diff --git "a/TIDOC_deep-se.csv" "b/TIDOC_deep-se.csv" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/TIDOC_deep-se.csv" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1006 +0,0 @@ -"issuekey","created","title","description","storypoint" -"TIDOC-266","12/26/2011 05:32:25","APIDoc: Provide list of supported audio/sound filetypes/codecs","Add list, or link to a list (per platform), of supported filetypes/codecs to [Titanium.Media.Sound|http://developer.appcelerator.com/apidoc/mobile/latest/Titanium.Media.Sound-object.html]. Be certain to do so for playing and recording sound, if the support differs.",1 -"TIDOC-88","12/28/2011 17:23:47","APIDoc: validate.py doesn't run properly from windows console","When running validate.py from the windows command line, an exception is thrown because the checkmark character is outside the extended ascii character set supported by the windows console. We should probably detect if we're running on windows and avoid the fancy formatting (colored text and checkmarks).",1 -"TIDOC-507","01/10/2012 21:04:22","Android: Inconsistent Slider floating point value","h3.Issue Android slider cannot have a floating point value (as seen in the screenshot below is converted to nearest whole number). h6.Tested on Android emulator 2.2 LG Ally device 2.2.1 h6.Expected results Slider value be 1.5 h6.Unexpected results Slider value is 1.0 h6.Repro sequence {code:title=app.js} var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: '#cccccc' }); var slider = Ti.UI.createSlider({ height: 'auto', max: 3, min: 0, top: 24, value: 1.5, width: 300, color: '#6699cc' }); slider.addEventListener('change', function(e) { alert(e.value); }); win.add(slider); win.open(); {code}",1 -"TIDOC-240","01/18/2012 09:53:03","Guides: Need to document iCloud features and Ti Appcelerator","h4. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION The community has several questions about how to interact with icloud and their Ti Appcelerator apps. Common questions: - How to use icloud? - How to hide stuff from icloud? - Where to put a db? - What if I want that db to be synced with icloud? - How to force a restore after a reinstall of the app? Would be nice if we have an entry in the wiki or a blog post where we post how we handle icloud stuff. ",8 -"TIDOC-403","02/21/2012 13:22:38","Android: provide better explanation of garbage collection","The following code should release all memory/objects but doesn't on Android. You can use DDMS to watch memory & # objects grow with repeated launches of the app. Code is a simplified version of that posted in [this Q&A thread|http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/132357/memory-leaks-on-android-but-not-on-ios---very-simple-test-case] {code} (function mainViews() { var views =[]; var view = null; for (var i=0; i < 1000; i++) { view = Titanium.UI.createView(); views.push(view); } views = null; view = null; }()); {code} Per customer, memory is released fine on iOS.",0 -"TIDOC-454","03/15/2012 11:49:46","APIDoc: Clarify the use and purpose of Window.modal","Window.modal is something of a ""magic"" property that behaves differently depending on context on iOS (is a tabgroup open or not, etc), but is not context-sensitive on Mobile Web (Android behavior is unknown). These differences need to be described clearly in the docs for Window, TabGroup, and potentially other locations.",13 -"TIDOC-2563","03/19/2012 22:35:07","Tooling: docgen.py: Some Dictionary types are not being output","This relates to types that take the form: Array> I thought this was fixed, but I've found a case where it isn't working. The TableView.data property takes the following types: type: [ Array, Array>, Array ] However, the second type is not appearing in the output: Array or Array Strangely, similar types are coming out correctly in the HTML generator for TableView.appendRow: Titanium.UI.TableViewRow or Dictionary or Array or Array> ",1 -"TIDOC-721","03/27/2012 07:41:40","There is two links in the TOC refered to the same anchor","E.g. http://apidoc.appcelerator.dev/#!/guide/Installing_and_Updating_Android_SDK page has two links: ""Software Locations"" and ""Installing Android SDK Manager"" in TOC -> Installation -> Windows that refer to the same links anchor in TOC -> Installation -> OSX. The links should be refered on the own anchor.",1 -"TIDOC-562","03/27/2012 16:41:41","Android: Ti.UI.TableView.backgroundSelectedColor doesn't work","*Code* http://pastebin.com/Mgk90jrd *Problem* I'm not sure if this is a platform bug or more of a documentation bug, but when you set a color to Ti.UI.TableView for the backgroundSelectedColor property, it doesn't seem to affect the app in any way. If you set the same property to Ti.UI.TableViewRow objects, it seems to work as documented. So I'm not sure if this is a product bug and should work with either of the properties (and overwrite one over the other) or if the documentation is not correct instead. Please edit ticket as appropriate. *Notes* -Only tested on a HTC Sensation, running 2.3.x",2 -"TIDOC-605","04/11/2012 13:04:07","Android: Being able to configure the menu for the barcode reader","h4. Problem Description Loading the module overwrites the native Android menu, this breaks the app in my case. Would also be great if that would be configurable. h4. HD discussion http://support-admin.appcelerator.com/display/APP-635179",1 -"TIDOC-822","04/20/2012 15:56:46","TiDuck: Video data should update","It appears that the current video tab is based on a static JSON file. We should determine a way to refresh the video data periodically without having to rebuild the entire site.",1 -"TIDOC-618","05/03/2012 10:24:06","APIDOC: Incorrect return type for ImageView.toBlob()","[http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/2.0/index.html#!/api/Titanium.UI.ImageView-method-toBlob] Description says it returns a blob, ""Returns"" says it returns void.",1 -"TIDOC-671","06/13/2012 15:47:37","Android: Document (article/wiki) Android application restart scenarios","We need to document for the community what happens in the two Android ""restart"" scenarios: * When a backgrounded application is killed off completely by Android to gain back memory. We auto-restart in this scenario because Android tries to show the most recent top activity first whereas we need to go through the root activity startup. * When a backgrounded application is left inactive (for about 30 mins) and Android, upon reopening the app, kills off activities above the root activity (i.e., the root activity re-appears). we have ti.android.root.reappears.restart tiapp setting for this, but it is undocumented in the tiapp.xml reference. Document also that an alternative is to add event listener to ""resume"" and redo the application startup logic. see my comments in timob-9229 re that",3 -"TIDOC-839","08/27/2012 16:34:22","Document requirements for debugging on device (iOS and Android)","Create a wiki page that lists: * Curent pre-requisites for debugging on device * Known common problems and ways to resolve them * Use cases and workflows for iOS and Android. Some examples: ** Device doesn't connect the first time. Timeout and reconnect option? ** Network connection drops altogether. Currently there is no reconnect option as part of the protocol ** Itunes not set up correctly. ** Network not set up to support broadcast (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcasting_(networking)) ** IPv6 does not support broadcast, and instead supports multicast: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_multicast. if we are using Bonjour, perhaps this is fine (see http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/wireless/ps4570/products_tech_note09186a0080bb1d7c.shtml) ** ADB fails to connect The document should suggest the areas in which our implementation is currently lacking, and the ways in which we can improve the experience.",8 -"TIDOC-794","09/12/2012 10:37:01","APIDoc: Default value for TextField.autocorrect is wrong","Doc says the default is false. It appears to be true. Note that as of 2.1.2, iOS and Mobile Web _return_ false as the default, and Android returns undefined, but all behave as if autocorrect == true.",1 -"TIDOC-833","10/03/2012 00:50:59","APIDoc: Platform support for backgroundSelectedImage, etc., on Ti.UI.Button is wrong","There are a few errors in here as a result of our partial inheritance changes. Fix 'em! And spot check other view classes for the same problem.",3 -"TIDOC-842","10/04/2012 17:07:56","Support localization of documentation","This ticket covers all tool modifications required to support localization, including: - Ensuring all tools work with unicode characters. - Extracting localizable strings from the doc toolchain (docgen, generators, JSDuck). - Add tools for generating localization files (XLIFF or similar). - Any modifications necessary to serve multiple locales (e.g., in docgen or the web site). It does not cover any changes in Studio or other tools to supply locale-specific versions (of doc, JSCA, etc.). ",0 -"TIDOC-860","10/18/2012 23:42:48","Content Assist: Global: console, JSON, and some String methods do not appear in content assist","Content Assist does not contain entries for Global.console, Global.JSON, and some Global.String methods. API Documentation: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/3.0/index.html#!/api/Global These entries appear to exist in api.jsca. 3.0.0.v20121018140140.api.jsca excerpt: {code} { ""name"": ""Global.console"", ""description"": ""

Console logging facilities.

"", ""userAgents"": [ { ""platform"": ""android"" }, { ""platform"": ""iphone"" }, { ""platform"": ""ipad"" }, { ""platform"": ""mobileweb"" } ], ""examples"": [], ""remarks"": [ ""

The toplevel console support is intended to supplement Titanium.API\nand make it easier for developers to port existing javascript code\n(especially CommonJS modules) to Titanium.


Note that console does not currently implement the complete\nfirebug specification.\nOur support is roughly equivalent to that offered by\nnode.js's console.

"" ], ""properties"": [], ""functions"": [ { ""name"": ""debug"", ""isInternal"": false, ""parameters"": [ { ""name"": ""message"", ""usage"": ""required"", ""type"": ""Object"", ""description"": ""

The message(s) to log.

"" } ], ""userAgents"": [ { ""platform"": ""android"" }, { ""platform"": ""iphone"" }, { ""platform"": ""ipad"" }, { ""platform"": ""mobileweb"" } ], ""since"": [ { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Android"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPhone"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPad"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Mobile Web"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" } ], ""isConstructor"": false, ""isClassProperty"": false, ""examples"": [], ""deprecated"": false, ""exceptions"": [], ""references"": [], ""isMethod"": true, ""isInstanceProperty"": true, ""description"": ""

Log a message at the debug level.

"" }, { ""name"": ""error"", ""isInternal"": false, ""parameters"": [ { ""name"": ""message"", ""usage"": ""required"", ""type"": ""Object"", ""description"": ""

The message(s) to log.

"" } ], ""userAgents"": [ { ""platform"": ""android"" }, { ""platform"": ""iphone"" }, { ""platform"": ""ipad"" }, { ""platform"": ""mobileweb"" } ], ""since"": [ { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Android"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPhone"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPad"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Mobile Web"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" } ], ""isConstructor"": false, ""isClassProperty"": false, ""examples"": [], ""deprecated"": false, ""exceptions"": [], ""references"": [], ""isMethod"": true, ""isInstanceProperty"": true, ""description"": ""

Log a message at the error level.

"" }, { ""name"": ""info"", ""isInternal"": false, ""parameters"": [ { ""name"": ""message"", ""usage"": ""required"", ""type"": ""Object"", ""description"": ""

The message(s) to log.

"" } ], ""userAgents"": [ { ""platform"": ""android"" }, { ""platform"": ""iphone"" }, { ""platform"": ""ipad"" }, { ""platform"": ""mobileweb"" } ], ""since"": [ { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Android"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPhone"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPad"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Mobile Web"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" } ], ""isConstructor"": false, ""isClassProperty"": false, ""examples"": [], ""deprecated"": false, ""exceptions"": [], ""references"": [], ""isMethod"": true, ""isInstanceProperty"": true, ""description"": ""

Log a message at the info level.

"" }, { ""name"": ""log"", ""isInternal"": false, ""parameters"": [ { ""name"": ""message"", ""usage"": ""required"", ""type"": ""Object"", ""description"": ""

The message(s) to log.

"" } ], ""userAgents"": [ { ""platform"": ""android"" }, { ""platform"": ""iphone"" }, { ""platform"": ""ipad"" }, { ""platform"": ""mobileweb"" } ], ""since"": [ { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Android"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPhone"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPad"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Mobile Web"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" } ], ""isConstructor"": false, ""isClassProperty"": false, ""examples"": [], ""deprecated"": false, ""exceptions"": [], ""references"": [], ""isMethod"": true, ""isInstanceProperty"": true, ""description"": ""

Log a message at the info level.

"" }, { ""name"": ""warn"", ""isInternal"": false, ""parameters"": [ { ""name"": ""message"", ""usage"": ""required"", ""type"": ""Object"", ""description"": ""

The message(s) to log.

"" } ], ""userAgents"": [ { ""platform"": ""android"" }, { ""platform"": ""iphone"" }, { ""platform"": ""ipad"" }, { ""platform"": ""mobileweb"" } ], ""since"": [ { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Android"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPhone"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPad"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Mobile Web"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" } ], ""isConstructor"": false, ""isClassProperty"": false, ""examples"": [], ""deprecated"": false, ""exceptions"": [], ""references"": [], ""isMethod"": true, ""isInstanceProperty"": true, ""description"": ""

Log a message at the warn level.

"" } ], ""deprecated"": false, ""since"": [ { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Android"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPhone"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - iPad"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" }, { ""name"": ""Titanium Mobile SDK - Mobile Web"", ""version"": ""2.1.0"" } ], ""isInternal"": true, ""events"": [] }, {code} Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open app.js. 2. Activate Content Assist. 3. Type in 'console', 'JSON', or 'String.format'. Actual Result: Entries do not exist. Expected Result: Entries should exist. They do exist at runtime and the documentation. This could be an api.jsca formatting issue, or a Studio Content Assist issue.",8 -"TIDOC-886","11/08/2012 23:10:35","Documentation Needed for Ti.Media.cameraFlashMode","There is no documentation available for flash modes of camera (Ti.Media.cameraFlashMod) but there is an example for this on KitchenSink. Kitchen Sink Git link: https://github.com/appcelerator/KitchenSink/blob/master/Resources/ui/handheld/ios/phone/camera_video.js",1 -"TIDOC-1076","01/08/2013 22:32:08","Add update method document for status, checkin.","status, checkin has implemented update method, we need to add update method reference in website.",5 -"TIDOC-1023","02/06/2013 19:25:15","DocTools: Add full-text search integration for JSDuck","Add search controller/view for JSDuck to integrate with our SOLR search engine.",8 -"TIDOC-1043","02/26/2013 18:27:08","TableView: touchstart event - Missing Android platform logo","In TableView docs (http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.TableView-event-touchstart), the *touchstart* event describes its usage on the Android platform. However, the doc is missing the Android platform logo (see attachment).",1 -"TIDOC-1052","03/11/2013 17:23:40","DocTools, Cloud: Add ""admin-required"" flag","Cloud docs should have an admin-only flag for parameters and methods.",13 -"TIDOC-1059","03/13/2013 23:31:31","DocTools: Create downloadable version of docs","The process itself is pretty simple--we can post-process the JSDuck output to create a downloadable version of the docs that uses an index.html instead of index.php so users can access it from a local drive. However, to make this scalable, we should incorporate it into the tools so that we can build this without a lot of added effort.",13 -"TIDOC-1695","04/12/2013 19:44:22","Android: Picker - On Android, if you set a backgroundColor for Picker, then picker exhibits abnormal behavior","*Details:* On Android, if you set a backgroundColor for Picker (*not supported*), then picker exhibits abnormal behavior. *This is not a regression.* *Steps to reproduce:* 1. Install the following app.js code to an Android device: {code} Ti.UI.backgroundColor = 'white'; var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ exitOnClose: true, layout: 'vertical', backgroundColor:'red' }); var picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({ top:50, color:'green', backgroundColor:'white' // why??? }); var data = []; data[0]=Ti.UI.createPickerRow({title:'Bananas'}); data[1]=Ti.UI.createPickerRow({title:'Strawberries'}); data[2]=Ti.UI.createPickerRow({title:'Mangos'}); data[3]=Ti.UI.createPickerRow({title:'Grapes'}); picker.add(data); picker.selectionIndicator = true; win.add(picker); win.open(); // must be after picker has been displayed picker.setSelectedRow(0, 2, false); // select Mangos {code} 2. Click on the different rows *Actual:* Abnormal behavior is shown (e.g text bleeding to other rows, black artifacts in the row). See attachments. *Expected:* An error should be thrown since backgroundColor is not supported for Picker",1 -"TIDOC-1130","04/29/2013 20:04:48","Need Node.ACS training doc","Please see ticket CLOUDSRV-2357. Developers have a hard time to write code using node.acs due to lack of training docs.",3 -"TIDOC-1190","07/02/2013 22:43:05","Missing semi-colon in Ti.UI.Animation docs example","See attached pic for missing semi-color in this line: {code} var matrix = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix() {code} Additionally, copying and pasting this code will not work (even with the added semi-colon) where as most examples in the documentation will be run on copy and paste into app.js. Here is the correct code that will run if simply pasted into an app.js: {code} var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: 'white' }); var box = Ti.UI.createView({ backgroundColor : 'red', height : '100', width : '100' }); win.add(box); box.addEventListener('click', function() { var matrix = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix(); matrix = matrix.rotate(180); matrix = matrix.scale(2, 2); var a = Ti.UI.createAnimation({ transform : matrix, duration : 2000, autoreverse : true, repeat : 3 }); box.animate(a); }); win.open(); {code}",1 -"TIDOC-1221","08/04/2013 22:56:27","Docs: getCurrentCountry() works on iOS","*Problem* The docs are wrong about getCurrentCountry() because it does work on iOS, but the platform isn't listed: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.Locale-method-getCurrentCountry *Test case* {code:javascript} var win = Ti.UI.createWindow(); console.log(Ti.Locale.getCurrentCountry()); win.open(); {code} *Log* {code} [INFO] : GB {code}",1 -"TIDOC-1227","08/08/2013 14:57:00","Filter API docs by Platform","When searching through the API, there are times when it would be really handy to be able to focus on a particular platform - say Blackberry. What APIs are available, what methods etc. Would be great if we could filter by a specific platform and only show APIs that are availble to that platform. ",0 -"TIDOC-1241","08/24/2013 00:06:22","add default httpclient timeouts for various platforms","Some of the node.acs developers are having issues with the very low default http client timeout on Ti sdk. their node.acs app api call is about 7 seconds and it times out on ti app. It took them a while to find out where the timeout is set https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides2/HTTPClient+and+the+Request+Lifecycle",3 -"TIDOC-1284","09/27/2013 01:13:04","iOS7: Button background color and style has changed ","iOS7: Button background color and style has changed. Affects Titanium UI Button In iOS6, the button has a white background which cannot be changed. The button background color only affects the corners. In iOS7, the button white background with rounded corners is now gone. This is on-par with the Android implementation. This is a problem for code written for iOS6 because this will cause an unintended change in button appearance. See screenshot 'ios7-uniform-colors' to see the button disappear due to contrast issues. Test Steps: 1. Run either of these sample codes on iOS6 and iOS7. {code} var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor : 'navy', }); var button = Ti.UI.createButton({ title : 'Button', backgroundColor : 'navy', color : 'navy' }); win.add(button); win.open(); {code} {code} var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor : 'navy', }); var button = Ti.UI.createButton({ title : 'Button', backgroundColor : 'green', color : 'black' }); win.add(button); win.open(); {code} Result: Notice the profound difference in appearance. See screenshots. Expected Result: iOS7 retains the white button background with rounded corners to maintain style consistency. The workaround is to check the ios version for every a button in the code: {code} var os = Ti.Platform.osname; var ios = Ti.Platform.version.split('.')[0]; console.log(ios); switch(os) { case 'iphone' : case 'ipad' : if(ios < 7) buttonColor = winColor; break; } {code}",3 -"TIDOC-1300","10/08/2013 19:38:06","Cloud: Missing query method for ACL, KeyValue and Message objects","/v1/acls/query.json /v1/keyvalues/query.json /v1/messages/query.json ",5 -"TIDOC-1339","10/31/2013 01:16:32","Update Push Notifications guide for iOS using XCode","After follow the tutorial to implement the native client library for iOS a few improvements can be done in order to update and make easier for the developer to implement push notifications to ACS. Link to the tutorial: http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/ios Attached are 3 images with suggestions. Apart from that, getting new screenshots from XCode 5 would be a good idea to keep up to date this docs. ",8 -"TIDOC-1425","12/21/2013 00:00:30","Incorrect information for Ti.TextArea, Ti.Label autolink property","Autolink makes reference to Ti.UI.AUTOLINK_XXX constants for dictating what kind of elements you want to detect. However the references do not appropriately relay this information. the example references AUTOLINK_MAP_ADDRESSES|AUTOLINK_PHONE_NUMBERS; the correct usage would be Ti.UI.AUTOLINK_MAP_ADDRESSES|Ti.UI.AUTOLINK_PHONE_NUMBERS; Additionally, for the autolink functionality to work for either TextAreas or Labels - they must not be editable. The editable property MUST be set to false. This is not documented. Links: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.TextArea-property-autoLink http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.Label-property-autoLink http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.TextField-property-autoLink ",1 -"TIDOC-1429","12/30/2013 22:53:49","New Mobile Project in Creating your first titanium ","h4. Problem Description Currently the guide says: ""To create a new Alloy project: In Studio, select File > New Mobile Web Project."" it should say: ""To create a new Alloy project: In Studio, select File > New Mobile Project."" h4. Extra info Related URL: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Creating_Your_First_Titanium_Apps ",1 -"TIDOC-1481","01/18/2014 02:12:58","Documentation: Enterprise feature restriction not immediately apparent when opening page","I searched for ""titanium code profiler"" in Google which led me straight to this page: http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Code_Profiler The fact that it is an Enterprise feature is not shown anywhere on the page part from the navigation menu on the left which led to some time wasted trying to get it to work on my non-enterprise setup. Suggestion: Add a message at the top of the page informing the user that this is an Enterprise feature and if they would like to use it they should click this link to view more information. Link should go to the Enterprise pricing page. ",1 -"TIDOC-1497","01/24/2014 13:37:16","Installation and Configuration Guide: incorrect step for ""Creating Your First Titanium App""","There is a mistake in the code sample on page 'Creating_Your_First_Titanium_App' section 'To update the controller code for platform differences:' function showBook() { should be: function showBook(event) {",1 -"TIDOC-1515","02/05/2014 19:59:57","Add screenshots of controls to Ti.UI API descriptions","Where appropriate/useful, the Ti.UI API descriptions should include a screenshot of the control (for example. http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.iPad.SplitWindow) ",13 -"TIDOC-1518","02/06/2014 15:17:13","ACS Event Documentation","In the documentation for Event Create, the field 'tags' is listed twice, it should only be listed once. There is also a field called 'user' which doesn't appear on any other objects (look at place and file for example) and should either be removed, or added to other objects that support the 'user' field. http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/Events-method-create In the documentation for Event Query, the field 'tags' is not listed for query-able fields, but it is for all other objects that has the 'tags' field. I think it needs to be added here. http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/Events-method-query ",2 -"TIDOC-1524","02/07/2014 22:10:15","Allow ""local"" images in Titanium API documentation","Adding images to Titanium API docs currently requires linking to externally hosted files. Need to add a build step that copies local image folder to distribution folder.",3 -"TIDOC-1525","02/08/2014 22:46:17","ACS Status Object create method docs need updated","In the cloud documentation for creating a status, there are no required fields listed. After testing out the API with a few different options I found that 'user_id' and 'message' are required. The documentation needs updated to reflect that.",2 -"TIDOC-1536","02/14/2014 16:44:31","ACS Create Review Documentation has two 'user_id' fields","In the documentation for creating an ACS review, it lists two 'user_id' fields. One of them is to identify the user who is making the review, the other one is referencing the user who is being reviewed. It needs to be updated to reflect the proper fields for each of those as you can't have the same field name apply to two different attributes. CC [~wkong] [~plee]",2 -"TIDOC-1566","02/25/2014 16:32:11","$inc syntax will be changed, need to change the description","After fixing https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/CLOUDSRV-3201, we will change syntax for $inc operator. Before fixing CLOUDSRV-3201, we use $inc without quotes: curl -s -X PUT -F 'id=52e94c2a08a3e70b3d0b9293' -F 'fields={""runs"":{$inc:5},""test"":""changed""}' ""http://api.cloud.appcelerator.com/v1/objects/suite/update.js?key=H6Ke9ZNa8sbyxP9mmTP8iZcQzZiUwwmc&_session_id=mcmY3kcbc11pG_iIRwqxizG5g5g"" After fixing CLOUDSRV-3201, we use $inc with quotes: curl -s -X PUT -F 'id=52e94c2a08a3e70b3d0b9293' -F 'fields={""runs"":{""$inc"":5},""test"":""changed""}' ""http://api.cloud.appcelerator.com/v1/objects/suite/update.json?key=H6Ke9ZNa8sbyxP9mmTP8iZcQzZiUwwmc&_session_id=mcmY3kcbc11pG_iIRwqxizG5g5g"" we need to change the description for $inc operator in API document at http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/atomic_increment",0 -"TIDOC-1571","02/26/2014 18:01:10","Cloud: Checkins.update method missing","http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/Checkins needs update method.",3 -"TIDOC-1586","03/13/2014 17:57:39","Update Android orientation docs/provide sample app from Pro services ","[~aleard] created the attached app that lets developers easily lock their android app in portrait for handheld and landscape for tablet, including the splashscreen. We need to make this app available for download, and update (or replace?) current documentation with this approach. http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Orientation-section-29004932_Orientation-LimitingorientationmodesonAndroid Details from Alan: bq. The attached app has a property in the tiapp.xml set as “nosensor” which allows for the device to display in the prefered orientation which is portrait for handheld and landscape for tablet. If you replace ""nosensor"" with either “landscape” or “portrait”, that will lock the app for all form factors. This locks from the app launch, including the splash screen which is where most developers struggle. The developer will need to know their app activity name which can be found here after they build the app once: /build/android/bin/classes/com/myapp/app/MyappActivity.class this should then be placed in the tiapp.xml where the sample app has "".MyappActivity” bq. Here are the available orientation options from Anrdoid: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html#screen",8 -"TIDOC-1591","03/18/2014 22:09:21","Create task-based CLI document","We need a ""Common CLI Tasks"" document, sort of an expanded version of [~ralcocer]'s blog post [Quick Tip: Use the Titanium CLI to find details about your configuration|http://www.appcelerator.com/blog/2014/03/quick-tip-use-the-titanium-cli-to-find-details-about-your-configuration/]. For example: * Getting information about your environment * Creating and building applications * Debugging applications.. etc cc [~lbrenman] ",5 -"TIDOC-1602","03/26/2014 21:44:29","Support i18n and platform folders with Alloy theming","Alloy themes now support i18n and platform folders. See related ticket for more details.",5 -"TIDOC-1606","03/31/2014 17:43:46","Create documentation for ti.geofence module","https://github.com/appcelerator-modules/ti.geofence",1 -"TIDOC-1607","03/31/2014 20:07:04","Update Titanium architecture diagram","The block diagram on this page needs updating: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Titanium_Platform_Overview It shows JavaScript/HTML as the starting point, which isn't really correct. It should also provide more detail about the JavaScript bridge, modules. Can borrow from this doc: http://www.linux-mag.com/s/i/articles/7719/architecture1.png ",5 -"TIDOC-1609","04/03/2014 04:26:43","extra ; in http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/Users-method-resend_confirmation","https://cloud.appcelerator.com/users/confirmation?key={{key}}&confirmation;_token={{confirmation_token}} GET https://api.cloud.appcelerator.com/v1/users/confirm_user.json?confirmation_token={{confirmation_token}}&key;=",2 -"TIDOC-1613","04/04/2014 19:51:18","confirm_user documentation needs to include ""&ct=enterprise"" for enterprise users","The confirm_user.json method located at http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/Users-method-create needs to explain that enterprise users must append ""&ct=enterprise"" to the end of the call. ",1 -"TIDOC-1615","04/07/2014 17:10:12","Add samples to Animator documentation","The animation documentation has no samples, which is less helpful to developers. Suggest adding https://github.com/appcelerator-training/tce_training/tree/master/labcode/Finished_code/03_animation/app (or similar) to http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/3.0/#!/api/Titanium.UI.iOS.Animator",13 -"TIDOC-1616","04/07/2014 23:41:11","Generate TOCs for API pages","Our API pages sometimes have a lot of content/sections other than pure API documentation (list of methods, props, events). The Facebook module docs are one example: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/3.0/#!/api/Modules.Facebook Depending on your monitor size there are several sections there that lie ""below the fold"", making it hard to find/navigate. I suggest we generate a TOC for API pages, at least those that need it. See attached mockup for example. ",8 -"TIDOC-1713","04/18/2014 17:39:13","Tab.setWindow() doesn't work","The Tab.setWindow() method claims to set the root level tab window. However, using it on either Android or iOS seems to have no effect. If window.open() is called after setWindow() then the window obscures the tab group, and if window.open() is not called then the new window is not displayed. In other words, it seems impossible to change the root level tab window after tab group creation. example: index.xml {code} {code} childWin.xml: {code} {code} index.js: {code} function openChild() { var childWin = Alloy.createController('childWin').getView(); $.tab1.setWindow(childWin); childWin.open(); } $.index.open(); // if you comment out this line then no visible effect {code} ",1 -"TIDOC-1636","04/23/2014 04:14:07","PushSchedule docs for Ti.Cloud","According to the Cloud API docs (http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/PushSchedules-method-create) the Ti.Cloud module supports the PushSchedules APIs, which aren't currently documented under http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.Cloud",8 -"TIDOC-1646","04/29/2014 23:24:36","Update whitelist URLs for 3.3.0","Per [~pinnamuri], in 3.3.0, the URLs have been unified to references to common domain *.appcelerator.com. Need to change the Whitelist URLs mentioned in the following doc: https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides2/Using+Studio+From+Behind+a+Proxy#UsingStudioFromBehindaProxy-WhitelistingURLs The following URLs listed there need to change as follows: go.aptana.com -> go.appcelerator.com api.appcelerator.net -> api.appcelerator.com openx.appcelerator.net -> openx.appcelerator.com EDIT - 11 August 2014 Update whitelist URLs to the following: * api.appcelerator.com - analytics * api.cloud.appcelerator.com - acs * developer.appcelerator.com - * download.appcelerator.com -download/update studio * go.appcelerator.com * my.appcelerator.com - create project? * openx.appcelerator.com * preview.appcelerator.com -download/update studio * studio.appcelerator.com - studio dashboard * www.appcelerator.com * registry.npmjs.org -- download/update npm modules -- alloy, titanium, node-appc, acs",1 -"TIDOC-1647","04/30/2014 04:45:01","Node.ACS apps can use private NPM registry","Now a new field 'npmRegistry' can be included in app package.json to specify a private npm registry for installing dependencies.",5 -"TIDOC-1651","04/30/2014 23:51:41","Create new ACS/Node.ACS doc overview/landing pages","The Node.ACS Guides landing page (http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/node) is the same content as the Node.ACS Quickstart (http://localhost:8888/cloud/latest/#!/guide/node_quickstart). The same applies to the ACS Guides/ACS Quickstart content. The landing pages should feel more distinct from the quickstart guides. They can provide more overview info, point out/link to key areas, etc.",5 -"TIDOC-1659","05/05/2014 18:51:51","Improve ""Basic Concepts"" section of Guides","Many sections of the docs tell you what to do with something but NOT what that thing actually does. An example of this is the guide on ""Switching Workspaces"" http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Switching_your_Workspace Suggest beefing up the Basic Concepts section: https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides2/Basic+Concepts​ and covering topics like this. ",13 -"TIDOC-1662","05/06/2014 14:54:53","Expand Alloy moment.js documentation to better cover internationalization","Per the discussion on https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/ALOY-980 the documentation about how to implement i18n with moment.js at http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/3.0/#!/api/Alloy.builtins.moment is insufficient. Specifically, the docs should better describe how to include additional language strings. The sample app included with the Alloy repo includes code comments that describe the requirements.",1 -"TIDOC-1663","05/06/2014 16:28:46","Ti.Cloud: document generic sendRequest method","eAs of TIMODOPEN-389 there is a new method on the Cloud module named `sendRequest` that can be used to make requests before they are explicitly added to the cloud module. This method needs to be documented. There is an example of how to use the method in the ti.cloud example app, and the spec for this method is linked in TIMODOPEN-389",5 -"TIDOC-1665","05/06/2014 19:50:09","Ti.Cloud Module: OAuth methods have been removed","It needs to be documented that OAuth methods have been removed from the ti.cloud module by TIMODOPEN-394 for v3.2.3 of the module. Methods removed: Users.secureCreate, Users.secureLogin, and Users.secureStatus ",3 -"TIDOC-1666","05/08/2014 22:04:01","Add 'These docs are for a previous release' banner to 2.x documentation pages ","People sometimes end up on 2.0 documentation pages -- through a Google search or other means -- and think the info is out of date. (e.g. http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/2.0/#!/guide/Using_a_Module) We need a banner across all 2.0 doc pages that says something like: 'This documentation is for Titanium 2.x. For Titanium 3.x documentation, click here.' ",5 -"TIDOC-1667","05/09/2014 10:12:57","Create a new method likes/query.json","GET likes/query.json Perform custom query of likes with sorting and paginating. The query must be limited to likes of a given object (by specifying one of post_id, photo_id, etc.) or limited to likes generated by a given user (by specifying owner_id. In addition to custom fields, the following pre-defined fields can be used to query and sort likes: user_id : String. Like owner's user ID. For the admin user, it could be the other's id. likeable_type : String. Likeable type when the like was created. likeable_id : String. The object id when the like was created. created_at : Date. Timestamp when the like was created. updated_at : Date. Timestamp when the like was last updated. For details about using the query parameters, see the Search and Query guide. Parameters post_id : String Limit query to likes on the identified Post object. photo_id : String Limit query to likes on the identified Photo object. event_id : String Limit query to likes on the identified Event object. place_id : String Limit query to likes on the identified Place object. checkin_id : String Limit query to likes on the identified Checkin object. review_id : String Limit query to likes on the identified Review object. custom_object_id : String Limit query to likes on the identified Custom object. status_id : String Limit query to likes on the identified Status object. user_object_id : String Limit query to likes on the identified User object. user_id : Limit query results to likes submitted by the identified user. page : Number Request page number, default is 1. per_page : Number Number of results per page, default is 10. limit : Number Instead of using page and per_page for pagination, you can use limit and skip to do your own pagination. limit is the maximum number of records to fetch. limit cannot be greater than 1000. skip : Number Number of records to skip. Must be used together with limit. where : Hash Constraint values for fields. where should be encoded JSON. If where is not specified, query returns all objects. order : String Sort results by one or more fields. sel : Hash Selects the object fields to display. Do not use this parameter with unsel. unsel : Hash Selects the object fields NOT to display. Do not use this parameter with sel. response_json_depth : Number Nested object depth level counts in the response JSON. In order to reduce server API calls from an applicaton, the response JSON may include not just the objects that are being queried/searched, but also some important data related to the returned objects, such as owners and referenced objects. Default is 3, valid range is 1 to 8. Response Parameters likes : Likes[] List of likes matching the query parameters. REST API {code} $curl -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -X GET ""http://localhost:8082/v1/likes/query.json?key=18jewMLaoZOCuNUjoHZi6OpLFsqMLhx1&user_id=536cddefdda0950cc8000001"" {code} RSPONSE {code} { ""meta"": { ""code"": 200, ""status"": ""ok"", ""method_name"": ""queryLikes"", ""page"": 1, ""per_page"": 10, ""total_pages"": 1, ""total_results"": 1 }, ""response"": { ""likes"": [ { ""id"": ""536ce7a1dda0953b3e000002"", ""created_at"": ""2014-05-09T14:35:13+0000"", ""updated_at"": ""2014-05-09T14:35:13+0000"", ""likeable_id"": ""536ce6eedda0953b3e000001"", ""likeable_type"": ""Post"", ""user"": { ""id"": ""536cddefdda0950cc8000001"", ""created_at"": ""2014-05-09T13:53:51+0000"", ""updated_at"": ""2014-05-09T14:22:52+0000"", ""external_accounts"": [ ], ""confirmed_at"": ""2014-05-09T13:53:51+0000"", ""username"": ""eddie"", ""admin"": ""false"", ""stats"": { ""photos"": { ""total_count"": 0 }, ""storage"": { ""used"": 0 } } } } ] } } {code}",8 -"TIDOC-1668","05/13/2014 01:33:04","Doc: Guide Appcelerator_Services was not found","h6.Issue description While attempting to browse the following Documentation sites an error occurs (please see screen shoot attached). http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Appcelerator_Platform http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Appcelerator_Services All the client is trying out to investigate has to do with our Appcelerator Services, we had to add the following permissions: Can we document: - What features would no longer be available if we removed these permissions? - What's the expected behaviour of the Services modules when these permissions are removed / not requested? h6.Additional info If you search through Google ""appcelerator BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"" the following would appear and point out the links given above. E.G. GoogleSearch.jpg ",3 -"TIDOC-1671","05/13/2014 19:57:44","Add iOS native SDK code samples to ACS API reference guide ","Replace iOS Cocoafish sample code for each object method with native iOS SDK code samples. http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api",13 -"TIDOC-1672","05/13/2014 19:58:15","Add Android native SDK code samples to ACS API reference guide ","Replace Android Cocoafish sample code for each object method with native Android SDK code samples. http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api",13 -"TIDOC-1673","05/13/2014 21:18:43","Create ListView guide for Alloy","Create guide for using ListView in Alloy based on ideas from [~twilkinson]'s great 'Elements of ListView' (attached). Current ListView docs are comprehensive but were written pre-Alloy. We should add a note to those docs pointing developers to this new Alloy guide. http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/ListViews ",13 -"TIDOC-1674","05/14/2014 01:20:58","Node.ACS free app can be launched via 'start' script","Node.ACS now supports to launch free app by 'npm start'. 'npm start' runs 'start' script defined in app package.json automatically. Please refer to npm doc for detail. Please note that this applies to 'free' app only. In addition, If an app wants to be launched via 'start' script it needs to define the port to be used explicitly in package.json. ""service"" : { ""port"": 8080 } ",3 -"TIDOC-1675","05/14/2014 03:21:08","Node.ACS: Document inclusion of Imagemagic and Phantomjs","We have included system level support for imagemagic and phantomjs, and right now customer can invoke them by using node.js code.",3 -"TIDOC-1688","05/15/2014 13:30:36","Guides: Ti.include documentation should clearly state not available with Alloy","The documentation does not explain that Ti.include should not be used in combination with Alloy. http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium-method-include",2 -"TIDOC-1677","05/15/2014 18:45:15","Create Troubleshooting section for Titanium SDK","Create a troubleshooting section for the Titanium SDK that includes a list of warnings with possible resolution steps and a more detailed explanation. http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Alloy_Debugging_and_Troubleshooting-section-34637808_AlloyDebuggingandTroubleshooting-Troubleshooting https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides2/Troubleshooting http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Installation_Troubleshooting or https://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/composerxe/en-us/2011Update/fortran/lin/bldaps_for/common/bldaps_rterrs.htm",13 -"TIDOC-1678","05/15/2014 19:52:06","Update steps for importing Alloy test apps","*Solution*, from TimP's comments below is to add a step after Click Finish and before ""run it"" that says ""Delete the specs folder, if it's present."" *Steps* 1. Follow steps in the following docs to import one of the Alloy test samples. Use either the CLI or Studio approach. http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Alloy_Samples-section-37535160_AlloySamples-TestCaseExamples 2. Run app on iOS sim (didn't test Android). Results: Following runtime error: {noformat} [ERROR] : Error loading path: file:///Users/tstatler/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/7.0.3/Applications/E8FFC300-23EE-4D5D-B112-A55FB877DC63/foobar.app/runtimeTester.js, Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 ""The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)"" UserInfo=0xf54c8a0 {NSFilePath=/Users/tstatler/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.0.3/Applications/E8FFC300-23EE-4D5D-B112-A55FB877DC63/foobar.app/runtimeTester.js, NSUnderlyingError=0xf54c400 ""The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory""} [ERROR] : Script Error Could not find the file runtimeTester.js [ERROR] : Script Error { [ERROR] : backtrace = ""#0 Controller() at file:///Users/tstatler/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/7.0.3/Applications/E8FFC300-23EE-4D5D-B112-A55FB877DC63/foobar.app/alloy/controllers/index.js:31\n#1 () at file:///Users/tstatler/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/7.0.3/Applications/E8FFC300-23EE-4D5D-B112-A55FB877DC63/foobar.app/alloy.js:231""; [ERROR] : line = 4; [ERROR] : message = ""Can't find variable: addMatchers""; [ERROR] : name = ReferenceError; [ERROR] : sourceId = 301121440; [ERROR] : sourceURL = ""file:///Users/tstatler/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/7.0.3/Applications/E8FFC300-23EE-4D5D-B112-A55FB877DC63/foobar.app/specs/index.js""; [ERROR] : } {noformat}",3 -"TIDOC-1679","05/16/2014 19:21:18","Markdown links appear in raw form in native iOS SDK quickhelp ","API doc comments contain Markdown links that appear in raw form in the XCode quickhelp (see attached image). The links work fine for the generated HTML API docs, just not with Xcode's quickhelp renderer. We've tried every appledoc/Headerdoc option to get them to render properly, but without success. Not sure what the solution is presently, but we can't release it that way.",1 -"TIDOC-1686","05/21/2014 18:28:00","Geofence.Region.containsCoordinate example incorrect","The Geofence.Region.containsCoordinate example shows the method being used improperly. http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/api/Modules.Geofence.Region-method-containsCoordinate {code} // Incorrect, in docs if(region.containsCoordinate) { // More appropriate if(region.containsCoordinate(e.coords)) { {/code}",1 -"TIDOC-1751","05/22/2014 10:38:56","Instruction to ""Enabling access for assistive devices"" need to be updated for Mavericks","When you build an app for {{dist-appstore}} you get an alert saying *UI element scripting is not enabled. Check ""Enable access for assistive devices""* (1st attachment) and then the *Accessibility* pane of the *System Preferences* is opened (2nd attachment). However, since Mavericks (10.9), this option can no longer be found here, but instead you need to check the box for {{Terminal}} (I used CLI to build, but I guess it will be the same from Studio) in the *Security & Privacy / Accessability* pane (3rd attachment).",2 -"TIDOC-1689","05/22/2014 18:50:23","Add list of all releases to Platform release note page","When a user is viewing release notes for a given Platform release, they should be able to navigate to other releases. Currently, this is not possible, e.g., http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/release-notes/?version=1.1.1.GA Need to have a list of all Platform releases added to each page, via build script or some client-side JavaScript.",5 -"TIDOC-1690","05/22/2014 19:31:41","Add symlink/redirect for latest Platform release notes","Dashboard team has requested a single link that points to the most recent release notes, e.g. docs.appcelerator.com/platform/release-notes/latest >> docs.appcelerator.com/platform/release-notes/?version=1.1.2.GA. I think I can modify the index.php script to do this.",2 -"TIDOC-1692","05/23/2014 18:19:57","Dashboard: New docs for UI changes","The Dashboard 2.0 UI is getting a makeover and the documentation needs to be updated. http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Appcelerator_Dashboard",8 -"TIDOC-2065","05/23/2014 23:06:34","Android: Document the behavior when the app name starts with a number","h6. Issue description For an Android Phone project a problem occurs when the in tiapp.xml has been changed from ""Travis"" to ""2Travis"". As result 2 application icons appear one with the name ""2Travis"" and one with the name ""MB-Next-Gen-Phone"". h6. Steps to Reproduce: Attached is zipped up project to replicate where this is occurring. 1. Unzip Attached file DoubleApplication.zip 2. Install to an android device 3. Notice that the app is named MB-Next-Gen-Phone 4. In the tiapp.xml change the from ""Travis"" to ""2Travis"" 5. In the tiapp.xml change the """" from """"}}' ""localhost:8082/v1/statuses/query.json?key=&count=true"" # next curl -F 'where={""_id"":{""$lt"":""""}}' ""localhost:8082/v1/statuses/query.json?key=&count=true"" {code} Existing app(created before 1.1.5) should get the total_results, page, per_page but if the count is more than 5000, total_results should say as 5000 {code} ~ curl -X GET ""http://localhost:8082/v1/statuses/query.json?key=z09E6wb5mvTGQk1UIdks7KEljugVkGRd&count=true"" {""meta"":{""code"":200,""status"":""ok"",""method_name"":""queryStatuses"",""count"":""5000+"",""page"":1,""per_page"":10,""total_pages"":500,""total_results"":5000},""response"":{""statuses"":[{""id"":""54109dd15a6919fde8c8f08a"",""message"":""test status 635060""... {code} Skip is now limited to 4999 and limit is same as before limited to 1000. total_results, page, per_page will be phased out(https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/CLOUDSRV-3996) To switch the new app created after 1.1.5 to use old pagination, will need to ask support team. ",8 -"TIDOC-1716","06/04/2014 18:29:24","navBarHidden property is not supported since 3.3.0","Due to the changes to support the appcompat library, navBarHidden property is no longer supported and only modal and fullscreen are supported.",3 -"TIDOC-1718","06/05/2014 04:11:18","Create new release note template","Create new release note template and styles and provide to engineering.",5 -"TIDOC-1719","06/05/2014 04:16:22","Ensure consistent document structure (title, header sizes, etc) for each product. ","Determine standard release note structure and submit PRs for those products that need adjustments.",5 -"TIDOC-1720","06/05/2014 18:32:15","Alloy: add documentation for conditionals with negation","h5. Description In Alloy, using Conditionals with negation is also supported. This applies to both XML and TSS conditinal queries involving 'platform' and 'formFactor' properties. For example: {code} ""#mobilewebNotios[platform=mobileweb,!ios]"": { height: Ti.UI.SIZE, text: ""TSS: mobileweb,!ios"" } {code} or {code} {code} are now both supported and should be documented (see https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/ALOY-1038 ) h5. Note Regarding CustomTSS queries, on the other hand, the conditional with negation is currently not supported. ",2 -"TIDOC-1723","06/09/2014 20:31:23","Missing .getView() in code sample on Widgets API page","The JavaScript code on http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Alloy.Widget (third block, the one right before ""Methods"" heading"" is missing a {{.getView()}} method call. Perhaps best as: {code} var loadIcon = Alloy.createWidget(""com.appcelerator.loading""); win.add(loadIcon.getView()); {code}",2 -"TIDOC-1724","06/09/2014 23:42:31","Edit Titanium.Analytics description to support seq in lastEvent property","Remove ""Because of storage differences, the sequence key will only be in the iOS version."" from Titanium.Analytics. As a result of https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/NATIVESDK-147, we will be adding the sequence number to the payload of the analytics event.",1 -"TIDOC-1726","06/11/2014 13:37:35","The description of api/Friends-method-remove's parameters is wrong","http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/Friends-method-remove The description of user_ids in Parameters is wrong, I think it's for Friends-method-add now. Please change it to: Comma-separated list consisting of IDs of one or more users to remove from the current user.",1 -"TIDOC-1728","06/11/2014 20:19:18","files create/update takes new parameter 'url'","Files create/update takes new string parameter 'url'. It will open a file from url and upload to acs s3 and create/update a file. You can only specify either 'url' or 'file' e.g) {code} curl -X POST -F ""name=t2"" -F ""url=http://siliconangle.com/files/2010/09/Appcelerator-IDC-Q4-Mobile-Developer-Report-appclogo.png"" ""localhost:8082/v1/files/create.json?key=QxEV2g0NUp9MInTxe6412SYArjfnOVuG&_session_id=64K_NJI6XL2hNp_KawdCGzl4grc"" {code} {code} # error curl -X POST -F ""file=@appc.png"" -F ""name=t2"" -F ""url=http://siliconangle.com/files/2010/09/Appcelerator-IDC-Q4-Mobile-Developer-Report-appclogo.png"" ""localhost:8082/v1/files/create.json?key=QxEV2g0NUp9MInTxe6412SYArjfnOVuG&_session_id=64K_NJI6XL2hNp_KawdCGzl4grc"" {""meta"":{""code"":400,""status"":""fail"",""message"":""Can't pass in both `file` and `url`""}} {code}",3 -"TIDOC-1730","06/12/2014 22:47:24","Modules: Documentation does not list the required Android SDK version for module packaging","h5.Description The documentation for setting up an Android module does not specify that you need Android 2.3.3 installed. Since the minimum supported version is now 4.1.2 so there is no way of knowing you need 2.3.3 installed.",1 -"TIDOC-1768","06/13/2014 03:55:51","AlertDialog Single-button Alert Dialog (standard) documentation bug","The docs page for the alert dialog has this example: {code} Ti.UI.setBackgroundColor('white'); var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ title: 'Click window to test', backgroundColor: 'white', exitOnClose: true, fullscreen: false }); win.addEventListener('click', function(e){ var dialog = Ti.UI.createAlertDialog({ message: 'The file has been deleted', ok: 'Okay', title: 'File Deleted' }).show(); }); win.open(); {code} But this is wrong as it is setting the dialog var to the return value of show(), which is nothing. The second part should be like this: {code} win.addEventListener('click', function(e){ var dialog = Ti.UI.createAlertDialog({ message: 'The file has been deleted', ok: 'Okay', title: 'File Deleted' }); dialog.show(); }); win.open(); {code}",1 -"TIDOC-1731","06/17/2014 22:11:51","Update Video Data with TiConf vids","Update videos.json file in doctools repo to include the new ticonf videos.",5 -"TIDOC-1732","06/18/2014 21:28:44","Update for BlackBerry Changes","TIMOB-11651: Add platform support for removeAllChildren TIMOB-12234: Add permissions to include {noformat} access_internet access_location_services {noformat} TIMOB-10345: Add platform support for applyProperties TIMOB-8784: Fix version number for Cloud module TIMOB-13694: Add permissions to include: {noformat} access_shared use_camera {noformat}",5 -"TIDOC-1733","06/19/2014 15:11:57","Review apis document should add status_id parameter","We can create a review for Status object, but we could not find status_id parameter from Review api document, like post_id, place_id and so on.",1 -"TIDOC-1742","06/23/2014 09:02:17","APIDoc: Popover.show() is not (correctly) documented","The [documentation says|http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.iPad.Popover-method-show] a Popover inherits {{show()}} from {{Ti.UI.View.show()}}. This is wrong since both the examples and the source code (https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/blob/master/iphone/Classes/TiUIiPadPopoverProxy.m#L318) show it defines its own, much like {{Ti.UI.OptionDialog.show()}} (http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.OptionDialog-method-show). But even for {{Ti.UI.OptionDialog.show()}} the documentation is not clear about the use of the {{rect}} property, which my tests show acts like the bounding box of non-existent child view where the popover will attach to. Very useful to determine the exact position of the arrow. Please fix both issues.",8 -"TIDOC-1737","06/23/2014 18:51:19","Cloud: Fix Places.search REST example","There are erroneous semicolons in the (REST) curl request for: http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/Places-method-search",1 -"TIDOC-1740","06/24/2014 17:38:27","Event create api document should remove ical parameter.","Currently ACS did not support creating Event object by using iCalendar format string, so we should remove ical parameter description from Event create api.",1 -"TIDOC-1743","06/25/2014 01:55:55","Node.ACS app environment variables configuration support","With the implementation of NODEJS-1449, now users can set/unset/check app environment variables for his apps. The command line interfaces are as follows: {noformat} acs config --set port=8888,foo=abc acs config --unset port acs config --env {noformat} Making changes to environment variables will restart your app, prompt message will be shown. to retrieve the environment variables in the app, just access the process.env.varname like process.env.port. If further information or examples are needed, please add comments. ",5 -"TIDOC-1745","06/26/2014 10:08:24","Friend controller refactoring","New API: GET friends/query.json Params: follower: Boolean When it's a one-way friend app, and if this parameter is set to true, will query the follower users. If used in a two-way friend app, we will ignore this. The other params page, per_page, limit, skip, where, order, sel, unsel, response_json_depth are the same as other queries. Output changed API: users/show.json, users/query.json, users/show/me.json, users/search.json For one-way friend: {code} { ""meta"": { ""code"": 200, ""status"": ""ok"", ""method_name"": ""showMe"", ""session_id"": ""WIabZ4LQBXqVZr5S4oKxNdm09NM"" }, ""response"": { ""users"": [ { ""id"": ""53a3b9bcdda0956994000001"", ...... ""friend_counts"": { ""requests"": 0, ""followers"": 0, ""following"": 0 } } ] } } {code} For two-way friend: {code} { ""meta"": { ""code"": 200, ""status"": ""ok"", ""method_name"": ""showMe"", ""session_id"": ""WIabZ4LQBXqVZr5S4oKxNdm09NM"" }, ""response"": { ""users"": [ { ""id"": ""53a3b9bcdda0956994000001"", ...... ""friend_counts"": { ""requests"": 0, ""friends"": 0 } } ] } } {code} Changed API: GET friends/requests.json Add a param: requests_to If 'requests_to=true' in the params, we will return the requests list which includes the users who current user sends the requests to The format of response is not changed.",3 -"TIDOC-1747","06/27/2014 21:17:57","Guides: Documentation page is not compatible with Chrome running in an iPhone","h4. Problem Description The documentation page is not compatible with Chrome running in an iPhone. h4. Examples See two examples in the attached images. [Link to reproduce the fist picture | http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/?mobile=/guide/Android_Platform_Overview] [Link to reproduce the second picture | http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/?mobile] Can be reproduced on emulator by google chrome dev tools on desktop. ",8 -"TIDOC-1748","07/01/2014 05:00:35","""page, per_page"" could not be used with ""limit, skip"" together","We added a verification to limit that user couldn't use ""per_page, page"" and ""skip, limit"" together, and we also limit that skip should not less than 0, limit should greater than 0, if not, we will return 400 error.",8 -"TIDOC-1752","07/03/2014 04:34:41","Node.ACS CLI 'whoami' command updated","Node.ACS 'whoami' command is updated get current user info. For enterprise users it includes organizations the user belongs to. For community or if orgSupport is disabled for enterprise no organizations will be included in response. The output looks like username @appcelerator.com email @appcelerator.com firstname lastname Organization(s) you belong to: ID: 14301 Name: Appcelerator, Inc Node.ACS Admin: true ID: 100000396 Name: Accenture-test Node.ACS Admin: true ID: 100000397 Name: Accenture-preprod Node.ACS Admin: true ID: 100000424 Name: Appcelerator Support Node.ACS Admin: true ID: 100000780 Name: Appcelerator Studio Node.ACS Admin: true In addition, 'whoami' command supports json output (--output json). If the option is specified the command will output result in json. ",3 -"TIDOC-1755","07/07/2014 18:50:50","Docs: Sort items with title match first in search results","h5. Description: When searching for items where the title matches the search text, it would be very nice to consider placing these items first in the results list. IN this way, tiapp.xml searches would not place the tiapp.xml guide at position 111 or 114 items. :) h5. Steps to reproduce: 1) Search for ""tiapp.xml"" 2) Page through results until you find tiapp.xml guide. h5. Result: The guide is on the last page of results. h5. Expected Result: The guide is near the top of the list if not the top.",2 -"TIDOC-1756","07/07/2014 19:15:54","APIDoc: Backport TIDOC-1742 PR to 3.3.1","Backport https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/5884 to 3_3_X branch once 3.3.0 is released.",1 -"TIDOC-1759","07/09/2014 02:30:39","Update Field Services app documentation to reflect change in Node.ACS","Recent changes in Node.ACS prevents the creation of Node.ACS projects with the same name in the same organization. This means by default, the imported Field Services app may not work. This is the documentation in question: http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Quick_Start-section-37526523_QuickStart-ConfigureandPublishtheNode.ACSService It should indicate that the user should modify the Node.ACS project name by updating the package.json file",3 -"TIDOC-1763","07/10/2014 09:25:08","Node.ACS can support authenticated npm installs","With the implementation of NODEJS-1442, Node.ACS can support authenticated npm installs. a new field 'npmAuthentication' can be include in app package.json to specify whether authenticated npm install is needed. user credentials are needed, the sequence to get the credentials is as follows: 1. if user provides Username/Password in the command line like `acs publish roby mypwd`, then the Username/Password will be used 2. if no command line arguments like `acs publish`, then will try to get creds from ~/.npmrc 3. if there is no ~/.npmrc file or no creds in ~/.npmrc, will prompt user to input Username/Password for more details, please refer to NODEJS-1442.",5 -"TIDOC-1764","07/10/2014 21:39:38","Document Node.ACS restrictions","we need to document the memory limit of node.acs container is 256M and disk is 1.8G and the only writable places are the project current dir and /tmp",8 -"TIDOC-1766","07/11/2014 01:21:52","Android: Custom splashscreen is visible behind the tabs of the default 2 tabbed app","h5.Note: Cant confirm if this is a regression as building with 3.2.3.GA gives: {code} error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat' {code} Changing it to Theme.Holo.Light/Black gives: {code}error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.Holo.Light'{code} or {code}error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.Holo.Black'{code} Not sure if I am using the wrong syntax to change the parent in the mytheme.xml file . h5.Description: 1. Follow the docs for how to have a custom splash screen : http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Icons_and_Splash_Screens-section-29004897_IconsandSplashScreens-Splashscreens Rename the 9 patch image to ""background.9.png"" rather than ""splash.9.png"". This is a CLI issue & a ticket for it is : https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIMOB-17292 In the mytheme.xml replace {code}@drawable/splash{code} with {code} @drawable/background{code} Follow the docs for rest of the process. 2. Build & run for android device. h5.Actual Result: 1. We see the custom splash screen but it is also visible behind the tabs of the 2 tabbed app. Screenshot attached for reference. h5.Expected Result: 1. We should not see the custom splash screen behind the tabs of the 2 tabbed app.",3 -"TIDOC-1767","07/14/2014 17:10:04","Alloy: update 1.4.0 release notes re: alloy plugin update","Per our email thread, the following (or something like it) should be added to the Alloy 1.4.0 release notes: ------ Alloy 1.4.0 includes changes to the Alloy plugin, which is used by Studio to compile and launch your project. These changes will be applied automatically the first time you build a project after updating to 1.4.0. However, because that first build will use the old plugin, there’s a small chance that it will fail. Retrying the build should resolve such issues. Or, you can manually update the plugin with the following command: {{alloy install plugin \[path_to_project\]}} The current directory is assumed. So if you enter that command while in your project’s folder, you can omit the path. CLI users are not affected by this change.",2 -"TIDOC-1770","07/15/2014 05:30:00","Cloud Android: Document onException method added to APSResponseHandler","A new method named onException has been added to APSResponseHandler. This needs to be documented. The new implementation for APSResponseHandler: https://github.com/jonalter/aps_sdk/blob/f257fc827ac524165e56ba62d7d77662ec70defc/android/cloud/APSCloud/src/main/java/com/appcelerator/aps/APSResponseHandler.java For usage see example: https://github.com/jonalter/aps_sdk/blob/f257fc827ac524165e56ba62d7d77662ec70defc/android/cloud/APSCloudExample/src/main/java/com/appcelerator/apscloudexample/users/UsersLogin.java#L121 This method will be passed exceptions that happened on a background thread while AsyncTask was making the request to the server.",3 -"TIDOC-1771","07/15/2014 16:22:29","ACS/Node.ACS release notes","For release note for 1.1.2 project in (""Appcelerator Cloud Services"", Node.ACS) AND type in (Improvement, Story, Epic, Bug, Task) AND fixVersion = ""release v1.1.2"" and labels=""release-note"" ORDER BY Rank ASC for 1.1.3 project in (""Appcelerator Cloud Services"", Node.ACS) AND type in (Improvement, Story, Epic, Bug, Task) AND fixVersion = ""release v1.1.3"" and labels=""release-note"" ORDER BY Rank ASC​",5 -"TIDOC-1773","07/16/2014 18:45:57","Alloy: Update Picker documentation to describe collection binding support","The next version of Alloy (currently tagged 1.5.0) adds support for model/view binding on the PickerColumn tag. See https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/tree/master/test/apps/testing/ALOY-440 for a sample app. Note that binding on Picker itself is not supported. You have to do this on the column(s). Probably, the sample code should go here: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.Picker Plus, the ""repeater tags"" list and notes on http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Alloy_Data_Binding should be updated to include PickerColumn",5 -"TIDOC-1774","07/16/2014 20:18:52","Document support for AndroidView with OptionDialog and AlertDialog","The next version of Alloy (currently tagged as 1.5.0) will support using in addition to to define the component.androidView. Perhaps we should document this in the API docs for OptionDialog and AlertDialog. For example, in the following, or is supported: {code} {code}",5 -"TIDOC-1775","07/16/2014 22:33:52","Correlating native app with Node.ACS service","The purpose of this ticket is to suggest changes to https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIDOC-1710. 1. In the guide, there's this snippet of code: {code} [[[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url]; {code} There are too many square brackets. It should be: {code} [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url]; {code} 2. There should be a section for creating a Node.ACS service as a native developer i.e. no AppcStudio on their machine. Here are a valid set of steps that seems to work: # Download and install acs cli: {{sudo npm install -g acs}} -- The version should be 1.0.15 # Log into dashboard: {{acs login --host admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com}} # After installing acs, create a node.acs project: {{acs new }} -- A list of orgs will appear in terminal and select the org that you're part of e.g. {code} $ acs new monkey ACS: Appcelerator Cloud Services Command-Line Interface, version 1.0.15 Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Admin Hostname: https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appcelerator.com You belong to more than one organization. Please choose one to create the app for. 1) Appcelerator, Inc (14301) 2) Smitha Org (100000001) 3) wilsonOrg (100000005) {code} # After creating the project, publish the project: {{acs publish -d }} # Next, find your acs service on dashboard (see node_acs.png attachment) # Copy the *Service URL* and it's ready for use 3. Once a native app makes a node.acs request, there are a couple of places that you can view the association: - see service.png attachment to see which apps (native or titanium) is consuming this node.acs service - see app_overview.png attachment to see which services the app is consuming 4. For the snippet of code examples, there should be another line of code that specifies how to fire the request. For example: iOS {code} NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""http://localhost:8080/method""]; NSMutableURLRequest* request = [[[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url]; [request addValue:@""YOUR_APP_GUID"" forHTTPHeaderField:@""x-native-id""]; // Fire request [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self]; {code} Android: {code} DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); String url = ""http://localhost:8080/method""; HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url); httpPost.addHeader(""x-native-id"" , """"); // Fire request httpclient.execute(httpPost); {code}",3 -"TIDOC-1789","07/17/2014 21:05:55","Wrong Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_COUNT_DOWN_TIMER platforms","The API document of [Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_COUNT_DOWN_TIMER|http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI-property-PICKER_TYPE_COUNT_DOWN_TIMER] shows it work for both android and iOS platform. But in API document of [TI.UI.Picker|http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.Picker-property-type] shows PICKER_TYPE_COUNT_DOWN_TIMER only work for iOS platform. From source code: {code:java} if (type == UIModule.PICKER_TYPE_COUNT_DOWN_TIMER ) { Log.w(TAG, ""Countdown timer not supported in Titanium for Android""); return null; } {code} h6.Expect: PICKER_TYPE_COUNT_DOWN_TIMER should only work for iOS platform. ",1 -"TIDOC-1777","07/18/2014 18:30:55","Cloud: Add acs push log query api in cloud documentation","Add acs push log query api in cloud documentation. There is a wiki how to use this api on https://wiki.appcelerator.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=39682891. Also need to state that logs will be deleted after 3 months.",8 -"TIDOC-1778","07/18/2014 22:05:20","Add note that multiple PickerColumns are not supported with date or time type Pickers","Our APIdocs should explicitly state that it's not valid to create multiple picker columns when using the date or time type pickers. This use-case is not supported by the native components. I don't know if anyone has ever even tried. But attempting to do so would fail. I know this is an edge-case. But, can we throw a short sentence saying ""you can't do this"" just to head off questions?",1 -"TIDOC-1779","07/18/2014 22:29:27","Update ACS query docs for iOS/Android native SDK","The ACS query docs still reference the old Cocoafish APIs. Need to update the text/code for both iOS and Android native SDKs. http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/search_query-section-queries-using-the-ios-sdk",8 -"TIDOC-1780","07/21/2014 05:36:21","Node.ACS: 'npm start' apps should use port number provided by Node.ACS","with the change of NODEJS-1535, there is no need to set the app port by {{acs config}} command for 'npm start' apps, those apps should use port number provided by Node.ACS via the {{PORT}} environment variable. {{process.env.PORT}}",2 -"TIDOC-1782","07/22/2014 05:30:29","batch_delete and admin_drop_collection behavior will change after fixing CLOUDSRV-3894","after fixing CLOUDSRV-3894, some delete related api will change their behavior: 1. batch_delete and delete api won't destroy any dependency objects by running a background job. When deleting some objects from admin_batch_delete method or deleting an object from delete method, currently ACS will create a delayed job to delete all dependency objects of those deleted objects, which will cause app's objects count inconsistent and performance issue. What is dependency object: e.g. when we create a Checkin object from a Place object, the Checkin object is the Place object's dependency object, before we fixing CLOUDSRV-3894, when we delete the Place object, ACS will create a PlaceBatchDestroyJob to delete all dependency objects of the deleted Place object, so in the PlaceBatchDestroyJob, the Checkin object will be deleted. 2. batch_delete and admin_drop_collection api will be async all matched objects are not deleted immediately, will be deleted later. affected models: Checkin, Collection,CustomObject, Event, File, Photo, Place, Post, Review, Status, User, only these models delete and batch_delete are async and don't delete any dependency objects. For User, will delete friends related data and related push subscriptions for the deleted users.",2 -"TIDOC-1784","07/23/2014 16:14:32","ACS: admin batch delete just can delete 100,000 objects once","ACS will add a limitation: admin batch delete just can delete 100,000 once. If we allow customer to delete too many objects once by calling admin_batch_delete api, it will cause ACS performance issue, so we need to limit the matched objects.",1 -"TIDOC-1785","07/24/2014 14:29:58","Create generic REST API examples for Logs methods ","Add generic REST/sendRequest() code examples to logs/querypushlogs.json and logs/querypushlogdetails.json methods for Titanium, iOS and Android.",13 -"TIDOC-1786","07/24/2014 14:34:28","Doctools: hide ACS REST API ""pseudo types"" in API reference TOC","The PushLogs and PushLogDetails ACS data types are not actual REST API types, but are ""pseduo types"" returned by logs/querypushlogs and logs/querypushlogdetails methods. We should hide these in the TOC, since they aren't real REST endpoints.",3 -"TIDOC-1787","07/24/2014 21:20:59","Guides: iPad splash screen graphics sizes are listed incorrectly","We list the wrong sizes for the four iPad splash screen graphics on http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Icons_and_Splash_Screens-section-29004897_IconsandSplashScreens-iOSgraphicassetrequirementsandoptions The correct graphics are noted in this link to the TiCons project: https://github.com/FokkeZB/TiCons-CLI/blob/master/lib/specs.js#L160 Apparently we're not supposed to omit the height of the status bar, which ours do. While we're at it, we should note that the iTunesArtwork and iTunesArtwork@2x graphics are needed only for development and AdHoc builds. They serve no purpose in production/AppStore builds and should be removed before you build & submit your app to the iTunes App Store. (Otherwise they're just making the IPA bigger.) See https://developer.apple.com/library/iOs/qa/qa1686/_index.html for a reference on that. The Titans and I tested with an app published without those files and the icon still appears in the iTunes desktop app (for syncing).",3 -"TIDOC-1788","07/24/2014 23:47:26","Android: Add new properties to activity","Need to document the new properties for activity: onCreate, onStart, onRestart, onResume, onPause, onStop, onDestroy.",5 -"TIDOC-2127","07/25/2014 03:27:45","Code error in example in documentation","""where"" is duplicated in example",1 -"TIDOC-2126","07/25/2014 03:34:04","Old SDK referenced in documentation","old SDKs referenced in code examples need to be cleaned up and pointed to new APS SDK.",8 -"TIDOC-1790","07/25/2014 16:52:34","Change list-style-type to disc for ul > li's inside an ol","By default, JSDuck assigns a numeric style to list items (li's) of an unordered list (ul) when the ul is inside an ordered list (ol), which is not really what you want. Instead, ul > li's should always use a disc list-style-type.",3 -"TIDOC-1791","07/27/2014 09:08:43","Cloud: Provide a count API for each object type","We are providing new apis for developers to get total count of each collection. Currently you can obtain the total count from the total_results in meta field returned by each query method. However, with the rework of range based pagination. the query method's total_results will be limited to 5000. So we need to provide a different api for developers to obtain the total count. This API has no restriction, should be opened to all users. For example: {code} $ curl -b stu_cookies.txt -c stu_cookies.txt -X GET""http://localhost:8082/v1/chats/count.json?key=LpQfoujdDHRl2YZUL3QPbWqOoA3FVpM6&pretty_json=true"" { ""meta"": { ""code"": 200, ""status"": ""ok"", ""method_name"": ""chatObjectCount"" }, ""response"": { ""chats"": 1 } } {code} We support objects ""acls"", ""chats"", ""checkins"", ""collections"", ""data_files"", ""email_templates"", ""events"", ""files"", ""geo_fences"", ""keyvalues"", ""messages"", ""objects"", ""photos"", ""places"", ""posts"", ""push_notification"", ""reviews"", ""statuses"", ""users"".",8 -"TIDOC-1795","07/28/2014 22:26:35","Update ACS quickstart guide for iOS/Android SDKs","The current [ACS Quickstart|http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/acs_quickstart] guide is very Titanium SDK specific. We should either: * Update it for iOS and Android native SDKs * Remove it, as the information is duplicated in the Titanium SDK guide (http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/titanium) ",1 -"TIDOC-1796","07/30/2014 00:13:10","Native APS Sample Project Download Link fails","Pages affected: http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Quick_Start_Guide_for_iOS_APS_SDK-section-38733916_QuickStartGuideforiOSAPSSDK-QuickTutorial http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Quick_Start_Guide_for_Android_APS_SDK-section-38733859_QuickStartGuideforAndroidAPSSDK-QuickTutorial The Download link fails and redirects you to a version of the docs main page with broken image links and doesn't recognize your user as logged-in. ",1 -"TIDOC-1797","07/30/2014 00:58:36","Correct/clarify discussion about in Icons/Splash screen Android docs","In [Icons & Splash Screen|http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Icons_and_Splash_Screens-section-29004897_IconsandSplashScreens-Splashscreens] docs there's this brief discussion: bq. With anyDensity=false in your AndroidManifest.xml file (the default for Titanium projects), Android will scale the image to fit the device's screen size. Keep in mind that this could result in a splash screen that is stretched or compressed suboptimally for your users' devices. Per [Google docs|http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/supports-screens-element.html#any]: * {{anyDensity}} defaults to {{true}}, not false. * You shouldn't set it to {{false}} unless you know it's necessary.",2 -"TIDOC-1798","07/30/2014 04:09:09","Write Alloy 1.5.0 Release Notes","The localStorage adapter only supports MobileWeb and Tizen and is outdated by the 'properties' adapter (that supports all platforms). Deprecate in Alloy 1.5.0 release notes",13 -"TIDOC-1799","07/30/2014 04:16:02","Doc: Add deprecation for 'localStorage' adapter for Alloy Models","Here's the documentation mentiones 'localStorage' adapter. http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Alloy_Sync_Adapters_and_Migrations-section-36739597_AlloySyncAdaptersandMigrations-Ready-MadeSyncAdapters",1 -"TIDOC-1801","07/30/2014 16:25:45","Update Cloud doc landing page to match updated Titanium SDK page","Update presentation of this page: http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/ To look more like Ben's redesign of this page: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/ Grid layout, nice looking icons, more approachable/discoverable.",5 -"TIDOC-1802","07/31/2014 17:41:05","Provides detailed steps to import/run ti.cloud example","Per the [Ti.Cloud|http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/titanium] docs: {quote} The Titanium.Cloud module also includes a sample application demonstrating each of the ACS request types. You can find this in the modules folder under the Titanium SDK folder. For example: /Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/commonjs/ti.cloud//example {quote} We should add steps to import/run the sample. (Ideally, there would be a finished project to import, but it's not that easy to share ACS-enabled projects since the user will need to generate their own keys anyway. Easier to just have them drag/drop the files into a new services-enabled project they create.)",5 -"TIDOC-1804","08/01/2014 02:28:38","Remove references to built-in / supplied widgets","The sample / built-in widgets were deprecated in Alloy 1.4.0 and will be removed in the next version. There are a couple of mentions in the docs of these widgets: The Importing Widgets section of http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Alloy_XML_Markup might need some rewording to be clear that Alloy doesn't supply any built-in widgets. That section of the guide uses the com.appcelerator.searchForBooks as an example of a widget you could import. We probably also need to remove the Note that appears at the end of the Importing Widgets section of the doc. Later in that document, the searchForBooks widget is again used as an example. See http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Alloy_XML_Markup-section-35621528_AlloyXMLMarkup-WidgetElement . On the Widgets API page (http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Alloy.Widget) the loading widget is used as an example. Maybe it's not a problem to use the above widget names as illustrative examples, even though we won't be maintaining or publishing such widgets. ",8 -"TIDOC-1805","08/04/2014 05:57:00","Node.ACS: Document ability to set more than one CNAME for an app","with the change of NODEJS-1467, user can set more than one cname for a single app. design doc: https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/cls/Multiple+CNAMEs+support+for+A+Single+App",3 -"TIDOC-1808","08/04/2014 22:27:47","ACS/Node.ACS 1.1.4 Release Notes","fixVersion = ""Release v1.1.4"" AND project in (cloudsrv, Node.ACS) and labels = release-note",5 -"TIDOC-1809","08/05/2014 13:00:14","ACL public_read and public_write should be string type","in Cloud document: 1. for Acl create at http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/ACLs-method-create 2. for Acl update at http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/ACLs-method-update ACS is defining public_read and public_write as boolean type, they should be string type. e.g. public_read : String Determines whether objects controlled by this ACS are publically readable. Default is false. for REST API, you can set public_read and public_write like: {code} curl -b c.txt -c c.txt -F ""name=access_photo_album"" -F ""public_read=true"" -F ""public_write=true"" https://api.cloud.appcelerator.com/v1/acls/create.json?key=&pretty_json=true {code}",2 -"TIDOC-1812","08/07/2014 05:49:23","ACS documentation should add admin_batch_delete method reference","from description of https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/CLOUDSRV-1780, lots of User want to use admin_batch_delete to delete app data from ACS, so we need to add admin batch delete api reference for related models. admin batch delete api documentation can reference the doc at http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/admin_access-section-admin-batch-delete. 1. method name: admin_batch_delete just app admin and super admin can call this api 2. parameter: where where will specify the condition, all matched objects will be deleted.",8 -"TIDOC-1858","08/07/2014 14:02:23","TiUITab: Tab setIconIsMask spelling mistake in the docs","Check out: https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/blob/master/iphone/Classes/TiUITabProxy.m#L592 As you can see, the name of the function is setIconIsMask. Currently in the doc we have setIconIsmask which is obviously wrong, because it doesnt exists. ",1 -"TIDOC-1821","08/07/2014 16:16:10","acs login shows username in paranthesis and still prompts for entering one","Repro steps: {code} mgadiyaMBP:proj12 mgadiya$ acs login --host admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appcelerator.com ACS: Appcelerator Cloud Services Command-Line Interface, version 1.0.16 Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. username: mgadiya@appcelerator.com password: ********* Admin Hostname: https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appcelerator.com Welcome back, mgadiya@appcelerator.com! You are now logged in. mgadiyaMBP:proj12 mgadiya$ acs login --host admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appcelerator.com ACS: Appcelerator Cloud Services Command-Line Interface, version 1.0.16 Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. username (mgadiya@appcelerator.com): {code} If your session is stored in ~.acs file, and if you try acs login, it will show the hint and still ask for username which is bad UX Note: This happens on carp also so this doesn't seem related to dashboard but just to nettle. {code} mgadiyaMBP:proj13 mgadiya$ acs login --host admin.cloudapp-preprod.appcelerator.com ACS: Appcelerator Cloud Services Command-Line Interface, version 1.0.16 Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. username: mgadiya@appcelerator.com password: ********* Admin Hostname: https://admin.cloudapp-preprod.appcelerator.com Welcome back, Mukesh! You are now logged in. mgadiyaMBP:proj13 mgadiya$ acs login --host admin.cloudapp-preprod.appcelerator.com ACS: Appcelerator Cloud Services Command-Line Interface, version 1.0.16 Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. username (mgadiya@appcelerator.com): {code}",3 -"TIDOC-1814","08/07/2014 22:08:38","Add documentation for ALOY-443","h5. Description Add documentation for https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/ALOY-443 : Enable more complex notation in binding ",3 -"TIDOC-1816","08/08/2014 02:45:05","Node.ACS cannot catch stdout & stderr from child processes forked by app","acs command 'acs loglist' and 'acs logcat' are used to show logs from a Node.ACS app. This works only for the root process of an app. Outputs from child processes forked by the app root process will not be caught.",1 -"TIDOC-1818","08/08/2014 23:56:30","ListView: Document restrictions for ItemTemplate","Only the following views are supported in the ItemTemplate: Label, Button, ImageView, ProgressBar, ActivityIndicator, Switch, Slide, TextField and TextArea. ",3 -"TIDOC-1819","08/11/2014 19:28:17","Create Insights release notes page","Need Insights release notes page so Dashboard can pull content into new Downloads page.",2 -"TIDOC-1820","08/11/2014 22:29:41","Added info about CFBundleLocalizations key to localization guide","To have your iOS apps to display localized strings for system buttons (""Cancel"", etc) and others, you need to add a CFBundleLocalizations key to your tiapp.xml: {code} CFBundleLocalizations en ja es ... {code} Need to add this to the localization guide (https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides2/Internationalization). Apparently, this also affects what international App stores your app appears in, e.g https://developer.appcelerator.com/question/92471/localization-not-displayed-on-the-appstore cc: [~aleard]",3 -"TIDOC-1823","08/12/2014 06:53:27","Node.ACS: Document improvement to prompt for username and password if not logged in","with the change of NODEJS-1482 If the user wants to run an acs command but he is not logged in, node.acs cli will prompt for his username and password right then and there, log him in, and then proceed with the original command",2 -"TIDOC-1824","08/12/2014 16:32:33","No need to specify 'framework:none' for standard Node.ACS app","Per NODEJS-1437, it's no longer necessary to include ""framework"": ""none"" in package.json for standard Node.ACS apps. If no framework is specified, it's assumed to be ""none"". Doc touch points (may be others): http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/node_standard http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/node_cli_new",1 -"TIDOC-1826","08/12/2014 19:15:57","Missing docs for Node.ACS logger utility ","The ACS logger utility (https://github.com/appcelerator/node-acs/blob/master/nettle-server/lib/shared/logger.js) used by the chatroom example (https://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/node_samples_multichatroom) should be documented as part of the Logging guide (http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/node_logging). There are several exported methods (info(), warn(), setLevel()) and the `levels` array property. ",5 -"TIDOC-1827","08/12/2014 23:27:50","Alloy: add documentation for ALOY-994","h5. New Feature description New documentation for ALOY-994 : ""Add tag to set activity.actionBar properties"" should be added. ",3 -"TIDOC-1828","08/13/2014 01:18:13","Android Material Theme","Update Android Theme and Android UI guides for the new Android-L Material Theme",13 -"TIDOC-1829","08/13/2014 01:21:44","Android-L Notifications","Placeholder ticket for Android notification refactor. May require updating the Android Notifications guide as well as API docs depending on the extent of the changes.",13 -"TIDOC-1830","08/13/2014 01:24:48","Android View Shadows","Document new view shadows for Android. Looks like they are adding a Z property to some of the existing APIs.",5 -"TIDOC-1835","08/13/2014 01:35:49","iOS8 Interactive Notifications","Need to create a new guide for iOS notifications.",13 -"TIDOC-1851","08/13/2014 17:31:02","Update docs regarding code injection behavior change","Appc Studio 3.3.0 does not add amp initialization code to alloy.js as it used to do My alloy.js is always empty (except for comments) when i create a new alloy basic app. As such, i cannot add breadcrumbs using the amp or Globals.Alloy.apm commands (as described here: http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Performance-section-37523118_Performance-CreateaBreadcrumbTrail). The code that should be added is: {code} // START: APM service code injection // Require the apm module Alloy.Globals.apm = undefined; try { Alloy.Globals.apm = require(""com.appcelerator.apm""); } catch (e) { Ti.API.info(""com.appcelerator.apm module is not available""); } // Initialize the module if it is defined Alloy.Globals.apm && Alloy.Globals.apm.init(); // END: APM code injection {code} Workaround is to do it manually in the controller file (index.js): {code} var apm = require(""com.appcelerator.apm""); and then add breadcrumbs as follows: apm.leaveBreadcrumb('AppStart'); {code} ",5 -"TIDOC-1844","08/14/2014 00:00:26","Documentation Request : onCreation method of Ti.UI.Webview ","onCreation method added long time ago. https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIMOB-8113?focusedCommentId=190820&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-190820 Please add to documents.",5 -"TIDOC-1842","08/14/2014 20:48:55","Fix `require` method description","Per discussion with Chris Williams, {noformat} cwilliams 10:51 @bhatfield, So, I think our docs for require are wrong: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/3.0/#!/api/Global-method-require bhatfield 10:51 which part? cwilliams 10:51 On the other hand, to include the TaskWindow module from the Resources/ui/MainWindow.js file: // load task window module var taskWindow = require('TaskWindow'); cwilliams 10:51 I tried that, it didn't work. I believe Titanium treats everything as relative to Resources bhatfield 10:52 ah, yes. cwilliams 10:52 so that'd have to be require('ui/TaskWindow'); to work bhatfield 10:54 out of curiosity, which platform(s) did you try. there have been some disparity issues in this manner between iOS and Android. cwilliams 10:55 I tried ios and mobileweb cwilliams 10:55 I'm trying to make sure Studio uses the same algorithm to determine what file a user is trying to require for our content assist indexing. {noformat}",3 -"TIDOC-1843","08/15/2014 03:44:56","Node.ACS: 'npm start' apps can use random port now","Previously, for 'npm start' apps, user has to specify the binding port to ""process.env.PORT"", though we have document for this, but it still caused lots of confusion, and the error message for binding to the wrong port is not clear We finally find out a solution to support random port specified by user, with the change of NODEJS-1588, the app can bind to any port the user wants, if there is any conflicts or errors, we'll show proper error message to the user. For backward compatibility, the process.env.PORT"" pattern still works. ",3 -"TIDOC-1845","08/16/2014 01:07:04","Alloy: add documentation for ALOY-963","h5. Improvement description Documentation should be added for ALOY-963 implements the 'vendor' folder and platform specific folders for lib and vendor folders. ",1 -"TIDOC-1846","08/18/2014 19:30:48","Alloy Widgets: add documentation for ALOY-787","h5. Description Add documentation for ALOY-787. As per ALOY-787 , a in a widget view should default to the current src. ",3 -"TIDOC-1847","08/18/2014 23:57:45","Add index and tags to each section on each doc page","It is not easy to send info around since the doc page doesn't provide any tag, for instance on this page http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/node_quickstart If I want to send info about Using cli, i have to tell people to goto this page then search for using cli. also it would be nice if we have a summary at the top of the page so we know what to expect on this page with a quick glance",13 -"TIDOC-1848","08/19/2014 15:43:58","Step 3 of the docs for splash in custom Android theme lacking ","This ticket relates to step 3 of the following guide: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Icons_and_Splash_Screens-section-29004897_IconsandSplashScreens-Androidsplashscreenconsiderations The example code should have the {{}} tag wrapped in {{}}. h1. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create: {{ti create -t app -p android -n act --id test.act -d .}} 2. Build: {{ti build -p android -b}} 3. View: {{build/android/AndroidManifest.xml}} 4. Paste the guide's example code in {{tiapp.xml}} (don't forget to change {{android:name}} to {{.ActActivity}}) 5. Build: {{ti build -p android -b}} 6. View: {{build/android/AndroidManifest.xml}} (and confirm {{android:theme}} not changed to {{@style/Theme.MyTheme}}) 7. Wrap the {{}} tag in an {{}} tag 8. Build: {{ti build -p android -b}} 9. View: {{build/android/AndroidManifest.xml}} (and confirm {{android:theme}} now changed to {{@style/Theme.MyTheme}})",1 -"TIDOC-1852","08/27/2014 03:08:16","Changed the count method","We changed the count method for custom_objects The count method for custom_objects should be GET objects/:class_name/count.json The response should be {code} { ""meta"": { ""code"": 200, ""status"": ""ok"", ""method_name"": ""objectsCount"", ""count"": 10 } } {code} The return format for the other objects, like users, places, photos, chats etc. are changed too {code} { ""meta"": { ""code"": 200, ""status"": ""ok"", ""method_name"": ""Count"", ""count"": 1 } } {code} And remove the count method for push_notification.",5 -"TIDOC-1855","08/27/2014 14:36:37","Add API platform support property to Global and JSON objects ","The docs for the following Global namespace classes don't indicate what platforms they support their platform support and probably should, like we do for String and console. http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Global http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Global.JSON It also causes issues with the platform filtering logic (TIDOC-1807). ",2 -"TIDOC-1856","08/27/2014 21:01:16","Guides: Update for changes to Xcode 6","Update guides due to changes introduced in Xcode 6. Known changes that will break docs: * Devices was moved out of the Xcode Organizer into it's own dialog * Installing provision profile to device -- can no longer drag to device -- select device, click gear > show provisioning profile, click add * Need to use expand button to see the device console Update Titanium Compatibility matrix too.",5 -"TIDOC-1857","08/29/2014 17:18:30","List item templates on iOS 7 don't match description in docs","Docs for [LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE_SUBTITLE|http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI-property-LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE_SUBTITLE] say: bq. An image view; a black, left-aligned title label across the top of the cell and a subtitle label below it in smaller gray text. Actual: On iOS 7, subtitle text color is black, not gray (see attached) Docs for [LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE_SETTINGS|http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI-property-LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE_SETTINGS] say: bq. An image view; a black, left-aligned title label; and a smaller blue, right-aligned subtitle label. Actual: On iOS 7 subtitle is gray, not blue (see attached) Above descriptions apply only to iOS 6. Make description generic to iO6/7/8. ",2 -"TIDOC-1863","09/03/2014 16:40:14","Prettyprint API examples","Code examples in the Titanium API reference are not being ""pretty printed"", which makes the code harder to read. All {{
}} elements are currently getting the ""notpretty"" class applied to them (see notpretty.png). They should be getting the the {{class='prettyprint'}} style applied, and then the page should call the {{prettyPrint()}} function (which is already being added) on page load (see afterpretty.png).      ",3
-"TIDOC-1866","09/05/2014 22:02:34","Methods/properties in API reference not appearing","h4. Issue    Users are reporting that the lists of methods/properties/events in the Titanium API reference aren't appearing.    h4. Reason  This is a result of the changes in TIDOC-1807. Although the default setting (in the code) is for all platforms to be checked, the corresponding LocalStorage data from which these settings are read isn't getting updated properly in some cases, -probably because the browser is loading a cached version of the page/script-. because the LocalStorage data that's read to determine what to filter is out of sync with new filtering logic.      The code needs to account for this and show everything if the LocalStorage platform filter settings are undefined.    h4. Work-arounds    * Close all browser windows, clear the browser cache, and re-open the docs site. All the filter items should now be checked.  * Open the 'Filter' menu and check all the platforms. Your settings will be persisted.  ",5
-"TIDOC-1869","09/09/2014 18:23:14","Update Alloy CLI docs for new extract-i18n features","Alloy 1.6 will support extracting i18n strings from XML files, in addition to JS and TSS. This guide should be updated to note that XML files are now supported: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Alloy_Tasks_with_the_CLI-section-37536785_AlloyTaskswiththeCLI-Extractinglocalizationstrings",2
-"TIDOC-1874","09/11/2014 19:02:37","iOS: Document autorotate property of showCamera","There is a new property that can be passed to showCamera named autorotate. It will keep the camera from rotating once it is open.    More details: TIMOB-17662",2
-"TIDOC-1876","09/12/2014 18:56:15","ACL public_read and public_write should be string type","Per TIDOC-1809, need to change public_read & public_write data types from booleans to strings in Ti.Cloud, iOS SDK, and Android SDK docs/examples.    ",2
-"TIDOC-1878","09/15/2014 00:42:31","Changed the return of push_notification/count.json","The old behaviour of push_notification/count.json is different from the other /count.json, it makes the user hard to use, so we changed this to the same format. We added the 'count' in meta, and return 'ios' and 'android' counts in the 'response', if the count is 0, we will not return 'response' in the body.  The example with both ios and android in push_notification/count.json in the response.  {code}  $ curl -X GET ""http://localhost:8082/v1/push_notfication/count.json?key=Gl5sn1CKxaScnwE95CDiHe2MPmDSfLHz&pretty_json=true""  {    ""meta"": {      ""code"": 200,      ""status"": ""ok"",      ""method_name"": ""push_notificationCount"",      ""count"": 4    },    ""response"": {      ""push_notification_subscriptions"": {        ""ios"": 2,        ""android"": 2      }    }  }  {code}  The zero example.  {code}  $ curl -X GET ""http://localhost:8082/v1/push_notfication/count.json?key=CFBQWlh3kaEWfpxa7rXP5O6ZI1KNMkFA&pretty_json=true""  {    ""meta"": {      ""code"": 200,      ""status"": ""ok"",      ""method_name"": ""push_notificationCount"",      ""count"": 0    }  }  {code}",2
-"TIDOC-2060","09/15/2014 16:41:32","APPC Platform User.create documentation provides wrong information when using custom email confiramation template","Documentation for using a custom email template for User Activation states that your template should use the below link:    {code}  https://cloud.appcelerator.com/users/confirmation?key={{key}}&confirmation_token={{confirmation_token}}  {code}    However that is only for the COMMUNITY version of our product.    For Enterprise Customers, the should be told to enter the URL below into their email confirmation template.    {code}  https://dashboard.appcelerator.com/#/users/confirmation/{{key}}/{{confirmation_token}}  {code}",1
-"TIDOC-1881","09/16/2014 09:30:04","Add new optional parameters ""content_type"" and ""from_name"" for api: custom_mailer/email_from_template.json","Add a new parameter ""content_type"" for api: custom_mailer/email_from_template.json on the page http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/Emails    New Parameter:  1. content_type : String , it is an optional parameter.    Because one email template is able to have two formats email body: html and plain text. The parameter content_type can specify the email's format, valid value is ""html"", ""plain"" or ""multipart"".  If the parameter content_type is not provided:  - will send ""multipart"" format email if the email template has both html and plain text body.  - will send ""html"" format email if the email template has only html body.  - will send ""plain"" format email if the email template has only plain body.    If the parameter content_type is provided:  - will send specified type of email.  - if content_type is ""html"", then it requires the email template must have html format body.  - if content_type is ""plain"", then it requires the email template must have plain text body.  - if content_type is ""multipart"", then it requires the email template must have both html and plain text body.    2. from_name: String, it is an optional parameter, this parameter is special for MessageGears delivery channel.  The ""from name"" value. This header is supported by most email clients and displays in place of (or sometime along with) the “from email address” in the recipients email reader. Sample: Appcelerator Cloud Service Support Team which is in the user email client; And the ""Appcelerator Cloud Service Support Team"" is just the value of parameter ""from_name"" and acs_support@appcelerator.com is just the value of parameter ""from"".  About this parameter from_name, please refer to MessageGears documentation: http://docs.messagegears.com/docs/web-services/transactionaljobsubmit too.      For more information about these two format email formats, please see:  https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/cls/Multiple+Email+related+tasks+design#MultipleEmailrelatedtasksdesign-4.Emailsupportsbothhtmlandplaintextformat(AppceleratorJIRACLOUDSRV-3941)            ",5
-"TIDOC-1884","09/17/2014 23:27:42","Sytanx Checker for Cloud YML files","Create a NodeJS module to check the syntax of the Cloud YML files.",13
-"TIDOC-1885","09/19/2014 04:28:55","Publish new docs for Push Dispatcher error messages","As a customer, when encountering some issue on sending a push, I want to be able to see what is the exact problem and try to fix it. By reading push log, customer can know erorr code and error message. As a customer, I want to find corresponding document about particular error code on our doc site.",3
-"TIDOC-1889","09/22/2014 08:43:33","Ti.UI.iOS.CoverFlowView.setImage() docs need to be updated for @3x","The YAML files for {{Ti.UI.iOS.CoverFlowView}} (and the deprecated {{Ti.UI.CoverFlowView}})'s {{setImage}} method need to be updated for {{@3x}} on iPhone 6 Plus:    https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/search?l=yaml&q=%22%402x%22&utf8=✓    Pull Request: https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/6141",1
-"TIDOC-1886","09/22/2014 17:16:16","Document new --testapp Alloy CLI option","ALOY-1115 adds a new {{--testapp}} command line option to the {{alloy new}} command that generates an app from one of the test apps located in {{/usr/local/lib/node_modules/alloy/test/apps}} (same ones located in the GitHub repo (https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/tree/master/test/apps)).     The value is the relative path from the apps folder to the test app folder, e.g.    {{alloy new path/to/project --testapp ui/tableview}}    Complete steps in this comment:  https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/ALOY-1115?focusedCommentId=324025&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-324025     We should append this info to the ""Test Case Examples"" section of the Alloy docs:   http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Alloy_Samples-section-37535160_AlloySamples-TestCaseExamples  ",3
-"TIDOC-1888","09/22/2014 18:08:33","Update Platform doc landing page to match updated Titanium/Cloud SDK page","Update presentation of this page:  http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/    To look like these:  http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/  http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/    Grid layout, nice looking icons, more approachable/discoverable.",5
-"TIDOC-1890","09/22/2014 19:11:40","iOS: Deprecate forced orientations for non-modal windows","Forced orientations will no longer be supported for non-modal windows on iOS.",3
-"TIDOC-1893","09/24/2014 20:28:04","Update guides-parser.py to decode encoded external links","guides-parser.py needs to decode external URLs like ones to Dashboard.   ",3
-"TIDOC-1894","09/25/2014 23:11:50","Remove references of 'auto' from code snippets","'auto' is a deprecated value and needs to be replace with an absolute value or  the new layout variables (Ti.UI.FILL or TI.UI.SIZE)  {noformat}  ./UI/PickerRow.yml:70:                height:'auto',  ./UI/ProgressBar.yml:87:             height:'auto',  ./UI/ScrollView.yml:383:              contentWidth: 'auto',  ./UI/ScrollView.yml:384:              contentHeight: 'auto',  ./UI/ScrollView.yml:434:              contentHeight: 'auto',  ./UI/Slider.yml:37:                height: 'auto',  ./UI/TabGroup.yml:571:        a dimension string (for example, `'50%'` or `'auto'`).  ./UI/TabGroup.yml:580:        a dimension string (for example, `'50%'` or `'auto'`).  ./UI/TableViewRow.yml:394:            row.height = 'auto';  {noformat}",13
-"TIDOC-1904","09/29/2014 07:44:54","Updates guides to show how to localise NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription","The [internationalization|http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Internationalization-section-29004892_Internationalization-Languagestrings] nor the Tracking Position and Heading (http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Tracking_Position_and_Heading-section-29004915_TrackingPositionandHeading-iOSDevelopmentConsiderations) guides or [Ti.Geolocation|http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.Geolocation] API reference include instructions on how to localise the new {{NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription}} and {{NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription}} properties.    h1. How to localise these strings  They can simply be added to the {{i18n/*/app.xml}} file, just like for localising the app's name:    {code:xml}        Mijn app      Klik gewoon OK!    {code}    h1. Resolutions    1. The section on [Internationalizing the app's name|http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Internationalization-section-29004892_Internationalization-Internationalizingtheapp%27sname] section of the Internationalization guide should be updated to explain that this procedure works for localizing *any* {{Info.plist}} value.    2. The [Tracking Position and Heading|http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Tracking_Position_and_Heading-section-29004915_TrackingPositionandHeading-iOSDevelopmentConsiderations] guide and Ti.Geolocation (http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.Geolocation) API reference should be updated with a short explanation of how to localise these values and link to the updated guide for more information.",5
-"TIDOC-1896","09/29/2014 20:53:19","Port Doc Scripts from Python to JavaScript (Titanium Mobile)","Dropping tooling support for Python in favor of Node.js    Implement fields that are part of the TDoc spec but not currently being exported by the Python tooling:     * osver   * value (for property constants)",0
-"TIDOC-1897","09/29/2014 20:56:47","Port validate.py to JS","Port titanium_mobile/apidoc/validate.py to JS",13
-"TIDOC-1899","09/29/2014 20:59:04","Port docgen.py -f jsca to JS","Port titanium_mobile/apidoc/docgen.py and titanium_mobile/apidoc/generators/jsca_generator.py to JS",13
-"TIDOC-1900","09/29/2014 20:59:52","Port docgen.py -f json to JS","Port titanium_mobile/apidoc/docgen.py and titanium_mobile/apidoc/generators/json_generator.py to JS",13
-"TIDOC-1902","09/29/2014 21:01:06","Port docgen.py -f solr to JS","Port titanium_mobile/apidoc/docgen.py and titanium_mobile/apidoc/generators/solr_generator.py to JS",13
-"TIDOC-1903","09/29/2014 21:40:31","statuses/create can only associate only one of place_id or event_id","On http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/api/Statuses-method-create, it says it can assign either place_id and event_id. But I checked on acs code it can only assign one of them not both.",1
-"TIDOC-1913","10/07/2014 14:19:27","Guides: Custom TSS queries: Can now set styles based on controller arguments","Starting with Alloy 1.6, developers will be able to control styles using parameters passed to the controller. Given the following:    {code}  Alloy.createController('child', { someProperty: true}).getView().open();  {code}    As long as someProperty can be evaluated to a truthy or falsey value, it could be used in the TSS of the child controller like this:    {code}  ""#someView[if=$.args.someProperty]"": {     // styles here applied if someProperty is true  }  {code}    It could be used in the XML to control the inclusion of the control like this:    {code}