'use strict'; var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; define('linkify', ['exports'], function (exports) { 'use strict'; function inherits(parent, child) { var props = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; var extended = Object.create(parent.prototype); for (var p in props) { extended[p] = props[p]; } extended.constructor = child; child.prototype = extended; return child; } var defaults = { defaultProtocol: 'http', events: null, format: noop, formatHref: noop, nl2br: false, tagName: 'a', target: typeToTarget, validate: true, ignoreTags: [], attributes: null, className: 'linkified' }; function Options(opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.defaultProtocol = opts.defaultProtocol || defaults.defaultProtocol; this.events = opts.events || defaults.events; this.format = opts.format || defaults.format; this.formatHref = opts.formatHref || defaults.formatHref; this.nl2br = opts.nl2br || defaults.nl2br; this.tagName = opts.tagName || defaults.tagName; this.target = opts.target || defaults.target; this.validate = opts.validate || defaults.validate; this.ignoreTags = []; // linkAttributes and linkClass is deprecated this.attributes = opts.attributes || opts.linkAttributes || defaults.attributes; this.className = opts.className || opts.linkClass || defaults.className; // Make all tags names upper case var ignoredTags = opts.ignoreTags || defaults.ignoreTags; for (var i = 0; i < ignoredTags.length; i++) { this.ignoreTags.push(ignoredTags[i].toUpperCase()); } } Options.prototype = { /** * Given the token, return all options for how it should be displayed */ resolve: function resolve(token) { var href = token.toHref(this.defaultProtocol); return { formatted: this.get('format', token.toString(), token), formattedHref: this.get('formatHref', href, token), tagName: this.get('tagName', href, token), className: this.get('className', href, token), target: this.get('target', href, token), events: this.getObject('events', href, token), attributes: this.getObject('attributes', href, token) }; }, /** * Returns true or false based on whether a token should be displayed as a * link based on the user options. By default, */ check: function check(token) { return this.get('validate', token.toString(), token); }, // Private methods /** * Resolve an option's value based on the value of the option and the given * params. * @param [String] key Name of option to use * @param operator will be passed to the target option if it's method * @param [MultiToken] token The token from linkify.tokenize */ get: function get(key, operator, token) { var option = this[key]; if (!option) { return option; } switch (typeof option === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(option)) { case 'function': return option(operator, token.type); case 'object': var optionValue = option[token.type] || defaults[key]; return typeof optionValue === 'function' ? optionValue(operator, token.type) : optionValue; } return option; }, getObject: function getObject(key, operator, token) { var option = this[key]; return typeof option === 'function' ? option(operator, token.type) : option; } }; /** * Quick indexOf replacement for checking the ignoreTags option */ function contains(arr, value) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] === value) { return true; } } return false; } function noop(val) { return val; } function typeToTarget(href, type) { return type === 'url' ? '_blank' : null; } var options = Object.freeze({ defaults: defaults, Options: Options, contains: contains }); function createStateClass() { return function (tClass) { this.j = []; this.T = tClass || null; }; } /** A simple state machine that can emit token classes The `j` property in this class refers to state jumps. It's a multidimensional array where for each element: * index [0] is a symbol or class of symbols to transition to. * index [1] is a State instance which matches The type of symbol will depend on the target implementation for this class. In Linkify, we have a two-stage scanner. Each stage uses this state machine but with a slighly different (polymorphic) implementation. The `T` property refers to the token class. TODO: Can the `on` and `next` methods be combined? @class BaseState */ var BaseState = createStateClass(); BaseState.prototype = { defaultTransition: false, /** @method constructor @param {Class} tClass Pass in the kind of token to emit if there are no jumps after this state and the state is accepting. */ /** On the given symbol(s), this machine should go to the given state @method on @param {Array|Mixed} symbol @param {BaseState} state Note that the type of this state should be the same as the current instance (i.e., don't pass in a different subclass) */ on: function on(symbol, state) { if (symbol instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < symbol.length; i++) { this.j.push([symbol[i], state]); } return this; } this.j.push([symbol, state]); return this; }, /** Given the next item, returns next state for that item @method next @param {Mixed} item Should be an instance of the symbols handled by this particular machine. @return {State} state Returns false if no jumps are available */ next: function next(item) { for (var i = 0; i < this.j.length; i++) { var jump = this.j[i]; var symbol = jump[0]; // Next item to check for var state = jump[1]; // State to jump to if items match // compare item with symbol if (this.test(item, symbol)) { return state; } } // Nowhere left to jump! return this.defaultTransition; }, /** Does this state accept? `true` only of `this.T` exists @method accepts @return {Boolean} */ accepts: function accepts() { return !!this.T; }, /** Determine whether a given item "symbolizes" the symbol, where symbol is a class of items handled by this state machine. This method should be overriden in extended classes. @method test @param {Mixed} item Does this item match the given symbol? @param {Mixed} symbol @return {Boolean} */ test: function test(item, symbol) { return item === symbol; }, /** Emit the token for this State (just return it in this case) If this emits a token, this instance is an accepting state @method emit @return {Class} T */ emit: function emit() { return this.T; } }; /** State machine for string-based input @class CharacterState @extends BaseState */ var CharacterState = inherits(BaseState, createStateClass(), { /** Does the given character match the given character or regular expression? @method test @param {String} char @param {String|RegExp} charOrRegExp @return {Boolean} */ test: function test(character, charOrRegExp) { return character === charOrRegExp || charOrRegExp instanceof RegExp && charOrRegExp.test(character); } }); /** State machine for input in the form of TextTokens @class TokenState @extends BaseState */ var TokenState = inherits(BaseState, createStateClass(), { /** * Similar to `on`, but returns the state the results in the transition from * the given item * @method jump * @param {Mixed} item * @param {Token} [token] * @return state */ jump: function jump(token) { var tClass = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; var state = this.next(new token('')); // dummy temp token if (state === this.defaultTransition) { // Make a new state! state = new this.constructor(tClass); this.on(token, state); } else if (tClass) { state.T = tClass; } return state; }, /** Is the given token an instance of the given token class? @method test @param {TextToken} token @param {Class} tokenClass @return {Boolean} */ test: function test(token, tokenClass) { return token instanceof tokenClass; } }); /** Given a non-empty target string, generates states (if required) for each consecutive substring of characters in str starting from the beginning of the string. The final state will have a special value, as specified in options. All other "in between" substrings will have a default end state. This turns the state machine into a Trie-like data structure (rather than a intelligently-designed DFA). Note that I haven't really tried these with any strings other than DOMAIN. @param {String} str @param {CharacterState} start State to jump from the first character @param {Class} endToken Token class to emit when the given string has been matched and no more jumps exist. @param {Class} defaultToken "Filler token", or which token type to emit when we don't have a full match @return {Array} list of newly-created states */ function stateify(str, start, endToken, defaultToken) { var i = 0, len = str.length, state = start, newStates = [], nextState = void 0; // Find the next state without a jump to the next character while (i < len && (nextState = state.next(str[i]))) { state = nextState; i++; } if (i >= len) { return []; } // no new tokens were added while (i < len - 1) { nextState = new CharacterState(defaultToken); newStates.push(nextState); state.on(str[i], nextState); state = nextState; i++; } nextState = new CharacterState(endToken); newStates.push(nextState); state.on(str[len - 1], nextState); return newStates; } function createTokenClass() { return function (value) { if (value) { this.v = value; } }; } /****************************************************************************** Text Tokens Tokens composed of strings ******************************************************************************/ /** Abstract class used for manufacturing text tokens. Pass in the value this token represents @class TextToken @abstract */ var TextToken = createTokenClass(); TextToken.prototype = { toString: function toString() { return this.v + ''; } }; function inheritsToken(value) { var props = value ? { v: value } : {}; return inherits(TextToken, createTokenClass(), props); } /** A valid domain token @class DOMAIN @extends TextToken */ var DOMAIN = inheritsToken(); /** @class AT @extends TextToken */ var AT = inheritsToken('@'); /** Represents a single colon `:` character @class COLON @extends TextToken */ var COLON = inheritsToken(':'); /** @class DOT @extends TextToken */ var DOT = inheritsToken('.'); /** A character class that can surround the URL, but which the URL cannot begin or end with. Does not include certain English punctuation like parentheses. @class PUNCTUATION @extends TextToken */ var PUNCTUATION = inheritsToken(); /** The word localhost (by itself) @class LOCALHOST @extends TextToken */ var LOCALHOST = inheritsToken(); /** Newline token @class NL @extends TextToken */ var NL = inheritsToken('\n'); /** @class NUM @extends TextToken */ var NUM = inheritsToken(); /** @class PLUS @extends TextToken */ var PLUS = inheritsToken('+'); /** @class POUND @extends TextToken */ var POUND = inheritsToken('#'); /** Represents a web URL protocol. Supported types include * `http:` * `https:` * `ftp:` * `ftps:` @class PROTOCOL @extends TextToken */ var PROTOCOL = inheritsToken(); /** Represents the start of the email URI protocol @class MAILTO @extends TextToken */ var MAILTO = inheritsToken('mailto:'); /** @class QUERY @extends TextToken */ var QUERY = inheritsToken('?'); /** @class SLASH @extends TextToken */ var SLASH = inheritsToken('/'); /** @class UNDERSCORE @extends TextToken */ var UNDERSCORE = inheritsToken('_'); /** One ore more non-whitespace symbol. @class SYM @extends TextToken */ var SYM = inheritsToken(); /** @class TLD @extends TextToken */ var TLD = inheritsToken(); /** Represents a string of consecutive whitespace characters @class WS @extends TextToken */ var WS = inheritsToken(); /** Opening/closing bracket classes */ var OPENBRACE = inheritsToken('{'); var OPENBRACKET = inheritsToken('['); var OPENANGLEBRACKET = inheritsToken('<'); var OPENPAREN = inheritsToken('('); var CLOSEBRACE = inheritsToken('}'); var CLOSEBRACKET = inheritsToken(']'); var CLOSEANGLEBRACKET = inheritsToken('>'); var CLOSEPAREN = inheritsToken(')'); var AMPERSAND = inheritsToken('&'); var text = Object.freeze({ Base: TextToken, DOMAIN: DOMAIN, AT: AT, COLON: COLON, DOT: DOT, PUNCTUATION: PUNCTUATION, LOCALHOST: LOCALHOST, NL: NL, NUM: NUM, PLUS: PLUS, POUND: POUND, QUERY: QUERY, PROTOCOL: PROTOCOL, MAILTO: MAILTO, SLASH: SLASH, UNDERSCORE: UNDERSCORE, SYM: SYM, TLD: TLD, WS: WS, OPENBRACE: OPENBRACE, OPENBRACKET: OPENBRACKET, OPENANGLEBRACKET: OPENANGLEBRACKET, OPENPAREN: OPENPAREN, CLOSEBRACE: CLOSEBRACE, CLOSEBRACKET: CLOSEBRACKET, CLOSEANGLEBRACKET: CLOSEANGLEBRACKET, CLOSEPAREN: CLOSEPAREN, AMPERSAND: AMPERSAND }); /** The scanner provides an interface that takes a string of text as input, and outputs an array of tokens instances that can be used for easy URL parsing. @module linkify @submodule scanner @main scanner */ var tlds = 'aaa|aarp|abb|abbott|abogado|ac|academy|accenture|accountant|accountants|aco|active|actor|ad|adac|ads|adult|ae|aeg|aero|af|afl|ag|agency|ai|aig|airforce|airtel|al|alibaba|alipay|allfinanz|alsace|am|amica|amsterdam|an|analytics|android|ao|apartments|app|apple|aq|aquarelle|ar|aramco|archi|army|arpa|arte|as|asia|associates|at|attorney|au|auction|audi|audio|author|auto|autos|avianca|aw|ax|axa|az|azure|ba|baidu|band|bank|bar|barcelona|barclaycard|barclays|bargains|bauhaus|bayern|bb|bbc|bbva|bcg|bcn|bd|be|beats|beer|bentley|berlin|best|bet|bf|bg|bh|bharti|bi|bible|bid|bike|bing|bingo|bio|biz|bj|black|blackfriday|bloomberg|blue|bm|bms|bmw|bn|bnl|bnpparibas|bo|boats|boehringer|bom|bond|boo|book|boots|bosch|bostik|bot|boutique|br|bradesco|bridgestone|broadway|broker|brother|brussels|bs|bt|budapest|bugatti|build|builders|business|buy|buzz|bv|bw|by|bz|bzh|ca|cab|cafe|cal|call|camera|camp|cancerresearch|canon|capetown|capital|car|caravan|cards|care|career|careers|cars|cartier|casa|cash|casino|cat|catering|cba|cbn|cc|cd|ceb|center|ceo|cern|cf|cfa|cfd|cg|ch|chanel|channel|chase|chat|cheap|chloe|christmas|chrome|church|ci|cipriani|circle|cisco|citic|city|cityeats|ck|cl|claims|cleaning|click|clinic|clinique|clothing|cloud|club|clubmed|cm|cn|co|coach|codes|coffee|college|cologne|com|commbank|community|company|compare|computer|comsec|condos|construction|consulting|contact|contractors|cooking|cool|coop|corsica|country|coupon|coupons|courses|cr|credit|creditcard|creditunion|cricket|crown|crs|cruises|csc|cu|cuisinella|cv|cw|cx|cy|cymru|cyou|cz|dabur|dad|dance|date|dating|datsun|day|dclk|de|dealer|deals|degree|delivery|dell|deloitte|delta|democrat|dental|dentist|desi|design|dev|diamonds|diet|digital|direct|directory|discount|dj|dk|dm|dnp|do|docs|dog|doha|domains|download|drive|dubai|durban|dvag|dz|earth|eat|ec|edeka|edu|education|ee|eg|email|emerck|energy|engineer|engineering|enterprises|epson|equipment|er|erni|es|esq|estate|et|eu|eurovision|eus|events|everbank|exchange|expert|exposed|express|fage|fail|fairwinds|faith|family|fan|fans|farm|fashion|fast|feedback|ferrero|fi|film|final|finance|financial|firestone|firmdale|fish|fishing|fit|fitness|fj|fk|flickr|flights|florist|flowers|flsmidth|fly|fm|fo|foo|football|ford|forex|forsale|forum|foundation|fox|fr|fresenius|frl|frogans|frontier|fund|furniture|futbol|fyi|ga|gal|gallery|gallup|game|garden|gb|gbiz|gd|gdn|ge|gea|gent|genting|gf|gg|ggee|gh|gi|gift|gifts|gives|giving|gl|glass|gle|global|globo|gm|gmail|gmbh|gmo|gmx|gn|gold|goldpoint|golf|goo|goog|google|gop|got|gov|gp|gq|gr|grainger|graphics|gratis|green|gripe|group|gs|gt|gu|gucci|guge|guide|guitars|guru|gw|gy|hamburg|hangout|haus|hdfcbank|health|healthcare|help|helsinki|here|hermes|hiphop|hitachi|hiv|hk|hm|hn|hockey|holdings|holiday|homedepot|homes|honda|horse|host|hosting|hoteles|hotmail|house|how|hr|hsbc|ht|hu|hyundai|ibm|icbc|ice|icu|id|ie|ifm|iinet|il|im|immo|immobilien|in|industries|infiniti|info|ing|ink|institute|insurance|insure|int|international|investments|io|ipiranga|iq|ir|irish|is|iselect|ist|istanbul|it|itau|iwc|jaguar|java|jcb|je|jetzt|jewelry|jlc|jll|jm|jmp|jo|jobs|joburg|jot|joy|jp|jpmorgan|jprs|juegos|kaufen|kddi|ke|kerryhotels|kerrylogistics|kerryproperties|kfh|kg|kh|ki|kia|kim|kinder|kitchen|kiwi|km|kn|koeln|komatsu|kp|kpn|kr|krd|kred|kuokgroup|kw|ky|kyoto|kz|la|lacaixa|lamborghini|lamer|lancaster|land|landrover|lanxess|lasalle|lat|latrobe|law|lawyer|lb|lc|lds|lease|leclerc|legal|lexus|lgbt|li|liaison|lidl|life|lifeinsurance|lifestyle|lighting|like|limited|limo|lincoln|linde|link|live|living|lixil|lk|loan|loans|local|locus|lol|london|lotte|lotto|love|lr|ls|lt|ltd|ltda|lu|lupin|luxe|luxury|lv|ly|ma|madrid|maif|maison|makeup|man|management|mango|market|marketing|markets|marriott|mba|mc|md|me|med|media|meet|melbourne|meme|memorial|men|menu|meo|mg|mh|miami|microsoft|mil|mini|mk|ml|mm|mma|mn|mo|mobi|mobily|moda|moe|moi|mom|monash|money|montblanc|mormon|mortgage|moscow|motorcycles|mov|movie|movistar|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mtn|mtpc|mtr|mu|museum|mutuelle|mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|nadex|nagoya|name|natura|navy|nc|ne|nec|net|netbank|network|neustar|new|news|nexus|nf|ng|ngo|nhk|ni|nico|nikon|ninja|nissan|nl|no|nokia|norton|nowruz|np|nr|nra|nrw|ntt|nu|nyc|nz|obi|office|okinawa|om|omega|one|ong|onl|online|ooo|oracle|orange|org|organic|origins|osaka|otsuka|ovh|pa|page|pamperedchef|panerai|paris|pars|partners|parts|party|passagens|pe|pet|pf|pg|ph|pharmacy|philips|photo|photography|photos|physio|piaget|pics|pictet|pictures|pid|pin|ping|pink|pizza|pk|pl|place|play|playstation|plumbing|plus|pm|pn|pohl|poker|porn|post|pr|praxi|press|pro|prod|productions|prof|promo|properties|property|protection|ps|pt|pub|pw|pwc|py|qa|qpon|quebec|quest|racing|re|read|realtor|realty|recipes|red|redstone|redumbrella|rehab|reise|reisen|reit|ren|rent|rentals|repair|report|republican|rest|restaurant|review|reviews|rexroth|rich|ricoh|rio|rip|ro|rocher|rocks|rodeo|room|rs|rsvp|ru|ruhr|run|rw|rwe|ryukyu|sa|saarland|safe|safety|sakura|sale|salon|samsung|sandvik|sandvikcoromant|sanofi|sap|sapo|sarl|sas|saxo|sb|sbs|sc|sca|scb|schaeffler|schmidt|scholarships|school|schule|schwarz|science|scor|scot|sd|se|seat|security|seek|select|sener|services|seven|sew|sex|sexy|sfr|sg|sh|sharp|shell|shia|shiksha|shoes|show|shriram|si|singles|site|sj|sk|ski|skin|sky|skype|sl|sm|smile|sn|sncf|so|soccer|social|softbank|software|sohu|solar|solutions|song|sony|soy|space|spiegel|spot|spreadbetting|sr|srl|st|stada|star|starhub|statefarm|statoil|stc|stcgroup|stockholm|storage|store|studio|study|style|su|sucks|supplies|supply|support|surf|surgery|suzuki|sv|swatch|swiss|sx|sy|sydney|symantec|systems|sz|tab|taipei|taobao|tatamotors|tatar|tattoo|tax|taxi|tc|tci|td|team|tech|technology|tel|telecity|telefonica|temasek|tennis|tf|tg|th|thd|theater|theatre|tickets|tienda|tiffany|tips|tires|tirol|tj|tk|tl|tm|tmall|tn|to|today|tokyo|tools|top|toray|toshiba|total|tours|town|toyota|toys|tp|tr|trade|trading|training|travel|travelers|travelersinsurance|trust|trv|tt|tube|tui|tunes|tushu|tv|tvs|tw|tz|ua|ubs|ug|uk|unicom|university|uno|uol|us|uy|uz|va|vacations|vana|vc|ve|vegas|ventures|verisign|versicherung|vet|vg|vi|viajes|video|viking|villas|vin|vip|virgin|vision|vista|vistaprint|viva|vlaanderen|vn|vodka|volkswagen|vote|voting|voto|voyage|vu|vuelos|wales|walter|wang|wanggou|watch|watches|weather|weatherchannel|webcam|weber|website|wed|wedding|weir|wf|whoswho|wien|wiki|williamhill|win|windows|wine|wme|wolterskluwer|work|works|world|ws|wtc|wtf|xbox|xerox|xin|xperia|xxx|xyz|yachts|yahoo|yamaxun|yandex|ye|yodobashi|yoga|yokohama|youtube|yt|za|zara|zero|zip|zm|zone|zuerich|zw'.split('|'); // macro, see gulpfile.js var NUMBERS = '0123456789'.split(''); var ALPHANUM = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split(''); var WHITESPACE = [' ', '\f', '\r', '\t', '\v', '\xA0', '\u1680', '\u180E']; // excluding line breaks var domainStates = []; // states that jump to DOMAIN on /[a-z0-9]/ var makeState = function makeState(tokenClass) { return new CharacterState(tokenClass); }; // Frequently used states var S_START = makeState(); var S_NUM = makeState(NUM); var S_DOMAIN = makeState(DOMAIN); var S_DOMAIN_HYPHEN = makeState(); // domain followed by 1 or more hyphen characters var S_WS = makeState(WS); // States for special URL symbols S_START.on('@', makeState(AT)).on('.', makeState(DOT)).on('+', makeState(PLUS)).on('#', makeState(POUND)).on('?', makeState(QUERY)).on('/', makeState(SLASH)).on('_', makeState(UNDERSCORE)).on(':', makeState(COLON)).on('{', makeState(OPENBRACE)).on('[', makeState(OPENBRACKET)).on('<', makeState(OPENANGLEBRACKET)).on('(', makeState(OPENPAREN)).on('}', makeState(CLOSEBRACE)).on(']', makeState(CLOSEBRACKET)).on('>', makeState(CLOSEANGLEBRACKET)).on(')', makeState(CLOSEPAREN)).on('&', makeState(AMPERSAND)).on([',', ';', '!', '"', '\''], makeState(PUNCTUATION)); // Whitespace jumps // Tokens of only non-newline whitespace are arbitrarily long S_START.on('\n', makeState(NL)).on(WHITESPACE, S_WS); // If any whitespace except newline, more whitespace! S_WS.on(WHITESPACE, S_WS); // Generates states for top-level domains // Note that this is most accurate when tlds are in alphabetical order for (var i = 0; i < tlds.length; i++) { var newStates = stateify(tlds[i], S_START, TLD, DOMAIN); domainStates.push.apply(domainStates, newStates); } // Collect the states generated by different protocls var partialProtocolFileStates = stateify('file', S_START, DOMAIN, DOMAIN); var partialProtocolFtpStates = stateify('ftp', S_START, DOMAIN, DOMAIN); var partialProtocolHttpStates = stateify('http', S_START, DOMAIN, DOMAIN); var partialProtocolMailtoStates = stateify('mailto', S_START, DOMAIN, DOMAIN); // Add the states to the array of DOMAINeric states domainStates.push.apply(domainStates, partialProtocolFileStates); domainStates.push.apply(domainStates, partialProtocolFtpStates); domainStates.push.apply(domainStates, partialProtocolHttpStates); // Protocol states var S_PROTOCOL_FILE = partialProtocolFileStates.pop(); var S_PROTOCOL_FTP = partialProtocolFtpStates.pop(); var S_PROTOCOL_HTTP = partialProtocolHttpStates.pop(); var S_MAILTO = partialProtocolMailtoStates.pop(); var S_PROTOCOL_SECURE = makeState(DOMAIN); var S_FULL_PROTOCOL = makeState(PROTOCOL); // Full protocol ends with COLON var S_FULL_MAILTO = makeState(MAILTO); // Mailto ends with COLON // Secure protocols (end with 's') S_PROTOCOL_FTP.on('s', S_PROTOCOL_SECURE).on(':', S_FULL_PROTOCOL); S_PROTOCOL_HTTP.on('s', S_PROTOCOL_SECURE).on(':', S_FULL_PROTOCOL); domainStates.push(S_PROTOCOL_SECURE); // Become protocol tokens after a COLON S_PROTOCOL_FILE.on(':', S_FULL_PROTOCOL); S_PROTOCOL_SECURE.on(':', S_FULL_PROTOCOL); S_MAILTO.on(':', S_FULL_MAILTO); // Localhost var partialLocalhostStates = stateify('localhost', S_START, LOCALHOST, DOMAIN); domainStates.push.apply(domainStates, partialLocalhostStates); // Everything else // DOMAINs make more DOMAINs // Number and character transitions S_START.on(NUMBERS, S_NUM); S_NUM.on('-', S_DOMAIN_HYPHEN).on(NUMBERS, S_NUM).on(ALPHANUM, S_DOMAIN); // number becomes DOMAIN S_DOMAIN.on('-', S_DOMAIN_HYPHEN).on(ALPHANUM, S_DOMAIN); // All the generated states should have a jump to DOMAIN for (var _i = 0; _i < domainStates.length; _i++) { domainStates[_i].on('-', S_DOMAIN_HYPHEN).on(ALPHANUM, S_DOMAIN); } S_DOMAIN_HYPHEN.on('-', S_DOMAIN_HYPHEN).on(NUMBERS, S_DOMAIN).on(ALPHANUM, S_DOMAIN); // Set default transition S_START.defaultTransition = makeState(SYM); /** Given a string, returns an array of TOKEN instances representing the composition of that string. @method run @param {String} str Input string to scan @return {Array} Array of TOKEN instances */ var run = function run(str) { // The state machine only looks at lowercase strings. // This selective `toLowerCase` is used because lowercasing the entire // string causes the length and character position to vary in some in some // non-English strings. This happens only on V8-based runtimes. var lowerStr = str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (c) { return c.toLowerCase(); }); var len = str.length; var tokens = []; // return value var cursor = 0; // Tokenize the string while (cursor < len) { var state = S_START; var secondState = null; var nextState = null; var tokenLength = 0; var latestAccepting = null; var sinceAccepts = -1; while (cursor < len && (nextState = state.next(lowerStr[cursor]))) { secondState = null; state = nextState; // Keep track of the latest accepting state if (state.accepts()) { sinceAccepts = 0; latestAccepting = state; } else if (sinceAccepts >= 0) { sinceAccepts++; } tokenLength++; cursor++; } if (sinceAccepts < 0) { continue; } // Should never happen // Roll back to the latest accepting state cursor -= sinceAccepts; tokenLength -= sinceAccepts; // Get the class for the new token var TOKEN = latestAccepting.emit(); // Current token class // No more jumps, just make a new token tokens.push(new TOKEN(str.substr(cursor - tokenLength, tokenLength))); } return tokens; }; var start = S_START; var scanner = Object.freeze({ State: CharacterState, TOKENS: text, run: run, start: start }); /****************************************************************************** Multi-Tokens Tokens composed of arrays of TextTokens ******************************************************************************/ // Is the given token a valid domain token? // Should nums be included here? function isDomainToken(token) { return token instanceof DOMAIN || token instanceof TLD; } /** Abstract class used for manufacturing tokens of text tokens. That is rather than the value for a token being a small string of text, it's value an array of text tokens. Used for grouping together URLs, emails, hashtags, and other potential creations. @class MultiToken @abstract */ var MultiToken = createTokenClass(); MultiToken.prototype = { /** String representing the type for this token @property type @default 'TOKEN' */ type: 'token', /** Is this multitoken a link? @property isLink @default false */ isLink: false, /** Return the string this token represents. @method toString @return {String} */ toString: function toString() { var result = []; for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < this.v.length; _i2++) { result.push(this.v[_i2].toString()); } return result.join(''); }, /** What should the value for this token be in the `href` HTML attribute? Returns the `.toString` value by default. @method toHref @return {String} */ toHref: function toHref() { return this.toString(); }, /** Returns a hash of relevant values for this token, which includes keys * type - Kind of token ('url', 'email', etc.) * value - Original text * href - The value that should be added to the anchor tag's href attribute @method toObject @param {String} [protocol] `'http'` by default @return {Object} */ toObject: function toObject() { var protocol = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'http'; return { type: this.type, value: this.toString(), href: this.toHref(protocol) }; } }; /** Represents an arbitrarily mailto email address with the prefix included @class MAILTO @extends MultiToken */ var MAILTOEMAIL = inherits(MultiToken, createTokenClass(), { type: 'email', isLink: true }); /** Represents a list of tokens making up a valid email address @class EMAIL @extends MultiToken */ var EMAIL = inherits(MultiToken, createTokenClass(), { type: 'email', isLink: true, toHref: function toHref() { var tokens = this.v; return 'mailto:' + this.toString(); } }); /** Represents some plain text @class TEXT @extends MultiToken */ var TEXT = inherits(MultiToken, createTokenClass(), { type: 'text' }); /** Multi-linebreak token - represents a line break @class NL @extends MultiToken */ var NL$1 = inherits(MultiToken, createTokenClass(), { type: 'nl' }); /** Represents a list of tokens making up a valid URL @class URL @extends MultiToken */ var URL = inherits(MultiToken, createTokenClass(), { type: 'url', isLink: true, /** Lowercases relevant parts of the domain and adds the protocol if required. Note that this will not escape unsafe HTML characters in the URL. @method href @param {String} protocol @return {String} */ toHref: function toHref() { var protocol = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'http'; var hasProtocol = false; var hasSlashSlash = false; var tokens = this.v; var result = []; var i = 0; // Make the first part of the domain lowercase // Lowercase protocol while (tokens[i] instanceof PROTOCOL) { hasProtocol = true; result.push(tokens[i].toString().toLowerCase()); i++; } // Skip slash-slash while (tokens[i] instanceof SLASH) { hasSlashSlash = true; result.push(tokens[i].toString()); i++; } // Lowercase all other characters in the domain while (isDomainToken(tokens[i])) { result.push(tokens[i].toString().toLowerCase()); i++; } // Leave all other characters as they were written for (; i < tokens.length; i++) { result.push(tokens[i].toString()); } result = result.join(''); if (!(hasProtocol || hasSlashSlash)) { result = protocol + '://' + result; } return result; }, hasProtocol: function hasProtocol() { return this.v[0] instanceof PROTOCOL; } }); var multi = Object.freeze({ Base: MultiToken, MAILTOEMAIL: MAILTOEMAIL, EMAIL: EMAIL, NL: NL$1, TEXT: TEXT, URL: URL }); /** Not exactly parser, more like the second-stage scanner (although we can theoretically hotswap the code here with a real parser in the future... but for a little URL-finding utility abstract syntax trees may be a little overkill). URL format: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme Email format: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address (links to RFC in reference) @module linkify @submodule parser @main parser */ var makeState$1 = function makeState$1(tokenClass) { return new TokenState(tokenClass); }; // The universal starting state. var S_START$1 = makeState$1(); // Intermediate states for URLs. Note that domains that begin with a protocol // are treated slighly differently from those that don't. var S_PROTOCOL = makeState$1(); // e.g., 'http:' var S_MAILTO$1 = makeState$1(); // 'mailto:' var S_PROTOCOL_SLASH = makeState$1(); // e.g., '/', 'http:/'' var S_PROTOCOL_SLASH_SLASH = makeState$1(); // e.g., '//', 'http://' var S_DOMAIN$1 = makeState$1(); // parsed string ends with a potential domain name (A) var S_DOMAIN_DOT = makeState$1(); // (A) domain followed by DOT var S_TLD = makeState$1(URL); // (A) Simplest possible URL with no query string var S_TLD_COLON = makeState$1(); // (A) URL followed by colon (potential port number here) var S_TLD_PORT = makeState$1(URL); // TLD followed by a port number var S_URL = makeState$1(URL); // Long URL with optional port and maybe query string var S_URL_NON_ACCEPTING = makeState$1(); // URL followed by some symbols (will not be part of the final URL) var S_URL_OPENBRACE = makeState$1(); // URL followed by { var S_URL_OPENBRACKET = makeState$1(); // URL followed by [ var S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET = makeState$1(); // URL followed by < var S_URL_OPENPAREN = makeState$1(); // URL followed by ( var S_URL_OPENBRACE_Q = makeState$1(URL); // URL followed by { and some symbols that the URL can end it var S_URL_OPENBRACKET_Q = makeState$1(URL); // URL followed by [ and some symbols that the URL can end it var S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_Q = makeState$1(URL); // URL followed by < and some symbols that the URL can end it var S_URL_OPENPAREN_Q = makeState$1(URL); // URL followed by ( and some symbols that the URL can end it var S_URL_OPENBRACE_SYMS = makeState$1(); // S_URL_OPENBRACE_Q followed by some symbols it cannot end it var S_URL_OPENBRACKET_SYMS = makeState$1(); // S_URL_OPENBRACKET_Q followed by some symbols it cannot end it var S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_SYMS = makeState$1(); // S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_Q followed by some symbols it cannot end it var S_URL_OPENPAREN_SYMS = makeState$1(); // S_URL_OPENPAREN_Q followed by some symbols it cannot end it var S_EMAIL_DOMAIN = makeState$1(); // parsed string starts with local email info + @ with a potential domain name (C) var S_EMAIL_DOMAIN_DOT = makeState$1(); // (C) domain followed by DOT var S_EMAIL = makeState$1(EMAIL); // (C) Possible email address (could have more tlds) var S_EMAIL_COLON = makeState$1(); // (C) URL followed by colon (potential port number here) var S_EMAIL_PORT = makeState$1(EMAIL); // (C) Email address with a port var S_MAILTO_EMAIL = makeState$1(MAILTOEMAIL); // Email that begins with the mailto prefix (D) var S_MAILTO_EMAIL_NON_ACCEPTING = makeState$1(); // (D) Followed by some non-query string chars var S_LOCALPART = makeState$1(); // Local part of the email address var S_LOCALPART_AT = makeState$1(); // Local part of the email address plus @ var S_LOCALPART_DOT = makeState$1(); // Local part of the email address plus '.' (localpart cannot end in .) var S_NL = makeState$1(NL$1); // single new line // Make path from start to protocol (with '//') S_START$1.on(NL, S_NL).on(PROTOCOL, S_PROTOCOL).on(MAILTO, S_MAILTO$1).on(SLASH, S_PROTOCOL_SLASH); S_PROTOCOL.on(SLASH, S_PROTOCOL_SLASH); S_PROTOCOL_SLASH.on(SLASH, S_PROTOCOL_SLASH_SLASH); // The very first potential domain name S_START$1.on(TLD, S_DOMAIN$1).on(DOMAIN, S_DOMAIN$1).on(LOCALHOST, S_TLD).on(NUM, S_DOMAIN$1); // Force URL for protocol followed by anything sane S_PROTOCOL_SLASH_SLASH.on(TLD, S_URL).on(DOMAIN, S_URL).on(NUM, S_URL).on(LOCALHOST, S_URL); // Account for dots and hyphens // hyphens are usually parts of domain names S_DOMAIN$1.on(DOT, S_DOMAIN_DOT); S_EMAIL_DOMAIN.on(DOT, S_EMAIL_DOMAIN_DOT); // Hyphen can jump back to a domain name // After the first domain and a dot, we can find either a URL or another domain S_DOMAIN_DOT.on(TLD, S_TLD).on(DOMAIN, S_DOMAIN$1).on(NUM, S_DOMAIN$1).on(LOCALHOST, S_DOMAIN$1); S_EMAIL_DOMAIN_DOT.on(TLD, S_EMAIL).on(DOMAIN, S_EMAIL_DOMAIN).on(NUM, S_EMAIL_DOMAIN).on(LOCALHOST, S_EMAIL_DOMAIN); // S_TLD accepts! But the URL could be longer, try to find a match greedily // The `run` function should be able to "rollback" to the accepting state S_TLD.on(DOT, S_DOMAIN_DOT); S_EMAIL.on(DOT, S_EMAIL_DOMAIN_DOT); // Become real URLs after `SLASH` or `COLON NUM SLASH` // Here PSS and non-PSS converge S_TLD.on(COLON, S_TLD_COLON).on(SLASH, S_URL); S_TLD_COLON.on(NUM, S_TLD_PORT); S_TLD_PORT.on(SLASH, S_URL); S_EMAIL.on(COLON, S_EMAIL_COLON); S_EMAIL_COLON.on(NUM, S_EMAIL_PORT); // Types of characters the URL can definitely end in var qsAccepting = [DOMAIN, AT, LOCALHOST, NUM, PLUS, POUND, PROTOCOL, SLASH, TLD, UNDERSCORE, SYM, AMPERSAND]; // Types of tokens that can follow a URL and be part of the query string // but cannot be the very last characters // Characters that cannot appear in the URL at all should be excluded var qsNonAccepting = [COLON, DOT, QUERY, PUNCTUATION, CLOSEBRACE, CLOSEBRACKET, CLOSEANGLEBRACKET, CLOSEPAREN, OPENBRACE, OPENBRACKET, OPENANGLEBRACKET, OPENPAREN]; // These states are responsible primarily for determining whether or not to // include the final round bracket. // URL, followed by an opening bracket S_URL.on(OPENBRACE, S_URL_OPENBRACE).on(OPENBRACKET, S_URL_OPENBRACKET).on(OPENANGLEBRACKET, S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET).on(OPENPAREN, S_URL_OPENPAREN); // URL with extra symbols at the end, followed by an opening bracket S_URL_NON_ACCEPTING.on(OPENBRACE, S_URL_OPENBRACE).on(OPENBRACKET, S_URL_OPENBRACKET).on(OPENANGLEBRACKET, S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET).on(OPENPAREN, S_URL_OPENPAREN); // Closing bracket component. This character WILL be included in the URL S_URL_OPENBRACE.on(CLOSEBRACE, S_URL); S_URL_OPENBRACKET.on(CLOSEBRACKET, S_URL); S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET.on(CLOSEANGLEBRACKET, S_URL); S_URL_OPENPAREN.on(CLOSEPAREN, S_URL); S_URL_OPENBRACE_Q.on(CLOSEBRACE, S_URL); S_URL_OPENBRACKET_Q.on(CLOSEBRACKET, S_URL); S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_Q.on(CLOSEANGLEBRACKET, S_URL); S_URL_OPENPAREN_Q.on(CLOSEPAREN, S_URL); S_URL_OPENBRACE_SYMS.on(CLOSEBRACE, S_URL); S_URL_OPENBRACKET_SYMS.on(CLOSEBRACKET, S_URL); S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_SYMS.on(CLOSEANGLEBRACKET, S_URL); S_URL_OPENPAREN_SYMS.on(CLOSEPAREN, S_URL); // URL that beings with an opening bracket, followed by a symbols. // Note that the final state can still be `S_URL_OPENBRACE_Q` (if the URL only // has a single opening bracket for some reason). S_URL_OPENBRACE.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACE_Q); S_URL_OPENBRACKET.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACKET_Q); S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_Q); S_URL_OPENPAREN.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENPAREN_Q); S_URL_OPENBRACE.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACE_SYMS); S_URL_OPENBRACKET.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACKET_SYMS); S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_SYMS); S_URL_OPENPAREN.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENPAREN_SYMS); // URL that begins with an opening bracket, followed by some symbols S_URL_OPENBRACE_Q.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACE_Q); S_URL_OPENBRACKET_Q.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACKET_Q); S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_Q.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_Q); S_URL_OPENPAREN_Q.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENPAREN_Q); S_URL_OPENBRACE_Q.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACE_Q); S_URL_OPENBRACKET_Q.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACKET_Q); S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_Q.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_Q); S_URL_OPENPAREN_Q.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENPAREN_Q); S_URL_OPENBRACE_SYMS.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACE_Q); S_URL_OPENBRACKET_SYMS.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACKET_Q); S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_SYMS.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_Q); S_URL_OPENPAREN_SYMS.on(qsAccepting, S_URL_OPENPAREN_Q); S_URL_OPENBRACE_SYMS.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACE_SYMS); S_URL_OPENBRACKET_SYMS.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENBRACKET_SYMS); S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_SYMS.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENANGLEBRACKET_SYMS); S_URL_OPENPAREN_SYMS.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_OPENPAREN_SYMS); // Account for the query string S_URL.on(qsAccepting, S_URL); S_URL_NON_ACCEPTING.on(qsAccepting, S_URL); S_URL.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_NON_ACCEPTING); S_URL_NON_ACCEPTING.on(qsNonAccepting, S_URL_NON_ACCEPTING); // Email address-specific state definitions // Note: We are not allowing '/' in email addresses since this would interfere // with real URLs // For addresses with the mailto prefix // 'mailto:' followed by anything sane is a valid email S_MAILTO$1.on(TLD, S_MAILTO_EMAIL).on(DOMAIN, S_MAILTO_EMAIL).on(NUM, S_MAILTO_EMAIL).on(LOCALHOST, S_MAILTO_EMAIL); // Greedily get more potential valid email values S_MAILTO_EMAIL.on(qsAccepting, S_MAILTO_EMAIL).on(qsNonAccepting, S_MAILTO_EMAIL_NON_ACCEPTING); S_MAILTO_EMAIL_NON_ACCEPTING.on(qsAccepting, S_MAILTO_EMAIL).on(qsNonAccepting, S_MAILTO_EMAIL_NON_ACCEPTING); // For addresses without the mailto prefix // Tokens allowed in the localpart of the email var localpartAccepting = [DOMAIN, NUM, PLUS, POUND, QUERY, UNDERSCORE, SYM, AMPERSAND, TLD]; // Some of the tokens in `localpartAccepting` are already accounted for here and // will not be overwritten (don't worry) S_DOMAIN$1.on(localpartAccepting, S_LOCALPART).on(AT, S_LOCALPART_AT); S_TLD.on(localpartAccepting, S_LOCALPART).on(AT, S_LOCALPART_AT); S_DOMAIN_DOT.on(localpartAccepting, S_LOCALPART); // Okay we're on a localpart. Now what? // TODO: IP addresses and what if the email starts with numbers? S_LOCALPART.on(localpartAccepting, S_LOCALPART).on(AT, S_LOCALPART_AT) // close to an email address now .on(DOT, S_LOCALPART_DOT); S_LOCALPART_DOT.on(localpartAccepting, S_LOCALPART); S_LOCALPART_AT.on(TLD, S_EMAIL_DOMAIN).on(DOMAIN, S_EMAIL_DOMAIN).on(LOCALHOST, S_EMAIL); // States following `@` defined above var run$1 = function run$1(tokens) { var len = tokens.length; var cursor = 0; var multis = []; var textTokens = []; while (cursor < len) { var state = S_START$1; var secondState = null; var nextState = null; var multiLength = 0; var latestAccepting = null; var sinceAccepts = -1; while (cursor < len && !(secondState = state.next(tokens[cursor]))) { // Starting tokens with nowhere to jump to. // Consider these to be just plain text textTokens.push(tokens[cursor++]); } while (cursor < len && (nextState = secondState || state.next(tokens[cursor]))) { // Get the next state secondState = null; state = nextState; // Keep track of the latest accepting state if (state.accepts()) { sinceAccepts = 0; latestAccepting = state; } else if (sinceAccepts >= 0) { sinceAccepts++; } cursor++; multiLength++; } if (sinceAccepts < 0) { // No accepting state was found, part of a regular text token // Add all the tokens we looked at to the text tokens array for (var _i3 = cursor - multiLength; _i3 < cursor; _i3++) { textTokens.push(tokens[_i3]); } } else { // Accepting state! // First close off the textTokens (if available) if (textTokens.length > 0) { multis.push(new TEXT(textTokens)); textTokens = []; } // Roll back to the latest accepting state cursor -= sinceAccepts; multiLength -= sinceAccepts; // Create a new multitoken var MULTI = latestAccepting.emit(); multis.push(new MULTI(tokens.slice(cursor - multiLength, cursor))); } } // Finally close off the textTokens (if available) if (textTokens.length > 0) { multis.push(new TEXT(textTokens)); } return multis; }; var parser = Object.freeze({ State: TokenState, TOKENS: multi, run: run$1, start: S_START$1 }); if (!Array.isArray) { Array.isArray = function (arg) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]'; }; } /** Converts a string into tokens that represent linkable and non-linkable bits @method tokenize @param {String} str @return {Array} tokens */ var tokenize = function tokenize(str) { return run$1(run(str)); }; /** Returns a list of linkable items in the given string. */ var find = function find(str) { var type = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; var tokens = tokenize(str); var filtered = []; for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { var token = tokens[i]; if (token.isLink && (!type || token.type === type)) { filtered.push(token.toObject()); } } return filtered; }; /** Is the given string valid linkable text of some sort Note that this does not trim the text for you. Optionally pass in a second `type` param, which is the type of link to test for. For example, test(str, 'email'); Will return `true` if str is a valid email. */ var test = function test(str) { var type = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; var tokens = tokenize(str); return tokens.length === 1 && tokens[0].isLink && (!type || tokens[0].type === type); }; exports.find = find; exports.inherits = inherits; exports.options = options; exports.parser = parser; exports.scanner = scanner; exports.test = test; exports.tokenize = tokenize; try { Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); } catch (e) { exports['__esModule'] = true; } });