COMING OUT QE41P4Yw3co-00085-00007217-00007223 SUPPLY, BUTTERFLIES MAY NOT SURVIVE, BUT THEY ARE COMING OUT QE41P4Yw3co-00086-00007223-00007484 SUPPLY, BUTTERFLIES MAY NOT SURVIVE, BUT THEY ARE COMING OUT TO CHECK ON THEM PERIODICALLY. QE41P4Yw3co-00087-00007484-00007490 SURVIVE, BUT THEY ARE COMING OUT TO CHECK ON THEM PERIODICALLY. QE41P4Yw3co-00088-00007490-00007917 SURVIVE, BUT THEY ARE COMING OUT TO CHECK ON THEM PERIODICALLY. >> IT'S KIND OF EXCITING. QE41P4Yw3co-00089-00007917-00007924 TO CHECK ON THEM PERIODICALLY. >> IT'S KIND OF EXCITING. QE41P4Yw3co-00090-00007924-00008074 TO CHECK ON THEM PERIODICALLY. >> IT'S KIND OF EXCITING. THINK ABOUT THEM GOING OFF AND QE41P4Yw3co-00091-00008074-00008081 >> IT'S KIND OF EXCITING. THINK ABOUT THEM GOING OFF AND QE41P4Yw3co-00092-00008081-00008194 >> IT'S KIND OF EXCITING. THINK ABOUT THEM GOING OFF AND DOING THEIR OWN THING. QE41P4Yw3co-00093-00008194-00008201 THINK ABOUT THEM GOING OFF AND DOING THEIR OWN THING. QE41P4Yw3co-00094-00008201-00008495 THINK ABOUT THEM GOING OFF AND DOING THEIR OWN THING. IT'S KIND OF COLD OUT RIGHT NOW. QE41P4Yw3co-00095-00008495-00008501 DOING THEIR OWN THING. IT'S KIND OF COLD OUT RIGHT NOW. QE41P4Yw3co-00096-00008501-00008875 DOING THEIR OWN THING. IT'S KIND OF COLD OUT RIGHT NOW. >> THEY ARE ALSO HAVE NATURE. QE41P4Yw3co-00097-00008875-00008882 IT'S KIND OF COLD OUT RIGHT NOW. >> THEY ARE ALSO HAVE NATURE. QE41P4Yw3co-00098-00008882-00009245 IT'S KIND OF COLD OUT RIGHT NOW. >> THEY ARE ALSO HAVE NATURE. >> THEY PROVIDE BENEFITS TO THE QE41P4Yw3co-00099-00009245-00009252 >> THEY ARE ALSO HAVE NATURE. >> THEY PROVIDE BENEFITS TO THE QE41P4Yw3co-00100-00009252-00009299 >> THEY ARE ALSO HAVE NATURE. >> THEY PROVIDE BENEFITS TO THE ECOSYSTEM. QE41P4Yw3co-00101-00009299-00009305 >> THEY PROVIDE BENEFITS TO THE ECOSYSTEM. QE41P4Yw3co-00102-00009305-00009642 >> THEY PROVIDE BENEFITS TO THE ECOSYSTEM. THEY POLLINATE PLANTS, AND OTHER QE41P4Yw3co-00103-00009642-00009649 ECOSYSTEM. THEY POLLINATE PLANTS, AND OTHER QE41P4Yw3co-00104-00009649-00009783 ECOSYSTEM. THEY POLLINATE PLANTS, AND OTHER PLANTS CAN GERMINATE AND SEED. QIi3kVdikCu-00000-00001218-00001553 I crumbled before your eyes QIi3kVdikCu-00001-00001553-00001940 Hit rock bottom and sunk deeper QIi3kVdikCu-00002-00001940-00002297 To grab onto the last bit of hope QIi3kVdikCu-00003-00002297-00002689 I've tried to reach out with both of my hands QIi3kVdikCu-00004-00002689-00003108 Again in this dark place, light up the sky QIi3kVdikCu-00005-00003108-00003497 While looking into your eyes, I'll kiss you goodbye QIi3kVdikCu-00006-00003497-00003810 Laugh all you want while you still can QIi3kVdikCu-00007-00003810-00004032 Because it's about to be your turn 1,2,3 QIi3kVdikCu-00008-00004090-00004286 Ha how you like that? QIi3kVdikCu-00009-00004492-00004871 You gon’ like that that that that that QIi3kVdikCu-00010-00004871-00005016 How you like that? QIi3kVdikCu-00011-00005257-00005645 How you like that that that that that QIi3kVdikCu-00012-00005645-00005900 Now look at you now look at me QIi3kVdikCu-00013-00005900-00006265 Look at you now look at me QIi3kVdikCu-00014-00006265-00006390 How you like that QIi3kVdikCu-00015-00006390-00006637 Now look at you now look at me QIi3kVdikCu-00016-00006637-00007006 Look at you now look at me QIi3kVdikCu-00017-00007006-00007182 How you like that QIi3kVdikCu-00018-00007182-00007362 Your girl need it all and that’s a hundred QIi3kVdikCu-00019-00007362-00007536 10 out of 10 I want what's mine QIi3kVdikCu-00020-00007536-00007639 Karma come and get some QIi3kVdikCu-00021-00007639-00007867 I feel bad but there's nothing I can do QIi3kVdikCu-00022-00007867-00008017 Whats up I’m right back QIi3kVdikCu-00023-00008017-00008192 Cock back the trigger QIi3kVdikCu-00024-00008192-00008335 Plain Jane get hijacked QIi3kVdikCu-00025-00008335-00008643 Don’t like me? Then tell me how you like that QIi3kVdikCu-00026-00008643-00009007 In this even darker place shine like the stars QIi3kVdikCu-00027-00009007-00009394 With a smile on my face I’ll kiss you goodbye QIi3kVdikCu-00028-00009394-00009733 Laugh all you want while you still can QIi3kVdikCu-00029-00009733-00009960 Because it's about to be your turn 1,2,3 QIi3kVdikCu-00030-00009989-00010172 Ha how you like that? QIi3kVdikCu-00031-00010406-00010778 You gon’ like that that that that that QIi3kVdikCu-00032-00010778-00010916 How you like that? QIi3kVdikCu-00033-00011139-00011564 How you like that that that that that QIi3kVdikCu-00034-00011564-00011835 Now look at you now look at me QIi3kVdikCu-00035-00011835-00012174 Look at you now look at me QIi3kVdikCu-00036-00012174-00012300 How you like that QIi3kVdikCu-00037-00012300-00012538 Now look at you now look at me QIi3kVdikCu-00038-00012538-00012923 Look at you now look at me QIi3kVdikCu-00039-00012923-00013081 How you like that QIi3kVdikCu-00040-00013128-00013489 The day I fell without my wings QIi3kVdikCu-00041-00013489-00013866 Those dark days where I was trapped QIi3kVdikCu-00042-00013866-00014178 You should've ended me when you had the chance QIi3kVdikCu-00043-00014178-00014566 Look up in the sky it’s a bird it’s a plane QIi3kVdikCu-00044-00015987-00016056 BLACKPINK! QIi3kVdikCu-00045-00016316-00016443 How you like that QIi3kVdikCu-00046-00016692-00016815 You gon’ like that QIi3kVdikCu-00047-00017057-00017189 How you like that QRrpYQx9CfE-00000-00001267-00001476 Speaker 1: I would like to thank my friend. QRrpYQx9CfE-00001-00001476-00001732 She taught me not to judge people based on the past. QRrpYQx9CfE-00002-00001732-00002234 Speaker 2: I think I’d like to thank my yoga teacher for dealing with my mental and QRrpYQx9CfE-00003-00002234-00002448 physical inflexibilities (Laughs). QRrpYQx9CfE-00004-00002448-00002709 Speaker 3: I would like to thanks my maths teacher. QRrpYQx9CfE-00005-00002709-00003064 She made me look at the subject that I hated in a completely different perspective. QRrpYQx9CfE-00006-00003080-00003324 Speaker 4: I’d like to thank my grandmother. QRrpYQx9CfE-00007-00003324-00003646 She’s been telling me very great stories about saints. QRrpYQx9CfE-00008-00003647-00004078 Speaker 5: I would like to thank the whole universe because that’s always the best QRrpYQx9CfE-00009-00004078-00004178 teacher. QRrpYQx9CfE-00010-00004200-00004378 Speaker 6: My Tamil teacher. QRrpYQx9CfE-00011-00004378-00004478 Speaker 7: My dance teacher. QRrpYQx9CfE-00012-00004478-00004578 Speaker 8: My Physics teacher. QRrpYQx9CfE-00013-00004578-00004718 Speaker 9: My grandfather. QRrpYQx9CfE-00014-00004718-00005032 Speaker 10: Teacher inside myself. QRrpYQx9CfE-00015-00005032-00005719 Speaker 11: My teacher always, who’s you know so persistent and so prominent in my QRrpYQx9CfE-00016-00005719-00005819 life is my mother. QRrpYQx9CfE-00017-00005819-00006051 Speaker 12: The first teacher ever in my life was my mom. QRrpYQx9CfE-00018-00006051-00006248 Speaker 13: That would be my mother actually. QRrpYQx9CfE-00019-00006248-00006588 Because she’s been one teacher who stayed with me and is still with me. QRrpYQx9CfE-00020-00006588-00006792 I mean she is ninety-six years old. QRrpYQx9CfE-00021-00006792-00007332 Speaker 14: My grandfather who is extremely ill and his leg got amputated so he became QRrpYQx9CfE-00022-00007332-00007878 almost like a child and my mother has taken care of him like…like a baby. QRrpYQx9CfE-00023-00007878-00008347 He was her father-in-law and not…not many daughter-in-laws have the comfort or that QRrpYQx9CfE-00024-00008347-00008731 relationship with their father-in-law but she did everything for him and when I mean QRrpYQx9CfE-00025-00008731-00009318 everything – right from feeding him to everything that you can think of and during his, you QRrpYQx9CfE-00026-00009318-00009780 know last few days he called my mum and he folded his hands and he said that you know QRrpYQx9CfE-00027-00009780-00009968 you’re my mother. QRrpYQx9CfE-00028-00009968-00010180 You have taken care of me and you’re my mother and thank you for that. QRrpYQx9CfE-00029-00010196-00010748 Speaker 15: My guru Pandit Shankar Ghosh has been an incredible inspiration for me. QRrpYQx9CfE-00030-00010749-00011038 He would tell little stories in tabla language. QRrpYQx9CfE-00031-00011038-00011534 Little boy who goes every day to school, the gateman says, “Go home, it’s a holiday.” QRrpYQx9CfE-00032-00011534-00011800 And he is so excited, he dances his way back home. QRrpYQx9CfE-00033-00011802-00012792 So he goes (Sings). QRrpYQx9CfE-00034-00012792-00013286 “Mommy it’s a holiday” and then then he runs out to play and mommy makes him study QRrpYQx9CfE-00035-00013286-00013636 and he runs out again (Sings). QRrpYQx9CfE-00036-00014266-00014888 Speaker 16: One teacher whom I particularly remember with great fondness is Prof. Jayant Prabhu QRrpYQx9CfE-00037-00014888-00015462 What I loved about him is that he taught the subject with such passion and with such discipline QRrpYQx9CfE-00038-00015462-00015909 that even if you didn’t know anything about chemistry you would fall in love with it and QRrpYQx9CfE-00039-00015909-00016398 to be able to do that requires a great mastery and I learnt that when you want to teach something QRrpYQx9CfE-00040-00016398-00016643 and you want to be a great teacher, you should have great mastery over the subject. QRrpYQx9CfE-00041-00016643-00017121 Speaker 17: I think that the life is so big and it’s not possible you can say only one QRrpYQx9CfE-00042-00017121-00017381 person has taught you everything. QRrpYQx9CfE-00043-00017381-00017609 I think every day you learn something. QRrpYQx9CfE-00044-00017709-00018474 Sadhguru: A teacher can be either a source of information or a source of transformation. QRrpYQx9CfE-00045-00018474-00019240 This is something I realized through a novice teacher when I was in high school. QRrpYQx9CfE-00046-00019240-00019744 Every teacher was a game; a new one especially was for sure a big game (Laughs). QRrpYQx9CfE-00047-00019744-00020052 This is her first class in the school. QRrpYQx9CfE-00048-00020052-00020704 She is in our class which is the worst place to start off (Laughs). QRrpYQx9CfE-00049-00020704-00021781 So when she came and stood next to my bench, I was generous to open up my fountain pen QRrpYQx9CfE-00050-00021781-00022522 and give out the entire quantity of ink that I had on to her white starched sari which QRrpYQx9CfE-00051-00022522-00022820 just soaked it up. QRrpYQx9CfE-00052-00022820-00022920 And she didn’t realize. QRrpYQx9CfE-00053-00022920-00023648 She walked around with that patch behind her and everybody was giggling. QRrpYQx9CfE-00054-00023648-00024435 Later on, after the lunch hour I was asked to come to the staff room. QRrpYQx9CfE-00055-00024435-00024995 Staff room was not a rare place for me to go (Laughs). QRrpYQx9CfE-00056-00024995-00025248 I knew somebody has squealed about this. QRrpYQx9CfE-00057-00025248-00025613 Then when I went there she asked for my pen. QRrpYQx9CfE-00058-00025613-00025791 I gave my pen. QRrpYQx9CfE-00059-00025791-00026439 She took an ink bottle, filled up my pen, closed it and gave to me. QRrpYQx9CfE-00060-00026439-00026714 I said, “Thank you mam” and came back. QRrpYQx9CfE-00061-00026714-00027400 But this built such a strong bond with her that she became my favorite teacher and I QRrpYQx9CfE-00062-00027400-00027997 realized what the world throws at you is not your choice but what you make out of it is QRrpYQx9CfE-00063-00027997-00028139 entirely yours. QRrpYQx9CfE-00064-00028139-00028250 I think it stayed with me (Laughs). QU3qxiPVuaM-00000-00000000-00000664 Hi everyone this is Ian again and this is part 2 of 'benefits of farm trees' QU3qxiPVuaM-00001-00000664-00001355 many regions of Australia, and the world, are susceptible to rising saline water tables. QU3qxiPVuaM-00002-00001355-00001868 This rising salt can devastate productivity both locally and across the region QU3qxiPVuaM-00003-00002023-00002426 Farm trees can greatly reduce the chances of rising saline water tables or at the QU3qxiPVuaM-00004-00002426-00002823 very least - slowing their rate of spread. The reason farm trees can prevent rising QU3qxiPVuaM-00005-00002823-00003178 saline water table is because their deep roots pump water from the water table QU3qxiPVuaM-00006-00003178-00003704 and in to the air, before it can bring salt to the surface of the soil. This water usage in QU3qxiPVuaM-00007-00003704-00004073 most cases won't compete with crops as trees use water that would otherwise be QU3qxiPVuaM-00008-00004073-00004526 inaccessible to annual crops. The best areas to plant trees to prevent rising QU3qxiPVuaM-00009-00004526-00004986 salinity will depend on your local geography, however in general, trees planted QU3qxiPVuaM-00010-00004986-00005364 on hills will reduce the amount of water entering the water table while those QU3qxiPVuaM-00011-00005364-00005948 planted in lower areas will locally reduce the height of the water table. QU3qxiPVuaM-00012-00005948-00006536 Farm vegetation can be a valuable asset when livestock food sources are low. QU3qxiPVuaM-00013-00006536-00006909 Hedgerows and shelter-belts of palatable species, such as acacia and saltbush can be QU3qxiPVuaM-00014-00006909-00007339 grazed or pruned to provide accessible food sources. Areas of non-crop QU3qxiPVuaM-00015-00007339-00008056 vegetation, such as remnant, areas can also be crash grazed during poor years. QU3qxiPVuaM-00016-00008056-00008445 Many species of trees that can be used as effective shelterbelts can also be managed for timber QU3qxiPVuaM-00017-00008445-00008952 Tree species that will regrow from epicormic shoots, such as fast-growing QU3qxiPVuaM-00018-00008952-00009434 eucalyptus species can be cut off towards the base, and allowed to regrow in a process known as "coppicing". QU3qxiPVuaM-00019-00009514-00010035 Rows of trees managed in this way make excellent sources of firewood for use QU3qxiPVuaM-00020-00010035-00010607 or sale. Other trees such as red gum and iron bark, if managed, can produce high-value sawlogs. QU3qxiPVuaM-00021-00010607-00011135 Sawlogs will usually produce higher returns than any other crop over QU3qxiPVuaM-00022-00011135-00011525 the same time period. QU3qxiPVuaM-00023-00011525-00012038 Farms that have been planted and landscaped with trees, are likely to have higher atheistic appeal. QU3qxiPVuaM-00024-00012038-00012487 In addition to this just being enjoyable, this can also have a QU3qxiPVuaM-00025-00012487-00013050 measurable impact on land value, resulting in higher sale prices of the property. QU3qxiPVuaM-00026-00013091-00013577 Trees can help protect your property from extreme weather events, however the QU3qxiPVuaM-00027-00013577-00013872 following is usually based on hypothetical studies and should not be QU3qxiPVuaM-00028-00013872-00014268 relied upon for your own safety, so always have a backup plan and seek QU3qxiPVuaM-00029-00014268-00014744 professional advice before undertaking the following. Hypothetically, farm trees QU3qxiPVuaM-00030-00014744-00015269 can be used to reduce the impact fire. Rows of resistant shrubs, such as saltbush, can be QU3qxiPVuaM-00031-00015269-00015709 used to reduce ember attacks during bushfires. While blocks of fire resistant trees QU3qxiPVuaM-00032-00015709-00016283 such as ironbark can slow fires reducing them down to grass fires. Rows of trees can also QU3qxiPVuaM-00033-00016283-00016684 reduce wind speed thereby slowing some types fire, offering a level of QU3qxiPVuaM-00034-00016684-00017167 protection for structures down wind. Again I will stress however that this is QU3qxiPVuaM-00035-00017167-00017499 highly dependent on weather conditions and should not be solely relied upon. QU3qxiPVuaM-00036-00017499-00017870 Seek advice from your local fire organization. QU3qxiPVuaM-00037-00017970-00018570 Fast-moving floodwaters can be damaging as they cause heavy riverbank erosion QU3qxiPVuaM-00038-00018570-00019060 and damage any structures in their path. Farm trees are able to slow this water down, reducing the damage QU3qxiPVuaM-00039-00019060-00019513 they are able to cause. The trade off with this however is that a large number QU3qxiPVuaM-00040-00019513-00019920 trees will cause water to build up higher upstream causing floodwaters QU3qxiPVuaM-00041-00019920-00020465 become slow moving but higher. If planting riverside vegetation, contact QU3qxiPVuaM-00042-00020465-00020861 your local Catchment Management Authority for advice. QU3qxiPVuaM-00043-00020861-00022008 Water in ponds and dams that is shaded by trees, is likely to be lower in temperature, this has two benefits. QU3qxiPVuaM-00044-00022008-00022507 Firstly, evaporation is reduce and secondly has a reduced likelihood of algal blooms due QU3qxiPVuaM-00045-00022507-00022921 to the lower temperatures. On site vegetation can also filter out sediment QU3qxiPVuaM-00046-00022921-00023368 entering ponds and stabilize banks, all of this results in higher quality water QU3qxiPVuaM-00047-00023368-00023737 for livestock and irrigation. QU3qxiPVuaM-00048-00023737-00024176 For protection with strong odors such as piggeries, planting of shelterbelts QU3qxiPVuaM-00049-00024176-00024570 directly downwind helps to deflect the oder producing gases into the atmosphere and QU3qxiPVuaM-00050-00024570-00025048 away from down wind structures vegetation also absorbs ammonia and QU3qxiPVuaM-00051-00025048-00025585 other odorous gases while filtering out dust particles. QU3qxiPVuaM-00052-00025585-00026145 Thank you for listening and as always if you wish to support this serious make sure you QU3qxiPVuaM-00053-00026145-00026538 like this video and subscribe, if you have any questions leave them in the comments QU3qxiPVuaM-00054-00026538-00026700 section below or shoot me an email at: QU3qxiPVuaM-00055-00026700-00026905 profitable.habitat@gmail.com QV4Ss_GBE-M-00000-00000042-00000174 We need your help QV4Ss_GBE-M-00001-00000190-00000341 to protect the Internet. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00002-00000402-00000608 Bloggers are being persecuted; QV4Ss_GBE-M-00003-00000640-00000944 activists, treated as terrorists. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00004-00000997-00001410 In Brazil, the Congress is about to approve a bill QV4Ss_GBE-M-00005-00001418-00001671 that will end Internet privacy QV4Ss_GBE-M-00006-00001674-00001989 and criminalize everyday activity. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00007-00002023-00002275 All our moves will be monitored QV4Ss_GBE-M-00008-00002280-00002502 and may be used against us. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00009-00002534-00002812 Sharing music will be a crime. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00010-00002857-00003095 We have an answer. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00011-00003116-00003269 "The path of truth". QV4Ss_GBE-M-00012-00003304-00003605 This is the meaning of "Satiagraha" QV4Ss_GBE-M-00013-00003611-00003875 the operation of the Federal Police QV4Ss_GBE-M-00014-00003878-00004351 that investigated the biggest corruption scandal Brazil has ever seen. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00015-00004391-00004511 (bomb) QV4Ss_GBE-M-00016-00004547-00004761 SatiagrahaLeaks.org QV4Ss_GBE-M-00017-00004793-00005092 Spread this message. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00018-00005201-00005402 We are Anonymous. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00019-00005412-00005582 We are legion. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00020-00005600-00005764 We do not forgive. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00021-00005772-00005933 We do not forget. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00022-00005960-00006100 Expect us. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00023-00006119-00006256 Join us. QV4Ss_GBE-M-00024-00006407-00006567 For a free Internet! QVfTuE2SFR4-00000-00045452-00048068 dogs QVfTuE2SFR4-00001-00048068-00049480 funny QWX9ZF-rob8-00000-00000162-00000724 Mathematical structures abound in art and music and — as many mathematician will tell QWX9ZF-rob8-00001-00000724-00001287 you — math can be as beautiful as any piece of art and doing it requires a unique kind QWX9ZF-rob8-00002-00001287-00001859 of creativity. But opportunities to explore the connections between art and mathematics QWX9ZF-rob8-00003-00001859-00002223 in practice are few and far between. QWX9ZF-rob8-00004-00002223-00002714 There were artists with no academic mathematical training that were brought around to mathematics QWX9ZF-rob8-00005-00002714-00003297 as the language of patterns and forms, mathematicians without artistic backgrounds that are intrigued QWX9ZF-rob8-00006-00003297-00003794 by the inherent beauty of their work, and people from pretty much every point on the QWX9ZF-rob8-00007-00003794-00004374 sliding scale between these two extremes, including those that actively work in both QWX9ZF-rob8-00008-00004374-00004444 fields. QWX9ZF-rob8-00009-00004444-00004896 Some artists are inspired by nature and found their way to mathematics as the language of QWX9ZF-rob8-00010-00004896-00005423 natural forms.This module is an opportunity to get your hands on the mathematics behind QWX9ZF-rob8-00011-00005423-00005955 the art and nature; I will lead you and you are encouraged to explore and make discoveries QWX9ZF-rob8-00012-00005955-00006110 for yourself. QWX9ZF-rob8-00013-00006110-00006559 This module does not have any written tests, but several projects throughout where you QWX9ZF-rob8-00014-00006559-00007114 are asked to create. I understand that many are not artists, however I have designed the QWX9ZF-rob8-00015-00007114-00007597 projects around mathematics, and ask that you keep an open mind throughout this module. QYRtzOSeiT8-00000-00000080-00000210 La salida buena QYRtzOSeiT8-00001-00000260-00000310 es la 2 QYRtzOSeiT8-00002-00000354-00000470 No hagan lo que nosotros QYRtzOSeiT8-00003-00000488-00000540 nos salimos en QYRtzOSeiT8-00004-00000540-00000690 totalmente del otro lado Qa4LQbjqnPk-00000-00001096-00002047 Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 7 Hulu Sungai Selatan held a rehearsal or final exercise for the Qa4LQbjqnPk-00001-00002047-00002511 Computer-Based National Assessment (ANBK), Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at the madrasa Qa4LQbjqnPk-00002-00002511-00002611 computer laboratory. Qa4LQbjqnPk-00003-00002611-00003490 The rehearsal was held in 3 sessions, namely the first session from 07.30 to 09.40 WITA, Qa4LQbjqnPk-00004-00003490-00003714 session 2 from 10.40 to 12.50 WITA and session 3 from 14.20 to 16.30 WITA guided by ANBK Qa4LQbjqnPk-00005-00003714-00003814 Proctor Khairunnisa, S.Pd and Technician Ahmad Hafie, S.Pd. Qa4LQbjqnPk-00006-00003814-00005661 The ANBK rehearsal was attended by 45 students and 5 reserve people who were randomly selected Qa4LQbjqnPk-00007-00005661-00006110 by the Education Assessment Center system of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Puspendik) Qa4LQbjqnPk-00008-00006110-00006304 from the Emis data of students. Qa4LQbjqnPk-00009-00006304-00006799 ANBK is a government program which is an assessment of the quality of education in madrasas or Qa4LQbjqnPk-00010-00006799-00007162 schools with the aim of knowing the description of the essential characteristics of an effective Qa4LQbjqnPk-00011-00007162-00007364 educational institution in developing the competence and character of students. Qa4LQbjqnPk-00012-00007364-00007464 The Head of Madrasah MTsN 7 HSS Jamjuri, S.Ag, M.Pd.I while monitoring the rehearsal, thanked Qa4LQbjqnPk-00013-00007464-00007644 Allah SWT because MTsN 7 HSS was able to carry out the ANBK rehearsal, which was held for Qa4LQbjqnPk-00014-00007644-00007802 2 days from 12 to 13 September 2022. Qa4LQbjqnPk-00015-00007802-00007902 He said again, the material being tested was in the form of literacy and numeracy while Qa4LQbjqnPk-00016-00007902-00009780 he hoped the ANBK rehearsal participants so that all of them could answer well, because Qa4LQbjqnPk-00017-00009780-00010809 ANBK became a barometer for madrasas to get the best score. Qa4LQbjqnPk-00018-00010809-00011119 Meanwhile, the Proctor of ANBK MTsN 7 HSS Khairunnisa, S.Pd, when confirmed, explained Qa4LQbjqnPk-00019-00011119-00013187 that the ANBK rehearsal at MTsN 7 HSS went well even though there were a few problems Qa4LQbjqnPk-00020-00013187-00014636 with the internet network provider. QbApOYygcwQ-00000-00000785-00001291 The salty soils of the cold desert regions of Wyoming are generally not a place that QbApOYygcwQ-00001-00001291-00001460 vegetation grows. QbApOYygcwQ-00002-00001460-00001948 However there are some species that can grow in these harsh environments. QbApOYygcwQ-00003-00001948-00002404 Saltbushes are shrubs that can tolerate soils with a high salt content. QbApOYygcwQ-00004-00002404-00003086 Salty soils are a problem because salts present in the soil mix with water available to plants. QbApOYygcwQ-00005-00003086-00003778 This salty water is often too concentrated for most plants to use for photosynthesis. QbApOYygcwQ-00006-00003778-00004035 Saltbushes can utilize salt water. QbApOYygcwQ-00007-00004035-00004621 Sometimes even water that is several times saltier than the ocean. QbApOYygcwQ-00008-00004621-00004782 Saltbushes are important plants. QbApOYygcwQ-00009-00004782-00005460 They provide wildlife with food and cover in areas that might be otherwise bare of vegetation. QbApOYygcwQ-00010-00005460-00005971 These plants also help protect soils from increased erosion due to wind and the occasional QbApOYygcwQ-00011-00005971-00006137 rainstorm. QbApOYygcwQ-00012-00006137-00006838 Some typical saltbushes that can be found in Wyoming include: black greasewood, fourwing QbApOYygcwQ-00013-00006838-00007263 saltbush, gardner’s saltbush, and shadscale saltbush. QbApOYygcwQ-00014-00007263-00007788 While maybe not the most glamorous flora in Wyoming, salt brushes play an important role QbApOYygcwQ-00015-00007788-00008031 in cold desert ecosystems. QbApOYygcwQ-00016-00008031-00008496 From the University of Wyoming Extension, I’m Windy Kelley, Exploring the Nature of QbApOYygcwQ-00017-00008496-00008539 Wyoming. QdD7qTEJx3U-00000-00003432-00005590 Battery Critically Low... Landing... QdD7qTEJx3U-00001-00005610-00005970 because we almost finished it in the practice earlier QhBUZ3ahcD0-00000-00001063-00001541 So, by the way, this year Evo is being held in Las Vegas. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00001-00001594-00001830 Oda-san, how are you expecting KOF to go? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00002-00001830-00002188 I mentioned this during the last topic but... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00003-00002792-00003196 I'm not sure how many countries will end up being represented there. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00004-00003196-00003660 It's not easy to get a flight right now either. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00005-00003660-00004129 Either way, I'm at least looking forward to seeing some of the American players. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00006-00004129-00004610 If you look at Guilty Gear and KOF, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00007-00004610-00005305 compared to other games, they're both still relatively new titles. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00008-00005305-00005613 So I suppose a lot of people will be entering for those games. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00009-00005613-00005999 Yeah, well one thing I'm looking forward to QhBUZ3ahcD0-00010-00005999-00006360 is seeing a variety of nationalities. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00011-00006360-00006998 Also seeing how the well-known KOF players will do in the tournament. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00012-00006998-00007111 Mexico players? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00013-00007111-00007422 Yeah, Mexican players, and of course Japanese players. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00014-00007422-00008000 How possible do you think it is for Japanese players to win? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00015-00008000-00008218 I'd say they could make it to Top 4, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00016-00008230-00008374 I think two will make it. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00017-00008374-00008542 I see. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00018-00008542-00008829 -You're not sure who will win? -Yeah. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00019-00008832-00009279 For a tournament of Evo's size, this goes for TEKKEN too, Japanese player's chances QhBUZ3ahcD0-00020-00009279-00009797 even from their own perspective, their chances are relatively low right? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00021-00009797-00010099 Nobi in 2015 was the last Japanese player to win a TEKKEN Evo. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00022-00010099-00010364 Nobi was kind of outstanding in a way. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00023-00010364-00010690 Even before that, Japanese players don't really win TEKKEN at Evo. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00024-00010690-00010861 True, in fact they don't ever! QhBUZ3ahcD0-00025-00010861-00011034 Japanese players really don't win Evos. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00026-00011034-00011218 Really? Hold on. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00027-00011218-00011317 They really don't, do they? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00028-00011317-00011499 Yeah, I don't think they have. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00029-00011499-00011668 It's just Nobi. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00030-00011668-00011951 I think it might be the same for KOF, yeah it is the same. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00031-00011951-00012076 It's the same with KOF? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00032-00012076-00012237 It very well might be. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00033-00012237-00012385 That's something else. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00034-00012385-00013016 If players were able to adjust better to the locale, I think it might be different. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00035-00013016-00013367 It's hard to perform to the best of your ability on a rushed schedule. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00036-00013367-00013808 Well in TEKKEN, Korea dominates even though those conditions are basically the same. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00037-00013808-00014103 If you look at the Street Fighter players... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00038-00014103-00014230 Yeah, Japanese players are strong. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00039-00014230-00014548 The Japanese players are quite strong there. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00040-00014548-00014839 Competition is tight among the Japanese players. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00041-00014839-00015084 The average level of Japanese SF players is high. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00042-00015084-00015548 For KOF and TEKKEN, competition gets tighter abroad. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00043-00015548-00015857 I think they might get intimidated by the Latin crowd. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00044-00015857-00016051 The cheering they do is insane. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00045-00016051-00016233 Yeah, it's crazy. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00046-00016234-00016860 Japanese players always bring that up about CEO and Combo Breaker. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00047-00016860-00017271 Combo Breaker was apparently pretty crazy at the venue. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00048-00017271-00017386 I've heard that too. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00049-00017386-00017532 You could tell even from home. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00050-00017532-00017822 The cheering for TEKKEN was something else apparently. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00051-00017822-00018361 Michael was talking about it on commentary. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00052-00018361-00018768 He was saying, "You can't tell how crazy it is in here from the stream." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00053-00018835-00019192 He said "If you don't have the guts you'll get shaken up here." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00054-00019247-00019919 With fighting games, there's a home field advantage effect sort of like in soccer. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00055-00019919-00020180 Yeah, there definitely is. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00056-00020228-00020509 Yeah, this year's... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00057-00020536-00020837 Evo will have a new structure, right? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00058-00020837-00021432 So it should be more of a "entertainment show" which the US is good at doing. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00059-00021460-00021990 They'll probably have the Blue Angels flying over the opening ceremony. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00060-00021990-00022172 I don't think so. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00061-00022172-00022477 You know one thing that's interesting about Evo? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00062-00022477-00023005 This happens with most titles, although there are some exceptions. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00063-00023005-00023313 Since its always been held in the US QhBUZ3ahcD0-00064-00023313-00023783 Americans are more likely to enter and many of the entrants should be American. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00065-00023783-00024388 If you look at who wins the tournament, you rarely see US players win. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00066-00024388-00024666 That's exactly why the crowd always gets so fired up. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00067-00024666-00025251 If US players were stronger and always won there'd be less chanting, "USA! USA!" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00068-00025251-00025375 True. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00069-00025375-00025758 If you look at Justin Wong QhBUZ3ahcD0-00070-00025758-00026104 not many people know this but Justin Wong... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00071-00026169-00026493 If you look at Evo, people cheer for him by chanting like, "USA!" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00072-00026493-00026845 It may seem like everyone is on Justin Wong's side. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00073-00026845-00027163 But if you look across the country, that's not really the case. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00074-00027233-00027480 You know what I mean? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00075-00027480-00027786 Just because the venue is like that, doesn't mean everywhere is. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00076-00027786-00028074 Even though the tournament is held in the US doesn't mean its unified. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00077-00028074-00028439 There's many people who aren't huge fans of Justin Wong normally. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00078-00028439-00028862 But on the Evo stage, they all become one. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00079-00028862-00029212 They cheer like, "USA!" not for the individual but for the USA. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00080-00029212-00029777 You know the locals tend to end up working as staff members. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00081-00029777-00030355 So they do the jobs off stage too, and some can't focus on the match. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00082-00030355-00030545 I also want to add to this, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00083-00030545-00031070 for those who decide to watch this year's Evo QhBUZ3ahcD0-00084-00031071-00031267 one thing I want to impart is... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00085-00031267-00031956 For example, during this pandemic, there was lots of TEKKEN events in Japan. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00086-00031956-00032254 I'm addressing the casual viewers here. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00087-00032254-00032679 When it comes to Evo, it's really easy to know who to root for because QhBUZ3ahcD0-00088-00032679-00032900 you can just root for a Japanese player. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00089-00032900-00033597 It's an international event so when you watch games, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00090-00033597-00033880 it's straightforward, you can support your own country. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00091-00033880-00034245 It makes it super fun to watch tournaments. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00092-00034245-00034638 As Harada-san mentioned before, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00093-00034638-00035006 when you watch a tournament knowing who to root for, it gets really fun. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00094-00035006-00035194 It makes a big difference. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00095-00035194-00035413 I say this often but QhBUZ3ahcD0-00096-00035413-00035814 international tournaments are easy to decide who to cheer for, it's good. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00097-00035814-00036476 You have these shouts of "USA!" "Korea!" "Japan!" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00098-00036476-00037139 And still a lone Pakistani hands out a crushing defeat and shakes the scene. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00099-00037140-00037373 The rise of Arslan Ash begins. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00100-00037455-00037698 That was crazy. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00101-00037699-00038114 That kind of thing might happen in the TEKKEN scene too which is exciting. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00102-00038114-00038562 It might even happen in KOF too. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00103-00038562-00038769 There might be someone hidden out there. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00104-00038769-00039102 I'll ask a big question here. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00105-00039914-00040298 Oda-san, will KOF at Evo... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00106-00040348-00040523 You know... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00107-00040571-00040659 Yeah? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00108-00040659-00041117 Will there be anything? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00109-00041117-00041615 We're preparing something. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00110-00041615-00041800 We'll say something. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00111-00041800-00042161 Oda-san isn't this different from how Evo used to be? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00112-00042161-00042346 We've got pressure, don't you think? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00113-00042346-00042583 I can tell there's some tension. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00114-00042586-00043256 But I feel like this time is a little better than before. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00115-00043256-00043700 I think you can empathize with this. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00116-00043700-00044241 Don't you think it's harder to just go attend a tournament these days? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00117-00044241-00044403 Because if you go... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00118-00044403-00044506 Get seen? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00119-00044506-00044712 You get seen and someone snaps a photo QhBUZ3ahcD0-00120-00044712-00044982 and they're like, "Oda is here, does that mean...?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00121-00045086-00045244 "Harada is here, that means...?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00122-00045245-00045612 That's why I couldn't go to Combo Breaker this year. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00123-00045627-00046041 I was actually going to go with Michael. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00124-00046041-00046479 Everyone stopped me and said, "Harada-san, we don't think you should go..." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00125-00046479-00046615 I asked "Why?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00126-00046615-00046845 I mean, I get it. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00127-00046845-00047411 Because people will think I'm going to announce something on stage. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00128-00047411-00047552 They'll expect announcements. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00129-00047553-00047768 So I decided not to go. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00130-00047768-00048136 If I go and don't announce anything, people will be disappointed. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00131-00048136-00048317 It's harder to just attend now. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00132-00048317-00048993 The Evo just before the pandemic I went to the China Joy expo instead. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00133-00048993-00049213 It's like that though, right? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00134-00049213-00049452 In that case, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00135-00049452-00049693 will you two be going to Evo this year? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00136-00049693-00049865 That's what I'm thinking about. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00137-00049865-00050070 I still don't know yet. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00138-00050070-00050201 You made me want to ask. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00139-00050201-00050683 So TEKKEN has their Topanga League, right? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00140-00050683-00051093 They always wonder like, "Will Harada come?" then when Yasuda eSports comes out QhBUZ3ahcD0-00141-00051094-00051416 he always says, "I came out, so you know there's no announcements." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00142-00051416-00051861 He says that because we want someone who has no expectations attached. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00143-00051887-00052116 We don't want people to be expecting anything. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00144-00052116-00052634 So, that means if Yasuda doesn't come out and you do, then there's an announcement?! QhBUZ3ahcD0-00145-00052634-00052988 That's why I'm thinking of bringing Yasuda eSports to Evo. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00146-00053034-00053220 There could be no announcement. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00147-00053220-00053859 We'd like to do what fans expect at the expected time but it's hard. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00148-00053859-00054127 The reason for that is... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00149-00054214-00054503 We need to try to read between the lines. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00150-00054503-00054682 I mean, from an industry perspective. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00151-00054682-00055378 When a company announces something at a certain time, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00152-00055404-00055874 we should avoid running into each other with announcements. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00153-00055905-00056114 There's a balance to consider. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00154-00056114-00056268 So we need to read between the lines. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00155-00056268-00056791 But it's kind of you to explain like that. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00156-00056791-00057240 There's that kind of circumstance. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00157-00057240-00057637 This Evo, maybe I'll just announce Tekken 4 Remake or something. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00158-00057637-00057880 I think that'll really set some people off. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00159-00057880-00058093 Please don't remake 4. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00160-00058093-00058387 That would trigger people so hard. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00161-00058387-00058820 90% of people will be like "Huh??" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00162-00058820-00059313 And then the remaining small percentage QhBUZ3ahcD0-00163-00059313-00059704 will go off like, "Yeaaahhh!" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00164-00059704-00060229 These days there aren't telephone boxes all around Shinjuku like the stage. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00165-00060312-00060624 Yeah, that's true. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00166-00060639-00061243 But as fighting game producers QhBUZ3ahcD0-00167-00061243-00061541 Evo is sort of an axis, isn't it? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00168-00061541-00061811 It depends, but... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00169-00061895-00062555 For the community, Evo is a landmark event. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00170-00062562-00062988 But our pressure gets higher and higher every year QhBUZ3ahcD0-00171-00062988-00063486 and it's tough for us not to be able to visit an event as we'd like. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00172-00064387-00064548 We mentioned this before but QhBUZ3ahcD0-00173-00064549-00065221 what are you looking forward to from Evo's new structure? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00174-00065369-00065586 Let me see. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00175-00065586-00066176 The new Evo organization is the result of many things. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00176-00066177-00066496 It's under Sony, right? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00177-00066496-00066983 I wonder how the community will perceive Sony's structure. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00178-00066983-00067140 I think that's the big thing. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00179-00067140-00067372 This is just the start, so... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00180-00067398-00067938 Before it was ran by a platform-independent group. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00181-00067938-00068573 I'm wondering how relying on the platform now will blend with the community. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00182-00068573-00068848 That's what I'm wondering about most. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00183-00068875-00068988 True. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00184-00068988-00069622 Sony has a different aura depending on the department. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00185-00069622-00069886 They aren't all the same. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00186-00069966-00070222 I think that's part of it. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00187-00070222-00070758 The people running it is the same as before, so that's a relief. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00188-00070758-00070970 But on the other hand... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00189-00070970-00071467 They have funds and they have a stable operation base. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00190-00071467-00071773 So in that way, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00191-00071774-00072238 they're a magnificently thorough supporter. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00192-00072238-00072564 I want them to do work well behind the scenes. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00193-00072564-00073199 The main people who should be out in front are the players and the organizers. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00194-00073199-00073512 I want the community to be the stars of the event. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00195-00073512-00074093 I'd like to see MarkMan smiling in success. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00196-00074149-00074496 MarkMan must be scrambling right now. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00197-00074496-00074603 It's right before Evo. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00198-00074603-00074918 He must be all over the place right now. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00199-00074918-00075337 Do you buy or collect anything? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00200-00075337-00075824 I don't really tend to buy expensive stuff. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00201-00075824-00076194 Except maybe Gunpla? That's my generation. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00202-00076264-00076484 Gunpla is booming in Japan right now. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00203-00076485-00076912 -It became a boom. -It has a good flow going on right now. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00204-00076912-00077099 I wonder why it's booming? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00205-00077100-00077215 I wonder too. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00206-00077215-00077615 As a BANDAI NAMCO employee, I should have an answer. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00207-00077615-00077902 People who are heavily into it, probably know why. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00208-00077902-00078323 I have heard lots of different things myself. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00209-00078323-00078646 But it's not from my experience, so I can't say for certain. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00210-00078726-00079068 Not just Gunpla QhBUZ3ahcD0-00211-00079068-00079616 but there's many reasons why it became popular. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00212-00079616-00079941 Let's say there's about five big different reasons. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00213-00079941-00080438 One of those reasons is common to other recent booms, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00214-00080438-00080918 and that's because of COVID. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00215-00080918-00081441 The car market is like this. There's lots of reservations and parts missing. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00216-00081441-00082072 Many people started buying cars for private transportation. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00217-00082072-00082467 And because of COVID, people have to stay home. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00218-00082467-00083027 How they spend their free time and what they do with it has changed. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00219-00083027-00083345 So COVID-19 is definitely one of the five reasons. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00220-00083345-00083793 I think that applies to games too, it had a really big effect on our scene. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00221-00083793-00084167 COVID-19 had a huge impact. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00222-00084167-00084505 So for KOF and TEKKEN QhBUZ3ahcD0-00223-00084505-00084792 did you get any statistics from the pandemic QhBUZ3ahcD0-00224-00084792-00085355 like maybe data on an increase in player's time spent playing? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00225-00085355-00085998 Well for KOF, it came out well after the pandemic started. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00226-00085998-00086257 So the perspective is different. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00227-00086257-00086644 TEKKEN 7 on the other hand, has been out for a while. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00228-00086648-00087092 It was out way before the pandemic, and hit its peak before it too. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00229-00087092-00087589 The pandemic's effect weren't so much about play time... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00230-00087647-00088047 as it was about the number of copies sold. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00231-00088105-00088318 It contributed to the growth of sales. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00232-00088318-00088821 Usually, games peak once in the first two or three years and then stop selling. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00233-00088821-00089172 But sales kept going because of the pandemic. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00234-00089172-00089678 So, KOF was released just recently. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00235-00089678-00090062 Is it that because of delays or was it planned? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00236-00090062-00090339 It's because it got delayed, we got hurt by COVID a little. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00237-00090339-00090669 So you really wanted to release it earlier then? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00238-00090669-00090859 We originally wanted to release in October. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00239-00090859-00091238 Yeah, I thought so too. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00240-00091272-00091610 It's the same with Street Fighter 6. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00241-00091610-00091933 I'm pretty sure that's been delayed for a while also. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00242-00091933-00092270 You mean because the development was delayed by COVID-19? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00243-00092270-00092649 That's just the tip of the iceberg. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00244-00092649-00093270 Another reason for us was that rollback became mandatory at launch. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00245-00093270-00093389 I see. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00246-00093389-00094013 The problem wasn't so much about development time, but lack of assurance. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00247-00094057-00094751 I think you spoke about that in an interview about online play. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00248-00094751-00094872 Yeah, that was it. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00249-00094872-00095570 Looking back on it now, the entire development got delayed. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00250-00095570-00096225 This might be a bit rude, but CAPCOM told me something that made me bust up. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00251-00096225-00096413 They considered locking themselves down. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00252-00096413-00096515 Locking themselves? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00253-00096515-00097215 I mean keeping employees inside the office and locking down there. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00254-00097257-00097384 It'll be full of employees. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00255-00097384-00097624 That way they didn't have to worry. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00256-00097757-00097901 -That's crazy. -Isn't that crazy? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00257-00097901-00098148 They said, "It's fine, stay at a hotel nearby." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00258-00098148-00098464 CAPCOM would turn into its own little economic bubble. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00259-00098464-00098900 So everything outside the CAPCOM building would be like zombies. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00260-00098900-00099406 So if the world turned into a Walking Dead situation, I think CAPCOM would survive. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00261-00099406-00099803 The CAPCOM building will be lots of humans. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00262-00099803-00100038 And there's zombies all outside. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00263-00100076-00100677 Other companies will all turn to zombies and CAPCOM are the only survivors. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00264-00100677-00101023 Because they're caged in. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00265-00101042-00101387 BANDAI NAMCO and Square Enix would be zombified quickly. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00266-00101444-00101716 Everyone would all be zombies at home. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00267-00101716-00101818 They're all at home. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00268-00101818-00102044 All of them are at home being zombies. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00269-00102237-00102358 I see. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00270-00103356-00103638 I'll ask a question. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00271-00103638-00103918 I want each one of you to answer. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00272-00104042-00104236 Here we go. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00273-00104236-00104470 Is it about ghosts again? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00274-00104588-00104754 No, it's not. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00275-00104774-00105424 There's a lot of tournaments held online these days. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00276-00105493-00105931 But the heat of offline... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00277-00105931-00106229 The excitement of the stage... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00278-00106229-00106703 It's a really memorable and addicting experience isn't it? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00279-00106779-00107113 Since everything is mainly online now, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00280-00107113-00107636 do you think online events will continue to grow? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00281-00107636-00108259 Or is there no better experience than offline, and you think everyone will go back? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00282-00108259-00108488 I'd like to hear what each of you think. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00283-00108488-00109040 What do you think will happen from here on? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00284-00109100-00109483 Genya, if you would like to go first. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00285-00109483-00110181 Seeing what's happening currently in the TEKKEN scene, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00286-00110181-00110388 I feel like, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00287-00110388-00110608 there's good things happening on both sides. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00288-00110608-00110889 Online is really convenient QhBUZ3ahcD0-00289-00110889-00111405 both for players and tournament organizers. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00290-00111405-00111880 It's sort of utilitarian but they don't have to pay for a venue. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00291-00111880-00112351 That makes it much easier to hold a tournament. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00292-00112351-00112553 It's now possible to do that. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00293-00112556-00113157 But now there's so many online events that they make offline events special. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00294-00113157-00113336 At least that's what I think. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00295-00113336-00113778 So like I said, both have their strong points. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00296-00113778-00114350 So I think players, staff, and spectators QhBUZ3ahcD0-00297-00114350-00114809 will continue to appreciate both offline and online events and they'll coexist. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00298-00114809-00114923 Like a hybrid style? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00299-00114923-00115131 I think so. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00300-00115131-00115685 When it was only offline events, that was all that was really available. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00301-00115685-00115976 Offline events had that essential buzzing atmosphere. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00302-00115976-00116468 People can only measure the value of things relatively. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00303-00116468-00116951 Now we have things that we can measure relatively against another. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00304-00116951-00117333 So I think people will be able to identify the value of both ways. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00305-00117333-00117617 I see. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00306-00117733-00117867 How about you, Oda-san? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00307-00117867-00118048 My opinion is similar to his. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00308-00118048-00118431 I think online tournaments... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00309-00118500-00118952 will serve as promotion for offline tournaments. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00310-00118952-00119500 It will give a preview of what it would be like when you're actually at the event. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00311-00119500-00119708 I think this year's Evo will be amazing. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00312-00119708-00120018 There's something you can feel only when you are there. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00313-00120018-00120346 You can't tell from just a live stream. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00314-00120346-00120781 Like Michael says it's five times more intense than watching online. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00315-00120781-00121431 There are people who want to go there as a spectator, not even as a player. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00316-00121431-00121944 People who've only experienced online probably want to experience those events. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00317-00121944-00122352 I think people who want to go will increase. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00318-00122352-00122832 Especially because of Evo and Combo Breaker. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00319-00122899-00123044 I see... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00320-00123088-00123273 How about you, Harada-san? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00321-00123333-00123700 I also think it will definitely become a hybrid style. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00322-00123700-00124110 But I think there will be some polarization. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00323-00124173-00124743 I honestly don't think people will patrticipate in both equally. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00324-00124821-00125210 This was the case even before COVID. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00325-00125573-00126026 For example, it's the same with live concerts. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00326-00126026-00126417 Same with plays at a theater or going to movie theaters. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00327-00126417-00126584 I mean, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00328-00126584-00127219 there's a difference between one looking for something free and one willing to pay for it. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00329-00127220-00127717 That hasn't really changed before the pandemic. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00330-00127717-00127990 I just think it's clearer now. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00331-00127990-00128631 I think 80% of people will prefer a free, online viewing. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00332-00128631-00129017 Like, watching it on TV or on the internet. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00333-00129017-00129639 I think 80% of people will watch remotely through media. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00334-00129663-00129819 Whether that's games or music. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00335-00129819-00130166 But there are still people who will go to live events. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00336-00130166-00130479 If you wait you can watch it on TV for free, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00337-00130479-00130613 but they'll pay to go see it in a movie theater. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00338-00130613-00131158 They might want to see it earlier, enjoy the physical aspect or share the experience. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00339-00131158-00131564 Some people will pay for premium content like live events, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00340-00131564-00132222 because they see value in paying for it. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00341-00132222-00132463 Others are satisfied with online. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00342-00132463-00132721 They've always been different from each other. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00343-00132721-00133406 Online competitions are convenient which is a good thing for most people. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00344-00133406-00133602 However... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00345-00133602-00134189 live events should start to offer an even more premium experience. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00346-00134338-00135027 People might start to think going to an offline event doesn't feel worth it. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00347-00135027-00135269 Because I mean... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00348-00135294-00135712 Like he said, tournaments can be watched from online for free now. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00349-00135712-00136050 People think it should be free. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00350-00136050-00136556 When people make a comment about a game QhBUZ3ahcD0-00351-00136556-00137124 they speak in a tone they don't use in the real world. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00352-00137124-00137366 Like, "This and that, idiot." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00353-00137409-00137585 "You idiot!" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00354-00137585-00137996 "You just don't get it, idiot." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00355-00137996-00138442 Have you ever heard something like that in person? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00356-00138443-00138729 At an offline tournament? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00357-00138729-00139212 At offline tournaments they don't go around like, "These guys don't get it!" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00358-00139212-00139529 "He's trash!" "Fuck this guy!" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00359-00139529-00139789 Have you ever seen audience saying that to others? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00360-00139789-00139923 You haven't right? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00361-00139923-00140078 That's the difference. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00362-00140079-00140456 At the end of the day... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00363-00140456-00140699 those are just keyboard warriors. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00364-00140699-00141166 Because it's online and not the real world, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00365-00141166-00141707 they can let out their true feelings which can be both good and bad. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00366-00141707-00142181 Also people don't speak with respect, because you aren't in front of them. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00367-00142181-00142512 They're like that to players too, spectators are like that. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00368-00142512-00143141 Players become famous, but arguments between unknown spectators happen often. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00369-00143141-00143392 "Don't talk to me like you know what you're talking about." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00370-00143392-00143786 "Do you even know who I am?" "You're no one!" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00371-00143786-00143962 That only happens online. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00372-00143962-00144458 When you're directly in front of someone, there's some level of respect there. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00373-00144458-00144677 Nobody starts a fight like that in the real world. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00374-00144678-00145133 Maybe that only happens at MMA events. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00375-00145133-00145701 People who fight in MMA competitions might fight in the real world like that. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00376-00145701-00145899 But most people aren't like that. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00377-00145899-00146227 The distinction between online and offline is huge. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00378-00146227-00146814 The border is actually pretty clear. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00379-00146863-00147413 Although the pandemic has brought more people online QhBUZ3ahcD0-00380-00147414-00147838 and online has become a force to be reckoned with, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00381-00147838-00148189 it was always clear who goes to offline events and who doesn't. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00382-00148189-00148729 For people who usually watch online for free, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00383-00148729-00148929 it's pretty tough to go to an offline event. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00384-00148929-00149325 The more people swear at others, the less likely they are to go to offline events. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00385-00149325-00149624 The people on the internet, who are rude don't come out. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00386-00149626-00150162 People who cry over a beer online don't really go to offline events. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00387-00150163-00150695 People will generally take the easy way out. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00388-00150695-00151386 People who go to offline events might turn to online as the online improves. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00389-00151386-00151569 They'd move to that side. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00390-00151602-00152124 It's easier because it's free and also you can cry over your beer. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00391-00152124-00152508 So I do think it will be hybrid QhBUZ3ahcD0-00392-00152508-00153094 but we should make offline events a premium experience. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00393-00153147-00153654 Events need to be a thing people will want to go to even if it does require an admission fee. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00394-00153654-00154070 If that mindset isn't there, online will obviously win. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00395-00154070-00154345 Technology will always prevail. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00396-00154345-00154626 Because people can't resist convenience. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00397-00154681-00154838 They'll choose the easy way. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00398-00154838-00155033 You mean it's an event direction problem? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00399-00155033-00155286 Not just event direction. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00400-00155286-00155665 Like exclusive merch or experiences. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00401-00155665-00156339 It's about how hard the management works to lay that out. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00402-00156339-00156995 Being able to buy original T-shirts at the offline venue makes a big difference. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00403-00157025-00157537 For Tekken Master Cup, people go out of their way just to meet other people. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00404-00157537-00157840 The distance matters too. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00405-00157840-00158283 So knowing what you'll experience there is also something to think about. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00406-00158283-00158383 There's that too. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00407-00158384-00159026 Evo is so big some people enter just to say they did even though they know they won't win. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00408-00159027-00159130 Yeah, they do. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00409-00159130-00159728 Some people say they won't win, but they want to enter so they can say they did. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00410-00159728-00160008 And if they go, they can meet famous players. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00411-00160008-00160428 They can buy merch and meet the developers. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00412-00160428-00160683 Those things make you want to go at least once. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00413-00160683-00161036 It's about how much of that stuff we can add. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00414-00161036-00161641 Online will prevail as convenience and technology improves. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00415-00161641-00162084 If you can see it through VR and the quality of the sound gets higher, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00416-00162084-00162412 everyone is gonna prefer online. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00417-00162515-00162759 That's the divide. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00418-00162759-00163300 It depends heavily on how premium you can make an offline tournament. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00419-00163300-00163664 Sony has a lot of capital to work with though QhBUZ3ahcD0-00420-00163664-00163937 so I look forward to seeing how far they'll go. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00421-00163937-00164129 That's true. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00422-00164172-00164482 Harada-san, it's time to wrap us up. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00423-00164482-00164674 Let's hear how it was today. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00424-00164674-00164854 How was it, Genya? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00425-00164854-00165127 Man, the takoyaki was amazing. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00426-00165150-00165672 -Thanks a lot! -It's good every time. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00427-00165672-00166280 Now, whenever I try to eat other takoyaki... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00428-00166280-00166442 You've been cursed, right? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00429-00166511-00166636 The Taketora Curse, indeed. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00430-00166704-00166946 A curse that brings you back to today's takoyaki. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00431-00167044-00167292 It's Akuma's curse. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00432-00167293-00167555 Akuma's curse huh. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00433-00167556-00167758 "Messatsu Takoyaki Curse!" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00434-00167758-00167885 You would die. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00435-00167885-00168460 I also thought the timing was good. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00436-00168460-00169063 Combo Breaker, CEO and other offline events were just held QhBUZ3ahcD0-00437-00169063-00169333 and Evolution is just around the corner. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00438-00169333-00169817 It'll have a new structure under Sony. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00439-00169817-00170324 I'm glad I got to share in that excitement with these two. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00440-00170324-00170746 Two people that have such a richer knowledge than myself. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00441-00170770-00171368 It was nice to be able to hear how they feel. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00442-00171368-00171496 It made me feel like, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00443-00171496-00172211 Evo and other fighting game scene are going to be more exciting. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00444-00172234-00172517 -I'm looking forward to Evo. -Yeah. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00445-00172544-00172837 I hope many Japanese players enter this time. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00446-00172837-00172984 That's all I have to say. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00447-00172984-00173198 It was really fun, thank you. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00448-00173419-00173549 So, Oda-san. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00449-00173549-00173940 So, first... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00450-00173940-00174184 Thank you for having me here. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00451-00174184-00174415 I've been wanting you here forever. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00452-00174415-00174554 Since he's from Kansai. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00453-00174554-00174788 This takoyaki, man.... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00454-00174891-00175031 Sea bream salt was so good. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00455-00175031-00175180 You enjoyed that one most? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00456-00175180-00175508 I've become more of a takoyaki person than an akashiyaki person now. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00457-00175508-00175787 I wanna eat akashiyaki one day. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00458-00175948-00176189 It was delicious, thank you. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00459-00176198-00176653 The next time I'll probably meet you two will probably be in Las Vegas? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00460-00176653-00176979 Well, it might be Yasuda in my place. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00461-00177076-00177253 You won't slip, will you? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00462-00177253-00177456 Well, at any rate, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00463-00177456-00178058 I don't think it will be long till we meet again, so... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00464-00178058-00178323 By industry standards we meet a lot. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00465-00178323-00178787 Other game genres, developers don't meet as often. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00466-00178787-00179222 But fighting game developers see each other pretty often. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00467-00179257-00179618 We have a weird bond it seems. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00468-00179672-00179833 Really, thank you very much. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00469-00179833-00180561 Hopefully, we have a chance to meet again, and do something for fighting games. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00470-00180561-00180794 Thank you. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00471-00180883-00181062 How about you, Harada-san? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00472-00181062-00181231 Yeah... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00473-00181277-00181793 I'm glad I was able to force a Kansai person to enjoy the takoyaki. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00474-00181927-00182227 You guys keep talking about takoyaki. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00475-00182303-00182760 Jokes aside, I think we live in a good time. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00476-00182925-00183584 Representatives of players and developers can talk to each other side by side. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00477-00183584-00183876 It's something really rare. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00478-00183935-00184530 Something that crossed my mind talking to Oda-san was... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00479-00184713-00185089 In 30 years time, we would be 80 years old right? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00480-00185091-00185444 If Evo will have us on stage 30 years from now... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00481-00185444-00185754 We'd get on the stage and they'd say, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00482-00185754-00186387 "These two legendary guests have come all the way here." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00483-00186387-00186679 And we're slowly walking up there. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00484-00186679-00187014 And spend more time than they gave us. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00485-00187015-00187536 We'll just talk about the old times. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00486-00187536-00188033 "Back in my day, we used have a thing called, you know what a circuit is?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00487-00188068-00188265 "You know what a ROM is?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00488-00188265-00188398 "Do you know system 21?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00489-00188398-00189043 "So there's a thing called a 'software'" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00490-00189043-00189628 "It's hard but it's called a software." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00491-00189628-00190093 "You put it in the console like this to play it". QhBUZ3ahcD0-00492-00190093-00190335 "You needed a power cable." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00493-00190335-00190553 "Do you know what a power cable is?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00494-00190617-00190790 "Do you know power cables?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00495-00190792-00191178 "We were burning coal, not clean energy like today." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00496-00191178-00191532 "If you burned coal you got power." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00497-00191571-00191724 "You need to power it though" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00498-00191724-00192416 It goes on like that for an hour straight even though we have three minutes. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00499-00192416-00192518 I could see that. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00500-00192518-00192728 And an older MarkMan would break it up. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00501-00192728-00193114 The Americans would shout at us to leave. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00502-00193188-00193504 And we'd be so old we won't be able to hear. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00503-00193594-00193908 We'd just ramble about things nonstop. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00504-00193908-00194280 "We had a game console at home." QhBUZ3ahcD0-00505-00194298-00194449 "You guys can't believe that, can you?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00506-00194449-00194721 We would have to explain what a console is. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00507-00194741-00195134 And talk about the console wars. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00508-00195491-00195982 it wasn't a physical war, more of a verbal one. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00509-00196100-00196401 It would be that kind of world if that happened. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00510-00196496-00196893 That was on my mind while we were talking. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00511-00196893-00197464 It'd be like we were old men of the internet. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00512-00197591-00198044 Recently, newspapers... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00513-00198044-00198411 Inside the text of newspaper articles, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00514-00198412-00198925 the part that shows contact information, there's a black telephone icon right? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00515-00198925-00199305 Some newspaper companies are removing that icon on the articles. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00516-00199305-00199837 Because young people don't know what the icon means. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00517-00199837-00199969 They don't know the icon? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00518-00199969-00200069 They have no idea. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00519-00200069-00200412 So they'll think "What is this silhouette?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00520-00200412-00200594 Recently, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00521-00200594-00201053 the telecom company, KDDI, had some network outages. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00522-00201053-00201452 Some people had to make emergency calls during that. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00523-00201452-00201790 Especially at airports they'd have to call like, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00524-00201790-00202101 "My ride won't pick up, where are they?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00525-00202111-00202783 And young people were all lined up at a payphone. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00526-00202783-00203127 So this young person... QhBUZ3ahcD0-00527-00203171-00203848 It was funny, they didn't know you needed to pick up the phone before dialing. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00528-00203848-00204069 They didn't pick up the receiver first. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00529-00204069-00204723 They dialed the number first and then picked up the phone. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00530-00204723-00204904 And they were like, "Why won't it work?" QhBUZ3ahcD0-00531-00204906-00205550 An old guy behind them had to teach them how to do it. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00532-00205937-00206077 I'll be there at Evo 50. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00533-00206077-00206296 Evo 50? QhBUZ3ahcD0-00534-00206469-00206602 Okay. QhBUZ3ahcD0-00535-00206602-00206984 So, today's guest were, QhBUZ3ahcD0-00536-00206984-00207520 KOF producer, Oda and fighting game commentator Genya! QhBUZ3ahcD0-00537-00207520-00207718 Thank you! QhBUZ3ahcD0-00538-00207759-00207920 Thank you! QhWC58VTR2E-00000-00001287-00001705 Hello everyone Dylan here welcome back to another reaction QhWC58VTR2E-00001-00001718-00002257 So before I start off the reaction, I just want to say two things QhWC58VTR2E-00002-00002339-00002704 One, I'm sorry. I didn't react to this video QhWC58VTR2E-00003-00002772-00003268 It came out seven hours ago and I was at man after-school program QhWC58VTR2E-00004-00003268-00003413 I read on our trip to movies QhWC58VTR2E-00005-00003413-00004117 And then after that I went to Brooklyn and then I just came home just now it said at 11:00 p.m. Right now QhWC58VTR2E-00006-00004151-00004361 So I apologize for that so too QhWC58VTR2E-00007-00004509-00005036 You guys may be wondering like why I didn't you guys probably saw QhWC58VTR2E-00008-00005106-00005719 The Q&A update video that I said Oh comment down questions, and then I will answer them QhWC58VTR2E-00009-00005796-00005996 but I QhWC58VTR2E-00010-00006021-00006439 said that I was gonna make the Q&A in the middle of this week or QhWC58VTR2E-00011-00006555-00006961 earlier in the beginning of this week, but I never have and QhWC58VTR2E-00012-00007050-00007327 That reason is I need more questions QhWC58VTR2E-00013-00007397-00008167 Probably if you two a couple more I actually have like a couple actually I'm a I need QhWC58VTR2E-00014-00008277-00008627 Probably a couple more or a few more QhWC58VTR2E-00015-00008727-00009032 So comment down below of this video QhWC58VTR2E-00016-00009111-00009436 Just comment down questions and then I will answer them. So QhWC58VTR2E-00017-00009554-00009832 We need some more questions, and I don't want to make that Q&A QhWC58VTR2E-00018-00009927-00010127 video too short QhWC58VTR2E-00019-00010134-00010332 So yeah QhWC58VTR2E-00020-00010332-00010772 So hello, everyone Dylan here. Welcome back to another reaction video QhWC58VTR2E-00021-00010797-00011269 So we'll be reacting to s my movie black Yoshi's birthday by QhWC58VTR2E-00022-00011340-00011716 Super Luigi Logan. So as I said this came out seven hours ago QhWC58VTR2E-00023-00011717-00012182 and as I said on the one thing that I'm a QhWC58VTR2E-00024-00012225-00012841 Bit late, and the reason why I'm a bit late but with that but whatever. Let's just get to the video QhWC58VTR2E-00025-00012841-00013177 Anyway, I hope you guys will make sure you guys like comment subscribe QhWC58VTR2E-00026-00013254-00013945 Ternopil syndications. So you guys stay over every single video. So with director ado, let's begin QhWC58VTR2E-00027-00014283-00015083 And I actually I'm actually wondering like if it's really black which is dark day or he's just like playing around I QhWC58VTR2E-00028-00016767-00017213 Guess they didn't forget about chef peepee. I QhWC58VTR2E-00029-00017870-00018070 Knew it QhWC58VTR2E-00030-00019539-00019739 Actually looks pretty cool QhWC58VTR2E-00031-00020616-00020816 By the way, where's Joseph QhWC58VTR2E-00032-00022329-00022544 Peepee if you say your wish it's not gonna come true QhWC58VTR2E-00033-00024560-00025021 Can I speak with you for a minute what's wrong you didn't tell me you got him a spatula what's the QhWC58VTR2E-00034-00025763-00026224 Problem he could cook repulsing them at the same time. So save time QhWC58VTR2E-00035-00026373-00026662 At least you have to if you lose one you have the other one QhWC58VTR2E-00036-00026862-00027094 Or you can just use them at the same time QhWC58VTR2E-00037-00027912-00028112 Three spatulas QhWC58VTR2E-00038-00028407-00028607 Or anything QhWC58VTR2E-00039-00028758-00029269 Like oh my goodness I can't I can't I can't man I can't QhWC58VTR2E-00040-00033393-00033656 I guess so. He did say happy birthday QhWC58VTR2E-00041-00033771-00033971 Knows you exist. He said chef peepee QhWC58VTR2E-00042-00034071-00034303 Thank You chef peepee you think of QhWC58VTR2E-00043-00041534-00041971 I mean, at least they didn't forget it QhWC58VTR2E-00044-00043016-00043216 Two days QhWC58VTR2E-00045-00043362-00043562 Security numbers one two three QhWC58VTR2E-00046-00044009-00044209 Has to be like QhWC58VTR2E-00047-00044727-00045004 Today so like every day's his birthday QhWC58VTR2E-00048-00046443-00046645 Your birthday party, especially on your birthday QhWC58VTR2E-00049-00047031-00047332 We're gonna throw you a party just go upstairs. I'll call you down when it's ready QhWC58VTR2E-00050-00049292-00049921 Well, I was wondering if QhWC58VTR2E-00051-00055727-00055916 That's not a cake he's ever had a cake before QhWC58VTR2E-00052-00055916-00056204 so if you could make him a cake with a wise or as a watermelon, that's QhWC58VTR2E-00053-00057711-00057911 For one QhWC58VTR2E-00054-00058035-00058240 Party first before you get presents. Oh, yeah QhWC58VTR2E-00055-00058479-00059020 How old are you turning why are you you know, I can't read I don't have to do anything with your age, you know QhWC58VTR2E-00056-00059020-00059220 Whatever you come downstairs your party's ready QhWC58VTR2E-00057-00059480-00059855 Because we're about to play a party game we're gonna play pin the watermelon seed on the watermelon QhWC58VTR2E-00058-00059979-00060414 You win nobody else. She should get her Jarvis game QhWC58VTR2E-00059-00061000-00061389 Or black your fee or the nice turnip, which is ba QhWC58VTR2E-00060-00063054-00063564 You were supposed to get it in the center but fine I'll give you the five dollar since I wasn't specific with the rule QhWC58VTR2E-00061-00063769-00063969 Put the blindfold back on I QhWC58VTR2E-00062-00064138-00064338 Because black Yoshi here about to hit a pinata QhWC58VTR2E-00063-00064390-00064991 Be honest, it's something that you hit and prizes comes out of it. It's the money in it. No, it's candy QhWC58VTR2E-00064-00064991-00065187 Maybe I won't sit black Yoshi QhWC58VTR2E-00065-00065187-00065573 You said you've never had a birthday party before so I'm trying to give you the normal things that people do at birthday parties QhWC58VTR2E-00066-00065668-00066047 May if I let's go here get this over with so I can get my money's. Alright, so hit the pinata QhWC58VTR2E-00067-00066580-00067053 Yeah, I guess come on like you look at all this candy QhWC58VTR2E-00068-00067267-00067467 Take your blindfold off lucky. Oh she QhWC58VTR2E-00069-00067654-00068226 There's no money was just candy you don't like candy man. Oh, this is brave a candy QhWC58VTR2E-00070-00068373-00068883 All right lucky. Oh she's time for the cake. Come on. All right, Yoshi. Here's your birthday cake QhWC58VTR2E-00071-00069142-00069704 Hmm gives you gifts comes later. Look at this thing. You're having birthday candles QhWC58VTR2E-00072-00071361-00071822 Actually, my birthday is on June 4th, so it's coming in five days QhWC58VTR2E-00073-00072618-00072854 Actually talking about birthdays QhWC58VTR2E-00074-00078985-00079676 This is why they should have celebrated my birthday QhWC58VTR2E-00075-00080433-00080633 Happy birthday to you QhWC58VTR2E-00076-00080730-00081259 Hello, hey this blank, um, see here. Oh god what happened? Oh nothing. I'm just here to give me back his driver's license QhWC58VTR2E-00077-00081260-00081460 It's no longer suspended. Oh, thank god QhWC58VTR2E-00078-00081708-00082040 Give it to him. I can't give it to you. It's his driver's license. Okay? QhWC58VTR2E-00079-00082314-00082918 October 23rd 1992 so it's not today unless today is October 23rd. It's not today. Oh QhWC58VTR2E-00080-00083043-00083390 Wow, I knew something like this was like one write about it QhWC58VTR2E-00081-00084150-00084563 What he said who folk I can't believe I scammed Mario at a $20 QhWC58VTR2E-00082-00085254-00086017 Block today really your birthday. Yeah, then why does your driver's license? Say your birthday's on October 23rd? 1992. I can't believe QhWC58VTR2E-00083-00086184-00086528 Well, yes it is it literally has your name and picture right on it QhWC58VTR2E-00084-00086676-00087080 That's my cousin Rufus II do not have a twin cousin named Rufus. Oh QhWC58VTR2E-00085-00087285-00087586 Yeah, what's up blade Yoshi, what's up you go Rufus guys QhWC58VTR2E-00086-00087600-00088142 Okay, look, it doesn't matter. If you have a twin cousin named Rufus this drawers. It says black Yoshi, not Rufus QhWC58VTR2E-00087-00088142-00088342 Yeah for tell Rufus to leave QhWC58VTR2E-00088-00088362-00088577 Man Rufus, you can go QhWC58VTR2E-00089-00088890-00089224 So this is your driver's license block yup, she may be a fake QhWC58VTR2E-00090-00089835-00090254 Birth certificates and you were born today QhWC58VTR2E-00091-00090609-00090953 So tomorrow's gonna be your birthday - no exactly QhWC58VTR2E-00092-00091227-00091652 Well, if you hold up this piece of paper tomorrow, it's gonna say today's and it'll be your birthday QhWC58VTR2E-00093-00091785-00092198 Piece of paper tomorrow he's gonna be locked away. Okay. Look I really don't give a shit QhWC58VTR2E-00094-00092198-00092590 I just came to give you driver's license back. Yeah, I'm gonna take this 20 back lock here. She QhWC58VTR2E-00095-00092928-00093391 Well, I mean, did you really just take his $20 no, I gave him this 20 for his birthday QhWC58VTR2E-00096-00093392-00093695 But since it's not his birthday I can take it back because I didn't mean to give it to him QhWC58VTR2E-00097-00094995-00095195 I do what I want QhWC58VTR2E-00098-00095429-00095893 And I can't believe that God DOCSIS driver's license no idea how long QhWC58VTR2E-00099-00097446-00098084 Like oh she should be in uber if he if he wants money QhWC58VTR2E-00100-00098211-00098945 If it wants money then black yo, she should be in uber. What is the best birthday gift you ever you have ever gotten? QhWC58VTR2E-00101-00099114-00099306 Well, I QhWC58VTR2E-00102-00099306-00099545 Mean it wasn't really a birthday gift QhWC58VTR2E-00103-00099645-00099989 It's what I'm using right now to record this obviously QhWC58VTR2E-00104-00100320-00100515 Um QhWC58VTR2E-00105-00100515-00101078 well, it was actually like after my birthday, but it was like QhWC58VTR2E-00106-00101211-00101411 To celebrate me QhWC58VTR2E-00107-00101439-00101562 graduating QhWC58VTR2E-00108-00101562-00101739 middle school and QhWC58VTR2E-00109-00101739-00102292 Me going into high school, but that was like a little bit a little while after my birthday QhWC58VTR2E-00110-00102438-00102638 So I would call that QhWC58VTR2E-00111-00102678-00103447 Kind of my birthday gift and I could see that was big because I was looking for of getting my iPhone 7 plus QhWC58VTR2E-00112-00103518-00103747 for a while QhWC58VTR2E-00113-00103905-00104488 But probably like for several months so I had this phone for like two years QhWC58VTR2E-00114-00104619-00104992 almost like around yeah, two or three years and QhWC58VTR2E-00115-00105192-00105392 It's going good and QhWC58VTR2E-00116-00105504-00106015 You guys comment down what was your biggest birthday gift that you've ever gotten? QhWC58VTR2E-00117-00106146-00106805 So thank you guys so much for watching this video. Make sure you guys like comment and subscribe QhWC58VTR2E-00118-00106883-00107576 Turner posting occasions, and I will see you guys in the next video. Goodbye everyone Qib5k4nq-Gk-00000-00000023-00000500 The magnetic field for magnets comes out of the north pole and goes into the Qib5k4nq-Gk-00001-00000500-00000930 south pole. A current also generates a magnetic field as we've previously Qib5k4nq-Gk-00002-00000930-00001508 discussed, but there is no north or south pole in this case. So how do we find the Qib5k4nq-Gk-00003-00001508-00002052 direction of the circular magnetic field around the current? Oersted discovered the Qib5k4nq-Gk-00004-00002052-00002499 magnetic field around the current, but it was Ampere that described the direction Qib5k4nq-Gk-00005-00002499-00002940 of the magnetic field. He said that if one were to imagine a little mannequin Qib5k4nq-Gk-00006-00002940-00003371 to swim in the direction of the current, and to face the needles. Then the north Qib5k4nq-Gk-00007-00003371-00003665 pole of the needle would be the direction of the left arm and the south Qib5k4nq-Gk-00008-00003665-00004050 pole that of the right arm. This description is slightly hard to follow Qib5k4nq-Gk-00009-00004050-00004712 so these days we use the "right hand rule" to identify the direction. The right hand Qib5k4nq-Gk-00010-00004712-00005087 rule is called the right hand rule because you use your right hand. So you Qib5k4nq-Gk-00011-00005087-00005484 put your thumb in the direction of the current, and you curl your fingers around Qib5k4nq-Gk-00012-00005484-00005877 the current. The direction which your fingers curl tells you the direction of Qib5k4nq-Gk-00013-00005877-00006506 the magnetic field. So let's say you had a current carrying wire and in it there Qib5k4nq-Gk-00014-00006506-00006923 is a current going towards the left. So you curl your fingers around the wire Qib5k4nq-Gk-00015-00006923-00007373 and the direction what you think this curl will show you the magnetic field. So Qib5k4nq-Gk-00016-00007373-00007748 in this case, on top of the wire, the magnetic field points out of the screen Qib5k4nq-Gk-00017-00007748-00008243 towards you. In front of the wire, the magnetic field points down. Underneath Qib5k4nq-Gk-00018-00008243-00008589 the wire, the magnetic field points towards me. And behind the wire, the Qib5k4nq-Gk-00019-00008589-00009222 magnetic field points up. Because magnetic fields have direction, if we Qib5k4nq-Gk-00020-00009222-00009615 look at a current going up, the magnetic field goes into the screen on the right Qib5k4nq-Gk-00021-00009615-00009981 hand side of the wire, and comes out of the screen on the left hand side of the Qib5k4nq-Gk-00022-00009981-00010467 wire. How we draw this is by using crosses to indicate that the magnetic Qib5k4nq-Gk-00023-00010467-00010920 field goes into the screen. This can be thought of as an arrow going away from Qib5k4nq-Gk-00024-00010920-00011432 you. And dots indicate a magnetic field coming out of the screen, and are going Qib5k4nq-Gk-00025-00011432-00011871 towards you. Now that we have the direction of the magnetic field at a Qib5k4nq-Gk-00026-00011871-00012318 point, we can also find the strength of the magnetic field due to a current at Qib5k4nq-Gk-00027-00012318-00012782 that point. Just like electric fields, the strength of the magnetic field increases Qib5k4nq-Gk-00028-00012782-00013284 the closer you are to the current and decreases further away: the stronger the Qib5k4nq-Gk-00029-00013284-00013657 current the stronger the field. So applying Ampere's law, Qib5k4nq-Gk-00030-00013657-00014041 we get this formula describing the magnetic field strength: Qib5k4nq-Gk-00031-00014066-00014772 B = μ₀ × I divided by 2πr where B is a strength of the magnetic field in Qib5k4nq-Gk-00032-00014772-00015378 teslas, μ₀ is a constant. It is 4π × 10⁻⁷, Qib5k4nq-Gk-00033-00015379-00015958 also known as the permeability of free space and measured in Tm/A. Qib5k4nq-Gk-00034-00015958-00016516 I is the strength of the current, measured in A, and r is the Qib5k4nq-Gk-00035-00016516-00017008 perpendicular distance from the current, measured in m. The formula shows the Qib5k4nq-Gk-00036-00017008-00017302 strength of the magnetic field increasing as the strength of the Qib5k4nq-Gk-00037-00017302-00017830 current increases. This fits with our expectations from the experiment. The Qib5k4nq-Gk-00038-00017830-00018292 magnetic field strength also increases as distance from current decreases, which Qib5k4nq-Gk-00039-00018292-00018918 also fits with the experiment so this formula behaves the way we want it to. QnWqlkoSmao-00000-00000000-00000120 [computer voice] QnWqlkoSmao-00001-00000144-00000373 It's Deductible Double tap to open QnWqlkoSmao-00002-00000373-00000691 Actions available It's Deductible QnWqlkoSmao-00003-00000691-00001019 Add Items Donation button Add Money Donation button QnWqlkoSmao-00004-00001019-00001362 Add Mileage Donation Button Share It's Deductible button QnWqlkoSmao-00005-00001362-00001643 Add Items Donation Add Money Donation button R0tiS7ETCfQ-00000-00000072-00000303 - WE WANT TO FIND AN EQUATION OF A QUADRATIC FUNCTION R0tiS7ETCfQ-00001-00000306-00000657 THAT HAS 0s, -3, AND 4. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00002-00000660-00001018 BEFORE WE DO THIS LET'S START WITH A QUICK REVIEW. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00003-00001021-00001363 THE 0s OR ROOTS OF A QUADRATIC FUNCTION ARE THE X VALUES R0tiS7ETCfQ-00004-00001366-00001603 FOR WHICH F OF X = 0. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00005-00001605-00001775 SO IF WE'RE GIVEN THE 0s R0tiS7ETCfQ-00006-00001778-00002030 IT TELLS US SOMETHING ABOUT THE FACTORED FORM R0tiS7ETCfQ-00007-00002032-00002206 OF THE QUADRATIC FUNCTION. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00008-00002209-00002669 SO FOR EXAMPLE, IF THE 0s OR ROOTS ARE R SUB 1 AND R SUB 2 R0tiS7ETCfQ-00009-00002672-00002869 THEN A POSSIBLE QUADRATIC FUNCTION R0tiS7ETCfQ-00010-00002872-00003603 WOULD BE F OF X = SOME CONSTANT "A" x A FACTOR OF X - R SUB 1 R0tiS7ETCfQ-00011-00003606-00004163 WHERE R SUB 1 IS ONE OF THE 0s x THE FACTOR OF X - R SUB 2 R0tiS7ETCfQ-00012-00004166-00004375 WHERE R SUB 2 IS A 0. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00013-00004378-00004754 NOTICE BY SUBBING IN R SUB 1 THIS FACTOR WOULD BE 0. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00014-00004757-00005009 THEREFORE, THE FUNCTION VALUE WOULD BE 0. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00015-00005012-00005257 IF WE SUB R SUB 2 INTO THE SECOND FACTOR R0tiS7ETCfQ-00016-00005260-00005421 THIS FACTOR WOULD BE 0, R0tiS7ETCfQ-00017-00005424-00005727 GIVING US A FUNCTION VALUE OF 0 AS WELL. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00018-00005730-00006060 AND ONE LAST COMMENT, THAT IF OUR 0s ARE REAL R0tiS7ETCfQ-00019-00006063-00006409 THEN IF WE GRAPH THE QUADRATIC FUNCTION THE X INTERCEPTS R0tiS7ETCfQ-00020-00006412-00006672 WOULD ALSO BE THE 0s OF THE FUNCTION. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00021-00006675-00007109 SO GOING BACK TO OUR EXAMPLE, IF OUR 0s ARE -3 AND 4, R0tiS7ETCfQ-00022-00007112-00007439 ONE POSSIBLE QUADRATIC FUNCTION R0tiS7ETCfQ-00023-00007442-00008127 WOULD HAVE TO HAVE A FACTOR OF X - THE 0 OF -3 R0tiS7ETCfQ-00024-00008130-00008645 AND WOULD HAVE TO HAVE A SECOND FACTOR OF X - 4. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00025-00008648-00008915 NOW WE COULD ALSO PLACE ANY CONSTANT HERE R0tiS7ETCfQ-00026-00008918-00009230 BUT NORMALLY WE JUST LET "A" = 1 SO WE CAN LEAVE IT OFF. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00027-00009233-00009481 LET'S GO AHEAD AND SIMPLIFY THIS FIRST FACTOR. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00028-00009484-00010181 WE WOULD HAVE F OF X = THE QUANTITY X + 3. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00029-00010184-00010312 REMEMBER SUBTRACTING A NEGATIVE R0tiS7ETCfQ-00030-00010315-00010951 IS THE SAME AS ADDING A POSITIVE x THE FACTOR OF X - 4. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00031-00010954-00011154 NOW LET'S PAUSE HERE JUST FOR A MOMENT. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00032-00011157-00011627 NOTICE HOW IF THE 0 IS -3 THE FACTOR IS X + 3 R0tiS7ETCfQ-00033-00011630-00012066 AND IF THE 0 IS 4 THE FACTOR IS X - 4. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00034-00012069-00012306 SO YOU CAN THINK OF THESE CONSTANTS HERE R0tiS7ETCfQ-00035-00012309-00012633 BEING THE OPPOSITE OF THE GIVEN 0s. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00036-00012636-00012824 NOW WE'LL GO AHEAD AND MULTIPLY THIS OUT R0tiS7ETCfQ-00037-00012827-00013163 AND HAVE A POSSIBLE QUADRATIC FUNCTION WITH THE GIVEN 0s. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00038-00013166-00014251 REMEMBER WE'LL HAVE 4 PRODUCTS HERE, 1, 2, 3, 4. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00039-00014254-00015566 SO WE'LL HAVE F OF X = X SQUARED - 4X + 3X - 12. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00040-00015569-00015763 GO AHEAD AND COMBINE OUR LIKE TERMS HERE. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00041-00015766-00016360 SO WE HAVE F OF X = X SQUARED. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00042-00016363-00016987 - 4X + 3X IS -X SO WE'LL HAVE - X - 12. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00043-00017000-00017166 THIS WOULD BE A POSSIBLE QUADRATIC FUNCTION R0tiS7ETCfQ-00044-00017169-00017457 WITH THE GIVEN 0s IN THIS CASE, R0tiS7ETCfQ-00045-00017460-00017787 THE LEADING COEFFICIENT WOULD BE EQUAL TO 1. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00046-00017800-00018045 I DO WANT TO MAKE ONE MORE QUICK COMMENT ABOUT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN R0tiS7ETCfQ-00047-00018048-00018348 IF WE DID PLACE A CONSTANT HERE IN THE FRONT. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00048-00018351-00018663 LET'S JUST SAY FOR EXAMPLE WE LET THE CONSTANT = 3. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00049-00018666-00018866 ANOTHER POSSIBLE QUADRATIC FUNCTION WOULD BE R0tiS7ETCfQ-00050-00018869-00019860 F OF X = 3 x OUR 2 KNOWN FACTORS OF X + 3 AND X - 4. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00051-00019863-00020124 TO MULTIPLY THIS OUT WE WOULD START BY MULTIPLYING R0tiS7ETCfQ-00052-00020127-00020321 THE TWO BINOMIAL FACTORS. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00053-00020324-00021006 SO WE'D HAVE 3 x THE QUANTITY X SQUARED - X - 12. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00054-00021009-00021218 AND NOW, WE WOULD DISTRIBUTE THE 3. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00055-00021221-00021478 SO ANOTHER POSSIBLE QUADRATIC FUNCTION WITH THE SAME 0s R0tiS7ETCfQ-00056-00021481-00022418 WOULD BE F OF X = 3X SQUARED - 3X - 36. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00057-00022421-00022572 I WANTED TO MENTION THIS BECAUSE R0tiS7ETCfQ-00058-00022575-00022918 WE CAN'T JUST PUT A CONSTANT HERE IN FRONT OF THE X SQUARED, R0tiS7ETCfQ-00059-00022921-00023103 IT WOULD HAVE TO BE A CONSTANT R0tiS7ETCfQ-00060-00023106-00023418 IN FRONT OF THE TWO BINOMIAL FACTORS. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00061-00023421-00023612 AND TO FINISH, SINCE OUR 0s ARE REAL R0tiS7ETCfQ-00062-00023615-00023800 WE CAN GRAFT THIS FUNCTION TO MAKE SURE R0tiS7ETCfQ-00063-00023803-00024245 THAT OUR X INTERCEPTS ARE -3 AND 4. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00064-00024248-00024521 SO HERE'S THE GRAPH OF OUR FUNCTION. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00065-00024524-00025254 NOTICE HOW THE 0s ARE HERE AT X = -3 AND HERE AT X = 4. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00066-00025257-00025427 OKAY, I HOPE YOU FOUND THIS HELPFUL. R0tiS7ETCfQ-00067-00025430-00025578 NEXT, WE'LL TAKE LOOK AT HOW WE DO THIS R0tiS7ETCfQ-00068-00025581-00025742 WHEN THE 0s ARE FRACTIONS. R2Q8E-cFgqu-00000-00000192-00000696 what is the ideal blend of treasuries and investment-grade corporate bonds in a long-term R2Q8E-cFgqu-00001-00000696-00001528 portfolio and the second part any necessity for or significant benefit from an international bond R2Q8E-cFgqu-00002-00001528-00002112 holding in a long-term portfolio I think you can probably answer the second one in one word right R2Q8E-cFgqu-00003-00002112-00002760 well the international thing kind of mystifies me uh you know it's not going to make much difference R2Q8E-cFgqu-00004-00002760-00003311 what you do as long as international bonds have the same you know quality and protective nature R2Q8E-cFgqu-00005-00003311-00004064 that us bonds do so um yeah there's some question i just don't have a good answer to and that's one R2Q8E-cFgqu-00006-00004064-00004960 of them i think it comes down to a preference i do think that it's maybe a little bit um peremptory R2Q8E-cFgqu-00007-00005056-00005856 to put these holdings of international bonds and individual stock international stocks into the um R2Q8E-cFgqu-00008-00005984-00006559 retirement plans target date retirement funds without asking stockholders would they like it R2Q8E-cFgqu-00009-00006656-00007080 because they're quite large dimensions it's i think mike will have to correct me here but R2Q8E-cFgqu-00010-00007080-00007464 maybe 35 percent international stocks of the stock position R2Q8E-cFgqu-00011-00007528-00007928 and 35 international bonds wrote the bond position something like that mike R2Q8E-cFgqu-00012-00008088-00008720 30 and 30 40 and 30. i mean that's a big change and if they all do the same it's fine R2Q8E-cFgqu-00013-00008776-00009608 but um and i even i hope somebody talked about it uh even thinking of having a target date funds R2Q8E-cFgqu-00014-00009608-00010136 that are returned u.s oriented and target date funds that are world-oriented funds are large R2Q8E-cFgqu-00015-00010136-00010680 enough easily to accommodate that but in any event that's not the way it happened and i think we R2Q8E-cFgqu-00016-00010680-00011240 should always have options available that don't encompass international stocks and bonds it's R2Q8E-cFgqu-00017-00011240-00011752 an important choice and uh whether it's whether there's going to be a big difference i don't know R2Q8E-cFgqu-00018-00011824-00012416 uh but my intuition you know maybe i'm just proud to be an American or at least i know i'm free R2Q8E-cFgqu-00019-00012504-00013040 there's a song that goes that way called god bless the USA which i will say to all of you R2Q8E-cFgqu-00020-00013040-00013768 god bless the USA too big part of our family culture and uh the first part was the first R2Q8E-cFgqu-00021-00013768-00014247 part was what is the ideal blend of treasuries and investment investment-grade corporate bonds R2Q8E-cFgqu-00022-00014247-00015047 in a long-term portfolio well i have always said the best best blend is not and this talks about R2Q8E-cFgqu-00023-00015047-00015496 you know intuition and not maybe thinking things quite through adequately which is certainly what R2Q8E-cFgqu-00024-00015496-00015968 i have done and that is when we started the bond fund i just took the bond index i figured it was R2Q8E-cFgqu-00025-00015968-00016632 represented and it turns out it's 70 in treasuries and government guaranteed mortgages and uh R2Q8E-cFgqu-00026-00016768-00017208 that didn't matter much in those days because the yields were running around eight percent R2Q8E-cFgqu-00027-00017208-00017872 but today it matters quite a bit so you start reflect times have changed and i i would think R2Q8E-cFgqu-00028-00017872-00018440 it would be desirable to have a fund like that you know just top of the head maybe 50 R2Q8E-cFgqu-00029-00018528-00019088 high-grade corporates and 50 treasuries and other go another government-backed mortgage R2Q8E-cFgqu-00030-00019176-00019792 50-50 and just for the fun of it those corporates are now only about 30. so a better representation R2Q8E-cFgqu-00031-00019792-00020272 for a higher yield and higher yield will lead to a longer return holding everything else equal in the R2Q8E-cFgqu-00032-00020272-00021064 long run as we all know and uh somebody says well that doesn't match uh the allocation of the index R2Q8E-cFgqu-00033-00021144-00021824 wait a minute pal where do you think that balance index fund came from when i started that 1993 i R2Q8E-cFgqu-00034-00021824-00022344 think it was you know i said 60 40. i didn't spend a lot of time thinking about it but that seemed R2Q8E-cFgqu-00035-00022344-00023056 like a reasonable number and there's no there's no 60 40 index uh except for the index fund R2Q8E-cFgqu-00036-00023056-00023776 which is the standard and so some of this i think we can overthink well having said that R2Q8E-cFgqu-00037-00023936-00024272 i made a lot of mistakes in doing all the things i've done R2Q8E-cFgqu-00038-00024344-00024928 and sometimes intuition doesn't work as well as i think sometimes my self-confidence is R2Q8E-cFgqu-00039-00025008-00025464 a little bit in the high side compared to what turns out i mentioned picking that quantitative R2Q8E-cFgqu-00040-00025464-00026248 manager uh so i've had i've had some failures um funds that we started that didn't do anything and R2Q8E-cFgqu-00041-00026248-00026927 uh so i don't have a good answer but i do think there should be uh available R2Q8E-cFgqu-00042-00026927-00027383 to investors who want to take the extra risk in these days of very low yielding R2Q8E-cFgqu-00043-00027560-00028183 bonds if you want to take a little bit of extra risk um you can do it now by the way by just R2Q8E-cFgqu-00044-00028183-00028783 owning a treasury fund and our corporate bond high grade corporate bond index fund and uh it'll it'll R2Q8E-cFgqu-00045-00028783-00029232 it'll do fine but people don't seem to like to do that and it's hard to explain in the phone R2Q8E-cFgqu-00046-00029232-00029904 telemarketing is difficult when you've got to explain things to everybody so i think R2Q8E-cFgqu-00047-00030048-00030983 i think it's a good idea but hard to implement R2Q8E-cFgqu-00048-00031312-00031320 you R2QdnxJRuPy-00000-00000335-00000818 Salesforce is a great way to store all of the contacts your nonprofit regularly engages R2QdnxJRuPy-00001-00000818-00001313 with, but sometimes it’s also useful to know which constituents should be excluded R2QdnxJRuPy-00002-00001313-00001500 from engagement in the future. R2QdnxJRuPy-00003-00001500-00001967 Let’s say a contact has reached out and asked to not be contacted any further for R2QdnxJRuPy-00004-00001967-00002067 any reason. R2QdnxJRuPy-00005-00002067-00002581 Navigate to the contact record and select the Do Not Contact checkbox. R2QdnxJRuPy-00006-00002581-00002809 Select Save. R2QdnxJRuPy-00007-00002809-00003444 In this example Kim Broussard is marked as Do Not Contact, as you can see checking the R2QdnxJRuPy-00008-00003444-00004132 Do Not Contact field also selected the Do Not Call and Email Opt Out fields saving you R2QdnxJRuPy-00009-00004132-00004248 some steps. R2QdnxJRuPy-00010-00004248-00004767 If you find out a contact has passed on, the Nonprofit Success Pack can help you ensure R2QdnxJRuPy-00011-00004767-00004897 future discretion is taken. R2QdnxJRuPy-00012-00004897-00005251 Navigate to the contact record and select R2QdnxJRuPy-00013-00005251-00005574 the deceased checkbox. R2QdnxJRuPy-00014-00005574-00005817 Select Save. R2QdnxJRuPy-00015-00005817-00006486 As you can see, the Nonprofit Success Pack automatically checks the Do Not Contact, Do Not Call and R2QdnxJRuPy-00016-00006486-00006693 Email Opt Out fields. R2QdnxJRuPy-00017-00006693-00007465 It’s a best practice to add Do Not Contact as a filter on all reports you use for communications. R2QdnxJRuPy-00018-00007465-00007981 This will ensure anyone who has opted out of all communication is excluded. R2QdnxJRuPy-00019-00007981-00008689 In the this example, the Holst and Brady Household changes to the Holst Household. R2QdnxJRuPy-00020-00008689-00009396 Formal Greeting changes from Jasmin Holst and Juan Brady to Jasmin Holst, and informal R2QdnxJRuPy-00021-00009396-00009607 greeting changes to Jasmin. R2QdnxJRuPy-00022-00009607-00010220 One thing to note: if the deceased contact is the only member of a household or all other R2QdnxJRuPy-00023-00010220-00010782 members of the household are also deceased, the household name will not change. R2QdnxJRuPy-00024-00010782-00011421 For example if I now mark Jasmin Holst as deceased, her Do Not Contact fields will still R2QdnxJRuPy-00025-00011421-00011888 update, but the household name will not change. R2QdnxJRuPy-00026-00011888-00012275 For more information refer to the Nonprofit Success Pack documentation. R2QdnxJRuPy-00027-00012275-00012362 Thanks! R49jMD2BMiE-00000-00000155-00000371 Glarokavos je plaza i laguna R49jMD2BMiE-00001-00000371-00000690 nalazi se u blizini popularnog letovalista Pefkohori. R49jMD2BMiE-00002-00000690-00000900 Jedna zanimljivost vezana za ovu oblast R49jMD2BMiE-00003-00000900-00001125 jeste da se ovde nalazi R49jMD2BMiE-00004-00001125-00001489 jedna od najvecih prirodnih luka na Halkidikiju-Porto Kaufo. R49jMD2BMiE-00005-00001544-00001720 Ova luka je bila vazna R49jMD2BMiE-00006-00001720-00001970 za brodski promet u anticka vremena R49jMD2BMiE-00007-00001970-00002165 a danas se koristi R49jMD2BMiE-00008-00002165-00002382 za ribarske brodove i male jahte. R49jMD2BMiE-00009-00002512-00002683 U blizini Glarokavos plaze R49jMD2BMiE-00010-00002683-00002929 nalazi se prelepa plaza Xenia R49jMD2BMiE-00011-00002929-00003192 koja je popularna medju turistima R49jMD2BMiE-00012-00003192-00003460 zbog svoje kristalno ciste vode i belog peska. R49jMD2BMiE-00013-00003494-00003710 Glarokavos nudi razlicite aktivnosti za turiste R49jMD2BMiE-00014-00003710-00003926 ukljucujuci vodene sportove R49jMD2BMiE-00015-00003926-00004172 tandem paraglajding,vodeni park R49jMD2BMiE-00016-00004172-00004383 ture borodom i planinarske staze. R49jMD2BMiE-00017-00004469-00004694 Glarokavos na grckom jeziku R49jMD2BMiE-00018-00004694-00004910 znaci prirodna luka. R5El-2ACKH4-00000-00000038-00000492 One great function of the library database Reference USA is to combine R5El-2ACKH4-00001-00000492-00000762 searching for jobs with information about R5El-2ACKH4-00002-00000762-00000916 the companies posting those jobs. R5El-2ACKH4-00003-00000916-00001162 This is a great resource when you’re job searching. R5El-2ACKH4-00004-00001162-00001641 On the Reference USA homepage, click on the US Jobs and Internships section. R5El-2ACKH4-00005-00001641-00002216 The default is for the Quick Search to search by keyword or job title and a city, state, or zip code. R5El-2ACKH4-00006-00002216-00002676 For instance, here’s a search for if I want to work in marketing somewhere in Wisconsin. R5El-2ACKH4-00007-00002676-00002952 This is going to retrieve many results because it is so general, R5El-2ACKH4-00008-00002952-00003228 so if you're not sure what you want to do or where you want to work, R5El-2ACKH4-00009-00003228-00003474 this can be a really good option to explore. R5El-2ACKH4-00010-00003475-00003692 You can see I get several hundred results. R5El-2ACKH4-00011-00003692-00003844 This gives me a lot of options. R5El-2ACKH4-00012-00003844-00004218 If I want to know a little bit more about each job, click on the job title; it will R5El-2ACKH4-00013-00004218-00004656 take you either to Indeed.com or to the company's home page where you can read R5El-2ACKH4-00014-00004656-00005002 more about the job description, qualifications, and how to apply. R5El-2ACKH4-00015-00005002-00005286 After you've learned a little bit about the job it's a good idea to R5El-2ACKH4-00016-00005286-00005572 figure out a little bit of information about the company. R5El-2ACKH4-00017-00005573-00005718 Click the company name here. R5El-2ACKH4-00018-00005718-00005987 This will open a new tab with a company profile. R5El-2ACKH4-00019-00005988-00006380 The company profile provides location, contact information, and a list of R5El-2ACKH4-00020-00006380-00006628 all of their jobs that are currently open. R5El-2ACKH4-00021-00006629-00007067 We're going to see what major industries they work in, a brief profile description, R5El-2ACKH4-00022-00007067-00007416 how big this organization is in terms of number of employees, R5El-2ACKH4-00023-00007416-00007700 and approximately how much their sales volume is. R5El-2ACKH4-00024-00007700-00008097 Keep in mind that private companies, like this one, aren’t obligated to release R5El-2ACKH4-00025-00008097-00008341 this information, so sometimes these numbers are R5El-2ACKH4-00026-00008341-00008589 not available or the numbers are rough estimates. R5El-2ACKH4-00027-00008589-00008927 If we go down further you can get the names of the people who are in management, R5El-2ACKH4-00028-00008927-00009289 and you can also get an idea of how much they're spending for some of the bigger line items R5El-2ACKH4-00029-00009289-00009572 on their budget: maybe payroll, or advertising. R5El-2ACKH4-00030-00009572-00009947 This can give you an idea of how big this company is, how much business they're doing. R5El-2ACKH4-00031-00009947-00010247 You can also use these numbers to compare a couple of companies. R5El-2ACKH4-00032-00010247-00010640 I'm going to jump back to my search results list now, and you can either click R5El-2ACKH4-00033-00010640-00010874 Revise Search if you want to try a few new keywords, R5El-2ACKH4-00034-00010874-00011122 or we can go to New Search, which is what I'm going to do R5El-2ACKH4-00035-00011122-00011425 because I want to show you this Advanced Search option. R5El-2ACKH4-00036-00011425-00011752 On the Advanced Search tab, you can still do a keyword search, R5El-2ACKH4-00037-00011752-00012130 but you can also search for a specific job type, such as R5El-2ACKH4-00038-00012130-00012514 part-time, full-time, contract, internship, or temporary work. R5El-2ACKH4-00039-00012514-00012894 You can also look for a specific salary range, but keep in mind that not all R5El-2ACKH4-00040-00012894-00013184 job postings will share the salary up-front. R5El-2ACKH4-00041-00013184-00013450 Let's say I'm not concerned with location right now, but my R5El-2ACKH4-00042-00013450-00013672 dream internship would be with Google. R5El-2ACKH4-00043-00013672-00013906 I can see lots of results for that search. R5El-2ACKH4-00044-00013906-00014081 These are in many different locations. R5El-2ACKH4-00045-00014081-00014509 Mountain View, CA is the headquarters, but there are lots of other locations too. R5El-2ACKH4-00046-00014509-00014926 If you want, you could go back and add a keyword limiter based on your area of study, R5El-2ACKH4-00047-00014926-00015072 or a city or a state. R5El-2ACKH4-00048-00015072-00015450 But either way, you can click on the title to get more information about the job itself, R5El-2ACKH4-00049-00015450-00015937 or you can on the click company name in order to find more about that company and location. R5El-2ACKH4-00050-00015937-00016334 If you have further questions about what you should be researching about companies as you R5El-2ACKH4-00051-00016334-00016612 job search, check out the Preparing for Job Interviews R5El-2ACKH4-00052-00016612-00017110 guide at libguides.uww.edu/jobsearch. R5El-2ACKH4-00053-00017110-00017396 You should also check out Handshake, which is R5El-2ACKH4-00054-00017396-00017722 UWW’s jobs board for both student jobs, R5El-2ACKH4-00055-00017722-00018006 internships, and after-graduation jobs. R5El-2ACKH4-00056-00018006-00018551 Finally, at some point you should get in touch with Career and Leadership Development on-campus. R5El-2ACKH4-00057-00018551-00019059 Besides posting a variety of on-campus and off-campus jobs and internships, they also R5El-2ACKH4-00058-00019060-00019354 have career advisors available to talk to you one-on-one, R5El-2ACKH4-00059-00019354-00019612 help you with your resume, and much more. R5El-2ACKH4-00060-00019612-00019976 So don't hesitate to use these resources when you are job searching. RtmBeakoivU-00000-00000021-00000467 HEY GUYS, THIS WEEK IN THE RUNDOWN, APPLICATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED FOR THE ADVANCED EDUCATION RtmBeakoivU-00001-00000467-00001019 VOUCHER PROGRAM, WE HAVE AN INTERVIEW WITH MCPON ON SAPR, AND E-9 ACTIVE DUTY BOARD RESULTS RtmBeakoivU-00002-00001019-00001165 ARE OUT. RtmBeakoivU-00003-00001165-00001933 SAILORS, E-7 THROUGH E-9, WHO ARE LOOKING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY TO EARN A BACHELOR OR MASTER’S RtmBeakoivU-00004-00001933-00002423 DEGREE ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 16, ADVANCED EDUCATION RtmBeakoivU-00005-00002423-00002691 VOUCHER, OR AEV, PROGRAM. RtmBeakoivU-00006-00002691-00003234 TO BE ELIGIBLE, YOU MUST PURSUE A DEGREE RELEVANT TO THE NAVY SUCH AS STRATEGIC FOREIGN LANGUAGES, RtmBeakoivU-00007-00003234-00003760 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, OR HUMAN RESOURCES; BE AN E-7 WITH NO MORE THAN 17 YEARS OF SERVICE, RtmBeakoivU-00008-00003760-00004435 AN E-8 WITH NO MORE THAN 19 YEARS OF SERVICE OR AN E-9 WITH NO MORE THAN 23 YEARS OF SERVICE. RtmBeakoivU-00009-00004435-00004918 APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE ENDORSEMENTS FROM BOTH THEIR CO AND COMMAND MASTER CHIEF. RtmBeakoivU-00010-00004918-00005294 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION TO N-STICK IS MAY 27. RtmBeakoivU-00011-00005294-00005923 CHECK OUT NAVADMIN 092/16 TO READ ALL THE DETAILS OF THE AEV PROGRAM. RtmBeakoivU-00012-00005923-00006357 THIS WEEK WE TALKED WITH MCPON STEVENS AS WE WRAP UP SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS AND PREVENTION RtmBeakoivU-00013-00006357-00006564 MONTH, OR SAAPM. RtmBeakoivU-00014-00006564-00006972 MCPON SPOKE ON THE IMPORTANCE OF USING OUR COMMAND RESOURCES, AND PREVENTINIG SEXUAL RtmBeakoivU-00015-00006972-00007250 ASSAULT YEAR AROUND AND NOT JUST DURING SAAPM. RtmBeakoivU-00016-00007250-00007440 HERE’S SOME OF THAT INTERVIEW. RtmBeakoivU-00017-00007440-00007938 WHAT’S MOST IMPORTANT, IS THAT WE REMEMBER TO TREAT EACH OTHER WITH DIGNITY AND RESPECT. RtmBeakoivU-00018-00007938-00008586 IF WE TREATED EACH OTHER WITH THE DIGNITY AND RESPECT THAT WE AND OTHERS DESERVE, THEN RtmBeakoivU-00019-00008586-00009322 IN MANY WAYS THIS PROBLEM, THIS SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE WE HAVE WITH SEXUAL ASSAULT, JUST RtmBeakoivU-00020-00009322-00009443 GOES AWAY. RtmBeakoivU-00021-00009443-00009786 SO LET’S REMEMBER TO TREAT EACH OTHER WITH DIGNITY AND RESPECT. RtmBeakoivU-00022-00009786-00010136 CHECK OUT THE FULL INTERVIEW AND BLOG ON NAVY LIVE. RtmBeakoivU-00023-00010136-00010560 E-9 RESULTS ARE OUT, AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THOSE SELECTED BY THE BOARD. RtmBeakoivU-00024-00010560-00010921 CHECK OUT THE NAVADMIN ON N-P-C TO GET THE FULL LIST OF THOSE SELECTED. RtmBeakoivU-00025-00010921-00011168 THAT’S ALL FOR THIS WEEK. RtmBeakoivU-00026-00011168-00011540 FOR ANY QUESTIONS, SEND US A MESSAGE AT USNPEOPLE AT GMAIL DOT COM. RtmBeakoivU-00027-00011540-00011800 FOR THE CHIEF OF NAVAL PERSONNEL, I’M MC2 LJ BURLESON. RtmBeakoivU-00028-00011800-00011913 THANKS FOR WATCHING. RvRvf6jhGiY-00000-00000000-00000480 I don't care how dark it looks for you. I don't care what they've said to you. I RvRvf6jhGiY-00001-00000570-00000972 don't care what the verdict is. I don't care what the haters say, it ain't over. No RvRvf6jhGiY-00002-00001104-00001524 matter what happens to you, it ain't over. Ain't no such a thing as RvRvf6jhGiY-00003-00001686-00002250 over. Do you know, man, that you can actually make your life completely up? You can jack it all the RvRvf6jhGiY-00004-00002250-00002760 way up and you can turn around and get it right. Do you know that you can be divorced multiple times RvRvf6jhGiY-00005-00002760-00003594 and still be okay?Do you understand that you cannot havea degree and still be just fine?Now, RvRvf6jhGiY-00006-00003594-00004104 whatever you've been through, whatever that is, guess what? You're still here. You have a great life RvRvf6jhGiY-00007-00004104-00004788 in front of you, but your great life is in front of you. It's not behind you. Pull yourself together RvRvf6jhGiY-00008-00004788-00005646 and quit tripping, cause you in the process. God is processing you. He ain't through with you. If RvRvf6jhGiY-00009-00005736-00006126 he was through with you, you would not wake up in the morning. I'm gonna tell you something. You RvRvf6jhGiY-00010-00006360-00007014 gotta have a tremendous work ethic to be successful in here. In other words, RvRvf6jhGiY-00011-00007073-00007404 and you can relate to this, you got to have a lot of dog in you. You RvRvf6jhGiY-00012-00007644-00008070 really do, man, if you want to be successful. Because it's going to be a lot of RvRvf6jhGiY-00013-00008070-00008868 trying time. So you have to have a tremendous work ethic, but you got to have faith. Faith RvRvf6jhGiY-00014-00008868-00009336 without works is dead. You hear it all the time. You go to church and you learn all these scriptures, RvRvf6jhGiY-00015-00009336-00009720 but then you don't apply none of them to your life. You are looking at a man RvRvf6jhGiY-00016-00009720-00010350 who has made the simple application of three or four scriptures and maxed them out to get here. I RvRvf6jhGiY-00017-00010488-00011028 maxed out three or four scriptures to get here, I kid you not. I'll share them with you if you want RvRvf6jhGiY-00018-00011028-00011514 to hear about them. But I maxed out three full scriptures to get here. I'd love to tell you I'm RvRvf6jhGiY-00019-00011514-00012042 the funniest person to ever live, but I ain't Richard Pryor. Got that? I'd love to tell you RvRvf6jhGiY-00020-00012042-00012726 I'm the greatest entertainer, but I ain't Michael Jackson. Was that. I got all that, but they don't. So RvRvf6jhGiY-00021-00012888-00013686 I probably am. But listen, man, I got to tell you something. If RvRvf6jhGiY-00022-00013902-00014682 you could get a couple of things from me, if you could gather this piece of information. Albert RvRvf6jhGiY-00023-00014682-00015491 Einstein said once, he said, imagination is everything. It's the preview to life's coming RvRvf6jhGiY-00024-00015491-00016428 attractions. I want you to get this now. Imagination is everything. It's the preview to life's coming RvRvf6jhGiY-00025-00016428-00017142 attractions. Because if you think about it, everything you have, everything we have in this RvRvf6jhGiY-00026-00017142-00018096 world, somebody imagined it. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not RvRvf6jhGiY-00027-00018096-00018648 seen. So when I told you a minute ago, you got to have tremendous work ethic, but you got to have a RvRvf6jhGiY-00028-00018648-00019278 lot of faith. I talked to so many people who get older likesome of us are, and they've lost their RvRvf6jhGiY-00029-00019278-00019830 faith. Well, faith is really simple. Faith is the substance of things. Hopeful. All that means is, RvRvf6jhGiY-00030-00019830-00020346 in the beginning, you just hope something pop up. You just kind of hope something happened for you. RvRvf6jhGiY-00031-00020346-00020892 I was hoping I would get on TV.I wrote it on a piece of paper when I was ten. I want to be RvRvf6jhGiY-00032-00020892-00021438 on TV. The problem I had when I wrote it attend was I suffered from a severe stuttering problem. RvRvf6jhGiY-00033-00021522-00021972 I could not talk outside of my house. So can you imagine when I wrote on a piece of paper, RvRvf6jhGiY-00034-00021972-00022548 I want to be on TV and turn that in. The first thing the little boy next to me asked me, RvRvf6jhGiY-00035-00022548-00022830 he said, well, how long is your TV show going to be? RvRvf6jhGiY-00036-00023016-00024156 You will be on TV all day. But when I wrote it on the paper, it wasn't factual. I was just hoping. RvRvf6jhGiY-00037-00024402-00024942 I was miserable in my life. I didn't like waking up. I didn't have no purpose. I RvRvf6jhGiY-00038-00024942-00025692 didn't know what I was supposed to be doing. On October 8, 1985, I walked into RvRvf6jhGiY-00039-00025692-00026244 Comedy Club for the first time. Signed up for the following week. The following week, RvRvf6jhGiY-00040-00026304-00026724 a girl took me down there. She said, you got to go to comedy club. You the funniest person I've RvRvf6jhGiY-00041-00026724-00027395 ever met. I never even heard of comedy clubs. 27.I walked into the comedy club. I signed up for RvRvf6jhGiY-00042-00027395-00027762 the following week. I'm gonna sit here and learn. I knew I was funny. I just ain't know what to do with RvRvf6jhGiY-00043-00027833-00028380 it. They had ten acts go up. Nine of them went up. I didn't laugh at one joke. I was just sitting RvRvf6jhGiY-00044-00028380-00029016 there just, man, I wish that was me, man, they should have said this. Every joke they told, RvRvf6jhGiY-00045-00029016-00029436 I knew the punchline for they said it, and I wrote a better punchline in my mind. What RvRvf6jhGiY-00046-00029436-00029856 they should have said, it got to guy number ten. They called his name. He wasn't there. They RvRvf6jhGiY-00047-00029970-00030480 said, well, he's not here. We're going to go to next week's list. Steve Harvey, where are you? RvRvf6jhGiY-00048-00030677-00031104 Hello? Long story short, I won amateur night that night. I won $50.It was 45 RvRvf6jhGiY-00049-00031182-00032214 minutes drive to my house with this girl named Gladys. I cried 45 minutes. She said, RvRvf6jhGiY-00050-00032214-00032862 what you crying for? It ain't for $50.I said, no, no, you don't want to stay. I was born tonight. I RvRvf6jhGiY-00051-00032994-00033732 now know what I'm supposed to do. I went to work the next day, October9, and quit my job RvRvf6jhGiY-00052-00033870-00034608 with $50.I had nothing. I just never gave up. I'm going to tell you something. That RvRvf6jhGiY-00053-00034854-00035724 decision cost me everything I had.I lost everything.I lost my family, I lost friends.I RvRvf6jhGiY-00054-00035862-00036444 lost everything. I became homeless. I lived in a car for three years. But I just saw this I saw this RvRvf6jhGiY-00055-00036522-00037290 vision. I just pursued it. I said wow. That's it? You have to take chances in life. Life is about risk. If RvRvf6jhGiY-00056-00037476-00038208 you play it safe in life, you ain't going to have much of a life. If you play it safe, you won't have RvRvf6jhGiY-00057-00038208-00038898 much of a life. Life is risk. It takes courage to pursue your dream. Now, it's going to cost RvRvf6jhGiY-00058-00038898-00039504 you something.Most people are not willing to pay what itcosts to go after your dream because you're RvRvf6jhGiY-00059-00039504-00039960 going to have to hurt a little bit. And most people don't like being uncomfortable. If you don't want RvRvf6jhGiY-00060-00039960-00040650 to be uncomfortable, please do not pursue success, because success is a very uncomfortable feeling. And RvRvf6jhGiY-00061-00040776-00041190 I just learned to be I learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Life RvRvf6jhGiY-00062-00041442-00042072 is hard. See, for every time you have a plan, a dream, an aspiration or a goal, RvRvf6jhGiY-00063-00042072-00042546 do you know what happens every time you have one of those? This thing comes along called life. It RvRvf6jhGiY-00064-00042660-00043170 happens to everybody. Life has disappointment. It's got peaks and valleys. You're RvRvf6jhGiY-00065-00043266-00043764 going to lose somebody you care about one day. That's a valley. Somebody going to close RvRvf6jhGiY-00066-00043764-00044238 the plant you thought was going to stay open so you can retire, that's a valley. Somebody RvRvf6jhGiY-00067-00044238-00044766 going to fire you for unjust calls, that's a valley. The people that got your credit RvRvf6jhGiY-00068-00044766-00045240 card going to sell their company going to sell their business to another credit card company. Your RvRvf6jhGiY-00069-00045240-00046128 18% going to 26%.You don't even know why now your minimum didn't change because it's life. You RvRvf6jhGiY-00070-00046128-00046645 can stop thinking that life isn't to be easy. Because I got news for you, it ain't. That's RvRvf6jhGiY-00071-00046782-00047370 a false hope to think you're going to have a wonderfully, carefree life, that's unthinkable. We RvRvf6jhGiY-00072-00047496-00048162 all live in this bubble. What you gotta do, you got to put more air in your bubble. You got to blow your RvRvf6jhGiY-00073-00048162-00048954 bubble up. Expand yourself. Take yourself out your comfort zone. Do not live in your bubble. Put some RvRvf6jhGiY-00074-00048954-00049602 more air in your bubble .If you stay in your comfort zone, that's where you will fail. You RvRvf6jhGiY-00075-00049602-00050250 will fail in your comfort zone. Success is not a comfortable procedure. It is a very uncomfortable RvRvf6jhGiY-00076-00050250-00050862 thing to attempt. So you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable. If you ever want to RvRvf6jhGiY-00077-00050862-00051774 be successful, start putting some pressure on. Put some pressure on yourself. Get out here and get RvRvf6jhGiY-00078-00051774-00052241 about it. Look, I'd love to sugarcoat this thing for you. I'd love to tell you, look, you can go out RvRvf6jhGiY-00079-00052241-00052991 here and get rich, do a couple of things, bang bang happen. You gotta get real doggish. You gotta get RvRvf6jhGiY-00080-00052991-00053441 downright funky if you want to make it. Now, like I was telling you before, if you want to be ordinary, RvRvf6jhGiY-00081-00053441-00054036 you ain't even got to listen to me. Just go about your business. If you think ordinary is cool, RvRvf6jhGiY-00082-00054036-00054629 ain't no problem. It's some really, really wonderful ordinary people. But if you are RvRvf6jhGiY-00083-00054629-00055434 sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations, then you will have to do extra. You RvRvf6jhGiY-00084-00055434-00055798 put extra on top of ordinary and you come up with extraordinary. It's RvRvf6jhGiY-00085-00055926-00056808 no other way. I'm sorry. But here's the fact. All of you have extraordinary capabilities. All of you. You RvRvf6jhGiY-00086-00056958-00057420 have to do decide if you are willing todo the things to put you in that category.