t6R4YHOYEwI-00000-00000344-00000664 in this lesson we're talking about jazz guitar extended chords t6R4YHOYEwI-00001-00001144-00001568 i'm jared from soundguitarlessons.com this video is part of a series that i've been doing for a t6R4YHOYEwI-00002-00001568-00002080 while that is all about mastering chords and harmony on the guitar from the ground up from t6R4YHOYEwI-00003-00002080-00002560 beginner to advanced we're pretty far along here in the advanced stage and today we're talking t6R4YHOYEwI-00004-00002560-00003184 about adding extensions to simple jazz chords because this is part of a series this lesson t6R4YHOYEwI-00005-00003184-00003768 does build on specifically two previous lessons but you can watch it on its own as well by itself t6R4YHOYEwI-00006-00003768-00004216 this video will just straight up show you the shapes that you need for all the most common t6R4YHOYEwI-00007-00004216-00004792 jazz chords that use extensions like chords that have sevens as well as nines as well as 11s or t6R4YHOYEwI-00008-00004792-00005288 13s or combinations of these things so we're going to go through to decode you know what's your go-to t6R4YHOYEwI-00009-00005288-00005792 option for anytime you see one of these types of chords we're going to take the shell voicings that t6R4YHOYEwI-00010-00005792-00006312 i talked all about two videos ago highly recommend that video and then my last video was on the t6R4YHOYEwI-00011-00006312-00006728 theory of extensions nines elevens thirteens what does that mean how do we build them so t6R4YHOYEwI-00012-00006728-00007023 if you're already good on those two things we're just combining those two things we're taking t6R4YHOYEwI-00013-00007023-00007464 shell voicings and we are adding extensions to them and i'm going to recommend to you t6R4YHOYEwI-00014-00007464-00008080 my philosophy on having specifically a go-to kind of single option for any type of jazz chord that t6R4YHOYEwI-00015-00008080-00008512 has an extension before you start worrying about all the other possibilities and substitutions and t6R4YHOYEwI-00016-00008512-00008976 inversions and many many voicings and all that and you'll see why it's it works really well i like to t6R4YHOYEwI-00017-00008976-00009416 keep things simple but methodical is exactly what we're going to do in this lesson and with this t6R4YHOYEwI-00018-00009416-00009800 approach we're also going to be able to add the fives of chords the shell voicings don't include t6R4YHOYEwI-00019-00009800-00010216 the fifth of a chord so we can add those as well and we need to because we need to address t6R4YHOYEwI-00020-00010216-00010688 an altered v chord when a five is flat when a five is sharp it's going to be the same approach that t6R4YHOYEwI-00021-00010688-00011184 we're taking when we're adding extensions so we're gonna take every type of extension flat nine nine t6R4YHOYEwI-00022-00011184-00011992 sharp nine eleven sharp 11 flat 13 13 and also fives flat five and sharp five and also natural t6R4YHOYEwI-00023-00011992-00012432 five and then we're going to take each chord type and we're just going to say does can we add t6R4YHOYEwI-00024-00012488-00012840 each type of extension to this chord type so i'm just going to go ahead and tell you the t6R4YHOYEwI-00025-00012840-00013263 formula here which is that we're taking our shell voicings and if you know what those are great you t6R4YHOYEwI-00026-00013263-00013632 don't have to have them all perfectly memorized if you're confused or you want to go deep on t6R4YHOYEwI-00027-00013632-00014119 those two videos ago is is the place to get that info we're just going to take each shell voicing t6R4YHOYEwI-00028-00014119-00014663 and then if we need to add a nine any kind of nine we're going to play our fifth string rooted shell t6R4YHOYEwI-00029-00014663-00015088 voicing or shell voicing where the root is on the fifth string and if we need to add anything t6R4YHOYEwI-00030-00015088-00015647 else we are going to play the shell voicing with the root on the sixth string so if it has an 11 t6R4YHOYEwI-00031-00015647-00016104 sharp 11 13 any kind of 13 or five or altered five those are all going to be shell voicings rooted t6R4YHOYEwI-00032-00016104-00016608 off the sixth string with those added on top and anything with a nine is a shell voicing rooted off t6R4YHOYEwI-00033-00016608-00016992 the fifth string so let's just dive in here with major seven as our first chord type and we say t6R4YHOYEwI-00034-00017048-00017392 we want to add a 9 to major 7 i'm going to go ahead and play everything on the c t6R4YHOYEwI-00035-00017392-00017960 root here so here's our shell voicing for c and then that's where we add a 9. we're not t6R4YHOYEwI-00036-00017960-00018520 going to add a flat 9 or a sharp 9 to the major 7 and the reason why is just because t6R4YHOYEwI-00037-00018520-00019040 of the common scales that we're using in our tonal language doesn't create that structure t6R4YHOYEwI-00038-00019040-00019592 again theoretically you could but it would have to come from what might be called a synthetic scale t6R4YHOYEwI-00039-00019592-00020096 exists theoretically and you could play with it but is not in common practice certainly t6R4YHOYEwI-00040-00020096-00020600 in music that we hear and use and play so not practical so therefore a major seven with a nine t6R4YHOYEwI-00041-00020696-00021216 is that voicing and that is straight up the most common ubiquitous useful t6R4YHOYEwI-00042-00021336-00021816 major seven shape with an eye if you ask any guitarists play me e flat major nine t6R4YHOYEwI-00043-00021816-00022384 uh very likely their hands would jump to this so i'm giving you these voicings that are the go-to t6R4YHOYEwI-00044-00022384-00022912 for most people and then from there there are many other ways indeed you can play any chord type okay t6R4YHOYEwI-00045-00022912-00023360 what if we want to add 11 to a major seven chord well everything else is going to be over here t6R4YHOYEwI-00046-00023360-00023872 rooted off the sixth string so i'm going to take my major seven shell voicing and we cannot add t6R4YHOYEwI-00047-00023872-00024456 we can but uh you can hear it here a natural 11 on a major 7 chord is not something that is t6R4YHOYEwI-00048-00024592-00025120 used usually not recommended sometimes when we do these artificially altered chords that aren't t6R4YHOYEwI-00049-00025120-00025416 in common practice and we're like well why does this not exist why do people not do that t6R4YHOYEwI-00050-00025416-00025839 very often it's because that actually creates a different chord type so we might see some of t6R4YHOYEwI-00051-00025839-00026376 those as we go along for example like a minor six chord i did a video all about six chords recently t6R4YHOYEwI-00052-00026464-00026976 and i said a minor six chord is a minor triad with a major six and some question t6R4YHOYEwI-00053-00026976-00027568 a question that comes up sometimes is well why can't a minor triad have a flat six on it t6R4YHOYEwI-00054-00027568-00028183 so like a minor triad with a flat six well you can and so yeah it exists but it actually is t6R4YHOYEwI-00055-00028183-00028712 and then functions as it's straight up the notes of a first inversion major seven chord t6R4YHOYEwI-00056-00028712-00029216 and it sounds like that too so sometimes when we start moving things around it just becomes t6R4YHOYEwI-00057-00029216-00029824 something else and you can say it's theoretically a minor chord with a flat six but really it's just t6R4YHOYEwI-00058-00029824-00030280 major seven chord with first inversion don't worry about the details of what i meant there i'm just t6R4YHOYEwI-00059-00030280-00030783 saying all of that so i can from now on in this video say when something comes up that doesn't t6R4YHOYEwI-00060-00030783-00031160 isn't really used or doesn't really exist i'm just going to say we don't get that you know we don't t6R4YHOYEwI-00061-00031160-00031792 get an 11 with the major 7 chord because it's either not common not practical not useful for you t6R4YHOYEwI-00062-00031792-00032256 or straight up doesn't exist because it actually creates another type of chord so now we'll be able t6R4YHOYEwI-00063-00032256-00032744 to really just go through and have fun with the with the options that are useful major 7 sharp 11 t6R4YHOYEwI-00064-00032744-00033512 beautiful chord absolutely so um how do i know that sharp 11 well in this series i talked on and t6R4YHOYEwI-00065-00033512-00033992 on about counting with the major scale and being able to find scale degrees and chord tones with t6R4YHOYEwI-00066-00033992-00034672 the scale by counting so if i had to one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven sharp t6R4YHOYEwI-00067-00034672-00035392 eleven okay so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 sharp 11. it's just what exists t6R4YHOYEwI-00068-00035392-00035840 it's just where it lines up lines up from the root if you count like that the last video i did t6R4YHOYEwI-00069-00035840-00036360 on extensions is where i talk specifically about counting and keeping the numbers going to 8 9 10 t6R4YHOYEwI-00070-00036360-00037056 11 and finding things that way so very cool major 7 with a 13 would just be called a major 13 chord t6R4YHOYEwI-00071-00037200-00037840 so this is where that 13 is the same note as 6 but you call it 13 because it's on top of a t6R4YHOYEwI-00072-00037840-00038512 major 7 chord so it has a 7 and a 3 and a 13 ah beautiful if we want to add the 5 the 5 is right t6R4YHOYEwI-00073-00038512-00039384 here for us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5. it's up there so major 7 sharp 5 is a chord type that exists t6R4YHOYEwI-00074-00039544-00040032 that is the third chord in melodic and harmonic minor if you build chords with those scales and t6R4YHOYEwI-00075-00040032-00040536 i have two videos coming out soon on uh the theory of the chords through those two scales t6R4YHOYEwI-00076-00040592-00041152 major seven sharp five so i kind of set up the foundation here let's go through the rest of these t6R4YHOYEwI-00077-00041152-00041872 chords let's do major six if we add a nine to major six absolutely this would be called uh c69 t6R4YHOYEwI-00078-00042016-00042672 a sixth chord with a nine gorgeous okay six chord uh with an 11 or sharp 11. you can t6R4YHOYEwI-00079-00042736-00043120 you can add a sharp 11 to the sixth chord that would be that not going to be that common that t6R4YHOYEwI-00080-00043120-00043584 you see that on a lead sheet or anything but you can do that and then adding the five t6R4YHOYEwI-00081-00043720-00044232 and you wouldn't add a 13 because you already have the six okay let's do dominant seven next diamond t6R4YHOYEwI-00082-00044232-00044704 seven is a free for all we get almost everything with it it's really fun we can add a flat nine to t6R4YHOYEwI-00083-00044704-00045256 it you can bar your first finger to get that flat nine there one two three four five six seven eight t6R4YHOYEwI-00084-00045256-00045792 nine flat nine okay so you can get that and or you can definitely play on the tips your fingers t6R4YHOYEwI-00085-00045792-00046400 instead by just rearranging okay so flat nine definitely c9 which is c7 with a natural line t6R4YHOYEwI-00086-00046504-00047000 c7 sharp 9 exists we don't get a sharp we don't get a natural 11 so we're going to go up to t6R4YHOYEwI-00087-00047168-00047808 c7 sharp 11. now if you saw c7 flat 5 this would be the same voicing that would t6R4YHOYEwI-00088-00047808-00048456 be your go-to voicing sharp 11 and flat 5 are inharmonic equivalents they are the same pitch t6R4YHOYEwI-00089-00048456-00049024 but they represent different things so this shape is what you're going to use for dominant 7 flat 5 t6R4YHOYEwI-00090-00049024-00049472 as well as dominant 7 sharp eleven the difference is the implication of what other notes are there t6R4YHOYEwI-00091-00049472-00049984 if this is called dominant seven sharp eleven well then the five exists there and a melodic player t6R4YHOYEwI-00092-00050288-00050584 could play that t6R4YHOYEwI-00093-00051024-00051504 so that that really changes kind of the uh melodic options if it's flat t6R4YHOYEwI-00094-00051504-00051872 five you actually that natural fight's not going to be there because it's flat five so t6R4YHOYEwI-00095-00051872-00052255 that means that it's going to be coming from a very very different sound t6R4YHOYEwI-00096-00052848-00053512 okay so pretty pretty much worlds apart there but yet this voicing is the same either way if you t6R4YHOYEwI-00097-00053512-00053920 want to add the natural five you're going to play this voicing if you're going to add the sharp 5 t6R4YHOYEwI-00098-00053984-00054528 or flat 13 same voicing for both those again the implication is if it's called sharp 5 it means t6R4YHOYEwI-00099-00054528-00054976 the natural 5 is not there if it's called flat 13 then the natural 5 is next to it t6R4YHOYEwI-00100-00054976-00055448 totally different scales that those chords come from but this voicing won't be the same t6R4YHOYEwI-00101-00055448-00056208 so sharp 5 or flat 13 and then c7 13 in this case that shape let's do minor seven next t6R4YHOYEwI-00102-00056208-00056808 um minor seven with a flat nine is kind of a nowadays a modern sound that is used sometimes t6R4YHOYEwI-00103-00056808-00057360 but traditionally in kind of functional harmony uh pretty much considered not a chord um i rather t6R4YHOYEwI-00104-00057360-00057984 like it it's it's kind of a modal chord that is used now so minor seven with a flat nine i'm t6R4YHOYEwI-00105-00057984-00058544 gonna include in the list here just to be aware of um minor seven with a natural nine absolutely t6R4YHOYEwI-00106-00058616-00059024 beautiful okay we can't do sharp nine on minor seven because that's the same note as the flat t6R4YHOYEwI-00107-00059024-00059584 three which the chord already has minor eleven chord that's a minor seven chord with eleven oh t6R4YHOYEwI-00108-00059728-00060336 just gorgeous any time you see a minor seven chord you can turn it into a minor eleven chord that's t6R4YHOYEwI-00109-00060336-00060896 always gonna be there minor seven flat five is already just a half diminished chord and that's t6R4YHOYEwI-00110-00060896-00061464 just a typical chord type minor seven with a five a lot of ways to play this you can bar or all tips t6R4YHOYEwI-00111-00061464-00061904 and fingers or do this common way of playing the root with your middle finger and barring with your t6R4YHOYEwI-00112-00061967-00062696 uh third finger and then we're not going to get a flat 13. you can do a minor 7 13 chord though t6R4YHOYEwI-00113-00062696-00063208 i like that chord it's basically a minor six chord you just have the seven in there as well t6R4YHOYEwI-00114-00063208-00063632 for the half diminished chord we're not going to add any extensions we're just going to add t6R4YHOYEwI-00115-00063712-00064160 our flat 5 over here that just fills out the chord because our shell voicing version didn't t6R4YHOYEwI-00116-00064160-00064679 use the 5 at all so the flat 5 of that chord really helps the sound of it obviously sound t6R4YHOYEwI-00117-00064679-00064991 like half diminished otherwise it's hard to know if that's supposed to be there or not t6R4YHOYEwI-00118-00064991-00065496 so no extensions that we need there though you can do the um minor 11 kind of voicing t6R4YHOYEwI-00119-00065592-00066160 and play between those two let's do dominant seven sus4 there's that shell voicing you can totally t6R4YHOYEwI-00120-00066160-00066760 add the flat nine um beautiful chord there i love that sus4 with the nine it's just these t6R4YHOYEwI-00121-00066904-00067392 these notes all on one fret and i'm plucking the middle four strings you can't add that top note 2 t6R4YHOYEwI-00122-00067392-00068056 and it completes the chord with the five but i'm hybrid picking with just the middle strings here t6R4YHOYEwI-00123-00068056-00068896 you cannot have a sus4 with a sharp 11 here's that natural five you can have flat 13 or 13 with those t6R4YHOYEwI-00124-00069328-00069680 and let's do minor six pretty much the only extension you're going to have for minor six t6R4YHOYEwI-00125-00069680-00070568 is the nine ah just a gorgeous chord very rich and then over here you'd add the five so add the nine t6R4YHOYEwI-00126-00070568-00071096 off of the fifth string root just the five here for the minor major seven chord it's a minor chord t6R4YHOYEwI-00127-00071096-00071568 with a major seven you can add a nine that would be our shape there and up here i would just add t6R4YHOYEwI-00128-00071568-00072040 the five and the last chord type we're going to cover is diminished seven we're not going t6R4YHOYEwI-00129-00072040-00072416 to add an extension or anything when we root off the fifth string and off the sixth string t6R4YHOYEwI-00130-00072416-00072952 just go ahead and add the flat five if you want to complete the chord and add more color to it t6R4YHOYEwI-00131-00072952-00073384 when you do that and if you bar with your first finger you can add your pinky to have a flat 13 t6R4YHOYEwI-00132-00073384-00073920 in there that's actually very common as a kind of a melodic motion or a melody note during this t6R4YHOYEwI-00133-00073920-00074840 chord so what if you want to add two extensions at once like c7 flat 9 flat 13. t6R4YHOYEwI-00134-00074840-00075232 well still i just recommend having these go-to options and just bouncing between them t6R4YHOYEwI-00135-00075232-00075648 just gives you somewhere to move it's quite nice you can you can work on voicings later t6R4YHOYEwI-00136-00075648-00076112 that include multiple extensions multiple notes i'm going to get into that in a future video with t6R4YHOYEwI-00137-00076176-00076592 rootless voicings where we take the root away so we can add more even more color on top t6R4YHOYEwI-00138-00076592-00076896 but for now use these use these options you have your shell voicing t6R4YHOYEwI-00139-00077024-00077480 then you have flat 9 season flat 9 over here and c7 flat 13 over here all those are interchangeable t6R4YHOYEwI-00140-00077480-00077784 it's pretty cool so here's some examples of some of these being used and then we're going to put t6R4YHOYEwI-00141-00077784-00078200 it to the test by looking at a lead sheet and playing around with it dominant 7 sharp t6R4YHOYEwI-00142-00078200-00078720 9 is sometimes called the jimi hendrix chord because he used it so much and like purple haze t6R4YHOYEwI-00143-00079648-00079928 here's an example of a couple extensions being used in a melodic way with the t6R4YHOYEwI-00144-00079928-00080392 song you've got a friend in me we got an e flat major triad b seven t6R4YHOYEwI-00145-00080448-00081384 sharp five or b seven flat 13 and then e flat nine that's e flat seven with a nine t6R4YHOYEwI-00146-00081768-00082272 so i really like that example because it uh shows this kind of melodic purpose of using t6R4YHOYEwI-00147-00082272-00082640 those extensions and these are the exact voicings that we're learning here let's jump to the ira t6R4YHOYEwI-00148-00082640-00083120 pro app and test this out i pulled up blue and green here the miles davis tune gorgeous t6R4YHOYEwI-00149-00083120-00083832 colorful uh chords here with a few extensions and we have a g minor six i'm gonna add a nine to that t6R4YHOYEwI-00150-00083968-00084296 just to make it even more colorful then we got a7 sharp nine t6R4YHOYEwI-00151-00084472-00084752 beautiful we have d minor seven i'm going to add an 11 to that t6R4YHOYEwI-00152-00084880-00085560 and then d flat seven and then c7 i'll add an 11 to that as well then we got f7 t6R4YHOYEwI-00153-00085560-00086400 i'll add a 9 to that and then b flat major 7 sharp 11. it's kind of the surprise sound there t6R4YHOYEwI-00154-00086712-00087088 a7 sharp 9 d minor 6 i like adding a nine to those t6R4YHOYEwI-00155-00087224-00087720 oh so fun all right i'm gonna pull up another random tune here i pulled up this t6R4YHOYEwI-00156-00087720-00088184 bill evans tune i'm just gonna play the exact chords it asks for i'm not gonna add extensions t6R4YHOYEwI-00157-00088184-00088680 unless it asks for them so we got b flat major seven i'm gonna go ahead and add the five t6R4YHOYEwI-00158-00088680-00089552 on top of our shell voicing e7 sus flat nine not super common that you'll see that then e7 t6R4YHOYEwI-00159-00089552-00090160 with a sharp nine or i can jump over here to e7 sharp five a minor seven i'm gonna add the five t6R4YHOYEwI-00160-00090344-00090952 d7 sharp five d7 shell voicing sharp five g half diminished just as is t6R4YHOYEwI-00161-00091080-00092128 c7 sharp 5 or c7 sharp 9 c minor 7 with a 5 f7 with a sharp 5 over here t6R4YHOYEwI-00162-00092384-00093512 f minor 7. b flat seven sharp five e flat minor seven so you get the point you see that we can add t6R4YHOYEwI-00163-00093512-00094232 a lot of depth and and richness and texture to these chords the shell voicings give us everything t6R4YHOYEwI-00164-00094232-00094800 we need the the essential sound of any crazy chord type and then just this one extra added note gives t6R4YHOYEwI-00165-00094800-00095536 us this whole other dimension to play with and these are the common guitar voicings so usually t6R4YHOYEwI-00166-00095536-00095992 people will go about kind of just memorizing the shapes but we've done it in this way now where t6R4YHOYEwI-00167-00095992-00096416 we're kind of building on the theory understanding where the extensions come from understanding the t6R4YHOYEwI-00168-00096416-00096984 shell voicing idea and then having that as a kind of a backup go-to or using it as a more essential t6R4YHOYEwI-00169-00096984-00097440 sound and then adding the extension on top when we want to the thing that still might be kind t6R4YHOYEwI-00170-00097440-00097984 of confusing is when can you take liberties when can you just add a certain type of extension for t6R4YHOYEwI-00171-00097984-00098536 now take one of two options just don't and just play kind of the pure chord add the five if you t6R4YHOYEwI-00172-00098536-00099000 want to or just play the shell voicing and then the main point of this is that you now have if t6R4YHOYEwI-00173-00099064-00099664 an option comes up where you want to specifically play the nine or someone asks for that chord sound t6R4YHOYEwI-00174-00099664-00100192 or it's on a lead sheet or whatever then you have something that you can do confidently so i want t6R4YHOYEwI-00175-00100192-00100608 you to have with every type of extension somewhere where you know how to play it and that's what you t6R4YHOYEwI-00176-00100608-00101280 have here so option one is just play exactly kind of the strict version of it option two is to not t6R4YHOYEwI-00177-00101280-00101776 worry about if your the liberties you're taking are correct or not because technically you can do t6R4YHOYEwI-00178-00101776-00102360 anything if if even if you see c9 you can just make it c-sharp nine you know if you like the t6R4YHOYEwI-00179-00102360-00102792 sound go for it and and that's a little harder for us to wrap our heads around sometimes but t6R4YHOYEwI-00180-00102864-00103352 that's your other option to just totally be be creative and what's the worst that can happen it's t6R4YHOYEwI-00181-00103352-00103735 gonna be a little crunchy right or you learn from it and say actually i don't like that but you also t6R4YHOYEwI-00182-00103735-00104376 might stumble on something that you really like so you can add any extension to any cord anytime t6R4YHOYEwI-00183-00104376-00105024 and your ears and your taste are the barometer for whether or not you want to do that again or if it t6R4YHOYEwI-00184-00105024-00105568 felt good to you and so that's really the fun path but but harder because there aren't these t6R4YHOYEwI-00185-00105568-00105992 rules and constraints where you can say oh i know exactly what to do so you have the i know exactly t6R4YHOYEwI-00186-00105992-00106552 what to do version that's very comforting i want you to get really used to that and feel confident t6R4YHOYEwI-00187-00106552-00107096 in that and then i do want you to if you can start to just play around just start adding t6R4YHOYEwI-00188-00107096-00107559 extensions to things yes if you do just do that loosely like that you are sometimes going to add t6R4YHOYEwI-00189-00107559-00108032 an extension to something that technically comes from a different scale than maybe the harmony was t6R4YHOYEwI-00190-00108032-00108608 intending but that's part of experimenting so take your time of course no rush with this just kind t6R4YHOYEwI-00191-00108608-00109104 of soak it in and definitely just have fun with it my next video is going to be about chromatic t6R4YHOYEwI-00192-00109104-00109583 guitar chords that is chords that are outside of a key it's not going to be jazz specific just the t6R4YHOYEwI-00193-00109583-00110088 idea of chords that go outside of a key in the theory of it and where that comes from and some t6R4YHOYEwI-00194-00110088-00110496 pop popular songs actually that use examples of that it's going to be a fun lesson that'll be t6R4YHOYEwI-00195-00110496-00111111 next week coming out can't wait to see you there take care happy practicing and thanks so much t81kUheIx_U-00000-00000378-00000876 Hello friends I'm Dr T. Today, we’re asking these questions. What are the risk factors t81kUheIx_U-00001-00000876-00001446 for hypertension, for high blood pressure? We are going to divide them in two groups: t81kUheIx_U-00002-00001446-00002016 non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors. Non-modifiable risk factors, t81kUheIx_U-00003-00002016-00002550 as the name implies means we really cannot do much about it. Let's look into them. t81kUheIx_U-00004-00002550-00003294 Number one- genetics. Number two- Family history. Number three-- race and number four- age. t81kUheIx_U-00005-00003294-00004098 Studies have shown genetic susceptibility for high blood pressure. Family history you are more likely t81kUheIx_U-00006-00004098-00004536 to develop high blood pressure if you have a parent or a mother or a sibling with the t81kUheIx_U-00007-00004536-00005214 condition. Race- African Americans have the highest rates of hypertension in the world t81kUheIx_U-00008-00005214-00005826 with the mean systolic pressure, the higher number, five millimeters higher than whites. t81kUheIx_U-00009-00005826-00006498 And prevalence is higher as well. There's a dogma in Medicine and Cardiology is that hypertension t81kUheIx_U-00010-00006498-00007272 increases with age. In fact, in the western world systolic blood pressure increases by t81kUheIx_U-00011-00007272-00008130 1.5 millimeters of mercury per year in girls, 1.9 millimeters of mercury per year in boys and 0.6 t81kUheIx_U-00012-00008130-00008748 millimeters of mercury per year in adults. And the prevalence of hypertension is the sharper t81kUheIx_U-00013-00008748-00009546 with age starting at age 25. Between ages 20 and 34 is about eight percent of men and six t81kUheIx_U-00014-00009546-00010206 percent of women have high blood pressure but by the time you reach 75, 80 percent of women, t81kUheIx_U-00015-00010206-00011220 seventy six percent of men have high blood pressure. There is also sex difference men t81kUheIx_U-00016-00011220-00011898 have more high blood pressure until it's age 60 after age 60 women actually take the lead. t81kUheIx_U-00017-00011898-00013428 Let's talk about modifiable risk of factors top ten. Number one- Weight the NHANES surveys that t81kUheIx_U-00018-00013428-00014046 show that hypertension is more prevalent in obese individuals, if you have a body mass index 30, t81kUheIx_U-00019-00014274-00015047 30 kilograms per square meter or higher you have 42 percent hypertension if you are just overweight t81kUheIx_U-00020-00015047-00015930 with the body mass index between 25 and 29.9, 28 and if you have a normal weight about 15 percent t81kUheIx_U-00021-00015930-00016752 with the body mass index that it's normal. This is also true for children ages 5 to 14. If you t81kUheIx_U-00022-00016752-00017340 are overweight at age 5 or age 14 you have high blood pressure than children, the same age that t81kUheIx_U-00023-00017340-00018204 did not have the obesity or the overweight issue. Factor number two- Lack of exercise. Exercise t81kUheIx_U-00024-00018204-00018942 itself is anti-hypertensive This is so important I will make a video in the future about that. Not t81kUheIx_U-00025-00018942-00019506 exercising causes weight gain that increases the risk of high blood pressure Number three- t81kUheIx_U-00026-00019584-00019776 High salt diets. Too much salt, t81kUheIx_U-00027-00020010-00020628 called also sodium in the body causes the body to retain fluid this leads to high blood pressure. t81kUheIx_U-00028-00020706-00021222 If you want to learn more about sodium and high blood pressure, I have a video. I'll put a link on t81kUheIx_U-00029-00021222-00021744 the top and down in the description below as well. If you like this video give me the Thumbs Up and t81kUheIx_U-00030-00021744-00022212 Subscribe. It helps me spread this vital information to more people. t81kUheIx_U-00031-00022320-00022956 Number four. Low potassium. Low potassium diets are associated with high blood pressure. t81kUheIx_U-00032-00022956-00023514 Number five. Too much alcohol. Alcohol has been linked to t81kUheIx_U-00033-00023514-00024162 increased blood pressure particularly in men. Number six. Tobacco use and vaping. These will t81kUheIx_U-00034-00024162-00024690 immediately raise your blood pressure at least for a short while and the smoking of course is t81kUheIx_U-00035-00024690-00025218 going to injure the blood vessels and speed up the process of hardening of the arteries. t81kUheIx_U-00036-00025218-00025872 Number seven. Stress. High levels of stress can lead to temporary increasing in blood pressure. t81kUheIx_U-00037-00025872-00026772 Stress related habits like overeating, smoking excessive drinking will exacerbate the problem. t81kUheIx_U-00038-00026916-00027486 Number eight. Diabetes is associated with three to four-fold increase in high blood pressure. t81kUheIx_U-00039-00027486-00028104 Number nine. Obstructive sleep apnea is more common in patients with high blood t81kUheIx_U-00040-00028104-00028806 pressure than the general population and many patients with hypertension have also t81kUheIx_U-00041-00028806-00029412 obstructive sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea is actually a very important cause of t81kUheIx_U-00042-00029574-00030120 treatment resistant hypertension, meaning patients not responding to the medications, t81kUheIx_U-00043-00030120-00030588 because they have undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea. t81kUheIx_U-00044-00030648-00031194 So, because hypertension is the most prevalent risk factor for cardiovascular disease our number t81kUheIx_U-00045-00031194-00031872 one killer, and a major risk factor for stroke our number four killer, these risk factors are t81kUheIx_U-00046-00031872-00032358 important. They have to be taken seriously. There are societies in the world that do not t81kUheIx_U-00047-00032358-00032898 have the high blood pressure problem that we have in Western countries. We need to learn from them. t81kUheIx_U-00048-00032898-00033492 I'm counting on you to do this for yourself and encourage your friends and family to do the same. t81kUheIx_U-00049-00033576-00033912 If you want to learn more about salt and its importance on hypertension t81kUheIx_U-00050-00033912-00034452 watch this video I'll put a link on the top of the screen and in the description below. t81kUheIx_U-00051-00034536-00034656 See you next video. tqEECeRJe3M-00000-00000029-00000257 Hello, I'm Rob Hirschfeld, CEO and co founder tqEECeRJe3M-00001-00000257-00000347 of racket, and tqEECeRJe3M-00002-00000351-00000405 this tqEECeRJe3M-00003-00000422-00000641 is part three of the distributed tqEECeRJe3M-00004-00000644-00000995 infrastructure presentation. In this we are tqEECeRJe3M-00005-00000995-00001280 gonna dive into the demo and show you how tqEECeRJe3M-00006-00001280-00001499 everything gets put together, and how we tqEECeRJe3M-00007-00001499-00001730 manage multiple sites using digital rebar. tqEECeRJe3M-00008-00001769-00002024 But before I dive into the four components, tqEECeRJe3M-00009-00002024-00002246 we've already talked about, want to show you tqEECeRJe3M-00010-00002282-00002471 the basic operation that we're going to be tqEECeRJe3M-00011-00002471-00002642 demonstrating over and over again, and we tqEECeRJe3M-00012-00002642-00002882 want to make something real and useful that tqEECeRJe3M-00013-00002882-00003179 you would see. So in this environment, I've tqEECeRJe3M-00014-00003179-00003518 already built out three of my four edge tqEECeRJe3M-00015-00003518-00003806 sites. But before I start really diving into tqEECeRJe3M-00016-00003806-00003959 the demo, I want to show you what we're going tqEECeRJe3M-00017-00003959-00004199 to do to prove work. In this case, we're tqEECeRJe3M-00018-00004199-00004364 going to be doing cloud provisioning. So if I tqEECeRJe3M-00019-00004364-00004667 wanted to do say an AWS provisioning, I could tqEECeRJe3M-00020-00004667-00005072 choose to use my content runner, I can do a tqEECeRJe3M-00021-00005072-00005309 cloud provision using the digital rebar cloud tqEECeRJe3M-00022-00005309-00005642 rappers content pack, I need to provide tqEECeRJe3M-00023-00005642-00005861 credentials. In this case, they're pre staged tqEECeRJe3M-00024-00005885-00006551 with my AWS, Azure, Google digitalocean, and tqEECeRJe3M-00025-00006554-00006773 linode. So I can choose whichever clouds I tqEECeRJe3M-00026-00006773-00006959 want to do in this case, we're doing an tqEECeRJe3M-00027-00006959-00007211 Azure, I'm going to tag it with my my tags, tqEECeRJe3M-00028-00007211-00007598 and it makes it easy to find and say add. So tqEECeRJe3M-00029-00007598-00007862 in this process, we literally created a tqEECeRJe3M-00030-00007862-00008189 machine object backed by a Docker container tqEECeRJe3M-00031-00008189-00008420 running on digital rebar. And that is now tqEECeRJe3M-00032-00008420-00008753 using terraform, behind the scenes to tqEECeRJe3M-00033-00008753-00009155 provision a machine in Amazon. And it's going tqEECeRJe3M-00034-00009155-00009317 to run through that that process, we're tqEECeRJe3M-00035-00009317-00009641 seeing live updates as that process runs. And tqEECeRJe3M-00036-00009644-00009830 so we were always getting satis. Once tqEECeRJe3M-00037-00009830-00010001 terraform completes, we're going to pull the tqEECeRJe3M-00038-00010001-00010322 machine information into digital rebar, that tqEECeRJe3M-00039-00010322-00010538 metadata then gets fed into Ansible, we use tqEECeRJe3M-00040-00010538-00010745 Ansible, to turn on the agent for digital tqEECeRJe3M-00041-00010745-00011021 rebar, with SSH, and then digital rebar takes tqEECeRJe3M-00042-00011021-00011315 over control of that machine for this part of tqEECeRJe3M-00043-00011315-00011660 the lifecycle. And this is what we do all the tqEECeRJe3M-00044-00011660-00011852 time. This is part of how we integrate the tqEECeRJe3M-00045-00011852-00012155 clouds, we don't try to write our own API's. tqEECeRJe3M-00046-00012182-00012362 It's not useful. What we're doing here is tqEECeRJe3M-00047-00012362-00012512 we're actually just wrapping everything tqEECeRJe3M-00048-00012512-00012785 together and creating a consistent repeatable tqEECeRJe3M-00049-00012785-00013064 workflow that's very standardized. So here, tqEECeRJe3M-00050-00013064-00013178 what you'll see what we're doing is we're tqEECeRJe3M-00051-00013178-00013316 connecting into that machine that was tqEECeRJe3M-00052-00013316-00013631 provisioned in Amazon. If I come over to my tqEECeRJe3M-00053-00013631-00013856 Amazon console and hit refresh, you'll see tqEECeRJe3M-00054-00013856-00014078 this new machine, this is what I did, tqEECeRJe3M-00055-00014135-00014372 practice. And then this is it actually tqEECeRJe3M-00056-00014372-00014558 bringing up that new machine for me to tqEECeRJe3M-00057-00014558-00014870 control. And I could repeat this process over tqEECeRJe3M-00058-00014870-00015101 and over again, for any of the cloud tqEECeRJe3M-00059-00015101-00015245 infrastructures, and you're going to watch us tqEECeRJe3M-00060-00015245-00015533 do exactly that, but on different endpoints tqEECeRJe3M-00061-00015539-00015836 and then play a little bit. So I hope that tqEECeRJe3M-00062-00015836-00016097 makes sense. This is just basic operations. tqEECeRJe3M-00063-00016097-00016244 And we're going to create machines in tqEECeRJe3M-00064-00016244-00016589 different clouds as part of this demo. But tqEECeRJe3M-00065-00016589-00016715 the thing that makes this demo really tqEECeRJe3M-00066-00016715-00017018 interesting is not the cloud wrapper, we have tqEECeRJe3M-00067-00017018-00017234 other demos for that where we spend more time tqEECeRJe3M-00068-00017234-00017456 and decompose that. But the idea that we're tqEECeRJe3M-00069-00017456-00017711 going to show you by breaking down the tqEECeRJe3M-00070-00017711-00018005 distributed aspects of how the deliverable tqEECeRJe3M-00071-00018005-00018296 creates a system. And the first thing to keep tqEECeRJe3M-00072-00018296-00018578 in mind is this is about site autonomy. So in tqEECeRJe3M-00073-00018578-00018845 this control system, we've actually built tqEECeRJe3M-00074-00018848-00019097 digital rebar clouds in different data tqEECeRJe3M-00075-00019097-00019433 centers spanning the United States. Each one tqEECeRJe3M-00076-00019433-00019691 of these is already set up. If I come over, tqEECeRJe3M-00077-00019691-00020465 let me come over to this 192. So this is a tqEECeRJe3M-00078-00020465-00020921 digital rebar site, I can log in this first tqEECeRJe3M-00079-00020921-00021062 time I've been going through, so I have to tqEECeRJe3M-00080-00021062-00021428 accept my credentials. And what you'll see is tqEECeRJe3M-00081-00021428-00021731 this is a digital rebar site. It's already tqEECeRJe3M-00082-00021731-00021920 been set up through our our distributed tqEECeRJe3M-00083-00021920-00022247 infrastructure manager. And so certain things tqEECeRJe3M-00084-00022247-00022688 like the catalog has already been created. So tqEECeRJe3M-00085-00022688-00022877 you can see we have a significant amount of tqEECeRJe3M-00086-00022877-00023051 Infrastructure as Code modules that have tqEECeRJe3M-00087-00023051-00023276 already been downloaded. That means I have tqEECeRJe3M-00088-00023276-00023492 workflows that I can take advantage of in tqEECeRJe3M-00089-00023492-00023738 here, the one I just showed you with the tqEECeRJe3M-00090-00023738-00024284 cloud wrapper. And then I have a couple of tqEECeRJe3M-00091-00024293-00024521 profiles, all these things have been synced tqEECeRJe3M-00092-00024521-00024800 through the digital, the digital rebar tqEECeRJe3M-00093-00024800-00024998 distributed infrastructure management system. tqEECeRJe3M-00094-00025058-00025283 And the autonomy here is important because tqEECeRJe3M-00095-00025283-00025571 since this site has everything installed in tqEECeRJe3M-00096-00025571-00025820 it, it is a fully functional completely tqEECeRJe3M-00097-00025820-00026036 autonomous digital rebar site. And so I can tqEECeRJe3M-00098-00026036-00026258 do exactly the same the changes I made tqEECeRJe3M-00099-00026258-00026693 before. Use the new UX. tqEECeRJe3M-00100-00026829-00027183 In this case, the advantage of switching over tqEECeRJe3M-00101-00027183-00027426 to use the new the tip UX this will be the tqEECeRJe3M-00102-00027426-00027669 force six release UX is that I can actually tqEECeRJe3M-00103-00027669-00027864 change the color in the banner. So you can tqEECeRJe3M-00104-00027864-00028062 see this is the central site. Each one of my tqEECeRJe3M-00105-00028062-00028230 edge sites will have its own distinctive tqEECeRJe3M-00106-00028230-00028488 color. And those colors are going to match tqEECeRJe3M-00107-00028488-00028764 the digital rebar Manager icon colors also so tqEECeRJe3M-00108-00028791-00028947 makes a little bit easier to see where I'm tqEECeRJe3M-00109-00028947-00029229 jumping around to as I go. In this case, what tqEECeRJe3M-00110-00029229-00029436 I want to do is come in going to do exactly tqEECeRJe3M-00111-00029436-00029787 the same operations I did before. I am in tqEECeRJe3M-00112-00029787-00029955 central so I'm going to create a central tqEECeRJe3M-00113-00029955-00030282 machine In AWS, that looks great, same tqEECeRJe3M-00114-00030282-00030675 operations, digital rebar runner, the cloud tqEECeRJe3M-00115-00030675-00031062 provision workflow, provide the AWS tqEECeRJe3M-00116-00031062-00031443 credentials, tag it with vehicle again, and tqEECeRJe3M-00117-00031443-00031776 go ahead and say add. So in this case, I'm tqEECeRJe3M-00118-00031776-00031992 running locally, I still have control, I'm tqEECeRJe3M-00119-00031992-00032247 able to have my own management, this is tqEECeRJe3M-00120-00032247-00032442 pretty much exactly what I just showed you, tqEECeRJe3M-00121-00032460-00032708 in the manager, which is a fully functional tqEECeRJe3M-00122-00032708-00033060 digital rebar system. This US Central site is tqEECeRJe3M-00123-00033060-00033282 also a fully functional digital rebar system. tqEECeRJe3M-00124-00033282-00033408 And I'm going through and doing my tqEECeRJe3M-00125-00033408-00033660 provisioning operations, exactly like what tqEECeRJe3M-00126-00033660-00033912 you would expect to happen. And I can show tqEECeRJe3M-00127-00033912-00034233 you over here, check in on my Amazon console. tqEECeRJe3M-00128-00034257-00034590 And that looks great here is Amazon US tqEECeRJe3M-00129-00034590-00034902 Central. Exactly like what you would expect. tqEECeRJe3M-00130-00035052-00035430 And so back over here, green, bar US Central, tqEECeRJe3M-00131-00035529-00035907 we're watching things go. One of the things tqEECeRJe3M-00132-00035907-00036111 that's interesting about the site autonomy is tqEECeRJe3M-00133-00036114-00036363 while this is really important for sites, it tqEECeRJe3M-00134-00036363-00036573 actually works really well for teams also, tqEECeRJe3M-00135-00036615-00036837 where we can actually have a shared library tqEECeRJe3M-00136-00036837-00037131 of modules, and then have each team be able tqEECeRJe3M-00137-00037131-00037407 to participate in standard practices based on tqEECeRJe3M-00138-00037407-00037599 the modularity that we've exposed in digital tqEECeRJe3M-00139-00037599-00037917 rebar. But the thing that gets really tqEECeRJe3M-00140-00037917-00038187 interesting here is because we have site tqEECeRJe3M-00141-00038187-00038658 autonomy, we also then create the other thing tqEECeRJe3M-00142-00038658-00038832 that's important to multi site, which is this tqEECeRJe3M-00143-00038832-00039156 multi site view this live mirror. And in the tqEECeRJe3M-00144-00039156-00039534 system that we've built, because the manager tqEECeRJe3M-00145-00039534-00039846 is subscribed to this, these three endpoints, tqEECeRJe3M-00146-00039975-00040269 what you'll see is we also are getting live tqEECeRJe3M-00147-00040269-00040653 updates from this system as it goes. So when tqEECeRJe3M-00148-00040653-00040872 I make changes in that endpoint, I'm actually tqEECeRJe3M-00149-00040872-00041172 getting live views of actions happening from tqEECeRJe3M-00150-00041172-00041538 the edge endpoint back to the manager, even tqEECeRJe3M-00151-00041538-00041751 down to the job locks, I get to watch those tqEECeRJe3M-00152-00041751-00041976 come in. So any changes that are made at the tqEECeRJe3M-00153-00042015-00042459 edge site are automatically mirrored into the tqEECeRJe3M-00154-00042462-00042765 manager site. So that means I could go and tqEECeRJe3M-00155-00042765-00042942 here's my list of endpoints that have been tqEECeRJe3M-00156-00042942-00043314 registered. If I say went to the east site. tqEECeRJe3M-00157-00043482-00043851 Notice distinctive color here. First time I'm tqEECeRJe3M-00158-00043851-00044124 logging in, I can come over here. And if I tqEECeRJe3M-00159-00044124-00044625 wanted to provision over here, I could do a tqEECeRJe3M-00160-00044628-00044961 east. And this time we'll go to Google Azure. tqEECeRJe3M-00161-00045009-00045177 Azure is a little slower sometimes and tqEECeRJe3M-00162-00045177-00045393 provisioning, there's a lot of configuration tqEECeRJe3M-00163-00045393-00045699 that gets built. workflow cloud provision, tqEECeRJe3M-00164-00045705-00046083 that looks great. I need my Azure tqEECeRJe3M-00165-00046083-00046560 credentials, vehicle. And go ahead and hit tqEECeRJe3M-00166-00046560-00046800 add here, you're gonna see the exact same tqEECeRJe3M-00167-00046800-00047058 thing, autonomous site, I'm able to control tqEECeRJe3M-00168-00047058-00047229 and manage the infrastructure and have it tqEECeRJe3M-00169-00047229-00047478 start coming up. If I come back to the tqEECeRJe3M-00170-00047478-00047706 manager and look at the machines, you'll see tqEECeRJe3M-00171-00047706-00048132 here is my East site coming up, same exact tqEECeRJe3M-00172-00048132-00048342 control operations, I can watch everything tqEECeRJe3M-00173-00048342-00048612 that's happening. And you'll notice, you can tqEECeRJe3M-00174-00048615-00048840 while these look identical, and from an API tqEECeRJe3M-00175-00048840-00049116 perspective, they are identical, you can tqEECeRJe3M-00176-00049116-00049398 actually tell from the manager where that tqEECeRJe3M-00177-00049398-00049647 remote site is being controlled from. So we tqEECeRJe3M-00178-00049647-00049953 have that data, and we can do it, I'm gonna tqEECeRJe3M-00179-00049953-00050154 do something while we spin things up a little tqEECeRJe3M-00180-00050154-00050547 bit, I have a placeholder for E for site, I'm tqEECeRJe3M-00181-00050547-00050760 going to go ahead and run a provisioning tqEECeRJe3M-00182-00050760-00051716 operation. To create to actually build that tqEECeRJe3M-00183-00051716-00051975 fourth edge Data Center site, when I build tqEECeRJe3M-00184-00051975-00052146 this one, it's going to come up, it's going tqEECeRJe3M-00185-00052146-00052296 to install digital rebar, and then it's going tqEECeRJe3M-00186-00052296-00052422 to wait for me to do some code tqEECeRJe3M-00187-00052422-00052604 synchronization, I want to get that part, tqEECeRJe3M-00188-00052616-00052848 that process started while we continue to go tqEECeRJe3M-00189-00052848-00053361 through the tour a little bit. So now that tqEECeRJe3M-00190-00053361-00053715 we've been going, what I've just been showing tqEECeRJe3M-00191-00053715-00053970 you is these live mirrors. So changes that tqEECeRJe3M-00192-00053970-00054282 are made at the edge sites automatically show tqEECeRJe3M-00193-00054282-00054582 up in the manager site. And it's important to tqEECeRJe3M-00194-00054582-00054840 note that you don't have as much as one tqEECeRJe3M-00195-00054840-00055104 manager, multiple digital rebars can tqEECeRJe3M-00196-00055104-00055410 subscribe to other digital rebars and get tqEECeRJe3M-00197-00055410-00055662 their data and see their management. And that tqEECeRJe3M-00198-00055662-00055892 means that I can create regional, global, tqEECeRJe3M-00199-00055892-00056232 local shared views, I can aggregate whatever tqEECeRJe3M-00200-00056232-00056526 data I want, I can literally build a machine tqEECeRJe3M-00201-00056526-00056763 on my desktop attached to a machine running tqEECeRJe3M-00202-00056763-00056966 in the cloud, and watch what's happening tqEECeRJe3M-00203-00056966-00057207 there. So there's a lot of applications for tqEECeRJe3M-00204-00057207-00057444 this besides strict hierarchical views and tqEECeRJe3M-00205-00057444-00057666 control planes, you can actually use this for tqEECeRJe3M-00206-00057666-00058029 team for coordination for permission, views. tqEECeRJe3M-00207-00058029-00058320 That is there's some really careful thought tqEECeRJe3M-00208-00058323-00058512 in the control mechanisms and how all these tqEECeRJe3M-00209-00058512-00058872 things work. And then the third piece of this tqEECeRJe3M-00210-00058872-00059105 is once we have this mirror data, we can tqEECeRJe3M-00211-00059105-00059502 control it from the managers outwards, right tqEECeRJe3M-00212-00059502-00059694 security has to be set up. We're very careful tqEECeRJe3M-00213-00059694-00059867 about the direction of control and making tqEECeRJe3M-00214-00059867-00060114 sure that you have permission To make changes tqEECeRJe3M-00215-00060114-00060474 to that, but when I make these changes, I can tqEECeRJe3M-00216-00060474-00060708 make the changes against the manager, the tqEECeRJe3M-00217-00060708-00060963 manager understands were the ultimate owner tqEECeRJe3M-00218-00060963-00061200 of that endpoint, but the machine is, and it tqEECeRJe3M-00219-00061200-00061517 will forward the requests to that endpoint. tqEECeRJe3M-00220-00061517-00061686 So if you're not connected, if your air tqEECeRJe3M-00221-00061686-00061884 gapped, you, obviously, that's not going to tqEECeRJe3M-00222-00061884-00062117 work until you're reconnected to the system. tqEECeRJe3M-00223-00062190-00062484 But in a normal management system, I can make tqEECeRJe3M-00224-00062502-00062841 actions across multiple machines, multiple tqEECeRJe3M-00225-00062844-00063126 endpoints, and it will correctly do the right tqEECeRJe3M-00226-00063126-00063341 thing. It looks like a single infrastructure tqEECeRJe3M-00227-00063341-00063570 from the managers perspective, even though tqEECeRJe3M-00228-00063570-00063870 the actual locations of the infrastructure tqEECeRJe3M-00229-00063870-00064425 are distributed. And so what I can do here is tqEECeRJe3M-00230-00064425-00064611 I can start having some real fun. So if I tqEECeRJe3M-00231-00064611-00064817 wanted, and I wanted to bring up that tqEECeRJe3M-00232-00064821-00065030 that extra machine in West, I can go to tqEECeRJe3M-00233-00065030-00065394 provision here, create manually. Now I'm tqEECeRJe3M-00234-00065394-00065730 creating a West and our we haven't used tqEECeRJe3M-00235-00065730-00066093 Google yet. So let's use Google. I can choose tqEECeRJe3M-00236-00066093-00066357 my endpoint here. So here's my West endpoint. tqEECeRJe3M-00237-00066459-00066795 Same thing, context runner, cloud provision tqEECeRJe3M-00238-00066795-00067209 workflow, I'm going to need to tell it to use tqEECeRJe3M-00239-00067209-00068046 the Google credentials. Go mosaico profile tqEECeRJe3M-00240-00068115-00068304 looks great. Go ahead and start the tqEECeRJe3M-00241-00068304-00068553 provisioning operation. And here you can see tqEECeRJe3M-00242-00068553-00068748 I'm spinning up that other machine exactly tqEECeRJe3M-00243-00068748-00069045 what you would expect. But it's not running tqEECeRJe3M-00244-00069048-00069438 on my local system. If I jump to my other tqEECeRJe3M-00245-00069441-00070155 endpoint, my West endpoint here. Once again, tqEECeRJe3M-00246-00070155-00070470 distinctive color, this is my my site West tqEECeRJe3M-00247-00070473-00070785 checkout machines, I've now created this tqEECeRJe3M-00248-00070785-00071055 machine, this was initiated from the manager tqEECeRJe3M-00249-00071067-00071400 and then forwarded into that other site, the tqEECeRJe3M-00250-00071400-00071580 same thing would be true, I can come in tqEECeRJe3M-00251-00071601-00071871 behind the scenes create a mission, another tqEECeRJe3M-00252-00071913-00072603 West, AWS, same process tqEECeRJe3M-00253-00073221-00073701 AWS for this sequel. And when I add in here, tqEECeRJe3M-00254-00073794-00074061 local control, I'm doing things autonomously tqEECeRJe3M-00255-00074061-00074379 at the edge site. And when I come back to the tqEECeRJe3M-00256-00074382-00074832 manager, and look at the machines list, what tqEECeRJe3M-00257-00074832-00075270 you'll see in this case is that that site tqEECeRJe3M-00258-00075270-00075546 has, we've also created that one, so I get tqEECeRJe3M-00259-00075546-00075738 the benefit of having an autonomous local tqEECeRJe3M-00260-00075738-00076149 site. And critically, and the manager can tqEECeRJe3M-00261-00076149-00076407 also take actions against all these systems. tqEECeRJe3M-00262-00076431-00076716 So incredibly powerful operations with that. tqEECeRJe3M-00263-00077043-00077229 Cool, and as we go through, let me check in tqEECeRJe3M-00264-00077229-00077433 and check my different cloud instances and tqEECeRJe3M-00265-00077433-00077574 show you the all the machines that we've been tqEECeRJe3M-00266-00077574-00077916 creating, running up my cloud bills. So tqEECeRJe3M-00267-00077916-00078192 there's all the systems we have, if we jump tqEECeRJe3M-00268-00078192-00078507 over into Azure, there's my Azure machine tqEECeRJe3M-00269-00078510-00078744 here over in Google, let's see if that tqEECeRJe3M-00270-00078765-00079365 recognizes my cloud machines. Excellent. One tqEECeRJe3M-00271-00079365-00079581 of the things that this allows you to do and tqEECeRJe3M-00272-00079581-00079974 our recommended design here is I can install tqEECeRJe3M-00273-00079974-00080199 the control plane for each cloud in that tqEECeRJe3M-00274-00080199-00080427 control plane. Right now, I'm controlling tqEECeRJe3M-00275-00080451-00080700 these other cloud instances from linode, tqEECeRJe3M-00276-00080736-00081024 cloud infrastructure, and then building out tqEECeRJe3M-00277-00081024-00081243 because I have public IPs, but I could tqEECeRJe3M-00278-00081243-00081456 actually run my control plane completely tqEECeRJe3M-00279-00081456-00081792 behind my v PC in each one of those clouds, tqEECeRJe3M-00280-00081816-00082038 and store the credentials only for that cloud tqEECeRJe3M-00281-00082041-00082236 in that cloud. So there's some really tqEECeRJe3M-00282-00082236-00082434 powerful ways that you can take advantage of tqEECeRJe3M-00283-00082434-00082668 this distributed control plane, where local tqEECeRJe3M-00284-00082668-00082923 operations are local to the cloud. And tqEECeRJe3M-00285-00082926-00083193 management operations can be centralized or tqEECeRJe3M-00286-00083193-00083412 done by remote with the correct egress and tqEECeRJe3M-00287-00083412-00083808 Ingress. So this is really powerful. But tqEECeRJe3M-00288-00083808-00084087 there's a little bit of magic going on. This tqEECeRJe3M-00289-00084087-00084372 is all Infrastructure as Code. And somewhere, tqEECeRJe3M-00290-00084378-00084579 something had to say, you know what, I need tqEECeRJe3M-00291-00084579-00084804 to have this automation and these properties tqEECeRJe3M-00292-00084804-00084960 and these profiles and these parameters tqEECeRJe3M-00293-00084966-00085221 synchronized across this environment. And tqEECeRJe3M-00294-00085221-00085605 that's exactly what this system does. So an tqEECeRJe3M-00295-00085605-00085815 important part of what's going on behind the tqEECeRJe3M-00296-00085815-00086067 scenes is, is that we've actually taken the tqEECeRJe3M-00297-00086067-00086268 digital rebar Infrastructure as Code tqEECeRJe3M-00298-00086268-00086520 capabilities at catalog, we've made it tqEECeRJe3M-00299-00086520-00086745 possible to synchronize components of the tqEECeRJe3M-00300-00086745-00086973 catalog throughout your distributed tqEECeRJe3M-00301-00086973-00087216 infrastructure in an incredibly controlled tqEECeRJe3M-00302-00087246-00087504 and managed way. And this is not done as a tqEECeRJe3M-00303-00087504-00087714 SAS. It's actually done from the digital tqEECeRJe3M-00304-00087714-00088026 rebar managers, collecting the Infrastructure tqEECeRJe3M-00305-00088026-00088299 as Code components that are required. Having tqEECeRJe3M-00306-00088299-00088485 them all tracked as versions and then tqEECeRJe3M-00307-00088485-00088728 distributing them through the system. And tqEECeRJe3M-00308-00088728-00088995 it's designed in a way that allows you to tqEECeRJe3M-00309-00089010-00089238 enforce and especially important for tqEECeRJe3M-00310-00089238-00089523 production environments enforce exactly the tqEECeRJe3M-00311-00089523-00089808 infrastructure configurations that you want. tqEECeRJe3M-00312-00089862-00090507 So for example, In my West site, where I have tqEECeRJe3M-00313-00090510-00090789 a catalog already built, I showed you this tqEECeRJe3M-00314-00090789-00091053 earlier in our tour, I could come in and try tqEECeRJe3M-00315-00091053-00091278 and add in different components into the tqEECeRJe3M-00316-00091278-00091629 system. And the manager would actually detect tqEECeRJe3M-00317-00091629-00091803 that that was there and then remove them tqEECeRJe3M-00318-00091803-00092013 because they weren't in the prescribed list tqEECeRJe3M-00319-00092034-00092307 of capabilities. Let me show you what that tqEECeRJe3M-00320-00092307-00092631 looks like in practice. So in this case, I tqEECeRJe3M-00321-00092631-00093057 have my four endpoints. One of them I just tqEECeRJe3M-00322-00093057-00093234 built on the fly for you. So I can show you tqEECeRJe3M-00323-00093234-00093444 this process. The other three of them are tqEECeRJe3M-00324-00093444-00093612 already installed. And they already have tqEECeRJe3M-00325-00093612-00093990 content packs, and version sets created. And tqEECeRJe3M-00326-00093990-00094164 I'm going to walk through what that process tqEECeRJe3M-00327-00094167-00094563 means for you just on this new site. So I can tqEECeRJe3M-00328-00094563-00094845 choose exactly what I want to have configured tqEECeRJe3M-00329-00094845-00095082 on this site. In this case, I need the rack tqEECeRJe3M-00330-00095082-00095307 and license propagated, I need the contexts, tqEECeRJe3M-00331-00095310-00095463 these are Docker containers that I want to tqEECeRJe3M-00332-00095463-00095706 run on that endpoint, want to have my site tqEECeRJe3M-00333-00095706-00095922 base, which has all of the content packs that tqEECeRJe3M-00334-00095922-00096150 run the site. And then I actually want to tqEECeRJe3M-00335-00096150-00096498 also have configuration information that's tqEECeRJe3M-00336-00096498-00096717 unique to that one site. So in this case, tqEECeRJe3M-00337-00096717-00097005 it's mostly the color of the banner. But it tqEECeRJe3M-00338-00097005-00097245 could be any nature of components that are tqEECeRJe3M-00339-00097245-00097584 unique to each individual site. And I'll show tqEECeRJe3M-00340-00097584-00097794 you exactly what's inside this content packs. tqEECeRJe3M-00341-00097872-00098031 And those are, what these are what we call tqEECeRJe3M-00342-00098031-00098289 version sets. But you'll notice here that as tqEECeRJe3M-00343-00098289-00098556 I build that up, when I apply them, it hasn't tqEECeRJe3M-00344-00098556-00098898 made any changes yet. But it's identified, tqEECeRJe3M-00345-00098898-00099150 let me drill into this, it's identified that tqEECeRJe3M-00346-00099159-00099414 there's a series of operations that need to tqEECeRJe3M-00347-00099414-00099573 be performed, if you want to think this is tqEECeRJe3M-00348-00099573-00099822 like a dry run, it's a queue of work that tqEECeRJe3M-00349-00099822-00100065 will be performed to synchronize that site. tqEECeRJe3M-00350-00100092-00100389 If I was at that site, let me go ahead and go tqEECeRJe3M-00351-00100389-00100710 there. I haven't logged into this one yet. So tqEECeRJe3M-00352-00100710-00101361 I have to accept this token, that's good. Go tqEECeRJe3M-00353-00101361-00101622 back here, this is on the tip. So this is tqEECeRJe3M-00354-00101622-00101904 what I want to see. Hasn't synchronized to tqEECeRJe3M-00355-00101904-00102075 the color yet that's gonna come in when I tqEECeRJe3M-00356-00102075-00102336 synchronize the content pack. And I could tqEECeRJe3M-00357-00102336-00102717 come in and show you. There's really nothing tqEECeRJe3M-00358-00102717-00102849 in the catalog at this point. tqEECeRJe3M-00359-00102924-00103371 So it's really an empty system. If I say, you tqEECeRJe3M-00360-00103371-00103596 know what, I want to install another content tqEECeRJe3M-00361-00103596-00103740 pack, it's gonna let me install it because tqEECeRJe3M-00362-00103740-00104022 I'm not synchronizing. But this system now tqEECeRJe3M-00363-00104022-00104309 added, oh, I have to remove this content pack tqEECeRJe3M-00364-00104309-00104499 to make it come up to speed with everything tqEECeRJe3M-00365-00104499-00104834 else. And if I go back and turn on this tqEECeRJe3M-00366-00104853-00105114 synchronization is going to go through and I tqEECeRJe3M-00367-00105114-00105335 can actually see it doing these updates and tqEECeRJe3M-00368-00105335-00105654 synchronizing the content live for me. So tqEECeRJe3M-00369-00105657-00106107 here we're seeing the manager go synchronize tqEECeRJe3M-00370-00106107-00106404 and control this remote endpoint, through tqEECeRJe3M-00371-00106409-00106578 endpoint was unavailable, would tell me that tqEECeRJe3M-00372-00106578-00106824 it was unable to connect. And that would be tqEECeRJe3M-00373-00106824-00107154 the end of it in this. In this case, it tqEECeRJe3M-00374-00107154-00107388 actually was now sending all the context, tqEECeRJe3M-00375-00107427-00107703 digital rebar pieces that are needed to run tqEECeRJe3M-00376-00107703-00107928 the complete infrastructure. And now that tqEECeRJe3M-00377-00107928-00108099 it's up to date, you can see that we are tqEECeRJe3M-00378-00108099-00108294 ready to go and there's no additional work. tqEECeRJe3M-00379-00108318-00108756 If I come back to this se site, hit refresh, tqEECeRJe3M-00380-00108825-00109080 you're going to notice I get my color. And tqEECeRJe3M-00381-00109083-00109389 then I also have the all of the content that tqEECeRJe3M-00382-00109389-00109707 was posted synchronized. And if I can start tqEECeRJe3M-00383-00109709-00109923 provisioning and doing all the work that I tqEECeRJe3M-00384-00109956-00110223 need to do, those version sets that I was tqEECeRJe3M-00385-00110223-00110625 showing you. Let's look at some of them. The tqEECeRJe3M-00386-00110625-00111308 version sets here include a list of the tqEECeRJe3M-00387-00111308-00111509 content packs that we want, that includes tqEECeRJe3M-00388-00111509-00111738 plugins. So the binary components also tqEECeRJe3M-00389-00111783-00112005 configuration information that I need for tqEECeRJe3M-00390-00112005-00112323 that profile information, firewall ports, I tqEECeRJe3M-00391-00112323-00112632 want to open the exact configuration of the tqEECeRJe3M-00392-00112632-00112932 system and what its preferences are really tqEECeRJe3M-00393-00112934-00113142 everything that's necessary to create that tqEECeRJe3M-00394-00113142-00113388 site identity. So we can bring up sites with tqEECeRJe3M-00395-00113391-00113652 minimal infrastructure and even outdated tqEECeRJe3M-00396-00113688-00113967 digital rebar. And this process will upgrade tqEECeRJe3M-00397-00113967-00114225 the entire system, including digital rebar tqEECeRJe3M-00398-00114225-00114533 binaries itself. So we can push everything tqEECeRJe3M-00399-00114533-00114879 through this process. and distribute a real tqEECeRJe3M-00400-00114879-00115170 Infrastructure as Code system. That is so tqEECeRJe3M-00401-00115170-00115479 important. Because if you don't have a way to tqEECeRJe3M-00402-00115515-00115779 make the automation compatible across your tqEECeRJe3M-00403-00115779-00116033 sites and keep it maintained at the correct tqEECeRJe3M-00404-00116033-00116268 version numbers, then you really don't have tqEECeRJe3M-00405-00116268-00116510 any way to create a distributed control tqEECeRJe3M-00406-00116510-00116790 system. Because that automation has to be tqEECeRJe3M-00407-00116829-00117000 kept synchronized, you have to understand tqEECeRJe3M-00408-00117000-00117185 exactly where it is. And because of the way tqEECeRJe3M-00409-00117185-00117417 we build version sets here, we actually can tqEECeRJe3M-00410-00117417-00117732 manage bluegreen or staged deployments. So tqEECeRJe3M-00411-00117732-00117954 you can build exactly the components you need tqEECeRJe3M-00412-00117954-00118278 and version set, bundle it together, and then tqEECeRJe3M-00413-00118278-00118599 distribute it. And what we've done is these tqEECeRJe3M-00414-00118599-00118845 version sets don't rely on the internet. We tqEECeRJe3M-00415-00118845-00119058 actually cache all of everything in the tqEECeRJe3M-00416-00119058-00119360 catalog. So if you have custom, bespoke or tqEECeRJe3M-00417-00119360-00119589 special content, secure information, things tqEECeRJe3M-00418-00119589-00119786 that are sensitive or secrets, you're not tqEECeRJe3M-00419-00119786-00119904 putting them out on the internet, you're tqEECeRJe3M-00420-00119904-00120161 never sending them to us. You can build it tqEECeRJe3M-00421-00120161-00120533 into the catalog yourself, and then have it tqEECeRJe3M-00422-00120533-00120741 distributed through the system without you tqEECeRJe3M-00423-00120741-00121038 ever having to upload it to a public server. tqEECeRJe3M-00424-00121119-00121371 Or let it out of your control from management tqEECeRJe3M-00425-00121371-00121608 perspective. so incredibly powerful ways to tqEECeRJe3M-00426-00121608-00121983 manage all of these pieces. So at this point, tqEECeRJe3M-00427-00121983-00122234 we've built a multi site infrastructure, tqEECeRJe3M-00428-00122261-00122783 we've added to it we have run, work across tqEECeRJe3M-00429-00122783-00123006 those clouds. One thing I want to show you tqEECeRJe3M-00430-00123006-00123335 before we start ending the demo, is I can tqEECeRJe3M-00431-00123335-00123582 actually tear down this infrastructure from tqEECeRJe3M-00432-00123582-00123840 the manager. So even though I've distributed tqEECeRJe3M-00433-00123954-00124245 work and built VMs, running across my tqEECeRJe3M-00434-00124245-00124452 infrastructure in different clouds, I can go tqEECeRJe3M-00435-00124452-00124784 in. And because it's a managed Infrastructure tqEECeRJe3M-00436-00124784-00124995 as Code system, I can do deep provision tqEECeRJe3M-00437-00124995-00125373 operations centrally from my manager, tqEECeRJe3M-00438-00125376-00125673 including on the manager. And then that work tqEECeRJe3M-00439-00125676-00125913 is now distributed automatically and tqEECeRJe3M-00440-00125913-00126168 transparently across my infrastructure is all tqEECeRJe3M-00441-00126168-00126492 API driven. So if I come in and look at this, tqEECeRJe3M-00442-00126498-00126696 what we're This is the one I just built. tqEECeRJe3M-00443-00126846-00127080 Machines over here, what we're going to see tqEECeRJe3M-00444-00127080-00127320 is each one of these is now running the tqEECeRJe3M-00445-00127320-00127542 workflows to tear down that infrastructure tqEECeRJe3M-00446-00127542-00127875 and clean things up. And then that means that tqEECeRJe3M-00447-00127875-00128111 all of my cloud instances are also getting tqEECeRJe3M-00448-00128127-00128445 torn down and recovered, which is exactly the tqEECeRJe3M-00449-00128445-00128781 way my accountant prefers to see it working. tqEECeRJe3M-00450-00128960-00129260 And in this case, we've we've literally built tqEECeRJe3M-00451-00129260-00129504 and torn down whole cloud infrastructures, tqEECeRJe3M-00452-00129504-00129785 completely autonomous edge sites, but yet tqEECeRJe3M-00453-00129785-00130089 centrally managed, using our Infrastructure tqEECeRJe3M-00454-00130089-00130599 as Code techniques. That's a lot of tqEECeRJe3M-00455-00130599-00130910 technology all fit together, really, really tqEECeRJe3M-00456-00130910-00131139 powerful. Taking advantage of the tqEECeRJe3M-00457-00131139-00131319 immutability of Infrastructure as Code, our tqEECeRJe3M-00458-00131319-00131583 versioning and the portability that each one tqEECeRJe3M-00459-00131583-00132099 of these pieces have. And that is the end of tqEECeRJe3M-00460-00132102-00132381 this part of the demo. Everything I'm showing tqEECeRJe3M-00461-00132381-00132516 you is actually in tqEECeRJe3M-00462-00132627-00133017 this is this is not secret stuff, we have a tqEECeRJe3M-00463-00133020-00133392 multi site demo work shows you how to build tqEECeRJe3M-00464-00133392-00133614 all these things, it standardizes the tqEECeRJe3M-00465-00133614-00133896 processes. And this is following our best tqEECeRJe3M-00466-00133896-00134130 practice for building multi site automation. tqEECeRJe3M-00467-00134163-00134565 There is that fourth demo, where I walk you tqEECeRJe3M-00468-00134565-00134865 through how all these things get built. That tqEECeRJe3M-00469-00134865-00135222 will be uploaded soon. And this is stuff tqEECeRJe3M-00470-00135222-00135405 that's available. So you can start you can tqEECeRJe3M-00471-00135405-00135690 download start playing. I'm showing you tqEECeRJe3M-00472-00135690-00135921 against the four dot six release, which is tqEECeRJe3M-00473-00135921-00136164 coming out in March, depending on when you're tqEECeRJe3M-00474-00136164-00136440 watching this. But the capabilities that I'm tqEECeRJe3M-00475-00136440-00136647 showing you have been available in digital tqEECeRJe3M-00476-00136647-00137028 rebar for multiple releases, so four or 544 tqEECeRJe3M-00477-00137028-00137346 even, you can get in and start playing and tqEECeRJe3M-00478-00137346-00137562 building the infrastructure. People ask me tqEECeRJe3M-00479-00137562-00137790 how to start this, the best way to start is tqEECeRJe3M-00480-00137790-00138072 just with one site. The nice thing that we've tqEECeRJe3M-00481-00138072-00138324 done is this isn't a manager and digital tqEECeRJe3M-00482-00138324-00138558 rebar. It's digital rebar is the manager and tqEECeRJe3M-00483-00138558-00138804 so if you're building automation to make one tqEECeRJe3M-00484-00138804-00139158 site easy to manage, then you have built a tqEECeRJe3M-00485-00139158-00139374 distributed infrastructure ready system tqEECeRJe3M-00486-00139377-00139434 also. tqEECeRJe3M-00487-00139542-00139752 This is exciting to you hope it is this is tqEECeRJe3M-00488-00139752-00140112 really powerful stuff. Come in, ask us tqEECeRJe3M-00489-00140112-00140322 questions, join our slack. We love to talk tqEECeRJe3M-00490-00140322-00140502 about this stuff and help you on your tqEECeRJe3M-00491-00140502-00140712 distributed infrastructure journey. This is tqEECeRJe3M-00492-00140712-00140865 Rob Hirschfeld, and thanks for your tqEECeRJe3M-00493-00140865-00140907 attention. tsyABrJjJly-00000-00000012-00000450 Do you need text to appear in front of your number in a numbered list? tsyABrJjJly-00001-00000450-00000876 Like this? I'll show you a few quick ways to get that done. tsyABrJjJly-00002-00000876-00001722 I'm gonna start my formula with the equal sign. In quotation marks, I'm going to type the work Day. tsyABrJjJly-00003-00001800-00002136 I'll leave a space before ending the quotation marks. tsyABrJjJly-00004-00002136-00002544 Text in a formula will always go in quotation marks. tsyABrJjJly-00005-00002544-00003294 Then I'm gonna use the ampersand operator and this will join to my numbered list. tsyABrJjJly-00006-00003378-00004266 Here I am using the SEQUENCE function and in the parenthesis I'm gonna state how many rows tsyABrJjJly-00007-00004266-00005124 that I want. Let's say I want to list days 1 - 30. In the parenthesis, I will put 30. tt5GVY08eA8-00000-00000053-00000977 I literally went up to 60 views per hour, getting the original video up to 30 views per hour, which tt5GVY08eA8-00001-00000977-00001907 is a new record, and as soon as this continues, hopefully we'll be able to get more than anything. ttVaWRogrAy-00000-00000010-00000060 RED SOX, DROPS THE FIRST GAME ttVaWRogrAy-00001-00000060-00000066 RED SOX, DROPS THE FIRST GAME ttVaWRogrAy-00002-00000066-00000120 RED SOX, DROPS THE FIRST GAME AGAINST THE RANGERS. ttVaWRogrAy-00003-00000120-00000126 RED SOX, DROPS THE FIRST GAME AGAINST THE RANGERS. ttVaWRogrAy-00004-00000126-00000460 RED SOX, DROPS THE FIRST GAME AGAINST THE RANGERS. >> Josh: THEY'LL GET BACK ON ttVaWRogrAy-00005-00000460-00000467 AGAINST THE RANGERS. >> Josh: THEY'LL GET BACK ON ttVaWRogrAy-00006-00000467-00000493 AGAINST THE RANGERS. >> Josh: THEY'LL GET BACK ON THERE. ttVaWRogrAy-00007-00000493-00000500 >> Josh: THEY'LL GET BACK ON THERE. ttVaWRogrAy-00008-00000500-00000617 >> Josh: THEY'LL GET BACK ON THERE. >> A.J.: WE HOPE SO. ttVaWRogrAy-00009-00000617-00000623 THERE. >> A.J.: WE HOPE SO. ttVaWRogrAy-00010-00000623-00000673 THERE. >> A.J.: WE HOPE SO. >> Josh: WE ALL DO. ttVaWRogrAy-00011-00000673-00000680 >> A.J.: WE HOPE SO. >> Josh: WE ALL DO. ttVaWRogrAy-00012-00000680-00001027 >> A.J.: WE HOPE SO. >> Josh: WE ALL DO. THANKS. ttVaWRogrAy-00013-00001027-00001034 >> Josh: WE ALL DO. THANKS. ttVaWRogrAy-00014-00001034-00001101 >> Josh: WE ALL DO. THANKS. >>> IF YOU HAVE A FEW SCRAPS OF ttVaWRogrAy-00015-00001101-00001107 THANKS. >>> IF YOU HAVE A FEW SCRAPS OF ttVaWRogrAy-00016-00001107-00001184 THANKS. >>> IF YOU HAVE A FEW SCRAPS OF METAL LAYING AROUND AND A PAIR ttVaWRogrAy-00017-00001184-00001191 >>> IF YOU HAVE A FEW SCRAPS OF METAL LAYING AROUND AND A PAIR ttVaWRogrAy-00018-00001191-00001254 >>> IF YOU HAVE A FEW SCRAPS OF METAL LAYING AROUND AND A PAIR OF PLYERS, YOU JUST MIGHT BE ttVaWRogrAy-00019-00001254-00001261 METAL LAYING AROUND AND A PAIR OF PLYERS, YOU JUST MIGHT BE ttVaWRogrAy-00020-00001261-00001344 METAL LAYING AROUND AND A PAIR OF PLYERS, YOU JUST MIGHT BE ABLE TO TURN THE SCRAP INTO A ttVaWRogrAy-00021-00001344-00001351 OF PLYERS, YOU JUST MIGHT BE ABLE TO TURN THE SCRAP INTO A ttVaWRogrAy-00022-00001351-00001414 OF PLYERS, YOU JUST MIGHT BE ABLE TO TURN THE SCRAP INTO A PIECE OF JEWELRY YOU CAN BE ttVaWRogrAy-00023-00001414-00001421 ABLE TO TURN THE SCRAP INTO A PIECE OF JEWELRY YOU CAN BE ttVaWRogrAy-00024-00001421-00001504 ABLE TO TURN THE SCRAP INTO A PIECE OF JEWELRY YOU CAN BE PROUD OF. ttVaWRogrAy-00025-00001504-00001511 PIECE OF JEWELRY YOU CAN BE PROUD OF. ttVaWRogrAy-00026-00001511-00001584 PIECE OF JEWELRY YOU CAN BE PROUD OF. OUR OWN SHIRELLE MOORE SHOWS US ttVaWRogrAy-00027-00001584-00001591 PROUD OF. OUR OWN SHIRELLE MOORE SHOWS US ttVaWRogrAy-00028-00001591-00001811 PROUD OF. OUR OWN SHIRELLE MOORE SHOWS US HOW IN THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS. ttVaWRogrAy-00029-00001811-00001818 OUR OWN SHIRELLE MOORE SHOWS US HOW IN THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS. ttVaWRogrAy-00030-00001818-00002085 OUR OWN SHIRELLE MOORE SHOWS US HOW IN THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS. >> THIS IS WOVEN, WIRE WEAVING, ttVaWRogrAy-00031-00002085-00002092 HOW IN THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS. >> THIS IS WOVEN, WIRE WEAVING, ttVaWRogrAy-00032-00002092-00002282 HOW IN THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS. >> THIS IS WOVEN, WIRE WEAVING, AND IT JUST KIND OF WRAPPING AND ttVaWRogrAy-00033-00002282-00002288 >> THIS IS WOVEN, WIRE WEAVING, AND IT JUST KIND OF WRAPPING AND ttVaWRogrAy-00034-00002288-00002565 >> THIS IS WOVEN, WIRE WEAVING, AND IT JUST KIND OF WRAPPING AND WEAVING AND YOU GET KIND OF A ttVaWRogrAy-00035-00002565-00002572 AND IT JUST KIND OF WRAPPING AND WEAVING AND YOU GET KIND OF A ttVaWRogrAy-00036-00002572-00002679 AND IT JUST KIND OF WRAPPING AND WEAVING AND YOU GET KIND OF A LITTLE TEXTURE. ttVaWRogrAy-00037-00002679-00002686 WEAVING AND YOU GET KIND OF A LITTLE TEXTURE. ttVaWRogrAy-00038-00002686-00002952 WEAVING AND YOU GET KIND OF A LITTLE TEXTURE. >> Shirelle: YOU MAY NEED A ttVaWRogrAy-00039-00002952-00002959 LITTLE TEXTURE. >> Shirelle: YOU MAY NEED A ttVaWRogrAy-00040-00002959-00003143 LITTLE TEXTURE. >> Shirelle: YOU MAY NEED A HAMMER, A FEW PRETTY STONES OR ttVaWRogrAy-00041-00003143-00003149 >> Shirelle: YOU MAY NEED A HAMMER, A FEW PRETTY STONES OR ttVaWRogrAy-00042-00003149-00003279 >> Shirelle: YOU MAY NEED A HAMMER, A FEW PRETTY STONES OR EVEN A BLOW TORCH. ttVaWRogrAy-00043-00003279-00003286 HAMMER, A FEW PRETTY STONES OR EVEN A BLOW TORCH. ttVaWRogrAy-00044-00003286-00003490 HAMMER, A FEW PRETTY STONES OR EVEN A BLOW TORCH. OR YOU COULD CATCH ALL OF THAT ttVaWRogrAy-00045-00003490-00003496 EVEN A BLOW TORCH. OR YOU COULD CATCH ALL OF THAT ttVaWRogrAy-00046-00003496-00003660 EVEN A BLOW TORCH. OR YOU COULD CATCH ALL OF THAT AND START WITH -- SCRATCH ALL OF ttVaWRogrAy-00047-00003660-00003666 OR YOU COULD CATCH ALL OF THAT AND START WITH -- SCRATCH ALL OF ttVaWRogrAy-00048-00003666-00003833 OR YOU COULD CATCH ALL OF THAT AND START WITH -- SCRATCH ALL OF THAT AND START WITH FIVE-DOLLAR ttVaWRogrAy-00049-00003833-00003840 AND START WITH -- SCRATCH ALL OF THAT AND START WITH FIVE-DOLLAR ttVaWRogrAy-00050-00003840-00004057 AND START WITH -- SCRATCH ALL OF THAT AND START WITH FIVE-DOLLAR WIRE AND A PAIR OF PLIERS. ttVaWRogrAy-00051-00004057-00004064 THAT AND START WITH FIVE-DOLLAR WIRE AND A PAIR OF PLIERS. ttVaWRogrAy-00052-00004064-00004264 THAT AND START WITH FIVE-DOLLAR WIRE AND A PAIR OF PLIERS. >> EDUCATION IS SO EASY NOW WITH ttVaWRogrAy-00053-00004264-00004270 WIRE AND A PAIR OF PLIERS. >> EDUCATION IS SO EASY NOW WITH ttVaWRogrAy-00054-00004270-00004451 WIRE AND A PAIR OF PLIERS. >> EDUCATION IS SO EASY NOW WITH YOUTUBE, SO A LOT OF OUR ttVaWRogrAy-00055-00004451-00004457 >> EDUCATION IS SO EASY NOW WITH YOUTUBE, SO A LOT OF OUR ttVaWRogrAy-00056-00004457-00004554 >> EDUCATION IS SO EASY NOW WITH YOUTUBE, SO A LOT OF OUR INFORMATION COMES FROM YOUTUBE ttVaWRogrAy-00057-00004554-00004561 YOUTUBE, SO A LOT OF OUR INFORMATION COMES FROM YOUTUBE ttVaWRogrAy-00058-00004561-00004701 YOUTUBE, SO A LOT OF OUR INFORMATION COMES FROM YOUTUBE VIDEOS AND JUST BOOKS AND ttVaWRogrAy-00059-00004701-00004708 INFORMATION COMES FROM YOUTUBE VIDEOS AND JUST BOOKS AND ttVaWRogrAy-00060-00004708-00004904 INFORMATION COMES FROM YOUTUBE VIDEOS AND JUST BOOKS AND HELPING EACH OTHER ALONG. ttVaWRogrAy-00061-00004904-00004911 VIDEOS AND JUST BOOKS AND HELPING EACH OTHER ALONG. ttVaWRogrAy-00062-00004911-00005051 VIDEOS AND JUST BOOKS AND HELPING EACH OTHER ALONG. >> Shirelle: THIS IS DEB CARSON. ttVaWRogrAy-00063-00005051-00005058 HELPING EACH OTHER ALONG. >> Shirelle: THIS IS DEB CARSON. ttVaWRogrAy-00064-00005058-00005185 HELPING EACH OTHER ALONG. >> Shirelle: THIS IS DEB CARSON. SHE'S BEEN INTO JEWELRY MAKING ttVaWRogrAy-00065-00005185-00005191 >> Shirelle: THIS IS DEB CARSON. SHE'S BEEN INTO JEWELRY MAKING ttVaWRogrAy-00066-00005191-00005321 >> Shirelle: THIS IS DEB CARSON. SHE'S BEEN INTO JEWELRY MAKING FOR A FEW DECADES NOW. ttVaWRogrAy-00067-00005321-00005328 SHE'S BEEN INTO JEWELRY MAKING FOR A FEW DECADES NOW. ttVaWRogrAy-00068-00005328-00005465 SHE'S BEEN INTO JEWELRY MAKING FOR A FEW DECADES NOW. >> I WENT TO SCHOOL IN BEMIDJI ttVaWRogrAy-00069-00005465-00005472 FOR A FEW DECADES NOW. >> I WENT TO SCHOOL IN BEMIDJI ttVaWRogrAy-00070-00005472-00005802 FOR A FEW DECADES NOW. >> I WENT TO SCHOOL IN BEMIDJI AND THE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL HAD A ttVaWRogrAy-00071-00005802-00005809 >> I WENT TO SCHOOL IN BEMIDJI AND THE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL HAD A ttVaWRogrAy-00072-00005809-00005995 >> I WENT TO SCHOOL IN BEMIDJI AND THE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL HAD A VERY GOOD ART TEACHER, AND SHE ttVaWRogrAy-00073-00005995-00006002 AND THE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL HAD A VERY GOOD ART TEACHER, AND SHE ttVaWRogrAy-00074-00006002-00006206 AND THE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL HAD A VERY GOOD ART TEACHER, AND SHE WAS NOT AFRAID OF DOING ttVaWRogrAy-00075-00006206-00006212 VERY GOOD ART TEACHER, AND SHE WAS NOT AFRAID OF DOING ttVaWRogrAy-00076-00006212-00006242 VERY GOOD ART TEACHER, AND SHE WAS NOT AFRAID OF DOING ANYTHING. ttVaWRogrAy-00077-00006242-00006249 WAS NOT AFRAID OF DOING ANYTHING. ttVaWRogrAy-00078-00006249-00006376 WAS NOT AFRAID OF DOING ANYTHING. SO SHE HAD PAINTING AND DRAWING ttVaWRogrAy-00079-00006376-00006383 ANYTHING. SO SHE HAD PAINTING AND DRAWING ttVaWRogrAy-00080-00006383-00006559 ANYTHING. SO SHE HAD PAINTING AND DRAWING AND ALL OF THAT, AND SHE ALSO ttVaWRogrAy-00081-00006559-00006566 SO SHE HAD PAINTING AND DRAWING AND ALL OF THAT, AND SHE ALSO ttVaWRogrAy-00082-00006566-00006689 SO SHE HAD PAINTING AND DRAWING AND ALL OF THAT, AND SHE ALSO TAUGHT JEWELRY MAKING. ttVaWRogrAy-00083-00006689-00006696 AND ALL OF THAT, AND SHE ALSO TAUGHT JEWELRY MAKING. ttVaWRogrAy-00084-00006696-00006956 AND ALL OF THAT, AND SHE ALSO TAUGHT JEWELRY MAKING. AND SO AS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, ttVaWRogrAy-00085-00006956-00006963 TAUGHT JEWELRY MAKING. AND SO AS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, ttVaWRogrAy-00086-00006963-00007377 TAUGHT JEWELRY MAKING. AND SO AS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, WE DID SILVER CASTING, WE DID ttVaWRogrAy-00087-00007377-00007384 AND SO AS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, WE DID SILVER CASTING, WE DID ttVaWRogrAy-00088-00007384-00007540 AND SO AS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, WE DID SILVER CASTING, WE DID SOLDERING, WE DID ALL KINDS OF ttVaWRogrAy-00089-00007540-00007547 WE DID SILVER CASTING, WE DID SOLDERING, WE DID ALL KINDS OF ttVaWRogrAy-00090-00007547-00007711 WE DID SILVER CASTING, WE DID SOLDERING, WE DID ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT JEWELRY TECHNIQUES. ttVaWRogrAy-00091-00007711-00007717 SOLDERING, WE DID ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT JEWELRY TECHNIQUES. ttVaWRogrAy-00092-00007717-00007784 SOLDERING, WE DID ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT JEWELRY TECHNIQUES. >> Shirelle: DEB CONTINUED ttVaWRogrAy-00093-00007784-00007791 DIFFERENT JEWELRY TECHNIQUES. >> Shirelle: DEB CONTINUED ttVaWRogrAy-00094-00007791-00007871 DIFFERENT JEWELRY TECHNIQUES. >> Shirelle: DEB CONTINUED LEARNING DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES IN ttVaWRogrAy-00095-00007871-00007877 >> Shirelle: DEB CONTINUED LEARNING DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES IN ttVaWRogrAy-00096-00007877-00007957 >> Shirelle: DEB CONTINUED LEARNING DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES IN COLLEGE AND EVEN INCORPORATED ttVaWRogrAy-00097-00007957-00007964 LEARNING DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES IN COLLEGE AND EVEN INCORPORATED ttVaWRogrAy-00098-00007964-00008194 LEARNING DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES IN COLLEGE AND EVEN INCORPORATED SOME OF THEM INTO HER OWN ART ttVaWRogrAy-00099-00008194-00008201 COLLEGE AND EVEN INCORPORATED SOME OF THEM INTO HER OWN ART ttVaWRogrAy-00100-00008201-00008228 COLLEGE AND EVEN INCORPORATED SOME OF THEM INTO HER OWN ART CLASSES. ttVaWRogrAy-00101-00008228-00008234 SOME OF THEM INTO HER OWN ART CLASSES. ttVaWRogrAy-00102-00008234-00008448 SOME OF THEM INTO HER OWN ART CLASSES. SHE SAYS ANYONE CAN MAKE AN ttVaWRogrAy-00103-00008448-00008455 CLASSES. SHE SAYS ANYONE CAN MAKE AN ttVaWRogrAy-00104-00008455-00008541 CLASSES. SHE SAYS ANYONE CAN MAKE AN ACCESSORY FROM PREKINDERGARTEN ttVaWRogrAy-00105-00008541-00008548 SHE SAYS ANYONE CAN MAKE AN ACCESSORY FROM PREKINDERGARTEN ttVaWRogrAy-00106-00008548-00008641 SHE SAYS ANYONE CAN MAKE AN ACCESSORY FROM PREKINDERGARTEN TO THE ELDERLY. ttVaWRogrAy-00107-00008641-00008648 ACCESSORY FROM PREKINDERGARTEN TO THE ELDERLY. ttVaWRogrAy-00108-00008648-00008828 ACCESSORY FROM PREKINDERGARTEN TO THE ELDERLY. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS TAP INTO ttVaWRogrAy-00109-00008828-00008835 TO THE ELDERLY. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS TAP INTO ttVaWRogrAy-00110-00008835-00009069 TO THE ELDERLY. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS TAP INTO YOUR CREATIVE MINDSET AND NOT BE ttVaWRogrAy-00111-00009069-00009075 ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS TAP INTO YOUR CREATIVE MINDSET AND NOT BE ttVaWRogrAy-00112-00009075-00009192 ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS TAP INTO YOUR CREATIVE MINDSET AND NOT BE AFRAID TO MAKE MISTAKES. ttVaWRogrAy-00113-00009192-00009199 YOUR CREATIVE MINDSET AND NOT BE AFRAID TO MAKE MISTAKES. ttVaWRogrAy-00114-00009199-00009386 YOUR CREATIVE MINDSET AND NOT BE AFRAID TO MAKE MISTAKES. >> THE BEAUTY OF ANYTHING THAT ttVaWRogrAy-00115-00009386-00009392 AFRAID TO MAKE MISTAKES. >> THE BEAUTY OF ANYTHING THAT ttVaWRogrAy-00116-00009392-00009636 AFRAID TO MAKE MISTAKES. >> THE BEAUTY OF ANYTHING THAT YOU HAND MAKE IS THAT YOU PUT ttVaWRogrAy-00117-00009636-00009642 >> THE BEAUTY OF ANYTHING THAT YOU HAND MAKE IS THAT YOU PUT ttVaWRogrAy-00118-00009642-00010003 >> THE BEAUTY OF ANYTHING THAT YOU HAND MAKE IS THAT YOU PUT YOUR OWN IDEAS AND YOUR OWN ttVaWRogrAy-00119-00010003-00010009 YOU HAND MAKE IS THAT YOU PUT YOUR OWN IDEAS AND YOUR OWN ttVaWRogrAy-00120-00010009-00010280 YOU HAND MAKE IS THAT YOU PUT YOUR OWN IDEAS AND YOUR OWN SELECTIONS AND YOUR OWN ttVaWRogrAy-00121-00010280-00010286 YOUR OWN IDEAS AND YOUR OWN SELECTIONS AND YOUR OWN ttVaWRogrAy-00122-00010286-00010533 YOUR OWN IDEAS AND YOUR OWN SELECTIONS AND YOUR OWN AESTHETICS INTO IT, AND YOU END ttVaWRogrAy-00123-00010533-00010540 SELECTIONS AND YOUR OWN AESTHETICS INTO IT, AND YOU END ttVaWRogrAy-00124-00010540-00010730 SELECTIONS AND YOUR OWN AESTHETICS INTO IT, AND YOU END UP WITH SOMETHING THAT'S VERY, ttVaWRogrAy-00125-00010730-00010737 AESTHETICS INTO IT, AND YOU END UP WITH SOMETHING THAT'S VERY, ttVaWRogrAy-00126-00010737-00010980 AESTHETICS INTO IT, AND YOU END UP WITH SOMETHING THAT'S VERY, VERY MUCH YOU, VERY PERSONAL, ttVaWRogrAy-00127-00010980-00010987 UP WITH SOMETHING THAT'S VERY, VERY MUCH YOU, VERY PERSONAL, ttVaWRogrAy-00128-00010987-00011187 UP WITH SOMETHING THAT'S VERY, VERY MUCH YOU, VERY PERSONAL, AND SOMETIMES IT WORKS AND ttVaWRogrAy-00129-00011187-00011194 VERY MUCH YOU, VERY PERSONAL, AND SOMETIMES IT WORKS AND ttVaWRogrAy-00130-00011194-00011277 VERY MUCH YOU, VERY PERSONAL, AND SOMETIMES IT WORKS AND SOMETIMES IT DOESN'T. ttVaWRogrAy-00131-00011277-00011284 AND SOMETIMES IT WORKS AND SOMETIMES IT DOESN'T. ttVaWRogrAy-00132-00011284-00011391 AND SOMETIMES IT WORKS AND SOMETIMES IT DOESN'T. >> Shirelle: DEB'S CLASS TODAY ttVaWRogrAy-00133-00011391-00011398 SOMETIMES IT DOESN'T. >> Shirelle: DEB'S CLASS TODAY ttVaWRogrAy-00134-00011398-00011524 SOMETIMES IT DOESN'T. >> Shirelle: DEB'S CLASS TODAY MADE A PAIR OF EARRINGS AND A ttVaWRogrAy-00135-00011524-00011531 >> Shirelle: DEB'S CLASS TODAY MADE A PAIR OF EARRINGS AND A ttVaWRogrAy-00136-00011531-00011755 >> Shirelle: DEB'S CLASS TODAY MADE A PAIR OF EARRINGS AND A KHAN AND YOU'LL SEE THAT NONE OF ttVaWRogrAy-00137-00011755-00011761 MADE A PAIR OF EARRINGS AND A KHAN AND YOU'LL SEE THAT NONE OF ttVaWRogrAy-00138-00011761-00011885 MADE A PAIR OF EARRINGS AND A KHAN AND YOU'LL SEE THAT NONE OF THEM LOOK THE SAME. ttVaWRogrAy-00139-00011885-00011891 KHAN AND YOU'LL SEE THAT NONE OF THEM LOOK THE SAME. ttVaWRogrAy-00140-00011891-00011968 KHAN AND YOU'LL SEE THAT NONE OF THEM LOOK THE SAME. NO MATTER WHAT THE EARRINGS LOOK ttVaWRogrAy-00141-00011968-00011975 THEM LOOK THE SAME. NO MATTER WHAT THE EARRINGS LOOK ttVaWRogrAy-00142-00011975-00012098 THEM LOOK THE SAME. NO MATTER WHAT THE EARRINGS LOOK LIKE IN THE END, THE BEST PART ttVaWRogrAy-00143-00012098-00012105 NO MATTER WHAT THE EARRINGS LOOK LIKE IN THE END, THE BEST PART ttVaWRogrAy-00144-00012105-00012242 NO MATTER WHAT THE EARRINGS LOOK LIKE IN THE END, THE BEST PART IS THEY GOT TO BE CREATIVE ttVaWRogrAy-00145-00012242-00012248 LIKE IN THE END, THE BEST PART IS THEY GOT TO BE CREATIVE ttVaWRogrAy-00146-00012248-00012278 LIKE IN THE END, THE BEST PART IS THEY GOT TO BE CREATIVE TOGETHER. ttVaWRogrAy-00147-00012278-00012285 IS THEY GOT TO BE CREATIVE TOGETHER. ttVaWRogrAy-00148-00012285-00012442 IS THEY GOT TO BE CREATIVE TOGETHER. >> THE FURTHER ALONG YOU GET AND ttVaWRogrAy-00149-00012442-00012449 TOGETHER. >> THE FURTHER ALONG YOU GET AND ttVaWRogrAy-00150-00012449-00012709 TOGETHER. >> THE FURTHER ALONG YOU GET AND THE MORE YOU ENJOY DOING IT, ttVaWRogrAy-00151-00012709-00012716 >> THE FURTHER ALONG YOU GET AND THE MORE YOU ENJOY DOING IT, ttVaWRogrAy-00152-00012716-00012979 >> THE FURTHER ALONG YOU GET AND THE MORE YOU ENJOY DOING IT, INVEST IN BEST TOOLS, BUT START ttVaWRogrAy-00153-00012979-00012986 THE MORE YOU ENJOY DOING IT, INVEST IN BEST TOOLS, BUT START ttVaWRogrAy-00154-00012986-00013183 THE MORE YOU ENJOY DOING IT, INVEST IN BEST TOOLS, BUT START SIMPLY WITH A FEW THINGS THAT ttVaWRogrAy-00155-00013183-00013189 INVEST IN BEST TOOLS, BUT START SIMPLY WITH A FEW THINGS THAT ttVaWRogrAy-00156-00013189-00013339 INVEST IN BEST TOOLS, BUT START SIMPLY WITH A FEW THINGS THAT YOU LIKE AND YOU'LL FIND MORE ttVaWRogrAy-00157-00013339-00013346 SIMPLY WITH A FEW THINGS THAT YOU LIKE AND YOU'LL FIND MORE ttVaWRogrAy-00158-00013346-00013493 SIMPLY WITH A FEW THINGS THAT YOU LIKE AND YOU'LL FIND MORE THAT YOU NEED AND FINE A COUPLE ttVaWRogrAy-00159-00013493-00013500 YOU LIKE AND YOU'LL FIND MORE THAT YOU NEED AND FINE A COUPLE ttVaWRogrAy-00160-00013500-00013853 YOU LIKE AND YOU'LL FIND MORE THAT YOU NEED AND FINE A COUPLE OF FRIENDS TO DO IT WITH YOU AND ttVaWRogrAy-00161-00013853-00013860 THAT YOU NEED AND FINE A COUPLE OF FRIENDS TO DO IT WITH YOU AND ttVaWRogrAy-00162-00013860-00013983 THAT YOU NEED AND FINE A COUPLE OF FRIENDS TO DO IT WITH YOU AND FIND GOOD YOUTUBE VIDEOS TO ttVaWRogrAy-00163-00013983-00013990 OF FRIENDS TO DO IT WITH YOU AND FIND GOOD YOUTUBE VIDEOS TO ttVaWRogrAy-00164-00013990-00014130 OF FRIENDS TO DO IT WITH YOU AND FIND GOOD YOUTUBE VIDEOS TO SHARE WITH EACH OTHER AND GOOD ttVaWRogrAy-00165-00014130-00014137 FIND GOOD YOUTUBE VIDEOS TO SHARE WITH EACH OTHER AND GOOD ttVaWRogrAy-00166-00014137-00014234 FIND GOOD YOUTUBE VIDEOS TO SHARE WITH EACH OTHER AND GOOD BOOKS TO SHARE WITH EACH OTHER. tvra0Bb02p4-00000-00000490-00000838 Co-opoly is an easy and fun game to learn and play. tvra0Bb02p4-00001-00000838-00001226 All you need are three to six friends, an hour to an hour and a half of time, and a sense of tvra0Bb02p4-00002-00001226-00001408 humor. tvra0Bb02p4-00003-00001408-00001902 First, unwrap all the cards and place them on the board on their respective spaces. tvra0Bb02p4-00004-00001902-00002317 Be sure to shuffle the Challenge, World, Resource, and Work cards. tvra0Bb02p4-00005-00002317-00002550 The Work cards stay in the box. tvra0Bb02p4-00006-00002550-00003140 Set all the points on their spaces in the Point Bank. Once this is set up, each player takes a tvra0Bb02p4-00007-00003140-00003615 Character card and one sheet of the Player Management Tool. tvra0Bb02p4-00008-00003615-00003971 Players pick names for their characters and then go around the board sharing who they tvra0Bb02p4-00009-00003971-00004071 are. tvra0Bb02p4-00010-00004071-00004491 Once each player has shared, they each take their starting points as labeled on their tvra0Bb02p4-00011-00004491-00004942 Character cards from the Point Bank. tvra0Bb02p4-00012-00004942-00005131 Beginning at the Start of the Year space, tvra0Bb02p4-00013-00005131-00005503 players take turns rolling the die and moving the game piece around the board. tvra0Bb02p4-00014-00005503-00005846 When you stop at a space, pick up the corresponding card and follow the tvra0Bb02p4-00015-00005846-00006345 instructions. tvra0Bb02p4-00016-00006345-00006804 There are four types of cards you will draw throughout the game if you land on their spaces. tvra0Bb02p4-00017-00006804-00007241 World cards positively or negatively affect players or the co-op. tvra0Bb02p4-00018-00007241-00007659 Resource cards are resources your co-op can choose to purchase. tvra0Bb02p4-00019-00007659-00008147 Challenge cards present either major hurdles or big opportunities for your co-op. tvra0Bb02p4-00020-00008147-00008417 Work cards are the way your co-op earns points. tvra0Bb02p4-00021-00008417-00008949 Depending on the card you pick up, you will play a mini game of charades, unspoken, or drawing. tvra0Bb02p4-00022-00008949-00009327 Simple instructions for these games are on the Work Card Legend. Refer to this tvra0Bb02p4-00023-00009327-00009642 legend when you pick up a Work card. tvra0Bb02p4-00024-00009642-00010011 Keep going around the board until you come to a stop sign. There are two of these on the tvra0Bb02p4-00025-00010011-00010472 board and these are your paydays. Each player gets paid their salary, which starts at 12 tvra0Bb02p4-00026-00010472-00010883 points, but can be changed at any time. It’s important to note that you get tvra0Bb02p4-00027-00010883-00011142 paid from the co-op, not the Point Bank. tvra0Bb02p4-00028-00011142-00011578 These spaces, and the End of the Year spaces, are the only places players can tvra0Bb02p4-00029-00011578-00011942 give or get points from each other and their co-op. tvra0Bb02p4-00030-00011942-00012275 When you get to the End of the Year space, it’s not the end of the game. tvra0Bb02p4-00031-00012275-00012621 Just follow the instructions on the board and keep going around. tvra0Bb02p4-00032-00012621-00013072 You lose Co-opoly if either your co-op or one of your players goes bankrupt, so tvra0Bb02p4-00033-00013072-00013415 it’s important to work together to ensure this doesn’t happen. tvra0Bb02p4-00034-00013415-00013797 To win, your co-op needs to start a new co-op in the community using a tvra0Bb02p4-00035-00013797-00013987 specially labeled Challenge card, tvra0Bb02p4-00036-00013987-00014342 which you will draw throughout the course of the game. Ready to play? tvra0Bb02p4-00037-00014342-00014708 Players decide what they want their co-op to be. This can be as specific as a bike tvra0Bb02p4-00038-00014708-00015205 messenger co-op service that offers singing valentines to as simple as a food co-op tvra0Bb02p4-00039-00015205-00015360 —it’s up to all of you. tvra0Bb02p4-00040-00015360-00015816 Each player puts 20 points into the co-op’s coffers to found it, then roll and tvra0Bb02p4-00041-00015816-00016047 begin. txHiNoO3fuo-00000-00000000-00000400 Hello and welcome to this tutorial on php sessions. txHiNoO3fuo-00001-00000500-00000700 Sessions are quiet similar to cookies. txHiNoO3fuo-00002-00000800-00001100 However sessions only have a temporary time - expiry time. txHiNoO3fuo-00003-00001200-00001800 They will be destroyed as soon as the browser is closed - all the connection to the page is lost. txHiNoO3fuo-00004-00001900-00002300 So sessions are not like cookies because you can't set a particular expiry time. txHiNoO3fuo-00005-00002400-00002700 And they are not stored in the same way. txHiNoO3fuo-00006-00002800-00003300 I mean, the "id" of the session can be stored in the cookie. txHiNoO3fuo-00007-00003400-00003900 Or you might have seen in a browser URL something like this. txHiNoO3fuo-00008-00004000-00004600 I don't remember the name - something equals and a lot of numbers and alphabets as well. txHiNoO3fuo-00009-00004700-00004900 So basically sessions are very similar to cookies. txHiNoO3fuo-00010-00005000-00005600 However they are not stored for a long period of time - only until the user closes the browser. txHiNoO3fuo-00011-00005700-00005900 Okay - So sessions are different. txHiNoO3fuo-00012-00006000-00006800 First of all, we need to declare or call this function called 'session_start'. txHiNoO3fuo-00013-00006900-00007300 Now this needs to be at the top of every page that you use sessions in. txHiNoO3fuo-00014-00007400-00008100 So if you don't have this and you are trying to echo out a session value or you're trying to set a session, it won't work. txHiNoO3fuo-00015-00008200-00008300 You need the session start code there. txHiNoO3fuo-00016-00008400-00008900 Now I'll show you the error that comes up when you don't use this so you'll remember it. txHiNoO3fuo-00017-00009000-00009300 Creating a session is very easy. txHiNoO3fuo-00018-00009400-00009900 Use 'dollar underscore session' and in square brackets give the name of the session. txHiNoO3fuo-00019-00010000-00010300 I will type name and equal this value to something. txHiNoO3fuo-00020-00010400-00010700 It could be a string data or the new written data. txHiNoO3fuo-00021-00010800-00010900 Okay so our session is set here. txHiNoO3fuo-00022-00011000-00011200 Lets run this for the first time. txHiNoO3fuo-00023-00011300-00011500 So lets refresh. txHiNoO3fuo-00024-00011600-00011700 Okay nothing has happened. txHiNoO3fuo-00025-00011800-00012000 I'll comment out this code like I did in my 'Cookies' tutorial. txHiNoO3fuo-00026-00012100-00012300 If you haven't seen that please do so. txHiNoO3fuo-00027-00012400-00012700 Next I'll echo out the value of the session that I have set. txHiNoO3fuo-00028-00012800-00013000 So that's 'name'. txHiNoO3fuo-00029-00013100-00013400 Please note that this is not going to be executed. txHiNoO3fuo-00030-00013500-00013800 This will be on a completely new page, for all you know. txHiNoO3fuo-00031-00013900-00014000 But here I'm just starting my session. txHiNoO3fuo-00032-00014100-00014500 I'm getting a session called 'name' that has already been stored by our server. txHiNoO3fuo-00033-00014600-00014800 So lets refresh we can see that is equal to 'Alex'. txHiNoO3fuo-00034-00014900-00015200 So you can add this and this code onto any page. txHiNoO3fuo-00035-00015300-00016300 So you can have your session start and echo your session name onto your page as long as this has been started on any page of the current session of the browser. txHiNoO3fuo-00036-00016400-00016800 So for example if I create a new page, add my php code here and say session start. txHiNoO3fuo-00037-00016900-00017500 And then echo out the session 'name'. txHiNoO3fuo-00038-00017600-00018200 And I'll save this in my sessions folder as new page or new dot php. txHiNoO3fuo-00039-00018300-00018900 So when we come back to our page here and we click here, we type new dot php. txHiNoO3fuo-00040-00019000-00019700 We get exactly the same value, even though we are not working on the same page that we created our session in, we are still able to access it. txHiNoO3fuo-00041-00019800-00020400 However if I was to close my browser and reopen it, this session probably would not exist. txHiNoO3fuo-00042-00020500-00021000 Hope that is clear. Now let me show you what happens if you don't put the session start in. txHiNoO3fuo-00043-00021100-00021200 You get something similar to this. txHiNoO3fuo-00044-00021300-00021500 Lets go back and check it. txHiNoO3fuo-00045-00021600-00022300 What happened here is that we are not getting any output because we haven't started our session. txHiNoO3fuo-00046-00022400-00023000 When we type 'session_start', you can see we get our value as output. txHiNoO3fuo-00047-00023100-00023500 The reason I don't have an output is because I don't have that type of error reporting on. txHiNoO3fuo-00048-00023600-00024500 But if you did have a specific type of error reporting on, I have a tutorial on that as well, then you would probably get an error. txHiNoO3fuo-00049-00024600-00024900 So you can close this now and I'll show you how to 'unset' a session. txHiNoO3fuo-00050-00025000-00025100 There area 2 ways to do this is. txHiNoO3fuo-00051-00025200-00025500 Either unset and then session in brackets to unset our session. txHiNoO3fuo-00052-00025600-00026600 Or use a completely different command altogether and that is 'session_destroy'. txHiNoO3fuo-00053-00026700-00027400 And the difference between these two commands is 'sessions_destroy' will completely destroy sessions that you currently hold. txHiNoO3fuo-00054-00027500-00027900 And 'unset' will unset a particular session. txHiNoO3fuo-00055-00028000-00028500 So its your choice - You can log the user out and say 'session_destroy'. txHiNoO3fuo-00056-00028600-00028900 That would clear all current session variables that you hold at the present time. txHiNoO3fuo-00057-00029000-00029200 Or otherwise you can just 'unset' a specific one. txHiNoO3fuo-00058-00029300-00029400 So what are sessions useful for? txHiNoO3fuo-00059-00029500-00030200 If you've come into a website and see a box like 'Remember me' and you don't check this box, then you would probably be using sessions. txHiNoO3fuo-00060-00030300-00030800 Because once the users' browser has been closed, you would be logged out. txHiNoO3fuo-00061-00030900-00031600 And when you come back to the website you'll have to re-type your details like your user name and password to login to the website. txHiNoO3fuo-00062-00031700-00032900 But its different if you are using cookies because you set an expiry time - which means that your username will be logged in or this cookie will be held until you decide to destroy it. txHiNoO3fuo-00063-00033000-00033400 And we have to create a code to destroy our cookie, like I showed in my 'Cookies' tutorial. txHiNoO3fuo-00064-00033500-00033900 So really its your choice whether you use sessions or cookies. txHiNoO3fuo-00065-00034000-00034800 Sessions are good for short term - Cookies are good for long term - specific amount of time that you want a piece of data to be held. txHiNoO3fuo-00066-00034900-00035500 But if you've gone through my php Project - 'Register and login', you'll see that I use sessions. txHiNoO3fuo-00067-00035600-00035900 This is because I need to use sessions when I'm creating tutorials. txHiNoO3fuo-00068-00036000-00036200 However you can take any form of this. txHiNoO3fuo-00069-00036300-00037000 It could be a cookie, it could be a session, it is really your choice whether you want to keep the user logged in for a long period of time or not. txHiNoO3fuo-00070-00037100-00037500 So if you've got any questions on this, feel free to contact me. txHiNoO3fuo-00071-00037600-00037900 Make sure you subscribe to phpacademy. txHiNoO3fuo-00072-00038000-00038500 Thanks for watching. This is Evan Varkey dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial Project. tA06OHWQtOc-00000-00000000-00000533 And now for your U.S. Army Europe Spotlight Master Sergeant Larry Dean tA06OHWQtOc-00001-00000533-00000963 from the U.S. Army Europe band joined the Brevik Music Corps as a guest soloist tA06OHWQtOc-00002-00000963-00001590 for the 100th anniversary jubilee of the Norwegian community band. Dean played two tA06OHWQtOc-00003-00001590-00002003 trumpet solos and said it felt as if he was getting back to his roots. tA06OHWQtOc-00004-00002003-00002406 "So you're getting the chance to play with a band like this feels very tA06OHWQtOc-00005-00002406-00002889 familiar and I'm having a great time doing it. It's just taking me back a few tA06OHWQtOc-00006-00002889-00003082 years to when I was a child" tA06OHWQtOc-00007-00003162-00003388 Music is the ultimate language that everyone can tA06OHWQtOc-00008-00003397-00003828 share equally and for the members of the Brevik Music Corps, the organizers and the tA06OHWQtOc-00009-00003828-00004286 audience it was an honor to have the U.S. Army Europe soloist play at the Jubilee. tA06OHWQtOc-00010-00004354-00005044 "It is very inspiring for the band here to work with him and we also seen the young tA06OHWQtOc-00011-00005044-00005960 aspirants they are so amused when they've heard him play very professional. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00000-00000010-00000073 TIME TEAM U.S.A. HAS BROUGHT tAgHxlv5Lwu-00001-00000073-00000080 TIME TEAM U.S.A. HAS BROUGHT tAgHxlv5Lwu-00002-00000080-00000670 TIME TEAM U.S.A. HAS BROUGHT HOME OLYMPIC GOLD IN MEN'S tAgHxlv5Lwu-00003-00000670-00000677 HOME OLYMPIC GOLD IN MEN'S tAgHxlv5Lwu-00004-00000677-00000770 HOME OLYMPIC GOLD IN MEN'S CURLING. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00005-00000770-00000777 CURLING. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00006-00000777-00000860 CURLING. DEVELOPMENT CONTINUES TO BE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00007-00000860-00000867 DEVELOPMENT CONTINUES TO BE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00008-00000867-00000940 DEVELOPMENT CONTINUES TO BE UNDERWAY AT THE NISSWA LAKE PARK tAgHxlv5Lwu-00009-00000940-00000947 UNDERWAY AT THE NISSWA LAKE PARK tAgHxlv5Lwu-00010-00000947-00000994 UNDERWAY AT THE NISSWA LAKE PARK AND RECREATION AREA. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00011-00000994-00001000 AND RECREATION AREA. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00012-00001000-00001064 AND RECREATION AREA. SARAH WINKELMANN JOINS US LIVE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00013-00001064-00001071 SARAH WINKELMANN JOINS US LIVE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00014-00001071-00001131 SARAH WINKELMANN JOINS US LIVE IN THE BRAINERD STUDIO WITH tAgHxlv5Lwu-00015-00001131-00001137 IN THE BRAINERD STUDIO WITH tAgHxlv5Lwu-00016-00001137-00001494 IN THE BRAINERD STUDIO WITH AN UPDATE ON THE PROJECT. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00017-00001494-00001501 AN UPDATE ON THE PROJECT. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00018-00001501-00001534 AN UPDATE ON THE PROJECT. SARAH? tAgHxlv5Lwu-00019-00001534-00001541 SARAH? tAgHxlv5Lwu-00020-00001541-00001611 SARAH? >> Sarah: TONIGHT COMMUNITY tAgHxlv5Lwu-00021-00001611-00001618 >> Sarah: TONIGHT COMMUNITY tAgHxlv5Lwu-00022-00001618-00001808 >> Sarah: TONIGHT COMMUNITY MEMBERS GATHERED IN NISSWA TO tAgHxlv5Lwu-00023-00001808-00001815 MEMBERS GATHERED IN NISSWA TO tAgHxlv5Lwu-00024-00001815-00001981 MEMBERS GATHERED IN NISSWA TO CELEBRATE THE WORK THAT'S tAgHxlv5Lwu-00025-00001981-00001988 CELEBRATE THE WORK THAT'S tAgHxlv5Lwu-00026-00001988-00002098 CELEBRATE THE WORK THAT'S ALREADY BEEN DONE AT THE PARK tAgHxlv5Lwu-00027-00002098-00002105 ALREADY BEEN DONE AT THE PARK tAgHxlv5Lwu-00028-00002105-00002512 ALREADY BEEN DONE AT THE PARK AND GET A SNEAK PEEK ON WHAT IS tAgHxlv5Lwu-00029-00002512-00002519 AND GET A SNEAK PEEK ON WHAT IS tAgHxlv5Lwu-00030-00002519-00002799 AND GET A SNEAK PEEK ON WHAT IS STILL TO COME THE IDEA OF THE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00031-00002799-00002806 STILL TO COME THE IDEA OF THE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00032-00002806-00002989 STILL TO COME THE IDEA OF THE NISSWA LAKE PARK WAS PUT INTO tAgHxlv5Lwu-00033-00002989-00002996 NISSWA LAKE PARK WAS PUT INTO tAgHxlv5Lwu-00034-00002996-00003106 NISSWA LAKE PARK WAS PUT INTO ACTION MORE THAN 10 YEARS AGO tAgHxlv5Lwu-00035-00003106-00003113 ACTION MORE THAN 10 YEARS AGO tAgHxlv5Lwu-00036-00003113-00003309 ACTION MORE THAN 10 YEARS AGO WITH THE FRIENDS OF NISSWA LAKE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00037-00003309-00003316 WITH THE FRIENDS OF NISSWA LAKE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00038-00003316-00003339 WITH THE FRIENDS OF NISSWA LAKE PARK. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00039-00003339-00003346 PARK. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00040-00003346-00003523 PARK. AFTER YEARS OF FUND RAISING THE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00041-00003523-00003530 AFTER YEARS OF FUND RAISING THE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00042-00003530-00003683 AFTER YEARS OF FUND RAISING THE GROUP RECEIVED A LARGE DONATION tAgHxlv5Lwu-00043-00003683-00003690 GROUP RECEIVED A LARGE DONATION tAgHxlv5Lwu-00044-00003690-00003960 GROUP RECEIVED A LARGE DONATION TO HELP GAIN MOMENTUM. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00045-00003960-00003967 TO HELP GAIN MOMENTUM. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00046-00003967-00004134 TO HELP GAIN MOMENTUM. >> WE DECIDED TO ACCEPT A tAgHxlv5Lwu-00047-00004134-00004140 >> WE DECIDED TO ACCEPT A tAgHxlv5Lwu-00048-00004140-00004394 >> WE DECIDED TO ACCEPT A DONATION FOR $35,000 TO START tAgHxlv5Lwu-00049-00004394-00004401 DONATION FOR $35,000 TO START tAgHxlv5Lwu-00050-00004401-00004724 DONATION FOR $35,000 TO START THE TRAILS IN THE PARK. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00051-00004724-00004731 THE TRAILS IN THE PARK. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00052-00004731-00004918 THE TRAILS IN THE PARK. >> Sarah: BEHIND THE LARGE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00053-00004918-00004924 >> Sarah: BEHIND THE LARGE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00054-00004924-00005218 >> Sarah: BEHIND THE LARGE DONATION WAS MEMBER WHO WAS tAgHxlv5Lwu-00055-00005218-00005225 DONATION WAS MEMBER WHO WAS tAgHxlv5Lwu-00056-00005225-00005652 DONATION WAS MEMBER WHO WAS RECOGNIZED FOR HER EFFORT. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00057-00005652-00005658 RECOGNIZED FOR HER EFFORT. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00058-00005658-00005782 RECOGNIZED FOR HER EFFORT. ALTHOUGH SHE SAID HER LOVE FOR tAgHxlv5Lwu-00059-00005782-00005789 ALTHOUGH SHE SAID HER LOVE FOR tAgHxlv5Lwu-00060-00005789-00005959 ALTHOUGH SHE SAID HER LOVE FOR THE OUTDOORS MADE HER tAgHxlv5Lwu-00061-00005959-00005965 THE OUTDOORS MADE HER tAgHxlv5Lwu-00062-00005965-00006339 THE OUTDOORS MADE HER CONTRIBUTION A NO-BRAINER. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00063-00006339-00006346 CONTRIBUTION A NO-BRAINER. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00064-00006346-00006516 CONTRIBUTION A NO-BRAINER. BUT SHE DIDN'T STOP THERE AND tAgHxlv5Lwu-00065-00006516-00006523 BUT SHE DIDN'T STOP THERE AND tAgHxlv5Lwu-00066-00006523-00006773 BUT SHE DIDN'T STOP THERE AND MADE AN ADDITIONAL $50,000 tAgHxlv5Lwu-00067-00006773-00006780 MADE AN ADDITIONAL $50,000 tAgHxlv5Lwu-00068-00006780-00006973 MADE AN ADDITIONAL $50,000 DONATION TO BUILD A PICNIC tAgHxlv5Lwu-00069-00006973-00006980 DONATION TO BUILD A PICNIC tAgHxlv5Lwu-00070-00006980-00007130 DONATION TO BUILD A PICNIC SHELTER AT THE PARK. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00071-00007130-00007137 SHELTER AT THE PARK. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00072-00007137-00007340 SHELTER AT THE PARK. >> I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EVEN tAgHxlv5Lwu-00073-00007340-00007347 >> I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EVEN tAgHxlv5Lwu-00074-00007347-00007484 >> I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EVEN DESCRIBE THE GIFT THAT SHE GAVE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00075-00007484-00007490 DESCRIBE THE GIFT THAT SHE GAVE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00076-00007490-00007897 DESCRIBE THE GIFT THAT SHE GAVE TO THE CITY BY DONATING. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00077-00007897-00007904 TO THE CITY BY DONATING. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00078-00007904-00007994 TO THE CITY BY DONATING. >> Sarah: ALREADY UNDERWAY ARE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00079-00007994-00008001 >> Sarah: ALREADY UNDERWAY ARE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00080-00008001-00008381 >> Sarah: ALREADY UNDERWAY ARE THE ADA COMPLIANT TRAILS LEADING tAgHxlv5Lwu-00081-00008381-00008388 THE ADA COMPLIANT TRAILS LEADING tAgHxlv5Lwu-00082-00008388-00008515 THE ADA COMPLIANT TRAILS LEADING NISSWA LAKE INTO DOWNTOWN AND tAgHxlv5Lwu-00083-00008515-00008521 NISSWA LAKE INTO DOWNTOWN AND tAgHxlv5Lwu-00084-00008521-00008668 NISSWA LAKE INTO DOWNTOWN AND THE IN THIS CASE PICK SHELTER. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00085-00008668-00008675 THE IN THIS CASE PICK SHELTER. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00086-00008675-00008838 THE IN THIS CASE PICK SHELTER. >> THINGS ARE ALREADY SHAPING UP tAgHxlv5Lwu-00087-00008838-00008845 >> THINGS ARE ALREADY SHAPING UP tAgHxlv5Lwu-00088-00008845-00008945 >> THINGS ARE ALREADY SHAPING UP OUT THERE. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00089-00008945-00008952 OUT THERE. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00090-00008952-00009069 OUT THERE. >> Sarah: BUT A MAJOR ITEM ON tAgHxlv5Lwu-00091-00009069-00009075 >> Sarah: BUT A MAJOR ITEM ON tAgHxlv5Lwu-00092-00009075-00009255 >> Sarah: BUT A MAJOR ITEM ON THE TO DO LIST IS A CONSTRUCTION tAgHxlv5Lwu-00093-00009255-00009262 THE TO DO LIST IS A CONSTRUCTION tAgHxlv5Lwu-00094-00009262-00009499 THE TO DO LIST IS A CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW DOCK SYSTEM FOR PEOPLE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00095-00009499-00009506 OF A NEW DOCK SYSTEM FOR PEOPLE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00096-00009506-00009656 OF A NEW DOCK SYSTEM FOR PEOPLE TO TIE UP THEIR BOATS AND HEAD tAgHxlv5Lwu-00097-00009656-00009662 TO TIE UP THEIR BOATS AND HEAD tAgHxlv5Lwu-00098-00009662-00009823 TO TIE UP THEIR BOATS AND HEAD TO THE CITY OF NISSWA. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00099-00009823-00009829 TO THE CITY OF NISSWA. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00100-00009829-00010073 TO THE CITY OF NISSWA. >> ONE THING THAT NISSWA HAS tAgHxlv5Lwu-00101-00010073-00010080 >> ONE THING THAT NISSWA HAS tAgHxlv5Lwu-00102-00010080-00010256 >> ONE THING THAT NISSWA HAS ALWAYS LACKED WAS ACCESS TO tAgHxlv5Lwu-00103-00010256-00010263 ALWAYS LACKED WAS ACCESS TO tAgHxlv5Lwu-00104-00010263-00010286 ALWAYS LACKED WAS ACCESS TO WATER. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00105-00010286-00010293 WATER. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00106-00010293-00010687 WATER. WE ARE SO CLOSE TO IT, AND IT tAgHxlv5Lwu-00107-00010687-00010694 WE ARE SO CLOSE TO IT, AND IT tAgHxlv5Lwu-00108-00010694-00010900 WE ARE SO CLOSE TO IT, AND IT ENCAPSULATES EVERYTHING WE DO. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00109-00010900-00010907 ENCAPSULATES EVERYTHING WE DO. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00110-00010907-00011017 ENCAPSULATES EVERYTHING WE DO. >> Sarah: ALSO IN THE FUTURE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00111-00011017-00011024 >> Sarah: ALSO IN THE FUTURE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00112-00011024-00011194 >> Sarah: ALSO IN THE FUTURE PLANS IS THE ADDITION OF A tAgHxlv5Lwu-00113-00011194-00011201 PLANS IS THE ADDITION OF A tAgHxlv5Lwu-00114-00011201-00011367 PLANS IS THE ADDITION OF A BOARDWALK ALONG THE WATERFRONT. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00115-00011367-00011374 BOARDWALK ALONG THE WATERFRONT. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00116-00011374-00011511 BOARDWALK ALONG THE WATERFRONT. >> THE VALUE OF THIS PARK AND tAgHxlv5Lwu-00117-00011511-00011518 >> THE VALUE OF THIS PARK AND tAgHxlv5Lwu-00118-00011518-00011928 >> THE VALUE OF THIS PARK AND SEEING WHAT IT'S CAPABLE OF. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00119-00011928-00011935 SEEING WHAT IT'S CAPABLE OF. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00120-00011935-00012065 SEEING WHAT IT'S CAPABLE OF. >> Sarah: HAS FOR MILLIE SHE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00121-00012065-00012072 >> Sarah: HAS FOR MILLIE SHE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00122-00012072-00012308 >> Sarah: HAS FOR MILLIE SHE CAN'T WAIT TO WARM UP AND ENJOY tAgHxlv5Lwu-00123-00012308-00012315 CAN'T WAIT TO WARM UP AND ENJOY tAgHxlv5Lwu-00124-00012315-00012575 CAN'T WAIT TO WARM UP AND ENJOY A PICNIC AT THE NEW PARK. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00125-00012575-00012582 A PICNIC AT THE NEW PARK. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00126-00012582-00012772 A PICNIC AT THE NEW PARK. >> SOMETHING I ENJOY. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00127-00012772-00012779 >> SOMETHING I ENJOY. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00128-00012779-00013056 >> SOMETHING I ENJOY. >> Sarah: AND A NEW PARK BUILT tAgHxlv5Lwu-00129-00013056-00013063 >> Sarah: AND A NEW PARK BUILT tAgHxlv5Lwu-00130-00013063-00013256 >> Sarah: AND A NEW PARK BUILT FOR TOURISTS AND LOCALS ALIKE. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00131-00013256-00013263 FOR TOURISTS AND LOCALS ALIKE. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00132-00013263-00013443 FOR TOURISTS AND LOCALS ALIKE. >> THE PARK IS A RESULT OF MANY, tAgHxlv5Lwu-00133-00013443-00013450 >> THE PARK IS A RESULT OF MANY, tAgHxlv5Lwu-00134-00013450-00013693 >> THE PARK IS A RESULT OF MANY, MANY PEOPLE OVER THE YEARS tAgHxlv5Lwu-00135-00013693-00013700 MANY PEOPLE OVER THE YEARS tAgHxlv5Lwu-00136-00013700-00014010 MANY PEOPLE OVER THE YEARS SEEING A VISION FOR CREATING A tAgHxlv5Lwu-00137-00014010-00014017 SEEING A VISION FOR CREATING A tAgHxlv5Lwu-00138-00014017-00014481 SEEING A VISION FOR CREATING A LEGACY FOR OUR FUTURE. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00139-00014481-00014487 LEGACY FOR OUR FUTURE. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00140-00014487-00014561 LEGACY FOR OUR FUTURE. >> Sarah: THE GOAL IS TO HAVE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00141-00014561-00014567 >> Sarah: THE GOAL IS TO HAVE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00142-00014567-00014841 >> Sarah: THE GOAL IS TO HAVE THE TRAIL, PAVILION AND OTHER tAgHxlv5Lwu-00143-00014841-00014848 THE TRAIL, PAVILION AND OTHER tAgHxlv5Lwu-00144-00014848-00015055 THE TRAIL, PAVILION AND OTHER PICNIC AREAS READY TO GO BY THE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00145-00015055-00015061 PICNIC AREAS READY TO GO BY THE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00146-00015061-00015321 PICNIC AREAS READY TO GO BY THE FOURTH OF JULY. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00147-00015321-00015328 FOURTH OF JULY. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00148-00015328-00015385 FOURTH OF JULY. THE OTHER PROJECT WILL BE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00149-00015385-00015391 THE OTHER PROJECT WILL BE tAgHxlv5Lwu-00150-00015391-00015458 THE OTHER PROJECT WILL BE COMPLETED AS THE FUNDS COME IN tAgHxlv5Lwu-00151-00015458-00015465 COMPLETED AS THE FUNDS COME IN tAgHxlv5Lwu-00152-00015465-00015752 COMPLETED AS THE FUNDS COME IN OVER THE NEXT FEW YEARS. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00153-00015752-00015759 OVER THE NEXT FEW YEARS. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00154-00015759-00015785 OVER THE NEXT FEW YEARS. DENNIS? tAgHxlv5Lwu-00155-00015785-00015792 DENNIS? tAgHxlv5Lwu-00156-00015792-00015902 DENNIS? >> Dennis: THANK YOU VERY MUCH. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00157-00015902-00015909 >> Dennis: THANK YOU VERY MUCH. tAgHxlv5Lwu-00158-00015909-00016062 >> Dennis: THANK YOU VERY MUCH. INFORMATION ON HOW TO MAKE A tAgHxlv5Lwu-00159-00016062-00016069 INFORMATION ON HOW TO MAKE A tAgHxlv5Lwu-00160-00016069-00016182 INFORMATION ON HOW TO MAKE A DONATION FOR THE PARK CAN BE tDofpxem1xo-00000-00003500-00003700 hey guys. tDofpxem1xo-00001-00003700-00004000 there are lots of grave in that place today. tDofpxem1xo-00002-00004000-00004200 see that? it's all grave. tDofpxem1xo-00003-00004900-00005100 and there's a story. tDofpxem1xo-00004-00005400-00005600 that building far away. tDofpxem1xo-00005-00005700-00006000 it's short. tDofpxem1xo-00006-00006000-00006400 there are one old married couple lived in this place. tDofpxem1xo-00007-00006400-00006800 husband was passed away and after then, his old wife was died after her husband's death. tDofpxem1xo-00008-00006800-00007200 and that house they were living was abandoned, tDofpxem1xo-00009-00007200-00007600 after that time, someone see and felt like someone is living in this house. tDofpxem1xo-00010-00009500-00009700 hello? tDofpxem1xo-00011-00009800-00010000 excuse me? no one here? tDofpxem1xo-00012-00014300-00014600 lots of dust, but still clean. tDofpxem1xo-00013-00016400-00017000 can't turn on the light, tDofpxem1xo-00014-00023800-00024200 what the hell... as soon as micol got in, phnomenon was happened! tDofpxem1xo-00015-00025400-00025600 what the hell is happening here? tDofpxem1xo-00016-00025800-00026000 reaction is....? tDofpxem1xo-00017-00026300-00026600 suddenly the light turned on! tDofpxem1xo-00018-00027000-00027200 hey... wait. who are you? tDofpxem1xo-00019-00028100-00028300 (there's no one in front of light) tDofpxem1xo-00020-00028500-00028800 suddenlt black out! tDofpxem1xo-00021-00029600-00029800 hey guys, it says something to me. tDofpxem1xo-00022-00030400-00030600 could you please say that again? tDofpxem1xo-00023-00032800-00033200 voice is quite younger than me? tDofpxem1xo-00024-00036300-00036500 i will gonna open this. tDofpxem1xo-00025-00039200-00039600 still so clean even though it's abandoned... tDofpxem1xo-00026-00040600-00041000 micol doesn't notice it, but remote control was moved. tDofpxem1xo-00027-00043000-00043200 wait... tDofpxem1xo-00028-00043300-00043600 are you other spirit? right? tDofpxem1xo-00029-00045800-00046100 don't go away, i wanna hear your story. tDofpxem1xo-00030-00046100-00046200 thank you tDofpxem1xo-00031-00049600-00049800 that's not alone. tDofpxem1xo-00032-00050600-00051000 maybe it's just happening? tDofpxem1xo-00033-00052500-00053000 it keep moving, okay. i'll gonna get in. tDofpxem1xo-00034-00053000-00053200 it's not like evil. tDofpxem1xo-00035-00063000-00063200 are you in there? tDofpxem1xo-00036-00066400-00066700 micol kept staring at some point tDofpxem1xo-00037-00066700-00067000 what he is staring at? tDofpxem1xo-00038-00067500-00067800 micol heading to somewhere as if he decided something tDofpxem1xo-00039-00069100-00069400 what the f***... i didn't mean to do this tDofpxem1xo-00040-00071800-00072000 it's mistake. i didn't mean it tDofpxem1xo-00041-00073000-00073200 wait you there? tDofpxem1xo-00042-00073900-00074200 see that window?! left side? tDofpxem1xo-00043-00074500-00074800 left side! tDofpxem1xo-00044-00075700-00076000 the figure of one woman who look pale tDofpxem1xo-00045-00076900-00077200 micol doing clean what he messed up tDofpxem1xo-00046-00079500-00080000 when he got out from that house, he thought... tDofpxem1xo-00047-00080000-00080300 this place definitely has something weird. tDofpxem1xo-00048-00080500-00080800 he checked everything he can do. tDofpxem1xo-00049-00080800-00081000 this is f***ing mystery. tDofpxem1xo-00050-00081500-00081700 i checked all the things. tDofpxem1xo-00051-00081800-00082200 i shouldn't have handled that things in that haunted house. tDofpxem1xo-00052-00082600-00082800 don't you think guys? tE2fyogQy20-00000-00000000-00000503 Applications for Turkish scholarship started today tE2fyogQy20-00001-00000503-00000999 Application will continue till 20 February 2021 tE2fyogQy20-00002-00000999-00001476 In previous video, we discussed what is Turkish scholarship and its benifits? tE2fyogQy20-00003-00001476-00001776 Today i will show you how to apply. tE2fyogQy20-00004-00001776-00002176 Let's go to computer screen tE7yPbLha1E-00000-00000000-00000185 (Rou, waiting for Yongji) tE7yPbLha1E-00001-00000215-00000382 - Yep, excuse me. tE7yPbLha1E-00002-00000418-00000585 - I'll sit here, Rou. tE7yPbLha1E-00003-00000585-00000835 (Baffled Rou) tE7yPbLha1E-00004-00000835-00001146 - Hello, everyone. This is Kim, Yongji, the actress. tE7yPbLha1E-00005-00001146-00001706 - Today, I'll have some time to introduce ten things that I like. tE7yPbLha1E-00006-00001706-00001836 - Let me start the introducing. tE7yPbLha1E-00007-00002480-00002657 - First thing that Yongji likes tE7yPbLha1E-00008-00002657-00002814 Her pets, Rou&Rai - KimRou, Chu. tE7yPbLha1E-00009-00002814-00002864 Her pets, Rou&Rai (Peek-a-boo) tE7yPbLha1E-00010-00002864-00002948 (Peek-a-boo) Name: KimRou Gender: Female tE7yPbLha1E-00011-00002994-00003131 Name: KimRou Gender: Female - This is my 'Rou' tE7yPbLha1E-00012-00003131-00003291 - Rai, come here. tE7yPbLha1E-00013-00003291-00003431 (Highest level on dealing with Rai) - Who wants to eat this? tE7yPbLha1E-00014-00003431-00003535 (Highest level on dealing with Rai) Nomnomnomnom tE7yPbLha1E-00015-00003535-00003775 - Come here x2 tE7yPbLha1E-00016-00003775-00004049 - Rai never comes when I want, as you can see here. tE7yPbLha1E-00017-00004049-00004123 - He only comes when he wants. tE7yPbLha1E-00018-00004125-00004185 Sad / Sad - He only comes when he wants. tE7yPbLha1E-00019-00004185-00004626 (Took him forcefully at last.) tE7yPbLha1E-00020-00004626-00004799 - Meet 'Rai' here. tE7yPbLha1E-00021-00004829-00005023 - They are my pet dogs. tE7yPbLha1E-00022-00005023-00005163 Name: KimRai Gender: Male - He is a boy, tE7yPbLha1E-00023-00005163-00005310 (Pushing and pulling) Name: KimRai Gender: Male - He is a boy. tE7yPbLha1E-00024-00005310-00005463 Name: KimRai Gender: Male - Rou is a girl. tE7yPbLha1E-00025-00005463-00005597 (Baffled) - This is it. tE7yPbLha1E-00026-00005597-00005647 (Baffled) tE7yPbLha1E-00027-00005647-00005740 (Baffled) - You can go now. tE7yPbLha1E-00028-00005914-00006308 <Friends> - Second thing is <Friends>, an American sitcom. tE7yPbLha1E-00029-00006308-00007025 - I watched <Friends> from head to toe about five times since I was a high school student. tE7yPbLha1E-00030-00007025-00007195 The legendary sitcom made Yongji watch it five times - I watched <Friends> from head to toe about five times since I was a high school student. tE7yPbLha1E-00031-00007195-00007345 Legendary sitcom - I really like that show. tE7yPbLha1E-00032-00007345-00007592 - My favorite character is tE7yPbLha1E-00033-00007592-00007739 ♥Chandler♥ - Chandler. tE7yPbLha1E-00034-00007739-00008069 - Do you agree? Fellow Friends diggers? tE7yPbLha1E-00035-00008069-00008290 - My favorite episode is tE7yPbLha1E-00036-00008376-00008657 - but if you haven't see this show, tE7yPbLha1E-00037-00008657-00008783 - this could be a spoiler. tE7yPbLha1E-00038-00008830-00009037 - Maybe it is to big spoiler. tE7yPbLha1E-00039-00009037-00009421 - Between one of the other character of that show and Chandler tE7yPbLha1E-00040-00009421-00009594 (wit) / (wit) tE7yPbLha1E-00041-00009594-00009801 - is about to start a relationship. tE7yPbLha1E-00042-00009801-00010225 - And there is a stumbling story tE7yPbLha1E-00043-00010225-00010418 - trying to propose to that character tE7yPbLha1E-00044-00010452-00010555 - It's very hilarious. tE7yPbLha1E-00045-00010555-00010705 - Next is tE7yPbLha1E-00046-00010822-00010946 - Note app tE7yPbLha1E-00047-00010946-00011272 Note app - I use the Note app in iPhone quite well. tE7yPbLha1E-00048-00011272-00011573 - If I have a long waiting time at the studio, tE7yPbLha1E-00049-00011573-00012093 - I write down something I want to talk about, and also tE7yPbLha1E-00050-00012093-00012294 - I like doing that tE7yPbLha1E-00051-00012393-00012517 - Like this, and that too. tE7yPbLha1E-00052-00012517-00012654 - It's pretty much a volume, isn't it? tE7yPbLha1E-00053-00012654-00012764 - And next tE7yPbLha1E-00054-00012807-00012994 Oil - Ta-da~! tE7yPbLha1E-00055-00012994-00013515 - My favorite Eucalyptus oil tE7yPbLha1E-00056-00013515-00013855 - the Cheer up Buttercup. tE7yPbLha1E-00057-00013855-00014509 - It contains various kinds of oil like lemon, orange, and grapefruit oil. tE7yPbLha1E-00058-00014509-00014659 - Smell this fresh oil tE7yPbLha1E-00059-00014759-00014936 - when you wake up in the morning tE7yPbLha1E-00060-00014936-00015040 - Why is nobody coming? tE7yPbLha1E-00061-00015066-00015126 Come on! tE7yPbLha1E-00062-00015153-00015236 (It really is good) tE7yPbLha1E-00063-00015637-00015814 Watch - I like watches. tE7yPbLha1E-00064-00015814-00016204 - I prefer quartz watches than automatic watches. tE7yPbLha1E-00065-00016204-00016681 (In the zone, with the watch) - Among these, my favorite one is tE7yPbLha1E-00066-00016681-00016851 - this watch. tE7yPbLha1E-00067-00016851-00017212 - I think this is the first watch I bought. tE7yPbLha1E-00068-00017212-00017499 - The date is not even right. only the time is right. tE7yPbLha1E-00069-00017499-00017826 - Anyway, this is my favorite. I really like watches. tE7yPbLha1E-00070-00017826-00018036 - Next one is actually tE7yPbLha1E-00071-00018036-00018436 - two of my favorites but I have to bind them together. tE7yPbLha1E-00072-00018436-00018600 - The puer tea. The puer tea tE7yPbLha1E-00073-00018643-00018947 - I was told never store this in a place like this tE7yPbLha1E-00074-00018947-00019044 (Suddenly being peaceful) tE7yPbLha1E-00075-00019130-00019394 - I don't have that much enthusiasm tE7yPbLha1E-00076-00019477-00019704 - My friend gave this (puer tea) on my birthday this year tE7yPbLha1E-00077-00019704-00020135 - because I really like the Oopak, the black tea. tE7yPbLha1E-00078-00020135-00020271 - if you drink it in a hot water tE7yPbLha1E-00079-00020271-00020448 - it's like drinking dirt tE7yPbLha1E-00080-00020448-00020585 - It's that kind of tea. tE7yPbLha1E-00081-00020585-00021246 Whiskey - This is a whiskey named Octomore Scottish Barley tE7yPbLha1E-00082-00021246-00021413 - I like this whiskey. tE7yPbLha1E-00083-00021413-00021486 - The flavor is tE7yPbLha1E-00084-00021730-00021796 - Yes. tE7yPbLha1E-00085-00021796-00022277 - This is a very peat and strong whiskey. tE7yPbLha1E-00086-00022277-00022454 - Thier harmony is like tE7yPbLha1E-00087-00022580-00022881 - drinking alcohole while sobering from it simultaneously. tE7yPbLha1E-00088-00022881-00023038 - It's really really good. I definately recommend it. tE7yPbLha1E-00089-00023038-00023458 Hot tea + Cold whiskey - Harmony of drinking hot tea and cold whiskey together tE7yPbLha1E-00090-00023458-00023555 - Definately. tE7yPbLha1E-00091-00023715-00023825 Thumbs up tE7yPbLha1E-00092-00023825-00024052 - What else would there be, what do I like? tE7yPbLha1E-00093-00024085-00024152 (Stops) tE7yPbLha1E-00094-00024152-00024262 (Keeping inner peace) tE7yPbLha1E-00095-00024262-00024416 (Nice) - Teachers~ tE7yPbLha1E-00096-00024416-00024492 - Silence tE7yPbLha1E-00097-00024492-00024629 - Silent (About-turn) tE7yPbLha1E-00098-00024629-00025230 Artworks - I like to visit exhibitions and pictures. tE7yPbLha1E-00099-00025230-00025390 - So I just said "pictures" tE7yPbLha1E-00100-00025390-00025957 - But I think "Artworks" is more appropriate word than "Pictures", actually. tE7yPbLha1E-00101-00025957-00026368 - I am astonished when I see the agonies in all the artworks tE7yPbLha1E-00102-00026368-00026584 - I really appreciate artworks. tE7yPbLha1E-00103-00026584-00026935 My favorite song? tE7yPbLha1E-00104-00026935-00027128 - Carols tE7yPbLha1E-00105-00027128-00027275 I love them. tE7yPbLha1E-00106-00027275-00027485 - I love carols. tE7yPbLha1E-00107-00027485-00027809 - Chirstmas is my favorite holiday. tE7yPbLha1E-00108-00027809-00028086 - I already start to sing carols in November tE7yPbLha1E-00109-00028086-00028276 - I think I like Chirstmas even more than my own birthday tE7yPbLha1E-00110-00028310-00028456 - Let's see, let's see~ tE7yPbLha1E-00111-00028570-00028757 -Nat Cole King tE7yPbLha1E-00112-00028823-00029194 - When I listen to this song, it's like there is a fireplace around tE7yPbLha1E-00113-00029194-00029511 - and also a Christmas tree in my house. tE7yPbLha1E-00114-00029511-00029614 I like the Christmas tree. tE7yPbLha1E-00115-00029614-00029711 - Next tE7yPbLha1E-00116-00029711-00029878 - Traning clothes in a set tE7yPbLha1E-00117-00029914-00030058 Traning clothes in a set - Ta-da~! tE7yPbLha1E-00118-00030058-00030238 - My routine is like tE7yPbLha1E-00119-00030238-00030345 - Studio? tE7yPbLha1E-00120-00030345-00030442 - Walking my dog? tE7yPbLha1E-00121-00030442-00030555 - Or playing tennis. tE7yPbLha1E-00122-00030722-00030979 - Oh, I didn't count tennis in the list. tE7yPbLha1E-00123-00030979-00031086 -(Gosh x 4) I must lost my mind. tE7yPbLha1E-00124-00031292-00031466 - Anyway, when I play tennis, tE7yPbLha1E-00125-00031466-00031593 - this is the best to wear. tE7yPbLha1E-00126-00031790-00031916 - I can go out like this tE7yPbLha1E-00127-00031916-00032277 - I can also be natural. tE7yPbLha1E-00128-00032330-00032707 - So far, I've explained about tE7yPbLha1E-00129-00032707-00033134 - ten things that I like, out of turn. tE7yPbLha1E-00130-00033134-00033678 - I think it would be great to see somebody like things that I like. tE7yPbLha1E-00131-00033678-00034049 - So far, it was 〈MY 10 FAVORITES〉 tE7yPbLha1E-00132-00034049-00034592 - Hope you expect and see Marie Claire December a lot. tE7yPbLha1E-00133-00034666-00034833 editor : Gang, Yesol hair : Kim, Jihye styling : Gong, Seongwon makeup : Choi, Suil video : Park, Sujin, Byeon, Yongju deseign : Lee, Yunjae tE7yPbLha1E-00134-00034833-00035487 See more videos on Marie Claire Korea channel! tFf2eDGJNtQ-00000-00000320-00000590 This is my first time travel outside of London tFf2eDGJNtQ-00001-00000590-00000836 And the destination is Cambridge tFf2eDGJNtQ-00002-00000880-00001340 And in this trip, I have some new companions tFf2eDGJNtQ-00003-00001473-00001783 Our plan for this trip were turned up side down tFf2eDGJNtQ-00004-00001816-00002163 Places we want to viste was all closed tFf2eDGJNtQ-00005-00002163-00002636 But, Cambridge is still so pretty that all of that doesn't mean anything. tFf2eDGJNtQ-00006-00002896-00003410 It takes about 2-3 hours to go around the city tFf2eDGJNtQ-00007-00003410-00003773 and admire the poetic ancient architecture of this city tFf2eDGJNtQ-00008-00003779-00004079 Cambridge has it own energy tFf2eDGJNtQ-00009-00004090-00004446 This city is full of "quality" universiy tFf2eDGJNtQ-00010-00004453-00004653 And hard working students tFf2eDGJNtQ-00011-00005690-00005930 I went to two Museum in Cambridge tFf2eDGJNtQ-00012-00005943-00006230 Going to a museum in England shows clearly a time of empire tFf2eDGJNtQ-00013-00006236-00006443 where the sun never set tFf2eDGJNtQ-00014-00006470-00006670 You can notice that tFf2eDGJNtQ-00015-00006690-00007253 All the arts are mainly antiques of colonized countries tFf2eDGJNtQ-00016-00008820-00009273 There must be a reason why this city attracts so many tourists tFf2eDGJNtQ-00017-00009276-00009733 Unfortunately, the student was having a graduation ceremony tFf2eDGJNtQ-00018-00009746-00010153 or because of the restriction due to covid, I couldn't enter the universities tFf2eDGJNtQ-00019-00010166-00010586 However, walking on the streets is already enchanting enough tFf2eDGJNtQ-00020-00010586-00010876 I felt like I was in Harry Potter movies tFf2eDGJNtQ-00021-00010876-00011300 Or lost in 17-18 centuries tFf2eDGJNtQ-00022-00011370-00011813 FYI, Cambridge is in the top 5 of the best universities tFf2eDGJNtQ-00023-00012353-00013136 I was so focused on wandering that I lost my friends tFf2eDGJNtQ-00024-00013169-00013573 It was a bit of a pity that we couldn't take the "Punting" tFf2eDGJNtQ-00025-00013580-00013933 You have to book in advance to have a good price and hours tFf2eDGJNtQ-00026-00013940-00014250 But it only takes 1 hour from London to get here, tFf2eDGJNtQ-00027-00014253-00014700 so I'll definitely be back to go all the universities and then try the Punting tFf2eDGJNtQ-00028-00014946-00015493 The weather was stunning but also really cold tFf2eDGJNtQ-00029-00015516-00015796 I love looking at street corners. tFf2eDGJNtQ-00030-00015796-00016113 Look how people enjoyed their weekend. tFf2eDGJNtQ-00031-00017476-00017963 The last points I visited Cambridge were the Apple Tree that fell on Newton's head tFf2eDGJNtQ-00032-00017973-00018173 This is the starting point tFf2eDGJNtQ-00033-00018183-00018390 to help Newton find and develop the law of gravitation tFf2eDGJNtQ-00034-00018396-00018710 to a subject everyone loves, Physics!!!! tFf2eDGJNtQ-00035-00018800-00019293 I waited until sunset, then climbed to the top of St Mary's Church tFf2eDGJNtQ-00036-00019303-00019713 Built in the 15th century right in the heart of Cambridge. tFf2eDGJNtQ-00037-00019773-00020053 Totally worth it!! tFf2eDGJNtQ-00038-00020056-00020550 From above, I can see all four corners of Cambridge tFf2eDGJNtQ-00039-00021096-00021356 When I walked back to the street, tFf2eDGJNtQ-00040-00021356-00021556 the students attending the graduation ceremony tFf2eDGJNtQ-00041-00021556-00022050 rushed to the street, hugged each other, took pictures with their loved ones tFf2eDGJNtQ-00042-00022536-00022906 And we said goodbye to this city by 2 times running our ass out :) tFf2eDGJNtQ-00043-00022906-00023030 once to chase the bus tFf2eDGJNtQ-00044-00023030-00023226 once to run to catch the train.... tFf2eDGJNtQ-00045-00023226-00023426 exhausted but a lot of fun tho tFf2eDGJNtQ-00046-00023470-00023936 I'll definitely go back to Cambridge to try Punting. tFf2eDGJNtQ-00047-00023936-00024383 Looking forward to come back in a warm, sunny day of spring tLc2jVoRp4u-00000-00001966-00002377 This is the end of the world tLc2jVoRp4u-00001-00002377-00002971 Hope you have packed your bags tLc2jVoRp4u-00002-00002971-00003201 Tomorrow can wait tLc2jVoRp4u-00003-00003201-00003460 It's never too late tLc2jVoRp4u-00004-00003460-00003683 I hope it's not late tLc2jVoRp4u-00005-00003683-00004000 I hope we can stay tLc2jVoRp4u-00006-00004000-00004217 2019 tLc2jVoRp4u-00007-00004217-00004452 2018 tLc2jVoRp4u-00008-00004452-00004694 2000 "why me"s tLc2jVoRp4u-00009-00004694-00004939 2000 daydreams tLc2jVoRp4u-00010-00004942-00005162 2000 stale seas tLc2jVoRp4u-00011-00005162-00005438 2000 mail meals tLc2jVoRp4u-00012-00005860-00006340 According to facts there has to be two thousands tLc2jVoRp4u-00013-00006340-00006935 I know this because I have an accountant tLc2jVoRp4u-00014-00007791-00007938 Please don't believe it, tLc2jVoRp4u-00015-00007938-00008156 Don't just take it how you see it tLc2jVoRp4u-00016-00008156-00008399 And please don't believe me tLc2jVoRp4u-00017-00008399-00008684 I'm not talking clearly tLc2jVoRp4u-00018-00008684-00008931 Please won't you hear me tLc2jVoRp4u-00019-00008931-00009211 Please won't you hear me tLc2jVoRp4u-00020-00009211-00009566 Hear me tLc2jVoRp4u-00021-00011581-00011852 Hope is up to you tLc2jVoRp4u-00022-00011852-00012397 To sweep under the carpet tLc2jVoRp4u-00023-00012397-00012881 And whether or not hope sells tMvaR0N6MII-00000-00002321-00002796 what's up everybody this is easy easy gaming a little delayed explosion I tMvaR0N6MII-00001-00002796-00003468 thank you bring you by new Brutal Age video going back to the partner guide tMvaR0N6MII-00002-00003468-00004022 this is on the on the bore just so everyone knows on the bottom of the tMvaR0N6MII-00003-00004022-00004641 screen you're gonna see a black bar that's we are now subtitling in like ten tMvaR0N6MII-00004-00004641-00004994 languages so until I figure out how to do this right tMvaR0N6MII-00005-00004994-00005294 there'd be a little black bar in the bottom trying to make it a little easier tMvaR0N6MII-00006-00005294-00006062 for people to have to read start right off red Boar finally get into some good tMvaR0N6MII-00007-00006062-00006690 partners I think Boar is one of the is a one of the most important partners tMvaR0N6MII-00008-00006690-00007230 especially starting out one of the first tanks that you're gonna get red boar for tMvaR0N6MII-00009-00007230-00007767 the Legion skill he has the restraint Legion skill which means that he will tMvaR0N6MII-00010-00007767-00008271 lower the opponent's morale if he lives at the end of the partner battle tMvaR0N6MII-00011-00008271-00008682 remember of doing every player versus player battle your partner's battle it tMvaR0N6MII-00012-00008682-00009035 up first don't forget to bring partners to all your player versus player battles tMvaR0N6MII-00013-00009035-00009528 once the once the partners do their battle then the stats will go on to the tMvaR0N6MII-00014-00009528-00010136 actual army fights first skill will go into all the skills of each of the tMvaR0N6MII-00015-00010136-00010470 partners and then will go into the war patterns first skill is push up all tMvaR0N6MII-00016-00010470-00010767 three of them have the first skill I'll get into that a little more on the on tMvaR0N6MII-00017-00010767-00011261 the next one cuz we're already past it second skill brutal collision this is an tMvaR0N6MII-00018-00011261-00011846 attack all so first skill is an attack single a single target the second skill tMvaR0N6MII-00019-00011846-00012403 is a brutal collision that's an attack all now remember the boar is a defense tMvaR0N6MII-00020-00012403-00013094 orientated partner so his his attacks aren't based on his attack stats they're tMvaR0N6MII-00021-00013094-00013469 based on his defense stats we're gonna try to get his defense up as high as tMvaR0N6MII-00022-00013469-00013956 possible that will get his attacks up higher third skill is the thick skin tMvaR0N6MII-00023-00013956-00014585 this is a defensive type posture tMvaR0N6MII-00024-00014606-00015318 when he uses the thick skin I believe he takes half damage so it'll be twice as tMvaR0N6MII-00025-00015318-00016004 hard to kill him I'm ranking him third out of the three boar. tMvaR0N6MII-00026-00016004-00016500 he does great single target damage does a lot of single target tMvaR0N6MII-00027-00016500-00016934 damage especially once you get him up to the max level but the other two tMvaR0N6MII-00028-00016934-00017306 poor just had they could you'll see why I think he's third they were both gonna tMvaR0N6MII-00029-00017306-00018035 edged him out a little bit no leader skill at all the boars are one of the tMvaR0N6MII-00030-00018035-00018648 unusual partners there's no leader skill on two and three maybe at the fourth tMvaR0N6MII-00031-00018648-00018981 awakening we haven't gotten to the fourth awakenings yet we've just got the tMvaR0N6MII-00032-00018981-00019565 third awakening on three more partners yesterday including the bread drum so or tMvaR0N6MII-00033-00019565-00021116 the drummer from beater she's moving on Blue Boar he's prime time partner when tMvaR0N6MII-00034-00021116-00021375 you're first starting out you have to have the Blue Boar if you're just tMvaR0N6MII-00035-00021375-00021932 starting Blue Boar is you have to keep him you use other boars to upgrade them tMvaR0N6MII-00036-00021932-00022766 get his skill maxed out he's an inspire his legion skills tMvaR0N6MII-00037-00022766-00023666 inspire so if the blue boar survives your shaman your shaman troops will get tMvaR0N6MII-00038-00023666-00024398 a plus 30 on their morale now there's a lot involved with the legion skills the tMvaR0N6MII-00039-00024398-00024687 last couple of videos that we just put out were all the talent pages I would tMvaR0N6MII-00040-00024687-00024987 suggest if you're if you're just learning go back and watch some of those tMvaR0N6MII-00041-00024987-00025350 other videos that are on the talent pages they'll kind of walk you through tMvaR0N6MII-00042-00025350-00025875 what to do with the talent pages and how the partners affect the the army a lot tMvaR0N6MII-00043-00025875-00026355 to it first skill all three have the same first skill is its push up he's got tMvaR0N6MII-00044-00026355-00026840 a 25% chance to stun the enemy also a 10% chance to taunt and taunt is a tMvaR0N6MII-00045-00026840-00027353 really big skill that means that if he if he pulls off a taunt that means that tMvaR0N6MII-00046-00027353-00027740 the enemy will focus on him and he won't be able to attack anyone else and tMvaR0N6MII-00047-00027740-00028242 remember their defense is gonna be real hi so it's really hard to kill the boar tMvaR0N6MII-00048-00028242-00028758 second skill is the frozen class this is an attack all and just like the red.that tMvaR0N6MII-00049-00028758-00029170 attacks all on a second skill the only difference is that he has a 50% chance tMvaR0N6MII-00050-00029170-00029593 to freeze the enemy every time that he hits him I believe it's a freeze for one tMvaR0N6MII-00051-00029593-00030448 round I'm not even sure but I believe it's a freeze for one round third skills tMvaR0N6MII-00052-00030448-00030787 thick skin. He gets all three skills right off the right off the bat right tMvaR0N6MII-00053-00030787-00031537 away at level one as a three-star thick skin is when his hit points are tMvaR0N6MII-00054-00031537-00032133 lower than 50% the damage that he will receive will be lowered by 40% so not tMvaR0N6MII-00055-00032133-00032692 only is he already hard to kill but his damage will be reduced by 40% I'm tMvaR0N6MII-00056-00032692-00033286 writing him first and I have us a little side note on on the rating for for the tMvaR0N6MII-00057-00033286-00033796 boar just because green has a very unique ability and I'm not a hundred tMvaR0N6MII-00058-00033796-00034330 percent sure of exactly how it works I hate to even say that but it's still tMvaR0N6MII-00059-00034330-00034585 something that I've been asking questions about and I will update tMvaR0N6MII-00060-00034585-00035110 everyone as soon as I find out and I will get into that more in a second now tMvaR0N6MII-00061-00035110-00035680 as a six-star third awakened he gets a big boost he's got tons of hit points tMvaR0N6MII-00062-00035680-00036354 already as far as the three-star goes tons of defense but no leader skill tMvaR0N6MII-00063-00036474-00037057 moving on to the green boar greens got a very unique ability kind of excited tMvaR0N6MII-00064-00037057-00037543 about green at one point I was telling everyone to throw green away because he's tMvaR0N6MII-00065-00037543-00037939 no good and only had two skills but then we had the awakening process come tMvaR0N6MII-00066-00037939-00038640 through he's a defense partners that features immunity and retaliation and tMvaR0N6MII-00067-00038640-00039025 retaliation is this is huge even though it's not a huge percentage tMvaR0N6MII-00068-00039025-00039613 chance that he has it his Legion skill if he survives your warrior troops we tMvaR0N6MII-00069-00039613-00040165 got a 30% boost in morale unless you're playing in the fire frost then I believe tMvaR0N6MII-00070-00040165-00040444 it goes all looks like 90 percent I think it's times three something like tMvaR0N6MII-00071-00040444-00041077 that we've we have some crazy I have a video coming out on the fire frost and tMvaR0N6MII-00072-00041077-00041475 the bonuses you get there it's unbelievable the sway that you'll tMvaR0N6MII-00073-00041475-00042069 get from morale in the fire frost events first skills push-up all three have the tMvaR0N6MII-00074-00042069-00042831 same first skill now the bores they'll they will take an enemy partner out of tMvaR0N6MII-00075-00042831-00043630 the game if they are targeting you know enemy one this is say when they when tMvaR0N6MII-00076-00043630-00044083 they hit them with the push-up they will a lot of times they'll Kom it does a ton tMvaR0N6MII-00077-00044083-00044634 of damage once they get up to the to the six star level forty I mean they're tMvaR0N6MII-00078-00044634-00044902 they're just do a lot of damage they they can take them right out of the game tMvaR0N6MII-00079-00044902-00045562 second skill greens much more defensive minded yes it's called thick bristle and tMvaR0N6MII-00080-00045562-00045937 what this does is it increases his defense and becomes immune to all T tMvaR0N6MII-00081-00045937-00046390 buffs for three rounds makes him really hard to kill so even more tanky than the tMvaR0N6MII-00082-00046390-00047075 other two and then his third skill it's hot temper once it gets hot temper he tMvaR0N6MII-00083-00047075-00047544 reduces his damage by even more it's like 15% reduced damage and then a 20% tMvaR0N6MII-00084-00047544-00048063 chance to retaliate and 20% is not is not like the red nomads you know the red tMvaR0N6MII-00085-00048063-00048450 no man is the big retaliation partner if we use even more pattern with them - so tMvaR0N6MII-00086-00048450-00048784 every time he retaliates to get some hit points back I wouldn't suggest doing tMvaR0N6MII-00087-00048784-00049306 that with green Boar just because he has a 20% chance of doing it and um we tMvaR0N6MII-00088-00049306-00049903 are working on finding out some information on if you can buff that 20% tMvaR0N6MII-00089-00049903-00050313 with something I don't know the answer that I've been asked several times tMvaR0N6MII-00090-00050313-00050734 working on that still and green boar does have the leader skill right from tMvaR0N6MII-00091-00050734-00051220 three-star is a 30% hit point increase for the whole team and but it's only for tMvaR0N6MII-00092-00051220-00051895 Wild it's only for green, so I'm gonna take a little break from the boar tMvaR0N6MII-00093-00051895-00052290 for a second I wanted to go over something that we're doing we have tMvaR0N6MII-00094-00052290-00052869 joined another site it's called patreon new for Easy Street gaming a lot of tMvaR0N6MII-00095-00052869-00053420 youtubers do it it's a it's a separate entity completely what we do is we have tMvaR0N6MII-00096-00053420-00053844 three levels three tier levels and all three levels you get different things tMvaR0N6MII-00097-00053844-00054275 it's it's a cup there's a cost involved it's between five and twenty dollars to tMvaR0N6MII-00098-00054275-00054842 join and it's basically a way for people to contribute to the channel and in tMvaR0N6MII-00099-00054842-00055379 return though there's a lot of things that we're offering everyone just go tMvaR0N6MII-00100-00055379-00055704 down to the patreon site the link is in the description I know it kind of float tMvaR0N6MII-00101-00055704-00056126 blue to it I don't want to spend a lot of time pushing people to pay dream but tMvaR0N6MII-00102-00056126-00056750 it I would suggest everyone go down there and see it it's pretty cool so tMvaR0N6MII-00103-00056750-00057285 more patterns coming up now just a little disclaimer note that these are my tMvaR0N6MII-00104-00057285-00057849 choices that other players may choose to use different war patterns than I do I tMvaR0N6MII-00105-00057849-00058280 do take into the in the consideration the most popular war patterns but these tMvaR0N6MII-00106-00058280-00058919 are my choices not necessarily the right choices also you may have noticed that tMvaR0N6MII-00107-00058919-00059189 I'm reading a lot of stuff that I don't normally read I'm doing that so the tMvaR0N6MII-00108-00059189-00059448 subtitles will come through for the people that don't speak English that tMvaR0N6MII-00109-00059448-00060162 don't understand my voice so red Boer defense partner at the six-dollar third tMvaR0N6MII-00110-00060162-00060554 awakening his basic stats are pretty obvious he's a defense partner 5:31 tMvaR0N6MII-00111-00060554-00060999 speeds really low he's got 25 hit it's very rare for any partner I think tMvaR0N6MII-00112-00060999-00061331 there's four or five in the whole game that has hit red boy they're known for tMvaR0N6MII-00113-00061331-00061701 the defense their attacks are based on defense not attack so we want to make tMvaR0N6MII-00114-00061701-00062373 sure defense is over 1500 combined red has a rare hit at 25% so Corsac would tMvaR0N6MII-00115-00062373-00062956 also enhance that further but you will lose 15% defense for the hit game so tMvaR0N6MII-00116-00062956-00063476 something to consider there red boar is a great single target attacker you can tMvaR0N6MII-00117-00063476-00063854 use him with the catfish fighter or the red drum beater to help him out even tMvaR0N6MII-00118-00063854-00064520 more blue boar you'll notice that all three partners I'm suggesting using all tMvaR0N6MII-00119-00064520-00065125 six bull that will give them a 45% defense increase right off the RIP and tMvaR0N6MII-00120-00065125-00065748 like that like the red I would suggest using defense for the head for the right tMvaR0N6MII-00121-00065748-00066210 arm and you can use defense for the left as well or you can use speed a lot of tMvaR0N6MII-00122-00066210-00066516 people like to use speed to get his attacks up a little higher but he is a tMvaR0N6MII-00123-00066516-00066888 defense partner so even if he's not attacking he's still benefiting everyone tMvaR0N6MII-00124-00066888-00067089 because they're all gonna try to beat him down tMvaR0N6MII-00125-00067089-00067686 he remembered avoid hit point percentage because you want him to get attacked tMvaR0N6MII-00126-00067686-00067995 first the lower the hit points they'll be tMvaR0N6MII-00127-00067995-00068414 attacked first Blue Boar also known for their defense just like the other board tMvaR0N6MII-00128-00068414-00068742 their attacks are based on defense not attack so we want to make sure the tMvaR0N6MII-00129-00068742-00069255 defense is over 1500 combined on blue second skill he does two fries with with tMvaR0N6MII-00130-00069255-00069642 the collision on the attack all that happens so often I wouldn't even bother tMvaR0N6MII-00131-00069642-00070176 with core sack to enhance it any because it goes because it happened so often the tMvaR0N6MII-00132-00070176-00070581 original tank so used with the healer used with the shield ER and he'll do tMvaR0N6MII-00133-00070581-00071270 really well moving on to green also six Bowl to get that 45% defense increase tMvaR0N6MII-00134-00071270-00071979 his speeds the highest of the boar at 92 still pretty low defense at 5:51 hit tMvaR0N6MII-00135-00071979-00072531 points at 5,000 338 attack is really low but remember his attacks are based on tMvaR0N6MII-00136-00072531-00073070 his defense used defense percentage up top on all three or at least the head in tMvaR0N6MII-00137-00073070-00073408 the right hand can you speed on his left hand tMvaR0N6MII-00138-00073408-00073820 Green is definitely the most defensive orientated so you really want his tMvaR0N6MII-00139-00073820-00074397 defensive help as high as possible I believe because of his retaliation it tMvaR0N6MII-00140-00074397-00074742 gives him an advantage but you've no need to use that in war pattern if you tMvaR0N6MII-00141-00074742-00075186 want to try to enhance the retaliation you can use an artifact it's called tMvaR0N6MII-00142-00075186-00075812 blood-stained tusk it's rare very rare you have to have the latest partner that tMvaR0N6MII-00143-00075812-00076451 valuing tusk or whatever his name is the little baby Bora face tips on the right tMvaR0N6MII-00144-00076451-00076919 bull war pattern and second through fifth attributes to look for the boar tMvaR0N6MII-00145-00076919-00077276 success like many three-star partners need to have elite war patterns for the tMvaR0N6MII-00146-00077276-00077766 best results go figure that so that means that make sure that they have two tMvaR0N6MII-00147-00077766-00078243 or three skills at level zero that way their second and third attributes will tMvaR0N6MII-00148-00078243-00078539 get upgraded a few times tMvaR0N6MII-00149-00078662-00079325 now defense is their strong point so make sure defense is in all of their tMvaR0N6MII-00150-00079325-00079902 attributes and all of their skills speed on the left-hand or in the second tMvaR0N6MII-00151-00079902-00080449 through fifth on all of them as well so remember defense all over these war tMvaR0N6MII-00152-00080449-00080868 patterns try to use elite war patterns I appreciate everyone for watching tMvaR0N6MII-00153-00080868-00081462 subscribe to easy-peasy Street gaming go on check check out patreon we've had a tMvaR0N6MII-00154-00081464-00081732 few people already join thank you guys very much tMvaR0N6MII-00155-00081740-00082208 we're putting together something really nice for everyone that's joined coming tMvaR0N6MII-00156-00082208-00082560 up next we have the blonde and the Berserker i wanted to remind everyone tMvaR0N6MII-00157-00082563-00083041 that we are not paid or sponsored by affiliated with Bruegel age tMvaR0N6MII-00158-00083041-00083566 or type of fun we're using their characters but it's just a just for fun tMvaR0N6MII-00159-00083566-00083898 they're not responsible for anything that's said or done on our Channel tMvaR0N6MII-00160-00083898-00084224 hope you enjoyed everything guys don't next time it's Been EZ... take care tMvaR0N6MII-00161-00084224-00084888 Zerk- "I think Red Boar is the Best...EZE has to get his facts right. tMvaR0N6MII-00162-00084888-00085748 Blonde- "You think all Red is the best... I think you should be more open minded Zerky." tMvaR0N6MII-00163-00085764-00086584 Zerk- "No I don't. I think Blue is better on at least one..." tMvaR0N6MII-00164-00086584-00087240 Blonde- "Oh really? ....and who would that be?" tMvaR0N6MII-00165-00087240-00088168 Zerk- "The Blue... Blonde! Yup... Blue seems to have it together... red seems... dingy." tMvaR0N6MII-00166-00088188-00089336 Blonde's MAD- "REALLY! So FINALLY the truth comes out... you think I'm "Dingy!" tMvaR0N6MII-00167-00089340-00090304 Zerk- "NOOOO... not YOU... I was talking about the... other... reds.... ... DAMN IT, Yes YOU!" tMvaR0N6MII-00168-00090304-00091420 Blonde- "Wow... I was just starting to think I liked youo too." tMvaR0N6MII-00169-00091436-00092356 Zerk- "REALLY?! I thought you hate... OK I'm sorry I was not saying that because-" tMvaR0N6MII-00170-00092356-00092824 Blonde- " No... Idiot not really" tMvaR0N6MII-00171-00092880-00093496 "Will he ever learn Haha" tMvaR0N6MII-00172-00093540-00094028 "I hope you enjoyed the video! Come and see me and EZE @ Patreon!!" tNUEO4Mokeg-00000-00000000-00000200 Review Question # 7-15 Chapter-10(Aids Bases and Salts) Chemistry Class-10, Federal Board and Aga Khan Board tp2ptvCHBiM-00000-00000370-00000744 EnglishSteno tp2ptvCHBiM-00001-00000744-00001011 It is possible tp2ptvCHBiM-00002-00001011-00001246 to write Steno tp2ptvCHBiM-00003-00001246-00001571 in English tp2ptvCHBiM-00004-00001571-00001766 with the German tp2ptvCHBiM-00005-00001766-00002193 "DeutscheEinheitsKurzschrift" tp2ptvCHBiM-00006-00002193-00002346 and if I write it faster tp2ptvCHBiM-00007-00002346-00002582 I write tp2ptvCHBiM-00008-00002582-00002809 it is possible to write tp2ptvCHBiM-00009-00002809-00003044 Steno tp2ptvCHBiM-00010-00003044-00003167 in English tp2ptvCHBiM-00011-00003167-00003326 in English tp2ptvCHBiM-00012-00003326-00003481 in English tp2ptvCHBiM-00013-00003481-00003665 in English tp2ptvCHBiM-00014-00003665-00003974 with the "DeutscheEinheitsKurzschrift" tpmEpBDWtZc-00000-00000120-00000584 let's do a quick setup of upload file plugin this plugin will help you to tpmEpBDWtZc-00001-00000584-00000976 upload and download files from your mobile device to your quick base app tpmEpBDWtZc-00002-00000976-00001592 tap continue to select the existing token or add a new one let's add a new token tpmEpBDWtZc-00003-00001823-00002280 add the name of your realm copy your user token tpmEpBDWtZc-00004-00002512-00002848 tab to automatically fill the user token from the clipboard tpmEpBDWtZc-00005-00002968-00003504 recognizable name and save these tokens are encrypted and stored securely tpmEpBDWtZc-00006-00003504-00004160 on your device select from the list of apps that you want to configure check the relevant table tpmEpBDWtZc-00007-00004376-00004840 this tool has three required fields let us select from the pre-populated list of tpmEpBDWtZc-00008-00004840-00005784 field ids from the given table you can also add new field automatically if you need them tpmEpBDWtZc-00009-00006120-00006400 you can also select additional fields if required tpmEpBDWtZc-00010-00006600-00007184 click next add a desired name and save the configuration tpmEpBDWtZc-00011-00007431-00009480 the configuration is all done and now we are all set to start using our tool you tOf78JI7WtU-00000-00000027-00000110 Welcome! tOf78JI7WtU-00001-00000110-00000634 This video tutorial offers the simplest way how to add subscript in Excel. tOf78JI7WtU-00002-00000634-00000714 Let’s do this! tOf78JI7WtU-00003-00001216-00001479 Hello! And welcome to EasyClick Academy! tOf78JI7WtU-00004-00001479-00001773 My name’s Frank and together with our EasyClick team, tOf78JI7WtU-00005-00001773-00002564 we’re here to make sure you’ll be able to use Excel in a quick and easy way, thanks to our digestible video tutorials. tOf78JI7WtU-00006-00002564-00003512 If we need to insert a text, number or symbol as subscript, first, we need to type the whole thing out into a target cell. tOf78JI7WtU-00007-00003512-00004260 Then we use a double-click to get into the cell and select the bit we need to turn into subscript. tOf78JI7WtU-00008-00004260-00005097 Next, we go to the Home tab, find the section Font and click on this little arrow here in the corner. tOf78JI7WtU-00009-00005097-00005586 Now, this pop-up window appears where we can select the option ‘Subscript’. tOf78JI7WtU-00010-00005586-00005964 Click on OK to confirm and here we go! tOf78JI7WtU-00011-00005964-00006342 Subscript shows in the cell just as we wanted. tOf78JI7WtU-00012-00006342-00006585 But that’s not all for today! tOf78JI7WtU-00013-00006585-00007048 Let’s learn one more way to insert subscript in Excel. tOf78JI7WtU-00014-00007048-00007669 Again, we type into a cell a text, we select the bit to be turned into subscript, tOf78JI7WtU-00015-00007669-00008346 but now we do a right-click and select the option ‘Format Cells’ from the menu. tOf78JI7WtU-00016-00008346-00009096 The same window pops up where we tick the option ‘Subscript’, click on OK and that’s it. tOf78JI7WtU-00017-00009096-00009666 These two ways are most convenient if you need to insert subscript in Excel. tOf78JI7WtU-00018-00009666-00010438 And if you’d like to know how to insert various symbols in Excel, watch more video tutorials by EasyClick Academy. tOf78JI7WtU-00019-00010438-00010772 The link to the video is in the description below. tOf78JI7WtU-00020-00010772-00011390 If you found this tutorial helpful, give us a like and watch other tutorials by EasyClick Academy. tOf78JI7WtU-00021-00011390-00011712 Learn how to use Excel in a quick and easy way! tOf78JI7WtU-00022-00011712-00012212 Is this your first time on EasyClick? We’ll be more than happy to welcome you in our online community. tOf78JI7WtU-00023-00012212-00012537 Hit that Subscribe button and join the EasyClickers! tOf78JI7WtU-00024-00012537-00012737 Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next video! tOVTLiLTwAE-00000-00001304-00001797 In this video we are going to review Specific Immunity and T cell activation tOVTLiLTwAE-00001-00001797-00002396 To begin let's review specific immunity. Specific immunity refers to the type of immunity which tOVTLiLTwAE-00002-00002396-00002938 mounts antigen-specific defense mechanisms. The specific response can take several days tOVTLiLTwAE-00003-00002938-00003315 to become protective. Specific immunity develops throughout ones tOVTLiLTwAE-00004-00003315-00003876 life time and involves B cells and T cell. In this video we will review the two types tOVTLiLTwAE-00005-00003876-00004483 of T cells; T helper and T cyotoxic cells. Each type of T cell plays a unique role in tOVTLiLTwAE-00006-00004483-00005007 the immune response and can be distinguished from the other by their surface markers. All tOVTLiLTwAE-00007-00005007-00005437 T cells have two distinct proteins on their surface, tOVTLiLTwAE-00008-00005437-00006133 The first one is the TCR -- the T cell Receptor and is the antigen receptor. Each T cell has tOVTLiLTwAE-00009-00006133-00006833 a unique TCR. The second protein is a cluster of differentiation marker, known as a CD marker. tOVTLiLTwAE-00010-00006866-00007566 The T cytotoxic cells have a CD8 marker and T helper cells have a CD4 marker. tOVTLiLTwAE-00011-00007609-00008052 Both surface markers are essential for the activation of T cells. tOVTLiLTwAE-00012-00008052-00008628 As we just saw T cells have TCRs on their surface, each recognizing a unique antigen. tOVTLiLTwAE-00013-00008628-00009133 Therefore, let's talk about antigens. There are two types of antigens, intracellular and tOVTLiLTwAE-00014-00009133-00009833 extracellular antigen. Intracellular or endogenous antigens, such as a virus or from a cancerous tOVTLiLTwAE-00015-00009925-00010625 cell are recognized by the cytotoxic T cells, T helper cells will recognize an epitope from tOVTLiLTwAE-00016-00010673-00011373 an extracellular or exogenous antigen such as the typical bacterial or protozoal infection. tOVTLiLTwAE-00017-00011817-00012366 The second surface marker on the T cell was the CD marker. The CD markers on T cells are tOVTLiLTwAE-00018-00012366-00013066 used to recognize MHC proteins on host cells. MHC molecules are self-proteins and are used tOVTLiLTwAE-00019-00013150-00013772 by APCs Antigen Presenting Cells to present antigens to the T cells tOVTLiLTwAE-00020-00013772-00014388 There are two classes of MHC molecules, MHC Class I and Class II tOVTLiLTwAE-00021-00014388-00015022 MHC Class I are expressed on nucleated cells and are used to present intracellular antigens tOVTLiLTwAE-00022-00015022-00015696 to cytotoxic T cells. MHC Class II are expressed on macrophages, tOVTLiLTwAE-00023-00015696-00016379 dendrite and B cells and are used to present extracellular antigens to helper T cells. tOVTLiLTwAE-00024-00016379-00017079 Let's take a second to review We have two types of T cells, T helper and tOVTLiLTwAE-00025-00017112-00017592 T cytotoxic. We have two types of antigens, extracellular tOVTLiLTwAE-00026-00017592-00018065 and intracellular and We have two types of MHC molecules, MHC Class tOVTLiLTwAE-00027-00018065-00018628 I and Class II. So how do they fit together, T helper cells tOVTLiLTwAE-00028-00018628-00019328 recognize extracellular antigens being presented with a MHC Class II molecule, whereas T cytotoxic tOVTLiLTwAE-00029-00019577-00020277 cells recognize intracellular antigens presented with an MHC Class I molecule. tOVTLiLTwAE-00030-00020405-00021105 So now let's put it all together and let's first talk about T helper cell activation. tOVTLiLTwAE-00031-00021384-00021920 T helper cells are used for extracellular antigens, to be activated they must interact tOVTLiLTwAE-00032-00021920-00022620 with an antigen presenting cell presenting antigen pieces with an MHC Class II molecule. tOVTLiLTwAE-00033-00022740-00023440 The helperT cell uses its TCR and the CD4 marker to recognize the antigen and MHC on tOVTLiLTwAE-00034-00023706-00024406 the APC. T helper cells require a second signal to be activated as well. The CD28 marker on tOVTLiLTwAE-00035-00024973-00025673 the T cell must recognize the CD80 on the APC. Once both signals or both recognitions tOVTLiLTwAE-00036-00026013-00026456 are achieved the Tcell can become active. tOVTLiLTwAE-00037-00026456-00027156 An active T cell is now able to bind to interleukin. Interleukin causes the T cell to proliferate tOVTLiLTwAE-00038-00027477-00028177 and differentiate. The T cell differentiates into memory T cell tOVTLiLTwAE-00039-00028514-00029214 and effector T cells. The memory cells go to the secondary lymphoid tissue to help with tOVTLiLTwAE-00040-00029305-00030005 future infections. The effector t cells, there are two, T helper 1 and T helper 2. The T tOVTLiLTwAE-00041-00030187-00030802 helper 2 cells are used to activate B cells in the humoral response this will be covered tOVTLiLTwAE-00042-00030802-00031415 in a separate video, whereas, T helper 1 cells increase the activity of immune cells such tOVTLiLTwAE-00043-00031415-00032115 as macrophages and help activate T cytotoxic cells. tOVTLiLTwAE-00044-00032197-00032897 So let's talk about T cytotoxic cell activation Cytotoxic T cells are used for intracellular tOVTLiLTwAE-00045-00033040-00033706 antigens to be activated they must interact with an antigen presenting cell using an MHC tOVTLiLTwAE-00046-00033706-00034406 Class I molecule to hold its piece of antigen. The cytotoxic T cell uses its TCR and CD8 tOVTLiLTwAE-00047-00034774-00035408 marker to recognize the antigen and MHC on the APC. tOVTLiLTwAE-00048-00035408-00036108 The binding of the APC to the T cytotoxic cells initiates the T cytotoxic cell to display tOVTLiLTwAE-00049-00036133-00036833 interleukin receptors. The t cytotoxic cell can now be stimulated by Interleukin 2 which tOVTLiLTwAE-00050-00036978-00037678 was released by T helper 1 cells. Interleukin 2 will stimulate the T cytotoxic cell to undergo tOVTLiLTwAE-00051-00037883-00038580 clonal expansion producing both memory cells and active cytotoxic t cells tOVTLiLTwAE-00052-00038580-00039206 The memory t cells will go back to the secondary lymphoid tissue for subsequent infections. tOVTLiLTwAE-00053-00039206-00039906 The active T cell will be used to kill infected cells. tOVTLiLTwAE-00054-00039961-00040493 Let's review the killing mechanism of active cytotoxic T cells. tOVTLiLTwAE-00055-00040493-00041108 The active cytotoxic T cell will come in contact with an infected cell at the site of infection. tOVTLiLTwAE-00056-00041108-00041662 The cytotoxic T cell knows which cells are infected, because the infected cells present tOVTLiLTwAE-00057-00041662-00042362 antigen on their surface using an MHC Class I. Once the T cytotoxic cell finds the infected tOVTLiLTwAE-00058-00042580-00043280 cell it will bind to it. Through exocytosis the cytotoxic T cell releases perforin and tOVTLiLTwAE-00059-00043393-00044093 granzymes. Perforins are proteins used to poke a hole in the infected cell and granzymes tOVTLiLTwAE-00060-00044284-00044984 are degradation enzymes which break down any antigen pieces and cellular debris. The release tOVTLiLTwAE-00061-00045284-00045984 of perforin and granzymes initiates cell death in the infected cells. The death of the infected tOVTLiLTwAE-00062-00046022-00046722 cell is a controlled death so it doesn't lead to an infection of surrounding cells. tOVTLiLTwAE-00063-00046846-00047546 So in summary T helper cells are used in extracellular antigenic tOVTLiLTwAE-00064-00047847-00048521 responses, and require antigen to be presented with MHC Class II. tOVTLiLTwAE-00065-00048521-00049130 T cytotoxic cells are used in intracellular antigen invasions and are activated by APCs tOVTLiLTwAE-00066-00049130-00049686 presenting the antigen using the MHC Class I molecule. tQJLwG7roK4-00000-00000000-00000279 - What's up insiders, this is your weekly news flash. tQJLwG7roK4-00001-00000279-00000498 You've just tuned into a set of updates tQJLwG7roK4-00002-00000498-00000828 from the product team, from the policy team here at YouTube, tQJLwG7roK4-00003-00000828-00001054 everything all of these teams have been working on. tQJLwG7roK4-00004-00001054-00001150 Let's get started. tQJLwG7roK4-00005-00001150-00001390 First up we have a bug that we've since resolved. tQJLwG7roK4-00006-00001390-00001662 Recently, we discovered an issue whereby ads were running tQJLwG7roK4-00007-00001662-00001838 on monetized videos, tQJLwG7roK4-00008-00001838-00002186 but YouTube analytics wasn't reflecting the revenue earned. tQJLwG7roK4-00009-00002186-00002364 We have since resolved the issues. tQJLwG7roK4-00010-00002364-00002535 and there are two things to call out. tQJLwG7roK4-00011-00002535-00002860 First of all, creative revenue wasn't actually impacted. tQJLwG7roK4-00012-00002860-00003173 And the second thing is that YouTube analytics now shows the tQJLwG7roK4-00013-00003173-00003415 most up-to-date estimated revenue. tQJLwG7roK4-00014-00003415-00003681 We'll leave more about this in the description below. tQJLwG7roK4-00015-00003681-00003902 Next up let's discuss an experiment. tQJLwG7roK4-00016-00003902-00004167 An experiment where we're trying to improve tQJLwG7roK4-00017-00004167-00004496 the monthly channel performance analysis we provide to you. tQJLwG7roK4-00018-00004496-00004595 How are we doing this? tQJLwG7roK4-00019-00004595-00004928 Insights around evergreen videos as additional drivers tQJLwG7roK4-00020-00004928-00005307 to help you understand how overall channel performance, tQJLwG7roK4-00021-00005307-00005597 specifically views, are changing over time. tQJLwG7roK4-00022-00005597-00005754 If you're a part of this experiment, tQJLwG7roK4-00023-00005754-00006052 you'll see the analysis in studio and leave us any feedback tQJLwG7roK4-00024-00006052-00006160 in the comments below. tQJLwG7roK4-00025-00006160-00006456 Next up, we're happy to announce that we have refreshed tQJLwG7roK4-00026-00006456-00006556 our creator site. tQJLwG7roK4-00027-00006556-00006661 What's new about it? tQJLwG7roK4-00028-00006661-00006909 Well, we've organized it into a couple of different sections tQJLwG7roK4-00029-00006909-00007048 just for you. tQJLwG7roK4-00030-00007048-00007229 Sections that will tell you things like tQJLwG7roK4-00031-00007229-00007480 how to get started on YouTube, how to grow your channel, tQJLwG7roK4-00032-00007480-00007713 how to understand the policies and guidelines, tQJLwG7roK4-00033-00007713-00008084 how to make money on YouTube, and answer your top questions. tQJLwG7roK4-00034-00008084-00008277 We're always here as backup in case you want to drop tQJLwG7roK4-00035-00008277-00008549 any questions into the comments box below, tQJLwG7roK4-00036-00008549-00008827 but for everything else about our newly refreshed tQJLwG7roK4-00037-00008827-00009045 creator site you can find it in the link tQJLwG7roK4-00038-00009045-00009154 in the description below. tQJLwG7roK4-00039-00009154-00009398 Next up let's talk about kids' content. tQJLwG7roK4-00040-00009398-00009613 We've heard from a lot of you that you'd like a little bit tQJLwG7roK4-00041-00009613-00009990 more guidance as to how you can make great quality content tQJLwG7roK4-00042-00009990-00010137 for kids on the platform. tQJLwG7roK4-00043-00010137-00010393 Well, we're trying to provide just that. tQJLwG7roK4-00044-00010393-00010617 We've created a new help center article tQJLwG7roK4-00045-00010617-00010773 which you can find where, tQJLwG7roK4-00046-00010773-00010975 in the description below this video, tQJLwG7roK4-00047-00010975-00011155 that will outline best practices tQJLwG7roK4-00048-00011155-00011525 as well as guides to why something might be considered tQJLwG7roK4-00049-00011525-00011831 high quality content versus low quality content. tQJLwG7roK4-00050-00011831-00012073 Now, next up let's talk about money. tQJLwG7roK4-00051-00012073-00012409 Starting this month creators can earn a bonus payment tQJLwG7roK4-00052-00012409-00012658 from the YouTube shorts fund, tQJLwG7roK4-00053-00012658-00013111 a hundred million dollar fund designed to reward creators tQJLwG7roK4-00054-00013111-00013349 who make creative and unique shorts. tQJLwG7roK4-00055-00013349-00013732 Now those bonus payments are going to range from $100 tQJLwG7roK4-00056-00013873-00014373 to $10,000 US and the payment will be awarded tQJLwG7roK4-00057-00014453-00014841 based on the channel's total shorts performance tQJLwG7roK4-00058-00014841-00014934 in the previous month. tQJLwG7roK4-00059-00014934-00015084 And now, next steps. tQJLwG7roK4-00060-00015084-00015418 Starting next week if you qualify for this bonus tQJLwG7roK4-00061-00015418-00015616 from the YouTube shorts fund, tQJLwG7roK4-00062-00015616-00015881 you'll get an email from us as well as a notification tQJLwG7roK4-00063-00015881-00015987 in the YouTube app, tQJLwG7roK4-00064-00015987-00016183 letting you know the amount of the bonus tQJLwG7roK4-00065-00016183-00016266 and how to claim it. tQJLwG7roK4-00066-00016266-00016549 And the best news I hear you ask, tQJLwG7roK4-00067-00016549-00016736 if you don't qualify for it this month, tQJLwG7roK4-00068-00016736-00017047 we'll be evaluating who is eligible for this bonus payment tQJLwG7roK4-00069-00017047-00017206 on a monthly basis. tQJLwG7roK4-00070-00017206-00017503 So if you're not in the mix this month, keep an eye out. tQJLwG7roK4-00071-00017503-00017666 You may be in the mix next month. tQJLwG7roK4-00072-00017666-00017898 Now we're going to leave a little bit more information tQJLwG7roK4-00073-00017898-00018134 in the detailed YouTube creators video. tQJLwG7roK4-00074-00018134-00018397 You'll find that in the description below this video. tQJLwG7roK4-00075-00018397-00018549 And that's about it for me. tQJLwG7roK4-00076-00018549-00018790 This has been your weekly newsflash. tQJLwG7roK4-00077-00018790-00019127 I'll be back again this week to discuss harmful tQJLwG7roK4-00078-00019127-00019265 or dangerous acts, tQJLwG7roK4-00079-00019265-00019551 how the advertiser friendly guidelines tackles them tQJLwG7roK4-00080-00019551-00019764 and what would be considered green icon tQJLwG7roK4-00081-00019764-00019950 versus yellow icon content. tQJLwG7roK4-00082-00019950-00020187 Thank you so much from the creators of YouTube tQJLwG7roK4-00083-00020187-00020447 to YouTube creators, it's been a pleasure as always. tQNnpdFBepg-00000-00000000-00000242 Học Viện Kinh Thánh Việt Nam - VBI tQNnpdFBepg-00001-00000242-00000440 Phụ Đề bởi - Mrs. Quý Hoàng tQNnpdFBepg-00002-00000440-00000774 Xem thêm các bài viết khác tại www.vbi.edu.vn tQNnpdFBepg-00003-00000792-00001108 Đây là sản phẩm của World Video Bible School tQNnpdFBepg-00004-00001108-00001391 Nguyền xin Đức Chúa Trời được vinh hiển tQNnpdFBepg-00005-00001500-00001729 Chúng ta đi về đâu khi chúng ta chết? tQNnpdFBepg-00006-00001729-00002199 Tôi cho rằng đây là một câu hỏi mà mọi người từng sống đều nghĩ đến, tQNnpdFBepg-00007-00002199-00002475 bởi vì Sự Chết là điều gì đó mà tất cả chúng ta đều phải đối mặt. tQNnpdFBepg-00008-00002475-00002887 Khi chúng ta lớn lên và trưởng thành chúng ta nhìn thấy những người xung quanh chúng ta qua đời. tQNnpdFBepg-00009-00002887-00003399 Chúng ta nhìn thấy ông bà chúng ta mất và có lẽ sau này chúng ta cũng nhìn thấy cha mẹ của chúng ta qua đời nữa. tQNnpdFBepg-00010-00003399-00003637 Có thể thậm chí là anh chị em và bạn bè của chúng ta. tQNnpdFBepg-00011-00003637-00004283 Và sự thật rõ ràng là chúng ta cũng sẽ chết và chúng ta tự hỏi sau đó là gì? tQNnpdFBepg-00012-00004283-00004599 Bạn biết rất nhiều ý tưởng lạ kỳ được đưa ra để trả lời cho câu hỏi này. tQNnpdFBepg-00013-00004599-00004979 Một vài người đưa ra giả thuyết về sự đầu thai. Đó là ý tưởng mà tQNnpdFBepg-00014-00004979-00005350 nếu như bạn sống một đời sống tốt thì bạn sẽ trở lại trong hình hài của một sinh vật khác. tQNnpdFBepg-00015-00005350-00005754 Vài người có ý tưởng về ma quỷ và họ có ý nghĩ rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00016-00005754-00006191 bạn trở lại như một linh hồn và bạn sẽ sống trong căn nhà nơi mà bạn đã từng sống. tQNnpdFBepg-00017-00006191-00006641 Vài người có ý tưởng về nơi chuộc tội, tức là bạn đi đến một nơi của sự hình phạt cho đến khi bạn tQNnpdFBepg-00018-00006641-00006891 trả hết món nợ của mình và sau đó bạn có thể rời đi từ đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00019-00006891-00007250 Và dĩ nhiên nhiều người có ý tưởng là bạn chỉ chấm dứt tồn tại, tQNnpdFBepg-00020-00007250-00007708 tức là khi bạn trút hơi thở cuối cùng của mình thì sẽ không còn sự tồn tại có ý thức nữa. tQNnpdFBepg-00021-00007708-00007916 Nhưng bạn biết đó như là một Christian, tQNnpdFBepg-00022-00007916-00008220 tôi không bị vướng vào một trò chơi suy đoán. tQNnpdFBepg-00023-00008220-00008562 Tôi không phải dính líu đến sự mê tín dị đoan hay các câu chuyện huyễn, tQNnpdFBepg-00024-00008562-00008866 bởi vì tôi có thể biết được các câu trả lời cho các câu hỏi, tQNnpdFBepg-00025-00008866-00009279 không chỉ tôi đến từ đâu, mà còn tôi đang đi về đâu nữa. tQNnpdFBepg-00026-00009279-00009699 Trong bài học này, chúng ta sẽ đi theo hành trình của linh hồn con người tQNnpdFBepg-00027-00009699-00009991 và chúng ta sẽ để kinh thánh trả lời cho chúng ta tQNnpdFBepg-00028-00009991-00010254 Nơi mà chúng ta đi đến khi chúng ta chết? tQNnpdFBepg-00029-00010254-00010899 Giờ thì, hành trình linh hồn con người thực ra không bắt đầu trên đất này. Nó bắt đầu trên thiên đàng. tQNnpdFBepg-00030-00010899-00011275 Tôi muốn các bạn nghe Truyền Đạo 12:7. tQNnpdFBepg-00031-00011275-00011599 Đây là một câu mà chúng ta thường hay dùng để nói về sự chết tQNnpdFBepg-00032-00011599-00011912 nhưng tôi muốn các bạn nghe thật chi tiết cho đến cuối câu. tQNnpdFBepg-00033-00011912-00012299 Và bụi tro trở vào đất y như nguyên cũ, tQNnpdFBepg-00034-00012299-00012729 và thần linh trở về nơi Ðức Chúa Trời, là Ðấng đã ban nó. tQNnpdFBepg-00035-00012729-00013158 Hêbơrơ 12:9 gọi Đức Chúa Trời là Cha về phần hồn. tQNnpdFBepg-00036-00013158-00013433 Và vì vậy linh hồn ban đầu đến từ thiên đàng. tQNnpdFBepg-00037-00013433-00013770 Nó đến từ Đức Chúa Trời. Và vì vậy vào thời điểm thai nghén tQNnpdFBepg-00038-00013770-00014133 khi trứng gặp tinh trùng và sự sống của con người được tạo ra tQNnpdFBepg-00039-00014133-00014725 Đức Chúa Trời đặt vào một linh hồn. Ngài đặt một linh hồn vào trong thân thể mới đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00040-00014725-00015241 Bạn biết cha và mẹ cho đứa bé đó các đặc điểm thân thể của nó tQNnpdFBepg-00041-00015241-00015554 nhưng họ không cho nó linh hồn. Đức Chúa Trời làm điều đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00042-00015554-00016004 Sáng thế ký 1:26, Đức Chúa Trời đã nói 'Chúng ta hãy,' tức là Đức Chúa Trời, tQNnpdFBepg-00043-00016004-00016508 Chúng ta hãy làm nên loài người như hình ta và theo tượng ta. tQNnpdFBepg-00044-00016508-00016841 Giờ thì, điều đó có nghĩa là gì khi được tạo nên theo ảnh tượng của Đức Chúa Trời? tQNnpdFBepg-00045-00016841-00017199 Trước hết điều đó nói đến linh hồn của con người. tQNnpdFBepg-00046-00017199-00017599 con người là một cá thể mà bây giờ sẽ sống đời đời. tQNnpdFBepg-00047-00017599-00017841 Và vì vậy khi một người được thai nghén, tQNnpdFBepg-00048-00017841-00018479 Đức Chúa Trời làm người đó theo ảnh tượng của Ngài bằng việc đặt một linh hồn vào trong người đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00049-00018479-00018645 Động vật không có điều đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00050-00018645-00019062 Chúng ta cấp cao hơn động vật nhiều vì điều đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00051-00019062-00019699 Giờ thì, từ lúc Đức Chúa Trời đặt một linh hồn vào trong cơ thể con người mới được thành hình, tQNnpdFBepg-00052-00019699-00020170 nó sẽ tiếp tục ở trong thể xác đó cho đến khi người đó chết. tQNnpdFBepg-00053-00020175-00020420 2 Côrinhtô 5:1 nói rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00054-00020425-00020799 Vì chúng ta biết rằng nếu nhà tạm của chúng ta dưới đất, lều tạm này. tQNnpdFBepg-00055-00020799-00020945 Đó là chỉ đang nói về thể xác của chúng ta. tQNnpdFBepg-00056-00020945-00021425 Nó là một lều tạm. Nó là một nơi ở tạm thời cho linh hồn thôi. tQNnpdFBepg-00057-00021425-00021783 Chúng ta biết rằng nếu nhà tạm của chúng ta trên đất, lều tạm này, bị đổ nát tQNnpdFBepg-00058-00021783-00022399 thì chúng ta có một căn nhà từ Đức Chúa Trời. Một căn nhà không phải bởi tay người làm ra, đời đời trên các tầng trời. tQNnpdFBepg-00059-00022399-00022762 1 Côrinhtô 15:54 nói về thể xác của chúng ta tQNnpdFBepg-00060-00022762-00023141 và nói đến thể xác như là hay hư nát. tQNnpdFBepg-00061-00023141-00023695 Và vì vậy linh hồn của chúng ta, trong 70 hay 80 năm chúng ta có thể xác này, tQNnpdFBepg-00062-00023695-00024099 nó ở trong cơ thể xác thịt hay hư nát này. tQNnpdFBepg-00063-00024099-00024604 Giờ thì, trong suốt thời gian đó, chúng ta thờ phượng Đức Chúa Trời với tâm thần của chúng ta tQNnpdFBepg-00064-00024604-00024899 Nó đến từ thể xác nhưng tQNnpdFBepg-00065-00024899-00025199 nó hoàn toàn bắt nguồn từ linh hồn của chúng ta từ tâm thần của chúng ta. tQNnpdFBepg-00066-00025199-00025850 Giăng 4:24 nói Đức Chúa Trời là Thần và họ phải thờ phượng Ngài bằng tâm thần và lẽ thật. tQNnpdFBepg-00067-00025850-00026329 Vậy chúng ta gắn kết với thể xác nhưng tâm thần của chúng ta là nơi thờ phượng. tQNnpdFBepg-00068-00026329-00026579 Tâm thần là tấm lòng của con người. tQNnpdFBepg-00069-00026579-00027112 Chúng ta thờ phượng Đức Chúa Trời bằng tâm thần của chúng ta. Chúng ta yêu Đức Chúa trời bằng tâm thần, linh hồn của chúng ta. tQNnpdFBepg-00070-00027112-00027299 Luca 10:27 tQNnpdFBepg-00071-00027299-00027604 Ngươi phải hết lòng, hết linh hồn, hết sức, hết trí tQNnpdFBepg-00072-00027604-00028091 mà kính mến Chúa là Đức Chúa Trời ngươi. tQNnpdFBepg-00073-00028091-00028499 Giờ theo thời gian thể xác đang dần bị hao mòn đi. tQNnpdFBepg-00074-00028499-00028833 Sôlômôn miêu tả quá trình này trong Truyền Đạo 12 tQNnpdFBepg-00075-00028833-00029399 Ông nói rằng, "Trong buổi còn thơ ấu hãy tưởng nhớ Ðấng Tạo hóa ngươi, trước khi những ngày gian nan chưa đến." tQNnpdFBepg-00076-00029399-00029758 Đó là khi bạn bắt đầu già đi, thể xác trở nên già đi. tQNnpdFBepg-00077-00029758-00030099 Ông nói cuộc sống trở nên khó khăn hơn theo nhiều cách. tQNnpdFBepg-00078-00030099-00030512 Ông nói,"trước khi những năm tới mà ngươi nói rằng: Ta không lấy làm vui lòng" tQNnpdFBepg-00079-00030512-00030975 Nhiều người, khi họ gần đến cuối đời, họ sẵn lòng để ra đi và về với Chúa tQNnpdFBepg-00080-00030975-00031312 bởi vì về thân thể, cuộc sống trở rất rất khó khăn cho họ. tQNnpdFBepg-00081-00031312-00031787 Ông nói,"trước khi ánh sáng mặt trời, mặt trăng, và các ngôi sao chưa tối tăm." tQNnpdFBepg-00082-00031787-00032175 Đó là khi thị lực của bạn bắt đầu giảm đi. Bạn phải đeo kính lão. tQNnpdFBepg-00083-00032175-00032545 Và ông nói, "và mây chưa lại tuôn đến sau cơn mưa tQNnpdFBepg-00084-00032545-00032854 trong ngày ấy kẻ giữ nhà run rẩy." tQNnpdFBepg-00085-00032854-00033304 Ông đang nói về đôi tay khi chúng bắt đầu run rẩy và người khỏe mạnh cong khòm xuống. tQNnpdFBepg-00086-00033304-00033608 Đó là đôi chân của bạn yếu đi; bạn té ngã. tQNnpdFBepg-00087-00033608-00034050 Ông nói "kẻ xay cối ngừng lại bởi vì số ít" bạn không còn răng nữa. tQNnpdFBepg-00088-00034050-00034375 Và ông nói, "nhiều kẻ trông xem qua cửa sổ đã làng mắt. tQNnpdFBepg-00089-00034375-00034712 hai cánh cửa bên đường đóng lại, và tiếng xay mỏn lần. tQNnpdFBepg-00090-00034712-00035241 "lúc ấy người ta nghe tiếng chim kêu bèn chờ dậy." Bạn không ngủ say giấc như khi bạn còn trẻ nữa. tQNnpdFBepg-00091-00035241-00035554 "và tiếng con gái hát đều hạ hơi." tQNnpdFBepg-00092-00035554-00035962 Đó là bạn đang mất đi thính lực của mình. "lại người ta sợ sệt mà lên cao, tQNnpdFBepg-00093-00035962-00036416 và hãi hùng lúc đi đường; lúc ấy cây hạnh trổ bông" Tóc bạn bạc đi. tQNnpdFBepg-00094-00036416-00036833 Ông nói khi cào cào, con vật rất nhỏ bé này, trở nên nặng nề. tQNnpdFBepg-00095-00036833-00037291 "sự ước ao chẳng còn nữa." Ước ao của bạn thay đổi khi bạn già đi. tQNnpdFBepg-00096-00037291-00037899 Ông nói, "vì bấy giờ người đi đến nơi ở đời đời của mình, còn những kẻ tang chế đều đi vòng quanh các đường phố" tQNnpdFBepg-00097-00037899-00038162 Ông nói "hãy tưởng nhớ Ðấng Tạo hóa tQNnpdFBepg-00098-00038162-00038599 trước khi dây bạc đất, và chén vàng bể tQNnpdFBepg-00099-00038599-00039000 trước khi vò vỡ ra bên suối, và bánh xe gãy ra trên giếng." tQNnpdFBepg-00100-00039000-00039299 Đó là bạn đang chết đi. Giờ thì hãy nghe, tQNnpdFBepg-00101-00039299-00039625 ông nói rằng bụi tro trở vào đất y như nguyên cũ. tQNnpdFBepg-00102-00039625-00040120 Đó là thân thể hay hư nát chết đi, nó thối nát đi. tQNnpdFBepg-00103-00040120-00040370 nó thành đất và các nguyên tố. tQNnpdFBepg-00104-00040370-00040937 Giờ thì hãy nghe, "Và thần linh trở về nơi Ðức Chúa Trời, là Ðấng đã ban nó." tQNnpdFBepg-00105-00040937-00041250 Sau đó chuyện gì xảy ra? Chuyện gì xảy ra khi tôt chết? tQNnpdFBepg-00106-00041254-00041841 Trong 70 hay 80 năm, dù linh hồn của tôi ở trong thân xác này cho đến bao lâu. tQNnpdFBepg-00107-00041841-00042162 Chuyện gì xảy ra khi thân xác chết đi? tQNnpdFBepg-00108-00042162-00042400 Thi thiên 90:10 nói rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00109-00042400-00042937 Tuổi tác của chúng tôi đến được bảy mươi, Còn nếu mạnh khỏe thì đến tám mươi tQNnpdFBepg-00110-00042937-00043362 Song sự kiêu căng của nó bất quá là lao khổ và buồn thảm. tQNnpdFBepg-00111-00043362-00043741 Giờ hãy nghe, "Rồi chúng tôi bay mất đi." tQNnpdFBepg-00112-00043741-00044070 Đó không phải là cách nói đầy lôi cuốn sao? tQNnpdFBepg-00113-00044070-00044491 Sáng thế ký 35:18 miêu tả về sự chết của Rachên và nó dùng cách nói này. tQNnpdFBepg-00114-00044491-00044929 bởi Ra-chên gần trút linh hồn, vì đương cơn hấp hối. tQNnpdFBepg-00115-00044929-00045304 Giacơ 2:26 nói xác chẳng có hồn thì chết. tQNnpdFBepg-00116-00045304-00045616 thân xác mà không có hồn. tQNnpdFBepg-00117-00045616-00046175 Điều đó rất cuốn hút. Và vì vậy khi tôi chết linh hồn của tôi rời bỏ thân xác già cả hay hư nát này. tQNnpdFBepg-00118-00046175-00046404 Nhưng nó đi về đâu? tQNnpdFBepg-00119-00046404-00046791 Bạn biết vào ngày Sống Lại, chúng ta biết rằng chúng ta sẽ nhận được một cơ thể mới. tQNnpdFBepg-00120-00046791-00047199 Chúng ta sẽ có được một thân thể không hay hư nát. Nhưng trong lúc đang chờ đợi thì sao? tQNnpdFBepg-00121-00047199-00047679 Tôi muốn các bạn nghe các miêu tả này trong 2 Côrinhtô 5:1 tQNnpdFBepg-00122-00047679-00048254 Vả, chúng ta biết rằng nếu nhà tạm của chúng ta dưới đất, lều tạm này, thể xác hay hư nát, bị đổ nát, tQNnpdFBepg-00123-00048254-00048500 thì chúng ta có một căn nhà từ Đức Chúa Trời, tQNnpdFBepg-00124-00048500-00048804 Một căn nhà không bởi tay người làm ra, đời đời trên thiên đàng. tQNnpdFBepg-00125-00048804-00049137 Ngay bây giờ, chúng ta có một lều tạm, chúng ta có một thể xác tạm thời tQNnpdFBepg-00126-00049137-00049570 nhưng chúng ta sẽ nhận được một căn nhà, một cơ thể bền vững, một thân thể đời đời. tQNnpdFBepg-00127-00049570-00049945 Câu 4. Bởi chưng chúng ta ở trong nhà tạm nầy tQNnpdFBepg-00128-00049945-00050375 than thở dưới gánh nặng, vì chúng ta không cầu cho bị lột trần tQNnpdFBepg-00129-00050379-00050945 song cầu cho được mặc lại, để sự gì hay chết trong chúng ta bị sự sống nuốt đi. tQNnpdFBepg-00130-00050945-00051170 Giờ thì, có vài cách nói rất thú vị ở đây tQNnpdFBepg-00131-00051170-00051612 bởi vì ông nói về việc ở trong thân thể này như việc được mặc một cái lều tạm. tQNnpdFBepg-00132-00051612-00051945 Và sau đó ông nói về việc ở trong thân thể được sống lại như tQNnpdFBepg-00133-00051945-00052279 Ở trong một căn nhà đời đời trên thiên đàng. tQNnpdFBepg-00134-00052279-00052620 nhưng sau đó ông cũng nói về việc bị lột trần. tQNnpdFBepg-00135-00052620-00053099 Nó là cái gì? Ông đang nói về cái gì? Điều đó sẽ xảy ra khi nào? tQNnpdFBepg-00136-00053099-00053662 À, đó là khi chúng ta chết và linh hồn rời khỏi thân xác hay hư nát. tQNnpdFBepg-00137-00053662-00054187 Bạn thấy đó, sẽ có một thời kỳ khi mà tâm thần, hay linh hồn sẽ không có một thân thể. tQNnpdFBepg-00138-00054187-00054437 Nó sẽ bị lột trần, nếu bạn muốn. tQNnpdFBepg-00139-00054437-00054999 Vậy, khi tôi chết và tâm thần của tôi rời thân xác của tôi, thì nó đi về đâu? tQNnpdFBepg-00140-00054999-00055383 Giờ thì, điều đó sẽ đưa chúng ta đến phần tiếp theo của hành trình này. tQNnpdFBepg-00141-00055383-00055929 Toàn bộ phần thứ hai của biểu đồ này bao gồm thứ được biết như là m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00142-00055933-00056499 Đây là Chốn m Phủ. Giờ thì, nhiều người đang rối bởi thuật ngữ m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00143-00056499-00057108 bởi vì họ nghĩ về m Phủ như đang nói về Địa Ngục. Họ nghĩ về nó như đang nói đến nơi của sự hình phạt. tQNnpdFBepg-00144-00057108-00057779 và điều đó không đúng. Từ m Phủ thực ra chỉ đến nơi ở của người chết. tQNnpdFBepg-00145-00057779-00058129 Nó là một khu vực cầm giữ các linh hồn không có thân xác. tQNnpdFBepg-00146-00058129-00058570 Người tốt chết đi vào m Phủ. Người xấu chết đi vào m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00147-00058570-00058925 Tôi nghĩ một phần cho lý do tại sao chúng ta bị rối về điều này tQNnpdFBepg-00148-00058925-00059429 là bởi vì bản Kinh thánh King James dịch từ Hy Lạp cho m Phủ thành Địa Ngục tQNnpdFBepg-00149-00059429-00059975 và điều đó là rối chúng ta. Trong ngôn ngữ gốc, có hai từ khác nhau. tQNnpdFBepg-00150-00059979-00060541 Có một từ cho m Phủ và một từ cho Gehenna. tQNnpdFBepg-00151-00060541-00060912 Giờ thì, m Phủ là nơi ở của người chết. tQNnpdFBepg-00152-00060912-00061199 Gehenna là Địa Ngục, tQNnpdFBepg-00153-00061199-00061504 Nhưng King James dịch cả hai từ là m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00154-00061504-00061841 Trong Mathiơ 16:18 khi Đức Chúa Jêsus hứa xây Hội Thánh của Ngài tQNnpdFBepg-00155-00061841-00062204 và Ngài đã nói là các cửa của m Phủ sẽ không thắng được nó. tQNnpdFBepg-00156-00062204-00062537 Đây không phải là Địa Ngục. Đây là từ dành cho m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00157-00062537-00063099 Nó có nghĩa là sự chết sẽ không thắng được. Sự chết sẽ không ngăn được nước của Ngài. tQNnpdFBepg-00158-00063099-00063429 Giờ thì, nếu như bạn không hiểu sự khác biệt trong các từ này, tQNnpdFBepg-00159-00063429-00063912 thì bạn sẽ rất rối loạn. Giờ thì, hiện lên ở bên ghi chú, tQNnpdFBepg-00160-00063912-00064387 Từ Cựu Ước cho m Phủ, từ Hêbơrơ cho m Phủ tQNnpdFBepg-00161-00064387-00064908 là từ Sheol. Sheol và m Phủ chỉ đến cùng một nơi. tQNnpdFBepg-00162-00064908-00065433 Và vì vậy, một khi bạn hiểu rằng tất cả mọi người đều đi đến m Phủ khi họ chết, tQNnpdFBepg-00163-00065433-00065670 nó sẽ làm rõ một vài điều cho bạn. tQNnpdFBepg-00164-00065670-00066204 Ví dụ, trong Công vụ 2:31, Kinh Thánh nói đến Đấng Christ sau sự chết của Ngài tQNnpdFBepg-00165-00066204-00066687 như việc ở trong m Phủ. Giờ thì bản King James nói là Địa Ngục. tQNnpdFBepg-00166-00066687-00067099 nhưng từ có trước là m Phủ. Đức Chúa Jêsus không đi đến Địa Ngục khi Ngài chết, tQNnpdFBepg-00167-00067099-00067387 Ngài đi đến chốn m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00168-00067387-00067733 Nhưng Luca 23:43, khi Đấng Christ sắp chết, tQNnpdFBepg-00169-00067733-00068250 Ngài đã nói là Ngài sẽ đi đến Paradise. Giờ thì, khi bạn hiểu rằng Paradise là trong m Phủ, tQNnpdFBepg-00170-00068250-00068750 thì nó hoàn toàn hiểu được bởi vì Paradise là một ngăn của m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00171-00068750-00069199 Trong m phủ, có một nơi mà người công bình đi đến đó, tQNnpdFBepg-00172-00069199-00069433 và có một nơi mà kẻ ác đi đến đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00173-00069433-00069687 Tất cả họ đều đang chờ đợi ngày Phán Xét. tQNnpdFBepg-00174-00069687-00070066 Giờ thì, sự miêu tả tốt nhất mà chúng ta có trong Kinh Thánh về m phủ tQNnpdFBepg-00175-00070066-00070399 là trong Luca 16. Nó miêu tả cả hai ngăn. tQNnpdFBepg-00176-00070399-00070808 Giờ thì tôi muốn đọc nó cùng nhau. Hãy cùng nhìn nó và sau đó chúng ta sẽ thảo luận về nó. tQNnpdFBepg-00177-00070808-00071108 Luca 16 bắt đầu từ câu 19. tQNnpdFBepg-00178-00071108-00071654 Kinh Thánh nói, "Có một người giàu mặc áo tía và áo bằng vải gai mịn tQNnpdFBepg-00179-00071658-00071912 hằng ngày ăn ở rất là sung sướng tQNnpdFBepg-00180-00071916-00072187 Lại có một người nghèo, tên là La-xa-rơ tQNnpdFBepg-00181-00072187-00072799 nằm ngoài cửa người giàu đó, mình đầy những ghẻ. Người ước ao được ăn những đồ ở trên bàn người giàu rớt xuống tQNnpdFBepg-00182-00072799-00073087 cũng có chó đến liếm ghẻ người. tQNnpdFBepg-00183-00073087-00073599 Vả, người nghèo chết, thiên sứ đem để vào lòng Áp-ra-ham. tQNnpdFBepg-00184-00073599-00073850 người giàu cũng chết, người ta đem chôn. tQNnpdFBepg-00185-00073850-00074399 Người giàu ở nơi m phủ đang bị đau đớn." Giờ thì Kinh James sử dụng từ Địa Ngục. tQNnpdFBepg-00186-00074399-00074800 Nó nói ông ở nơi Địa Ngục, nhưng không phải. Bản King James mới nói chính xác là tQNnpdFBepg-00187-00074800-00074962 ông ở nơi m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00188-00074962-00075412 Khi đang ở m Phủ, ông ngước mắt lên, xa thấy Áp-ra-ham tQNnpdFBepg-00189-00075412-00075699 và La-xa-rơ trong lòng người. Bèn kêu lên rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00190-00075699-00076108 Hỡi Áp-ra-ham tổ tôi, xin thương lấy tôi, sai La-xa-rơ tQNnpdFBepg-00191-00076108-00076737 nhúng đầu ngón tay vào nước đặng làm cho mát lưỡi tôi vì tôi bị khổ trong lửa nầy quá đỗi. tQNnpdFBepg-00192-00076741-00077304 Nhưng Áp-ra-ham trả lời rằng: Con ơi, hãy nhớ lại lúc ngươi còn sống tQNnpdFBepg-00193-00077304-00077704 đã được hưởng những sự lành của mình rồi, còn La-xa-rơ phải những sự dữ tQNnpdFBepg-00194-00077704-00078045 bây giờ, nó ở đây được yên ủi, còn ngươi phải bị khổ hình. tQNnpdFBepg-00195-00078045-00078379 Vả lại, có một vực sâu ở giữa chúng ta với ngươi, tQNnpdFBepg-00196-00078379-00078729 đến nỗi ai muốn từ đây qua đó không được, tQNnpdFBepg-00197-00078729-00079099 mà ai muốn từ đó qua đây cũng không được." tQNnpdFBepg-00198-00079099-00079629 Giờ thì tôi muốn chúng ta trước nhất nhìn vào nơi này, nơi mà Laxarơ được cất lên. tQNnpdFBepg-00199-00079629-00079887 Chúng ta được kể rằng khi ông chết, tQNnpdFBepg-00200-00079887-00080312 khi La-xa-rơ chết, ông được các thiên sứ để vào lòng của Abraham. tQNnpdFBepg-00201-00080316-00080966 Giờ thì, đây là ngăn của m Phủ nơi mà những người công bình đi đến để đợi sự phán xét. tQNnpdFBepg-00202-00080966-00081233 Nó là nơi được biết đến như là chốn Ba-ra-đi. tQNnpdFBepg-00203-00081233-00081699 Đây là nơi tương tự mà Đấng Christ đã hứa với tên trộm trên thập tự giá là ông sẽ đến đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00204-00081699-00081916 Hãy nhớ mà Ngài đã nói trong Luca 23:43, tQNnpdFBepg-00205-00081916-00082466 Quả thật, ta nói cùng ngươi, hôm nay ngươi sẽ được ở với ta trong nơi Ba-ra-đi. tQNnpdFBepg-00206-00082466-00082716 Trong Luca 16:25 Kinh Thánh nói với chúng ta rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00207-00082716-00083099 trong nơi này, người công bình được yên ủi. tQNnpdFBepg-00208-00083099-00083475 Thực tế, nếu bạn nghiên cứu về bối cảnh, thì từ nguyên gốc của Ba-ra-đi tQNnpdFBepg-00209-00083475-00083862 nó mang khái niệm về một khu vườn được ưa thích. tQNnpdFBepg-00210-00083862-00084341 Giờ thì, ngăn đối diện của m Phủ là nơi người giàu đi đến. tQNnpdFBepg-00211-00084341-00084700 Nơi này là nơi của sự đau đớn. tQNnpdFBepg-00212-00084700-00085199 Phần này trong m Phủ được gọi là Tartarus trong từ gốc Hy Lạp. tQNnpdFBepg-00213-00085199-00085591 Phierơ sử dụng từ này trong 2 Phierơ 2:4 khi ông nói rằng, tQNnpdFBepg-00214-00085591-00085870 Vả, nếu Đức Chúa Trời chẳng tiếc các thiên sứ đã phạm tội tQNnpdFBepg-00215-00085870-00086166 nhưng quăng vào trong vực sâu (Tartarus) tQNnpdFBepg-00216-00086166-00086716 tại đó họ bị trói buộc bằng xiềng nơi tối tăm để chờ sự phán xét. tQNnpdFBepg-00217-00086716-00086966 Họ đang đợi chờ ngày phán xét. tQNnpdFBepg-00218-00086966-00087608 Nơi này được miêu tả cho chúng ta trong Luca 16:22-23 theo cách này. tQNnpdFBepg-00219-00087608-00088125 Câu 22 nói, người giàu cũng chết và được chôn. tQNnpdFBepg-00220-00088125-00088504 Câu 23. Hãy nghe điều này. Và trong Địa Ngục, bản King James nói là Địa ngục. tQNnpdFBepg-00221-00088504-00089108 Từ ở đây là m Phủ. Và trong m Phủ, ông đang bị đau đớn, ngước mắt lên. tQNnpdFBepg-00222-00089108-00089329 Thông thường khi tôi dạy về chủ đề này, tQNnpdFBepg-00223-00089329-00089866 tôi sẽ dành một chút thời gian ở đây để nói về sự khổ cực và đau đớn của nơi này. tQNnpdFBepg-00224-00089866-00090233 Và tôi có thể dành nguyên một bài chỉ cho chủ đề này, tQNnpdFBepg-00225-00090233-00090799 nhưng bây giờ, hãy nhìn qua ngắn gọn rằng người giàu này, trong sự đau đớn tQNnpdFBepg-00226-00090799-00091337 đang bị đốt cháy trong lửa. Ông đang kêu gào cầu xin sự thương xót. tQNnpdFBepg-00227-00091337-00091508 ông đang van nài lòng thương xót. tQNnpdFBepg-00228-00091508-00092087 Ông tìn rằng chỉ một giọt nước sẽ ít nhất giúp cho ông khuây khỏa trong chốc lát. tQNnpdFBepg-00229-00092087-00092633 Tôi muốn bạn nhìn thấy rõ cùng với tôi rằng mỗi người từ lúc bắt đầu của thế gian này cho đến bây giờ, tQNnpdFBepg-00230-00092633-00093125 mọi người đã chết, đã hư mất trong mắt của Đức Chúa Trời, đều ở trong nơi này. tQNnpdFBepg-00231-00093125-00093379 Nhiều người đã ở đó hàng ngàn năm, tQNnpdFBepg-00232-00093379-00093729 nhiều người chỉ mới có vài phút, vài người thì được vài giây rồi, tQNnpdFBepg-00233-00093729-00094295 nhưng họ đang ở đó và đang đau đớn. Giờ thì, một lưu ý mà tôi muốn chúng ta chú ý đến tQNnpdFBepg-00234-00094295-00094725 là sự thật rằng có ý thức trong chốn m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00235-00094725-00094929 Bạn biết là có tín lý được dạy bởi tQNnpdFBepg-00236-00094929-00095245 một vài tôn giáo trên thế giới được gọi là giấc ngủ của linh hồn. tQNnpdFBepg-00237-00095245-00095566 Và giấc ngủ của linh hồn cho rằng khi một người chết đi tQNnpdFBepg-00238-00095566-00096079 thì người đó đi vào một trạng thái vô ý thức và người đó ngừng nhận biết. tQNnpdFBepg-00239-00096079-00096445 Nhưng trong câu này, cũng như những câu khác, Kinh Thánh dạy chúng ta rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00240-00096445-00096899 sau khi chết, con người vẫn nhận thức được chuyện gì đang xảy ra. tQNnpdFBepg-00241-00096899-00097141 Người giàu kêu khóc trong đau đớn. tQNnpdFBepg-00242-00097141-00097670 La-xa-rơ thì được yên ủi. Bạn biết Thi Thiên 116:15 nói rằng, tQNnpdFBepg-00243-00097670-00098108 Sự chết của các người thánh. Là quí báu trước mặt Ðức Giê-hô-va. tQNnpdFBepg-00244-00098108-00098599 Các bạn à, tôi không tin điều đó nói họ đang trôi vào một trạng thái vô ý thức. tQNnpdFBepg-00245-00098599-00099095 Điều đó không có ý nghĩa gì với tôi cả. Bạn biết là tôi đã có dịp dạy về chủ đề này và tQNnpdFBepg-00246-00099095-00099487 một người đàn ông đến trước mặt tôi và ông ta nói rằng, 'Don, đó là một bài học tuyệt vời.' tQNnpdFBepg-00247-00099487-00099829 ông ấy nói, 'nhưng anh cần đọc đoạn đặc biệt này bởi vì tQNnpdFBepg-00248-00099829-00100145 anh đã sai về việc có ý thức trong chốn m Phủ.' tQNnpdFBepg-00249-00100145-00100470 và ông ta đưa cho tôi một mẩu giấy. Tôi đã mở nó ra và nhìn vào đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00250-00100470-00100899 Đó là Truyền Đạo 9:5. Nơi mà Kinh Thánh nói rằng, tQNnpdFBepg-00251-00100899-00101199 Kẻ chết chẳng biết chi hết tQNnpdFBepg-00252-00101199-00101620 Kẻ chết chẳng biết chi hết. Nhưng bạn biết là ông ấy đang hiểu sai câu đó bởi vì tQNnpdFBepg-00253-00101620-00102099 ông ấy đã lôi đó ra khỏi mạch văn. Thực ra, nếu bạn nhìn vào câu tiếp theo tQNnpdFBepg-00254-00102099-00102425 trong Truyền Đạo 9:6 tQNnpdFBepg-00255-00102425-00103175 sử dụng cụm từ đó lại, 'dưới mặt trời'. Nó được sử dụng trong câu 3, 9 và 13. tQNnpdFBepg-00256-00103175-00103391 Và mạch văn của đoạn này tQNnpdFBepg-00257-00103391-00103999 là về những điều đang diễn ra trên thế gian, những việc ở dưới mặt trời, những việc ở trên đất này. tQNnpdFBepg-00258-00103999-00104195 Và mấu chốt của đoạn trích là, tQNnpdFBepg-00259-00104195-00104529 khi bạn chết, và bạn đi đến chốn Ba-ra-đi hay nơi đau khổ, tQNnpdFBepg-00260-00104529-00104975 bạn không bao giờ nhận biết được những điều đang diễn ra trên đất này nữa. tQNnpdFBepg-00261-00104975-00105137 Giờ thì, để chứng minh điều đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00262-00105137-00105616 Trong 2 Sử ký 34, Vua Giôsia được Đức Chúa Trời phán rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00263-00105616-00106020 Đức Chúa Trời sẽ hành phạt Giêrusalem vì tội lỗi của họ, tQNnpdFBepg-00264-00106020-00106466 nhưng ông sẽ chết và ông sẽ không nhìn thấy nó xảy ra. tQNnpdFBepg-00265-00106466-00106737 Giờ thì tôi muốn bạn nghe cách nói trong câu 28. tQNnpdFBepg-00266-00106737-00107137 Ngài phán rằng, "Kìa, ta sẽ khiến ngươi về cùng tổ phụ ngươi, tQNnpdFBepg-00267-00107137-00107499 ngươi sẽ được chôn bình an, tQNnpdFBepg-00268-00107499-00108325 và mắt ngươi sẽ chẳng thấy các tai vạ ta toan giáng xuống trên chốn này cùng trên dân cư nó. tQNnpdFBepg-00269-00108325-00108525 Vậy, Mấu chốt là gì? tQNnpdFBepg-00270-00108525-00108816 Ông sẽ chết. Ông sẽ đi đến nơi m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00271-00108816-00109241 Vậy ông sẽ không nhìn thấy những gì sẽ xảy ra trên đất này. tQNnpdFBepg-00272-00109241-00109775 Kẻ chết chẳng biết chi hết là nói về những gì đang xảy ra ở đây. tQNnpdFBepg-00273-00109775-00110179 Giờ thì, một điều cuối cùng tôi muốn bạn chú ý về nơi m Phủ. tQNnpdFBepg-00274-00110179-00110641 Bạn lưu ý, trên biểu đồ, giữa chốn Ba-ra-đi và Chốn Đau Khổ, tQNnpdFBepg-00275-00110641-00110799 Có một đường màu xanh tQNnpdFBepg-00276-00110799-00111099 và nó có các từ 'vực sâu thẫm' tQNnpdFBepg-00277-00111099-00111599 Đó là bởi vì Luca 16:26 nói rằng có một vực sâu. tQNnpdFBepg-00278-00111599-00111929 Có một vực rất sâu được đặt vào tQNnpdFBepg-00279-00111929-00112316 để không có ai có thể vượt từ bên này sang bên kia. tQNnpdFBepg-00280-00112316-00112675 Một khi bạn ở trong chốn Ba-ra-đi, bạn phải ở đó tQNnpdFBepg-00281-00112675-00113095 cho đến ngày phán xét. Một khi bạn ở trong nơi Đau Đớn, thì bạn phải ở đó tQNnpdFBepg-00282-00113095-00113425 cho đến ngày phán xét. Và điều đó có nghĩa là mỗi người tQNnpdFBepg-00283-00113425-00113854 đã từng chết một cách không trung tín trong mắt của Đức Chúa Trời vẫn còn ở đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00284-00113862-00114325 Nhiều người đã ở đó hàng ngàn năm, vài người thì vài phút, vài người thì vài giây. tQNnpdFBepg-00285-00114329-00114704 Nhưng tôi nghĩ về việc họ đang kêu khóc, tôi đau đớn trong ngọn lửa này. tQNnpdFBepg-00286-00114704-00114879 Nhưng nó không kết thúc. tQNnpdFBepg-00287-00114879-00115262 Giờ thì điều đó đưa chúng ta đến phần tiếp theo của biểu đồ này, tQNnpdFBepg-00288-00115262-00115895 đó là ngày sống lại. Ngày sống lại là ngày mà chúng ta điển hình gọi là ngày phán xét. tQNnpdFBepg-00289-00115895-00116199 Kinh Thánh gọi ngày này là ngày của Chúa. tQNnpdFBepg-00290-00116199-00116691 Phierơ nói, 'Song le, ngày của Chúa sẽ đến như kẻ trộm' 2 Phierơ 3:10 tQNnpdFBepg-00291-00116691-00117137 Điều gì sẽ xảy ra vào ngày đó, ngày phán xét tQNnpdFBepg-00292-00117137-00117533 các linh hồn ở trong m Phủ, những người ở trong Ba-ra-đi hay nơi Đau Đớn, tQNnpdFBepg-00293-00117533-00117699 điều gì sẽ xảy ra với họ? tQNnpdFBepg-00294-00117699-00118341 Vào ngày đó, nơi m Phủ sẽ buông tha tất cả những linh hồn mà nó cầm giữ, tQNnpdFBepg-00295-00118341-00118566 và nó sẽ chấm dứt tồn tại. tQNnpdFBepg-00296-00118566-00118995 Cũng vậy vào ngày đó, trái đất sẽ buông thả các thân xác. tQNnpdFBepg-00297-00118995-00119291 Giăng 5:28 và 29, Đức Chúa Jêsus đã nói, tQNnpdFBepg-00298-00119291-00119741 vì giờ đến, khi mọi người ở trong mồ mả nghe tiếng Ngài và ra khỏi; tQNnpdFBepg-00299-00119741-00120150 ai đã làm lành thì sống lại để được sống, tQNnpdFBepg-00300-00120150-00120683 ai đã làm dữ thì sống lại để bị xét đoán. tQNnpdFBepg-00301-00120683-00121266 và sau đó các linh hồn ra từ m Phủ sẽ hợp nhất lại tQNnpdFBepg-00302-00121266-00121650 với các thân xác đã được làm sống lại từ trái đất. tQNnpdFBepg-00303-00121650-00121816 Nhưng với sự hợp nhất mới này, thân thể mới. tQNnpdFBepg-00304-00121816-00122191 Thân thể mới sẽ khác biệt. Thân thể đã sống lại tQNnpdFBepg-00305-00122191-00122495 sẽ không giống với thân xác mà chúng ta có bây giờ. tQNnpdFBepg-00306-00122495-00122820 Thân thể sống lại sẽ không được làm bằng các yếu tố tượng tự tQNnpdFBepg-00307-00122820-00123233 được đặt vào trong mồ. Thân thể sống lại sẽ là một tQNnpdFBepg-00308-00123233-00123599 vật chất khác nếu như bạn muốn dùng thuật ngữ đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00309-00123599-00124033 Bạn biết đó, đôi khi mọi người bày tỏ sự quan tâm đến việc cơ thể của họ bị hỏa táng tQNnpdFBepg-00310-00124033-00124399 bởi vì họ nghĩ điều đó sẽ gây rắc rối vào lúc sống lại. tQNnpdFBepg-00311-00124399-00124808 Nhưng thân thể sống lại sẽ không được tạo ra từ các yếu tố tương tự tQNnpdFBepg-00312-00124808-00125062 mà chúng ta có trên đất này. Làm sao tôi biết được điều đó? tQNnpdFBepg-00313-00125062-00125583 1 Côrinhtô 15:50 nói, "thịt và máu chẳng hưởng nước Đức Chúa Trời được" tQNnpdFBepg-00314-00125583-00126033 Thân thể được sống lại sẽ không phải là một cơ thể bằng thịt và máu. tQNnpdFBepg-00315-00126033-00126425 Nghe điều này từ câu 44 của 1 Côrinhtô 15. tQNnpdFBepg-00316-00126425-00126645 Thân thể, tức là thân xác, tQNnpdFBepg-00317-00126645-00127299 đã gieo ra là hay hư nát, mà nó, thân thể sống lại, sống lại là không hay hư nát; tQNnpdFBepg-00318-00127299-00127683 Nó đã gieo ra là nhục, mà sống lại là vinh. tQNnpdFBepg-00319-00127683-00127999 Nó đã gieo ra là yếu, mà sống lại là mạnh; tQNnpdFBepg-00320-00127999-00128541 Nó đã gieo ra là thể huyết khí, mà sống lại là thể thiêng liêng. tQNnpdFBepg-00321-00128541-00128825 Có một thể huyết khí. Có một thể thiêng liêng. tQNnpdFBepg-00322-00128825-00129099 Giờ thì, hãy phân tích điều này; những gì mà chúng ta vừa mới đọc. tQNnpdFBepg-00323-00129099-00129508 Nó nói thân thể sống lại sẽ không hư nát. tQNnpdFBepg-00324-00129508-00129812 Bạn thấy là thân thể hiện tại của chúng ta bị lệ thuộc vào sự chết. tQNnpdFBepg-00325-00129812-00130299 Chúng trở nên già đi, kiệt quệ. Nhưng thân thể mới sẽ không hao mòn. tQNnpdFBepg-00326-00130299-00130708 Thứ hai, thân thể sống lại sẽ là một thân thể vinh hiển. tQNnpdFBepg-00327-00130708-00130870 Thể xác hiện tại của chúng ta có tQNnpdFBepg-00328-00130870-00131408 rất nhiều thứ đồng hành với chúng mà không vinh hiển. Chúng thấp kém và hèn hạ. tQNnpdFBepg-00329-00131408-00131812 Thân thể mới sẽ là một thứ đẹp đẽ, vui vẻ và thuần khiết. tQNnpdFBepg-00330-00131812-00132299 Thứ ba, ông nói thân thể sống lại sẽ sống lại trong sức mạnh. tQNnpdFBepg-00331-00132299-00132641 Bạn biết, thân thể hiện tại của chúng ta trở nên mệt mỏi. Chúng vốn dĩ là yếu đuối. tQNnpdFBepg-00332-00132641-00133366 Thân thể sống lại sẽ có sức mạnh không bao giờ cạn. Nó sẽ có khả năng hoạt động không mệt mỏi. tQNnpdFBepg-00333-00133366-00133745 Thân thể sống lại là một thể thiêng liêng. tQNnpdFBepg-00334-00133745-00134075 Và ông nói thân thể hiện tại của chúng ta là huyết khí, tQNnpdFBepg-00335-00134075-00134475 thân thể sống lại sẽ được định cho một đời sống thiêng liêng tQNnpdFBepg-00336-00134475-00134787 trái ngược với đời sống vật chất, xác thịt. tQNnpdFBepg-00337-00134787-00135225 Vậy, ngày phán xét sẽ là một ngày sống lại. tQNnpdFBepg-00338-00135225-00135699 Nó là ngày m Phủ sẽ bị hủy diệt. Nó là ngày mà chúng ta sẽ nhận được thân thể tQNnpdFBepg-00339-00135699-00136112 sống lại, mới, không hư nát và thiêng liêng của chúng ta, tQNnpdFBepg-00340-00136112-00136691 Giờ thì, ghi nhớ điều đó, nghe 1 Côrinhtô 15:54 và 55. tQNnpdFBepg-00341-00136691-00137029 Khi nào thể hay hư nát nầy mặc lấy sự không hay hư nát tQNnpdFBepg-00342-00137029-00137599 thể hay chết nầy mặc lấy sự không hay chết, thì được ứng nghiệm lời Kinh thánh rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00343-00137599-00137900 Sự chết đã bị nuốt mất trong sự thắng. tQNnpdFBepg-00344-00137900-00138608 Hỡi sự chết, sự thắng của mầy ở đâu? Hỡi m Phủ, cái nọc của mầy ở đâu? tQNnpdFBepg-00345-00138608-00139099 Sự chết và m Phủ sẽ thất bại vào ngày đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00346-00139099-00139679 Nói cách khác, ngôi mồ vật chất và nơi ở tạm thời của người chết, tQNnpdFBepg-00347-00139679-00140125 m Phủ, cả hai sẽ đi đến hồi kết, vào ngày phán xét. tQNnpdFBepg-00348-00140125-00140499 Bạn nói rằng, 'vậy còn về chúng ta, những người vẫn còn sống, tQNnpdFBepg-00349-00140499-00140925 khi ngày phán xét đến thì sao? 1 Côrinhtô 15:52 nói rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00350-00140925-00141300 Trong giây phút, trong nháy mắt, lúc tiếng kèn chót tQNnpdFBepg-00351-00141300-00141845 kẻ chết đều sống lại được không hay hư nát, và chúng ta đều sẽ biến hóa. tQNnpdFBepg-00352-00141845-00142399 Và vì vậy, người sống cũng sẽ được biến hóa thành một thể không hay hư nát. tQNnpdFBepg-00353-00142399-00142779 Và sau đó chúng ta sẽ nhóm lại trước ngôi của Đức Chúa Trời. tQNnpdFBepg-00354-00142779-00143199 Sau khi cả người tốt và người xấu đã nhận được thân thể sống lại của mình tQNnpdFBepg-00355-00143199-00143699 Thì chúng ta sẽ đứng trước ngôi của Đấng Christ. Và chúng ta sẽ bị phán xét. tQNnpdFBepg-00356-00143699-00144225 Mathiơ 25:32 nói, "Muôn dân nhóm lại trước mặt Ngài tQNnpdFBepg-00357-00144225-00144783 rồi Ngài sẽ chia người nầy với người khác ra, như kẻ chăn chiên chia chiên với dê ra" tQNnpdFBepg-00358-00144783-00145100 Và tất cả loài người, các bạn à, toàn bộ loài người tQNnpdFBepg-00359-00145100-00145679 sẽ ở đó vào ngày đó. Người giàu và Laxarơ sẽ đứng trước Đức Chúa Trời để nhận tQNnpdFBepg-00360-00145679-00146137 sự phán xét sau cùng của họ. Abraham, Y Sắc và Giacốp sẽ ở đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00361-00146137-00146408 Aháp, Giêsabên và Giuđa sẽ ở đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00362-00146408-00146699 Rôma 14:12 nói, "Như vậy, mỗi người trong chúng ta sẽ tQNnpdFBepg-00363-00146699-00147212 khai trình việc mình với Đức Chúa Trời. 2 Côrinhtô 5:10 nói,"Bởi vì chúng ta thảy đều phải tQNnpdFBepg-00364-00147212-00147599 ứng hầu trước tòa án Đấng Christ hầu cho mỗi người nhận lãnh tQNnpdFBepg-00365-00147599-00147783 tùy theo điều thiện hay ác tQNnpdFBepg-00366-00147783-00148220 mình đã làm lúc còn trong xác thịt." tQNnpdFBepg-00367-00148220-00148437 Bạn biết đó, đôi khi mọi người sẽ hỏi rằng, tQNnpdFBepg-00368-00148437-00148775 vậy thì, mục đích của sự phán xét là gì nếu như mọi người đã tQNnpdFBepg-00369-00148775-00149299 ở trong chốn Ba-ra-đi hay nơi Đau Đớn rồi? Nó dường như giống với việc họ đã bị phán xét rồi. tQNnpdFBepg-00370-00149299-00149854 Nhưng bạn thấy đó, ngày phán xét không phải là một ngày mà vào ngày đó Đức chúa Trời phải đưa ra một lệnh phán xét. tQNnpdFBepg-00371-00149858-00150199 Nó không giống với việc Đức Chúa Trời phải đánh giá các sự kiện và các con số tQNnpdFBepg-00372-00150199-00150633 và suy ra người nào được cứu và người nào hư mất. Ngài biết là vào chính thời điểm mà bạn chết, tQNnpdFBepg-00373-00150633-00150999 Thực tế, ngài biết trước khi bạn chết, nơi mà bạn sẽ ở đời đời rồi. tQNnpdFBepg-00374-00150999-00151391 Ngày phán xét không phải là một buổi xét xử giống như chúng ta có thể nghĩ đến. tQNnpdFBepg-00375-00151391-00151762 Thực tế, bạn có thể gọi nó là buổi công bố của ngày phán xét. tQNnpdFBepg-00376-00151766-00151937 Nó là ngày tuyên án. tQNnpdFBepg-00377-00151937-00152491 Nó là ngày mà Đức Chúa trời đưa ra các lý do tại sao bạn bị hư mất hay được cứu. tQNnpdFBepg-00378-00152491-00152875 Và sau đó ngài tuyên bố án hay phần thưởng đời đời của bạn. tQNnpdFBepg-00379-00152875-00153212 Vài người nói, 'Nhưng bạn thấy đó, nó dường như không cần thiết. tQNnpdFBepg-00380-00153212-00153699 Vì người công bình và kẻ ác đã biết nơi họ sẽ trải qua cuộc đời vô tận của mình rồi. tQNnpdFBepg-00381-00153699-00154075 nó dường như không cần thiết. Các bạn à, hãy để tôi gợi ý cho bạn là tQNnpdFBepg-00382-00154075-00154499 ngày phán xét là cần thiết vì một vài lý do. tQNnpdFBepg-00383-00154499-00155062 Thứ nhất, những người vẫn còn sống, họ vẫn chưa được định cho sự hình phạt hay sự hưởng phước, tQNnpdFBepg-00384-00155062-00155220 và vì vậy nó cần thiết cho họ. tQNnpdFBepg-00385-00155220-00155633 Thứ hai, sự công bình phải được bày tỏ. tQNnpdFBepg-00386-00155633-00156141 Giờ thì hãy nghe tôi, lần cuối cùng mà thế gian nhìn thấy Đấng Christ, tQNnpdFBepg-00387-00156141-00156399 Thì ngài đã chết như một tội nhân. tQNnpdFBepg-00388-00156399-00156799 Hãy nhớ, Ngài chỉ được nhìn thấy bởi những kẻ theo ngài sau khi Ngài sống lại. tQNnpdFBepg-00389-00156799-00157399 Nhưng vào ngày phán xét, mọi người sẽ nhìn thấy Ngài như Quan Xét công bình. tQNnpdFBepg-00390-00157399-00157600 Thứ ba, tQNnpdFBepg-00391-00157600-00157999 Thứ ba, ngày phán xét là cần thiết bởi vì nó sẽ là một ngày của sự vạch trần. tQNnpdFBepg-00392-00157999-00158316 Các lý do vì sao một người bị hư mất sẽ được nêu ra. tQNnpdFBepg-00393-00158316-00158675 Các lý do vì sao một người được cứu sẽ được loan báo. tQNnpdFBepg-00394-00158675-00159200 Thứ tư, đó là ngày khi sự chết cuối cùng bị đánh bại. tQNnpdFBepg-00395-00159200-00159337 Bạn biết đó, trải qua nhiều năm, tQNnpdFBepg-00396-00159337-00159758 Tôi đã tự hỏi về ý nghĩa của 1 Côrinhtô 15:26 tQNnpdFBepg-00397-00159758-00160120 nó nói là kẻ thù cuối cùng sẽ bị hủy diệt là sự chết. tQNnpdFBepg-00398-00160120-00160499 Và tôi đã tự nghĩ là, bạn biết đó, Đấng Christ không phải đã đánh bại sự chết rồi sao? tQNnpdFBepg-00399-00160499-00160899 Ngài đã không làm điều đó khi Ngài sống lại sao? Và vì vậy tôi đã bối rối về điều này. tQNnpdFBepg-00400-00160899-00161299 Nhưng hãy nghe mạch văn. Câu 24. Kế đó, cuối cùng sẽ đến tQNnpdFBepg-00401-00161299-00161962 là lúc Ngài sẽ giao nước lại cho Đức Chúa Trời là Cha, sau khi Ngài đã phá diệt mọi đế quốc, tQNnpdFBepg-00402-00161962-00162499 mọi quyền cai trị, và mọi thế lực. vì Ngài phải cầm quyền cho đến chừng đặt những kẻ thù nghịch dưới chân mình. tQNnpdFBepg-00403-00162499-00162904 Kẻ thù bị hủy diệt sau cùng, tức là sự chết. tQNnpdFBepg-00404-00162904-00163399 Các bạn à, câu này đang nói về ngày mà các ngôi mộ sẽ trở nên trống không. tQNnpdFBepg-00405-00163399-00163887 và thế giới m Phủ sẽ đi đến hồi kết. Đó là ngày này. tQNnpdFBepg-00406-00163887-00164245 Ngày phán xét là rất cần thiết. tQNnpdFBepg-00407-00164245-00164799 Phần tiếp theo của biểu đồ mà chúng ta đang nói đến là nơi đời đời. tQNnpdFBepg-00408-00164799-00165099 Trong Mathiơ 25:46 Chúa đã nói, tQNnpdFBepg-00409-00165099-00165479 'Rồi những kẻ nầy sẽ vào hình phạt đời đời tQNnpdFBepg-00410-00165479-00166133 còn những người công bình sẽ vào sự sống đời đời.' Bạn biết đó, con người được tạo nên tQNnpdFBepg-00411-00166133-00166429 theo ảnh tượng của Đức Chúa Trời. Và vì vậy được ban cho một linh hồn đời đời tQNnpdFBepg-00412-00166429-00166800 và linh hồn đó sẽ không bao giờ chấm dứt tồn tại. tQNnpdFBepg-00413-00166800-00167129 Từ Hy Lạp mà được dịch thành đời đời tQNnpdFBepg-00414-00167129-00167599 có nghĩa là đời đời, bất diệt, không có kết thúc, không bao giờ dừng lại, tQNnpdFBepg-00415-00167599-00167899 vô hạn với thời gian. tQNnpdFBepg-00416-00167899-00168299 Giờ thì, bạn sẽ thấy trong biểu đồ có hai con đường tQNnpdFBepg-00417-00168299-00168599 như nơi chúng ta sẽ trải qua đời đời ở đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00418-00168599-00169099 Một là nơi của sự hưởng phước đời đời. Đó là nơi được định cho người trung tín. tQNnpdFBepg-00419-00169099-00169499 Nó là thiên đàng. Và với họ, Vua sẽ nói vào ngày phán xét rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00420-00169499-00169999 Hỡi các ngươi được Cha ta ban phước, hãy đến mà nhận lấy nước thiên đàng đã sắm sẵn cho các ngươi từ khi dựng nên trời đất. tQNnpdFBepg-00421-00169999-00170429 Mathiơ 25:46. Ngài gọi nơi này là sự sống đời đời. tQNnpdFBepg-00422-00170429-00170695 Giờ thì, nơi được định sẵn còn lại tQNnpdFBepg-00423-00170695-00171045 là một nơi cho sự đau đớn đời đời. Đó là Địa Ngục. tQNnpdFBepg-00424-00171045-00171541 Nó được miêu tả trong Khải huyền 21:8 như hồ có lửa và diêm sinh cháy bừng bừng. tQNnpdFBepg-00425-00171541-00171958 tức là sự chết thứ hai. Đó là nơi Chúa có sẵn trong tâm trí trong sự phán xét tQNnpdFBepg-00426-00171958-00172333 được nhìn thấy trong Mathiơ 25 nơi Ngài nói với các tội nhân, tQNnpdFBepg-00427-00172333-00172916 Và những kẻ này sẽ đi đến sự hình phạt đời đời. tQNnpdFBepg-00428-00172916-00173299 Vậy hình phạt trong địa ngục sẽ kéo dài bao lâu? tQNnpdFBepg-00429-00173299-00173599 Hình phạt trong địa ngục sẽ là tạm thời thôi phải không? tQNnpdFBepg-00430-00173599-00173899 hay mọi người chỉ sẽ bị đốt cháy và ngừng tồn tại? tQNnpdFBepg-00431-00173899-00174287 Ôi nhưng Kinh Thánh nói là nó sẽ kéo dài đời đời. tQNnpdFBepg-00432-00174287-00174699 Nó sẽ vĩnh viễn. Khải Huyền 14:11 nói tQNnpdFBepg-00433-00174699-00175033 Khói của sự đau đớn chúng nó bay lên đời đời. tQNnpdFBepg-00434-00175033-00175383 cả ngày lẫn đêm không lúc nào được yên nghỉ. tQNnpdFBepg-00435-00175383-00175875 Các bạn à, tôi không thể tưởng tượng được bất cứ điều gì khủng khiếp hơn điều đó. tQNnpdFBepg-00436-00175875-00176150 Bạn biết đó, một người chết và đi xuống địa ngục; tQNnpdFBepg-00437-00176150-00176700 thì người đó có ngày mai, ngày mốt, năm tới và 100 năm tiếp theo nữa, tQNnpdFBepg-00438-00176700-00177108 và một triệu năm từ bây giờ, thì người đó vẫn sẽ đau đớn và đang bốc cháy tQNnpdFBepg-00439-00177108-00177670 và vẫn tiếp tục tồn tại. Mỗi ngày trôi qua, người đó không hề gần hồi kết thêm chút nào. tQNnpdFBepg-00440-00177675-00177962 Giờ thì, bạn biết chúng ta đang trình bày hơn là giải quyết bởi vì tQNnpdFBepg-00441-00177962-00178587 không có thời gian trong sự đời đời. Người đó sẽ chỉ phải chịu đau đớn mãi mãi. tQNnpdFBepg-00442-00178591-00179170 Linh hồn của con người đi vào trong thân xác vào thời điểm được thai nghén. tQNnpdFBepg-00443-00179170-00179458 và khi chết đi, nó đi vào nơi m Phủ tQNnpdFBepg-00444-00179458-00179904 nó còn lại như một linh hồn cho đến ngày sống lại. tQNnpdFBepg-00445-00179904-00180237 Vào ngày đó, nó hợp nhất lại với thân, tQNnpdFBepg-00446-00180237-00180699 thân thể mới, không hay hư nát, và sau đó linh hồn đó và thân thể mới tQNnpdFBepg-00447-00180699-00181187 sẽ sống đời đời trong thiên đàng hay địa ngục. tQNnpdFBepg-00448-00181187-00181579 Giờ thì, chúng ta đang thảo luận về tương lai của các linh hồn của chúng ta, tQNnpdFBepg-00449-00181579-00181950 nhưng hãy đem buổi thảo luận này về nơi mà chúng ta sống tQNnpdFBepg-00450-00181950-00182245 Nếu bạn trở lại nơi đầu tiên của biểu đồ, bạn sẽ thấy rằng tQNnpdFBepg-00451-00182245-00182758 trên trái đất có hai loại: người được cứu và người hư mất. tQNnpdFBepg-00452-00182758-00183233 Và mọi người trên đất đều thuộc về một trong hai loại này. tQNnpdFBepg-00453-00183233-00183799 Bạn cũng sẽ lưu ý rằng người được cứu và người hư mất đang đi trên các con đường khác nhau. tQNnpdFBepg-00454-00183799-00184099 Lưu ý rằng dành cho người được cứu, cho người công bình, tQNnpdFBepg-00455-00184099-00184499 thì con đường đại diện cho sự chết rất hẹp. tQNnpdFBepg-00456-00184499-00184762 Đó là bởi vì Mathiơ 7:14 nói rằng, tQNnpdFBepg-00457-00184762-00185137 'Song cửa hẹp và đường chật dẫn đến sự sống, tQNnpdFBepg-00458-00185137-00185637 kẻ kiếm được thì ít.' Cũng lưu ý rằng, dành cho kẻ hư mất, tQNnpdFBepg-00459-00185637-00186154 thì con đường của họ cho sự chết thì rộng và đó là bởi Mathiơ 7:13 nói, tQNnpdFBepg-00460-00186154-00186604 'Cửa rộng và đường khoảng khoát dẫn đến sự hư mất, tQNnpdFBepg-00461-00186604-00187033 kẻ vào đó cũng nhiều.' tQNnpdFBepg-00462-00187033-00187333 Và có lẽ điều quan trọng nhất để chú ý tQNnpdFBepg-00463-00187333-00187699 đó là sau khi chết, người được cứu và người hư mất tQNnpdFBepg-00464-00187699-00187941 kết thúc trong các nơi khác nhau. tQNnpdFBepg-00465-00187941-00188362 Và các bạn à, nơi bạn sẽ đi đến khi bạn chết phụ thuộc vào tQNnpdFBepg-00466-00188362-00188733 nơi bạn đang hướng đến khi bạn còn sống. tQNnpdFBepg-00467-00188733-00189112 Mỗi người đang sống ngày nay đang ở trên một trong hai con đường. tQNnpdFBepg-00468-00189112-00189829 Nó là con đường hẹp của họ mà dẫn đến thiên đàng hay nó là con đường khoảng khoắt dẫn đến địa ngục. tQNnpdFBepg-00469-00189833-00190279 Nếu bạn chết ngày nay, thì hy vọng đời đời dành cho bạn là gì? tQNnpdFBepg-00470-00190279-00190770 Nếu bạn chết trong vài tháng tiếp theo, thì bạn sẽ ở đâu khi bạn mở mắt ra? tQNnpdFBepg-00471-00190770-00191083 Bạn sẽ nhìn thấy gì, vài giây sau lúc này, bạn sẽ nhìn thấy gì? tQNnpdFBepg-00472-00191083-00191370 Sẽ là các thiên sứ đang đưa bạn đến chốn Ba-ra-đi tQNnpdFBepg-00473-00191370-00192245 hay bạn sẽ mở mắt ra trong nơi đau đớn? tVYVMcZdLRQ-00000-00000627-00000673 English tYp8HJTrjA4-00000-00000210-00000779 Its mid January, and, as I had recently turned 19, I had decided that it was time to take tYp8HJTrjA4-00001-00000779-00001374 a rite of passage to manhood so to speak. So after nagging my parents-my mother mostly tYp8HJTrjA4-00002-00001374-00001969 to be honest-for weeks, they had finally caved to my pleas to take a trip alone to our cabin tYp8HJTrjA4-00003-00001969-00002516 we had in the North Rocky Mountains for about 2 weeks. My family was what you would call tYp8HJTrjA4-00004-00002516-00003081 the outdoorsy type. We were out camping at least 3 times a month. We often spent entire tYp8HJTrjA4-00005-00003081-00003762 days hiking, hunting, fishing, or canoeing. Me and my siblings-sister included-had shot, tYp8HJTrjA4-00006-00003762-00004240 cleaned, and eaten more deer and hogs than we could count, and our freezer was always tYp8HJTrjA4-00007-00004240-00004905 stocked with freshly caught fish. So surviving outdoors was not a problem for us, however, tYp8HJTrjA4-00008-00004905-00005426 ever since the death of my uncle-my mom's brother- my mom had been more and more protective tYp8HJTrjA4-00009-00005426-00006110 of us. So yes, it took some convincing, but now here I was, driving up a winding road, tYp8HJTrjA4-00010-00006110-00006479 cherishing the beautiful scenery as I made my assent. tYp8HJTrjA4-00011-00006479-00007089 My phone buzzed. A call from my oldest brother. I quickly dove for it. As I got deeper into tYp8HJTrjA4-00012-00007089-00007684 the mountains, this would likely be my phone call before I lost cell service. tYp8HJTrjA4-00013-00007684-00008148 "John! You -ere bud?" His voice was already breaking up. tYp8HJTrjA4-00014-00008148-00008449 "I'm here Dylan. What's up man?" tYp8HJTrjA4-00015-00008449-00009060 "Ah, nothi-. Just call- to check up on you for mo-. You are her baby. And she worri-" tYp8HJTrjA4-00016-00009060-00009250 He said with a chuckle tYp8HJTrjA4-00017-00009250-00009724 This was true. As the youngest, my mother had always been more protective of me than tYp8HJTrjA4-00018-00009724-00010218 my other siblings. It was nice to hold it over my other siblings head, although sometimes tYp8HJTrjA4-00019-00010218-00010453 the care I received was a bit much. tYp8HJTrjA4-00020-00010453-00011032 "Naw doing good so far." I reassured him. "Just about there actually. But hey I'm about tYp8HJTrjA4-00021-00011032-00011606 to lose service. I'll be off the grid for about 2 weeks. If I decide to stay 3, I'll tYp8HJTrjA4-00022-00011606-00011845 head back down so I can call and give you guys a heads up." tYp8HJTrjA4-00023-00011845-00012574 "Sounds good, I'll let you get to it." He laughed. "Don't let yourself get eaten by tYp8HJTrjA4-00024-00012574-00012674 any-" tYp8HJTrjA4-00025-00012674-00013263 I looked down at my phone. No service. Smiling, I threw my phone down on top of the duffle tYp8HJTrjA4-00026-00013263-00013880 bag next to me. I was cut off from the world. This was going to be a great 2 weeks. tYp8HJTrjA4-00027-00013880-00014468 The first 3 days were uneventful. I hunted, gathered wood, lounged about, and took day tYp8HJTrjA4-00028-00014468-00015022 long hikes, just me and my thoughts. It was heaven really. tYp8HJTrjA4-00029-00015022-00015383 Day 4. That's when it all started to go to hell. tYp8HJTrjA4-00030-00015383-00016024 I had just shot a deer, a buck nonetheless. And-I don't like to brag-it was a big one. tYp8HJTrjA4-00031-00016024-00016540 By far the biggest I have ever shot. It's antlers spanned 4 feet, and would probably tYp8HJTrjA4-00032-00016540-00017079 have kept me fed for most, if not all, of the remaining time I would spend here. tYp8HJTrjA4-00033-00017079-00017617 But there was no way I could carry it back to the cabin, or even drag it. So I started tYp8HJTrjA4-00034-00017617-00018135 carving it then. I leaned my rifle against a tree and got to work. I slit it open, pulling tYp8HJTrjA4-00035-00018135-00018332 out its intestines and other organs, washing away the blood with handfuls of snow, and tYp8HJTrjA4-00036-00018332-00018432 began cutting it into smaller pieces. tYp8HJTrjA4-00037-00018432-00018939 I hadn't eaten breakfast yet, and it was mid afternoon now. I was pretty hungry. So I cut tYp8HJTrjA4-00038-00018939-00019475 off a decent sized portion of venison, stabbed my knife into the tree above my rifle, and tYp8HJTrjA4-00039-00019475-00020028 headed back to the cabin. my plan was to roast it slowly over the fire while I went back tYp8HJTrjA4-00040-00020028-00020553 to finish up some more with the deer, and by the time I came back, it would be ready. tYp8HJTrjA4-00041-00020553-00021059 So I got to the cabin, started a fire, and put the deer on the grate above it, used the tYp8HJTrjA4-00042-00021059-00021638 fire for a bit to warm up, and headed back out. I trudged through the snow, making my tYp8HJTrjA4-00043-00021638-00022247 way back to the deer. I was about 5 minutes from the spot, when I felt a strange chill. tYp8HJTrjA4-00044-00022247-00022794 It was cold, of course, the thermometer at the cabin had read 20 degrees Fahrenheit. tYp8HJTrjA4-00045-00022794-00023456 But this was different. It seeped through my well bundled body, penetrating my core. tYp8HJTrjA4-00046-00023456-00024274 I glanced around, I'm not sure why, but I did. And I saw something. A dark figure, about tYp8HJTrjA4-00047-00024274-00025102 my height, duck behind a tree, about 15 yards away. This didn't generally worry me. This tYp8HJTrjA4-00048-00025102-00025528 was a public mountain, and it was a beautiful time of the year to come. tYp8HJTrjA4-00049-00025528-00025758 Why wouldn't there be other people up here? tYp8HJTrjA4-00050-00025758-00026123 "Hey buddy! I called. No response tYp8HJTrjA4-00051-00026123-00026539 "Hey you lost man?" tYp8HJTrjA4-00052-00026539-00027231 Nothing. I called once more. Still nothing. Maybe I was seeing things. I considered going tYp8HJTrjA4-00053-00027231-00027795 over to investigate the tree, but thought better of it. It was cold, I had food cooking tYp8HJTrjA4-00054-00027795-00028372 at the cabin, and I didn't want anything getting to my deer. Wolves were a problem out here. tYp8HJTrjA4-00055-00028372-00028779 So with a sigh, I continued to the spot of the deer. tYp8HJTrjA4-00056-00028779-00029387 The area was spotless when I arrived. At first I thought I had misplaced my steps, the deer tYp8HJTrjA4-00057-00029387-00030011 was at another area. But no. There was my knife, still wedged into the tree, right above tYp8HJTrjA4-00058-00030011-00030708 my rifle. I walked over and yanked out my knife, then picked up my rifle. A glint caught tYp8HJTrjA4-00059-00030708-00031439 my eye. I looked down at my knife. It was spotless. I had left the knife the way it tYp8HJTrjA4-00060-00031439-00031708 was-covered in blood and bits of meat-when I had stuck it in the tree. But now it was tYp8HJTrjA4-00061-00031708-00032391 impossibly clean, even the tip, where I had stuck it in the tree, was shiny and clean. tYp8HJTrjA4-00062-00032391-00033117 I turned around. There was nothing there. I mean there was literally nothing there. tYp8HJTrjA4-00063-00033117-00033736 When I had left, the ground had been covered with blood, pieces of meat, bits of intestines tYp8HJTrjA4-00064-00033736-00034496 strung about, and-most noticeably- a deer. But now there was nothing. The ground was tYp8HJTrjA4-00065-00034496-00035057 a pristine white, it looked as if there had never been anything there to begin with, not tYp8HJTrjA4-00066-00035057-00035948 even foot prints, of the culprits or my own, I realized with a start. The snow looked untouched. tYp8HJTrjA4-00067-00035948-00036505 The only footprints were those of the ones i had made right then. I lifted up my foot tYp8HJTrjA4-00068-00036505-00037107 and put it back down. It sank into the snow with an icy crunch. tYp8HJTrjA4-00069-00037107-00037855 The snow was old. Very old i knew. It hadn't snowed since the 4 days I'd been there. Every tYp8HJTrjA4-00070-00037855-00038563 crunch of my boots was a reminder of that. So there was no logical explanation as to tYp8HJTrjA4-00071-00038563-00039107 why there were no longer any footprints in the snow, or anything in the snow for that tYp8HJTrjA4-00072-00039107-00039921 matter. An entire butchering site, gone. Every sliver of meat and drop of blood. In the span tYp8HJTrjA4-00073-00039921-00040701 of 20 minutes. Stumbling backwards, I turned and ran all the back to the cabin. I expected, tYp8HJTrjA4-00074-00040701-00041306 at least, to return to the smell of cooked venison. That was gone too. tYp8HJTrjA4-00075-00041306-00041588 I went to bed early that night. tYp8HJTrjA4-00076-00041588-00042313 The next day-today-was when it all ended. Yesterday's events had shook me. But this. tYp8HJTrjA4-00077-00042313-00042976 This was different. I had spent all day inside. Our cabin, unlike most, was solar powered, tYp8HJTrjA4-00078-00042976-00043616 and we had working lights, a fridge, a stove. What my father has refused to add, however tYp8HJTrjA4-00079-00043616-00044113 was a heating system, opting instead to just install a big fireplace in the living room, tYp8HJTrjA4-00080-00044113-00044693 and 2 smaller ones in the bedrooms, saying it ruined the camping experience. As if the tYp8HJTrjA4-00081-00044693-00045279 working lights and plumbing didn't already do that. But that was fine by us really. The tYp8HJTrjA4-00082-00045279-00045887 cabin was midsized, had only 2 bedrooms, a bigger one for my 2 brothers, father and myself tYp8HJTrjA4-00083-00045887-00046446 to sleep in, and a smaller one for my mother and sister to sleep in. Besides that, it had tYp8HJTrjA4-00084-00046446-00046977 one small bathroom, a small kitchen since we opted to do most of our cooking outside tYp8HJTrjA4-00085-00046977-00047512 anyway, and a small living room. It didn't take much to keep the cabin toasty, even on tYp8HJTrjA4-00086-00047512-00047986 the coldest days. Especially since I just shut the bedroom doors to keep the heat in tYp8HJTrjA4-00087-00047986-00048428 the main part of the cabin. So staying indoors was not uncomfortable. Glamping, as my buddy tYp8HJTrjA4-00088-00048428-00048528 Jax says. tYp8HJTrjA4-00089-00048528-00049057 I spent the day writing, sleeping and reading. I cooked a few packs of frozen hotdogs my tYp8HJTrjA4-00090-00049057-00049579 dad insisted we keep in the cabin for food. It was a good day, and the bizarre events tYp8HJTrjA4-00091-00049579-00050158 of the other day quickly fell away. I still could not explain the reasons as to why it tYp8HJTrjA4-00092-00050158-00050766 had happened, but I didn't care. I wrote it off as a strange phenomenon of nature. Some tYp8HJTrjA4-00093-00050766-00051307 hungry wolves had dragged it away, licked up all spare traces of blood and guts, even tYp8HJTrjA4-00094-00051307-00051911 off my knife. And as for the footprints, and the figure behind the tree…I didn't know, tYp8HJTrjA4-00095-00051911-00052464 or particularly care at that moment, as I had noticed the fire had died down once again. tYp8HJTrjA4-00096-00052464-00053110 I had spent the day restocking it with the small pile of wood we kept in the house. All tYp8HJTrjA4-00097-00053110-00053736 at once, I felt the same strange chill from yesterday. This time I wrote it off as the tYp8HJTrjA4-00098-00053736-00054392 dying fire letting a chill into the air. I glanced outside. It was already 9, and almost tYp8HJTrjA4-00099-00054392-00054943 pitch black. Luckily I had stock piled a nice pile of wood. Right on the side of the house. tYp8HJTrjA4-00100-00054943-00055336 So I wouldn't have to go to my area and chop some. I pulled on my jacket, but the chill tYp8HJTrjA4-00101-00055336-00055799 remained. I opened the door and flipped on the outside light, as the small sliver of tYp8HJTrjA4-00102-00055799-00056376 moon hanging above me did little to brighten up my surroundings. Where was a full moon tYp8HJTrjA4-00103-00056376-00056531 when you needed it. tYp8HJTrjA4-00104-00056531-00057092 I walked down the steps and towards the side of the cabin, were the pile of wood was, my tYp8HJTrjA4-00105-00057092-00057620 boots crunching noisily in the snow. I rounded the corner and ran into tYp8HJTrjA4-00106-00057620-00057869 Nothing. tYp8HJTrjA4-00107-00057869-00058549 The wood was gone. Not a single sliver of wood remained. Even with little light I could tYp8HJTrjA4-00108-00058549-00059272 see that. As if there had never been any there in the first place. I turned towards the woods. tYp8HJTrjA4-00109-00059272-00060058 I was scared and angry. We had no neighbors. Not for at least 3 miles. And even he was tYp8HJTrjA4-00110-00060058-00060630 a half senile old man by the name of Herb. The kind of man who took crack shots into tYp8HJTrjA4-00111-00060630-00061300 the woods for fun, or who brewed his own moonshine. I turned back towards the woods, watching tYp8HJTrjA4-00112-00061300-00061947 it tensely. Herb was kind though, and could chop his own wood. He wouldn't do this, and tYp8HJTrjA4-00113-00061947-00062698 probably couldn't either at his age. So who did this? I looked down. No footprints again. tYp8HJTrjA4-00114-00062698-00063269 I needed more wood. It was too cold to sleep the night without a fire. I started to turn tYp8HJTrjA4-00115-00063269-00063995 to go back when a branch in the woods snapped, sounding like a gunshot. I spun again, looking tYp8HJTrjA4-00116-00063995-00064616 and listening closely. I stood there for about 5 minutes. No more noise sounded from the tYp8HJTrjA4-00117-00064616-00065249 dark forest. Walking backwards slowly, I continued on to the cabin. tYp8HJTrjA4-00118-00065249-00065944 Back inside, I seathed as I bundled up. First thing tomorrow, I was calling the ranger. tYp8HJTrjA4-00119-00065944-00066619 I grabbed my axe, flashlight and my knife. I considered bringing my rifle. But I figured tYp8HJTrjA4-00120-00066619-00067118 I would be fine. If someone was in the woods, they probably wouldn't come armed to steal tYp8HJTrjA4-00121-00067118-00067897 someone's wood. No. My axe and knife was enough. But as I stepped outside. That chill came tYp8HJTrjA4-00122-00067897-00068602 again. But it was worse this time. It felt like icy sludge flowing through my body. I tYp8HJTrjA4-00123-00068602-00069393 glanced at the thermometer. It had plummeted from 15 degrees to -5 degrees Fahrenheit in tYp8HJTrjA4-00124-00069393-00069785 the time it took me to go inside and get ready. tYp8HJTrjA4-00125-00069785-00070483 It took 12 minutes to reach my spot. It was a small clearing. About 17 stumps resided tYp8HJTrjA4-00126-00070483-00070960 there, and it was a good spot to get wood, it was were we'd been coming to get it since tYp8HJTrjA4-00127-00070960-00071425 the cabin had been built. There was a tree I had already cut down earlier, but had not tYp8HJTrjA4-00128-00071425-00071919 yet chopped into smaller pieces. I didn't need much for the night. But as I started tYp8HJTrjA4-00129-00071919-00072622 chopping, the chill I felt continued to get worse and worse. I was shaking badly, I could tYp8HJTrjA4-00130-00072622-00072826 barely grip the axe. tYp8HJTrjA4-00131-00072826-00073585 It started slowly, I didn't realize it at first. But as it got closer, louder, it penetrated tYp8HJTrjA4-00132-00073585-00074155 the steady thock of my axe hitting the tree. tYp8HJTrjA4-00133-00074155-00074281 A growl. tYp8HJTrjA4-00134-00074281-00075007 If you could even call it that. It sounded…broken. Like a smoker clearing their throat mixed tYp8HJTrjA4-00135-00075007-00075695 with a wolf. I looked up, expecting to see a wolf, maybe a sick one or something. tYp8HJTrjA4-00136-00075695-00075897 It wasn't a wolf. tYp8HJTrjA4-00137-00075897-00076675 Not fully anyway. It stood on its hind legs. It's body was wolf-like enough, though slightly tYp8HJTrjA4-00138-00076675-00077320 human. It was impossibly skinny. I could count each of its ribs, even through its heavy coat. tYp8HJTrjA4-00139-00077320-00077951 Its color was…off. To say It was dark black simply wouldn't do it the Justice of just tYp8HJTrjA4-00140-00077951-00078587 how black it was. It seemed to absorb what little moonlight hit it, and even the light tYp8HJTrjA4-00141-00078587-00079243 of my flashlight. And it's eyes. It's eyes. tYp8HJTrjA4-00142-00079243-00079926 It didn't have any. Just 2 gaping black holes the size of golf balls where eyes should have tYp8HJTrjA4-00143-00079926-00080523 been. And those holes, if it's fur was black, these… tYp8HJTrjA4-00144-00080523-00081227 They almost seemed to glow. They reminded black holes. How they absorb everything, even tYp8HJTrjA4-00145-00081227-00081799 light itself. They seemed to stare right through me. tYp8HJTrjA4-00146-00081799-00082536 It stood about 10 feet away. Arms down at its side, panting, impossibly calm for something tYp8HJTrjA4-00147-00082536-00083138 that looked like it rip me to shreds in seconds. I stood up straight. I was unsure of what tYp8HJTrjA4-00148-00083138-00083743 to do. As I stared at it, the chill kept getting worse and worse. tYp8HJTrjA4-00149-00083743-00084439 Slowly, as if woken from a deep sleep, it opened its mouth impossibly wide, it seemed tYp8HJTrjA4-00150-00084439-00085116 to stretch all the way around its head. I saw a mouthful of crocodile like teeth, dripping tYp8HJTrjA4-00151-00085116-00085838 with saliva, looking like they could crush bone. It suddenly let out a terrible unnatural tYp8HJTrjA4-00152-00085838-00086163 screech and threw itself at me. tYp8HJTrjA4-00153-00086163-00086263 I jumped turning to run. tYp8HJTrjA4-00154-00086263-00086363 Run. tYp8HJTrjA4-00155-00086363-00086463 Run. tYp8HJTrjA4-00156-00086463-00086563 Run. tYp8HJTrjA4-00157-00086563-00086707 That was the only thought going through my head. tYp8HJTrjA4-00158-00086707-00087330 I needed to get away, that was obvious. But I only actually made it 2 steps as I suddenly tYp8HJTrjA4-00159-00087330-00087955 I felt a painful twist in my leg and I fell. I turned to see my foot had gotten wedged tYp8HJTrjA4-00160-00087955-00088155 between 2 rocks. tYp8HJTrjA4-00161-00088155-00088869 I looked up. The thing was now in the air, hideous claws reaching towards me, it's mouth tYp8HJTrjA4-00162-00088869-00089573 seemed to open in a wide grin as it descended on me. At the last second I rolled, wrenching tYp8HJTrjA4-00163-00089573-00090142 my leg free with a painful twist, and possibly a crack, I don't know. I couldn't hear over tYp8HJTrjA4-00164-00090142-00090413 the sound of that terrible screech. tYp8HJTrjA4-00165-00090413-00091026 I wasn't fast enough though, and its razor sharp claws rip into my side as it landed tYp8HJTrjA4-00166-00091026-00091163 next to me. tYp8HJTrjA4-00167-00091163-00091943 I had expected to feel pain. Like fire. Is how I had heard being stabbed described before. tYp8HJTrjA4-00168-00091943-00092633 But this wasn't. It was cold, freezing, like plunging into a lake in the middle of winter. tYp8HJTrjA4-00169-00092633-00093166 It hit with a shock and spread throughout my entire body. tYp8HJTrjA4-00170-00093166-00093767 I gasped-the freezing claws made it impossible to do anything else-and somehow focused through tYp8HJTrjA4-00171-00093767-00094431 the cold enough to grab my knife and plunge it into the back of the hideous thing that tYp8HJTrjA4-00172-00094431-00095201 was trying to kill me. It bellowed in pain in anger as a dark thick blood like substance tYp8HJTrjA4-00173-00095201-00095924 leaked out and it ripped its claws from my side. Warmth instantly returned to my body, tYp8HJTrjA4-00174-00095924-00096448 though not much. I scrambled up and ran. tYp8HJTrjA4-00175-00096448-00097198 Each step shot excruciating pain up my leg. My ankle was badly sprained, and my foot may tYp8HJTrjA4-00176-00097198-00097939 have been broken. My side was oddly numb, but I knew I couldn't stop. I kept running. tYp8HJTrjA4-00177-00097939-00098188 I glanced back, and I'm…i'm not embarrassed in the least to say that I wet myself right tYp8HJTrjA4-00178-00098188-00098288 there. tYp8HJTrjA4-00179-00098288-00099027 Only about 15 feet behind, led by my initial attacker, was a whole pack of them. All unnaturally tYp8HJTrjA4-00180-00099027-00099837 black, no eyes, mouths open impossibly wide. Somehow I found it in me to run faster. My tYp8HJTrjA4-00181-00099837-00100306 leg screaming as I wept like a baby while running for my life. tYp8HJTrjA4-00182-00100306-00100955 It felt like an eternity before I saw lights up ahead through the trees. My cabin! I let tYp8HJTrjA4-00183-00100955-00101354 out a sob of relief. I managed to run even faster. I burst out of the forest into the tYp8HJTrjA4-00184-00101354-00101939 clearing. At this point, screaming like a mad man. I shot up the steps, whipped open tYp8HJTrjA4-00185-00101939-00102538 the door and slammed it with a loud bang. I expected to hear them hit the door, try tYp8HJTrjA4-00186-00102538-00103364 to get in, but outside remained eerily quiet. I sank to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably tYp8HJTrjA4-00187-00103364-00103955 and holding my side, I was too worried about what I might find to check outside. I was tYp8HJTrjA4-00188-00103955-00104401 scared out of my mind. I didn't know what those things were, and I didn't want to! I tYp8HJTrjA4-00189-00104401-00104617 wanted to curl up and die, I was so scared! I sat that way crying for a long time. tYp8HJTrjA4-00190-00104617-00105224 After a while, I shakily stood up and peered out. There was nothing there that I could tYp8HJTrjA4-00191-00105224-00105890 see. My car sat out there. And the woods a little beyond. But I knew they were still tYp8HJTrjA4-00192-00105890-00106413 there. Waiting for me. I was sure I could see them running around at the edge of the tYp8HJTrjA4-00193-00106413-00107039 forest. I was not leaving this cabin. I would bundle up through the cold, fireless night, tYp8HJTrjA4-00194-00107039-00107581 and in the morning I would break for my car and never come back here. tYp8HJTrjA4-00195-00107581-00107808 That was my plan anyway. tYp8HJTrjA4-00196-00107808-00108165 But apparently it wasn't theirs. tYp8HJTrjA4-00197-00108165-00108733 In the rooms, glass shattered. I had closed the doors to the rooms, in an effort to keep tYp8HJTrjA4-00198-00108733-00109448 the heat in the living room and kitchen. Those doors now burst open, one flying off its hinges tYp8HJTrjA4-00199-00109448-00110213 and flying across the room. I wasted no time. I had to get out. I flew out the front door, tYp8HJTrjA4-00200-00110213-00110878 slamming it behind me in a feeble attempt to slow them down. I ran at full sprint towards tYp8HJTrjA4-00201-00110878-00111467 the car, the pain in my leg nothing but a distant ache in my mind. I could hear them tYp8HJTrjA4-00202-00111467-00112001 moving in the woods, that horrible growl seeming to come from everywhere around me. After what tYp8HJTrjA4-00203-00112001-00112271 seemed like an eternity, what was really a few seconds, I reached the car and grabbed tYp8HJTrjA4-00204-00112271-00112984 the handle and almost cried in relief when it opened. I jumped in, slammed down the power tYp8HJTrjA4-00205-00112984-00113365 locks and slapped my thighs for my keys. tYp8HJTrjA4-00206-00113365-00113465 My keys. tYp8HJTrjA4-00207-00113465-00113844 I had left my keys on the kitchen counter. Instinctively I looked back at the house. tYp8HJTrjA4-00208-00113844-00114158 My breath caught in my throat. tYp8HJTrjA4-00209-00114158-00115054 Crowded around the windows, staring dead at me were those things. And that's all the did. tYp8HJTrjA4-00210-00115054-00115682 Stare. They reminded me of children looking through the window of a candy store, staring tYp8HJTrjA4-00211-00115682-00116001 longingly at the goods in the window. tYp8HJTrjA4-00212-00116001-00116670 At the same time, somehow, I somehow managed to feel a thrill of joy. I had taken automotive tYp8HJTrjA4-00213-00116670-00117270 class in school. One of the many things I learned then, was how to hotwire a car. I tYp8HJTrjA4-00214-00117270-00117857 slid my seat back and bent over to pry off the plastic covering. I threw it over my shoulder tYp8HJTrjA4-00215-00117857-00118388 and was starting to mess with the wires when something hit my car with a loud bang that tYp8HJTrjA4-00216-00118388-00119024 rocked my car. I shot up and yelped. They had abandoned the house and were now all around tYp8HJTrjA4-00217-00119024-00119689 my car, some walking upright, some scampering around on all fours, there was even one on tYp8HJTrjA4-00218-00119689-00120430 the roof. I jumped as one to my right suddenly lunged, cracking the driver side window. I tYp8HJTrjA4-00219-00120430-00121121 bent over again and found the 2 wires I needed and started trying to spark them. 2 more bangs tYp8HJTrjA4-00220-00121121-00121744 sounded above my head. I was afraid to look up. The banging was now coming from everywhere, tYp8HJTrjA4-00221-00121744-00122255 my car rocking as they continued slamming it from all sides. I could hear the crack tYp8HJTrjA4-00222-00122255-00122542 in my window getting bigger. tYp8HJTrjA4-00223-00122542-00123174 The car suddenly started with a roar, and I sat up just as my window gave. tYp8HJTrjA4-00224-00123174-00123789 It shattered, showering me with glass, the thing once again lunged, but I was moving. tYp8HJTrjA4-00225-00123789-00124340 Tearing across the small clearing around the cabin. As I approached the woods, I struggled tYp8HJTrjA4-00226-00124340-00125025 to bring the car around back towards the road. A I flipped a tight u-turn and came to a stop, tYp8HJTrjA4-00227-00125025-00125763 I saw the pack bounding towards me. For the first time that night, I felt anger. I gunned tYp8HJTrjA4-00228-00125763-00126499 it, heading towards the road. The continued towards me, growling and screeching. One rather tYp8HJTrjA4-00229-00126499-00127135 ambitious one jumped in front of me, landing on my hood with a dull thud and rolling over tYp8HJTrjA4-00230-00127135-00127764 my roof and falling off the back. The rest of them dove out of my way, snarling, and tYp8HJTrjA4-00231-00127764-00128117 I left the cabin behind. tYp8HJTrjA4-00232-00128117-00128630 That was 2 hours ago. I've stopped right at the bottom of the mountain to record this tYp8HJTrjA4-00233-00128630-00129363 and…recover. As best I could anyway. I don't know what to do. I could call the police, tYp8HJTrjA4-00234-00129363-00129886 but I doubt they'd believe me. My ankle though. I think it's bleeding. After the adrenaline tYp8HJTrjA4-00235-00129886-00130526 left my body, the pain came back full force. I'm going to the hospital. Then I'm calling tYp8HJTrjA4-00236-00130526-00131203 my family. And then…i don't know. I honestly don't know what to do. But I have to keep tYp8HJTrjA4-00237-00131203-00132628 driving. I still feel that awful chill. I think they're close by still. tYp8HJTrjA4-00238-00132628-00132858 We found Johns body today. tYp8HJTrjA4-00239-00132858-00133375 After the second week, we waited. He said 3 weeks at the most, but he said he'd call tYp8HJTrjA4-00240-00133375-00133948 if he decided to stay 3. When he didn't, we didn't think much of it. We reasoned he was tYp8HJTrjA4-00241-00133948-00134580 too busy to call. After the 4th week went by, we were worried. By the end of the 5th tYp8HJTrjA4-00242-00134580-00135156 week, I decided to go look for him. Everyone wanted to come. But I couldn't let them. As tYp8HJTrjA4-00243-00135156-00135742 the eldest brother and closest to John, I felt it was my responsibility. John was probably tYp8HJTrjA4-00244-00135742-00136251 jerking around, but in case something has happened, I didn't want the others to be there tYp8HJTrjA4-00245-00136251-00136455 to find out. tYp8HJTrjA4-00246-00136455-00137133 So I left. I drove down to Wyoming and contacted the ranger around the area. He contacted some tYp8HJTrjA4-00247-00137133-00137628 paramedics in case John was injured, and we drove up. tYp8HJTrjA4-00248-00137628-00138117 Nothing seemed out of place when we arrived. His car was still there, unlocked, as he always tYp8HJTrjA4-00249-00138117-00138737 left it. The cabin seemed untouched, save for a few hotdog wrappers. All the windows tYp8HJTrjA4-00250-00138737-00139427 were locked, the bedroom doors closed. The fire pit outside looked untouched. I walked tYp8HJTrjA4-00251-00139427-00140016 around the cabin while the ranger went a ways into the woods to look for clues to johns tYp8HJTrjA4-00252-00140016-00140137 whereabouts. tYp8HJTrjA4-00253-00140137-00140702 The outside seemed normal, except for the pile of firewood we always kept out there, tYp8HJTrjA4-00254-00140702-00141385 it was neat, save for a small messy pile of fresh wood on top that I assumed John had tYp8HJTrjA4-00255-00141385-00141485 cut. tYp8HJTrjA4-00256-00141485-00142091 When neither me or the ranger found anything, we all ventured deeper. After awhile we stumbled tYp8HJTrjA4-00257-00142091-00142830 upon a deer carcass. At first glance, it was obvious animals had been at it. But upon closer tYp8HJTrjA4-00258-00142830-00143519 inspection, it was clear this was a hunt. A small hole, most likely from Johns rifle, tYp8HJTrjA4-00259-00143519-00143984 was in its neck, and it had clearly been gutted by a knife. tYp8HJTrjA4-00260-00143984-00144264 But no sign of John. tYp8HJTrjA4-00261-00144264-00145054 3 hours later, we found him. He was lying face down in the snow, around the small clearing tYp8HJTrjA4-00262-00145054-00145648 we gathered wood. His left foot was bent at a painful looking angle, wedged between 2 tYp8HJTrjA4-00263-00145648-00146380 rocks, and his knife was in his ribs. He must have tripped and fallen on the knife. His tYp8HJTrjA4-00264-00146380-00147064 left hand was clutching his axe, and his other hand was in his jacket pocket. tYp8HJTrjA4-00265-00147064-00147737 I was strangely numb. I couldn't comprehend what I saw. I couldn't even cry. tYp8HJTrjA4-00266-00147737-00148470 I pulled out his right hand to find it wrapped around his phone. I opened it, amazed it still tYp8HJTrjA4-00267-00148470-00148945 worked. It was open on an audio recording tYp8HJTrjA4-00268-00148945-00149572 As we crouched around my brother, listening to it, I couldn't help but feel scared at tYp8HJTrjA4-00269-00149572-00150370 the crazy story he wove. After it ended, we sat around in silence, until one of the paramedics tYp8HJTrjA4-00270-00150370-00150470 spoke. tYp8HJTrjA4-00271-00150470-00150830 "The cold" he whispered. tYp8HJTrjA4-00272-00150830-00151503 I turned to him. "What did you say?" There was something unsettling about his tone. tYp8HJTrjA4-00273-00151503-00152247 "The cold" he said again, louder. "The cold will make you see some crazy things. I've tYp8HJTrjA4-00274-00152247-00152889 heard stories like this before, oddly enough, sometimes the things I've heard described tYp8HJTrjA4-00275-00152889-00153574 are strangely similar to what this boy described. But it's all in your head. On some level, tYp8HJTrjA4-00276-00153574-00154075 your body knows its over, that there's no way out, and sometimes it starts making you tYp8HJTrjA4-00277-00154075-00154759 see and feel things to cope, to make it easier to comprehend I guess. He said he felt a strange tYp8HJTrjA4-00278-00154759-00155489 chill. That was the hypothermia setting in. Those claw marks he felt? The knife stabbing tYp8HJTrjA4-00279-00155489-00155633 him when he fell." tYp8HJTrjA4-00280-00155633-00156239 "But what about everything else?" I asked angrily. "What about the chill he felt before? tYp8HJTrjA4-00281-00156239-00156707 Or the wood? Or the deer? Or the-" tYp8HJTrjA4-00282-00156707-00157461 "Look. Kid." He said. "You saw it yourself. There's nothing up here. Maybe your brother tYp8HJTrjA4-00283-00157461-00157605 was on something" tYp8HJTrjA4-00284-00157605-00158125 "My brother doesn't do drugs. He's smarter than that." tYp8HJTrjA4-00285-00158125-00158337 The paramedic just shrugged. tYp8HJTrjA4-00286-00158337-00159212 I turned back to my brothers frozen lifeless body. I felt overwhelmingly sad. Here was tYp8HJTrjA4-00287-00159212-00159962 my brother. My best friend. Laying dead. He deserved better than this. He would have had tYp8HJTrjA4-00288-00159962-00160747 a good life. He had a loving girlfriend, a nice job. He was liked by everyone. He deserved tYp8HJTrjA4-00289-00160747-00161244 better. The tears started flowing then. tYp8HJTrjA4-00290-00161244-00161725 After we had gotten his body back down the mountain and in a morgue, I checked into a tYp8HJTrjA4-00291-00161725-00162511 hotel and called my family to break the news. We cried. My mom especially. He really had tYp8HJTrjA4-00292-00162511-00163144 been her favorite. They were on there way now, coming to bring John back home. tYp8HJTrjA4-00293-00163144-00163778 But I had something to do. I logged onto my laptop in my room. I had to see what I could tYp8HJTrjA4-00294-00163778-00164447 find. My brother was neither crazy or a druggy. Something about all this didn't add up. His tYp8HJTrjA4-00295-00164447-00165028 voice had sounded fine on the recording, but how could he have spoken clearly with a knife tYp8HJTrjA4-00296-00165028-00165761 buried in his ribs? Why did it seem he put no effort in making it back to the cabin, tYp8HJTrjA4-00297-00165761-00166530 instead opting to record a strange story on his phone? What about the deer, the firewood? tYp8HJTrjA4-00298-00166530-00167259 Or his car, or the cabin? My brother was more than qualified to survive in the woods, in tYp8HJTrjA4-00299-00167259-00167660 some ways, more than even my father was. tYp8HJTrjA4-00300-00167660-00167854 So how did this happen? tYp8HJTrjA4-00301-00167854-00168471 I've been trying to find what I can. It's slow going. There's a lot of stuff online. tYp8HJTrjA4-00302-00168471-00169102 Some most likely crazy stories, some I'm not so sure about. In a few hours my family will tYp8HJTrjA4-00303-00169102-00169773 be here. Maybe we can figure this out together. But as I rub the grainy feeling from my eyes, tYp8HJTrjA4-00304-00169773-00170452 I stop to look out the window. The only room available was a 4th story room with a clear tYp8HJTrjA4-00305-00170452-00171149 view of the mountain, cruelly enough. And as I stare out at the dark shape looming over tYp8HJTrjA4-00306-00171149-00172172 me that took my little brothers life, I feel a cold chill seep through my body. tbt8Hpf9RPU-00000-00000000-00000501 🖱️ Double-Click your *.psm license file 🖱️ tbt8Hpf9RPU-00001-00000702-00000900 FileBot launches and activates the given license file tfT1edcwttE-00000-00000065-00000888 in digital signage personalisation is now a top priority but most businesses tfT1edcwttE-00001-00000888-00001376 are struggling to deliver dynamic up-to-date content which has become a tfT1edcwttE-00002-00001376-00002010 must have when trying to get through to customers on top of this constantly tfT1edcwttE-00003-00002010-00002493 updating signage can take up lots of time and resources turning out to be tfT1edcwttE-00004-00002493-00003176 very costly using storia by engages you can create captivating and effective tfT1edcwttE-00005-00003176-00003867 content easier and faster than ever before the simple production process tfT1edcwttE-00006-00003867-00004500 enables your team to make smart top quality localized content in minimal tfT1edcwttE-00007-00004500-00005294 time with more automation and less approvals here's how easy it is select tfT1edcwttE-00008-00005294-00005882 from a range of templates add imagery from your library and fill in the blanks tfT1edcwttE-00009-00005882-00006525 then submit the results simple the dynamic content is then ready to publish tfT1edcwttE-00010-00006525-00007128 across a range of channels or without having to rely on expensive agencies for tfT1edcwttE-00011-00007128-00007643 small changes or juggling with internal marketing resources for brand approval tfT1edcwttE-00012-00007643-00008139 giving your team the platform to deliver quickly on content with quality tfT1edcwttE-00013-00008139-00008531 messaging both efficiently and affordably tfT1edcwttE-00014-00008531-00009629 storia by engages tirejMb6hVc-00000-00000094-00000184 (logo beeps) tirejMb6hVc-00001-00000184-00000316 - [Jake] Hey, we're back with another episode tirejMb6hVc-00002-00000316-00000511 of Before You Buy, you know, that show where we give you tirejMb6hVc-00003-00000511-00000649 some straight-up game play tirejMb6hVc-00004-00000649-00000926 and our first impressions of the latest games releasing. tirejMb6hVc-00005-00000926-00001105 As usual, it's me, Jake Baldino, tirejMb6hVc-00006-00001105-00001285 and today, we're talking about "The Quarry." tirejMb6hVc-00007-00001285-00001607 Now, this is the newest from Supermassive Games, tirejMb6hVc-00008-00001607-00001889 the folks behind the Dark Pictures Anthology games, tirejMb6hVc-00009-00001889-00002136 and more importantly, the excellent "Until Dawn." tirejMb6hVc-00010-00002136-00002383 They're sticking with what they do best here, tirejMb6hVc-00011-00002383-00002616 interactive horror, this time multi-platform, tirejMb6hVc-00012-00002616-00002812 and this one is really interesting. tirejMb6hVc-00013-00002812-00003067 It's got some really awesome, scary visuals, tirejMb6hVc-00014-00003067-00003290 great licensed tracks and sound design, tirejMb6hVc-00015-00003290-00003460 well-acted characters tirejMb6hVc-00016-00003460-00003789 with really convincing facial animations, lots of grossness, tirejMb6hVc-00017-00003789-00003979 lots of references, some new gameplay mechanics, tirejMb6hVc-00018-00003979-00004205 and lots of decisions to make. tirejMb6hVc-00019-00004205-00004419 It may not be the most active game. tirejMb6hVc-00020-00004419-00004632 If you're looking for deep gameplay tirejMb6hVc-00021-00004632-00004974 or in-depth exploration even, you're not getting that here, tirejMb6hVc-00022-00004974-00005219 but you're getting a pretty harrowing adventure tirejMb6hVc-00023-00005219-00005378 with some really cool moments tirejMb6hVc-00024-00005378-00005696 and some solid decision making with branching paths. tirejMb6hVc-00025-00005696-00005921 Now, I've only scratched the surface with one playthrough, tirejMb6hVc-00026-00005921-00006142 but it is a fun time, cover to cover, tirejMb6hVc-00027-00006142-00006264 if you like these types of games. tirejMb6hVc-00028-00006264-00006371 I absolutely do. tirejMb6hVc-00029-00006371-00006641 Full disclosure, "Until Dawn" is still one of my favorites, tirejMb6hVc-00030-00006641-00006884 and I don't know if this is better than "Until Dawn," tirejMb6hVc-00031-00006884-00007045 but if you're looking for something like that, tirejMb6hVc-00032-00007045-00007264 you definitely get it here, and just so you know, tirejMb6hVc-00033-00007264-00007593 this footage was captured on a review copy, the PC version, tirejMb6hVc-00034-00007593-00007819 and this gameplay is spoiler free. tirejMb6hVc-00035-00007819-00008051 I'm only showing the intro and snippets tirejMb6hVc-00036-00008051-00008289 from like the first two hours of the game or so. tirejMb6hVc-00037-00008289-00008411 It's really not a lot, tirejMb6hVc-00038-00008411-00008642 because the story, the surprise, is the whole thing. tirejMb6hVc-00039-00008642-00008826 But basic back-in-a-box story setup, tirejMb6hVc-00040-00008826-00008995 the titular quarry in this game tirejMb6hVc-00041-00008995-00009290 actually isn't technically a spooky, haunted rock quarry tirejMb6hVc-00042-00009290-00009375 or anything. tirejMb6hVc-00043-00009375-00009651 It's actually a nice sleepaway summer camp tirejMb6hVc-00044-00009651-00009789 called Hackett's Quarry. tirejMb6hVc-00045-00009789-00010076 It's deep in the woods in, I think, upstate New York. tirejMb6hVc-00046-00010076-00010280 It's super remote, but pretty robust, tirejMb6hVc-00047-00010280-00010524 with young campers that come in for the summer, tirejMb6hVc-00048-00010524-00010740 and there's a bunch of buildings and different activities tirejMb6hVc-00049-00010740-00010840 to keep them all busy, tirejMb6hVc-00050-00010840-00011183 and it's all across an expansive section of beautiful woods tirejMb6hVc-00051-00011183-00011590 and a lake, and it's staffed by young, naive camp counselors tirejMb6hVc-00052-00011590-00011931 and is ran by none other than David Arquette from "Scream." tirejMb6hVc-00053-00011931-00012199 Now, what ensues is at pretty, at first, tirejMb6hVc-00054-00012199-00012506 like a traditional teen horror camp counselor thing, tirejMb6hVc-00055-00012506-00012642 with the kids wanting to party, tirejMb6hVc-00056-00012642-00012801 and they end up getting wrapped up tirejMb6hVc-00057-00012801-00012991 in an intriguing horror mystery, tirejMb6hVc-00058-00012991-00013196 featuring ghosts and monsters and weird people, tirejMb6hVc-00059-00013196-00013489 and the location of Hackett's Quarry itself tirejMb6hVc-00060-00013489-00013786 is just a really well-realized location tirejMb6hVc-00061-00013786-00014146 that feels real and pretty big, and it's fun to explore. tirejMb6hVc-00062-00014146-00014454 Now, the game is made up of, I believe, 10 chapters, tirejMb6hVc-00063-00014454-00014697 and you bounce around between the perspectives tirejMb6hVc-00064-00014697-00014881 of different characters pretty quick. tirejMb6hVc-00065-00014881-00015124 Sometimes, you're a character for 15 minutes, tirejMb6hVc-00066-00015124-00015304 exploring and going through something. tirejMb6hVc-00067-00015304-00015555 Other times, you're a character for like two minutes. tirejMb6hVc-00068-00015555-00015799 It really jumps around and keeps you on your toes, tirejMb6hVc-00069-00015799-00016024 and I think does a good job of keeping things well-paced tirejMb6hVc-00070-00016024-00016153 and interesting. tirejMb6hVc-00071-00016153-00016244 On the other hand, tirejMb6hVc-00072-00016244-00016515 the game does not really let individual locations tirejMb6hVc-00073-00016515-00016669 actually breathe too much. tirejMb6hVc-00074-00016669-00016989 You can slowly walk around locations and look at stuff tirejMb6hVc-00075-00016989-00017122 like in these types of games, tirejMb6hVc-00076-00017122-00017413 but options for looking at stuff is pretty limited, tirejMb6hVc-00077-00017413-00017547 even for this type of game. tirejMb6hVc-00078-00017547-00017723 Technically, there's not a lot to click on. tirejMb6hVc-00079-00017723-00018005 And there are two story-based style collectibles, tirejMb6hVc-00080-00018005-00018173 but then there's really one type of collectible tirejMb6hVc-00081-00018173-00018410 you're hunting for, which I'll get to in a minute. tirejMb6hVc-00082-00018410-00018642 It just feels more bare bones tirejMb6hVc-00083-00018642-00018781 than you'd expect in this regard. tirejMb6hVc-00084-00018781-00019016 And you're not really walking around picking stuff up tirejMb6hVc-00085-00019016-00019172 or really solving puzzles. tirejMb6hVc-00086-00019172-00019373 The main focus is on linear progression tirejMb6hVc-00087-00019373-00019562 with the occasional poking around, tirejMb6hVc-00088-00019562-00019750 and I just, I wanted a little bit more of that. tirejMb6hVc-00089-00019750-00020017 Now, I think this is just because the game tirejMb6hVc-00090-00020017-00020205 spends a lot of time on the decisions. tirejMb6hVc-00091-00020205-00020504 You're making decisions and hitting branching paths a lot. tirejMb6hVc-00092-00020504-00020813 Whether it's being aggressive with someone tirejMb6hVc-00093-00020813-00020927 or being nice to someone tirejMb6hVc-00094-00020927-00021253 or going right or going left, there's a lot of it, tirejMb6hVc-00095-00021253-00021432 and it seemingly does make a difference tirejMb6hVc-00096-00021432-00021540 in how the story plays out. tirejMb6hVc-00097-00021540-00021744 Every so often, you can see the seams, tirejMb6hVc-00098-00021744-00021927 but most of the time, you can't. tirejMb6hVc-00099-00021927-00022201 Characters can die, be altered for different reasons, tirejMb6hVc-00100-00022201-00022307 and it's cool. tirejMb6hVc-00101-00022307-00022411 I actually found myself tirejMb6hVc-00102-00022411-00022636 letting certain things happen sometimes, tirejMb6hVc-00103-00022636-00022755 just to see how it would play out tirejMb6hVc-00104-00022755-00022945 because I predicted small plot points. tirejMb6hVc-00105-00022945-00023062 I don't know if that was the intention, tirejMb6hVc-00106-00023062-00023182 but I did sometimes. tirejMb6hVc-00107-00023182-00023516 Now, quick time events are pretty simple, tirejMb6hVc-00108-00023516-00023738 and don't have much impact, at least for me, tirejMb6hVc-00109-00023738-00024087 nowhere near as interesting as other games in this genre. tirejMb6hVc-00110-00024087-00024369 Now, most people don't like these simple button presses tirejMb6hVc-00111-00024369-00024501 or button mashes. tirejMb6hVc-00112-00024501-00024703 It's the bare minimum level of input, tirejMb6hVc-00113-00024703-00024900 but I actually think in certain games, tirejMb6hVc-00114-00024900-00024983 they can be done right tirejMb6hVc-00115-00024983-00025164 and have at least somewhat of an impact, tirejMb6hVc-00116-00025164-00025312 but here, they don't. tirejMb6hVc-00117-00025312-00025627 They're not thrilling and are usually soft and simple tirejMb6hVc-00118-00025627-00025735 and few and far between. tirejMb6hVc-00119-00025735-00025875 The game is also pretty generous tirejMb6hVc-00120-00025875-00026075 with missing a step in a quick time event tirejMb6hVc-00121-00026075-00026248 and having your character die. tirejMb6hVc-00122-00026248-00026374 You actually get lives. tirejMb6hVc-00123-00026374-00026513 It's more about them dying tirejMb6hVc-00124-00026513-00026732 with your significant choices, I think. tirejMb6hVc-00125-00026732-00026817 Finish the game once, tirejMb6hVc-00126-00026817-00027039 and there's actually a different lives system, too, tirejMb6hVc-00127-00027039-00027263 and that is just a bunch of modes. tirejMb6hVc-00128-00027263-00027482 The game gives you a bunch of different modes and options, tirejMb6hVc-00129-00027482-00027672 and most importantly, accessibility options tirejMb6hVc-00130-00027672-00027901 if you don't even like quick time events, too. tirejMb6hVc-00131-00027901-00028042 So if you've played a game like this, tirejMb6hVc-00132-00028042-00028370 you might mostly know what to expect gameplay-wise, tirejMb6hVc-00133-00028370-00028549 but they add a bit more here. tirejMb6hVc-00134-00028549-00028768 In certain situations, if you choose to hide, tirejMb6hVc-00135-00028768-00028989 you need to hold a button to hold your breath tirejMb6hVc-00136-00028989-00029174 until the danger goes away, tirejMb6hVc-00137-00029174-00029335 and it it's usually pretty easy, tirejMb6hVc-00138-00029335-00029558 but it's always cool when you release the button tirejMb6hVc-00139-00029558-00029756 because you actually feel like you're releasing. tirejMb6hVc-00140-00029756-00029910 The game just pulls it off well. tirejMb6hVc-00141-00029910-00030167 You also occasionally will use a weapon like a gun tirejMb6hVc-00142-00030167-00030359 in extremely limited situations, tirejMb6hVc-00143-00030359-00030583 but it looks cool and works well enough. tirejMb6hVc-00144-00030583-00030951 The opportunity to jump in and interrupt certain things tirejMb6hVc-00145-00030951-00031215 or just opt to not do anything at all tirejMb6hVc-00146-00031215-00031459 often seem just as important tirejMb6hVc-00147-00031459-00031877 as when you're given A and B choices, which I really like. tirejMb6hVc-00148-00031877-00032093 Sometimes you have the opportunity to say, you know, tirejMb6hVc-00149-00032093-00032458 run away from your captor, but it may seem like a dumb move, tirejMb6hVc-00150-00032458-00032676 so you just ignore the on-screen prompt. tirejMb6hVc-00151-00032676-00032852 There are a few other mechanics I won't spoil, tirejMb6hVc-00152-00032852-00033069 but the game does a clever job of tutorializing them tirejMb6hVc-00153-00033069-00033426 with like a fun little animated camp instruction cartoon. tirejMb6hVc-00154-00033426-00033562 It's really good. tirejMb6hVc-00155-00033562-00033971 The gameplay is, like I keep saying, really, really simple tirejMb6hVc-00156-00033971-00034207 and not super involved, even for the genre, tirejMb6hVc-00157-00034207-00034538 but it's a lot of just watching, but the choice making tirejMb6hVc-00158-00034538-00034759 and the decisions really make up for it for me. tirejMb6hVc-00159-00034759-00034899 I felt like I was making tirejMb6hVc-00160-00034899-00035155 literally a moment-to-moment impact. tirejMb6hVc-00161-00035155-00035432 And really, the whole vibe of the game is great. tirejMb6hVc-00162-00035432-00035764 It's spooky, it's got scary moments and some nice gore, tirejMb6hVc-00163-00035764-00035988 but it's not super grimdark. tirejMb6hVc-00164-00035988-00036107 The teens crack jokes, tirejMb6hVc-00165-00036107-00036356 and even if sometimes they come off really cheesy, tirejMb6hVc-00166-00036356-00036605 they're generally likable or interesting tirejMb6hVc-00167-00036605-00036873 because the game spends a long time setting them up tirejMb6hVc-00168-00036873-00036967 and establishing, you know, tirejMb6hVc-00169-00036967-00037255 their little summer camp soap opera relationships. tirejMb6hVc-00170-00037255-00037474 This is why video games are cool, man. tirejMb6hVc-00171-00037474-00037787 Horror movies are great, but a lot of the times, tirejMb6hVc-00172-00037787-00037885 the people that get murdered tirejMb6hVc-00173-00037885-00038049 get like three minutes of backstory. tirejMb6hVc-00174-00038049-00038247 So here you actually get to take the time tirejMb6hVc-00175-00038247-00038554 to get to know them and it makes the stakes a bit higher. tirejMb6hVc-00176-00038554-00038737 It just makes the characters a bit more interesting. tirejMb6hVc-00177-00038737-00039066 Plus, they're played by some great recognizable actors. tirejMb6hVc-00178-00039066-00039384 Some older actors, though, who I won't really spoil, tirejMb6hVc-00179-00039384-00039576 really steal the show in certain spots. tirejMb6hVc-00180-00039576-00039659 The best part, though, tirejMb6hVc-00181-00039659-00039930 is just how it wears its influences on its sleeves, tirejMb6hVc-00182-00039930-00040240 straight up, from the font choice for the game's title, tirejMb6hVc-00183-00040240-00040560 to little horror movie references the characters make, tirejMb6hVc-00184-00040560-00040853 to some blatant and in your face references or callbacks. tirejMb6hVc-00185-00040853-00041242 It's just in love with the fun, cheesy side of horror, tirejMb6hVc-00186-00041242-00041352 and it's charming. tirejMb6hVc-00187-00041352-00041538 It really made me want to play more. tirejMb6hVc-00188-00041538-00041672 Now, there are a few times, like I said, tirejMb6hVc-00189-00041672-00041920 you can look around and find important key evidence items, tirejMb6hVc-00190-00041920-00042215 which you track in a handy dandy, slick menu tirejMb6hVc-00191-00042215-00042331 with a bunch of cool style tirejMb6hVc-00192-00042331-00042507 and Easter eggs and everything else you track. tirejMb6hVc-00193-00042507-00042689 But the main thing I was interested in tirejMb6hVc-00194-00042689-00042919 that you're gonna wanna hunt down are the tarot cards. tirejMb6hVc-00195-00042919-00043095 At certain points in the story, tirejMb6hVc-00196-00043095-00043392 you're thrust kind of jarringly to a random place tirejMb6hVc-00197-00043392-00043604 in first person where you have to talk tirejMb6hVc-00198-00043604-00043734 to this spooky old lady. tirejMb6hVc-00199-00043734-00043917 Now, SuperMassive has done this type of storytelling tirejMb6hVc-00200-00043917-00044004 in the past. tirejMb6hVc-00201-00044004-00044167 You can tell they just dig it. tirejMb6hVc-00202-00044167-00044363 But the purpose here is for her tirejMb6hVc-00203-00044363-00044516 to read the tarot cards you find. tirejMb6hVc-00204-00044516-00044791 Sometimes, you'll just miss them and she'll yell at you. tirejMb6hVc-00205-00044791-00044916 She was pretty pissed off at me. tirejMb6hVc-00206-00044916-00045239 But if you bring one, you get some creepy info tirejMb6hVc-00207-00045239-00045490 and the ability to get a brief glimpse tirejMb6hVc-00208-00045490-00045772 into a possible quick scenario in the future. tirejMb6hVc-00209-00045772-00045909 It's usually super brief, tirejMb6hVc-00210-00045909-00046106 and it's really up for you to connect the dots, tirejMb6hVc-00211-00046106-00046199 but it's interesting. tirejMb6hVc-00212-00046199-00046532 The game also looks, I mean, downright stunning. tirejMb6hVc-00213-00046532-00046832 The use of darkness and lighting here is great, tirejMb6hVc-00214-00046832-00047003 and not just in a graphical sense, tirejMb6hVc-00215-00047003-00047141 like, wow, look at the lighting engine, tirejMb6hVc-00216-00047141-00047346 but in an art direction sense. tirejMb6hVc-00217-00047346-00047657 They know how to make spooky cabins and haunted deep woods tirejMb6hVc-00218-00047657-00047909 at this point, and they go above and beyond here in spots, tirejMb6hVc-00219-00047909-00048266 especially like I said earlier with the characters, too. tirejMb6hVc-00220-00048266-00048490 They're pretty out of this world visually tirejMb6hVc-00221-00048490-00048633 and really believable. tirejMb6hVc-00222-00048633-00048800 You get the nuances most times. tirejMb6hVc-00223-00048800-00049055 There are occasional glitches though, you know, tirejMb6hVc-00224-00049055-00049261 weird hair movements every once in a while, tirejMb6hVc-00225-00049261-00049422 someone's mouth will spaz a little bit more, tirejMb6hVc-00226-00049422-00049695 water splashes that look really strange, tirejMb6hVc-00227-00049695-00049879 and little cutscene pop-ins here and there tirejMb6hVc-00228-00049879-00050060 that might occasionally distract you, tirejMb6hVc-00229-00050060-00050193 but it's nothing too bad. tirejMb6hVc-00230-00050193-00050383 There's also some great use of licensed tracks, tirejMb6hVc-00231-00050383-00050530 like some contemporary stuff tirejMb6hVc-00232-00050530-00050754 and some weird, cool covers of oldies, tirejMb6hVc-00233-00050754-00050918 and it mostly fits really well. tirejMb6hVc-00234-00050918-00051172 I think the use of light pop kind of killed the mood tirejMb6hVc-00235-00051172-00051483 for one scene in particular for me, but other than that, tirejMb6hVc-00236-00051483-00051722 I really liked the use of music here. tirejMb6hVc-00237-00051722-00052038 Even if a lot of the music isn't my preferred type of music, tirejMb6hVc-00238-00052038-00052226 it just totally sets a good tone here. tirejMb6hVc-00239-00052226-00052487 So if you're a fan of Supermassive Games, tirejMb6hVc-00240-00052487-00052715 like I said, is it their best game? tirejMb6hVc-00241-00052715-00052922 I don't know, to be completely honest. tirejMb6hVc-00242-00052922-00053030 It seems close. tirejMb6hVc-00243-00053030-00053192 I need to beat it a bunch more times, though. tirejMb6hVc-00244-00053192-00053454 But it it's certainly not their worst game. tirejMb6hVc-00245-00053454-00053657 It's cool, it's a little lighter, tirejMb6hVc-00246-00053657-00053996 and despite kind of doing typical horror stuff, tirejMb6hVc-00247-00053996-00054355 the characters really make it feel fresh as you'd expect. tirejMb6hVc-00248-00054355-00054504 It's not the longest thing in the world, tirejMb6hVc-00249-00054504-00054909 but the developers have boasted 186 different endings. tirejMb6hVc-00250-00054909-00055056 Now, I'm gonna be real with you guys tirejMb6hVc-00251-00055056-00055204 that some of that is marketing. tirejMb6hVc-00252-00055204-00055405 There is no way all of those endings tirejMb6hVc-00253-00055405-00055673 can be that drastically different, but still, tirejMb6hVc-00254-00055673-00055980 I think the branching path stuff is significant enough tirejMb6hVc-00255-00055980-00056064 for replays. tirejMb6hVc-00256-00056064-00056161 I can already tell. tirejMb6hVc-00257-00056161-00056364 Also, because like I said at the start, tirejMb6hVc-00258-00056364-00056779 the game is paced so well and so consistently interesting tirejMb6hVc-00259-00056779-00057019 with new scenarios that I think it's interesting enough tirejMb6hVc-00260-00057019-00057228 to do some replays immediately. tirejMb6hVc-00261-00057228-00057439 The character stuff does take its time, tirejMb6hVc-00262-00057439-00057629 like I said, but once you're past that, tirejMb6hVc-00263-00057629-00057782 the game has some great moments. tirejMb6hVc-00264-00057782-00057946 You might wanna see 'em differently. tirejMb6hVc-00265-00057946-00058107 Not everybody is into this, tirejMb6hVc-00266-00058107-00058281 but if you ask me, that's half the fun, tirejMb6hVc-00267-00058281-00058467 especially with the features tirejMb6hVc-00268-00058467-00058675 where you can play it with multiple players tirejMb6hVc-00269-00058675-00058940 in a co-op mode where each person is a camp counselor, tirejMb6hVc-00270-00058940-00059180 and there's an online mode coming, I believe, in July, tirejMb6hVc-00271-00059180-00059508 where you can watch and vote for stuff with your friends tirejMb6hVc-00272-00059508-00059622 in a watch party. tirejMb6hVc-00273-00059622-00059735 I think that stuff is cool. tirejMb6hVc-00274-00059735-00060036 I know some people personally that really dig that stuff. tirejMb6hVc-00275-00060036-00060201 So, I mean, there you have it. tirejMb6hVc-00276-00060201-00060284 It's maybe not perfect, tirejMb6hVc-00277-00060284-00060544 but it is great for horror fans, tirejMb6hVc-00278-00060544-00060812 especially if you're a fan of this specific type of horror. tirejMb6hVc-00279-00060812-00060989 And if you're a gamer who likes tirejMb6hVc-00280-00060989-00061280 these more story-heavy cutscene experiences tirejMb6hVc-00281-00061280-00061685 and just cheesy B movie, teen horror stuff, tirejMb6hVc-00282-00061685-00061896 anywhere from the '70s, '80s, up until the 2000s, tirejMb6hVc-00283-00061896-00062070 this might be worth checking out tirejMb6hVc-00284-00062070-00062296 because I just straight up had a really good time tirejMb6hVc-00285-00062296-00062379 playing through it. tirejMb6hVc-00286-00062379-00062613 I'm also just a sucker for these, but yeah. tirejMb6hVc-00287-00062613-00062716 But that's how it works, man. tirejMb6hVc-00288-00062716-00062808 This is a Before You Buy. tirejMb6hVc-00289-00062808-00062959 I give you some pros, some cons, tirejMb6hVc-00290-00062959-00063182 and some personal opinion, a lot of personal opinions. tirejMb6hVc-00291-00063182-00063384 So now I wanna hear yours down into comments. tirejMb6hVc-00292-00063384-00063541 Are you looking forward to "The Quarry"? tirejMb6hVc-00293-00063541-00063692 If you're watching this after the game launched, tirejMb6hVc-00294-00063692-00063805 have you been playing it? tirejMb6hVc-00295-00063805-00063921 What do you think? tirejMb6hVc-00296-00063921-00064055 Have you had some cool outcomes? tirejMb6hVc-00297-00064055-00064188 Has the game surprised you at all? tirejMb6hVc-00298-00064188-00064293 Has it entertained you at all? tirejMb6hVc-00299-00064293-00064505 Let's talk about anything at all tirejMb6hVc-00300-00064505-00064677 that you're thinking with "The Quarry." tirejMb6hVc-00301-00064677-00064782 We'd love to hear from you. tirejMb6hVc-00302-00064782-00064894 And if you enjoyed this video tirejMb6hVc-00303-00064894-00065077 and maybe it helped inform your purchasing decision tirejMb6hVc-00304-00065077-00065178 or whatever, dude, tirejMb6hVc-00305-00065178-00065350 clicking the Like button does help us out. tirejMb6hVc-00306-00065350-00065487 But that's it. tirejMb6hVc-00307-00065487-00065731 Thanks for watching. We'll see you guys next time. u4QwtNJOyIk-00000-00000545-00001048 Noemie: There are many language learning apps available to learners on the internet. u4QwtNJOyIk-00001-00001048-00001792 Here I am going to focus on vocabulary learning apps that allow students and teachers to upload u4QwtNJOyIk-00002-00001792-00002093 their own vocabulary lists. u4QwtNJOyIk-00003-00002093-00002574 One popular app in this category is Memrise. u4QwtNJOyIk-00004-00002574-00003282 Memrise is a web-based vocabulary learning app that has a very intuitive and fun interface. u4QwtNJOyIk-00005-00003282-00003986 In Memrise students and teachers can create their own vocabulary lists and share them u4QwtNJOyIk-00006-00003986-00004312 with others. u4QwtNJOyIk-00007-00004312-00004884 Vocabulary is learned through various auto-generated exercises. u4QwtNJOyIk-00008-00004884-00005506 Memrise is gamified, meaning that it looks like a game at times, which makes the vocabulary-learning u4QwtNJOyIk-00009-00005506-00006128 process more enjoyable for most learners. u4QwtNJOyIk-00010-00006128-00007497 While it is possible to pay a monthly subscription to access all features, I would suggest just u4QwtNJOyIk-00011-00007497-00007956 using to the free version as it is complete enough. u4QwtNJOyIk-00012-00007956-00008547 Another good app is Anki, a virtual flashcard tool that does not require an internet connection u4QwtNJOyIk-00013-00008547-00008990 to work once downloaded on a computer. u4QwtNJOyIk-00014-00008990-00009563 Anki is completely free and was created by learners, for learners. u4QwtNJOyIk-00015-00009563-00010000 Flashcards can be either created directly within the app or automatically generated u4QwtNJOyIk-00016-00010000-00010657 by importing the content from a text file or spreadsheet. u4QwtNJOyIk-00017-00010657-00011414 Anki is not gamified and only offers virtual flashcards, but no other kinds of exercises. u4QwtNJOyIk-00018-00011414-00011882 The interface can be a little challenging to navigate at first because there are many u4QwtNJOyIk-00019-00011882-00012504 buttons, but once learners get familiar with the app, they will have the power to personalize u4QwtNJOyIk-00020-00012504-00012838 their learning. u4QwtNJOyIk-00021-00012838-00013488 Both Memrise and Anki allow students to add audio and images to vocabulary items. u4QwtNJOyIk-00022-00013488-00013988 Both apps are also smart in the sense that they present vocabulary to review based on u4QwtNJOyIk-00023-00013988-00014254 spaced-repetition algorithms. u4QwtNJOyIk-00024-00014254-00014900 If you prefer a gamified interface and have access to a reliable internet connection, u4QwtNJOyIk-00025-00014900-00015066 go for Memrise. u4QwtNJOyIk-00026-00015066-00015416 Otherwise, Anki might be just what students need! u4QwtNJOyIk-00027-00015416-00015741 Spell Checking Another example of vocabulary tools that are u4QwtNJOyIk-00028-00015741-00016141 available to everybody is spell checking. u4QwtNJOyIk-00029-00016141-00016639 Most word processing programs, including those on the internet that have an editor, have u4QwtNJOyIk-00030-00016639-00016856 spell checking in the background. u4QwtNJOyIk-00031-00016856-00017378 These spell-checking options allow students to see words that they have misspelled and u4QwtNJOyIk-00032-00017378-00017865 if we bring attention to those words, they can learn to use that feedback to improve u4QwtNJOyIk-00033-00017865-00018392 their spelling, thereby learning an aspect of vocabulary. u4QwtNJOyIk-00034-00018392-00018895 In this example we see how certain words were misspelled and students who attended to the u4QwtNJOyIk-00035-00018895-00019575 mark up on those words could then do the corrections to get the mark up to disappear. u4QwtNJOyIk-00036-00019575-00020004 When the words are spelled correctly, they’re no longer underlined in red. u4QwtNJOyIk-00037-00020004-00020381 Thesaurus As a non-native speaker of English, I find u4QwtNJOyIk-00038-00020381-00020840 that I tend to overuse certain words while writing. u4QwtNJOyIk-00039-00020840-00021184 One example is the word “very”. u4QwtNJOyIk-00040-00021184-00021825 To learn new words that I can use instead of “very”, I regularly use an online thesaurus, u4QwtNJOyIk-00041-00021825-00022150 which can be found at thesaurus.com. u4QwtNJOyIk-00042-00022150-00022653 If I type the word “very” in the search bar, I first get a long list of synonyms to u4QwtNJOyIk-00043-00022653-00022920 pick from. u4QwtNJOyIk-00044-00022920-00023501 If am not sure which one will fit in my context, I can click on “compare synonyms”. u4QwtNJOyIk-00045-00023501-00024029 I pick three synonyms that I think might work in my sentence, and the website then gives u4QwtNJOyIk-00046-00024029-00024668 me a definition for each as well as their own synonyms to help me grasp their nuances. u4QwtNJOyIk-00047-00024668-00025378 If this is not enough to help me choose one, I could visit their individual pages on thesaurus.com u4QwtNJOyIk-00048-00025378-00025672 and see examples of sentences in which they are used. u5S0wJpLaFg-00000-00000000-00000200 info@digitalremoteuk.com u78MyDQrDTE-00000-00000107-00000300 Requesting Materials in Burns Library u78MyDQrDTE-00001-00000300-00000936 So, you’ve used the Searching for Burns Library Materials core skills video to find u78MyDQrDTE-00002-00000936-00001311 something listed in the library database that you’d like to use. u78MyDQrDTE-00003-00001311-00001579 Now how do you request it so it’s ready for your research appointment? u78MyDQrDTE-00004-00001761-00002091 First, make sure it is only available in Burns Library. u78MyDQrDTE-00005-00002091-00002515 Some items from our collections can be found in several libraries across campus. u78MyDQrDTE-00006-00002515-00002925 If books are held somewhere besides Burns Library, they can usually be checked out and u78MyDQrDTE-00007-00002925-00003098 taken home with you. u78MyDQrDTE-00008-00003098-00003600 Burns copies can’t be checked out and need to be used in the Burns Library Reading Room. u78MyDQrDTE-00009-00003600-00004029 Not all our collections are actually stored onsite in Burns Library. u78MyDQrDTE-00010-00004029-00004397 If you’re interested in using something right away, make sure your items are stored u78MyDQrDTE-00011-00004397-00004643 here at Burns. u78MyDQrDTE-00012-00004643-00005197 Onsite items have the message “Find in Burns Library: Reading Room Use Only” u78MyDQrDTE-00013-00005197-00005683 If something is stored offsite, it will have the message “Contact Burns Library: Advanced u78MyDQrDTE-00014-00005683-00005801 notice needed.” u78MyDQrDTE-00015-00005801-00006218 We need at least 5 business days to make it available for you to do research in the Reading u78MyDQrDTE-00016-00006218-00006361 Room with that material. u78MyDQrDTE-00017-00006361-00006856 As you identify what you would like to see from searching the library catalog, click u78MyDQrDTE-00018-00006856-00007212 the blue "Schedule Visit to use in Burns Library" link. u78MyDQrDTE-00019-00007212-00007639 You will be prompted to sign into your Burns Library Account, the online request management u78MyDQrDTE-00020-00007639-00007922 system we use here at Burns. u78MyDQrDTE-00021-00007922-00008416 If you already have a Burns Library account, go ahead and log in through the appropropriate u78MyDQrDTE-00022-00008416-00008873 portal with your user name and password, and you’ll return to your request form. u78MyDQrDTE-00023-00008873-00009361 If you haven’t created an account yet, use either the Boston College Students, Faculty, u78MyDQrDTE-00024-00009361-00009958 & Staff sign-in box to register with your BC username password, or use the Guest Researcher u78MyDQrDTE-00025-00009958-00010284 box to register as a Guest Researcher. u78MyDQrDTE-00026-00010284-00010617 Be sure to review our registration policies in detail. u78MyDQrDTE-00027-00010617-00010990 There may be a pop quiz, and we expect you to know and follow these 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form, and press submit. u78MyDQrDTE-00039-00014810-00015301 Don’t forget to check our website for more details about when we are open u78MyDQrDTE-00040-00015301-00015759 To complete the form for archival boxes: Review collection information, and add the u78MyDQrDTE-00041-00015759-00016137 boxes you want to see into the Box field. u78MyDQrDTE-00042-00016137-00016734 Materials are pulled and delivered at a box level, so you only need to list each box once. u78MyDQrDTE-00043-00016734-00017126 To identify the boxes you want to see in the Reading Room, you will need to refer to the u78MyDQrDTE-00044-00017126-00017294 finding aid. u78MyDQrDTE-00045-00017294-00017829 Either click the Finding Aid link under the title, or, you can find another link at the u78MyDQrDTE-00046-00017829-00018152 end of the catalog record under LInks. u78MyDQrDTE-00047-00018152-00018577 If you are requesting multiple boxes, you can clone requests from your Burns Library u78MyDQrDTE-00048-00018577-00018884 Account to 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reading room staff will have the materials ready for your visit. u78MyDQrDTE-00059-00022737-00023263 You'll simply need to show a school or government-issued ID, and take a photograph to finish your registration u78MyDQrDTE-00060-00023263-00023672 process, and then you will be free to begin your research visit. u78MyDQrDTE-00061-00023672-00024070 Contact us if you have any questions or problems requesting materials. u78MyDQrDTE-00062-00024070-00024150 We're happy to help. uqsgEQ4FufU-00000-00000020-00000311 (techno music) uqsgEQ4FufU-00001-00000800-00001131 [Narrator] Cyber Conflict, Module 13: uqsgEQ4FufU-00002-00001131-00001352 Chinese Cyber Background. uqsgEQ4FufU-00003-00001528-00001729 Once you have completed the readings, uqsgEQ4FufU-00004-00001729-00002004 lecture, activity, and assessment, uqsgEQ4FufU-00005-00002004-00002209 you will be able to uqsgEQ4FufU-00006-00002209-00002454 articulate the four components uqsgEQ4FufU-00007-00002454-00002770 of a cyberpower according to Segal uqsgEQ4FufU-00008-00002915-00003370 and describe the Chinese concept of informationization. uqsgEQ4FufU-00009-00003370-00003640 (techno music) uqsgEQ4FufU-00010-00003640-00004003 [Narrator] Welcome to Cyberconflict, Module 13. uqsgEQ4FufU-00011-00004003-00004206 Thus far, we have looked at issues uqsgEQ4FufU-00012-00004206-00004443 of cyber conflict with regard to the countries uqsgEQ4FufU-00013-00004443-00004817 of Russia, North Korea, and Iran. uqsgEQ4FufU-00014-00004817-00005309 We now turn to the development of China's cyber enterprise. uqsgEQ4FufU-00015-00005309-00005738 The 1991 Gulf War may have been a seminal event uqsgEQ4FufU-00016-00005738-00006044 in how China approached cyber strategies. uqsgEQ4FufU-00017-00006044-00006515 That war initiated the era of net-centric warfare, uqsgEQ4FufU-00018-00006515-00006801 in which computer and information technology uqsgEQ4FufU-00019-00006801-00007120 was incorporated into military operations. uqsgEQ4FufU-00020-00007120-00007304 This allowed commanders to increase uqsgEQ4FufU-00021-00007304-00007612 their situational awareness of the battlefield uqsgEQ4FufU-00022-00007612-00008090 and thus act with greater unity of effort and efficiency. uqsgEQ4FufU-00023-00008090-00008356 Within 100 hours of the United States' uqsgEQ4FufU-00024-00008356-00008744 ground campaign launch, a ceasefire was initiated, uqsgEQ4FufU-00025-00008744-00009053 with the Iraqi army essentially defeated. uqsgEQ4FufU-00026-00009152-00009502 Chinese generals watching this war were surprised uqsgEQ4FufU-00027-00009502-00009902 and intrigued at such a quick victory by the United States, uqsgEQ4FufU-00028-00009902-00010264 since, technologically, China's military forces uqsgEQ4FufU-00029-00010264-00010530 were quite comparable to Iraq's. uqsgEQ4FufU-00030-00010530-00010698 Realizing that the United States uqsgEQ4FufU-00031-00010698-00010944 might have an intractable advantage, uqsgEQ4FufU-00032-00010944-00011350 Chinese military planners initiated a series of commissions uqsgEQ4FufU-00033-00011350-00011668 to investigate how the war ended so rapidly. uqsgEQ4FufU-00034-00011668-00012058 These commissions ultimately produced several white papers uqsgEQ4FufU-00035-00012058-00012473 addressing how China could develop its own high-tech force uqsgEQ4FufU-00036-00012473-00012885 while minimizing the obvious technological advantages uqsgEQ4FufU-00037-00012885-00013027 of the United States. uqsgEQ4FufU-00038-00013112-00013363 One approach that the Chinese implemented uqsgEQ4FufU-00039-00013363-00013666 to disrupt the U.S. advantage as they concurrently uqsgEQ4FufU-00040-00013666-00013969 developed their own net-centric capabilities uqsgEQ4FufU-00041-00013969-00014297 was to embrace asymmetrical warfare. uqsgEQ4FufU-00042-00014297-00014635 Such a reliance on asymmetrical capabilities uqsgEQ4FufU-00043-00014635-00014963 was compatible with China's long-standing tradition uqsgEQ4FufU-00044-00014963-00015213 of using stealth, deception, uqsgEQ4FufU-00045-00015213-00015434 and indirect approaches to warfare. uqsgEQ4FufU-00046-00015628-00015943 China also felt that the United States was too dependent uqsgEQ4FufU-00047-00015943-00016162 on communications technologies, uqsgEQ4FufU-00048-00016162-00016407 especially with regard to intelligence, uqsgEQ4FufU-00049-00016407-00016694 surveillance, and reconnaissance, or ISR, uqsgEQ4FufU-00050-00016803-00017126 and believed that it might exploit this dependence uqsgEQ4FufU-00051-00017126-00017317 should armed conflict occur. uqsgEQ4FufU-00052-00017427-00017675 China's previous security posture uqsgEQ4FufU-00053-00017675-00017984 had focused on fighting a large-scale land war, uqsgEQ4FufU-00054-00017984-00018315 on its own ground, against Russian invasion. uqsgEQ4FufU-00055-00018315-00018665 Less than one year after the end of the Gulf War, however, uqsgEQ4FufU-00056-00018665-00018859 the Chinese president published uqsgEQ4FufU-00057-00018859-00019140 a set of "military strategic guidelines" uqsgEQ4FufU-00058-00019140-00019495 to modernize the development of its military forces. uqsgEQ4FufU-00059-00019495-00019756 The new posture focused China on developing uqsgEQ4FufU-00060-00019756-00020023 more joint and maneuverable forces uqsgEQ4FufU-00061-00020023-00020422 that could fight small regional wars outside its borders. uqsgEQ4FufU-00062-00020422-00020617 The new policy also addressed uqsgEQ4FufU-00063-00020617-00020995 China's underdeveloped technological capability uqsgEQ4FufU-00064-00020995-00021245 and defined a strategy that would allow the country uqsgEQ4FufU-00065-00021245-00021442 to fight what it called uqsgEQ4FufU-00066-00021442-00021942 "local wars under informationized conditions." uqsgEQ4FufU-00067-00021949-00022200 By "informationized," China meant uqsgEQ4FufU-00068-00022200-00022433 incorporating computer technology uqsgEQ4FufU-00069-00022433-00022836 into all aspects of society for modernization, uqsgEQ4FufU-00070-00022836-00023156 and "local wars" referred to China's assessment uqsgEQ4FufU-00071-00023156-00023469 that future wars would be fought close to home uqsgEQ4FufU-00072-00023469-00023768 in a geographically limited area. uqsgEQ4FufU-00073-00023768-00024148 Seeing how the United States' technological advantage uqsgEQ4FufU-00074-00024148-00024487 overpowered Iraq's military so rapidly, uqsgEQ4FufU-00075-00024487-00024846 China's People's Liberation Army leadership uqsgEQ4FufU-00076-00024846-00025233 determined that future conflicts would demand technology uqsgEQ4FufU-00077-00025233-00025446 to quickly defeat an enemy uqsgEQ4FufU-00078-00025446-00025809 and obviate the need for long, extended wars. uqsgEQ4FufU-00079-00025902-00026257 China's concept of fighting local wars uqsgEQ4FufU-00080-00026257-00026706 under informationized conditions was initially a template uqsgEQ4FufU-00081-00026706-00026977 to develop the People's Liberation Army uqsgEQ4FufU-00082-00026977-00027345 into a fighting force that could win high-technology wars uqsgEQ4FufU-00083-00027345-00027776 under modern conditions, while using an asymmetric approach. uqsgEQ4FufU-00084-00027776-00028202 However, as computer technology quickly evolved, uqsgEQ4FufU-00085-00028202-00028450 the term "informationization" uqsgEQ4FufU-00086-00028450-00028738 expanded to capture technologies associated with uqsgEQ4FufU-00087-00028738-00029189 information superiority, reconnaissance, jamming, uqsgEQ4FufU-00088-00029189-00029687 networking, space operations, and electronic attack. uqsgEQ4FufU-00089-00029687-00029975 In a 2006 defense white paper, uqsgEQ4FufU-00090-00029975-00030223 China's president highlighted the country's need uqsgEQ4FufU-00091-00030223-00030462 to modernize its military forces uqsgEQ4FufU-00092-00030462-00030726 by using information technology, uqsgEQ4FufU-00093-00030726-00031104 mandating a series of deadlines for its implementation. uqsgEQ4FufU-00094-00031104-00031425 His vision was a fully "computerized" military, uqsgEQ4FufU-00095-00031425-00031839 capable of waging high-tech warfare by 2050, uqsgEQ4FufU-00096-00031839-00032064 and he highlighted the need of taking uqsgEQ4FufU-00097-00032064-00032382 a whole-of-government approach to meet this goal. uqsgEQ4FufU-00098-00032495-00032787 The leadership of the People's Liberation Army uqsgEQ4FufU-00099-00032787-00033065 developed the concept of operations called uqsgEQ4FufU-00100-00033065-00033369 "integrated network-electronic warfare," uqsgEQ4FufU-00101-00033369-00033597 which China's military forces uqsgEQ4FufU-00102-00033597-00033963 could use to integrate new information technologies. uqsgEQ4FufU-00103-00033963-00034355 These operations also included an offensive component uqsgEQ4FufU-00104-00034355-00034615 with both computer network operations uqsgEQ4FufU-00105-00034615-00034846 and electronic warfare capabilities uqsgEQ4FufU-00106-00034846-00035244 to disrupt an enemy's computer-based systems. uqsgEQ4FufU-00107-00035244-00035541 Chinese military officials have found uqsgEQ4FufU-00108-00035541-00035848 the United States' advantages in space technology uqsgEQ4FufU-00109-00035848-00036277 quite threatening, especially space-based communications uqsgEQ4FufU-00110-00036277-00036471 and reconnaissance systems uqsgEQ4FufU-00111-00036471-00036841 that supplement and enable military operations. uqsgEQ4FufU-00112-00036841-00037168 However, China understands that the United States' uqsgEQ4FufU-00113-00037168-00037537 reliance on space and cyberspace technology uqsgEQ4FufU-00114-00037537-00037797 also creates vulnerabilities. uqsgEQ4FufU-00115-00037797-00038052 This is especially true regarding space-based uqsgEQ4FufU-00116-00038052-00038433 command-and-control and ISR resources. uqsgEQ4FufU-00117-00038433-00038801 China also realizes that the United States relies uqsgEQ4FufU-00118-00038801-00039025 heavily on information technology uqsgEQ4FufU-00119-00039025-00039318 to support its logistics infrastructure, uqsgEQ4FufU-00120-00039318-00039745 and that, in general, U.S. military logistics systems uqsgEQ4FufU-00121-00039745-00040013 operate over the unclassified Internet, uqsgEQ4FufU-00122-00040013-00040325 creating vulnerability to exploitation. uqsgEQ4FufU-00123-00040471-00040698 With these vulnerabilities in mind, uqsgEQ4FufU-00124-00040698-00040968 China will likely develop ways to counter uqsgEQ4FufU-00125-00040968-00041323 the space and cyberspace advantages of the United States. uqsgEQ4FufU-00126-00041323-00041688 One possible scenario is development of the ability uqsgEQ4FufU-00127-00041688-00041977 to disrupt signals between ground-based uqsgEQ4FufU-00128-00041977-00042477 U.S. command-and-control systems and space-based assets. uqsgEQ4FufU-00129-00042496-00042940 Another scenario is development of vectors allowing malware uqsgEQ4FufU-00130-00042940-00043246 to be ingested by satellite computer systems, uqsgEQ4FufU-00131-00043246-00043727 such that China could then spoof or incapacitate them. uqsgEQ4FufU-00132-00043727-00044007 China has also developed kinetic means uqsgEQ4FufU-00133-00044007-00044310 to disable U.S. satellites, but the country likely uqsgEQ4FufU-00134-00044310-00044733 will not use these means unless an all-out war ensues, uqsgEQ4FufU-00135-00044733-00045102 simply because hiding attribution for such techniques uqsgEQ4FufU-00136-00045102-00045308 is inherently difficult. uqsgEQ4FufU-00137-00045398-00045780 To successfully exploit the United States' computer systems, uqsgEQ4FufU-00138-00045780-00046083 China needs a relatively deep understanding uqsgEQ4FufU-00139-00046083-00046337 of many technical aspects. uqsgEQ4FufU-00140-00046337-00046592 Thus, China will likely continue uqsgEQ4FufU-00141-00046592-00046949 sophisticated reconnaissance of our military networks, uqsgEQ4FufU-00142-00046949-00047363 especially those supporting communication infrastructure. uqsgEQ4FufU-00143-00047363-00047614 China may also increase network surveillance uqsgEQ4FufU-00144-00047614-00047897 of Department of Defense contractors who produce uqsgEQ4FufU-00145-00047897-00048296 and maintain many of our communication satellite systems uqsgEQ4FufU-00146-00048296-00048669 as China searches for vulnerabilities to be exploited uqsgEQ4FufU-00147-00048669-00048880 once satellites are operational. uqsgEQ4FufU-00148-00048997-00049218 Besides space-based command-and-control uqsgEQ4FufU-00149-00049218-00049607 and intelligence systems, Chinese military theorists uqsgEQ4FufU-00150-00049607-00049879 have focused on U.S. logistics systems uqsgEQ4FufU-00151-00049879-00050121 as a potential vulnerability. uqsgEQ4FufU-00152-00050121-00050457 As an example, a 2007 book uqsgEQ4FufU-00153-00050457-00050713 published by a former senior member uqsgEQ4FufU-00154-00050713-00050933 of the People's Liberation Army uqsgEQ4FufU-00155-00050933-00051384 identified "enemy" ISR and logistics networks uqsgEQ4FufU-00156-00051384-00051751 as primary targets in the event of hostilities. uqsgEQ4FufU-00157-00051751-00052050 Given that the South China Sea represents uqsgEQ4FufU-00158-00052050-00052294 the most likely locus of hostilities uqsgEQ4FufU-00159-00052294-00052565 between the two countries, along with the fact that uqsgEQ4FufU-00160-00052565-00052984 China lags behind the United States in naval capability, uqsgEQ4FufU-00161-00052984-00053299 China perceives U.S. logistics systems uqsgEQ4FufU-00162-00053299-00053607 as an Achilles heel to be targeted. uqsgEQ4FufU-00163-00053607-00053959 if U.S. warships cannot be supplied at port uqsgEQ4FufU-00164-00053959-00054237 or resupplied once underway, uqsgEQ4FufU-00165-00054237-00054694 China would effectively neutralize U.S. capability. uqsgEQ4FufU-00166-00054694-00055107 Compounding this problem is the fact that the U.S. Navy uqsgEQ4FufU-00167-00055107-00055482 has adopted a "just-in-time" inventory paradigm, uqsgEQ4FufU-00168-00055482-00055758 leaving little room for error. uqsgEQ4FufU-00169-00055758-00056120 And if intruders can access systems on land, uqsgEQ4FufU-00170-00056120-00056448 they may be able to disrupt onboard systems. uqsgEQ4FufU-00171-00056448-00056839 A previous Chief of Naval Operations highlighted this uqsgEQ4FufU-00172-00056839-00057330 in noting, "Practically all major systems on ships, uqsgEQ4FufU-00173-00057330-00057691 "aircraft, submarines, and unmanned vehicles uqsgEQ4FufU-00174-00057691-00057916 are 'networked' to some degree." uqsgEQ4FufU-00175-00057916-00058236 These network systems, like the majority uqsgEQ4FufU-00176-00058236-00058500 of the military's logistics infrastructure uqsgEQ4FufU-00177-00058500-00058827 that operate on an unclassified backbone, uqsgEQ4FufU-00178-00058827-00059117 create exponential vulnerabilities uqsgEQ4FufU-00179-00059117-00059413 that become increasingly difficult to guard uqsgEQ4FufU-00180-00059413-00059609 as China and other countries uqsgEQ4FufU-00181-00059609-00059983 develop more sophisticated cyber capabilities. uqsgEQ4FufU-00182-00059983-00060149 (techno music) uqsgEQ4FufU-00183-00060149-00060416 [Narrator] True or false: uqsgEQ4FufU-00184-00060416-00060804 Informationization is a theoretical concept uqsgEQ4FufU-00185-00060804-00061134 the Chinese borrowed from North Korean uqsgEQ4FufU-00186-00061134-00061320 military strategists. uqsgEQ4FufU-00187-00061498-00061671 The answer is False. uqsgEQ4FufU-00188-00061886-00062229 Quiz Question 2: According to the readings, which of the following uqsgEQ4FufU-00189-00062229-00062722 is NOT one of the four components of a cyberpower? uqsgEQ4FufU-00190-00062722-00063012 A: A country with a large uqsgEQ4FufU-00191-00063012-00063302 or technologically advanced economy. uqsgEQ4FufU-00192-00063441-00063857 B: A country that has public institutions uqsgEQ4FufU-00193-00063857-00064169 that channel the energy and innovation uqsgEQ4FufU-00194-00064169-00064296 of the private sector. uqsgEQ4FufU-00195-00064400-00064784 C: A country that has adventurous uqsgEQ4FufU-00196-00064784-00065250 and rapacious military and intelligence agencies. uqsgEQ4FufU-00197-00065250-00065691 D: A country that has a highly educated citizenry uqsgEQ4FufU-00198-00065691-00065939 steeped in democratic values. uqsgEQ4FufU-00199-00066080-00066421 The answer is D: a country that has uqsgEQ4FufU-00200-00066421-00066675 a highly educated citizenry uqsgEQ4FufU-00201-00066675-00066925 steeped in democratic values. uqsgEQ4FufU-00202-00067170-00067418 The activity for this module asks uqsgEQ4FufU-00203-00067418-00067632 that, using presentation software uqsgEQ4FufU-00204-00067632-00067899 like PowerPoint or Keynote, uqsgEQ4FufU-00205-00067899-00068169 build a presentation about China, uqsgEQ4FufU-00206-00068169-00068416 providing the following information: uqsgEQ4FufU-00207-00068533-00068883 Note the country's annual gross domestic product (GNP) uqsgEQ4FufU-00208-00068883-00069291 from the CIA's World Fact Book. uqsgEQ4FufU-00209-00069419-00069754 Provide interesting facts about the country, uqsgEQ4FufU-00210-00069754-00070038 including the size of its population, uqsgEQ4FufU-00211-00070038-00070320 military, industrial production, uqsgEQ4FufU-00212-00070320-00070510 and agriculture output. uqsgEQ4FufU-00213-00070638-00070968 Note how many people have access to the Internet. uqsgEQ4FufU-00214-00071101-00071464 Compare the information to that of Russia. uqsgEQ4FufU-00215-00071464-00071816 Consider the differences and similarities uqsgEQ4FufU-00216-00071816-00071971 of the two countries. uqsgEQ4FufU-00217-00071971-00072263 (techno music) uxNoF2BCely-00000-00000023-00000247 Running a day center is hard. uxNoF2BCely-00001-00000247-00000330 It is. uxNoF2BCely-00002-00000330-00000438 There's a lot of things to think about, uxNoF2BCely-00003-00000438-00000613 there's a lot of components and infrastructure, uxNoF2BCely-00004-00000613-00000952 and most people do it pretty much by themselves. uxNoF2BCely-00005-00000952-00001257 They don't get help, they don't share operational learning, uxNoF2BCely-00006-00001257-00001493 they don't see ways that they can really improve uxNoF2BCely-00007-00001493-00001902 the basic operational constructs, the servers themselves, uxNoF2BCely-00008-00001902-00002109 the metal, the infrastructure, the networking uxNoF2BCely-00009-00002109-00002289 of their data centers. uxNoF2BCely-00010-00002289-00002598 The RackN trial is a way for you to actually see uxNoF2BCely-00011-00002598-00002840 a new way of thinking about infrastructure uxNoF2BCely-00012-00002840-00003060 without having to spend hours, weeks learning uxNoF2BCely-00013-00003060-00003386 the books, it is just a way to get started uxNoF2BCely-00014-00003386-00003749 to see that you can actually automate, control, visualize uxNoF2BCely-00015-00003749-00004024 what's going on in the physical layer of your data center. uxNoF2BCely-00016-00004024-00004189 And once you can do that, uxNoF2BCely-00017-00004189-00004366 then everything you build on top of it uxNoF2BCely-00018-00004366-00004697 is going to be more robust, more productive, faster, uxNoF2BCely-00019-00004697-00004842 easier to control. uxNoF2BCely-00020-00004842-00005117 The trial is really about starting the journey uxNoF2BCely-00021-00005117-00005352 into a fully automated infrastructure. uxNoF2BCely-00022-00005352-00005594 And we've made it incredibly easy to do that. uxNoF2BCely-00023-00005594-00005830 An hour for most people to just get learning, uxNoF2BCely-00024-00005830-00005913 get things running. uxNoF2BCely-00025-00005913-00006105 You're actually installed in five minutes. uxNoF2BCely-00026-00006105-00006230 That's powerful. uxNoF2BCely-00027-00006230-00006415 There's a long journey ahead of you. uxNoF2BCely-00028-00006415-00006604 We've made the first step simple. uyyWM58RN5I-00000-00000026-00000639 A phobia is an excessive fear of a seemingly harmless thing and those affected, go to great uyyWM58RN5I-00001-00000639-00000905 lengths to avoid certain situations. uyyWM58RN5I-00002-00000905-00001911 If a situation cannot be avoided, they experience severe distress, panic attacks or even fainting. uyyWM58RN5I-00003-00001911-00002451 Phobias are less prevalent among children and older people, and more common among teenagers, uyyWM58RN5I-00004-00002451-00002750 and especially girls. uyyWM58RN5I-00005-00002750-00003486 They run in families or can be the result of a traumatic experience early in life. uyyWM58RN5I-00006-00003486-00003918 Phobias can be categorized into 3 types. uyyWM58RN5I-00007-00003918-00004572 A social phobia is when we fear others, especially their judgment. uyyWM58RN5I-00008-00004572-00005251 Agoraphobia is the fear of a situation we perceive to be unsafe or difficult to escape. uyyWM58RN5I-00009-00005251-00005818 Specific phobias include fears of certain things, or situations, such as heights, or uyyWM58RN5I-00010-00005818-00006173 injuries and seeing blood. uyyWM58RN5I-00011-00006173-00007192 Some phobias are especially complicated — such as the famous case of the Button Boy. uyyWM58RN5I-00012-00007192-00007707 It was a normal day at kindergarten when a 6 year old boy ran out of buttons to paste uyyWM58RN5I-00013-00007707-00008334 on his poster board and was asked to come to the front of the class to get some more. uyyWM58RN5I-00014-00008334-00008971 When he reached for the bowl, his hand slipped and all the buttons fell on him. uyyWM58RN5I-00015-00008971-00009599 For the boy this was a deeply traumatic event. uyyWM58RN5I-00016-00009599-00010045 Not long after, he didn’t want to dress himself anymore. uyyWM58RN5I-00017-00010045-00010557 He began to have difficulty concentrating in class due to an excessive preoccupation uyyWM58RN5I-00018-00010557-00010957 with not touching his school uniform. uyyWM58RN5I-00019-00010957-00011606 And eventually, he started avoiding people just to stay away from their buttons! uyyWM58RN5I-00020-00011606-00012131 Life became so difficult that 4 years after the incident the boy and his mother decided uyyWM58RN5I-00021-00012131-00012472 to seek professional help. uyyWM58RN5I-00022-00012472-00013003 The psychiatrists Lissette Saavedra and Wendy Silverman who studied the case were able to uyyWM58RN5I-00023-00013003-00013634 rule out obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which is often confused with a phobia, and uyyWM58RN5I-00024-00013634-00014244 concluded that the boy must have developed a specific phobia for buttons. uyyWM58RN5I-00025-00014244-00014919 To treat the boy, the doctors invited the mother and son to be part of a research project. uyyWM58RN5I-00026-00014919-00015443 To assess the child’s progress throughout the treatment, they used a Feelings Thermometer, uyyWM58RN5I-00027-00015443-00016091 allowing the boy to grade each interaction from 1, feeling happy, to 9, feeling angry. uyyWM58RN5I-00028-00016091-00016775 Big, brass jeans buttons hardly bothered the boy, but small, clear, plastic ones horrified uyyWM58RN5I-00029-00016775-00016883 him. uyyWM58RN5I-00030-00016883-00017522 After the boy’s feelings were better understood, the doctors selected a treatment method. uyyWM58RN5I-00031-00017522-00018035 First they tried behavioral exposure therapy, a form of classical conditioning uyyWM58RN5I-00032-00018035-00018498 Whenever the boy touched a button successfully, he was rewarded. uyyWM58RN5I-00033-00018498-00018834 They then repeated the process in various forms. uyyWM58RN5I-00034-00018834-00019536 After 4 sessions, the boy completed all tasks and he was able to interact with way more uyyWM58RN5I-00035-00019536-00020129 buttons than before. However, he felt more distressed about buttons than ever. uyyWM58RN5I-00036-00020129-00020728 When the doctors talked to the boy again he revealed that he found buttons disgusting uyyWM58RN5I-00037-00020728-00021234 and that they emitted a bad smell. And so they wondered: did the exposure therapy uyyWM58RN5I-00038-00021234-00021762 reduce his fear, but increase his feeling of disgust? uyyWM58RN5I-00039-00021762-00022378 Next, they tried Imagery Exposure Therapy. For the seven sessions that followed, the uyyWM58RN5I-00040-00022378-00022949 boy was prompted to just visualize buttons falling on him and imagine how they looked, uyyWM58RN5I-00041-00022949-00023234 felt, and smelled. uyyWM58RN5I-00042-00023234-00023885 This time the boy’s self-reported levels of distress reduced dramatically. uyyWM58RN5I-00043-00023885-00024429 Even 12-months after the therapy the boy reported minimal fear of buttons. uyyWM58RN5I-00044-00024429-00024998 So why did the first treatment fail, while the second one worked? uyyWM58RN5I-00045-00024998-00025635 The first treatment changed the minds' expectations of what harmless buttons may trigger —classical uyyWM58RN5I-00046-00025635-00026189 conditioning. The second therapy changed the mind’s evaluation of buttons themselves uyyWM58RN5I-00047-00026189-00026543 – that they aren’t actually that disgusting. uyyWM58RN5I-00048-00026543-00027195 In technical terms, expectancy-learning failed, but evaluative learning, succeeded. uyyWM58RN5I-00049-00027195-00027852 But treatment of a phobia may take many forms. Social- and agoraphobia are often treated uyyWM58RN5I-00050-00027852-00028241 with counseling or even medication. uyyWM58RN5I-00051-00028241-00028852 Specific phobias are often treated by systematic desensitization, today often with the help uyyWM58RN5I-00052-00028852-00029180 of virtual reality. uyyWM58RN5I-00053-00029180-00029558 Humor is another serious therapy that often works. uyyWM58RN5I-00054-00029558-00030190 Activities that elicit humor with the feared situation, can help reduce disgust, anxiety uyyWM58RN5I-00055-00030190-00030669 or whatever other uncovered feelings may be the cause of our phobia. uyyWM58RN5I-00056-00030669-00031333 What’s your experience with phobia? Have you ever had one that you were able to overcome? uyyWM58RN5I-00057-00031333-00033390 And if so, how did you do it? Share your thoughts in the comments below. uyyWM58RN5I-00058-00033390-00033952 This and all other Sprouts' videos are licensed under the Creative Commons. That means teachers uyyWM58RN5I-00059-00033952-00034456 from all around the world can use them in classrooms, online courses or uyyWM58RN5I-00060-00034456-00034902 to start projects - and today, thousands already do! uyyWM58RN5I-00061-00034902-00035438 To learn how it works and download this video without Ads or background music, checkout uyyWM58RN5I-00062-00035438-00035787 our website or read the description below. uyyWM58RN5I-00063-00035787-00036180 If you want to support our mission and help change education uyyWM58RN5I-00064-00036180-00036453 visit our Patreon - that's patreon.com/sprouts. u-FrcBcyBj0-00000-00000000-00000474 The barn owl is a fascinating and beautiful bird of prey that can be found throughout much u-FrcBcyBj0-00001-00000474-00000990 of the world. Known for its heart-shaped face and silent flight, the barn owl is an elusive u-FrcBcyBj0-00002-00000990-00001386 and mysterious creature that has captured the imaginations of people for centuries. u-FrcBcyBj0-00003-00001386-00001907 One of the most distinctive features of the barn owl is its facial disk, which is shaped like a u-FrcBcyBj0-00004-00001907-00002442 heart and helps to focus sound waves onto its ears. This allows the barn owl to locate prey, u-FrcBcyBj0-00005-00002442-00003030 even in complete darkness. The owl's feathers are also uniquely designed to reduce sound, making it u-FrcBcyBj0-00006-00003030-00003564 one of the quietest flying birds in the world. Barn owls are found in a wide range of habitats, u-FrcBcyBj0-00007-00003564-00004122 from open grasslands and farmland to forests and deserts. They are known for their adaptability u-FrcBcyBj0-00008-00004122-00004692 and can often be found living in close proximity to humans, nesting in barns and other buildings. u-FrcBcyBj0-00009-00004692-00005238 Barn owls are primarily nocturnal hunters, and they feed on a variety of small mammals, u-FrcBcyBj0-00010-00005238-00005856 such as mice, rats, voles, and shrews. They are also known to eat birds, reptiles, u-FrcBcyBj0-00011-00005856-00006384 and insects. Barn owls are able to hunt in complete darkness thanks to their keen senses, u-FrcBcyBj0-00012-00006384-00006630 which include excellent vision and hearing. u-FrcBcyBj0-00013-00006630-00007134 The breeding habits of barn owls are fascinating. They typically mate for life and are monogamous, u-FrcBcyBj0-00014-00007134-00007595 meaning that they will stay with the same partner for many years. Breeding usually u-FrcBcyBj0-00015-00007595-00008142 takes place in the spring, and females will lay anywhere from 2 to 12 eggs, depending on the u-FrcBcyBj0-00016-00008142-00008622 availability of food. The male will hunt for both himself and the female during this time, u-FrcBcyBj0-00017-00008622-00009174 bringing her food while she incubates the eggs. Barn owl chicks are born covered in white down, u-FrcBcyBj0-00018-00009174-00009696 and they grow quickly. They are fully feathered by about 7 weeks of age and are able to fly by u-FrcBcyBj0-00019-00009696-00010188 the time they are 10 weeks old. However, they will often stay with their parents for several u-FrcBcyBj0-00020-00010188-00010698 more weeks before venturing out on their own. Unfortunately, the barn owl population has been u-FrcBcyBj0-00021-00010698-00011184 declining in recent years due to habitat loss and other factors. Many farmers use u-FrcBcyBj0-00022-00011184-00011586 pesticides and other chemicals that can harm the owl's prey, and the destruction u-FrcBcyBj0-00023-00011586-00012138 of natural habitats has also made it difficult for barn owls to find suitable places to nest. u-FrcBcyBj0-00024-00012138-00012648 There are several organizations dedicated to the conservation of barn owls, and efforts are u-FrcBcyBj0-00025-00012648-00013158 being made to protect their habitats and educate people about the importance of these birds. In u-FrcBcyBj0-00026-00013158-00013674 some areas, farmers are using owl boxes to provide safe places for barn owls to nest, u-FrcBcyBj0-00027-00013674-00014069 which has helped to increase their numbers. In addition to their role in the ecosystem, u-FrcBcyBj0-00028-00014069-00014538 barn owls have played an important role in mythology and folklore around the world. u-FrcBcyBj0-00029-00014538-00015078 In some cultures, they are considered symbols of wisdom and good luck, while in others they u-FrcBcyBj0-00030-00015078-00015618 are seen as omens of death and misfortune. Overall, the barn owl is a fascinating and u-FrcBcyBj0-00031-00015618-00016080 important bird that deserves our protection and respect. Their unique features and u-FrcBcyBj0-00032-00016080-00016542 behaviors make them a wonder of the natural world, and their presence in our lives is a u-FrcBcyBj0-00033-00016542-00016938 reminder of the importance of preserving the environment and the creatures that inhabit it. u-SlhH4S8l4-00000-00000208-00000610 Our future is electric and the Queensland Government is paving the way u-SlhH4S8l4-00001-00000622-00001110 for our state to gain the benefits of electric vehicles or EVs. u-SlhH4S8l4-00002-00001210-00001673 The transition to EV's will help to diversify the state's economy and will reduce vehicle u-SlhH4S8l4-00003-00001689-00001930 emissions and their environmental impacts. u-SlhH4S8l4-00004-00001989-00002734 Queensland's EV strategy outlines how the Queensland Government is supporting this transition. u-SlhH4S8l4-00005-00002734-00003026 The Queensland electric superhighway is a network of fast u-SlhH4S8l4-00006-00003026-00003528 charging stations connecting Cairns to the Gold Coast. This is the world's longest u-SlhH4S8l4-00007-00003528-00004014 fast charging highway within a single state and is just one of the ways the u-SlhH4S8l4-00008-00004014-00004470 Queensland Government is preparing for an electric future. u-SlhH4S8l4-00009-00004504-00005372 To find out more about EVs and read the full strategy visit qld.gov.au/electricvehicles u-SlhH4S8l4-00010-00005912-00006228 [Queensland Government logo] uB70OZWZLpE-00000-00000150-00001050 As soon as I got back to my room I started working earlier ... ..., suddenly I should refrain from making full-scale goods or large scale goods. Is it a poster or something? uB70OZWZLpE-00001-00001150-00002050 Millennia: In that case, that way of thinking is fine. However, since we included posters in last year's Crowd Funding rewards, it seems reasonable to prepare another product. uB70OZWZLpE-00002-00002100-00003000 Kouyou: That's true. Although changing the design slightly, in addition to duplication of the genre in the poster, there should be users who have difficulty in terms of the space to put on the wall. uB70OZWZLpE-00003-00003100-00004000 Millennia: "pixivFACTORY" entrusted to manufacture this time seems to be able to make various products. First of all, it is a good idea to check what you can make and specifications before choosing. uB70OZWZLpE-00004-00004633-00005523 Millennia: pixivFACTORY is an on-demand goods production service that can make original goods by arranging etc. on the browser using one prepared image data. uB70OZWZLpE-00005-00005533-00006433 The number of items is constantly updated, and now we can make 17 kinds of goods. Further goods created can be sold at BOOTH, this time we will use this one. uB70OZWZLpE-00006-00006483-00007383 Kouyou: On demand production! Certainly it is safe without worry of initial investment or inventory risk. Speaking of the difficulty, is it that the cost will increase due to the order production? uB70OZWZLpE-00007-00007433-00008333 Millennia: Although certainly there is a drawback in parts where cost is high on-demand manufacturing, because the merit that Moriha learned is very large now, it can be said that it is suitable for personal sales. uB70OZWZLpE-00008-00008383-00009283 Kouyou: That's true. You can not put the stock in your room, and you need to budget your first budget yourself more than anything else. It is a reminder that coterie activity is also quite hard. uB70OZWZLpE-00009-00009583-00010483 Oh, glasses cleaner. At first it might be the best thing. I feel that it has practicality personally, and it is also possible to use it like a cleaning cloth. uB70OZWZLpE-00010-00010583-00011183 Well, you can see samples too. Let's make it at once. uB70OZWZLpE-00011-00011300-00012200 Millennia: pixivFACTORY data production can be done in the browser. However, since it is necessary to prepare one piece of image data, we created images according to this product in advance. uB70OZWZLpE-00012-00012250-00013140 Kouyou: So let 's make it up quickly. First, click on the eyeglass cleaner in the selection of the item ... Oh, will it be necessary to upload the image next time? uB70OZWZLpE-00013-00013150-00014050 You can adjust the position of the image by uploading it by drag & drop or file selection. Since the color of the fabric is white, in this case it seems good to keep the back side transparent in PNG format. uB70OZWZLpE-00014-00014200-00015100 Oh, I see. Is there already no need to move it because it is already made with the exact image size already? What I feel is just confirming the completion prediction as it is. uB70OZWZLpE-00015-00015150-00016050 Millennia: The completed projections will be created according to the selected item. Since color and texture is natural, it can not be reproduced, so if you actually sell it you will need to order actual items at a later date. uB70OZWZLpE-00016-00016100-00017000 After the creation is completed, you can place a cost order at the pixivFACTORY side, and you can sell it directly at BOOTH. However, price setting below cost can not be done, and margin setting is always necessary. uB70OZWZLpE-00017-00017050-00017950 Kouyou: I see, it will be bad if I get a loss in reverse. Since the cost of the glasses cleaner is 800 yen, a reasonable margin of 200 yen is appropriate considering the fee ... the price is 1000 yen. uB70OZWZLpE-00018-00018050-00018940 So this is what you made. It seems that it seems to be familiar with just inside while using it a little stiff at first though it is the feeling that I ordered and prepare myself at a later date. uB70OZWZLpE-00019-00018950-00019850 Because it is sublimation transfer printing, I can not feel anything like a strange feeling on the printed surface. Certainly the quality of the finished product is adequate as rumored. Having a high cost is a difficult point, but it will be a satisfactory level as a sale. uB70OZWZLpE-00020-00019900-00020790 Millennia: Your work is now complete. And by posting this product on the portal site we created previously for the link from YouTube, visitors from videos should be able to expect. uB70OZWZLpE-00021-00020800-00021700 I am thinking that you can see this opportunity by all means because I am putting together works currently on sale including downloading contents (including DLsite.com sales minutes) including this cleaning cloth. uB70OZWZLpE-00022-00021750-00022650 Kouyou: Different contents and products will be increasing in the future ... have you said from a long time ago? In addition to this cross, I would like to prepare some tapestries with requests. uB70OZWZLpE-00023-00022800-00023700 By the way, there are still 35 posters of 3000 yen Rewards made with Cloud Funding. I'd like to make effective use of it somehow ... .... uB70OZWZLpE-00024-00023750-00024650 Millennia: If it is you should use BOOTH's warehouse service. For those who failed to participate last year, you can offer the same amount at the same reward (including 1000 yen course). uB70OZWZLpE-00025-00024700-00025600 Kouyou: I see, there was such a means! Is it possible to participate with the same sense if 3000 yen is combined with the shipping fee from the warehouse? It may be ants indeed. uB70OZWZLpE-00026-00025700-00026600 We need to step forward little by little for the next two years. If we can prepare a preliminary budget for that, perhaps it will be easier to organize the next project. uCgrQM5q9IU-00000-00000098-00000803 Hi, i was at the premiere of SAO Odinal Scale and i want to share some thoughts with you. uCgrQM5q9IU-00001-00001230-00001500 I will try to avoid spoilers but since I would like to go uCgrQM5q9IU-00002-00001500-00001800 into the one or the other scene more precisely uCgrQM5q9IU-00003-00001800-00002000 i can not avoid spoilers completly. uCgrQM5q9IU-00004-00002000-00002354 But i will place warnings in font of them. uCgrQM5q9IU-00005-00002446-00002770 The event was good organized by Peppermint Anime uCgrQM5q9IU-00006-00002770-00003014 There were no long queues at the merchandise, uCgrQM5q9IU-00007-00003014-00003442 everything was on time and i got my pre-order t-shirt without problems. uCgrQM5q9IU-00008-00003442-00003900 Unfortunately there were not enough posters for everyone. uCgrQM5q9IU-00009-00003900-00004188 The story of the movie is as classic as simple: uCgrQM5q9IU-00010-00004188-00004462 There is the new MMO, the titular "Ordinal Scale", uCgrQM5q9IU-00011-00004462-00004836 but it is not a VR but an AR game. uCgrQM5q9IU-00012-00004836-00005136 AR means augmented reality uCgrQM5q9IU-00013-00005136-00005524 which means that the VR is placed over the real world. uCgrQM5q9IU-00014-00005524-00005810 Kirito is skeptical of the AR from the start uCgrQM5q9IU-00015-00005810-00006076 what his friends consider as laziness uCgrQM5q9IU-00016-00006076-00006350 since you have to move very much in AR. uCgrQM5q9IU-00017-00006350-00006862 But his skepticism seems justified when the first incidents occur around Ordinal Scale. uCgrQM5q9IU-00018-00006862-00007112 Despite this simplistic premise uCgrQM5q9IU-00019-00007112-00007312 i had a lot of fun with the movie. uCgrQM5q9IU-00020-00007312-00007654 Especially when compared with the second season where I missed a threat uCgrQM5q9IU-00021-00007654-00007944 or where I had the feeling that no threat was present. uCgrQM5q9IU-00022-00007944-00008212 The movie, on the other hand, creates a threat from the very beginning uCgrQM5q9IU-00023-00008212-00008508 where you really feel that it is a threat to the characters. uCgrQM5q9IU-00024-00008576-00008884 It is supported by a realistic emotionality, uCgrQM5q9IU-00025-00008884-00009150 which can be felt at any time with Kirito and Asuna. uCgrQM5q9IU-00026-00009150-00009350 I also liked the fact that Asuna and Kirito uCgrQM5q9IU-00027-00009350-00009570 are the main focus of the complete film uCgrQM5q9IU-00028-00009570-00009844 and the side characters remain really side characters. uCgrQM5q9IU-00029-00009916-00010254 This well-chosen focus is unfortunately lost to the end. uCgrQM5q9IU-00030-00010254-00010498 But I will go into it later. uCgrQM5q9IU-00031-00010498-00010698 To the exciting story foundation uCgrQM5q9IU-00032-00010698-00010968 joined the usual good artwork of A1 Picture uCgrQM5q9IU-00033-00010968-00011168 and a great sound design, uCgrQM5q9IU-00034-00011168-00011440 which puts across the brutal battles very well. uCgrQM5q9IU-00035-00011440-00011640 Now come to my criticism: uCgrQM5q9IU-00036-00011640-00012014 I'm glad about relatively little fan service in SAO, uCgrQM5q9IU-00037-00012014-00012214 which makes me particularly annoyed uCgrQM5q9IU-00038-00012214-00012476 that Asuna in a scene in which she is bathing has suddenly D-baskets, uCgrQM5q9IU-00039-00012476-00012694 which then disappear in the next scene again. uCgrQM5q9IU-00040-00012694-00012894 This does not have to be and is neddless. uCgrQM5q9IU-00041-00012960-00013406 The Creative Director even admitted this in the Q&A after the movie. uCgrQM5q9IU-00042-00013472-00013882 The situation is similar with the last third of the film or the final fight. uCgrQM5q9IU-00043-00013882-00014347 I immediately got the feeling that they tried for better or worse to make the moment as epic as possible. uCgrQM5q9IU-00044-00014347-00014547 The fact that the logical consistency uCgrQM5q9IU-00045-00014547-00014747 and the really well-transmitted emotionality uCgrQM5q9IU-00046-00014747-00014947 is simply thrown overboard uCgrQM5q9IU-00047-00014947-00015119 was apparently accepted. uCgrQM5q9IU-00048-00015119-00015288 And that is really sad uCgrQM5q9IU-00049-00015288-00015563 because i walked with mediocre expectations in to the cinema uCgrQM5q9IU-00050-00015563-00015763 and was positively surprised uCgrQM5q9IU-00051-00015763-00016104 only to sit at the end, head shaking in the hall. uCgrQM5q9IU-00052-00016368-00016912 Perhaps instead of relying on the Deus Ex Machina miracle Yui, uCgrQM5q9IU-00053-00016912-00017362 which transported every character of the first and second season on the server uCgrQM5q9IU-00054-00017362-00017562 to fight against the end boss uCgrQM5q9IU-00055-00017562-00017762 and declare Kirito once again as badass #1, uCgrQM5q9IU-00056-00017762-00018030 one could also have put on a more discreet solution. uCgrQM5q9IU-00057-00018030-00018314 Sure, that would probably not have been so epic and bombastic, uCgrQM5q9IU-00058-00018314-00018554 but it would not be so stupid. uCgrQM5q9IU-00059-00018554-00018858 Nevertheless, I say that Ordinal Scale really pleased me, uCgrQM5q9IU-00060-00018858-00019058 even if a negative connotation remains. uCgrQM5q9IU-00061-00019058-00019408 For SAO fans the film is really recommendable uCgrQM5q9IU-00062-00019408-00019884 also or in particular for the ones who didn't like the second season. uCgrQM5q9IU-00063-00019884-00020482 For those who could never begin with SAO, the film will not be a new revelation uCgrQM5q9IU-00064-00020482-00020820 but this is absolute taste and left to everyone. uCgrQM5q9IU-00065-00020820-00021268 Finally, I would like to comment on something special, which only indirectly has to do with the film: uCgrQM5q9IU-00066-00021318-00021620 In a very emotional scene between Asuna and Kirito, uCgrQM5q9IU-00067-00021620-00021820 where he throws himself at Asuna uCgrQM5q9IU-00068-00021820-00022162 and assures her his love and devotion, uCgrQM5q9IU-00069-00022162-00022544 suddenly the half of the cinema hall begins to giggle and laugh (audibly mostly male). uCgrQM5q9IU-00070-00022544-00022760 But the scene was anything but humorous. uCgrQM5q9IU-00071-00022760-00023120 One of the Japanese honored guests said at the Q&A uCgrQM5q9IU-00072-00023120-00023428 that he was irritated by the reaction of the hall to this scene. uCgrQM5q9IU-00073-00023428-00023590 I can also fully understand this: uCgrQM5q9IU-00074-00023590-00023926 Unlike in the first season, where Asuna embarrassed strips, uCgrQM5q9IU-00075-00023926-00024126 none of the characters works like that. uCgrQM5q9IU-00076-00024126-00024482 Instead, the intimate and mature relationship between the two uCgrQM5q9IU-00077-00024482-00024682 is visualized and thus the development uCgrQM5q9IU-00078-00024682-00024882 since the first season nicely clarified. uCgrQM5q9IU-00079-00024882-00025370 Unfortunately, the audience has unfortunately not experienced this development. uCyvyDLo82Q-00000-00000184-00000444 Hello everyone! uCyvyDLo82Q-00001-00000444-00000987 I'm going to be talking about how I got SCAMMED out of one thousand dollars. uCyvyDLo82Q-00002-00001407-00002351 Locanto is this website where people can find jobs, single people, long-term, short-term relationships, all of that. uCyvyDLo82Q-00003-00002351-00003224 The main reason people go onto this website is simply to find people to, uh... uCyvyDLo82Q-00004-00003828-00004328 And the whole thing with Locanto is you cancontact these people without ever having to create an account. uCyvyDLo82Q-00005-00004328-00005134 I know I'm not the only one. I know I'm not the only one who's been fooled because these women, like they're smart. They really are. uCyvyDLo82Q-00006-00005134-00005713 They'll, they'll go togreat lengths to, you know, to get as much money out of you as possible. uCyvyDLo82Q-00007-00006114-00006751 So, BOOM! Right off the bat, 150 bucks gone. Uh, did she ever come to the address I gave her? uCyvyDLo82Q-00008-00006751-00007400 Did she evermeet me in-person? No. She never, she never did that. I have all thescreenshots to back it up. uCyvyDLo82Q-00009-00008221-00008982 Before that, a woman before that, I believe was fictional, wasn't real. uCyvyDLo82Q-00010-00009793-00010281 And this happens every day, every hour, every waking moment of theday. uCyvyDLo82Q-00011-00010281-00010814 People are constantly being scammed by these "women," by these men from other countries. uCyvyDLo82Q-00012-00010814-00011454 and people,people gain, it's just, it... I lost so much money. uCyvyDLo82Q-00013-00012000-00012301 Just don't go onto this website! it's not worth it. uCJbxRAOzZE-00000-00000320-00000919 good morning traders and welcome to the uh live trading webinar today with jay trader stocks uCJbxRAOzZE-00001-00000919-00001728 trader uh we will go through uh a lot some live trading uh activities in here uh you're gonna uCJbxRAOzZE-00002-00001728-00002384 get uh insight from uh joseph's uh setups and the way that he looks at activities and markets here uCJbxRAOzZE-00003-00002480-00003040 and uh uh how he reads the order flow how he applies it to his trading how he uses bookmap uCJbxRAOzZE-00004-00003144-00003696 and how he gains an edge all right so one of the greatest things with these webinars here about the uCJbxRAOzZE-00005-00003696-00004224 live trading is also watching the way that they're managing their trades and managing their money uCJbxRAOzZE-00006-00004336-00004752 you might have all the great setups in the world but you really knowing how to manage it uCJbxRAOzZE-00007-00004752-00005264 is uh is something something different okay so anyway you guys know who jay trader is uCJbxRAOzZE-00008-00005336-00005976 he does offer mentoring services so i'll put this into the chat as we continue and uCJbxRAOzZE-00009-00005976-00006528 i need to go through the disclosures and then i'm going to jump right into the s p e mini uCJbxRAOzZE-00010-00006584-00007080 we'll look at that for about 10 minutes have some interesting things to show there and then when uCJbxRAOzZE-00011-00007080-00007664 joseph comes in probably in about 10 or 15 minutes i will turn it right over and get into some stocks uCJbxRAOzZE-00012-00007664-00008232 okay so just the first two disclosures here the general disclosure and this is important uCJbxRAOzZE-00013-00008288-00008816 all bookmap limited materials information and presentations are for educational purposes only uCJbxRAOzZE-00014-00008816-00009368 and should not be considered specific investment advice nor recommendations live trading is in uCJbxRAOzZE-00015-00009368-00010008 simulation demo paper trading mode and strictly for educational purposes live trading executed uCJbxRAOzZE-00016-00010008-00010640 in simulation cannot accurately represent realistic trading performance risk disclosure uCJbxRAOzZE-00017-00010640-00011032 trading futures equities and digital currencies involve substantial risk of loss and is not uCJbxRAOzZE-00018-00011032-00011568 suitable for all investors past performance i'm sorry an investor could potentially lose all or uCJbxRAOzZE-00019-00011568-00012032 more than the initial investment risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one's uCJbxRAOzZE-00020-00012032-00012544 financial security nor lifestyle only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with uCJbxRAOzZE-00021-00012544-00012991 sufficient risk capital should consider trading past performance is not necessarily indicative uCJbxRAOzZE-00022-00012991-00013584 of future results okay so let's jump right in and take a look at this chart here and uCJbxRAOzZE-00023-00013680-00014360 maybe someone can tell me immediately who's in control here what do you guys think uCJbxRAOzZE-00024-00014696-00015736 sellers exactly all right yep mcloko allen others here uh in youtube uh so this is i mean you can uCJbxRAOzZE-00025-00015736-00016304 see now this is just classic um we look for this all the time and this is the opening drive right uCJbxRAOzZE-00026-00016368-00017032 uh so we typically see this kind of behavior uh right around 9 30. 30 usually uCJbxRAOzZE-00027-00017128-00017784 a quick move to one direction and then the opposite drive the other direction but look uCJbxRAOzZE-00028-00017784-00018520 at this this is what's important and so important about market structure to understand okay so here uCJbxRAOzZE-00029-00018648-00019376 we have market structure and here we have some stops we have some icebergs et cetera uCJbxRAOzZE-00030-00019472-00020272 it just kind of breaks above the structure then we kind of re-test back down here bounce back up uCJbxRAOzZE-00031-00020352-00020944 and kind of re-test the the swing here not the not the high swing but this previous swing uCJbxRAOzZE-00032-00021008-00021472 okay there's trap traders up in here and then they drive they're driving it away uCJbxRAOzZE-00033-00021568-00022208 uh from this whole area up here all right look at the profile here and uCJbxRAOzZE-00034-00022272-00022952 this is just typical this is what it takes to drive away from an area of uh a value uCJbxRAOzZE-00035-00023008-00023832 that was uh created since uh 8 a.m this morning okay so you see the move up here the consolidation uCJbxRAOzZE-00036-00023832-00024280 and then the move away from it so we stick with this move until we see something different uCJbxRAOzZE-00037-00024352-00024952 okay something else in the order flow sellers are in control they took control well basically right uCJbxRAOzZE-00038-00024952-00025632 around here but we also look at the bottom of the range here okay for retests now we also look for uCJbxRAOzZE-00039-00025744-00026312 different areas for for price to come back up and retest i want to go over that in just a minute uCJbxRAOzZE-00040-00026312-00026800 here and i'm going to ask you guys some questions about that where we look for these retests to come uCJbxRAOzZE-00041-00026800-00027488 to uh in the in the market structure uh however i want to go over first the bigger picture uCJbxRAOzZE-00042-00027488-00028239 uh so important and um you know what we were looking at yesterday and the follow-through so uCJbxRAOzZE-00043-00028239-00028888 yesterday we knew we were best best to look at on on the hourly chart here we saw the high uCJbxRAOzZE-00044-00028888-00029608 the strong move to the high side here and we knew that this was a strong move i mean just look at it uCJbxRAOzZE-00045-00029608-00030160 uh and uh you know it's dominating these candles these big green candles are dominating here uCJbxRAOzZE-00046-00030232-00030792 uh and we're looking for continuation but we're looking for a slowdown up in this area up here uCJbxRAOzZE-00047-00030895-00031312 okay because this is where we we found sellers before and we found rejection uCJbxRAOzZE-00048-00031376-00031944 uh in these areas here so the rest of the day it looks like it closed just above it here uCJbxRAOzZE-00049-00032016-00032856 but if you look over on the daily chart look at where it dropped from uh back on monday april 11th uCJbxRAOzZE-00050-00032856-00033512 here and that's where it opened up and dropped immediately that's kind of where we retested uCJbxRAOzZE-00051-00033512-00034144 up here and we didn't spike above that so or the s p didn't spike above that area here so uCJbxRAOzZE-00052-00034224-00034920 what you're uh looking at here uh is sellers are still in it from this point on basically uCJbxRAOzZE-00053-00035000-00035760 okay if they're positioned up in here sellers they're still in it okay uh in in concept at least uCJbxRAOzZE-00054-00035760-00036344 uh and uh we were looking for the spike above into these little areas in here and uCJbxRAOzZE-00055-00036432-00036936 we we noted the strong momentum we're looking for this move into this area here it spikes above it uCJbxRAOzZE-00056-00036936-00037192 and now we're getting kind of a re-test back down to it uCJbxRAOzZE-00057-00037288-00037816 i'm looking for to see if we can get down below that and re-test back down to here maybe here uCJbxRAOzZE-00058-00037816-00038392 maybe all the way back down to here okay so this we're looking for strong rejection up here uCJbxRAOzZE-00059-00038392-00039040 and it's already showing us it you know filled the gap immediately uh as you guys can see and uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00060-00039120-00039528 we spiked up above it sellers are still in control let's see if they take control now uCJbxRAOzZE-00061-00039616-00040016 that we'd be looking for these moves down to retest into some of these areas here uCJbxRAOzZE-00062-00040080-00041032 okay so around 4 46 obviously 44.50 is going to be pretty important here on the hourly uh but that uCJbxRAOzZE-00063-00041032-00041528 would be you know kind of the first area to take a look uh and then lower and then some of these uCJbxRAOzZE-00064-00041528-00042232 other other buying tails down here uh we'd be looking for a re-test back into these areas here uCJbxRAOzZE-00065-00042232-00042992 okay on the 15 minute chart here let's look at back just at today you can see the gap fill uCJbxRAOzZE-00066-00043088-00043816 and yeah yeah i really like it down here so 44 36 or something like that in in this uCJbxRAOzZE-00067-00043816-00044464 zone here uh 33 to 36 somewhere around there and looking for it see if we get continuation uCJbxRAOzZE-00068-00044616-00045112 all right so beautiful stuff we're looking for that move higher we're looking for the rejection uCJbxRAOzZE-00069-00045112-00045528 it's happening now we're looking to see if we can come back into the range and re-test into some uCJbxRAOzZE-00070-00045528-00045976 of these areas here likely we're getting we're getting a little bit of a bounce here off the the uCJbxRAOzZE-00071-00045976-00046536 top of this range here as you can see in the swing but let's see if they can push it through now uCJbxRAOzZE-00072-00046536-00046952 that's what we're looking for in the order flow here all right so now let's go to bookmap uCJbxRAOzZE-00073-00047016-00047720 and yeah here we go so sellers coming in looking for them to continue to push this into uCJbxRAOzZE-00074-00047720-00048680 our 50 level here 52 50 and so regarding pullbacks where are some good areas to look for pullbacks uCJbxRAOzZE-00075-00049048-00049232 what do we typically look for in pullbacks uCJbxRAOzZE-00076-00049976-00050360 uh let's see in youtube um you guys cannot see uCJbxRAOzZE-00077-00050360-00051008 uh very well all right i think it's on high definition here yeah it's on 1080p uCJbxRAOzZE-00078-00051536-00051984 okay 58. you guys are looking for 58. uCJbxRAOzZE-00079-00052072-00052840 yeah i mean yeah 58 uh is not isn't is is pretty good um i mean it could pull back uCJbxRAOzZE-00080-00052840-00053528 you know even up to here 62 the swings up in here uh and then in this area here uCJbxRAOzZE-00081-00053664-00054032 this one's a little more challenging where would you guys be looking for for a pullback in there uCJbxRAOzZE-00082-00054255-00054784 on this kind of strong drive to the downside uCJbxRAOzZE-00083-00055176-00055312 80 okay uCJbxRAOzZE-00084-00055616-00056528 way up here um yeah that's uh boy i think that would be kind of a reversal at that point um yeah uCJbxRAOzZE-00085-00056528-00057016 i mean i'm not really too sure on this one i mean like i i do like the swings here but then we start uCJbxRAOzZE-00086-00057016-00057744 to look at maybe clusters and little kind of areas of consolidation so we zoom in a little bit here uCJbxRAOzZE-00087-00057840-00058624 and this isn't bad in here 67 or even here 70 and then you know sellers take control consolidation uCJbxRAOzZE-00088-00058624-00059272 they take control they already pulled back here to 65 where it broke from and they continued okay so uCJbxRAOzZE-00089-00059272-00059984 uh anyway yeah these little areas here this these little pockets these little areas of consolidation uCJbxRAOzZE-00090-00059984-00060584 and and continuation here right so we're going to be looking for a potential pull back into those uCJbxRAOzZE-00091-00060584-00061552 areas too and you can still be bearish here on any of those moves in fact uh we we also look for at a uCJbxRAOzZE-00092-00061552-00062055 certain point we're going to and they'll come in hand over fist they always they almost always do uCJbxRAOzZE-00093-00062112-00062672 uh is we're looking for uh those uh mean reversion traders uh trade it back to v wap uCJbxRAOzZE-00094-00062672-00063376 point of control et cetera and we we keep an eye out for them anyway it looks like joseph uCJbxRAOzZE-00095-00063376-00063944 joseph is here five minutes to start let's see okay so i'll wait until i hear his voice uCJbxRAOzZE-00096-00064184-00064584 uh and you can see in the chat there uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00097-00064776-00065656 he has a 203 take profit on netflix from 254 in a short call wow yikes that's a big move uCJbxRAOzZE-00098-00065744-00066520 um all right so there you go alan you were asking about uh the uh netflix stock there uCJbxRAOzZE-00099-00066712-00067536 uh which trading software is this oh yeah okay you're answering a question yep all right uCJbxRAOzZE-00100-00068144-00068856 yeah not really seeing much still uh yet you know likely a moved back up to we're up at 60 but uCJbxRAOzZE-00101-00068856-00069152 seeing some buyers here so maybe a little bit higher maybe 61. uCJbxRAOzZE-00102-00069600-00069904 but you know like we covered yesterday take a look at this move here uCJbxRAOzZE-00103-00069968-00070240 and look at where that volume is right uCJbxRAOzZE-00104-00070568-00070872 it it's not strong and consistent it's not not uCJbxRAOzZE-00105-00070872-00071504 so bad in here it's but it's kind of really here right the by volume uCJbxRAOzZE-00106-00071504-00072016 the bulk of it so we get sellers below this look for the move right back down to 52. uCJbxRAOzZE-00107-00072264-00072728 okay so it's kind of testing these areas right now okay so we're just kind of reading the uCJbxRAOzZE-00108-00072728-00073448 order flow in here uh and i i like the the buy volume up here so oh here we go so now uCJbxRAOzZE-00109-00073448-00073920 if we get back up here we should get the move back up to 61. pretty pretty good buy volume uCJbxRAOzZE-00110-00074016-00074528 let's see it a little bit higher here and then the move back to 61 liquidity here uCJbxRAOzZE-00111-00074824-00075096 okay let's see if we get the order book to show us a little bit here uCJbxRAOzZE-00112-00075216-00075640 a little bit not much it's not really see how dark it is around these areas so uCJbxRAOzZE-00113-00075704-00076008 we're looking for this move but it's it's not high probability uCJbxRAOzZE-00114-00076080-00076592 okay if we had the order book really aligned with us the on the bid here and the reaction was the uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00115-00076720-00077376 uh the buyers then we're looking for the move um you know just it's a higher probability outcome uCJbxRAOzZE-00116-00077448-00078104 so like here's our move okay so there's there's a 61. now question here i have is like that's uCJbxRAOzZE-00117-00078104-00078736 pretty good by volume uh so this might be the mean reversion up to 66 here at this point uCJbxRAOzZE-00118-00079016-00079640 okay so uh you know a way to manage a consideration now this is not a trade uCJbxRAOzZE-00119-00079640-00080120 recommendation it's just you know we go through these different scenarios uh and uCJbxRAOzZE-00120-00080120-00080800 uh we look uh to understand the order flow here uh and have a bit of a bit of a change in heart now uCJbxRAOzZE-00121-00080800-00081192 uh because this is pretty strong i i think we we can get our our mean uCJbxRAOzZE-00122-00081192-00081656 reversion guys to jump on board here and trade it back up into maybe 65. uCJbxRAOzZE-00123-00081864-00082032 okay now we're going to get pullbacks too uCJbxRAOzZE-00124-00082424-00083112 and likely i should say at least and where do you guys think that the pullback might come uCJbxRAOzZE-00125-00083384-00083480 if you're looking for it uCJbxRAOzZE-00126-00084136-00084440 it's kind of answered the price is answering that question for you right now uCJbxRAOzZE-00127-00085256-00086016 yeah i i i like the top of the range here first 59 uh but yeah i also like this cluster here uCJbxRAOzZE-00128-00086136-00086832 uh and you know it could even come back down into kind of here uh and let's just take off uCJbxRAOzZE-00129-00086832-00087392 the delta column here and yeah somewhere around in here uh yeah i like it mc loco uCJbxRAOzZE-00130-00087880-00088416 but is is the first one is already pulled back and and we already see it's kind of bouncing back up uCJbxRAOzZE-00131-00088416-00088824 so and they're pulling on the on the offer here at 62 a little bit more on the bid uCJbxRAOzZE-00132-00088824-00089784 would be great and we should get the shot up into 64 and 65 and maybe v-lap 66 here uCJbxRAOzZE-00133-00089840-00090264 okay but see how we had kind of a change in heart here we're looking for uCJbxRAOzZE-00134-00090336-00090568 uh just just to move up into uCJbxRAOzZE-00135-00090880-00091344 well we first started off and we talked about 58 that already had happened so where the next one uCJbxRAOzZE-00136-00091344-00092296 was uh at this kind of uh 60 uh 61 area here and and it's pretty strong by volume so now uCJbxRAOzZE-00137-00092296-00092840 you know first we're just looking for a pullback and then we want to see if or this move back here uCJbxRAOzZE-00138-00092840-00093504 a bigger picture it's a pullback um but uh just to move back to into that area now we're looking for uCJbxRAOzZE-00139-00093504-00094200 the continuation here by volume looks good right so they're they're just testing this swing up uCJbxRAOzZE-00140-00094200-00094880 here this was that next area where we're looking for but there's still a lot of buyers in here so uCJbxRAOzZE-00141-00094880-00095600 still looking for this to maybe come up into the v-wap area and then that's around 6 uCJbxRAOzZE-00142-00095680-00096080 6 or something so let's see what it looks like over here in the order flow uCJbxRAOzZE-00143-00096080-00096784 try to match some things up here not bad in the around the 67 area and liquidity filled in here uCJbxRAOzZE-00144-00096920-00097440 so yeah let's let's draw that line up and see if we get a pull back into that area uCJbxRAOzZE-00145-00097832-00098632 all right joseph is uh having a coffee and getting ready very important part of the process uCJbxRAOzZE-00146-00099272-00099968 and i'm very envious of his coffee maker um all right let's see it let's uCJbxRAOzZE-00147-00099968-00100984 see it guys let's see this uh these buyers try to try to pop it up in here uCJbxRAOzZE-00148-00101040-00101496 i think this is a high probability trade this kind of mean reversion at some point you know uCJbxRAOzZE-00149-00101496-00102120 during the day after after these initial drives uh traders just they're they're uCJbxRAOzZE-00150-00102120-00103783 looking for it they're they're antsy to to do this move and we can look for it every day uCJbxRAOzZE-00151-00103888-00104168 yeah i think uh we'll have to uCJbxRAOzZE-00152-00104264-00104735 uh converge on good morning everybody hey good morning joseph how are you uCJbxRAOzZE-00153-00104983-00105592 uh one second cannot hear bruce over here you cannot hear me all right uCJbxRAOzZE-00154-00106472-00106783 girls can you hear me yes yes uCJbxRAOzZE-00155-00107032-00107983 ah i cannot hear just one second uCJbxRAOzZE-00156-00109480-00109935 some of you guys were in youtube there were looking for the move to 64. you nailed it matt uCJbxRAOzZE-00157-00110720-00112183 yeah poc is a little bit uh well poc kind of moved down the previous poc was up here around 77. uCJbxRAOzZE-00158-00112688-00112952 so just shy of the v lap that i have here uCJbxRAOzZE-00159-00113016-00113911 and just shy of 65 it looks like 65 trade 17 contracts traded up at 65. that was it uCJbxRAOzZE-00160-00114472-00114704 as we wait for joseph here i guess he's got some uCJbxRAOzZE-00161-00114928-00115528 good morning traders yes can you hear me yes bruce finally now all right all uCJbxRAOzZE-00162-00115528-00116424 right excellent excellent uh so uh let's see are you sharing your screen in here uCJbxRAOzZE-00163-00116424-00116640 uh yes let me know if you can see it uCJbxRAOzZE-00164-00117080-00117783 yeah yeah great all right okay so let me pop it out uCJbxRAOzZE-00165-00117928-00118344 and everyone should see it oh yeah we're looking very forward to uCJbxRAOzZE-00166-00118344-00118664 this uh netflix uh uh trade that you took uCJbxRAOzZE-00167-00118944-00120064 well today was uh really one of those days to remember and uh pretty proud of uh i mean this is uCJbxRAOzZE-00168-00120200-00120976 another trade of form uh some of my mentoring and we took a short up here uh covered partially the uCJbxRAOzZE-00169-00120976-00121983 rest over here so we took the all uh unwind and uh i wanna go over first what we saw at the gate uCJbxRAOzZE-00170-00122040-00122640 so netflix had earnings yesterday remember and uh i owe i wrote over here a few notes readers uCJbxRAOzZE-00171-00122768-00123320 so we had over here this was the after hours okay so we had a pop uCJbxRAOzZE-00172-00123320-00123911 filled over here so we went from something like 350 back down to 250. you know remember uCJbxRAOzZE-00173-00123911-00124183 just like twitter what happened the time seems very similar uCJbxRAOzZE-00174-00124400-00125359 now let's look at what happened here so in pre-market we were looking at uh the price section uCJbxRAOzZE-00175-00125552-00126232 i'm gonna zoom in over here so we started seeing like this uh pop over here to the 254 255 uCJbxRAOzZE-00176-00126392-00126880 which was this level over here 254 to 55. you can see that we had some uCJbxRAOzZE-00177-00126880-00127583 decent support uh i'm gonna do like this i'm gonna change it one second uCJbxRAOzZE-00178-00129040-00129568 okay so we had some decent support over here 253 and that there over there uCJbxRAOzZE-00179-00129680-00130383 now it started to fade and then reject over here around eight o'clock reject that again so lori uCJbxRAOzZE-00180-00130383-00131272 hi again lori hi at the open this was the i would say beautiful popping field that i like to trade uCJbxRAOzZE-00181-00131392-00132064 and uh my video was trading over here next to me so we are looking for this 930 and why this uCJbxRAOzZE-00182-00132064-00132672 bounce of the gate okay so this is the pre-market low it's 243 and 90. why this bounce over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00183-00132672-00133288 because a lot of traders are looking for the discount okay so they think wow this is netflix uCJbxRAOzZE-00184-00133288-00133960 i'm going to buy netflix on the dip netflix can become a very good long over here but instead uCJbxRAOzZE-00185-00133960-00134712 they're basically buying a falling knife so once once you have this uh bounce over here and it's uCJbxRAOzZE-00186-00134712-00135184 not only that it's also from uh short who are covering at the gate you know they're afraid of uCJbxRAOzZE-00187-00135184-00135664 probably gonna go up you're looking instead too short that's what we did in the room so uCJbxRAOzZE-00188-00135664-00136232 we are looking for this pop you can see over here that above we have some decent amount of uCJbxRAOzZE-00189-00136232-00137384 resistance now i want to put over here also the volume dots so you can look what happened uCJbxRAOzZE-00190-00137464-00138328 okay open big so they try over here to push above 248 to 49 main whole dollar number 250 uCJbxRAOzZE-00191-00138384-00138872 and you can see right here we start like to sell we start really like to dump so even you take uCJbxRAOzZE-00192-00138872-00139568 a trade over here 246 to 47 your stop is really minimal around 250. and then we started lab like uCJbxRAOzZE-00193-00139568-00140104 unwind and wine and wine and wine and wine and they were selling over here massive massive i uCJbxRAOzZE-00194-00140104-00140832 mean we have from the open traders like 40 points down over here 40 points unwind my target is 203 uCJbxRAOzZE-00195-00140832-00141680 i call that for a daily daily reason which is a main support we started bouncing over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00196-00141680-00142648 a little bit around 213 2 on this area 213 bounce over here but it's still done trending so i'm not uCJbxRAOzZE-00197-00142648-00143376 really looking to cover the whole position and this was a juice one beautiful then i'm looking uCJbxRAOzZE-00198-00143376-00144384 at some small caps this morning i'm looking at tesla as well we are the trade on ll uh llip uCJbxRAOzZE-00199-00144712-00145784 let's look also at tesla uCJbxRAOzZE-00200-00146080-00146960 so at the open again another of those uh trades uh i was looking first at es as a guide uCJbxRAOzZE-00201-00146960-00147680 yes was uh simply fading uh on a curl occur over the cs i was looking for a longing uCJbxRAOzZE-00202-00147744-00148608 but instead we didn't have that uh we had a pop we had a fail uh bookmark over here pushing 1035 uCJbxRAOzZE-00203-00148712-00149280 faded over here rejection web jaylon rejection beautiful fade and now this is going to be uCJbxRAOzZE-00204-00149280-00150200 a fader i ideally until 965 970. uh more resistance over here nice even to recycle uCJbxRAOzZE-00205-00150200-00150840 on this uh hidden over here 1003 which is this uh small reversal bar over here okay uCJbxRAOzZE-00206-00150952-00151640 so pretty good down trend uh the support that we have check on that uCJbxRAOzZE-00207-00152728-00153336 over here so i'm looking for that 973 so this is the main support and then i'm looking for uCJbxRAOzZE-00208-00153336-00154184 this 962. okay so let's start and continue to watch tesla if you didn't this morning uCJbxRAOzZE-00209-00156288-00156752 so when we have this uh main fader i'm not really shorting weakness over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00210-00156752-00157448 breakdowns i'm looking to pull backs and then looking for a short in the meantime while we were uCJbxRAOzZE-00211-00157448-00158016 talking just before connecting it was a little bit slow because we took a top tick short uCJbxRAOzZE-00212-00158016-00159008 on a small cap and uh it's paying pretty good again using bookmap for taking the topic maybe uCJbxRAOzZE-00213-00159008-00159872 after if we have time we can we can watch that tesla has earnings tonight buddy and uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00214-00160104-00160216 netflix and yesterday uCJbxRAOzZE-00215-00160440-00160728 the most difficult thing is uCJbxRAOzZE-00216-00160920-00161704 holding your profits so not really covering too soon because when you see something like this you uCJbxRAOzZE-00217-00161704-00162160 are like up 10 15 points you want to take profit instead it came down 40 points from the open uCJbxRAOzZE-00218-00162264-00162872 uh actually a little bit less than 40 points but you know still a substantial move down here uCJbxRAOzZE-00219-00163192-00163984 now let's look if we can have some other possible ads so let's look for your entries uCJbxRAOzZE-00220-00164128-00165384 it was really like a busy morning i had one tiny stop and six good trades uCJbxRAOzZE-00221-00165928-00166912 joseph i'm just curious like uh like today i mean you you knocked it out of the park um so moving uCJbxRAOzZE-00222-00166912-00167624 forward like um how do you not you're going to want to hold on i mean the way you want it i mean uCJbxRAOzZE-00223-00167752-00168328 i'm imagining the way you're managing your money is you're going to hold on to that and uCJbxRAOzZE-00224-00168384-00168880 you're going to look for other great setups and not just start jumping in all over the place and uCJbxRAOzZE-00225-00168880-00169632 and oh here's another setup here's another setup and start giving that money uh back um yes so uCJbxRAOzZE-00226-00169632-00170136 how yeah if you can just maybe talk a little bit about that like how you kind of what's your it's uCJbxRAOzZE-00227-00170136-00170872 more psychology i think or it's money management and psychology yeah so yesterday i wrote something uCJbxRAOzZE-00228-00170928-00171416 i don't know if i posted it also over here but i wrote something about patient patient patients uCJbxRAOzZE-00229-00171504-00172112 so and i made the example that i have two trading strategies one has a more than eighty percent uCJbxRAOzZE-00230-00172112-00172568 win rate so one would say [ __ ] that makes you millionaire sorry for the word and the uCJbxRAOzZE-00231-00172568-00173232 other one is having a little bit less than 43 win rate and uh everybody would think that 80 uCJbxRAOzZE-00232-00173320-00173856 win rate plus actually is around 86 so really really crazy i would think well that is really uCJbxRAOzZE-00233-00173856-00174416 the best strategy to trade now actually the one is making much more money is the one with 43 uCJbxRAOzZE-00234-00174416-00174936 win rate and i asked can i put this around and a lot of traders were telling me oh yeah uCJbxRAOzZE-00235-00174936-00175408 they're giving me suggestions but i didn't put that for suggestion i was putting that to hear uCJbxRAOzZE-00236-00175408-00176064 opinion with the traders and few guys came out and say oh it's the risk reward exactly is that uCJbxRAOzZE-00237-00176064-00176712 because i can have 87 win rate or whatever but if i have like one r one or a half and the 43 uCJbxRAOzZE-00238-00176712-00177520 percent i have like almost four are i'm definitely gonna be i would say winning more with uh that uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00239-00177592-00178240 uh i would say 43 weight rate especially because when i lose on the 86 percent win rate i have uCJbxRAOzZE-00240-00178240-00178824 like a bigger stop in terms of heart okay so more drawdown on that position more drawdown uCJbxRAOzZE-00241-00178824-00179408 on the count and that really is a key in risk management the second part of risk management that uCJbxRAOzZE-00242-00179408-00179992 we can talk about today is how to hold the trade i mean if you look over here and just bruce made uCJbxRAOzZE-00243-00179992-00180656 an example uh that you're holding you have to hold and just look at this trade don't look at uCJbxRAOzZE-00244-00180656-00181456 the stock itself okay because of the stock over here you can look really for so many i would uCJbxRAOzZE-00245-00181456-00182048 say so many bars i'm not really interested in that he said i want just this you start looking uCJbxRAOzZE-00246-00182144-00182776 okay let me put it like this and if you go over here and study configuration you can see how uCJbxRAOzZE-00247-00182776-00183584 i have set the candlestick interval one minute okay in third world minute and just put over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00248-00183792-00184056 okay so you can see the trend uCJbxRAOzZE-00249-00184384-00184904 we don't have like peaks so relative high and then we have a pullback and then a break uCJbxRAOzZE-00250-00184960-00185584 so that in that situation would be where i get out half of my position and then for example uCJbxRAOzZE-00251-00185584-00186104 on a trend line and curl back up the remaining half now over here we have a steady down trend uCJbxRAOzZE-00252-00186176-00186816 so the only first pullback is this over here okay this over here so we are in a uCJbxRAOzZE-00253-00186904-00187488 really ferocious sell-off you don't want to really to end this you want to simply to hold uCJbxRAOzZE-00254-00187488-00188184 this i mean this is a perfect trade and you want to simply try to maximize profits when uCJbxRAOzZE-00255-00188184-00188824 you have something like this so what is the point try to hold try to hold try to hold uCJbxRAOzZE-00256-00189104-00189800 there are two main i would say different ways to to trade one is like you know a lot of traders uCJbxRAOzZE-00257-00189800-00190616 in my uh this morning took this short and even in pre-market i called the shorter 254 we had a 254 uCJbxRAOzZE-00258-00190616-00191408 short uh this level over here we were looking before book this level here this level 254. uCJbxRAOzZE-00259-00191552-00191928 by the time was the open over here was around 247 246. uCJbxRAOzZE-00260-00191928-00192624 so one can trade one shot and hold it you know you can have like your target scale out whatever uCJbxRAOzZE-00261-00192752-00193544 or if you have confidence in reading also bookmap because that's necessary you can simply start your uCJbxRAOzZE-00262-00193544-00194176 short it could be here or it could be here right on a trendline break or on that uh rejection of uCJbxRAOzZE-00263-00194176-00194784 this support with the v weapon 90 million jaylens but then also when we have these bare flags uCJbxRAOzZE-00264-00194840-00195352 and we have a lot of bare flags you can see i traced them over here this is a major pullback uCJbxRAOzZE-00265-00195352-00195976 okay so it's resetting so right now i'm looking for this level here around 225 i'm looking at uCJbxRAOzZE-00266-00195976-00196528 heat map so we have that heat map over here i'm gonna add a little bit more short for this unwind uCJbxRAOzZE-00267-00196608-00197136 so each time we have this we can if we're like getting out for example over here over here we can uCJbxRAOzZE-00268-00197136-00197640 react a little bit we react a little bit so you get out let's say one third position okay uCJbxRAOzZE-00269-00197640-00198080 let's react with the third position and now you assume as you risk trailing the money with the new uCJbxRAOzZE-00270-00198080-00198680 average because by doing that you're gonna simply if the trade goes okay so if the trend goes down uCJbxRAOzZE-00271-00198736-00199288 you're gonna simply collect more money and make more money over here than ever so it's like adding uCJbxRAOzZE-00272-00199288-00200384 to your position so adding the money recycling and i simply love that idea uCJbxRAOzZE-00273-00201744-00202328 uh joseph is there anything at the moment you're um looking at uCJbxRAOzZE-00274-00202512-00203184 yes so i have position actually mobius position still on netflix uCJbxRAOzZE-00275-00203280-00204616 we were looking at tesla's now this morning we are holding this llap uCJbxRAOzZE-00276-00204616-00205184 this is what i call a pump and dump uh i'm gonna put this up over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00277-00205544-00205567 oh uCJbxRAOzZE-00278-00205800-00205984 lap uCJbxRAOzZE-00279-00206200-00207080 i already subscribed sorry over here uh just look at this traders this was a perfect uCJbxRAOzZE-00280-00207328-00208448 a perfect way to trade health levels okay so first of all the daily um uCJbxRAOzZE-00281-00208752-00208984 i said one thing very clearly over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00282-00209471-00209767 i just want to post it so it's clear what was my call uCJbxRAOzZE-00283-00209896-00210432 i said one thing lp look to short eight dollars uCJbxRAOzZE-00284-00210519-00211319 and then a trader asked me j why previous supply and uh jaylen's on the daily so this is our daily uCJbxRAOzZE-00285-00211480-00213023 we had this pre-resupply so resistance so this is really how to trade a pump and dump and uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00286-00213023-00213567 and once we had that rejection after the halt we had the push over here you can uCJbxRAOzZE-00287-00213567-00214208 see it open around 760 750 it pushed to this eight and that eight is the uCJbxRAOzZE-00288-00214208-00214744 daily level we are watching this over here right so we had like an exhaustion right away i saw uCJbxRAOzZE-00289-00214744-00215504 sellers jumping in so we decided to trade into this 730 740. all right uh this for example is a uCJbxRAOzZE-00290-00215504-00216416 an execution from a member and we are looking for that fade now what i want to see when i do this uCJbxRAOzZE-00291-00216504-00217119 first of all i want to see that we cannot reclaim anymore the daily resistance second uCJbxRAOzZE-00292-00217119-00217840 i want to look for orders selling orders like jumping in and if you see over here traders uCJbxRAOzZE-00293-00218048-00218992 we have a nice seller here and then a more solar here this really uh confirms my thesis and then uCJbxRAOzZE-00294-00218992-00219584 i want to see third okay so one da we don't go reclaiming more the resistance second the heat uCJbxRAOzZE-00295-00219584-00220319 maps third i want to see a lower high this is a nice lower height right we can see a trendline uCJbxRAOzZE-00296-00220319-00221384 break i mean this is amazing now the target up here is 480. so i want to stay for 480 target uCJbxRAOzZE-00297-00221616-00221848 okay make sense traders any question on this uCJbxRAOzZE-00298-00222112-00222823 uh yeah what what about the bounce off of your um blue line there uh i don't want to take that uCJbxRAOzZE-00299-00222823-00223440 uh bruce for two main reasons one i don't have like you know a huge amount of heat map over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00300-00223504-00224184 uh like for example this morning we had on a ldr and then after we reviewed second is uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00301-00224264-00224648 and by the way bruce we're giving a lot of information this i mean traders if they're uCJbxRAOzZE-00302-00224648-00225167 just like following what we're gonna say and what they're saying each week they're gonna learn a lot uCJbxRAOzZE-00303-00225167-00225752 and and we're adequately traded so that's something i really like so give really a thumbs up uCJbxRAOzZE-00304-00225752-00226319 traders for bruce and for the guys over here for booking up they're doing all this and it's i think uCJbxRAOzZE-00305-00226319-00226984 something very valuable um so i'm not longing over here for the reason that we have already uCJbxRAOzZE-00306-00227040-00227656 a stocking is doing a pump and dump we have no huge such demand over here i don't see uCJbxRAOzZE-00307-00227656-00228136 any kind of big liquidity we had like some support over here but you see they were uCJbxRAOzZE-00308-00228136-00228608 moving down you know seems like they're they're just like spoofing and they're guiding this down uCJbxRAOzZE-00309-00228664-00229088 and that's really funny at the same time i'm looking for these spots uCJbxRAOzZE-00310-00229208-00229928 for uh a pop like this in rejection okay so uh look over here we have a resistance right guys uCJbxRAOzZE-00311-00229984-00231000 676 uh 65. so we have this this is a wall of sellers anyway say hey this is not a lot of uCJbxRAOzZE-00312-00231000-00231656 selling pressure well it is you have to consider how much this is trading so if we have this push uCJbxRAOzZE-00313-00232136-00232232 and we have this uCJbxRAOzZE-00314-00232480-00233096 i'm looking for a short until this level down here okay so we'll post over here in the uCJbxRAOzZE-00315-00233152-00233856 book memphis score room over here so this is remember a pump and dump scenario uCJbxRAOzZE-00316-00233928-00234623 i'm gonna write over here pump and dump scenario on lap uCJbxRAOzZE-00317-00234960-00235544 and i really look for this this is great i mean like you're looking at your higher time uCJbxRAOzZE-00318-00235544-00236048 frame levels uh you know your strategies you're looking for a bounce off of the blue line there uCJbxRAOzZE-00319-00236048-00236584 or the blue zone but the heat map is telling you something different the order flow is telling uCJbxRAOzZE-00320-00236584-00237264 you something different exactly exactly exactly i mean this is this is just classic it's like uCJbxRAOzZE-00321-00237448-00237992 we we pound on the table all the time like look at your you know if your volume for profile trader uCJbxRAOzZE-00322-00237992-00238464 your high volume note low volume nodes whatever like what is the order flow around those areas uCJbxRAOzZE-00323-00238544-00238904 that's what's going to give you the edge so anyway exactly uCJbxRAOzZE-00324-00239200-00239896 what i what i want to say also what i want to add over here is that give yourself time for this uCJbxRAOzZE-00325-00239896-00240704 stuff especially because this mark is a really tough market if you don't know what you're doing uCJbxRAOzZE-00326-00240848-00241312 i see a lot of traders that are getting i would say um uCJbxRAOzZE-00327-00241640-00242096 bad results because they don't know still the the setups to trade they don't recognize the pattern uCJbxRAOzZE-00328-00242096-00242576 they don't read the flow so it's putting more things together you cannot simply look at the uCJbxRAOzZE-00329-00242576-00243119 chart and trade the levels in my opinion okay then i don't say nobody does it and nobody is uCJbxRAOzZE-00330-00243119-00243648 profitable only doing that but personally it's like you know it's like when you want to become uCJbxRAOzZE-00331-00243648-00244456 an athlete you have to work on every single part of your body mind condition plan so it's sticking uCJbxRAOzZE-00332-00244456-00245032 more things together for me is like strategy risk management mental discipline and all sorts of flow uCJbxRAOzZE-00333-00245128-00245440 and when you put all these together you become a complete trader uCJbxRAOzZE-00334-00245519-00245952 all right it's like if you're i don't know you're a soccer player and you only know like uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00335-00245952-00246488 to play in defense and then when you're when your team moves like an offstance over here you know uCJbxRAOzZE-00336-00246488-00247000 you know how to play so learn how to put all the aspects together uCJbxRAOzZE-00337-00247216-00247544 and now the other one that i'm looking at i don't have a position over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00338-00247616-00248423 this morning i can say i traded bruce will already understand where i showed it so some of the guys uCJbxRAOzZE-00339-00248423-00249071 longed it and they longed over here like my friend pierre he took one box and 40 cents per share uCJbxRAOzZE-00340-00249216-00249496 um and uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00341-00249792-00250152 we had this uh you see this dip over here right the reclaim of the v wep uCJbxRAOzZE-00342-00250240-00251104 around uh 670. so this was a very good trade but i miss the trade so once i miss the trade uCJbxRAOzZE-00343-00251104-00251656 what i'm going to do i'm not really going to jump in again i'm not really just like uCJbxRAOzZE-00344-00251928-00252600 having fomo and and trying to to grab something that already left uCJbxRAOzZE-00345-00252600-00253280 okay that's not my style so i waited and uh i was looking for uCJbxRAOzZE-00346-00253440-00253880 uh too diploma this was too fast i'm gonna start again said now wow two times i missed uCJbxRAOzZE-00347-00253880-00254376 this and then i was looking those levels and you can see over here means something beautiful uCJbxRAOzZE-00348-00254560-00255471 this uh bruce when i saw this i was in tears and i basically showed it over here over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00349-00255600-00256312 covered cover everything over here actually sorry over here so i took a not a you know uCJbxRAOzZE-00350-00256312-00256671 a home run not something like wow it's gonna make so much money over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00351-00256736-00257464 but a point is that i use a heat map and how i use it is simply perfect so i'm not saying this uCJbxRAOzZE-00352-00257464-00257976 i mean i was showing this live when i was doing it and i was explaining this with all the process uCJbxRAOzZE-00353-00258128-00258648 now what i'm looking is ideally this uh you see the seat map over here the 790. uCJbxRAOzZE-00354-00258712-00259600 but i'm always careful when i have this kind of volume on a uh on a stock uCJbxRAOzZE-00355-00259664-00260040 above the pre-market height this this white line is the pre-market high uCJbxRAOzZE-00356-00260160-00260800 so we are at the pre-market high let me say just a little bit above the pre-market high so careful i uCJbxRAOzZE-00357-00260800-00261600 mean trading shortness it has to have like a fast blow up like we had it but i mean this over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00358-00261832-00262512 this is the reason why this morning i shorted so i'm gonna post also this so uCJbxRAOzZE-00359-00262512-00263296 you have like a reference also right reason why shorted so this is really called uCJbxRAOzZE-00360-00263296-00264000 gap and extension play and you can see the reference up here from gap and extension play uCJbxRAOzZE-00361-00264232-00264928 so it's a really systematic approach let me show over here in the book my police courtroom uCJbxRAOzZE-00362-00265232-00266184 how this uCJbxRAOzZE-00363-00266264-00267328 and this traders is uh is a lower risk setup gap and extension so now what i'm looking as i uCJbxRAOzZE-00364-00267328-00267992 said at 790 i mean ideally we have the 790 it's gonna it's going to be a good setup uCJbxRAOzZE-00365-00268176-00268984 rather than that i'm still waiting okay i don't want to jump in something just to trade uCJbxRAOzZE-00366-00269176-00270384 tesla uCJbxRAOzZE-00367-00271216-00271384 okay tesla we're getting to that uCJbxRAOzZE-00368-00271608-00273184 level over here at one thousand ten so this is a big complex of b weapon other things uCJbxRAOzZE-00369-00275584-00276048 we also have a big push right now crxt my beard uCJbxRAOzZE-00370-00276424-00276496 crxt uCJbxRAOzZE-00371-00277016-00277424 so it's above the pre-market high uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00372-00277672-00278080 i i was sure i had a before over here crxd uCJbxRAOzZE-00373-00278696-00279248 so at this point what i'm doing over here on crxt i'm gonna put this one second uCJbxRAOzZE-00374-00279512-00280240 i'm gonna look for a daily level uh so we have some resistance over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00375-00280568-00280688 then we have more over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00376-00280920-00281024 we have more over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00377-00281416-00281928 so i'm looking for the high volume levels so from 250 uCJbxRAOzZE-00378-00282176-00284384 yeah i don't see any kind of other levels above 250. wow so from 250 we go to 365. uCJbxRAOzZE-00379-00284832-00285240 let's look crxd nice heat map over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00380-00285240-00285808 very nice heat map on a lower high that 248 is pretty low risk to take the trade uCJbxRAOzZE-00381-00286648-00287184 so we have a it's a small trend line okay uCJbxRAOzZE-00382-00287536-00288080 so the order over here is moving from here okay so first it was stopping out these two uCJbxRAOzZE-00383-00288080-00288664 levels so it was stopping out over here came i had basically soaked over here 250 uCJbxRAOzZE-00384-00288776-00289792 and then it disappeared or he basically selling over here and just like pushing down stock now uCJbxRAOzZE-00385-00289952-00290440 yeah i i missed this okay i missed this and so yeah joseph if you could like this is really uCJbxRAOzZE-00386-00290440-00291312 important because like you knew it was gonna do this um and you could have gotten in at like 42 or uCJbxRAOzZE-00387-00291312-00292088 uh or yeah somewhere around there uh because that's where it was uh and uh and that's when uCJbxRAOzZE-00388-00292088-00292784 you mentioned it somewhere around there 40 42. um tell us why you didn't take the trade uCJbxRAOzZE-00389-00292888-00293528 uh basically traders is uh i was not ready with uh with that with the brokers remember you have uCJbxRAOzZE-00390-00293528-00294024 to borrow this it's a hard to borrow stock so not all the brokers are give you the the possibility uCJbxRAOzZE-00391-00294024-00294640 to traders but i had boards this morning uh the fact is i simply missed the timing i mean uCJbxRAOzZE-00392-00294640-00295344 i have to be super ready when i trade if i miss a an entry where i want to take it let's say 244 uCJbxRAOzZE-00393-00295344-00296040 between 248 that was my level then over here you know 236 238 is already too low because then i uCJbxRAOzZE-00394-00296040-00296648 have to stop being that i want to take some size i don't want to stop with uh you know 15 cents uCJbxRAOzZE-00395-00296648-00297352 it's not my my trade okay uh so i have to wait uh that's that's of course uh what i'm going to do uCJbxRAOzZE-00396-00297352-00298208 i have to wait over here so i mean like how like uh did you um start to kind of i mean you uCJbxRAOzZE-00397-00298208-00298752 feel okay about it like you're i mean it makes me sick to my stomach a lot of the times when i see uCJbxRAOzZE-00398-00298816-00299632 it's like i missed it you know but this is a part of the game uh and uh and and now the risk reward uCJbxRAOzZE-00399-00299632-00300384 is not in your favor or it's not what you do so how did you kind of learn that or overcome that uCJbxRAOzZE-00400-00300688-00301544 i believe with a lot of practice and by journaling your results so every end of the week i get all my uCJbxRAOzZE-00401-00301544-00302320 traits and i classify them i divide them by uh set up traded and then i have like a template uCJbxRAOzZE-00402-00302408-00303176 which is uh i would say a methodical sheet where i put all my yes or no based on different questions uCJbxRAOzZE-00403-00303240-00303712 and this question are regarding uh emotions and discipline and trading plan and how i uCJbxRAOzZE-00404-00303712-00304392 executed the plan if i had guts if i chosen my gut if i was like patient stress or whatever uCJbxRAOzZE-00405-00304392-00305384 so i have like i believe 78 questions on that so i can see how i was trading that week what was the uCJbxRAOzZE-00406-00305384-00305864 main setup that i traded which was the setup with the high win rate and the highest return which uCJbxRAOzZE-00407-00305864-00306552 one the poorest uh and i would say worst uh setup for me what are the best stocks what were the best uCJbxRAOzZE-00408-00306552-00307160 coins what were the best futures i believe i take two hours to do this every friday and uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00409-00307160-00307768 or actually every saturday morning but it really helps you to become a better trader so if you uCJbxRAOzZE-00410-00307768-00308600 think that traders is just like you know trading taking a chart up and uh just simply trading no uCJbxRAOzZE-00411-00308704-00309320 uh don't do it it's just not like that there's so much more involved okay there's so much more uCJbxRAOzZE-00412-00309496-00310400 so uh crxt we missed it alvr it was a lbr right now see yes okay lvr uCJbxRAOzZE-00413-00310928-00311400 so don't worry we're still gonna watch netflix and uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00414-00311824-00312384 and tesla uCJbxRAOzZE-00415-00313096-00313336 yeah that could be interesting exactly uCJbxRAOzZE-00416-00313552-00313784 so lbr here is lateral uCJbxRAOzZE-00417-00314016-00314792 still on llap on this trade i'm in my average is my average is uCJbxRAOzZE-00418-00315016-00315256 754 break down aldr uCJbxRAOzZE-00419-00316464-00316888 so i'm up over here one buck and uh 13 and uh 33 cents uCJbxRAOzZE-00420-00317096-00317824 on llap i'm waiting for 480 so even if you take only 1 000 shares on this uCJbxRAOzZE-00421-00317936-00318600 and it goes down to five bucks you may like your nice thousand uCJbxRAOzZE-00422-00318896-00319424 only this trade itself uCJbxRAOzZE-00423-00319424-00319888 and the most important thing is uh don't think about the money when you trade think about the r uCJbxRAOzZE-00424-00319888-00320608 return because when i took the trade uh my entry i missed the entry over here i wanted a better entry uCJbxRAOzZE-00425-00320736-00321560 i got an answer over here and my risk was this so i was risking in this case uh 60 cents uCJbxRAOzZE-00426-00321736-00322384 and now if i measure from here from entry down to here so you have to do all this uCJbxRAOzZE-00427-00322464-00323584 divide is 60 cents and you have your r okay so calculator always using the risk uCJbxRAOzZE-00428-00323656-00324984 all right let's go back to tesla netflix uCJbxRAOzZE-00429-00325112-00325736 so joseph i mean that's the the the risk reward that you're outlining there um however uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00430-00325912-00326808 you know a lot of times you take partials uh and and also scale in uh that's true as well uh but so uCJbxRAOzZE-00431-00327064-00327408 but you're not holding like nes i mean you're holding for that uCJbxRAOzZE-00432-00327408-00328064 that longer uh move or that longer or higher time frame move but not necessarily though uCJbxRAOzZE-00433-00328216-00328464 and how do you kind of deal with the risk management on that uCJbxRAOzZE-00434-00328680-00329208 what do you mean bruce not necessarily well because i mean you have your your ultimate target uCJbxRAOzZE-00435-00329208-00330184 but uh uh you know it it may not get there uh and uh and that's a it's a big that's a big target uCJbxRAOzZE-00436-00330264-00331008 uh and um you know uh time a day like let's say end of the day like are you still holding this uCJbxRAOzZE-00437-00331008-00331488 or like you you start to see lots of buyers start to come in are you still holding this uCJbxRAOzZE-00438-00331488-00332280 um like how how would you go through some of those scenarios okay so i got what i mean so uCJbxRAOzZE-00439-00332280-00332952 it's a it's a big question and i think it's one of the most important uh i would say uCJbxRAOzZE-00440-00333248-00333928 sectors for a trader to improve uh because everybody focus always on the entry uCJbxRAOzZE-00441-00334016-00334808 uh and uh everybody put a stop talk stop loss now but nobody has you know the clue uCJbxRAOzZE-00442-00334808-00335384 where exactly this will go we have one thing that is sure we have the thing that we took the trade uCJbxRAOzZE-00443-00335384-00336064 and we are stop loss so we have two things that are certain but we don't know where the stock uCJbxRAOzZE-00444-00336064-00336600 will go so we don't know the target if it goes bad we have our stop loss okay so that is set uCJbxRAOzZE-00445-00336712-00337040 but then you have like you know your big point over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00446-00337152-00337952 and uh you're you're just saying okay now what because from that really depends you becoming uCJbxRAOzZE-00447-00338040-00338472 a millionaire or you're becoming broke or are you becoming average uCJbxRAOzZE-00448-00338688-00339288 so you want to become like uh filthy rich you'll become like a good trader you will uCJbxRAOzZE-00449-00339288-00339944 become a full-time trader whatever that is your goal it's fine but you have to measure these uCJbxRAOzZE-00450-00339944-00340992 stocks by using statistics and also by using for example the order flow i have some precise rules uCJbxRAOzZE-00451-00341056-00342056 uh when i trail and i leave that really to to who gets a a private uh lesson with me but based on uCJbxRAOzZE-00452-00342056-00342736 stats okay and results so i know exactly how many times from here i will get hit here here here so uCJbxRAOzZE-00453-00342736-00343424 i know exactly how to trail but again if i'm in a trade and i don't see any kind of resistance uCJbxRAOzZE-00454-00343480-00344240 all right jumping in jumping in then i start wondering if this is a good trade or not for for uCJbxRAOzZE-00455-00344240-00344936 a short i mean now i'm just like relaxing because i know that i'm still full size i know that if it uCJbxRAOzZE-00456-00344936-00345704 goes over here to above now this trailing 6 30 i'm gonna trail partial if it's gonna go everything uCJbxRAOzZE-00457-00345704-00346248 above here around 7 10 i'm gonna trail all okay so i have these two main levels in my mind uCJbxRAOzZE-00458-00346328-00346984 so until there i can simply relax and uh if it continues to go and i continue to see these uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00459-00347096-00347664 lower highs then for me why not to hold it you know the essentially uCJbxRAOzZE-00460-00347808-00348616 the bookmap is telling me if i have to get out or not all right bookmap is telling me uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00461-00348616-00349312 we don't have any clue okay i don't have any clue if uh a stock in about one hour uCJbxRAOzZE-00462-00349312-00349888 will have like you know an institutional order or whatever and that we're gonna have like uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00463-00350064-00350856 uh a big one uh big push a big squeeze who knows for now what i can say is that all uCJbxRAOzZE-00464-00350856-00351552 right this is fading volume is weak no big orders on the buy or the flow lower highs uCJbxRAOzZE-00465-00351552-00352232 lower lows good i'm staying in so this is the process that i believe traders have to do uCJbxRAOzZE-00466-00352512-00354384 yeah yeah great great stuff joseph thank you bruce so um crxt again and also tesla uCJbxRAOzZE-00467-00354864-00355784 okay so tesla over here we add an entry uh just here uCJbxRAOzZE-00468-00356520-00356744 so this is a very low risk entry because uCJbxRAOzZE-00469-00356864-00357264 once we enter on the trend line i just want to risk a little bit above uCJbxRAOzZE-00470-00357728-00358048 and in this case over here 1005 uCJbxRAOzZE-00471-00358360-00358848 now next target 1000 next target nine into it personally no i didn't take it uCJbxRAOzZE-00472-00358848-00359512 okay so i didn't think i'm over here explaining i'm not in a trade uh i'm just like holding uCJbxRAOzZE-00473-00359512-00360008 netflix over here actually not beer but this is a very good entry so perfect setup uCJbxRAOzZE-00474-00360704-00360920 in the meantime i also have to look at crxt uCJbxRAOzZE-00475-00361184-00361384 could possibly push over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00476-00366296-00366984 we have a higher low a lower high uCJbxRAOzZE-00477-00367168-00368384 yeah i mostly like a symmetric triangle over here always watts for the patterns uCJbxRAOzZE-00478-00371264-00371872 waiting for pour the crack at 250 so i push crack with this to feed uCJbxRAOzZE-00479-00371872-00372584 so break of 250 stuff and then short or jalen's over here to buy the dip uCJbxRAOzZE-00480-00373920-00374288 take a lot of patience i'm looking right now at 20 stocks uCJbxRAOzZE-00481-00374288-00375384 my other screens at the same time two futures and three coins so a lot of stuff to watch uCJbxRAOzZE-00482-00376368-00376784 what do you think traders today what that was going to do on the early earnings uCJbxRAOzZE-00483-00379760-00380984 okay let's check again over here crxt uCJbxRAOzZE-00484-00381064-00381600 oh you're the you're the expert on tesla what uh what what do you think on earnings uCJbxRAOzZE-00485-00381920-00382512 i like to trade before the earnings i mean like hold the position after further earnings or when uCJbxRAOzZE-00486-00382512-00383200 i enter like let's say after one minute after the earnings so i already have a direction or i simply uCJbxRAOzZE-00487-00383200-00385184 wait for the morning after personally in the condition i am tonight i will i will simply wait uCJbxRAOzZE-00488-00386904-00387176 uh alan's asking about how you look at dark pools uCJbxRAOzZE-00489-00387392-00387984 yes i'm looking at dark pools uh you have to look with your broker if you have access uCJbxRAOzZE-00490-00388264-00388728 a bookmap will show if you you have access to the mbbo a national investment nominee yeah uCJbxRAOzZE-00491-00388792-00389312 and bookmark as well i mean you you showed like a million one trade for like a million uCJbxRAOzZE-00492-00389312-00390264 shares like i don't know a multi-million dollar trade obviously uh uh and it had to uCJbxRAOzZE-00493-00390264-00391168 be a dark pool there's just no way around it yeah yeah yeah let's see the crxt over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00494-00391608-00392184 so there's trying to overhear support uCJbxRAOzZE-00495-00393128-00393552 the wedding's over here bruce we had a stop but you see the price is still holding right uCJbxRAOzZE-00496-00393552-00393880 it came to that 250 spike right away rejection uCJbxRAOzZE-00497-00394216-00394984 yeah let's see if you could make it back down to your uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00498-00395272-00395776 i have no position over here on crxd uh still i'm still waiting uCJbxRAOzZE-00499-00396192-00396408 bobby are you ready yes always uCJbxRAOzZE-00500-00396824-00396880 check it out uCJbxRAOzZE-00501-00397336-00397784 uh was it tried it um uCJbxRAOzZE-00502-00398160-00399184 they're trying to push over here traders you can see the the orders 228 to 30 to 35. uCJbxRAOzZE-00503-00401056-00401984 one uCJbxRAOzZE-00504-00404088-00404864 st again 250 248 250 still waiting you have to wait that uCJbxRAOzZE-00505-00406352-00407624 ah let's see over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00506-00407624-00408000 this is the mbbo traders you see it like this right uCJbxRAOzZE-00507-00408640-00409647 a lot of traders uh emcee they're looking for good earnings on tesla and i would say yes uCJbxRAOzZE-00508-00409824-00410384 i would say also yes but you know i don't want to use any lotto options over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00509-00413880-00414584 243 uCJbxRAOzZE-00510-00414768-00415032 so they're holding over here this 241 right now uCJbxRAOzZE-00511-00415192-00415984 body is uh only that support is refilling we went down to 11 000 now back to 23 000. uCJbxRAOzZE-00512-00419512-00420184 they're definitely going to do something over here 77 million traded uCJbxRAOzZE-00513-00420272-00421584 crazy amount of volume for this small cap uCJbxRAOzZE-00514-00424735-00425784 holding support to 40 to 41. as i said i'm looking for a fake out of this 255 too short uCJbxRAOzZE-00515-00430024-00431384 235 support remember this is also fib level uCJbxRAOzZE-00516-00433232-00433760 it's really often you know just about uh waiting the opportunity waiting opportunity uCJbxRAOzZE-00517-00433880-00434184 but i can tell you when we have that opportunity uCJbxRAOzZE-00518-00434543-00434704 we have to wait for that trade uCJbxRAOzZE-00519-00434943-00435584 can be a fantastic trade over here never anticipate okay uCJbxRAOzZE-00520-00436752-00436984 34 uCJbxRAOzZE-00521-00440039-00440535 rejection 246. so there is a little bit of i always say fight between uCJbxRAOzZE-00522-00441008-00441184 supply and demand uCJbxRAOzZE-00523-00445432-00445760 all right so let's continue to watch tesla netflix uCJbxRAOzZE-00524-00446352-00446784 so tesla unwinded pretty good uCJbxRAOzZE-00525-00447664-00448184 remember we're looking for that trade uCJbxRAOzZE-00526-00448392-00449584 this is the pop and fill the gate uCJbxRAOzZE-00527-00450392-00450984 so this is not me but this is how you trade it uCJbxRAOzZE-00528-00451288-00451568 okay push traders coming crxt please check uCJbxRAOzZE-00529-00451824-00452384 yeah so look that extension up here uCJbxRAOzZE-00530-00453776-00455184 looking too short between 265 and 280 let's see for this push let's see if we have a stuff uCJbxRAOzZE-00531-00455320-00455616 so 262. uCJbxRAOzZE-00532-00456256-00456584 it took a star crxt uCJbxRAOzZE-00533-00456896-00457016 waiting stuff to load uCJbxRAOzZE-00534-00457392-00457920 yeah so i took a starter because i saw over here some topping i know that's a pretty uCJbxRAOzZE-00535-00457920-00458376 good level to take a starter very very small i'm waiting for that a plus setup uCJbxRAOzZE-00536-00459208-00459672 because over here you have to consider that this is a breakout they will look for a push yes uCJbxRAOzZE-00537-00460360-00460784 great uCJbxRAOzZE-00538-00461704-00462184 some big volume over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00539-00463535-00464264 okay i'm loaded 280 loaded 280 loaded 280 uCJbxRAOzZE-00540-00464480-00464984 now waiting for this to fail uCJbxRAOzZE-00541-00465432-00465520 extension play uCJbxRAOzZE-00542-00466080-00466384 and let's see if we can fail below the 245 uCJbxRAOzZE-00543-00467247-00467784 nice over here 260. i think we can have a breakdown uCJbxRAOzZE-00544-00471160-00471984 this case my risk is 2 83 uCJbxRAOzZE-00545-00473535-00473768 see the second one here pretty good yeah uCJbxRAOzZE-00546-00474368-00474784 my average is 273 so i'm risking 10 cents uCJbxRAOzZE-00547-00475152-00476184 actually i'm going to risk this 286 over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00548-00476328-00477584 so some big buyer 275. you can see over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00549-00480088-00480384 so trade is not working i'm downsizing uCJbxRAOzZE-00550-00480752-00480872 at 275 uCJbxRAOzZE-00551-00481096-00481743 so i'm lowering my risk why because after this stuff over here i wanted this to see a fail uCJbxRAOzZE-00552-00481743-00482384 instead it's not fading so i downsize now risking this with the rest 286 uCJbxRAOzZE-00553-00482472-00483200 average over here is still the same and if it goes down that's fine but if it goes uCJbxRAOzZE-00554-00483200-00483839 up i won't have a big stop and also i want to keep my big win for the day uCJbxRAOzZE-00555-00484152-00484584 i'm actually downsizing all over here uCJbxRAOzZE-00556-00485264-00486184 and done so dinosaurs downsize also act all out for me 274 i don't care if we'll go uCJbxRAOzZE-00557-00486384-00486800 that's my risk management now a little bit more sellers uCJbxRAOzZE-00558-00487176-00487592 i will wait for a classic lower high and then i can shorter this again uCJbxRAOzZE-00559-00487808-00488208 so i lost one cent over here taking this trade uCJbxRAOzZE-00560-00488624-00488976 and that's fine for for this uCJbxRAOzZE-00561-00489080-00490184 let's see if we can have a lower high and then a short meanwhile tesla is unwinding good uCJbxRAOzZE-00562-00495904-00496376 okay traders so uh almost time for us any questions uCJbxRAOzZE-00563-00496784-00496952 uh yeah let's see um uCJbxRAOzZE-00564-00497160-00497800 most is seems when you enter trade there's a pop up or down near an important area for those uCJbxRAOzZE-00565-00497800-00498480 entries do you initially keep large stops and reduce the risk after you are on the trade if uCJbxRAOzZE-00566-00498480-00499432 not with stop loss with small stop loss does it uh does not that stop you out most of the time uCJbxRAOzZE-00567-00499432-00500376 okay okay i got it so uh when you trade uh on a fader so in downtrend it's very easy to know where uCJbxRAOzZE-00568-00500376-00500856 you stop because generally you risk you know just above your entry or a relative high or the bar uCJbxRAOzZE-00569-00500935-00501600 when instead you're trading uh an up trending stock then you have to look at daily levels so uCJbxRAOzZE-00570-00501600-00502447 if i have for example like over here let's put back llap so right now it's 5.84 i shorted as i uCJbxRAOzZE-00571-00502447-00503360 said before 754. my risk was 810 so i was risking something like in almost 60 cents in that case uCJbxRAOzZE-00572-00503360-00503743 i'm risking 60 cents which seems a lot but you have to know that uCJbxRAOzZE-00573-00503743-00504304 i'm looking for that oh slowly traders a possible trade coming okay uCJbxRAOzZE-00574-00504632-00505264 i'm risking traders for uh one r because i know that i will get three or four r uCJbxRAOzZE-00575-00505343-00505984 so i wanna definitely take the trade uh i don't you know put large top or small i put uCJbxRAOzZE-00576-00505984-00506528 stop where i have like levels on the daily and heat map together okay that is my point uCJbxRAOzZE-00577-00506743-00507208 uh other question over here would you sell and had the money straddle uCJbxRAOzZE-00578-00507208-00507735 on tesla to get premium double taker not really i prefer i simply buy calls uCJbxRAOzZE-00579-00507800-00508416 buy puts i don't use like any other strategy so i keep it very simple using online stock uCJbxRAOzZE-00580-00508472-00508872 that's my way of doing things and that's what really has been paying for me uCJbxRAOzZE-00581-00509080-00509184 and then the question traders uCJbxRAOzZE-00582-00509512-00509784 i think we're doing pretty well here uCJbxRAOzZE-00583-00510096-00510120 and uCJbxRAOzZE-00584-00510328-00511304 yep okay uh no i think we're all we're all squared away uh joseph uh so uh invaluable uh uh nuggets uCJbxRAOzZE-00585-00511304-00512047 here uh you know thank you thank you very much uh joseph um you know really really appreciate it uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00586-00512047-00512672 and uh i put uh your information into the chat if anyone wants to reach out if they uCJbxRAOzZE-00587-00512672-00513400 have any other questions they want to uh let you know uh and the services that you offer etc uCJbxRAOzZE-00588-00513472-00514192 uh so uh yeah that's that's that and then uh just uh let everybody know there is a bookmap special uCJbxRAOzZE-00589-00514192-00515080 event um uh later today at the close uh uh us close here so at 4 pm uh take a look in discord uCJbxRAOzZE-00590-00515080-00516016 uh and uh you'll see it there uh with um uh a a new guy here uh we'll we'll have uh brett mayo uCJbxRAOzZE-00591-00516016-00516712 uh he'll be there all right so uh talking about uh stocks and entries and and uh filtering et cetera uCJbxRAOzZE-00592-00516712-00517496 um so uh yeah anyway uh joseph uh excellent stuff here and let's do some more events uCJbxRAOzZE-00593-00517496-00518039 together uh you had mentioned this you wanted to so uh i would love to you know do some uCJbxRAOzZE-00594-00518152-00518680 uh i i don't know we'll get creative and and think of some things maybe at the open again uh uCJbxRAOzZE-00595-00518680-00519335 how you trade the open uh and uh those were really popular uh and they were they were excellent so uCJbxRAOzZE-00596-00519552-00520368 we uh make some of this yeah absolutely yeah all right guys so uh thank you for the great session uCJbxRAOzZE-00597-00520368-00520904 i mean the market was great today so hope you learned something uh again uh you can reach out uCJbxRAOzZE-00598-00520904-00521560 to me team director co email or bruce or just write me on discord again see you all next week uCJbxRAOzZE-00599-00521560-00522376 thank you bruce thank you both my bookmap and see you next time bye bye traders thanks joseph uGr0HjFoeky-00000-00000048-00000144 Hello, everyone. uGr0HjFoeky-00001-00000160-00000624 In this sequence we'll look at the API for manipulating files. uGr0HjFoeky-00002-00000668-00000927 What we'll be looking at particularly uGr0HjFoeky-00003-00000948-00001276 is how to navigate between files, uGr0HjFoeky-00004-00001292-00001564 how to create and remove files, uGr0HjFoeky-00005-00001652-00001939 how to list files in the directories, uGr0HjFoeky-00006-00002028-00002412 and how to read from and write to files. uGr0HjFoeky-00007-00002432-00002572 To begin with, uGr0HjFoeky-00008-00002592-00002824 we need an entry point in the file system, uGr0HjFoeky-00009-00002840-00003044 there are many. uGr0HjFoeky-00010-00003060-00003484 With "FileLocator home" you have the user directory, uGr0HjFoeky-00011-00003556-00003888 "FileLocator root" you have the root uGr0HjFoeky-00012-00003904-00004284 of the directory system. uGr0HjFoeky-00013-00004300-00004712 With "FileLocatorC" in Windows you have disc C: uGr0HjFoeky-00014-00004748-00005016 Once you have a directory, uGr0HjFoeky-00015-00005044-00005312 these 3 elements are directories, uGr0HjFoeky-00016-00005328-00005668 I take one, "FileLocator home" uGr0HjFoeky-00017-00005684-00006004 in which I have the user home directory. uGr0HjFoeky-00018-00006124-00006316 From there I can say, uGr0HjFoeky-00019-00006392-00006600 "Give me your access path". uGr0HjFoeky-00020-00006616-00007048 So "home" isn't a string, it's an object that represents uGr0HjFoeky-00021-00007064-00007295 a directory and I can say, uGr0HjFoeky-00022-00007312-00007759 "Give me the string locating you in the system". uGr0HjFoeky-00023-00007780-00008012 So that's "home/cassou". uGr0HjFoeky-00024-00008100-00008380 I can ask a directory where its children are. uGr0HjFoeky-00025-00008396-00008788 "What are all the files and directories you contain?" uGr0HjFoeky-00026-00008804-00009096 Here it tells me, in "home". uGr0HjFoeky-00027-00009112-00009364 I've a file named .bashrc, uGr0HjFoeky-00028-00009380-00009604 and I've a Music directory. uGr0HjFoeky-00029-00009696-00009908 So this, "children", uGr0HjFoeky-00030-00009924-00010128 returns a bundle of objects, uGr0HjFoeky-00031-00010144-00010508 which are files and directories. uGr0HjFoeky-00032-00010568-00010908 If we play a bit more with this API, uGr0HjFoeky-00033-00010980-00011316 we'll see the method "/", uGr0HjFoeky-00034-00011332-00011500 When we send the message / uGr0HjFoeky-00035-00011584-00012140 to a directory we can indicate a particular child that interests us. uGr0HjFoeky-00036-00012232-00012680 So "home/'Music'" gives me the Music directory. uGr0HjFoeky-00037-00012808-00013188 By sending the message "directories" to a file, uGr0HjFoeky-00038-00013204-00013447 I get all the sub files. uGr0HjFoeky-00039-00013463-00013808 Here I see that, in my Music library, uGr0HjFoeky-00040-00013824-00014040 I have a file Anouar_Brahem. uGr0HjFoeky-00041-00014208-00014536 The parent message allows me to go up a rung, uGr0HjFoeky-00042-00014552-00014832 so if I'm in the Music file, uGr0HjFoeky-00043-00014847-00015184 I send "parent" but I return to my "home" file. uGr0HjFoeky-00044-00015216-00015412 Leaving my directory uGr0HjFoeky-00045-00015440-00015844 "Music", as we saw before, I'll try to create a directory. uGr0HjFoeky-00046-00015952-00016300 To do this, I check if the directory exists. uGr0HjFoeky-00047-00016316-00016640 By sending a message "isDirectory" uGr0HjFoeky-00048-00016656-00016848 I see whether it exists or not. uGr0HjFoeky-00049-00016864-00017100 This says it doesn't exist. uGr0HjFoeky-00050-00017116-00017456 All right, I create it with "ensureCreateDirectory". uGr0HjFoeky-00051-00017532-00017984 Then I test it, "do you exist?" In this case it exists, uGr0HjFoeky-00052-00018000-00018352 with "delete" I can erase it, and I check it's deleted uGr0HjFoeky-00053-00018368-00018536 by sending ""isDirectory". uGr0HjFoeky-00054-00018620-00018728 To find uGr0HjFoeky-00055-00018748-00019012 all the children in a directory, uGr0HjFoeky-00056-00019028-00019428 there are several methods. I'll show you two. uGr0HjFoeky-00057-00019444-00019732 We send a message, "allChildrenMatching" to a directory, uGr0HjFoeky-00058-00019748-00020112 and by passing it an expression uGr0HjFoeky-00059-00020128-00020512 that's typical of the ladder and which represents uGr0HjFoeky-00060-00020672-00021064 the name of the directory we expect, so with "*.ogg", uGr0HjFoeky-00061-00021080-00021352 I want all the files to have the extension ".ogg". uGr0HjFoeky-00062-00021484-00021928 That will return all my music files to .ogg in my Pink Floyd directory. uGr0HjFoeky-00063-00022052-00022368 I can do the same thing in a more long-winded way. uGr0HjFoeky-00064-00022384-00022664 By sending the message "allChildren" I get all the children uGr0HjFoeky-00065-00022680-00023096 all the files and directories, in a particular directory, uGr0HjFoeky-00066-00023180-00023468 and I filter with the message "select" uGr0HjFoeky-00067-00023484-00023788 all those whose name ends in ".ogg". uGr0HjFoeky-00068-00023804-00024208 "Basename" returns the string representing the file name uGr0HjFoeky-00069-00024224-00024536 and I want the file name to end in .ogg. uGr0HjFoeky-00070-00024556-00024808 These two bits of code are almost the same. uGr0HjFoeky-00071-00024868-00025252 How do we get information about a file? uGr0HjFoeky-00072-00025268-00025627 How do we create a file from a string? uGr0HjFoeky-00073-00025644-00026004 I've a file name, "asFileReference", uGr0HjFoeky-00074-00026020-00026400 which turns my file name into a reference towards a file. uGr0HjFoeky-00075-00026416-00026900 It can be an existing or a non-existent file, I don't know. uGr0HjFoeky-00076-00026916-00027276 Let's look at the message "isFile" at this reference. uGr0HjFoeky-00077-00027292-00027660 I'll get "true" if it exists and "false" if it doesn't. uGr0HjFoeky-00078-00027756-00028172 By sending the message "basename", I get the name of the file. uGr0HjFoeky-00079-00028188-00028508 By sending "extension" I get the file extension, uGr0HjFoeky-00080-00028592-00028872 with "size" I get the size, uGr0HjFoeky-00081-00028964-00029200 and with "PathString", as we saw before, uGr0HjFoeky-00082-00029216-00029516 I get the access path in the form of a string. uGr0HjFoeky-00083-00029592-00029968 Now let's see how to write to and read from a file. To write, uGr0HjFoeky-00084-00030016-00030424 first of all, I take a reference towards a file. uGr0HjFoeky-00085-00030516-00030716 Here, I check that it doesn't exist. uGr0HjFoeky-00086-00030732-00031172 We can write to a file that exists, I'm checking it doesn't exist. uGr0HjFoeky-00087-00031188-00031639 I write to it. To write, I create a stream. uGr0HjFoeky-00088-00031736-00031892 With "nextPutAll" uGr0HjFoeky-00089-00031908-00032252 I ask to write each character of the stream to the file. uGr0HjFoeky-00090-00032348-00032668 At the end I close my stream to ensure that the system uGr0HjFoeky-00091-00032683-00032872 has written everything to the disc. uGr0HjFoeky-00092-00032920-00033064 Conversely, I can read uGr0HjFoeky-00093-00033084-00033468 from a file, so I take the same file and .txt. uGr0HjFoeky-00094-00033484-00033840 I check it exists, and it does, because I can write to it. uGr0HjFoeky-00095-00033956-00034292 I create a "ReadStream" uGr0HjFoeky-00096-00034308-00034688 and I look, either character by character by sending "next". uGr0HjFoeky-00097-00034704-00035148 With the message "next" I'll get, "h" then "e" then "l", etc... uGr0HjFoeky-00098-00035164-00035424 I do "next" once, I get "h". uGr0HjFoeky-00099-00035440-00035612 Afterwards I'll pick up everything, uGr0HjFoeky-00100-00035628-00035920 from the first "h" I've just read to the end of the file. uGr0HjFoeky-00101-00035936-00036184 Here I get "ello World" without the "h". uGr0HjFoeky-00102-00036200-00036512 At the end, I send "stream close" to the stream object, uGr0HjFoeky-00103-00036528-00036844 to ensure the file reference is closed. uGr0HjFoeky-00104-00036916-00037244 We can write these codes more simply, uGr0HjFoeky-00105-00037300-00037640 without having the need uGr0HjFoeky-00106-00037656-00037872 to send the "close" message. uGr0HjFoeky-00107-00037888-00038224 We might forget to send the "close" message. uGr0HjFoeky-00108-00038240-00038620 There can be an exception that means "close" is never sent. uGr0HjFoeky-00109-00038636-00039072 In general, we try to avoid having to write it ourselves. uGr0HjFoeky-00110-00039088-00039336 To do this, to write, uGr0HjFoeky-00111-00039352-00039664 I take my file reference, uGr0HjFoeky-00112-00039680-00039952 I send the message "writeStreamDo", uGr0HjFoeky-00113-00039968-00040140 which takes a block in parentheses, uGr0HjFoeky-00114-00040156-00040540 the block takes one stream in parentheses. uGr0HjFoeky-00115-00040556-00040928 This stream will be automatically provided by "writeStreamDo" uGr0HjFoeky-00116-00040944-00041404 which will create a "writeStream" on the file. uGr0HjFoeky-00117-00041420-00041684 The only thing I need to do is, by using this stream, uGr0HjFoeky-00118-00041700-00041996 manipulate the stream to do what I want with the file. uGr0HjFoeky-00119-00042012-00042456 I'll write 'Hello World' to the file, "stream nextPutAll: 'Hello World'". uGr0HjFoeky-00120-00042472-00042608 When the block finishes, uGr0HjFoeky-00121-00042624-00042980 the stream closes automatically, and the file writes to the disc. uGr0HjFoeky-00122-00043124-00043504 Same principle for reading, I put "readStreamDo". uGr0HjFoeky-00123-00043620-00043848 Here I have a stream, I can do what I want with it. uGr0HjFoeky-00124-00043864-00044300 I decide to retrieve the contents of the stream. uGr0HjFoeky-00125-00044408-00044592 What you should know, uGr0HjFoeky-00126-00044648-00045012 is that files and directories are references, uGr0HjFoeky-00127-00045032-00045420 they're references towards files and directories on the disc uGr0HjFoeky-00128-00045436-00045888 that may or may not exist. Check with "isFile", "isDirectory" uGr0HjFoeky-00129-00045904-00046156 if the files exist on the disc. uGr0HjFoeky-00130-00046172-00046304 The API is simple, uGr0HjFoeky-00131-00046320-00046812 and facilitates navigation and manipulation of the files. uGr0HjFoeky-00132-00046904-00047412 We can read from and write to files through streams, uGr0HjFoeky-00133-00047448-00047748 and with an API uGr0HjFoeky-00134-00047764-00048232 which will close the stream automatically at the end. uHtxbwhotYg-00000-00000592-00001074 How could i love a girl uHtxbwhotYg-00001-00001150-00001484 Whom hero is green and dyslexic uHtxbwhotYg-00002-00001544-00001800 And who, in order to move uHtxbwhotYg-00003-00001864-00002348 Needs a fist up his ass uHtxbwhotYg-00004-00002424-00002768 How could I keep on believing in this man uHtxbwhotYg-00005-00002822-00003022 Who admires so many other men uHtxbwhotYg-00006-00003226-00003426 In their tight ass pajamas uHtxbwhotYg-00007-00003510-00003844 As old-fashioned as their flying saucers uHtxbwhotYg-00008-00004006-00004206 How can I imagine that she loves uHtxbwhotYg-00009-00004228-00004428 Rapist bears from Endor uHtxbwhotYg-00010-00004428-00004628 And that she believes in a world dominated uHtxbwhotYg-00011-00004628-00004828 By the "Shut up it's magic" uHtxbwhotYg-00012-00004838-00005038 Saint Scotty forgive her uHtxbwhotYg-00013-00005038-00005196 That's bullshit uHtxbwhotYg-00014-00005196-00005622 Might as well believe in the Schwartz uHtxbwhotYg-00015-00005622-00005822 How can I trust a man uHtxbwhotYg-00016-00005904-00006394 Who has been raped in more than 500 episodes uHtxbwhotYg-00017-00006438-00006638 And what can I say about this elve uHtxbwhotYg-00018-00006638-00006838 Who is touching himself uHtxbwhotYg-00019-00006870-00007070 Only once every seven years uHtxbwhotYg-00020-00007190-00007390 How can I make her understand uHtxbwhotYg-00021-00007420-00007608 How can I make him understand uHtxbwhotYg-00022-00007623-00007866 That Jar Jar Binks is really uHtxbwhotYg-00023-00007870-00008070 But... I've seen Star Trek 5 uHtxbwhotYg-00024-00008070-00008270 The worst character of the universe uHtxbwhotYg-00025-00008372-00008822 Looks like the work of the devil uHtxbwhotYg-00026-00008838-00009038 Why am I not by her side uHtxbwhotYg-00027-00009058-00009258 Why am I not by his side uHtxbwhotYg-00028-00009430-00009630 She is my star uHtxbwhotYg-00029-00009668-00009868 He is my star uHtxbwhotYg-00030-00010394-00010780 Whether it's Star Wars or Star Trek uHtxbwhotYg-00031-00010792-00011168 We are standing united against Twilight fans uHtxbwhotYg-00032-00011184-00011572 Whether it's laser or phaser uHtxbwhotYg-00033-00011572-00011980 JJ. Abrams will ruin our universe uHtxbwhotYg-00034-00012006-00012378 Whether they're red shirt Or storm troopers uHtxbwhotYg-00035-00012378-00012766 in outer space We all have our douchebags uHtxbwhotYg-00036-00012766-00013176 We will personally burn all these Tolkien Muggles uHtxbwhotYg-00037-00013178-00013594 All these dumb Hunger Games fans pagans uHtxbwhotYg-00038-00013594-00013982 Whether it's Star Wars or Star Trek uHtxbwhotYg-00039-00014000-00014382 We are standing united against Twilight fans uHtxbwhotYg-00040-00014404-00014776 Whether it's laser or phaser uHtxbwhotYg-00041-00014776-00015180 JJ. Abrams will strike us with some lense flare uHtxbwhotYg-00042-00015219-00015419 We will take their arrow from them uHtxbwhotYg-00043-00015419-00015619 And their elvish ears uHtxbwhotYg-00044-00015619-00015819 No more queer cosplays uHtxbwhotYg-00045-00015969-00016169 Let me be Princess Leia uHtxbwhotYg-00046-00016208-00016402 I will be your captain Kirk uHtxbwhotYg-00047-00016414-00016938 We will shove it deep in their Khan hole ! (French pun for "ass hole") uHtxbwhotYg-00048-00017198-00017998 Whether it's Star Wars or Star Trek We are standing united against Twilight fans uHtxbwhotYg-00049-00017998-00018784 Whether it's laser or phaser JJ. Abrams will ruin our universe uHtxbwhotYg-00050-00018806-00019190 Whether they're red shirt Or storm troopers uHtxbwhotYg-00051-00019198-00019574 in outer space We all have our douchebags uHtxbwhotYg-00052-00019574-00019978 We will personally burn all these Tolkien Muggles uHtxbwhotYg-00053-00019980-00020388 All these dumb Hunger Games fans pagans uHtxbwhotYg-00054-00020402-00021184 Whether it's Star Wars or Star Trek We are standing united against Twilight fans uHtxbwhotYg-00055-00021184-00022038 Whether it's laser or phaser JJ. Abrams will strike us with some lense flare uMpD4gANJx8-00000-00000042-00000300 (upbeat music) uMpD4gANJx8-00001-00001052-00001348 -: Hi, I'm Adam Jabari, and this lesson uMpD4gANJx8-00002-00001348-00001568 is called Youthful Expression. uMpD4gANJx8-00003-00001568-00001876 Today we're going to explore self portraiture. uMpD4gANJx8-00004-00001876-00002088 A self portrait is an opportunity uMpD4gANJx8-00005-00002088-00002550 to explore a subject that you know most, yourself. uMpD4gANJx8-00006-00002651-00003151 So we're going to turn our cameras to a portrait, uMpD4gANJx8-00007-00003176-00003552 or vertical, orientation for today's practice. uMpD4gANJx8-00008-00003707-00004090 As with all photography, we need a light source. uMpD4gANJx8-00009-00004090-00004250 Where does your light come from? uMpD4gANJx8-00010-00004723-00005210 You will need your camera, a smartphone or tablet uMpD4gANJx8-00011-00005210-00005507 with a camera app is perfect for this practice. uMpD4gANJx8-00012-00006137-00006411 And have some paper and pen available to you. uMpD4gANJx8-00013-00007055-00007392 You may also need something to prop up your camera. uMpD4gANJx8-00014-00007392-00007689 I'm going to use my canteen for that. uMpD4gANJx8-00015-00008554-00008871 Let's begin with three deep breaths. uMpD4gANJx8-00016-00008871-00009347 Sit nice and tall, heart forward, crown high, uMpD4gANJx8-00017-00009347-00009656 and take a deep inhale, in through your nose. uMpD4gANJx8-00018-00009656-00009873 (inhales) uMpD4gANJx8-00019-00010060-00010337 And exhale slowly from your nose. uMpD4gANJx8-00020-00010337-00010554 (exhales) uMpD4gANJx8-00021-00010737-00011055 Maybe place one of your hands over your belly uMpD4gANJx8-00022-00011055-00011352 and take another deep inhale, in through your nose. uMpD4gANJx8-00023-00011352-00011489 (inhales) uMpD4gANJx8-00024-00011489-00011865 Into your belly, and into your lungs. uMpD4gANJx8-00025-00012010-00012152 Exhale slowly. uMpD4gANJx8-00026-00012152-00012369 (exhales) uMpD4gANJx8-00027-00012573-00012948 And once more, deep inhale, through your nose. uMpD4gANJx8-00028-00012948-00013165 (inhales) uMpD4gANJx8-00029-00013368-00013545 And slow exhale. uMpD4gANJx8-00030-00013545-00013762 (exhales) uMpD4gANJx8-00031-00014359-00014717 What does your internal weather forecast feel like? uMpD4gANJx8-00032-00014903-00015223 It might be bright and sunny, clear, uMpD4gANJx8-00033-00015321-00015757 cold, stormy, overcast. uMpD4gANJx8-00034-00015938-00016346 Take two to three minutes to write down uMpD4gANJx8-00035-00016346-00016665 your internal weather report. uMpD4gANJx8-00036-00018936-00019316 Now that you've spent some time exploring yourself, uMpD4gANJx8-00037-00019316-00019763 let's use what you wrote to create self portraits. uMpD4gANJx8-00038-00019994-00020441 So turn your camera to a portrait orientation, or tall. uMpD4gANJx8-00039-00020794-00021112 Frame your subject, that's you, uMpD4gANJx8-00040-00021112-00021513 from the waist up, or even closer. uMpD4gANJx8-00041-00021513-00021832 Once you're set up on your stable surface, uMpD4gANJx8-00042-00021832-00022104 return to your weather report. uMpD4gANJx8-00043-00022385-00022793 And express some of those moods in your images. uMpD4gANJx8-00044-00022793-00023091 Make five to 10 self portraits. uMpD4gANJx8-00045-00023181-00023392 Maybe your weather is complex. uMpD4gANJx8-00046-00023541-00023938 You might have sunny and stormy, uMpD4gANJx8-00047-00023938-00024371 hot and cold, all swirly around within you. uMpD4gANJx8-00048-00024371-00024857 If that's the case for you, try taking an image uMpD4gANJx8-00049-00024857-00025173 to represent each of these moods. uMpD4gANJx8-00050-00025173-00025613 Your face, your posture, your lighting, uMpD4gANJx8-00051-00025613-00026032 and your surroundings all help express the mood. uMpD4gANJx8-00052-00026289-00026391 Give it a try. uMpD4gANJx8-00053-00026572-00026857 (camera clicks) uMpD4gANJx8-00054-00026857-00027170 (camera clicks) uMpD4gANJx8-00055-00027170-00027437 (camera clicks) uMpD4gANJx8-00056-00027653-00027903 (phone dings) uMpD4gANJx8-00057-00029011-00029270 (phone chimes) uMpD4gANJx8-00058-00029579-00030075 South African photographer, Zanele Muholi said, uMpD4gANJx8-00059-00030075-00030411 "Too often I find we are being mimicked, uMpD4gANJx8-00060-00030411-00030738 "and distorted, by the privileged other. uMpD4gANJx8-00061-00030738-00031083 "We are here; we have our own voices; uMpD4gANJx8-00062-00031083-00031358 "we have our own lives." uMpD4gANJx8-00063-00031358-00031647 Thank you for being here today to share your voice. uMpD4gANJx8-00064-00031647-00031923 Let's close together with a full breath. uMpD4gANJx8-00065-00032159-00032376 (inhales) uMpD4gANJx8-00066-00032562-00032779 (exhales) uMpD4gANJx8-00067-00032975-00033091 I'm Adam Jabari. uMpD4gANJx8-00068-00033200-00033283 Peace. uMpD4gANJx8-00069-00033377-00033635 (upbeat music) up0O-X--4Qg-00000-00001115-00004093 [Music] up0O-X--4Qg-00002-00014602-00017585 to say that I still care no one left [Music] because [Music] up0O-X--4Qg-00003-00017585-00017698 [Music] up0O-X--4Qg-00004-00017698-00017925 [Music] foreign up0O-X--4Qg-00005-00017925-00018038 [Music] up0O-X--4Qg-00006-00018038-00018151 [Music] up0O-X--4Qg-00007-00018151-00018873 [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] up0O-X--4Qg-00008-00018873-00019059 [Music] up0O-X--4Qg-00009-00019059-00019245 [Music] up0O-X--4Qg-00010-00019245-00019533 I know up0O-X--4Qg-00011-00019533-00020292 [Music] up0O-X--4Qg-00012-00020292-00021051 [Music] up0O-X--4Qg-00014-00024912-00026431 foreign uOELjs7n_pQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Saleem Sheikh's daughter's wedding dances uQ8iSJnIa80-00000-00000484-00000767 (whimsical music) uQ8iSJnIa80-00001-00001495-00001682 - [Yurie] One of the things that's important to me uQ8iSJnIa80-00002-00001682-00002029 is to make sure that I'm living out my life uQ8iSJnIa80-00003-00002029-00002192 according to my ideals uQ8iSJnIa80-00004-00002192-00002385 in a consistent and coherent manner. uQ8iSJnIa80-00005-00002385-00002574 Whether that's the way I interact uQ8iSJnIa80-00006-00002574-00002784 with my family, my friends. uQ8iSJnIa80-00007-00002784-00002931 Whether it's the way I interact uQ8iSJnIa80-00008-00002931-00003125 with students and my colleagues. uQ8iSJnIa80-00009-00003125-00003329 And then also, the contributions that I'm making uQ8iSJnIa80-00010-00003329-00003551 in the larger world. uQ8iSJnIa80-00011-00003551-00003757 I think a life lived with purpose uQ8iSJnIa80-00012-00003757-00003965 really has to do with uQ8iSJnIa80-00013-00003965-00004222 connecting all the different parts of your life uQ8iSJnIa80-00014-00004222-00004408 in accordance with your values. uQ8iSJnIa80-00015-00004408-00004575 So one of the things I try to do uQ8iSJnIa80-00016-00004575-00004788 is stay on top what's on the news uQ8iSJnIa80-00017-00004788-00005005 and what kids of things are happening in the world. uQ8iSJnIa80-00018-00005005-00005253 Both far away and also close to home. uQ8iSJnIa80-00019-00005253-00005371 And then I try to bring that uQ8iSJnIa80-00020-00005371-00005618 into the classroom as much as I'm able uQ8iSJnIa80-00021-00005618-00005850 to show students that anything you're learning uQ8iSJnIa80-00022-00005850-00006165 within the classroom can have some kind of connection uQ8iSJnIa80-00023-00006165-00006433 to what's going on in the rest of the world. uQ8iSJnIa80-00024-00006433-00006638 By allowing them to take advantage uQ8iSJnIa80-00025-00006638-00006781 of many opportunities, uQ8iSJnIa80-00026-00006781-00007064 to take their passions and their knowledge uQ8iSJnIa80-00027-00007064-00007315 and put them into action, uQ8iSJnIa80-00028-00007315-00007512 not only during their time at Gustavus uQ8iSJnIa80-00029-00007512-00007706 but also after they've graduated. uQ8iSJnIa80-00030-00007706-00007928 So that they can continue making contributions uQ8iSJnIa80-00031-00007928-00008100 into the world for many years. uQ8iSJnIa80-00032-00008327-00008647 These days, we're facing a lot of different challenges uQ8iSJnIa80-00033-00008647-00008956 and a lot of huge changes in society uQ8iSJnIa80-00034-00008956-00009116 and the way that societies work. uQ8iSJnIa80-00035-00009116-00009367 And a liberal arts education uQ8iSJnIa80-00036-00009367-00009570 provides students with the knowledge uQ8iSJnIa80-00037-00009570-00009756 and more importantly the tools, uQ8iSJnIa80-00038-00009756-00010010 the kind of intellectual habits of mind, uQ8iSJnIa80-00039-00010010-00010244 that allows students to look at an issue uQ8iSJnIa80-00040-00010244-00010624 and then take a really 360-degree uQ8iSJnIa80-00041-00010624-00010953 approach to whatever problem it is uQ8iSJnIa80-00042-00010953-00011121 that you are trying to solve. uQ8iSJnIa80-00043-00011121-00011281 I think a liberal arts education uQ8iSJnIa80-00044-00011281-00011646 also equips students to talk to one another. uQ8iSJnIa80-00045-00011646-00011905 I think we can all agree that communication uQ8iSJnIa80-00046-00011993-00012274 between and across different groups of people uQ8iSJnIa80-00047-00012274-00012408 is really, really important uQ8iSJnIa80-00048-00012408-00012574 for the ability to work together uQ8iSJnIa80-00049-00012574-00012840 and to find some common understanding. uQ8iSJnIa80-00050-00012840-00013091 One of the things I've really loved about Gustavus uQ8iSJnIa80-00051-00013091-00013393 is that it not only provides students an opportunity uQ8iSJnIa80-00052-00013393-00013569 to grow in all of these different uQ8iSJnIa80-00053-00013569-00013861 intellectual and social and cultural areas. uQ8iSJnIa80-00054-00013861-00014019 It's that it also provides faculty uQ8iSJnIa80-00055-00014019-00014172 an opportunity to do that as well uQ8iSJnIa80-00056-00014172-00014428 because I recognized it as place that had uQ8iSJnIa80-00057-00014428-00014661 a lot of amazing people that I could uQ8iSJnIa80-00058-00014661-00014871 learn from and work with. uQ8iSJnIa80-00059-00014871-00015061 And I saw Gustavus as a place where uQ8iSJnIa80-00060-00015061-00015416 I could actually make some kind of impact. uQ8iSJnIa80-00061-00015416-00015610 Gustavus Adolphus College uQ8iSJnIa80-00062-00015610-00015739 Make your life count. uSts9_7rZZ0-00000-00000704-00001312 Welcome everyone to my 128th daily press conference since taking office as Prime Minister. uSts9_7rZZ0-00001-00001312-00001864 I’d just like to thank the Ngunnawal people for allowing us to use their ancestral lands for uSts9_7rZZ0-00002-00001864-00002488 hosting this press conference. However, it should be noted that 15% of Ngunnawal people are not uSts9_7rZZ0-00003-00002488-00003171 vaccinated, so if you wish us to continue holding these press conferences on your sacred lands, uSts9_7rZZ0-00004-00003171-00003672 we implore all of you to go out and get vaccinated as soon as possible. uSts9_7rZZ0-00005-00003672-00004240 Anyway, let’s begin. As we all know, 96% of Australians are now fully vaccinated uSts9_7rZZ0-00006-00004240-00004624 and I’d just like to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart uSts9_7rZZ0-00007-00004624-00005024 for doing the right thing by getting the 17th booster shot. uSts9_7rZZ0-00008-00005024-00005496 A big thank you to every single one of you for keeping the community safe. We’re well on our uSts9_7rZZ0-00009-00005496-00006120 way to reaching our 97% vaccination target by Christmas which will allow us to have even more uSts9_7rZZ0-00010-00006120-00006709 freedoms and allow us to return to some sense of normalcy in the upcoming months and years. uSts9_7rZZ0-00011-00006709-00007256 Just a quick Rules Reminder: It is illegal for vaccinated Australians to knowingly associate uSts9_7rZZ0-00012-00007256-00007800 with the unvaccinated. I’m afraid this is the only way to keep all Australians safe. uSts9_7rZZ0-00013-00007800-00008408 It is illegal for employers to employ unvaccinated people. The risk to the community is much too uSts9_7rZZ0-00014-00008408-00009043 great. Unvaccinated people are not allowed to enter a public hospital or clinic for any reason. uSts9_7rZZ0-00015-00009043-00009568 If they need emergency treatment, well tough luck! They should have got vaccinated. To make it easy uSts9_7rZZ0-00016-00009568-00010144 for all Australians to remember, every Australian must get their booster shots on the 31st of every uSts9_7rZZ0-00017-00010144-00011064 month that has 31 days. So the 31st of January, March, May, July, August, October, and December uSts9_7rZZ0-00018-00011064-00011632 for a total of seven booster shots per year. I must stress that failure to even receive one of uSts9_7rZZ0-00019-00011632-00012144 these booster shots will put the entire community at risk and automatically put you into the uSts9_7rZZ0-00020-00012144-00012847 unvaccinated category. Remember, all children over the age of 2 months are eligible for the vaccine. uSts9_7rZZ0-00021-00012847-00013336 Today, we at the Australian Government have an important announcement. We will be introducing uSts9_7rZZ0-00022-00013336-00013919 our brand new campaign ‘Act As If’. Although the majority of Australians are vaccinated, uSts9_7rZZ0-00023-00013919-00014456 unfortunately there are still unvaccinated people roaming around on our streets and in our uSts9_7rZZ0-00024-00014456-00015128 communities. With the Act As If campaign, we are asking that all vaccinated Australians Act As If uSts9_7rZZ0-00025-00015128-00015672 everybody they encounter is unvaccinated. We’re asking that every vaccinated Australian wears a uSts9_7rZZ0-00026-00015672-00016080 face mask whenever they are outside their principal place of residence. uSts9_7rZZ0-00027-00016080-00016464 We are asking that every vaccinated Australian continues to stand at least uSts9_7rZZ0-00028-00016464-00016832 five metres away from people they don’t personally know. uSts9_7rZZ0-00029-00016832-00017320 This is the only way that we can safely manage those Australians who for whatever reason uSts9_7rZZ0-00030-00017320-00018072 choose to not get vaccinated. Act As If every person you don’t personally know is unvaccinated. uSts9_7rZZ0-00031-00018072-00018608 Remember, the next vaccination day is October 31st. We encourage all Australians to dress uSts9_7rZZ0-00032-00018608-00019200 up in their favourite Halloween costume and get their Spooky 2026 Halloween Mystery Jab. uSts9_7rZZ0-00033-00019200-00019656 Just a reminder that as of last year, it is illegal to go trick-or-treating as it uSts9_7rZZ0-00034-00019656-00020185 is possible that an unvaccinated person could be handing out candy illegally. uSts9_7rZZ0-00035-00020185-00020648 The risk is just too great to the community. But please, encourage your children to dress uSts9_7rZZ0-00036-00020648-00021088 up in their favourite costumes and head down to the local vaccination clinic uSts9_7rZZ0-00037-00021088-00021680 (socially distanced of course) on All Saint’s Eve with every clinic staying open till midnight, uSts9_7rZZ0-00038-00021680-00022200 and all children under the age of seven will receive a free gluten-free pretzel. uSts9_7rZZ0-00039-00022200-00022632 Here are the latest statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics regarding the benefits of uSts9_7rZZ0-00040-00022632-00023304 vaccination. The national imprisonment rate for unvaccinated Australian adults is 15 times higher uSts9_7rZZ0-00041-00023304-00023968 than that for vaccinated adults. In the December quarter of 2025, unvaccinated people comprised uSts9_7rZZ0-00042-00023968-00024720 28% of Australia’s full-time adult prison population. Just over nine in ten (91.3%) uSts9_7rZZ0-00043-00024720-00025456 of unvaccinated people aged between 15 and 64 years were not employed in 2025-2026, uSts9_7rZZ0-00044-00025456-00026320 compared with 24.4% of vaccinated Australians. One in five (20%) unvaccinated women experienced uSts9_7rZZ0-00045-00026320-00026992 physical violence in the previous 12 months, compared to 7% of vaccinated women. In 2025, the uSts9_7rZZ0-00046-00026992-00027568 average life expectancy of unvaccinated people was approximately ten years (10.6 years for men and uSts9_7rZZ0-00047-00027568-00028208 9.5 years for women) less than that of vaccinated Australians. Leading causes of death included uSts9_7rZZ0-00048-00028208-00028872 accident or injury, crime, police-involved shootings, and lack of emergency care. uSts9_7rZZ0-00049-00028872-00029288 Remember, being unvaccinated is a choice – a foolish choice – but a uSts9_7rZZ0-00050-00029288-00029776 choice nonetheless. To make it even easier for all unvaccinated Australians to become uSts9_7rZZ0-00051-00029776-00030183 vaccinated, the Australian Government is introducing its brand new scheme, uSts9_7rZZ0-00052-00030183-00030792 FastVax. FastVax allows any unvaccinated person to become fully vaccinated simply by taking uSts9_7rZZ0-00053-00030792-00031400 17 targeted booster shots over a 12-month period. This is the easiest way for unvaccinated uSts9_7rZZ0-00054-00031400-00031944 Australians to fit back into Australian society and get back some of their freedoms. uSts9_7rZZ0-00055-00031944-00032120 Any questions? uSts9_7rZZ0-00056-00032120-00032608 Yes, Susie from The Public Gazette. Now that so many Australians are vaccinated, uSts9_7rZZ0-00057-00032608-00033152 many scientists are now saying that the threat from the virus is practically eliminated? uSts9_7rZZ0-00058-00033152-00033600 Why is the Australian Government still pursuing higher vaccination rates? uSts9_7rZZ0-00059-00033600-00034176 Sorry Susie. What virus? I never mentioned anything about a virus. uSts9_7rZZ0-00060-00034176-00034560 The only risk to the Australian community is the unvaccinated, uSts9_7rZZ0-00061-00034560-00035072 so as long as there is even a single unvaccinated person walking the streets in Australia, uSts9_7rZZ0-00062-00035072-00035544 this should concern all Australians, and the Australian Government will continue to pursue uSts9_7rZZ0-00063-00035544-00036056 these measures. Next question, thanks. Bill from Channel 4. Over the last uSts9_7rZZ0-00064-00036056-00036608 year-and-a-half, Chinese nuclear missile silos have slowly but steadily been erected uSts9_7rZZ0-00065-00036608-00037264 in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, New Zealand, uSts9_7rZZ0-00066-00037264-00037968 and Tasmania. As Prime Minister, do you think this poses a clear and present danger to Australia? uSts9_7rZZ0-00067-00037968-00038296 I’m not sure what you’re insinuating with your line of questioning, uSts9_7rZZ0-00068-00038296-00038960 but the great Chinese nation is of no threat to Australia. Let me repeat, the great Chinese nation uSts9_7rZZ0-00069-00038960-00039552 is of no threat to Australia. The missile towers are purely there to help protect Chinese and uSts9_7rZZ0-00070-00039552-00040184 Australian interests. The only threat to Australia – and I’d like to emphasise this – the only threat uSts9_7rZZ0-00071-00040184-00040856 to Australia are those Australians who are foolish enough not to get vaccinated. Next question. uSts9_7rZZ0-00072-00040856-00041288 Prime Minister, you mentioned in your statistics that unvaccinated Australians have uSts9_7rZZ0-00073-00041288-00041936 disproportionately high rates of unemployment, incarceration rates, and negative health outcomes, uSts9_7rZZ0-00074-00041936-00042360 but aren’t these a direct result of the Government’s rules that prevent unvaccinated uSts9_7rZZ0-00075-00042360-00042920 people from getting jobs and going to hospitals? No, no Bill! The only people responsible for uSts9_7rZZ0-00076-00042920-00043781 these abysmal statistics are the unvaccinated themselves. They choose not to get vaccinated. uSts9_7rZZ0-00077-00043781-00044320 If they want a job, they can go out and get vaccinated just like the rest of us. uSts9_7rZZ0-00078-00044320-00044728 Okay, thank you everyone. I have another event to attend. See you tomorrow. uSts9_7rZZ0-00079-00045440-00045784 Good evening everyone, Channel 3 Evening News. uSts9_7rZZ0-00080-00045784-00046360 In today’s top story, an unvaccinated person was spotted walking their dog in a national park. uSts9_7rZZ0-00081-00046360-00046856 Authorities say that there is no threat to the community, but as a precaution, the dog has been uSts9_7rZZ0-00082-00046856-00047472 euthanized and the national park has been closed down for the next three months for a deep clean. uSts9_7rZZ0-00083-00047472-00047952 Underground unvaccinated clubs, pubs, and hairdressers have been popping up in the uSts9_7rZZ0-00084-00047952-00048464 Melbourne region. It is advised that vaccinated Australians keep well clear of such clubs and uSts9_7rZZ0-00085-00048464-00048992 report them by calling Crime Stoppers. Remember, it is an offence for any vaccinated Australian to uSts9_7rZZ0-00086-00048992-00049624 knowingly associate with an unvaccinated person with penalties of up to 12 years imprisonment. uSts9_7rZZ0-00087-00049624-00050216 In financial news, Pfizer stocks have skyrocketed for the fifth consecutive year. Remember Pfizer uSts9_7rZZ0-00088-00050216-00050752 are sponsoring this year’s Halloween events, so don’t forget to get your Spooky 2026 Halloween uSts9_7rZZ0-00089-00050752-00051408 Mystery Jab at your nearest vaccination clinic. And in lighter news, an unvaccinated man in uSts9_7rZZ0-00090-00051408-00052008 Liberty Park has been attacked by a goose. This is the second such attack in as many weeks with uSts9_7rZZ0-00091-00052008-00052584 scientists now believing that unvaccinated people are now more than five times as likely to be uSts9_7rZZ0-00092-00052584-00053249 attacked by geese. This gives us even more reason to go out and get vaccinated as soon as possible. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00000-00000100-00000500 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on BLOCKS in Perl. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00001-00000600-00001200 In this tutorial, we will learn about the various BLOCKS available in Perl uUxoCXzLUQQ-00002-00001300-00002000 I am using Ubuntu Linux 12.04 operating system and Perl 5.14.2 uUxoCXzLUQQ-00003-00002100-00002500 I will also be using the gedit Text Editor. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00004-00002600-00003000 You can use any text editor of your choice. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00005-00003100-00003700 As a pre-requisite, you should have basic knowledge of Variables, Comments in Perl uUxoCXzLUQQ-00006-00003800-00004300 Knowledge of Data structures in PERL will be an added advantage. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00007-00004400-00004900 Please go through the relevant spoken tutorials on the spoken tutorial website. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00008-00005000-00005200 Perl provides 5 special blocks. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00009-00005300-00005800 These blocks get executed at various stages of a Perl program. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00010-00005900-00006000 These blocks are: uUxoCXzLUQQ-00011-00006100-00006200 BEGIN uUxoCXzLUQQ-00012-00006200-00006300 END uUxoCXzLUQQ-00013-00006300-00006400 UNITCHECK uUxoCXzLUQQ-00014-00006400-00006500 CHECK. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00015-00006500-00006600 INIT uUxoCXzLUQQ-00016-00006600-00006900 Let us start with understanding the BEGIN block. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00017-00007000-00007400 BEGIN block get executed at the time of compilation. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00018-00007500-00008100 So, any code written inside this block gets executed first during compilation. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00019-00008200-00008500 We can have several BEGIN blocks inside a Perl script. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00020-00008600-00009000 These blocks will get executed in the order of declaration. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00021-00009100-00009400 That is in the First define First execute pattern uUxoCXzLUQQ-00022-00009500-00009900 The syntax for BEGIN block is as follows uUxoCXzLUQQ-00023-00010000-00010400 BEGIN in capital letters space open curly bracket uUxoCXzLUQQ-00024-00010500-00010600 Press Enter. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00025-00010700-00011000 Piece of code to be executed at the time of compilation uUxoCXzLUQQ-00026-00011100-00011200 Press Enter uUxoCXzLUQQ-00027-00011200-00011400 Close curly bracket uUxoCXzLUQQ-00028-00011500-00011800 Now, let us look at an example of BEGIN blocks. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00029-00011900-00012100 Open the Terminal and type uUxoCXzLUQQ-00030-00012200-00012700 gedit beginBlock dot pl space ampersand uUxoCXzLUQQ-00031-00012800-00012900 and press Enter. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00032-00013000-00013400 This will open the beginBlock dot pl file in gedit. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00033-00013500-00013900 Type the following piece of code as displayed on the screen. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00034-00014000-00014300 Let us look at what I have written inside the script. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00035-00014400-00015000 Here, we have printed some text before and after BEGIN blocks. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00036-00015100-00015600 Similarly, I have written one print statement in each BEGIN block. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00037-00015700-00016100 Please note, I have not given the semicolon after the BEGIN blocks. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00038-00016200-00016800 Putting a semicolon, will result in a syntax error, on execution of the program. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00039-00016900-00017200 Now, press Ctrl+s to save the file. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00040-00017300-00017700 Then switch to terminal and execute the script by typing, uUxoCXzLUQQ-00041-00017800-00018000 perl beginBlock dot pl uUxoCXzLUQQ-00042-00018100-00018300 and press Enter. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00043-00018400-00018800 You will get the output as displayed on the terminal. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00044-00018900-00019500 Notice that The line written inside the first BEGIN block gets printed first and uUxoCXzLUQQ-00045-00019600-00020400 The first print statement in the script actually gets printed after the BEGIN block statements. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00046-00020500-00021000 BEGIN blocks gets executed in the order of their declaration. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00047-00021100-00021300 From this example, it is evident that: uUxoCXzLUQQ-00048-00021400-00021900 The code written inside the BEGIN blocks gets executed first. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00049-00022000-00022500 This is irrespective of the location of the BEGIN block inside PERL script. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00050-00022600-00023100 BEGIN blocks always get executed in the First In First Out manner. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00051-00023200-00024000 So one of the use of this block is to include files inside a Perl script, before actual execution starts. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00052-00024100-00024300 Now, let us understand the END block uUxoCXzLUQQ-00053-00024400-00024800 END block get executed at the end of PERL program uUxoCXzLUQQ-00054-00024900-00025600 Code written inside this block gets executed after PERL has finished executing the program. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00055-00025700-00026000 We can have several END blocks inside a Perl script. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00056-00026100-00026500 These blocks will get executed in reverse order of declaration uUxoCXzLUQQ-00057-00026600-00026900 That is, in Last define First execute pattern. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00058-00027000-00027400 The syntax for END block is as follows uUxoCXzLUQQ-00059-00027500-00027800 END in capital letters open curly bracket uUxoCXzLUQQ-00060-00027900-00028000 Press Enter uUxoCXzLUQQ-00061-00028000-00028400 Piece of code to be executed at the end of the PERL script uUxoCXzLUQQ-00062-00028500-00028600 Press Enter uUxoCXzLUQQ-00063-00028600-00028800 Close curly bracket uUxoCXzLUQQ-00064-00028900-00029200 Now let us look at an example of END blocks. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00065-00029300-00029500 Open the Terminal and type uUxoCXzLUQQ-00066-00029600-00029900 gedit endBlock dot pl space ampersand uUxoCXzLUQQ-00067-00030000-00030200 and press Enter uUxoCXzLUQQ-00068-00030300-00030700 This will open the endBlock dot pl file in gedit. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00069-00030800-00031200 Type the following piece of code as displayed on the screen. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00070-00031300-00031600 Let us look at what I have written inside this script. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00071-00031700-00032200 Here we have printed some text before and after END blocks. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00072-00032300-00032800 Similarly, we have written one print statement in each END block. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00073-00032900-00033300 Please note, I have not given the semicolon after the END block. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00074-00033400-00034000 If we give the semicolon, there will be a syntax error on compilation. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00075-00034100-00034400 Now, press Ctrl+s to save the file. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00076-00034500-00034900 Then switch to terminal and execute the script by typing, uUxoCXzLUQQ-00077-00035000-00035200 perl endBlock dot pl uUxoCXzLUQQ-00078-00035300-00035400 and press Enter. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00079-00035500-00035900 You will get the output as displayed on the terminal. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00080-00036000-00036500 Notice that: The line written inside the END block is printed last. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00081-00036600-00037200 The last print statement in the script actually gets printed before the END block statements and uUxoCXzLUQQ-00082-00037300-00037900 END blocks gets executed in the reverse order of their declaration. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00083-00038000-00038200 From the example, it is evident that uUxoCXzLUQQ-00084-00038300-00038800 The code written inside the END blocks get executed at the end. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00085-00038900-00039500 This is irrespective of the location of the END block inside the PERL script and uUxoCXzLUQQ-00086-00039600-00040000 END blocks gets executed in the Last In First Out manner. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00087-00040100-00040800 So, one use of END block is to destroy objects created in the program, before exiting. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00088-00040900-00041400 Similarly, PERL has UNITCHECK, CHECK and INIT blocks. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00089-00041500-00042100 These blocks are used rarely by developers and are a bit difficult to understand. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00090-00042200-00042500 So, I will be just briefing you about these blocks. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00091-00042600-00042900 UNITCHECK, CHECK and INIT blocks are useful- uUxoCXzLUQQ-00092-00043000-00043700 to catch the transition between compilation and execution phase of the main program and uUxoCXzLUQQ-00093-00043800-00044300 to perform some checks or initialisation, after compilation and before execution uUxoCXzLUQQ-00094-00044400-00045000 UNITCHECK and CHECK blocks runs in Last in First out manner uUxoCXzLUQQ-00095-00045100-00045600 whereas INIT block runs in First In First Out manner. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00096-00045700-00046000 The syntax for UNITCHECK block is as follows uUxoCXzLUQQ-00097-00046100-00046500 UNITCHECK in capital letters space open curly bracket uUxoCXzLUQQ-00098-00046600-00046700 Press Enter uUxoCXzLUQQ-00099-00046800-00046900 Piece of code to be executed uUxoCXzLUQQ-00100-00047000-00047100 Press Enter uUxoCXzLUQQ-00101-00047200-00047300 Close curly bracket uUxoCXzLUQQ-00102-00047400-00047700 The syntax for CHECK block is as follows uUxoCXzLUQQ-00103-00047800-00048200 CHECK in capital letters space open curly bracket uUxoCXzLUQQ-00104-00048300-00048400 Press Enter uUxoCXzLUQQ-00105-00048400-00048600 Piece of code to be executed uUxoCXzLUQQ-00106-00048700-00048800 Press Enter uUxoCXzLUQQ-00107-00048800-00049000 Close curly bracket uUxoCXzLUQQ-00108-00049100-00049400 The syntax for INIT block is as follows uUxoCXzLUQQ-00109-00049500-00049900 INIT in capital letters space open curly bracket uUxoCXzLUQQ-00110-00050000-00050100 Press Enter uUxoCXzLUQQ-00111-00050100-00050300 Piece of code to be initialised uUxoCXzLUQQ-00112-00050400-00050500 Press Enter uUxoCXzLUQQ-00113-00050600-00050700 Close curly bracket uUxoCXzLUQQ-00114-00050800-00051500 For better understanding, I recommend that you experiment with these blocks in your Perl scripts. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00115-00051600-00051613 Let us summarize. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00116-00051700-00051900 In this tutorial, we have learnt - uUxoCXzLUQQ-00117-00052000-00052300 BEGIN and END blocks in detail and uUxoCXzLUQQ-00118-00052400-00052700 Introduction to UNITCHECK, CHECK and INIT blocks uUxoCXzLUQQ-00119-00052800-00053100 using sample programs uUxoCXzLUQQ-00120-00053200-00053300 Here is assignment for you - uUxoCXzLUQQ-00121-00053400-00053700 Type the below code inside a PERL script; uUxoCXzLUQQ-00122-00053800-00054100 Execute the script and observe the output. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00123-00054200-00054500 Watch the video available at the following link uUxoCXzLUQQ-00124-00054600-00054800 It summaries the Spoken Tutorial project uUxoCXzLUQQ-00125-00054900-00055300 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it uUxoCXzLUQQ-00126-00055400-00055900 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials uUxoCXzLUQQ-00127-00056000-00056300 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test uUxoCXzLUQQ-00128-00056400-00057100 For more details, please write to contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org uUxoCXzLUQQ-00129-00057200-00057600 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project uUxoCXzLUQQ-00130-00057700-00058400 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00131-00058500-00059600 More information on this Mission is available at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro uUxoCXzLUQQ-00132-00059700-00059900 Hope you enjoyed this Perl tutorial. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00133-00060000-00060100 This is Amol signing off. uUxoCXzLUQQ-00134-00060200-00060700 Thanks for joining. uVxW24UVSKE-00000-00000000-00000438 Be sure to visit our website at StoneandSons.net for more details on all uVxW24UVSKE-00001-00000438-00001065 of our projects including plans. I wanted to take a different approach on the uVxW24UVSKE-00002-00001065-00001719 typical how-to videos that you're used to seeing here on this channel. I wanted uVxW24UVSKE-00003-00001719-00002409 to take a project and just kind of narrate on top of it about what it means uVxW24UVSKE-00004-00002409-00002967 to be a maker. So, meet Brad he's a friend of mine and he's a maker. There are uVxW24UVSKE-00005-00002967-00003675 really many ways to define what a maker is, but when I think about a maker or the uVxW24UVSKE-00006-00003675-00004292 word maker I think about someone who works at something to achieve a uVxW24UVSKE-00007-00004292-00005096 particular result, As a content creator I make things, but I also make videos about uVxW24UVSKE-00008-00005096-00005835 making those things. In this particular project it was nice to just get behind uVxW24UVSKE-00009-00005835-00006431 the camera, get some cool shots of Brad making a couple of pens, but as I filmed uVxW24UVSKE-00010-00006431-00007022 him in the shop I was reminded of the importance to actually enjoy your work. uVxW24UVSKE-00011-00007022-00007363 You know, to enjoy the things that I'm doing uVxW24UVSKE-00012-00007363-00007947 while I'm making something and not just look forward to the end result. There are uVxW24UVSKE-00013-00007947-00008649 so many things throughout each project to look back on uVxW24UVSKE-00014-00008649-00009328 that we can learn from. In this project I saw the enjoyment firsthand which is uVxW24UVSKE-00015-00009328-00009898 usually missed in a typical how-to video. In addition to giving some uVxW24UVSKE-00016-00009898-00010588 dramatic video footage and a link to the step by step article, which is linked uVxW24UVSKE-00017-00010588-00011332 below, my message for you is this... To enjoy whatever it is you're doing and uVxW24UVSKE-00018-00011332-00011956 know that every step in your project is a stepping stone for the next one. So, uVxW24UVSKE-00019-00011956-00012592 whatever it is you do, enjoy what you're making, whatever you make and don't uVxW24UVSKE-00020-00012592-00013258 overlook the process of being a maker. You can find a full step-by-step how-to uVxW24UVSKE-00021-00013258-00013797 article linked below on how to make pens. Check out the link and we'll see you on uVxW24UVSKE-00022-00013797-00014147 the next video. Thanks for watching. uWkJGXIFDtE-00000-00000580-00000792 NARRATOR: The animal kingdom. uWkJGXIFDtE-00001-00000796-00001300 A remarkable array of living, breathing natural wonders. uWkJGXIFDtE-00002-00001516-00001680 Majestic... uWkJGXIFDtE-00003-00001804-00001984 compelling... uWkJGXIFDtE-00004-00001988-00002168 ingenious... uWkJGXIFDtE-00005-00002268-00002456 and extraordinary. uWkJGXIFDtE-00006-00002844-00003016 Fascinating... uWkJGXIFDtE-00007-00003020-00003192 physical... uWkJGXIFDtE-00008-00003196-00003347 visceral... uWkJGXIFDtE-00009-00003496-00003679 and ferocious. uWkJGXIFDtE-00010-00004140-00004648 Discover their past, present and future. uWkJGXIFDtE-00011-00005088-00005276 Just stunning. uWkJGXIFDtE-00012-00005464-00005664 Just glorious. uWkJGXIFDtE-00013-00005760-00006000 Just amazing. uWkJGXIFDtE-00014-00006136-00006416 Just animals. uWkJGXIFDtE-00015-00007372-00007540 Big Cats. uWkJGXIFDtE-00016-00007740-00008008 The largest felines in the world. uWkJGXIFDtE-00017-00008276-00008556 It's an elite group with only four members. uWkJGXIFDtE-00018-00008660-00008808 Tigers... uWkJGXIFDtE-00019-00008912-00009084 lions... uWkJGXIFDtE-00020-00009088-00009264 jaguars... uWkJGXIFDtE-00021-00009324-00009488 and leopards. uWkJGXIFDtE-00022-00009652-00009980 The determining factor that allows entry into this quartet? uWkJGXIFDtE-00023-00010232-00010460 A big cat's ability to roar. uWkJGXIFDtE-00024-00010784-00011036 These impressive mammals are found in Africa... uWkJGXIFDtE-00025-00011192-00011340 Asia... uWkJGXIFDtE-00026-00011404-00011592 and the Americas. uWkJGXIFDtE-00027-00011748-00012284 Apart from their roar, big cats all have magnificent coats, uWkJGXIFDtE-00028-00012288-00012588 each with their own distinct colours and patterns. uWkJGXIFDtE-00029-00012828-00013012 Their attractive exteriors uWkJGXIFDtE-00030-00013016-00013340 are one of many reasons these exotic felines are admired. uWkJGXIFDtE-00031-00013552-00013760 Natural power... uWkJGXIFDtE-00032-00013884-00014091 cunning stealth... uWkJGXIFDtE-00033-00014156-00014347 and remarkable presence uWkJGXIFDtE-00034-00014352-00014660 all add to the global appeal of big cats. uWkJGXIFDtE-00035-00015668-00016128 In the animal kingdom, big cats belong to the Felidae family, uWkJGXIFDtE-00036-00016132-00016488 a group of carnivorous, or meat-eating, mammals. uWkJGXIFDtE-00037-00016688-00017204 As mammals, female big cats give birth to live young, called cubs, uWkJGXIFDtE-00038-00017208-00017420 which suckle on mother's milk. uWkJGXIFDtE-00039-00017600-00017928 Having fur is another mammalian characteristic. uWkJGXIFDtE-00040-00018040-00018428 How lush the coat is depends on the cat's habitat. uWkJGXIFDtE-00041-00018512-00018852 Species from cooler climates tend to have thicker fur. uWkJGXIFDtE-00042-00019016-00019356 It is thought that 38 species of cats prowl the world. uWkJGXIFDtE-00043-00019516-00020004 Big or small, every cat belongs to one of two sub-families. uWkJGXIFDtE-00044-00020104-00020452 Big cats belong to the Pantherinae sub-family... uWkJGXIFDtE-00045-00020612-00021012 while the remainder of cat species belong to the Felinaes sub-family. uWkJGXIFDtE-00046-00021248-00021608 It might be surprising that large cats such as cheetahs and cougars uWkJGXIFDtE-00047-00021612-00022208 aren't classed as 'big cats' - but this is not determined by size. uWkJGXIFDtE-00048-00022284-00022708 As mentioned earlier, it all depends on whether the cat can roar or not. uWkJGXIFDtE-00049-00022776-00023064 Some other examples from the Felinaes sub-family uWkJGXIFDtE-00050-00023068-00023288 are servals and bobcats. uWkJGXIFDtE-00051-00023824-00024332 While this side of the family can purr, big cats can't. uWkJGXIFDtE-00052-00024336-00024528 As we know, they roar... uWkJGXIFDtE-00053-00024676-00025224 a vocalisation made possible by two special anatomical features. uWkJGXIFDtE-00054-00025739-00026120 One is a flexible hyoid apparatus in their throat, uWkJGXIFDtE-00055-00026124-00026472 a combination of bone and ligament. uWkJGXIFDtE-00056-00026627-00026895 The further it stretches, the deeper the roar. uWkJGXIFDtE-00057-00027000-00027376 The shape of their vocal chords also makes roaring possible. uWkJGXIFDtE-00058-00027444-00027636 Theirs are flat and square... uWkJGXIFDtE-00059-00027852-00028300 which requires a smaller amount of lung pressure to produce loud sounds. uWkJGXIFDtE-00060-00028536-00028883 Lions have the longest larynxes, or voice boxes, uWkJGXIFDtE-00061-00028888-00029244 and are capable of the loudest roars, uWkJGXIFDtE-00062-00029248-00029820 similar in volume to a rock concert, 114 decibels - uWkJGXIFDtE-00063-00029824-00030180 verging on being painful to hear. uWkJGXIFDtE-00064-00030264-00030439 Like their smaller relatives, uWkJGXIFDtE-00065-00030444-00030776 big cats have sleek, flexible, muscular bodies. uWkJGXIFDtE-00066-00030836-00031183 Long tails are a common feature, uWkJGXIFDtE-00067-00031188-00031580 often between a third to a half of the cat's body length. uWkJGXIFDtE-00068-00031664-00032044 When in motion, cats walk on their toes. uWkJGXIFDtE-00069-00032048-00032376 This form of locomotion is called digitigrade. uWkJGXIFDtE-00070-00032548-00032892 Feline paws have soft pads on the soles uWkJGXIFDtE-00071-00032896-00033176 and their claws are protractible. uWkJGXIFDtE-00072-00033244-00033576 At rest, the claws are retracted, hidden away. uWkJGXIFDtE-00073-00033796-00034148 When needed, the muscles in the cat's toes contract, uWkJGXIFDtE-00074-00034152-00034552 forcing the claws to protract, or extend out of their sheaths. uWkJGXIFDtE-00075-00034688-00035128 Sharp claws are coupled with strong jaws and sharp teeth. uWkJGXIFDtE-00076-00035300-00035680 Compared to other mammals, felines have shorter faces, uWkJGXIFDtE-00077-00035684-00035932 which means they have less space for teeth. uWkJGXIFDtE-00078-00036124-00036260 Cats have 30, uWkJGXIFDtE-00079-00036264-00036672 compared to the 42 teeth housed in the long muzzles of dogs. uWkJGXIFDtE-00080-00036768-00037120 Felines do put what teeth they have to efficient use. uWkJGXIFDtE-00081-00037396-00037820 Long, strong canines are used to stab and kill prey. uWkJGXIFDtE-00082-00037984-00038452 Tigers have the longest in any cat, up to 7.5 centimetres long. uWkJGXIFDtE-00083-00038648-00038948 Felines have molars called carnassials, uWkJGXIFDtE-00084-00038952-00039304 which work like scissors, shredding meat as they move against each other. uWkJGXIFDtE-00085-00039588-00039912 Cats are also known for their rough tongues, uWkJGXIFDtE-00086-00039916-00040152 which are covered with backward-facing spines uWkJGXIFDtE-00087-00040156-00040564 that rasp or scrape off feathers, fur and meat. uWkJGXIFDtE-00088-00040640-00040952 In addition, their tongues make effective grooming tools. uWkJGXIFDtE-00089-00041020-00041264 With their list of lethal features, uWkJGXIFDtE-00090-00041268-00041512 combined with strength and intelligence, uWkJGXIFDtE-00091-00041516-00041744 it's no surprise that big cats uWkJGXIFDtE-00092-00041748-00042136 are some of the most successful terrestrial predators on the planet. uWkJGXIFDtE-00093-00042848-00043080 Cats are adaptable creatures uWkJGXIFDtE-00094-00043084-00043408 and are found on every continent except Antarctica. uWkJGXIFDtE-00095-00043800-00044060 The largest felines of all, tigers, uWkJGXIFDtE-00096-00044064-00044408 can be found in Asia, which hosts six sub-species. uWkJGXIFDtE-00097-00044684-00044852 These big cats are known uWkJGXIFDtE-00098-00044856-00045172 for their vertically striped coats of reddish-orange fur. uWkJGXIFDtE-00099-00045540-00045688 Similar to fingerprints, uWkJGXIFDtE-00100-00045692-00046008 the striped patterns on a tiger are unique to each animal. uWkJGXIFDtE-00101-00046176-00046432 Markings continue down to their tails, uWkJGXIFDtE-00102-00046436-00046640 which are ringed by dark bands. uWkJGXIFDtE-00103-00046868-00047092 Tigers are sturdy cats uWkJGXIFDtE-00104-00047096-00047392 with short, thick necks, uWkJGXIFDtE-00105-00047396-00047548 wide shoulders... uWkJGXIFDtE-00106-00047608-00047864 and large, muscular forelimbs... uWkJGXIFDtE-00107-00047968-00048260 the perfect build to wrestle and hold prey. uWkJGXIFDtE-00108-00049152-00049624 Siberian or Amur tigers are the heavyweights of the tiger world. uWkJGXIFDtE-00109-00049736-00050056 Males can weigh about 320 kilos. uWkJGXIFDtE-00110-00050308-00050560 Females are close to half their size. uWkJGXIFDtE-00111-00050748-00051040 In the wild, these endangered cats persist uWkJGXIFDtE-00112-00051044-00051455 in Russia's Far East plus small areas near the border of China, uWkJGXIFDtE-00113-00051460-00051824 with some possibly inhabiting regions in North Korea. uWkJGXIFDtE-00114-00052555-00052928 The thick fur on a Siberian tiger is pale orange, uWkJGXIFDtE-00115-00052932-00053316 the lightest of all tigers, with brown, not black, stripes. uWkJGXIFDtE-00116-00053548-00053824 Around their necks they have a ruff of white fur, uWkJGXIFDtE-00117-00053828-00054067 to match their pale chests and bellies. uWkJGXIFDtE-00118-00054132-00054472 In the past, Siberians were larger animals... uWkJGXIFDtE-00119-00054555-00054744 but recent studies show uWkJGXIFDtE-00120-00054748-00054996 Bengal tigers now have the longest bodies, uWkJGXIFDtE-00121-00055000-00055255 measuring up to 310 centimetres - uWkJGXIFDtE-00122-00055260-00055552 60 centimetres longer than their Siberian cousins. uWkJGXIFDtE-00123-00055816-00056172 Bengals are primarily found in the Indian subcontinent, uWkJGXIFDtE-00124-00056176-00056524 explaining why they're also known as Indian tigers. uWkJGXIFDtE-00125-00056796-00057240 While they are endangered, Bengals are the most common tiger species. uWkJGXIFDtE-00126-00057336-00057700 Their orangey-red fur is accented with black stripes. uWkJGXIFDtE-00127-00057916-00058240 A rare form of Bengal is the white tiger. uWkJGXIFDtE-00128-00058244-00058679 They are not albinos - they are what's known as leucistic, uWkJGXIFDtE-00129-00058684-00059100 a genetic condition that causes them to lack pigment in their fur. uWkJGXIFDtE-00130-00059684-00060048 The smallest in the group is the Sumatran tiger, uWkJGXIFDtE-00131-00060052-00060496 a critically endangered species from its namesake Indonesian island. uWkJGXIFDtE-00132-00060612-00060836 Compared to other sub-species, uWkJGXIFDtE-00133-00060840-00061120 the stripes on these tigers are much closer together... uWkJGXIFDtE-00134-00061316-00061676 which is thought to help camouflage these ambush hunters uWkJGXIFDtE-00135-00061679-00061852 in their forest habitat. uWkJGXIFDtE-00136-00062812-00063284 The next big cats, lions, are often called the kings of the jungle, uWkJGXIFDtE-00137-00063288-00063628 despite the fact they usually reside in grasslands. uWkJGXIFDtE-00138-00063712-00064100 Recent genetic research divides lions into two sub-species. uWkJGXIFDtE-00139-00064220-00064691 One has populations roaming across Central, North and West Africa, uWkJGXIFDtE-00140-00064696-00064832 plus India, uWkJGXIFDtE-00141-00064836-00065200 while the second group inhabits Southern and Eastern Africa. uWkJGXIFDtE-00142-00065472-00065960 As with other big cats, females, or lionesses, are smaller in stature. uWkJGXIFDtE-00143-00066088-00066328 Compared to the rest of the big cats, uWkJGXIFDtE-00144-00066332-00066732 lions have a plain appearance, a uniform tawny coat. uWkJGXIFDtE-00145-00066996-00067324 Mature males make up for this with their manes, uWkJGXIFDtE-00146-00067328-00067632 long shaggy ruffs around their neck and shoulders. uWkJGXIFDtE-00147-00068076-00068596 What looks like a furry shield is actually a natural billboard. uWkJGXIFDtE-00148-00068600-00068936 Like a peacock attracts attention with its showy train, uWkJGXIFDtE-00149-00068940-00069412 the size and colour of a lion's mane advertises his fitness to others. uWkJGXIFDtE-00150-00069528-00069928 Lions that live in open environments tend to have fuller manes. uWkJGXIFDtE-00151-00070180-00070584 Another unique feature is the dark tassel on the end of their tail. uWkJGXIFDtE-00152-00070748-00071076 Lions are the only cats to display these special tufts. uWkJGXIFDtE-00153-00071220-00071568 On lions found in India, these tufts are longer. uWkJGXIFDtE-00154-00071700-00071988 This population shows some other slight differences uWkJGXIFDtE-00155-00071992-00072140 to their cousins in Africa. uWkJGXIFDtE-00156-00072144-00072552 They have a skin fold on their belly and males have shorter manes. uWkJGXIFDtE-00157-00073476-00073844 As seen in tigers, white lions also exist. uWkJGXIFDtE-00158-00074000-00074280 Again, they are leucistic. uWkJGXIFDtE-00159-00074836-00075276 This rare colour mutation seen in lion populations in South Africa. uWkJGXIFDtE-00160-00076308-00076592 Following lions, in terms of size, uWkJGXIFDtE-00161-00076596-00077104 is the jaguar, a big cat native to parts of Central and South America. uWkJGXIFDtE-00162-00077324-00077616 With a body length of 180 centimetres, uWkJGXIFDtE-00163-00077620-00077880 they are the largest wildcats found in the Americas. uWkJGXIFDtE-00164-00077992-00078320 Jaguars are stocky, muscled felines, uWkJGXIFDtE-00165-00078324-00078572 with round heads and small eyes and ears. uWkJGXIFDtE-00166-00078808-00079108 The markings on their golden coats are called rosettes. uWkJGXIFDtE-00167-00079188-00079584 A jaguar's rosettes have spots in the middle. uWkJGXIFDtE-00168-00079656-00079996 In contrast, the rosettes on a leopard's fur don't. uWkJGXIFDtE-00169-00080108-00080448 While these two big cats look similar, uWkJGXIFDtE-00170-00080452-00080664 there are obvious differences. uWkJGXIFDtE-00171-00080844-00081084 Geographically, they live worlds apart, uWkJGXIFDtE-00172-00081088-00081292 with leopards found in Africa and Asia. uWkJGXIFDtE-00173-00081916-00082264 Of the big cats, leopards are the smallest. uWkJGXIFDtE-00174-00082436-00082980 Depending on where they live, males can range between 37 and 90 kilos. uWkJGXIFDtE-00175-00083052-00083332 Once again, females have lighter builds. uWkJGXIFDtE-00176-00083480-00083712 While jaguars are on their own, uWkJGXIFDtE-00177-00083716-00083912 there are nine sub-species of leopards. uWkJGXIFDtE-00178-00084200-00084656 The snow leopard is a separate species altogether uWkJGXIFDtE-00179-00084660-00085004 and unlike other leopards, they cannot roar, uWkJGXIFDtE-00180-00085008-00085348 due to the physiology of their voice box, uWkJGXIFDtE-00181-00085352-00085628 a fact that excludes them from the big cats group. uWkJGXIFDtE-00182-00085760-00086168 One unusual characteristic seen in jaguars and leopards uWkJGXIFDtE-00183-00086172-00086424 are individuals with black fur, uWkJGXIFDtE-00184-00086428-00086736 caused by melanism, the opposite to albinism. uWkJGXIFDtE-00185-00086900-00087108 This genetic mutation results uWkJGXIFDtE-00186-00087112-00087424 in the increased development of dark pigments in the animal's coat. uWkJGXIFDtE-00187-00087560-00087800 Whether they are jaguars or leopards, uWkJGXIFDtE-00188-00087804-00088160 these darkly furred cats are commonly called black panthers. uWkJGXIFDtE-00189-00088292-00088696 Despite the heavy pigmentation, their rosette markings are visible. uWkJGXIFDtE-00190-00088972-00089432 No matter what colour their fur, the rosettes are like a tiger's stripes - uWkJGXIFDtE-00191-00089436-00089644 the patterns they make are unique. uWkJGXIFDtE-00192-00090012-00090200 The big cats. uWkJGXIFDtE-00193-00090204-00090572 A remarkably diverse group of extraordinary felines. uWkJGXIFDtE-00194-00091624-00091840 As apex predators, uWkJGXIFDtE-00195-00091844-00092232 the big cats have an impressive arsenal of adaptations and skills uWkJGXIFDtE-00196-00092236-00092444 that keep them at the top of the food chain. uWkJGXIFDtE-00197-00092568-00092812 Felines are known for their stealthy moves. uWkJGXIFDtE-00198-00092956-00093272 Their covert nature begins down at their paws. uWkJGXIFDtE-00199-00093636-00094032 The soft pads on their soles not only cushion their feet uWkJGXIFDtE-00200-00094036-00094236 but muffle their footsteps. uWkJGXIFDtE-00201-00094564-00094868 All cats have five digits on their forelimbs, uWkJGXIFDtE-00202-00094872-00095048 with only four on the hind. uWkJGXIFDtE-00203-00095128-00095488 The fifth digit on the forepaw is similar to a thumb. uWkJGXIFDtE-00204-00095492-00095660 Known as a dewclaw, uWkJGXIFDtE-00205-00095664-00096044 it's located higher up the leg and doesn't touch the ground. uWkJGXIFDtE-00206-00096048-00096308 Having a greater number of claws up front uWkJGXIFDtE-00207-00096312-00096696 reflects the importance of grabbing and holding prey to a feline. uWkJGXIFDtE-00208-00096700-00097052 Sharp claws enhance this ability. uWkJGXIFDtE-00209-00097148-00097300 These tough projections uWkJGXIFDtE-00210-00097304-00097544 are made from a fibrous protein called keratin, uWkJGXIFDtE-00211-00097548-00097872 the same substance that hair and feathers are comprised of. uWkJGXIFDtE-00212-00098008-00098472 Felines keep their claws sharp by dragging them over rough surfaces. uWkJGXIFDtE-00213-00098712-00099104 In species that climb trees, claws dig into bark, uWkJGXIFDtE-00214-00099108-00099416 keeping the cat stable whilst navigating through the foliage. uWkJGXIFDtE-00215-00099528-00099876 Despite their size, big cats can be nimble up in the branches. uWkJGXIFDtE-00216-00100024-00100528 Should the need arise, claws are excellent weapons for self-defence. uWkJGXIFDtE-00217-00101264-00101728 When running, a big cat's claws give the animal traction. uWkJGXIFDtE-00218-00101820-00102064 Jaguars are the fastest in the group. uWkJGXIFDtE-00219-00102068-00102511 Over short distances they can sprint along at 100 kilometres per hour. uWkJGXIFDtE-00220-00102644-00102892 Lions are not as swift. uWkJGXIFDtE-00221-00103008-00103264 80 kilometres per hour is their top speed. uWkJGXIFDtE-00222-00103328-00103640 Leopards and tigers are slower again, uWkJGXIFDtE-00223-00103644-00103908 running at about 60 kilometres per hour - uWkJGXIFDtE-00224-00103911-00104259 half what the fastest land animal, the cheetah, can manage. uWkJGXIFDtE-00225-00104500-00104924 When running, the lengthy tail of a big cat helps to keep them balanced. uWkJGXIFDtE-00226-00105348-00105708 Tails make good communication tools as well. uWkJGXIFDtE-00227-00105711-00106088 Lions use them to signal each other when hunting in a pack. uWkJGXIFDtE-00228-00106348-00106680 They can also be a visual aid for cubs, uWkJGXIFDtE-00229-00106683-00106959 giving these little big cats something to follow uWkJGXIFDtE-00230-00106964-00107152 as they tag along behind their mother. uWkJGXIFDtE-00231-00107359-00107828 Some cheeky cubs like to use their mother's tail as a swat toy. uWkJGXIFDtE-00232-00109383-00109635 All felines are known for their agility. uWkJGXIFDtE-00233-00109792-00110096 Having back legs longer than their front legs uWkJGXIFDtE-00234-00110100-00110400 allows them to push off and take great leaps forward. uWkJGXIFDtE-00235-00110583-00110859 Jaguars are famous for their pouncing ability. uWkJGXIFDtE-00236-00111064-00111424 Translated, their name means, 'he who kills with one leap'. uWkJGXIFDtE-00237-00111648-00111976 Their bounds can measure 5.5 metres. uWkJGXIFDtE-00238-00112108-00112572 In addition, these Latin American cats are strong swimmers. uWkJGXIFDtE-00239-00112752-00113159 They often combine these two skills and leap into the water after prey. uWkJGXIFDtE-00240-00113252-00113452 Fish are often on their menu. uWkJGXIFDtE-00241-00113648-00113992 Jaguars are known to use their tail tips as lures to bring in a catch. uWkJGXIFDtE-00242-00114159-00114440 They aren't the only big cat that likes the water. uWkJGXIFDtE-00243-00114583-00114835 Tigers are often seen in waterholes. uWkJGXIFDtE-00244-00115076-00115500 The fur on a big cat serves a few purposes, uWkJGXIFDtE-00245-00115504-00115708 such as providing warmth and protection. uWkJGXIFDtE-00246-00115780-00116108 Their coats are double-layered. uWkJGXIFDtE-00247-00116111-00116511 The short, fine underfur traps in body heat, insulating the animal, uWkJGXIFDtE-00248-00116516-00116911 while long, coarser guard hairs protect their skin. uWkJGXIFDtE-00249-00117144-00117444 Fur also provides natural camouflage, uWkJGXIFDtE-00250-00117448-00117688 a must for any successful predator. uWkJGXIFDtE-00251-00117808-00118332 A lion's yellowy-brown coat matches the sunburnt grasses of the savanna, uWkJGXIFDtE-00252-00118335-00118752 allowing these mammals to remain hidden while stalking their prey. uWkJGXIFDtE-00253-00119152-00119352 Out in the open, uWkJGXIFDtE-00254-00119356-00119696 stripes or spots might appear to make a cat stand out. uWkJGXIFDtE-00255-00119952-00120240 But put them in their habitat uWkJGXIFDtE-00256-00120244-00120476 and the function of these patterns becomes clear. uWkJGXIFDtE-00257-00120735-00121168 These markings not only match the dappled light in forests, uWkJGXIFDtE-00258-00121172-00121428 they also break up the animal's outline... uWkJGXIFDtE-00259-00121708-00122088 making them difficult to see when they're slinking through vegetation. uWkJGXIFDtE-00260-00122256-00122544 This visual trick is called disruptive colouration. uWkJGXIFDtE-00261-00123300-00123776 Tigers have additional markings on the back of their ears. uWkJGXIFDtE-00262-00123780-00124120 White circles known as eye spots, or ocelli. uWkJGXIFDtE-00263-00124520-00124911 These false eyes are thought to be a form of mimicry uWkJGXIFDtE-00264-00124916-00125196 to trick any would-be predator behind the tiger uWkJGXIFDtE-00265-00125200-00125396 into thinking they're being watched. uWkJGXIFDtE-00266-00125568-00125868 Eye spots are seen on other animals uWkJGXIFDtE-00267-00125872-00126083 and are thought to work in the same way. uWkJGXIFDtE-00268-00126268-00126708 In contrast, lions have dark markings on the backside of their ears. uWkJGXIFDtE-00269-00126904-00127035 Like their tails, uWkJGXIFDtE-00270-00127040-00127308 they're thought to help hunting parties follow each other uWkJGXIFDtE-00271-00127311-00127464 when in long grass. uWkJGXIFDtE-00272-00127683-00127972 The whiskers on a big cat are not there for show - uWkJGXIFDtE-00273-00127976-00128128 they are all about feel. uWkJGXIFDtE-00274-00128292-00128580 Also known as vibrissae, uWkJGXIFDtE-00275-00128583-00128856 these sensitive facial hairs pick up vibrations, uWkJGXIFDtE-00276-00128859-00129220 helping the feline detect any movement in their surroundings. uWkJGXIFDtE-00277-00129480-00129835 In addition, these feelers can allow a cat to judge uWkJGXIFDtE-00278-00129840-00130252 if there is ample room for it to fit or move through tight spaces. uWkJGXIFDtE-00279-00130735-00131168 On lions, the base of each whisker has a dark spot. uWkJGXIFDtE-00280-00131284-00131528 The patterns they make are unique, uWkJGXIFDtE-00281-00131532-00131736 a helpful characteristic uWkJGXIFDtE-00282-00131740-00132108 for researchers wanting to identify particular individuals. uWkJGXIFDtE-00283-00132284-00132604 Sense-wise, big cats have good hearing. uWkJGXIFDtE-00284-00132780-00133256 Their ears can rotate to face the direction a sound is coming from. uWkJGXIFDtE-00285-00133388-00133880 Lions are able to hear prey that are over a kilometre away... uWkJGXIFDtE-00286-00134104-00134560 and can listen out for other members of their family, known as a pride. uWkJGXIFDtE-00287-00135516-00135820 Big cats have keen vision. uWkJGXIFDtE-00288-00136108-00136472 During the day it is good, better in low light. uWkJGXIFDtE-00289-00136676-00137040 Their retinas are packed with large amounts of light-sensitive rod cells. uWkJGXIFDtE-00290-00137288-00137596 Any faint source, such as moonlight or star shine, uWkJGXIFDtE-00291-00137600-00137804 is enhanced by these cells... uWkJGXIFDtE-00292-00137988-00138412 allowing the feline to see their way through the gloom, uWkJGXIFDtE-00293-00138416-00138732 a useful quality for nocturnal hunters. uWkJGXIFDtE-00294-00138936-00139328 In addition to this, lions have white fur below their lower lid, uWkJGXIFDtE-00295-00139332-00139608 which is thought to reflect light back into their eyes. uWkJGXIFDtE-00296-00139832-00140124 Observe a big cat for a period of time uWkJGXIFDtE-00297-00140128-00140712 and they may pull a strange face, similar to a smile or a grimace. uWkJGXIFDtE-00298-00140860-00141196 What they are actually doing is a form of sniffing. uWkJGXIFDtE-00299-00141344-00141828 In the roof of their mouth, felines have a Jacobson's organ, uWkJGXIFDtE-00300-00141832-00142128 a region that helps the cat 'taste' smells uWkJGXIFDtE-00301-00142132-00142284 that are wafting through the air. uWkJGXIFDtE-00302-00142448-00142644 When they scrunch their face up like this, uWkJGXIFDtE-00303-00142648-00142852 it's called a Flehmen's response. uWkJGXIFDtE-00304-00142932-00143124 By sucking air across this organ, uWkJGXIFDtE-00305-00143128-00143332 they can determine what a scent is uWkJGXIFDtE-00306-00143336-00143564 and if it's worth pursuing, or eating. uWkJGXIFDtE-00307-00143876-00144196 Big cats are naturally spectacular animals, uWkJGXIFDtE-00308-00144200-00144508 with impressive skill sets and massive appeal. uWkJGXIFDtE-00309-00145912-00146352 The family tree of big cats has long, ancient roots. uWkJGXIFDtE-00310-00146356-00146644 The last common ancestor of all modern felines uWkJGXIFDtE-00311-00146648-00147020 was a prehistoric cat that roamed Asia, Europe and North America uWkJGXIFDtE-00312-00147024-00147292 9 to 20 million years ago. uWkJGXIFDtE-00313-00147440-00147736 Sabre-toothed cats also sprang from this creature. uWkJGXIFDtE-00314-00148044-00148216 Roughly 10 million years ago, uWkJGXIFDtE-00315-00148220-00148468 the roaring cats split away from the rest of the pack. uWkJGXIFDtE-00316-00148616-00148812 Over time, these large felines uWkJGXIFDtE-00317-00148816-00149012 branched off in different directions. uWkJGXIFDtE-00318-00149148-00149492 Lions, leopards and jaguars are closely related. uWkJGXIFDtE-00319-00149708-00149928 As for tigers, studies have shown uWkJGXIFDtE-00320-00149932-00150252 they have more in common genetically with snow leopards, uWkJGXIFDtE-00321-00150256-00150588 to the point that they are regarded as sister species. uWkJGXIFDtE-00322-00150692-00150908 As members of the Carnivora order, uWkJGXIFDtE-00323-00150912-00151260 big cats have ancestral links with other feliforms, uWkJGXIFDtE-00324-00151264-00151712 such as hyenas, mongooses, servals, linsangs and genets. uWkJGXIFDtE-00325-00151972-00152488 With ties to these animals plus their numerous feline cousins, uWkJGXIFDtE-00326-00152492-00152784 the big cats have a fascinating heritage. uWkJGXIFDtE-00327-00153948-00154112 To the casual observer, uWkJGXIFDtE-00328-00154116-00154592 big cats might seem to be lethargic animals, lounging around and dozing. uWkJGXIFDtE-00329-00154596-00154996 This sluggish behaviour is all about energy conservation. uWkJGXIFDtE-00330-00155104-00155460 By keeping activity levels to a minimum during the heat of the day, uWkJGXIFDtE-00331-00155464-00155772 these creatures don't waste precious reserves. uWkJGXIFDtE-00332-00155944-00156376 Big cats are also nocturnal animals, meaning they're active at night. uWkJGXIFDtE-00333-00156496-00156724 A great deal of their prey rest at this time, uWkJGXIFDtE-00334-00156728-00156992 a fact big cats take advantage of. uWkJGXIFDtE-00335-00157436-00157704 As opportunistic predators, uWkJGXIFDtE-00336-00157708-00157984 if the chance of a daytime meal presents itself, uWkJGXIFDtE-00337-00157988-00158148 they will follow their instincts. uWkJGXIFDtE-00338-00158968-00159468 After gorging themselves, these quick digesters return to resting. uWkJGXIFDtE-00339-00159612-00159964 Lions are known to spend about 20 hours a day napping. uWkJGXIFDtE-00340-00160728-00161064 Apart from females with cubs, uWkJGXIFDtE-00341-00161068-00161392 the majority of big cats are solitary animals. uWkJGXIFDtE-00342-00161576-00161836 Lions are the exception to this rule. uWkJGXIFDtE-00343-00161840-00162176 These social felines live together in prides. uWkJGXIFDtE-00344-00162388-00162748 The average pride is 15 cats, uWkJGXIFDtE-00345-00162752-00163072 the group comprised of related females and their offspring, uWkJGXIFDtE-00346-00163076-00163276 plus a minimum of one male. uWkJGXIFDtE-00347-00163512-00163808 When conditions are kind, prides can support more members. uWkJGXIFDtE-00348-00163948-00164308 Lush vegetation equals higher numbers of prey. uWkJGXIFDtE-00349-00164500-00164808 Amongst lionesses, there is no hierarchy. uWkJGXIFDtE-00350-00165024-00165176 When cubs are around, uWkJGXIFDtE-00351-00165180-00165404 the ladies of the pride work together to raise them. uWkJGXIFDtE-00352-00165460-00165792 Teamwork is something lionesses understand well - uWkJGXIFDtE-00353-00165796-00166076 they are the ones that do a great deal of the hunting. uWkJGXIFDtE-00354-00167548-00167832 Lions have highly developed frontal cortexes, uWkJGXIFDtE-00355-00167836-00168324 the part of the brain responsible for problem solving and decision making. uWkJGXIFDtE-00356-00168668-00169052 In lionesses, this section of the brain is more prominent, uWkJGXIFDtE-00357-00169056-00169416 perhaps explaining their advanced hunting strategies uWkJGXIFDtE-00358-00169420-00169676 compared to the males in a pride. uWkJGXIFDtE-00359-00170116-00170380 In addition, lionesses have lighter builds uWkJGXIFDtE-00360-00170384-00170588 and are capable of faster speeds. uWkJGXIFDtE-00361-00171464-00171692 Cooperation has its rewards. uWkJGXIFDtE-00362-00171808-00172152 Hunting as a group, lions can go after much larger prey uWkJGXIFDtE-00363-00172156-00172424 compared to what their solitary cousins can capture. uWkJGXIFDtE-00364-00173504-00173716 Apart from keeping themselves well fed, uWkJGXIFDtE-00365-00173720-00174092 big cats devote part of their day ensuring they are well groomed. uWkJGXIFDtE-00366-00174288-00174552 This behaviour keeps them parasite free uWkJGXIFDtE-00367-00174556-00174724 and cleans blood from their coats. uWkJGXIFDtE-00368-00174900-00175184 Good hygiene is vital for their health and longevity. uWkJGXIFDtE-00369-00175368-00175768 Their raspy tongues work well, raking away dirt and loose fur. uWkJGXIFDtE-00370-00176084-00176404 Lions also take part in mutual grooming, uWkJGXIFDtE-00371-00176408-00176708 a practice which strengthens bonds between cats. uWkJGXIFDtE-00372-00176880-00177356 Like other animals, big cats will pant to get rid of excess heat. uWkJGXIFDtE-00373-00177444-00177632 Tigers take this to the extreme, uWkJGXIFDtE-00374-00177636-00177880 sitting or swimming in water to cool down. uWkJGXIFDtE-00375-00178044-00178276 Leopards also have an affinity for the water. uWkJGXIFDtE-00376-00178384-00178728 Tree branches not only offer shade for big cats uWkJGXIFDtE-00377-00178732-00178920 but refreshing breezes. uWkJGXIFDtE-00378-00179096-00179324 When they're not resting, cubs play. uWkJGXIFDtE-00379-00179596-00179772 Scampering about and wrestling uWkJGXIFDtE-00380-00179776-00180048 is an amusing way for these youngsters to pass the time... uWkJGXIFDtE-00381-00180228-00180588 but this exuberant behaviour has other advantages. uWkJGXIFDtE-00382-00180852-00181140 Gross motor skills, like walking and climbing, uWkJGXIFDtE-00383-00181144-00181436 improve through play, as does their coordination. uWkJGXIFDtE-00384-00181648-00182000 While they scuffle with each other, their growing muscles get a workout. uWkJGXIFDtE-00385-00182164-00182480 Each day these small big cats get stronger. uWkJGXIFDtE-00386-00182680-00182928 Through this constant, light-hearted contact, uWkJGXIFDtE-00387-00182932-00183284 lion cubs form strong social bonds with their fellow pride members. uWkJGXIFDtE-00388-00183400-00183732 This playful nature stays with lionesses as they mature. uWkJGXIFDtE-00389-00184992-00185180 Being the four that can roar, uWkJGXIFDtE-00390-00185184-00185468 communication is something all big cats excel at. uWkJGXIFDtE-00391-00185856-00186076 Vocalising is one obvious way uWkJGXIFDtE-00392-00186080-00186336 these felines send messages to each other. uWkJGXIFDtE-00393-00186580-00186928 Scent marking is another way these cats keep in touch. uWkJGXIFDtE-00394-00187328-00187644 By spraying urine, they stake out territory. uWkJGXIFDtE-00395-00188196-00188476 These smelly signals are also spread through touch. uWkJGXIFDtE-00396-00188568-00188856 Big cats can often be seen rubbing against trees. uWkJGXIFDtE-00397-00189320-00189620 When they do this to each other it's called bunting. uWkJGXIFDtE-00398-00189624-00189912 Cats have scent glands on their faces. uWkJGXIFDtE-00399-00189980-00190308 Amongst lions, this behaviour is a form of greeting, uWkJGXIFDtE-00400-00190312-00190660 a friendly gesture they will perform throughout their lives. uWkJGXIFDtE-00401-00192948-00193424 Big cats are attention magnets, especially when they are cubs. uWkJGXIFDtE-00402-00193620-00193888 Watching their delightful antics, it's easy to forget uWkJGXIFDtE-00403-00193892-00194292 that these charmers will eventually become lethal apex predators. uWkJGXIFDtE-00404-00194600-00194828 Jaguar cubs, like this zoo-born, uWkJGXIFDtE-00405-00194832-00195280 arrive after a gestation period of about a hundred days. uWkJGXIFDtE-00406-00195284-00195524 They are usually born in litters of two. uWkJGXIFDtE-00407-00195640-00196020 Jaguar cubs are weaned off milk by the time they're three months old. uWkJGXIFDtE-00408-00196348-00196664 Soon after this stage, they join their mother on hunting trips. uWkJGXIFDtE-00409-00196872-00197320 Young jaguars usually take two years to become independent cats. uWkJGXIFDtE-00410-00197384-00197536 In their natural environment, uWkJGXIFDtE-00411-00197540-00197920 these majestic creatures can survive for 12 to 15 years. uWkJGXIFDtE-00412-00198248-00198552 Tigers come into the world surrounded by siblings. uWkJGXIFDtE-00413-00198712-00198928 After a 3.5-month pregnancy, uWkJGXIFDtE-00414-00198932-00199196 tigresses can have up to seven in a litter. uWkJGXIFDtE-00415-00199592-00199812 The average cub weighs about a kilo. uWkJGXIFDtE-00416-00199892-00200308 These baby felines can't see properly until they're about two weeks old. uWkJGXIFDtE-00417-00200584-00200732 For their first two months, uWkJGXIFDtE-00418-00200736-00201020 tiger cubs rely on their mother's milk for nourishment. uWkJGXIFDtE-00419-00201224-00201468 When baby tigers reach the six week mark, uWkJGXIFDtE-00420-00201472-00201688 life starts to get more interesting. uWkJGXIFDtE-00421-00201916-00202136 Cubs begin to include meat in their diet uWkJGXIFDtE-00422-00202140-00202416 and they're allowed to venture out from the safety of their den uWkJGXIFDtE-00423-00202420-00202644 to explore the wider world. uWkJGXIFDtE-00424-00202900-00203300 These zoo-born cubs are spoiled with playmates and toys, uWkJGXIFDtE-00425-00203304-00203672 the perfect combination to challenge growing bodies and minds. uWkJGXIFDtE-00426-00203932-00204164 By the time a tiger cub is four months old, uWkJGXIFDtE-00427-00204168-00204400 it's the size of a medium dog. uWkJGXIFDtE-00428-00204628-00205064 Two months later and the stripy youngsters are fully weaned off milk. uWkJGXIFDtE-00429-00205248-00205404 Not long after this, uWkJGXIFDtE-00430-00205408-00205716 mother tigers allow their cubs to accompany her when foraging. uWkJGXIFDtE-00431-00205936-00206244 Hunting is one of many life skills they need to master uWkJGXIFDtE-00432-00206248-00206528 to ensure they are successful, healthy adults. uWkJGXIFDtE-00433-00206723-00207032 At 18 months, juvenile tigers become independent, uWkJGXIFDtE-00434-00207036-00207348 leaving their mother to establish territories of their own. uWkJGXIFDtE-00435-00207488-00207723 Young females can raise their first litter uWkJGXIFDtE-00436-00207728-00207976 by their third or fourth birthday. uWkJGXIFDtE-00437-00208036-00208332 Males take a couple of years more to mature. uWkJGXIFDtE-00438-00208336-00208536 In their natural environment, uWkJGXIFDtE-00439-00208540-00208844 tigers can enjoy a lifespan of about 10 years. uWkJGXIFDtE-00440-00209980-00210336 With lions, their lives start in a similar manner to tigers. uWkJGXIFDtE-00441-00210480-00210923 Their gestation period is, however, slightly longer, about four months. uWkJGXIFDtE-00442-00211076-00211328 Compared to their stripy cousins, uWkJGXIFDtE-00443-00211332-00211628 lionesses have smaller litters, up to four cubs. uWkJGXIFDtE-00444-00211796-00212044 Newborns weigh between 1 and 2 kilos. uWkJGXIFDtE-00445-00212112-00212323 Mother's milk fuels their growth. uWkJGXIFDtE-00446-00212716-00213104 Blind at first, the cubs' eyes function at 11 days. uWkJGXIFDtE-00447-00213396-00213623 Their irises a bluey-grey. uWkJGXIFDtE-00448-00214252-00214584 These furry babies gain the strength to walk at two weeks. uWkJGXIFDtE-00449-00214840-00215004 By their first month, uWkJGXIFDtE-00450-00215008-00215271 these mini lions have their milk teeth uWkJGXIFDtE-00451-00215276-00215480 and they can now run. uWkJGXIFDtE-00452-00216016-00216323 Lion cubs have brown rosette markings on their coats, uWkJGXIFDtE-00453-00216328-00216523 similar to those on leopards. uWkJGXIFDtE-00454-00216528-00216828 These are believed to offer the babies camouflage. uWkJGXIFDtE-00455-00217080-00217336 As the cat matures, they will fade. uWkJGXIFDtE-00456-00217476-00217719 On lionesses, these spots can persist uWkJGXIFDtE-00457-00217723-00217940 underneath their bodies and on their limbs. uWkJGXIFDtE-00458-00218264-00218644 Lionesses usually wait until her offspring are six to eight weeks old uWkJGXIFDtE-00459-00218648-00218908 before re-joining the pride. uWkJGXIFDtE-00460-00219028-00219444 The teamwork seen amongst lionesses sometimes extends to raising cubs. uWkJGXIFDtE-00461-00219580-00219728 Within a pride, uWkJGXIFDtE-00462-00219732-00220000 females appear to synchronise their reproductive cycles, uWkJGXIFDtE-00463-00220004-00220228 which leads to communal suckling and babysitting. uWkJGXIFDtE-00464-00220596-00220932 Curious youngsters always appreciate extra playmates. uWkJGXIFDtE-00465-00221104-00221304 The bolder ones will attempt to engage uWkJGXIFDtE-00466-00221308-00221496 with older members of the pride. uWkJGXIFDtE-00467-00221676-00221844 Results can be mixed. uWkJGXIFDtE-00468-00222048-00222212 By two to three months, uWkJGXIFDtE-00469-00222216-00222571 the cubs' eye colour changes to orangey-brown, like the adults. uWkJGXIFDtE-00470-00222736-00222971 At this stage, they begin to eat meat. uWkJGXIFDtE-00471-00223088-00223492 This is also when their mature coat starts to develop. uWkJGXIFDtE-00472-00223608-00223880 Before long, their tail tip develops a tuft. uWkJGXIFDtE-00473-00224544-00224816 These small carnivores are weaned off their mother's milk uWkJGXIFDtE-00474-00224819-00225028 by the time they're 10 months old, uWkJGXIFDtE-00475-00225032-00225248 when their permanent teeth have come through. uWkJGXIFDtE-00476-00225567-00225988 With lots of play fighting as training, cubs soon learn to hunt... uWkJGXIFDtE-00477-00226560-00226796 juvenile lions taking their first prey uWkJGXIFDtE-00478-00226800-00227076 sometime between their first and second birthdays. uWkJGXIFDtE-00479-00227276-00227476 This is when the boys start to stand out, uWkJGXIFDtE-00480-00227480-00227688 with their manes beginning to develop. uWkJGXIFDtE-00481-00227908-00228108 The larger and darker their manes, uWkJGXIFDtE-00482-00228112-00228340 the better their chances at passing on their genes. uWkJGXIFDtE-00483-00228488-00228767 Young females tend to stay with their birth pride, uWkJGXIFDtE-00484-00228771-00229084 while juvenile males are excluded from the group. uWkJGXIFDtE-00485-00229467-00229723 They often pair up and wander nomadically uWkJGXIFDtE-00486-00229728-00229976 until they become part of a new pride. uWkJGXIFDtE-00487-00230136-00230323 By the age of three or four, uWkJGXIFDtE-00488-00230328-00230584 lionesses are able to start reproducing. uWkJGXIFDtE-00489-00230832-00231152 Lions take another year before they can successfully mate. uWkJGXIFDtE-00490-00231319-00231596 There is no particular breeding season for lions, uWkJGXIFDtE-00491-00231600-00231860 females coming into heat monthly. uWkJGXIFDtE-00492-00232119-00232560 These big cats continue to grow, reaching full size at six. uWkJGXIFDtE-00493-00232676-00233204 Adult lions can weigh up to 190 kilos, females slightly less. uWkJGXIFDtE-00494-00233380-00233719 Lionesses can raise litters until they're about 11. uWkJGXIFDtE-00495-00233952-00234436 In the wild, lions can roam their pride lands for 15 to 18 years. uWkJGXIFDtE-00496-00235384-00235608 While big cats are all felines, uWkJGXIFDtE-00497-00235612-00235871 each species has their own particular needs uWkJGXIFDtE-00498-00235876-00236096 that help them succeed in their environment. uWkJGXIFDtE-00499-00236467-00236760 Tigers, for example, prefer to be close to water, uWkJGXIFDtE-00500-00236764-00237340 like plenty of cover and require abundant prey in their locality. uWkJGXIFDtE-00501-00237756-00238104 A variety of habitats provide these necessities for tigers, uWkJGXIFDtE-00502-00238108-00238448 including forests, woodlands, uWkJGXIFDtE-00503-00238452-00238723 swamps, and grasslands. uWkJGXIFDtE-00504-00239096-00239412 Dense vegetation particularly suits them, uWkJGXIFDtE-00505-00239416-00239616 allowing their stripes to do their work, uWkJGXIFDtE-00506-00239619-00239840 hiding their bodies in plain sight. uWkJGXIFDtE-00507-00240012-00240212 Leopards are adaptable cats uWkJGXIFDtE-00508-00240216-00240592 but rainforests and savanna are favoured over other environments. uWkJGXIFDtE-00509-00240852-00241219 Wherever they live, trees are important to these cats. uWkJGXIFDtE-00510-00241380-00241519 Up in the branches uWkJGXIFDtE-00511-00241523-00241832 is where these spotted felines spend the majority of their day, uWkJGXIFDtE-00512-00241836-00242052 keeping cool and resting. uWkJGXIFDtE-00513-00242112-00242464 Trees also provide leopards with good vantage points. uWkJGXIFDtE-00514-00242544-00242792 When something sparks their interest, uWkJGXIFDtE-00515-00242796-00243108 they can move down to ground level to take a closer look. uWkJGXIFDtE-00516-00243480-00243896 While they are large animals, zebras are not beyond a hungry leopard. uWkJGXIFDtE-00517-00244076-00244396 Antelope are a common food source for these big cats. uWkJGXIFDtE-00518-00244488-00244767 Bigger species are consumed where they fall. uWkJGXIFDtE-00519-00244856-00245119 Smaller antelope are often dragged up into trees uWkJGXIFDtE-00520-00245123-00245528 to ensure the leopard can dine in peace, or not have it stolen. uWkJGXIFDtE-00521-00245756-00246223 Adult leopards are solitary animals and territory is everything to them. uWkJGXIFDtE-00522-00246323-00246532 Scent marking and clawed tree trunks uWkJGXIFDtE-00523-00246536-00246804 are obvious signposts to other leopards, uWkJGXIFDtE-00524-00246808-00247040 warning them that they are trespassing. uWkJGXIFDtE-00525-00247276-00247512 Their Latin American cousins, jaguars, uWkJGXIFDtE-00526-00247516-00247844 show a preference for wooded regions and swampland. uWkJGXIFDtE-00527-00248352-00248652 In Western India, a small population of lions are found uWkJGXIFDtE-00528-00248656-00248940 in and around Gir Forest National Park. uWkJGXIFDtE-00529-00249084-00249228 Within this reserve, uWkJGXIFDtE-00530-00249232-00249640 their habitat is a combination of dry savanna and dry scrub. uWkJGXIFDtE-00531-00249740-00250136 Meanwhile, in Africa, lions occupy a variety of habitats, uWkJGXIFDtE-00532-00250140-00250360 such as grasslands and savannas, uWkJGXIFDtE-00533-00250364-00250556 open woodlands, uWkJGXIFDtE-00534-00250560-00250784 scrub and semi-arid plains. uWkJGXIFDtE-00535-00250871-00251180 Shade is a must for these big cats, uWkJGXIFDtE-00536-00251184-00251496 to shelter them during their frequent daytime naps. uWkJGXIFDtE-00537-00251676-00251932 Acacia trees are a popular natural umbrella uWkJGXIFDtE-00538-00251936-00252128 for these felines to lounge under. uWkJGXIFDtE-00539-00252271-00252636 As expected, water sources are important for these big cats - uWkJGXIFDtE-00540-00252640-00252888 and not only to quench their thirst. uWkJGXIFDtE-00541-00253008-00253267 Water holes attract prey species. uWkJGXIFDtE-00542-00253740-00254216 Amongst terrestrial carnivores, cats are the strictest. uWkJGXIFDtE-00543-00254352-00254656 These animals are what's known as hypercarnivores, uWkJGXIFDtE-00544-00254660-00254988 with meat making up more than 70% of their diet. uWkJGXIFDtE-00545-00255160-00255423 Lions are not fussy carnivores - uWkJGXIFDtE-00546-00255428-00255816 anything that shares their habitat could end up as a meal. uWkJGXIFDtE-00547-00256092-00256319 Large prey often feature on their menus. uWkJGXIFDtE-00548-00256708-00257036 Wildebeest, zebra and buffalo are favourites. uWkJGXIFDtE-00549-00257412-00257796 Giraffe occasionally get targeted by hungry cats as well. uWkJGXIFDtE-00550-00258140-00258492 Lions are also known to bully other animals away from their kills uWkJGXIFDtE-00551-00258496-00258712 and they are not above scavenging. uWkJGXIFDtE-00552-00259216-00259556 To protect themselves from hard hoof kicks whilst trying to catch a meal, uWkJGXIFDtE-00553-00259560-00259816 lions have loose belly skin. uWkJGXIFDtE-00554-00260040-00260360 In a pride, there is a pecking order at meal times. uWkJGXIFDtE-00555-00260419-00260644 If males are present, they eat first, uWkJGXIFDtE-00556-00260648-00260984 then the lionesses... uWkJGXIFDtE-00557-00261108-00261304 and finally any cubs. uWkJGXIFDtE-00558-00261567-00261952 A mature lion can devour 18 kilos in one sitting. uWkJGXIFDtE-00559-00262064-00262508 If their daily intake is threatened, fights can erupt. uWkJGXIFDtE-00560-00263316-00263736 A hyena lurks nearby, ever hopeful for any scraps. uWkJGXIFDtE-00561-00264124-00264480 Every ecosystem has apex predators, uWkJGXIFDtE-00562-00264484-00264832 animals that sit at the top of the food chain. uWkJGXIFDtE-00563-00265068-00265240 Big cats take on this role, uWkJGXIFDtE-00564-00265244-00265504 influencing their environment from the top down. uWkJGXIFDtE-00565-00265772-00265988 By keeping prey populations in check, uWkJGXIFDtE-00566-00265992-00266384 they ensure the stability and health of the entire community. uWkJGXIFDtE-00567-00266544-00266764 For example, by thinning out herds, uWkJGXIFDtE-00568-00266768-00266956 lions inadvertently make sure uWkJGXIFDtE-00569-00266960-00267220 herbivore food supplies aren't overgrazed. uWkJGXIFDtE-00570-00267532-00267784 Sick and weak animals make easy prey. uWkJGXIFDtE-00571-00267788-00268016 Their removal from a population uWkJGXIFDtE-00572-00268020-00268364 makes the remaining gene pool disease-free and stronger. uWkJGXIFDtE-00573-00268552-00268852 Lions earn their title as King of the Beasts, uWkJGXIFDtE-00574-00268856-00269356 ruling over their pride lands for the benefit of the whole wild community. uWkJGXIFDtE-00575-00270300-00270736 Big cats have been making an impact on the world for thousands of years. uWkJGXIFDtE-00576-00270884-00271196 Depictions of these felines are found around the globe, uWkJGXIFDtE-00577-00271200-00271480 many embellishing famous historical sites. uWkJGXIFDtE-00578-00271636-00271900 Lions have been a particular favourite. uWkJGXIFDtE-00579-00271992-00272252 Prehistoric artists capturing a pride in action uWkJGXIFDtE-00580-00272256-00272572 on the walls of the Chauvet Caves in Southern France. uWkJGXIFDtE-00581-00272748-00272952 Discovered in 1994, uWkJGXIFDtE-00582-00272956-00273264 these paintings are thought to be approximately 30,000 years old. uWkJGXIFDtE-00583-00273536-00274076 One of the largest statues in the world was built in about 2500BC, uWkJGXIFDtE-00584-00274080-00274336 the Great Sphinx of Giza. uWkJGXIFDtE-00585-00274424-00274772 A mythological beast with the body of a lion and the head of a king, uWkJGXIFDtE-00586-00274776-00275204 this limestone creation was a symbol of wisdom and strength. uWkJGXIFDtE-00587-00275468-00275808 The same big cat also inspired the ancient Egyptians uWkJGXIFDtE-00588-00275812-00276056 when they imagined the Goddess Sekhmet - uWkJGXIFDtE-00589-00276060-00276208 with the head of a lioness, uWkJGXIFDtE-00590-00276212-00276464 she represented the might of the blazing sun. uWkJGXIFDtE-00591-00276684-00277228 In 732AD, Mayans built the Jaguar Temple, uWkJGXIFDtE-00592-00277232-00277604 a stepped pyramid that stands 37 metres high. uWkJGXIFDtE-00593-00277608-00277880 Jaguar masks fashioned from stone blocks uWkJGXIFDtE-00594-00277884-00278164 adorn the front of this ancient tomb. uWkJGXIFDtE-00595-00278468-00278724 Lions are a popular motif in Chinese art. uWkJGXIFDtE-00596-00278728-00279324 Statues of guardian lions protected the entrances of imperial palaces. uWkJGXIFDtE-00597-00279420-00279820 These stone giants continue to stand watch over the Forbidden City. uWkJGXIFDtE-00598-00280168-00280736 As King of the beasts, the lion has long been associated with royalty, uWkJGXIFDtE-00599-00280740-00280944 these regal-looking felines uWkJGXIFDtE-00600-00280948-00281252 thought to represent nobility, courage and strength. uWkJGXIFDtE-00601-00281256-00281536 Their images are common on heraldry. uWkJGXIFDtE-00602-00281640-00282044 Since medieval times, lions have been used as a symbol for England. uWkJGXIFDtE-00603-00282392-00282648 Other nations hold big cats in high esteem. uWkJGXIFDtE-00604-00282652-00283132 A lion and a tiger proudly share duties on Singapore's coat of arms. uWkJGXIFDtE-00605-00283256-00283636 In Somalia, leopards are charged with a similar task. uWkJGXIFDtE-00606-00283744-00284172 A golden lion strikes a stately pose on Sri Lanka's flag. uWkJGXIFDtE-00607-00284344-00284720 The city of Venice is patrolled by numerous sculptures of lions, uWkJGXIFDtE-00608-00284724-00285028 these cats a traditional symbol of the city. uWkJGXIFDtE-00609-00285160-00285576 Lions also feature in Chinese cultural celebrations. uWkJGXIFDtE-00610-00285656-00286060 Dancers wear vibrant costumes and mimic the movement of these felines uWkJGXIFDtE-00611-00286064-00286268 when performing the Lion Dance. uWkJGXIFDtE-00612-00286416-00286784 These spectacular shows are thought to bring good luck and fortune. uWkJGXIFDtE-00613-00287100-00287392 A festive celebration of these fascinating cats. uWkJGXIFDtE-00614-00288708-00288948 As much as big cats are admired, uWkJGXIFDtE-00615-00288952-00289248 these majestic animals face a multitude of challenges uWkJGXIFDtE-00616-00289252-00289448 in the modern world. uWkJGXIFDtE-00617-00289544-00289740 Habitat loss is a big issue. uWkJGXIFDtE-00618-00289820-00290176 As large felines, they need space to roam around and hunt. uWkJGXIFDtE-00619-00290252-00290648 Deforestation and fragmentation impacts these wild cats... uWkJGXIFDtE-00620-00290780-00290988 as does agriculture... uWkJGXIFDtE-00621-00291180-00291412 and human encroachment. uWkJGXIFDtE-00622-00291540-00292020 The closer communities get to big cat territories, conflicts occur. uWkJGXIFDtE-00623-00292096-00292424 Loss of habitat also affects their prey species, uWkJGXIFDtE-00624-00292428-00292776 which means lower food supplies for these apex predators, uWkJGXIFDtE-00625-00292780-00293024 the reduction in their populations uWkJGXIFDtE-00626-00293028-00293304 upsetting the balance of the entire ecosystem. uWkJGXIFDtE-00627-00293564-00293988 The bushmeat trade, trophy hunting, and poaching uWkJGXIFDtE-00628-00293992-00294356 all contribute to declines in wild populations. uWkJGXIFDtE-00629-00294492-00294692 Some cultures continue to believe uWkJGXIFDtE-00630-00294696-00295128 in the supposed magical and medicinal properties of big cat body parts... uWkJGXIFDtE-00631-00295288-00295556 a cruel and pointless practice. uWkJGXIFDtE-00632-00295936-00296220 The conservation status of each big cat varies. uWkJGXIFDtE-00633-00296336-00296616 Presently, jaguars are considered to be near threatened. uWkJGXIFDtE-00634-00296872-00297316 Lions and leopards are one step down, in the vulnerable category. uWkJGXIFDtE-00635-00297492-00297832 Tigers are even lower, regarded as endangered. uWkJGXIFDtE-00636-00298020-00298200 Conservation groups do what they can uWkJGXIFDtE-00637-00298204-00298464 to improve conditions for big cats in the wild, uWkJGXIFDtE-00638-00298468-00298832 formally protecting tracts of land and setting up reserves. uWkJGXIFDtE-00639-00298912-00299120 Anti-poaching teams work on the ground uWkJGXIFDtE-00640-00299124-00299428 to give additional security to remaining populations. uWkJGXIFDtE-00641-00299508-00299952 In Africa, lions and leopards are part of the Big Five, uWkJGXIFDtE-00642-00299956-00300268 animals promoted to Safari groups as 'must-see'. uWkJGXIFDtE-00643-00300388-00300684 The popularity of wildlife tourism uWkJGXIFDtE-00644-00300688-00300848 is a great incentive uWkJGXIFDtE-00645-00300852-00301220 for local communities to embrace and protect these felines. uWkJGXIFDtE-00646-00301320-00301668 By doing so, they improve their financial well-being. uWkJGXIFDtE-00647-00301776-00302084 Global captive breeding programs in sanctuaries and zoos uWkJGXIFDtE-00648-00302088-00302372 ensure healthy insurance populations exist. uWkJGXIFDtE-00649-00302724-00303140 These animals also act as ambassadors for their wild counterparts, uWkJGXIFDtE-00650-00303144-00303560 raising awareness and funds to boost conservation efforts. uWkJGXIFDtE-00651-00303944-00304312 Hopefully a better educated public translates to continued efforts uWkJGXIFDtE-00652-00304316-00304612 to preserve these magnificent felines, uWkJGXIFDtE-00653-00304616-00304980 giving them and the ecosystems that rely on these big cats uWkJGXIFDtE-00654-00304984-00305172 brighter futures. ubt1_1Q53Z0-00000-00000035-00000372 NRC ADAMS� Licensing Support Network (LSN) Library, How-To ubt1_1Q53Z0-00001-00000372-00000863 Video Series � Using the Time-Series Chart ubt1_1Q53Z0-00002-00000863-00001300 The Times Series Chart at the bottom of the search page allows you to limit your results ubt1_1Q53Z0-00003-00001300-00001471 to a date range. ubt1_1Q53Z0-00004-00001471-00002057 For example, hovering the mouse over the bar for 1997 displays the number of records for ubt1_1Q53Z0-00005-00002057-00002255 that year. ubt1_1Q53Z0-00006-00002255-00002886 Select 1997 by clicking on the bar and then the magnifying glass icon on the left side. ubt1_1Q53Z0-00007-00002886-00003532 You can further narrow your search by choosing a particular month within 1997. ubt1_1Q53Z0-00008-00003532-00003986 The time series chart also allows you to select a range of years. ubt1_1Q53Z0-00009-00003986-00004714 For example, click on 1997, hold down the shift key, and then click on 1999. ubt1_1Q53Z0-00010-00004714-00005164 This will limit the results to just those three years. ubt1_1Q53Z0-00011-00005164-00006066 For more help call the NRC Public Document Room staff at 301-415-4737 between 8:00 a.m. ubt1_1Q53Z0-00012-00006066-00006296 and 4:00 p.m. eastern time. ubt1_1Q53Z0-00013-00006296-00006831 Or e-mail them at pdr.resource@nrc.gov ue07NOSfDt8-00000-00000002-00000450 OK guys so Logan Paul has released a video in which he's discussing religion. ue07NOSfDt8-00001-00000470-00000758 I'm not overly religious I do believe in a creator. ue07NOSfDt8-00002-00000758-00001238 I think he's made some very valid arguments or points or questions ue07NOSfDt8-00003-00001238-00001494 which Mohammed Hijab job has answered ue07NOSfDt8-00004-00001494-00001917 Imran Hussain has answered Subboor Ahmad has also answered ue07NOSfDt8-00005-00001917-00002241 I'll put their links in the description and I'm gonna try come at it from a ue07NOSfDt8-00006-00002241-00002702 different angle, reason being because I think these sorts of questions get ue07NOSfDt8-00007-00002702-00003239 brought up a lot by the modern-day teenagers and it's kind of put forward a ue07NOSfDt8-00008-00003239-00003711 lot by the likes of the Russell Brands, the Jim Carreys, the Deepak Chopras, so ue07NOSfDt8-00009-00003711-00004032 I definitely think it's something that's worth discussing let's roll it mate ue07NOSfDt8-00010-00004500-00005158 Some sort of unimaginable thing that made us and this universe and everything around us ue07NOSfDt8-00011-00005158-00005716 okay so we begin with Logan's definition of God: Something which is unimaginable ue07NOSfDt8-00012-00005716-00006012 That's a brilliant definition so far of God. ue07NOSfDt8-00013-00006020-00006654 I'm not sure I can fully wrap my head around so many people telling me different things about "their God" ue07NOSfDt8-00014-00006654-00006984 because he goes on to say: because there's so many people pulling ue07NOSfDt8-00015-00006984-00007401 him in different directions and giving different definitions of God it becomes ue07NOSfDt8-00016-00007401-00007790 confusing. All right cool, let's just stick with your definition of God ue07NOSfDt8-00017-00007790-00008304 "someone who is unimaginable" if you just stick with this definition of God, you ue07NOSfDt8-00018-00008304-00008790 know what? You'll actually be able to eliminate a lot of the other confusing ue07NOSfDt8-00019-00008790-00009254 religions that you speak of. That means you can't have a Godman, you can't have a God animal ue07NOSfDt8-00020-00009276-00009702 you can't have somebody that's LIKE a human being, that wrestles ue07NOSfDt8-00021-00009702-00010143 and that gets tired; you know the Old Testament depiction of God. So like that ue07NOSfDt8-00022-00010143-00010872 you are then left with Islam; the only mass-ly followed monotheistic faith. ue07NOSfDt8-00023-00010872-00011409 Religion/faith whatever you want to call it has led to the deaths of too many ue07NOSfDt8-00024-00011409-00011696 people has led to the the trauma of too many children. ue07NOSfDt8-00025-00011696-00011944 Then he talks about religion and violence, ue07NOSfDt8-00026-00011944-00012390 okay this is a very popular (kind of) subject matter that gets brought up ue07NOSfDt8-00027-00012394-00012852 Let's deal with it yeah. So you've got people that have looked into this ue07NOSfDt8-00028-00012852-00013303 question; you have someone called Robert Pape who's written ue07NOSfDt8-00029-00013303-00013879 an entire book and compiled statistics from 1980s looking at suicide attacks ue07NOSfDt8-00030-00013879-00014266 that have happened and of course you've got the likes of Karen Armstrong who's ue07NOSfDt8-00031-00014266-00014851 also written a book and some studies on this as well, and they come to the ue07NOSfDt8-00032-00014851-00015483 conclusion that it's mostly political and in particular it's to do with ue07NOSfDt8-00033-00015483-00016020 removing the occupying forces that have come into your country. If that's not all ue07NOSfDt8-00034-00016020-00016540 you've got leaders like Obama, Trump and Hillary Clinton that have also agreed ue07NOSfDt8-00035-00016540-00016728 this particular point as well. ue07NOSfDt8-00036-00016728-00016963 ISIL is a direct outgrowth of al Qaeda ue07NOSfDt8-00037-00016963-00017380 in Iraq that grew out of our invasion -that grew out of our invasion ue07NOSfDt8-00038-00017394-00017692 which is an example of unintended consequences ue07NOSfDt8-00039-00017692-00018092 We have totally destabilized the Middle East it's a disaster. ue07NOSfDt8-00040-00018092-00018340 We had this brilliant idea that we were going to ue07NOSfDt8-00041-00018340-00018901 come to Pakistan and create a force of Mujahideen, equip them with Stinger ue07NOSfDt8-00042-00018901-00019284 missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside Afghanistan. ue07NOSfDt8-00043-00019308-00019840 Number two: to claim that violence is only associated and affiliated with the ue07NOSfDt8-00044-00019840-00020164 religions that's not very fair because that means you're not taking ue07NOSfDt8-00045-00020164-00020638 into account Stalin yeah, Mao, Pol Pot, who were very ue07NOSfDt8-00046-00020638-00021019 atheistic in their way of thinking. And (you know) to scapegoat ue07NOSfDt8-00047-00021019-00021454 violence only on religion; that's not fair. And of course number three you ue07NOSfDt8-00048-00021454-00021901 judge the religion on its ideal and merits not by the people that are ue07NOSfDt8-00049-00021901-00022369 following it, because people by their nature are (you know) they fight about ue07NOSfDt8-00050-00022369-00022576 everything yeah, there's wars going on about ue07NOSfDt8-00051-00022576-00022891 everything (you know I'm saying?) I mean look nowadays what's going on ue07NOSfDt8-00052-00022891-00023281 it's not to do the religion- you know the issue between China and America, and ue07NOSfDt8-00053-00023281-00023757 Russia and America, it's mostly economy based, what are you gonna say there? ue07NOSfDt8-00054-00023757-00024198 I think the universally accepted definition of good is like you know ue07NOSfDt8-00055-00024198-00024508 right and wrong, you know and something's right ue07NOSfDt8-00056-00024528-00024714 Alright then Logan talks about ue07NOSfDt8-00057-00024715-00025420 something in Islam that we call fitrah or you guys call Core morality or ue07NOSfDt8-00058-00025420-00025918 the Innate Disposition, but then the question is mate, how do you separate ue07NOSfDt8-00059-00025918-00026494 between Nature and Nurture; which means what is actually your innate ue07NOSfDt8-00060-00026494-00026941 disposition your Nature: and what you picked up from society and ue07NOSfDt8-00061-00026941-00027660 culture your Nurture (Society) ue07NOSfDt8-00062-00027660-00027906 How do you distinguish between the two? I mean we ue07NOSfDt8-00063-00027906-00028344 know loads of things that have prevailed in our cultures. If you look in the ue07NOSfDt8-00064-00028344-00028963 Middle Ages in Europe where a sign of beauty was plucking out your eyelashes ue07NOSfDt8-00065-00028963-00029443 I'm cringing just thinking about it. Or in the 18th century in Japan ue07NOSfDt8-00066-00029443-00029883 where a sign of beauty was blackening your teeth. If you were alive at that time ue07NOSfDt8-00067-00029883-00030164 you probably would have been doing those exact same things. ue07NOSfDt8-00068-00030164-00030750 Having sex before marriage isn't in my opinion wrong but according to religion it is ue07NOSfDt8-00069-00030750-00031338 And then you go further by saying, you personally don't think that sex before marriage is ue07NOSfDt8-00070-00031338-00031827 wrong. But I mean who cares what you and I think? That surely is not the right ue07NOSfDt8-00071-00031827-00032437 criteria to live one's life, by making yourself God or being a slave to ue07NOSfDt8-00072-00032437-00032980 your desires and your intellect, which clearly by nature is flawed. I mean ue07NOSfDt8-00073-00032980-00033291 let me just take something that you did a couple of years ago, you went to a ue07NOSfDt8-00074-00033291-00033778 suicide forest in Japan and you started doing a vlog there and naturally that ue07NOSfDt8-00075-00033778-00034249 affected your career in a really bad and negative way, but I'm sure at that time I ue07NOSfDt8-00076-00034249-00034537 mean you had people around you, I'm sure at that time you didn't think you were ue07NOSfDt8-00077-00034537-00035025 doing anything wrong. So that's why for us to rely on our subjective ue07NOSfDt8-00078-00035025-00035461 understanding of morals is not wise, you need an objective understanding, ue07NOSfDt8-00079-00035461-00035896 somebody that's created us that knows us better than we know ourselves ue07NOSfDt8-00080-00035896-00036337 This is where I get confused like like who's right and who's wrong or are Muslims ue07NOSfDt8-00081-00036337-00036711 wrong because they're Muslim? Are Christians wrong because they're Christian? ue07NOSfDt8-00082-00036711-00036996 That leads me on to the next point how do you know? How do you know ue07NOSfDt8-00083-00036996-00037450 and how can you decipher which religion is the right religion? Okay number one ue07NOSfDt8-00084-00037450-00037858 you said yourself mate intuition yeah. What does your heart say what does your ue07NOSfDt8-00085-00037858-00038325 understanding say? Number two: logic. Number three: scripture, you're going to ue07NOSfDt8-00086-00038325-00038796 have to look into the different scriptures and of course ask ue07NOSfDt8-00087-00038796-00039540 ask God, "God if you're there mate guide me, yeah please I want guidance", if you're ue07NOSfDt8-00088-00039540-00039990 asking for guidance why on earth would God not guide you ue07NOSfDt8-00089-00039990-00040512 And has led to so many disagreements and confusion and death. ue07NOSfDt8-00090-00040512-00040813 And then he goes on to talk about disagreements. I mean just ue07NOSfDt8-00091-00040813-00041149 because there's disagreements or something, it does that mean that you ue07NOSfDt8-00092-00041149-00041554 reject it totally. There's disagreements I'm sure that happen in your family, what does ue07NOSfDt8-00093-00041554-00041983 that mean? You're gonna pack your bags and go on the next train to Bangkok. ue07NOSfDt8-00094-00041983-00042352 I don't think there is a train that goes from America to... ue07NOSfDt8-00095-00042374-00042804 I mean these disagreements in philosophy, there's disagreements in psychology ue07NOSfDt8-00096-00042805-00043318 there's disagreements in physics, there's disagreements in Evolution and Big Bang ue07NOSfDt8-00097-00043318-00043717 I mean you name it these disagreements and everything, that doesn't mean that ue07NOSfDt8-00098-00043717-00044065 you just reject it just because there's disagreements in it. Then he says ue07NOSfDt8-00099-00044065-00044392 millions of people die. Okay well millions of people die ue07NOSfDt8-00100-00044392-00045001 because of medicine as well yeah- side effects that occur or wrongly prescribed ue07NOSfDt8-00101-00045001-00045367 medicine millions die. Millions die because of food. Millions die because ue07NOSfDt8-00102-00045367-00045787 of car accidents/plane accidents, what does that mean that you're gonna ban all ue07NOSfDt8-00103-00045787-00046204 these things that you're gonna boycott all these things? You know I'm saying? ue07NOSfDt8-00104-00046204-00046670 Alright guys I'm gonna leave it there, I tried to keep this video as short and as succinct as possible. ue07NOSfDt8-00105-00046670-00046981 I'm gonna link the videos of the other brothers in the description. ue07NOSfDt8-00106-00046981-00047678 I'm gonna leave you with one final device or request which is to read the Qur'an yourself, ue07NOSfDt8-00107-00047678-00048346 read the Qur'an and ask God and you know what if your sincere you will be guided. ue07NOSfDt8-00108-00048346-00048760 Let's leave it there until next time ue07NOSfDt8-00109-00048964-00049154 Asalaamu aleikum uh9omNgvvOU-00000-00000470-00000549 Hi everybody! uh9omNgvvOU-00001-00000595-00000826 It’s Jason from Collaborative Mathematics again, and this is uh9omNgvvOU-00002-00000839-00000959 Challenge Video #3. uh9omNgvvOU-00003-00001046-00001623 The Collaborative Mathematics blog here is still very experimental and so this uh9omNgvvOU-00004-00001652-00002101 video will be a little shorter, the challenge is a little smaller, and we’ll see uh9omNgvvOU-00005-00002118-00002252 what the response it like. uh9omNgvvOU-00006-00002308-00002698 Here’s the challenge: we’re going to count on our fingers, but we’re going to uh9omNgvvOU-00007-00002706-00002932 do it in an unconventional way. uh9omNgvvOU-00008-00003004-00003572 It’s starts like usual. We’ll start on your thumb with one, and then count like you uh9omNgvvOU-00009-00003590-00003974 do: one, two, three, four, five. Right? uh9omNgvvOU-00010-00003988-00004065 Can you see me? uh9omNgvvOU-00011-00004079-00004534 Then, we’re going to turn around and go back. We’ll keep counting, but we’re uh9omNgvvOU-00012-00004551-00004710 going to go back the other direction. uh9omNgvvOU-00013-00004850-00005540 I’ll start again: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6, 7, 8, 9... uh9omNgvvOU-00014-00005576-00005961 And then turn around again: 10, 11, 12, 13... uh9omNgvvOU-00015-00005978-00006117 14, 15, 16, 17... uh9omNgvvOU-00016-00006132-00006188 18, 19... uh9omNgvvOU-00017-00006236-00006773 Do you see how this works? We’ll keep turning around and going back the other uh9omNgvvOU-00018-00006790-00007047 way, but we’re going to continue counting, uh9omNgvvOU-00019-00007081-00007711 and the question is: which finger are you on when you count the number 1000? uh9omNgvvOU-00020-00007754-00008130 So that’s it. That’s the core challenge this time. It’s shorter than usual in part uh9omNgvvOU-00021-00008147-00008592 because I’d like to see what the response is like to a slightly shorter challenge. uh9omNgvvOU-00022-00008631-00009018 But also because I’d kind of like people to keep thinking about Challenge Video uh9omNgvvOU-00023-00009034-00009568 #2. There’s a lot that’s in there to be curious about and I’m hoping that maybe uh9omNgvvOU-00024-00009597-00009985 we’ll get some other videos about Challenge #2. uh9omNgvvOU-00025-00010013-00010489 If you’ve thought about Challenge Video #2 and this multiply-and-flip concept, and uh9omNgvvOU-00026-00010520-00010962 you haven’t responded with your thoughts and observations, I would uh9omNgvvOU-00027-00010975-00011297 encourage you to do so ‘cause there’s still some cool stuff to think about there. uh9omNgvvOU-00028-00011327-00011476 So there you go! Check us out online. uh9omNgvvOU-00029-00011500-00011739 We’re at Collaborative Mathematics . org uh9omNgvvOU-00030-00011756-00012157 and from there you can find us on Facebook and Twitter and YouTube. uh9omNgvvOU-00031-00012203-00012492 And I look forward to seeing what happens next. Have fun! ulnqJwrwo04-00000-00000184-00000903 We looked at some of the major sources of English words, the languages that are behind most of the ulnqJwrwo04-00001-00000903-00001552 vocabulary of English: the Old English base, the large number of French words, ulnqJwrwo04-00002-00001552-00002264 borrowings from Latin, and of the other languages, Ancient Greek being the #1. But within a few ulnqJwrwo04-00003-00002264-00003096 percent - some estimate around 1%, maybe up to a few - there are words coming from languages all ulnqJwrwo04-00004-00003096-00003736 over the world in English. And although they make up a small proportion of the overall vocabulary, ulnqJwrwo04-00005-00003815-00004384 they certainly have a lot of interesting flavour that they bring to the English language. ulnqJwrwo04-00006-00004384-00005216 So this list here is a nice collection of many of them. And something I recommend, ulnqJwrwo04-00007-00005216-00006000 if you are a speaker of any of these languages, look up some of the words that ulnqJwrwo04-00008-00006000-00006752 come from your language, or just any language that you're interested in. You can see quite a ulnqJwrwo04-00009-00006880-00007423 collection here. So if you just look at some of these languages, they often come in ulnqJwrwo04-00010-00007559-00008048 certain fields. Like there's usually some kind of reason why a particular ulnqJwrwo04-00011-00008048-00008640 language becomes a source for vocabulary, and often it's in certain specialized areas. ulnqJwrwo04-00012-00008736-00009360 So of course, here we have, for Arabic, for the Islamic religion, those terms, a lot of them are ulnqJwrwo04-00013-00009360-00009984 specifically in Arabic, so that's no surprise. But also interesting that a lot of astronomy ulnqJwrwo04-00014-00010064-00010896 was influenced through Arabic astronomy, Arabic scholarship, so a lot of our star names ulnqJwrwo04-00015-00010952-00011416 are in Arabic. So if you start talking about the names of different stars in the night sky, ulnqJwrwo04-00016-00011416-00012128 you may end up speaking a lot of Arabic. And same you see here with botany, with different names for ulnqJwrwo04-00017-00012192-00013104 different plants. Also in textiles. So by seeing the areas that each language is called on for, ulnqJwrwo04-00018-00013104-00013744 you really get a picture of the way that this language particularly had an influence. ulnqJwrwo04-00019-00013744-00014512 And of course, cuisine. Now, this is something that you see for pretty much any language, ulnqJwrwo04-00020-00014512-00015416 any cultural area. Their food, food names, are almost like the most likely names to be taken ulnqJwrwo04-00021-00015416-00016088 from another language. So if a culture has its own cuisine, and then English-speaking people ulnqJwrwo04-00022-00016088-00016808 start to want to try and eat that food, that is the easiest way for words to come into English. ulnqJwrwo04-00023-00016808-00017112 And, of course, musical instruments as well. ulnqJwrwo04-00024-00017200-00017744 So take a look at, in Russian, well, all sorts of common ones, ulnqJwrwo04-00025-00017920-00018920 and quite a collection mixed in there. Then, of course, Russian cuisine. Also, you know, ulnqJwrwo04-00026-00018920-00019456 through Russian, had a lot of political influence. A lot of this is, you know, from the Soviet ulnqJwrwo04-00027-00019520-00020416 era, so these sort of political terms came in, a lot of Soviet-flavour vocabulary coming in. ulnqJwrwo04-00028-00020808-00021616 And OK, Russian orthodox religion. And also interesting technical and and scientific terms, ulnqJwrwo04-00029-00021680-00022528 terms like cosmonaut. And we have some plants. And, of course, animals and plants, that would ulnqJwrwo04-00030-00022528-00023168 be another thing that would be common for each language. Whatever the local animals and plants of ulnqJwrwo04-00031-00023280-00024016 the area of that language, that would be a common way to bring in these foreign words. ulnqJwrwo04-00032-00024016-00024416 You can even see, of course, Japanese is another interesting source, ulnqJwrwo04-00033-00024416-00024976 that we have Japanese culture having a very strong influence, so things like anime, ulnqJwrwo04-00034-00025128-00025560 you know, haikus. And so these are many very strong words here. ulnqJwrwo04-00035-00025752-00026568 Business philosophy, like kaizen, is brought in. Fashion, like kimonos. And, of course, all sorts ulnqJwrwo04-00036-00026568-00027432 of Japanese food terms, as you see. Terms from Japanese history. And, of course, martial arts. ulnqJwrwo04-00037-00027504-00028120 So it's like the area, the size and the areas, of the vocabulary brought in from each language ulnqJwrwo04-00038-00028120-00028792 really gives you a picture into the cultural influence of that language on English speakers. ulnqJwrwo04-00039-00028936-00029616 And even you see a case like for Hawaii. You have the word a'a, which is a very fun word to say. ulnqJwrwo04-00040-00029616-00030824 Maybe can have special application in Scrabble, a two-letter word, aa. And aloha, and so on. ulnqJwrwo04-00041-00030824-00032416 So I recommend this page for really exploring the vocabulary of different languages in English, and ulnqJwrwo04-00042-00032527-00032960 you may find some interesting surprises. umxvTpNRUTA-00000-00001074-00001664 When disaster or emergency strike that cause major damage to your home ow work place such umxvTpNRUTA-00001-00001664-00002274 as fire or flooding, naturally you want to restore you property to its original state. umxvTpNRUTA-00002-00002274-00002842 So, if you are looking for the best professional, reliable and affordable fire or water damage umxvTpNRUTA-00003-00002842-00002967 restoration repair company. umxvTpNRUTA-00004-00002967-00003177 You've come to the right place. umxvTpNRUTA-00005-00003177-00003628 We are proud to be the premier local restoration repair company and customer umxvTpNRUTA-00006-00003628-00003947 satisfaction is our #1 priority. umxvTpNRUTA-00007-00003947-00004289 We are fully licensed and insured and our restoration repair umxvTpNRUTA-00008-00004289-00004871 specialists have years of experience dealing with every type of situation you can imagine. umxvTpNRUTA-00009-00004871-00006672 So contact us now and let us help put your property back the way it was. v2nytibHiJk-00000-00000000-00000513 And up next we're having Erick Pinos, the president v2nytibHiJk-00001-00000513-00001067 And up next we're having Erick Pinos, the president v2nytibHiJk-00002-00001074-00001481 of Blockchain Education Network, a seven-year global network v2nytibHiJk-00003-00001481-00001871 of blockchain clubs, students, professors, and alumni. v2nytibHiJk-00004-00001871-00002068 Eric is also the Americas Ecosystem Lead v2nytibHiJk-00005-00002068-00002268 at Ontology, a high performance public v2nytibHiJk-00006-00002268-00002505 blockchain specializing in decentralized identity v2nytibHiJk-00007-00002505-00002589 and data. v2nytibHiJk-00008-00002589-00003013 At ontology Erick is advisor to the Wing Finance project. v2nytibHiJk-00009-00003013-00003379 Erick has a bachelor's in management from MIT, v2nytibHiJk-00010-00003379-00003616 where he was the president of MIT the Bitcoin Club v2nytibHiJk-00011-00003616-00003933 and a researcher at the MIT DCI. v2nytibHiJk-00012-00003933-00004100 Thank you so much for joining us, Erick. v2nytibHiJk-00013-00004100-00004250 So welcome, guys. v2nytibHiJk-00014-00004250-00004441 My name is Erick and thank you for that intro. v2nytibHiJk-00015-00004441-00004631 So as Daniel mentioned, I'm the president v2nytibHiJk-00016-00004631-00004804 of the Blockchain Education Network, v2nytibHiJk-00017-00004804-00005191 which is a seven-year network of blockchain clubs and students. v2nytibHiJk-00018-00005191-00005508 So the talk is about blockchain in academia, to really give v2nytibHiJk-00019-00005508-00005805 an understanding and an overview of how blockchain is being v2nytibHiJk-00020-00005805-00006016 taught at schools and universities, v2nytibHiJk-00021-00006016-00006363 and, if you're a company, what kinds of engagement v2nytibHiJk-00022-00006363-00006583 you can do with students to help promote v2nytibHiJk-00023-00006583-00006803 this mission of blockchain education on campuses, v2nytibHiJk-00024-00006803-00007150 and if you're a student, how you can get involved as a student v2nytibHiJk-00025-00007150-00007547 with teaching blockchain on your own campus. v2nytibHiJk-00026-00007547-00007831 So first, the thing that everyone thinks of, v2nytibHiJk-00027-00007831-00008004 blockchain courses, right? v2nytibHiJk-00028-00008004-00008314 How is blockchain courses being integrated into classes? v2nytibHiJk-00029-00008314-00008722 So there was a really great study published by Coinbase, v2nytibHiJk-00030-00008722-00009089 back in 2019, that did an analysis of how the blockchain v2nytibHiJk-00031-00009089-00009262 space has been changing. v2nytibHiJk-00032-00009262-00009482 And I can say that, from my experience, v2nytibHiJk-00033-00009482-00009809 I got into Bitcoin in 2014. v2nytibHiJk-00034-00009809-00010203 When I was an undergraduate at MIT the MIT Bitcoin v2nytibHiJk-00035-00010203-00010463 Club did the MIT Bitcoin airdrop, v2nytibHiJk-00036-00010463-00010747 so that was $1,000 worth-- v2nytibHiJk-00037-00010747-00011041 no, it was $100 worth of Bitcoin airdropped v2nytibHiJk-00038-00011041-00011197 to every MIT student. v2nytibHiJk-00039-00011197-00011358 And Bitcoin, I love telling the story, v2nytibHiJk-00040-00011358-00011708 because Bitcoin was $200 at the time. v2nytibHiJk-00041-00011708-00011965 So each MIT student got half a Bitcoin v2nytibHiJk-00042-00011965-00012102 and I still have that transaction v2nytibHiJk-00043-00012102-00012619 in my Coinbase account, 0.5 BTC from MIT Bitcoin Club. v2nytibHiJk-00044-00012619-00012796 So if you held out until today that's v2nytibHiJk-00045-00012796-00013153 $30,000 that every single student got airdropped. v2nytibHiJk-00046-00013153-00013309 So pretty wild, pretty crazy. v2nytibHiJk-00047-00013309-00013536 But back then there was no classes, v2nytibHiJk-00048-00013536-00013740 everything was super informal. v2nytibHiJk-00049-00013740-00013950 I had to join the MIT Bitcoin Club to learn v2nytibHiJk-00050-00013950-00014327 about Bitcoin and other campuses it was similar there were v2nytibHiJk-00051-00014327-00014627 a lot of student-run blockchain clubs popping up, v2nytibHiJk-00052-00014627-00014888 but there weren't blockchain classes. v2nytibHiJk-00053-00014888-00015475 So you can see now that it's changed by 2019 18% of students v2nytibHiJk-00054-00015475-00015855 have reported taking some kind of crypto course at 41 v2nytibHiJk-00055-00015855-00016022 of the top 50 universities, according v2nytibHiJk-00056-00016022-00016369 to Coinbase's rankings, have a student-run club. v2nytibHiJk-00057-00016369-00016573 So it's a mix of student run education v2nytibHiJk-00058-00016573-00017170 and a mix of classes, in-class run education. v2nytibHiJk-00059-00017170-00017320 Hey, Erick, sorry. v2nytibHiJk-00060-00017320-00017380 Yes? v2nytibHiJk-00061-00017380-00017620 We're wondering if you can minimize that real quick v2nytibHiJk-00062-00017620-00017997 because it's blocking the slides. v2nytibHiJk-00063-00017997-00018098 This thing? v2nytibHiJk-00064-00018098-00018184 Yes. v2nytibHiJk-00065-00018184-00018575 Oh, yeah, it was blocking it for me, too, I don't know how to-- v2nytibHiJk-00066-00018575-00018915 Oh, wow, OK, cool. v2nytibHiJk-00067-00018915-00019332 So also from 2018 to 2019, right, the demand v2nytibHiJk-00068-00019332-00019596 has been going up for having more-- v2nytibHiJk-00069-00019596-00019816 I could put it on my face is here, yeah. v2nytibHiJk-00070-00019816-00019996 So there's been more interest and demand v2nytibHiJk-00071-00019996-00020360 in learning about cryptocurrencies, as well. v2nytibHiJk-00072-00020360-00020577 With the increase of classes, there's v2nytibHiJk-00073-00020577-00020810 more universities teaching about blockchain, v2nytibHiJk-00074-00020810-00021131 and it's a mix between CS-based classes v2nytibHiJk-00075-00021131-00021327 versus business-based classes so, another thing v2nytibHiJk-00076-00021327-00021674 about blockchain, is that we've seen that usually it's v2nytibHiJk-00077-00021674-00021841 different departments that can teach it. v2nytibHiJk-00078-00021841-00022052 So we've had a lot of computer science departments v2nytibHiJk-00079-00022052-00022208 are teaching blockchain classes, we've v2nytibHiJk-00080-00022208-00022485 also had a lot of business schools start teaching classes. v2nytibHiJk-00081-00022485-00022822 I know that MIT, for example, we've had instances of both, v2nytibHiJk-00082-00022822-00023199 we've had both business-focused blockchain classes being taught v2nytibHiJk-00083-00023199-00023566 by the Sloan School and we've had more tech-focused classes, v2nytibHiJk-00084-00023566-00023810 taught either by the MIT DCI, the Digital Currency v2nytibHiJk-00085-00023810-00024017 Initiative, or by the Course Six department, v2nytibHiJk-00086-00024017-00024217 which is our electrical engineering and computer v2nytibHiJk-00087-00024217-00024384 science department. v2nytibHiJk-00088-00024384-00024691 And from Coinbase's rankings, the top leaders in crypto v2nytibHiJk-00089-00024691-00024744 education. v2nytibHiJk-00090-00024744-00024888 So these are universities that have v2nytibHiJk-00091-00024888-00025362 taught a class, so like Cornell, MIT, NYU, Stanford. v2nytibHiJk-00092-00025362-00025615 So it is a big focus in the US but we also v2nytibHiJk-00093-00025615-00025832 have some international universities v2nytibHiJk-00094-00025832-00026306 that have started to teach about blockchain, as well. v2nytibHiJk-00095-00026306-00026553 And so some like final thoughts about the courses, v2nytibHiJk-00096-00026553-00026789 I think what we've seen is that courses v2nytibHiJk-00097-00026789-00027077 are very difficult to integrate into campuses. v2nytibHiJk-00098-00027077-00027287 You look at right now its 2019-- v2nytibHiJk-00099-00027287-00027711 or it's 2021 now and it's been slowly happening, v2nytibHiJk-00100-00027711-00028048 but it hasn't fully been adopted yet. v2nytibHiJk-00101-00028048-00028231 These universities are still very v2nytibHiJk-00102-00028231-00028491 slow to integrate classes on campuses, v2nytibHiJk-00103-00028491-00028738 especially accredited courses. v2nytibHiJk-00104-00028738-00028895 So at the blockchain education area v2nytibHiJk-00105-00028895-00029082 we've been working with a lot of universities v2nytibHiJk-00106-00029082-00029432 to try to get these accredited courses installed, v2nytibHiJk-00107-00029432-00029713 we're having some success now, but this is success v2nytibHiJk-00108-00029713-00029939 now after seven years of pitching v2nytibHiJk-00109-00029939-00030233 university administrations to get this stuff installed. v2nytibHiJk-00110-00030233-00030463 So it's happening now and so I think, v2nytibHiJk-00111-00030463-00030680 within the next four or five years, v2nytibHiJk-00112-00030680-00030844 we'll see a lot more courses being v2nytibHiJk-00113-00030844-00031237 taught from all different kinds of disciplines about blockchain v2nytibHiJk-00114-00031237-00031574 and I think we'll see a lot more formally educated blockchain v2nytibHiJk-00115-00031574-00031758 developers, blockchain economists, v2nytibHiJk-00116-00031758-00032115 cryptocurrency designers, and researchers. v2nytibHiJk-00117-00032115-00032385 So I think it's very exciting that the universities are v2nytibHiJk-00118-00032385-00032672 starting to catch on and start hosting v2nytibHiJk-00119-00032672-00032859 these accredited courses. v2nytibHiJk-00120-00032859-00033093 But also I want to talk about extracurricular activities v2nytibHiJk-00121-00033093-00033316 because I think that stuff that's student-run v2nytibHiJk-00122-00033316-00033663 has always moved a lot faster than stuff that's faculty run v2nytibHiJk-00123-00033663-00033983 and the biggest case in point is the blockchain clubs. v2nytibHiJk-00124-00033983-00034137 So these are some blocking clubs that v2nytibHiJk-00125-00034137-00034360 are part of the BEN network. v2nytibHiJk-00126-00034360-00034504 And, as you can see, they all vary v2nytibHiJk-00127-00034504-00034801 in size and shape and history. v2nytibHiJk-00128-00034801-00035175 So MIT Bitcoin Club, Blockchain at Berkeley, Badger Blockchain, v2nytibHiJk-00129-00035175-00035505 those are all really old clubs, but we have a ton of new clubs, v2nytibHiJk-00130-00035505-00035799 like Bentley and Blockchain at Mason, v2nytibHiJk-00131-00035799-00036005 even at this point those are also old. v2nytibHiJk-00132-00036005-00036599 I think this boom really started in 2018 where the MIT Bitcoin v2nytibHiJk-00133-00036599-00036770 Club and the Wellesley Bitcoin Club v2nytibHiJk-00134-00036770-00037100 were really the only two Bitcoin clubs in Boston from like 2014 v2nytibHiJk-00135-00037100-00037397 to 2017, and actually the Wellesley Bitcoin Club v2nytibHiJk-00136-00037397-00037594 was shut down by the school. v2nytibHiJk-00137-00037594-00038194 So these clubs faced a lot of issues on their campuses v2nytibHiJk-00138-00038194-00038385 and a lot of push back from administration v2nytibHiJk-00139-00038385-00038708 that they didn't want Bitcoin being taught on campuses, v2nytibHiJk-00140-00038708-00038965 so a lot of them were hindered by the school administrations. v2nytibHiJk-00141-00038965-00039232 But all the clubs powered through and in 2018 v2nytibHiJk-00142-00039232-00039396 there were so many new blockchain clubs v2nytibHiJk-00143-00039396-00039689 in Boston that popped up, Boston College, Tufts, v2nytibHiJk-00144-00039689-00039863 Boston University, Harvard. v2nytibHiJk-00145-00039863-00040006 Harvard had a couple because there v2nytibHiJk-00146-00040006-00040210 was the grad school of education, v2nytibHiJk-00147-00040210-00040507 there was the business school, there was the Kennedy School, v2nytibHiJk-00148-00040507-00040730 the law school, and the undergrad school each v2nytibHiJk-00149-00040730-00041004 had their own blockchain club. v2nytibHiJk-00150-00041004-00041357 Emerson, Suffolk, they all have blockchain clubs and what v2nytibHiJk-00151-00041357-00041561 we've seen is that they're still around. v2nytibHiJk-00152-00041561-00041798 So that's really exciting to see because when v2nytibHiJk-00153-00041798-00042055 you have a blockchain club you have students that run it v2nytibHiJk-00154-00042055-00042205 and it can be difficult for students v2nytibHiJk-00155-00042205-00042582 because if it's a student, right, they have classes v2nytibHiJk-00156-00042582-00042772 and they have commitments and then there v2nytibHiJk-00157-00042772-00042942 might be a different president next year, v2nytibHiJk-00158-00042942-00043069 what happens when they graduate if they're v2nytibHiJk-00159-00043069-00043179 bringing someone new? v2nytibHiJk-00160-00043179-00043373 So this is something that BEN has helped a lot v2nytibHiJk-00161-00043373-00043706 with is helping clubs stay alive and to pass v2nytibHiJk-00162-00043706-00043977 on the knowledge from one president to the next president v2nytibHiJk-00163-00043977-00044200 and to just keep the clubs going. v2nytibHiJk-00164-00044200-00044434 So I'm very excited to say that most of these clubs v2nytibHiJk-00165-00044434-00044758 are still active and now that there's another, especially v2nytibHiJk-00166-00044758-00045014 through the bear market where a lot of people get discouraged, v2nytibHiJk-00167-00045014-00045288 now that we're in another bull market what we've seen v2nytibHiJk-00168-00045288-00045442 is a lot of new clubs popping up, v2nytibHiJk-00169-00045442-00045648 as well, that have been reaching out to us to say, v2nytibHiJk-00170-00045648-00045845 hey, we want to start a club at our university, v2nytibHiJk-00171-00045845-00045945 how do we do that? v2nytibHiJk-00172-00045945-00046196 So we've been helping a lot more clubs get set up. v2nytibHiJk-00173-00046196-00046443 And we really like the clubs because the clubs host events, v2nytibHiJk-00174-00046443-00046786 the clubs do their own education, they teach students, v2nytibHiJk-00175-00046786-00047140 they host activities, and there's a lot of exciting stuff v2nytibHiJk-00176-00047140-00047327 that clubs can get involved in doing so we'll v2nytibHiJk-00177-00047327-00047540 get into some of those. v2nytibHiJk-00178-00047540-00047781 So, as mentioned, these clubs have v2nytibHiJk-00179-00047781-00048104 been instrumental in getting blockchain adoption on campuses v2nytibHiJk-00180-00048104-00048324 because these student-run run clubs are the ones that v2nytibHiJk-00181-00048324-00048485 do all sorts of things. v2nytibHiJk-00182-00048485-00048895 So they do the job fairs, they connect students to companies v2nytibHiJk-00183-00048895-00049209 and get them internships, they do all these workshops. v2nytibHiJk-00184-00049209-00049416 A lot of times blockchain companies in the space v2nytibHiJk-00185-00049416-00049773 have ambassador programs or community programs. v2nytibHiJk-00186-00049773-00049916 In the blockchain space companies v2nytibHiJk-00187-00049916-00050410 are very the aim is to be decentralized so v2nytibHiJk-00188-00050410-00050590 is very much grassroots, it's like, v2nytibHiJk-00189-00050590-00050734 hey, let's get campus ambassadors, v2nytibHiJk-00190-00050734-00050930 let's get community leaders from the community, v2nytibHiJk-00191-00050930-00051117 let's get community admins. v2nytibHiJk-00192-00051117-00051388 So interestingly, right, there's a lot of opportunities v2nytibHiJk-00193-00051388-00051584 for students to be involved, more v2nytibHiJk-00194-00051584-00051881 so than in other industries, where things are very closed v2nytibHiJk-00195-00051881-00052115 off and you can't do something with a company v2nytibHiJk-00196-00052115-00052295 unless you officially work there. v2nytibHiJk-00197-00052295-00052445 In the blockchain space there's tons v2nytibHiJk-00198-00052445-00052612 of ways to get involved with the company v2nytibHiJk-00199-00052612-00052842 without needing to work there. v2nytibHiJk-00200-00052842-00053069 Online there's a lot of workshops and the courses v2nytibHiJk-00201-00053069-00053343 which we covered in the past and then there's v2nytibHiJk-00202-00053343-00053656 also a lot of crypto-native opportunities with airdrops, v2nytibHiJk-00203-00053656-00053927 notes, and [INAUDIBLE] rewards. v2nytibHiJk-00204-00053927-00054404 So a bit more about the offline workshops, v2nytibHiJk-00205-00054404-00054691 this is a big part of BEN a lot of part of our clubs v2nytibHiJk-00206-00054691-00055088 before COVID hit and most of the stuff had to go online v2nytibHiJk-00207-00055088-00055658 but what was really effective about [AUDIO OUT] workshop v2nytibHiJk-00208-00055658-00055942 [AUDIO OUT] days time, you could answer questions, v2nytibHiJk-00209-00055942-00056463 you can bring in guest [AUDIO OUT] speakers v2nytibHiJk-00210-00056463-00056740 and the guest speaker [AUDIO OUT] project v2nytibHiJk-00211-00056740-00057010 and those networking has been the most invaluable v2nytibHiJk-00212-00057010-00057317 most of the jobs that we've seen students get v2nytibHiJk-00213-00057317-00057620 has been because of the networking v2nytibHiJk-00214-00057620-00057964 they've been able to do at a networking event. v2nytibHiJk-00215-00057964-00058465 But the cons, right, so the [AUDIO OUT] it's costly, v2nytibHiJk-00216-00058465-00058678 the traveling, and it's difficult to scale. v2nytibHiJk-00217-00058678-00058958 So, yeah, when COVID hit we had to switch up v2nytibHiJk-00218-00058958-00059222 a lot and the clubs had to switch up a lot of the ways v2nytibHiJk-00219-00059222-00059486 that they would do things. v2nytibHiJk-00220-00059486-00059702 And another thing is the campus ambassador, v2nytibHiJk-00221-00059702-00059973 as I mentioned earlier, a lot of companies v2nytibHiJk-00222-00059973-00060380 have been creating opportunities for students [AUDIO OUT] v2nytibHiJk-00223-00060380-00060693 and this is a very big industry for that type of engagement v2nytibHiJk-00224-00060693-00061000 because the companies are a lot more [AUDIO OUT] v2nytibHiJk-00225-00061000-00061301 than just a student part of [AUDIO OUT] programs, v2nytibHiJk-00226-00061301-00061521 as opposed to other industries, where you can only v2nytibHiJk-00227-00061521-00061808 work with a company if you officially have a job there. v2nytibHiJk-00228-00061808-00062075 Companies have reported that it's difficult for them v2nytibHiJk-00229-00062075-00062302 to find the students. v2nytibHiJk-00230-00062302-00062479 And so this is something that we help with v2nytibHiJk-00231-00062479-00062652 is finding students to be those campus v2nytibHiJk-00232-00062652-00062882 ambassadors, finding students to help with the company, v2nytibHiJk-00233-00062882-00063096 create lessons, create developer tutorials, v2nytibHiJk-00234-00063096-00063199 and kind of get involved. v2nytibHiJk-00235-00063199-00063550 237 00:10:30,560 --> 00:10:36,502 One of my favorites [AUDIO OUT] and outside [AUDIO OUT] v2nytibHiJk-00236-00064144-00064390 there's a whole trend in the industries moving, in general, v2nytibHiJk-00237-00064390-00064654 towards MOOCs and towards extracurricular activities, v2nytibHiJk-00238-00064654-00064858 extracurricular boot camps. v2nytibHiJk-00239-00064858-00065278 You can get an education now at a university. v2nytibHiJk-00240-00065278-00065432 And, in many cases, a lot of students v2nytibHiJk-00241-00065432-00065678 supplement their education with boot camps, v2nytibHiJk-00242-00065678-00066045 like coding boot camps, outside of the official classroom v2nytibHiJk-00243-00066045-00066122 experience. v2nytibHiJk-00244-00066122-00066289 So this is something that a lot of clubs v2nytibHiJk-00245-00066289-00066556 have been involved in, is in creating lessons and creating v2nytibHiJk-00246-00066556-00066629 videos. v2nytibHiJk-00247-00066629-00066863 We have our own platform called BEN Learn v2nytibHiJk-00248-00066863-00067317 but there's [AUDIO OUT] resources v2nytibHiJk-00249-00067317-00067634 only for learning about blockchain directly v2nytibHiJk-00250-00067634-00068218 from the [AUDIO OUT] the authors. v2nytibHiJk-00251-00068218-00068488 I find that it's very important trend that universities v2nytibHiJk-00252-00068488-00068942 are getting official blockchain classes installed on campuses, v2nytibHiJk-00253-00068942-00069125 like accredited courses. v2nytibHiJk-00254-00069125-00069345 That's not the most important thing and it's also not v2nytibHiJk-00255-00069345-00069636 the most necessary thing because, through the clubs v2nytibHiJk-00256-00069636-00069846 and the students and the energy and the demand from v2nytibHiJk-00257-00069846-00070110 the students, they're going and they're seeking out this v2nytibHiJk-00258-00070110-00070396 information, anyway so they're [AUDIO OUT] [INAUDIBLE] v2nytibHiJk-00259-00070396-00070543 and taking the blockchain courses, v2nytibHiJk-00260-00070543-00070774 they're going on our platform and taking the blockchain v2nytibHiJk-00261-00070774-00070854 courses. v2nytibHiJk-00262-00070854-00071014 They will get that knowledge and they v2nytibHiJk-00263-00071014-00071187 will get that curriculum, whether or not v2nytibHiJk-00264-00071187-00071284 the school provides it. v2nytibHiJk-00265-00071284-00071541 So I think that's very important for the transition of how v2nytibHiJk-00266-00071541-00071801 the world is changing and moving away v2nytibHiJk-00267-00071801-00072092 from traditional four-year universities and more v2nytibHiJk-00268-00072092-00072425 towards anything that you would want to learn v2nytibHiJk-00269-00072425-00072715 is online, available for free, that you can go and learn v2nytibHiJk-00270-00072715-00072802 for that. v2nytibHiJk-00271-00072802-00073069 And blockchain lends itself very nicely to this v2nytibHiJk-00272-00073069-00073263 because blockchain is something that schools v2nytibHiJk-00273-00073263-00073530 have been very slow to adopt but has v2nytibHiJk-00274-00073530-00073853 become very, very high demand. v2nytibHiJk-00275-00073853-00074107 So there's been a lot of MOOCs popping up about blockchain v2nytibHiJk-00276-00074107-00074327 and a lot of online courses about blockchain v2nytibHiJk-00277-00074327-00074541 and so I can't speak to the quality of all of them, v2nytibHiJk-00278-00074541-00074727 but I can definitely say that our students, v2nytibHiJk-00279-00074727-00075075 there is a lot of demand for it and that content v2nytibHiJk-00280-00075075-00075318 is all available online for free, right now. v2nytibHiJk-00281-00075318-00075578 So anyone that wants to learn about blockchain v2nytibHiJk-00282-00075578-00075745 has the opportunity to do so. v2nytibHiJk-00283-00075745-00075965 And something else that we've been trying to do a lot v2nytibHiJk-00284-00075965-00076206 has been is focused on translating content. v2nytibHiJk-00285-00076206-00076402 So there's a lot of international universities, v2nytibHiJk-00286-00076402-00076709 as well, that also want to learn about blockchain v2nytibHiJk-00287-00076709-00076976 and it's a good volunteering opportunity for students v2nytibHiJk-00288-00076976-00077263 to get involved in translating, especially in languages v2nytibHiJk-00289-00077263-00077494 that there aren't that many translations in already. v2nytibHiJk-00290-00077494-00077781 And it's also great for the clubs, and for the schools, v2nytibHiJk-00291-00077781-00078111 because now there's more content available in other languages. v2nytibHiJk-00292-00078111-00078268 So it's a very positive feedback loop. v2nytibHiJk-00293-00078268-00078655 I think that the online material and all of these online courses v2nytibHiJk-00294-00078655-00079179 are going to outpace the growth of universities and courses v2nytibHiJk-00295-00079179-00079506 at universities. v2nytibHiJk-00296-00079506-00079742 Now for some of the more creative things that clubs have v2nytibHiJk-00297-00079742-00079979 done for student engagement on campuses, v2nytibHiJk-00298-00079979-00080260 there's been airdrops, as I mentioned, v2nytibHiJk-00299-00080260-00080467 I got involved through an airdrop v2nytibHiJk-00300-00080467-00080727 so I definitely believe in the importance of doing things, v2nytibHiJk-00301-00080727-00080894 like airdrops, on campuses. v2nytibHiJk-00302-00080894-00081131 Most students that have gotten involved v2nytibHiJk-00303-00081131-00081428 have gotten involved because they got some Bitcoin for free, v2nytibHiJk-00304-00081428-00081594 or they got something for free, and then v2nytibHiJk-00305-00081594-00081865 they went to go check out their club, so v2nytibHiJk-00306-00081865-00082122 clubs that do airdrops or universities, v2nytibHiJk-00307-00082122-00082305 communities that do airdrops. v2nytibHiJk-00308-00082305-00082572 Even if you look at this MIT Bitcoin Expo and anyone that v2nytibHiJk-00309-00082572-00082892 attends the expo, or goes in to talk to the sponsors, v2nytibHiJk-00310-00082892-00083166 they get a [INAUDIBLE] token, so giving students v2nytibHiJk-00311-00083166-00083570 their first badge, or NFT, or crypto, v2nytibHiJk-00312-00083570-00083877 gets them in the door to want to go in and learn more. v2nytibHiJk-00313-00083877-00084117 So that's been a very, very strong engagement v2nytibHiJk-00314-00084117-00084367 metric that we've seen clubs and students v2nytibHiJk-00315-00084367-00084561 and professors and community leaders and event v2nytibHiJk-00316-00084561-00084828 organizers use to get that engagement, v2nytibHiJk-00317-00084828-00085088 is doing these kinds of airdrops. v2nytibHiJk-00318-00085088-00085275 Another thing we've seen a lot of some groups v2nytibHiJk-00319-00085275-00085395 do is running nodes. v2nytibHiJk-00320-00085395-00085652 And so running nodes and organizing [INAUDIBLE].. v2nytibHiJk-00321-00085652-00085875 So this is very unique to the blockchain space, v2nytibHiJk-00322-00085875-00086429 is this idea of, let's run a node for this project and then, v2nytibHiJk-00323-00086429-00086616 one, you can earn money that way, v2nytibHiJk-00324-00086616-00086890 but more importantly, you get the experience of being a part v2nytibHiJk-00325-00086890-00087223 and contributing to the economic security of it. v2nytibHiJk-00326-00087223-00087797 So we would run a Bitcoin miner when we first started out. v2nytibHiJk-00327-00087797-00088128 Now I think there's a big demand now that ETHE 2, v2nytibHiJk-00328-00088128-00088284 or at least a version of ETHE 2 is out v2nytibHiJk-00329-00088284-00088508 and you can already start staking and delegating v2nytibHiJk-00330-00088508-00088645 for ETHE 2 nodes. v2nytibHiJk-00331-00088645-00088838 There's been a big demand for blockchain clubs v2nytibHiJk-00332-00088838-00088988 to get involved as ETHE 2 validators v2nytibHiJk-00333-00088988-00089202 and become ETHE 2 validators. v2nytibHiJk-00334-00089202-00089529 So clubs have been mining for a long time. v2nytibHiJk-00335-00089529-00089672 I think one of the issues with that v2nytibHiJk-00336-00089672-00089939 is that it uses the school's electricity, so a lot of those v2nytibHiJk-00337-00089939-00090206 were shut down because the schools weren't OK with it. v2nytibHiJk-00338-00090206-00090473 But, I think, now with being validators and being nodes v2nytibHiJk-00339-00090473-00090807 and verifying blocks and proof of stake, v2nytibHiJk-00340-00090807-00091064 types of blockchains, that's gotten v2nytibHiJk-00341-00091064-00091247 the opportunity for a lot more students v2nytibHiJk-00342-00091247-00091471 to get involved, and a lot more clubs to get involved, v2nytibHiJk-00343-00091471-00091628 than previously. v2nytibHiJk-00344-00091628-00091851 The other kind is getting involved in DOW governance. v2nytibHiJk-00345-00091851-00092081 So this is relatively new and, I think, v2nytibHiJk-00346-00092081-00092212 is the most interesting thing. v2nytibHiJk-00347-00092212-00092599 So we just started a meta-delegate for Uniswap, v2nytibHiJk-00348-00092599-00092846 this is something we announced, we got a grant from Uniswap v2nytibHiJk-00349-00092846-00092902 to do. v2nytibHiJk-00350-00092902-00093286 And the idea behind it is, let's get students involved in DOWS v2nytibHiJk-00351-00093286-00093476 let's get students involved in governance v2nytibHiJk-00352-00093476-00093643 and debating and voting. v2nytibHiJk-00353-00093643-00093947 So we have meta-delegate where people can delegate voting v2nytibHiJk-00354-00093947-00094254 power to our delegates the UNI token v2nytibHiJk-00355-00094254-00094581 represents voting power in the proposals in the Uniswap v2nytibHiJk-00356-00094581-00095048 network, and then we do a vote between the university chapters v2nytibHiJk-00357-00095048-00095218 to get them involved. v2nytibHiJk-00358-00095218-00095662 This kind of stems from the idea that we've seen a lot of clubs v2nytibHiJk-00359-00095662-00095849 start popping up and becoming delegates v2nytibHiJk-00360-00095849-00096039 for different projects. v2nytibHiJk-00361-00096039-00096362 For example, Harvard is a delegate for Uniswap, v2nytibHiJk-00362-00096362-00096576 so the Harvard Law School blockchain and finance v2nytibHiJk-00363-00096576-00096970 initiative, they're a delegate for Uniswap and Berkeley v2nytibHiJk-00364-00096970-00097107 is a delegate for Compound. v2nytibHiJk-00365-00097107-00097340 They also run other delegates, like Berkeley is also v2nytibHiJk-00366-00097340-00097610 a delegate for Uniswap, they all have v2nytibHiJk-00367-00097610-00097821 a lot of delegates going on. v2nytibHiJk-00368-00097821-00097994 And this is the most unique opportunity v2nytibHiJk-00369-00097994-00098221 that we've seen thus far, for students to get involved, v2nytibHiJk-00370-00098221-00098735 because you're getting involved in actually voting on things v2nytibHiJk-00371-00098735-00099008 that will change the protocol and some of these protocols v2nytibHiJk-00372-00099008-00099369 are managing like billions of dollars of crypto assets now, v2nytibHiJk-00373-00099369-00099706 so getting involved in voting and having that kind of power v2nytibHiJk-00374-00099706-00099879 as a student, having your voice being v2nytibHiJk-00375-00099879-00100203 heard that much as a student, is an incredible opportunity v2nytibHiJk-00376-00100203-00100497 that clubs can offer their students, right now. v2nytibHiJk-00377-00100497-00100740 And so, well, the shortcoming that we've identified v2nytibHiJk-00378-00100740-00101094 is that it is kind of intense to run because there's v2nytibHiJk-00379-00101094-00101347 a lot of requirements, there is a lot of knowledge v2nytibHiJk-00380-00101347-00101648 that's needed, experience, how do you host these events? v2nytibHiJk-00381-00101648-00101848 How do you do these roundtables? v2nytibHiJk-00382-00101848-00102051 How do you do these debates? v2nytibHiJk-00383-00102051-00102449 So where we came in is that's why we started v2nytibHiJk-00384-00102449-00102632 this mega-delegate is, well, instead v2nytibHiJk-00385-00102632-00102942 of having it done individually, between universities, v2nytibHiJk-00386-00102942-00103206 let's have a big intercollegiate roundtable where v2nytibHiJk-00387-00103206-00103506 the universities can come together and then discuss v2nytibHiJk-00388-00103506-00103616 and then vote. v2nytibHiJk-00389-00103616-00103957 And it would still just be like a training wheel v2nytibHiJk-00390-00103957-00104244 because we would hope, and our aim, is v2nytibHiJk-00391-00104244-00104501 to have other universities come in, v2nytibHiJk-00392-00104501-00104757 do the meta-delegate for a bit and then spin out v2nytibHiJk-00393-00104757-00104921 into their own delegate, so then they v2nytibHiJk-00394-00104921-00105118 would become Harvard or Berkeley, v2nytibHiJk-00395-00105118-00105261 that they have their own node. v2nytibHiJk-00396-00105261-00105548 So we're kind of helping younger universities and smaller v2nytibHiJk-00397-00105548-00105852 blockchain clubs get to that level, where they v2nytibHiJk-00398-00105852-00106045 can run their own delegates because that would v2nytibHiJk-00399-00106045-00106296 be the ultimate goal is like having every university running v2nytibHiJk-00400-00106296-00106543 their own delegate and getting to that point. v2nytibHiJk-00401-00106543-00106833 But I think that realistically it's v2nytibHiJk-00402-00106833-00107030 very difficult to go from nothing v2nytibHiJk-00403-00107030-00107203 to running a full delegate. v2nytibHiJk-00404-00107203-00107417 Berkeley and Harvard can do it because they've been v2nytibHiJk-00405-00107417-00107667 running for a long, long time. v2nytibHiJk-00406-00107667-00107810 And so where we are trying to help v2nytibHiJk-00407-00107810-00108104 is we're trying to help with clubs that want to get started v2nytibHiJk-00408-00108104-00108611 in DOWS and getting them from not knowing anything about it-- v2nytibHiJk-00409-00108611-00108778 some of the clubs that we have to teach, v2nytibHiJk-00410-00108778-00109135 we hosted an event for the Uniswap governance call v2nytibHiJk-00411-00109135-00109362 and, first, we had a lot of clubs from Turkey, v2nytibHiJk-00412-00109362-00109566 so we did the second half of the event in Turkish v2nytibHiJk-00413-00109566-00109866 so that our universities in Turkey would understand. v2nytibHiJk-00414-00109866-00110003 But we also found out that we had v2nytibHiJk-00415-00110003-00110300 to teach clubs what DOWS even were, v2nytibHiJk-00416-00110300-00110653 so even a blockchain club can be very, very new v2nytibHiJk-00417-00110653-00110854 and new enough that most of their students v2nytibHiJk-00418-00110854-00111167 don't have Metamask installed, they don't have crypto wallets, v2nytibHiJk-00419-00111167-00111341 they don't even know what DOWS are. v2nytibHiJk-00420-00111341-00111614 So there's a very big educational gap v2nytibHiJk-00421-00111614-00111931 that we need to help students cross the chasm there, v2nytibHiJk-00422-00111931-00112068 to get to the point where they're v2nytibHiJk-00423-00112068-00112232 able to start their own delegates v2nytibHiJk-00424-00112232-00112428 and participate in governance and voting v2nytibHiJk-00425-00112428-00112592 as you see Harvard in Berkeley here. v2nytibHiJk-00426-00112592-00112806 So that's something that we're really excited about v2nytibHiJk-00427-00112806-00113072 and I think that all of us, as an industry, v2nytibHiJk-00428-00113072-00113319 we have to think about how do we educate v2nytibHiJk-00429-00113319-00113740 the world about these new concepts, like DOWS and DeFi v2nytibHiJk-00430-00113740-00113820 and NFTs. v2nytibHiJk-00431-00113820-00114003 These are all words that don't mean anything v2nytibHiJk-00432-00114003-00114487 to the majority of people, even "fungible" and "Fiat", v2nytibHiJk-00433-00114487-00114684 the world doesn't talk in this language. v2nytibHiJk-00434-00114684-00114994 And so if we really want to have blockchain adoption we either v2nytibHiJk-00435-00114994-00115208 need to get rid of those terms, which I don't think v2nytibHiJk-00436-00115208-00115498 is going to happen, or we need to educate people v2nytibHiJk-00437-00115498-00115772 about those terms, or we abstracted it v2nytibHiJk-00438-00115772-00116025 away so that people don't even interact with those terms, v2nytibHiJk-00439-00116025-00116422 people are just interacting with good products and services. v2nytibHiJk-00440-00116422-00116599 So I think that that's what we need to do, v2nytibHiJk-00441-00116599-00116823 the abstraction for the products. v2nytibHiJk-00442-00116823-00117180 But in terms of academia, these are the young people v2nytibHiJk-00443-00117180-00117357 that are going to be building this future, v2nytibHiJk-00444-00117357-00117590 so we need to teach them about these concepts, v2nytibHiJk-00445-00117590-00117810 we need to teach them the ins and outs and everything v2nytibHiJk-00446-00117810-00118168 that we know about them so that they can produce research, v2nytibHiJk-00447-00118168-00118455 they can get involved in projects, start new projects, v2nytibHiJk-00448-00118455-00118681 get involved in existing ones, and help v2nytibHiJk-00449-00118681-00119045 keep building out the future. v2nytibHiJk-00450-00119045-00119322 So that covers it for the presentation. v2nytibHiJk-00451-00119322-00119549 I went over a lot of things and I v2nytibHiJk-00452-00119549-00119782 want to make this helpful to the people in the audience, v2nytibHiJk-00453-00119782-00121387 so I don't know if I can do question and answer [AUDIO OUT] v2nytibHiJk-00454-00121387-00121798 --can switch to that [AUDIO OUT] v2nytibHiJk-00455-00121798-00122452 Hey, Erick, so we actually don't have any questions v2nytibHiJk-00456-00122452-00123072 at the moment but for everyone out there v2nytibHiJk-00457-00123072-00123299 if you need to reach out to Erick you can always v2nytibHiJk-00458-00123299-00124100 tweet at him @ErickPinos, or through Blockchain Education. v2nytibHiJk-00459-00124100-00124284 Thank you so much, Erick. v2nytibHiJk-00460-00124284-00124491 I just wanted to say, I [INAUDIBLE] v2nytibHiJk-00461-00124491-00124938 want you to reach out if you're in Latin America or in Africa, v2nytibHiJk-00462-00124938-00125235 so those two regions are very important to us right now, v2nytibHiJk-00463-00125235-00125585 we've been hosting a lot of events in Africa, v2nytibHiJk-00464-00125585-00125799 for BEN Africa, Blockchain Education Network Africa, v2nytibHiJk-00465-00125799-00125939 at different universities. v2nytibHiJk-00466-00125939-00126206 So universities in Ghana, universities in Nigeria, and we v2nytibHiJk-00467-00126206-00126412 be doing a lot of stuff in Latin America, as well. v2nytibHiJk-00468-00126412-00126559 And so those are the students there v2nytibHiJk-00469-00126559-00126699 need a lot of support and content v2nytibHiJk-00470-00126699-00126863 and engagement resources and jobs. v2nytibHiJk-00471-00126863-00127177 So if you're excited about that please reach out. v2nytibHiJk-00472-00127177-00127290 Awesome, thank you so much. v2nytibHiJk-00473-00127290-00127557 I really appreciate your talk. v2nytibHiJk-00474-00127557-00127844 Thank you, thank you. v2nytibHiJk-00475-00127844-00128391 All right and coming up we're going to have another talk, v2nytibHiJk-00476-00128391-00128728 but in the meantime, if you guys want to continue, maybe, v2nytibHiJk-00477-00128728-00129062 networking with people through Discord or through Gather.Town, v2nytibHiJk-00478-00129062-00129295 or if you want to continue supporting the MIT Bitcoin v2nytibHiJk-00479-00129295-00129706 Club by producing some merch you can do that all v2nytibHiJk-00480-00129706-00129959 through the links in our website. v2nytibHiJk-00481-00129959-00130176 And we'll be back shortly. v3xG9Irp6DA-00000-00003600-00006600 Jenn, if you are ready, we can go ahead and get started with our welcome. Great. So thank you, everyone, for joining us for today's keynote series, Pleasure is our Revolution, Sex Positivity and sexual Violence Prevention presented by Jenn Mason. My name is Kat. My pronouns are she and her. I'm with the Washington coalition of Sexual Assault Programs. We are so excited to bring you this series of dynamic keynote presentations and discussions virtually this year in places our usual in-person c v3xG9Irp6DA-00001-00008300-00010100 I would like to begin today with a land acknowledgment. As your host entity, I want to acknowledge the WCSAP office is physically in Olympia, Washington which on the traditional territories of the coast peoples. Specifically the Saxon Island peoples. It's covered by the treaty of medicine creek signed under duress in 1844. I want to acknowledge I'm on the traditional land of Powellton people. You can use, if you would like to find out the land of the peoples that you are on, you can tex. v3xG9Irp6DA-00002-00010100-00011800 855-917-5263. You can also use the website and Sue has posted both of those in the chat. We are all guests on this land and with humility and reverence, we want to set that tone for our training with that fact at the forefront of our minds. v3xG9Irp6DA-00003-00011800-00013300 Sue and I from WCSAP will be doing the Zoom hosting and tech support for today. We will give you a few tips before we get started. Since we are in webinar mode, you can use the Q & A feature found at the bottom of the screen to submit any questions you have for Jenn. v3xG9Irp6DA-00004-00013300-00015300 You are welcome to also use the chat feature, but for really specific questions, it can sometimes get lost in the chat, so we do encourage you to use the Q & A to make sure we can address those where we have space in the presentation. v3xG9Irp6DA-00005-00015300-00016900 In the top right corner, you should see what looks like nine squares or nine little squares next to the word View. You can click on that to adjust your speaker view. Once Jenn begins sharing her slides, you will be able to see both the slides and Jenn and the ASL interpreters at the same time. v3xG9Irp6DA-00006-00016900-00019300 You can use the little vertical slide bar to adjust the ratio to make the slides or speakers larger or smaller. If you would like to also have less on your screen, you could also choose to hide non-video participants so you don't see the other panelists who have their video off. v3xG9Irp6DA-00007-00019300-00021800 As you heard, we are recording today. We are excited to make this available going forward after today's presentation. This workshop is a really exciting piece of this keynote series. It's really here to bring a sex-positive lens to prevention, shifting the goal from consensual transactions to pleasurable play. v3xG9Irp6DA-00008-00021800-00022300 Jenn will be exploring mainstream sexual norms from foreplay to fake or gasms in the effort to go beyond simply consents, we will discusses liberation, lessons from learned from BDSM and what happens when we make good sex our ultimate goal. Very excited for Jenn to dig into this with us today. v3xG9Irp6DA-00009-00022300-00025300 I will turn it over to you. v3xG9Irp6DA-00010-00026900-00029900 >> Great. Thank you so much. I would like to acknowledge I'm in Bellingham, Washington. I'm Jenn Mason. I use she/her pronouns. I'm going to go ahead and share my screen. Here we go. I'm the owner of Wink Wink and we are -- hold on a second. There we go. We are all ages inclusive, not creepy sex shop up in Bellingham, Washington. Let me tell you a little bit about what that means. v3xG9Irp6DA-00011-00030600-00033400 We are all ages which is fully legal. We don't sell any age-restricted products like pornography so we are allowed to have people of all ages in the store. That was an intentional choice, because I feel like inclusive, positive information about sex benefits all people, and as we will talk about, we know that people will learn from somewhere, and I would like to be a place where young people can come and we provide accurate information that's shame-free and yeah. v3xG9Irp6DA-00012-00033400-00036400 We are one of the only all ages shops in the nation. We are inclusive, which means that we try to have products for all people. We are queer inclusive, trans inclusive, our products in our shop are not divided by men's products and women's products. We divide them by body parts or just types of toys. We have lots of things in the shop like chest binders and other gender-affirming items. v3xG9Irp6DA-00013-00036900-00039700 So we try to be inclusive of as many people as we possibly can be. I say we are not creepy store which is something our customers described us as and we adopted it. Traditional sex shops tend to have a certain look and feel to them that isn't necessarily for some people, doesn't feel safe or doesn't feel comfortable. So we positioned ourselves as somewhere that feels clean and the windows are open and we have plants and if you're walking by, you might think is that a shoe store? No, we are a v3xG9Irp6DA-00014-00039700-00040500 We try to be a place that feels open and welcoming and is providing a different vibe than a lot of other shops. We are certified as a community sexual health resource by the Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health which means all of our staff have gone through a significant training that is focused on body-safe toys, how to use toys safely, how to talk about toys in an inclusive way. v3xG9Irp6DA-00015-00040500-00043500 So a lot of our staff has gone -- all of our staff has gone through quite a lot of training to do their jobs. Okay. v3xG9Irp6DA-00016-00044100-00046500 Another thing I wanted to say about the shop is that on top of that, we also do classes so that is a big educational component of the work that we do. We educate customers in the shop but then we also do classes which are all online right now, and those classes included so many different things from things like or gasms for everyone to sex-positive parenting. We just did a class a couple days ago on intimacy and menopause, queer sex. We try to offer education on topics that folks don't know a v3xG9Irp6DA-00017-00046500-00049500 Okay. There we go. This is a portion of our mission statement for the shop which is we celebrate sexual expression and exploration, banish shame and help our customers to better love themselves and others. We know that folks tend to have a lot of shame around sex and that's a big part of what we'll be talking about today. v3xG9Irp6DA-00018-00049700-00051600 For a lot of customers, it's their first time talking openly about sex. I have had people, you know, lot of customers who when I ask them well, what do you like, what sensations do you like, they said I guess I have never really thought about it. No one's asked me before. I don't know. People can be really nervous when they come in, because it can feel like a difficult topic to broach with somebody, but what's really cool is that I have the opportunity to see what these open discussions cempo v3xG9Irp6DA-00019-00051600-00052600 Providing a space where folks can talk about sex and their desires and what they like and what their challenges are and feel like they're not going to be judged and to come out on the other side and feel like okay, I can pursue what I want and that's acceptable and my pleasure matters. v3xG9Irp6DA-00020-00052600-00053500 I happen to think I have a very cool, fun job. I feel very honored to work with the people who come into our store. It's just really wonderful. v3xG9Irp6DA-00021-00053500-00056500 Hang on one second. I'm going to adjust my screen situation. Okay. v3xG9Irp6DA-00022-00056800-00058700 A little bit about me. I am a certified sex educator and sex coach. Sex coaching means I do one-on-one work with people. I can -- it's talk-based and when folks are having any issues related to sex which might be desire mismatch or difficulty with orgasm or wanting to pursue some sort of sex they might think they like but are unfamiliar with, we talk where I can help folks reach their goals around sex. v3xG9Irp6DA-00023-00058700-00060900 I also, this is what's very cool for me for today, I spent the entire first part of my career doing sexual assault prevention for domestic violence and sexual assault services, so if you had talked to me like 15 years ago, I would have been a person who was attending this workshop. v3xG9Irp6DA-00024-00060900-00062700 So I was there for about ten years doing prevention work and I also did fund-raising and development. I was a volunteer there before and worked with clients and so my background, the basis of my thinking and the lens I view the world really comes from a sexual assault prevention lens. v3xG9Irp6DA-00025-00062700-00063600 So it's really fun for me to be here today. I was so excited to be asked to do a WCSAP presentation because it's like oh, my gosh, WCSAP was a big part of my life for a while and I don't know, it's just exciting to kind of come back in this way. v3xG9Irp6DA-00026-00063600-00065800 Okay. One second. I'm going to do one more screen adjustment. Here we go. v3xG9Irp6DA-00027-00065800-00068400 Okay. So there's the question of why does this work matter? A lot of folks hear okay, I own a sex shop and so this is all fun and all light-hearted and it's just, it doesn't really matter, it's just kind of a fun thing. I think that this work is deeply important for a couple of reasons that are relevant to us today. v3xG9Irp6DA-00028-00068400-00071300 First of all, pleasure matters. I think pleasure is what makes life worth living, the parts of life that make us feel good. And I don't mean necessarily like hedonistic pleasure. I mean things that make us feel alive. Things that make us feel loved, connected, joy, intimacy, pleasure really matters. v3xG9Irp6DA-00029-00071300-00073500 Our culture has a somewhat strained relationship with pleasure. There's a lot of guilt that comes along with pleasure and I don't just mean sexual pleasure. I mean pleasure in general. We talk about guilty pleasures, pleasures we're supposed to feel bad about. There are a lot of stereotypes and race-based assumptions around pleasures, where there may be more judgment for certain people who are engaging in certain types of pleasure than others. v3xG9Irp6DA-00030-00073500-00076500 But I think that pleasure really matters. And I think sexual pleasure matters and that's a big part of what we'll be talking about today. Sexuality is a major part of our lives. It's a big part of our identity. Not everybody has sex, or not everybody has romantic relationships, but those identities are also still important to who we are. v3xG9Irp6DA-00031-00077400-00078700 But for folks who have sex and are having a romantic relationship, that intimacy is often deeply important to our lives. Sex has the potential to be healing and make us feel adventurous and wild and vulnerable and intimate and connected and rebellious and excited. It has all of these gifts that it can bring to our life and it can also be deeply painful and it can also be challenging and embarrassing and awkward. v3xG9Irp6DA-00032-00078700-00081500 So I think talking about sexual pleasure really matters. It's something that we ignore quite a lot but I think is actually a deeply important part of who we are, and what our relationships are. v3xG9Irp6DA-00033-00081500-00083900 It's also really important in sexual assault prevention work. I know for myself, I don't know if any of you ever struggled with this, but one of my biggest challenges when I was doing sexual assault prevention work, I'm sure like a lot of you, I was primarily in middle schools and high schools doing prevention, talking to lots and lots and lots of young people, and there was always this kind of persistent worry that what I was doing wasn't believable. v3xG9Irp6DA-00034-00083900-00086000 That what I was doing wasn't -- like I wasn't selling it. Because ultimately, prevention educators are kind of salespeople. You have a vision, you want people to adopt what it is that you are selling to them. You want them to adopt the behaviors and the mindset and the values that you are bringing. v3xG9Irp6DA-00035-00086000-00089000 In order to do that, you have to be believable and relevant, and there was always for me this kind of worry that what I was doing was a little bit maybe detached from what was actually happening on the ground, or that I was selling part of a vision but not like a full vision. v3xG9Irp6DA-00036-00089600-00091200 And what I found when I came into the work that I'm doing now which is very focused on pleasure and sex positivity, which is what we're talking about today, I really found that for me, it completed the framework. That it was the missing piece for me that said oh, here's how sexual assault prevention can be more effective, can be more believable, is if we put sexual assault prevention into a pleasure sex positive framework. v3xG9Irp6DA-00037-00091200-00094200 I still consider myself somebody who is doing sexual assault prevention work because I think what we do at the shop and with our classes is sexual assault prevention. So I really consider myself somebody who is still kind of part of the sexual assault prevention world. v3xG9Irp6DA-00038-00094700-00095300 Okay. So here's our plan for today. We will talk about what messages people are receiving about sex. Talked about the difference between sex negativity and sex positivity. We will talk about sexual liberation. We will talk about how does some sexual assault prevention work reinforce problematic messages. So exploring in the work that we're doing, are we sometimes reinforcing things that we actually should be working to combat. v3xG9Irp6DA-00039-00095300-00098300 And then we will talk about how you can implement sex positivity into your work. That's the plan for today. v3xG9Irp6DA-00040-00098400-00100300 A couple things I want to say. First of all, we will be talking about sex. That should be pretty obvious by now. If you're not used to talking about orgasms in the morning, welcome to my world. I know that sometimes even if you talk about trauma for, you know, your professional life, sometimes talking about sex and pleasure can still be pretty uncomfortable. I guess I just want to throw that out there. v3xG9Irp6DA-00041-00100300-00100700 We will be talking about good sex and sexual pleasure and notice how that feels for you, because I know for me when I was doing sexual assault prevention work, particularly in the very beginning, I was still pretty uncomfortable talking about pleasure, and I think that that is not necessarily a unique experience. v3xG9Irp6DA-00042-00100700-00103500 So notice those feelings that you're having as we're talking about pleasure. v3xG9Irp6DA-00043-00103500-00106100 I want to acknowledge that communities are all different and the work that you're doing all looks different, and the work that your community is ready for or wants is going to look really different. So I'm in Bellingham. We have a community that can handle an all ages sex shop. I'm also an elected official on the Bellingham School Board and that works for us. That is not something that's going to work for everywhere. v3xG9Irp6DA-00044-00106100-00108300 For some of you, you may hear this and think I'm already basically doing sex positive prevention. Some of you may hear this and think I would be kicked out of schools if I said any of this or if I adopted kind of this framework. I just want to acknowledge that all communities are going to be different, and what you're already doing is going to look different. This is going to apply differently wherever you're at. v3xG9Irp6DA-00045-00108300-00109600 On that note, feel free to take what's useful here and throw away what's not useful. I am but one person with one brain and one perspective, and that has certain privileges and certain frameworks that I am looking at, so you may not find any of this relevant or some of this not relevant and that's okay. v3xG9Irp6DA-00046-00109600-00112100 You will be getting slides and resource list afterwards, so I know sometimes people are like frantically taking notes to copy the slides down. I believe you will be getting that afterwards. Will. v3xG9Irp6DA-00047-00112100-00115000 Please participate in the chat. If I'm saying things you agree with, don't agree with, have thoughts on, the hardest part of presenting on Zoom especially like this is that I can't see anyone. So I have no idea how things are going unless you're in the chat. So please feel free to be rowdy in the chat. I will try and keep an eye on it in case there are questions and comments in there. v3xG9Irp6DA-00048-00115000-00118000 We are actually going to start immediately with some questions for all of you, which is a reflection. You can drop this into the chat. Where did you learn about sex and relationships? This is a question that can be either you or the royal You. Where do people learn about sex in relationships? Go ahead and drop that into your chat. We will wait for some responses to go in here. v3xG9Irp6DA-00049-00118400-00121400 Lots and lots of movies, media, friends, family, community, online mostly. Church. From my mom. A sex-positive youth camp for eighth graders? Oh, my gosh. That sounds cool. Friends, family. Abusive partners. Sometimes we are learning from folks who are abusive. v3xG9Irp6DA-00050-00121900-00124900 Friends. For some reason you said friends and I was thinking the TV show Friends. Books. Queer community. A lot of purity culture. Yep. Trauma counselor, Catholic church. There's a common set of places that people tend to learn from, right? We have kind of the people who are closest to us, we have family members. Sometimes family members do a really good job of teaching us about sex in ways that make us feel good about themselves. v3xG9Irp6DA-00051-00125700-00127500 Sometimes family members are teaching us because they are -- they are teaching us in ways that are abusive, that we have to work really hard to unlearn later on. We might be learning from friends, from folks we go to school with, from media at large, books, now social media, movies, TV, church, the community around you. Found porn in a friend's attic. I think a lot of us stumbled across porn and thought we're learning a lot from this. v3xG9Irp6DA-00052-00127500-00130000 Not necessarily good stuff, but learning -- it's still learning. There's lots of places where we learn about sex and relationships. We are getting all of this information from all of these different places. Right? I notice pretty much only one person said you actually went somewhere where they actually taught you about sex. v3xG9Irp6DA-00053-00130000-00131300 So while this is changing in Washington State because of Referendum 90 and sex education is required now, comprehensive sex education, so that will be changing in the future. Still going to take a while for the impacts of that to sink in. It's also, even if we add sex education in schools, that's more comprehensive, it's still only one place. Right? v3xG9Irp6DA-00054-00131300-00133300 So we tend to think about like oh, well, there will just be sex education in schools and then we never have to talk about it anywhere else, and it's like look at all the other places people are learning about sex and relationships. Okay. v3xG9Irp6DA-00055-00133300-00136300 So I'm going to ask you another question. What were the messages you received about sex? Or what are the messages that you think people commonly learn about sex? So not just sexual assault, but what are the messages you received about sex in general? v3xG9Irp6DA-00056-00137700-00140300 Sex is bad and evil unless you're straight and married, then it's your duty. Sex is for male pleasure. It's dirty. As a woman, my role in sex is to please a man. Wait for marriage. You'll get pregnant so don't do it. Lot of just don't do it. Virginity is precious, only once you're married. Women shouldn't want or enjoy sex too much. It's private. How to pleasure a man, not so much about my own pleasure. You're dirty if you have sex, especially if you enjoy it. v3xG9Irp6DA-00057-00140300-00142700 It's not okay to talk about. Sex is very passionate, you might get thrown against a wall during it. As long as it's consensual and safe, I was supported from home, at school a slut if you do. There's that kind of double standard. I'm too young to be a Grandma. Yep. Sex is just something you have to do, not focused on female pleasure. v3xG9Irp6DA-00058-00142700-00144200 You have all basically done my entire presentation. Most of these messages are pretty negative. I will tell you that this week, for the past few weeks, I have been talking to seventh and eighth graders, I have been at a Montessori school in Bellingham teaching sex education and I asked the same question. v3xG9Irp6DA-00059-00144200-00146500 Basically every presentation, I do the same questions. What were the messages you received about sex? I will tell you that the answers that you have are very similar to what seventh and eighth graders told me just last week when I asked them this same question. v3xG9Irp6DA-00060-00146500-00148900 So while I think some things are changing in how we talk about sex and how we talk about sexual assault, the messages that people are getting are largely the same. That we're all in many ways still surrounded by these very negative messages about sex and this last thing in the chat, the messages aren't just negative, they're confusing. v3xG9Irp6DA-00061-00148900-00151900 They're very confusing. The way we think about sex in dominant culture is it requires a lot of mental gymnastics to try and understand because we're deeply uncomfortable with it, so it's like we kind of make all of these rules about it that don't make any sense, and that nobody can ever really follow and be successful at. v3xG9Irp6DA-00062-00153500-00154300 So what most of you talked about is called sex negativity. Unfortunately, I think every single time that I have asked this question, while some people have positive answers for what they have learned, most of us have more negative answers. And whether that's because we have actually received more negative messages or because those are the ones that stick out in our head, we have to acknowledge that the context of our culture, the context that we are doing sexual assault prevention work in gen v3xG9Irp6DA-00063-00154300-00156700 I'm going to talk about what sex negativity actually is and you all have covered much of this with the messages that you shared. v3xG9Irp6DA-00064-00156700-00159300 First of all, sex negativity in general views sex as taboo. In our culture, it's still, I think, more taboo to talk about sex than it is to have sex. I can think of very few other things that most people, most adults and young adults are doing but that we are not supposed to talk about openly. v3xG9Irp6DA-00065-00159300-00162300 It's still very taboo to acknowledge the sex that we are having. And that taboo is kind of a spectrum where there are some things that are more taboo and some things that are less taboo. But overall, sex is something that we're still really not supposed to talk about and that we're supposed to stay silent about. There are all these kind of rules about that. v3xG9Irp6DA-00066-00162700-00165100 It brings up for me the idea of what's called sex exceptionalism, where we treat sex differently than anything else. Where it's like we teach sex, we might be teaching sex about sex, but it's like only this one person is going to talk to you about sex and it's not going to be your teachers. It's going to be this one educator and it's created by law what they can talk to you about. They can only use certain words and only certain times. v3xG9Irp6DA-00067-00165100-00168000 We have like sex as this separate thing that's over here and it's not ingrained in the rest of our education, the rest of our culture. It's like this thing that's kind of behind a curtain that we're not supposed to acknowledge, even when you do talk about it, it's in these highly controlled, specific ways, because overall, we still think of it as something that we're not supposed to be acknowledging. v3xG9Irp6DA-00068-00168000-00170000 Sex negativity uses shame as a tool to shape behavior. I think that sex and shame is, gosh, even for folks who had relatively healthy upbringings around sex, from my perspective as somebody who works in a sex shop, I think that most people experience shame around sex in one way or another. v3xG9Irp6DA-00069-00170000-00172800 When you're doing sexual assault prevention, the conversation about shame is often about how survivors feel, may feel shame, for being victimized. This feeling of shame is so common for survivors. And sexual assault can bring up those feelings. v3xG9Irp6DA-00070-00172800-00175800 I also think that sex in general brings up a lot of shame, that sexual assault is shameful or that survivors can feel it's shameful because sex in general is shameful. It's not to say just abusive behavior brings up feelings of shame. It's like the whole thing. You could be having the best, most consensual sex and still have a lot of shame associated with it. v3xG9Irp6DA-00071-00176900-00178200 Shame can just be sort of a general thing for those of you who said you were taught the messages that you got were you're not supposed to enjoy it, you're not supposed to even be having sex. Sex itself can just bring up shame. I also, you know, from working in the shop and talking to people about sex, there's also a lot of specific situations that bring shame, where people feel like the desires they have are shameful or the fact that they struggle with orgasm is shameful or they're hahe they' v3xG9Irp6DA-00072-00178200-00180600 Not as much desire as their partner does or maybe they want to masturbate and that has been frowned upon and shamed. The fact they like pornography or look at pornography can feel shameful. v3xG9Irp6DA-00073-00180600-00182400 So there's all of this shame that's really associated with sex. When we're talking about sexual assault prevention, we know that experiencing shame, particularly sexual shame, is a risk factor for somebody being a perpetrator. So I think that eradicating shame around sex in general is part of prevention work. v3xG9Irp6DA-00074-00182400-00185400 It's not just oh, people feel better about sex if they don't have shame about it. When we address the shames that are around sex and our wants and our desires and our limits and our boundaries and these shames we hold so deeply, I think that is part of sexual assault prevention. v3xG9Irp6DA-00075-00185400-00188400 Sex negativity focuses overwhelmingly on risks and negative consequences. Often, this focuses on STIs and unintended pregnancy. That is good information to know. I am not arguing that we should not be educating people on STIs or unintended pregnancy. I think that we should be talking about that and we should be talking about how to reduce risks, right. v3xG9Irp6DA-00076-00188400-00189100 But the way we have traditionally talked about sex is that it's focused primarily on that and it makes sex seem like this thing that you dip your toe into it and just horrible things are going to happen to you immediately. And we know that there are ways, there are ways of reducing risk and we also know that there are lots and lots of good parts of sex, that there are benefits to our lives and to our relationships. v3xG9Irp6DA-00077-00189100-00192100 Sex negativity kind of ignores those good parts and really focuses on the potential bad things. v3xG9Irp6DA-00078-00192300-00193900 One of the other issues of this is that if a person does have an STI or becomes pregnant when they didn't intend to, because of the way our culture has talked about those things, it can be deeply shameful. It can add to the shame. STI stigma is a huge issue where people feel like they have an STI and they will never have a relationship, they will never have love. v3xG9Irp6DA-00079-00193900-00195500 The way we talk about STIs, you know, we do a lot of fear and this is a terrible thing and depending on what kind, you may have it forever, also scares a lot of people out of having a relationship with a person with STIs. v3xG9Irp6DA-00080-00195500-00198500 So again, I think that there is a balance that has to happen in we can't just focus on risk or negative consequences, or we pile on to the shame and fear and silence around sex that we know can be so damaging to people. v3xG9Irp6DA-00081-00198600-00199700 Okay. Sex negativity denies access to education. It's overall discomfort about giving access to information about sex. We do it in highly controlled ways for young people. One of the things I heard from my seventh and eighth graders in the last couple weeks was some of them said well, we have, you know, parents who say that we can learn about sex but it's like only with these certain books. v3xG9Irp6DA-00082-00199700-00202000 If we look at other stuff, then that's really bad, right. So sex negativity is this idea that we shouldn't allow people to learn about it or bad things will happen to them. v3xG9Irp6DA-00083-00202000-00203100 The thing is, whether or not we provide, intentionally provide education or not, everybody learns about sex. Everybody learns about sexuality. All the messages that you put in the chat, many of those probably weren't -- nobody sat down and said hey, just so you know, sexual pleasure is not for you, it's for the men. v3xG9Irp6DA-00084-00203100-00205100 Oftentimes nobody intentionally does. You pick that up from the world around you. So everybody's going to learn whether or not we intentionally decide to teach them. v3xG9Irp6DA-00085-00205100-00208100 Sex negativity allows for a very narrow definition of what sex is. I'm going to ask this question for you to put this in the chat. When I say the word sex, what is sex, what do you think that most people think of when they think of the word sex? What does it look like? v3xG9Irp6DA-00086-00209200-00212000 What kind of behavior, what is associated, what is sex? Missionary straight sex. Hetero sex. Penis and vagina intercourse. Again, yeah, straight sex, missionary position, penis in vagina. This is a thing I ask at every single presentation, including the seventh and eighth graders because I want them to have an expanded definition of what sex is. v3xG9Irp6DA-00087-00212000-00214900 Literally every presentation I have ever done, it's like penetrative sex when a penis goes into a vagina is the first thing that comes to mind because that is the message that's been given to us often for much of our life, even if that's not the sex that we are having, the world around us wants us to believe that that is what sex is and that everything else is a derivative of it. v3xG9Irp6DA-00088-00214900-00216500 It allows for this very narrow definition and in sex negativity, it may say okay, penetrative sex is okay, we are okay with this, but all of this other stuff is not okay. So sex negativity may say penetrative sex, missionary style, when you're married, don't enjoy it too much, that's totally fine. But sex where you have sex toys involved, not okay. v3xG9Irp6DA-00089-00216500-00219300 Queer sex, not okay. BDSM, not okay. Having sex with multiple people, not okay. So sex negativity might allow for certain kinds of sex but it's a pretty narrow definition of what it is. v3xG9Irp6DA-00090-00219300-00220400 Sex negativity shames having too much sex and not enough. Somebody said this in the chat, it's that double standard that exists much more I think for feminine reliant folks is that you can't win, right, because you're never supposed to say yes, but you're also not supposed to say no. You're kind of, especially when you're younger, I think there's fear of being made fun of because you're not having any sex. v3xG9Irp6DA-00091-00220400-00223400 But there's also this very real repercussions for somebody who is having a lot of sex. You just really can't win. v3xG9Irp6DA-00092-00223700-00224900 In our culture, we tend to think of sex almost as like a commodity. It's almost like money, where you have it and then if you give it away, you have less value. Rather than being something that's like we can have and enjoy and we can build upon the sex that we've had and it can get better and we can kind of play with whether or not we want to have more or less and there's not necessarily value to us as a person if we're having more sex or less sex. v3xG9Irp6DA-00093-00224900-00226900 Our culture thinks of sex as this sort of commodity that if we give too much of it away, then we are worth less, right? v3xG9Irp6DA-00094-00226900-00228900 Sex negativity values certain body types over others. That tends to be white bodies, thin bodies, Cisgender bodies, Cissexual bodies that are thin bodies that we say sex is okay but only if you look like this, only if your body is this way. v3xG9Irp6DA-00095-00228900-00231600 Believes only certain people deserve pleasure. You all touched on this a bit. Sex negativity often really says it's okay with sex so long as it's only certain people are having it and that the template really is set by Cisgender straight men and we will talk about that specifically in a moment. v3xG9Irp6DA-00096-00231600-00234100 So believes only certain people deserve pleasure. In sex negativity, we say okay, okay, pleasure is acceptable but only if you are this kind of person. You can look through this list and it's very associated with people who have privilege. Cisgender men, straight people, people without disabilities, young to middle-aged adults. v3xG9Irp6DA-00097-00234100-00235000 I think it's like the only acceptable age range where we say well, young people shouldn't be having sex, also our culture is kind of uncomfortable with older people having sex. We did this class in the shop on sex and menopause and it's like people don't have very much information about menopause or how to have intimacy after menopause and that's a problem as well. v3xG9Irp6DA-00098-00235000-00236800 So sex is really only acceptable for this very narrow age range which I think not coincidentally is often the age that people may be trying to conceive. v3xG9Irp6DA-00099-00236800-00239800 Pleasure is acceptable for people with conventionally attractive body and looks, folks who are neurotypical, who are monogamous, who are vanilla, doing what we consider mainstream culturally acceptable types of ways of having sex, and white. v3xG9Irp6DA-00100-00240900-00242700 So all -- we leave a lot of folks out of this. This is not a comprehensive list of all of the people that we leave outside of the pleasure paradigm, that we say sex is not -- pleasure is not acceptable for these people, and what's really awful about that is that folks -- some folks go through their entire life without really feeling like they are deserving of sexual pleasure, that they're not deserving of having their needs met, their desires met, their limits met. v3xG9Irp6DA-00101-00242700-00245700 Because they are on the outside of what our culture believes is acceptable for who should be experiencing pleasure. I just saw somebody posted about a book Let's Talk About It. Such a wonderful book. We sell it at the shop. It's a really, really great book. v3xG9Irp6DA-00102-00245800-00247000 Okay. Sex negativity upholds assumptions and stereotypes. Sex exists as part of our culture which is racist and classist and ablist and all of the isms and there are so many different ways that racism and classism and ablism and trans phobia and queer phobia are imbedded into our sex negative culture. v3xG9Irp6DA-00103-00247000-00248700 Some of these stereotypes and assumptions are let's say people with disabilities aren't sexual people. They can't have sex, they don't want to have sex, they're not sexual people. v3xG9Irp6DA-00104-00248700-00251100 On the other hand, for folks with disabilities, there are stereotypes that if they do have a sexuality, it's like rooted in perversion. So there are, again, double standards abound in sex negativity. v3xG9Irp6DA-00105-00251100-00254100 Some of the stereotypes and assumptions being transgender is not legit. It's a deviancy instead of being something that is a valid identity. Fetishization is a very persistent issue in sex-negative cultures. The reduction of a person to an object based on their identity. v3xG9Irp6DA-00106-00254300-00257300 There are so many race-based assumptions and stereotypes. Black men have large penises or black people of all genders are hypersexual. That has been a very persistent racial stereotype that was rooted in one of the justifications for chat tel slavery and enslavers to rape women was this kind of stereotype that well, black people are hypersexual. v3xG9Irp6DA-00107-00257300-00259200 That has been something that we have seen persist, this stereotype. There are stereotypes about people who are Asian, Asian women being subservient or docile, there to serve your needs. Sex negativity just allows these stereotypes and assumptions and aggressions based on those stereotypes to persist. We just say these are acceptable, these are -- they remain unchallenged. v3xG9Irp6DA-00108-00259200-00262100 Sex negativity defaults to straight Cisgender men as the priority and the ideal template. You know, we see from what you all told me, penetration is kind of prioritized as like this is the best sex or this is the ideal sex, and everything else is like a derivative. v3xG9Irp6DA-00109-00262100-00263900 One of the ways that we see this, I see this all the time in my shop, is that for vulva owners it's relatively uncommon that penetration will be the way they reach an orgasm. It's much more common for clitoral stimulation that leads to orgasm. Different for everybody. That's not to say that people who have penetration and that's the way we orgasm but it's much more common. v3xG9Irp6DA-00110-00263900-00266200 However, in lots of vulva owners do not know that or they think that something is wrong with them. Because we have said here's the right way, here's the acceptable way to have sex, and if you don't orgasm from that, something must be wrong with your body. v3xG9Irp6DA-00111-00266200-00269200 We see often in relationships, straight relationships where it's like whatever the man's desire level is is considered the standard, so it's like if he has a higher desire and she has a lower desire, it's like well, this person obviously has a problem. v3xG9Irp6DA-00112-00269400-00271700 In general, we tend to think of the person with lower desire has an issue rather than just they have lower desire and maybe that's fine and not a problem. But there are many, many ways, many examples of how we default to straight Cisgender men to kind of set what the norm is and it means if you're outside of that, you experience life differently, you experience sex and desire differently, than this one template, it can feel like something is wrong with you. v3xG9Irp6DA-00113-00271700-00273200 Or there is an issue. And sex negativity believes that open sexual communication is embarrassing and unsexy. I think this is probably one of the biggest issues of sex negativity is we tend to think of talking about sex as like this interruption to good sex rather than something that's part of it. Rather than something that could make it better. v3xG9Irp6DA-00114-00273200-00275100 And not just because you're not harming someone but that because talking about sex can be super erotic and very hot and can get you more of what you want to experience and help you please your partner better. v3xG9Irp6DA-00115-00275100-00276900 Lots and lots of people think of communication about sex as being cold and clinical, and therefore, when we are teaching consent in a culture that believes acknowledging sex is cold and clinical, consent itself becomes cold and clinical. v3xG9Irp6DA-00116-00276900-00279700 If communicating about sex is unsexy, then consent is unsexy also. Because we have a culture that just doesn't -- hasn't been taught that communication is not just essential, it's not just a check box, it's part of what can make sex really, really good. v3xG9Irp6DA-00117-00279700-00282600 I think sometimes we end up reinforcing this, and I mean the royal We, and I mean myself when I was doing sexual assault prevention, we end up reinforcing that sexual communication is unsexy by giving very unsexy examples about how to communicate around sex. That we say no, communication about sex is great, look, you can say to your partner would you like to have oral sex, I would like that. v3xG9Irp6DA-00118-00282600-00285200 And it's like we're not helping the cause here by offering up examples that sort of reinforce the idea that sexual communication is not a hot thing to do. And the last part is sex negativity really treats relationships, I think, teen relationships and teen sexuality, at best with kind of ambivalence. v3xG9Irp6DA-00119-00285200-00288200 There are not a lot of people who are saying to teenagers, young adults, I want you to have a good sex life. I want you to enjoy your sexuality. Your sexual well-being is important to me. I don't want you to just not get hurt. I want this to be a good part of your life that you feel confident in, that you enjoy, that you look forward to. v3xG9Irp6DA-00120-00288300-00290300 Most young people are not hearing that, or if they are hearing that, it is a small fraction of the messages that they're getting. I think that we treat teen sexuality at best with kind of ambivalence. We often treat it with condescension, we often treat it with hostility, that there are a lot of young people who are getting the message of you should ask for consent and talk to your partner about sex. v3xG9Irp6DA-00121-00290300-00293300 Also, you might be a terrible person for wanting to have sex. They are learning they should talk to their partners or they should be, you know, they are learning about consent in this environment that's like also you're kind of a bad person for wanting sex in general. v3xG9Irp6DA-00122-00294700-00297700 That makes it very, very, very hard to learn when teenagers are feeling like the world around them is hostile to their sexuality. When we are unclear, if we want teens to have relationships, if we want teens to enjoy their sexuality, it adds to secrecy and shame. I'm not saying we should be promoting everyone should have sex, but when we are ambivalent or hostile to teen sexuality, it means when they are pursuing it, that they often do so in a context of secrecy and shame that really kind of v3xG9Irp6DA-00123-00298200-00299800 It piles on to this shame that can already be there. So sex negativity is not usually a healthy space for young people to honestly pursue pleasure and for them to honestly pursue a sex life and a sexuality that makes them feel good. Again, that sexuality or sex life could be not having it but they're not really allowed to explore and decide and talk about it and learn because we have a lot of negativity towards young people's relationships. v3xG9Irp6DA-00124-00299800-00302300 So overall, the take-away from that very kind of depressing first part is that teaching sexual assault prevention in a sex-negative context makes it difficult for the work to be believable. v3xG9Irp6DA-00125-00302300-00305300 Going back to what I said in the beginning, this was for me always the fear, that what I was trying to teach with prevention wasn't being picked up. It wasn't believable. What was missing for me was that perspective of oh, it's not believable because I'm ignoring that we live in a sex-negative culture. v3xG9Irp6DA-00126-00305300-00307100 I'm not addressing all of these negative messages that are related to sex that many people are getting. So if you imagine teaching a young person to drive, let's say, and young people learn to drive and it's this very neutral experience, like they see people drive their entire lives, then they go to driver's Ed and learn maybe some about the mechanics of how it works, they learn how to avoid accidents. v3xG9Irp6DA-00127-00307100-00309400 But people teach them to drive and they want them to be good drivers, then they pass the test and then they enjoy driving and sometimes bad things happen, but often they come out on the other side of it and that we don't think they are a horrible, awful person for what has happened. Driving is very neutral. v3xG9Irp6DA-00128-00309400-00311500 Imagine if we tried to teach people to drive in the same way that we taught about sex, where we're saying here's some information on driving, but also, you're not supposed to enjoy driving. You're kind of maybe a bad person if you even want to drive. Here's information about driving but I'm not even sure you should drive. v3xG9Irp6DA-00129-00311500-00313700 People might judge you for driving. Also, everyone's going to drive but we're all not going to talk about. It seems ridiculous when we apply it to another context. And you know what? It would be very hard to learn to drive if I was being Bombarded with these messages around driving, all these value messages around driving. v3xG9Irp6DA-00130-00313700-00316700 It would be very hard for me to learn driving in a way that, where I can fully sort of adopt safety measures and -- because I'm going to be like should I even be doing this? I guess I should keep it a secret and I guess it doesn't really matter if I'm safe or not because I'm not supposed to be doing this anyway. It would be very difficult. v3xG9Irp6DA-00131-00316800-00318300 There are a variety of things that I think challenge sexual assault prevention and being believable. One of those things, I think this is true not just for young people but adults, we say a lot of things like talk to your partner about your boundaries. Lots of people have never talked to anyone about sex in general. Lots of people don't know what their boundaries are. They don't know what their desires are. Because no one has ever asked them before. v3xG9Irp6DA-00132-00318300-00321200 Sometimes we can say things, so as though it's easy. We just suggest that people talk to their partners. When that is a huge, huge thing to do in a culture that has decided talking about sex is taboo. v3xG9Irp6DA-00133-00321200-00323000 I can tell you from working in the shop that it's very common for me to say to somebody who is maybe coming into a sex shop for the first time and they're looking for a toy, their first toy, an adult, and I ask well, what kind of sensations do you like. If this is a vulva owner, do you like internal stimulation or do you like external stimulation. v3xG9Irp6DA-00134-00323000-00325000 It's very common that the answer is I don't know. Very common that folks haven't really ever had the opportunity or had somebody ask or have ever paused to think about whether the sex that they're having is the sex that they actually like or enjoy. v3xG9Irp6DA-00135-00325000-00326700 So when we say just talk to your partner about it, just tell them what you like and tell them what you don't like, lots of people don't know that. Lots of people have never had these conversations about sex in general. Outside of sexual assault prevention, we talk a lot about STI testing. v3xG9Irp6DA-00136-00326700-00329200 There are a lot of people, a lot of adults that feel uncomfortable bringing up sex at all with their medical providers. I also know there are a lot of medical providers that are very uncomfortable talking about sex. So that's again, kind of an easier said than done. v3xG9Irp6DA-00137-00329200-00331300 We talk about asking for consent but we don't acknowledge that rejection is very, very difficult. We often don't talk about what to do when -- we talk about you need to respect the no but we don't talk about how difficult that is to hear a no and what you're supposed to do with that. v3xG9Irp6DA-00138-00331300-00332800 We leave out whole swaths of people often in prevention work because we don't talk about queer sex, we don't talk about scenarios that involve anything outside of kind of what you all suggested, hetero, vanilla, missionary sex, that we're not necessarily in our scenarios, not necessarily reflecting the sex that people may actually be having. v3xG9Irp6DA-00139-00332800-00335300 I think the biggest part, this is what we are talking about next about sexual assault prevention, being sometimes difficult to believe is that we're not offering something better than what exists. We're not offering a vision. v3xG9Irp6DA-00140-00335300-00337200 This is for me what talking about sexual pleasure really -- one of the benefits was I felt like just telling people here's what not to do, here's what not to do, get consent. Consent is great but we didn't really build up that vision. It's very difficult to believe. I think that using a pleasure framework can be the thing that makes it more believable. v3xG9Irp6DA-00141-00337200-00339800 Okay. Can you give an example of how to talk -- I will slow down so I can read this. Can you give an example of how to model talking about sexual boundaries with teens that are inexperienced with sex. It seems more applicable with older experienced people. v3xG9Irp6DA-00142-00339800-00342200 So I think that when we talk about sex, again, I'm using like the widest definition of what sex is, that it's not like here's how to negotiate your sexual boundaries when you're naked and about to have penetration. Negotiating boundaries around your body is something that all of us have the opportunity to do whether or not we have sex or not. v3xG9Irp6DA-00143-00342200-00344500 So I think about asking people for hugs. Asking if you can sit there before you sit down. There are ways that we can teach young people how to negotiate their own boundaries. Also, boundaries are rules for yourself or boundaries are for yourself. Rules are for other people. v3xG9Irp6DA-00144-00344500-00346000 So young people, their boundary may be I'm not interested in sex, I don't really -- it sounds weird to me or gross or I don't like it, so going you know what, that's great, that's where you are right now. Sounds like you thought about it and learned about it and that's not something that you're interested in. And that's awesome. v3xG9Irp6DA-00145-00346000-00348600 So we're able to affirm the decisions that people have made for themselves, the limits they have made, no matter what age that they are. Not sure I answered that particularly well. Let me keep thinking on it also. v3xG9Irp6DA-00146-00348600-00351600 Again, sexual boundaries are not just related to when you're about to have intercourse, about to have sex. There are wants for our bodies at any time in our life. We can encourage younger people to think about the wants or the limits that they have for their own bodies no matter what age they are. v3xG9Irp6DA-00147-00352200-00354100 Okay. We are going to move into the idea of what is sex positivity. This is the other side of it. This is where we are going. Sex positivity, I want to give the caveat or the I guess clarifier that sex positivity does not mean everyone should be having sex all the time. It's not encouraging sex. It's not saying vanilla missionary hetero sex is bad. Everyone should be having really kinky group sex. v3xG9Irp6DA-00148-00354100-00356200 So I just want to clarify that in kind of those stark terms because sometimes people resist this idea of sex positivity because they think of it as being just like another set of standards that they have to follow. v3xG9Irp6DA-00149-00356200-00357200 So what is sex positivity. Sex positivity believes sex is normal and sex is healthy. That sex is something that a lot of people have, that everybody has a sexual identity, whether or not you are having sex or not having sex. And that it's just a regular part of who we are. Okay? v3xG9Irp6DA-00150-00357200-00359700 Sex is not something that we need to feel like this taboo around that we can acknowledge it, we can talk about it, it's a normal healthy part of our lives. v3xG9Irp6DA-00151-00359700-00361700 Sex positivity uses affirmation and choice as a tool to shape behavior. The most important part of sex positivity or one of the most important parts is that the choices that people make for themselves are the most important ones. I know when I was an advocate, there was kind of that line of people are the experts of their own lives. v3xG9Irp6DA-00152-00361700-00363200 As an advocate, I don't make choices for the clients that I'm working with. They need to make their own choices. It's the same way when we look at sex positivity. A person can make choices that are different than me but as long as they are healthy and safe and self-defined, that's what's really important. v3xG9Irp6DA-00153-00363200-00365600 Sex positivity really champions curiosity. It champions exploration and expression and giving lots of options, and shaping behavior from that perspective instead of through shame. v3xG9Irp6DA-00154-00365600-00367600 Sex positivity centers on pleasure. If you think about it, centering pleasure automatically means that you are reducing harm. I'm not saying that you shouldn't talk about harm specifically. I'm not talking about we shouldn't be talking about prevention at all, we should just talk about the good stuff. No. v3xG9Irp6DA-00155-00367600-00370200 What I'm saying is that if we want for all people pleasurable sex lives, good sex lives, we want them to experience what makes them feel good, inherently in that, we are saying harm can't happen. Part of feeling good is that bad stuff isn't happening to you. v3xG9Irp6DA-00156-00370200-00371700 So it's harm reduction, prevention is imbedded within sex positivity. So I think that part of making sexual assault prevention believable is that we are saying hey, I want you to have a good sex life, I want you to experience pleasure, you can't experience pleasure if you're hurting somebody or if somebody is hurting you. v3xG9Irp6DA-00157-00371700-00374700 But we always come back to that idea of I want something that's really good for you. I want something that feels really good that you enjoy, that your partner enjoys. We talk about sexual assault prevention from that perspective. v3xG9Irp6DA-00158-00375100-00377900 Sex positivity encourages and offers access to education. Again, we know that people learn, whether or not we intentionally teach them. We also know that negative messages are a lot easier to adopt when we don't have any positive ones. So I think about like pornography is really, really influential for a lot of young people, and we see the impacts of pornography on how sex is actually happening in people's relationships. v3xG9Irp6DA-00159-00377900-00380900 Not all of those ways are bad, but there are some major issues with how sex is happening because people are watching pornography, and the issue, I would posit, I have done lots of research around pornography because it's a very controversial topic, one of the issues is not just that pornography causes or promotes negative behavior. v3xG9Irp6DA-00160-00381000-00382400 It's about there's not a lot of other messages to counter pornography. Pornography becomes very influential when it's one of the only ways that we are learning about sex. Imagine if somebody learned to drive from watching the Fast and the Furious. People can watch the Fast and the Furious and know that's not how you're supposed to drive because we see driving our entire life, we know what driving is supposed to look like, and we can go oh, that's totally fake. v3xG9Irp6DA-00161-00382400-00385400 That's actors who are doing this in a controlled environment. While it might be fun for me to watch and I might say that looks really cool, we know that that's not the standard that is supposed to -- we are supposed to adopt. v3xG9Irp6DA-00162-00386000-00387800 Pornography is really different than that because for many young people, that's where they are learning from. That pornography is their sex education. So sex positivity understands that we have to make education available for people. We have to have the conversations that are scary and uncomfortable for us as adults who grew up in sex-negative environments because giving information about sex is what creates sex-positive messages. v3xG9Irp6DA-00163-00387800-00390800 I just noticed I have positivity misspelled on every single slide. We are going to have some grace and forgiveness for my oversight. I was so excited about the content, I didn't notice it was misspelled. I swear it's important. v3xG9Irp6DA-00164-00391000-00391600 Sex positivity allows for lots of ways to express sexuality. It allows not just for this one narrow definition but it says hey, as long as what you're doing is consensual, as long as what you're doing is, you are understanding the risk, trying to limit the risk for yourself and for other people, it allows for a lot of different ways to have sex and to express sexuality. v3xG9Irp6DA-00165-00391600-00394100 Again, the important part of it being that it's-self-defined. v3xG9Irp6DA-00166-00394100-00395500 Sex positivity affirms choices to have lots of sex or none at all. Again, it's not about everyone should be having sex all the time. Sex positivity can affirm that people don't want to have sex until maybe they are married or in long-term relationships and that's okay. It can affirm however people want to think about sex and the sex that they have for themselves. v3xG9Irp6DA-00167-00395500-00398500 Sex positivity values all body types. Sex is not just for thin white Cisgender people. Sex positivity is for all people, that all people deserve pleasure no matter what their bodies look like. v3xG9Irp6DA-00168-00398800-00399600 You deserve pleasure and your partner deserves pleasure. It breaks down and resists assumptions and stereotypes. So sex positivity should be anti-racist work. It should be work where we are saying very clearly that these stereotypes and aggressions based around race and ability and gender identity and sexual orientation are not okay. v3xG9Irp6DA-00169-00399600-00402600 Sex positivity helps us to see those, to confront those and to resist those. v3xG9Irp6DA-00170-00402800-00404300 Sex positivity centers on individuality and personal experience. It is challenging the idea that we have to all follow a sexual script. It's challenging the messages that we get from sexual scripts and saying what do you actually want. What do you like? Are you not interested in sex? Are you not interested in sex right now in your life? Are you not interested in sex and that's part of your identity? v3xG9Irp6DA-00171-00404300-00406300 Are you interested in having lots and lots of sex? Are you interested in the messages that you receive from church or from your faith community? Are you interested in deconstructing some of those? v3xG9Irp6DA-00172-00406300-00408700 It centers on each person and what they bring to the table. It really prioritizes who they are as an individual and what their experience is and what they actually want. Again, it approaches from the idea of curiosity and not condemning. I'm sure a lot of you practice that in how you to prevention work. v3xG9Irp6DA-00173-00408700-00411500 But sometimes because of the messages and judgments we have around sex that have gone unchallenged, we don't approach with curiosity, that there's a lot of us -- I will give the example of pornography. I have watched a lot of really sex-positive people and sex-positive educators when it comes to the topic of pornography say deeply shameful things. v3xG9Irp6DA-00174-00411500-00413400 Even though we know lots and lots of people watch pornography, often educators because of their own judgments about it, they center their own judgments and center their own biases and beliefs around pornography and end up saying very deeply shameful things rather than focusing on the individual and rather than focusing approaching with curiosity, they are approaching with condemnation. v3xG9Irp6DA-00175-00413400-00415900 So I think part of that sex positivity is saying -- is being curious about people and curious about their experiences and curious about their beliefs and asking questions rather than coming with our own set of judgments and trying to impose that on people. v3xG9Irp6DA-00176-00415900-00418400 Sex positivity I think this is super-important, sex positivity believes communication is essential for intimacy. It's not a check box. It's not just like oh, that lady came to my classroom and said I have to ask for consent and so now I have done it. v3xG9Irp6DA-00177-00418400-00420700 Sex positivity believes sexual communication is really essential for people, that talking about intimacy and pleasure is fun and it's how we get more of what we like and it's how we get more of what our partner likes and it's how we create something that's fun and good and sexy and exciting, and it's also how we keep from harming people. v3xG9Irp6DA-00178-00420700-00423400 It's how we keep from doing things that hurt other people. It's how we stop power from being abused. Communication is not a check box. It's not a light switch. Consent is not a light switch you turn off and on. It's a state of being, because it's part of communication. v3xG9Irp6DA-00179-00423400-00426400 So to me, that's like for me in the shop and when I do coaching, this is one of the biggest issues that I see is that there is a lack of communication and there's a lack of comfort in talking about sex. We expect a lot of mind-reading in sex. We expect people to just know what we want and what we don't want, and -- rather than communicating with them. v3xG9Irp6DA-00180-00426400-00428400 I had somebody who asked me recently, they said I don't like the way my partner performs oral sex. I wish that they did it differently. How can I fix that. And I said have you told them, have you communicated what you would like more of? Have you communicated what feels good to you? And they said no. v3xG9Irp6DA-00181-00428400-00429000 I said what do you think about trying that? They said what other options are there? They really wanted there to be an option to improve the sex that they were receiving without actually having to say anything. I think that's a problem. I also think that that's extremely common. v3xG9Irp6DA-00182-00429000-00432000 Sex positivity normalizes the idea of communication in our sex lives. v3xG9Irp6DA-00183-00432600-00435600 So I want to ask you to think for a moment here. I have been doing a lot of talking so I want to take a break from talking. Where does sex negativity, where have you seen sex negativity show up in your work? And whether that's the prevention work that you do, the curriculums that you use, maybe some of the comments that you get in presentations, where do you see sex negativity showing up in your work? v3xG9Irp6DA-00184-00437400-00439700 I will give you a minute to answer. It my be a difficult question. When talking about STI prevention. Young people slut shaming each other. Yes. There's more answers here. We can talk about risks but never about pleasure. Sex toys. Yep. It's only in the context of abuse. When I say all parties involved instead of two people and -- yes. I just had a presentation, this is just responding to the comment. v3xG9Irp6DA-00185-00439700-00440800 When I was talking with this class, I was asking them, because they are a little bit younger, we talked about what's the difference between friendship and romantic relationships, what do you think is the difference between those two things? What we found is there's a lot of similarities between friendships and romantic relationships. The things we should expect in a good friendship are things we should expect in a good relationship. v3xG9Irp6DA-00186-00440800-00443800 Somebody in the class said well, romantic relationships are only for two people or you can only have one person -- other person in a romantic relationship, but you can have lots of friends. v3xG9Irp6DA-00187-00444500-00446200 I was thinking oh, okay, I should clarify that there are people who have relationships with more than one person and we are also allowed to have more than one sexual partner. This other student in the class said you can have, she said monogamy is just a norm, it's not for everyone. I thought oh, this is very -- it was kind of exciting to hear that from like an eighth grader who was very aware of our mononormative culture and the student who said it, you could tell his brain was okay, he didn' v3xG9Irp6DA-00188-00446200-00448100 It was interesting. That kind of -- we do often end up reinforcing this monogamy culture. It's great and fine for some people but it's not for everybody. It's not what everybody is practicing. v3xG9Irp6DA-00189-00448100-00450400 Limits of what we can and can't talk about when going into schools. It's a huge challenge. I know as prevention educators, you probably have lots of things you would like to talk about to young people, but are not necessarily things that would be allowable in the schools you are going into. v3xG9Irp6DA-00190-00450400-00452300 Simply the fact we only talk about it in the negative light. I mean, I think it's interesting that I have experienced this a lot in talking to folks who do prevention work or work with survivors that are very comfortable talking about sexual assault and are not comfortable talking about sexual pleasure. v3xG9Irp6DA-00191-00452300-00455300 I think that when we bring that framework to young people, it's problematic. When we only show sex from these negative perspectives, rather than all of us becoming more comfortable with the idea we can also frame sex in a positive light as well. v3xG9Irp6DA-00192-00456200-00458500 Discussing how stereotypes affect us personally. There being a lack of intimacy and connection and more about acts. A lot of times, I think people's comfort level around sex, you know, when they have a lower comfort level around sex, it feels safe to stick to the mechanics rather than the context. It feels safe to talk about anatomy and how things work rather than talking about intimacy, connection, desire, pleasure. v3xG9Irp6DA-00193-00458500-00461500 It can feel safer to stick to kind of the colder, clinical parts of it. Let's see here. Lots of laws around sex ed. You all have such wonderful answers in the chat. v3xG9Irp6DA-00194-00461900-00464200 When all sexual terminology is considered bad words or inappropriate in all educational or professional settings. Absolutely. During depositions, lots of attorneys will try to bring up a survivor's full sexual history as if it matters to try to make her look bad. Yep. Holding people's sexual behaviors against them. That kind of attributing, like equating sex with value. v3xG9Irp6DA-00195-00464200-00465600 Can feel weird as an adult to sound like you're encouraging teens to get down. I think this is one of the biggest challenges of adding sex positivity into the way you talk about prevention is we don't necessarily want to be coming in and being like okay, everybody should have sex, here's how to have great sex, here's how to pleasure. v3xG9Irp6DA-00196-00465600-00468400 That's not what we're going for and would probably immediately get us kicked out of most schools. So trying to find that balance of how do we talk about sex positivity without sounding like we're encouraging people to have sex. v3xG9Irp6DA-00197-00468400-00470600 I will let you know that this whole beginning part of the presentation is actually what I did with seventh and eighth graders. Obviously the examples I used and the way we discussed each of these pieces was specific more to their -- to them and I added in a little bit, a couple of slides for today, but I literally did the whole, or an hour, to seventh and eighth graders about sex negativity and sex positivity. v3xG9Irp6DA-00198-00470600-00472500 We talked about what negative messages are they receiving and then we talked about sex positivity. One of the things I asked them about was after we defined sex positivity, I said what would it be like to live in a world where you got more sex-positive messages than sex-negative messages? v3xG9Irp6DA-00199-00472500-00475500 I asked them to envision what would it be like if instead of all that negative stuff that you said that you have received, what if you were surrounded by all of this sex-positive stuff we have been talking about, how would that change the way you think about yourself and your relationships and other /STPHAOEBL. v3xG9Irp6DA-00200-00475800-00478500 it was really amazing to hear their answers, to hear them talk about I would feel like I could -- I would be safer because I feel like I could actually ask my parents questions or I would feel like I could actually tell a person when what they're doing is hurting me. Or they talked a lot about feeling like they would have more worth or feeling like they weren't ashamed of themselves. v3xG9Irp6DA-00201-00478500-00481100 It's really interesting to hear that from young people that, they understand how sex positivity is part of prevention, it's part of reducing risk, right, and a lot of them had talked about also sex positivity, they said well I wouldn't have to guess what other people want. I would just know. v3xG9Irp6DA-00202-00481100-00482400 I think that conversation is really important to have. I guess just to respond to it can feel weird as an adult, when you talk about sex positivity, maybe you feel like you're encouraging people to have sex, but I have found it to be very successful to even just bring up sex positivity as a concept in the way that we did here today, and to ask them to vision how would that change their lives, how would that change their relationships. v3xG9Irp6DA-00203-00482400-00484900 For seventh graders, we talked about this in kind of a more -- in a way that was appropriate for their age, could really see how sex positivity would lead to better outcomes. v3xG9Irp6DA-00204-00484900-00486500 In a group of parents, having them say they can't teach their 3-year-old penis and vagina because they think they're dirty words. We start sex negativity very young. Yes. We start sex negativity from an early age, shaming genitals themselves, shaming them so much that we can't even name them. We can't use the correct words. v3xG9Irp6DA-00205-00486500-00489300 One of the things the seventh and eighth graders brought up was about sex negativity starting really young, was they said adults tended to sexualize things that weren't sexual. I thought that was so fascinating. Let me tell you what they meant by that. v3xG9Irp6DA-00206-00489300-00489800 They used some examples around, because I said where do you see sex-negative messages in your life? And they said well, sometimes adults will pretend babies have boyfriends or girlfriends. They will say oh, look, this little 6 month old, saying look, that's her boyfriend or look, they're on a date together while they're playing on the playground. v3xG9Irp6DA-00207-00489800-00491900 It was interesting to hear 11, 12-year-olds pointing out how uncomfortable that was. v3xG9Irp6DA-00208-00491900-00494500 They also said that later in life, adults sexualizing things, they said they might have a platonic relationship with somebody who is a different gender from them and parents or teachers would say oh, is that your boyfriend and they would say no, he's just a friend and they would go oh, sure. I don't think he's just your boyfriend. v3xG9Irp6DA-00209-00494500-00496800 That made them feel deeply uncomfortable to have something sexualized that wasn't. Again, it's that we're very weird around sex in that we are like don't use the word penis or vagina for your child but it's okay to pretend they have a boyfriend or girlfriend. It's just very odd what we have decided is acceptable around sex. v3xG9Irp6DA-00210-00496800-00499500 Okay. Moving forward here. What I would say that I think we should be moving towards is the idea of sexual liberation. Sexual liberation sometimes sounds like this woo-woo1970s concept, free sex, free love. I don't mean sexual liberation in that way, although if that's what you're into, awesome. v3xG9Irp6DA-00211-00499500-00502500 Sexual liberation is the idea that you are liberated from external factors that have defined sex for you. That you get to decide what's right for you and yourself. It means you are able to feel free to explore and pursue your own desires, that you say hey, I actually really want my sexuality to look like this, so I'm going to explore that. v3xG9Irp6DA-00212-00504700-00507700 It means that we are able to express desires, consent and our limits. And it means that sexuality is an embodied integrated part of self. Stacy Haynes wrote the book Healing Self. For a lot of survivors, I think we leave them at like well, sex is always going to be awful for you and there's always going to be triggers. So let us tell you how to manage the awful part rather than how do you actually come out of experiencing the sexual assault and reclaiming pleasure, reclaiming sex for yourself v3xG9Irp6DA-00213-00508600-00511600 Healing Sex is the name of the book. It's really wonderful. Stacy Haynes does a lot of wonderful work. She talks about embodiment as being when your behaviors, actions and habits align with your values and beliefs. Even under pressure. So it's when your behaviors, actions and habits align with your values and beliefs even under pressure. That's what embodiment is. v3xG9Irp6DA-00214-00512300-00515300 I don't mean pressure like coercion or an abuse of power. I mean when you so deeply understand what is important to you, when you so deeply understand who you are, what you like, what you want, what you don't want, and you can really, really own that, and you say this is part of who I am and I know that and I'm not ashamed of it, and you can really feel ownership and empowerment, that you can then align, it becomes very easy to align your behaviors and actions and habits with that. v3xG9Irp6DA-00215-00515500-00518000 I'm not saying that it's always aligned 100% of the time. You're not a bad person if there are times when you do not align. I have deeply held values that I sometimes act contradictory to. We all do that sometimes. But the idea for sex is that we can know ourselves and know our values so deeply that it becomes very easy to adopt behaviors that are in line with that. v3xG9Irp6DA-00216-00518000-00520200 That when we understand consent so deeply that we are like it's easy for me to talk about it, that when we feel that our pleasure matters so much, when we value our own pleasure so much, that it becomes easier. I'm not saying that it's always easy. I'm not saying it happens every time. I'm not saying if you're just strong enough then you'll do it. v3xG9Irp6DA-00217-00520200-00523200 I'm saying it becomes easier when we value our own pleasure and know we deserve pleasure, it becomes easier to align our communication, our behaviors, the way we talk to partners becomes easier because sexuality has become an embodied part of ourselves. I really love that concept in her work. v3xG9Irp6DA-00218-00523400-00525700 The idea is we are moving people towards self-mastery. We are moving people towards they know themselves, they know their bodies, they know what they like and they know what they don't like and they have essentially mastered their sexuality. That's what we really want to move people towards. Not just reducing risk. Not just reducing perpetration. We want people to feel they mastered their sexuality. That's what we are moving people towards. v3xG9Irp6DA-00219-00525700-00528400 There are ways sometimes we reinforce some of the problematic narratives instead of moving people toward liberation, we end up moving them back towards negativity. Some ways I have seen that happen, you all just provided lots of examples of this, sometimes we add to the hostility or ambivalence towards young people's relationships. v3xG9Irp6DA-00220-00528400-00531400 Sometimes I think when we talk about consent, we end up reinforcing this idea that there's always a conquerer or initiator and there's always a gatekeeper. There is always one person who is like I want this and the other person who is like hm, I don't know, I have to decide and I'm supposed to keep the gate closed. We know sex isn't always -- doesn't always look that way. v3xG9Irp6DA-00221-00531700-00533300 But sometimes I think when we talk about consent, we really reinforce the idea that there's like a pursuer and a person who is like supposed to resist being pursued but then maybe they eventually say yes. I think that is really problematic because what we know is that a lot of sex looks like two people showing up and being super-excited to being there and having to negotiate a little bit about what do I like or what do you like, I like it when you do this, I'm not really into this kind of thi v3xG9Irp6DA-00222-00533300-00536300 We know that a lot of sex actually does look like that. But we don't really show those examples very much. We tend to continue showing this initiator/gatekeeper dynamic rather than showing what some of the other dynamics can look like. v3xG9Irp6DA-00223-00536600-00539000 The other narrative I think that's very problematic that we do not challenge nearly enough is alcohol as a sexual crutch. Wink Wink, we haven't posted it yet so if you look for it you won't see it, but on June 8th we are doing a panel, it will be online, about sex, alcohol culture and sobriety. It's not focused on sexual assault specifically but it's about our kind of culture's relationship to sex and alcohol. v3xG9Irp6DA-00224-00539000-00541700 I know that probably most of you are talking about alcohol and how it relates to sex, sexual assault, but I think something we don't acknowledge that we need to is alcohol is not just associated with sexual assault. Alcohol is highly associated with sex in general. There's probably lots of reasons for this. v3xG9Irp6DA-00225-00541700-00544700 I have done some amount of research into this, but we know alcohol decreases, lowers inhibitions. We often talk about that when we are doing prevention work. We talk about how alcohol makes people more likely to commit sexual assault, we know it puts people at risk of being perpetrators, we know people who are under the influence of alcohol are more at risk of being sexually assaulted. v3xG9Irp6DA-00226-00545000-00548000 But we don't often back that up and go why is alcohol so associated with sex in general? I think that's because we are very inhibited around the topic of sex. That we are very, we feel very closed-off. We feel like we can't acknowledge it head-on. It's behind this curtain. I think alcohol is used to go beyond the curtain, to open it and to see what's behind it. v3xG9Irp6DA-00227-00548000-00549300 I think that we have to be talking about why is alcohol in general, why are alcohol-fueled environments and highly sexual environments, why are those linked together in the first place? I think that's super-important for us to make that connection because I don't see people talking about that nearly enough. It's one of those things that's almost like acceptable in our culture that sex and alcohol are going to go together. v3xG9Irp6DA-00228-00549300-00550900 When we don't acknowledge that, I think it becomes very difficult to then talk about sexual assault and alcohol if we're not acknowledging kind of the wider context that it's in. v3xG9Irp6DA-00229-00550900-00552300 Okay. Consent, when it's rooted in a sex-negative framework, allows for harmful messages and power imbalances to remain socially desirable. I will let that dig in to your brain for a moment. v3xG9Irp6DA-00230-00552300-00555300 We tend to teach about consent and sexual assault prevention in a way that's like this is the only bad thing, everything else about sex in our culture is awesome. You just need to have consent. v3xG9Irp6DA-00231-00555600-00557800 And what we know and what young people know is that's not really accurate. It's very common for power imbalances to exist and for what I would consider unacceptable violations of desire and limits to exist but that our culture has decided are completely acceptable. Let me talk about some of those. v3xG9Irp6DA-00232-00557800-00560500 We consider it to be acceptable that we don't really know what our partner wants. I mean the royal We here. That lots of us don't think that's acceptable. Our culture considers it to be pretty acceptable that we don't really know what our partner wants. v3xG9Irp6DA-00233-00560500-00562600 We consider it acceptable that while we may have consent from them, we don't know if they actually like what we're doing to them. Again, I see that in the shop all the time. I see that often for valentine's Day when people are shopping for their partner and they will say I want to buy a toy for my partner, okay, what do they like? Because I have a million things in the store. It's like give me some direction. v3xG9Irp6DA-00234-00562600-00565600 Say what does your partner like, what sensations do they enjoy? They will say uh, I don't really know. I'm like okay, do you think they enjoy penetration more or do you think they enjoy this stimulation or this kind of stimulation and they're like well, we usually do this but I guess I don't really know if they actually like it. v3xG9Irp6DA-00235-00565700-00568700 These are often people who have been together for a very long time. We kind of consider that to be acceptable. There are so many things I think we have decided are socially acceptable sex negativity. Fake orgasms are a big part of sex-negative culture. If you are a vulva owner, it's very likely that you have faked at least one orgasm in your life. v3xG9Irp6DA-00236-00569300-00572300 I don't think that that makes you a bad person or a weak person. I have faked orgasms myself. The thing is that fake orgasms come from this idea of it's easier to pretend you are enjoying it than it is to either say hey, I'm actually done now, or to say I actually need this to have an orgasm. I understand why people do it but it's really rooted in sex negativity, this idea that we would fake it rather than having clear communication with our partner. v3xG9Irp6DA-00237-00572700-00574400 There are overperforming is something that comes along with that. One of the things I see in the shop a lot is shame around sex toys. Again, most folks who have vulvas require consistent clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm. For many folks, one of the most effective, most pleasurable ways of achieving that is through the use of a vibrator. v3xG9Irp6DA-00238-00574400-00576300 But what I see a lot of is people think of vibrators as a single people's thing, that you don't use that if you have a partner. I see a lot of penis owners who are -- feel like a sex toy will replace them, so they don't want their partners to use those. v3xG9Irp6DA-00239-00576300-00579300 What that ends up resulting in is I just had somebody say this to me the other day. They said well, I really need a vibrator to have an orgasm but my partner doesn't like it. I just have really learned that sex with my partner is not about me having an orgasm or me having pleasure. v3xG9Irp6DA-00240-00579300-00580200 I think that's such a huge bummer. I also think that's a really common belief, or we have almost accepted that to be fine. I think that is a really big bummer and not a great partner if your partner is like I'm not actively hurting you, I have consent, I just don't really care about whether or not you are experiencing pleasure, and my personal comfort and my ego trumps your pleasure. v3xG9Irp6DA-00241-00580200-00580900 I think that's really problematic but it's almost like we have accepted that as something that is okay. I think that is not. v3xG9Irp6DA-00242-00580900-00582700 Okay. I'm going to move on. I'm going to fly through the end of this because I want to get to discussion about what you can actually do. v3xG9Irp6DA-00243-00582700-00585500 This is an issue I have with kind of the traditional ways we have talked about consent. I think some of this has changed but the way we have traditionally talked about consent is how do we move people away from harm. Or how do we keep harm from happening. How do we -- what is harm, what is bad, how do we get people to stop doing bad things. v3xG9Irp6DA-00244-00585500-00588200 That's kind of been the way we have traditionally thought about consent. What we haven't talked about much is what are we moving people towards. We can say enthusiastic consent but a lot of times we have left that answer, what's on the other side, we have left it pretty unclear. I think for a lot of different reasons, we have been a little bit afraid to define that. v3xG9Irp6DA-00245-00588200-00590600 Some of that fear is because what's acceptable in our communities and our schools. But we have often left the vision too murky. In a sex-positive consent framework, we are asking how do we move people towards pleasure. How do we move people towards good lives. How do we move people towards sexuality that feels amazing and wonderful for them? v3xG9Irp6DA-00246-00590600-00593600 How do we move people towards not just not harming people, but how do we move people towards actually having the sex life that they want to have. So it's really important I think if we're looking through a lens of sex positivity that we're very clear on what that green circle is. v3xG9Irp6DA-00247-00593800-00596100 This is where I think most people are left, which is harm, we know we don't want harm, also, we also don't necessarily want people to have pleasure. For many young people, particularly, it's this idea of harm is unacceptable. Pleasure is also maybe unacceptable. And we leave people in this very confused situation where they're not sure what to do. v3xG9Irp6DA-00248-00596100-00598500 I think that we can move people away from harm when we have a vision that they want to buy, again, we're salespeople, right, when we have a situation that they want to buy and adopt that sounds great, then they go I don't want that, I don't want that horrible harmful thing, I want this instead. v3xG9Irp6DA-00249-00598500-00600900 But when we leave both of those things as bad or undefined or unacceptable, it leaves people without a clear direction of where to go. And I think one of the things I see happening a lot kind of in wider conversations is there is a fear again of defining what pleasure is so we continue to redefine what harm is. v3xG9Irp6DA-00250-00600900-00601700 That work is super-important for us to define what harm is. It's very important for us to define what is unacceptable. But sometimes I think that because we are not sure what we actually want, we continue to redefine what we don't want. Just maybe be aware of when you feel yourself doing that. v3xG9Irp6DA-00251-00601700-00604500 Okay. How can you integrate sex positivity into your work? This is finally like the answer you were all looking for. v3xG9Irp6DA-00252-00604500-00606100 Again, these answers are going to be different for everybody. I have curriculum that I use for younger folks, I'm doing sex ed for teen classes, I'm doing healthy relationships and sexuality class now I have just written myself but the answer will look different for every person. These are just some things to consider as you are putting together curriculum or reviewing what you are already doing. v3xG9Irp6DA-00253-00606100-00609100 First, acknowledge your own judgments and limitations. We all, you know, we all have messages coming at us. We all grew up with certain messages. There may be things that we are uncomfortable with ourselves. v3xG9Irp6DA-00254-00610200-00610900 So know what those are, because you can better be aware of when you might be reinforcing sex negativity if you are aware of what your own judgments and limitations are. You know, if there are things in this presentation that I said group sex or queer sex or whatever it is, and you went ugh, know what those are for you. Then acknowledge those and work to deconstruct some of your own judgments and limitations because I think that we can reinforce messages we don't want to when we don't know our v3xG9Irp6DA-00255-00610900-00613900 And we may not think we are doing it, but other people see those. v3xG9Irp6DA-00256-00614300-00616700 Acknowledge that you care about your participants' sexual well-being. I think stating that clearly, that you are talking about prevention as one piece, right, of their sex education. I want you to have a sexuality that makes you feel good. I want you to have sexual experiences that you want to have that make you feel really good in your life. Your sexuality is normal, it's a normal part of who you are, it's healthy. v3xG9Irp6DA-00257-00616700-00617600 If sexual pleasure is something you enjoy, that's really normal. But being really, really clear that you're not just adding to the list of things that you expect young people to screw up. That you are here because you want them to enjoy their sexuality, that you want them to enjoy their sex life and you can tune that message to whatever age you're in front of. v3xG9Irp6DA-00258-00617600-00620400 But making sure that they know that this is because you want them to actually enjoy their sexuality and that you care about their sexual well-being. v3xG9Irp6DA-00259-00620400-00622700 Talk about both good sex and sexual assault. Again, you may not use the term, may not want to use the term good sex, but I think there are ways of asking about what does not just what does healthy sexuality look like. Like I'm not -- when I'm pursuing sex in my life, I'm not like I really want to have healthy sex. I mean, I do want that. But it's in the greater context of what feels good to me. v3xG9Irp6DA-00260-00622700-00624200 So asking people to think about what do you think good sex is. What would good sex be to you. You can ask about what is healthy sex, but what are some things that, you know, you can always ask the broader questions instead of what do you think good sex is. How do you think people would describe good sex. v3xG9Irp6DA-00261-00624200-00626600 Imbedding sexual assault into wider conversations about what good sex is is really, really important. Being honest, realistic and nuanced, making sure that what you're talking about is reflective of reality. v3xG9Irp6DA-00262-00626600-00629000 Young people, they had all the same answers to questions that you did. I have asked young people before what is sex, and they're like what do people think of when you think of sex. They're like oh, penis and vagina, hetero sex, missionary style. Young people know those same messages. So being honest and reflecting what's actually happening on the ground. v3xG9Irp6DA-00263-00629000-00629900 One thing I always struggled with and I'm sure lots of other people did, too, is the conversation around alcohol and sexual assault. There's this -- it's like we used to at least teach sexual assault where it was like you can't consent if you are under the influence, then every presentation, somebody goes so it's always sexual assault if one person's under the influence. You're like well, kind of more nuanced than that. Right? v3xG9Irp6DA-00264-00629900-00632400 So I think we have to be nuanced. We have to be realistic. Because if we are selling something that's not believable, people will throw away all of our messages. v3xG9Irp6DA-00265-00632400-00632900 Be culturally relevant. Who's in the room? Are we teaching about assumptions and stereotypes, are we teaching about sexual aggression that is race-based, that is abilities-based, that is are we talking about violence towards trans people? Are we talking about the idea that bisexuality isn't real? v3xG9Irp6DA-00266-00632900-00634800 We need to be culturally relevant for who is in our room and who our audience is. v3xG9Irp6DA-00267-00634800-00636200 Let participants teach each other. I can go in and say here's what good sex is, here's what desire is, here's why pleasure matters. But let participants teach each other. It's more powerful than coming from you. v3xG9Irp6DA-00268-00636200-00639200 Again, this is that idea of centering individuals and centering their own experiences, but letting people hear from each other about the importance of feeling good, the importance of pleasure. v3xG9Irp6DA-00269-00639300-00640800 Understand and question sex-negative narratives. So really thinking about where is sex negativity showing up and how do you talk about it. I try not to shut people down. If somebody says something that's sex-negative in a presentation, I say tell me more about that, where did you learn that from, does everybody agree with that, how do you think that feels to that person? v3xG9Irp6DA-00270-00640800-00643600 Why do you think we believe that person who has a lot of sex holds less value? Where did that idea come from? So questioning those sex-negative narratives without being like well, you're a terrible person for thinking that. v3xG9Irp6DA-00271-00643600-00646200 Getting participant voices in the room is something I struggled with in these conversations. Yeah. It can be super-challenging because sometimes people are embarrassed to talk about this. I try to frame my questions really like very easy answers, like in my classes I'm doing with seventh and eighth graders now, it's a lot of building up the concepts. v3xG9Irp6DA-00272-00646200-00647900 What's the difference between friendships and romantic relationships. Do you think romantic relationships are necessary in our lives. Do you think it's okay to not have romantic relationships. Do you think everybody has sex or do you think some people aren't having sex? If people are having sex, do you think it's important to communicate to each other, why would that be important to communicate to each other? v3xG9Irp6DA-00273-00647900-00649700 What are some things that you think people should be communicating about? What are some things that are hard for people to communicate about. Why is that difficult for us to communicate about? Okay, now that we have talked about all that, let me talk to you about whatever it is. v3xG9Irp6DA-00274-00649700-00652500 So trying to ask questions I feel like are going to be answerable and then adding in my own information on there. Let's see here. Hold on. There's a question. I will get to the last couple slides. v3xG9Irp6DA-00275-00652500-00654100 Okay. I will answer now. How do you address people feeling like one person's sex positivity is another person's sexual harassment. How do you explore these differences. Sex positivity, at the center of sex positivity is that, is consensuality and autonomy and agency. The idea that I can pursue my own pleasure, but that means that is never without respecting another person. v3xG9Irp6DA-00276-00654100-00657100 So if my -- if I gain pleasure from, I don't know, looking at women's breasts on the street, that's obviously unacceptable because I am now engaging in a pleasure without other people's consent. v3xG9Irp6DA-00277-00657500-00659400 So sex positivity is not to say like you're not -- consensuality and people's personal choice and everybody getting to make decisions for themselves is part of sex positivity. I don't know if that answers the question. But you don't just get to say this is what I like so I get to do this even if other people don't enjoy it. The idea is that you are -- your positivity ends at the end of your own body. v3xG9Irp6DA-00278-00659400-00662400 You have to respect other people. So you don't just get to say this feels good so I get to do it without considering other people's autonomy or agency. Autonomy and agency are a huge part of sex positivity. It's not positive if we're forcing it on another person or making other people uncomfortable. v3xG9Irp6DA-00279-00662600-00665000 I can't get back to my slides. Not sure what happened here. There we go. Talk about gender norms and pleasure. So I see sometimes when we talk about gender norms, we end up sort of reinforcing gender norms without challenging them. We go okay, what are the gender norms associate /W-D this person, what are the gender norms associated with this person. v3xG9Irp6DA-00280-00665000-00667500 Okay. Moving on, right? We don't really talk about, actually there are lots of people of all genders who are soft and there are lots of people of all genders who are asking for consent. It is still the norm. We talk about how common sexual assault is and of course, it's devastatingly common. It's also still more common for people to ask for consent. v3xG9Irp6DA-00281-00667500-00670500 It's still more common for people to respect each other's bodies and to not abuse power. So I think it's important that we're not reinforcing gender norms when we talk about sexual assault or we talk about sex in general, that we don't just name them without challenging them. Right? v3xG9Irp6DA-00282-00671800-00672400 I always wish that we talked more about actually most people are having consensual sex. Most people are respectful of each other's bodies. It is the exception and not the norm to be committing sexual assault. I think that sometimes we don't emphasize that enough, that we end up teaching very gendered sexual assault prevention and can walk away with it saying what I would want people to walk away with is to say find a young man but I'm like oh, most of my classmates are actually asking for con v3xG9Irp6DA-00283-00672400-00675400 Being respectful and I don't think we emphasize that enough because I think we point out gender norms without challenging them. v3xG9Irp6DA-00284-00675400-00677600 We need to address fetishization and violations based on race, class, ability and isms. I covered that but so much sexual assault prevention ignores this, which means we are ignoring very, very common experiences for people of color, people with disabilities, people who are trans, people who are queer, that we are kind of white-washing our sexual assault prevention because we're not being specific about these types of violations that are specific to certain communities. v3xG9Irp6DA-00285-00677600-00679700 We have to talk about rejection. We have to talk about what happens on the other side of consent. We have to talk about the fear of judgment or the fear of rejection being a barrier to consent and we have to talk about how to handle rejection gracefully. v3xG9Irp6DA-00286-00679700-00682700 Sex positivity would say rejection is helpful. Rejection is useful information. Rejection is saying hey, I like this, what do you think and a person saying I'm not really into that. Part of being a sex-positive person is being able to go okay, you can make space for that person's rejection. v3xG9Irp6DA-00287-00682800-00685800 We have to talk about porn. We have to talk about pornography and we have to talk about it in a way that checks our own judgments. So many young people are seeing and learning from porn and we have to talk about how it's made, what's fake about it, what's not fake about it. We have to talk about the acts that you're seeing and the parts you're not seeing, that you don't see the contracts and negotiations and lube being used and the ten hours it took to film a five-minute scene. v3xG9Irp6DA-00288-00686100-00688100 We have to talk about pornography because it's a really integral part of the way young people are learning about sex right now. Helping participants claim their pleasure. If you Google yes/no/maybe lists you will see different strategies for how people think about what their desires are. BDSM, I didn't really go into that today, but BDSM for people who are playing the power dynamics, those boundaries are often really explicit and written down sometimes and negotiated. v3xG9Irp6DA-00289-00688100-00689400 But there are lots of ways that we can actually help people say what do you like and what do you not like. You will not want to use any yes/no/maybe lists you find online for young people but creating some of your own and helping them to think about what they like or don't like would be a really helpful thing for a lot of young folks. v3xG9Irp6DA-00290-00689400-00690800 Expand your own knowledge. There are different ways to do that. You will get this afterwards. These are all folks you can follow on Instagram or read more about online that are doing a lot of really wonderful work. v3xG9Irp6DA-00291-00690800-00692700 Here are some great books. I didn't put Healing Sex on here. Here are some wonderful books. You will get an E-mail afterwards with links to these. Expanding your own knowledge is super-important. v3xG9Irp6DA-00292-00692700-00695400 I have one minute. Sorry to rush the end of this. If there are any questions, I'm happy to stay for a couple extra minutes here and answer any questions that you might have. I wish that we were all here in person so we could have done more Q & A. v3xG9Irp6DA-00293-00695400-00698200 But I want to thank you all for the work that you all do. Sexual assault prevention is my heart and soul. Personally, professionally, it's important to me and I just want to thank all of you for what you're doing. I know sometimes it can feel like an uphill battle or that the work's not appreciated or that maybe you're not going anywhere, but you are. v3xG9Irp6DA-00294-00698200-00700500 You are changing hearts and minds. What you do is so incredibly important. Yes, you will be receiving people and books that were recommended that are in the slides. You are welcome to contact me. My E-mail is on there. You are welcome to contact me for anything. I also do consulting for individual organizations around how can you make your advocacy work or prevention a more sex-positive. v3xG9Irp6DA-00295-00700500-00701700 It's something I did in Whahcom County, around the work they're doing on how to make the work they're doing more sex-positive. If that's something you're interested in for your agency, go ahead and reach out to me. Now that things are online, those presentations are very easy for me to do wherever you're at. v3xG9Irp6DA-00296-00701700-00703100 So thank you all so much. Feel free to reach out with any other questions that you have. I turn it back over to Kat, or I will say good-bye to you all now. v3xG9Irp6DA-00297-00703100-00704900 >> Thank you so much, Jenn. That was really wonderful. I see in the chat a lot of other folks are sharing already how much they enjoyed this. Thank you for your time today. Thanks for sharing so much with us. v3xG9Irp6DA-00298-00704900-00705900 I put in the chat that I will be sending an E-mail later today with the slides. There are a ton of resources in there that Jenn sent. I added a few that came up in the chat. There's a really quick evaluation I know is helpful to WCSAP and I'm sure is helpful to Jenn. We love your feedback. We hope you take it. v3xG9Irp6DA-00299-00705900-00706500 Our final keynote of the series is tomorrow. We hope you can join us. I will put a link in your follow-up E-mail for that as well. Thank you again. Take care. vqViGfIyN4A-00000-00000084-00000604 .lool vrixY98J_qg-00000-00000000-00000200 Hagia Sophia by Juan Miguel Macias vrixY98J_qg-00001-00000992-00001357 Printing Time: 13:21:06 Printed by Zaxe Z1 vrixY98J_qg-00002-00002348-00002540 Galata Tower by Zaxe vrixY98J_qg-00003-00003217-00003636 Printing Time: 02:57:07 Printed by Zaxe Z1 vrixY98J_qg-00004-00006443-00006763 Printing Time: 35:07:42 Printed by Zaxe X2 vuMT81tbnZA-00000-00000000-00000200 White444 Squad Vs Indian Legends vAPACt8j-x4-00000-00001665-00001838 Brandon:Oh, hi. vAPACt8j-x4-00001-00001838-00002087 A hush falls over the room because I'm not paying attention. vAPACt8j-x4-00002-00002143-00002276 My slides came up. Hi. vAPACt8j-x4-00003-00002555-00002709 Really quick first, vAPACt8j-x4-00004-00002751-00003051 there are seats in the middle if people can squish together, vAPACt8j-x4-00005-00003187-00003399 otherwise people are going to be sitting in the vAPACt8j-x4-00006-00003399-00003734 aisles and the fire marshal is going to get angry. vAPACt8j-x4-00007-00003865-00004184 I don't know that, I'm not a building guy. vAPACt8j-x4-00008-00004294-00004476 Hi everybody, sorry to make you move around vAPACt8j-x4-00009-00004476-00004635 but also maybe that will wake you up a little bit. vAPACt8j-x4-00010-00004635-00004759 This is going to be a shot of espresso, vAPACt8j-x4-00011-00004759-00004896 we've got to go, go, go, go. vAPACt8j-x4-00012-00004906-00005189 I have a very serious talk about the heart of architecture. vAPACt8j-x4-00013-00005382-00005752 As you know, as DHH said at the first talk, we are engineers. vAPACt8j-x4-00014-00005752-00005950 What we do is build bridges with code. vAPACt8j-x4-00015-00006169-00006474 We are architects, we build centuries old castles. vAPACt8j-x4-00016-00006577-00006903 We are craftspeople, we are old-timey metal workers. vAPACt8j-x4-00017-00006938-00007085 And we live in the cloud. vAPACt8j-x4-00018-00007085-00007295 I think Javascript is ready for all of these things. vAPACt8j-x4-00019-00007363-00007680 I feel like Javascript is ready for Cloudgineering. vAPACt8j-x4-00020-00008057-00008216 If anybody knows what any of the things vAPACt8j-x4-00021-00008216-00008394 I said with the pretty pictures are, vAPACt8j-x4-00022-00008394-00008622 please grab me after the talk and explain them to me. vAPACt8j-x4-00023-00008668-00008915 I just say them to sound smart and serious vAPACt8j-x4-00024-00008915-00009111 about programming, it is serious business. vAPACt8j-x4-00025-00009111-00009222 Hi I'm Brandon Hayes, vAPACt8j-x4-00026-00009222-00009493 I work with Charles actually at The Frontside. vAPACt8j-x4-00027-00009530-00010174 I'm a dedicated Cloudgineer and no one ever asks which of vAPACt8j-x4-00028-00010174-00010408 us is the smart one when we converse together, vAPACt8j-x4-00029-00010408-00010554 which is a little weird. vAPACt8j-x4-00030-00010577-00010697 These are my credentials. vAPACt8j-x4-00031-00010697-00010935 As you can see I'm highly credentialed and vAPACt8j-x4-00032-00010935-00011134 ready to tell you all about programming. vAPACt8j-x4-00033-00011236-00011402 My wife gave me a few of these, vAPACt8j-x4-00034-00011402-00011585 most of them are actually true. vAPACt8j-x4-00035-00012027-00012235 I'm not here to talk about some vAPACt8j-x4-00036-00012235-00012689 core ideal or some big fancy thing. vAPACt8j-x4-00037-00012733-00012813 I live in the real world. vAPACt8j-x4-00038-00012872-00013297 I have to write programs that people want written fast and vAPACt8j-x4-00039-00013297-00013669 want them yesterday and it's very challenging some times. vAPACt8j-x4-00040-00013738-00014112 I understand that architecture is great but vAPACt8j-x4-00041-00014112-00014297 I don't have a lot of use for ivory tower people, vAPACt8j-x4-00042-00014297-00014528 I think the universe has plenty of uncles in it. vAPACt8j-x4-00043-00014658-00014869 We live in a place, vAPACt8j-x4-00044-00014914-00015107 and I'm going to tell you a tale about a couple of places. vAPACt8j-x4-00045-00015155-00015352 It's actually a meta talk about the vAPACt8j-x4-00046-00015352-00015509 ball of mud architecture pattern, vAPACt8j-x4-00047-00015509-00015671 that's one I can really get behind. vAPACt8j-x4-00048-00015692-00015956 If you're not familiar with this, Brian Foote, vAPACt8j-x4-00049-00015956-00016328 I believe in the late 1970s, described an architecture vAPACt8j-x4-00050-00016328-00016614 pattern that everyone here has seen called the ball of mud. vAPACt8j-x4-00051-00016734-00016869 To do that I need to talk about city planning. vAPACt8j-x4-00052-00017000-00017174 Most cities are not designed for growth. vAPACt8j-x4-00053-00017232-00017397 Salt Lake City would be a rare exception. vAPACt8j-x4-00054-00017468-00017735 You'll see it handled its eventual growth pretty well. vAPACt8j-x4-00055-00017841-00018083 From layout to infrastructure it seems to have avoided vAPACt8j-x4-00056-00018083-00018351 many of the problems that plague large cities. vAPACt8j-x4-00057-00018416-00018612 Our code does not live in Salt Lake City, vAPACt8j-x4-00058-00018612-00018737 they don't work like that. vAPACt8j-x4-00059-00018828-00019127 My current home town of Austin is a lot more typical. vAPACt8j-x4-00060-00019304-00019551 I look at that every day on my drive home while vAPACt8j-x4-00061-00019551-00019785 Charles rides his bike home, which is great. vAPACt8j-x4-00062-00019822-00019967 I get to sit in that every day for vAPACt8j-x4-00063-00019967-00020133 about 45 minutes on the way home. vAPACt8j-x4-00064-00020177-00020366 The city layout and infrastructure was not prepared vAPACt8j-x4-00065-00020366-00020581 for the kind of growth that they've experienced. vAPACt8j-x4-00066-00020616-00020848 That results in the dreaded urban sprawl. vAPACt8j-x4-00067-00020945-00021161 But we don't actually even live here. vAPACt8j-x4-00068-00021163-00021344 Let's be honest about our code for a minute people. vAPACt8j-x4-00069-00021405-00021512 We live here. vAPACt8j-x4-00070-00021776-00021953 It's not a sprawling metroplex vAPACt8j-x4-00071-00021953-00022093 or a beautifully planned city. vAPACt8j-x4-00072-00022093-00022256 We live in a favela. vAPACt8j-x4-00073-00022263-00022530 A favela is a Brazilian slum, basically. vAPACt8j-x4-00074-00022530-00022690 It looks like cool though, right? vAPACt8j-x4-00075-00022704-00023111 It's the definition of a walkable city -- well, hikeable. vAPACt8j-x4-00076-00023186-00023349 Let's zoom in. vAPACt8j-x4-00077-00023461-00023783 A favela is a Brazilian shanty town made permanent. vAPACt8j-x4-00078-00023838-00024238 The structures require little skill to create and they vAPACt8j-x4-00079-00024238-00024583 pop up everywhere out of whatever materials can be found. vAPACt8j-x4-00080-00024621-00024810 The problem is these structures are vAPACt8j-x4-00081-00024810-00025035 difficult to grow, to maintain or protect. vAPACt8j-x4-00082-00025089-00025331 There's little police presence or fire presence, vAPACt8j-x4-00083-00025346-00025592 and safety and crime issues are pretty rampant. vAPACt8j-x4-00084-00025724-00025935 Forget architecture stuff, vAPACt8j-x4-00085-00025935-00026141 we're going to go in to a code favela, vAPACt8j-x4-00086-00026186-00026335 it will look familiar to you. vAPACt8j-x4-00087-00026335-00026492 You've probably had some that made you vAPACt8j-x4-00088-00026492-00026689 nearly go crazy trying to maintain it. vAPACt8j-x4-00089-00026732-00026924 I apologize in advance for making you look at vAPACt8j-x4-00090-00026924-00027177 this but I really need you to feel my pain. vAPACt8j-x4-00091-00027402-00027691 That favela is a manifestation of the ball of vAPACt8j-x4-00092-00027691-00027914 mud pattern, which is really easy to create. vAPACt8j-x4-00093-00027922-00028213 You just need to build something temporary, vAPACt8j-x4-00094-00028213-00028497 add to it, and then rely on it for your business. vAPACt8j-x4-00095-00028524-00028731 They're so easy to create that it's the dominant vAPACt8j-x4-00096-00028731-00029056 architecture pattern, I would contest, in software today. vAPACt8j-x4-00097-00029168-00029316 Let's talk about how this happens. vAPACt8j-x4-00098-00029386-00029521 Should be pretty easy right, vAPACt8j-x4-00099-00029521-00029667 you can probably make this happen this week. vAPACt8j-x4-00100-00029876-00030243 I need a show of hands. How many of you hate being vAPACt8j-x4-00101-00030243-00030449 asked to raise your hands in a talk? vAPACt8j-x4-00102-00030568-00030847 I should see no hands, that is insane. vAPACt8j-x4-00103-00030952-00031141 How many of the rest of you have a vAPACt8j-x4-00104-00031141-00031350 prototype that is shipped to production? vAPACt8j-x4-00105-00031466-00031635 Pretty good balance there. vAPACt8j-x4-00106-00032044-00032177 They say, "This is a two week feature, vAPACt8j-x4-00107-00032177-00032310 "let's ship this thing in two weeks." vAPACt8j-x4-00108-00032337-00032448 I don't believe in two week features, vAPACt8j-x4-00109-00032448-00032587 I don't think that's actually a thing. vAPACt8j-x4-00110-00032633-00032854 We do try to cram features in to two weeks and then make vAPACt8j-x4-00111-00032854-00033130 sacrifices to get them out the door, or we inherit code from vAPACt8j-x4-00112-00033130-00033411 less experienced developers and it has to ship. vAPACt8j-x4-00113-00033480-00033767 But mostly these shanty towns start as a quick prototype. vAPACt8j-x4-00114-00033891-00034079 Let's go ahead and build a shanty town. vAPACt8j-x4-00115-00034141-00034300 It starts off like pretty much any other. vAPACt8j-x4-00116-00034449-00034641 Let's say we're all working on Giffindor. vAPACt8j-x4-00117-00034677-00034872 It's a social network for animated gifs. vAPACt8j-x4-00118-00034988-00035213 The founder is a huge Harry Potter fan, cosplayer, vAPACt8j-x4-00119-00035215-00035461 the whole thing. Has the glasses, it's adorable. vAPACt8j-x4-00120-00035466-00035594 Personally I'm more a Hufflepuff, vAPACt8j-x4-00121-00035594-00035725 this is not my website though. vAPACt8j-x4-00122-00035788-00036039 It's a vanilla server-side app in Rails. vAPACt8j-x4-00123-00036129-00036468 One note on pronunciation. I'm going to stake a stand. vAPACt8j-x4-00124-00036468-00036722 I'm going to say that gif is pronounced like GitHub Gist. vAPACt8j-x4-00125-00036917-00037146 I do the same thing with JSON and [JAY-sin]. vAPACt8j-x4-00126-00037196-00037286 I like to make everybody mad. vAPACt8j-x4-00127-00037286-00037497 Mix tabs and spaces, people love me. vAPACt8j-x4-00128-00037593-00037661 Back to work. vAPACt8j-x4-00129-00037751-00037994 Let's just sprinkle in a little interactivity. vAPACt8j-x4-00130-00038101-00038239 Let's start with sprinkles, they're fun, vAPACt8j-x4-00131-00038239-00038371 sprinkles are fun, yay! vAPACt8j-x4-00132-00038552-00038844 Your boss calls. She says, "We want a better experience vAPACt8j-x4-00133-00038844-00039019 "on the site. Our users demand it. They should not vAPACt8j-x4-00134-00039019-00039244 "have to go through a page refresh all the way vAPACt8j-x4-00135-00039244-00039469 "to the new page to submit a new animated gif." vAPACt8j-x4-00136-00039614-00039732 You look at your Javascript file. vAPACt8j-x4-00137-00039895-00040151 Nothing there, undaunted you march forward. vAPACt8j-x4-00138-00040211-00040466 Easy right? Just make a little HTML form vAPACt8j-x4-00139-00040466-00040694 on the page with show hide, all done. vAPACt8j-x4-00140-00040819-00041103 That worked, except it submits and vAPACt8j-x4-00141-00041103-00041287 does a full page refresh on submit. vAPACt8j-x4-00142-00041287-00041407 "Can you do that by AJAX, vAPACt8j-x4-00143-00041407-00041575 "it's kind of irritating to our users?" vAPACt8j-x4-00144-00041619-00041789 All right, that's what AJAX is for, right? vAPACt8j-x4-00145-00041794-00041997 We submit this thing via AJAX. vAPACt8j-x4-00146-00042086-00042310 That seems to work, all right. vAPACt8j-x4-00147-00042351-00042579 But now you actually have to add that new POST vAPACt8j-x4-00148-00042579-00042829 to the list of POSTs that are on that page. vAPACt8j-x4-00149-00042894-00042985 All right, no problem. vAPACt8j-x4-00150-00043044-00043227 Okay, a little bit of a problem. vAPACt8j-x4-00151-00043308-00043613 We're starting to duplicate some DOM code here in your vAPACt8j-x4-00152-00043613-00043887 Javascript so you get to edit stuff in two places. vAPACt8j-x4-00153-00043930-00044362 A little duplication. We know, we don't de-duplicate first. vAPACt8j-x4-00154-00044483-00044662 You're agile so you agile that code right vAPACt8j-x4-00155-00044662-00044927 in there until this whole thing is agile! (laughter and applause) vAPACt8j-x4-00156-00044986-00045264 By the way that's a trademark of Cloudgineering Inc. vAPACt8j-x4-00157-00045266-00045561 so do not use that without written permission. vAPACt8j-x4-00158-00045720-00045979 So this sprinkle is starting to turn in to a little more vAPACt8j-x4-00159-00045979-00046263 of a rain shower, a little bit of a steady rain. vAPACt8j-x4-00160-00046263-00046512 But cheer up Keanu, we shipped some software, right? vAPACt8j-x4-00161-00046638-00046941 Okay, sport. The product manager, who tends to look vAPACt8j-x4-00162-00046941-00047213 like Fred MacMurray for some reason, is really happy. vAPACt8j-x4-00163-00047264-00047541 He has more ideas. He wants users to be able to click vAPACt8j-x4-00164-00047541-00047749 a cancel button so that they zero out the form, vAPACt8j-x4-00165-00047749-00047939 because if you open it it's just stuck there. vAPACt8j-x4-00166-00048064-00048279 Dutifully you implement the cancel button vAPACt8j-x4-00167-00048279-00048470 and zero out the form with jQuery. vAPACt8j-x4-00168-00048493-00048785 Awesome, except now users are hitting submit on vAPACt8j-x4-00169-00048785-00049013 empty and invalid forms, so we need some sort of vAPACt8j-x4-00170-00049013-00049254 client-side validation to prevent that from happening. vAPACt8j-x4-00171-00049269-00049429 It shouldn't be too hard to tell if vAPACt8j-x4-00172-00049429-00049709 somebody has attached an animated gif link. vAPACt8j-x4-00173-00049903-00050195 It wasn't super, super easy but it was relatively vAPACt8j-x4-00174-00050195-00050429 straight forward. We disable the submit button unless vAPACt8j-x4-00175-00050429-00050672 it's valid and show messages with jQuery. vAPACt8j-x4-00176-00050729-00050900 This is starting to look a little weird, right? vAPACt8j-x4-00177-00050903-00051077 It's starting to really come down. vAPACt8j-x4-00178-00051230-00051358 Poor Al Roker. vAPACt8j-x4-00179-00051479-00051669 Your CEO comes in to congratulate you vAPACt8j-x4-00180-00051669-00051826 on all the great work you've done. vAPACt8j-x4-00181-00051826-00052071 You've really shipped a lot of code and agiled everything vAPACt8j-x4-00182-00052071-00052382 and you just need a couple more enhancements. vAPACt8j-x4-00183-00052405-00052693 Let's add an inline preview for that image so users know vAPACt8j-x4-00184-00052693-00052925 what they're about to post before they post it, vAPACt8j-x4-00185-00052929-00053176 and a little character count that doesn't ding them vAPACt8j-x4-00186-00053176-00053397 for long urls. We want a smart character count. vAPACt8j-x4-00187-00053560-00053729 That's working but actually broke a couple of vAPACt8j-x4-00188-00053729-00053980 other things about the state of this form. vAPACt8j-x4-00189-00054001-00054348 We do some double checking and enable or disable submit. vAPACt8j-x4-00190-00054469-00054673 Now you're caught between these two worlds. vAPACt8j-x4-00191-00054673-00054952 You want to craft code that you can be proud of and that vAPACt8j-x4-00192-00054963-00055252 lets you feel good about the things that you do, vAPACt8j-x4-00193-00055262-00055448 but you also want to be able to ship stuff. vAPACt8j-x4-00194-00055448-00055669 Your business needs you to move fast and break things. vAPACt8j-x4-00195-00055670-00056039 You need to get stuff done, GSD. Craftsmanship, ship it. vAPACt8j-x4-00196-00056051-00056229 I say craftmanship it. vAPACt8j-x4-00197-00056237-00056477 (laughter) vAPACt8j-x4-00198-00056477-00056839 (hesitant applause) vAPACt8j-x4-00199-00056948-00057125 It's a good thing you're a cloudgineer and you vAPACt8j-x4-00200-00057125-00057337 can straddle these two worlds just perfectly. vAPACt8j-x4-00201-00057418-00057682 Look at all this code that we've craftsmanshipped. vAPACt8j-x4-00202-00057824-00058094 Sandy Metz talked yesterday about code shape vAPACt8j-x4-00203-00058094-00058278 and the squint test as an indicator. vAPACt8j-x4-00204-00058278-00058563 When I squint this code has a shape and vAPACt8j-x4-00205-00058563-00058765 that shape is a sack of hot garbage. vAPACt8j-x4-00206-00058765-00059010 (laughter) vAPACt8j-x4-00207-00059010-00059184 I don't know if Chicago has this but in Manhattan vAPACt8j-x4-00208-00059184-00059411 in the summer time you get this nice smell vAPACt8j-x4-00209-00059411-00059611 wafting off of the hot garbage, it's great. vAPACt8j-x4-00210-00059638-00059784 That's kind of how it feels. vAPACt8j-x4-00211-00059827-00060303 Here we are, a total tsunami of entangled jQuery code. vAPACt8j-x4-00212-00060303-00060567 (laughter) vAPACt8j-x4-00213-00060567-00060777 Let's ship a feature against that. vAPACt8j-x4-00214-00061047-00061325 Please, it's really important! vAPACt8j-x4-00215-00061420-00061641 Your CEO is now putty in your hands, vAPACt8j-x4-00216-00061641-00061881 you are a superstar developer and the expectation vAPACt8j-x4-00217-00061881-00062137 is now that you just shipped so fast. vAPACt8j-x4-00218-00062137-00062380 And a light button, let's do it. vAPACt8j-x4-00219-00062390-00062700 Here's the thing. I was going to implement this in jQuery, vAPACt8j-x4-00220-00062732-00062895 I was going to do it but there was already so vAPACt8j-x4-00221-00062895-00063107 much double checking and interwoven states that vAPACt8j-x4-00222-00063107-00063414 I physically couldn't without getting really ill. vAPACt8j-x4-00223-00063467-00063658 The thought of touching this code made me want vAPACt8j-x4-00224-00063658-00063827 to quit writing the talk and just be like, vAPACt8j-x4-00225-00063827-00064014 "You know what RailsConf, thanks anyway." vAPACt8j-x4-00226-00064128-00064310 Now what, what do we do? vAPACt8j-x4-00227-00064338-00064605 Actually Brian Foote has prescriptions for vAPACt8j-x4-00228-00064605-00064728 dealing with the ball of mud pattern, vAPACt8j-x4-00229-00064728-00064891 and it's not always what you think. vAPACt8j-x4-00230-00064891-00065119 You don't necessarily dive right into a refactor. vAPACt8j-x4-00231-00065145-00065347 Addressing a ball of mud is pretty difficult. vAPACt8j-x4-00232-00065368-00065538 We can sweep it all under the rug, vAPACt8j-x4-00233-00065538-00065703 or put it inside of a black box. vAPACt8j-x4-00234-00065758-00065897 You can reconstruct it, vAPACt8j-x4-00235-00065897-00066267 tear the whole thing down and raze it and rebuild it. vAPACt8j-x4-00236-00066278-00066403 You can renovate block-by-block, vAPACt8j-x4-00237-00066403-00066576 which he calls keeping it working, vAPACt8j-x4-00238-00066591-00066851 or you can quit you job, which in some cases, vAPACt8j-x4-00239-00066851-00067079 sometimes it's the thing to do. vAPACt8j-x4-00240-00067163-00067345 Black box is fine if you know you're never vAPACt8j-x4-00241-00067345-00067515 going to have to touch that code again. vAPACt8j-x4-00242-00067515-00067668 If it's some complicated math equation or vAPACt8j-x4-00243-00067668-00067815 something I've seen that done, where you vAPACt8j-x4-00244-00067815-00068066 just hide it in the closet and that's fine. vAPACt8j-x4-00245-00068125-00068397 A rewrite is a great way to learn really amazingly vAPACt8j-x4-00246-00068397-00068700 hidden lessons about your business logic. vAPACt8j-x4-00247-00068713-00068924 Things that are encoded in very strange places. vAPACt8j-x4-00248-00068941-00069100 It's a really great way to make something that vAPACt8j-x4-00249-00069100-00069325 sounds like it takes two weeks take six months. vAPACt8j-x4-00250-00069558-00069840 I feel like you always discover that hidden vAPACt8j-x4-00251-00069840-00070097 business logic so let's talk about a refactor. vAPACt8j-x4-00252-00070151-00070297 Why would we do that? vAPACt8j-x4-00253-00070369-00070535 We decided that refactor is probably the right vAPACt8j-x4-00254-00070535-00070676 thing to do because the feature has to be vAPACt8j-x4-00255-00070676-00070919 maintained but it's now too expensive to manage. vAPACt8j-x4-00256-00070933-00071124 Users are starting to actually have a bad time with vAPACt8j-x4-00257-00071124-00071321 it because the longer they stay on the page the vAPACt8j-x4-00258-00071321-00071545 more likely they are to have problems with it. vAPACt8j-x4-00259-00071641-00071895 And more importantly to me personally is vAPACt8j-x4-00260-00071895-00072080 that you are tossing and turning all night. vAPACt8j-x4-00261-00072080-00072266 You cannot sleep because you're dreaming about the JIRA vAPACt8j-x4-00262-00072266-00072455 tickets that are waiting for you in the morning. vAPACt8j-x4-00263-00072455-00072639 Why are we still using JIRA, why is that a thing?! vAPACt8j-x4-00264-00072639-00072808 Okay, anyway, separate deal. vAPACt8j-x4-00265-00072992-00073258 You think about your frustrated users, your gut is vAPACt8j-x4-00266-00073258-00073511 telling you to fix it and your gut is totally right. vAPACt8j-x4-00267-00073644-00073797 You have two paths out of here. vAPACt8j-x4-00268-00073797-00074103 I think the person in this room, super smart guy, is like, vAPACt8j-x4-00269-00074103-00074476 "Why don't you refactor this to smart Javascript objects?" vAPACt8j-x4-00270-00074535-00074948 He's largely right. That's an ideomatic way to dig out of this. vAPACt8j-x4-00271-00074963-00075211 He also asked me if I did that as a strawman vAPACt8j-x4-00272-00075211-00075466 of how to build really terrible jQuery code. vAPACt8j-x4-00273-00075494-00075925 I was like, "Yeees. I was not doing my best." vAPACt8j-x4-00274-00076067-00076224 The other option is to use a framework vAPACt8j-x4-00275-00076224-00076469 to abstract away the DOM and handle data. vAPACt8j-x4-00276-00076605-00076768 Our goal is to get the heck out of vAPACt8j-x4-00277-00076768-00076930 the DOM as fast as humanly possible. vAPACt8j-x4-00278-00077016-00077206 That's our biggest pain point right now. vAPACt8j-x4-00279-00077238-00077420 For me I'll choose a framework. vAPACt8j-x4-00280-00077420-00077547 The framework will manage the DOM and vAPACt8j-x4-00281-00077547-00077710 we'll just manage the underlying data. vAPACt8j-x4-00282-00077840-00078136 All we need to do now is five steps to get out. vAPACt8j-x4-00283-00078263-00078498 These steps will probably apply for people that vAPACt8j-x4-00284-00078498-00078839 use plain Javascript and don't use a framework, vAPACt8j-x4-00285-00078839-00079030 or any framework that you choose. vAPACt8j-x4-00286-00079030-00079216 It's just nice to build up against one, vAPACt8j-x4-00287-00079220-00079366 personally I certainly prefer it. vAPACt8j-x4-00288-00079467-00079683 On our blog we'll talk more about why vAPACt8j-x4-00289-00079683-00079878 we choose Ember and why we like it, vAPACt8j-x4-00290-00079878-00080119 and you heard Charles mention earlier if you were here, vAPACt8j-x4-00291-00080119-00080330 about why we like Ember's model layer. vAPACt8j-x4-00292-00080343-00080591 I feel like it's a really strong model layer for vAPACt8j-x4-00293-00080591-00080803 the case that we're trying to accomplish now. vAPACt8j-x4-00294-00080803-00080958 It has really great bindings and managed state, vAPACt8j-x4-00295-00080958-00081109 and it's got a great drop in component vAPACt8j-x4-00296-00081109-00081277 library to tie it all together. vAPACt8j-x4-00297-00081337-00081695 Step one, let's rap it. Rap it, rap it, rap it, wrap it. vAPACt8j-x4-00298-00082031-00082228 A little sidetrack, a lot of people don't realize vAPACt8j-x4-00299-00082228-00082438 that you can sprinkle Ember into an app. vAPACt8j-x4-00300-00082455-00082711 A lot of people think that Ember only works if you want to vAPACt8j-x4-00301-00082711-00082968 start an app from scratch and build up from the ground up, vAPACt8j-x4-00302-00082968-00083261 from floor zero all the way to the top, but you can actually vAPACt8j-x4-00303-00083261-00083447 apply it to a lot of codebases and it's really vAPACt8j-x4-00304-00083447-00083743 great for refactoring existing codebases toward it. vAPACt8j-x4-00305-00083805-00084162 That's just these three steps right here. vAPACt8j-x4-00306-00084182-00084431 At The Frontside we do that pretty often where vAPACt8j-x4-00307-00084431-00084766 we take an existing Rails application and move vAPACt8j-x4-00308-00084766-00085116 it towards Ember, but it's actually not that hard. vAPACt8j-x4-00309-00085120-00085319 First things first it's time for some justice. vAPACt8j-x4-00310-00085319-00085561 We're going to put that terrible code in code jail. vAPACt8j-x4-00311-00085561-00085850 That code jail is this initLegacyCode function. vAPACt8j-x4-00312-00085850-00086177 We're going to create an Ember component, we're going to vAPACt8j-x4-00313-00086177-00086517 put the stuff in initLegacyCode, which is not a special name, vAPACt8j-x4-00314-00086517-00086863 I just chose it to tell me that this is the jail. vAPACt8j-x4-00315-00086863-00087154 It bootstraps the old code inside the component. vAPACt8j-x4-00316-00087154-00087367 We do not alter that code at all. vAPACt8j-x4-00317-00087397-00087728 Also we move the HTML in to a handlebars vAPACt8j-x4-00318-00087728-00087946 template associated with this component. vAPACt8j-x4-00319-00087974-00088202 No structure of that HTML actually changes, vAPACt8j-x4-00320-00088238-00088403 we're just isolating. vAPACt8j-x4-00321-00088491-00088836 Then we can sprinkle. Now we use jQuery to stuff all of vAPACt8j-x4-00322-00088836-00089167 this old stuff that we had before back in to the DOM. vAPACt8j-x4-00323-00089382-00089652 Another thing Sandy said yesterday that I hope vAPACt8j-x4-00324-00089652-00089916 it's self evident, it's certainly made itself self evident vAPACt8j-x4-00325-00089916-00090252 to me over the course of the last year or two doing this, vAPACt8j-x4-00326-00090252-00090442 that you have to test it. vAPACt8j-x4-00327-00090471-00090857 If you do not test your code a refactor is vAPACt8j-x4-00328-00090857-00091164 essentially impossible, I cannot imagine trying to do it. vAPACt8j-x4-00329-00091164-00091382 I was not a big testing advocate earlier. vAPACt8j-x4-00330-00091382-00091693 I was very skeptical, let's say, about testing. vAPACt8j-x4-00331-00091693-00091964 I was raised by cowboy coders in my first vAPACt8j-x4-00332-00091964-00092206 place when I was learning to program. vAPACt8j-x4-00333-00092239-00092482 But we're going to do it and we're going to see that it's vAPACt8j-x4-00334-00092482-00092749 actually not that hard to actually test the thing itself. vAPACt8j-x4-00335-00092783-00093025 We're going to test that it shows up and it passes. vAPACt8j-x4-00336-00093368-00093541 I'm doing a little bit of a hand wave vAPACt8j-x4-00337-00093541-00093814 here over Javascript testing setup. vAPACt8j-x4-00338-00093918-00094343 Javascript test setup story for getting Ember applications vAPACt8j-x4-00339-00094343-00094701 bootstrapped in Rails can be a little challenging. vAPACt8j-x4-00340-00094701-00094898 There's a growing body of knowledge about it. vAPACt8j-x4-00341-00094898-00095099 I want to give you guys a quick note on that. vAPACt8j-x4-00342-00095101-00095283 On its own, Javascript testing is pretty easy vAPACt8j-x4-00343-00095283-00095500 but when you add in frameworks and tie it to Rails, vAPACt8j-x4-00344-00095502-00095647 add in the asset pipeline, vAPACt8j-x4-00345-00095647-00095801 things can get a little complicated. vAPACt8j-x4-00346-00095816-00095961 It's a little bit of a wild west, vAPACt8j-x4-00347-00095991-00096108 there's a lot of choices out there. vAPACt8j-x4-00348-00096133-00096279 There's a little bit of paralysis of choice I think. vAPACt8j-x4-00349-00096321-00096540 It's really wide open, but not like home on the vAPACt8j-x4-00350-00096540-00096933 range wide open, more like this kind of wild west. vAPACt8j-x4-00351-00097036-00097393 It can lead to that, you look at the thing of, vAPACt8j-x4-00352-00097393-00097566 "I don't know what brand of toothpaste I want, vAPACt8j-x4-00353-00097566-00097720 "I just want some toothpaste." vAPACt8j-x4-00354-00097753-00097943 There's not really a truly accepted happy vAPACt8j-x4-00355-00097943-00098135 path just yet but it is getting better. vAPACt8j-x4-00356-00098199-00098343 Things are maturing, we're building schools, vAPACt8j-x4-00357-00098343-00098500 we're building hospitals still. vAPACt8j-x4-00358-00098577-00098789 There's a lot of a need for libraries and blog vAPACt8j-x4-00359-00098789-00099081 posts and people finding these happy paths. vAPACt8j-x4-00360-00099081-00099308 Taking aside for 15 minutes, there are screen casts vAPACt8j-x4-00361-00099308-00099483 being released right now, there's a thing called vAPACt8j-x4-00362-00099483-00099780 Ember Sparks where he's teaching people how to vAPACt8j-x4-00363-00099780-00100041 set up and bootstrap your application environment. vAPACt8j-x4-00364-00100041-00100341 We're all still figuring this out there, so be prepared vAPACt8j-x4-00365-00100341-00100700 for a little bit of rough take off on this still. vAPACt8j-x4-00366-00100832-00101068 Another thing is testing AJAX can feel a little vAPACt8j-x4-00367-00101068-00101221 intimidating when you're trying to test Javascript vAPACt8j-x4-00368-00101221-00101349 but it's actually pretty simple. vAPACt8j-x4-00369-00101349-00101530 There are multiple libraries to do this kind of thing vAPACt8j-x4-00370-00101530-00101691 I like ic-ajax. vAPACt8j-x4-00371-00101999-00102366 It intercepts AJAX calls and allows you to inject fixtures in. vAPACt8j-x4-00372-00102476-00102931 Here we're going to test each path through the experience. vAPACt8j-x4-00373-00102944-00103108 In this one we're testing that clicking vAPACt8j-x4-00374-00103108-00103300 submit shows a success message. vAPACt8j-x4-00375-00103346-00103539 We just want to go through and verify that all the vAPACt8j-x4-00376-00103539-00103824 things that the code says it does it's actually doing. vAPACt8j-x4-00377-00103923-00104105 We're not changing any code, vAPACt8j-x4-00378-00104105-00104342 we're just wrapping it in test existing. vAPACt8j-x4-00379-00104452-00104574 And that passes. vAPACt8j-x4-00380-00104632-00104885 Okay. At this point we repeat for each path vAPACt8j-x4-00381-00104885-00105106 to create an integration test for the entire vAPACt8j-x4-00382-00105106-00105367 application stubbed at the API level. vAPACt8j-x4-00383-00105396-00105716 This took several hours but it's really important. vAPACt8j-x4-00384-00105716-00105851 As I said if you don't have a test harness vAPACt8j-x4-00385-00105851-00106014 I do not know how you can refactor. vAPACt8j-x4-00386-00106046-00106294 Maybe if somebody has another answer we can discuss it, vAPACt8j-x4-00387-00106294-00106548 because testing is not my favorite thing in the world. vAPACt8j-x4-00388-00106686-00106886 We can now move forward with some confidence. vAPACt8j-x4-00389-00106886-00107111 Go ahead and take yourself a victory lap, you earned it. vAPACt8j-x4-00390-00107111-00107305 This is, however, just the start. vAPACt8j-x4-00391-00107448-00107671 Step three is to identify models. vAPACt8j-x4-00392-00107671-00107974 You have this blob of code, how do you find models in here? vAPACt8j-x4-00393-00107974-00108216 Your server MVC might give you some hints. vAPACt8j-x4-00394-00108271-00108560 I don't believe that your models will map one to one, vAPACt8j-x4-00395-00108560-00108788 but it's a really great place to start. vAPACt8j-x4-00396-00108898-00109229 In this one we actually get to start driving with the tests. vAPACt8j-x4-00397-00109263-00109496 Sometimes I test drive, sometimes I don't, vAPACt8j-x4-00398-00109496-00109903 I'm not an expert at either style, but I do think that vAPACt8j-x4-00399-00109903-00110197 in this case it was pretty good to say, "I know that I vAPACt8j-x4-00400-00110197-00110364 "have a model and I know part of what a model is vAPACt8j-x4-00401-00110364-00110694 "going to parse out an animated gif url vAPACt8j-x4-00402-00110694-00110916 "and tell me whether it is one or is not one." vAPACt8j-x4-00403-00111060-00111364 With no code that thing should fail, and it does. vAPACt8j-x4-00404-00111465-00111674 Now let's extract it. vAPACt8j-x4-00405-00111674-00111946 We can actually extract some of that logic to a model. vAPACt8j-x4-00406-00112030-00112323 And we can extract the animated gif link from vAPACt8j-x4-00407-00112323-00112564 the POST body and give it a property here. vAPACt8j-x4-00408-00112564-00112799 This is called a computed property where you see parsedUrl. vAPACt8j-x4-00409-00112829-00113011 It does some functiony stuff and then it has a little vAPACt8j-x4-00410-00113011-00113216 declaration at the end that says property body. vAPACt8j-x4-00411-00113229-00113468 It means that we're going to depend on the body, vAPACt8j-x4-00412-00113468-00113772 which is the blob of data that somebody just types in, vAPACt8j-x4-00413-00113772-00113992 the text that they type in. vAPACt8j-x4-00414-00114087-00114238 At any time a person changes that, vAPACt8j-x4-00415-00114238-00114372 any time that changes it's going to observe and vAPACt8j-x4-00416-00114372-00114640 update this parsedUrl property on this object. vAPACt8j-x4-00417-00114854-00115318 Now those unit tests will pass and we can start turning that vAPACt8j-x4-00418-00115318-00115752 static content into the dynamic content using handlebars. vAPACt8j-x4-00419-00115859-00116124 This lets us kill some code, that's pretty awesome. vAPACt8j-x4-00420-00116157-00116488 This should get the older acceptance test passing again. vAPACt8j-x4-00421-00116488-00116882 It is the coolest feeling in the world to write some tests, vAPACt8j-x4-00422-00116882-00117147 take some code, scrub some garbage out of it, vAPACt8j-x4-00423-00117147-00117358 do something really dangerous feeling, vAPACt8j-x4-00424-00117358-00117533 like jump off the cliff and know, when you rerun vAPACt8j-x4-00425-00117533-00117758 those tests and they start passing again, vAPACt8j-x4-00426-00117758-00117923 and you start getting green again after a refactor, vAPACt8j-x4-00427-00117923-00118070 it's really fun. vAPACt8j-x4-00428-00118131-00118284 In this case we didn't do that much, vAPACt8j-x4-00429-00118284-00118422 we didn't have to write that much code because vAPACt8j-x4-00430-00118422-00118605 we let the framework carry our matched luggage vAPACt8j-x4-00431-00118605-00118842 for it which we cannot live without. vAPACt8j-x4-00432-00118911-00119081 The models hold onto your data, vAPACt8j-x4-00433-00119081-00119382 they keep it up to date and the changes in the DOM are vAPACt8j-x4-00434-00119382-00119679 just going to automatically propagate out of that. vAPACt8j-x4-00435-00119823-00120041 Now we're going to lean even harder into the framework. vAPACt8j-x4-00436-00120102-00120348 It actually is sort of the fun part, identifying the vAPACt8j-x4-00437-00120348-00120543 states is more fun than identifying models, I think, vAPACt8j-x4-00438-00120543-00120669 because we get to go back through the vAPACt8j-x4-00439-00120669-00120833 app and pick out what these states are. vAPACt8j-x4-00440-00120916-00121119 In this little widget the first state is vAPACt8j-x4-00441-00121119-00121294 a blank state, a initial state where the vAPACt8j-x4-00442-00121294-00121496 button is just visible and nothing else is. vAPACt8j-x4-00443-00121556-00121714 When we click it the button goes away and vAPACt8j-x4-00444-00121714-00121908 the thing is in a ready-to-save state. vAPACt8j-x4-00445-00122016-00122191 While data is in flight we're going to disable vAPACt8j-x4-00446-00122191-00122408 the post button, leave everything else the same. vAPACt8j-x4-00447-00122506-00122646 On an error state we're going to leave vAPACt8j-x4-00448-00122646-00122891 the text intact but display a message. vAPACt8j-x4-00449-00123074-00123254 On success we're going to display a vAPACt8j-x4-00450-00123254-00123431 success message and hide the form. vAPACt8j-x4-00451-00123451-00123716 After five seconds we want it to reset to that initial state. vAPACt8j-x4-00452-00123726-00123885 That's kind of the business logic that we wanted vAPACt8j-x4-00453-00123885-00124188 in the first place but we incrementally built it. vAPACt8j-x4-00454-00124188-00124470 That's an okay way to find out what you want but vAPACt8j-x4-00455-00124470-00124708 not a great way to ship to production, as we found. vAPACt8j-x4-00456-00124799-00124971 The component starts in this initial state. vAPACt8j-x4-00457-00124979-00125240 We bind that state to a class on the component's DOM, vAPACt8j-x4-00458-00125315-00125557 and then we'll use that later to let CSS vAPACt8j-x4-00459-00125557-00125769 manage what is shown and what is hidden. vAPACt8j-x4-00460-00125830-00126051 We want the DOM to just be a representation of the vAPACt8j-x4-00461-00126051-00126333 state of the app. The DOM is just there to represent vAPACt8j-x4-00462-00126333-00126526 the app's state at any given time. vAPACt8j-x4-00463-00126537-00126768 It's kind of almost read-only. vAPACt8j-x4-00464-00126810-00127018 Now instead of managing the DOM with jQuery vAPACt8j-x4-00465-00127018-00127141 we're going to have buttons fire off vAPACt8j-x4-00466-00127141-00127308 actions that just push the state around. vAPACt8j-x4-00467-00127347-00127476 "You go here, you go here," vAPACt8j-x4-00468-00127476-00127857 they're like the train conductors in a Japanese train station. vAPACt8j-x4-00469-00127930-00128108 It's kind of a lazy developer's state vAPACt8j-x4-00470-00128108-00128251 machine but it's going to do for now. vAPACt8j-x4-00471-00128389-00128532 Step four, that's done. vAPACt8j-x4-00472-00128532-00128676 That was all the code we needed for state. vAPACt8j-x4-00473-00128700-00128963 Step four is to break up the remaining code left in code jail. vAPACt8j-x4-00474-00128981-00129186 The states and model are in place and are tested, vAPACt8j-x4-00475-00129186-00129359 but there's a couple of ugly things left. vAPACt8j-x4-00476-00129373-00129677 Let's look at it. Code jail is not empty. vAPACt8j-x4-00477-00129677-00129879 The legacy code still reaches outside the vAPACt8j-x4-00478-00129879-00130175 component to delete things in a wonky way. vAPACt8j-x4-00479-00130279-00130560 And, heh heh, hi, how are you. vAPACt8j-x4-00480-00130680-00130875 I want to rub your nose in this code, vAPACt8j-x4-00481-00130882-00131008 even though I'm the one that wrote it. vAPACt8j-x4-00482-00131151-00131341 What could possibly go wrong here, right? vAPACt8j-x4-00483-00131475-00131895 This POST is pretty scary. It's painful to modify, vAPACt8j-x4-00484-00131895-00132173 it invites pain for the user but listing POST vAPACt8j-x4-00485-00132173-00132382 is outside the responsibility of this component vAPACt8j-x4-00486-00132382-00132596 we've created so what can we do about it? vAPACt8j-x4-00487-00132775-00132921 Actually we have a pattern that we've already laid out. vAPACt8j-x4-00488-00132921-00133036 Let's create another component and vAPACt8j-x4-00489-00133036-00133204 sprinkle it in for listing those POSTs. vAPACt8j-x4-00490-00133314-00133511 Another quick detour in to Ember Data. vAPACt8j-x4-00491-00133531-00133677 At this point I have a choice to make. vAPACt8j-x4-00492-00133677-00134046 Do I want to make sharing this information with you more vAPACt8j-x4-00493-00134046-00134290 complicated by talking about Ember Data and I think I do, vAPACt8j-x4-00494-00134290-00134479 it actually made the next steps much easier, vAPACt8j-x4-00495-00134506-00134767 and this detour actually took me about 20 minutes to vAPACt8j-x4-00496-00134767-00135007 replace the model with an Ember Data model. vAPACt8j-x4-00497-00135028-00135326 Ember data is basically a wrapper that talks to AJAX vAPACt8j-x4-00498-00135326-00135651 for you and converts to an Ember model for you. vAPACt8j-x4-00499-00135807-00135985 It buys us lots of good things. vAPACt8j-x4-00500-00135996-00136179 Basically took just a few minutes to do. vAPACt8j-x4-00501-00136190-00136636 That's it, we just declare it as a model on Ember Data. vAPACt8j-x4-00502-00136768-00137111 I like to wire in an ic-ajax, just like we did before, vAPACt8j-x4-00503-00137111-00137390 to Ember Data and this is all the work that it takes to do. vAPACt8j-x4-00504-00137416-00137619 Fixtures will still work as written. vAPACt8j-x4-00505-00137625-00137888 This was all it took to get the tests passing again. vAPACt8j-x4-00506-00138026-00138204 That's pretty much it for the list component. vAPACt8j-x4-00507-00138204-00138366 As you can see I have a delete function, vAPACt8j-x4-00508-00138366-00138557 a place to reference the list, that's it. vAPACt8j-x4-00509-00138557-00138890 It has a list of those posts and a way to delete one of them. vAPACt8j-x4-00510-00138930-00139188 All I'm doing is destroying a model record. vAPACt8j-x4-00511-00139350-00139528 The second set of tests here is pretty vAPACt8j-x4-00512-00139528-00139768 much going to follow the first. This test shows vAPACt8j-x4-00513-00139768-00140080 that the animated gifs show up as expected, vAPACt8j-x4-00514-00140104-00140349 and from here we can drive out the delete functionality. vAPACt8j-x4-00515-00140424-00140730 We have a second template to replace the server-side markup vAPACt8j-x4-00516-00140831-00141052 and then we sprinkle it in just like the first one. vAPACt8j-x4-00517-00141060-00141297 We say, "Hey, jQuery, take this component and stuff it in to vAPACt8j-x4-00518-00141297-00141543 "the DOM for me where that list of posts used to be," vAPACt8j-x4-00519-00141568-00141749 and Ember is going to show that for us now. vAPACt8j-x4-00520-00141751-00141911 That's interesting, we have two components. vAPACt8j-x4-00521-00141911-00142080 How are they talking to each other? vAPACt8j-x4-00522-00142106-00142330 Well they both react to changes to the underlying data. vAPACt8j-x4-00523-00142330-00142605 There's a pool underneath that is the vAPACt8j-x4-00524-00142605-00142788 same shared data set but the components vAPACt8j-x4-00525-00142788-00142976 are completely isolated from one another. vAPACt8j-x4-00526-00142976-00143172 They can only communicate by altering vAPACt8j-x4-00527-00143172-00143349 that pool of underlying data. vAPACt8j-x4-00528-00143453-00143658 Changes in one place can affect the other. vAPACt8j-x4-00529-00143754-00143987 There's a lot of boilerplate code we did not write here. vAPACt8j-x4-00530-00143987-00144126 We just trust that the data layer is going to do vAPACt8j-x4-00531-00144126-00144355 its job and the DOM will represent it properly. vAPACt8j-x4-00532-00144517-00144777 One thing that happened though is because vAPACt8j-x4-00533-00144777-00145121 we're not doing stuff with jQuery UI animation vAPACt8j-x4-00534-00145121-00145326 stuff any more we lost show hide functionality, vAPACt8j-x4-00535-00145326-00145455 so let's put that back. vAPACt8j-x4-00536-00145509-00145663 We're going to use CSS transitions vAPACt8j-x4-00537-00145663-00145785 which buys a lot of benefits, vAPACt8j-x4-00538-00145785-00146119 including hardware acceleration on more modern browsers. vAPACt8j-x4-00539-00146224-00146536 Remember how we bound class name to form state earlier? vAPACt8j-x4-00540-00146556-00146801 We said there was a thing there that says form vAPACt8j-x4-00541-00146801-00147129 state is bound to the class name for this component. vAPACt8j-x4-00542-00147137-00147358 Now we get these classes for free automatically, vAPACt8j-x4-00543-00147371-00147501 Ember is going to stuff that in to our vAPACt8j-x4-00544-00147501-00147731 component every time the state changes. vAPACt8j-x4-00545-00147731-00147977 It pushes the state, it changes the name of the class. vAPACt8j-x4-00546-00148019-00148193 I like to start by creating placeholders vAPACt8j-x4-00547-00148193-00148634 for the various states in a given component, vAPACt8j-x4-00548-00148743-00148996 and then put different behaviors under those states. vAPACt8j-x4-00549-00149017-00149235 In this you can see it almost tells a story. vAPACt8j-x4-00550-00149245-00149432 We start an initial state with a height of vAPACt8j-x4-00551-00149432-00149646 zero px and an opacity of zero. vAPACt8j-x4-00552-00150296-00150606 Then once it's in another state it actually expands. vAPACt8j-x4-00553-00150643-00150902 Everything except initial it will transition to that state. vAPACt8j-x4-00554-00150967-00151117 We transition open to visible vAPACt8j-x4-00555-00151117-00151454 with a 200 millisecond delay and a ... vAPACt8j-x4-00556-00151614-00151850 You know what, I'm just going to show it to you. vAPACt8j-x4-00557-00151850-00152116 It's not great to try to explain how CSS animations work. vAPACt8j-x4-00558-00152217-00152312 Let's do that. vAPACt8j-x4-00559-00153146-00153304 I think I need to make that window smaller. vAPACt8j-x4-00560-00153593-00153765 That's great. Thanks Obama. vAPACt8j-x4-00561-00154188-00154473 We're going to submit and now it expands. vAPACt8j-x4-00562-00154473-00154785 Here we're in a validation error state. vAPACt8j-x4-00563-00155080-00155250 We have the gif preview. vAPACt8j-x4-00564-00155253-00155437 We have zero characters because that smart preview is vAPACt8j-x4-00565-00155437-00155718 telling us that we're not using up any characters. vAPACt8j-x4-00566-00156079-00156276 And we'll post it. vAPACt8j-x4-00567-00156374-00156567 Oh, I just got trolled by chrome caching. vAPACt8j-x4-00568-00156897-00157380 This one is just great. Julie Andrews is so awesome. vAPACt8j-x4-00569-00157803-00158040 I have many of these that I really love very much. vAPACt8j-x4-00570-00158184-00158354 Instead of doing that all day maybe vAPACt8j-x4-00571-00158354-00158540 we should go back to the talk. vAPACt8j-x4-00572-00158687-00158815 What we're not doing is we're not vAPACt8j-x4-00573-00158815-00158987 manipulating the DOM directly. vAPACt8j-x4-00574-00158989-00159212 If we want our tests can actually relax about the DOM vAPACt8j-x4-00575-00159212-00159522 a little bit, we don't need to necessarily test the framework. vAPACt8j-x4-00576-00159583-00159846 What we can focus on is application logic. vAPACt8j-x4-00577-00159857-00160089 We can still integration test if we want vAPACt8j-x4-00578-00160217-00160429 but let's look back and see what we've done so far. vAPACt8j-x4-00579-00160507-00160855 There's some old code right here. vAPACt8j-x4-00580-00160855-00161063 Let's see if you can locate the business logic in here. vAPACt8j-x4-00581-00161278-00161437 Right? You can't. vAPACt8j-x4-00582-00161437-00161626 That's why I'm introducing a powerful vAPACt8j-x4-00583-00161626-00161914 encryption algorithm called jQCS, 512-bit. vAPACt8j-x4-00584-00161959-00162118 It scatters your business logic across vAPACt8j-x4-00585-00162118-00162304 hundreds of lines of jQuery code. vAPACt8j-x4-00586-00162450-00162621 You can stop worrying about whether hackers vAPACt8j-x4-00587-00162621-00162791 are going to access your business logic in your vAPACt8j-x4-00588-00162791-00163063 front end because even your programmers can't. vAPACt8j-x4-00589-00163063-00163197 (laughter) vAPACt8j-x4-00590-00163197-00163352 That's cloudgineering folks. vAPACt8j-x4-00591-00163481-00163617 Also a trademark. vAPACt8j-x4-00592-00163726-00163946 That turns out not to be such a super hot idea. vAPACt8j-x4-00593-00164055-00164291 We've now refactored this into a place where vAPACt8j-x4-00594-00164291-00164514 we've moved that encrypted logic and exposed vAPACt8j-x4-00595-00164514-00164750 it via computed properties, states and models. vAPACt8j-x4-00596-00164773-00164970 The business logic is actually front and center now. vAPACt8j-x4-00597-00165012-00165229 We've got from this sack of hot garbage to a vAPACt8j-x4-00598-00165229-00165483 tested and documented reliable implementation. vAPACt8j-x4-00599-00165483-00165799 It's not perfect but now it begs to be extended and reused. vAPACt8j-x4-00600-00165979-00166191 From here what happens next is really up to you. vAPACt8j-x4-00601-00166327-00166574 From here, most of the rendering that's vAPACt8j-x4-00602-00166574-00166763 happening on the page is being done by Ember. vAPACt8j-x4-00603-00166771-00166960 If you want to replace it and get all the benefits of vAPACt8j-x4-00604-00166960-00167202 having a router underneath your app, great, go nuts. vAPACt8j-x4-00605-00167233-00167627 You can actually now take application handlebars and vAPACt8j-x4-00606-00167627-00167871 have it render those to components for you, and you're maybe vAPACt8j-x4-00607-00167871-00168105 a few hours from having a full single page application. vAPACt8j-x4-00608-00168138-00168365 Or you can continue to sprinkle in more components vAPACt8j-x4-00609-00168365-00168576 and let your Rails app do all the driving and let your vAPACt8j-x4-00610-00168576-00168837 components do the more dynamic pieces of your application vAPACt8j-x4-00611-00168837-00169082 for you with that pool of shared data underneath it. vAPACt8j-x4-00612-00169266-00169445 Now my brain is tired. vAPACt8j-x4-00613-00169466-00169690 Why did we do all this stuff, what even is my life. vAPACt8j-x4-00614-00169840-00170232 We had one job to do, a job that we were just about to quit, vAPACt8j-x4-00615-00170394-00170677 but right before you became millionaires in the IPO. vAPACt8j-x4-00616-00170677-00170846 I found out a couple years ago I quit vAPACt8j-x4-00617-00170846-00171351 a job that just recently IPO'd. I would be on some yacht. vAPACt8j-x4-00618-00171534-00171754 But we didn't quit, because we love our users, vAPACt8j-x4-00619-00171754-00172099 we love our coworkers, and we want to love our job. vAPACt8j-x4-00620-00172176-00172365 Software development, it really is fun. vAPACt8j-x4-00621-00172382-00172694 It can be frustrating but it shouldn't give you night sweats. vAPACt8j-x4-00622-00172845-00173023 Let's try this one more time against vAPACt8j-x4-00623-00173023-00173174 our new and improved code base. vAPACt8j-x4-00624-00173174-00173376 Once we know the API it's a small test to just vAPACt8j-x4-00625-00173376-00173571 verify that this thing does what we want. vAPACt8j-x4-00626-00173571-00173779 We can add a little favorite or like feature. vAPACt8j-x4-00627-00173879-00174212 We stub out the data, test that a favorite makes it favorite vAPACt8j-x4-00628-00174212-00174384 and an unfavorite makes it unfavorite. vAPACt8j-x4-00629-00174439-00174623 Build a little favorite model that talks to vAPACt8j-x4-00630-00174623-00174894 the server and it has many relationship here. vAPACt8j-x4-00631-00174920-00175100 You can see DS belongs to gifPost vAPACt8j-x4-00632-00175100-00175277 and it has many on the other side. vAPACt8j-x4-00633-00175346-00175487 And add some dynamic content vAPACt8j-x4-00634-00175487-00175717 to the handlebars template. vAPACt8j-x4-00635-00175831-00176048 Then we write a toggle action to create or vAPACt8j-x4-00636-00176048-00176315 destroy the favorite and that's pretty much it. vAPACt8j-x4-00637-00176379-00176673 If chrome caching will smile upon me vAPACt8j-x4-00638-00176677-00176965 We'll demo that as well, I'm going to switch my branch. vAPACt8j-x4-00639-00178725-00178939 Everybody knows this trick, right? vAPACt8j-x4-00640-00179055-00179308 Also everybody knows the trick of typing rails s. vAPACt8j-x4-00641-00179561-00179861 It's a little known thing, most people don't know. vAPACt8j-x4-00642-00179904-00180165 It's how you load a Rails server up. vAPACt8j-x4-00643-00180239-00180435 (laughter) vAPACt8j-x4-00644-00180691-00180913 You can see my responsive design is so badass. vAPACt8j-x4-00645-00180940-00181230 Woah, star just flies all around. vAPACt8j-x4-00646-00181311-00181603 Now we can favorite this thing. vAPACt8j-x4-00647-00181609-00181862 It's actually talking to the server on the back end but vAPACt8j-x4-00648-00181862-00182075 it was so easy to do this that we actually were like, vAPACt8j-x4-00649-00182085-00182311 Well, do you want me to filter these favorites for you? vAPACt8j-x4-00650-00182311-00182642 I can do that and just show you my favorite ones. vAPACt8j-x4-00651-00182642-00182906 This one, this is legendary. vAPACt8j-x4-00652-00183296-00183479 (laughter) vAPACt8j-x4-00653-00183602-00183832 (laughter) vAPACt8j-x4-00654-00184296-00184550 (laughter) vAPACt8j-x4-00655-00184676-00184972 Now we have favorites. If I unfavorite something vAPACt8j-x4-00656-00184972-00185157 it will automatically pop out of the list. vAPACt8j-x4-00657-00185157-00185408 I'm not managing any of this stuff. I just built a vAPACt8j-x4-00658-00185408-00185655 little tiny filter that took like five minutes to do. vAPACt8j-x4-00659-00185709-00185973 This stuff buys you so much and extending vAPACt8j-x4-00660-00185973-00186154 this actually becomes very fun. vAPACt8j-x4-00661-00186694-00186980 We've changed our relationship now to this code base, vAPACt8j-x4-00662-00186980-00187183 where we actually like working on it. vAPACt8j-x4-00663-00187191-00187321 We wake up in the morning instead of feeling vAPACt8j-x4-00664-00187321-00187558 sick about what's going to be in our inbox we're vAPACt8j-x4-00665-00187558-00187793 actually really excited about what we get to do next. vAPACt8j-x4-00666-00188007-00188281 I just want to tell you as an addendum to this that my vAPACt8j-x4-00667-00188281-00188608 personal story about, my first conference was about vAPACt8j-x4-00668-00188608-00189101 four years ago and I think a lot of people, can I get a vAPACt8j-x4-00669-00189101-00189518 show of hands of who's hear that's their first conference? vAPACt8j-x4-00670-00189745-00189948 That's a really great portion of the room. vAPACt8j-x4-00671-00189948-00190074 My first conference, vAPACt8j-x4-00672-00190074-00190327 I went to a hack night the night after the conference. vAPACt8j-x4-00673-00190336-00190542 It was put on by some really great people vAPACt8j-x4-00674-00190542-00190827 but I walked in, I looked around and I didn't know anybody. vAPACt8j-x4-00675-00190941-00191153 I listened to some people talk. vAPACt8j-x4-00676-00191153-00191360 I was just learning to program. vAPACt8j-x4-00677-00191360-00191611 I was listening to people talk and they were so smart vAPACt8j-x4-00678-00191611-00191780 and they were people that were so well known in the vAPACt8j-x4-00679-00191780-00192134 community and I was so nobody that I immediately vAPACt8j-x4-00680-00192134-00192318 turned around, left, ran out of the room as fast vAPACt8j-x4-00681-00192318-00192552 as I could, got in my car and cried and drove home. vAPACt8j-x4-00682-00192607-00192819 Which is pretty awesome, I'm like super cool guy. vAPACt8j-x4-00683-00192819-00193015 (laughter) vAPACt8j-x4-00684-00193015-00193285 After that point the community picked me up and vAPACt8j-x4-00685-00193285-00193508 dusted me off and said, "Get back in there kiddo." vAPACt8j-x4-00686-00193564-00193782 Many people in that community that I didn't know in the vAPACt8j-x4-00687-00193782-00193986 room at the time became some of my closest friends. vAPACt8j-x4-00688-00194137-00194379 These people in this room, if you'll look around, are some vAPACt8j-x4-00689-00194379-00194737 of your future closest friends and colleagues and mentors. vAPACt8j-x4-00690-00194804-00195084 The community is the reason that vAPACt8j-x4-00691-00195084-00195260 I get to do this for a living, vAPACt8j-x4-00692-00195260-00195511 when before I was doing just horrifying things. vAPACt8j-x4-00693-00195511-00195671 If you can imagine what it would be like to do vAPACt8j-x4-00694-00195671-00195876 marketing for a multi-level marketing corporation. vAPACt8j-x4-00695-00195964-00196293 Just imagine the existential hell and imagine programming. vAPACt8j-x4-00696-00196293-00196485 We're pretty lucky to get to do this and I want vAPACt8j-x4-00697-00196485-00196707 everybody to have as good a time writing software vAPACt8j-x4-00698-00196707-00196996 as I get to have when I'm doing stuff like this. vAPACt8j-x4-00699-00197224-00197376 The other thing I want to say, the last note vAPACt8j-x4-00700-00197376-00197753 I want to say on community is we have a tendency vAPACt8j-x4-00701-00197753-00197943 to do this tent pole thing where we raise some vAPACt8j-x4-00702-00197943-00198201 people up and then gather around those people. vAPACt8j-x4-00703-00198203-00198374 That's not really what a community is about, vAPACt8j-x4-00704-00198374-00198612 a community is a mesh, it's not like hub and spoke. vAPACt8j-x4-00705-00198674-00198826 Every person in here has something to vAPACt8j-x4-00706-00198826-00198979 contribute and something amazing to do vAPACt8j-x4-00707-00198979-00199143 and I can't wait to go to your talks later. vAPACt8j-x4-00708-00199145-00199387 I'm told I'm pretty good at hugs ... vAPACt8j-x4-00709-00199387-00199809 (applause) vAPACt8j-x4-00710-00200821-00200989 I'm told I'm pretty good at hugs so come vAPACt8j-x4-00711-00200989-00201445 say hi to me and thank you so much. (applause) vAPACt8j-x4-00712-00201859-00202299 (energetic big band music) vIu1M0tcTMM-00000-00000000-00000200 KATAKAN PADAKU #STUDIO ETOY # vIu1M0tcTMM-00001-00000200-00000400 KATAKAN PADAKU #STUDIO ETOY # vIu1M0tcTMM-00002-00000400-00000600 KATAKAN PADAKU #STUDIO ETOY # vIu1M0tcTMM-00003-00000600-00000800 KATAKAN PADAKU #STUDIO ETOY # vP39DxGUD38-00000-00008700-00009400 jack blakk on Lum vPBY48nHV2o-00000-00000044-00000486 At the goldsmith workplace- Lajos Muharos vPBY48nHV2o-00001-00001757-00002235 All my life...when I was little I drew and paintetd. vPBY48nHV2o-00002-00002266-00002486 I wanted to be a painter or a sculptor. vPBY48nHV2o-00003-00002498-00002778 I did not know that there is a goldsmith's art. vPBY48nHV2o-00004-00002798-00003354 I read in a prospectus that there was a decorative sculpture art in college. vPBY48nHV2o-00005-00003554-00003754 I have applied for it. vPBY48nHV2o-00006-00003779-00004114 I have gotten the call-up papers. I came up from Szombathely to Budapest. vPBY48nHV2o-00007-00004350-00004750 Then they included in the entrance examination so the decorative sculpture art was removed. vPBY48nHV2o-00008-00004784-00005030 We had to choose from ceramic or goldsmith classes. vPBY48nHV2o-00009-00005152-00005386 I had choosen the goldsmith.... vPBY48nHV2o-00010-00005386-00005642 The exam started with drawing. vPBY48nHV2o-00011-00005648-00005848 There were two models: vPBY48nHV2o-00012-00005848-00006068 Mrs. Recskó who was a very old lady. vPBY48nHV2o-00013-00006070-00006302 She was a famous model. She was a professional model. vPBY48nHV2o-00014-00006302-00006461 Everybody had drawn her. vPBY48nHV2o-00015-00006462-00006931 I was the only who had drawn the really pretty daughter of the porter who was 13 year-old. vPBY48nHV2o-00016-00006931-00007111 She was really nice girl. vPBY48nHV2o-00017-00007111-00007637 It was strange that I was sitting on my own drawing the girl and the others were sitting together while they were drawing Mrs. Recskó. vPBY48nHV2o-00018-00007650-00007990 She had deep features. Her face was really roustic. vPBY48nHV2o-00019-00008028-00008424 Borsos had come in.... sometime in the afternoon after luch. vPBY48nHV2o-00020-00008424-00008688 He had looked the drawings. vPBY48nHV2o-00021-00008885-00009085 Everyone was wrote down except me... vPBY48nHV2o-00022-00009085-00009213 I thought I can go home... vPBY48nHV2o-00023-00009213-00009607 Then Borsos instructur assistant came in... vPBY48nHV2o-00024-00009607-00010205 He said Borsos wants you to go in his studio, please go there to 6 o'closck. vPBY48nHV2o-00025-00010205-00010413 He had a studio in the colleges. vPBY48nHV2o-00026-00010438-00010708 I was really scared.... but I went in. vPBY48nHV2o-00027-00010742-00011166 He told me I admitted you to college. vPBY48nHV2o-00028-00011430-00011726 After this Borsos was fired....really. vPBY48nHV2o-00029-00012026-00012278 He did not teach me for a minute. vPBY48nHV2o-00030-00012312-00012646 Otto Kopcsány was my really good teacher. vPBY48nHV2o-00031-00012646-00012852 Poor....he struggled a lot with me. vPBY48nHV2o-00032-00012852-00013516 Compared to me all my colleagues, all my classmates were professionally trained. vPBY48nHV2o-00033-00013566-00013766 I did not know anything about this profession vPBY48nHV2o-00034-00013776-00014272 They came to the college from the same area of ​​vocational high school. vPBY48nHV2o-00035-00014288-00014594 They knew the professional funds. vPBY48nHV2o-00036-00014932-00015297 Poor teacher struggled a lot with me, so it was a difficult thing. vPBY48nHV2o-00037-00015297-00015426 He was very patient. vPBY48nHV2o-00038-00015454-00015784 Whenever I had a problem he immediately helped. vPBY48nHV2o-00039-00015784-00016138 We did not have to wait for him. vPBY48nHV2o-00040-00016162-00016406 He told everthing what he knew. vPBY48nHV2o-00041-00016434-00016720 So he was so kind that it was amazing. vPBY48nHV2o-00042-00016769-00017039 Later we became a colleagues. vPBY48nHV2o-00043-00017056-00017300 He was always like this. vPBY48nHV2o-00044-00017342-00017756 These hammers are used in the preparation of the subjects. vPBY48nHV2o-00045-00017780-00018126 They looked in the same way a thousand years ago. vPBY48nHV2o-00046-00018140-00018320 They have not changed. vPBY48nHV2o-00047-00018916-00019144 This is the so-called pull hammer. vPBY48nHV2o-00048-00019166-00019510 I use this to pull up the cup. vPBY48nHV2o-00049-00019698-00020492 When it is done I use the flat hammer to prepare the plate flat... vPBY48nHV2o-00050-00020796-00020996 ...on a form iron vPBY48nHV2o-00051-00021088-00021314 I capture this iron to the clamping vise. vPBY48nHV2o-00052-00021643-00022105 On this you can strech silver. vPBY48nHV2o-00053-00022447-00022681 I'll show you the chisels. vPBY48nHV2o-00054-00022696-00022896 These are the simplest tools. vPBY48nHV2o-00055-00022912-00023049 They are ancient things. vPBY48nHV2o-00056-00023070-00023270 It is likely you draw on the metal. vPBY48nHV2o-00057-00023290-00023568 There is one problem with it... vPBY48nHV2o-00058-00023572-00024376 if you had engraved something you can not put it back there. vPBY48nHV2o-00059-00024602-00025080 I had engraved it all with this chisel. vPBY48nHV2o-00060-00025178-00025832 In 1974 was a world arts and crafts exhibition in Toronto. vPBY48nHV2o-00061-00025844-00026182 It was the only one and there wasn't help anymore since then. vPBY48nHV2o-00062-00026182-00026383 I managed to get there. vPBY48nHV2o-00063-00026450-00026718 I have made a cup for the exhibition. vPBY48nHV2o-00064-00026748-00027208 Such as this small cup, just a little bigger. vPBY48nHV2o-00065-00027216-00027444 It was the first I've done in my life. vPBY48nHV2o-00066-00027460-00027660 This is called chasing. vPBY48nHV2o-00067-00027690-00028408 This part is called engraving ... here is the head, the hair , the eyes. vPBY48nHV2o-00068-00028577-00029022 These tools have been called punched. vPBY48nHV2o-00069-00029122-00029598 I had a luck that I had got an acquaintance in the national museum. vPBY48nHV2o-00070-00029606-00029977 One of my friend was a geologist and he worked there. vPBY48nHV2o-00071-00029977-00030152 He took me to the museum. vPBY48nHV2o-00072-00030152-00030670 And thus I could got into the goldsmith section. vPBY48nHV2o-00073-00030670-00031140 I could took in my hand those beautiful goldsmith works. vPBY48nHV2o-00074-00031152-00031374 This helped me a lot. vPBY48nHV2o-00075-00031474-00031736 I was able to watch from behind the objects. vPBY48nHV2o-00076-00031739-00031966 In that case you can see how it was made. vPBY48nHV2o-00077-00031966-00032420 Form the front you would not see anything. vPBY48nHV2o-00078-00032666-00033140 Then I thought that I should try to make something similar. vPBY48nHV2o-00079-00033152-00033632 The making of the silver necklaces has ceased in the Renaissance. vPBY48nHV2o-00080-00033642-00033896 Actually they became museum object. vPBY48nHV2o-00081-00033940-00034188 The goldsmiths has made treasures. vPBY48nHV2o-00082-00034226-00034556 They really made treasures of gold, of silver, of gems. vPBY48nHV2o-00083-00034556-00034800 Then I started to collect gems. vPBY48nHV2o-00084-00034800-00034975 I have learned to polish gems. vPBY48nHV2o-00085-00034986-00035264 I was in Holland and there I looked how they do it. vPBY48nHV2o-00086-00035404-00035966 I have made a little machine and on it I have polished the gems. vPBY48nHV2o-00087-00036476-00036902 This is made by first doing a little sketch. vPBY48nHV2o-00088-00036916-00037408 I can not draw, so my hands do not work. vPBY48nHV2o-00089-00037416-00037696 I imagine what I want. vPBY48nHV2o-00090-00037696-00038014 I'll do the frame from wax. vPBY48nHV2o-00091-00038352-00038826 I'll do also the sockets from wax. vPBY48nHV2o-00092-00039012-00039488 I'll put them together and I'll do the little figurines. vPBY48nHV2o-00093-00039607-00040077 When all is ready I will take out the gems of it... vPBY48nHV2o-00094-00040092-00040376 I'll take it to the silver casting who pours it out from silver. vPBY48nHV2o-00095-00040376-00040554 A long time ago I poured myself. vPBY48nHV2o-00096-00041104-00041534 So the silver casting pours out for me. vPBY48nHV2o-00097-00041534-00041734 I'll get a raw silver... vPBY48nHV2o-00098-00041767-00041967 I get this from silver. vPBY48nHV2o-00099-00041967-00042419 I engrave the raw silver with all kinds of chisel and I chiseled it. vPBY48nHV2o-00100-00042419-00042831 After this I caseing the gems and it'll be finished. vRoHnw-WITo-00000-00000246-00000772 Don't you touch me va5LS8UryUo-00000-00000111-00000537 Welcome! In this video I'll share some basic information about the va5LS8UryUo-00001-00000537-00000721 International Monetary Fund, va5LS8UryUo-00002-00000721-00001288 or IMF, eLibrary Data: when to use this database, va5LS8UryUo-00003-00001288-00001636 how to access it, how to perform a basic search, va5LS8UryUo-00004-00001636-00001968 and how to format your search results in a useful way. va5LS8UryUo-00005-00001968-00002400 I'll also show you where you can go for more help if you need it. va5LS8UryUo-00006-00002681-00003074 IMF eLibrary Data is provided by the International Monetary Fund, va5LS8UryUo-00007-00003074-00003736 a special agency of the United Nations. It provides economic data for 353 countries va5LS8UryUo-00008-00003815-00004177 with some datasets going back as far as 1948. va5LS8UryUo-00009-00004177-00004569 Users can build countless unique data sets va5LS8UryUo-00010-00004569-00005070 by pulling information from the wide variety of economic information available. va5LS8UryUo-00011-00005070-00005496 Let's start by looking at one way to access va5LS8UryUo-00012-00005496-00006153 the IMF eLibrary database. Beginning at the University of Michigan Library homepage, va5LS8UryUo-00013-00006153-00006498 let's type "IMF" into the gold search box va5LS8UryUo-00014-00006498-00006900 and then click "search." va5LS8UryUo-00015-00006900-00007375 Next, click "see all results." The first four results va5LS8UryUo-00016-00007375-00007748 BOP, GFS, IFS, va5LS8UryUo-00017-00007748-00008064 and DOT are all part of IMF va5LS8UryUo-00018-00008064-00008518 eLibrary Data. Clicking on any of these links takes us to the va5LS8UryUo-00019-00008518-00008985 IMF eLibrary Data home page. va5LS8UryUo-00020-00008985-00009397 Now we're ready to see what a search in the IMF eLibrary looks like. va5LS8UryUo-00021-00009397-00009911 For example, let's say that I want to find the nominal GDP, va5LS8UryUo-00022-00009911-00010395 real GDP, and number of employees in Austria and Belgium va5LS8UryUo-00023-00010395-00010886 between 2003 and 2012. We can perform this search va5LS8UryUo-00024-00010886-00011264 via the "build your own query" option. This powerful tool va5LS8UryUo-00025-00011264-00011720 allows us to build the exact data set that we want. Clicking on any of these va5LS8UryUo-00026-00011720-00012150 three links: "country," "concept," or "data source" va5LS8UryUo-00027-00012161-00012471 takes us to the same "build your own query" page. va5LS8UryUo-00028-00012471-00013060 Because I clicked on "country," those advanced search options are already selected. va5LS8UryUo-00029-00013078-00013508 I can search for Austria and Belgium in two ways. va5LS8UryUo-00030-00013508-00013919 First, if I know exactly what country I'm looking for, va5LS8UryUo-00031-00013919-00014266 I can type it into the "quick filter" and then select it. va5LS8UryUo-00032-00014266-00014712 If I need a browse-able list, I can click "country," va5LS8UryUo-00033-00014712-00015143 browse, and then select. va5LS8UryUo-00034-00015143-00015594 Next, to find GDP and employee data, I'll need to click on "concept" va5LS8UryUo-00035-00015594-00015906 in the left hand column. va5LS8UryUo-00036-00015906-00016325 Nominal and real GDP are found here -- a few clicks into "national accounts." va5LS8UryUo-00037-00016325-00016673 Number of employees is here va5LS8UryUo-00038-00016673-00017009 under "labor markets." In this case, va5LS8UryUo-00039-00017009-00017341 I already know where the data I'm interested in is found. va5LS8UryUo-00040-00017341-00018040 However, if you aren't sure where it is, you can search by typing keywords into the "quick filter" above. va5LS8UryUo-00041-00018140-00018309 As for "data source," va5LS8UryUo-00042-00018309-00018734 IMF eLibrary automatically selects the correct one for us, va5LS8UryUo-00043-00018734-00019062 so we can skip that row and move on to "time." va5LS8UryUo-00044-00019062-00019398 Annual data is best for this search, va5LS8UryUo-00045-00019398-00019875 but IMF eLibrary has rich quarterly data available, too. va5LS8UryUo-00046-00019875-00020280 Now I've finished creating my data set, va5LS8UryUo-00047-00020280-00020642 and I'm ready to see and download my search results. va5LS8UryUo-00048-00020642-00021090 I can do so via clicking either of these two buttons: va5LS8UryUo-00049-00021090-00021698 "download" and "view data." If you want to use the "download" button, va5LS8UryUo-00050-00021698-00022275 you must create a user account. This isn't necessary unless you plan to use va5LS8UryUo-00051-00022275-00022415 IMF frequently, but va5LS8UryUo-00052-00022415-00022978 let me show you how it works. You can use any email address and password that you like, va5LS8UryUo-00053-00023023-00023493 but we recommend that you don't use the same password for both this site va5LS8UryUo-00054-00023493-00023847 and for your UMID. va5LS8UryUo-00055-00023847-00024236 The simpler option is clicking on "view data" instead of "download." va5LS8UryUo-00056-00024240-00024607 This will take you directly to options for downloading the data you've created. va5LS8UryUo-00057-00024700-00025075 There are several file formatting options; va5LS8UryUo-00058-00025075-00025492 I recommend downloading the data as an Excel spreadsheet va5LS8UryUo-00059-00025492-00026119 by clicking here. And that's it! The search is complete. va5LS8UryUo-00060-00026119-00026555 Last, let me show you where to get more help from University of Michigan librarians. va5LS8UryUo-00061-00026555-00027255 For general questions, check out our Ask a Librarian service. va5LS8UryUo-00062-00027393-00027660 You can email, text, call, visit, va5LS8UryUo-00063-00027660-00028194 or instant message us. For more specialized help with maps, va5LS8UryUo-00064-00028194-00028756 government, and statistical data, contact the librarians at the Clark Library, va5LS8UryUo-00065-00028756-00029133 located on the second floor of UM's Hatcher Graduate Library. va5LS8UryUo-00066-00029133-00029452 Thanks for tuning in and happy searching! va5LS8UryUo-00067-00029452-00029894 Don't forget to ask a librarian if you have any questions about using this database va5LS8UryUo-00068-00029952-00030094 or feedback on this video. vglZpiPt5Ru-00000-00000000-00002510 [fun halloween music] vhjdJSkfwzY-00000-00001188-00002030 There was something, I had the idea, and I don't know if this is existing somewhere, vhjdJSkfwzY-00001-00002400-00003734 for creating air to move and that is something what is mimicking the air conditioning of a zebra. vhjdJSkfwzY-00002-00003734-00003988 You know zebras? vhjdJSkfwzY-00003-00003988-00004154 With the stripes? vhjdJSkfwzY-00004-00004154-00004604 And you know why the stripes are vertical? vhjdJSkfwzY-00005-00004852-00005410 So the black will heat up and the white, not so much. vhjdJSkfwzY-00006-00005410-00006156 So they create a micro climate that is cooling down the zebra a few degrees. vhjdJSkfwzY-00007-00006156-00006970 So for buildings, you can also have sort of a zebra design. vhjdJSkfwzY-00008-00007102-00007392 So black parts will heat up vhjdJSkfwzY-00009-00007392-00007792 so you create sort of air moving; vhjdJSkfwzY-00010-00007792-00008134 and air moving will keep a building cool. vjSvMtld09c-00000-00000188-00000337 How are your days going? vjSvMtld09c-00001-00000600-00000890 I wake up... vjSvMtld09c-00002-00001194-00001400 and I get ready. vjSvMtld09c-00003-00001730-00001930 You get ready for what? vjSvMtld09c-00004-00002052-00002392 For my beautiful dear routine. vjSvMtld09c-00005-00004657-00004880 Beautiful indeed. vjSvMtld09c-00006-00005041-00005407 Is there anything hurting you? vjSvMtld09c-00007-00007372-00007535 You miss him. vjSvMtld09c-00008-00007535-00007631 Am I wrong? vjSvMtld09c-00009-00007631-00007837 I handle it just fine. vjSvMtld09c-00010-00010026-00010640 He's filling your heart, but not this house anymore. vjSvMtld09c-00011-00010640-00010834 I have to go back to my chores. vjSvMtld09c-00012-00013282-00013874 Everything from the past is nothing but dust and ashes. vjSvMtld09c-00013-00014294-00014643 You are no ashes. vjSvMtld09c-00014-00014889-00015102 A new cycle is about to begin, vjSvMtld09c-00015-00015302-00015420 and it's a good thing. vk8ejttps9U-00000-00000000-00000200 NABACIVANJE ZIDOVA MISTRIJOM vkuDK7L3AN4-00000-00000000-00000206 Hello everyone, Karboom's here vkuDK7L3AN4-00001-00000218-00000630 Welcome everyone to this 13th episode of The Walking Dead Telltale vkuDK7L3AN4-00002-00000644-00001210 So last time it ended with a good amount of bad shit, with the farmers revealing to be cannibals for example vkuDK7L3AN4-00003-00001230-00001816 And the rest... Larry having a heart attack before Kenny crushes his head in with a salt block. vkuDK7L3AN4-00004-00001960-00002478 That wasn't really what I expected when I started episode 12... but well... vkuDK7L3AN4-00005-00002604-00002812 No, joking aside it's... vkuDK7L3AN4-00006-00003000-00003190 That was... eventful... vkuDK7L3AN4-00007-00003261-00003447 So here, it's episode 13. vkuDK7L3AN4-00008-00003447-00003723 Will it bring us luck or bad luck ? We'll see... vkuDK7L3AN4-00009-00003723-00003839 Anyway, we'll try... vkuDK7L3AN4-00010-00003902-00004052 To even the odds... vkuDK7L3AN4-00011-00004122-00004220 Let's go. vkuDK7L3AN4-00012-00004478-00004738 So we had to find... a... vkuDK7L3AN4-00013-00004950-00005054 An exit... etc... vkuDK7L3AN4-00014-00005062-00005270 Ok. I'm gonna tell Kenny he screwed up here. vkuDK7L3AN4-00015-00007214-00007481 I'm still gonna show him how I see things. vkuDK7L3AN4-00016-00010040-00010148 Can I talk to Lily? vkuDK7L3AN4-00017-00010998-00011242 I'll try and comfort her as much as I can. vkuDK7L3AN4-00018-00012627-00012824 I don't think I'll be able to say anything more. vkuDK7L3AN4-00019-00013058-00013297 Well... I was looking at the ventilation system. vkuDK7L3AN4-00020-00017093-00017210 I can't do it with my bare hands. vkuDK7L3AN4-00021-00019032-00019234 I remember he had some cents. vkuDK7L3AN4-00022-00019742-00020040 Well I'm gonna ask Lily first because she's the one who need the most help. vkuDK7L3AN4-00023-00024684-00024840 Thanks Lily, that was... vkuDK7L3AN4-00024-00025008-00025158 That wasn't easy... vkuDK7L3AN4-00025-00025742-00025970 No. Shouldn't be asking that... vkuDK7L3AN4-00026-00027871-00027990 The back pocket ? vkuDK7L3AN4-00027-00028968-00029192 A little bit of info on him after his death. vkuDK7L3AN4-00028-00029732-00029832 Well. Thanks Larry. vkuDK7L3AN4-00029-00032620-00032936 No Kenny, please. I understand your motives here. vkuDK7L3AN4-00030-00032970-00033228 I understand what you did... vkuDK7L3AN4-00031-00033228-00033530 I don't approve at all because seriously you screwed up there. vkuDK7L3AN4-00032-00033668-00033910 But have the decency not to talk to me right now. vkuDK7L3AN4-00033-00035393-00035593 I don't really fancy the idea of sending Clem. vkuDK7L3AN4-00034-00035694-00035836 I don't see any other options. vkuDK7L3AN4-00035-00037406-00037482 Courage, girl. vkuDK7L3AN4-00036-00040442-00040492 Fuck! vkuDK7L3AN4-00037-00042592-00042744 Fucking hell Kenny! vkuDK7L3AN4-00038-00045660-00045760 It's so strange to see... vkuDK7L3AN4-00039-00045772-00046032 My relationship with Lily improving... vkuDK7L3AN4-00040-00046980-00047184 Fuck... What kind of monsters are they??! vkuDK7L3AN4-00041-00047379-00047479 Human trash... vkuDK7L3AN4-00042-00048557-00048688 Can I take a weapon? vkuDK7L3AN4-00043-00048800-00048900 While we're at it... vkuDK7L3AN4-00044-00049088-00049208 Huh. A sickle vkuDK7L3AN4-00045-00049382-00049600 Welp... Sickles can hurt a lot! vkuDK7L3AN4-00046-00050042-00050262 I'm gonna take a maximum of weapons! vkuDK7L3AN4-00047-00050582-00050928 Ah okay. I can't take all I want... I understand. vkuDK7L3AN4-00048-00051016-00051210 Well... It's... Ah okay, she got in from there. vkuDK7L3AN4-00049-00051258-00051374 Gods, she saw all this... vkuDK7L3AN4-00050-00051940-00052398 I'll take the sickle rather than the hook. The hook is a piercing weapon but the sickle is a blade. vkuDK7L3AN4-00051-00052614-00052708 I prefer the sickle. vkuDK7L3AN4-00052-00052734-00053084 Really I... I like sickles. vkuDK7L3AN4-00053-00053234-00053536 To have a decent weapon, it's good... Oh yes, an axe too. vkuDK7L3AN4-00054-00053584-00053734 Asshole, it's MY axe! vkuDK7L3AN4-00055-00054941-00055120 He's going in full Rambo mode... vkuDK7L3AN4-00056-00055186-00055344 Okay you got family but... oh... vkuDK7L3AN4-00057-00058152-00058202 Fuck vkuDK7L3AN4-00058-00060429-00060529 Oh fuck... vkuDK7L3AN4-00059-00061774-00061941 You fucking asshole... vkuDK7L3AN4-00060-00065334-00065452 FUCKING HELL!! vkuDK7L3AN4-00061-00066276-00066376 You fucker! vkuDK7L3AN4-00062-00067494-00067748 Oh yes! The sickle works well... vkuDK7L3AN4-00063-00068778-00068940 Second time you fuck up like this. vkuDK7L3AN4-00064-00071966-00072080 You fucking lunatic! vkuDK7L3AN4-00065-00074424-00074600 You sick shit! vkuDK7L3AN4-00066-00074618-00074900 You son of a dog! vkuDK7L3AN4-00067-00075024-00075248 I am NOT like you, fucker! vkuDK7L3AN4-00068-00076222-00076460 Oh fuck! Thank god I didn't do it in front of her!! vkuDK7L3AN4-00069-00076870-00077010 I don't want her to see that. vkuDK7L3AN4-00070-00077946-00078028 Thanks Lily. vkuDK7L3AN4-00071-00079462-00079634 Time to end this shit. vkuDK7L3AN4-00072-00080418-00080518 Fuck... vkuDK7L3AN4-00073-00080556-00080740 Well, to be fair I understand him... vkuDK7L3AN4-00074-00080816-00081166 If Duck was with us and Clementine stuck over there. I think I would have gone crazy too... vkuDK7L3AN4-00075-00082616-00082716 What the... vkuDK7L3AN4-00076-00083326-00083426 Carley? vkuDK7L3AN4-00077-00088236-00088409 But what did they... vkuDK7L3AN4-00078-00088410-00088680 They had to use a machette or something to kill the zombie just before ? vkuDK7L3AN4-00079-00089106-00089286 Fucking hell, don't you touch her! vkuDK7L3AN4-00080-00091288-00091418 I'm not gonna say anything... vkuDK7L3AN4-00081-00091868-00091968 Hmm; she understood. vkuDK7L3AN4-00082-00092462-00092716 Well I was hoping for her to open the door to check it out but... vkuDK7L3AN4-00083-00095234-00095454 Leave you with the wife of my friend? vkuDK7L3AN4-00084-00095588-00095740 You really don't know me. vkuDK7L3AN4-00085-00097576-00097646 What the... vkuDK7L3AN4-00086-00097742-00097842 Shit Mark is dead... vkuDK7L3AN4-00087-00097980-00098112 He bled out... vkuDK7L3AN4-00088-00098166-00098246 Shit... vkuDK7L3AN4-00089-00101584-00101912 I don't want to be too aggressive, because she might take it as a challenge and attack me. vkuDK7L3AN4-00090-00103844-00104178 Yup, Karma is going right back at your face. vkuDK7L3AN4-00091-00104448-00104502 FUCK! vkuDK7L3AN4-00092-00105402-00105833 So I propose we stop here at this climax. vkuDK7L3AN4-00093-00105904-00106076 of the second part of the Walking Dead vkuDK7L3AN4-00094-00106170-00106520 We got rid of two of them, number 13 brought us luck. vkuDK7L3AN4-00095-00106611-00107038 And before we end it, I suggest we end just before the climax. vkuDK7L3AN4-00096-00107038-00107304 I can guarantee that myself as well am VERY impatient! vkuDK7L3AN4-00097-00107388-00107509 to see where it's gonna go... vkuDK7L3AN4-00098-00107578-00107875 To bash in the faces of those fuckers! vkuDK7L3AN4-00099-00107875-00108036 Really these three will have cost us dearly! vkuDK7L3AN4-00100-00108152-00108616 But yeah I'll see you next week to see the ending of that story. vkuDK7L3AN4-00101-00108672-00108796 And... well... vkuDK7L3AN4-00102-00108850-00109156 How will I manage this situation to be sure that Duck... vkuDK7L3AN4-00103-00109192-00109556 be saved for... the second or the third time...? vkuDK7L3AN4-00104-00109661-00110018 I don't really keep the numbers in my head but really I don't want to see him on the victims' list. vkuDK7L3AN4-00105-00110270-00110470 I'm motivated for the rest now! vkuDK7L3AN4-00106-00110518-00110650 Ciao everyone! vkuDK7L3AN4-00107-00110680-00110752 See you next time! vn1wdjbz2T0-00000-00000010-00000056 >> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS vn1wdjbz2T0-00001-00000056-00000063 >> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS vn1wdjbz2T0-00002-00000063-00000226 >> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH AJ FELDMAN. vn1wdjbz2T0-00003-00000226-00000233 >> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH AJ FELDMAN. vn1wdjbz2T0-00004-00000233-00000366 >> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH AJ FELDMAN. >> AJ: TONIGHT THE BEMIDJI GIRLS vn1wdjbz2T0-00005-00000366-00000373 WITH AJ FELDMAN. >> AJ: TONIGHT THE BEMIDJI GIRLS vn1wdjbz2T0-00006-00000373-00000483 WITH AJ FELDMAN. >> AJ: TONIGHT THE BEMIDJI GIRLS SOCCER TEAM DID SOMETHING vn1wdjbz2T0-00007-00000483-00000490 >> AJ: TONIGHT THE BEMIDJI GIRLS SOCCER TEAM DID SOMETHING vn1wdjbz2T0-00008-00000490-00000627 >> AJ: TONIGHT THE BEMIDJI GIRLS SOCCER TEAM DID SOMETHING THEY'VE ONLY DONE ONCE vn1wdjbz2T0-00009-00000627-00000633 SOCCER TEAM DID SOMETHING THEY'VE ONLY DONE ONCE vn1wdjbz2T0-00010-00000633-00000780 SOCCER TEAM DID SOMETHING THEY'VE ONLY DONE ONCE PREVIOUSLY THIS YEAR, PLAY AFTER vn1wdjbz2T0-00011-00000780-00000787 THEY'VE ONLY DONE ONCE PREVIOUSLY THIS YEAR, PLAY AFTER vn1wdjbz2T0-00012-00000787-00000847 THEY'VE ONLY DONE ONCE PREVIOUSLY THIS YEAR, PLAY AFTER A LOSS. vn1wdjbz2T0-00013-00000847-00000854 PREVIOUSLY THIS YEAR, PLAY AFTER A LOSS. vn1wdjbz2T0-00014-00000854-00001010 PREVIOUSLY THIS YEAR, PLAY AFTER A LOSS. THE JACKS FELL TO BRAINERD ON vn1wdjbz2T0-00015-00001010-00001017 A LOSS. THE JACKS FELL TO BRAINERD ON vn1wdjbz2T0-00016-00001017-00001271 A LOSS. THE JACKS FELL TO BRAINERD ON SATURDAY ONE-NIL AND LOOKED TO vn1wdjbz2T0-00017-00001271-00001277 THE JACKS FELL TO BRAINERD ON SATURDAY ONE-NIL AND LOOKED TO vn1wdjbz2T0-00018-00001277-00001511 THE JACKS FELL TO BRAINERD ON SATURDAY ONE-NIL AND LOOKED TO BOUNCE BACK AGAINST ST. CLOUD vn1wdjbz2T0-00019-00001511-00001518 SATURDAY ONE-NIL AND LOOKED TO BOUNCE BACK AGAINST ST. CLOUD vn1wdjbz2T0-00020-00001518-00001755 SATURDAY ONE-NIL AND LOOKED TO BOUNCE BACK AGAINST ST. CLOUD APOLLO, AN UNFAMILIAR FOE WHO vn1wdjbz2T0-00021-00001755-00001761 BOUNCE BACK AGAINST ST. CLOUD APOLLO, AN UNFAMILIAR FOE WHO vn1wdjbz2T0-00022-00001761-00001961 BOUNCE BACK AGAINST ST. CLOUD APOLLO, AN UNFAMILIAR FOE WHO THEY LAST PLAYED IN 2011. vn1wdjbz2T0-00023-00001961-00001968 APOLLO, AN UNFAMILIAR FOE WHO THEY LAST PLAYED IN 2011. vn1wdjbz2T0-00024-00001968-00002142 APOLLO, AN UNFAMILIAR FOE WHO THEY LAST PLAYED IN 2011. THE GAME PLAYED AT THE CHET. vn1wdjbz2T0-00025-00002142-00002148 THEY LAST PLAYED IN 2011. THE GAME PLAYED AT THE CHET. vn1wdjbz2T0-00026-00002148-00002485 THEY LAST PLAYED IN 2011. THE GAME PLAYED AT THE CHET. OO POLLY JUMPED OUT TO A vn1wdjbz2T0-00027-00002485-00002492 THE GAME PLAYED AT THE CHET. OO POLLY JUMPED OUT TO A vn1wdjbz2T0-00028-00002492-00002729 THE GAME PLAYED AT THE CHET. OO POLLY JUMPED OUT TO A 2-NOTHING LEAD, BUT THEN LINDSEY vn1wdjbz2T0-00029-00002729-00002736 OO POLLY JUMPED OUT TO A 2-NOTHING LEAD, BUT THEN LINDSEY vn1wdjbz2T0-00030-00002736-00002869 OO POLLY JUMPED OUT TO A 2-NOTHING LEAD, BUT THEN LINDSEY HILDENBRANDT TAKES OVER, BURIES vn1wdjbz2T0-00031-00002869-00002876 2-NOTHING LEAD, BUT THEN LINDSEY HILDENBRANDT TAKES OVER, BURIES vn1wdjbz2T0-00032-00002876-00003059 2-NOTHING LEAD, BUT THEN LINDSEY HILDENBRANDT TAKES OVER, BURIES IT IN THE LEFT CORNER, CUTS THE vn1wdjbz2T0-00033-00003059-00003066 HILDENBRANDT TAKES OVER, BURIES IT IN THE LEFT CORNER, CUTS THE vn1wdjbz2T0-00034-00003066-00003163 HILDENBRANDT TAKES OVER, BURIES IT IN THE LEFT CORNER, CUTS THE DEFICIT TO ONE. vn1wdjbz2T0-00035-00003163-00003169 IT IN THE LEFT CORNER, CUTS THE DEFICIT TO ONE. vn1wdjbz2T0-00036-00003169-00003390 IT IN THE LEFT CORNER, CUTS THE DEFICIT TO ONE. JUST TWO MINUTES LATER, vn1wdjbz2T0-00037-00003390-00003396 DEFICIT TO ONE. JUST TWO MINUTES LATER, vn1wdjbz2T0-00038-00003396-00003790 DEFICIT TO ONE. JUST TWO MINUTES LATER, HILDENBRANDT WITH ANOTHER RUN. vn1wdjbz2T0-00039-00003790-00003797 JUST TWO MINUTES LATER, HILDENBRANDT WITH ANOTHER RUN. vn1wdjbz2T0-00040-00003797-00003983 JUST TWO MINUTES LATER, HILDENBRANDT WITH ANOTHER RUN. SHE WAS ABLE TO CLEAN IT UP. vn1wdjbz2T0-00041-00003983-00003990 HILDENBRANDT WITH ANOTHER RUN. SHE WAS ABLE TO CLEAN IT UP. vn1wdjbz2T0-00042-00003990-00004157 HILDENBRANDT WITH ANOTHER RUN. SHE WAS ABLE TO CLEAN IT UP. TIED AT 2 GOING INTO HALFTIME. vn1wdjbz2T0-00043-00004157-00004164 SHE WAS ABLE TO CLEAN IT UP. TIED AT 2 GOING INTO HALFTIME. vn1wdjbz2T0-00044-00004164-00004464 SHE WAS ABLE TO CLEAN IT UP. TIED AT 2 GOING INTO HALFTIME. IN THE 51st MINUTE, THE SHOT vn1wdjbz2T0-00045-00004464-00004471 TIED AT 2 GOING INTO HALFTIME. IN THE 51st MINUTE, THE SHOT vn1wdjbz2T0-00046-00004471-00004861 TIED AT 2 GOING INTO HALFTIME. IN THE 51st MINUTE, THE SHOT FROM DISTANCE, HITS THE CROSS vn1wdjbz2T0-00047-00004861-00004868 IN THE 51st MINUTE, THE SHOT FROM DISTANCE, HITS THE CROSS vn1wdjbz2T0-00048-00004868-00005108 IN THE 51st MINUTE, THE SHOT FROM DISTANCE, HITS THE CROSS BAR, BUT HILDENBRANDT THERE FOR vn1wdjbz2T0-00049-00005108-00005115 FROM DISTANCE, HITS THE CROSS BAR, BUT HILDENBRANDT THERE FOR vn1wdjbz2T0-00050-00005115-00005195 FROM DISTANCE, HITS THE CROSS BAR, BUT HILDENBRANDT THERE FOR THE REBOUND. vn1wdjbz2T0-00051-00005195-00005201 BAR, BUT HILDENBRANDT THERE FOR THE REBOUND. vn1wdjbz2T0-00052-00005201-00005415 BAR, BUT HILDENBRANDT THERE FOR THE REBOUND. WITH FIVE MINUTES TO GO IN THE vn1wdjbz2T0-00053-00005415-00005422 THE REBOUND. WITH FIVE MINUTES TO GO IN THE vn1wdjbz2T0-00054-00005422-00005672 THE REBOUND. WITH FIVE MINUTES TO GO IN THE GAME, DEAN IN THE BOX. vn1wdjbz2T0-00055-00005672-00005678 WITH FIVE MINUTES TO GO IN THE GAME, DEAN IN THE BOX. vn1wdjbz2T0-00056-00005678-00005892 WITH FIVE MINUTES TO GO IN THE GAME, DEAN IN THE BOX. DICKERSON SHOOTS AND GOES OFF vn1wdjbz2T0-00057-00005892-00005899 GAME, DEAN IN THE BOX. DICKERSON SHOOTS AND GOES OFF vn1wdjbz2T0-00058-00005899-00006029 GAME, DEAN IN THE BOX. DICKERSON SHOOTS AND GOES OFF HILDENBRANDT AND GOES INTO THE vn1wdjbz2T0-00059-00006029-00006036 DICKERSON SHOOTS AND GOES OFF HILDENBRANDT AND GOES INTO THE vn1wdjbz2T0-00060-00006036-00006122 DICKERSON SHOOTS AND GOES OFF HILDENBRANDT AND GOES INTO THE BACK OF THE NET. vn1wdjbz2T0-00061-00006122-00006129 HILDENBRANDT AND GOES INTO THE BACK OF THE NET. vn1wdjbz2T0-00062-00006129-00006172 HILDENBRANDT AND GOES INTO THE BACK OF THE NET. WHEN YOU'RE ON, YOU'RE ON. wo66sIoC6jc-00000-00002749-00003052 Welcome to Brady's Brick World, I'm Brady! wo66sIoC6jc-00001-00003052-00003278 On our channel we love to video Lego builds wo66sIoC6jc-00002-00003278-00003446 and travelling around the world. wo66sIoC6jc-00003-00003446-00003711 On today's video we are at wo66sIoC6jc-00004-00003768-00004200 Harveston Lake in California and we will be building wo66sIoC6jc-00005-00004308-00004502 The Creeper Ambush. wo66sIoC6jc-00006-00004502-00004851 This set is set number21177 wo66sIoC6jc-00007-00004851-00005085 It has 72 pieces wo66sIoC6jc-00008-00005085-00005305 and is recommended for ages seven and up. wo66sIoC6jc-00009-00005305-00005605 I think that's a lot ofsevens! wo66sIoC6jc-00010-00005605-00006062 And here's a quick look at the front wo66sIoC6jc-00011-00006126-00006318 here's a quick look at the back wo66sIoC6jc-00012-00006659-00007003 let's open it and see what's inside wo66sIoC6jc-00013-00008104-00008251 We have two bags wo66sIoC6jc-00014-00008251-00008688 and three plates wo66sIoC6jc-00015-00009138-00009318 and some instructions wo66sIoC6jc-00016-00009678-00010104 here's the rest of the sets you can get wo66sIoC6jc-00017-00010404-00010596 and here's a list of the parts wo66sIoC6jc-00018-00011220-00011364 Let's get building! wo66sIoC6jc-00019-00023303-00023580 This is the finished The Creeper Ambush wo66sIoC6jc-00020-00023580-00023907 this set is set number 21177 wo66sIoC6jc-00021-00023907-00024457 it has 72 pieces and is recommended for ages 7 and up wo66sIoC6jc-00022-00024457-00024996 what I reallylike is that you can blow up where the creeper is wo66sIoC6jc-00023-00025122-00025452 and also that there's a baby chicken wo66sIoC6jc-00024-00025716-00025871 I had fun building this set wo66sIoC6jc-00025-00025871-00026045 I hope youhad fun watching wo66sIoC6jc-00026-00026045-00026266 make sure to smash the like button wo66sIoC6jc-00027-00026266-00026354 and subscribe wo66sIoC6jc-00028-00026354-00026604 seeyou next time on Brady's Brick World. Bye! w7jnOXKZiZu-00000-00000022-00000219 Hello friends! w7jnOXKZiZu-00001-00000219-00000569 Every day with us, learn a little more knowledge. w7jnOXKZiZu-00002-00000569-00001162 In 2013, Mr. Xi Jinping announced the One Belt, One Road initiative. w7jnOXKZiZu-00003-00001162-00001652 At that time, the international community released many articles mocking them as delusional w7jnOXKZiZu-00004-00001652-00001752 illusions. w7jnOXKZiZu-00005-00001752-00001852 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00006-00001852-00002301 However, now the situation is completely opposite because what the Chinese have said, they are w7jnOXKZiZu-00007-00002301-00002563 all doing it step by step. w7jnOXKZiZu-00008-00002563-00003019 Part of that initiative, was the construction of a maritime Silk Road. w7jnOXKZiZu-00009-00003019-00003468 And the plan started with the acquisition of a series of important seaports in the world. w7jnOXKZiZu-00010-00003468-00003568 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00011-00003568-00004034 In Australia, China bought a majority stake in two important seaports Darwin and Newcaslte w7jnOXKZiZu-00012-00004034-00004269 worth nearly $1 billion. w7jnOXKZiZu-00013-00004269-00004764 In particular, Darwin is located very close to the US military base. w7jnOXKZiZu-00014-00004764-00004864 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00015-00004864-00005489 In Sri Lanka, they bought a 70 percent stake in Hambantota port for $1.1 billion. w7jnOXKZiZu-00016-00005489-00005837 This is part of the reason India is on high alert for its enemies. w7jnOXKZiZu-00017-00005837-00005937 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00018-00005937-00006400 In Brazil, China also bought a 90 percent stake in the port of Paranagua for nearly w7jnOXKZiZu-00019-00006400-00006506 $1 billion. w7jnOXKZiZu-00020-00006506-00006606 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00021-00006606-00007080 In Greece, they bought a 70% stake in the port of Piraeus and invested more than 1 billion w7jnOXKZiZu-00022-00007080-00007252 dollars to upgrade the port. w7jnOXKZiZu-00023-00007252-00007352 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00024-00007352-00007955 They even acquired “Long Beach” in the state of california, worth $ 1.8 billion. w7jnOXKZiZu-00025-00007955-00008481 Previously, the port was invested by a Hong Kong company, but in 2017 they transferred w7jnOXKZiZu-00026-00008481-00008795 75% of the shares to China. w7jnOXKZiZu-00027-00008795-00009265 Soon after, the US coerced China to turn it over to an Australian company, out of national w7jnOXKZiZu-00028-00009265-00009414 security concerns. w7jnOXKZiZu-00029-00009414-00009514 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00030-00009514-00009935 The above is just one of the typical examples that China is actively investing to buy back w7jnOXKZiZu-00031-00009935-00010243 important seaports in the world. w7jnOXKZiZu-00032-00010243-00010676 According to the most recent statistics, they are currently investing in about 100 different w7jnOXKZiZu-00033-00010676-00011020 ports in 63 countries around the globe. w7jnOXKZiZu-00034-00011020-00011406 In Europe, they control about 10% of the most important ports. w7jnOXKZiZu-00035-00011406-00011506 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00036-00011506-00012149 Between 2016 and 2017 alone, China spent $20 billion building and upgrading seaports it w7jnOXKZiZu-00037-00012149-00012345 leased from abroad. w7jnOXKZiZu-00038-00012345-00012596 So what is China's purpose? w7jnOXKZiZu-00039-00012596-00012830 Why do they want to own another country's port? w7jnOXKZiZu-00040-00012830-00012930 . 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00041-00012930-00013333 First we will look at the economic aspect, China has been the largest exporter in the w7jnOXKZiZu-00042-00013333-00013532 world for the past 10 years. w7jnOXKZiZu-00043-00013532-00014000 The estimated value in 2020 is $2.6 trillion. w7jnOXKZiZu-00044-00014000-00014100 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00045-00014100-00014550 Therefore, the amount of goods they send abroad is extremely large. w7jnOXKZiZu-00046-00014550-00014948 The exploitation of the shipping network will help them proactively bring goods to the port w7jnOXKZiZu-00047-00014948-00015254 on time, avoiding dependence on the host country. w7jnOXKZiZu-00048-00015254-00015354 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00049-00015354-00015809 On a similar scale, Chinese-built and operated seaports are capable of handling container w7jnOXKZiZu-00050-00015809-00016126 throughput faster than most of their competitors. w7jnOXKZiZu-00051-00016126-00016599 In addition, the shipping industry also brings huge profits, instead of letting other people w7jnOXKZiZu-00052-00016599-00016906 do it, they do it all the time to maximize revenue. w7jnOXKZiZu-00053-00016906-00017006 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00054-00017006-00017459 Moreover, according to Xi Jinping, China wants to build friendlier relations with the countries w7jnOXKZiZu-00055-00017459-00017657 it invests in. w7jnOXKZiZu-00056-00017657-00017851 This may also be true. w7jnOXKZiZu-00057-00017851-00018323 However, some researchers call it a plan to dominate the world trade network. w7jnOXKZiZu-00058-00018323-00018423 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00059-00018423-00018828 China's control of foreign seaports bears similarities to the British or Portuguese w7jnOXKZiZu-00060-00018828-00019095 empires of the old days. w7jnOXKZiZu-00061-00019095-00019544 Help them monopolize shipping routes, as well as facilitate trade with host countries. w7jnOXKZiZu-00062-00019544-00019644 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00063-00019644-00020181 Second, in terms of politics, China not only invests in seaports, but also invests in infrastructure w7jnOXKZiZu-00064-00020181-00020467 construction in the host country. w7jnOXKZiZu-00065-00020467-00020995 In addition, China actively lends to the host country, from which it can increase its influence. w7jnOXKZiZu-00066-00020995-00021095 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00067-00021095-00021668 For example, they invested $1 billion to buy and upgrade the Greek port of Piraeus. w7jnOXKZiZu-00068-00021668-00022168 As a result, this country has actively prevented the condemnation of the European Union against w7jnOXKZiZu-00069-00022168-00022323 China. w7jnOXKZiZu-00070-00022323-00022770 On China's Behavior in Issues, Repression of the Uighurs, And Encroachment of the South w7jnOXKZiZu-00071-00022770-00022870 China Sea. w7jnOXKZiZu-00072-00022870-00022970 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00073-00022970-00023532 Third, on the military side, China was easily defeated by the British in the Opium War. w7jnOXKZiZu-00074-00023532-00023921 and entered a period known as the "era of humiliation". w7jnOXKZiZu-00075-00023921-00024251 One of the reasons for their defeat was that their navy was too weak. w7jnOXKZiZu-00076-00024251-00024351 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00077-00024351-00024811 Later, the Chinese set the goal of making efforts to develop military strength, especially w7jnOXKZiZu-00078-00024811-00024943 the navy. w7jnOXKZiZu-00079-00024943-00025324 Today, they become one of the most powerful powers in the world. w7jnOXKZiZu-00080-00025324-00025424 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00081-00025424-00025869 According to a report by the US Department of Defense, in 2020, the Chinese navy has w7jnOXKZiZu-00082-00025869-00026389 about 360 warships, the most in number compared to other countries. w7jnOXKZiZu-00083-00026389-00026916 Therefore, in order to improve maritime capabilities as well as demonstrate its strength, China w7jnOXKZiZu-00084-00026916-00027094 needs overseas seaports. w7jnOXKZiZu-00085-00027094-00027194 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00086-00027194-00027527 They also serve as a place for commercial ships to dock. w7jnOXKZiZu-00087-00027527-00028014 And can also be a berth for military ships to visit under the guise of friendship. w7jnOXKZiZu-00088-00028014-00028456 If the United States sends an aircraft carrier to the South China Sea for a walk. w7jnOXKZiZu-00089-00028456-00028948 China could also send its warships to Greece or anywhere that cooperates with them. w7jnOXKZiZu-00090-00028948-00029301 The purpose is to tell the world: "our navy is also very strong". w7jnOXKZiZu-00091-00029301-00029401 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00092-00029401-00029788 In addition, the network of ports around the world could make it easier for them to gather w7jnOXKZiZu-00093-00029788-00029981 intelligence. w7jnOXKZiZu-00094-00029981-00030529 For example, Israel recently sold the rights to operate the Haifa port worth $1.7 billion w7jnOXKZiZu-00095-00030529-00030668 to China. w7jnOXKZiZu-00096-00030668-00031094 However, that is where the US Navy's 6th Fleet docks. w7jnOXKZiZu-00097-00031094-00031536 Washington fears that the port will create an opportunity for Chinese surveillance. w7jnOXKZiZu-00098-00031536-00031636 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00099-00031636-00032116 According to Dr. Eyal Pinko, a former Israeli intelligence officer, seaports are favorable w7jnOXKZiZu-00100-00032116-00032404 places to gather intelligence. w7jnOXKZiZu-00101-00032404-00032858 Such as the ship's destination, departure or contact information on board. w7jnOXKZiZu-00102-00032858-00032958 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00103-00032958-00033487 Currently, all investment in China's seaports is largely done by two corporations. w7jnOXKZiZu-00104-00033487-00033833 COSCO Shipping Corporation and China Merchants Port, both state-owned. w7jnOXKZiZu-00105-00033833-00033937 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00106-00033937-00034403 Therefore, it is understandable that they use the seaport to gather intelligence or w7jnOXKZiZu-00107-00034403-00034656 for military purposes. w7jnOXKZiZu-00108-00034656-00035086 Through the above, we can imagine that the vision of Mr. Xi Jinping as well as of the w7jnOXKZiZu-00109-00035086-00035347 Chinese Communist Party is very sublime. w7jnOXKZiZu-00110-00035347-00035447 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00111-00035447-00035944 Sorry, American patriots, the old man's No. 1 economic position may soon be overtaken w7jnOXKZiZu-00112-00035944-00036099 by China. w7jnOXKZiZu-00113-00036099-00036740 The proof is that in the last 5 years, the average GDP growth rate of the US is 1.77%, w7jnOXKZiZu-00114-00036740-00037091 while that of China is up to 7.1%. w7jnOXKZiZu-00115-00037091-00037395 Although many of us don't like this, it's true. w7jnOXKZiZu-00116-00037395-00037495 1. w7jnOXKZiZu-00117-00037495-00037637 Video ends here. w7jnOXKZiZu-00118-00037637-00037941 Thank you all for watching and liking it. w7jnOXKZiZu-00119-00037941-00038371 If you find the video useful, please give us a like and subscribe to the channel to w7jnOXKZiZu-00120-00038371-00038502 support us! w7jnOXKZiZu-00121-00038502-00038702 Good bye and see you again. w9g6V5Cxznc-00002-00011366-00014146 Now add the soaked rice and shredded coconut to a mixie jar or Grinder and grind to a smooth batter w9g6V5Cxznc-00003-00014146-00015380 Add Salt, mix well and let it rest for 8 hrs for fermentation w9g6V5Cxznc-00004-00015380-00016860 Now mix Hing, Salt, Baking Soda if required to a little thinner consistency w9g6V5Cxznc-00005-00016860-00019804 Take Appam Kadai and pour a laddle of batter in the centre and hold the sides of the pan and swirl it so that the batter coats all sides w9g6V5Cxznc-00006-00019804-00021994 put a lid and cook until done w9g6V5Cxznc-00007-00021994-00022704 Do the same process for remaining batter. Appam is ready. w9g6V5Cxznc-00008-00022704-00024794 Try this and Enjoy with Coconut Chutney, Coconut Milk, Stew etc Post your comments and Subscribe for more recipes. w9g6V5Cxznc-00009-00024794-00025248 Thanks for Watching wqQFb8n5WGE-00000-00000602-00001192 The Association of Southeast Asian Nations - ASEAN for short, is an association that wqQFb8n5WGE-00001-00001192-00001822 today consists of 10 Southeast Asian states. wqQFb8n5WGE-00002-00001822-00002777 In 1967, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia founded ASEAN. wqQFb8n5WGE-00003-00002777-00003215 The aim was to improve economic, political and social cooperation. wqQFb8n5WGE-00004-00003215-00003763 Another objective was to balance political conflicts between these countries that existed wqQFb8n5WGE-00005-00003763-00004448 as a consequence of decolonization and post-colonial state-building. wqQFb8n5WGE-00006-00004448-00005257 During Cold War, ASEAN members wanted to contain the influence of communism in their region. wqQFb8n5WGE-00007-00005257-00005458 Times changed. wqQFb8n5WGE-00008-00005458-00006151 Old enemies became new partners and in the second half of the 1990s, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar wqQFb8n5WGE-00009-00006151-00006539 and Cambodia joined ASEAN. wqQFb8n5WGE-00010-00006539-00007170 The collapse of the USSR, the founding of the WTO and a financial crisis in Asia prompted wqQFb8n5WGE-00011-00007170-00007706 members to deepen their relations and adapt to the new situation. wqQFb8n5WGE-00012-00007706-00008645 In the 2000s, free trade agreements were concluded with India, China, South Korea, Australia, wqQFb8n5WGE-00013-00008645-00008835 NewZealand and Japan. wqQFb8n5WGE-00014-00008835-00009449 In the future the entire region will be merged into one large free trade zone. wqQFb8n5WGE-00015-00009449-00009828 Since 2001, the "ASEAN Summit" takes place annually. wqQFb8n5WGE-00016-00009828-00010390 It is a meeting of the heads of state and government, where current problems are discussed wqQFb8n5WGE-00017-00010390-00010599 and solutions are worked out. wqQFb8n5WGE-00018-00010599-00011295 On 15th December, 2008, the ASEAN Charter came into force, giving the association the wqQFb8n5WGE-00019-00011295-00011584 status of a legal person. wqQFb8n5WGE-00020-00011584-00012084 Principles of non-intervention and consensual decision-taking remained unchanged by the wqQFb8n5WGE-00021-00012084-00012275 Charter and became part of it. wqQFb8n5WGE-00022-00012275-00012375 (This neutrality, being of top priority shall protect the economic cooperation but also wqQFb8n5WGE-00023-00012375-00012475 faces criticism, since it means that in very few cases decisions are taken). wqQFb8n5WGE-00024-00012475-00012813 Decisions are generally made by consensus; no member can be forced to something. wqQFb8n5WGE-00025-00012813-00013477 As a result, the group rarely appears to be closed. wqQFb8n5WGE-00026-00013477-00014222 Today, ASEAN is based on three pillars: As a political and security community to ensure wqQFb8n5WGE-00027-00014222-00014603 peace; as an economic community with a strong domestic wqQFb8n5WGE-00028-00014603-00015009 market; and as a social and cultural community (including wqQFb8n5WGE-00029-00015009-00015897 a common identity) ASEAN faces a number of challenges, especially wqQFb8n5WGE-00030-00015897-00016400 in relation to social and environmental justice. wqQFb8n5WGE-00031-00016400-00016906 Countries such as Vietnam or the Philippines are particularly vulnerable to climate change wqQFb8n5WGE-00032-00016906-00018349 and already feel its impacts today. wqQFb8n5WGE-00033-00018349-00018772 Nevertheless member states plan to meet the energy demand and ensure supply primarily wqQFb8n5WGE-00034-00018772-00019390 by making use of climate-damaging coal. wqQFb8n5WGE-00035-00019390-00020251 Indonesia plans to build 117 new coal-fired power plants by 2025. wqQFb8n5WGE-00036-00020251-00020672 Myanmar invests in coal and gigantic hydroelectric power plants. wqQFb8n5WGE-00037-00020672-00021021 Laos builds dams on the Mekong. wqQFb8n5WGE-00038-00021021-00021451 The result is that Vietnam loses water in the Mekong Delta. wqQFb8n5WGE-00039-00021451-00022056 However, fossil fuels for example are not necessary to cover the lack of energy. wqQFb8n5WGE-00040-00022056-00022614 Renewable energy sources, ranging from solar energy to biomass and wind power, have enormous wqQFb8n5WGE-00041-00022614-00022861 potentials in the region. wqQFb8n5WGE-00042-00022861-00023601 They too would promote the local economy and provide sustainable jobs. wqQFb8n5WGE-00043-00023601-00024225 Large areas of precious rainforest are burnt down for palm oil plantations and wqQFb8n5WGE-00044-00024225-00024566 cattle feed cultivation all over Indonesia. wqQFb8n5WGE-00045-00024566-00025163 The haze of these fires covers large parts of Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. wqQFb8n5WGE-00046-00025163-00025866 Pollution continues even though in 2003 a wqQFb8n5WGE-00047-00025866-00026577 which should reduce forest fires, environmental degradation and air pollution. wqQFb8n5WGE-00048-00026577-00027119 As such problems cross borders, ASEAN must tackle them in a joint effort and think beyond wqQFb8n5WGE-00049-00027119-00027421 borders. wqQFb8n5WGE-00050-00027421-00027952 This can be done, for example, by taking up the suggestions made by CSOs (civil society wqQFb8n5WGE-00051-00027952-00028956 organizations) aiming at installing a fourth Pillar: the environmental pillar. wqQFb8n5WGE-00052-00028956-00029487 It must ensure that the ecological limits are taken into account in the growth debate. wqQFb8n5WGE-00053-00029487-00030099 Only in case civil society is informed transparently and gets much more involved, acting free from wqQFb8n5WGE-00054-00030099-00030800 State repression, social and environmental justice can arise. wqQFb8n5WGE-00055-00030800-00031011 Serve people rather than profit! wsCDa11qj0u-00000-00000012-00000564 Kaiser Permanente Guide to Medicare Basics. wsCDa11qj0u-00001-00000574-00001237 The National Medicare program, which was created in 1965, wsCDa11qj0u-00002-00001237-00001507 has given people peace of mind and the security wsCDa11qj0u-00003-00001507-00001750 of knowing they'll have access to health coverage. wsCDa11qj0u-00004-00001750-00002104 Medicare is administered by the Centers for Medicare wsCDa11qj0u-00005-00002104-00002563 and Medicaid Services or CMS and provides health care coverage wsCDa11qj0u-00006-00002563-00002950 to people who are 65 and over and people under 65 wsCDa11qj0u-00007-00002950-00003089 who have certain disabilities, wsCDa11qj0u-00008-00003132-00003435 including end-stage renal disease, after diagnosis. wsCDa11qj0u-00009-00003513-00003831 Medicare is made up of Parts: A, B, C, wsCDa11qj0u-00010-00003831-00004098 and D. We'll explore each one, wsCDa11qj0u-00011-00004098-00004296 so you have the information you need. wsCDa11qj0u-00012-00004350-00005092 Let's look at Part A first. wsCDa11qj0u-00013-00005099-00005517 Part A is hospital insurance and provides coverage wsCDa11qj0u-00014-00005517-00005841 for Inpatient hospital, Skilled nursing, wsCDa11qj0u-00015-00005883-00006098 Hospice, Home health care. wsCDa11qj0u-00016-00006141-00006510 Services not covered under Part A include Custodial care wsCDa11qj0u-00017-00006527-00006636 and long term care. wsCDa11qj0u-00018-00006744-00006916 If you've worked at least 10 years wsCDa11qj0u-00019-00006916-00007270 of Social Security covered employment and are over 65, wsCDa11qj0u-00020-00007340-00007586 you generally will pay no monthly premium wsCDa11qj0u-00021-00007586-00007904 for Part A. Once you're eligible, you can sign wsCDa11qj0u-00022-00007904-00008074 up at your Social Security Office. wsCDa11qj0u-00023-00008135-00008444 Then you'll receive a red, white and blue Medicare card. wsCDa11qj0u-00024-00008566-00008833 Next. wsCDa11qj0u-00025-00008854-00009536 Part B is medical insurance. wsCDa11qj0u-00026-00009536-00010089 It covers services like Doctor visits, Preventive services, wsCDa11qj0u-00027-00010089-00010394 Inpatient and outpatient physician services, wsCDa11qj0u-00028-00010394-00010766 Outpatient surgery, Lab, Radiology, wsCDa11qj0u-00029-00010766-00011132 Durable medical equipment, Dialysis, wsCDa11qj0u-00030-00011142-00011482 and other medical services and supplies not covered wsCDa11qj0u-00031-00011482-00011982 under Part A. If you qualify for Part A, you're eligible wsCDa11qj0u-00032-00011987-00012354 for Part B. And you'll keep your Part B benefits for as long wsCDa11qj0u-00033-00012354-00012639 as you continue to pay for them. wsCDa11qj0u-00034-00012639-00012864 And here's something important to remember. wsCDa11qj0u-00035-00012927-00013241 You must sign up for Part B once you are eligible, wsCDa11qj0u-00036-00013267-00013482 because if you don't, you may have wsCDa11qj0u-00037-00013482-00013769 to pay a Late Enrollment Penalty. wsCDa11qj0u-00038-00013769-00014210 This penalty increases the Part B monthly premium by 10 percent wsCDa11qj0u-00039-00014210-00014506 for each 12 month period you decline coverage. wsCDa11qj0u-00040-00014506-00014881 And that amount is not a one-time penalty. wsCDa11qj0u-00041-00014881-00015128 It lasts for as long as you remain enrolled wsCDa11qj0u-00042-00015128-00015474 in Part B. There are exceptions to this penalty, wsCDa11qj0u-00043-00015497-00015664 such as a person or their spouse wsCDa11qj0u-00044-00015688-00015962 who continues to work after age 65. wsCDa11qj0u-00045-00016013-00016293 We've now covered Part A and Part B, wsCDa11qj0u-00046-00016293-00016536 which together make up Original Medicare. wsCDa11qj0u-00047-00016594-00016796 Keep in mind that your employer group wsCDa11qj0u-00048-00016796-00017181 or trust fund-sponsored plans likely offer additional coverage wsCDa11qj0u-00049-00017181-00017314 to Original Medicare. wsCDa11qj0u-00050-00017445-00018161 Let's move on to Part C. Often referred wsCDa11qj0u-00051-00018161-00018581 to as Medicare Advantage, Part C is the part of Medicare wsCDa11qj0u-00052-00018581-00018855 that allows you to choose a private insurance company wsCDa11qj0u-00053-00018876-00019052 to provide your Medicare benefits. wsCDa11qj0u-00054-00019184-00019530 Medicare Advantage Plans must cover all of the services wsCDa11qj0u-00055-00019530-00019700 that Original Medicare covers. wsCDa11qj0u-00056-00019731-00020010 However, hospice care and certain care wsCDa11qj0u-00057-00020010-00020262 for clinical research studies are exceptions. wsCDa11qj0u-00058-00020309-00020513 They're covered under Original Medicare wsCDa11qj0u-00059-00020523-00020721 and not Medicare Advantage Plans. wsCDa11qj0u-00060-00020820-00021155 If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan and need these services, wsCDa11qj0u-00061-00021192-00021508 you can still have them covered under Original Medicare. wsCDa11qj0u-00062-00021637-00021987 Medicare Advantage plans feature a network of providers wsCDa11qj0u-00063-00021992-00022135 that you must use for care. wsCDa11qj0u-00064-00022165-00022421 If you choose to see an out-of-network provider, wsCDa11qj0u-00065-00022440-00022761 you'll be financially responsible, except in the case wsCDa11qj0u-00066-00022761-00022964 of an emergency or urgent care. wsCDa11qj0u-00067-00023007-00023262 When you sign up with a Medicare Advantage plan, wsCDa11qj0u-00068-00023316-00023470 you still have Medicare. wsCDa11qj0u-00069-00023504-00023705 You'll just receive your health care coverage wsCDa11qj0u-00070-00023708-00023880 through a private insurance company. wsCDa11qj0u-00071-00023891-00024155 Once you're enrolled, you will only need wsCDa11qj0u-00072-00024155-00024463 to show the Medicare Advantage plan's member I.D. card wsCDa11qj0u-00073-00024463-00024539 to get care. wsCDa11qj0u-00074-00024539-00024766 But you should still keep your red, wsCDa11qj0u-00075-00024766-00024945 white and blue Medicare card. wsCDa11qj0u-00076-00025651-00026275 And then there is Part D. Part D provides outpatient prescription wsCDa11qj0u-00077-00026275-00026355 drug coverage. wsCDa11qj0u-00078-00026355-00026801 A Part D plan must have a list wsCDa11qj0u-00079-00026801-00027061 of covered drugs called a formulary. wsCDa11qj0u-00080-00027061-00027426 And you may only have one Part D plan at a time. wsCDa11qj0u-00081-00027426-00027829 You're eligible for Part D if you are entitled to benefits wsCDa11qj0u-00082-00027829-00028070 under Part A and/or enrolled wsCDa11qj0u-00083-00028070-00028522 in Part B. The only way you can enroll in Part D is through one wsCDa11qj0u-00084-00028522-00028854 of these options: A Medicare Advantage plan wsCDa11qj0u-00085-00028854-00029116 that includes Part D prescription drug coverage, wsCDa11qj0u-00086-00029116-00029383 a Stand-alone Prescription Drug Plan wsCDa11qj0u-00087-00029409-00029673 which offers prescription drug coverage only, wsCDa11qj0u-00088-00029679-00029902 and some employers and unions. wsCDa11qj0u-00089-00029913-00030470 Like Part B, Part D also has a Late Enrollment Penalty. wsCDa11qj0u-00090-00030470-00030892 The penalty for Part D is one percent of the monthly premium wsCDa11qj0u-00091-00030892-00031159 for every month that you defer your enrollment. wsCDa11qj0u-00092-00031201-00031501 This penalty does not apply to those who are eligible wsCDa11qj0u-00093-00031501-00031866 for Low-Income Subsidy, also called "Extra Help". wsCDa11qj0u-00094-00032015-00032313 To apply for this program and get assistance in paying wsCDa11qj0u-00095-00032313-00032548 for your prescription drug premiums and costs, wsCDa11qj0u-00096-00032602-00032963 contact Social Security or your state Medicaid office wsCDa11qj0u-00097-00033010-00033326 or call 1-800-Medicare for more information. wsCDa11qj0u-00098-00033498-00033953 Now that we've gone over the four parts of Medicare wsCDa11qj0u-00099-00033953-00034254 and the benefits they offer, let's go over how wsCDa11qj0u-00100-00034254-00034541 and when you can enroll in Original Medicare. wsCDa11qj0u-00101-00034541-00034781 The Initial Enrollment Period wsCDa11qj0u-00102-00034781-00035228 for Original Medicare begins 3 months before your 65th birthday wsCDa11qj0u-00103-00035228-00035632 and ends 3 months after the month you turn 65, wsCDa11qj0u-00104-00035632-00035843 a total of 7 months. wsCDa11qj0u-00105-00035843-00036201 If you miss your Initial Enrollment Period, you can sign wsCDa11qj0u-00106-00036201-00036588 up during the General Enrollment Period between January 1 wsCDa11qj0u-00107-00036588-00036974 and March 31 each year and your coverage will begin wsCDa11qj0u-00108-00036981-00037192 on July 1 of that same year. wsCDa11qj0u-00109-00037273-00037631 If you decide to continue working after 65, wsCDa11qj0u-00110-00037631-00038027 but lose your employer or union coverage, you can take advantage wsCDa11qj0u-00111-00038027-00038402 of a Special Enrollment Period which is anytime outside wsCDa11qj0u-00112-00038402-00038709 of the General Enrollment or Initial Enrollment Periods. wsCDa11qj0u-00113-00038761-00039537 In the next part, we'll discuss enrollment in Parts C and D. wsCDa11qj0u-00114-00039557-00040016 To be eligible you must: Reside in the approved service area, wsCDa11qj0u-00115-00040039-00040760 and Have Parts A and B Some exceptions apply, such as, wsCDa11qj0u-00116-00040760-00041155 if you have end-stage renal disease also known as ESRD. wsCDa11qj0u-00117-00041155-00041539 Medicare has specific rules around enrolling individuals wsCDa11qj0u-00118-00041539-00041896 with ESRD, unless you qualify for an exception, wsCDa11qj0u-00119-00041917-00042344 you may not be eligible for a Part C plan. wsCDa11qj0u-00120-00042344-00042651 For more information please call 1- 800-Medicare. wsCDa11qj0u-00121-00042727-00043147 Additionally, if you have an employer or union health plan wsCDa11qj0u-00122-00043173-00043374 or other health coverage through a company wsCDa11qj0u-00123-00043374-00043688 that offers Medicare Advantage Plans, you may be able wsCDa11qj0u-00124-00043688-00043952 to join one of their Medicare Advantage Plans. wsCDa11qj0u-00125-00043959-00044410 Most Medicare Advantage plans have limited enrollment periods. wsCDa11qj0u-00126-00044431-00044788 The Initial Enrollment Period for a Medicare Advantage Plan wsCDa11qj0u-00127-00044788-00045111 with Part D is the same as Original Medicare. wsCDa11qj0u-00128-00045136-00045575 If you are retiring at age 65, you have a total of 7 months wsCDa11qj0u-00129-00045575-00045939 to enroll, the 3 months before you turn 65, wsCDa11qj0u-00130-00045965-00046336 your birthday month, and the 3 months after you turn 65. wsCDa11qj0u-00131-00046503-00046918 You may qualify for a continuous enrollment period wsCDa11qj0u-00132-00046941-00047318 if you are eligible for Low Income Subsidy (also referred wsCDa11qj0u-00133-00047318-00047457 to as Extra Help). wsCDa11qj0u-00134-00047511-00047926 To see if you qualify for Extra Help, call 1 (800) Medicare. wsCDa11qj0u-00135-00047954-00048296 There are also Special Election Periods based wsCDa11qj0u-00136-00048296-00048691 on individual beneficiary qualifications that allow you wsCDa11qj0u-00137-00048691-00048881 to change plans or enroll wsCDa11qj0u-00138-00048881-00049173 in a new Medicare Advantage Plan outside wsCDa11qj0u-00139-00049173-00049444 of the regular enrollment periods. wsCDa11qj0u-00140-00049515-00049897 Examples of these Special Election Periods are loss wsCDa11qj0u-00141-00049897-00050278 of employer or union group coverage, qualification wsCDa11qj0u-00142-00050278-00050601 for Low Income Status, relocation, wsCDa11qj0u-00143-00050620-00050886 you have moved or are moving. wsCDa11qj0u-00144-00051383-00051612 Now, you have a smart, easy way wsCDa11qj0u-00145-00051612-00051904 to compare Medicare health plans, apples to apples. wsCDa11qj0u-00146-00051919-00052225 It's called the Medicare Star Quality Ratings. wsCDa11qj0u-00147-00052457-00052916 Each year, CMS uses this system to evaluate all Medicare health wsCDa11qj0u-00148-00052916-00053153 and prescription drug plans. wsCDa11qj0u-00149-00053212-00053576 Plans are given an overall rating from 1 to 5 stars, wsCDa11qj0u-00150-00053609-00053791 5 stars meaning excellent. wsCDa11qj0u-00151-00053808-00054270 These ratings are based on major categories which include: wsCDa11qj0u-00152-00054317-00054763 Preventive Care Chronic Care Prescription Drug Services wsCDa11qj0u-00153-00054774-00055176 Customer Service and Member Satisfaction Whether you're wsCDa11qj0u-00154-00055176-00055520 choosing or changing coverage, these ratings are a simple, wsCDa11qj0u-00155-00055534-00055778 fair way to compare plans in your area wsCDa11qj0u-00156-00055832-00056042 and help you make a more informed choice. wsCDa11qj0u-00157-00056082-00056729 So now you have the confidence of knowing the basics wsCDa11qj0u-00158-00056729-00057162 of Medicare, understanding what the four parts A, B, wsCDa11qj0u-00159-00057225-00057667 C and D represent, the important enrollment periods wsCDa11qj0u-00160-00057687-00057788 and the significance wsCDa11qj0u-00161-00057791-00058115 of the Medicare Star Quality Ratings System. wsCDa11qj0u-00162-00058281-00058616 If you need more information about Social Security wsCDa11qj0u-00163-00058616-00058980 and Medicare, including Medicare Star Quality Ratings, wsCDa11qj0u-00164-00059039-00059255 please use these important websites wsCDa11qj0u-00165-00059255-00059442 and phone numbers displayed here. wsCDa11qj0u-00166-00059824-00060025 These references can also be found wsCDa11qj0u-00167-00060025-00060174 in our enrollment materials. wsCDa11qj0u-00168-00060937-00062491 Thank you for watching and stay well. wtjZrT1Y28A-00000-00001147-00001347 Stryx: Josh go put those corn dogs back! wtjZrT1Y28A-00001-00001347-00001540 Nil: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING >:v wtjZrT1Y28A-00002-00001639-00001739 Oracle: ~Hey~ wtjZrT1Y28A-00003-00001750-00002020 Oracle: ~How you doing? Well I'm doing just fine~ wtjZrT1Y28A-00004-00002020-00002220 Oracle: ~I lied I'm dying inside~ :'D wtjZrT1Y28A-00005-00002250-00002330 Wolf: Toss me my keys! wtjZrT1Y28A-00006-00002510-00002620 Wolf: I said 'my keys' :v wtjZrT1Y28A-00007-00002620-00002750 Robin: I thought you said 'Christmas tree'! wtjZrT1Y28A-00008-00002750-00002900 Wolf: WHY THE FUCK WOULD I SAY CHRISTMAS TREE- wtjZrT1Y28A-00009-00002900-00003050 Slip: Krampy are you okay!? wtjZrT1Y28A-00010-00003056-00003200 Slip: A R E Y O U O K A Y, K R A M P Y!? wtjZrT1Y28A-00011-00003200-00003365 Slip: KRAMPY ARE YOU OKAY!? he's not ok wtjZrT1Y28A-00012-00003365-00003415 rip he thinks he's a bird again wtjZrT1Y28A-00013-00003700-00003788 Stryx: I love watching the waves :D wtjZrT1Y28A-00014-00003850-00003960 Slip: I'm in love with you Stryx :v wtjZrT1Y28A-00015-00003960-00004106 Stryx: wait that's illegal wtjZrT1Y28A-00016-00004350-00004480 Mossie: What a lovely day :D wtjZrT1Y28A-00017-00004480-00004632 Nil: Go back inside! >:( *yeets mud* wtjZrT1Y28A-00018-00004680-00004936 Stryx: It's okay I forgive him everyone gets cheated on wtjZrT1Y28A-00019-00004936-00005090 Stryx: No I haven't seen him :> wtjZrT1Y28A-00020-00005090-00005250 Slip: *indecipherable screams, probably 'help'* wtjZrT1Y28A-00021-00005344-00005534 Wolf: Just me and Krampy hanging out :D wtjZrT1Y28A-00022-00005764-00005880 Other Colonies: AAAAHHH wtjZrT1Y28A-00023-00005880-00006022 Nil: --You spill juice on your favorite dress wtjZrT1Y28A-00024-00006068-00006248 Nil: Hey, accidents happen how do you think the kits got here? wtjZrT1Y28A-00025-00006290-00006378 Pheonix: wtjZrT1Y28A-00026-00006428-00006966 Colony Leaders: pure rejection rip wtjZrT1Y28A-00027-00007004-00007256 Wolf: GOTTA GO FAST wtjZrT1Y28A-00028-00007392-00007530 Mountain Domain: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? wtjZrT1Y28A-00029-00007530-00007616 Mountain Domain: W H Y A R E Y O U R U N N I N G!? wtjZrT1Y28A-00030-00007640-00007723 Alisa: Making copies :v wtjZrT1Y28A-00031-00007723-00007856 Alisa: MOVE, I'M GAY wtjZrT1Y28A-00032-00008016-00008336 Krampy: *indecipherable bird noises* wtjZrT1Y28A-00033-00008336-00008502 Krampy: *indecipherable screaming..?* wtjZrT1Y28A-00034-00008620-00008752 Alan: aaa wtjZrT1Y28A-00035-00008900-00009022 Alan: Aaaaaaa wtjZrT1Y28A-00036-00009112-00009266 Alan: AAAAAAAA- wtjZrT1Y28A-00037-00009478-00009582 Savannah: AAHH! >:D Hawk: AAAAHH D: wtjZrT1Y28A-00038-00009634-00009830 Hawk: Staaawp! I could'a dropped my croissant! >:v wtjZrT1Y28A-00039-00009980-00010106 Alisa: Hey I'm lesbian wtjZrT1Y28A-00040-00010148-00010272 Savannah: I thought you were a cat- wtjZrT1Y28A-00041-00010564-00010774 Wolf: It's time to play.. Who stole the catnip? >:D wtjZrT1Y28A-00042-00010774-00010874 Krampy: Was it me? Oracle: Was it meee? >:D wtjZrT1Y28A-00043-00010874-00010924 Krampy: I think it's him.. wtjZrT1Y28A-00044-00010924-00011176 Slip: F U C K I N G P I N K B I R D S E V E R Y W H E R E wtjZrT1Y28A-00045-00011176-00011364 Wolf: Robin is so annoying :v wtjZrT1Y28A-00046-00011548-00011716 Robin: I heard you were talking shit about me >:v wtjZrT1Y28A-00047-00011716-00011808 Stryx: WTF o-o wuW98vqU-IA-00000-00000193-00000384 Section 24. wuW98vqU-IA-00001-00000384-00000844 According to all opinions, it is permissible to enter a lavatory with medication in the wuW98vqU-IA-00002-00000844-00000944 pocket. wuW98vqU-IA-00003-00000944-00001391 But sweet medications that are sucked, should be treated as was explained in the previous wuW98vqU-IA-00004-00001391-00001491 section. wuW98vqU-IA-00005-00001491-00001875 [Yalkut Yosef Rising Up in the Morning page 290]. wuW98vqU-IA-00006-00001875-00002064 End of section 24. wvV59VeXoqo-00000-00000010-00000734 WEBSITE, TWITTER, HOW THIS ONE wvV59VeXoqo-00001-00000734-00000740 WEBSITE, TWITTER, HOW THIS ONE wvV59VeXoqo-00002-00000740-00000840 WEBSITE, TWITTER, HOW THIS ONE TURNS OUT. wvV59VeXoqo-00003-00000840-00000847 WEBSITE, TWITTER, HOW THIS ONE TURNS OUT. wvV59VeXoqo-00004-00000847-00001014 WEBSITE, TWITTER, HOW THIS ONE TURNS OUT. GRAND RAPIDS LACKING FOR A THIRD wvV59VeXoqo-00005-00001014-00001021 TURNS OUT. GRAND RAPIDS LACKING FOR A THIRD wvV59VeXoqo-00006-00001021-00001351 TURNS OUT. GRAND RAPIDS LACKING FOR A THIRD APPEARANCE BUT HUNTERS WOULD wvV59VeXoqo-00007-00001351-00001358 GRAND RAPIDS LACKING FOR A THIRD APPEARANCE BUT HUNTERS WOULD wvV59VeXoqo-00008-00001358-00001858 GRAND RAPIDS LACKING FOR A THIRD APPEARANCE BUT HUNTERS WOULD STRIKE FIRST. wvV59VeXoqo-00009-00001858-00001865 APPEARANCE BUT HUNTERS WOULD STRIKE FIRST. wvV59VeXoqo-00010-00001865-00002272 APPEARANCE BUT HUNTERS WOULD STRIKE FIRST. SFIET THE PRESSURE, GRAND RAPIDS wvV59VeXoqo-00011-00002272-00002278 STRIKE FIRST. SFIET THE PRESSURE, GRAND RAPIDS wvV59VeXoqo-00012-00002278-00002519 STRIKE FIRST. SFIET THE PRESSURE, GRAND RAPIDS GOAL TENDER SHUT DOWN THIS SAVE wvV59VeXoqo-00013-00002519-00002525 SFIET THE PRESSURE, GRAND RAPIDS GOAL TENDER SHUT DOWN THIS SAVE wvV59VeXoqo-00014-00002525-00002709 SFIET THE PRESSURE, GRAND RAPIDS GOAL TENDER SHUT DOWN THIS SAVE HERE, HOWEVER, FOR GRAND RAPIDS wA6k1YABtkY-00000-00000191-00001009 ♪ominous music♪ wA6k1YABtkY-00001-00003949-00004466 WORKERS: [RULES ARE RULES] wA6k1YABtkY-00002-00005656-00005879 [phone ding] wA6k1YABtkY-00003-00006916-00007000 NEWSCASTER: Good morning. wA6k1YABtkY-00004-00007000-00007109 I'm Lela Hill. wA6k1YABtkY-00005-00007109-00007464 The current pandemic has surged unemployment rates to the highest they've ever been... wA6k1YABtkY-00006-00007464-00007610 ROBERT: Good morning, Momma. wA6k1YABtkY-00007-00007728-00007794 MOTHER: Good morning. wA6k1YABtkY-00008-00007794-00007937 ROBERT: Let me help you up. wA6k1YABtkY-00009-00007937-00008100 MOTHER: What time is it? wA6k1YABtkY-00010-00008228-00008434 You leaving early this morning. wA6k1YABtkY-00011-00008551-00008751 ROBERT: Yeah, been working these crazy work hours. wA6k1YABtkY-00012-00008876-00009031 Job's been hectic. wA6k1YABtkY-00013-00009031-00009456 Um, I talked to the nurse, so she'll be over within an hour. wA6k1YABtkY-00014-00009456-00009699 If you need anything, she'll be over to help you. wA6k1YABtkY-00015-00010145-00010500 MOTHER: What would I do without you? wA6k1YABtkY-00016-00010810-00010952 ROBERT: I'll see you later, alright? wA6k1YABtkY-00017-00011104-00011414 ROBERT: Oh, and your food is in the refrigerator. wA6k1YABtkY-00018-00011445-00011659 MOTHER: Thank you for everything, Bobby. wA6k1YABtkY-00019-00011659-00011735 ROBERT: All right. wA6k1YABtkY-00020-00011735-00011933 Talk to you later, Mom. wA6k1YABtkY-00021-00011933-00012033 Love you, Mom. wA6k1YABtkY-00022-00012033-00012191 MOTHER: Love you too. wA6k1YABtkY-00023-00012500-00012636 [lighter clicks] wA6k1YABtkY-00024-00014777-00014886 Fuck. wA6k1YABtkY-00025-00016532-00016663 [car door slam] wA6k1YABtkY-00026-00017011-00017267 Bitch ass motherfuckers. wA6k1YABtkY-00027-00017368-00017553 Timely. wA6k1YABtkY-00028-00018243-00018419 TYLA: Sorry, guys. wA6k1YABtkY-00029-00018637-00018901 She doesn't know what a vodkatini is...? wA6k1YABtkY-00030-00019001-00019051 [laughter] wA6k1YABtkY-00031-00019109-00019293 [LAUGHTER] wA6k1YABtkY-00032-00019792-00019892 Oh shit. wA6k1YABtkY-00033-00020160-00020260 ROBERT: Hey, Ms. Leslie. wA6k1YABtkY-00034-00020260-00020360 How are you doing? wA6k1YABtkY-00035-00020554-00020677 LESLIE: See, I thought we were clear last time, but wA6k1YABtkY-00036-00020677-00020777 you keep showing up. wA6k1YABtkY-00037-00021021-00021121 ROBERT: I'm- I'm sorry. wA6k1YABtkY-00038-00021121-00021435 LESLIE: Ah, ah, ah don't worry about it. wA6k1YABtkY-00039-00021500-00021718 LESLIE: You don't think I know what you're doing in here? wA6k1YABtkY-00040-00021745-00021845 Loitering. wA6k1YABtkY-00041-00021918-00022040 I will call the police. wA6k1YABtkY-00042-00022040-00022341 ROBERT: No, no, look, this is the last day you gonna see me. wA6k1YABtkY-00043-00022341-00022441 Alright. wA6k1YABtkY-00044-00022441-00022524 LESLIE: Mm-hmm <affirmative> wA6k1YABtkY-00045-00022766-00022937 ROBERT: I'll put this out for you. wA6k1YABtkY-00046-00023167-00023500 Alright, now, Ms. Leslie, you have a good one. wA6k1YABtkY-00047-00024926-00025150 ROBERT: All right! wA6k1YABtkY-00048-00025150-00025382 Let's get you fed. wA6k1YABtkY-00049-00025595-00025939 Now peep game, this about to be the best chili you ever tasted since yours. wA6k1YABtkY-00050-00025939-00026039 All right? wA6k1YABtkY-00051-00026039-00026093 MOTHER: Boy. wA6k1YABtkY-00052-00026093-00026193 ROBERT: Just being honest. wA6k1YABtkY-00053-00026442-00026542 There you go. wA6k1YABtkY-00054-00026823-00026885 MOTHER: Hmm. wA6k1YABtkY-00055-00027036-00027258 ROBERT: Now talk to the nurse. wA6k1YABtkY-00056-00027258-00027527 And she said you've been getting stronger. wA6k1YABtkY-00057-00027527-00027667 Is that true? wA6k1YABtkY-00058-00027786-00028038 Go ahead on then, macho woman. wA6k1YABtkY-00059-00028130-00028464 Honestly though, I'm glad to see that you're doing better. wA6k1YABtkY-00060-00029226-00029328 MOTHER: I'm good. wA6k1YABtkY-00061-00029328-00029422 ROBERT: You sure? wA6k1YABtkY-00062-00029943-00030020 ROBERT: My turn. wA6k1YABtkY-00063-00030629-00030775 ROBERT: Mm, this is good. wA6k1YABtkY-00064-00031392-00031490 ROBERT: Is this a new season? wA6k1YABtkY-00065-00031776-00032375 Leon has been my favorite character, but Uncle Jerome is like the business man. wA6k1YABtkY-00066-00032375-00032483 What? wA6k1YABtkY-00067-00032500-00032818 MOTHER: It's just so good to see you doing so much better wA6k1YABtkY-00068-00032818-00032883 ROBERT: Come on, Mom. wA6k1YABtkY-00069-00032883-00033000 We ain't gotta do this. wA6k1YABtkY-00070-00033000-00033151 MOTHER: No, we do. wA6k1YABtkY-00071-00033236-00033468 You know, when you got fired from your last job. wA6k1YABtkY-00072-00033468-00033717 ROBERT: I was terminated. wA6k1YABtkY-00073-00033717-00033982 MOTHER: I'm sorry, when you were terminated from your wA6k1YABtkY-00074-00033982-00034472 last job, these past couple of months have been hard on you. wA6k1YABtkY-00075-00034655-00034775 I was worried. wA6k1YABtkY-00076-00034832-00035000 ROBERT: You don't gotta worry about me. wA6k1YABtkY-00077-00035000-00035087 Here. Look, check this out. wA6k1YABtkY-00078-00035087-00035165 You finished? wA6k1YABtkY-00079-00035165-00035262 Yeah. Here, take some more. wA6k1YABtkY-00080-00035262-00035500 MOTHER: Plus -- plus it's kinda all my fault that wA6k1YABtkY-00081-00035500-00035718 you were going through all of this. wA6k1YABtkY-00082-00035752-00035845 ROBERT: It's not your fault, Mom. wA6k1YABtkY-00083-00035845-00036000 You ain't gotta blame yourself. wA6k1YABtkY-00084-00036000-00036562 MOTHER: No, Bobby, I got sick, and it got worse, and wA6k1YABtkY-00085-00036562-00036986 all the time you took off work, and then the termination. wA6k1YABtkY-00086-00037197-00037337 I know it's no coincidence. wA6k1YABtkY-00087-00037500-00037743 ROBERT: I mean the office got overstaffed. wA6k1YABtkY-00088-00037743-00037901 They had to let people go. wA6k1YABtkY-00089-00038165-00038265 I'm serious. wA6k1YABtkY-00090-00038342-00038442 MOTHER: Okay. wA6k1YABtkY-00091-00038442-00038533 Bobby, either way. wA6k1YABtkY-00092-00038533-00038836 I'm just proud of the way you turned things around. wA6k1YABtkY-00093-00039154-00039542 ROBERT: Let's get you to bed, aight? wA6k1YABtkY-00094-00042628-00042785 ROBERT: What the hell is this guy doing? wA6k1YABtkY-00095-00042803-00043000 ROBERT: Yo, yo, yo, yo, what the hell is that? wA6k1YABtkY-00096-00043000-00043100 BANKER: It's a foreclosure notice. wA6k1YABtkY-00097-00043213-00043313 ROBERT: Foreclosure notice? wA6k1YABtkY-00098-00043676-00043736 ROBERT: No shit. wA6k1YABtkY-00099-00043736-00043836 Why'd you put it on my door though? wA6k1YABtkY-00100-00043867-00043967 BANKER: Because the bank is foreclosing your house. wA6k1YABtkY-00101-00044055-00044212 We haven't received a payment on this house in months. wA6k1YABtkY-00102-00044240-00044341 ROBERT: We? Who is we? wA6k1YABtkY-00103-00044368-00044545 BANKER: The bank that owns this house? wA6k1YABtkY-00104-00044664-00044744 ROBERT: No, wait, wait, wait. wA6k1YABtkY-00105-00044744-00044844 I thought I was allowed 120 days? wA6k1YABtkY-00106-00044881-00044974 BANKER: But you're not. wA6k1YABtkY-00107-00044974-00045243 Cause I'm telling you I need it now. wA6k1YABtkY-00108-00045243-00045411 ROBERT: Man, fuck that. wA6k1YABtkY-00109-00045411-00045643 No, I wanna talk to who's in charge. wA6k1YABtkY-00110-00045643-00045787 BANKER: You already are, pal. wA6k1YABtkY-00111-00045787-00046124 Look, let's forget about this whole 120-day bullshit. wA6k1YABtkY-00112-00046124-00046224 Aight? wA6k1YABtkY-00113-00046315-00046854 The new rule is you either have the money today or your house gets foreclosed. wA6k1YABtkY-00114-00046854-00046972 Rules are rules. wA6k1YABtkY-00115-00046999-00047291 WORKERS: [RULES ARE RULES] wA6k1YABtkY-00116-00047291-00047463 BANKER: Besides, looks like this place could use a wA6k1YABtkY-00117-00047463-00047596 little remodeling anyway. wA6k1YABtkY-00118-00047965-00048260 [Banker phone ringing] wA6k1YABtkY-00119-00048939-00049054 BANKER: Hello. wA6k1YABtkY-00120-00049131-00049239 Did you get that? wA6k1YABtkY-00121-00049307-00049672 You either have the money today or get kicked out. wA6k1YABtkY-00122-00049891-00049956 ROBERT: Okay. wA6k1YABtkY-00123-00049956-00050053 I'm so sorry, man. wA6k1YABtkY-00124-00050053-00050223 I thought I could just get away with not paying. wA6k1YABtkY-00125-00050223-00050500 See how long I hold off on the payment. wA6k1YABtkY-00126-00050500-00050851 Look, um, my fault. wA6k1YABtkY-00127-00050880-00051013 My bad. wA6k1YABtkY-00128-00051013-00051177 Look -- look, maybe we start off on the wrong foot. wA6k1YABtkY-00129-00051177-00051516 Um, I actually have the money in the house on the table. wA6k1YABtkY-00130-00051516-00051613 I can go grab it for you. wA6k1YABtkY-00131-00051613-00051691 Okay? wA6k1YABtkY-00132-00051861-00051911 BANKER: Look. wA6k1YABtkY-00133-00051911-00051976 Let me catch this. wA6k1YABtkY-00134-00051976-00052032 Uh. wA6k1YABtkY-00135-00052032-00052110 I'll be right inside. wA6k1YABtkY-00136-00052110-00052199 Aight? wA6k1YABtkY-00137-00052199-00052299 ROBERT: Aight, Gotcha. wA6k1YABtkY-00138-00052411-00052511 Rules are rules. wA6k1YABtkY-00139-00052627-00052747 ♪ominous keys♪ wA6k1YABtkY-00140-00053061-00053229 MOTHER: Everything okay out there, Bobby? wA6k1YABtkY-00141-00053229-00053377 ROBERT: Yep. wA6k1YABtkY-00142-00053377-00053555 Taking care of it right now. wA6k1YABtkY-00143-00055281-00055408 ROBERT: Love you, Mom. wA6k1YABtkY-00144-00056377-00056429 BANKER: Yeah. wA6k1YABtkY-00145-00056429-00056551 He went inside to get the money. wA6k1YABtkY-00146-00056551-00056745 I should be back in the office in about 10 or 20 minutes. wA6k1YABtkY-00147-00056868-00056971 Correct. wA6k1YABtkY-00148-00057051-00057132 Right. wA6k1YABtkY-00149-00059790-00059912 ROBERT: Shit. wA6k1YABtkY-00150-00060487-00060724 [office chatter] wA6k1YABtkY-00151-00061954-00062362 [crowd screams] wA6k1YABtkY-00152-00063927-00064127 ROBERT: It didn't have to end like this. wBGMCEG654o-00000-00000000-00000447 18 months ago we didn't think this was wBGMCEG654o-00001-00000447-00000579 possible. wBGMCEG654o-00002-00000579-00000855 A month has nearly passed now and I keep wBGMCEG654o-00003-00000855-00001062 thinking we're going to wake up and it's wBGMCEG654o-00004-00001062-00001266 an episode of Scandal, or Madame wBGMCEG654o-00005-00001266-00001764 Secretary, or Designated Survivor. It hasn't wBGMCEG654o-00006-00001764-00002202 sunk in even for me. This weekend we wBGMCEG654o-00007-00002202-00002406 received reports of mosques across the wBGMCEG654o-00008-00002406-00002786 country receiving letters that read, and i wBGMCEG654o-00009-00002786-00002932 will just quote, wBGMCEG654o-00010-00002932-00003214 "There's a new sheriff in town. President wBGMCEG654o-00011-00003214-00003634 Donald Trump [boos] cleanse America and wBGMCEG654o-00012-00003634-00003826 and make it shine again. And he's going to wBGMCEG654o-00013-00003826-00004126 start with you Muslims. He's going to do wBGMCEG654o-00014-00004126-00004396 to you Muslims what Hitler did to the wBGMCEG654o-00015-00004396-00004912 Jews. You would be wise to pack your bags and wBGMCEG654o-00016-00004912-00005422 get out of Dodge." That letter is wBGMCEG654o-00017-00005422-00005680 probably the mildest of what we have wBGMCEG654o-00018-00005680-00006058 seen in anti-muslim hate in the past 18 wBGMCEG654o-00019-00006058-00006418 months. In just the 20 days now since the wBGMCEG654o-00020-00006418-00006694 election there have been over a hundred wBGMCEG654o-00021-00006694-00006964 anti-muslim attempts at intimidation and wBGMCEG654o-00022-00006964-00007312 hate crimes. Women in the Bay Area have wBGMCEG654o-00023-00007312-00007564 had their head scarves pulled off. Children wBGMCEG654o-00024-00007564-00007828 report that they're being told at school wBGMCEG654o-00025-00007828-00008073 by their fellow peers "you will be wBGMCEG654o-00026-00008073-00008419 deported, you will be registered" But this wBGMCEG654o-00027-00008419-00008644 isn't just about my community. wBGMCEG654o-00028-00008644-00008920 This is about all of us. There have been wBGMCEG654o-00029-00008920-00009193 anti-black hate crimes and murders right wBGMCEG654o-00030-00009193-00009358 here in the San Francisco Bay Area. wBGMCEG654o-00031-00009358-00009664 Anti-latino hate crimes and murders wBGMCEG654o-00032-00009664-00009847 right here in the San Francisco Bay Area. wBGMCEG654o-00033-00009847-00010129 And anti-lgbt hate crimes and murders wBGMCEG654o-00034-00010129-00010294 right here in the San Francisco Bay Area. wBGMCEG654o-00035-00010294-00010742 In some ways it feels like we have gone wBGMCEG654o-00036-00010742-00011231 50, 60, 70 years backwards because we're wBGMCEG654o-00037-00011231-00011432 talking about Japanese internment again. wBGMCEG654o-00038-00011432-00011885 But in other ways i find strength in wBGMCEG654o-00039-00011885-00012193 gatherings like this. Because this is the wBGMCEG654o-00040-00012193-00012550 image of us moving forward. People from all walks of wBGMCEG654o-00041-00012550-00012778 life committing to standing together wBGMCEG654o-00042-00012778-00013127 committing to moving forward wBGMCEG654o-00043-00013127-00013306 [heckling] and instead organizing wBGMCEG654o-00044-00013306-00013604 to ensure that our racist wBGMCEG654o-00045-00013604-00013897 homophobic Islamophobic anti-woman wBGMCEG654o-00046-00013897-00014240 president has nothing more than a title. wBGMCEG654o-00047-00014240-00014558 Because we will not let him break our wBGMCEG654o-00048-00014558-00014788 individuals, our families, or our wBGMCEG654o-00049-00014788-00014923 communities. wBGMCEG654o-00050-00014923-00015194 Thank you so much for being here and for wBGMCEG654o-00051-00015194-00015434 your continued solidarity in the days, wBGMCEG654o-00052-00015434-00015854 weeks, and potentially years ahead. I know wBGMCEG654o-00053-00015854-00016069 that we are not alone, we are stronger wBGMCEG654o-00054-00016069-00016591 together. Thank you. [cheering] wD8i4FjYNhu-00000-00000000-00000358 Click the Apple icon at the top-left corner of your screen. Afterward, select System Preferences. wD8i4FjYNhu-00001-00000400-00000650 Click the Parental Control icon. wD8i4FjYNhu-00002-00000714-00000942 Make sure that the Create a new user account with parental controls is ticked and then click Continue. wD8i4FjYNhu-00003-00000992-00001844 You will be asked to input your username and password to access the controls. wD8i4FjYNhu-00004-00001972-00003058 Create the user account (to be controlled) by filling the form. Hit Create User to save. wHqqY78_cVY-00000-00004497-00004704 >> Jadwiga: This kingdom of Poland wHqqY78_cVY-00001-00004707-00005023 which my late father had left as my inheritance, was a wHqqY78_cVY-00002-00005024-00005245 country on the brink of ruin. wHqqY78_cVY-00003-00005265-00005502 >> Jan Zizka: They call me Jan Zizka, wHqqY78_cVY-00004-00005502-00005732 for the eye that I lost in my youth. wHqqY78_cVY-00005-00005879-00006062 >> Man: I aimed for the throne, wHqqY78_cVY-00006-00006062-00006433 yet I ended up in this dark, moldy prison cell. wLJpg5KoeRg-00000-00000193-00000400 ♪♪ wLJpg5KoeRg-00001-00000600-00001034 Tonight, three unbridled masters of the synthesizer will engage wLJpg5KoeRg-00002-00001034-00001444 in a once-in-a-lifetime battle of "fingoric" dexterity. wLJpg5KoeRg-00003-00001444-00002095 This is "Live at the Necropolis: the Lords of Synth." wLJpg5KoeRg-00004-00002095-00002335 I'm Edgar Tangram, joined, of course, tonight wLJpg5KoeRg-00005-00002335-00002462 by Zedd Centuari. wLJpg5KoeRg-00006-00002462-00002689 Tonight promises to be a rare musical treat wLJpg5KoeRg-00007-00002689-00002969 and, dare I say, a high water mark for our civilization. wLJpg5KoeRg-00008-00002969-00003106 That's right, Edgar. wLJpg5KoeRg-00009-00003106-00003326 These three synth legends have been known wLJpg5KoeRg-00010-00003326-00003573 to score a film or two, but tonight wLJpg5KoeRg-00011-00003573-00003830 they're about to score something unprecedented -- wLJpg5KoeRg-00012-00003830-00003960 a comet -- -Halley's, wLJpg5KoeRg-00013-00003960-00004090 king of the comets, wLJpg5KoeRg-00014-00004090-00004287 especially bright in the sky tonight. wLJpg5KoeRg-00015-00004287-00004511 It's closer to Earth than it's ever been before. wLJpg5KoeRg-00016-00004511-00004788 Whoever scores the celestial dance of the comet wLJpg5KoeRg-00017-00004788-00005105 most evocatively will be named the Lord of Synth. wLJpg5KoeRg-00018-00005105-00005331 The losers will be banned from music wLJpg5KoeRg-00019-00005331-00005495 for a period of 100 years. wLJpg5KoeRg-00020-00005495-00005762 Much is at stake for our synth-testants. wLJpg5KoeRg-00021-00005762-00006045 Let's meet them now. wLJpg5KoeRg-00022-00006045-00006416 Announcer: God only goes by one name, and so does Xangelix, wLJpg5KoeRg-00023-00006416-00006773 a reclusive genius who's appeared in public only never. wLJpg5KoeRg-00024-00006773-00007350 There is only one hope for humanity... wLJpg5KoeRg-00025-00007350-00007514 the synthesizer. wLJpg5KoeRg-00026-00007514-00007767 Announcer: Morgio Zoroger, a devil-may-care playboy wLJpg5KoeRg-00027-00007767-00007967 who drinks a lot, even for an Italian. wLJpg5KoeRg-00028-00007967-00008201 Xangelix cannot touch me. wLJpg5KoeRg-00029-00008334-00008698 He is, uh...a fool. wLJpg5KoeRg-00030-00008698-00009052 Announcer: Zoroger's album "Xangelix Is a Fool!" has become wLJpg5KoeRg-00031-00009052-00009212 an Italian disco staple, wLJpg5KoeRg-00032-00009212-00009476 much to the chagrin of Xangelix himself. wLJpg5KoeRg-00033-00009476-00009733 Carla Wendos -- Once known as Carlton Wendos, wLJpg5KoeRg-00034-00009733-00009986 this pioneer of gender non-conformity is wLJpg5KoeRg-00035-00009986-00010183 obsessed with sonic trailblazing, wLJpg5KoeRg-00036-00010183-00010333 perhaps too obsessed. wLJpg5KoeRg-00037-00010333-00010600 For a brief time, Wendos and Zoroger were lovers, wLJpg5KoeRg-00038-00010600-00010810 but Carla's endless experimentation wLJpg5KoeRg-00039-00010810-00011127 in her Mount Shasta octave spa proved too thick a wedge, wLJpg5KoeRg-00040-00011127-00011488 and their harmony gave way to discord. wLJpg5KoeRg-00041-00011488-00011731 But all three must set their bygones aside wLJpg5KoeRg-00042-00011731-00012015 to take the Necropolis stage tonight. wLJpg5KoeRg-00043-00012015-00012252 They should be taking the stage any moment now. wLJpg5KoeRg-00044-00012252-00012505 [ Cheers and applause ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00045-00012252-00012505 And with a stunning entrance wLJpg5KoeRg-00046-00012505-00012689 from the back of the Necropolis steps, wLJpg5KoeRg-00047-00012689-00012886 Xangelix has arrived. wLJpg5KoeRg-00048-00012886-00013356 [ Electronic tones play ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00049-00013356-00013733 [ Horn blares ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00050-00013857-00014200 [ Horn blares loudly ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00051-00014200-00014407 Zoroger! wLJpg5KoeRg-00052-00014407-00014634 Xangelix! wLJpg5KoeRg-00053-00014634-00014758 [ Horn blares ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00054-00014758-00015031 -Wendos! -Xangelix! wLJpg5KoeRg-00055-00015031-00015275 Wendos! wLJpg5KoeRg-00056-00015275-00015498 Zoroger! wLJpg5KoeRg-00057-00015498-00015819 And, with that, summoning is complete. wLJpg5KoeRg-00058-00015819-00016099 they have said all the combinations of all the names. wLJpg5KoeRg-00059-00016099-00016403 As they persist to their synth stations, wLJpg5KoeRg-00060-00016403-00016753 let's get a mood for the floor with our very own Ulf Jobim. wLJpg5KoeRg-00061-00016753-00016870 Ulf? wLJpg5KoeRg-00062-00016870-00017260 [ Breathing heavily ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00063-00017260-00017500 Ulf? wLJpg5KoeRg-00064-00017500-00017707 Thank you, Ed. Thank you, Zedd. wLJpg5KoeRg-00065-00017707-00018101 The crowd is in absolute awe of the synth legends three. wLJpg5KoeRg-00066-00018101-00018441 You can see Morgio Zoroger himself getting quite friendly wLJpg5KoeRg-00067-00018441-00018822 with East German gold medalist Gerwalt Auersberg. wLJpg5KoeRg-00068-00018822-00019035 Carla Wendos getting her own cheer wLJpg5KoeRg-00069-00019035-00019312 from the grandson of the original Zorro, wLJpg5KoeRg-00070-00019312-00019426 Zorro III -- wLJpg5KoeRg-00071-00019426-00019719 of course, former President Gerald Ford. wLJpg5KoeRg-00072-00019719-00020103 Captain Correlli and Captain Correlli's mandolin. wLJpg5KoeRg-00073-00020103-00020330 A pulsating ball of pure energy. wLJpg5KoeRg-00074-00020330-00020663 And, look -- Xangelix is bestowing a blessing wLJpg5KoeRg-00075-00020663-00020910 on Panos the Wonder Child. wLJpg5KoeRg-00076-00020910-00021241 It's a magical scene here on the Necropolis floor. wLJpg5KoeRg-00077-00021241-00021441 Back to you in the booth. wLJpg5KoeRg-00078-00021441-00021581 Thank you, Ulf. wLJpg5KoeRg-00079-00021581-00022145 And they've now finished the walk down the stairs. wLJpg5KoeRg-00080-00022145-00022422 Gathering on the stage. wLJpg5KoeRg-00081-00022422-00022939 Preparing to score Halley's Comet. wLJpg5KoeRg-00082-00022939-00023359 [ Dramatic tones play ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00083-00023359-00023780 And a stunning first note. wLJpg5KoeRg-00084-00023780-00024000 Xangelix's tones are syncing wLJpg5KoeRg-00085-00024000-00024160 just beautifully with the comet. wLJpg5KoeRg-00086-00024160-00024484 It's gonna be hard for the other synthsters to catch up. wLJpg5KoeRg-00087-00024484-00024607 Quite the drone. wLJpg5KoeRg-00088-00024607-00024778 I'm surprised him moving so dangerously wLJpg5KoeRg-00089-00024778-00024944 in low-end territory. wLJpg5KoeRg-00090-00024944-00025118 Well, he survived, but just barely. wLJpg5KoeRg-00091-00024944-00025118 [ Mid-tempo beat plays wLJpg5KoeRg-00092-00025118-00025318 It sounds like Zoroger's off to an early lead wLJpg5KoeRg-00093-00025318-00025685 grooving on his Zorg Poly Protoson Clavitronulator. wLJpg5KoeRg-00094-00025685-00025835 [ Mid-tempo electronic music plays ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00095-00025835-00026116 And Zoroger is matching each of the comet's flares wLJpg5KoeRg-00096-00026116-00026396 with a musical flair all his own. wLJpg5KoeRg-00097-00026396-00026669 Carla Wendos wisely staying out of the fray using wLJpg5KoeRg-00098-00026669-00027020 some pretty nifty patchwork to score this comet. wLJpg5KoeRg-00099-00026669-00027020 [ Discordant tones play ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00100-00027020-00027337 With patchwork that stealthy, she may edge out the boys. wLJpg5KoeRg-00101-00027337-00027554 Seems like the comet's looking a little larger wLJpg5KoeRg-00102-00027554-00027781 and more bright and beautiful than last time we checked. wLJpg5KoeRg-00103-00027781-00028021 Well, as we said, that .04 proximity makes wLJpg5KoeRg-00104-00028021-00028271 the comet appear larger and brighter. wLJpg5KoeRg-00105-00028271-00028418 Now it's back to the Lords. wLJpg5KoeRg-00106-00028418-00028945 [ Up-beat electronic music plays ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00107-00028945-00029249 Zoroger has just taken some crystallized Eternal Plus, wLJpg5KoeRg-00108-00029249-00029636 a powerful creative drug not yet available to the masses. wLJpg5KoeRg-00109-00029636-00029896 [ Electronic melody flourishes ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00110-00029636-00029896 And it appears to have taken effect. wLJpg5KoeRg-00111-00029896-00030213 Take a look at how pink his ear blood is. wLJpg5KoeRg-00112-00030213-00030470 Terrific. Just terrific. wLJpg5KoeRg-00113-00030470-00030613 [ Sighs ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00114-00030613-00030830 [ Dissonant humming ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00115-00030613-00030830 Don't look now, wLJpg5KoeRg-00116-00030830-00031234 but Carla Wendos has executed an absolutely killer tritone wLJpg5KoeRg-00117-00031234-00031741 which has given Xangelix a rather untimely boner. wLJpg5KoeRg-00118-00031741-00031898 But he's striking back. wLJpg5KoeRg-00119-00031898-00032138 I believe he's prepping an augmented 18th, wLJpg5KoeRg-00120-00032138-00032485 which is a piercing, atonal screech that only women can hear. wLJpg5KoeRg-00121-00032485-00032622 [ Silence ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00122-00032622-00032832 [ Screaming ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00123-00032622-00032832 Horrible. Just horrible. wLJpg5KoeRg-00124-00032832-00033299 Sonic agony for all females in attendance. wLJpg5KoeRg-00125-00033299-00033436 Obviously, we here in the booth are fine, wLJpg5KoeRg-00126-00033436-00033643 but the women at home would be well advised wLJpg5KoeRg-00127-00033643-00033743 to cover their ears. wLJpg5KoeRg-00128-00033743-00034294 [ Up-beat electronic music resumes ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00129-00034294-00034477 Let's check in with the comet cam. wLJpg5KoeRg-00130-00034477-00034758 Wow. It is alarmingly closer. wLJpg5KoeRg-00131-00034758-00034978 Edgar, is it possible that the sonic dissonance wLJpg5KoeRg-00132-00034978-00035361 from the synths is somehow luring the comet toward us? wLJpg5KoeRg-00133-00035361-00035635 Well, energy works in mysterious ways, Zedd. wLJpg5KoeRg-00134-00035635-00035825 It's not just the heat of the competition wLJpg5KoeRg-00135-00035825-00036079 they're feeling down there, but rather then intense heat wLJpg5KoeRg-00136-00036079-00036212 of Halley herself. wLJpg5KoeRg-00137-00036212-00036392 We're certainly feeling it here in the booth. wLJpg5KoeRg-00138-00036392-00036573 [ Clears throat ] This Ulf, on the floor. wLJpg5KoeRg-00139-00036573-00036793 It seems President Ford has wLJpg5KoeRg-00140-00036793-00037023 answered a call on the infamous red phone. wLJpg5KoeRg-00141-00037023-00037223 He's being escorted away. wLJpg5KoeRg-00142-00037223-00037427 Not a good sign. Not a good sign. wLJpg5KoeRg-00143-00037427-00037710 This just in -- I'm getting official confirmation wLJpg5KoeRg-00144-00037710-00037947 from the Renolsvetski Observatory wLJpg5KoeRg-00145-00037947-00038181 that Halley's Comet will be impacting Earth wLJpg5KoeRg-00146-00038181-00038428 in roughly 3 minutes and 45 seconds. wLJpg5KoeRg-00147-00038181-00038428 [ People screaming ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00148-00038428-00038731 Let's go ahead and fade up the doomsday clock. wLJpg5KoeRg-00149-00038731-00038975 And there goes the presidential pod, wLJpg5KoeRg-00150-00038975-00039325 presumably carrying Gerald Ford to a secret ark. wLJpg5KoeRg-00151-00039325-00039672 I can stop the destruction. I have the power. wLJpg5KoeRg-00152-00039672-00039899 [ Up-tempo electronic music plays ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00153-00039672-00039899 Seem to be getting hotter and hotter. wLJpg5KoeRg-00154-00039899-00040016 It's very close. wLJpg5KoeRg-00155-00040016-00040233 It must be 100 degrees in here. wLJpg5KoeRg-00156-00040233-00040630 [ Up-tempo electronic music continues ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00157-00040860-00041134 [ Laughs ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00158-00040860-00041134 Wendos: You were never strong enough! wLJpg5KoeRg-00159-00041134-00041351 Witness me! wLJpg5KoeRg-00160-00041351-00041731 [ Discordant beeping ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00161-00041351-00041731 Now Wendos is attempting to musically thwart wLJpg5KoeRg-00162-00041731-00041968 this cosmic invader from the stars. wLJpg5KoeRg-00163-00041968-00042168 You have failed, too! wLJpg5KoeRg-00164-00042168-00042392 Aah! wLJpg5KoeRg-00165-00042168-00042392 You will die. wLJpg5KoeRg-00166-00042392-00042529 [ Deep electronic tones play ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00167-00042529-00042836 Centauri: Our last hope, then, is Xangelix. wLJpg5KoeRg-00168-00042836-00043103 Sadly, none of them had what it took wLJpg5KoeRg-00169-00043103-00043303 to stop Halley's Comet, which, if you're wLJpg5KoeRg-00170-00043303-00043553 just tuning in, is careening directly toward Earth. wLJpg5KoeRg-00171-00043553-00043703 Sweet merciful Jesus, wLJpg5KoeRg-00172-00043703-00043867 our greatest fear is confirmed. wLJpg5KoeRg-00173-00043867-00044043 -It is your fault, Zoroger! -A quick note for the viewers -- wLJpg5KoeRg-00174-00044043-00044354 if you try to close your eyes, it doesn't quite work wLJpg5KoeRg-00175-00044354-00044504 'cause the light is so bright. wLJpg5KoeRg-00176-00044504-00044801 You see directly through your eyelids. wLJpg5KoeRg-00177-00044801-00044978 Zoroger: You're drowning out my synth! wLJpg5KoeRg-00178-00044978-00045271 Xangelix: I have the best synth in the world! wLJpg5KoeRg-00179-00044978-00045271 Wendos: Ohh! wLJpg5KoeRg-00180-00045271-00045628 It's all about you, Xangelix! wLJpg5KoeRg-00181-00045271-00045628 Yes, it is! wLJpg5KoeRg-00182-00045628-00045932 Tangram: Panos the Wonder Child, an acute cosmos empath, wLJpg5KoeRg-00183-00045932-00046172 is reeling in an epileptic fit. wLJpg5KoeRg-00184-00046172-00046339 [ Ringing, rumbling ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00185-00046339-00046656 Canary in the coal mine -- It seems as if Earth is doomed. wLJpg5KoeRg-00186-00046656-00046806 So... wLJpg5KoeRg-00187-00046806-00046950 we'll do our station sign-off. wLJpg5KoeRg-00188-00046950-00047100 Edgar, it's been a pleasure. wLJpg5KoeRg-00189-00047100-00047230 Oh, wait, hold on. wLJpg5KoeRg-00190-00047230-00047420 Ulf, what's going down there on the floor? wLJpg5KoeRg-00191-00047420-00047897 It appears the musicians are synth-Morse-coding a plan wLJpg5KoeRg-00192-00047897-00048014 to each other. wLJpg5KoeRg-00193-00048014-00048138 Let's listen in. wLJpg5KoeRg-00194-00048138-00048304 [ Rhythmic electronic tones play ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00195-00048304-00048591 Yes, those notes clearly contain a plan. wLJpg5KoeRg-00196-00048591-00048972 [ Dramatic electronic music plays ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00197-00049903-00050300 [ Rumbling, warbling ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00198-00050740-00051144 [ Cheers and applause ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00199-00051144-00051304 Let's hit it. wLJpg5KoeRg-00200-00051304-00051724 [ Funky electronic music plays ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00201-00051724-00051921 Hmm, now, what's happened here? wLJpg5KoeRg-00202-00051921-00052078 I believe the Lords have unlocked wLJpg5KoeRg-00203-00052078-00052242 a rejuvenatory octave, wLJpg5KoeRg-00204-00052242-00052535 which has exploded the ball of pure energy in the crowd wLJpg5KoeRg-00205-00052535-00052742 and united them all as one. wLJpg5KoeRg-00206-00052956-00053373 This funky tune has resurrected Panos, like the Christ. wLJpg5KoeRg-00207-00053373-00054324 [ Cheers and applause ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00208-00054324-00054674 It seems as though the sheer coolness of the jam is wLJpg5KoeRg-00209-00054674-00055091 cutting the powerful heat emitting from Halley's Comet. wLJpg5KoeRg-00210-00055091-00055405 Even I can't help but tap a toe to this one, Zedd. wLJpg5KoeRg-00211-00055405-00055548 I don't blame you. wLJpg5KoeRg-00212-00055548-00055705 [ Funky electronic music continues ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00213-00055705-00055872 [ Clears throat ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00214-00056599-00056783 This is quite a sight. wLJpg5KoeRg-00215-00056783-00057167 It seems as though a Pegasus has been summoned. wLJpg5KoeRg-00216-00056783-00057167 [ Pegasus neighing ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00217-00057367-00057761 [ Mandolin plays ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00218-00057367-00057761 And even Captain Correlli is getting in on the magic. wLJpg5KoeRg-00219-00058301-00058498 And here comes the knockout punch. wLJpg5KoeRg-00220-00058498-00058665 [ Scales play ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00221-00058665-00059062 [ Electronic tones warbling, humming ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00222-00059702-00059886 [ Cheers and applause ] wLJpg5KoeRg-00223-00059886-00060076 And they've done it. Wow. wLJpg5KoeRg-00224-00060076-00060193 Very nice. wLJpg5KoeRg-00225-00060193-00060513 So, to recap, the synthsters have achieved harmony wLJpg5KoeRg-00226-00060513-00060653 both musically and personally. wLJpg5KoeRg-00227-00060653-00060864 As a result, Halley's Comet has been frozen wLJpg5KoeRg-00228-00060864-00061104 in the sky as Earth's second moon. wLJpg5KoeRg-00229-00061104-00061337 It appears existence is saved. wLJpg5KoeRg-00230-00061337-00061664 It looks like former president Gerald Ford has returned wLJpg5KoeRg-00231-00061664-00061921 holding three golden medals he will bestow wLJpg5KoeRg-00232-00061921-00062138 upon our synthesizers, wLJpg5KoeRg-00233-00062138-00062335 crowning them all the Lords of Synth. wLJpg5KoeRg-00234-00062335-00062572 Surely, a stirring speech forthcoming wLJpg5KoeRg-00235-00062572-00062702 from this great order. wLJpg5KoeRg-00236-00062702-00062832 Let's listen in. wLJpg5KoeRg-00237-00062832-00063163 [ Clears throat ] Today, we owe our -- wLJpg5KoeRg-00238-00063163-00063419 Apologies to President Ford, but our allotted broadcast time is up. wLJpg5KoeRg-00239-00063419-00063590 We have to wrap up in 20 second. wLJpg5KoeRg-00240-00063590-00063863 Just a quick reminder that this public broadcasting station is wLJpg5KoeRg-00241-00063863-00064040 paid for by viewers like you. wLJpg5KoeRg-00242-00064040-00064374 So be sure to purchase the two VHS cassette wLJpg5KoeRg-00243-00064374-00064507 of this recording, wLJpg5KoeRg-00244-00064507-00064808 "Live at the Necropolis: Lords of Synth -- Humanity Saved," wLJpg5KoeRg-00245-00064808-00065018 for 47 dollars, 99 ce-- wMOL2613vnU-00000-00000587-00001185 DJ NON, 아오이 소라. 사진 wMOL2613vnU-00001-00001202-00001723 아오이 소라 블로그 wMOL2613vnU-00002-00001739-00002305 DJ NON, 아오이 소라. wMOL2613vnU-00003-00002322-00002843 아오이 소라 블로그 wMOL2613vnU-00004-00002860-00003490 [매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 인턴기자] wMOL2613vnU-00005-00003508-00004359 아오이 소라(34)가 블로그를 통해 결혼 사실을 밝혀 한국에서도 화제다. wMOL2613vnU-00006-00004376-00005150 일본의 AV(Adult Video) 출신 배우 아오이 소라는 wMOL2613vnU-00007-00005168-00005942 지난 1일 자신의 블로그에 '저를 응원해주시는 여러분께'라는 wMOL2613vnU-00008-00005959-00006491 제목의 글을 공개했다. wMOL2613vnU-00009-00006509-00007283 공개된 글에는 '저, 아오이 소라는 DJ NON 씨와 결혼한 wMOL2613vnU-00010-00007300-00008073 것을 알립니다'라며 '솔직히 이렇게 발표하는 것을 망설였지만 wMOL2613vnU-00011-00008092-00008855 소속사와도 여러번 논의하고 발표하게 됐다'라고 결혼 발표의 wMOL2613vnU-00012-00008872-00009371 경위를 설명했다. wMOL2613vnU-00013-00009389-00010185 아오이 소라는 남편인 DJ NON에 대해서 '그는 미남도 아니고 wMOL2613vnU-00014-00010202-00010965 돈도 없지만, (아오이 소라가) 성인배우를 했다는 사실이나 wMOL2613vnU-00015-00010983-00011790 그외의 저의 모든 불안을 한번에 없애주는 사람이다'라고 소개했다. wMOL2613vnU-00016-00011807-00012493 이어 '성인배우를 한 것에 대해 후회는 없다. wMOL2613vnU-00017-00012510-00013284 그러나 세간의 시선에 대해 꺼림칙한 마음이 없는것은 아니다. wMOL2613vnU-00018-00013301-00014063 가족이 된다는 것은, 그런 과거나 앞으로 미래의 모든 것을 wMOL2613vnU-00019-00014082-00014636 받아줘야 한다고 생각한다. wMOL2613vnU-00020-00014653-00015438 그래서 '나를 받아준다니 엄청난 사람이구나'라고 생각했다'라고 wMOL2613vnU-00021-00015456-00016076 남편과 결혼을 결심한 이유를 밝혔다. wMOL2613vnU-00022-00016093-00016823 마지막으로 아오이소라는 '나 아오이 소라는 결혼했다. wMOL2613vnU-00023-00016840-00017647 하지만 나는 변하지 않는다. 나는 아직 나이고, 여러분을 사랑하는 wMOL2613vnU-00024-00017665-00018153 아오이 소라다. wMOL2613vnU-00025-00018170-00018845 앞으로도 잘 부탁드린다'고 덧붙이기도 했다. wMOL2613vnU-00026-00018862-00019559 아오이 소라는 이날 글과 함께 사진을 공개했다. wMOL2613vnU-00027-00019576-00020350 공개된 사진에는 아오이 소라가 남편과 술을 마시며 즐거워하는 wMOL2613vnU-00028-00020368-00020856 모습이 담겼다. wMOL2613vnU-00029-00020873-00021691 한편, 아오이 소라는 일본의 유명 성인 배우로 국내에서도 유명하다. wMOL2613vnU-00030-00021708-00022471 성인 배우에서 은퇴를 선언한 후 2010년 중국으로 건너가 wMOL2613vnU-00031-00022489-00023120 가수로 데뷔해 활발한 활동을 이어왔다. wMOL2613vnU-00032-00023137-00023900 아오이 소라의 남편으로 알려진 DJ NON은 DJ뿐 아니라 wMOL2613vnU-00033-00023918-00024692 여러 음반에 참여하며 디렉터, 편곡자 등으로 활동하고 있다. wMOL2613vnU-00034-00024709-00025494 [ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] wQAwJSSiMlc-00000-00000456-00000836 [Applause] oh you're gonna love this help me give a big old Springfield size welcome wQAwJSSiMlc-00001-00000836-00001216 to stars of Hocus Pocus we'll begin with Amanda Shepherd come on down wQAwJSSiMlc-00002-00001216-00003058 I don't like Rob buddy there hello and let's bring up Larry back me come on up to the stage wQAwJSSiMlc-00003-00003058-00003592 and Alaska certainly not least an icon in the business please help me welcome Doug Jones wQAwJSSiMlc-00004-00003592-00004857 do the same wQAwJSSiMlc-00005-00004857-00006443 thank you guys so much for being here the way this is going to work this is a q a you wQAwJSSiMlc-00006-00006443-00007365 guys are the cues they are the eighties is that the first time you've heard that so what wQAwJSSiMlc-00007-00007365-00007973 I will do because of our immaculous situation I will come right down here to the front in wQAwJSSiMlc-00008-00007973-00008104 that little space right there uh you can line up in the middle aisle and we will get through wQAwJSSiMlc-00009-00008104-00009467 as many questions as we can in the short time that we have together we will probably not wQAwJSSiMlc-00010-00009467-00010243 get through every question that's my fault I'm the bad guy that has to keep us on track wQAwJSSiMlc-00011-00010243-00011015 so uh any questions you have afterwards or if you want autographs photos all that can wQAwJSSiMlc-00012-00011015-00012670 be taken care of downstairs at their tables I'll be here today and tomorrow as well okay wQAwJSSiMlc-00015-00032910-00035693 to be the first up because I can do it but I want to give you guys the opportunity to wQAwJSSiMlc-00016-00035693-00038316 ask these questions come on up [Music] hello tell us your name your name is Lily Lily you wQAwJSSiMlc-00017-00038316-00041078 have a question we're going to ask in just a minute Lily what's your favorite color green wQAwJSSiMlc-00018-00041078-00043969 Lily what's your favorite breakfast food toast Lily likes green toast all right Lily ask wQAwJSSiMlc-00020-00047122-00048674 so makeups are deceivingly short for me believe it or not for suru for instance on Star Trek wQAwJSSiMlc-00021-00048674-00049363 Discovery is what she's referring to for them wQAwJSSiMlc-00022-00049363-00051364 uh the pieces that go on to me are made weeks ahead of time so the sculpting the painting wQAwJSSiMlc-00024-00055962-00057680 so that takes three hours I'm sorry no I've been down to two hours a day your surreal wQAwJSSiMlc-00026-00062467-00063405 lenses for things wQAwJSSiMlc-00027-00063405-00064970 it's also about two hours wQAwJSSiMlc-00030-00072518-00074682 was trying to get this team downstairs but I forgot um wQAwJSSiMlc-00031-00074682-00074952 [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00032-00074952-00076196 and so this is made this itself it's not spelled right right um wQAwJSSiMlc-00034-00079347-00081613 I think if I if I ever pictures my wQAwJSSiMlc-00035-00081613-00081988 thank you thank you for this wQAwJSSiMlc-00036-00081988-00082231 one and um wQAwJSSiMlc-00037-00082231-00082340 [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00038-00082340-00084953 and I get I get emotionally attached to all the projects and characters that I play so wQAwJSSiMlc-00039-00084953-00085221 over a 36-year career so far that's a lot so it's hard to go on be romantic in me is wQAwJSSiMlc-00046-00109654-00110591 awesome also known as date night [Music] um you know I hope your focus has on memories wQAwJSSiMlc-00049-00123565-00124615 working on the film and I became his Guardian believe it or not because his mom wanted to wQAwJSSiMlc-00050-00124615-00126327 sign off so he didn't have to drive she didn't have to drive in the city uh smokers folks wQAwJSSiMlc-00051-00126327-00128734 and it also brings back I mean just the memories that we keep bringing up here looking back wQAwJSSiMlc-00052-00128734-00129857 and I have footage of when we were shooting and I and I I reflected and really one of wQAwJSSiMlc-00053-00129857-00130594 the most fun opportunities that I had to to that date good question thank you all right wQAwJSSiMlc-00062-00177084-00178076 these brilliant actresses are doing their thing and we're getting poked by well I got wQAwJSSiMlc-00063-00178076-00179960 poked by Sarah Sanderson I'll tell you what changed my life it's kind of kind of messing wQAwJSSiMlc-00064-00179960-00180060 that you brought me up a little bit too that's it wQAwJSSiMlc-00065-00180060-00180160 [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00066-00180160-00182116 I would have to say this is actually offset but on the wages out um Kathy Genie would wQAwJSSiMlc-00069-00195425-00198317 yes I was I was seven years old so she could pick me up and carry me yeah yeah for me it wQAwJSSiMlc-00070-00198317-00198600 would be uh you know who else is in the movie right bet freaking Midler okay I have been wQAwJSSiMlc-00071-00198600-00198854 a huge fan of hers for years before this uh her recording career her stage career her wQAwJSSiMlc-00072-00198854-00199095 films she done a string of Disney Touchstone comedies before that inside my away your boyfriend wQAwJSSiMlc-00073-00199095-00200122 that's so during my first night of work was this far away from her base uh and she was wQAwJSSiMlc-00074-00200122-00200679 yelling at me with no eyebrows and buck teeth and I was like wQAwJSSiMlc-00075-00200679-00201026 so but uh yeah that was just it anything any kind of banter with her and later in the movie wQAwJSSiMlc-00076-00201026-00201126 Shoot when we were filming the um the party scene with the party scene where she got up wQAwJSSiMlc-00078-00204956-00207878 scene between takes we had a quick little conversation and I asked her how her weekend wQAwJSSiMlc-00082-00231219-00233121 Sam Sam what's your question so this is my first specifically done kind of um you've wQAwJSSiMlc-00083-00233121-00235494 done a lot of cosmetic roles and I was wondering which role kind of took the longest to get wQAwJSSiMlc-00084-00235494-00236272 ready for uh the longest one was another fish savior to Hell by herpes and in Hellboy One wQAwJSSiMlc-00085-00236272-00236372 they didn't they streamlined the process a little bit for Hellboy 2 but in the first wQAwJSSiMlc-00086-00236372-00236472 movie when you saw me with just shorts on it wasn't kind of hot and half naked that wQAwJSSiMlc-00087-00236472-00236572 was a lot of blue fish guy to cover right so a lot 12 prosthetic pieces from head to wQAwJSSiMlc-00088-00236572-00236672 toe and airbrushing on shaped skin it was a process and that took seven hours a day wQAwJSSiMlc-00089-00236672-00236772 and a full day of work before you go to work basically right thank you thank you good question wQAwJSSiMlc-00090-00236772-00237203 hey your makeup's great by the way yes hello what's your name I'm chairman and as Hocus wQAwJSSiMlc-00091-00237203-00237741 Pocus is just about a yearly watch for me in a year was there any kind of like funny wQAwJSSiMlc-00092-00237741-00238476 little accidents on set kind of like not like a big one but there's like a funny little wQAwJSSiMlc-00093-00238476-00238894 someone's tripped over a wire and you know a plug you know wQAwJSSiMlc-00094-00238894-00239348 I have money so I think to ruin the movie for you all wQAwJSSiMlc-00095-00239348-00239754 but when I was sitting in the chair you know that one season open or one of the two scenes wQAwJSSiMlc-00096-00239754-00240136 uh I'm I actually had to use the restroom and I didn't want to say anything because wQAwJSSiMlc-00097-00240136-00240519 I was too shy and intimidated by all these legendary women and I started kicking my leg wQAwJSSiMlc-00098-00240519-00241444 as a dead girl after all as a dead girl so go ahead and watch it again I'm sorry to ruined wQAwJSSiMlc-00099-00241444-00242171 it for you guys but that's the truth wQAwJSSiMlc-00101-00245298-00245523 to the kids and I go and I yawn and flop back into my grave the first take didn't go so wQAwJSSiMlc-00102-00245523-00247746 well now because there was chunks of wood from my broken coffin that were laying around wQAwJSSiMlc-00103-00247746-00249198 the edge and I went and sent a piece of wood flying in the air in splinters one fell into wQAwJSSiMlc-00104-00249198-00249644 my eye so I come up back out of the Grave going after I just get on your board so the wQAwJSSiMlc-00105-00249644-00249744 nurse had to come and flush my eye out real quick and we got back the take two was a good wQAwJSSiMlc-00106-00249744-00249844 one yeah wQAwJSSiMlc-00107-00249844-00250669 um for me that there was kind of a thing that that happened when uh we were filming The wQAwJSSiMlc-00108-00250669-00252373 Witches were doing their thing and we were waiting to be put up in the cages and we couldn't wQAwJSSiMlc-00109-00252373-00252727 wait but we did and uh so I had a video camera on set like I would mention I and I didn't wQAwJSSiMlc-00110-00252727-00252827 know that I it wasn't okay to film whether shooting weather shooting it um so I'm filming wQAwJSSiMlc-00111-00252827-00252927 [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00112-00252927-00253027 pointing into my camera and I'm just like Tobias describes it did I just like like stumbled wQAwJSSiMlc-00113-00253027-00253127 and all of a sudden I'm like shaking and then Kenny called cut and said wait what is going wQAwJSSiMlc-00114-00253127-00253227 on with the bed's like who is this you know why are they filming in here this is before wQAwJSSiMlc-00115-00253227-00256181 the days of cell phones if you could discreetly do this yeah wQAwJSSiMlc-00117-00260076-00260516 will release but maybe this year the 30th we'll see but yeah that was a little scary wQAwJSSiMlc-00118-00260516-00260616 and the kind of mishap shoot kindness maybe not as nice after that good question thank wQAwJSSiMlc-00119-00260616-00262023 you hi come on oh my name is sorry um so what's your name wQAwJSSiMlc-00120-00262023-00263424 morally ambiguous characters like curse I've ever seen in my life which one do you say wQAwJSSiMlc-00121-00263424-00263524 you would like relate to most in your heart where does your moral ambiguity lie that's wQAwJSSiMlc-00122-00263524-00263624 what she says first of all I was young I needed the money wQAwJSSiMlc-00123-00263624-00263724 but uh honestly the one you're dressed up as right now which is a great cosplay by the wQAwJSSiMlc-00124-00263724-00263824 way Billy butcherson in here yeah so it's great um I I connected with Billy's goofiness wQAwJSSiMlc-00125-00263824-00264021 and uh and his his desire to go back to sleep hard to love napping wQAwJSSiMlc-00126-00264021-00264230 [Music] I have a great fun time playing is the morally ambiguous Baron Athens from what wQAwJSSiMlc-00127-00264230-00264493 we do in the shadows yeah yeah he's uh he's a good off the charts and uh so he's it's wQAwJSSiMlc-00128-00264493-00264755 fun to play in that Arena and then get it out of my system before I go home you know wQAwJSSiMlc-00129-00264755-00264859 what I mean yeah thank you so much wQAwJSSiMlc-00130-00264859-00265082 take your take your stuffed animal with you Jim hi what's your name I'm Siobhan and this wQAwJSSiMlc-00131-00265082-00265262 is just for any of y'all who want to answer I'm just wondering what your favorite character wQAwJSSiMlc-00132-00265262-00265429 you've played as well just like that all of your career yeah favorite character we played wQAwJSSiMlc-00133-00265429-00267902 the lyrics for YouTube favorite character you've ever played what one of my favorite wQAwJSSiMlc-00135-00271428-00271935 to be I mean even got to know before he passed away was Marshall Grant and um I guess what wQAwJSSiMlc-00136-00271935-00272393 makes that that character like kind of full circle is I met him after we made the movie wQAwJSSiMlc-00137-00272393-00272850 and then we got to hang out a few times and he told the stories firsthand about Johnny wQAwJSSiMlc-00138-00272850-00273306 Cash and Elvis His buddy it was funny and I had a lot of interviewing with you know wQAwJSSiMlc-00139-00273306-00273714 I always played practice jokes here like hanging out with Elvis and all these great iconic wQAwJSSiMlc-00140-00273714-00274171 you know Stars at the time they didn't know they were but I had the opportunity to attend wQAwJSSiMlc-00141-00274171-00274628 an event in Arkansas or guys where Johnny Johnny Cash lived as a child in his home and wQAwJSSiMlc-00142-00274628-00275008 uh they were trying to raise money into college so Kris Kristofferson George Jones Marshall wQAwJSSiMlc-00143-00275008-00275516 Grant shows up and he hung out we all hung out in the hotel lobby that night and we went wQAwJSSiMlc-00144-00275516-00276050 to bed and never woke up and not to be breaking down but I was able to go to the hospital wQAwJSSiMlc-00145-00276050-00276582 he had gone into a diabetic coma and it was the end of his life but I was able to hold wQAwJSSiMlc-00146-00276582-00277116 his hand and then as I was flying away back home uh I I just knew he had passed and and wQAwJSSiMlc-00147-00277116-00277675 he and he did but I got to kind of see the whole life and then also be with him you know wQAwJSSiMlc-00148-00277675-00278131 at his uh his last time on Earth you know so that was that was pretty special pretty wQAwJSSiMlc-00149-00278131-00278461 full circle it's a tough act I got I gotta do something here wQAwJSSiMlc-00150-00278461-00278919 so I always generally always casted as being the mean girl um but as far as my favorite wQAwJSSiMlc-00151-00278919-00279477 um it wasn't a show because it was a show I was on um it was actually a play and I never wQAwJSSiMlc-00152-00279477-00279984 did any theater but I did one I did one a theater debut and it was called the real queen wQAwJSSiMlc-00153-00279984-00280442 of hearts ain't even pretty and I played the real queen of hearts and um she's you know wQAwJSSiMlc-00154-00280442-00280950 supposed to be a beauty queen but I was extremely mean and I didn't know that I could play mean wQAwJSSiMlc-00155-00280950-00281272 until I was done playing that role and I got off stage and everyone came up to me and said wQAwJSSiMlc-00156-00281272-00281372 I feel really happening I was scared of you and I thought oh I think I like that wQAwJSSiMlc-00157-00281372-00281472 so yeah it's good again having it's tough to pick a favorite character because they're wQAwJSSiMlc-00158-00281472-00281572 all become like kids to me yeah all my children and to say to pick one with I don't want it wQAwJSSiMlc-00159-00281572-00281672 like negate the others but ah so I love all them for different reasons I've invested so wQAwJSSiMlc-00160-00281672-00281772 much for myself in each character even the bad guys I I have to love them for one reason wQAwJSSiMlc-00161-00281772-00281872 or another to play them correctly so I've been to the amphibian men from the shape of wQAwJSSiMlc-00162-00281872-00281972 water because of the romance and it was the finest ass I've ever worn that was good uh wQAwJSSiMlc-00163-00281972-00282072 I also love heroic stoicism of the soldier Surfer when I got to play in The Fantastic wQAwJSSiMlc-00164-00282072-00282172 Four sequel um I loved the intellect of am Sabian and his his calming effect on the vprd wQAwJSSiMlc-00165-00282172-00282272 team I love the goofiness of Billy Richardson from hopeless Focus I love these sheer just wQAwJSSiMlc-00166-00282272-00282372 like in your face comedy of what we do in the shadows and the bearing happiness Star wQAwJSSiMlc-00167-00282372-00282472 Trek discovery of course Surrey was the character I gotten to know the best because I played wQAwJSSiMlc-00168-00282472-00282572 him for the longest now we've just finished season five so surreal has been on a journey wQAwJSSiMlc-00169-00282572-00282672 with me and I've learned some things from him he uh his species of kelpins are based wQAwJSSiMlc-00170-00282672-00282772 in fear they're born into a fearful situation they're prey on their on their own Planet wQAwJSSiMlc-00171-00282772-00282872 so who lives with fear all of his life so it's like he overcame that and he found a wQAwJSSiMlc-00172-00282872-00282972 way to join stars and and satisfy the sensitivity by getting over his fear which is a lot there's wQAwJSSiMlc-00173-00282972-00283072 a life lesson in there for me personally because I have anxiety and then like right now it's wQAwJSSiMlc-00174-00283072-00283172 like I'm terrified by the way thank you very much um Journey he goes through a physical wQAwJSSiMlc-00175-00283172-00283443 metamorphosis awareness directly in the uh fall out and even the parent feels to do this wQAwJSSiMlc-00176-00283443-00283794 period called the harai where I think it's like his adolescence and the applicant's a wQAwJSSiMlc-00177-00283794-00283935 full-fledged adult kelpium with no fear so that was a complete change of character for wQAwJSSiMlc-00178-00283935-00284035 me like I based everything about him in this under undercurrent of fear that's gone now wQAwJSSiMlc-00179-00284035-00284135 so I'm like another life lesson for Doug Jones wait a second our circumstances are still wQAwJSSiMlc-00180-00284135-00284235 going to be what they are how we respond to them makes all the difference so I've learned wQAwJSSiMlc-00181-00284235-00284335 a lot from through so that you know they're all favorites for different reasons thank wQAwJSSiMlc-00182-00284335-00284435 you good question thank you hi what's your name hi Rebecca what's your question um the wQAwJSSiMlc-00183-00284435-00284535 question is about Shadows so from Doug Jones I wanted to know more about what it was like wQAwJSSiMlc-00184-00284535-00284635 getting to do all the crazy stuff that Baron does especially driving in that little pink wQAwJSSiMlc-00185-00284635-00284735 car [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00186-00284735-00284835 and I'm a recurring guest and then a couple episodes every season uh they thought I was wQAwJSSiMlc-00187-00284835-00284935 dead I got burned by the Sun they buried me in the backyard I wasn't all the way dead wQAwJSSiMlc-00188-00284935-00285035 so my body broke in half in the process two seasons later they dig me up out of the backyard wQAwJSSiMlc-00189-00285035-00285135 now I'm a charred half body with no way so that so to get around in that episode they wQAwJSSiMlc-00190-00285135-00285235 put me on the back of a dog called the hellhound and so I wrote him like a pony and I also wQAwJSSiMlc-00191-00285235-00285335 was in like a Barbie car like a Home Depot type of a store driving around with one one wQAwJSSiMlc-00192-00285335-00285435 my one good arm to us so it was a hilarious fun for me I had to learn how to actually wQAwJSSiMlc-00193-00285435-00285535 drive that thing with my feet it was a long process but uh but I know the baron has been wQAwJSSiMlc-00194-00285535-00285635 so so fun and what I love about what we do in the shadows too because it's such a funny wQAwJSSiMlc-00195-00285635-00285735 um off the cuff show it was much like the office of vampires right yeah so that handheld wQAwJSSiMlc-00196-00285735-00285835 reality style filming where they're catching real life happening with these Phantom fires wQAwJSSiMlc-00197-00285835-00285935 you know real life uh but we do we do a few things as scripted and the scripts are brilliantly wQAwJSSiMlc-00198-00285935-00286035 hilarious then they give us a couple takes they call the Fun Run where we get to go as wQAwJSSiMlc-00199-00286035-00286135 far off strip as we want to and that's where a lot of comedic gems come out because these wQAwJSSiMlc-00200-00286135-00286235 the cast is they're all hilariously funny people so now that they know that that's coming wQAwJSSiMlc-00201-00286235-00286335 they'll pre-plan their bits they want to do during the Fun Run and it's like other lunacy wQAwJSSiMlc-00202-00286335-00286435 on set thank you thank you good question hey bud what's your name uh was this is on Medicaid wQAwJSSiMlc-00203-00286435-00286535 [Music] how was your experience running an aide in Hellboy it was so artistically and wQAwJSSiMlc-00204-00286535-00286635 creative and satisfying and physically wQAwJSSiMlc-00205-00286635-00286735 so much I was you know with my own little slice of Hell Boy it was again the makeup wQAwJSSiMlc-00206-00286735-00286835 process was long enough right and then to perform in it all today and I I couldn't see wQAwJSSiMlc-00207-00286835-00286935 very well Abe savings eyes around here they're these big beautiful blue line iridescent eye wQAwJSSiMlc-00208-00286935-00287035 and [__] fish eyes I was looking through his tear ducts tiny little you know triangle wQAwJSSiMlc-00209-00287035-00287135 here this is all I can see all day long right so I have no peripheral vision so that means wQAwJSSiMlc-00210-00287135-00287235 that walking around it's like I had to do this to the room to find out okay everything wQAwJSSiMlc-00211-00287235-00287335 is and now I say hey there okay good got it got it it's like a map all that out before wQAwJSSiMlc-00212-00287335-00287435 we film the scene and my I can't tell a story yes uh Hellboy won the first movie we're walking wQAwJSSiMlc-00213-00287435-00287535 down a really long Corridor and then we make a left turn to walk down another long Corridor wQAwJSSiMlc-00214-00287535-00287635 we had to stop at one point and look up a staircase and the professor broom was on the wQAwJSSiMlc-00215-00287635-00287735 staircase and Hellboy says father okay so this whole long walk and talk with the vprg wQAwJSSiMlc-00216-00287735-00287835 agents that are briefing us on the thing for a while it's Amazon wQAwJSSiMlc-00217-00287835-00287935 so I had to I couldn't see anything so I had Ron Perlman here next to me Hellboy uh to wQAwJSSiMlc-00218-00287935-00288035 kind of figure out where his shoulder was if I started like this he's there we're going wQAwJSSiMlc-00219-00288035-00288135 the right direction so we go right so take one uh we're doing great walking down this wQAwJSSiMlc-00220-00288135-00288235 long Corridor and I have the steps sort of felt out I knew when it was time to turn return wQAwJSSiMlc-00221-00288235-00288335 and it's going great and then I had enough steps measured that I knew when we were going wQAwJSSiMlc-00222-00288335-00288435 to stop but I had it wrong so we're walking I run into Ron's shoulder he's already stopped wQAwJSSiMlc-00223-00288435-00288535 and turned this way so now I'm like okay I didn't know exactly which way do I call confused wQAwJSSiMlc-00224-00288535-00288635 now so I couldn't put my command on on Ron's back to find out what direction this back wQAwJSSiMlc-00225-00288635-00288735 was so I kind of figured it out okay [Music] Guillermo del Toro our director yells Doug wQAwJSSiMlc-00226-00288735-00288835 Jones can we take another one of those without you feeling up wrong's ass [Music] the camera wQAwJSSiMlc-00227-00288835-00288935 was back there looking this way and I'm going and I was trying to keep my hand low so that wQAwJSSiMlc-00228-00288935-00289035 it wouldn't be so obvious but I didn't realize he's wearing a long leather coat I couldn't wQAwJSSiMlc-00229-00289035-00289135 feel it I've never seen my thoughts anyway so we got a bite on the second I do a lot wQAwJSSiMlc-00230-00289135-00289235 of good work in my take Tunes questions hi what's your name um what's your least favorite wQAwJSSiMlc-00231-00289235-00289335 dinner food at least favorite what least favorite dinner food like entree is that what you're wQAwJSSiMlc-00232-00289335-00289435 saying and entrees [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00233-00289435-00289535 foreign wQAwJSSiMlc-00234-00289535-00289635 [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00235-00289635-00289735 [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00236-00289735-00289835 I'm not crazy about uh no I like it all wQAwJSSiMlc-00237-00289835-00289935 and me it would be um oh I I don't think well with the raw the raw texture I love cooked wQAwJSSiMlc-00238-00289935-00290035 fish I could eat that all day I just had salmon last night but if it's raw like I can't I wQAwJSSiMlc-00239-00290035-00290135 can't but one good question thank you for throwing this off here what what is your least wQAwJSSiMlc-00240-00290135-00290235 favorite dinner food sushi wQAwJSSiMlc-00241-00290235-00290335 all right what's your name wQAwJSSiMlc-00242-00290335-00290435 um wQAwJSSiMlc-00243-00290435-00290535 why did you join the Hocus Pocus movie wQAwJSSiMlc-00244-00290535-00290635 was it a choice wQAwJSSiMlc-00245-00290635-00290735 I I was I was honored to be a part of it and to be picked honestly so I was just extremely wQAwJSSiMlc-00246-00290735-00290835 extremely thankful to be a part of it and to be a part of Canada and take as production wQAwJSSiMlc-00247-00290835-00290935 very thankful [Music] I did that because I was young and I needed the money so no it wQAwJSSiMlc-00248-00290935-00291035 was an honor like to get even an audition for something like this the process was it wQAwJSSiMlc-00249-00291035-00291135 took a little while like the first job issue to the Callback was probably two to three wQAwJSSiMlc-00250-00291135-00291235 weeks and then uh when it happened it was like it was amazing so we we feel I know we wQAwJSSiMlc-00251-00291235-00291335 all feel lucky to have been a part of it because we're still talking about it and we're sharing wQAwJSSiMlc-00252-00291335-00291435 it with you guys so thank you yeah and I I think uh for me you know of course we're young wQAwJSSiMlc-00253-00291435-00291535 actors uh uh you get a job you take the job because it pays right so that's reason number wQAwJSSiMlc-00254-00291535-00291635 one but I was faced with a character that was a zombie the four zombies were cool and wQAwJSSiMlc-00255-00291635-00291735 the only zombies I'd ever seen on film before were scary and like brain eating zombies here wQAwJSSiMlc-00256-00291735-00291835 was one that was doing being funny and just wanted to go back to sleep right that was wQAwJSSiMlc-00257-00291835-00291935 uh that that hurts me and the other thing that took me was did I mention Bette Midler wQAwJSSiMlc-00258-00291935-00292035 was in this field again yeah yeah so we had our reasons good question thank you wQAwJSSiMlc-00259-00292035-00292135 all right everyone I'll get out of your way all right what's your name what's that uh wQAwJSSiMlc-00260-00292135-00292235 this question is more for you Doug um I understand that the makeup process is very brutal you wQAwJSSiMlc-00261-00292235-00292335 end up in some very tight new costumes and Prosthetics and you've mentioned the long wQAwJSSiMlc-00262-00292335-00292435 hours my question is what do you find helps you get through that process uh being a very wQAwJSSiMlc-00263-00292435-00292535 boring person helps me a lot and I mean that sincerely I I most people in the room would wQAwJSSiMlc-00264-00292535-00292635 want to know like oh I have to be doing something all the time so how can you sit still and wQAwJSSiMlc-00265-00292635-00292735 do nothing for hours at a time and I'm like I get to sit still and do nothing for hours wQAwJSSiMlc-00266-00292735-00292835 at a time and sign me up so that's the right personality type for it I blank out and spirit wQAwJSSiMlc-00267-00292835-00292935 walls really easily and I'm happy with my own thoughts but also the Bandit that goes wQAwJSSiMlc-00268-00292935-00293035 back and forth with makeup artist the creature effects makeup artists are the most zany creative wQAwJSSiMlc-00269-00293035-00293135 dark-human evil I've ever met and I love them dearly yeah so we get along so well we also wQAwJSSiMlc-00270-00293135-00293235 will play lots of music uh I might request a lot of Whitney Houston no she was she was wQAwJSSiMlc-00271-00293235-00293335 the queen of the day come on now and I also love if they have a laptop with some YouTube wQAwJSSiMlc-00272-00293335-00293435 on it let's watch some talking cat videos right right yeah it always passes the time wQAwJSSiMlc-00273-00293435-00293535 thank you so much good question thank you all right come on what is your name what is wQAwJSSiMlc-00274-00293535-00293635 your favorite cookie oh favorite coach's favorite cookie oh wQAwJSSiMlc-00275-00293635-00293735 yeah chocolate chip cookies uh peanut butter involved that's fine [Music] that's fine wQAwJSSiMlc-00276-00293735-00293835 okay okay while she's thinking um I actually they look like chocolate chip cookies and wQAwJSSiMlc-00277-00293835-00293935 you'll be deceived by them but they're the oatmeal raisin come on now come on now especially wQAwJSSiMlc-00278-00293935-00294035 when they're warm the raisins are still plump come on right this is the top one for me I'm wQAwJSSiMlc-00279-00294035-00294135 trying to think of the name you guys help me it's cookie that um in a circular along wQAwJSSiMlc-00280-00294135-00294235 with shape and it has chocolate in the middle yes wQAwJSSiMlc-00281-00294235-00294335 yes wQAwJSSiMlc-00282-00294335-00294435 hi what's your name wQAwJSSiMlc-00283-00294435-00294535 um so mattress because I'm sorry um nobody's mentioned experience with Pan's lab and that wQAwJSSiMlc-00284-00294535-00294635 is one of my personal favorite movies I'm wondering how difficult Not only was it to wQAwJSSiMlc-00285-00294635-00294735 see with the mailman but also as the fun and walking around it right uh Pan's Labyrinth wQAwJSSiMlc-00286-00294735-00294835 was another film another film in my life it's right up there with the shape of water and wQAwJSSiMlc-00287-00294835-00294935 it's like happy satisfying artistic memories for me and both of those movies ended up in wQAwJSSiMlc-00288-00294935-00295035 the Oscar with multiple nominations right so I picked the good ones but uh with Clan's wQAwJSSiMlc-00289-00295035-00295135 Labyrinth uh the the difficulty factors the bar was really high because uh not only did wQAwJSSiMlc-00290-00295135-00295235 uh did I have a five hour makeup application and and before the Fawn character and The wQAwJSSiMlc-00291-00295235-00295335 Pale Man was six hours a day uh he was more glued on to me and the bomb had some soup wQAwJSSiMlc-00292-00295335-00295435 where you just slide and zip up and glue on other pieces but the Fawn also had mechanics wQAwJSSiMlc-00293-00295435-00295535 built into the head and so the eyebrows the eyelids and the the ear flapping was all puppeteered wQAwJSSiMlc-00294-00295535-00295635 and mechanized so I had Motors in my bed going wQAwJSSiMlc-00295-00295635-00295735 the entire time I was on camera so if I'm having dialogue back and forth with Ivana wQAwJSSiMlc-00296-00295735-00295835 Vaccaro who's 11 years old at the time and very soft smoking I'm like wQAwJSSiMlc-00297-00295835-00295935 so I had to kind of like get the pacing of the scene down so I knew when when it was wQAwJSSiMlc-00298-00295935-00296035 my turn again you know uh on top of that the entire thing was in Spanish my language that wQAwJSSiMlc-00299-00296035-00296135 he doesn't know how to speak so I learned the language of the film foreign this movie wQAwJSSiMlc-00300-00296135-00296235 memorizing dialogue in the paragraphs of exposition dialogue also very important for me to tell wQAwJSSiMlc-00301-00296235-00296335 her who she was where she came from what how she needs to get back there save the world wQAwJSSiMlc-00302-00296335-00296435 save the underworld all in Spanish right so that so physically very demanding mental very wQAwJSSiMlc-00303-00296435-00296535 demanding and it took its hole but in the end it's like ah you know when you watch a wQAwJSSiMlc-00304-00296535-00296635 piece of art like that that's immortalized and it's going to be on the shelf forever wQAwJSSiMlc-00305-00296635-00296735 and ever it's like okay that's why you made the sacrifice at the time yeah great makeup wQAwJSSiMlc-00306-00296735-00296835 job on you by the way it's gorgeous and thank you what's your name my name is Liz and I wQAwJSSiMlc-00307-00296835-00296935 have a question for three of you [Music] we've all filmed and commercials and everything wQAwJSSiMlc-00308-00296935-00297035 that y'all have done who is your favorite actor or actress to have ever worked with wQAwJSSiMlc-00309-00297035-00297135 [Music] um [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00310-00297135-00297235 I can give you some time uh [Music] uh watching Phoenix for me something else pretty cool wQAwJSSiMlc-00311-00297235-00297335 yeah I have a couple favorites for different reasons um uh Brendan Fraser uh he's now getting wQAwJSSiMlc-00312-00297335-00297435 a lot of uh wow a lot of oscars advice for his uh role in the whale long before that wQAwJSSiMlc-00313-00297435-00297535 back in 1998 I think we did a movie called The Monkey bone yay thank you so he goes his wQAwJSSiMlc-00314-00297535-00297635 character falls into a coma and he goes off to this coma fantasy land where a bunch of wQAwJSSiMlc-00315-00297635-00297735 Critters are living I was one of them I was the the big white for blue nose uh Yeti but wQAwJSSiMlc-00316-00297735-00297835 anyway off camera to Banta with him he is he's a golden retriever he loves playing the wQAwJSSiMlc-00317-00297835-00297935 sticks on the beach and that's what Hollywood is in there when I love him for that yeah wQAwJSSiMlc-00318-00297935-00298035 but other than that did I mention that freaking Midler okay wQAwJSSiMlc-00319-00298035-00298135 okay wQAwJSSiMlc-00320-00298135-00298235 um wQAwJSSiMlc-00321-00298235-00298335 why did I get into this crazy business wQAwJSSiMlc-00322-00298335-00298435 [Applause] wQAwJSSiMlc-00323-00298435-00298535 oh good follow-up questions this helps um always loved uh back to the teacher that was wQAwJSSiMlc-00324-00298535-00298635 just one of those films for me like Star Wars obviously but what I guess kind of like sparked wQAwJSSiMlc-00325-00298635-00298735 my interest was when I was in fifth grade I played I got to play The Wizard and The wQAwJSSiMlc-00326-00298735-00298835 Wizard of Oz and I was you know uh I got to sing and I got to act and I got this thing wQAwJSSiMlc-00327-00298835-00298935 once I wasn't man who worked in the circus and I lived in Omaha Omaha okay and um I just wQAwJSSiMlc-00328-00298935-00299035 remember that feeling when you clapping and they thought I was funny man like oh oh I wQAwJSSiMlc-00329-00299035-00299135 think I've discovered something here so there's a little bit of attention that I wasn't used wQAwJSSiMlc-00330-00299135-00299235 to getting uh here I am still still looking for it so wQAwJSSiMlc-00331-00299235-00299335 um wow I hadn't gotten that question before I really love it um I was actually around wQAwJSSiMlc-00332-00299335-00299435 three years old and I don't know if you guys remember um the movie it was a show called wQAwJSSiMlc-00333-00299435-00299535 Quantum Leap wQAwJSSiMlc-00334-00299535-00299635 so I started watching that show with my dad before I watched that show I told my dad I wQAwJSSiMlc-00335-00299635-00299735 said I want to be an actress anytime huh he said what are you talking about I said I want wQAwJSSiMlc-00336-00299735-00299835 to do that and I pointed to the TV and he was like oh okay and then he just continued wQAwJSSiMlc-00337-00299835-00299935 watching the television but I just always knew at a young age it was I can't even pick wQAwJSSiMlc-00338-00299935-00300035 a particular show besides that show but I just knew I I just knew that's what I wanted wQAwJSSiMlc-00339-00300035-00300135 to do I really have no other explanation on that well I'm gonna bring in elements of their wQAwJSSiMlc-00340-00300135-00300235 answers as well but uh but growing up in Indiana much like Missouri yeah uh yeah you make my wQAwJSSiMlc-00341-00300235-00300335 students Are My People by the way thank you for being here today um but uh being a very wQAwJSSiMlc-00342-00300335-00300435 tall skinny movie long skinny neck uh boy who was very not coordinated so I couldn't wQAwJSSiMlc-00343-00300435-00300535 really play basketball it's a basketball state so I'm like okay I was made fun of alive so wQAwJSSiMlc-00344-00300535-00300635 I had to develop a sense of humor to overcome and control and when and why they were laughing wQAwJSSiMlc-00345-00300635-00300735 at me right and what inspired that sense of humor was watching Jerry Lewis movies watching wQAwJSSiMlc-00346-00300735-00300835 Danny K movies watching I Love Lucy Dick Van Dyke Gomer Pyle Gilligan's Island right the wQAwJSSiMlc-00347-00300835-00300935 Mary Tyler Moore Show The Carol Burnett Show oh my gosh right so I've seen goofy funny wQAwJSSiMlc-00348-00300935-00301035 people Don Knotts on Mayberry all right come on now he was my hero so I found solace and wQAwJSSiMlc-00349-00301035-00301135 Escape in watching them and like and I in the meantime Elizabeth also was an annual wQAwJSSiMlc-00350-00301135-00301235 watch for me uh and um the the idea of going off to a fantasy world and singing and having wQAwJSSiMlc-00351-00301235-00301335 musical numbers and everything works out okay in the end that's a life I wanted so that wQAwJSSiMlc-00352-00301335-00301435 I found that in film and television yeah hi what's your name I'm Christine just wanted wQAwJSSiMlc-00353-00301435-00301535 to say thank you for coming to Canada but uh I love you guys your focus focus my questions wQAwJSSiMlc-00354-00301535-00301635 really does with the mobs I read that they were real is that true we hope this focus wQAwJSSiMlc-00355-00301635-00301735 and I went through the most of the movie with my mouse sewing shot and at the end of the wQAwJSSiMlc-00356-00301735-00301835 community of the film I get a night from a little uh Max when I'm wrestling with them wQAwJSSiMlc-00357-00301835-00301935 and I cut my mouth open and cough out yes real dust and real mods for my real mouth wQAwJSSiMlc-00358-00301935-00302035 this is important thank you this is before CG is what it is now it was back in 1992-93 wQAwJSSiMlc-00359-00302035-00302135 we were filming so uh so one thing but it wasn't just mods in my mouth because if mods wQAwJSSiMlc-00360-00302135-00302235 get even a little bit moist like you love that word don't mean uh they don't fly they wQAwJSSiMlc-00361-00302235-00302335 have to be really super dry so to protect them from the moisture of my mouth we had wQAwJSSiMlc-00362-00302335-00302435 to put retainers in there with latex heat to keep them off of my wet tongue and and wQAwJSSiMlc-00363-00302435-00302535 that I was glad to have a barrier between them and me anyway you know and there was wQAwJSSiMlc-00364-00302535-00302635 also like a little cup and the top of this retainer that had been uh purified dust in wQAwJSSiMlc-00365-00302635-00302735 it so upon opening my mouth that threw out first and then these mods came floating out wQAwJSSiMlc-00366-00302735-00302835 uh but I tell my story it went wrong on the first take yeah so wQAwJSSiMlc-00367-00302835-00302935 uh the last thing that they would get the cameras rolling sound rolling everything going wQAwJSSiMlc-00368-00302935-00303035 and the last thing was to get those mods into my mouth and then attack glue my my stitches wQAwJSSiMlc-00369-00303035-00303135 back together again right because they were only three cuts and then top right the right wQAwJSSiMlc-00370-00303135-00303235 place and I could confidence things out well everything's rolling the camera's rolling wQAwJSSiMlc-00371-00303235-00303335 it sounds rolling the The Moth trainer he was a moth trainer I'm not kidding he came wQAwJSSiMlc-00372-00303335-00303435 with like cages and Nets and teasers so you would get them by the wings and kind of go wQAwJSSiMlc-00373-00303435-00303535 into my mouth so he's doing that they clamp down my snitches and we're about to set and wQAwJSSiMlc-00374-00303535-00303635 go and [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00375-00303635-00303735 I'm like wQAwJSSiMlc-00376-00303735-00303835 so while they're fixing the light I can feel the water table going because you know that's wQAwJSSiMlc-00377-00303835-00303935 an intruder in your mouth and your saliva glands are like you know process process all wQAwJSSiMlc-00378-00303935-00304035 right so I'm like oh this is this isn't gonna be pretty well today uh so they get that everything's wQAwJSSiMlc-00379-00304035-00304135 the lights fixed the camera's still rolling and [Music] this mud comes out of my mouth wQAwJSSiMlc-00380-00304135-00304235 with the dust in them and this moth is kind of going [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00381-00304235-00304335 but take two went really well and that's what you saw in the movie thank you thank you uh wQAwJSSiMlc-00382-00304335-00304435 let's try to get through as many as we can here so we're gonna lightning around this wQAwJSSiMlc-00383-00304435-00304535 thing quick questions quick answers here we go all right Larry the deal in Tobias just wQAwJSSiMlc-00384-00304535-00304635 like hit him off and just become famous no it took some time for us to get to really wQAwJSSiMlc-00385-00304635-00304735 yeah yeah it's really really chemistry was there and it still is you guys will catch wQAwJSSiMlc-00386-00304735-00304835 him one of these times and usually we just fight during these channels so it's a lot wQAwJSSiMlc-00387-00304835-00304935 of fun but yeah the chemistry was you know when you meet people and like anybody there's wQAwJSSiMlc-00388-00304935-00305035 a special love and bond and we've all been lucky enough to have that it feels like we're wQAwJSSiMlc-00389-00305035-00305135 coming back on that movie now nostalgic so yeah good question yeah he's he's great I wQAwJSSiMlc-00390-00305135-00305235 mean I'm just sorry he couldn't be here today because you love me good question all right wQAwJSSiMlc-00391-00305235-00305335 step on up [Music] did you ever think that this movie has not been making is going to wQAwJSSiMlc-00392-00305335-00305435 be a big pot did you really think that it was going to be as popular as it is that's wQAwJSSiMlc-00393-00305435-00305535 a yes and no while we were filming it we thought we have a hit on our hands right I'm gonna wQAwJSSiMlc-00394-00305535-00305635 be on lunch boxes you know this is how it's gonna go and then the moon came out in the wQAwJSSiMlc-00395-00305635-00305735 ears and did not do so well and it went away and we're like oh well I guess it was a flop wQAwJSSiMlc-00396-00305735-00305835 yeah uh but then here we are 30 years later and this is the 30th year anniversary this wQAwJSSiMlc-00397-00305835-00305935 year by the way uh and here we are celebrating it to this day and it's more popular than wQAwJSSiMlc-00398-00305935-00306035 it's ever been and hocus but by the way hope is focused too because of all of you was in wQAwJSSiMlc-00399-00306035-00306135 its first week on Disney plus it was the number one streaming movie of all time so thank you wQAwJSSiMlc-00400-00306135-00306235 so much for that question all right two more um hello uh if you are not in his career what wQAwJSSiMlc-00401-00306235-00306335 would you think [Music] cooked fish wQAwJSSiMlc-00402-00306335-00306435 man I don't know I don't have a lot of other lives I I think I would um wQAwJSSiMlc-00403-00306435-00306535 maybe like life insurance salesman uh that's what my dad did and he always kind of wanted wQAwJSSiMlc-00404-00306535-00306635 to give me in to the financial planning but I'm not like that I don't like numbers and wQAwJSSiMlc-00405-00306635-00306735 things uh so that's probably what I'd be doing but I'm glad I got to do some fun [Music] wQAwJSSiMlc-00406-00306735-00306835 wow [Applause] that's a lawyer I'll do it it's okay and that's it okay wQAwJSSiMlc-00407-00306835-00306935 one of one of two things something about something about the human hearts like extending your wQAwJSSiMlc-00408-00306935-00307035 hand to help another person so my brother is a psychologist and he told me many times wQAwJSSiMlc-00409-00307035-00307135 to invite a good psychologist I was like well I had an interest in that when I was a kid wQAwJSSiMlc-00410-00307135-00307235 yes I also had an interest in nursing I might and I might have actually been a nurse today wQAwJSSiMlc-00411-00307235-00307335 it wasn't for acting no but thank you question all right last question today wQAwJSSiMlc-00412-00307335-00307435 [Music] souvenirs from sets wQAwJSSiMlc-00413-00307435-00307535 you know I I've kept a couple of things but not like from the cool sets I didn't think wQAwJSSiMlc-00414-00307535-00307635 about it you know I wish I would have grabbed something on everything now but um mostly wQAwJSSiMlc-00415-00307635-00307735 just the memories but yeah I can't think of anything specific I guess wQAwJSSiMlc-00416-00307735-00307835 so I've got I've got most of those from those movies [Music] um I have a lot of movies still wQAwJSSiMlc-00417-00307835-00307935 somehow so I don't know how my mom got hold of those but I have a scrapbook that she made wQAwJSSiMlc-00418-00307935-00308035 and I started turning the pages and I go what did you get these movies so she goes I have wQAwJSSiMlc-00419-00308035-00308135 my ways wow so yeah and for me over the years if I uh I I don't steal any props but uh I wQAwJSSiMlc-00420-00308135-00308235 do like to take a piece of my makeups home so I had I had I had in the past tense a full wQAwJSSiMlc-00421-00308235-00308335 Billy butcherson skin from the first movie after it came off of me it was screaming worn wQAwJSSiMlc-00422-00308335-00308435 but I gave the Planet Hollywood what was wrong with me I had no idea what it'd be worth one wQAwJSSiMlc-00423-00308435-00308535 day but anyway so Planet Hollywood has them displayed somewhere in Minneapolis I think wQAwJSSiMlc-00424-00308535-00308635 whatever uh yeah but I've got a Silver Surfer I've got a sarou I've got uh those are my wQAwJSSiMlc-00425-00308635-00308735 treasures Springfield Missouri have you had a good time today wQAwJSSiMlc-00426-00308735-00308835 happy wQAwJSSiMlc-00427-00308835-00308935 for you folks means we have a request of you we would like to get a photo with all of you wQAwJSSiMlc-00428-00308935-00309035 for the convention social media pages so you can tag yourself have proof that you are here wQAwJSSiMlc-00429-00309035-00309135 use it as a Doctor Who's going to work whatever the case might be looking forward wQAwJSSiMlc-00430-00309135-00309135 all right