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  {"myth":"The media is alarmist about climate change.","rebuttal":"## FACT: Reporting on evidence-based climate science is not biased, but rather a reflection of the scientific consensus about climate change. \n## MYTH: The media is alarmist about climate change.\n## FALLACY: This argument is an ad hominem attack on the media for their choices to distract from the problem and the evidence.\n## FACT: Our understanding of climate change is based on a global community of scientific experts collecting and analysing evidence that point consistently to the reality of human-caused global warming.","label":"ad hominem"}
  {"myth":"Politicians are biased about climate change.","rebuttal":"## FACT: While politicians inevitably have political biases, supporting evidence-based scientific research is not biased or partisan.\n## MYTH: Politicians are biased about climate change.\n## FALLACY: This argument relies on ad hominem attacks on governments and politicians rather than addresses their arguments or policies.\n## FACT: Our understanding of climate change is based on a global community of scientific experts collecting and analysing evidence that point consistently to the reality of human-caused global warming.","label":"ad hominem"}
  {"myth":"Environmentalists are biased.","rebuttal":"## FACT: While environmentalists may have political biases, supporting evidence-based scientific research is not biased or partisan.\n## MYTH: Environmentalists are biased.\n## FALLACY: This argument relies on ad hominem attacks on environmentalists rather than addresses their arguments or policies.\n## FACT: Our understanding of climate change is based on a global community of scientific experts collecting and analysing evidence that point consistently to the reality of human-caused global warming.","label":"ad hominem"}
- {"myth":"Scientists are biased,","rebuttal":"## FACT: Our understanding of climate science is supported by many scientists across the world employing independent methodologies to come to robust, consistent conclusions.\n## MYTH: Scientists are biased\n## FALLACY: This argument relies on attacking scientists instead of engaging with their scientific research.\n## FACT: Our understanding of climate change is based on a global community of scientific experts collecting and analysing evidence that point consistently to the reality of human-caused global warming.","label":null}
  {"myth":"Governments are secretly conspiring to create climate policy.","rebuttal":"## FACT: Many countries have open and transparent processes for developing and implementing climate policies. Governments and corporations are subject to freedom of information laws, which means that citizens can request access to documents and records related to climate policy. This transparency makes it difficult to hide any nefarious activity.\n## MYTH: Governments are secretly conspiring to create climate policy.\n## FALLACY: This argument is a conspiracy theory, arguing that governments are working with evil intent.\n## FACT: The claim that climate policy is part of a secret conspiracy is not supported by evidence. There are more plausible explanations for the actions of governing bodies and corporations. The overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change provides strong reasons for taking action to address this global challenge.","label":"conspiracy theory"}
  {"myth":"Climate scientists are conspiring to deceive the public.","rebuttal":"## FACT: Scientific research is inherently open and transparent. Researchers publish their findings in peer-reviewed journals, allowing other scientists to examine their methods and data. Scientific findings are only considered valid if they can be replicated by other researchers. This process of scrutiny helps to ensure the reliability of scientific knowledge.\n## MYTH: Climate scientists are conspiring to deceive the public.\n## FALLACY: This argument is a conspiracy theory, arguing that scientists are secretly plotting with evil intent.\n## FACT: The claim that scientists are engaged in a conspiracy to suppress dissenting views is not supported by evidence. The scientific process is inherently open, transparent, and self-correcting.","label":"conspiracy theory"}
  {"myth":"The media is alarmist about climate change.","rebuttal":"## FACT: Reporting on evidence-based climate science is not biased, but rather a reflection of the scientific consensus about climate change. \n## MYTH: The media is alarmist about climate change.\n## FALLACY: This argument is an ad hominem attack on the media for their choices to distract from the problem and the evidence.\n## FACT: Our understanding of climate change is based on a global community of scientific experts collecting and analysing evidence that point consistently to the reality of human-caused global warming.","label":"ad hominem"}
  {"myth":"Politicians are biased about climate change.","rebuttal":"## FACT: While politicians inevitably have political biases, supporting evidence-based scientific research is not biased or partisan.\n## MYTH: Politicians are biased about climate change.\n## FALLACY: This argument relies on ad hominem attacks on governments and politicians rather than addresses their arguments or policies.\n## FACT: Our understanding of climate change is based on a global community of scientific experts collecting and analysing evidence that point consistently to the reality of human-caused global warming.","label":"ad hominem"}
  {"myth":"Environmentalists are biased.","rebuttal":"## FACT: While environmentalists may have political biases, supporting evidence-based scientific research is not biased or partisan.\n## MYTH: Environmentalists are biased.\n## FALLACY: This argument relies on ad hominem attacks on environmentalists rather than addresses their arguments or policies.\n## FACT: Our understanding of climate change is based on a global community of scientific experts collecting and analysing evidence that point consistently to the reality of human-caused global warming.","label":"ad hominem"}
+ {"myth":"Scientists are biased","rebuttal":"## FACT: Our understanding of climate science is supported by many scientists across the world employing independent methodologies to come to robust, consistent conclusions.\n## MYTH: Scientists are biased\n## FALLACY: This argument relies on attacking scientists instead of engaging with their scientific research.\n## FACT: Our understanding of climate change is based on a global community of scientific experts collecting and analysing evidence that point consistently to the reality of human-caused global warming.","label":"ad hominem"}
  {"myth":"Governments are secretly conspiring to create climate policy.","rebuttal":"## FACT: Many countries have open and transparent processes for developing and implementing climate policies. Governments and corporations are subject to freedom of information laws, which means that citizens can request access to documents and records related to climate policy. This transparency makes it difficult to hide any nefarious activity.\n## MYTH: Governments are secretly conspiring to create climate policy.\n## FALLACY: This argument is a conspiracy theory, arguing that governments are working with evil intent.\n## FACT: The claim that climate policy is part of a secret conspiracy is not supported by evidence. There are more plausible explanations for the actions of governing bodies and corporations. The overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change provides strong reasons for taking action to address this global challenge.","label":"conspiracy theory"}
  {"myth":"Climate scientists are conspiring to deceive the public.","rebuttal":"## FACT: Scientific research is inherently open and transparent. Researchers publish their findings in peer-reviewed journals, allowing other scientists to examine their methods and data. Scientific findings are only considered valid if they can be replicated by other researchers. This process of scrutiny helps to ensure the reliability of scientific knowledge.\n## MYTH: Climate scientists are conspiring to deceive the public.\n## FALLACY: This argument is a conspiracy theory, arguing that scientists are secretly plotting with evil intent.\n## FACT: The claim that scientists are engaged in a conspiracy to suppress dissenting views is not supported by evidence. The scientific process is inherently open, transparent, and self-correcting.","label":"conspiracy theory"}