diff --git "a/train/eng-bug.jsonl" "b/train/eng-bug.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/train/eng-bug.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,500 @@ +{"sentence1": "Enjoy 0% instalment for up to 12 months when ordering an Air Asia plane ticket with BNI Credit Card!", "sentence2": "pirasai cicilan 0% lettu 12 uleng ko mappesang tike' pesawa' air asia pake kartu kredi'na bni!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The cakes give me massive nostalgia. Everything is old school. from the presentation to the taste. They're great and inexpensive", "sentence2": "beppa-beppa na taroe mapparingerrang. beppa riolo maneng, rupanna na re'ga rasana. malunra' beppana na masempo", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Mom once worked for grab indonesia.", "sentence2": "pura emmakku ma'jama okko grab indonesia", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I love having lunch here the most, thanks to their delicious chicken and sambal, also the price is dirt cheap. The taste of the chicken just seeps to the bone, and the iced aloe vera drink is also fresh, perfect to cool off my stomach after eating the spicy sambal. The servers are swift and kind, and what I like is that in the cashier there's a writing that says 10% of the profit will be donated to charity, making the meal feel even better to my stomach.", "sentence2": "Laipoji ladde' manre tangesso okkoe manu' sibawa sambala' na malunra' ladde' ellinna maka topa sempo, rasa na manu'na mattemme' lettu' buku bukunna, Ese' lilla buayana aga makessing nacekkeri wettang e purata' manre sambala' pesse. Pajjamana magetti na ma bessa, iyae upojiangngi ri anroang kassere' na engka oki 10% laiyassumbangeng lao makkamala', napancajiwi anrewe pede' malunra' tama okko wettang e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The DAMRI Bus service is really good", "sentence2": "Appangaderenna bus DAMRI maka kanja'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Wanna make some posts with contents that educate Gojek customers.", "sentence2": "Melo makkabbua postingan iya ise' na paddissengeng lao ri tau pake e gojek.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Hundreds of houses in Medan were submerged by the flood", "sentence2": "Maddatu bola okko medan nala lempe'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The item's pretty good, but I'm confused. Is the ON button on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 kinda broken? And does the battery really drain this fast, boss? ", "sentence2": "warangna biasa, cuma herangma mitai iyye xiaomi redmi note 2 tombolo onna masolang memeng ga? nappa batrenna masija' memeng ga low bat bos?", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Really hard to trust people who had betrayed us before", "sentence2": "Mawatang ladde' tepperi tau iya purae mabbelle", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Located in Gombel with Semarang scenery, come at night because you can see the city lights. The great steak and warm tea are a must-try here. Take the outdoor spot because the air is cool and breezy.", "sentence2": "Anroanna okko gombel iya pattiroanna semarang, engka ki' ko wenni i nasaba' lampunna kota e pitai, anre-anre malunra' na steak sibawa teng pella mancaji menu mattette' okkoe, alaki anroang ri saliweng nasaba anging na macekke' dan ma mappamekke.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "One time we went here and ordered the fried rice and french fries. Everyone loved the fried rice. The fries were also really good, not to mention its beautiful presentation. My family said the coffee was great. The great things about this place were how spacious it was and how it is possible to enjoy Dusun Bambu's scenery outside. However, the service was so slow that I needed to ask multiple times about my order. It was also a bit pricey, but the food was so delicious it made it all worth it in the end. You won't have to think twice to try this place out.", "sentence2": "Riolo ro mai wettu laoki okkoe anroangge, massuroanggi wette nanre sibawa wette lame-lame, napoji maneng taue wette nanre na. Makko topa wette lame-lamena maka kanja. Makkadai sumpuloloe marasa kopi na. Iyaro kaminang makanja okkoe nasaba maloang i anroanna na mabello lairita dusun bambu, de mi na sitta pole yassuroangnge iyanaro passabari mallao lisu ki mattunangngi purae yassuroang. Masoli soli topa ellinna, nala deceng malunra' moi anre-anrena jaji sicoco' mo isedding. De' to na parellu mappikkiri bekka dua ko meloki lisu paemeng lao okkoe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The 35-thousand Thailand-style fried rice is bland, with only shredded chicken sparsely sprinkled in. And there's no seafood.", "sentence2": "Nanre wette thailand ellinna 35 sebbu, polos, engkami bawang cebbi' manu' na cedde'. Seafood na deggaga.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "As we know, the original American brownies are baked cake that indeed has a brown color. Toko Amanda tried to be creative and made brownies by steaming them. And I have to say, these steamed brownies didn't do it for me. The texture was just the same as a regular sponge cake. So to me, these aren't brownies.", "sentence2": "Pada iya yisseng manengnge, brownis iya aslinna pole amerika iyanaritu beppa bantat iya warnana masikola'. Toko amanda nakkibuai i brownis e na nasui nappa napellai. Brownis pellae na pada ko deggaga tongeng. Tadangenna padami sedding yako bolu biasa mi. Jaji ko iya', iyewe tennia brownis.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "If you want to visit this restaurant, be sure to go on afternoon or night time, bring your spouse to enjoy romantic dinner and amazing scenery.", "sentence2": "ko laoki okko restorang e, sicoco' ladde ko esso na wenni, bawaki rangengta pacobai anre wenni sipa'dua na pakkita mata makessing", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The first impression was memorable because after ordering I was surprised to see one of the staff bringing out banana leaves to our tables instead of plates or spoons. So if you wanna eat here, get ready to experience the unique sensation of eating food on top of banana leaves using your bare hands ", "sentence2": "Pangalamang pammulangnge mapparingngerrang sa nasaba' maselengnga' puraku massuroang anre-anre, bara siddinna pajjama e mabbere daung loka okko mejakku tennia penne yaregga sinru', jaji narekko manreki' okko e massadia ki' manre pake lima nasaba' maeloki' pirasai aga ga silaingeng laitambah i pallapi' anrewe pake daung loka.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "One of the most delicious culinary areas around. However, that just makes it hard to choose what to eat. In the end, I got myself a kerak telor and mie kocok while waiting for the music show with nostalgic western songs. Pretty recommended", "sentence2": "Sala siddi anroang manre mappenre' cinnae. Tapi malasa ulu ki pitte i. Mancajiwi lau pirasai kerak tello sibawa mie gottang na na tamattangang to marengkalinga akkatitang musi' iya macculeiwi elong kelong bara' riolo. Makessing siseng yajjulluang.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "To clarify, you may come to the corresponding branch office of Mandiri Bank during working hours in workdays to make a cash exchange.", "sentence2": "Ko meloki pannessai Indo' laoki' okko kantoro' cabang bank mandiri e ro ri esso sibawa tette' ajjamang e massele dui.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Rode on the Jayabaya train from Malang to Jakarta, stopped in Gubeng, the ticket costed 35 thousand plus 6k insurance via Traveloka.", "sentence2": "menre' kareta jayabaya malang- jakarta leppang okko gubeng, tike'na 35 sebbu lengka'ni asuransinna 6 sebbu pake traveloka", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "DPR shows appreciation towards women's participation in the 2018 Regional Elections", "sentence2": "Dpr mabbereng apresiasi nasaba' macciona makkunrai e ri pilkada 2018", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I came to have dinner with my fam. It was our first time coming here. It wasn't too crowded. For the interior. it was rather filthy in my opinion. There were leftover morsles on the floor and table, seemed like it wasn't cleaned properly. For the food flavour, it was standard. Nothing to write home about.", "sentence2": "engkaka manre wenni sibawa sumpu loloku. bunge' engkaku lao okkoe. detto na maroa ladde'. ko warang paranna, macarepa usedding. mega aroppo bekas pakkanreang okko tembo' sibawa mejang e. pada ko de' na paccingi makessing i. ko rasana, standar, de'na makanja' ladde'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Please remind the council not to forget revising the Perppu for Mass Organisations and if they don't revise it, then several factions from the public will not take this lying down.", "sentence2": "Tabe' tapodangngi lao okko anggota dewang e aja nallupai revisi perppu ormas sibawa peringngerrangi jancinna narekko perppu e de narevisi i, Sininna taue pole masyaraka' e meloi mappassu gau'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Cassava chips are the most delicious and appropriate snack to accompany me during assignment time.", "sentence2": "karoppo' lame aju e ga'de paning malunra' na si coco' ipasibawang jama tugas e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Batagor and Siomay Kingsley doesn't have any branches outside this one. The food's great, especially the batagor and siomay as well as the baso, also none of them contain any preservatives. And if you're looking for a gift, there's a package you can take home. Keep the good quality going. ", "sentence2": "Batagor sibawa siomay kingsley e we de nappunnai cabang okko anroang laeng e. Anre-anre na malunra', utamana batagor sibawa siomay makkotoparo basso na nappa de napake pappatahang. Narekko maelo ipancaji oleh-oleh engka pake' iya wedding e laibawa lisu. Tapakkoro terru i kulaitas na.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Never order from this service, my friends. Utterly disappointing! The villa was dirty, and all the appliances were unusable", "sentence2": "Aja' engka ta massuroang pake iyye layanang e anggota nah. Mappaja nyawa! Villa na macarepa, sininna agaganna de na coco' lai pake", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Registrations starts tomorrow, Ministry of Communication and Informatics offers Digital Training Scholarships for 1000 people. ", "sentence2": "Pendaftarang e mappammula baja, kementrian kominfo mabbukka beasiswa pelatihan digital lao okko 1.000 tau e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "As a netizen who went on a picnic to Toba just last April, I just wanna say that there are indeed a lot of disappointments coming from the tourism system there. Parapat was dirty, it was hard to find actually good accomodations, the transport agents were unprofessional, just don't bother, Parapat is not recommended at all.", "sentence2": "Na iya' netijen baru ka' na ri wettu april labe' e jokka ka lao toba, maelo ma' pau i makkada tongeng maega aga-aga mappasara nyawa pole okko sistem pariwisata e okko ro. Parapat -na macarepa, mawatang sappa anroang iya makae kanja', ageng transpotasi na de na profesional, de siseng na coco' yajjulluang lao okko parapat.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place was so dirty and I was ignored by the servers. The service was so disappointing", "sentence2": "Macarepa ladde' na detto na jampangiki pelayanna. Maka ja' ladde pangadarenna!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place is mediocre for me. Not that clean, the food is also nothing special.", "sentence2": "Anroanna ko iyya usedding mabiasa mi, kurang mapaccing. Anre-anrena aga mabiasa mi", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "For the effort it took to get to this place, the payoff was so-so. The disappointing part was the food quality. It was the barest minimum effort for making a meal. For the high standard of Bandung culinary, this was a letdown. Not to mention there was an entry ticket, 10.000 per person and 15.000 for cars", "sentence2": "Yako laiyitai usaha laipassue e lettu' okkoe hassele' na mabiasami. Iya mappasara nyawae iyanaritu akanjakenna anrewe. Anrena pada ko assala lainasu mi. Yako lai yitai akanjakenna anre-anre okkoe bandung , mappasara nyawa sa iyye. Engka tike' tama tungke' tau 10.000 sibawa oto 15.000.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My family and I were looking for a place to eat after watching a movie. We were bored with eating in restaurant / cafe in the mall. Suddenly we saw a restaurant on the right side of the street. We hadn't eaten curry in a long time. We stopped by a considerably small resto, with only 9 tables. Turns put the place was comfortable and the food was delicious.", "sentence2": "iyya' sibawwa sumpu loloku massappa onroang manre purata manontong. cau manenni manre okkko resto / kafe okko mol e. tappa lai yita bawang resto okko kanang laleng e. mettani de' to lao manre okko e. leppangni okko resto mabiccu e, 9 mi mejanna. makanja' pale onroanna sibawa anre-anrena", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "How can the Starbucks coffee taste this good", "sentence2": "Kopi starbucks e manengka malunra' ladde' dih", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I heard they'll build a Transmart there, next to that building", "sentence2": "Naseng taue okkoro melo laipatettong transmart, siwali' na iyaro bangunang e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Truly a unique experience, eating in the middle of the ricefields among the yellowing rice. With a variety of menu choices, the presentation is interesting and appetising.", "sentence2": "tongengpa de'gaga padanna rasana, manre tengngana galung engkae ase ceddepi na maridi. mega rupanna pakanreanna, pattale'na makessing na mappakacinna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Dined togetha with da sistahs a lil' bit ago, cosy place, nice to hang out, good service. Have gone ta this place multiple times.", "sentence2": "Manre sibawa padakkunreang ku maneng siaga essona labe' e, anroanna manyameng, makessing yonri cado'-cado', pangaderenna makanja. Bekka siagani ta manre okkoe.\")", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The souvenir shop has pretty much everything and is pretty comfortable, the goods are easy to reach, affordable, and it has great service.", "sentence2": "onroang ole-olena lengka' na menyameng topa, ma gampang lae runtu' na masempo topa ellianna, mabessa toni pelayanna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Hi Eviana, we are sorry for the inconvenience. You can contact Indosat by clicking the following link. We implore you to check it out. Thank you. Erf.", "sentence2": "Tabe' eviana, tamillau dampeng nasaba' maja tasedding. Yako kontak pole indosat wedding napakei iya e tautang e: Tabe' taparessai na, Terima kasi. Erf", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The menu's Indomie and toasts. The place is just the same as the other branches: comfortable for hanging out.", "sentence2": "menuna indomie sibawa tuni roti. ko onroang pada mo cabang laengnge manyameng lae paki sikumpulu", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Sambal with basil leaves, tomato and cayenne pepper. The flavour of this Sambal made the city called Cibiuk in Garut famous. fried gourami or with fried chicken. It tastes absolutely divine. Aside from Lengkong Cibiuk, they also have many other branches.", "sentence2": "Sambala' pakewe daung serawung, lambace, sibawa ladang renni'. Rasana sambala'e pancajiwi kota okkoe garut iyaro asnena cibiuk mancaji maroa. Iye sambala' e sikenangeng yako laipasianta' i sibawa gurame wette yaregga manu' wette. Rasana maka lunra'. Saliwenna ri lengkokng ri cibiuk aga maega to cabang na.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "\"...Gramed's staff passed me...\"", "sentence2": "Purani lau akkutanang lao okko pajjamana gramedia tapi lairempe'-rempe' mi' deggaga manessa. Pajjamana gramedia lettu' spv okko outlet na siddempe'-dempe' mi sibawa napau makkada deggaga promo. Masara nyawa lairempe'-rempe' makkoaro", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Good afternoon. If there's anything you'd like to ask, just mention us again. Thank you, Zan", "sentence2": "salama' esso. ko engka laingnge melo ta pakkutanang pak wedding siseng tapodangnga' pemeng. Tarima kasi' zan", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "We think this place is ordinary, no fun attractions or views for a 10.000 / person ticket. Well duh, the view of the mountains is a no-brainer for highland locations like this. The culinary side doesn't offer much options compared to the other place.", "sentence2": "Ko idi' maneng iyae anroangnge mabiasami nasaba' deggaga akkatitang yare' ga pattiroang makae kanja' na ellinna tike' e 10000 / tau, yako pattiro bulu na memeng sa sitongenna engka nasaba' okkoi anroang matanrewe. Yako wisata anre na detto na maka ega appittereng pada anroang siddie laengnge.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I've been a Madtari regular since 2002. At the time this place was just a small tent that overflowed with customers at night. A few years ago, after they moved to a permanent building, I thought that was when the quality dropped slightly compared to the tent days. One thing's for sure, the price went up significantly, even more expensive when compared to similar stalls.", "sentence2": "Iya mancaji pangelli tette' na madtari sipongenna taung 2002, iyaro wettu e warung tenda biccu mi tapi maroa ri weetu wenni wi. Siaganna mani taung labe' e nappai nonri bangunang mattette' e, sipunge' naro iya pirasai akanjakenna pede' no i yako laipasibandingngi wettunna warung tenda mopi. Iya manessae, ellinna menre' ladde' yako laipasirekeng i warung laingnge pada-padanna, nulle lebbi pi solina.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "First comment is that the venue is a banger, very nice service, and as for the chosen menu, it has to be the grilled fish and oxtail soup that I'd give a 4 for but for that iced fruit cocktail, I'd give a 5, yes!", "sentence2": "Pau kaminang pammulangnge manessa makkada anroang makae kanja', pangaderenna maka bessa, sibawa menu iya ipitte e iyanaritu tunu bale sibawa nasu so' buntut na iya warengngi nomoro' 4 tapi yako es buah na iyaro warenggi nomoro' 5 nah.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Terjemahan di sheet Translation sudah benar, tapi di sheet ini tidak lengkap", "sentence2": "okko restorangnge we anre-anre iya napassadia e maka ega na masempomi ellinna, suasanana makanja' na mappanyameng", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I'm jealous of how you guys can find happiness", "sentence2": "Masiri ati ka mitaki' maneng taulle runtu' akkasennangeng", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "After topping up my balance I wanna buy some internet package but it just keeps failing and tells me to try again in 363 and it still doesn't work.", "sentence2": "Pura melli pulsa maelo daftar pake' interne' de nattuju terru sibawa nasuro laiyulangi matterru okko 363 na tette' i de nullei", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place is beautiful, especially at night with its decorative lights, so romantic. Perfect for couples. It's also far from the crowd. The air is so breezy, and we can see the town's beauty from above.", "sentence2": "onroanna makanja' ladde' apalagi ko mawenni engka lampu-lampuna, malebbi ladde'. sicoco' ko sibawaki rangetta. mabela pole kotae. macekke anginna. weddingki mita kanja'na kota pole yase'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The food is great and eye-catching for pics, love 'em. Oh, but the drinks are also good and the place is super comfy for hanging out with friends.", "sentence2": "Anrena anrena malunra' lunra' na situju mata ladde' i laifoto, makanja. Iyamiro nasaba mappasianta' to minumanna na manyameng topa laiyonri sipulung pulung sibawa anggotae.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This is my second visit. Every food I tasted was great, and the place is just as charming as I remember it back then. I've never had any regrets dining here.", "sentence2": "Iyewe bekka dua ku laome jokka. Sininna anre-anre iyae laupirasai e malunra' lunra', sibawa anroanna pada mopi gellona riolo. De nengka wassesse' kale manre okkoe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The food are smoked chicken and cheese sandwich, while the drinks are juices. Tastes pretty good. The place is nice for those looking for peace and quiet away from noise.", "sentence2": "Anre-anre na smoked chicken na cheese sandwich, inunna jus. Pas na malunra. Onroanna makanja' memeng ko meloki suasana mamekko e mabela pole agaga rukka e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Medicines without a doctor's prescription are best avoided by nursing mothers.", "sentence2": "Pabbura iya de napake resep makessing ko nawelai indo' mappasusue", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The more you know, the more jealous you get", "sentence2": "Pede' maega laiyisseng, pede' mappangimpuru.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Why should we give a paid leave to a lazy employee? Business is doing bad, and they wanna waste money? Think!", "sentence2": "Pajjama kuttu melo yaga yareang i cuti. Maja i jama-jamang manengka melo lao foya-foya. Appikkiri' ko!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This place, next to the flowing river and lush forest, with delicious food really makes me feel at home and perfect for resting. Many snacks are also availabel here, and the weather is cool.", "sentence2": "onroang sideppe salo sibawa ale' na malunra' pakkanreanna na pa kanja' nyawata si coco' topa lai pake tudang-tudang, mega rupanna ga'de okko onrowange, makessing aga udarana", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Please, at the very least, I beg you, for the convinence of the customers, put a BNI ATM machine in Tigaraksa station.", "sentence2": "tabe' cedde' dih, nara' magampang nasabah okko laleng stasiung tigakarsa yareangngi mesing atm bni", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Kupat Tahu Gempol is one of the legendary Kupat Tahu restos. The place isn't that large but its red color is pretty eye-catching near the three-way junction at Pasar Gempol. The portion is just right to satisfy your hunger. The defining characteristics of this kupat tahu are their soft and chewy tofu as well as their creamy peanut sauce, which go really well with lontong, bean sprouts, and red crisps. Absolutely delicious", "sentence2": "Kupat tahu gempol mancajiwi bara siddinna kupat tau legendaris. Anroanna de' to namaloppo ladde' tapi manessa ladde' i nasaba' macella' i pita warna na okko pakkatellu pasa gempol. Porsinna sikanangeng ladde' lau okko tau maliwaseng e. Akanjakenna iye kupat tahu e nasaba' tahu na malemma' sibawa makennye na duro canggoreng na pas okko lilla e. Lai pasibawangngi lontong, tauge sibawa karokko' cella. Malunra' ladde'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Oh I just had that too, man. My Freedom I package hasn't run out yet but I've been charged with internet fees. I need around 40 thousand credits to pay for that. What a robbery", "sentence2": "Pada tongeng iya' silalona sappo, iyaro pake' freedom I ku depa nacappu na laisinge'na tarif panga.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This place is indeed inexpensive when compared to similar restos. But the food they serve is so-so and has nothing special about them. Most of the menus are just deep-fried fish or chickens. In other words, absolutely no food variations.", "sentence2": "Onroang manrewe iyye sitongenna masemponi yaseng ko laipasibali onroang manre pada-padanna. Iyamiro nasaba pakkanreang napassadia e biasa maneng mi detto gaga istimewa. Megangngi pakkanreangna bale mi are' ga manu' lae wette' e. Wedding sa yaseng makkada anre-anrena degaga variasinna cedde' mo.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The bathroom is far from decent, no hand soap provided for washing hands.", "sentence2": "kamara' mandi mabela pole kanja', onroang abbisang limanna de' na passediai sabung", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The atmosphere is great for everyone, whether you're alone, with family, or sharing stories with close friends.", "sentence2": "peneddingenna sikenangeng maneng lao okko rupa taue, namo idi' yako meloki' tudang cadiddi, sibawa sumpuloloe, yaregga sibawa anggota-anggota mareppe e sittukara' carita", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Our family's favorite bakso. It's so flavourful and delicious. Coupled with iced orange juice and white crisps,. Super yummy stuff! Price is really affordable.The location is kinda in an alleyway but it's easy to spot because a lot of people know about the place.", "sentence2": "basso lae poji e idi sisumpu lolo. manyameng na malunra' ladde. lae pasibawasi lemo ese' sibawa karoppo pute. malunra' ladde je'. masempo ellinna. lokasina tamasi lorong biccu tapi magampang mo lae runtu nasaba maega tau missengngi onroanna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Eating in a resto is no fun, you can't ask for a little opor ayam broth like in a warteg", "sentence2": "de'na malunra' manre okko restorang e, de'na weddingki millau duro opor manu pada ko warteg e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The increasing percentage of ride sharing customers forces Toyota to boldly spend up to $1 billion to Grab in order to save its automotive business", "sentence2": "Menre' na presentasi pangillauang ride sharing pancajiwi toyota macapa' mappassu dui lettu $1 miliar lao okko grab bare' salama' i bisnis otomotifna.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The wonderful scenery of Bandung can be witnessed from Sierra Cafe Lounge. There are two options for locations, indoors and outdoors. A romantic site fit for couples and also to hang out with friends while we unwind, since the air is also cool and fresh. The food served is also delectable with varying choices. There's Indonesian culinary, Asian, and even European/Western dishes.", "sentence2": "\nPattiroanna kota bandung iya makae bello yulle mita pole sierra kafe lounge. Engka dua appittereng anroang, wedding ilaleng makkotoparo isaliweng. Anroang iya romantis e sikanangeng lai yonri sippaddua sibawa sikanangeng to yonri sikkumpulu' sibawa anggota-anggotae mabbura tekko, nasaba akkinyawangeng e maccekke' na mappesennang. Anre-anre ipassadiae malunra topa sibawa maega appitterengenna. Engka nasu-nasu indonesia, asia, makkotopa eropa / anre-anre bara'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "That house has a tall black fence", "sentence2": "Bolae iyaro mappunnai palla' loppo makae bolong", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A unique restaurant, where you use sheets of banana leaves instead of plates. The food is pretty good", "sentence2": "restorang de'gaga padanna, de'gaga napasediangngi penne, ko meloki manre pakeki daung loka. pakkanreanna malunra' sah", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My dad is an employee in net.TV", "sentence2": "Ambo' ku iyanaritu pajjama okko Net TV", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Indomie is often found in the nearest roadside stalls.", "sentence2": "Indomie maega lae runtu okko warung-warung macawe' e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "It's so hard to understand people who think they're always right", "sentence2": "maka ladde sussa lai yisseng tau tori naseng alena coco'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I was asked to find chocolate by Gordon Ramsay in a dream, but it got mixed with an Indomie broth. ", "sentence2": "Mannippi laisuro sappa sikola' sibawa gordon ramsay eh mancaji sigarui sibawa durona indomie e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Yeah sure, Mi Sedap has more portion, but when it comes to taste, the others are just far better in comparison.", "sentence2": "Iya si ro mi sedap e ise'na lebbi eganna, tapi yako persoalang rasa mabela laikala sibawa laingnge\")", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Wow the satay is amazing. Right spices, right seasonings, and fresh meat, all combined to make a damn good satay. The servers are also friendly.", "sentence2": "wah malunra' ladde, sate malunra pake bumbu pas, rasana pas nappa dagingna baru, mancajini sate malunra' tongeng. pelayananna maka to bessa", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "When I came here, it wasn't strawberry season so they were tiny and bad. So I just took whatever's given. __sad__.", "sentence2": "Wettunna lao okkoe mattangangngi tennia wettu stroberi jaji mabiccu maneng mopi sibawa de na makanja. jaji laiyala bawangmi engkae. _sad_", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The inauguration of the airport train by the President of Indonesia is done symbolically by pushing a siren button that sounds the bell, accompanied by Minister of Transportation, Minister Of State-Owned Enterprises, Governor of Banten, Director General of Railway from the Ministry of Transportation, Director of AP2, Director of PT KAN, and the Director of Railink", "sentence2": "Paccera' appajokkanna kereta api bandara e okko presiden ri mappabbunge', appatenrekeng oni sirine iyae mappassadda genta, laisibawanggi okko menteri perhubungan, menteri bumn, gubernur banten, dirjen perkeretaapian kemhub, dirut ap2, dirut pt kan, sibawa dirut railink", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Most of the food in this restaurant aren't good", "sentence2": "Nasu-nasunna iya e restorangnge maegangngi de na malunra'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Perfect for a romantic dinner with your partner in sharing a moment together, the food is also delicious and classy", "sentence2": "Sikanangeng iyako manre wenni cenning i sibawa balitta ko meloki tudang sippaddua, anre-anrena malunra' na makessing.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The Batagor's good, the noodle's great. Lots of food to choose from in just one place, especially since the shop's been renovated for the better. There's a musala. Lots of variety in the souvenir area, too.", "sentence2": "Batagor na malunra', mi na malunra'. Engka maddupa-dupang anre iye wedding e laipirasai ri siddie anroang, naekkiya makkokkoe toko na purani ipakanjaki mancajiwi makanja. Engka musala. Anroang oleh-oleh na maddupa-dupang topa.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Just used it for a few days and it's already hanging, the power bank can't do a thing. Have to be taken into service", "sentence2": "nappai siang esso lai pake tappa hang ni. power bank de nullei lai pake maga-maga. wedding ni lae bawa lao onroang servis e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A restaurant with amazing view, if you're here at night, try to find an outdoor spot and you'll see that every single table has shining lights on them. The food we ordered were cream soup and hot chocolate drink, very delicious and perfect during with the cold weather.", "sentence2": "Restorang iya punnae pattiroang makae kanja', yako tellao okko e ri wettu wenniwi sappaki anroang tudang isaliwenna ruangeng e, na taitai tu ri tungke' mejang lampu lampu tali tuo, anre-anre iya yassuroangnge iyanariyu so' krim sibawa sikola' pella maka kanja sibaw malunra sikenangeng sibawa appeneddingeng macekke' e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Location's very romantic and snug. The atmosphere is very cosy and the service is great. The food is very appetising with a reasonable price. Would love to come back and enjoy its afternoon mood. Overall it's lovely, very wonderful! ", "sentence2": "Anronna maka bello na manyameng. Iya topa appeneddingeng iya makae nyameng sibawa pangaderenna maka e kanja'. Anre-anre we maka lunra' na ellinna iya tamae akkeleng e. Melo ladde' lisu laome pemeng pirasai wettu arewenna. Ko laiyakkamanengi wi makessing maka kanja'!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Food court wth a lot of tenants and a lot of options. Fitting for young people who wanna hangout and eat lots of food and drinks tailored for each of their tastes. The parking lot is also huge. ", "sentence2": "Anre-anre balu' iya maegae passewana, mega rupanna. Sikenangeng sibawa kalloloe iya meloe tudang-tudang sipulung manre-minung sikennae sibawa naelorengnge bara siddinna. Parkir maka loang.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Thank you for the appreciation, brother. We hope he'll be able to meet our representative for the victims of Freeport's work termination soon.", "sentence2": "Terima kasi' daeng nasaba appojingetta'. Tenna podo alena masija naewa sirruntu' wakkele' ta maneng, korbang phk sepihak na freeport.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I've come here more or less over 5 times already. The dim sum tastes amazing while also being really affordable. The place is fun and comfortable. The waiters are friendly even though there're only two of us and we don't order much. Highly recommended if you wanna eat dim seum or shabu in Balikpapan", "sentence2": "Meloni lebbi bekka 5 ka lao okko e, Dim sum na malunra' ladde sibawa ellinna masempo topa. Anroanna makanja na manyameng. Pajjamana mabessa namo sippadduami na detto na maega rupanna anreta. Pokokna lao laloki okko e. ko meloki sappa dimsum are'ga shabu okko balikpapan.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place is fun, relaxing, and easy to spot, since it is right beside a Lotte Mart supermarket.", "sentence2": "Anroanna mappenyameng, matennang, sibawa magampang ladde' mo lairuntu', nasaba mabbali anroang moi sibawa swalayan lotte mart", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "KIPP received many reports of foul play in the 2018 Regional Elections", "sentence2": "KIPP runtu' mega laporang engka to mappasala okko pilkada 2018", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I've been here several times, the food is pretty delicious, the gazebos also makes the atmosphere cozy, especially with the sound of a small river, giving it a natural vibe. Recommended to come here at night because it's more beautiful.", "sentence2": "ekke siaga ni lao okkoe, malunra pakkanreanna, ladda'-ladda' na pancaji malunra' anrewe, lai tambah saddanna salo na pancaji pada desa e. lo laloki okko e ko wenni i nasaba' peneng makanja' i", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Food here is amazing. Perfect for office meetings or dining with big family, affordable price too", "sentence2": "Anre-anre we okkoe maka lunra'. Sikenangeng laipake tudang sipulung kantoro' yaregga sibawa sumpuloloe loppoe ellinna aga maka sidapi.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "DHL opens job positions for Customer Service", "sentence2": "DHL mattangangngi mabbuka assappareng jamang mancaji costumer service", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I tried the one near the Mayor's office. I ordered the super complete Bakso Malang. It was great. Really filling. The price was also reasonable.", "sentence2": "Iya laucobai sideppena kantoro' walikota e. Iya massuroang Basso malang super kompet w. Rasana malunra'. Mappamesso. Ellinna aga tama akkaleng e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Big outdoor resto, serving a huge variety of food from traditional all the way to the modern cuisine. The price varies just as much as the menu. The attractive decor layout makes the place really comfortable", "sentence2": "Anroang manre okko isaliweng maloangnge mappassadia i sininna anre-anre mappammula tradisional lettu' kaminang modern e, mappammula masempoe lettu' kaminang masoli e. Attaroang bello-bello na makanja' napancaji ki toli melo monro.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The must-try of this resto is the strawberry juice without milk or sugar. Trust me, it's amazing. Just 1 glass isn't nearly enough", "sentence2": "Iya kaminang makanja' e laipirasai okko iyae restoe engka jus stroberi de napake susu yaregga golla. Asli makanja' tongeng. Sitongenna ko 1 kaca kurang sedding.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Western style restaurant with street vendor price, with beautiful natural scenery and romantic atmosphere, provided that it's not raining because it's in open space. My family's favorite restaurant", "sentence2": "restorang anrena to wattang e tapi ellinna pa'balu okko laleng e, laitamba pappakita lino e macanti', romantis topa, assala aja'na bosi, nasaba okko halamang e ta'buka. restorang andalanna sumpuloloku", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The fried chicken is amazing here. Perfect after a long trip. I came here after returning out of town, so I was absolutely starving. My stomach was filled right back up. The food was good and servers were great. Not to mention, the cashiers were beautiful", "sentence2": "Manu' wettena okko e malunra. Sicoco' ko poleki' jokka mabela. Iyy'a lao okko e lisukku pole seliweng kota, jaji manreka ri wettu maliwaseng e. Napancaji i wettang e messo, anre-anre namalunra nappa pangadarenna makanja'. Kasirna maka gello.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My package, too, to this moment has yet to arrive, the status has been stuck in the delivery of the Jakarta courier since 5 days ago, JnE is horrible now.", "sentence2": "Kiringekku aga lettu' makkokkoe deggaga lettu' 5 essoni statusna iya pake' e pangantara' jakarta,", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "You're selling Taliwang roasted chicken but the one I got was like rubber and not good at all, it was tasteless too, the sambal was just whatever. Overall, very disappointed and I won't be coming back for a second time.", "sentence2": "Mabbalu manu' tunu taliwang tapi manu' iya napatale'e pada kare' e sibawa de' na mappakario, sibawa rasana makemme, sambala' na assala engka. Pole iya maneng maka mappasara nyawa sibawa iya' dena umelo bekka dua lao okkoro paemeng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Some people like to litter on the side of Sukajadi Street at night. People like that should be obliterated.", "sentence2": "Jalan. Sukajadi narekko wenni wi maderri engka pakkampong makkabbuang roppo ri wirinna laleng e! Iyaro tau makkoero makessing lai cappuri.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My favorite in this resto is the 3-flavor-porridge. 1 huge bowl is enough for me and my husband. There's also a lot more than just porridges on the menu. The price fits the taste. And of course, you can't have porridge without a warm cup of tea. Hmmmm, tasty!", "sentence2": "peneng napojie tauwe okko resto e iyaro bubburu 3 rasa. 1 mangko' loppo wedding iduai lakkengta. nappa maega menu tambahanna manre sibawa buburu e. ellinna sibawa rasana sicoco'i. na manessa sibang manre buburutta iyaro teng pella hmmm. malunra!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Indosat is why I am angry every day.", "sentence2": "Indosat na passabarenna tuli macai ka' esso esso", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This restaurant is perfect for dinner with your partner or family, with decent food and wonderful view. The mood's also great thanks to the classic decor adorning the corner all the way to the entrance.", "sentence2": "Restorang e we mancajiwi anroang iye sikanangengnge yonri manre wenni sibawa baliita na sumppulolo ta passadia e anre-anre iya makae lunra' sibawa pattiroang iya makanja' e. Appeneddingenna aga makanja' sibawa bello bello klasik na mappammula sunna lettu babang tama na.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The resto's concept is nothing special, but why do the drinks cost that much? I know it's a tourist trap, but tone it down a little, hehe. Gotta think twice over and over again before buying.", "sentence2": "konsep na restorang e biasa mo, tapi manengka ellianna inung-inungeng e maka soli. pasempo moi cedde' namo okko onroang wisata e hehe. mancaji mappikkiri bekke duaki sah melli wi", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The milk is fresh with amazing vegetables and delicious soup flavour, complete with super nice service.", "sentence2": "Susunna makanja pake kaju malunra' na duro na malunra' to nappa pajjamana mabessa ladde' sa.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I regret ever telling ye anything, Farrel.", "sentence2": "Massesse' kale ka' lao podakko, Farrel", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "So irritating, lousy parking, just blocking the street even more. And when their car gets scratched, they'll go around swearing and blaming other people.", "sentence2": "Mappakereng kereng sa, na iya sala salang, napacike' bawang ni laleng e, wettu masolang otona mannomeng-nomeng ni naseng maneng tau e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This resto is recommended for you if you wanna have a meal while admiring the sunset. Because it is located in the highlands, you can enjoy the beauty of the mountainsides and the city atmosphere. The menu itself comes in a variety of flavours, from local dishes, Indonesian cuisine, to international food.", "sentence2": "Resto e we lauwajjulluangngi lao okko idi' taleppangi narekko maeloki manre na tapirasai tosi labu kesso e. Nasaba' tujunna anroangnge okkoi anroang matanrewe, tapirasai aga bellona ale' ale' na bulu e sibawa appeneddingenna kota e. Yako anre-anre na cadiddi maega rupanna rasa na, mappammula nasu-nasu kampong, indonesia lettu' internasional.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Hella tiring, going back and forth from and to the campus at late afternoon on top of the endless group projects, the deadlines for the assignments are also hella tight.", "sentence2": "mappapuru' ladde', pole kampus e labu esso lae tamba pesi majjama kelompok de'ga cau'na. deadline jamang-jamange aga mareppe ladde'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Bali has lots lots of islands to be visited", "sentence2": "Bali mappunnawi maega pulau oya weddingnge lai lau wi.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I had breakfast in this restaurant on the 18th floor and I just so happened to get the outdoor seat or the balcony. The seat cushion had a lot of dirt in it. Not to mention the strong wind gave us a lousy breakfast experience. If you wanna eat in this resto, make sure to eat inside, it's a lot more comfortable that way.", "sentence2": "manre ele'ka okko restorang lantai 18 na tappa runtu' tokka onroang tudang okko saliweng are'ga balkon. Alase' onroang tudanna pada ko maega carepanna. Anging e maka ladde' na pa ja' ri bawang i anre ele' e. Ko iyya' meloki manre okko restorang e we, ta pile i onroang tudang okko e ilaleng bare' manyamengki'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The expansion of the oil refinery owned by Pertamina, Ltd. has employed over 20 thousand workers", "sentence2": "appalongenna kilang minyak pt pertamina mala 20rb lebbi pa'jama", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The restaurant in Padma Hotel is one of the comfiest places with breathtaking views of the hills, valleys, and green trees. Because of those, we can enjoy the meals in a different atmosphere. The food here is quite varied and has a lot of options, not unlike other restos in Bandung. But here, there's a selection of traditional menus that'll give you a unique taste as you enjoy nature's beauty.", "sentence2": "Restorang okkoe padma hotel mancajiwi bara siddinna anroang iye manyameng na makessing nasaba ta mita bulu, salo, na to-to aju makudara' e. Mancajiwi yulle pirasai anreta okko appeneddingeng laingnge. Pakkanreang okko e mega meto rupana na mega wedding lai pitte' de'na sibelang pole restorang laing e okko bandung, tapi engka pilihang menu kampong okkoe wedding ki pirasai anre kampong na pirasai appeneddingeng lino e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This ain't the time for promises anymore. We the people are tired aka sick of it", "sentence2": "Makkokkoe tenniana zaman na majjanci. Idi' rakya' e najinna ni' yaregga cauni'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My husband and I usually stay in Jimbaran when we visit Bali.", "sentence2": "iya na lakkaingku biasa mabbenni okko jimbaran ko to lao bali", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I'm perplexed, I can't seem to join my hangouts because this place is just always this packed. Well it is what it is, seems like I better just drive-thru considering it's located in downtown I swear to God this McD is the most crowded.", "sentence2": "malasa ulu e, tuli de mana idapi i maccio cado'-cadi' nasaba memeng tuli maroa ladde'. pakko bawanni ro nulle kapang memeng lebbi makanja narekko u drive thru bawanni nasaba okko pusa'na kota tujunna tongengnga iyena mcd kaminang maroa", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Scaredy-pants trying to act tough, offered to watch a horror movie and went \"yeah, sure,\" then becomes not brave enough to go to the bathroom after watching.", "sentence2": "Pabbittaureng pale na naseng alena materru, laiyolli i mita peleng setang-setang maelo i, purana makkatita degga ga siseng terruna lao kamara' mandi e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The lounge's quality is very disappointing. Far from the escalator, and you;ll need to go through dirty alleys. The design's long and narrow.", "sentence2": "Kualitas na lounge e maka mappasara nyawa, Mabela pole eskalator e, lai yolapi lorong-lorong macarepa e. Modele' na macipi na mallampe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Even though we never got the hut on the side of the ricefields, the other huts offer the same charming and comfortable experience that in no way deducts any points from this eatery. Lots of the huts are perfect places to dine in, the food quality is also super great. Try the leaf-wrapped grilled fish, it's aromatic, spicy, and hella flavourful.", "sentence2": "Namo de nengka runtu' bola-bola wiring galung, tapi appeneddingeng sibawa nyamenna manre ri bola-bola laingnge de napajari wi iyae anroangnge. Maega bola-bola iya manyameng e yonri manre, akanjakenna anrewe aga makanja' na malunra'. Pirasai bale tunu daung na, mawangi, mapesse sibawa malunra' ladde'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "When it comes to delectable food, it seems that this place is the king. Aside from the amazing food, the atmosphere is also warmer especially when together with families or friends. The songs are also very entertaining.", "sentence2": "Yako urusang anre-anre iya makae lunra' pada siseng ko iye na rajana. Tennia bawang anre-anre na iya maka kanja' tapi appeneddingenna aga maka kessing narekko topa sibawaki sumpuloloe yaregga sibawang e. Elong kelong na aga menghibur ladde'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I've eaten several times here. It's a Sundanese menu, especially menu that is hardly found in other restaurants in Bandung. The food is so delicious.", "sentence2": "ekke siaga ni manre okko onroangnge. pakkanreanna asli pakkanreang sunda, tarutama pakkanreang ma sussa e lae runtu okko warung laeng e okko bandung. rasana pakkanreanna, maka lunra'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The people have had enough of politican's ramblings. If it's good, just say it's good. Why can't the government do anything right?", "sentence2": "Ra'ya' e cauni marengkalinga pau pauna anggota dewang e ko makanja'i magi na de'na paui makkada makanja. Magi ero sininna angke'na pemerinta e, de mana gaga deceng na", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "If you're waiting for Istana Plaza Mall to open in the morning, you better try going to Mangkok Ayam in the courtyard of Istana Plaza's first floor. Lots of menus and options are available, including Indonesian and Chinese food. Mi Ayam Rica is highly recommended, really satisfying and goes well with your morning coffee.", "sentence2": "Tajengi mal istana plaza tabbuka ri wettu ele, makessing yako leppakki okko mangkok ayam ri tujunna lantai 1 istana plaza, maega rupanna menu appittereng indonesian food, chinese food tassiadia to. Makessing lai coba mie manu' rica tongeng ladde' mappa puas laipasitinrori minung kopi ri wettu ele e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Eating here is pretty enjoyable because of the varied menus, from Indonesian, Asian, and even Chinese menu. Because of that, we can try many tastes here, and all of them taste great. The place is pretty comfortable, and the service is also quick", "sentence2": "Manreki' okko e maka sa kanja' nasaba mega rupanna anre-anre na, mappammula menu indonesia, asia, lettu tiongkok. Mancajiwi weddingki pirasai rasa na iya maddupa dupang e. Rasana detto laikala lunra' i. Anroamma maka to nyameng, Appangadarenna aga maka to sija'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Dining at the top of the mountain accompanied by the nighttime scenery of streetlights illuminating the city is so beautiful. The food is also great, and the price follows the standards of other cafes.", "sentence2": "manre' yase'na bulu e mita lampu-lampu kota ko wenni maka kanja'. malunra' topa pakkanreanna na biasa meto ellinna pada kafe laingnge", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "It's kinda funny honestly, going all the way to Bandung, only to eat at Pizza Hut. Just because I wanna eat some pizza. The taste is no different from the ones in Jakarta", "sentence2": "Sitongenna magello sa manengka lao bandung, tapi laomi manre pizza. Nasa' maelo mi' manre pizza. Rasana deggaga sisalana sibawa okkoe Jakarta.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I used to like eating in this place a lot when I was in Jakarta. Just found out that they're also in Bandung. The place is amazing. Lots of atmosphere to choose from, whether outdoor, indoor, smoking or no-smoking, there's a place for all types of customer. The food is also good, too. You know, typical Indonesian pastas", "sentence2": "biasa e upoji ladde manre okkoi wettu sibawa okko jakarta, nappai wisseng ko okko bandung engka meto. makanja onroanna. mega pilihang rasa wedding lae pitte, meloki okko saliweng, ilaleng, mappelo, arega de'. engka meto onroang modele-modele' lainne pengunjung. malunra' meto pakkanreanna. ya pasta-pasta tau indonesia gare'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "What good is your education when you can only talk like a barking dog?", "sentence2": "Aga gunanna massikola matanre-tanre tapi batemu mabbicara pada asu mabbokka e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Great and comfy place, highly recommended for dinner. Came with the partner and served by Mbak Dela, was explained to in detail and super kind. The menu is varied and delicious, when I came here with my partner to try its local and foreign menus, both are equally tasty. Just a word of advice. don't come to this place or else you will keep coming back for more, hehehehe. The scenery is breathtaking.", "sentence2": "makanja na manyameng onroang, onroanna sicoco' ladde lae pake manre wenni. engkaki sibawa rangetta na jampangiki mbak dela, na teppuangki makessing na mabessa ladde. maega rupanna pakkanreanna na malunra, wettu engkaka sibawa rangekku coba anre kampong sibawa asingnya, dua-duana malunra. papasengku, aja'na ta lao okko e, nullei tu mallao lisukuki engka, hehehehe. pakkita maka kanja'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "For you sweet tooths out there, try the rice with chicken and mushroom. If that's not your taste, try getting the rice with salted fish. The satay is the most popular, served on a hot plate. Another option that people love is the fried tofu.", "sentence2": "Ko tapojiwi macenning e, pirasai nanre manu' basinna. Ko de tapoji wi, tapitte i nanre bale pejje. Iya kaminang nissengnge tau e sate na, laipatale' i okko yase' na penne pella e. Appittereng lai e iya megae nassuroang taue iyanaritu tahu wette.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I really like eating here. The price is not too expensive and the flavour is wondrous. What I enjoy here the most is the grilled mushrooms. Tender with lots of cheese. I order it every time I come here.", "sentence2": "Upoji iya manrewe okkoe. Ellinna de to namaka soli sibawa rasana malunra'. Iya kaminang upoji e iyana ritu basi tunu na. Maega keju na na malengngo. Tungke laoka okkoe manessa tuli wassuroang iyewe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "In that restaurant, lots of choices are available, from cheap ones to expensive ones.", "sentence2": "okkoro restorang e mega rupanna pakkanreang, mammula masempoe lettu masoli e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A comfortable and natural place for family to relax in the rustic village atmosphere. Getting kids to know nature.", "sentence2": "Anroang iya manyameng e sibawa alami e laiyonri bawai sumpuloloe masennang peneddengi kampong alami e. Pasisseng i ana' e lao okko alam e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "It's been a week and the tap water in our region still isn't available. Do you run out of water? Please take care of this", "sentence2": "Engkani siminggu iye pdam okkoe daerah ta' maneng e de najokka, cappu i garo wae na pdam. Assokong ko!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "You're just torturing yourself, working all day every day. When it comes to working, don't push yourself too hard", "sentence2": "Majjama mappammula ele lettu ele pemeng pada siseng ko laisessami alewe. Jaji ajana tamalebbi ladde narekko ajjamangeng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The food's taste isn't as fancy as the cost. Overpriced for family visitors, friend groups, or business partners.", "sentence2": "rasana anre-anrewe de napada solina ellinna, overpriced narekko pangellinna tau sisumpulolo, grup sibawang e yaregga bisnis", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "If you're visiting Sukabumi, don't forget to try Bubur Ayam Hamid. For real, it's so good, so unlike any other chicken porridge places. There's quite a lot of shredded chicken, the spices are spot on, especially when coupled with sate ampela or usus. You'll want more for sure! ", "sentence2": "Narekko lempang i okko sukabumi, aja tallupai pirasai peca' manu' hamid. Asli, malunra' ladde', silaengeng sibawa peca' manu' okko anroang laingnge. Cabbu' manu' na maka ega, paggamina aga maka rasa, makkotoparo narekko anre-anrena laipasitambai sate ate yaregga perru. Laijaming napaeloriki' paemeng!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Please, anyone from Telkomsel, revise the prices of your internet plans, they're off the roof", "sentence2": "Tabe' pajjamana telkomsel, selle selle i ellinna paket internetta iyaro ellinna mallangi e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Dear Sir/Madam, please respond to my message. Thank you", "sentence2": "Tau malebbi e, tabe' ta jampangiwi kasi' pappasekkuu. Tarima kasi'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Not only in name is this Swike Waled. The flavour has the same tastiness as the dishes in Waled Village, Cirebon. The Tauco Soup has the right amount of saltiness. The fried Swikee is delicious, too. It's just that the cost is a bit on the expensive side, compared to the swike in Cirebon.", "sentence2": "tennia bawang asenna swike waled. rasanna pada lunra'na sibawa engkae okko kampong waled cirebon duro taucona sikenna pejjena. swike wettena aga malunra. iyamiro nasaba ellinna masoli cedde' yako laipasibaliwi sibawa swike okkoe cirebon", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Get a hardisk with a special promo price for each 1 TB of hardisk refilling service", "sentence2": "runtukki hardisk elli promo ko ta pesang i jasa mangise; hardisk 1 tb", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A unique restaurant with an equally unique fried rice menu. The fried rice also has different levels of spiciness. If you're a fan of spicy food, you must try the fried rice here. Moreover, there are a lot of toppings to be served with the rice, such as ebi, basil, sweet soy sauce, a secret spice, all the way to having aromatic ginger mixed in. Each portion is measured just right. The prices ranges from Rp 13.000 - Rp 21.000 per portion. The service is also delightful", "sentence2": "Restorang e de ga padanna na iya nanre wette na aga de'ga to padanna. Nanre wette napatale' e maddupa dupang tingka' pesse na. Ko ta poji wi mapesse e tapirasai lalo nanre wette we okko e. Nanre wette na passadia e maega rupanna paggamina pada pake lame', cewangi, keca' cenning, paggami rahasai lettu campurang kencur. Siddi e porsi na wareakki pas-pas. Ellianna siddi porsi mappammula rp. 13.000 - rp. 21.000. Pangadarenna maka to kanja.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Using Telkomsel really makes my blood boil. Just sharing a less-than-100-kb capture and it takes forever to load and then fails anyway. But when you reload it, it just says \"the network has no problems\".", "sentence2": "Pake telkomsel melo macai terru sedding makkiring gambara' iye kurangnge 100 kb tapputara' terru na de nalettu. Tapi ko lai kompai makkadai jaringennya deggaga masalah.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Just wait for it, you'll get it. Usually it takes about a week max. ", "sentence2": "tajeng moi, nareang mokki tuh. biasana lettu'mi siminggu tu", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Delish, venue's clean and comfortable, and the food served is also diverse. Besides that, the place is located in the city, making it a resting spot for shoppers and office workers. The price is costly, for sure, but it is equal to the taste.", "sentence2": "Malunra', anroanna mapaccing manyameng, sibawa anre-anre iya napatale' e maddupa-dupang. Saliwenna iyaro anroanna iya engkae okko kotae mancajiwi anroang istiraha' na rupa tau iya mabbalancae sibawa pajjama kantoro' e. Ellinna memeng masoli tapi sikenangeng sibawa rasana", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "You can just try looking it up in Bukalapak. If you really need to, you can use Redmi 4a", "sentence2": "Sappani okko Bukalapak. Yako maseke', pake bawanni jolo iyaro redmi 4a e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The food was okay, but there was this one server who was kinda dirty, making it a little less comfortable. Please serve the food quicker so the customers won't get hungry. There are many things to improve.", "sentence2": "maka ronto' jadi de usedding manyameng. pasijaki pakkanreatta dih, nara' de'na maliwaseng tau e. mega mopi harus lai pakanjaki", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "It was just 4 p.m. on Thursday. My friends and I were about to have a coffee break. I forgot what drink we ordered that time, but all I remembered was that when we picked Menu A, the server said that they run out. Then we chose Menu B, it was also out. Eventually we had to pick another menu. Pretty annoying.", "sentence2": "Na nappai tette' 4 narekko esso kamisi e. iyya sibawa sibakku melo lao tudang-tudang. Wallupai makkada aga lai rinung ero wettu e, siddimi u wingngerrang wettuku pitte minumang a, makkadai pajjamana cappuni. Mancajiwi laiyassuroang si inung b,. Eh cappu to ni. Mancajiwi mappitteki menu laing e. Mappakereng kereng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The meat here tastes better, but the spice there is more flavourful, with similar price to boot", "sentence2": "Ko okko e jukuna lebbipi lunra' na, yako paggamina marasa pi ko okkoro, ellinna detto na sibelang ladde' polena.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "\"...romantic spot...\"", "sentence2": "Anroang makae bello na macakka iyae yulle mita pattirona kota bandung pitae millo' na lampunna iya padae massebbu liling ri esso wennie sibawa penedding cekke' buluna., makkotoparo anre-anrena lunra'na iya mapellae mopa na yako lairitai mappakacinna. Wah de siseng ladde nacoco' ko lailiweng i.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Curious to come here because we had been seeing their ads on the street every time we passed the toll. When we got there, the place turned out to be quite average. We were there late at night, plus it was raining so it was rather muddy", "sentence2": "macinnaka lao okkoe nasaba tungke' u laloi tol e tuli witai iklanna okko lalengnge. wettukku lao okkoro biasa ladde'mi pale onroangna. laoka okkoro wettunna mawenni-wenni nappa bosi topa jadi makkacoca' cedde'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This resto is quite large, the atmosphere is fun, and customers can enjoy the view of Bandung city. The menu has Western and Indonesian food. The price is worth the quality and service.", "sentence2": "maloang sa iyye restorang e, manyameng ladde, wedding to engka e mita kota bandung. pakkanreang pole wattang sibawa indonesia. ellinna sikenangeng sibawa kualitas na pelayananna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Bogor will be led by Bima Arya once again", "sentence2": "Bogor sitinaja laipunggawa pemeng okko bima arya", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "On January I've gone to Galeri Indosat to register my card. The staff with a bag said that my card was already registered, right. But the other day I couldn't call or send messages because I was blocked and not yet registered. What am I supposed to do, then? Thanks for the absolutely 'excellent' service.", "sentence2": "uleng januarika lao galeri indosat daftar i kartukku, makkadai mba'na ero tas e ta' daftarani gare, tapi wenni' de' nullei mattelepon sibawa ma' sms e nasaba lae blokir i depa na ter daftar. aga gare elona? tarima kasi' makessing ladde' sedding pelayananta", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I tried to dine in Suis Butcher Steak House in Setiabudhi, I also tried the Suis Butcher on Riau Street. I liked the atmosphere in Setiabudi's Suis Butcher more since it is not too crowded, and it is a good place to chat. For the food, I like its tenderloin, salad, french fries, and tiramisu. The price is worth the taste, and is also equal to the quite prompt service.", "sentence2": "Iya' upirasai suis butcher ri selai ri suis butcher ri stiabudhi, ucoba toi suis butcher ri laleng. Riau. Lebbi laupoji arasa rasanna ri suis butcher ri setiabudi iyae de namaroa ladde, sibawa makanja' anroanna laionri maccarita. Anre-anrena upojie iyanaritu tenderloin, salad, frencfries, sibawa tiramisunna. Ellinna sibawa rasana sipada moi, jaji sikenna mo aga sibawa appatalekengna iya masija'e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The wifi here always has an error, the food and drinks are a bit expensive, the fried lumpiah is way too salty, the milk tea is only slighty okay, and the order takes forever", "sentence2": "wifi okko e tori masolang, pakkanreang sibawa minumanna maka soli, lupia wettena mapejje ladde, teh susunna malunra' cedde, metta ladde' ko to mappesang", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I wanted go to a hotel in Mong Kok, Hongkong, but turns out there was no hotel! Last June, I've booked and paid for 2 rooms. But the hotel was nowhere to be found.", "sentence2": "Melo lao okko hotele' okkoe mongkok hongkok, deggaga ! Uleng juni labe' e, iya wassuroang ni sibawa purani uwaja 2 kamara'. Tapi iyaro hotele' e deggaga iruntu'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Rather than having a fuss about flash sale stuff, let's just play online poker.", "sentence2": "polepadanna sirukka-rukkang nasaba' warang flash sale lebbirengngi ta maccule poker onleng", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Roti Unyil, a patisserie serving all kinds of breads / cakes in tiny sizes, very famous in Bogor and Bandung", "sentence2": "Roti Unyil, toko beppa iya mappasadia e maega rupanna roti / beppa mabiccue modele' na, naisseng ladde' taue okko Bogor sibawa Bandung.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I wanna help by giving the info connections, but my internet quota is limited", "sentence2": "Melo mabbali mabbereng appalettukeng info, tapi kuota interne' ku teggenne'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I am of the same opinion, this show should be removed, lots of useless shows nowadays. The people in the show also act like uneducated people.", "sentence2": "situjuka, ero acara e weddinni lae pate'deng, mega acara de'gaga gunana. tau okkoro aga acara e pada maneng ko de'gaga sikolana", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The absolute must-try nostalgic restaurant, perfect place for family, with huge parking space. Almost all the food are great, especially the steak, saslick, and ice cream ", "sentence2": "Resto mapparingerrang e iya waji' e lailau i, anroanna mappinyameng lao okko sumpuloloe, parkir maka loang. Appatalekenna pada ko melo maneng malunra', lebbipa steak na, saslick sibawa ese' kiring na.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Get your family, colleague, friends, lover, lover's friends, or even your ex, for this vocal award.", "sentence2": "Taolli i sumpulolo, anggota ri siddie kantoro, sibawangta' jokka, canring, anggotana canring e, yaregga purae icanring, lao okko suara award e iyawe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place is interesting, with a very industrial concept. A shame that almost all of the menu is non-halal.", "sentence2": "Anroanna makessing, pakei konse' iya makae paberre'. Iyamiro bawang sininna anrena de' na hallala'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "For Jogja people, it's kind of a pain to come there twice. Once is enough. You gotta pay to enter. The food's expensive.", "sentence2": "Yako tau jogja makuttuni lisu pemeng lao okkoro bekka 2. Siseng bawanna. Tama ta mopa makkamajani'. Anre-anre na masoli.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Lots of my family have worked as civil servants.", "sentence2": "Maega sumpulolo ku iya majjamae mancaji pegawai negeri", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "We had dinner in that restaurant and the service was decent. The dining room was big, there are tables inside and on the veranda. You could take the food directly from the serving table inside the resto. There was also an option for freshly cooked food that's fried upon ordering and most of the menus are traditional dishes. The waiting time was not too long. The presentation was also unique because they used leaves instead of plates.", "sentence2": "Manre wenni manengngi' okkoro restorang e na pajjamana mappakaraja ladde'. Maloang anroanna, engka okko ilaleng, engka to okko lego-lego e. Anrewe matterru laipitte pole mejang pakkanreang ilalenna restorang e. Engka maddupa dupang anre iyae silalona laiwette yako massuroangngi sibawa maega topa anre kampong. Wettu mattajeng de nametta. Appatalekenna magaretta nasaba de napake penne naikkiya pake daung.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "That courier was late for about a day on the delivery. Please be more responsive.", "sentence2": "Kiringengnge nala cedde' terlamba' 1 esso pake iyaro kurir e. Ta pakanjaki wi kasi'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "When you wanna enjoy a variety of food, the first choice has to be Hanamasa. The location's pretty great. Lots of food you can choose from, ranging from snacks, barbeques, boiled food, all the way to desserts. Not bad at all!", "sentence2": "Ko maelo ka pirasai rupa-rupanna anrewe, tari lau pitte i lao okko Hanamasa. Tujunna anroanna maka kanja. Rupa-rupanna anrewe maka ega, mappammula anre-anre maringengnge, tunu-tunue, rang-rang e lettu anre-anre pattutu' e. De na mappammasi nyawa tongeng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Get a free Rp 25.000,- credit voucher for two lucky winners every day just by retweeting bniquotes.", "sentence2": "Poleangngi' voucher pulsa rp 25.000, - ri dua e tau iya maupe'e tungke' esso serekko ammengngi ta retweet i bniquotes", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Eating at a fancy resto, the price is obviously high, but the taste is horrible. So frustrating", "sentence2": "Manre okko resto mabello e, ellinna mattentu ni masoli, tapi rasana mabiasa mi, mappakereng kereng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "That's what Shazam is for: so you can find out about the magical songs played by the Gocar drivers.", "sentence2": "Gunanna shazam: Bare' yisseng i elong kelong ajai' e iya naputara'e supiri' gocar.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Dining in Reds Dipo was so good, it was the first time I ever really enjoyed eating fish. They were fresh, delicious, and not fishy at all. At any rate, the pomfret was amazing. And the robusta milk coffee was marvellous. Basically, I was addicted, okay? Reds Dipo has become my favorite place. It's just that good, man", "sentence2": "Akanjakenna manre okko redsdifo, nappanna makkokkoe iya upoji ladde' manre bale. Balena mabaru, malunra' sibawa deggaga mabbau kenynye pemeng. pokok bale bawal na malunra'. Sibawa kopi robusta susu na makanja'. Pokok. A. napaeloriki' pemeng. Redsdipo mancaji anroang pappojikku. Malunra tongeng sa.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My goodness, why are both Telkomsel and Indihome so darn problematic? Expensive for nothing!", "sentence2": "maga tosi iyye astaga telkomsel are'ga indihome dua-duai tori malasa-lasa! masoli bawammo je!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I came here just for a little fun while vacationing with my family. I only had drinks and snacks. The drinks here costed way less than the ones in Jakarta.", "sentence2": "Iya' lao okkoe nasaba' massapppaka cedde' hiburang ri wettu pakansi sibawa sumpuloloe. Ia minung ma' bawang sibawa manre anre-anre biccu. Inung-inungengnge okkoe ellinna masempo ladde' yako laipasibaliwi sibawa okkoe jakarta.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My Indihome bill this October is quite different from September. It's more expensive. Why is that? You promised since the first installation that there would be no additional fees or flat fees. How can the price go up and down? Consistency, please.", "sentence2": "akkamajarenna indihome ku iyye uleng oktober e de'na pada wettunna uleng september. masolipi iyye. manengka makkoro? janciinna sipungenna na pasang de' to gaga biaya laing lainna na turi pada mo akkamajarenna. manengka iyye pura menre noo si? Pasitette'i waseng", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I really regret eating the salted egg Indomie. I ate it this morning at 8, and my mouth can still feel the aftertaste to this very moment. And it's really bad, dear Allah.", "sentence2": "Iyewe massesse' kale ladde' manre indomie salted egg. Manreka' nangnge ele e tette' 8, lettu' makkokkoe sesa-sesa rasanna engka mopi! Maka ladde' tongeng ja pung Allahu ta'ala.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This is a unique meatball. There's a lot of fillings to choose from. There's cheese, spicy minced meat, or just urat. I choose spicy minced meat and my God did it live up to its name. The price is right, and the place is clean.", "sentence2": "Basso de napada laingnge,. Basso iya e pallise'na madddupa-dupang. Engka ise' na keju, juku tetta' pesse sibawa ure'. Iya upitte e tetta' juku pesse e ehmmmm rasana sikanangeng sibawa asenna. Ellinna masempo, anroanna mapaccing.\n", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This person do be blockin' the road like no tomorrow.", "sentence2": "Mappa sillaca'-laca' laleng bawang iye tau e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "BNI strengthens their branding with BNI City Station", "sentence2": "bni na patanrei asenna pake stasiun city", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The sensation of eating on a sheet of banana leaves, with the delicious grilled calamari and the tasty fried tempe, along with the mouth-watering sambal. Absolutely amazing", "sentence2": "rasana manre pake daung loka, laipasibawa lunra'na tunu comi; sibawa tempe labbu' magoreng e,", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Mie Mewek is located in Pajajaran Street. Near the BEC area, the gadget store centre. Here we can enjoy its signature spicy cuisine. Mie nangis (the crying noodles) will really make the customers cry, because it's so spicy and yet so addicting that you can't stop eating it. The noodles are thick and chewy. Really good. ", "sentence2": "Mi mewek tujunna okko laleng pajajaran. Macawe' pole BEC, mattenggai okko pabbalu gadget e. Okkoe weddingki pirasai anre-anre pesse. Mi nangis nulle napaterri tongekki manrewe, nasaba mapesse tapi tori taggattung ki maelo lisu manre paimeng. Mompe' mi na nappa makennye. Malunra'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "He's having the Indomilk milk in the fridge", "sentence2": "na anrei susu indomilk e okko laleng kulkas e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Frustated as all hell for selling Yakult all that time and still not getting any profit.", "sentence2": "Mappakereng kereng denre' pa ta mabbalu yakult na deggaga sarona matteru", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Ramayana has once again opened its branch in Samarinda", "sentence2": "Ramayana nabukkasi paemeng cabang na okko samarinda", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This place is popular among university students. Cuz aside from the tastiness, the price is pretty cheap, too, in my opinion. It's just tops.", "sentence2": "Iye anroangnge massenge' ladde' ri pada-padanna mahasiswa e. Nasaba saliwengenna malunra' ellinna aga maka to sempo waseng ko iya'. Makanja ladde.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The variety of art pieces displayed on the ground floor and second floor really grabs your attention. There's also more artworks you can observe outdoors. The eye-refreshing view as well as the breezy weather really make this place a favourite for many people.", "sentence2": "Maega rupanna karya seni iya nappitangnge okko lantai mariawana sibawa keduanna makae kanja' lai yita. Saliwenna iyaro okko pakarangeng saliwenna maega aga karya seni iya weddingnge laiyakkatita i. Pattiroanna mappacingkang mata, nappa appeneddingenna macekke mancajiwi iye anroangnge napoji ladde' maega tau e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I don't like the current coach, the strategy he came up with can't be used to beat our opponents.", "sentence2": "Iya' de upojiwi iye pelatih e makkokkoe. Strategi iya nakkibbua e de na coco' laipake kalai bali e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This is just a place to eat while you're waiting for your family when they're shopping, not for those who actually want good food. There's a ton of other places in Jakarta that have way better food for way less money. ", "sentence2": "iyye onroang manrewe laipatujuangngi tau mattajeng pabbalanca e. tapi tennia onroanna tau poji e anre lunra'. okko jakarta mega ladde onroang manre mabela lunra'na na maka topa sempo", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "After you finished shipping your items, make sure to recheck the address in the receipt before leaving JNE Pondok Timur counter", "sentence2": "ko ta purana kiringi, pannessai paimeng alamatna okko resi e sebelum ta salai conter jne pondok timur dih", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Everyone's punching and kicking each other, turns out they all have a hidden agenda! What a joke!", "sentence2": "tippe okkoro tippe' okko e kennai okkoro pasikennai okko e, engka maneng pale rencana takakacubbuna. mappakereng-kereng bawang", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Mad not cuz of you, but cuz PSSM defeated Persis. Feels bad, can't sleep well, can't eat well. All because of PSSM.", "sentence2": "Makereng-kereng tennia nasaba' idi. tapi makkasamang laikalai okko pssm. meja nyawa na masessa tinroe detto na malunra' anrewe. iya maneng nasaba' pssm!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Topped up my credits via BCA ATM at 17:48 and I still haven't received it yet. Can you check it, please? Thank you.", "sentence2": "Mallise' pulsa pake atm bca onnangnge tette' 17.48 lettu' makkokkoe de pa na tama, tabe' wedding kapang tacekkeng? Terima kasi.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My Monday morning was filled with interviews. Before I could walk there I needed to call a Gojek driver while it was still raining.", "sentence2": "Sining eleku lauliseri paggaukeng wawancara, meloku jokka lao onroang e iya massuroang gojek sibawa pole mopi bosie.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The perfect place if you're looking for a satisfying meal on a tight budget, there's quite a lot of variety here, from Indonesian traditional cuisine all the way to modern dishes.", "sentence2": "Anroang kaminang sikennae laiyonri sappa anre-anre narekko dui ta temmega tapi mappamesso, okkoe maka ega rupanna appittereng mappammula nasu-nasu khas pole kampong okkoe indonesia lettu nasu-nasu modereng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I see lots of Indosat users whose credits got cut, a pity, really.", "sentence2": "Iya' lauwitai maega pappake indosat nakennai attappereng pulsa, kasi' na.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A very natural place, with varied menu and spot-on flavours. I especially love their bandrek jagung, the sweet corn is served while still warm. There's also an assortment of traditional snacks that you don't see that much anymore.", "sentence2": "Anroang makae alami, iya menunna makkarupang, pakewe rasa pas e. Iya' upojiwi bandrek barelle na. Barelle macenning e na ipatale' mapella i. Engka rupanna anre-anre kampong iya mawatang e na lairuntu' makkokkoe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This man's speaking nonsense! Someone got kidnapped but he's more concerned about the kidnapper. Where's the logic in that?", "sentence2": "Bapak e we iya napau e de natama akkaleng e! Tau lai subbu manengka napikkiriki' passubbuna. Teori pole kega ro?", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place is huge. Opens 24 hours a day. Perfect for snacking. The sofa is really comfy. A shame that there's a lot of uni students doing their assignments, so the place is almost always packed at night, hehe", "sentence2": "Maloang onroanna, tabbukka 24 essona. Sikanangeng ladde yonroi mare-manre. Manyameng kadera sofana. Maegami mahasiswa majjama tugas okkoro, jaji balala pa engka anroang tudang lairuntu' ko wenni wi. Hehehe", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Unlucky of me to join the group to go to Bali, very boring.", "sentence2": "de'na saro u maccio sibawa rombongange lao bali majemmu ladde", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Although it took us many turns to get to this place, it was eventually paid off with quiet mood, calm atmosphere and the cool highland breeze. I just so happen to like dining outside during weekdays because there won't be too many people inside but the downside was the lack of ambience music. The food was pretty good and my family also quite enjoyed it. ", "sentence2": "Namo cedde' malleko-leko yola ko tamelo lettu' okko anroangnge we tapi takkamaja i nasaba anroanna de namaroa, matennang sibawa appeneddingenna anging anroang matanrewe, iya kebetulang e iya' biasanna yako manreka isaliweng mattentu makkasamang esso majjama nasaba' bare' de na maroa ladede tapi iyamiro kuranna deggaga akkelong kelongeng yita langsung. Yako anre-anre na malunra' sa cedde' sibawa sumpuloloku makasa napoji.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Perfect for dining with family. Enjoying the delicious meal while chatting and unwinding after a long day of activities is truly the best.", "sentence2": "Sikenangeng ladde' laiyonri sibawa sumpuloloe pirasai anre-anre malunra' e sibawa maccarita paleppe' i tekko e purata siesso majjama nae tongeng kanja'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I'll never get tired of coming to this resto, especially on Saturday nights. Our family really likes this place because it has live music. The atmosphere is still fun even after all these years. The menu is also still consistent and mouth-watering, from the European menu to the traditional Indonesian menu. The portion is also huge.", "sentence2": "lettu' okko restorang e de' gaga cau'ku, apalagi ko wenni aha' ipoji maneng sibawa sumpu loloku nasaba engka pakkelong langsunna. de'nengka na berubah suasanana mattaung-tanni. pakkanreanna aga pada meto. pakkanreang eropa lettu' indonesia mappakacinna maneng. mega meto porsinna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Everytime I see the face of this person, I feel an inner God-level rage.", "sentence2": "ko uwita tappana iyye taue turi emosi tingka' dewama sedding", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Indian culinary I personally think is not that delicious. Too many spices.", "sentence2": "Nasu nasu india ko iya' de na makanja. Maega ladde i rempah na", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Our family came to this place because it was late and no other restos were open. Turns out, even at 10 p.m. the place was still packed, with no parking space or even empty seats available inside the resto. The staff looked so tired and sour while serving. For God's sake. In the end we just took our food to the hotel.", "sentence2": "Iya massumpulolo lao ri anroangnge nasaba' tanga benni ni na dettona gaga resto tabbukka. Tette' seppulo ni pale na sillaca' laca' mopa taue, penno mopa parkirang e sippenoang anroang tudang e ilaleng. Mattamusa' bawang mani petugas e nataro tekko. Toba' ka mitai. Iyaro anre we laidukku mani na laibawai lisu lao hotele' e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Oh, yes, I also want the automatic receipt printing feature to be fixed.", "sentence2": "oh iya meloka fitur ceta' balancang otomatis e laipakanjaki", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "In the begining of this year Djarum Foundation Cultural Service event will be held in collaboration with Garin Workshop. ", "sentence2": "Ri pammulanna iye taungnge bakti budaya djarum foundation massiddi majjama sibawa garin workshop\")", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "By buying Morinaga Chil Kid and Chil School for Rp 500.000, mommies can get Rp 50.000 worth of GoPay vouchers", "sentence2": "Yako melli ki morinaga chil kid sibawa chil school ellinna rp 500.000, runtu' 50.000", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Right now tourists who love diving are very disappointed with Ambon Bay's conditions, which looks beautiful on the surface but is actually really dirty.", "sentence2": "Makkokkoe sininna toris e pappoji diving e teluk ambon iya mabelloe nasampo carepa.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Recommended for Indonesian style lunch, there are so many choice of foods you just have to pick. Mostly fried, such as empal, fried chicken, fried tofu, etc. Utensils used are old-school, such as metal plate, metal glass, reminding us of eating in the past. The service is quick. Awesome.", "sentence2": "onroang manre esso ala indonesia makanja' e, mega rupanna pakkanreanna. lai pitte meni bawang. mega anre wette na, pada empal, wette manu, wette tahu dll. warang parang lai pake e manre pada tempo riolo e, pennena pole seng, kacana seng, mapparingerrang jaman riyolo. masija' pajjamana. makanja'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place is cozy, pretty windy but also refreshing. Good concept for the place, very cool VIP room. Absolutely instagrammable. Perfect for hanging out with friends, family, or significant other. The food is not bad either, and the price is also affordable. The cashier lady at that time was so friendly.", "sentence2": "manyameng onroanna, mega anging tapi makanja'. makanja' aga modele' onroanna, ruangang vip na makanja' ladde'. coco' lai pake mappoto-poto. sicoco' to lai pake ma lego-lego sibawa sibatta, sumpuloloya, canringta. makanja' meto aga pakkanreanna, na masempo ellinna. pajjama okko onroang dui e aga maka bessa ero wettu e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Seems like this old fart won't ever change his ways even after all this time, huh? Worst, most rotten person ever.", "sentence2": "iyye tomatoa e mabbau tanani na depa na sadar, tau pene' meja na makebbong", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "No Sunlight no Mama Lemon, just use Garnier Men Turbo Oil Control to wash your hands after cooking aka I can't get this slippery oil off my hands.", "sentence2": "Deggaga sunlight sibawa mama lemon, garnier men turbo oil control pun jaji laipake mabbissa lima yako pura mannasu yaregga malengngo sappo ko purai nakenna boka", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Batagor Kingsley is very delicious and well-like by Jakartan people and families. Every time I go to Bandung, my family and friends always beg me for Batagor Kingsley", "sentence2": "Batagor kingsley maka lunra' sibawa napoji maneng i sumpuloloe sibawa tau okkoe jakarta. Tungke' tungke' lao bandung, sumpuloloe sibawa sibawang e turi millau laiyelliang batagor kingsley.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The best coffee here are the avocado coffee and banana coffee. The avocado doesn't ruin the coffee flavour at all, perfect for my taste as a mixed coffee lover. The food they serve is also pretty tasty, my favorite being their french fries for an affordable price", "sentence2": "Kopi kaminang makanja' e okko e iyanaritu kopi alpukat sibawa kopi loka. Kopi laicampuru' alpokat de napancariwi rasana kopi e teddeng, sikanangeng ladde' okko lilla ku' naiyya' pappoji kopi campurang nga'. Rupanna anre-anre napassadia e malunra' sa, pappojikku iyanaritu lame-lame wette nasaba' masempo ellinna.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "He/She was caught making Jumbo-sized Indomie Goreng, even though just one of those won't be fulfilling.", "sentence2": "Alena arissengeng makkabbua indomie goreng jumbo na sitongenna narekko makkabua 1 iyaro de nappa messo", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I was invited to this restaurant by my business partner. When I tried the noodles, it tasted absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, at the time, mine was too salty. I couldn't really enjoy the amazing noodles because of that. For the atmosphere, it was just decent. However, it's really expensive, 2 bowls of noodles cost us Rp 95.000", "sentence2": "wattunna ulaui iyye onroang manrewe nasaba na ollika sibawang kantoro ku. wattuku pirasai mie na malunra' ladde' usedding. tapi maka pejje' mie ku ero wettu e. jadi wedding ni malunra' mie ku tapi de' urasai. ko suasana biasa mo. ko harga maka soli. 2 onroang mie rp.95.000 ellinna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This driver won't pick up my items since this noon. Please follow-up my complaint", "sentence2": "Sopiri' e de na melo majjempu' barang nangnge mopa tangessoe. Tabe' ta pelettukengngi.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "What a tiring morning I just want to rest", "sentence2": "ele maka puru melo bawamma sedding mammekko", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Your field ain't in politics, dumbass!", "sentence2": "Pakkulleangmu tennia okko dunia politi' e bengngo!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Curious to try tht rather famous chicken. That afternoon was empty, and I ordered a grilled chicken. Turns out the grilled chicken was spicy. My children couldn't eat them. They server shouldve asked us first whether we wanted spicy or not since there was 2 options. I then ordered 2 more non-spicy grilled chickens. My Goodness! It was as if the chicken was only fried and smeared with soy sauce. We had lost our appetite by then, ", "sentence2": "Macinna maelo pirasai manu' iya makae ega napau taue ro. manrewi. Sitongenna pajjamana makkutana maelo mapesse yaregga de' nasaba engka 2 appittereng. Nappa iya' millau 2 manu' tunu iya de e namapesse. Toba' ka! Manu'na pada yako laiwettemi nappa laibolorong keca'. Idi' maneng tappe teddeng cinnata' manre.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "At first I was a bit worried about the service's speed but it was pretty good and punctual. I forgot the name, but I remember ordering a mixed juice of some kind, which was nice. And the food was also okay. Oh yeah, they served free ice cream. You can try talking to the servers about it. Love it.", "sentence2": "Pammulanna de umateppe lao okko asijakenna pangadareng e okko e tapi makanja' sa, mattuju wattu sa. wallupai massuroang jus aga pada sedding ko jus campurang makkoro, makanja' sa. Sibawa anre-anre na aga makanja'. Ohya iyewe alena nawerengngi ese' kring. Wedding takkutanang okko pajjamana. Mappoji.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Since coming to Bandung, only now do I get the chance to eat here. We ate in The Valley Suki. Our tummy's satisfied, food tastes really good, the waiters are friendly, and there's a nice view if you're by the window. Yes, with only Rp 190.000,- / person (tax included), you can eat anything you want. It works like Hanamasa but the place is way more fun.", "sentence2": "lettukka bandung nappai wenni upirasai manre okko e. manreki okko the valley suki. messo, malunra, na mabessa pa'jamana, makanja topa pakkitatta ko tudangki sideppena jendela e. iyye' 190.000 ellianna siddi tau engka toni okkoro paja'na wedding ni manreki elo-elota. pada modele'na hanamasa tapi makanja'po onroanna iyyewe", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Don't know where to have a nice and affordable place to grab a bite? Just come right here. Me and my partner are really enjoying it. Most of the customers are young people, making us feel just as young again.", "sentence2": "detto wisseng kenro melo manre makanja', pakkanreanna malunra na masempo? lao bawanni okko e. iyya na anggotaku poji ladde' i. tau engka e megang i ana' muda jadi pada ko malolo mopi lai sedding", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place / location is pretty easy to spot. The building and its interior are interesting, especially the small garden inside that has an urn with water flowing out of it constantly. Makes the mood more romantic and pleasant. The menu offered had a lot of variety and as far as taste goes, it's quite good.", "sentence2": "Ko yita polei anroanna/lokasi na gampangmi laisappa. Bangunang e sibawa ise' lalenna makessing, engka to paha danna pakarangeng biccu ilalaenna iyaro nasaba engka to bempa waena tuli massolo'. Mancajiwi peneddingnge makasessing na manyameng. Anre iyawe laipassadia maega rupanna sibawa ko ipirasai malunra' mato.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The sushi menu isn't large enough, you might wanna add a small portion, like 2 pieces each. There should also be complementaries such as wasabi and chilli powder. To be honest, not that special.", "sentence2": "menu sushi kurang maega i, ko wedding engka menu sushi biccu-biccu e 2 ire'. weddingna engka pa'genne'na. wasabi, ladang bubu'. jadi pada ko kurang istimewai", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My first time eating in this place. No concept of a cafe or a resto, just a humble eatery serving traditional meals.", "sentence2": "Nappai bungekku lao manre okko warung e. Tennia konse' kafe yaregga resto tapi mattappa warung anre mi iya mappassadia e anre-anre kampong.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I went to Maxi S resto with my family, turns out that there was a wedding party and birthday party so the place was jam-packed. What a poor service, then. If the place was that crowded, the resto staff should've told the customers before they park their cars while it's raining heavily outside, as the distance between the parking lot and the resto was quite far. Better yet, they should've closed the resto temporarily while the party was going on.", "sentence2": "Jokka ka lao maxi s resto sibawa sumpuloloe, na iyaro wettue makkasamang i pale engka to botting sibawa acara ulang tahung na iyaro passabari penno anroangnge. Pangadarenna mancaji maka ja. Sitongenna iya ko anroangnge penno iyaro pajjamana restorang e napalettukeng memenni okko taue ri wettu melona mopa tau parkir i kendaraanna, bosi loppo to pasi, na maka bela iyaro restorangnge sibawa anroang mapparkir e. Ya ko perellui tutu' bawanni pale ko engka mopa acara.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Telkom Hackaton is a training programme by Telkom Indonesia that aims to facilitate the younger generation who has experties in the Information Technology field and programming to develop their own startups.", "sentence2": "telkom hackathon iyaro program pole telkom indonesia tujuanna taroi ana' muda punna e addisengeng okko bidang teknologi informasi are'ga pemrograman nancaji napaloangngi perusahaang nakkabbua e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I liked none of the drinks. The chicken was so-so. There was cheese sauce but I didn't like theirs. Not good", "sentence2": "Inung-inungeng e iya degga mana upoji. Manu' wette na mabiasami. Engka saus keju tapi iya' de upojiwi saus keju okko e we. De' na malunra'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A highly recommended family resto, it has beautiful views surrounding it, comfortable huts, and great food. The night view of this resto is especially breathtaking.", "sentence2": "Resto sikennae sumpuloloe maka yajjulluang, pattiroanna aggoliling na resto iye makae kanja', bola-bola makae nyameng, anre-anre iye napassadia e malunra sa, lebbipa yako wenniwi pattirona resto e maka kanja'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I went to this restaurant for dinner because I just happened to pass it on my way to the hotel I was staying in and me and my friends were hungry so we decided to eat here. The taste was so-so, but we had to pay first even though we weren't finished yet just because it was near the closing time.", "sentence2": "leppangnga okko e restorang e manre wenni nasaba takkalaku liwengngi lao hotele onroakku mabbeni na maliwasenna sibawa sibakku jadi lai pile ni leppang okko e. biasa ladde'mi rasana nappa na suru memenni majai namo depa na cappu anreta nasaba meloni gere wettu'na lae tutu' warung e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Our first impression of staying here, checking in at 2 in the afternoon was not possible because the previous guest checked out late. We were offered nothing from the staff as we waited for an hour while they cleaned our room. Then we were told that the restaurant would close at 5 p.m. so if we wanted to order food for dinner it had to be before 5. Kinda annoying.", "sentence2": "Appeneddingekku bunge' ku mabenniku okkoe, check in de' na wedding tette 2 esso nasaba purae mabbenni lalo e terlamba'i lao check out, de'gaga najjulluangngi' pajjamana wettutta mattajeng siddi jang tajengi lae paccingi kamarae. nappa napodangngi aga makkada tattutu' ni restorang e tette 5 areweng jaji ko meloki massuroang pakkanreang lae pake manre wenni yolona tette' 5 areweng lae yassuroang memenni. Mappakereng-kereng sa.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "You can't enjoy Bandung without its food. Kafe Halaman offers you traditional Indonesian food. The gado-gado is tasty, the fried banana with cheese is also good, and a nice cup of coffee while waiting for your friends to come is always enticing ", "sentence2": "lae rasa-rasai bandung tapi de' lai coba manre. de' na manyameng, kafe halaman, nappasediangngi anre-anre indonesia e, malunra' gado-gadona, sanggara loka pake kejunna makanja to na kopina sibangngi tajeng sibatta maka kanja'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Agree that with a higher phase, the cost to tickets should get higher. But, the base price during the elimination phase is already too high. Try comparing it with the cost of watching it in Malaysia or Thailand.", "sentence2": "situju pene' menre' pole biasanna ko menre' tike' e. tapi, elli tongenna wettu penyisihang masoli memenni. cobani laipasicoco' ellinna menontong okko malaysia, thailand", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Me and my wife were tempted to visit this restaurant when our family was visiting Pontianak last week, because our trip advisor said that Abang Kepiting was the most popular resto in Pontianak. Around 7 at night, me and my wife had arrived and the place wasn't that crowded, with only around 4 tables filled, since the two of us just wanna chat.", "sentence2": "Iya sibawa beneku macinna ladde jokka lao okko restorang e wettunna jokka ka massumpulolo ri pontianak minggu labe' e, nasaba makkadai trip advisor e iyana abang kepiting restorang kaminang napoji taue okko pontianak. Tette' 7 wenni na ulettu na uduppai iye restorang e de pa namaroa ladde nappai 4 mejang tallise', nasaba iya sippaddua maeloma maccarita rita.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I arrived in this restaurant near lunchtime. At first there were only a few customers eating here. However, as soon as lunchtime came, the restaurant was flooded by the people of Makassar city. The number of Makassarese people coming here to have lunch just goes to show that this is the number one restaurant in Makassar city.", "sentence2": "Iya' lettu' okko bola anre e we riwettu maloni tette' manre tengesso. Bunge' lettu' ku okko bola anre e we engkami siga pangelli mattangang manre. Naekkiya wettunna tamani tette' manre tengesso bola anre e we penno napennoi tau pole kota makassar. Maeganna tau kota makkasar iya takkappoe manre tengesso napitangngi makkasa iyae anroangnge mancaji bola anre kaminang napoji e taue okko kota makassar.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The PIK Waterboom Jakarta tickets are rising in price.", "sentence2": "Tike' waterboom PIK jakarta naseng tau e menre'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The location's pretty far from the city of Bandung and now there are two toll gates to go through in order to go to The Peak witha total cost of 5000 rupiah. This is basically like extortion since you wouldn't be able to go to The Peak without going through these two gates.", "sentence2": "Anroanna mabela cedde' pole kota bandung sibawa makkokkoe engka 2 gerbang pakkamaja iya nullewe lao the peak iyae totala' na 5000 roppiah. Iye pada ko laipassa ki okko appulungeng maliara e nasaba' didi' de tulleo lao okko yhe peak narekko de lai laloi dua e gerbang e we.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Here's the full data, don't believe the KPK, it's all lies. This case was audited 10 years ago and nothing was missing. Because after that, there was an audit about fund allocation for special needs. If they wanted to, they could have had another audit. Just forget about it. The Century case was just a scandal to protect certain elites.", "sentence2": "Datana lengka', aja' mateppe' okko KPK ma' bellei iye we. Kasus e iye lae parissa 10 taung labe'e na lengka' ni. nasaba purana ero engka papparessa appalaona dui e pake akkalaongan khususu'. Ko melo millau ki' apparessang paimeng. Pajaini. kasus century e iyaro paggaukeng nasampoi mi tau sogi mattentue.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Very recommended, the food is absolutely delicious! We sat on in the upper gazebo when the sun is setting, dinner with sunset! And it's so pretty.", "sentence2": "coba laloi, malunra' ladde pakkanreanna! tudangki okko ladda'ladda' e okko yase' wettunna turunni esso e, manre wenni mita turung esso. maka canti'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Rcti has too many useless advertisements, very annoying", "sentence2": "Rcti mega ladde' iklan de' lai pahang i, ma'ganggu ladde'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Okay, aside from checking out theme parks, I also like culinary travels. Since coming to Bandung, the food I've been craving for are siomay and batagor. For batagor I'm already familiar with the legendary taste of Batagor Kingsley. But when it comes to siomay, I think travelers would love to treat their bellies in Saung Siomay. The title says it all, the texture is soft, and the sauce just hits the spot.", "sentence2": "Makanja, saliwenna sisata wahana iya aga upoji wisata anre-anre e. Sipungekku okko bandung anre-anre iya kaminang lausappa e iyanaritu siomay sibawa batagor. Nulle ko batagor mareppe ladde' ka' sibawa batagfor kingsley iyaro rasana malunra' e. Ko tosi siomay, rasana de nasala ko pajjokkae naliseri wettanna okko iyawe saung siomay e. Pada siseng asenna. Tadangenna malengngi, paggamina to aga sikkenna ladde'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The orders come out quickly, the servers are kind and of course the food is delicious. The price is just about right considering the taste.", "sentence2": "Pattalakenna masija' sa, pangadarenna makanja' sibawa mattentuni nasu-nasunna malunra'. Narekko ellinna sikennasa sibawa rasana nasu-nasu e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I'm about to explode at Indosat, it has been two days and their signal is still horrible", "sentence2": "Melo ka' macai okko indosat, dua essoni labe' sinyal e turi makkoe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Indosat should just go bankrupt, even in my place the signal can sometimes go off and on and off and on, even though I'm in the region of Semarang", "sentence2": "Pakkoaniro indosat bangkerro' bawanno, ri anroangku iyaro sinyal e maderri tappa teddeng' mubba' teddeng, na okko apo daerah kota semarang", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Buying PLN prepaid credits through Mandiri Mobile becomes inefficient because I have to call 14000 to get the token / not automatic", "sentence2": "melli pulsa PLN pake mandiri mobile mappareppa-reppa nasaba lai telepongipi 14000 millau tokenna / de'na langsung", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Meetings aren't always held in a closed room, this resto can also be a fun meeting place. Don't forget to order the fried rice with jerky and the Teh Tarik", "sentence2": "De na mattentu makkada okko anroang tattutu' e yako meloki tudang sipulung, tudang sipulung ri iyae resto e makessing mato. Aja tallupai massuroang wette nanre dendeng sibawa teng tarik.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Samsung Galaxy S has been released last night. I was disappointed with the boring design. Only 70% of my dream came true. No use dreaming about it all the time", "sentence2": "Samsung galaxy s laipassuni nangnge' wenni e. Iya masara nyawa okko modele' na mabiasa mi. Eloku engkami sikenna 70 %. Tama bawammi nippi e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Shame that the restaurant was dirty. Saw a tiny cockroach near the clean vegetable plates used to serve food. And there was another small cockroach on the seats. Hope they can improve the cleanliness of this place.", "sentence2": "macarepa restoranna kesi'. mita bulepe' biccu' sideppena penne-penne kaju mapaccing melo e lae pake mappatale' pakkanreang. nappa enga bulepe' biccu' aga okko onroang tudangna. marampeka na pakanjaki paccinna onroanna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Yes, the cost is 120 thousand. I've also checked it on Tokopedia.", "sentence2": "iyye ellinna 120 sebbu. purana cek i tokopedia", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Glad that we could end our trip in Bandung with a visit to The Valley on November 2nd. That day we were holding a farewell party for our friend who was gonna move to a new office. The menu had a lot to choose from, but I immediately went for the ribs. For me, the taste was well worth the price. Top notch.", "sentence2": "masennang sedding nyawa e pappurai jokkata okko bandung na ipajai okko the valley tanggala 2 november e. ero esso e mangacara appasaranna sibatta melo elette kantoro baru. mega rupa-rupanna pakkanreanna tapi tappa ribs willau iyya'. ko iya', ellinna sibawa rasana si kenangeng i. makanja'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The Fungka Permata V motor vessel went up in flames, killing at least 13 people. ", "sentence2": "Kappala km fungka permata v tattunu, bara cedde'na 13 mate", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The cease-and-desist order issued by Rohayani, a tobacco addict, against PT Gudang Garam Tbk. and PT Djarum recently brought up other issues.", "sentence2": "Agaga iyae nallaporokeng rohani, siddie tau pappelo' tedde', lao okko pt gudang garam, tbk sibawa pt djarum maddiimonri mappamubba curita laeng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Instead of getting money using BCA credit card, I lose big time.", "sentence2": "Pake kartu kredi' bca deggaga saro na, pole mi arogiang loppo e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This restaurant is not just a place to eat, but also a tourist attraction. The location is very cold, the place is good, cozy, and has an eye-catching scenery. The available menu also varies and tastes good. No need to wait long for the food. The price is also relatively affordable. Great place to take pictures, too.", "sentence2": "iyye restorange tenni onroang manre biasa, tapi wedding to lae pake onroang jokka-jokka. maka cekke lokasinna. makanja' topa onroanna, manyameng, makanja' tona lai ita mata. pakkanreanna mega to rupa-rupanna na malunra'. detto to mattajeng metta lai yereanni anreta. masempo meto ellinna. makanja aga lai pake mappoto-poto ", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The location is easily accessible, the restaurant layout is average, the menu is quite varied and the food is delicious, the price is affordable", "sentence2": "magampang lae lettuki onroanna, biasami modelena restoranna, mega meto rupanna pakkanreanna na malunra' rasana, masempo topa", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Well we just can't win. When there's traffic people whine, and when there's none they ponder", "sentence2": "ya tori sala memeng, macet mannomeng-nomeng, de' si na mace' maseleng si", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Thie diner is located on Abdurahman Saleh Street, it's pretty comfortable and clean, lots of options for the dishes. Tastes pretty good and worth the price.", "sentence2": "Iye rumah makan e mattujui okko jalan abdurahman saleh, anroanna manyameng sibawa mapaccing, menu anre-anre na maega rupanna. Rasana maka lunra' sibawa ellinna sikenangeng mo sibawa rasana anre-anre na.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I sometimes think about how it feels to be a woman in a gym. Lots of guys and middle-aged men are staring. Must be very uncomfortable", "sentence2": "Maderri ka mappikkiri pekkogi rasanna mancaji makkunrai okko anroang gym e. Maega burane sibawa om om mitaki. Manessani tamasiri na degga to nyameng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "We went to eat at that resto, inviting my brother's family. They all absolutely loved the food quality here. We ordered salted egg fried shrimp and the taste was better than a resto in a five-star hotel. Highly recommended", "sentence2": "Engka manengngi' lao okko iyaro restorang e, laiyolli i sumpulolona daeng ku. Alena maneng napojiwi akanjakenna anrewe okkoe. Massuroang manengng' urang wette tello kannasa na rasana malunra' ladde' sibawa nacauri wi akanjakenna resto okkoe hotele' bintang lima. Laiyajjulluang ladde'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Hasil terjemahan di sheet translation sudah benar, namun di sini tidak lengkap", "sentence2": "Pangaderanna solaria de tongeng na makessing melo iya maneng cabangna okko Jakarta. De na wedding laiyajjulluang ladde'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My friend applies for a position in Tokopedia", "sentence2": "Sibawakku massappa jamang okko tokopedia", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Not just family business. But also keeping the country's interests without clashing with global interests.", "sentence2": "Tennia bawang bisnis sumpulolo. Iya topa ro nasaba laipiarai elona negara e sibawa masyaraka' e na de' to i pasiamba' i sibawa elorenna linoe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Located in the hills, which makes the air and views really comfortable. Aside from that, the Nusantara cuisine menu has a lot of variety, there're also steaks and pastas. ", "sentence2": "okko bulu e onroangna nampai udarana sibawa pakkitana maka kessing, dappa maega rupanna pakkanreang nusantara, steak yare'ga pasta engka meto", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Great, thanks for the detailed and clear answer.", "sentence2": "iye, tarima kasi' jawabanta makae lengka' na makessing", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The fried chicken was good, and so was the fried eggplant. A shame that the fried jengkol was all out because I'd like to try some. Oh yeah, the kefongfong juice was also fresh", "sentence2": "malunra' wette manu'na. wette bo'dong na aga. melo apoka kesi' coba wette jengkolna tap cappu i. oh engka pale jus kadondong maka to kanja'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Monday mornings are never friendly, from my messy jilbab, heavy traffic, the ungodly crowded Transjakarta to Senayan, clocking in work way past 8, not attending morning prayers", "sentence2": "Esso sining ele tori de' mena sedding tas sianggota, mammula mappake jilba'e maroca', lalengnge sillaca', transjakarta mattuju senayan roana astagfirullah, absen matengnge' liwe' tette' 8, de'na to maccio mabbacang doang ele.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Jealousy doesn't feel good at all. Jealousy eats away at your heart. Jealousy is pain, if not expressed", "sentence2": "Mangimpuru iyaro rasana de namakanja'. Mangimpuru manre mi ati. Mangimpuru mapeddi mi, yako de i palettu' i.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "What makes Holycow better than the other steak restos is their amazing wagyu dishes. My favorite has to be the wagyu sirloin steak coupled with mushroom sauce. It's so good. The thick meat goes along perfectly with boiled corn kernels, spinach, and mash potatoes. Absolutely delicious.", "sentence2": "Akanjakenna holycow yarekko i pasibetai sibawa resto steak laingnge iyanaritu wagyuna maka kanja'. Iya kaminang upojie iyana ritu wagyu sirloin steak ipasianta'e mushroom sauce. Rasana mappasianta'. Jukuna mompe' na ipasianta' sibawa rang barelle, Kaju sumpunna sibawa ronnyo' lame-lamena. Malunra' na mappasianta'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Hello Ditha, we are here to infom you that we have received your payment in our account. However, your ordering process is unsuccessful.", "sentence2": "Hai ditha, meloki' podangngi makkada pakkamajata' tama ni okko akun rekening e tapi passuroangetta' depa nattuju.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "But if you want to look for it tomorrow, it will be on the shelf near the Wardah creams, across the shelves with the Citra lotions, sister.", "sentence2": "Iyami narekko baja maelo massappa, engkai okko ra' e sideppena cream krim wardah sibali anroang sibawa ra' lotion citra, padakkunrai.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A resto with the concept of bungalows located within a residential complex. The dishes served vary from Sundanese, Western, etc. the air is pretty cold at night or when it's raining so it's advisable to bring a jacket. Stones are used to walk fromo bungalow to bungalow so sometimes ithey get slippery when it's raining.", "sentence2": "Resto iye pakewe konse' bola-bola iye engkae okko ilaleng koplek abbolang e. Anre-anre napassadia e maddupa dupang mappammula pole sundanese, anre-anre bara', dll. Anging e makamo cekke' ri wettu wenni wi yaregga narekko bosiwi jaji laipatujuki makkada bawaki' jake'. Laleng pattengngana bola bolae pakei batu-batu jaji maderri malengngo yako bosiwi.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place is so cozy, the food tastes great, and the coffee is amazing. Perfect place for hanging out with friends or dinner", "sentence2": "onroanna maka nyameng, malunra' topa pakkanreanna, kopina aga manyameng. sicoco' tudang-tudang sibawa sibawatta are'ga anre wenni", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "If my quota isn't back by tomorrow, I'm gonna be so mad at Indosat", "sentence2": "ko de'na lisu kuotaku baja, meloka macai lao indosat", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place's comfy, and the food's great. If you wanna chat around for a long while, this is the place. There're lots of lesehan spots, and they're so cozy when coupled with the breezy air", "sentence2": "manyameng onroanna, malunra meto pakkanreanna. ko meloki maccarita metta coco' ladde' mega onroang lego-lego manyameng nappa makanja topa anginna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The food is quite good. The location is ideal, near the mall's escalators. Overall, absolutely amazing", "sentence2": "Rasana anre-anre we okkoe malunra' sa. Anroanna makessing na macawe' pole eskalator nonno sibawa menre' mal e. Makanja' maneng sa na mappakkoe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Hello, yes, you can pay your water bills through Bukalapak", "sentence2": "hai, ya, cobani makkamaja pdam okko bukalapak", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Enka Olshop, trusted, items are all good.", "sentence2": "Enkaolshop, mappateppe', aga aganna makessing.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Originally, this meatballl resto was located in Karapitan Street as far as I know, now it's true that it's spread across several places in Bandung. The food served does not only consist of meatballs, but there are other side dishes in addition. For the flavour, it's nothing too special, For the price, considering the size and price of meatballs in Bandung, it's quite on the expensive side. Plus, the service is a bit lacking in Ciwalk.", "sentence2": "Aslinna iye basa engkai okko laleng karapitan siperingerrang ku, makkokkoe memenang purani tallappo ri siaga eganna anroang okko bandung. Anre-anre na aga tennia bawang basso, tapi engka siaga anre-anre tambahang laeng. Yako rasa detto aga namaka spesial. Narekko ellinna yako tamabbicara elli basso okko bandung masoli sa. Laitambai pangadarenna iya makurang kanja' e okko ciwalk.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "You should still be able to receive a cashback of 5 million by subscribing to the 500k Iplan package for 24 months,. You can also get 0% instalment using BCA, BNI, Mandiri, or CIMB Niaga credit card", "sentence2": "Sitongenna wedding mopa cebe'na runtu' sessung 5 juta ko mallangganang i pake' iplan 500k ettana 24 uleng daeng. Wedding to aga cicilang 0% pake cc bca, bni, mandiri, cimb niaga.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I don't regret eating at Solaria. The place's clean and perfect for family meals. The food also comes out quickly after ordering", "sentence2": "De lau cau manre okko solaria anroanna mapaccing sibawa sikenna lao okko sumpu loloe aga. Anre-anre na masija' pole ko yassuroangngi.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Just kick them out of the police already. Rather than giving the corp a bad name.", "sentence2": "Passu bawanni pole anggota na polisi e. Polepadanna mancaji pakkasolang aseng kanja' na korp e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I regret getting in that store. I ended up buying things I'll never use. It was really an impulsive buy from my part.", "sentence2": "Massesse' kale ka nangnge lao okkoro toko e. Manengka melli ka aga-aga iya de na tappake. Nasaba' maliwaseng mi matae na yelliwi.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Ate on the roadside, unappetising food, bad service, too expensive", "sentence2": "Manre ri wiring laleng e, anre-anrena de na malunra', appangadarenna de na makanja', ellinna masoli.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "To request for a collaboration/sponsorship, Ms. Elsa can contact: the Corporate Secretary of Mandiri Bank, Ltd.", "sentence2": "Yako tamelo mappangolo assiddiang jamang / sponsorship indo' elsa wedding i tapodang: Pt. Bank mandiri persero tbk corporate secretary", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Please produce more Indomie Goreng Sate. Been looking for it everywhere but still nothing. The taste is so good and different from sate flavours from other brands.", "sentence2": "Takkibbua si pemeng indomi goreng sate. Lai sappa-sappa i na deggaga na. Rasana malunra' sisala sibawa rasa sate mere' laingnge", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Early in the morning and Telkomsel's signal makes me wanna go mad.", "sentence2": "Maele mopa na meloni macai mitai sinyal telkomsel e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Queue takes so long, food takes so long, too, and the taste is just average with a ridiculous price.", "sentence2": "antrianna metta, pakkanreanna aga metta na rasa pakkanreanna biasami na masoli", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My God XL is so horrible now. Time to switch providers. High prices, low quality", "sentence2": "ja ladde' pa xl makkokko e, wettunnami masselle kartu laing tapi masoli na meja meto kualitasna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The night Mutiara Timur train from Surabaya - Banyuwangi. It's executive but the seat is really gross and dirty. Not worth the luxurious price, absolutely disappointing", "sentence2": "kereta mutiara timur malam, sby-banyuwangi makanja' tapi kaderana maronto' na macarepa ladde'. De'na sikenangeng ellianna maka soli, mappaja nyawami", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I chose this eatery in Saung with a ricefield view and ordered the complete Nasi Timbel, Surabi Oncom, and Colenak. The order was served without waiting too long. Only disappointed with the Serabi. Below my expectations. Not delicious.", "sentence2": "iya' mappitte anroang manre ri bola-bola mappattiro galung e massuroang nanre timbel lengka', surabeng oncom sibawa colenak iyae wassuroang detto napattajeng mettaki'. iyamiro masara ati ka' sibawa surabeng na. saliwenna pangelorekku. de' na malunra", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Pos Indonesia's services are so pathetic nowadays.", "sentence2": "meja' ladde; pelayananna pos indonesia makkokkoe", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My Indihome got some problems again. I was working when all of a sudden the connection was cut, my modem blinked red, the wifi had only been fine for a week, and then it got issues again. You've got a lot of problems lately huh, Indihome Telkom? Bill's always high, but still disappoints.", "sentence2": "Iyae indihome ku tagganggu si paemeng. Iaya mattangang engka jamakku na tappa tappettu, macella' makkapede-pede, nappai siminggu makanja' wifi e, pole si taggangngu. Indiehome telkom makkokkoe maega taggangngu dih, makkamaja soli, mapppasara nyawa ladde'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "In my opinion, this Bebekk Garang has plenty of duck menu variants available. I like the combination between the duck and the Sambal, the flavour is just right. The price ranges from 20-30 thousand and I believe it to be a reasonable price for the food here.", "sentence2": "Yako iya' iti' garang e we mappunna wi dupa-dupang menu iya makae mo ega. Iya upojiwi appasijemmuna iti'e sibawa sambala' na, rasana sikanangeng. Yako ellinna macawe' i 20-30 sebbu sibawa yako iyya' sikennasa sibawa rasana iya anre-anre we okkoe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Perfect for meetings, weddings, and photoshoots. The atmosphere is calming, soothing, and cool", "sentence2": "Sicoco' yonri tudang sipulung, acara botting, mappoto. Appeneddingenna matennang, masagena, macekke'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Every time I come here, I just wanna stay here for a long time and not go home. The service is hospitable and the place feels just like home.", "sentence2": "Tungke'-tungke' laoka' okkoe tuli meloka metta sibawa de umelo lisu masija'. Pangadarenna maka bessa sibawa anroanna manyameng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This restaurant offered many highly modified Balinese cuisine that felt like they were more tailored towards the customers, most of which weren't native Balinese people. The three pictures we attached are of the food we ordered.", "sentence2": "Restorang e we mappassadia nasu-nasu bali iya maegae laipasellei modele' na mancajiwi laipasikenangeng sibawa lillana pangelli e iya manessae makkada tennia tau bali. Tellu poto iya laupaccioe iyanaritu anre-anre yassuroangnge.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Where most steakhouses would take quite a long time to serve the food, here the steak came out rather quickly, in my opinion and it was perfect, both for my palate and my wallet. One time I was waiting for my friend for 2 hours here, but I didn't feel that long because the food made me lose track of time. Hehe", "sentence2": "Yako okko maegae anroang steak parellui wettu metta melona mappassadia, ri anroangng e we yako iya' pada ko masija' i sibawa sikenangeng sibawa lilla yaregga sibawa dompe' e. Iya' pura mattajeng sibawang lettu' 2 jang okkoe, tapi ne ipirasai nasaba' anre-anre na pancajika takkalupa lao okko wettue. Hehe", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "If you wanna buy some meds, just go to Kimia Farma at the end of that street.", "sentence2": "ko meloki melli pabbura lao bawanni okko kimia farma okko cappa'na lalengnge", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Elementary graders' math lessons are now really difficult", "sentence2": "Agguruang matematika na ana' sd makkokkoe mawatang watang", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This restaurant's always packed because of its ideal location near the mall's entrance. The porridge tastes nice. The ordering and serving process are also pretty fast.", "sentence2": "iyye rerstorang e tori penno nasaba makanja onroanna okko tange' tamana mal e. rasa buburuna malunra' sah. proses nareangta pole order lettu nareangki aga masija' meto", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I can't help it, I was feeling blue so I made that kind of story", "sentence2": "agaje' masumpe'ka makkokkoe kak nappai makkabuaka story makkoro", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "For those going to Cirebon and looking for a nice parking spot and quick-service food, it's best to come here since the parking spot is spacious and the atmosphere is comfy.", "sentence2": "Narekko okko ki cirebon na sappaki onroang makanja' parikiranna na masija' anre-anrena, lebbi ko laoki okkoe nasaba maloang parkiranna na makanja appeneddingenna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Mm, kinda sad to have to wait every time I come here. The noodles are hella hot. Hehe, maybe add more seats in so we don't have to wait, y'know.", "sentence2": "Mm massing nyawae sedding ko tollao okko e tori mattajeng: Mie na mapesse ladde'. Hehe kaderana aga tambai laloi kasi' bare' de tomattajeng", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "But the fact is, we do own lotsa land here, whatcha gonna do about it?! Just work hard if you wanna be rich like us, don't just mock us all the time ", "sentence2": "engka memeng buttinna ko mega tana ku okko e, meloko maga? nampai to makkada ajjamako nara wedding mega dui'mu pada idi' maneng, aja'na kapau-pau sala bawang mullei", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The Valley restaurant has the number 1 view of the town. Enjoying the night vibes with twinkling lights is amazing", "sentence2": "Restorang The Valley e we pattirona lao okko kotae nomoro' 1. Pirasai anyamangenna wenni e pake lampu tuo-mate mabello ladde'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "When you're in Semarang, you gotta try this mie kocok. I think it's the best . Even though it's on the edge of the shop buildings and you gotta find your own seat, the taste is so worth it. They got a lot of cow gravel, and the tasty broth really goes well with the thin and wide noodles. It's also dirt cheap. For sure, he mie kocok is the best in semarang", "sentence2": "ko lao ki semarang anre laloi iyye mie kocok e, ko iyya iyena peneng malunra'. okko tomi ha wiring ruko onroanna, nappa ko to melo manre sittajeng-tajeppi mala kadera, tapi coco' ladde meto ko purani ipirasai. mega kikilna, malunra' wae'na, maloppo na mabiccu mie na. masempo topa ellinna. teng paling makanja mie kocok okko semarang", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The thief that has already been confirmed to be someone named Lulung.", "sentence2": "Iya ro panga tongeng e manessani makkada asenna Lulung", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Bruh, maybe fate just doesn't let me have a good Indomie Goreng, even though it's just a simple act of boiling noodles. How could you make it too soft?", "sentence2": "memeng sedding pada ko tennia totoku manre indomie goreng, padahal lae nasumi mie na. manengka maka lemma'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Nike has released their newest shoe product.", "sentence2": "Nike mappassu i produk sapatu kaminang baru e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "When I went to that restaurant, the waiter came up to me and asked me for how many people I wanted the table to be.", "sentence2": "Wettukku lao ri restorang e iyaero. pajjamana naoloi ka' nappa nakkutanangngi makkada siaga ki' tau.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Roti Bakar Duti has been around for a long time. Even though the bread is nothing special, there's a lot of variety. Pretty much everything is on the menu. Sometimes I don't even know what fillings to choose. They also have porridge. That's also pretty good", "sentence2": "tunu roti duti e engka memanni riolo okkoe. biasa mo je rotinna. Iyamiro nasaba mega ladde rupanna. Engka maneng. Maderri aga malasa uluki aga melo lai pitte. Engka to laibalu' peca aga'. Makanja' metto.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My quota is drained dry just to see photos that make me jelly, and delicious food that makes my mouth water.", "sentence2": "Kuota e mancaji cappu i tappake nasaba laipake mita foto-foto iya mappasiri atie bawang, anre-anre na malunra' mappamitti' elo.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I really love eating in this restaurant. Varied menu, awesome flavours, and not really that expensive.", "sentence2": "Iya' upoji ladde' manre okko restorang e we, menu anre-anre na maddupa dupang, rasana malunra', ellinna de' to namaka soli.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "You haven't visited Bandung if you haven't tasted any Batagor. Batagor Burangrang is one of the best when it comes to tasty batagor and exceptional sauce.", "sentence2": "De nasikenna ladde' narekko jokka ki okko bandung tapi de ipirasai batagor e. Batagor burangrang iyanaritu sala siddinna makanja' e rasana sibawa paggamina makessing.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Packed with customers eating and queuing. for the menu, its standard is just like home. Nothin' to write home about as far as flavour is concerned. Quality of taste is not worth the cost.", "sentence2": "iya manrewe maroa, antri nasu-nasunna, nasu-nasu biasa pada ri bolae. rasana ma biasa mi. ellinna de' na sikenna sibawa rasana", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I can confidently say that this resto is perfect for families. While my wife is buying souvenirs, I can enjoy my lunch in this resto. My children can also play around in the playground thanks to the affordable tickets.", "sentence2": "Weddingngi makkada ka' iyana resto sikanangeng e sibawa sumpuloloe. Mattangangngi beneku mabbalanca oleh-oleh, iya' wakkatai manre tangesso okkoe resto e. Anana' ku wedding i maccule ri anroang maculewe pake tike' masempo.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "What a crowded place, food's varied. Comfortable design and environment. Cool breeze, lots of children's playgrounds.", "sentence2": "onroanna maroa ladde', maega rupanna anre-anrena. modele'na na kamponna manyameng. angingna makessing, maega onroang acculeang anana'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Alright, please wait for our team to respond to your issues regarding the Telkomsel provider.", "sentence2": "Makanja' deng, meloki mattajeng nasaba' masala okkoe provider telkomsel melo i laijampangi okko anggota ta' maneng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Poor Ungu personnels, can't find a gig after Pasha left", "sentence2": "Kurru sumange' na pacculena Ungu, makurangngi jama jamanna nasaba' laisalai okko Pasha.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "If I have a ton of phone credits, I will activate my hotspot so that everyone can access the internet.", "sentence2": "Narekko engka pulsaku sigudang', Sitinajai upatuoi wifi e bare' nullei maneng tawwe pakei ma' internet", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The Minister of Finance states that the weakness of Rupiah holds more influence towards the current account deficit.", "sentence2": "Menkeu mappalettu' makkada mallemmana rupiah e mallebbi i pengaruhna lao ri defisit transaksi appajokkanna.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Early in the morning ...", "sentence2": "Maele mopi okko tol cipali sillaca' laca' ladde' ni, mappasara nyawa siseng", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Regarding the account change for the BPJS autodebit payment, Mr. Luqman may come to the branch office of Bank Mandiri for the corresponding autodebit proposal. We will close the account first and foremost.", "sentence2": "Appaselleanna rekening iya ipakewe makkamaja autodebet BPJS, Bapak Luqman wedding lao okko kantoro' cabang Bank Mandiri pangoloangngi iyaro autodebet e. Bare' kedoi laoki jolo tutu' i rekening e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The car Jeje uses for her day-to-day activities is a cream-coloured Toyota", "sentence2": "oto esso-esso e napake jeje iyaro merek toyota warna krem", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Has a nice atmosphere, what with the ricefield and mountain, they even got a wine cellar. But the food was too expensive. The quality could've been a lot better especially since there're tons of deteriorating restaurants in Bandung right now.", "sentence2": "marasa galung na bulu, engka wine cellarna. masoli ellianna, na wedding ni makanja kualitasna nasaba megani restorang pada iyye okko bandung", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My biggest pet peeve is when people are chatting while riding on their motorcycles, especially if the road is narrow.", "sentence2": "makereng-kereng ladde'ka ko engka pammotoro maccarita okko lalengnge apalagi ko macipi' lalengnge", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The servers aren't very active and friendly, often times unable to explain the available menu, making the customers feel ignored and neglected.", "sentence2": "pajjama kurang kedo na de'na mabessa nappa de'na macca paui aga-aga menunna, jadi tamu e merasani de' lae jampangi na lae mekkorimi bawang", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Really good restaurant, with a view facing Bandar Lampung city, making for a breathtaking sight at night. The atmosphere is calming, and the decors look beautiful. I absolutely love this place.", "sentence2": "Restorang makae kanja', pattirona mangolo lao okko kota Bandar Lampung, naekkiya maka bello yako wenni wi. Appeneddingenna mappatennang, bello bello kamara' na maka gello. Iya' upoji ladde' i iye anroangnge.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Aspiring applicants of the CPNS may only register for one institution and one position.", "sentence2": "calon pelamarna cpns 1 mi instansi wedding na daftari na 1 tomi formasi jabatan", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Food was alright, I ordered a spring roll but it was kinda oily, and the main course costed a bit too much. The building was unique but the location wasn't really ideal, making the place always look empty. When you order, make sure that you say what you want clearly, because what happened to us was we got 3 items when we only ordered 2. The waiters were very friendly, but the cashier was acting a bit odd. I probably wouldn't be coming back.", "sentence2": "Anre-anre na makanja sa, iya' massuroang spring roll iya mabokae, ellinna anrewe masoli cedde'. Bangunanna silleangeng sibawa laingnge tapi anroanna de na makanja iyanaro nassabari de namaroa taue pole laiyita. Wettunna tamassuroang makanja pa yako laipaupi manessa, nasaba' iya e pole rialeta' maneng, iya' maneng massuroang 2 tapi iya pole e 3 rupa. Pajjamana mabessa., tapi paggaukeng na kassere' e makalang-laeng. Nulle kapang iya de na ulisu pemeng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The griled gourami and stir-fried water spinach served in Reds Dipo which I ordered at lunchtime in November 2012, tasted quite okay. It's just that the chilli in the sambal and veggies such as: cucumbers, tomatoes, and the water spinach, and also the orange in the iced orange juice don't feel very fresh.", "sentence2": "Bale gurame tunu sibawa kaju lare' iya napatale' e okko red s dipo iya welli e wettunna manre tangesso ri uleng novembere' 2012, rasana makasa kessing, iya miro bawang ladang okkoe peco' peco' na sibawa kajunna padae: bonte', lambace, sibawa lare' na makkotoparo lemo okkoe ese' lemo na pada ko de na namabaru.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "BCA Finance offers a job vacancy via the Karya Bakti programme for the relationship officer position in Pekanbaru", "sentence2": "karya bakti bca finance posisi relationship officer ma'bukka lowongang i okko onroang barunna ri pekanbaru", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Ate bakso while chatting with friends. The place is cool for eating. The price is also not too expensive.", "sentence2": "manre basso na to maccarita sibawa sibatta. makanja' onroanna lai pake manre. detto pa na masoli ellinna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "In the middle of legal proceedings, residents of Tamansari Bandung face the threat of eviction.", "sentence2": "tengngana proses hukum e, tau tamansari bandung lai dondoro' si salai bolana", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Wanna shop in that store today so I can get that cool cooking utensil plus a chance to vacay in the Netherlands.", "sentence2": "Iye essoe maeloka mabbalanca okko iyaro tokoe bare' wulle runtu' parewa mannasu makanja' e sibawa akkattang pakansi lao Belanda.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Forget 1 hour, I can't even play stories that takes about a couple seconds without loading forever. Just amazing, Indosat", "sentence2": "aja'na 1 jang, laiputara' lagi carita'e siami detik maka etta' loadinna, tennia pato je' indosat", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Never boring and always amazing. Every time I come to Congo Kafe. The place is calming. Cozy. You should try coming here at night. It's more romantic. Especially with your loved one", "sentence2": "De' nappa bosang na mappacekka topa. Tungke' tungke' lao okko congo cafe. Mappatennang onroanna. manyameng. cobaki lao wenni. romantis pi. ko bawaki balitta.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The price is incredibly affordable and the menu is hip and cool. The resto's decor is arranged well and uniquely.", "sentence2": "ellinna mappasidapi mo na menu anre-anre na mabaru sa. anroang manre na laimodele' kanja' na mabello", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The place is not too clean. Going there is a bit difficult due to frequent traffic jams. Gotta think twice before coming back here.", "sentence2": "Anroanna kurang mapaccing. Ko tallao okkoro mawatang cedde' nasaba' marepe' taue sillaca' okko laleng e. Mancajiwi mappikkiri bekka dua ki ko maelo ki lisu pemeng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Terjemahan pada sheet translation sudah bagus, namun di sheet ini ini tidak terlihat lengkap.", "sentence2": "Tim ku maelo mangacara manre wenni iyaro pakewe tema okko burgundy. bere' de ta teddeng, iya' sibawa sekretarisku uparessa onroanna jolo siesso polena. ucoba toni pakkanreanna. mabela ladde' lalengna menre na nonno bulu. lebbi pasi nasaba' wettutta lao okkoro natujui esso aha' areweng jaji sillaca' laca' tau we. lettu ta okkoro laiyita pattirona makessing. tapi ko laiyita anroanna sitongenna mabiasa mi", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I use the Type-9210 BB, got an info since yesterday, and then got charged for GPRS ", "sentence2": "Pake ka BB tipe 9210, runtu' ka iwenni pappaseng, laipakennai pakkamaja GPRS.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I use a Lenovo phone. It fell into the sewer just 2 weeks after buying, fell onto the asphalt when I was speeding on my bike and its parts scattered everywhere, yet this phone still survives. You're awesome, Lenovo", "sentence2": "Handphone ku mere' lenovo, taddene' i okko benrang-benrang e 2 minggu punara lauwelli, taddene' toi okko bata loppoe wettukku malessi mammotoro' na tabberre berreangngi ise'na, na makessing mopi lai pake, makessing metto lenovo.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The batagor's huge and the meat is tasty. Simply amazing. The seasoning is spot on too. Perfect menu for an afternoon snack", "sentence2": "Batagor na maloppo loppo sibawa juku na marasa ladde'. Makanja' sa. Paggamina makanja' rasana. Sikanangeng narekko laipancaji wi anre-anre maringeng ri wettu areweng i.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "So tiring tonight.", "sentence2": "Maka ladde' tekko e iye wenni e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I've sent a complaint e-mail since my telephone call wouldn't go through.", "sentence2": "purana' kiring email macai nasaba tori de'na tama telepong e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The portion was plentiful. Crabs were around 100 thousand / portion. The grilled prawns are also great. The condiments were full of spice. Both the price and taste can rival Perahu Seafood in Sumatera Street.", "sentence2": "Maega ise'na bukkang na ellinna 100 sebbu / penne. Tunu uranna malunra'. Malunra' topa paggamina. Ellinna sibawa rasana sissaingeng ngi sibawa Perahu Seafood iya engkae okko jalan sumatera", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Rizal Ramli explains how the price of rice can be stablized.", "sentence2": "rizal ramli mappalettu' pekko carana pasi kette'i ellianna werre' e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "As a Jakartan, I'm ashamed of some irresponsible people who wanna sweep the Bobotoh, man", "sentence2": "Iya' na mancaji tau jakarta masiri-siri sappo mitai iyaro tau meloe paleppang maneng i bobotoh e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Bali is one of the islands that becomes the destination of the tourists.", "sentence2": "Bali mancajiwi bara siddi pulau iya mancaji e anroang pakansi na toris e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Our current trip is to find a good place to recommend to our client. The distance from Bandung is pretty far, but it's all paid off once you see the beautifull night scenery while having great food and service", "sentence2": "jokka makkokkoe to lao sappa onroang sicoco' okko pelangganta. mabela memeng pole bandung kota, tapi lai waja moi na anre wenninna malunra nappa makanja pajjamana", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The location is kinda hidden in the corner of a housing area. The concept of this place is great, looks just like a house in a European village with wooden floors and walls. Aside from the interior, customers can enjoy their meal in the unique garden, utilizing old drums as seats.", "sentence2": "Anroanna makkacubbu sa memeng cedde' okko sunna perumahang e. Pangatoro' onroanna makanja, pada bola okko kampong e ri eropa iya pakewe ta'ba' sibawa paddenring aju. Weddingki okko ilaleng, tau polewe wedding to pirasai anre-anre na okko kadera-kadera ri dare' e pake derong bekas.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "We sell premium one-meter HDMI cables. Buy 2 and get 1 for free in Rich Com Store vendor.", "sentence2": "Mabbalu' ki' kabale' hdmi premium 1 metere' melli 2 gratis 1 okko anroang Rich Com Store.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I don't care. I want my phone credits back. This is a robbery. Your telephone package is also a robbery. I just complained about it.", "sentence2": "de umelo missengngi. palisuangnga pulsaku. minnau asenna iyye.pake' telepongmu aga minnau.nappanna iye keberatangnga e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Leaves come in a variety of shapes", "sentence2": "daung e punna mega rupanna modele", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Me and my family tried eating in Karamba Resto because our rental car driver recommended it. We did arrive kinda late at 21:00. Although the resto wasn't closed or preparing to close yet, some of the menus were already out. My mom and husband even had to order nasi timbel without the sayur asem since it's out of stock. It was replaced with sup sayur by the resto's staff. We didn't have many options to choose from. Not recommended.", "sentence2": "Iya' sibawa sumpuloloku ipirasai manre ri karamba resto nasaba' sopiri' oto isewae mappajulluang i. Idi' maneng lettu ri angroangnge ro mawenni memenni macawe tette'. 21 namo iyaro restorang e depa na tattutu' yare' ga sadiani tattutu', iya mi ro nasaba mammulane cappu anrewe. Makkotoparo Indo' sibawa lakkaeng ku' massuroang nanre timbel iyae kaju lawinna cappuni jaji laisellei mancaji so' kaju okko pajjamana resto e. De na mega appileang iya weddingnge laipile. De na maega appileang.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "After getting officially acknowledged as a university, BSI held a seminar on motivation.", "sentence2": "berubah statusni mancaji universitas, makkabuai bsi seminar motivasi", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A diner that has existed since a long time ago and yet the taste is just as delicious as it used to be, the chicken and krechek rice are very delicious. Sometimes I even would go out of my way to take some back home to enjoy later.", "sentence2": "Bola manre polewe wettu riolo tapi tette' mi rasana pada lunra'na, manu' sibawa nanre kerecek na malunra' ladde', maderri iya' wattungka melli mabbukku na laibawa lisu lao bolae.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Needing to pass that street everyday is kinda irritating. The narrow, two-way street and its traffic jam have become an everyday occurrence at this point.", "sentence2": "Makereng-kereng tokki tu ko esso-esso lalo okkoro. Macike', dua arah, sillaca'-laca' manjawi anre esso-esso.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My younger brother got accepted in ITB's Environmental Engineering Faculty.", "sentence2": "Anrikku laitarimai ri teknik lingkungan ITB", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Please follow up my complaints ASAP, before there are more victims of GoPay hacking", "sentence2": "tapasijaki lalo i kesi jampangi caritaku, daripada mega matu korbang lainna gopay e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Their signature main dish is the betutu chicken, with flavour variations ranging from mild to really spicy. Aside from chicken, there's also betutu duck with the same flavour variations.", "sentence2": "Menu utama andalanna okkoro iyanaritu manu betutu iya wedding e ta mappitte rupa-rupang rasana mappammula iya de' na mapesse lettu' mapesse ladde' e. Saliwenna manu' engka to iti' betutu iya pada-padae rupang rasana.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I never say rude things to my partner even for a joke / when I'm really angry because I respect him that much", "sentence2": "Denengka makossara' pau-paukku lao ri pasangekku namo atakabborokeng mi yare' ga macai tongengnga. Lau pakaraja ladde' i kasi' alena.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Yesterday, they applied for the Djarum scholarship", "sentence2": "wenni' alena maneng mendaftara i okko beasiswa djarum", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Kak Adit, I'll have one Indomie, please.", "sentence2": "kak adit millauka siddi indomie nah", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "By the way, the description said Note 3 Pro, but what I got was Note 3. What a letdown, man", "sentence2": "Oh iya okko keterangang e makkada note 3 pro, manengka note 3 mi engka pale, mangimpurui punggawae.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A man ran over some people with a car in France, 2 injured.", "sentence2": "oroane malleppo masyaraka' pake oto okko prancis, 2 tau mapeddi", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I was curious and wanna eat here. When I ordered, the owner's voice was so low, oh my God. I coudn't tell what he was saying, it just sounded like \"blubup blubup\" haha. I ordered chicken noodles with 2 extra meatballs while my partner ordered bakso urat soun. Not long after, the order for my partner was served and it was below our expectations.", "sentence2": "Iya' macinnaka' maelo manre okkoe. Wattunna tamassuroang, saddanna daeng-daeng e maka biccu cauka' de na manessa aga napau blubup blubup makkoaro haha. Iya' massuroang mi manu' 2basso pattambah, canrikku massuroang basso ure' soun. De na metta engka pole assuroangengna canrikku na depale' na sikenna agae naelori.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My friend works at Gojek", "sentence2": "sibawakku majjama okko gojek", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Yes, I've called via Halo BCA. But my connections got cut off multiple times and my credits would run out if I kept calling over and over!", "sentence2": "iyye', purana lae hubungi pake halo bca. tapi tori pettu-pettu na pulsaku ta'polo ni mega ko lai telepong terru i", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Cool atmosphere, green, refreshing, and perfect to unwind and escape from mundane routines. As for the expensive food, personally it's not really a big deal because the great location matters a lot more.", "sentence2": "Appeneddingenna macekke', makudara', manyameng sibawa sikanangeng laiyonri refreshing yako ta cili pole jamang e. Iya ko anre-anre na masoli detto namarigaga nasaba' anroang iya makanja' e kaminang penting ko iya'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Bored of this world so full of hypocrisy.", "sentence2": "Cauka' mitai lino e iya pennoe amunapikeng", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "People find it hard to appreciate others nowadays.", "sentence2": "Taue makkokkoe maegangngi mawatang pakarajai rupa tau laingnge", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This place promised steaks and meat for a low price. But in reality, it wasn't really that low compared to the quality of the meat, which wasn't good at all. The meat was tough and had no flavur.", "sentence2": "Iye anroangnge napakkacinnaki manre steak sibawa juku iyae masempoe ellinna. Iyamiro nasaba yako laiyitai de na masempo yako laipasibaliwi sibawa akanjakenna jukuna iya de namalunra'. Juku na makeddo sibawa rasana makemme. ", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Early morning and I'm already fuming at the Sanur bank branch's unprofessional and disappointing service. No wonder the customer reviews were all negative", "sentence2": "Maele macai-cai nasaba' pangadarenna bank e cabang sanur iya de e na profesional sibawa mappasara nyawa! De nasala naseng maega costumer e maka ja.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Went to have luch with 6 family members consisting of adults and children. We got a grotto that was far up above. Could you imagine walking to the top? Of course it was very tiring. The place was good overall, yes, but the faraway location of the grotto and the exhausting trip up was just.... My advice is if you wanna go there, don't go during lunch cuz it's sure to be full. The price was quite high. But the view was breathtaking.", "sentence2": "jokka lao manre tangesso sibawa 6 sumpulolo iyanaritu tau maloppo na anana'. idi' maneng runtu' bola-bola iya mabelae yase'. tabbajang nitu yako jokka ki lao yase' maga tekkona. anroanna makanja; memeng iyami ro nasaba anroanna bola-bolae maka bela na mappatekko yako jokka ki lao yase'. ko iya', yako meloki lao okkoro aja'na wettu manre tangesso nasaba' manessa ni penno. ellinna anre-anre we maka misil. tapi pattiroanna makessing ladde'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Steak's quite good. This eatery is perfect for students or uni kids hehehe cuz the price is affordable. For the food, it's okat, kay", "sentence2": "steiknya malunra' sah. iyye warung e sicoco' passikolae are'ga mahasiswa hehehe nasaba masempo ellinna. ko anre-anrena makanja' sah", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "In my opinion, eating here will grant you large portions for a cheap price, add to the fact that it's served quickly, too, and the place being clean and wide.", "sentence2": "Yako iyya' manre okkoe ise'na maka ega sibawa ellinna masempo, nappa anre anre na masija engka sibawa anroanna mapaccing na maloang", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Indonesian needs a visionary leader, not an entertainer", "sentence2": "ero tau indonesia e perellui pemimping lao yolo pikiranna tennia pa kellong e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Tong Dji serves various food and drinks, not only tea. Recommended ones are: earthenware rock sugar tea and fried rice", "sentence2": "tong dji mappassadia maddupa dupang anre-anre sibawa inung-inungeng. tennia bawang teng. iya kaminang yajjulluangnge: teng poci golla batu na sibawa wette nanre", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I am not a huge fan of goats since I can't stand the smell, but while eating in this place, it's as if I wasn't eating goat at all! The meat's tender, tasty, and odourless. The resto's atmosphere, too, is nice and comfy.", "sentence2": "Iya' tennia ka' tau poji ladde' i bembe' e nasaba de utahang mimmau i baunna, tapi manre ri okko anroangnge, pada siseng ko de wanre bembe'! Juku na malemma', malunra' sibawa de nabbau. Appeneddingenna resto e maka kanja' na mappenyameng", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I've been wanting to cancel my credit card for a few months now, y'see.", "sentence2": "Iya' maelo ka' mattutu' kartu kredi' wettunna mopa siaganna uleng labe' e, ", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The truly real ones, no set-ups", "sentence2": "Attongeng tongengeng ladde, de gaga atakabborokeng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Man, Indoesat is so disappointing. I was just about to register but they charged me per kb? My credits just got drained", "sentence2": "aih indosat e je' mappa ja nyawa. nappaka melo mendaftara' na pakenna na' tarif per kb? nattap kurang ladde' bawang pulsaku", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I ordered a mountain jacket from Eiger", "sentence2": "Iya' massuroangnga' jake' bulu eiger", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The service was indeed quick, but the food was served carelessly, like they just wanted to push them out without care. I ordered shrimp with oyster sauce, and it was just the same crab as the one with padang sauce. The pliers for the crab was also not given unless we asked.", "sentence2": "Appatalakenna maka sa sija' tapi nasu-nasunna assala jaji mi bawang, assala jaji assala manasu bawang, massuroang urang saos tiram, pada siseng sibawa nasu bukkang saos padang, tang laipakewe okko bukkang e de nawerengngi narekko de ta millau. ", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A restaurant with the concept of beautiful dining experience, especially at nighttime with its lovely atmosphere thanks to their night lights. The food is just as good. Perfect for family gatherings.", "sentence2": "Restorang pakewe konse' anroang manre makae paccing, lebbipi narekko wenni i appeneddingenna maka bello nasaba' lampu lampu na, anre-anre na aga maka lunra' rasana. Sikenangeng laiyonri sikkumpulu' sibawa sumpuloloe.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "First tried this because of other people's reviews, but turns out the taste was nothing special. 30 thousand for a plate. Seat was hard to find", "sentence2": "bunge' ucobana nasaba pau-paunna tauwe tapi biasami pale rasana. sipenne 30 sebbu. masussa runtu onroang tudang", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I was told to just wait for the SMS, it's been a day and I still got nothing!", "sentence2": "Nangnge' makkadai attajenni lettu sms e tama, siessoni na deggaga mopi!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Time to make your own 360 degrees visual work with Samsung! Follow the easy steps in this video.", "sentence2": "Wettunna ni makkibbua karya visual 360 deraja' sibawa samsung! Acciori bawang ni passuruang magampang e okko iyyewe vidio e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The description said chamomile aroma, but why does it stink so bad?", "sentence2": "makkada tau we detil aroma chamomile, tapi manengka meja baunna makke he", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I'm very satisfied with the specs of Asus' laptop.", "sentence2": "Iya' maladde' sikenna sibawa parewana laptop asus", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Fun weekend with the family in a place with satisfactory facilities and affordable price. Our vacation became more fun with the strawberry grove where we can pick strawberries straight from the field.", "sentence2": "paccappu minggu makae nyameng sibawa sumpuloloe okko onroang iya makanja' parewana na masempo pakkamajana. pakansi e mancaji pene' manyameng nasaba' engka dare' stroberi wedding e laitakke bawang pole dare'na", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Please hear us, Admin. The connection quality in Celeungsi Bogor is really bad. Even though we've paid a lot for this", "sentence2": "Millau jampang ladde' ka' admin. Jaringan okko cileungsi bogor ma ja ladde' kualitas na. Na masoli apo pakkamaja na.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The food's yummy: fried chicken, sauteed eggplant, fish soup, fried tempeh, sambal. The services are lovely, too.", "sentence2": "Anre anrena malunra': wette manu', boddong tumisi', so' bale, wette tempe, gammi. Pangaderenna aga makanja'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "First time to this place, I had reserved and got number 3. I asked for a spot on the lower ground so we didn't have to take the stairs because one of my mates had sore knees. Made to wait almost 40 minutes without any certainty. I ended up cancelling. At first I didn't want to give a 1-star rating because maybe it was just that crowded and my special request was too much to ask for. But, the waitress' rude attitude was the last straw.", "sentence2": "pammulatta' lao okko iye onroang e, lai pesang nappa natujuki nomoro 3. millauki onroang okko lantai mariawa e mancaji de naperellu tamenre' addengnge nasaba engka tau mapeddi uttuna. mattajeng maelo 40 menne degaga pasabbi. lau pajai bawangngi. pammulanna detto melo mareangngi rating 1 nasaba memeng maroa i na parillauki khusus, mancaji mawatang. eh daeng e macai i ha.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The results of the Simultaneus Regional Elections quick count is full of surprises", "sentence2": "Assele' na quick count pilkada makkasamang e 2018 laibelloi okko eganna appatakkittereng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Nice landscape to relax together in the afternoon and at nighttime. enough.", "sentence2": "Pattirona maka bello lai yonrang cado'-cado' ri tangesso na wenni. Pakkanrean na maega rupanna na malunra topa.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Me and my wife's relative were spending time in Palembang. I looked for a place to eat and found Bakmi Jogya. When we got in, we were surprised, because we spent 35 minutes stranded while looking for an empty seat. After we ordered a mi godok, we had to wait for another hour and by then I've lost my appetite completely. I even asked the cook about my food.", "sentence2": "iyya na silessurenna beneku lao palembang mappacappu wettu. laoka sappa onroang manre na uruntuni bakmi jigya. wettukku tama maselengka apa massappa onroang tudangnga na onroang kosonga 35 menne'. purana mappesang mi godok. mattajengnga si sijang. na pateddeng bawang sumange' anreku lae laporo topa okko pannasunna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The bed's filthy, the pillows all stink...makes your body itchy like there's a lot of animals, can't sleep well at all", "sentence2": "Anroang matinro na maronto', angkaluanna mabbau maneng... mancajiwi watakkale we mate' poada ko maka ega olo' kolo', mancajiwi de yullei matinro manyameng e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This night trip's really exhausting.", "sentence2": "Ajjokangeng e iye wennie mappatekko.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I came here with some friends to have lunch. The access road to the cafe's location was so narrow and steep, some parts were even damaged. We ordered a few things. After waiting for a long time the food arrived and the taste as well as the presentation were disappointing. Turns out the taste wasn't up to par.", "sentence2": "Iya' lao okkoe sibawa siaga sibawang lao manre tangesso. Laleng lao okko kafe e maladde' cike' na magiang, lebbipa nasaba siaga eganna laleng masolang. Idi' maneng massuroang siaga eganna anre-anre. Purata' mattajeng ma etta, wettunna pole anrewe rasa sibawa modele' na mappasara nyawa. Na makkotoro pale rasa na mappasara nyawa topa.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Just like its name, Creative Space Cafe, there are several artworks that we can enjoy and several sculptures downstairs. Upstairs is a cafe with interesting design that is perfect to visit in the afternoon. It's located on a higher ground, making for a breathtaking scenery", "sentence2": "pada asenna creative space kafe nampai mega karya seni wedding yita okko laleng engka to patung okko yawa. nappa engka to kafe makanja' modele'na jaji coco' ilau i ko tangesso. okko yase' bulu onroanna jadi makanja' pakkita matae", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Good afternoon poor people. I hope you die soon or get even poorer and suffer more", "sentence2": "salama' esso tau peddi;. tenna podo masijako mate are'ga tattamba peddi'mu yare'ga masussa", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Gojek will start offering their services in a few SEA countries.", "sentence2": "Gojek maeloni mappammula mabbukka anroanna ri siagae negara okkoe asia tenggara.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Do Indonesians believe the story of this oh-so-esteemed police officer? That claims to have met the biker? You be the judge of his make-believe story. Does he pass with flying colors?", "sentence2": "Mateppega tasedding masaraka' na Indonesia makkalingai aga na pau iyae pak polisi kaminang terhormat e? Purani naseng sirruntu' sibawa iyaro pammotoro' e? Ta nilai bawanni. Dapa' nomoro' siagai ?", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "There are traffic in Bandung everywhere. Jatinangor feels like the Brexit toll. I might faint in my car because I'm waiting too long", "sentence2": "Bandung kenro kenroi tuli sillaca' laca'. Jatinagor aga padani tol brexit. Wedding jaji tu marenne' ilalaenna otoe narekko maetta tu mattajeng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "When we arrived, we were put in the waiting list, even though there were many empty seats, maybe some were not used, but the staff stayed kind despite some unhappy customers who didn't wanna wait because they saw those empty seats. Food can be ordered in the back of the restaurant, and the menu was quite tasty for us. This was our second visit, and the one thing we remembered from this place was the balloon seller.", "sentence2": "Wettunna engka maneng ki' pole idi' maneng tama ri barisi' mattajeng e, namo sitongenna maega tassadia kadera lobbang, nulle de nasiaga eganna tappake, tapi' pajjamana tette' i mabessa namo engka siaga pangelli iyae de na masennang mattajeng nasaba' naitai maega kadera lobbang. To massuroang anre-anre okko monrinna restorang e, sibawa menunna maka mo lunra' laisedding. Iya e engka ta' bekka dua maneng ni, sibawa engka siddi agaga iyae mapparingngerrang iyanaritu pabbalu' balong e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The fried Kwetiaw and Teh Tarik is my go-to choice of meal here, though there are plenty of people who order the Mie Yamin here as well, you may also try their fried rice.", "sentence2": "Kwetiau wette sibawa teng tarik e mancaji appittereng anreku okkoe, namo engka siaga tau massuroang mi yamin, wedding ki' tapirasai toi wette nanrena", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This month my bank account balance is zero", "sentence2": "Ri ulengnge we saldo okko rekening ku nolo'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Hotel Ibis Tamarkan Wahid Hasyim has a very disappointing service. Especially when it comes to reservantion! Really lousy!", "sentence2": "Hotele' ibiz tamarkan wahid hasyim maka ladde' mappasara nyawa nasaba' pangaderenna. Utamana okko reservation! Maka ladde ja!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The employees at Graha Indosat is so rude", "sentence2": "paccaicereng ladde mena pa'jamana indosat okko graha indosat", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I never regret loving you.", "sentence2": "De nengka lau sesse' kalei pappojikku rialeta'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The food here was great. Way tastier than other similar restos in Balikpapan. But, well, the price was bound to a bit expensive. Hhe it would cost about 100 thousand per person. But because the food was so good it I was satisfied. The Tom Yum soup, tho, mmm. tasty.", "sentence2": "Anre anre we okko maka lunra' sa. Malebbi lunra' na iya ro anroang manre pada padanna okko balikpapan. Iya miro nasaba ellinna masoli sa. Hhe / tau nakennai 100 sebbu lebbi. Tapi marasa nasaba rasanna anre anrena malunra'. Duro tomyam na. Mm. Malunra'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Even though the portion's huge, the taste is pretty standard. Guess the price doesn't match the portion. The plating is also kinda messy, that's all, I guess.", "sentence2": "Namo maega na maloppo ise'na, tapi yako rasa, ma biasa mi. Ellinna de na sikenna sibawa eganna. Appattalekenna de' to na ma reppi, ya makkoani ro.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This was our first visit in the resto's main branch. We've ordered from the other branches before. We thought that the atmosphere would be better and the food would have more variety. But I was unpleasantly surprised with the servers' unfriendly attidue. We would pick the outdoor spot with a sofa,as per a waitress' recommendation. But the male waiter didn't let us because he didn't wanna have to clean it.", "sentence2": "nappanna iyye to lao okko restorang utama na. biasa e okkomi cabang laing e mappesang. nasaba iyaseng i makanja'pi suasanana na mega pi rupanna pakkanreanna okkoe. tapi maseleng a mita pelayanna paccaicereng. meloni tudang okko kadera saliweng pada na suroangngi pajjama makkunarainna, tapi na tahangngi pajjama oroanena nasaba makuttui mappapaccing", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This particular goverment agency needs to be abolished because they've done absolutely nothing of value so far.", "sentence2": "Badang pemerintah iye we siddie sitongenna makanja ko lai legga bawanni nasaba ko laiyitai jamanna degga ga angke' na.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This meatbun has been known since ancient times but it's still enjoyed by many to this very day because of its distinct taste.", "sentence2": "Iye bakpao e nissenni tau e riolo pa naekkiya lettu' makkokko e maega mopa tau pojiwi nasaba rasana makanja'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The waiter and owner in the cashier were not communicative and couldn't give us a recommendation for which portion of the menu should be ordered. The food was so-so, and the parking was difficult.", "sentence2": "pa'jama na punnana iyaro tudang e okko pakkamaja e de'na makanja carana ma'bicara na detto nullei mareakki pilihang siaga eganna pakkanreang wedding lai yillau. biasamo rasana. masussa topa parkir na", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "When I was searching for a place to eat with a variety of choices, I got recommended by a friend to dine here, aside from the cheap price, the food is delicious as well. It's just that it might take a bit long to wait for our orders.", "sentence2": "Wettunna maeloka' sappa anre-anre iya makae ega rupanna, napalettukengnga' sibawang ku lao manre ri iyae anroangnge, saliwenna masempo malunra' topa anre-anrena. Iya miro nasaba' mettami cedde' ko ta mattajeng agaga yassuroang e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Ain't no one's gonna vote no more, ya think the people now can still be fooled?", "sentence2": "Deggagana tau mappitte pemeng, muaseggi masyaraka' e makkokkoe nala mopa belle?", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Really bummed out that the Champions League isn't broadcasted in any channel, local or sports ones. They should've fought harder for the broadcasting rights because the customers already paid big money", "sentence2": "masara nyawa ladde' nasaba liga champions de' na pitangngi okko sininna channel e maneng namo channel lokal arega channel olahragana. sitongengna idi' maneng yassidiwi hak siar e nasaba pelanggang e purani makkamaja soli", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Uni kids should stay out of politics. Just go hit the books", "sentence2": "mahasiswa aja'na ma'borro-borro maccio politi' je. lao bawanno magguru je", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "There are a lot of city parks in Malang", "sentence2": "Engka maka ega pakarangeng kota okko malang.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The denizens found 2.910 KTP-el cards in the bushes.", "sentence2": "Pakkampong e runtu' 2.910 lampa ktp-el ri gompo serri e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I'm satisfied with the Gojek app, really makes my activites a lot easier", "sentence2": "Iya' upoji wi aplikasi gojek e, napagampangi okko eganna jamang-jamang e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I installed Traveloka at one point, but I never used it so I uninstalled it.", "sentence2": "Puraka' instal traveloka, tapi nasaba' de nakkeguna mancajiwi lau uninstal pemeng", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Great, photogenic place to take pics in, and the breeze is cool, too, but don't even try to eat there, the price has gone off the roof, it's no longer tasteful, regrets all-round.", "sentence2": "Anroanna makessing yonri mappoto-poto, na macekke topa akkinyawang e, tapi aja lao tapirasai manre okkoro, ellina to pa masoli, de si danna na malunra'. Masara nyawa ki' tu.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Unfortunately, 16 GB is not nearly enough for any Xiaomi phone because their default software takes way too much space", "sentence2": "Massi nyawa e, telepong xiaomi agi-agi de nullei narekko laiyelliwi 16 gb bawang nasaba softwerw nabawa e ro maka ladee' loppo", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "There is an ulterior motive here to make his son elected as the vice president", "sentence2": "iye engka urang monrinna batue na bare' lai pile ana'na mancaji wakkele' presideng", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Really loving the baked potato menu. For the price, it's standard for a steakhouse. The taste matches the price. I think the atmosphere is comfortable enough and there's even a garden in the middle. Would definitely go here again if I ever come back to Bandung.", "sentence2": "Upoji ladde' okko menu lame-lame tunu na. Yako ellinna, standar steak sa. Rasa sibanding sibawa ellinna. Yako iyya' appeneddingenna anroangnge maka sa nyameng sibawa engka dare'-dare' ri tujunna tengngana. Restorang e waji' iya ulau i narekko lao ka' bandung pemeng!:", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Cafe Rindang with its rural atmosphere and surrounding woods really goes well with the small but beautiful waterfall. The food is also quite good and the price isn't too high. Recommended for everyone.", "sentence2": "Kafe masagena iya wedding e ipirasai appeneddingeng kampong sibawa ale' iye massiddie sibawa wae tabbollo biccu mabelloe yako rasa malunra sibawa ellinna de' to namasoli ladde'. Laiyajjualluang lao okko idi' maneng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Turns out your brain is the size of a marble", "sentence2": "Ota' mu sitongenna padami loppo na goli' e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "So bored. I've watched all the films and now I'm drawing a blank", "sentence2": "bosangnga na taro. iya maneng pilengnge purani uwita na makkokoe mate gayana", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "That man with a thick moustache crossed the street using the zebra cross", "sentence2": "bapak macceppi e mattekka pake zebra cross", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Lots of comments in Tripadvisor made me curious With just an empty stomach, I came here to have my usual favorite lontong padang and was left utterly disappointed. In the end, I just took my orders home because my appetite was spoiled so hard. The lontong padang in ITB was leagues better, the taste just couldn't compete.", "sentence2": "Maega pau-pau ri tripadvisor na pamitti' eloku, laubawai wettang cipuru' ku nasaba meloka manrei lontong padang pappojikku na pabamubba' tongeng mi sara nyawae, mancaji millauma' laibukkureng bawang napancaji sumange' anre ku teddeng. Engkamoi ko tamanre lontong padang okkoe itb, ko rasana mabela mopi.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Such effort, taking selfies for the sake of this Samsung Galaxy. Well, gotta keep working hard and keep singing", "sentence2": "Manrasa-rasa selfie nataro samsung galaxy. pura toni ijama sibawa tette' mokki makkelong", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Food's tasty, the atmosphere is beautiful and breezy thanks to the trees along with the sound of flowing rivers, making it more comfortable and calming. The quick service means we don't have to wait long. There's also a homey salat room. Great food with affordable price.", "sentence2": "Anrena malunra', appeneddingenna maka kessing sibawa macekke nasaba maega to aju, sibawa oni wae salo iya jokkae tamba mappenyameng na mappatennang. Appangadarenna maka sitta' jaji de namappattajeng metta. Engka anroang massempajang iyae maka nyameng. Menu anre-anre na malunra' na ellinna masempo.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Never gets old! Since 1996 when I first learned about Ayam Goreng Suharti, I immediately declared it the best chicken I had ever ever eaten. The secret recipe and the sauce for the crisps add a unique flavor on this legendary Indonesian fried chicken.", "sentence2": "de' nengka u cau! polena taung 1996 bunge'ku lau okko e misseng wette manu'na suharti, tappa upauni iyyena manu' pene' malunra' pura wanre e. resep rahasia na bumbu kremesna mattamba rasa pole wette manu' legendaris asli indonesia e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Is the promo real or not? I've checked that you could get a 30 GB quota for 77 thousand, 40% less than the original price. When I bought 80 thousand credits, my balance got slashed for 5 thousand and I haven't even done aything yet. Why did that happen? So disappointing.", "sentence2": "mabbelle je promo na iyye atau magai. ko lai parissai engka gare promo 77 se'bu runtu'ki kuota 30gb diskong 40% pole elli tongenna, wettunna lau isereng pulsa 80 se'bu depa udaftarkangi aga-aga ta' poloni 5 se'bu, manengka nullei makkoro? maja nyawaka sedding", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "An alternative to cleaning services in Jakarta. I've tried it. So far, it's better than the others.", "sentence2": "Appittereng pajjama mappepaccing okko jakarta, Iya purani ucoba. Lauseddingngi hassele' na oke pole okko laingnge.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My wife bought several products from the same store, and the weight hadn't reached 1 kilogram. But when they sent it using Gosend Delivery, we had to pay twice the shipping cost, goddammit!", "sentence2": "Beneku melli wi siaga eganna aga aga okko siddie toko, na tane'na de nagenne 1 kilo, pakei pakkiringeng okko gosend, laipakennai pakkajama 2x, Ja sipa'! ", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Why are all the candidates' statements so boring? It's just like...I don't even know", "sentence2": "Magi narekko lau bacai pappaseng kedona sininna iyawe ketua umung e mabiasami. Pada to sedding ko are'ga.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My friend took me here when I was in college, heard that the sate was good...but after trying it, it wasn't to my liking... hehe ust my opinion though", "sentence2": "na ollika sibangku wettu makkulia, malunra' gare satena. tapi purana u coba de'na sikenangeng pappojikku... hehe adakku mi", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The tiring and long distance of our travel from the city was immediately paid off with the great vibe and delicious food, made perfect with hospitable and swift service from the waiters. Don't forget to try the fresh strawberry dessert served with chocolate milk, you'll get addicted for sure", "sentence2": "Tekko ilalenna siddie ajjokangenge iya makae bela pole kota e leppe' sedding nasaba' appeneddingengnge sibawa lunra' na anrewe, naekkiya malkanja' to pangadarenna iya mabessa e na masija' e pole pajjamana. Aja' tallupai pitte i pabbisa timunna pake stroberi mabaru napatalekengngi sibawa susu sikola', toli maeloki' sa.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The car parking lot was actually spacious, but since there were many customers, we had to park on the side of the road. Thankfully the security officer was very helpful in directing us. It didn't feel that wide at first, just as wide as a standard old house, but the interior was deceptively vast. There were all kinds of seats and sofas, almost none of which were the same, and that made for a great vibe to hang out around.", "sentence2": "parkiranna sitongenna maloang, tapi maega tau engka, idi' parkir okkomi wiring laleng e. tapi pajjama keamananna na tulung laddekki mappattuju. pada yita ko de'na maloang, padami loanna bola toa biasa e, tapi okko laleng engka ruangeng maloang. engka kadera maega rupanna, cedde'ni de' gaga padanna, tapi mancaji makanja' lae pake sikumpulu", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The food here is pretty good, but I think it might be a little expensive for me. We picked the lodge near the ricefields, and when the food arrived, there were a lot of flies around it. We were kinda frustrated because we asked for candles and the response took a while. The waiter who brought our food was also kinda slow to respond, maybe they were still new.", "sentence2": "#ERROR!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This place is honestly pretty interesting because it has a variety of Indonesian cuisine. Ironically enough, its uniqueness is also its weakness, as they attract way more customers than the place can fit, so it feels suffocating.", "sentence2": "Anroang manre e we sitongenna maka kanja' nasaba' maega rupanna anre-anre indonesia tassadia okko anroangnge. Tapi' iya' miro, nulle maka tongeng kanja', mancajiwi eganna tau pole we boccoi anroang iye ipassadia e, jaji pada ko sillaca' i taue.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "It's always a pleasure to explore the cafes in Bandung. Including this place, the place is very good, the coffee latte also hits the spot. The price? It's worth it.", "sentence2": "de'ga matena lau i maneng kafe okko bandung. padani iyye onroangnge, makanja' ladde' onroanna, kopi lattena sicoco' okko lillaku. ellinna? si coco' meto", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A pretty fun experience, eating without plate but instead with only leaves, even more delicious somehow. A little advice: don't get too carried away and greedy by ordering all the available food. I know it's hard to resist when you see this many food in front of you. Eat responsibly", "sentence2": "pengalaman kanja si, manre de' to pake penne tapi daung. anre sunda mega memeng rupanna na malunra' aga. carana: aja' ta pake emositta mappesang na ta pile maneng pakkanreannaa biasana magige'ki ko mitani pakkanreang mega rupanna makkoro. pitte' ta parellu e bawang", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Spectacular view from this cafe, providing a touch of fir and the exotic nature of Hutan Raya Bandung. Other than that, the food and beverages are very affordable. Cool!", "sentence2": "Pattiroang iya makae cakka pole iye kafe e we, mappasadia akkabelloang pole cemara e sibawa attasipadang pole ale' na hutan raya bandung. saliwenna iyaro anre-anre sibawa inung-inungna laiyaseng masampo ladde'. Makanja!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "When it first opened, the taste was fine. However, the quality has been gradually declining recently. The noodle is less tasty, and the broth is no different.", "sentence2": "Ri wettu pammulanna tabbukka makanja sa. tapi manengka pede' lao okko e pede' no i akanjakenna. Mi na makurang rasana, makkotoparo duro na.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The roasted goat resto that I reccommend when visiting this city. The roasted goat is delicious, savory, and plus the goat doesn't smell and it's tender. The oxtail soup is also no less delicious. The place is also very fun, suitable for anyone who wants to spend time with family or friends", "sentence2": "restorang onroang manre tunu bembe paning u suroki lao ko engkaki okko kota e. malunra' tunu bembe'na, makanja na degaga bau bembe'na nappa mallise'. sop buntutna aga maka lunra'. manyameng topa onroanna, si coco; ladde' ko tollao sibawa sumpu lolota", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Reviews got me interested, so I took the time to go to Warung Sale. At first I was excited. Traffic jams? No big deal. But the road was a letdown. Aside from the long distance, the awful road conditions lowered my excitement a little. The building was unique, there was elevator music. Room capacity was kinda limited, though. The menu was pretty unique and creative. However, it wasn't good enough to make the trip worth it.", "sentence2": "Mappeneddingnga mangkalingai taue, wakkattai sappa wettu lao okko warung sale. Pammulanna masumange'. Lau tembus i sillaca' laca' e okko laleng e. Nassabariro. Masara atima mitai lalengnge. Saliwenna mabela, iya ro lalengnge maja napallemmai sumange' ku. Modele'na bangunang e makanja, engka musik okko lift na. De mi wita na maega nala tau. Anre na makanja cedde' na marrupa rupang. De mi nullai burai sarana nyawaku nasaba' lalengnge.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Last week there was some 4G network in my village for a while.", "sentence2": "Minggu labe' e okko kampong ku purai engka jaringang 4G", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Better empty your stomach before you step inside because all-you-can-eat is the name of the game. Eating here is so satisfying, all worth the price. I especially love the fried rice, it's so good.", "sentence2": "ko to lao okkoe kosong wettangta nasaba okko modele'na weddingki manre lettu cau'. upoji ladde' manre okko e, sikenangeng sibawa ellinna. upoji nanre gorengna. malunra' ladde", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "You can also ask questions about Mandiri Finance Credit here.", "sentence2": "wedding tokki makkutana tentang kredit mandiri finance okko e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Now the restaurant is a two-storey. Shame that it was stiflingly hot when I went there because the AC was dead. The one thing that baffled me was I was never given any receipts", "sentence2": "Makkokkoe restoranna mattingka' 2, Iyamiro nasaba' tungke' laoka' okkoro ac na nga, iya' de nengka nawerengnga struk.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "We visited this restaurant at nighttime. Wow, the place is darn romantic. Candles, uphill path, and the concept of Lesehan surrounded by the sounds of a nearby waterfall make the atmosphere all the more enjoyable", "sentence2": "Iya' lao okko restorang e we ri wettu wenni wi. Wow, anroanna maka bello. Liling, laleng tuka, modele' tudang massulekka ri tenggana oni wae terjung iya macawe'e pancajiwi appeneddingeng manrewe pede malunra'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This place served several food, but of course the one I tried was the batagor, place was clean too.", "sentence2": "onroangngewe nappasadia rupa-rupa pakkanreang, tapi iya ucobae tette'ni batagorna, oroanna mapaccing", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Very good. The Tyson sambal is definitely amazing! You can eat with anything off the menu, it's suitable. Prepare to get your mouth burned and gain weight if you eat here!", "sentence2": "malunra'. manessa makkada sambala' tysonna oke! manre pake menu agi-agi sikenangeng. assadiaki mapesse na manre' tane'naa aleta yako manreki okkoe!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Please check out our store if you're looking for Advan, Xiaomi Redmi 4A, and Nokia 150 the other day.", "sentence2": "Pada laoni jokka lao okko toko e iyaro iwenni' sappa e handphone advan, xiaomi redmi 4a sibawa nokia 150", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Uni students nowadays complain too much while not creating enough.", "sentence2": "Mahasiswa ri zamang makkokkoe maega ladde' i akkitangngarenna naikkiya kurang i appegaukenna.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Menu's pretty simple, a lot of pasta flavours, comfy place, also lots of options for drinks, there's even desserts. They should try scheduling a live music, that'll be awesome for sure.", "sentence2": "Menuna magampang, pastana maega rupanna rasana, anroanna manyameng, inung-inungenna aga maega rupanna, engka anre-anre pattutu' aga. Laitambai jadwal musi' langsung sitongenna bare' pene' magello i.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My internet bill is insane, 250% more expensive, man! Need clarifications", "sentence2": "tagihanna internetku de'na tama akkalengnge 250% menre'na! jelaskangngi jolo'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Very disappointed. I ordered and paid for an airplane ticket at half past 1 a.m. for a 6 a.m. flight. The e-ticket was not sent. And suddenly early in the morning I was contacted through an email saying that the ticket I had paid for was already out. If the ticket was already out why on Earth could I still book it?", "sentence2": "Maja nyawa ladde'ka. Massuroang nappa makkamaja tike' kappala' luttu riwettu tette' sitengngana 1 tanga benni na maelo laipake luttu tette' 6 ele. E-tiket na de'na kiring i. Tappa napodanngi pake email makkada tike' purae lai waja cappuni iyaro wttu-wttu ele e. Narekko tike'e cappuni magi nengka na wedding mopa yassuroang. ", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Truly a pity and ironic, to have such a foul attitude! Unworthy of being the people's representative for 270 million population from Sabang to Merauke!", "sentence2": "Maka tongeng ja na mappammase nyawa, gau' na temmakanja'! De na sicoco' mancaji wakkele' na ra'ya' 270 juta e eganna tau pole sabang lettu' marauke!", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The menu has a lot of variety but they used too much oil. The fried gourami wasn't good because it wasn't cooked crispy enough. The juice offered had too much water and was not that fresh.", "sentence2": "Anrena maddupa dupang iyamiro nasaba' maboka i. Bale gurame wettena de na malunra' nasaba' de na laiwette kanja' i. Paserre'na iya e nabbereng e makkuwae ladde' i na de top na baru.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "May they always be loyal in looking after the Indonesian people from Sabang - Merauke, from the city all the way to remote areas", "sentence2": "Tenna podo turi maelo sibawangngi rakya' Indonesia pole sabang - merauke, pole kota e lettu' marilaleng kampongnge.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Toyota is ranked first as the most valuable automobile brand.", "sentence2": "Toyota tudangiwi nomoro' siddi yako tamabbicara mere' oto kaminang makanja", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "You know what they say, thieves always got each other's backs. What we should focus on is the procedure and not the fact that a member of the council got caught red-handed while accepting a bribe.", "sentence2": "Makko mettoro ko pada padatta panga, sijagai ki. Jaji Iyaro na takkutanang tau e carana mi tennia ise' na passabari anggota dewang e aruntukengngi mattarima sogokang.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The food tasted pretty okay. The sambal was also good, especially when you could choose from 3 different variations. To be honest, there were quite a lot of options here. you could have gouramis, snappers, pomfrets, clams, calamari, shrimps, they got it all. No mackarels, though, they didn't have that here.", "sentence2": "biasa mo rasana. sambalana aga makanja'. apalagi ko tappa 3 modele'na. nappa mego to pilihang meloki manre aga okko e. meloki gurame, meloki kakap, bawal, kerang, cumi, urang. agi-agi. assala' aja' mupesang bale kembung e. de' gaga okko e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Now I know I've hated that foreign online shop too much", "sentence2": "makkokkoe iyya u cecca ladde'ni je ero online shop pole tau asing e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "From my college years to this day I still love to eat in Kuis Butcher. Tasty, affordable, and has a nice place", "sentence2": "Wettunna mopa makkuliah ka riolo lettu makkukkue laupoji mopa manre okko kuis butcher. Malunra', masempo, anroanna topa manyameng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Not a fan of eating oreos, makes my teeth black", "sentence2": "Makuttu manre oreo, napoji pancajiwi isi e mabolong", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "My favorite menu is the beef soup and iced grass jelly drink for the drink. Tastes delish, highly recommended", "sentence2": "Anre-anre pappojikku iyanaritu so' juku sibawa inungeng ese' cingcau bolong. Rasana malunra', laiyajjuluang ladde'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The night view of Surabaya is extraordinary, the food tastes good and all but the cost is also extraordinary. The distance is not that far but the landscape is outstanding and the ambience is pleasing.", "sentence2": "Pattiroanna surabaya iyako wenniwi talliwe' kanja' anre-anre na malunra' lunra' iyamiro nasaba ellinna de na mabiasa yako jara' na de' to namaka bela iyaro pattirona de na mabiasa sibawa appeneddingeng na makessing.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "To minimize traffic jam, Menhub urges the public not to come back to Jakarta all at once on January 1st", "sentence2": "Salai maroa e, menhub makkada masyaraka' e aja' talisu lao Jakarta makkasamang ko 1 januari i", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A restaurant with breathtaking views even though you need to go through a steep road to reach it. Still, the great place and flavor totally make up for it.", "sentence2": "Restorang iyae pattirona mabello namo yako laijokkai masussa' na mawatang. Tapi' takkamaja i ko laiyitai anroang sibawa rasana iya makessing e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "... Truly perfect for a fun night visit with your partner or even your family. ...", "sentence2": "Steak sitongeng-tongenna steak especially chiken cordon bulena iya mappamuddani laitambai anre-anre na iya laibukkue pattiroanna bandung iya maka kanja' topa. Sikenangeng ladde' yako engka ki' ri wenni wi ya sibawa balitta namakkotoparo yako sibawa sumpulolo e tette' makanja' aga. Laleng lao okko anroangnge ro mallekko-lekko memeng parellu akkaresoang sibawa attongeng-tongengeng.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This is one of the locations where the food is good and the scenery is a refreshing sight for sore eyes. Appropriate spot to gather with the family or with friends.", "sentence2": "Iyewe bara siddinna aroang iyae anre-anre na malunra' sibawa pattirona mappacekke' mata. Laipakei sikkumpulu' sibawa sumpuloloe yaregga sibawang e mancajiwi anroang kaminang sikenna.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "So annoying. Monday morning with heavy traffic and flood.", "sentence2": "mappakereng-kereng. sening ele sibawa macet nappa lempe'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "This restaurant that serves traditional Sundanese dish has nothing to write home about. The few dishes I ordered tasted just about the same as the other Sundanese restos. Didn't really offer a satisfying flavour nor leave any strong impreesion on me. The only saving grace for me was the smashed fried chicken with sambal, which was the closest to being great.", "sentence2": "Deggaga mana maka kanja' na pole iyawe restorang iya passadia e menu anre-anre khas sunda e we. Rasanna siaga anre-anre iya e wassuroangnge pada mo rasana sibawa rumah makan sunda laingnge. De nullei pamubba' i rasa makae lunra' sibawa pancaji ka maringerrang ladde'. Iyamiro manu' wette sambala' penyet wassuroangnge engkamo cedde' lunra' na.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Why can't I just skip the YouTube ads, so annoying", "sentence2": "iklanna youtube magai na cia lae skip, ma'ganggu ladde", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Our corporation's services are very satisfactory", "sentence2": "Pangadarenna pt ta' maneng maladde mappakario", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "First time to Eatalia, I was with a friend and one child. We didn't have to worry about what to order for the child because the place also had menus with children portions. We had a pizza with black bread. Overall, none of the menus I ordered were disappointing. ", "sentence2": "Bunge' na laoku ri eatalia, iya lao sibawa sibawakku sibawa 1 ana' na. De napalasai ulue yako mappitteki anre-anre situjue sibawa anana' e nasaba okkoe napassadia anre sikennae eganna nanre anana' e. Idi maneng massuroang pizza pakewe roti warna bolong. Iyae sininna yassuroang nge de na mappassara nyawa.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Win cool prizes by entering the \"Baik untuk Men\" photo contest in Alfamart", "sentence2": "ta alai hadiah kanja'na macciomi bawang lomba foto untuk men okko alfamart", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "If you're going to Bukittingi, don't forget to pay Pasar Atas a visit. There's a smorgasbord of scrumptious food there. Don't forget to bring along a camera to take pics, either.", "sentence2": "Narekko lao Bukittinggi aja tallupai leppang okko Pasa Atas. Maega rupanna anre-anre malunra'. Aja tallupai bawa tustel laipake mappoto poto.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Here is the myth that turns the new year into something ceremonial and artificial, without any depth in meaning.", "sentence2": "Iyana pau-pau pancajiwi tahung barue mancaji appigaukeng na jama-jamang, iya deggaga marilaleng bettuanna", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "India is making a high-speed electric superbike.", "sentence2": "India mattangang i makkibbuai superbike listrik makae lessi", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I've been dreaming of travelling abroad for a long time", "sentence2": "Maettani umacinna lao jokka jokka okko saliwenna negara e", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Suis Butcher's tenderloin steak is amazing - so juicy, and the sauce really hits the spot. Better yet, it's not that expensive. Because of that, you'll have to prepare to be standing in a long line if you're here on weekends, especially at lunchtime", "sentence2": "tanderloin steak okko suis butcher maka lunra'. saus kuisnya sikenangeng okko lillae. coco' to ellinna okko kantong e. mappasedia memenni mengantre ko meloki lao okko e ko paccappu minggu na wettu anre topa", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Lots of my friends also work in Bukalapak", "sentence2": "sibakku aga mega ladde ma'jama okko bukalapak", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "How much is the minimal if I may ask, I wanna buy Tiket Kami for Senen - Yogyakarta using the May promo", "sentence2": "Assiceddekenna punten, iya maelo melli tike' ta' maneng senen - yogyakartai pake promo iya ro okko uleng mei e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Not recommended to go there during dining hours cuz finding a seat might be difficult then.", "sentence2": "Laipelettukengngi makkada aja talao okkoro ri wettu anre wi nasaba maka watang runtu' anroang tudang.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Awful how an order from Bukalapak using Gosend was made yesterday and haven't arrived 'til now. What should I do? I really need the item urgently.", "sentence2": "Mawatang massuroang okko bukalapak e pake gosend iwenni lettu' makkokkoe depagaga lettu' pekkoni iyye. Na iyaro agagae yapparelluang ladde' ni", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "The room reeks of cigarette smoke. The bedsheet isn't changed for new guests and there's still some cigarette ash left", "sentence2": "Kamara' na mabbau pelo', Seprei na de laisellei narekko engka tau baru pole na engka mopa sesanna awu pelo' e.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "A talks like empty vessels that make the most noises, says nothing of value.", "sentence2": "La A pau paunna darong kosong macinnong oni na mabbicara temmallise'", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "You won't find this sambal anywhere else. The shrimp paste's flavour is very distinct, the sweetness and saltiness are just right. The venue may look pedestrian but don't be shocked when you see the resto-class price, and it's all worth it for the food quality.", "sentence2": "ladangna de' gaga padanna onroang laeng e. rasa terasina khas ladde', pejje cenning na sicoco'. ruangenna sikelas warunge tapi aja' ta maseleng wettu makkamaja ellinna pada kelas resto e tapi sicoco' meto sibawa kualitas anrena", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I think the steak was quite good, my advice is just get the biggest one, it's more tender than the others. If you come here, you can share your photo on your social media and get a free ice cream, and it's good too. For the food, it's great, and the servers are friendly.", "sentence2": "Ko iyya' malunra' sa steakna, iyamiro nasaba' lebbireng i ko lai yassuroang i kaminang maloppo na. Malemma i na laingnge. Ko to lao okko e, ta patamai poto ta' okko media sosial e nappa wedding ki' runtu'ni es kring gratis. Malunra' es kring na. Yako pole anre-anre na makessing sa', pole pangadderenna aga makanja'.", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "Watch what you eat, Gus, it's that kind of season, after all. And yeah, burnouts can make you sick", "sentence2": "jagai anremu gus makkoro memeng musimna makkokkoe. makko memeng yaseng cau' mappalasa", "lang": "eng-bug"} +{"sentence1": "I'm about to pop a blood vessel dealing with these BPJS patients, demanding executive treatments and nagging all day even though they don't pay for crap. You want executive? Try a goddamn train.", "sentence2": "Cedde'-cedde' pi na hipertensika okkoe jampangi pasien bpjs e, de'na siaga na waja tapi meloi pelayanang eksekutif na maka topa ega nenna' na, menre' karetano ko melo iye eksekutif", "lang": "eng-bug"}