var debug = false; |
var serie; |
var serieData; |
var serieBuilds; |
var testsBuilds; |
var savedAnalyse; |
var dataTableObject; |
var modalBugLinkCompareId; |
var builds; |
var buildsSorted; |
var compares; |
var eltg; |
var tpageType; |
var serieId; |
var projectId; |
var stateTarget; |
var loaded = false; |
var projects; |
socket = io(); |
function uiShowSerie(tpageType, tprojectId, tserieId) { |
serieId = tserieId; |
projectId = tprojectId; |
pageType = tpageType; |
$('#modalBtnOpen').click(function() { |
window.open("/serie?" + projectId + "?" + encodeURIComponent(serieId), "_blank"); |
}); |
socket.on('receiveOneSerie', function(req) { |
if (debug) |
console.log('receiveOneSerie', req); |
NProgress.inc(); |
if (req.serie === undefined) |
return alert('receiveOneSerie undefined for ', serieId); |
if (req.serie === 'dontexist') |
return alert('receiveOneSerie dontexist for ', serieId); |
serie = req.serie; |
if (pageType === 'showOneSerie') |
if (loaded) { |
uiLibOneReadyToProcessData(); |
return; |
} |
if ((pageType === 'showOneSerie') || (pageType === 'statusSeries')) |
if (serie.samples) { |
var k = Object.keys(serie.samples); |
k.sort(function(a, b) { |
return a * 1 - b * 1 |
}); |
var a = []; |
var b = []; |
for (var ii in k) { |
a.push(serie.samples[k[ii]]) |
b.push(k[ii]) |
} |
serieData = a; |
serieBuilds = b; |
savedAnalyse = serie.analyse; |
} |
if (pageType === 'showOneSerie') { |
testsBuilds = []; |
if (serie.failedBuilds) { |
var k = Object.keys(serie.failedBuilds); |
k.sort(function(a, b) { |
return b * 1 - a * 1 |
}); |
for (var ii in k) |
testsBuilds.push(k[ii]) |
} |
if (serie.samples) { |
var k = Object.keys(serie.samples); |
k.sort(function(a, b) { |
return b * 1 - a * 1 |
}); |
for (var ii in k) { |
if (ii > 10) break; |
testsBuilds.push(k[ii]) |
} |
} else { |
if (serie.lastPassingBuildId) { |
testsBuilds.push(serie.lastPassingBuildId) |
} |
} |
} |
if (pageType === 'showOneSerie') { |
socket.emit('getFileInfo', { |
projectId: projectId, |
fileId: 'builds' |
}); |
socket.emit('getFileInfo', { |
projectId: 'admin', |
fileId: 'compares' |
}); |
socket.emit('getFileInfo', { |
projectId: 'admin', |
fileId: 'projects' |
}); |
} else |
processBuilds(); |
}); |
if (pageType === 'showOneSerie') { |
socket.on('receiveFileInfo', function(req) { |
if (debug) |
console.log('receiveFileInfo', req); |
NProgress.inc(); |
if (req.fileId === 'projects') |
projects = req.file; |
if (req.fileId === 'builds') |
builds = req.file; |
if (req.fileId === 'compares') |
compares = req.file; |
if ((builds !== undefined) && (compares !== undefined) && (projects !== undefined)) { |
processBuilds(); |
} |
}); |
socket.on('receiveUpdateAnalyseDone', function(req) { |
if (debug) |
console.log('receiveUpdateAnalyseDone', req); |
NProgress.start(); |
socket.emit('getOneSerie', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId |
}); |
}); |
socket.on('serieAddCommentDone', function(req) { |
if (debug) |
console.log('serieAddCommentDone', req); |
NProgress.start(); |
socket.emit('getOneSerie', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId |
}); |
}); |
socket.on('serieUpdateSeriesStateDone', function(req) { |
if (debug) |
console.log('serieUpdateSeriesStateDone', req); |
NProgress.start(); |
socket.emit('getOneSerie', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId |
}); |
}); |
} |
socket.emit('getOneSerie', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId |
}); |
socket.on('serverError', function(req) { |
if (debug) |
console.log('serverError', req); |
alert(req) |
}); |
function processBuilds() { |
if (pageType !== 'statusCompares') { |
var k = Object.keys(builds); |
k.sort(function(a, b) { |
return a * 1 - b * 1 |
}); |
var a = []; |
for (var ii in k) { |
a.push(builds[k[ii]]) |
} |
buildsSorted = a; |
if (pageType === 'showOneSerie') |
loaded = true; |
} |
uiLibOneReadyToProcessData(); |
}; |
if ((pageType === 'showOneSerie') || (pageType === 'statusSeries')) { |
$('#btnSeries').click(function() { |
$('#btnSeries').addClass('active') |
$('#btnRaw').removeClass('active') |
drawAnalyseGraph(); |
}); |
$('#btnRaw').click(function() { |
$('#btnRaw').addClass('active') |
$('#btnSeries').removeClass('active') |
drawRawGraph(); |
}); |
} |
if (debug) console.log('socket.emit ', 'getOneSerie'); |
NProgress.start(); |
} |
function drawRawGraph() { |
function dataConvert(data) { |
var d = []; |
var e; |
for (var ii = 0; ii < data.length; ii++) { |
if (serie.analyse.benchmark) |
e = [ii, data[ii]]; |
if (serie.analyse.test) { |
if (data[ii]) |
e = [ii, 3]; |
else |
e = [ii, 2]; |
} |
d.push(e); |
} |
return d; |
}; |
var stackedGraph = true; |
if (serie.analyse.test) stackedGraph = false; |
var colors = ['#3557B2']; |
var e = document.getElementById('elt_dygraph'); |
var d = dataConvert(serieData); |
eltg = new Dygraph(e, d, { |
axes: { |
x: { |
drawGrid: false, |
drawAxis: true, |
axisLabelFormatter: function(d, gran, opts) { |
if (serieBuilds[d] !== undefined) |
if (builds[serieBuilds[d]] !== undefined) |
return builds[serieBuilds[d]].buildId; |
} |
}, |
y: { |
drawGrid: false, |
drawAxis: true, |
axisLabelFormatter: function(d, gran, opts) { |
if (serie.analyse.benchmark) return d; |
if (d === 2) |
return 'Failing' |
if (d === 3) |
return 'Passing'; |
return ''; |
} |
} |
}, |
strokeWidth: 1.0, |
labelsDiv: '', |
labels: [ |
'', 'raw' |
], |
drawPoints: true, |
pointSize: 4, |
highlightCircleSize: 6, |
legend: '', |
legendFormatter: legendFormatter, |
stackedGraph: stackedGraph, |
connectSeparatedPoints: true, |
colors: colors, |
highlightCallback: function(e, x, pts, row) { |
globalSetSelectionRaw(row); |
}, |
unhighlightCallback: function(e) {} |
}); |
globalSetSelectionRaw(serieData.length - 1); |
$(document).ready(function() { |
if (debug) console.log('graph is ready'); |
eltg.resize(); |
}); |
window.onresize = function(event) { |
if (debug) console.log('onresize'); |
eltg.resize(); |
}; |
function globalSetSelectionRaw(idx) { |
eltg.setSelection(idx); |
var v = serieData[idx]; |
var e = document.getElementById('valueinfo'); |
var h = '<center>Value = <b>' |
if (serie.analyse.test) { |
if (v === null) |
h += '--- ---'; |
else |
if (v) |
h += 'Passing'; |
else |
h += 'Failing' |
h += '</b></center>'; |
e.innerHTML = h; |
globalShowBuildInfo(idx) |
return; |
} |
if (idx === 0) { |
if (v === null) |
h += '--- ---'; |
else |
h += v; |
} else { |
var previousV = serieData[idx - 1]; |
if (v === null) |
h += '--- ---'; |
else { |
if (previousV === null) |
h += v + ' ---'; |
else { |
var diff = (v - previousV); |
var p = 0; |
if (diff !== 0) |
p = diff / previousV * 100; |
if (p > 0) |
h += v + ' (+' + diff.toFixed(2) + ' +' + p.toFixed(2) + '%)'; |
else |
h += v + ' (' + diff.toFixed(2) + ' ' + p.toFixed(2) + '%)'; |
} |
} |
} |
h += '</b></center>'; |
e.innerHTML = h; |
globalShowBuildInfo(idx) |
} |
} |
function drawBenchmarkGraph() { |
if (!serie.analyse.benchmark) return; |
var regArray = []; |
function createRegressionArray() { |
if (serie.analyseResult.summary.error) { |
for (var ii = 0; ii < serieData.length; ii++) |
regArray.push(undefined); |
} else { |
var a = serie.analyseResult.averages; |
var currentIndex = 0; |
for (var ii = 0; ii < serieData.length; ii++) { |
if (ii < a[currentIndex].start) |
regArray.push(undefined); |
else { |
if (ii > a[currentIndex].end) currentIndex++; |
regArray.push(a[currentIndex]); |
} |
} |
} |
if (debug) console.log('regArray', regArray); |
}; |
function dataConvert() { |
createRegressionArray(); |
var d = []; |
for (var ii = 0; ii < serieData.length; ii++) { |
var e; |
if (regArray[ii] === undefined) |
e = [ii, serieData[ii], null, null, null] |
else { |
if (regArray[ii].success) |
e = [ii, serieData[ii], serie.analyseResult.averages[serie.analyseResult.details.first].average, regArray[ii].average, null]; |
else |
e = [ii, serieData[ii], serie.analyseResult.averages[serie.analyseResult.details.first].average, null, regArray[ii].average]; |
d.push(e); |
} |
} |
var d = []; |
if (serie.analyseResult.summary.error) { |
for (var ii = 0; ii < serieData.length; ii++) { |
d.push([ii, serieData[ii], null, null, null, null]); |
} |
} else { |
var a = serie.analyseResult.averages; |
var baseValue = serie.analyseResult.averages[serie.analyseResult.details.first].average; |
var currentIndex = 0; |
var firstShown = false; |
var s = serie.analyseResult.averages[0].start; |
if (s != 0) |
for (var ii = 0; ii < s; ii++) { |
d.push([currentIndex, serieData[currentIndex], null, null, null, null]); |
currentIndex++; |
} |
for (var indexAverage = 0; indexAverage < a.length; indexAverage++) { |
if (debug) console.log('averages index', indexAverage); |
var avg = serie.analyseResult.averages[indexAverage]; |
for (var jj = avg.start; jj <= avg.end; jj++) { |
if (debug) console.log('averages index start end', avg.start, avg.end); |
if (serie.analyseResult.details.first === indexAverage) { |
firstShown = true; |
e = [currentIndex, serieData[currentIndex], avg.average, null, null, null]; |
} else { |
if (!firstShown) { |
e = [currentIndex, serieData[currentIndex], null, null, null, null]; |
} else { |
if (avg.status == 'similar') |
e = [currentIndex, serieData[currentIndex], baseValue, avg.average, null, null]; |
else |
if (avg.status == 'regression') |
e = [currentIndex, serieData[currentIndex], baseValue, null, avg.average, null]; |
else |
if (avg.status == 'improvement') |
e = [currentIndex, serieData[currentIndex], baseValue, null, null, avg.average]; |
} |
} |
d.push(e); |
currentIndex++; |
} |
} |
} |
if (debug) console.log('Array for graph', d); |
return d; |
}; |
function checkState(s) { |
if (s.analyseResult.averages[s.analyseResult.averages.length - 1].success) |
return true; |
else { |
if (debug) console.log(s) |
return false; |
} |
} |
var colorSets = [ |
'#3557B2', |
'#B16EE4', |
'#8AE234', |
'#EE1111', |
'#8AE234' |
] |
var e = document.getElementById('elt_dygraph'); |
var d = dataConvert(); |
eltg = new Dygraph(e, d, { |
axes: { |
x: { |
drawGrid: false, |
drawAxis: true, |
axisLabelFormatter: function(d, gran, opts) { |
if (serieBuilds[d] !== undefined) |
if (builds[serieBuilds[d]] !== undefined) |
return builds[serieBuilds[d]].buildId; |
} |
}, |
y: { |
drawGrid: false, |
drawAxis: true |
} |
}, |
series: { |
'raw': { |
strokeWidth: 2, |
drawPoints: true, |
pointSize: 4, |
highlightCircleSize: 5 |
}, |
'base': { |
strokeWidth: 2, |
drawPoints: false, |
pointSize: 2, |
highlightCircleSize: 4 |
}, |
'similar': { |
strokeWidth: 2, |
drawPoints: false, |
pointSize: 2, |
highlightCircleSize: 4 |
}, |
'regression': { |
strokeWidth: 2, |
drawPoints: false, |
pointSize: 2, |
highlightCircleSize: 4 |
}, |
'improvement': { |
strokeWidth: 2, |
drawPoints: false, |
pointSize: 2, |
highlightCircleSize: 4 |
}, |
}, |
labelsDiv: '', |
labels: [ |
'builds', 'raw', 'base', 'similar', 'regression', 'improvement' |
], |
legend: '', |
legendFormatter: legendFormatter, |
stackedGraph: false, |
connectSeparatedPoints: false, |
colors: colorSets, |
highlightCallback: function(e, x, pts, row) { |
globalSetSelectionRegression(row); |
}, |
unhighlightCallback: function(e) {}, |
underlayCallback: function(canvas, area, g) { |
if (!serie.analyseResult.summary.error) { |
var aRange = serie.analyseResult.details.aRange; |
var v; |
if (aRange.upIsValue) { |
v = aRange.up; |
} else { |
v = aRange.up * serie.analyseResult.averages[0].average / 100; |
} |
var xl = g.toDomCoords(serie.analyseResult.averages[0].start, serie.analyseResult.averages[0].average + v); |
if (aRange.downIsValue) { |
v = aRange.down; |
} else { |
v = aRange.down * serie.analyseResult.averages[0].average / 100; |
} |
var xy = g.toDomCoords(serie.analyseResult.averages[serie.analyseResult.averages.length - 1].end, serie.analyseResult.averages[0].average + v); |
canvas.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 102, 1.0)"; |
canvas.fillRect(xl[0], xl[1], area.w, xy[1] - xl[1]); |
} |
}, |
}); |
globalSetSelectionRegression(serieData.length - 1); |
$(document).ready(function() { |
if (debug) console.log('document ready'); |
eltg.resize(); |
}); |
window.onresize = function(event) { |
if (debug) console.log('onresize'); |
eltg.resize(); |
}; |
} |
function showHeader() { |
if (serie.analyse === undefined) return; |
$('#topBanner_numSamples').html(Object.keys(serie.samples).length); |
$('#topBanner_samples').show(); |
if (serie.analyse.test) { |
$('#topBanner_statusTest').show(); |
if (serie.analyseResult.isPassing) { |
$('#topBanner_statusPassing').html('Passing') |
$('#topBanner_statusPassing').addClass('green'); |
$('#topBanner_statusPassing').removeClass('red'); |
} else { |
$('#topBanner_statusPassing').html('Failed') |
$('#topBanner_statusPassing').addClass('red'); |
$('#topBanner_statusPassing').removeClass('green'); |
$('#topBanner_statusPassingSince').html('Since buildId ' + serie.analyseResult.failingSince) |
} |
$('#topBanner_status').show(); |
} |
if (serie.analyse.benchmark) { |
$('#topBanner_benchmark').show(); |
if (Object.keys(serie.samples).length > 1) { |
var v = serieData[serieData.length - 1]; |
if ((serieData.length - 2) >= 0) { |
var previousV = serieData[serieData.length - 2]; |
var diff = (v - previousV).toFixed(2); |
var p = diff / previousV * 100; |
if (diff > 0) diff = '+' + diff; |
if (p > 0) |
$('#topBanner_lastBuildPourcent').html('+' + p.toFixed(2) + '%'); |
else |
$('#topBanner_lastBuildPourcent').html(p.toFixed(2) + '%'); |
$('#topBanner_lastBuildDiff').html('Diff ' + diff); |
$('#topBanner_lastBuild').show(); |
} |
} |
if (!serie.analyseResult.summary.error) { |
var p = serie.analyseResult.summary.current.ratio; |
if (p > 0) |
$('#topBanner_analysisMain').html('+' + p.toFixed(2) + '%'); |
else |
$('#topBanner_analysisMain').html(p.toFixed(2) + '%'); |
if (serie.analyseResult.summary.status === 'similar') { |
$('#topBanner_analysisBottom').html('Similar'); |
$('#topBanner_analysisBottom').addClass('green'); |
$('#topBanner_analysisBottom').removeClass('red'); |
$('#topBanner_analysisMain').removeClass('red') |
$('#topBanner_analysisMain').addClass('green') |
} |
if (serie.analyseResult.summary.status === 'regression') { |
$('#topBanner_analysisMain').removeClass('green') |
$('#topBanner_analysisMain').addClass('red') |
$('#topBanner_analysisBottom').html('Regression'); |
$('#topBanner_analysisBottom').addClass('red'); |
$('#topBanner_analysisBottom').removeClass('green'); |
} |
if (serie.analyseResult.summary.status === 'improvement') { |
$('#topBanner_analysisBottom').html('Improved'); |
$('#topBanner_analysisBottom').addClass('green'); |
$('#topBanner_analysisBottom').removeClass('red'); |
$('#topBanner_analysisMain').removeClass('red') |
$('#topBanner_analysisMain').addClass('green') |
} |
} |
$('#topBanner_analysis').show(); |
} |
} |
function drawTestGraph() { |
drawRawGraph(); |
} |
function drawAnalyseGraph() { |
if (serie.analyse.benchmark) |
drawBenchmarkGraph(); |
if (serie.analyse.test) |
drawTestGraph(); |
} |
function uiLibOneReadyToProcessData() { |
if (debug) console.log('uiLibOneReadyToProcessData'); |
NProgress.done(); |
if (serie.analyse.test) |
$('#modalSerieType').html('Show test from ' + serie.projectId + ' project'); |
else |
$('#modalSerieType').html('Show benchmark from ' + serie.projectId + ' project'); |
var h = serieId + '<small>'; |
if (serie.description) |
h += '<br>' + serie.description; |
if (serie.infos) |
h += '<br>' + JSON.stringify(serie.infos); |
h += '</small>' |
$('#modalSerieId').html(h); |
if (pageType === 'showOneSerie') { |
showHeader(); |
} |
$('#rowForSampleSerie').show(); |
$('#btnSeries').show() |
$('#btnRaw').show() |
$('#btnSeries').addClass('active') |
$('#btnRaw').removeClass('active') |
drawAnalyseGraph(); |
if (pageType === 'showOneSerie') { |
initAnalysePanel(); |
setAnalysePanel(); |
$('#analyseFormRestore').click(function() { |
unselectAnalysePanel(); |
serie.analyse = savedAnalyse; |
setAnalysePanel(); |
analyse(serie); |
drawAnalyseGraph(); |
$('#analyseChanged').hide(); |
}); |
} |
dumpRegressionTable(); |
dumpComparesTable(); |
if (pageType === 'showOneSerie') { |
if (dataTableObject === undefined) |
if (serie.url) { |
var h = ''; |
var k = Object.keys(serie.url); |
k.sort(function(a, b) { |
return b * 1 - a * 1 |
}); |
if (k.length > 0) { |
for (var ii in k) { |
var c = serie.url[k[ii]]; |
h += '<tr>'; |
h += '<td>'; |
b = builds[k[ii]]; |
h += b.buildId + ' - ' + b.infos.abbrevHash + ' - ' + b.infos.authorName + ' - ' + b.infos.subject; |
h + '</td>'; |
h += '<td><center>'; |
h += '<div class="btn-group">'; |
h += '<button type="button" onclick="showOpenSpongelinkBuild(' + k[ii] + ')" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
h + '</div></center></td>'; |
h += '</tr>'; |
} |
$('#table_sponge').html(h); |
dataTableObject = $('#datatable_sponge').DataTable({ |
"language": { |
"decimal": "." |
}, |
paging: true, |
info: true, |
"bFilter": true, |
"columnDefs": [{ |
"targets": 'no-sort', |
"orderable": false |
}], |
"order": [ |
[1, "desc"] |
] |
}); |
$('#spongeLinks').show(); |
} |
} |
} |
var h = ''; |
if (serie.comments) { |
for (var ii = serie.comments.length - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { |
var c = serie.comments[ii]; |
var d = new Date(c.date); |
h += '<b>'; |
h += '#' + ii; |
if (c.ldap) |
if (c.ldap !== '') |
h += ' - ' + c.ldap; |
if (c.buildId) |
if (c.buildId !== '') |
h += ' - BuildId ' + c.buildId; |
h += ' - ' + d.toLocaleString(); |
h += '</b>'; |
h += '<br>'; |
var s = ''; |
for (var jj in c.text) { |
if (c.text[jj] === '\n') s += '<br />' |
else |
if (c.text[jj] === '\r') s += '<br />' |
else s += c.text[jj] |
} |
h += s; |
h += '<br>'; |
} |
} else |
h += 'No comments'; |
$('#commentsArea').html(h); |
$('#commentsArea').linkify({ |
target: "_blank" |
}); |
} |
function serieGetMinRange() { |
let min, max, currentRange; |
let k = Object.keys(serie.samples); |
for (let ii in k) { |
let sa = serie.samples[k[ii]]; |
if (!min) min = max = sa; |
if (sa < min) min = sa; |
if (sa > max) max = sa; |
} |
let maxit = 0; |
max = (max - min); |
min = 0; |
currentRange = Math.floor((max - min) / 2); |
while (maxit < 100000) { |
maxit++; |
serie.analyse.benchmark.range = currentRange; |
analyse(serie); |
if (serie.analyseResult.averages.length === 1) { |
max = currentRange; |
currentRange -= Math.floor((max - min) / 2); |
if (currentRange === max) { |
break; |
} |
} else { |
min = currentRange; |
currentRange += Math.floor((max - min) / 2); |
if (currentRange === min) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (debug) console.log('DICHOTOMIC', 'min=', min, 'max=', max, 'minRange=', currentRange); |
serie.analyse.benchmark.range = max; |
socket.emit('serieUpdateAnalyse', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId, |
analyse: serie.analyse, |
comment: { |
text: 'Computing range to ' + serie.analyse.benchmark.range + ' to manage noise' |
} |
}); |
} |
function serieChangeState(sel) { |
console.log('serieChangeState', sel) |
function setBaseLast(textComment) { |
console.log('serieChangeState', sel) |
var newBase = serieBuilds[serie.analyseResult.averages[serie.analyseResult.averages.length - 1].start]; |
serie.analyse.base = newBase; |
analyse(serie); |
showHeader(); |
drawAnalyseGraph(); |
socket.emit('serieUpdateAnalyse', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId, |
analyse: serie.analyse, |
comment: { |
text: textComment |
} |
}); |
} |
if (sel.value === 'regressionIntended') { |
console.log('serieChangeState', sel.value) |
setBaseLast('Regression Intended behavior, changing base'); |
} else |
if (sel.value === 'improvementConfirmed') { |
setBaseLast('Improvement Confirmed, changing base'); |
} else if (sel.value === 'regressionNoisy') { |
serieGetMinRange(); |
} else if (sel.value === 'improvementNoisy') { |
serieGetMinRange(); |
} else if (sel.value === 'similarNoisy') { |
serieGetMinRange(); |
} else { |
socket.emit('serieUpdateSeriesState', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId, |
state: sel.value, |
}); |
serie.state.analyse = sel.value; |
} |
} |
function serieChangeStateCompare(sel, compareId) { |
socket.emit('serieUpdateSeriesState', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId, |
state: sel.value, |
compareId: compareId |
}); |
serie.state.compares[compareId] = sel.value; |
} |
function changeAssignee(sel, compareId) { |
socket.emit('serieUpdateAssignee', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId, |
assignee: sel.value, |
compareId: compareId |
}); |
if (compareId) { |
serie.assignee.compares[compareId] = sel.value; |
} else { |
serie.assignee.analyse = sel.value; |
} |
} |
function getAssigneeTd(assignee, compareId) { |
let h = ''; |
h = '<td data-order="' + assignee + '" data-filter="' + assignee + '">'; |
if (compareId) |
h += '<select name="assignee" onchange="changeAssignee(this,\'' + compareId + '\');">'; |
else |
h += '<select name="assignee" onchange="changeAssignee(this);">'; |
h += '<option value="">None</option>'; |
var k = projects[projectId].users.split(','); |
for (var ii = 0; ii < k.length; ii++) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (assignee === k[ii]) |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="' + k[ii] + '">' + k[ii] + '</option>'; |
} |
h += '</select></td>'; |
return (h); |
} |
function testsGetStateTdDesc(state) { |
let h = ''; |
h = '<td data-order="' + state + '" data-filter="' + state + '">'; |
h += '<select name="state" onchange="serieChangeState(this);">'; |
if (state.indexOf('failing') !== -1) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'failingNeedstriage') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="failingNeedstriage">Needs Triage</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'failingConfirmed') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="failingConfirmed">Confirmed</option>' |
if (!projects[projectId].useBugTracker) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'failingAssigned') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="failingAssigned">Assigned</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'failingFixed') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="failingFixed">Fixed</option>' |
} |
} else { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'passing') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="passing">Passing</option>' |
} |
h += '</select></td>'; |
return (h); |
} |
function seriesGetStateTdDesc(state) { |
let h = ''; |
h = '<td data-order="' + state + '" data-filter="' + state + '">'; |
h += '<select name="state" onchange="serieChangeState(this);">'; |
if (state.indexOf('regression') !== -1) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'regressionNeedstriage') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="regressionNeedstriage">Needs Triage</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'regressionNoisy') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="regressionNoisy">Noisy similar</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'regressionConfirmed') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="regressionConfirmed">Regression confirmed</option>' |
if (!projects[projectId].useBugTracker) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'regressionAssigned') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="regressionAssigned">Assigned</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'regressionFixed') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="regressionFixed">Fixed</option>' |
} |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'regressionIntended') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="regressionIntended">Intended behavior</option>' |
} |
if (state.indexOf('improvement') !== -1) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'improvementNeedstriage') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="improvementNeedstriage">Needs Triage</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'improvementNoisy') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="improvementNoisy">Noisy similar</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'improvementConfirmed') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="improvementConfirmed">Improvement confirmed</option>' |
} |
if (state.indexOf('similar') !== -1) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'similarNeedstriage') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="similarNeedstriage">Needs Triage</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'similarNoisy') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="similarNoisy">Noisy similar</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'similarConfirmed') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="similarConfirmed">Similar confirmed</option>' |
} |
h += '</select></td>'; |
return (h); |
} |
function comparesGetStateTdDesc(state, compareId) { |
let h = ''; |
h = '<td data-order="' + state + '" data-filter="' + state + '">'; |
h += '<select name="state" onchange="serieChangeStateCompare(this,\'' + compareId + '\');">'; |
if (state.indexOf('lower') !== -1) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'lowerNeedstriage') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="lowerNeedstriage">Needs Triage</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'lowerConfirmed') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="lowerConfirmed">Lower confirmed</option>' |
if (!projects[projectId].useBugTracker) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'lowerAssigned') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="lowerAssigned">Assigned</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'lowerFixed') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="lowerFixed">Fixed</option>' |
} |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'lowerIntended') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="lowerIntended">Intended behavior</option>' |
} |
if (state.indexOf('better') !== -1) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'betterNeedstriage') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="betterNeedstriage">Needs Triage</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'betterConfirmed') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="betterConfirmed">Better confirmed</option>' |
} |
if (state.indexOf('similar') !== -1) { |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'similarNeedstriage') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="similarNeedstriage">Needs Triage</option>' |
h += '<option '; |
if (state === 'similarConfirmed') |
h += 'selected '; |
h += 'value="similarConfirmed">Similar confirmed</option>' |
} |
h += '</select></td>'; |
return (h); |
} |
function dumpRegressionTable() { |
var h = '' |
if (serie.analyse.benchmark) { |
h += '<thead>'; |
h += '<tr>'; |
h += '<th style="width: 90px">State</th>' |
if (!projects[projectId].useBugTracker) { |
h += '<th>Assignee</th>'; |
} |
h += '<th>Analysis</th>'; |
h += '<th>BuildId</th>'; |
h += '<th>Base</th>'; |
h += '<th>Current</th>'; |
h += '<th>Diff</th>'; |
h += '<th>Ratio</th>'; |
h += '<th style="width: 90px"></th>'; |
h += '</tr>'; |
h += '</thead>'; |
h += '<tbody>'; |
var s = serie.analyseResult.summary; |
h += '<tr>'; |
if (s.error) { |
h += '<td></td>'; |
if (!projects[projectId].useBugTracker) { |
h += '<td></td>'; |
} |
h += '<td class="orange"><b>Not available</b></td>'; |
h += '<td><a target="_blank" href="' + builds[s.lastBuildId].infos.url + '"' + builds[s.lastBuildId].infos.hash + '">' + s.lastBuildId + '</a></td>'; |
h += '<td></td>'; |
h += '<td></td>'; |
h += '<td></td>'; |
h += '<td></td>'; |
} else { |
if (serie.state.analyse === 'none') { |
if (serie.analyseResult.summary.status === "improvement") |
serie.state.analyse = 'improvementNeedstriage'; |
else |
serie.state.analyse = 'similarNeedstriage'; |
} |
if (serie.state.analyse === 'assigned') serie.state.analyse = 'regressionAssigned'; |
if (serie.state.analyse === 'new') serie.state.analyse = 'regressionNeedstriage'; |
if (serie.state.analyse === 'wontfix') serie.state.analyse = 'regressionIntended'; |
h += seriesGetStateTdDesc(serie.state.analyse); |
var ass; |
if (serie.assignee) |
if (serie.assignee.analyse) |
ass = serie.assignee.analyse |
if (!projects[projectId].useBugTracker) { |
h += getAssigneeTd(ass); |
} |
if (serie.state.analyse.indexOf('similar') !== -1) |
h += '<td class="green"><b>Similar</b></td>'; |
else if (serie.state.analyse.indexOf('regression') !== -1) |
h += '<td class="red"><b>Regression</b></td>'; |
else if (serie.state.analyse.indexOf('improvement') !== -1) |
h += '<td class="green"><b>Improved</b></td>'; |
h += '<td><a target="_blank" href="' + builds[s.lastBuildId].infos.url + '"' + builds[s.lastBuildId].infos.hash + '">' + s.lastBuildId + '</a></td>'; |
h += '<td>' + s.base.average * 1 + '</td>'; |
h += '<td>' + s.current.average * 1 + '</td>'; |
h += '<td>' + s.current.diff * 1 + '</td>'; |
h += '<td><b>' + s.current.ratio * 1 + '</b></td>'; |
} |
h += '<td><center>'; |
h += '<div class="btn-group">'; |
if (serie.url) { |
if (serie.url[s.lastBuildId]) |
h += '<button type="button" onclick="showOpenSpongelink()" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
else |
h += '<button type="button" disabled class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} else |
h += '<button type="button" disabled class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
h += '<button type="button" onclick="addBugLink()" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
if (serie.bugLink) { |
if (serie.bugLink.series) { |
h += '<button type="button" onclick="showOpenBugLink()" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} else { |
h += '<button type="button" disabled class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} |
} else { |
h += '<button type="button" disabled class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} |
h += '</div>'; |
h += '</center></td>'; |
h += '</tr>'; |
h += '</tbody>'; |
} |
if (serie.analyse.test) { |
var s = serie.analyseResult; |
if (s.isPassing) |
serie.state.analyse = 'passing'; |
else { |
if (serie.state.analyse === 'assigned') |
serie.state.analyse = 'failingAssigned'; |
else |
serie.state.analyse = 'failingNeedstriage'; |
} |
h += '<thead>'; |
h += '<tr>'; |
h += '<th style="width: 90px">State</th>'; |
if (!projects[projectId].useBugTracker) { |
h += '<th>Assignee</th>'; |
} |
h += '<th >Analysis</th>'; |
h += '<th >Last passing buildId</th>'; |
h += '<th >Failing since buildId</th>'; |
h += '<th >Last executed buildId</th>'; |
h += '<th style="width: 90px" class="no-sort"></th>'; |
h += '</tr>'; |
h += '</thead>'; |
h += '<tbody>'; |
h += '<tr>'; |
h += testsGetStateTdDesc(serie.state.analyse); |
var ass; |
if (serie.assignee) |
if (serie.assignee.analyse) |
ass = serie.assignee.analyse |
if (!projects[projectId].useBugTracker) { |
h += getAssigneeTd(ass); |
} |
if (s.isPassing) |
h += '<td class="green"><b>Passing</b></td>'; |
else |
h += '<td class="red"><b>Failed</b></td>'; |
if (s.lastPassing) |
h += '<td><a target="_blank" href="' + builds[s.lastPassing].infos.url + '"' + builds[s.lastPassing].infos.hash + '">' + s.lastPassing + '</a></td>'; |
else |
h += '<td>---</td>'; |
if (s.isPassing) |
h += '<td>--</td>'; |
else |
h += '<td><a target="_blank" href="' + builds[s.failingSince].infos.url + '"' + builds[s.failingSince].infos.hash + '">' + s.failingSince + '</a></td>'; |
h += '<td><a target="_blank" href="' + builds[s.lastExecuted].infos.url + '"' + builds[s.lastExecuted].infos.hash + '">' + s.lastExecuted + '</a></td>'; |
h += '<td><center>'; |
h += '<div class="btn-group">'; |
if (serie.url) { |
if (serie.url[serie.lastBuildId]) |
h += '<button type="button" onclick="showOpenSpongelink()" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
else |
h += '<button type="button" disabled class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} else |
h += '<button type="button" disabled class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
h += '<button type="button" onclick="addBugLink()" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
if (serie.bugLink) { |
if (serie.bugLink.series) { |
h += '<button type="button" onclick="showOpenBugLink()" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} else { |
h += '<button type="button" disabled class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} |
} else { |
h += '<button type="button" disabled class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} |
h += '</div>'; |
h += '</center></td>'; |
h += '</tr>'; |
h += '</tbody>'; |
} |
$('#table_uilibone_regression').html(h); |
} |
function showOpenSpongelink() { |
if (debug) console.log('showOpenSpongelink') |
window.open(serie.url[serie.lastBuildId], "_blank"); |
} |
function showOpenSpongelinkBuild(buildId) { |
console.log('showOpenSpongelinkBuild', buildId, serie.url[buildId]); |
window.open(serie.url[buildId], "_blank"); |
} |
function dumpComparesTable() { |
var h = ''; |
if (serie.compares === undefined) return; |
h += '<thead>'; |
h += '<tr>'; |
h += '<th >Comparator</th>'; |
h += '<th style="width: 90px">State</th>'; |
if (!projects[projectId].useBugTracker) { |
h += '<th >Assignee</th>'; |
} |
h += '<th >Analysis</th>'; |
h += '<th >My value</th>'; |
h += '<th >Compare value</th>'; |
h += '<th >Diff</th>'; |
h += '<th >Ratio</th>'; |
h += '<th style="width: 90px"></th>'; |
h += '</tr>'; |
h += '</thead><tbody>'; |
var k = Object.keys(serie.compares); |
for (var ii = 0; ii < k.length; ii++) { |
var sc = serie.compares[k[ii]]; |
let stateCompare = serie.state.compares[k[ii]]; |
if (stateCompare === 'none') { |
if (serie.compares[k[ii]].result.status === "improvement") |
stateCompare = 'improvementNeedstriage'; |
else |
stateCompare = 'similarNeedstriage'; |
} |
if (stateCompare === 'assigned') stateCompare = 'lowerAssigned'; |
if (stateCompare === 'new') stateCompare = 'lowerNeedstriage'; |
if (stateCompare === 'wontfix') stateCompare = 'lowerIntended'; |
serie.state.compares[k[ii]] = stateCompare; |
h += '<tr>'; |
h += '<td>' + sc.description + '</td>'; |
h += comparesGetStateTdDesc(stateCompare, k[ii]); |
var ass; |
if (serie.assignee) |
if (serie.assignee.compares) |
if (serie.assignee.compares[k[ii]]) |
ass = serie.assignee.compares[k[ii]] |
if (!projects[projectId].useBugTracker) { |
h += getAssigneeTd(ass, k[ii]); |
} |
if (stateCompare.indexOf('better') !== -1) |
h += '<td class="green"><b>Better</b></td>' |
if (stateCompare.indexOf('similar') !== -1) |
h += '<td class="green"><b>Similar</b></td>' |
if (stateCompare.indexOf('lower') !== -1) |
h += '<td class="red"><b>Lower</b></td>' |
h += '<td>' + sc.result.myValue + '</td>'; |
h += '<td>' + sc.result.compareValue + '</td>'; |
var p = sc.result.diff / sc.result.compareValue * 100; |
if (sc.result.diff > 0) { |
h += '<td>+' + sc.result.diff.toFixed(2) + '</td>'; |
h += '<td><b>+' + p.toFixed(2) + '%</b></td>'; |
} else { |
h += '<td>' + sc.result.diff.toFixed(2) + '</td>'; |
h += '<td><b>' + p.toFixed(2) + '%</b></td>'; |
} |
h += '<td><center>'; |
h += '<div class="btn-group">'; |
h += '<button type="button" onclick="openEditCompareSerie(\'' + k[ii] + '\')" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
h += '<button type="button" onclick="addBugLinkCompare(\'' + k[ii] + '\')" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
if (serie.bugLink) { |
if (serie.bugLink.compares[k[ii]]) { |
h += '<button type="button" onclick="showOpenBugLink(\'' + k[ii] + '\')" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} else { |
h += '<button type="button" disabled class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} |
} else { |
h += '<button type="button" disabled class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-bug" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>'; |
} |
h += '</div>'; |
h += '</center></td>'; |
h += '</tr>'; |
} |
h += '</tbody>'; |
$('#table_uilibone_compares').html(h); |
$('#compares').show(); |
} |
function openEditCompareSerie(compareId) { |
window.open('/serie?' + compares[compareId].compareWith.projectId + '?' + encodeURIComponent(serieId)); |
} |
function showOpenBugLink(compareId) { |
if (compareId) |
window.open(serie.bugLink.compares[compareId], "_blank"); |
else |
window.open(serie.bugLink.series, "_blank"); |
} |
function legendFormatter(data) { |
return ''; |
} |
function globalShowBuildInfo(idx) { |
var b = builds[serieBuilds[idx]]; |
var i = b.buildId + ' - ' + b.infos.abbrevHash + ' - ' + b.infos.authorName + ' - ' + b.infos.subject; |
i = i.substring(0, 90); |
document.getElementById('buildInfo').innerHTML = '<a href="' + b.infos.url + '"><b style="color:grey;">' + i + '</b > </a>'; |
} |
function globalSetSelectionRegression(idx) { |
var h = ''; |
var e = document.getElementById('valueinfo'); |
eltg.setSelection(idx); |
if (serie.analyseResult.summary.error) { |
h = 'Analysis not available'; |
} else { |
var idxAvg; |
for (var ii = 0; ii < serie.analyseResult.averages.length; ii++) { |
if ((serie.analyseResult.averages[ii].start <= idx) && (idx <= serie.analyseResult.averages[ii].end)) { |
idxAvg = ii; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (debug) console.log(idxAvg); |
if (idxAvg === undefined) { |
e.innerHTML = 'Analysis not available'; |
globalShowBuildInfo(idx); |
return; |
} |
var v = serie.analyseResult.averages[idxAvg].average; |
var status = serie.analyseResult.averages[idxAvg].status; |
if (idxAvg === undefined) alert('idxAvg NOT FOUND'); |
var previousV = serie.analyseResult.averages[serie.analyseResult.details.first].average; |
h += 'Base average = <b>' + previousV + '</b> '; |
h += 'Current average = <b>' |
if (v === null) |
h += '--- ---'; |
else { |
if (previousV === null) |
h += v + ' ---'; |
else { |
var diff = (v - previousV); |
var p = diff / previousV * 100; |
if (diff === 0) { |
h += "<span style='color:green'>"; |
h += v; |
h += "</span>"; |
} else { |
if (status === 'regression') |
h += "<span style='color:red'>"; |
else |
h += "<span style='color:green'>"; |
if (p > 0) { |
h += v + ' (+' + diff.toFixed(2) + ' +' + p.toFixed(2) + '%)'; |
h += "</span>"; |
} else { |
h += v + ' (' + diff.toFixed(2) + ' ' + p.toFixed(2) + '%)'; |
h += "</span>"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
h += '</b><br>'; |
var v = serieData[idx]; |
h += 'Value = <b>'; |
h += v; |
h += '</b> '; |
h += 'Diff current average = <b>'; |
var ca = Math.floor(serie.analyseResult.averages[idxAvg].average); |
var diff = (v - ca); |
var p = diff / ca * 100; |
if (diff === 0) |
h += '(0)'; |
if (diff > 0) |
h += '(+' + diff.toFixed(2) + ' +' + p.toFixed(2) + '%)'; |
if (diff < 0) |
h += '(' + diff.toFixed(2) + ' ' + p.toFixed(2) + '%)'; |
h += '</b> '; |
if ((idxAvg - 1) > 0) { |
h += 'Diff previous average = <b>'; |
var ca = Math.floor(serie.analyseResult.averages[idxAvg - 1].average); |
var diff = (v - ca); |
var p = diff / ca * 100; |
if (diff === 0) |
h += '(0)'; |
if (diff > 0) |
h += '(+' + diff.toFixed(2) + ' +' + p.toFixed(2) + '%)'; |
if (diff < 0) |
h += '(' + diff.toFixed(2) + ' ' + p.toFixed(2) + '%)'; |
h += '</b> '; |
} |
} |
e.innerHTML = h; |
globalShowBuildInfo(idx); |
} |
function uiShowSerieClean() { |
document.getElementById('buildInfo').innerHTML = ""; |
document.getElementById('valueinfo').innerHTML = ""; |
document.getElementById('elt_dygraph').innerHTML = ""; |
} |
function unselectAnalysePanel() { |
var a = serie.analyse; |
if (a.base !== undefined) { |
$('#analyseBase' + a.base).prop("selected", false) |
} |
if (a.benchmark !== undefined) { |
$('#analyseTypeBenchmark').prop("selected", false) |
if (a.benchmark.trend !== undefined) { |
if (a.benchmark.trend === 'higher') { |
$('#analyseBenchmarkTrendHigher').prop("selected", false) |
} else { |
$('#analyseBenchmarkTrendSmaller').prop("selected", false) |
} |
} else $('#analyseBenchmarkTrendSmaller').prop("selected", false) |
} |
if (a.test !== undefined) { |
$('#analyseTypeTest').prop("selected", false) |
if (a.test.propagate !== undefined) { |
if (a.test.propagate === true) |
$('#analyseTestPropagateTrue').prop("selected", false) |
else |
$('#analyseTestPropagateFalse').prop("selected", false) |
} else $('#analyseTestPropagateFalse').prop("selected", false) |
} |
} |
function initAnalysePanel() { |
$(document).ready(function() { |
$("#analyseBase").select2({ |
placeholder: "Base is first buildId", |
allowClear: true |
}); |
$("#stateAssignee").select2({ |
placeholder: "Enter username", |
allowClear: true |
}); |
for (var ii = 0; ii < serieBuilds.length; ii++) { |
$('#analyseBase').append($('<option>', { |
value: serieBuilds[ii], |
text: 'Use build ' + serieBuilds[ii] + ' - ' + builds[serieBuilds[ii]].infos.authorName + ' - ' + builds[serieBuilds[ii]].infos.subject, |
id: 'analyseBase' + serieBuilds[ii] |
})); |
} |
var k = projects[projectId].users.split(','); |
for (var ii = 0; ii < k.length; ii++) { |
$('#stateAssignee').append($('<option>', { |
value: k[ii], |
text: k[ii], |
id: 'stateAssignee' + k[ii] |
})); |
} |
}); |
} |
function setAnalysePanel() { |
var a = serie.analyse; |
if (a.base !== undefined) { |
$('#analyseBase' + a.base).prop("selected", true); |
$('#analyseBase').val(a.base).trigger("change") |
} |
if (a.benchmark !== undefined) { |
$('#analyseBenchmarkForm').show(); |
$('#analyseTypeBenchmark').prop("selected", true) |
if (a.benchmark.range !== undefined) { |
$('#analyseBenchmarkRange').val(a.benchmark.range); |
} |
if (a.benchmark.trend !== undefined) { |
if (a.benchmark.trend === 'higher') { |
$('#analyseBenchmarkTrendHigher').prop("selected", true) |
} else { |
$('#analyseBenchmarkTrendSmaller').prop("selected", true) |
} |
} else $('#analyseBenchmarkTrendSmaller').prop("selected", true) |
if (a.benchmark.required !== undefined) { |
$('#analyseBenchmarkRequired').val(a.benchmark.required); |
} |
} |
if (a.test !== undefined) { |
$('#analyseTestForm').show(); |
if (a.test.propagate !== undefined) { |
if (a.test.propagate === true) |
$('#analyseTestPropagateTrue').prop("selected", true) |
else |
$('#analyseTestPropagateFalse').prop("selected", true) |
} else $('#analyseTestPropagateFalse').prop("selected", true) |
} |
} |
function addNewComment() { |
var comment = {}; |
comment.text = $('#commentText').val(); |
if (comment.text === "") { |
alert('Need a Text to add comment'); |
return; |
} |
socket.emit('serieAddComment', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId, |
comment: comment |
}); |
$('#commentText').val(''); |
clearSelect2s(); |
} |
function applyAnalyse() { |
if (debug) console.log('applyAnalyse'); |
console.log('applyAnalyse'); |
var newAnalyse = {}; |
if ($('#analyseBase').val() !== '') |
newAnalyse.base = $('#analyseBase').val() * 1; |
if (serie.analyse.benchmark) { |
newAnalyse.benchmark = {}; |
if ($('#analyseBenchmarkRange').val() !== '') |
newAnalyse.benchmark.range = $('#analyseBenchmarkRange').val(); |
if ($('#analyseBenchmarkTrend').val() === 'smaller') |
newAnalyse.benchmark.trend = 'smaller' |
else |
newAnalyse.benchmark.trend = 'higher' |
if ($('#analyseBenchmarkRequired').val() !== '') |
newAnalyse.benchmark.required = $('#analyseBenchmarkRequired').val() * 1; |
} |
if (serie.analyse.test) { |
newAnalyse.test = {}; |
if ($('#analyseTestPropagate').val() === 'true') |
newAnalyse.test.propagate = true; |
} |
if (debug) console.log(newAnalyse) |
serie.analyse = newAnalyse; |
analyse(serie); |
showHeader(); |
drawAnalyseGraph(); |
$('#analyseText').val(""); |
$('#analyseChanged').show(); |
} |
function clearSelect2s() { |
$('#stateAssignee').val('').trigger("change") |
} |
function saveCurrentAnalyse() { |
if (debug) console.log('saveCurrentAnalyse'); |
var comment = {}; |
comment.text = $('#analyseText').val(); |
socket.emit('serieUpdateAnalyse', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId, |
analyse: serie.analyse, |
comment: comment |
}); |
$('#analyseChanged').hide(); |
clearSelect2s(); |
} |
function openSetAssigneeModal(target) { |
stateTarget = target; |
var state; |
var assignee; |
if (target) { |
$('#modal-target').html(compares[target].description); |
state = serie.state.compares[target]; |
if (serie.assignee !== undefined) |
if (serie.assignee.compares !== undefined) |
assignee = serie.assignee.compares[target]; |
} else { |
$('#modal-target').html('regression analysis'); |
state = serie.state.analyse; |
if (serie.assignee !== undefined) |
assignee = serie.assignee.analyse |
} |
$('#stateText').val(""); |
if (assignee === undefined) |
$('#stateAssignee').val('').trigger("change") |
else |
$('#stateAssignee').val(assignee).trigger("change") |
$('#modalChangeState').modal(); |
} |
function modalSaveAssignee() { |
if (debug) console.log('modalSaveAssignee'); |
var assignee = $('#stateAssignee').val(); |
if (assignee === '') assignee = undefined; |
var comment = {}; |
comment.text = $('#stateText').val(); |
socket.emit('serieUpdateAssignee', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId, |
assignee: assignee, |
stateTarget: stateTarget, |
comment: comment |
}); |
$('#modalChangeState').modal('hide'); |
clearSelect2s(); |
} |
function addBugLink() { |
modalBugLinkCompareId = undefined; |
if (serie.analyse.benchmark) |
addBugLinkBenchmark(); |
else |
addBugLinkTest(); |
$('#myModalAddBugLink').modal(); |
} |
function addBugLinkTest() { |
var s = serie.analyseResult; |
$('#AddBugLink_Link').val(''); |
if (serie.bugLink) { |
if (serie.bugLink.series) { |
$('#AddBugLink_Link').val(serie.bugLink.series); |
} |
} |
var report = ''; |
if (s.isPassing) { |
report += 'Test passing'; |
$('#proposalSubjectForBugReport').val(report); |
$('#proposalForBugReport').val(''); |
return; |
} |
report += 'Test failing'; |
$('#proposalSubjectForBugReport').val(report); |
report = ''; |
report += 'Test: ' + serieId; |
report += '\r\n\r\n'; |
if (serie.description) |
report += 'Description: ' + serie.description + '\r\n\r\n'; |
report += 'Regression analysis details:'; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- last passing buildId: ' + s.lastPassing; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- test failing since buildId: ' + s.failingSince; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- last executed buildId: : ' + s.lastExecuted; |
report += '\r\n\r\n'; |
report += 'Links:'; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- test: ' + danaUrl + '/serie?' + projectId + '?' + encodeURIComponent(serieId); |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- project tests status: ' + danaUrl + '/' + projectId + '/statusTests'; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- dana instance: ' + danaUrl; |
$('#proposalForBugReport').val(report); |
} |
function addBugLinkBenchmark() { |
$('#AddBugLink_Link').val(''); |
if (serie.bugLink) { |
if (serie.bugLink.series) { |
$('#AddBugLink_Link').val(serie.bugLink.series); |
} |
} |
var report = ''; |
var s = serie.analyseResult.summary; |
if (s.error) { |
report += 'Regression status: undefined'; |
} else { |
if (serie.state.analyse.indexOf('similar') !== -1) |
report += 'Regression status: similar'; |
else if (serie.state.analyse.indexOf('regression') !== -1) |
report += 'Regression status: regression'; |
else if (serie.state.analyse.indexOf('improvement') !== -1) |
report += 'Regression status: improvement'; |
else |
report += 'Regression status: undefined'; |
} |
report += ' '; |
if (s.current.ratio > 0) |
report += '+'; |
report += s.current.ratio + '% confirmed'; |
$('#proposalSubjectForBugReport').val(report); |
report = ''; |
report += 'Benchmark: ' + serieId; |
report += '\r\n\r\n'; |
if (serie.description) |
report += 'Description: ' + serie.description + '\r\n\r\n'; |
report += 'Regression analysis details:'; |
report += '\r\n'; |
if (s.error) { |
report += '- status: undefined'; |
} else { |
if (serie.state.analyse.indexOf('similar') !== -1) |
report += '- status: similar'; |
else if (serie.state.analyse.indexOf('regression') !== -1) |
report += '- status: regression'; |
else if (serie.state.analyse.indexOf('improvement') !== -1) |
report += '- status: improvement'; |
else |
report += '- status: undefined'; |
} |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- last buildId run: ' + s.lastBuildId; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- computed base average for analysis computation: ' + s.base.average; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- last computed average: : ' + s.current.average; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- current difference with base: '; |
if (s.current.diff > 0) |
report += '+'; |
report += s.current.diff; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- current ratio with base: '; |
if (s.current.ratio > 0) |
report += '+'; |
report += s.current.ratio + '%'; |
report += '\r\n\r\n'; |
report += 'Links:'; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- benchmark: ' + danaUrl + '/serie?' + projectId + '?' + encodeURIComponent(serieId); |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- project benchmark status: ' + danaUrl + '/' + projectId + '/statusSeries'; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- dana instance: ' + danaUrl; |
$('#proposalForBugReport').val(report); |
} |
function addBugLinkCompare(compareId) { |
modalBugLinkCompareId = compareId; |
var c = serie.compares[compareId]; |
var p = c.result.diff / c.result.compareValue * 100; |
if (serie.bugLink) |
if (serie.bugLink.compares[compareId]) { |
$('#AddBugLink_Link').val(serie.bugLink.compares[compareId]); |
} else $('#AddBugLink_Link').val(''); |
var report = ''; |
if (serie.state.compares[compareId].indexOf('similar') !== -1) |
report += 'Compare status: similar'; |
else if (serie.state.compares[compareId].indexOf('lower') !== -1) |
report += 'Compare status: lower'; |
else if (serie.state.compares[compareId].indexOf('better') !== -1) |
report += 'Compare status: better'; |
report += ' '; |
if (c.result.diff == 0) { |
report += '0%'; |
} else { |
if (c.result.diff > 0) |
report += '+'; |
report += p.toFixed(2) + '%'; |
} |
report += ' confirmed'; |
$('#proposalSubjectForBugReport').val(report); |
report = ''; |
report += 'Benchmark: ' + serieId; |
report += '\r\n\r\n'; |
report += 'Compare: ' + compareId; |
report += '\r\n'; |
if (c.description) |
report += 'Description: ' + c.description + '\r\n\r\n'; |
report += 'Compare analysis details:'; |
report += '\r\n'; |
if (serie.state.compares[compareId].indexOf('similar') !== -1) |
report += '- status: similar'; |
else if (serie.state.compares[compareId].indexOf('lower') !== -1) |
report += '- status: lower'; |
else if (serie.state.compares[compareId].indexOf('better') !== -1) |
report += '- status: better'; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- my value: ' + c.result.myValue; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- compare value: ' + c.result.compareValue; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- raw difference: '; |
if (c.result.diff > 0) |
report += '+'; |
report += c.result.diff; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- ratio: ' |
if (c.result.diff == 0) { |
report += '0%'; |
} else { |
if (c.result.diff > 0) |
report += '+'; |
report += p.toFixed(2) + '%'; |
} |
report += '\r\n\r\n'; |
report += 'Links:'; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- benchmark: ' + danaUrl + '/serie?' + projectId + '?' + encodeURIComponent(serieId); |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- project compare status: ' + danaUrl + '/' + projectId + '/status' + compareId; |
report += '\r\n'; |
report += '- dana instance: ' + danaUrl; |
$('#proposalForBugReport').val(report); |
$('#myModalAddBugLink').modal(); |
} |
$('#modalSaveBugLink').click(function() { |
var bugLink = $('#AddBugLink_Link').val(); |
alert('serieUpdateBugLink ' + projectId + ' ' + serieId + ' ' + bugLink + ' ' + modalBugLinkCompareId); |
socket.emit('serieUpdateBugLink', { |
projectId: projectId, |
serieId: serieId, |
bugLink: bugLink, |
compareId: modalBugLinkCompareId |
}); |
if (serie.bugLink === undefined) { |
serie.bugLink = {}; |
if (serie.analyse.benchmark) { |
serie.bugLink.compares = {}; |
} |
} |
if (modalBugLinkCompareId === undefined) |
serie.bugLink.series = bugLink; |
else |
serie.bugLink.compares[modalBugLinkCompareId] = bugLink; |
}); |
$('#modalCopySubjectClipboard').click(function() { |
var copyText = document.getElementById("proposalSubjectForBugReport"); |
copyText.select(); |
document.execCommand("Copy"); |
}) |
$('#modalCopyClipboard').click(function() { |
var copyText = document.getElementById("proposalForBugReport"); |
copyText.select(); |
document.execCommand("Copy"); |
}) |