/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ "use strict"; /* eslint require-jsdoc: "off" */ var cwd = process.cwd(); var fs = require('fs'); var util = require('util'); var sendMail = require(cwd + '/src/sendMail'); var WWW_KILL = 1; var WWW_KILL_AND_UPDATE = 2; var globalWWW = { config: undefined, users: undefined } // Configure the local strategy for use by Passport. var passport = require('passport'); var Strategy = require('passport-local').Strategy; function findById(id, cb) { var records = globalWWW.config.globalBot.config.configBot.users; process.nextTick(function() { var idx = id - 1; if (records[idx]) { cb(null, records[idx]); } else { cb(new Error('User ' + id + ' does not exist')); } }); } function findByUsername(username, cb) { var records = globalWWW.config.globalBot.config.configBot.users; process.nextTick(function() { for (var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) { var record = records[i]; if (record.username === username) { return cb(null, record); } } return cb(null, null); }); }; passport.use(new Strategy( function(username, password, cb) { findByUsername(username, function(err, user) { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!user) { return cb(null, false); } if (user.password !== password) { return cb(null, false); } return cb(null, user); }); })); passport.serializeUser(function(user, cb) { cb(null, user.id); }); passport.deserializeUser(function(id, cb) { findById(id, function(err, user) { if (err) { return cb(err); } cb(null, user); }); }); // Setup basic express server var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var server = require('http').createServer(app); var io = require('socket.io')(server); var port = process.env.PORT || 8080; var adminSocket; app.locals.fs = fs; app.locals.cwd = cwd; // Set socket.io listeners. io.on('connection', function(socket) { console.log('User is connected'); socket.emit('updateRepositories', globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories); socket.emit('updateTasks', globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks); socket.emit("updateQueue", globalWWW.config.globalBot.Q); if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.running !== undefined) { if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.currentRun === undefined) { startingBuild(); } else { updatingBuild(); } } socket.on('disconnect', function(err) { console.log('User is disconnected'); }); socket.on('getTaskBuilds', function(taskName) { console.log('getTaskBuilds', taskName); var f = globalWWW.config.globalBot.buildPath + '/' + taskName + '.json'; if (fs.existsSync(f)) { var d = fs.readFileSync(f); var e = JSON.parse(d); socket.emit('taskBuilds', { taskName: taskName, builds: e }) } else { socket.emit('taskBuilds', { taskName: taskName, builds: {} }) } }); }); app.use(express.static(cwd + '/www/public')); app.set('views', cwd + '/www/views'); app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); app.use(require('morgan')('combined')); app.use(require('cookie-parser')()); app.use(require('body-parser').urlencoded({ extended: true })); app.use(require('express-session')({ secret: 'keyboard cat', resave: false, saveUninitialized: false })); app.use(passport.initialize()); app.use(passport.session()); // LOGIN / LOGOUT app.get('/', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.get('/login', function(req, res) { res.render('login/login', { globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot, title: 'Login', user: req.user }); }); app.post('/login', passport.authenticate('local', { failureRedirect: '/login' }), function(req, res) { res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.get('/logout', function(req, res) { req.logout(); res.redirect('/'); }); app.get('/bot/status', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { res.render('bot/status', { user: req.user, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot }); }); app.get('/bot/builds', function(req, res) { res.render('bot/builds', { user: req.user, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot }); }); app.get('/bot/build', function(req, res) { var l = "/bot/build?".length; var r = req.originalUrl.substring(l); r = r.split('?'); console.log('/bot/build', r); var f = globalWWW.config.globalBot.buildPath + '/' + r[0] + '.json'; if (!fs.existsSync(f)) { appError(req, res, '/bot/build, build file doesnt exist'); return; } var d = fs.readFileSync(f); var e = JSON.parse(d); var build = e[r[1]]; if (build === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/build, build undefined'); return; } var f = globalWWW.config.globalBot.buildPath + '/' + r[0] + '/' + r[1] + '.json'; var tests = []; if (fs.existsSync(f)) { var d = fs.readFileSync(f); var alltests = JSON.parse(d); if (r[2] === 'all') tests = alltests; if (r[2] === 'failed') for (var ii = 0; ii < alltests.length; ii++) { if (!alltests[ii].state.passing) tests.push(alltests[ii]); } if (r[2] === 'success') for (var ii = 0; ii < alltests.length; ii++) { if (alltests[ii].state.passing) tests.push(alltests[ii]); } } res.render('bot/build', { mode: r[2], build: build, tests: tests, user: req.user, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot }); }); app.get('/bot/buildcsv', function(req, res) { var l = "/bot/buildcsv?".length; var r = req.originalUrl.substring(l); r = r.split('?'); console.log('/bot/build', r); var f = globalWWW.config.globalBot.buildPath + '/' + r[0] + '.json'; if (!fs.existsSync(f)) { appError(req, res, '/bot/build, build file doesnt exist'); return; } var d = fs.readFileSync(f); var e = JSON.parse(d); var build = e[r[1]]; if (build === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/build, build undefined'); return; } var f = globalWWW.config.globalBot.buildPath + '/' + r[0] + '/' + r[1] + '.json'; var tests = []; if (fs.existsSync(f)) { var d = fs.readFileSync(f); var alltests = JSON.parse(d); if (r[2] === 'all') tests = alltests; if (r[2] === 'failed') for (var ii = 0; ii < alltests.length; ii++) { if (!alltests[ii].state.passing) tests.push(alltests[ii]); } if (r[2] === 'success') for (var ii = 0; ii < alltests.length; ii++) { if (alltests[ii].state.passing) tests.push(alltests[ii]); } } res.render('bot/buildcsv', { mode: r[2], build: build, tests: tests, user: req.user, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot }); }); app.get('/bot/kill', require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/kill, You must be an administrator'); return; } process.exit(WWW_KILL); }); app.get('/bot/killAndUpdate', require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/killAndUpdate, You must be an administrator'); return; } process.exit(WWW_KILL_AND_UPDATE); }); app.get('/bot/botStart', require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/botStart, You must be an administrator'); return; } globalWWW.config.botStart(); res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.get('/bot/botStop', require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/botStop, You must be an administrator'); return; } globalWWW.config.botStop(); res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.get('/bot/addRepository', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/addRepository, You must be an administrator'); return; } res.render('bot/addRepository', { user: req.user, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot, }); }); app.get('/bot/editRepository', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { var l = "/bot/editRepository?".length; var r = req.originalUrl.substring(l); r = r.split('?'); if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/editRepository, You must be an administrator'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/editRepository, repositories undefined'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories[r[0]] === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/editRepository, repositories of ' + r[0] + ' undefined'); return; } res.render('bot/editRepository', { user: req.user, repository: globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories[r[0]], globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot, }); }); app.post('/bot/addRepository', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/addRepository, You must be an administrator'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/addRepository, repositories undefined'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories[req.body.repoName] !== undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/addRepository, repository of ' + req.body.repoName + ' already exist'); return; } globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories[req.body.repoName] = { name: req.body.repoName, git: { url: req.body.giturl } } fs.writeFileSync(cwd + '/configs/repositories.js', JSON.stringify(globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories)); updateRepositories(); res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.post('/bot/saveRepository', require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { console.log(req.body); if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/saveRepository, You must be an administrator'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/saveRepository, repositories undefined'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories[req.body.repoName] === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/saveRepository, repository for ' + req.body.repoName + ' undefined'); return; } if (req.body.giturl === '') { appError(req, res, '/bot/saveRepository, gitrul undefined'); return; } globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories[req.body.repoName].git.url = req.body.giturl; fs.writeFileSync(cwd + '/configs/repositories.js', JSON.stringify(globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories)); updateRepositories(); res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.get('/bot/deleteRepository', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { var l = "/bot/deleteRepository?".length; var r = req.originalUrl.substring(l); r = r.split('?'); if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/deleteRepository, You must be an administrator'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/deleteRepository, repositories undefined'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories[r[0]] === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/deleteRepository, repositories of ' + r[0] + ' undefined'); return; } delete globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories[r[0]]; fs.writeFileSync(cwd + '/configs/repositories.js', JSON.stringify(globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories)); updateRepositories(); res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.get('/bot/addTask', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/addTask, You must be an administrator'); return; } res.render('bot/addTask', { user: req.user, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot }); }); app.get('/bot/addCommandToQueue', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/addCommandToQueue, You must be an administrator'); return; } res.render('bot/addCommandToQueue', { user: req.user, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot }); }); app.post('/bot/addTask', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/addTask, You must be an administrator'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/addTask, tasks undefined'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks[req.body.taskName] !== undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/addTask, task of ' + req.body.taskName + ' already exist'); return; } var active; if (req.body.active === 'Yes') active = true; if (req.body.active === 'No') active = false; var mode; if (req.body.monitoringMode === 'Patch level') mode = 'patch'; if (req.body.monitoringMode === 'Patch set level') mode = 'patchSet'; var period; if (req.body.periodMode === 'Tick') period = { tick: Number(req.body.periodValue) }; if (req.body.periodMode === 'FixedTime') period = { fixedTime: req.body.fixedTimeValue }; globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks[req.body.taskName] = { name: req.body.taskName, repository: req.body.repository, branch: req.body.branch, command: req.body.command, active: active, priority: Number(req.body.priority), mode: mode, period: period, base: req.body.base, notify: req.body.notify } fs.writeFileSync(cwd + '/configs/tasks.js', JSON.stringify(globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks)); updateTasks(); res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.post('/bot/saveTask', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/saveTask, You must be an administrator'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/saveTask, tasks undefined'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks[req.body.taskName] === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/saveTask, task of ' + req.body.taskName + ' undefined'); return; } var active; if (req.body.active === 'Yes') active = true; if (req.body.active === 'No') active = false; var mode; if (req.body.monitoringMode === 'Patch level') mode = 'patch'; if (req.body.monitoringMode === 'Patch set level') mode = 'patchSet'; var period; if (req.body.periodMode === 'Tick') period = { tick: Number(req.body.periodValue) }; if (req.body.periodMode === 'FixedTime') period = { fixedTime: req.body.fixedTimeValue }; globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks[req.body.taskName] = { name: req.body.taskName, repository: req.body.repository, branch: req.body.branch, command: req.body.command, active: active, priority: Number(req.body.priority), mode: mode, period: period, base: req.body.base, notify: req.body.notify } fs.writeFileSync(cwd + '/configs/tasks.js', JSON.stringify(globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks)); updateTasks(); res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.get('/bot/editTask', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { var l = "/bot/editTask?".length; var r = req.originalUrl.substring(l); r = r.split('?'); if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/editTask, You must be an administrator'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/editTask, tasks undefined'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks[r[0]] === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/editTask, task of ' + r[0] + ' undefined'); return; } res.render('bot/editTask', { user: req.user, task: globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks[r[0]], repositories: globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot, }); }); app.get('/bot/deleteTask', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { var l = "/bot/deleteTask?".length; var r = req.originalUrl.substring(l); r = r.split('?'); if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/deleteTask, You must be an administrator'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/deleteTask, tasks undefined'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks[r[0]] === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/deleteTask, task of ' + r[0] + ' undefined'); return; } delete globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks[r[0]]; fs.writeFileSync(cwd + '/configs/tasks.js', JSON.stringify(globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks)); //updateTasks(); res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.get('/bot/addToQueue', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/addToQueue, You must be an administrator'); return; } res.render('bot/addToQueue', { user: req.user, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot }); }); app.post('/bot/addToQueue', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/addToQueue, You must be an administrator'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.Q === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/addToQueue, Q undefined'); return; } globalWWW.config.botQAdd(req.body.taskName, req.body.hashId); res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.get('/bot/removeFromQ', // require('connect-ensure-login').ensureLoggedIn(), function(req, res) { var l = "/bot/removeFromQ?".length; var r = req.originalUrl.substring(l); r = r.split('?'); if (req.user.username !== 'admin') { appError(req, res, '/bot/removeFromQ, You must be an administrator'); return; } if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.Q === undefined) { appError(req, res, '/bot/removeFromQ, Q undefined'); return; } globalWWW.config.botQDelete(r[0]); res.redirect('/bot/status'); }); app.get('/sponge/*', function(req, res) { console.log('/sponge/*'); // all files in public are ok to download to everybody // if files exist, it's already managed by express // so only manage directories var fullPathDirectory = cwd + '/www/public' + req.originalUrl; console.log('fullPathDirectory=', fullPathDirectory); if (!fs.existsSync(fullPathDirectory)) { res.redirect('/'); return; } if (req.originalUrl.indexOf('sponge') === -1) { res.redirect('/'); return; } var list = []; var files = fs.readdirSync(fullPathDirectory); for (var i in files) { if (fs.existsSync(fullPathDirectory + '/' + files[i])) { var name = fullPathDirectory + '/' + files[i]; if (fs.existsSync(name)) { if (fs.statSync(name).isDirectory()) { list.push({ isDirectory: true, name: files[i] }); } else { list.push({ isDirectory: false, name: files[i] }); } } } } console.log(list); res.render('file/directory', { user: req.user, cwd: cwd, directory: req.originalUrl, list: list, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot }); }); // error handlers // catch 404 and forward to error handler app.use(function(req, res, next) { var err = new Error('Not Found'); err.status = 404; next(err); }); // production error handler // no stacktraces leaked to user app.use(function(err, req, res, next) { res.status(err.status || 500); res.render('common/error', { user: req.user, message: err.message, error: err, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot }); }); function appError(req, res, message) { res.render('common/error', { user: req.user, message: message, error: undefined, globalBot: globalWWW.config.globalBot }); } var globalSocket; var wsActions = {}; function register(action, handler) { wsActions[action] = handler; } register('getTaskBuilds', function(taskName) { var b; var f = globalWWW.config.globalBot.buildPath + '/' + taskName + '.json'; if (fs.existsSync(f)) { var d = fs.readFileSync(f); b = JSON.parse(d); } else b = {}; // load build wsSend('sendBuilds', { taskName: taskName, builds: b }); }); function wsSend(action, params) { if (globalSocket !== undefined) globalSocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: action, params: params })); } function setConfig(config) { if (config === undefined) return 'nodeCiBot config undefined'; if (config.globalBot === undefined) return 'nodeCiBot globalBot missing'; if (config.botStart === undefined) return 'nodeCiBot botStart missing'; if (config.botStop === undefined) return 'nodeCiBot botStop missing'; if (config.botQAdd === undefined) return 'nodeCiBot botQAdd missing'; if (config.botQDelete === undefined) return 'nodeCiBot botQDelete missing'; globalWWW.config = config; server.listen(config.globalBot.config.configBot.port, function() { console.log('WWW Server listening at port %d', config.globalBot.config.configBot.port); }); var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; var wss = new WebSocketServer({ port: config.globalBot.config.configBot.port + 1 }); console.log('Global server listening at port %d', config.globalBot.config.configBot.port + 1); wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) { globalSocket = ws; console.log('Global connection received'); wsSend('updateRepositories', globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories); wsSend('updateTasks', globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks); wsSend("updateQueue", globalWWW.config.globalBot.Q); wsSend("updateState", globalWWW.config.globalBot.state); if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.running !== undefined) { if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.currentRun === undefined) { startingBuild(); } else { updatingBuild(); } } ws.on('message', function(msg, flags) { var data = JSON.parse(msg); if (wsActions[data.action] === undefined) { console.log('received ', data, ' unknown action'); return; } wsActions[data.action](data.params); }); ws.on('error', function error(err) { // if there is an error, will be followed by a close event console.log('Global communication ERROR', err); }); ws.on('close', function close() { // TODO send an email to administrator if a glocal comm is lost globalSocket = undefined; var t = '[ACTION REQUIRED] Global disconnected from System ' + config.globalBot.config.configBot.system + '!'; sendMail.sendMail(config.globalBot.config.configBot.admin.email, '', t, t); }); }); return undefined; } function startingBuild() { var g = globalWWW.config.globalBot; if (g.running === undefined) { console.log('startingBuild ERROR running undefined'); return; } var b; b = { system: g.system, task: g.running.task, buildId: g.running.buildId, repository: g.tasks[g.running.task].repository, branch: g.tasks[g.running.task].branch, spongeTag: g.QTimeTag, infos: { hash: g.running.infos[0].hash, abbrevHash: g.running.infos[0].abbrevHash, authorName: g.running.infos[0].authorName, authorEmail: g.running.infos[0].authorEmail, subject: g.running.infos[0].subject }, state: { running: true, numTests: 0, numFailing: 0, numSuccess: 0 } }; io.sockets.emit("updatingBuild", b); wsSend("updateRunningBuild", b); } function stoppingBuild() { var g = globalWWW.config.globalBot; var b = { system: g.system, task: g.running.task, buildId: g.running.buildId, repository: g.tasks[g.running.task].repository, branch: g.tasks[g.running.task].branch, spongeTag: g.QTimeTag, infos: { hash: g.running.infos[0].hash, abbrevHash: g.running.infos[0].abbrevHash, authorName: g.running.infos[0].authorName, authorEmail: g.running.infos[0].authorEmail, subject: g.running.infos[0].subject }, state: { running: false, numTests: g.currentRun.numSeries, numFailing: g.currentRun.numFailing, numSuccess: g.currentRun.numSeries - g.currentRun.numFailing } }; io.sockets.emit("updatingBuild", b); wsSend("updateRunningBuild", b); } function updatingBuild() { var g = globalWWW.config.globalBot; var b = { system: g.system, task: g.running.task, buildId: g.running.buildId, repository: g.tasks[g.running.task].repository, branch: g.tasks[g.running.task].branch, spongeTag: g.QTimeTag, infos: { hash: g.running.infos[0].hash, abbrevHash: g.running.infos[0].abbrevHash, authorName: g.running.infos[0].authorName, authorEmail: g.running.infos[0].authorEmail, subject: g.running.infos[0].subject }, state: { running: true, numTests: g.currentRun.numSeries, numFailing: g.currentRun.numFailing, numSuccess: g.currentRun.numSeries - g.currentRun.numFailing } }; io.sockets.emit("updatingBuild", b); wsSend("updateRunningBuild", b); } function updateQueue() { io.sockets.emit("updateQueue", globalWWW.config.globalBot.Q); wsSend("updateQueue", globalWWW.config.globalBot.Q); } function updateRepositories() { io.sockets.emit("updateRepositories", globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories ); wsSend("updateRepositories", globalWWW.config.globalBot.repositories); } function updateTasks() { io.sockets.emit("updateTasks", globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks ); wsSend("updateTasks", globalWWW.config.globalBot.tasks); } function updateState() { wsSend("updateState", globalWWW.config.globalBot.state); if (globalWWW.config.globalBot.state === 'inactive') io.sockets.emit("botIsStopped", {}); } module.exports.setConfig = setConfig; module.exports.updateState = updateState; module.exports.startingBuild = startingBuild; module.exports.updatingBuild = updatingBuild; module.exports.stoppingBuild = stoppingBuild; module.exports.updateQueue = updateQueue; module.exports.updateTasks = updateTasks;