stringlengths 8
Because it's blogspam and has been posted several times already? Downvoted for putting a question mark at the end of a statement. You need to learn to be more assertive. Assertiveness usually arrives shortly after your first pubes grow in. Only a couple more years, sunshine. Hang in there. |
Funny all of these stories are coming to light after the MASSIVE fraud behind several global warming studies have been outed.
Of course most people are so caught up in the politics behind global warming that they could care less about the science. Democrats can push a giant swath of their policies behind the idea of global warming, so evidence diminishing the DISASTER that they are claiming is hidden and covered up.
Edit: Would anyone who is down voting me care to comment? I would like to hear about your thoughts on the revelation of the massive fraud, and how somehow it doesn't matter, which is what I presume you will argue. Nice. Thanks. Saved me some typing. People seem to forget that science has to be *repeatable*. And since Mann refused to release his data *for years*, it can't be considered *science* by any definition.
Yet these people run around insulting us. Comparing us with Creationists, and Holocaust deniers, for Buddha's sake.
And I keep forgetting is it *Global Warming* or *Climate Change* this week? |
Please supply a picture of your wife naked to confirm your identity. You were downmodded hard for that joke. People should lighten up. |
Yes sir. Compare it to the family clinic nearby any road named Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Does it get the job done? Yes. Is it what Obamatards are expecting? No. Shh! You're disrupting their vision of the Cuban socialist paradise. |
CNN: Commercial Nattering Nabobs. upvoting despite reference to DB right wing speech-joker. at least he's dead now. |
uh, I leave Fox News on nearly 24/7 since its one of the only English channels I get and they most definitely talked about it. I don't get Jon's tantrum? Yeah, neither do I... People on reddit want to believe everything Jon Stewart says. I too watched Fox News and they seemed to cover these protests just like the networks did. It is also clear that nobody was watching Fox News during the tea party protests. It wasn't some "we're gonna cover these protests ALL DAY" kind of thing. They covered them the same way they covered the gay protests. Oh well, nobody on here wants to actually spend time watching Fox News...they just wanna watch Jon Stewart bash Fox News. I get it. |
upvoted. downvoted. |
>what our medical system needs is responsibility injected into it.
would not the best way to inject individual responsibility be to empower individuals with the authority to make their own decisions by allowing them to purchase whatever plan they want and deduct the amount from their tax returns? I will even go so far as to say make it a refundable tax credit and I detest the idea of those. Sounds like I could just chuck my cash into an HSA, and deduct that instead, huh? Works for me.
> the best way to inject individual responsibility be to **empower** individuals
No one on the left wants to empower people. They've reached the correct conclusion that people are too irresponsible and childish to empower them. It's too impossible to empower them to care for themselves. The only way to avoid the Medicapocalypse is for the government to take over with its superior management skills and gigantic compassionate heart. |
That guy is incredibly stupid and a complete ass, but I laughed. me too lol |
These are almost all video clips from their opinion shows, and opinionated guests, not to mention we don't know the context of almost any of these statements. Thank you. You have the only unbiased and observant comment out of every comment so far on this non-story. Of course that gets you downvoted.
Reddit only believes in free speech when it is what they want to hear. It makes me sad. |
The Grayson-Paul types need to join somehow. Why, so the cocksucker can force socialist health care on me? |
You will notice the USA went to shit when we let women vote. There's a causality in addition to the correlation.
Those that would exchange their liberty for security deserve neither. "It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact." ~ Ann Coulter |
You will notice the USA went to shit when we let women vote. There's a causality in addition to the correlation.
Those that would exchange their liberty for security deserve neither. Finally someone who went out and said it. Sure it's "sexist", but then again anything with an -ist at the end can be generally disregarded and thrown in the trash.
It's like saying that liking apples more than oranges is fruitist.
I think we could solve a great deal of our problem by only allowing property owners, regardless of gender, to vote. At least the people who have to pay the taxes would be deciding what to do with the money. |
"It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact." ~ Ann Coulter Yes, and as most facts get treated on reddit- it's *wildly* unpopular.
The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.
-Winston Churchill |
Just the republicans. 99% |
When are Mr. Maddow's testicles gonna descend... Nice. |
in the Egypt protests, we see examples of spontaneous organization to deal with social issues - the police fire water cannons in the square? they take out plywood and brooms and dump the water into the sewer.... the police are sitting there trying to incite violence, and everyone on reddit can see it, so don't tell me that you still believe that their "government" is anything but a smokescreen. the people in Egypt are trying to form a society WITHOUT their government, and their government is dragging out the process, kicking and screaming, with the tacit support of the U.S. government, who put those people in power to begin with.
news flash, there is no asteroid headed towards the earth, and the healthcare/insurance industries are screwed up because of decades of government laws. every part of an insurance company's operation is controlled by the government; all they have to do to win over their market is bribe the government enough to shut down their competitors. if you want to talk about things that can destroy the world, look at the people who own the nuclear weapons.
i've said it before, and i'll say it a thousand times. we do not have a free market in **anything** - every industry has government control. you can't sell arts and crafts at a town square without a government permit. police are shutting down [bake sales](http://www.youtube.com/ObscuredTruth#p/f/44/yCubyrAk-2E) for homeless shelters. put on your thinking caps, reddit... you were downvoted by the hivemind and I apologize for it.
Also, 'Best left to the individual' says the people holding a leach to the other pople, if you are going to say that then get the fuck out of the way. |
He's not my president, I didn't vote for either of them. agreed, there both dumbasses |
sure wasnt this one as it is a republic. Why is onique getting downvoted? Technically, this country is a republic and not a democracy. |
But...contraception represents a rejection of God's gift of childbirth!
Also, immunizations represent a betrayal of God's plan for our bodies. If God wanted us to be immune to polio, he wouldn't have made it in the first place. Just like if God wanted you to have a brain, He would have given you one. |
Possibly, but there were still people in front of him even if he had followed that path - It was a terrible decision in hindsight but I can imagine it being a frightening situation.
The reason to go that fast would be fear... I can just imagine myself being in a car surrounded by people throwing rocks at it etc and trying my best to get out of there and perhaps hurting some people by accident.
It's a less likely scenario based off this one video of evidence, but I feel it needs to be brought up. What you are doing is the mealymouthed liberal instinct to sympathize with the aggressor. Hope it feels nice to defend a mass murderer, you smarmy bitch. |
I don't have any idea why one might have downvoted you, but you get my downvote due to my strict downvote whenever anyone mentions being downvoted policy. And you get my downvote now due to my strict downvote whenever anyone mentions their strict downvote whenever anyone mentions being downvoted policy. |
And anti-anti-vaccine people tend to have a very hard time with math, specifically the idea that a cost-to-benefit ratio of a vaccination program changes with immunization rates. tldr; you're BOTH wrong. |
Taxpayers shouldn't pay for abortions.
Do these "emergency life saving abortions" happen often - or is the theatrical hype? It's hype. There has never been a documented "emergency life saving abortion" performed in the recorded history of the United States. This is a procedure with no medical value, and taxpayers should not be forced to pay for *convenience*-procedures. |
Exibit A for why programmers don't do politics.
You don't get it and you probably never will. Enjoy your time on this earth, but keep this to yourself.
Downvoted. This post missed all of the good things Reagan did, we can point out policy flaws bit don't touch Clinton !!! You forget the part about the Carter recession, what a great president he was. Liberals/democrats do this all the time and then cry when you chastise their politicians |
This post missed all of the good things Reagan did, we can point out policy flaws bit don't touch Clinton !!! You forget the part about the Carter recession, what a great president he was. Liberals/democrats do this all the time and then cry when you chastise their politicians Simple fact: politics is really effing complicated and hard to parse out what affects what. Some fucked up stuff sneaks through regardless of who's in charge, and you know what? I like most of them. Bush, Clinton, Regan, Obama, Carter. These are not bad men. They took on a fucking hard job and did the best they could. |
>In fact, his major legislation will reduce the national debt
When ignoring the doc-fix, pretending all the cuts to "fraud" go through, and acting like all the numbers given by Democrats to support their legislation are accurate. Sure, it sure does reduce the deficit if you're a kool-aid drinking liberal who ignores reality.
Then again, your type is one who thinks Clinton actually ran a surplus when he left social security and medicare increases off the books while living in two of the biggest bubbles that have ever existed (internet and housing), LOL... To this day I don't understand why you're being downvoted... do these people really not have the mental capacity to realize they'r being trolled and laugh it off? |
The problem is that America has been living off of credit for so long, that the only thing that is going to save if is by privatizing both social security, and medicare. Significant cuts to all other social programs and a huge, huge cut in the M.I.C...
of course that will never happen, far too many special interest groups, but without all of that America is only slowing the bankruptcy, not avoiding it. You're gay. |
Congrats...? I hope you weren't actually "unemployed" for almost two years. There are plenty of places to work while you are seeking an ideal position. I had this exact thought. I hope he wasn't just riding on other people's money simply because he didn't want to get a lower job than he previously had. |
The Koch brothers are just two billionaires who fund liberty-oriented movements. On the other side of the aisle you have all of the other billionaires supporting the status quo politicians who enrich the military-industrial complex, the medical-industrial complex, Wall Street, etc.
For example, the largest donor to political campaigns in US history is Israeli-American Haim Saban, who has given Democrats millions, yet no one ever talks about him.
You can't just assume that because the Koch brothers are billionaires, any thing they support is solely to advance corporate interests and the interests of the rich.
The Koch brothers have given hundreds of millions to charity, including funding a Hall of Human Origins in the Smithsonian that explores human evolution, to the PBS program Nova, and giving $100 million for the construction of the MIT Center for Cancer Research. **OMG Look everybody!!!! Rich Jews!!!! Donating money to causes they believe in!!!! Everybody panic!!!!**
Why is there such hate for The Koch Brothers, Haim Saban, George Soros, etc?
Oh yeah, because they are Jewish and America is full of anti-semites. |
and what do we have on the liberal side? Deficit. |
"'Ryan’s hammock' is surely one of the most singular pieces of political image-making in years. Just who’s going to be reclining in that comfortable perch?
Could it be seniors, whose Social Security checks haven’t grown for two years and are quickly being eaten up by Medicare premiums and rising out-of-pocket medical costs?
Could it be the sandwich generation of middle-aged, middle-income workers, who are struggling to pay for their children’s education at the same time they take in their parents, whose Social Security and Medicare benefits won’t allow them to live on their own anymore?
Could it be blue-collar and white-collar workers whose private pensions and employer-sponsored health insurance are disappearing and thus find themselves counting more than ever on Social Security?
Could it be unemployed African and Hispanic Americans, hit harder than any other group by the recession and wondering if they’ll ever find another job, let alone be able to retire?" Could be the millions of hypochondriacs who demand unnecessary procedures because they saw them on ER.
Could be the millions of potheads trying to acquire medicinal marijuana.
Could be people like wang-banger who seem to think that if we just get everyone healthcare, nobody will ever die again. |
Only if we can deport all the democrats who purposely laugh too hard at unfunny jokes on the Daily Show. Yeah, and they need to know that they take clips of videos out of context. Ex) They show a Republican say "I'm Gay.", but really he said "It would be okay if my son came to me and said I'm Gay.". That example never happened but its all about the concepts.
Let me finish by saying I don't dislike Democrats, just a little annoyed at times of the Daily Show. :) |
I agree. I'm just pointing out that everyone who says "all christians are stupid" also says "Obama is lying about being a christian to get elected". No you are just being a typical Christian apologist. Knock it off asshole and take responsibility for the ignorance that Christianity breeds, and stop blaming those who are pointing it out. Asshole. |
hehe you're at it again! I actually don't find the comment itself hilarious, just the pure idiocy and immaturity of it. it pisses a lot of folks off, and THAT I find hilarious. you just sharted all over it? |
Wait, will this mean that Reddit can no longer say "Bush lied" about Iraq? No. They've got their collective head buried in the "warmonger" meme. They won't give it up.
It's the same with the warmist crowd -- they'll blame CO2 until they exhale their last breath (of CO2). It doesn't matter how many times you prove otherwise. |
This isn't growing balls, this is a childish method of subverting democracy. Whit2312: hey asshole shut the fuck up!
you fucking CRETIN and the other 2 maggots that upvoted you! |
This isn't growing balls, this is a childish method of subverting democracy. I'll cut yours off and feed them to your children you impossibly stupid human
SHUT the fuck up. |
The idea of the bill is to try to get rid of the 3.6 Billion dollar deficit with minimal job loss. I just don't understand how people think spending more then you take in is ok. Whit2312: moron?
Whit2312: low minder?
Whit2312: nutless fuck-puddle?
Whit2312: shut the fuck up. |
you kiss yo momma with that mouth? nungesser: hello you fucking BUSTER. How goes it today? American Conservative pustule...why do you persist? Because you are an indefatigable pustule.
OP: well said. |
Wow, real mature. This person is insane for not agreeing with me. Down vote opposing opinions. Unions and tea baggers out yell their opponents you guys use down votes. |
This is retarded. Wisconsin is projected to fall $1.8 BILLION short in 2012 and $1.7 BILLION short in 2013. To act like these aren't facts is completely ridiculous. Not a SINGLE mention in this article of these facts.
Redditors have been posting this $140 million bullshit throughout all of the threads as if that is the ONLY debt that needs to be covered and that he is callously stripping teachers of their basic needs to cover his pet projects. Completely disingenuous.
Also, the other comments in here show OBVIOUSLY that people have no clue of these projected shortfalls. rjung even claims that the republican governor inherited a surplus as if in the last 2 months he created the situation that is going to lead to a $3.5 BILLION shortfall in the next 2 years. They don't want to hear FACTS... just union propaganda. |
Oh look... same guy who aggressively confronted Rumsfield! And Julian Assange... |
He's been becoming more and more aggressive at news conferences. Again, he's a well known issue. I am not surprised he was removed. has been detained at other events protesting both the illegality of U.S. wars and the hypocrisy of demanding accountability for others but not for senior U.S. officials implicated in war crimes, like the torture authorized by former President George W. Bush and ex-Vice President Dick Cheney." |
All this corruption and scandal. You'd think it would be totally worth it for one guy to just say 'Enough is enough!' and go murder some of the people directly responsible. I'm not talking about Batman here - just a regular guy, finding the address, shooting the door open with a shotgun, and putting them in the fucking DIRT. hells ya. |
Tear gas them. No. Liberals should not abuse drugs, and we as a society should not be providing them with the means to catch a free buzz. |
This is only for the public employee unions, why didn't you mention that? Because this thread was made to put the blame on Scott Walker and the Tea Party/Repubs because Reddit is mostly composed of ignorant libtards. Even though the taxpayers of Wisconsin are the ones who actually pay the Union salaries, yet their voices have seemingly been squelched. |
You only need two words to scare the left:
Individual Responsibility
They will literally shit themselves.
Thanks Obrien321 I dont even think the left believes in the idea of free will, never-mind personal responsibility or the idea of resource management |
It's a good idea to bring public sector jobs to par with private. Funding people retirements at 45 with 75% pay is absurd... But...but... public sector workers are entitled to this benefits, and in the times like these, when the rich become richer and poor poorer, the proletariat of soviet amerika must wage a class war and establish the first workers republic of the West!
[socialism did great in the past](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Book_of_Communism), it will do as well now. |
No, I do not let other cockbags control my emotions.
However, it is very frustrating when people say Obama is like hitler. Funny part is, they're both socialists... |
I don't see how it's backfired at all. What's the endgame here for the Dems/unions? Keep the state gov't shut down.
Most "real" people I talk to here are sick of the too-powerful teachers' union. The Senators don't look good.
Walker's winning here. Nice; classic downvoting here for unpopular views.
This place is an echo chamber, much like the inside of the Capitol right now.
The Dems are losing. The unions are losing. |
Besides, you have nothing to hide, right? People who would DOWNVOTE! you... really disgust me. |
This plan SOUNDS fair. Lets punish those who go to school for years and have huge school debt, blood, sweat and tears because now they are doing better. Sure makes me want to be successful knowing that if i just work hard, i will still end up paying for Joe-WELFARE who sold drugs in HS and drives a nicer car than me. You got it. Plans like this only seek to punish those who have worked hard to be successful and reward those who don't seek to improve themselves. |
According the Milwaukee Journal, the debate on the bill was the longest in living memory.
*After a bitter, 61-hour debate that was the longest in living memory* [Source](http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/116824378.html)
According the Milwaukee Journal, 2 years ago when the Democrats needed to pass their budget repair bill. They rammed it through with no public hearing.
*Two years ago, it was the Democrats who passed a budget-repair bill on a party-line vote. The bill raised taxes by more than $1 billion. There was no public hearing; the bill passed the day after it was introduced.* [Source](http://www.jsonline.com/news/opinion/116957743.html)
It looks to me like the Republicans had a public hearing and then gave the Democrats 61 hours to offer amendments and debate and that is much more than the Democrats did when they were in charge.
The Republicans took a vote, it passed with a simple majority and they went home. The Democrats are mad because they didn't get a chance to cast their votes, even though they were only to be symbolic as the bill had passed.
Were the Republicans nice about it? No. Are the Democrats whiny hypocrites? Yes. Angry losers are angry. To be fair, I might be angry too, if I were a loser. |
And this is why the French aren't leading the way in technology, biotech, medical, agriculture... I like how all of the post above is about how little time he spends at work. As if that's something to be proud of. Jesus Christ, you should be passionate about your work. On Monday you should be excited to get back into the office because you are going to fucking change the world, one step at the time. Has anything exceptional come out of someone who treats their fucking career as a 9 to 5 job? You think we got to the FUCKING MOON in under a decade with a 9-to-5-don't-call-me-after-work attitude? Do you think Apple broke into the personal computer market by working 9 to 5 and taking a month off? How can you be proud to have so much god damn time off!?! Is your career, your life's work, your contribution to humanity that uninteresting that you cherish not doing it?
People should feel a burning passion for their work, like a nuclear explosion exists inside of them and the only outlet is through their hands and into their labor.
Every day should be fucking fulfilling. If it's not you are not in the right job. If you are passionate about what you do... you will truly succeed and be happy.
Bragging about how little you work is like bragging about how little you row on the collective ship of humanity. |
As Stephen Colbert says, reality has a liberal bias. Enjoy your r/libertarian bubble. > Enjoy your r/libertarian bubble.
More like r/libertarian circlejerk. Get instant karma simply by saying that you unsubscribed from r/politics. |
But, but you libtards said only RIGHT WING NAZI FASCIST RACISTS would ever make death threats!??! Hypocritical faggots, you kike worshipping scum. yeah i agree with this guy |
yeah i agree with this guy Thank you. I appreciate common sense. |
That is just another Obama lie. he will not come and support the jihad against the working class because he does not give one shit about the working class. First Federal workers have no bargaining rights and second he obviously got an F in law school, because the various states are sovereign entities. |
free speech for everyone*
*except people I disagree with thanks for the downvotes.
liberals have pretty much become the party of hypocrisy.
applying an amazing level of double standards to everything |
No it was because of wireless Internet, cell towers and electromagnetism
/s good I am safe! I've been vaccinated against all of those! |
No it was because of wireless Internet, cell towers and electromagnetism
/s Surely windmills instead? |
No it was because of wireless Internet, cell towers and electromagnetism
/s Good morning, gentlemen. |
No it was because of wireless Internet, cell towers and electromagnetism
RON PAUL 2012! He can't win, don't jizz yourself.
Edit: It was a quote people check - ([1:20](http://www.collegehumor.com/video/3980096/we-didnt-start-the-flame-war)) |
What? Huh? |
A link to a blog making outlandish claims, I am sure it is true, why wouldn't it be? But, anonymous represents such fine and upstanding individuals. Why shouldn't we faithfully believe whatever sociopathic hackers who hide behind anonymity say? It's not like they have some sort of agenda. |
No it was because of wireless Internet, cell towers and electromagnetism
/s What's with the downvote brigade in this thread? [/r/conspiracy](/r/conspiracy) must have sprung a leak.
Edit: Suspicions confirmed.
Edit 2: Forgot I was in TrueReddit. Downvote away. |
He can't win, don't jizz yourself.
Edit: It was a quote people check - ([1:20](http://www.collegehumor.com/video/3980096/we-didnt-start-the-flame-war)) He's got a chance. |
thanks for the link telling us why we're magically so upset I'm not here to upset you.
A) Use your fingers
B) It's the top post on /politics/ right now
C) Cmon, man. |
Downvote. You commie wizard. |
if its the top post, then you shouldn't have any trouble finding the link and including it in your seperate, distinct post so that in a few days when that other one fades away into relative obscurity, people will still know what youre talking about. I don't know what to tell you. Google his name. |
Please call the Peerless Handcuff Company and tell them you are concerned/upset about the use of their handcuffs in the arrest of journalist Josh Fox. The proper number is 413-732-2156. Please call. I DID MY PART IM SO BRAVE! |
I can take digs at American triumphalism, but our national pastime? C'mon.
EDIT: Oh, crap. Forgot this was TR. I'm sure this "non-insightful" comment will get downvoted into oblivion.
EDIT2: Aaaaaaand, I was right. TR yet again proves to be the ultimate repository of self-righteous indignation. I want a few downvotes. Can you do it, redditors? |
I want a few downvotes. Can you do it, redditors? All I have is one. Hopefully, that'll get the ball rolling. Good luck. |
How about just taking my advice next time and gathering all the necessary information about a subject when asking people to take action on a cause? Police deparments that arrest journalists deserve phone calls. This is how things should work. |
Let's not forget the racism and homophobia. There are more important issues to deal with at the moment. |
yup you hit the nail on the head its because they hate women. Its sort of the same as how the terrorists hate us because we are free. Patient comes in for an abortion:
* Feel breasts for lumps, get free boner.
* Check for STDs (might kill boner.)
* Check to see if she has a fever (a feva for the bona).
* Check butthole for hemmeroids (boner may already be gone).
* Check for herpes on lips (should have done this before you got the boner.)
* Check for albinoism.
* Check for elephantitus (clit over 4" in length may be indicitive.)
* Give pregnancy check. Yep, this dumb slut is pregnant.
* Demonstrate proper use of a condom.
* Lecture her about being a skankwhore.
* Go ahead and give her the abortion she came in to start with.
Abortion services: Only 10%.
You people can't seriously believe this story, do you? Is critical thinking so unimportant to you that you can't even realize how you're being manipulated? |
We all know that all marines are war criminal scumbags. Not sure how this changes anything. Then why don't you go over there and serve since you are so honorable? |
Really? Because the article says nothing about that. It's full of tripe about the big banks causing the financial crisis and other hippie garbage. HahahahahhahahahHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA |
So what? If they had given it to democrats it would have been ok? If you want people to respect your position on things, then you should respect others also. You see, this is Reddit, where Republicans are soulless and evil. |
because the ron paul fans downvote anything that is not in favour of him. And EPS downvotes anything in favor of him. |
Poor paulbots, they can't reconcile their rabid devotion to Paul with the fact he isn't as popular as they think he is.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance Is this guy working for the establishment? I'm being serious - some of us need to be reviewing the comment history of users who post comments like this (ie- anti-Ron Paul, dismissive, detracting). Honestly, sombish is probably just some normal guy - but there might be something more going on. I suspect there may be a large group of users on Reddit who are on someone's payroll; purposely injecting propaganda and attempting to deflate some of the great momentum that Reddit builds up around great stories, objectives and especially great people like Ron Paul. ESPECIALLY Ron Paul (which makes sense, since this is the very man who would likely put these users' theroetical financeers out of business).
Anyway, I only just skimmed through his stuff. My apoligies in advance to sombish for singling him out (unless of course, his intention here is for propaganda). Here's some things I found.
sombish: "He also helped the Czechs liberate themselves by bankrolling the Velvet Revolution. Soros is not a comic book villain."
- positive for billionaire elitist, George Soros: CHECK
sombish: "Congress dropped the ball by not allowing an up or down vote on Obama's appointee, Obama then out maneuvered the Republicans, for once. Quit crying you right wing sluts."
- positive for Wallstreet president, Barack Obama: CHECK
Interestingly, sombish also posts the occasional pro Ron Paul statement.
At any rate, I'm sorry to pick on you sombish - I'm sure you're a fine person but I think it's important we start 'audting' some of the members here - particularly when they are in tune with what the establishment supports. Because if the 'establishment' is secretly printing money & sending it to foreign banks & governments, starting illegal wars, rigging elections (Iowa, Nevada?), then they are probably infecting Reddit in some shape or form as well. You see my point ? |
Anyone who downvotes this comment should explain themselves. Don't be a coward. Explain yourself. I think your absolutely right. Upvote from me. |
Anyone who downvotes this comment should explain themselves. Don't be a coward. Explain yourself. Ok, get ready for loss of karma, what I have to say is gonna be down voted to oblivion. If you decide you want to live your life as another gender you should be willing to accept the consequences that will inevitably happen, now no one under any circumstances ever deserves to be treated like these people were, the cops should be fired for such an abuse of power, but trans gender is so far from the norm and is something that is so new for society to deal with it will take time for people to accept, I think most trans gender people understand this, the thing that gets me is the protestor who is wanting to teach the nypd how to deal with trans gender people, seriously? We really need that? They should learn how to deal with people in general in the first place. Anyway, on a daily basis I want to punch someone in the face or tell people to fuck off, but I don't because my actions and decisions have consequences, I think society has gotten away from the notion that you make your bed you lie in it and that has made us as a whole softer. Anyway hope the cops get punished for treating people like that. |
Anyone who downvotes this comment should explain themselves. Don't be a coward. Explain yourself. well i wasn't gonna downvote but then i read this so i downvoted both your posts
also cutting off your dick and calling yourself a female isn't civil rights |
Anyone who downvotes this comment should explain themselves. Don't be a coward. Explain yourself. I downvoted because you liberal hipsters go on my nerves. |
Anyone who downvotes this comment should explain themselves. Don't be a coward. Explain yourself. I downvoted because I think the mentally ill should be treated, not enabled. |
Was there ever such a thing as "clean hands"? Maybe before you touched yourself in that bad, bad, dirty place that makes Baby Jesus weep. |
But, even if there's fraud, Paul still will not win. I love how you were auto-downvoted by Paulbots for being realistic.
Here's an upvote from someone who doesn't have their head entirely crammed up their arsehole. |
I'm sure r/politics was in an uproar when George Soros was doing the same thing with his Secretary of State project. Soros was only trying to help everyone with his goals of social engineering. It's not the peoples fault that he became a billionaire and spends his money trying to push his agenda. He is just trying to make sure that the common man shares their money with people that don't want to work and ensure that there are never any other billionaires that can compete with him.
How can that be wrong ??? |
Please explain why it is racist, because I don't see it. Bear in mind I live in Europe, where racism might literally mean something different from the US. What I see: Short clip of cute Asian chick on a bike making the old "we will take your jobs" point about the spending deficit. How is that racist?
Racism: (wikipedia)
the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination.
**EDIT:** If it's about her accent and slightly flawed English: sorry, that is not racist, because Chinese(?) from China don't speak English as well as you. (It's still better than your Mandarin, I'm sure)
**EDIT2** I get a lot of downvotes. Still I ask an honest question. Please rationally explain how this is racist and I will stand corrected. And read the guidelines for downvoting, please. It's not: if you don't agree then downvote.
**EDIT3** I might be starting to get it. This isn't racist at all and you guys know it. Here in the Netherlands we have a saying when someone lashes out irrationally. *"Someone probably stepped on his dick"*. I get the feeling that you guys are a little butt-hurt about getting criticism for causing your own economic downfall. Is that it? This!
Just because someone is offended doesnt mean that someone else had malicious intentions. Furthermore, racism can be quite subjective. One person believing it is racist doesn't make that a fact.
Thank you european person for introducing perspective! |
Please explain why it is racist, because I don't see it. Bear in mind I live in Europe, where racism might literally mean something different from the US. What I see: Short clip of cute Asian chick on a bike making the old "we will take your jobs" point about the spending deficit. How is that racist?
Racism: (wikipedia)
the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination.
**EDIT:** If it's about her accent and slightly flawed English: sorry, that is not racist, because Chinese(?) from China don't speak English as well as you. (It's still better than your Mandarin, I'm sure)
**EDIT2** I get a lot of downvotes. Still I ask an honest question. Please rationally explain how this is racist and I will stand corrected. And read the guidelines for downvoting, please. It's not: if you don't agree then downvote.
**EDIT3** I might be starting to get it. This isn't racist at all and you guys know it. Here in the Netherlands we have a saying when someone lashes out irrationally. *"Someone probably stepped on his dick"*. I get the feeling that you guys are a little butt-hurt about getting criticism for causing your own economic downfall. Is that it? yeah, I agree with you. The reason you are downvoted is because redditors dislike those who go against the threads hivemind, and find it easier just to agree with the highest rated post. I'm not trying to say they're stupid.. but I'm not to say they're not. |
Please explain why it is racist, because I don't see it. Bear in mind I live in Europe, where racism might literally mean something different from the US. What I see: Short clip of cute Asian chick on a bike making the old "we will take your jobs" point about the spending deficit. How is that racist?
Racism: (wikipedia)
the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination.
**EDIT:** If it's about her accent and slightly flawed English: sorry, that is not racist, because Chinese(?) from China don't speak English as well as you. (It's still better than your Mandarin, I'm sure)
**EDIT2** I get a lot of downvotes. Still I ask an honest question. Please rationally explain how this is racist and I will stand corrected. And read the guidelines for downvoting, please. It's not: if you don't agree then downvote.
**EDIT3** I might be starting to get it. This isn't racist at all and you guys know it. Here in the Netherlands we have a saying when someone lashes out irrationally. *"Someone probably stepped on his dick"*. I get the feeling that you guys are a little butt-hurt about getting criticism for causing your own economic downfall. Is that it? It isn't racist. That is why you don't get it. |
Please explain why it is racist, because I don't see it. Bear in mind I live in Europe, where racism might literally mean something different from the US. What I see: Short clip of cute Asian chick on a bike making the old "we will take your jobs" point about the spending deficit. How is that racist?
Racism: (wikipedia)
the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination.
**EDIT:** If it's about her accent and slightly flawed English: sorry, that is not racist, because Chinese(?) from China don't speak English as well as you. (It's still better than your Mandarin, I'm sure)
**EDIT2** I get a lot of downvotes. Still I ask an honest question. Please rationally explain how this is racist and I will stand corrected. And read the guidelines for downvoting, please. It's not: if you don't agree then downvote.
**EDIT3** I might be starting to get it. This isn't racist at all and you guys know it. Here in the Netherlands we have a saying when someone lashes out irrationally. *"Someone probably stepped on his dick"*. I get the feeling that you guys are a little butt-hurt about getting criticism for causing your own economic downfall. Is that it? No it is a caricature. Look that shit up on Wikipedia.
Also European? Could it be that the European country you originate form is Germany?!? Fucking NAZI PIECE OF SHIT. Not racist to assume you are a GERMAN NAZI because Nazi's aren't a race.
EDIT: It is easy to over-define and ignore righteous points by rationalizing. This fucking guys claims it is not racist because some chink could never "speak good english" like this fellow from an international super-power like the Netherlands.
First off this is factually incorrect. Those who profit most from outsourcing are Americans. Predominately white men who are on the boards of companies that reap investors money by outsourcing jobs to China.
Second off if there is a commercial from Ford motor company with a stereotypical German from Volkswagon, ie. wearing a nazi uniform, speaking like the bad guys from Raiders of the lost Ark, perhaps suggesting some storage plans for our jew corpses, then Germans in America may feel some fallout. Perhaps. This isn't racist at all. Fuck off dyke fingerer (best racist term I could find via google, because lets face it no one gives a fuck about some closet-nazi dutch) |
Federally protected, like when the Department of Interior informs your state that they will be dumping nuclear waste and/or large sums of garbage in your state starting next Friday. Oh you don't like that? Too fucking bad, we own half your land. sorry but your facts are correct and support ron pauls views, downvote brigade has been called in |
AND THEN ROBOCOP Finally, someone is talking some sense. |
Finally, someone is talking some sense. Isn't this almost the exact same scenario?
*Massive unemployment is prevalent, being reported frequently on the news, as is poverty and the crime that results from economic hardship.*
and didn't Mayor Bing have some type of *New Detroit* Proposal? |
Isn't this almost the exact same scenario?
*Massive unemployment is prevalent, being reported frequently on the news, as is poverty and the crime that results from economic hardship.*
and didn't Mayor Bing have some type of *New Detroit* Proposal? No question.
The only issue is: An openly corporate run city, with a still massive manufacturing infrastructure and its ramifications for the US and by extension, the world VS. Robocop, so awesome; yes, oh man! |
Subsets and Splits