/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //var socket; var debug = false; var repo = {}; var tables = {}; var globalG = []; var minMax = { min: undefined, max: undefined } var useMinMax = true; function globalSetSelection(idx) { if (useMinMax) idx = idx + minMax.min; for (var ii = 0; ii < globalG.length; ii++) { globalG[ii].eltg.setSelection(idx - minMax.min); if (debug) console.log('globalSetSelection', ii, globalG[ii].row, globalG[ii].serie, idx); if (debug) console.log('globalSetSelection', globalG[ii].tw.data[globalG[ii].row][globalG[ii].serie]); var v = globalG[ii].tw.data[globalG[ii].row][globalG[ii].serie][idx]; if (debug) console.log(ii, idx, v) var e = document.getElementById(globalG[ii].tw.target + '_data_' + globalG[ii].row + '_' + globalG[ii].serie); if (globalG[ii].tw.showDiff) { if (debug) console.log('yo', ii, idx, v) if (idx === minMax.min) { if (v === null) e.innerHTML = '
'; else e.innerHTML = '
' + v + '
'; } else { var previousV = null; for (var jj = (idx - 1); jj >= minMax.min; jj--) { if (globalG[ii].tw.data[globalG[ii].row][globalG[ii].serie][jj] !== null) { previousV = globalG[ii].tw.data[globalG[ii].row][globalG[ii].serie][jj]; break; } } if (debug) console.log('yo2', v, previousV) if (v === null) e.innerHTML = '
'; else { if (previousV === null) { e.innerHTML = '
' + v + '
'; } else { var diff = (v - previousV).toFixed(2); if (diff > 0) { //e.innerHTML = '
' + v + ' ( +' + diff + ' )
'; e.innerHTML = '
' + v + '
( +' + diff + ' )
'; //$(e).css('background-color','#CCFFCC'); } else { e.innerHTML = '
' + v + '
( ' + diff + ' )
'; //$(e).css('background-color','#FFCCCC'); } } } } } else { if (v === null) e.innerHTML = '
'; else e.innerHTML = '
' + v + '
'; //$(e).css('background-color','#CCFFFF'); } if (globalG[ii].tw.ref !== undefined) { var e = document.getElementById(globalG[ii].tw.target + '_ref_' + globalG[ii].row + '_' + globalG[ii].serie); var r = globalG[ii].tw.dataRef[globalG[ii].row][globalG[ii].serie]; var diff = (v - r); if (diff > 0) { e.innerHTML = '
' + r + ' ( +' + diff + ' )
'; $(e).css('background-color', '#CCFFCC'); } else { e.innerHTML = '
' + r + ' ( ' + diff + ' )
'; $(e).css('background-color', '#FFCCCC'); } } if (debug) console.log('IDX=', idx); var b = repo.builds[idx]; var i = b.buildId + ' - ' + b.infos.abbrevHash + ' - ' + b.infos.authorName + ' - ' + b.infos.subject; i = i.substring(0, 80); if (debug) console.log(globalG[ii].tw.target + '_buildInfo', b.infos.url); if (b.infos.url) document.getElementById(globalG[ii].tw.target + '_buildInfo').innerHTML = '' + i + ''; else document.getElementById(globalG[ii].tw.target + '_buildInfo').innerHTML = '' + i + ''; } } function getColorRegression(s) { if (s.analyseResult.summary.error) return ["rgb(22,22,22)"]; if (s.analyseResult.summary.status === 'similar') return ["rgb(20,20,250)"]; if (s.analyseResult.summary.status === 'improvement') return ["rgb(20,140,20)"]; if (s.analyseResult.summary.status === 'regression') return ["rgb(250,16,16)"]; } function buildTableWidget(tw, option) { var lastBuild = Object.keys(repo.builds).length - 1; if (useMinMax) lastBuild = minMax.max * 1 - minMax.min * 1; if (debug) console.log('lastBuild', minMax.min, minMax.max, lastBuild) var h = ''; h += '
'; h += '
'; h += '
'; h += '

' + tw.title.name + '' + tw.title.subtitle + '

'; //h+= '


'; h+='Coming Soon' h += ''; h += '
'; h += '
'; h += '
'; h += ''; h += ''; h += ''; var w1 = Math.floor(tw.widthGraph / tw.rows.length); var w2 = Math.floor(tw.widthData / tw.rows.length); var w3; if (tw.ref !== undefined) w3 = Math.floor(tw.widthRef / tw.rows.length); h += ''; for (var jj = 0; jj < tw.rows.length; jj++) { h += ''; if (tw.rows[jj].desc === undefined) h += ''; else h += ''; if (tw.ref !== undefined) h += ''; } h += ''; h += ''; h += ''; for (var ii = 0; ii < tw.series.length; ii++) { //per serie h += ''; if (tw.series[ii].href === undefined) h += ''; else h += ''; for (var jj = 0; jj < tw.rows.length; jj++) { //per col h += ''; h += ''; if (tw.ref !== undefined) { h += ''; } } //end serie h += ''; } h += '
' + tw.rows[jj].name + '
' + tw.rows[jj].desc + '
' + tw.series[ii].name + ' ' + tw.series[ii].name + ' '; h += '
'; h += '
'; document.getElementById(tw.target).innerHTML = h; $(document).ready(function() { uiSetupPanelsEvents(tw.target); function dataConvert(data) { var d = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < data.length; ii++) { if (useMinMax) { if ((ii >= minMax.min) && (ii <= minMax.max)) { var e = [ii, data[ii]]; d.push(e); } } else { var e = [ii, data[ii]]; d.push(e); } } return d; }; var colors; //now insert the graphs for (var ii = 0; ii < tw.series.length; ii++) { for (var jj = 0; jj < tw.rows.length; jj++) { var e = document.getElementById(tw.target + '_dygraph_' + jj + '_' + ii); if (tw.data[jj][ii] === undefined) { e.innerHTML = ('
'); $(document).ready(function() { if (debug) console.log('ready'); for (var ii in globalG) globalG[ii].eltg.resize(); }); continue; } var d = dataConvert(tw.data[jj][ii]); if (tw.s[jj][ii] === 'dontexist') { colors = ["rgb(40,40,204)"]; } else { colors = getColorRegression(tw.s[jj][ii]); } //colors = ["rgb(40,40,204)"]; var eltg; eltg = new Dygraph(e, d, { axes: { x: { drawGrid: false, drawAxis: false }, y: { drawGrid: false, drawAxis: false } }, strokeWidth: 1.0, //rollPeriod: 7, labelsDiv: '', labels: ['', ''], highlightCircleSize: 4, legend: '', legendFormatter: legendFormatter, stackedGraph: true, connectSeparatedPoints: true, colors: colors, highlightCallback: function(e, x, pts, row) { if (debug) console.log('highlightCallback', e, x, pts, row) globalSetSelection(row); }, unhighlightCallback: function(e) { if (debug) console.log('unhighlightCallback', e); }, clickCallback: function(e, x, pts) { if (debug) console.log("Click", this, e, x, pts); var el = globalG[this.globalGIndex]; if (debug) console.log(el.tw); if (debug) console.log("/serie?" + repo.projectId + '?' + encodeURIComponent(el.tw.serieId[el.row][el.serie])); window.open("/serie?" + repo.projectId + '?' + encodeURIComponent(el.tw.serieId[el.row][el.serie]), "_blank"); } }); tw.graphs[jj][ii] = eltg; eltg.globalGIndex = globalG.length; globalG.push({ tw: tw, serie: ii, row: jj, eltg: eltg }); $(document).ready(function() { if (debug) console.log('ready'); for (var ii in globalG) globalG[ii].eltg.resize(); }); window.onresize = function(event) { if (debug) console.log('onresize'); for (var ii in globalG) globalG[ii].eltg.resize(); }; } } }); if (debug) console.log('globalSetSelection', lastBuild) globalSetSelection(lastBuild); /*$('#' + tw.target + '_table').DataTable({ paging: false, info: false, "bFilter": false, "columnDefs": [{ "targets": 'no-sort', "orderable": false }] });*/ /* if (option !== 'global') { var sync = Dygraph.synchronize(g, { selection: true, zoom: true }); }*/ } function pageAddHtml(html) { var e = document.getElementById('page-body'); e.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); } function pageAddTable(twName) { var tw = tables[twName]; //var h = document.getElementById('page-body').innerHTML; //h += ""; //document.getElementById('page-body').innerHTML = h; var e = document.getElementById('page-body'); e.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ""); tw.numDataToLoad = tw.series.length * tw.rows.length; if (tw.ref !== undefined) tw.numDataRefToLoad = tw.series.length * tw.rows.length; else tw.numDataRefToLoad = 0; tw.data = {}; tw.serieId = {}; tw.graphs = {}; tw.s = {}; if (tw.ref !== undefined) tw.dataRef = {}; for (var ii = 0; ii < tw.rows.length; ii++) { tw.data[ii] = {}; tw.serieId[ii] = {}; tw.graphs[ii] = {}; tw.s[ii] = {}; if (tw.ref !== undefined) tw.dataRef[ii] = {}; for (var jj = 0; jj < tw.series.length; jj++) { tw.data[ii][jj] = {} tw.serieId[ii][jj] = {} tw.graphs[ii][jj] = {} tw.s[ii][jj] = {} getDataSample(twName, repo.projectId, tw.rows[ii], tw.series[jj], ii, jj) } } } function pageSetProject(r, h) { if (debug) console.log('pageSetRepo', r) //if (socket === undefined) { setSocketContext(); //} repo = r; repo.handler = h; getBuilds(repo.projectId); } function pageSetTitle(title) { document.getElementById('page-title').innerHTML = title; } var gmin; function setSocketContext() { NProgress.start(); socket = io(); socket.on('receiveOneSerie', function(req) { if (debug) console.log('receiveOneSerie', req); NProgress.inc(); var min; var max; var a = []; if (req.serie === undefined) { a = undefined; //for (var ii in repo.builds) a.push(null) } else { for (var ii in repo.builds) { ii = ii * 1; if (req.serie.samples[repo.builds[ii].buildId] === undefined) { a.push(null) } else { if (useMinMax) { if (min === undefined) min = ii; max = ii; } a.push(req.serie.samples[repo.builds[ii].buildId]); } } if (debug) console.log('MIN', min, 'MAX', max); if (useMinMax) { if (min === undefined) minMax.min = undefined; else { if (minMax.min === undefined) minMax.min = min; else if (min < minMax.min) minMax.min = min; } if (minMax.max === undefined) minMax.max = max; else if (max > minMax.max) minMax.max = max; if (debug) console.log('minMax.min=', minMax.min, 'minMax.max', minMax.max); } } var tw = tables[req.twName]; if (debug) console.log(req.indexRow, req.indexSerie); tw.data[req.indexRow][req.indexSerie] = a; tw.s[req.indexRow][req.indexSerie] = req.serie; tw.numDataToLoad--; tw.serieId[req.indexRow][req.indexSerie] = req.serieId; if (tw.numDataToLoad === 0) { NProgress.done(); buildTableWidget(tw); } }); socket.on('receiveFileInfo', function(req) { if (debug) console.log('receiveFileInfo', req); NProgress.inc(); if (req.fileId === 'builds') { builds = req.file; var k = Object.keys(builds); if (k.length === 0) { $('#rowNoDataToShow').show(); return; } $('#btnRow').show(); k.sort(function(a, b) { return a * 1 - b * 1 }); var a = []; for (var ii in k) { a.push(builds[k[ii]]) } repo.builds = a; repo.handler(); return; } var k = Object.keys(builds); if (k.length === 0) { NProgress.done(); return; } compares = req.file; var kcomp = Object.keys(compares); var h = ''; h += ''; h += ''; for (var ii in kcomp) { if (compares[kcomp[ii]].projectId !== repo.projectId) continue; h += ''; } $('#btnStatusChoices').html(h) $('#btnStatusRaw').click(function() { $('#btnStatusRaw').addClass('active') $('#btnStatusRegression').removeClass('active') for (var ii in kcomp) { if (compares[kcomp[ii]].projectId !== repo.projectId) continue; $("#btnStatusCompare_" + kcomp[ii]).removeClass('active'); } var k = Object.keys(tables); for (var zz in k) { var tw = tables[k[zz]]; for (var ii = 0; ii < tw.series.length; ii++) { for (var jj = 0; jj < tw.rows.length; jj++) { var g = tw.graphs[jj][ii]; var s = tw.series[jj][ii]; if (debug) console.log(g) if (Object.keys(g).length !== 0) { g.updateOptions({ colors: ["#1122FF"] }, false); } } } } }); $('#btnStatusRegression').click(function() { $('#btnStatusRaw').removeClass('active') $('#btnStatusRegression').addClass('active') for (var ii in kcomp) $("#btnStatusCompare_" + kcomp[ii]).removeClass('active') var k = Object.keys(tables); for (var zz in k) { var tw = tables[k[zz]]; for (var ii = 0; ii < tw.series.length; ii++) { for (var jj = 0; jj < tw.rows.length; jj++) { var g = tw.graphs[jj][ii]; var colors; var s = tw.s[jj][ii]; if (Object.keys(g).length !== 0) { colors = getColorRegression(tw.s[jj][ii]); g.updateOptions({ colors: colors }, false); } } } } }); for (var tt in kcomp) { setClickForComp(kcomp[tt]); function setClickForComp(comparedId) { var elt = "#btnStatusCompare_" + comparedId; $(elt).click(function() { $('#btnStatusRaw').removeClass('active') $('#btnStatusRegression').removeClass('active') for (var ii in kcomp) $("#btnStatusCompare_" + kcomp[ii]).removeClass('active') $("#btnStatusCompare_" + comparedId).addClass('active') var k = Object.keys(tables); for (var zz in k) { var tw = tables[k[zz]]; for (var ii = 0; ii < tw.series.length; ii++) { for (var jj = 0; jj < tw.rows.length; jj++) { var g = tw.graphs[jj][ii]; var colors; var s = tw.s[jj][ii]; if (Object.keys(g).length !== 0) { if (debug) console.log(comparedId, s); if (s.compares) { if (s.compares[comparedId]) { var status = s.compares[comparedId].result.status; if (status === 'similar') { colors = ["rgb(20,20,250)"]; } if (status === 'lower') { colors = ["rgb(250,16,16)"]; } if (status === 'better') { colors = ["rgb(20,140,20)"]; } } else colors = ["rgb(22,22,22)"]; g.updateOptions({ colors: colors }, false); } } } } } }); } } }); } function getBuilds(projectId) { if (debug) console.log('getBuilds', projectId); socket.emit('getFileInfo', { projectId: projectId, fileId: 'builds' }); socket.emit('getFileInfo', { projectId: 'admin', fileId: 'compares' }); } function getDataSample(twName, projectId, row, serie, indexRow, indexSerie) { if (debug) console.log('getDataSample', twName, projectId, row, serie, indexRow, indexSerie); var serieId = row + '.' + serie; if (tables[twName].getId !== undefined) serieId = tables[twName].getId(row, serie); socket.emit('getOneSerie', { projectId: projectId, serieId: serieId, twName: twName, indexRow: indexRow, indexSerie: indexSerie }); }