{ "time": { "title": "Duration (in seconds)" }, "translation_direction": { "title": "Translation direction", "options": { "eng-ita": "English to Italian", "eng-nld": "English to Dutch" } }, "main_task_modality": { "title": "Main task modality", "options": { "no_highlight": "No Highlight", "oracle": "Oracle", "supervised": "Supervised", "unsupervised": "Unsupervised" } }, "pretask_translator_id": { "title": "Pretask translator ID", "options": { "t1": "Translator 1", "t2": "Translator 2", "t3": "Translator 3", "t4": "Translator 4", "t5": "Translator 5", "t6": "Translator 6", "t7": "Translator 7", "t8": "Translator 8", "t9": "Translator 9", "t10": "Translator 10", "t11": "Translator 11", "t12": "Translator 12" } }, "main_task_translator_id": { "title": "Main task translator ID", "options": { "no_highlight_t1": "Translator 1 - No Highlight Modality", "no_highlight_t2": "Translator 2 - No Highlight Modality", "no_highlight_t3": "Translator 3 - No Highlight Modality", "oracle_t1": "Translator 1 - Oracle Modality", "oracle_t2": "Translator 2 - Oracle Modality", "oracle_t3": "Translator 3 - Oracle Modality", "supervised_t1": "Translator 1 - Supervised Modality", "supervised_t2": "Translator 2 - Supervised Modality", "supervised_t3": "Translator 3 - Supervised Modality", "unsupervised_t1": "Translator 1 - Unsupervised Modality", "unsupervised_t2": "Translator 2 - Unsupervised Modality", "unsupervised_t3": "Translator 3 - Unsupervised Modality" } }, "mother_tongue": { "title": "Mother tongue", "prompt": "Specify your mother tongue. If needed, you can specify more than one language.", "options": { "ita": "Italian", "nld": "Dutch", "other": "Other (specify)" } }, "mother_tongue_other": { "title": "Mother tongue (other)", "other_text_for": "mother_tongue" }, "language_combination": { "title": "Language combination", "prompt": "Please, specify which language combination you work with more frequently.", "options": { "eng-ita": "English to Italian", "ita-eng": "Italian to English", "eng-nld": "English to Dutch", "nld-eng": "Dutch to English", "other": "Other (specify)" } }, "language_combination_other": { "title": "Language combination (other)", "other_text_for": "language_combination" }, "current_position": { "title": "Current position", "prompt": "Please, specify your current position/job/activity.", "options": { "fulltime_freelancer": "Full-time freelance translator", "parttime_freelancer": "Part-time freelance translator", "fulltime_employed": "Employed full-time in a translation agency", "parttime_employed": "Employed part-time in a translation agency", "other": "Other (specify)" } }, "current_position_other": { "title": "Current position (other)", "other_text_for": "current_position" }, "english_level": { "title": "English proficiency", "prompt": "Specify your estimated English proficiency. A1 is equivalent to a beginners level and C2 to a native or near native speaker level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).", "options": { "a1": "A1", "a2": "A2", "b1": "B1", "b2": "B2", "c1": "C1", "c2": "C2" } }, "translation_experience": { "title": "Translation experience", "prompt": "Specify your professional experience as a translator overall in number of years.", "options": { "2": "Less than 2 years", "3.5": "Between 2 and 5 years", "7.5": "Between 5 and 10 years", "10": "More than 10 years" } }, "pe_proficiency": { "title": "Post editing proficiency", "prompt": "As a professional translator, have you post-edited machine translated texts?", "options": { "1": "Yes", "0": "No" } }, "pe_experience": { "title": "Post editing experience", "prompt": "Specify the number of years of experience in post-editing machine translated texts.", "options": { "2": "Less than 2 years", "3.5": "Between 2 and 5 years", "7.5": "Between 5 and 10 years", "10": "More than 10 years" } }, "pe_percentage": { "title": "Post editing percentage", "prompt": "In the last 12 months, which percentage of your translation tasks involved post-editing machine translated texts?", "options": { "0.2": "0 to 20%", "0.4": "21 to 40%", "0.6": "41 to 60%", "0.8": "61 to 80%", "1": "81 to 100%" } }, "catt_experience": { "title": "Computer-assisted translation technologies experience", "prompt": "How often do you employ computer-assisted translation technologies, such as translation memories or quality estimation, in your translation work?", "options": { "1": "Never", "2": "Rarely", "3": "From time to time", "4": "Often", "5": "Always" } }, "mt_statements": { "title": "Machine translation statements", "prompt": "Please, select the answer(s) that best represents your views on Machine Translation (MT). Check all the options that apply.", "multiple_choice": true, "options": { "like_A": "I like using MT for repetitive work that requires consistency.", "like_B": "I like using MT to check certain words or expressions.", "like_C": "I like using MT to trigger my creativity.", "like_D": "I like using MT because it makes me more productive.", "like_E": "I like using MT because it improves the quality of my translations.", "dislike_A": "I don't like using MT because it makes me less creative.", "dislike_B": "I don't like using MT because it makes me less productive.", "dislike_C": "I don't like using MT because the proposals are poor in quality.", "dislike_D": "I don't like using MT because it makes my translations worse.", "other": "Other (specify)" } }, "mt_statements_other": { "title": "Machine translation statements (other)", "other_text_for": "mt_statements" }, "statement_1": { "title": "Statement - Confidence in Editing Human Translations", "prompt": "Rate the following statement: I feel confident in reviewing translations produced by other professional translators.", "options": { "1": "Strongly disagree", "2": "Somewhat disagree", "3": "Neither agree nor disagree", "4": "Somewhat agree", "5": "Strongly agree" } }, "statement_2": { "title": "Statement - Confidence in Editing Machine Translations", "prompt": "Rate the following statement: I feel confident in post-editing translations produced by MT systems.", "options": { "1": "Strongly disagree", "2": "Somewhat disagree", "3": "Neither agree nor disagree", "4": "Somewhat agree", "5": "Strongly agree" } }, "statement_3": { "title": "Statement - Post-editing or Translating from Scratch", "prompt": "Rate the following statement: Without access to a translation memory, I would generally choose to post-edit MT over translating from scratch.", "options": { "1": "Strongly disagree", "2": "Somewhat disagree", "3": "Neither agree nor disagree", "4": "Somewhat agree", "5": "Strongly agree" } }, "statement_4": { "title": "Statement - Post-editing or Imperfect TM", "prompt": "Rate the following statement: I would generally choose to post-edit MT over processing good but imperfect (85-94%) translation memory matches.", "options": { "1": "Strongly disagree", "2": "Somewhat disagree", "3": "Neither agree nor disagree", "4": "Somewhat agree", "5": "Strongly agree" } }, "statement_5": { "title": "Statement - Post-editing MT or Human Translation", "prompt": "Rate the following statements: - I would generally choose to post-edit machine translations over human translations", "options": { "1": "Strongly disagree", "2": "Somewhat disagree", "3": "Neither agree nor disagree", "4": "Somewhat agree", "5": "Strongly agree" } }, "statement_6": { "title": "Statement - MT for Known Languages", "prompt": "Rate the following statements: - I often use MT for languages I know outside of work.", "options": { "1": "Strongly disagree", "2": "Somewhat disagree", "3": "Neither agree nor disagree", "4": "Somewhat agree", "5": "Strongly agree" } }, "statement_7": { "title": "Statement - MT for Unknown Languages", "prompt": "Rate the following statements: - I often use MT for languages I don't know outside of work.", "options": { "1": "Strongly disagree", "2": "Somewhat disagree", "3": "Neither agree nor disagree", "4": "Somewhat agree", "5": "Strongly agree" } }, "pe_opinion": { "title": "Post-editing opinion", "prompt": "What is your opinion overall of post-editing machine translation as part of your translation work? Please, feel free to comment about technical aspects as well as opinions and feelings." } }