stringlengths 14
| x
stringlengths 80
| y
stringclasses 79
values |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | Roman rites: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | Roman rites: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, | W |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | oman rites: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, W | h |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | man rites: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Wh | o |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | an rites: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Who | s |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | n rites: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whos | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | rites: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | rites: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose | s |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ites: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose s | m |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | tes: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose sm | o |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | es: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smo | k |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | s: Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smok | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | : Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke | l |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | Alarbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke l | i |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | larbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke li | k |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | arbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke lik | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | rbus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | bus' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like | i |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | us' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like i | n |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | s' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like in | c |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ' limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like inc | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like ince | n |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | limbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incen | s |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | imbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incens | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | mbs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | bs are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense | d |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | s are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense d | o |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense do | t |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | are lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense dot | h |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | re lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | e lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth | p |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth p | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | lopp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth pe | r |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | opp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth per | f |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | pp'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perf | u |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | p'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfu | m |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | 'd, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfum | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | d, And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | , And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume | t |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume t | h |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume th | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | nd entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | d entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the | s |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the s | k |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | entrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sk | y |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ntrails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky | . |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | trails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | rails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. | R |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ails feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. R | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ils feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Re | m |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ls feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Rem | a |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | s feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Rema | i |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remai | n |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remain | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | eed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaine | t |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remainet | h |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | d the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth | n |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth n | o |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | he sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth no | u |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | e sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nou | g |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth noug | h |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nough | t |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | acrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | crificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought | b |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | rificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought b | u |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought bu | t |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ficing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | icing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but | t |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | cing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but t | o |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ng fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to | i |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | g fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to i | n |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to in | t |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to int | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inte | r |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | re, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | e, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter | o |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | , Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter o | u |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter ou | r |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | hose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our | b |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our b | r |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | se smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our br | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | e smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our bre | t |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our bret | h |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our breth | r |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | moke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethr | e |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | oke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethre | n |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ke like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren | , |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | e like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren, | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren, | A |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | like incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren, A | n |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ike incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren, An | d |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ke incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren, And | |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | e incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren, And | w |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren, And w | i |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | incense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren, And wi | t |
THE_TRAGEDY_OF_TITUS_ANDRONICUS_LUCIUS | ncense doth perfume the sky. Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren, And wit | h |
Subsets and Splits