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22,821 | numquam ADVPOS suscept VPAR31GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL negoti N24GENSN e PRON41ACCSM pertaes VPAR21NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P su ADJ11ACCSFPOS enim CONJ existimation N31ACCSF in PREPABL e V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S r N51GENSF ag V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X put V11IMPFACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10NOMSF nihil N99XXN hab V21IMPFACTIVEIND3S cari ADJ11NOMSNCOMP | He never wearied of an enterprise which he had once undertaken; for he thought that his own reputation was involved, and there was nothing that he held dearer. | final_alignments\Cornelius_Nepos_Atticus.json |
29,678 | cens V21PRESACTIVEIND1S sublim V11PRESACTIVESUB1S toll V31PRESACTIVESUB2S sup V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S aer N11NOMSF vult N41ACCSM sub PREPABL ped N31LOCPM que CONJ tu ADJ11DATPXPOS nimbos ADJ11NOMSFPOS element N22NOMPN relinqu V31PRESACTIVESUB2S | I counsel thee, lift thy face on high above the air of earth and leave the stormy elements beneath thy feet. | final_alignments\Prudentius_Reply_to_Symmachus_Book1.json |
72,457 | h PRON31NOMSF dic V31PRESACTIVEIND3S domin N21NOMSM deus N21VOCSM ist PRON61NOMSF es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S hierusalem N99XXN in PREPABL medi N21DATSM gent N33GENPF posu V31PERFACTIVEIND1S e V61PRESACTIVESUB1S et CONJ in PREPABL circuit SUPINE61ABLSN e PRON41GENSX terr N11ACCPF | Thus saith the Lord God: This is Jerusalem, I have set her in the midst of the nations, and the countries round about her. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
97,087 | fili N25GENSMr autem CONJ israhel N31NOMSM ut CONJ vid V21PERFACTIVEIND3P multitudin N31ACCSF ill PRON61GENPM prostrav V31PERFACTIVEIND3P s PRON54ABLXC sup V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S terr N11ACCSF mitt VPAR31NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL ciner N31ACCSC sup V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S capit N22NOMPN su N22NOMPN unianim ADJ32NOMPCPOS or VPAR11NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL ut CONJ deus N21VOCSM israhel N31NOMSM misericordi N11ACCSF su ADJ11ACCSFPOS ostend V31IMPFACTIVESUB3S sup V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S popul N21ACCSM su N21ACCSM | But the children of Israel, when they saw the multitude of them, prostrated themselves upon the ground, putting ashes upon their heads, praying with one accord, that the God of Israel would shew his mercy upon his people. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
34,114 | omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS tartare ADJ11GENSMPOS cess V11PRESACTIVESUB3P torment N22NOMPN neron N31GENSM consum V31PRESACTIVESUB3S stygi ADJ11ACCPFPOS tristi ADJ00NOMSCCOMP umbr N11NOMSF fac N31NOMPF | Let every torment of Nero in Tartarus now halt; let an even more miserable ghost consume the Stygian torches. | final_alignments\Rutilius_Namatianus_De_Reditu_Suo.json |
57,330 | l ADV qu PRON10ABLSM sull N11NOMSM cum ADVPOS imper V11FUTPASSIVEIMP2S es V73IMPFACTIVESUB3S chlamydat ADJ11DATSMPOS s PRON54DATXC et CONJ crepidat ADJ11DATSMPOS Neapoli OTHER ambul V11PRESACTIVEINF0X deform ADJ11VOCSMPOS non ADV dux V31PERFACTIVEIND3S | When L. Sulla too was in command of an army he thought it no shame to walk about Naples in mantle and sandals. | final_alignments\Valerius_Memorable_Book3.json |
79,792 | gens N33NOMSF enim CONJ et CONJ regn N22NOMSN qu PRON10NOMSN non ADV serviv V41PERFACTIVESUB3S t PRON52DATSC peri V61FUTACTIVEIND3S et CONJ gent N33NOMPF solitudi OTHER n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S vast V11FUTPASSIVEIND3P | For the nation and the kingdom that will not serve thee, shall perish: and the Gentiles shall be wasted with desolation. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
76,210 | Esau OTHER accep V31PERFACTIVEIND3S uxor N31NOMPF de PREPABL fili N11DATPF Chanaa OTHER n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S ad N11ABLSM fili N11ACCSF Elom OTHER Hetthei OTHER et CONJ Oolibama OTHER fili N11ACCSF an ADJ11GENSFPOS fili N11GENSF sebe ADJ11DATSMPOS n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S e SUFFIX | Esau took wives of the daughters of Chanaan: Ada the daughter of Elon the Hethite, and Oolibama the daughter of Ana, the daughter of Sebeon the Hevite: | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
12,237 | h PRON31NOMSF nostr ADJ12NOMSFPOS vis V62PRESACTIVEIND2S es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S h PRON31ACCSM continu N21ACCSM lud N21ACCSM lud V31PRESACTIVEIND1P rot N11ACCSF volubil ADJ32DATSXPOS orb ADJ11VOCSMPOS vers V11PRESACTIVEIND1P infi ADJ11NOMSFSUPER sum ADJ00DATPXSUPER sum ADJ00NOMSFSUPER infi ADJ11DATPXSUPER mut V11PRESACTIVEINF0X gaud V21PRESACTIVEIND1P | For this is my nature, this is my continual game: turning my wheel swiftly I delight to bring low what is on high, to raise high what is down. | final_alignments\Boethius_Philosophy_Book1.json |
45,717 | . Now at last heart is coming back to us: from | final_alignments\Tacitus_Agricola.json |
2,839 | qu PRON10DATPX compert VPAR34DATPXPERFPASSIVEPPL valentinian N21DATSM qu PRON10NOMPM cum ADVPOS e PRON42DATPX rediv V61PLUPACTIVEIND3S reg VPAR31NOMSFFUTPASSIVEPPL scutari N21GENPM secund NUM12NOMSFORD committ V31PRESPASSIVEIND3S schol N11NOMSF et CONJ vitalian N21NOMSM domestic N21GENPM consorti N24DATSN iung V31PRESPASSIVEIND3S erul N21GENPM e PREPABL numer N21DATSM miles N31NOMSM qu PRON10NOMPM mult N22DATSN postea ADVPOS auct N41NOMSM com V31PRESACTIVEIND2P dignitat N31LOCSF mal N21VOCSM r N51ACCSF per PREPACC illyric N22NOMSN gess V31PERFACTIVEIND3S confestim ADVPOS que CONJ mitt V31PRESPASSIVEIND3S in PREPABL galli N11ACCPF Arintheus OTHER fer VPAR32NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL litter N11ACCPF ad ADVPOS iovin ADJ11NOMSNPOS ut CONJ constanter ADVPOS ag V31IMPFACTIVESUB3S su N21ACCSM obtin VPAR21NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL loc N21ACCSM ei INTERJ que CONJ mandat VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P ut CONJ animadvert V31IMPFPASSIVESUB3S in PREPABL concitor N31ACCSM tumult N41NOMSM auctor N31NOMPC que CONJ sedition N31GENSF ad ADVPOS comitat VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL vinct VPAR34GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL transmitt V31IMPFPASSIVESUB3P | On receipt of this news Valentinian, who had returned with the others, was entrusted with the command of the second division of the targeteers, and Vitalianus, formerly a soldier in the division of the Eruli, was made a member of the household troops; long afterwards he was raised to the rank of Count, but suffered a defeat in Illyricum. Arintheus was hastily sent to Gaul, bearing letters to Jovinus, urging him to act firmly in holding his position; he was also bidden to punish the originator of the disturbance and to send the ringleaders in the rebellion in fetters to the court. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book25.json |
25,045 | morbid ADJ11NOMSFPOS vis V62PRESACTIVEIND2S que CONJ simul ADVPOS cum ADVPOS extrinsec ADJ11NOMSMPOS insinu V11PRESPASSIVEIND3S et CONJ tempestat N31NOMPF terr N11NOMSF cael N21DATSM que CONJ coort VPAR34GENSFPERFPPL in PREPABL cael N21ACCSM terr N11ACCPF que CONJ remot ADJ11GENSFPOS iure ADVPOS facess V31PRESACTIVEIND3P quandoquidem CONJ nil N99XXN es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S nisi CONJ rar ADJ11DATSMPOS corpor N32LOCSN nex VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL huc ADVPOS acced V31PRESACTIVEIND3S ut V31PRESINF0X non ADV omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS qu PRON10NOMPF iaci V31PRESPASSIVEIND3P corpor V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S cumque ADVPOS ab PREPABL r N51DATPF eodem PRON42ABLSX praedit ADJ11NOMSFPOS sens N41ABLSM atque CONJ eodem PRON42ABLSX pact VPAR31DATSMPERFPASSIVEPPL r N51DATPF s V51PRESACTIVESUB3P omn ADJ32DATPXPOS apt VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL | and the power of disease at the same time, when it comes in from without; and tempests arising from earth and sky quite naturally move away withdrawn into sky or earth, since nothing exists that does not have a porous texture. Moreover, not all bodies that are cast off from things are endowed with the same effect on the senses, or suited for all things in the same way. | final_alignments\Lucretius_De_Rerum_Natura_Book6.json |
38,640 | non ADV t PRON52DATSC cum ADVPOS phrygi ADJ11DATSMPOS r N51NOMSF Laurenti OTHER v N33LOCSF colon N21DATSM en INTERJ ag V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S namque CONJ ocul N21LOCPM amot VPAR21NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL nub V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S parumper ADVPOS cern V31PRESACTIVEINF0X cunct N11NOMSF d V11FUTACTIVEIND1S surg V31PRESACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10NOMSF cels ADJ11NOMSMPOS ad ADVPOS aur N11ACCPF aspic V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S mont N33GENSM apex N31NOMSM vocitat VPAR11NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL palati N24NOMPN reg V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X Parrhasio OTHER plen ADJ11NOMSFPOS ten V21PRESACTIVEIND3S et CONJ reson VPAR11ABLSXPRESACTIVEPPL pharetr N11NOMSF intend V31PRESACTIVEIND3S que CONJ arc N41ACCSM et CONJ pugn N11ACCPF medit V11PRESPASSIVEIND3S apollo N31NOMSM | You have not now to do with settlers from Troy or Laurentum. Look up and see! For I will remove the cloud for a space from your eyes and suffer you to behold all things. Where yonder peak rises high, the Palatine, so named by the Arcadian king,b is held by Apollo; he makes ready for battle, his full quiver rattles, and his bow is bent. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book12.json |
62,432 | atque CONJ ill PRON61DATSX long ADJ11VOCSMPOS gradi VPAR31ACCSCPRESPPL et CONJ dir N11NOMSF frem VPAR31ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL ut CONJ vid V21PRESACTIVEINF0X met N41ABLSM vers VPAR31GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL retro ADVPOS que CONJ ru VPAR31NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL effund V31PRESACTIVEIND3P que CONJ duc N31ACCSM rapi V31PRESACTIVEIND3P que CONJ ad ADVPOS litor N32NOMPN curr N41NOMSM | when they saw his long strides and deadly rage, in terror they turn and rush backward, flinging forth their master and dragging the chariot to the shore. | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book10.json |
17,702 | nol V62FUTACTIVEIMP2S cred V31PRESACTIVEINF0X ole N22NOMSN in PREPABL tabulat N22DATSN poss V52PRESACTIVEINF0X cresc V31PRESACTIVEINF0X | Do not believe that the oil will be of greater quantity if they lie on the floor. | final_alignments\Cato_Agriculture.json |
97,471 | oblit ADJ11NOMSFPOS que CONJ fu V51PERFACTIVESUB3S fac V31PRESACTIVEINF0X multitudo N31NOMSF offer V32FUTACTIVEIND3S vitul N11GENPFuncommon de PREPABL arment N22DATSN holocaust N22NOMSN in PREPABL odor N31ACCSM suavissi ADJ32NOMSNSUPER domin N21DATSM et CONJ sacrifici N24NOMSN e PRON41GENSX ac CONJ lib N22NOMPN ut CONJ caerimoni N11GENSF postul V11PRESACTIVEIND3P hirc N21ACCSM que CONJ pro PREPABL pecc V11FUTACTIVEIMP2S | And the multitude have forgotten to do it: they shall offer a calf out of the herd, a holocaust for a most sweet savour to the Lord, and the sacrifice and libations thereof, as the ceremonies require, and a buck goat for sin: | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
41,219 | ut CONJ qu PRON10NOMPM collaps VPAR31NOMSFPERFPPL press V31PERFACTIVEIND1S iacu V21PERFACTIVEIND3P ruin N11NOMSF erut VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL cum ADVPOS subi V61FUTACTIVEIMP2S membr N22NOMPN et CONJ nox N33NOMSF atr ADJ12NOMSFPOS recess V31PERFACTIVEIND3S coniv V21PRESACTIVEIND3P sol N31ACCSM que CONJ pav V21PRESACTIVEIND3P agnosc V31PRESACTIVEINF0X vis SUPINE21ABLSN | Even so, men buried beneath a falling house, when dug out and suddenly released from darkness, blink with their eyes and fear to see the sun again. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book7.json |
20,986 | es V73FUTACTIVEIMP2S fu V51PERFACTIVESUB3S h PRON31NOMSF part N33GENPF caus N11NOMSF commun N11LOCPF | Very well, let us grant that this was the common cause of their side. | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_2.json |
42,352 | qu PRON10DATPX deus N21VOCSM aut CONJ qu PRON10DATPX tam ADVPOS trist ADJ32NOMPNPOS vulner V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S cas VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL elig V31PRESACTIVEIND3S unde ADVPOS man N41NOMSF fat VPAR11DATPXPERFPPL tam ADVPOS cert N22NOMPN noc VPAR21GENSMFUTPASSIVEPPL | What god or what chance chooses so grievous a wound? Whence did the Fates come by a harming hand so sure? | final_alignments\Statius_Silvae_Book2.json |
54,700 | non ADV ill PRON61ABLSM quicquam PRON10NOMSN formosi ADJ11NOMSNCOMP ull ADJ13NOMSFPOS pri ADJ00GENPXCOMP aetas N31NOMSF hero ADJ11NOMSNPOS nec ADVPOS tul V32PERFACTIVEIND3S ull ADJ13NOMSFPOS dom N21NOMSF | Nothing more lovely than him did any age of our forerunners produce, or any house of heroes. | final_alignments\Tibullus_Elegies.json |
92,971 | h PRON31NOMSF dic V31PRESACTIVEIND3S domin N21NOMSM ecce INTERJ ego PRON51NOMSC trad V31PRESACTIVESUB1S pharaon N31ACCSM Efree OTHER reg N31ACCSM aegypt N21GENSF in PREPABL man N41ABLSF inimic N21GENPM e PRON41GENSX et CONJ in PREPABL man N41ABLSF quaer VPAR31GENPXPRESACTIVEPPL anim N11ACCSF ill PRON61GENSX sicut ADVPOS tradid V31PERFACTIVEIND1S Sedeciam OTHER reg N31ACCSM iud N17VOCSM in PREPABL man N41ABLSF Nabuchodonosor OTHER reg V31PRESACTIVEIND2S babylon N37GENSF inimic N21GENSM su N21GENSM et CONJ quaer VPAR31GENSXPRESACTIVEPPL anim N11ACCSF e PRON41GENSX | Thus saith the Lord: Behold I will deliver Pharao Nechao king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies, and into the hand of them that seek his life: as I delivered Sedecias king of Juda into the land of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon his enemy, and that sought his life. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
54,649 | at CONJ tu PRON52NOMSC nam CONJ div N21ACCSM serv V11PRESACTIVEIND3S tutel N11NOMSF poet N11ACCPM praemon V21PRESACTIVEIND1S vat N33LOCSM parc ADJ11VOCSMPOS puell N11NOMSF sacr ADJ12DATSMPOS ut CONJ messalin ADJ11NOMSNPOS celebr ADJ33ACCSCPOS cum ADVPOS praemi N24NOMPN bell N22GENSN ante ADVPOS su N21ACCPM curr N41NOMSM oppid N22NOMPN vict VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL fer V32FUTACTIVEIND3S ips PRON62NOMSM ger VPAR31NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL laur N21NOMSF laur N21DATSF devinct VPAR34NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL agrest ADJ32DATSXPOS miles N31NOMSM io INTERJ magn ADJ11NOMSFPOS voc N31LOCSF triumph N21VOCSM can V31FUTACTIVEIND3S | But do thou, damsel (for guardian gods watch over poets), be warned in time, and spare thy sacred bard, that I may tell of Messalinus when before his chariot he shall bear the conquered towns, the prize of war, wearing the bay wreath, while his soldiery, with wild bay round their brows, loudly chaunt the cry of triumph. | final_alignments\Tibullus_Elegies.json |
73,889 | fil N22GENSN homin N31GENSM prophet N11NOMSM et CONJ dic V11PRESACTIVESUB2S h PRON31NOMSF dic V31PRESACTIVEIND3S domin N21NOMSM deus N21VOCSM loqu V31PRESIMP2S gladi N21NOMSM gladi N21NOMSM exacut VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P et CONJ limat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL | Son of man, prophesy, and say: Thus saith the Lord God: Say: The sword, the sword is sharpened, and furbished. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
36,819 | sed CONJ or N11NOMSF ut CONJ quandoque ADVPOS resipisc V31PRESACTIVESUB1S quant ADJ11NOMSNPOS me ADJ11ACCPFPOS deprim V31PRESACTIVESUB3S oner N32GENSN imposit VPAR31GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL mass N11NOMSF cervic N31NOMPF | But pray that sooner or later I may come to my senses and realise how my shoulders sag under the weight of the massive burden put upon me. | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book6.json |
96,739 | d V11PRESACTIVEIND3P autem CONJ et CONJ ex PREPABL ips PRON62ABLSM prostitut VPAR31DATPXPERFPASSIVEPPL et CONJ meretric N31NOMPF orn V11PRESACTIVEIND3P et CONJ iterum ADVPOS cum ADVPOS recep V31PERFACTIVESUB3P ill PRON61NOMSN a ADV meretric N31LOCPF orn V11PRESACTIVEIND3P de N21ACCPM su N21ACCPM | Yea and they give thereof to prostitutes, and they dress out harlots: and again when they receive it of the harlots, they adorn their gods. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
38,055 | ad ADVPOS qu PRON10NOMPF suspir VPAR11NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL duct V11PRESPASSIVEIND1S mort N33ACCSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S sub PREPABL arm N21LOCPM cur ADVPOS posc V31PRESACTIVESUB1S caus N11NOMSF ist PRON61NOMSF par N31GENPC es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10NOMSN tal ADJ32NOMPNPOS nostr ADJ12GENSFPOS pertul V32PERFACTIVEIND3P aur V11PRESACTIVESUB2S suad VPAR21ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL monstr N22NOMPN metell N11GENPFuncommon i V61PRESACTIVEIMP2S dem VPAR31NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL i V61PRESACTIVEIMP2S carp V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S fug N11ACCSF | Paulus sighed and answered: Have I not cause enough to seek death in battle, when my ears have heard such infamous counsel from a Metellus? Fly, madman, fly! | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book10.json |
14,971 | s PRON54DATXC praest V11PRESACTIVEINF0X si CONJ in PREPABL e PRON41ACCSM cas VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL deduc V31IMPFPASSIVESUB3P qu PRON10ACCSF fortun N11ACCSF a ADV popul N21DATSM roman N21DATSM pat V31PRESINF0X qu PRON10ACCSF ab PREPABL h PRON31DATPX per PREPACC cruciat VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL interfic V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X inter PREPACC qu PRON10ACCPM domin V11PRESPASSIVEINF0X consuev V21PLUPACTIVESUB3P | that it was better for them, if they should be reduced to that state, to suffer any fate from the Roman people, than to be tortured to death by those among whom they had been accustomed to rule. | final_alignments\Caesar_DBG_Book2.json |
88,124 | et CONJ a V71PRESACTIVEIND3S Bethsabee OTHER bene ADVPOS ego PRON51NOMSC loqu V31PRESSUB1S pro PREPABL t PRON52ABLSC reg V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X | And Bethsabee said: Well, I will speak for thee to the king. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
12,054 | sed CONJ ess VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL apud PREPACC ceter ADJ11ACCPMPOS tuti ADJ11NOMSCCOMP debu V21PERFACTIVEIND1S qu PRON10NOMPM m PRON51DATSC amor N31LOCSM iustiti N11GENSF nihil N99XXN apud PREPACC aulic N21ACCPM qu PRON10ABLSM mag N21LOCPM es V73IMPFACTIVESUB1S tuti ADJ11NOMSCCOMP reservav V11PERFACTIVEIND1S | But surely I ought to have been that much the more safe with the others, since in my regard for justice I kept no favours among the courtiers to ensure my own safety. | final_alignments\Boethius_Philosophy_Book1.json |
22,145 | h PRON31GENPM omn ADJ32GENPXPOS bell N22GENPN caus N11GENSF ex PREPABL r N51GENSF public ADJ11GENSFPOS contentio N31NOMSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S nat VPAR31NOMPFPERFPPL sunt V51PRESACTIVEIND3P | All these wars had their origins in political disputes. | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_8.json |
1,799 | nec ADVPOS sub PREPABL e V11PRESACTIVEIND1S dux N31NOMSM qu PRON10DATPX cum ADVPOS clarissimat N41DATSMuncommon provect VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P | Under him no leader of an army was advanced to the rank of clarissimus. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book21.json |
7,085 | host V41PRESACTIVEIND2S ab PREPABL host N33LOCSC tamen ADVPOS per PREPACC barbar N11NOMSF verb N22NOMPN salut N31ACCSF accip V31PRESACTIVEIND3S et CONJ salv ADJ11VOCSMPOS medi N21LOCPM interven V41PRESACTIVEIND3S arm N21LOCPM | Yet foe from foe receives greeting in savage speech and hail comes between opposed arms. | final_alignments\Ausonius_Epistles.json |
26,597 | aliquando ADVPOS obiect VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL hispid ADJ11GENSMPOS pugn N11GENSF su N21LOCPM arripu V31PERFACTIVEIND3S aur V11PRESACTIVESUB1S sed CONJ carios ADJ11DATPXPOS dent N33LOCPM praed N11ACCSF dimis V31PERFACTIVEIND3S rict N41NOMSM ven V11FUTIMP2S dol VPAR21NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL can N33ACCSC obiurg V11IMPFACTIVEIND3S | One day when thrown into combat with a bristly boar he seized it by the ear, but owing to his decayed teeth his jaws lost their grip on the prey. The hunter was grieved at this and scolded the dog. | final_alignments\Phaedrus_Fables_Book5.json |
100,379 | deus N21VOCSM parent N33GENPC et CONJ dom N21GENSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S misericordi N11GENSF tu ADJ11GENSFPOS qu PRON10NOMPM fec V31PERFACTIVEIND2S omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS verb N22DATSN tu ADJ11DATSMPOS | God of my fathers, and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things with thy word, | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
87,983 | aut CONJ h PRON31NOMPMruncommon ips PRON62DATSX dic V11PRESACTIVEIND3P si CONJ qu PRON10NOMSN inven V41PERFACTIVEIND3P in PREPABL m PRON51ABLSC iniquitat N31GENSF cum ADVPOS st V11PRESACTIVESUB1S in PREPABL concili N24DATSN | Or let these men themselves say if they found in me any iniquity, when standing before the council, | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
6,485 | mater N31NOMSF Lacaena OTHER clipe N21DATSM obarm VPAR11NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL fili N25ACCSM cum ADVPOS h PRON31NOMSN inqu V72PRESACTIVEIND3S aut CONJ in PREPABL h PRON31NOMSN redi V61PRESACTIVEIMP2S | A Spartan mother slinging her sons shield, Return with this, said she, or upon it. | final_alignments\Ausonius_Epigrams.json |
37,326 | namque CONJ apr N23ACCPC frustr V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S in PREPABL venabul N22NOMPN voc V11PRESACTIVEIND2S qu PRON10ACCPM can N33LOCPC misericordissi ADJ00DATPXSUPER qu PRON10DATPX abund ADJ11ACCPFPOS et CONJ quidem ADVPOS sol ADJ13NOMSMPOS mov V21PRESACTIVEINF0X poti ADJ00NOMSNCOMP qu PRON10ACCSF commov V21PRESACTIVEINF0X | It is no good your inviting the boars to face your spear, when its your practice to hunt them with those most merciful hounds that you possess in plenty (and indeed you do it all alone): you just set your quarry running, but never rouse him to a furious attack. | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book8.json |
16,106 | un NUM11ACCSFCARD ess VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL aedu N21GENPM civitat N31ACCSF qu PRON10NOMPF certissi ADJ11ACCSFSUPER galli N11GENSF victori N11ACCSF detin V21PRESACTIVESUB3S e PRON41GENSX auctoritat N31LOCSF reliqu ADJ11ACCPFPOS contin V21PRESPASSIVEINF0X qu PRON10NOMSF traduct VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL loc N21ACCSM consist VPAR31GENSMFUTPASSIVEPPL roman N21LOCPM in PREPABL galli N11NOMSF non ADV for N21VOCSM | that the state of the Aedui was the only one which retarded the most certain victory of the Gauls; that the rest were held in check by its authority; and, if it was brought over, the Romans would not have room to stand on in Gaul; | final_alignments\Caesar_DBG_Book7.json |
65,689 | qu PRON10ACCSF procul ADVPOS aut CONJ moll ADJ32DATSXPOS succed V31PRESACTIVEINF0X saepius ADVCOMP umbr N11GENSF vid V21PRESPASSIVEIND2S aut CONJ sum ADJ00ACCPFSUPER carp VPAR31ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL ignavi ADJ11NOMSNCOMP herb N11ACCPF extre ADJ12ACCSFSUPER que CONJ sequ V31PRESINF0X aut CONJ medi N21DATSM procumb V31PRESACTIVEINF0X camp N21DATSM pasc VPAR31ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL et CONJ ser N11GENSF sol ADJ13ACCSFPOS deced V31PRESACTIVEINF0X noct N33LOCSF continu N21DATSM culp N11ACCSF ferr N22DATSN compesc V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S pri ADJ00NOMSNCOMP qu PRON10ACCSF dir N11NOMSF per PREPACC incaut ADJ11NOMSNPOS serp V31PRESACTIVESUB3P contagi N24NOMPN vulg N21NOMSN | Should you see a sheep oft withdraw afar into soft shade, or listlessly nibble the top of the grass, lagging in the rear, or sink while grazing in the midst of the field and retire, late and lonely, before nights advance, straightway with the knife check the offence, ere the dread taint spreads through the unwary throng. | final_alignments\Virgil_Georgics.json |
73,504 | et CONJ ven V41PERFACTIVEIND3P in PREPABL hierusalem N99XXN mens N33LOCSM quint NUM20DATSMORD ips PRON62NOMSM es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S ann N21NOMSM septim NUM20NOMSMORD reg V31PRESACTIVEIND2S | And they came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, in the seventh year of the king. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
83,043 | allig V11PRESACTIVEIND3P autem CONJ oner V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S grav ADJ32NOMPNPOS et CONJ abil SUFFIX et CONJ inpon V31PRESACTIVEIND3P in PREPABL umer N21ACCPM homin N31GENPM digit N21DATSM autem CONJ su N21DATSM nol V62PRESACTIVEIND3P e V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S mov V21PRESACTIVEINF0X | For they bind heavy and insupportable burdens and lay them on men's shoulders: but with a finger of their own they will not move them. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
29,896 | si CONJ voc V11PRESACTIVESUB1S simul V11PRESACTIVEINF0X lic V21PRESACTIVEIND3S nempe CONJ apti ADJ11NOMSCCOMP ist PRON61NOMSF vox N31NOMSF rom N11GENSF es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10ACCSF nunc ADVPOS e PRON41GENSX sub PREPABL nomin N32LOCSN prom V31PRESACTIVESUB1S | If one may assume a voice, surely more befitting Rome is the voice which I shall now put forth in her name. | final_alignments\Prudentius_Reply_to_Symmachus_Book2.json |
54,382 | eveni V41FUTACTIVEIND3S d V11PRESACTIVEIND3S sign N22NOMPN deus N21VOCSM s V51PRESACTIVEIND3P numin N32NOMPN am VPAR11DATSXPRESACTIVEPPL saev V41PRESACTIVEIND3S et CONJ iniust ADJ11NOMSFPOS leg V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S relict N22NOMPN ven N41NOMSM | Thus shall it be. A god gives the sign. There are powers to guard the lover, and Love shows no ruth, when left for a lawless tie. | final_alignments\Tibullus_Elegies.json |
37,822 | qu PRON10NOMPF si CONJ qu PRON10DATPX ut CONJ graec ADJ11NOMSFPOS sicut ADVPOS s V51PRESACTIVEIND3P et CONJ peregrin ADJ11NOMSFPOS verb N22NOMPN contemps V31PERFACTIVESUB3S nov V31PERFACTIVESUB3S s PRON54DATXC aut CONJ semper ADVPOS hu PRON31GENSX art N33GENSF mentio N31NOMSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S supersed VPAR21NOMSNFUTPASSIVEPPL aut CONJ nihil N99XXN omnino ADVPOS s PRON54ABLXC aut CONJ cert ADJ11VOCSMPOS non ADV ad ADVPOS ass N33ACCSM latiar N34LOCSN lingu N11NOMSF hinc ADVPOS poss V52PRESACTIVEINF0X disser V31PRESACTIVEINF0X | and if anyone look down on them, as being Greek and foreign expressions (which they are), let him be assured that he must for ever renounce all mention of this sort of science or else that he cannot treat the subject at all, or at least that he cannot treat it completely, in the Latin tongue. | final_alignments\Sidonius_Poems.json |
55,732 | fest N22NOMPN dehinc ADVPOS medi N21LOCPM ine V61PRESACTIVEIND3P convivi N24NOMPN tect N22LOCPN commun ADJ32NOMPCPOS que CONJ voc V11PRESACTIVEIND3P super N21ACCPM qu PRON10GENPM erut VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL nut SUPINE31ABLSN Bebrycia OTHER et CONJ vot N22LOCPN parit V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S praed N11NOMSF que CONJ fru V31PRESIND3P | Then in the midst of the palace they begin the festal banquet, and call upon their common gods, by whose decree Bebrycia had been overthrown, and enjoy alike their vows fulfilment and the booty won. | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book4.json |
61,951 | o INTERJ r N51ACCSF dict SUPINE31ABLSN non ADV emin VPAR21ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL sed CONJ solid N22NOMPN ver N22NOMPN que CONJ virtut N31LOCSF atque CONJ utilitat N31LOCSF maxi ADJ11ACCSFSUPER experi VPAR34NOMPNPRESPPL suavissi ADJ32ACCSFSUPER humanitat N31LOCSF singular ADJ32ACCSCPOS | And now for a detail which in the telling may lack grandeur, but is most important by reason of the true and substantial personal qualities it reveals and also of its practical service'a thing most pleasant as an experience and remarkable for the kindness it displayed. | final_alignments\Velleius_Paterculus_Compendium.json |
82,419 | et CONJ m PRON51DATSC es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S cor N32NOMSN sicut ADVPOS et CONJ v PRON53DATPC nec ADVPOS inferi ADJ11NOMSCCOMP vestr PRON53GENPC s V51PRESACTIVEIND1S qu PRON10DATPX enim CONJ h PRON31NOMSF qu PRON10NOMPF ignor V11PRESACTIVEIND3S | I also have a heart as well as you: for who is ignorant of these things, which you know? | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
12,236 | n PRON53NOMPC ad ADVPOS constanti N11ACCSF nostr N23LOCPM mor N31LOCPM alien ADJ11ACCSFPOS inexplet ADJ11NOMSFPOS homin N31GENPM cupiditas N31NOMSF allig V11FUTACTIVEIND3S | But I, shall I be bound by the insatiable desire of men to a constancy quite foreign to my nature? | final_alignments\Boethius_Philosophy_Book1.json |
46,829 | i PRON41NOMSN qu PRON10ABLSM prompti ADJ11NOMSNCOMP veni V61IMPFACTIVESUB3S coloni N11NOMSF Camulodunum OTHER valid ADJ11NOMSFPOS veteran ADJ11GENPMPOS man N41ABLSF deduc V31PRESPASSIVEIND3S in PREPABL agr N23ACCPM captiv N21ACCPC subsidi N24NOMSN advers N21NOMSM rebell ADJ32NOMPCPOS et CONJ imbu VPAR31DATPXFUTPASSIVEPPL soci N11LOCPF ad ADVPOS offici N24NOMPN leg N31GENPF | To facilitate that result, a colony was settled on conquered lands at Camulodunum by a strong detachment of veterans, who were to serve as a bulwark against revolt and to habituate the friendly natives to their legal obligations. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Annals_Book12.json |
39,217 | lev ADJ32NOMSCPOS ind N21VOCSM secund NUM12NOMSFORD aspir VPAR11NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL aur N11NOMSF propell V31PRESACTIVEIND3S carbas N22NOMPN flat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S que CONJ agil ADJ32NOMPCPOS Tyrrhena OTHER son V11PRESACTIVEIND3P qu PRON10NOMSF caerul N22NOMPN pupp N33NOMPF Ausonium OTHER evas V31PERFACTIVEIND3P lat VPAR32NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL que CONJ cit V11PRESACTIVEIND2P litor N32NOMPN mitt V31PRESACTIVEIND3P pror N11LOCPF | Then a light breeze blew, and drove the sails on with favouring breath. Quickly the vessels slipped past the coast of Italy, where the Tyrrhene sea splashes, and then their prows sped along the strand of the Ligurians. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book15.json |
82,207 | h PRON31NOMSN cum ADVPOS audiv V41PLUPACTIVESUB3P vir N21GENSN Iabesgalaad OTHER omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS scilicet ADVPOS qu PRON10NOMPF Philisthim OTHER fec V31PERFACTIVEIND3P sup V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S saul N99XXM | And when the men of Jabes Galaad had heard this, to wit, all that the Philistines had done to Saul, | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
32,301 | approb V11FUTACTIVEIMP2S que CONJ consili N24DATSN in PREPABL h PRON31NOMSF fid N51NOMSF et CONJ dat VPAR11NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P et CONJ accept N11NOMSF | This advice was approved, and a pledge to that end was given and received. | final_alignments\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book6.json |
79,491 | h PRON31NOMSF autem CONJ esse V51IMPFACTIVEIND3S fact VPAR31NOMSFFUTACTIVEPPL candelabr N23GENSM ex PREPABL aur N22DATSN ductil ADJ32DATSXPOS tam ADVPOS medi N21NOMSM stip V11PRESACTIVESUB2S qu PRON10ACCSF cunct N11NOMSF ex PREPABL utroque ADVPOS calam N21GENPM later ADJ11NOMSFPOS nasc V31IMPFIND3P iuxta ADVPOS exempl N22NOMSN qu PRON10NOMSN ostend V31PRESACTIVEIND3S domin N21NOMSM mos N38GENSM it VPAR61NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL operat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P candelabr N23ACCSM | Now this was the work of the candlestick, it was of beaten gold, both the shaft in the middle, and all that came out of both sides of the branches: according to the pattern which the Lord had shewn to Moses, so he made the candlestick. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
23,073 | h PRON31ABLSF si CONJ proficisc V31IMPFSUB3S intelleg V31IMPFACTIVEIND3S pri ADJ00NOMSNCOMP adversari N24ACCPC rescit VPAR31ACCPMFUTACTIVEPPL de PREPABL su N21DATSM advent SUPINE34ABLSN qu PRON10ACCSF ips PRON62NOMSM terti NUM13ACCSFORD part N33ACCSF confec V31PLUPACTIVESUB3S itiner N32GENSN sin CONJ per PREPACC loc N22NOMPN sol N22NOMPN contend V31IMPFACTIVESUB3S sper V11IMPFACTIVEIND3S s PRON54ABLXC imprudent ADJ31ACCSCPOS host N33ACCSC oppress VPAR31NOMSNFUTACTIVEPPL ad ADVPOS h PRON31ACCSF r N51ACCSF confici VPAR31ACCSFFUTPASSIVEPPL imperav V11PERFACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10ACCSF pluri ADJ11ACCPMSUPER utr N33GENSM atque CONJ etiam CONJ culle N21ACCPM compar V11PRESPASSIVEINF0X post ADVPOS h PRON31NOMSF pabul N22NOMSN praeterea ADVPOS cibari N22NOMPN coct VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL di N51GENPC decem NUM20XXXCARD ut CONJ qu PRON10ACCSF minime ADVSUPER fi V33IMPFACTIVESUB3S ign V41PRESACTIVEIND2S in PREPABL castr N11LOCPF iter N32NOMSN qu PRON10ABLSM hab V21PRESACTIVESUB3S omn ADJ32NOMSCPOS cel V11PRESACTIVEIND3S sic ADVPOS parat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL qu PRON10NOMSF constitu V31PLUPACTIVEIND3S proficisc V31PRESIND3S | If he marched by the latter road, he knew that his opponents would be informed of his coming before he had gone a third part of the way; but if he made a quick march through the desert, he hoped to surprise the enemy and rout him. With that end in view, he ordered the greatest possible number of bladders as well as leathern bags to be procured, then forage, and finally cooked food for ten days, wishing to make the fewest possible camp-fires. He concealed his proposed route from everyone. Thus prepared, he set out by the road which he had selected. | final_alignments\Cornelius_Nepos_Eumenes.json |
61,500 | at CONJ c ADV n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S pompei N25NOMSM mult N11LOCPF et CONJ praeclar ADJ11DATPXPOS vir N21LOCPN in PREPABL i PRON41NOMSN bell N22NOMSN adsumpt VPAR31DATPXPERFPASSIVEPPL discript VPAR31DATSMPERFPASSIVEPPL que CONJ paene ADVPOS in PREPABL omn ADJ32NOMSCPOS recess VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL mar N34GENSN praesidi N24DATSN nav N33GENPF brev ADJ32DATSXPOS inexsuperabil ADJ32DATSXPOS man N41ABLSF terr N11GENPF orb V11PRESACTIVESUB1S liberav V11PERFACTIVEIND3S praedon N31NOMPM que CONJ saepe ADVPOS mult N11LOCPF i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S ali N24LOCPN loc N21LOCPM vict VPAR31ACCPMPERFPASSIVEPPL circ V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S Ciliciam OTHER class N33LOCSF adgress VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL fud V31PERFACTIVEIND3S ac CONJ fugav V11PERFACTIVEIND3S et CONJ qu PRON10ABLSM maturi ADJ11NOMSNCOMP bell N22NOMSN tam ADVPOS lat VPAR32VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL diffus VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL confic V31IMPFACTIVESUB3S reliqui N11ACCPF e PRON41GENPM contract ADJ11ACCPFPOS in PREPABL urb N33LOCPF remot ADJ11DATSMPOS que CONJ mar N34LOCSN loc N21DATSM in PREPABL cert N22NOMPN sed V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S constitu V31PRESACTIVEIND3S | Meanwhile Gnaeus Pompey enlisted the services of many illustrious men, distributed detachments of the fleet to all the recesses of the sea, and in a short time with an invincible force he freed the world from the menace of piracy. Near the Cilician coast he delivered his final attack upon the pirates, who had already met with frequent defeats in many other places, and completely routed them. Then, in order that he might the more quickly put an end to a war that spread over so wide an area, he collected the remnants of the pirates and established them in fixed abodes in cities far from the sea. | final_alignments\Velleius_Paterculus_Compendium.json |
41,848 | demitt V31PRESACTIVEIND3S clipe N21ACCSM reg V31PRESACTIVEIND2S que CONJ ad ADVPOS lumin N32NOMPN vers VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL attonit VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL fact VPAR31DATPXPERFPASSIVEPPL inopin ADJ11NOMSFPOS que CONJ monstr N22NOMPN pav VPAR21ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL sicut ADVPOS esse V51IMPFACTIVEIND3S nud ADJ11DATPXPOS Lycomedem OTHER aff V11PRESIND3S in PREPABL arm N21LOCPM | He drops the shield and turning to face the kings threshold as he sits stunned by what has passed and fearing things strange and sudden he addresses Lycomedes in naked weaponry, just as he was: | final_alignments\Statius_Achilleid.json |
54,899 | olim ADVPOS ann N21LOCPM ill PRON61NOMSM ardor N31NOMSM heb V21PRESACTIVEIND3S necdum CONJ me ADJ11NOMSFPOS proles N33NOMSF imperi N24DATSN et CONJ bell N22GENSN r N51DATPF matur V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S mar N34LOCSN que CONJ tu PRON52NOMSC cu PRON10DATSX i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S cur N11GENSF que CONJ vig V21PRESACTIVEIND3P anim N21GENSM que CONJ viril ADJ32NOMPCPOS i V61PRESACTIVEIMP2S decus N32NOMSN et CONJ pecor N32GENSN Nephelaei OTHER veller N32NOMPN Graio OTHER redd V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S thol N21DATSM ac CONJ tant ADJ11DATPXPOS t PRON52ABLSC dign V11PRESACTIVEINF0X pericl N22LOCPN | The years have long since dulled the old fire, and my son is scarce ripe for rule and war and seafaring: do thou who hast even now the cares and the spirit of a man, do thou, my pride, go, bring back the fleece of Nepheles ram to its Grecian sanctuary, and think not thyself too frail for so perilous a task. | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book1.json |
15,043 | it VPAR61NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL utr ADJ14NOMSFPOS r N51GENSF oppid N22GENPN oppugnatio N31NOMSF impedi V41IMPFPASSIVEIND3S | Thus, by either circumstance, was the storming of their towns rendered difficult | final_alignments\Caesar_DBG_Book3.json |
80,381 | qu PRON10DATSX acced V31PRESACTIVEIND3S ad ADVPOS tabernacul N22NOMSN domin N21GENSM mor V41PRESIND3S num ADV usque ADVPOS ad ADVPOS internicion N31ACCSF cunct N21GENSM del VPAR21NOMPMFUTPASSIVEPPL sumus V51PRESACTIVEIND3P | Whosoever approacheth to the tabernacle of the Lord, he dieth. Are we all to a man to be utterly destroyed? | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
70,850 | h PRON31NOMSF enim CONJ omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS propter PREPACC mandat VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL domin N21GENSM fi V33PRESACTIVEIND3P | For all these things are to be done because of the commandment of God. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
101,254 | increp VPAR11NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL mare ADJ31NOMSNPOS et CONJ exsicc VPAR11NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL ill PRON61NOMSN et CONJ omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS flumin N32NOMPN ad ADVPOS desert VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL deduc VPAR31NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL infirmat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P bas N39ACCSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S et CONJ carmel N21NOMSM et CONJ flos N31NOMSM liban ADJ11GENSMPOS elangu V31PERFACTIVEIND3S | He rebuketh the sea and drieth it up: and bringeth all the rivers to be a desert. Basan languisheth and Carmel: and the flower of Libanus fadeth away. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
58,807 | appellat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL Mamercus OTHER a ADV Surdino OTHER cui ADJ11NOMSMPOS libert N21NOMSM Genucium OTHER hered N31ACCSC fec V31PLUPACTIVEIND3S praetori ADJ11ACCSFPOS iurisdiction N31ACCSF abrogav V11PERFACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10NOMSN dic V31IMPFACTIVESUB3S Genucium OTHER amput V11PRESACTIVEIND2P su N22NOMPN ips PRON62GENSX spont N33LOCSF genital N34LOCPN corpor N32GENSN part N33LOCPF neque ADVPOS vir N21GENPN neque ADVPOS mulier N31GENPF numer N21DATSM hab V21PRESPASSIVEINF0X deb V21PRESACTIVEINF0X | Surdinus, whose freedman had made Genucius his heir, appealed to Mamercus, who cancelled the Praetors ruling, saying that Genucius, whose genital parts had been amputated by his own choice, should not be reckoned among either men or women. | final_alignments\Valerius_Memorable_Book7.json |
67,794 | armeni ADJ11NOMSNPOS et CONJ indic N31GENPM nomin N32LOCPN ips PRON62DATPX indic V11PRESPASSIVEIND3S qu PRON10DATPX in PREPABL loc N21LOCPM procre V11PRESPASSIVEIND3S | Ultramarine (armenium) and indigo (indicum) show by their names the places where they are found. | final_alignments\Vitruvius_Architecture_Book_7.json |
72,499 | protul V32PERFACTIVEIND3S autem CONJ e V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S Cyrus OTHER rex N31NOMSM pers N11GENPM per PREPACC man N41ACCSF mitridat N33GENSM fili N25GENSMr Gazabar OTHER et CONJ adnumerav V11PERFACTIVEIND3S e V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S Sasabassar OTHER princip N31LOCSM iud N17GENSM | Now Cyrus king of Persia brought them forth by the hand of Mithridates the son of Gazabar, and numbered them to Sassabasar the prince of Juda. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
72,598 | scrips V31PERFACTIVEIND3S ergo ADVPOS moses N38NOMSM cantic N22NOMSN et CONJ docu V21PERFACTIVEIND3S fili N25ACCPM israhel N31NOMSM | Moses therefore wrote the canticle, and taught it to the children of Israel. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
22,405 | qu PRON10NOMPM provinci N11GENPF foed V11PRESPASSIVESUB2S irretit VPAR34GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL tot ADJ13NOMSNPOS ill PRON61ACCSM ann N21ACCSM querel N11ACCPF senat N41NOMSM luct N41ACCSM bon N21GENPM itali N11GENSF gemit VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL pertul V32PERFACTIVEIND3P | tied hand and foot by the compact they had entered into with regard to the provinces, they endured for the whole of that year the protests of the senate, the distress of patriots, and the grief of Italy. | final_alignments\Cicero_Post_Reditum_Ad_Quirites.json |
25,717 | ceter ADJ11NOMSNPOS qu PRON10NOMSN pler ADJ11GENSMPOS pauper N31NOMPM dic V31PRESPASSIVEIND1P non ADV es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S infam ADJ32NOMPNPOS nostr ADJ12NOMSFPOS sed CONJ glori N11NOMSF anim N21NOMSM enim CONJ ut CONJ lux N41DATSMuncommon solv V31PRESPASSIVEIND3S it VPAR61NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL frugalitat N31LOCSF firm V11PRESPASSIVEIND3S | That most of us are reputed poor is no disgrace, but a credit, for the mind is relaxed by luxury, and braced by frugality. | final_alignments\Minucius_Felix_Octavius.json |
36,317 | igitur CONJ verecundi N11ACCSF utr N33LOCSM exim V31PRESACTIVEIMP2P commun ADJ32ACCSCPOS nam CONJ si CONJ etiamnum ADVPOS sil V21PRESACTIVEINF0X medit V11PRESPASSIVESUB2P omn ADJ32NOMPCPOS et CONJ m PRON51ABLSC cu PRON10DATSX et CONJ ill PRON61ACCSM per PREPACC qu PRON10ACCSM scrib V31PRESACTIVEINF0X deb V21IMPFACTIVEIND2S indign ADJ11NOMSNPOS arbitr V11FUTPASSIVEIND3P | therefore save him and me from a common sense of humiliation, for if you still mean to be silent, everyone will think that both I to whom and he through whom you ought to have written are unworthy persons. | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book4.json |
57,997 | tac V21PRESACTIVEIND3P mut ADJ11GENSFPOS ill PRON61GENPM umbr N11GENSF fat VPAR11GENSMPERFPPL necessitat N31LOCSF constrict ADJ11GENSFPOS at CONJ immemor ADJ31NOMPCPOS benefici N24GENPN athen N11GENSF reprehension N31GENSF lingu N11NOMSF sermon N31LOCSM lic VPAR21DATSXPRESACTIVEPPL solut ADJ11NOMSFPOS non ADV tac V21PRESACTIVEIND3S | Their shades are mute and silent, bound by necessity of fate. But, Athens, unmindful as you are of benefits, a tongue loosed in unbridled discourse does not keep silent its reproach. | final_alignments\Valerius_Memorable_Book5.json |
25,555 | qu PRON10GENPM rit N41NOMSM si CONJ percens V21PRESACTIVESUB2S rid VPAR21NOMSFFUTPASSIVEPPL qu PRON10ACCSF mult N11NOMSF qu PRON10ACCSF mult N11NOMSF etiam CONJ miser VPAR11NOMPNFUTPASSIVEPPL sunt V51PRESACTIVEIND3P nud ADJ11GENSMPOS crud ADJ11NOMSFPOS hiem N31LOCSF discurr V31PRESACTIVEIND3P ali N24GENSN inced V31PRESACTIVEIND3P pilleat N41GENSMArchaic scut N22NOMPN veter ADJ12NOMSFPOS circumfer V32PRESACTIVEIND3P pell V31FUTACTIVEIND2S caed V31PRESACTIVEIND3P mendic VPAR11NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL vicatim ADVPOS de N21ACCPM duc V31PRESACTIVEIND3P qu PRON10NOMPF fan N22NOMPN semel NUM11XXXADVERB ann N21DATSM adi V61PRESACTIVEINF0X permitt V31PRESACTIVEIND3P qu PRON10NOMPF in PREPABL tot ADJ13NOMSNPOS nefas N99XXN vis V31PRESACTIVEINF0X es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10ABLSM vir N21DATSN non ADV lic V21PRESACTIVEIND3S et CONJ nonnull ADJ11NOMSFPOS absque PREPABL femin N32GENSN sacr ADJ12NOMSFPOS s V51PRESACTIVEIND3P etiam CONJ serv N21DATSM qu PRON10DATPX caerimoni N11LOCPF inter V51PRESACTIVEINF0X piacular ADJ32NOMSNPOS flagiti N24NOMSN es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S ali N24NOMPN sacr ADJ12NOMSFPOS coron V11PRESACTIVEIND3S univir N11NOMSF ali N24NOMPN vir N21NOMPN et CONJ magn ADJ11NOMSFPOS religion N31LOCSF conquir V31PRESPASSIVEIND3S qu PRON10NOMPF plur N32NOMPN poss V52PRESACTIVESUB3S adulteri N24NOMPN numer V11PRESACTIVEINF0X | Examine into their attendant rites, how ridiculous, how pitiable even they appear! Men running about naked in mid-winter; others marching about in felt caps, or parading old shields; drumming on skins, and dragging their gods to beg from street to street. Some temples may only be entered once a year, some never visited at all. There are rites which a man may not attend, others which may be held only in the absence of women; others where the mere presence of a slave is an outrage needing expiation. For some rites the wreath is laid by a woman with one husband, for others by a woman with several, or ceremonial hue and cry is made for one still more promiscuous in her attachments. | final_alignments\Minucius_Felix_Octavius.json |
14,259 | h PRON31NOMSF cum ADVPOS et CONJ oper N32LOCSN magn ADJ11DATSMPOS vallat VPAR11NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL et CONJ loc N21GENSM nat VPAR31NOMSFFUTPPL munit VPAR34NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL animadvert V31IMPFACTIVESUB3S confert VPAR34ACCSFPERFPASSIVEPPL que CONJ armat VPAR11GENPMPERFPASSIVEPPL multitudin N31ACCSF collocat VPAR11ACCSFPERFPASSIVEPPL in PREPABL vall N21DATSM vid V21IMPFACTIVESUB3S lass ADJ11ACCPMPOS itiner N32LOCSN ac CONJ proeli VPAR11DATSMFUTPPL milit N31NOMPM ad ADVPOS oppugn VPAR11NOMSFFUTPASSIVEPPL castr N11NOMSF succed V31PRESACTIVEINF0X nolu V62PERFACTIVEIND3S | But when he observed that this camp was strongly entrenched as well as protected by its natural position, and saw the serried mass of armed men posted at the rampart, he was unwilling to let his soldiers, weary as they were with marching and fighting, advance to attack the camp. | final_alignments\Caesar_Alexandrian.json |
80,518 | qu PRON10NOMSN cum ADVPOS fec V31PLUPACTIVESUB3S Aaron OTHER et CONJ cucurr V31PLUPACTIVESUB3S ad ADVPOS medi ADJ11ACCSFPOS multitudin N31ACCSF qu PRON10ACCSF i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S vast V11IMPFACTIVEIND3S incendi N24NOMSN obtul V32PERFACTIVEIND3S thymiama N32NOMSN | When Aaron had done this, and had run to the midst of the multitude which the burning fire was now destroying, he offered the incense: | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
29,211 | heu INTERJ quant ADJ11DATPXPOS mortal ADJ32NOMSNPOS gen N42GENSN prem V31PRESACTIVEIND3S inprob ADJ11NOMSMPOS host V41PRESACTIVEIND2S armiger N11LOCPF quant ADJ11DATSMPOS ferrat ADJ11NOMSFPOS satellit N31LOCSM duct V11PRESPASSIVEIND1S bell N22NOMPN ger V31PRESACTIVEIND3S quant ADJ11NOMSFPOS vict VPAR31ACCPMPERFPASSIVEPPL dicion N31LOCSF triumph V11PRESACTIVEIND3S surg V31PRESACTIVEIND3S in PREPABL auxili N24NOMSN chanane ADJ11NOMSMPOS atque CONJ agmin N32NOMPN cassid N31LOCSF terribil ADJ32NOMSCPOS saet N11GENPF ponder V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S ment N22DATSN concuti VPAR31NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL dextr ADJ12ACCSFPOS que CONJ grav ADJ32DATSXPOS cum ADVPOS Two words | Alas, with what armed forces does the ruthless enemy press upon the race of men, with what attendant trains under his command does he wage his iron wars, with what dominion triumph over the conquered! The Canaanite rises up to his aid with close-set columns and daunting helm, shaking the weight of bristly beard on his chin and waving the hand that grasps his heavy spear. | final_alignments\Prudentius_Origin_Of_Sin.json |
96,034 | inter PREPACC h PRON31NOMSF Chaleb OTHER conpesc VPAR31NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL murmur N31NOMSM popul N21GENSM qu PRON10NOMPM ori V31IMPFIND3S contra ADVPOS mos N38ACCSM a V71PRESACTIVEIND3S ascend V31PRESACTIVESUB1P et CONJ possid V21PRESACTIVESUB1P terr N11ACCSF quoniam CONJ pot V52FUTACTIVEIND1P obtin V21PRESACTIVEINF0X e V61PRESACTIVESUB1S | In the mean time Caleb, to still the murmuring of the people that rose against Moses, said: Let us go up and possess the land, for we shall be able to conquer it. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
1,247 | h PRON31ACCPF miserabil ADJ32NOMPCPOS turm N11ACCPF gall N21GENSM milit N31NOMPM contu VPAR21NOMPCPRESPPL rationabil ADJ32DATSXPOS quidem ADVPOS sed CONJ intempestiv ADJ11DATSMPOS mot N41ABLSM confer VPAR32GENSFFUTPASSIVEPPL cum ADVPOS host N33LOCPC man N41NOMSF copi N11ACCSF s PRON54DATXC d V11PRESPASSIVEINF0X posc V31IMPFACTIVEIND3P mort N33ACCSF tribun N21LOCPM vet VPAR11DATPXPRESACTIVEPPL prim N21LOCPM que CONJ ordin N31LOCPM minit VPAR11NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL si CONJ deinceps ADVPOS prohib V21IMPFACTIVESUB3P | The Gallic soldiers, seeing these throngs of wretches, with a reasonable, but untimely, impulse demanded that the opportunity be given them of encountering the enemy, threatening death to the tribunes who forbade them, and to the higher officers, if they in their turn prevented them. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book19.json |
55,039 | atque CONJ ego PRON51NOMSC cur N11GENPF repet V31PRESACTIVESUB1S decret VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL me ADJ11GENPFPOS | So then I will unfold the decrees that I made in my providence. | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book1.json |
66,439 | cum ADVPOS ibi ADVPOS magn ADJ11NOMSFPOS vis V62PRESACTIVEIND2S aqu N11GENSF lut VPAR31GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL stercor N31GENSM noct N33LOCSF profus VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL fuisset V51PRESACTIVEIND3P poster N21DATSM di N21VOCSM helepolis OTHER acced VPAR31NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL antequam CONJ adpropinqu V11IMPFACTIVESUB3S ad ADVPOS mur N21ACCSM in PREPABL umid N22DATSN voragi OTHER n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S fact VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL consed V31PERFACTIVEIND3S nec ADVPOS progred V31PRESINF0X nec ADVPOS egred V31PRESINF0X postea ADVPOS potu V52PERFACTIVEIND3S | After a great amount of water, mud, sewage, had been poured down overnight, the next day the siege engine came along; and before it drew up to the wall, it was engulfed in the wet ground and stuck nor could it get on or get out. | final_alignments\Vitruvius_Architecture_Book_10.json |
92,213 | vid VPAR21NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL itaque ADVPOS Holofernem OTHER Iudith OTHER sed VPAR21ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL in PREPABL conope N22DATSN qu PRON10NOMSN esse V51IMPFACTIVEIND3S ex PREPABL purpur N11NOMSF et CONJ aur N22DATSN et CONJ zmaragd N21DATSM et CONJ lapid N31LOCPM pretios ADJ11DATPXPOS intext VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL | And Judith seeing Holofernes sitting under a canopy, which was woven of purple and gold, with emeralds and precious stones: | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
20,395 | m PRON51ABLSC ex PREPABL kalend N11LOCPF ianuari ADJ11DATPXPOS ad ADVPOS h PRON31ACCSF hor N11ACCSF invigilav V11PERFACTIVEINF0X r N51GENSF public ADJ11GENSFPOS | that from the first of January up to this hour I have watched over the interests of the Republic; | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_14.json |
51,962 | accept N22GENSN in PREPABL medi N21ACCSM et CONJ circumdat VPAR11ACCPMPERFPASSIVEPPL prim N21NOMSM antoni N25NOMSM clementer ADVPOS adloqu V31PRESIND3S pars N33NOMSF Narniae OTHER pars N33NOMSF Interamnae OTHER subsist V31PRESACTIVEINF0X iuss V21PERFACTIVEIND1S | The Vitellians were allowed to advance between the Flavian lines; then Antonius drew his forces about them and addressed them in kindly terms. Half of them were ordered to stay at Narnia, the other half at Interamna. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Histories_Book3.json |
70,816 | usque ADVPOS in PREPABL temp N21NOMSM sustin V21FUTACTIVEIND3S pati VPAR31NOMSXPRESPPL et CONJ postea ADVPOS redditi N22DATSN iucunditat N31GENSF | A patient man shall bear for a time, and afterwards joy shall be restored to him. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
66,954 | item ADVPOS postea ADVPOS dian N11GENSF constitu V31PRESACTIVEINF0X aed N33ACCSF quaer VPAR31NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL nov V31PERFACTIVEIND1S gen V31PRESPASSIVEIND2S speci N51ACCSF i PRON42DATPXuncommon vestigi N24LOCPN ad ADVPOS muliebr ADJ32ACCSCPOS transtul V32PERFACTIVEIND3P gracilitat N31ACCSF et CONJ fec V31PERFACTIVEIND3P prim N21ACCSM column N11GENSF crassitudin N31ACCSF octav NUM20NOMSFORD part VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL ut CONJ hab V21IMPFACTIVESUB3S speci N51ACCSF excelsi ADJ11ACCSCCOMP | Afterwards also seeking to plan a temple of Diana in a new kind of style, they changed it to a feminine slenderness with the same measurement by feet. And first they made the diameter of the column the eighth part of it, so that it might appear taller. | final_alignments\Vitruvius_Architecture_Book_4.json |
72,915 | neque ADVPOS pollu V31FUTPASSIVEIND3P ultra PREPACC in PREPABL idol N22LOCPN su N21LOCPM et CONJ abomination N31LOCPF su N21LOCPM et CONJ in PREPABL cunct N11LOCPF iniquitat N31LOCPF su N21LOCPM et CONJ salv ADJ11ACCPMPOS e PRON41ACCPM faci V31PRESACTIVESUB1S de PREPABL univers N21LOCPM sed N33LOCPF su N21LOCPM in PREPABL qu PRON10DATPX peccav V11PERFACTIVEIND3P et CONJ mund V11FUTACTIVEIND1S e PRON41ACCPM et CONJ esse V51FUTACTIVEIND3P m PRON51DATSC popul N21NOMSM et CONJ ego PRON51NOMSC er N21DATSM e PRON41DATPX deus N21VOCSM | Nor shall they be defiled any more with their idols, nor with their abominations, nor with all their iniquities: and I will save them out of all the places in which they have sinned, and I will cleanse them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
14,502 | cui ADJ11NOMSMPOS aliquamdiu ADVPOS caesar N31NOMSM irrid V21IMPFACTIVEIND3S inan ADJ32ACCSCPOS ostentation N31ACCSF et CONJ e V11PRESACTIVEIND1S loc N21DATSM milit N31GENPM coartation N31ACCSF qu PRON10ACCSM in PREPABL loc N21ACCSM nemo N31NOMSC san ADJ11NOMSMPOS host V41PRESACTIVEIND2S subit VPAR61NOMSMFUTACTIVEPPL esset V51PRESACTIVEIND3P cum ADVPOS interim ADVPOS Pharnaces OTHER eodem PRON42ABLSX grad N41ABLSM qu PRON10ABLSM in PREPABL praerupt VPAR31ACCSFPERFPASSIVEPPL descend V31PLUPACTIVEIND3S vall V11PRESACTIVESUB1S ascend V31PRESACTIVEINF0X advers N21NOMSM ardu N22NOMSN coll N33ACCSM instruct VPAR31DATPXPERFPASSIVEPPL copi N11LOCPF coep V31PRESACTIVEIND3S | For some little time Caesar laughed contemptuously at this empty bravado on the part of the king, and at his troops packed closely on ground which no enemy in his senses would be likely to set foot on; while in the meantime Pharnaces with his forces in battle array proceeded to climb the steep hill-side confronting him at the same steady pace at which he had descended the sheer ravine. | final_alignments\Caesar_Alexandrian.json |
23,731 | qu PRON10GENPM nil N99XXN f V33PRESACTIVEINF0X quoniam CONJ manifest V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S doc V21PRESACTIVEIND3S r N51NOMSF sc V41PRESACTIVEINF0X lic V21PRESACTIVEIND3S non ADV ess VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL in PREPABL r N51DATPF r N51NOMSF it VPAR61NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL mixt VPAR21ACCPFPERFPASSIVEPPL ver N21ACCSM semin N32NOMPN multimod ADJ11DATPXPOS lat V21PRESACTIVEINF0X mult N11GENPF r N51GENPF in PREPABL r N51DATPF commun ADJ32NOMPNPOS deb V21PRESACTIVEIND3P | But since plain matter of fact teaches that nothing of all this is to be seen, we may know that things are not thus mixed up in things, but seeds common to many things must in many ways lurk immingled in things. | final_alignments\Lucretius_De_Rerum_Natura_Book1.json |
28,581 | qu PRON10NOMPF mod N21DATSM per PREPACC vil ADJ32NOMSCPOS inspect VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P public ADJ11NOMSFPOS noct N33NOMPF h PRON31NOMSF nunc ADVPOS aurat VPAR11NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL cyclad N31LOCSF sign V11PRESACTIVEIND3S hum N21ACCSF t PRON52ABLSC pati VPAR31ABLSXPRESPPL me ADJ11GENSFPOS conflav V11PERFACTIVEIND3S imagin N31GENSF aur N22NOMSN ard VPAR21ABLSXPRESACTIVEPPL e PREPABL nostr N23DATSM dot N33ACCSF habit VPAR21NOMSFFUTACTIVEPPL rog N21DATSM | She who lately offered herself in public for cheap nights of love now brushes the ground with the gilded hem of her cloak: you did nothing to stop her melting down a gold image of me and putting me to the flames so that she could have a dowry! | final_alignments\Propertius_Elegies_Book4.json |
90,536 | ingress VPAR31NOMSMPERFPPL autem CONJ iudae N11ACCSF et CONJ adpropi VPAR11NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL Bethsurae OTHER qu PRON10NOMSN esse V51IMPFACTIVEIND3S in PREPABL angust N22DATSN loc N21DATSM ab PREPABL hierosolym N11NOMSF intervall N22DATSN quinque NUM20XXXCARD stadi N24GENPN ill PRON61NOMSN praesid N31GENPC expugn V11IMPFACTIVEIND3S | So he came into Judea, and approaching to Bethsura, which was in a narrow place, the space of five furlongs from Jerusalem, he laid siege to that fortress. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
34,677 | ibi ADVPOS quom ADVPOS mult N11NOMSF de PREPABL administr VPAR11DATSMFUTPASSIVEPPL imperi N24DATSN disser V31IMPFACTIVESUB3P Iugurtha OTHER inter PREPACC ali ADJ15ACCPFPOS r N51NOMSF iac V31PRESACTIVEIND3S oport V21PRESACTIVEINF0X quinquenn ADJ32DATSXPOS consult VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL et CONJ decret VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS rescind V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X nam CONJ per PREPACC e V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S tempor N32NOMPN confect ADJ11NOMSNPOS ann N21LOCPM Micipsam OTHER par N31GENPC anim N21DATSM valu V21PERFACTIVEINF0X | At this meeting, in the course of a long discussion about the government of the kingdom, Jugurtha suggested, among other things, that they ought to annul all resolutions and decrees passed within the past five years, on the ground that during that time Micipsa was far gone in years and hardly of sound mind. | final_alignments\Sallust_Jugurtha.json |
55,209 | protinus ADVPOS ingent ADJ31ACCSCPOS procer N23ACCSM sub PREPABL nomin N32LOCSN taur N21ACCSM deic V31PRESACTIVEIND3S insu V31FUTACTIVEIND2P et CONJ i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S pi V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S muner V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S templ N22LOCPN redd V31PRESACTIVEIND3S et CONJ h PRON31ABLSF prim ADJ11NOMSFPOS ven V11PRESSUB2S cal V11PRESACTIVESUB3S ar N11NOMSF iuvenc N11NOMSF | Forthwith he fells a huge ox in the name of the chieftains, and offers up gifts of sacrifice once more in the unused shrines, and for the first time the altar of Venus smokes with a slain heifer. | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book2.json |
38,891 | h PRON31DATPX laet ADJ11GENSMPOS redi V61PRESPASSIVEIMP2S duc V31FUTACTIVEIND2S loc N22NOMPN amoen N22NOMPN pi N21GENPM prosequ V31PRESIND3S que CONJ ocul N21LOCPM puer N23NOMSM advenerat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPPL e VPAR61NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL | Cheered by these tidings, the generals went back to the pleasant places of the blest, while the young man gazed after them as they went, and worshipped them. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book13.json |
19,556 | desin V11PRESACTIVEIND3P igitur CONJ aut CONJ ei INTERJ qu PRON10NOMPM non ADV tim V21PRESACTIVEIND3P simul V11PRESACTIVEINF0X s PRON54ABLXC tim V21PRESACTIVEINF0X et CONJ prospic V31PRESACTIVEINF0X r N51GENSF public ADJ11GENSFPOS aut CONJ ei INTERJ qu PRON10NOMPM omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS ver V21PRESIND3P nimi ADJ11NOMSNPOS ess VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL timid ADJ11GENSMPOS n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S ill PRON61GENPM simulatio N31NOMSF h PRON31GENPM obs V51PRESACTIVESUB3S ignavi N11NOMSF | Well then, either let those who are not really afraid cease pretending to be afraid and to be looking out for the Republic, or let those who fear shadows cease to be overly timid so that the hypocrisy of the former and the cowardice of the latter may not cause harm. | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_10.json |
69,118 | qu PRON10DATPX es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10NOMPM vinc V31PRESACTIVEIND3S mund N21ACCSM nisi CONJ qu PRON10NOMPM cred V31PRESACTIVEIND3S quoniam CONJ ies N43NOMSM es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S fili N25NOMSM de N21GENSM | Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
48,233 | aut CONJ transe V61PRESACTIVESUB1P ad ADVPOS ill PRON61NOMSF institut VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL si CONJ poti ADJ00NOMPNCOMP s V51PRESACTIVEIND3P aut CONJ nov V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S cupi VPAR31DATPXPRESACTIVEPPL aufer V32PRESPASSIVESUB3S dux N31NOMSM et CONJ auct V11PRESPASSIVEIND1S | Either let us pass over to his creed, if it is the better, or let these seekers after a new world lose their chief and their instigator. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Annals_Book16.json |
62,116 | et CONJ i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S iuss VPAR21NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL fac V31PRESACTIVEIND3S pon V31PRESACTIVEIND3P que CONJ feroci N11NOMSF poen N21GENSM cord N32NOMPN vol VPAR62ABLSXPRESACTIVEPPL de N21DATSM in PREPABL prim N21LOCPM regin N11NOMSF quiet N31GENPF accip V31PRESACTIVEIND3S in PREPABL teucr N23ACCPM anim N21ACCSM ment N33ACCSF que CONJ benign ADJ11ACCSFPOS | At once he does his bidding, and, God willing it, the Phoenicians lay aside their savage thoughts; above all, the queen receives a gentle mind and gracious purpose towards the Teucrians. | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book1.json |
35,428 | tum ADVPOS mari N25NOMSM ex PREPABL copi N11NOMSF r N51GENPF consili N24NOMSN trah V31PRESACTIVEIND3S atque CONJ ut V31PRESINF0X su N21LOCPM recept N41DATSM loc N21NOMSM es V73IMPFACTIVESUB3S coll N21LOCPM du NUM12ACCPMCARD propinqu N21ACCPM inter PREPACC s PRON54ABLXC occup V11PRESACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10GENPM in PREPABL un NUM11ABLSMCARD castr N11LOCPF par N31GENPC ampl V11PRESACTIVEIND1S fons N33NOMSM aqu N11GENSF magn ADJ11NOMSMPOS esse V51IMPFACTIVEIND3S alt V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S us N41DATSM opportun ADJ11NOMSMPOS quia CONJ magn ADJ11NOMSFPOS part VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL edit VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL et CONJ praeceps ADVPOS pauc N22NOMPN muniment N22NOMPN quaer V31IMPFACTIVEIND3S | Then Marius devised a plan to suit the options at his disposal, and with the aim of providing a place of refuge for his men, he took possession of two neighboring hills, one of which was too small for a camp but had a large spring of water, while the other was quite serviceable because, being for the most part high and steep, it required little fortification. | final_alignments\Sallust_Jugurtha.json |
3,303 | h PRON31NOMSF valentinian N21NOMSM relatio N31NOMSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S iudic N31GENPM doct VPAR21NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL asperi ADJ12NOMSNCOMP interpret VPAR11GENPXPRESACTIVEPPL fact VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL vigor N31LOCSM nimi ADJ11DATSMPOS in PREPABL negoti N24NOMSN iuss V21PERFACTIVEIND3S inquir V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X | When the emperor learned this from the report of the judges, who gave what had been done a harsh interpretation, he issued orders that the affair should be investigated with excessive strictness. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book28.json |
57,836 | tu ADJ11NOMSNPOS ergo ADVPOS crimen N32NOMSN s V51PRESACTIVESUB3S hospit N31ACCSM occid V31PRESACTIVEINF0X volu V62PERFACTIVEINF0X me ADJ11NOMSNPOS non ADV er N11LOCPF hospes N31NOMSM occis VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL | So yours be the guilt of wishing to kill your host; you will not be mine, a slain guest. | final_alignments\Valerius_Memorable_Book5.json |
93,170 | propterea ADVPOS d V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S fili N25ACCPM e PRON41GENPM in PREPABL fam N33ACCSF et CONJ deduc V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S e PRON41ACCPM in PREPABL man N41NOMSF gladi N21GENSM fi V33PRESACTIVESUB3P uxor N31NOMPF e PRON41GENPM absque PREPABL lib V11PRESPASSIVESUB2S et CONJ vidu ADJ11GENSFPOS et CONJ vir N21GENSN e PRON41GENPF interfici V31PRESPASSIVESUB3P mort N33LOCSF iuven ADJ32NOMPCPOS e PRON41GENPM confodi V31PRESPASSIVESUB3P gladi N21DATSM in PREPABL proeli N24DATSN | Therefore deliver up their children to famine, and bring them into the hands of the sword: let their wives be bereaved of children and widows: and let their husbands be slain by death: let their young men be stabbed with the sword in battle. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
12,870 | tum ADVPOS ego PRON51NOMSC platon N31LOCSM inqu V72PRESACTIVEIND1S vehementer ADVPOS assenti V41PRESPASSIVEIND1S nam CONJ m PRON51ABLSC h PRON31GENPM i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S secund NUM12DATSMORD commemor V11PRESACTIVEIND2S prim N21ACCSM qu PRON10NOMSN memori N11ACCSF corpore ADJ11NOMSFPOS contagi N24DATSN n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S dehinc ADVPOS cum ADVPOS maeror N31GENSM mol V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S press VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL amis V31PERFACTIVEIND1S | Then I said: I strongly agree with Plato; for this is now the second time you have reminded me of these things. The first time was after I lost them from my memory because the body contaminated it, and the second when I was oppressed by the weight of grief. | final_alignments\Boethius_Philosophy_Book3.json |
78,231 | h PRON31ACCSM cum ADVPOS vid V21PLUPACTIVESUB3S ies N43NOMSM iac VPAR21ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL et CONJ cognov V31PLUPACTIVESUB3S quia CONJ mult N22NOMSN i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S temp N21NOMSM hab V21PRESACTIVEIND3S dic V31PRESACTIVEIND3S ei INTERJ vis V62PRESACTIVEIND2S san ADJ11NOMSMPOS f V33PRESACTIVEINF0X | Him when Jesus had seen lying, and knew that he had been now a long time, he saith to him: Wilt thou be made whole? | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
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