f4gybVub4QU-00000-00000000-00000258 It is March 8, 2023. f4gybVub4QU-00001-00000258-00000438 Today I am breaking free f4gybVub4QU-00002-00000438-00000564 from plastic clothing. f4gybVub4QU-00003-00000564-00000780 These shorts are made of plastic f4gybVub4QU-00004-00000780-00001110 like polyester, and nylon, and rayon. f4gybVub4QU-00005-00001212-00001386 I am done with plastic clothing f4gybVub4QU-00006-00001386-00001574 so my friend, Sun has a pair f4gybVub4QU-00007-00001574-00001773 of linen shorts she is gifting me . f4gybVub4QU-00008-00001773-00001993 I am going to put those on right now. f4gybVub4QU-00009-00002118-00002190 Thank you. f4gybVub4QU-00010-00003378-00003453 Okay f4gybVub4QU-00011-00003540-00003621 Tada! f4gybVub4QU-00012-00003627-00003876 So that is the end of plastic clothing f4gybVub4QU-00013-00003876-00004050 for the rest of my life. f4gybVub4QU-00014-00004176-00004410 I am not littering those. f4gybVub4QU-00015-00004410-00004515 I will pick them up f4gybVub4QU-00016-00004515-00004668 andthrow them into the garbage. f4gybVub4QU-00017-00004680-00004812 So thank you for helping me f4gybVub4QU-00018-00004812-00005004 to return to natural fibers f4gybVub4QU-00019-00005004-00005280 so that I can return to the Earth. f4gybVub4QU-00020-00005436-00005604 This is one step forward. f4gybVub4QU-00021-00005706-00005917 This summer, I hope to actually sew f4gybVub4QU-00022-00005917-00006024 all of my clothes, f4gybVub4QU-00023-00006024-00006282 and break free from industrial clothes completely. f4gybVub4QU-00024-00006282-00006489 Thank you for helping me on this f4gybVub4QU-00025-00006489-00006630 mission of breaking free. f4gybVub4QU-00026-00006630-00006708 Yay! f4W5G6rZ7ay-00000-00000100-00000573 Using streaming lite, you can remotely deploy a project that you have developed using smart data streaming. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00001-00000646-00001243 To setup and install streaming lite, first decompress the streaming lite tar ball using the gunzip command. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00002-00001310-00001700 Extract the streaming lite .tar file using the tar xvf command. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00003-00001766-00002309 If you don't set a target directory, the system extracts the file to the directory where the .tar file is located. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00004-00002476-00003093 Once the extraction is finished, set the STREAMING_HOME environment variable to the path to the streaming lite install folder. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00005-00003176-00003486 Streaming lite is now installed, and ready for deploying a project. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00006-00003606-00004209 You can deploy your own project by uploading your own ccx and ccr files to the streaming lite extracted folder. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00007-00004306-00004829 For the purpose of this tutorial, I'll be using the sample project that is included in the streaming lite installation. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00008-00005180-00005616 For the sample project, navigate to the STREAMING_HOME/examples/lite folder. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00009-00005943-00006203 Compile the sample project by using the make command. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00010-00006843-00006996 Then, deploy the project. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00011-00007059-00007400 Use the /streamingproject command and specify the project's file name, f4W5G6rZ7ay-00012-00007409-00007756 the command port to monitor, and the hostname of the device for running the project. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00013-00008353-00008906 If you want to use PAM authentication for your streaming lite project, make sure you configure PAM before deploying. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00014-00008933-00009433 Use the -V option when using /streamingproject and --cred option for any commands. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00015-00009550-00009773 Your project is now ready to receive and stream data. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00016-00010183-00010523 For more information, take a look at the smart data streaming documentation, f4W5G6rZ7ay-00017-00010536-00010803 or check out the full library of videos on the HANA academy. f4W5G6rZ7ay-00018-00010833-00010973 Thanks for watching. f58g7Z3i6L0-00000-00000056-00000479 My name is Kate Masterson and I'm a googly K12 technology trainer for Carmel Clay schools f58g7Z3i6L0-00001-00000479-00000914 in Carmel Indiana and I think it's time for a PD intervention! f58g7Z3i6L0-00002-00000914-00001284 We know that student engagement increases when they have voice and choice in their learning f58g7Z3i6L0-00003-00001284-00001664 yet so often when it's time to train teachers we fall back on methods that we know are outdated f58g7Z3i6L0-00004-00001664-00001817 and ineffective. f58g7Z3i6L0-00005-00001817-00002177 My vision to transform education is create a platform where teachers are both creators f58g7Z3i6L0-00006-00002177-00002483 and consumers of professional development content. f58g7Z3i6L0-00007-00002483-00002710 There are so many ways to gain new professional learning! f58g7Z3i6L0-00008-00002710-00003097 Hangouts, screencasts, live chats, asynchronous book studies, YouTube videos, Twitter chats, f58g7Z3i6L0-00009-00003097-00003365 the list goes on! f58g7Z3i6L0-00010-00003365-00003775 As teachers across the globe connect via technology, the platform would build on gamification, f58g7Z3i6L0-00011-00003775-00004142 digital badging, and micro-credentials to reward teachers for their work. f58g7Z3i6L0-00012-00004142-00004537 With buy in from districts and outside organizations these credentials could be used towards license f58g7Z3i6L0-00013-00004537-00004831 renewal or continuing education credit. f58g7Z3i6L0-00014-00004831-00005183 It's time to give teachers the same agency we want students to enjoy when it comes to f58g7Z3i6L0-00015-00005183-00005283 their learning. f58g7Z3i6L0-00016-00005283-00005670 I would love the opportunity to collaborate with other googly innovators as we hold a f58g7Z3i6L0-00017-00005670-00005825 PD Intervention! f62VqBBWnzU-00000-00000194-00000430 Last week the Republic of Singapore Air Force f62VqBBWnzU-00001-00000430-00000584 participated in Combat Hammer at f62VqBBWnzU-00002-00000584-00000811 Hill Air Force Base in Utah. f62VqBBWnzU-00003-00000811-00001100 The exercise tested the RSAF's weapon systems in its f62VqBBWnzU-00004-00001100-00001370 entirety from loading to employing munitions. f62VqBBWnzU-00005-00001388-00001514 Exercise Combat Hammer f62VqBBWnzU-00006-00001515-00001736 provides air crew the opportunity to conduct f62VqBBWnzU-00007-00001736-00001992 component-level proficiency training in f62VqBBWnzU-00008-00001992-00002205 a realistic operational scenario. The f62VqBBWnzU-00009-00002205-00002378 vast air space, technical expertise and f62VqBBWnzU-00010-00002378-00002561 analytical data acquired for this f62VqBBWnzU-00011-00002562-00002766 exercise allowed the RSAF to hone its f62VqBBWnzU-00012-00002766-00003050 skills and to evaluate advanced weapon systems. f62VqBBWnzU-00013-00003066-00003306 Teamwork amongst entire RSAF unit f62VqBBWnzU-00014-00003306-00003450 stationed in Mountain Home Air Force Base f62VqBBWnzU-00015-00003450-00003647 helped prepare for the exercise. f62VqBBWnzU-00016-00003647-00003825 There are a lot of people involved in Combat Hammer f62VqBBWnzU-00017-00003825-00004101 for my maintenance crew prepping the f62VqBBWnzU-00018-00004101-00004307 bombs and the aircraft loading them onto f62VqBBWnzU-00019-00004308-00004528 the jet all the way to the pilot and f62VqBBWnzU-00020-00004528-00004782 the WSOs that's taking the weapons down f62VqBBWnzU-00021-00004782-00004928 to the range to actually employ them. f62VqBBWnzU-00022-00004928-00005223 It's a full no kidding squadron effort f62VqBBWnzU-00023-00005223-00005330 to make this happen. f62VqBBWnzU-00024-00005330-00005532 Training opportunities like this allow f62VqBBWnzU-00025-00005532-00005691 Airmen of all ranks to test their f62VqBBWnzU-00026-00005691-00005800 readiness skills. f62VqBBWnzU-00027-00005800-00005938 With the training that we receive f62VqBBWnzU-00028-00005939-00006171 it helps us to sharpen our f62VqBBWnzU-00029-00006171-00006312 processes so that when we are called f62VqBBWnzU-00030-00006312-00006559 upon for readiness we are able to do it. f62VqBBWnzU-00031-00006559-00006768 A key accomplishment of participating in f62VqBBWnzU-00032-00006768-00006993 the exercise was being able to employ a f62VqBBWnzU-00033-00006993-00007116 new munition. f62VqBBWnzU-00034-00007116-00007188 The hightlight for this f62VqBBWnzU-00035-00007188-00007527 Combat Hammer is our GBU 31s, a 2000 pound f62VqBBWnzU-00036-00007527-00007584 class f62VqBBWnzU-00037-00007584-00007850 JDAM GPS guided munitions and this is f62VqBBWnzU-00038-00007850-00007938 the first time that we are employing f62VqBBWnzU-00039-00007938-00008248 this munition in the RSAF on the F-15SG. f62VqBBWnzU-00040-00008248-00008406 It gives the aircrew an f62VqBBWnzU-00041-00008406-00008597 opportunity to no kidding employ a f62VqBBWnzU-00042-00008597-00008886 munition and basically take the weapon f62VqBBWnzU-00043-00008886-00009249 from storage all the way to weapons impact. f62VqBBWnzU-00044-00009300-00009420 Combat Hammer serves as a f62VqBBWnzU-00045-00009420-00009660 platform to evaluate the RSAF's many f62VqBBWnzU-00046-00009660-00009834 capabilities and strengthen the f62VqBBWnzU-00047-00009834-00009993 partnership between the Republic of f62VqBBWnzU-00048-00009993-00010131 Singapore Air Force and the f62VqBBWnzU-00049-00010131-00010254 United States Air Force. f62VqBBWnzU-00050-00010254-00010472 Having the opportunity to attend Combat Hammer f62VqBBWnzU-00051-00010472-00010538 and perform at f62VqBBWnzU-00052-00010539-00010736 such an environment just highlights the f62VqBBWnzU-00053-00010736-00010884 partnership between the United States f62VqBBWnzU-00054-00010884-00011061 Air Force and the Republic of Singapore's f62VqBBWnzU-00055-00011061-00011253 Air Force. When you take the lethality f62VqBBWnzU-00056-00011253-00011475 discipline and confidence for both air f62VqBBWnzU-00057-00011475-00011714 forces and pair those together it really f62VqBBWnzU-00058-00011714-00011900 shows that both teams as they work f62VqBBWnzU-00059-00011900-00012104 together that partnership is unstoppable. f62VqBBWnzU-00060-00012104-00012303 Combat Hammer provides the Republic of f62VqBBWnzU-00061-00012303-00012489 Singapore an opportunity to evaluate f62VqBBWnzU-00062-00012489-00012720 their capabilities in the near combat f62VqBBWnzU-00063-00012720-00012927 scenario and enhance their overall f62VqBBWnzU-00064-00012927-00013154 operational readiness. f62VqBBWnzU-00065-00013226-00013374 From Mountain Home Air Force Base I'm f62VqBBWnzU-00066-00013375-00013752 Senior Airman Citiyah Burton. f7l6jHCMWJY-00000-00000000-00001680 To open an existing presentation using the Keynote, search for the file and two-finger tap the file name. Then Open With Keynote. f7yimGFNHbE-00000-00000041-00000783 I believe we all have a negative side to our temperament that others may find irritating. f7yimGFNHbE-00001-00000783-00001258 They are what we normally classify as our shortcomings. f7yimGFNHbE-00002-00001258-00001788 They are also the traits we struggle so much to keep under control most often. f7yimGFNHbE-00003-00001788-00002421 I haven't in all my years on earth thus far spotted a perfect human being who dwells amongst f7yimGFNHbE-00004-00002421-00002640 us the imperfect ones. f7yimGFNHbE-00005-00002640-00003332 Even, the most obsessive perfectionist isn't perfect, because none except One was ever f7yimGFNHbE-00006-00003332-00003856 able to live a perfect life, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. f7yimGFNHbE-00007-00003856-00004321 If you are anything like me, then you are also one of those who like their things done f7yimGFNHbE-00008-00004321-00004541 in a certain specific manner. f7yimGFNHbE-00009-00004541-00005084 So, you find that you get easily agitated when things don't go according to your plan. f7yimGFNHbE-00010-00005084-00005560 This trait is one that easily finds fault with others, because of the specificity of f7yimGFNHbE-00011-00005560-00005800 its wants and desires. f7yimGFNHbE-00012-00005800-00006328 It is my conviction that this trait does more harm to relationships than good because it f7yimGFNHbE-00013-00006328-00006617 places the emphasis on things rather than people. f7yimGFNHbE-00014-00006617-00007127 And so, I believe it is one that must be gotten rid of if we desire to live peaceably with f7yimGFNHbE-00015-00007127-00007291 others as the Bible commands. f7yimGFNHbE-00016-00007291-00007813 There are all kinds of temperaments out there that our engagement with others will expose f7yimGFNHbE-00017-00007813-00007925 us to. f7yimGFNHbE-00018-00007925-00008409 We will encounter characters that may come across to us as odd, because they are different f7yimGFNHbE-00019-00008409-00008664 from what we are used to. f7yimGFNHbE-00020-00008664-00009227 And if we don't make the effort to find the common ground for engagement, then misunderstandings f7yimGFNHbE-00021-00009227-00009610 begin to arise quickly, which in turn then create all kinds of issues. f7yimGFNHbE-00022-00009610-00009986 This is where people begin to do things that can be very shocking. f7yimGFNHbE-00023-00009986-00010578 You need to understand that people can do things or hurt you in ways that sometimes f7yimGFNHbE-00024-00010578-00010678 will shock you. f7yimGFNHbE-00025-00010678-00011311 I am personally learning to expect people to be able to act in ways that may be unconventional f7yimGFNHbE-00026-00011311-00011722 to me, things that I may probably not be able to do. f7yimGFNHbE-00027-00011722-00012271 I am learning to take up a disposition that should not be surprised to be hurt, offended f7yimGFNHbE-00028-00012271-00012782 and attacked because we just happen to live among people who are different, and who probably f7yimGFNHbE-00029-00012782-00013085 may not see life through the same lens as we do. f7yimGFNHbE-00030-00013085-00013623 There is a saying which goes like this: "Hurt people also hurt others." f7yimGFNHbE-00031-00013623-00014156 Since, almost everyone has been hurt before, we should expect therefore to be hurt again f7yimGFNHbE-00032-00014156-00014381 by someone who also has been hurt. f7yimGFNHbE-00033-00014381-00014772 Even the Lord Jesus alludes to the fact that offenses will come. f7yimGFNHbE-00034-00014772-00015463 The Bible says in Luke 17:1, "Then He said to the disciples, 'It is impossible that no f7yimGFNHbE-00035-00015463-00016023 offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come!". f7yimGFNHbE-00036-00016023-00016509 This isn't an attempt to justify the viciousness with which some people attack others. f7yimGFNHbE-00037-00016509-00017000 I am only telling you that it will happen so expect it. f7yimGFNHbE-00038-00017000-00017431 And while you are expecting it, learn to put in place some strategies through the Word f7yimGFNHbE-00039-00017431-00017934 of God to protect your heart from the shocks that may arise from these attacks by making f7yimGFNHbE-00040-00017934-00018388 sure that your heart is not contaminated with bitterness. f7yimGFNHbE-00041-00018388-00018923 We are a fallen people in a fallen world, which is also what the Bible says. f7yimGFNHbE-00042-00018923-00019540 Now, we are fallen by virtue of what the first Adam did through disobedience. f7yimGFNHbE-00043-00019540-00020068 And even though the second Adam, who is our Lord Jesus Christ has graciously restored f7yimGFNHbE-00044-00020068-00020689 us to the original position we ceded to the devil through the first Adam, and even elevated f7yimGFNHbE-00045-00020689-00021276 us further to the position of sonship through His death, burial and resurrection, we have f7yimGFNHbE-00046-00021276-00021781 yet to really take advantage of that dominion given to us to walk in. f7yimGFNHbE-00047-00021781-00022376 In fact, the majority of the people for whom Christ died still do not know it yet, or don't f7yimGFNHbE-00048-00022376-00022808 even believe what He has done for them, or outright reject it as something they want f7yimGFNHbE-00049-00022808-00022973 to be a part of. f7yimGFNHbE-00050-00022973-00023643 So, people are still bound by the same disembodied spirits who were openly defeated and crushed f7yimGFNHbE-00051-00023643-00024168 in hell by the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf, and whose authority over us were stripped f7yimGFNHbE-00052-00024168-00024390 away in the process. f7yimGFNHbE-00053-00024390-00025015 These spirits are still very much at the helm of affairs because we have refused to use f7yimGFNHbE-00054-00025015-00025262 the authority we have been given. f7yimGFNHbE-00055-00025262-00025983 That is why the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 4:4, "Satan, who is the god of this world, f7yimGFNHbE-00056-00025983-00026279 has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. f7yimGFNHbE-00057-00026279-00026658 They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. f7yimGFNHbE-00058-00026658-00027108 They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, Who is the exact likeness f7yimGFNHbE-00059-00027108-00027344 of God." f7yimGFNHbE-00060-00027344-00027958 What I am saying is this: because Satan is still very much ruling over those not in Christ f7yimGFNHbE-00061-00027958-00028601 and some Christians also, even though he is not supposed to, they are subject to his whims. f7yimGFNHbE-00062-00028601-00028845 People are very feckless without Christ. f7yimGFNHbE-00063-00028845-00029243 They have no chance of survival in the war with the enemy of their soul without the Lord f7yimGFNHbE-00064-00029243-00029470 Jesus Christ as their foundation. f7yimGFNHbE-00065-00029470-00030074 So, they easily fall into the hands of the devil, who uses them to further his agenda. f7yimGFNHbE-00066-00030074-00030510 People do hurtful things sometimes because they are being controlled by forces that are f7yimGFNHbE-00067-00030510-00030849 stronger, because of their weakness in the Lord, or probably because they may not have f7yimGFNHbE-00068-00030849-00030993 Him at all. f7yimGFNHbE-00069-00030993-00031451 Our struggles therefore should not be people focused, since they are only tools or channels f7yimGFNHbE-00070-00031451-00031722 through whom the devil discharges his evil agenda. f7yimGFNHbE-00071-00031722-00032188 They are only yielded bodies through whom the devil's plans and schemes find physical f7yimGFNHbE-00072-00032188-00032293 expression. f7yimGFNHbE-00073-00032293-00033044 The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but f7yimGFNHbE-00074-00033044-00033730 against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against f7yimGFNHbE-00075-00033730-00034013 spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." f7yimGFNHbE-00076-00034013-00034638 What I am saying is that by retaliating or pursuing people in anger because of what they f7yimGFNHbE-00077-00034638-00034977 do, you also become a victim of the devil's tricks. f7yimGFNHbE-00078-00034977-00035388 I admit that I am guilty as charged in this instance. f7yimGFNHbE-00079-00035388-00035781 I am learning the hard way not to take the battle to the people who most of the times f7yimGFNHbE-00080-00035781-00036086 are themselves victims of the devil's schemes. f7yimGFNHbE-00081-00036086-00036294 That is playing into the devil's hands. f7yimGFNHbE-00082-00036294-00036791 And if this is not corrected quickly, the devil has a field day with ravaging the blessing f7yimGFNHbE-00083-00036791-00037366 of the saints and putting their destinies on hold because a spiritual law has been broken. f7yimGFNHbE-00084-00037366-00038228 The Bible says in Hebrews 12:14-15, "Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without f7yimGFNHbE-00085-00038228-00038759 which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; f7yimGFNHbE-00086-00038759-00039378 lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled." f7yimGFNHbE-00087-00039378-00039991 This is the Scripture I am referring to as law, because the Word of God cannot be broken. f7yimGFNHbE-00088-00039991-00040605 So, when Satan causes people to come at you in ways that make no sense to you, remember f7yimGFNHbE-00089-00040605-00041027 that just maybe it is because he wants to have a foothold in your life, so he could f7yimGFNHbE-00090-00041027-00041322 deny you of your inheritance in Christ. f7yimGFNHbE-00091-00041322-00042114 This is why the apostle Paul says in Ephesians 4:26-27, "And don't sin by letting anger control f7yimGFNHbE-00092-00042114-00042214 you. f7yimGFNHbE-00093-00042214-00042836 Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil." f7yimGFNHbE-00094-00042836-00043313 This verse gives an incline into the intentions of your adversary regarding some of the reasons f7yimGFNHbE-00095-00043313-00043413 for your attacks. f7yimGFNHbE-00096-00043413-00043691 He wants to have a foothold in your life. f7yimGFNHbE-00097-00043691-00043888 It is as simple as that. f7yimGFNHbE-00098-00043888-00044484 So, anytime you see someone stirred against you for no reason, remember this Scripture f7yimGFNHbE-00099-00044484-00045063 and maintain your composure; your adversary just might be looking for an entry point into f7yimGFNHbE-00100-00045063-00045194 your life. f7yimGFNHbE-00101-00045194-00045697 Be vigilant therefore and don't allow him access into your life to destroy what God f7yimGFNHbE-00102-00045697-00045866 is doing in it. f7yimGFNHbE-00103-00045866-00046377 Having this knowledge as the basis upon which our interactions with others are informed, f7yimGFNHbE-00104-00046377-00046668 will greatly improve our relationships with them. f7yimGFNHbE-00105-00046668-00047246 Dying to that part of our emotions that trigger retaliation anytime we are hurt is the only f7yimGFNHbE-00106-00047246-00047591 way to live fully in Christ, and indeed in life. f7yimGFNHbE-00107-00047591-00048521 The Bible says in Colossians 3:12-14, "Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put f7yimGFNHbE-00108-00048521-00049378 on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and f7yimGFNHbE-00109-00049378-00049894 forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, f7yimGFNHbE-00110-00049894-00050033 so you also must do. f7yimGFNHbE-00111-00050033-00050653 But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection." f7yimGFNHbE-00112-00050653-00051187 Christians are by our calling expected to demonstrate in our everyday interactions with f7yimGFNHbE-00113-00051187-00051729 others the character of Christ, which largely means accommodating others with their shortcomings, f7yimGFNHbE-00114-00051729-00052077 through displaying the demonstrable love of Christ. f7yimGFNHbE-00115-00052077-00052517 Please note that I am not saying you should put yourself in harm's way just to prove how f7yimGFNHbE-00116-00052517-00052686 Christlike you are. f7yimGFNHbE-00117-00052686-00053150 If someone is bent on endangering your life, kindly redraw from them and love them from f7yimGFNHbE-00118-00053150-00053283 afar. f7yimGFNHbE-00119-00053283-00053880 It is better to feel safe in a peaceful atmosphere; a place where the Spirit of Christ can commune f7yimGFNHbE-00120-00053880-00054057 effectively with you. f7yimGFNHbE-00121-00054057-00054670 Rather, what I am saying is if someone repents and comes apologizing for their mistakes, f7yimGFNHbE-00122-00054670-00055208 we should be willing to receive and forgive them as the Lord also forgave us. f7yimGFNHbE-00123-00055208-00055766 And also, that we may have self-control and not allow the state of our hearts to be altered f7yimGFNHbE-00124-00055766-00056330 by the actions of others, because as we have seen, bitterness defile if it is allowed to f7yimGFNHbE-00125-00056330-00056470 take root. f7yimGFNHbE-00126-00056470-00056849 I am not asking you to necessarily befriend someone who has hurt you badly. f7yimGFNHbE-00127-00056849-00057421 I'm saying not to continue allowing them to have that influence over your life by continuing f7yimGFNHbE-00128-00057421-00057651 to hold them in your heart. f7yimGFNHbE-00129-00057651-00057954 Because you hold people to your own hurt, not them. f7yimGFNHbE-00130-00057954-00058417 Unleash the Holy Spirit of glory to do His work in your life and cause His blessings f7yimGFNHbE-00131-00058417-00058945 to flow into your life by releasing everyone who has offended you from your heart. f7yimGFNHbE-00132-00058945-00059462 Jesus extended grace and forgiveness to us and we are commanded to do likewise for others. f7yimGFNHbE-00133-00059462-00059979 As we do this, Christ will be shown through our character and those who hurt us will see f7yimGFNHbE-00134-00059979-00060429 the maturity in our responses to their actions, and I believe that will make an impression f7yimGFNHbE-00135-00060429-00060562 on them. f7yimGFNHbE-00136-00060562-00061254 The Bible says in Romans 15:1-4, "We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples f7yimGFNHbE-00137-00061254-00061560 of the weak, and not please ourselves. f7yimGFNHbE-00138-00061560-00061999 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. f7yimGFNHbE-00139-00061999-00062514 For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, 'The reproaches of those f7yimGFNHbE-00140-00062514-00062708 who reproached You fell on Me.' f7yimGFNHbE-00141-00062708-00063184 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through f7yimGFNHbE-00142-00063184-00063688 the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope." f7yimGFNHbE-00143-00063688-00064288 Make up your mind today if you haven't already, to accommodate those with different attitudes f7yimGFNHbE-00144-00064288-00064870 to yours; those with different perspectives on life, even those who may be opposing you f7yimGFNHbE-00145-00064870-00064982 in your journey. f7yimGFNHbE-00146-00064982-00065444 It will enable you to have the largeness of heart required not only to demonstrate the f7yimGFNHbE-00147-00065444-00066210 character of Christ, but also to live life fully immune to the provocations of others. f7yimGFNHbE-00148-00066210-00066621 This is the life the Lord requires all His children to live; a life devoid of defeat f7yimGFNHbE-00149-00066621-00066891 caused by giving the enemy a foothold in it. f7yimGFNHbE-00150-00066891-00067074 God bless you! f7yimGFNHbE-00151-00067074-00067582 May the Lord help us through His eternal Spirit to die to that part of our nature that impede f7yimGFNHbE-00152-00067582-00067800 His work and influence in our lives. f7yimGFNHbE-00153-00067800-00068251 May we through that also learn to stir up the love that the Holy Spirit deposited in f7yimGFNHbE-00154-00068251-00068451 us when we got born again. f7yimGFNHbE-00155-00068451-00068913 So, that we may know how we ought to accommodate and accept those who may be different from f7yimGFNHbE-00156-00068913-00069207 us, and also those who may be at odds with us. f7yimGFNHbE-00157-00069207-00069699 That the blessing of God in our lives may not be truncated by the enemy of our soul. f7yimGFNHbE-00158-00069699-00069941 In Jesus' mighty name I pray. f7yimGFNHbE-00159-00069941-00070013 Amen. f8bQu3l91nI-00000-00000406-00000952 [Interviewer] So, we're here with Mr Michael Anthony, who is the author of f8bQu3l91nI-00001-00000952-00001496 "Towns and Villages", "The sound of marching feet" and "Green days by the River", f8bQu3l91nI-00002-00001576-00002288 and today we're going to talk to Mr anthony about where his journey began as a writer. f8bQu3l91nI-00003-00002288-00002384 What's your first book, Sir? f8bQu3l91nI-00004-00002384-00002896 [Michael Anthony] Yes, yes, well, well my first, my journey began as a writer f8bQu3l91nI-00005-00002896-00003864 right here in fact because I'm looking at the first book I ever wrote. That was in 1963 it came f8bQu3l91nI-00006-00003864-00004864 out. It was published in 1963 and it's called "The Games Were Coming" and I can see this is [is um] f8bQu3l91nI-00007-00005152-00006000 of the first edition from [from uh] The Caribbean Writer Series f8bQu3l91nI-00008-00006224-00007504 this book, the [uh] first in trinidad and [it], I was so thrilled when [when] the book was [was] published. f8bQu3l91nI-00009-00007744-00008320 It's, it's difficult to tell, you know, how you feel when you're you you look at your f8bQu3l91nI-00010-00008320-00008758 first book which had been written several years ago. f8bQu3l91nI-00011-00008758-00008915 [Interviewer] What year did you write this book? f8bQu3l91nI-00012-00008915-00009550 [Michael Anthony] This this book was published in 1963. f8bQu3l91nI-00013-00009550-00009894 [Interviewer] You wrote this in Trinidad and Tobago? f8bQu3l91nI-00014-00009894-00010045 [Michael Anthony] No, no, I, I um, what's the matter with me? f8bQu3l91nI-00015-00010045-00010260 In 1963 I said, eh? f8bQu3l91nI-00016-00010260-00010392 [Interviewer] Yes. f8bQu3l91nI-00017-00010392-00010664 [Michael Anthony] Well, I went to England in 1954. f8bQu3l91nI-00018-00010936-00011912 And I went almost ostensibly to you you know the the BBC had their programme, Caribbean Voices f8bQu3l91nI-00019-00012000-00012608 and I felt if I were in England it would be so much easier. All these magazines around et cetera. I'd like f8bQu3l91nI-00020-00012608-00013616 to go to England and try and get my stories on "Calling f8bQu3l91nI-00021-00013616-00014184 The West Indies", you know, Caribbean Voices becauseCaribbean Voices was well-known to me in Trinidad. f8bQu3l91nI-00022-00014272-00015008 But I thought I would neverreach London, in other words, f8bQu3l91nI-00023-00015136-00016072 when you were sending a short story to "Caribbean Voices" f8bQu3l91nI-00024-00016072-00017024 it went to Jamaica first and Lindo, a man called Mr Lindo, he chose the best of those stories f8bQu3l91nI-00025-00017144-00017820 and sent what he called the best, what was the best, in his opinion, to England, to BBC. f8bQu3l91nI-00026-00017820-00017916 [Interviewer] He was a Jamaican man? f8bQu3l91nI-00027-00017916-00018740 [Michael Anthony] Yes, yes. He was one of the people linked with, linked with "Calling the West Indies". f8bQu3l91nI-00028-00018740-00019784 Anyway, I went to London, 1954, and in the same week I went to London, Naipaul, Vidia Naipaul, f8bQu3l91nI-00029-00019896-00020576 I heard a man called Vidia Naipaul was coming down to be the programme producer of f8bQu3l91nI-00030-00020640-00021384 BBC. So I said, "Well look, it would be nice if I could, um, send something to Naipaul. f8bQu3l91nI-00031-00021464-00022296 Just to wait his coming. Some, some story that I had written etc, and hear what he says." So I sent f8bQu3l91nI-00032-00022296-00022920 this thing, this little packet to the BBC, to-to-to Vidia Naipaul f8bQu3l91nI-00033-00023072-00023776 and, um, the next thing I knew was that Vidia Naipaul came and he, he read the stories f8bQu3l91nI-00034-00023832-00024840 and he sent to call me. So, I went over to him and I remember this short story I had sent f8bQu3l91nI-00035-00024840-00025864 to him was called "A strange flower" and then, um, let me see, and I sent about three poems to him. f8bQu3l91nI-00036-00025960-00026495 "[*] of the islands" and something else. I don't know if you've heard of [*] King, have you? f8bQu3l91nI-00037-00026568-00027304 You've never heard of her? You know a runner who was The Commonwealth... well she was pretty good f8bQu3l91nI-00038-00027376-00028016 and I wrote, I wrote a little poem on Irlene of the islands now in London town. f8bQu3l91nI-00039-00028095-00028242 That sort of thing. f8bQu3l91nI-00040-00028242-00028672 So, anyway, Naipaul when he came to call me, you know, he said, f8bQu3l91nI-00041-00028776-00029368 "I sent a call you not because your story is good, you know, but because there are certain f8bQu3l91nI-00042-00029368-00030312 things about it I want to talk to you, you know, I want to talk to you on." And we we talked for a little while etc f8bQu3l91nI-00043-00030400-00031664 and, um, well what, what it ended up in is this that I became a regular writer for his programme f8bQu3l91nI-00044-00031760-00032000 which was Caribbean Voices. f8bQu3l91nI-00045-00032000-00032252 And, as I said, the yearwas 1954 f8bQu3l91nI-00046-00032252-00032524 Naipaul began in January 1955. f8bQu3l91nI-00047-00032598-00033016 I began sending little stories. f8bQu3l91nI-00048-00033016-00033505 And one of the things I had that, that was very dissatisfying was that f8bQu3l91nI-00049-00033844-00033994 it took so long, f8bQu3l91nI-00050-00033994-00034126 it's not Naipaul's fault, f8bQu3l91nI-00051-00034126-00034305 it wasn't Naipaul's fault, f8bQu3l91nI-00052-00034305-00034669 but it took long for the BBC to f8bQu3l91nI-00053-00034669-00034949 to say, "Yes, we are going to take this f8bQu3l91nI-00054-00034949-00035240 short story etc." f8bQu3l91nI-00055-00035240-00035344 And you had to wait almost f8bQu3l91nI-00056-00035448-00036120 the whole year to to hear some news of it and, um, that, that-that was not at all f8bQu3l91nI-00057-00036176-00036448 a very nice thing. f8bQu3l91nI-00058-00036552-00036768 I didn't like it but I was f8bQu3l91nI-00059-00036840-00037672 very pleased that I had my short stories accepted and it went on for a little while f8bQu3l91nI-00060-00037752-00038524 and I was regarded as, well not the worst of their short story writers. f8bQu3l91nI-00061-00038524-00038728 I must say that. f8bQu3l91nI-00062-00038872-00038946 So... f8bQu3l91nI-00063-00039070-00039428 This book came in 1963. f8bQu3l91nI-00064-00039461-00039528 Right. f8bQu3l91nI-00065-00039544-00039976 So, I was already in England, f8bQu3l91nI-00066-00039976-00040114 let's see... nine years. f8bQu3l91nI-00067-00040326-00040860 Naipaul himself had talked to somebody about this book f8bQu3l91nI-00068-00040860-00041024 and owing to what he said f8bQu3l91nI-00069-00041152-00041402 I got the book accepted. f8bQu3l91nI-00070-00041402-00041854 [Interviewer] Your experience atCaribbean Voices may have made this book very possible f8bQu3l91nI-00071-00041854-00042084 because people were seeing andhearing your work? f8bQu3l91nI-00072-00042084-00042134 [Michael Anthony] Yeah. f8bQu3l91nI-00073-00042134-00042271 [Interviewer] They were familiar with your name. f8bQu3l91nI-00074-00042271-00042522 So there would been people in Trinidad and Tobago f8bQu3l91nI-00075-00042522-00043016 sitting down and listening to Michael Anthony from Mayaro? f8bQu3l91nI-00076-00043016-00043193 And that would have been a big deal for people, eh? f8bQu3l91nI-00077-00043296-00043533 So when you were in Trinidad, for example, f8bQu3l91nI-00078-00043533-00043842 listening to Caribbean Voices, before you went to England, f8bQu3l91nI-00079-00043842-00044095 were there Trinidadian names you were hearing? f8bQu3l91nI-00080-00044095-00044376 [Michael Anthony] Yes, big... big thing. f8bQu3l91nI-00081-00044376-00044670 That is the reason why I was so anxious to get up there f8bQu3l91nI-00082-00044670-00045024 because I said all these voices are big voices and if I f8bQu3l91nI-00083-00045080-00045672 can meet them and chat with them sometime, it will be very helpful to me. f8bQu3l91nI-00084-00045672-00045840 I was born at Mayaro f8bQu3l91nI-00085-00045920-00046316 and I went to the Mayaro RC School f8bQu3l91nI-00086-00046316-00046785 andthere was nothing to make me like writing, really. f8bQu3l91nI-00087-00046785-00047022 Although we had one library there f8bQu3l91nI-00088-00047022-00047136 and the library had one book. f8bQu3l91nI-00089-00047664-00047737 And f8bQu3l91nI-00090-00047897-00048050 the book the library had f8bQu3l91nI-00091-00048203-00048400 had one poem. f8bQu3l91nI-00092-00048712-00048858 One poem in the book. f8bQu3l91nI-00093-00048858-00049179 I can't rememberthe name of the author of the poem. f8bQu3l91nI-00094-00049315-00049523 But the poem was called, f8bQu3l91nI-00095-00049523-00049815 "Songs of the world unborn". f8bQu3l91nI-00096-00049815-00049947 And I remember it so well f8bQu3l91nI-00097-00049947-00050424 because i used to i read the lines several times. f8bQu3l91nI-00098-00050424-00050546 Songs of the world unborn f8bQu3l91nI-00099-00050546-00050643 Swellingwithin me f8bQu3l91nI-00100-00050643-00050812 I shoot from the heart of spring f8bQu3l91nI-00101-00050812-00051009 As I walk the ample teeming street... f8bQu3l91nI-00102-00051649-00051824 What it is to me you sing? f8bQu3l91nI-00103-00051824-00052104 My body warm, my brain clear f8bQu3l91nI-00104-00052104-00052458 Unreasoning joy possesses my soul complete f8bQu3l91nI-00105-00052458-00052637 The keen air mettles my blood f8bQu3l91nI-00106-00052637-00052869 And the pavement rings to my feet f8bQu3l91nI-00107-00052869-00053222 O houses erect and vast O steeples proud f8bQu3l91nI-00108-00053222-00053394 You are but dust f8bQu3l91nI-00109-00053394-00053595 I shall come with the winds and blow f8bQu3l91nI-00110-00053595-00053907 andyou will crumble O phantoms fair. f8bQu3l91nI-00111-00053907-00054103 And it goes on like that. f8bQu3l91nI-00112-00054103-00054533 So i liked that poem and it meant something to me. f8bQu3l91nI-00113-00054533-00054847 And the thing about it, is that f8bQu3l91nI-00114-00054952-00055528 i was very particular about returning the book on time and so on and so on. I returned the book, but f8bQu3l91nI-00115-00055528-00055985 somebody else borrowed the book and I never saw the book again. f8bQu3l91nI-00116-00055985-00056184 [Interviewer] So the library had to close down? f8bQu3l91nI-00117-00056848-00057264 [Michael Anthony] Songs of the world unborn and song of the book f8bQu3l91nI-00118-00057264-00057584 unreturned. f8bQu3l91nI-00119-00057967-00058624 [Interviewer] In a way your interest in history, was it, was it already blooming at that point in time? f8bQu3l91nI-00120-00058696-00058920 [Michael Anthony] No, no. f8bQu3l91nI-00121-00058920-00059346 Now i'm talking about 1944 there. f8bQu3l91nI-00122-00059346-00059530 I was 14. f8bQu3l91nI-00123-00059879-00060178 I just loved poems, poetry. f8bQu3l91nI-00124-00060178-00060411 I just loved poetry f8bQu3l91nI-00125-00060411-00060854 and I knew all the poems from my school books. f8bQu3l91nI-00126-00060928-00061149 I said them over and over again f8bQu3l91nI-00127-00061279-00061514 but ifanybody had asked me, f8bQu3l91nI-00128-00061514-00061858 "What do you want to be when you when you grow up?" f8bQu3l91nI-00129-00061858-00062294 I would have said a writeror a poet or something like that. f8bQu3l91nI-00130-00062294-00062792 But i honestly didn't feel i would be anything f8bQu3l91nI-00131-00062792-00063147 because Mayaro was like a backwater. f8bQu3l91nI-00132-00063147-00063281 Education-wise f8bQu3l91nI-00133-00063281-00063574 and from every other point of view. f8bQu3l91nI-00134-00063574-00063794 So I thought f8bQu3l91nI-00135-00063794-00064164 I won'tget anywhere but it would be nice to be a writer. f8bQu3l91nI-00136-00064191-00064354 So I would say, f8bQu3l91nI-00137-00064354-00064696 "Oh, I would loveto be a writer, I would love to be a poet." f8bQu3l91nI-00138-00064767-00065031 Things like that. f8bQu3l91nI-00139-00065031-00065488 [Interviewer] And did you find yourself attempting your own poems at that point in time? f8bQu3l91nI-00140-00065592-00065935 [Michael Anthony] No but another thing that happened f8bQu3l91nI-00141-00065935-00066076 was that f8bQu3l91nI-00142-00066076-00066296 when I was say about 14... f8bQu3l91nI-00143-00066296-00066477 First of all, f8bQu3l91nI-00144-00066477-00066592 in Mayaro, f8bQu3l91nI-00145-00066632-00067070 we used to live by the the beach but f8bQu3l91nI-00146-00067070-00067536 at apoint later in life, say about three or four years later f8bQu3l91nI-00147-00067600-00068085 we moved a bit inland. f8bQu3l91nI-00148-00068085-00068624 (It was) differentfrom there we were living. f8bQu3l91nI-00149-00068720-00069044 I was getting used to the place and so on f8bQu3l91nI-00150-00069044-00069247 andI used to try to write. f8bQu3l91nI-00151-00069427-00069963 I think that at 14 I was trying to write short stories. f8bQu3l91nI-00152-00070030-00070182 I was trying towrite short stories. f8bQu3l91nI-00153-00070309-00070528 I don't know how far I got. f8bQu3l91nI-00154-00070611-00071304 By the time i was 16 I may havewritten two or three short stories. f8bQu3l91nI-00155-00071321-00071559 I was lucky in that f8bQu3l91nI-00156-00071559-00072184 I did get an invitation to go to the junior technical school in San Fernando. f8bQu3l91nI-00157-00072264-00072564 [Interviewer] From left to right you are the fifth boy. f8bQu3l91nI-00158-00073186-00073514 And that would have been a grand opportunity for the village at the time f8bQu3l91nI-00159-00073514-00073841 that Michael Anthony is leaving Mayaro to pursue f8bQu3l91nI-00160-00073961-00074216 this mechanical work? f8bQu3l91nI-00161-00074309-00074549 That would have been a celebration in Mayaro? f8bQu3l91nI-00162-00074728-00075219 [Michael Anthony] The biggest thing to happen to me in Mayaro f8bQu3l91nI-00163-00075404-00075708 was passing that exam to go to the technical school. f8bQu3l91nI-00164-00075708-00075791 [Interviewer] Was what sorry? f8bQu3l91nI-00165-00076096-00076736 and having to go and tell all these people, these old people and so on, that I'm going to San Fernando. f8bQu3l91nI-00166-00077040-00077264 It was a big thing, you know? f8bQu3l91nI-00167-00077264-00077680 Some gave me eggs and some gave different things. f8bQu3l91nI-00168-00078136-00078584 It was a sort of situation like that. f8bQu3l91nI-00169-00078920-00079456 A letter came to the headmaster asking him to send about two or three boys to f8bQu3l91nI-00170-00079456-00080264 the junior technical school which was a school he was just trying to put together etc. And f8bQu3l91nI-00171-00080264-00081000 so they sent me and another boy called Wesley Congeni and we passed and we started f8bQu3l91nI-00172-00081000-00081824 going to a school in San Fernando and then is when I began to think of the future because I realized f8bQu3l91nI-00173-00081888-00082576 the junior technical school was a two-year course in engineering mechanical engineering. f8bQu3l91nI-00174-00082704-00082920 The school was on High Street. f8bQu3l91nI-00175-00083066-00083248 I went tothat school f8bQu3l91nI-00176-00083248-00083428 and I kept thinking all of the time, f8bQu3l91nI-00177-00083576-00084164 if it doesn't work out, because I didn't really like mechanical engineering. f8bQu3l91nI-00178-00084164-00084618 So I said that if that doesn't work out, what what will you do? f8bQu3l91nI-00179-00084618-00084850 What, go back to Mayaro? f8bQu3l91nI-00180-00084850-00085000 What will you do? f8bQu3l91nI-00181-00085008-00085109 And f8bQu3l91nI-00182-00085263-00085405 it worked out f8bQu3l91nI-00183-00085405-00085881 that i went through technical school a two-year course f8bQu3l91nI-00184-00086134-00086416 They wanted to fire me f8bQu3l91nI-00185-00086583-00086770 butthey had some sympathy. f8bQu3l91nI-00186-00086770-00086939 A little sympathy. f8bQu3l91nI-00187-00086969-00087088 My mother f8bQu3l91nI-00188-00087088-00087441 was sent forth. She came down, she talked and so on. f8bQu3l91nI-00189-00087441-00087696 And then they said they'll keep me and it is while f8bQu3l91nI-00190-00087927-00088053 those years were passing f8bQu3l91nI-00191-00088246-00088615 I had a very good friend, Kanye Thomas, f8bQu3l91nI-00192-00088640-00088859 very good friend. f8bQu3l91nI-00193-00088946-00089480 He had got a scholarship to go to England f8bQu3l91nI-00194-00089480-00089624 to work for f8bQu3l91nI-00195-00089624-00089843 the oil company. f8bQu3l91nI-00196-00089843-00090288 My friend got the scholarshipto go up and when he got up there f8bQu3l91nI-00197-00090400-00091064 I wrote to him and he wrote me saying, "Michael what are your plans? What do you plan to do?" f8bQu3l91nI-00198-00091064-00091512 "You always talk about writing-writing, you want to bea writer." f8bQu3l91nI-00199-00091669-00092042 "You went to the foundry, you didn't make good." f8bQu3l91nI-00200-00092042-00092450 "You didn't make good at all, and you didn't make good in mechanical engineering generally. f8bQu3l91nI-00201-00092493-00092833 "Why don't you come to england and see what canbe done?" f8bQu3l91nI-00202-00092833-00093269 And this friend of mine encouraged me. f8bQu3l91nI-00203-00093269-00093558 I said, "But i know nobody in England." f8bQu3l91nI-00204-00093558-00093984 He said, "Wellthat's right, you know nobody because I am nobody." f8bQu3l91nI-00205-00094096-00094385 So I said, "Okay, I'll come." f8bQu3l91nI-00206-00094385-00094646 He left in 1952. f8bQu3l91nI-00207-00094646-00095112 I tried hard in 1953 to raise the funds f8bQu3l91nI-00208-00095232-00095696 and if i had asked him for help he would have helped me you know honestly because f8bQu3l91nI-00209-00095792-00096034 he was that good and that close f8bQu3l91nI-00210-00096034-00096331 When i arrivedin england in 1954 f8bQu3l91nI-00211-00096331-00096759 on the pavement there the railway station, f8bQu3l91nI-00212-00096759-00096915 Euston Station, f8bQu3l91nI-00213-00096915-00097279 he wasthere with a with a winter coat, f8bQu3l91nI-00214-00097279-00097644 a brand new winter coat, f8bQu3l91nI-00215-00097787-00098018 He said, "Whereis your typewriter?" f8bQu3l91nI-00216-00098018-00098273 I said, "Can I afford to buy a typerwriter?" f8bQu3l91nI-00217-00098273-00098679 So he said, "Well look." f8bQu3l91nI-00218-00098679-00099008 "Tomorrow morning, I'm going to come to collect you." f8bQu3l91nI-00219-00099064-00099400 "And we are going to Regent Street. That's all I have to say." f8bQu3l91nI-00220-00099544-00100024 Anyway, the next morning we went to Regent Street, f8bQu3l91nI-00221-00100024-00100280 stopping at a typewriter shop there. Remington. f8bQu3l91nI-00222-00100384-00100557 Remington Rand. f8bQu3l91nI-00223-00100854-00101216 He boughtme a typewriter. I still have the typewriter here. f8bQu3l91nI-00224-00101400-00101755 I still have it here because I won't throw it away. f8bQu3l91nI-00225-00101755-00102151 It's in this store room there. f8bQu3l91nI-00226-00102258-00102470 It's the worse for wear. f8bQu3l91nI-00227-00102583-00102974 It's a ruin of a typewriter f8bQu3l91nI-00228-00102974-00103200 but then I feel quite happy f8bQu3l91nI-00229-00103200-00103622 because it was bought for me by Tom. f8bQu3l91nI-00230-00103622-00103795 i call him Tom. f8bQu3l91nI-00231-00103795-00104174 My best friend to this dayis Kanye Thomas. f8bQu3l91nI-00232-00104174-00104515 I kept pressing on but because it is my nature to press on, eh. f8bQu3l91nI-00233-00104515-00105064 It's not so much, uh,well I didn't want to let Tom down, naturally. f8bQu3l91nI-00234-00105135-00105779 But it is my way to keep pressing on. f8bQu3l91nI-00235-00105779-00106120 Like some people could lie back and relax. f8bQu3l91nI-00236-00106383-00106770 For instance, Merle Hodge, a girl with a lot of talent. f8bQu3l91nI-00237-00106770-00106935 She's a writer. She wrote... f8bQu3l91nI-00238-00107408-00108296 I can't remember the title of the book now but she has relaxed with one book over f8bQu3l91nI-00239-00108408-00108605 more than 40 years. f8bQu3l91nI-00240-00108885-00109290 Forme this would be f8bQu3l91nI-00241-00109290-00109433 unthinkable. f8bQu3l91nI-00242-00109433-00109942 [Interviewer] Can you tell me a little bit about this movie? f8bQu3l91nI-00243-00109942-00110605 [Michael Anthony] Yes, well this this movie, Green Days By The River, I remember f8bQu3l91nI-00244-00110783-00111248 very well when I was writing Green Days By The River. f8bQu3l91nI-00245-00111704-00112120 The thing about it is thatI never regarded f8bQu3l91nI-00246-00112120-00112821 Green Days By The River as my top bookat all. f8bQu3l91nI-00247-00113098-00113351 André Deutsch f8bQu3l91nI-00248-00113351-00113744 André Deutsch who was the head publisher. f8bQu3l91nI-00249-00113744-00114103 He always said to me, you know, he said, f8bQu3l91nI-00250-00114103-00114186 "Michael," f8bQu3l91nI-00251-00114369-00114996 "You might talk about 'The Year In San Fernando', and 'The Games Were Coming' and so on but" f8bQu3l91nI-00252-00115093-00115400 "I think your best book is..." f8bQu3l91nI-00253-00115504-00115672 "Green Days by the River." f8bQu3l91nI-00254-00115672-00116447 "I think sobecause by our sales it is usually a top seller." f8bQu3l91nI-00255-00116447-00116689 "So i don't see why you should consider" f8bQu3l91nI-00256-00116869-00117189 "'The Year in San Fernando'" which was f8bQu3l91nI-00257-00117224-00117469 ear-marked for filming and so on, f8bQu3l91nI-00258-00117469-00117969 "I don'tsee why you should think any of those books are better but, I mean," f8bQu3l91nI-00259-00118024-00118308 "That is how you feel and f8bQu3l91nI-00260-00118308-00118648 I havenothing more to say about it but I think" f8bQu3l91nI-00261-00118728-00119015 "Green Days By The River" is your best book. f8bQu3l91nI-00262-00119045-00119378 It ismy dream that f8bQu3l91nI-00263-00119485-00119731 if a second book has to be done [made into a movie] f8bQu3l91nI-00264-00119731-00119918 I would like "The Year In San Fernando". f8bQu3l91nI-00265-00119918-00120575 [Interviewer] Thehistory of San fernando and the Naparimas from 1595 to 1900. f8bQu3l91nI-00266-00120858-00121101 You probably live at the National Archives, Sir. f8bQu3l91nI-00267-00121215-00121392 [Michael Anthony] I used to live there. f8bQu3l91nI-00268-00121456-00121696 I certainly used to live there. f8bQu3l91nI-00269-00121696-00121904 Letters used to come to me there. f8bQu3l91nI-00270-00121904-00122117 This is the biggest book I've ever written. f8bQu3l91nI-00271-00122140-00122340 [Interviewer] That is what you call a tome. f8bQu3l91nI-00272-00123216-00123580 [Michael Anthony] I am writing the sequel f8bQu3l91nI-00273-00123737-00123971 well I shouldn't say the sequel but f8bQu3l91nI-00274-00124098-00124522 San Fernando is a bit jealous f8bQu3l91nI-00275-00124640-00124920 I love San Fernando. f8bQu3l91nI-00276-00125134-00125585 When I went to San Fernando at fourteen years, f8bQu3l91nI-00277-00125744-00126608 San Fernando was a big city to me because leaving Mayaro at that time in 1944 Mayaro had f8bQu3l91nI-00278-00126608-00126950 no running water. f8bQu3l91nI-00279-00126950-00127141 It had no electricity. f8bQu3l91nI-00280-00127435-00127759 It was very different from what it is now. f8bQu3l91nI-00281-00127759-00128019 But when i got to san fernando, f8bQu3l91nI-00282-00128019-00128239 oh! big vast city! f8bQu3l91nI-00283-00128292-00128616 Seeing streets, cars. f8bQu3l91nI-00284-00128616-00128868 I mean, I never saw so many cars my life. f8bQu3l91nI-00285-00129252-00129709 I grew to regard myself as a San Fernando boy f8bQu3l91nI-00286-00129816-00130080 although I am a Mayaro boy, essentially. f8bQu3l91nI-00287-00130176-00130406 Essentially, Mayaro boy. f8bQu3l91nI-00288-00130406-00130800 I don't wantanybody to to make a mistake and say, f8bQu3l91nI-00289-00130968-00131128 "He is a San Fernandian." f8bQu3l91nI-00290-00131128-00131231 You know? f8bQu3l91nI-00291-00131231-00131327 But still... f8bQu3l91nI-00292-00131447-00131580 After Mayaro... f8bQu3l91nI-00293-00131580-00131921 Mayaro is very close to me, very close. f8bQu3l91nI-00294-00131921-00132190 But after Mayaro is San Fernando. f8bQu3l91nI-00295-00132400-00132921 [Interviewer ] Your eyes, based on what you're telling me would have been open so much, from startingtechnical school f8bQu3l91nI-00296-00132921-00133200 to realizing that mechanical engineering is not for me f8bQu3l91nI-00297-00133240-00133440 and then these opportunities coming. f8bQu3l91nI-00298-00134216-00134627 [Michael Anthony] When i was going to school, to technical school to do the two-year course f8bQu3l91nI-00299-00134938-00135218 I thought so much of SanFernando f8bQu3l91nI-00300-00135370-00135589 and yet when f8bQu3l91nI-00301-00135672-00135953 the holidays drew near, f8bQu3l91nI-00302-00135953-00136170 say like November, f8bQu3l91nI-00303-00136296-00136711 November, Christmas and so on f8bQu3l91nI-00304-00136824-00137232 Mayaro was going to the top of my mind. f8bQu3l91nI-00305-00137542-00137728 Well, i used to say, f8bQu3l91nI-00306-00137728-00138015 I wonder why the days can't skip. f8bQu3l91nI-00307-00138109-00138459 So they get nearer. I can'twait to go home. f8bQu3l91nI-00308-00138459-00138907 when i got home, oh it was fairy tale f8bQu3l91nI-00309-00138907-00138996 I used to... f8bQu3l91nI-00310-00138996-00139524 You know, my mother, i never considered these things f8bQu3l91nI-00311-00139524-00139752 but my mother f8bQu3l91nI-00312-00139752-00139951 was a hard worker f8bQu3l91nI-00313-00139951-00140544 and she was working at one of these estate houses in Mayaro f8bQu3l91nI-00314-00140544-00141005 and the best of everything that she could put her hands on f8bQu3l91nI-00315-00141005-00141610 andthey were very nice as well they'd give... f8bQu3l91nI-00316-00141744-00141937 You see, f8bQu3l91nI-00317-00141937-00142576 the thing is that because i passed this exam from Mayaro to go to San Fernando f8bQu3l91nI-00318-00142576-00142815 it was a big thing for my Mom. f8bQu3l91nI-00319-00142815-00142952 Big thing! f8bQu3l91nI-00320-00142952-00143316 So give him the best, you see. f8bQu3l91nI-00321-00143316-00143594 And so they treated me like that. f8bQu3l91nI-00322-00143694-00144014 I had a wonderful time in Mayaro. f8bQu3l91nI-00323-00144014-00144555 My book of short stories, Cricket in the road, I don't know if you saw that? f8bQu3l91nI-00324-00144555-00144737 [Interviewer] I'm familiar with it, but I've never read it. f8bQu3l91nI-00325-00145160-00145784 [Michael Anthony] That is a book that brings my Mayaro days to life. f8bQu3l91nI-00326-00146048-00146272 I have 19 stories in that book. f8bQu3l91nI-00327-00146272-00146416 [Interviewer] Wherecan i find a copy on the shelf here? f8bQu3l91nI-00328-00146632-00147096 [Michael Anthony] It might be, I don't know, i hope thatisn't one that is missing too f8bQu3l91nI-00329-00147096-00147331 [Interviewer] How many books have you written and published? f8bQu3l91nI-00330-00147331-00147439 [Michael Anthony] 38 f8bQu3l91nI-00331-00147439-00147577 [Interviewer] 38 books! f8bQu3l91nI-00332-00147604-00147880 If someone, whether they're based in Trinidad f8bQu3l91nI-00333-00147952-00148297 wherever they are, in whatever part of the world, f8bQu3l91nI-00334-00148297-00148628 how can they go about sourcing your books for purchase? f8bQu3l91nI-00335-00148628-00148887 Whether they're interested in "Towns and Villages"? f8bQu3l91nI-00336-00148887-00149111 I strongly recommend this book. f8bQu3l91nI-00337-00149111-00149712 Towns and Villages is sort of the reasonthat i am here talking to Mr Anthony. f8bQu3l91nI-00338-00149784-00150178 Reason being is that my dad, as i told you, is working on a book f8bQu3l91nI-00339-00150178-00150840 and we were doing some research on Caura Village, and I was flabbergasted to see the information that you had gathered and f8bQu3l91nI-00340-00150960-00151528 i want everyone, if you have the slightest interestin trinidad and tobago, whether it is as a citizen f8bQu3l91nI-00341-00151608-00151835 or a tourist, f8bQu3l91nI-00342-00151835-00152280 you must have "Towns and Villages of Trinidad and Tobago". f8bQu3l91nI-00343-00152384-00152631 That is one of the must-have books. f8bQu3l91nI-00344-00152695-00152926 And where can we find your books, Sir? f8bQu3l91nI-00345-00153056-00153218 [Michael Anthony] Thank you very much. f8bQu3l91nI-00346-00153472-00153661 You tell me, i mean... f8bQu3l91nI-00347-00153661-00153829 how f8bQu3l91nI-00348-00153829-00153973 could i sort of f8bQu3l91nI-00349-00154100-00154234 what do i do? f8bQu3l91nI-00350-00154272-00154443 what is there to be done? f8bQu3l91nI-00351-00154500-00154733 [Interviewer] Okay, sowe can find your books in local bookstores? f8bQu3l91nI-00352-00154733-00155275 but if someone in the U.S., looking at this video is interested in sourcing your book, can they buy it online? f8bQu3l91nI-00353-00155275-00155472 Are there bookstores they can talk to? f8bQu3l91nI-00354-00155771-00156216 That's what i'm looking for foryou. that information that could guide a f8bQu3l91nI-00355-00156216-00156633 prospective buyer or reader. f8bQu3l91nI-00356-00156633-00157124 [Michael Anthony] Actually, I'm not trying to do any anything. f8bQu3l91nI-00357-00157140-00157467 [Interviewer] i went about self-publishing my book. f8bQu3l91nI-00358-00157467-00158108 i wasn't really aware ofthe traditional routes that you could take in terms of maybe finding a literary agent. f8bQu3l91nI-00359-00158131-00158665 i was luckyenough to find a printer very close to me that gave me a favorable price. f8bQu3l91nI-00360-00158665-00159203 ..=in a nutshell it madesense for me to give up writing and publishing books f8bQu3l91nI-00361-00159203-00159612 even though they have had favorablefeedback from people. f8bQu3l91nI-00362-00159612-00160199 i am fearful because we will have so many future writers that willhave that ambition themselves f8bQu3l91nI-00363-00160199-00161264 and you will just end up with generations of disheartened writers. f8bQu3l91nI-00364-00161512-00162021 [Michael Anthony] i think one of the the main things is you have toto be lucky. f8bQu3l91nI-00365-00162021-00162807 [Interviewer] a young writer, instead of going the self-publishing route, maybe hold somestrain, you're excited, try to find a publisher? f8bQu3l91nI-00366-00163000-00163213 [Michael Anthony] I definitely think so. f8bQu3l91nI-00367-00163213-00163950 I definitely think that that is a good way to do it. The best way to do it. f8bQu3l91nI-00368-00164124-00164379 And, you know, to work hard. f8bQu3l91nI-00369-00164433-00164770 I was happy with André Deutsch, f8bQu3l91nI-00370-00164770-00165248 never had thecause although i had the right to do it. f8bQu3l91nI-00371-00165248-00165752 To take somebody there and go and checkand see how many books had sold and so on. f8bQu3l91nI-00372-00165752-00166517 I never did that sort of thing but i fell among good publishers, through Naipaul, in fact. f8bQu3l91nI-00373-00166554-00167048 [Interviewer] So before we close off, mr anthony, can you tell me what youare working on right now or is it top secret? f8bQu3l91nI-00374-00167312-00167670 [Michael Anthony] No it isn't. It certainly is not top secret. f8bQu3l91nI-00375-00167670-00168048 i am doing a second volume f8bQu3l91nI-00376-00168160-00168800 of a book called Anaparima which is a history of the f8bQu3l91nI-00377-00168830-00169008 Naparimas. f8bQu3l91nI-00378-00169008-00169216 It involves f8bQu3l91nI-00379-00169312-00170032 the whole settlement of all the trinidad and the things we ought to do and f8bQu3l91nI-00380-00170104-00170373 where we are going etc. f8bQu3l91nI-00381-00170803-00171152 After that i will probably enter on my f8bQu3l91nI-00382-00171280-00172024 i might try to write a biography because there's, you know, an autobiography because i want to talk f8bQu3l91nI-00383-00172024-00172464 about Mayaro a bit and growing up in Mayaro. f8bQu3l91nI-00384-00172861-00173108 And I feel that f8bQu3l91nI-00385-00173272-00173944 whenever i saw some young Mayaro writersaround, i would say, well i don't need to do f8bQu3l91nI-00386-00173944-00174504 anything, i'll leave it with them but i'mnot seeing any young Mayaro writers. f8bQu3l91nI-00387-00174576-00174992 and Mayaro is too good not to talk, not to have to want to talk about it. f8bQu3l91nI-00388-00175098-00175688 So, I'll do that other book whichmight be in the form of an autobiography. f8bQu3l91nI-00389-00176051-00176434 At the moment i have written 38 books. f8bQu3l91nI-00390-00176434-00176871 i aimat writing 40 books, I suppose. f8bQu3l91nI-00391-00176871-00177552 i suppose it's a good figure to write about... to write the number of books and so on. f8bQu3l91nI-00392-00177616-00178157 so i will do that and afterwards i willtry and f8bQu3l91nI-00393-00178157-00178399 see if i can throw in my pen. fsE1lreWYc0-00000-00000006-00000320 Coming up on Mobile Learning in the Classroom, Learning to Code. fsE1lreWYc0-00001-00000400-00000811 (tech music) fsE1lreWYc0-00002-00001704-00001861 Hi, my name is Guy Trainin, and this is fsE1lreWYc0-00003-00001861-00002082 Mobile Learning in the Classroom from Tech Edge. fsE1lreWYc0-00004-00002082-00002451 Today we're talking about learning to code, and we're doing this episode in the summer fsE1lreWYc0-00005-00002451-00002775 although I think it will apply to any point in time. fsE1lreWYc0-00006-00002775-00003151 But in summer it's actually a great opportunity, if kids are at home and they have some spare fsE1lreWYc0-00007-00003151-00003500 time to put aside some time every day, or a few fsE1lreWYc0-00008-00003500-00003783 times a week to really learn something the doesn't happen fsE1lreWYc0-00009-00003783-00004052 enough in school. I would argue that coding is one of these fsE1lreWYc0-00010-00004052-00004343 things. We really want kids to start thinking about fsE1lreWYc0-00011-00004343-00004576 coding and interacting with coding fairly early. fsE1lreWYc0-00012-00004576-00005042 And we could start that as early as you want, kindergarten or beyond, because some of the fsE1lreWYc0-00013-00005042-00005344 interfaces are completely visual. fsE1lreWYc0-00014-00005344-00005745 Others have text in them. But really an opportunity to start fsE1lreWYc0-00015-00005745-00006235 to get the curiosity going, to get kids creating through programming. fsE1lreWYc0-00016-00006235-00006633 Lots of opportunities there. And summer is a great time to talk about it. fsE1lreWYc0-00017-00006633-00006976 What I do want to say about interacting with all of these fsE1lreWYc0-00018-00006976-00007492 is you really, really want to have conversations about what kids create, and not just let them fsE1lreWYc0-00019-00007492-00007739 play around. Because sometimes when kids play around, fsE1lreWYc0-00020-00007739-00008052 all they do is trial and error. They're not really thinking about their steps. fsE1lreWYc0-00021-00008052-00008503 They're not really thinking about design and they don't really even get really good fsE1lreWYc0-00022-00008503-00008764 results. So questioning techniques, fsE1lreWYc0-00023-00008764-00009168 really saying how did you do that? Why did you make this choice? fsE1lreWYc0-00024-00009168-00009621 What do you think you should do now? How would you do it if you had to do it fsE1lreWYc0-00025-00009621-00009954 all over again? Are great questions to have kids start thinking fsE1lreWYc0-00026-00009954-00010122 about what does it mean to program, fsE1lreWYc0-00027-00010122-00010522 and how does the design process really fit into that idea of programming, fsE1lreWYc0-00028-00010522-00010814 which is really, really important. We want them to be metacognitive, fsE1lreWYc0-00029-00010814-00011449 to think about how they do this. I do have a few apps and websites that can fsE1lreWYc0-00030-00011449-00011653 be used for that. The first one is Tynker. fsE1lreWYc0-00031-00011653-00011851 I'm going to show Tynker the way it shows up fsE1lreWYc0-00032-00011851-00012235 on a Chromebook. But you have to know that you can get Tynker fsE1lreWYc0-00033-00012235-00012633 on the iPad as well. I just had to choose one way. fsE1lreWYc0-00034-00012633-00012936 You can log into Tynker as a student, as a parent, fsE1lreWYc0-00035-00012936-00013237 and as a teacher. So I have parent account and I have also an fsE1lreWYc0-00036-00013237-00013615 account for one of my kids. fsE1lreWYc0-00037-00013615-00014022 You can see you immediately, when you go on it as the parent fsE1lreWYc0-00038-00014022-00014522 you can see how many activities were completed. If you go to the other view you can also see fsE1lreWYc0-00039-00014522-00015347 what's available for somebody as the free account, and what you can do if you actually subscribe. fsE1lreWYc0-00040-00015347-00015890 So you can get quite a bit of practice and quite a bit of thinking done without subscribing, fsE1lreWYc0-00041-00015890-00016509 without paying at all. You do need to have an e-mail and a log-in. fsE1lreWYc0-00042-00016509-00016823 If you do think it's worthwhile, you have some budget, fsE1lreWYc0-00043-00016823-00017523 definitely get the full panel because it does provide a lot more. fsE1lreWYc0-00044-00017523-00018416 If you look at the process of the activities that we have right now, you can see that for fsE1lreWYc0-00045-00018416-00019064 example, let me go to what I have created. fsE1lreWYc0-00046-00019064-00019915 Let's give an example of a simple command. This is a level that I've tried before fsE1lreWYc0-00047-00019915-00020293 and it's fairly simple. You have a character, you have to tell it fsE1lreWYc0-00048-00020293-00020570 what to do. You need to move to turn right, and retrieve fsE1lreWYc0-00049-00020570-00020759 the coin that's on the bottom. fsE1lreWYc0-00050-00020759-00021195 So you have move and you have to select how much. fsE1lreWYc0-00051-00021195-00021659 You can see that there's a scale here. My guess is it's about 400. fsE1lreWYc0-00052-00021659-00022095 Then we need to move, and this allows you to choose fsE1lreWYc0-00053-00022095-00022662 which direction we're moving in. Then we need to move again and probably another fsE1lreWYc0-00054-00022662-00022909 400, although I'm not sure. fsE1lreWYc0-00055-00022909-00023154 Let's try to run the program and see if it works. fsE1lreWYc0-00056-00023154-00023465 You can also run the program, and this is the point fsE1lreWYc0-00057-00023465-00023997 where you start asking questions because you can really show fsE1lreWYc0-00058-00023997-00024247 what has happened. You can go to the next level and obviously fsE1lreWYc0-00059-00024247-00024647 each challenge and gets more and more sophisticated fsE1lreWYc0-00060-00024647-00025123 and therefore more challenging. So this one is called Tynker. fsE1lreWYc0-00061-00025123-00025450 It's got lots of other options, but you get the hang of it. fsE1lreWYc0-00062-00025450-00025844 It's game-based, it's new challenges every time. fsE1lreWYc0-00063-00025844-00026118 It gives positive feedback, and if it's not working fsE1lreWYc0-00064-00026118-00026372 it'll show you what didn't work because you can see fsE1lreWYc0-00065-00026372-00027125 the interaction on the table. The other thing that I wanted to show as we fsE1lreWYc0-00066-00027125-00027463 go through this and let it just load, fsE1lreWYc0-00067-00027463-00028275 is that while you're writing this program, you're writing this program, you're adding fsE1lreWYc0-00068-00028275-00028837 this thing. I can do this and this. fsE1lreWYc0-00069-00028837-00029485 You can actually just hide everything and watch what's going on, or watch the program, fsE1lreWYc0-00070-00029485-00029991 and from anywhere you want to navigate it, it's very easy to go back home to replay or fsE1lreWYc0-00071-00029991-00030588 control, including a help function so kids can actually fsE1lreWYc0-00072-00030588-00030774 work on their own rather well. fsE1lreWYc0-00073-00030774-00031418 So this is called Tynker, it's a great option. I find this very interactive. fsE1lreWYc0-00074-00031418-00031881 I find that my kids love playing with it. And the fact that there's feedback and you fsE1lreWYc0-00075-00031881-00032129 can actually look at the progress that the kids have made fsE1lreWYc0-00076-00032129-00032504 over time is really useful as a teacher and as a parent fsE1lreWYc0-00077-00032504-00032688 because you really get the sense of what is going on. fsE1lreWYc0-00078-00032688-00033147 This one is Tynker. The next one I wanted to talk about it Code.org. fsE1lreWYc0-00079-00033147-00033469 Code.org is very common in classrooms right now. fsE1lreWYc0-00080-00033469-00034041 They supply tremendous amounts of free materials to teachers, but also to parents. fsE1lreWYc0-00081-00034041-00034572 Obviously, the main idea is to help kids do all of this. fsE1lreWYc0-00082-00034572-00035016 What I love is they're really worked with content providers. fsE1lreWYc0-00083-00035016-00035612 They're working with Microsoft through Minecraft. They're working with Disney for working with fsE1lreWYc0-00084-00035612-00035821 Anna and Elsa as you can see on the right side. fsE1lreWYc0-00085-00035821-00036218 On the left side you can see they're working with Disney through Star Wars. fsE1lreWYc0-00086-00036218-00036575 I love the fact that there's a lot of guiding videos. fsE1lreWYc0-00087-00036575-00037096 For example, if you start building a galaxy with codes, fsE1lreWYc0-00088-00037096-00037532 you try something right now, you will get a video fsE1lreWYc0-00089-00037532-00037988 that explains a little bit of a promo why you want to code. fsE1lreWYc0-00090-00037988-00038562 This one has a little bit of Star Wars there which is attractive to some kids, not to everybody. fsE1lreWYc0-00091-00038562-00038991 But there are other options as well. It doesn't have to be Star Wars. fsE1lreWYc0-00092-00038991-00039578 You get people to talk about exactly why coding is good. fsE1lreWYc0-00093-00039578-00040022 But if you, about a minute into this and you can see fsE1lreWYc0-00094-00040022-00040369 we actually start talking about how do we code. fsE1lreWYc0-00095-00040369-00040837 You get this introduction to coding by as you can see, fsE1lreWYc0-00096-00040837-00041156 building your own Star Wars game. That's the end goal, although in the beginning fsE1lreWYc0-00097-00041156-00041663 you just learn how to do some simple commands in the approaches blocks, very similar to fsE1lreWYc0-00098-00041663-00042006 Tynker that we just saw, also works with blocks. fsE1lreWYc0-00099-00042006-00042633 Very, very simple way to work through that. It walks you through the activities. fsE1lreWYc0-00100-00042633-00043233 I'm not going to watch the whole movie, but you can see that now I need to give commands. fsE1lreWYc0-00101-00043233-00043863 Now I've got the program on the right and the actual field on the left. fsE1lreWYc0-00102-00043863-00044413 There's a run button under it. When run move right, and let's say move right fsE1lreWYc0-00103-00044413-00044886 again. Let's see what happens if I run it. fsE1lreWYc0-00104-00044886-00045549 One of the features I love about this is you can actually show the actual code. fsE1lreWYc0-00105-00045549-00046399 It will generate the SIM code you just wrote. It will generate the code that is already fsE1lreWYc0-00106-00046399-00046733 in those blocks, so it actually shows you the programming language fsE1lreWYc0-00107-00046733-00047093 that you would really be doing if you were coding it fsE1lreWYc0-00108-00047093-00047466 on your own. Eventually, it leads you to coding a game fsE1lreWYc0-00109-00047466-00047980 on your own. This is code.org, lots of opportunities as fsE1lreWYc0-00110-00047980-00048625 you saw. There's Star Wars, there's a coding with Anna fsE1lreWYc0-00111-00048625-00049005 and Elsa. So it really is trying to appeal simply to fsE1lreWYc0-00112-00049005-00049515 a wide audience by having different options. fsE1lreWYc0-00113-00049515-00049844 This is the video that explains how you program with Anna and Elsa. fsE1lreWYc0-00114-00049844-00050328 That's based on ice skating again, and nice application there. fsE1lreWYc0-00115-00050328-00050708 This is code.org, lots of other things to explore. fsE1lreWYc0-00116-00050708-00051000 Most of the content, actually all of the content is free fsE1lreWYc0-00117-00051000-00051615 and available, you do need to register. You can do that as a classroom, so again great fsE1lreWYc0-00118-00051615-00051817 way to learn about coding. fsE1lreWYc0-00119-00051817-00052448 The last thing I want to talk about is an app, fsE1lreWYc0-00120-00052448-00053391 and app on the Chromebook that is called Hopscotch. We talked about Hopscotch before, fsE1lreWYc0-00121-00053391-00053954 but they've really, really done new work on Hopscotch. fsE1lreWYc0-00122-00053954-00054386 So this is Hopscotch. Hopscotch has lots of projects already loaded. fsE1lreWYc0-00123-00054386-00054637 You can see what I love about Hopscotch, unlike the others, fsE1lreWYc0-00124-00054637-00055061 is you have a lot of access to things that others have created using Hopscotch. fsE1lreWYc0-00125-00055061-00055338 You have an idea of what the capabilities are. fsE1lreWYc0-00126-00055338-00055666 You can see some cool things that other can program. fsE1lreWYc0-00127-00055666-00056100 That allows you to think quite a bit about what you want to do. fsE1lreWYc0-00128-00056100-00056723 What you can do on Hopscotch is really make or view. fsE1lreWYc0-00129-00056723-00057220 Right now we're in the make section. You can, for example, create a blank project fsE1lreWYc0-00130-00057220-00057591 or draw something or do a geometry dash, light sabers. fsE1lreWYc0-00131-00057591-00058051 You can see that there are lots of options of things to do. fsE1lreWYc0-00132-00058051-00058675 Let's for example, create a Flappy Bird. What I love about this, if you can see immediately fsE1lreWYc0-00133-00058675-00059256 we have an actual video showing you how to program this. fsE1lreWYc0-00134-00059256-00059712 What I love even further is while she's talking I can do some of these things. fsE1lreWYc0-00135-00059712-00060475 I can actually select and start programming while she's talking about how you program. fsE1lreWYc0-00136-00060475-00060810 I can stop her video and do what she just said. fsE1lreWYc0-00137-00060810-00061412 It stays in the corner and we can go on. This is a great use of that picture inside fsE1lreWYc0-00138-00061412-00061686 picture feature that iPad can do right now. fsE1lreWYc0-00139-00061686-00062235 It really walks you through the steps. You keep the video on and you are creating fsE1lreWYc0-00140-00062235-00062550 at the same time. Great way to learn. fsE1lreWYc0-00141-00062550-00062913 For example, we created a character. Then you make the rule. fsE1lreWYc0-00142-00062913-00063332 For example, when the character is tapped what happens? fsE1lreWYc0-00143-00063332-00064000 The character jumps, right. Now right, I've done something. fsE1lreWYc0-00144-00064000-00064568 I've programmed this character to do something, right. fsE1lreWYc0-00145-00064568-00064802 Once the project is done, if I press on the character fsE1lreWYc0-00146-00064802-00065293 it will jump. It allows you to actually make more rules fsE1lreWYc0-00147-00065293-00065488 because this is a Flappy Bird kind of game, fsE1lreWYc0-00148-00065488-00065964 so this is a side scrolling with obstacles. You can create these obstacles and program fsE1lreWYc0-00149-00065964-00066162 everything that's happening there. fsE1lreWYc0-00150-00066162-00066516 The video will guide you through it. The projects are not just there, fsE1lreWYc0-00151-00066516-00066904 but they're actually each one of them guided with a person talking to you, walking you fsE1lreWYc0-00152-00066904-00067120 through the steps so it's not reading. fsE1lreWYc0-00153-00067120-00067504 It's not necessarily guess work. I like that approach very, very much fsE1lreWYc0-00154-00067504-00068142 just like I like the use of videos in code.org. Although I think this picture inside pictures fsE1lreWYc0-00155-00068142-00068706 is a really useful way to do this. This is Hopscotch. fsE1lreWYc0-00156-00068706-00069023 Today we talked about three different apps that are used to teach coding. fsE1lreWYc0-00157-00069023-00069362 Again, the emphasis is not just to work through these apps fsE1lreWYc0-00158-00069362-00069818 to get reports on what kids are doing, but actually to have this metacognitive questions fsE1lreWYc0-00159-00069818-00070417 that really apply to the design process and as a result of the programming process. fsE1lreWYc0-00160-00070417-00070533 That's it for this time, I'll see you next time fsE1lreWYc0-00161-00070533-00070725 on Mobile Learning in the Classroom. fsE1lreWYc0-00162-00070782-00071020 (tech music) fsE1lreWYc0-00163-00071168-00071652 Email: gtrainin2@unl.edu Twitter: @tgite fuQDLb-o9w0-00000-00000000-00001692 [Music ] fuQDLb-o9w0-00001-00003088-00003456 hey guys your modders is here welcome back to another video hope you all have a fantastic day fuQDLb-o9w0-00002-00003456-00003892 and if not then i'm pretty sure you can make it better well there's dozens of graphics mod for san fuQDLb-o9w0-00003-00003892-00004296 andreas on the internet but have you ever thought which one have better looks and performance fuQDLb-o9w0-00004-00004296-00004800 i'm pretty sure you do so for today's video we have selected top five extremely most realistic fuQDLb-o9w0-00005-00004800-00005264 graphical mods for grand theft auto san andreas with their specified system requirements and by fuQDLb-o9w0-00006-00005264-00005752 the end of this video you can determine which one looks fantastic and also let me know your opinion fuQDLb-o9w0-00007-00005752-00006240 on comment section so without any further ado let's get started but before we proceed kindly show some fuQDLb-o9w0-00008-00006240-00006623 love and support towards this channel already we are falling down since my channel got hacked fuQDLb-o9w0-00009-00006623-00007088 so a thumbs up will be much appreciated and watch complete video without skipping any part by doing fuQDLb-o9w0-00010-00007088-00007552 this you'll support the youtube algorithm and this video will suggested to other viewers like you fuQDLb-o9w0-00011-00007552-00008584 so without any further ado let's get started and please don't forget to subscribe to this channel fuQDLb-o9w0-00012-00008736-00009296 directly stupid oh my god this mod still feels realistic even all those years i still remember fuQDLb-o9w0-00013-00009296-00009784 those days when we rush for this mod to play and when this mod crashes we immediately google for fuQDLb-o9w0-00014-00009784-00010272 fixes and most importantly how can we forget those low resolution gameplays on youtube fuQDLb-o9w0-00015-00010272-00010752 who teaches us how to fix the lag and count me as one of em it's been almost half of 2022 and fuQDLb-o9w0-00016-00010752-00011376 this mod still have all those spectacular features from this glossary reflection to tsunami on roads fuQDLb-o9w0-00017-00011376-00011784 this mod comes with varieties of settings from low to high end system and we are talking about fuQDLb-o9w0-00018-00011784-00012192 the system so how can we forget the system specification that you need to play on your pc fuQDLb-o9w0-00019-00012192-00012784 here are the specifications you can all the way stop the video and read those fuQDLb-o9w0-00020-00013616-00014063 let me ask you a simple question do you like eye candy i mean those saturated colors then my fuQDLb-o9w0-00021-00014063-00014544 friend ngsa 4.1 could be your next mod unlike directors 2.0 this mod doesn't have any dark fuQDLb-o9w0-00022-00014544-00014960 reflection on cars and filled with a whole lot of new features like real time depth of field fuQDLb-o9w0-00023-00014960-00015488 vibrant colors complex shadows for better visuals and incredible reflection those eye candy colors fuQDLb-o9w0-00024-00015488-00015991 are really attracting me towards them just look at this car i can't believe this is gta san andreas fuQDLb-o9w0-00025-00015991-00016456 it feels like i'm playing gta 5. and this mod also comes with the extended draw the distance and a fuQDLb-o9w0-00026-00016456-00016944 bit of crispy sharpness which feels more realistic while playing this game and if you're interested fuQDLb-o9w0-00027-00016944-00018384 to know the system requirements then here they are you can also pause the video and read those fuQDLb-o9w0-00028-00020584-00021040 realistic keyword is most popular in gaming field what comes in your mind first when you hear fuQDLb-o9w0-00029-00021040-00021472 realistic word i'm pretty sure it will be reflections color similar to real life right fuQDLb-o9w0-00030-00021472-00021792 so summer is so sweet to have you is our next mod for this list fuQDLb-o9w0-00031-00021792-00022224 it contains all those spectacular real-life features that we are talking about the depth fuQDLb-o9w0-00032-00022224-00022600 of field in other words blur on background with bokeh makes this game even more fuQDLb-o9w0-00033-00022600-00023112 realistic than it was before from heavy metallic reflection to those insane color depth this mod fuQDLb-o9w0-00034-00023112-00023584 have everything that you cannot imagine even in some scenarios it looks way better than gta fuQDLb-o9w0-00035-00023584-00024000 5 but the more feature the mod will be they will simply slightly ask for more resources fuQDLb-o9w0-00036-00024000-00024408 that's the nice way of saying my pc couldn't handle this mod but if you still have curiosity fuQDLb-o9w0-00037-00024408-00025384 to know the system requirements then there they are you can already pause the video and read those fuQDLb-o9w0-00038-00026168-00026568 you all have heard about gta 5 right in fact who doesn't one thing i like about fuQDLb-o9w0-00039-00026568-00026895 gta 5 because of its lightning and what if i say i can show you better fuQDLb-o9w0-00040-00026895-00028183 lighting than gta 5 while maintaining same visuals as gta 5. well how about this one fuQDLb-o9w0-00041-00028536-00028832 well my friend i'm pretty sure you are impressed with the lightning this mod fuQDLb-o9w0-00042-00028832-00029168 offers and if you're not then throw your pc and play minecraft on mobile fuQDLb-o9w0-00043-00029376-00029727 don't take it seriously i'm just joking with you so actually this graphics mode fuQDLb-o9w0-00044-00029727-00030095 is designed to give you gta 5 vibes those bloom and shiny lightning wants me to fuQDLb-o9w0-00045-00030095-00030432 uninstall gta 5 and start playing gta san andreas but don't get too fuQDLb-o9w0-00046-00030432-00030983 comfortable because to get a smooth experience you'll need this type of system requirements fuQDLb-o9w0-00047-00031952-00032383 now it's time for the moment that we all have waiting for welcome everybody the big daddy fuQDLb-o9w0-00048-00034560-00034960 i think i don't need to explain about directx 3.0 one of the best realistic graphics mod for fuQDLb-o9w0-00049-00034960-00035416 san andreas out there but the main reason for selecting this graphics mod for today's video fuQDLb-o9w0-00050-00035416-00035936 is because of its volumetric clouds there are some mods like cloudworks 2.0 for this fuQDLb-o9w0-00051-00035936-00036416 game but this one beats all of them everything seems right until i realize this mod requires fuQDLb-o9w0-00052-00036416-00036944 very high end gpu other than that i have no issues with this mod by the way if you're interested to fuQDLb-o9w0-00053-00036944-00037352 know the system requirements then there they are you can all the way pause the video and read those fuQDLb-o9w0-00054-00037904-00038312 so thank you so much guys i appreciate it since you watched the complete video till end so fuQDLb-o9w0-00055-00038312-00038672 i'll meet you in the next one till then goodbye but before saying goodbye fuQDLb-o9w0-00056-00038672-00039000 please hit that like button and subscribe to this channel and hit that notification bell fuQDLb-o9w0-00057-00039000-00039432 so in case if i upload a new video then get a chance to be first in my video and the first fuQDLb-o9w0-00058-00039432-00040784 guy who commented my video will get pinned so with all due respect goodbye take care fuQDLb-o9w0-00059-00041920-00041970 you fxwq_x7V-9u-00000-00001088-00001390 The Amazon rainforest is destroyed, continue our devastating rate fxwq_x7V-9u-00001-00001424-00001580 Ever since I was little fxwq_x7V-9u-00002-00001680-00001916 I admired nature... fxwq_x7V-9u-00003-00001916-00002004 I loved it! fxwq_x7V-9u-00004-00002034-00002532 I want to build forest to live fxwq_x7V-9u-00005-00002532-00002620 and die there! fxwq_x7V-9u-00006-00002620-00002776 that was the idea. fxwq_x7V-9u-00007-00002834-00002986 Since 1980 fxwq_x7V-9u-00008-00002986-00003304 Omar Tello has worked tirelessly fxwq_x7V-9u-00009-00003304-00003518 to rebuil the this forest fxwq_x7V-9u-00010-00003550-00003704 33 years ago fxwq_x7V-9u-00011-00003704-00004252 the price of land was high if it had a pasture fxwq_x7V-9u-00012-00004280-00004498 if the land had a forest it was not worth much. fxwq_x7V-9u-00013-00004498-00004764 Since then there was a decline in birds, animals, trees, fxwq_x7V-9u-00014-00004764-00005000 all that is now only seen in zoos fxwq_x7V-9u-00015-00005086-00005362 One of the merits of our work was to... fxwq_x7V-9u-00016-00005362-00005834 save species, rescue plants in destroyed forest fxwq_x7V-9u-00017-00005834-00006144 where plants were surely going to die fxwq_x7V-9u-00018-00006198-00006570 but the work here is not just reforestation... fxwq_x7V-9u-00019-00006614-00006873 I call this a restoration of... fxwq_x7V-9u-00020-00006873-00007244 an ecosystem in a destroyed area. fxwq_x7V-9u-00021-00007350-00007618 I unconsciously thought it was just about getting... fxwq_x7V-9u-00022-00007618-00007906 some seed, and planting trees and let them grow; fxwq_x7V-9u-00023-00007945-00008330 it was about investigating the same combination of vegetation... fxwq_x7V-9u-00024-00008330-00008612 so there is no conflict between them in the future; fxwq_x7V-9u-00025-00008612-00008882 Many insects were eating the plants. fxwq_x7V-9u-00026-00008882-00009110 like the grasshoppers and crickets. fxwq_x7V-9u-00027-00009186-00009634 We needed to get all these pest become something benefical... fxwq_x7V-9u-00028-00009634-00009836 that was one of the greatest achievements... fxwq_x7V-9u-00029-00009836-00010046 that can take nearly 20 years. fxwq_x7V-9u-00030-00010092-00010420 In nature, there are neither pest nor predators... fxwq_x7V-9u-00031-00010512-00010730 all are regulators... fxwq_x7V-9u-00032-00011026-00011192 I had a dream, I used to say: fxwq_x7V-9u-00033-00011192-00011546 that I woul like that all the species that used to live in this forest... fxwq_x7V-9u-00034-00011546-00011812 would live here again, I think a large percentage was achieved... fxwq_x7V-9u-00035-00011812-00012138 by the increase in animal like: monkeys, anteaters armadillos, and sloths. fxwq_x7V-9u-00036-00012338-00012522 working on conservation has no profits... fxwq_x7V-9u-00037-00012590-00012826 it´s hard work and takes a lot of time, fxwq_x7V-9u-00038-00012863-00012982 my goal is... fxwq_x7V-9u-00039-00012982-00013126 that in the future... fxwq_x7V-9u-00040-00013126-00013466 thousands of hectares will be restored. fxwq_x7V-9u-00041-00013516-00013662 We have only seven hectares... fxwq_x7V-9u-00042-00013763-00014068 and seven hectares can not live in the future... fxwq_x7V-9u-00043-00014068-00014210 what we need... fxwq_x7V-9u-00044-00014210-00014426 to increment to thousands of hectares. fxwq_x7V-9u-00045-00014506-00014740 Do you have money to expand to that magnitud? fxwq_x7V-9u-00046-00014847-00014976 I don´t have money fxwq_x7V-9u-00047-00015088-00015252 well I´ve always thougth... fxwq_x7V-9u-00048-00015252-00015478 that one cannot breath with money, fxwq_x7V-9u-00049-00015478-00015606 with money... fxwq_x7V-9u-00050-00015650-00016026 you can not be in such an environment. fxwq_x7V-9u-00051-00016063-00016169 But now... fxwq_x7V-9u-00052-00016169-00016496 what are you going to do with only seven hectares and no money? fxwq_x7V-9u-00053-00016626-00016694 That´s the problem... fxwq_x7V-9u-00054-00016694-00016998 it is a matter of other people´s conscience, fxwq_x7V-9u-00055-00017126-00017284 to help us expand... fxwq_x7V-9u-00056-00017414-00017614 and save the forest, fxwq_x7V-9u-00057-00017720-00017920 otherwise it will only be documented... fxwq_x7V-9u-00058-00017920-00018016 in research papers... fxwq_x7V-9u-00059-00018016-00018304 about our work and achievements that we could have done. fxwq_x7V-9u-00060-00018526-00018684 Who did you do this for? fxwq_x7V-9u-00061-00018768-00018990 for the people. fxwq_x7V-9u-00062-00019262-00019594 Let´s begin today if not tomorrow will be too late. fyjWLBZcrdo-00000-00000262-00000532 How do we represent data in a computer? fyjWLBZcrdo-00001-00000532-00000969 All data inside of modern computers are stored as a series of ones and zeros. fyjWLBZcrdo-00002-00000969-00001180 We call this binary data. fyjWLBZcrdo-00003-00001180-00001609 The ones and zeros are called binary digits (or "bits" for short). fyjWLBZcrdo-00004-00001610-00002088 In modern computers, data are stored in small blocks of eight bits called a "byte". fyjWLBZcrdo-00005-00002088-00002674 We can combine two, four, eight, or more bytes together to create larger blocks of binary data. fyjWLBZcrdo-00006-00002674-00003082 However, the computer needs to understand what each of these blocks of ones and zeros fyjWLBZcrdo-00007-00003082-00003560 represent - is it a word, a number, a date and time, or something else? fyjWLBZcrdo-00008-00003560-00003928 This is where data types come into play not to be confused with the "types of data" we fyjWLBZcrdo-00009-00003928-00004132 discussed previously. fyjWLBZcrdo-00010-00004132-00004703 A data type is an attribute of data that tells the computer what a group of binary data represents. fyjWLBZcrdo-00011-00004703-00005096 They tell the computer how to interpret the bits of data – either as a character, a fyjWLBZcrdo-00012-00005096-00005346 number, a date, or something else. fyjWLBZcrdo-00013-00005346-00005782 They determine what operations can be performed on the data, like addition, subtraction, and fyjWLBZcrdo-00014-00005782-00005946 multiplication. fyjWLBZcrdo-00015-00005946-00006468 They specify how the data are stored and the size of the data by the number of bytes they require. fyjWLBZcrdo-00016-00006473-00006908 And they instruct the computer on how to display the data in a human-readable format. fyjWLBZcrdo-00017-00006908-00007204 For example: We represent the letter A as a byte of binary fyjWLBZcrdo-00018-00007204-00007720 digits using a sequence containing a zero, a one, five zeros, and a one. fyjWLBZcrdo-00019-00007720-00008306 We represent the digit one in binary as two zeros, two ones, three zeros, and a one. fyjWLBZcrdo-00020-00008306-00008952 And we represent the percent symbol as two zeros, a one, two more zeros, a one, a zero, and a one. fyjWLBZcrdo-00021-00008952-00009324 Essentially, we can represent anything that can be typed into a computer as a sequence fyjWLBZcrdo-00022-00009324-00009631 of ones and zeros using data types. fyjWLBZcrdo-00023-00009631-00009926 In data science, there are two main divisions of data types: fyjWLBZcrdo-00024-00009926-00010386 First, we have scalar data types, also known as primitive data types, basic data types, fyjWLBZcrdo-00025-00010386-00010574 or built-in data types. fyjWLBZcrdo-00026-00010574-00011000 Scalar data types represent the most basic building blocks of data by storing letters, fyjWLBZcrdo-00027-00011000-00011346 numbers, and symbols in a computer as binary data. fyjWLBZcrdo-00028-00011346-00011864 Next, we have composite data types, also known as aggregate data types, compound data types, fyjWLBZcrdo-00029-00011864-00012104 or more commonly, data structures. fyjWLBZcrdo-00030-00012104-00012456 Composite data types are composed of a set of scalar data types. fyjWLBZcrdo-00031-00012457-00012861 They organize the scalar data types and provide them with structure so that they can be worked fyjWLBZcrdo-00032-00012861-00013133 with as a collection of values. fyjWLBZcrdo-00033-00013133-00013584 We're going to discuss both scalar data types, followed by composite data types, next. fC_UdvjOduI-00000-00000600-00002166 Prince Harry, 32, was scheduled to fly home to London from Barbados on Sunday Instead he went to Toronto and spent the night with girlfriend Meghan Markle fC_UdvjOduI-00001-00002316-00003699 The 35-year-old actress was spotted wearing the $240 necklace just 24 hours earlier when she was seen picking up flowers fC_UdvjOduI-00002-00003849-00005237 The 14 karat gold 'asymmetrical letter necklace' is by Los Angeles-based designer Maya Brenner and features a tiny M and H fC_UdvjOduI-00003-00005387-00006813 Meghan Markle has ensured there is no doubt over the status of her relationship with Prince Harry by wearing their first initials side-by-side on her chest. fC_UdvjOduI-00004-00006963-00008697 The 35-year-old actress was pictured shopping in Toronto, Canada, on Saturday wearing a personalized gold necklace that appears to be subtly decorated with the letters M and H. fC_UdvjOduI-00005-00008847-00010365 It comes as the 32-year-old prince made a 1,700-mile diversion to see his girlfriend on his way back to Britain from his tour of the Caribbean. fC_UdvjOduI-00006-00010515-00011977 Spell out your love like Meghan Meghan Markle subtly shows the world who's the love in her life with her initals necklace by Maya Brenner, a LA based designer. fC_UdvjOduI-00007-00012127-00013861 They say good things come in small packages and in this case the old adage definitely rings true. The necklace is delicate and dainty. It works perfectly as an everyday piece. fC_UdvjOduI-00008-00014011-00015908 This little beauty just shot to the top of our Christmas wish list. This exact one is up for grabs, but make it your own with you and your boo's initials. Click to the right to buy it now from bauble bar. fC_UdvjOduI-00009-00016058-00017408 Or check out our edit full of bargains below. Nothing is over $50! * PRICES MAY NOT BE AS ADVERTISED fC_UdvjOduI-00010-00017558-00019380 ...NOW GET ONE LIKE MEGHAN'S The 14 karat gold necklace is by Los Angeles-based designer Maya Brenner whose jewelry has been worn by celebrities including Kendall Jenner, Mila Kunis and Ashley Graham. fC_UdvjOduI-00011-00019530-00020954 A spokeswoman for the jewelry company confirmed that Meghan wore the 'asymmetrical letter and number necklace' which comes in white, yellow and rose gold. fC_UdvjOduI-00012-00021104-00022382 It costs $240 with one letter, but the company charges an extra $60 for each additional letter. fC_UdvjOduI-00013-00022532-00023942 It is not the first time that Meghan has used jewelry to show her feelings for the prince. The couple regularly wear matching beaded bracelets . fC_UdvjOduI-00014-00024092-00025358 Prince Harry was scheduled to fly home to London from Barbados on Sunday in time for official engagements this week. fC_UdvjOduI-00015-00025508-00026922 But instead the royal stopped off in Toronto to spend the night with the actress, who is based in the city while filming US legal drama Suits. fC_UdvjOduI-00016-00027072-00028626 The impromptu visit might explain why Meghan appeared in such good spirits as she bought fresh flowers on Saturday - just 24 hours before Harry boarded the plane. fC_UdvjOduI-00017-00028776-00030250 A friend told The Sun: 'Harry just couldn't wait to see her. He was due to fly back to London on a British Airways flight with the rest of his entourage. fC_UdvjOduI-00018-00030400-00031408 'But he changed his mind and diverted straight to see her as they couldn't bear to be apart. fC_UdvjOduI-00019-00031558-00033074 'It's just another sign of how head-over-heels he is about her. He is absolutely besotted. We've never seen him so happy - it's great.' fC_UdvjOduI-00020-00033224-00034571 The couple have yet to make an official appearance together but Meghan continues to drop subtle hints about the budding relationship on social media. fC_UdvjOduI-00021-00034721-00037383 The actress posted an photo showing her dog Guy dressed in a Union Jack printed coat. Writing on social media, she said of her dog's outfit: 'For the love of hand-me-downs. This was Bogart's sweater as a puppy. Now it's keeping Guy warm. #puppylove #adoptdontshop #reducereuserecycle.' fC_UdvjOduI-00022-00037533-00038736 The day before Harry made the six-hour flight to Toronto, Meghan was seen picking up bouquets of flowers. fC_UdvjOduI-00023-00038886-00040137 Hours earlier the actress was seen stocking up on basics such as kitchen roll and water during a trip to a grocery store. fC_UdvjOduI-00024-00040287-00041637 It could be that Prince Harry had informed his girlfriend of his plans to visit and that she was stocking up on essentials ahead of his arrival. fC_UdvjOduI-00025-00041787-00042930 Prince Harry made the visit to Toronto at the end of his 15-day tour of the Caribbean on behalf of the Queen. fC_UdvjOduI-00026-00043080-00044528 His final days were spent in Guyana, the only English-speaking country in South America which became independent from Britain in 1966. fC_UdvjOduI-00027-00044678-00046073 He flew over Kaieteur, one of the highest freefall waterfalls in the world, before landing at a tourist center a few hundred meters away. fC_UdvjOduI-00028-00046223-00047685 Not content with observing from afar, an intrepid Prince Harry wandered up to the edge of the falls, which are not blocked off by any barriers. fC_UdvjOduI-00029-00047835-00049089 On the small outcrop of rock, he was given a close up view of the rushing water with its deafening sound filling his ears. fC_UdvjOduI-00030-00049239-00050361 He leaned a little forward to look at the ground below but then grimaced and shook his hands in mock horror. fCBzozs6DCg-00000-00000742-00000988 ohhhhhhh fCBzozs6DCg-00001-00000988-00001119 Run, ya idiot! fCBzozs6DCg-00002-00003140-00003459 NOOOOOOOOO!!!! fCBzozs6DCg-00003-00003671-00003799 ah... fCBzozs6DCg-00004-00003799-00004065 she said it was okay to eat her cheese fCBzozs6DCg-00005-00004083-00004406 so i'm still a vegan don't worry fCBzozs6DCg-00006-00004588-00004638 okay fCBzozs6DCg-00007-00005049-00005226 so what's your excuse today? fCBzozs6DCg-00008-00005226-00005391 he wouldn't wantit any other way fCBzozs6DCg-00009-00005391-00005508 trust me fCBzozs6DCg-00010-00005508-00005709 [Stammers] but that's not fCBzozs6DCg-00011-00005709-00005903 *Sigh* fCBzozs6DCg-00012-00006980-00007276 you have no chance of defeating me fCBzozs6DCg-00013-00007283-00007420 Now say goodbye! fCBzozs6DCg-00014-00007443-00007592 Ahahahaha! fCBzozs6DCg-00015-00007932-00008132 You haven't seen the last of me! fCBzozs6DCg-00016-00008349-00008514 Ha HAAA! fCBzozs6DCg-00017-00008514-00008744 I've won and taken more than half your energy fCBzozs6DCg-00018-00008870-00009072 there's nothing you can do now fCBzozs6DCg-00019-00009072-00009363 but this isn'teven half of what I'm capable of fCBzozs6DCg-00020-00009363-00009477 you WEAKLING! fCBzozs6DCg-00021-00009523-00009684 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA fCBzozs6DCg-00022-00009716-00009879 i'll crush you like a bug fCBzozs6DCg-00023-00010274-00010497 SAY GOODBYE!!!! fCBzozs6DCg-00024-00010549-00010621 Huh? fCBzozs6DCg-00025-00010883-00010933 uh.... fCBzozs6DCg-00026-00010973-00011101 What?! fCBzozs6DCg-00027-00011101-00011237 no way *Nervous chuckle* fCBzozs6DCg-00028-00011237-00011419 YouBEAT me?! fCBzozs6DCg-00029-00011419-00011533 How? fCBzozs6DCg-00030-00011533-00011755 I'm an elite warrior fCBzozs6DCg-00031-00011798-00011929 You coward! fCBzozs6DCg-00032-00011929-00012086 you're strongerthan i thought fCBzozs6DCg-00033-00012086-00012256 but just you wait fCBzozs6DCg-00034-00012256-00012456 I'll come back even more powerful than before fCBzozs6DCg-00035-00012456-00012585 and GET my vengeance fCBzozs6DCg-00036-00012585-00012779 I PROMISE you that fCBzozs6DCg-00037-00013441-00013590 say aren't you vegan? fCBzozs6DCg-00038-00013590-00013770 Why are you eating a burger? fCBzozs6DCg-00039-00013770-00014129 Well I am vegan but you see I'm not vegan todayyyy fCBzozs6DCg-00040-00014129-00014289 so I can eat this burger fCBzozs6DCg-00041-00014289-00014539 I'ma bevegan tomorrow though for sure fCBzozs6DCg-00042-00014902-00015124 HEY, I thought you were vegan today! fCBzozs6DCg-00043-00015235-00015398 hmm? I am fCBzozs6DCg-00044-00015398-00015698 buuuuuuut you're eating cheese fCBzozs6DCg-00045-00015849-00016080 you see i can eat this because... fCBzozs6DCg-00046-00016137-00016332 I personally talkedto the cow... fCBzozs6DCg-00047-00016332-00016595 she said it was okay to eat her cheese fCBzozs6DCg-00048-00016595-00016877 so i'm still a vegan don't worry fCBzozs6DCg-00049-00017043-00017208 so what'syour excuse today? fCBzozs6DCg-00050-00017208-00017526 You see it's national animal appreciation day fCBzozs6DCg-00051-00017526-00017738 and I just love animalsso much fCBzozs6DCg-00052-00017738-00017965 that I appreciate the sacrifices fCBzozs6DCg-00053-00017965-00018162 THIS particular chicken made for us fCBzozs6DCg-00054-00018162-00018327 he wouldn'twant it any other way fCBzozs6DCg-00055-00018327-00018469 trust me fCBzozs6DCg-00056-00018530-00018778 Mmm, this is some really good chicken! fCBzozs6DCg-00057-00018778-00018966 I broke into somebody's house fCBzozs6DCg-00058-00018966-00019419 I ate their entire bag of medium-sized chips. fCBzozs6DCg-00059-00019876-00020004 What...? fCBzozs6DCg-00060-00020004-00020124 Fair! fCBzozs6DCg-00061-00020124-00020229 Safe! fCBzozs6DCg-00062-00020229-00020346 Out! fCBzozs6DCg-00063-00020346-00020636 I still have some tricks up my sleeve. fCBzozs6DCg-00064-00020735-00020958 And what might that be? fCBzozs6DCg-00065-00021030-00021422 I will defeat you fCBzozs6DCg-00066-00021422-00021623 Fine by me fCBzozs6DCg-00067-00021623-00021849 Simple, when youwere being all dramatic for no reason fCBzozs6DCg-00068-00021849-00022043 I just went ahead and killed you fCBzozs6DCg-00069-00022043-00022200 it's not like you weremoving or anything fCBzozs6DCg-00070-00022200-00022429 I promise you that fCBzozs6DCg-00071-00022436-00022603 okay suuuuure fCBzozs6DCg-00072-00022803-00022995 Well i broke into somebody's house fCBzozs6DCg-00073-00022995-00023166 and stole a50-inch TV fCBzozs6DCg-00074-00023166-00023439 AND $2,000 without getting caught, fCBzozs6DCg-00075-00023443-00023759 [Crickets] fCBzozs6DCg-00076-00023759-00023978 [Stammers] and I use the money fCBzozs6DCg-00077-00023978-00024290 to buy themost expensive items on Glober Eats fCBzozs6DCg-00078-00024290-00024710 and I-I ate it while st-still in the house? fCBzozs6DCg-00079-00024710-00024966 [Cheering] fCBzozs6DCg-00080-00026639-00026689 What the F- fCBzozs6DCg-00081-00026689-00026983 Wow! Now I can take high definition pictures fCBzozs6DCg-00082-00026983-00027101 without having to worry about fCBzozs6DCg-00083-00027101-00027346 any of those nanometers of missing action fCBzozs6DCg-00084-00027354-00027617 thanks to this new Uphone 57 fCBzozs6DCg-00085-00027670-00027782 Run, ya idiot! fCBzozs6DCg-00086-00028119-00028215 Coupon added fCBzozs6DCg-00087-00028215-00028329 Congratulations! fCBzozs6DCg-00088-00028329-00028548 Yousaved $240 fCBzozs6DCg-00089-00028548-00028700 YES! Thank you! fCBzozs6DCg-00090-00028700-00028947 With the coupon fee of$255 fCBzozs6DCg-00091-00028947-00029199 your total is now $264.99 fCBzozs6DCg-00092-00029267-00029324 What? fCBzozs6DCg-00093-00029324-00029633 N-noooo c-c-cancel CANCEL! fCBzozs6DCg-00094-00029633-00029718 we're sorry, fCBzozs6DCg-00095-00029718-00029965 we cannot cancel your order once it has been placed, fCBzozs6DCg-00096-00029965-00030201 your order will arrive inapproximately two hours fCBzozs6DCg-00097-00030201-00030321 enjoy your debt fCBzozs6DCg-00098-00030463-00030513 Ack! fCBzozs6DCg-00099-00033961-00034096 Hehehehe fCBzozs6DCg-00100-00034355-00034665 Introducing the new Uphone 57 fCBzozs6DCg-00101-00034665-00034887 it's exactly likethe Uphone 56 fCBzozs6DCg-00102-00034887-00035202 but now it has a slightly bigger camera fCBzozs6DCg-00103-00035202-00035589 that's right the Uphone 57 only $1,000,000.99 fCBzozs6DCg-00104-00035589-00035768 get yourstoday! fCBzozs6DCg-00105-00037523-00037768 Well I broke into someone's house fCBzozs6DCg-00106-00038649-00038804 thank you very much fCBzozs6DCg-00107-00040180-00040517 you're MINE forever fCBzozs6DCg-00108-00040517-00040717 MWAHAHAHAHA fCBzozs6DCg-00109-00042849-00042941 AH! fCBzozs6DCg-00110-00042941-00043041 FIRE! fCBzozs6DCg-00111-00043041-00043328 I know I know, [Panicking] just help me put it out fCBzozs6DCg-00112-00043328-00043521 uhhhh uh uhhhh fCBzozs6DCg-00113-00043521-00043623 oh! fCBzozs6DCg-00114-00043780-00043956 here, h-here put this on it fCBzozs6DCg-00115-00044191-00044378 heyyy that's actually w- fCBzozs6DCg-00116-00044429-00044575 [Scream] fCBzozs6DCg-00117-00044681-00044803 now wait a minute fCBzozs6DCg-00118-00044803-00044957 I wasn't told I wouldbe paying fCBzozs6DCg-00119-00045304-00045471 whoaaaaa fCBzozs6DCg-00120-00045471-00045706 th-that's a lot of money... fCBzozs6DCg-00121-00045706-00045980 your order will arrive in approximatelytwo hours fCBzozs6DCg-00122-00045980-00046120 enjoy your debt fCBzozs6DCg-00123-00046120-00046302 TWO hours?! fCBzozs6DCg-00124-00046302-00046492 Ahhhh F- fCBzozs6DCg-00125-00046746-00046834 Sophia [Off Screen]: Tydey! Myra: Ah! fCBzozs6DCg-00126-00046836-00047141 Um. She. Summoned you... fCBzozs6DCg-00127-00048356-00048556 [Intense anime scream] fCBzozs6DCg-00128-00048900-00049059 [Aggressively] you're welcome. fGc0jsD6UIU-00000-00000000-00000200 Here we go fGc0jsD6UIU-00001-00001700-00001900 GEEZ BETTER THAN WHITE CAT fLZtOXaQUYA-00000-00000000-00000919 SCP-098 "Surgeon Crabs" object class safe fLZtOXaQUYA-00001-00001091-00001371 Item #: SCP-098 fLZtOXaQUYA-00002-00001371-00001543 Object Class: Safe fLZtOXaQUYA-00003-00001543-00002280 Special Containment Procedures: Members of SCP-098 are to be kept in a 10 m x 20 m room fLZtOXaQUYA-00004-00002280-00002841 with small pools of water and a sandy substrate. Rocks and driftwood are to be left in a random fLZtOXaQUYA-00005-00002841-00003159 arrangement for SCP-098 to nest in. fLZtOXaQUYA-00006-00003159-00003779 The enclosure is to be cleaned on a weekly basis. During this time, all members of SCP-098 fLZtOXaQUYA-00007-00003779-00004415 are to be accounted for first, to prevent injury or death to personnel or SCP-098. Any fLZtOXaQUYA-00008-00004415-00004974 members of SCP-098 that appear ill or injured are to be removed and examined. fLZtOXaQUYA-00009-00004974-00005678 Description: SCP-098 is a species of previously unknown crustacean. They resemble crabs, but fLZtOXaQUYA-00010-00005678-00006143 rather than chelae, the front limbs terminate in knife-like structures that incorporate fLZtOXaQUYA-00011-00006143-00006767 silica to form an extremely sharp edge. Specimens reach larger size than normal for land-dwelling fLZtOXaQUYA-00012-00006767-00007422 arthropods, at 40 centimeters tall and as large as 60 centimeters across. fLZtOXaQUYA-00013-00007422-00007870 Specimens of SCP-098 prefer an environment with ready concealment and shallow pools of fLZtOXaQUYA-00014-00007870-00008371 water. They are able to breathe both water and air, splitting their time between the fLZtOXaQUYA-00015-00008371-00008914 two environments. They also are capable of vocalizations, using a larynx-like structure fLZtOXaQUYA-00016-00008914-00009158 attached to primitive lungs. fLZtOXaQUYA-00017-00009158-00009747 SCP-098 demonstrates pack-hunting behavior when attacking prey. When specimens detect fLZtOXaQUYA-00018-00009747-00010188 a prey animal, they will attempt to surround it. They will mimic the sounds made by the fLZtOXaQUYA-00019-00010188-00010750 creature, apparently to confuse it or to draw it into position. When ready, one specimen fLZtOXaQUYA-00020-00010750-00011234 will approach the prey animal. When its attention is fixed on the first specimen, others will fLZtOXaQUYA-00021-00011234-00011722 move behind the prey and attempt to cut the tendons of the legs or other limbs. They will fLZtOXaQUYA-00022-00011722-00012266 continue to mimic the sounds the prey animal makes to disorient it. After making a cut, fLZtOXaQUYA-00023-00012266-00012848 a specimen of SCP-098 will spit a viscous mucus over the wound. This substance hardens fLZtOXaQUYA-00024-00012848-00013516 rapidly, preventing blood loss or infection. This continues until the prey animal is completely fLZtOXaQUYA-00025-00013516-00013616 immobilized. fLZtOXaQUYA-00026-00013616-00014063 At this point, specimens will begin to feed on the prey animal by cutting off small pieces fLZtOXaQUYA-00027-00014063-00014716 of flesh. This begins with soft, readily accessible tissues, such as those of the face and extremities, fLZtOXaQUYA-00028-00014716-00015257 before moving to other parts of the body. Specimens of SCP-098 will only feed so long fLZtOXaQUYA-00029-00015257-00015788 as the prey animal is capable of respiration. Feeding can last several hours or several fLZtOXaQUYA-00030-00015788-00016410 days, depending on the size of the prey animal and the number of specimens present. fLZtOXaQUYA-00031-00016410-00016891 Specimens of SCP-098 show some ability to communicate, alerting each other to the presence fLZtOXaQUYA-00032-00016891-00017492 of threats or potential food over short distances. It was initially thought that SCP-098 might fLZtOXaQUYA-00033-00017492-00018063 display human-level intelligence, but are now believed to merely parrot human speech. fLZtOXaQUYA-00034-00018063-00018671 SCP-098 normally poses little threat to adult humans, preferring smaller prey, such as dogs, fLZtOXaQUYA-00035-00018671-00019245 cats, and small pigs. However, they have attacked larger prey when a sufficient number of specimens fLZtOXaQUYA-00036-00019245-00019565 were present, or else other food was unavailable. fLZtOXaQUYA-00037-00019565-00020345 SCP-098 was discovered in ██████, Brazil, after a rash of child disappearances. fLZtOXaQUYA-00038-00020345-00021032 Addendum 098-1: SCP-098 is more intelligent than previously thought. They adapt quickly fLZtOXaQUYA-00039-00021032-00021472 to changes in their environment, and have shown an ability to remember patterns (such fLZtOXaQUYA-00040-00021472-00022023 as feeding and cleaning times, and habitual movement of personnel entering their enclosure). fLZtOXaQUYA-00041-00022023-00022402 Cleaning personnel must ensure that they regularly vary their routes through the enclosure to fLZtOXaQUYA-00042-00022402-00022873 prevent incidents. Dr. Mann has taught several of them simple tricks, and they seem to understand fLZtOXaQUYA-00043-00022873-00023184 the meanings of several commands. Testing will continue. fMmNDdzJiEM-00000-00000000-00001552 [silence] fMmNDdzJiEM-00001-00001586-00001676 [computer voice] fMmNDdzJiEM-00002-00001704-00002004 money donation to Yosemite National Park January 25, 2017 fMmNDdzJiEM-00003-00002023-00002380 Intuit Match $50 Button Actions Available fMmNDdzJiEM-00004-00002488-00002588 Delete More fMmNDdzJiEM-00005-00002668-00002832 Activate Default Delete fMmNDdzJiEM-00006-00002852-00003260 More Message Button Draggable fMmNDdzJiEM-00007-00003352-00003882 Hits disabled Cancel Money Donation to Yosemite National Park fMmNDdzJiEM-00008-00003908-00004098 January 25, 2017 Intuit fMmNDdzJiEM-00009-00004116-00004216 Delete More fMmNDdzJiEM-00010-00004216-00004502 Activate Default Money Donation fMmNDdzJiEM-00011-00004526-00004646 Cancel Button fRSRyuwK5E8-00000-00000533-00002871 Property Lahore fRSRyuwK5E8-00001-00002871-00004090 Real Estate fRSRyuwK5E8-00002-00004090-00006301 Pakistan Research fRSRyuwK5E8-00004-00010400-00010467 Rehman Expert fSc3tC92nxM-00000-00000000-00000200 *latest popular hindi song* fSc3tC92nxM-00002-00000400-00000600 Hello Mandali fSc3tC92nxM-00003-00000600-00000800 so our topic for today is : fSc3tC92nxM-00004-00000800-00001000 Types of Friends fSc3tC92nxM-00005-00001000-00001200 Aamchi Mandali presents fSc3tC92nxM-00006-00001200-00001400 Two Min Shots fSc3tC92nxM-00008-00001600-00001800 Exaggerating Friend fSc3tC92nxM-00009-00001800-00002000 So when i was in 12th grade fSc3tC92nxM-00010-00002000-00002200 we had one over exaggerating friend fSc3tC92nxM-00011-00002200-00002400 in our circle. fSc3tC92nxM-00012-00002400-00002600 he used to tell fSc3tC92nxM-00013-00002600-00002800 any normal instance fSc3tC92nxM-00014-00002800-00003000 by adding extra footage to it. fSc3tC92nxM-00015-00003000-00003200 For ex: when someone told him, that they hit a cycle. fSc3tC92nxM-00016-00003200-00003400 Whenever he used to hear this fSc3tC92nxM-00017-00003400-00003600 he would.. say: fSc3tC92nxM-00018-00003600-00003800 The other day when I was passing by fSc3tC92nxM-00019-00003800-00004000 I saw a BMW and got angry fSc3tC92nxM-00020-00004000-00004200 I picked up a heavy stone fSc3tC92nxM-00021-00004200-00004400 and hit the car fSc3tC92nxM-00022-00004400-00004600 with it. fSc3tC92nxM-00023-00004600-00004800 And left from there! fSc3tC92nxM-00026-00005200-00005400 The Fake Investors fSc3tC92nxM-00027-00005400-00005600 Few of my friends fSc3tC92nxM-00028-00005600-00005800 used to pretend to talk on the phone fSc3tC92nxM-00029-00005800-00006000 whenever anyone would come near him fSc3tC92nxM-00030-00006000-00006200 and would fake about his huge money fSc3tC92nxM-00031-00006200-00006400 and investing it somewhere! fSc3tC92nxM-00032-00006400-00006600 Total Lies! fSc3tC92nxM-00033-00006600-00006800 just to grab attention! fSc3tC92nxM-00034-00006800-00007000 He would tell this to everyone fSc3tC92nxM-00035-00007000-00007200 how much money he has invested fSc3tC92nxM-00036-00007200-00007400 for no reason! fSc3tC92nxM-00037-00007400-00007600 Along with that, he used to loan money fSc3tC92nxM-00038-00007600-00007800 from us... fSc3tC92nxM-00039-00007800-00008000 like for paying canteen bills etc! fSc3tC92nxM-00045-00009000-00009200 *Card Blockers* fSc3tC92nxM-00046-00009200-00009400 This type is totally different fSc3tC92nxM-00047-00009400-00009600 He would call up and speak with you fSc3tC92nxM-00048-00009600-00009800 for more than 20 minutes! fSc3tC92nxM-00049-00009800-00010000 How are you sawan? fSc3tC92nxM-00050-00010000-00010200 hows life fSc3tC92nxM-00051-00010200-00010400 how is your theatre work going on? fSc3tC92nxM-00052-00010400-00010600 etc.. fSc3tC92nxM-00053-00010600-00010800 he would show fSc3tC92nxM-00054-00010800-00011000 alot of interest in your life fSc3tC92nxM-00055-00011000-00011200 just like your lover! fSc3tC92nxM-00056-00011200-00011400 and as he gets to the end of the call.. fSc3tC92nxM-00058-00011600-00011800 strategically fSc3tC92nxM-00059-00011800-00012000 he would come to the point fSc3tC92nxM-00060-00012000-00012200 and say.. fSc3tC92nxM-00061-00012200-00012400 Hey sawan, my ATM card is blocked.. fSc3tC92nxM-00062-00012400-00012600 XYZ bank is so bad, they always do this to me! fSc3tC92nxM-00063-00012600-00012800 So just do one thing fSc3tC92nxM-00064-00012800-00013000 please send me 200 bucks fSc3tC92nxM-00065-00013000-00013200 I will return it to you tomorrow!\ fSc3tC92nxM-00066-00013200-00013400 And when I used to remind him of his earlier dues fSc3tC92nxM-00067-00013400-00013600 he would change the fSc3tC92nxM-00068-00013600-00013800 topic completely! fZC2QNgT9No-00000-00000000-00000285 - Today I am making four egg breakfast ideas fZC2QNgT9No-00001-00000285-00000519 that you can make over and over again. fZC2QNgT9No-00002-00000519-00000660 Why eggs you ask? fZC2QNgT9No-00003-00000660-00000864 Well, I currently have so many eggs fZC2QNgT9No-00004-00000864-00001101 in my house, I don't know what to do with them. fZC2QNgT9No-00005-00001101-00001233 So we got some chickens in the spring fZC2QNgT9No-00006-00001233-00001452 and they're producing a lot of eggs right now. fZC2QNgT9No-00007-00001452-00001566 Now we love our chickens. fZC2QNgT9No-00008-00001566-00001725 Sometimes a little too much. fZC2QNgT9No-00009-00001725-00001959 They're almost like our new family pets. fZC2QNgT9No-00010-00001959-00002262 They definitely provide a lot of excitement. fZC2QNgT9No-00011-00002262-00002484 So along with all the entertainment they provide, fZC2QNgT9No-00012-00002484-00002826 their eggs make some delicious breakfast recipes. fZC2QNgT9No-00013-00002826-00003096 Alright, let's just fly into it. fZC2QNgT9No-00014-00003096-00003282 So before we start our four recipes, fZC2QNgT9No-00015-00003282-00003515 I want to show you a little trick that I've learned. fZC2QNgT9No-00016-00003515-00003801 Did you know that you could cook a lot of scrambled eggs fZC2QNgT9No-00017-00003801-00004026 in the oven? So I'm gonna show you how to do that first fZC2QNgT9No-00018-00004026-00004233 and then we're gonna make the rest of the recipes. fZC2QNgT9No-00019-00004233-00004455 So we're first gonna start with 24 eggs fZC2QNgT9No-00020-00004455-00004680 that we're going to crack and mix into the bowl. fZC2QNgT9No-00021-00004680-00004884 Now that we have all our eggs cracked, fZC2QNgT9No-00022-00004884-00005232 we're gonna add about 2 1/4 teaspoons of salt. fZC2QNgT9No-00023-00005232-00005421 Now we're just gonna whisk and break up all the eggs fZC2QNgT9No-00024-00005421-00005568 until they're well combined. fZC2QNgT9No-00025-00005568-00005727 (whisk scrapes) fZC2QNgT9No-00026-00005727-00006006 Next, you're gonna add about 2 1/2 cups of water fZC2QNgT9No-00027-00006006-00006174 or 2 1/2 cups of milk. fZC2QNgT9No-00028-00006174-00006534 Whatever you prefer, either one will work just fine. fZC2QNgT9No-00029-00006534-00006750 We'll slowly just whisk that in. fZC2QNgT9No-00030-00006750-00006888 Make sure you have a big enough bowl fZC2QNgT9No-00031-00006888-00007218 'cause it would be everywhere if you didn't. fZC2QNgT9No-00032-00007218-00007503 Now we're gonna take our nine by 13 pan. fZC2QNgT9No-00033-00007503-00007725 I have 1/2 cup of butter here, all melted. fZC2QNgT9No-00034-00007725-00007902 We're gonna pour it onto the bottom of the pan. fZC2QNgT9No-00035-00007902-00008076 Spread it around a little bit. fZC2QNgT9No-00036-00008076-00008421 Now we're gonna pour all of our eggs into the pan. fZC2QNgT9No-00037-00008421-00008707 (egg mixture swishes) fZC2QNgT9No-00038-00008707-00008808 Oh my. fZC2QNgT9No-00039-00008808-00009096 So we're gonna carefully take this, put it in our oven. fZC2QNgT9No-00040-00009096-00009366 Our oven is preheated to 350 degrees. fZC2QNgT9No-00041-00009366-00009555 We're gonna cook it for about 10 minutes fZC2QNgT9No-00042-00009555-00009782 and then check on it. fZC2QNgT9No-00043-00009782-00010008 (upbeat music) fZC2QNgT9No-00044-00010008-00010155 All right, I know what you're thinking. fZC2QNgT9No-00045-00010155-00010350 This doesn't look like it's been cooked or anything fZC2QNgT9No-00046-00010350-00010611 but it's actually slowly, slowly starting to cook. fZC2QNgT9No-00047-00010611-00010863 So your goal is to really scrape the bottom fZC2QNgT9No-00048-00010863-00011094 of your pan, get all the eggs that are starting fZC2QNgT9No-00049-00011094-00011211 to cook underneath there. fZC2QNgT9No-00050-00011211-00011319 Then we're just gonna stick it back fZC2QNgT9No-00051-00011319-00011581 in the oven for about oh, 10 to 15 more minutes. fZC2QNgT9No-00052-00011581-00011709 We'll give it a check. fZC2QNgT9No-00053-00011868-00012333 All right, it took about 27 minutes or so, so about 17 more. fZC2QNgT9No-00054-00012333-00012513 At about 10 minutes after it's already been fZC2QNgT9No-00055-00012513-00012762 in there the second time, I mixed it one more time. fZC2QNgT9No-00056-00012762-00013083 But you guys, if you can see how fluffy these are. fZC2QNgT9No-00057-00013083-00013311 I don't know if I'll ever do it on a pan again. fZC2QNgT9No-00058-00013311-00013455 I am so excited. fZC2QNgT9No-00059-00013455-00013791 The first recipe I'm making is our Breakfast Tostadas. fZC2QNgT9No-00060-00013791-00013911 We're gonna start at the stove top. fZC2QNgT9No-00061-00013911-00014205 You're gonna turn your stove to about medium high heat. fZC2QNgT9No-00062-00014205-00014538 We're gonna add about a tablespoon or so of olive oil. fZC2QNgT9No-00063-00014538-00014910 Then we're gonna add our spinach, our red peppers fZC2QNgT9No-00064-00014910-00015252 and I love to use these apple chicken sausages. fZC2QNgT9No-00065-00015252-00015399 We are gonna just heat these up fZC2QNgT9No-00066-00015399-00015651 until pretty much the peppers are cooked through. fZC2QNgT9No-00067-00016404-00016608 Now, usually you would cook your eggs right here, fZC2QNgT9No-00068-00016608-00016740 but because we already cooked a lot fZC2QNgT9No-00069-00016740-00016881 of eggs, we don't need to. fZC2QNgT9No-00070-00016881-00017121 We're just gonna go straight into making the tostadas. fZC2QNgT9No-00071-00017121-00017295 Now, if you've never seen these before, fZC2QNgT9No-00072-00017295-00017613 these are tostada chips, I guess we'll call them. fZC2QNgT9No-00073-00017613-00017757 We're just gonna layer everything on. fZC2QNgT9No-00074-00017757-00017976 So we're gonna start with some eggs. fZC2QNgT9No-00075-00017976-00018059 Now usually your eggs fZC2QNgT9No-00076-00018059-00018225 and your vegetables will be mixed together fZC2QNgT9No-00077-00018225-00018468 but we separated them just a little bit. fZC2QNgT9No-00078-00018468-00018726 And we'll put some of the sausage, the peppers, fZC2QNgT9No-00079-00018726-00018969 and the spinach and then top it all off fZC2QNgT9No-00080-00018969-00019158 with a little bit of cheese. fZC2QNgT9No-00081-00019158-00019356 And we're gonna take this, put on a cookie sheet fZC2QNgT9No-00082-00019356-00019616 and we're gonna broil them for just a minute or two. fZC2QNgT9No-00083-00021417-00021648 All right, all done with this one. fZC2QNgT9No-00084-00021648-00021901 I'll give a little taste 'cause that's my favorite part. fZC2QNgT9No-00085-00021901-00022152 (tostada crunches) fZC2QNgT9No-00086-00022152-00022347 That my friends is delicious. fZC2QNgT9No-00087-00022347-00022707 The next recipe is our Breakfast Braid recipe. fZC2QNgT9No-00088-00022707-00022890 Now this one is super simple fZC2QNgT9No-00089-00022890-00023079 but everyone is going to love it. fZC2QNgT9No-00090-00023079-00023442 We're gonna start with our crescent dough sheet. fZC2QNgT9No-00091-00023442-00023691 You wanna a full rectangle of your crescent dough. fZC2QNgT9No-00092-00023691-00023850 So let's open this baby up. fZC2QNgT9No-00093-00023850-00024060 First you wanna lay down some parchment paper fZC2QNgT9No-00094-00024060-00024243 or foil, kind of whatever you have. fZC2QNgT9No-00095-00024243-00024525 Then we're gonna roll out our crescent dough. fZC2QNgT9No-00096-00024525-00024732 If you let your crescent dough sit out for fZC2QNgT9No-00097-00024732-00025002 about 10 minutes, it will roll out a lot easier. fZC2QNgT9No-00098-00025002-00025185 Usually you would go to the oven fZC2QNgT9No-00099-00025185-00025412 and cook about six eggs on your stove top. fZC2QNgT9No-00100-00025412-00025626 But because we already have some eggs, fZC2QNgT9No-00101-00025626-00025794 we're gonna just use these ones. fZC2QNgT9No-00102-00025794-00025926 I'm gonna kind of just guess fZC2QNgT9No-00103-00025926-00026280 or just kind of put some eggs here in the middle. fZC2QNgT9No-00104-00026280-00026477 We just wanna fill up the middle. fZC2QNgT9No-00105-00026477-00026794 Now, I took about six bacon strips, cut them all up fZC2QNgT9No-00106-00026794-00027099 and we're gonna put them on top too. fZC2QNgT9No-00107-00027099-00027324 Now if you're kind of lazy, you can also use fZC2QNgT9No-00108-00027324-00027606 the bacon bits you can buy in the bag individually fZC2QNgT9No-00109-00027606-00027831 so you don't have to bake anything or cook anything. fZC2QNgT9No-00110-00027831-00028139 A lot of bacon, but I have a feeling it's gonna be good. fZC2QNgT9No-00111-00028139-00028389 Okay, next we have about a half cup of cheese. fZC2QNgT9No-00112-00028389-00028514 You can use any kind of cheese. fZC2QNgT9No-00113-00028514-00028713 This is like the three Mexican cheese. fZC2QNgT9No-00114-00028713-00028899 That's my kid's favorite right now. fZC2QNgT9No-00115-00028899-00029067 I personally enjoy cheddar cheese fZC2QNgT9No-00116-00029067-00029391 but whatever you want, whatever floats your boat. fZC2QNgT9No-00117-00029391-00029652 I am gonna try and flatten this down just a little bit fZC2QNgT9No-00118-00029652-00030002 because we have to make this into a cool braid fZC2QNgT9No-00119-00030002-00030291 but we don't want it too domed or it won't work very well. fZC2QNgT9No-00120-00030291-00030414 All right, now you're just gonna take fZC2QNgT9No-00121-00030414-00030576 your handy dandy pizza cutter fZC2QNgT9No-00122-00030576-00030978 and we're gonna cut one inch little strips on each side. fZC2QNgT9No-00123-00031185-00031374 Now for the fun part, we get to do the braid. fZC2QNgT9No-00124-00031374-00031530 So you wanna start at the very top. fZC2QNgT9No-00125-00031530-00031668 I like to take my right side first. fZC2QNgT9No-00126-00031668-00031767 You're gonna take your right side fZC2QNgT9No-00127-00031767-00031935 and kind of just move it over to the left. fZC2QNgT9No-00128-00031935-00032189 There are some pieces that are a little bit smaller fZC2QNgT9No-00129-00032189-00032370 and it's okay if you can see your cheese fZC2QNgT9No-00130-00032370-00032547 and your bacon and your eggs through it. fZC2QNgT9No-00131-00032547-00032757 When it cooks, it will actually shrink down a little bit fZC2QNgT9No-00132-00032757-00032862 so you'll be able to see it. fZC2QNgT9No-00133-00032862-00033166 Pinch the top, kind of pinch the bottom. fZC2QNgT9No-00134-00033166-00033501 It's not the prettiest thing you've ever seen yet. fZC2QNgT9No-00135-00033501-00033606 Just wait till it's cooked. fZC2QNgT9No-00136-00033606-00033693 So we're gonna bake this fZC2QNgT9No-00137-00033693-00034110 at 375 degrees for about 15 minutes. fZC2QNgT9No-00138-00034998-00035145 Okay, it's all cooked through. fZC2QNgT9No-00139-00035145-00035325 Now I'm gonna take pizza cutter fZC2QNgT9No-00140-00035325-00035619 and you can just slice it right into pieces. fZC2QNgT9No-00141-00036273-00036357 Gotta taste it. fZC2QNgT9No-00142-00036981-00037362 Yes, highly, highly suggest it. (laughs) fZC2QNgT9No-00143-00037362-00037590 All right, let's move on to the next recipe. fZC2QNgT9No-00144-00037590-00037839 The next recipe I'm making is our Ham, Egg fZC2QNgT9No-00145-00037839-00038022 and Cheese Breakfast Roll-up. fZC2QNgT9No-00146-00038022-00038244 This is kind of similar to the one we just made fZC2QNgT9No-00147-00038244-00038478 but individual servings and with ham. fZC2QNgT9No-00148-00038478-00038622 So personally I like it better. fZC2QNgT9No-00149-00038622-00038778 You're gonna start with some crescent dough. fZC2QNgT9No-00150-00038778-00039033 You want the ones that come in rolls. fZC2QNgT9No-00151-00039033-00039171 But my store didn't have any rolls left, fZC2QNgT9No-00152-00039171-00039273 so this one is a sheet. fZC2QNgT9No-00153-00039273-00039516 But we're gonna make it work and I'll show you how to do it. fZC2QNgT9No-00154-00039516-00039648 We're gonna open those up again. fZC2QNgT9No-00155-00039648-00039731 Here we go. fZC2QNgT9No-00156-00039731-00040020 (paper rips) fZC2QNgT9No-00157-00040020-00040185 I'm curious, if you have a better way fZC2QNgT9No-00158-00040185-00040338 of opening these, I would love to hear it fZC2QNgT9No-00159-00040338-00040517 'cause I struggle with them. fZC2QNgT9No-00160-00040517-00040647 (fist whacks) fZC2QNgT9No-00161-00040647-00040806 Now, usually if you buy the ones with rolls, fZC2QNgT9No-00162-00040806-00040893 it comes with eight. fZC2QNgT9No-00163-00040893-00041190 So we're going to cut it into eight little triangles. fZC2QNgT9No-00164-00041190-00041367 Now gently lay this down. fZC2QNgT9No-00165-00041367-00041535 I like to put parchment paper underneath it. fZC2QNgT9No-00166-00041535-00041811 It just makes cleanup so much easier. fZC2QNgT9No-00167-00041811-00042129 Grabbing my handy dandy pizza cutter. fZC2QNgT9No-00168-00042129-00042604 We're gonna go right down the middle and then right in half. fZC2QNgT9No-00169-00042604-00042915 And then each one we're just kind of gonna go do fZC2QNgT9No-00170-00042915-00043168 a triangle on the side. fZC2QNgT9No-00171-00043168-00043404 So from corner to corner. fZC2QNgT9No-00172-00043404-00043743 So that makes like a little roll, a little pizza slice. fZC2QNgT9No-00173-00043743-00044067 But you'll have eight that are pretty evenly cut. fZC2QNgT9No-00174-00044067-00044196 You're gonna take a spoonful of eggs. fZC2QNgT9No-00175-00044196-00044547 You're gonna put it in the wider part of your roll. fZC2QNgT9No-00176-00044547-00044805 Then we're gonna grab just a little bit of ham, fZC2QNgT9No-00177-00044805-00044970 a little bit of cheese. fZC2QNgT9No-00178-00045105-00045285 Here's the trick that my mom taught me. fZC2QNgT9No-00179-00045285-00045368 I love watching her. fZC2QNgT9No-00180-00045368-00045657 You grab two corners, you kind of pull them into the middle. fZC2QNgT9No-00181-00045657-00045975 Then you gently, gently roll these babies up, fZC2QNgT9No-00182-00046116-00046293 just like that. fZC2QNgT9No-00183-00046293-00046491 All the crescents are rolled up. fZC2QNgT9No-00184-00046491-00046647 We're ready to just stick them in the oven. fZC2QNgT9No-00185-00046647-00046941 We're going at 375 for about 10 minutes. fZC2QNgT9No-00186-00046941-00047071 We're gonna check on them. fZC2QNgT9No-00187-00047667-00047916 Okay, favorite part of the whole day. fZC2QNgT9No-00188-00048168-00048251 That is good. fZC2QNgT9No-00189-00048251-00048462 The ham makes it really good. fZC2QNgT9No-00190-00048462-00048636 We're all done with this recipe. fZC2QNgT9No-00191-00048636-00048831 Let's move on to the last one. fZC2QNgT9No-00192-00048831-00049038 For the final breakfast which happens fZC2QNgT9No-00193-00049038-00049323 to be one of my favorite is German Pancakes. fZC2QNgT9No-00194-00049323-00049515 Now these are easy German pancakes. fZC2QNgT9No-00195-00049515-00049725 There are some recipes that are a little more difficult. fZC2QNgT9No-00196-00049725-00049824 These ones are easy. fZC2QNgT9No-00197-00049824-00050079 So we are gonna start with about five tablespoons of butter. fZC2QNgT9No-00198-00050079-00050352 You're going to put it in your nine by 13 pan. fZC2QNgT9No-00199-00050352-00050610 Then you're gonna stick this pan in a cold oven. fZC2QNgT9No-00200-00050610-00051015 Then you're gonna preheat your oven to 425 degrees. fZC2QNgT9No-00201-00051015-00051201 Now while the butter melts, fZC2QNgT9No-00202-00051201-00051348 we're going to make everything else. fZC2QNgT9No-00203-00051348-00051477 So we're gonna start with one cup fZC2QNgT9No-00204-00051477-00051759 of milk and we're gonna add six eggs to it. fZC2QNgT9No-00205-00051927-00052119 Then to your eggs before we mix, I just like fZC2QNgT9No-00206-00052119-00052224 to add all the liquid stuff. fZC2QNgT9No-00207-00052224-00052344 It just makes my life easier. fZC2QNgT9No-00208-00052344-00052590 So we're gonna add about a teaspoon of vanilla fZC2QNgT9No-00209-00052590-00052746 and then a little bit of salt. fZC2QNgT9No-00210-00052746-00052914 So just a dash of salt. fZC2QNgT9No-00211-00052914-00053097 Now we're gonna whisk it up. fZC2QNgT9No-00212-00053097-00053279 You just wanna make sure there are no egg yolks. fZC2QNgT9No-00213-00053279-00053463 We want this as smooth as can be. fZC2QNgT9No-00214-00053463-00053691 Okay, once all your eggs are well combined, fZC2QNgT9No-00215-00053691-00053922 we're gonna just add one cup of flour fZC2QNgT9No-00216-00053922-00054080 and then mix that in really good. fZC2QNgT9No-00217-00054080-00054345 We don't want flour chunks here. fZC2QNgT9No-00218-00054345-00054447 I like to mix this for about fZC2QNgT9No-00219-00054447-00054705 a solid minute making sure all the chunks are out. fZC2QNgT9No-00220-00055176-00055309 Okay, butter is melted. fZC2QNgT9No-00221-00055309-00055473 Our thing is all mixed. fZC2QNgT9No-00222-00055473-00055872 We're just going to pour this very gently just into the pan. fZC2QNgT9No-00223-00056375-00056571 So now your oven's preheated, everything's ready to go. fZC2QNgT9No-00224-00056571-00056820 We're gonna cook it for about 22 minutes. fZC2QNgT9No-00225-00056820-00057116 I'm gonna check it about 15 'cause we don't want it to burn. fZC2QNgT9No-00226-00057116-00057303 So let's stick it in the oven. fZC2QNgT9No-00227-00058347-00058430 Fluffy. fZC2QNgT9No-00228-00059073-00059187 Okay, it's all cooked fZC2QNgT9No-00229-00059187-00059313 and it's supposed to go like this. fZC2QNgT9No-00230-00059313-00059579 So usually the edges get a little crispier, but fZC2QNgT9No-00231-00059579-00059879 if you wait about 10 minutes, it will go down pretty far. fZC2QNgT9No-00232-00059879-00060129 But I like to cut it into about eight pieces or so. fZC2QNgT9No-00233-00060129-00060318 So we'll just cut it right across. fZC2QNgT9No-00234-00061142-00061320 German pancakes, my favorite thing is fZC2QNgT9No-00235-00061320-00061515 to put on a little bit powdered sugar fZC2QNgT9No-00236-00061515-00061629 and then a little bit of fruit. fZC2QNgT9No-00237-00061629-00061863 You can also put syrup on it too if you want. fZC2QNgT9No-00238-00061863-00061986 That's what my kids love fZC2QNgT9No-00239-00061986-00062486 but I'm just a powdered sugar and a raspberry kind of girl. fZC2QNgT9No-00240-00062520-00062847 I love German pancakes so, so much. fZC2QNgT9No-00241-00063047-00063396 All the egg recipes, I like them a little sweeter. fZC2QNgT9No-00242-00063396-00063672 This one happens to be my favorite. fZC2QNgT9No-00243-00063672-00063912 Now, if you want more easy breakfast recipes fZC2QNgT9No-00244-00063912-00064292 like these ones, I have plenty for you just right up there. fZC2QNgT9No-00245-00064292-00064476 All right, you guys, I'll see you next time. fZC2QNgT9No-00246-00064476-00064559 Bye. fb3Y2Ba1nH4-00000-00000000-00000200 hi everyone fb3Y2Ba1nH4-00001-00000200-00002300 this is silver 5 minute chart previous day sell call generated so candles are in red color fb3Y2Ba1nH4-00002-00002300-00004334 Now buy call generated so green color candle appeared in live market fb3Y2Ba1nH4-00003-00004334-00006376 today first fresh call, Previous calls analysis fb3Y2Ba1nH4-00005-00009855-00010890 for subscription details WhatsApp - 9488462166 fb3Y2Ba1nH4-00006-00010890-00012341 Market breakout the first target fb3Y2Ba1nH4-00007-00012341-00013853 like this calls are working in this chart fb3Y2Ba1nH4-00010-00023505-00026297 According to market trend it will generate calls in live market fb3Y2Ba1nH4-00012-00030003-00031053 Previous calls uploaded in previous videos fb3Y2Ba1nH4-00013-00031053-00032392 for subscription details WhatsApp - 9488462166 fedhPqvrUAy-00000-00004653-00004999 ELLEN LUPTON: [INAUDIBLE] I'm delighted to welcome you! fedhPqvrUAy-00001-00004999-00005148 I'm Ellen Lupton. fedhPqvrUAy-00002-00005148-00005480 I'm a curator here at Cooper Hewitt. fedhPqvrUAy-00003-00005480-00005839 And I'm one of the organizers of our new exhibition, Beauty: fedhPqvrUAy-00004-00005839-00006141 Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial. fedhPqvrUAy-00005-00006141-00006484 Tonight's event is a partnership between Cooper Hewitt fedhPqvrUAy-00006-00006484-00007176 and El Museo our good friend and neighbor here on Museum Mile. fedhPqvrUAy-00007-00007176-00007430 It's part of the series called "Diseno." fedhPqvrUAy-00008-00007430-00007745 These are free public programs celebrating fedhPqvrUAy-00009-00007745-00008073 achievements of contemporary Latino designers. fedhPqvrUAy-00010-00008073-00008361 This series is made possible by a grant fedhPqvrUAy-00011-00008361-00008856 from Latino Initiatives Pool administered by the Smithsonian fedhPqvrUAy-00012-00008856-00009142 Latino Center. fedhPqvrUAy-00013-00009142-00009486 Since 1969, El Museo has been committed fedhPqvrUAy-00014-00009486-00009780 to sharing the full range of Latino cultures fedhPqvrUAy-00015-00009780-00010027 through it's collections, exhibitions, fedhPqvrUAy-00016-00010027-00010158 and special events. fedhPqvrUAy-00017-00010158-00010461 And I'm just delighted that Cooper Hewitt fedhPqvrUAy-00018-00010461-00010812 has this collaboration, super exciting. fedhPqvrUAy-00019-00010812-00011093 I think this is the second one this month, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00020-00011093-00011436 So we're really pleased to have you all here fedhPqvrUAy-00021-00011436-00011750 and to have our friends from El Museo here as well. fedhPqvrUAy-00022-00011750-00012064 About a year ago, Cooper Hewitt reopened fedhPqvrUAy-00023-00012064-00012362 after a huge renovation project. fedhPqvrUAy-00024-00012362-00012817 We completely our galleries, our visitor experience, fedhPqvrUAy-00025-00012817-00013086 our use of technology. fedhPqvrUAy-00026-00013086-00013605 We reinvigorated our commitment to creating more programs fedhPqvrUAy-00027-00013605-00014126 for more people with a bigger and ever more global outlook. fedhPqvrUAy-00028-00014126-00014391 And this is all part of that. fedhPqvrUAy-00029-00014391-00014702 So just last month, we opened Beauty, fedhPqvrUAy-00030-00014702-00015065 the fifth in our Triennial series, which fedhPqvrUAy-00031-00015065-00015547 features the work of 63 designers from 26 fedhPqvrUAy-00032-00015547-00016018 country, including Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. fedhPqvrUAy-00033-00016018-00016354 So we're taking this big, big look at design fedhPqvrUAy-00034-00016354-00016546 all over the world. fedhPqvrUAy-00035-00016546-00016931 Tonight, you're going to hear from two outstanding designers fedhPqvrUAy-00036-00016931-00017365 who are changing their fields in remarkable ways. fedhPqvrUAy-00037-00017365-00017758 First, Rodrigo Corral will speak to you about his work. fedhPqvrUAy-00038-00017758-00017917 He's based here in New York City. fedhPqvrUAy-00039-00017917-00018239 He creates make design for print, for branding, fedhPqvrUAy-00040-00018239-00018594 for interior spaces, and for film. fedhPqvrUAy-00041-00018594-00019016 He runs his own studio, Rodrigo Corral Studio, fedhPqvrUAy-00042-00019016-00019457 but he's also creative director for Farrar, Straus and Giroux. fedhPqvrUAy-00043-00019457-00019945 And he's creative director at large for New Directions, fedhPqvrUAy-00044-00019945-00020226 the legendary book publisher. fedhPqvrUAy-00045-00020226-00020679 He has designed covers for many of my favorite authors, fedhPqvrUAy-00046-00020679-00021054 and probably yours too, including Junot Díaz, fedhPqvrUAy-00047-00021054-00021356 Jonathan Franzen, Chuck Palahniuk, Gary Shteyngart, fedhPqvrUAy-00048-00021356-00021549 and John Green. fedhPqvrUAy-00049-00021549-00021943 So you probably have some of his work at home. fedhPqvrUAy-00050-00021943-00022265 So that's kind of fun. fedhPqvrUAy-00051-00022265-00022556 Cooper Hewitt was very proud to feature his work fedhPqvrUAy-00052-00022556-00022825 a few years ago in our exhibition Graphic Design-- Now fedhPqvrUAy-00053-00022825-00022902 In Production. fedhPqvrUAy-00054-00022902-00023311 So it's great to have him back to share his work tonight fedhPqvrUAy-00055-00023311-00023524 and what he's been doing since then. fedhPqvrUAy-00056-00023524-00023851 Our second speaker is Emiliano Godoy fedhPqvrUAy-00057-00023851-00024021 who is based in Mexico City. fedhPqvrUAy-00058-00024021-00024181 He's a product designer. fedhPqvrUAy-00059-00024181-00024467 He works for a range of international companies fedhPqvrUAy-00060-00024467-00024774 as well as local manufacturers, including fedhPqvrUAy-00061-00024774-00025298 Nouvel Studio and Pirwi, a company that he helped found. fedhPqvrUAy-00062-00025298-00025494 You'll be hearing about his incredible approach fedhPqvrUAy-00063-00025494-00025725 to creating objects. fedhPqvrUAy-00064-00025725-00026258 He is innovating new, sustainable design practices fedhPqvrUAy-00065-00026258-00026651 by creating and developing new materials and processes fedhPqvrUAy-00066-00026651-00026987 for working materials using skilled labor fedhPqvrUAy-00067-00026987-00027227 and local resources. fedhPqvrUAy-00068-00027227-00027563 Several of his pieces are featured in our exhibition fedhPqvrUAy-00069-00027563-00027854 upstairs, including the Pablo and Pedro fedhPqvrUAy-00070-00027854-00028227 bowls, which are made from volcanic stone fedhPqvrUAy-00071-00028227-00028741 from Mexico City, and his Pizzelle vases. fedhPqvrUAy-00072-00028741-00028904 And some of these pieces are also fedhPqvrUAy-00073-00028904-00029056 in our permanent collection. fedhPqvrUAy-00074-00029056-00029510 We're very proud of that, and also available in our shop. fedhPqvrUAy-00075-00029510-00029651 That's really [INAUDIBLE]. fedhPqvrUAy-00076-00029651-00029912 You can touch them and pick them up and feel them, fedhPqvrUAy-00077-00029912-00030268 which you cannot do in the exhibition. fedhPqvrUAy-00078-00030268-00030639 So it's my great pleasure to get to know Emiliano fedhPqvrUAy-00079-00030639-00030841 and to see Rodrigo again. fedhPqvrUAy-00080-00030841-00031020 They're each going to speak for 20 minutes. fedhPqvrUAy-00081-00031020-00031200 And then we're going to have a conversation fedhPqvrUAy-00082-00031200-00031408 and invite you to ask questions. fedhPqvrUAy-00083-00031408-00031639 I know I have a lot of questions for them too. fedhPqvrUAy-00084-00031639-00032283 So I welcome Rodrego Corral. fedhPqvrUAy-00085-00032976-00033174 RODRIGO CORRAL: Thank you, Ellen. fedhPqvrUAy-00086-00033174-00033471 Thank you, Suzanna, thank you Cooper Hewitt. fedhPqvrUAy-00087-00033867-00034015 Welcome everyone. fedhPqvrUAy-00088-00034015-00034560 Thank you for coming out. [INAUDIBLE] fedhPqvrUAy-00089-00034560-00035215 I thought I would start with my name. fedhPqvrUAy-00090-00035215-00035398 My name is Rodrigo Corral. fedhPqvrUAy-00091-00035398-00035583 Not many times I get to say it like that. fedhPqvrUAy-00092-00035583-00035916 I thought this would be the opportunity to do that. fedhPqvrUAy-00093-00035916-00036059 So thank you very much. fedhPqvrUAy-00094-00036059-00036297 Goodbye! fedhPqvrUAy-00095-00036297-00036612 OK, so let's pivot from the right way of saying it fedhPqvrUAy-00096-00036612-00036902 to the wrong way to say it. fedhPqvrUAy-00097-00036902-00037313 So over the years, one very creative outlet I've had fedhPqvrUAy-00098-00037313-00037560 is to think of the many names people have given me fedhPqvrUAy-00099-00037560-00037848 when they hear my name and what they think in their head. fedhPqvrUAy-00100-00037848-00038040 So, right off the bat, and one of my favorites fedhPqvrUAy-00101-00038040-00038375 is Rodriguez Corral, which is Rodriguez is the last name. fedhPqvrUAy-00102-00038375-00038622 Corral is my last name, so I had two last names, fedhPqvrUAy-00103-00038622-00038828 but no first name. fedhPqvrUAy-00104-00038828-00039304 Radolfo, really, it's a pivot, again. fedhPqvrUAy-00105-00039304-00039539 Funny, but not my name. fedhPqvrUAy-00106-00039539-00039597 But thank you. fedhPqvrUAy-00107-00039597-00039743 Nice to meet you. fedhPqvrUAy-00108-00039743-00039793 Roberto. fedhPqvrUAy-00109-00039793-00039939 I like it, again. fedhPqvrUAy-00110-00039939-00040179 But that's not me. fedhPqvrUAy-00111-00040179-00040681 Enrique, I could have been a musician, maybe, possibly. fedhPqvrUAy-00112-00040681-00041008 And then today, this was-- I made the decision fedhPqvrUAy-00113-00041008-00041308 that I had to include this in today's presentation. fedhPqvrUAy-00114-00041308-00041541 If you look at the date, it's from this morning. fedhPqvrUAy-00115-00041541-00041903 I swear to you. [INAUDIBLE] it says, "Hey Ricardo. fedhPqvrUAy-00116-00041903-00042191 Just wanted to check in and see if the encrypted drive arrived fedhPqvrUAy-00117-00042191-00042346 yesterday." fedhPqvrUAy-00118-00042346-00042434 OK, so, it continues. fedhPqvrUAy-00119-00042434-00043001 And it will always continue to see how my name gets butchered. fedhPqvrUAy-00120-00043001-00043125 Anyhow, so transition. fedhPqvrUAy-00121-00043125-00043729 It's kind of important to talk a little bit about family fedhPqvrUAy-00122-00043729-00044443 as here representing as a Latino, a proud Latino. fedhPqvrUAy-00123-00044443-00044731 My mother would be delighted to be here. fedhPqvrUAy-00124-00044731-00044980 Unfortunately, she's in Miami enjoying herself fedhPqvrUAy-00125-00044980-00045154 a little too much. fedhPqvrUAy-00126-00045154-00045408 But i think it's important to give a little bit of background fedhPqvrUAy-00127-00045408-00045701 of where I came from. fedhPqvrUAy-00128-00045701-00045943 Passion is a word that comes to mind. fedhPqvrUAy-00129-00045943-00046257 My parents and family were full of passion fedhPqvrUAy-00130-00046257-00046516 when it came to loving each other fedhPqvrUAy-00131-00046516-00046754 and fighting with each other. fedhPqvrUAy-00132-00046754-00047221 One example-- this is a true story-- my mother would fedhPqvrUAy-00133-00047221-00047501 ask my father do to some kind of thing around the house, fedhPqvrUAy-00134-00047501-00047873 whether it involved switching a light bulb or cutting the lawn. fedhPqvrUAy-00135-00047873-00048165 And it usually took about four or five attempts fedhPqvrUAy-00136-00048165-00048282 to finally get him to do it. fedhPqvrUAy-00137-00048282-00048474 By the time he did it, he was kind of annoyed. fedhPqvrUAy-00138-00048474-00048604 And she picked up on that. fedhPqvrUAy-00139-00048604-00048943 And she'd always find a way to just ask another question that fedhPqvrUAy-00140-00048943-00049227 would then just set the whole thing off into an explosion. fedhPqvrUAy-00141-00049227-00049348 They would end up in a fight. fedhPqvrUAy-00142-00049348-00049570 A suitcase would go flying down the stairs. fedhPqvrUAy-00143-00049570-00049759 But eventually they would make up. fedhPqvrUAy-00144-00049759-00049901 And that suitcase would get filled fedhPqvrUAy-00145-00049901-00050399 and they would go off on a trip and leave us kids at home. fedhPqvrUAy-00146-00050399-00050585 I kid you not. fedhPqvrUAy-00147-00050585-00050796 This happened many times. fedhPqvrUAy-00148-00050796-00051091 So there was a lot, a lot of emotion in my home fedhPqvrUAy-00149-00051091-00051271 and passion for the arts. fedhPqvrUAy-00150-00051271-00051659 But it was in a way that-- in actually preparing fedhPqvrUAy-00151-00051659-00051888 for the talk, that I realized that it fedhPqvrUAy-00152-00051888-00052277 was very subtle and even more so than I actually really fedhPqvrUAy-00153-00052277-00052403 realized. fedhPqvrUAy-00154-00052403-00052703 One way was literature, or books. fedhPqvrUAy-00155-00052703-00052878 We didn't have them very much in my house. fedhPqvrUAy-00156-00052878-00053070 But one day I came home from school fedhPqvrUAy-00157-00053070-00053413 and found a full set of Encyclopedia Britannica fedhPqvrUAy-00158-00053413-00053594 in my bedroom. fedhPqvrUAy-00159-00053594-00053715 They didn't tell me anything. fedhPqvrUAy-00160-00053715-00053825 They just said there's a bunch of books for you fedhPqvrUAy-00161-00053825-00054039 to look at whenever you're ready. fedhPqvrUAy-00162-00054039-00054264 It ended up becoming more of an insulation piece, fedhPqvrUAy-00163-00054264-00054419 because I never really touched it. fedhPqvrUAy-00164-00054419-00054629 For anybody in the room that's over 30, fedhPqvrUAy-00165-00054629-00054932 if you could relate to when you got first computer. fedhPqvrUAy-00166-00054932-00055176 And you opened it up and you set it up fedhPqvrUAy-00167-00055176-00055305 and you kind of looked at it. fedhPqvrUAy-00168-00055305-00055428 And you felt like it was looking at you. fedhPqvrUAy-00169-00055428-00055590 And you didn't touch it for a few days. fedhPqvrUAy-00170-00055590-00055811 That's kind of like the relationship I had with this, fedhPqvrUAy-00171-00055811-00055946 except it was like five years. fedhPqvrUAy-00172-00055946-00056122 I did not open those. fedhPqvrUAy-00173-00056122-00056255 But I finally got around it. fedhPqvrUAy-00174-00056255-00056719 So that was their sign of encouraging education. fedhPqvrUAy-00175-00056719-00056989 As I said before, my parents were big travellers. fedhPqvrUAy-00176-00056989-00057252 And my mother went to Spain quite a bit fedhPqvrUAy-00177-00057252-00057668 and got obsessed with Lladro these porcelain dolls, fedhPqvrUAy-00178-00057668-00057830 and would bring them home all the time. fedhPqvrUAy-00179-00057830-00058103 I found them to be kind of odd and funny when I look back. fedhPqvrUAy-00180-00058103-00058203 They're very sweet. fedhPqvrUAy-00181-00058203-00058555 And she always managed to bring the ones home that fedhPqvrUAy-00182-00058555-00058691 were symbolic of the arts. fedhPqvrUAy-00183-00058691-00058989 So we had a Shakespeare one in the house. fedhPqvrUAy-00184-00058989-00059556 We had a clown, I'm assuming is the comedy or the theatre. fedhPqvrUAy-00185-00059556-00059902 And, of course, the dancer. fedhPqvrUAy-00186-00059902-00060166 Another permanent part of our-- this fedhPqvrUAy-00187-00060166-00060638 is in our basement, which was also double as a dance club. fedhPqvrUAy-00188-00060638-00060840 I kid you not, as well. fedhPqvrUAy-00189-00060840-00061045 They would have a bunch of these in the basement. fedhPqvrUAy-00190-00061045-00061257 Kind of horrifying to look at now, but at the time, fedhPqvrUAy-00191-00061257-00061471 beautiful typography and the printing fedhPqvrUAy-00192-00061471-00061584 was really, really special. fedhPqvrUAy-00193-00061584-00062213 So these are just a few indirect references to art in my home. fedhPqvrUAy-00194-00062213-00062399 One that I think both my mother and father fedhPqvrUAy-00195-00062399-00062620 would be mortified that I shared this story with you, fedhPqvrUAy-00196-00062620-00062790 but I'm going to anyway, because it's one fedhPqvrUAy-00197-00062790-00062998 that I think dearly about. fedhPqvrUAy-00198-00062998-00063478 One summer, after we had our garage redone-- fedhPqvrUAy-00199-00063478-00063945 but opted not to insult the garage-- my father decided to, fedhPqvrUAy-00200-00063945-00064183 over the course of a summer, fill fedhPqvrUAy-00201-00064183-00064794 the entire walls and ceilings of the garage with beer cans. fedhPqvrUAy-00202-00064794-00064894 Beer cans that he drank. fedhPqvrUAy-00203-00064894-00065195 Now, unfortunately, I don't have a good proof of this. fedhPqvrUAy-00204-00065195-00065282 But he did that. fedhPqvrUAy-00205-00065282-00065523 This has really beautiful looking cans, fedhPqvrUAy-00206-00065523-00065715 but it was really like Schlitz and Miller. fedhPqvrUAy-00207-00065715-00065903 The cheapest things you can get. fedhPqvrUAy-00208-00065903-00066035 But we went through all that. fedhPqvrUAy-00209-00066035-00066199 And he lined the walls with it. fedhPqvrUAy-00210-00066199-00066444 And I just really look back that my father fedhPqvrUAy-00211-00066444-00066591 had a lot of creativity then. fedhPqvrUAy-00212-00066591-00066884 But he just didn't really have necessarily the outlet. fedhPqvrUAy-00213-00066884-00067177 But he was dedicated and determined. fedhPqvrUAy-00214-00067177-00067470 [INAUDIBLE] It was just like, if you moved one the wrong way, fedhPqvrUAy-00215-00067470-00067599 the whole thing would collapse. fedhPqvrUAy-00216-00067599-00067697 And it was so noisy! fedhPqvrUAy-00217-00067697-00068237 So I made sure never ever to touch anything in that garage. fedhPqvrUAy-00218-00068237-00068480 So yeah. fedhPqvrUAy-00219-00068480-00068639 So I know we don't have a ton of time. fedhPqvrUAy-00220-00068639-00068872 So I'm going to try to be very quick and concise as I've fedhPqvrUAy-00221-00068872-00069015 already been in here already. fedhPqvrUAy-00222-00069015-00069277 Collaboration. fedhPqvrUAy-00223-00069277-00069523 This is something that took me a little while fedhPqvrUAy-00224-00069523-00069909 to figure out how important it is and how much I value it. fedhPqvrUAy-00225-00069909-00070073 Coming from a publishing background, fedhPqvrUAy-00226-00070073-00070475 it's quite easy to find yourself working in isolation. fedhPqvrUAy-00227-00070475-00070745 Reason being, you're delivered a manuscript as a designer. fedhPqvrUAy-00228-00070745-00070936 You're sent off, you're given a few weeks fedhPqvrUAy-00229-00070936-00071070 to come up with a few solutions. fedhPqvrUAy-00230-00071070-00071298 You present-- and it's hardly presenting. fedhPqvrUAy-00231-00071298-00071528 You're really just showing your publisher, your editor, fedhPqvrUAy-00232-00071528-00071665 the agent, the author, et cetera. fedhPqvrUAy-00233-00071665-00072006 And it's either yes, no, or try again. fedhPqvrUAy-00234-00072006-00072187 And you can find yourself kind of being fedhPqvrUAy-00235-00072187-00072312 comfortable with that process. fedhPqvrUAy-00236-00072312-00072491 A lot of designer are. fedhPqvrUAy-00237-00072491-00073006 But I over time outgrew that and felt like, OK, social skills fedhPqvrUAy-00238-00073006-00073094 are kind of critical. fedhPqvrUAy-00239-00073094-00073201 It might help you. fedhPqvrUAy-00240-00073201-00073665 So I started to really start to befriend the editors fedhPqvrUAy-00241-00073665-00073877 and get into more of a dialogue with them. fedhPqvrUAy-00242-00073877-00074128 And for the last 15 years, I've had fedhPqvrUAy-00243-00074128-00074582 an-- I'm going to call a very special collaboration with one fedhPqvrUAy-00244-00074582-00074774 editor in particular, Shaun McDonald. fedhPqvrUAy-00245-00074774-00075139 He was a very dear friend. fedhPqvrUAy-00246-00075139-00075557 I should expand on what I mean by collaboration. fedhPqvrUAy-00247-00075557-00075795 From my standpoint, is where it's not about fedhPqvrUAy-00248-00075795-00076088 that everything is approved and that it's always fedhPqvrUAy-00249-00076088-00076282 this beautiful experience, but it's fedhPqvrUAy-00250-00076282-00076424 this-- it's almost like this space fedhPqvrUAy-00251-00076424-00076651 where you feel incredibly comfortable. fedhPqvrUAy-00252-00076651-00076949 Where you can shoot each other down. fedhPqvrUAy-00253-00076949-00077113 You can criticize the book. fedhPqvrUAy-00254-00077113-00077308 You can shoot down the design. fedhPqvrUAy-00255-00077308-00077516 And it's totally fine. fedhPqvrUAy-00256-00077516-00077746 Because we're both agreeing that we're fedhPqvrUAy-00257-00077746-00077926 dedicated to come up with the best solution fedhPqvrUAy-00258-00077926-00078069 for the project at hand. fedhPqvrUAy-00259-00078069-00078403 And that really just encourages more and more investment fedhPqvrUAy-00260-00078403-00078822 for myself as a designer, as a creative. fedhPqvrUAy-00261-00078822-00079018 One the first examples of working with Shaun fedhPqvrUAy-00262-00079018-00079172 is A Million Little Pieces. fedhPqvrUAy-00263-00079172-00079328 This was a very little book. fedhPqvrUAy-00264-00079328-00079570 Someone's actually calling me in my back pocket right now. fedhPqvrUAy-00265-00079570-00079617 I don't know why they're doing that. fedhPqvrUAy-00266-00079617-00079758 I should [INAUDIBLE] that. fedhPqvrUAy-00267-00080057-00080300 So this is one of the first books we did together. fedhPqvrUAy-00268-00080300-00080714 And at the time, this was a small book. fedhPqvrUAy-00269-00080714-00081029 There wasn't any expectations around it. fedhPqvrUAy-00270-00081029-00081337 But it was an incredible read. fedhPqvrUAy-00271-00081337-00081635 Minus all the controversy around the book, fedhPqvrUAy-00272-00081635-00081833 it was a fantastic, really a page-turner, fedhPqvrUAy-00273-00081833-00082130 something that I read in two nights. fedhPqvrUAy-00274-00082130-00082326 And in the process of trying to come up fedhPqvrUAy-00275-00082326-00082591 with a solution, everything I came up with, fedhPqvrUAy-00276-00082591-00083160 I could not create or mock-up or find a way to just get it right fedhPqvrUAy-00277-00083160-00083210 and sell it. fedhPqvrUAy-00278-00083210-00083600 Like, this solution was not something I could just mock-up. fedhPqvrUAy-00279-00083600-00083998 So we decided to just hire a photographer. fedhPqvrUAy-00280-00083998-00084254 Now generally in publishing, even fedhPqvrUAy-00281-00084254-00084533 before the climate of the industry started to change, fedhPqvrUAy-00282-00084533-00084675 you still needed to have approval. fedhPqvrUAy-00283-00084675-00084888 So it became this Catch-22 that you fedhPqvrUAy-00284-00084888-00085136 want to show an idea in order to be able to get fedhPqvrUAy-00285-00085136-00085265 the budget for the photography. fedhPqvrUAy-00286-00085265-00085524 And since I couldn't do it, I was just like, forget it. fedhPqvrUAy-00287-00085524-00085838 I'll just use the budget allotted as the designer fedhPqvrUAy-00288-00085838-00085933 and roll the dice. fedhPqvrUAy-00289-00085933-00086278 And fortunately, the end result was fantastic. fedhPqvrUAy-00290-00086278-00086600 We've worked with Fredrik Broden is this brilliant photographer fedhPqvrUAy-00291-00086600-00086740 in Texas. fedhPqvrUAy-00292-00086740-00086990 Sent him a pack of candy dots with a question mark on it. fedhPqvrUAy-00293-00086990-00087140 I said, what do you think we can do? fedhPqvrUAy-00294-00087140-00087494 And this is what he came back with. fedhPqvrUAy-00295-00087494-00087807 I think the second part of what makes this experience really fedhPqvrUAy-00296-00087807-00088036 special is the reaction. fedhPqvrUAy-00297-00088036-00088452 And it sort of created a new path for me as a designer. fedhPqvrUAy-00298-00088452-00088685 The reaction wasn't so much like, we love it, fedhPqvrUAy-00299-00088685-00088871 it's beautiful, or it's brilliant. fedhPqvrUAy-00300-00088871-00089288 It was it makes me really uncomfortable. fedhPqvrUAy-00301-00089288-00089425 I don't know what to make of it. fedhPqvrUAy-00302-00089425-00089655 But I can't stop staring at it. fedhPqvrUAy-00303-00089655-00090226 And it's what got me started in not only wanting to come up fedhPqvrUAy-00304-00090226-00090414 with solutions that were conceptually driven, fedhPqvrUAy-00305-00090414-00090675 but that could be multi-tiered, multilayered. fedhPqvrUAy-00306-00090675-00090919 And hopefully, at the very least, fedhPqvrUAy-00307-00090919-00091169 just sort of have like a guttural reaction to it. fedhPqvrUAy-00308-00091169-00091619 Or just some sort of emotional feeling towards it. fedhPqvrUAy-00309-00091619-00091876 Again, this is another Sean McDonald collaboration. fedhPqvrUAy-00310-00092138-00092586 He was [? our overhead ?] and I was a freelancer at the time. fedhPqvrUAy-00311-00092586-00092868 This is an example where this didn't happen over night. fedhPqvrUAy-00312-00092868-00093086 This took about six to seven months. fedhPqvrUAy-00313-00093086-00093299 I was the first designer hired. fedhPqvrUAy-00314-00093299-00093533 They probably hired two or three other designers. fedhPqvrUAy-00315-00093533-00093751 I threw everything and the kitchen fedhPqvrUAy-00316-00093751-00093974 sink I could possibly come up with. fedhPqvrUAy-00317-00093974-00094214 The book was beautifully written. fedhPqvrUAy-00318-00094214-00094485 I've never read a book that was-- fedhPqvrUAy-00319-00094485-00094624 that the violence and [INAUDIBLE] fedhPqvrUAy-00320-00094624-00095145 was so powerful that it kind of hurt my stomach. fedhPqvrUAy-00321-00095145-00095531 And I wanted to capture that in a visual. fedhPqvrUAy-00322-00095531-00095681 But they finally came down to this. fedhPqvrUAy-00323-00095681-00095988 And I can't say that they came to their senses. fedhPqvrUAy-00324-00095988-00096229 I think they might have run out of time. fedhPqvrUAy-00325-00096229-00096519 [INAUDIBLE] let's go with this thing! fedhPqvrUAy-00326-00096519-00096722 But anyhow, I think everyone's very happy. fedhPqvrUAy-00327-00096722-00096880 The book has obviously gone on to be fedhPqvrUAy-00328-00096880-00097082 a tremendous success for the publisher fedhPqvrUAy-00329-00097082-00097333 and for and for Junot. fedhPqvrUAy-00330-00097333-00097630 A most recent collaboration with Sean fedhPqvrUAy-00331-00097630-00098067 is for [INAUDIBLE] where we both currently work together. fedhPqvrUAy-00332-00098067-00098584 And this book was originally a trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer. fedhPqvrUAy-00333-00098584-00098985 And the original books were all published in paperback. fedhPqvrUAy-00334-00098985-00099354 And because of its success, we decided to combine them all fedhPqvrUAy-00335-00099354-00099789 and give it a whole new approach. fedhPqvrUAy-00336-00099789-00100055 So the process for this was, I believe fedhPqvrUAy-00337-00100055-00100425 that the years that we've invested together fedhPqvrUAy-00338-00100425-00100688 where you just ask the question-- which fedhPqvrUAy-00339-00100688-00101002 is one that I appreciate the most is what do you think. fedhPqvrUAy-00340-00101002-00101434 And it really has this kind of incredible change fedhPqvrUAy-00341-00101434-00101691 of perspective when you're asked that about your own work. fedhPqvrUAy-00342-00101691-00102078 You really can take a step back and think, fedhPqvrUAy-00343-00102078-00102178 what do I really think? fedhPqvrUAy-00344-00102178-00102370 I mean, I know I made it, so I should like it. fedhPqvrUAy-00345-00102370-00102486 But it does help. fedhPqvrUAy-00346-00102486-00102901 And again, it encourages this doubling down and wanting fedhPqvrUAy-00347-00102901-00103151 to invest even more. fedhPqvrUAy-00348-00103151-00103518 The UK Publisher decided to pick up the three covers fedhPqvrUAy-00349-00103518-00103677 for their paperback edition. fedhPqvrUAy-00350-00103677-00103898 So it's great to see something that's fedhPqvrUAy-00351-00103898-00104069 not necessarily common in book publishing fedhPqvrUAy-00352-00104069-00104481 where you can let the art be the driving force. fedhPqvrUAy-00353-00104481-00104671 And the author name becomes secondary. fedhPqvrUAy-00354-00104957-00105388 Another form of collaboration that's outside the publishing fedhPqvrUAy-00355-00105388-00106032 house is working with an artist, working with the design team, fedhPqvrUAy-00356-00106032-00106343 and finding a way to bring all those things together. fedhPqvrUAy-00357-00106343-00106626 Spiegel and Grau, which is a brilliant division of Random fedhPqvrUAy-00358-00106626-00106829 House led this project. fedhPqvrUAy-00359-00106829-00107194 And it was quite a roller coaster ride. fedhPqvrUAy-00360-00107194-00107617 But I think the driving force behind the success fedhPqvrUAy-00361-00107617-00108129 of this is ultimately between the editor and Jay-Z himself. fedhPqvrUAy-00362-00108129-00108325 He was incredibly generous. fedhPqvrUAy-00363-00108325-00108474 I was a big fan. fedhPqvrUAy-00364-00108474-00108992 And having access to information, someone fedhPqvrUAy-00365-00108992-00109353 being open and willing to share, for me, fedhPqvrUAy-00366-00109353-00109629 means a lot for any project I take on. fedhPqvrUAy-00367-00109629-00109933 If there isn't an opportunity to learn, to engage, fedhPqvrUAy-00368-00109933-00110222 it makes it very difficult for me to commit. fedhPqvrUAy-00369-00110222-00110515 And in this case, it was pretty brilliant. fedhPqvrUAy-00370-00110515-00110710 We had many meetings. fedhPqvrUAy-00371-00110710-00110881 We kind of did the same thing that Shaun fedhPqvrUAy-00372-00110881-00111046 did, which is ask question. fedhPqvrUAy-00373-00111046-00111146 What do you think? fedhPqvrUAy-00374-00111146-00111446 What do you think we're representing? fedhPqvrUAy-00375-00111446-00111749 And really just fed us with tons of amazing material, fedhPqvrUAy-00376-00111749-00112105 the book comprising of annotations of his lyrics. fedhPqvrUAy-00377-00112105-00112394 So it became this is an extension of what as a book fedhPqvrUAy-00378-00112394-00112523 jacket designer we do. fedhPqvrUAy-00379-00112523-00112816 We take text and then we try to come up fedhPqvrUAy-00380-00112816-00113106 with a few images that can somehow either directly fedhPqvrUAy-00381-00113106-00113381 or indirectly speak to the language. fedhPqvrUAy-00382-00113381-00113715 And in this case, the challenge was fedhPqvrUAy-00383-00113715-00114280 to try to find a way to make 250 plus pages where each one would fedhPqvrUAy-00384-00114280-00114447 feel like a book jacket in itself. fedhPqvrUAy-00385-00114738-00115043 So we've really tried to own every single page fedhPqvrUAy-00386-00115043-00115626 possible and not just lean on any kind of stock fedhPqvrUAy-00387-00115626-00116056 imagery Everything was photographed in the studio. fedhPqvrUAy-00388-00116336-00116489 Kind of bouncing a little bit here. fedhPqvrUAy-00389-00116489-00116588 So work ethic. fedhPqvrUAy-00390-00116588-00116867 So before getting to this place of what mattered most fedhPqvrUAy-00391-00116867-00117099 for me-- collaboration being one of them-- fedhPqvrUAy-00392-00117099-00117479 work ethic has a thing that's kind of gotten me through more fedhPqvrUAy-00393-00117479-00117845 of the difficult times because for all young designers, fedhPqvrUAy-00394-00117845-00118123 when I hear this word, what's going to be your style, fedhPqvrUAy-00395-00118123-00118346 or what's going to be your lane? fedhPqvrUAy-00396-00118346-00118501 I don't have a lane. fedhPqvrUAy-00397-00118501-00118764 This obviously goes back 15 plus years ago. fedhPqvrUAy-00398-00118764-00118852 I didn't want a lane. fedhPqvrUAy-00399-00118852-00119070 I just wanted to explore and discover and learn fedhPqvrUAy-00400-00119070-00119248 as much as I possibly could. fedhPqvrUAy-00401-00119248-00119538 So the thing that I could rest on fedhPqvrUAy-00402-00119538-00119980 through all that failure-- or not failure, the unknown, fedhPqvrUAy-00403-00119980-00120053 is work ethic. fedhPqvrUAy-00404-00120053-00120350 And that's something that goes back to, fedhPqvrUAy-00405-00120350-00120697 when I think of my folks being incredibly hardworking people. fedhPqvrUAy-00406-00120697-00120896 And that's something that I learned from them. fedhPqvrUAy-00407-00120896-00121087 And it's really, like I said, it really got me fedhPqvrUAy-00408-00121087-00121565 through I think a solid five or six years of wondering, like, fedhPqvrUAy-00409-00121565-00121727 should I really be a graphic designer? fedhPqvrUAy-00410-00121727-00122108 Or should I go into the hospitality industry? fedhPqvrUAy-00411-00122108-00122346 Graphic design or hospitality? fedhPqvrUAy-00412-00122346-00122488 Hm. fedhPqvrUAy-00413-00122488-00122706 In that process, I've had the opportunity fedhPqvrUAy-00414-00122706-00123031 to collaborate with many different companies, Criterion fedhPqvrUAy-00415-00123031-00123247 Collection being one of them. fedhPqvrUAy-00416-00123247-00123490 Sarah Habibi is a brilliant art director over there. fedhPqvrUAy-00417-00123490-00123749 The material speaks for itself. fedhPqvrUAy-00418-00124135-00124403 Working with The New York Times, something that I really fedhPqvrUAy-00419-00124403-00124757 enjoy because it's such a different speed than books fedhPqvrUAy-00420-00124757-00125226 or film, where you have 24 hours, 48 hours. fedhPqvrUAy-00421-00125226-00125444 There's really no time to hem and haw fedhPqvrUAy-00422-00125444-00125950 and start to worry about whether it works or not. fedhPqvrUAy-00423-00125950-00126344 Working with the Design Committee, which is fantastic. fedhPqvrUAy-00424-00126344-00126675 Working with high profile photographers, in this case, fedhPqvrUAy-00425-00126675-00127000 this is very funny, Barney Frank-- fedhPqvrUAy-00426-00127000-00127546 I was hell bent on having him being shot with 8 by 10 film. fedhPqvrUAy-00427-00127546-00127721 For all those who don't know 8 by 10 film, fedhPqvrUAy-00428-00127721-00128009 you have to stay still, you cannot move. fedhPqvrUAy-00429-00128009-00128298 The photographer gets under this blanket. fedhPqvrUAy-00430-00128298-00128535 And the photographer was like, well, let me do 10 frames. fedhPqvrUAy-00431-00128535-00128682 And that's it. fedhPqvrUAy-00432-00128682-00128903 This photographer was so in love with Barney fedhPqvrUAy-00433-00128903-00129218 that he ended up shooting I think somewhere 40. fedhPqvrUAy-00434-00129218-00129469 And by 35, Barney's like-- I know fedhPqvrUAy-00435-00129469-00129754 I'm not supposed to curse-- I gotta get the hell out of here. fedhPqvrUAy-00436-00129754-00129833 He was like, get me out of here. fedhPqvrUAy-00437-00129833-00129942 He was like, no more pictures. fedhPqvrUAy-00438-00129942-00130034 He's like, my feet are killing me. fedhPqvrUAy-00439-00130034-00130092 I'm exhausted. fedhPqvrUAy-00440-00130092-00130264 I want to go home. fedhPqvrUAy-00441-00130264-00130504 But in the end, the shot is fantastic. fedhPqvrUAy-00442-00130504-00130908 And I think Barney was really pleased. fedhPqvrUAy-00443-00130908-00131387 Again-- I don't know how I actually do this. fedhPqvrUAy-00444-00131387-00131617 So I'm creative director for Farrar, Straus, and Giroux fedhPqvrUAy-00445-00131617-00131746 and I also have my studio. fedhPqvrUAy-00446-00131746-00132278 And as Ellen was saying before, I work with New Directions fedhPqvrUAy-00447-00132278-00132409 as well. fedhPqvrUAy-00448-00132409-00132741 And in that time, I'm also doing a ton of freelance fedhPqvrUAy-00449-00132741-00133262 through my studio, some stuff for Random House, for Penguin, fedhPqvrUAy-00450-00133262-00133607 for some international [? land prints. ?] fedhPqvrUAy-00451-00133607-00133871 This is a glimpse into a beginning fedhPqvrUAy-00452-00133871-00134121 of a project for the [? AGA ?], for the upcoming fedhPqvrUAy-00453-00134121-00134386 gala, which is really exciting. fedhPqvrUAy-00454-00134386-00134625 We're doing a full branding for her, which fedhPqvrUAy-00455-00134625-00134768 is a really fun experience. fedhPqvrUAy-00456-00134768-00134967 But this is just one small element. fedhPqvrUAy-00457-00134967-00135419 And unfortunately, I don't have all the elements ready to show. fedhPqvrUAy-00458-00135419-00135578 So when I'm not doing all these things fedhPqvrUAy-00459-00135578-00135850 and trying to get art into my design work fedhPqvrUAy-00460-00135850-00136190 because-- so I went through a period of loving fedhPqvrUAy-00461-00136190-00136490 conceptualization and this punch line, fedhPqvrUAy-00462-00136490-00136767 humorous element of making design. fedhPqvrUAy-00463-00136767-00137470 Then it evolved into having multilayers and tier ideas. fedhPqvrUAy-00464-00137470-00137614 I can reach many people. fedhPqvrUAy-00465-00137614-00137864 And then it just became I want to start making fedhPqvrUAy-00466-00137864-00138084 my own work with no client. fedhPqvrUAy-00467-00138084-00138705 And that became really awkward and so painful. fedhPqvrUAy-00468-00138705-00139200 It's still weird, because I feel like I have fedhPqvrUAy-00469-00139200-00139646 a mechanism of competitiveness. fedhPqvrUAy-00470-00139646-00139893 It's really not with anyone else. fedhPqvrUAy-00471-00139893-00140005 It's in my own head. fedhPqvrUAy-00472-00140005-00140250 But it doesn't translate with art, for some reason. fedhPqvrUAy-00473-00140250-00140726 But anyhow, we started doing these graphite drawings. fedhPqvrUAy-00474-00140726-00141333 I think it's sort of a nod to early college of when you don't fedhPqvrUAy-00475-00141333-00141665 know what kind of work you want to be doing, fedhPqvrUAy-00476-00141665-00141933 but you stick with a technical craft. fedhPqvrUAy-00477-00141933-00142138 But what I'm picking is imagery that I fedhPqvrUAy-00478-00142138-00142805 think has the potential to be fraught with emotion, energy. fedhPqvrUAy-00479-00142805-00142965 Hoping that, when you look at it, fedhPqvrUAy-00480-00142965-00143412 you could attach ideas to it as well. fedhPqvrUAy-00481-00143412-00143709 This thing is-- I wish I had it in context. fedhPqvrUAy-00482-00143709-00143858 This is about six feet wide. fedhPqvrUAy-00483-00143858-00144106 It's pretty massive. fedhPqvrUAy-00484-00144106-00144556 I thought I was going to finish it, but decided not to. fedhPqvrUAy-00485-00144556-00144820 So there's a theme here, sports. fedhPqvrUAy-00486-00144820-00144956 Competitiveness. fedhPqvrUAy-00487-00144956-00145250 I swear, if I was 6' 4" I probably fedhPqvrUAy-00488-00145250-00145359 wouldn't be standing here. fedhPqvrUAy-00489-00145359-00145742 I'd probably be playing professional sports somewhere fedhPqvrUAy-00490-00145742-00145842 hopefully? fedhPqvrUAy-00491-00145842-00145942 Maybe? fedhPqvrUAy-00492-00145942-00146029 But I do love sports. fedhPqvrUAy-00493-00146029-00146179 And I love the psychology of sports. fedhPqvrUAy-00494-00146179-00146310 And I love what drives people. fedhPqvrUAy-00495-00146310-00146601 And I feel like it's not just in sports fedhPqvrUAy-00496-00146601-00146989 but it's in all the arts that I'm still fedhPqvrUAy-00497-00146989-00147181 fascinated when I hear people tell stories fedhPqvrUAy-00498-00147181-00147404 of what motivates them, what gets them fedhPqvrUAy-00499-00147404-00147513 through highs and lows. fedhPqvrUAy-00500-00147513-00147841 And it's probably some of the best advice I ever fedhPqvrUAy-00501-00147841-00148066 got from my college roommate. fedhPqvrUAy-00502-00148066-00148224 And I'll finish on that. fedhPqvrUAy-00503-00148224-00148635 If you're go to commit to being a creative or a designer, fedhPqvrUAy-00504-00148635-00148895 be prepared that it'll be a roller coaster ride. fedhPqvrUAy-00505-00148895-00149045 There will be days you feel amazing, fedhPqvrUAy-00506-00149045-00149267 there will be days you feel horrible about what fedhPqvrUAy-00507-00149267-00149321 you're doing. fedhPqvrUAy-00508-00149321-00149539 Today I feel pretty good, so. fedhPqvrUAy-00509-00149836-00150330 This is a sculpture of a porcelain basketball fedhPqvrUAy-00510-00150330-00150865 that we also airbrush painted as well. fedhPqvrUAy-00511-00150865-00151138 It's already chipping and falling apart, unfortunately. fedhPqvrUAy-00512-00151138-00151215 Thank you. fedhPqvrUAy-00513-00152144-00152393 Did I stay under 20 minutes? fedhPqvrUAy-00514-00152693-00153092 EMILIANO GODOY: OK, that was fun. fedhPqvrUAy-00515-00153092-00153594 I feel I'm going to depress everyone [? following. ?] fedhPqvrUAy-00516-00153594-00154116 So thank you for the invitation and for having me here. fedhPqvrUAy-00517-00154116-00154605 I wanted to explain a little bit of my design process fedhPqvrUAy-00518-00154605-00154885 and where it comes from. fedhPqvrUAy-00519-00154885-00155120 And I was just talking to [INAUDIBLE]. fedhPqvrUAy-00520-00155120-00155424 We were talking about the speed of things. fedhPqvrUAy-00521-00155424-00155706 And I saying, like, I'm so slow designing, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00522-00155706-00155925 It takes me ages to design a project. fedhPqvrUAy-00523-00155925-00156113 And the project I'm going to talk about, fedhPqvrUAy-00524-00156113-00156492 it took me about a year to make it and finish it. fedhPqvrUAy-00525-00156492-00157189 And I think that comes from sort of an internal, eternal fedhPqvrUAy-00526-00157189-00157731 conflict which is that I started my design career in 1992, which fedhPqvrUAy-00527-00157731-00158212 was the year of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. fedhPqvrUAy-00528-00158212-00158456 And that year, it was all about the environment. fedhPqvrUAy-00529-00158456-00158687 And from that moment, when I started studying, fedhPqvrUAy-00530-00158687-00159194 and I started studying when that was happening, fedhPqvrUAy-00531-00159194-00159390 the environmental [? tide ?] of the [INAUDIBLE] fedhPqvrUAy-00532-00159390-00159886 was always present and questioning my work. fedhPqvrUAy-00533-00159886-00160113 Or that's the way I felt. fedhPqvrUAy-00534-00160113-00160435 And it took me a long time to actually fedhPqvrUAy-00535-00160435-00160732 understand what was going on and to understand fedhPqvrUAy-00536-00160732-00160848 where the conflict was. fedhPqvrUAy-00537-00160848-00161240 When I was starting the career, it wasn't that clear. fedhPqvrUAy-00538-00161240-00161667 But then it became something that I understood. fedhPqvrUAy-00539-00161667-00162096 There was a very clear contradiction fedhPqvrUAy-00540-00162096-00162377 between being a product designer and trying to be fedhPqvrUAy-00541-00162377-00162618 environmentally responsible. fedhPqvrUAy-00542-00162618-00163096 And at the time, I think it's still lacking [INAUDIBLE]. fedhPqvrUAy-00543-00163096-00163295 But at the time, it was basically nonexistent, fedhPqvrUAy-00544-00163295-00163451 the discussion about sustainability fedhPqvrUAy-00545-00163451-00163670 [? at the time. ?] And for me, that fedhPqvrUAy-00546-00163670-00164252 was a bit a-- well, big thing. fedhPqvrUAy-00547-00164252-00164302 Yeah. fedhPqvrUAy-00548-00164302-00164935 And I graduated and I started working. fedhPqvrUAy-00549-00164935-00165147 And I started improvising a little fedhPqvrUAy-00550-00165147-00165306 and trying to understand how to do it. fedhPqvrUAy-00551-00165306-00165841 And after a few years what I understood, what I was lacking fedhPqvrUAy-00552-00165841-00165970 was perspective. fedhPqvrUAy-00553-00165970-00166266 And to understand when we talk about sustainability fedhPqvrUAy-00554-00166266-00166725 and we talk about the environment of the built fedhPqvrUAy-00555-00166725-00167022 universe and products and we're talking fedhPqvrUAy-00556-00167022-00167464 about a story that is pretty brief in terms fedhPqvrUAy-00557-00167464-00167702 of the environment and the planet. fedhPqvrUAy-00558-00167702-00168076 And when that was a click in my head, fedhPqvrUAy-00559-00168076-00168487 then I understood the immensity of the challenge fedhPqvrUAy-00560-00168487-00168985 and the very special in every way moment fedhPqvrUAy-00561-00168985-00169160 that we're living in. fedhPqvrUAy-00562-00169160-00169388 So the graphics that I want to show now-- fedhPqvrUAy-00563-00169388-00169657 and I'll try to be very brief about this-- fedhPqvrUAy-00564-00169657-00169967 is about the time frame that I tried fedhPqvrUAy-00565-00169967-00170244 to conceive of what I'm designing, which goes, fedhPqvrUAy-00566-00170244-00170544 like, a few thousand years before our time fedhPqvrUAy-00567-00170544-00170767 to a [? few thousand ?] years after. fedhPqvrUAy-00568-00170767-00171162 And when I started looking at things from this perspective, fedhPqvrUAy-00569-00171162-00171540 I understood that there was like 150 or 200 years that fedhPqvrUAy-00570-00171540-00171696 were very special. fedhPqvrUAy-00571-00171696-00172449 And I'm going to show you just a few graphics about the things fedhPqvrUAy-00572-00172449-00172669 that we usually take into consideration when fedhPqvrUAy-00573-00172669-00172945 we talk about well-being, or progress, fedhPqvrUAy-00574-00172945-00173095 or how well we're doing. fedhPqvrUAy-00575-00173095-00173345 And the first thing is health, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00576-00173345-00173541 If you're dead, you're not that healthy. fedhPqvrUAy-00577-00173541-00173829 So that's the first thing we look at. fedhPqvrUAy-00578-00173829-00174120 And what has happened is that in the last 150 years, fedhPqvrUAy-00579-00174120-00174396 life expectancy has doubled, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00580-00174396-00174812 When you hear about Marco Polo conquering the world at 30, fedhPqvrUAy-00581-00174812-00175052 it's not because he was young It was because that fedhPqvrUAy-00582-00175052-00175146 was life expectancy. fedhPqvrUAy-00583-00175146-00175267 He was an old guy. fedhPqvrUAy-00584-00175267-00175545 He was an old guy conquering the world at 30. fedhPqvrUAy-00585-00175545-00176384 And we're only managed to live 70 or 80 years old only fedhPqvrUAy-00586-00176384-00176801 in the last generations, four or five generations. fedhPqvrUAy-00587-00176801-00177099 So the second thing that we use to talk about well-being fedhPqvrUAy-00588-00177099-00177177 is culture. fedhPqvrUAy-00589-00177177-00177418 And the most basic way to talk about culture fedhPqvrUAy-00590-00177418-00177562 is to talk about literacy. fedhPqvrUAy-00591-00177562-00177659 You can read and write. fedhPqvrUAy-00592-00177659-00178287 And of course, there was a time where that didn't exist yet. fedhPqvrUAy-00593-00178287-00178841 But then it became something that just the elite fedhPqvrUAy-00594-00178841-00179105 or just a few people could actually do, read or write. fedhPqvrUAy-00595-00179105-00179483 And only after, I don't know, in the last 250 years fedhPqvrUAy-00596-00179483-00179734 we understood that it should be a human right fedhPqvrUAy-00597-00179734-00179914 and everyone should be able to do it. fedhPqvrUAy-00598-00179914-00180297 And now over 90% of people in the world can read and write. fedhPqvrUAy-00599-00180297-00180552 And most of them can read and write in two or more languages. fedhPqvrUAy-00600-00180552-00180697 So that's a big change. fedhPqvrUAy-00601-00180697-00181077 And the other thing that we use, of course, is the economy. fedhPqvrUAy-00602-00181077-00181409 And that's a place where the change has been the greatest. fedhPqvrUAy-00603-00181409-00181668 When we talk about the economy-- of course, fedhPqvrUAy-00604-00181668-00182228 there was a time when money wasn't invested-- fedhPqvrUAy-00605-00182228-00182601 but if we use the same tools that we use today to measure fedhPqvrUAy-00606-00182601-00182902 the economy, the world has a history of poverty, fedhPqvrUAy-00607-00182902-00183080 of extreme poverty. fedhPqvrUAy-00608-00183080-00183346 Before the Industrial Revolution, 95% of people fedhPqvrUAy-00609-00183346-00183596 were living in extreme poverty. fedhPqvrUAy-00610-00183596-00183794 So that's quite a big change. fedhPqvrUAy-00611-00183794-00183943 Now it depends on who you ask. fedhPqvrUAy-00612-00183943-00184105 But if you ask probably Jeffrey Sachs, fedhPqvrUAy-00613-00184105-00184410 he would say less than 15% of the world lives fedhPqvrUAy-00614-00184410-00184549 in extreme poverty. fedhPqvrUAy-00615-00184549-00184939 So that's a big change, from 95% to 15%. fedhPqvrUAy-00616-00184939-00185167 So that's the good side of things, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00617-00185167-00185581 We came from a world that was poor, fedhPqvrUAy-00618-00185581-00185919 that was sick or unhealthy-- and that was not fedhPqvrUAy-00619-00185919-00186412 very bright-- to a place where everyone can read write, fedhPqvrUAy-00620-00186412-00186853 we're basically rich in comparison, fedhPqvrUAy-00621-00186853-00187223 and we're very healthy and we live a lot longer. fedhPqvrUAy-00622-00187223-00187481 So that's the good side of things. fedhPqvrUAy-00623-00187481-00187834 That, of course, has had a bit of an impact. fedhPqvrUAy-00624-00187834-00188278 The first is that, since we have access to health services fedhPqvrUAy-00625-00188278-00188708 and we have more money and we live longer, fedhPqvrUAy-00626-00188708-00189024 then the amount of people in the world has exploded. fedhPqvrUAy-00627-00189024-00189620 We-- from I think it was 1350, the year of 1350 fedhPqvrUAy-00628-00189620-00189926 or something-- the population has steadily grown. fedhPqvrUAy-00629-00189926-00190170 And then in the last 200 years it fedhPqvrUAy-00630-00190170-00190397 exploded, going from less than one billion fedhPqvrUAy-00631-00190397-00190626 to over seven billion. fedhPqvrUAy-00632-00190626-00190966 I think the last count is 7.4 billion people in the world. fedhPqvrUAy-00633-00190966-00191214 So it basically exploded. fedhPqvrUAy-00634-00191214-00191563 And all of us, we tend to eat at least three times a day. fedhPqvrUAy-00635-00191563-00192052 And that means that we consume a lot more stuff. fedhPqvrUAy-00636-00192052-00192613 So there's a really nice thing called "The Living Planet fedhPqvrUAy-00637-00192613-00192663 Report." fedhPqvrUAy-00638-00192663-00192779 I don't know if you know it. fedhPqvrUAy-00639-00192779-00193089 But it measures the health of the world in two ways. fedhPqvrUAy-00640-00193089-00193329 One is the ecological footprint, which fedhPqvrUAy-00641-00193329-00194009 is how much resources human-kind uses. fedhPqvrUAy-00642-00194009-00194315 And what has happened is that, of course, we use a lot more. fedhPqvrUAy-00643-00194315-00194817 And it's the same time frame as the other graphics. fedhPqvrUAy-00644-00194817-00195056 What you see, the little dotted line fedhPqvrUAy-00645-00195056-00195280 in the center, that's called bio capacity, which fedhPqvrUAy-00646-00195280-00195635 is the capacity of the world to renew itself. fedhPqvrUAy-00647-00195635-00196114 And when we crossed-- I think the date is 1976-- fedhPqvrUAy-00648-00196114-00196396 from that moment on, we're consuming more resources fedhPqvrUAy-00649-00196396-00196854 than what the earth can produce. fedhPqvrUAy-00650-00196854-00197182 Which is kind of a bad thing. fedhPqvrUAy-00651-00197182-00197499 And of course, that means that other species population fedhPqvrUAy-00652-00197499-00197767 has declined a lot. fedhPqvrUAy-00653-00197767-00198061 And that's the other part of "The Living Planet fedhPqvrUAy-00654-00198061-00198398 Report," which is called "The Living Planet Index." fedhPqvrUAy-00655-00198398-00198855 This index follows the health and density of population of I fedhPqvrUAy-00656-00198855-00199207 think 1,300 vertebrae species. fedhPqvrUAy-00657-00199207-00199513 And what has happened that, just in the last 35 years, fedhPqvrUAy-00658-00199513-00199971 that index has gone down by 30% which is a lot. fedhPqvrUAy-00659-00199971-00200096 It's insane. fedhPqvrUAy-00660-00200096-00200313 And that drives what, in my opinion, fedhPqvrUAy-00661-00200313-00200666 is the worst environmental crisis that we have, fedhPqvrUAy-00662-00200666-00200894 which is extinction. fedhPqvrUAy-00663-00200894-00201044 And what has happened with extension fedhPqvrUAy-00664-00201044-00201430 is that we're living-- there's a great book by Elizabeth fedhPqvrUAy-00665-00201430-00201648 Kolbert that talks about it. fedhPqvrUAy-00666-00201648-00201955 And we're basically living what is called a mass extinction. fedhPqvrUAy-00667-00201955-00202401 Which means that if everything goes as the scientists believe, fedhPqvrUAy-00668-00202401-00202815 we're going to lose more than half fedhPqvrUAy-00669-00202815-00203126 of all the species in the world by the end of this century. fedhPqvrUAy-00670-00203126-00203324 So that's considered a mass extinction. fedhPqvrUAy-00671-00203679-00203860 There have been five mass extinctions fedhPqvrUAy-00672-00203860-00203980 in the planet already. fedhPqvrUAy-00673-00203980-00204229 The fifth, the last one, was the dinosaurs fedhPqvrUAy-00674-00204229-00204321 when they disappeared. fedhPqvrUAy-00675-00204321-00204645 So we're basically creating a new one fedhPqvrUAy-00676-00204645-00205029 because of our human industrial activities. fedhPqvrUAy-00677-00205029-00205444 So this is the bad side of it. fedhPqvrUAy-00678-00205444-00205673 And the question of course is how we did this. fedhPqvrUAy-00679-00205673-00206279 And why we were able to do this so briefly when-- I mean, fedhPqvrUAy-00680-00206279-00206580 it's not that people in the Renaissance were like, fedhPqvrUAy-00681-00206580-00206734 we don't want to be rich, or we don't fedhPqvrUAy-00682-00206734-00206921 want to live longer, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00683-00206921-00207237 Those have been things that people have wanted all along. fedhPqvrUAy-00684-00207237-00207468 But how do you manage to actually change fedhPqvrUAy-00685-00207468-00207577 the world the way we have? fedhPqvrUAy-00686-00207577-00207940 And that's basically because we learned fedhPqvrUAy-00687-00207940-00208371 how to use fossil fuels to produce work, basically. fedhPqvrUAy-00688-00208371-00208842 To change the embodied energy in fossil fuels fedhPqvrUAy-00689-00208842-00209206 and transform that into work. fedhPqvrUAy-00690-00209206-00209563 When you talk about horsepower, basically what you're doing fedhPqvrUAy-00691-00209563-00209954 is making an equivalent of a horse actually working, fedhPqvrUAy-00692-00209954-00210204 and-- instead of a horse doing it-- with some other machine. fedhPqvrUAy-00693-00210204-00210563 And we did that with the famous steam fedhPqvrUAy-00694-00210563-00211033 machine of the 19th century. fedhPqvrUAy-00695-00211033-00211431 And just as a comparison, the first steam machine that fedhPqvrUAy-00696-00211431-00211771 was operated like a [? coal on coal ?], fedhPqvrUAy-00697-00211771-00212164 it was used to get water out of mines. fedhPqvrUAy-00698-00212164-00212231 Is that correct? fedhPqvrUAy-00699-00212231-00212329 Yes. fedhPqvrUAy-00700-00212329-00212926 And that one single machine with one person putting coal into it fedhPqvrUAy-00701-00212926-00213142 replaced 200 horses. fedhPqvrUAy-00702-00213142-00213372 200 horses with all the people working fedhPqvrUAy-00703-00213372-00213544 to maintain those horses. fedhPqvrUAy-00704-00213544-00213916 So that's where all the horsepower comes from, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00705-00213916-00213985 That's a lot. fedhPqvrUAy-00706-00213985-00214130 And that's a good thing. fedhPqvrUAy-00707-00214130-00214356 It's like we get fossil fuels and we fedhPqvrUAy-00708-00214356-00214591 use them to produce something that, otherwise, we fedhPqvrUAy-00709-00214591-00214829 would have to do by hand or with some other means. fedhPqvrUAy-00710-00214829-00215289 And that has allowed us to come out of poverty fedhPqvrUAy-00711-00215289-00215611 and get all these good things that we have. fedhPqvrUAy-00712-00215611-00215978 Of course, global warming, greenhouse gas concentrations, fedhPqvrUAy-00713-00215978-00216153 et cetera. fedhPqvrUAy-00714-00216153-00216335 But my point in all this is that, when fedhPqvrUAy-00715-00216335-00216781 I'm thinking about designing, I really fedhPqvrUAy-00716-00216781-00217164 try not to be thinking about the design world, or the project, fedhPqvrUAy-00717-00217164-00217528 or the client, but actually be thinking about this. fedhPqvrUAy-00718-00217528-00218090 And this what really bugs me. fedhPqvrUAy-00719-00218090-00218477 If you were Marco Polo and you were like, I don't know, fedhPqvrUAy-00720-00218477-00218687 whatever year he was living in, and he fedhPqvrUAy-00721-00218687-00218901 was thinking about how's the world going fedhPqvrUAy-00722-00218901-00219186 to look like for my son or my grandsons, fedhPqvrUAy-00723-00219186-00219504 it was going to be the same thing, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00724-00219504-00219835 There was going to be no real change in the planet. fedhPqvrUAy-00725-00219835-00220201 There might be a big social change or revolution, fedhPqvrUAy-00726-00220201-00220696 or something big in terms of [INAUDIBLE], but not so much fedhPqvrUAy-00727-00220696-00220812 in terms of the planet. fedhPqvrUAy-00728-00220812-00221054 But what is happening in the past 150 years fedhPqvrUAy-00729-00221054-00221532 is that our activity has actually changed the planet. fedhPqvrUAy-00730-00221532-00222200 And that stability, for good or worse-- I mean, fedhPqvrUAy-00731-00222200-00222438 it's not that I want to go back to a world that fedhPqvrUAy-00732-00222438-00222757 is poor and sick and all the other things. fedhPqvrUAy-00733-00222757-00222973 But it was a stable condition. fedhPqvrUAy-00734-00222973-00223226 And now, I don't know if any of you fedhPqvrUAy-00735-00223226-00223392 can actually answer that question. fedhPqvrUAy-00736-00223392-00223530 It's like, where are these graphs fedhPqvrUAy-00737-00223530-00223702 going to go in the future? fedhPqvrUAy-00738-00223702-00223996 And that's kind of what I'm trying to think fedhPqvrUAy-00739-00223996-00224117 about when I'm designing. fedhPqvrUAy-00740-00224117-00224463 And it's like, which of those things that has changed fedhPqvrUAy-00741-00224463-00224751 I want to keep and I want to reinforce. fedhPqvrUAy-00742-00224751-00225068 For example, I would love to end extreme poverty fedhPqvrUAy-00743-00225068-00225304 or our generation to actually manage to do it. fedhPqvrUAy-00744-00225304-00225719 But at the same time, I wouldn't like the extinction trends fedhPqvrUAy-00745-00225719-00225935 that we have now to continue. fedhPqvrUAy-00746-00225935-00226253 So how do we use this tremendous amount of power fedhPqvrUAy-00747-00226253-00226433 that we have in terms of changing the world fedhPqvrUAy-00748-00226433-00226667 to actually shift these graphs in a way fedhPqvrUAy-00749-00226667-00226813 that we actually want it? fedhPqvrUAy-00750-00226813-00227117 And it's kind of depressing when you fedhPqvrUAy-00751-00227117-00227479 start thinking about this because you feel helpless fedhPqvrUAy-00752-00227479-00227623 about the whole situation. fedhPqvrUAy-00753-00227623-00227802 Because it's like a huge problems. fedhPqvrUAy-00754-00227802-00228053 There are huge forces at work. fedhPqvrUAy-00755-00228053-00228316 And it's hard to see like, I'm designing fedhPqvrUAy-00756-00228316-00228503 this leaflet or this products and how fedhPqvrUAy-00757-00228503-00228661 this is going to impact that. fedhPqvrUAy-00758-00228661-00229104 And it's hard to grasp. fedhPqvrUAy-00759-00229104-00229416 But there are a few examples where I think fedhPqvrUAy-00760-00229416-00229665 that this has actually worked. fedhPqvrUAy-00761-00229665-00230017 And I think you will have heard about it the Kyoto fedhPqvrUAy-00762-00230017-00230583 Protocol, which is one of the greatest fiascoes of world fedhPqvrUAy-00763-00230583-00230723 diplomacy. fedhPqvrUAy-00764-00230723-00231153 But there's the other one called the Montreal Protocol. fedhPqvrUAy-00765-00231153-00231235 You've heard of it? fedhPqvrUAy-00766-00231235-00231323 Yeah, no? fedhPqvrUAy-00767-00231323-00231488 It's the one that everyone signed fedhPqvrUAy-00768-00231488-00232266 for the aerosols and the ozone hole in the stratosphere. fedhPqvrUAy-00769-00232266-00232585 And that was a good example. fedhPqvrUAy-00770-00232585-00232696 Everyone signed it. fedhPqvrUAy-00771-00232696-00232863 Everyone changed their technology. fedhPqvrUAy-00772-00232863-00233131 And all the world sort of worked in one direction. fedhPqvrUAy-00773-00233131-00233481 And the last measurement is that that ozone hole is actually fedhPqvrUAy-00774-00233481-00233531 shrinking. fedhPqvrUAy-00775-00233531-00233681 And it's getting better. fedhPqvrUAy-00776-00233681-00233925 So when you think about it, it's the world fedhPqvrUAy-00777-00233925-00234125 actually getting together and solving a problem fedhPqvrUAy-00778-00234125-00234302 that it's in the stratosphere. fedhPqvrUAy-00779-00234302-00234509 Which is kind of mind-blowing, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00780-00234509-00234956 So my big question is, of course I fedhPqvrUAy-00781-00234956-00235202 need to think about the client and think about the project, fedhPqvrUAy-00782-00235202-00235533 and think how to make it that it's feasible, et cetera. fedhPqvrUAy-00783-00235533-00235844 But my big question that I always try to think about-- fedhPqvrUAy-00784-00235844-00236291 and I don't think I'm successful most of the time, or maybe fedhPqvrUAy-00785-00236291-00236792 just a couple of times-- is how a design project can actually fedhPqvrUAy-00786-00236792-00237148 have at least some sort of direction that is fedhPqvrUAy-00787-00237148-00237556 helping in this big question. fedhPqvrUAy-00788-00237556-00238069 It's a big package or a big thing you want to do. fedhPqvrUAy-00789-00238069-00238466 But I think it's a worthier discussion fedhPqvrUAy-00790-00238466-00238929 to think about these things when you're signing a new project fedhPqvrUAy-00791-00238929-00239234 and not so much about all the other stuff fedhPqvrUAy-00792-00239234-00239628 that designers were asked to be thinking about, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00793-00239628-00239949 Fashion and trends and a lot of other things. fedhPqvrUAy-00794-00239949-00240215 So the project that is in the exhibition fedhPqvrUAy-00795-00240215-00240412 that I want to use as an example of this fedhPqvrUAy-00796-00240412-00240651 is a place where I had the opportunity fedhPqvrUAy-00797-00240651-00241083 to work with a manufacturer that already knew me and knew fedhPqvrUAy-00798-00241083-00241416 all these things that I'm talking about fedhPqvrUAy-00799-00241416-00241571 and was not as scared. fedhPqvrUAy-00800-00241571-00241867 Because he already had a couple of products in the market fedhPqvrUAy-00801-00241867-00242034 and knew I wasn't going to come up fedhPqvrUAy-00802-00242034-00242276 with something stupid or crazy. fedhPqvrUAy-00803-00242276-00242705 So it's a glass manufacturer. fedhPqvrUAy-00804-00242705-00242885 And my project began with another one fedhPqvrUAy-00805-00242885-00243189 of these things, which was energy use in manufacturing. fedhPqvrUAy-00806-00243440-00243960 By the way, any measurement you want to put into this graph fedhPqvrUAy-00807-00243960-00244190 is going to follow a similar trend, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00808-00244190-00244551 It's like if you want to look at number of books published fedhPqvrUAy-00809-00244551-00244848 or mortality rate for neonatal babies fedhPqvrUAy-00810-00244848-00245212 or whatever you want to do, it's going to follow the same trend. fedhPqvrUAy-00811-00245212-00245408 So it's basically the same graph, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00812-00245408-00245656 But anyway, this is energy use in manufacturing. fedhPqvrUAy-00813-00245656-00245985 And when I'm talking about glass blowing and glass fedhPqvrUAy-00814-00245985-00246142 manufacturing, the problem with glass fedhPqvrUAy-00815-00246142-00246434 is that it uses a lot of energy. fedhPqvrUAy-00816-00246434-00246712 To melt glass, you have to take it fedhPqvrUAy-00817-00246712-00246908 to over 1,000 degrees Celsius. fedhPqvrUAy-00818-00246908-00247089 And it's quite a bit. fedhPqvrUAy-00819-00247089-00247417 So I started looking at places where fedhPqvrUAy-00820-00247417-00247551 I could lower that energy. fedhPqvrUAy-00821-00247551-00247880 And of course, I cannot make glass melt at a lower fedhPqvrUAy-00822-00247880-00247978 temperature. fedhPqvrUAy-00823-00247978-00248158 But I started looking at other things. fedhPqvrUAy-00824-00248158-00248386 And I found that there's another area where fedhPqvrUAy-00825-00248386-00248731 there's a lot of energy that's being used. fedhPqvrUAy-00826-00248731-00248909 And it's in the mold manufacturing. fedhPqvrUAy-00827-00248909-00249194 How to make the tooling for the pieces. fedhPqvrUAy-00828-00249194-00249561 And in machining, the steel for the pieces, fedhPqvrUAy-00829-00249561-00249682 there's a lot of energy used. fedhPqvrUAy-00830-00249682-00249951 But it's not so much that, but actually the energy fedhPqvrUAy-00831-00249951-00250299 that was used to create the steel piece that you're fedhPqvrUAy-00832-00250299-00250467 going to start with, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00833-00250467-00250723 That's called embodied energy. fedhPqvrUAy-00834-00250723-00251012 And that's a coefficient that is measured in fedhPqvrUAy-00835-00251012-00251354 either by weight or by volume. fedhPqvrUAy-00836-00251354-00251521 And that it can change a lot. fedhPqvrUAy-00837-00251521-00251894 This is part of a bigger chart with all the materials fedhPqvrUAy-00838-00251894-00251998 that we normally use. fedhPqvrUAy-00839-00251998-00252335 And you can see, for example, megajoules by kilogram, fedhPqvrUAy-00840-00252335-00252837 and you go from 0.02 in [? Rigerbrook ?] fedhPqvrUAy-00841-00252837-00253526 to 227 megajoules per kilogram for [INAUDIBLE] aluminum. fedhPqvrUAy-00842-00253526-00253746 So what you see is that it depends on which material fedhPqvrUAy-00843-00253746-00253821 you choose. fedhPqvrUAy-00844-00253821-00254042 Before you do anything to it, you already fedhPqvrUAy-00845-00254042-00254387 have a very big energy footprint, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00846-00254387-00254681 And when I start measuring that for mold manufacturing fedhPqvrUAy-00847-00254681-00254819 and for glass manufacturing, what fedhPqvrUAy-00848-00254819-00255123 happen is that, even before I did anything with the mold, fedhPqvrUAy-00849-00255123-00255525 there was already a really huge environmental footprint, fedhPqvrUAy-00850-00255525-00255605 energy use. fedhPqvrUAy-00851-00255605-00256050 So what I did is looked for other materials, such as rock, fedhPqvrUAy-00852-00256050-00256166 that could be used. fedhPqvrUAy-00853-00256166-00256404 And that could withstand that heat fedhPqvrUAy-00854-00256404-00256550 and be used for mold manufacturing. fedhPqvrUAy-00855-00256550-00256821 So I started working with this, which fedhPqvrUAy-00856-00256821-00257030 is volcanic rock, of course coming from a volcano. fedhPqvrUAy-00857-00257030-00257159 So it withstands heat. fedhPqvrUAy-00858-00257419-00257564 And that's local. fedhPqvrUAy-00859-00257564-00257684 It's from Mexico City. fedhPqvrUAy-00860-00257684-00258197 And actually modifying the shape of the rock, it's pretty easy. fedhPqvrUAy-00861-00258197-00258352 It also consumes less energy. fedhPqvrUAy-00862-00258352-00258713 So I started experimenting with-- this fedhPqvrUAy-00863-00258713-00259426 is where the good [? part ?] of manufacturing comes in. fedhPqvrUAy-00864-00259426-00259726 Because when you come up with an idea like this, fedhPqvrUAy-00865-00259726-00259926 if you don't have a good relationship fedhPqvrUAy-00866-00259926-00260086 with the manufacturing, he's going fedhPqvrUAy-00867-00260086-00260348 to probably say, like, yeah, whatever, fedhPqvrUAy-00868-00260348-00260496 and hire someone else. fedhPqvrUAy-00869-00260496-00260836 But he was already open to crazy ideas. fedhPqvrUAy-00870-00260836-00260994 And I started experimenting with this, fedhPqvrUAy-00871-00260994-00261138 and it worked really well. fedhPqvrUAy-00872-00261138-00261527 And we came up with this. fedhPqvrUAy-00873-00261527-00261746 This is the piece being made. fedhPqvrUAy-00874-00261746-00262168 And I'm not going to go too much into it. fedhPqvrUAy-00875-00262168-00262448 But basically you blow into this stone mold. fedhPqvrUAy-00876-00262448-00262730 This is the first pieces that we did. fedhPqvrUAy-00877-00262730-00262932 That's the piece before the cut it fedhPqvrUAy-00878-00262932-00263263 and made the actual blow, which is on the exhibition. fedhPqvrUAy-00879-00263263-00263800 But when I was doing this, the first thing that I fedhPqvrUAy-00880-00263800-00264039 did was when I started testing it, fedhPqvrUAy-00881-00264039-00264463 I started to see really nice textures on the glass piece. fedhPqvrUAy-00882-00264463-00265001 And that's what I think is the beautiful part of this type fedhPqvrUAy-00883-00265001-00265128 of experimentation. fedhPqvrUAy-00884-00265128-00265456 Which is that I started thinking about the environment and all fedhPqvrUAy-00885-00265456-00265536 the other things. fedhPqvrUAy-00886-00265536-00265761 But the moment I did my first tests, fedhPqvrUAy-00887-00265761-00265985 I understood that there was new door in terms fedhPqvrUAy-00888-00265985-00266216 of the aesthetics and the design language fedhPqvrUAy-00889-00266216-00266435 that you could come up with in this process, fedhPqvrUAy-00890-00266435-00266583 and that that design language, it fedhPqvrUAy-00891-00266583-00266926 was something unique to this material and these molds. fedhPqvrUAy-00892-00266926-00267265 That was not feasible with a traditional steel mold, right? fedhPqvrUAy-00893-00267265-00267517 Coming up with a texture like this on a steel mold fedhPqvrUAy-00894-00267517-00267795 would be just insane to think about it. fedhPqvrUAy-00895-00267795-00268132 It would be really hard and difficult to make. fedhPqvrUAy-00896-00268132-00268289 It would be crazy expensive. fedhPqvrUAy-00897-00268289-00268691 And it doesn't make sense. fedhPqvrUAy-00898-00268691-00268933 So when you change the framework around it, fedhPqvrUAy-00899-00268933-00269188 because you're thinking about the problem in a different way, fedhPqvrUAy-00900-00269188-00269616 then you open up a new direction in terms of aesthetics, fedhPqvrUAy-00901-00269616-00269765 in terms of looks. fedhPqvrUAy-00902-00269765-00270438 And that's something that is really empowering and something fedhPqvrUAy-00903-00270438-00270703 that when it comes out right, I'm like, fedhPqvrUAy-00904-00270703-00271112 OK I can be an optimist again. fedhPqvrUAy-00905-00271112-00271628 So anyway, just to finish up what I was saying, fedhPqvrUAy-00906-00271628-00271815 the comparison between the steel mold fedhPqvrUAy-00907-00271815-00272219 for a piece like this to a volcanic rock mold fedhPqvrUAy-00908-00272219-00272769 is that I lowered the energy use for the mold in 99.1%. fedhPqvrUAy-00909-00272769-00273084 So the energy use for the mold basically disappeared. fedhPqvrUAy-00910-00273084-00273610 And that is why I think it is great about this type fedhPqvrUAy-00911-00273610-00273869 of project is that you come up with something where the change fedhPqvrUAy-00912-00273869-00274225 in scale in terms of resource consumption so great that fedhPqvrUAy-00913-00274225-00274703 it's-- I think what's his name, this guy that talks about we fedhPqvrUAy-00914-00274703-00275227 need changes where the scale of change is so greater than fedhPqvrUAy-00915-00275227-00275813 the uncertainty of data that it doesn't really matter fedhPqvrUAy-00916-00275813-00276029 if [? rocks ?] comes from this place or the other. fedhPqvrUAy-00917-00276029-00276344 Or that the data is not precise and correct. fedhPqvrUAy-00918-00276344-00276600 The change, the scale is so great fedhPqvrUAy-00919-00276600-00277115 that there is no way that you can negate it [INAUDIBLE]. fedhPqvrUAy-00920-00277115-00277217 So that's it. fedhPqvrUAy-00921-00277217-00277424 Those are the Pedro and Pablo bowls. fedhPqvrUAy-00922-00277424-00277586 And thank you so much. fedhPqvrUAy-00923-00278521-00278629 ELLEN LUPTON: [INAUDIBLE]. fedhPqvrUAy-00924-00279561-00279611 Hi. fedhPqvrUAy-00925-00279907-00279999 Join me, please. fedhPqvrUAy-00926-00280591-00281255 You have to turn it on gently like a [? close friend. ?] fedhPqvrUAy-00927-00281255-00281462 Well, that was amazing. fedhPqvrUAy-00928-00281462-00281862 I like how Emiliano, you took us from-- fedhPqvrUAy-00929-00281862-00281961 EMILIANO GODOY: Hello? fedhPqvrUAy-00930-00281961-00282161 ELLEN LUPTON: --this sort of terrifying place fedhPqvrUAy-00931-00282161-00282410 to a place with some optimism. fedhPqvrUAy-00932-00282410-00282649 EMILIANO GODOY: I told you it was going to be depressing. fedhPqvrUAy-00933-00282649-00282978 ELLEN LUPTON: No, no, we all feel good. fedhPqvrUAy-00934-00282978-00283357 I feel like there's a kind of magic and alchemy [INAUDIBLE] fedhPqvrUAy-00935-00283357-00283609 in taking this piece of rock. fedhPqvrUAy-00936-00283609-00284141 And it's just so elemental in relation to the materials. fedhPqvrUAy-00937-00284141-00284521 And I kind of want to come to this idea of alchemy fedhPqvrUAy-00938-00284521-00284821 and invention in both of your work. fedhPqvrUAy-00939-00284821-00285068 And I'd like to maybe hear a little bit from Roberto-- fedhPqvrUAy-00940-00285068-00285222 EMILIANO GODOY: Thank you, thank you. fedhPqvrUAy-00941-00285519-00285817 ELLEN LUPTON: Just kidding. fedhPqvrUAy-00942-00285817-00286227 About, in a sense, what you're forging is ideas. fedhPqvrUAy-00943-00286227-00286314 RODRIGO CORRAL: Yes. fedhPqvrUAy-00944-00286314-00286551 ELLEN LUPTON: And there's a material component, fedhPqvrUAy-00945-00286551-00286958 but it is largely in the realm of the image. fedhPqvrUAy-00946-00286958-00287079 RODRIGO CORRAL: That's right. fedhPqvrUAy-00947-00287079-00287326 ELLEN LUPTON: And so I'd love to hear you talk a little bit fedhPqvrUAy-00948-00287326-00287690 about that, the process of invention and graphic design, fedhPqvrUAy-00949-00287690-00288318 maybe with an example like the X cover that you showed. fedhPqvrUAy-00950-00288318-00288464 RODRIGO CORRAL: I'm understanding-- fedhPqvrUAy-00951-00288464-00288595 ELLEN LUPTON: Use the mic. fedhPqvrUAy-00952-00288595-00288704 RODRIGO CORRAL: Oh, sorry. fedhPqvrUAy-00953-00288704-00288848 OK, you guys can hear me? fedhPqvrUAy-00954-00288848-00289483 Yeah, so much of it is the idea, the attachment fedhPqvrUAy-00955-00289483-00290109 that I hope for that the viewer can bring to the visual. fedhPqvrUAy-00956-00290109-00290441 Because I am dealing in a specific format. fedhPqvrUAy-00957-00290441-00290580 It's a rectangle. fedhPqvrUAy-00958-00290580-00290930 It's on paper. fedhPqvrUAy-00959-00290930-00291229 I hope not too much heat was used to create those covers, fedhPqvrUAy-00960-00291229-00291628 because now I'm going to feel really crappy about it. fedhPqvrUAy-00961-00291628-00292129 We'll find out as soon as I get back to the office tomorrow. fedhPqvrUAy-00962-00292129-00292237 But it is this space. fedhPqvrUAy-00963-00292237-00292338 And it's restricted. fedhPqvrUAy-00964-00292597-00292940 So the outcome that I'm looking for fedhPqvrUAy-00965-00292940-00293163 is trying to attach as many things as possible. fedhPqvrUAy-00966-00293163-00293746 So find as many things as we can attach to it conceptually. fedhPqvrUAy-00967-00293746-00293969 Yeah. fedhPqvrUAy-00968-00293969-00294110 ELLEN LUPTON: OK, but I guess what fedhPqvrUAy-00969-00294110-00294424 I wanted was more of a story. fedhPqvrUAy-00970-00294424-00294595 RODRIGO CORRAL: A specific [? project? ?] fedhPqvrUAy-00971-00294595-00294803 ELLEN LUPTON: Not this philosophy stuff. you know? fedhPqvrUAy-00972-00294803-00295445 But tell me a story about an idea coming into being. fedhPqvrUAy-00973-00295445-00295591 RODRIGO CORRAL: Oh, geez. fedhPqvrUAy-00974-00295591-00295651 OK. fedhPqvrUAy-00975-00295651-00295774 All right, well-- fedhPqvrUAy-00976-00295774-00295962 ELLEN LUPTON: And you be thinking of one too. fedhPqvrUAy-00977-00295962-00296182 Your first story. fedhPqvrUAy-00978-00296182-00296470 RODRIGO CORRAL: All right, so let's let's use fedhPqvrUAy-00979-00296470-00297017 Junot for The Brief And Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. fedhPqvrUAy-00980-00297017-00297543 So the main character in the book is this guy, Oscar. fedhPqvrUAy-00981-00297543-00298340 And he's not very attractive, but he's a big personality. fedhPqvrUAy-00982-00298340-00298721 And in book covers, especially in literary book publishing, fedhPqvrUAy-00983-00298721-00299007 the whole idea is for you as a reader fedhPqvrUAy-00984-00299007-00299164 to create your own visual. fedhPqvrUAy-00985-00299164-00299578 It's not for me to spell it out, right, as a designer. fedhPqvrUAy-00986-00299578-00299798 So the end result is trying to think fedhPqvrUAy-00987-00299798-00300380 of someone who I know that could be that person in some way. fedhPqvrUAy-00988-00300380-00300688 And so I remember an actor, I can't remember his name fedhPqvrUAy-00989-00300688-00301054 right now-- coincidentally Dominican American fedhPqvrUAy-00990-00301054-00301548 as well-- who fit that mold of that personality. fedhPqvrUAy-00991-00301548-00301839 ELLEN LUPTON: I'm going put the image on the screen. fedhPqvrUAy-00992-00301839-00302014 RODRIGO CORRAL: And then the other element fedhPqvrUAy-00993-00302014-00302177 I'm trying to address-- and I kind of fedhPqvrUAy-00994-00302177-00302406 touched on it a little bit in the presentations-- there fedhPqvrUAy-00995-00302406-00302739 was so much violence in the book and aggression in the book. fedhPqvrUAy-00996-00302739-00302932 So how do you deal with that in a way fedhPqvrUAy-00997-00302932-00303361 where I'm not running from it, but at the same time fedhPqvrUAy-00998-00303361-00303682 I'm able to create that feeling in some way. fedhPqvrUAy-00999-00303682-00304045 So having the type be somewhat bastardized fedhPqvrUAy-01000-00304045-00304367 or covered up or messed with kind of fedhPqvrUAy-01001-00304367-00304725 addresses the lack of respect in someway fedhPqvrUAy-01002-00304725-00305110 or the tension or the aggression. fedhPqvrUAy-01003-00305110-00305446 So those are the two things I was trying to address. fedhPqvrUAy-01004-00305446-00305777 How do I capture this person and how do I fedhPqvrUAy-01005-00305777-00306048 express aggression and violence in some way. fedhPqvrUAy-01006-00306048-00306132 Is that-- fedhPqvrUAy-01007-00306132-00306215 ELLEN LUPTON: Right. fedhPqvrUAy-01008-00306215-00306378 Kind of through print itself. fedhPqvrUAy-01009-00306378-00306499 RODRIGO CORRAL: That's right. fedhPqvrUAy-01010-00306499-00306535 ELLEN LUPTON: Right. fedhPqvrUAy-01011-00306535-00306666 RODRIGO CORRAL: Yeah. fedhPqvrUAy-01012-00306666-00306763 ELLEN LUPTON: That's a good story. fedhPqvrUAy-01013-00306763-00306860 RODRIGO CORRAL: Is that a good answer? fedhPqvrUAy-01014-00306860-00307005 ELLEN LUPTON: Yeah, yeah. fedhPqvrUAy-01015-00307005-00307393 And so your story is really about material fedhPqvrUAy-01016-00307393-00307881 and this birthing of material out of the earth, right? fedhPqvrUAy-01017-00307881-00308717 So tell us about this process of discovering material. fedhPqvrUAy-01018-00308717-00309020 EMILIANO GODOY: Well many projects fedhPqvrUAy-01019-00309020-00309604 are about materials in the sense that it's fedhPqvrUAy-01020-00309604-00310006 the most obvious place where you should start fedhPqvrUAy-01021-00310006-00310143 in terms of product design. fedhPqvrUAy-01022-00310143-00310391 But there are many projects where materials are just fedhPqvrUAy-01023-00310391-00310640 the least concern, right? fedhPqvrUAy-01024-00310640-00310910 When you're talking about, for example, a building. fedhPqvrUAy-01025-00310910-00311270 And the environmental footprint of the building through its use fedhPqvrUAy-01026-00311270-00311739 is much, much higher than actually building the thing. fedhPqvrUAy-01027-00311739-00312053 And I remember-- I don't know if this fedhPqvrUAy-01028-00312053-00312285 is going to be answer for your question [? though-- ?] fedhPqvrUAy-01029-00312285-00312541 I remember I was doing this tour [INAUDIBLE] design fedhPqvrUAy-01030-00312541-00312728 of a store in Mexico City. fedhPqvrUAy-01031-00312728-00313229 And we were trying to do something fedhPqvrUAy-01032-00313229-00313661 that was not very invasive and that we wouldn't be redoing fedhPqvrUAy-01033-00313661-00313853 the whole building, basically. fedhPqvrUAy-01034-00313853-00314060 So the first thing that we do is we go fedhPqvrUAy-01035-00314060-00314509 and we drill holes to see what's behind the previous restoration fedhPqvrUAy-01036-00314509-00314611 of the place. fedhPqvrUAy-01037-00314611-00314979 We found a beautiful brick wall. fedhPqvrUAy-01038-00314979-00315336 And then we found that beneath a horrible laminated floor there fedhPqvrUAy-01039-00315336-00315941 was a nice pine plank floor. fedhPqvrUAy-01040-00315941-00316245 And I was like, OK, let's just take everything off fedhPqvrUAy-01041-00316245-00316342 and recycle it. fedhPqvrUAy-01042-00316342-00316639 And this way we can use the floor that's beneath. fedhPqvrUAy-01043-00316639-00316834 So we took the first floor. fedhPqvrUAy-01044-00316834-00317263 And yes, there was a nice pine plank floor fedhPqvrUAy-01045-00317263-00317571 which was all filled with holes made out fedhPqvrUAy-01046-00317571-00317970 of several different [? barks ?] and stuff. fedhPqvrUAy-01047-00317970-00318181 So we had to take it out because it was not safe. fedhPqvrUAy-01048-00318181-00318333 So we took it off. fedhPqvrUAy-01049-00318333-00318517 And there was another floor beneath it fedhPqvrUAy-01050-00318517-00318655 which was also covered [? with stuff. ?] fedhPqvrUAy-01051-00318655-00318747 And then we took that. fedhPqvrUAy-01052-00318747-00319177 And everything was supported by these really big beams fedhPqvrUAy-01053-00319177-00319619 that were also on the point of breaking and killing someone. fedhPqvrUAy-01054-00319619-00319777 So we had to take those off. fedhPqvrUAy-01055-00319777-00320025 And beneath, there was a meter and a half-- fedhPqvrUAy-01056-00320025-00320272 like this high-- of a hole. fedhPqvrUAy-01057-00320272-00320539 And there was water beneath it. fedhPqvrUAy-01058-00320539-00320826 So it really was being floated. fedhPqvrUAy-01059-00320826-00321212 And I was like, you know, this place, where you go like this. fedhPqvrUAy-01060-00321212-00321308 [SOUND EFFECT] fedhPqvrUAy-01061-00321308-00321444 It was terrible. fedhPqvrUAy-01062-00321444-00321816 And we ended up having a mountain of waste fedhPqvrUAy-01063-00321816-00321960 that we didn't plan for. fedhPqvrUAy-01064-00321960-00322215 And we didn't know what to do with it. fedhPqvrUAy-01065-00322215-00322549 And what I'm trying to say here that when you think fedhPqvrUAy-01066-00322549-00323150 about materials it's almost always a metaphor of how people fedhPqvrUAy-01067-00323150-00323411 thought about the project in the first place, right? fedhPqvrUAy-01068-00323411-00323673 It reflects your thinking about the project. fedhPqvrUAy-01069-00323673-00323993 And when I was taking all these layers off, fedhPqvrUAy-01070-00323993-00324394 basically all the guys behind me were just covering up problems. fedhPqvrUAy-01071-00324394-00324574 It was something that [? a problem ?], fedhPqvrUAy-01072-00324574-00324774 they were like {?_[SOUND EFFECT]. fedhPqvrUAy-01073-00324774-00325116 Then I had to take everything off. fedhPqvrUAy-01074-00325116-00325212 It was terrible. fedhPqvrUAy-01075-00325212-00325489 But at the same time, it tells you fedhPqvrUAy-01076-00325489-00325704 how most people think about these things. fedhPqvrUAy-01077-00325704-00325854 Which just like, it's just a facade. fedhPqvrUAy-01078-00325854-00326045 It's just something that you put on top of it. fedhPqvrUAy-01079-00326045-00326549 And what's behind it, it's not how do I talk about the book fedhPqvrUAy-01080-00326549-00326722 and what it represents, but it's how fedhPqvrUAy-01081-00326722-00326876 do I just put something on top of it. fedhPqvrUAy-01082-00326876-00327190 And it doesn't reflect what is actually being said. fedhPqvrUAy-01083-00327190-00327273 I don't know. fedhPqvrUAy-01084-00327273-00327439 ELLEN LUPTON: Yeah, that's a good story. fedhPqvrUAy-01085-00327439-00327489 I like that. fedhPqvrUAy-01086-00327489-00327938 You keep taking away, taking away, and then there's water. fedhPqvrUAy-01087-00327938-00328316 EMILIANO GODOY: That was not good news [INAUDIBLE]. fedhPqvrUAy-01088-00328316-00328387 ELLEN LUPTON: No. fedhPqvrUAy-01089-00328640-00329031 So any questions fro the audience? fedhPqvrUAy-01090-00329031-00329425 Yeah, I see a question in the back there. fedhPqvrUAy-01091-00329425-00329668 I think we're going to use a microphone so that we can fedhPqvrUAy-01092-00329668-00329840 capture it for the internets. fedhPqvrUAy-01093-00330282-00330579 AUDIENCE: My question is for Emiliano [INAUDIBLE]. fedhPqvrUAy-01094-00330579-00330809 Thank you every much for your talk, thank you. fedhPqvrUAy-01095-00330809-00331301 I went to a talk last week at [? MIT ?] fedhPqvrUAy-01096-00331301-00331497 which was done by the Ethical Fashion fedhPqvrUAy-01097-00331497-00331859 Initiative in the response to everything fedhPqvrUAy-01098-00331859-00332002 that's happened in Rana Plaza fedhPqvrUAy-01099-00332002-00332526 And the guy that was brought in for the talks [INAUDIBLE]. fedhPqvrUAy-01100-00332526-00333076 And he was talking about design and sustainability and Rana fedhPqvrUAy-01101-00333076-00333622 Plaza and how to prevent something fedhPqvrUAy-01102-00333622-00333818 like that happening again. fedhPqvrUAy-01103-00333818-00334039 ELLEN LUPTON: Oh, this is the factory that collapsed? fedhPqvrUAy-01104-00334039-00334137 AUDIENCE: Yeah, sorry. fedhPqvrUAy-01105-00334137-00334378 Rana Plaza being the factory that collapsed in Bangladesh fedhPqvrUAy-01106-00334378-00334458 in 2013. fedhPqvrUAy-01107-00334458-00335049 And he said that he thought a new form of governance fedhPqvrUAy-01108-00335049-00335466 and social responsibility was really imperative to preventing fedhPqvrUAy-01109-00335466-00335687 like that happening again. fedhPqvrUAy-01110-00335687-00336050 And I come from the UK where [INAUDIBLE] fedhPqvrUAy-01111-00336050-00336404 invented free healthcare and social housing. fedhPqvrUAy-01112-00336404-00336864 And I was just wondering how much you felt sustainability fedhPqvrUAy-01113-00336864-00337257 would be [? like ?] environmental or healthcare fedhPqvrUAy-01114-00337257-00337595 [? in proving ?] how much a designer should work with fedhPqvrUAy-01115-00337595-00337749 governance and social responsibility. fedhPqvrUAy-01116-00337749-00338164 And how that relationship might work. fedhPqvrUAy-01117-00338164-00338356 ELLEN LUPTON: You mean like instead of working fedhPqvrUAy-01118-00338356-00338494 with private companies? fedhPqvrUAy-01119-00338494-00338586 AUDIENCE: Yeah. fedhPqvrUAy-01120-00338586-00338724 ELLEN LUPTON: OK. fedhPqvrUAy-01121-00338724-00338914 EMILIANO GODOY: Well, I've done both. fedhPqvrUAy-01122-00338914-00339325 And I don't see that big of a difference fedhPqvrUAy-01123-00339325-00339659 in terms of how the project is usually fedhPqvrUAy-01124-00339659-00339898 organized or structured. fedhPqvrUAy-01125-00340329-00340920 I think both the private sector and the government, fedhPqvrUAy-01126-00340920-00341491 and NGOs even have a set of criteria fedhPqvrUAy-01127-00341491-00341957 to evaluate a project that I don't usually fedhPqvrUAy-01128-00341957-00342210 feel are the right criteria. fedhPqvrUAy-01129-00342210-00342478 And they're usually related to how fedhPqvrUAy-01130-00342478-00342969 they have to report their work and how fedhPqvrUAy-01131-00342969-00343142 they're going to be evaluated. fedhPqvrUAy-01132-00343142-00343814 And I don't feel that way of looking at a project actually fedhPqvrUAy-01133-00343814-00344182 necessarily ends up producing a great project fedhPqvrUAy-01134-00344182-00344323 and a good project. fedhPqvrUAy-01135-00344323-00344771 And that's been one of my main concerns fedhPqvrUAy-01136-00344771-00345132 throughout my career is how do I evaluate a project fedhPqvrUAy-01137-00345132-00345384 and decide if I did a good job or not? fedhPqvrUAy-01138-00345384-00346055 And when I tried to do that what I now see in retrospect fedhPqvrUAy-01139-00346055-00346615 is that there's no type of entity that necessarily fedhPqvrUAy-01140-00346615-00346773 produces great work. fedhPqvrUAy-01141-00346773-00347219 But it's more like how do you structure the project so fedhPqvrUAy-01142-00347219-00347511 that criteria to be evaluated are clear from the start. fedhPqvrUAy-01143-00347511-00348160 And those criteria have an ethical background behind them, fedhPqvrUAy-01144-00348160-00348231 right? fedhPqvrUAy-01145-00348231-00348398 I don't know if I'm making myself clear. fedhPqvrUAy-01146-00348398-00348604 But sometimes when you work with a company fedhPqvrUAy-01147-00348604-00349137 they have two or three check boxes that they have cover. fedhPqvrUAy-01148-00349137-00349413 And the government might have 20. fedhPqvrUAy-01149-00349413-00349674 But those check box doesn't necessarily fedhPqvrUAy-01150-00349674-00349905 mean that you're going to be happy with the project. fedhPqvrUAy-01151-00349905-00350388 But they're going to be able to show it to their superiors fedhPqvrUAy-01152-00350388-00350702 and not be liable for anything. fedhPqvrUAy-01153-00350702-00351212 And that's just not the right way to approach work. fedhPqvrUAy-01154-00351212-00351545 I don't think that you get passion about work when fedhPqvrUAy-01155-00351545-00351760 you have a checklist that doesn't reflect the way fedhPqvrUAy-01156-00351760-00351928 that you feel about the work. fedhPqvrUAy-01157-00351928-00352348 So for me, it's not so much about the entity fedhPqvrUAy-01158-00352348-00352547 or the structure behind the project fedhPqvrUAy-01159-00352547-00352926 in terms of how it's funded or how it's managed fedhPqvrUAy-01160-00352926-00353217 or who are the stakeholders but more about fedhPqvrUAy-01161-00353217-00353628 is there a clear vision and a clear criteria fedhPqvrUAy-01162-00353628-00353770 to evaluate the project. fedhPqvrUAy-01163-00353770-00354376 And if everyone involved in the project shared that vision fedhPqvrUAy-01164-00354376-00354686 and understand that these criteria to evaluate fedhPqvrUAy-01165-00354686-00355123 it are more important than how we structure the project fedhPqvrUAy-01166-00355123-00355468 to accomplish the end result. I don't know. fedhPqvrUAy-01167-00355468-00355617 AUDIENCE: Yeah. [INAUDIBLE]. fedhPqvrUAy-01168-00355617-00355809 ELLEN LUPTON: Yeah, that's a good question. fedhPqvrUAy-01169-00355809-00355864 Anybody else? fedhPqvrUAy-01170-00355864-00356160 There was some people that was-- Oh yeah, go ahead. fedhPqvrUAy-01171-00356160-00356308 And then I'll come to the front. fedhPqvrUAy-01172-00356308-00356358 Yes? fedhPqvrUAy-01173-00356358-00356699 AUDIENCE: Yeah, my question is for Rodrigo. fedhPqvrUAy-01174-00356699-00357118 Basically I just wanted to know you commission work, fedhPqvrUAy-01175-00357118-00357486 you get commissions, and then you do your own thing. fedhPqvrUAy-01176-00357486-00357771 How do you juggle all those three things. fedhPqvrUAy-01177-00357771-00358109 I mean, how does that work, basically? fedhPqvrUAy-01178-00358109-00358251 EMILIANO GODOY: Let me take notes. fedhPqvrUAy-01179-00358829-00358927 RODRIGO CORRAL: Yeah. fedhPqvrUAy-01180-00358927-00359903 I don't know if I have-- I'll give you a two parts answer. fedhPqvrUAy-01181-00359903-00360309 One is I think part of it stems from a degree of fear fedhPqvrUAy-01182-00360309-00360447 of failure. fedhPqvrUAy-01183-00360447-00360919 And the other part is kind of enjoying fedhPqvrUAy-01184-00360919-00361204 living with that for such a long time fedhPqvrUAy-01185-00361204-00361546 that it's now this thing that I embrace and enjoy. fedhPqvrUAy-01186-00361546-00361738 And it's just this one element-- I fedhPqvrUAy-01187-00361738-00362028 think I was describing before that I have probably fedhPqvrUAy-01188-00362028-00362356 like an inner voice of competition fedhPqvrUAy-01189-00362356-00362722 that I create with each and every project. fedhPqvrUAy-01190-00362722-00363453 And I just feel like, at the risk of sounding corny fedhPqvrUAy-01191-00363453-00363781 about this, but I feel like I don't fedhPqvrUAy-01192-00363781-00364028 let go of the appreciation I have of the opportunities. fedhPqvrUAy-01193-00364028-00364422 Because I never imagined I'd be a designer. fedhPqvrUAy-01194-00364422-00364718 I really was going to go into hotel and restaurants. fedhPqvrUAy-01195-00364718-00364866 That wasn't just to be funny. fedhPqvrUAy-01196-00364866-00365014 I really did. fedhPqvrUAy-01197-00365014-00365211 ELLEN LUPTON: So don't get comfortable, right? fedhPqvrUAy-01198-00365211-00365556 That would be good from Enrique. fedhPqvrUAy-01199-00365556-00365936 RODRIGO CORRAL: Exactly. [INAUDIBLE] Would [INAUDIBLE] fedhPqvrUAy-01200-00365936-00366098 would not have approved of that advice. fedhPqvrUAy-01201-00366098-00366374 Fear is not a good method. [INAUDIBLE] fedhPqvrUAy-01202-00366374-00366537 AUDIENCE: You talk about failure, and-- fedhPqvrUAy-01203-00366537-00366757 ELLEN LUPTON: We're going to [INAUDIBLE] question. fedhPqvrUAy-01204-00366757-00366895 AUDIENCE: You talk about failure, fedhPqvrUAy-01205-00366895-00367124 and I was wondering with all the great work fedhPqvrUAy-01206-00367124-00367365 that you showed today, are there projects that just didn't fedhPqvrUAy-01207-00367365-00367790 make it to the final execution? fedhPqvrUAy-01208-00367790-00367965 Like, do you hang to on those? fedhPqvrUAy-01209-00367965-00368214 Or do you just forget about them and keep going? fedhPqvrUAy-01210-00368440-00368620 RODRIGO CORRAL: It's a combination of both. fedhPqvrUAy-01211-00368620-00368849 I think part of what brought me back to Farrar, Straus, fedhPqvrUAy-01212-00368849-00369210 and Giroux is being fresh out of school fedhPqvrUAy-01213-00369210-00369509 and being given opportunities to produce work that should have fedhPqvrUAy-01214-00369509-00369754 never seen the light of day. fedhPqvrUAy-01215-00369754-00369900 I wish I had added it do this deck, fedhPqvrUAy-01216-00369900-00370466 but there's this one project I did about DH Lawrence fedhPqvrUAy-01217-00370466-00371051 And it was the author Geoff Dyer has written a book basically fedhPqvrUAy-01218-00371051-00371249 going through the same travels as DH Lawrence. fedhPqvrUAy-01219-00371249-00371391 And I had this great idea of using fedhPqvrUAy-01220-00371391-00371718 a photo of the author and then an acetate jacket fedhPqvrUAy-01221-00371718-00372007 with an etching of DH Lawrence. fedhPqvrUAy-01222-00372007-00372178 Now, when these two things were combined, fedhPqvrUAy-01223-00372178-00372396 it just turned to mud. fedhPqvrUAy-01224-00372396-00372550 You couldn't make out either face. fedhPqvrUAy-01225-00372550-00372712 But somehow, the publisher said, great. fedhPqvrUAy-01226-00372712-00373007 Let's go with it. fedhPqvrUAy-01227-00373007-00373288 And so I think it's that level of support fedhPqvrUAy-01228-00373288-00373779 that sometimes you're going to get them, sometimes you're not. fedhPqvrUAy-01229-00373779-00373949 I think the most important thing that I fedhPqvrUAy-01230-00373949-00374330 enjoy is feeling like I learned something, fedhPqvrUAy-01231-00374330-00374957 whether it's having inspired a read or meeting someone that fedhPqvrUAy-01232-00374957-00375166 just brought a different perspective into my life. fedhPqvrUAy-01233-00375166-00375495 But even the failed moments, those things fedhPqvrUAy-01234-00375495-00375773 can be the winning thing. fedhPqvrUAy-01235-00375773-00375870 If that makes sense. fedhPqvrUAy-01236-00375870-00375949 ELLEN LUPTON: Yeah. fedhPqvrUAy-01237-00375949-00376259 And so, Emiliano, you spent a whole year on a project. fedhPqvrUAy-01238-00376259-00376355 How does that work out? fedhPqvrUAy-01239-00376355-00376792 RODRIGO CORRAL: Yeah, tell me how that works. fedhPqvrUAy-01240-00376792-00377270 EMILIANO GODOY: I was just telling Radolfo-- fedhPqvrUAy-01241-00377270-00377487 RODRIGO CORRAL: I am never repeating that story ever fedhPqvrUAy-01242-00377487-00377682 again. fedhPqvrUAy-01243-00377682-00377927 It's not funny. fedhPqvrUAy-01244-00377927-00378247 EMILIANO GODOY: --that I have a friend that studied with me [? fedhPqvrUAy-01245-00378247-00378364 in Prada, ? the masters. fedhPqvrUAy-01246-00378364-00378507 And I talked with him. fedhPqvrUAy-01247-00378507-00378973 And he told me he was designing 280 projects a year. fedhPqvrUAy-01248-00378973-00379217 And I was like, what? fedhPqvrUAy-01249-00379217-00379510 ELLEN LUPTON: Is that like a good use of energy? fedhPqvrUAy-01250-00379510-00379901 Like I'm trying [? view ?] the graph on that. fedhPqvrUAy-01251-00379901-00380049 Is that good or bad? fedhPqvrUAy-01252-00380049-00380337 Like, there's a whole slow design moment, right, fedhPqvrUAy-01253-00380337-00380755 that it's better to work slowly and use human energy. fedhPqvrUAy-01254-00380755-00381025 EMILIANO GODOY: No, I'm a firm believer in slow energy. fedhPqvrUAy-01255-00381025-00381247 But slow design is great. fedhPqvrUAy-01256-00381247-00381498 When you think about it, if you really fedhPqvrUAy-01257-00381498-00381789 want to think about the book or the project fedhPqvrUAy-01258-00381789-00382059 and understand and have a clear vision of what you want to do fedhPqvrUAy-01259-00382059-00382346 and [INAUDIBLE] you have like, I don't know, eight hours fedhPqvrUAy-01260-00382346-00382416 to do it? fedhPqvrUAy-01261-00382416-00382581 It just, it doesn't make sense. fedhPqvrUAy-01262-00382902-00383336 So if you want to be held accountable for your work, fedhPqvrUAy-01263-00383336-00383677 then you should at least have a few days to think about it, fedhPqvrUAy-01264-00383677-00383872 right? fedhPqvrUAy-01265-00383872-00384011 ELLEN LUPTON: Or a few years. fedhPqvrUAy-01266-00384011-00384141 EMILIANO GODOY: Or a few years. fedhPqvrUAy-01267-00384141-00384434 Some projects are just way too fast. fedhPqvrUAy-01268-00384434-00385202 And I know that in terms of if it's feasible with the budget fedhPqvrUAy-01269-00385202-00385520 that you have for a project or not to make it run that long, fedhPqvrUAy-01270-00385520-00385641 that's another question. fedhPqvrUAy-01271-00385641-00386069 But I think that it would be better if all design should fedhPqvrUAy-01272-00386069-00386232 take a bit longer. fedhPqvrUAy-01273-00386232-00386449 ELLEN LUPTON: So we kind of have two different world fedhPqvrUAy-01274-00386449-00386784 clocks going on on the stage. fedhPqvrUAy-01275-00386784-00387084 There is a-- yes, back here. fedhPqvrUAy-01276-00387384-00387684 AUDIENCE: Thanks guys for a great event. fedhPqvrUAy-01277-00387684-00387784 Hey, Rodrigo. fedhPqvrUAy-01278-00387784-00387930 RODRIGO CORRAL: Hey, [? Rob! ?] fedhPqvrUAy-01279-00387930-00388274 AUDIENCE: I'm just so curious about the back story fedhPqvrUAy-01280-00388274-00388523 of fight drawing. fedhPqvrUAy-01281-00388523-00388910 Like, what is that all about? fedhPqvrUAy-01282-00388910-00389174 RODRIGO CORRAL: I think it's actually a pretty good story. fedhPqvrUAy-01283-00389174-00389287 Let me think about it here. fedhPqvrUAy-01284-00389287-00389506 So there was an exhibition match in China fedhPqvrUAy-01285-00389506-00390134 between the professional Chinese basketball fedhPqvrUAy-01286-00390134-00390440 team against a collegian team from the United States, fedhPqvrUAy-01287-00390440-00390580 Georgetown. fedhPqvrUAy-01288-00390580-00390998 And there were several of these matches that were set up fedhPqvrUAy-01289-00390998-00391484 as a goodwill tour that Joe Biden had also travelled fedhPqvrUAy-01290-00391484-00391671 to China to participate in. fedhPqvrUAy-01291-00391671-00392117 And the games got very aggressive. fedhPqvrUAy-01292-00392117-00392488 And it just ended up resulting in a really fedhPqvrUAy-01293-00392488-00392782 brutal physical fight and embarrassment fedhPqvrUAy-01294-00392782-00393010 for both countries. fedhPqvrUAy-01295-00393010-00393190 ELLEN LUPTON: That sounds familiar. fedhPqvrUAy-01296-00393190-00393344 AUDIENCE: It's very goodwill of them. fedhPqvrUAy-01297-00393344-00393584 RODRIGO CORRAL: Yeah. fedhPqvrUAy-01298-00393584-00393901 I think also I was just drawn to the imagine fedhPqvrUAy-01299-00393901-00394186 because I think I had spent an extended period of time fedhPqvrUAy-01300-00394186-00394554 staring at Picasso's Guernica. fedhPqvrUAy-01301-00394554-00395018 Like I just felt that this is a potential symbol of what fedhPqvrUAy-01302-00395018-00395339 might be coming down the road. fedhPqvrUAy-01303-00395339-00395485 So again, it's one of these things. fedhPqvrUAy-01304-00395485-00395652 Like, I could love the sheer athleticism fedhPqvrUAy-01305-00395652-00395943 of the actual event, the idea of it, fedhPqvrUAy-01306-00395943-00396303 but also just what it could symbolise. fedhPqvrUAy-01307-00396303-00396503 ELLEN LUPTON: Oh, yeah, we have a question here. fedhPqvrUAy-01308-00396503-00396657 I think I'll take two more questions. fedhPqvrUAy-01309-00396657-00396832 And then I have a question. fedhPqvrUAy-01310-00396832-00396953 Three more questions. fedhPqvrUAy-01311-00396953-00397078 AUDIENCE: I have a question for Rodrigo. fedhPqvrUAy-01312-00397078-00397265 ELLEN LUPTON: Sort of moving towards the end. fedhPqvrUAy-01313-00397265-00397348 Go ahead. fedhPqvrUAy-01314-00397348-00397649 AUDIENCE: You talked a bit about the idea fedhPqvrUAy-01315-00397649-00397922 of asking someone what they think fedhPqvrUAy-01316-00397922-00398318 as a way to ask them to reinvest in what they're working on fedhPqvrUAy-01317-00398318-00398515 bring the most of themselves to it. fedhPqvrUAy-01318-00398515-00398811 So if I could ask you to put your creative director fedhPqvrUAy-01319-00398811-00399172 hat on and expand on that and talk about your generally fedhPqvrUAy-01320-00399172-00399434 approach to getting designers that you're working with fedhPqvrUAy-01321-00399434-00399618 to bring their best to the project fedhPqvrUAy-01322-00399618-00399816 that they're working on for you. fedhPqvrUAy-01323-00399816-00400028 RODRIGO CORRAL: Well, I think if we're starting off fedhPqvrUAy-01324-00400028-00400470 with valuing what your team is giving, bringing to the product fedhPqvrUAy-01325-00400470-00400771 as opposed to, [? you ?], here's this image. fedhPqvrUAy-01326-00400771-00400980 Here's this typeface. fedhPqvrUAy-01327-00400980-00401271 Put it together and show it to me tomorrow. fedhPqvrUAy-01328-00401271-00401430 That doesn't sound rewarding. fedhPqvrUAy-01329-00401430-00401824 It doesn't sound as challenging or an opportunity to learn. fedhPqvrUAy-01330-00401824-00402139 So I think it's giving the designer an opportunity fedhPqvrUAy-01331-00402139-00402426 to go and figure out and stumble whatever may be, fedhPqvrUAy-01332-00402426-00402567 or discover on their own. fedhPqvrUAy-01333-00402567-00403084 So I think that question of asking "What do you think?" fedhPqvrUAy-01334-00403084-00403440 is just an extension of what starts fedhPqvrUAy-01335-00403440-00403750 with just even interviewing the people that I bring in. fedhPqvrUAy-01336-00403750-00404072 It's knowing that the box is already checked off that fedhPqvrUAy-01337-00404072-00404332 the person loves design, is committed . fedhPqvrUAy-01338-00404332-00404658 Whether they're great yet or not, fedhPqvrUAy-01339-00404658-00404923 if they're committed to it, I'm willing to work with them. fedhPqvrUAy-01340-00404923-00405137 Because I know I'll be incredibly supported. fedhPqvrUAy-01341-00405137-00405376 I know I'm really enthusiastic about it. fedhPqvrUAy-01342-00405376-00405528 So hopefully those things combined, fedhPqvrUAy-01343-00405528-00405969 and with a little time, you know, you'll get there. fedhPqvrUAy-01344-00405969-00406200 Or the people that are working will get there. fedhPqvrUAy-01345-00406200-00406341 I've had some luck. fedhPqvrUAy-01346-00406341-00406634 I currently have an intern. fedhPqvrUAy-01347-00406634-00406822 His doesn't speak great English. fedhPqvrUAy-01348-00406822-00407332 And I feel like he's potentially a product fedhPqvrUAy-01349-00407332-00407525 of going through a college system fedhPqvrUAy-01350-00407525-00407755 and not having a professor pull him aside and say, hey, fedhPqvrUAy-01351-00407755-00407934 these are the things you want to invest in. fedhPqvrUAy-01352-00407934-00408176 So I make a point that, if I'm bring him in as an intern, fedhPqvrUAy-01353-00408176-00408342 I'm going to touch on three core things. fedhPqvrUAy-01354-00408342-00408610 One, you need to articulate your ideas. fedhPqvrUAy-01355-00408610-00408925 Secondly, be able to feel like they're our ideas. fedhPqvrUAy-01356-00408925-00409346 And third, make sure what you're saying, you're visually doing. fedhPqvrUAy-01357-00409346-00409559 And these things I'm constantly reiterating. fedhPqvrUAy-01358-00409559-00409703 And within like two or three runs, fedhPqvrUAy-01359-00409703-00410051 it's amazing to watch this happen. fedhPqvrUAy-01360-00410051-00410393 And I'm sure part of it's just like, I at least promise fedhPqvrUAy-01361-00410393-00410843 to get 20 minutes each day, 30 minutes in the studio fedhPqvrUAy-01362-00410843-00410959 for just, like, let's talk. fedhPqvrUAy-01363-00410959-00411059 Let's talk about design. fedhPqvrUAy-01364-00411059-00411182 What are you thinking. fedhPqvrUAy-01365-00411182-00411257 ELLEN LUPTON: Wow. fedhPqvrUAy-01366-00411257-00411405 I want to be your intern. fedhPqvrUAy-01367-00411405-00411552 That's amazing. fedhPqvrUAy-01368-00411552-00411700 There was another question. fedhPqvrUAy-01369-00412046-00412444 AUDIENCE: So this is a question for both of you. fedhPqvrUAy-01370-00412444-00412769 You've talked about material and how you use that. fedhPqvrUAy-01371-00412769-00412978 You've talked about the publishers and the authors fedhPqvrUAy-01372-00412978-00413256 and what their objectives are. fedhPqvrUAy-01373-00413256-00413421 Bot of you, how much are you thinking fedhPqvrUAy-01374-00413421-00414131 about the users that are going to be using the books, using fedhPqvrUAy-01375-00414131-00414298 the bowls, et cetera. fedhPqvrUAy-01376-00414298-00414484 ELLEN LUPTON: Why don't you head this one. fedhPqvrUAy-01377-00414484-00414743 EMILIANO GODOY: Well, it depends on the project, to be honest. fedhPqvrUAy-01378-00414743-00414986 For example, the project of the bowls that I did, fedhPqvrUAy-01379-00414986-00415327 I didn't think about the user at all. fedhPqvrUAy-01380-00415327-00415568 The only user that I thought about fedhPqvrUAy-01381-00415568-00415808 was actually the buy blowing the thing. fedhPqvrUAy-01382-00415808-00416060 And that was a big thing, like, talking with him fedhPqvrUAy-01383-00416060-00416347 and being very involved in how they blow the thing fedhPqvrUAy-01384-00416347-00416584 and if it was going to work and if it was going fedhPqvrUAy-01385-00416584-00416697 to be a nightmare for them. fedhPqvrUAy-01386-00416697-00417085 But the actual guy was [? bowling ?] in his house. fedhPqvrUAy-01387-00417085-00417229 I didn't think-- fedhPqvrUAy-01388-00417229-00417379 ELLEN LUPTON: That's so interesting, fedhPqvrUAy-01389-00417379-00417526 thinking about the maker of these. fedhPqvrUAy-01390-00417526-00417751 EMILIANO GODOY: Yeah, I was thinking about the makers. fedhPqvrUAy-01391-00417751-00418030 But it's a special kind of project in the sense fedhPqvrUAy-01392-00418030-00418280 that it's really hard to make a bad bowl, right? fedhPqvrUAy-01393-00418280-00418578 It's like, [INAUDIBLE] I was going to kill anyone. fedhPqvrUAy-01394-00418578-00418978 But there are other projects where the user is paramount fedhPqvrUAy-01395-00418978-00419177 in terms of the discussion. fedhPqvrUAy-01396-00419177-00419756 There are A few projects where I've approved everything fedhPqvrUAy-01397-00419756-00420178 on a second level and the user is fedhPqvrUAy-01398-00420178-00420396 the king in terms of who drives the discussion. fedhPqvrUAy-01399-00420396-00420735 But I think it depends on the project to be honest. fedhPqvrUAy-01400-00420735-00420976 ELLEN LUPTON: Do you have any users, Rodrigo? fedhPqvrUAy-01401-00421235-00421392 RODRIGO CORRAL: In an ideal world, fedhPqvrUAy-01402-00421392-00421840 I'd like it to be a balance of a little of something fedhPqvrUAy-01403-00421840-00422035 that's visually interesting, but also if you're fedhPqvrUAy-01404-00422035-00422293 jumping into the text, you'll discover something fedhPqvrUAy-01405-00422293-00422531 that you would have not discovered fedhPqvrUAy-01406-00422531-00422808 if you hadn't read the book. fedhPqvrUAy-01407-00422808-00423040 So hopefully you'll find something on the cover fedhPqvrUAy-01408-00423040-00423303 that you'd only discover if you read the book. fedhPqvrUAy-01409-00423303-00423580 So that's as far as I'll go [? on the user. ?] fedhPqvrUAy-01410-00423580-00423867 ELLEN LUPTON: OK, how about we take one more question. fedhPqvrUAy-01411-00423867-00424239 OK, thank you. fedhPqvrUAy-01412-00424239-00424322 AUDIENCE: Thank you. fedhPqvrUAy-01413-00424322-00424618 You both kind of talked about collaboration. fedhPqvrUAy-01414-00424618-00424952 You, Rodrigo, and Emiliano, you. fedhPqvrUAy-01415-00424952-00425720 So my question would be how do you pursue or essentially fedhPqvrUAy-01416-00425720-00426359 engage the chance to collaborate with other designers fedhPqvrUAy-01417-00426359-00426997 or with big publishers or the other big production brands? fedhPqvrUAy-01418-00426997-00427377 How do you pursue, is that just like sending a bunch of emails fedhPqvrUAy-01419-00427377-00427863 and just keep them coming and knocking on doors? fedhPqvrUAy-01420-00427863-00428179 You know, like the old school kind of, in a way? fedhPqvrUAy-01421-00428529-00429063 RODRIGO CORRAL: [INAUDIBLE] I think all the approaches. fedhPqvrUAy-01422-00429063-00429426 Sometimes it's sending email and you don't get anything back. fedhPqvrUAy-01423-00429426-00430099 Sometimes it's being introduced through your network of friends fedhPqvrUAy-01424-00430099-00430547 and staying in the city long enough. fedhPqvrUAy-01425-00430547-00430868 But I would say most of it's just fedhPqvrUAy-01426-00430868-00431072 reinvesting in doing-- the work that I'm fedhPqvrUAy-01427-00431072-00431414 doing become just an extension of, hopefully, someone sees it fedhPqvrUAy-01428-00431414-00431681 and that triggers something for someone. fedhPqvrUAy-01429-00431681-00432245 That's what I would say is the bulk of the outreach is just-- fedhPqvrUAy-01430-00432245-00432539 ELLEN LUPTON: Everybody wants to collaborate with him. fedhPqvrUAy-01431-00432539-00432627 RODRIGO CORRAL: Yeah. fedhPqvrUAy-01432-00432627-00432818 So, if that answers the question. fedhPqvrUAy-01433-00432818-00432949 AUDIENCE: Sure, thanks. fedhPqvrUAy-01434-00432949-00433128 EMILIANO GODOY: For me, it's the same. fedhPqvrUAy-01435-00433128-00433570 I am not very good promoting my work or myself. fedhPqvrUAy-01436-00433570-00433878 But it's usually I sort of trust the work fedhPqvrUAy-01437-00433878-00434232 to be the main billboard for it. fedhPqvrUAy-01438-00434232-00434389 And most of the times where I've been fedhPqvrUAy-01439-00434389-00434675 very eager to get something, and I actually get it, fedhPqvrUAy-01440-00434675-00434957 it's a terrible project. fedhPqvrUAy-01441-00434957-00435089 I realize that. fedhPqvrUAy-01442-00435089-00435302 And no, it's not a joke. fedhPqvrUAy-01443-00435302-00435776 It's like, when you really try really hard to get a project fedhPqvrUAy-01444-00435776-00436282 and the other side is not that enthusiastic about it, fedhPqvrUAy-01445-00436282-00436720 you should get that as a sign, a very clear sign of maybe-- fedhPqvrUAy-01446-00436720-00437112 you know that chick flick-- what's the name of-- like, fedhPqvrUAy-01447-00437112-00437405 Maybe He's Not That Into You. [? It's sort of ?] the same fedhPqvrUAy-01448-00437405-00437914 thing. [INAUDIBLE] Maybe you should let it go for a few fedhPqvrUAy-01449-00437914-00438175 years and see if later it works. fedhPqvrUAy-01450-00438175-00438308 RODRIGO CORRAL: Try again later. fedhPqvrUAy-01451-00438308-00438653 ELLEN LUPTON: OK, we've got dating advice, fedhPqvrUAy-01452-00438653-00439000 save the world advice, you've got the alchemy of ideas. fedhPqvrUAy-01453-00439000-00439313 What an incredible night. fedhPqvrUAy-01454-00439313-00439522 So thank you for sharing so much of yourself. fedhPqvrUAy-01455-00439522-00439553 EMILIANO GODOY: Thank you. fedhPqvrUAy-01456-00439553-00439583 RODRIGO CORRAL: Thank you. fedhPqvrUAy-01457-00439583-00439672 All of you, thank you. fedhPqvrUAy-01458-00439672-00439763 ELLEN LUPTON: And thank you all for being here. fedhPqvrUAy-01459-00439763-00440033 And thank you [? Museo El ?] and [? all of our ?] amazing fedhPqvrUAy-01460-00440033-00440218 [? people here ?] [? that could be here. ?] fe60kg_ygZ4-00000-00000003-00000202 Cateye women's sunglasses fe60kg_ygZ4-00003-00001273-00001473 Item specification fe60kg_ygZ4-00004-00001578-00001922 Style cat eye lens with 54 mm fe60kg_ygZ4-00005-00001989-00002219 lenses material poly carbonate fe60kg_ygZ4-00006-00002275-00002597 model number SG 0 0 0 6 fe60kg_ygZ4-00007-00002656-00003234 Frame material alloy item type eyewear lens height 52 mm fe60kg_ygZ4-00008-00003339-00003539 sunglasses colors 6 colours fe60kg_ygZ4-00009-00003586-00003804 feedback 4.8 out of 5 fe60kg_ygZ4-00010-00003952-00004611 100% buyer protection return accepted already ordered 10,000 plus product fe60kg_ygZ4-00011-00005028-00005804 Original price US dollar 5.00 buying price from us US three dollars and six cents fe60kg_ygZ4-00012-00007011-00007379 Check the video description below for price and details fe60kg_ygZ4-00013-00007588-00008009 Thanks for watching get more updates, please subscribe my channel fi-D1manvFA-00000-00000105-00001066 Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ala alihi adada inamillahi wa ifdali fi-D1manvFA-00001-00001151-00001351 Audhu billahi min ash shaytanir rajim fi-D1manvFA-00002-00001365-00001551 Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim fi-D1manvFA-00003-00001551-00002087 Thanks to Allah, we will be talking about a new civilisation with you today. fi-D1manvFA-00004-00002087-00003415 If you recall the previous Taim’s Civilisation, this civilisation comes to an end after that great lightning catastrophe that struck the king's head. fi-D1manvFA-00005-00003415-00004308 We will be talking about the Muraban Civilisation, which brought the people of this civilisation together again, from the hands of a Prophet. fi-D1manvFA-00006-00004308-00004809 With the movement of Hazrat Mura, this civilisation is starting to come back to life again. fi-D1manvFA-00007-00004809-00005484 In this period of history, we see that the understanding of civilisations that came with the Prophets was quite effective. fi-D1manvFA-00008-00005484-00006898 As Prophets were rulers of beliefs and civilisations in history, by seeing miraculous events that have happened or may happen to Prophets in mythological sources or historical epic issues, fi-D1manvFA-00009-00006898-00007876 we see that in the developed states of the civilisations before Noah Alaihissalam in history, fi-D1manvFA-00010-00007876-00009215 these civilisations were formed by Prophets every time or formed by the structures that took blasphemy as their centre. fi-D1manvFA-00011-00009215-00010230 Therefore, while studying or reading about the civilisations today, our young brothers are encountering some events as if they were Prophets. fi-D1manvFA-00012-00010230-00011233 The values within these two reasons may cause some to misunderstand that historical period today. fi-D1manvFA-00013-00011233-00012031 Therefore, religion being the Religion of Islam has been at the centre of the structure of civilisation throughout history, fi-D1manvFA-00014-00012031-00013051 and those who struggle against Islam have tried to create civilisations against this civilisation with their evil desires and their nature of blasphemy. fi-D1manvFA-00015-00013051-00014123 This is how history constantly appears as a battle between faith and blasphemy, light and darkness. fi-D1manvFA-00016-00014123-00015055 The Prophet Mura especially because of the effect of the Philosopher's Stone on people and the fact that a conflict on it constantly occurs, fi-D1manvFA-00017-00015055-00015631 also including the order given to him, hides the Philosopher's Stone. fi-D1manvFA-00018-00015631-00016166 He hides this out of the reach of people. fi-D1manvFA-00019-00016166-00017139 But he makes a ring out of this Philosopher's Stone and wears it on his own hand. Sometimes he would put it as a stone on his turban. fi-D1manvFA-00020-00017139-00017747 Therefore, some times today in the Indian Geography or beyond Central Asia, fi-D1manvFA-00021-00017747-00018224 more so in the South Asian region, when a figure called sultans is formed, fi-D1manvFA-00022-00018224-00018786 it is because of this that they carry a stone on their turbans. fi-D1manvFA-00023-00018786-00019710 Making a ring out of this Philosopher’s Stone is a process which we have seen its effect throughout history and later with our Prophet Solomon. fi-D1manvFA-00024-00019710-00020557 This hidden Philosopher's Stone will, unfortunately, be instrumental in a strife formed by the collapse when we come to the end of today's lesson. fi-D1manvFA-00025-00020557-00021786 The reason why Prophet Mura did this to people is to show that not knowledge, but truth is good for them, and deeds are essential. fi-D1manvFA-00026-00021786-00022759 Because people up to this point, as we have consistently been talking about these highly developed civilisations, some and most of them find it unbelievable. fi-D1manvFA-00027-00022759-00023490 But when various findings are obtained from time to time in archaeological excavations, we say how people in the past did these, fi-D1manvFA-00028-00023490-00024035 so these signs are seen. But it was not explained so clearly until this date, alhamdulillah. fi-D1manvFA-00029-00024035-00024773 For this period, people being able to access this information quickly, rapid technological developments and so on, fi-D1manvFA-00030-00024773-00025533 causes serious spoiling in people, so to speak. It becomes instrumental in breaking the creed of faith. fi-D1manvFA-00031-00025533-00026310 Therefore, Prophet Mura has a struggle to show that the deeds in life are important and that the world is a temporary place of test, fi-D1manvFA-00032-00026310-00026949 as well as to hide the Philosopher’s Stone and to direct people to the truth. fi-D1manvFA-00033-00026949-00027726 But of course, he should also show people why he hid the Philosopher’s Stone in the past. fi-D1manvFA-00034-00027676-00027726 To show this, he uses a curtain. You can think of it as a huge curtain, a movie screen. fi-D1manvFA-00035-00027726-00029241 On this screen, he shows the events of past history, with the feature of the Philosopher's Stone and the miracle of his own Prophethood. fi-D1manvFA-00036-00029241-00030968 In other words, it shows how people came out of the creed of faith due to the high technological development due to this knowledge of the civilisations that came before him, which we call history repetition. fi-D1manvFA-00037-00030968-00031798 When we go to the end of history, even though the effects of the generations after us are seen even today, fi-D1manvFA-00038-00031798-00032381 it gives rise to the feeling that the high technological development and scientific progress strengthens, fi-D1manvFA-00039-00032381-00033035 in inverted commas, the people against Allah Almighty, far from it. And therefore, you see that today, fi-D1manvFA-00040-00033035-00033800 those who have adopted science as a religion in the current scientific movement, when they see atheism and deism as their gateway, fi-D1manvFA-00041-00033800-00034739 they take refuge in the fiqh of science, so to speak, in its deeds. It is a long subject. In summary, we can co ntinue as follows: fi-D1manvFA-00042-00034739-00035386 On the screen, people are watching the past and they say, yes, there are times when we make mistakes. fi-D1manvFA-00043-00035386-00036260 We should not make the mistakes made by those who came before us. In fact, such things happen that those who enter through the screen have the opportunity to live the past history. fi-D1manvFA-00044-00036260-00036823 So when you enter that screen like a movie scene, you can go to the past in history and come back. fi-D1manvFA-00045-00036823-00037323 Therefore, we are talking about a civilisation where time travel is made. fi-D1manvFA-00046-00037323-00037857 However, at times, these requests of human beings do not end. fi-D1manvFA-00047-00037857-00038407 They always say to the Prophet Mura, take us to the future. We want to see our future. fi-D1manvFA-00048-00038407-00039597 So Prophet Mura said, "If you see Ahmed," mentioning the Prophet (Muhammad) Alaihissalatu Wassalam, "If you see his problem, you won’t be able to handle it." he says and rejects it. Likewise, fi-D1manvFA-00049-00039597-00040077 all the Prophets who have come throughout history have talked about the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) Alaihissalatu Wassalam. fi-D1manvFA-00050-00040077-00041431 They gave the good news of him and expressed that while he is superior to all Prophets, as a matter of course the sufferings he suffered were unimaginable, that is, unhandleable. fi-D1manvFA-00051-00041431-00042286 But people of course cannot understand this. How could it be? Is the suffering of Prophet Adam a little, is it like this or that? fi-D1manvFA-00052-00042286-00043502 There is Idris Alaihissalam, and so on. Great Prophets came again at that time, known important names. However, Prophet Mura wants to prevent this by saying "No, no, no". fi-D1manvFA-00053-00043502-00044407 The hypocrites saw that this is not going to work like that. They want to kill Prophet Mura in order to seize this screen and this ring. fi-D1manvFA-00054-00044407-00045374 One night, they come to the region where he lives, just like how they did to the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) Alaihissalatu Wassalam in the Mecca Period, they come and go and want to kill him. fi-D1manvFA-00055-00045374-00047538 Just as they kill him, the Messenger of Allah Alaihissalatu Wassalam hides the Prophet Mura with the sign and wisdom of the verse, “Wa ja'alnaa mim baini aydeehim saddanw-wa min khalfihim saddan fa aghshai naahum fahum laa yubsiroon.” This hiding takes exactly seven years. fi-D1manvFA-00056-00047538-00048995 Prophet Mura has not been seen around for seven years. On the date when he is not seen, he falls into a long instance that can meet with our Prophet’s Companions at that future date. fi-D1manvFA-00057-00048995-00049868 So he goes to the future. As he lives that date in the future, it comes, comes and comes, and ultimately, fi-D1manvFA-00058-00049868-00050649 So he goes to the future. As he lives that date in the future, it comes, comes and comes, and ultimately, fi-D1manvFA-00059-00050649-00051507 the Prophet Mura suddenly ages forty years at once, so to speak. His back bends. His eyes get sore. fi-D1manvFA-00060-00051507-00052523 His ears become unhearable. He experiences great pain. And he understands the need to go back again because he cannot handle it. fi-D1manvFA-00061-00052523-00052808 He cannot handle two things of the Prophet Alaihissalatu Wassalam. fi-D1manvFA-00062-00052808-00053504 One, we have mentioned before of an animal tripe, though the animal is not a camel, fi-D1manvFA-00063-00053504-00054021 we will explain about it in Siyeri Nebi when we get there inshaallah, but that event is true of course. fi-D1manvFA-00064-00054021-00054641 He cannot handle the pouring of the animal tripe over him, and secondly when he sees Karbala, this is what the case becomes. fi-D1manvFA-00065-00054641-00055539 And then he goes back and leaves that house in great pain. Of course, people are waiting for him. fi-D1manvFA-00066-00055539-00056179 Where is he, he is not around for seven years, Prophet Mura. His children continue the sultanate, but there is a sadness. fi-D1manvFA-00067-00056179-00056722 We did wrong. The hypocrites retreat. They want to give up their habits and repent. fi-D1manvFA-00068-00056722-00058278 When he comes back, he tells the Karbala issue. They see his aging. And when he opens a small chapter from the subject of Karbala, those people all fall into great sadness. fi-D1manvFA-00069-00058278-00059187 Then Prophet Mura passes away. He cannot handle this sadness no more. He can keep up for around sixty years and then passes away. fi-D1manvFA-00070-00059187-00059808 After the death of their Prophets, the civilisation cannot overcome this sadness. fi-D1manvFA-00071-00059808-00060821 The sorrow of Karbala. This sorrow has been experienced in the past and for exactly seventy years, people have been returning to a great silence. fi-D1manvFA-00072-00060821-00061452 They do their normal job, but anything extra new, innovative, although everything is new. fi-D1manvFA-00073-00061452-00062046 They are not pursuing a bigger technology. And with the stagnation of this civilisation on its own, fi-D1manvFA-00074-00062046-00062659 it causes the civilisation to go into a great slowdown with great silence, fi-D1manvFA-00075-00062659-00063974 which leads to the development of another civilisation that takes energy into the centre by saying what is our state after itself. fi-D1manvFA-00076-00063974-00064463 Tomorrow if Allah wills, we will talk about the Karmukans. fi-D1manvFA-00077-00064475-00064785 For now, take care. fma4WjFYrZc-00000-00000006-00000732 subscribe fma4WjFYrZc-00001-00000732-00001452 I think it's time to start the next session and we're looking forward to hear from Astrid fma4WjFYrZc-00002-00001452-00002088 via Sanchez from unique Therapeutics in the Netherlands thank you for being here today fma4WjFYrZc-00003-00002088-00002550 yeah thank you so much and thank you so much for the opportunity and to all of you for being here fma4WjFYrZc-00004-00002550-00003240 so today I'll talk a little bit about gene therapy and different aspects that it takes to develop it fma4WjFYrZc-00005-00003402-00003996 um but first a little bit about myself just a brief introduction I'm originally from Barcelona fma4WjFYrZc-00006-00003996-00004602 and life and studies brought me all the way to Holland where I'm now I have a bricknical biology fma4WjFYrZc-00007-00004602-00005496 backgrounds Neuroscience I mean since 2016 I'm at unicure it's a biotech company where I started fma4WjFYrZc-00008-00005496-00006012 working on Huntington's disease right from the start in biomarkers and I'm supporting the early fma4WjFYrZc-00009-00006012-00006906 programs not Huntington's so much only on the site but many CNS this is programs this is my fma4WjFYrZc-00010-00006906-00007518 family I love being outside and I love traveling so I love meeting you all of you here in Glasgow fma4WjFYrZc-00011-00007614-00008430 so unit cure started actually as a spin-off of a group in the Amsterdam Medical Center this fma4WjFYrZc-00012-00008430-00008952 is one of the first products where we did the first research a long time ago and we grew with fma4WjFYrZc-00013-00008952-00009660 time in 212 we changed our name to a unicure but all our products honored the first name of the fma4WjFYrZc-00014-00009660-00010254 company and are called AMT and then a number we have celebrated across the years different fma4WjFYrZc-00015-00010254-00011172 Milestones so we had the first in therapy approved in the EU in 2012 we started dosing the first AC fma4WjFYrZc-00016-00011172-00011856 patients with the gene therapy in 2020 and late last year and beginning of years this year we fma4WjFYrZc-00017-00011856-00012396 celebrated the approval of the Philippine therapy for amophilia B both in the U.S and in Europe fma4WjFYrZc-00018-00012468-00013097 these are a premises in Amsterdam we also have premises in Lexington and surely as well in Basel fma4WjFYrZc-00019-00013224-00013782 our Gene therapies are focused to CNS and liver disorders as mentioned I'm really the fma4WjFYrZc-00020-00013782-00014202 most advanced and the second most advanced researching therapy for Huntington's disease fma4WjFYrZc-00021-00014472-00015263 so our patient advocacy team led by Dan Leonard and Edgar Vega here as well you can contact them fma4WjFYrZc-00022-00015263-00015744 in our booths if you're on their leading the engagement with the patient community in general fma4WjFYrZc-00023-00015744-00016278 of the indications that we work with and the HC community in particular through different fma4WjFYrZc-00024-00016278-00017136 interaction organ that we organize we invite patient speakers over Patient Advocates this fma4WjFYrZc-00025-00017136-00018084 is last year in Lexington where they speak to our employees and allow the interaction between us we fma4WjFYrZc-00026-00018084-00018714 also have participated in different artboards this is last year in Bologna where we had a very good fma4WjFYrZc-00027-00018714-00019416 interaction back then and this is earlier this year in Amsterdam where we organize a patient day fma4WjFYrZc-00028-00019416-00020022 and we had the Dutch Huntington disease Community coming over to visit the labs to ask questions fma4WjFYrZc-00029-00020022-00020670 and to interact as well with with our employees we believe that this is key for our programs to fma4WjFYrZc-00030-00020670-00021378 hear the voice of the patient and to shape our our programs moving forward and doing it in the fma4WjFYrZc-00031-00021378-00022260 right way as much as we can so yeah this is our mission and again here Jesse a patient advocate as fma4WjFYrZc-00032-00022260-00022920 well you may know she has been Lexington as well she also participated in the last artboard last fma4WjFYrZc-00033-00022920-00023670 summer and our mission is to deliver treatments to patients that are one-time treatments so it's fma4WjFYrZc-00034-00023670-00024438 a one-time Administration which is hopefully aimed to be transformative transformation fma4WjFYrZc-00035-00024630-00025302 a big back to basic biology again and thank you to the previous speaker for introducing some of fma4WjFYrZc-00036-00025302-00026183 these terms so you all know our most of our cells contain 46 chromosomes made of DNA and this DNA fma4WjFYrZc-00037-00026183-00026892 by chord and these genes determine many of our characteristics color of our skin how tall we are fma4WjFYrZc-00038-00026892-00027966 color of our eyes our acute capabilities but also the propensity to health and disease because the fma4WjFYrZc-00039-00027966-00028680 more we know about the DNA code and how it encodes the different rnas and properties in our cells the fma4WjFYrZc-00040-00028680-00029454 more we can also know that certain mutations in these codes can lead to disease or can increase fma4WjFYrZc-00041-00029454-00030077 the propensity to certain diseases and explain that because actually this information is at fma4WjFYrZc-00042-00030077-00030689 the core of gene therapy gene therapy used what we know about the genetic components fma4WjFYrZc-00043-00030689-00031439 linked to disease to develop strategies behind the approaches for our therapeutic indications fma4WjFYrZc-00044-00031662-00032370 yes the recipe again so uh I think this is a great analogy as well in the field of teen fma4WjFYrZc-00045-00032370-00033078 therapy which is actually a technique that uses genetic material this recipe to treat or prevent fma4WjFYrZc-00046-00033078-00033714 disease and this would be the basic components of generally speaking of gene therapy so I have fma4WjFYrZc-00047-00033714-00034188 a DNA expression cassette which is actually the recipe encoding for a certain protein or fma4WjFYrZc-00048-00034188-00034878 therapeutic molecule biological but this recipe needs to be delivered to your cells and to the fma4WjFYrZc-00049-00034878-00035550 right organs as specifically as possible so we use different vectors we call them therapeutic fma4WjFYrZc-00050-00035550-00036054 vectors that you can compare to these different envelopes different type of boxes different type fma4WjFYrZc-00051-00036054-00036642 of envelopes that are actually tailored depending on the organ that you need to reach or the cell fma4WjFYrZc-00052-00036642-00037134 type that you need to reach it's important to bring these instructions and this box to the fma4WjFYrZc-00053-00037134-00037770 right organ and for this we use different delivery methods different methods of Transport depending fma4WjFYrZc-00054-00037770-00038442 again of the indication that we're working in but the bottom line is that by doing this at fma4WjFYrZc-00055-00038442-00038964 the basis of gene therapy what you aim is that the organ that is affected in a certain disease fma4WjFYrZc-00056-00038964-00039714 would be actually the factory of the therapeutic molecule and by a single Administration in the fma4WjFYrZc-00057-00039714-00040230 right organ in the right cells this will allow the continuous production of the therapeutic molecule fma4WjFYrZc-00058-00040230-00040950 to correct or partly correct these mutations or the downstream effects of these mutations fma4WjFYrZc-00059-00041232-00041748 so gene therapy is a very general terms but there are many nuances different types of gene fma4WjFYrZc-00060-00041748-00042360 therapy with which we can classify depending on which type of recipe recipe we use what we fma4WjFYrZc-00061-00042360-00042870 call the different therapeutic modalities but also which kind of envelope or boxes we use fma4WjFYrZc-00062-00042870-00043398 which kind of factors we use to bring it to the right cells and also which delivery methods which fma4WjFYrZc-00063-00043398-00043992 methods of Transport do we use to bring this recipe in this container into the right place fma4WjFYrZc-00064-00044160-00044568 so when talking about therapeutic modalities there are very different ones but these are fma4WjFYrZc-00065-00044568-00045084 the main ones that are being developed in the developed in the field of gene therapy we have fma4WjFYrZc-00066-00045084-00045630 Gene regulation approaches you know that depends on annotation you can have too much production of fma4WjFYrZc-00067-00045630-00046254 a protein or too little production of a protein and the gene regulation aims to adjust that so fma4WjFYrZc-00068-00046254-00046830 to reduce the amount of protein when you have too much or to increase the amount of protein when you fma4WjFYrZc-00069-00046830-00047460 have too little of it with Gene transfer like for instance what we have developed for the hemophilia fma4WjFYrZc-00070-00047460-00048024 Bay in there is one protein that is actually expressed and then it affects the clotting Cascade fma4WjFYrZc-00071-00048102-00048732 um basically we transfer the gene that encodes for this protein that is missing in in using the fma4WjFYrZc-00072-00048732-00049236 gene therapy approaches and finally this is much more Innovative and I think there was a previous fma4WjFYrZc-00073-00049236-00049836 question related to that that also approaches that are quite early but uh developing very fma4WjFYrZc-00074-00049836-00050508 fastly in gene editing which are aimed to correct directly the mutations at the level of the DNA of fma4WjFYrZc-00075-00050508-00051210 the patient in terms of vectors of envelopes that we use they're also very different types fma4WjFYrZc-00076-00051210-00052038 of you can use lipid nanoparticles which is sort of a membrane that envelops the DNA the recipe fma4WjFYrZc-00077-00052038-00052932 also plasmids have been used but many companies use modified viruses that are in the nature that fma4WjFYrZc-00078-00052932-00053490 can be engineered and modified so that they become this box this container to deliver the fma4WjFYrZc-00079-00053490-00054120 recipe to the right place and there are different types of viruses Adeno Associated viruses aavs or fma4WjFYrZc-00080-00054120-00054726 for instance lantiviruses that can be used and finally we can talk about Gene therapies that fma4WjFYrZc-00081-00054726-00055314 are directly delivered to the patients through different Administration procedures but also fma4WjFYrZc-00082-00055314-00055979 their Gene therapies that are used by extracting the cells from the patients treating them with fma4WjFYrZc-00083-00055979-00056526 a gene therapy and then when these cells are treated they're brought back to the patient sort fma4WjFYrZc-00084-00056526-00057240 of corrected cells so lots of different flavors in gene therapy and that's why at unique hero fma4WjFYrZc-00085-00057240-00058008 we focus on basically Gene regulation processes genes transfer therapeutic modalities and we use fma4WjFYrZc-00086-00058008-00058740 AVS or they know Associated viruses to deliver these these instructions to write cells and to fma4WjFYrZc-00087-00058740-00059466 the right organs by direct delivery delivery to the patients and because of that I'm just fma4WjFYrZc-00088-00059466-00059916 going to focus on this type of gene therapy today because it's too much to cover it all fma4WjFYrZc-00089-00060167-00060852 so gene therapy might sound like science fiction maybe for some of you maybe not but it's been fma4WjFYrZc-00090-00060852-00061367 around for quite some time and actually the type of gene therapy that I'm talking today the AVS fma4WjFYrZc-00091-00061367-00061979 these viruses that we use as a basis for our gene therapy where I discovered more than 15 years ago fma4WjFYrZc-00092-00062034-00062682 uh and they you know researchers in the field because this virus had certain properties it fma4WjFYrZc-00093-00062682-00063174 was not very pathogenic at all actually needed another virus in order to be pathogenic they fma4WjFYrZc-00094-00063174-00063678 thought actually it's very cool if we try to modify to bring this recipe for Gene transfer fma4WjFYrZc-00095-00063678-00064464 uh and the field developed in uh in a way that almost three years or actually 30 years ago there fma4WjFYrZc-00096-00064464-00065124 was a first proof that it was possible to do Gene transfer using AV in Vivo using technical models fma4WjFYrZc-00097-00065124-00066012 this led to the first Gene gene therapy trial in this case for cystic fibrosis in 1996 and a lot of fma4WjFYrZc-00098-00066012-00066726 teams a lot of groups working in making better AVS discovering that there are many different flavors fma4WjFYrZc-00099-00066726-00067386 of AVS different type of boxes different types of envelopes that you can use and also different fma4WjFYrZc-00100-00067386-00068238 groups finding out how to make this biologic how to produce it in a reproducible manner this led in fma4WjFYrZc-00101-00068238-00068952 2012 to indeed the first interior product approved in Europe 217 the first one in the U.S and now fma4WjFYrZc-00102-00068952-00069600 we have as many as five gene therapy products approved in the US and six in Europe and counting fma4WjFYrZc-00103-00069600-00070296 up uh I was happy that I was able to share this slide just to illustrate how much is going on in fma4WjFYrZc-00104-00070296-00070896 the field so the gene therapy landscape is huge and it's being developed or developed fma4WjFYrZc-00105-00070896-00071592 for different therapeutic indications so not only hematology or metabolic diseases but also oncology fma4WjFYrZc-00106-00071592-00072402 I cardiovascular and for the interest of today a lot going on in the brain space and CNS space fma4WjFYrZc-00107-00072468-00073038 if you are interested in these slides I can share it with you or share the contact person fma4WjFYrZc-00108-00073038-00073956 that shared with me he was happy that uh me to do that so a lot going on in the space Not only fma4WjFYrZc-00109-00073956-00074496 from biotech companies like ours but also from large Pharma that is focusing on gene therapy fma4WjFYrZc-00110-00074658-00075216 so what does it take to develop a gene therapy products it takes quite a lot of work quite a fma4WjFYrZc-00111-00075216-00075846 lot of research and I think that we can sort of divide it in four main pillars so how to fma4WjFYrZc-00112-00075846-00076452 choose the team how to write this recipe which kind of box or envelope are you going to use fma4WjFYrZc-00113-00076506-00076980 how are you going to make this and how are you gonna deliver it to patients and I'm just fma4WjFYrZc-00114-00076980-00077772 gonna give some examples of each of these four pillars so the recipe the DNA sequence fma4WjFYrZc-00115-00077772-00078444 you choose these based on what's known on the molecular pathophysiology of the disease in fma4WjFYrZc-00116-00078444-00079182 the case of Huntington's disease we know that the 66 CAG expansion in Huntington Gene is at fma4WjFYrZc-00117-00079182-00079908 the core of the downstream pathophysiology of the disease and that's why many companies focus fma4WjFYrZc-00118-00079908-00080460 on the Huntington protein and in the ways of modulating the expression of this protein for fma4WjFYrZc-00119-00080460-00081132 disease modification and protein therapy this is also some of the approaches that have been used fma4WjFYrZc-00120-00081198-00081948 expressing a recipe writing a recipe that would Downstream cause for instance reduction of the fma4WjFYrZc-00121-00081948-00082470 Huntington protein in the in the right cells that are affected in the disease fma4WjFYrZc-00122-00082686-00083382 next how to use the right box how to use the right AV flavor how to use the red Navy envelope not a fma4WjFYrZc-00123-00083382-00084054 box so as I mentioned there are different types of AVS their numbers very simple one two three fma4WjFYrZc-00124-00084054-00084768 four five six but uh there are also many groups that are engineering AVS uh in a way you know to fma4WjFYrZc-00125-00084768-00085536 modify the way that they can reach specific cells or specific regions in a specific organ this is fma4WjFYrZc-00126-00085536-00086226 just one example of one type of a b ab5 which actually encodes for a recipe that will make that fma4WjFYrZc-00127-00086226-00086844 the cells that have been targeted with this av-5 Express a green protein that you can see under fma4WjFYrZc-00128-00086844-00087558 the microscope and this is just an example of a section of a mouse brain which you can see in red fma4WjFYrZc-00129-00087612-00088320 where the AVS which cells they have fridged you can see that in red and then Downstream of that fma4WjFYrZc-00130-00088320-00088974 using the recipe these cells are able to express a green product and you see that with these yellow fma4WjFYrZc-00131-00088974-00089652 dots that you see together with the red cells but also in this case these are neurons that are being fma4WjFYrZc-00132-00089652-00090294 targeted and the neurons have certain projections and the screen protein can also be expressed in fma4WjFYrZc-00133-00090294-00091146 these projections so these tell us that this type of vector this type of package is good to Target fma4WjFYrZc-00134-00091146-00091740 neurons in this case and to have neurons Express a certain therapeutic molecule or a certain molecule fma4WjFYrZc-00135-00091908-00092730 how to produce the gene therapies and it's this is a whole wall in itself this is a biologic and fma4WjFYrZc-00136-00092730-00093258 at the end of the road when we want to bring into patients you need to be able to produce fma4WjFYrZc-00137-00093258-00093966 this molecule in a consistent manner with enough quality always in the same way so that you always fma4WjFYrZc-00138-00093966-00094590 have the same product and a lot of work is done to be able to do that and you see how this is also fma4WjFYrZc-00139-00094590-00095172 developing depending on the stage of Discovery where we are we typically start with a small scale fma4WjFYrZc-00140-00095172-00095982 production so two liters stung by a steer tongue bioreactors and then scaling up to 50 liter 500 fma4WjFYrZc-00141-00095982-00096852 liter thousand liter up to 10 000 in order to be able to have a scalable process to produce this fma4WjFYrZc-00142-00096852-00097884 gene therapy in a in the right amounts finally the delivery so for brain disorders depending on the fma4WjFYrZc-00143-00097884-00098460 brain areas affected there are different delivery methods that are used in the field of gene therapy fma4WjFYrZc-00144-00098532-00099090 in the case of Huntington CCS because the first regions that are a factor are very deep in the fma4WjFYrZc-00145-00099090-00099822 brain with the AV types with the boxes envelope types that we have the most efficient way to fma4WjFYrZc-00146-00099822-00100362 deliver these into the affected regions is by a procedure that directly administers a fma4WjFYrZc-00147-00100362-00100926 gene therapy into the affect the creation and this is an example again again with the same fma4WjFYrZc-00148-00100986-00101658 analogy this is uh the box that expresses that brings up this green fluorescent protein which fma4WjFYrZc-00149-00101658-00102114 is here Brown sorry about that but everything that you see brown is a green fluorescent protein which fma4WjFYrZc-00150-00102114-00102822 has been stained with a brown staining and you can see that when we bring this AV locally in fma4WjFYrZc-00151-00102822-00103278 the put them and in this case depending on the conditions of the delivery the volume that we fma4WjFYrZc-00152-00103278-00103782 administer the dose that we administer you can have the expression of the therapeutic molecule fma4WjFYrZc-00153-00103782-00104268 not only in the place where you bring it but also in other brain regions that are fma4WjFYrZc-00154-00104268-00104838 connected with this initial Renditions and we make use of that in order to make it possible fma4WjFYrZc-00155-00105024-00105683 this is just an example of how to do that and how we visualize it in a brain in this case of a large fma4WjFYrZc-00156-00105683-00106392 animal so I talk about the different pillars but there are several challenges that we try to fma4WjFYrZc-00157-00106392-00107130 address and these challenges are the translational challenges so how to go from the patient to a fma4WjFYrZc-00158-00107130-00107772 preclinical studies and then back again and what we try to do in the field is use as many models as fma4WjFYrZc-00159-00107772-00108246 possible because there is not a perfect model as mentioned as well for the by the previous speaker fma4WjFYrZc-00160-00108306-00108870 Mouse models just record too late part of the disease but not all so we need to try to use fma4WjFYrZc-00161-00108870-00109422 as much knowledge as possible as many different models as possible to build up evidence that the fma4WjFYrZc-00162-00109422-00109914 gene therapies that are developed for a certain indication are going to be safe and efficacious fma4WjFYrZc-00163-00109985-00110448 and one of the models that are actually very important not only for huntingtons but for any fma4WjFYrZc-00164-00110448-00111156 other many other indications is to be able to use patient cells for in vitro studies these patient fma4WjFYrZc-00165-00111156-00111696 cells are very important not only to reduce the development time but also to reduce the number of fma4WjFYrZc-00166-00111696-00112409 animals that we need for a clinical package and finally but actually most importantly to be able fma4WjFYrZc-00167-00112409-00112980 to assess any safety concerns or any efficacy concerns in the context of a human situation fma4WjFYrZc-00168-00112980-00113790 in a patient situation this is how this is done so basically skin cells can be obtained from the fma4WjFYrZc-00169-00113790-00114432 patient and these skin cells can be differentiated back to an undifferentiated State we call them fma4WjFYrZc-00170-00114432-00114966 induced reporting stem cells which then depend on different cocktails of molecules that we use fma4WjFYrZc-00171-00114966-00115596 can be differentiated back into another cell type for instance brain cells but also into clumps of fma4WjFYrZc-00172-00115596-00116250 cells that then become organoids or mini brains and can be used to answer certain questions and fma4WjFYrZc-00173-00116250-00116946 this is just an example again back to the gfp of how we can use these models to bring our vectors fma4WjFYrZc-00174-00116946-00117720 and study what they do this is what we did in the context of our gene therapy trials so using fma4WjFYrZc-00175-00117720-00118314 as much as many models as possible to build up the packets that would support the start of the fma4WjFYrZc-00176-00118314-00119154 clinical studies which are now ongoing both in the U.S and in Europe and yeah this is what I wanted fma4WjFYrZc-00177-00119154-00119952 to tell you this is uh our team in Amsterdam celebrating the hemby approval lots of different fma4WjFYrZc-00178-00119952-00120438 people of different backgrounds but all of us with the same wall which is putting bringing therapies fma4WjFYrZc-00179-00120438-00120840 to patients so thanks for your attention and answer any questions that you may have fma4WjFYrZc-00180-00121574-00121674 [Applause] fma4WjFYrZc-00181-00121674-00121830 questions from the audience fma4WjFYrZc-00182-00122670-00123354 hi um so when we were talking about RNA in the last session we were kind of talking about like oh fma4WjFYrZc-00183-00123354-00123924 if you took too much you would just kind of come off the drug and you know go back yeah how does fma4WjFYrZc-00184-00123924-00124835 that work with gene therapy or does it yes um good question so it depends their Gene therapies where fma4WjFYrZc-00185-00124835-00125544 you cannot modulate how much you do it that's why it's so important to build this technical package fma4WjFYrZc-00186-00125544-00126240 in a way that you know exactly which is the right dose that we need to use the right delivery method fma4WjFYrZc-00187-00126240-00126852 in order for it not to become too much next to these typically the gene therapy trials are very fma4WjFYrZc-00188-00126852-00127752 small and very slow because uh you know bringing the gene therapy once and forever has the good fma4WjFYrZc-00189-00127752-00128352 parts but also the risks Associated to it and where we and The Regulators are very aware of fma4WjFYrZc-00190-00128352-00129102 that so we need to build up it very slowly in order to ensure that it will never be too much fma4WjFYrZc-00191-00129102-00129648 there are different tools in the field as well that are moving forward the total hours with fma4WjFYrZc-00192-00129648-00130158 certain small molecules on top of the gene therapy to regulate the expression and this fma4WjFYrZc-00193-00130158-00130908 is a very exciting field that is also developing um and as well in the recipe you can use what we fma4WjFYrZc-00194-00130908-00131568 call promoters it's also a piece of DNA which is responsible of seeing how much of this recipe are fma4WjFYrZc-00195-00131568-00132132 you gonna read and playing around with these promoters is actually key so I didn't go into fma4WjFYrZc-00196-00132132-00132630 this but there is a lot of work before you go into the patients to look at which is the right fma4WjFYrZc-00197-00132630-00133026 promoter that is going to give you the right level of expression of your therapeutic molecule because fma4WjFYrZc-00198-00133026-00133608 it's very important to hit it right and and that's why you know it needs to be done so carefully fma4WjFYrZc-00199-00134388-00134844 do you have any insight on when the treatment should be given if it's supposed to be a one-off fma4WjFYrZc-00200-00134844-00135444 treatment um you know at what point do you give patients the treatment as early as possible or fma4WjFYrZc-00201-00135444-00135960 maybe you give some insight into that good question so I'll try to answer these as generally fma4WjFYrZc-00202-00135960-00136944 as possible there is a lot ongoing in the field to know to try to find this question I think fma4WjFYrZc-00203-00136944-00137688 generally speak you'll speaking more specialist in the field or degree that in Principle as early as fma4WjFYrZc-00204-00137688-00138432 possible would be desirable um but of course you need to make sure that the therapeutic molecule fma4WjFYrZc-00205-00138432-00138942 that you are administering doesn't have any risks when you administer it as early as possible fma4WjFYrZc-00206-00139026-00139482 and that's why many of these gene therapy trials uh builds fma4WjFYrZc-00207-00139482-00140568 uh from a place where patients that are treated are Maybe showing already some symptoms just to fma4WjFYrZc-00208-00140568-00140982 know about things whether therapy is going to be efficacious and also whether it's safe fma4WjFYrZc-00209-00141036-00141786 and then the hope is that we can move back from there in order to be able to treat patients fma4WjFYrZc-00210-00141786-00142464 early on but again here it's a stepwise process where we need to be go very slowly fma4WjFYrZc-00211-00142806-00142872 anyone else fma4WjFYrZc-00212-00143292-00143952 um how how do you get these molecules I know you were like explaining like you use this virus but fma4WjFYrZc-00213-00143952-00144564 can you explain the process of using that to it actually getting into like a human brain fma4WjFYrZc-00214-00144564-00144930 like are you doing like lumbar punctures is it a pill you take things like that yeah yeah fma4WjFYrZc-00215-00145062-00145608 so I'm also gonna answer this in a general fashion so what's done in the field of gene fma4WjFYrZc-00216-00145608-00146358 therapy for CNS disorders many flavors here as well and this depends on the indication and on fma4WjFYrZc-00217-00146358-00147210 the sort of a type of Av that you use with the AVS that have been shown to be safe at this moment on fma4WjFYrZc-00218-00147210-00147834 time when you need to reach deep brain regions like in the case of Huntington's disease the fma4WjFYrZc-00219-00147834-00148608 most effective way is do a procedure with a direct Administration in the in the brain region affected fma4WjFYrZc-00220-00148668-00149310 this would be the most effective way but there are a lot of developments in the field of gene therapy fma4WjFYrZc-00221-00149310-00150036 trying to modify these capsids in a way that we would be able to give it in a less invasive way fma4WjFYrZc-00222-00150036-00150654 and lots of groups are working on that although for the time being we are the technical stage fma4WjFYrZc-00223-00150738-00151476 there are other CNS indications where maybe the brain regions affected are more superficial and fma4WjFYrZc-00224-00151476-00152184 close to the CSF or for instance the spinal cord like for instance in ALS and for these indications fma4WjFYrZc-00225-00152184-00152982 it's efficient enough to give a lumbar puncture a single lumbar puncture there are different methods fma4WjFYrZc-00226-00152982-00153762 that are developed like special catheters that are used to for instance bring the AV across the fma4WjFYrZc-00227-00153762-00154374 the whole a spinal cord so it's a cathedral that's done via lumbar puncture and then it fma4WjFYrZc-00228-00154374-00154938 moves uh throughout the spinal cord and this is has been shown to be efficacious enough to fma4WjFYrZc-00229-00154938-00155466 reach the spinal cord so it will depend very much on the brain regions that are affected fma4WjFYrZc-00230-00155466-00156204 how you're gonna deliver it but the field as I mentioned is moving forward we also have one team fma4WjFYrZc-00231-00156204-00156894 that is working on new AVS and new cap seats to hopefully be able in the future to have cap seats fma4WjFYrZc-00232-00156894-00157530 that ideally would be administered intravenously and reach the brain that's what we all wish fma4WjFYrZc-00233-00157530-00157980 for and many people across the world are working on that but we're not there yet fma4WjFYrZc-00234-00158310-00158514 more questions yeah fma4WjFYrZc-00235-00159306-00159324 um fma4WjFYrZc-00236-00159594-00159804 gene therapy and fma4WjFYrZc-00237-00159954-00161934 virus it will um they produce in the cell but the Silverstone RNA it's a short time fma4WjFYrZc-00238-00162024-00163110 uh live so it will um it's always replicate and and will destroy fma4WjFYrZc-00239-00163242-00164124 um good question um and I realized I don't have a good slide to explain that but basically in fma4WjFYrZc-00240-00164124-00164688 the type of gene therapy that we are using in the basic biology slide when I was talking fma4WjFYrZc-00241-00164688-00165150 about the chromosomes that we have in our cell that are encoding for our DNA actually fma4WjFYrZc-00242-00165150-00165756 what we do with our genes therapy bringing this recipe this recipe stays in the cell fma4WjFYrZc-00243-00165822-00166530 forever and especially in the case of neurons which do not replicate anymore they're called post fma4WjFYrZc-00244-00166530-00167340 mitotic cells they stay there you have this the number stays stable let's say this recipe stays fma4WjFYrZc-00245-00167340-00167964 there forever like an extra chromosome we call it epizome because it's not a chromosome we call it fma4WjFYrZc-00246-00167964-00168522 epizome it's not integrating in the chromosome that you have it's staying there like an extra fma4WjFYrZc-00247-00168522-00169278 mini chromosome and always there for the Machinery of the cell to read the recipe and that's why it's fma4WjFYrZc-00248-00169278-00170064 possible to give it only once because this recipe book stays there in the cell forever especially fma4WjFYrZc-00249-00170064-00170514 in the brain but in the case of Hemophilia where actually you need to Target the liver fma4WjFYrZc-00250-00170580-00171192 and liver cells are also dividing we've been able to see that our gene therapy is there for fma4WjFYrZc-00251-00171192-00172032 many many many years through mechanisms that the field starts to to understand so these episodes fma4WjFYrZc-00252-00172032-00172692 these mini chromosomes stay there for many many years that's what we can say from what we know fma4WjFYrZc-00253-00172854-00173646 does it answer your question no then come to me maybe later on I'll try to answer it better yeah fma4WjFYrZc-00254-00173646-00174324 sorry can you explain uh what biomarkers you're using and can you explain what a biomarker is sure fma4WjFYrZc-00255-00174384-00175146 yeah so there are many experts here maybe not in this audience but I think in this conference that fma4WjFYrZc-00256-00175146-00175920 I would be able to explain it even better but a biomarker is actually a measure that is used in fma4WjFYrZc-00257-00175920-00176622 um in the patient for different purposes for drug development the purpose is to be able to fma4WjFYrZc-00258-00176622-00177156 find out whether the therapy is safe and also whether the therapy is going to be efficacious fma4WjFYrZc-00259-00177156-00177792 and this is that also biomarkers that are used to be able to know whether the patient will be fma4WjFYrZc-00260-00177792-00178344 eligible for for a therapy or not so basically these are measures that you can do in the patient fma4WjFYrZc-00261-00178344-00178956 you can do brain scans you can take blood and measure some molecules in the blood also CSF fma4WjFYrZc-00262-00178956-00179640 to be able to give you this kind of information and this is crucial in drug development because fma4WjFYrZc-00263-00179640-00180288 you want to be able you know to say in advance whether a patient is going to be benefiting for fma4WjFYrZc-00264-00180288-00180900 the therapy or not or maybe when we go into into the future into more therapies that are fma4WjFYrZc-00265-00180900-00181416 more tailored to a specific patient population you'll be able to say this therapy is good for fma4WjFYrZc-00266-00181416-00182064 you this therapy is not good for you biomarkers are used for this purpose as well and it's crucial fma4WjFYrZc-00267-00182064-00182640 that we learn more about the relationship of these biomarkers with the disease because we fma4WjFYrZc-00268-00182640-00183324 basically can't monitor whether therap is going to be safe notifications early enough fma4WjFYrZc-00269-00183600-00183984 so that was a good definition of biomarker but which biomarkers are you all using fma4WjFYrZc-00270-00184068-00184992 for our gene therapy we use different biomarkers if you talk about the gene therapy that is going fma4WjFYrZc-00271-00184992-00185958 to be targeting hunting team and lowering the levels of Huntington we try to follow actually fma4WjFYrZc-00272-00185958-00186480 what we call the mechanism of action of the drugs so we know that we deliver the box that fma4WjFYrZc-00273-00186480-00186990 these boxes and quotes for a piece of DNA which then encodes for a molecule and have a downstream fma4WjFYrZc-00274-00186990-00187818 effect so we try to follow all these steps that's the ideal situation but because generally for gene fma4WjFYrZc-00275-00187818-00188412 therapy for CNS disorders you administered Skin Therapy in the brain you do the readouts in a fma4WjFYrZc-00276-00188412-00189396 surrogate in a surrogate Matrix so for instance in the CSF or in the blood hoping that this is going fma4WjFYrZc-00277-00189396-00189828 to correlate with what's going on in the brain so basically for a gene therapy would aim to measure fma4WjFYrZc-00278-00189882-00190392 the recipe because you want to know if the recipe is there and you want to know the fma4WjFYrZc-00279-00190392-00190896 effects of the recipe so in this case whether Huntington is lowered so we would measure also fma4WjFYrZc-00280-00190896-00191610 Huntington but would measure also markers safety markers you probably have heard a lot about NFL fma4WjFYrZc-00281-00191676-00192180 which correlates really well with the disease but can also tell you whether your therapy is fma4WjFYrZc-00282-00192180-00192870 is safe and the reaction to the therapy Imaging measure measures are also important when there is fma4WjFYrZc-00283-00192870-00193710 neurodegeneration in certain brain regions MRIs so scans are also used to follow that so we use what fma4WjFYrZc-00284-00193710-00194160 we call a panel of biomarkers so different ones that will tell you different aspects fma4WjFYrZc-00285-00194322-00194784 thanks we are running out of time thank you very much for all your questions fma4WjFYrZc-00286-00194784-00195198 because thank you for your questions and please reach me if you want an answer fma4WjFYrZc-00287-00196226-00196326 [Music] fma4WjFYrZc-00288-00196326-00196338 thank you gotW6ibCw7c-00000-00000048-00000252 hey guys welcome welcome welcome gotW6ibCw7c-00001-00000852-00001386 I think I'm gonna do these at 10 o'clock because it um it's just better gotW6ibCw7c-00002-00001500-00001973 it's just better for me so I think we're gonna move this to 10 o'clock and I sweats today gotW6ibCw7c-00003-00002202-00002748 oh okay what are we talking about good morning we've had snow storms all weekend here gotW6ibCw7c-00004-00002844-00003534 um all right we're going to be talking about spell work we're going to be talking about gotW6ibCw7c-00005-00003534-00003918 black magic question on the Twin Flame Journey we're going to be talking about karmic energies gotW6ibCw7c-00006-00003918-00004944 we're going to be talking about all of that so um I'm also going to be starting a membership on here gotW6ibCw7c-00007-00005142-00005892 um so that we can do ceremony together how to understand energy better asking questions doing gotW6ibCw7c-00008-00005892-00006708 lives all of that so these are going to move to 10 a.m now I'll make a note it's just easier for gotW6ibCw7c-00009-00006708-00007194 me with everything that's going on and yeah I'm gonna move the membership I was going to do my gotW6ibCw7c-00010-00007194-00008040 membership off of my website good morning Marilyn and writing um I'm gonna do the membership here gotW6ibCw7c-00011-00008040-00008658 it's going to be 9.99 us but we're gonna do more live feeds and certain question gotW6ibCw7c-00012-00008796-00009546 um some we're gonna do like full moon ceremonies and good morning Tammy full moon ceremonies gotW6ibCw7c-00013-00009546-00010182 working with energy understanding your gifts guys um that's what the membership is going to be on gotW6ibCw7c-00014-00010182-00010704 every month so the readings are going to be like the front of YouTube but then everything else on gotW6ibCw7c-00015-00010704-00011298 how to work with energy and ceremonies and moon stuff um we're gonna do that in the membership gotW6ibCw7c-00016-00011298-00012270 that I will release it here so oh you're at the doctors good morning hello doctor so let's get gotW6ibCw7c-00017-00012270-00012972 started let's clear the energies we're going to talk about spell work today and black magic and gotW6ibCw7c-00018-00012972-00013919 energy discernment and um karmic energies and what what that means um Sherry on who morning Harmony gotW6ibCw7c-00019-00014040-00014766 um mention it in the comic one of um one of our community members mentioned it in a comment so gotW6ibCw7c-00020-00014856-00015594 let's get to it let's let's talk about it let's talk about rituals ceremonies what that means gotW6ibCw7c-00021-00015708-00015996 let's talk a little bit about religions gotW6ibCw7c-00022-00016122-00016818 is what I'm getting connection to Spirit The Matrix how things have been formed in gotW6ibCw7c-00023-00016818-00017370 our world and why the Twin Flame Journey spirit is saying is so important because twins break gotW6ibCw7c-00024-00017508-00018414 that Matrix right so you guys have opposite energies right so all right let's clear gotW6ibCw7c-00025-00018642-00019290 father mother God God creator of our souls we declare a Clear Channel to gotW6ibCw7c-00026-00019290-00019890 the one Creator Divine source and love we pray that we that you remove anything gotW6ibCw7c-00027-00019980-00020502 that is not for our highest good anything that does not work with the one law of one gotW6ibCw7c-00028-00020502-00021066 with the law of the Divine source of creator of how everything is to be Heaven and Earth gotW6ibCw7c-00029-00021162-00021702 we clear and ask for divine messages to come through to touch everyone to hear gotW6ibCw7c-00030-00021702-00022398 this feel this to know this please ask healing vibrations and high source vibrations to come gotW6ibCw7c-00031-00022398-00023166 in and bring in the teachings that will change and embed and Aid all those that hear this amen gotW6ibCw7c-00032-00023454-00024162 okay so let's talk about it guys let's talk about especially with this twin flame Journey gotW6ibCw7c-00033-00024222-00024942 there's a lot that happens with darker energies and especially if you're in a twinkling Journey gotW6ibCw7c-00034-00025164-00025727 you have a high spiritual connection to God you have a high connection gotW6ibCw7c-00035-00025727-00026520 that you have been called to know the Creator and so your journey is going to gotW6ibCw7c-00036-00026520-00027108 trigger your reality what you think is reality what you believe reality to be gotW6ibCw7c-00037-00027804-00028152 go into the Shadows a little bit because spirit is saying gotW6ibCw7c-00038-00028332-00028794 the Divine source is one and everything and the all of everything good morning Gail gotW6ibCw7c-00039-00029016-00029514 and divine Source says there are dense energies that work for the Creator gotW6ibCw7c-00040-00029592-00030239 so they bring out Fallen Angels okay um work for the Creator we we like to think in our new gotW6ibCw7c-00041-00030239-00030768 AG spirituality that um and I'm gonna Whispers asked me to bring this up that we know everything gotW6ibCw7c-00042-00030768-00031362 about dark magic or that we think that it's all light and the dark can't exist but I'll tell you gotW6ibCw7c-00043-00031362-00032148 something when I went and traveled Southeast Asia and I was in Bali which is the island of gotW6ibCw7c-00044-00032148-00032580 the Gods and I'll tell you they don't call it the island of the Gods for nothing they are Gods okay gotW6ibCw7c-00045-00032742-00033480 um they laughed at me those spirits okay they laughed at me they tried to haunt my family and gotW6ibCw7c-00046-00033480-00034140 torture us like with my daughter's super psychic um knocking on her doors and doing Poltergeist gotW6ibCw7c-00047-00034140-00034746 type of activity because we wouldn't honor how ancient they are and so any new age tactic that I gotW6ibCw7c-00048-00034746-00035334 used these things laughed at me they were like you can't use your westernized little woo-woo things gotW6ibCw7c-00049-00035334-00035778 on me cutting cord cutting and all this other stuff I was like that shit don't work over here gotW6ibCw7c-00050-00035970-00037050 I have to learn to give offering to them okay if you look the bring up pre-colonial days before gotW6ibCw7c-00051-00037050-00037464 colonialism happen on this planet 500 years ago because it's really when it kind of started gotW6ibCw7c-00052-00037614-00038286 um displacement happened like you know 200 years ago but the colonial movement started on average gotW6ibCw7c-00053-00038286-00039258 about 500 years ago so before then we were okay with the sharks we had rituals like the gotW6ibCw7c-00054-00039258-00039852 moon dance that I do we had rituals in how to pay homage and honor the dark as much as the gotW6ibCw7c-00055-00039852-00040404 light now I'm not saying you're gonna go become a Satan worshiper okay it is what I'm saying is gotW6ibCw7c-00056-00040464-00041160 to realize how much has been hidden from us and how much certain dark energies do work gotW6ibCw7c-00057-00041160-00041622 with us cohesively with the light because they come from the light and they fail to come here gotW6ibCw7c-00058-00041706-00042318 to hold energies uh like it's like you know cement posts in the earth in the Underworld gotW6ibCw7c-00059-00042318-00042774 so we we're walking through the dark and spirit of showing me so we can grab onto those posts gotW6ibCw7c-00060-00042858-00043242 right because not everything in the dark was nice but just like how everything in people gotW6ibCw7c-00061-00043242-00043854 who claim to be light aren't all light you guys know that so on this twin flame Journey this is gotW6ibCw7c-00062-00043854-00044346 why these dark energies come in now we're going to talk about stalworth black magic what that gotW6ibCw7c-00063-00044346-00044970 means it's about intention guys how you work with energy is all your intention if you are working gotW6ibCw7c-00064-00044970-00045480 on your on on an intention to get somebody back change their free will change destiny gotW6ibCw7c-00065-00045612-00046008 um even chord cutting I'm gonna say if you don't I don't do core cutting gotW6ibCw7c-00066-00046110-00046512 and this is where I'm starting my membership to show you guys how to properly work an energy gotW6ibCw7c-00067-00046512-00046932 because I'll tell you cord cutting is a form there are certain attachments and gotW6ibCw7c-00068-00046932-00047520 holes in your etheric Shield that um how dark energies are shown me how they read people gotW6ibCw7c-00069-00047646-00048132 because we sit in a 3D sense you can't just always read from your higher psychic realms gotW6ibCw7c-00070-00048198-00048828 it's harder to ground here so these darker things have shown me especially people come gotW6ibCw7c-00071-00048828-00049290 to me with healing I can see the holes in their their shield and I can get right into their pain gotW6ibCw7c-00072-00049290-00049716 and get right under the wound now because someone's coming to me for healing I'm not gotW6ibCw7c-00073-00049716-00050196 going to do anything malicious to them but darker energies that want to parasitically siphon off you gotW6ibCw7c-00074-00050196-00050616 will see your auric field we'll see where you haven't healed and it's open free free brunch gotW6ibCw7c-00075-00050616-00051258 Sunday guys that's how it is it don't matter how much you set your intention and then and gotW6ibCw7c-00076-00051258-00051629 you can do certain energy working clear and heal and whatever else but if you haven't healed the gotW6ibCw7c-00077-00051629-00052236 crust or the core of certain wounding especially ancestral there are ancestral demons they laugh gotW6ibCw7c-00078-00052236-00053034 at you like when I went to Bali they laughed at me until I started to learn and honor their power gotW6ibCw7c-00079-00053034-00053562 and and not work with them per se but I in Bali you'll see they give like all these offerings gotW6ibCw7c-00080-00053634-00054120 all the time to the Gods on they're on the streets they're in the temples the homes all of that gotW6ibCw7c-00081-00054204-00054629 I was refusing to I was like I'm not gonna do that like I'll honor it in the culture but I'm gotW6ibCw7c-00082-00054629-00055140 not gonna do that in my home I have to do it in my home they were terrorizing my children so gotW6ibCw7c-00083-00055236-00055691 oh look at this spirit is saying this is the new age Community right here okay gotW6ibCw7c-00084-00055788-00056279 faded to suffer if you keep believing in just light light light and your psychic channel is gotW6ibCw7c-00085-00056279-00057066 just light light yes it comes from the light okay we are spiritually bypassing you guys and gotW6ibCw7c-00086-00057066-00057486 it is the same thing that when karmic energy is coming into our twin flame Union and we gotW6ibCw7c-00087-00057486-00058128 blame blame blame okay they're just trying to do their own magic everyone here is a magician gotW6ibCw7c-00088-00058236-00058860 um but we have this as a collective spirit is saying this mindset we are fated to suffer gotW6ibCw7c-00089-00059208-00059736 Okay so if we're sitting here thinking that we're just always fated to suffer gotW6ibCw7c-00090-00059832-00060276 as collective Minds that even our new age stuff it's like oh if you just focus on gotW6ibCw7c-00091-00060276-00060828 the light and you just do this it's all okay um you're still doing that from a gotW6ibCw7c-00092-00060828-00061374 place of lack instead of facing those fears so let's talk about evil eye from karmic Energies gotW6ibCw7c-00093-00061476-00062076 what have you guys fault it puts you in a place to feed it to suffer yeah it puts you in a place of gotW6ibCw7c-00094-00062178-00062610 um you can feel it you know um you can feel when they're trying to do now gotW6ibCw7c-00095-00062928-00063444 black magic I'm gonna say this black magic and anything that people do to manifest if their gotW6ibCw7c-00096-00063444-00063996 channel is from an intention of getting something ruining someone's path so there's a karmic energy gotW6ibCw7c-00097-00063996-00064548 that is going out there that is saying this is my person I cut the cords to this counterpart gotW6ibCw7c-00098-00064548-00065136 that's going to cause karma that's going to cause dark entity attachment because that is a form of gotW6ibCw7c-00099-00065136-00065646 Separation even yourself if you're cord cutting okay and they're bringing up cord cutting because gotW6ibCw7c-00100-00065646-00066198 spirit is like there's an attachment you haven't healed the wound of where that attachment is gotW6ibCw7c-00101-00066198-00066618 okay because it goes into your DNA especially if it's ancestral you can do it with certain things gotW6ibCw7c-00102-00066618-00067098 certain people you'll notice it's okay you can cut the cord and it's gone but when it's deep gotW6ibCw7c-00103-00067098-00067470 and when you try to do this with twin flame stuff or you're trying to do this with a soul mate that gotW6ibCw7c-00104-00067470-00067896 is meant to be there to teach you something or a karmic person that is meant to be there to teach gotW6ibCw7c-00105-00067896-00068400 you something that contract is embedded in your cash check it is embedded in the soul blueprint gotW6ibCw7c-00106-00068400-00068928 when you come into your soul body it activates your DNA you can't get rid of that shit you can't gotW6ibCw7c-00107-00068928-00069510 just cut it and visualize it and it goes away spirit is saying a lot of people get trapped in gotW6ibCw7c-00108-00069510-00070080 their psychic abilities of oh that feels good okay it's done not always done done for that moment gotW6ibCw7c-00109-00070200-00070728 if you want to know how it's really done is to do vibrational matching and what I do is gotW6ibCw7c-00110-00070728-00071298 with my clients I sit there and you're like okay if it feels done vibrationally match gotW6ibCw7c-00111-00071298-00071658 where you have been in this situation say you closed the wound you cut it whatever you did gotW6ibCw7c-00112-00071874-00072306 it's pretty showing me go back now and show where you have felt like this before gotW6ibCw7c-00113-00072528-00073410 uh where you have felt like this before okay and um match it to where the shoe dropped right match gotW6ibCw7c-00114-00073410-00073872 it to where it didn't fully work like you'll notice when you're caught yourself in a loop if gotW6ibCw7c-00115-00073872-00074316 I do this or I do a meditation I'll feel better if I whatever you'll notice once you get on the gotW6ibCw7c-00116-00074316-00074772 Twin Flame Journey not some of those things won't even work anymore you have to come into a place of gotW6ibCw7c-00117-00074886-00075246 a complete surrender to God because no tactic is going to work unless you gotW6ibCw7c-00118-00075246-00075756 give it to God right so it's removing ourselves from this lack mindset so gotW6ibCw7c-00119-00076044-00076470 and spirit is bringing up in your connection with your twin okay gotW6ibCw7c-00120-00076680-00077310 the woundings are so precise in your family Karma that you picked they're showing me two gotW6ibCw7c-00121-00077310-00077790 twins standing there so you're wounding from the feminines wounding from the feminine side and the gotW6ibCw7c-00122-00077790-00078588 wounding from the masculine side those those holes they're showing me um they'll show me like if you gotW6ibCw7c-00123-00078588-00078930 put the two bodies together and then turn them a little bit I don't know what they're showing me gotW6ibCw7c-00124-00078930-00079368 like the two bodies turning a little bit it's like a gear it's like they click together those holes gotW6ibCw7c-00125-00079368-00079998 in the org field match they'll match up somehow they'll click into place because you're meant to gotW6ibCw7c-00126-00079998-00080754 activate the shadow as much as the light to bring in the light so when you try to do certain rituals gotW6ibCw7c-00127-00080754-00081294 with twin flame stuff it doesn't it doesn't work you actually end up creating more trauma drama gotW6ibCw7c-00128-00081402-00082050 you'll notice the energy just comes back so if you put in tension like towards the karmic or or your gotW6ibCw7c-00129-00082050-00082788 twin or um anything else of hurry up and do this and cut this cord and remove this person from my gotW6ibCw7c-00130-00082788-00083256 connection blah blah blah it's going to cause issues it's going to cause more karmic issues gotW6ibCw7c-00131-00083256-00083940 even if they do that to you so because it's a contract that has been embedded so this aspect gotW6ibCw7c-00132-00083940-00084510 that you're fated to suffer a lot of people think that they're faded to suffer um so knowing that gotW6ibCw7c-00133-00084510-00085350 when you're moving into energy work even if you can't think it's first like even if you say with gotW6ibCw7c-00134-00085350-00086154 this intention I release them in love okay spirit is saying have you looked at have you looked at gotW6ibCw7c-00135-00086400-00086892 the uncomfortability of why you need to release them it's bird is saying when you're coming into gotW6ibCw7c-00136-00086892-00087438 Christ's light when you're coming into your higher vibrational self okay you seal up the gotW6ibCw7c-00137-00087438-00087876 wounding in your auric field but if somebody is in your vibration or they're around you gotW6ibCw7c-00138-00087960-00088692 especially energetically and you are holding your light then why do you have to do anything gotW6ibCw7c-00139-00088968-00089268 if you're shining your light why do you have to do anything that spirit is saying gotW6ibCw7c-00140-00089268-00089652 that's the point that you're getting to but that's why the push and pull happens gotW6ibCw7c-00141-00089652-00090162 and that's why the dark energies come back because it's testing you it's levitating you gotW6ibCw7c-00142-00090162-00090726 it's elevating you into how to hold that Christ Light so per chance to dream and alone in the gotW6ibCw7c-00143-00090726-00091116 world so this is the energy between Divine masculine divine feminine energies look at gotW6ibCw7c-00144-00091116-00091536 this here's divine feminine feeling alone and here's masculine per chance to dream gotW6ibCw7c-00145-00091854-00092292 that dark energy see it's like his higher self trying to hold him up here gotW6ibCw7c-00146-00092352-00092784 I can't dream I can't have this and divine feminines alone okay interesting gotW6ibCw7c-00147-00093416-00093516 [Music] gotW6ibCw7c-00148-00093516-00093768 okay so Spring's asking where do you guys feel gotW6ibCw7c-00149-00093930-00094194 this Darkness Returns in your life and you're in your connection gotW6ibCw7c-00150-00094470-00094698 where it seems to cycle all the time gotW6ibCw7c-00151-00094854-00095616 um because it's also cycling because of where the other person is at too and how to work it's all gotW6ibCw7c-00152-00095616-00096138 about how you work in energies guys it's all how you work in energies okay this dark this world gotW6ibCw7c-00153-00096138-00096720 is dark you have to learn how to alchemize and have these dark things bow to you and gotW6ibCw7c-00154-00096720-00097338 work for you so where is it in the in the darker energies that keep you in a place of complacency gotW6ibCw7c-00155-00097488-00098232 coming up where do you feel like this you guys it's in your root chakra it's in your root gotW6ibCw7c-00156-00098232-00098838 chakra so listen if you are in a home environment and you don't want to be there if you're with a gotW6ibCw7c-00157-00098838-00099324 partner and you don't want to be there if you are trying to build a life and stay complacent in your gotW6ibCw7c-00158-00099324-00099708 life and you really don't want to be there it's supposed to really bringing this up don't be there gotW6ibCw7c-00159-00100152-00100734 certain foundational choices I'm hearing in your life karmic energies come back from this gotW6ibCw7c-00160-00100734-00101298 lock mindset and you're stuck in a loop if you haven't made certain changes in your life gotW6ibCw7c-00161-00101382-00101946 so if you have energies that are attacking your foundation or you have karmic energies now gotW6ibCw7c-00162-00102084-00102582 now everybody does spell work okay but if you have say an unconscious masculine gotW6ibCw7c-00163-00102690-00103224 just the word of mouth they have codes inside of them just the way that you speak and set intention gotW6ibCw7c-00164-00103290-00103890 creates this 3D World so if they're arguing with the karma partner about gotW6ibCw7c-00165-00103890-00104208 you if they're saying that evil eye comes to divine feminine okay gotW6ibCw7c-00166-00104406-00105078 now also divine feminine if you are just consistently just protecting yourself evil eyes gotW6ibCw7c-00167-00105078-00105840 coming at you the connection is sending they're sending shit to you and you aren't say you're gotW6ibCw7c-00168-00105840-00106211 either ignoring it spirit is saying you know it's coming at you you ignore it you don't do anything gotW6ibCw7c-00169-00106314-00107052 God is like you haven't invited me in you haven't brought me in into this connection to surrender gotW6ibCw7c-00170-00107052-00107585 it now if you have but you still can't let go of control Spirits like how much have you surrendered gotW6ibCw7c-00171-00107585-00108066 to God see the whole thing is about bringing a higher vibration in it's allowing to invite gotW6ibCw7c-00172-00108120-00108840 God into this complacency energy now experience saying I want to start with your foundation gotW6ibCw7c-00173-00109068-00109709 God's really been to the foundation that's where most black magic and dark works and people with gotW6ibCw7c-00174-00109709-00110159 intention they wish on you oh I hope she loses her job someone could just say that I'm passing gotW6ibCw7c-00175-00110268-00110868 but if they have a tie to you contract Soul contract and this is in your union gotW6ibCw7c-00176-00110868-00111540 then that's gonna have power over you if they do things with your twin it's going to affect gotW6ibCw7c-00177-00111540-00112188 you because you have the same frequency as your twin um so spirit is really asking in gotW6ibCw7c-00178-00112188-00112883 your foundation how often are you protecting your home how often are you clearing your home gotW6ibCw7c-00179-00112883-00113448 how honest are you with how you're living your life that's the biggest thing for divine feminine gotW6ibCw7c-00180-00113550-00114156 um for me guys I had to get really honest I don't want to live in Canada I hated hair like I don't gotW6ibCw7c-00181-00114156-00114576 want to be here I need to be somewhere warm I need to go back and forth so I made that decision gotW6ibCw7c-00182-00114678-00115182 um once you make the decision things will start to manifest in your life if you're staying I keep gotW6ibCw7c-00183-00115182-00115811 getting this if you're staying in a place because you don't want to affect other people spirit is gotW6ibCw7c-00184-00115811-00116333 like you're not owning your power okay if you're staying because you think that your earning gotW6ibCw7c-00185-00116333-00116933 potential can only afford a certain amount God is like you're not taking a chance on your faith gotW6ibCw7c-00186-00117024-00118109 right good morning good morning Empress everything discovery and look root chakra again okay guys gotW6ibCw7c-00187-00118182-00118638 black magic and dark energy attacks the root chakra gotW6ibCw7c-00188-00118938-00119442 that's good so bubbles are good we're going to talk about bubbles let's get into bubbles gotW6ibCw7c-00189-00119694-00120011 because that's another new AG thing I'm gonna I'm gonna get into that that's that's an old gotW6ibCw7c-00190-00120011-00120456 school way I'm gonna tell you that bubbles can be popped right we're gonna get into gotW6ibCw7c-00191-00120456-00121080 I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you how to put proper protection um around because it comes from inside gotW6ibCw7c-00192-00121356-00121554 choose a character um gotW6ibCw7c-00193-00121961-00122274 and that's what I'm going to do my membership too guys is to help you guys gotW6ibCw7c-00194-00122418-00122874 to recognize you to because I'm going to bring this up when you're using gotW6ibCw7c-00195-00122874-00123282 energy and you're working in energy if you're just calling in light right gotW6ibCw7c-00196-00123378-00123833 it's not a bad thing Tammy this is just what's out there and what people have used but I'll tell you gotW6ibCw7c-00197-00123833-00124248 when I want to Bald when I went to Southeast Asia none of those techniques work the bubble gotW6ibCw7c-00198-00124248-00124661 protection don't work The Cutting Court nothing that I learned in the New Age Community work gotW6ibCw7c-00199-00124661-00125304 these some of these things are ancient like so ancient like our history has been lied to I think gotW6ibCw7c-00200-00125304-00125861 I told you guys to watch a Graham Hancock ancient civilization so um staging and clearing is good gotW6ibCw7c-00201-00125861-00126282 that comes from ancient tribes so I'm going to talk to you I'm going to tell you more about the gotW6ibCw7c-00202-00126282-00126738 ancient tribe stuff there's different things that to work tribally because they were here longer gotW6ibCw7c-00203-00126852-00127380 and then there's other things so the Buddha bowl works you know what I mean um to heighten the gotW6ibCw7c-00204-00127380-00127896 vibration Sound Works but these visualizations that I've seen in the New Age Community a lot gotW6ibCw7c-00205-00127896-00128592 of stuff where you're calling in stuff um I'll read that in a minute and press and and calling gotW6ibCw7c-00206-00128592-00129168 in stuff if it is it works to a certain degree it works to a certain point but if you're dealing gotW6ibCw7c-00207-00129168-00129678 with twin flame stuff and you're dealing with and now you're dealing with like your counterpart and gotW6ibCw7c-00208-00129678-00130278 their karma and all that shit that that's old stuff you know what I'm saying that's before gotW6ibCw7c-00209-00130278-00130782 the New Age Community was even done you know what I'm saying like this is like this is why we had gotW6ibCw7c-00210-00130782-00131268 tribals and witch doctors and shamans because they worked with this dense energy they knew how to pay gotW6ibCw7c-00211-00131268-00132048 homage how to honor these dark things that have been here before humans really were so we're gonna gotW6ibCw7c-00212-00132048-00132564 get we're going to get into that because see where these dark energies attack you is home finances gotW6ibCw7c-00213-00132684-00133266 um your root chakra your family ties all of that okay um then we'll put one more here gotW6ibCw7c-00214-00133700-00133800 [Music] gotW6ibCw7c-00215-00133800-00134664 um ego okay yes protection is important ego now protection is important to a certain point because gotW6ibCw7c-00216-00134790-00135204 it's again an intention if you're putting protection because you have a fear gotW6ibCw7c-00217-00135270-00135954 and you need to get it up that intention of fear is there as well where black magic can attach to gotW6ibCw7c-00218-00135954-00136998 fear right you have to own the power to exude out of you okay so here's a good way of working gotW6ibCw7c-00219-00137112-00137550 with your light okay and putting protection and expanding throughout gotW6ibCw7c-00220-00137550-00138084 the whole home and it is done in the meditative state but connect your heart gotW6ibCw7c-00221-00138258-00138768 you're gonna sit there and you're gonna breathe deeply and you're going to connect your heart gotW6ibCw7c-00222-00138930-00139566 to Creator to the Divine creator to the Sun or to the cosmos okay gotW6ibCw7c-00223-00139746-00140310 and then you're going to consciously ask Creator father Creator to be with you and you're going gotW6ibCw7c-00224-00140310-00140982 to then ask Mother Earth the Creator divine feminine who is here on the Earth at the core gotW6ibCw7c-00225-00140982-00141414 of the earth which is through your feet and you're going to feel that energy rise into your heart gotW6ibCw7c-00226-00141528-00142044 so when you ask when you're doing protection this is from the inside of you you're going to gotW6ibCw7c-00227-00142044-00142470 pray up to Father God and as father God please allow me your offering of light gotW6ibCw7c-00228-00142470-00142836 and protection and healing you're going to breathe in that offering gotW6ibCw7c-00229-00143022-00143418 down through the crown they're going to hold it in your heart and in your heart you're going to gotW6ibCw7c-00230-00143418-00143880 transmute it and say to the mother I give you the offering from the father to ground gotW6ibCw7c-00231-00144108-00144624 protection heal the health and vitality you're going to see that energy go all the way down to gotW6ibCw7c-00232-00144624-00145158 Mother Earth you're going to ask Mother Earth the Creator the creator of the Goddess energy gotW6ibCw7c-00233-00145158-00145842 and The Feminine energy support Financial root chakra clearing I breathe in your offering from gotW6ibCw7c-00234-00145842-00146448 the core of Mother Earth in your heart and to the father Creator I give that offering gotW6ibCw7c-00235-00146562-00146958 on the out breath to the Creator taking the offering from the father gotW6ibCw7c-00236-00147216-00147792 hold that give that offering to the mother breathe in the offering from the mother gotW6ibCw7c-00237-00148044-00148656 give that offering to the father and with that in and out breath you're going to see this pillar of gotW6ibCw7c-00238-00148656-00149538 light that starts to form and that light is you the child of God between mother and father Creator gotW6ibCw7c-00239-00149538-00150054 you're bringing in the Divine Light so we're not just imagining the Divine Light and what that gotW6ibCw7c-00240-00150054-00150768 feels like you're taking time to be present with Creator energy so it'll become normal once you gotW6ibCw7c-00241-00150768-00151152 start doing that you'll see your pillar of light get stronger and I would highly suggest practicing gotW6ibCw7c-00242-00151152-00151536 that and and this is what my membership's going to do we're gonna we're gonna do more of this gotW6ibCw7c-00243-00151536-00152256 stuff so practice that offering that you are being offered it's also giving and receiving gotW6ibCw7c-00244-00152256-00152796 the light and you're able to why I don't know my throat is going here let me take a sip of coffee gotW6ibCw7c-00245-00153084-00153282 I think there are some things clearing for you guys gotW6ibCw7c-00246-00153498-00154068 bring in your your giving you're receiving your giving you're receiving from other you're giving gotW6ibCw7c-00247-00154068-00154566 to father so you were consistently creating this pillar of light of power you're going to gotW6ibCw7c-00248-00154566-00155016 see as you keep breathing that way that pillar of light just fill you up with this beautiful gotW6ibCw7c-00249-00155016-00155664 burning Christ Light that is the third energy you are the third energy you are the Christ gotW6ibCw7c-00250-00155664-00156258 Light the Christ of God right you are a child of God and that light expands and bursts through you gotW6ibCw7c-00251-00156258-00156876 through all your cells and all around you six feet radiating from you from the Sacred Heart gotW6ibCw7c-00252-00156936-00157566 all around you okay and then once it's all around you it's gonna move through your whole gotW6ibCw7c-00253-00157566-00158106 house through every nook and cranny and it's gonna move around your entire house so you are gotW6ibCw7c-00254-00158106-00158700 consistently bringing God into your environment right you're bringing the goddess god goddess gotW6ibCw7c-00255-00158700-00159300 into through you and around you that way you don't feel that you have to be shielded the gotW6ibCw7c-00256-00159300-00160014 power comes from inside the power comes from the Creator and you guys will start to feel much more gotW6ibCw7c-00257-00160128-00160626 aligned that way it'll be very powerful for you I have found it to be very powerful technique gotW6ibCw7c-00258-00160734-00161316 um you can also Infuse a crystal if you want with that energy when you're doing it and and wear it gotW6ibCw7c-00259-00161316-00162144 so that you can have that pillar of light with you so this is where I was going with the dark gotW6ibCw7c-00260-00162144-00162732 magic and psychic attacks okay guys when you conjure it up from your state of consciousness gotW6ibCw7c-00261-00162876-00163362 a technique and set an intention I'm doing this for the good of whatever but then you gotW6ibCw7c-00262-00163362-00164004 lack to Bringing God that way you're doing it from your State of Consciousness where gotW6ibCw7c-00263-00164004-00164478 I don't know about you but I know I'm not fully awakened you know yes yes try it out gotW6ibCw7c-00264-00164562-00164856 um I don't know if fully awaken no one's I'm like I don't know what the freak I'm doing all gotW6ibCw7c-00265-00164856-00165492 the time so I mean it's like I don't know even when I'm running ceremony right when I used to gotW6ibCw7c-00266-00165492-00165990 when I was doing I lost and stuff like that I don't know I asked the Creator to come in because gotW6ibCw7c-00267-00166164-00166614 I'm working through my own shit my state of consciousness is at certain places too I can't gotW6ibCw7c-00268-00166614-00167112 fully trust my Channel all the time although when I do readings and stuff like that this is gotW6ibCw7c-00269-00167112-00167910 what I do too I bring in the Creator I Surrender my knowing that I know anything right and ask God gotW6ibCw7c-00270-00167910-00168414 to show me it is a constant surrender place so when we start Conjuring things up in our gotW6ibCw7c-00271-00168414-00168876 psychic ability like I'm gonna do this from this intention and I'm gonna do this and then visualize gotW6ibCw7c-00272-00168936-00169446 you are also infiltrating your psychic Visions with the things that you haven't healed gotW6ibCw7c-00273-00169548-00169866 right it's very important to bring the Creator into everything gotW6ibCw7c-00274-00169992-00170448 um and so if black magic and things that are affecting this root chakra and it's so interesting gotW6ibCw7c-00275-00170448-00170952 that this vanity card came out with a throat right so it's like speaking your word your throat and gotW6ibCw7c-00276-00170952-00171540 your third eye are so connected like I can't even tell you guys they work so internally together gotW6ibCw7c-00277-00171540-00172374 this third eye in your throat speaking God's word right um the root shock and the Sacred Heart gotW6ibCw7c-00278-00172440-00173130 the Sacred Heart so um when you're doing those kinds of spiritual things with your gotW6ibCw7c-00279-00173130-00173622 psychic Channel I'm gonna put light I'm gonna cut the cord we're gonna send energy this way gotW6ibCw7c-00280-00173730-00174216 if it's not from your pillar right if it's not from this place of connection with the spirit gotW6ibCw7c-00281-00174216-00174768 with god with the Creator it's going to be at that State of Consciousness right we want to do it from gotW6ibCw7c-00282-00174768-00175332 the highest of the high which is from the Creator so those things affect you if someone sends black gotW6ibCw7c-00283-00175332-00175842 magic to you it's going to affect you and if we keep putting you'll be stuck in a loop with it gotW6ibCw7c-00284-00175842-00176322 you'll start to notice right the thing why does this pattern keep showing up let's take a look gotW6ibCw7c-00285-00176322-00176796 at the Kipper why is this pattern keep showing up why does my money keep failing I did I did this gotW6ibCw7c-00286-00176796-00177534 I already sent this out spirit's like did you include me fully did you breathe me through you gotW6ibCw7c-00287-00177690-00178500 did you humble yourself to the Creator in gratitude to bring this to do this energy work gotW6ibCw7c-00288-00178566-00179274 right um it's a very humble Place guys not no power in it at all when I read or do anything gotW6ibCw7c-00289-00179274-00179946 with clients it's from a very humble place that I'm just the vessel in the channel and allow God gotW6ibCw7c-00290-00179946-00180780 to come through so I think this is very important to understand to start looking at techniques of gotW6ibCw7c-00291-00180780-00181290 where you're actually inviting the Divine Source because darker energies can sit at all other gotW6ibCw7c-00292-00181290-00181794 states of consciousness and work okay let me read the comments because I didn't do the comments yet gotW6ibCw7c-00293-00181938-00182232 I've been woken up by my guides in the middle of the night and they told me gotW6ibCw7c-00294-00182232-00182556 to write down in my notebook I'm safe three times gotW6ibCw7c-00295-00183318-00183648 okay so I'm gonna test you I'm pressing everything out gotW6ibCw7c-00296-00183942-00184308 and I'm gonna throw this out there this is this you may not like me after this gotW6ibCw7c-00297-00185136-00185568 I'm gonna hey I'm gonna just say it God's like to tell me like just say I don't believe Creator gotW6ibCw7c-00298-00185568-00186018 wakes us up in the middle of the night I believe Creator enjoys us to teach us gotW6ibCw7c-00299-00186018-00186552 in the higher Realms if something is waking you up between two and three there those are gotW6ibCw7c-00300-00186552-00187452 things that are trying to invade the psychic connection now um I'm gonna pull for you gotW6ibCw7c-00301-00187602-00188196 because realize I think you need to take your connection up to creator this is another when gotW6ibCw7c-00302-00188196-00188610 I when I work with certain people where they're they're not getting clear messages or things gotW6ibCw7c-00303-00188610-00189246 like that is because our guides are at a lower realm can be influenced in the astral plane okay gotW6ibCw7c-00304-00189324-00189972 I'm gonna just show that parasite when when I'm woken up in the middle of the night gotW6ibCw7c-00305-00190194-00190638 they're ringing a bell to wake up I'll get that in a minute um gotW6ibCw7c-00306-00190908-00191358 when you're being woke up in the middle of the night yes spirit is saying certain things it can gotW6ibCw7c-00307-00191358-00191940 be you you've got to know who you're speaking to because creators saying I won't fully wake up my gotW6ibCw7c-00308-00191940-00192426 children you're resting with me you come home when you go to sleep at night you go home you go home gotW6ibCw7c-00309-00192426-00192996 to God to the crater as soon as you go to Journey Through the Angelic Realms or wherever else to gotW6ibCw7c-00310-00192996-00193362 gain some lessons you're learning right you go to there's a school there's all kinds of stuff gotW6ibCw7c-00311-00193464-00194172 um if you are being woken up into something 3D that is trying gotW6ibCw7c-00312-00194412-00194736 to give you Direction God doesn't fully give you gotW6ibCw7c-00313-00194736-00195240 Direction unless you ask well see it doesn't want me to talk gotW6ibCw7c-00314-00195528-00196278 yeah I'll tell you from my experience and I've had energies come to me I remember one time the gotW6ibCw7c-00315-00196278-00196740 ashtar command or something I don't like that stuff came to me years ago when I opened up to gotW6ibCw7c-00316-00196740-00197322 my starseed ability and was like oh let us Channel Through you let us Channel through and I was like gotW6ibCw7c-00317-00197322-00197946 um no and they and they they I wouldn't let them into me because I'll tell you gotW6ibCw7c-00318-00197946-00198540 God has to be asked in you have free will so if something presents itself to you and gotW6ibCw7c-00319-00198540-00199242 it tells you to go do something or directs you to do something I'm gonna call it this this parasite gotW6ibCw7c-00320-00199386-00199902 because if you notice when you pray to the Creator and you ask Creator your prayers aren't answered gotW6ibCw7c-00321-00199902-00200508 right away you have to kind of figure it out you're not given full you know unless you're gotW6ibCw7c-00322-00200508-00201324 hitting some kind of um thank you spirit is like I will give you Direction when you've already asked gotW6ibCw7c-00323-00201324-00201810 for it thank you so they're showing like when I do like a coaching session I go in and I ask gotW6ibCw7c-00324-00201810-00202278 to help the person to bring in the highest of their codes to help and then God channels the gotW6ibCw7c-00325-00202278-00202830 steps for them that's asking or inviting but if you're being woken up and something is coming to gotW6ibCw7c-00326-00202830-00203346 tell you something I want you to be careful okay I want you to take that up everything gotW6ibCw7c-00327-00203346-00203766 empress and anybody else that this message is coming through because it's to help you guys gotW6ibCw7c-00328-00203862-00204558 ask the Creator in that moment creator of my soul come in and remove anything that gotW6ibCw7c-00329-00204558-00205062 is trying to infiltrate my psychic ability I want to work just with who's created my soul gotW6ibCw7c-00330-00205128-00205704 and pray that and and you will start to notice a shift because you're inviting the Creator in gotW6ibCw7c-00331-00205938-00206394 and I think that will pick up manifestation skills too a lot because um gotW6ibCw7c-00332-00206723-00207294 let me see it's blocking a great courtship look at this that God's made you for abundance gotW6ibCw7c-00333-00207402-00207558 something's trying to keep you in control gotW6ibCw7c-00334-00208098-00208517 you've had some trouble with some kind of money lately to impress something about that gotW6ibCw7c-00335-00208571-00209219 I'm just getting that so just be aware that something is trying to control that gotW6ibCw7c-00336-00209519-00209988 despair okay so if you get woken up again gotW6ibCw7c-00337-00210180-00210600 bring it to the Creator and say to your guides and say well I'm going to test out if you're gotW6ibCw7c-00338-00210600-00211176 with the Creator and Creator wants me to do that I call in my Creator I call in my Creator now and gotW6ibCw7c-00339-00211176-00211614 then one Divine Light who created my soul for the highest protection and do that protection gotW6ibCw7c-00340-00211614-00212094 that we talked about and say ask come into my Vortex of light that I have created because gotW6ibCw7c-00341-00212094-00212532 you're breathing that in right you're you're creating that pillar of light all around you come gotW6ibCw7c-00342-00212592-00213060 and purifying God's light you will notice immediately you will either feel them run gotW6ibCw7c-00343-00213150-00213558 or they will come into God's light with you and that's a good way to walk through the dark too gotW6ibCw7c-00344-00213558-00214062 guys I invite the darkness to come when I'm holding my light my Christ Light oh yeah come gotW6ibCw7c-00345-00214062-00214704 because that light is bright right things don't come to you if you're holding that light gotW6ibCw7c-00346-00214878-00215616 so use that technique it's so powerful guys I would learn it from the shaman um let's see gotW6ibCw7c-00347-00215669-00216282 um Tammy the ringing bells to awaken release energy and yeah I think like that's okay the sound gotW6ibCw7c-00348-00216282-00216821 the sound is okay I definitely feel the sound the sound fine sound vibration is very powerful gotW6ibCw7c-00349-00216948-00217704 um I think the the sound is okay the Tibetan bowl and all of that I feel it's when it's the psychic gotW6ibCw7c-00350-00217704-00218502 imagination when we put in tension and try to create something without the Creator involved gotW6ibCw7c-00351-00218502-00219096 in that so cord cutting again bubbles um putting metal things on side I mean even gotW6ibCw7c-00352-00219096-00219612 I read something the other day some Reiki person was trying to alchemize to Partners gotW6ibCw7c-00353-00219719-00220236 um her energies together like doing shit like that like I don't like like trying to harmonize gotW6ibCw7c-00354-00220236-00220632 two frequencies so not that I'm against Reiki I think it's great and I think these things can gotW6ibCw7c-00355-00220632-00221088 work to a certain point but if you're dealing with twin flames and you're going with really ancient gotW6ibCw7c-00356-00221214-00221754 um Energies like it's great if you're at a certain level right you know people starting and they're gotW6ibCw7c-00357-00221754-00222186 just whatever and you're working and that's fine but when you get into a twin flame Journey twins gotW6ibCw7c-00358-00222186-00222732 have been thrown into the deepest of the deepest of the deepest dark this is why we've had so much gotW6ibCw7c-00359-00222732-00223290 trouble with separation because you're dealing with ancient you're the original seedlings you gotW6ibCw7c-00360-00223290-00223794 know what I'm saying you're the original seedlings that were first here's the 144 gotW6ibCw7c-00361-00223794-00224334 000. you ain't dealing with that that stuff that fluffy stuff was like eons ago you are dealing gotW6ibCw7c-00362-00224334-00225000 with some really dense energies okay that laugh at this spiritual New Age stuff honestly they gotW6ibCw7c-00363-00225000-00225582 they do like when I was in Bali I was like I don't know how to afraid to handle this energy right you gotW6ibCw7c-00364-00225582-00226260 have to have a really strong point of contention is what I remember that point of contention that gotW6ibCw7c-00365-00226260-00226992 point of making a decision of how you're choosing are you choosing for Creator or are you choosing gotW6ibCw7c-00366-00226992-00227490 because something is bothering you you need to fix it that's another thing right how are you gotW6ibCw7c-00367-00227490-00228336 wanting to fix things alleviate the energy bring in the Creator because sometimes Creator will just gotW6ibCw7c-00368-00228336-00228876 create a will just bring the piece of energy in but a certain entity sometimes especially gotW6ibCw7c-00369-00228876-00229410 when they're doing a reading will stay there on the outskirts like I did a session last week and gotW6ibCw7c-00370-00229410-00229842 I saw the demon already before the person came in I already knew there was a demon attachment gotW6ibCw7c-00371-00229998-00230388 um and it wanted to come in the circle I'm like no you can stand outside the circle because you gotW6ibCw7c-00372-00230388-00230886 can't purify on this you know because I create that pillar and then I put it all around the room gotW6ibCw7c-00373-00230886-00231426 and I knew it and immediately when she came on she this girl was talking about this dude I was like gotW6ibCw7c-00374-00231426-00232032 yeah it's out there but when you leave that you have to learn how to hold this light because that gotW6ibCw7c-00375-00232032-00232673 seals up your orc field too you know what I'm saying okay so your twins and this black magic gotW6ibCw7c-00376-00232673-00233717 let's get into it this is why it's so important to know how to surrender to God here okay hiding your gotW6ibCw7c-00377-00233717-00234246 true self okay because these dark energies will try to do this to you divine feminine gotW6ibCw7c-00378-00234402-00234894 They're Gonna Keep Holding like hiding your true self trying to deal with your true self gotW6ibCw7c-00379-00234990-00235536 um don't want you to see that don't want the masculine to see that okay so wherever you're gotW6ibCw7c-00380-00235536-00236004 complacent in your life whatever changes you've been afraid to make they're gonna play on that gotW6ibCw7c-00381-00236004-00236669 it's Gonna Keep the cycle going so it's again you know like for me it was like I knew I couldn't gotW6ibCw7c-00382-00236669-00237132 I couldn't be here in Canada anymore it's like things in your life just real like you realize gotW6ibCw7c-00383-00237132-00237540 you just can't do it you don't know how you're gonna get there but if you keep sending the gotW6ibCw7c-00384-00237540-00238284 intention and the focus things will start to unravel for you okay so this is it worthiness gotW6ibCw7c-00385-00238542-00239058 oh it's wonderful to see you again Ruth welcome your self-worth gotW6ibCw7c-00386-00239184-00240096 of stepping up guys coming into a divine feminine energy is really it's a really a complete gotW6ibCw7c-00387-00240096-00240600 surrender of everything that you thought you knew and even coming into a Divine masculine energy gotW6ibCw7c-00388-00240786-00241469 it is a complete surrendering of how you've done life before that's how destructive God's gotW6ibCw7c-00389-00241469-00242184 force is occur it destroys everything to build back up in authenticity so you've got to break gotW6ibCw7c-00390-00242184-00242621 out of the Matrix and you've got to move out of these complacent behaviors I don't know gotW6ibCw7c-00391-00242621-00242880 what these complacent behaviors are I've been picking that up a lot with you guys gotW6ibCw7c-00392-00243348-00243828 what is it what is it where you that you guys are stuck because I feel it's it's [Music] um gotW6ibCw7c-00393-00243984-00244428 yeah tell me where you guys are stuck were you stuck exactly because I'm feeling it's like a gotW6ibCw7c-00394-00244962-00245417 Comfort that's for sure that's what I'm seeing in the car that's definitely comfort gotW6ibCw7c-00395-00245573-00246221 um where is it that you guys don't want to fully shift um gotW6ibCw7c-00396-00246606-00246666 okay gotW6ibCw7c-00397-00246954-00247266 sometimes we become comfortable in separation okay it's easier to gotW6ibCw7c-00398-00247266-00247734 deal with the energies it's easier to do with all of this so let's talk about hmm gotW6ibCw7c-00399-00247914-00248478 let's talk about the breaking of of the foundation because there's a lot of root chakra stuff here gotW6ibCw7c-00400-00248478-00249240 that would happen if you decided to face your biggest fears in this connection and the dark gotW6ibCw7c-00401-00249240-00249684 magic that goes into this connection because I'm telling you in karmic energy so they're bringing gotW6ibCw7c-00402-00249684-00250073 this up on karmic energy is coming and they do all their manifestation stuff and they're doing gotW6ibCw7c-00403-00250073-00250560 it in their new aging they're doing their setting attention but they're not bringing God in right gotW6ibCw7c-00404-00250692-00251154 um that energy is free-for-all for anybody out there to get because you didn't you didn't ask gotW6ibCw7c-00405-00251154-00251610 Creator to come in with you you know what I'm saying so if you're putting if they're putting gotW6ibCw7c-00406-00251610-00252396 that out there you know last week you told me to pull my energy back and bad haters around me gotW6ibCw7c-00407-00252396-00252864 okay how's that working I don't remember when I channel so yeah how's that working because gotW6ibCw7c-00408-00253008-00253560 um it's very important to keep your vibration pure and clear especially as a divine feminine and gotW6ibCw7c-00409-00253560-00254046 until you can understand the energy discernment levels that you can hold your Christ Light in gotW6ibCw7c-00410-00254046-00254567 those denser energies and you'll notice when they start to suck from you you'll be like I can't be gotW6ibCw7c-00411-00254567-00255054 in this environment anymore um you'll be able to move through them but you won't be able to stay in gotW6ibCw7c-00412-00255054-00255696 those places for like longer than you have like as you have in the past so when these energies come gotW6ibCw7c-00413-00255696-00256128 at you and karmic energies come at you and they're setting and they haven't brought God into their gotW6ibCw7c-00414-00256128-00256776 stuff whatever that energy is free-for-all and if you're doing the same thing it activates higher gotW6ibCw7c-00415-00256776-00257358 up you know like it's like the energies collect together so if you're whatever you're doing in gotW6ibCw7c-00416-00257358-00257904 your acts and your rituals take it to the highest Source it's so important especially if you're a gotW6ibCw7c-00417-00257904-00258480 twin take it to the highest Source because then it's not free for all energy it's only those that gotW6ibCw7c-00418-00258480-00258900 are connected to the highest possible Source I don't even work with I mean some people work gotW6ibCw7c-00419-00258900-00259308 with things I don't work with angels my twin works with angels so when I see angels I know it's him gotW6ibCw7c-00420-00259421-00259967 but I can't because I have had somebody do black magic with the Fallen eight like the dark ass gotW6ibCw7c-00421-00259967-00260430 angels too because in her Medics the light there there's a dark side to the angels too gotW6ibCw7c-00422-00260538-00261132 okay and you're not sharing and how are you feeling Tammy how's that feeling for you um gotW6ibCw7c-00423-00261312-00261816 see I want to talk to you but I'm afraid and the distance is killing me okay that's because gotW6ibCw7c-00424-00261816-00262608 of these um just tell me about this is a masculine the passion is growing so when you bring God into gotW6ibCw7c-00425-00262608-00263334 the connection and you surrender all of that the sacral okay then Spirit can then cultivate those gotW6ibCw7c-00426-00263334-00263934 like energy so whenever the Divine masculine goes to Creator instead of all that other shit right gotW6ibCw7c-00427-00264024-00264474 it activates higher and higher and higher the codes the Creator codes gotW6ibCw7c-00428-00264684-00264942 because there are people that manifest at certain frequencies gotW6ibCw7c-00429-00265080-00265536 whatever karmic energies are doing to manifest I can guarantee they're not bringing God into it gotW6ibCw7c-00430-00265740-00266430 guaranteed stuck with who to trust haha so Marilyn that's a direct reflection of gotW6ibCw7c-00431-00266538-00267126 where are you reflecting on the inside to trust your creator tell me about this gotW6ibCw7c-00432-00267306-00267990 see you're such an empath right so you're feeling so much spirit is like it creates gotW6ibCw7c-00433-00267990-00268488 a distrust inside of you when all those energies hit you at once and then you don't know who you gotW6ibCw7c-00434-00268488-00269082 are look at this is this me right you you have you're having an identity crisis in regards to gotW6ibCw7c-00435-00269082-00269832 the energies when they come at you so because you're an empath right this is this is where gotW6ibCw7c-00436-00269832-00270150 you're gonna make your money because you can read a lot I'm just gonna look at your comment again gotW6ibCw7c-00437-00270294-00271224 um more comfortable in this separation I know gal I know so being stuck of who to trust is gotW6ibCw7c-00438-00271224-00271812 to know that you trust Creator the most I'm gonna read that to you in a minute ago so gotW6ibCw7c-00439-00271914-00272730 it is God really asking you to understand your empathic gifts and to know that high vibration gotW6ibCw7c-00440-00272730-00273390 of God and peace right I'm going to read those in a sec so because it's blocking you from the gotW6ibCw7c-00441-00273390-00274194 sudden abundance Maryland so you've got to know who you are as a child of God yes only only trust gotW6ibCw7c-00442-00274194-00274770 God that's that's how I work it's only been I'd say in the line I mean I've had ascended masters gotW6ibCw7c-00443-00274770-00275400 show up to me but they come to me to relay not to tell me to do something but to relay a message of gotW6ibCw7c-00444-00275400-00275880 where I've hit a certain point of Ascension so for instance when I was working through deep Shadow gotW6ibCw7c-00445-00275880-00276468 work Hecate kept coming to me and I'm like I call it a cockte what is this and hakate was showing gotW6ibCw7c-00446-00276468-00277044 me the way out like oh you healed this pattern you've healed some of those dark ass shit I'm gotW6ibCw7c-00447-00277044-00277608 showing you where to go they help you right you know what I'm saying things will come to you who gotW6ibCw7c-00448-00277608-00277944 are meant to help you because they see your power they see your light because you're walking around gotW6ibCw7c-00449-00277944-00278412 in that light because you're cultivating God's light through you right you're not just imagining gotW6ibCw7c-00450-00278412-00279090 it from your State of Consciousness and creating it you are calling it into you um and so I'm not gotW6ibCw7c-00451-00279090-00279444 done with Maryland because there's something else with Maryland so the whole trust thing is that gotW6ibCw7c-00452-00279444-00279912 trust aspect of coming into how God has your back right because you've been working really gotW6ibCw7c-00453-00279912-00280386 really hard back and forth back and forth with certain things in your life that it feels like gotW6ibCw7c-00454-00280458-00281088 that it's first like you're not operating from you how I created you so it's a deeper gotW6ibCw7c-00455-00281088-00281538 connection of knowing your creator it's like a it's like a romance you know like a bromance gotW6ibCw7c-00456-00281538-00282054 like you got a romance with God you know you gotta look at the signs and let Spirit show you gotW6ibCw7c-00457-00282222-00282702 and surrender how things are to be and just rest and build and cultivate that relationship there gotW6ibCw7c-00458-00282702-00283158 will be times where it's like if my kids say for instance go away for a weekend with their gotW6ibCw7c-00459-00283158-00283812 Nan or whatever I I have a whole weekend date with God like I connect and talk and like have gotW6ibCw7c-00460-00283932-00284556 communion with God right yeah I know I'm weird like I don't go out to these clubs gotW6ibCw7c-00461-00284556-00284892 and do shit like that anymore I'm like sitting here talking to God but that's gotW6ibCw7c-00462-00284892-00285330 me but it's like cultivating that okay so let's let's see what else gotW6ibCw7c-00463-00285450-00286056 um Gail is saying Discerning the energies of the current relationship I do tune in and continue gotW6ibCw7c-00464-00286056-00286734 just to get a stay put so you do get to feel drawn to make decisions and change things up gotW6ibCw7c-00465-00286794-00287370 you're so welcome Marilyn you're welcome um yeah I'm gonna quote that Gail gotW6ibCw7c-00466-00287598-00288042 than to change things I'm gonna attack that because I feel I'm gonna attack it I'm gonna gotW6ibCw7c-00467-00288042-00288498 attack you I feel like there's something there hold on and Tammy says I've released gotW6ibCw7c-00468-00288498-00288852 all expectations I'm tired I have faith and Serena but it's during it is draining gotW6ibCw7c-00469-00289032-00289518 um it is draining it's draining because we've been gaining gotW6ibCw7c-00470-00289614-00290262 um our life force from other things other than the Creator when we are pulling from gotW6ibCw7c-00471-00290262-00290856 the not pulling from the crater bro when we become this for the Creator it becomes um gotW6ibCw7c-00472-00291066-00291546 I'm not gonna explain it it's like an ease it's like a piece gotW6ibCw7c-00473-00291786-00292194 I feel comfortable talking to God too yeah I I hear you and it becomes an gotW6ibCw7c-00474-00292194-00292680 ease but an excited ease it's such a weird boxy moron it's a passion gotW6ibCw7c-00475-00292740-00293358 but you feel at ease in it in the passion it's like an excitement but you feel like an ex like gotW6ibCw7c-00476-00293358-00293880 an ease in the excitement and you could be in like this bad place but you still feel good about it gotW6ibCw7c-00477-00293952-00294396 that's because God's got your back because you have that Faith right so it's cultivating gotW6ibCw7c-00478-00294396-00294978 that takes that takes time to cultivate it that's that's not an easy thing to do so gotW6ibCw7c-00479-00295230-00295998 I wanted to bring this up with staying put I want you to say something gal when you go home gotW6ibCw7c-00480-00296250-00296940 to the Creator and I want you to say I want you to do the breathing technique you guys gotW6ibCw7c-00481-00296940-00297318 all of you guys can try this do the breathing technique that we talked about earlier create gotW6ibCw7c-00482-00297318-00297870 uh God and Creator have your your pillar of Light have it expand all around you gotW6ibCw7c-00483-00297996-00298686 and ask and invite Creator fully in and say God I want you to my Creator my soul I want you to just gotW6ibCw7c-00484-00298686-00299526 come right in into my life click now and I want you to here's black Freight black flower fragrance gotW6ibCw7c-00485-00299526-00300078 this is about how to hold your light and smell the Beauty and the Darkness okay and I want you gotW6ibCw7c-00486-00300330-00300816 to wherever you feel I'm not meant to change or any messages that I've been getting about not gotW6ibCw7c-00487-00300816-00301374 changing or anything about not doing anything or wherever I whatever I'm doing in this moment or gotW6ibCw7c-00488-00301374-00301836 even if I'm working on this project or whatever I'm doing in this moment I want you to come in gotW6ibCw7c-00489-00301890-00302400 and show me the Grace by the grace of your hand I want you to show me gotW6ibCw7c-00490-00302460-00303048 and guide me and take me and leverage me no matter if I go Kicking and Screaming I gotW6ibCw7c-00491-00303048-00303678 want you to really show me what you want me to do and I would say that gotW6ibCw7c-00492-00303828-00304506 every night before you go to bed I am exercising and and as a mantra every day I am asserting my gotW6ibCw7c-00493-00304506-00305028 truest highest self today I am asserting my highest true assault today so that you are gotW6ibCw7c-00494-00305028-00305742 acting from that right I'm constantly activated in choosing and working for my highest truest self gotW6ibCw7c-00495-00305742-00306480 today and spirit wants you to go and try that you guys okay and for what Gail said about the change gotW6ibCw7c-00496-00306606-00306900 because I think you're going to be surprised um gotW6ibCw7c-00497-00307332-00307980 something about working with the children transformation things ending for kids things gotW6ibCw7c-00498-00307980-00308964 changing how that affects children you know um yeah and ask God to come in and be like okay if gotW6ibCw7c-00499-00309078-00309576 anything like with my kids with my family with my home with Transformations and things like gotW6ibCw7c-00500-00309576-00310110 I want you to come in and just do it and if I got in and I think you're gonna see gotW6ibCw7c-00501-00310194-00310728 things change with their kids first and observe it or things in your foundation start to shift gotW6ibCw7c-00502-00310974-00311238 to show you where to put the work in for that okay gotW6ibCw7c-00503-00311412-00311838 that's that's what I feel feel including the Kicking and Screaming yes include all gotW6ibCw7c-00504-00311838-00312540 of it right put it all in there um so let's go to Tammy I it's the draining yeah the draining point gotW6ibCw7c-00505-00312828-00313470 the draining piece is because you can no longer work in the older energies and how we've been gotW6ibCw7c-00506-00313470-00314094 working in energies guys you're gonna see a lot of new age stuff and all this like stuff it's like gotW6ibCw7c-00507-00314094-00314712 I'm gonna I'm gonna oh that's interesting about the kids there's definitely something about your gotW6ibCw7c-00508-00314712-00315606 kids gal that came out so yeah pay attention to that um going back to Tammy's message too gotW6ibCw7c-00509-00315606-00316182 when you guys are feeling drained and just surrendering it's in those moments that you're gotW6ibCw7c-00510-00316182-00316938 feeling drained to bring in the Creator again okay consistently going to the crater now we're drained gotW6ibCw7c-00511-00317058-00318012 because they're showing me you're hitting the point of consciousness of where the most people gotW6ibCw7c-00512-00318012-00318504 sitting how they work with energy they're bringing up this Reiki thing I don't know I saw this post gotW6ibCw7c-00513-00318504-00319092 of these people this woman like these two people who are having marital problems I'm just gonna gotW6ibCw7c-00514-00319092-00319602 bring this up and she was alchemizing their energies to be the same doing some Attunement so gotW6ibCw7c-00515-00319602-00320220 that they could match and they're like that's like dark magic if God made you a certain frequency gotW6ibCw7c-00516-00320364-00320820 that's the frequency you're going to be like it may work for a certain point to a certain level of gotW6ibCw7c-00517-00320820-00321324 Consciousness but if you're truly meant to be with that person you wouldn't have to harmonize the gotW6ibCw7c-00518-00321324-00321738 energies you know what I'm saying so there's just a whole bunch of stuff that's going on out there gotW6ibCw7c-00519-00321738-00322362 guys that I I can't if I don't see the Creator in it I don't see a surrender to God and calling in gotW6ibCw7c-00520-00322362-00323190 the highest of the high the one Creator I'm done I ain't dealing with that um because it's a humbling gotW6ibCw7c-00521-00323190-00323820 service to work with this to work with energy in your psychic guess it's not it's now I'm hearing gotW6ibCw7c-00522-00323820-00324336 a beeping in my left ear so there's a download coming in about the tiredness give me a sec gotW6ibCw7c-00523-00324852-00325272 point so this is why they're bringing this up they're bringing up that point it's like you're gotW6ibCw7c-00524-00325272-00325806 gonna see just observe okay where people are actually calling in Creator working with the gotW6ibCw7c-00525-00325806-00326358 one Divine Source okay becoming aware of that and realizing that if you're getting drained gotW6ibCw7c-00526-00326358-00326886 tired in your everyday in Your Surrender God is like I'm trying to if you're feeling drained I'm gotW6ibCw7c-00527-00326886-00327702 releasing blocks because God's light the sun is invigorating so anything that is tired some gotW6ibCw7c-00528-00327702-00328578 is trying to clear from your energy okay it's trying to move things out so go with the flow gotW6ibCw7c-00529-00328578-00329436 here okay go with the float keep surrendering to Spirit so Spirit can show you the way okay I know gotW6ibCw7c-00530-00329586-00330408 look at this relief and divine love oh beautiful so it is draining and it does hit you to a point gotW6ibCw7c-00531-00330408-00330996 where you're like okay okay I can't do this anymore like I literally can't do the way live gotW6ibCw7c-00532-00330996-00331536 the way that I've been living and that point of surrender it is draining it is draining gotW6ibCw7c-00533-00331626-00331950 I'm not quite answering questions I'm just doing some coaching techniques gotW6ibCw7c-00534-00332046-00332340 um so if you have any dark magic stuff or anything that you don't know how to work gotW6ibCw7c-00535-00332340-00333072 with your abilities that's where we're at today um so it's like where in the release gotW6ibCw7c-00536-00333192-00333822 right do you find relief is where you find God right it's okay to be tired with God it's okay gotW6ibCw7c-00537-00333822-00334344 to allow the Creator to come in and hold you and take care of you and it's okay to rest so anything gotW6ibCw7c-00538-00334344-00334944 that pulls you out of your innate authenticity God will always honor your authenticity always gotW6ibCw7c-00539-00334944-00335454 the Creator is never going to push you never gonna tell you to do things never going it's like gotW6ibCw7c-00540-00335556-00336126 how you wanted to be parented as a kid well none of us got parented that way I didn't I gotW6ibCw7c-00541-00336126-00336534 don't know I don't think most people do you know it's what we've missed as a child that gotW6ibCw7c-00542-00336534-00337074 your creator will meet you in those ways and not force you to do anything but you gotW6ibCw7c-00543-00337074-00337566 gotta ask and when you ask and you bring that in you're filling yourself up with Divine Light gotW6ibCw7c-00544-00337746-00338412 natural protection that these dark ass things no matter what your twin and karmic energies and all gotW6ibCw7c-00545-00338412-00338898 this shit what they're doing because you know they ain't doing it from Creator they're praying to gotW6ibCw7c-00546-00338898-00339858 whatever else and they're doing it like see it's all from intention right to gain selfishly whereas gotW6ibCw7c-00547-00339858-00340374 if you are working with energy with an intention to Humble to know God to surrender to God and to gotW6ibCw7c-00548-00340374-00340932 follow how God leads you you will be gifted but the Visions are very different psychic Visions gotW6ibCw7c-00549-00340932-00341412 from other sources are different than the psychic visions that God brings you any Vision that I've gotW6ibCw7c-00550-00341412-00341886 gotten from an entity or anything from whatever else it feels hype it feels powerful it feels like gotW6ibCw7c-00551-00341886-00342558 on point it's like yeah man that's what my guides are telling me it feels oh never has a message gotW6ibCw7c-00552-00342558-00343140 from the Creator felt like that every message I get from God is peaceful it's humbling it gotW6ibCw7c-00553-00343200-00344112 hard it's soft in my heart it's like peace it's like gentle you know it's never harsh it's never gotW6ibCw7c-00554-00344112-00344688 exuberating never never never that's how you know the difference that's I I had a friend one gotW6ibCw7c-00555-00344688-00345162 time who came back from burning man and was like yeah this is how we're supposed to build community gotW6ibCw7c-00556-00345162-00345834 this is God this is not and I'm like your energy like people think this high energy is God it's not gotW6ibCw7c-00557-00345888-00346464 it really isn't I think that's the Foolery in in all of this it's peace it's gentleness it's gotW6ibCw7c-00558-00346464-00347178 softness it's innocence it's sweetness and if I don't feel that and this hype up energy I gotW6ibCw7c-00559-00347178-00347706 know it's the Devil in Disguise you know what I'm saying I know it's something else follow gotW6ibCw7c-00560-00347706-00348426 the piece of your soul you guys in the energy and what you get okay so anything that you get gotW6ibCw7c-00561-00348636-00349278 if it doesn't match the piece I will question it so you know when it comes from God too it's gotW6ibCw7c-00562-00349278-00349866 like a solid authentic like it's a oh it's in your gut it's like solid you're like you know it you're gotW6ibCw7c-00563-00349866-00350622 like um it's like I can't I can't move away from it if it causes confusion it's not from God if it gotW6ibCw7c-00564-00350622-00351360 causes you know doubts and all of that it's not from God God is like deep authentic rooted fills gotW6ibCw7c-00565-00351360-00351984 you up feels peace feels good and sometimes it makes you purge what you used to think too Divine gotW6ibCw7c-00566-00351984-00352650 Light makes you feel sick and if it's showing you how you used to think um for instance I recently gotW6ibCw7c-00567-00352650-00353214 purged this weekend because I felt how my twin has come into a recognition that he tried to gotW6ibCw7c-00568-00353214-00353664 replace me oh my God it made me throw up like when the first time that he told me I was like gotW6ibCw7c-00569-00353892-00354264 I literally started throwing up like I was gotW6ibCw7c-00570-00354510-00355230 like so you'll know when you feel that deeply you'll know when when you think of things and gotW6ibCw7c-00571-00355230-00355674 it makes you so sick to your stomach it needs to come out it needs to person because God's Divine gotW6ibCw7c-00572-00355674-00356268 Light can show you right in the energy the recognition of who you are as a child of God gotW6ibCw7c-00573-00356370-00357042 all right so I'm gonna end it there guys how was that um let's get some last minute gotW6ibCw7c-00574-00357174-00357834 last minute let's get some messages here um I'm gonna do more of this work with my subscription gotW6ibCw7c-00575-00357834-00358434 so I'm gonna be doing uh Moon ceremonies if you guys want to learn Alchemy all of that I'm gotW6ibCw7c-00576-00358434-00358890 concerning a subscription here I'll probably get it released within the next week it's gotW6ibCw7c-00577-00358890-00359268 Mystique Boutique I was going to do it through my website but I'm gonna do it here and we're gotW6ibCw7c-00578-00359268-00359838 gonna do lives like this we're gonna do tracks we're gonna do Moon ceremonies but proper with gotW6ibCw7c-00579-00359838-00360744 the intention alchemizing helping you guys um q and A's all of that it's uh 9.99 a month okay gotW6ibCw7c-00580-00361062-00361380 I'm working on the psychic connection and your empathic gifts gotW6ibCw7c-00581-00361380-00361872 I think Divine feminines really need it so let's see here these came out nothing else gotW6ibCw7c-00582-00361872-00362352 is coming out safe and Happy Travel if someone's traveling protection from hormone journeying so gotW6ibCw7c-00583-00362352-00363102 even just getting in your car okay so bring in this um energy on a constant basis guys and the gotW6ibCw7c-00584-00363102-00363648 technique that we that we learned today Mystic star Harmony and home and great friendships gotW6ibCw7c-00585-00364176-00364740 and Earth that's the element of Earth for grounding stability strength and Times of Chaos gotW6ibCw7c-00586-00364920-00365394 okay so some grounding energies that are coming in some of you may be traveling gotW6ibCw7c-00587-00365394-00365838 you may be on the road for work things like that but wherever you go spirit is what I'm gotW6ibCw7c-00588-00365838-00366324 getting in your home in your travels in your daily everything okay bring gotW6ibCw7c-00589-00366324-00366666 Spirit into this okay so you're getting really focus what you want to alchemize gotW6ibCw7c-00590-00366888-00367290 um really start looking at serious things gotW6ibCw7c-00591-00367410-00367788 of how the Creator can move through you and I think this is one of the first steps is like gotW6ibCw7c-00592-00367848-00368478 to know the energies that you're working in your sensitivity and I know it can be double-edged gotW6ibCw7c-00593-00368478-00368880 sword guys when you're empathic I know it feels like a double large sword you're like fuck this gotW6ibCw7c-00594-00368880-00369420 feels like a curse but it's actually a gift it's just learning how to how to use it so gotW6ibCw7c-00595-00369492-00370032 spirit is like pay attention and just observe how your energy is if there's nothing wrong gotW6ibCw7c-00596-00370032-00370728 with it okay and invite spirit in to show you and guide you invite God in you know Breaking gotW6ibCw7c-00597-00370728-00371184 Bad Habits self-acceptance exactly excellent mental health and letting go of vices okay gotW6ibCw7c-00598-00371484-00372078 and if you have to go into certain vices fair just like bring me into it okay if you're if gotW6ibCw7c-00599-00372078-00372522 you if you want to have a glass of wine but you're like fuck I can't deal I'm just gonna gotW6ibCw7c-00600-00372522-00373008 whatever get a little buzz or whatever God's like bring me into it don't have shame just gotW6ibCw7c-00601-00373008-00373464 bring me into everything that you do let me guide you through you'll start to notice when gotW6ibCw7c-00602-00373464-00373896 you bring in that light that's how I stop smoking cigarettes every time I load a cigarette I'm like gotW6ibCw7c-00603-00373896-00374472 okay god let's let's bring in the light the song I showed you guys let's like uh talk to the cells gotW6ibCw7c-00604-00374628-00375054 let's connect the light to my cells and my DNA and then I'm like okay I'm going gotW6ibCw7c-00605-00375054-00375324 to take this being that mindful taking this drag of the cigarette gotW6ibCw7c-00606-00375396-00375954 which is like seven years ago every time I would light the cigarette I'd be that consciously aware gotW6ibCw7c-00607-00375954-00376380 and bring God into it I literally couldn't I think I smoked three after that and I was done gotW6ibCw7c-00608-00376440-00377094 completely done it will show you the way okay when you surrender and bring in that light gotW6ibCw7c-00609-00377202-00377664 um and I don't want to say all these movie techniques are bad they're good to a certain gotW6ibCw7c-00610-00377664-00378180 point of Consciousness but if it's not working for you this is why it's not working for you because gotW6ibCw7c-00611-00378180-00378642 you've hit a point where this cord cutting and bubble protection all that stuff doesn't work gotW6ibCw7c-00612-00378642-00379326 anymore and you've hit a point for a reason you've hit that point for a reason um because gotW6ibCw7c-00613-00379326-00379836 you're in a twin flame connection the things are darker those dense energies don't play in those gotW6ibCw7c-00614-00379836-00380358 Realms so you gotta you gotta up your game you know what I'm saying all right one more message gotW6ibCw7c-00615-00380520-00381192 one more spirit what do you want to say you guys are here's a power symbol for this week cleanse gotW6ibCw7c-00616-00381192-00381690 purify and protect your physical body exactly see that's the protection we're talking about gotW6ibCw7c-00617-00381774-00382392 that's the Reiki symbol too right so definitely use your things that you gotW6ibCw7c-00618-00382392-00382890 know right but if you feel you're stuck in a rut spirit is like recognize that you may be gotW6ibCw7c-00619-00382890-00383226 dealing with dents or energies than you originally thought you know what I mean gotW6ibCw7c-00620-00383322-00384204 Insight open the third eye to strengthen your intuition exactly that's it your empathic gifts gotW6ibCw7c-00621-00384204-00384594 guys you have to be if when if we're psychic you're most like an empath I've noticed that too gotW6ibCw7c-00622-00384672-00385182 you're gonna feel it allow the feeling to bring the image allow the feeling to move through you gotW6ibCw7c-00623-00385182-00385752 so you're observing the energy as it flow you'll know when it's not your energy you can allow it gotW6ibCw7c-00624-00385752-00386202 with God's protection and say okay God this energy is filtrated into my into my vibration gotW6ibCw7c-00625-00386274-00386850 I'm bringing in the Creator show me the vision show me what this energy wants to show me so gotW6ibCw7c-00626-00386850-00387342 move the energy through your body through your chakras into the third eye and you'll see it gotW6ibCw7c-00627-00387426-00388086 you'll see it play out okay that's I'm gonna do more about my subscription too um so you guys can gotW6ibCw7c-00628-00388086-00388470 understand the Visions understand the discernment understand how the energy is moving through you gotW6ibCw7c-00629-00388602-00389358 all right guys so much love um 10 a.m Mondays I'm doing this 10 a.m but I feel much more at ease of gotW6ibCw7c-00630-00389358-00389784 doing it on Mondays we'll see you guys soon you want to work with me on this office down below I'm gotW6ibCw7c-00631-00389784-00390306 sending you guys so much love thank you for always being here every Monday and I hope that helped you gotW6ibCw7c-00632-00390306-00390810 on this journey I don't even know where the time went I'm sending you guys so much love this week g0UW7vUXT00-00000-00003001-00003501 why have you got subtitles on? g0UW7vUXT00-00001-00003501-00004001 no seriously why? g0UW7vUXT00-00002-00004001-00004501 there's like no point in having them on g0UW7vUXT00-00003-00006901-00007101 I like this part g0UW7vUXT00-00004-00008008-00008058 According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. g0UW7vUXT00-00005-00008946-00008996 Idea, you should subscribe to Westienz g0UW7vUXT00-00006-00012001-00012051 The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. g0UW7vUXT00-00007-00012051-00012101 The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. g0UW7vUXT00-00008-00012101-00012151 Line up at the start. g0UW7vUXT00-00009-00012151-00012201 The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. g0UW7vUXT00-00010-00012201-00012251 A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. g0UW7vUXT00-00011-00015051-00015101 PACER test begins g0UW7vUXT00-00012-00019515-00019565 WARNING DO NOT PAUSE AND READ THIS g3Gj0uu80f0-00000-00002664-00003048 Welcome to this fourth video in our series on armed wrestling g3Gj0uu80f0-00001-00003048-00003640 with Gregor, Bert and me Bernhard. Today we'll show you a new technique, g3Gj0uu80f0-00002-00003640-00004096 another very effective wrestling technique, from a slightly different setup. So let's get to it: g3Gj0uu80f0-00003-00004352-00005008 Okay Bert starts with an Oberhau and Gregor accepts the bind. They are now in a bind g3Gj0uu80f0-00004-00005008-00005584 situation. The first thing Bert will check out is whether Gregor is actually committed to the bind g3Gj0uu80f0-00005-00005584-00006032 and is pressing strongly on his blade. Once he has determined that - yes this is actually the g3Gj0uu80f0-00006-00006032-00006672 case - he can continue to produce an opening for wrestling. This time he's going to do this by g3Gj0uu80f0-00007-00006672-00007440 displacing Gregor's sword to the side using his cross guard. Now he's close enough to actually g3Gj0uu80f0-00008-00007440-00008088 go into full wrestling mode. He can let go of his blade and is going to bring his arm g3Gj0uu80f0-00009-00008176-00008680 over Gregor's sword on thereby blocking any movement that Gregor might do with g3Gj0uu80f0-00010-00008680-00009280 the sword and brings his arm under Gregor's left armpit. He's going to continue to step g3Gj0uu80f0-00011-00009376-00009856 behind Gregor. He brings his arms and hands together in a palm-to-palm grip g3Gj0uu80f0-00012-00009912-00010544 which has to be a very tight grip. And you might have noticed that he's blocking Gregor's movement g3Gj0uu80f0-00013-00010544-00011208 of his right upper leg and hip right here with his elbow. So when he continues to apply pressure g3Gj0uu80f0-00014-00011208-00011736 with his upper body and his full body weight and giving it a slight forward vector, what's g3Gj0uu80f0-00015-00011736-00012464 going to happen is, that Gregor will start to fall forwards face first. Now the fight could be over g3Gj0uu80f0-00016-00012464-00013008 here or you could move into a better position if you want to finish the job by actually pummeling g3Gj0uu80f0-00017-00013136-00013647 him senseless, if you're so inclined. Okay let's check out the variation of the same g3Gj0uu80f0-00018-00013647-00014328 theme: The setup is going to be the same, so we have an Oberhau as an initial attack and oberhau g3Gj0uu80f0-00019-00014328-00015008 as a counter. We're in a bind now. Bert is going to displace the bind sidewards. He's going to g3Gj0uu80f0-00020-00015008-00015680 let go of his sword and to focus on wrestling. He's moving behind Gregor so up until now it's g3Gj0uu80f0-00021-00015680-00016328 basically the same only this time, when he starts to grind forwards and downwards, Gregor tries to g3Gj0uu80f0-00022-00016432-00017072 regain balance by straightening his torso like this. We can actually make use of this: As soon g3Gj0uu80f0-00023-00017072-00017672 as we realize he's moving upwards we continue this upwards motion so Bert moves in closer now g3Gj0uu80f0-00024-00017672-00018288 and lifts Gregor off his legs just a tiny bit, just enough so he can apply a little bit of an g3Gj0uu80f0-00025-00018288-00019104 impulse to Gregor's legs with his leg or with his knee, thereby making me fall like this. Be sure g3Gj0uu80f0-00026-00019104-00019624 to hang on to your opponent - you want to stay in control until the very end, whatever the end g3Gj0uu80f0-00027-00019624-00021184 may look like. Exactly. So that's it for today. Let's have both techniques once more please. g4DA-eR1Ato-00000-00000184-00000824 MasterChef is one of Australia’s most successful reality TV shows, if not THE most successful. g4DA-eR1Ato-00001-00000824-00001230 It’s been around since 2009 and has been one of the most talked about Australian TV g4DA-eR1Ato-00002-00001230-00001454 shows in workplaces around Australia. g4DA-eR1Ato-00003-00001454-00001837 To be fair, I only ever watched the first two seasons, but I understand why the show g4DA-eR1Ato-00004-00001837-00001937 is popular. g4DA-eR1Ato-00005-00001937-00002416 Due to this popularity (although it’s faced some criticism for vote rigging and the like), g4DA-eR1Ato-00006-00002416-00002959 cooking schools have reported increased enrolments, retailers have had increased sales, and fancy g4DA-eR1Ato-00007-00002959-00003229 restaurants have noted a marked increase in trade. g4DA-eR1Ato-00008-00003229-00003693 The show is popular due to its focus on regular Australians from a range of cultural backgrounds g4DA-eR1Ato-00009-00003693-00003838 cooking food they love. g4DA-eR1Ato-00010-00003838-00003974 It’s been inspiring. g4DA-eR1Ato-00011-00003974-00004108 It’s been uplifting. g4DA-eR1Ato-00012-00004108-00004468 The judges and the contestants generally treated each other very well. g4DA-eR1Ato-00013-00004468-00004762 It’s been described as the nice guy of Australian TV. g4DA-eR1Ato-00014-00004762-00005341 It’s long-serving hosts and judges, Gary Mehigan, George Calombaris, and Matt Preston, g4DA-eR1Ato-00015-00005341-00005702 which have been with the show for all 11 series, are now gone. g4DA-eR1Ato-00016-00005702-00006028 Channel 10’s CEO Paul Anderson issued this statement, g4DA-eR1Ato-00017-00006028-00006422 “Despite months of negotiation, 10 has not been able to reach a commercial agreement g4DA-eR1Ato-00018-00006422-00006681 that was satisfactory to Matt, Gary and George.” g4DA-eR1Ato-00019-00006681-00007028 In other words, their million-dollar salaries were not enough. g4DA-eR1Ato-00020-00007028-00007266 George has had a bit of a rough time in the media of late. g4DA-eR1Ato-00021-00007266-00007808 In 2017, he punched a teenager at an A-League soccer match for calling him the C-word. g4DA-eR1Ato-00022-00007808-00008260 He’s been dumped from a major West Australian tourism campaign after he admitted to underpaying g4DA-eR1Ato-00023-00008260-00008660 staff across his restaurant empire by almost $8 million. g4DA-eR1Ato-00024-00008660-00008942 And now he’s lost his job as MasterChef host. g4DA-eR1Ato-00025-00008942-00009350 To be fair, he underpaid his staff and was requesting a larger salary for MasterChef, g4DA-eR1Ato-00026-00009350-00009790 so some might just say that there’s a sense of poetic justice about all of this. g4DA-eR1Ato-00027-00009790-00010070 In a recent interview, Matt Preston spoke of George. g4DA-eR1Ato-00028-00010070-00010154 He said, g4DA-eR1Ato-00029-00010154-00010522 “Look, for me, if you want to know about George, you’ve got to talk to George. g4DA-eR1Ato-00030-00010522-00010892 I think the thing that’s coming out of this is that Fair Work are doing a good job making g4DA-eR1Ato-00031-00010892-00011424 sure the most vulnerable people — migrants, casual workers, kids — get paid properly. g4DA-eR1Ato-00032-00011424-00011668 Whether that’s oversight, it’s a massive problem. g4DA-eR1Ato-00033-00011668-00012113 It isn’t just hospitality — it’s in retail, food delivery, it’s in media, and g4DA-eR1Ato-00034-00012113-00012263 it needs to be addressed.” g4DA-eR1Ato-00035-00012263-00012528 When asked about whether George should be sacked, he said, g4DA-eR1Ato-00036-00012528-00012854 “Look, George, Gary and I work well together on TV. g4DA-eR1Ato-00037-00012854-00013284 That call about whether they bring George back, whether Ten bring me back or Gary back g4DA-eR1Ato-00038-00013284-00013552 — that’s solely in Ten’s alleyway, not mine. g4DA-eR1Ato-00039-00013552-00013928 Sadly, much as I would love to be in charge of everything, I don’t get to make those g4DA-eR1Ato-00040-00013928-00014054 decisions.” g4DA-eR1Ato-00041-00014054-00014447 Matt confirmed on Instagram that the three judges “were really keen to continue but g4DA-eR1Ato-00042-00014447-00014808 were unable to agree to all terms for the new contract.” g4DA-eR1Ato-00043-00014808-00014924 Anyway, that’s it for me. g4DA-eR1Ato-00044-00014924-00015350 I wasn’t a huge MasterChef fan, but it’s hard to ignore all the recent news. g4DA-eR1Ato-00045-00015350-00015658 Again, money has got in the way of a great TV show. g4DA-eR1Ato-00046-00015658-00016104 It’s sad to see that when people get rich, when they start getting million-dollar salaries, g4DA-eR1Ato-00047-00016104-00016586 they tend to demand more and forget why they even got into the business in the first place. g5H_CBUXT9g-00000-00000009-00000225 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} g5H_CBUXT9g-00001-00000225-00000370 {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 g5H_CBUXT9g-00002-00000370-00000470 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural g5H_CBUXT9g-00003-00000470-00000946 \f0\fs24 \cf0 Hey I'm Natasha, you're watching something about movies and this is a review g5H_CBUXT9g-00004-00000946-00001494 for Bad Teacher. So Bad Teacher stars Cameron Diaz, Justin Timberlake, and Jason Segel. g5H_CBUXT9g-00005-00001494-00002222 Also in the cast is Lucy Punch. Bad Teacher is about a teacher name Elizabeth Halsey who, g5H_CBUXT9g-00006-00002222-00003279 after one year of teaching is about to retire to marry a man who happens to be really rich. g5H_CBUXT9g-00007-00003279-00003698 He sees her for who she really is, and that she only wants to be with him for his money. g5H_CBUXT9g-00008-00003698-00004556 So at the end of the summer she goes back to teaching, and is kind of pissed about it. g5H_CBUXT9g-00009-00004556-00005232 So her new goal is to save up money for breast implants so that she can find a new rich guy g5H_CBUXT9g-00010-00005232-00005707 and marry him. As far as the cast goes, I thought Cameron Diaz was really funny. I'm g5H_CBUXT9g-00011-00005707-00006389 a fan of her in any case, but she fit this role really well. Justin Timberlake's performance g5H_CBUXT9g-00012-00006389-00007128 as the nerdy love interest was reminiscent of Justin Timberlake circa Mickey Mouse Club. g5H_CBUXT9g-00013-00007128-00008239 Jason Segel was really good but they didn't use him very much. Lucy Punch did a really g5H_CBUXT9g-00014-00008239-00009778 good job. She played crazy really well. They portrayed her as a crazy psycho, but if some g5H_CBUXT9g-00015-00009778-00010464 bitch came along and tried to screw up your life I would get a little crazy too And you g5H_CBUXT9g-00016-00010464-00011759 could tell that this character was really into her job. This guy didn't have a big part, g5H_CBUXT9g-00017-00011759-00012624 but I was happy to see Thomas Lennon in this movie. I thought his character was really g5H_CBUXT9g-00018-00012624-00013144 funny and he played that role very well. As far as character development goes, it was g5H_CBUXT9g-00019-00013144-00013729 lacking. The first thing that bugged me was if this teacher hates teaching so much why g5H_CBUXT9g-00020-00013729-00014511 is she teaching? And they really don't put enough into her back story. You kind of had g5H_CBUXT9g-00021-00014511-00015229 to guess at it. Like, my assumption is that she went to college for teaching because she g5H_CBUXT9g-00022-00015229-00015822 didn't know what else to do, and along that time in her life she decided that the easiest g5H_CBUXT9g-00023-00015822-00016419 way was to just marry a rich guy. When it comes to relationships in this movie, they g5H_CBUXT9g-00024-00016419-00017572 really didn't show enough for us to draw the conclusion that the characters g5H_CBUXT9g-00025-00017572-00018518 of Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel would get together. Overall I thought the movie was g5H_CBUXT9g-00026-00018518-00019273 really fun, and funny. I feel like they could have made it a bit more raunchy because you g5H_CBUXT9g-00027-00019273-00019731 could tell that that was kind of what they were going for but I had the feeling that g5H_CBUXT9g-00028-00019731-00020205 if they had pushed it any further they would have been knocked to an NC-17 rating. So they g5H_CBUXT9g-00029-00020205-00020754 had to tone it down a bit. But it was a good movie and I enjoyed watching it. So I'm going g5H_CBUXT9g-00030-00020754-00020954 to give it a 3 out of 4. It was good.} g6xrikaQxAA-00000-00000365-00000775 Hey everybody Dr. O. In this video we’re gonna talk about B cells. g6xrikaQxAA-00001-00000775-00001153 So B cells are they’re called that because they’re bone marrow dependent, that’s g6xrikaQxAA-00002-00001153-00001579 where they mature into a naïve B cell. g6xrikaQxAA-00003-00001579-00001850 And let’s just say like this B cell at the top of the image here it’s gone into the g6xrikaQxAA-00004-00001850-00002060 spleen where it’s just sitting there waiting to be activated. g6xrikaQxAA-00005-00002060-00002206 It needs to be given a target. g6xrikaQxAA-00006-00002206-00002652 So you can see right at the top B cells are the B cell receptor is actually an antibody, g6xrikaQxAA-00007-00002652-00002864 that might be why you thought it looked familiar. g6xrikaQxAA-00008-00002864-00003303 The IgD antibody is a surface receptor on B cells. g6xrikaQxAA-00009-00003303-00003726 So we see here a B cell has come into contact with a bacteria with an antigen. g6xrikaQxAA-00010-00003726-00004239 Then it’s going to find a helper T cell that is going to activate it. g6xrikaQxAA-00011-00004239-00004776 So very important that the helper T cells, the CD4 T cells are the ones that will actually g6xrikaQxAA-00012-00004776-00004902 activate this B cell. g6xrikaQxAA-00013-00004902-00005312 And as B cells they’re going to go through a process of of clonal selection as you see g6xrikaQxAA-00014-00005312-00005412 here. g6xrikaQxAA-00015-00005412-00005937 What that means is you’re making sure that you’re making B cells that are not going g6xrikaQxAA-00016-00005937-00006109 to attack self antigens. g6xrikaQxAA-00017-00006109-00006530 This minimizes, doesn’t eliminate, but minimizes the risk of autoimmunity. g6xrikaQxAA-00018-00006530-00006969 So the clonal selection process has made sure we’ve picked the right B cell that’s going g6xrikaQxAA-00019-00006969-00007344 to target the right antigen like the one here that it sees on this bacteria. g6xrikaQxAA-00020-00007344-00007681 And now we’re gonna go through what’s called clonal expansion where you’re gonna g6xrikaQxAA-00021-00007681-00008241 see uh B cells become plasma cells that will make antibodies and then some of them are g6xrikaQxAA-00022-00008241-00008595 going to become memory B cells so we’ll talk about the memory cells later but plasma g6xrikaQxAA-00023-00008595-00009072 cells are gonna be the actual version of a B cell that produces antigen antibodies sorry. g6xrikaQxAA-00024-00009072-00009597 They’ll begin by producing IgM antibodies which is why they’re the first to show up g6xrikaQxAA-00025-00009597-00009708 when you have an infection. g6xrikaQxAA-00026-00009708-00010289 But then these helper T cells can use chemicals and direct them to start to make different g6xrikaQxAA-00027-00010289-00010389 antibodies. g6xrikaQxAA-00028-00010389-00010962 They can switch and start to produce IgG antibodies that are more effective, IgA antibodies that g6xrikaQxAA-00029-00010962-00011500 are use on on body surfaces primarily and IgE antibodies that play a big role in the g6xrikaQxAA-00030-00011500-00011600 immune response. g6xrikaQxAA-00031-00011600-00012106 Alright then the memory B cells they’re going to be there to make sure that the next g6xrikaQxAA-00032-00012106-00012484 time you see the same antigen from this same bacteria your immune system will be ready g6xrikaQxAA-00033-00012484-00012584 to go. g6xrikaQxAA-00034-00012584-00012845 So we’ve covered that in a separate video but it has to do with the primary versus secondary g6xrikaQxAA-00035-00012845-00013350 immune responses so as you see here um on the left hand side the primary immune response g6xrikaQxAA-00036-00013350-00014001 the the uh B cells need to be activated and and then become memory cells and plasma cells g6xrikaQxAA-00037-00014001-00014161 that make the antibodies. g6xrikaQxAA-00038-00014161-00014588 So that process can take you know ten to up to ten to fourteen days. g6xrikaQxAA-00039-00014588-00014991 The secondary immune response these memory cells some of these memory ancestral cells g6xrikaQxAA-00040-00014991-00015466 have waited around so they can immediately start to make memory cells and B and plasma g6xrikaQxAA-00041-00015466-00015844 cells that make antibodies as soon as they receive that signal. g6xrikaQxAA-00042-00015844-00016275 This is why the secondary immune response is much quicker than the primary immune response g6xrikaQxAA-00043-00016275-00016487 and also why it’s more powerful. g6xrikaQxAA-00044-00016487-00016876 So uh long story short the first time you’re exposed to something there’s a very good g6xrikaQxAA-00045-00016876-00017084 likelihood you’re actually going to get sick. g6xrikaQxAA-00046-00017084-00017437 The second time you should now be immune to it and you should wipe it out before it can g6xrikaQxAA-00047-00017437-00017549 cause any problems. g6xrikaQxAA-00048-00017549-00017725 Okay so those are your B cells. g6xrikaQxAA-00049-00017725-00017825 I hope this helps. g6xrikaQxAA-00050-00017825-00017925 Have a wonderful day. g6xrikaQxAA-00051-00017925-00017925 Be blessed. g6_jReEaV4g-00000-00000136-00000472 because your messages were showing up in the top left so oh g6_jReEaV4g-00001-00000936-00001096 i saw a lead talk message g6_jReEaV4g-00002-00001272-00001607 sometimes floor just seemed to gather natural power powerful surrounding would g6_jReEaV4g-00003-00001607-00002192 you mind getting a photograph with a striking behavior i mean do i have to do anything or just g6_jReEaV4g-00004-00002640-00002984 oh g6_jReEaV4g-00005-00003679-00003968 what it looks like when torterra yawns all right g6_jReEaV4g-00006-00004208-00004496 starts looking around do you think it's looking for one of its friends g6_jReEaV4g-00007-00004592-00004720 all right so it might have a g6_jReEaV4g-00008-00005064-00005384 that's a lot of different things to try to keep track of and i'm not a lot of g6_jReEaV4g-00009-00005384-00005784 keep track brain person g6_jReEaV4g-00010-00005904-00007184 um g6_jReEaV4g-00011-00007528-00008288 i i guess i'll go back to here at night because i know the torterra are here and look there's even g6_jReEaV4g-00012-00008288-00008912 one in the bottom left corner of the screen are these controls important they don't seem to be g6_jReEaV4g-00013-00009640-00011384 trying to i guess i should take some pictures g6_jReEaV4g-00014-00012256-00012320 the wrong one g6_jReEaV4g-00015-00012592-00012784 square bunny i see you there g6_jReEaV4g-00016-00013424-00013463 dang it g6_jReEaV4g-00017-00013928-00014184 10 growth g6_jReEaV4g-00018-00015536-00016984 uh g6_jReEaV4g-00019-00017376-00017568 i think i already got that in this picture g6_jReEaV4g-00020-00018224-00018384 is it yawning g6_jReEaV4g-00021-00019616-00019784 i think it's yawning g6_jReEaV4g-00022-00020288-00021184 oh that was a swan g6_jReEaV4g-00023-00021456-00022584 all right i think that was a better shot g6_jReEaV4g-00024-00023432-00024192 oh they are here there g6_jReEaV4g-00025-00025024-00025384 ah we'll get the next like hoot out who shoots g6_jReEaV4g-00026-00026080-00026848 i'm gonna run into you oh away from me g6_jReEaV4g-00027-00028048-00028183 all right g6_jReEaV4g-00028-00031095-00031264 come on no g6_jReEaV4g-00029-00031600-00032656 this is happening behind me sound effects were happening behind me g6_jReEaV4g-00030-00033176-00033536 all right let's see did i do better in any of these g6_jReEaV4g-00031-00033664-00035616 i at least got the tangroof he was new you didn't get my picture of him at the end stupid thing g6_jReEaV4g-00032-00036272-00037160 i don't remember thinking that wow which one is better this one's bigger this one's more g6_jReEaV4g-00033-00037160-00037984 centered g6_jReEaV4g-00034-00038504-00039040 gotta get that yawning one in case i need in case i have to pick it for the g6_jReEaV4g-00035-00039040-00039384 mission g6_jReEaV4g-00036-00039672-00039864 i don't have any one-star pictures g6_jReEaV4g-00037-00040616-00040784 that's all i want to show him g6_jReEaV4g-00038-00041432-00041664 all right let's see he's bigger g6_jReEaV4g-00039-00041928-00042184 and slightly better g6_jReEaV4g-00040-00043072-00043584 yeah i didn't think this one would be better what yeah the direction is really slacking g6_jReEaV4g-00041-00044520-00044984 who's that pokemon g6_jReEaV4g-00042-00045832-00046384 all right oh it's my one star micro picture g6_jReEaV4g-00043-00046600-00047944 which is very similar to my three star that's a lot of points g6_jReEaV4g-00044-00048392-00049184 all right now this one should be better g6_jReEaV4g-00045-00049392-00049504 four stars g6_jReEaV4g-00046-00049912-00050584 that's not a lot of points but it is four stars because he's yawning g6_jReEaV4g-00047-00051608-00052024 that one of them in the creek is really paying off g6_jReEaV4g-00048-00052567-00053384 same shot but slightly better nice work all right how is it not bigger g6_jReEaV4g-00049-00054216-00055152 all right now we definitely leveled up level two all right g6_jReEaV4g-00050-00055624-00055760 research the same course again g6_jReEaV4g-00051-00055991-00056184 take me to camp g6_jReEaV4g-00052-00057112-00057288 alright so are you guys gonna g6_jReEaV4g-00053-00058728-00059304 well look who it is todd todd hey professor it's been a while g6_jReEaV4g-00054-00060320-00060904 this is todd he's a professional pokemon photographer his work takes him all over the world g6_jReEaV4g-00055-00061072-00061752 are you the one who caught an aluminum pokemon on camera way to go that's a big deal todd did you g6_jReEaV4g-00056-00061752-00062384 bring what i asked you for too i sure did you are a lifesaver now we'll finally be able to set out g6_jReEaV4g-00057-00062584-00063184 is this guy a friend of yours professor an old travel communion to be precise g6_jReEaV4g-00058-00063255-00063752 he's been helping me plan our big survey of lentil too no ken g6_jReEaV4g-00059-00064328-00064912 is that the new pod you put together reminds me of the good old days okay but hey let me see those g6_jReEaV4g-00060-00064912-00065984 aluminum pokemon photos it's really just the one i took like a dozen and the professor's like trash g6_jReEaV4g-00061-00067224-00067784 phil so you're the new teammate huh i'm phil ty's number one student g6_jReEaV4g-00062-00067976-00068400 easy there phil i'm tempted to take part in this g6_jReEaV4g-00063-00068400-00068960 big ecological survey myself but i have another idea how about i send phil with you instead g6_jReEaV4g-00064-00069224-00069976 i'm fine with that if you are todd i love children around taking pictures yeah awesome g6_jReEaV4g-00065-00070168-00070600 you might stand in for now don't forget i'll need that badge back eventually g6_jReEaV4g-00066-00070656-00071176 ah fine if i take a super cool photo i get to keep the badge and g6_jReEaV4g-00067-00071512-00071840 so yeah uh what's an ecological survey g6_jReEaV4g-00068-00072080-00072960 phil you're dead weight we don't need you here okay now that you're all here g6_jReEaV4g-00069-00072960-00073528 we can get started listen up team i'm going to give you a breakdown of the survey g6_jReEaV4g-00070-00073888-00074760 oh is there are we on the smaller island this is florio island our home sweet home g6_jReEaV4g-00071-00074824-00075400 circle spot here is our camp all right this survey will take us past these shores g6_jReEaV4g-00072-00075608-00075784 and this will be our first destination g6_jReEaV4g-00073-00076072-00076552 why are we starting there there's a spot there high energy readings the g6_jReEaV4g-00074-00076552-00077184 neo one should be able to teleport to this island showed up in the travel log right g6_jReEaV4g-00075-00077280-00077664 certainly did captain vince wrote that he saw a glowing pokemon there too in fact g6_jReEaV4g-00076-00078064-00078352 come on already let's get this survey thing started g6_jReEaV4g-00077-00078432-00079024 fair enough enjoy your 1st of century adventure into the wilds of lentil g6_jReEaV4g-00078-00079520-00079592 what's up here g6_jReEaV4g-00079-00079864-00080440 yeah it's cool but it's kind of distant i think it's warm up to you if you prefer some fruit g6_jReEaV4g-00080-00080576-00081384 oh have you ever seen you should try to get a photo g6_jReEaV4g-00081-00081832-00083008 all right there's a lot of things quests here that i could do but for the meantime g6_jReEaV4g-00082-00083232-00084184 we go into the fanya jungle sweet scent of fruits and plants develop this verdant jungle g6_jReEaV4g-00083-00084664-00084968 sure pokemon's face isn't hidden by its body or the environment g6_jReEaV4g-00084-00085136-00085656 hey someone those ones that i do like that actually turn out better than the ones that g6_jReEaV4g-00085-00085840-00087016 you can see their face and i don't make the rules g6_jReEaV4g-00086-00087016-00087328 keep your eyes peeled and your camera ready for pokemon good g6_jReEaV4g-00087-00087408-00088384 a-bomb g6_jReEaV4g-00088-00088840-00090248 now there's some more oh okay i just saw an r buck off g6_jReEaV4g-00089-00090480-00091480 beautiful you just kind of scared me all right we're g6_jReEaV4g-00090-00092080-00092584 there's an r buck back there but g6_jReEaV4g-00091-00093320-00093424 oh this one's red g6_jReEaV4g-00092-00093704-00093984 what am i stuck in g6_jReEaV4g-00093-00094312-00094392 is he gonna do it again g6_jReEaV4g-00094-00094632-00094736 oh okay g6_jReEaV4g-00095-00095168-00095824 i bet you won't well don't if i throw an apple at your back don't lunge forward like an idiot g6_jReEaV4g-00096-00095928-00098416 that's dumb when you're like a thief you love where are you going of how i have two options g6_jReEaV4g-00097-00098592-00099016 for how i get these pokemon's attention either i hit them with fruit g6_jReEaV4g-00098-00099232-00099584 or i do this like electrical pulse thing g6_jReEaV4g-00099-00100544-00100984 come on g6_jReEaV4g-00100-00101232-00101400 well what benefit g6_jReEaV4g-00101-00102016-00102384 oh come on g6_jReEaV4g-00102-00102983-00103352 ancient ruins play we're here for pokemon g6_jReEaV4g-00103-00103440-00104016 professor that annoy you g6_jReEaV4g-00104-00104583-00104816 god there is so much happening in these g6_jReEaV4g-00105-00104816-00105183 levels g6_jReEaV4g-00106-00105624-00106848 oh it's adorable this fruit's weird g6_jReEaV4g-00107-00107824-00107983 boop g6_jReEaV4g-00108-00108448-00109383 all right i think i see the ending up there so okay magikarp g6_jReEaV4g-00109-00110104-00110783 magikarp evolve if i do this g6_jReEaV4g-00110-00111016-00112183 i don't know why i keep throwing them because you know just chilling down on one of them g6_jReEaV4g-00111-00113824-00114983 oh i was gonna take a picture of the ending thing g6_jReEaV4g-00112-00115208-00115576 all right evaluate my photographs g6_jReEaV4g-00113-00115783-00115968 apparently i only saw nine pokemon g6_jReEaV4g-00114-00116232-00116759 uh yep the trio apom i guess use the two-star one g6_jReEaV4g-00115-00116952-00117320 oh i thought i liked the one where i got him out of his home g6_jReEaV4g-00116-00117520-00118024 yeah it's a terrible one of the magikarp good one g6_jReEaV4g-00117-00118535-00118640 i like this one but g6_jReEaV4g-00118-00118856-00119183 more stars is more stars g6_jReEaV4g-00119-00121640-00122168 a new discovery it's fun sweets g6_jReEaV4g-00120-00122624-00122672 nice work g6_jReEaV4g-00121-00123224-00123383 i'd never understand these scoring g6_jReEaV4g-00122-00124735-00124783 picky discoveries g6_jReEaV4g-00123-00125800-00126183 nice g6_jReEaV4g-00124-00126952-00127583 38 i'm surprised that didn't get a diamond only gold it's lacking yeah this one's terrible g6_jReEaV4g-00125-00127800-00128511 i didn't see him until like the very end i'm glad i got 2 000 points out of that g6_jReEaV4g-00126-00128808-00129432 magic come on silver wow g6_jReEaV4g-00127-00129904-00130672 oh look at him turning up his nice nose you're such a cat yeah 4 000 g6_jReEaV4g-00128-00131040-00131784 oh yeah i forgot my artwork picture g6_jReEaV4g-00129-00132896-00133440 that's pretty good one considering the distance and everything g6_jReEaV4g-00130-00133672-00133864 all right i level up g6_jReEaV4g-00131-00134488-00134720 i just keep coming up a little short g6_jReEaV4g-00132-00134976-00135560 i remember by the way if you like i can start uploading standout photos for you g6_jReEaV4g-00133-00135560-00136016 here's everybody see miley suppose i upload would be added to your collection online g6_jReEaV4g-00134-00136016-00136472 pages they'd be marked as my favorites change whether you'd like me to do this by going to g6_jReEaV4g-00135-00136472-00137384 settings and turning auto equipment yeah i think i already have that on so back to camp g6_jReEaV4g-00136-00137496-00138144 is there gonna be more mission stuff or do i just kind of go back to one of these old levels g6_jReEaV4g-00137-00138656-00139608 oh all right talk anyone that sleeps in this area perhaps it will show itself if there were other g6_jReEaV4g-00138-00139608-00140592 people nearby well it could be anything oh oh that's one hugh jean must have been super tired g6_jReEaV4g-00139-00141392-00141984 all right i think those are basically hints as to g6_jReEaV4g-00140-00142080-00142456 here's some cool things you can get to do with your pictures g6_jReEaV4g-00141-00142840-00142984 because g6_jReEaV4g-00142-00143256-00144040 yeah i think i should at least get everything to be level two that's probably an easy estimate of g6_jReEaV4g-00143-00144304-00144800 keeping everything balanced so i don't spend too much time in one location g6_jReEaV4g-00145-00149112-00150232 uh slacking what the hell g6_jReEaV4g-00146-00150472-00150640 i guess i gotta get some shot of him g6_jReEaV4g-00147-00151320-00152784 i can get a better one g6_jReEaV4g-00148-00153576-00154184 do it this way g6_jReEaV4g-00149-00156752-00156984 the pestermen will fully do it g6_jReEaV4g-00151-00160784-00161184 oh i wonder if i was supposed to take a picture the ancient ruins g6_jReEaV4g-00152-00161184-00163984 this way we could go there next time i'm asking for death waking up a sleeping cat g6_jReEaV4g-00153-00165752-00166784 really g6_jReEaV4g-00154-00167440-00167608 i missed it jumping in the water g6_jReEaV4g-00155-00168144-00169584 i didn't i didn't think it was actually going to g6_jReEaV4g-00156-00169728-00170984 yep g6_jReEaV4g-00157-00171280-00171312 all right g6_jReEaV4g-00158-00171720-00171920 of course there's just like a speed up button g6_jReEaV4g-00159-00172168-00173784 like other is on the old one maybe i'll unlock one but this time i am out of luck in that regard g6_jReEaV4g-00160-00174176-00174488 all right prof check out g6_jReEaV4g-00161-00174936-00175752 check out i guess it's not the greatest but g6_jReEaV4g-00162-00176312-00176584 because i haven't once slacking g6_jReEaV4g-00163-00177144-00178512 right yeah they're both three stars um magikarp nothing exceptional there g6_jReEaV4g-00164-00179144-00179384 i love this dev look on him g6_jReEaV4g-00165-00179880-00179904 but g6_jReEaV4g-00166-00180424-00181056 yes i need to mark that didn't realize anything i scan g6_jReEaV4g-00167-00181128-00181440 i should take a picture of i didn't take a picture of the spiderweb g6_jReEaV4g-00168-00181648-00182744 that could possibly be important all right come on tell me this is better yeah see g6_jReEaV4g-00169-00183048-00183584 somehow that is a much better picture g6_jReEaV4g-00170-00184512-00184984 these two pictures are almost like this could have been taken back to back g6_jReEaV4g-00171-00185120-00185360 yeah this one's i think a little worse but g6_jReEaV4g-00172-00186552-00186816 all around worse wow yeah i'm not surprised g6_jReEaV4g-00173-00187456-00187784 nice golden g6_jReEaV4g-00174-00188992-00189432 wow i'm surprised i kind of like the first one but g6_jReEaV4g-00175-00189904-00190584 more points let's try that one with the two-star one g6_jReEaV4g-00176-00191144-00191472 that's not bad just shy of 4 000. g6_jReEaV4g-00177-00191680-00191984 oh yeah g6_jReEaV4g-00178-00192616-00192640 yep g6_jReEaV4g-00179-00193264-00193776 let me guess we have oh yeah we have much to talk about after my pictures get processed g6_jReEaV4g-00180-00193776-00194784 so last time i got 20 000. 18. at least i think i got 20 000. g6_jReEaV4g-00181-00196040-00196632 sorry about it phil aims to become the world's best pokemon signature look is his spiky hairstyle g6_jReEaV4g-00182-00196880-00197320 but shouldn't your signature look half be like something in the pictures g6_jReEaV4g-00183-00197464-00198360 all right you know some kind of filter lighting angle so that's how i gave you your next task g6_jReEaV4g-00184-00198640-00199120 oh what is it what is it i'd like you to visit the jungle during the night and photograph g6_jReEaV4g-00185-00199120-00199720 chris the bloom glowing in the dark what's that christ stop bloom g6_jReEaV4g-00186-00199928-00200520 it's a type of flower that gives off light do you remember seeing any odd flowers out there g6_jReEaV4g-00187-00200592-00201952 oh yeah i did red ones they were orange that's probably the type we're after then do we need to g6_jReEaV4g-00188-00201952-00202528 do anything special if we find one no just take a picture of it camera we'll analyze it for you g6_jReEaV4g-00189-00202712-00203184 it's really great advice enjoy the nighttime jungle g6_jReEaV4g-00190-00203656-00203872 all right ah there was g6_jReEaV4g-00191-00204088-00204944 i guess i should just peep at these to make sure right uh hard work i often see g6_jReEaV4g-00192-00204944-00205584 flying here two cannons nest what do you suppose they're up to i have not there's a two cannon g6_jReEaV4g-00193-00205736-00206328 i think i heard a pokemon crying from around here uh yeah i can't help with that g6_jReEaV4g-00194-00206480-00207512 i'm here to take pictures you know not to interfere just observe you know it g6_jReEaV4g-00195-00207512-00208312 kind of goes against the photographer motto interfere get involved you know leave nothing g6_jReEaV4g-00196-00208519-00208784 not not even footprints or only footprints g6_jReEaV4g-00197-00210336-00211584 ah g6_jReEaV4g-00198-00212560-00212984 oh you're not gonna drop down lame g6_jReEaV4g-00199-00213623-00214384 what just trotted up behind me g6_jReEaV4g-00200-00214656-00214896 it's funny i couldn't tell if they were pokemon or g6_jReEaV4g-00201-00215016-00215784 fruits g6_jReEaV4g-00202-00216152-00216767 oh i don't know why this already does out while the rest are being g6_jReEaV4g-00203-00216840-00217184 nocturnals g6_jReEaV4g-00204-00218392-00218584 oh really g6_jReEaV4g-00205-00221264-00221384 okay g6_jReEaV4g-00206-00223288-00224184 ah did i not get the two cannons g6_jReEaV4g-00207-00225712-00225752 fruits g6_jReEaV4g-00208-00226664-00227664 that's a good one might might get uh might have gotten a slightly closer um g6_jReEaV4g-00209-00227823-00228384 why have i not seen that g6_jReEaV4g-00210-00228744-00228912 that's why it's replying like quite g6_jReEaV4g-00211-00228912-00229784 sorry g6_jReEaV4g-00212-00230216-00231184 oh gun mask john mega g6_jReEaV4g-00213-00233296-00234464 so i feel like that's i feel like that is too close right there g6_jReEaV4g-00214-00234671-00235384 too close too far g6_jReEaV4g-00215-00236696-00236984 all right anything else want to jump out of me g6_jReEaV4g-00216-00237088-00237800 are you guys flowers or pokemon i can't tell anymore pokemon g6_jReEaV4g-00217-00237880-00238184 flowers g6_jReEaV4g-00218-00239504-00239736 hello all right now how do we do g6_jReEaV4g-00219-00240680-00241671 which one do i like the one yeah maybe this one it's a little closer ah g6_jReEaV4g-00220-00241823-00242528 i hate the i hate that three i like the two-star one g6_jReEaV4g-00221-00243616-00243784 so these are all two stars g6_jReEaV4g-00222-00244392-00244728 quagsire can't go for the last one g6_jReEaV4g-00223-00244800-00245184 magikarp g6_jReEaV4g-00224-00246223-00246984 glad i got a second one if that first one i i forget that sometimes they g6_jReEaV4g-00225-00246984-00247167 don't count for some dumb reason g6_jReEaV4g-00226-00247344-00248152 all right did i do it better better posed same size worse direction same placement worse g6_jReEaV4g-00227-00249112-00249384 all right reduce it's new g6_jReEaV4g-00228-00250600-00250871 okay i think that's a good score g6_jReEaV4g-00229-00250944-00251216 not considering there was like four of them right beside each other g6_jReEaV4g-00230-00251623-00252184 wow i'm surprised g6_jReEaV4g-00231-00253328-00253584 32 is a solid score for him g6_jReEaV4g-00232-00254544-00254984 not quite there g6_jReEaV4g-00233-00255264-00255344 three stars g6_jReEaV4g-00234-00256088-00256504 i think this is a better magic card oh the size g6_jReEaV4g-00235-00257048-00257328 i the this the one on the left is turn g6_jReEaV4g-00236-00257544-00257984 which makes it seem close well it makes it seem bigger a new discovery g6_jReEaV4g-00237-00258952-00259600 tricks to six raiding with a party of six what a great time thank you g6_jReEaV4g-00238-00259744-00260584 guessing that means you've just finished up your street g6_jReEaV4g-00239-00261944-00262272 yeah that's only halfway not quite enough for a level up g6_jReEaV4g-00240-00262592-00263384 imagine pokemon behave differently at this hour keep up the good work g6_jReEaV4g-00241-00263560-00263800 register 10 species of normal types g6_jReEaV4g-00242-00264088-00264784 seven bug types g6_jReEaV4g-00243-00265592-00266456 by the way oh we've got that crystal bloom info i've got something to report i hope you're excited g6_jReEaV4g-00244-00266832-00267584 all right let's head to camp g6_jReEaV4g-00245-00269144-00269608 yep great job the first gave us plenty of data to work with g6_jReEaV4g-00246-00269744-00269960 i've got something new to show you take a look g6_jReEaV4g-00247-00270248-00270584 oh there's the orb thingies you've been working on professor no idea what they are g6_jReEaV4g-00248-00271064-00272016 hey thanks trixton yeah they're going pretty well uh so far new pokemon snaps a blast g6_jReEaV4g-00249-00272232-00273264 i i don't know it's so relaxing like and there's so much pokemon to snap in it g6_jReEaV4g-00250-00273456-00273568 i suspect it's because g6_jReEaV4g-00251-00273976-00274192 like it's so g6_jReEaV4g-00252-00274448-00274904 three-dimensional you have to look every direction for different pokemon g6_jReEaV4g-00253-00274904-00275984 see where they're at which way they're coming from g6_jReEaV4g-00254-00276176-00276736 i'm glad i went and got mine today i had to run to shippensburg so that was pain but g6_jReEaV4g-00255-00277056-00278032 very own it's definitely worth it i'm not sure how much later i'm sam it's interesting how i g6_jReEaV4g-00256-00278032-00278680 can't current both pokemon and plans yes it's definitely good especially when you get back g6_jReEaV4g-00257-00278680-00279264 to the picture taking part use these orbs to send pokemon and crystal limbs into the aluminum state g6_jReEaV4g-00258-00279600-00279760 you do watch for changes in their g6_jReEaV4g-00259-00279760-00281048 surroundings yeah i'm not i can see that it being in short supply a lot of people probably wanted g6_jReEaV4g-00260-00281264-00282000 you know how everything in nintendo's seems to be in short supply gamestop seemed to g6_jReEaV4g-00261-00282000-00282344 they had plenty of posters i don't know how many game copies they had but g6_jReEaV4g-00262-00282952-00283136 all right it's an illumina orb g6_jReEaV4g-00263-00283408-00283768 all right oh my god new request g6_jReEaV4g-00264-00284072-00284480 i saw tanger suddenly move in the most amazing way too slow to get a good g6_jReEaV4g-00265-00284480-00284856 photo of it was it it's jumping in the air g6_jReEaV4g-00266-00285168-00285784 here just heard dodie dodrio can fly never seen one do that before have you g6_jReEaV4g-00267-00285968-00286368 always run away from me i always i wonder how i could get them to be with friends g6_jReEaV4g-00268-00286728-00286896 can we be a very devoted Vespiquen g6_jReEaV4g-00269-00287128-00287544 if you observe them closely you'll see that these pokemon do more than just gather nectar g6_jReEaV4g-00270-00287800-00288584 yes and see we definitely should it's hard you know with coveted and everything being shut down g6_jReEaV4g-00271-00288816-00289360 but yeah definitely listen i'm always down to play something g6_jReEaV4g-00272-00289616-00290168 really loud no think arbuck ever falls out of its tree while it's sleeping i didn't g6_jReEaV4g-00273-00290384-00290600 i wouldn't have thought our bucks would sleep in trees g6_jReEaV4g-00274-00290840-00290928 but all right g6_jReEaV4g-00275-00291240-00292784 we don't have any new areas now just to re-explore g6_jReEaV4g-00276-00294536-00294544 you gqcVPfCLRLo-00000-00000074-00000274 Do you know who are aliens? gqcVPfCLRLo-00001-00000518-00000827 Aliens on Earth and in space gqcVPfCLRLo-00002-00001180-00001424 I think that most of you remember video gqcVPfCLRLo-00003-00001424-00001804 where Pakao described his encounter with aliens. gqcVPfCLRLo-00004-00001836-00002130 Duki made a reaction gqcVPfCLRLo-00005-00002130-00002420 and DJ Delow even made a remix for that. gqcVPfCLRLo-00006-00003811-00004072 In 21. century it would be stupid gqcVPfCLRLo-00007-00004072-00004374 to discuss if they are real or not, gqcVPfCLRLo-00008-00004374-00004796 cuz it would be absurd that we are alone in the Universe. gqcVPfCLRLo-00009-00004820-00005012 So where are they? gqcVPfCLRLo-00010-00005012-00005214 Are they watching us? gqcVPfCLRLo-00011-00005214-00005394 Maybe they are between us? gqcVPfCLRLo-00012-00005394-00005690 Maybe they are kidnapping us? Or maybe all of it? gqcVPfCLRLo-00013-00005690-00005898 Who are aliens anyway? gqcVPfCLRLo-00014-00005902-00006234 As the name says (Latin alienus, meaning "belonging (somewhere) else"), they are beings gqcVPfCLRLo-00015-00006234-00006516 that are living outside of planet Earth. gqcVPfCLRLo-00016-00006538-00006773 So even human can become an alien gqcVPfCLRLo-00017-00006773-00007094 if he's been off the planet for a long time. gqcVPfCLRLo-00018-00007118-00007323 Because our appearance, gqcVPfCLRLo-00019-00007323-00007494 our body, gqcVPfCLRLo-00020-00007494-00007844 all of that depends on the composition of the planet where we are staying. gqcVPfCLRLo-00021-00007844-00008212 It depends on gravity, the atmosphere and so on... gqcVPfCLRLo-00022-00008212-00008402 They don't have to be little and green. gqcVPfCLRLo-00023-00008402-00008812 There is probably many civilizations, different species, gqcVPfCLRLo-00024-00008812-00009124 so probably they don't look same. gqcVPfCLRLo-00025-00009124-00009664 They also don't have to be more developed and advanced than us, gqcVPfCLRLo-00026-00009702-00009918 Surely somewhere in the Universe exist gqcVPfCLRLo-00027-00009918-00010142 a way to make a living being. gqcVPfCLRLo-00028-00010142-00010556 I mean, let's remind ourselves, we were thought that life is generated inside water. Right? gqcVPfCLRLo-00029-00010556-00010790 So it is possible gqcVPfCLRLo-00030-00010790-00011228 that there are beings that are less advanced than us, gqcVPfCLRLo-00031-00011228-00011532 something like jellyfish or algae. gqcVPfCLRLo-00032-00011542-00011970 Besides, astronauts already saw some kind of beings gqcVPfCLRLo-00033-00011970-00012298 and various objects and they spoke about it. gqcVPfCLRLo-00034-00013980-00014222 So, where are aliens? gqcVPfCLRLo-00035-00014252-00014718 Well, maybe they are enjoying in their homes somewhere far, far away in the Universe, gqcVPfCLRLo-00036-00014718-00014934 or maybe they are watching us? gqcVPfCLRLo-00037-00014934-00015226 If they are watching us, why don't they let us know? gqcVPfCLRLo-00038-00015304-00015404 Let's be real, gqcVPfCLRLo-00039-00015434-00015765 if I was an alien, I wouldn't let us know. gqcVPfCLRLo-00040-00015776-00015938 Just look at us, gqcVPfCLRLo-00041-00015938-00016498 we are probably only beings that are willfully and consciously destroying our habitat. gqcVPfCLRLo-00042-00016636-00016968 Without any concern or worrying. gqcVPfCLRLo-00043-00016988-00017334 How arrogant and irrespective we can be? gqcVPfCLRLo-00044-00017458-00017656 Maybe they tried to contact us. gqcVPfCLRLo-00045-00017656-00017910 They may have tried to get in touch with us. gqcVPfCLRLo-00046-00017975-00018142 If you didn't know... gqcVPfCLRLo-00047-00018142-00018468 We already launched a lot of things into Space. gqcVPfCLRLo-00048-00018468-00018793 Satellites are around the Earth, we already stepped on the Moon, gqcVPfCLRLo-00049-00018794-00019038 and they are planning a big trip to Mars. gqcVPfCLRLo-00050-00019140-00019508 So... What if they failed? gqcVPfCLRLo-00051-00019532-00019720 How many times did we fail? gqcVPfCLRLo-00052-00019720-00020042 To successfully land on our planet Earth gqcVPfCLRLo-00053-00020042-00020502 they should calculate, very well, force of gravity, air, gqcVPfCLRLo-00054-00020502-00020670 get all needed information, gqcVPfCLRLo-00055-00020670-00020920 and to get them they should watch us. gqcVPfCLRLo-00056-00020958-00021291 So it's not a questionable if they are watching us. gqcVPfCLRLo-00057-00021314-00021503 We are certainly under observation. gqcVPfCLRLo-00058-00021554-00021760 About failed attempts, gqcVPfCLRLo-00059-00021760-00021956 maybe they were intentional. gqcVPfCLRLo-00060-00021956-00022236 Maybe that's how they tried to get in touch with us. gqcVPfCLRLo-00061-00022236-00022780 I mean, secret services are researching and studying UFOs for a long time. gqcVPfCLRLo-00062-00022806-00023114 Maybe they are hiding aliens. gqcVPfCLRLo-00063-00023114-00023496 Maybe they collaborate with aliens or maybe they experiment on aliens. gqcVPfCLRLo-00064-00023496-00023703 I wouldn't be surprised. gqcVPfCLRLo-00065-00023704-00023880 What is UFO? gqcVPfCLRLo-00066-00023926-00024524 UFO is Unidentified Flying Object, gqcVPfCLRLo-00067-00024552-00024938 so let's underlined UNIDENTIFIED, gqcVPfCLRLo-00068-00024938-00025224 that means unknown flying object. gqcVPfCLRLo-00069-00025288-00025860 So when you see a plain or satellite flashing in the distance gqcVPfCLRLo-00070-00025860-00026045 that's not UFO. gqcVPfCLRLo-00071-00026045-00026512 Even if you see a Space ship, if you know it's theirs then it's not unknown! gqcVPfCLRLo-00072-00026558-00027112 After all they could be different shapes and different materials. gqcVPfCLRLo-00073-00027135-00027431 Hey, we are not driving same car gqcVPfCLRLo-00074-00027432-00027577 so why would they? gqcVPfCLRLo-00075-00027650-00028194 And since we still aren't able to make a normal trip gqcVPfCLRLo-00076-00028194-00028466 even around our Milky Way gqcVPfCLRLo-00077-00028466-00029042 I really doubt that we know about that kind of material and even less where to get it. gqcVPfCLRLo-00078-00029052-00029424 If we collaborate with them, why people don't know about it? gqcVPfCLRLo-00079-00029536-00030027 Let's be real, a huge chaos would began. gqcVPfCLRLo-00080-00030027-00030488 How many people would gladly accept that kind of information? gqcVPfCLRLo-00081-00030488-00031000 A huge fear would probably prevail, then insecurity... gqcVPfCLRLo-00082-00031000-00031377 It's all cuz of different beliefs, gqcVPfCLRLo-00083-00031377-00031648 and different politic convictions. gqcVPfCLRLo-00084-00031714-00031873 We are not ready for it! gqcVPfCLRLo-00085-00031967-00032077 But... gqcVPfCLRLo-00086-00032139-00032784 Stay open minded because some changes that are coming are unavoidable. gqcVPfCLRLo-00087-00032784-00032932 *Dobby* gqcVPfCLRLo-00088-00032978-00033268 We aren't ready for that kind of shift. gqcVPfCLRLo-00089-00033268-00033506 But it's necessary. gqcVPfCLRLo-00090-00033506-00033848 So open your mind gqcVPfCLRLo-00091-00034154-00034616 and get ready for all kind of situations gqcVPfCLRLo-00092-00034616-00034894 and all kind of possible events. gqcVPfCLRLo-00093-00034938-00035116 Don't live inside the box. gqcVPfCLRLo-00094-00035116-00035480 There are also stories that they are already among us, gqcVPfCLRLo-00095-00035480-00035800 not only around the planet, even on the planet. gqcVPfCLRLo-00096-00035816-00036352 Some claim to be genetically modified to adjust to life here, gqcVPfCLRLo-00097-00036368-00036612 and that there is more of them, different species, gqcVPfCLRLo-00098-00036612-00036972 from other dimensions, physical and spiritual. gqcVPfCLRLo-00099-00036972-00037414 For years we were told that they are among us but we still don't believe it. gqcVPfCLRLo-00100-00037484-00038096 Dr. Young-hae Chi, Chinese professor on Oxford, gqcVPfCLRLo-00101-00038096-00038538 claim that they are among us and how they are mixing our species through the abduction. gqcVPfCLRLo-00102-00038584-00038864 There are believes how aliens are ruling the world. gqcVPfCLRLo-00103-00038896-00039086 But that's considered for reptiles. gqcVPfCLRLo-00104-00039086-00039656 Reptiles are species that can take over our shape. gqcVPfCLRLo-00105-00039656-00040046 Supporters of that believes consider people like gqcVPfCLRLo-00106-00040046-00040606 queen Elizabeth, Rockefeller, Obama and similar gqcVPfCLRLo-00107-00040606-00040826 to be reptilian. gqcVPfCLRLo-00108-00040826-00041086 There is so many species, of course, gqcVPfCLRLo-00109-00041086-00041552 and some that are familiar to us are, for example, higher Grey. gqcVPfCLRLo-00110-00041552-00042236 They consider human species, human life, completely worthless and insignificant. gqcVPfCLRLo-00111-00042236-00042462 And they command Grey aliens. gqcVPfCLRLo-00112-00042494-00043056 Grey are... Let's say the most popular among the aliens, gqcVPfCLRLo-00113-00043094-00043320 they communicate telepathically, gqcVPfCLRLo-00114-00043320-00043824 and they are considered to be those that made agreements with the world government. gqcVPfCLRLo-00115-00043824-00044252 There are also Sirian, Anunnaki, all kind of species, gqcVPfCLRLo-00116-00044252-00044814 then area 51, Antarctic, strictly kept and secret places. gqcVPfCLRLo-00117-00044814-00045140 So it is possible that Pakao was kidnapped by aliens. gqcVPfCLRLo-00118-00045140-00045532 But is it true? He should tell you. gqcVPfCLRLo-00119-00045602-00045990 This was just an introduction into everything that's happening. gqcVPfCLRLo-00120-00045990-00046282 If you like this video then hit the like, gqcVPfCLRLo-00121-00046282-00046574 if you didn't then hit subscribe, gqcVPfCLRLo-00122-00046574-00046700 and tell me... gqcVPfCLRLo-00123-00046700-00046984 Are you one of them? gruwIrOLVg4-00000-00000160-00000927 initialization of the natural disaster software your experience is now under our control gruwIrOLVg4-00001-00001224-00002984 we hope you enjoy your journey into simulating your future and thank you for using our services gruwIrOLVg4-00002-00008776-00008826 you gAbEUhhljt8-00000-00000146-00000354 Hello , I am Natasha gAbEUhhljt8-00001-00000428-00001138 I just sat in the sun for a long time, as you can see I have been burned in a few places gAbEUhhljt8-00002-00001186-00001610 my pale body still has to get used to the warm sun gAbEUhhljt8-00003-00001660-00002734 but this will be fine, so I lay down in the sun and I closed my eyes, before my closed eyelids a dark red color first appeared gAbEUhhljt8-00004-00002820-00003406 and just after that a light blue - light green color appeared in front of my closed eyelids gAbEUhhljt8-00005-00003446-00003854 I found that very special and nice to see gAbEUhhljt8-00006-00003956-00004874 then I went for a walk through the woods, enjoying nature, the woods, the birds singing gAbEUhhljt8-00007-00004970-00005930 I passed a place where there were a number of horses and all of them came to me gAbEUhhljt8-00008-00005960-00006914 there was even one who kept following me as I walked on, I am a great animal friend and I enjoyed making contact with the horses in this way gAbEUhhljt8-00009-00007038-00008108 then I walked further through the woods, I made contact with nature, I thanked them that they are there and that they exist gAbEUhhljt8-00010-00008164-00009208 I have thanked nature that I was allowed to connect with them, it was a nice day, I notice that I am also getting better gAbEUhhljt8-00011-00009306-00010008 I am grateful and happy for that, I think there are many nice prospects for me gAbEUhhljt8-00012-00010078-00011354 I just wanted to share this with you, because this is great news and I think joy can always be shared gAbEUhhljt8-00013-00011426-00011930 I wish you a pleasant evening and lots of love from me gDmH3_oT394-00000-00000404-00000994 >> [Kate Viar] GOOD MORNING, EVERYONE. I AM A NEW BOARD MEMBER ON THE INTERNET EDUCATION gDmH3_oT394-00001-00000994-00001613 FOUNDATION. IT IS MY PLEASURE TO INTRODUCE OUR NEXT SPEAKER FOR OUR NEXT CONVERSATION. gDmH3_oT394-00002-00001613-00002360 WE HAVE JOINING WITH US NOW THE HOUSE JUDICIARY CHAIRMAN AND CHAIRMAN OF THE INTERNET CAUCUS gDmH3_oT394-00003-00002360-00003064 JOINED BY FRED PERSON [APPLAUSE] gDmH3_oT394-00004-00003064-00004891 >> THANK YOU VERY MUCH. THIS IS SOMETHING THAT I ENJOY DOING EVERY YEAR. WE HAVE SOME gDmH3_oT394-00005-00004891-00006073 GREAT INDUSTRY LEADERS COME TO TALK TO US. WE HAD TRAVIS FROM OVER AND THAT DOES NOT gDmH3_oT394-00006-00006073-00006997 SEEM KNEW ANYMORE AT ALL, JUST TWO YEARS AGO. LAST YEAR WE HAD DROP BOX. NOW WE HAVE ANOTHER gDmH3_oT394-00007-00006997-00007097 GREAT INDUSTRY TO TALK Bob Goodlatte gDmH3_oT394-00008-00007097-00007748 ABOUT AND A GREAT COMPANY AND A GREAT LEADER. FRED IS THE COFOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF COIN gDmH3_oT394-00009-00007748-00008636 BASE, AND HE COMES TO THAT BUSINESS FROM THE FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY WHERE HE WAS A gDmH3_oT394-00010-00008636-00009579 FOREIGN-EXCHANGE TRADER HE MANAGED AND TRADED THE ELECTRONIC PLATFORM. ALSO ANALYZED ALSO gDmH3_oT394-00011-00009579-00010434 ANALYZED PORTFOLIOS AND BLACK ROCK AND WORKING NANO STRUCTURE RESEARCH. HE HE HOLDS A BACHELOR gDmH3_oT394-00012-00010434-00011207 OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE WITH HONORS AND DISTINCTION FROM DUKE UNIVERSITY AND IS gDmH3_oT394-00013-00011207-00011806 TAKING THAT EXPERIENCE IN THE FINANCIAL SERVICES WORLD AND TRANSLATING IT INTO THE TAX WORLD gDmH3_oT394-00014-00011806-00012725 -- TECH WORLD IN A WHOLE NEW FORM OF CURRENCY. JUST ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED THAT YOU ARE HERE. gDmH3_oT394-00015-00012725-00012945 HERE. TELL US A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOUT YOURSELF AND WELCOME. gDmH3_oT394-00016-00012945-00014029 >> TO BE CLEAR, I SEE MYSELF AS THE GUY BECAUSE I AM A TECHNOLOGIST FIRST. SO AS THE INTERIM gDmH3_oT394-00017-00014029-00014492 SAID, I AM ONE OF TWO GUYS THAT RUNS COIN BASE, THE LARGEST THAT.COMPANY IN THE WORLD gDmH3_oT394-00018-00014492-00015340 OF THE MOMENT. WE WE SEE THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT INNOVATION. FRANKLY, ONE THAT THAT IS A LITTLE gDmH3_oT394-00019-00015340-00016109 BIT CHALLENGING TO UNDERSTAND. IT IS PROBABLY MOST ANALOGOUS TO THE INTERNET, A VERY, VERY gDmH3_oT394-00020-00016109-00017088 LOW-LEVEL VERY LOW-LEVEL PROTOCOL INNOVATION THAT HAS A LOT OF BROAD IMPLICATIONS. WHICH gDmH3_oT394-00021-00017088-00017779 IS WHY I AM OUT HERE TO TRY TO GET YOUR MINDS SPINNING AROUND. gDmH3_oT394-00022-00017779-00018900 >> THE WORLD'S LEADING BIT COIN COMPANY. TELL THEM TELL THEM gDmH3_oT394-00023-00018900-00019685 WHAT YOU WOULD WANT THEM TO TELL SOMEBODY. HE DOES -- gDmH3_oT394-00024-00019685-00019883 >> YEAH. gDmH3_oT394-00025-00019883-00020267 >> WHAT WOULD THEY TELL THEIR FRIEND? gDmH3_oT394-00026-00020267-00021034 >> THE SIMPLE WAY TO THINK ABOUT COIN BASE IS KIND OF LIKE PAYPAL. BIT COIN IS THE UNDERLAYER gDmH3_oT394-00027-00021034-00021863 RATHER THAN DOLLARS OR EUROS I THINK MORE BROADLY THE WAY TO THINK ABOUT BIT COIN IS gDmH3_oT394-00028-00021863-00022617 BIT COIN IS KIND OF DOING FOR TRANSACTIONS WITH THE INTERNET DID FOR INFORMATION IT IS gDmH3_oT394-00029-00022617-00023452 IT IS MAKING EVERYTHING IN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE CHEAPER, FASTER,, AND ARGUABLY MOST IMPORTANTLY gDmH3_oT394-00030-00023452-00024248 MAKING EVERYTHING UP SO THAT EVERYONE CAN ACCESS IT, ANYBODY CAN GO. THAT IS KIND OF gDmH3_oT394-00031-00024248-00025020 WHY WE SAW THIS MASSIVE WAVE OF INNOVATION. WE BASICALLY SEE BIT COIN AS THE FUNDAMENTAL gDmH3_oT394-00032-00025020-00025380 INFRASTRUCTURE THAT WE WILL DO THAT FOR TRANSACTIONS. gDmH3_oT394-00033-00025380-00025995 >> YOU GOT SOME PRETTY INTERESTING BELIEVERS. YOU ANNOUNCED THE CLOSE OF YOUR LATEST ROUND gDmH3_oT394-00034-00025995-00026533 OF CAPITOL ACQUISITION FOR YOUR COMPANY WHICH INCLUDED SOME PRETTY IMPRESSIVE FINANCIAL gDmH3_oT394-00035-00026533-00027112 INSTITUTIONS INCLUDING THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, USAA BANK. WHAT DO THESE INSTITUTIONS gDmH3_oT394-00036-00027112-00027552 SEE AS THE PROMISE OF COIN BASE AND BIT COIN IN GENERAL? gDmH3_oT394-00037-00027552-00028219 >> THEY ARE LOOKING AT IT IN THAT SAME WAY. WHEN THE INTERNET CAME ALONG YOU HAVE A LOT gDmH3_oT394-00038-00028219-00028786 OF COMPANIES THAT ENDED UP BEING DISRUPTED OR HAD THEIR BUSINESSES DRASTICALLY CHANGE gDmH3_oT394-00039-00028786-00029631 THE WITH THE INTERNET ALLOWED. THE EXAMPLE WOULD BE THE NEW YORK TIMES IN 1994. THERE gDmH3_oT394-00040-00029631-00030064 PROBABLY WOULD HAVE BEEN SERVED WELL IF THEY HAD DIPPED THEIR TOES IN THE WATER EARLIER gDmH3_oT394-00041-00030064-00030639 RATHER THAN LIKE A LOT OF COMPANIES SCRAMBLING AND SAYING WHAT IS OUR INTERNET STRATEGY. gDmH3_oT394-00042-00030639-00031570 I THINK WHAT YOU ARE SEEING HERE IS MORE FORWARD THINKING PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES TAKING gDmH3_oT394-00043-00031570-00032174 A LOOK AT THIS, SEEING A SIMILAR MOVING HAVE PLAYED OUT BEFORE AND REALLY THINKING HOW gDmH3_oT394-00044-00032174-00032638 WE GET SOME INSTITUTIONAL KNOWLEDGE BECAUSE WE NO IT WE WILL CHANGE THE BUSINESS SOMEHOW. gDmH3_oT394-00045-00032638-00033373 WE MIGHT NOT KNOW EXACTLY HOW RIGHT NOW BUT WE WOULD BE WELL SERVED TO HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING. gDmH3_oT394-00046-00033373-00033827 >> YESTERDAY YOU ANNOUNCED THE LAUNCH OF THE 1st US-BASED BIT COIN EXCHANGE. I THINK YOU gDmH3_oT394-00047-00033827-00034897 ARE UP AND OPERATING IN 23 STATES 23 STATES ALREADY. CAN YOU TELL US A BIT MORE? HAVE gDmH3_oT394-00048-00034897-00035175 A TRANSPARENT AND US REGULATED EXCHANGE LIKE THAT gDmH3_oT394-00049-00035175-00035899 >> I THINK IT IS IMPORTANT. A LOT OF PERSONAL CONTEXT, BIT COIN COMPANIES OR EXCHANGES HAVE gDmH3_oT394-00050-00035899-00036471 BEEN LARGELY OPERATING OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES. A LOT A LOT OF IT IS FOR REGULATORY gDmH3_oT394-00051-00036471-00037265 SCRUTINY REASONS TO THIS.IN TIME. WE DID LAUNCH THE 1st US EXCHANGE WITH SOME CAPITOL FROM gDmH3_oT394-00052-00037265-00037847 THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT LAYS OFF GROUNDWORK AND gDmH3_oT394-00053-00037847-00038541 INFRASTRUCTURE FOR OTHER GREAT COMPANIES TO BE BUILT. IT'S NOT A PERFECT ANALOGY, BUT gDmH3_oT394-00054-00038541-00039240 YOU MIGHT VIEW THIS IS SOMETHING LIKE AOL IN THE EARLY DAYS WERE BY ALLOWING A REASONABLE gDmH3_oT394-00055-00039240-00040284 EXCHANGE ALMOST LIKE AOL ALLOWED A BUNCH OF PEOPLE TO DIE LED TO THE INTERNET AND START gDmH3_oT394-00056-00040284-00040400 TO GET INVOLVED. gDmH3_oT394-00057-00040400-00040858 >> A LOT OF PEOPLE I AM A CUSTOMER. gDmH3_oT394-00058-00040858-00041044 >> GLAD TO HEAR gDmH3_oT394-00059-00041044-00041663 >> I HAVE A WALLET WITH YOUR COMPANY. A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE HEARD OF IT BUT I'VE NEVER gDmH3_oT394-00060-00041663-00042299 USED IT. I WOULD IMAGINE THAT WAS ONE OF THE IMPEDIMENTS TO GROWTH IN THE INDUSTRY. TALK gDmH3_oT394-00061-00042299-00042862 ABOUT SOME OF THE CHALLENGES THAT THIS INDUSTRY FACES. gDmH3_oT394-00062-00042862-00043771 >> SURE. SO PART OF IT IS SIMPLY A TIME THING. THINKING ABOUT THE INTERNET IT TOOK MANY YEARS gDmH3_oT394-00063-00043771-00044611 FOR US TO GET FROM THE 1st WEB BROWSER AND 9394 TIMEFRAME TO A PLACE NOW WHERE WE ALL gDmH3_oT394-00064-00044611-00045084 DEPEND ON THE INTERNET FOR A LOT OF BASIC PARTS OF OUR DAILY LIVES, FAST FORWARDING gDmH3_oT394-00065-00045084-00045766 23 YEARS NOW. I THINK THERE IS A A SIMILAR KIND OF TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION WAY THAT gDmH3_oT394-00066-00045766-00046336 IS HAPPENING, HOPEFULLY OVER A SHORTER AMOUNT OF TIME WHERE WE ARE KIND OF IN BIT COIN WHERE gDmH3_oT394-00067-00046336-00046761 THE INTERNET WAS. THAT IS PART OF IT. gDmH3_oT394-00068-00046761-00047552 >> TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW IT WORKS FOR THEM. gDmH3_oT394-00069-00047552-00049127 >> THAT'S RIGHT. EBAY DID NOT EXIST. A LOT OF THIS JUST A TIME TO CREATE. PART OF IT gDmH3_oT394-00070-00049127-00050080 IS REGULATORY. IF YOU TRYING TO START A BUSINESS THAT'S JUST ONE MORE HURDLE THAT YOU NEED gDmH3_oT394-00071-00050080-00050949 TO CROSS. HOPEFULLY AS PEOPLE BECOME BETTER EDUCATED OVERTIME, THOSE HURDLES IT LOWERED gDmH3_oT394-00072-00050949-00051315 AND LOWERED AND LOWERED. gDmH3_oT394-00073-00051315-00051928 >> AND HOW HAVE YOUR CONVERSATIONS BEEN GOING ON RIGHT HERE IN WASHINGTON? THE HEART OF gDmH3_oT394-00074-00051928-00053167 THAT BUREAUCRACY THAT YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH BOTH HERE AND IN THE STATES AND INTERNATIONALLY. gDmH3_oT394-00075-00053167-00053617 >> TO BE HONEST, IT IS PRETTY VARIED, VARIED, AND I THINK IT IS MOSTLY BECAUSE OF THE EDUCATION gDmH3_oT394-00076-00053617-00054519 LEVEL AT THIS. PEOPLE WHO UNDERSTAND IT ARE EXTREMELY EXCITED ABOUT IT. THERE ARE TIMES gDmH3_oT394-00077-00054519-00055636 WHEN PEOPLE ARE LESS EDUCATED COMMAND THAT CAN BE A LITTLE THREATENING MEDIA HEADLINES. gDmH3_oT394-00078-00055636-00056854 CHILD PORN OR ILLEGAL FILESHARING WHERE IT SEEMS SCARY, BUT AT THE END OF THE DAY IT gDmH3_oT394-00079-00056854-00057186 REALLY DOES MUCH MORE GOOD THAN HARM. gDmH3_oT394-00080-00057186-00057727 >> DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AND DIFFERENT STATES ARE TAKING DIFFERENT APPROACHES. SOME ARE gDmH3_oT394-00081-00057727-00058305 VIEWING THIS AS A A GOOD THING. THEY WANT TO PROMOTED AND BE A PART OF THE. SOME ARE gDmH3_oT394-00082-00058305-00058865 CONCERNED ABOUT IT FOR A VARIETY OF REASONS, SOME WANT TO TREAT IT AS CURRENCY, SOME WANT gDmH3_oT394-00083-00058865-00059334 TO TREATED AS INVESTMENT. IS THAT IS THAT GOOD THAT WE HAVE THAT KIND OF COMPETITION gDmH3_oT394-00084-00059334-00060186 OF IDEAS MAKING IT EVEN MORE DIFFICULT. gDmH3_oT394-00085-00060186-00060908 >> IT'S GOOD IN THE SENSE THAT YOU HAVE SOME GEOGRAPHY THAT TYPICALLY STATES WHERE THEY gDmH3_oT394-00086-00060908-00062079 SEE THE PROMISE OF THE TECHNOLOGY AND ARE TRYING TO BE SUPPORTIVE OF IT. THERE IS SOME gDmH3_oT394-00087-00062079-00063087 BAD POTENTIALLY. I I THINK PEOPLE ARE THINKING ABOUT THIS ALMOST A LITTLE BIT TOO MUCH. YOU gDmH3_oT394-00088-00063087-00064185 GET PEOPLE TRYING TO FIT OLD LAWS. A ROUND PEG SQUARE WHOLE PROBLEM. MONEY TRANSMISSION gDmH3_oT394-00089-00064185-00065374 LINES AT THE STATE LEVEL. THOSE ARE BEING APPLIED CONCEIVED HIM TO REGULATE LITERALLY gDmH3_oT394-00090-00065374-00066151 A PHYSICAL EXCHANGE OF CASH NOT CONCEIVED OF FOR THE INTERNET AGE OF HOW ALL OF THIS gDmH3_oT394-00091-00066151-00066804 HAS EVOLVED. AND JUST LIKE THE INTERNET, AN ENTIRELY NEW PARADIGM FOR ALMOST LIKE DEFINITION gDmH3_oT394-00092-00066804-00067446 THE LAWS THAT EXIST DON'T FIT PERFECTLY. I THINK THE BIGGEST THING THAT I AM CONCERNED gDmH3_oT394-00093-00067446-00068031 ABOUT HIS REGULATORS AND LAWMAKERS REALLY BEING THOUGHTFUL ABOUT WHY FUNDAMENTALLY THIS gDmH3_oT394-00094-00068031-00068708 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM IS DIFFERENT AND HOW THAT MAY IN SOME CASES MEAN THAT EXISTING THINGS gDmH3_oT394-00095-00068708-00068900 DON'T REALLY FIT SO WELL. gDmH3_oT394-00096-00068900-00069998 >> SOMEHOW CRITICIZE GENERAL CURRENCY IN GENERAL. FRANKLY, THAT IS TRUE OF A SUITCASE FULL OF gDmH3_oT394-00097-00069998-00070625 HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS AS WELL, BUT TELL US SOME OF THE RESPONSES THAT YOU HAVE TO THOSE gDmH3_oT394-00098-00070625-00072899 CRITICISMS AND WHY BIT COIN CAN ACTUALLY HELP IN CERTAIN AREAS. gDmH3_oT394-00100-00076348-00076933 COULDN'T BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. BITCOIN IS THE MOST TRANSPARENT TRANSACTION ELEMENT gDmH3_oT394-00101-00076933-00077431 IS EVER DESISTED BECAUSE FUNDAMENTALLY FOR BITCOIN TO WORK THERE'S A LARGE SHARE OF LEDGER gDmH3_oT394-00102-00077431-00077831 THIS THING YOU MIGHT HAVE HEARD CALLED THE BLOG CHAMBER EVERY SINGLE TRANSACTION THAT gDmH3_oT394-00103-00077831-00078526 HAS OCCURRED ON THE NETWORK IS PUBLICLY RECORDED. IT'S ADMITTEDLY A TIMES LIKE DIFFICULT TO gDmH3_oT394-00104-00078526-00078783 TO ADDRESS HE WAS ON ONE END AND WHO'S ON THE OTHER. gDmH3_oT394-00105-00078783-00079208 >> IT'S ALL ABOUT THE TRANSACTION AND IT SHOWS THAT A TRANSACTION OCCURRED. gDmH3_oT394-00106-00079208-00079818 >> THAT'S EXACTLY RIGHT SO TO THE END OF THE DAY IT'S ALL TRACED AND I THINK ONE AREA OF gDmH3_oT394-00107-00079818-00080577 THE U.S. LED THE WAY ON HERE WAS THE MONEY LAUNDERING DIVISION OF THE TREASURY CAME OUT gDmH3_oT394-00108-00080577-00081088 VERY EARLY IN MARCH OF 2013 AND SET FORTH BASIC GUIDELINES AROUND HOW YOU NEED TO RUN gDmH3_oT394-00109-00081088-00081600 THE BITCOIN BUSINESS SPECIFICALLY YOU NEED TO RUN IT LIKE YOU WOULD RUN A BUSINESS WITH gDmH3_oT394-00110-00081600-00081981 DOLLARS. IF YOU ARE MOVING MONEY YOU NEED TO BE RESPONSIBLE ABOUT WHO'S PUTTING MONEY gDmH3_oT394-00111-00081981-00082670 IN AND TAKING MONEY OUT. SO AGAIN EARLY DAYS OF TECHNOLOGY THIS STUFF MIGHT SEEM A LITTLE gDmH3_oT394-00112-00082670-00083060 SCARY BUT THEY ARE PRETTY GOOD AND THERE ARE RULES IN PLACE ALREADY AND I THINK IT WILL gDmH3_oT394-00113-00083060-00083830 BE ONE OF THESE THINGS WERE OVER TIME IT BECOMES A MORE POWERFUL MEDIUM THAN IT IS SCARY. gDmH3_oT394-00114-00083830-00084508 >> THERE A LOT OF PEOPLE HERE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO ARE GOING BASE IN PARTICULAR. WHAT'S THE gDmH3_oT394-00115-00084508-00084800 BEST WAY FOR THEM TO LEARN MORE? gDmH3_oT394-00116-00084800-00085242 >> THE HIGHEST THING I WOULD RECOMMEND IS TRY TO USE IT. I THINK LEARNING BY DOING IS gDmH3_oT394-00117-00085242-00085807 THE BEST THING. I HAVE A FRIEND WHO HAS SOME HAVE THEM SEND YOU A BITCOIN AND TRY TO SPEND gDmH3_oT394-00118-00085807-00086180 IT IN CEMENT ON A BUNCH OF ON LINE RETAILERS RIGHT NOW. gDmH3_oT394-00119-00086180-00086535 >> TICK OFF SOME OF THE MAJOR ONES RIGHT OUT. gDmH3_oT394-00120-00086535-00087030 >> OVERSTOCK.COM IS THE FIRST MAJOR ONE FIRST MAJOR ONE TO ACCEPT IT FOR US. EXPEDIA IF gDmH3_oT394-00121-00087030-00087624 YOU WANT TO PLAN A TRIP YOU CAN PLANET THEY ARE AN DELL.COM EXCEPT THAT IN MICROSOFT. gDmH3_oT394-00122-00087624-00088456 IT'S REALLY MOUNTING. A ROUGH TIMELINE IS 2013 OR ZERO LARGE PARTS SO WE ARE ACCEPTING gDmH3_oT394-00123-00088456-00088974 BITCOIN AND FAST-FORWARD TO TODAY SOMEWHERE AROUND 15 BUSINESSES ARE MORE THAN A BILLION gDmH3_oT394-00124-00088974-00090143 DOLLARS IN ANNUAL REVENUE. I WOULD ADVISE GO TRY IT OUT. BUT MARC ANDREESEN WROTE A gDmH3_oT394-00125-00090143-00090929 GREAT PIECE IN "THE NEW YORK TIMES" CALLED WIDE BITCOIN MATTERS. AND WHY IT'S GOING TO gDmH3_oT394-00126-00090929-00091073 BE AN IMPORTANT TREND. gDmH3_oT394-00127-00091073-00093395 >> WE HAVE TIME FOR QUESTIONS WE CAN FIND OUT RIGHT NOW. WHO HAS A QUESTION gDmH3_oT394-00128-00093395-00094160 FOR US? YES SIR. [INAUDIBLE] gDmH3_oT394-00129-00094160-00094260 >> gDmH3_oT394-00130-00094260-00095093 [Fred Ehrsam] THAT'S A GREAT QUESTION. ONE IN THE EARLY gDmH3_oT394-00131-00095093-00095727 DAYS OF BITCOIN WERE SPECULATION REALLY OUTWEIGHS A LOT OF USE OF THE MOM AND WE THINK THAT gDmH3_oT394-00132-00095727-00096355 WILL CHANGE AS TIME GOES ON SO THAT BY DEFINITION REDUCES VOLATILITY. THE OTHER THING I WOULD gDmH3_oT394-00133-00096355-00097098 SAY IF YOU JUST LOOK AT FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS YOU HAVE SIMILAR PROBLEMS WITH VOLATILITY gDmH3_oT394-00134-00097098-00097626 AND WHAT'S HAPPENED OVER TIME AS MARKETS HAVE GOT MORE MATURE YOU HAVE THINGS LIKE DERIVATIVES gDmH3_oT394-00135-00097626-00098266 ON TOP OF CURRENCY WHICH ALLOW YOU TO HEAD HEDGE OUTWARD -- RISK EXPOSURE. IT WILL ALLOW gDmH3_oT394-00136-00098266-00098966 YOU TO GET THEM POINT WHERE BUSINESS SOFTWARE SOLUTION WERE BITCOIN IS A MORE SUFFICIENT gDmH3_oT394-00137-00098966-00099562 TRANSACTIONAL RAIL AND THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK IS HEDGED OUT. gDmH3_oT394-00138-00099562-00100991 >> AS USE OF BITCOINS ROSE THE CURRENCY WILL STABILIZE I gDmH3_oT394-00139-00100991-00101651 EXPECT THE TREND WOULD CONTINUE ON IN THE FUTURE. TELL US A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOUT COINBASE gDmH3_oT394-00140-00101651-00102226 IN TERMS OF NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS YOU HAVE OR THE NUMBER OF MERCHANTS YOU DEAL WITH A GIVE gDmH3_oT394-00141-00102226-00102668 THEM A PERSPECTIVE ON HOW IT'S GROWN ALREADY. gDmH3_oT394-00142-00102668-00103508 >> ON THE CUSTOMER FRONT WE STARTED THIS BUSINESS TO A HALF YEARS AGO. WE HAVE A LITTLE OVER gDmH3_oT394-00143-00103508-00104124 2 MILLION WALLET FOLDER TODAY AND IT'S A U.S.-CENTRIC BUSINESS AT THE MOMENT. ESTIMATES FOR BITCOIN gDmH3_oT394-00144-00104124-00105106 AROUND THE WORLD ARE AROUND 10 OR 15 MILLION. IT'S GROWING PRETTY FAST ANYWHERE BETWEEN gDmH3_oT394-00145-00105106-00105870 50 AND $500 MILLION AND A TRANSACTION OF THE BITCOIN NETWORK EVERY DAY. WHICH IS SOMETHING gDmH3_oT394-00146-00105870-00106661 THAT'S GROWING AT A PRETTY REASONABLE CLIP. P1 PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THE TECHNOLOGY THEY START gDmH3_oT394-00147-00106661-00107930 TO HARNESS IT CLASSIC NETWORK EFFECT WHERE IT WILL CREATE A LOT MORE PEOPLE FASTER. gDmH3_oT394-00148-00107930-00108636 >> I WAS WONDERING IF HOW GOVERNMENT MIGHT USE A PROCESS FOR EXAMPLE AND BOATING IN DECISION-MAKING gDmH3_oT394-00149-00108636-00109008 AND THINGS OF THAT SORT? gDmH3_oT394-00150-00109008-00109490 >> THIS IS GETTING INTO A LOT OF THE OTHER APPLICATIONS OF THE BLOCK CHAIN OF THIS KIND gDmH3_oT394-00151-00109490-00110491 OF SHARED LEDGER THAT CAN PROVE A LOT OF DIFFERENT THINGS FOR EXAMPLE THE LEARNING SYSTEM. THIS gDmH3_oT394-00152-00110491-00111174 IS WHY IF YOU HEAR TECHNOLOGISTS CALLING ABOUT BITCOIN THAT GOES FAR BEYOND FINANCIAL SERVICES gDmH3_oT394-00153-00111174-00111800 AND BUILD A LEARNING SYSTEM ON TOP OF BITCOIN WHERE EVERYBODY IS IN CONTROL OF THEIR SINGULAR gDmH3_oT394-00154-00111800-00112476 VOTE. IT'S AUDIBLE BY ANYBODY. AN ISSUE FOR EXAMPLE EVEN TICKETS TO A CONCERT ON THE THIS gDmH3_oT394-00155-00112476-00112993 WHICH NOW BECOME FREELY TRANSFERABLE AND EVEN RULES AS TO EXACTLY HOW THESE TRANSACTIONS gDmH3_oT394-00156-00112993-00113843 HAVE TO OCCUR. SO THE IMPORTANT UNDERLYING POINT HERE IS THAT THIS GOES FAR BEYOND WHAT gDmH3_oT394-00157-00113843-00114713 ONE MIGHT THINK OF IN THE EARLY DAYS AS I'M SENDING A DOLLAR VALUE AND I OWN A CAR DEED gDmH3_oT394-00158-00114713-00115307 OR HOUSE THE VERY VOTED FOR THIS CANDIDATE ON TOP OF THE SECURE NETWORK THAT CAN PROVE gDmH3_oT394-00159-00115307-00115407 WHO IS REALLY -- -- gDmH3_oT394-00160-00115407-00116148 >> WAY IN THE BACK. YES SIR. gDmH3_oT394-00161-00116148-00116691 >> THANK YOU. MY QUESTION IS THERE ANYTHING YOU NEED FROM CONGRESS OR WASHINGTON D.C. gDmH3_oT394-00162-00116691-00117330 LIKE YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY FOR THEM TO DO OR DO YOU JUST NEED D.C. POLICYMAKERS TO STEP gDmH3_oT394-00163-00117330-00117433 ASIDE? gDmH3_oT394-00164-00117433-00118201 >> TWO MAJOR THINGS COME TO MIND ON THAT FRONT. I THINK ONE HUGE VICTORY FOR THE INTERNET gDmH3_oT394-00165-00118201-00118825 IN THE FORMATIVE YEARS WAS IN 1997 THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION PUT OUT A VERY SIMPLE KIND gDmH3_oT394-00166-00118825-00119681 OF GUIDELINE DOCUMENT ON THEIR VIEW ON THE INTERNET AND HOW THEY WANTED IT TO EVOLVE gDmH3_oT394-00167-00119681-00120258 AND HOW THEY MIGHT VIEW REGULATIONS AROUND IT. A VERY SIMPLE DOCUMENT THAT OUTWEIGHED gDmH3_oT394-00168-00120258-00120704 FIVE BULLET POINTS EACH LONGER THAN THREE SENTENCES WITH THINGS LIKE WE WILL TRY TO gDmH3_oT394-00169-00120704-00121697 COME UP WITH UNIFORM STATE TAX POLICY AS TO HOW SALES TAX IS APPLIED FOR EXAMPLE OR IN gDmH3_oT394-00170-00121697-00122216 GENERAL WE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE IT AND IS THE BETTER UNDERSTAND THE TECHNOLOGY WE WILL GO gDmH3_oT394-00171-00122216-00122916 IN AND ESTABLISH MORE FIRM LAWS. SOMETHING LIKE THAT WORD TAKES UNCERTAINTY OUT OF THE gDmH3_oT394-00172-00122916-00123522 SYSTEM FOR ENTREPRENEURS WHO ARE TRYING TO BUILD ON TOP OF IT AND SIMILARLY BANKS YOU gDmH3_oT394-00173-00123522-00123977 MIGHT WANT TO THANK THESE COMPANIES BECAUSE FRANKLY THAT'S A HUGE CHALLENGE. IF I WERE gDmH3_oT394-00174-00123977-00124701 TO ASK FOR ANYTHING ELSE IT WOULD BE THAT PEOPLE LIKE THE U.S. EC WHO ARE ULTIMATELY gDmH3_oT394-00175-00124701-00125275 THE ONES REGULATING THESE MAJOR BANKS DO AS MUCH AS AS THEY CANDARELLI UNDERSTAND THE gDmH3_oT394-00176-00125275-00125982 TECHNOLOGY AND ENABLE UPSTANDING COMPANIES THAT ARE TRYING TO BUILD THESE GREAT IDEAS gDmH3_oT394-00177-00125982-00126738 IN THE SPACE TO DO SO ASSUMING THE FOLLOWING GUARDRAIL SET FORTH BY THE TREASURY LAST YEAR. gDmH3_oT394-00178-00126738-00127177 >> YOUR NUMBER ONE WISH FOR GOVERNMENT IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE IN THE TECH SECTOR AND ONE gDmH3_oT394-00179-00127177-00127755 GOVERNMENT INCLUDING CONGRESS UNDERSTAND THE TECHNOLOGY. gDmH3_oT394-00180-00127755-00128401 >> THAT'S EXACTLY RIGHT IN THIS STUFF ALWAYS GETS A LITTLE DANGEROUS IF YOU ARE BUILDING gDmH3_oT394-00181-00128401-00128946 A SINGULAR COMPANY BUT IF IT'S AN ENTIRE PROTOCOL WHERE THERE ARE MANY YEARS OF INNOVATION THAT gDmH3_oT394-00182-00128946-00129395 ARE DIFFICULT TO PREDICT THAT ONLY BECOMES MORE IMPORTANT. gDmH3_oT394-00183-00129395-00129905 >> ABSOLUTELY ANTOS EVERYTHING ELSE WITH THE INTERNET THE LIGHT TOUCH IS WHAT HAS ALLOWED gDmH3_oT394-00184-00129905-00130111 IT TO GROW AND THAT'S NOT TO gDmH3_oT394-00185-00130111-00130730 SAY THERE ISN'T THE OPPORTUNITY TO MISUSE ANY OF THE TECHNOLOGY THAT WE ALL DEAL WITH gDmH3_oT394-00186-00130730-00131305 IN THE TECH SECTOR AND THEREFORE GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO BE PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT'S GOING gDmH3_oT394-00187-00131305-00131742 ON IN DOING THE RIGHT THING TO PROTECT PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO GROW THE INTERNET AND CREATE gDmH3_oT394-00188-00131742-00132348 A VIBRANT NEW ECONOMY. AT THE SAME TIME THAT THEY CAN SNUFF IT OUT IF THEY TRY TO REGULATE gDmH3_oT394-00189-00132348-00132502 SOMETHING THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND. gDmH3_oT394-00190-00132502-00133087 >> THAT'S RIGHT AND FRANKLY THE QUESTION ABOUT VOTING GETS TO EXACTLY THAT WHERE MOST PEOPLE gDmH3_oT394-00191-00133087-00133644 CAN'T CONCEIVE OF THESE THINGS AND THAT MAY VERY WELL NOT EXIST IF YOU APPLY A PURE FINANCIAL gDmH3_oT394-00192-00133644-00133907 REGULATION TO IT FOR EXAMPLE. gDmH3_oT394-00193-00133907-00134007 >> SIR. gDmH3_oT394-00194-00134007-00134876 >> HI. WHAT KIND OF COST EFFICIENCIES DOES BITCOIN OFFER VERSUS MORE TRADITIONAL PAYMENT gDmH3_oT394-00195-00134876-00135030 NETWORKS? gDmH3_oT394-00196-00135030-00135765 >> YEAH, THIS IS KIND OF BEING REALIZED AS WE SPEAK BUT ON FINANCIAL SERVICES TEND TO gDmH3_oT394-00197-00135765-00136546 BE CLOSED NETWORKS. NOT EVERYBODY CAN JOIN THE ACH NETWORK OR THE FED WIRED NETWORK NETWORK, gDmH3_oT394-00198-00136546-00137210 THUS THERE'S A HIGH BARRIER TO ENTRY AND IT'S ONE OF THE CLASSIC SPACES WHERE IT'S BEEN gDmH3_oT394-00199-00137210-00137611 DIFFICULT ON A DATE. WHAT BITCOIN DOES THAT'S BITCOIN DOES IT'S INTERESTING AS IT FLIPS gDmH3_oT394-00200-00137611-00138085 THAT ALL ITS ON ITS HEAD BY SAYING IF YOU CAN DEVELOP SOFTWARE YOU HAVE A GOOD CHANCE gDmH3_oT394-00201-00138085-00138756 OF GOING INTO BUSINESS. THE FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL SENDING OR RECEIVING BITCOIN COSTS LESS THAN gDmH3_oT394-00202-00138756-00139530 A SAND AND THIS IS WHY YOU MIGHT HEAR PEOPLE TALK ABOUT OH THIS COULD BE HUGE FOR MICROPAYMENTS gDmH3_oT394-00203-00139530-00139993 IN OTHER WORDS SENDING SMALL AMOUNTS OF MONEY OVER THE INTERNET FOR EXAMPLE OR HUGE COST gDmH3_oT394-00204-00139993-00140617 EFFICIENCIES CAN BE ACHIEVED. THE OTHER MIND-BLOWING CONCEPT AND WE HAVE SEEN THE PROLIFERATION gDmH3_oT394-00205-00140617-00141245 OF THE 35-DOLLAR ANDROID FINE IN DEVELOPING ECONOMIES. FUNDAMENTALLY BITCOIN AND ANNOUNCE gDmH3_oT394-00206-00141245-00141903 SOFTWARE SO THE COST OF OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT IS ZERO. YOU ARE DOWNLOADING SOFTWARE ONTO gDmH3_oT394-00207-00141903-00142745 A MOBILE PHONE AND SIMILARLY SENDING MONEY OVERSEAS IS ABSOLUTELY ABSURD TO ME THAT THERE gDmH3_oT394-00208-00142745-00143115 ARE TRADITIONAL COMPANIES THAT WILL CHARGE YOU $5 TO SEND $50 OF VALUE TO SOMEONE IN gDmH3_oT394-00209-00143115-00143781 ANOTHER COUNTRY. IN A MODERN INTERNET AGE THERE'S NO REASON THAT KIND OF VALUE TRANSFER gDmH3_oT394-00210-00143781-00144230 SHOULD BE SO EXPENSIVE. THOSE ARE A COUPLE OF DIFFERENT EXAMPLES AND FRANKLY SPEAKING gDmH3_oT394-00211-00144230-00144842 AGAIN THIS IS WHY THERE ARE MANY IMPLICATIONS OF INNOVATION LIKE THIS BUT YOU EFFECTIVELY gDmH3_oT394-00212-00144842-00145631 TAKEN A LARGE CLOSE FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF TRANSACTIONS MADE IT OPEN AND REDUCE THE COST TO MOVING gDmH3_oT394-00213-00145631-00146033 SOME DATA AROUND SO MUCH MORE EFFICIENT. gDmH3_oT394-00214-00146033-00146607 >> THAT WOULD COUNT FOR LIFE STOCK EXCHANGES AND BANKS ARE TAKING NOTICE AND INVESTING gDmH3_oT394-00215-00146607-00148589 IN YOUR COMPANY AND OTHERS. YES SIR. [INAUDIBLE gDmH3_oT394-00216-00148589-00149286 >> ADDING SIGNIFICANT COST SO IS, IF YOU ARE TO LIST THE TWO OR THREE APPLICATIONS YOU gDmH3_oT394-00217-00149286-00150035 THINK ORDINARY CONSUMERS WHO ARE NOT LIKE BITCOIN ENTHUSIAST THAT ARE PRACTICAL WHAT gDmH3_oT394-00218-00150035-00150483 D.C. COMING DOWN THE PIKE AND HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE FOR NORMAL PEOPLE TO USE THE KIND gDmH3_oT394-00219-00150483-00150667 OF TECHNOLOGY? gDmH3_oT394-00220-00150667-00151350 >> SURE. I DO THINK IT WILL BE A LARGE ONE. TO YOUR POINT YOU DO HAVE SOME KIND OF CONVERTER gDmH3_oT394-00221-00151350-00151876 COSTS BUT IF YOU LOOK AT THE EXCHANGE MARKETS THOSE COSTS ARE ON THE ORDER BASIS POINTS gDmH3_oT394-00222-00151876-00152784 UP 4%. I THINK THE SECOND THING WHICH IS A LITTLE BIT MORE ABSTRACT WILL BE IT WILL MAKE gDmH3_oT394-00223-00152784-00153396 THE INTERNET IN GENERAL MORE EXPERIENCE. ONE OF THE VERY STRANGE THINGS ON HOW THE INTERNET gDmH3_oT394-00224-00153396-00153913 EVOLVED AS THERE WERE NO ECONOMICS FUNDAMENTALLY EMBEDDED IN THE INTERNET AND THIS IS WHY YOU gDmH3_oT394-00225-00153913-00154658 HAVE THINGS LIKE BETTER ADVERTISEMENTS ALL HER WEB SITES AND SPAMMING NOW. IT'S BECAUSE gDmH3_oT394-00226-00154658-00155061 IN THE CASE OF BANNER ADS THERE'S NO GOOD WAY TO MONETIZE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THAT MIGHT gDmH3_oT394-00227-00155061-00157253 HIT A NEW gDmH3_oT394-00229-00164662-00164908 GIVES THE APPEARANCE OF BLESSING THE TECHNOLOGY. gDmH3_oT394-00230-00164908-00165654 >> WHILE I CERTAINLY THINK THAT IT'S VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE TECHNOLOGY BE ALLOWED TO gDmH3_oT394-00231-00165654-00166383 GROW. THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT AFFECTS ANY ONE BUSINESS ALONE OR ANY ONE PERSON. IT'S gDmH3_oT394-00232-00166383-00167029 SOMETHING THAT HAS DEVELOPED FROM THE GRASSROOTS AND IT'S IMPORTANT THAT CONGRESS NEEDS TO gDmH3_oT394-00233-00167029-00167505 LEARN ABOUT IT AND UNDERSTAND IT AND THEY TEND TO DO THAT AND THIS IS ONE WAY TO DO gDmH3_oT394-00234-00167505-00168544 THAT. BUT ISSUES RELATED TO TECHNOLOGY CONGRESS HOLD HEARINGS ON THOSE ISSUES AND SO ON BUT gDmH3_oT394-00235-00168544-00169227 CERTAINLY IT DOES NOT IN ANY WAY DIFFERENT FROM ANY OTHER SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY THAT gDmH3_oT394-00236-00169227-00169994 I TAKE A KEEN INTEREST IN FROM ROOTING FOR THE BOSTON RED SOCKS AND THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE gDmH3_oT394-00237-00169994-00170745 HAS JURISDICTION OVER ANTITRUST LAWS INCLUDING THE ANTITRUST EXEMPTION SO WE ARE HAPPY TO gDmH3_oT394-00238-00170745-00171617 ENTERTAIN A WIDE ARRAY OF DIFFERENT NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN CONGRESS AND HERE AT STATE OF THE NET AND gDmH3_oT394-00239-00171617-00172069 MY PARTICULAR INTEREST DOES NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT WHAT THE INTEREST OF CONGRESS WILL gDmH3_oT394-00240-00172069-00172724 BE IF AND WHEN IT NEEDS TO ACT ON ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE. gDmH3_oT394-00241-00172724-00173547 >> WELL MR. CHAIRMAN I THINK THAT'S IT. gDmH3_oT394-00242-00173547-00174088 >> LET ME JUST CLOSE BY SAYING THAT THIS IS I THINK AN IMPORTANT NEW TECHNOLOGY AND PEOPLE gDmH3_oT394-00243-00174088-00174703 NEED TO BE PAYING ATTENTION TO. THEY'RE A GREAT MANY COMPANIES. COINBASE IS A LEADER gDmH3_oT394-00244-00174703-00175264 IN THIS INDUSTRY BUT THERE ARE MANY COMPANIES THAT ARE ALREADY IN EXISTENCE THAT ARE AT gDmH3_oT394-00245-00175264-00175887 APPLYING THEIR USE OF BITCOINS AND MANY COMPANIES THAT ARE PROVIDING BITCOIN AND OTHER CRYPTO gDmH3_oT394-00246-00175887-00176660 CURRENCIES AS WELL. NOT JUST BITCOIN. WE HERE IN WASHINGTON NEED TO TAKE NOTICE OF THEM gDmH3_oT394-00247-00176660-00177171 CERTAINLY THE FOLKS IN THE TECH SECTOR NEED TO BE LEARNING MORE ABOUT FIGURING OUT HOW gDmH3_oT394-00248-00177171-00177294 IT'S GOING TO AFFECT BUSINESS. gDmH3_oT394-00249-00177294-00177450 >> THANK YOU ALL. gDmH3_oT394-00250-00177450-00177620 >> THANK YOU MR. CHAIRMAN. [APPLAUSE] gDSWTCyxYPA-00000-00000000-00000431 So in the last section, we derived the Lorentz transformations to move between gDSWTCyxYPA-00001-00000431-00000905 inertial reference frames. Now what we're going to do now, is we're going to tidy gDSWTCyxYPA-00002-00000905-00001409 these up a little bit. So gamma is our Lorentz factor, now what I'm going to do gDSWTCyxYPA-00003-00001409-00002036 is define beta. So beta is just V over C. Now let's write these equations in terms gDSWTCyxYPA-00004-00002036-00002858 of beta. So factorizing x_b pulling out that gamma we get this. Substituting in B gDSWTCyxYPA-00005-00003027-00003503 So what about TB? Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to gDSWTCyxYPA-00006-00003503-00004070 multiply both sides by C, the speed of light, and then our Lorentz transformation gDSWTCyxYPA-00007-00004070-00004705 looks like this, which is very symmetric in X and T. gDSWTCyxYPA-00008-00004773-00005232 This new form is the one I'm going to be using from now on because the symmetry gDSWTCyxYPA-00009-00005232-00005637 between space and time makes it a bit easier to remember. Feel free to use gDSWTCyxYPA-00010-00005637-00005985 whichever you're most comfortable with because it's easy to switch between them gDSWTCyxYPA-00011-00005985-00006375 just by substituting in beta. Symmetries are really important in maths gDSWTCyxYPA-00012-00006375-00006861 and physics, and can give us deep and fundamental insights. Here the fact that gDSWTCyxYPA-00013-00006861-00007397 space and time are being treated so similarly, t- tells us that even though gDSWTCyxYPA-00014-00007397-00007856 they seem very different in our everyday experience, space and time are connected gDSWTCyxYPA-00015-00007856-00008264 in a very fundamental way. And it is for this reason that we often talk about gDSWTCyxYPA-00016-00008264-00008753 space-time rather than space or time separately. The other thing you may be gDSWTCyxYPA-00017-00008753-00009309 wondering is the presence of this C next to TB. Why are we considering CT gDSWTCyxYPA-00018-00009309-00009852 rather than just T by itself? Now there are many ways of thinking about this. One gDSWTCyxYPA-00019-00009852-00010478 way is that if you look at the units, CT has units length, just like X. So if we're gDSWTCyxYPA-00020-00010478-00010845 looking for a symmetric form of the equations, we'd need to be considering gDSWTCyxYPA-00021-00010845-00011259 things which have the same units. Another way to look at it is that we're just gDSWTCyxYPA-00022-00011259-00012022 scaling our units scale. So the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second. gDSWTCyxYPA-00023-00012022-00012453 Where a meter was originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from gDSWTCyxYPA-00024-00012453-00012858 the North Pole to the equator passing through Paris, and a second was a gDSWTCyxYPA-00025-00012858-00013256 sixtieth of an hour, where an hour relates to just the amount of time our gDSWTCyxYPA-00026-00013256-00013697 planet takes to spin round the Sun. So none of these units are particularly gDSWTCyxYPA-00027-00013697-00014159 fundamental to the universe. They're just things we happen to come up with. So if gDSWTCyxYPA-00028-00014159-00014580 an alien civilization or an American were to come along they might not use gDSWTCyxYPA-00029-00014580-00014979 the same units that we are using. So if you were to ask, "What are the natural gDSWTCyxYPA-00030-00014979-00015444 units of the universe?", what you do is you'd look for fundamental constants of gDSWTCyxYPA-00031-00015444-00015986 nature. The speed of light, as we've seen from the second postulate, is fundamental gDSWTCyxYPA-00032-00015986-00016470 everybody regardless of their reference frame will agree on what the speed of gDSWTCyxYPA-00033-00016470-00016818 light is and if so if you are trying to use the fundamental units of the gDSWTCyxYPA-00034-00016818-00017304 universe, it would make sense to choose units where the speed of light is one. In gDSWTCyxYPA-00035-00017304-00017885 that case, CT can be thought of as just rescaling T. So I'm moving from our unit gDSWTCyxYPA-00036-00017885-00018370 system to the more fundamental one. So this is called Planck units, where you gDSWTCyxYPA-00037-00018370-00018766 set a number of the fundamental constants of the universe to one. Now these gDSWTCyxYPA-00038-00018766-00019159 aren't very practical for everyday usage, right? I mean you wouldn't want to look gDSWTCyxYPA-00039-00019159-00019651 on the highway and see speed limit point zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one. But in gDSWTCyxYPA-00040-00019651-00020077 fundamental physics computations they often make things a lot nicer by getting gDSWTCyxYPA-00041-00020077-00020618 rid of a lot of constants. For example, if we rewrite these equations by setting gDSWTCyxYPA-00042-00020618-00021058 C to 1, then gamma is just 1 over root 1 minus V squared, B is just equal to V, and gDSWTCyxYPA-00043-00021058-00021622 the equations become, which is very nice and very simple and the symmetry between gDSWTCyxYPA-00044-00021622-00022071 space and time is really evident. gE9cKdG7JGM-00000-00000608-00001292 Good morning, mr, master, maestro or simply gE9cKdG7JGM-00001-00001292-00001689 ooooooooooooooooor gE9cKdG7JGM-00002-00001689-00002465 simply David, yes, David, David, why not, David, David, David Lynch? gE9cKdG7JGM-00003-00002465-00003446 It's May 10th, so already ten days of May, 2023 and it's a Wednesday. gE9cKdG7JGM-00004-00003446-00004463 Here in Naples like yesterday but a bit better, a totally white-grey cloudy sky and also with gE9cKdG7JGM-00005-00004463-00005339 a slight rain, and it's late morning, are 11:00, 68 fahrenheit 16 celsius and this means that it's that day really, really, gE9cKdG7JGM-00006-00005339-00005575 really, really gE9cKdG7JGM-00007-00005575-00005808 soft like in these days and in this period even if... gE9cKdG7JGM-00008-00005808-00006168 no yes, because the hours are different so gE9cKdG7JGM-00009-00006168-00006418 yes, the degrees practically are the same, so from this point of view, for the degrees gE9cKdG7JGM-00010-00006418-00006518 we can't gE9cKdG7JGM-00011-00006518-00007675 complain, always literally a Spring day, nothing to say, but the atmosphere it's very bad and gE9cKdG7JGM-00012-00007675-00008748 now I briefly add some other few things on this. gE9cKdG7JGM-00013-00008861-00009541 This afternoon, practically in an hour, I think that the temperature will be not so gE9cKdG7JGM-00014-00009541-00009650 different from this, gE9cKdG7JGM-00015-00009650-00010149 I repeat as I said just before, 60.8 fahrenheit 16 celsius, gE9cKdG7JGM-00016-00010149-00011081 but the really important with this atmosphere is that, as I anticipated just before, today gE9cKdG7JGM-00017-00011081-00011447 we have this: gE9cKdG7JGM-00018-00011447-00012454 yes as you see now and I repeat a totally grey-white cloudy sky and I think that later gE9cKdG7JGM-00019-00012454-00012554 will be gE9cKdG7JGM-00020-00012554-00012903 more dark and also that could rain more heavy. gE9cKdG7JGM-00021-00012903-00013130 But as always and obviously we aren't magicians or wizards on this point, even if it's totally gE9cKdG7JGM-00022-00013130-00013290 clear that it's like I'm describing. gE9cKdG7JGM-00023-00013290-00013422 Bad, so said this: gE9cKdG7JGM-00024-00013422-00014187 so from the mythical window with the new gray courtain as you know since November 1st, 2022 gE9cKdG7JGM-00025-00014187-00014731 and also with these beautifully painted wavy branches gE9cKdG7JGM-00026-00014731-00015836 and as regards the window its green roller shooter not visible in this period and in fact here in the shot gE9cKdG7JGM-00027-00015903-00016933 and finally from my mythical Keyboard Yamaha DGX640 YPG-625 gE9cKdG7JGM-00028-00017133-00017493 have a great day him, all the people who follow the channel and the Reports, yes really a gE9cKdG7JGM-00029-00017493-00017884 greeting to everyone, also to my brother, to the last gE9cKdG7JGM-00030-00017884-00018367 subscribers and finally I hope you all have a great breakfast. gE9cKdG7JGM-00031-00018367-00019022 Today, like many times in these last Weather Reports, but for the explanations or to gE9cKdG7JGM-00032-00019022-00019542 understand why in the case read the comment in the Comments Section fortunately I'll do gE9cKdG7JGM-00033-00019542-00019642 it gE9cKdG7JGM-00034-00019642-00020380 as soon, I'm really hungry and as we always say: gE9cKdG7JGM-00035-00020380-00021689 Breakfast is always one of the most beautiful things in life and in the world, absolutely. gE9cKdG7JGM-00036-00021889-00022283 I'll see you in the Today's UFO Plate is...? gE9cKdG7JGM-00037-00022283-00022866 video (if I don't die) because as you know it's a Wednesday. gE9cKdG7JGM-00038-00022965-00023258 "Today's UFO Plate is...?" gF9-J5ZHYYk-00000-00000000-00000200 Subtitle You can choose from settings gF9-J5ZHYYk-00001-00000381-00000581 can Gangwon Jeongseon meyihil Resort Hotel gF9-J5ZHYYk-00002-00001529-00001729 in front of the valley gF9-J5ZHYYk-00003-00002592-00002792 next to the gF9-J5ZHYYk-00004-00003279-00003479 column driveway Behind gF9-J5ZHYYk-00005-00004084-00004284 has arrived at the gF9-J5ZHYYk-00006-00004571-00004771 High1 night gF9-J5ZHYYk-00007-00005416-00005616 meyihil Resort Hotel gF9-J5ZHYYk-00008-00006555-00006755 as chohaenggil gF9-J5ZHYYk-00009-00007605-00007805 Taebaek Jeongseon dumun tunnel after gF9-J5ZHYYk-00010-00008938-00009138 the choice gohaneup parking and parking gF9-J5ZHYYk-00011-00009723-00009923 in the ground floor and basement Check-in gF9-J5ZHYYk-00012-00010308-00010508 was too late gF9-J5ZHYYk-00013-00011165-00011365 to go long in length Check gF9-J5ZHYYk-00014-00011901-00012101 grabs the front room also comes gF9-J5ZHYYk-00015-00012403-00012603 with instructions received gF9-J5ZHYYk-00016-00013175-00013375 around the tourist Information gF9-J5ZHYYk-00018-00015664-00015864 rooms come with many guides inside gF9-J5ZHYYk-00019-00017415-00017615 the room elevators gF9-J5ZHYYk-00020-00017854-00018054 breakfast, barbecue, swimming pool ... gF9-J5ZHYYk-00021-00020109-00020309 summer event gF9-J5ZHYYk-00022-00020897-00021097 rooms upstairs hallway is wide gF9-J5ZHYYk-00023-00021556-00021756 and clean. the latest building gF9-J5ZHYYk-00024-00023078-00023278 oval gF9-J5ZHYYk-00025-00023521-00023721 key card gF9-J5ZHYYk-00026-00024296-00024496 Finally got to the room Oh, gF9-J5ZHYYk-00027-00025137-00025337 it's not as spacious as gF9-J5ZHYYk-00028-00025547-00025747 I thought Is it because I gF9-J5ZHYYk-00029-00026210-00026410 'm alone? Yireotda gF9-J5ZHYYk-00030-00026788-00026988 kyeoni lit room Condo gF9-J5ZHYYk-00031-00027355-00027555 water well out there but the gF9-J5ZHYYk-00032-00027877-00028077 system I ve days a hammock gF9-J5ZHYYk-00033-00029054-00029254 and eating rice baphae gF9-J5ZHYYk-00034-00030757-00030957 still see nothing once in a gF9-J5ZHYYk-00035-00031701-00031901 refrigerator walk-in shower gF9-J5ZHYYk-00036-00032664-00032864 room rates were cheaper gF9-J5ZHYYk-00037-00033872-00034072 online price cheaper gF9-J5ZHYYk-00038-00035843-00036043 flooring floors, two single hull! gF9-J5ZHYYk-00039-00037116-00037316 The dining table and sofa are very small and gF9-J5ZHYYk-00040-00037958-00038158 comfortable, and gF9-J5ZHYYk-00041-00038465-00038665 it is strange to open the terrace door gF9-J5ZHYYk-00042-00038997-00039197 . When I check later, it says that it is to gF9-J5ZHYYk-00043-00039786-00039986 ventilate.. Huh.. inconvenient. Even the gF9-J5ZHYYk-00044-00041434-00041634 clothes hanger... gF9-J5ZHYYk-00045-00042548-00042748 I can't see anything on the terrace at night. I'll see you in the morning and the gF9-J5ZHYYk-00046-00044089-00044289 cupboard. look ... .. inverter cup bowl ... etc ... gF9-J5ZHYYk-00047-00047086-00047286 open a convenience store in the gF9-J5ZHYYk-00048-00047732-00047932 floor-type bed in the morning ... gF9-J5ZHYYk-00049-00049174-00049374 .. I have been in front of the hotel gF9-J5ZHYYk-00050-00049910-00050110 in the morning to the gF9-J5ZHYYk-00051-00050687-00050887 night, if things do not have gF9-J5ZHYYk-00052-00051993-00052193 anything ... night Mountain view, gF9-J5ZHYYk-00053-00052953-00053153 birds also sounds railroad right A gF9-J5ZHYYk-00054-00053614-00053814 train passes behind me. I gF9-J5ZHYYk-00055-00053980-00054180 see it as a memory ... Huh, gF9-J5ZHYYk-00056-00054547-00054747 even the sound of birdsong in that mountain gF9-J5ZHYYk-00057-00055666-00055866 is not clean.. Is it a management problem? gF9-J5ZHYYk-00058-00057140-00057340 So I look at the other bed. gF9-J5ZHYYk-00059-00058289-00058489 Simple but cheap for gF9-J5ZHYYk-00060-00058929-00059129 breakfast buffet in the morning gF9-J5ZHYYk-00061-00060141-00060341 ... 8,000 won As gF9-J5ZHYYk-00062-00061051-00061251 you can see, it's worth it.. gF9-J5ZHYYk-00063-00062979-00063179 Great exterior gF9-J5ZHYYk-00064-00064100-00064300 Outdoor BBQ area, fitness center The gF9-J5ZHYYk-00065-00065176-00065376 swimming pool is in front of the hotel with a rubber tube, only in summer gF9-J5ZHYYk-00066-00066612-00066812 behind the taste area BBQ area It gF9-J5ZHYYk-00067-00068004-00068204 looks like a building that needs to be managed by several gF9-J5ZHYYk-00068-00070242-00070442 railroad tracks, but it's good value for gF9-J5ZHYYk-00069-00071657-00071857 money. Thank you for watching until the end . gJmm-431ULQ-00000-00000858-00001564 Hi everyone, my name is Etienne Herrick and I'm a PhD student at the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan gJmm-431ULQ-00001-00001586-00002038 Where I study ecologically based strategies for improving the sustainability of Agriculture gJmm-431ULQ-00002-00002088-00002488 One of the most important ways farmers can improve agricultural sustainability gJmm-431ULQ-00003-00002514-00002924 Is by increasing the diversity of species on their farms gJmm-431ULQ-00004-00002973-00003509 lots of farms these days only contain a few crop species like corn soy and wheat and gJmm-431ULQ-00005-00003528-00003989 Rely on synthetic inputs like pesticides and fertilizers to maintain crop yields gJmm-431ULQ-00006-00004032-00004361 Not only do these inputs require a lot of energy to produce gJmm-431ULQ-00007-00004398-00005093 They can also lead to environmental pollution like harmful algal blooms in the Great Lakes region and dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico gJmm-431ULQ-00008-00005157-00005504 Which have been linked to excess the fertilizer applications and farms gJmm-431ULQ-00009-00005595-00005795 to help address these problems gJmm-431ULQ-00010-00005817-00006184 farmers can turn to practices that instead work in harmony with nature gJmm-431ULQ-00011-00006231-00006601 rather than against it for example the use of cover crops gJmm-431ULQ-00012-00006602-00007120 Which are not harvested crops planted in windows between cash crops when fields gJmm-431ULQ-00013-00007120-00007654 would otherwise be left bare can help increase on-farm diversity and aid in pest control, weed suppression, gJmm-431ULQ-00014-00007697-00008149 reducing soil erosion, and one of my favorite benefits improving soil health. gJmm-431ULQ-00015-00008214-00008521 Now you might ask what exactly is a healthy soil gJmm-431ULQ-00016-00008600-00009025 Soils are really complex living ecosystems teeming with bacteria gJmm-431ULQ-00017-00009092-00009200 fungi gJmm-431ULQ-00018-00009200-00009859 Arthropods earthworms and more which all contribute to functions and processes that help support plant growth gJmm-431ULQ-00019-00009890-00010306 in fact, one teaspoon of soil can contain up to gJmm-431ULQ-00020-00010382-00010532 50,000 species gJmm-431ULQ-00021-00010532-00010840 making soil one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet gJmm-431ULQ-00022-00010922-00011326 So healthy soils are ones that are able to support all those tiny gJmm-431ULQ-00023-00011345-00011929 Organisms which in turn help support functions vital to crop production like water and nutrient cycling gJmm-431ULQ-00024-00012103-00012422 Since healthy soils form the foundation of our food system gJmm-431ULQ-00025-00012484-00013263 today, I'm going to show you how increasing our farm diversity with cover crops can help build soil health with a little experiment that you gJmm-431ULQ-00026-00013263-00013478 Could try at home too on the Left gJmm-431ULQ-00027-00013479-00013916 I have soil from the field that regularly uses cover crops while on the right gJmm-431ULQ-00028-00013916-00014525 I have soil from a field that doesn't use cover crops to really understand. How come crops improve soil health gJmm-431ULQ-00029-00014556-00015248 it's important to know that at the end of the cover crop growing season rather than being harvested like fruits and vegetables often our gJmm-431ULQ-00030-00015270-00015809 Cover crops are left to decompose into the soil and become food for all the soil microorganisms gJmm-431ULQ-00031-00015910-00016277 When the microorganisms are well fed, they reproduce more gJmm-431ULQ-00032-00016341-00016814 Facilitate nutrient cycling and together with other inputs in the soil gJmm-431ULQ-00033-00017341-00017897 More soil organic matter also means the soil has better structure where the soil particles gJmm-431ULQ-00034-00017938-00018464 Stick together in clumps like you can see here to form what are called soil aggregates gJmm-431ULQ-00035-00018481-00018833 Which help create pore space in the soil so that microorganisms gJmm-431ULQ-00036-00018885-00019415 And plant roots have access to air and water can move more easily through the soil gJmm-431ULQ-00037-00019476-00019772 Not only is water better able to filter through the soil gJmm-431ULQ-00038-00019772-00020206 But more soil organic matter also means the soil is able to retain more water gJmm-431ULQ-00039-00020250-00020758 Which is especially important now that we're facing shifting precipitation patterns as a result of climate change gJmm-431ULQ-00040-00020802-00021642 The U.S. mid-west is expected to see more frequent and intense rain events with longer periods of drought between those extreme rain events gJmm-431ULQ-00041-00021648-00022208 This means that soils with more organic matter should have an advantage over those with less organic matter gJmm-431ULQ-00042-00022251-00022667 Because water will be able to filter through the soils due to more pore space gJmm-431ULQ-00043-00022701-00023056 instead of pooling on top and leaving the field as runoff and gJmm-431ULQ-00044-00023126-00023839 Those higher organic matter soils will in turn also be able to hold on to that water for longer when it's in short supply gJmm-431ULQ-00045-00023853-00024125 So to demonstrate these concepts gJmm-431ULQ-00046-00024125-00024877 I'm going to add water to each of these soils I have here and see how long it takes the water to infiltrate the soil gJmm-431ULQ-00047-00024900-00025477 As well as how much water is retained by the soil by measuring the amount of water that drains through gJmm-431ULQ-00048-00025590-00025807 So to start I'm going to measure out gJmm-431ULQ-00049-00025872-00026447 50 grams of each soil which are both already dry just using a kitchen scale here gJmm-431ULQ-00050-00026562-00026957 Alright, so I'm going to start with my low organic matter soil gJmm-431ULQ-00051-00027108-00027652 Turn on my scale here and carefully weigh out 50 grams gJmm-431ULQ-00052-00028172-00028372 All right, there we go gJmm-431ULQ-00053-00028707-00029197 Now I'm going to add the soil to a funnel that I placed a coffee filter in gJmm-431ULQ-00054-00029213-00029728 So that when I add water the soil stays in place, but the water can filter through gJmm-431ULQ-00055-00030180-00030824 All right, and now I'll go ahead and repeat that process with my high organic matter soil gJmm-431ULQ-00056-00031074-00031274 Here we go gJmm-431ULQ-00057-00031458-00031658 Put that in my funnel here gJmm-431ULQ-00058-00031941-00032112 And gJmm-431ULQ-00059-00032112-00032762 now I'm ready to pour 50 milliliters of water, which I have prepared in these cups here on gJmm-431ULQ-00060-00032841-00033173 top of each soil and measure how much gJmm-431ULQ-00061-00033258-00033487 filters through using these beakers gJmm-431ULQ-00062-00034776-00034935 As gJmm-431ULQ-00063-00034935-00035555 You can see the water was absorbed much more quickly through the high organic matter soil gJmm-431ULQ-00064-00035592-00035867 Than the low organic matter soil now gJmm-431ULQ-00065-00035867-00036536 I'm going to wait about five minutes to see how much water is retained by the two soils versus how much gJmm-431ULQ-00066-00036585-00036799 drains into the containers below gJmm-431ULQ-00067-00036834-00037489 Alright, so as expected we can see that more water collected underneath the low organic matter soil gJmm-431ULQ-00068-00037545-00037906 Indicating that the high organic matter soil is better at retaining water gJmm-431ULQ-00069-00037947-00038264 So by building up the organic matter in their soils gJmm-431ULQ-00070-00038310-00038818 Farmers can make their crops less susceptible to drought if you'd like to try this out at home gJmm-431ULQ-00071-00038819-00039410 All you'll need is some soil from the top 10 centimetres of the ground to funnels two coffee filters gJmm-431ULQ-00072-00039462-00040085 Something to measure out a little bit of water weight and a container to collect the water and underneath the covers gJmm-431ULQ-00073-00040118-00040492 If you don't have access to soils with different organic matter levels, gJmm-431ULQ-00074-00040562-00040958 You can try adding a little bit of compost to half and whatever soil you gJmm-431ULQ-00075-00041022-00041804 have available and compare whether or not the soil with the compost, which has lots of organic matter, performs differently to the one without compost. gJmm-431ULQ-00076-00041821-00042351 I hope you enjoyed this video, And remember you're never too old to get your hands a little dirty. gpuC0G1rMw0-00000-00000000-00000468 Hi and welcome to the Assemblions podcast. I'm Chris Torrence. Today I want to gpuC0G1rMw0-00001-00000468-00000788 take a look at the differences between the character ROMs and the Apple IIe gpuC0G1rMw0-00002-00000788-00001256 and the Apple II Plus and see if we can improve the characters in my Apple II Plus. gpuC0G1rMw0-00003-00001256-00001604 So let's get started. gpuC0G1rMw0-00004-00003000-00003528 Way back in episodes 32 and 33 I showed how to add lowercase support to my gpuC0G1rMw0-00005-00003528-00004160 Apple II Plus using the VidX Enhancer II keyboard and coder board and if you gpuC0G1rMw0-00006-00004160-00004796 recall I needed to make some changes to the Apple F8 ROM to make lowercase gpuC0G1rMw0-00007-00004796-00005156 appear properly on the screen for example right here. But one thing that gpuC0G1rMw0-00008-00005156-00005536 always bugged me is the characters in that VidX character ROM never really gpuC0G1rMw0-00009-00005536-00006008 looked quite proper and they didn't look like the actual Apple characters so you gpuC0G1rMw0-00010-00006008-00006300 can see I don't know some of these uppercase characters look a little gpuC0G1rMw0-00011-00006300-00006768 funky the lowercase a looks a little weird and so it just always kind of gpuC0G1rMw0-00012-00006768-00007359 bugged me plus I also had the problem where if you go over any of the lowercase gpuC0G1rMw0-00013-00007359-00007968 characters with the cursor it would change to symbols and I fixed this in my gpuC0G1rMw0-00014-00007968-00008480 character ROM but the VidX won't always have this problem. So what I wanted to do gpuC0G1rMw0-00015-00008484-00008952 since I had the cover off of my Apple II Plus and I had taken the keyboard out to gpuC0G1rMw0-00016-00008952-00009412 repair that other Apple II keyboard is I decided to replace the character ROM. So gpuC0G1rMw0-00017-00009412-00009856 I want to take a look right now at the differences between the Apple IIe gpuC0G1rMw0-00018-00009856-00010268 character ROM and the Apple II Plus character ROM. So at the end of this gpuC0G1rMw0-00019-00010268-00010600 project we're gonna have four different fonts that we've had to deal with. The gpuC0G1rMw0-00020-00010600-00011056 first is the Apple II Plus's original fonts and the problem with these is gpuC0G1rMw0-00021-00011072-00011752 they're all uppercase and we really need the lowercase. So next we can take a look gpuC0G1rMw0-00022-00011752-00012184 at the VidX character ROM but as we've seen these are actually kind of ugly gpuC0G1rMw0-00023-00012184-00012580 even though they have all the right characters. So what we really want is a gpuC0G1rMw0-00024-00012580-00013204 combination of the Apple IIe's lowercase characters with the Apple II Plus's gpuC0G1rMw0-00025-00013204-00013756 original character set. The problem with the Apple IIe is the format of the gpuC0G1rMw0-00026-00013756-00014268 character ROM is completely different. So as you can see the fonts themselves gpuC0G1rMw0-00027-00014268-00014860 are actually backwards, the bits are in the wrong order and they're shifted so gpuC0G1rMw0-00028-00014860-00015288 the Apple IIe's character start one row higher than the Apple II Plus and we can gpuC0G1rMw0-00029-00015288-00015660 actually see this if we take a look at the startup screen between the Apple IIe gpuC0G1rMw0-00030-00015660-00016276 and the 2 Plus. So you can see that it's actually shifted just up by one. So we gpuC0G1rMw0-00031-00016276-00016616 have our work cut out for us if we want to combine these and what I did is I just gpuC0G1rMw0-00032-00016620-00017268 wrote a Python script that takes the Apple II Plus's original characters and gpuC0G1rMw0-00033-00017268-00017692 combines them with the Apple IIe and then in doing that we have to take the gpuC0G1rMw0-00034-00017692-00018108 Apple IIe's characters, we have to reverse the bits, we have to shift it by one gpuC0G1rMw0-00035-00018108-00018676 and then finally we have to copy the lowercase characters in from the Apple IIe's gpuC0G1rMw0-00036-00018676-00019188 to the correct location in the Apple II Plus's. So once we've done all that we gpuC0G1rMw0-00037-00019192-00019624 end up with a character set that actually looks like what we want and in gpuC0G1rMw0-00038-00019624-00020104 addition as a bonus I also took the little Apple from the IIe's font and gpuC0G1rMw0-00039-00020104-00020564 just stuck that at the end of the Apple II Plus's font just as a little bonus gpuC0G1rMw0-00040-00020564-00020968 character. You can't actually type this on the keyboard it's the rubout character gpuC0G1rMw0-00041-00020968-00021416 but it's fun to have there. So let's go ahead and program this using the gpuC0G1rMw0-00042-00021416-00021932 Arduino programmer that I created a long time ago and then we'll try it out in gpuC0G1rMw0-00043-00021936-00022452 the II Plus. One more thing I should mention way back in episode 33 is I also gpuC0G1rMw0-00044-00022452-00023052 had to modify the F8 ROM to allow lowercase input on the Apple II Plus. So gpuC0G1rMw0-00045-00023052-00023564 if you recall I had to make changes at three places. The first was FD83 to gpuC0G1rMw0-00046-00023564-00024128 prevent it from converting lowercase to uppercase. The second was at FD11 and gpuC0G1rMw0-00047-00024128-00024656 this was to prevent it from using flashing characters and finally at FB before gpuC0G1rMw0-00048-00024664-00025176 I had to insert a new subroutine so that it would make the space care blink when gpuC0G1rMw0-00049-00025176-00025668 you backed over it but keep the lowercase characters as lowercase inverse gpuC0G1rMw0-00050-00025668-00026048 when you backed up over them. So if you're wondering why your Apple II Plus isn't gpuC0G1rMw0-00051-00026048-00026460 outputting lowercase characters make sure that you've also burned the new F8 gpuC0G1rMw0-00052-00026460-00026916 ROM as well and go back and take a look at episode 33 on details and how to do gpuC0G1rMw0-00053-00026916-00027536 that. We've got the new Apple II Plus lowercase chip installed and you can see gpuC0G1rMw0-00054-00027548-00028152 the normal letters and numbers work fine. When I hit the left arrow over the gpuC0G1rMw0-00055-00028152-00028688 space it's blinking and then over the numbers and the letters it's just a gpuC0G1rMw0-00056-00028688-00029024 solid cursor. So this is slightly different from the original Apple II Plus gpuC0G1rMw0-00057-00029088-00029352 but that's because we needed to make room by getting rid of the flashing gpuC0G1rMw0-00058-00029352-00029892 characters so we could put in the lowercase. If we hit shift reset that gpuC0G1rMw0-00059-00029892-00030383 will switch to lowercase and now you can see we have really nice looking gpuC0G1rMw0-00060-00030456-00031116 lowercase letters which are just the same as the ones on the Apple IIe. So this gpuC0G1rMw0-00061-00031116-00031608 looks a lot better and then when we go left arrow over them they get highlighted gpuC0G1rMw0-00062-00031608-00032400 nicely and everything works great. So one cool feature that this Enhancer 2 board gpuC0G1rMw0-00063-00032400-00032924 has that I have in there in addition to doing lowercase like this is it also has gpuC0G1rMw0-00064-00032924-00033276 a type ahead buffer. So we got a little program here which takes a little bit of gpuC0G1rMw0-00065-00033280-00033832 time and then while it's running we'll type some characters and you can see gpuC0G1rMw0-00066-00033832-00034192 they actually came out after the program finished. Normally with the Apple it gpuC0G1rMw0-00067-00034192-00034500 would have actually swallowed those characters until the program was done gpuC0G1rMw0-00068-00034500-00034800 and it could respond to the keyboard again. So that's a nice feature of that gpuC0G1rMw0-00069-00034800-00035396 Enhancer 2 board. In addition it also has a fast repeat so if we hold down a gpuC0G1rMw0-00070-00035396-00035792 letter then it repeats but then we hold down the repeat key we get like a super gpuC0G1rMw0-00071-00035796-00036280 quick repeat. So that's kind of nice. So my conversion of my Apple II plus to gpuC0G1rMw0-00072-00036280-00036740 have lowercase was a success. I now have the same character set in my 2 plus gpuC0G1rMw0-00073-00036740-00037180 that I have in the IIe and the IIc so it looks a lot nicer. I'll go ahead and gpuC0G1rMw0-00074-00037180-00037684 I'll put the Python program as well as the Apple II plus lowercase character gpuC0G1rMw0-00075-00037684-00038220 ROM up on the Internet Archive when I upload this video to there. So thanks for gpuC0G1rMw0-00076-00038220-00038420 watching. gpuC0G1rMw0-00077-00038792-00038998 you gOtaz-6KE8o-00000-00000257-00000689 oh hey there it's Liz Rohr from real world MP and you're watching MP practice gOtaz-6KE8o-00001-00000689-00001037 made simple though weekly videos to help save you time frustration and help you gOtaz-6KE8o-00002-00001037-00001391 learn faster so you can take the best care of your patients so if you find gOtaz-6KE8o-00003-00001391-00001829 yourself a little bit mystified by TSH wondering well you know what is the gOtaz-6KE8o-00004-00001829-00002222 range to worry about who should be treated how you treat them how you gOtaz-6KE8o-00005-00002222-00002639 monitor them like any of that stuff like I got you this is what this video is all gOtaz-6KE8o-00006-00002639-00003286 about is managing high TSH s so before we dive into this case study quick note gOtaz-6KE8o-00007-00003286-00003584 is that I'm working on the lab interpretation crash course for new gOtaz-6KE8o-00008-00003584-00003833 nurse practitioners so it's kind of similar to the way that I'm talking gOtaz-6KE8o-00009-00003833-00004301 about labs in these videos much more nuts and bolts very concise very gOtaz-6KE8o-00010-00004301-00004709 practical all of the labs that you see in primary care so kind of touching on gOtaz-6KE8o-00011-00004709-00005189 the way I've touched on them so far and the videos that I've made so far only in gOtaz-6KE8o-00012-00005189-00005690 a very compact very just like straight to the point let's do this kind of way gOtaz-6KE8o-00013-00005690-00006002 it's actually turning out way better than I had hoped and I'm actually doing gOtaz-6KE8o-00014-00006002-00006386 it in collaboration with a couple of specialists just to kind of give that gOtaz-6KE8o-00015-00006386-00006931 extra level of added touch on in terms of like maximizing the most you can do gOtaz-6KE8o-00016-00006931-00007280 in primary care while at the same time just being really thorough and it's gOtaz-6KE8o-00017-00007280-00007606 gonna have some extra stuff thrown in there I don't unreal too much right now gOtaz-6KE8o-00018-00007606-00007895 but if you're interested in that I'm super super psyched about it gOtaz-6KE8o-00019-00007895-00008329 head over to real-world NP comm slash labs and I'll send you an email when I gOtaz-6KE8o-00020-00008329-00008549 have more details of when it's gonna be rolled out it's gonna be in the next gOtaz-6KE8o-00021-00008549-00008849 couple of weeks I'm really really psyched about it but anyway without gOtaz-6KE8o-00022-00008849-00009227 further ado I'm going to share my screen with you so this is the hypothyroid case gOtaz-6KE8o-00023-00009227-00009697 study so this is Janelle she's 56 she's a new patient establishing care and she gOtaz-6KE8o-00024-00009697-00009997 complains of fatigue and if you've seen these before this is not her real photo gOtaz-6KE8o-00025-00009997-00010427 or her name so she's complaining a fatigue with gOtaz-6KE8o-00026-00010427-00010775 heavier periods for the last two months and they've been more irregular recently gOtaz-6KE8o-00027-00010775-00011168 she's complaining of some weight gain but unable to quantify it in terms of gOtaz-6KE8o-00028-00011168-00011564 specific pounds she used to take levothyroxine in the past she doesn't gOtaz-6KE8o-00029-00011564-00011996 like taking pills and not sure if she needed them her past medical history gOtaz-6KE8o-00030-00011996-00012392 past surgical history include hypothyroidism anemia close discectomy gOtaz-6KE8o-00031-00012392-00012956 obesity no family history nonsmoker no alcohol or drug use and if gOtaz-6KE8o-00032-00012956-00013459 this visit her blood pressure is 169 over 79 heart rate of 77 oxygen is 98 gOtaz-6KE8o-00033-00013459-00013851 and BMI 37 her physical exam is normal so I did gOtaz-6KE8o-00034-00013851-00014190 like a general cardiovascular respiratory gOtaz-6KE8o-00035-00014190-00014666 heent including thyroid and extremity exam item I didn't mention the full RS gOtaz-6KE8o-00036-00014666-00015054 here because I'm not really getting into like fatigue is a complaint today but gOtaz-6KE8o-00037-00015054-00015516 just kind of in general those are the main positive ro asses and in the gOtaz-6KE8o-00038-00015516-00015947 history that I said so far and then her physical exam was normal so the plan so gOtaz-6KE8o-00039-00015947-00016260 today I'm going to focus on hypothyroid but I'm gonna touch the other components gOtaz-6KE8o-00040-00016260-00016701 of holistic hair at the end so I'm gonna check her labs CBC cuz she had a history gOtaz-6KE8o-00041-00016701-00017352 of anemia and she's feeling fatigued a CMP a hemoglobin a1c a TSH and so I have gOtaz-6KE8o-00042-00017352-00017781 a note care of reflexes because some labs you can order a TSH and reflexively gOtaz-6KE8o-00043-00017781-00018309 they will automatically order a t4 into t3 free t4 and t3 if it comes back gOtaz-6KE8o-00044-00018309-00018777 abnormal I did not have that option but just if you do you can order that and gOtaz-6KE8o-00045-00018777-00019302 lipids cholesterol according to USPSTF screening guidelines so here her lab gOtaz-6KE8o-00046-00019302-00019967 results so TSH is 5.5 to zero a free t4 of zero point six nine which is normal gOtaz-6KE8o-00047-00019967-00020469 hemoglobin a1c of 5.7% which her puts her into the pre-diabetes range her gOtaz-6KE8o-00048-00020469-00021090 cholesterol is high her CBC and CMP are both normal luckily so yeah so HIPAA gOtaz-6KE8o-00049-00021090-00021537 thyroid so it means that there is a high TSH signifies that there is a low gOtaz-6KE8o-00050-00021537-00021936 functioning thyroid typically speaking in this case what we're talking about so gOtaz-6KE8o-00051-00021936-00022422 it's kind of opposite to what you think and it's diagnosed by labs also based on gOtaz-6KE8o-00052-00022422-00022752 their symptoms so I'm gonna give a disclaimer here that this is for non gOtaz-6KE8o-00053-00022752-00023130 pregnant adults if you're going into pregnancy pregnant women this is outside gOtaz-6KE8o-00054-00023130-00023370 of the scope of this presentation and that those patients need to go to gOtaz-6KE8o-00055-00023370-00023766 endocrine or you need to consult with the endocrine when you see them so what gOtaz-6KE8o-00056-00023766-00024045 are the steps of hyperthyroid management I'm really looking at the workup gOtaz-6KE8o-00057-00024045-00024543 according to the labs and management um not going as in depth with the workup gOtaz-6KE8o-00058-00024543-00024906 and more specifically talking about the management so first up is how high is gOtaz-6KE8o-00059-00024906-00025392 the TSH and what is the total of 3 t4 so you really you need to look at both so gOtaz-6KE8o-00060-00025392-00025802 normal range according to your lab depending on your lab rather is 0.42 4.5 gOtaz-6KE8o-00061-00025802-00026439 and free t4 normal range is 0.6 to 1.8 and the note here I want to make is that gOtaz-6KE8o-00062-00026439-00026841 it's free t4 not total t4 so total t4 is bound to protein it's not gOtaz-6KE8o-00063-00026841-00027162 clinically relevant for this situation only the gOtaz-6KE8o-00064-00027162-00027837 active kind of freeform this is t4 so are unbound rather not the active repeat gOtaz-6KE8o-00065-00027837-00028251 esh with free t4 to help confirm the diagnosis is really the consensus first gOtaz-6KE8o-00066-00028251-00028737 step you can either add on the free t4 the excuse me yes the free t4 if you gOtaz-6KE8o-00067-00028737-00029073 have an abnormal TSH if you call your lab or you can have them come back to gOtaz-6KE8o-00068-00029073-00029406 repeat it to make sure that it's not like a transient or abnormality there's gOtaz-6KE8o-00069-00029406-00029787 no real like problem with this lab in the case that there is for like high gOtaz-6KE8o-00070-00029787-00030164 potassium or low platelets in terms of like high risk of artifact but that's gOtaz-6KE8o-00071-00030164-00030497 kind of just a consensus model and there's no absolute danger numbers gOtaz-6KE8o-00072-00030497-00030885 similar to my other presentations I kind of gave those danger ranges and it's gOtaz-6KE8o-00073-00030885-00031248 really not it's based on symptoms the extreme case of hypothyroidism exceeding gOtaz-6KE8o-00074-00031248-00031623 mekomo which you probably learned about in school is very uncommon mental status gOtaz-6KE8o-00075-00031623-00032127 changes extreme lethargy hypothermia like things like that so they would kind gOtaz-6KE8o-00076-00032127-00032514 of present to you and you'd kind of notice on them to not your clinic if gOtaz-6KE8o-00077-00032514-00032964 you're working in primary care probably the ER so really there's no highest gOtaz-6KE8o-00078-00032964-00033423 number of TSH the highest I think I've seen is like thirty maybe fifty maybe gOtaz-6KE8o-00079-00033423-00034020 eighty I actually can't remember but they were fine so there's two scenarios gOtaz-6KE8o-00080-00034020-00034410 main scenarios one is a high TSH with a low t4 and that's considered overt gOtaz-6KE8o-00081-00034410-00034983 hypothyroidism whereas a high TSH for example 12 and a normal t4 for example gOtaz-6KE8o-00082-00034983-00035322 one is considered subclinical but it depends on their symptoms so if they gOtaz-6KE8o-00083-00035322-00035667 have no symptoms they have a high TSH and a normal t4 that's considered gOtaz-6KE8o-00084-00035667-00036192 subclinical hypothyroidism so I'm going to take a note about subclinical so gOtaz-6KE8o-00085-00036192-00036558 there isn't really like a set like you have to do this but typically for gOtaz-6KE8o-00086-00036558-00036936 patients who have a persistent TSH of greater than 10 with a normal t4 in gOtaz-6KE8o-00087-00036936-00037203 there asymptomatic you could consider treatment for those patients because gOtaz-6KE8o-00088-00037203-00037635 it's most likely that they're going to follow the natural history of the most gOtaz-6KE8o-00089-00037635-00038064 common type of hypothyroidism which is that autoimmune Hashimoto's gOtaz-6KE8o-00090-00038064-00038475 if ages 65 and I've especially with cardiac disease the TSH norm is actually gOtaz-6KE8o-00091-00038475-00038979 considered to be higher and I actually you can treat them to within the normal gOtaz-6KE8o-00092-00038979-00039333 ranges and I'll get to management in a second but you could actually let their gOtaz-6KE8o-00093-00039333-00039747 TSH be as high as up to ten even under management because of the risk of gOtaz-6KE8o-00094-00039747-00040167 adverse effects in terms of metabolism and cardiac effects and all that so if a gOtaz-6KE8o-00095-00040167-00040458 TSH is less than 10 there's no symptoms you can kind of gOtaz-6KE8o-00096-00040458-00040767 recheck those people in three to six months depending on the clinical gOtaz-6KE8o-00097-00040767-00041199 scenario and this is kind of a side note I'm jumping a little bit ahead in this gOtaz-6KE8o-00098-00041199-00041559 by saying this but considering checking at EPO antibody to see if this is gOtaz-6KE8o-00099-00041559-00042087 Hashimoto's versus transient there's different types of hypothyroid and the gOtaz-6KE8o-00100-00042087-00042489 Hashimoto's is going to be kind of correlated with that tpo antibody but gOtaz-6KE8o-00101-00042489-00042819 you do not have to automatically order that tpo anybody that's really just in gOtaz-6KE8o-00102-00042819-00043437 case of like you're not sure what type of hypothyroid this is so in terms of gOtaz-6KE8o-00103-00043437-00043680 the management how high is the tsa - what is the free t4 gOtaz-6KE8o-00104-00043680-00044133 next step is this a new or established diagnosis or lab value so they like I gOtaz-6KE8o-00105-00044133-00044469 did - there's several types of hypothyroidism number one is Hashimoto's gOtaz-6KE8o-00106-00044469-00044790 an autoimmune of vast majority absolutely what you're gonna see massive gOtaz-6KE8o-00107-00044790-00045165 vast majority and primary care as well I'm not really gonna get into workup gOtaz-6KE8o-00108-00045165-00045372 again because it's kind of outside the scope and I'm trying to keep this short gOtaz-6KE8o-00109-00045372-00045762 and sweet but also central hypothyroidism transient hypothyroidism gOtaz-6KE8o-00110-00045762-00046158 if you had a radiation to your neck or surgery to your neck like a hyper gOtaz-6KE8o-00111-00046158-00046668 parathyroid recent surgery any drugs there - drugs in particular I'll touch gOtaz-6KE8o-00112-00046668-00047043 on in a second you want to look at the previous labs and then the clinical gOtaz-6KE8o-00113-00047043-00047454 scenario so has this been persistently elevated is it still is it the first gOtaz-6KE8o-00114-00047454-00047844 time you've seen it do they have other symptoms going on gOtaz-6KE8o-00115-00047844-00048267 are they postpartum that can happen with a transient thyroiditis any recent gOtaz-6KE8o-00116-00048267-00048591 illnesses other lab abnormalities or sometimes I just don't really match up gOtaz-6KE8o-00117-00048591-00048987 and you're like you know the best part like what I'm kind of referring to here gOtaz-6KE8o-00118-00048987-00049428 is the majority of what I've seen in primary care he's like you someone will gOtaz-6KE8o-00119-00049428-00050007 be fatigued or they'll have some symptoms of hypothyroidism and you come gOtaz-6KE8o-00120-00050007-00050499 back with the TSH that's abnormal and their t4 is also is the TSH is high and gOtaz-6KE8o-00121-00050499-00050742 the t4 is normal what are you kind of doing for those gOtaz-6KE8o-00122-00050742-00051051 people that's the vast majority of people and then if you find it it's the gOtaz-6KE8o-00123-00051051-00051462 high TSH with a low t4 vast majority again are gonna be that Hashimoto's gOtaz-6KE8o-00124-00051462-00051774 thyroiditis that kind of autoimmune destruction of gOtaz-6KE8o-00125-00051774-00052107 the thyroid so I kind of just want to look at the whole picture and see and gOtaz-6KE8o-00126-00052107-00052401 then if it doesn't seem like that really matches up they've got other symptoms gOtaz-6KE8o-00127-00052401-00052773 going on which the labs are kind of just not really matching like looking at gOtaz-6KE8o-00128-00052773-00053049 those other kind of differential diagnoses there but vast majority of gOtaz-6KE8o-00129-00053049-00053490 people have Hashimoto's so drugs lithium good medication but a gOtaz-6KE8o-00130-00053490-00053922 lot of side effects Amy not as common but calm enough to mention gOtaz-6KE8o-00131-00053922-00054380 the rest of them are not really common at all interferon alpha interleukin 2 gOtaz-6KE8o-00132-00054380-00054726 tyrosine kinase inhibitors certain immunotherapies like I think there were gOtaz-6KE8o-00133-00054726-00055032 some other chemo therapeutic type of medications and so if you have any kind gOtaz-6KE8o-00134-00055032-00055332 of like unusual medications that are outside the scope of primary typical gOtaz-6KE8o-00135-00055332-00055611 primary care medications I would definitely check and see if there's any gOtaz-6KE8o-00136-00055611-00056022 side effects for those but those were the kind of main ones that I saw that gOtaz-6KE8o-00137-00056022-00056439 I'm aware of rather so number one how high is the TSH and what is the free t4 gOtaz-6KE8o-00138-00056439-00056985 is it a new or established and are they symptomatic so sometimes just a recap so gOtaz-6KE8o-00139-00056985-00057465 cold intolerance fatigue constipation dry skin hair loss weight gain menstrual gOtaz-6KE8o-00140-00057465-00057842 irregularities they can also have bradycardia diastolic hypertension and gOtaz-6KE8o-00141-00057842-00058320 delayed DTRS deep tendon reflexes they may have Gorder because you know Graves gOtaz-6KE8o-00142-00058320-00058734 disease has an enlarged thyroid but when you're over stimulating your thyroid all gOtaz-6KE8o-00143-00058734-00059097 the time to try to make it work more it can become enlarged there are some cases gOtaz-6KE8o-00144-00059097-00059502 of that I usually also ask about any dysphasia or compressive symptoms like gOtaz-6KE8o-00145-00059502-00059898 is there some enlargement that on my thyroid exam it doesn't feel enlarged or gOtaz-6KE8o-00146-00059898-00060285 there's some nodules that I'm not feeling like things like that so the gOtaz-6KE8o-00147-00060285-00060612 four steps to hypothyroid management so number one is overt wears a subclinical gOtaz-6KE8o-00148-00060612-00060945 so I kind of mentioned this already but like are we talking about a high high gOtaz-6KE8o-00149-00060945-00061494 TSH with a low t4 or high TSH with a normal t4 and they have no symptoms and gOtaz-6KE8o-00150-00061494-00061791 number two is just ruling out those alternatives like does the clinical gOtaz-6KE8o-00151-00061791-00062100 picture make sense or does it Nandu you have to kind of look into those other gOtaz-6KE8o-00152-00062100-00062475 ones number three is to start live with a rock scene that's the main treatment gOtaz-6KE8o-00153-00062475-00062874 for hipa thyroid in number four is monitoring the lab it's labs in the gOtaz-6KE8o-00154-00062874-00063179 symptoms that's really the main treatment so what's next so let's go gOtaz-6KE8o-00155-00063179-00063546 back to Jenelle for her we can proceed with management for TSH is less than 10 gOtaz-6KE8o-00156-00063546-00063924 but she is symptomatic she's got weight gain she's got a regular menses she's gOtaz-6KE8o-00157-00063924-00064395 got fatigue she has had treatment in the past as well and so we know that this is gOtaz-6KE8o-00158-00064395-00064746 not a new hypothyroid for her even though she's a new patient we don't have gOtaz-6KE8o-00159-00064746-00065129 her previous records so for her and I'm gonna jump into management on the next gOtaz-6KE8o-00160-00065129-00065516 slide but we're gonna start with 50 micrograms and recheck her labs in six gOtaz-6KE8o-00161-00065516-00065814 weeks so let's look at management so this is the general management for gOtaz-6KE8o-00162-00065814-00066321 anybody with a low persistently high TSH low functioning thyroid with a low t4 gOtaz-6KE8o-00163-00066321-00066798 free t4 so startling with IROC seen and you can either do rate based or standard gOtaz-6KE8o-00164-00066798-00067287 dosing I honestly go for standard dosing all the time either 25 or 50 micrograms gOtaz-6KE8o-00165-00067287-00067629 to start this is the calculation if you're interested in weight base it's gOtaz-6KE8o-00166-00067629-00068106 1.6 Mike's per kilogram per day of lean body weight so not on this patient's BMI gOtaz-6KE8o-00167-00068106-00068460 was 37 so you'd want to calculate the lean body weight and then calculate it gOtaz-6KE8o-00168-00068460-00068865 based on their but if you're talking about a 70 kilogram person that's a gOtaz-6KE8o-00169-00068865-00069198 pretty high dose that's about 112 micrograms and so I don't think I'd go gOtaz-6KE8o-00170-00069198-00069519 right out of the gate giving somebody that because I've seen people all over gOtaz-6KE8o-00171-00069519-00069804 the place respond to 25 and then respond to 200 gOtaz-6KE8o-00172-00069804-00070263 it's very hard to it's very hard to know so so after you pick your starting dose gOtaz-6KE8o-00173-00070263-00070833 I actually a note about the 25 to 50 if I have anybody 65 and up or cardiac gOtaz-6KE8o-00174-00070833-00071268 issues and I'll start at 25 depending on how high their TSH is if it's super high gOtaz-6KE8o-00175-00071268-00071673 and they're younger and they have you know more than 65 and they have cardiac gOtaz-6KE8o-00176-00071673-00072114 issues I might still go for 50 but that's usually when I reserve the 25 so gOtaz-6KE8o-00177-00072114-00072351 you're gonna recheck the TSH in six weeks and that's because of the gOtaz-6KE8o-00178-00072351-00072735 half-life of the medication and the goal for treatment is to get it back into the gOtaz-6KE8o-00179-00072735-00073143 normal range of 0.5 to 5 approximately doing in your lab again and it's okay to gOtaz-6KE8o-00180-00073143-00073515 be under 10 for age 65 and up is what I've read recently and I typically would gOtaz-6KE8o-00181-00073515-00073890 would correct them to within that 5 range but I read that recently that that gOtaz-6KE8o-00182-00073890-00074163 is something that is more encouraged and I don't know if that's official gOtaz-6KE8o-00183-00074163-00074487 guideline that that's kind of expert opinion but that's something to think gOtaz-6KE8o-00184-00074487-00074958 about and so you could consider rechecking in 3 weeks if they're still gOtaz-6KE8o-00185-00074958-00075308 highly symptomatic and just kind of see like are we making progress here or not gOtaz-6KE8o-00186-00075308-00075837 and again adjusting by adjusting my 12 to 25 mics each time and that's using gOtaz-6KE8o-00187-00075837-00076155 your clinical judgement whether it's up or down and so if the TSH is still high gOtaz-6KE8o-00188-00076155-00076713 and they're still you know symptomatic keep going up and you can either do 12 gOtaz-6KE8o-00189-00076713-00077220 if it's like slightly high or 25 if it's if it's very high like it's really just gOtaz-6KE8o-00190-00077220-00077541 up to you and what you're gonna do is recheck the TSH again in another six gOtaz-6KE8o-00191-00077541-00077937 weeks and the 12 micrograms just comes on to the dosing honestly so if you're gOtaz-6KE8o-00192-00077937-00078255 not familiar with the dosing it starts at 25 I don't think there's anything gOtaz-6KE8o-00193-00078255-00079074 less than that you have 25 50 75 88 100 112 125 I think a actually goes up to gOtaz-6KE8o-00194-00079074-00079491 150 or maybe there is a 137 but yeah it goes up by those 12 micro gram intervals gOtaz-6KE8o-00195-00079491-00079872 and so that's really kind of excuse me up to you in your discretion and if gOtaz-6KE8o-00196-00079872-00080094 they're older if they have any cardiac issue you kind of want to go a little gOtaz-6KE8o-00197-00080094-00080508 bit more slowly and maybe choose that 12 if they're getting close to their goal gOtaz-6KE8o-00198-00080508-00081026 range of the TSH so a couple pearls of practice so levothyroxine is a synthetic gOtaz-6KE8o-00199-00081026-00081417 t4 hormone arm or thyroid I actually will not be able to pronounce the gOtaz-6KE8o-00200-00081417-00081867 generic name for t3 but that is one of the brand names available for t3 and not gOtaz-6KE8o-00201-00081867-00082431 an advertisement is a bovine source Pig thyroid as far as I understand it's gOtaz-6KE8o-00202-00082431-00082839 quote-unquote natural um you'll see that for that's how some people refer to it gOtaz-6KE8o-00203-00082839-00083211 and prefer it that way I find that it's a really irregular dosing and a higher gOtaz-6KE8o-00204-00083211-00083670 risk for adverse effects because it's not really as regulated because it's not gOtaz-6KE8o-00205-00083670-00084093 like pharmaceutical I mean it is but that's a whole discussion but it's just gOtaz-6KE8o-00206-00084093-00084557 not as reliable so if somebody needs to be on t3 there are some instances where gOtaz-6KE8o-00207-00084557-00085011 people will need both t3 and t4 but I'm gonna let that go to the endocrinologist gOtaz-6KE8o-00208-00085011-00085364 if somebody comes in with that and if somebody kind of brings to your clinic gOtaz-6KE8o-00209-00085364-00085767 like that question you can definitely kind of give them that answer of why you gOtaz-6KE8o-00210-00085767-00086088 don't really feel comfortable giving t3 unless you want to give t3 in which case gOtaz-6KE8o-00211-00086088-00086576 that's absolutely totally fine and it doesn't actually matter if it's an empty gOtaz-6KE8o-00212-00086576-00087014 stomach or not the traditional knowledge is or you know traditional advisement is gOtaz-6KE8o-00213-00087014-00087369 that it's on an empty stomach two hours before anything else but honestly and gOtaz-6KE8o-00214-00087369-00087983 this comes from pharmacist advice out of prescribers letter is that it's you know gOtaz-6KE8o-00215-00087983-00088224 as long as it's consistent it's just more important that they're doing it the gOtaz-6KE8o-00216-00088224-00088737 same way every time so eating it with taking it with a full stomach or the gOtaz-6KE8o-00217-00088737-00089157 same type of meals and then there may be you may need to do higher dosing in some gOtaz-6KE8o-00218-00089157-00089582 settings things like nephrotic syndrome celiac disease certain medications gOtaz-6KE8o-00219-00089582-00089870 celiac disease because of like the malabsorption certain medications like gOtaz-6KE8o-00220-00089870-00090318 phenytoin rifampin carbamazepine phenobarbital and pregnancy and i'm gOtaz-6KE8o-00221-00090318-00090600 gonna say that again but i am not treating those patients and pregnancies gOtaz-6KE8o-00222-00090600-00090885 that is very important for fetal development and way outside the scope of gOtaz-6KE8o-00223-00090885-00091301 primary care so definitely get endocrine involved if you have a pregnant patient gOtaz-6KE8o-00224-00091301-00091757 um so let's go back to Janelle so um we did her thyroid management like I said gOtaz-6KE8o-00225-00091757-00092241 50 micrograms recheck in the TSH in about six weeks and it started to go gOtaz-6KE8o-00226-00092241-00092667 back to normal so we're still in the 15 micrograms for her so I just it's really gOtaz-6KE8o-00227-00092667-00092994 important I want to make a note here of having a healthy skepticism so sometimes gOtaz-6KE8o-00228-00092994-00093336 when you come in we just have these everyone has a risk for cognitive bias gOtaz-6KE8o-00229-00093336-00093564 right and so she's a history of Pepa thyroid gOtaz-6KE8o-00230-00093564-00093747 she has all the things that kind of match up gOtaz-6KE8o-00231-00093747-00094113 but like the clinical picture like honestly her TSH was not that high and gOtaz-6KE8o-00232-00094113-00094464 our t4 was still normal so she we had a mutual discussion gOtaz-6KE8o-00233-00094464-00094848 decision-making to restart it but I'm considering a further fatigue gOtaz-6KE8o-00234-00094848-00095226 workup for her pending on how she feels with the full six weeks until we recheck gOtaz-6KE8o-00235-00095226-00095820 it and you know looking for things like sleep apnea like she's a BMI of 37 so gOtaz-6KE8o-00236-00095820-00096237 something I think about there I did an ultrasound for pyramid perimenopausal gOtaz-6KE8o-00237-00096237-00096699 menorrhagia so another topic in and of itself but with menorrhagia in the gOtaz-6KE8o-00238-00096699-00097008 perimenopausal Irma no definitely menopausal is really concerning but the gOtaz-6KE8o-00239-00097008-00097425 Paramount menopausal status like over age 40 but their risk factors are like gOtaz-6KE8o-00240-00097425-00097941 obesity is one of the risk factors of endometrial hyperplasia and so you could gOtaz-6KE8o-00241-00097941-00098354 those patients may actually qualify directly for an endometrial biopsy but gOtaz-6KE8o-00242-00098354-00098865 endometrial ultrasound is a little bit more less invasive less uncomfortable so gOtaz-6KE8o-00243-00098865-00099321 I didn't ultrasound for her and based on the measurement of her endometrial gOtaz-6KE8o-00244-00099321-00099786 lining then we can consider monitoring or doing it endometrial biopsy I gOtaz-6KE8o-00245-00099786-00100068 actually do those in my clinic but you can send them to GYN for that it's gOtaz-6KE8o-00246-00100068-00100410 actually not that invasive it's an invasive procedure but it's not that gOtaz-6KE8o-00247-00100410-00100797 complicated we did discussion about hypertension remember her blood pressure gOtaz-6KE8o-00248-00100797-00101136 was 169 systolic she really didn't want to take any medications and she's been gOtaz-6KE8o-00249-00101136-00101421 working on dietary changes and she feels like taking the medication for thyroid gOtaz-6KE8o-00250-00101421-00101748 is really gonna help her we had a discussion about pre diabetes and gOtaz-6KE8o-00251-00101748-00102075 hyperlipidemia same thing she wants to work on diet and exercise she actually gOtaz-6KE8o-00252-00102075-00102398 is doing a lot of work on her own but she's hoping that the thyroid gOtaz-6KE8o-00253-00102398-00102753 supplementation will be really helpful and then I just had her come back in a gOtaz-6KE8o-00254-00102753-00103251 month because I really want to dig into more of the sleep apnea fatigue workup gOtaz-6KE8o-00255-00103251-00103575 like there's a whole workup that can go up along with them fatigue in terms of gOtaz-6KE8o-00256-00103575-00103893 like the history questions you ask and the labs you could do and things like gOtaz-6KE8o-00257-00103893-00104418 that so that's it did you like this video if so hit like and subscribe and gOtaz-6KE8o-00258-00104418-00104711 share with your MP friends so together we can reach as many new grads as gOtaz-6KE8o-00259-00104711-00105150 possible to help make their first years a little bit easier too and don't forget gOtaz-6KE8o-00260-00105150-00105507 to grab your copy of the ultimate resource guide from the new MP over at gOtaz-6KE8o-00261-00105507-00105849 real world NP comm you'll get these videos sent straight to gOtaz-6KE8o-00262-00105849-00106370 your inbox every week with notes from me patient stories more helpful insights gOtaz-6KE8o-00263-00106370-00106769 bonus content that I just don't share anywhere else thank you so much again gOtaz-6KE8o-00264-00106769-00107200 for watching hang in there and I'll see you soon gaBgq9HWXXo-00000-00000390-00000970 I was studying Earth system science, which was a great big planetary system. It was composed gaBgq9HWXXo-00001-00000970-00001491 in several different spheres - the biosphere being the one that I care about a lot as a gaBgq9HWXXo-00002-00001491-00002139 biologist but we also have the atmosphere, the air which is mostly nitrogen and oxygen gaBgq9HWXXo-00003-00002139-00002814 made by by plants with a little bit of CO₂ that keeps us warm or too warm. There's the gaBgq9HWXXo-00004-00002814-00003458 lithosphere and the hydrosphere which is the water cycle which is the oceans and the rivers gaBgq9HWXXo-00005-00003458-00004004 and the lakes and the clouds and so we always have this cycling, especially how the water gaBgq9HWXXo-00006-00004004-00004637 moves from the atmosphere into the the land and then back into the ocean and the hydrosphere gaBgq9HWXXo-00007-00004637-00005248 and some of it freezes. And when those frozen glaciers grind up rocks we're effecting the gaBgq9HWXXo-00008-00005248-00005764 lithosphere and when we dig deep into the Earth to pull up fossil fuels we're digging gaBgq9HWXXo-00009-00005764-00006220 into the lithosphere which is all fossilled plants from hundreds of millions of years gaBgq9HWXXo-00010-00006220-00006863 ago. All of these spheres are connected in our Earth's system and you can't as a biologist gaBgq9HWXXo-00011-00006863-00007416 only look at one of them, we need to understand how climate change, which is warming the atmosphere gaBgq9HWXXo-00012-00007416-00007923 effects how plants grow which feeds back on the atmosphere due to the fossil fuels that gaBgq9HWXXo-00013-00007923-00008552 we extract from the lithosphere which effects the ice melt and sea level rise of the hydrosphere. gaBgq9HWXXo-00014-00008552-00008927 So its all connected and you've got the right topic here with Earth systems science. gb98FsfjqaI-00000-00000014-00000509 Hello boys & girls My name is Hotzst and welcome to Another Day gb98FsfjqaI-00001-00000509-00000610 in Minecraft. gb98FsfjqaI-00002-00000610-00001487 In this episode I will complete the dragon model, that I started last time. gb98FsfjqaI-00003-00001487-00002107 The head outline came quite naturally, the most I struggled with is the neck. gb98FsfjqaI-00004-00002107-00002464 I think the head will have the most details. gb98FsfjqaI-00005-00002464-00003550 For the legs it is mainly beefing them up from the outline to make them work. gb98FsfjqaI-00006-00003550-00004082 To be frank I imagined the legs to turn out better than they have. gb98FsfjqaI-00007-00004082-00004721 The hind legs will rest on top of a mountain that will probably not fit the way they are gb98FsfjqaI-00008-00004721-00005333 placed, so I think it is easier to terraform the mountain to get ground under the legs gb98FsfjqaI-00009-00005333-00005657 than the other way around. gb98FsfjqaI-00010-00005657-00006185 The head on the other hand is fantastic, at least in my opinion. gb98FsfjqaI-00011-00006185-00007031 It is also the most detailed part, as I think when looking at a dragon you notice the head, gb98FsfjqaI-00012-00007031-00007795 the wings, the general colors ... Therefore the head being the smallest part of these gb98FsfjqaI-00013-00007795-00008025 needs the most attention. gb98FsfjqaI-00014-00008025-00008742 Among the details of teeth and eyes the wider range of different blocks might not even be gb98FsfjqaI-00015-00008742-00008894 noticeable at first. gb98FsfjqaI-00016-00008894-00010046 For the collar I was inspired by some lizards that put it up to appear more threatening. gb98FsfjqaI-00017-00010046-00010757 I tried several variants of ridges along the back, but none fitted with the idea I have gb98FsfjqaI-00018-00010757-00011233 for this dragon, therefore there are none. gb98FsfjqaI-00019-00011233-00011895 Let's recapitulate: The shape of the body is the first thing to settle as everything gb98FsfjqaI-00020-00011895-00012201 else attaches to it. gb98FsfjqaI-00021-00012201-00012570 I used a lighter block for underneath. gb98FsfjqaI-00022-00012570-00013509 Both cobbled deepslate and blackstone have a wonderful texture that can be seen as scales. gb98FsfjqaI-00023-00013509-00013954 Then there are the wings attaching to the shoulders. gb98FsfjqaI-00024-00013954-00014441 I think of them as a hand when it comes to the bone structure. gb98FsfjqaI-00025-00014441-00015043 To make them come alive they need to curve. gb98FsfjqaI-00026-00015043-00015749 The legs also attach to the body and as you go along you can tweak them so they become gb98FsfjqaI-00027-00015749-00016527 limbs that actually exist in all three dimensions with three toes to the front and a hidden gb98FsfjqaI-00028-00016527-00016886 one on the inside to the back. gb98FsfjqaI-00029-00016886-00017463 The head is the masterpiece and also the most detailed part. gb98FsfjqaI-00030-00017463-00018264 As this build requires quite a bit of materials it will take a while until I have them gathered gb98FsfjqaI-00031-00018264-00018429 in survival. gb98FsfjqaI-00032-00018429-00019137 Once I have placed the dragon in it's natural habitat I will also provide a world download gb98FsfjqaI-00033-00019137-00019565 of the dragon, so tune in next time. gb98FsfjqaI-00034-00019565-00019774 Until then, good bye. gcmNrAZ1aOU-00000-00000024-00000232 All righty here's The Beehive. gcmNrAZ1aOU-00001-00000232-00000414 It looks terribly tired. gcmNrAZ1aOU-00002-00000523-00000757 Really old gcmNrAZ1aOU-00003-00000984-00001378 In fact has it even anything done to it since I was here last? gcmNrAZ1aOU-00004-00001607-00001792 Hi travellers, I'm Anne's daughter Lileko. gcmNrAZ1aOU-00005-00001792-00002063 Well this is a free thing to do in Wellington. gcmNrAZ1aOU-00006-00002063-00002387 Come and see our equivalent of the Capital building. gcmNrAZ1aOU-00007-00002428-00003099 Normally it has a free tour but during covid times you can just admire it from the outside. gcmNrAZ1aOU-00008-00003099-00003279 Right here in the CBD in Wellington. gcmNrAZ1aOU-00009-00003358-00003627 Definitely come and have a look at the outside. gcmNrAZ1aOU-00010-00003627-00003931 Hopefully you can do the tour by the time you get here. gfr6evxPaaI-00000-00000269-00001393 One great, Greek philosopher told us that a life that is not examined is not worth living. gfr6evxPaaI-00001-00001393-00002149 An unexamined life is not worth living. gfr6evxPaaI-00002-00002149-00002848 The rich young man in the Gospel examined his life a lot. gfr6evxPaaI-00003-00002848-00003862 He examined his life a lot and at every examination, he was always convinced that his life was gfr6evxPaaI-00004-00003862-00004328 speaking so well about him. gfr6evxPaaI-00005-00004328-00005158 If he would be asked - If your life speaks, what does it say about you? gfr6evxPaaI-00006-00005158-00005673 And he was very sure …that he has been obeying the commandments gfr6evxPaaI-00007-00005673-00006348 since his youth …that he has been obedient since his youth, gfr6evxPaaI-00008-00006348-00006669 and he is aware of it. gfr6evxPaaI-00009-00006669-00006943 He knew that he was obedient. gfr6evxPaaI-00010-00006943-00007195 He knew what not to do. gfr6evxPaaI-00011-00007195-00007843 He knew what to do and he was avoiding the things that should be avoided. gfr6evxPaaI-00012-00007843-00008326 And he was doing the things that he should be doing. gfr6evxPaaI-00013-00008326-00008642 What does your life say? gfr6evxPaaI-00014-00008642-00009192 And his life said he was doing very well. gfr6evxPaaI-00015-00009192-00009884 But salvation is more than what your life says. gfr6evxPaaI-00016-00009884-00010356 Salvation is to ask - What does God say? gfr6evxPaaI-00017-00010356-00011517 This is the constant reminder that my father gave me. gfr6evxPaaI-00018-00011517-00012239 No matter what happens, he would always say, God has His reasons. gfr6evxPaaI-00019-00012239-00012460 God has His reasons. gfr6evxPaaI-00020-00012460-00012853 If you are wealthy, God has His reasons. gfr6evxPaaI-00021-00012853-00013459 If you are suffering or afflicted with sickness, God has His reasons. gfr6evxPaaI-00022-00013459-00014186 What is important is that you seek out God’s reason. gfr6evxPaaI-00023-00014186-00015131 We have our own reasons but there is something more important than our reasons. gfr6evxPaaI-00024-00015131-00015356 What is it? gfr6evxPaaI-00025-00015356-00015566 God’s reason. gfr6evxPaaI-00026-00015566-00016277 The man was rich but he could not ask the question - gfr6evxPaaI-00027-00016277-00017037 Lord, what am I wealthy? gfr6evxPaaI-00028-00017037-00017961 If he was poor…he must also ask the question- Lord, why am I poor? gfr6evxPaaI-00029-00017961-00018259 What do you want to tell me, Lord? gfr6evxPaaI-00030-00018259-00018649 What do you want to tell me, Lord, in my sickness? gfr6evxPaaI-00031-00018649-00018991 What do you want to tell me, Lord, in my success? gfr6evxPaaI-00032-00018991-00019315 What do you want to tell me, Lord, in my defeat? gfr6evxPaaI-00033-00019315-00019638 What do you want to tell me, Lord, in this pandemic? gfr6evxPaaI-00034-00019638-00020024 What do you want to tell me, Lord, in my security and safety? gfr6evxPaaI-00035-00020024-00020299 What do you want to tell me, Lord? gfr6evxPaaI-00036-00020299-00020961 Lord, you're telling me something and I hope I am listening… gfr6evxPaaI-00037-00020961-00021698 …that I am not only listening to my own voice because I need to listen to you. gfr6evxPaaI-00038-00021698-00022285 The pandemic is saying something to us, according to the government. gfr6evxPaaI-00039-00022285-00022620 The pandemic is saying something to us, according to scientists. gfr6evxPaaI-00040-00022620-00023120 The pandemic is saying something to us, according to the business sector gfr6evxPaaI-00041-00023120-00023472 …according to the politicians …according to the children gfr6evxPaaI-00042-00023472-00023619 …according to the poor. gfr6evxPaaI-00043-00023619-00024069 What is God saying to us about the pandemic? gfr6evxPaaI-00044-00024069-00024926 What is God saying to us about your wealth? gfr6evxPaaI-00045-00024926-00025136 What is God saying to us about your suffering? gfr6evxPaaI-00046-00025136-00025500 What is God saying to us about your online class? gfr6evxPaaI-00047-00025500-00025966 What is God saying to us about everything that is happening in your life? gfr6evxPaaI-00048-00025966-00026066 God is telling us something. gfr6evxPaaI-00049-00026066-00026204 God has His reasons. gfr6evxPaaI-00050-00026204-00027082 And we will not be able to discover the meaning of life, if we forget to ask – Lord, what gfr6evxPaaI-00051-00027082-00027492 do you want to say to us? gfr6evxPaaI-00052-00027492-00028135 In everything that happens to us, God is telling us something. gfr6evxPaaI-00053-00028135-00028818 It is not enough to read what the columnists write. gfr6evxPaaI-00054-00028818-00029291 It is not enough to read what the surveys show. gfr6evxPaaI-00055-00029291-00029841 It is not enough to read what the other countries are doing. gfr6evxPaaI-00056-00029841-00030216 Lord, what do you want to say to us? gfr6evxPaaI-00057-00030216-00031225 Lord, what are you telling us not what we say but what you say not what the others are gfr6evxPaaI-00058-00031225-00031568 telling but what you tell? gfr6evxPaaI-00059-00031568-00032123 Brothers and sisters, that was the problem of the rich man in the Gospel? gfr6evxPaaI-00060-00032123-00032408 That young man who wanted to be saved. gfr6evxPaaI-00061-00032408-00033291 He was examining his life and he knew about his life but he was not in touch with the gfr6evxPaaI-00062-00033291-00033440 Lord. gfr6evxPaaI-00063-00033440-00034118 He knew what his life was saying but he was not ready for what the Lord was saying. gfr6evxPaaI-00064-00034118-00035349 That is why his face fell and he walked away sad because he had many possessions. gfr6evxPaaI-00065-00035349-00036258 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today I only ask you to confront the Lord and say gfr6evxPaaI-00066-00036258-00036706 – With what is happening in my life… gfr6evxPaaI-00067-00036706-00036891 With the death in the family… gfr6evxPaaI-00068-00036891-00037301 With the bankruptcy in business… gfr6evxPaaI-00069-00037301-00037668 With the insecurity of getting sick… gfr6evxPaaI-00070-00037668-00038038 With the cremation that we hear… gfr6evxPaaI-00071-00038038-00038441 Lord, what are you saying? gfr6evxPaaI-00072-00038441-00038802 What are you saying to us? gfr6evxPaaI-00073-00038802-00038902 The world is so noisy. gfr6evxPaaI-00074-00038902-00039332 Lord, I cannot hear your whisper. gfr6evxPaaI-00075-00039332-00039622 I am too busy. gfr6evxPaaI-00076-00039622-00040175 I have no time to listen to your whisper, Lord. gfr6evxPaaI-00077-00040175-00040413 Lord, what are you saying to me? gfr6evxPaaI-00078-00040413-00040905 Lord, I’ve come to know that there is a reason to everything. gfr6evxPaaI-00079-00040905-00041977 And I know it is the reason that comes from You that will shine the light to everything gfr6evxPaaI-00080-00041977-00042358 that I am going through right now. gfr6evxPaaI-00081-00042358-00042785 Lord, what are you saying to me? gfr6evxPaaI-00082-00042785-00043085 Talk to us, Lord. gfr6evxPaaI-00083-00043085-00043298 Speak to us, Lord. gfr6evxPaaI-00084-00043298-00043563 Lord, what do you want to say? gfr6evxPaaI-00085-00043563-00043868 Lord, what do you want us to do? gfr6evxPaaI-00086-00043868-00044249 Tell me, Lord and I will do it. glmSGHvYbfQ-00000-00000000-00000200 នាទីសន្ទនាព្រះធម៌ប្រចាំថ្ងៃសុក្រ gnZbryoh8Dk-00000-00000003-00000737 So who takes out the garbage in your home? Who dusts? Is it just the wife or gnZbryoh8Dk-00001-00000737-00001194 just the husband? We're curious. But we're going to talk about the division of gnZbryoh8Dk-00002-00001194-00002306 responsibilities in a happy family. Stay with us. gnZbryoh8Dk-00003-00002306-00002772 Hey, it Scott Christopher. Once again, thank you for joining us sitting in this gnZbryoh8Dk-00004-00002772-00003393 entire month is my wife Liz. And I don't know if she likes it. She might not just gnZbryoh8Dk-00005-00003393-00003923 be sitting in for Jeff Burke's. You might have to just join me or us regularly. I gnZbryoh8Dk-00006-00003923-00004662 don't know. -I don't think we'll have a problem. -I kind of like... See, Jeff and I gnZbryoh8Dk-00007-00004662-00005103 can't talk about the things that you and I can talk about. And thus dispense some gnZbryoh8Dk-00008-00005103-00005612 of our provincial wisdom on other couples and/or mothers and fathers. -Today gnZbryoh8Dk-00009-00005612-00006048 we're going to talk about how to balance husband and wife responsibilities. First, gnZbryoh8Dk-00010-00006048-00006698 one is, I don't do videos. He does. -Well, technically speaking, making YouTube gnZbryoh8Dk-00011-00006698-00007145 videos is not a husband responsibility. In as much as there's no children gnZbryoh8Dk-00012-00007145-00007520 involved or any other domestic things. Except the fact that we are sitting in gnZbryoh8Dk-00013-00007520-00007872 our kitchen. But let's talk about responsibilities and just sort of our gnZbryoh8Dk-00014-00007872-00008412 experiences over the years. So, what are some things that from the outset of our gnZbryoh8Dk-00015-00008412-00008679 marriage. Are the things that have evolved from gnZbryoh8Dk-00016-00008679-00009032 the beginning are the things that have stayed the same and what do you perceive gnZbryoh8Dk-00017-00009032-00009606 as some of the responsibilities in general that husbands and wives have. -Well... gnZbryoh8Dk-00018-00009606-00010061 -That was a lot of questions for you. Did you stack them all up in there? Okay. -Well, gnZbryoh8Dk-00019-00010061-00010661 we've kind of done the more traditional husband and wife responsibilities. I gnZbryoh8Dk-00020-00010661-00011334 stayed home with the kids and I have 5 boys to raise and so... By gnZbryoh8Dk-00021-00011334-00011784 the way, I'm going to cut you off. That wasn't always your plan, was it? -Oh gosh, no. gnZbryoh8Dk-00022-00011784-00012311 -What happened? What changed? -I having the che... I mean, I got my degree. -And she had gnZbryoh8Dk-00023-00012311-00012789 her college degree before I did. I mean years before. -I'm getting an MBA and gnZbryoh8Dk-00024-00012789-00013365 going forward always had a desire to be in the workforce. And... -Which I supported. gnZbryoh8Dk-00025-00013365-00013932 -Right. May I just very... As an actor, for those of you that have seen me in shows gnZbryoh8Dk-00026-00013932-00014616 such as... And... Anyway, to me that would be like, that was kind of like the dream was, gnZbryoh8Dk-00027-00014616-00015179 "Oh my wife, who's so aggressive and ambitious is going to get her MBA and be gnZbryoh8Dk-00028-00015179-00015671 wildly wealthy. And I can just be this lazy actor who gnZbryoh8Dk-00029-00015671-00016172 doesn't need to make money." That's how we started. -Then you have your kid and I gnZbryoh8Dk-00030-00016172-00016499 didn't want to leave him with anybody else. -And by the way, did we have our gnZbryoh8Dk-00031-00016499-00017054 children... When did we have our child? -At 23, 24. -But when did we get married? gnZbryoh8Dk-00032-00017054-00017579 -Oh, what do you mean? 1989. I don't know what your... -I guess I'm just asking how gnZbryoh8Dk-00033-00017579-00018098 long was it until we had a baby? -Not to cover my tracks or to prove that... gnZbryoh8Dk-00034-00018098-00018611 -I was like 3 and a half years. -That's all I'm saying. We were... I was... I just turned 22 gnZbryoh8Dk-00035-00018611-00019025 and she was barely 20. So this was a different generation. It's true when we gnZbryoh8Dk-00036-00019025-00019349 got married younger then. -Right. -But we didn't start having our kids for about gnZbryoh8Dk-00037-00019349-00019877 3 years. -Yeah. -Yeah. -And so after that, I wanted to stay home with him. And then gnZbryoh8Dk-00038-00019877-00020312 we had more children and I just stayed home but I had a degree so I could do gnZbryoh8Dk-00039-00020312-00020873 things. But even though I was home, I was always busy with projects. -Well but so go gnZbryoh8Dk-00040-00020873-00021371 back to the point here, right? So, you decide once once you got pregnant and gnZbryoh8Dk-00041-00021371-00021782 actually worked through your pregnancy. -Right. -Which was awful. And then when we gnZbryoh8Dk-00042-00021782-00022235 had him, our first boy, we have 5 boys. Then it was really... And I always believed gnZbryoh8Dk-00043-00022235-00022640 that I would be the kind of the breadwinner is the term. You know, the one gnZbryoh8Dk-00044-00022640-00023063 who makes the money for the family. But it didn't matter to me. But once we did gnZbryoh8Dk-00045-00023063-00023477 start having children... And I think at that point, the reason that we could have gnZbryoh8Dk-00046-00023477-00023927 a child is because I was really finally settling in to work in the radio gnZbryoh8Dk-00047-00023927-00024458 industry where I had health insurance and a pretty decent payday for that time gnZbryoh8Dk-00048-00024458-00025345 and for my age. We felt pretty almost... What's the word? Prosperous or... Not gnZbryoh8Dk-00049-00025345-00025741 affluent but I mean we felt... -Well, we did it. -We had money at that... But we were so gnZbryoh8Dk-00050-00025741-00026204 young... -I mean... it was like, now we can afford to get Gerber food and diapers. gnZbryoh8Dk-00051-00026204-00026752 -Right. But compared to what people think today. Like I remember, we didn't go out gnZbryoh8Dk-00052-00026752-00027326 to eat. I don't... -Ever -...think until our third child was about 8. We couldn't gnZbryoh8Dk-00053-00027326-00027800 afford to. So, it's not like we had all this money. But we chose to have me stay gnZbryoh8Dk-00054-00027800-00028316 home and raise the kids. We did... -Right, that's what I'm saying. It's gnZbryoh8Dk-00055-00028316-00028617 relative, you know, and the proper perspective, yeah. We gnZbryoh8Dk-00056-00028617-00029292 weren't (By anyone's standards) wealthy. But for us, bringing and the jobs that gnZbryoh8Dk-00057-00029292-00029766 we'd had before. For me to have a salaried position, with benefits. For us, gnZbryoh8Dk-00058-00029766-00030245 it felt like... -Right. -...what a blessing. You know, we we pray, we do the best we can gnZbryoh8Dk-00059-00030245-00030686 and if we felt like the Lord had just dumped blessings on us. And it felt gnZbryoh8Dk-00060-00030686-00031287 selfish to not start bringing other little... -Established. We kind of gnZbryoh8Dk-00061-00031287-00031620 had traditional roles. You were the breadwinner, I stay at home and raise the gnZbryoh8Dk-00062-00031620-00032223 boys. What other roles have we had? -Well. So for example, there's things like gnZbryoh8Dk-00063-00032223-00032702 you know, who's going to discipline the kids? Who's going to be the bad cop? Who's gnZbryoh8Dk-00064-00032702-00033135 going to be the good cop? You know? But did we ever sit and establish those gnZbryoh8Dk-00065-00033135-00033780 things? Did we ever plan that out? -No. -No. -We just kind of... Dad was more the firm gnZbryoh8Dk-00066-00033780-00034374 one and... -It happens organically. You know, when it came to child care, child rearing gnZbryoh8Dk-00067-00034374-00034806 as this said, you know, she decided to stay home and be with them. So the gnZbryoh8Dk-00068-00034806-00035193 majority of the day, certainly on you, while I was out doing things. Early on, I gnZbryoh8Dk-00069-00035193-00035841 probably wasn't the best at, "I'm home, let's switch." -Right. But you also came gnZbryoh8Dk-00070-00035841-00036249 home and you were tired from working all day and stuff. What about like house gnZbryoh8Dk-00071-00036249-00036722 cleaning and cooking meals and stuff like that? What do you think our gnZbryoh8Dk-00072-00036722-00037227 responsibility? Sorry(Laughs) -Well I know what the right answer is. Okay so, here a... gnZbryoh8Dk-00073-00037227-00037632 But what's the truthful answer? -The right answer is that you should equally share gnZbryoh8Dk-00074-00037632-00038136 those to the extent that like you've just said. Well, if one person is at work gnZbryoh8Dk-00075-00038136-00038631 10 hours that day, obviously they're not equally sharing the load. But when that gnZbryoh8Dk-00076-00038631-00039144 person comes home, they can... When they see things, they can clean them. When they do, gnZbryoh8Dk-00077-00039144-00039630 you know? -Right. -We've sort of you know, and this is I think, this is you gnZbryoh8Dk-00078-00039630-00040065 know, this is one of those bits of advice that's fairly general but it's you know, gnZbryoh8Dk-00079-00040065-00040581 share responsibilities based on your unique and individual circumstances. What gnZbryoh8Dk-00080-00040581-00041175 do I mean by that? Well, Liz loves neatness, tidiness, cleanliness. And she's gnZbryoh8Dk-00081-00041175-00041616 not fastidious about it or you know, obsessive-compulsive. But gnZbryoh8Dk-00082-00041616-00042072 she like many women, not to paint your gender that way. But they like things gnZbryoh8Dk-00083-00042072-00042618 neat. Guys, generally again, very cliche-cly, we can be slobs. I can be a slob gnZbryoh8Dk-00084-00042618-00043074 and I can let it go for a couple of days and then I go, "I've got to clean this gnZbryoh8Dk-00085-00043074-00043722 whole up." Whereas she's like it needs to be clean yesterday. So, the understanding gnZbryoh8Dk-00086-00043722-00044337 of different personalities is important. I forgive her for being extremely neat. gnZbryoh8Dk-00087-00044337-00044890 -Basically... -She forgives me... -...I just never have to clean because I'm okay with it? Is what gnZbryoh8Dk-00088-00044890-00045333 you're saying? -No. But are you... But are you suggesting that I don't clean? That's gnZbryoh8Dk-00089-00045333-00045690 what I'm saying. -No, you do way more now. -Great. -You'll do the dishes... -I've grown into it. gnZbryoh8Dk-00090-00045690-00046134 But by the same token, talking about the kind of the division of duties. You know, gnZbryoh8Dk-00091-00046134-00046702 there's sort of the grunt blue-collar heavy lifting work that generally gnZbryoh8Dk-00092-00046702-00047250 speaking, the man does, right? The fixing of things, the mowing the lawns, the gnZbryoh8Dk-00093-00047250-00047680 weeding of the this and that. Now, she in our particular marriage, does a lot of that gnZbryoh8Dk-00094-00047680-00048283 because she (A) enjoys it, (B) she's good at it. And (C) I'm neither of those things. gnZbryoh8Dk-00095-00048283-00048714 That's I'm saying. That's kind of bulk work. And she does more of the finessing. gnZbryoh8Dk-00096-00048714-00049278 She plants the stuff and makes it look pretty. I just move things here to there. gnZbryoh8Dk-00097-00049278-00049890 If we have a truckload of bark we have to put out, me and the boys will take all gnZbryoh8Dk-00098-00049890-00050253 the heavy stuff over and do all the heavy things. We had a big thing of gnZbryoh8Dk-00099-00050253-00050658 gravel dumped in our driveway one time that we had to put somewhere and we had gnZbryoh8Dk-00100-00050658-00051144 to do all the wheelbarrowing. -And just think you don't have to have traditional responsibility. gnZbryoh8Dk-00101-00051144-00051657 -Absolutely not. -Like I've always done the finances. -That's another one. I gnZbryoh8Dk-00102-00051657-00052167 don't even get finances. -But it also was because you traveled so much and that gnZbryoh8Dk-00103-00052167-00052624 was before we had you know, where it just automatically pays through your bank. So gnZbryoh8Dk-00104-00052624-00053070 I always took care of the finances. But I think in any marriage, decide what your gnZbryoh8Dk-00105-00053070-00053454 strengths are and go from there. You don't need to have traditional roles. gnZbryoh8Dk-00106-00053454-00053976 He's stronger than me, he's going to move the bulky stuff. I'm actually better with gnZbryoh8Dk-00107-00053976-00054357 power tools and fixing things so I will do that. -She gets those for Christmas. gnZbryoh8Dk-00108-00054357-00054804 Those are her gifts. Get me a bandsaw, get me a drill, gnZbryoh8Dk-00109-00054804-00055469 give me a power blower. -And I like fixing things and doing things and tiling, gnZbryoh8Dk-00110-00055469-00055982 painting, whatever. He's not going to do that and that's okay. -Yeah. -You don't have to gnZbryoh8Dk-00111-00055982-00056475 have gender specific. But I think including your kids and all those gnZbryoh8Dk-00112-00056475-00056939 different things is important. So they can learn how to do things that you've gnZbryoh8Dk-00113-00056939-00057404 done and guys that I've done. -And I would say and I won't leave this dangling. But gnZbryoh8Dk-00114-00057404-00057980 I would say there are some gender specific strengths from a very general, gnZbryoh8Dk-00115-00057980-00058454 general gender discussion and conversation that we do possess as men gnZbryoh8Dk-00116-00058454-00058763 and women. And I wouldn't say nary the twain shall meet... gnZbryoh8Dk-00117-00058763-00059213 -But the fact is, is you're just preternaturally more compassionate and gnZbryoh8Dk-00118-00059213-00059850 soft-spoken and kind. And I just, I truly believe that is a function and a gnZbryoh8Dk-00119-00059850-00060369 beautiful divine part of womanhood. Whereas I am just a stinky, large... I'm gnZbryoh8Dk-00120-00060369-00060770 built for getting changing these lightbulbs up in the ceiling that she's gnZbryoh8Dk-00121-00060770-00061110 afraid of a ladder to get out. Of course so am I but I'll do it anyway. She gnZbryoh8Dk-00122-00061110-00061338 screams at spiders, I squashed the spiders. gnZbryoh8Dk-00123-00061338-00061785 She moves because of mice, I hunt and kill the mice. I'm just saying, I'm not gnZbryoh8Dk-00124-00061785-00062252 putting that all on everyone else. But in a general sense... -That's what we do. -There are divisions gnZbryoh8Dk-00125-00062252-00062847 that I think are that somewhat exists. -Right. And I'm grateful I was able to gnZbryoh8Dk-00126-00062847-00063182 stay home with their children. I think that was very... And there's house gnZbryoh8Dk-00127-00063182-00063695 husbands now that were it switches and if that works for you. -But I'm glad you gnZbryoh8Dk-00128-00063695-00064256 were able to do. -I am thrilled. If I could leave one final endorsement, very happy. gnZbryoh8Dk-00129-00064256-00065091 That this is the way our work done. I think, it's worked out nice. So, if you gnZbryoh8Dk-00130-00065091-00065957 like this, please don't do this. Make sure to subscribe. We want to see you at our gnZbryoh8Dk-00131-00065957-00066338 next video. Because we can see. h0HAq_KFzoE-00000-00000220-00000798 SCP-303 the doorman - object class: euclid h0HAq_KFzoE-00001-00001100-00001438 Item #: SCP-303 h0HAq_KFzoE-00002-00001438-00001613 Object Class: Euclid h0HAq_KFzoE-00003-00001613-00002189 Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-303 has not yet been known to travel beyond the h0HAq_KFzoE-00004-00002189-00002858 boundaries of Site ██, the entire area of Site ██ is currently considered SCP-303's h0HAq_KFzoE-00005-00002858-00003010 containment area. h0HAq_KFzoE-00006-00003010-00003509 All rooms in Site ██ are to be altered where possible so as to have two entrances h0HAq_KFzoE-00007-00003509-00003979 separated by a distance of 10m or line of sight. h0HAq_KFzoE-00008-00003979-00004429 Personnel are to be distributed evenly throughout the facility, with available radio or intercom h0HAq_KFzoE-00009-00004429-00004732 contact, so that encounters may be resolved quickly. h0HAq_KFzoE-00010-00004732-00005408 Personnel who witness SCP-303 are to be submitted for immediate psychiatric evaluation. h0HAq_KFzoE-00011-00005408-00006203 All SCP objects housed at Site ██ since before 6/4/10 are to be transferred to Site h0HAq_KFzoE-00012-00006203-00006368 ██-B one at a time. h0HAq_KFzoE-00013-00006368-00007043 Each SCP object will be transferred again to Site ██-A once it can be verified that h0HAq_KFzoE-00014-00007043-00007483 SCP-303 has not migrated from Site ██ with it. h0HAq_KFzoE-00015-00007483-00008192 Once SCP-303 either migrates to Site ██-B, or remains present at Site ██ once all h0HAq_KFzoE-00016-00008192-00008708 SCPs in question have been transferred to Site ██-A, containment procedures will h0HAq_KFzoE-00017-00008708-00008956 be updated as appropriate. h0HAq_KFzoE-00018-00008956-00009643 Description: Witnesses describe SCP-303 as a nude, sexless, emaciated humanoid figure h0HAq_KFzoE-00019-00009643-00009913 with reddish-brown skin. h0HAq_KFzoE-00020-00009913-00010397 Instead of normal facial features, its head is dominated by an extremely large mouth, h0HAq_KFzoE-00021-00010397-00010747 which bears a set of oversized human teeth. h0HAq_KFzoE-00022-00010747-00011165 It continually vocalizes a wheezing noise, loud enough to be heard from the other side h0HAq_KFzoE-00023-00011165-00011432 of most solid doors. h0HAq_KFzoE-00024-00011432-00011965 All individuals who have had encounters with SCP-303 are capable of describing it in full, h0HAq_KFzoE-00025-00011965-00012375 including individuals who have not physically seen any part of it. h0HAq_KFzoE-00026-00012375-00012916 SCP-303 will periodically materialize behind any closed door, hatch, or other entryway h0HAq_KFzoE-00027-00012916-00013379 barrier opposite a sentient observer, chosen by unknown means. h0HAq_KFzoE-00028-00013379-00013903 SCP-303 will then remain behind the door for an indeterminate amount of time. h0HAq_KFzoE-00029-00013903-00014306 Any individual attempting to open the door or barrier experiences intense, paralyzing h0HAq_KFzoE-00030-00014306-00014987 fear that lasts until SCP-303 dematerializes (either on its own or to avoid being directly h0HAq_KFzoE-00031-00014987-00015243 seen by another observer). h0HAq_KFzoE-00032-00015243-00015669 The source of this fear is not clear, but appears to be similar in nature to arachnophobia h0HAq_KFzoE-00033-00015669-00016119 and ophidiophobia, originating on a pre-conscious, genetic level. h0HAq_KFzoE-00034-00016119-00016743 [DATA EXPUNGED] analysis indicates that SCP-303 is not, in fact, purposefully inducing fear h0HAq_KFzoE-00035-00016743-00016951 in the affected individuals. h0HAq_KFzoE-00036-00016951-00017568 SCP-303 does not allow itself to come into direct visual contact with any observer, and h0HAq_KFzoE-00037-00017568-00018070 has never allowed any one individual to view more than 10% of its form. h0HAq_KFzoE-00038-00018070-00018620 When the door or other entryway barrier is partially or completely transparent, SCP-303 h0HAq_KFzoE-00039-00018620-00019168 will materialize in an orientation that leaves 10% or less of its body visible, or cause h0HAq_KFzoE-00040-00019168-00019583 effects of fog or frost on the transparent surface to achieve the same effect. h0HAq_KFzoE-00041-00019583-00020237 If SCP-303 is approached from a direction in which there is not a solid object or door h0HAq_KFzoE-00042-00020237-00020862 breaking line of sight, it will dematerialize before direct visual contact is made. h0HAq_KFzoE-00043-00020862-00021481 Any electronic or complex mechanical devices that SCP-303 encounters are temporarily disabled. h0HAq_KFzoE-00044-00021481-00022113 SCP-303 has made no recorded attempt to physically or verbally engage any observer. h0HAq_KFzoE-00045-00022113-00022795 How SCP-303 arrived at Site ██ is not known at this time. h0HAq_KFzoE-00046-00022795-00023167 SCP-303’s first recorded appearance was on 3/1/10. h0HAq_KFzoE-00047-00023167-00023912 It is suspected that SCP-303 was inadvertently transferred along with or manifested by another h0HAq_KFzoE-00048-00023912-00024129 SCP on-site. h0HAq_KFzoE-00049-00024129-00024701 All SCPs on Site ██ are being reexamined accordingly. h0HAq_KFzoE-00050-00024701-00024936 Incident Log 303-A h0HAq_KFzoE-00051-00024936-00025545 Incident 303-1: Agent ████████ was showering in her private quarters bathroom h0HAq_KFzoE-00052-00025545-00026189 when she became aware of the presence of SCP-303 on the opposite side of the shower curtain. h0HAq_KFzoE-00053-00026189-00026406 It was wheezing extremely loudly. h0HAq_KFzoE-00054-00026406-00026839 Startled by the discovery, she accidentally struck the shower curtain, causing it to sway h0HAq_KFzoE-00055-00026839-00027041 outwards. h0HAq_KFzoE-00056-00027041-00027620 The curtain partially wrapped around SCP-303, revealing that it was less than 0.5m from h0HAq_KFzoE-00057-00027620-00028039 the curtain, standing erect and facing the shower. h0HAq_KFzoE-00058-00028039-00028444 Agent ████████ reports spending approximately the next 3 hours sobbing in h0HAq_KFzoE-00059-00028444-00028900 the shower, quietly, as not to disturb SCP-303. h0HAq_KFzoE-00060-00028900-00029306 Agent ████████ reported that the wheezing stopped very suddenly, at which h0HAq_KFzoE-00061-00029306-00029670 point in time she was able to exit the shower. h0HAq_KFzoE-00062-00029670-00030591 Incident 303-3: Agent █████ encountered SCP-303 inside the Site ██ 2nd floor break-room. h0HAq_KFzoE-00063-00030591-00031012 He was attempting to obtain coffee creamer from the counter cabinet when he heard loud h0HAq_KFzoE-00064-00031012-00031531 wheezing emanating from the cabinet and was overtaken by overwhelming fear. h0HAq_KFzoE-00065-00031531-00032008 Agent █████ later reported that SCP-303 was huddled in the cabinet in the h0HAq_KFzoE-00066-00032008-00032188 fetal position. h0HAq_KFzoE-00067-00032188-00032624 Agent █████ claimed to be certain of the information despite failing to open h0HAq_KFzoE-00068-00032624-00032742 the cabinet door. h0HAq_KFzoE-00069-00032742-00033309 Later, when the cabinet was examined, one container of powdered coffee creamer was missing. h0HAq_KFzoE-00070-00033309-00033962 Note: This is the first recorded instance of SCP-303 removing an object from a scene. h0HAq_KFzoE-00071-00033962-00034612 Incident 303-6: Dr. █████ was discovered dead from dehydration in a 2nd floor storage h0HAq_KFzoE-00072-00034612-00034712 room. h0HAq_KFzoE-00073-00034712-00035191 It is estimated that Dr. █████ spent up to five days in the storage room before h0HAq_KFzoE-00074-00035191-00035380 being discovered. h0HAq_KFzoE-00075-00035380-00036035 A small 4m x 4m decompression chamber separated the storage room from the adjoining hallway. h0HAq_KFzoE-00076-00036035-00036590 SCP-303 occupied the decompression chamber for the duration of Dr. █████‘s h0HAq_KFzoE-00077-00036590-00037101 isolation in the storage room, disallowing entry from either direction and making it h0HAq_KFzoE-00078-00037101-00037478 impossible for Dr. █████ to leave. h0HAq_KFzoE-00079-00037478-00037606 Test Log 303-A: h0HAq_KFzoE-00080-00037606-00038307 A team consisting of Dr. ████████, Researcher ████████, 4 security personnel, h0HAq_KFzoE-00081-00038307-00038942 and 4 D-Class personnel were assigned to be dispatched to any reported incident of SCP-303’s h0HAq_KFzoE-00082-00038942-00039409 materialization in order to immediately perform on-site testing. h0HAq_KFzoE-00083-00039409-00039841 These logs take place at the door to room ███ from the first floor hallway. h0HAq_KFzoE-00084-00039841-00040343 SCP-303 was reported to be within room ███. h0HAq_KFzoE-00085-00040343-00041087 Test 303-1: One (1) male D-Class personnel, D-303-1, was ordered to open the door and h0HAq_KFzoE-00086-00041087-00041596 threatened that he would be transferred to SCP-███ duty for non-compliance. h0HAq_KFzoE-00087-00041596-00041911 He refused, citing extreme fear. h0HAq_KFzoE-00088-00041911-00042703 Test 303-2: One (1) male D-Class personnel, D-303-1, was ordered to open the door and h0HAq_KFzoE-00089-00042703-00042927 threatened that he would be terminated on the spot for non-compliance. h0HAq_KFzoE-00090-00042927-00043738 He refused, claiming that if he were to do so that SCP-303 would [DATA EXPUNGED]. h0HAq_KFzoE-00091-00043738-00044153 He was terminated on the spot. h0HAq_KFzoE-00092-00044153-00044947 Test 303-3: One (1) female D-Class personnel, D-303-2, that had witnessed the termination h0HAq_KFzoE-00093-00044947-00045486 of D-303-1, was ordered to open the door and threatened that she would be terminated on h0HAq_KFzoE-00094-00045486-00045766 the spot for non-compliance. h0HAq_KFzoE-00095-00045766-00046444 She refused, claiming that if she opened the door that SCP-303 would [DATA EXPUNGED]. h0HAq_KFzoE-00096-00046444-00046798 Researcher ████████ was visibly shaken by this claim. h0HAq_KFzoE-00097-00046798-00047174 D-303-2 was not terminated. h0HAq_KFzoE-00098-00047174-00048066 Test 303-4: One (1) female D-Class personnel, D-303-2, was ordered to open the door. h0HAq_KFzoE-00099-00048066-00048756 One (1) male D-Class personnel, D-303-3, was given one (1) combat knife by security personnel h0HAq_KFzoE-00100-00048756-00049306 and ordered to [DATA EXPUNGED] until D-303-2 opened the door. h0HAq_KFzoE-00101-00049306-00049790 After 2 hours of [DATA EXPUNGED] D-303-2 died from blood loss. h0HAq_KFzoE-00102-00049790-00050277 D-303-2 made no attempt to open the door. h0HAq_KFzoE-00103-00050277-00051012 Addendum- 5/1/10: SCP-303 appears to have claimed the 2nd floor storage room as its h0HAq_KFzoE-00104-00051012-00051182 own. h0HAq_KFzoE-00105-00051182-00051754 It has so far disallowed any personnel entry to the room since 4/5/10. h0HAq_KFzoE-00106-00051754-00052179 It leaves periodically to acquire Foundation property, which is then moved into the 2nd h0HAq_KFzoE-00107-00052179-00052344 floor storage room. h0HAq_KFzoE-00108-00052344-00052976 To date, the following list describes all non-classified items taken by SCP-303: h0HAq_KFzoE-00109-00052976-00053476 One (1) █████ cryotube Three (3) sets of standard Foundation surgical h0HAq_KFzoE-00110-00053476-00053576 equipment █████ ███ █████████████ h0HAq_KFzoE-00111-00053576-00054241 Two (2) D-Class research cadavers One (1) gasoline-powered generator h0HAq_KFzoE-00112-00054241-00055070 A variety of chemicals, including large quantities of tryptophan, phenylalanine, █████████ and h0HAq_KFzoE-00113-00055070-00055714 tyrosine, among others One (1) container of powdered coffee creamer h0HAq_KFzoE-00114-00055714-00056308 In addition to this, a number of classified materials have been obtained by SCP-303. h0HAq_KFzoE-00115-00056308-00058389 Staff are still attempting to determine what specific purposes SCP-303 may have for these h0HAq_KFzoE-00116-00058389-00060025 materials. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00000-00000752-00001152 There's two promises that I’ll make to you today and that's h16pnqQ5Yp0-00001-00001208-00001816 that I won't use any long scientific terminology and I won't show you anything that's gross. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00002-00002136-00002568 Don't be thrown off of the color because it's not what you think it is. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00003-00002640-00003200 This is actually the bugs and the sludge they produce it's not uh… h16pnqQ5Yp0-00004-00003360-00004384 It's not poop. So. I thought I was going all day without saying that word but that's what it is. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00005-00004504-00005192 This is the largest wastewater treatment plant at Shenandoah National Park. Skyland h16pnqQ5Yp0-00006-00005248-00005856 has a wastewater treatment plant; Big Meadows has one. The smaller campgrounds like Loft Mountain h16pnqQ5Yp0-00007-00005920-00006552 and Matthews Arm they, they don't produce as much flow it's just a seasonal campground h16pnqQ5Yp0-00008-00006552-00007344 so those are smaller outdoor plants. We do have some it some areas in the park that uses septic h16pnqQ5Yp0-00009-00007344-00007936 tanks they're, they're few and far between but it's just because we don't have a collection line h16pnqQ5Yp0-00010-00007936-00008656 that will run to a local wastewater treatment plant. They're remote so they're on septic tanks h16pnqQ5Yp0-00011-00008656-00009176 that's, that's another part of our wastewater duties is yearly we look at these septic tanks h16pnqQ5Yp0-00012-00009176-00009712 and say “Hey do these need to be pumped? Are they efficient or the is the concrete intact?” h16pnqQ5Yp0-00013-00009832-00010400 There's a, it's a different aspect for what we do as wastewater treatment plant operators. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00014-00010504-00011248 The biggest kept secret here at Shenandoah is that we as wastewater operators... we actually h16pnqQ5Yp0-00015-00011248-00012160 don't treat wastewater. Our job here is to make sure the microorganisms that we like to call h16pnqQ5Yp0-00016-00012160-00013024 bugs… all my bugs in there! We come in and check the bugs. The bugs have to be happy because if the h16pnqQ5Yp0-00017-00013024-00013728 bows aren't happy they don't stabilize the waist from the very young ones to the very old ones h16pnqQ5Yp0-00018-00013840-00014504 and when I talk about the perfect age right in here is the perfect age too many of these h16pnqQ5Yp0-00019-00014584-00015352 is not good too many of this is not good but if you can maintain the middle that's gravy. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00020-00015472-00016288 This is our certified laboratory. You can see instrumentation for the way we check for we do PH. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00021-00016368-00017096 Everything we do in here again is to see how our bugs are doing. We are treated as a large h16pnqQ5Yp0-00022-00017096-00017768 commercial lab even though we're teeny tiny, we still have to comply to all the regulations just h16pnqQ5Yp0-00023-00017768-00018880 like we were a large laboratory in a big city. So… which is tough sometimes but, but uh we do it. So, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00024-00019032-00019768 it all begins in our very own digestive system because we ourselves have tiny little wastewater h16pnqQ5Yp0-00025-00019768-00020568 plants inside of our bodies. We have bacteria we have enzymes that take food we eat and it tears it h16pnqQ5Yp0-00026-00020568-00021584 apart and it uses some and then it settles out and then when we um… rid ourselves of h16pnqQ5Yp0-00027-00021584-00022304 excess food we also rid ourselves of those enzymes and some of that bacteria. Well the bugs here h16pnqQ5Yp0-00028-00022392-00023008 that's just what they're waiting for. That's their food source. Here at Shenandoah we treat water, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00029-00023112-00023728 we give it to you but we're also here available when you give it right back. So, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00030-00023856-00024536 what you see here coming in this pipe that's actually coming down the collection lines h16pnqQ5Yp0-00031-00024600-00025296 as raw sewage. We don't have people in the lodges so more than likely this is just from them doing h16pnqQ5Yp0-00032-00025296-00026016 laundry or cleaning the kitchens or stuff like that. The cool part about the filming right now h16pnqQ5Yp0-00033-00026016-00026656 while we're shutting down is that nobody else has got to see what you guys are getting to see. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00034-00026720-00027352 They usually see full tanks and everything rocking and rolling but today I get to show you guys h16pnqQ5Yp0-00035-00027352-00027920 what's behind the scenes! I can explain what a clarifier is and I can use the hand motions h16pnqQ5Yp0-00036-00028008-00028744 but everybody… nobody really truly gets to see that y'all do! Look in here. This is the h16pnqQ5Yp0-00037-00028744-00029432 clarifier. This is where the bugs come from eating and breathing, they settle to the bottom because h16pnqQ5Yp0-00038-00029432-00030280 they're fat and happy. Those flights on these chains they run around and around, and they push h16pnqQ5Yp0-00039-00030280-00031016 all those bugs right back over there. This air pump picks those up and sends them right h16pnqQ5Yp0-00040-00031016-00031536 back to the beginning of the aeration tank where there's lots of air and more importantly there's h16pnqQ5Yp0-00041-00031536-00032208 lots of food. So that's the bulk of what we do as wastewater operators we're bug sitters we're h16pnqQ5Yp0-00042-00032264-00032904 highly-skilled, technically-trained bug sitters and, and if we do our job correctly, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00043-00033120-00033816 they do their job correctly. It's an honorable time when I send bugs to the digester. I stand h16pnqQ5Yp0-00044-00033816-00034360 over there watch them go in and I thank them I said you've done such a good job. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00045-00034424-00034968 I couldn't do my job without your service, it's it's kind of a thing where I honor them. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00046-00035040-00035720 Everybody rolls their eyes, but it works. It works it's like “Tina and her Bugs” So it's h16pnqQ5Yp0-00047-00035720-00036352 honoring the process. It's honoring it from the beginning until the very end and I say goodbye. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00048-00036432-00037416 So, inside these containers is eight UV bulbs, UV disinfectant. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00049-00037488-00038160 So, if by chance something has made it through every process in here and it's still alive h16pnqQ5Yp0-00050-00038272-00038824 it goes through here which kills anything that's living, and it comes in over here... h16pnqQ5Yp0-00051-00039104-00039416 And this... h16pnqQ5Yp0-00052-00039416-00040544 Nice clear clean effluent and then it's gravity fed into Lewis Falls. We have college h16pnqQ5Yp0-00053-00040544-00041264 students that come here usually about twice a year and they go down to where we discharge h16pnqQ5Yp0-00054-00041264-00041800 into Lewis Springs and they do a lot of sampling for different things. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00055-00042008-00042496 I think they trying to catch us but they have yet to find anything wrong h16pnqQ5Yp0-00056-00042496-00043240 so it's good for them, they they first come on a tour here and then h16pnqQ5Yp0-00057-00043240-00043728 they say uh-huh we're gonna go check your levels and then they go down and check h16pnqQ5Yp0-00058-00043728-00044172 my levels and I smile because I know it's going to be good! So…. [laughs]. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00059-00044664-00045064 Take two! Oh, I just feel like Hollywood! h16pnqQ5Yp0-00060-00045224-00045704 I have an incredible staff here; I can't say enough about them how good they are. They're h16pnqQ5Yp0-00061-00045704-00046416 dedicated because it takes a special dedication to do the right thing when you work alone. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00062-00046528-00047272 Because normally you are by yourself. When the pandemic started the guidelines were h16pnqQ5Yp0-00063-00047272-00048168 to wear PPE, to wash your hands, to stay away from each other… that's what we do every day! h16pnqQ5Yp0-00064-00048248-00048608 It's pretty… it's pretty wild because it didn't change our, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00065-00048608-00049432 our world too much. We wash our hands constantly, we use hand sanitizer constantly, we work normally h16pnqQ5Yp0-00066-00049432-00049864 alone. Now today there's two people here but that's because we're shutting down... h16pnqQ5Yp0-00067-00049928-00050624 so the hygiene part is instilled in us because of what we what we have to deal with raw sewage so. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00068-00050752-00051416 On another note here, be careful what you flush down the toilet. When you flush a chemical or, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00069-00051416-00051832 or anything that you think I won't matter this is a little paint thinner I need to h16pnqQ5Yp0-00070-00051832-00052424 clean my brush out let me wash it down the sink… all that… is detrimental to my bugs. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00071-00052560-00053400 To me sometimes we don't get noticed we don't get noticed until somebody flushes the toilet h16pnqQ5Yp0-00072-00053400-00053952 and it doesn't go down. Almost 15 years of water and wastewater, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00073-00053952-00054608 I have never ever met another person who said I think I’ll grow up and be a wastewater treatment h16pnqQ5Yp0-00074-00054608-00055255 plant operator that's really my goal in life. It kind of happened by accident, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00075-00055255-00056176 a very fortunate accident. I was in another park a few years ago and the guy who did water treatment, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00076-00056176-00056672 wastewater treatment would start teaching me little things here and there because I was outside h16pnqQ5Yp0-00077-00056736-00057272 of kind of an outside campground so he needed somebody to help keep an eye on the water h16pnqQ5Yp0-00078-00057272-00058088 and the wastewater, so between mowing grass or cleaning restrooms I would pick up extra duties. h16pnqQ5Yp0-00079-00058088-00058664 I got a phone call from my supervisor on Monday morning and said I need you come to my office h16pnqQ5Yp0-00080-00058664-00059328 and I was like oh what did I do I don't know what I did! So when I got there he said “Tina, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00081-00059408-00060055 this person has quit” and he said “you're the only person who knows what's going on” and I was like… h16pnqQ5Yp0-00082-00060055-00060784 well we're in trouble! Because I, I'm not sure I know what's going on so they said we need you to h16pnqQ5Yp0-00083-00060784-00061391 do what you do what you know to do and by the way we need you to go study and we need you h16pnqQ5Yp0-00084-00061391-00062104 get a water license and a wastewater license. As long as you study water treatment and wastewater h16pnqQ5Yp0-00085-00062104-00062744 treatment and pass the exams you have a career in wastewater, and we all know wastewater is h16pnqQ5Yp0-00086-00062744-00063416 not going anywhere because we will always flush toilets. You have wastewater plants in every town h16pnqQ5Yp0-00087-00063416-00064104 you go to and you have wastewater treatment plants in in most parks, national parks and what cool h16pnqQ5Yp0-00088-00064167-00064744 place to work… I get to work in the wastewater where people come visit every year, they spend h16pnqQ5Yp0-00089-00064800-00065288 all their years trying to save their money to come here where I get to work! h16pnqQ5Yp0-00090-00065360-00065872 I saw green and gray when I was young and I thought I don't know what they do but I want to h16pnqQ5Yp0-00091-00065872-00066768 do that! In fact, two of my operators I stole from other divisions! Sorry L.E. and I'm sorry trails h16pnqQ5Yp0-00092-00066768-00067416 and buildings, but they had an interest they asked to come cross-train and I said absolutely! h16pnqQ5Yp0-00093-00067416-00067992 Anybody could come cross-train and they said hey we really like this! Little did I know, h16pnqQ5Yp0-00094-00068096-00068736 wastewater would become my passion and a lot of my friends that hang out with me get so tired of h16pnqQ5Yp0-00095-00068736-00069472 hearing about wastewater but I think it is the most awesome job there is and the best thing h16pnqQ5Yp0-00096-00069472-00070504 we can do for the environment, we can take sewage… nasty sewage… and turn it into a quality of water h16pnqQ5Yp0-00097-00070504-00071584 that can be chlorinated and consumed it's, it's there's just nothing more rewarding to me! h2kGMjHvrXg-00000-00000237-00000541 Makani is so unique he just is this h2kGMjHvrXg-00001-00000541-00000934 complete ball of energy and fun and he h2kGMjHvrXg-00002-00000934-00001110 literally makes everyone laugh. h2kGMjHvrXg-00003-00001110-00001366 Anything and everything he does, he does it with h2kGMjHvrXg-00004-00001366-00001600 such gusto and so much excitement. h2kGMjHvrXg-00005-00001630-00001809 Even trainers that have been here 20 plus h2kGMjHvrXg-00006-00001809-00002094 years are like that, that little guy is h2kGMjHvrXg-00007-00002094-00002280 so funny he is so great. h2kGMjHvrXg-00008-00002300-00002556 He plays with his niece Amaya, he was in there when h2kGMjHvrXg-00009-00002556-00002757 she was born and he has a variety of h2kGMjHvrXg-00010-00002757-00002934 different vocalizations that he just h2kGMjHvrXg-00011-00002934-00003102 starts to make and when you're playing h2kGMjHvrXg-00012-00003102-00003310 with him and giving him ice and water h2kGMjHvrXg-00013-00003310-00003463 pouring in his mouth he loves that h2kGMjHvrXg-00014-00003463-00003643 sensation he just starts to squeal and h2kGMjHvrXg-00015-00003643-00003822 click and make these hilarious h2kGMjHvrXg-00016-00003822-00003990 vocalizations that you're like where is h2kGMjHvrXg-00017-00003990-00004140 that coming from? h2kGMjHvrXg-00018-00004240-00004300 One of our favorite h2kGMjHvrXg-00019-00004300-00004510 sessions as trainers is a relate session h2kGMjHvrXg-00020-00004510-00004663 and you're literally just hanging out h2kGMjHvrXg-00021-00004663-00004825 with your whale enjoying your time with h2kGMjHvrXg-00022-00004825-00005026 them and it's just a really wonderful h2kGMjHvrXg-00023-00005026-00005278 way to increase that respect and that h2kGMjHvrXg-00024-00005278-00005518 bond so every time you see that whale it h2kGMjHvrXg-00025-00005518-00005674 just gets stronger and stronger and that h2kGMjHvrXg-00026-00005674-00005890 is by far one of the coolest things h2kGMjHvrXg-00027-00005890-00006000 being a trainer. h2kGMjHvrXg-00028-00006020-00006160 I'm always go-go-go and I h2kGMjHvrXg-00029-00006163-00006376 love that he's always go-go-go and we just h2kGMjHvrXg-00030-00006376-00006582 we just have so much fun together. h2kGMjHvrXg-00031-00006680-00006859 Makani has my heart. h2B_voEfBR0-00000-00000018-00000336 hey guys it's Ben and I'm really happy to be back h2B_voEfBR0-00001-00001122-00001692 as far as the reason why I was gone for YouTube and also very inconsistent in the past well there h2B_voEfBR0-00002-00001692-00002214 really isn't a reason um there's been a lot of personal issues that I've failed and neglected h2B_voEfBR0-00003-00002214-00002718 to work on over the past I would say 10 years of my life and finally those are really starting to h2B_voEfBR0-00004-00002718-00003198 stare me in the face and I've made the decision that I really need to work on those and that h2B_voEfBR0-00005-00003198-00003684 there's no alternative other than doing the hard work and working on it and as far as what those h2B_voEfBR0-00006-00003684-00004122 specifics are for the issues that I'm working through and all of that kind of stuff that is h2B_voEfBR0-00007-00004122-00004602 going to be saved for a later date by no means can I go through any of that right now but to give you h2B_voEfBR0-00008-00004602-00005118 the long and the short of it I had a terrible relationship with dopamine and also like instant h2B_voEfBR0-00009-00005118-00005838 gratification and that kind of complex and it was slowly slowly and secretly ruining my life and as h2B_voEfBR0-00010-00005838-00006300 far as why I'm putting any of this out there even this amount of information out to you guys is the h2B_voEfBR0-00011-00006300-00006852 fact that I am starting a personal development journey and I want to document it and I also want h2B_voEfBR0-00012-00006852-00007373 to help other people that may be going through something similar and give any sort of advice or h2B_voEfBR0-00013-00007373-00007781 anything that I'm going through that has worked for me and if I can show that to someone else h2B_voEfBR0-00014-00007781-00008286 and help anyone else out that would be the best feeling in the world I'm 28 years old and so far h2B_voEfBR0-00015-00008286-00008862 I feel like I've been very fortunate and lucky as far as my position and my success so far but h2B_voEfBR0-00016-00008862-00009390 I know that there's a lot more pushing that I can do especially on personal development so that I h2B_voEfBR0-00017-00009390-00009918 can be the happiest person I can be and also the happiest person for everyone else around me being h2B_voEfBR0-00018-00009918-00010596 28 years old and realizing this I firmly believe that the best 25 years of my life are staring me h2B_voEfBR0-00019-00010596-00011232 right in the face and telling me and begging me not to waste them so overall essentially what h2B_voEfBR0-00020-00011232-00011880 I'm saying is I want this to be a fresh start for myself to be the best meat that I can possibly be h2B_voEfBR0-00021-00011880-00012486 and through that journey I hope that I can share with you guys successes that I have so that you h2B_voEfBR0-00022-00012486-00013116 can Implement those things into your lives and also see some results becoming the best versions h2B_voEfBR0-00023-00013116-00013668 of ourselves that we possibly can be as far as video topics and topics of discussion a lot of h2B_voEfBR0-00024-00013668-00014124 that is left to iron out I have a lot of ideas and a lot of things coming down the pike here h2B_voEfBR0-00025-00014124-00014610 for myself in the future that I'm setting up so like I said I want to be able to share that as a h2B_voEfBR0-00026-00014610-00015072 platform and use this as a place to vent and just talk to you guys and have a community of people h2B_voEfBR0-00027-00015072-00015534 to ask questions grow together and like I said throughout the whole video the underlying tone h2B_voEfBR0-00028-00015534-00016038 becomes the best versions of ourselves that we can be so that's all I wanted this video to be h2B_voEfBR0-00029-00016038-00016596 very short and sweet and to the point and just a fresh start for myself to build this Channel h2B_voEfBR0-00030-00016596-00017142 and build this personal brand here forward so I want to say thank you for anyone that has listened h2B_voEfBR0-00031-00017142-00017664 here anyone that has been viewing me in the past and just know that I want to work to be the best h2B_voEfBR0-00032-00017664-00018168 version of myself so I can show that to everyone out there and help anyone else other than that h2B_voEfBR0-00033-00018168-00018672 I hope you guys have a great rest of your day and I'll see you guys in the next one foreign h2B_voEfBR0-00034-00018672-00018710 [Music] h5-xhJ9o2yM-00000-00000016-00000376 You can't even see in this, the Hollywood sign. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00001-00000560-00001011 Hi travellers, I'm Anne's daughter Lileko, so fresh dumping of snow overnight. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00002-00001011-00001226 New Zealand did not prepare me for this. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00003-00001226-00001489 I'm here in Brasov in Romania. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00004-00001489-00001738 I caught the train up, that was super easy. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00005-00001775-00002308 Please check out that video the link is in the description box below from Bucharest. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00006-00005865-00006231 Okay so it's a wee bit of a hill. Barely though. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00007-00006532-00007084 So it cost 18 Lei return to get here. Plunk it into google maps. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00008-00007265-00007465 And its easy to find. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00009-00007579-00007880 Then I turned right. I'm just following the paths really. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00010-00008088-00008463 If you're coming in this weather, dress warmly. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00011-00008472-00008774 And wear not sneakers. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00012-00008841-00009041 Because it is so slippery. h5-xhJ9o2yM-00013-00009164-00009450 I have definitely almost gone ass over tit h5-xhJ9o2yM-00014-00009592-00009772 walking that far. h7MHzPy2OJk-00000-00000080-00000968 Hello everyone! Welcome to a session about how to create vagrant development machines for MariaDB, h7MHzPy2OJk-00001-00000968-00002168 good practices. So who am I? I'm Federico Razzoli. I'm a MySQL and MariaDB user since forever, an h7MHzPy2OJk-00002-00002168-00003048 open source supporter, and I love abandonware in all its forms, from retro computing to cast tools. h7MHzPy2OJk-00003-00003184-00004136 And I founded this database consulting company called Vettabase LTD, last year. We offer h7MHzPy2OJk-00004-00004352-00005456 database consulting in all its aspects, but in particular we focus on automation. So if you don't h7MHzPy2OJk-00005-00005456-00006232 know, MariaDB KnowledgeBase, I really suggest you take a look at it, because it's great. And I can h7MHzPy2OJk-00006-00006232-00007056 proudly say that Vettabase is contributing to it with a new section about automating h7MHzPy2OJk-00007-00007056-00007888 MariaDB deployments and administration, and of course you can find a section about Vagrant. h7MHzPy2OJk-00008-00008136-00009064 Before starting, I want to say that all examples you will see in this presentation you can also h7MHzPy2OJk-00009-00009064-00009864 find in GitHub. Note down this URL please. You will find a working example using both h7MHzPy2OJk-00010-00010104-00011072 shell and ansible for provisioning the machine. So enough blah blah blah, let's talk h7MHzPy2OJk-00011-00011072-00011504 about the good practices. Warning! I have opinions, h7MHzPy2OJk-00012-00011504-00012128 so whenever a human being says good practices, it means good practices according to me. h7MHzPy2OJk-00013-00012336-00013008 So let's start by some generic principles, that you should follow. h7MHzPy2OJk-00014-00013104-00013696 First of all, development machines should be as similar as possible to production, h7MHzPy2OJk-00015-00013760-00014544 because we want to avoid the situation when someone commits something to production and it h7MHzPy2OJk-00016-00014544-00015247 doesn't work and the person says: "Oh but it works on my laptop." Actually they are right if it works h7MHzPy2OJk-00017-00015247-00016104 on their laptop, but this shouldn't happen. But at the same time of course developing machines h7MHzPy2OJk-00018-00016104-00017008 should cost much less, right? Because maybe in production we have tens or thousands of servers h7MHzPy2OJk-00019-00017008-00017736 and we cannot have the same number of servers for development. Ideally we can have only one. h7MHzPy2OJk-00020-00017992-00018736 And development machines shouldn't stay in the way, meaning that it's okay when you join a h7MHzPy2OJk-00021-00018736-00019656 company to use some time to set up a development machine and understand how Vagrant works. h7MHzPy2OJk-00022-00019752-00020432 But during a normal workday, one shouldn't waste time to find out what's going wrong. h7MHzPy2OJk-00023-00020832-00021712 More specific advice for development machines: Should we use virtual machines or containers? Well h7MHzPy2OJk-00024-00021848-00022384 most commonly, I would say virtual machines, but it depends what you use in production. h7MHzPy2OJk-00025-00022488-00023096 If you use containers in production, then you should use containers as development machines. h7MHzPy2OJk-00026-00023216-00023680 If you develop desktop applications h7MHzPy2OJk-00027-00023680-00024336 that should be distributed for several operating systems, you should have several virtual machines. h7MHzPy2OJk-00028-00024608-00025344 And another thing is, at the beginning use only one machine. You may reach a point when this is h7MHzPy2OJk-00029-00025344-00025976 not feasible anymore and in that case use more machines, but don't do it from the beginning do h7MHzPy2OJk-00030-00025976-00026608 it only when it is necessary. Of course it can be difficult if you have micro services, h7MHzPy2OJk-00031-00026768-00027776 but one thing that many organizations can do is to connect development machines to micro services in h7MHzPy2OJk-00032-00027776-00028608 staging. Of course those micro services should use anonymized databases. This is a requirement from h7MHzPy2OJk-00033-00028608-00029800 GDPR and possibly other regulations. So some more specific specific recommendations about h7MHzPy2OJk-00034-00029800-00030632 MariaDB: Use the same MariaDB version in production and in staging and in development. h7MHzPy2OJk-00035-00030848-00031839 By same version I mean if you run 10.5 dot something in production you should run 10.5 h7MHzPy2OJk-00036-00031839-00032632 dot something in development. The last number doesn't necessarily have to be the same, except h7MHzPy2OJk-00037-00032632-00033272 if you are a MySQL 8 user. In that case I recommend to use exactly the same version, h7MHzPy2OJk-00038-00033272-00034528 because unfortunately MySQL adds new features and relevant changes at every minor version. Also the h7MHzPy2OJk-00039-00034608-00035304 MariaDB variables that affect queries should be the same in production and in development. h7MHzPy2OJk-00040-00035440-00036160 And also in development, you should have some extra tools and SQL views and settings h7MHzPy2OJk-00041-00036160-00037112 that make it easier to debug problems and find performance problems before they reach production. h7MHzPy2OJk-00042-00037312-00038104 So this is a probably incomplete list of the variables that affect queries and h7MHzPy2OJk-00043-00038104-00038624 therefore should be identical. Most of them, probably, you don't touch, right? h7MHzPy2OJk-00044-00038896-00039544 But the most important is sql_mode because it determines sometimes, if a query h7MHzPy2OJk-00045-00039608-00040384 succeeds or fails. And it's also very important to set the same character set and collation. h7MHzPy2OJk-00046-00040784-00041328 Some extra settings you want to have for development: h7MHzPy2OJk-00047-00041544-00042120 First of all, you should log all the queries, because it makes it much easier to find out what h7MHzPy2OJk-00048-00042120-00042792 you're doing with the database. You should also do it in production, but I know that most people h7MHzPy2OJk-00049-00042792-00043864 don't. Then you should use MariaDB SQL error log, which logs the queries that generated an error. h7MHzPy2OJk-00050-00043864-00044680 You should enable user statistics and performance schema, and then those system tables are also used h7MHzPy2OJk-00051-00044680-00045432 by some informational views that you can find in the GitHub examples and add in useful information h7MHzPy2OJk-00052-00045704-00046472 for the developers. For example, one of the views that you can find in the GitHub repository h7MHzPy2OJk-00053-00046664-00047432 contains all the queries that never returned any rows, and therefore are probably useless. h7MHzPy2OJk-00054-00047696-00048216 Then you should probably also add some tools from Percona toolkit. If nothing else at least h7MHzPy2OJk-00055-00048216-00049048 pt-duplicate-key-checker which should be used after adding indexes to check if those indexes h7MHzPy2OJk-00056-00049112-00050400 are duplicates. Let's talk background files. Most Vagrant files start with these two lines. I don't h7MHzPy2OJk-00057-00050400-00051104 consider it super important, personally but it's considered a good practice by the Vagrant h7MHzPy2OJk-00058-00051104-00051984 and possibly the ruby community. It simply says to vi and emacs that the ruby syntax is used. h7MHzPy2OJk-00059-00052104-00052752 So this is the structure of a Vagrant file. A bit incomplete, but again it's the structure. h7MHzPy2OJk-00060-00052976-00053576 As you can see, first of all it's a ruby file, right? So first recommendation is h7MHzPy2OJk-00061-00053576-00054216 learn some ruby if you don't know it. I'm not an expert. I'm not saying you should be. h7MHzPy2OJk-00062-00054336-00054976 But knowing ruby allows you to do some magic, for example you can read configuration files, h7MHzPy2OJk-00063-00054976-00055320 or you can take decisions based on the environment. h7MHzPy2OJk-00064-00055512-00056464 As you can see, the first line defines a variable. It takes it from h7MHzPy2OJk-00065-00056464-00056591 the command line. So h7MHzPy2OJk-00066-00056912-00057584 basically in the command line, we can change this variable to change the behavior h7MHzPy2OJk-00067-00057648-00058416 of the vagrant file. The second line requires a minimum version for Vagrant. This is very h7MHzPy2OJk-00068-00058416-00059255 important actually, because over time you probably upgrade your Vagrant. But if the developers don't, h7MHzPy2OJk-00069-00059360-00059864 you may reach a situation when you change a Vagrant file it, works for you, h7MHzPy2OJk-00070-00059864-00060648 but it will not work for developers. So they should use, ideally, the same version you use. h7MHzPy2OJk-00071-00060808-00061464 Then you can see some nice ruby syntax, which basically says we are going to do h7MHzPy2OJk-00072-00061464-00062432 something with vagrant.configure. 2 means we are using version 2 of the API. And then we h7MHzPy2OJk-00073-00062584-00063208 decide which vagrant box we are using, which means which system we are going to use. h7MHzPy2OJk-00074-00063384-00064391 Then we have providers. You can specify one or more. Here we specify VirtualBox and then VMWare. h7MHzPy2OJk-00075-00064391-00065032 It's very important because, maybe you are switching from VMWare to VirtualBox, h7MHzPy2OJk-00076-00065104-00065416 but you don't want the switch to be a trauma. So h7MHzPy2OJk-00077-00065632-00065984 you ask some developers to install VirtualBox. h7MHzPy2OJk-00078-00066104-00066864 If VirtualBox is available, it will be used. If it is not available VMWare will be used. Meanwhile, h7MHzPy2OJk-00079-00067048-00067808 developers who made the switch can report [to] you problems and the Vagrant file will still h7MHzPy2OJk-00080-00067808-00068880 work for all other developers. And then we use a provisioner. Actually we can use any number of h7MHzPy2OJk-00081-00068880-00070056 provisioners: zero or more. So let's consider the first provider. We're using VirtualBox. As you can h7MHzPy2OJk-00082-00070056-00070736 see, we are configuring. It's not mandatory, but we can do it and it's a good practice. h7MHzPy2OJk-00083-00070896-00071504 The first line basically defines a name for the machine. It's useful because, h7MHzPy2OJk-00084-00071504-00072208 if you use a VirtualBox graphical interface you can see the name of the machine, instead of seeing h7MHzPy2OJk-00085-00072424-00073400 random names. Then we decide how many megs of memory it should use. We decide that h7MHzPy2OJk-00086-00073576-00074232 we must be able to add or remove CPUs (virtual CPUs) while the machine is working. h7MHzPy2OJk-00087-00074336-00074848 You can see the comments that we can use for that. Then we decide a maximum of cpus h7MHzPy2OJk-00088-00074936-00075544 and then we assign 4 megs of video ram, which is more than enough, honestly, because h7MHzPy2OJk-00089-00075736-00076592 by default no graphical interface is used. So let's talk about provisioners: h7MHzPy2OJk-00090-00076912-00077792 You can see two examples actually, right? In the first example we use the shell provisioner, h7MHzPy2OJk-00091-00077792-00078528 meaning that we are going to run a shell file called bootstrap.sh and then you can h7MHzPy2OJk-00092-00078528-00079432 see the ansible provisioner, where basically we are using a playbook called mariadb.yml. h7MHzPy2OJk-00093-00079568-00080672 Both are used in the GitHub repository, except that in the repository ansible is commented, h7MHzPy2OJk-00094-00080672-00081480 because it could be installed on your machine or not, I don't know. But my recommendation h7MHzPy2OJk-00095-00081480-00082208 is to use ansible or puppet or chef or salt. It doesn't really matter. h7MHzPy2OJk-00096-00082296-00083088 Choose the one that you use in production. This has several advantages, for example: When you are h7MHzPy2OJk-00097-00083320-00084040 developing something: I mean you are modifying for example a playbook, h7MHzPy2OJk-00098-00084136-00084624 you can reapply it incrementally and you don't need to h7MHzPy2OJk-00099-00084848-00085120 recreate the machine every time you change something. h7MHzPy2OJk-00100-00085448-00086336 It's important for developers, because they also don't want to recreate the machine every time you h7MHzPy2OJk-00101-00086336-00087200 make a change. Of course they could, because the development machine is not supposed to contain h7MHzPy2OJk-00102-00087576-00088560 data that is hard to rebuild. But well sometimes it takes time and also the most important thing is h7MHzPy2OJk-00103-00088648-00089168 if you use, for example, ansible in production and then ansible in development, h7MHzPy2OJk-00104-00089336-00090144 you can make some changes in production. For example adding some tasks, and then if you want to h7MHzPy2OJk-00105-00090144-00091208 have the same tasks in development you can use two very modern features called copy and paste. Okay, h7MHzPy2OJk-00106-00091360-00091936 then the last thing is uploading files to the VM. So for example, we have h7MHzPy2OJk-00107-00092056-00092624 configuration files, or maybe we have a dump of the database with the database structure h7MHzPy2OJk-00108-00092688-00093560 and we want to upload these files to the development machines. Well there is actually h7MHzPy2OJk-00109-00093560-00094296 a special provisioner called "file", but I don't suggest to use it, because it works by h7MHzPy2OJk-00110-00094448-00095384 uploading the files via ssh and the ssh user by default doesn't have permissions to h7MHzPy2OJk-00111-00095576-00095848 write anything anywhere except for h7MHzPy2OJk-00112-00095960-00096640 the synced folder. And honestly this shouldn't change, so if you care about h7MHzPy2OJk-00113-00096704-00097528 security and also simplicity I suggest to have the files you need inside the project directory, h7MHzPy2OJk-00114-00097608-00098240 or a sub directory, like in this case. And then you can move the files elsewhere, h7MHzPy2OJk-00115-00098440-00099320 because I'm assuming you know that a synced folder is a directory that is visible from the h7MHzPy2OJk-00116-00099448-00100352 host system and also from the guest system. And then it can be moved h7MHzPy2OJk-00117-00100424-00101160 elsewhere in the guest system, via shell or ansible, like in this case or anything else. h7MHzPy2OJk-00118-00101440-00102416 Okay so a very brief summary of things that hopefully we learned: h7MHzPy2OJk-00119-00102416-00103111 Start with a single machine, use more only if you have to. Prefer virtual machines h7MHzPy2OJk-00120-00103111-00103783 over containers in most cases, but again it depends what you use in production. h7MHzPy2OJk-00121-00104040-00104735 Be careful to set MariaDB variables that affect queries. They should have the same values h7MHzPy2OJk-00122-00104735-00105392 in development and in production. Use variables in the vagrant file, h7MHzPy2OJk-00123-00105392-00106296 so you can avoid having multiple versions of the same vagrant file. Use vagrant.required version to h7MHzPy2OJk-00124-00106296-00107272 force developers to use a version that supports everything you are doing. Learn some ruby h7MHzPy2OJk-00125-00107272-00108264 because it will be useful when you do more complex stuff. Configure the provisioner you use, meaning h7MHzPy2OJk-00126-00108320-00109000 at least set hardware resources. Again it depends, every provisioner have different options. h7MHzPy2OJk-00127-00109080-00110368 And finally use automation tools like ansible or puppet or salt or chef. Use the same tool that h7MHzPy2OJk-00128-00110368-00110944 you use in production. If you don't use one of these tools in production, probably you should. h7MHzPy2OJk-00129-00111128-00111800 So thank you for attending! You can see again the URL of the GitHub repository containing h7MHzPy2OJk-00130-00111800-00112320 a working example. I really suggest to take a look at it, because I described h7MHzPy2OJk-00131-00112432-00112952 good practices but in the repository you will find more details and h7MHzPy2OJk-00132-00112952-00113583 more practices I didn't have the time to describe here. Thank you a lot for attending! h8bdWHn2dqY-00000-00000598-00001236 So, as Kris mentioned, I’m an Application Engineer out of the Oregon office, and I’ve h8bdWHn2dqY-00001-00001237-00001777 put together this tips and tricks presentation, which is basically going to be 30 tips and h8bdWHn2dqY-00002-00001777-00002035 tricks, and it’s going to be pretty rapid-fire. h8bdWHn2dqY-00003-00002035-00002318 So, I’m thinking one to two minutes per tip or trick. h8bdWHn2dqY-00004-00002318-00002906 So, basically what I’ve done is I’ve put these together, compiled a list through just h8bdWHn2dqY-00005-00002906-00003268 doing tech support, or day-to-day, just working with customers, and every time I let them h8bdWHn2dqY-00006-00003268-00003526 know about something, they’re like, “Hey, I didn’t know about that. h8bdWHn2dqY-00007-00003526-00003661 I wish I knew about that sooner.” h8bdWHn2dqY-00008-00003661-00004253 So, over the years, I’ve gotten a list going, so I’ve compiled my top 30 here for tips h8bdWHn2dqY-00009-00004253-00004353 and tricks. h8bdWHn2dqY-00010-00004353-00004835 I’ve updated it year over year, so with that, I’d like to get started, and we can h8bdWHn2dqY-00011-00004835-00005053 start off with Tip #1. h8bdWHn2dqY-00012-00005053-00005376 So, just starting out, Tip #1: Rebuild your model. h8bdWHn2dqY-00013-00005376-00005562 So, we’re going to start out pretty simple. h8bdWHn2dqY-00014-00005562-00006094 There’s a hotkey for your rebuild in SOLIDWORKS, and that is Ctrl + B. So, if you hit Ctrl h8bdWHn2dqY-00015-00006094-00006253 + B, it’s going to be a standard rebuild. h8bdWHn2dqY-00016-00006253-00006786 This is the same thing as hitting that stoplight icon in the top of your SOLIDWORKS menu. h8bdWHn2dqY-00017-00006786-00007383 So, the difference between the standard rebuild, or the definition of a standard rebuild is h8bdWHn2dqY-00018-00007383-00007570 it only rebuilds changed features. h8bdWHn2dqY-00019-00007570-00007781 So, you’ll see a little stoplight next to your features. h8bdWHn2dqY-00020-00007781-00008203 However, there is another rebuild that I recommend using, Ctrl + Q. h8bdWHn2dqY-00021-00008203-00008420 This is what’s called a force rebuild. h8bdWHn2dqY-00022-00008420-00008750 This will rebuild your entire feature tree, regardless of changes. h8bdWHn2dqY-00023-00008750-00008977 So, the other one only rebuilds changed features. h8bdWHn2dqY-00024-00008977-00009097 This one rebuilds everything. h8bdWHn2dqY-00025-00009097-00009617 So, it may take longer, depending on if you have a really complex model, but I use this h8bdWHn2dqY-00026-00009617-00009965 one whenever I open up any customer model, or even my own model. h8bdWHn2dqY-00027-00009965-00010247 I rebuild the whole thing first, because that’ll show me if there’s any errors throughout h8bdWHn2dqY-00028-00010247-00010752 the tree right away that I can address, before finding out later on that, hey, there might h8bdWHn2dqY-00029-00010752-00010894 be an error in my tree. h8bdWHn2dqY-00030-00010894-00011349 So, one thing to know: this cannot be found in any toolbars or menus, but it does have h8bdWHn2dqY-00031-00011349-00011453 an icon in SOLIDWORKS. h8bdWHn2dqY-00032-00011453-00011797 So, you can add that icon to your toolbars if you want to. h8bdWHn2dqY-00033-00011797-00012114 And with that being said, there’s two more I’d like to mention. h8bdWHn2dqY-00034-00012114-00012836 Ctrl + Shift + B is a standard rebuild for all configurations, and Ctrl + Shift + Q is h8bdWHn2dqY-00035-00012836-00013046 a forced rebuild for all configurations. h8bdWHn2dqY-00036-00013046-00013491 So, if you deal with configurations, you can use either Ctrl + Shit + B or Ctrl + Shift h8bdWHn2dqY-00037-00013491-00013591 + Q. h8bdWHn2dqY-00038-00013591-00013911 If you deal with a lot of configurations, just hit a Ctrl + Shift + Q. May take a while h8bdWHn2dqY-00039-00013911-00014203 to rebuild, but before you save or when you save. h8bdWHn2dqY-00040-00014203-00014612 So, just a quick shortcut for getting those rebuild icons. h8bdWHn2dqY-00041-00014612-00015127 Now, right away, I have a Tip #1.5, something called verification on rebuild. h8bdWHn2dqY-00042-00015127-00015663 So, not a lot of people know this is here, but your standard rebuild in SOLIDWORKS only h8bdWHn2dqY-00043-00015663-00015945 checks against adjacent features and edges. h8bdWHn2dqY-00044-00015945-00016473 So, it’s faster in that sense because it’s not checking everything, but it may actually h8bdWHn2dqY-00045-00016473-00016870 miss some things, and I actually have an example I can show in SOLIDWORKS of where this may h8bdWHn2dqY-00046-00016870-00016970 come in handy. h8bdWHn2dqY-00047-00016970-00017241 So, I’m going to open up a model in SOLIDWORKS. h8bdWHn2dqY-00048-00017241-00017737 This is basically a sheet metal bend, and let’s say I go ahead and add a bend to it h8bdWHn2dqY-00049-00017737-00017887 to where there’s interference. h8bdWHn2dqY-00050-00017887-00018387 Now, if I try to rebuild, I’ll hit a Ctrl + Q. I’m not getting any errors in SOLIDWORKS. h8bdWHn2dqY-00051-00018387-00018870 And that’s because I’m only using a standard rebuild, or non-verification on rebuild. h8bdWHn2dqY-00052-00018870-00019391 Inside your options under Performance, there is a checkbox for verification on rebuild. h8bdWHn2dqY-00053-00019391-00019575 This is advanced error checking. h8bdWHn2dqY-00054-00019575-00020040 So notice when I turn that on and I do another rebuild, well now SOLIDWORKS is telling me h8bdWHn2dqY-00055-00020040-00020140 there’s an error. h8bdWHn2dqY-00056-00020140-00020353 The part intersects itself at the bend operation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00057-00020353-00020836 So, the reason it’s not catching the error is because my standard check is only checking h8bdWHn2dqY-00058-00020836-00021262 against adjacent bends, where that bend is fine, and it’s saying this bend is fine, h8bdWHn2dqY-00059-00021262-00021692 and it’s saying the bend on top is fine, but it’s not checking anything outside of h8bdWHn2dqY-00060-00021692-00021879 the adjacent faces or edges. h8bdWHn2dqY-00061-00021879-00022328 So, with the advanced error checking on, it will catch any errors in your model. h8bdWHn2dqY-00062-00022328-00022812 Now, on the flip-side of that, that doesn’t mean you can’t just go into your Performance, h8bdWHn2dqY-00063-00022812-00023128 turn off verification of rebuild, and say, “Oh, my SOLIDWORKS model works. h8bdWHn2dqY-00064-00023128-00023228 This is it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00065-00023228-00023328 Save it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00066-00023328-00023428 Close, and I’m done.” h8bdWHn2dqY-00067-00023428-00023538 It doesn’t quite work that way. h8bdWHn2dqY-00068-00023538-00023799 You can’t just turn that off and say there’s no errors. h8bdWHn2dqY-00069-00023799-00024379 But what I do recommend doing is when you’re running models, on complex models or surfaces, h8bdWHn2dqY-00070-00024379-00024920 it’s a good idea to just turn this on every once in a while to do a thorough error-check, h8bdWHn2dqY-00071-00024920-00025195 and then turn it back off, because it’s going to save you on performance. h8bdWHn2dqY-00072-00025195-00025417 So, just letting you know that this option is there. h8bdWHn2dqY-00073-00025417-00025898 If you work on anything complex, turn it on every once in a while, or even models that h8bdWHn2dqY-00074-00025898-00026179 are really old in previous versions that you’re importing. h8bdWHn2dqY-00075-00026179-00026279 Turn that on. h8bdWHn2dqY-00076-00026279-00026539 Just see if there’s any errors, and then you can turn it back off and go about your h8bdWHn2dqY-00077-00026539-00026738 normal SOLIDWORKS day. h8bdWHn2dqY-00078-00026738-00027068 So, Tip #2: dismissed messages. h8bdWHn2dqY-00079-00027068-00027606 Now, I'm sure we've all seen dismissed messages before, or in this case, a message that prompts h8bdWHn2dqY-00080-00027606-00027706 you in SOLIDWORKS. h8bdWHn2dqY-00081-00027706-00028012 So, in this case, I'm going to open up an assembly, and it can't find a file. h8bdWHn2dqY-00082-00028012-00028258 So, in this case, I have three options. h8bdWHn2dqY-00083-00028258-00028587 I can either browse for it, suppress it, or suppress all. h8bdWHn2dqY-00084-00028587-00029014 So, I'm going to suppress this one component, and it's going to open up my assembly with h8bdWHn2dqY-00085-00029014-00029114 my component suppressed. h8bdWHn2dqY-00086-00029114-00029575 But let's go ahead and do that again, because there's something else inside that message h8bdWHn2dqY-00087-00029575-00029713 box that I kind of skipped over. h8bdWHn2dqY-00088-00029713-00030177 So, I'm going to open up that file, and then we see a little checkbox at the bottom called h8bdWHn2dqY-00089-00030177-00030285 "Don't show again." h8bdWHn2dqY-00090-00030285-00030458 So, I'm sure we've all seen that. h8bdWHn2dqY-00091-00030458-00030618 We're tired of seeing this message. h8bdWHn2dqY-00092-00030618-00030752 We hit "Don't show again." h8bdWHn2dqY-00093-00030752-00031231 But the important thing to note is when you hit "Don't show again," whatever option you h8bdWHn2dqY-00094-00031231-00031720 choose is going to be the default answer for every time that message pops up. h8bdWHn2dqY-00095-00031720-00032283 So, if I hit "Don't show again" and I say "Suppress this component," every single time h8bdWHn2dqY-00096-00032283-00032647 I'm going to be prompted with that message, it's going to automatically suppress it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00097-00032647-00032900 So note, I'm going to go back, open my model. h8bdWHn2dqY-00098-00032900-00033108 It's not even going to prompt this time. h8bdWHn2dqY-00099-00033108-00033399 It's just going to automatically suppress because I hit "Don't show again." h8bdWHn2dqY-00100-00033399-00033912 So, this is a very common question we get: well, how do I bring that message back? h8bdWHn2dqY-00101-00033912-00034322 So, if you want to bring back any dismissed message, what you're going to do is go up h8bdWHn2dqY-00102-00034322-00034571 to your Options icon. h8bdWHn2dqY-00103-00034571-00034800 You can get there through Tools > Options as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00104-00034800-00035428 And down here in Messages, Errors, and Warnings, any dismissed message that you have, so in h8bdWHn2dqY-00105-00035428-00035919 this case, "Unable to locate external file," or "Unable to locate the file, would you like h8bdWHn2dqY-00106-00035919-00036066 to find it yourself?" h8bdWHn2dqY-00107-00036066-00036166 That was dismissed. h8bdWHn2dqY-00108-00036166-00036541 So, if I want to bring it back, I'm going to put a checkbox next to it, or check-mark h8bdWHn2dqY-00109-00036541-00037206 next to it, hit OK, and then the next time I go to open up that assembly, I'm prompted h8bdWHn2dqY-00110-00037206-00037306 again. h8bdWHn2dqY-00111-00037306-00037708 So, I can hit "Suppress component," and it's going to prompt me again until I hit "Don't h8bdWHn2dqY-00112-00037708-00037808 show again." h8bdWHn2dqY-00113-00037808-00037990 So, one important thing to note. h8bdWHn2dqY-00114-00037990-00038416 If you hit "Don't show again," whichever option you choose, it will default to that option h8bdWHn2dqY-00115-00038416-00038543 every time you open it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00116-00038543-00038888 And if you want to be reprompted with that message, you can turn it back on again in h8bdWHn2dqY-00117-00038888-00039312 your Options under Messages, Errors, and Warnings. h8bdWHn2dqY-00118-00039312-00039654 So, Tip #3: Use Mouse Gestures. h8bdWHn2dqY-00119-00039654-00040255 So, this is one of the new... I guess command options that SOLIDWORKS has added to make h8bdWHn2dqY-00120-00040255-00040705 things a little bit easier when trying to choose different commands in SOLIDWORKS. h8bdWHn2dqY-00121-00040705-00041083 So, I'm sure you may have launched this one on accident at one point and you weren't quite h8bdWHn2dqY-00122-00041083-00041569 sure what it was, but to launch the mouse wheel what you do is you hold down your right h8bdWHn2dqY-00123-00041569-00041852 mouse button and move your mouse a little bit. h8bdWHn2dqY-00124-00041852-00042105 So, this is what's called the mouse gesture wheel. h8bdWHn2dqY-00125-00042105-00042520 So, again, hold down your right mouse button, move your mouse a little bit, and you're presented h8bdWHn2dqY-00126-00042520-00042674 with a wheel with certain commands. h8bdWHn2dqY-00127-00042674-00042872 Now, I'm just kind of moving my mouse around. h8bdWHn2dqY-00128-00042872-00043406 To actually launch the command, move your mouse over it, and then it's going to access h8bdWHn2dqY-00129-00043406-00043506 that command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00130-00043506-00043674 So, in this case, I have a front view. h8bdWHn2dqY-00131-00043674-00044143 Now, those mouse gestures change depending on which environment you're in. h8bdWHn2dqY-00132-00044143-00044581 So, I was in the assembly environment, and now if I'm in the part environment, I can h8bdWHn2dqY-00133-00044581-00044784 launch my fillet tool very quickly. h8bdWHn2dqY-00134-00044784-00045230 So, using mouse gestures is really useful, and if you've launched it on accident, you h8bdWHn2dqY-00135-00045230-00045547 hold down the right mouse button, and you can choose your commands. h8bdWHn2dqY-00136-00045547-00045806 Now, these wheels are also completely customizable. h8bdWHn2dqY-00137-00045806-00046402 So, if you would like to customize them, right-click on your Command Manager and go to Customize, h8bdWHn2dqY-00138-00046402-00046519 and you'll have a few tabs. h8bdWHn2dqY-00139-00046519-00046669 One of them is mouse gestures. h8bdWHn2dqY-00140-00046669-00047005 So, SOLIDWORKS has enhanced the mouse gestures year over year. h8bdWHn2dqY-00141-00047005-00047449 So, depending on which version you have, you'll have your option of different choices. h8bdWHn2dqY-00142-00047449-00047897 So, you can go down to two gestures if you want where it's just a top or bottom, you h8bdWHn2dqY-00143-00047897-00048411 can go to three, eight, or even twelve gestures if you want, but you have to be really precise h8bdWHn2dqY-00144-00048411-00048627 with your commands at that point. h8bdWHn2dqY-00145-00048627-00048926 But as you get more used to it, those gestures are right there at your mouse, so you don't h8bdWHn2dqY-00146-00048926-00049230 have to move your mouse all the way up to the Command Manager every time to launch your h8bdWHn2dqY-00147-00049230-00049330 commands. h8bdWHn2dqY-00148-00049330-00049666 And what's really nice too is just so you can remember where all of these are, there h8bdWHn2dqY-00149-00049666-00050022 is an option to print these gestures out so you can put it as a PDF next to your cubicle h8bdWHn2dqY-00150-00050022-00050170 or wherever you're working. h8bdWHn2dqY-00151-00050170-00050611 That way, you can tell where your commands are until you get more used to it as you get h8bdWHn2dqY-00152-00050611-00050722 started using those. h8bdWHn2dqY-00153-00050722-00051147 And I guess the last note I'll say, if you want to add any commands, all of the commands h8bdWHn2dqY-00154-00051147-00051545 here are listed in the Customize menu, so let's say I wanted to close my drawing. h8bdWHn2dqY-00155-00051545-00051944 I can add this command just by dragging and dropping it, and now that's going to be on h8bdWHn2dqY-00156-00051944-00052161 my mouse wheel in the part environment. h8bdWHn2dqY-00157-00052161-00052379 So, definitely use mouse gestures. h8bdWHn2dqY-00158-00052379-00052652 It's going to save you a lot of time as you go through these. h8bdWHn2dqY-00159-00052652-00053432 So, I'll just go ahead and close this part, and we can move onto Tip #4: Use the 'S' key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00160-00053432-00053780 So, this is another one of those shortcut menus that you can use, and again, you're h8bdWHn2dqY-00161-00053780-00053991 going to find it in your Customize menu. h8bdWHn2dqY-00162-00053991-00054419 But instead of using the mouse gesture, if you hit the 'S' key, it's going to bring up h8bdWHn2dqY-00163-00054419-00054809 a shortcut menu with common commands you use in that context. h8bdWHn2dqY-00164-00054809-00055074 So, in this case, this is my assembly-level commands. h8bdWHn2dqY-00165-00055074-00055548 If I open up my part and I hit the 'S' key, here are some common part-level commands I h8bdWHn2dqY-00166-00055548-00055648 can use. h8bdWHn2dqY-00167-00055648-00055748 So, again, there's my fillet. h8bdWHn2dqY-00168-00055748-00056201 So, if I want to customize the 'S' key, let's say you'd like to use the 'S' key over your h8bdWHn2dqY-00169-00056201-00056498 mouse gestures, go to your Shortcut bars. h8bdWHn2dqY-00170-00056498-00056798 And this is immediate as you change it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00171-00056798-00057391 So, let's go ahead and add, in this case, we'll add... we already have fillet, maybe h8bdWHn2dqY-00172-00057391-00057523 convert entities over here? h8bdWHn2dqY-00173-00057523-00058107 So, as soon as I add it and hit OK, it's now on my shortcut menu that I can get to it very h8bdWHn2dqY-00174-00058107-00058207 quickly. h8bdWHn2dqY-00175-00058207-00058545 So, a combination of mouse gestures or combination of your 'S' key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00176-00058545-00059260 Notice I can get to my options very quickly without having to move my mouse around a ton. h8bdWHn2dqY-00177-00059260-00059767 So, definitely use those shortcuts contained in SOLIDWORKS to help make your life easier. h8bdWHn2dqY-00178-00059767-00060041 Now, one thing is down here I have a bullet. h8bdWHn2dqY-00179-00060041-00060260 It also launches the search command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00180-00060260-00060530 So, that's my next tip: use command search. h8bdWHn2dqY-00181-00060530-00060811 So, I'm going to open up another part here. h8bdWHn2dqY-00182-00060811-00061341 And, I'm going to hit the 'S' key like I did before, but where I want to point your eyes h8bdWHn2dqY-00183-00061341-00061598 to is the top right of my screen. h8bdWHn2dqY-00184-00061598-00062004 So, I'm going to start typing, and I'm just going to start typing "dynamic reference," h8bdWHn2dqY-00185-00062004-00062427 and if we go up to the top of the screen now, notice it's actually typing inside my command h8bdWHn2dqY-00186-00062427-00062527 search. h8bdWHn2dqY-00187-00062527-00063137 So, if you have not used the command search before, it's very useful for finding any command h8bdWHn2dqY-00188-00063137-00063237 in SOLIDWORKS. h8bdWHn2dqY-00189-00063237-00063649 So, in this case if you don't know where a command is, but you know what it's called, h8bdWHn2dqY-00190-00063649-00063779 you can do a command search. h8bdWHn2dqY-00191-00063779-00064263 Now, for the command search to work, you'll have to hit this little drop-down on the top, h8bdWHn2dqY-00192-00064263-00064726 and make sure you're searching commands, because there is an option to search help, or models, h8bdWHn2dqY-00193-00064726-00064826 or files. h8bdWHn2dqY-00194-00064826-00065220 So, make sure you're searching commands, and then say you're searching for command dynamic h8bdWHn2dqY-00195-00065220-00065526 reference visualization, and you don't remember where it is. h8bdWHn2dqY-00196-00065526-00066021 You can hit this little eyeball icon, and I'm going to take my hand off the mouse. h8bdWHn2dqY-00197-00066021-00066433 SOLIDWORKS is going to take over, go through the menu, and tell me exactly where that command h8bdWHn2dqY-00198-00066433-00066551 is located. h8bdWHn2dqY-00199-00066551-00067112 So, something else you can do with this command is I'm going to drag this off because I want h8bdWHn2dqY-00200-00067112-00067219 to add another one. h8bdWHn2dqY-00201-00067219-00067960 If I'm in any kind of command that I want to run and I want to search for a command h8bdWHn2dqY-00202-00067960-00068430 called dynamic mirror, you can also launch that command from here, or even just drag h8bdWHn2dqY-00203-00068430-00068610 it directly onto your Command Manager. h8bdWHn2dqY-00204-00068610-00068910 So, that command search serves many purposes. h8bdWHn2dqY-00205-00068910-00069100 And again, you can launch it two different ways. h8bdWHn2dqY-00206-00069100-00069526 You can click up here, or you can just hit the 'S' key, and it's going to start typing h8bdWHn2dqY-00207-00069526-00069638 up there for you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00208-00069638-00069834 So, definitely use the command search. h8bdWHn2dqY-00209-00069834-00070208 I don't expect anybody to remember where every command is in SOLIDWORKS. h8bdWHn2dqY-00210-00070208-00070328 There's way too many of them. h8bdWHn2dqY-00211-00070328-00070699 So, use the command search, hit the 'S' key, go up there, search for commands. h8bdWHn2dqY-00212-00070699-00070962 It'll make your life a whole lot easier. h8bdWHn2dqY-00213-00070962-00071404 Tip #6: manage the Command Manager. h8bdWHn2dqY-00214-00071404-00072052 How many times has this ever happened to you where your Command Manager is no longer docked h8bdWHn2dqY-00215-00072052-00072649 and you're wondering how you got there or even worse yet, how you fix it? h8bdWHn2dqY-00216-00072649-00073041 So, if this ever happened to you, I'll show you how it happens. h8bdWHn2dqY-00217-00073041-00073407 If you try to undock your Command Manager, if you just click on your Command Manager h8bdWHn2dqY-00218-00073407-00073937 and drag, it's going to tell you the Command Manager—you have to drag it by the tab to h8bdWHn2dqY-00219-00073937-00074037 undock it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00220-00074037-00074460 So, what that means is any of these tabs down here, if you were to click and drag these h8bdWHn2dqY-00221-00074460-00074759 tabs, that's what undocks your Command Manager. h8bdWHn2dqY-00222-00074759-00075407 Now, if you want to re-dock your Command Manager, click up here on the bar where you can grab h8bdWHn2dqY-00223-00075407-00075654 you Command Manager and it'll give you those four arrows. h8bdWHn2dqY-00224-00075654-00076106 You can dock your Command Manager to the left of your screen, and if I want to undock it h8bdWHn2dqY-00225-00076106-00076241 again, drag it by the tabs. h8bdWHn2dqY-00226-00076241-00076542 I can dock it to the right-hand side of my screen. h8bdWHn2dqY-00227-00076542-00076807 And again, if I want to undock it I can do that. h8bdWHn2dqY-00228-00076807-00077013 Or traditionally, to the top of your screen. h8bdWHn2dqY-00229-00077013-00077445 So, I'm just dragging it onto those docking icons, and it will dock the Command Manager h8bdWHn2dqY-00230-00077445-00077545 for me. h8bdWHn2dqY-00231-00077545-00077731 Now, a little tip also. h8bdWHn2dqY-00232-00077731-00078091 If you ever undock it and you just want to re-dock it quickly, it was an accident, just h8bdWHn2dqY-00233-00078091-00078464 double-click your Command Manager on the top there, and it will re-dock it back to where h8bdWHn2dqY-00234-00078464-00078564 it was. h8bdWHn2dqY-00235-00078564-00078948 So, just double-click on it if it was an accident, you want to re-dock it really quick, just h8bdWHn2dqY-00236-00078948-00079048 double-click. h8bdWHn2dqY-00237-00079048-00079532 Now, if you don't like that functionality at all, you can turn that off. h8bdWHn2dqY-00238-00079532-00079960 If you right-click the Command Manager and hit Customize, you can lock your Command Manager h8bdWHn2dqY-00239-00079960-00080060 and toolbars. h8bdWHn2dqY-00240-00080060-00080236 So, this will lock it in place. h8bdWHn2dqY-00241-00080236-00080626 If I hit OK and I try to drag it now, nothing's going to happen. h8bdWHn2dqY-00242-00080626-00081022 So, if you don't want your Command Manager to ever move, just go into your options. h8bdWHn2dqY-00243-00081022-00081397 You can turn that off, and you can lock the Command Manager and toolbars. h8bdWHn2dqY-00244-00081397-00081570 That way, it doesn't happen to you again. h8bdWHn2dqY-00245-00081570-00081974 But if it does, quick tip: you can double-click on it and it will re-dock it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00246-00081974-00082532 Tip #7: dimension to min. and max. of arcs. h8bdWHn2dqY-00247-00082532-00083013 So, I've got a sketch here, and it's just got two sketch circles. h8bdWHn2dqY-00248-00083013-00083547 Now, if I were to take a dimension between, we'll say the left-hand circle and the right-hand h8bdWHn2dqY-00249-00083547-00083841 circle, notice what dimension it gives me. h8bdWHn2dqY-00250-00083841-00084232 It will always give me center-point to center-point. h8bdWHn2dqY-00251-00084232-00084511 But I don't have to accept that center-point to center-point. h8bdWHn2dqY-00252-00084511-00085002 Let's say I want to dimension to the minimum radius of an arc or the maximum radius. h8bdWHn2dqY-00253-00085002-00085418 If I select really carefully on the outside here and I select really carefully on the h8bdWHn2dqY-00254-00085418-00085681 other side, notice it still gives me center to center? h8bdWHn2dqY-00255-00085681-00086329 So, if you ever want to dimension to a min. or max. point of an arc or circle, hold down h8bdWHn2dqY-00256-00086329-00086482 the Shift key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00257-00086482-00087080 If you hold down the Shift key while dimensioning, it will allow you to pick the maximum conditions h8bdWHn2dqY-00258-00087080-00087180 of your arc. h8bdWHn2dqY-00259-00087180-00087536 So, holding down the Shift key while in Smart Dimension will allow you to choose minimum h8bdWHn2dqY-00260-00087536-00087962 and maximum conditions, but let's say you've already added your dimension. h8bdWHn2dqY-00261-00087962-00088062 You're never locked in. h8bdWHn2dqY-00262-00088062-00088237 You can always change that. h8bdWHn2dqY-00263-00088237-00088798 If you were to just select your dimension and go over here to your leaders tab, you h8bdWHn2dqY-00264-00088798-00089349 can actually change your arc condition from center, min. and max. of the first circle, h8bdWHn2dqY-00265-00089349-00089616 to center, min., or max. of the second. h8bdWHn2dqY-00266-00089616-00090100 So, in this case, I can go from a max. condition on the first circle to a min. condition on h8bdWHn2dqY-00267-00090100-00090200 the second. h8bdWHn2dqY-00268-00090200-00090576 So, you can always go back in and change that, and that's true of any dimension that you h8bdWHn2dqY-00269-00090576-00091148 add while you're adding it, either in Smart Dimension, I can hold down the Shift key and h8bdWHn2dqY-00270-00091148-00091518 go from min. to min. h8bdWHn2dqY-00271-00091518-00091867 So, little tip there when dimensioning from circles. h8bdWHn2dqY-00272-00091867-00092257 Hold down the Shift key, or if you've already added the dimensions, just go into the leaders h8bdWHn2dqY-00273-00092257-00092514 tab and you can change your arc conditions. h8bdWHn2dqY-00274-00092514-00093016 Tip #8: 'A' key toggles line to arc. h8bdWHn2dqY-00275-00093016-00093510 So, in this case, what I'm going to do is create a brand new sketch, and I'm just going h8bdWHn2dqY-00276-00093510-00093685 to start with my line command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00277-00093685-00094179 Now, I'm going to draw a line straight up, and the next thing I'm going to do is if I h8bdWHn2dqY-00278-00094179-00094493 click again, it's going to add another straight line. h8bdWHn2dqY-00279-00094493-00094910 However, if I hit the 'A' key, and I just want to press it once, so, a note I want to h8bdWHn2dqY-00280-00094910-00095087 tell you guys: just press it once. h8bdWHn2dqY-00281-00095087-00095448 If you hold down the 'A' key, it's going to continually toggle back and forth until it h8bdWHn2dqY-00282-00095448-00095558 kicks you out of the command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00283-00095558-00095681 So, just press it once. h8bdWHn2dqY-00284-00095681-00096099 So, if I press the 'A' key once, it's going to toggle to a tangent arc. h8bdWHn2dqY-00285-00096099-00096438 And if I hit the 'A' key, it's going to toggle back to a line. h8bdWHn2dqY-00286-00096438-00096666 Now, also pay attention to where your cursor is. h8bdWHn2dqY-00287-00096666-00097066 So, notice I'm going to put my cursor just to the left of this inference line and hit h8bdWHn2dqY-00288-00097066-00097166 the 'A' key again. h8bdWHn2dqY-00289-00097166-00097342 It's going to go tangent in the other direction. h8bdWHn2dqY-00290-00097342-00097860 So, I'll hit 'A' to go back to line, and then change my tangency, which quadrant I'm in, h8bdWHn2dqY-00291-00097860-00098174 hit the 'A' key again, and notice, it's changing the tangency. h8bdWHn2dqY-00292-00098174-00098750 So, depending on the quadrant that your cursor is in when you hit the 'A' key, you can actually h8bdWHn2dqY-00293-00098750-00099223 capture whatever tangency location that you want by hitting the 'A' key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00294-00099223-00099800 So, I can go around and draw an arc, and then it'll kick me back into line. h8bdWHn2dqY-00295-00099800-00100388 So, for users of SOLIDWORKS, for older versions of SOLIDWORKS, there was a way to do this h8bdWHn2dqY-00296-00100388-00100867 before the 'A' key, and the way to do that before the 'A' key was if you were going to h8bdWHn2dqY-00297-00100867-00101457 draw your second line and you moved your cursor back over the end point and came back out, h8bdWHn2dqY-00298-00101457-00101993 that was another way of going from line to arc within the line command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00299-00101993-00102260 So, two ways to go from line to arc. h8bdWHn2dqY-00300-00102260-00102678 You can either hit the 'A' key or move your cursor back over the end point of the line, h8bdWHn2dqY-00301-00102678-00103044 and that will transition you from the line command into the arc, and then once you've h8bdWHn2dqY-00302-00103044-00103424 drawn that arc, it will take you back into the line command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00303-00103424-00103820 So, Tip #9: use dynamic mirror. h8bdWHn2dqY-00304-00103820-00104160 So, I already mentioned dynamic mirror, because this is one of my favorite commands in SOLIDWORKS, h8bdWHn2dqY-00305-00104160-00104513 but I'll go ahead and give you a little example of how you can use it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00306-00104513-00104986 So, the way dynamic mirror works is it does require a mirror line first. h8bdWHn2dqY-00307-00104986-00105576 So, I'm going to draw a mirror line, and this is going to be my mirror entity. h8bdWHn2dqY-00308-00105576-00105931 Now, I'm going to search for dynamic mirror, because I never know where it's located, and h8bdWHn2dqY-00309-00105931-00106108 I'm going to hit "Search." h8bdWHn2dqY-00310-00106108-00106435 And it is located in Tools > Sketch Tools > Dynamic Mirror. h8bdWHn2dqY-00311-00106435-00106796 But I use it so often, I'm just going to add it to my toolbar. h8bdWHn2dqY-00312-00106796-00107150 So, I'm going to re-search, add this to my sketch toolbar, and I'm going to activate h8bdWHn2dqY-00313-00107150-00107250 dynamic mirror. h8bdWHn2dqY-00314-00107250-00107750 So, it's going to ask for a sketch line to mirror about, and dynamic mirror is one of h8bdWHn2dqY-00315-00107750-00107995 the commands in SOLIDWORKS called a "persistent command." h8bdWHn2dqY-00316-00107995-00108128 So, notice it's dark gray. h8bdWHn2dqY-00317-00108128-00108344 It's going to be on constantly. h8bdWHn2dqY-00318-00108344-00108578 So, dynamic mirror is currently activated. h8bdWHn2dqY-00319-00108578-00109089 I can see two hash marks on this line indicating that it is my mirror line, and what dynamic h8bdWHn2dqY-00320-00109089-00109665 mirror is going to do is regardless of whatever I draw on the left-hand or right-hand side, h8bdWHn2dqY-00321-00109665-00109916 it is going to mirror it to the other side. h8bdWHn2dqY-00322-00109916-00110326 And what's really nice about dynamic mirror is if I change things, it will change on both h8bdWHn2dqY-00323-00110326-00110640 sides at once, whether it be the size or location. h8bdWHn2dqY-00324-00110640-00111302 So, one thing to note about dynamic mirror: just try not to cross the mirror line, because h8bdWHn2dqY-00325-00111302-00111765 if you cross the mirror line, and I'll show an example here, that's how you get overlapping h8bdWHn2dqY-00326-00111765-00111865 entities. h8bdWHn2dqY-00327-00111865-00112234 So, just while in dynamic mirror—and this is true for all mirror techniques—try not h8bdWHn2dqY-00328-00112234-00112560 to cross the mirror line, because then it makes things a little more complex. h8bdWHn2dqY-00329-00112560-00112965 But while dynamic mirror is active, whatever you sketch on the left-hand side will go to h8bdWHn2dqY-00330-00112965-00113208 the right-hand side as well and vice versa. h8bdWHn2dqY-00331-00113208-00113673 So, the way this is possible is what it's doing is adding symmetric relations for you, h8bdWHn2dqY-00332-00113673-00113889 so it's a quick way of adding symmetric relations. h8bdWHn2dqY-00333-00113889-00114099 And again, it's on until you turn it off. h8bdWHn2dqY-00334-00114099-00114607 So, once you turn off dynamic mirror, it will no longer perform that automatic symmetric h8bdWHn2dqY-00335-00114607-00114923 relation function. h8bdWHn2dqY-00336-00114923-00115089 But definitely use dynamic mirror. h8bdWHn2dqY-00337-00115089-00115557 It's really easy to create mirrored sketches that way. h8bdWHn2dqY-00338-00115557-00115875 Just set your mirror line first, and then no matter what you sketch, it's going to get h8bdWHn2dqY-00339-00115875-00116211 mirrored to the other side with a symmetric relation for you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00340-00116211-00116540 Now, a little added value on Tip #9. h8bdWHn2dqY-00341-00116540-00117058 One thing to note is you can also use a plane to mirror about in a 2D sketch. h8bdWHn2dqY-00342-00117058-00117477 So, in this case, what I'm going to do is take a perpendicular sketch, and then for h8bdWHn2dqY-00343-00117477-00117894 my dynamic mirror, I'm going to use the plane as my dynamic mirror. h8bdWHn2dqY-00344-00117894-00118584 So, I'm using a plane now in a 2D sketch so that as I sketch on one side, it's still mirroring h8bdWHn2dqY-00345-00118584-00118684 to the other. h8bdWHn2dqY-00346-00118684-00118784 So, you don't have to do a line. h8bdWHn2dqY-00347-00118784-00119202 You can also use a plane as a way to mirror these. h8bdWHn2dqY-00348-00119202-00119352 Completely works the exact same say. h8bdWHn2dqY-00349-00119352-00119508 And if you want to delete those, you can. h8bdWHn2dqY-00350-00119508-00119939 So, dynamic mirror, you can use a plane as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00351-00119939-00120452 And then one more tip: in 2018 and newer, you can also mirror about a plane while in h8bdWHn2dqY-00352-00120452-00120598 a 3D sketch. h8bdWHn2dqY-00353-00120598-00120786 So, this is new in '18. h8bdWHn2dqY-00354-00120786-00120955 I love this capability. h8bdWHn2dqY-00355-00120955-00121288 If you have a 3D sketch, you can now mirror 3D sketches. h8bdWHn2dqY-00356-00121288-00121507 So, in this case, I have a complex spline. h8bdWHn2dqY-00357-00121507-00122145 So, if I want to mirror these entities, I can just select this, and we'll take the mirror h8bdWHn2dqY-00358-00122145-00122277 plane. h8bdWHn2dqY-00359-00122277-00122673 In this case, I believe it is the front plane. h8bdWHn2dqY-00360-00122673-00122950 So, you can mirror 3D sketches. h8bdWHn2dqY-00361-00122950-00123584 That way, if you go back and you just want to do one big sweep, change this to 1 mm, h8bdWHn2dqY-00362-00123584-00124010 you can now mirror 3D sketches, and it's going to recognize that all as one 3D sketch. h8bdWHn2dqY-00363-00124010-00124496 So, the ability to mirror about planes as well, mirror your 2D sketches, and now you h8bdWHn2dqY-00364-00124496-00124722 can mirror 3D sketches as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00365-00124722-00125115 So, Tip #10: use power trim. h8bdWHn2dqY-00366-00125115-00125396 Now, this is a really cool command, power trim in SOLIDWORKS. h8bdWHn2dqY-00367-00125396-00125701 This is the only trim tool you're going to need. h8bdWHn2dqY-00368-00125701-00126058 You're going to find it is a sketch tool under trim entities. h8bdWHn2dqY-00369-00126058-00126411 You have a few different trim tools, but power trim is the only one you're going to need. h8bdWHn2dqY-00370-00126411-00126915 So, the way you use power trim is if you click and hold down your mouse button, it's going h8bdWHn2dqY-00371-00126915-00127015 to track your movement. h8bdWHn2dqY-00372-00127015-00127400 So, in this case, it's tracking my mouse movements until I let go of the mouse. h8bdWHn2dqY-00373-00127400-00128016 Now, where that's nice in the trim tool is if I click an drag over these entities, it h8bdWHn2dqY-00374-00128016-00128263 is going to trim to closest for me. h8bdWHn2dqY-00375-00128263-00128440 Now, two things are happening. h8bdWHn2dqY-00376-00128440-00128838 It's tracking my mouse movements, and I haven't let go of my mouse button yet, but there is h8bdWHn2dqY-00377-00128838-00128999 also a little red box. h8bdWHn2dqY-00378-00128999-00129542 If I were to back up, without letting go of my mouse, over those red boxes, power trim h8bdWHn2dqY-00379-00129542-00129946 actually remembers what entities that it trimmed, and it will undo the trim. h8bdWHn2dqY-00380-00129946-00130353 That way, if you were going down and you go right and you meant to go left, instead of h8bdWHn2dqY-00381-00130353-00130788 exiting your trim tool, undoing it and going back, you can just go back over that one and h8bdWHn2dqY-00382-00130788-00130955 then trim the one you wanted to. h8bdWHn2dqY-00383-00130955-00131519 So, what's really nice about trim is that you can Ctrl + Z and undo that. h8bdWHn2dqY-00384-00131519-00132018 So, you can undo your trim command, which is really, really useful. h8bdWHn2dqY-00385-00132018-00132429 Some other things you can do in trim entities, or one of the nice things that it's doing, h8bdWHn2dqY-00386-00132429-00132995 is it's actually adding relations—notice those relations that I added—as you trim. h8bdWHn2dqY-00387-00132995-00133568 So, what the trim tool is doing or what power trim is doing is it's maintaining design intent. h8bdWHn2dqY-00388-00133568-00134067 It knew this was a continuous line, and it assumes that you wanted that line to stay h8bdWHn2dqY-00389-00134067-00134335 continuous, so it added a co-linear relationship. h8bdWHn2dqY-00390-00134335-00134859 So, it will smartly trim, it will un-trim, it is an undoable, and it will add relations h8bdWHn2dqY-00391-00134859-00134979 for you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00392-00134979-00135432 Now, there's also one more function of the trim tool that not a lot of people know about. h8bdWHn2dqY-00393-00135432-00136060 So, we know it can trim, but the trim tool, in power trim, can also extend. h8bdWHn2dqY-00394-00136060-00136453 So, in this case, if you have a line that is too short and you want to extend it, you h8bdWHn2dqY-00395-00136453-00136784 can just click and drag it, and it will also extend your line. h8bdWHn2dqY-00396-00136784-00137194 So, I can extend this line down here, I can extend this one over here, and then using h8bdWHn2dqY-00397-00137194-00137615 the same power trim, I can just trim off the ends. h8bdWHn2dqY-00398-00137615-00137940 So, the power trim is the only trim tool you're going to need. h8bdWHn2dqY-00399-00137940-00138247 There's really a ton of functions built-in to the power trim. h8bdWHn2dqY-00400-00138247-00138477 So, definitely use the power trim. h8bdWHn2dqY-00401-00138477-00138580 Get used to using it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00402-00138580-00138765 I call it the Swiss Army knife of trim tools. h8bdWHn2dqY-00403-00138765-00138986 You can really do pretty much anything with it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00404-00138986-00139224 So, use power trim. h8bdWHn2dqY-00405-00139224-00139689 Tip #11: moving underdefined sketches. h8bdWHn2dqY-00406-00139689-00139959 So, how many times has this happened to you? h8bdWHn2dqY-00407-00139959-00140441 You have a sketch, it's underdefined, and my origin is over here, so I want to move h8bdWHn2dqY-00408-00140441-00140541 the whole thing. h8bdWHn2dqY-00409-00140541-00140897 So, you highlight the whole sketch, and then you go to drag and move it, and it just blows h8bdWHn2dqY-00410-00140897-00140997 up on you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00411-00140997-00141234 Well, here's a tip. h8bdWHn2dqY-00412-00141234-00141399 I'm going to undo that. h8bdWHn2dqY-00413-00141399-00141799 If you select everything in an underdefined sketch and you want to move it all as one h8bdWHn2dqY-00414-00141799-00142037 block, hold down the Shift key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00415-00142037-00142359 If you hold down the Shift key, you can move the whole block, and it's not going to blow h8bdWHn2dqY-00416-00142359-00142459 up on you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00417-00142459-00142903 So, highlight the whole thing, hit Shift, and then you can move it and move it closer h8bdWHn2dqY-00418-00142903-00143287 to the origin and add your relations and dimensions as you need to to lock it in. h8bdWHn2dqY-00419-00143287-00143512 Now, there is another way to do this. h8bdWHn2dqY-00420-00143512-00143875 You can also do this using a new function in SOLIDWORKS called "shaded sketch contours." h8bdWHn2dqY-00421-00143875-00144470 So, this is a sketch command, and if you activate shaded sketch contours, it is a persistent h8bdWHn2dqY-00422-00144470-00144570 command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00423-00144570-00145036 It will allow you to select the shaded area all as one selection and move your sketch, h8bdWHn2dqY-00424-00145036-00145245 even if it's underdefined as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00425-00145245-00145671 So, use shaded sketch contours, or if you're just trying to do something quick and it's h8bdWHn2dqY-00426-00145671-00145965 underdefined, highlight it all and hold down the Shift key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00427-00145965-00146148 You can move it all together. h8bdWHn2dqY-00428-00146148-00146644 So, Tip #11.5: the contour select tool. h8bdWHn2dqY-00429-00146644-00147177 So, inside a sketch, the contour select tool has always been there if you right-click, h8bdWHn2dqY-00430-00147177-00147689 you can choose contour select tool, which allows you to choose different areas to extrude. h8bdWHn2dqY-00431-00147689-00148344 So, say I could pick this area, go straight to my extrusion, and that's all I take. h8bdWHn2dqY-00432-00148344-00148739 However, a quick way to get to that tool, and you don't need shaded sketch contours h8bdWHn2dqY-00433-00148739-00148845 on for this. h8bdWHn2dqY-00434-00148845-00149285 If you hold down the Alt key, you can go straight into your contour select tool. h8bdWHn2dqY-00435-00149285-00149652 So, I can pick out any contour from here and go straight to extrude. h8bdWHn2dqY-00436-00149652-00149821 Now, something else as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00437-00149821-00150536 If you hold down Ctrl and Alt, you can select multiple contour areas and extrude them all h8bdWHn2dqY-00438-00150536-00150636 at once. h8bdWHn2dqY-00439-00150636-00150865 So, a combination of the Ctrl and Alt key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00440-00150865-00151390 The Alt key is a quick way of selecting different contours, jumps you directly into the contour h8bdWHn2dqY-00441-00151390-00151573 select tool. h8bdWHn2dqY-00442-00151573-00151919 Tip #12: feature tree navigation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00443-00151919-00152424 So, this is an option, this has been there forever in SOLIDWORKS, but in your options h8bdWHn2dqY-00444-00152424-00153015 under feature manager, you have the ability to turn on what's called arrow key navigation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00445-00153015-00153205 Now, pretty simple. h8bdWHn2dqY-00446-00153205-00153596 What is sounds like is if you're in your tree and you hit the down arrow, it will move up h8bdWHn2dqY-00447-00153596-00154053 and down your tree, so that's pretty simple, but there are some other functions for it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00448-00154053-00154499 Some other functions include, if you're using the up and down arrow while in your tree, h8bdWHn2dqY-00449-00154499-00154848 is let's say you want to expand a folder. h8bdWHn2dqY-00450-00154848-00155222 If you hit the right arrow, it'll expand the folder; if you hit the left arrow, it will h8bdWHn2dqY-00451-00155222-00155330 collapse it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00452-00155330-00155686 Now, that also works at the top of the tree if you're at the top of the tree, you can h8bdWHn2dqY-00453-00155686-00156155 hit the left arrow to collapse the whole tree and right arrow to expand the whole tree. h8bdWHn2dqY-00454-00156155-00156757 Now what's even better about that is if you select the rollback bar down here while the h8bdWHn2dqY-00455-00156757-00157176 arrow key navigation is on and you just select the rollback bar once, you can then use the h8bdWHn2dqY-00456-00157176-00157736 arrow keys to move your rollback bar up and down so you can suppress and un-suppress features. h8bdWHn2dqY-00457-00157736-00157955 That way, you're not having to guess where that rollback bar is. h8bdWHn2dqY-00458-00157955-00158300 Grab it just exactly and move it up and down in your tree. h8bdWHn2dqY-00459-00158300-00158860 So, I've written them out, just kind of some actions that you can do, the up arrow/down h8bdWHn2dqY-00460-00158860-00159383 arrow moves, left arrow/right will expand/collapse, and then if you select the rollback bar, you h8bdWHn2dqY-00461-00159383-00159597 can move the rollback bar with the arrow keys. h8bdWHn2dqY-00462-00159597-00159991 Now, kind of a little extra tip. h8bdWHn2dqY-00463-00159991-00160401 There are some hotkeys to expand your entire tree and collapse your entire tree. h8bdWHn2dqY-00464-00160401-00160784 So, if you want to expand everything, select the top of your tree and hit the asterisk h8bdWHn2dqY-00465-00160784-00160884 key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00466-00160884-00161165 It's going to expand everything, including folders and features. h8bdWHn2dqY-00467-00161165-00161594 And if you want to collapse everything, hit Shift + C, and that will collapse everything h8bdWHn2dqY-00468-00161594-00161694 in your tree. h8bdWHn2dqY-00469-00161694-00162336 So, a couple hotkeys you can use to expand your tree using the asterisk key and then h8bdWHn2dqY-00470-00162336-00162566 Shift + C to collapse everything. h8bdWHn2dqY-00471-00162566-00162894 So, Tip #13: filters. h8bdWHn2dqY-00472-00162894-00163360 Now, I'm sure we've all seen this at least some point in using SOLIDWORKS, either accidentally h8bdWHn2dqY-00473-00163360-00163896 or on purpose, but if you were to accidentally hit a key and all of the sudden there is this h8bdWHn2dqY-00474-00163896-00164486 pink filter next to your mouse, that means there's a filter on in SOLIDWORKS. h8bdWHn2dqY-00475-00164486-00164984 Now, if I try to go and select an edge at this point, I can't and it's going to make h8bdWHn2dqY-00476-00164984-00165102 your life really difficult. h8bdWHn2dqY-00477-00165102-00165602 So, there's two hotkeys I want you to remember whenever you see this pink filter: the F5 h8bdWHn2dqY-00478-00165602-00165752 key and the F6 key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00479-00165752-00166198 So, I hit the F5 key, and what that does is it brings up my filters toolbar. h8bdWHn2dqY-00480-00166198-00166594 Now, the other hotkey I mentioned, F6, will toggle them off. h8bdWHn2dqY-00481-00166594-00167275 So, F6 toggles filters on and off, where the F5 key toggles the toolbar on and off. h8bdWHn2dqY-00482-00167275-00167771 So, the biggest reason filters usually get accidentally pressed is because the hotkey h8bdWHn2dqY-00483-00167771-00168425 for filter vertices is V, the filter edges hotkey is E, and the filter faces hotkey is h8bdWHn2dqY-00484-00168425-00168525 X. h8bdWHn2dqY-00485-00168525-00168782 So, those are the most common ones that get hit accidentally. h8bdWHn2dqY-00486-00168782-00169020 When you hit those hotkeys, it turns on the filters. h8bdWHn2dqY-00487-00169020-00169579 So, if it ever happens to you, again, F6 will turn them off, or F5 will turn on the toolbar h8bdWHn2dqY-00488-00169579-00169894 so you can actually see what those filters are. h8bdWHn2dqY-00489-00169894-00170546 So, any time that's happened, again those are SOLIDWORKS filters. h8bdWHn2dqY-00490-00170546-00170812 Tip #14: delete and patch. h8bdWHn2dqY-00491-00170812-00171273 So, this is great for imported geometry, and what I mean by that is this is an imported h8bdWHn2dqY-00492-00171273-00171751 solid, so this is just a dumb solid, where let's say I actually wanted to remove these h8bdWHn2dqY-00493-00171751-00171851 holes. h8bdWHn2dqY-00494-00171851-00172254 Now, if this was a SOILDWORKS feature, I could just select the feature and hit the Delete h8bdWHn2dqY-00495-00172254-00172389 key, but it's not. h8bdWHn2dqY-00496-00172389-00172829 I can't find a hole feature inside this, so how do I get rid of this hole? h8bdWHn2dqY-00497-00172829-00173181 Well, in cases for imported geometry, this is really useful. h8bdWHn2dqY-00498-00173181-00173622 You can actually in your right-click menu, there is a face command called "Delete face." h8bdWHn2dqY-00499-00173622-00174065 So, if you don't see "Delete face," you may have to hit these two arrows down here and h8bdWHn2dqY-00500-00174065-00174365 then all face commands will come up. h8bdWHn2dqY-00501-00174365-00174715 And then if you want "Delete face" to show up every time, go to the bottom and hit this h8bdWHn2dqY-00502-00174715-00174815 "Customize menu." h8bdWHn2dqY-00503-00174815-00175187 And then next to "Delete face" you can put a checkbox, so next time you right-click, h8bdWHn2dqY-00504-00175187-00175426 "Delete face" will show up right away. h8bdWHn2dqY-00505-00175426-00175946 So, I'm going to delete this face, and I'm going to use a very specific option called h8bdWHn2dqY-00506-00175946-00176046 "Delete and patch." h8bdWHn2dqY-00507-00176046-00176748 What this is going to do is delete the face but patch and extend the surrounding faces h8bdWHn2dqY-00508-00176748-00176848 until they're solid. h8bdWHn2dqY-00509-00176848-00176984 So, I'm going to delete and patch. h8bdWHn2dqY-00510-00176984-00177569 I'm going to delete this face and patch the adjacent faces to heal it up as if the hole h8bdWHn2dqY-00511-00177569-00177669 wasn't even there. h8bdWHn2dqY-00512-00177669-00177863 So, I'm going to do the same thing down here. h8bdWHn2dqY-00513-00177863-00178275 I'm going to delete the face, delete and patch, it's going to extend the adjacent faces as h8bdWHn2dqY-00514-00178275-00178430 if the hole wasn't there. h8bdWHn2dqY-00515-00178430-00178839 Now, you can select multiple faces as well, so I'm going to use a selection technique h8bdWHn2dqY-00516-00178839-00178961 called "Select tangency." h8bdWHn2dqY-00517-00178961-00179410 It's going to grab all four of these faces, and I'm going to select "Delete face" on all h8bdWHn2dqY-00518-00179410-00179734 four, and I'm going to delete and patch with those as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00519-00179734-00180358 Now, what's even better is delete and patch works on fillet edges as well, because it's h8bdWHn2dqY-00520-00180358-00180799 going to see the adjacent faces on the top and the side, and it is going to extend those h8bdWHn2dqY-00521-00180799-00181131 faces until they meet. h8bdWHn2dqY-00522-00181131-00181565 And I can do it for the other side as well, and again, this was an imported solid. h8bdWHn2dqY-00523-00181565-00181694 No SOLIDWORKS features. h8bdWHn2dqY-00524-00181694-00182187 I'm just deleting and patching those faces, and then I can go through and add my SOLIDWORKS h8bdWHn2dqY-00525-00182187-00182295 features if I wanted to afterward. h8bdWHn2dqY-00526-00182295-00182719 So, if I wanted to add a chamfer in this case, I could just add a chamfer on the other side. h8bdWHn2dqY-00527-00182719-00183189 A little bit large, so I'll make it a bit smaller, and I've gone ahead and changed the h8bdWHn2dqY-00528-00183189-00183796 entire design intent of this part using what we call direct model editing using delete h8bdWHn2dqY-00529-00183796-00183913 face. h8bdWHn2dqY-00530-00183913-00184128 So, delete face is awesome. h8bdWHn2dqY-00531-00184128-00184464 You can find it in your right mouse button, and again, if you don't see it, go to the h8bdWHn2dqY-00532-00184464-00184684 bottom of your menu and you can add it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00533-00184684-00185156 So, this is kind of an intermission because I know I've covered a lot of tips already. h8bdWHn2dqY-00534-00185156-00185501 Tip #15 is ask me for a PDF of this presentation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00535-00185501-00185682 So, I know I'm going through a lot of information. h8bdWHn2dqY-00536-00185682-00185966 I know it's pretty rapid-fire, but there's my email. h8bdWHn2dqY-00537-00185966-00186152 You can take a screenshot of this if you want. h8bdWHn2dqY-00538-00186152-00186410 I will have my email up again at the end of this. h8bdWHn2dqY-00539-00186410-00186745 But if you want a PDF presentation of this, it's basically the slides that I have here. h8bdWHn2dqY-00540-00186745-00187019 I try to put as much information as possible on them. h8bdWHn2dqY-00541-00187019-00187394 That way, you can just have a quick reference for all of these tips through the presentation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00542-00187394-00187657 And like I said, I'll put this up again at the end. h8bdWHn2dqY-00543-00187657-00188094 And also, if you've got a tip or trick you'd like to see, if you know a way to use SOLIDWORKS h8bdWHn2dqY-00544-00188094-00188386 that you think everyone else should know also, let me know. h8bdWHn2dqY-00545-00188386-00188636 If you want credit, I'll give you credit in the presentation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00546-00188636-00188807 If you don't, that's okay. h8bdWHn2dqY-00547-00188807-00189136 We'll put the presentation together, and if it's a good tip, it may make it in here. h8bdWHn2dqY-00548-00189136-00189324 So, let me know if you have a good one. h8bdWHn2dqY-00549-00189324-00189552 Send me an email. h8bdWHn2dqY-00550-00189552-00190010 So, Tip #16: there's another face command we can use called "Move face." h8bdWHn2dqY-00551-00190010-00190538 So, we saw "Delete face," but again, for "Move face," we have a bunch of imported geometry. h8bdWHn2dqY-00552-00190538-00190849 This is great for editing geometry that's already there. h8bdWHn2dqY-00553-00190849-00191033 So, you'll find it in your right mouse button. h8bdWHn2dqY-00554-00191033-00191178 You can move a face. h8bdWHn2dqY-00555-00191178-00191627 And what's nice with "Move face" is if I just move it, it's going to extend that face out. h8bdWHn2dqY-00556-00191627-00191989 Now, I can also use end condition such as up to body. h8bdWHn2dqY-00557-00191989-00192520 So, I can move that face up to another body, and it's as if I had made that to begin with. h8bdWHn2dqY-00558-00192520-00192919 Now, you can also find "Move face" by searching it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00559-00192919-00193392 So, in this case, if I go to my "Move face" command, I can move multiple faces at once. h8bdWHn2dqY-00560-00193392-00193894 So, in this case, if I want to select all of these faces, I can select them all at once h8bdWHn2dqY-00561-00193894-00194048 and extend each face out individually. h8bdWHn2dqY-00562-00194048-00194667 Now, if I have a plane out here that I want to extend up to, with my end conditions, I h8bdWHn2dqY-00563-00194667-00195090 can say "Up to surface," and in this case, I can choose my surface. h8bdWHn2dqY-00564-00195090-00195464 It's hidden in my tree, but if I choose a surface at an offset angle, it's going to h8bdWHn2dqY-00565-00195464-00195894 move all of those faces up to that surface. h8bdWHn2dqY-00566-00195894-00196538 And what's even better is if I go back to "Move face," it will even take more complex h8bdWHn2dqY-00567-00196538-00197108 geometry, such as all of the end faces, and I can just extend this entire part out all h8bdWHn2dqY-00568-00197108-00197296 with one "Move face" command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00569-00197296-00198308 So, again, for direct model editing for imported geometries, "Move face" is a great tool. h8bdWHn2dqY-00570-00198308-00198469 And again, that's found in your right mouse button. h8bdWHn2dqY-00571-00198469-00198879 If you don't see it, you may have to go and add it, just like we did "Delete face." h8bdWHn2dqY-00572-00198879-00199292 So, Tip #17: use "Select other." h8bdWHn2dqY-00573-00199292-00200233 So, in this case, I've got a model, and I want to extrude this sketch down to the bottom h8bdWHn2dqY-00574-00200233-00200510 face of this ratchet head. h8bdWHn2dqY-00575-00200510-00200911 Now, what I'd have to do if I wanted to go down to the bottom face, let's say I want h8bdWHn2dqY-00576-00200911-00201265 to go offset from the bottom surface, I need to select that bottom surface. h8bdWHn2dqY-00577-00201265-00201625 But if I hover over these faces, I can't select the bottom surface through here. h8bdWHn2dqY-00578-00201625-00202019 So, instead of rotating my model, I could rotate my model and I could grab it just as h8bdWHn2dqY-00579-00202019-00202423 easily, but if you don't want to rotate your model, what you can do is if you right-click, h8bdWHn2dqY-00580-00202423-00202725 there is a selection tool called "Select other." h8bdWHn2dqY-00581-00202725-00203127 Now, while you're in the "Select other" command, there's two options. h8bdWHn2dqY-00582-00203127-00203613 If I right-click, I will hide a face, and if I left-click, I will select a face. h8bdWHn2dqY-00583-00203613-00204091 So, in this case, what you can do is if you hover over a face and I right-click, it will h8bdWHn2dqY-00584-00204091-00204402 hide that face so that I can select a face that's underneath it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00585-00204402-00204779 So, as soon as you left-click, it's going to select the face and kick you out of the h8bdWHn2dqY-00586-00204779-00204879 command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00587-00204879-00205354 But let's go back into "Select other" to see what else you can do with it with "Select h8bdWHn2dqY-00588-00205354-00205454 other." h8bdWHn2dqY-00589-00205454-00205714 Let's say you hide a face, but now you want to bring it back. h8bdWHn2dqY-00590-00205714-00206051 If you hold down the Shift and right-click, it will un-hide those faces. h8bdWHn2dqY-00591-00206051-00206432 So, if you hit a face that you really didn't need to, Shift + right-click will un-hide h8bdWHn2dqY-00592-00206432-00206739 it, and then right-click, you can hide another face. h8bdWHn2dqY-00593-00206739-00207039 But as soon as you left-click, it's going to kick you out of the "Select other" command h8bdWHn2dqY-00594-00207039-00207221 with the selected face that you have. h8bdWHn2dqY-00595-00207221-00207696 So, then you can't do an offset face without moving your model at all. h8bdWHn2dqY-00596-00207696-00207998 So, definitely use "Select other." h8bdWHn2dqY-00597-00207998-00208785 Tip #18: Ctrl + drag is a quick way to create a reference plane. h8bdWHn2dqY-00598-00208785-00209235 So, in this case, I've got another model, and I want to create an offset plane from h8bdWHn2dqY-00599-00209235-00209335 the front plane. h8bdWHn2dqY-00600-00209335-00209712 Now, the way I traditionally do it is go to reference plane, create my plane command, h8bdWHn2dqY-00601-00209712-00210142 select my plane, then define the offset, which is a lot of clicks. h8bdWHn2dqY-00602-00210142-00210683 Now, if you just hold down the Ctrl key and drag your front plane, it's going to automatically h8bdWHn2dqY-00603-00210683-00210892 kick you into that offset plane command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00604-00210892-00211357 So, Ctrl + drag on a plane that's already existing kicks you directly into the offset h8bdWHn2dqY-00605-00211357-00211457 plane. h8bdWHn2dqY-00606-00211457-00211931 Now, in this case, if I wanted one more definition, I can just right-click and select the midpoint h8bdWHn2dqY-00607-00211931-00212498 of this, and I've now got a mid-plane being driven by the midpoint geometry of my weldment, h8bdWHn2dqY-00608-00212498-00212785 which is now perfect to use as a mirror plane. h8bdWHn2dqY-00609-00212785-00213298 So, Ctrl + drag on a reference plane will create a copy. h8bdWHn2dqY-00610-00213298-00213398 Tip #19. h8bdWHn2dqY-00611-00213398-00213658 I really like this one: tab to hide. h8bdWHn2dqY-00612-00213658-00213971 And this works on both multi-bodied parts and assemblies. h8bdWHn2dqY-00613-00213971-00214523 So, the way tab to hide works is if you hover over—and this is a multi-bodied part—if h8bdWHn2dqY-00614-00214523-00215016 you hover over a body or a part in assembly and you hit the Tab key, it will hide that h8bdWHn2dqY-00615-00215016-00215116 part for you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00616-00215116-00215260 So, let me do it a couple more times. h8bdWHn2dqY-00617-00215260-00215778 As long as your mouse key or mouse icon is over a part, you can hit the tab key and it h8bdWHn2dqY-00618-00215778-00215939 will hide that part. h8bdWHn2dqY-00619-00215939-00216577 Now, to un-hide, if you hover your mouse over where that part was located and you hit Shift h8bdWHn2dqY-00620-00216577-00216900 + Tab, it will un-hide that part. h8bdWHn2dqY-00621-00216900-00217253 So, with that being said, there's a couple other ways we can use it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00622-00217253-00217617 If you hold down the Tab key and then move your mouse around, it's like you're kind of h8bdWHn2dqY-00623-00217617-00217819 painting things hidden. h8bdWHn2dqY-00624-00217819-00218016 And you can do the same thing with Shift + Tab. h8bdWHn2dqY-00625-00218016-00218442 If you hold down Shift + Tab, it will un-hide, as long as you paint over it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00626-00218442-00218839 But a big problem you have with that is, okay, I've hidden a few things. h8bdWHn2dqY-00627-00218839-00218994 Now how can I tell what's hidden? h8bdWHn2dqY-00628-00218994-00219358 So, to build off that, there's a couple of ways to tell what's hidden. h8bdWHn2dqY-00629-00219358-00219878 The easiest is probably if you right-click, there's an option to show hidden bodies. h8bdWHn2dqY-00630-00219878-00220289 So, right-click, show hidden bodies, and then it's kind of going to give you an inverse h8bdWHn2dqY-00631-00220289-00220469 of what's hidden and what's not. h8bdWHn2dqY-00632-00220469-00220723 So, whatever's hidden will show up in the "show hidden." h8bdWHn2dqY-00633-00220723-00221236 As you select them, it will un-hide them, so that as you go back, once you exit your h8bdWHn2dqY-00634-00221236-00221654 "show hidden," you'll have all of your parts shown here. h8bdWHn2dqY-00635-00221654-00222085 Another quick way to tell if you're hide/show is using the display pane inside, if you have h8bdWHn2dqY-00636-00222085-00222531 your bodies listed, the display pane has a column directly for hide/shows, so you can h8bdWHn2dqY-00637-00222531-00222696 actually just toggle that through a click. h8bdWHn2dqY-00638-00222696-00223217 So, a couple ways you can do it, but the big tip I want to show you that not a lot of people h8bdWHn2dqY-00639-00223217-00223816 know about is we know that Tab hides, we know holding it down hides a bunch, we know Shift h8bdWHn2dqY-00640-00223816-00224530 + Tab un-hides, but—this works in assemblies and parts—if you hold down Ctrl + Shift h8bdWHn2dqY-00641-00224530-00225027 + Tab, it will give you a highlight of all of the currently hidden bodies, and then as h8bdWHn2dqY-00642-00225027-00225629 you select them while I'm holding down Ctrl + Shift + Tab, you can then select those bodies, h8bdWHn2dqY-00643-00225629-00225729 and they will un-hide. h8bdWHn2dqY-00644-00225729-00226280 So, Ctrl + Shift + Tab will give you a preview of any hidden parts or bodies, and then as h8bdWHn2dqY-00645-00226280-00226594 you select them, it will un-hide those parts for you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00646-00226594-00226769 So, use Tab to hide. h8bdWHn2dqY-00647-00226769-00226934 I use this one a ton. h8bdWHn2dqY-00648-00226934-00227450 It makes working with multi-bodied parts and even assemblies a whole lot easier. h8bdWHn2dqY-00649-00227450-00227671 So, Tab key to hide. h8bdWHn2dqY-00650-00227671-00228028 Tip #20: use move/copy body. h8bdWHn2dqY-00651-00228028-00228208 So, sometimes it's easier than patterning. h8bdWHn2dqY-00652-00228208-00228678 So, in this case, I'm going to take my weldment body, and I've got a skid down here, and I h8bdWHn2dqY-00653-00228678-00228873 want to move this skid up to the top. h8bdWHn2dqY-00654-00228873-00229415 Now, I could use a linear pattern for bodies, but I would have to define first, what bodies h8bdWHn2dqY-00655-00229415-00229826 I want to pattern, and then the direction, and then make sure I have the right offset, h8bdWHn2dqY-00656-00229826-00230319 and then make sure, if I want to tie any intelligence into it, I have to make sure the linear pattern's h8bdWHn2dqY-00657-00230319-00230558 intelligent, and that's a lot of work. h8bdWHn2dqY-00658-00230558-00231092 So, if I just want to move this skid up to the top, there is another command I can use h8bdWHn2dqY-00659-00231092-00231267 called "Move/copy bodies." h8bdWHn2dqY-00660-00231267-00232044 So, with "Move/copy bodies," I can actually take that bottom skid body, and in this case, h8bdWHn2dqY-00661-00232044-00232471 I'm going to choose to copy it, and instead of doing a delta translation, I'm going to h8bdWHn2dqY-00662-00232471-00233180 do it by entities and I'm going to say I want the point of this skid to be at the top of h8bdWHn2dqY-00663-00233180-00233280 my weldment. h8bdWHn2dqY-00664-00233280-00233777 So, as soon as I hit OK, I've now copied my skid to the top, and what's really nice is h8bdWHn2dqY-00665-00233777-00234352 because it's being driven by geometry, is if my skid layout ever changes, my move/copy h8bdWHn2dqY-00666-00234352-00234527 body moves with it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00667-00234527-00235081 So, sometimes it's easier than using linear patterns, especially useful in weldments because h8bdWHn2dqY-00668-00235081-00235267 weldments are multi-bodied parts. h8bdWHn2dqY-00669-00235267-00235642 So, definitely use "Move/copy bodies." h8bdWHn2dqY-00670-00235642-00236009 Tip #21: lock your rotation axis. h8bdWHn2dqY-00671-00236009-00236482 So, this is something else that not a lot of people know are there, and sometimes it's h8bdWHn2dqY-00672-00236482-00236753 actually a headache because you didn't even know you activated it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00673-00236753-00237273 So, the way you activate or lock your axis rotation is whenever you rotate, kind of rotates h8bdWHn2dqY-00674-00237273-00237630 your part around the center of the screen, which is fine, that's what we want. h8bdWHn2dqY-00675-00237630-00238182 However, you can lock your axis of rotation if you hover over an entity and you hit your h8bdWHn2dqY-00676-00238182-00238484 mouse button, the middle mouse button, so the scroll wheel. h8bdWHn2dqY-00677-00238484-00239123 If you press it once, it will highlight that face and lock the rotation axis around that h8bdWHn2dqY-00678-00239123-00239223 face. h8bdWHn2dqY-00679-00239223-00239658 So, it works on cylindrical faces, it works on circular edges as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00680-00239658-00240158 So, in this case, if I wanted to take this cylindrical face, I can lock my rotation axis h8bdWHn2dqY-00681-00240158-00240282 around that circular face. h8bdWHn2dqY-00682-00240282-00240752 So, if you've ever on accident seen that purple highlight and your part didn't quite rotate h8bdWHn2dqY-00683-00240752-00241019 how you wanted, it's because you were locking the axis rotation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00684-00241019-00241348 So, it also works on chamfered edges. h8bdWHn2dqY-00685-00241348-00241617 It will go around the center axis, and even planar faces. h8bdWHn2dqY-00686-00241617-00242019 So, you can even choose planar faces, and it will rotate around those planar faces. h8bdWHn2dqY-00687-00242019-00242606 So, middle mouse button will lock that rotation axis for you, and then as you hold down the h8bdWHn2dqY-00688-00242606-00242964 middle mouse button to rotate, it will move around that axis. h8bdWHn2dqY-00689-00242964-00243482 Now, another little tip, little extra tip, is if you're ever zooming in and out and you h8bdWHn2dqY-00690-00243482-00243846 choose to lose your part, well, we always say "Zoom to fit" to bring it back. h8bdWHn2dqY-00691-00243846-00244271 If you didn't know this, if you just double-click your middle mouse button, that's also the h8bdWHn2dqY-00692-00244271-00244441 shortcut for "Zoom to fit." h8bdWHn2dqY-00693-00244441-00244853 So, if you're ever rotating around using that middle mouse button, a lot of functions that h8bdWHn2dqY-00694-00244853-00245015 you may not have known were there. h8bdWHn2dqY-00695-00245015-00245473 If you hover over an entity and hit your middle mouse button once, it will lock the axis of h8bdWHn2dqY-00696-00245473-00245573 rotation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00697-00245573-00245794 And if you double-click your middle mouse button, it will zoom to fit as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00698-00245794-00246344 So, this works on planar, cylindrical, conical, circular and linear edges, and even axes and h8bdWHn2dqY-00699-00246344-00246702 points.So, you can lock your rotation around a point if you want. h8bdWHn2dqY-00700-00246702-00247194 So, Tip #22: hide faces when mating. h8bdWHn2dqY-00701-00247194-00247656 So, this is in—I believe they added this in 2018. h8bdWHn2dqY-00702-00247656-00248055 So, the newer versions of SOLIDWORKS now allow you to hide faces while mating. h8bdWHn2dqY-00703-00248055-00248532 And what that means is while you're in the mate command—so, I'm just going to go ahead h8bdWHn2dqY-00704-00248532-00249056 and go to the mate command, and I want to mate the top of this face to the bottom of h8bdWHn2dqY-00705-00249056-00249305 my bracket, but I can't see that bottom face. h8bdWHn2dqY-00706-00249305-00249708 So, very similar to "Select other," instead of going into "Select other," what I'm going h8bdWHn2dqY-00707-00249708-00250132 to do, while I'm in the mate command, is just hit the Alt key, and it's going to hide that h8bdWHn2dqY-00708-00250132-00250573 face, so that I can select the face under it without having to rotate my model. h8bdWHn2dqY-00709-00250573-00251206 So, I'll go ahead and finish this up with a cylindrical mate, and there's my rotation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00710-00251206-00251629 So, I'm going to do that one more time with a more complex mate. h8bdWHn2dqY-00711-00251629-00252181 And in this case, I want to match up these cylindrical faces, but then I want to center h8bdWHn2dqY-00712-00252181-00252467 this block inside my yolk. h8bdWHn2dqY-00713-00252467-00252848 So, in this case, what I'm going to do is use an advanced mate called "width mate." h8bdWHn2dqY-00714-00252848-00253378 This is one of my favorite mates, but it has you rotating your model around a lot to select h8bdWHn2dqY-00715-00253378-00253478 all your faces. h8bdWHn2dqY-00716-00253478-00253727 So, using the Alt key to hide makes it a whole lot easier. h8bdWHn2dqY-00717-00253727-00254278 I need to select the two sides of my cube here, so I'm going to select my first face, h8bdWHn2dqY-00718-00254278-00254886 hit the Alt key to hide, select the other face, and then do the same thing with this h8bdWHn2dqY-00719-00254886-00255388 one, where I can hit the Alt key, choose my other face, and now I've selected my faces h8bdWHn2dqY-00720-00255388-00255926 through other faces, using the Alt key to hide. h8bdWHn2dqY-00721-00255926-00256219 So, this works in the mate command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00722-00256219-00256471 Just hit the Alt key while you're hovering over it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00723-00256471-00256907 Shift + Alt will also un-hide the face, very similar to "Select other." h8bdWHn2dqY-00724-00256907-00257386 So, as long as your mouse is over the faces you want to hide or un-hide, hitting the Alt h8bdWHn2dqY-00725-00257386-00257813 key or Shift + Alt will hide or un-hide those faces. h8bdWHn2dqY-00726-00257813-00258221 Tip #23: Use smart mates. h8bdWHn2dqY-00727-00258221-00258648 So, these are some icons of some smart mates that are pretty common to SOLIDWORKS. h8bdWHn2dqY-00728-00258648-00259176 So, you can smart mate two edges, two faces, two points, two cylindrical edges. h8bdWHn2dqY-00729-00259176-00259576 And then, we have some special ones called "Peg and hole" that actually add three mates h8bdWHn2dqY-00730-00259576-00259800 all at the same time, and I'll show you how to use them. h8bdWHn2dqY-00731-00259800-00260358 So, in this case, I've got another assembly, and notice there's no mates. h8bdWHn2dqY-00732-00260358-00260798 There are no mates in my mate folder, and using smart mates, I'm going to add three h8bdWHn2dqY-00733-00260798-00260925 mates at the same time. h8bdWHn2dqY-00734-00260925-00261442 So, to launch smart mates, what I'm going to do is hold down the Alt key and then I'm h8bdWHn2dqY-00735-00261442-00261748 going to click an edge and drag it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00736-00261748-00262011 Now, notice I'm going to select this circular edge and click and hold. h8bdWHn2dqY-00737-00262011-00262355 There is now a paperclip next to my icon. h8bdWHn2dqY-00738-00262355-00262546 That's telling me I've activated smart mates. h8bdWHn2dqY-00739-00262546-00263030 So, by holding down the Alt key and dragging an edge, activates smart mates. h8bdWHn2dqY-00740-00263030-00263599 And what I'm going to is select or hover over an edge that I want to mate it to, and it's h8bdWHn2dqY-00741-00263599-00264107 going to give me that special "Peg and hole" icon for smart mates. h8bdWHn2dqY-00742-00264107-00264663 And as soon as I let go of the mouse button, it's added three mates for me. h8bdWHn2dqY-00743-00264663-00265138 So, just by dragging that edge, I was able to add a concentric between the two outer h8bdWHn2dqY-00744-00265138-00265746 faces, a concentric between the pattern, because they had matching patterns, and a coincident h8bdWHn2dqY-00745-00265746-00265953 for the two faces. h8bdWHn2dqY-00746-00265953-00266521 So, by using Alt+ drag to launch smart mates, it allows you to add those mates a whole lot h8bdWHn2dqY-00747-00266521-00266621 easier. h8bdWHn2dqY-00748-00266621-00266830 Now, you don't have to add multiple mates at the same time either. h8bdWHn2dqY-00749-00266830-00267191 This works for simple geometries as well, such as cylindrical faces. h8bdWHn2dqY-00750-00267191-00267770 So, if I hold down the Alt key and I drag this cylindrical face, notice there's my paperclip. h8bdWHn2dqY-00751-00267770-00268114 I just have to hover over another cylindrical face, and it's going to give me the concentric h8bdWHn2dqY-00752-00268114-00268216 icon. h8bdWHn2dqY-00753-00268216-00268409 So, there's my concentric mate. h8bdWHn2dqY-00754-00268409-00268948 Now, I'm going to undo that because it's not looking for exactly the right hole sizes either. h8bdWHn2dqY-00755-00268948-00269367 It's basically just looking for geometry, so any cylindrical face that I hover over, h8bdWHn2dqY-00756-00269367-00269772 it's going to try to add that cylindrical mate, regardless of orientation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00757-00269772-00270150 So, in this case, it's just looking for circular features. h8bdWHn2dqY-00758-00270150-00270790 Now, let's say this is the mate I want to add, but it's in the wrong orientation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00759-00270790-00271534 If you let go of the Alt key, you can then hit the Tab key, and that is going to flip h8bdWHn2dqY-00760-00271534-00271641 your orientation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00761-00271641-00272046 Now, I know there's a lot of keys in here. h8bdWHn2dqY-00762-00272046-00272346 It's all about the order you press them. h8bdWHn2dqY-00763-00272346-00272541 This may take some practice. h8bdWHn2dqY-00764-00272541-00272915 Just note that as soon as you let go of your mouse button, it will add the mate. h8bdWHn2dqY-00765-00272915-00273237 So, make sure the mouse button is the last thing you release. h8bdWHn2dqY-00766-00273237-00273795 So, if you release the Alt key after you've joined your faces, the Tab key will then switch h8bdWHn2dqY-00767-00273795-00274307 your alignment, and then once you're happy with your alignment, let go of the mouse key, h8bdWHn2dqY-00768-00274307-00274593 and we've now added a concentric mate. h8bdWHn2dqY-00769-00274593-00274981 Now, that also works for planar faces, so if I hold down the Alt key and drag one planar h8bdWHn2dqY-00770-00274981-00275424 face to another, let go of the mouse, I've now added a planar mate. h8bdWHn2dqY-00771-00275424-00275888 So, it's a whole lot easier now to add these mates without having to go through the mate h8bdWHn2dqY-00772-00275888-00275988 command. h8bdWHn2dqY-00773-00275988-00276113 So, I'll do this one more time. h8bdWHn2dqY-00774-00276113-00276291 You can do it with edges as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00775-00276291-00276498 If I hold down the Alt key, I can go edge to edge. h8bdWHn2dqY-00776-00276498-00277066 There is my edge smart mate, where it's now got some hinge action, and then I can, with h8bdWHn2dqY-00777-00277066-00277593 one more smart mate, go edge to edge again, and now this is fully mated in place. h8bdWHn2dqY-00778-00277593-00277952 So, another little half-tip also. h8bdWHn2dqY-00779-00277952-00278553 Say you're moving a part, and you need to reorient this part to mate it a little easier. h8bdWHn2dqY-00780-00278553-00278968 If you have a part that's free to float in space, you can hold down the right mouse button, h8bdWHn2dqY-00781-00278968-00279441 and you can actually rotate that part in space on its own.That way, you can orient it a little h8bdWHn2dqY-00782-00279441-00279615 better, make sure you can see your edges. h8bdWHn2dqY-00783-00279615-00279970 And then when you let go of the right mouse button, you can then mate it to your part. h8bdWHn2dqY-00784-00279970-00280134 So, I'm going to use another smart mate. h8bdWHn2dqY-00785-00280134-00280619 Again, Alt key to drag cylindrical edge to cylindrical edge. h8bdWHn2dqY-00786-00280619-00280730 Let go of the Alt key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00787-00280730-00281334 I can hit Tab to switch, and then let go of the mouse button will add all of my mates. h8bdWHn2dqY-00788-00281334-00281580 So, definitely use smart mates. h8bdWHn2dqY-00789-00281580-00281892 Again, it's launched with the Alt + drag as you're using them. h8bdWHn2dqY-00790-00281892-00282364 You can do edges, points, faces, cylindrical faces, even coordinate systems. h8bdWHn2dqY-00791-00282364-00282609 Works for that as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00792-00282609-00282989 So, Tip #24: you can copy components by dragging. h8bdWHn2dqY-00793-00282989-00283446 So, let's say I need another housing cover on the other side. h8bdWHn2dqY-00794-00283446-00283945 I see this far too often where you'll go Insert Components, browse for the component, find h8bdWHn2dqY-00795-00283945-00284132 it, place it, insert it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00796-00284132-00284571 Well, if the component's already in your assembly, you don't need to do that. h8bdWHn2dqY-00797-00284571-00284739 Now, take this round cover. h8bdWHn2dqY-00798-00284739-00285180 You can do this from the feature tree or the graphics window. h8bdWHn2dqY-00799-00285180-00285298 I'll do it from the graphics window. h8bdWHn2dqY-00800-00285298-00285616 If you hold down the Ctrl key and just drag that part, it's going to create a copy of h8bdWHn2dqY-00801-00285616-00285734 it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00802-00285734-00286082 You can also do it from the tree, just select the part in the tree, Ctrl + drag, creates h8bdWHn2dqY-00803-00286082-00286245 a copy of it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00804-00286245-00286540 So, if the part's already there, you don't have to go searching for it again. h8bdWHn2dqY-00805-00286540-00286676 Just Ctrl + drag, and you'll create a copy. h8bdWHn2dqY-00806-00286676-00286788 So, I created one too many. h8bdWHn2dqY-00807-00286788-00287181 I'll delete one, and now I want to smart mate this one. h8bdWHn2dqY-00808-00287181-00287566 And again, if I hold down the right mouse button, I can orient it kind of how I want h8bdWHn2dqY-00809-00287566-00288089 it, and then if I do an Alt + drag, I can once again do the peg and hole mate, Tab to h8bdWHn2dqY-00810-00288089-00288597 switch alignment, and I've already mated my second cover. h8bdWHn2dqY-00811-00288597-00289230 So, copy components from the tree or from the graphics area, just hold down the Ctrl h8bdWHn2dqY-00812-00289230-00289403 key and you can drag the part. h8bdWHn2dqY-00813-00289403-00289573 Quick way to make a copy. h8bdWHn2dqY-00814-00289573-00290033 Tip #25: use isolate. h8bdWHn2dqY-00815-00290033-00290607 The isolate command is super useful for doing... basically hiding parts that are getting in h8bdWHn2dqY-00816-00290607-00290707 the way. h8bdWHn2dqY-00817-00290707-00291169 So, I've already mated up my entire housing here, but I forgot one internal component. h8bdWHn2dqY-00818-00291169-00291456 And this component needs to be mated on the inside of my housing. h8bdWHn2dqY-00819-00291456-00291865 Now, I could hide the components and make my mates and un-hide the components. h8bdWHn2dqY-00820-00291865-00292041 That's definitely a way to do it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00821-00292041-00292173 Or I could use isolate. h8bdWHn2dqY-00822-00292173-00292621 So, the way you use isolate is I'm just going to Ctrl + select the three components I want h8bdWHn2dqY-00823-00292621-00293144 to work with, and I'm going to right-click and select "Isolate." h8bdWHn2dqY-00824-00293144-00293551 It is going to temporarily hide everything that I'm not dealing with, which will allow h8bdWHn2dqY-00825-00293551-00293716 me to just add a smart mate. h8bdWHn2dqY-00826-00293716-00294254 I'm going to Alt + drag to add a concentric mate here, and I'll just visually place it h8bdWHn2dqY-00827-00294254-00294656 in the center of my housing, so that when I'm done with "Isolate," I can hit this "Exit h8bdWHn2dqY-00828-00294656-00295148 isolate" command, and it now completely mated everything on the inside, without having to h8bdWHn2dqY-00829-00295148-00295380 deal with hide and un-hide of any components. h8bdWHn2dqY-00830-00295380-00295638 So, that was just a right-click and isolate. h8bdWHn2dqY-00831-00295638-00296078 You can isolate multiple components at the same time if you need to. h8bdWHn2dqY-00832-00296078-00296680 So, Tip #26: select over geometry. h8bdWHn2dqY-00833-00296680-00297121 This is a really useful one, especially if you're dealing with big assemblies and you h8bdWHn2dqY-00834-00297121-00297453 need to choose really small components. h8bdWHn2dqY-00835-00297453-00297880 Now, I think we all know if you click out in space and you move your mouse, you'll have h8bdWHn2dqY-00836-00297880-00298413 two selection windows: left to right is select everything to the inside; right to left is h8bdWHn2dqY-00837-00298413-00298549 select everything that's intersecting. h8bdWHn2dqY-00838-00298549-00298772 So, that's what those two colors mean. h8bdWHn2dqY-00839-00298772-00299162 But let's say I want to go and select all the instruments on my panel. h8bdWHn2dqY-00840-00299162-00299519 But if I try to drag, it's telling me the component's fully defined. h8bdWHn2dqY-00841-00299519-00299719 It thinks I want to move the component. h8bdWHn2dqY-00842-00299719-00299955 It won't allow me to create a selection window. h8bdWHn2dqY-00843-00299955-00300640 So, there is now a selection technique under the "Select" icon where you can select over h8bdWHn2dqY-00844-00300640-00300757 geometry. h8bdWHn2dqY-00845-00300757-00301231 What that allows you to do is then start a selection window regardless of anything that's h8bdWHn2dqY-00846-00301231-00301331 behind it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00847-00301331-00301488 So, then I can right-click and hide. h8bdWHn2dqY-00848-00301488-00301918 Now, what's even better is "Select over geometry" has its own hotkey. h8bdWHn2dqY-00849-00301918-00302188 It's the T key, T as in tango. h8bdWHn2dqY-00850-00302188-00302785 So, if you hit the T key without going to the "Select geometry," I hit the T key, I h8bdWHn2dqY-00851-00302785-00303251 can then just select directly over geometry, select all of my components, and then you h8bdWHn2dqY-00852-00303251-00303506 can right-click > Hide or however you want to do that. h8bdWHn2dqY-00853-00303506-00303774 So, let's select one of these components and just say, "You now what? h8bdWHn2dqY-00854-00303774-00303907 Hide all of my instruments on my panel." h8bdWHn2dqY-00855-00303907-00304316 So, that is a quick way of selecting over geometry. h8bdWHn2dqY-00856-00304316-00304819 Either hit the T key, or that new "Select over geometry" from the selection menu. h8bdWHn2dqY-00857-00304819-00305251 So, it works with selection filters as well, so it's a great way of maybe selecting all h8bdWHn2dqY-00858-00305251-00305397 the edges if you want. h8bdWHn2dqY-00859-00305397-00305845 So, hit the T key, use "Select over geometry," especially in those big assemblies. h8bdWHn2dqY-00860-00305845-00306355 So, Tip #27: we're going to move to drawings. h8bdWHn2dqY-00861-00306355-00306589 Show/hide annotation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00862-00306589-00306888 This happens a lot, especially on tech support. h8bdWHn2dqY-00863-00306888-00307404 We get a lot of calls where "We've hidden some annotation." h8bdWHn2dqY-00864-00307404-00307659 Now, hiding is the easy part. h8bdWHn2dqY-00865-00307659-00308105 Let's say I have some balloons and I want to take all of these balloons right here, h8bdWHn2dqY-00866-00308105-00308534 and I'm going to right-click and I have the option to hide. h8bdWHn2dqY-00867-00308534-00308710 So, again, hiding is easy. h8bdWHn2dqY-00868-00308710-00308869 But now, how do I show those? h8bdWHn2dqY-00869-00308869-00309156 Now, this is a really common question we get. h8bdWHn2dqY-00870-00309156-00309314 You know, "My balloons were there. h8bdWHn2dqY-00871-00309314-00309414 Now they're not. h8bdWHn2dqY-00872-00309414-00309514 They've been deleted. h8bdWHn2dqY-00873-00309514-00309614 What happened? h8bdWHn2dqY-00874-00309614-00309714 They're gone!" h8bdWHn2dqY-00875-00309714-00309885 Well, maybe they've just been hidden. h8bdWHn2dqY-00876-00309885-00310430 So, in this case, if you ever want to un-hide any annotations, this is a very specific command, h8bdWHn2dqY-00877-00310430-00311253 and I wish it was more obvious, but under the "View" menu, under "Hide/show," there's h8bdWHn2dqY-00878-00311253-00311483 a command called "Hide/show annotations." h8bdWHn2dqY-00879-00311483-00312211 So, if we launch this "Hide/show annotations," what it's going to do is show any hidden annotations h8bdWHn2dqY-00880-00312211-00312348 light gray. h8bdWHn2dqY-00881-00312348-00312803 And while this command is active, notice there's an icon next to my mouse that has an eyeball. h8bdWHn2dqY-00882-00312803-00313371 As I select these annotations, it will un-hide these annotations for me. h8bdWHn2dqY-00883-00313371-00313750 So, you have to hit Esc to get out of that command when you're done. h8bdWHn2dqY-00884-00313750-00313950 Otherwise, you're still in Hide/show. h8bdWHn2dqY-00885-00313950-00314158 The hiding is easy; just right-click and hide. h8bdWHn2dqY-00886-00314158-00314709 If you ever want to show anything that's been hidden, View > Hide/show annotations, and h8bdWHn2dqY-00887-00314709-00315119 then you can select them to un-hide your components. h8bdWHn2dqY-00888-00315119-00315481 So, hide/show annotations. h8bdWHn2dqY-00889-00315481-00315891 Tip #28: you can 3D rotate your section views. h8bdWHn2dqY-00890-00315891-00316329 So, what that means is let's go ahead and go to one of our views here. h8bdWHn2dqY-00891-00316329-00316546 Let's create a normal section view. h8bdWHn2dqY-00892-00316546-00317032 I'm just going to do a horizontal section top to bottom here. h8bdWHn2dqY-00893-00317032-00317218 And I'm going to place my section view. h8bdWHn2dqY-00894-00317218-00317634 Kind of an extra tip: if you want to break your alignment, hold down the Ctrl key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00895-00317634-00317989 It'll allow you to place your section views or projected views wherever you want to. h8bdWHn2dqY-00896-00317989-00318259 Let me go ahead and place my section view up here. h8bdWHn2dqY-00897-00318259-00318672 Now, that's a pretty normal section view, but if you didn't know you could do this, h8bdWHn2dqY-00898-00318672-00318997 you can right-click your section views and you can actually set it to what's called an h8bdWHn2dqY-00899-00318997-00319466 "isometric section" to give you an isometric view of that section view. h8bdWHn2dqY-00900-00319466-00319932 Now, to take it a step further as well, you're not locked into what just SOLIDWORKS gives h8bdWHn2dqY-00901-00319932-00320032 you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00902-00320032-00320585 You can also select this view and use this command up here called "3D rotate view," and h8bdWHn2dqY-00903-00320585-00321063 then you can place this section view in any orientation you want, and as soon as you hit h8bdWHn2dqY-00904-00321063-00321585 the green check, you've now got your section view in that 3D orientation directly on your h8bdWHn2dqY-00905-00321585-00321718 drawing. h8bdWHn2dqY-00906-00321718-00322331 So, with any section view, you can right-click, you can go to your isometric section, or if h8bdWHn2dqY-00907-00322331-00322856 you want to go even further, use your 3D rotate view and you can really get some complex section h8bdWHn2dqY-00908-00322856-00323368 views going to display exactly or show exactly what you want it to show. h8bdWHn2dqY-00909-00323368-00323874 So, Tip #29: move dimensions. h8bdWHn2dqY-00910-00323874-00324226 So, in this case, I've used model items on my drawing. h8bdWHn2dqY-00911-00324226-00324805 And let's say this dimension may look better on a different view. h8bdWHn2dqY-00912-00324805-00325358 Now, if that dimension can exist on another view, what you can do is if you hold down h8bdWHn2dqY-00913-00325358-00326026 the Shift key and drag it, it will allow you to drop that dimension in that other view, h8bdWHn2dqY-00914-00326026-00326406 still be fully associated, and know exactly what edges you're going to. h8bdWHn2dqY-00915-00326406-00326899 So, this is still a fully associated dimension through the model items to the part, and that's h8bdWHn2dqY-00916-00326899-00327041 because I used the Shift + drag. h8bdWHn2dqY-00917-00327041-00327449 So, if you use model items and you want to reassociate and that dimension can exist, h8bdWHn2dqY-00918-00327449-00327903 notice if it can't exist, it's going to give you that kind of a symbol that says "You can't h8bdWHn2dqY-00919-00327903-00328003 do that. h8bdWHn2dqY-00920-00328003-00328103 Stop." h8bdWHn2dqY-00921-00328103-00328524 So, if it can exist, it will allow you to drag that dimension using the Shift key. h8bdWHn2dqY-00922-00328524-00328960 Now Shift moves; you can also use Ctrl + drag and it will copy that dimension. h8bdWHn2dqY-00923-00328960-00329146 So, now I have two of them. h8bdWHn2dqY-00924-00329146-00329760 So, I don't recommend copying on important dimensions, because it may cause some conflicts, h8bdWHn2dqY-00925-00329760-00329992 so if you have some extras, you can just delete those. h8bdWHn2dqY-00926-00329992-00330599 But Shift + drag will move; Ctrl + drag will copy dimensions between views and keep the h8bdWHn2dqY-00927-00330599-00330734 association. h8bdWHn2dqY-00928-00330734-00331257 Now, Tip #30: resize your text box. h8bdWHn2dqY-00929-00331257-00331769 So, resizing your text box helps if you're ever trying to create a note and you don't h8bdWHn2dqY-00930-00331769-00331949 want to play the guess the font game. h8bdWHn2dqY-00931-00331949-00332189 So, a couple notes about notes. h8bdWHn2dqY-00932-00332189-00332640 In this case, I'm going to create a new note and start typing. h8bdWHn2dqY-00933-00332640-00333082 Now, notice as I start typing, that box is just going to resize to infinity. h8bdWHn2dqY-00934-00333082-00333444 So, a couple tips when dealing with notes. h8bdWHn2dqY-00935-00333444-00333967 If you don't want that to happen, what you can do is resize your text box first, and h8bdWHn2dqY-00936-00333967-00334261 then as you type, it's going to auto-return for you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00937-00334261-00334779 Now, another way to do that instead of resizing your box is as you create your note, just h8bdWHn2dqY-00938-00334779-00334879 drag. h8bdWHn2dqY-00939-00334879-00335459 That's going to create a resized box for you, and then as you type, things will be inside h8bdWHn2dqY-00940-00335459-00335559 that box. h8bdWHn2dqY-00941-00335559-00335759 It will auto-carriage return for you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00942-00335759-00336382 Now, the real tip in this one is let's say I want to create a title. h8bdWHn2dqY-00943-00336382-00337083 And I'm going to call this "EXP ROTOR ASSEMBLY." h8bdWHn2dqY-00944-00337083-00337490 And let's say our titles have to be a much bigger font, so instead of 12-point, we'll h8bdWHn2dqY-00945-00337490-00337754 do something like just 16 for now. h8bdWHn2dqY-00946-00337754-00338220 But you can see my font doesn't exactly fit inside my drawing number box. h8bdWHn2dqY-00947-00338220-00338681 So, if this ever happens to you and you're kind of dictating it to which point font you h8bdWHn2dqY-00948-00338681-00339217 have to use, if you double-click the note, select everything in it, there's a little h8bdWHn2dqY-00949-00339217-00339432 box here called "Fix text." h8bdWHn2dqY-00950-00339432-00339886 And if you select "Fit text," it will allow you to resize your text box, and it's going h8bdWHn2dqY-00951-00339886-00340387 to change your spacing—so not your font point—it'll change your spacing to get everything h8bdWHn2dqY-00952-00340387-00340487 to fit. h8bdWHn2dqY-00953-00340487-00340877 So, use "Fit text" whenever you have a box that you need to fit in there. h8bdWHn2dqY-00954-00340877-00341077 It's going to change your spacing. h8bdWHn2dqY-00955-00341077-00341440 That way, you don't have to play the guess the font game when you're trying to get your h8bdWHn2dqY-00956-00341440-00341941 notes and everything to fit inside your title block as you want to. h8bdWHn2dqY-00957-00341941-00342090 And then, I've got one last tip for you. h8bdWHn2dqY-00958-00342090-00342444 I know this is 31, but Tip #15 wasn't really a real tip. h8bdWHn2dqY-00959-00342444-00342611 That was just kind of an intermission. h8bdWHn2dqY-00960-00342611-00343054 So, to get your value for your 30th tip, use all uppercase. h8bdWHn2dqY-00961-00343054-00343673 So, a lot of times in drawings, we're dictated to use all uppercase for things like notes h8bdWHn2dqY-00962-00343673-00344315 or Bill of Materials, so you may see a note like this, and I'm going to use a combination h8bdWHn2dqY-00963-00344315-00344415 of case-sensitive. h8bdWHn2dqY-00964-00344415-00345844 So, "Unless Otherwise Specified, 1) Use Stainless, 2) Deburr All Edges." h8bdWHn2dqY-00965-00345844-00346013 So, there's my note. h8bdWHn2dqY-00966-00346013-00346254 Notice it's a combination of uppercase and lowercase. h8bdWHn2dqY-00967-00346254-00346657 So, if you are mandated to use all uppercase and you've already created a note, you don't h8bdWHn2dqY-00968-00346657-00346848 have to delete it and re-make it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00969-00346848-00347278 Just select your note, and in your properties, you have a little checkbox here for all uppercase. h8bdWHn2dqY-00970-00347278-00347794 Now, what's nice about that is it will remember what your case was, so if you uncheck it, h8bdWHn2dqY-00971-00347794-00348079 it will go back to how you drew it, or how you wrote it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00972-00348079-00348505 So, if you want to switch or if you don't want to switch, use this "All uppercase." h8bdWHn2dqY-00973-00348505-00348792 It will easily just transition everything to all uppercase. h8bdWHn2dqY-00974-00348792-00349129 Now, what's really nice is this works for Bill of Materials as well. h8bdWHn2dqY-00975-00349129-00349342 So, in this case, we have a part number. h8bdWHn2dqY-00976-00349342-00349754 This part number is dictated by the file name, how you saved it. h8bdWHn2dqY-00977-00349754-00350134 So, a lot of times when we're saving the file, we're not thinking about all uppercase or h8bdWHn2dqY-00978-00350134-00350235 the Bill of Materials. h8bdWHn2dqY-00979-00350235-00350639 So, in this case, what they've done is they've added the ability to if you select your Bill h8bdWHn2dqY-00980-00350639-00351221 of Materials, there's an icon up here for all uppercase inside the Bill of Materials. h8bdWHn2dqY-00981-00351221-00351739 And again, it's going to remember the case-sensitive part names, so you can always go back. h8bdWHn2dqY-00982-00351739-00352179 But it's an easy way to transition from all lowercase to all uppercase inside the BOM h8bdWHn2dqY-00983-00352179-00352555 or inside the note, wherever you need to put that all uppercase. h8bdWHn2dqY-00984-00352555-00352934 So, that's what I have for you guys. h8bdWHn2dqY-00985-00352934-00353202 I know you're all muted, so it says "Clap if you learned something." h8bdWHn2dqY-00986-00353202-00353573 If you can see where the clap icon is in the participation menu, go ahead and hit that h8bdWHn2dqY-00987-00353573-00353723 if you learned something. h8bdWHn2dqY-00988-00353723-00354031 I hope everybody here picked up at least one tip. h8bdWHn2dqY-00989-00354031-00354494 So, whether you've been using SOLIDWORKS for 10 days or 10 years, you can always learn h8bdWHn2dqY-00990-00354494-00354850 something else, so I hope everybody learned at least one thing. h8bdWHn2dqY-00991-00354850-00355345 And again, email me for either a PDF of this presentation, or let me know about a tip and h8bdWHn2dqY-00992-00355345-00355523 trick you want to see in the presentation. h8bdWHn2dqY-00993-00355523-00356216 So, with that, we have some upcoming webinars, but I just want to thank everybody for coming, h8bdWHn2dqY-00994-00356216-00356568 and register for some webinars in the future from us. h8bdWHn2dqY-00995-00356568-00357203 So, thanks again, everybody, and have a good one. h9dfoU_8cdU-00000-00000010-00000060 HAVE NOT SAID WHO THEY BELIEVE h9dfoU_8cdU-00001-00000060-00000066 HAVE NOT SAID WHO THEY BELIEVE h9dfoU_8cdU-00002-00000066-00000530 HAVE NOT SAID WHO THEY BELIEVE WAS DRIVING THE VEHICLE. h9dfoU_8cdU-00003-00000530-00000537 HAVE NOT SAID WHO THEY BELIEVE WAS DRIVING THE VEHICLE. h9dfoU_8cdU-00004-00000537-00000600 HAVE NOT SAID WHO THEY BELIEVE WAS DRIVING THE VEHICLE. >>> WELL, AFTER ONLY THREE h9dfoU_8cdU-00005-00000600-00000607 WAS DRIVING THE VEHICLE. >>> WELL, AFTER ONLY THREE h9dfoU_8cdU-00006-00000607-00000850 WAS DRIVING THE VEHICLE. >>> WELL, AFTER ONLY THREE MONTHS OF SUNDAY LIQUOR SALES, h9dfoU_8cdU-00007-00000850-00000857 >>> WELL, AFTER ONLY THREE MONTHS OF SUNDAY LIQUOR SALES, h9dfoU_8cdU-00008-00000857-00000957 >>> WELL, AFTER ONLY THREE MONTHS OF SUNDAY LIQUOR SALES, THE CITY OF BEMIDJI IS MOVING h9dfoU_8cdU-00009-00000957-00000964 MONTHS OF SUNDAY LIQUOR SALES, THE CITY OF BEMIDJI IS MOVING h9dfoU_8cdU-00010-00000964-00001171 MONTHS OF SUNDAY LIQUOR SALES, THE CITY OF BEMIDJI IS MOVING AHEAD WITH A PLAN TO CLOSE ONE h9dfoU_8cdU-00011-00001171-00001177 THE CITY OF BEMIDJI IS MOVING AHEAD WITH A PLAN TO CLOSE ONE h9dfoU_8cdU-00012-00001177-00001244 THE CITY OF BEMIDJI IS MOVING AHEAD WITH A PLAN TO CLOSE ONE OF ITS LIQUOR STORES ON SUNDAYS. h9dfoU_8cdU-00013-00001244-00001251 AHEAD WITH A PLAN TO CLOSE ONE OF ITS LIQUOR STORES ON SUNDAYS. h9dfoU_8cdU-00014-00001251-00001331 AHEAD WITH A PLAN TO CLOSE ONE OF ITS LIQUOR STORES ON SUNDAYS. DURING A WORK SESSION, COUNCIL h9dfoU_8cdU-00015-00001331-00001337 OF ITS LIQUOR STORES ON SUNDAYS. DURING A WORK SESSION, COUNCIL h9dfoU_8cdU-00016-00001337-00001441 OF ITS LIQUOR STORES ON SUNDAYS. DURING A WORK SESSION, COUNCIL MEMBERS DISCUSSED WHETHER TO h9dfoU_8cdU-00017-00001441-00001448 DURING A WORK SESSION, COUNCIL MEMBERS DISCUSSED WHETHER TO h9dfoU_8cdU-00018-00001448-00001548 DURING A WORK SESSION, COUNCIL MEMBERS DISCUSSED WHETHER TO KEEP ITS CITY-OWNED LIQUOR h9dfoU_8cdU-00019-00001548-00001554 MEMBERS DISCUSSED WHETHER TO KEEP ITS CITY-OWNED LIQUOR h9dfoU_8cdU-00020-00001554-00001651 MEMBERS DISCUSSED WHETHER TO KEEP ITS CITY-OWNED LIQUOR STORES OPEN OR TO CLOSE THEM ON h9dfoU_8cdU-00021-00001651-00001658 KEEP ITS CITY-OWNED LIQUOR STORES OPEN OR TO CLOSE THEM ON h9dfoU_8cdU-00022-00001658-00001758 KEEP ITS CITY-OWNED LIQUOR STORES OPEN OR TO CLOSE THEM ON SUNDAYS. h9dfoU_8cdU-00023-00001758-00001764 STORES OPEN OR TO CLOSE THEM ON SUNDAYS. h9dfoU_8cdU-00024-00001764-00001921 STORES OPEN OR TO CLOSE THEM ON SUNDAYS. NUMBERS FOR SUNDAY SALES SHOW h9dfoU_8cdU-00025-00001921-00001928 SUNDAYS. NUMBERS FOR SUNDAY SALES SHOW h9dfoU_8cdU-00026-00001928-00002082 SUNDAYS. 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CITY FINANCE DIRECTOR RON EISCHENS MADE THE RECOMMENDATION h9dfoU_8cdU-00035-00002672-00002679 CITY FINANCE DIRECTOR RON EISCHENS MADE THE RECOMMENDATION h9dfoU_8cdU-00036-00002679-00002832 CITY FINANCE DIRECTOR RON EISCHENS MADE THE RECOMMENDATION TO CONTINUE SUNDAY SALES, BUT h9dfoU_8cdU-00037-00002832-00002839 EISCHENS MADE THE RECOMMENDATION TO CONTINUE SUNDAY SALES, BUT h9dfoU_8cdU-00038-00002839-00003209 EISCHENS MADE THE RECOMMENDATION TO CONTINUE SUNDAY SALES, BUT WITH ONLY ONE STORE. h9dfoU_8cdU-00039-00003209-00003216 TO CONTINUE SUNDAY SALES, BUT WITH ONLY ONE STORE. h9dfoU_8cdU-00040-00003216-00003573 TO CONTINUE SUNDAY SALES, BUT WITH ONLY ONE STORE. >> THE BENEFIT OF BEING OPEN ON h9dfoU_8cdU-00041-00003573-00003580 WITH ONLY ONE STORE. >> THE BENEFIT OF BEING OPEN ON h9dfoU_8cdU-00042-00003580-00003646 WITH ONLY ONE STORE. >> THE BENEFIT OF BEING OPEN ON SUNDAY IS PRIMARILY CUSTOMER h9dfoU_8cdU-00043-00003646-00003653 >> THE BENEFIT OF BEING OPEN ON SUNDAY IS PRIMARILY CUSTOMER h9dfoU_8cdU-00044-00003653-00004017 >> THE BENEFIT OF BEING OPEN ON SUNDAY IS PRIMARILY CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE. h9dfoU_8cdU-00045-00004017-00004024 SUNDAY IS PRIMARILY CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE. h9dfoU_8cdU-00046-00004024-00004154 SUNDAY IS PRIMARILY CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE. WE HAD DECENT TRAFFIC IN THE h9dfoU_8cdU-00047-00004154-00004160 CONVENIENCE. WE HAD DECENT TRAFFIC IN THE h9dfoU_8cdU-00048-00004160-00004357 CONVENIENCE. WE HAD DECENT TRAFFIC IN THE STORES IN JULY, YOU KNOW, THE h9dfoU_8cdU-00049-00004357-00004364 WE HAD DECENT TRAFFIC IN THE STORES IN JULY, YOU KNOW, THE h9dfoU_8cdU-00050-00004364-00004511 WE HAD DECENT TRAFFIC IN THE STORES IN JULY, YOU KNOW, THE NOVELTY OF IT KIND OF WORE OFF. h9dfoU_8cdU-00051-00004511-00004517 STORES IN JULY, YOU KNOW, THE NOVELTY OF IT KIND OF WORE OFF. h9dfoU_8cdU-00052-00004517-00004684 STORES IN JULY, YOU KNOW, THE NOVELTY OF IT KIND OF WORE OFF. >> FROM A STAFF PERSPECTIVE, WE h9dfoU_8cdU-00053-00004684-00004691 NOVELTY OF IT KIND OF WORE OFF. >> FROM A STAFF PERSPECTIVE, WE h9dfoU_8cdU-00054-00004691-00004848 NOVELTY OF IT KIND OF WORE OFF. >> FROM A STAFF PERSPECTIVE, WE WOULD SUGGEST AT LEAST LOOKING h9dfoU_8cdU-00055-00004848-00004854 >> FROM A STAFF PERSPECTIVE, WE WOULD SUGGEST AT LEAST LOOKING h9dfoU_8cdU-00056-00004854-00005071 >> FROM A STAFF PERSPECTIVE, WE WOULD SUGGEST AT LEAST LOOKING AT CLOSING DOWN THE LAKEVIEW h9dfoU_8cdU-00057-00005071-00005078 WOULD SUGGEST AT LEAST LOOKING AT CLOSING DOWN THE LAKEVIEW h9dfoU_8cdU-00058-00005078-00005311 WOULD SUGGEST AT LEAST LOOKING AT CLOSING DOWN THE LAKEVIEW STORE IF YOU WANTED TO MINIMIZE h9dfoU_8cdU-00059-00005311-00005318 AT CLOSING DOWN THE LAKEVIEW STORE IF YOU WANTED TO MINIMIZE h9dfoU_8cdU-00060-00005318-00005458 AT CLOSING DOWN THE LAKEVIEW STORE IF YOU WANTED TO MINIMIZE SOME LABOR COSTS AND HAVING ONE h9dfoU_8cdU-00061-00005458-00005465 STORE IF YOU WANTED TO MINIMIZE SOME LABOR COSTS AND HAVING ONE h9dfoU_8cdU-00062-00005465-00005568 STORE IF YOU WANTED TO MINIMIZE SOME LABOR COSTS AND HAVING ONE STORE OPEN. h9dfoU_8cdU-00063-00005568-00005575 SOME LABOR COSTS AND HAVING ONE STORE OPEN. h9dfoU_8cdU-00064-00005575-00005638 SOME LABOR COSTS AND HAVING ONE STORE OPEN. >> Dennis: THE COUNCIL AGREED h9dfoU_8cdU-00065-00005638-00005645 STORE OPEN. >> Dennis: THE COUNCIL AGREED h9dfoU_8cdU-00066-00005645-00005729 STORE OPEN. >> Dennis: THE COUNCIL AGREED WITH THE RECOMMENDATION AND WILL h9dfoU_8cdU-00067-00005729-00005735 >> Dennis: THE COUNCIL AGREED WITH THE RECOMMENDATION AND WILL h9dfoU_8cdU-00068-00005735-00005829 >> Dennis: THE COUNCIL AGREED WITH THE RECOMMENDATION AND WILL RE-EVALUATE SUNDAY SALES AGAIN h9HMhuTZiBc-00000-00000010-00000213 OUTSIDE, AND THUNDERHAWKS END UP h9HMhuTZiBc-00001-00000213-00000220 OUTSIDE, AND THUNDERHAWKS END UP h9HMhuTZiBc-00002-00000220-00000373 OUTSIDE, AND THUNDERHAWKS END UP WINNING 68-45, AND STICKING WITH h9HMhuTZiBc-00003-00000373-00000380 OUTSIDE, AND THUNDERHAWKS END UP WINNING 68-45, AND STICKING WITH h9HMhuTZiBc-00004-00000380-00000834 OUTSIDE, AND THUNDERHAWKS END UP WINNING 68-45, AND STICKING WITH THE BOYS BALL, EAST GRAND FORKS, h9HMhuTZiBc-00005-00000834-00000840 WINNING 68-45, AND STICKING WITH THE BOYS BALL, EAST GRAND FORKS, h9HMhuTZiBc-00006-00000840-00001007 WINNING 68-45, AND STICKING WITH THE BOYS BALL, EAST GRAND FORKS, AND PATRIOTS MOVING THE BALL TO h9HMhuTZiBc-00007-00001007-00001014 THE BOYS BALL, EAST GRAND FORKS, AND PATRIOTS MOVING THE BALL TO h9HMhuTZiBc-00008-00001014-00001247 THE BOYS BALL, EAST GRAND FORKS, AND PATRIOTS MOVING THE BALL TO START THE GAME. h9HMhuTZiBc-00009-00001247-00001254 AND PATRIOTS MOVING THE BALL TO START THE GAME. h9HMhuTZiBc-00010-00001254-00001521 AND PATRIOTS MOVING THE BALL TO START THE GAME. THE PUT DOWN LOW WHO FINISHES h9HMhuTZiBc-00011-00001521-00001528 START THE GAME. THE PUT DOWN LOW WHO FINISHES h9HMhuTZiBc-00012-00001528-00001805 START THE GAME. THE PUT DOWN LOW WHO FINISHES OVER THE DEFENDER, AND MORE h9HMhuTZiBc-00013-00001805-00001811 THE PUT DOWN LOW WHO FINISHES OVER THE DEFENDER, AND MORE h9HMhuTZiBc-00014-00001811-00002031 THE PUT DOWN LOW WHO FINISHES OVER THE DEFENDER, AND MORE GREAT PASSING, MICHAEL OLSON h9HMhuTZiBc-00015-00002031-00002038 OVER THE DEFENDER, AND MORE GREAT PASSING, MICHAEL OLSON h9HMhuTZiBc-00016-00002038-00002175 OVER THE DEFENDER, AND MORE GREAT PASSING, MICHAEL OLSON DOWN LOW, AND HE KNOWS WHAT TO h9HMhuTZiBc-00017-00002175-00002182 GREAT PASSING, MICHAEL OLSON DOWN LOW, AND HE KNOWS WHAT TO h9HMhuTZiBc-00018-00002182-00002332 GREAT PASSING, MICHAEL OLSON DOWN LOW, AND HE KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH IT. h9HMhuTZiBc-00019-00002332-00002338 DOWN LOW, AND HE KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH IT. h9HMhuTZiBc-00020-00002338-00002565 DOWN LOW, AND HE KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH IT. PATRIOTS WOULD KEEP ON ROLLING, h9HMhuTZiBc-00021-00002565-00002572 DO WITH IT. PATRIOTS WOULD KEEP ON ROLLING, h9HMhuTZiBc-00022-00002572-00002939 DO WITH IT. PATRIOTS WOULD KEEP ON ROLLING, AND CAYA FINDS ALEK WHO BURIES h9HMhuTZiBc-00023-00002939-00002946 PATRIOTS WOULD KEEP ON ROLLING, AND CAYA FINDS ALEK WHO BURIES h9HMhuTZiBc-00024-00002946-00003043 PATRIOTS WOULD KEEP ON ROLLING, AND CAYA FINDS ALEK WHO BURIES THE TRIPLE. h9HMhuTZiBc-00025-00003043-00003049 AND CAYA FINDS ALEK WHO BURIES THE TRIPLE. h9HMhuTZiBc-00026-00003049-00003209 AND CAYA FINDS ALEK WHO BURIES THE TRIPLE. PUTS THE PATRIOTS UP 7. h9HMhuTZiBc-00027-00003209-00003216 THE TRIPLE. PUTS THE PATRIOTS UP 7. h9HMhuTZiBc-00028-00003216-00003326 THE TRIPLE. PUTS THE PATRIOTS UP 7. THEY WIN BY 16, 82-66. hs6XwWnEJEk-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi, It's me. hs6XwWnEJEk-00001-00000200-00000400 Today we're playing minecraft. hs6XwWnEJEk-00002-00000400-00000600 Breaking some blocks.... hs6XwWnEJEk-00003-00000600-00000800 Breaking even more blocks lol hs6XwWnEJEk-00004-00000800-00001000 While I was recording I didn't know what build lolol! hs6XwWnEJEk-00007-00001400-00001600 Just walking around. hs6XwWnEJEk-00008-00001600-00001800 I love breaking blocks and doing nothing bout it. hs6XwWnEJEk-00019-00003800-00004000 That's when I decided to get some sponges. hs6XwWnEJEk-00036-00007200-00007400 And make a sponge wall. hs6XwWnEJEk-00054-00010800-00011000 I wanted to make a cage to trap my steves. hs6XwWnEJEk-00062-00012400-00012600 but hs6XwWnEJEk-00064-00012800-00013000 It's too small. hs6XwWnEJEk-00098-00019600-00019800 Found another piece of land. hs6XwWnEJEk-00111-00022200-00022400 Lol the sponges soak up everything. hs6XwWnEJEk-00158-00031600-00031800 Don't know what to type hs6XwWnEJEk-00165-00033000-00033200 I'm gonna make a tree. hs6XwWnEJEk-00179-00035800-00036000 I gotta say, that's a weird looking tree. hs6XwWnEJEk-00205-00041000-00041200 Welp, it's almost the end of the vid. hs6XwWnEJEk-00215-00043000-00043200 See ya, and make sure to like and sub. hsUp9B3kOSM-00000-00000003-00000486 what's up beat stars fam this is Jamil here with the customer success team and we just hsUp9B3kOSM-00001-00000486-00000953 wanted to make a quick video to show you guys how to set up a mini chat account and connect hsUp9B3kOSM-00002-00000953-00001533 it with your facebook Messenger on your pro page before we get started here you want to hsUp9B3kOSM-00003-00001533-00002013 make sure your Facebook page is connected to your pro page we have a video tutorial hsUp9B3kOSM-00004-00002013-00002535 showing you guys how to do just that so make sure you check that out first it'll be linked hsUp9B3kOSM-00005-00002535-00002967 below or if you're checking this out in our help desk article there will also be a link hsUp9B3kOSM-00006-00002967-00003717 there alright so now that we have that out of the way let's get this set up let's head over hsUp9B3kOSM-00007-00003717-00004521 to my media hover over that and then go down to marketing integrations from here we can hsUp9B3kOSM-00008-00004521-00005448 scroll down until we get too many chat hit check details so what is many chat many chat hsUp9B3kOSM-00009-00005448-00006033 is the number one bought platform on facebook Messenger for marketing e-commerce and support hsUp9B3kOSM-00010-00006033-00006792 main shot is gonna give you guys the ability to have Facebook bots on your pro page so once we're hsUp9B3kOSM-00011-00006792-00007458 ready to get started we can hit install app and that's going to take us right to many chats page hsUp9B3kOSM-00012-00007458-00008826 we can hit get started free and then we can sign in with our Facebook accounts alright so what it hsUp9B3kOSM-00013-00008826-00009243 did for me because I already have a couple of bots set up is that it took me right into my hsUp9B3kOSM-00014-00009243-00009807 account but to show you guys what it will look like for you let's go ahead and add a new page hsUp9B3kOSM-00015-00010077-00010632 alright let's go ahead and connect this beat stars test page so we can get started from hsUp9B3kOSM-00016-00010632-00011517 scratch okay so what it's going to give you guys right off the bat is it's gonna take you to your hsUp9B3kOSM-00017-00011517-00012120 dashboard now there's a lot of information here in a lot of different sections to go into and hsUp9B3kOSM-00018-00012120-00012825 sort of explore but the first thing I want to show you guys is in the settings section after hsUp9B3kOSM-00019-00012825-00013401 we go to our settings we're gonna hit growth tools and we're gonna check out this area right hsUp9B3kOSM-00020-00013401-00014046 here authorize websites you're gonna have to enter your domain name for your Pro page here in order hsUp9B3kOSM-00021-00014046-00014676 to get your facebook Messenger bot to work so make sure you guys have that set up first it's hsUp9B3kOSM-00022-00014676-00015344 really important after we finished with that we can go ahead and go into the help section hsUp9B3kOSM-00023-00015344-00016227 here and I wanted to show you guys these video tutorials that many chat has set up so this is hsUp9B3kOSM-00024-00016227-00016869 the mini chat free course 2019 and there's all this great information here with a ton of videos hsUp9B3kOSM-00025-00016869-00017604 to help you guys understand how to effectively use your chat bot so we highly recommend you hsUp9B3kOSM-00026-00017604-00018099 guys to check all of these videos out and listen very carefully and be really thorough with them hsUp9B3kOSM-00027-00018099-00018606 to really understand how to use your bot for support and marketing and all this other great hsUp9B3kOSM-00028-00018606-00019356 information they give you but for the purposes of our video we can sort of show you guys how hsUp9B3kOSM-00029-00019356-00019965 many chat is going to correspond with your pro page and we're going to do that by going into hsUp9B3kOSM-00030-00019965-00020733 our automation section and setting up a welcome message so a welcome message is going to be the hsUp9B3kOSM-00031-00020733-00021210 first thing that people see when they interact with your Facebook messenger on your pro page hsUp9B3kOSM-00032-00021210-00021987 so we can pretty much put anything here that we want but since we're producers let's sort of try hsUp9B3kOSM-00033-00021987-00022755 to go through what you may use on your probation should talk to your customers so let's say hi hsUp9B3kOSM-00034-00022872-00025491 welcome to my probation how can I help you and what we can do here is add a button for people hsUp9B3kOSM-00035-00025491-00026175 to click on so let's go ahead and try that out let's make this button say a message and hsUp9B3kOSM-00036-00026175-00027339 let's let the button say I want beats because that's what people are gonna want your Pro page hsUp9B3kOSM-00037-00027339-00027939 right let's have that say I want beats and when people click on that we can have a response to it hsUp9B3kOSM-00038-00027939-00029382 so let's make this response say great check out all my beats here okay so now we have a hsUp9B3kOSM-00039-00029382-00030302 welcome message with a button and a response to it let's go ahead and publish that okay awesome hsUp9B3kOSM-00040-00030302-00030951 now let's go test it out on my pro page to see what that looks like let's reload this page hsUp9B3kOSM-00041-00030951-00032252 alright cool and this gets set up here let's continue so we can engage with that let's continue hsUp9B3kOSM-00042-00032408-00033029 all right and if we wait a second there we go our welcome message popped up hi welcome to my hsUp9B3kOSM-00043-00033029-00033731 pro page how can I help you let's hit the button that we set I want beats and there hsUp9B3kOSM-00044-00033731-00034250 goes our response message great check out all my beats here so you guys can sort of see how hsUp9B3kOSM-00045-00034250-00034748 this could be super helpful to you guys as business you guys can have an interaction hsUp9B3kOSM-00046-00034748-00035426 with a customer without ever even being there alright great thanks for watching hsUp9B3kOSM-00047-00035426-00035939 and as always if you have any more questions you can email us at support at beat stars calm hxDEtTT0UAk-00000-00000784-00000834 Hello hxDEtTT0UAk-00001-00000848-00001126 I'll going to teach you how to shoot "documentary" today. hxDEtTT0UAk-00002-00001164-00001372 This can be presented in many place. hxDEtTT0UAk-00003-00001388-00001622 Just like live event or TV drama hxDEtTT0UAk-00004-00001646-00001866 Now let's suppose that a situation hxDEtTT0UAk-00005-00001866-00002116 "Today is the first time I came to the tample" hxDEtTT0UAk-00006-00002150-00002322 How it presents such a situation hxDEtTT0UAk-00007-00002360-00002466 That we begin hxDEtTT0UAk-00008-00002582-00003618 First: 1. Shoot 1~3 close shot(anything surrounding) 2. Shoot 1~3 medium shot(anything surrounding) 3. Shoot 1~3 clong shot(anything surrounding) hxDEtTT0UAk-00009-00006586-00008448 Second: Let the viewers know what happened to happen. We shoot five scene here. 1.Expression and action 2. Take incense 3. Burn incense 4. worship 5. Inserted incense Than put 1~2 sky scene on the end of video. hxDEtTT0UAk-00010-00010882-00012002 You can make any video by this means. Like picnic, travel or any activity hxDEtTT0UAk-00011-00012012-00012264 Here's the complete video hydNezP-cYY-00000-00001157-00001270 Miyanggan dhanang? hydNezP-cYY-00001-00001270-00001838 Dhanggu nyuwayi Craig Ritchie Ngaya Dhanggati guri; ngaya Dhanggati guuyarr hydNezP-cYY-00002-00001838-00002122 Ngaya manhan Yugambeh guthunda barriya. hydNezP-cYY-00003-00002122-00002690 Ngaya Baluwa, Garrkung ngarran, nganhikurr nyinan barriya dhithiyndha ngun-ngun, barayn, hydNezP-cYY-00004-00002690-00002790 ngundakang. hydNezP-cYY-00005-00002790-00002974 How are you all? hydNezP-cYY-00006-00002974-00003711 My name is Craig Ritchie I am a Dunghutti man; I’m speaking Dunghutti hydNezP-cYY-00007-00003711-00004159 language I walk on Yugambeh country. hydNezP-cYY-00008-00004159-00004839 I acknowledge the Traditional Owners, and Elders past and present. hydNezP-cYY-00009-00004839-00005823 I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners, Yugambeh and thank you for your welcome, Shaun, hydNezP-cYY-00010-00005823-00006486 and Rory for your generous hosting of us on your country. hydNezP-cYY-00011-00006486-00007378 That was my very, very halting foray into my Dhunghutti language, which I guess for hydNezP-cYY-00012-00007378-00007683 me illustrates the story of where we are. hydNezP-cYY-00013-00007683-00007823 I was 51. hydNezP-cYY-00014-00007823-00008386 I’m not a 51 year old man any more, bit older than that, but I was 51 before I had hydNezP-cYY-00015-00008386-00009022 the opportunity to really engage with my language and it’s hard to really describe what a hydNezP-cYY-00016-00009022-00010136 transforming effect it has on you, on the way you think but I wanted to begin today hydNezP-cYY-00017-00010136-00010950 in my language, always nervous when Amanda Lissarrague is in the room and others from hydNezP-cYY-00018-00010950-00011192 my country are in the room. hydNezP-cYY-00019-00011192-00011704 So, our country, as many of you know is Kempsey on the mid-north coast of New South Wales hydNezP-cYY-00020-00011704-00012188 and I grew up in the central west of New South Wales of country and I have been living in hydNezP-cYY-00021-00012188-00012468 Canberra now for you know, close to 19 years. hydNezP-cYY-00022-00012468-00013094 I want to talk today, a bit about the work that we do and many of you, all of you I’m hydNezP-cYY-00023-00013094-00013281 sure, are very familiar with the Institute. hydNezP-cYY-00024-00013281-00013807 I think, AIATSIS, and I made this point to the Prime Minister when he visited us, you hydNezP-cYY-00025-00013807-00014532 saw in the video there that he came to visit us, the first Prime Minister in 54 years to hydNezP-cYY-00026-00014532-00014829 come to AIATSIS. hydNezP-cYY-00027-00014829-00015095 I know, what’s with that? hydNezP-cYY-00028-00015095-00015747 But I did make the point to the Prime Minister that AIATSIS in many ways is one of our nation’s hydNezP-cYY-00029-00015747-00016260 best kept national treasures, best kept national secrets and we were aiming to change that. hydNezP-cYY-00030-00016260-00016613 He had a suggestion that all it involved was putting some files in a filing cabinet and hydNezP-cYY-00031-00016613-00017385 selling them to Fyshwick, but that’s not a strategy that I think we’ll pursue, notwithstanding hydNezP-cYY-00032-00017385-00017790 the person who suggested it to us. hydNezP-cYY-00033-00017790-00018157 But some things have changed at the Institute as many of you will be aware. hydNezP-cYY-00034-00018157-00018709 So, I’m going to try and navigate between my notes, because they don’t let any officials hydNezP-cYY-00035-00018709-00019238 come out of Canberra without enough notes to sink a battleship, and the PowerPoint, hydNezP-cYY-00036-00019238-00019890 and I hope that I’m not boring you or telling you such stuff that you already know. hydNezP-cYY-00037-00019890-00020139 So, they must have known I was coming. hydNezP-cYY-00038-00020139-00020561 This is the simplest PowerPoint worker I have ever seen. hydNezP-cYY-00039-00020561-00020756 It’s got back, next. hydNezP-cYY-00040-00020756-00021476 So, I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to manage that but… and we’ll see how we go. hydNezP-cYY-00041-00021476-00022163 So, AIATSIS has a vision for a world in which our knowledges, our cultures are recognised, hydNezP-cYY-00042-00022163-00022437 respected, celebrated and valued. hydNezP-cYY-00043-00022437-00022632 That’s a big vision. hydNezP-cYY-00044-00022632-00023125 It’s a big vision of a world that I’m sure we’re all working hard towards. hydNezP-cYY-00045-00023125-00023710 We work every day at the Institute to make sure that we’re orienting everything we hydNezP-cYY-00046-00023710-00024254 do around achieving and contributing to creating that kind of world. hydNezP-cYY-00047-00024254-00024788 It’s not something that we’re going to be able to do on ourself, by ourselves and hydNezP-cYY-00048-00024788-00025235 on our own, but we want to be part of making that happen. hydNezP-cYY-00049-00025235-00025476 As you know we’re a 54-year-old Institute. hydNezP-cYY-00050-00025476-00026241 We were established in 1964, primarily then as a research body, and in the hey day of hydNezP-cYY-00051-00026241-00026913 what you might call the great anthropological fiefdoms of Australia, when the country was hydNezP-cYY-00052-00026913-00027616 divided up amongst the anthropological community, well the overlords if you like of the anthropological hydNezP-cYY-00053-00027616-00028058 community, and I don’t mean to be disrespectful because that was important work. hydNezP-cYY-00054-00028058-00028689 But we were established at a time when people thought we were disappearing from the pages hydNezP-cYY-00055-00028689-00029683 of history and so the mandate of the Institute at that time was to document, preserve in hydNezP-cYY-00056-00029683-00030279 a particular way the traditional cultures of then, of Aboriginal Australia and then hydNezP-cYY-00057-00030279-00031319 in 1989 extended to the Torres Strait Island people because we were going. hydNezP-cYY-00058-00031319-00031854 And so that was the, the sort of the initial impetus for the establishment of the Institute. hydNezP-cYY-00059-00031854-00032218 I was reading some of the speeches that were made in Parliament at the time the Institute hydNezP-cYY-00060-00032218-00032601 was established, and they make for really interesting reading. hydNezP-cYY-00061-00032601-00033464 One particular speaker in the second reading speeches from Queensland actually, made the hydNezP-cYY-00062-00033464-00034090 point that the establishment of the then Australian Institute for Aboriginal Studies was not just hydNezP-cYY-00063-00034090-00034765 about Aboriginal people, but it was about humanity at large. hydNezP-cYY-00064-00034765-00035307 That this was about making a contribution to the world and then made a statement that hydNezP-cYY-00065-00035307-00035829 it’s also about helping Australians to understand themselves better. hydNezP-cYY-00066-00035829-00036421 Now I didn’t expect to read words like that in a speech in Parliament in 1964 but I find hydNezP-cYY-00067-00036421-00037098 that really inspiring and it drives us in the work that we do today. hydNezP-cYY-00068-00037098-00037556 And it drives us in the process of transformation that we’re going through at the Institute hydNezP-cYY-00069-00037556-00037921 where now we’re an indigenous led organisation. hydNezP-cYY-00070-00037921-00038408 All bar one of our council members is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. hydNezP-cYY-00071-00038408-00039038 The two most senior administrative positions in the Institute will always be held by an hydNezP-cYY-00072-00039038-00039717 indigenous Australian, and I’m very proud to follow a long line of super people, and hydNezP-cYY-00073-00039717-00040245 particularly my immediate predecessor Russ Taylor, who’s now enjoying a retirement hydNezP-cYY-00074-00040245-00040667 as the world’s most unlikely grey nomad. hydNezP-cYY-00075-00040667-00041198 I think the caravan’s for sale if anyone is interested in buying it. hydNezP-cYY-00076-00041198-00041736 Across the 54 years of our history, and our mission has changed. hydNezP-cYY-00077-00041736-00042100 We’re not about preserving a past that’s disappearing. hydNezP-cYY-00078-00042100-00042805 We’re about telling and being part of and joining with you folks and communities all hydNezP-cYY-00079-00042805-00043142 over the country and telling the story of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia hydNezP-cYY-00080-00043142-00043351 that’s living and vibrant and thriving. hydNezP-cYY-00081-00043351-00043771 I think if we’re not fastest, we’re one of the fastest growing segments of the Australian hydNezP-cYY-00082-00043771-00043881 population. hydNezP-cYY-00083-00043881-00044315 We have, as many of you know, a population where I think 65% of our people are under hydNezP-cYY-00084-00044315-00044535 the age of 25. hydNezP-cYY-00085-00044535-00045093 Now, that could be seen as a risk, or it could be seen as a great opportunity and a tremendous hydNezP-cYY-00086-00045093-00045312 chance. hydNezP-cYY-00087-00045312-00046096 As the rest of the population gets old we continue to stay young. hydNezP-cYY-00088-00046096-00046513 So, our mission has changed. hydNezP-cYY-00089-00046513-00047243 And we are also, of course most, I guess perhaps most importantly known as the custodians of hydNezP-cYY-00090-00047243-00047980 a collection of now over a million items that help us tell the story at a national level hydNezP-cYY-00091-00047980-00048606 but most importantly support people to tell their own stories at local and regional levels. hydNezP-cYY-00092-00048606-00049387 The… our collection includes the Australian Indigenous Languages Collection which was hydNezP-cYY-00093-00049387-00050219 established early in 1981 and now contains close to 8,000 items, about 4,000 odd published hydNezP-cYY-00094-00050219-00050468 items, 3,000 unpublished items. hydNezP-cYY-00095-00050468-00051004 It ranges from rare books, to pamphlets, to school materials and of course we have also hydNezP-cYY-00096-00051004-00051274 40,000 hours of audio recordings. hydNezP-cYY-00097-00051274-00052175 I’m pleased to say over 80 per cent of that collection of audio recordings is now digitised. hydNezP-cYY-00098-00052175-00052787 And we’ve digitised it for two reasons, for preservation but most importantly for hydNezP-cYY-00099-00052787-00053608 access and we are certainly working to, on our processes around accessibility for that. hydNezP-cYY-00100-00053608-00054195 Most of the estimated 250 Australian languages that the Minister referred to before are represented hydNezP-cYY-00101-00054195-00055308 in our collection and including, like powerful pieces or collection items, 40 endangered hydNezP-cYY-00102-00055308-00056117 languages recorded by Louise Hercas between 1963 and 1995 and other examples, some of hydNezP-cYY-00103-00056117-00056295 which we had the opportunity to show the P.M. hydNezP-cYY-00104-00056295-00057245 So, we have a significant role as custodian of that treasure, that national treasure, hydNezP-cYY-00105-00057245-00057500 and we take our custodianship role really seriously. hydNezP-cYY-00106-00057500-00057614 We don’t own it. hydNezP-cYY-00107-00057614-00058141 Even the items where people have gifted them to us, our attitude to that is we’re custodians hydNezP-cYY-00108-00058141-00059013 of that and we act as stewards and we intend to be faithful to that stewardship. hydNezP-cYY-00109-00059013-00059752 But also because of our kind of odd construction where we sit at a really powerful and I think hydNezP-cYY-00110-00059752-00060527 interesting nexus between Government, between the Academy and academics, between communities hydNezP-cYY-00111-00060527-00061171 and in all of their various manifestations and forms, between the cultural sector. hydNezP-cYY-00112-00061171-00061964 So, we provide a really powerful forum at a national level, where people can come together, hydNezP-cYY-00113-00061964-00062649 a place of exchange, a place of engagement, a place of communication, a place of sitting hydNezP-cYY-00114-00062649-00062990 around a fire squeezing the hand of the person next to you. hydNezP-cYY-00115-00062990-00063105 I might steal that word. hydNezP-cYY-00116-00063105-00063601 I’ll go and talk to the mob about it and then I’ll have to talk to my Chairperson hydNezP-cYY-00117-00063601-00064087 who’s a Wiradjuri man, who’s trying to get us to operate according to Wiradjuri principles, hydNezP-cYY-00118-00064087-00064442 and Uncle Stan’s here somewhere I’m sure. hydNezP-cYY-00119-00064442-00064904 He’ll be able to enlighten us all as to what that’s about. hydNezP-cYY-00120-00064904-00065680 Our Act was changed in 1989… in 2016 and our functions were revised. hydNezP-cYY-00121-00065680-00065810 We have five functions now. hydNezP-cYY-00122-00065810-00066220 The first of them was to build and to make accessible a national collection of Aboriginal hydNezP-cYY-00123-00066220-00066530 and Torres Strait Islander cultural and heritage material. hydNezP-cYY-00124-00066530-00066944 We insert into our operating practice the word appropriate. hydNezP-cYY-00125-00066944-00067727 To make appropriately accessible, because we also care for things that rightly have hydNezP-cYY-00126-00067727-00068369 restricted access, and we’re really careful about that and we can be a bit difficult sometimes hydNezP-cYY-00127-00068369-00068957 with people who want to have access to stuff that they shouldn’t have access to. hydNezP-cYY-00128-00068957-00069543 And but I don’t really apologise for that. hydNezP-cYY-00129-00069543-00069954 But the second function is to draw on that collection to promote a better understanding hydNezP-cYY-00130-00069954-00070661 of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia, our histories, our cultures, our stories. hydNezP-cYY-00131-00070661-00071167 We have a third function in the new act which is about a leadership role in three particular hydNezP-cYY-00132-00071167-00071825 areas, indigenous research, research ethics, and a leadership role in respect of other hydNezP-cYY-00133-00071825-00072252 institutions that hold collections of indigenous material. hydNezP-cYY-00134-00072252-00072920 So, that would be museums and galleries and so on and so forth, so universities, any institution hydNezP-cYY-00135-00072920-00073875 that holds an indigenous collection, we have a role in providing some leadership around hydNezP-cYY-00136-00073875-00074174 the management of that. hydNezP-cYY-00137-00074174-00074464 Partnering and collaborating is a specific function in our Act. hydNezP-cYY-00138-00074464-00075324 And the last one is a brand new one, and it’s that sort of one up on that side, and that hydNezP-cYY-00139-00075324-00075715 is to provide advice to the Commonwealth on the situation and status of Aboriginal and hydNezP-cYY-00140-00075715-00076001 Torres Strait Islander cultures and heritage. hydNezP-cYY-00141-00076001-00076740 That’s brand new and as an old policy bureaucrat I lie awake at night with excitement at the hydNezP-cYY-00142-00076740-00077494 potential that that provides for the Institute and our stakeholders, to be able to speak hydNezP-cYY-00143-00077494-00078108 to Government about issues of importance in relation to our cultures and our heritage. hydNezP-cYY-00144-00078108-00078489 And many of you will be aware that recently following the Prime Minister’s visit which hydNezP-cYY-00145-00078489-00079075 you saw on the video to the Institute he made an announcement that we would be moving from hydNezP-cYY-00146-00079075-00079922 our current portfolio location in the Education portfolio and being… and moving in to the hydNezP-cYY-00147-00079922-00080209 Prime Minister’s portfolio in Prime Minister and Cabinet. hydNezP-cYY-00148-00080209-00080538 Now, there’s been some misunderstanding about that. hydNezP-cYY-00149-00080538-00081005 So, I think it’s really important for me to say AIATSIS is not being merged with the hydNezP-cYY-00150-00081005-00081204 Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. hydNezP-cYY-00151-00081204-00081474 We’re not being subsumed into that Department. hydNezP-cYY-00152-00081474-00082195 We’re being moved as an agency in a lift and a shift to the portfolio, but we will hydNezP-cYY-00153-00082195-00082442 continue to function according to our Act. hydNezP-cYY-00154-00082442-00083108 We’ll continue to be led by our Council and in fact life at AIATSIS and our relationships hydNezP-cYY-00155-00083108-00083758 that exist the day before that move is effected will be exactly the same the day after that hydNezP-cYY-00156-00083758-00083907 move is effected. hydNezP-cYY-00157-00083907-00084598 We don’t have a date for that yet but as you know the PM made that announcement on hydNezP-cYY-00158-00084598-00085058 the back of his Closing the Gap address to the Parliament last week, the week before, hydNezP-cYY-00159-00085058-00085221 a couple of weeks ago. hydNezP-cYY-00160-00085221-00085671 I’m happy to… if you have any questions about that to talk to you about that. hydNezP-cYY-00161-00085671-00085826 We’re very excited about it. hydNezP-cYY-00162-00085826-00086217 There’s a statement on our website from myself and our chairperson, Professor Michael hydNezP-cYY-00163-00086217-00086689 McDaniel, from UTS in Sydney, about the move. hydNezP-cYY-00164-00086689-00087120 We think it’s a good thing, but I am aware that there’s been a bit of confusion and hydNezP-cYY-00165-00087120-00087398 perhaps a bit of anxiety about that. hydNezP-cYY-00166-00087398-00088308 That’s enough about us because most of you, I’m sure, know about us and Shaun last night, hydNezP-cYY-00167-00088308-00088408 I think Shaun touc… hydNezP-cYY-00168-00088408-00089108 I think probably Shaun is the greatest accessor of our ROMTIC process, Return of Materials hydNezP-cYY-00169-00089108-00089695 to Indigenous Communities and he promised me, I think vainly, that he would ease up hydNezP-cYY-00170-00089695-00090393 but I don’t think Shaun strikes me as a lad that eases up, right. hydNezP-cYY-00171-00090393-00091012 So, as you know the U.N. Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People is really specific hydNezP-cYY-00172-00091012-00091433 about the rights that we have as indigenous people to revitalise, develop and to use our hydNezP-cYY-00173-00091433-00092168 languages and also commit states to taking effective measures to ensure that this right hydNezP-cYY-00174-00092168-00092355 is protected. hydNezP-cYY-00175-00092355-00092995 And we have as a country I guess, signed up now, endorsed the U.N. Declaration of the hydNezP-cYY-00176-00092995-00093117 Rights of Indigenous People. hydNezP-cYY-00177-00093117-00093752 And so, it’s really important that we’re working hard to give effect to those, to those hydNezP-cYY-00178-00093752-00094066 rights, as expressed in that U.N. document. hydNezP-cYY-00179-00094066-00094724 And part of doing that was the National Indigenous Languages Policy. hydNezP-cYY-00180-00094724-00095101 As you can see it’s a 2009 document. hydNezP-cYY-00181-00095101-00095924 It’s perhaps getting a bit long in the tooth, but it does provide for those five things hydNezP-cYY-00182-00095924-00096247 that are on the screen there. hydNezP-cYY-00183-00096247-00096621 And at the end of this presentation I’m going to make a few suggestions about where hydNezP-cYY-00184-00096621-00096785 we might go as food for thought. hydNezP-cYY-00185-00096785-00097170 I’m relatively new in the area and in the field. hydNezP-cYY-00186-00097170-00097952 So, I’m, I offer them as food for thought rather than prescriptions from an authority. hydNezP-cYY-00187-00097952-00098740 But I think that the fact that there is a policy is really important but I think it’s hydNezP-cYY-00188-00098740-00099376 even more important that as we approach 2019, the decade, the decadal anniversary of that hydNezP-cYY-00189-00099376-00099933 policy and the International Year of Indigenous Languages, we give some serious attention hydNezP-cYY-00190-00099933-00100431 to, I don’t want to use the word refreshed because I don’t want to confuse it with hydNezP-cYY-00191-00100431-00101127 other things that are going on but we have another look at the policy framing of the hydNezP-cYY-00192-00101127-00101802 work that we all are involved in going forward. hydNezP-cYY-00193-00101802-00102416 Some stats, the Minister already referred to the data coming out of the last NILS in hydNezP-cYY-00194-00102416-00103163 2014 in relation to our languages and the strength of them, so no PowerPoint is complete hydNezP-cYY-00195-00103163-00103756 without a table and numbers in it, and they’re quite sobering numbers hey. hydNezP-cYY-00196-00103756-00104649 And so I, I think that we really ought to take, they give us pause for thought about hydNezP-cYY-00197-00104649-00104749 what we do. hydNezP-cYY-00198-00104749-00105214 I’m going to skip over the next little bit because I’m not a language expert as you hydNezP-cYY-00199-00105214-00106002 can tell by my halting use of language this morning, but there are some issues in relation, hydNezP-cYY-00200-00106002-00106223 it’s important to understand context of course. hydNezP-cYY-00201-00106223-00106583 I don’t need to tell anybody in this room about context. hydNezP-cYY-00202-00106583-00107636 So, I’m not going to dwell on that because that would be unhelpful, except to say that hydNezP-cYY-00203-00107636-00107873 context is critical. hydNezP-cYY-00204-00107873-00108207 Context is really, really critical. hydNezP-cYY-00205-00108207-00109169 And that slide gives you some examples of languages and the context that they’re in hydNezP-cYY-00206-00109169-00109826 and some potential examples of approaches that perhaps are known to work best for each hydNezP-cYY-00207-00109826-00110572 category and I will refer you to people in my organisation like Dr. Doug Marmion if you hydNezP-cYY-00208-00110572-00110966 want to talk in some more detail about that. hydNezP-cYY-00209-00110966-00111411 I do want to move on and talk about some of AIATSIS’ initiatives in this space and we’re hydNezP-cYY-00210-00111411-00112041 very mindful that we’re not the only game in town and in fact we’re possibly not even hydNezP-cYY-00211-00112041-00112250 the most important one. hydNezP-cYY-00212-00112250-00112665 But I do want to talk you through those and give you some sense of what it is that we’re hydNezP-cYY-00213-00112665-00112771 doing. hydNezP-cYY-00214-00112771-00113479 In 2015 the Governor General announced the establishment of the AIATSIS Foundation and hydNezP-cYY-00215-00113479-00114423 the… the AIATSIS Foundation is a means by which we are working to identify partners hydNezP-cYY-00216-00114423-00115116 and frankly to raise money and funds from the private philanthropic and corporate sectors hydNezP-cYY-00217-00115116-00115717 to support really important things that need to be done that are not possible to be supported hydNezP-cYY-00218-00115717-00116144 in the context of our appropriation or our budget. hydNezP-cYY-00219-00116144-00116853 And the two projects that we have under the Foundation are language related. hydNezP-cYY-00220-00116853-00117663 And so, the first of those is a dictionaries project and we are actively engaged in raising hydNezP-cYY-00221-00117663-00118279 funds, as I said from private philanthropic and corporate sectors to publish Indigenous hydNezP-cYY-00222-00118279-00118745 language dictionaries, either to publish them through Aboriginal studies press or to support hydNezP-cYY-00223-00118745-00119245 the publishing of them through other publication houses. hydNezP-cYY-00224-00119245-00119900 We think that it’s critical that, a critical part of the infrastructure is a dictionary hydNezP-cYY-00225-00119900-00120377 and not just a word list but a good dictionary. hydNezP-cYY-00226-00120377-00120624 And so, we’re working hard on that. hydNezP-cYY-00227-00120624-00121110 We’ve got two initial dictionary projects that are approaching publication or in one hydNezP-cYY-00228-00121110-00121247 case a republication. hydNezP-cYY-00229-00121247-00121734 First of them is the Sydney Language and Dr Jaky Troy is here, sorry I always get that hydNezP-cYY-00230-00121734-00122362 mixed up Professor Jake Troy, the University of Sydney is here and that’s her baby. hydNezP-cYY-00231-00122362-00122772 And the completion after 60 years of work of a Warlpiri dictionary. hydNezP-cYY-00232-00122772-00123324 But we do have a pipeline, and there is a process for expressions of interest to kind hydNezP-cYY-00233-00123324-00123789 of get in that pipeline and I’m happy to talk to folks more about that. hydNezP-cYY-00234-00123789-00123913 But we think it’s really, really, important. hydNezP-cYY-00235-00123913-00124132 Once you’ve got a dictionary you can then start to build things. hydNezP-cYY-00236-00124132-00124378 They’ll be available obviously as eBooks as well as proper… hydNezP-cYY-00237-00124378-00124547 I say proper books. hydNezP-cYY-00238-00124547-00125319 I’m a bit of a luddite, I like to write on books and we think that’s a really powerful hydNezP-cYY-00239-00125319-00125558 and exciting initiative. hydNezP-cYY-00240-00125558-00126278 The second Foundation project is our Songlines recording project, particularly working with hydNezP-cYY-00241-00126278-00126994 communities where the last singers, or the singers are old and frail, and we want to hydNezP-cYY-00242-00126994-00127771 make sure that those communities have access to those songs on an ongoing basis, and the hydNezP-cYY-00243-00127771-00128229 songs where it’s the express will of the community, don’t die with the people who hydNezP-cYY-00244-00128229-00128329 sing them. hydNezP-cYY-00245-00128329-00129001 So, we’re raising funds to support effectively a recording and an archiving project. hydNezP-cYY-00246-00129001-00129675 We have of course AUSLANG which I’m sure many of you are familiar with, as an online hydNezP-cYY-00247-00129675-00130298 database of information on Australian languages and with search capacity and link to the AIATSIS hydNezP-cYY-00248-00130298-00130782 catalogue and includes a digital map based on referenced descriptions and in fact the hydNezP-cYY-00249-00130782-00131348 digital platform map will probably supersede the AIATSIS map, you know the big colourful hydNezP-cYY-00250-00131348-00131558 one. hydNezP-cYY-00251-00131558-00131873 And so, that, going forward. hydNezP-cYY-00252-00131873-00132577 We’ve also been involved with the Ngunnawal community as part of their language revival hydNezP-cYY-00253-00132577-00133136 project and it was Dr. Marmion and the Ngunnawal folks, the folks of the Ngunnawal language hydNezP-cYY-00254-00133136-00133782 project that worked with the Prime Minister around his speaking of Ngunnawal in the Parliament. hydNezP-cYY-00255-00133782-00134445 We have also, as the Minister announced, we’ll be working with the Department on NILS 3. hydNezP-cYY-00256-00134445-00134585 It’s not going to be called NILS 3. hydNezP-cYY-00257-00134585-00134992 It’ll be the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages in Australia Report and hydNezP-cYY-00258-00134992-00135510 that will commence work in… well work has been done now, but it will roll out in 2019. hydNezP-cYY-00259-00135510-00135887 ROMTIC I’ve mentioned, and that’s the Return of Materials to Indigenous Communities hydNezP-cYY-00260-00135887-00136242 because it’s part of our stewardship role. hydNezP-cYY-00261-00136242-00136755 And one of the things I’m very keen for AIATSIS to be much more than a really well-run hydNezP-cYY-00262-00136755-00137157 shed on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin. hydNezP-cYY-00263-00137157-00137651 And part of that is our engagement with Indigenous communities driven largely I’ve got to say hydNezP-cYY-00264-00137651-00138505 by ethnography because of the anthropologists that founded us, but really deep relationships hydNezP-cYY-00265-00138505-00138873 and we want to make sure the materials going back, and under this programme we’ll provide hydNezP-cYY-00266-00138873-00139588 up to 20 items for personal use, free of charge, per person per financial year, Shaun, right. hydNezP-cYY-00267-00139588-00140329 So, contact us to see if you have, your community has material in the collection and then we’re hydNezP-cYY-00268-00140329-00141146 really keen to work with you in relation to that, returning that to community in whatever hydNezP-cYY-00269-00141146-00141259 way works for you. hydNezP-cYY-00270-00141259-00141615 We’ve been very actively digitising of course and as I mentioned 80 per cent of our audio hydNezP-cYY-00271-00141615-00141801 material is now digitised. hydNezP-cYY-00272-00141801-00142110 That’s the beginning. hydNezP-cYY-00273-00142110-00142851 The next phase is about digital delivery of content, both at our site at AIATSIS in Canberra, hydNezP-cYY-00274-00142851-00143658 but in a distributed fashion and as we get a really super, and really effective broadband hydNezP-cYY-00275-00143658-00144430 system around the country, Minister, that will make that much, much easier. hydNezP-cYY-00276-00144430-00144942 And so, digitisation is really a critical thing. hydNezP-cYY-00277-00144942-00145787 We’ve been working on our own languages strategy, and in fact I’m going to more hydNezP-cYY-00278-00145787-00146521 to, I’ll hold that over to my concluding remarks, but we have been working on an Indigenous hydNezP-cYY-00279-00146521-00146767 Languages Strategy of our own. hydNezP-cYY-00280-00146767-00147644 I think I’ve covered all those and that Strategy for us has three particular goals, hydNezP-cYY-00281-00147644-00147751 objectives. hydNezP-cYY-00282-00147751-00148135 First of them is that every indigenous Australian language should be documented for use by current hydNezP-cYY-00283-00148135-00148254 and future generations. hydNezP-cYY-00284-00148254-00148661 And that requires focus, it requires effort and it requires resources. hydNezP-cYY-00285-00148661-00149152 It requires partnerships and it requires leadership from communities. hydNezP-cYY-00286-00149152-00149987 But we think that that’s not an unrealistic objective for Australia in the 21st century. hydNezP-cYY-00287-00149987-00150648 It… we also have built into our strategic kind of thinking, is that every language community hydNezP-cYY-00288-00150648-00150816 can strengthen their language. hydNezP-cYY-00289-00150816-00150923 It’s not… hydNezP-cYY-00290-00150923-00151373 I don’t, I don’t really believe, and we don’t believe at AIATSIS that’s it’s hydNezP-cYY-00291-00151373-00151736 a case, that some things are just beyond the work. hydNezP-cYY-00292-00151736-00152175 It can happen in every language community. hydNezP-cYY-00293-00152175-00152772 And that thirdly, every Australian has the opportunity to learn and take pride in an hydNezP-cYY-00294-00152772-00152933 Australian language. hydNezP-cYY-00295-00152933-00153115 And there are some particular things we can do about that. hydNezP-cYY-00296-00153115-00153595 We’re also exploring a programme that’s being used in the… by the Smithsonian, the hydNezP-cYY-00297-00153595-00154267 National Museum of the American Indian called the Breath of Life which is about archiving hydNezP-cYY-00298-00154267-00154805 and recording practice by building capacity and capability in communities around that. hydNezP-cYY-00299-00154805-00155600 So, the future, as I said food for thought, not a prescription. hydNezP-cYY-00300-00155600-00156199 But I do think that one of the things we lack whilst we have a National Indigenous Languages hydNezP-cYY-00301-00156199-00156850 Policy, my view is that Australia could well be benefited by developing a National Indigenous hydNezP-cYY-00302-00156850-00157112 Languages Strategy. hydNezP-cYY-00303-00157112-00157729 Not something that pushes aside or sets aside the work that’s been done all over the country hydNezP-cYY-00304-00157729-00158302 by language centres and other people, academics and organisations like AIATSIS in the language hydNezP-cYY-00305-00158302-00159036 space but something that provides co-ordination and links people together at a strategic level. hydNezP-cYY-00306-00159036-00159352 So, one I want to suggest that for something to think about. hydNezP-cYY-00307-00159352-00159885 We might want to consider the issue of legislation, New South Wales as many of you know, has just hydNezP-cYY-00308-00159885-00160254 introduced the New South Wales Aboriginal Languages Act. hydNezP-cYY-00309-00160254-00161007 In 1987 Maori became an official language, one of two official languages in New Zealand. hydNezP-cYY-00310-00161007-00161282 Anyone guess what the other one is? hydNezP-cYY-00311-00161282-00161484 Respondent: Sign language. hydNezP-cYY-00312-00161484-00161773 Craig Ritchie: Sign language. hydNezP-cYY-00313-00161773-00161873 Not English. hydNezP-cYY-00314-00161873-00162074 English is just assumed. hydNezP-cYY-00315-00162074-00162324 It’s the de facto official language. hydNezP-cYY-00316-00162324-00163060 But in 1987 they passed the Maori language act and I was there last week and I was pretty hydNezP-cYY-00317-00163060-00163701 amazed I’ve got to say by some things, and pretty shocked by others, by the fact… and hydNezP-cYY-00318-00163701-00164194 this is me as a bureaucrat speaking, every single Government agency has an obligation hydNezP-cYY-00319-00164194-00164772 both under that Act and under the Treaty of Waitangi to make sure that the work that they hydNezP-cYY-00320-00164772-00165509 do, I think the language is, “Preserves and perpetuates the Maori language”. hydNezP-cYY-00321-00165509-00165878 And chief executives are held to account for that, not just the Culture… hydNezP-cYY-00322-00165878-00166421 Ministry of Culture and Heritage but every single agency, including Treasury, including hydNezP-cYY-00323-00166421-00166641 Prime Minister’s Department, including Finance. hydNezP-cYY-00324-00166641-00167095 So, there might be something to think about in the legislative space. hydNezP-cYY-00325-00167095-00167619 Of course, I’m not a legislator so, I’ll leave that for others, but I’ll put it out hydNezP-cYY-00326-00167619-00167892 there for thought. hydNezP-cYY-00327-00167892-00168461 And then, some structural issues around co-ordination, whether that’s a national peak or whether hydNezP-cYY-00328-00168461-00169060 that’s something that means that this sector is able to get together more regularly and hydNezP-cYY-00329-00169060-00169289 communicate and talk and share. hydNezP-cYY-00330-00169289-00169962 Social practice, one of the things that struck me in New Zealand, is the presence of Aotearoa hydNezP-cYY-00331-00169962-00170158 Maori in the public space. hydNezP-cYY-00332-00170158-00170419 It is just there. hydNezP-cYY-00333-00170419-00171069 I landed at Auckland airport, walked through a big kind of one of those carved gates that hydNezP-cYY-00334-00171069-00171169 they have on their iwi. hydNezP-cYY-00335-00171169-00171790 While I walking through it, trying to work out where to stick my passport, I could hear hydNezP-cYY-00336-00171790-00172327 Maori chanting and songs, everyone could hear that. hydNezP-cYY-00337-00172327-00172887 And to be honest I can’t think of an Australian airport where that’s, we are not as visible hydNezP-cYY-00338-00172887-00172987 as that. hydNezP-cYY-00339-00172987-00173265 That’s a relatively simple thing to do. hydNezP-cYY-00340-00173265-00173861 So, public space and just seeing our language in the public space. hydNezP-cYY-00341-00173861-00174296 The head of their Ministry of Culture and Heritage told me that the most, the most powerful hydNezP-cYY-00342-00174296-00175013 thing for them has been people on Maori television saying ‘kia ora bro’ to the point where hydNezP-cYY-00343-00175013-00175569 he said there are people in New Zealand who think that bro is a Maori word. hydNezP-cYY-00344-00175569-00176591 I mean the tragic logical conclusion of that is we’ll know we’ve succeeded when they’re hydNezP-cYY-00345-00176591-00177359 using Aboriginal language on Home and Away, or I don’t know just a newsreader saying hydNezP-cYY-00346-00177359-00177732 good evening to you in the language of the local community where they’re at. hydNezP-cYY-00347-00177732-00177890 I don’t know. hydNezP-cYY-00348-00177890-00178312 So, things like that, recording and the publication stuff. hydNezP-cYY-00349-00178312-00178669 So, look thank you for indulging me this morning. hydNezP-cYY-00350-00178669-00178894 Thank you for taking time to listen. hydNezP-cYY-00351-00178894-00179374 I hope what you’ve taken out of this is that certainly during my time at AIATSIS as hydNezP-cYY-00352-00179374-00179771 a result of the amendments to the Act and under the new leadership of our Chairperson hydNezP-cYY-00353-00179771-00180498 and Council, we are trying to take the country’s best keep secret, our national treasure and hydNezP-cYY-00354-00180498-00181230 change that and turn us into a much more outward facing, publicly engaged, national Institute, hydNezP-cYY-00355-00181230-00181866 speaking of course, and related of course to our communities, but speaking really powerfully hydNezP-cYY-00356-00181866-00182208 to our national narrative about the place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hydNezP-cYY-00357-00182208-00182308 in that. hydNezP-cYY-00358-00182308-00182755 And I conclude with a phrase that I’ve rewritten based on one I heard last week because the hydNezP-cYY-00359-00182755-00183388 first story of Australia is an Aboriginal and a Torres Strait Islander story and it’s hydNezP-cYY-00360-00183388-00184061 65,000 years old and as an Institution we’ve committed ourselves for the next 50 years hydNezP-cYY-00361-00184061-00185139 of our life to telling that story. hydNezP-cYY-00362-00185139-00186027 Thank you. hyQphtyF8RI-00000-00000049-00000602 Polar coordinate system, converting equations, so we're going to convert between rectangular hyQphtyF8RI-00001-00000602-00001288 equations to polar equations; now we will still be using the same formulas – that hyQphtyF8RI-00002-00001288-00002350 X's are cosine theta, that Y is our sine theta, that we have X squared plus Y squared equals hyQphtyF8RI-00003-00002350-00003022 r squared, and that tangent of theta equals Y over X. hyQphtyF8RI-00004-00003022-00003676 So let's start with going from rectangular to polar. hyQphtyF8RI-00005-00003676-00004329 Now in this case, what you want to do is to either solve for our r squared or theta – whichever hyQphtyF8RI-00006-00004329-00004602 one is the most convenient, to be honest. hyQphtyF8RI-00007-00004602-00005763 So for example, if I have Y equals negative 2X plus 3 then Y is our sine theta. hyQphtyF8RI-00008-00005763-00005961 So I put that in for Y. hyQphtyF8RI-00009-00005961-00006582 Negative 2X is r cosine theta, so I put that in for X. hyQphtyF8RI-00010-00006582-00006895 Now in this case, I'm going to try to solve for r. hyQphtyF8RI-00011-00006895-00007336 So I'm going to move the negative 2r cosine theta. hyQphtyF8RI-00012-00007336-00007720 I'm going to add it to both sides to move it over to the left. hyQphtyF8RI-00013-00007720-00008746 So r sine theta plus 2r cosine theta equals 3 – and then factor out the r, so r times hyQphtyF8RI-00014-00008746-00009339 sine theta plus 2 cosine theta equals 3. hyQphtyF8RI-00015-00009339-00009939 Now we're going to divide both sides by the information inside of these parentheses and hyQphtyF8RI-00016-00009939-00010856 what that gives us is that r is equal to 3 divided by sine theta plus 2 cosine theta. hyQphtyF8RI-00017-00010856-00011425 Now there are always loads of identities that you can use and stuff. hyQphtyF8RI-00018-00011425-00011625 I would stop here. hyQphtyF8RI-00019-00011625-00011992 Okay, now let's look at another one. hyQphtyF8RI-00020-00011992-00012246 What if we had X equal 4? hyQphtyF8RI-00021-00012246-00012642 Okay, this is the second example. hyQphtyF8RI-00022-00012642-00013463 Well X is r cosine theta, so r cosine theta equal 4, divide through by cosine so you get hyQphtyF8RI-00023-00013463-00013694 4 over cosine theta. hyQphtyF8RI-00024-00013694-00014163 Now if you wanted to, you could rewrite this as 4 secant theta. hyQphtyF8RI-00025-00014163-00014503 Both answers are acceptable. hyQphtyF8RI-00026-00014503-00015238 Okay, and let's look at – what if you had the equation of a circle? hyQphtyF8RI-00027-00015238-00015747 X squared plus Y squared equals 9. hyQphtyF8RI-00028-00015747-00016033 Well X squared plus Y squared is r squared. hyQphtyF8RI-00029-00016033-00016365 So you have r squared equal 9 – and that's it. hyQphtyF8RI-00030-00016365-00016603 You're done with that one. hyQphtyF8RI-00031-00016603-00017176 And then finally – what if we had Y equals 6? hyQphtyF8RI-00032-00017176-00018007 Okay, well y is our sine theta – and so once again, you solve for r. hyQphtyF8RI-00033-00018007-00018648 You get r equals 6 over sine theta – and once again, that would be 6 cosecant of theta, hyQphtyF8RI-00034-00018648-00018982 if you wish to change it to that. hyQphtyF8RI-00035-00018982-00019802 Now the other direction – equation conversion from polar to rectangular; this is can be hyQphtyF8RI-00036-00019802-00020024 a little bit more difficult to deal with. hyQphtyF8RI-00037-00020024-00020718 So for example, if we had r equals sine theta plus cosine theta. hyQphtyF8RI-00038-00020718-00021590 Now our formula for r is r squared, so if we multiply both sides by r it's going to hyQphtyF8RI-00039-00021590-00022058 solve a whole bunch of problems here, okay. hyQphtyF8RI-00040-00022058-00022265 So multiply each term by r. hyQphtyF8RI-00041-00022265-00022586 Well r squared is X squared plus Y squared. hyQphtyF8RI-00042-00022586-00023421 r sine theta is Y; r cosine theta is X; and it's kind of up to your instructor how far hyQphtyF8RI-00043-00023421-00023544 you go at this point. hyQphtyF8RI-00044-00023544-00023971 I would leave this alone to be perfectly honest. hyQphtyF8RI-00045-00023971-00024975 Now if you're given the equation just simply r equals some number like 16, then I would hyQphtyF8RI-00046-00024975-00025517 square both sides to be honest so I have that nice r squared. hyQphtyF8RI-00047-00025517-00026493 So r squared equals 256 and then r squared is X squared plus Y squared equal 256. hyQphtyF8RI-00048-00026493-00027464 And finally, what if you have theta equals, okay, what if we have theta equals say pi hyQphtyF8RI-00049-00027464-00027677 over 3? hyQphtyF8RI-00050-00027677-00028394 Then you're going to take the tangent of both sides, okay – so tangent of theta equals hyQphtyF8RI-00051-00028394-00029286 tangent of pi over 3, tangent of theta is Y over X, and of course tangent of pi over hyQphtyF8RI-00052-00029286-00029518 3 is the square root of 3. hyQphtyF8RI-00053-00029518-00030062 And then you could leave it like this or you can solve for Y; it depends on your instructors hyQphtyF8RI-00054-00030062-00030210 wishes. hyQphtyF8RI-00055-00030210-00030533 So Y equals X times square root of 3. hyQphtyF8RI-00056-00030533-00030630 The end. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00000-00000336-00000776 Hello, I'm Colin and these are the week's top news headlines live from London with Pinksixty. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00001-00000776-00001106 Timothy Ray Brown - described as the first man to ever be cured of AIDS - addressed the hzcMHUUVjZQ-00002-00001106-00001291 International AIDS Conference this week. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00003-00001291-00001816 A bone marrow transplant from a donor carrying the CCR5 receptor, allowed him to develop hzcMHUUVjZQ-00004-00001816-00002035 an immunity to the virus. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00005-00002035-00002379 The New Zealand same sex marriage bill has been placed on the agenda for its first reading hzcMHUUVjZQ-00006-00002379-00002479 in parliament. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00007-00002479-00002883 It will be followed by a conscience vote, to decide if it should proceed any further. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00008-00002883-00003318 The Scottish Parliament announced Wednesday that it will legalise gay marriage. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00009-00003318-00003764 Cross-party support could mean the new law comes into effect next year. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00010-00003764-00004253 Sally Ride, the first lesbian in space, sadly passed away on Monday after battling cancer. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00011-00004253-00004636 Ride travelled into orbit twice aboard the Challenger shuttle and President Obama called hzcMHUUVjZQ-00012-00004636-00004826 her a 'National hero'. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00013-00004826-00005269 And finally, Zanele Muholi will be the first black lesbian photographer to show at Germany's hzcMHUUVjZQ-00014-00005269-00005407 Documenta exhibition. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00015-00005407-00005872 Her images of queer South Africans have drawn attention to the current homophobic climate hzcMHUUVjZQ-00016-00005872-00006032 in the country. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00017-00006032-00006145 That's all from us today. hzcMHUUVjZQ-00018-00006145-00006586 Join us again tomorrow as we record from the Olympic Village at Pride House 2012. hBgGNssuAWY-00000-00000016-00001169 Call Center for Blind & Visually Impaired Users of Digital Assistive Technology, presentation by Gabi Cohen from hBgGNssuAWY-00001-00001170-00002323 Migdal Or Rehabilitation Center, IsraelParallel Session: Services for the blind hBgGNssuAWY-00002-00002323-00004339 Migdal Or (Lighthouse): A multi-service center dedicated to advancing people with blindness or visual impairment towards hBgGNssuAWY-00003-00004340-00005346 independent functioning and inclusion in the workplace. Providing services for over 60 years hBgGNssuAWY-00004-00005346-00006356 nationwide, its broad services serve 30000 individuals yearly, of all ages and sectorsMost services funded by the government hBgGNssuAWY-00005-00006356-00007959 There are four Accessibility Essentials: Technology, Skills, Deployment and Support. The four’s Support absence across the board hBgGNssuAWY-00006-00007959-00009566 hence people are reluctant from using digital media. hBgGNssuAWY-00007-00009566-00011619 Challenges:Due to the complexity & uniqueness of usage of assistive tech: hBgGNssuAWY-00008-00011620-00012646 Cannot get assistance from technical support centers Computers, assistive technology hBgGNssuAWY-00009-00012646-00013159 WEB browsing, on-line services (e.g. shopping)CELL phones & Mobile ApplicationsIT support in the workplace and academy hBgGNssuAWY-00010-00013160-00013676 unable to provide appropriate support for employees hBgGNssuAWY-00011-00013676-00015229 The solution: A technical support Call CenterInnovative, unique service, which provides on-line support for people with blindness or visual hBgGNssuAWY-00012-00015230-00016783 impairment, in their use of computers, smartphones, tablets and other technological devices. At work, home or school hBgGNssuAWY-00013-00016783-00018883 Operations:Technology Support Specialists (TSS) provide hBgGNssuAWY-00014-00018883-00019933 on-line supportThey are people with blindness or visual impairment. hBgGNssuAWY-00015-00019933-00020459 Support in given in Hebrew, Arabic & RussianOpen from 9am to 5pm, five days a week Support include phone help-line & remote hBgGNssuAWY-00016-00020460-00020986 accessOperation began in February 2014 hBgGNssuAWY-00017-00020986-00022789 Impact:Over 1000 users, 3500 cases and 7000 incoming phone calls are handled each year. hBgGNssuAWY-00018-00022790-00023690 48% is for support of CELL phones.In a user’s survey, 84% said it improves the life quality of blind & visually impaired people in hBgGNssuAWY-00019-00023690-00024593 Israel.70% indicated a significant improvement of work performance hBgGNssuAWY-00020-00024593-00025893 Sustainability:Collaborations through service agreement of large Israeli institutes hBgGNssuAWY-00021-00025893-00027196 The National Social Security funds (partially) a 3-years pilot hBgGNssuAWY-00022-00027196-00028749 Upcoming Challenges: Marketing the Service Finding investors hBgGNssuAWY-00023-00028750-00030306 Provide support to Arabic & Russian speaking countries (e.g. Palestine) Cloning the model oversees hBgGNssuAWY-00024-00030306-00031913 Contact Us: Gabic@migdalor.org.il, www.migdalor.org.il hBVb5bhDLUA-00000-00000320-00000656 Good afternoon everybody! This chapter hBVb5bhDLUA-00001-00000656-00000915 was quite dense. We addressed complex and hBVb5bhDLUA-00002-00000915-00001104 technical issues relating to the hBVb5bhDLUA-00003-00001104-00001311 protection of prisoners of war, civilians hBVb5bhDLUA-00004-00001311-00001503 and wounded and sick in international hBVb5bhDLUA-00005-00001503-00001819 and non-international armed conflict. hBVb5bhDLUA-00006-00001819-00002082 I have the immense pleasure to welcome hBVb5bhDLUA-00007-00002082-00002369 today our guest expert for this chapter. hBVb5bhDLUA-00008-00002369-00002642 The very well-known expert in hBVb5bhDLUA-00009-00002642-00002876 international humanitarian law and human hBVb5bhDLUA-00010-00002876-00003300 rights law - Andrew Clapham. Andrew is hBVb5bhDLUA-00011-00003300-00003567 currently professor at the Graduate hBVb5bhDLUA-00012-00003567-00003857 Institute of International and hBVb5bhDLUA-00013-00003857-00004184 Development Studies in Geneva. hBVb5bhDLUA-00014-00004184-00004551 Professor Clapham we are very happy to hBVb5bhDLUA-00015-00004551-00004907 have you on board in this course. I will hBVb5bhDLUA-00016-00004907-00005316 ask you four very general questions. Are hBVb5bhDLUA-00017-00005316-00005493 you ready to start with the first hBVb5bhDLUA-00018-00005493-00005550 question? hBVb5bhDLUA-00019-00005550-00005978 Oh indeed yes, I'm ready. Thanks a lot. All hBVb5bhDLUA-00020-00005978-00006305 persons who do not fall into one of the hBVb5bhDLUA-00021-00006305-00006539 categories envisaged in article 4 of hBVb5bhDLUA-00022-00006539-00006923 Geneva Convention IV, even if they hBVb5bhDLUA-00023-00006923-00007125 participate in the hostilities in the hBVb5bhDLUA-00024-00007125-00007278 context of an international armed hBVb5bhDLUA-00025-00007278-00007598 conflict, will not benefit from POW hBVb5bhDLUA-00026-00007598-00007961 status. This does not mean that they will hBVb5bhDLUA-00027-00007961-00008261 remain unprotected. These individuals - hBVb5bhDLUA-00028-00008261-00008592 referred to as sometimes unprivileged hBVb5bhDLUA-00029-00008592-00008865 combatants or unlawful combatants or hBVb5bhDLUA-00030-00008865-00009122 even terrorists - should in principle hBVb5bhDLUA-00031-00009122-00009350 benefit from the protection offered by hBVb5bhDLUA-00032-00009350-00009717 Geneva Convention IV to enemy nationals hBVb5bhDLUA-00033-00009717-00009965 living in the territory of the belligerent hBVb5bhDLUA-00034-00009965-00010320 state and to inhabitants of occupied hBVb5bhDLUA-00035-00010320-00010863 territories. Do you agree that so-called hBVb5bhDLUA-00036-00010863-00011121 members of terrorist organizations should hBVb5bhDLUA-00037-00011121-00011472 be assimilated with civilians while they hBVb5bhDLUA-00038-00011472-00011931 actively participate in the hostilities. hBVb5bhDLUA-00039-00011931-00012192 In short, yes. For the purposes of protection hBVb5bhDLUA-00040-00012192-00012525 under the Fourth Geneva Convention, as hBVb5bhDLUA-00041-00012525-00012678 you have suggested you're either a hBVb5bhDLUA-00042-00012678-00012869 prisoner of war or you're a civilian. hBVb5bhDLUA-00043-00012869-00013112 There is no gap in the scheme of the hBVb5bhDLUA-00044-00013112-00013356 four Geneva Conventions and Pictet hBVb5bhDLUA-00045-00013356-00013590 said that many years ago. Where hBVb5bhDLUA-00046-00013590-00013748 things need to be slightly nuanced, hBVb5bhDLUA-00047-00013748-00014019 perhaps, is that somebody who is directly hBVb5bhDLUA-00048-00014019-00014304 participating in hostilities does lose hBVb5bhDLUA-00049-00014304-00014628 their protection from attack. So while hBVb5bhDLUA-00050-00014628-00014787 they can be attacked, hBVb5bhDLUA-00051-00014787-00014984 they still don't lose their civilian hBVb5bhDLUA-00052-00014984-00015197 status if they're captured and interned. hBVb5bhDLUA-00053-00015197-00015419 And in recent years there's been a hBVb5bhDLUA-00054-00015419-00015663 slight blurring of this line, that the hBVb5bhDLUA-00055-00015663-00015843 theory has run: well, if you can be hBVb5bhDLUA-00056-00015843-00016122 attacked you could be interned as some hBVb5bhDLUA-00057-00016122-00016298 sort of unlawful combatant, but that's hBVb5bhDLUA-00058-00016298-00016626 not how the Geneva Conventions work. hBVb5bhDLUA-00059-00016626-00017001 And we like now to ask you a set of hBVb5bhDLUA-00060-00017001-00017175 questions dealing with the protection hBVb5bhDLUA-00061-00017175-00017367 of civilians under Geneva Convention IV. hBVb5bhDLUA-00062-00017367-00017688 According to the traditional hBVb5bhDLUA-00063-00017688-00017873 interpretation of Geneva Convention IV, hBVb5bhDLUA-00064-00017873-00018123 only two types of territory are hBVb5bhDLUA-00065-00018123-00018338 protected by this convention: a hBVb5bhDLUA-00066-00018338-00018669 belligerent party's own territory and an hBVb5bhDLUA-00067-00018669-00018887 occupied territory. hBVb5bhDLUA-00068-00018887-00019278 This means that civilians who fall into hBVb5bhDLUA-00069-00019278-00019611 the power of an invading force, which is hBVb5bhDLUA-00070-00019611-00019854 not carrying out operations on its own hBVb5bhDLUA-00071-00019854-00020195 territory or which has not acquired control hBVb5bhDLUA-00072-00020195-00020466 sufficiently to be treated as an hBVb5bhDLUA-00073-00020466-00020754 occupying power, are left outside the hBVb5bhDLUA-00074-00020754-00021006 scope of application of Geneva hBVb5bhDLUA-00075-00021006-00021459 Convention IV. Therefore such civilians hBVb5bhDLUA-00076-00021459-00021669 are not protected by provisions hBVb5bhDLUA-00077-00021669-00021857 contained in these conventions, hBVb5bhDLUA-00078-00021857-00022122 in particular by those prohibiting hBVb5bhDLUA-00079-00022122-00022363 ill-treatment, forcible deportation or hBVb5bhDLUA-00080-00022363-00022959 arbitrary detention. Why is that so? hBVb5bhDLUA-00081-00022959-00023279 In other words, could you explain the reasons hBVb5bhDLUA-00082-00023279-00023550 which justify this important territorial hBVb5bhDLUA-00083-00023550-00023975 limitation. And then, if you could propose hBVb5bhDLUA-00084-00023975-00024457 solutions in order to remedy this gap. hBVb5bhDLUA-00085-00024457-00024938 Well, it's true this is a tricky area on hBVb5bhDLUA-00086-00024938-00025125 a first reading of the Fourth Geneva hBVb5bhDLUA-00087-00025125-00025410 Convention, it does appear that there is hBVb5bhDLUA-00088-00025410-00025703 a gap for the protection of civilians in hBVb5bhDLUA-00089-00025703-00025926 the types of circumstances that you have hBVb5bhDLUA-00090-00025926-00026204 just outlined, in the sense that during hBVb5bhDLUA-00091-00026204-00026447 the invasion phase, before the occupation hBVb5bhDLUA-00092-00026447-00026730 those civilians do not seem to fit into hBVb5bhDLUA-00093-00026730-00026937 the relevant provisions of the Fourth hBVb5bhDLUA-00094-00026937-00027183 Geneva Convention. However my own hBVb5bhDLUA-00095-00027183-00027444 impression is that these days that's a hBVb5bhDLUA-00096-00027444-00027687 bit of a false problem. There are three hBVb5bhDLUA-00097-00027687-00027869 ways of protecting those civilians. hBVb5bhDLUA-00098-00027869-00028139 The first, and it's been suggested by my hBVb5bhDLUA-00099-00028139-00028406 colleague here at the Geneva University hBVb5bhDLUA-00100-00028406-00028706 professor Marco Sassolí, is that one can hBVb5bhDLUA-00101-00028706-00028956 take a more flexible approach to the hBVb5bhDLUA-00102-00028956-00029211 concept of occupation. And so where hBVb5bhDLUA-00103-00029211-00029550 soldiers have captured somebody, they, in hBVb5bhDLUA-00104-00029550-00029816 effect, are occupying the ground on which hBVb5bhDLUA-00105-00029816-00029984 that person is being captured, and hBVb5bhDLUA-00106-00029984-00030209 therefore that person has fallen into hBVb5bhDLUA-00107-00030209-00030458 the hands of the enemy, and therefore the hBVb5bhDLUA-00108-00030458-00030653 the protections for occupied territory hBVb5bhDLUA-00109-00030653-00030843 apply in a more sort of functional and hBVb5bhDLUA-00110-00030843-00031175 flexible way. That's one approach, a hBVb5bhDLUA-00111-00031175-00031806 second approach... Could you just explain hBVb5bhDLUA-00112-00031806-00032159 whether this theory is usually shared by a hBVb5bhDLUA-00113-00032159-00032441 member state or by the ICRC, or whether hBVb5bhDLUA-00114-00032441-00033200 theory is still very controversial? hBVb5bhDLUA-00115-00033200-00033413 Yes it's controversial, in hBVb5bhDLUA-00116-00033413-00033612 that it's not shared by anyone and maybe hBVb5bhDLUA-00117-00033612-00033786 that's because there are other ways to hBVb5bhDLUA-00118-00033786-00034019 get to the same result. But having said hBVb5bhDLUA-00119-00034019-00034293 that, in my own work, I recently came hBVb5bhDLUA-00120-00034293-00034622 across a government, in fact, arguing that hBVb5bhDLUA-00121-00034622-00034840 theory, not because they wanted to offer hBVb5bhDLUA-00122-00034840-00035046 the protection of the Fourth Geneva hBVb5bhDLUA-00123-00035046-00035262 Convention to people during the invasion hBVb5bhDLUA-00124-00035262-00035546 phase, but they wanted to draw on the hBVb5bhDLUA-00125-00035546-00035863 occupiers rights before the occupation. hBVb5bhDLUA-00126-00035863-00036227 So during the Iraq war some Iraqis were hBVb5bhDLUA-00127-00036227-00036521 interned before the occupation actually hBVb5bhDLUA-00128-00036521-00036821 took place in a formal sense but the hBVb5bhDLUA-00129-00036821-00036977 governments wanted to say, 'well, we have hBVb5bhDLUA-00130-00036977-00037155 the right to intern because the hBVb5bhDLUA-00131-00037155-00037403 functional theory of occupation would hBVb5bhDLUA-00132-00037403-00037758 cover even the invasion phase.' So it hBVb5bhDLUA-00133-00037758-00037887 would be too quick to say that hBVb5bhDLUA-00134-00037887-00038115 governments have rejected that theory. Of hBVb5bhDLUA-00135-00038115-00038325 course they're using it there to claim hBVb5bhDLUA-00136-00038325-00038619 privileges rather than grant rights, so hBVb5bhDLUA-00137-00038619-00038877 maybe we shouldn't be so surprised, but I hBVb5bhDLUA-00138-00038877-00039090 wouldn't dismiss the theory too quickly, hBVb5bhDLUA-00139-00039090-00039471 even if some people have done. But I hBVb5bhDLUA-00140-00039471-00039663 think, as I've said, I think you can get hBVb5bhDLUA-00141-00039663-00040000 to the same result with two other routes. hBVb5bhDLUA-00142-00040000-00040239 The second route would be to say that hBVb5bhDLUA-00143-00040239-00040744 article 75 of protocol one does fill the hBVb5bhDLUA-00144-00040744-00040933 gap because it covers all people in the hBVb5bhDLUA-00145-00040933-00041293 hands of the enemy, and even if the two hBVb5bhDLUA-00146-00041293-00041521 states concerned were not parties to hBVb5bhDLUA-00147-00041521-00041833 protocol one, it is widely considered to hBVb5bhDLUA-00148-00041833-00042058 be customary international law. And, hBVb5bhDLUA-00149-00042058-00042244 indeed, recently the United States hBVb5bhDLUA-00150-00042244-00042468 government has said that it will be hBVb5bhDLUA-00151-00042468-00042778 applying article 75 as a matter of hBVb5bhDLUA-00152-00042778-00042949 customary international law because it hBVb5bhDLUA-00153-00042949-00043162 feels under a sense of legal obligation hBVb5bhDLUA-00154-00043162-00043579 to do so. So I think rather than worrying hBVb5bhDLUA-00155-00043579-00043873 too much about that gap, one can say that hBVb5bhDLUA-00156-00043873-00044254 it's filled by article 75 or custom, as hBVb5bhDLUA-00157-00044254-00044533 you prefer. The third way to fill the gap hBVb5bhDLUA-00158-00044533-00044716 would be to say that human rights law hBVb5bhDLUA-00159-00044716-00045037 applies in that situation, and the sorts hBVb5bhDLUA-00160-00045037-00045366 of things that you were suggesting; such hBVb5bhDLUA-00161-00045366-00045535 as mistreatment of somebody in your hBVb5bhDLUA-00162-00045535-00045745 control, would be covered by human rights hBVb5bhDLUA-00163-00045745-00045979 law. So I would be very hesitant to hBVb5bhDLUA-00164-00045979-00046150 suggest that there's any sort of gap in hBVb5bhDLUA-00165-00046150-00046300 protection there. hBVb5bhDLUA-00166-00046300-00046591 The third set of questions that I would like to ask you hBVb5bhDLUA-00167-00046591-00046882 relate to occupation. As you know the hBVb5bhDLUA-00168-00046882-00047041 regime of occupation does not apply in hBVb5bhDLUA-00169-00047041-00047250 a non international armed conflict. hBVb5bhDLUA-00170-00047250-00047356 What happens if hBVb5bhDLUA-00171-00047356-00047572 non-state actors occupy part of the hBVb5bhDLUA-00172-00047572-00047854 national territory? Are they bound by hBVb5bhDLUA-00173-00047854-00048187 certain minimal obligations? Should the hBVb5bhDLUA-00174-00048187-00048364 law of occupation, as envisaged in hBVb5bhDLUA-00175-00048364-00048666 international armed conflict, apply by hBVb5bhDLUA-00176-00048666-00048838 analogy in the context of hBVb5bhDLUA-00177-00048838-00049141 non-international armed conflict? Would hBVb5bhDLUA-00178-00049141-00049477 this regime make sense for non-state hBVb5bhDLUA-00179-00049477-00049894 actors, which may have limited abilities hBVb5bhDLUA-00180-00049894-00050181 to comply with detailed IHL norms? hBVb5bhDLUA-00181-00050181-00050563 And then lastly, what role human rights law hBVb5bhDLUA-00182-00050563-00050887 could play in this context? Could it also hBVb5bhDLUA-00183-00050887-00051139 apply to non-state actors in order to hBVb5bhDLUA-00184-00051139-00051579 fill gaps in international humanitarian law? hBVb5bhDLUA-00185-00051579-00051919 Thank you. Well, I think I'll take the hBVb5bhDLUA-00186-00051919-00052155 last question first. I do think that hBVb5bhDLUA-00187-00052155-00052336 human rights law can apply to a hBVb5bhDLUA-00188-00052336-00052605 non-state actor in such a situation hBVb5bhDLUA-00189-00052605-00052808 where they're in control of people. And hBVb5bhDLUA-00190-00052808-00053070 so to answer your question, it could fill hBVb5bhDLUA-00191-00053070-00053290 some of the gaps which you have hBVb5bhDLUA-00192-00053290-00053441 highlighted. hBVb5bhDLUA-00193-00053441-00053761 Would it be a good idea to apply the law hBVb5bhDLUA-00194-00053761-00054001 of occupation to a non-state actor in hBVb5bhDLUA-00195-00054001-00054388 control of territory? My answer is no. hBVb5bhDLUA-00196-00054388-00054688 I don't think it works for the reasons hBVb5bhDLUA-00197-00054688-00054882 which you've hinted at in the question. hBVb5bhDLUA-00198-00054882-00055080 The armed group might not be able to hBVb5bhDLUA-00199-00055080-00055344 fulfill all of the obligations, to the hBVb5bhDLUA-00200-00055344-00055491 letter, in the way that they're set out. hBVb5bhDLUA-00201-00055491-00055827 But perhaps more important than that, hBVb5bhDLUA-00202-00055827-00056049 the law of occupation gives the occupier hBVb5bhDLUA-00203-00056049-00056437 certain privileges, which I referred to hBVb5bhDLUA-00204-00056437-00056739 in the previous question. So it would be hBVb5bhDLUA-00205-00056739-00056950 to suggest that the armed group has the hBVb5bhDLUA-00206-00056950-00057162 right to intern people who represent hBVb5bhDLUA-00207-00057162-00057469 imperative risks to security, even before hBVb5bhDLUA-00208-00057469-00057661 they've committed any crime or done any hBVb5bhDLUA-00209-00057661-00058075 danger. So it would be odd if states hBVb5bhDLUA-00210-00058075-00058441 decided to agree that rebel groups would hBVb5bhDLUA-00211-00058441-00058782 have the right to intern or the right to hBVb5bhDLUA-00212-00058782-00058948 interfere with property rights for hBVb5bhDLUA-00213-00058948-00059254 reasons of military necessity. So to be hBVb5bhDLUA-00214-00059254-00059445 honest I think it's better to consider hBVb5bhDLUA-00215-00059445-00059667 some of the more basic fundamental hBVb5bhDLUA-00216-00059667-00059829 rights that the armed group has to hBVb5bhDLUA-00217-00059829-00060141 respect, rather than trying to apply a hBVb5bhDLUA-00218-00060141-00060376 regime which is set up for an interstate hBVb5bhDLUA-00219-00060376-00060657 conflict. What would be the IHL hBVb5bhDLUA-00220-00060657-00060869 obligations that the armed group has? hBVb5bhDLUA-00221-00060869-00061092 Well, they would have all the obligations hBVb5bhDLUA-00222-00061092-00061294 under common article 3. So they would hBVb5bhDLUA-00223-00061294-00061486 have to treat people in their detention hBVb5bhDLUA-00224-00061486-00061644 properly, they would have to offer them hBVb5bhDLUA-00225-00061644-00061970 some sort of fair or impartial procedure. hBVb5bhDLUA-00226-00061970-00062251 Obviously all forms of torture and hBVb5bhDLUA-00227-00062251-00062439 experimentation and all of that sort of hBVb5bhDLUA-00228-00062439-00062682 thing is completely prohibited and then hBVb5bhDLUA-00229-00062682-00062805 they would have some more detailed hBVb5bhDLUA-00230-00062805-00063042 obligations from protocol 2, which would hBVb5bhDLUA-00231-00063042-00063276 apply to those groups that control hBVb5bhDLUA-00232-00063276-00063519 territory. And obviously if we're talking hBVb5bhDLUA-00233-00063519-00063916 about an occupation-type situation, hBVb5bhDLUA-00234-00063916-00064161 that's going to apply to those groups. hBVb5bhDLUA-00235-00064161-00064470 And of course, lastly, there would be, to hBVb5bhDLUA-00236-00064470-00064624 fill the gaps if you like, all the hBVb5bhDLUA-00237-00064624-00064794 customary international law and the big hBVb5bhDLUA-00238-00064794-00065016 red book of the ICRC, which would apply hBVb5bhDLUA-00239-00065016-00065323 to the armed groups to the extent that hBVb5bhDLUA-00240-00065323-00065512 that custom applies in non-international hBVb5bhDLUA-00241-00065512-00065856 armed conflicts. So, rather than seeking hBVb5bhDLUA-00242-00065856-00066144 to squeeze the law of occupation into a hBVb5bhDLUA-00243-00066144-00066376 situation which its not designed for, I hBVb5bhDLUA-00244-00066376-00066718 would prefer to use the existing IHL and hBVb5bhDLUA-00245-00066718-00066780 human rights law hBVb5bhDLUA-00246-00066780-00066968 which, from my perspective would cover hBVb5bhDLUA-00247-00066968-00067160 most eventualities. hBVb5bhDLUA-00248-00067160-00067536 So you think it would cover practically everything, enough hBVb5bhDLUA-00249-00067536-00067850 obligations of the state vis-a-vis the hBVb5bhDLUA-00250-00067850-00068017 civilian population which is occupied, hBVb5bhDLUA-00251-00068017-00068322 the basic needs that need to be offered hBVb5bhDLUA-00252-00068322-00068552 to the civilian population in situation hBVb5bhDLUA-00253-00068552-00068783 of occupation. I don't think that common hBVb5bhDLUA-00254-00068783-00068957 article 3 and additional protocol hBVb5bhDLUA-00255-00068957-00069254 two would cover that. It would be very hBVb5bhDLUA-00256-00069254-00069689 limited. Well that's a good point. hBVb5bhDLUA-00257-00069689-00069893 To the extent that obviously a state has hBVb5bhDLUA-00258-00069893-00070157 greater resources, usually, than the armed hBVb5bhDLUA-00259-00070157-00070631 group, one would have to adjust providing hBVb5bhDLUA-00260-00070631-00070817 for the basic needs of the population. hBVb5bhDLUA-00261-00070817-00071061 But, again, because I have a wide reading hBVb5bhDLUA-00262-00071061-00071310 of human rights law, for me the armed hBVb5bhDLUA-00263-00071310-00071558 group would be obliged to respect the hBVb5bhDLUA-00264-00071558-00071786 right to water, the right to food, even hBVb5bhDLUA-00265-00071786-00072017 the right to education. So to the extent hBVb5bhDLUA-00266-00072017-00072188 that they were hindering those rights, hBVb5bhDLUA-00267-00072188-00072326 they would be in violation of hBVb5bhDLUA-00268-00072326-00072551 international law but there would also be hBVb5bhDLUA-00269-00072551-00072782 expectations that they could fulfill hBVb5bhDLUA-00270-00072782-00073201 those rights. And as you know, in many hBVb5bhDLUA-00271-00073201-00073487 non-international armed conflicts around hBVb5bhDLUA-00272-00073487-00073757 the world, armed groups do step in to hBVb5bhDLUA-00273-00073757-00074081 play those sort of state-like functions, hBVb5bhDLUA-00274-00074081-00074318 because they need the cooperation of the hBVb5bhDLUA-00275-00074318-00074604 local population and, in a way, if they're hBVb5bhDLUA-00276-00074604-00074766 fighting for the rights of the local hBVb5bhDLUA-00277-00074766-00075014 population, it makes sense to provide hBVb5bhDLUA-00278-00075014-00075233 food and water and education and housing hBVb5bhDLUA-00279-00075233-00075492 to the extent that they can. That's not, hBVb5bhDLUA-00280-00075492-00075767 of course, the case for all conflicts, but hBVb5bhDLUA-00281-00075767-00076094 some sort of high-level civil wars, that hBVb5bhDLUA-00282-00076094-00076379 would be what you would see. The fourth hBVb5bhDLUA-00283-00076379-00076532 set of questions that I wish to ask hBVb5bhDLUA-00284-00076532-00076712 you deals with internment in hBVb5bhDLUA-00285-00076712-00076974 non international armed conflicts. As you know hBVb5bhDLUA-00286-00076974-00077168 the laws governing non-international hBVb5bhDLUA-00287-00077168-00077397 armed conflict does not expressly hBVb5bhDLUA-00288-00077397-00077675 recognize a right to detain combatants hBVb5bhDLUA-00289-00077675-00078032 nor does it specify the grounds for, or hBVb5bhDLUA-00290-00078032-00078254 procedure by which a person may be hBVb5bhDLUA-00291-00078254-00078591 detained. Moreover, it is unclear whether hBVb5bhDLUA-00292-00078591-00078773 any legal basis for internment in hBVb5bhDLUA-00293-00078773-00078911 non international armed conflicts hBVb5bhDLUA-00294-00078911-00079116 currently exists in customary hBVb5bhDLUA-00295-00079116-00079433 international humanitarian law. Would it hBVb5bhDLUA-00296-00079433-00079592 be appropriate to apply the law of hBVb5bhDLUA-00297-00079592-00079751 international armed conflict by hBVb5bhDLUA-00298-00079751-00079824 analogy to hBVb5bhDLUA-00299-00079824-00080073 members of armed groups when arrested and hBVb5bhDLUA-00300-00080073-00080373 detained by state Armed Forces? In that hBVb5bhDLUA-00301-00080373-00080708 case would it make sense to refer to the hBVb5bhDLUA-00302-00080708-00081066 legal regime applicable to POWs? Or would hBVb5bhDLUA-00303-00081066-00081261 it be more appropriate to apply the hBVb5bhDLUA-00304-00081261-00081458 legal regime applicable to civilian hBVb5bhDLUA-00305-00081458-00081939 internees by Geneva Convention IV? Do you hBVb5bhDLUA-00306-00081939-00082164 think that a special, specific legal hBVb5bhDLUA-00307-00082164-00082461 regime of interment should be created hBVb5bhDLUA-00308-00082461-00082841 for non-international armed conflicts or hBVb5bhDLUA-00309-00082841-00083268 do you think that the concurrent hBVb5bhDLUA-00310-00083268-00083493 operation of international humanitarian hBVb5bhDLUA-00311-00083493-00083845 law and international human rights law hBVb5bhDLUA-00312-00083845-00084227 could ameliorate the problems which hBVb5bhDLUA-00313-00084227-00084560 arise in non-international armed conflicts? hBVb5bhDLUA-00314-00084560-00084750 Again I'll take the last hBVb5bhDLUA-00315-00084750-00085049 question first and work back upwards. So hBVb5bhDLUA-00316-00085049-00085344 my view is that the better solution hBVb5bhDLUA-00317-00085344-00085725 would be to have the two regimes working hBVb5bhDLUA-00318-00085725-00085908 side by side: the international hBVb5bhDLUA-00319-00085908-00086088 humanitarian law, to the extent that it hBVb5bhDLUA-00320-00086088-00086322 applies, and then international human hBVb5bhDLUA-00321-00086322-00086502 rights law which can fill in, if you like, hBVb5bhDLUA-00322-00086502-00086688 some of the gaps in non-international hBVb5bhDLUA-00323-00086688-00087036 armed conflict. I think the basic hBVb5bhDLUA-00324-00087036-00087210 principles of human rights law when hBVb5bhDLUA-00325-00087210-00087489 somebody is being detained can easily be hBVb5bhDLUA-00326-00087489-00087666 applied to a non-international armed hBVb5bhDLUA-00327-00087666-00087867 conflict situation, so the right to hBVb5bhDLUA-00328-00087867-00088062 challenge your reason for detention, the hBVb5bhDLUA-00329-00088062-00088281 right to have an impartial tribunal or hBVb5bhDLUA-00330-00088281-00088473 some sort of administrative body hear hBVb5bhDLUA-00331-00088473-00088680 the complaint and the right to present hBVb5bhDLUA-00332-00088680-00088863 your evidence. I think all of that is hBVb5bhDLUA-00333-00088863-00089339 fairly feasible so I would argue for hBVb5bhDLUA-00334-00089339-00089514 human rights law to be used in these hBVb5bhDLUA-00335-00089514-00089811 situations rather than, as you were hBVb5bhDLUA-00336-00089811-00089988 suggesting in the first two questions, hBVb5bhDLUA-00337-00089988-00090177 the existing regimes hBVb5bhDLUA-00338-00090177-00090422 either for prisoners of war or hBVb5bhDLUA-00339-00090422-00090804 occupied territory. And here is why. The hBVb5bhDLUA-00340-00090804-00091047 prisoner of war regime is, as you know, hBVb5bhDLUA-00341-00091047-00091281 very sophisticated and complete, and it hBVb5bhDLUA-00342-00091281-00091650 allows for very important access by the hBVb5bhDLUA-00343-00091650-00092019 ICRC and other privileges. But of course hBVb5bhDLUA-00344-00092019-00092406 it also includes, in an unwritten way, for hBVb5bhDLUA-00345-00092406-00092711 some prisoners of war, combatant immunity hBVb5bhDLUA-00346-00092711-00092991 so that a prisoner of war who is a hBVb5bhDLUA-00347-00092991-00093159 member of the Armed Forces hBVb5bhDLUA-00348-00093159-00093330 cannot be prosecuted for simply hBVb5bhDLUA-00349-00093330-00093609 participating in hostilities. In a hBVb5bhDLUA-00350-00093609-00093828 non-international armed conflict, states hBVb5bhDLUA-00351-00093828-00094148 are not going to accept that the hBVb5bhDLUA-00352-00094148-00094386 so-called terrorists that they're hBVb5bhDLUA-00353-00094386-00094548 fighting - or maybe they really are hBVb5bhDLUA-00354-00094548-00094809 terrorists - whether they're rebels, hBVb5bhDLUA-00355-00094809-00095091 terrorists or insurgents, whatever you hBVb5bhDLUA-00356-00095091-00095280 want to call them, the state is not going hBVb5bhDLUA-00357-00095280-00095541 to accept that these people cannot be hBVb5bhDLUA-00358-00095541-00095781 prosecuted and have immunity for taking hBVb5bhDLUA-00359-00095781-00096114 up arms against that state. And so the hBVb5bhDLUA-00360-00096114-00096342 regime for prisoners of war, for me, hBVb5bhDLUA-00361-00096342-00096639 doesn't seem to apply in a sensible way hBVb5bhDLUA-00362-00096639-00096819 to a non-international armed conflict hBVb5bhDLUA-00363-00096819-00097074 because once captured, the rebels are hBVb5bhDLUA-00364-00097074-00097314 often going to be prosecuted for treason hBVb5bhDLUA-00365-00097314-00097619 or having taken up arms or terrorism - hBVb5bhDLUA-00366-00097619-00097902 terrorism even writ wide in some hBVb5bhDLUA-00367-00097902-00098130 national laws which would include firing hBVb5bhDLUA-00368-00098130-00098328 on the Armed Forces of the state - so that hBVb5bhDLUA-00369-00098328-00098619 the system doesn't really work for a hBVb5bhDLUA-00370-00098619-00098810 non-international armed conflict. Should hBVb5bhDLUA-00371-00098810-00099239 you apply the analogous idea of hBVb5bhDLUA-00372-00099239-00099657 civilians in occupied territory. Again in hBVb5bhDLUA-00373-00099657-00099930 an occupied territory, the occupier has hBVb5bhDLUA-00374-00099930-00100077 the right through the Fourth Geneva hBVb5bhDLUA-00375-00100077-00100338 Convention to set up internship camps hBVb5bhDLUA-00376-00100338-00100665 and intern people who represent a threat hBVb5bhDLUA-00377-00100665-00101013 to security. Are you going to allow for hBVb5bhDLUA-00378-00101013-00101439 an armed group to intern people on the hBVb5bhDLUA-00379-00101439-00101598 grounds that it thinks they might hBVb5bhDLUA-00380-00101598-00101783 threaten its security in the future, hBVb5bhDLUA-00381-00101783-00102069 without necessarily having all the hBVb5bhDLUA-00382-00102069-00102243 procedural possibilities that a state hBVb5bhDLUA-00383-00102243-00102513 has in an occupied territory? I think hBVb5bhDLUA-00384-00102513-00102785 it's asking for trouble to mix and match hBVb5bhDLUA-00385-00102785-00103074 these regimes. I would prefer a system hBVb5bhDLUA-00386-00103074-00103370 where it is tailored to the facts of the hBVb5bhDLUA-00387-00103370-00103590 non-international armed conflict, so that hBVb5bhDLUA-00388-00103590-00103827 both the state which should apply its hBVb5bhDLUA-00389-00103827-00104040 national law and its international human hBVb5bhDLUA-00390-00104040-00104331 rights obligations and the armed group hBVb5bhDLUA-00391-00104331-00104601 which should apply international human hBVb5bhDLUA-00392-00104601-00104772 rights law, to the extent that it can be hBVb5bhDLUA-00393-00104772-00105054 adapted to apply to them, apply it in hBVb5bhDLUA-00394-00105054-00105327 that context and not pick and mix from the hBVb5bhDLUA-00395-00105327-00105642 bits of either occupiers law or the law hBVb5bhDLUA-00396-00105642-00105966 of prisoners of war, which to me will end hBVb5bhDLUA-00397-00105966-00106248 up with the occupier or the belligerent hBVb5bhDLUA-00398-00106248-00106361 or the rebel hBVb5bhDLUA-00399-00106361-00106722 group actually simply taking the bits hBVb5bhDLUA-00400-00106722-00106863 that they like and ignoring the other hBVb5bhDLUA-00401-00106863-00107200 bits, or saying they're not practicable. hBVb5bhDLUA-00402-00107200-00107400 But you would agree that in one way or hBVb5bhDLUA-00403-00107400-00107733 another armed groups should have a hBVb5bhDLUA-00404-00107733-00108153 possibility to detain Armed Forces of hBVb5bhDLUA-00405-00108153-00108615 the state? I'm going to choose my words hBVb5bhDLUA-00406-00108615-00108918 carefully. I'm not sure that as you put hBVb5bhDLUA-00407-00108918-00109109 it they should have the possibility hBVb5bhDLUA-00408-00109109-00109314 because that would be to suggest that hBVb5bhDLUA-00409-00109314-00109542 they have the right to detain people and hBVb5bhDLUA-00410-00109542-00109749 that would be to suggest that people hBVb5bhDLUA-00411-00109749-00110009 could be, basically detained until the hBVb5bhDLUA-00412-00110009-00110250 end of the conflict. And for many of hBVb5bhDLUA-00413-00110250-00110471 these civil wars or wars involving hBVb5bhDLUA-00414-00110471-00110790 terrorist groups now - the war with the hBVb5bhDLUA-00415-00110790-00111195 Taliban or Al-Qaeda or Isis or Al Nusra - hBVb5bhDLUA-00416-00111195-00111392 is going on for years and years and hBVb5bhDLUA-00417-00111392-00111621 years. To suggest that they could detain hBVb5bhDLUA-00418-00111621-00111836 people that they capture as forever hBVb5bhDLUA-00419-00111836-00112092 prisoners, on either side seems to me to hBVb5bhDLUA-00420-00112092-00112430 be unacceptable. So the idea that there hBVb5bhDLUA-00421-00112430-00112698 is a right to detain, I think needs to be hBVb5bhDLUA-00422-00112698-00112955 treated with some caution. Where I would hBVb5bhDLUA-00423-00112955-00113175 meet you is to say that, of course, people hBVb5bhDLUA-00424-00113175-00113592 are detained and those detentions should hBVb5bhDLUA-00425-00113592-00113892 be subject to some legal regime. So that hBVb5bhDLUA-00426-00113892-00114108 the people who are detained ought to be hBVb5bhDLUA-00427-00114108-00114291 able to challenge the reasons they've hBVb5bhDLUA-00428-00114291-00114489 been given for their detention before an hBVb5bhDLUA-00429-00114489-00114720 impartial tribunal. That doesn't mean hBVb5bhDLUA-00430-00114720-00114948 that, without further justification, hBVb5bhDLUA-00431-00114948-00115182 there's a right to detain. It has to be hBVb5bhDLUA-00432-00115182-00115404 justified according to some quite strict hBVb5bhDLUA-00433-00115404-00115770 criteria. So Professor Clapham, I wish to hBVb5bhDLUA-00434-00115770-00116040 thank you a lot for your participation hBVb5bhDLUA-00435-00116040-00116421 to this MOOC and to the answers that hBVb5bhDLUA-00436-00116421-00116727 you have provided to the general hBVb5bhDLUA-00437-00116727-00116909 questions and controversial questions hBVb5bhDLUA-00438-00116909-00117302 that I have just posed. Thanks a lot. hCLipeC5KVI-00000-00000028-00000202 Howard Jacob: Sometimes, when we look at these diseases, hCLipeC5KVI-00001-00000202-00000932 they’re being used as models for -- examples of common disease or rare disease or whatever. hCLipeC5KVI-00002-00000932-00001575 So, do you see it as being modeling of a disease, or can an investigator come in with a very, hCLipeC5KVI-00003-00001575-00002157 very specific disease focus that isn’t necessarily relevant to other disease types? hCLipeC5KVI-00004-00002157-00002400 Because I think that makes a big difference. hCLipeC5KVI-00005-00002400-00002645 Elise Feingold: Yeah, so, I think -- I’ll start. hCLipeC5KVI-00006-00002645-00003150 [laughs] And you can -- we haven’t actually discussed this in depth, about which -- what hCLipeC5KVI-00007-00003150-00003340 types of diseases we would study. hCLipeC5KVI-00008-00003340-00003809 I think we would like to see these as models for other diseases because we do want to develop hCLipeC5KVI-00009-00003809-00003949 a generalizable approach. hCLipeC5KVI-00010-00003949-00004396 But I think, you know, we would be open to a particular disease that was particularly hCLipeC5KVI-00011-00004396-00004764 compelling because of samples or other existing data. hCLipeC5KVI-00012-00004764-00005100 Does that seem -- yeah. hCLipeC5KVI-00013-00005100-00005446 Mike Pazin: Having said that, we -- I think we are especially hCLipeC5KVI-00014-00005446-00005803 interested in the generalizable components that could be learned. hCLipeC5KVI-00015-00005803-00006294 And while one might study two very different disorders which have very different biology hCLipeC5KVI-00016-00006294-00006881 and phenotype, with respect to how best to study the genetic role of that disorder, how hCLipeC5KVI-00017-00006881-00007342 best to learn which variants are important -- there we think there could be a lot of hCLipeC5KVI-00018-00007342-00007442 generalizability. hCLipeC5KVI-00019-00007442-00007606 Elise Feingold: Eric. hCLipeC5KVI-00020-00007606-00008147 Eric Boerwinkle: So, I have a clarifying questions that other hCLipeC5KVI-00021-00008147-00008376 people may have but I’ll ask now. hCLipeC5KVI-00022-00008376-00008803 What’s the difference between the computational analysis center and the data analysis center hCLipeC5KVI-00023-00008803-00009104 in the coordinating center? hCLipeC5KVI-00024-00009104-00009418 I’m confused about that. hCLipeC5KVI-00025-00009418-00009599 Could you clarify, please? hCLipeC5KVI-00026-00009599-00009699 Elise Feingold: Yeah. hCLipeC5KVI-00027-00009699-00009866 I’ll start, and then I can turn over my colleagues. hCLipeC5KVI-00028-00009866-00010490 So, the data analysis center is really going to be focused on creating the encyclopedia: hCLipeC5KVI-00029-00010490-00011056 analyzing the data that’s been submitted and figuring out how we can actually annotate hCLipeC5KVI-00030-00011056-00011456 the genome to -- for identifying the function elements. hCLipeC5KVI-00031-00011456-00012025 The computational analysis groups are really the ideas -- best ideas from the researchers hCLipeC5KVI-00032-00012025-00012828 about how to enhance -- and you’ll derive biological insights to learn about disease, hCLipeC5KVI-00033-00012828-00012964 develop new methodologies. hCLipeC5KVI-00034-00012964-00013067 Lon? hCLipeC5KVI-00035-00013067-00014062 Lon Cardon: I had -- I had a similar question as Eric hCLipeC5KVI-00036-00014062-00014219 in general scope there. hCLipeC5KVI-00037-00014219-00014641 So, the data -- the complexity of the data will only increase from this because you’ve hCLipeC5KVI-00038-00014641-00014903 got the functional characterization and so on. hCLipeC5KVI-00039-00014903-00015374 And I -- the computational -- the new scheme in computational is investigator-initiated, hCLipeC5KVI-00040-00015374-00015520 so that’s very good. hCLipeC5KVI-00041-00015520-00015891 But you’re focusing -- there’s less in the data analysis center, right? hCLipeC5KVI-00042-00015891-00015991 Elise Feingold: [affirmative] hCLipeC5KVI-00043-00015991-00016219 Lon Cardon: So, did the discussions from the working group hCLipeC5KVI-00044-00016219-00016637 and other -- is there sufficient analytical horsepower behind the data generation, given hCLipeC5KVI-00045-00016637-00016752 the greater complexity? hCLipeC5KVI-00046-00016752-00016904 Elise Feingold: All right. hCLipeC5KVI-00047-00016904-00017598 So, I think we were considering that for recognizing that this is already a pretty large budget. hCLipeC5KVI-00048-00017598-00018149 And some of this analyses can be -- we want to get the data out there so the community hCLipeC5KVI-00049-00018149-00018249 can analyze it. hCLipeC5KVI-00050-00018249-00018770 But I think your point is well taken that we do have new data types coming in that may hCLipeC5KVI-00051-00018770-00019455 require different kinds of analyses early on and understanding, really, what the data hCLipeC5KVI-00052-00019455-00019555 is saying. hCLipeC5KVI-00053-00019555-00020593 So, I don’t know, Dan or Mike, if you want to say anything in addition? hCLipeC5KVI-00054-00020593-00021001 Mike Pazin: So, I would just add to that that part of hCLipeC5KVI-00055-00021001-00021505 the ENCODE philosophy is that the data are out there as a resource for the community. hCLipeC5KVI-00056-00021505-00021782 People use the data in very different ways. hCLipeC5KVI-00057-00021782-00022210 So, part of the analysis is use-specific. hCLipeC5KVI-00058-00022210-00022576 Individual users say, “I need to get this out of the data,” and then they extract hCLipeC5KVI-00059-00022576-00022676 it. hCLipeC5KVI-00060-00022676-00023043 We don’t think we could pre-compute all of that for everybody. hCLipeC5KVI-00061-00023043-00023570 We do some of the basic data processing, like uniformly process the data call elements and hCLipeC5KVI-00062-00023570-00023673 so forth. hCLipeC5KVI-00063-00023673-00023943 Elise Feingold: Eric. hCLipeC5KVI-00064-00023943-00024406 Eric Boerwinkle: So, just a general comment -- I want to express hCLipeC5KVI-00065-00024406-00025156 my enthusiasm for the transition from cataloging to using the information in a translational hCLipeC5KVI-00066-00025156-00025256 aspect. hCLipeC5KVI-00067-00025256-00025433 It’s challenging; it’s enormously challenging. hCLipeC5KVI-00068-00025433-00025944 But I think you all and the ENCODE investigators and the -- you know, the workshop you had hCLipeC5KVI-00069-00025944-00026237 is pushing that envelope as much as you can. hCLipeC5KVI-00070-00026237-00026405 I think it’s greatly beneficial. hCLipeC5KVI-00071-00026405-00026910 Then, one other comment is -- you emphasized in several places a community engagement, hCLipeC5KVI-00072-00026910-00027151 which, again, I think is very important going forward. hCLipeC5KVI-00073-00027151-00027600 But the emphasis tends to be on samples and data; the community has samples and data. hCLipeC5KVI-00074-00027600-00028049 I would encourage you to have focus groups to get questions from the community, so you hCLipeC5KVI-00075-00028049-00028602 -- so the ENCODE investigators, whoever is funded in the next round, are working on relevant hCLipeC5KVI-00076-00028602-00028800 problems for the community. hCLipeC5KVI-00077-00028800-00029474 So -- and again, that’s going to be challenging because investigators tend to be focused on hCLipeC5KVI-00078-00029474-00029733 a particular tissue or a particular assay. hCLipeC5KVI-00079-00029733-00030116 But again, I think, as much as it can be pushed, to work on problems that are relevant for hCLipeC5KVI-00080-00030116-00030520 the community, I think, is very important going forward. hCLipeC5KVI-00081-00030520-00030798 Elise Feingold: And I’ll just put in a shameless plug right hCLipeC5KVI-00082-00030798-00031202 now for the users meeting that we’re going to be having, the end of June and beginning hCLipeC5KVI-00083-00031202-00031441 of July, that Eric referred to. hCLipeC5KVI-00084-00031441-00031835 I think part of that is, we do want to get input from the research community about the hCLipeC5KVI-00085-00031835-00032162 utility of the resource and how we can improve that. hCLipeC5KVI-00086-00032162-00032785 And people are interested in that workshop, you can go to encode2015.org and register. hCLipeC5KVI-00087-00032785-00033090 That’s my shameless plug, so -- hCLipeC5KVI-00088-00033090-00033190 [laughter] hCLipeC5KVI-00089-00033190-00034051 So, can we now move on to -- move back to the specific initiatives? hCLipeC5KVI-00090-00034051-00034332 Okay. hCLipeC5KVI-00091-00034332-00034810 Rudy, how would you like to do this? hCLipeC5KVI-00092-00034810-00035192 Rudy Pozzatti: Are there specific comments or questions about hCLipeC5KVI-00093-00035192-00035371 initiative one? hCLipeC5KVI-00094-00035371-00035919 Howard Jacob: So, I like this very much. hCLipeC5KVI-00095-00035919-00036595 And I just would ask that -- the focus on mouse I completely understand. hCLipeC5KVI-00096-00036595-00037032 But I would be more comfortable if it was written in a way that -- if somebody came hCLipeC5KVI-00097-00037032-00037481 in with an interesting idea that wasn’t mouse-centric and they could justify it and hCLipeC5KVI-00098-00037481-00037980 it was good science, that that was enabled, rather than restricting it to an organism hCLipeC5KVI-00099-00037980-00038200 when -- because you’re trying to capture more ideas. hCLipeC5KVI-00100-00038200-00038597 I completely understand that there’s a lot of data in there, so it’d be hard to imagine hCLipeC5KVI-00101-00038597-00038697 that. hCLipeC5KVI-00102-00038697-00038970 But I always like where there's the [spelled phonetically] flexibility that someone could hCLipeC5KVI-00103-00038970-00039139 put an idea in that we hadn’t thought about. hCLipeC5KVI-00104-00039139-00039239 I mean -- hCLipeC5KVI-00105-00039239-00039362 Elise Feingold: So, are you -- are you saying that we could hCLipeC5KVI-00106-00039362-00039634 expand mouse, or you saying we’d be open to other organisms? hCLipeC5KVI-00107-00039634-00039940 Howard Jacob: I think somebody could come in -- I would hCLipeC5KVI-00108-00039940-00040309 say, other organisms, if there’s a really, really good justification. hCLipeC5KVI-00109-00040309-00040434 I mean -- hCLipeC5KVI-00110-00040434-00040621 Elise Feingold: Yeah. hCLipeC5KVI-00111-00040621-00040721 So -- hCLipeC5KVI-00112-00040721-00041028 Rudy Pozzatti: How was that worded in the past? hCLipeC5KVI-00113-00041028-00041584 It had to be that the new model organism had to somehow enable discovery in the human, hCLipeC5KVI-00114-00041584-00041684 or how -- hCLipeC5KVI-00115-00041684-00041836 Elise Feingold: Well, so, in the previous round of ENCODE, hCLipeC5KVI-00116-00041836-00042108 what we did was, we had it -- we didn’t have it wide open. hCLipeC5KVI-00117-00042108-00043200 We had -- the initiative in 2012 was for -- first priority for human, second on mouse, and then hCLipeC5KVI-00118-00043200-00043483 continuing modENCODE, fly and worm, if it was very well justified. hCLipeC5KVI-00119-00043483-00044387 But yes, it did have to support the analysis of the human genome. hCLipeC5KVI-00120-00044387-00044968 Bringing in additional model organisms creates a whole lot of other challenges for the data hCLipeC5KVI-00121-00044968-00045155 coordination and analysis center. hCLipeC5KVI-00122-00045155-00045780 I don’t know if Mike or Dan want to comment on that, or other knowledgeable people -- hCLipeC5KVI-00123-00045780-00046016 Howard Jacob: So, I -- so, I’ll be more specific. hCLipeC5KVI-00124-00046016-00046630 I mean, I think zebrafish is becoming a more and more common model that’s being used hCLipeC5KVI-00125-00046630-00046881 to rapidly assess functionality. hCLipeC5KVI-00126-00046881-00047239 And so, I just feel like that would be another place where it could come in. hCLipeC5KVI-00127-00047239-00047696 But, I mean, I understand it makes it a complex environment. hCLipeC5KVI-00128-00047696-00048020 But I just don’t like restricting if we can avoid restricting. hCLipeC5KVI-00129-00048020-00048151 Elise Feingold: Carol. hCLipeC5KVI-00130-00048151-00048620 Carol Bult: Okay. hCLipeC5KVI-00131-00048620-00049409 So, I think the -- I think where that comes in, Howard, is more on the functional characterization hCLipeC5KVI-00132-00049409-00049573 of the elements. hCLipeC5KVI-00133-00049573-00050102 But I don’t think you’re saying that you want to create a functional element -- you hCLipeC5KVI-00134-00050102-00050431 want to add another organism to the catalog part of this. hCLipeC5KVI-00135-00050431-00050978 So, I think this initiative is more about defining the functional elements. hCLipeC5KVI-00136-00050978-00051477 So, because of the amount of funds, if you put that over too many organisms, now you hCLipeC5KVI-00137-00051477-00051849 don’t do a deep enough, you know, cataloging effort. hCLipeC5KVI-00138-00051849-00052388 But I think the characterization part did include any model organism, as long as it hCLipeC5KVI-00139-00052388-00052488 was fully justified. hCLipeC5KVI-00140-00052488-00052799 So, I think maybe these are different. hCLipeC5KVI-00141-00052799-00053092 Howard Jacob: So, I -- so, I understand that. hCLipeC5KVI-00142-00053092-00053529 I’m just -- I just always find it uncomfortable when we restrict it to something. hCLipeC5KVI-00143-00053529-00054016 So, I don’t know how somebody would go in and map this and make this effective. hCLipeC5KVI-00144-00054016-00054373 But if you don’t allow ideas, we don’t have a chance to get the ideas. hCLipeC5KVI-00145-00054373-00054797 I think you can say that it’s -- you know, I think you can put -- there’d have to be hCLipeC5KVI-00146-00054797-00055143 some really special reasons why there’d be another idea. hCLipeC5KVI-00147-00055143-00055432 Elise Feingold: So, how would you do that if you had one that hCLipeC5KVI-00148-00055432-00055882 was doing one data type in one organism, one that was another data type in the other organism, hCLipeC5KVI-00149-00055882-00056427 and then you want us to fund five different organisms -- and competing with the human hCLipeC5KVI-00150-00056427-00056700 and mouse, going under the same EDCAC? hCLipeC5KVI-00151-00056700-00056929 It’s -- seems a little daunting. hCLipeC5KVI-00152-00056929-00057410 Carol Bult: My concern, also, is that -- so, I understand hCLipeC5KVI-00153-00057410-00057510 your point. hCLipeC5KVI-00154-00057510-00058029 But my concern also is, you don’t want people putting a lot of time and writing -- I mean, hCLipeC5KVI-00155-00058029-00058297 what is “fully justified” or “well justified”? hCLipeC5KVI-00156-00058297-00058936 And I just worry a little bit about that part of -- on the other hand, I can -- you could hCLipeC5KVI-00157-00058936-00059441 put in here, “Any organism’s eligible as long as it’s really well justified.” hCLipeC5KVI-00158-00059441-00060154 And then, they have to contact the program staff to really see if they can pull it off. hCLipeC5KVI-00159-00060154-00060606 But I would put in here, “Strongly encouraged to contact program staff before you go down hCLipeC5KVI-00160-00060606-00060957 this road, if it’s other than mouse and human.” hCLipeC5KVI-00161-00060957-00061057 Howard Jacob: Perfect. hCLipeC5KVI-00162-00061057-00061157 Elise Feingold: We have -- we have a couple other council hCLipeC5KVI-00163-00061157-00061404 members who we had wanted to lead discussion, Jay and Eric. hCLipeC5KVI-00164-00061404-00061504 Jay, did you -- yeah. hCLipeC5KVI-00165-00061504-00061643 Jay Shendure: I can chime in. hCLipeC5KVI-00166-00061643-00061967 So, I tend to agree with Carol, and specifically for that reason. hCLipeC5KVI-00167-00061967-00062377 I think if -- you know, particularly that we’re already at 90-10 to human-mouse, which hCLipeC5KVI-00168-00062377-00062929 I think is something that merits discussion, further diluting it is challenging. hCLipeC5KVI-00169-00062929-00063508 And also, if there’s a programmatic desire to not fund more than human and mouse, then hCLipeC5KVI-00170-00063508-00063973 probably having people put in that work doesn’t make sense, unless they contact the program hCLipeC5KVI-00171-00063973-00064073 officers first. hCLipeC5KVI-00172-00064073-00064630 So, I’ll just -- I’ll just make a more general comment, which is, I thought the workshop hCLipeC5KVI-00173-00064630-00064730 was outstanding. hCLipeC5KVI-00174-00064730-00064930 I was there, but I wasn’t one of the organizers. hCLipeC5KVI-00175-00064930-00065460 And just hats off to Carol and Eric and the other organizers of that. hCLipeC5KVI-00176-00065460-00066057 And then, also, to Mike and Elise, I feel like the concept document that came out here hCLipeC5KVI-00177-00066057-00066699 really closely echoed or matched, I think, a lot of the -- what the main themes were hCLipeC5KVI-00178-00066699-00066920 at the workshop. hCLipeC5KVI-00179-00066920-00067298 And you did a great job, I think, of capturing it. hCLipeC5KVI-00180-00067298-00067883 On this -- on this first concept, I think -- or this first -- this first subpart, you hCLipeC5KVI-00181-00067883-00068374 know, it -- some of my questions that I think I still have, which I think have come up a hCLipeC5KVI-00182-00068374-00069141 little bit before, but -- can you remind us, with -- you know, from like a 2012 perspective, hCLipeC5KVI-00183-00069141-00069662 when the funding was at the same level -- is this a smaller pot that’s going to mapping, hCLipeC5KVI-00184-00069662-00069772 relative to the other parts? hCLipeC5KVI-00185-00069772-00069872 That’s one. hCLipeC5KVI-00186-00069872-00070403 And then, two, I was wondering if -- and I had a little trouble remembering -- are there hCLipeC5KVI-00187-00070403-00071132 specific functional -- specific data types that you have in mind that have not been captured hCLipeC5KVI-00188-00071132-00071420 to date that are high on the priority list? hCLipeC5KVI-00189-00071420-00071873 Or is it more kind of, “We want to keep things open in case people have a great idea”? hCLipeC5KVI-00190-00071873-00072082 Elise Feingold: There’s a lot of questions -- hCLipeC5KVI-00191-00072082-00072182 Jay Shendure: [laughs] hCLipeC5KVI-00192-00072182-00072282 Elise Feingold: -- in there. hCLipeC5KVI-00193-00072282-00073205 So, for FY ’12, the data correction [spelled phonetically] mapping centers had $22 million hCLipeC5KVI-00194-00073205-00073542 in activities that were ones that were continuing on through. hCLipeC5KVI-00195-00073542-00073900 We had a couple of bridge fundings, where we actually -- we closed out, actually, some hCLipeC5KVI-00196-00073900-00074114 of -- or we can bridge some of the modENCODE projects. hCLipeC5KVI-00197-00074114-00074389 So, the money was a little bit more. hCLipeC5KVI-00198-00074389-00074677 But, the 22 million was for the mapping. hCLipeC5KVI-00199-00074677-00074898 And then, that went down actually to 19.2, and then currently is 18.5. hCLipeC5KVI-00200-00074898-00075130 Mike Pazin: A smaller fraction would be devoted to mapping hCLipeC5KVI-00201-00075130-00075825 per round than previous. hCLipeC5KVI-00202-00075825-00076297 Jay Shendure: And then, I guess the other question was whether hCLipeC5KVI-00203-00076297-00076968 you had specific activities and -- or specific assays in mind to consider adding, or whether hCLipeC5KVI-00204-00076968-00077068 it was more of an open call. hCLipeC5KVI-00205-00077068-00077273 Elise Feingold: So, I think we are open to new ones. hCLipeC5KVI-00206-00077273-00077692 I think we -- in the concept clearance, we specifically do talk about mapping all transcription hCLipeC5KVI-00207-00077692-00077795 factors in at least two cell types. hCLipeC5KVI-00208-00077795-00077958 I think that was laid out there. hCLipeC5KVI-00209-00077958-00078293 But I think we’re definitely open for new technologies, new methodologies that maybe hCLipeC5KVI-00210-00078293-00078819 have better information content, higher throughput, more cost-effective. hCLipeC5KVI-00211-00078819-00079400 You know, we can imagine supporting more long-range interactions because that -- we don’t support hCLipeC5KVI-00212-00079400-00079500 a lot of that now. hCLipeC5KVI-00213-00079500-00079667 We know that that’s very useful. hCLipeC5KVI-00214-00079667-00079888 So, we’re open to all of those. hCLipeC5KVI-00215-00079888-00080073 I mean, the field is rapidly changing. hCLipeC5KVI-00216-00080073-00080776 So, I think we would be foolish to be too narrow to start. hCLipeC5KVI-00217-00080776-00081442 Joseph Ecker: Yeah, I just wanted to echo the comments of hCLipeC5KVI-00218-00081442-00081635 Jay about the meeting. hCLipeC5KVI-00219-00081635-00082363 I thought the presentation captured very well what was discussed at the meeting. hCLipeC5KVI-00220-00082363-00082980 I also wanted to comment on Howard’s concern. hCLipeC5KVI-00221-00082980-00083692 I think the idea of using other model organisms within that functional category is wide open hCLipeC5KVI-00222-00083692-00084200 for the next -- the second thing that we’ll talk about, the second RFA [spelled phonetically]. hCLipeC5KVI-00223-00084200-00084410 And I think, within that, it’s fairly broad. hCLipeC5KVI-00224-00084410-00084986 I think that would probably be the place to really explore model organisms, which I highly hCLipeC5KVI-00225-00084986-00085086 support. hCLipeC5KVI-00226-00085086-00085614 Within this particular mapping, you know, the prescription of some ratio of mouse to hCLipeC5KVI-00227-00085614-00086067 human -- I think it’s difficult to try to get your arms around that because some of hCLipeC5KVI-00228-00086067-00086579 the disease focus, for example, in the mouse might be fetal, right? hCLipeC5KVI-00229-00086579-00087100 So, you might have transgenic mouse models that mimic a disease, and you want to use hCLipeC5KVI-00230-00087100-00087295 that as your model system. hCLipeC5KVI-00231-00087295-00087723 But if that’s in fetal, that wouldn’t be part of the plan, I guess. hCLipeC5KVI-00232-00087723-00088493 So, I just wanted to throw out the idea that the -- both the mapping resolution, as well hCLipeC5KVI-00233-00088493-00089194 as the disease models, could encounter stages of development which might not be covered hCLipeC5KVI-00234-00089194-00089817 in the existing description of the -- of the center, and that we should be wide open to hCLipeC5KVI-00235-00089817-00090000 those kinds of possibilities. hCLipeC5KVI-00236-00090000-00090411 Rudy Pozzatti: One second. hCLipeC5KVI-00237-00090411-00090701 Bob Nussbaum, are you on the phone? hCLipeC5KVI-00238-00090701-00090829 Did you have comments? hCLipeC5KVI-00239-00090829-00091069 Robert Nussbaum: I am on the phone. hCLipeC5KVI-00240-00091069-00091535 And I had no issues with this first functional element mapping center. hCLipeC5KVI-00241-00091535-00091854 Most of what I have to say is about two, three, and four. hCLipeC5KVI-00242-00091854-00091954 Rudy Pozzatti: Okay. hCLipeC5KVI-00243-00091954-00092175 We’ll bring you back, then. hCLipeC5KVI-00244-00092175-00092819 David Page: So, I find the proposal -- the concept very hCLipeC5KVI-00245-00092819-00092968 interesting. hCLipeC5KVI-00246-00092968-00093761 I’m -- daunted -- I find daunting the dimension -- the infinite dimensionality. hCLipeC5KVI-00247-00093761-00094654 And I’m -- you know, the -- several times during the write-up, you have this very carefully hCLipeC5KVI-00248-00094654-00095094 chosen phrase about bounding the space or something like that, right? hCLipeC5KVI-00249-00095094-00095810 And so -- but I guess I’m wondering, in sort of, you know, executing this, how you hCLipeC5KVI-00250-00095810-00096193 actually deal with the infinite dimensionality of things. hCLipeC5KVI-00251-00096193-00096789 So, you just mentioned it’d be great to map all transcription factors in two cell hCLipeC5KVI-00252-00096789-00096889 lines. hCLipeC5KVI-00253-00096889-00097056 Well, okay, there’s an awe [spelled phonetically]. hCLipeC5KVI-00254-00097056-00097501 Well, [laughs] just to point out, that very sentence sort of illustrates the problem. hCLipeC5KVI-00255-00097501-00098017 And then, if I think about -- okay, and you’re going to convey -- you’re going to translate hCLipeC5KVI-00256-00098017-00098224 that into a disease space. hCLipeC5KVI-00257-00098224-00098504 So, I’m sort of wondering, what is a disease sample? hCLipeC5KVI-00258-00098504-00098744 Is a disease sample a cell line? hCLipeC5KVI-00259-00098744-00099192 Obviously there are only certain diseases from which you can meaningfully derive cell hCLipeC5KVI-00260-00099192-00099292 lines. hCLipeC5KVI-00261-00099292-00099413 Are we talking about tissue samples? hCLipeC5KVI-00262-00099413-00099805 How do you map transcription factor binding sites from two cell lines? hCLipeC5KVI-00263-00099805-00100333 How do you actually connect that in any meaningful way to disease studies? hCLipeC5KVI-00264-00100333-00101013 And so, I’m just -- I’m very enthusiastic, but I -- just thinking about operationally, hCLipeC5KVI-00265-00101013-00101725 how do you reduce the infinite dimensionality of this thing into something that applicants hCLipeC5KVI-00266-00101725-00101920 and reviewers can handle? hCLipeC5KVI-00267-00101920-00102195 Elise Feingold: [inaudible] hCLipeC5KVI-00268-00102195-00102698 Daniel Gilchrist: Yeah, I think that that’s a really great hCLipeC5KVI-00269-00102698-00102804 question. hCLipeC5KVI-00270-00102804-00103508 So, the idea of this sort of very, very large matrix -- it’s overwhelming, as we’ve hCLipeC5KVI-00271-00103508-00103608 come up against. hCLipeC5KVI-00272-00103608-00104148 Or -- and this was discussed in the workshop, and one of the ideas that was brought out hCLipeC5KVI-00273-00104148-00104775 was that if you could sort of aggressively dimensionality reduce the matrix and identify, hCLipeC5KVI-00274-00104775-00105627 you know, different elements, key cell types, key disease samples that would sort of maximize hCLipeC5KVI-00275-00105627-00106633 your ability to impute to other spaces of this matrix, that that would -- to make it hCLipeC5KVI-00276-00106633-00107124 more generalizable, that that would be a sort of conceptual direction you go. hCLipeC5KVI-00277-00107124-00107257 I mean, how do you do that practically? hCLipeC5KVI-00278-00107257-00107473 That’s a research question. hCLipeC5KVI-00279-00107473-00108075 There are a couple ideas that were sort of brought up at the workshop. hCLipeC5KVI-00280-00108075-00108552 One idea was just to get the data where you can get the data. hCLipeC5KVI-00281-00108552-00109244 You know, get the samples that are easiest to study first, and then model based on that hCLipeC5KVI-00282-00109244-00109703 and try to identify areas of the matrix where you can extrapolate to. hCLipeC5KVI-00283-00109703-00110320 Another suggestion was to start out with a modeling component, where you try to figure hCLipeC5KVI-00284-00110320-00110950 out how to impute to some of these areas of this matrix, see where your models break down, hCLipeC5KVI-00285-00110950-00111566 realize that now we need samples in this area, and sort of do iterations of that to identify hCLipeC5KVI-00286-00111566-00111998 regions of this matrix that you might fill in. hCLipeC5KVI-00287-00111998-00112235 But this is a great question. hCLipeC5KVI-00288-00112235-00112600 Elise Feingold: And I think the idea was that we would have hCLipeC5KVI-00289-00112600-00113060 the applicants make a proposal, and then the group would come together and strategize, hCLipeC5KVI-00290-00113060-00113566 you know, in the mapping centers, but also the EDCAC as well. hCLipeC5KVI-00291-00113566-00114005 Jay, you wanted to -- oh, I’m sorry, Carol. hCLipeC5KVI-00292-00114005-00114224 Jay, and then Carol. hCLipeC5KVI-00293-00114224-00114634 Carol Bult: So, the bounding question, as Dan pointed hCLipeC5KVI-00294-00114634-00114905 out, came up many times during the workshop. hCLipeC5KVI-00295-00114905-00115534 And I think, in the end, there were many different viewpoints in the participants about how the hCLipeC5KVI-00296-00115534-00115738 -- how that bounding could happen. hCLipeC5KVI-00297-00115738-00116244 And a lot of it was dependent on the biological question at hand. hCLipeC5KVI-00298-00116244-00116871 And so, I think, in this concept document, the issue is brought up without a specific hCLipeC5KVI-00299-00116871-00117467 solution because the idea would be that the investigators would have to justify that what hCLipeC5KVI-00300-00117467-00117774 they’re proposing has a reasonable bound on it. hCLipeC5KVI-00301-00117774-00118389 Rather than imposing a particular strategy for that bounding here, specifically, it would hCLipeC5KVI-00302-00118389-00118783 be left as a principle upon which the proposals would be evaluated. hCLipeC5KVI-00303-00118783-00119011 That was my recollection. hCLipeC5KVI-00304-00119011-00119541 David Page: Let me -- just sort of echoing things that hCLipeC5KVI-00305-00119541-00120200 I think have -- sort of circle around this table fairly frequently, we talk about -- and hCLipeC5KVI-00306-00120200-00120844 actually, we talk about as a council, and actually, the language of these clearances, hCLipeC5KVI-00307-00120844-00121513 talks about the need to sort of expand the tent to bring more people, you know, more hCLipeC5KVI-00308-00121513-00121877 investigators into the mix. hCLipeC5KVI-00309-00121877-00122185 And, Carol, I like what you’ve just said. hCLipeC5KVI-00310-00122185-00123006 But I want to flip it around and say, just framing this as a grantsmanship challenge, hCLipeC5KVI-00311-00123006-00123698 this strikes me as being an enormous challenge for people who are not inside the tent to hCLipeC5KVI-00312-00123698-00124298 read the comments that you just made, Carol [laughs], about how -- you know, there’s hCLipeC5KVI-00313-00124298-00125018 so many sort of unspecified variables, yet there will be -- as always occurs, in a study hCLipeC5KVI-00314-00125018-00125410 section, the right answers emerge, right? hCLipeC5KVI-00315-00125410-00126136 And so, this strikes me as a -- as posing an enormous grantsmanship challenge for people hCLipeC5KVI-00316-00126136-00126894 who are not already completely inside the tent to figure out, okay, what is going to hCLipeC5KVI-00317-00126894-00127790 satisfy a study section with all of these unspecified dimensions? hCLipeC5KVI-00318-00127790-00128400 And I mean people with great ideas and great biological insights having to navigate and hCLipeC5KVI-00319-00128400-00128777 chart these grantsmanship waters. hCLipeC5KVI-00320-00128777-00129217 Carol Bult: It’s the classic problem, right? hCLipeC5KVI-00321-00129217-00129766 You don’t want to define things so tightly that you leave things -- you leave people hCLipeC5KVI-00322-00129766-00129866 out. hCLipeC5KVI-00323-00129866-00130361 But yet, you have to define it well enough that people can know how to respond. hCLipeC5KVI-00324-00130361-00130526 I think it’s a classic problem. hCLipeC5KVI-00325-00130526-00130770 I wish I had a specific answer. hCLipeC5KVI-00326-00130770-00131123 Elise Feingold: We can also have a broader discussion of this, hCLipeC5KVI-00327-00131123-00131835 I think, big challenge with a broader swath of the community, as well, to come up with hCLipeC5KVI-00328-00131835-00131935 ideas. hCLipeC5KVI-00329-00131935-00132265 Rudy Pozzatti: Other questions or comments about -- Joe? hCLipeC5KVI-00330-00132265-00132399 Joseph Ecker: Let me just comment. hCLipeC5KVI-00331-00132399-00133045 I think the user workshop that -- it will have great opportunity to get input about hCLipeC5KVI-00332-00133045-00133496 the kinds of things the community is doing and would like to see. hCLipeC5KVI-00333-00133496-00133899 There may be unique opportunities -- I think that was part of the discussion we had -- where hCLipeC5KVI-00334-00133899-00134375 some systems may be, you know, really ripe to study some developmental process, let’s hCLipeC5KVI-00335-00134375-00134639 say just cells in a dish, that are differentiated. hCLipeC5KVI-00336-00134639-00135070 And there’s a disease model that you can overlay on top of that that’s been well hCLipeC5KVI-00337-00135070-00135170 validated. hCLipeC5KVI-00338-00135170-00135721 And that could be -- you know, that could be a collaboration between those expert labs hCLipeC5KVI-00339-00135721-00136178 that have spent, you know, 20 years developing that particular model, to then put that into hCLipeC5KVI-00340-00136178-00136278 the pipeline. hCLipeC5KVI-00341-00136278-00136845 So, that would be one example, I think, of how you could -- you could be opportunistic. hCLipeC5KVI-00342-00136845-00137357 Rudy Pozzatti: All right. hCLipeC5KVI-00343-00137357-00138248 A five-second rule, if no one jumps in, then it’s time to take an action. hCLipeC5KVI-00344-00138248-00138927 So, can I get a motion to accept or approve concept initiative number one? hCLipeC5KVI-00345-00138927-00139154 And a second? hCLipeC5KVI-00346-00139154-00139381 All in favor? hCLipeC5KVI-00347-00139381-00139608 Robert Nussbaum: Aye. hCLipeC5KVI-00348-00139608-00139986 Rudy Pozzatti: Thank you, Bob. hCLipeC5KVI-00349-00139986-00140138 All right. hCLipeC5KVI-00350-00140138-00140325 Any opposed? hCLipeC5KVI-00351-00140325-00140429 Any abstentions? hCLipeC5KVI-00352-00140429-00140615 Thank you. hCLipeC5KVI-00353-00140615-00140868 On to initiative two, then. hCLipeC5KVI-00354-00140868-00141128 Robert Nussbaum: This is Bob. hCLipeC5KVI-00355-00141128-00141333 Could I speak up about -- on initiative two? hCLipeC5KVI-00356-00141333-00141433 Rudy Pozzatti: Sure. hCLipeC5KVI-00357-00141433-00141616 Why don’t you lead us off, Bob? hCLipeC5KVI-00358-00141616-00141730 Robert Nussbaum: Okay, thanks. hCLipeC5KVI-00359-00141730-00142402 I had a lot of difficulty reading this document and trying to understand exactly what element hCLipeC5KVI-00360-00142402-00142579 two was about. hCLipeC5KVI-00361-00142579-00143096 And after talking to Mike at length about it, listening to the conversation this morning, hCLipeC5KVI-00362-00143096-00143429 and then reading it and re-reading it, I think I finally understand it. hCLipeC5KVI-00363-00143429-00144028 And the problem that I had, I think, really just has to do with some language and that hCLipeC5KVI-00364-00144028-00144541 I would like to recommend some different language to describe the functional element characterization hCLipeC5KVI-00365-00144541-00144641 center. hCLipeC5KVI-00366-00144641-00145076 I think there needs to be some -- it’s not really that you’re trying to create a set hCLipeC5KVI-00367-00145076-00145415 of well-characterized and validated function elements. hCLipeC5KVI-00368-00145415-00146526 It’s that you’re trying to enhance the catalog of candidates by characterizing and hCLipeC5KVI-00369-00146526-00146958 validating those functional elements in healthy and diseased states. hCLipeC5KVI-00370-00146958-00147464 And that it’s -- you have to say something in there that it’s not enough to show a hCLipeC5KVI-00371-00147464-00148164 biochemical assay that is thought or is implied to have functional impact, from which one hCLipeC5KVI-00372-00148164-00148495 could then infer, perhaps, an impact on health and disease. hCLipeC5KVI-00373-00148495-00149371 There needs to be a demonstration of a connection between an element that has a biochemical hCLipeC5KVI-00374-00149371-00150009 signature of some kind, and a functional activity in health -- in the healthy state and in disease. hCLipeC5KVI-00375-00150009-00150677 And this is not different from what I think this concept is about. hCLipeC5KVI-00376-00150677-00151149 I just think the language needs to be clearer so that people who are perhaps at the periphery hCLipeC5KVI-00377-00151149-00151686 of the tent, or perhaps even outside the tent, can really understand your intent a little hCLipeC5KVI-00378-00151686-00151786 bit better. hCLipeC5KVI-00379-00151786-00152071 Elise Feingold: Point well taken. hCLipeC5KVI-00380-00152071-00152194 Thank you. hCLipeC5KVI-00381-00152194-00152794 Robert Nussbaum: I mean, for example, if you go to the “What’s hCLipeC5KVI-00382-00152794-00153462 New” page, which is page two, under the functional element characterization centers, hCLipeC5KVI-00383-00153462-00153923 you say it’s a new activity targeted at validating and characterizing candidate function hCLipeC5KVI-00384-00153923-00154023 elements. hCLipeC5KVI-00385-00154023-00154398 Well, I think that really says what it is that you want, whereas on page one, on the hCLipeC5KVI-00386-00154398-00154940 overview, I think that actually gets obfuscated in the statement of the purpose. hCLipeC5KVI-00387-00154940-00155452 I mean, I guess what really helped me understand this functional element characterization and hCLipeC5KVI-00388-00155452-00155951 the difference between the mapping, more than anything else, was a model. hCLipeC5KVI-00389-00155951-00156583 And the model that I used to think this through was BCL11A, how you have an enhancer site hCLipeC5KVI-00390-00156583-00157265 within BCL11A that was identified by ENCODE as one of the catalog of candidate functional hCLipeC5KVI-00391-00157265-00157433 elements. hCLipeC5KVI-00392-00157433-00157874 You have the locus control region and the globin locus, which had been identified before hCLipeC5KVI-00393-00157874-00158714 ENCODE even existed as a -- both a candidate and a real functional element. hCLipeC5KVI-00394-00158714-00159406 And there was a demonstration of a variation in that enhancer binding site BCL11A that hCLipeC5KVI-00395-00159406-00159906 resulted in a quantitative difference in the expression of BCL11A, and therefore a difference hCLipeC5KVI-00396-00159906-00160669 in the degree to which beta-globin switching occurred, resulting in enhanced fetal hemoglobin, hCLipeC5KVI-00397-00160669-00161376 and an improvement in the sickle cell anemia because of having additional fetal hemoglobin. hCLipeC5KVI-00398-00161376-00161940 I mean, that connection -- I think that’s a poster child for what you’d like to see hCLipeC5KVI-00399-00161940-00162234 in the functional element characterization center. hCLipeC5KVI-00400-00162234-00162547 That’s a beautiful trans-acting mechanism. hCLipeC5KVI-00401-00162547-00163594 I’d like to see hundreds, thousands of those, particularly since the BCL11A one was a GWAS hCLipeC5KVI-00402-00163594-00163694 hit. hCLipeC5KVI-00403-00163694-00164346 So, connecting it to the GWAS, I think, would be an important thing to try to at least suggest, hCLipeC5KVI-00404-00164346-00164789 not require, but suggest, in the functional element characterization centers. hCLipeC5KVI-00405-00164789-00165524 That’s it; that’s all I have to say. hCLipeC5KVI-00406-00165524-00166551 Rudy Pozzatti: So, I know, when I read an FOA, one of the hCLipeC5KVI-00407-00166551-00166959 things that really helps me understand what this is all about is the section where they hCLipeC5KVI-00408-00166959-00167308 say, “Examples of such research projects could include.” hCLipeC5KVI-00409-00167308-00167557 That’s left out of these concept documents. hCLipeC5KVI-00410-00167557-00168064 And so, I think the message we’re getting is, give serious thought to how those’ll hCLipeC5KVI-00411-00168064-00168239 be framed. hCLipeC5KVI-00412-00168239-00168589 Robert Nussbaum: Thank you. hCLipeC5KVI-00413-00168589-00169153 Dan Roden: Aside from the -- sort of the generalities hCLipeC5KVI-00414-00169153-00169776 of getting consented samples, how would -- how would the use of samples that are specifically hCLipeC5KVI-00415-00169776-00169883 consented help? hCLipeC5KVI-00416-00169883-00170349 Or is that just an NIH-wide policy at this point? hCLipeC5KVI-00417-00170349-00170631 Is the idea to go back to specific patients, or is that part of this RFA, or how does that hCLipeC5KVI-00418-00170631-00170731 -- hCLipeC5KVI-00419-00170731-00171032 Elise Feingold: The idea is, the data does not -- you don’t hCLipeC5KVI-00420-00171032-00171634 have to go through dbGaP to get to the data -- to the primary data. hCLipeC5KVI-00421-00171634-00171768 Dan Roden: And how are you -- how are you going to get hCLipeC5KVI-00422-00171768-00171874 to the data, then? hCLipeC5KVI-00423-00171874-00172184 Elise Feingold: Through the ENCODE portal [unintelligible]. hCLipeC5KVI-00424-00172184-00172524 Jay Shendure: Yes, I think -- I just -- I think that part hCLipeC5KVI-00425-00172524-00172624 is critical. hCLipeC5KVI-00426-00172624-00173174 I think keeping this data that’s generated by ENCODE as utterly accessible is possible, hCLipeC5KVI-00427-00173174-00173706 even if it means giving up some good samples, is important. hCLipeC5KVI-00428-00173706-00173928 Right. hCLipeC5KVI-00429-00173928-00174819 Rudy Pozzatti: All right. hCLipeC5KVI-00430-00174819-00175061 Five-second rule is being imposed. hCLipeC5KVI-00431-00175061-00175439 Can I get a motion to approve or accept the concept as proposed? hCLipeC5KVI-00432-00175439-00175753 Robert Nussbaum: Approve. hCLipeC5KVI-00433-00175753-00176068 Rudy Pozzatti: Second? hCLipeC5KVI-00434-00176068-00176216 All in favor? hCLipeC5KVI-00435-00176216-00176316 Robert Nussbaum: Aye. hCLipeC5KVI-00436-00176316-00176443 Rudy Pozzatti: Any opposed? hCLipeC5KVI-00437-00176443-00176543 Any abstentions? hCLipeC5KVI-00438-00176543-00176643 Thank you. hCLipeC5KVI-00439-00176643-00176831 On to number three. hCLipeC5KVI-00440-00176831-00177431 Robert Nussbaum: I had a question about three and four together. hCLipeC5KVI-00441-00177431-00178173 And I think this may echo what Eric said earlier, which is -- and since I don’t -- I neither hCLipeC5KVI-00442-00178173-00178927 create software for analysis or work on the -- on databases -- is separating the computational hCLipeC5KVI-00443-00178927-00180242 analysis expertise from the database -- the data and resources to support analysis -- is hCLipeC5KVI-00444-00180242-00180811 that a -- is that a clear distinction, or is it -- should there be more emphasis on hCLipeC5KVI-00445-00180811-00181004 the coordination of those two elements? hCLipeC5KVI-00446-00181004-00181488 Mike Pazin: So, Bob, I think this is less about separating hCLipeC5KVI-00447-00181488-00182114 out the basic data processing and more about separating out projects that are designed hCLipeC5KVI-00448-00182114-00182373 to use the resource in different analyses. hCLipeC5KVI-00449-00182373-00182947 And I would point out that this is the way the current ENCODE project is set up. hCLipeC5KVI-00450-00182947-00183450 We set out some broad areas that people could put in computational projects, either better hCLipeC5KVI-00451-00183450-00183983 ways to identify elements, better ways to predict their function, or better ways to hCLipeC5KVI-00452-00183983-00184246 look at elements associated with the disease. hCLipeC5KVI-00453-00184246-00184810 And then we got investigators that suggested projects, like Robert Klein and Soumya Raychaudhuri hCLipeC5KVI-00454-00184810-00185271 saying, “I want to see if I can use the ENCODE data for disease,” or others looking hCLipeC5KVI-00455-00185271-00185847 -- like Sunduz Keles and Colin Dewey looking to see, “I want to” -- they wanted to hCLipeC5KVI-00456-00185847-00186214 learn, are there better ways to repetitive elements and so forth? hCLipeC5KVI-00457-00186214-00186794 So, for the computational analysis, the idea is, these are individual projects that are hCLipeC5KVI-00458-00186794-00187395 not the core mission of the consortium, whereas the data analysis center would be doing things hCLipeC5KVI-00459-00187395-00187923 that are core mission of the consortium, like defining how the data -- how the basic data hCLipeC5KVI-00460-00187923-00188319 processing is done, and the uniform data processing is done. hCLipeC5KVI-00461-00188319-00188430 Robert Nussbaum: Good. hCLipeC5KVI-00462-00188430-00188530 That makes sense. hCLipeC5KVI-00463-00188530-00189124 And I -- think the idea of essentially carving out a place for people with smart ideas on hCLipeC5KVI-00464-00189124-00189643 how to do specific analyses for specific projects is a good idea. hCLipeC5KVI-00465-00189643-00190189 David Page: Can I pick up sort of that question? hCLipeC5KVI-00466-00190189-00190688 So, I think one of the things that ENCODE can be most proud of is this -- something hCLipeC5KVI-00467-00190688-00191316 you’ve already highlighted, which is the enormous number of publications that investigators hCLipeC5KVI-00468-00191316-00192033 not funded by ENCODE have published, not just referencing ENCODE but using ENCODE data. hCLipeC5KVI-00469-00192033-00192353 That’s -- I think it’s fantastic. hCLipeC5KVI-00470-00192353-00192870 So -- but when I look at this one, I -- then I get a -- in light of that enormous community hCLipeC5KVI-00471-00192870-00193593 use of the ENCODE data, I get a little confused because I say, “Is this an invitation to hCLipeC5KVI-00472-00193593-00194347 users of ENCODE data to apply for funding to do their analysis of ENCODE data? hCLipeC5KVI-00473-00194347-00194849 And where’s the line” -- you see where I’m [laughs] -- I think you see where I’m hCLipeC5KVI-00474-00194849-00194949 going. hCLipeC5KVI-00475-00194949-00195119 I mean, I -- yeah. hCLipeC5KVI-00476-00195119-00195898 So, I’d love to hear some commentary on what distinguishes the run-of-the-mill ENCODE hCLipeC5KVI-00477-00195898-00196545 user from the applicant for program three. hCLipeC5KVI-00478-00196545-00196952 Mike Pazin: I think it’s pretty standard -- and we’ve hCLipeC5KVI-00479-00196952-00197393 heard it in today’s discussion -- this tension of, how do we bring more people into ENCODE, hCLipeC5KVI-00480-00197393-00197671 so that we get the best minds participating? hCLipeC5KVI-00481-00197671-00198220 And then, how do we just generate the resource and leave it to individual investigators to hCLipeC5KVI-00482-00198220-00198320 use the resource? hCLipeC5KVI-00483-00198320-00198637 We’re trying to do both at the same time. hCLipeC5KVI-00484-00198637-00199123 And this seemed to be an appropriate balance, to bring in a limited number of computational hCLipeC5KVI-00485-00199123-00199713 projects that would hopefully illustrate how the data can be used to other users. hCLipeC5KVI-00486-00199713-00200172 But yes, there is this tension of, we brought everybody into ENCODE -- [laughs] you know, hCLipeC5KVI-00487-00200172-00200550 that’s one way to twiddle the dial, as Eric would say. hCLipeC5KVI-00488-00200550-00201055 Or we could say we wouldn’t have anybody in this and solely leave it to outside users. hCLipeC5KVI-00489-00201055-00201232 This is the balance that we’re looking at. hCLipeC5KVI-00490-00201232-00201679 Elise Feingold: And I’d just like to add that these groups hCLipeC5KVI-00491-00201679-00202171 primarily are -- I think I’m [unintelligible] -- are largely focused on methods development hCLipeC5KVI-00492-00202171-00202762 and not just on their favorite research disease or project, although I think we are open to hCLipeC5KVI-00493-00202762-00202918 that in this -- initiative. hCLipeC5KVI-00494-00202918-00203501 And also, by being a part of the consortium, they really are getting in on very early discussions hCLipeC5KVI-00495-00203501-00204020 about the data and looking under the hood, if you will, at the data and sort of bringing hCLipeC5KVI-00496-00204020-00204665 an outsider’s view about processing data, bringing in specific expertise that’s been hCLipeC5KVI-00497-00204665-00205094 helpful to creating a better resource for the community. hCLipeC5KVI-00498-00205094-00205194 Joe. hCLipeC5KVI-00499-00205194-00205467 Joseph Ecker: Yeah, I just wanted to comment. hCLipeC5KVI-00500-00205467-00206073 My experience with this group, the current group, is that they are -- they participate hCLipeC5KVI-00501-00206073-00206319 very -- in a very integrated way. hCLipeC5KVI-00502-00206319-00206923 For example, with the mapping centers, although their function is to develop these novel tools, hCLipeC5KVI-00503-00206923-00207494 oftentimes during the conversations about what they’re doing, an issue will come up hCLipeC5KVI-00504-00207494-00207910 -- “Oh, we can use that to validate across all the data sets which ones are outliers,” hCLipeC5KVI-00505-00207910-00208010 for example. hCLipeC5KVI-00506-00208010-00208196 “We’ve got some new approach to do that.” hCLipeC5KVI-00507-00208196-00208851 So, there’s a real mixing beyond their own interest with the production groups and ways hCLipeC5KVI-00508-00208851-00209439 of looking at that data that really are fertilized by having them as part of the consortium. hCLipeC5KVI-00509-00209439-00209850 Elise Feingold: Eric, did you want to say something? hCLipeC5KVI-00510-00209850-00210215 Eric Boerwinkle: Not at this time [spelled phonetically]. hCLipeC5KVI-00511-00210215-00210564 Dan Roden: I find the juxtaposition of investigator-initiated hCLipeC5KVI-00512-00210564-00210926 and U01 on the same slide sort of jarring. hCLipeC5KVI-00513-00210926-00211328 And maybe this -- maybe you’re not the right -- I’m not sure who the right person to hCLipeC5KVI-00514-00211328-00211604 sort of make a comment on that is. hCLipeC5KVI-00515-00211604-00211888 I can understand why you’d want to -- you’d want to do it that way. hCLipeC5KVI-00516-00211888-00212483 But it feels like it’s investigator-initiated, all right, but the institute is still going hCLipeC5KVI-00517-00212483-00212786 to sort of direct the way things happen. hCLipeC5KVI-00518-00212786-00212886 And -- hCLipeC5KVI-00519-00212886-00212986 Elise Feingold: If I had a chance to edit the slide, I -- earlier hCLipeC5KVI-00520-00212986-00213263 today, as we were having a discussion, I would have. hCLipeC5KVI-00521-00213263-00213367 It was already on here. hCLipeC5KVI-00522-00213367-00213553 I think -- I can understand that that’s misleading. hCLipeC5KVI-00523-00213553-00213819 I think the idea here really is, it is the ideas from the investigators. hCLipeC5KVI-00524-00213819-00214242 We’re not saying, “We want this exact work being done.” hCLipeC5KVI-00525-00214242-00214678 But it is -- it is an initiative with set-aside funds. hCLipeC5KVI-00526-00214678-00215027 Mike Pazin: I would just add to that that with the current hCLipeC5KVI-00527-00215027-00215707 computational analysis programs -- projects, they are -- they have a great deal of freedom. hCLipeC5KVI-00528-00215707-00216203 And a lot of the cooperative agreement part stems in things like making sure that they hCLipeC5KVI-00529-00216203-00216755 follow the consortium practices, that they’re sharing their software rapidly and so forth, hCLipeC5KVI-00530-00216755-00217417 as opposed to the consortium or NHGRI staff telling them they need to change their project, hCLipeC5KVI-00531-00217417-00217528 or “This is what it is.” hCLipeC5KVI-00532-00217528-00217875 They do their projects as they wrote them and as they see them. hCLipeC5KVI-00533-00217875-00218042 Elise Feingold: Lon. hCLipeC5KVI-00534-00218042-00218536 Lon Cardon: So, as you were describing the function of hCLipeC5KVI-00535-00218536-00218978 the -- of the -- these groups, I now got confused on -- we actually have three groups doing hCLipeC5KVI-00536-00218978-00219078 analysis here, right? hCLipeC5KVI-00537-00219078-00219400 We have the -- those in the production centers, which historically have been pretty strong, hCLipeC5KVI-00538-00219400-00219744 and the DAC, and now these investigator-led ones. hCLipeC5KVI-00539-00219744-00220239 Now I’m confused about the function of the DAC and the production center analysts themselves. hCLipeC5KVI-00540-00220239-00220579 Elise Feingold: So, the analysis under the production centers hCLipeC5KVI-00541-00220579-00220933 is really just to do quality assessment of their own data. hCLipeC5KVI-00542-00220933-00221113 Of course, they’re free to publish on their own data. hCLipeC5KVI-00543-00221113-00221213 But -- hCLipeC5KVI-00544-00221213-00221436 Lon Cardon: But a lot more than that, I think, isn't it? hCLipeC5KVI-00545-00221436-00221536 Male Speaker: Okay. hCLipeC5KVI-00546-00221536-00221711 Elise Feingold: What [unintelligible] -- anything to add to hCLipeC5KVI-00547-00221711-00221811 that? hCLipeC5KVI-00548-00221811-00221936 I’m not -- yeah, I’m not sure I know -- hCLipeC5KVI-00549-00221936-00222181 Lon Cardon: And the -- and the DAC is to bring those data hCLipeC5KVI-00550-00222181-00222586 together from the different member -- different production centers. hCLipeC5KVI-00551-00222586-00222686 Is that -- hCLipeC5KVI-00552-00222686-00223092 Mike Pazin: So, the DCC houses accessions, the data, displays hCLipeC5KVI-00553-00223092-00223454 the data, and gets it into GEO and so forth, okay? hCLipeC5KVI-00554-00223454-00223554 Male Speaker: [inaudible] hCLipeC5KVI-00555-00223554-00223790 Mike Pazin: Whereas the DAC, the Data Analysis Center, hCLipeC5KVI-00556-00223790-00224310 is involved in the basic processing and harmonizing the data, deciding how that should be done, hCLipeC5KVI-00557-00224310-00224594 the DCC actually does the computations, okay? hCLipeC5KVI-00558-00224594-00225021 So, I mean, these are complex data types, and many decisions to be made. hCLipeC5KVI-00559-00225021-00225467 For instance, we wrestle with, what’s the best way to display transcriptome data? hCLipeC5KVI-00560-00225467-00225946 You could say, “This is the expression by axon; this is the expression by transcript; hCLipeC5KVI-00561-00225946-00226129 this is the expression by gene.” hCLipeC5KVI-00562-00226129-00226558 And once you’ve made one of these decisions, which some people will grumble about no matter hCLipeC5KVI-00563-00226558-00226834 how you make it, then how do you actually implement that? hCLipeC5KVI-00564-00226834-00227079 Again, there’s no one best practice, okay? hCLipeC5KVI-00565-00227079-00227582 So, the DAC is very involved in that part, the -- setting up the basic computation that hCLipeC5KVI-00566-00227582-00228094 should be done with each data type, and making sure that the data are uniformly processed hCLipeC5KVI-00567-00228094-00228504 to maximize the chance of comparison across groups and data type. hCLipeC5KVI-00568-00228504-00228680 Rudy Pozzatti: Go. hCLipeC5KVI-00569-00228680-00228913 Lucila first, then Joe. hCLipeC5KVI-00570-00228913-00229239 Lucila Ohno-Machado: Again, maybe that was not the intent when hCLipeC5KVI-00571-00229239-00229888 it was written, but the way it appears is that the model download is still predominantly hCLipeC5KVI-00572-00229888-00230534 what will be done in this type of project, whereas it might not be the case with very hCLipeC5KVI-00573-00230534-00231027 large data sets and having people come and compute where the data are. hCLipeC5KVI-00574-00231027-00231850 So, I wonder if any consideration was given to a different kind of setup in that case hCLipeC5KVI-00575-00231850-00232419 -- if having a separate coordinating center or in the analysis center would be a good hCLipeC5KVI-00576-00232419-00232519 thing to do. hCLipeC5KVI-00577-00232519-00232619 Elise Feingold: I missed the first part -- hCLipeC5KVI-00578-00232619-00233117 Joseph Ecker: So, are we jumping to number four? hCLipeC5KVI-00579-00233117-00233217 Elise Feingold: Yeah, perhaps. hCLipeC5KVI-00580-00233217-00233317 Joseph Ecker: Yeah. hCLipeC5KVI-00581-00233317-00233601 Lucila Ohno-Machado: Well, it is related because this three is hCLipeC5KVI-00582-00233601-00234026 assuming everyone will download data, which might not be the case. hCLipeC5KVI-00583-00234026-00234209 Elise Feingold: [inaudible] hCLipeC5KVI-00584-00234209-00234619 Mike Pazin: The model that we use now, which was suggested hCLipeC5KVI-00585-00234619-00235306 by the investigators as part of their application, is that not only do we have the data at GEO hCLipeC5KVI-00586-00235306-00235710 term of award [spelled phonetically], but they have data in Amazon cloud. hCLipeC5KVI-00587-00235710-00236194 And we also have the uniform processing pipelines at the Amazon cloud. hCLipeC5KVI-00588-00236194-00236589 So, we’re -- we think we’re offering users both options. hCLipeC5KVI-00589-00236589-00237089 They can download the data they wish, analyze it with any tool they have, if they wish. hCLipeC5KVI-00590-00237089-00237348 They can use the data in the cloud if they wish. hCLipeC5KVI-00591-00237348-00237751 They can analyze it with any tool of theirs or any tool of ours. hCLipeC5KVI-00592-00237751-00238067 We’re trying to give people as much flexibility as possible. hCLipeC5KVI-00593-00238067-00238350 So, I apologize if that doesn’t come across. hCLipeC5KVI-00594-00238350-00238716 Joseph Ecker: Yeah, sorry, my comment’s related to the hCLipeC5KVI-00595-00238716-00238989 next one because we were drifting a bit. hCLipeC5KVI-00596-00238989-00239391 Rudy Pozzatti: So, let me ask you to clarify. hCLipeC5KVI-00597-00239391-00240010 How much of initiative three is, “We want high-quality analyses done of all these data hCLipeC5KVI-00598-00240010-00240775 that will be produced in one and two,” versus, “We want new methods of analysis being done”? hCLipeC5KVI-00599-00240775-00241251 Is there a balance there, or is it trying to do both? hCLipeC5KVI-00600-00241251-00241676 Elise Feingold: I think it’s more focused on new methodologies hCLipeC5KVI-00601-00241676-00241776 and new approaches to analyzing data, rather than, “I’ve got my favorite data set and hCLipeC5KVI-00602-00241776-00241876 I want to” -- hCLipeC5KVI-00603-00241876-00241980 Rudy Pozzatti: Right. hCLipeC5KVI-00604-00241980-00242200 Elise Feingold: -- it’s -- you really have to bring something hCLipeC5KVI-00605-00242200-00242300 novel and new to this -- hCLipeC5KVI-00606-00242300-00242400 Rudy Pozzatti: Right. hCLipeC5KVI-00607-00242400-00242500 Okay. hCLipeC5KVI-00608-00242500-00242600 Elise Feingold: -- that’s going to be generalizable, not hCLipeC5KVI-00609-00242600-00242806 “my favorite project.” hCLipeC5KVI-00610-00242806-00243144 Rudy Pozzatti: Okay. hCLipeC5KVI-00611-00243144-00243371 Thank you. hCLipeC5KVI-00612-00243371-00243673 Other questions about initiative three? hCLipeC5KVI-00613-00243673-00243853 Okay. hCLipeC5KVI-00614-00243853-00244426 Can I get a motion to accept or approve the concept? hCLipeC5KVI-00615-00244426-00244526 Second? hCLipeC5KVI-00616-00244526-00244759 All in favor? hCLipeC5KVI-00617-00244759-00244926 Any opposed? hCLipeC5KVI-00618-00244926-00245092 Any abstentions? hCLipeC5KVI-00619-00245092-00245259 Thank you. hCLipeC5KVI-00620-00245259-00245494 On to number four. hCLipeC5KVI-00621-00245494-00246571 Elise Feingold: Joe, you said you had a question on -- hCLipeC5KVI-00622-00246571-00246906 Joseph Ecker: My question was just some clarification that hCLipeC5KVI-00623-00246906-00247557 this group -- so, additional functions that will have to be taken on that wouldn’t be, hCLipeC5KVI-00624-00247557-00248210 for example, part of the other groups, either the production center analysis that happens hCLipeC5KVI-00625-00248210-00248823 there, or the number-three groups, would be, you know, interacting with the community. hCLipeC5KVI-00626-00248823-00249392 Now, to create -- to process their data, to be -- to work with them -- that’s going hCLipeC5KVI-00627-00249392-00249939 to be a completely new function that’s embedded in this that really requires a dedicated effort hCLipeC5KVI-00628-00249939-00250341 because we do want to capture -- there’s a lot of great science out there. hCLipeC5KVI-00629-00250341-00250648 You know, these tools are now in the hands of many laboratories. hCLipeC5KVI-00630-00250648-00251155 And -- but you need to have standards that are -- that are in place and quality checks hCLipeC5KVI-00631-00251155-00251734 to -- and people to -- dedicated to that, to bring that data in to make the encyclopedia hCLipeC5KVI-00632-00251734-00251877 more rich. hCLipeC5KVI-00633-00251877-00252266 Elise Feingold: So, I -- hCLipeC5KVI-00634-00252266-00252558 Rudy Pozzatti: [inaudible] hCLipeC5KVI-00635-00252558-00253148 Elise Feingold: -- it’s really open for any other -- comments? hCLipeC5KVI-00636-00253148-00253619 Robert Nussbaum: I had -- a question about the outreach to hCLipeC5KVI-00637-00253619-00254010 the community and some of the tutorials and teaching. hCLipeC5KVI-00638-00254010-00254348 I’ve seen there’s some good videos on how to use ENCODE data. hCLipeC5KVI-00639-00254348-00255053 I think there was an ASHG workshop which I think was very quickly subscribed to fullness, hCLipeC5KVI-00640-00255053-00255317 if I remember correctly. hCLipeC5KVI-00641-00255317-00256023 I don’t know how the registration’s going for your June meeting, which is in Potomac. hCLipeC5KVI-00642-00256023-00256623 Just to -- if you could just give me some idea about how the outreach and education hCLipeC5KVI-00643-00256623-00256887 component of this is going. hCLipeC5KVI-00644-00256887-00257369 Elise Feingold: So, that one was announced just recently, hCLipeC5KVI-00645-00257369-00257706 and so, that’s why I put that shameless plug in. hCLipeC5KVI-00646-00257706-00257823 We are -- is still room. hCLipeC5KVI-00647-00257823-00258378 I think we can have up to a couple hundred people that can attend. hCLipeC5KVI-00648-00258378-00258771 And I think we’re trying to get the word out for that. hCLipeC5KVI-00649-00258771-00259367 The -- yes, you’re correct that the ASHG workshops I think were sold out very, very hCLipeC5KVI-00650-00259367-00259467 quickly. hCLipeC5KVI-00651-00259467-00259660 Robert Nussbaum: Yeah. hCLipeC5KVI-00652-00259660-00260054 So, it’s fairly short notice for the Potomac meeting. hCLipeC5KVI-00653-00260054-00260771 But I just -- I’m just thinking, in general, maybe some additional efforts with geographical hCLipeC5KVI-00654-00260771-00261419 localizations, west, middle, and east, might be considered part of the EDCAC’s responsibilities. hCLipeC5KVI-00655-00261419-00262004 Daniel Gilchrist: Yeah, I think that’s a good suggestion. hCLipeC5KVI-00656-00262004-00262856 I’d also point out that we have plans to videotape much of the upcoming users meeting. hCLipeC5KVI-00657-00262856-00263788 And we’re going to try to put many of those sessions freely available online as tutorials hCLipeC5KVI-00658-00263788-00264052 to increase use of the ENCODE resources. hCLipeC5KVI-00659-00264052-00264495 Robert Nussbaum: Great, thanks. hCLipeC5KVI-00660-00264495-00264827 Elise Feingold: Eric. hCLipeC5KVI-00661-00264827-00265163 Eric Boerwinkle: In the slide -- in the slide, you have -- you hCLipeC5KVI-00662-00265163-00265655 expect the DCC and the DAC to function as a -- single entity. hCLipeC5KVI-00663-00265655-00266096 So, why, then, are you splitting them up into two funded mechanisms? hCLipeC5KVI-00664-00266096-00266760 And are you expected, then, to have pairs of applications come in in a coordinated manner? hCLipeC5KVI-00665-00266760-00267220 Elise Feingold: Yeah, so, we debated this, actually, at great hCLipeC5KVI-00666-00267220-00267320 length. hCLipeC5KVI-00667-00267320-00267809 We had -- we felt that the expertise for the DCC and the DAC were sufficiently different hCLipeC5KVI-00668-00267809-00268202 than to have people up front necessarily come together. hCLipeC5KVI-00669-00268202-00268677 If we have one application that scores incredibly well for the DCC part, and not as well for hCLipeC5KVI-00670-00268677-00269290 the DAC part, or vice versa, then it’s more difficult to come up with a rational funding hCLipeC5KVI-00671-00269290-00269390 plan. hCLipeC5KVI-00672-00269390-00269674 And so, we certainly like your feedback on this. hCLipeC5KVI-00673-00269674-00269873 We’ve -- as I said, we -- we’ve gone back and forth. hCLipeC5KVI-00674-00269873-00270386 It has worked well under the current plan, or current funding for ENCODE. hCLipeC5KVI-00675-00270386-00270977 And so, we decided to go along with that for this round. hCLipeC5KVI-00676-00270977-00271077 Lucila. hCLipeC5KVI-00677-00271077-00271330 Lucila Ohno-Machado: Yeah. hCLipeC5KVI-00678-00271330-00272107 I think, if they are the same, you could realize some cost savings, and might be easier to hCLipeC5KVI-00679-00272107-00272722 integrate because it’s often the case that whoever sets the data analysis environment hCLipeC5KVI-00680-00272722-00273216 has to try it out, has to, you know, really know what kind of environment they need to hCLipeC5KVI-00681-00273216-00273541 set, get the permissions right and everything. hCLipeC5KVI-00682-00273541-00273791 And having two different groups doing that is a bit of a coordination challenge. hCLipeC5KVI-00683-00273791-00273891 Elise Feingold: Right. hCLipeC5KVI-00684-00273891-00275189 I mean, I don’t -- I don’t think we see a lot of duplication of effort at this point. hCLipeC5KVI-00685-00275189-00276090 But we can certainly consider that. hCLipeC5KVI-00686-00276090-00276767 Rudy Pozzatti: I think you’re ready for lunch. hCLipeC5KVI-00687-00276767-00277435 [laughs] So, if there are no further comments, can I have a motion to approve? hCLipeC5KVI-00688-00277435-00277565 And a second? hCLipeC5KVI-00689-00277565-00277722 All in favor? hCLipeC5KVI-00690-00277722-00277880 Robert Nussbaum: Second. hCLipeC5KVI-00691-00277880-00277980 Aye. hCLipeC5KVI-00692-00277980-00278143 Rudy Pozzatti: Any opposed? hCLipeC5KVI-00693-00278143-00278248 Any abstentions? hCLipeC5KVI-00694-00278248-00278348 Okay. hCLipeC5KVI-00695-00278348-00278836 Thank you very much, Team Function or Team ENCODE, whatever you’re calling yourselves hCLipeC5KVI-00696-00278836-00278936 now. hCLipeC5KVI-00697-00278936-00279146 So, we’re going to take a -- about an hour break. hCLipeC5KVI-00698-00279146-00279354 I want you to please reconvene at 1:30. hCLipeC5KVI-00699-00279354-00279761 But before you bolt from the table, this is council photo day. hCLipeC5KVI-00700-00279761-00279987 We need to update the photo that’s on the web. hCLipeC5KVI-00701-00279987-00280470 So, if you could just sit tight, Comfort has a room and a photographer set aside for the hCLipeC5KVI-00702-00280470-00280586 picture, so -- hCLipeC5KVI-00703-00280586-00280761 Male Speaker: Everyone? hCLipeC5KVI-00704-00280761-00280935 Rudy Pozzatti: Everybody. hCLipeC5KVI-00705-00280935-00281089 Everybody gets their picture taken. hCLipeC5KVI-00706-00281089-00281109 [end of transcript]