Full Text
"I rember 😊" active "A bunch of miscellaneous CSS 'improvements' that I, Croquembouche, use on a bunch of pages because I think it makes them easier to deal with. The changes this component makes are bunch of really trivial modifications to ease the writing experience and to make documenting components/themes a bit easier (which I do a lot). It doesn't change anything about the page visually for the reader — the changes are for the writer. I wouldn't expect translations of articles that use this component to also use this component, unless the translator likes it and would want to use it anyway. This component probably won't conflict with other components or themes, and even if it does, it probably won't matter too much. On any wiki: [[include :scp-wiki:component:croqstyle]] This component is designed to be used on other components. When using on another component, be sure to add this inside the component's [[iftags]] block, so that users of your component are not forced into also using Croqstyle. Other personal styling components (which change just a couple things): Personal styling themes (which are visual overhauls): Stops footnotes from being a million miles wide, so that you can actually read them. Makes the edit textbox monospace, and also changes all monospace text to Fira Code, the obviously superior monospace font. Adds a light grey background to <tt> elements ({{text}}), so code snippets stand out more. Stops big pictures from appearing when you hover over someone's avatar image, because they're stupid and really annoying and you can just click on them if you want to see the big version. Any text inside a div with class nobreak has line-wrapping happen between every letter. Add my terminal's code colours as variables. Maybe I'll change this to a more common terminal theme like Monokai or something at some point, but for now it's just my personal theme, which is derived from Tomorrow Night Eighties. Also, adding the .terminal class to a fake code block as [[div class="code terminal"]] gives it a sort of pseudo-terminal look with a dark background. Doesn't work with [[code]], because Wikidot inserts a bunch of syntax highlighting that you can't change yourself without a bunch of CSS. Use it for non-[[code]] code snippets only. Quick tool to colourise a 'standard' Wikidot component usage example with the above vars: link Draw lines around anything inside .debug-mode. The colour of the lines is red but defers to CSS variable --debug-colour. You can also add div.debug-info.over and div.debug-info.under inside an element to annotate the debug boxes — though you'll need to make sure to leave enough vertical space that the annotation doesn't overlap the thing above or below it. …like this! State your name for the record. A birthday party. Fifth, maybe? Seventh? A kid sat alone. It was her birthday, yet no one cared. She listened to the laughter around her. She knew they were just here for the cake. Jayden Carver. How did you find out about the Foundation? I just… know. The ball flew by. She turned her head, but she stayed where she was. She never really liked sports. They screamed at her to go. It didn't matter. You just know? I just know. What more is there to say? Alright, moving on. What made you come here? "Nora?" The kids around her snickered. She rubbed her eyes. "Huh?" I think… I was supposed to. Elaborate. It has to do with the knowledge. I… A loud bang. She had dropped her textbook. You what? Screaming. Disappointment. Bad grades. A promise. I don't know. Can't go. Frustration. I don't… know what I was saying. Lonely. A friend. Someone who wouldn't leave. Okay, what's going on? A job offer. Stuck. Your, uh, your memories… A secret. A horrible secret. My memories? A ritual. A sickness. A gun. It's not right, though. I've been seeing… A gun. You mentioned my memories yesterday. What'd you mean? I don't… I don't remember what I said. Cheering. Congratulations. She could barely hear them over the static. They were happy for her, but… Is this a branch? After I asked what was going on? Screaming. An argument right as she tried to speak. She sat at the table, but it didn't mean anything. Oh. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. A secret left forever untold. Are you always this… spacey? Not before. My condition's been getting worse. Your condition? I see memories. Not voluntarily. The animal froze, eyes wide. She slammed on the brakes. Glass flying through the air. A sharp pain. It was too late to make amends. Shit. How much did you see? You won't like the answer no matter what I say. Just- let's keep this between us. How well do you remember the memories you see? Depends. Some really stick with me, but others… I forget. Alright, uh, do you know anything about this? Item #: SCP-6982 Object Class: Uncontained Special Containment Procedures: N/A Description: SCP-6982 is a silver bowl. Human subjects observing SCP-6982 from above will perceive a series of images reflected inside of it. Images are as follows: This is… Your, uh… I don't… think so. Fair enough. More time. As she disappeared under the surface, she wished for more time. Look, I've seen your timelines. What? I've seen your futures, and you never tell anyone. You always die wishing you could've said something. Said something… She grabbed her shovel. It was time to dig up the past. « SCP-6981 | SCP-6982 | SCP-6983 »" nan
[ 2.15322539e-01 -2.69067943e-01 -1.26420096e-01 -1.81546584e-01 1.22407362e-01 -6.92270622e-02 9.20187235e-02 1.86177656e-01 1.52854934e-01 1.48153469e-01 -1.62038162e-01 1.42257035e-01 3.45964849e-01 -1.09560460e-01 1.95690587e-01 -8.33885521e-02 1.94149762e-01 2.16244712e-01 1.53630659e-01 -2.79268801e-01 2.13544071e-02 -2.26457473e-02 -6.85450435e-02 4.08861846e-01 -1.98336065e-01 -1.41619161e-01 -5.54950498e-02 3.84375267e-02 3.17750722e-02 -4.56315249e-01 1.06790692e-01 6.30278707e-01 -6.61307573e-02 -2.21937507e-01 -1.11383160e-04 -5.70738986e-02 3.97221357e-01 -9.51136276e-02 -1.97332919e-01 2.67130822e-01 6.01587184e-02 -3.36936504e-01 1.71222195e-01 -2.70082802e-01 2.17027143e-01 8.49306583e-03 -8.62548277e-02 5.81545413e-01 2.65730500e-01 1.46902069e-01 1.90763965e-01 -1.71116307e-01 -2.29275897e-01 2.11718544e-01 6.28757536e-01 2.56004691e-01 -9.54470932e-02 -5.61755121e-01 2.51405656e-01 1.01480886e-01 2.99767971e-01 1.51147872e-01 -4.45638299e-01 -1.42039552e-01 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-3.27614509e-02 3.27378027e-02 8.49449784e-02 2.99933478e-02 9.99901164e-03 -4.32716787e-01 -6.72339126e-02 -3.88735309e-02 -6.79796487e-02 2.86036253e-01 -4.70731795e-01 -2.26636276e-01 3.66106629e-01 2.02882942e-03 1.68449864e-01 -2.45422691e-01 -1.02967016e-01 2.99669534e-01 -6.85322106e-01 -3.04713994e-01 3.46275389e-01 1.93137467e-01 -3.50088686e-01 -2.01293632e-01 1.30030334e-01 -3.75458360e-01 -9.82296541e-02 -2.42848136e-03 2.06545591e-01 1.96521163e-01 4.70243655e-02 4.76871997e-01 8.24088007e-02 -2.66299963e-01 7.17120990e-02 -2.44041502e-01 1.14139803e-02 -2.11336181e-01 -4.80368257e-01 1.42440274e-01 -2.99336314e-01 -1.74797233e-02 -8.31541345e-02 -1.95940807e-01 2.75465161e-01 2.04000160e-01 -2.22143486e-01 3.87484342e-01 -2.67240614e-01 -4.12058204e-01 -1.77749604e-01 9.78270918e-02 1.48458019e-01 2.55311817e-01 -1.61249310e-01 1.40469149e-01 1.27523661e-01 -5.09891927e-01 -3.57001089e-02 1.18841909e-01 1.27396546e-02 -5.23809016e-01 -1.42004400e-01 -1.19579537e-02 4.44446467e-02 1.76389050e-02 1.26002450e-02 1.00736566e-01 -7.15148225e-02 2.52049863e-01 -3.11535835e-01 1.49962887e-01 -2.31082588e-01 1.52362227e-01 3.65126044e-01 2.36569554e-01 1.86329275e-01 -1.17811777e-01 8.16065967e-02 3.40627551e-01 1.85788095e-01 1.57682449e-01 -1.97141156e-01 -2.94618487e-01 -9.05505195e-02 -4.55194294e-01 -6.26795292e-01 1.07493855e-01 7.31966421e-02 2.68179089e-01 7.44442642e-02 -2.49772251e-01 -8.25595558e-02 1.44163832e-01 -1.20534338e-01 3.94423187e-01 5.08218892e-02 -2.07667202e-01 1.52297392e-01 -1.69469699e-01 2.54117936e-01 -1.12534337e-01 -1.01565167e-01 -2.60926366e-01 8.00695922e-03 -1.60635352e-01 5.57550848e-01 1.40655667e-01 2.98915535e-01 1.66416063e-03 -1.23153068e-01 1.40722916e-01 1.59636438e-01 3.35393958e-02 -1.27314270e-01 -1.19141161e-01 1.04031034e-01 -1.93560600e-01 3.05671424e-01 -4.12394762e-01 -1.13156252e-01 5.61560281e-02 -1.39541263e-02 -1.78868622e-01 1.27463620e-02 -3.08130793e-02 3.77147406e-01 -6.67315796e-02 -1.64625719e-02 4.68041897e-02 8.34830478e-02 2.76633948e-01 -3.49691778e-01 3.14606875e-02 2.02586919e-01 -9.76191461e-03 -3.06400150e-01 4.44906130e-02 -8.74176994e-02 -1.72896490e-01 1.20132163e-01 -1.53910354e-01 2.00800732e-01 1.93821743e-01 -2.47171953e-01 2.89172918e-01 3.09419334e-01 -1.60229400e-01 8.66972841e-03 1.60122499e-01 2.11118385e-01 -1.11313157e-01 -1.72455534e-01 -1.69028923e-01 2.70071160e-02 2.44653523e-02 -1.57527789e-01 1.66457385e-01 2.69381970e-01 2.38557592e-01 8.55047852e-02 -4.02977765e-02 -4.14449722e-01 2.51988024e-01 -3.57624352e-01 -5.33149764e-02 1.07227720e-01 -2.21615344e-01 5.12975633e-01 -1.32654667e-01 1.22382037e-01 -3.45424592e-01 -5.83586633e-01 -2.92176396e-01 2.17921399e-02 -1.95950717e-01 1.14936933e-01 -8.11667591e-02 -3.43107522e-01 1.33633316e-01 -1.48265153e-01 -3.54735732e-01 3.10861081e-01 -1.48795024e-01 -2.78382063e-01 1.06365189e-01 8.34859535e-03 -7.42555782e-02 -2.27451518e-01 2.85103887e-01 -6.45592362e-02 -3.97369377e-02 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1.09314106e-01 -2.91733490e-03 4.08804148e-01 4.67097700e-01 -2.03602001e-01 2.24653166e-02 -7.77022719e-01 -2.01409742e-01 2.10174054e-01 3.66718322e-01 1.54874787e-01 -4.75729525e-01 6.41132444e-02 -1.43524021e-01 2.24381462e-01 -1.75513402e-01 -1.15419574e-01 -3.27005357e-01 -1.69992462e-01 5.20657182e-01 3.04179098e-02 -1.91632077e-01 -3.45245957e-01 -2.41528615e-01 -4.55290794e-01 4.17575508e-01 -2.72783488e-01 1.42876152e-02 -1.29967153e-01 -1.33635640e-01 -2.06349462e-01 -1.23436987e-01 -3.46878283e-02 -2.74670511e-01 -2.63818711e-01 -6.01117313e-01 2.30984598e-01 -3.64024818e-01 -1.96021438e-01 -4.08873022e-01 -1.36506027e-02 2.21039057e-01 1.89869851e-01 -2.81588674e-01 2.32889324e-01 -3.61834675e-01 1.48187846e-01 -4.12057102e-01 2.39386544e-01 -4.43715930e-01 -2.14235306e-01 4.05632555e-02 -3.07341143e-02 -1.61688596e-01 -4.42660660e-01 -2.97387123e-01 1.03229962e-01 2.72333831e-01 1.56877443e-01 1.48995966e-01 -5.55493683e-02 2.78082103e-01 -4.23640013e-02 -1.14960931e-01 -1.81675673e-01 2.92937309e-01 9.89830419e-02 -3.25053871e-01 3.06343764e-01 -1.03346974e-01 -3.81151885e-01 -5.55699706e-01 4.42300826e-01 -1.74508348e-01 3.58804941e-01 3.25937539e-01 1.20084929e+00 1.80803746e-01 2.68804669e-01 -2.53640801e-01 -2.88854241e-01 2.83660680e-01 9.28659514e-02 -6.33690581e-02 8.11013579e-02 1.54054716e-01 -2.87274867e-02 1.32933512e-01 6.14741221e-02 -2.16566045e-02 -8.02591622e-01 -6.91882819e-02 -3.68972600e-01 -5.30934334e-02 1.41354755e-01 2.26145219e-02 4.56097126e-02 -1.13420330e-01 1.67601466e-01 6.71829805e-02 -1.31189466e-01 9.35562998e-02 -3.58145870e-02 1.48302779e-01 -1.70482516e-01 -7.74335191e-02 -2.22323447e-01 -1.61629170e-02 6.28947467e-02 -1.58059448e-01 1.27950341e-01 -3.47786337e-01 3.23527336e-01 4.08517271e-01 1.88376173e-01 -1.41197275e-02 1.38722816e-02 2.81499296e-01 2.32294098e-01 1.02612540e-01 -2.89797157e-01 2.03343555e-01 3.46732065e-02 -1.48564994e-01 -4.40357864e-01 1.75080672e-01 -2.06880271e-01 1.17834434e-01 -2.98177361e-01 9.30895135e-02 4.45217788e-01 -9.23605338e-02 2.46628225e-01 1.39065504e-01 -2.53962696e-01 -3.71344209e-01 1.45638183e-01 4.32991497e-02 -3.82598601e-02 2.60210223e-02 3.98545295e-01 -2.62606531e-01 4.80018519e-02 -3.13208431e-01 1.14898197e-01 -2.86420643e-01 2.86708504e-01 -1.50053218e-01 -2.47256696e-01 -2.09512815e-01 -6.34913668e-02 -8.39615092e-02 1.77845985e-01 -3.22946459e-01 -1.96895283e-02 -3.13557446e-01 -2.11632133e-01 8.25132370e-01 2.11406633e-01 3.75296593e-01 -3.17004919e-01 7.96832144e-03 -6.28733113e-02 1.43960848e-01 3.65396321e-01 1.96949050e-01 -1.46762758e-01 -2.19096258e-01 -5.97347785e-03 7.75792599e-01 -3.14254463e-01 -2.27170840e-01 -2.64139384e-01 6.61121756e-02 4.94209945e-01 -3.17649990e-01 -2.54267931e-01 -4.16685604e-02 4.16382961e-02 1.23307154e-01 -2.08362296e-01 -2.00508356e-01 -3.43971044e-01 1.68283030e-01 1.59328416e-01 -2.34314576e-01 8.96649808e-02 6.21215343e-01 3.85169327e-01 -2.86766201e-01 3.70256245e-01 -1.32130325e-01 -1.18278906e-01 2.29490161e-01 -1.82088435e-01 2.66199917e-01 -1.95259914e-01 -2.69805342e-01 2.03407295e-02 3.31240773e-01 2.66606003e-01 -7.70171266e-03 7.80016836e-03 -1.06808610e-01 6.28610134e-01 3.84807587e-01 6.09364927e-01 1.95657402e-01 2.24355143e-02 1.36151025e-02 2.84848094e-01 3.90899368e-02 -2.63954848e-01 2.49369338e-01 -7.73649812e-02 -2.32762888e-01 1.49517030e-01 1.99884728e-01 4.72477004e-02 -1.63651064e-01 1.04822859e-01 -1.75879881e-01 1.39055513e-02 3.43602747e-01 1.63830057e-01 -3.64169329e-01 3.08598131e-01 6.81513622e-02 2.42259964e-01 -4.34841037e-01 2.38415763e-01 -2.03943446e-01 -2.19425485e-01 -1.05123058e-01 2.25960597e-01 9.44494754e-02 -1.68043241e-01 5.15416339e-02 4.97134596e-01 6.95422739e-02 3.51644874e-01 7.01977670e-01 1.48905948e-01 1.72721788e-01 5.94278812e-01 2.80803919e-01 -2.21704766e-02 1.65321752e-01 9.71399322e-02 -1.23655453e-01 6.53970599e-01 2.52130777e-01 4.00421172e-02 1.62376150e-01 3.20230484e-01 -3.56971979e-01 1.70565888e-01 -2.05944657e-01 -8.35683122e-02 -7.80351236e-02 2.95660555e-01 -7.80806458e-03 6.94535375e-02 1.61939546e-01 -4.98122089e-02 7.66271576e-02 9.25027356e-02 -4.52206880e-02 3.21114331e-01 -9.30331126e-02 -1.87873960e-01 1.75754085e-01 9.73231420e-02 5.40508069e-02 2.25269809e-01 2.39309445e-01 1.75373465e-01 -3.11423421e-01 3.14156324e-01 -2.62638301e-01 -6.72339834e-03 1.21269554e-01 3.57713550e-03 1.39352247e-01 -3.84695940e-02 -1.40710190e-01 4.45662849e-02 -1.49383307e-01 -1.97774082e-01 -8.05442557e-02 -2.55333513e-01 -1.11315794e-01 -1.99623764e-01 2.17652887e-01 -4.40533221e-01 -1.09780945e-01 1.94191158e-01 -1.11795478e-01 2.69401502e-02 -9.08342451e-02 8.94372612e-02 7.69677907e-02 -1.01741731e-01 7.12694600e-02 1.67344511e-01 3.91180605e-01 1.51958495e-01 1.39569923e-01 3.64063203e-01 -1.91745773e-01 -1.50106639e-01 2.80936778e-01 -6.40261099e-02 -1.99015327e-02 2.40615413e-01 2.32770927e-02 -9.52696875e-02 2.82247812e-01 2.89499462e-01 -3.20199817e-01 -1.08587094e-01 -1.67310372e-01 5.30340970e-02 1.22689635e-01 4.57073063e-01 -1.94121972e-01 4.67201183e-03 -4.06354852e-02 9.38142315e-02 4.42553498e-03 1.70313954e-01 5.07177413e-03 8.20429549e-02 1.78104881e-02 2.13662758e-01 3.34808707e-01 1.06805511e-01 2.00887918e-01 9.80287641e-02 -9.17501152e-02 2.20514521e-01 2.00529695e-01 -1.76104367e-01 2.52979040e-01 -1.84897438e-01 1.04371756e-01 -6.08080998e-02 -1.46708027e-01 1.21337764e-01 2.42775023e-01 3.16514969e-01 -2.07819417e-01 -4.83132787e-02 -2.79717565e-01 1.29255861e-01 -1.27026588e-01 -7.48996958e-02 7.32042193e-02 1.61183968e-01 -7.08847120e-02 -3.64727497e-01 -2.59895116e-01 2.80638665e-01 -4.98403683e-02 -5.28704047e-01 6.71255589e-02 8.65856409e-02 -7.45538026e-02 7.57162226e-03 -1.82970941e-01 -2.91071385e-01 1.27290845e-01 -1.39463204e-03 -2.82595754e-01 -3.67906131e-02 3.34125698e-01 -2.01478347e-01 -1.24608092e-01 3.24723840e-01 -7.51550943e-02 -2.43276600e-02 -5.63931525e-01 -3.63273978e-01]
"Kelvin" active "Item #: SCP-6983 Object Class: Ticonderoga1 Special Containment Procedures: Undercover personnel within various national and international space programs are to plant the file Binary_Star.aic in both the hardware of control centers and digital components of all launched projects. Foundation AI "Binary Star" will intercept and record all data about SCP-6983 for the Foundation database and summarily delete it from non-Foundation records. Class B amnestics may be administered to witnesses if deemed necessary. Description: SCP-6983 is a humanoid with an estimated height of 5 meters. It has been noted to repair planetary rings, atmospheres, and other celestial objects by using an unknown welding technique utilising its fingertips to weld objects together. The entity also uses this technique to communicate via light signaling. The details of how SCP-6983 sustains itself or travels are unknown. However, through communication and observation, it is concluded that the entity can alter reality or the laws of physics to a small degree. To date, no full imagery of SCP-6983 accurately shows its features or profile due to bad lighting. Civilian observations of the anomaly have described it as a sudden blinking in space, an intense light, or a combination of both. Research is currently ongoing. Addendum 6983.1: Discovery On 16 August 2017, a probe from the Beholder line observed blinking on a planetary ring in its vicinity2. Its trajectory was adjusted for further investigation. Thermal imaging managed to discern a humanoid figure. Communication attempts were initiated soon after. However, upon maneuvering closer, Binary Star uncovered that the entity was trying to communicate via a system functioning similarly to Morse code. Following several days of reviewing footage, decoding, and sending Morse code to the anomaly, a legible method of conversation was successfully established on 23 August after SCP-6983 signaled "I think I finally understand you". Log available below: Interviewed: SCP-6983 Interviewer: Dr. Nails Foreword: All messages are decrypted from Morse. <BEGIN LOG> SCP-6983 points one of his fingers towards the probe, a dim white light appears. SCP-6983: Yes, I do. Dr. Nails: Would you mind answering some questions? SCP-6983: I have no problem with that, but are you by chance from Earth? Dr. Nails: Can I ask why you assume that? SCP-6983: I've been asked to repair a similar object you're currently using, I believe a probe called Beholder-8, by someone we both know. Dr. Nails: I see. So you know, how do I put this, the bigger context of the situation? SCP-6983: I know who you are and what you do, but that's about it. Dr. Nails: Well, that makes things a bit easier. Can I start my questioning? SCP-6983: If you don't mind, could you please wait a few moments? I'm almost done here. Dr. Nails: Sure. SCP-6983 welds a torn section of the ring of the nearby planet together, despite it being made out of mainly gas. Dr. Nails: My heat sensors didn't pick up what you just did, could you elaborate? SCP-6983: Heat sensors? Of course you don't pick anything up, unlike the others I use extreme cold. SCP-6983 begins to weld again. Despite the temperature, the area around it seemingly begins to bend like hot air. Dr. Nails: According to what you're doing, you are bending the laws of physics, a small bit of reality. Effectively, you're going below zero Kelvin, the absolute zero. SCP-6983: Kelvin? That's a nice name. But you make it seem like it is something good. Dr. Nails: Isn't it? SCP-6983: I was cast out by the rest since I could not produce high temperatures. I couldn't weld stars or other hot layers or objects together. In the beginning I could not even travel like them. Dr. Nails: How did they travel? SCP-6983: As you probably saw the air, no excuse me, the vacuum bend around me. They first utilized that effect to shorten distances temporarily to fold space on itself. It took me quite a while to do the same but based on something cold. Dr. Nails: First? So they found another way to travel? SCP-6983: Yes, after a while they just learned to burn a hole in space, step through it, and weld it back afterwards. I am not able to do something like that. That's the moment where they abandoned me, even though they could have easily let me step through as well. Dr. Nails: Have you seen them again? SCP-6983: No. Pauses. First I thought they generated a heat so hot they travelled to some new dimension or some other reality breaking phenomenon, but later I heard they were asked to fix some kind of broken planet and… something went wrong. Footage reveals that at this moment SCP-6983 trembled, its light flickered, and succeeded in making a small hole in space. Dr. Nails: Like an accident on the job? SCP-6983: Probably, I genuinely don't know. Dr. Nails: So what are you going to do? SCP-6983: I'm gonna try to piece everything together. Bit by bit. Dr. Nails: Ok, and how do- Hey, wait! SCP-6983 takes note of the hole, stands up, tears the hole further open, and begins to step through. SCP-6983: Seems like I finally will be able to do this… You have my thanks. I'll make sure to return the favour. Dr. Nails: Where are you going? Can you spare a little more time? SCP-6983: Space is both continuously expanding and collapsing on itself. I need to hold a couple of things together. Wouldn't like things to start falling apart. We'll meet again from time to time. Don't worry about it. SCP-6983 welds the hole shut. Some small crystals linger around before fading away. <END LOG> Closing Statement: Several phenomena related to SCP-6983 are currently being researched by physicists. The probe was brought back to its normal trajectory. Update: On 19 September 2017, a notification was sent from Beholder-8 as it had started its reconfiguration. Sensors showed that its exterior was colder than before it lost its function. Addendum 6983.2: On 22 February 2018, a Foundation satellite observed a blue shine in the atmosphere. Whilst this phenomenon lasted, several locations reported unexpected snowfall. Afterwards the satellite concluded that the hole in the ozone layer was nowhere to be found and a small section was signed with the name "Kelvin". « SCP-6982 | SCP-6983 | SCP-6984 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6983" by Sirslash47, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: ISS057-E-74412 - View of Earth.jpg Name: atmos.jpg Date: 8 November 2018 License: Public Domain Author: Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center Source Link: Wikimedia Commons For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Look at him go! Image from 22 February 2018"
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1.98940411e-01 4.15487252e-02 9.29869339e-02 -3.13335896e-01 1.40511125e-01 1.75586253e-01 2.92953312e-01 1.63515255e-01 1.78904030e-02 6.60885300e-04 -7.65947625e-02 1.63643420e-01 -2.61155307e-01 -1.37406528e-01 -1.02964804e-01 -2.77211680e-03 2.65155762e-01 4.73062724e-01 -1.74803644e-01 -2.02110305e-01 -1.24525622e-01 1.43120751e-01 -1.00512803e-01 -4.77142632e-01 2.72031963e-01 3.31391424e-01 1.95102617e-01 -2.70673692e-01 -2.29723886e-01 7.66411275e-02 2.16672301e-01 -8.29197243e-02 4.70621735e-02 1.27036780e-01 -8.01649913e-02 1.04970269e-01 -2.07699433e-01 2.87023544e-01 3.09533119e-01 6.58604205e-02 1.83939308e-01 -5.58001883e-02 -3.64787668e-01 -1.36571191e-02 5.49643449e-02 5.81821024e-01 3.24964151e-02 -7.40757957e-02 1.24062136e-01 8.24243277e-02 4.53008711e-01 -1.77995533e-01 -8.43362957e-02 3.82855296e-01 2.20198512e-01 -1.43572941e-01 -1.39689278e-02 -8.15322399e-02 -5.89631870e-02 -2.46598974e-01 -1.54536322e-01 -1.21505428e-02 1.42210588e-01 1.19341724e-01 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-5.18376529e-02 7.04065412e-02 1.84248388e-01 2.65023142e-01 -2.35687718e-01 -1.37398571e-01 2.42669240e-01 -1.27882481e-01 -2.92583168e-01 -5.11729717e-01 7.79879093e-02 -1.93529695e-01 3.63920480e-01 4.08432901e-01 1.22839773e+00 1.11663692e-01 1.59243047e-01 3.16066742e-02 -8.15604508e-01 5.20421565e-01 -3.32465976e-01 1.92835759e-02 -2.48907030e-01 -2.14715526e-01 -6.17346577e-02 -1.27716482e-01 1.48409232e-01 -5.71503304e-03 -2.40027994e-01 -2.56889611e-01 -2.30705157e-01 -5.30070439e-02 1.88696563e-01 3.64392787e-01 8.10798034e-02 -7.41770789e-02 -1.94878697e-01 2.09923834e-01 -2.82428991e-02 1.91273555e-01 3.52460891e-02 -3.45234722e-01 1.09088384e-01 -3.18638049e-02 -1.68942660e-01 1.27038849e-03 -4.10691440e-01 1.97381228e-01 1.80220082e-01 1.88858435e-02 3.21762800e-01 -3.87887567e-01 3.51120204e-01 -1.55766383e-01 -8.80265161e-02 2.73870736e-01 7.56123126e-01 -2.22828209e-01 3.02469917e-02 1.12402640e-01 4.06002939e-01 6.49130493e-02 -7.09273666e-02 5.36076128e-01 1.01512887e-01 -9.61493179e-02 3.02272942e-02 1.20712630e-01 4.27963585e-01 8.61843824e-02 3.64033163e-01 4.19201143e-03 -3.53356212e-01 -1.25263199e-01 1.69372305e-01 -1.80119440e-01 -2.17671379e-01 -9.36903134e-02 1.07032999e-01 -2.51187474e-01 -4.34675701e-02 4.51514006e-01 2.52545983e-01 3.53776328e-02 1.13629602e-01 2.42914483e-01 -1.47948056e-01 -3.94983381e-01 -1.49823219e-01 -5.40037788e-02 -5.97322106e-01 -1.54407071e-02 2.42152605e-02 -2.22360641e-01 -8.52563903e-02 1.62871063e-01 2.70992070e-01 -2.61388719e-01 -5.03383219e-01 7.30760023e-02 1.86375439e-01 -1.68305695e-01 4.21511149e-03 3.43422413e-01 -1.79443493e-01 6.51783109e-01 -1.12098224e-01 1.51799485e-01 -4.05146629e-01 -1.87971175e-01 -2.81267792e-01 1.01015039e-01 2.35400259e-01 -2.90035695e-01 1.17194884e-01 -7.43870586e-02 1.47888482e-01 4.55646403e-02 -2.86716521e-01 -1.99498892e-01 -2.01651454e-01 1.46790862e-01 -1.94800988e-01 -3.07657599e-01 2.17667650e-02 2.81425238e-01 2.60299653e-01 1.40973240e-01 2.34377235e-01 3.93955529e-01 1.97958753e-01 3.08455914e-01 -2.15729892e-01 2.27787256e-01 1.38968155e-01 -5.44564947e-02 2.65861124e-01 3.88047308e-01 -1.56434417e-01 -5.19387051e-02 -2.58578867e-01 1.83227230e-02 6.40030086e-01 4.56741393e-01 -4.41371828e-01 1.06339185e-02 1.92480534e-01 1.17680497e-01 -8.86585489e-02 3.13640058e-01 -6.61166236e-02 -1.02671646e-01 -2.58199006e-01 -3.35261047e-01 -5.83120883e-02 2.46394649e-01 -1.48104861e-01 3.37149166e-02 -3.32717896e-01 -1.29696622e-01 1.20039739e-01 2.37966180e-01 1.63537055e-01 -4.39346373e-01 -2.26963714e-01 -6.28826395e-02 -7.35878944e-02 -5.74369654e-02 2.76505411e-01 5.34224570e-01 -5.71734160e-02 -1.66357324e-01 2.09281012e-01 1.96198568e-01 3.18268776e-01 3.95487458e-01 4.53076094e-01 3.24404895e-01 1.02648668e-01 3.60499382e-01 2.49983758e-01 2.53435373e-01 -2.74751812e-01 1.77921169e-02 -2.66368657e-01 1.46910265e-01 -1.37804076e-01 1.09565310e-01 -2.49122575e-01 -5.13108373e-02 -1.75537199e-01 3.15470770e-02 7.83927739e-02 1.27780125e-01 -2.85738206e-04 -1.01725467e-01 -7.02130198e-01 -2.61569113e-01 5.79426810e-02 2.12807581e-01 1.41508251e-01 8.78359228e-02 -1.07757039e-02 3.41781199e-01 -2.52184957e-01 1.58757030e-03 3.83015841e-01 -2.70802975e-01 1.01740077e-01 3.11559886e-01 2.91657727e-02 1.84623927e-01 1.04669712e-01 3.60497087e-01 1.52957991e-01 -4.37137425e-01 6.83831237e-03 -1.61171153e-01 -1.19529843e-01 -1.34166673e-01 -1.61511630e-01 9.68499854e-02 -1.23863004e-01 1.23158284e-01 1.58036724e-01 -2.58059919e-01 6.63368329e-02 -2.20130920e-01 3.64669740e-01 -1.42412245e-01 1.44554049e-01 -2.90734559e-01 -9.25643072e-02 -1.55478984e-01 -2.01954581e-02 -3.92437339e-01 -7.42101014e-01 -1.01619594e-01 -2.29835391e-01 2.84570783e-01 -9.19983536e-02 1.12663619e-01 -2.37777621e-01 5.13489783e-01 2.08551273e-01 2.66626850e-02 8.99033546e-02 -2.10141107e-01 -6.93892241e-02 -9.52172428e-02 2.24616408e-01 -3.73760462e-01 -2.52379719e-02 -1.10905193e-01 6.11755662e-02 -2.75725909e-02 -2.47509018e-01 2.82771558e-01 -1.06217071e-01 -3.88192773e-01 -1.94875970e-01 2.62444109e-01 1.01998024e-01 -1.36776846e-02 -2.94742570e-03 -2.31942207e-01 -4.58657965e-02 -2.48473644e-01 2.10128054e-01 -1.21225126e-01 -3.88926834e-01 5.79810031e-02 7.13187397e-01 3.54763299e-01 1.13267116e-01 4.98406112e-01 -2.11335108e-01 -2.52975583e-01 9.40536410e-02 2.32497752e-01 -3.03374797e-01 3.63280028e-01 -7.95001984e-02 4.16093200e-01 2.86163121e-01 1.32396311e-01 1.53242275e-01 2.42185015e-02 -3.93475406e-02 3.28276277e-01 -7.00929910e-02 1.49577588e-01 -4.38893139e-01 2.17498407e-01 2.89275408e-01 4.10316586e-01 1.27573639e-01 -1.60717428e-01 -2.18444467e-01 -3.45755786e-01 5.40115893e-01 4.56388779e-02 -2.20256761e-01 -1.44219011e-01 1.57229409e-01 -1.17592052e-01 2.33928934e-02 -5.25385916e-01 -2.05688298e-01 1.06042065e-02 9.85303055e-03 -1.37082875e-01 -5.48081957e-02 -9.03282464e-02 -1.34149730e-01 -1.52370632e-01 2.73869216e-01 -1.25866905e-02 -7.30370656e-02 -4.52007800e-01 -6.76772594e-02]
"This Is Spın̈al Tap" active "This was a real stream-of-consciousness article. I wanted to know if there was something with this title in the mainlist. There wasn’t. Many, many thanks to the critters for this article: LORDXVNV PlaguePJP, HarryBlank, and Moths. The image is licensed CC-BY, and was created by K2 Space. It’s available here Thanks, K2 Space! ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains allusions to the consumption of bodily fluid. ⚠️ content warning Containment Chamber 112, prior to renovation. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6984 is contained in Containment Chamber 112 at Site-322.1 Staff with Level 2 clearance or higher are permitted to enter the chamber should they require biological material for research. Samples of the faucet’s effluence are tested weekly; containment specialists are to be contacted should the fluid’s composition cease resembling human cerebrospinal fluid. Description: SCP-6984 is an anomalous faucet, which produces cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) when open, regardless of the fluid it is provided. The anomaly was identified in 2017, following reports of faulty plumbing in Restroom 18: To: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh From: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc Subject: Broken Faucet Mr. Hendrix, Was wondering if you could take a look at the leftmost faucet in Restroom 18. Water tastes much sweeter than it used to. Good day, Dr. Coix Research Head, Site-322 Sent from my iPhone. To: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc From: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh Subject: Re:Broken Faucet [Ticket #117.2017] Hi Anthony, You're drinking from the restroom sink? Chase To: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh From: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc Subject: Re:Re:Broken Faucet [Ticket #117.2017] Mr. Hendrix, Don't interrogate my personal preferences. Fix your sink. Good day, Dr. Coix Research Head, Site-322 Sent from my iPhone. To: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc From: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh Subject: Re:Re:Re:Broken Faucet [Ticket #117.2017] Hey Coix, Sure, I can take a look. Will you be able to stay hydrated while I investigate? Do you want me to swing by your office and drop off some greywater to tide you over? Chase Sent from my office. To: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh From: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Broken Faucet [Ticket #117.2017] Mr. Hendrix, Do you like your job? Does it pay well? Do you get paid to be sarcastic? Stop emailing me. Good day, Dr. Coix Research Head, Site-322 Sent from my iPhone. After inspection by Site-322 maintenance staff found no fault, the faucet was subjected to testing. Subsequently, the object was given its SCP designation, and the present containment procedures were enacted. As of yet, no human has been identified as a genetic match with SCP-6984 effluence. Update [23/06/2018]: Following a presentation given by Dr. Ilse Reynders at 2018's Inter-Site Containment Conference,2 Site Director Paul Lague nominated a number of on-site anomalies, including SCP-6984, for the Site’s Integration Program. After a brief period of ideation and testing, the anomaly was integrated into the site’s infrastructure: The integration of SCP-6984 has been a success; we now pump fluid waste through to SCP-6984, where it’s converted to CSF and undergoes standard biohazard disposal. We’re working our way up to using it as our primary fluid waste disposal method, but the guys in the AA department would like to stress that you shouldn’t introduce any solid matter to SCP-6984’s plumbing. It ain’t broke. Don’t break it. — Paul Lague, Site Director, Site-322 Update [04/11/2020]: SCP-6984’s function as an anomalous filtration system for waste fluids remained unhindered for over two years. However, on the 2nd of November, 2021, SCP-6984's output halted completely. Its supply of acroamatic waste, however, continued to build up. The untreated acroamatic waste was stored in a buffer tank before reaching SCP-6984 and began to accumulate there. The fault was identified, before this accumulation triggered an alert, due to the diligence of Dr. Anthony Coix, who contacted Site Maintenance within two hours of SCP-6984 running dry: To: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh From: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc Subject: Broken Faucet. Again. Mr. Hendrix, The sink in Restroom 18 is now blocked. Even if you couldn’t get the taste back to normal, I expect you to ensure it maintains a regular flow. Fix it. Dr. Coix Research Head, Site-322 Sent from my iPhone. To: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc CC: tenpics.223.tniamtnoc|y.nosille#tenpics.223.tniamtnoc|y.nosille From: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh Subject: Re:Broken Faucet. Again. [Ticket #321.2020] Anthony, Are you talking about SCP-6984? I didn't know you were assigned to that. I'll send this to containment maintenance. Chase To: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh CC: tenpics.223.tniamtnoc|y.nosille#tenpics.223.tniamtnoc|y.nosille From: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc Subject: Re:Re:Broken Faucet. Again. [Ticket #321.2020] What? Sent from my iPhone. To: tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc#tenpics.223.hcraeser|a.xioc From: tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh#tenpics.223.ecnanetniam|c.xirdneh Subject: Re:Re:Re:Broken Faucet [Ticket #321.2020] Oh god. Did no one tell you? I suggest you report to the Medical wing ASAP. Tell them it’s long-term biohazard exposure. Chase Following investigation by containment maintenance, a blockage was identified within the piping of SCP-6984. The following log details the intervention effort: –BEGIN LOG– [Yousef Ellison, Containment Maintenance, and Natalia Kemp, Containment Specialist, are standing in SCP-6984’s containment chamber. Chase Hendrix, Site Maintenance, enters with plumbing equipment. All three are wearing Level B HAZMAT suits.] Ellison: Thanks for coming in for this. Kemp: We could've managed, but we didn't have the tools with us, and since your office is so close by… Hendrix: No, no, I get it. No worries. I'm just glad to be in all this gear. [He taps his helmet.] Feel like I should be wearing this for my regular jobs, too. [Hendrix approaches SCP-6984. He takes a deep breath, then inserts the end of a handheld auger into the faucet. Hendrix begins threading the auger through the object's plumbing.] Hendrix: How far back do you reckon this thing is? Kemp: We were unable to loc— Hendrix: Oh! I’ve got it. I think. [Hendrix squeezes the trigger of the auger handle, closing the device's grabbing mechanism. He frowns.] Hendrix: It's… kinda spongy. Weird. It's definitely manageable, it’s moving when I pull it. If this is all there is— Kemp: Are you prepared to remove the obstruction? Hendrix: Listen, you guys are the ones who deal with this kind of thing on the daily. You tell me. Is it safe to pull it out? Kemp: We have performed a number of preliminary tests and have identified no— Ellison: Frankly, we don't know. We're probably as safe as you. It's an anomaly… despite everything, it's still going to be hard to predict. All we know is that this way is less likely to damage SCP-6984 than a more invasive intervention. [Hendrix sighs. He begins winding the auger, pulling the blockage towards the faucet. The resistance from the obstruction increases and he strains while winding.] Kemp: Are you alright? Ellison: Need help… uh… winding? Pulling? [Hendrix nods with gritted teeth. He stops winding the coil and begins pulling the device away from the faucet. Ellison and Kemp assist him in pulling the auger cable out of SCP-6984.] Hendrix: Okay, it's pretty close. Final heave: one, two, three! [Ellison, Kemp, and Hendrix pull the cable together, and it flies loose from the faucet. The three fall backwards as a high-pressure jet of fluid begins to run through SCP-6984. Ellison gets up to turn off the faucet, while Kemp and Hendrix inspect the end of the auger cable, which holds a pink mass.] Hendrix: Is that…? –END LOG– The neural tissue recovered from the intervention was designated SCP-6984-1. Should a similar issue arise, the recovered material is to undergo testing, then standard biohazard disposal. Following the removal and containment of SCP-6984-1, a review of the object’s role in Site-322's infrastructure is underway. Regardless of the outcome, Dr. Coix has been banned from entering Containment Chamber 112. SCP-5595 — Geoffrey Quincy Harrison the Third: Site-Director, Gumball Machine, by PlaguePJP. SCP-6123 — VKTM Presents: Media And You, by Grigori Karpin. « SCP-6983 | SCP-6984 | SCP-6985 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6984" by GremlinGroup, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures cromage6984.jpg.: Name: Wells_Fargo_09 Author: K2 Space License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: restroom18.jpg: Name: Wells_Fargo_09 Author: K2 Space License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "."
[ 3.89187545e-01 -6.43388808e-01 -1.80772200e-01 -1.55822590e-01 1.46664470e-01 -1.36994436e-01 1.52332067e-01 -2.39137374e-02 4.47984040e-01 3.72403562e-01 2.98022609e-02 -1.03292763e-01 -1.22014731e-01 6.87585324e-02 3.04663032e-01 3.51361036e-01 3.13681245e-01 9.82230902e-02 2.88318455e-01 -2.21191019e-01 3.41780260e-02 -6.09911755e-02 -1.48102894e-01 1.72681868e-01 1.15521602e-01 4.06960964e-01 1.77644119e-01 1.19080216e-01 -2.35969257e-02 -4.10835475e-01 6.03449084e-02 3.06907654e-01 -3.61404300e-01 1.83781818e-01 -1.13333888e-04 -2.14377865e-01 2.93479681e-01 1.83566995e-02 -1.35628313e-01 -2.07516458e-02 -3.52386117e-01 -2.04968169e-01 3.77342075e-01 -2.27257192e-01 -5.11706527e-03 2.60204196e-01 1.19956546e-01 4.41460907e-01 6.42713159e-02 6.35910556e-02 1.12304926e-01 -7.29809478e-02 1.36993989e-01 1.81178406e-01 3.17962855e-01 1.65760532e-01 -2.10151240e-01 -2.18102202e-01 5.48567832e-01 -1.08057201e-01 1.65345669e-01 1.79944128e-01 -3.44386995e-01 1.59530081e-02 1.05217792e-01 -2.31912002e-01 1.62615806e-01 -2.66320676e-01 3.50576758e-01 5.98582625e-01 4.31578606e-03 3.63795727e-04 2.90058345e-01 1.50319412e-01 -2.33494237e-01 -4.28865254e-01 -7.28805258e-04 9.15174559e-02 -3.53679627e-01 -4.36096638e-02 2.19314784e-01 -9.84053090e-02 -1.50611222e-01 1.53568074e-01 -1.89784214e-01 1.83316961e-01 -7.88527057e-02 -1.80589423e-01 1.11538678e-01 5.18810302e-02 -8.04976076e-02 9.84493792e-02 3.64655435e-01 1.15113566e-02 -3.30695421e-01 2.59976480e-02 1.76743820e-01 1.53804481e-01 1.24430999e-01 -4.60074022e-02 4.44305986e-01 9.95800719e-02 -1.24609888e-01 1.81183815e-01 2.88268477e-01 -3.31549853e-01 -1.75177678e-01 1.12630032e-01 -3.39628398e-01 -4.75168861e-02 7.87550211e-02 4.53794785e-02 2.47992855e-02 6.01188876e-02 -2.14307860e-01 -1.87304080e-01 -6.49787337e-02 -3.16044033e-01 -2.07743630e-01 4.29971516e-01 -5.51959038e-01 2.56960690e-01 -1.92217886e-01 2.11949170e-01 4.28536654e-01 6.15454733e-01 2.84585834e-01 -1.57905340e-01 -3.06513846e-01 -7.82856252e-03 -9.20812264e-02 2.46436238e-01 -1.89349428e-01 -1.41220912e-01 -4.52830821e-01 -8.86429846e-02 -1.31760135e-01 -2.44717263e-02 -6.49197623e-02 -1.32222340e-01 1.86550654e-02 1.03777789e-01 4.66382474e-01 6.60728693e-01 -5.28992079e-02 -1.60641357e-01 1.67522758e-01 -1.61888957e-01 -1.18100317e-02 3.57954800e-01 -2.99858069e-03 -5.51402159e-02 -7.40351528e-02 1.55431718e-01 1.83110572e-02 5.06371297e-02 2.45151117e-01 1.60340592e-01 2.51671076e-01 -6.00003935e-02 3.98358673e-01 3.49769667e-02 -2.05185637e-01 -8.56337622e-02 -4.07994948e-02 2.66689241e-01 -2.19965905e-01 -1.51750147e-01 -2.40689754e-01 -1.23542786e-01 1.39372125e-01 -1.77889794e-01 6.76867962e-02 1.82376385e-01 6.68248981e-02 3.28135908e-01 -4.55083877e-01 -2.79044151e-01 -1.78281143e-01 -2.26604547e-02 -2.55625963e-01 4.30698544e-01 1.46213233e-01 -6.21744394e-02 -1.27653539e-01 -1.20566525e-01 -1.59063295e-01 -3.38699847e-01 1.26870483e-01 -1.60595387e-01 -3.43334705e-01 -2.35353723e-01 -2.48883694e-01 -2.54867882e-01 1.34834930e-01 -1.38425425e-01 1.30505323e-01 4.04578954e-01 5.95419109e-01 1.07265227e-01 -2.81700224e-01 1.50607610e-02 2.53137231e-01 4.87032294e-01 7.74100125e-02 -5.44433035e-02 2.06780106e-01 -1.99101031e-01 7.49681443e-02 5.42220712e-01 1.04854852e-02 -1.38159916e-01 -1.29510432e-01 2.31810972e-01 -1.28043488e-01 -5.48436761e-01 1.96846128e-01 3.14658374e-01 -3.11319888e-01 2.86643095e-02 -9.97334197e-02 1.49518862e-01 -3.70881557e-01 -6.16502054e-02 -1.30800530e-01 2.64477730e-01 1.04001909e-01 1.49077579e-01 -1.18283205e-01 8.26189592e-02 4.54306006e-02 1.24768741e-01 -2.78937612e-02 1.75921656e-02 -1.54697329e-01 4.94000107e-01 1.50349960e-01 5.94076097e-01 -1.44701421e-01 -2.67161548e-01 -3.45317483e-01 3.20993036e-01 2.66210735e-01 -1.95094049e-01 2.06332430e-01 6.63873404e-02 2.83452034e-01 8.68043955e-03 -7.35756904e-02 2.67876148e-01 -1.23375781e-01 -1.25440568e-01 -4.78009991e-02 -7.03433454e-02 4.99512523e-01 4.67956871e-01 -2.18973666e-01 -2.87095327e-02 8.78777504e-02 1.00601509e-01 -7.84069821e-02 -2.07816094e-01 1.15479097e-01 1.79236867e-02 -1.01464659e-01 -1.11725338e-01 9.74368006e-02 -2.34366074e-01 -4.44642976e-02 1.66045114e-01 -2.76096404e-01 -8.12235754e-03 4.12031084e-01 -2.02390581e-01 1.97097644e-01 2.42455840e-01 -1.90178484e-01 3.52515101e-01 2.91944176e-01 8.86951163e-02 -5.62669575e-01 1.62140533e-01 -5.87397628e-02 1.93352535e-01 -1.72165006e-01 -1.21436633e-01 6.34341165e-02 2.89672881e-01 3.25497568e-01 -2.33328715e-01 2.25474015e-01 -2.52872020e-01 2.83953160e-01 9.90674496e-02 2.94509064e-02 1.64438307e-01 -3.83864611e-01 3.79753113e-01 -1.50380703e-02 3.04545984e-02 -3.96565378e-01 1.19417133e-02 1.94335103e-01 1.11552291e-01 -4.62087281e-02 -1.39379287e-02 2.26361334e-01 1.40248880e-01 3.33645418e-02 -4.26237546e-02 -4.54062253e-01 4.24459338e-01 1.25244349e-01 -2.68526852e-01 7.75988176e-02 -9.29059014e-02 -1.42103389e-01 -2.44300198e-02 4.00378965e-02 -2.04221576e-01 -2.68514663e-01 9.06804204e-02 1.74836069e-01 3.05675510e-02 8.26772228e-02 -1.24309681e-01 -1.49746418e-01 -2.17508644e-01 -7.07653463e-02 -1.64947078e-01 1.71462491e-01 1.11413643e-01 -5.00203252e-01 7.67127499e-02 9.62592438e-02 -1.50724888e-01 -2.63888747e-01 2.71785110e-01 -2.90242761e-01 -7.07627460e-02 -1.22068115e-01 -2.05957338e-01 -7.41977766e-02 -1.28380299e-01 1.08706594e-01 -4.78956252e-01 2.12490767e-01 2.24786207e-01 -2.65808046e-01 1.11896992e-01 -3.87802452e-01 5.85320830e-01 -8.28022435e-02 -1.82127044e-01 -2.02788159e-01 5.19379854e-01 -1.36348397e-01 -6.01764545e-02 -1.00375444e-01 2.90608376e-01 -5.09698838e-02 5.65227747e-01 2.84632355e-01 -8.22035000e-02 2.55390882e-01 4.84796576e-02 -2.31331870e-01 -1.90502435e-01 6.18868694e-02 -4.45030063e-01 1.12602748e-01 -8.90718251e-02 -4.58678186e-01 4.82405365e-01 1.05081320e-01 -4.31070067e-02 -5.96224777e-02 2.26552799e-01 -6.11689150e-01 -1.01542130e-01 -9.92938578e-02 2.69750625e-01 1.35195658e-01 -1.89214259e-01 -2.29077578e-01 2.67198771e-01 -2.47368902e-01 -3.43251787e-02 5.11388838e-01 3.24256830e-02 -2.66564608e-01 -4.22364354e-01 1.56196520e-01 -3.18778574e-01 2.29399174e-01 -8.50086138e-02 -1.92066029e-01 -5.18808901e-01 -1.84302419e-01 3.34495425e-01 -2.60717571e-01 -1.30678909e-02 -3.33180994e-01 2.71555334e-01 4.92718726e-01 -5.18873781e-02 1.48112237e-01 1.67153090e-01 -4.89531517e-01 1.66526973e-01 5.47294438e-01 -5.22442639e-01 -2.42201969e-01 -9.85699147e-02 8.64236206e-02 -3.85543555e-01 -1.32161658e-02 1.11083323e-02 6.93474561e-02 -1.31834224e-01 -1.36069372e-01 2.77822409e-02 1.61623240e-01 -1.51843518e-01 4.12308797e-02 -1.76477805e-01 7.47718364e-02 2.38470569e-01 2.98192650e-01 -2.04293057e-01 -1.19827338e-01 1.53111443e-01 -2.56094992e-01 3.65351560e-03 2.41080806e-01 1.93894535e-01 2.92224661e-02 2.26442106e-02 -2.43092328e-01 1.67652994e-01 -5.03359511e-02 4.19741310e-02 6.18615270e-01 1.23500310e-01 3.93361896e-02 3.93762916e-01 5.28779328e-02 1.35688037e-01 -2.01236308e-01 -5.18454313e-02 7.34834746e-02 1.67231306e-01 -3.63141924e-01 6.80453539e-01 1.54388383e-01 -4.46719617e-01 3.25902224e-01 1.38213634e-01 -1.01199247e-01 1.36984929e-01 1.42899930e-01 1.26355422e+00 6.26386181e-02 8.45860410e-03 2.61491746e-01 -9.73605365e-02 3.90134715e-02 -4.22293335e-01 -1.58034405e-03 -1.14547074e-01 2.00039908e-01 -2.37824082e-01 -9.25486237e-02 4.50492650e-02 1.63170695e-01 -3.32054757e-02 -9.57004353e-02 -4.15679932e-01 3.04872185e-01 4.11983371e-01 6.76609427e-02 -4.60188836e-02 1.09820113e-01 1.81467086e-01 8.02533403e-02 2.52162486e-01 5.26726186e-01 2.68029105e-02 2.48062555e-02 -1.24702469e-01 2.46897526e-02 -4.69049931e-01 1.00390660e-02 -5.42177677e-01 2.28663236e-01 -3.62610579e-01 -4.79704529e-01 -2.68074274e-01 3.83413494e-01 -3.55144620e-01 -2.02820346e-01 -2.80448139e-01 3.95646036e-01 7.11389065e-01 -5.57270385e-02 2.94043064e-01 2.74548270e-02 2.69876361e-01 -2.68686563e-01 -1.76136479e-01 2.00098664e-01 -3.44190225e-02 -4.26382601e-01 -7.25829452e-02 3.85745615e-01 8.13602328e-01 -8.07257444e-02 -3.11268330e-01 2.27597147e-01 -3.12648207e-01 -8.78287703e-02 1.08565062e-01 -1.41574949e-01 -1.71622649e-01 -5.20405471e-01 2.38011722e-02 -7.42507130e-02 -9.16139483e-02 -1.35945678e-01 3.29388618e-01 -3.96196365e-01 5.43105975e-02 2.65269399e-01 -3.11652035e-01 -4.13625956e-01 1.47384172e-02 1.79209337e-01 1.22955084e-01 -2.31593698e-01 2.62514113e-05 -4.09371078e-01 9.82139632e-02 5.06342530e-01 -1.07951805e-01 1.35086298e-01 -4.06819433e-01 -4.00346845e-01 1.97776437e-01 1.07456684e-01 -5.72325364e-02 2.28815302e-01 -2.18424007e-01 6.04348369e-02 3.14922146e-02 -1.61641389e-01 -2.79131532e-01 5.63672045e-03 2.97204163e-02 -1.13363728e-01 2.03482822e-01 -1.08914211e-01 3.03599924e-01 -2.52370477e-01 1.84660584e-01 1.19063042e-01 -2.41067603e-01 -2.26128459e-01 1.43683627e-01 1.99373633e-01 1.51065454e-01 -6.25515059e-02 -1.90841526e-01 1.59289628e-01 7.30327293e-02 -1.93951558e-02 1.24442711e-01 4.00841981e-01 1.72235444e-01 -3.99250798e-02 -1.47611782e-01 8.93709511e-02 -1.74327612e-01 1.61047414e-01 3.35399657e-02 5.68872318e-02 -4.08460163e-02 -2.26474881e-01 1.23886310e-01 1.17430165e-01 -7.35183060e-02 4.22808260e-01 -2.64326879e-03 1.32416070e-01 1.19711123e-01 -1.67860240e-01 -1.60973504e-01 1.73816442e-01 3.26127738e-01 -1.31120801e-01 -4.26712632e-01 5.92182279e-02 -1.66608006e-01 1.94545552e-01 -2.24527910e-01 1.53488606e-01 -1.23477340e-01 5.11980504e-02 -2.16909144e-02 8.08313191e-02 2.25945652e-01 -4.65865016e-01 -1.96411371e-01 2.51725644e-01 -1.16170511e-01 -3.85087669e-01 2.19259828e-01 1.37533277e-01 1.33979008e-01 2.56048918e-01 -3.09112728e-01 6.86120689e-02 -1.56761542e-01 3.26180547e-01 4.16908741e-01 9.76887792e-02 4.76975471e-01 4.17873740e-01 1.69467822e-01 1.76439196e-01 7.48226568e-02 5.00469685e-01 -5.99363685e-01 3.24587643e-01 1.73366904e-01 2.93129176e-01 4.99254674e-01 -1.10660762e-01 -2.71293312e-01 2.16306094e-02 -3.03169768e-02 6.91540539e-02 1.15453131e-01 -7.59357810e-02 -1.01238918e-02 -1.97080716e-01 3.82095397e-01 7.99726918e-02 1.30334139e-01 1.43537268e-01 -1.96837187e-02 1.00434966e-01 1.05587400e-01 1.99962854e-01 5.05396485e-01 -2.88849443e-01 -4.61580940e-02 -1.79537572e-02 2.23954231e-01 1.42026573e-01 2.91690558e-01 2.96908259e-01 1.90118432e-01 -1.75263003e-01 -1.16581488e-02 -3.10613811e-01 -6.13731667e-02 -5.42071387e-02 3.10070571e-02 2.56192476e-01 3.54531348e-01 -1.61481649e-01 7.81429559e-02 -2.46204987e-01 -7.98237845e-02 4.74552184e-01 3.16755503e-01 -2.84148484e-01 -8.14308971e-02 -1.96435109e-01 1.64200887e-01 -1.29229829e-01 8.42706934e-02 -3.45264882e-01 -1.65595919e-01 -1.45258814e-01 5.43112084e-02 1.33249640e-01 7.03194067e-02 8.85621086e-02 -2.63331026e-01 -4.53550309e-01 9.13010687e-02 -8.45569894e-02 2.37545334e-02 -2.95555294e-01 -3.05330843e-01 2.19799221e-01 1.31399799e-02 -3.79425526e-01 9.98618677e-02 6.34465888e-02 9.85086635e-02 3.90060484e-01 -2.39526629e-01 -4.15358752e-01 -2.24984705e-01 1.34661317e-01 -2.13489965e-01 1.99575961e-01 2.94601303e-02 1.31154537e-01 -1.40108928e-01 -2.06515193e-01 -3.69056314e-02 -2.18722805e-01 1.60275993e-03 1.17326736e-01 -1.66247532e-01 -6.99117854e-02 6.50099397e-01 3.06253225e-01 3.04134395e-02 4.85116035e-01 -2.50116318e-01 -3.10505033e-01 2.40805402e-01 -1.52398840e-01 -3.30694914e-01 4.54360753e-01 -2.14718655e-01 5.97562566e-02 2.52180416e-02 -3.94950747e-01 2.96609253e-01 -6.09872676e-02 -5.86938187e-02 -5.64826548e-01 -5.50152183e-01 -7.01803565e-02 1.45332813e-01 2.52178758e-01 -1.57911345e-01 3.66960287e-01 -1.51799724e-01 5.71944676e-02 -8.60002916e-03 -3.69089007e-01 6.04071140e-01 -4.70813066e-01 1.20668478e-01 -5.27518876e-02 3.23394328e-01 5.72719835e-02 3.10791768e-02 -2.01325908e-01 -3.64567369e-01 7.76683390e-02 2.74684697e-01 -3.02517056e-01 3.16054001e-02 -1.10264666e-01 -1.38895631e-01 -7.27341250e-02 3.65075976e-01 1.90994799e-01 -2.71406740e-01 -3.19084004e-02 -2.81946361e-01]
"The Day Had Just Begun" active "≡ Written by basirskipreader and Jack Waltz ITEM #: SCP-6985 OBJECT CLASS: MEMET Special Containment Procedures:.Memet, an object class indicating the designated anomaly ensures its own containment. SCP-6985-2 is to be awakened every 30 minutes and given a 5 minute interval period before being put back to sleep. This routine is to be carried out indefinitely to ensure SCP-6985-1's complete containment is maintained. SSRIs.Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a type of antidepressant drug. laced with amnestics are to be made available to SCP-6985-2 upon request at all times. Description: SCP-6985 is the collective designation given to a self-containing system comprised of three anomalous objects — SCP-6985-1, SCP-6985-2, and SCP-6985-3. SCP-6985-1 is a cognitoparasitoid entity sustaining itself through the consumption of all experiences, memories and other personal information present in the mind of a human being whom it has designated as its host. Affected individuals are universally asymptomatic, complicating the detection of SCP-6985-1's presence in the event of a containment breach. Information taken by SCP-6985-1 is encapsulated in a span of approximately 40 minutes, at which point they are instantly absorbed. As a result, the subject will suffer from HMS.Hollow mind syndrome, a condition where there is little to no information present in the human mind. The loss of information pertaining to unconsciously performed biological processes, such as the act of breathing, can be fatal. and consequentially expire. SCP-6985-1 will then transfer itself to the nearest human present in its vicinity. Currently, SCP-6985-1 is contained through the use of SCP-6985-2 and -3. SCP-6985-2, formerly designated as D-11247, is Jaçek Wallens, a human individual whose physiology and psychology has been manipulated through thaumaturgical means to support SCP-6985. SCP-6985-2's lifespan has also been enhanced through thaumaturgical and technological means to sustain SCP-6985 in perpetuity for the near future. SCP-6985-2 does not require any nutrition either, as they are automatically sustained thaumaturgically. They are the current host of SCP-6985-1. SCP-6985-3 is an Eden-Mind Type Purgatorial Space, designed, constructed, and maintained by the Department of Purgatorial Spaces (DoPS). It initiates once SCP-6985-2 has entered REM sleep and provides the entity with a rich source of informational sustenance to remain in a benign state within SCP-6985-2, thus achieving practically complete containment within the vessel. Once SCP-6985-2 leaves REM sleep, SCP-6985-3 will reset and SCP-6985-1's memories of its time within SCP-6985-3 are purged. Logs of SCP-6985-3 are recorded through an O-EEG.Ominiscient-Electroencephalogram, a device capable of reading all aspects of an individual's dream activity once in REM sleep. It saves said outputs as videos in a lossless file format with a transcription describing the events. connected to SCP-6985-2. Implementation: SCP-6985-1 was previously a standalone anomaly (SCP-6985) whose former containment procedures involved the extensive use of D-Class subjects. Due to the expense incurred by this method, however, and the near-limitless number of D-Class personnel required for effective containment, various departments were called upon to devise a cheap and effective containment procedure to contain SCP-6985-1. Containment specialists and engineers from the DoPS proposed one of the more cost-efficient solutions to the issue and assembled a Mind-Type Purgatorial Space within D-Class subjects (including SCP-6985-2). Each SCP-6985-2 instance was then introduced to SCP-6985-1 to test the proposed containment plan until a functioning vessel was found. Researcher Groch: Alright, I believe you now know what your new designation is? SCP-6985-2: SCP-6985-2? Researcher Groch: Great! Remember, you are no longer to be referred to as D-11247. We'll be starting with the trial run for this method we've devised to contain SCP-6985-1, and you are the key to this operation. Do not let the Foundation down. SCP-6985-2: Yes, I understand. I'll try my best. Wait, can I ask a question? Researcher Groch: Go ahead. SCP-6985-2: Those procedures from a few days ago — what's up with them? Like, I just feel unnaturally… unfatigued, if that's even a word. Researcher Groch: That was to prepare you for your new routine. I'm sure you've been told what you're going to do already — sleep. SCP-6985-2: Is that… really all there is to it? I mean, I really expected a bit more demanding job, yeah? Especially when it's me responsible for containing something that might be dangerous. Researcher Groch: Oh, it's nothing too extensive. Once you begin, I'm sure you'll get the hang of what you'll be doing. SCP-6985-2: I… see. Researcher Groch: Mhm, let's begin — your routine starts now. Lay on the bed, and we'll do the rest. SCP-6985-2: Okay… alright… SCP-6985-2 lays on the bed and an incapacitating agent is administered to them. They immediately enter REM sleep due to the thaumaturgic modifications made. SCP-6985-2 appears in SCP-6985-3 as a formless amorphous shape. Nothing exists in the dimension other than them and SCP-6985-1, which too is in an amorphous-like state. The two, sensing the other's presence, move towards one another, glacially slowly, across the distance between them. After several hundred aeons, 1 millisecond in real-time, both reach each other. SCP-6985-2 and SCP-6985-1 each create a blurry appendage and make contact. The two merge into one being for a momentary minute, then separate back into two different beings. A bond is formed, as they begin to feel and understand the raw textures of each other's consciousness. SCP-6985-3 now begins glowing a golden hue. Both communicate for an indeterminate period, coming into contact with each other and separating again. A hum now fills SCP-6985-3, as a larger variety of light and colour becomes present. Following several presumed epochs, a physical environment begins forming around the two. SCP-6985-3 morphs into a blank sky. The shapes now appear to be gaining form, taking on a more humanoid appearance. Both beings and the environment continue adapting and growing without cessation. SCP-6985-2 and SCP-6985-1 each now take on a featureless humanoid form. The two still converse with touch, and watch as a world manifests at their feet, a chunk and a fragment at a time. More details form on SCP-6985-1, SCP-6985-2, and SCP-6985-3's environment with each passing millisecond. The forms jump up and down, presumably in happiness. Both express their awe at the sight and are excited about the world's completion. A large sphere of light forms above, a long distance away, from streams of golden rays. In the moments following its formation, a warm sensation spreads through the two. They embrace the feeling together. The world is now fully formed. SCP-6985-2 touches the grass below their feet. SCP-6985-1 follows suit. Then, they start running. Running over valleys, running over mountains, and running over clouds. However, SCP-6985-2 begins to clutch their stomach. SCP-6985-1 then goes to a nearby tree and plucks a golden fruit — an apple of an indeterminate cultivar. It gives the apple to SCP-6985-2 who then splits the apple and shares it with SCP-6985-1. After consuming the apple, they start running once more. This cycle repeats over and over and over. When SCP-6985-2 is hungry, SCP-6985-1 gives them food. When SCP-6985-1 is bored, SCP-6985-2 drags it to a place nearby to see the mountains and oceans form, collide, then break, then form again, in a cyclic pattern. They put their ears to the ground, listening to the multitudes of creatures under, on, and over the earth. Each fine blade of grass they walk on wobbles in contentment. Each field of flower they visit buzzing with delight at their presence. This continues for 10 milliseconds in real-time, yet continues for centuries in SCP-6985-3. The fine blades of grass refract under their feet as they start gathering wood. The trees hand out logs as the both of them provide them with love and care. At first, they use these for playtime, akin to children at recess. The earthly scent of the earth smothers their hands as they play, fight, roll around in the mud and dirt, and enjoy what this space has given them. This continues for another 10 milliseconds real-time, yet goes on for much, much longer in SCP-6985-3. Every aeon they fight, they separate, they come together. This cycle repeats until they too get tired of the fighting and playing. They start gathering wood, although it is notable that SCP-6985-2 does most of the work. One day, SCP-6985-2 sits down with SCP-6985-1. They teach it how to weave, how to harvest, how to gather water. Each time SCP-6985-1 does something, it cries. Then, SCP-6985-2 comes along and comforts it with hugs and kisses. Over many aeons, SCP-6985-2 teaches SCP-6985-1 basic household chores. This continues for 20 milliseconds in real-time, yet continues for eternity in SCP-6985-3. This cycle repeats for another eternity. Over time, SCP-6985-2 tells SCP-6985-1 the truth of SCP-6985-3, yet they still continue. Chop, weave, cook, churn, sizzle. Each night, SCP-6985-1 creates a dish out of this world, and each day, SCP-6985-1 crafts another thing that piques SCP-6985-2's interest and love for them. Currently, they sit by a fire, as the cool evening winds breeze by their faces. The crying gulls fly above, and the waft of smoky salt drifts through the air. SCP-6985-2 brings their axe down and splits a log in two. SCP-6985-1 yawns as it watches them and throws several of the logs into the fire for it to char. SCP-6985-1: Let's go, Jaçek. It's getting late now, and you know how much I hate the dark… SCP-6985-2 brings the axe down on the log they placed on the stump before answering SCP-6985-1. SCP-6985-2: Aw, c'mon, there's just this one pile, I'm sure I can finish it up quickly. SCP-6985-1 pouts exaggeratedly. SCP-6985-2: Don't be like that! SCP-6985-1 giggles and SCP-6985-2 sighs, though they are smiling while setting another log on the stump and prepares to bring the axe down once more. SCP-6985-2: Anything for dinner? SCP-6985-1: I'm thinking we go for… something new? SCP-6985-1 winks at SCP-6985-2 SCP-6985-2: My tummy is rumbling, hard — what is it? SCP-6985-1: Now, it wouldn't be "new" if you knew about it, right? SCP-6985-2: Hah, well, I'll look forward to whatever you're cooking, especially with that look on your face. SCP-6985-2, unable to hold it in any further, bursts forth laughing. Due to the noise, the piglet sleeping near SCP-6985-2 wakes up and squeals. It moves towards SCP-6985-1 who takes the animal into its hands and comforts it. The piglet stays curled up in its arms, but doesn't fall asleep. SCP-6985-1: Aww, no… Billy's woken up… SCP-6985-1 gently caresses its head. The animal nuzzles its palm and begins dozing off. SCP-6985-1: He's so cute, isn't he? SCP-6985-1 slowly lays it on the grass next to it and prepares to take out the log that was placed in previously when the piglet jumps back on SCP-6985-1. Its left hand enters the fire and is burnt. SCP-6985-1 screams. SCP-6985-2 drops the axe and immediately runs over to SCP-6985-1. SCP-6985-1: I-it's alright, just a little— SCP-6985-2: Get up! Follow me! SCP-6985-1: Wha— SCP-6985-2 picks up the piglet, who is shivering a short distance away, and pulls SCP-6985-1 to a nearby stream. They dunk its hand into the water and rub it. SCP-6985-1 flinches. SCP-6985-1: Ouch! SCP-6985-2: Lyn, are you okay? Is it that bad? SCP-6985-1: No, no, I'm fine. It stings a bit, though. SCP-6985-2: Hmm, I know we had some around here… SCP-6985-2 worriedly looks around. SCP-6985-2: Ah, there! SCP-6985-1: Mhm? Anything you're looking for? SCP-6985-2: Here, pluck some of them. SCP-6985-1 picks some herbs lining the sides of the stream with her right hand and gives them to SCP-6985-2. SCP-6985-2: Alright, now, rub it in like that. Here. SCP-6985-1: Like this? SCP-6985-2: Yep, perfect. Let's, uh, let's go back, I think we can stop for the night. You should go inside and get a bandage on that. I'll put out the fire and do the rest, okay? Don't try too hard now. SCP-6985-1: Mhm. I'll get the sto— SCP-6985-2: No, no, get some rest. I'll do the cooking. Here, can you take Billy? SCP-6985-1: Yeah, sure. SCP-6985-2: Alright go on. I won't take too long. SCP-6985-1 was beginning to say something and stopped halfway. It smiles. SCP-6985-1: Oh, you worrywart! It's just a small burn! SCP-6985-2 smiles too, pats SCP-6985-1's head, and motions to the cottage in the distance with a nod. SCP-6985-1 heads off and SCP-6985-2 stores all the logs and the charred wood. The fire is put out and they jog back to the cottage with the axe. SCP-6985-1 and SCP-6985-2 stand at the border of SCP-6985-3, watching the orange sunset glow. The smell of the sea at the edge of SCP-6985-3 surrounds both SCP-6985-1 and SCP-6985-2 as the piglet's squeals disturb the sound of waves battering the beach below. Suddenly, SCP-6985-1 stands up and runs towards the cliff, and SCP-6985-1's soft dress that smells of buttermilk and blueberry brushes SCP-6985-2's face. The scent of the dress permeates SCP-6985-2's face. SCP-6985-2 then stands and walks over the moist and comforting grass that SCP-6985-1 ran over. They sit down, together, its soft hands holding SCP-6985-2's rugged hands after a day's work. SCP-6985-2's throat is dry; they find their voice caught in their throat. They cannot bear to say the truth of this place to SCP-6985-1 once more. SCP-6985-1: Hey, you seem nervous over there, are you okay? SCP-6985-2 nervously averts their eyes, and coughs. SCP-6985-2: Oh, just nothing, don't worry about it. SCP-6985-1: Something's definitely bothering you, let me hear it out. SCP-6985-2 breathes deeply. The salty scent of the sea fills their lungs. SCP-6985-2: What would happen if… SCP-6985-1: If…? Tears form in SCP-6985-2's eyes. SCP-6985-2: If I… told you… SCP-6985-1: That… you… love me? SCP-6985-2: That… this, all of this… isn't real? SCP-6985-1 laughs. This response surprises SCP-6985-2, a confused expression spreads across their face. SCP-6985-1: And? How many times have we had this conversation? Tens, maybe thousands of times? SCP-6985-2: Lyn… I'm just worried. What if our lives come crashing down? What if this all doesn't matter? What if— SCP-6985-1: Oh, Jaçek, here, let me tell you a story. SCP-6985-1 pulls SCP-6985-2 down, and places their head on its soft lap. SCP-6985-1: You used to tell me that when working in the fields, it's the journey of doing the work that is more important than the result itself. SCP-6985-1: And while we were together, I've always thought — why do you think that way? What's in this journey that's satisfying? SCP-6985-1: For all the people I've known, it was always their experiences that I craved. SCP-6985-1: Yet while here, with you, I experienced a lot of things. Pain. Hunger. Sadness. Happiness. Fulfilment. Love… SCP-6985-1: And I think that this whole time we've been together, the way we would churn butter together, pick out blueberries, run over grass, watch the mountains grow, break, and grow back again, and the multitudes of other tiny, minute actions we would do each day, I think each of them, each thing we do every day, is better than the memories I've gotten. SCP-6985-1: You've taught me that experiencing these feelings, these emotions, making these memories myself, it's a lot better than learning about them. SCP-6985-1: And that, I think, is what makes this all special. SCP-6985-1: So what if this whole world isn't real? My memories right now, my experiences, they all tell me it is, and so it'll be real for me. SCP-6985-1 gets up. The scent of chorizo stew wafted across to them from the cottage. SCP-6985-1: Oh! Come on, the stew's ready. Your favourite. SCP-6985-2 smiles, there are tears in their eyes. SCP-6985-2: Yeah, heh, you're right. Hey, Billy! Come on! Come on, Billy, let's go home. SCP-6985-2 catches the piglet as it jumps towards them. SCP-6985-1 and SCP-6985-2 walk back towards the cottage, holding each other's hands, with kisses along the way. However, as SCP-6985-2 walks in, their head starts pounding. It throbbed. Their vision starts to blackout. SCP-6985-1: Hm? A-are you okay? Jaçek? Are you feeling well? Please, I'll serve the stew— Researcher Groch: —ew. Hello? SCP-6985-2, are you there? Raise your arm to signal that you are fully conscious. SCP-6985-2 groans. SCP-6985-2: Huh? Wh-where am I? Researcher Groch: Mhm? Welcome back, SCP-6985-2. You are now in the material world, and it seems this trial run was a success. Congratulations, SCP-6985-2. SCP-6985-2: W-what? Researcher Groch: So, how do you feel. Do you feel any adverse effects, other than the grogginess? Yes, let's get your face washed. Get up. SCP-6985-2: B-but… Where… No, I, Lyn… Researcher Groch: Oh, yes. I should've explained some aspects of Purgatorial Spaces to you in a bit more detail, but that experience should've made you understand, I hope. SCP-6985-2: Th-that place though, I-I was there, wasn't I? All that time… W-wasn't I, with… Researcher Groch: That was SCP-6985-3, and it was SCP-6985-1, the one you are responsible for containing for the foreseeable future. SCP-6985-2 does not get up. Researcher Groch: We don't have much time. -2? Groch grabs hold of SCP-6985-2 and tries to force them to stand, while calling for an assistant to bring the amnestic-laced SSRIs. SCP-6985-2 is crying. Since the implementation of SCP-6985, SCP-6985-1's containment has been achieved with great efficiency and success. Currently, iteration 5,714,329 of SCP-6985-3 is underway. « SCP-6984 | SCP-6985 | SCP-6986 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6985" by basirskipreader and Jack Waltz, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
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2.13378787e-01 2.67274410e-01 -2.32609928e-01 3.28218341e-01 1.45606354e-01 3.21008891e-01 8.97956863e-02 5.30900732e-02 1.32893056e-01 -6.15842752e-02 -4.18434329e-02 5.90927862e-02 -6.49850145e-02 -2.96572447e-01 -9.53047574e-02 4.51734513e-01 3.47990513e-01 -1.98698714e-01 -1.93932414e-01 -2.23831654e-01 4.05720919e-02 1.54339522e-01 -5.69481432e-01 2.21829593e-01 1.30240813e-01 -3.98088098e-01 -1.11517236e-01 -3.85960519e-01 3.03477556e-01 -1.10875078e-01 -5.84630780e-02 -1.65570721e-01 -2.29899660e-02 -2.84746327e-02 -1.12704284e-01 -2.75627598e-02 2.33070493e-01 2.22364768e-01 -2.38572098e-02 2.68316686e-01 -3.03911418e-03 -4.10596550e-01 2.94188678e-01 -1.66969765e-02 1.72888517e-01 -1.66719750e-01 7.94131265e-05 1.29469335e-01 7.92535320e-02 1.92192018e-01 -1.20973893e-01 -2.17956319e-01 4.53702778e-01 7.77585581e-02 -3.58502008e-02 1.85960591e-01 -5.97672835e-02 1.29650190e-01 -4.53726202e-01 -2.62057185e-01 -2.04127535e-01 3.50135505e-01 3.71021032e-01 -3.39762866e-01 3.79785955e-01 -3.74007933e-02 1.36739925e-01 4.14517641e-01 -1.67539388e-01 1.61645323e-01 3.91696841e-02 -2.91934848e-01 -2.20750645e-01 2.35360146e-01 -2.94039339e-01 -1.04000218e-01 6.00646958e-02 6.23948276e-02 -1.23288199e-01 4.53688502e-02 -8.70870575e-02 1.53044894e-01 2.39865273e-01 5.55673577e-02 4.02169317e-01 1.64582729e-01 -1.30008012e-01 -1.49119797e-03 -2.43973792e-01 3.30495685e-02 8.19055960e-02 -4.12337512e-01 -2.48379707e-01 5.89204542e-02 2.15369444e-02 8.97579268e-02 -2.53094044e-02 2.69952565e-01 -4.83755693e-02 -1.15602389e-01 -8.76791477e-02 7.59788677e-02 5.53584807e-02 -1.35537744e-01 8.13234091e-01 2.03341581e-02 2.16399103e-01 -1.62718728e-01 -1.51024297e-01 3.44085097e-01 8.80826935e-02 -2.92086750e-01 1.00339659e-01 7.74307027e-02 -2.23512620e-01 -9.97985005e-02 4.47197497e-01 -2.00721219e-01 2.23102257e-01 -1.70046657e-01 -1.27741858e-01 3.68706286e-02 4.11157459e-02 -1.47042498e-01 -2.91139841e-01 9.09692124e-02 -2.20715061e-01 -8.97739008e-02 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-4.49628569e-03 2.10680813e-01 8.45522657e-02 7.91482985e-01 -2.30806172e-01 -1.32468134e-01 -3.26575249e-01 3.98090005e-01 -1.80324525e-01 -1.02464318e-01 -9.47159007e-02 1.84690922e-01 -3.98382954e-02 -8.06009024e-02 3.10835660e-01 -2.59718746e-01 3.76091421e-01 3.09702039e-01 2.61783481e-01 5.13207972e-01 3.17686051e-01 -2.06891686e-01 4.79464941e-02 -2.34866083e-01 -1.20753003e-02 3.19305032e-01 -1.08544610e-01 -1.98117495e-01 3.41045596e-02 3.26153710e-02 -2.41726756e-01 1.15036972e-01 -7.17068166e-02 -7.96028227e-02 -5.39346099e-01 -1.15956329e-01 -3.12534347e-02 1.94738865e-01 -3.48259717e-01 -1.98645264e-01 2.79122777e-02 3.29689384e-02 1.92244574e-01 6.40309826e-02 1.13946795e-01 2.80453730e-02 -3.76925319e-02 9.95453745e-02 5.82577884e-01 6.09755665e-02 1.69744864e-01 1.64733544e-01 6.73243180e-02 -1.15289286e-01 -2.36782674e-02 -2.80361533e-01 2.37138718e-01 6.22490108e-01 -1.49818540e-01 1.76446155e-01 1.53806135e-01 2.40275115e-01 -9.33656096e-02 1.80058882e-01 9.05543268e-02 4.92768288e-02 5.30958325e-02 -4.04916286e-01 1.45207584e-01 -7.06402510e-02 -2.03081563e-01 -3.75834495e-01 -1.98287085e-01 -9.61286202e-02 4.47128862e-01 3.44104245e-02 1.11832583e+00 1.73100770e-01 2.51381606e-01 1.89124316e-01 -1.53082862e-01 3.41796547e-01 -2.63824966e-02 1.49632186e-01 -8.80649909e-02 2.77208295e-02 3.40078548e-02 -2.28379130e-01 -1.21443979e-02 1.65322691e-01 -3.62602949e-01 -1.09548606e-01 -4.18921143e-01 1.37761727e-01 2.07553625e-01 3.71032953e-01 2.02965617e-01 -4.06480171e-02 1.43688396e-01 1.21577881e-01 -1.96327135e-01 -7.74381235e-02 1.84268912e-03 -6.92456439e-02 -5.53331263e-02 5.54130189e-02 1.44432738e-01 5.01421243e-02 3.61131225e-03 2.32214667e-02 7.11711645e-02 -1.45261645e-01 -5.19376658e-02 -3.23766530e-01 8.84067714e-02 -9.12984181e-03 -1.82654902e-01 2.97005922e-01 6.98908567e-01 -1.96141720e-01 -2.73353257e-03 1.89338531e-02 2.56906897e-01 2.20257286e-02 -3.68491299e-02 -3.99563722e-02 -3.63463849e-01 -3.00393626e-02 -3.36653918e-01 2.17671469e-01 2.74703830e-01 3.42601188e-03 7.17195421e-02 4.33536917e-01 -1.79007024e-01 -2.18459114e-01 2.29501128e-01 -6.63413946e-03 6.55065998e-02 2.29575187e-01 -1.59041166e-01 -3.50154370e-01 -9.11615714e-02 3.58502358e-01 9.13705230e-02 -4.13186908e-01 4.66954678e-01 2.60823190e-01 -2.88756877e-01 -3.33197713e-01 -2.46303231e-01 6.08783849e-02 -3.36082608e-01 1.30440965e-01 3.82597409e-02 -9.79117006e-02 1.90822989e-01 3.80712777e-01 1.71234235e-01 8.13012943e-02 -3.52543086e-01 2.55660992e-02 9.39343125e-02 7.23818466e-02 -1.52360141e-01 3.17207634e-01 2.67981619e-01 6.00525677e-01 -1.79418102e-01 8.77335221e-02 -4.58070219e-01 -1.90571815e-01 1.88897654e-01 -1.49638489e-01 3.49155128e-01 -5.46231568e-01 5.04134111e-02 -1.68445423e-01 2.59980589e-01 1.12934839e-02 -1.40785977e-01 -2.44267777e-01 -8.83529410e-02 1.48780450e-01 -1.75963610e-01 -3.17624599e-01 -2.45133061e-02 -1.33505613e-01 -1.13617247e-02 5.02676405e-02 1.35812417e-01 3.08423579e-01 2.76306272e-01 5.33767678e-02 -2.24469379e-01 8.54171738e-02 4.54620756e-02 5.52373147e-03 1.35251999e-01 2.37150993e-02 -3.19519788e-01 -5.62292850e-03 -1.36974141e-01 1.83676437e-01 5.58583140e-01 4.00892228e-01 -2.89027631e-01 2.14946866e-01 5.09717047e-01 8.73088166e-02 -3.32907140e-01 -2.00234994e-01 1.63769424e-01 2.28501052e-01 -6.46585405e-01 -1.00067809e-01 1.10925827e-02 2.89872706e-01 -7.36925155e-02 7.57691339e-02 -2.97420055e-01 7.90350884e-02 2.61328444e-02 1.79042891e-01 -3.43515575e-02 -1.20561592e-01 -2.15154231e-01 2.39830732e-01 9.60926116e-02 3.43135521e-02 1.23759605e-01 1.60265505e-01 1.26304954e-01 -2.59501815e-01 4.56448197e-01 4.71160352e-01 4.73036438e-01 3.41263413e-01 4.88526583e-01 5.53245880e-02 5.95012605e-01 5.71853220e-01 -1.23591900e-01 -1.01243496e-01 1.36840627e-01 7.99575970e-02 -4.68227565e-01 2.61685371e-01 -3.48876238e-01 1.23470910e-01 -1.40301034e-01 2.92292684e-01 -3.15153301e-02 9.21496525e-02 -1.31341174e-01 -5.29234903e-03 4.99277189e-02 -2.57333606e-01 -1.45092696e-01 -2.24389195e-01 1.56090021e-01 3.25970128e-02 -3.30059677e-02 2.93603033e-01 5.80505729e-02 2.81626165e-01 -7.49541298e-02 7.90052414e-02 5.93010306e-01 -3.93406510e-01 -1.11378375e-02 3.17184269e-01 -4.68436368e-02 5.46756983e-02 2.00878177e-02 1.08141683e-01 9.76826102e-02 -1.03310123e-01 -4.97632399e-02 2.80367255e-01 -1.73962623e-01 -1.54272780e-01 -7.21735358e-02 3.68858844e-01 1.02173418e-01 6.88044494e-03 2.38955542e-01 -3.19276124e-01 2.24521816e-01 1.20028377e-01 2.12732002e-01 -1.97033912e-01 -2.42209986e-01 -9.73828733e-02 -1.01291180e-01 1.37499899e-01 7.13844374e-02 -4.66725886e-01 -2.93017924e-01 3.00513804e-01 3.49770635e-02 2.65058905e-01 -1.15145877e-01 1.41815737e-01 -2.73902297e-01 1.90191902e-02 1.51531741e-01 1.49777219e-01 -2.06062206e-04 -1.98175713e-01 -1.92810670e-01 3.33400629e-02 1.93280578e-01 -9.70204920e-02 3.06694508e-01 1.15919292e-01 1.79280460e-01 -1.54372185e-01 -1.02120571e-01 -9.70138088e-02 4.22786139e-02 -2.44475797e-01 -2.16878697e-01 1.21732056e-01 4.23104018e-01 -3.57947499e-02 1.89233512e-01 -4.85558882e-02 9.98326987e-02 -2.06636474e-01 1.67564765e-01 -1.55200973e-01 -3.81260157e-01 2.07625449e-01 5.02358913e-01 3.06618512e-01 -2.01808631e-01 1.65614843e-01 -1.67853683e-01 -1.62915319e-01 3.01182829e-02 3.51249836e-02 -2.04417944e-01 2.23056212e-01 -2.75288653e-02 4.41160172e-01 -3.14274244e-02 2.70055711e-01 1.61663145e-01 -2.99322724e-01 -1.84678778e-01 -1.24968424e-01 -5.08367300e-01 -6.87382445e-02 8.76863524e-02 -8.81931279e-03 -1.58787265e-01 2.75682777e-01 7.11849034e-02 1.47842586e-01 -2.46500000e-01 -4.64194030e-01 6.49900794e-01 1.38110816e-01 -1.53049901e-01 5.35734147e-02 2.18287274e-01 -3.41829568e-01 -3.53080630e-02 -3.94967020e-01 -1.95645124e-01 2.74209470e-01 2.22193971e-01 -3.69805157e-01 -1.18669264e-01 -2.90982742e-02 1.07366562e-01 -1.53673843e-01 3.89900476e-01 1.56332199e-02 -2.83974648e-01 -5.16513705e-01 -1.42701522e-01]
"Magician's Tombstone" active "Item #: SCP-6986 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6986 has been retrieved from its original location and replaced with a similar non-anomalous tombstone, and is currently being kept in a standard safe object item locker at Site-81. Any individuals in the area who report unusual feelings consistent with SCP-6986's anomalous effects are to be amnesticized. A single Foundation agent has been stationed at the Chaplin Cemetery to monitor SCP-6986's original location during SCP-6986-1 events. Any civilians who witness SCP-6986-1 events are to be amnesticized. Description: SCP-6986 is a granite tombstone originally found in the Chaplin Cemetery in Alexandria, Indiana. The inscription on SCP-6986 is transcribed below: Simon Poole 1955 - 2003 Loving father, caring husband, brilliant magician. Remembered fondly. SCP-6986 exhibits mild mnestic properties. Individuals who read and comprehend the inscription on the object will vividly remember both it and the surrounding environment. They will also associate feelings of admiration and respect with the name "Simon Poole," and speak as if they are familiar with the individual in question. These effects are resistant to mild amnestic treatment, though stronger treatments have been successful in eliminating most memories and associations. Chaplin Cemetery records indicate that an individual named Simon Poole was buried there, with SCP-6986 as the tombstone. It is not known when or how SCP-6986 became anomalous. According to Indiana public records, Poole lived in Alexandria at several points in his life, was employed as a party magician for various businesses, and had a wife and a son born in 1994. Poole's wife died in 1998, and his son is still alive. The whereabouts of Poole's son are currently unknown, and his wife is buried next to him in Chaplin Cemetery. Her tombstone is non-anomalous. SCP-6986-1 is a phenomenon affecting the area in Chaplin Cemetery where SCP-6986 was originally located. Every Friday at 15:34 local time, a flower will spontaneously manifest at SCP-6986's original location. The species of flower varies, but all have been flowers commonly associated with love and affection. The flowers are non-anomalous, and can be safely removed from the original location of SCP-6986 after manifestation. Approximately 30% of flowers manifested in SCP-6986-1 events have manifested alongside a paper letter. The letters vary in content, but all are non-anomalous. A transcription of a letter recovered after an SCP-6986-1 event is provided below: I've been doing good recently. Met some new people, thinking about going back to school. Gonna try to come visit you soon. I hope you're proud of me. I miss you. -Michael « SCP-6985 | SCP-6986 | SCP-6987 »" nan
[ 3.11582536e-01 1.64764926e-01 -9.00959969e-03 3.29610854e-01 -2.85115600e-01 -4.61512864e-01 2.38646626e-01 1.98337153e-01 3.71344805e-01 2.88082659e-01 2.80189335e-01 5.42643726e-01 -3.41586232e-01 -3.49362224e-01 -5.41894473e-02 -1.49746835e-01 2.56453827e-02 1.52003303e-01 1.06509447e-01 -1.92079797e-01 -1.20054603e-01 -7.86004961e-02 -1.32229477e-01 2.26950526e-01 -8.41573849e-02 5.33982739e-02 1.01037234e-01 1.74929217e-01 -6.24814779e-02 -2.10003871e-02 -4.46444541e-01 1.28105041e-02 -1.05783977e-02 1.57841906e-01 -1.16431875e-04 -3.38199943e-01 3.15934300e-01 1.90800689e-02 -2.21736670e-01 1.04722030e-01 -2.29992449e-01 -3.35110575e-02 6.78174105e-03 -2.41354644e-01 1.66519672e-01 6.96276948e-02 5.00710234e-02 8.03373873e-01 1.33262575e-01 1.48140147e-01 1.36027902e-01 -1.11428887e-01 -7.83727467e-02 -1.49629459e-01 1.96859986e-01 2.11790234e-01 -2.28767037e-01 -1.75822705e-01 -3.85826081e-01 -2.38639973e-02 2.59358317e-01 1.71878785e-01 -3.43056023e-01 2.32470594e-02 3.34409177e-01 -2.73128837e-01 7.08935037e-02 3.04819793e-01 6.01734631e-02 2.05727257e-02 -6.05680607e-02 -9.43858773e-02 3.44127893e-01 2.32697099e-01 9.82278865e-03 1.79328352e-01 1.83541819e-01 1.49251685e-01 1.33086532e-01 1.12756714e-01 -6.74091429e-02 1.15908958e-01 -1.67156473e-01 9.28748697e-02 -1.99962974e-01 3.85064967e-02 -6.60968572e-02 1.83709159e-01 8.54179785e-02 -1.49848849e-01 6.17257804e-02 7.44956508e-02 2.40771681e-01 1.26597047e-01 1.10243998e-01 -1.59251153e-01 2.31854126e-01 3.20646316e-01 7.05827624e-02 5.67330062e-01 6.95102990e-01 5.36277890e-01 2.55146742e-01 3.16864789e-01 3.14825587e-02 -1.04941383e-01 -9.96548310e-02 -2.39622682e-01 4.17611822e-02 4.83253747e-01 7.90474415e-02 3.75052601e-01 -8.37109014e-02 1.02596544e-01 3.86521310e-01 -1.47219405e-01 1.92049339e-01 -1.62671164e-01 -4.73025367e-02 3.28808755e-01 -4.54198420e-01 8.56223181e-02 -9.18344110e-02 3.45070750e-01 2.26583838e-01 5.23132145e-01 -5.79224527e-02 -3.59698474e-01 -1.46084964e-01 -5.94453439e-02 -2.07284763e-01 4.52487350e-01 -1.21393152e-01 3.28228056e-01 2.52854019e-01 2.25676507e-01 -2.83771425e-01 4.58800197e-02 -1.51954755e-01 -1.15337878e-01 2.00727239e-01 2.17468794e-02 5.82994401e-01 3.45255166e-01 -3.35352689e-01 2.94688102e-02 -1.30938040e-02 1.10014215e-01 -1.28346801e-01 -2.79140584e-02 2.65828699e-01 -3.50339800e-01 8.84036571e-02 1.20961390e-01 -2.05800787e-01 2.65431236e-02 1.99929506e-01 6.84719756e-02 -2.62746423e-01 1.06402345e-01 2.94211566e-01 9.30317268e-02 -2.58545011e-01 -4.34485137e-01 5.85244261e-02 4.52606410e-01 -2.26008315e-02 1.27873560e-02 -4.76409234e-02 -5.17807417e-02 -1.04561105e-01 2.31851935e-02 -3.36073078e-02 -1.26114897e-02 -3.80524486e-01 -4.07065630e-01 -5.01668155e-01 5.65101579e-02 -5.58170900e-02 -2.99120486e-01 -1.99111551e-01 1.65221304e-01 5.64503148e-02 -2.61564881e-01 -1.10483132e-01 1.17589965e-01 -2.61189461e-01 -3.02170575e-01 4.56533462e-01 1.16684837e-02 -3.54465753e-01 -2.86985755e-01 2.08220661e-01 1.83435678e-02 9.69868749e-02 2.79548913e-01 -1.04568876e-01 -1.34322762e-01 -9.08041969e-02 2.54282683e-01 -3.93563434e-02 2.97940522e-02 1.98873803e-01 4.10180092e-01 2.50971645e-01 -2.42758021e-01 8.38391408e-02 2.01153625e-02 2.79083282e-01 3.43682110e-01 -4.51310337e-01 -2.11202025e-01 -3.72566313e-01 3.99399661e-02 9.73822996e-02 -2.32374191e-01 1.01080172e-01 1.81087360e-01 -4.03758660e-02 -3.29640865e-01 -3.27134252e-01 1.46087065e-01 4.32393909e-01 -1.59970239e-01 -3.37842494e-01 1.57630578e-01 -1.73752919e-01 -1.20267428e-01 -3.67715418e-01 2.46533044e-02 3.65034521e-01 2.73538660e-02 3.00557643e-01 6.16281293e-02 -2.94909835e-01 1.11700527e-01 -7.52609819e-02 6.72293484e-01 -2.55233217e-02 -4.62515205e-01 3.80925775e-01 -1.05848506e-01 7.79215991e-02 -3.53984758e-02 8.33159685e-02 3.24282378e-01 3.03053856e-01 -2.55456707e-03 -4.85874191e-02 -1.47237897e-01 -2.33545691e-01 -1.71718344e-01 -8.58332142e-02 2.82812193e-02 1.47391334e-02 6.92186594e-01 -2.31978938e-01 2.03363001e-01 -1.26563653e-01 1.64913222e-01 -3.45993876e-01 -2.69503981e-01 3.75018984e-01 -2.80598581e-01 -1.11023754e-01 2.01422591e-02 -6.97696507e-02 -2.90656209e-01 1.68570533e-01 -6.99134916e-02 -2.32379332e-01 8.68190005e-02 -2.16244310e-01 -5.22009842e-02 -3.72294933e-02 2.31085613e-01 8.69235620e-02 9.98205692e-02 3.08959246e-01 7.37587884e-02 -2.12160498e-01 -2.37399310e-01 5.04507385e-02 1.85806304e-01 -3.80531043e-01 8.35203156e-02 -7.44487159e-03 1.40517011e-01 -4.46663857e-01 1.69712827e-01 1.21486157e-01 1.04253106e-01 1.33993626e-01 2.00415522e-01 -2.46181071e-01 -4.77849804e-02 -2.04956800e-01 5.28454900e-01 -2.65806437e-01 -1.61184654e-01 -3.76856357e-01 -1.04541123e-01 8.03732052e-02 -2.22137105e-02 -6.55988812e-01 5.41273415e-01 2.84344643e-01 1.88185275e-01 -2.17939671e-02 3.26016918e-02 -2.50067502e-01 1.01980150e-01 2.71338940e-01 -4.30451483e-01 2.90922076e-01 3.63665283e-01 -4.62703295e-02 -4.22656864e-01 4.55891132e-01 -7.03809917e-01 -6.22157641e-02 -5.07404432e-02 -1.09128743e-01 -1.48373870e-02 -1.34740338e-01 -2.82308370e-01 2.26279460e-02 -1.76530749e-01 -8.57890758e-04 8.09045881e-02 1.08931072e-01 1.41706109e-01 6.22692192e-03 1.11177959e-01 -1.28977699e-02 -1.30770102e-01 -2.66162187e-01 -6.09859638e-02 1.82619587e-01 -1.74156487e-01 7.23786876e-02 9.88473073e-02 -4.76254612e-01 -2.69011497e-01 -5.94415441e-02 9.11354572e-02 -3.05943757e-01 8.12950209e-02 9.15562510e-02 9.76555794e-03 -4.66385305e-01 5.59554756e-01 6.44632578e-02 -1.38628155e-01 -1.05174944e-01 -2.89745659e-01 4.48078997e-02 -8.47436041e-02 1.73086047e-01 -2.47509740e-02 -4.78827469e-02 7.43393973e-02 4.52369183e-01 -3.57633203e-01 -1.14946319e-02 -9.17915851e-02 5.03934510e-02 -1.63211413e-02 3.80188555e-01 -3.93187860e-03 1.19187519e-01 1.16904065e-01 -3.37964058e-01 7.94807151e-02 -6.41967207e-02 -4.74621020e-02 -2.06122473e-01 -2.18600437e-01 -1.35044649e-01 -3.36769670e-01 -2.09137611e-02 7.52662659e-01 3.32701325e-01 -4.55460809e-02 -9.05987546e-02 1.16465092e-01 2.53231730e-02 2.85217047e-01 4.33988214e-01 -2.40899384e-01 4.82122004e-02 -5.19578397e-01 4.52188402e-01 2.29905974e-02 -5.44534475e-02 1.09723225e-01 3.11203837e-01 -8.37483853e-02 -2.79410839e-01 1.03880003e-01 -1.45788833e-01 5.62824488e-01 3.77584808e-02 3.48795056e-01 4.16283876e-01 1.39621437e-01 -2.40620509e-01 -2.08854258e-01 -4.24544252e-02 -4.33456540e-01 2.00268954e-01 -2.02254981e-01 -4.80878493e-03 2.09229782e-01 4.43040222e-01 -2.20536202e-01 -4.90068346e-02 -2.09854439e-01 -1.04695432e-01 -3.46855938e-01 -3.30650717e-01 1.01706378e-01 1.54207334e-01 -1.36372387e-01 -4.47115637e-02 -6.35134280e-02 3.95005941e-01 6.43444657e-02 4.07570750e-02 1.92139987e-02 -7.28025734e-02 1.16973370e-01 -1.23642087e-01 8.76376510e-01 5.50389171e-01 -9.20368209e-02 1.15659468e-01 1.08730793e-03 -2.62608409e-01 -1.44708589e-01 1.97180733e-01 -5.21955080e-02 5.74233353e-01 5.14748767e-02 1.31951028e-03 -1.87323630e-01 -1.01924434e-01 -2.19392985e-01 -3.89875248e-02 -5.41943908e-02 -3.33968461e-01 1.46822855e-01 -1.27157107e-01 6.40126944e-01 -4.34630141e-02 -4.06807274e-01 -7.16334581e-01 2.92569399e-02 -8.55431855e-02 5.33743739e-01 -1.01439007e-01 1.31452405e+00 1.48177490e-01 7.51278028e-02 6.25000000e-02 -1.69879235e-02 8.24187621e-02 -1.34950444e-01 -2.34887287e-01 -2.81405777e-01 1.07130639e-01 1.61605328e-01 -3.19435209e-01 5.09505719e-02 3.94905269e-01 -1.80351049e-01 5.08996472e-03 -4.57682043e-01 1.54533252e-01 1.45793054e-02 1.28907636e-01 -1.84001788e-01 9.66318175e-02 4.34016943e-01 1.24836385e-01 1.03277162e-01 3.94384295e-01 -1.26694128e-01 1.62207663e-01 -1.90843083e-02 -1.97353512e-01 -1.71719715e-01 1.41861886e-01 -3.32163811e-01 1.42064720e-01 1.28311157e-01 7.22824335e-02 -2.74334997e-01 -3.96392465e-01 -3.74360651e-01 -2.24399954e-01 -1.79336108e-02 3.36202800e-01 2.47600451e-01 -3.21991265e-01 8.58036354e-02 2.65832037e-01 2.20127478e-01 -3.18489484e-02 -1.95304379e-01 1.09341368e-01 -1.10550389e-01 2.19158962e-01 -3.83253306e-01 1.30269200e-01 4.31526512e-01 1.21506443e-02 -1.06587276e-01 1.62098259e-01 -2.72583336e-01 3.43035720e-02 1.23931006e-01 1.89219177e-01 2.14236110e-01 -7.49683306e-02 -6.76913261e-02 -1.09142482e-01 -5.38555533e-02 3.14081609e-01 -3.81106228e-01 -4.59638238e-01 8.45208243e-02 2.52190053e-01 -1.99426785e-01 -2.93883145e-01 -3.03863645e-01 -1.66104715e-02 -1.75156757e-01 1.80039868e-01 -6.72736317e-02 -1.83321610e-01 3.05347741e-01 3.11983615e-01 -9.56920348e-03 -3.75227928e-01 -4.82895762e-01 -3.51029247e-01 2.98379302e-01 6.67607114e-02 1.11686781e-01 2.19299048e-01 -4.51706164e-02 4.54533249e-01 -3.46668735e-02 -1.18264794e-01 -3.11632335e-01 -1.85224056e-01 1.37476832e-01 -5.83027415e-02 9.48480964e-02 -1.12801686e-01 -2.36190349e-01 -1.49906635e-01 8.26521516e-02 3.99750978e-01 -5.60096800e-02 -1.07823685e-01 -1.36774585e-01 1.60481051e-01 1.11273460e-01 2.66040955e-02 -8.57446715e-02 5.22953197e-02 3.73667002e-01 6.19242825e-02 8.76582041e-02 4.00374949e-01 1.94383487e-02 2.56704062e-01 -3.98422599e-01 1.91780463e-01 8.32927004e-02 8.34494457e-02 1.46837503e-01 5.03117740e-01 5.83479516e-02 -2.44268533e-02 -3.50963384e-01 -8.39699954e-02 1.31489605e-01 1.39970735e-01 4.00252156e-02 9.71079022e-02 -7.61595042e-03 1.18243337e-01 -1.07328005e-01 -7.66894221e-03 -4.26833421e-01 -3.92008369e-04 -5.48808038e-01 -1.42229080e-01 -6.18352704e-02 1.75340742e-01 8.98153558e-02 3.13766539e-01 -2.18472287e-01 2.78886169e-01 -8.88153687e-02 4.10589933e-01 -7.45337978e-02 -1.83096707e-01 -5.59334815e-01 7.05092847e-02 1.07187470e-02 -1.55222997e-01 -1.58937722e-01 -1.23543307e-01 -4.24724035e-02 -2.53417343e-01 9.92491320e-02 1.16824396e-01 3.88041437e-01 4.62666243e-01 4.24480855e-01 1.28056392e-01 3.08976442e-01 4.28734750e-01 4.12651896e-01 1.54365301e-01 -1.73549533e-01 5.43618917e-01 1.16063416e-01 4.23236519e-01 1.58604860e-01 7.12445527e-02 6.13660254e-02 3.14499885e-01 -1.15809180e-01 5.35363704e-02 1.01467930e-01 -3.38723278e-03 1.67348310e-01 -5.31663969e-02 -4.45035130e-01 -2.40295269e-02 7.06673786e-02 -1.66731820e-01 -8.46699253e-02 1.19656891e-01 -1.63444966e-01 -4.17288244e-01 8.66747573e-02 8.15343931e-02 4.51202363e-01 -4.60948907e-02 -1.70675710e-01 2.48792008e-01 -3.52495134e-01 9.57948416e-02 -2.14127421e-01 1.24659523e-01 -8.19056779e-02 1.26458239e-02 2.42592320e-01 -5.14627159e-01 2.46215449e-03 3.93718332e-02 -3.51204038e-01 1.24234110e-01 -1.51494578e-01 -7.35634193e-02 7.48170838e-02 -2.44141042e-01 -4.67821956e-01 2.51608998e-01 5.16701281e-01 6.20343834e-02 4.12768781e-01 -1.54850230e-01 -1.06930450e-01 3.36213000e-02 8.16598237e-02 -2.74975210e-01 -3.29716653e-01 -2.14268014e-01 3.12367737e-01 1.67084485e-02 -3.33901137e-01 3.63716967e-02 -7.84272477e-02 1.91591993e-01 1.70871690e-01 3.32409799e-01 2.61321008e-01 -2.64925599e-01 -1.84555203e-01 2.69797862e-01 -7.51707107e-02 1.14717893e-02 1.55802518e-01 1.15315557e-01 -1.94636121e-01 -3.71380784e-02 -2.36547366e-01 3.89248431e-01 1.49525911e-01 7.24745169e-02 -9.40995142e-02 3.05393517e-01 7.76929595e-03 -4.94634025e-02 3.01033109e-01 -3.63801904e-02 4.80003236e-03 3.57258506e-02 1.62818860e-02 -3.74506414e-01 -3.51320118e-01 -2.88412094e-01 5.55381961e-02 4.36704695e-01 -1.54123485e-01 3.06521565e-01 1.15946323e-01 -1.08408488e-01 -1.26069173e-01 2.30194002e-01 -5.75205125e-02 3.05632442e-01 3.78684342e-01 -7.25391693e-03 2.74378985e-01 6.06228948e-01 2.22740203e-01 3.44114989e-01 -2.03242660e-01 -1.28939480e-01 -4.33721125e-01 -1.87527642e-01 2.39191391e-02 3.12925041e-01 -3.00196737e-01 1.57616526e-01 -4.71171290e-02 2.31086388e-02 -1.09604172e-01 -3.30540836e-01 3.78171682e-01 -2.31972888e-01 -1.64269507e-01 -1.70602679e-01 2.77172983e-01 -4.15258527e-01 -1.26411840e-01 -7.39009142e-01 -1.88009679e-01 -2.15047076e-01 -2.37872787e-02 -2.09164377e-02 -3.81743848e-01 -1.37809277e-01 -1.14681311e-01 -2.37862468e-01 5.25900781e-01 6.51713635e-04 2.13983521e-01 -2.28604954e-02 9.03873146e-03]
"Your Legally Entitled Coverage As An Employee of the SCP Foundation (Provided by Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd.)" active "≡ Joint Internal Memo: SCP-6987 To the O5 Council, We have completed this year's revisions of SCP-6987 documentation for Clearance Levels 1 through 4, pending your review. Please make any necessary changes. We are trying something a little different this year for Level 1 documentation. Hopefully, this should emphasize to the new recruits that insurance coverage from Goldbaker is significantly different from what they are used to. Ezekiel Yang, PhD. Department of Financial Esoterica Sheldon Katz, Esq. Legal Department. Secure. Contain. Protect. By accepting employment with the Foundation, you are acknowledging that you have read and are aware of the following information in its entirety, and that you affirm that you will adhere to the containment procedures. All terms and conditions present within SCP-6987 must be upheld by Foundation personnel. If the Foundation is found to be in violation of a term outlined within SCP-6987, compliance must be restored before the end of the next Gregorian calendar month or else suffer a penalty as defined in SCP-6987-0 through SCP-6987-[REDACTED BY LEGAL DEPARTMENT]. As a Radix-class anomaly, SCP-6987 has been incorporated into the Foundation's command structure1. If you believe you are aware of a violation of SCP-6987, please report said violation through Human Resources, your site's Foundation Legal Department Liaison, or SCiPNET's anonymous reporting function. Whistleblowers will be protected under the Foundation's "Stand Up and Speak Up" policy. Violations of SCP-6987 not only expose the Foundation to significant financial, legal, and reputational risks but also threaten the continued existence of humanity itself. SCP-6987 is the portfolio of insurance contracts between the SCP Foundation ("the Foundation", or the "insured") and Goldbaker-Reinz Insurance Group Ltd. ("Goldbaker-Reinz", or the "Provider"). Several of these contracts have anomalous enforcement clauses or benefit payments. As an employee of the SCP Foundation, you are entitled to insurance coverage through Goldbaker-Reinz. You may choose to exempt yourself from any or all of this coverage and seek private insurance plans, if you so choose. However, note that the coverage offered by Goldbaker-Reinz provides timely global availability and a range of experimental medical procedures. By accepting employment with the Foundation, you are acknowledging that you have read and are aware of the following information, to your clearance level, in its entirety. Welcome to the Foundation! At the SCP Foundation, our trusted insurance provider of choice is Goldbaker-Reinz. They're the most influential and most reliable insurer behind the Veil, yet almost completely unknown in the mundane world. They have proven themselves trustworthy time and time again in our sustained relationship dating back over 200 years. Goldbaker-Reinz is uniquely equipped to help with the sorts of challenges the Foundation faces every day. As a full voting member of the GOC's Council of 108, they're very familiar with the anomalous, but they're contractually bound to remain nonpartisan in intergroup contracts. Goldbaker-Reinz is proud to service the SCP Foundation, nearly all GOC affiliates, the Horizon Initiative, and many more. They are the only insurer with a proven record when it comes to anomalous, esoteric, and extremely rare world-changing "black swan" events. They've got a most-likely anomalous model for forecasting the probability and impact of these kinds of events, which of course is proprietary. Rest assured, though — our best and our brightest have pored over every contract we've had with them and every payout in every year, and we can trust them to adhere to our contracts to the letter. And of course, Goldbaker-Reinz will aid you in your mundane insurance needs as well. We're so happy you decided to join our Foundation family, and we hope your career is a long and fruitful one. Ezekiel Yang, PhD. Department of Financial Esoterica Sheldon Katz, Esq. Legal Department. Secure. Contain. Protect. [DELETE THIS MESSAGE BEFORE PUBLICATION: We borrowed much of this verbiage from a GR marketing doc. We can tone it down if we need to, but as stated earlier this is a sales document for new joiners. We all know they can be a little leery when it comes to working with obviously anomalous entities.] References to "Nebu-Wosir" (Gold-Osiris), a figure purportedly responsible for ameliorating effects of famine should the Nile fail to flood or flood overly aggressively, in recovered Egyptian Old Kingdom texts. References to "Soter Aurarius" (Goldsaver) appear in Roman literature. Figure is said to have aided in the rebuilding of Rome after the Great Fire. First references to the "Balancer of Londinium". Depictions vary from a benevolent trickster god to a very lucky gambler to an investor in several ventures viewed as foolhardy by the masses but ultimately profitable. Goldbaker (later Ltd.) enters early contracts with Foundation precursors, including the American Secure Containment Initiative and Her Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal. It is believed Goldbaker is an assumed name, chosen for nomenclative camouflage. Goldbaker Ltd. proves instrumental in providing relief and recovery in the aftermath of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Occult Wars. "Goldbaker" is among the first insurers to become established at Lloyd's of London. They (singular) are instrumental in the early prominence of the organization and serve on the committee of The Society of Lloyd's for decades. "Goldbaker" publicly rejects the Lloyd's Act, declaring their intent to continue acting as an independent insurer. They move primarily to providing services behind the Veil, rebranding as Goldbaker Ltd. Their involvement with Lloyd's of London is scrubbed from the historical record by HMFSCP. The modern Foundation forms. Goldbaker Ltd. declines a full merger, citing conflicts of interest and independence concerns. Contracts held by precursor organizations are renegotiated into comprehensive coverage agreement, designated SCP-6987 due to inherited anomalous enforcement clauses. In the aftermath of the Seventh Occult War, Goldbaker Ltd. again proves instrumental in funding rebuilding efforts. It is a founding member of the Council of 108 of the newly formed Global Occult Coalition. The Foundation considers cancelling SCP-6987, but both parties come to a mutual agreement and amend their contracts to include a neutrality clause in any future Foundation-GOC conflicts. Werner Reinz founds Reinz Group, which quickly rises in the anomalous financial industry. The Foundation informs government regulators, and begins its own investigations. Goldbaker Ltd. and Reinz Group merge to form Goldbaker-Reinz Insurance Group Ltd. Foundation investigations of Reinz Group are folded into the Goldbaker Foundation Audit Task Force. The following information is relevant to you (henceforth also referred to as a "covered person") as both a member of the Foundation and a benefactor of Goldbaker-Reinz's insurance policies. For brevity, these clauses are those you are unlikely to have seen with previous employers, unless said employers were likewise serviced by Goldbaker-Reinz. SCP-6987-0 is the Master Services Agreement describing the scope of services provided to the insured. SCP-6987-0 governs terms for extending the coverage provided by Goldbaker-Reinz, modifying terms of existing contracts, and other legal and business necessities. The Legal Department and Department of Financial Esoterica have determined that the following clauses of SCP-6987-0 are mission-critical at your clearance level. All other subitems of SCP-6987 are specific coverage policies. The following overview covers the insurance policies available at your level with major deviations from insurance policies you are most likely to have already seen. A comprehensive overview of all available coverage can be accessed through the SCiPNET Resource Portal. As a member of the SCP Foundation with limited decision-making abilities, your coverage is unlikely to be affected by penalties outlined in Clause 617. However, it is important that you understand how SCP-6987 differs from mundane insurance contracts. Goldbaker-Reinz and the Foundation understand that while both entities provide an indispensable service to the other, due diligence is a matter of practical business considerations. As such, both entities employ anomalous means of ensuring compliance with contractual terms, or, in cases in which such enforcement is not possible, suitable penalties. The acceptable methods by which the contractual terms of any subcontracts of SCP-6987 can be enforced, by either the Foundation or Goldbaker-Reinz, include: We hope this primer has gotten you used to the fascinating, abnormal world behind the Veil. It's not so different back here. You are viewing Level 1 Documentation (1 of 4 required approvals). Click here to access the next level of documentation. Cite this page as: "SCP-6987" by LORDXVNV, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "."
[-3.58642824e-02 3.16219449e-01 -1.60889417e-01 -1.49712414e-01 -8.81944895e-02 -1.83207035e-01 1.50090650e-01 9.56037790e-02 4.05063450e-01 -4.05743532e-02 1.09588429e-01 2.59966757e-02 1.35219499e-01 5.34837656e-02 -2.09318399e-01 1.03887543e-01 5.43994941e-02 1.14356950e-01 6.57924712e-01 -2.31030732e-01 -2.41057068e-01 1.93198174e-02 -2.41454929e-01 3.32299888e-01 -2.45728139e-02 -9.40318778e-02 4.04712737e-01 2.64654577e-01 -4.17217284e-01 -3.69001240e-01 3.30374688e-01 2.76761621e-01 3.11124306e-02 1.47790685e-02 -1.02104088e-04 3.50493263e-03 1.31498247e-01 -1.36225186e-02 -1.48010492e-01 8.73607025e-02 -2.25563958e-01 -2.38414481e-01 -2.07618222e-01 -1.31127596e-01 7.01151416e-02 1.98953792e-01 6.23499975e-02 6.91216052e-01 4.05030400e-01 2.25312918e-01 2.01750234e-01 -3.38735223e-01 3.64193290e-01 -6.26978725e-02 -2.07954019e-01 7.13533163e-02 -8.20126384e-02 2.81163901e-01 -1.14485860e-01 -2.52071440e-01 -8.13379139e-02 2.14461818e-01 -2.64368713e-01 1.05922997e-01 3.72928858e-01 3.04185525e-02 2.85727561e-01 -2.10133597e-01 -1.79818556e-01 1.09099522e-01 4.81632166e-02 -9.61479992e-02 -3.09983343e-01 7.50708580e-02 -1.19771697e-02 -2.47503892e-01 1.94773436e-01 3.94312948e-01 3.90610956e-02 2.14980021e-02 -2.39154577e-01 2.11424649e-01 -2.60213256e-01 -2.10120797e-01 -4.97253984e-01 -5.85329309e-02 -8.68560597e-02 -1.12647131e-01 4.24106658e-01 6.84307069e-02 1.84745789e-01 5.79629801e-02 -8.68577734e-02 5.35826618e-03 1.28681555e-01 -8.41374602e-03 -1.28570020e-01 3.11164916e-01 4.28230405e-01 -3.59819680e-02 1.90396354e-01 1.51720628e-01 -1.92065805e-01 2.11485282e-01 -2.06506595e-01 -2.50333458e-01 1.14689849e-01 -3.34213674e-02 -1.52340621e-01 3.79626960e-01 1.63861960e-01 2.19213843e-01 3.92817743e-02 5.64210601e-02 -8.18293393e-02 -1.55670211e-01 -9.34917759e-03 -2.86217958e-01 -1.98000744e-01 3.84856880e-01 -3.09460700e-01 -3.14313322e-01 -1.66682109e-01 2.30465844e-01 2.48440560e-02 -2.46695682e-01 -5.57231121e-02 -2.29141004e-02 -1.09429121e-01 -2.45108575e-01 -2.42266104e-01 9.89933312e-02 -5.08835375e-01 2.07581431e-01 -1.29460767e-01 3.52274925e-02 5.14044650e-02 9.40025691e-03 2.11607993e-01 1.78438321e-01 1.28337055e-01 6.96679279e-02 1.60950437e-01 2.21213058e-01 -7.66448677e-03 -5.05416170e-02 -2.29534581e-02 1.40961736e-01 6.74764141e-02 2.89271086e-01 -2.81216446e-02 -3.38879108e-01 -3.24293464e-01 2.14132756e-01 -1.28220633e-01 1.31125581e-02 3.85392547e-01 1.88977737e-02 -1.94065303e-01 -2.66602188e-01 2.83824623e-01 -1.21439792e-01 -3.57399702e-01 -2.13894937e-02 4.09492217e-02 4.27364290e-01 5.25900722e-02 -1.04476713e-01 1.42589390e-01 -3.05417657e-01 3.57680500e-01 -2.03847185e-01 -2.71489680e-01 1.66450799e-01 4.54391837e-02 1.40733525e-01 2.51203358e-01 3.94659825e-02 -6.92359507e-01 -4.40757334e-01 3.56074721e-02 -1.94280267e-01 1.16279989e-01 -4.47691470e-01 -4.58729714e-02 6.05250336e-02 -2.33334258e-01 -7.03453496e-02 4.52833995e-02 1.59791797e-01 -3.11080486e-01 -1.98455438e-01 6.62199259e-02 -1.10869855e-02 -2.10420713e-02 -6.51380792e-02 -1.27826286e-02 1.28007114e-01 1.28041014e-01 -3.65846530e-02 -2.20283926e-01 3.02379251e-01 7.83958212e-02 3.08089286e-01 -3.13930243e-01 1.65297583e-01 -2.29780868e-01 1.78273376e-02 1.75539270e-01 4.99128461e-01 2.78945476e-01 1.02808557e-01 -2.74603039e-01 -6.75506666e-02 -1.88258216e-01 -2.82502681e-01 2.19600618e-01 3.56474310e-01 1.91765875e-01 -4.48155135e-01 -1.44875664e-02 3.10292363e-01 -2.31179997e-01 1.51720151e-01 -2.19284650e-02 2.46059015e-01 -2.84135163e-01 -2.15520740e-01 -1.83382452e-01 1.78775594e-01 4.59346026e-01 2.11493820e-01 -1.94910076e-02 -2.17320859e-01 -2.88105547e-01 -1.94153339e-01 2.40485463e-02 7.03197896e-01 -1.24538265e-01 -1.45771816e-01 1.92941919e-01 -1.43240631e-01 -7.13916719e-02 9.76164937e-02 -1.61578402e-01 3.80875230e-01 1.76579744e-01 -2.29192391e-01 -2.17769638e-01 1.87083423e-01 3.34675997e-01 -3.37285578e-01 -4.00817469e-02 2.41989680e-02 -4.12736118e-01 2.01875210e-01 -4.06340629e-01 1.98980018e-01 -3.12094897e-01 1.71692759e-01 4.12162125e-01 -1.26238868e-01 -5.66768572e-02 2.96066292e-02 6.42614663e-02 -1.74677208e-01 3.98363888e-01 -3.46560255e-02 1.13934815e-01 2.57576346e-01 -4.94790561e-02 -9.00964439e-03 -1.40010938e-01 3.72986421e-02 -1.19109405e-02 -3.75060923e-02 5.19883856e-02 2.53532559e-01 -1.59971073e-01 1.32650137e-01 -2.03837410e-01 -1.79373205e-01 -7.67341480e-02 8.29789136e-03 -3.06784719e-01 -3.34848136e-01 3.49377811e-01 1.35638282e-01 -6.27346635e-02 -1.62483722e-01 -1.58889920e-01 -1.16727553e-01 -8.69797990e-02 2.26783499e-01 6.54507726e-02 -9.29308124e-03 -6.50699496e-01 2.93246895e-01 -7.22134560e-02 3.30543727e-01 -3.62364739e-01 2.10812226e-01 2.48135421e-02 1.00534491e-01 -2.13605985e-01 -1.64576396e-01 1.69257432e-01 1.79305166e-01 -1.10296838e-01 -2.86356837e-01 1.42522836e-02 4.10210282e-01 -1.63818434e-01 -2.39632860e-01 -8.98759142e-02 1.54311195e-01 -9.04345736e-02 -3.00357580e-01 -5.06847315e-02 -1.69927686e-01 -2.29086414e-01 4.34700726e-03 -1.65165156e-01 3.45324218e-01 -4.90540788e-02 -8.32227767e-02 -3.14607918e-01 -3.79061669e-01 1.07935563e-01 -9.70642790e-02 2.51927316e-01 4.90238518e-01 -5.82248755e-02 1.94519341e-01 -1.47243500e-01 7.55241588e-02 -2.55825192e-01 -9.63005126e-02 1.82141542e-01 8.32841471e-02 -1.57732069e-01 9.43297148e-02 -2.51528770e-01 -1.08547948e-01 -1.60606146e-01 -1.57240033e-01 -4.90434766e-01 1.17947236e-01 6.94217831e-02 -3.46680701e-01 -1.51653558e-01 2.92040646e-01 1.79099411e-01 -3.19808125e-01 -7.38107339e-02 -2.18711272e-01 -1.59582198e-01 7.92191476e-02 4.00682271e-01 -2.77399689e-01 -7.23448843e-02 -3.10468912e-01 5.86462379e-01 1.47140697e-01 1.95350319e-01 -1.65760502e-01 3.25021386e-01 -1.03770249e-01 2.11477026e-01 -1.59565374e-01 -1.21333182e-01 5.26454039e-02 4.76057045e-02 3.04647475e-01 -1.74656719e-01 -7.21159652e-02 3.70437503e-01 -2.88459390e-01 -1.95367053e-01 -2.13986099e-01 1.42243253e-02 2.62819231e-01 2.59927332e-01 -2.83109725e-01 -2.33875915e-01 -6.76064612e-03 7.60995457e-03 -7.12753311e-02 2.04024687e-01 7.44023770e-02 1.40582442e-01 -2.22280398e-01 5.61272323e-01 1.12668231e-01 1.08381897e-01 2.84069348e-02 1.36419982e-02 1.06044952e-02 9.31608602e-02 1.68752223e-01 -1.10481486e-01 1.36666656e-01 -2.62469500e-01 2.65480548e-01 4.94425982e-01 8.55012089e-02 1.28890947e-01 -4.44089502e-01 -3.97142291e-01 2.16237649e-01 3.30389500e-01 -4.58984643e-01 -3.66174802e-02 -8.20829347e-02 4.90086764e-01 -4.47092921e-01 -3.04106716e-02 2.11134508e-01 4.87347788e-05 -4.34397250e-01 -2.18236465e-02 3.27245057e-01 1.57250375e-01 -2.48829216e-01 6.90486357e-02 -1.06816739e-01 3.91417354e-01 9.16965827e-02 2.53370941e-01 -1.14348881e-01 -7.84379020e-02 3.75419676e-01 -3.59778553e-01 5.11722744e-01 -4.62571904e-02 2.62368321e-01 4.44082618e-01 -1.51358604e-01 -2.27378141e-02 -4.24058326e-02 6.89700618e-02 1.81790292e-01 5.99560976e-01 2.13475108e-01 -1.85989812e-01 -1.76142588e-01 6.03859015e-02 6.66586235e-02 -1.56017989e-01 3.75557952e-02 5.22111058e-02 9.77835506e-02 -2.92916328e-01 -2.35925332e-01 1.12344511e-01 -4.54107791e-01 -1.80736661e-01 5.32741904e-01 -2.13609934e-02 -3.14199142e-02 2.06502855e-01 1.13320935e+00 2.62249798e-01 1.15285143e-02 2.93008298e-01 4.79019880e-02 -1.56348482e-01 -5.27133167e-01 -1.51244074e-03 -2.37642556e-01 -1.94142342e-01 -4.56782393e-02 -4.04196173e-01 6.84497086e-03 1.90101326e-01 -2.92104840e-01 5.73789403e-02 7.11285919e-02 6.53630942e-02 3.48428637e-01 9.87109020e-02 -1.56661779e-01 7.23484680e-02 2.20220134e-01 1.89956397e-01 -1.36088943e-02 5.03689609e-02 3.90349180e-02 -4.65289503e-01 8.74484032e-02 -1.32320970e-01 -4.10660774e-01 1.15325771e-01 -4.95020896e-01 -2.53843684e-02 4.62479979e-01 6.37391686e-01 3.30389678e-01 -5.52807935e-02 -1.38247674e-02 -1.75049886e-01 -1.72975764e-01 -2.15341337e-02 3.43814731e-01 -5.02405502e-02 -1.29702017e-01 1.76307917e-01 6.30954921e-01 -7.35485405e-02 -2.51796037e-01 -1.28797656e-02 -1.73717901e-01 -4.51129600e-02 -5.42808175e-01 3.15826625e-01 2.50729144e-01 -4.34193641e-01 3.11823398e-01 2.57050216e-01 -2.35479817e-01 -4.62222658e-02 2.41968378e-01 -9.54427943e-02 -1.51722744e-01 -1.15439827e-02 2.85084754e-01 -2.66021281e-01 -1.75379459e-02 1.35372013e-01 3.37920219e-01 3.11473787e-01 6.86110854e-02 -5.18927753e-01 -1.88142955e-01 -2.38435194e-01 -4.37366784e-01 3.33904952e-01 -1.44544214e-01 -2.12081268e-01 -3.73020768e-02 -3.86028886e-01 2.37503704e-02 2.96470493e-01 4.30561490e-02 2.41628274e-01 -3.60957861e-01 -9.72968712e-02 9.39007401e-02 5.68070598e-02 2.77291220e-02 8.35132450e-02 1.98265448e-01 4.94366996e-02 2.80993115e-02 -3.13828364e-02 -4.62231398e-01 -1.87339008e-01 -2.57700831e-01 -1.04370199e-01 2.35166162e-01 -3.67436111e-01 2.22567141e-01 -6.01973683e-02 1.31103471e-01 2.45655328e-01 -1.88093305e-01 -2.42656142e-01 1.00832090e-01 1.39530569e-01 3.20002064e-02 -9.86449048e-02 -3.05648595e-02 2.53747731e-01 2.15723455e-01 2.63750643e-01 1.71590075e-01 -8.94145742e-02 1.77531406e-01 3.70767087e-01 -9.63515043e-02 4.39516515e-01 1.43357441e-01 -1.78704306e-01 6.46812469e-02 5.67258537e-01 -1.49391323e-01 1.33151114e-01 -2.26697251e-01 -1.96541965e-01 3.20356935e-02 3.36846083e-01 6.69535697e-02 3.19682181e-01 1.21741958e-01 1.84157744e-01 8.78367126e-02 -1.03758939e-01 -2.82388343e-03 -2.83222169e-01 -4.06422675e-01 -1.47893682e-01 -3.03197861e-01 3.21436107e-01 -1.33921549e-01 -1.76031426e-01 2.24776953e-01 -1.56537876e-01 2.29272529e-01 3.16466361e-01 4.83790249e-01 -2.52159536e-01 -3.11151296e-02 -2.01565191e-01 2.46260948e-02 4.78424519e-01 -7.66209885e-02 3.76996219e-01 -3.10154557e-01 -1.13962002e-01 4.39168572e-01 6.19389452e-02 2.28866085e-01 -3.24964523e-01 4.45800781e-01 2.37204418e-01 -1.74135149e-01 1.24007106e-01 3.81056149e-03 -3.49033892e-01 3.12799573e-01 -2.62518916e-02 2.97016591e-01 -5.53001538e-02 -8.73807594e-02 1.38906971e-01 3.91037762e-02 -8.98172855e-02 -2.05085631e-02 9.01010931e-02 8.16553384e-02 9.85473320e-02 -8.41405168e-02 -3.46855596e-02 -3.83177131e-01 1.69816718e-01 8.94533694e-02 -2.06059776e-02 -1.59976520e-02 -2.14817345e-01 -2.14400962e-01 3.67261082e-01 1.27616137e-01 2.28616700e-01 -2.51989986e-05 -2.06919670e-01 2.03853786e-01 -2.84795046e-01 6.12069741e-02 -1.18105695e-01 4.47367191e-01 3.41431528e-01 -1.16131306e-01 4.46343482e-01 -2.65656233e-01 1.66452795e-01 4.16501388e-02 -4.42210734e-02 -1.42162189e-01 1.51830763e-01 5.77752478e-02 8.38848427e-02 1.90414131e-01 -2.07612365e-01 -1.22203380e-01 -8.03861693e-02 1.69044510e-01 2.21566364e-01 -7.30232298e-02 2.97192901e-01 -1.22422934e-01 -2.22762674e-01 1.03950791e-01 -5.14531955e-02 -2.34045371e-01 1.11980833e-01 -8.60885009e-02 2.81527668e-01 -3.30619901e-01 1.32513002e-01 3.97148281e-01 4.16096091e-01 1.12325162e-01 1.29842818e-01 -2.92184041e-03 1.34966120e-01 1.72359236e-02 3.03262800e-01 -4.94025387e-02 2.43976906e-01 2.88754493e-01 -1.34597242e-01 3.13669443e-02 2.42676530e-02 4.58890609e-02 -1.45297423e-01 -2.73621351e-01 -1.32217839e-01 -3.13624293e-01 6.67270571e-02 7.78235734e-01 6.39887676e-02 1.34031996e-01 -1.30635500e-01 3.92182618e-01 -1.00598084e-02 2.25626692e-01 4.78063822e-02 -2.69400835e-01 -1.26096398e-01 4.31386590e-01 3.66041273e-01 2.37366110e-02 3.05301785e-01 -5.62651530e-02 -3.83981317e-02 1.59025550e-01 4.50108856e-01 -3.79669338e-01 9.06263106e-03 -1.02345757e-01 1.25034258e-01 2.43876636e-01 -7.21230134e-02 -8.95687789e-02 1.02575570e-01 -2.99324095e-01 -3.19937050e-01 -5.43153048e-01 -2.02786457e-03 -1.01091385e-01 -4.39801924e-02 -3.71928066e-01 -5.09326383e-02 8.72318372e-02 7.31374230e-03 -3.10454398e-01 -1.37751579e-01 5.30445755e-01 2.13796854e-01 2.74478979e-02 4.50618602e-02 2.40309536e-01 2.96851397e-01 1.43113405e-01 -5.57046831e-01 -1.32292777e-01 -1.64707517e-03 -6.07676096e-02 -3.31641912e-01 -1.84377685e-01 5.70174567e-02 -7.15899616e-02 -1.63497254e-01 1.66107908e-01 -8.17328505e-03 -1.79511741e-01 -1.63075794e-02 5.56817092e-02]
"Contagious Omniscience" active "≡ To: Mattias Reeds From: Joseph Santiago Subject: Re: I need some help finding a file Hey Matt, So I did a bit of digging, I think I've found what you were looking for. I'll warn you now, you may not like what you see." nan
[ 3.33278328e-01 -8.81343707e-02 -2.26027071e-01 -1.04091875e-01 1.64208457e-01 -1.62529275e-01 3.23007043e-05 2.02889338e-01 2.43627101e-01 2.35764086e-01 1.63343158e-02 2.85962969e-01 -3.77259433e-01 -2.02363147e-03 2.45641500e-01 3.64435583e-01 2.62195636e-02 3.58385980e-01 -2.88608409e-02 -1.78826928e-01 -4.06024493e-02 1.38253838e-01 1.80176292e-02 6.56828657e-02 1.31800964e-01 3.00192554e-02 1.39131740e-01 1.93458900e-01 -2.50723939e-02 9.43827927e-02 3.35074812e-02 3.00170630e-01 -1.75463602e-01 1.72953159e-01 -1.03907732e-04 -7.44143799e-02 2.62339681e-01 -3.87754440e-01 8.55063275e-02 -9.43134278e-02 -3.21654171e-01 -3.62892114e-02 5.23618497e-02 -1.77619860e-01 -2.91388392e-01 1.57246709e-01 3.78964871e-01 -3.28080505e-01 4.55417670e-02 -1.38487974e-02 2.38014296e-01 2.40843813e-03 2.64185607e-01 -2.88059235e-01 1.85228232e-02 -2.11916134e-01 1.86564792e-02 2.04133302e-01 5.23021638e-01 -2.06306621e-01 2.96135604e-01 3.89469087e-01 -2.44455233e-01 -2.23273233e-01 5.01364350e-01 -3.99844080e-01 3.81174326e-01 -1.24340013e-01 3.24055344e-01 1.70773923e-01 5.28779685e-01 -1.51864380e-01 3.91964853e-01 3.47204171e-02 1.89658273e-02 2.41361544e-01 2.20308766e-01 -9.38366801e-02 -4.35195446e-01 5.54374903e-02 6.82384521e-02 -4.03108567e-01 -1.55547112e-01 -2.72478741e-02 -3.18821490e-01 -1.17483996e-01 -1.54176846e-01 -3.41188103e-01 3.08824033e-01 -2.59927779e-01 -3.69594306e-01 1.32126555e-01 1.93935037e-02 6.11379072e-02 -1.05347268e-01 -1.14110686e-01 -3.54818292e-02 -1.65439606e-01 -1.89046487e-02 2.07534522e-01 4.40237492e-01 -2.63060957e-01 -1.75179601e-01 1.88297376e-01 1.07756659e-01 1.27470970e-01 4.17810857e-01 1.86301678e-01 -3.85882646e-01 4.75496203e-02 -1.74212262e-01 -4.11050096e-02 -4.92381245e-01 -2.38492683e-01 1.17129706e-01 -1.43093720e-01 -3.05799216e-01 -2.44562745e-01 -1.48997650e-01 1.22792058e-01 -2.38364935e-01 7.16255233e-02 3.21939588e-02 2.72204369e-01 2.23142624e-01 5.24572022e-02 1.27418220e-01 -3.19024593e-01 1.43130675e-01 8.69471859e-03 -1.19743086e-01 1.13732420e-01 -8.51058587e-02 -2.48269767e-01 4.52827364e-02 9.35818031e-02 1.82427898e-01 -4.77317601e-01 3.14152986e-01 -8.72658864e-02 -3.35610397e-02 2.17084259e-01 3.33168209e-01 4.33995396e-01 -7.97164589e-02 -3.63727249e-02 8.20930526e-02 -2.73170888e-01 -1.70417845e-01 4.73053485e-01 -1.74090222e-01 -9.62875560e-02 -3.75672907e-01 2.39689291e-01 -1.46465570e-01 -1.81904271e-01 2.37461656e-01 9.89450142e-02 -1.34524986e-01 -1.12649038e-01 3.88436079e-01 1.20505549e-01 2.33654186e-01 -2.10498139e-01 4.58209366e-02 1.81103870e-01 -2.18378589e-01 -1.64196536e-01 -4.65530716e-02 -3.70268881e-01 -2.62127459e-01 4.55348678e-02 1.01549335e-01 2.01509502e-02 7.09417686e-02 2.04682067e-01 2.80900180e-01 -4.01758045e-01 -3.13638002e-01 6.05626702e-02 -2.77826965e-01 8.34087208e-02 1.93490103e-01 1.64666735e-02 2.01819036e-02 -1.00381710e-01 3.62510622e-01 -6.55994564e-02 2.14837089e-01 -1.79816887e-01 -2.35964790e-01 -3.12668890e-01 -1.60036027e-01 1.02582015e-02 -2.94971019e-02 -1.88819110e-01 -2.58755647e-02 -2.15767443e-01 5.94168127e-01 -2.14895438e-02 -2.17751503e-01 1.32615179e-01 3.62027645e-01 2.54004210e-01 1.04810499e-01 8.45693983e-03 7.01678395e-02 -7.29700103e-02 3.55041251e-02 -1.44714072e-01 -4.60369319e-01 -6.20059632e-02 -8.59555006e-02 -9.46293771e-02 3.47792730e-02 -1.43628418e-01 2.45248422e-01 -1.22666970e-01 -3.99817824e-01 7.88420141e-02 -8.26593339e-02 2.17410013e-01 1.43632069e-01 -1.22397311e-01 -3.05243105e-01 9.00964811e-03 -5.41738011e-02 -7.35011622e-02 9.34385061e-02 3.04319449e-02 7.91377351e-02 2.22140118e-01 1.55563593e-01 -7.02053774e-04 -5.46493053e-01 4.67488796e-01 2.99385250e-01 7.12238431e-01 -1.40928566e-01 -3.73742461e-01 1.85829967e-01 1.74232200e-01 6.95013106e-02 -4.55119200e-02 -2.16380969e-01 -3.38581614e-02 4.34636697e-02 -4.17914748e-01 -8.11023787e-02 3.26442152e-01 -2.07198001e-02 -1.00817643e-01 -1.62442714e-01 -1.56591862e-01 3.60977352e-01 4.29565668e-01 -7.23946244e-02 2.24932227e-02 6.62694648e-02 3.72783691e-01 1.19831823e-01 -3.62250239e-01 2.99466759e-01 1.64195690e-02 -2.04527333e-01 9.27575231e-02 -3.90426844e-01 -1.30420238e-01 -7.32125789e-02 2.91124344e-01 1.69612132e-02 -2.35582411e-01 2.19366159e-02 -2.08477452e-01 4.33910310e-01 1.43937528e-01 3.62366199e-01 2.79221386e-01 1.32467717e-01 -6.85109124e-02 -1.45594686e-01 -1.24368839e-01 -2.35022530e-01 8.26101378e-02 -1.61041990e-01 -1.11231729e-01 -6.59153163e-02 -2.18583550e-02 9.17897676e-04 -1.89219579e-01 -6.61394149e-02 -1.13261715e-02 1.99933380e-01 -9.61806253e-02 -7.49419928e-02 -8.88830349e-02 -3.17118883e-01 6.31700754e-01 9.14615914e-02 -3.13409477e-01 -4.89396639e-02 -3.14381868e-01 1.88256472e-01 2.10320741e-01 -1.07588470e-02 -2.78547525e-01 8.61305520e-02 3.29833925e-02 3.07169527e-01 1.75241470e-01 -5.18949963e-02 1.06467055e-02 -1.74585834e-01 1.58519328e-01 1.94790259e-01 5.12868054e-02 -8.96246061e-02 -2.96956986e-01 -5.34417666e-02 -2.79159367e-01 -1.31997734e-01 -3.76662612e-01 1.22337848e-01 -1.44531310e-01 -1.42374560e-01 -3.56858402e-01 -9.41691324e-02 -5.33357896e-02 3.62184256e-01 1.55989587e-01 1.10740498e-01 1.35215908e-01 -1.94696218e-01 1.32358149e-01 -2.22288564e-01 2.12755483e-02 -2.54039288e-01 -2.73826718e-01 2.63330758e-01 -1.24072798e-01 -1.02444969e-01 -1.46674532e-02 4.45243046e-02 -9.72153526e-03 -3.12832505e-01 -1.22057080e-01 -1.47620872e-01 3.25861052e-02 1.19649619e-01 -8.07824917e-03 -3.62175107e-01 2.78708875e-01 7.35893101e-02 -2.37279370e-01 -2.73281902e-01 -3.28862816e-01 3.15714657e-01 -1.90045059e-01 2.84486473e-01 -2.62075931e-01 -3.17369163e-01 1.82170898e-01 4.95566018e-02 7.49015063e-02 3.21690142e-01 -4.12520140e-01 1.73192739e-01 1.03932902e-01 3.48379612e-01 -1.48184061e-01 4.35418129e-01 2.36571535e-01 -1.54391304e-01 3.64676058e-01 1.02640674e-01 -2.29776189e-01 -7.09945485e-02 -6.14964366e-01 -5.46372592e-01 -2.44713023e-01 5.55724837e-02 -1.41874209e-01 -1.16915815e-01 -2.15521425e-01 -1.43066898e-01 -3.35895479e-01 7.37943202e-02 1.71182975e-01 5.48087656e-01 -3.99806760e-02 1.30245790e-01 2.25446045e-01 1.47994474e-01 -1.19096309e-01 4.30182479e-02 -1.53017700e-01 3.09161432e-02 -3.36522281e-01 -1.80172682e-01 1.86455503e-01 -1.22622505e-01 8.61245036e-01 1.53183594e-01 2.30266258e-01 2.49883413e-01 4.79856104e-01 3.38283122e-01 -9.12409723e-02 -1.26911744e-01 -2.57079989e-01 3.59458953e-01 -2.08765138e-02 1.19143985e-01 6.71043471e-02 2.49883197e-02 -5.62490702e-01 4.01079841e-02 -1.22311614e-01 2.44666040e-02 -1.94594696e-01 -2.10650802e-01 -4.66049500e-02 2.42593542e-01 7.53349513e-02 -1.73047720e-03 -8.42901915e-02 3.80808175e-01 1.02152847e-01 4.95886356e-01 -8.73362049e-02 -1.69016838e-01 3.22875194e-02 5.38156554e-02 7.49300420e-01 3.30099821e-01 -1.97424501e-01 -1.04986283e-03 1.38594449e-01 -4.86500040e-02 -2.09125668e-01 -1.97701380e-01 4.11781639e-01 2.26506606e-01 -2.94498615e-02 -1.69666912e-02 -2.25251213e-01 -6.26133904e-02 1.18669927e-01 -3.09908211e-01 1.24005437e-01 -1.14495188e-01 -1.30450517e-01 -1.92525476e-01 5.03847837e-01 1.68399975e-01 -1.77886903e-01 2.11239681e-01 -2.70797372e-01 -9.82295871e-02 3.26105766e-02 1.45627216e-01 1.08401000e+00 -1.01727754e-01 1.06141269e-01 -1.31315514e-02 -1.13576166e-01 1.40116915e-01 -2.41987884e-01 1.45390660e-01 7.83823282e-02 -1.96718335e-01 -2.12095812e-01 -5.73341139e-02 -5.56873307e-02 2.46992916e-01 -2.44348466e-01 1.31008357e-01 -3.15777779e-01 -4.04546671e-02 2.86644101e-01 -5.10658562e-01 -3.58021222e-02 2.37505860e-03 -1.72038242e-01 1.92458883e-01 3.29101115e-01 2.39731625e-01 1.04770370e-01 -3.91450822e-01 4.35347520e-02 -1.01831295e-02 -3.21312636e-01 1.15830533e-01 -4.04254556e-01 -1.58581853e-01 5.44278562e-01 -9.39601213e-02 6.47671372e-02 3.77539918e-02 1.55354947e-01 1.76041201e-01 -3.08113992e-01 2.57321239e-01 4.90635276e-01 -2.49933556e-01 -2.28250879e-04 -1.27447113e-01 4.33310062e-01 -2.01028481e-01 -1.78745136e-01 1.89351261e-01 1.10143758e-01 -2.11939380e-01 -8.96816403e-02 1.83983475e-01 2.03185812e-01 3.30887884e-01 -6.95166662e-02 1.98914081e-01 -9.65418145e-02 -4.63323258e-02 1.75129548e-01 2.42122546e-01 -9.28623229e-02 2.46195402e-02 -2.46069938e-01 -1.28141537e-01 5.43323494e-02 2.85287380e-01 1.66406572e-01 -5.94125092e-01 2.60030568e-01 -8.62872675e-02 -2.08766639e-01 -4.91523325e-01 -6.28895760e-02 -1.77368060e-01 1.82400957e-01 3.02930959e-02 2.31873766e-01 -2.59978026e-01 2.85708606e-01 4.15133119e-01 1.89673051e-01 -5.36485240e-02 -1.39323473e-01 -2.83244938e-01 1.81858793e-01 8.10547322e-02 -5.23707569e-01 1.81187958e-01 7.37093911e-02 3.40376288e-01 2.35100374e-01 -2.34472211e-02 -4.34790343e-01 1.77325308e-01 -1.73139438e-01 -2.99387366e-01 3.41317654e-01 -1.24988295e-01 2.15600163e-01 -6.56629801e-02 2.57956177e-01 -1.10248722e-01 -1.20978132e-01 -3.40418607e-01 2.67737508e-02 1.10811733e-01 -1.03697561e-01 2.55390793e-01 2.11851761e-01 -2.03688964e-02 8.08629617e-02 1.87349021e-01 6.72727078e-02 2.74642944e-01 2.77287185e-01 2.21932024e-01 -3.32731366e-01 -1.81166649e-01 -9.00662839e-02 2.75336057e-01 1.59358203e-01 9.56331566e-03 -8.84908214e-02 -8.96741003e-02 -5.25791526e-01 -1.25751719e-01 1.88638270e-01 5.35035849e-01 9.53695830e-03 5.16057372e-01 3.18337023e-01 7.08942786e-02 -4.22213137e-01 6.97152466e-02 -2.85053134e-01 -1.01739168e-01 -5.27561367e-01 -3.37785156e-03 -1.14976699e-02 3.20215344e-01 -1.11538544e-01 -1.59030139e-01 -1.40491262e-01 1.30263465e-02 -1.45013794e-01 1.67613298e-01 3.76089513e-02 -5.23988008e-01 1.07733913e-01 2.97918260e-01 -9.05323550e-02 -2.70761341e-01 1.31250620e-01 2.75804013e-01 3.75825733e-01 -2.53590405e-01 2.17139408e-01 9.46923643e-02 4.26829785e-01 5.72172761e-01 -2.33475752e-02 -1.71040550e-01 5.38936436e-01 2.80781150e-01 1.43612966e-01 1.22449145e-01 -1.21675849e-01 1.94725484e-01 -1.60676911e-01 5.19399583e-01 -9.43898633e-02 3.33092004e-01 -6.17660433e-02 4.54395175e-01 -1.59553319e-01 1.76676780e-01 9.77489203e-02 -9.12806019e-02 -4.48913798e-02 -2.61185139e-01 -2.43015081e-01 -3.70743990e-01 1.90120399e-01 1.76289126e-01 -2.35836417e-03 2.43478969e-01 4.62082624e-02 -2.55106185e-02 -2.45737806e-02 -2.19736453e-02 4.10646975e-01 -3.40476900e-01 5.84521778e-02 7.32011802e-04 -1.04567096e-01 2.64062405e-01 3.29094797e-01 3.29498291e-01 -3.59049290e-02 -2.29790043e-02 -8.25216547e-02 -1.91627860e-01 -3.17365348e-01 -2.29350422e-02 1.91839591e-01 -1.53710386e-02 -2.61550337e-01 -6.28028587e-02 3.01300615e-01 -1.35599971e-01 3.75474632e-01 1.42922908e-01 2.18082532e-01 -1.65632404e-02 -1.52604207e-01 -4.07970846e-02 -3.44181359e-02 -3.61562133e-01 3.37345824e-02 -5.14783382e-01 7.15617165e-02 3.31912078e-02 1.44743264e-01 9.02966261e-02 8.73345435e-02 1.37368694e-01 5.47680967e-02 6.48741797e-02 2.67337859e-01 1.73224192e-02 1.13680281e-01 -2.21150950e-01 -1.36076838e-01 2.45493218e-01 3.22965652e-01 -4.58115228e-02 -7.48132020e-02 -6.01341110e-03 4.88774717e-01 -1.60569802e-01 2.78739184e-02 -7.06366450e-02 -1.49201408e-01 1.35698412e-02 -1.67254731e-01 -4.74690422e-02 4.38009024e-01 -4.45744283e-02 1.95369408e-01 -1.28896177e-01 -2.80563366e-02 -3.44375849e-01 2.20937222e-01 -2.68681329e-02 -4.45843935e-02 -3.88356410e-02 2.81701654e-01 7.71232843e-02 -3.04405894e-02 2.15083882e-01 -1.34801358e-01 -3.41761380e-01 2.16338649e-01 2.34187499e-01 -1.04032859e-01 -6.75523132e-02 1.57960892e-01 6.50525913e-02 -1.29061610e-01 4.48292404e-01 1.71070591e-01 -1.53472915e-01 -4.81557101e-02 2.57426530e-01 -5.48394918e-01 -1.15786180e-01 -8.51631388e-02 1.21502176e-01 -1.45930052e-01 3.84599924e-01 -1.59082562e-01 -9.27836727e-03 -2.03929916e-01 -3.41260970e-01 5.23260653e-01 -2.49358490e-01 -1.18730612e-01 -2.94537276e-01 3.60407144e-01 -1.05819002e-01 1.50338739e-01 -4.69556779e-01 1.28445387e-01 2.79820174e-01 1.12347335e-01 -4.18079674e-01 3.15685049e-02 -5.50982244e-02 1.05541974e-01 -8.57917443e-02 3.48123789e-01 2.14269832e-01 8.30755457e-02 -1.72659263e-01 -1.46220759e-01]
"Clouds and Clouds, All Around" active "SCP-6989 — Clouds and Clouds, All Around Written by Jack Waltz and Machen2. Something we grinded out in an hour or two, very short and Series I-esque, we know. But we still hope you'll like it! Special thanks to Ethagon, MoreMuffins, MirageTD and Doctor Fullham! They were a great help in the process of critting this piece. Inspired by Tyranids if it wasn't obvious already ;) NOTICE FROM THE RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION This file is outdated following the addition of two incident logs and discoveries made through progressive research into the anomaly. A new revision is currently being drafted by the Records And Information Security Administration. Item #: SCP-6989 Clearance Level 3: Confidential Object Class: Keter Disruption Class: 1/Dark Risk Class: 1/Notice Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6989 cannot be physically contained due to its size and nature. Distributed Task Force λ-10 ("Cloud Watchers")1 is to track SCP-6989 and initiate the authorised amnestication protocols if the need arises. Research into the anomaly is currently in progress headed by the task force. Description: SCP-6989 is a single cumulonimbus cloud with a base length of approximately 2 km and a height of 1 km. Its base is always elliptical and does not alter through any known circumstances. It has been seen merging with many clouds but does not seem to grow any bigger itself after many observations conducted by λ-10. SCP-6989 is fully composed of water droplets and ice crystals but has not been observed to produce any form of precipitation2 and is constantly in motion. With λ-10's observation reports, it has been noted that SCP-6989 appears to be attracted to areas with high atmospheric humidity. SCP-6989 can activate unusually localised and powerful electromagnetic pulses affecting even shielded electronics. This ability only affects technology with itself and does not affect any area outside the cloud. This has made an internal analysis of the cloud impossible. RADAR scans have also been hindered by an unknown source within SCP-6989. Discovery: SCP-6989 was detected following an unidentified object breaching Earth's atmosphere on the 22nd of January 2021. It was located by weather radars after a cumulonimbus cloud manifested unnaturally in the local area. The connection between both events has not yet been concluded as a coincidence and an investigation is still in progress. Incident 6989.01 (2021/02/26): SCP-6989 came to the Global Occult Coalition's attention following the unnatural disappearance of a rainstorm over Miami, Florida. SCP-6989 had entered the vicinity and consumed a cumulonimbus cloud which was causing the storm over the city. A Lethe operation3 on the city was swiftly instigated. With the GOC's arrival, they immediately began preparations to initiate a decommissioning attempt on the anomaly. DTF λ-10 was unable to dissuade arriving GOC forces and all task force members were apprehended and detained. The GOC utilised altered missile technology4 to strike SCP-6989. The first three detonated successfully after entering SCP-6989 and the fourth and fifth seemed to make contact with a solid surface within the cloud. Immediately after, a high-pitched piercing noise was emitted by SCP-6989 and several appendages, with a resemblance to those of cephalopodic organisms, descended from SCP-6989 and assaulted the GOC forces below. Projectiles consisting of dense biological matter fell from SCP-6989 with considerable force and the cloud retained a bluish tint following this exchange which soon disappeared. A joint operation between the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition was quickly initiated following the incident. The Foundation began assisting the Global Occult Coalition in attempts to neutralise the anomaly. Incident 6989.02 (2021/02/28): SCP-6989 was seen attempting to subsume another cumulonimbus cloud. As preparations for heavy artillery bombardment were made, the cloud SCP-6989 attempted to subsume unleashed multiple appendages and impaled SCP-6989. It appeared to be struggling, and the cloud quickly merged and consumed SCP-6989. « SCP-6988 | SCP-6989 | SCP-6990 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6989" by Jack Waltz and Machen2, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: cumulonimbus-cloud.jpg Name: Cumulonimbus * una grandiosa nube Author: jacilluch License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: CC Search For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "A photograph of SCP-6989, taken by DTF λ-10."
[-3.08285188e-02 -9.52043757e-03 -1.76662937e-01 2.04664245e-02 3.68045457e-02 -5.89545906e-01 4.41831723e-02 -2.24923324e-02 -1.66213170e-01 5.63976392e-02 2.60139018e-01 -2.15765908e-02 -2.53346473e-01 9.47533622e-02 1.96570024e-01 -7.48048872e-02 2.23009616e-01 3.70924026e-02 9.40033495e-02 -3.06379958e-03 9.73958150e-03 -2.77220756e-01 -1.69929378e-02 -8.44318196e-02 1.84513330e-02 -3.70861441e-02 -8.58576670e-02 -7.47417063e-02 -2.22189292e-01 -1.90309480e-01 2.38431543e-01 2.82079011e-01 6.19086474e-02 6.92879438e-01 -9.92379646e-05 -1.16006449e-01 -1.29871860e-01 -7.31447861e-02 -2.12710835e-02 3.89699906e-01 -3.21580857e-01 2.61718668e-02 9.33246389e-02 -3.33741635e-01 4.85825986e-02 2.21411437e-01 -5.05071282e-01 1.76997870e-01 5.32441795e-01 9.49807186e-03 2.71681160e-01 -6.68284744e-02 3.58506031e-02 -1.42058238e-01 5.89193814e-02 3.09257120e-01 -1.28092557e-01 3.93579947e-03 4.13898587e-01 -1.61023423e-01 8.62481371e-02 2.11457059e-01 -4.47158486e-01 -1.17512956e-01 2.79461235e-01 -2.30898067e-01 1.59875795e-01 1.13047332e-01 -7.61480406e-02 1.55808240e-01 3.36057574e-01 9.17161535e-03 -2.17679460e-02 1.06500067e-01 -8.84608552e-02 2.37623993e-02 -4.33967859e-02 -1.03518665e-02 -9.85946730e-02 -8.17204360e-03 1.40875252e-02 3.29467922e-01 -2.07400829e-01 2.93486100e-02 -8.29883739e-02 3.81313711e-02 -1.18533090e-01 -9.30652171e-02 1.39493629e-01 1.00099982e-03 -1.02114156e-01 9.12365168e-02 1.58017784e-01 6.73573837e-02 -1.90837495e-02 -1.21118583e-01 -4.31239642e-02 -1.26715913e-01 1.36639431e-01 3.62944484e-01 4.54553306e-01 1.11341216e-01 5.95619559e-01 8.68042856e-02 2.60015190e-01 -2.66376555e-01 5.08635938e-02 -3.44409466e-01 -2.42645349e-02 3.97355370e-02 3.91296335e-02 -2.13548958e-01 3.57994214e-02 -5.90417162e-02 6.28236383e-02 -4.15266156e-01 1.29714161e-01 -3.70342463e-01 -2.02077150e-01 2.51562178e-01 -8.02259296e-02 6.15896918e-02 9.58963186e-02 -2.31865142e-02 3.91742975e-01 1.24917641e-01 1.24610923e-01 -9.13241431e-02 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-8.77493769e-02 -1.57471150e-01 -1.49163559e-01 -9.83624086e-02 3.43971580e-01 1.02713741e-02 1.54291824e-01 2.74191082e-01 -7.74364993e-02 3.70176792e-01 4.70116794e-01 6.51309416e-02 -2.55861342e-01 -9.55582410e-02 -2.71865010e-01 -1.24245100e-01 2.29258075e-01 1.77597612e-01 -3.56682420e-01 -2.35127807e-01 -1.79665193e-01 -1.24422312e-02 1.83251619e-01 -5.22534668e-01 3.62826854e-01 1.03660561e-01 -1.54714420e-01 -4.47642952e-01 -1.53961360e-01 -9.30750147e-02 2.29656413e-01 -4.10310552e-02 2.03970477e-01 1.84526429e-01 -9.82605070e-02 -1.47777081e-01 1.08479597e-01 5.93646057e-02 7.45959952e-02 2.67967254e-01 -5.37234768e-02 1.41993806e-01 -6.19475365e-01 2.05287188e-01 2.47286886e-01 5.74840069e-01 -1.97957337e-01 -2.42358699e-01 8.10711160e-02 -3.83153893e-02 2.77137667e-01 -1.85501590e-01 -1.44074708e-01 2.54300028e-01 -1.89695284e-01 1.95791021e-01 -1.44757126e-02 2.94607002e-02 -5.41681647e-02 -3.27643305e-01 -2.22601175e-01 -1.10318493e-02 2.11187109e-01 4.53169078e-01 1.36727735e-01 2.48022437e-01 2.89307326e-01 1.41456783e-01 -1.07480004e-01 -1.31327420e-01 2.29056656e-01 -2.02030074e-02 -2.12493017e-01 4.75058220e-02 -6.07636664e-03 -3.01602989e-01 4.25074920e-02 4.53795083e-02 -1.98331207e-01 -4.20598984e-02 1.74021557e-01 -2.10205317e-01 1.34470373e-01 2.84196109e-01 3.40191126e-01 3.29977632e-01 8.39332268e-02 7.33187348e-02 -4.17908907e-01 -5.36398530e-01 -1.63822740e-01 -4.22689877e-02 7.08673149e-02 1.64849684e-01 8.08755383e-02 -1.18464202e-01 -4.76073883e-02 1.06249638e-01 -1.90730527e-01 -2.49399897e-02 -1.63016543e-01 7.77222514e-02 -7.20833763e-02 -2.06547052e-01 -2.92261124e-01 2.48385578e-01 1.35209709e-01 -5.17131537e-02 -3.06539118e-01 -1.16140053e-01 1.38162643e-01 2.19095334e-01 9.27629769e-02 7.44349808e-02 2.99743593e-01 2.53353298e-01 3.80821139e-01 7.76182711e-02 -3.40504736e-01 -1.77956615e-02 1.30958855e-01 2.70765603e-01 -1.52207436e-02 3.20171356e-01 -3.36084336e-01 -4.94688988e-01 2.12514237e-01 -5.64518988e-01 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-3.15602571e-01 5.11654988e-02 -3.26798670e-02 1.62265241e-01 -2.25477308e-01 4.71486330e-01 2.29290664e-01 -2.47433752e-01 -3.19311917e-01 -2.93321848e-01 2.90548941e-03 2.04651788e-01 4.09888089e-01 1.11839473e+00 3.35941970e-01 -4.44541574e-02 9.08413306e-02 1.81288555e-01 -1.10016346e-01 -3.23390067e-01 -3.65298428e-02 6.66851848e-02 -4.08173263e-01 4.26813103e-02 -2.61413068e-01 3.47169046e-03 2.30026037e-01 -2.45155871e-01 -4.54148911e-02 -2.35508621e-01 2.04819068e-01 2.24292248e-01 -8.36601630e-02 2.06938252e-01 -1.13657564e-02 5.34779346e-03 2.55147845e-01 -1.06763840e-01 2.01491863e-01 -2.63199747e-01 -2.55245000e-01 4.27324921e-01 -1.87002316e-01 -6.85769096e-02 1.64960295e-01 -3.97289962e-01 1.38226971e-01 -1.04654066e-01 -3.22252885e-02 -3.76341008e-02 -2.37691462e-01 -2.02285156e-01 -2.14469503e-03 -1.22660410e-03 3.82581681e-01 5.54978013e-01 -1.40753910e-01 -3.69555444e-01 5.10164388e-02 -9.29972976e-02 -1.26338899e-01 -1.43204555e-01 2.34849192e-02 -7.49530420e-02 -2.96105593e-01 -2.81729311e-01 -1.39841527e-01 1.21267430e-01 2.00477354e-02 3.51449668e-01 1.70507357e-02 -1.51727214e-01 -2.77789384e-01 2.48075485e-01 1.29238412e-01 -1.01974286e-01 8.89156200e-03 1.90752044e-01 -8.25942159e-02 -1.48830950e-01 3.40525180e-01 3.03064585e-01 -4.11183417e-01 5.48337027e-02 4.17310923e-01 -8.91808867e-02 -4.91906583e-01 -3.45779881e-02 -1.49931908e-01 -2.23522130e-02 1.73455507e-01 1.02074713e-01 -4.90097515e-02 3.97609621e-01 2.33971149e-01 1.17990442e-01 -2.62582898e-01 -9.75167900e-02 -2.86351174e-01 2.36114711e-01 1.41792998e-01 1.88517287e-01 2.80757189e-01 -2.30616219e-02 -1.64893940e-02 1.32115167e-02 1.83109030e-01 -4.90216583e-01 -3.15274417e-01 1.55446185e-02 -1.10900715e-01 -2.97888611e-02 -4.39592212e-01 2.21124589e-01 7.68101066e-02 2.11555034e-01 2.04406142e-01 9.00422931e-02 -3.19386035e-01 -1.34684414e-01 6.41766340e-02 -8.50922912e-02 3.61364447e-02 4.02259827e-02 -5.84997796e-02 6.65119737e-02 6.19907565e-02 -1.74397621e-02 8.26292112e-02 2.95537353e-01 -1.50675774e-01 -6.84488058e-01 3.81815210e-02 3.58777866e-02 4.28948216e-02 2.00071353e-02 1.46137523e-02 4.67310213e-02 -4.68639731e-02 -5.02539091e-02 -1.35110348e-01 2.63632685e-01 2.35170964e-02 -1.60219938e-01 5.15883088e-01 -4.33976203e-02 4.23732176e-02 -2.35623017e-01 4.42762494e-01 -1.16156198e-01 6.20940216e-02 -1.86213315e-01 3.09934672e-02 -4.88079898e-02 4.03134406e-01 -2.79700816e-01 8.27491358e-02 -2.97780812e-01 1.70661137e-01 -4.64549512e-02 2.47227862e-01 8.73877704e-02 -5.37000835e-01 -1.34331331e-01 1.51526213e-01 -1.26313604e-02 1.18246160e-01 4.47894514e-01 5.93432486e-01 2.60020971e-01 -1.77006006e-01 7.90768638e-02 4.18398798e-01 4.38810855e-01 3.06468219e-01 -1.03735074e-01 -6.17737062e-02 9.56050679e-03 2.23784089e-01 -2.62615066e-02 3.06715012e-01 -2.03601986e-01 4.60860252e-01 -2.96453029e-01 1.79440767e-01 -1.22337200e-01 -1.07876986e-01 -2.60685742e-01 -3.75543498e-02 -3.54727477e-01 -4.18099575e-03 6.55230805e-02 2.21179277e-01 -2.32336625e-01 -3.06842595e-01 -1.79446325e-01 -5.32070622e-02 1.91677436e-01 2.62760729e-01 1.89996287e-01 -1.56122986e-02 1.71645775e-01 -1.73380122e-01 -5.98544143e-02 2.46929780e-01 3.31728578e-01 -1.93714172e-01 5.77753149e-02 4.14376795e-01 -1.24241583e-01 -1.28877237e-01 3.36868823e-01 1.62269369e-01 8.44110548e-02 -7.49063939e-02 1.57389957e-02 -8.95505100e-02 -1.24682695e-01 -2.40898967e-01 -2.21034065e-01 9.11513939e-02 -9.18441918e-04 2.41491385e-02 2.50919908e-01 -3.10251951e-01 -5.00658192e-02 -5.40608913e-02 3.56962860e-01 1.16533138e-01 -4.27332461e-01 -1.49409249e-01 1.52342886e-01 7.65756518e-02 6.55917898e-02 -2.54799694e-01 -7.74171531e-01 1.77784145e-01 -7.57089108e-02 -5.02915569e-02 4.51888368e-02 1.56268567e-01 -1.41473442e-01 1.75315842e-01 -8.92281812e-03 4.55227531e-02 1.39557652e-03 -2.55670607e-01 -1.92004949e-01 -1.55861685e-02 -3.90032791e-02 1.95027813e-01 2.86525581e-02 -1.28541037e-01 4.86586653e-02 1.91850320e-01 -1.29038552e-02 -3.20190251e-01 -3.48735183e-01 -8.65565315e-02 -4.70353276e-01 2.89947957e-01 2.97816396e-01 2.61339784e-01 1.65161401e-01 1.59024179e-01 6.64254799e-02 -9.78845805e-02 2.91452974e-01 -1.44680411e-01 -2.23632023e-01 3.51352990e-02 4.02526706e-01 2.75733083e-01 -4.52568708e-03 1.46366298e-01 -8.26448724e-02 -1.45823434e-01 3.05006266e-01 -1.22456133e-01 1.23377346e-01 3.36306721e-01 1.62296355e-01 2.83162028e-01 7.76960924e-02 3.57357323e-01 5.45678139e-02 -1.73392549e-01 -1.13727704e-01 -1.41835958e-01 -2.55400479e-01 -7.59088323e-02 6.30014613e-02 9.12889168e-02 -1.60306498e-01 1.38468385e-01 -2.13147983e-01 -7.12289587e-02 7.31910467e-02 -3.68634343e-01 4.64563161e-01 -2.24244639e-01 -7.52209276e-02 1.16759896e-01 8.35355148e-02 -2.48580426e-01 2.53170103e-01 -2.53469378e-01 -6.99346885e-02 -2.83072405e-02 3.20727110e-01 -2.05838010e-01 -2.51627177e-01 -1.88640341e-01 -3.25818479e-01 -1.66447386e-01 3.09765399e-01 -3.26198749e-02 -3.70000839e-01 -1.96233809e-01 -5.88445440e-02]
"The Truth about Ancient Aliens" active "Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-6990's widespread prevalence and mainstream influence, containment has been deemed unnecessary. Description: SCP-6990 is an ever-present concept within the collective human memesphere. SCP-6990 describes the commonly-known conspiracy theory in which the pyramid structures within Egypt were constructed by or in conjunction with extra-terrestrial lifeforms. Despite overwhelming scientific and logical evidence against said idea, the idea remains a common belief among certain groups of people. Theories regarding SCP-6990 often make illogical or pseudo-scientific claims regarding the construction of the pyramids, including but not limited to the following: Discovery: Initially, SCP-6990 had been dismissed as a non-anomalous and widespread conspiracy theory. However, on 26/09/21, the Foundation detected significant memetic disturbance from within the Pyramid of Khufu, in Giza. An SCP-6990 research team, under the guise of Egyptologists from Cambridge University conducting research for the institution, entered the pyramid with permission from the Egyptian government. A transcript of their investigation is attached below. SCP-6990 RESEARCH TEAM: TRANSCRIPT FROM WITHIN KHUFU PYRAMID Date: 29/09/21 Time: 16:20 Team Lead: Dr. Omar Mohamed Research Members: Elizabeth Smith, Johann Olufsson Armed Members: Alfred Szokas, Delicatessen Fern Additional Personnel: Nedjem1 (Cat) [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Mohamed is seen moving into the entrance of the Khufu Pyramid. His research partners and guards are seen following closely behind. Mohamed, Smith and Olufsson are all holding Memetic Disturbance Scanners, which they slowly wave around them. Mohamed: As soon as you pick anything up, let me know. Immediately. Smith: Of course, doctor. The team is seen descending towards the subterranean area of the pyramid, lit only by the flashlights on their head gear. Their devices beep in time with one another as they search for memetic disturbance. In total silence, the team makes it to the bottom of the descending passageway and are now in front of the subterranean chamber. Dr. Olufsson points his Scanner towards the escape shaft. The device beeps weakly. Olufsson: Got something! Towards the escape shaft. The team all turn towards the shaft and swiftly begin ascending it. They then come to a slow crawl as they thoroughly scan the shaft for a signal. All their Scanners begin to beep louder and rhythmically as they move forward. Dr. Smith then stops in her tracks, in front of the left wall. Smith: Behind this wall. Smith knocks on the wall. A hollow echo rings back. Smith: Yep, sounds like there's something behind it. Dr. Mohamed is seen touching his ear piece. Mohamed: Command, this is Mohamed. We've found a sealed chamber within the pyramid, lots of memetic disturbance from behind the wall sealing it. Permission to investigate further? Command: Permission granted, proceed with caution. Mohamed: Affirmative. Dr. Mohamed turns to his teammates and nods. Immediately, they begin. Olufsson places a pet carrier down and releases an Abyssinian cat from within it. Olufsson: Alright Nedjem, time to do your magic. He picks up Nedjem and coddles her. Smith scoffs. Smith: You brought Nedjem? Why? Olufsson sets Nedjem down. Olufsson: Hey! Nedjem is an integral part of this team! Even if she isn't swatting away any curses. Smith: Johann, there's no curses. You should know that. There's never been any curses2. Olufsson: Shhshhh, Nedjem stays. As Olufsson and Smith argue, Nedjem is seen sneaking through a small, cat-sized hole in the wall and into the chamber behind it. Smith: Fine. She's still good company to keep. Smith reaches down to pet Nedjem, finding that she is no longer present. Smith: Where's Nedjem..? Oluffson: Nedjem! Nedjem! Come back to daddy! Pspspsps! Smith and Oluffson are seen looking wildly around in the escape shaft. Suddenly, the wall next to Smith makes a clinking noise before raising. Nedjem is seen standing behind the newly-opened chamber, cleaning herself. Mohamed: That's why we bring Nedjem. Now, let's move forward. The walls of the chamber are covered in hieroglyphs, which the team scrambles towards. The chamber contains no objects, however the center of the room holds a bright yellow sphere. Mohamed: …Nothing. Just some generic stuff. Smith: Nothing here either. Olufsson: Nope. A small meow is heard. The team looks at Nedjem, who is looking at another cat. The other cat, sitting in front of Nedjem, is adorned with jewelry and gives her a cold stare. Nedjem stares back. Smith: Who is that..? Olufsson: Nedjem, ask them what this chamber is. Smith: Wha- Johann, are you out of your mind?! Olufsson: What? It's worth a shot. Nedjem meows at the adorned cat, who meows back. They enter a back-and-forth of meows. Smith: And how do you suppose we'll be getting an answer from Nedjem? Hmm? Olufsson: We'll figure something out! Mohamed: Quiet, both of you. I'm reading. Smith groans. Nedjem and the adorned cat continue their conversation. Nedjem then stops and bows her head towards the cat, before returning to Olufsson. Olufsson picks her up and coddles her. Olufsson: Alright, my little darling! What have you got? Nedjem meows at Olufsson. Olufsson: …Right. Okay so maybe you had a point. Smith scoffs. Olufsson: Look, we'll figure something out alright?! Mohamed steps up to Olufsson and takes Nedjem from him. He then places Nedjem down and takes a large sheet of paper out from his bag. He places the paper in front of Nedjem and begins drawing. When finished, he looks up at Nedjem. On the paper, there are two drawings. One is of a lightbulb above a head, and the other is the same drawing with the lightbulb crossed out. Mohamed: Which one? Nedjem places her paw on the drawing without the crossed out light bulb. Mohamed erases the drawings and begins to draw again. Smith stares in disbelief while Olufsson smirks. Olufsson: Told you we'd find a way. Smith lightly punches Olufsson in his right arm. Olufsson: Hey! What was that for? Mad that I was right? Smith: You- ugh- just shut up. Smith pouts and crosses her arms. Olufsson gives a resounding chuckle. The two then watch Mohamed and Nedjem in silence for the next 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, Mohamed rolls the paper and stands up. Nedjem climbs onto his shoulder. Mohamed: Alright team, I've got an answer. Smith: So, what is this? What's the memetic disturbance about? Mohamed: I asked Nedjem some two-option questions, where she picked what the correct option is. Mostly yes or no questions. I managed to get some words and phrases out of her. Olufsson: Vague as usual, I see. Mohamed: She gave me "pyramid", "origins", "deceit", "Re", "visitors", "wealth", "spending", "economy", "future", "inhuman" and "unusual builders". Smith: So we've got to decipher that? Mohamed: Seems to be. The team begin thinking. They stare around the room as they do. Mohamed paces the chamber. Olufsson: What, did they hire some cats to build the pyramids and this orb-thing prevents people from remembering that? Mohamed: No, Nedjem would have said cat if she knew it was cats. Smith: Speaking of, where is that other cat? The team briefly scan the room. There is no sign of the adorned cat. Olufsson: Guess we missed our chance for containment… Smith: Oh well, let's keep thinking. The team continues to pace the room. Olufsson re-reads the hieroglyphs on the walls. Olufsson: Maybe there's something here. I don't suppose the Cannibal Hymn3 would have anything to do with this? Smith: I sure hope not. Mohamed: What's really got me thinking are the phrases "un-human" and "unusual builders". Olufsson: What, has this got to do with that stupid ancient aliens theory? Mohamed pauses and stares. He appears to have an epiphany. Olufsson: No. Don't tell me I was right. Mohamed: I think we have our answer! Smith: Please don't say aliens, please don't say aliens, please- Mohamed: No. Smith and Olufsson let out a loud sigh. Mohamed: They wanted to make the pyramids seem supernatural in origin? Smith: Huh? Olufsson: I think I get it! Smith: What?! Olufsson: The ancients must have lied about how the pyramids were built! They wanted to make it's origins an enigma to outsiders. Mohamed: I believe so. What better way to do that than to start a conspiracy theory about aliens building the pyramids? What with this being a tomb to a pharaoh, it'd be fitting for it to have some sort of supernatural air to it. Smith: Well that still doesn't explain this. Smith waves her arms towards the yellow orb. Smith: What's the big ball got to do with it? Mohamed: I'm not sure. Given it's extremely high memetic disturbance, it has to be some kind of vector for something. The team is silent for 10 seconds. Smith: …I think I have an idea. This orb is perpetuating that conspiracy theory you mentioned. Olufsson: What, you mean this is putting the ancient aliens theory into the collective memesphere or something? Mohamed: Perhaps. Nedjem did mention "Re", so perhaps they channeled Re's power to do so? The result of which is the yellow orb we see in front of us. Smith: But why? What benefit do they gain from keeping the origins an enigma. Mohamed: Tourism. Olufsson: Right! Nedjem mentioned lots of words to do with money, she also mentioned "future" and "visitors". Smith: I think we're onto something. The ancients wanted to keep the origins a mystery from outsiders so that people would come visit and investigate. Mohamed: They couldn't keep the whole thing a mystery from everyone, I presume. So they settled for a conspiracy theory. Olufsson: Playing the long game, eh? Mohamed touches his ear piece. Mohamed: Command, I believe we're ready to exit the premises. I'll be filing a full report of our findings when we get back to the site. Permission to leave? Command: Granted, good work out there. Mohamed: Got it, thanks. Mohamed looks at his team. Mohamed: Well, time to go. We've got a lot of thinking to do. Smith: You don't have to say that again! Olufsson reaches for Nedjem and kisses her. Olufsson: You were such a good girl today! He then places Nedjem back in her carrier and closes it. Olufsson: Alright, I'm ready. [END LOG] Following the discovery of this correlation, the chamber was re-sealed with limestone. All major research institutions have been placed under gag orders to not reveal the discrepancy in age between the newly placed limestone and the surrounding limestone. The Memetics Department performed further investigations into the theory presented by the research team and concluded that they were correct. Investigations into other extant conspiracy theories and their presence in the memesphere is undergoing. « SCP-6989 | SCP-6990 | SCP-6991 »" nan
[ 1.81753442e-01 1.05022907e-01 -4.87879328e-02 1.36102200e-01 -3.16662788e-01 -2.46150911e-01 2.29975283e-01 2.34778017e-01 2.32744530e-01 1.51157871e-01 2.00767983e-02 -6.23765215e-02 2.06099480e-01 7.94953108e-02 3.77975963e-02 2.91529238e-01 4.36307266e-02 -1.41462862e-01 3.60744864e-01 -2.23623082e-01 -5.26231885e-01 -1.30788729e-01 3.37540731e-02 -6.92552924e-02 1.47236902e-02 1.65205076e-01 -2.48836186e-02 -3.99733000e-02 -2.00255111e-01 -1.92306131e-01 -7.65338261e-03 1.73790663e-01 -4.71034870e-02 4.79113817e-01 -1.08154120e-04 2.87042912e-02 2.45385244e-01 -8.37756768e-02 -3.42168391e-01 3.26910019e-01 -2.87707835e-01 7.23991990e-02 -2.98336923e-01 -3.47788095e-01 -1.69095909e-03 9.70388204e-02 -8.95684212e-02 -1.56779122e-03 9.69394073e-02 -4.23711352e-02 2.24957392e-01 1.54188529e-01 1.81778714e-01 2.56458428e-02 -4.37323488e-02 4.64947134e-01 -6.30983785e-02 1.15272617e-02 -2.06365123e-01 3.67778182e-01 2.45439366e-01 2.67669588e-01 -2.70997763e-01 -1.90930888e-01 -9.78753045e-02 -2.90562928e-01 1.91113234e-01 -3.27752024e-01 -1.51756564e-02 1.72532335e-01 8.88011009e-02 3.00184377e-02 -1.96039498e-01 8.81643817e-02 -7.83977807e-02 -1.70301631e-01 1.52584195e-01 3.77092004e-01 -2.20725790e-01 6.18720725e-02 -6.24234267e-02 1.06404424e-01 -1.86751097e-01 -3.44268531e-02 -3.22314203e-01 2.05522060e-01 -9.34220292e-03 1.49273677e-02 -2.37772316e-01 2.27062404e-01 1.21618271e-01 -1.52256116e-01 1.89116016e-01 1.97736159e-01 -1.23291969e-01 -3.59843671e-01 3.93775731e-01 6.84783282e-03 1.69100687e-01 -8.69835019e-02 1.75917059e-01 2.59082466e-01 3.32223088e-01 3.71381760e-01 4.79625538e-02 7.13379309e-02 9.04524848e-02 -3.44975442e-01 -2.48794168e-01 3.84788126e-01 1.67505011e-01 2.47619614e-01 5.89978509e-02 4.18543145e-02 -2.91191548e-01 -3.02504972e-02 4.50903326e-01 -2.86706686e-01 1.27981380e-01 1.56038359e-01 -7.60801375e-01 -1.84020683e-01 -2.20212027e-01 2.04708949e-02 3.49009186e-01 7.30870590e-02 1.51948214e-01 -8.05880353e-02 3.46270576e-03 -3.38191479e-01 -2.36862183e-01 1.48895442e-01 -2.87846178e-01 2.83224225e-01 -7.30360970e-02 -5.95564656e-02 -1.70112088e-01 9.06061977e-02 7.23927841e-02 -1.85305733e-04 1.07308134e-01 -2.71698356e-01 4.16229725e-01 3.33383173e-01 -1.93890873e-02 -1.94842685e-02 -1.53225183e-01 3.67028296e-01 -8.83643702e-02 2.14821950e-01 1.27722859e-01 -1.33916242e-02 -3.40775192e-01 2.60593742e-01 -2.61546940e-01 3.66350561e-01 1.76228099e-02 7.02379644e-02 -3.42897139e-02 1.03125505e-01 2.09897324e-01 2.85762191e-01 -2.33983509e-02 -4.77556363e-02 2.83648044e-01 2.22069278e-01 -2.66539995e-02 2.36359285e-03 -8.35455582e-02 2.53465265e-01 -9.34407115e-02 1.08689114e-01 -7.23032132e-02 3.22129190e-01 -1.84031770e-01 8.71045142e-02 -4.70959783e-01 2.44215697e-01 -5.12289852e-02 -2.02840701e-01 8.68999362e-02 3.12956154e-01 3.37135971e-01 -4.65142816e-01 1.66182920e-01 -1.28746722e-02 -6.94252029e-02 4.18700814e-01 2.01904893e-01 -6.11276031e-02 -2.92134404e-01 -2.65908629e-01 1.16041861e-01 3.40496749e-02 -1.15868123e-02 -5.42944632e-02 3.43362659e-01 -2.77908802e-01 1.31920874e-01 5.57863340e-02 -4.18882310e-01 1.52498856e-01 2.48968769e-02 -5.68053573e-02 -5.12155630e-02 2.00098619e-01 5.43755479e-02 -3.01846047e-03 2.30074469e-02 6.56488419e-01 -1.23566277e-01 -1.70068100e-01 -1.26961604e-01 9.99007821e-02 -2.61115073e-03 -5.51618397e-01 3.14020693e-01 2.64133036e-01 -2.54541710e-02 9.67534855e-02 5.76509088e-02 1.23348072e-01 3.51170272e-01 5.07564954e-02 -4.71657544e-01 3.98502022e-01 -1.60667986e-01 -1.67476594e-01 -8.74086991e-02 2.85550714e-01 3.00201058e-01 -1.09909259e-01 1.26599848e-01 -1.49546210e-02 -4.56943780e-01 6.48082942e-02 -1.84566259e-01 2.35133946e-01 -1.60500094e-01 -7.14456663e-02 2.27786958e-01 3.79424900e-01 2.70939857e-01 4.22541872e-02 1.29673108e-01 2.80141056e-01 4.79551077e-01 2.57218815e-02 1.63217217e-01 -2.19931245e-01 -8.20585042e-02 -2.71926582e-01 3.87526862e-02 1.24303073e-01 7.76881631e-03 7.95576274e-01 -5.59095621e-01 3.71053576e-01 2.24624351e-01 2.01794177e-01 4.43283498e-01 -1.36576757e-01 9.15112253e-03 1.35652959e-01 -1.04631878e-01 -5.42838752e-01 3.54628384e-01 6.40953034e-02 -2.51992000e-03 1.58935115e-01 1.50648683e-01 -6.08321056e-02 -3.13425571e-01 9.09379348e-02 -2.09440757e-02 1.22816242e-01 5.96833080e-02 1.53176308e-01 1.24977775e-01 1.04515888e-01 -3.90747935e-01 -6.25491142e-01 -1.81205004e-01 -5.21856770e-02 -2.42393449e-01 1.01087809e-01 4.23854679e-01 -1.85863286e-01 1.21131197e-01 -3.20648313e-01 -1.67562261e-01 -2.97659844e-01 1.13830362e-02 1.71006545e-01 -2.87607685e-03 -2.63485080e-03 -1.41124815e-01 2.55043596e-01 -4.10766862e-02 6.07177436e-01 -4.87752438e-01 -1.84034482e-02 2.66461164e-01 1.25352800e-01 -2.60060549e-01 7.63488784e-02 2.55300313e-01 -1.56439185e-01 -9.70173441e-03 4.49561104e-02 -4.27400976e-01 1.40960291e-01 -1.51252657e-01 -2.20098466e-01 -1.68151334e-01 2.27282941e-01 2.52503604e-01 -5.87878883e-01 -6.11413606e-02 -1.99315861e-01 -5.07990876e-03 1.72582697e-02 -1.14806607e-01 -1.04312412e-01 -1.83772743e-01 -1.18743293e-01 7.96123594e-02 -2.51514286e-01 1.79307073e-01 1.01484373e-01 2.19401553e-01 3.06815922e-01 1.26423672e-01 2.91231275e-01 4.64505590e-02 -1.56689763e-01 -2.77520835e-01 -8.12367201e-01 6.13515787e-02 -6.08204417e-02 1.43892348e-01 -1.71332210e-01 -3.80728096e-01 1.96593106e-01 -1.72173046e-02 -4.54964675e-02 -1.51436523e-01 3.52050178e-02 -2.13541672e-01 8.43613129e-03 -3.25567037e-01 2.32736841e-01 5.34169711e-02 -2.91108102e-01 1.77855361e-02 -1.54649705e-01 -1.47805780e-01 5.39250016e-01 1.95488930e-01 -4.45451379e-01 1.82962492e-01 3.49130511e-01 -5.79361990e-02 -2.63740510e-01 4.85327691e-02 -3.48179229e-02 4.52479273e-01 1.99848369e-01 3.48866373e-01 5.99100348e-03 2.81339914e-01 -1.54206693e-01 -2.47419626e-01 2.30591953e-01 2.66968887e-02 -1.22872829e-01 -4.39430103e-02 -6.74735606e-02 -2.21905649e-01 -3.23306769e-01 -2.62740463e-01 5.68154395e-01 2.33875424e-01 -1.78106457e-01 -1.87875152e-01 -6.20042011e-02 9.09582302e-02 6.40597241e-03 4.10525948e-01 -2.48240102e-02 7.84601271e-02 -6.87406361e-01 3.19827646e-01 -2.58696318e-01 4.15132999e-01 -8.09107441e-03 9.67174768e-02 2.90181395e-02 8.17725211e-02 2.85779834e-01 -5.74418567e-02 -1.20039396e-02 3.66668589e-02 2.35671833e-01 4.13952023e-01 2.37282533e-02 -3.20920467e-01 -1.49423033e-01 -8.56873114e-03 -3.44377100e-01 3.53342801e-01 -1.97805136e-01 -2.31917620e-01 -7.79241547e-02 2.78055906e-01 5.35839200e-02 1.12234890e-01 -1.10418722e-01 -1.00199625e-01 -6.76347554e-01 -8.56100544e-02 5.68352379e-02 1.92332193e-01 -4.60536003e-01 -8.01084638e-02 -6.85975999e-02 1.02560572e-01 1.53451934e-01 1.11097895e-01 3.86841521e-02 -1.37984335e-01 1.24197476e-01 -3.59957218e-01 5.01785338e-01 4.30898160e-01 3.98257464e-01 2.97786236e-01 1.69862866e-01 -2.62521654e-01 -3.60842310e-02 -1.24549545e-01 2.04423040e-01 5.89645863e-01 6.35880902e-02 1.96090236e-01 -3.08445513e-01 2.33099043e-01 -8.11927095e-02 -4.18256298e-02 4.21347618e-02 1.38996437e-01 1.12079680e-01 -5.30078709e-02 -2.98331883e-02 -2.02968925e-01 -2.45034814e-01 -1.73806474e-01 -3.88733864e-01 -2.39075765e-01 2.62875021e-01 -1.03873298e-01 1.30089760e+00 3.10802370e-01 1.00804130e-02 5.18707275e-01 -1.90106079e-01 -2.74689704e-01 -3.12477946e-01 9.42909271e-02 -2.74778932e-01 4.37073894e-02 9.70706809e-03 -1.28204212e-01 2.03313902e-01 9.36691836e-03 -1.45348564e-01 -1.44175431e-02 -4.31344002e-01 -3.25442791e-01 2.99775720e-01 3.72749083e-02 2.07882568e-01 9.01041329e-02 -4.16057631e-02 2.19139487e-01 -6.83317930e-02 1.45180121e-01 4.63256724e-02 -1.34049401e-01 5.25051020e-02 -2.29007646e-01 1.24531887e-01 3.31112653e-01 -1.50071084e-01 1.59523845e-01 9.06679705e-02 1.22531382e-02 -6.72941357e-02 -2.17485383e-01 -8.58508199e-02 -2.60503888e-01 -2.87394878e-03 -8.65317285e-02 4.25898403e-01 -1.79632351e-01 1.26292989e-01 7.69061446e-02 2.90111542e-01 1.45452365e-01 -2.45286629e-01 2.49189332e-01 -1.63592294e-01 -1.33197561e-01 -5.48466504e-01 -1.52325686e-02 7.09926188e-02 -1.66194484e-01 4.26691592e-01 9.79163796e-02 -2.74993002e-01 -2.28125349e-01 1.69783950e-01 -1.91108100e-02 -6.52461797e-02 1.20129630e-01 -1.41977072e-01 -4.14093643e-01 -2.72240162e-01 5.62113822e-01 3.24542783e-02 2.20507741e-01 -1.08274803e-01 -8.84499052e-04 -3.22245240e-01 -1.68715343e-01 -1.21928014e-01 -2.73315385e-02 -4.43917423e-01 -9.72661898e-02 -1.20816492e-01 -4.07577828e-02 8.78300294e-02 -1.03604771e-01 -1.32676572e-01 -2.30733648e-01 -2.62439847e-01 -2.52775162e-01 5.26421249e-01 2.82442749e-01 -3.31704259e-01 1.82089224e-01 3.98838967e-02 5.66452324e-01 9.39519405e-02 6.24464937e-02 -3.92572939e-01 1.87129453e-02 -1.13183647e-01 1.13763481e-01 3.15469980e-01 -3.98888350e-01 6.67788163e-02 -1.15261957e-01 2.04545453e-01 -2.43139282e-01 -2.93450177e-01 -1.47700846e-01 7.58162118e-04 1.08967103e-01 -6.41011819e-02 -2.05644131e-01 2.20806092e-01 1.45469248e-01 2.80860782e-01 4.14329804e-02 2.40766443e-02 2.16753170e-01 3.24884616e-02 1.33130834e-01 -3.09413433e-01 1.99932754e-01 -2.79525876e-01 1.52029201e-01 1.15658157e-01 1.49783520e-02 -3.49554479e-01 -4.20127660e-02 -6.11244977e-01 5.22073433e-02 -1.70892164e-01 2.58575201e-01 -2.50946552e-01 4.54781502e-01 4.74476904e-01 2.07820594e-01 1.39680460e-01 7.64581412e-02 -8.78436491e-02 -3.15894336e-01 -2.38460839e-01 -2.61290669e-01 -1.95544124e-01 3.21988255e-01 -3.18055712e-02 9.31410268e-02 -1.76275909e-01 -7.23824799e-02 6.75721318e-02 3.20422411e-01 9.03278366e-02 -3.57406110e-01 9.46391076e-02 -1.05005540e-01 1.40979905e-02 4.82245982e-01 3.24863225e-01 4.74653125e-01 -5.02819836e-01 1.00681540e-02 1.14953004e-01 3.44629586e-02 3.47585380e-01 4.06822786e-02 5.27118385e-01 1.41232967e-01 2.38527104e-01 -7.07147503e-03 -9.12236720e-02 1.56926066e-01 -3.29692140e-02 2.94461519e-01 1.30559132e-01 4.18608449e-02 2.37472150e-02 -9.58780125e-02 2.06318442e-02 2.39837900e-01 -1.68500453e-01 -4.76625189e-02 1.47917658e-01 2.83912838e-01 3.39632154e-01 -1.80931970e-01 -1.53664663e-01 -3.10552865e-01 7.00063556e-02 2.19661623e-01 -1.36186391e-01 -4.28678989e-02 2.59984378e-02 3.89723361e-01 1.77812614e-02 -1.15983553e-01 2.11648583e-01 -1.88598081e-01 2.14849636e-01 2.04809457e-02 -8.72576013e-02 -3.83488908e-02 2.01761439e-01 2.15908140e-01 -1.11402450e-02 -2.17757687e-01 -4.26617153e-02 2.52889320e-02 2.25063320e-02 -1.74883410e-01 -4.37522352e-01 4.55173776e-02 -5.57451844e-01 1.18003868e-01 1.55578718e-01 -2.92843312e-01 -1.22754499e-01 2.77626198e-02 3.74387354e-01 6.96906373e-02 3.18371564e-01 -2.63729542e-01 -1.19537190e-01 2.61317134e-01 -1.09005801e-01 -9.60231572e-02 -4.54739928e-01 -5.42131439e-02 -2.12616965e-01 -1.19006820e-01 -2.34801784e-01 1.15944088e-01 -2.63587981e-01 2.01893359e-01 8.00082013e-02 -2.15302959e-01 1.41459048e-01 -3.44612710e-02 -1.26344964e-01 1.87460572e-01 1.18335113e-01 -1.07243955e-01 1.39860615e-01 7.47966915e-02 1.63126364e-02 1.22847967e-01 6.58544078e-02 -1.01479359e-01 -2.52523959e-01 -4.28585649e-01 -4.97694045e-01 3.30378026e-01 2.42160916e-01 1.38245881e-01 -2.10046079e-02 -1.03376813e-01 1.21131770e-01 -4.73705798e-01 2.10826293e-01 -9.60678980e-03 -1.37611941e-01 6.28285483e-02 5.18799663e-01 8.17350894e-02 -5.21685630e-02 2.26605266e-01 -2.44447235e-02 -3.74043643e-01 3.02352905e-01 -5.42054512e-02 2.08333675e-02 6.02021813e-01 7.28920624e-02 2.10015923e-01 2.45661303e-01 9.08393934e-02 7.21768960e-02 4.06486362e-01 -1.66173562e-01 1.35592185e-02 -2.59124011e-01 2.59590358e-01 -1.90637857e-01 2.71155983e-01 1.99608639e-01 7.68589303e-02 -1.16172964e-02 1.79069534e-01 -1.21665917e-01 -1.99837878e-01 3.93153518e-01 3.39580327e-01 -2.86705494e-01 -1.32282212e-01 1.53696775e-01 -3.38147104e-01 1.32658624e-03 -5.12288995e-02 -4.24686968e-02 3.96606065e-02 2.83341825e-01 -3.51635665e-01 -2.00205088e-01 -1.36756808e-01 -1.48717195e-01 -1.23749577e-01 -1.73062775e-02 -5.41806184e-02 -2.48000789e-02 -2.78995484e-01 9.30122882e-02]
"Den" active "Item #: SCP-6991 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: All entrances to SCP-6991 are closed to the public under the disguise of nature preservation. Newly formed entrances are to be covered up by dispersing information about recent volcanic and tectonic activity or archeological findings. Additionally, avalanches, landslides, or other natural disasters may be staged to make this information more trustworthy and to stop fauna from leaving SCP-6991. Personnel is prohibited from entering SCP-6991 without the approval of three site directors managing a site adjacent to the anomaly. Checkpoints on nearby roads are to prevent civilians from entering perimeters. Amnestics may be forcefully administered if individuals refuse to cooperate. Options for large scale safety precautions and containment are currently being researched by the Department of Geology. Description: SCP-6991 refers to the hollow interior of the Andes mountains, located in South America, containing a biosphere hosting unique biomes. Most notably, the anomaly contains flora and remnants of fauna that were publicly known as extinct, unknown, or fictional. Discovery: On 05/06/2004, Guillem Vargas, a hiker from Copiapó, Chile, went missing on a trip to the Llullaillaco.1 Since it is not uncommon to set up camp in the area, his disappearance went unnoticed for two weeks. Three days after local authorities began searching, a hole of 50 meters deep not present on any maps was found with rope leading down. All public servants were administered amnestics and bureaucratically transferred to other investigation teams. After retrieving the corpse of Guillem Vargas, a camp was set up around the hole for later exploration under the disguise of a research site for geologists and volcanologists. Addendum-1: Autopsy report Identification by: Photographic comparison, dental records Age: 28⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Length: 174,2 cm Sex: Male ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Weight: 72,4 kg Nationality: Chilean 1) Brain shows signs of acidic components identical to traces found on melted clothing. Acid or otherwise unknown volatile substance may have caused hallucinations. Avulsion clearly visible. 2) Two (2) left ribs broken. 3) Liver pierced and contained a venomous substance that induces paralysis. More samples are required for further toxicologic analysis. 4) Colon hanging out of abdomen coated in a mixture of vomit and saliva. Assumably the same substance that melted clothes together on the skin. Can liquify several centimeters of flesh or clothing. Strong resemblance to insect or arachnid hunt and eating patterns. Deceased suffered from exposure to acidic liquid and/or acidic fumes, piercing wounds, and amputation from its lower body3 which led to heavy blood loss. Exsanguination Addendum-2: Further exploration On 08/07/2004, MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" started further exploration of the cavern. After 3 days of spelunking, they marked a chamber with a lake as a possible base camp location and returned for better equipment and provisions. After returning, Zeta-9 mapped down the halls in vicinity of the chamber with echolocation. One hallway's dimensions could not be measured by an amplified signal. Zeta-9 decided to maneuver towards it. 10 squad members stayed in the marked chamber to analyze surroundings and set up camp. The other 10 squad members went on the exploration mission. Logs available below. <Begin Log, [12/07/2004 03:55]> Zeta-9-1: This is commander Zeta-9-1 speaking. Starting operation in five minutes. Everyone confirm status. Zeta-9: Ready for deployment. Zeta-9-1: Confirming time, 0400, operation start. Zeta-9-8 and Zeta-9-10 scout ahead. Zeta-9-8: Affirmative. Will stay 200 meters ahead. 6 hours of content omitted for brevity. Zeta-9-10: Commander, we found a mural drawing. Suggestion for Zeta-9-6 to come to the front and make a rubbing. Zeta-9-1: I thought you scouts could do that yourself? Any reason why you need assistance of six? Zeta-9-10: Six has a degree in archaeology and I don't know what I'm looking at. I guess it's a feathered velociraptor or something but if I make a rubbing of something this old the original might not be recognizable anymore. Identifying this thing is pretty neat should we stumble upon it. Zeta-9-1: Zeta-9-6 get to the front, take some images, and make a rubbing. See if you have any idea what it resembles. Zeta-9-6: Roger that. Several minutes pass. Zeta-9-6: Zeta-9-6 here, I think this is a drawing of an Austroraptor or another species in the Dromaeosauridae family. They were native to South America in the Cretaceous period. I can't give more detailed information without consulting more sources. Zeta-9-3: So we'll have to watch out for dinosaur offspring? Zeta-9-6: I wouldn't really be worried about possible offspring. Zeta-9-1: Six, please explain why not. Zeta-9-6: Austroraptors are slightly bigger than your average man. We can take those things down with ease in these narrow halls. Zeta-9-1: Good, send us the rubbing so we can continue in standard formation. Zeta-9-6: Understood. Zeta-9-4: Well, that's a pretty beast. Would be a nice trophy. Zeta-9-8: Better start packing boys, break's over. Scouting squad advancing. Keep a 200 meter distance. Zeta-9-1: Affirmative, keep going. 3 hours of content omitted for brevity. Zeta-9-8: Zeta-9-8 here, we've reached the end of the hall. This is- Well, you got to see this! Zeta-9-1: If it is not a dead end then what is it? Zeta-9-10: Ten speaking, we came out on a small plateau in a huge chasm. No, let me rephrase that- Zeta-9-8: The entire fucking mountain is hollow. Zeta-9-1: Wait, what? Zeta-9-5: Hold on, I think we misheard that. Zeta-9-10: No, like this thing- It's huge! Just do the last 200 meters and confirm it yourself. Here, I'll send you our view. Zeta-9-5: Well, I'll be damned. There are clouds down here… Zeta-9-1: Remember, we are still a few thousand meters above sea-level. Everyone, I want to do some echolocation because we are going to need a new map. I don't care how much experience we have underground, we can't afford to get lost in there. Everyone move to Eight and Ten so we can finish today's expedition. Zeta-9: Affirmative. Remaining content omitted for brevity. <End Log, [12/07/2004 14:08]> The team established contact with the other members at the base camp. Samples of the soil and vegetation were taken and a topographical map was drawn. Echolocation of the surroundings was unsuccessful due to the size of the cavern. Upon walking the perimeter, Zeta-9-3 found a pit with the remains of several unknown species. <Begin Log, [12/07/2004 20:13]> Zeta-9-3: Nine-Three here, I found a pit with bones. Requesting assistance of Nine-Six. Zeta-9-6: Zeta-9-6 here, Do you have a slight idea which species you are looking at? Zeta-9-3: I'm pretty sure our dinosaur friend is present here. Aside from that ancient bastard, I'm seeing giant snakes and other animals I can't make out what they are supposed to be. Zeta-9-6: Is this a pit like a well or a lower area? Zeta-9-3: It's kinda like a dumping ground. We can get there by foot. It's pretty accessible if you ask me. Zeta-9-6: Okay, I'll be on my way. <End Log, [12/07/2004 20:15]> Zeta-9-3 and -6 documented their findings. After further communication with the base camp and back to local sites, the species of the animals were identified. Zeta-9-6 commented on how all remains seemingly had been touched by acid or an acidic component which origin could not be determined just as the predator responsible for the carcasses. ⠀ SCP-6991-1 SCP-6991-2 SCP-6991-3 SCP-6991-4 SCP-6991-5 SCP-6991-6 Zeta-9 was instructed to wait for further instructions. Addendum-3: The Andean Cloud Incident On 13/07/2004, Zeta-9 was asked if they had spotted living instances of the fauna in SCP-6991. After confirming they had not, they were tasked to explore further the next morning. <Begin Log, [14/07/2004 07:56]> Silence. Zeta-9-1: Good, Eight and Ten, you will descend first from the eastern side cliff and continuously measure the air quality. Standard protocol, gas mask nearby, don't hesitate to equip it. There is enough forest here so I doubt we'll get toxic fumes in our faces like in other operations. Everyone with me so far? Zeta-9: Yes, commander. Zeta-9-1: Great, after that we will all rappel down except for Zeta-9-2 and 9-7 who will observe and map down everything from above. Zeta-9-5 will be responsible for the mapping on the ground once we're descended. How far do you think we can map the ground today? Zeta-9-5: Our current map is pretty detailed so I think I can do about fifty or sixty percent of what we cover today if you want it in great detail. I can do everything with standard markers if we take breaks and the surroundings don't have natural barriers like streams and quicksand. I am mainly counting on foresty hills. Zeta-9-1: Well then, let's get started. Twenty minutes of content omitted for brevity. Zeta-9-8: Ready for descend. 9-10, are you ready? Zeta-9-10: Affirmative, starting descend. Several minutes omitted for brevity. Birds can be heard in the background. Zeta-9-10: Going into the clouds. No toxic fumes or hazardous particles detected. Equipping gas mask as a precaution. Zeta-9-1: Roger that. Eight, how are you doing? Zeta-9-8: Even though we are high in terms of altitude, I'm not experiencing negative effects in terms of oxygen supply. I might follow Ten's example later but for now I think this gives us good estimates. Zeta-9-1: Understood, keep us informed about your situation. Zeta-9-8 and -10 are lowered until they reach the clouds. Zeta-9-8: Okay, we are going into the clouds, visibility will go down. Will keep you updated on our range of vision. I'm not having trouble breathing but the air seems more intense. Zeta-9-1: Please elaborate on what you mean with intense. Zeta-9-8: I don't know how to put it. Something feels a bit off and it is not the humidity as far as I know. Zeta-9-1: Nine-Ten, are you having the same effect with your mask on? Zeta-9-10: Yes, I am. My filter indicator hasn't changed colors so it isn't asbestos or other harmful components as in other operations but I can't put my finger on it either. Zeta-9-8: It's like we are not completely fading through the clouds. As if they are embracing us very slightly. Zeta-9-1: Analyze the quality again. We'll adjust the tempo of the descent. Zeta-9-8: Affirma- Wait. The chirping stops. Flocks of birds and winged snakes can be seen flying away. Zeta-9-1: Is there a problem? Zeta-9-10: Wait a minute, Eight are you also- Zeta-9-8: Hold up! I'm- W-What is this? Zeta-9-10: We're not going down anymore. Zeta-9-1: Hold on, did you just say- Zeta-9-3: Commander, the ropes aren't tight anymore but we aren't even halfway on the estimated distance of the descent. We can't pull them up either. Zeta-9-1: Are you still immobilized? Any update on your status? Zeta-9-10: Commander… I don't think these are clouds… These are webs. Zeta-9-1: How did you come to that conclusion? Zeta-9-10: Commander… We can see the spiders coming. Silence. Zeta-9-10: Commander, my gas mask has a camera. I'm pretty sure this footage is going to be something to log down. Zeta-9-1: I'm- Hmm. Zeta-9-3 get the live-feed displayed on one of the scanners their monitors or something. Zeta-9-8: Can you hurry, please? This is escalating quite a bit! Zeta-9-1: Zeta-9-8 what do you- Zeta-9-10: Commander, cut the ropes. Zeta-9-1: Hold on why w- Zeta-9-8: Oh, God! NO! Nononononono- Zeta-9-10: Commander, Cut the ropes! Trust me. Zeta-9-1: Zeta- Zeta-9-8: Oh, God! NO! Nononononono- Aaah! Zeta-9-1: What is going on down th- Zeta-9-8: Unintelligible screaming. Zeta-9-3: Commander… this footage… God, it's disgusting! Zeta-9-1: Let me see! I need to know the situation. Footage shows Zeta-9-8 being swarmed by spiders of an unknown species, which enter his mouth and eyes before proceeding to eat him alive both from the in- and outside. Zeta-9-10: Are you guys going to get out of here already? Cut the rope and run damnit! A large undetermined spider can be seen moving towards Zeta-9-10. Zeta-9-3: Ten, there is a- Zeta-9-10: I know. I know… It's the mother. Zeta-9-1: It has been an honor Zeta-9-10. The ropes are cut and fall down. Zeta-9-10: Now get the fuck out of here! Footage shows Zeta-9-10 being vomited on by the spider, from here on designated as SCP-6991-7. His armor and flesh liquify from acid components, SCP-6991-7 bites him, and imbibes the flesh. The footage becomes distorted as the camera is corroding before cutting out. Zeta-9-1: Everyone get in full gear, inform the other camps, and go back into the hallway! Leave all non-essentials behind, we're leaving NOW! Oh, and Zeta-9-3? Zeta-9-3: Yes, commander? Zeta-9-1: Prepare to blow up the entrance. Several minutes of content omitted for brevity. Zeta-9-1: Zeta-9-3, how far is the safety perimeter of the explosion? Zeta-9-3: In an open field it would be about 100 meters. In these tight hallways, the curves and elevation difference should be enough coverage to protect us from flying debris. I would watch out for stalactites but we should seal the entrance rather fast. I hear tickling legs in the distance. Zeta-9-1: Zeta-9-6, you're at the front with 9-2, right? Can you see any stalactites? Zeta-9-2: Nine-two here, Six is just behind me. The nearest stalactites are about 300 meters ahead. Zeta-9-1: Good, Zeta-9-3, feel free to detonate. Zeta-9-3: Roger that. An explosion can be heard followed by falling rubble and screeching. Zeta-9-1: You ok? Zeta-9-3: Sighs. I'm fine. My eardrums just hurt a bit. Zeta-9-1: There is not a lot of time to rest but let us know if you are feeling unwell. Everyone start the ascend. Zeta-9-4, any word from the basecamp or the surface? Zeta-9-4: Negative, will continue my attempts. Zeta-9-1: They better be ready when we get there. Several hours of content cut for brevity. Zeta-9-1: I hear tickling behind us. The spiders are coming. From the echoes, I don't think it's only the small ones. Everyone prepare for contact. Zeta-9-3: Fuck… Zeta-9-1: Is there a problem Nine-Three? Zeta-9-3: Well, I thought I would hear them as well but… Zeta-9-1: Don't tell me your ears are still- Zeta-9-3: Yeah. Zeta-9-1: Don't worry, we'll get it checked out once we reach the surface. Zeta-9-3: That's the commander for ya, never giving up. Sighs. Let's be realistic, there is still a huge way to go and we're running out of time. Zeta-9-1: … Zeta-9-3: Take this. Zeta-9-1: Why would you give me all the explosives?! Zeta-9-3: Not all the explosives. Zeta-9-1: Wait, what- Zeta-9-3: Go on, I have a plan. Zeta-9-1: I'm not letting you do that Nine-Three… Zeta-9-3: Commander, I'm currently more a liability that will slow us down or get one of us killed anyway. With my weapons and this, I can buy the time you desperately need. Zeta-9-1: Zeta-9-3 you- Zeta-9-3: Just go! Or do you want to get blasted eardrums as well? Zeta-9-1: … Zeta-9-2: I hate to say it commander, but he is right. Nine-Three, it was an honor. Zeta-9-3: Same here, now get moving! Zeta-9-1: Goddamn, Nine-Three… Goddamn… Several hours of content cut for brevity. Zeta-9-6: We made it to the camp. Damn, I'm happy to see this cavern again! Zeta-9-2: Yeah, but the other men seem to have left. Sighs. Figures… Zeta-9-1: Please, tell me your joking. Zeta-9-2: I'm not Sir. You can check yourself. Zeta-9-1: You bet I will! Give me a minute. Several minutes pass. Zeta-9-1: Where is everyone? Where the fuck is everyone?! Zeta-9-4, any contact with the surface? Zeta-9-4: Negative. Can't get through. Zeta-9-1: Search for a terminal between the gear they left. They must have left in a hurry and left some things behind. Several minutes pass. Zeta-9-4: Commander, they seem to have disabled two-way communication wtih the surface. I can only send encrypted data to them. Zeta-9-1: Anything else? Zeta-9-6: Most of the explosives are missing and the hallway to the surface is sealed. I'm afraid we have become collateral. They probably sealed the surface as well. Zeta-9-4: So what is the plan now? Face the spiders guns blazing until we run out of ammo? Zeta-9-1: We are going to upload our cam footage, gather the remaining explosives, and force our way back to the surface. We'll show them what Zeta-9, the underground Mobile Task Force is made of. We may be buried, but we ain't dead just yet. Zeta-9-6: So, what do we do when the spiders come out? Zeta-9-1: Well, this chamber has way more stalactites than the hall we just left. Shoot the ceiling and make it rain. Zeta-9-2: Commander, that in combination with the explosives will make the chamber collapse. Zeta-9-1: That's what I am counting on. If we don't succeed, they won't either. <End Log, [14/07/2004 21:36]> A sustainable permanent solution for a large scale containment breach has yet to be found. « SCP-6990 | SCP-6991 | SCP-6992 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6991" by Sirslash47, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Llullaillaco.jpg Name: Llullaillaco Sunset.jpg License: Public domain Date: 19 July 2006 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Author: Lion Hirth (Prissantenbär on Wikimedia Commons) Filename: Cavern Name: 140823 Märchendom Saalfelder Feengrotten.jpg License: CC BY 3.0 (DE) Date: 23 August 2014 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Author: Ansgar Koreng Attribution: Ansgar Koreng / CC BY 3.0 (DE) Note: I cut part of the bottom off because of upload problems with the full image. Looking back, I also like it more. Filename: Utahraptor Name: Utahraptor sketch.jpg License: CC 3.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Author: Ornitholestes Filename: Mountain.jpg Name: Misty mountain of Sri lanka.jpg Date: 2 December 2017 License: CC 4.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Author: Hpjperera84 For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "The Llullaillaco The chamber marked by MTF Zeta-9. Rubbing sent by Zeta-9-6."
[ 3.49122971e-01 2.83407748e-01 -1.55604139e-01 1.87837139e-01 -1.45020351e-01 -3.89530629e-01 -1.27357900e-01 3.45827579e-01 -6.95116222e-02 5.47595173e-02 -3.50841023e-02 4.61025536e-01 -1.04340240e-01 3.01144421e-02 1.13555141e-01 7.80792013e-02 1.46691248e-01 -2.23943844e-01 2.59602457e-01 -2.02151000e-01 -4.10831302e-01 -4.57342938e-02 -2.23036155e-01 1.01215700e-02 6.30513504e-02 1.28131330e-01 1.43186003e-01 2.69109234e-02 -1.44571841e-01 -4.55822408e-01 2.55156845e-01 9.61597264e-02 -3.64198610e-02 6.34761810e-01 -1.11801244e-04 -3.35877016e-02 8.69413689e-02 -8.27831998e-02 -4.99370039e-01 1.67721152e-01 -4.45286334e-01 -1.63401008e-01 1.47177920e-01 -3.68361264e-01 -1.75139576e-01 -2.66918838e-01 9.71840788e-03 -5.57246767e-02 6.70517758e-02 6.29545674e-02 1.32396057e-01 -1.49813280e-01 4.73547652e-02 -1.71637923e-01 -2.45823339e-02 3.95439863e-01 -1.10407598e-01 -7.87520558e-02 4.25918996e-02 2.38244668e-01 3.03906977e-01 3.26052576e-01 -9.92714018e-02 -1.06859878e-01 3.47184300e-01 -7.10524339e-03 4.82299477e-02 -2.99416929e-01 9.01899189e-02 3.38041931e-01 -2.37391866e-03 -8.86561573e-02 -4.60391082e-02 1.42745793e-01 -3.02506745e-01 -2.73318868e-02 3.51077735e-01 4.12417829e-01 -1.19848169e-01 -6.54730806e-03 2.88501799e-01 1.93918735e-01 -2.53876150e-01 6.23631105e-02 -3.48283589e-01 1.87724512e-02 -1.21662803e-01 2.66443323e-02 -1.03390083e-01 -3.27544659e-03 -6.56821355e-02 -4.04305793e-02 2.69465119e-01 1.55174673e-01 -5.30252291e-04 -1.90887794e-01 1.79658890e-01 -3.41167390e-01 2.34101072e-01 1.06093623e-01 1.64277032e-01 1.30931929e-01 -1.60296157e-01 1.15814894e-01 1.32631630e-01 -1.60974693e-02 2.03443483e-01 -1.67248175e-01 -1.90420792e-01 3.99907410e-01 6.67216722e-04 1.31801084e-01 -5.10773659e-02 -6.99316263e-02 7.67619908e-02 3.32086712e-01 4.71694589e-01 -3.58637661e-01 1.86059382e-02 1.16558827e-01 -4.89379764e-01 1.17584169e-01 -1.58896610e-01 1.53887168e-01 4.65277493e-01 2.89429814e-01 1.63223073e-01 5.77624422e-03 1.38237253e-01 2.56105244e-01 -1.80522367e-01 2.86847025e-01 -3.92188698e-01 9.03490260e-02 1.07428052e-01 7.34340176e-02 -1.20870687e-01 -1.46675542e-01 -2.43755691e-02 -1.09529160e-01 1.82891086e-01 -5.64919971e-02 5.30715764e-01 4.61268187e-01 -2.43055016e-01 -4.00252864e-02 -2.42768019e-01 2.28416473e-01 -1.55739397e-01 -6.66344017e-02 2.15535074e-01 -5.52890543e-03 -5.25046587e-01 1.88919872e-01 1.03629775e-01 5.51335156e-01 4.50379886e-02 2.17973694e-01 -2.18699664e-01 -1.51353404e-01 2.13123426e-01 3.32149237e-01 -1.90828755e-01 -2.43102640e-01 1.02030970e-01 3.82755786e-01 -1.97909221e-01 -7.39017874e-02 2.40593776e-01 5.12242243e-02 2.19611302e-01 -6.74243644e-02 -7.52679259e-02 6.70610219e-02 -1.54576525e-01 3.82302940e-01 -4.82544005e-01 -3.05218279e-01 -2.69232124e-01 -4.44145679e-01 -1.51212201e-01 2.29158923e-02 3.01739097e-01 -4.03143317e-01 -4.10937667e-01 -1.21517815e-01 -1.24269173e-01 3.35584760e-01 3.47215891e-01 -2.59562850e-01 -2.25468919e-01 -1.99197501e-01 3.82610887e-01 -3.30912590e-01 6.43535480e-02 -4.00096998e-02 2.05956876e-01 -8.36558919e-03 5.47464751e-02 1.48535043e-01 -3.35623473e-01 1.07021660e-01 2.45045796e-01 -1.08307764e-01 -7.14490116e-02 1.43116387e-02 -2.36660913e-01 1.15213385e-02 2.36205816e-01 3.97405803e-01 -7.38800704e-01 -3.63570005e-01 -2.66465932e-01 8.68466571e-02 -7.71207362e-02 -4.33624744e-01 2.65760213e-01 3.66126925e-01 -6.56825528e-02 9.96165276e-02 -2.51865774e-01 -1.13350444e-01 1.92957208e-01 -2.70325597e-02 -5.32509267e-01 7.08200708e-02 -2.42589146e-01 -9.66588333e-02 -1.20063633e-01 2.41087392e-01 4.74179715e-01 -5.91066852e-02 8.26142281e-02 1.25604272e-01 -1.62792131e-01 1.40649065e-01 2.42913395e-01 3.24352294e-01 6.91516548e-02 -3.07726085e-01 -5.51671088e-02 2.68553384e-04 1.95754245e-01 1.15693817e-02 -5.21928906e-01 3.31243396e-01 3.36179763e-01 5.21984622e-02 7.55272061e-02 -5.21869473e-02 8.66807550e-02 -2.58287638e-01 -2.65796483e-02 -2.26241499e-01 -1.44353494e-01 4.80402142e-01 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3.74033332e-01 -1.16263300e-01 2.79670894e-01 -1.49932653e-01 3.13970506e-01 -2.24728342e-02 -3.42872441e-01 -2.46193454e-01 1.45333260e-01 -7.97035769e-02 1.84304401e-01 3.70610923e-01 1.41722572e+00 3.89166802e-01 5.24178632e-02 1.20365741e-02 1.32788301e-01 1.47687063e-01 -1.95272818e-01 -1.20681049e-02 1.70908511e-01 3.59913886e-01 6.45937249e-02 -1.88739151e-01 -7.85333812e-02 -4.25356813e-02 -4.31611300e-01 -1.04852162e-01 -4.34976608e-01 -1.98997334e-01 -1.35103643e-01 1.70187399e-01 4.59030479e-01 -7.67229646e-02 1.34182364e-01 1.62102789e-01 8.35555866e-02 1.75270423e-01 5.23897633e-02 -1.59569517e-01 1.82101622e-01 3.85169797e-02 -4.92554391e-03 -2.39249412e-02 -5.12961805e-01 2.84645945e-01 3.59253854e-01 -2.79220879e-01 -1.92914531e-01 1.96268365e-01 -3.51290047e-01 -3.43708657e-02 1.54550239e-01 1.82744637e-01 3.94061327e-01 1.36206429e-02 7.08191246e-02 -2.33285978e-01 2.39157736e-01 -1.09034605e-01 -1.63194999e-01 4.83143717e-01 -6.01493791e-02 1.89960137e-01 7.41436183e-02 1.79576993e-01 5.81825599e-02 -1.98679745e-01 2.62601405e-01 7.66874328e-02 5.66538190e-03 -2.46187165e-01 1.15212016e-01 -3.57260145e-02 -1.66296244e-01 -2.25038454e-01 1.52110443e-01 -3.21548790e-01 -5.20562567e-02 2.87075907e-01 1.70583233e-01 1.49082690e-01 1.61242127e-01 5.53861484e-02 -1.06505491e-01 -2.41138548e-01 -3.35256904e-02 -1.95998442e-03 -5.00651836e-01 7.62379542e-02 -3.32661271e-02 -2.96433926e-01 3.39135923e-03 3.71760666e-01 1.44174367e-01 -4.65484053e-01 -2.16030926e-01 -2.51018107e-01 1.40462160e-01 -5.42487577e-02 -2.77910590e-01 2.47669667e-01 -2.60986596e-01 3.41510922e-01 3.04932259e-02 1.09798245e-01 -3.50319117e-01 6.07808232e-02 -5.02802551e-01 9.30985808e-02 -2.05398709e-01 2.81437840e-02 -1.07031085e-01 -2.53433913e-01 1.54541165e-01 3.36011708e-01 -2.19229721e-02 -1.09597310e-01 -1.85837001e-01 1.43400088e-01 -6.06483370e-02 -1.88072756e-01 6.02237694e-02 1.13569155e-01 3.31488773e-02 3.43297496e-02 -1.66986719e-01 2.10691094e-02 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-2.15916976e-01 9.28236097e-02 -2.08594084e-01 7.83481821e-03 1.62022654e-02 -3.63706946e-01 9.43296403e-02 -1.77328642e-02 1.19944237e-01 1.22372568e-01 -1.70263827e-01 5.03863454e-01 4.72397134e-02 2.14099735e-01 3.83621633e-01 1.15753263e-02 -5.64940944e-02 4.02994603e-01 2.49986932e-01 -3.05573761e-01 -4.36976075e-01 -1.82124168e-01 5.37922308e-02 -1.31829068e-01 -1.22998372e-01 -4.57037240e-02 2.43551180e-01 1.41570017e-01 1.11492109e-02 9.17087793e-02 -1.82133242e-01 -2.87456095e-01 1.58271104e-01 3.22771817e-01 -1.84936374e-01 -1.06879681e-01 -4.74613756e-01 -2.65956223e-01 -7.54941478e-02 3.33640240e-02 -1.38331681e-01 -2.79310673e-01 -1.37797698e-01 -1.23355173e-01 2.49342337e-01 -2.10815057e-01 8.63773972e-02 -7.08647668e-02 5.90540230e-01 -1.97068639e-02 -4.71590422e-02 3.82517674e-03 -2.75068283e-01 -2.94176728e-01 2.27421314e-01 -1.71251282e-01 -6.02088809e-01 -2.36249883e-02 1.43202409e-01 1.08176678e-01 3.16069812e-01 -1.09010711e-01 2.65803427e-01 -3.78870033e-02 -2.18816310e-01 -7.24355996e-01 -3.51383314e-02 3.16246897e-01 2.18346473e-02 -7.57272169e-03 -4.31714542e-02 -7.27491304e-02 -2.84806877e-01 1.00303419e-01 5.24461158e-02 -5.58724642e-01 -2.21684828e-01 1.00433111e+00 5.55025876e-01 8.92488733e-02 -6.14608601e-02 -6.41520768e-02 -2.99501538e-01 3.22725102e-02 2.43207082e-01 -5.37951738e-02 2.64631629e-01 1.89045355e-01 -1.76854819e-01 1.57270208e-01 5.65627813e-01 9.30693224e-02 1.75777227e-01 2.30961725e-01 -3.68351750e-02 -1.92713127e-01 3.57778817e-02 -8.32542479e-02 1.78194384e-03 7.49162957e-02 2.49989033e-01 -7.56629780e-02 -1.15183346e-01 -1.81891620e-01 -4.25196111e-01 5.08865416e-01 5.93039133e-02 -3.27530801e-01 -1.79509819e-01 -1.33638024e-01 -3.37140225e-02 1.79817483e-01 -4.61970866e-01 -1.29169911e-01 -1.60019532e-01 2.20501661e-01 -4.25911218e-01 -2.62443393e-01 -3.45851809e-01 -7.08267763e-02 -9.96246114e-02 3.15933377e-01 -5.75986728e-02 2.58419532e-02 -3.20844442e-01 7.41365424e-04]
"Nature's Cycle" active ""And send over that SCP-6992 draft as soon as possible. Any more issues can be sorted amongst yourselves. Goodbye." The Administrator closed his antiquated flip phone and placed it back within its charging cradle on the wall. Picking up a cup of steaming coffee and taking a measured sip he let out a sigh of content as the caffeine energised his tired body despite the effect being quite diminished from one too many cups. Walking through the dreary hallway of Site-00, the only occupant of the facility entered his office and headed for the computer terminal of considerable age sat upon the desk, pausing briefly to give the well-loved and well kept potted house plant in the corner of the room a suspicious glance. Sitting at the terminal he placed his cup down next to the keyboard before resting his tired fingers upon the keys. Lightly tapping the enter key just once brought up the search he had been running on the forbidden database, the one that only he knew of and had access to: the collective knowledge of the past Foundations or their equivalents, saved on an anomalous server in a location even he didn't know. The knowledge of those that came before was a powerful thing, only to be used in extreme circumstances. The circumstance with SCP-6992 wasn't extreme yet but he had to know what happened, and why it happened. He had already searched through countless articles and messages over the past week yet remained no closer to solving the mystery. Object #: SCP-6992 Anomaly Class: KETER APOLLYON Specific Containment Parameters: SCP-6992 instances attempting to breach Foundation sites and areas must be eradicated by any means necessary. Preservation of Foundation personnel and locations required to maintain containment on SCP objects is highest priority. All edible stockpiles containing flora matter of any kind must be incinerated. At no point should Foundation personnel come in contact with or be in proximity of any natural planetary flora unless strictly required in regards to eradication. Any non-Foundation personnel attempting to access Foundation sites and areas must be searched for concealed flora before admittance is granted. Concealed flora are to be eradicated. It's too late, its the end. I'm sorry. -The Administrator Information: SCP-6992 is an anomaly affecting all natural flora upon the planetary body designated as Earth. First stage of the anomaly (documented 02/21/1979) is the increased growth rate of planetary flora starting with flora commonly referred to as weeds. The anomaly soon spreads to affect all flora on a global scale with the growth rate increasing to 400% of a flora's usual estimated growth period. What initially caused the anomaly to appear is unknown. The second stage of the anomaly (documented 08/13/1991) is the ability for flora to grow roots on surfaces made of almost any material. Observation has documented flora samples growing on wood, titanium, cement and glass. The roots of flora within materials such as these weakens the strength of the material, damaging floors and walls with an increased likelihood of structural collapse if the flora are not eradicated. Growth rate for flora upon surface materials that aren't earth soil are dependant on the density of the material. The growth rate of flora rooting within a block of lead was an estimated 200% below current growth rates. The third and current stage of the anomaly (documented (09/01/2006) is a second increase in the growth rate of flora, tripling the effect of the first stage. Flora now can grow to full maturity anywhere, within a few days and regardless of surface material. At this point, standard containment of SCP-6992 outside of Foundation sites and areas is now impossible. All Foundation efforts are to be redirected to maintaining current locations for as long as possible. Additional: Incident 6992-1 On 11/05/2006 Foundation personnel at Site-05 were authorised to use the anomalous abilities of a KETER-class reality-bender SCP to contain or eradicate SCP-6992. SCP-7076 was instructed by its researchers to "wish all the plants to become normal." At approximately 07:19 on 11/05 SCP-7076's anomalous power activated. All planetary flora worldwide were transmogrified into caucasian middle aged men with facial appearances identical to the researchers assigned to SCP-7076. All transmogrified instances of SCP-6992 immediately became hostile to Foundation personnel. I take responsibility. It was my proposal to use Seventy-Six like that, and it fucked us. We can only assume that when it was used to make the flora become normal, its powers turned the flora into what Seventy-Six perceived as normal, which turned out to be the research staff assigned to it. I've lost contact with almost every location now, I think I might be the last one left. I have no choice but to activate the Reset Protocol. There's no saving this world anymore. For those that come after us, DO NOT USE REALITY BENDERS. I cannot stress that enough. Their powers are unpredictable and they always come with a cost, a cost we have paid in blood. We failed. I'm so sorry. -The Administrator The Administrator took another sip of his beverage, exhausted eyes staring at the last words on the screen. How many times had he seen that particular warning now? How many of his predecessors chose not to heed it or never saw it until it was too late? He glanced back at the potted plant. He had to continue the search. Time could be running out. The next record after that was from a Foundation that never saw 6992 coming until it was too late. He couldn't blame them for that though, no Foundation would be ready for something like that in 1898. More records were skimmed over, all from Foundations that had SCP-6992 occur much earlier than the others. It was frankly miraculous that these instances had found SCP-2000 and used Procedure Lazarus-01 in time, he had thought as he barely gave them a glance. He paused at the next record on the displayed list. No documentation, only a video file. . The face of an old woman filled the screen, her skin wrinkled with advanced age and pale with the absence of sunlight for so long. It made him wonder how long she had been down here by herself. "This is a video message to the next cycle, if there is another one. Like those that came before us, we have failed in our duty to secure, contain and protect this fragile existence we call life. Not for a lack of trying I'll have you know." She seemed to catch herself from going on a tirade with a heavy sigh, the creak of her chair as she shifted caught on the video. "Best start at the beginning I suppose. SCP-6992. The damn plants had to go and become an anomaly on our asses didn't they? 92 years dedicated to the botanical sciences, all down the proverbial drain. "Started sometime in the 90's, can't remember the exact date but we noticed it round the same time everyone else did. Plants growing at an advanced rate, started with common garden weeds before spreading to the flowers, then the crops, the bushes, the trees…" She waved a hand. "You get the picture. At the time I was excited, not often these old bones get to do some botanical research these days. Containment was complicated, but we managed it. Required us having to invest rather heavily in many gardening and agricultural enterprises, but it was all necessary to maintain the Veil." Her face fell. "Then the GOC in all their blundering stupidity did what they do best: something very moronic. I don't know if you have the Global Occult Coalition in your cycle or if they act the same, but for us they loved to destroy anything that even smelled anomalous. So you can imagine their faces when all the plants on the planet turned out to be one giant SCP." Despite the sullen look she gave a small chuckle at the thought. "They were hopping mad, trying to stop everyone from touching plants, working with plants, hell they even funded this massive campaign to get everyone to become pure meat eaters. Didn't have to interfere with that, the combined might of vegans and vegetarians handled that! "It was all pretty funny, up until they deployed a highly contagious virus with anomalous properties, engineered to kill off all the plants. We stopped laughing then." She looked away from the camera for a moment. "In hindsight we should've been more active in our GOI counter-ops, but what was done was done. What they did broke my heart, but I knew what was coming with 6992. I hated myself for not stopping it but at the time I weighed it as a necessary evil. I was so horribly wrong." A single tear rolled down her wrinkled skin. "Within a matter of days the GOC's virus mutated rapidly out of control. It stopped killing the plants and started killing everything else. Animals, insects, humans. No idea if 6992 caused the mutation or not, but within a week we had a global epidemic on our hands and the death toll was in the thousands. By the end of the month, it was millions. We poured everything we had into trying to stop what we called SCP-6001 by that point. It took five billion lives and almost a year to do but we contained it. Eradicated it." The camera panned back, revealing a room with practically every surface covered in beautiful blooming flowers of all colours. "As you can see, SCP-6992 reached it's third stage in that time. Seems like its stages advance more quickly if it isn't being actively combatted or contained. I knew the fight was lost by that point. We failed to contain it, too busy trying to stop another SCP. I've already initiated the Lazarus Protocol. Don't have any choice." She wiped her eyes free of tears with a shaking withered hand. "Whoever you are, wherever you are, keep these three words burning alive. Secure, contain, protect. This is the Administrator, signing off for the last time." She raised her arm in a shaky salute. The video ended after that. The Administrator grimly returned the salute to the screen. "Predecessor, rest well. Those words have meaning and purpose more so than ever." He reached for his cup and tried to take a sip, only to find cool dregs at the bottom. With a disgruntled sigh he set the cup down. He was nearing the end, a refill on caffeine could wait a while. After allowing a moment to stretch his sore muscles he went back to the search, his eyes passing over dozens of records and articles, reading the similar pattern of words again and again. The plants became anomalous, someone tried to contain them, the containment failed as usual, and whoever was left was forced to have hope that the people that came next would fix it. Hope that the cycle of life, death, and reset would end. The Foundations tried everything it seemed like. One attempted to engineer a virus like in the last video, and just like that virus it went out of control very fast turning humans into the walking dead. Others leaned heavily on the use of anomalies in their containment of SCP-6992; most failed, some backfired. One even caused a completely different XK Scenario to occur. Unsurprisingly several Foundations ignored the warnings of the past and tried to use reality-benders as a means of containment. It went as well as one would expect. In fact, one Foundation's folly led to 6992 developing a new fourth stage where the plants were able to root and grow from the flesh of humans and animal life like a fungal infection, an effect that reappeared in every iteration after its creation. The Administrator was starting to lose hope, the bottom of the list of past records was coming up alarmingly fast. Was his Foundation about to face the same fate? Was this a truly endless cycle? At just over a dozen records from the end of the list he was on the verge of giving up. So lost in his thoughts and worries that he clicked the next record open on autopilot, and had to pause the video and rewind it to make sure he heard it correctly. . An elderly African American man using a sleek metal cane to keep himself standing stared defiantly through the screen at the Administrator. Unlike the other videos, recorded in a room of Site-00, this one appeared to be filmed within one of the other Sites with the SCP emblem prominently visible in the background. "The cycle ends today." He declared with a voice full of authority and determination. He still had hope. "To whomever comes after us, listen very carefully. We have been trapped in an endless cycle with an anomalous effect frequently designated as SCP-6992 in previous iterations for long enough that I can't even access the first records of its appearance. They're buried deep under thousands and thousands of failures, of broken dreams and false hopes. I spent my first month as the Foundation's Administrator combing through every single record on this anomaly, and I have found a solution." He flashed a smile at the camera. "it's clear that the Foundation alone cannot stop SCP-6992 from manifesting and spreading. But two Foundations - or three, or as many as it takes - working together one after the other to continue the work started by us, by those that come after us… we might have a chance. "I spent the entire resources of my Foundation not focused on maintaining containment to research ways to contain SCP-6992. Several showed promise, but none of them we can achieve by ourselves. No one can, no one has enough time to get far enough by themselves." He reached into his lab coat and pulled out an external hard drive. "On here are sixty years of research and planning. We laid the groundwork, now you must continue it. And when your time reaches its end, pass it on. Keep the message going, keep giving them hope. The contents of this drive will be stored on the forbidden database. We'll also leave messages in areas not affected by the Reset Procedure such as SCP-2000, so someone knows to actually check the database in time." He glanced to the side as someone from off camera spoke in a hushed tone that the video failed to capture properly. He gave them a grim nod before facing the camera again with a sad smile. "I'm afraid our time is up. The fourth stage has started to emerge, and as much as I love a beautiful flower I do not plan on becoming a human sized plant pot for one. You know what to do." Someone handed him what was unmistakably a handgun which he took in one hand. He looked it over for a moment before smilling ruefully at the camera. "Good luck to you all. Secure, contain, protect." He raised the barrel of the weapon to his head. The video ended before the trigger was pulled. The Administrator checked and just as his predecessor had said there were hundreds of files dedicated to containing SCP-6992 attached with the video file. He was tempted to check them for their possible solutions and see what his Foundation could use, but there were still more records left. Only a handful now, but unlike the ones that came before each one had the actual, real promise of success. Eager with anticipation he left his desk and moved as swiftly as he could to grab more coffee. He needed to stay awake just a little longer, long enough to check the last records. To see what was left to be done. The next video was of an older gentlemen that reminded him of Clef, addressing him from the same room that he sat in now. He reported that some of the options from the last video were dead ends, but others showed promise. He announced that his Foundation would pool all of its efforts into the research needed for just one of the solutions: nanomachines smaller than the cells in a plant or a human. He explained that the science involved in making sure the nanomachines could stop the anomaly, keep themselves hidden so the Veil could be preserved, and to persist after the Lazarus Procedure would take several lifetimes to fully calculate and be understood. "Fortunately there's only an infinite amount of Foundation iterations left after us. I think we might get it done with time to spare," he told the camera with a wink and a smirk. They couldn't work on it any more, but the promise remained. "It's up to you now, whoever you are. Keep working with us, and those after you. We can do this!" He had declared triumpthantly as the video ended. The next video announced that work on developing the nanomachines was progressing slowly. Snags were hit with achieving the three requirements, but they were confident that the work could be achieved. The Foundation after them did what they could also, but didn't get much further. The Administrator could see the hope in his predecessor's eyes waiver as she relayed the news. The ones after them however reaffirmed that hope. Breakthroughs were made, plans for factories to build the machines and the plans for the nanites themselves were developed and refined repeatedly, each Foundation wanting to make sure that when it came time to contain SCP-6992 at last, it would work. The mouse cursor hovered over the last record, the one most recently added. The Administrator had to temper his emotions, though that feeling of doubt crept back in. There had been no messages left by the last Foundation. No words of guidance or warning like what had been left for the others were found. Did they succeed? Was it finally over? . The video opened with a smartly dressed middle aged woman standing behind the podium that bore the emblem of the Foundation superimposed over a symbol of Earth. It strangely reminded him of the White House press room. She smiled warmly as she gave the camera a brief wave of the hand. "Hello, my name is Samantha Flowers. I'm the 34th President of the SCP Coalition. The date is August the 12th, 2092. I am talking to you from Site-32 located on the Moon, and I hopefully have good news to give you. "If you have seen the other videos and records before this one then you know the impossible cause many have lived and died for. If you haven't, then please do so now. You wouldn't want anything spoilt." She chuckled and waited for a moment before continuing. "Okay then, in the last video our predecessors had refined the plans for the anomaly's containment to near perfection. Our Foundation decided that our iteration would be the one to make it a reality. They did the math and calculated the average time it took for SCP-6992 to manifest, and they realised they couldn't achieve full production and a sufficient quantity of the nanites in time, especially given the technological limitations of 1921, the year they learnt of all this. "So they took a different path to all the other Foundations; not only did they go public, but they went for total global unity. Considering some of the horrors and anomalies they had contained by then, I wasn't surprised that they brought the whole world together in just five years, united under three words: secure, contain, protect." The camera panned up to reveal the three words written in white on a black background just out of sight in the original shot, before focusing on Samantha again. "The entire world started to work on the factories which would build the nanites. We thought we could do it in time, but we weren't so lucky. 1968 was when SCP-6992's first stage manifested. The President at the time knew that unless the plan was changed, it would be delayed to the next cycle once again. He was determined not to let that happen. So we switched focuses from containment to the stars. We spent fifty years getting as many people as we could off the Earth and onto space stations, the Moon, and other planets. SCP-120 was a big help in that regard." Her smile faded as her face became forlorn. "The fourth stage manifested in early 2014. We were forced to leave the remaining population of Earth to die, and shot down any spacecraft that tried to make orbit. We didn't have a choice, SCP-6992 could not be allowed to leave the planet. We watched from space as the last lights of Earth went out one by one until the planet went dark, choked to death by its own nature. "Turns out that if SCP-6992 continues until it covers every inch of the planet, when there's no humans or animals or insects to help maintain the balance of nature, then the plants can't survive. Some hardy species that didn't require any intervention or help from fauna survived, but an estimated 90% of all flora species went extinct by 2080." She gave a sad shrug. "No one to spread pollen, to scatter seeds or to temper growth. Some people thought nature had turned against us, but the sad truth is that nature was always against itself." She took a deep breath and dabbed at her eyes with a pocket hankerchief. "But hopefully that won't happen to you. From the safety of space we had all the time and resources we ever needed to manufacture the nanites and an orbital delivery system that guaranteed global coverage, with the nanites to be distributed as soon as our cycle ends. As I speak, an expedition is on its way to SCP-2000 to initiate what we call Procedure Lazarus-01 but what the previous iterations have called the Reset Protocol amongst other variations." She walked out from behind the podium and closer to the camera. "Unike the previous iterations, who reset everything to a point just before the creation of the Foundation, we're turning back the clock to June 8th, 1921. The day we first learnt of SCP-6992. Its our hope that you and your Foundation won't have to worry about SCP-6992 at all, and the most concern you'll ever have is figuring out what you are going to give the number to instead of this. "That said, it's equally as likely that this plan fails. In which case its up to you to start this new cycle of cooperation all over again. Inspire and give hope to those after you." She gave the camera a wry smile. "No pressure, right?" She lifted her arm and activated a holographic display from her wristwatch, checking a series of unintelligible notes. "And that's everything. We'll never know if this works or not, but even as our cycle ends and yours begins I can at least dream that we did everything right, that we finally contained SCP-6992 and brought an end to this never-ending torment. "So, future Administrator or President or whatever you're called. Good luck." She saluted the camera with a look of determination. The video ended with a cut to three white words on a black screen beneath a familiar emblem. The Administrator leaned back in his chair trying to rub the tiredness from his eyes, but his exhaustion failed to dampen the smile on his face. "So that explains that…" he mumbled to himself. Now he knew the whole story. Or at least enough of it. His speakers emitted a cheerful electronic chirp and he sat up straight. There was a new email in his inbox from the O5 Council with the latest draft of SCP-6992. Fighting off the grip of sleep one last time he opened the email and opened the draft. . THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT IS A PROPOSED DRAFT AND SHOULD NOT BE USED AS AN OFFICIAL REFERENCE OR DOCUMENTATION Item #: SCP-6992 Object Class: OFFICIAL OBJECT CLASS AWAITING APPROVAL. PROVISIONAL OBJECT CLASS IS: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets are to monitor the fields of botany, biology and nanotechnology for any references or mentions of SCP-6992 and run disinformation and discredit campaigns where necessary to suppress the existence of SCP-6992. Experimentations of nanotechnology upon plant-based life are to be prevented by any means necessary. Description: SCP-6992 is a series of square-shaped nanites approximately 1 μm in diameter with the logo of the SCP Foundation printed upon the surface with limbs consisting of a fixed needle-like appendage on one side and approximately twelve flexible appendages for locomotion on all other sides. SCP-6992 is unable to be observed within the light spectrum and cannot be viewed via non-anomalous means. Samples of SCP-6992 show no identifiable anomalous materials used to construct it. SCP-6992 is present within all plant life on Earth and has yet to be found in any animal life, insect life or human life as of 04/23/2031. The population cannot be accurately calculated but is theorised to be in the octillions based on the average population density within a collection of surveyed hosts. Analysis reveals seeds forming with instances of SCP-6992 already present within them. Non-flora life forms consuming plant material with the nanites present have shown no adverse affects and the nanites are destroyed by the digestion process with no trace remains found within samples of excrement. SCP-6992 has to date displayed only two directives. The first directive is self-replication, using minerals obtained from within their host plants to reproduce. Current instances will fabricate replacements for older instances or impregnate developing seeds within a plant to allow SCP-6992 to spread when the seeds are removed. The second directive remains unknown. Observations and testing are currently in progress to identify the second directive. SCP-6992 has been observed to use its needle-like appendages to pierce the nucleus of plant cells as part of this directive. Examinations of plant cells and their nuclei before and after SCP-6992 instances perform its second directive show no changes or alterations. SCP-6992 was discovered during testing of an electron microscope with anomalous properties.1 Despite bearing the logo of the SCP Foundation, no records regarding the creation and distribution of SCP-6992 have been found. Origins remain unknown. He smiled ruefully. "I suppose time will tell if they managed to break the cycle. Though…" He stretched once more. "I feel hopeful indeed." Stifling a yawn he downloaded the draft and set to work editing a copy, using documents provided by the previous cycles to supply the information for his changes. Several hours and another cup of coffee later and two versions of SCP-6992 documentation sat in a folder on the screen. He sent the original draft back in an email to the O5, approving its contents but advising it to be restricted to Level 5 clearance. The edited copy remained exclusive to him and those that came after. "Let them live in blissful ignorance," he told the only other thing in the room. Turning in his chair to face the potted plant, he gave it a smile. "What surprises do you have for us next, I wonder?" he asked the plant, which predictably didn't respond. It didn't need to. One last task before he could finally rest. His edited copy of the draft was sent to the forbidden database, hopefully the last time the records of SCP-6992 will ever be updated. Turning off his computer and giving the plant a respectful nod, he left the room and shuffled in the direction of his sleeping quarters. For the first time in days, the Administrator dreamed of a happy tomorrow. . Item #: SCP-6992 Object Class: Hiemal Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets are to monitor the fields of botany, biology and nanotechnology for any references or mentions of SCP-6992-1 and run disinformation and discredit campaigns where necessary to suppress the existence of SCP-6992-1. Experimentations of nanotechnology upon plant-based life are to be prevented by any means necessary. As SCP-6992-1 is the current method of containing SCP-6992-2, all efforts are to focus on maintaining containment and concealment of SCP-6992-1. Description: SCP-6992 refers to two seperate but related anomalies affecting the natural flora of Earth. SCP-6992-1 is a series of square-shaped nanites approximately 1 μm in diameter with the logo of the SCP Foundation printed upon the surface with limbs consisting of a fixed needle-like appendage on one side and approximately twelve flexible appendages for locomotion on all other sides. SCP-6992-1 is unable to be observed within the light spectrum and cannot be viewed via non-anomalous means. Samples of SCP-6992-1 show no identifiable anomalous materials used to construct it. SCP-6992-1 is present in all plant life on Earth and cannot be found in any animal life, insect life or human life currently. The population cannot be accurately calculated but is theorized to be in the octillions based on the average population density within a collection of surveyed hosts. Analysis reveals seeds forming with instances of SCP-6992-1 already present within them. Non-flora life forms consuming plant material with the nanites present have shown no adverse affects and the nanites are presumed destroyed by digestion as no trace remains within samples of excrement. SCP-6992-1 has to date displayed only two directives. The first directive is self-replication, using minerals obtained from within their host plants to reproduce. Current instances will fabricate replacements for older instances or impregnate developing seeds within a plant to allow SCP-6992-1 to spread. The second directive is to contain SCP-6992-2 by the genetic modification of the host plant's DNA to prevent or suppress manifestation. Observations of the nanites have shown them using the needle-like appendage to pierce the nucleus of cells, presumably for the editing or transfer of genetic information contained within. SCP-6992-2 is a spontaneous anomaly that affects all known plant life on Earth regardless of origin. The manifestation of SCP-6992-2's effects cannot be accurately predicted but records from previous Foundation iterations show a manifestation period between 1898 and 20212. SCP-6992-2 has four stages. The first stage is the accelerated growth rate of plant life, spreading gradually from species to species but always starting with plants commonly identified as weeds. The second stage is instantaneous for all plant species, allowing plants to root and grow from almost any material currently known to the Foundation. The growth rate is dependant on the density of the material with plants showing decreased growth times in lead alloy surfaces compared to aluminium alloy surfaces. The third stage is a second accelerated growth rate, tripling the rate of growth from the first stage. The fourth and final stage is the ability for plants to sprout in and grow from living flesh. Records from previous Foundation iterations show this fourth stage is lethal with time until death dependant on the species of plant growing from the infected. So far SCP-6992-2 has been successfully contained and prevented from manifestation as of 04/23/2031. Note from the Administrator: 04/23/2031 Mission accomplised. « SCP-6991 | SCP-6992 | SCP-6993 »" nan
[ 1.46114007e-01 2.72102952e-01 -2.35554770e-01 5.38548268e-02 -1.55651376e-01 -6.73157632e-01 -2.73619384e-01 2.78851837e-01 1.62761226e-01 5.78495488e-02 2.70113558e-01 2.21121952e-01 -2.05712527e-01 1.08496502e-01 -1.43861175e-01 1.41483083e-01 -1.27975754e-02 -2.05158889e-02 1.74223930e-01 -1.43291906e-01 -2.28194669e-01 1.90229826e-02 1.61408380e-01 7.45166466e-02 -2.11370829e-02 -1.71089932e-01 1.39302686e-01 3.35488409e-01 -2.46737152e-01 -3.94280821e-01 -5.41648977e-02 1.92092031e-01 1.61725208e-02 3.68536025e-01 -1.04688253e-04 -1.28383905e-01 3.34605962e-01 1.27512053e-01 -2.90491760e-01 3.89843702e-01 -3.89101095e-02 1.04134828e-01 4.02231235e-03 -3.26457053e-01 1.68496355e-01 1.19017407e-01 -6.80570304e-02 1.33180574e-01 4.35589820e-01 6.72487393e-02 2.26313427e-01 -8.46598968e-02 2.66722560e-01 -3.44070166e-01 -3.50729644e-01 5.58913291e-01 4.10769247e-02 -4.11635429e-01 -4.42570820e-02 -1.55754134e-01 -1.55564785e-01 6.98689744e-02 -2.31322542e-01 -1.69976383e-01 3.99122804e-01 -2.37623736e-01 1.27385303e-01 -2.38947242e-01 1.41213194e-01 1.38991579e-01 1.34428978e-01 1.43042251e-01 1.10668726e-02 3.06423545e-01 -1.82775438e-01 -3.80302370e-02 1.85068876e-01 5.02450392e-02 -2.57041007e-01 3.54505852e-02 2.31752217e-01 2.23873600e-01 -2.57376015e-01 6.44305572e-02 -1.72152326e-01 8.64532776e-03 -1.59764990e-01 2.94294152e-02 1.73644964e-02 9.83530730e-02 1.21701971e-01 8.78284797e-02 1.05169863e-01 6.39505535e-02 8.01471695e-02 -7.53606558e-02 2.76316971e-01 1.09390393e-01 2.19333187e-01 2.93826580e-01 3.13624382e-01 2.45772481e-01 1.59613833e-01 1.58790238e-02 1.57415599e-01 -2.90776044e-01 2.41229802e-01 -2.08219707e-01 8.25553685e-02 4.33456361e-01 7.92891905e-03 1.46818504e-01 1.73207328e-01 -2.20430821e-01 -3.82617153e-02 -3.18940282e-02 4.06770945e-01 -3.84529382e-01 5.50478809e-02 1.45899430e-01 -2.88341492e-01 -4.56834659e-02 -1.58065364e-01 1.77162886e-01 5.04114270e-01 3.01138490e-01 -4.47080471e-02 -3.00509930e-01 1.09076373e-01 -4.19202328e-01 -2.31115654e-01 -3.23105484e-01 -4.57119018e-01 2.20299169e-01 5.98852411e-02 1.71471030e-01 2.16654658e-01 9.90068540e-02 -2.93071836e-01 -6.74767122e-02 4.74225590e-03 -1.82315916e-01 1.68228313e-01 6.59296811e-01 -2.04562962e-01 1.68144390e-01 -8.05504918e-02 4.46341336e-01 -8.60379338e-02 1.28189504e-01 1.47833750e-01 -9.16274861e-02 -3.47070277e-01 2.51250029e-01 -1.65890291e-01 3.35092425e-01 6.05337583e-02 2.07609728e-01 -1.97349146e-01 -9.23711881e-02 2.34420598e-01 1.22893259e-01 -2.21918404e-01 -2.48366103e-01 2.59502739e-01 3.39385599e-01 -2.76172161e-01 5.10993525e-02 -3.91255677e-01 -2.33343422e-01 2.37298429e-01 1.38437208e-02 -1.90490499e-01 4.47457761e-01 -2.75168270e-01 -2.96505354e-03 -5.21390885e-02 3.58660251e-01 -2.80241609e-01 -3.56817931e-01 -3.27799648e-01 1.15751259e-01 1.88680887e-01 -2.24607512e-01 -4.02941376e-01 -4.88848872e-02 -2.03389078e-01 1.65086061e-01 1.66615456e-01 -1.78844452e-01 -3.90986055e-01 -6.87852949e-02 1.79098889e-01 -2.31528714e-01 1.09673701e-01 -6.51169941e-02 5.09580672e-01 -2.91719940e-02 6.15797527e-02 2.42465362e-01 6.23152703e-02 2.34889060e-01 2.42469013e-01 5.13824344e-01 -1.31539017e-01 -7.44644031e-02 -5.88740222e-02 -5.53350709e-02 -1.09799458e-02 3.14047813e-01 -2.55083621e-01 -2.31567383e-01 -4.20284539e-01 1.51641175e-01 -6.81236684e-02 -6.13159537e-01 2.48531640e-01 3.72216016e-01 -1.61244825e-01 -1.24598965e-01 -2.52916485e-01 -1.60195202e-01 -7.25945681e-02 -9.80550423e-02 -2.74331123e-01 4.50535864e-02 -3.57168108e-01 -1.46241933e-01 -4.27053660e-01 6.16453253e-02 3.38213325e-01 1.70005381e-01 1.50291264e-01 -4.05748859e-02 -2.71185726e-01 8.81015956e-02 2.39835009e-01 5.38503647e-01 -1.91010788e-01 -2.12307557e-01 -2.99001355e-02 1.97930276e-01 2.05587506e-01 -2.13342190e-01 3.36230583e-02 2.22275138e-01 6.33471608e-02 -1.45757766e-02 -1.44772589e-01 -1.40178025e-01 1.36945341e-02 -1.21928856e-01 -1.34498879e-01 1.78674951e-01 -8.50956663e-02 6.66719437e-01 -3.95683914e-01 1.79263979e-01 1.55669481e-01 2.65511096e-01 1.76023379e-01 -1.19993232e-01 1.46052480e-01 5.47382012e-02 1.36089623e-01 -4.26412493e-01 1.72314271e-01 -2.21396208e-01 6.93598166e-02 -1.86330304e-02 7.11026713e-02 8.83188397e-02 -1.35812163e-01 -4.23966385e-02 -2.32792702e-02 2.77282327e-01 4.25391942e-01 2.98981339e-01 3.41663599e-01 4.77416694e-01 -2.58699954e-01 -5.13515711e-01 -1.46746263e-01 7.83833489e-02 -2.09422335e-01 1.23078749e-01 3.11411291e-01 -2.88672335e-02 1.24029867e-01 1.13137558e-01 2.76272625e-01 -1.29047021e-01 3.83468866e-02 -2.67011821e-02 -2.53782272e-01 -5.14651313e-02 -3.18953514e-01 4.94900972e-01 1.43529177e-01 3.98331732e-01 -3.69670451e-01 1.24021925e-01 8.14775229e-02 7.81717598e-02 5.96774518e-02 3.34007710e-01 2.25454643e-01 2.61539727e-01 -4.40153945e-03 -1.44602731e-01 -6.23411477e-01 4.22132425e-02 -4.34839120e-03 1.04916610e-01 9.15472955e-02 3.18461001e-01 3.61364824e-03 -4.99809057e-01 2.01064646e-01 -6.08421862e-01 -3.12059313e-01 -1.16119914e-01 2.70548072e-02 1.72557324e-01 -2.09745437e-01 -1.27321944e-01 6.46086931e-02 -3.55859339e-01 1.87448815e-01 -6.45766631e-02 1.76946551e-01 4.85628217e-01 -1.16207175e-01 2.07090423e-01 -1.65099442e-01 9.05177295e-02 -2.39172474e-01 -5.87537978e-03 -1.40409231e-01 -3.86036490e-03 1.75662804e-02 -9.46677849e-02 -2.11026341e-01 8.32475796e-02 -3.04513685e-02 -1.30860820e-01 -1.34921312e-01 8.66486877e-02 4.46754694e-01 -1.99744418e-01 -3.84855360e-01 4.45977479e-01 1.55045658e-01 -3.65825534e-01 9.92316380e-02 7.83729032e-02 -1.18796371e-01 -3.30891386e-02 1.81278080e-01 -2.61796951e-01 6.11028112e-02 -3.93807329e-03 2.62635142e-01 -7.17280060e-02 3.12634528e-01 1.38669714e-01 4.23516989e-01 3.73791158e-02 7.72870407e-02 -4.14145365e-02 1.97461277e-01 -1.20918311e-01 -3.86596650e-01 3.06539297e-01 -9.05179232e-02 -2.82500517e-02 1.19776405e-01 -2.60710031e-01 -4.14054543e-01 -1.33507267e-01 1.00647420e-01 7.50974536e-01 3.03427875e-01 -2.80566692e-01 -1.56737685e-01 2.99907893e-01 1.52749540e-02 8.89321342e-02 2.22669333e-01 -3.01379561e-01 2.06098780e-01 -9.20235693e-01 5.16839445e-01 -3.03598404e-01 9.33422521e-03 -3.48402083e-01 1.19918332e-01 -3.76399696e-01 -1.03273608e-01 2.19627038e-01 -2.05313027e-01 5.77660263e-01 4.82904352e-02 3.87427628e-01 2.20538810e-01 1.70245484e-01 6.17037229e-02 -1.61069155e-01 -2.43188486e-01 1.54677704e-01 2.47375771e-01 -1.13159679e-01 -3.05360788e-03 4.96315993e-02 4.83418927e-02 1.98598094e-02 5.81024364e-02 1.49459332e-01 -1.13269445e-02 -7.95898139e-01 8.10363423e-03 1.18921429e-01 2.81616718e-01 2.27516964e-01 -1.67675108e-01 -1.59710363e-01 -4.47133929e-02 2.22900972e-01 -1.17913388e-01 8.06291178e-02 4.93593104e-02 5.09899110e-02 -3.30899268e-01 6.19422972e-01 -1.39635041e-01 4.12707001e-01 8.74139071e-02 -5.35977520e-02 -4.58060876e-02 1.53795660e-01 -2.02130437e-01 2.58169174e-01 6.48187101e-01 4.76599932e-02 3.21803242e-02 1.06672093e-01 2.43561156e-02 -7.54720420e-02 -9.28052217e-02 2.06118405e-01 8.02835897e-02 -2.01423422e-01 -3.71621162e-01 9.33068469e-02 6.45654723e-02 -3.78466487e-01 -2.40724593e-01 6.24015704e-02 -2.30449215e-01 3.17094892e-01 1.32453322e-01 1.09352875e+00 2.85808355e-01 1.63403139e-01 7.18121007e-02 6.36930987e-02 2.21506685e-01 -2.65752524e-01 2.00628135e-02 -1.21762464e-02 -1.54802307e-01 1.29791591e-02 6.14066096e-03 3.09212595e-01 2.55096227e-01 -2.05320284e-01 1.28478378e-01 -1.68764010e-01 -1.07531510e-02 4.05231237e-01 9.16560441e-02 2.33484164e-01 2.06862003e-01 -8.10048431e-02 2.59760976e-01 -1.58645764e-01 3.87804747e-01 -1.90687135e-01 -2.19551027e-01 1.77597255e-01 -1.60322875e-01 -1.59090966e-01 1.00019589e-01 -4.16772008e-01 1.51902527e-01 1.12929404e-01 2.71856487e-01 -1.45448983e-01 2.32495353e-01 -4.76635210e-02 4.25340123e-02 5.84315956e-02 1.49406970e-01 4.38088804e-01 -2.14304507e-01 -7.53474757e-02 -2.52654683e-02 1.41845062e-01 -7.04429448e-02 -7.10233897e-02 2.67335057e-01 -2.75022477e-01 -9.92294699e-02 -2.52691865e-01 8.64836201e-02 5.73012978e-02 -8.60867724e-02 1.15784682e-01 9.85838380e-03 -3.15292329e-01 -1.94861755e-01 2.08881989e-01 -7.45750144e-02 -3.67537662e-02 -4.10435013e-02 4.53314558e-02 -2.75777757e-01 -4.29529510e-02 2.53356576e-01 -1.99972885e-03 -5.66325523e-02 2.35411599e-01 1.17842726e-01 -2.30481207e-01 -3.78656775e-01 -1.49574861e-01 -1.38026923e-01 -4.77673203e-01 2.18775705e-01 4.10767086e-02 -3.45672250e-01 4.48972344e-01 7.36945689e-01 5.78878783e-02 -2.27561593e-01 -2.33118728e-01 -4.97780174e-01 1.70804083e-01 5.09631634e-02 -1.24625014e-02 1.66278198e-01 1.61338866e-01 -3.38172764e-02 -9.14932266e-02 -1.33663610e-01 -4.37700748e-01 -3.08450133e-01 -2.46275127e-01 -6.91342354e-02 -3.37430269e-01 -3.41284990e-01 7.85693824e-02 -5.65871112e-02 1.67403296e-01 2.38494828e-01 4.43411199e-03 -2.53729552e-01 4.26105857e-02 1.21457331e-01 -9.69010815e-02 1.73357558e-02 -8.36067088e-03 1.91308558e-01 3.12360883e-01 1.04076631e-01 6.24590218e-02 3.43119383e-01 4.09246117e-01 3.31324339e-02 2.94587407e-02 1.17124274e-01 3.31767555e-03 3.06578219e-01 2.12625992e-02 2.84931883e-02 -7.44609535e-02 6.55088276e-02 -2.11885080e-01 -8.27451497e-02 1.72636002e-01 1.49356276e-01 -1.26228392e-01 2.04050064e-01 1.69208553e-02 7.52387345e-02 -2.70783693e-01 2.53193408e-01 -2.98593547e-02 2.23315842e-02 -4.31032926e-01 -1.40233919e-01 -8.99372101e-02 3.40104938e-01 -3.55190158e-01 2.72242785e-01 -2.46813491e-01 8.17509890e-02 -1.43350944e-01 2.93815702e-01 1.22228339e-01 -5.92110872e-01 1.79718703e-01 2.33014315e-01 -1.69389725e-01 3.77036743e-02 4.14010584e-01 3.00702691e-01 -6.19463958e-02 -2.86564250e-02 4.16704774e-01 3.29484083e-02 2.02107832e-01 3.27271968e-02 3.84681970e-01 1.72808722e-01 2.68005252e-01 3.95026594e-01 9.99173801e-03 -6.11282773e-02 1.28194198e-01 5.21954536e-01 -1.57597274e-01 1.73045859e-01 4.08888943e-02 -3.36546078e-02 1.13359478e-03 -2.57798851e-01 -9.69953984e-02 -3.08490694e-02 -1.10452980e-01 1.68110505e-01 -1.35932177e-01 -1.75293550e-01 -3.77193280e-02 -4.26671244e-02 -5.97166009e-02 1.63328558e-01 -4.24969554e-01 -5.01224808e-02 -4.17035729e-01 -2.02905923e-01 3.09810907e-01 -1.23394325e-01 3.45137954e-01 -5.89445457e-02 3.24129343e-01 1.75232589e-01 -1.54945239e-01 1.04610182e-01 4.13050473e-01 1.27458617e-01 1.46996573e-01 -2.65071392e-01 7.79367983e-02 1.42700180e-01 -1.82861015e-01 -2.38676876e-01 -1.56229421e-01 3.71536642e-01 -1.10471800e-01 -6.46581948e-02 1.53445885e-01 -2.94938236e-01 -4.89806011e-02 2.34805010e-02 5.62139034e-01 4.57755178e-02 3.58367711e-02 6.76015764e-02 -9.07072276e-02 3.12812239e-01 1.13084167e-01 -4.03854609e-01 -3.12873602e-01 -1.63036346e-01 -2.14213982e-01 2.01333568e-01 -1.64670497e-01 1.32363781e-01 2.26296056e-02 1.41343847e-01 2.69601375e-01 -1.53232232e-01 6.31695539e-02 -2.81122506e-01 -2.74466038e-01 2.38509364e-02 -1.94394276e-01 5.28770611e-02 1.64858341e-01 -2.16007277e-01 -9.06542763e-02 7.86955208e-02 9.80914459e-02 -1.49538904e-01 -3.35584849e-01 1.08604822e-02 -4.25329506e-01 2.59594232e-01 3.52111816e-01 2.67401505e-02 -4.50607166e-02 -2.22519606e-01 2.67175704e-01 -1.61583707e-01 2.07790300e-01 -7.43799955e-02 -2.94605732e-01 -2.75891311e-02 7.48427749e-01 1.24918699e-01 8.63331277e-03 7.40860179e-02 -4.22189832e-02 -3.07573855e-01 -3.67868453e-01 -6.55421987e-02 -1.18137687e-01 3.76188099e-01 9.96766910e-02 1.27744004e-01 9.43183526e-02 4.49291825e-01 -1.85099635e-02 2.61022419e-01 -9.95689780e-02 -8.48150402e-02 -4.07759279e-01 5.49854562e-02 -1.48812681e-01 4.60655764e-02 -1.16129853e-01 1.19887762e-01 -6.90019038e-03 -1.20029747e-01 -2.41278544e-01 -3.39153856e-01 4.35856432e-01 -5.20824338e-04 -2.16282234e-01 6.41825348e-02 -4.58116569e-02 -1.07748963e-01 6.36071488e-02 -3.12757790e-01 -2.10978970e-01 -1.49456756e-02 2.06759766e-01 -2.55745530e-01 -7.06318766e-02 -5.30806184e-01 -3.27929616e-01 -1.74114659e-01 3.78229231e-01 -6.17438601e-03 -1.51025698e-01 -1.01518609e-01 -1.08737737e-01]
"According To All Known Studies On Neuroscience, There Is No Way That A Brain Should Be Able To Spin" active "≡ Item #: SCP-6993 Object Class: Keter/Flor Galana1 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel with Level 2 Clearance and above are to report for bimonthly psychological evaluations and medical checkups to test for the presence of SCP-6993. Personnel affected by SCP-6993 are to be temporarily suspended and put on a monthly 12 hour regimen of full-immersion VR recuperative therapy. Following this, personnel are allowed to return to work, and are to be monitored for anomalous changes to their physiology as a result of SCP-6993. All Foundation personnel are to be monitored for signs of Stage 1 SCP-6993, as well as abnormal increases in nootropic sales from Foundation Site pharmacies. Antinootropic drugs2 are to be periodically used to suppress SCP-6993 within personnel at this stage. Personnel with Stage 2 or Stage 3 SCP-6993 are to be considered irrecoverable, and are to be discreetly terminated in a remote open location. The corpses are only to be recovered after a Laniakea-6993 Event has occurred in all terminated individuals. Description: SCP-6993 is an anomalous psychoneurological condition characterized by abnormal deformation of neuronal and axonal tissue within the brain without any clear origin nor severe detriment to the affected individual that typically accompanies deformation of analogous magnitudes. SCP-6993 can be divided into several stages of advancement. The beginning of a Laniakea-6993 Event is characterized by a spike in gamma radiation emission, real-time deformation of the brain and head, and rapid fluctuation of cognitive ability. The brain of individuals undergoing a Laniakea-6993 Event are observed to emit a broad range of electromagnetic radiation throughout. The Event ends after the brain of the individual undergoes a violent outwards expansion, terminating the individual, if still alive, before recoalescing into a bright, levitating, spinning disc of hot radioactive cerebral tissue and blood, designated SCP-6993-ω. Instances of SCP-6993-ω have been observed to rotate at several hundred km/s without deterioration of its constituent viscera, and maintain an internal temperature between 900,000 to 8,000,000 degrees Kelvin. Shortly after their creation, SCP-6993-ω instances begin accelerating upwards, vaporizing most obstacles in its way before leaving the Earth's atmosphere. The Foundation has thus far failed to contain any SCP-6993-ω instance. While the exact criteria for an individual to develop SCP-6993 is unclear, it has been understood that several factors greatly increase the risk of such an occurrence, including the following; Following extensive testing and observation of control groups, it has been determined that SCP-6993 is unlikely to arise in baseline civilian populations due to the absence of any requirement for the continued ideation of complex and/or esoteric concepts. The presence of SCP-6993 has not been recorded in any known GoIs. SCP-6993 is believed to almost exclusively develop in Foundation personnel as a direct result of the unique cognitive load required for the successful continuation of its directives at desirable efficiency. This has been corroborated by the fact that all recorded instances of SCP-6993 had developed in active Foundation personnel. SCP-6993 has been assigned as Flor Galana Class and Gevurah Disruption Class6, due to the inability of the Foundation to completely contain it without compromising efficiency and effectiveness in the development of containment procedures and general anomalous research. Addendum 6993.01: Dr. Andrew Kaufman was a researcher assigned to SCP-6993, and was promoted to Senior Researcher following numerous contributions to several projects, including the study of SCP-6993, most of which were derived from self-observation. An excerpt from the diary of Dr. Andrew Kaufman is attached. 12/03/20 Another power outage today, Research Wing B. This is the third time in a month, it's a miracle we haven't had a containment breach yet. I write this entry by candlelight as I mourn the demise of our electric w Never mind, the lights are back. Good thing too, positioning my phone flashlight correctly was getting tiring. Back to work. There appears to be an issue with back-up generators 1 to 4, I had the engineers look at it but they tell me they haven't been trained in anomalous adiabatic engineering. I swear to god, the standards we lower ourselves to these days. I will be taking this up with Admin soon. Can't make the theory work. I know how the anomaly works, and how the people affected by it end up, but fuck if I know what happens in the middle. Trent's speculated that the neurons undergo an analogue of Wrighton's Syndrome but I disagree. We haven't seen secondary symptoms, and I call bullshit on labelling it a bootleg Wrighton's for that. I know I'm right on this. I'm so close. 06/04/20 Success! Called Trent out on his bullshit, AND got my working theory accepted for consideration by the very good Project Head Fred. KRT is coming in at 3, looking forward to verify it. Hope the subject doesn't expire before we hook him up to the machine. Can't wait to see Trent's face when I give the demonstration. This may be the greatest work I have written since that one paper that made the Foundation scout me out. Can't let them down now, especially Fred. fuck fuck fuck fuck I made a mistake a massive fucking mistake How the fuck did I miss the arteries???????????FUCK I don't dare show my face in front of Fred anymore. Got called out by him at the KRT demonstration in front of half the neurology dept. A few tiny blood vessels just invalidated 7 months 7 FUCKING MONTHS OF WORK. MY WORK. Not to mention any shred of confidence he has left in my capabilities, I'm sure of it. TRENT the SMUG BASTARD was snickering in the corner I fucking saw him do it. I am seriously considering resigning and hiding in a hole for the rest of my life. Maybe I should go back to John Hopkins, but do they even remember me anymore? Fuck. 18/04/20 Back on my bullshit. Redrafting the theory, this time taking the arterial networks into account wrt deformation. KRT is a huge help and a sore reminder of my hubris. Axonal tissue deformation is consistent with early stage DHCC atrophy. Anterior lateral arteries intact, at least for our patient here. I honestly didn't expect to get anything concrete this quick but I can't argue with the findings. This'll show them all, Fred, Trent, the lot of them. I have confidence in my ability as a neurologist. I can see how everything fits together. The anomaly is different from what we have in our records, deformation is surprisingly consistent from certain angles. It's not random, and it's not a transmissible disease. I can prove it. I must. 25/04/20 Fred reviewed the paper. So far so good, he says. He also dropped an apology for last week's incident. I know he's not actually sorry, I could tell from his intonation. I've heard plenty other lies today. Power outage at Research Wing B again. The engineer that was supposed to be on shift was wheeled out on a stretcher, I suspect she's been affected by 6993 as well. Checked the adiabatic engine myself, apparently she wasn't only fixing up the engine, she was improving it. Honestly I'm impressed with what she's come up with to mitigate the Hawton dissipation effect. It was incomplete, but I did what I could to finish what she started. It's like a puzzle, but sometimes you have to make your own pieces. Everything has become a lot easier to do recently. Can't complain. 01/05/20 Work has caught the eye of the higher-ups. Whether this entails a promotion or suspicion remains to be seen. I've done nothing wrong? Can't explain how I'm blitzing through work, I guess. Got a promotion, now assigned to the main team on 6993. Other concerns have also been confirmed however. They're keeping tabs on me, more than usual at that. In any case, they'll only ever get to see me studying 6993. We're on the right track here. Trent, being Trent, has tried to joke about the CACD vessel complex incident again. Humor based on my pain hubris is undesirable, but I have more important matters at hand. 07/05/20 Splitting headache. I might call in sick today if this keeps up. Aspirin hard to lh thj think can t spek barly wrlte h elp isee a brite melodee i am falling a part how do i do i do i do iiii i I have just recovered from an attack of some sort, neurological in origin. I cannot help but compare this to SCP-6993. I will be looking through files on previous SCP-6993 patients, as well as for some viable countermeasure against the attacks. Most of the records are inaccessible to me. Disappointed, but not surprised. Will dig further into archives. Adderall has proven to be a decent countermeasure. I have retrieved some files on SCP-6993, but only on a small number of Foundation engineers. No connections to each other, the files merely state they developed the condition, as well as recorded symptoms, but it ends there. Going by what I've found, I cannot deny that I have indeed developed SCP-6993. This is a great opportunity. I will be noting down the SCP-6993 effects I experience first-hand as it progresses, and then turn myself in after I'm done with the report. No one needs to know until then. 13/05/20 Compiling a draft with my findings via the KRT and reports on the attacks, but I've reworded them to obscure the fact they are my own. I confess that I feel that assignment to SCP-6993 isn't enough for me. I cannot afford to lose momentum. I have applied for assignment to other projects. It looks like there's still work to do for 6993, because I can no longer see color. 17/05/20 my head unravels around my brain my eyes my ears my sight my eyes i see the star s my stars with in me my sky when i look up i heer my minds eye and it hurt to heer it shine I need to fix this. I can think my way out of this. I have to. The attacks are becoming more frequent and I can't down adderall nearly as fast enough. Dr. Kaufman is believed to have remained alive and fully conscious until his expiration from nootropic overdose. Remote KRT imaging reveals that Dr. Kaufman lost almost all motor function, with the exception of his extraocular muscles, and certain muscles within his left hand. Despite the expiration of Dr. Kaufman, dangerous amounts of radiation continued to be emitted from his head, warranting the removal of his body to an appropriate environment for the facilitation of a Laniakea-6993 Event. Several hand-written documents pertaining to SCP-6993 were discovered within the vicinity of Dr. Kaufman during investigations, reporting the progression of the anomaly and secondary symptoms in great detail, as well as an incomplete theory on the nature of SCP-6993, attached below. SCP-6993 is a peculiar thing, it can augment or hinder cognitive ability without the slightest effect on memory. Testing on subjects has revealed that during periods of low cognitive ability, I subjects still remember memories previously available to them, if not all of them, as granted by the secondary affect of hypernamne hyperanamnesia if the subject has it. Inexplicably, SCP-6993 blocks the successful expression of these memories, as well as knowledge held by the affected subject, generating a façade of cognitive inability. SCP-6993 does not arise as a result of any sort of chemical or hormonal imbalance in the brain, it is a conseqeuence cons c it wants too leav me my brain wants too leav i'll be damned if I have to correct these spelling errors before I finish writing this. It is my belief that SCP-6993 arises as a combination of the exposure of Foundation personnel to the anomalous, as well as the pressure placed on them in their tasks. We are required to think of explanations, containment solutions, testing procedures, there's a limit to the cognitive load we bare beer bear after which shit starts hapening nootropics only work for so long at this point neural activi t acelerrate fast spin faste r we must think clearer ide ate my solution my sky of neurons spins a web of contianment for all that needs it but also me I secndary brian spin generate radeasion THINK ANDY THINK how to STOP EXpANShuN NO I KNOWWHAT IT IS MI MIND IDEA SHINES I KNOW HOW EVER ETHING I M NO T D O NE Y ET i can see my brain from here « SCP-6992 | SCP-6993 | SCP-6994 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6993" by Sidewindered, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 1.65901303e-01 -2.92522579e-01 -1.08092748e-01 -6.85880780e-02 1.16647243e-01 -1.50606319e-01 2.30059728e-01 1.72012389e-01 -8.98600370e-02 2.80961156e-01 1.35086164e-01 2.92548776e-01 -1.00673676e-01 5.58326095e-02 1.24619350e-01 3.98795605e-02 2.78861523e-01 8.45276564e-02 3.12134802e-01 -3.08267593e-01 -1.79701149e-01 -1.77002415e-01 -3.71346444e-01 -2.21050203e-01 -6.54105172e-02 3.60017009e-02 3.51144254e-01 -2.13895123e-02 -1.28629163e-01 -8.55381638e-02 9.82244834e-02 3.01372129e-02 -2.82260440e-02 4.48471040e-01 -1.06581458e-04 5.96439950e-02 2.70910859e-01 5.02532050e-02 -1.69882268e-01 4.26723182e-01 -1.81282505e-01 -1.30197659e-01 -5.86909764e-02 -2.92854190e-01 -2.87672549e-01 -2.55407542e-02 -3.20371166e-02 4.79127556e-01 2.19848052e-01 4.82434444e-02 2.06130192e-01 2.43857712e-01 8.03101510e-02 -2.68508762e-01 -6.19365908e-02 5.96458435e-01 -2.98647821e-01 2.48820886e-01 -1.69025823e-01 1.41991779e-01 -4.28907946e-02 1.10606737e-02 -1.69714855e-03 2.96707861e-02 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3.06916181e-02 2.00711474e-01 1.14406697e-01 -2.62259930e-01 2.22436801e-01 3.46864760e-01 -2.86066473e-01 -3.75012844e-03 2.09515557e-01 -1.78608641e-01 1.12242326e-01 9.55398977e-02 2.02244565e-01 -1.57739475e-01 -1.12943009e-01 3.04500252e-01 -1.63483433e-02 1.04961857e-01 2.65229288e-02 5.75536974e-02 -1.92894012e-01 -2.60575056e-01 -4.13627446e-01 -8.75822380e-02 -5.38612366e-01 -1.56695947e-01 1.11879639e-01 -1.05538428e-01 -1.44820511e-02 2.76919544e-01 1.65130928e-01 -3.53548259e-01 -4.17868316e-01 -2.16595054e-01 1.41758071e-02 1.76521212e-01 -8.70747492e-02 2.84351707e-01 -5.20854536e-03 4.62785065e-01 -4.97535206e-02 -1.99094072e-01 -4.35740322e-01 -1.20677017e-01 -7.16385990e-02 1.01419114e-01 -1.83845833e-02 -5.52363455e-01 1.21446392e-02 -2.89802760e-01 2.89340943e-01 2.12430909e-01 -9.72172841e-02 -2.41271943e-01 -3.48005854e-02 9.04843733e-02 2.91649848e-01 -1.62175164e-01 -2.42435053e-01 -5.21212406e-02 8.68009701e-02 2.30213590e-02 -5.62809594e-02 2.79382825e-01 1.86087832e-01 4.99371499e-01 -2.55260170e-01 4.01254773e-01 1.05957232e-01 1.01378560e-01 9.45211053e-02 -2.41513044e-01 8.91036633e-03 1.48022119e-02 -1.81468561e-01 2.11732879e-01 -9.34661478e-02 3.18067610e-01 -3.24239314e-01 3.34771633e-01 9.05151963e-02 1.19404361e-01 -3.67553353e-01 -8.14349130e-02 1.76478624e-01 2.70025313e-01 -1.15277171e-01 -7.33865723e-02 1.28446773e-01 3.19370061e-01 -1.32223725e-01 2.22758442e-01 -9.58856102e-03 -4.38579395e-02 1.90776363e-01 3.34766626e-01 6.50190040e-02 -6.83805346e-01 -9.11471695e-02 -3.93517539e-02 -5.19200787e-02 -1.57031819e-01 6.17126301e-02 1.42822117e-01 1.72803909e-01 -8.53583515e-02 2.40040287e-01 2.74207294e-01 3.07322890e-01 1.87196344e-01 6.35362208e-01 -1.43641204e-01 1.83051005e-01 5.01337945e-01 4.33156908e-01 3.63377541e-01 7.85954446e-02 2.15111047e-01 -1.55873045e-01 -2.03180220e-02 -1.99158564e-01 3.21604079e-03 -8.20310786e-02 -1.01025552e-01 -2.30389893e-01 -3.07458758e-01 -1.62345856e-01 1.66961730e-01 -1.99681163e-01 -2.67621905e-01 -2.01516852e-01 -1.91052556e-01 8.14485848e-02 -5.30767404e-02 1.84111670e-02 1.44328788e-01 -1.57860339e-01 3.98803890e-01 2.63904743e-02 2.06026256e-01 4.39276069e-01 -8.67135897e-02 6.68830648e-02 4.02913660e-01 -7.89661184e-02 -5.84520288e-02 9.24170613e-02 1.13985553e-01 1.93617363e-02 -9.12229493e-02 2.27400213e-02 1.56322673e-01 -8.64346549e-02 -1.89397827e-01 4.80090864e-02 3.54378223e-01 -1.88753143e-01 -9.12570730e-02 3.09492439e-01 -2.48235136e-01 -1.40553489e-01 -1.01515815e-01 5.79448938e-01 -3.02113686e-02 -1.94223747e-01 -4.17718664e-02 -1.34274974e-01 -4.23379205e-02 -1.20617777e-01 -2.41998345e-01 -2.95072913e-01 -2.70423234e-01 -3.66138428e-01 8.19093958e-02 -1.13474295e-01 1.20707624e-01 -8.71831998e-02 3.62904519e-01 -9.18543860e-02 -3.99324857e-02 2.60117173e-01 1.70024917e-01 -2.08918359e-02 1.65671527e-01 1.29758462e-01 -2.71803886e-01 -4.06350615e-03 2.63005644e-01 5.00432365e-02 2.53380060e-01 -2.25658920e-02 5.97821325e-02 4.85423096e-02 4.73754592e-02 -1.18829340e-01 3.07563767e-02 2.97178984e-01 -1.27401799e-01 1.16525248e-01 -8.67586434e-02 1.67364821e-01 -7.46014863e-02 1.99150741e-01 8.57567415e-02 -2.37694472e-01 -5.89579977e-02 7.35895157e-01 4.60968465e-01 1.71888128e-01 2.94999599e-01 -2.86809385e-01 -5.37994087e-01 -4.32102174e-01 3.30709517e-01 -2.78485000e-01 1.58208817e-01 -8.63125175e-02 3.03624064e-01 2.92189121e-01 4.31489348e-01 1.94028825e-01 -2.11374089e-01 -1.65687636e-01 3.07995111e-01 -1.22116700e-01 -4.53719124e-02 1.23978131e-01 -2.92762928e-02 1.57684786e-03 1.29112944e-01 2.07426641e-02 -1.38789058e-01 -4.23425913e-01 -3.15674275e-01 3.63405347e-01 -9.14090127e-02 -4.91032898e-02 -8.66215229e-02 1.06140606e-01 -3.02464008e-01 -8.30783844e-02 -4.70859975e-01 -1.20458908e-01 -1.34382159e-01 1.15357786e-01 2.74127945e-02 3.27592976e-02 -3.19067031e-01 -1.52670622e-01 -2.06597164e-01 6.62516892e-01 -1.00848489e-01 -2.21898109e-01 -3.63476366e-01 -1.65736768e-04]
"Sins of the Water, Crimes of the Son" active "by Elunerazim Item #: SCP-6994 Object Class: Euclid Explained Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6994 is to be contained in a large aquatic containment cell filled with 33 PPM salinity seawater. No recreation, comfort, or nonessential sustenance is to be given to SCP-6994 under any circumstances. Any SCP-6994 instances showing perceived resistance or malice towards Foundation staff should be executed immediately. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6994-EX is to be monitored in its natural habitat. Members of TF €-7 ("Kings of Crabs") are to stop and redirect any fishing or commercial vessels attempting to enter the area. Description: SCP-6994 is the species Bathynomus basatanus, a form of giant isopod native to the eastern seaboard of the United States and Canada. SCP-6994 bears superficial resemblance to non-anomalous species of giant isopod.1 SCP-6994's biology deviates from other isopods in several key ways. SCP-6994 possess spinnerettes akin to terrestrial spiders, and use them to secrete a viscous and adhesive fluid. SCP-6994 use this fluid to build shelters, "as well as to construct sacs of water to aid in on-shore exploration."2 SCP-6994 also have four large scythe-like forelimbs, similar to mantid terrestrial predators. These forelimbs are used primarily for bursts of locomotion, as well as hunting and defense from predators. Lastly, SCP-6994 possess almost human-like levels of sapience. SCP-6994 utilize a symbol-based communication method, consisting of both written pictograms and in-person symbols and pantomime using their forelimbs. Addendum 1 During construction on a more permanent on-site holding cell for SCP-6994, new fossil records were found in the seafloor surrounding SCP-6994's habitat. Such records indicated that SCP-6994 was non-anomalous, and merely an evolutionary relative of traditional aquatic isopods. These findings were considered dubious by head researcher Geraldo Bannock, who ordered further research on the subject. A pair of divers captured and vivisected an instance of SCP-6994 to ascertain its biological makeup. DNA samples and physical similarities showed SCP-6994 was a direct evolution of ancient isopods, and it was deemed nonanomalous and reclassified as SCP-6994-EX. Incident Report On July 17th, 2020, four swimmers were reported missing at Salisbury Beach, Massachusetts. Following a further search, SCP-6994 spinnerette threads were located along with tracks leading to a SCP-6994 constructed cave approximately 700 meters offshore. The swimmers' bodies were found inside, vivisected via SCP-6994's forelimbs and killed in a manner suggesting care and possible curiosity. Methods used by SCP-6994 appear identical to those used by Foundation agents during their initial dissection. Addendum 2 On May 8th 2021, Geraldo Bannock reclassified SCP-6994 to Keter, citing previously unseen evidence regarding the evolution of SCP-6994. Following this, more stringent containment procedures were enacted, involving frequent cullings and transfer to on-site containment. To: Geraldo Bannock, Senior Researcher From: Odongo Tejani, Ethics Committee Chairman Subject: SCP-6994-EX We've seen the documents you've put forward. The forged crash reports, the dubious containment breaches, the terrible things that these isopods have clearly never done. You want so badly for them to be some XK monsters, Geraldo, but they're not. They're just bugs. Bugs that killed people, sure. Bugs that killed someone who you care about. But they're just bugs. We've all made sacrifices. I know your daughter was on the beach that day, but when we take it out on the anomalies it's too far. We secure and contain the anomalies, but we must also protect them. I'm moving to reclassify SCP-6994 back to -EX. « SCP-6993 | SCP-6994 | SCP-6995 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6994" by Elunerazim, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Image 1 Filename: N/A Name: File:Giant Isopod (18443864634).jpg Author: Eric Kilby License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "An instance of SCP-6994 in captivity"
[ 2.53435314e-01 -2.76421942e-02 -2.71059781e-01 -2.07646079e-02 -1.37776956e-01 -1.56890184e-01 3.32048029e-01 9.87064391e-02 6.80256113e-02 -5.84633462e-02 -1.59617051e-01 -1.18667476e-01 -1.11894481e-01 2.68196613e-02 1.89890102e-01 -1.24374144e-01 9.59994495e-02 2.65484124e-01 2.45940104e-01 -1.67137936e-01 -7.30261728e-02 -1.50481522e-01 -3.53927836e-02 5.90081036e-05 8.56395215e-02 1.98739842e-01 -2.37853010e-03 1.56710714e-01 -1.97650746e-01 -4.84273225e-01 3.72217298e-01 1.85831234e-01 1.53903916e-01 8.25988472e-01 -1.07508713e-04 -2.45567888e-01 -5.57935685e-02 -1.83491316e-02 -8.14763829e-02 1.86416432e-01 -3.73702317e-01 1.05633385e-01 7.29718208e-02 -3.15256387e-01 4.36199494e-02 -1.94207549e-01 -8.59570596e-03 9.10293311e-02 4.45575893e-01 1.68446362e-01 1.75946549e-01 1.76338442e-02 -3.84511575e-02 2.22947150e-01 -1.01622351e-01 5.74997246e-01 -1.30059853e-01 5.27758151e-02 2.06091955e-01 2.76524037e-01 2.09278718e-01 -4.43933904e-02 -3.16174418e-01 -5.66600040e-02 1.06911175e-01 -2.12928876e-01 2.81697273e-01 -3.65643203e-01 1.61917523e-01 3.11082363e-01 2.72768855e-01 1.76420256e-01 -1.02250271e-01 2.41366744e-01 -1.21278860e-01 -9.64881107e-02 5.79803921e-02 4.50910360e-01 -3.59975733e-03 -9.99969468e-02 -1.19520631e-02 2.57512361e-01 -4.78071332e-01 -1.19494675e-02 -1.91444382e-01 4.25747596e-02 -9.19223726e-02 -1.74914032e-01 4.58738655e-02 -5.78575097e-02 -2.49842122e-01 -1.11243129e-01 1.70268178e-01 3.10901165e-01 6.89645335e-02 1.29930124e-01 -1.10578733e-02 2.05005314e-02 -5.25324326e-03 2.36626834e-01 6.54148102e-01 9.26657468e-02 1.14765808e-01 1.61914319e-01 2.15755217e-02 1.00643821e-02 2.74784595e-01 -2.62269154e-02 -2.46868804e-01 3.59590560e-01 -2.37107254e-03 2.44709834e-01 -5.05284294e-02 2.73287177e-01 -8.17090124e-02 -6.25443552e-03 3.41942608e-01 -1.76362887e-01 1.00377195e-01 3.61411601e-01 -3.89518172e-01 -6.14434034e-02 4.28388380e-02 1.35523096e-01 3.64353895e-01 2.50526145e-02 3.29755336e-01 -2.55950034e-01 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1.12762013e-02 -1.80976897e-01 -2.79700071e-01 4.42782372e-01 -2.01119468e-01 3.62601161e-01 -3.86466593e-01 3.36361816e-03 -4.83454257e-01 1.85723841e-01 1.24983601e-01 -7.23626986e-02 -2.77206749e-01 5.28988056e-02 2.22128585e-01 -1.56711936e-02 2.36585662e-01 3.10590684e-01 3.31411928e-01 2.66376734e-01 1.89449087e-01 1.99860260e-01 7.09279254e-02 -5.43207645e-01 2.12606058e-01 5.97064853e-01 -4.50452566e-01 -3.84065688e-01 4.98743169e-02 5.00858761e-02 5.19518368e-02 7.59554729e-02 -8.36028829e-02 -3.27113032e-01 -4.78962123e-01 -1.78195819e-01 7.02159926e-02 3.47478122e-01 -1.69705734e-01 -4.46541123e-02 -4.72501153e-03 8.85320678e-02 3.21820229e-01 2.30602711e-01 2.00254068e-01 -7.53568262e-02 1.73573524e-01 -2.32876211e-01 2.91465789e-01 -1.33017018e-01 5.59328198e-01 4.12019581e-01 -2.02165589e-01 -1.34958565e-01 1.57396421e-02 -9.58097354e-02 7.47882351e-02 5.13503075e-01 2.10317701e-01 -2.23967582e-01 1.19601540e-01 1.40909448e-01 -1.11463584e-01 -2.65230541e-03 -1.03997275e-01 1.45832628e-01 5.68512022e-01 -6.76980093e-02 4.17623341e-01 -1.48976386e-01 -3.13508004e-01 -2.18165860e-01 4.60260928e-01 -3.29903960e-01 1.96483538e-01 4.59426314e-01 1.10542238e+00 -1.15370668e-01 9.54592451e-02 1.49421781e-01 -1.75628603e-01 2.90198594e-01 1.22357812e-02 1.01361208e-01 -5.58140725e-02 -1.71047434e-01 -1.00614808e-01 -2.20530465e-01 7.79737458e-02 9.59429815e-02 -4.58174348e-01 -1.36577874e-01 -3.75672579e-01 8.22387710e-02 1.55325174e-01 -1.16324067e-01 4.65145677e-01 -1.81476418e-02 -1.61587819e-01 2.31895745e-01 -3.60376000e-01 1.03514545e-01 -1.38566211e-01 -1.47843987e-01 -3.63321006e-02 -5.79159185e-02 -1.10947303e-01 1.60519809e-01 -3.53594303e-01 -4.99208234e-02 -2.33174384e-01 7.71151483e-02 -1.08933024e-01 5.90957282e-03 -3.78782183e-01 -3.36598873e-01 -1.79535851e-01 -1.25476122e-01 3.61709058e-01 -6.47536591e-02 1.35770664e-01 -8.91359115e-04 1.60959616e-01 9.17552039e-02 -1.06008865e-01 6.74097762e-02 2.46559680e-02 -2.84650940e-02 -3.14029939e-02 2.73894548e-01 -1.81760877e-01 -1.24162324e-01 1.17383026e-01 -1.22882966e-02 -2.97721207e-01 6.49806559e-02 1.25130340e-01 -5.99788055e-02 -2.99766272e-01 -2.47848302e-01 4.08889502e-02 -2.84396827e-01 -9.21583176e-03 2.32493505e-01 1.29194930e-01 -5.88765107e-02 4.86370400e-02 2.31029078e-01 -1.03426903e-01 -2.76748121e-01 -1.29844368e-01 -4.71406460e-01 -4.34147477e-01 2.54196078e-01 -1.73410222e-01 -5.84148288e-01 9.16422158e-02 3.14099453e-02 2.86740698e-02 -3.29676270e-01 -7.59633705e-02 -5.86422719e-02 -4.14123721e-02 7.56679773e-02 -1.47159487e-01 8.14792439e-02 -1.02880284e-01 3.60397995e-01 -7.99198821e-02 -1.88966870e-01 -3.71781081e-01 -2.03273837e-02 -2.72432953e-01 -1.36702716e-01 9.10146013e-02 -2.89005309e-01 7.55438134e-02 -2.88423281e-02 8.56245607e-02 9.42176506e-02 -3.86101991e-01 -2.13548243e-01 -2.34249473e-01 1.28925189e-01 1.66378282e-02 -1.55617952e-01 -8.21603462e-03 -5.86134382e-02 -8.45046192e-02 1.13420427e-01 1.67020768e-01 1.63361669e-01 2.17962041e-01 1.24471873e-01 -3.38445663e-01 9.37426016e-02 6.55335188e-02 2.37874258e-02 6.52976632e-02 2.47106791e-01 -4.52739522e-02 1.12863660e-01 -2.94831306e-01 6.28659800e-02 3.06420289e-02 2.50049144e-01 -9.90897268e-02 1.48219883e-01 2.62173146e-01 1.70329183e-01 -2.00137690e-01 2.76340902e-01 -8.62310454e-02 1.12133518e-01 -3.56221884e-01 -2.07962841e-02 -4.88560438e-01 2.20599741e-01 5.91192022e-02 -1.09730169e-01 -4.24394980e-02 -4.14541364e-02 -9.47162509e-02 4.47447121e-01 -1.37234107e-01 -3.70039403e-01 1.71049070e-02 9.65348184e-02 6.63530082e-02 3.14497739e-01 4.61694598e-01 4.96038467e-01 -1.75139442e-01 5.28077818e-02 2.40840703e-01 5.84288724e-02 2.03445241e-01 2.06340566e-01 6.77283406e-02 1.06997870e-01 1.10869832e-01 3.32833350e-01 3.20960224e-01 5.69910288e-01 -2.59386688e-01 9.57825556e-02 1.36360377e-01 4.64005083e-01 2.26815313e-01 2.11580610e-03 -6.14311159e-01 -3.94959413e-02 -4.23444986e-01 -1.89806595e-01 -5.24401665e-03 1.46966372e-02 1.18173510e-01 -9.02680829e-02 5.65529242e-02 -2.03486428e-01 4.68791015e-02 1.82757244e-01 -2.20983863e-01 1.88085079e-01 2.51353532e-01 -8.25833827e-02 -5.21228194e-01 1.90316007e-01 2.53953367e-01 -2.04317078e-01 1.85342237e-01 7.25542545e-01 -2.94173062e-01 1.58583835e-01 1.04887858e-01 3.12771231e-01 -4.16441122e-03 -2.33438969e-01 -1.94686338e-01 -3.45906824e-01 -7.26829171e-02 -1.80666953e-01 1.01520188e-01 1.92688331e-01 -1.06940858e-01 -1.88126013e-01 1.12224743e-01 -1.90114766e-01 -2.09125608e-01 1.98407039e-01 3.62071604e-01 -3.90841663e-02 -4.19060290e-02 -3.24578226e-01 6.44765347e-02 1.17282934e-01 7.83603080e-03 -2.03986228e-01 1.99538469e-01 -1.24223404e-01 5.76678589e-02 1.69105262e-01 1.53944835e-01 8.77385885e-02 -1.85190037e-01 3.42134923e-01 -9.07677934e-02 -7.21842796e-02 1.65811360e-01 2.80130982e-01 -1.45187378e-01 3.46925855e-02 1.19396366e-01 -4.66052592e-01 2.40684688e-01 1.41035199e-01 -5.78195080e-02 2.79772997e-01 2.37253215e-02 -2.37366378e-01 5.45191467e-02 -5.57041764e-01 -4.24380153e-01 1.20578423e-01 1.12521634e-01 2.54482806e-01 5.82627282e-02 -1.82093188e-01 -1.35684401e-01 -2.23959967e-01 4.52902354e-02 -1.77793592e-01 -2.44925067e-01 -3.57120037e-01 3.37231159e-01 1.54796571e-01 1.13173768e-01 2.05675170e-01 -5.78649901e-03 -4.89396691e-01 1.91501245e-01 -7.51681700e-02 -3.00850719e-02 2.00654462e-01 -2.46408340e-02 5.38814843e-01 -1.62349269e-01 8.48369077e-02 -1.61788296e-02 2.51196116e-01 2.53335774e-01 -3.05577129e-01 -6.53205097e-01 -4.79265638e-02 -9.02082026e-02 3.09719652e-01 -1.17196791e-01 4.39830720e-01 -9.92702469e-02 -6.38044327e-02 -6.06898330e-02 -2.30204448e-01 7.72090018e-01 -2.05591500e-01 -2.02499732e-01 4.19705249e-02 1.00965157e-01 3.08319747e-01 1.45779565e-01 -6.56213105e-01 4.99356762e-02 -6.63889945e-02 2.19581947e-02 -6.58622682e-01 1.30512550e-01 -3.30804080e-01 -1.42402008e-01 -2.04790905e-02 -8.24613944e-02 -1.29743591e-01 -1.03282042e-01 -1.92381099e-01 3.93833965e-03]
"Cannabincognito" active "Item #: SCP-6995 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: To prevent instances of SCP-6995 from recurring, the Foundation will encourage the legalization and regulation of recreational cannabis throughout the United States via front organizations and covert funding of cannabis legalization initiatives. In the event that SCP-6995 manifests outside the United States in the future, the Foundation will use similar non-anomalous methods to encourage jurisdictions surrounding the manifestation location to legalize and regulate cannabis as well. Foundation agents embedded in the United States cannabis industry are currently monitoring select adult-use dispensaries for recurrences of SCP-6995. Any SCP-6995 instances found are to be confiscated prior to sale. A semi-permanent containment team has been assigned to Ontario, Oregon due to the high volume of SCP-6995 instances that manifest there. Update [24 Jan 2021]: Any SCP-6995 instances sent to Foundation Sites are to be destroyed. Consumption by personnel is prohibited. Description: SCP-6995 is an anomalous strain of cannabis indica that displays antimemetic properties whenever cultivated or consumed in jurisdictions where the possession, consumption and/or cultivation of recreational cannabis is illegal. SCP-6995 takes the form of any number of retail consumer cannabis products (flower, seeds, edibles, vapor pens and cartridges, etc) branded as being produced by the company “Cannabincognito”; all instances are labeled with the strain/flavor name “Cannabincognito OG”. No such company is known to exist in any jurisdiction where medical or recreational cannabis is legal, and the physical location (if any) where SCP-6995 instances are produced has yet to be found. When a person consumes an SCP-6995 instance in any jurisdiction where the act is illegal, the SCP-6995 instance and any byproduct of its consumption (e.g. smoke and vapor) will remain entirely undetectable by all observers. Perception of the subject will be altered via anomalous means to exclude SCP-6995 instaces. Use of non-anomalous smoking materials to consume SCP-6995 instances results in the perception that the subject is consuming tobacco instead. Additionally, SCP-6995 instances display a secondary antimemetic effect that is active at all times; said effect renders SCP-6995 instances undetectable under all circumstances. Although the secondary effect is not as precisely measurable as the first, persons with the following traits are known to be susceptible to it: SCP-6995 instances manifest at adult-use cannabis dispensaries that border jurisdictions where recreational cannabis is illegal. When questioned, employees will claim the products were delivered as part of a recent wholesale purchase but will be unable to recall the details of said purchase. Employees will stock SCP-6995 instances with other similar products, but will display no knowledge of their anomalous properties and will not attempt to compel customers to purchase Cannabincognito products in place of other brands. Locations where Cannabincognito-branded products have been acquired include: Extensive testing has confirmed that SCP-6995 instances display no anomalous properties besides their antimemetic capabilities, with THC strength varying from 20-30% in flower products and 75-95% in concentrated products. No means have been found to prevent instances of SCP-6995 from recurring aside from the legalization of adult-use cannabis sales in jurisdictions that border its manifestation locations. To date, all SCP-6995 instances have ceased to manifest once the dispensaries it appeared in begin to border a jurisdiction where cannabis can be legally purchased. Experimental Data: Addendum: On 19 Jan 2021, a series of containers branded with the Cannabincognito logo arrived at four separate Foundation sites via internal mailing networks. Each contained boxed 1g cartridges of concentrated cannabis, with the logo on the individual boxes replaced with an extended middle finger. Inside each was a note reading “TO THE ASSHOLES STEALING OUR PRODUCT.” Laboratory testing of the cartridges revealed each contained dangerous levels of vitamin E acetate, a cutting agent found in some non-regulated vapor cartridges believed to the primary cause of vaping-associated pulmonary injury (VAPI); all known instances of SCP-6995 purchased at adult-use dispensaries do not contain this alteration. Five cartridges were kept for testing purposes and the remainder were destroyed via incinerator. Containment procedures updated to account for potential Cannabincognito shipments to Foundation sites. « SCP-6994 | SCP-6995 | SCP-6996 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6995" by ObserverSeptember, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[-8.67318362e-02 -7.03945830e-02 -1.48355514e-01 -1.83269650e-01 -1.93781734e-01 -4.03215408e-01 3.02084714e-01 3.18839014e-01 -3.81153822e-02 8.86557251e-02 2.67207116e-01 2.75491357e-01 -1.89380944e-01 4.68302608e-01 3.00042816e-02 3.34336400e-01 1.43059924e-01 1.99229270e-01 1.69937983e-01 -9.69893187e-02 -1.12275131e-01 -7.09785968e-02 -2.79102862e-01 1.65072992e-01 -3.42289627e-01 -1.88917771e-01 3.24857891e-01 -1.45046413e-01 -1.10196806e-01 -3.58641416e-01 2.20677927e-01 3.02695215e-01 -2.07472160e-01 3.82831305e-01 -1.10319699e-04 -1.48349684e-02 4.36976925e-02 4.72945198e-02 -6.82457536e-02 -6.36698678e-02 -3.29517841e-01 -8.23699906e-02 -5.45369610e-02 2.89150197e-02 -1.95639476e-01 -1.28141761e-01 2.55479842e-01 1.64157033e-01 2.38458782e-01 -3.98429036e-02 9.85208675e-02 -3.40868607e-02 9.97824147e-02 -1.96567938e-01 -1.34821221e-01 2.60203332e-01 -3.83361250e-01 4.55165729e-02 4.55823056e-02 -4.62317243e-02 2.06720799e-01 -5.75961219e-03 -4.23634797e-01 -6.69203550e-02 1.40697226e-01 -2.03766450e-01 1.40721515e-01 -1.86137944e-01 1.79035112e-01 3.10677528e-01 1.83943689e-01 -2.35457178e-02 1.04829811e-01 1.31512269e-01 4.65092278e-04 -2.32776068e-02 1.44855246e-01 -1.21405035e-01 -5.07283285e-02 2.21016407e-01 -6.97363392e-02 3.16808492e-01 -3.59205246e-01 -5.81822284e-02 -2.70874202e-01 2.22690940e-01 -1.99958667e-01 1.02870397e-01 3.07749420e-01 -2.49600843e-01 1.72936589e-01 8.67571384e-02 2.78244972e-01 -1.09322369e-01 3.09243705e-02 9.07687321e-02 -3.37615348e-02 3.52145657e-02 2.12007478e-01 2.51109838e-01 4.24655229e-01 2.53153086e-01 8.92080134e-04 3.31074983e-01 -3.31359357e-01 -3.57606113e-02 3.56725633e-01 2.14060217e-01 -1.59131035e-01 8.78400579e-02 -1.96496584e-03 1.83170348e-01 -2.27454975e-01 -1.92869082e-01 -5.17437048e-02 -2.38818645e-01 -1.17777936e-01 -1.80100352e-01 -5.10594130e-01 -1.01079047e-02 -2.97732025e-01 3.32967699e-01 8.79951101e-03 7.45708868e-02 4.41016704e-01 4.64677930e-01 -2.48474646e-02 -6.05739541e-02 1.74303621e-01 7.00295195e-02 -9.31392536e-02 3.07392955e-01 -3.08444977e-01 2.31290475e-01 2.57568896e-01 1.94842055e-01 -7.08326697e-02 -2.02471912e-01 -8.93283486e-02 1.91839505e-02 1.71397299e-01 -1.96200803e-01 6.23274505e-01 5.07107913e-01 -2.50047207e-01 -2.93976456e-01 3.96009609e-02 -2.94385105e-01 -1.17297731e-01 1.95446536e-01 3.40294749e-01 1.35139510e-01 5.18813990e-02 2.05383494e-01 -2.39764005e-01 1.96588095e-02 3.93841654e-01 1.43237621e-01 -1.28611177e-01 -2.26646215e-01 8.11196640e-02 6.67013228e-02 -1.12195998e-01 -2.16065213e-01 4.30133566e-02 4.41807926e-01 -4.14495379e-01 -2.73713082e-01 -2.36033022e-01 -2.22762376e-01 7.25765852e-03 -3.50196436e-02 -1.14042729e-01 2.30290562e-01 9.53615084e-03 2.30211601e-01 -2.42872074e-01 -4.79814783e-02 -3.83195370e-01 -3.69564414e-01 -5.51329315e-01 -3.97169590e-02 3.49148333e-01 -2.54419029e-01 -2.39345521e-01 -2.49298606e-02 -2.83689559e-01 5.53451627e-02 3.78633648e-01 -6.01746559e-01 -3.43952864e-01 -3.48317891e-01 1.21350296e-01 -1.19420644e-02 4.06481028e-02 -5.59925800e-03 9.45009664e-02 -2.19431326e-01 -1.22815147e-01 2.83266425e-01 -2.82693952e-01 3.94313829e-03 1.31922305e-01 1.56443063e-02 -1.32665470e-01 1.12613656e-01 -1.17693901e-01 4.01761979e-02 -2.19404519e-01 2.36319646e-01 -4.88289416e-01 -4.23955679e-01 -3.37959319e-01 2.93088138e-01 -7.61556104e-02 -2.38415554e-01 2.43016168e-01 4.82996821e-01 -1.27648249e-01 -1.98607057e-01 -7.37601817e-02 7.90944993e-02 5.47335088e-01 -1.12049811e-01 -1.59487948e-01 -2.25004107e-01 -9.72547457e-02 -1.91449393e-02 1.72628954e-01 -3.76147553e-02 4.48128700e-01 -1.62533268e-01 2.51839161e-01 4.43449290e-03 -3.82777482e-01 1.50482297e-01 6.40575290e-01 8.15370500e-01 4.50240960e-03 -1.32400572e-01 2.06099048e-01 -2.28908643e-01 -5.33865765e-03 -2.68218070e-01 -1.15110718e-01 4.28831190e-01 1.12593763e-01 -4.78354469e-02 -3.59275252e-01 2.12415218e-01 1.13372348e-01 -3.44157934e-01 2.76315194e-02 -3.81327510e-01 -1.81685075e-01 4.15205270e-01 -4.06500995e-01 2.58350242e-02 2.95522183e-01 3.93982083e-01 7.60484114e-02 -1.50045663e-01 3.01260054e-01 -3.24615866e-01 -1.16052730e-02 -6.05169907e-02 3.95551696e-02 -4.53708358e-02 -8.44148546e-02 -2.02152785e-02 -2.50722151e-02 -1.72473624e-01 1.31529793e-02 -1.24119103e-01 -5.07381260e-02 6.68824241e-02 3.83931577e-01 2.91421652e-01 -2.87861601e-02 -1.94224771e-02 -9.85422879e-02 -4.47184831e-01 1.81258693e-01 -1.66558728e-01 -8.74149054e-02 1.24707282e-01 -3.07814360e-01 -6.56399727e-02 -6.88800812e-02 2.73827374e-01 -2.66474057e-02 -1.63050508e-03 4.98630181e-02 3.01654249e-01 -8.17044545e-03 2.91615218e-01 -1.92242507e-02 4.86033559e-01 -1.07945852e-01 -3.35732281e-01 -2.99916089e-01 1.63955435e-01 -2.89162427e-01 1.81519374e-01 1.17203616e-01 2.35116422e-01 3.34929198e-01 -7.68236890e-02 1.84443876e-01 1.74415872e-01 -2.45485067e-01 2.01709509e-01 6.39511496e-02 9.71290544e-02 1.89161584e-01 1.23386784e-02 -1.86308011e-01 -2.31155038e-01 5.77637441e-02 -7.15242565e-01 9.60889757e-02 -1.27440214e-01 -2.45522425e-01 -3.74484181e-01 -9.59016085e-02 1.31548345e-01 -1.21993437e-01 4.24828008e-02 1.40393436e-01 3.04653883e-01 7.94750080e-02 4.32424963e-01 9.70771536e-02 3.30744356e-01 1.35295942e-01 -2.27054596e-01 -2.08226040e-01 1.13402903e-01 -2.27264054e-02 7.39510804e-02 1.27437204e-01 1.05048893e-02 -2.82740057e-01 2.89596111e-01 3.28970730e-01 -1.81237221e-01 1.27015680e-01 2.84050345e-01 5.58524251e-01 1.22050308e-01 -6.62322879e-01 4.12671804e-01 1.69970155e-01 -2.85550982e-01 -1.74872696e-01 -1.03463307e-01 2.79081110e-02 -3.93665284e-01 2.47371003e-01 6.15930222e-02 -4.60614413e-01 3.79676551e-01 2.42459942e-02 -2.29096666e-01 2.05762144e-02 -2.61183411e-01 4.17880774e-01 1.51050106e-01 3.80262703e-01 2.86738481e-02 2.17223555e-01 2.80726999e-01 -3.76765043e-01 8.81016776e-02 -1.40720069e-01 3.96953113e-02 2.12858431e-03 -1.14633106e-01 -3.78893912e-01 -4.66217063e-02 2.02465996e-01 2.91181326e-01 4.44387972e-01 -1.66375905e-01 -2.19524890e-01 -1.48935154e-01 9.66529176e-02 5.26215658e-02 1.49830177e-01 -1.65400449e-02 -5.83115146e-02 -5.23371339e-01 4.29594159e-01 -6.65293336e-02 2.46279672e-01 -2.72630900e-01 5.03893852e-01 -3.86826634e-01 1.42487390e-02 1.16026923e-01 3.68935503e-02 5.40318966e-01 -5.33313304e-02 2.99614966e-01 6.15081847e-01 3.53921086e-01 6.90819100e-02 -8.29453766e-02 -1.63538799e-01 2.69454032e-01 2.06585795e-01 -2.38336429e-01 -1.46938264e-01 3.77090722e-02 3.52723837e-01 2.41675247e-02 1.01704016e-01 5.21601550e-02 1.42085716e-01 -3.37149590e-01 -2.25523651e-01 -1.45223634e-02 8.37893561e-02 -2.15936542e-01 -2.19513133e-01 -1.32157311e-01 -1.25578493e-01 -7.51018003e-02 1.40046850e-01 3.32985282e-01 7.43872002e-02 -2.01611340e-01 -1.89815372e-01 6.52701735e-01 -1.12331785e-01 3.93725187e-01 1.81113333e-01 4.75811660e-01 -2.95103073e-01 -5.90871610e-02 -3.82690988e-02 -1.12871543e-01 4.12863165e-01 -9.20457393e-02 1.91408306e-01 -1.24766491e-01 -1.05041564e-01 5.74581981e-01 5.26274405e-02 1.92322999e-01 -8.11871514e-02 -8.41228962e-02 -9.40822288e-02 3.89921278e-01 4.60220158e-01 -3.54271948e-01 -1.09448798e-01 -2.02625513e-01 1.00222975e-02 3.19509119e-01 3.81806463e-01 1.31378579e+00 -1.57438051e-02 -1.38375536e-01 -2.80973818e-02 2.06792399e-01 -4.07416606e-03 -1.66380480e-01 -3.87803167e-02 3.66385914e-02 1.28139304e-02 -6.73117191e-02 -2.76453167e-01 3.58589917e-01 4.77488548e-01 -3.15744400e-01 4.88178106e-03 -3.35793108e-01 3.06474954e-01 4.13819313e-01 1.46047780e-02 -6.88740835e-02 1.75700840e-02 4.58420426e-01 2.25745708e-01 7.45950788e-02 2.70483673e-01 -7.72011951e-02 -1.39852732e-01 -1.80720702e-01 1.47590742e-01 -2.96301484e-01 5.27860411e-02 -5.20455539e-01 2.12689251e-01 1.78342685e-02 8.04497972e-02 -1.18832298e-01 -2.92953730e-01 -7.94394091e-02 -1.39972530e-02 -1.24780752e-01 2.53381044e-01 3.51526290e-01 -3.55829895e-01 5.27096391e-02 -1.71233386e-01 3.56163919e-01 -2.10070536e-02 -2.86436558e-01 9.61345620e-03 1.66170925e-01 6.60289973e-02 4.64928970e-02 3.48747000e-02 7.16497362e-01 3.07942796e-02 2.78749734e-01 2.31357440e-01 -4.66703564e-01 -5.51470108e-02 1.67975813e-01 1.12323754e-01 5.87156601e-02 -4.66789082e-02 3.57205011e-02 -1.26848072e-01 -3.89086753e-02 -1.67208966e-02 2.75591344e-01 -1.20288529e-01 -6.89724013e-02 -3.53431433e-01 -1.51654765e-01 -4.23615813e-01 -7.75318518e-02 -2.38419354e-01 -2.52256006e-01 5.84680103e-02 1.29560813e-01 -4.10340756e-01 5.74406572e-02 2.84316808e-01 2.20631614e-01 8.87261033e-02 -3.44277233e-01 -4.40921307e-01 2.26733625e-01 -1.12521194e-01 -2.58168250e-01 2.05290869e-01 6.81884736e-02 4.91069585e-01 -4.39813100e-02 -2.69426525e-01 -3.37086588e-01 -1.84486434e-01 -2.62543410e-01 -9.82131287e-02 -2.84009241e-02 -1.06553845e-01 -2.07964126e-02 -1.59915537e-01 1.75988317e-01 4.26120967e-01 -1.54046156e-02 -1.74739331e-01 1.52763166e-02 1.67110354e-01 -3.79592590e-02 -1.57151535e-01 -3.63837421e-01 1.65491864e-01 3.21782142e-01 -2.76201311e-02 7.54269883e-02 3.48141611e-01 4.36179072e-01 1.01972282e-01 7.21647814e-02 4.23446745e-01 1.87693879e-01 -1.28846601e-01 9.54590812e-02 -6.86264038e-02 1.11747131e-01 2.43873224e-01 -1.59704447e-01 -2.29992606e-02 1.78516265e-02 1.16937310e-01 -6.57018274e-02 2.76095062e-01 1.26519606e-01 -4.93441969e-02 -1.75409496e-01 1.42812476e-01 -2.93446660e-01 3.14672440e-01 -3.74423265e-01 -2.54554190e-02 1.55790120e-01 3.20514679e-01 -2.58539498e-01 -2.25145832e-01 -3.68097842e-01 1.86713282e-02 -1.81119874e-01 1.94149509e-01 3.87054920e-01 -4.11044955e-01 3.05462420e-01 7.03370199e-02 -1.90041631e-01 -5.24540730e-02 3.10149133e-01 2.54086535e-02 -6.75403252e-02 -8.94452482e-02 4.01427060e-01 2.90941536e-01 2.79019803e-01 -5.51477671e-02 8.07931572e-02 1.62979543e-01 -1.50682628e-01 3.50077271e-01 2.51811594e-01 5.48430569e-02 -3.45382988e-01 3.75404477e-01 2.02175919e-02 6.14740610e-01 1.04588427e-01 -2.04807729e-01 -3.26680988e-01 -1.45480484e-01 -4.06712964e-02 -1.53217122e-01 -2.20949017e-02 2.06375539e-01 -1.16644382e-01 -8.37625843e-03 -5.70603073e-01 -2.46019125e-01 9.78535637e-02 1.71508640e-02 -4.50511634e-01 4.05831970e-02 -4.31380987e-01 -1.79679282e-02 1.57253265e-01 2.17804059e-01 5.30900598e-01 -3.09070408e-01 -8.23367089e-02 1.76631436e-01 1.66571677e-01 -1.81566596e-01 2.75205374e-02 2.85704613e-01 -3.91815454e-01 2.00258270e-01 -2.51860201e-01 -5.32253683e-01 -1.31196991e-01 -1.51494190e-01 9.38726217e-02 7.68413097e-02 9.19877291e-02 1.10627068e-02 1.16003305e-01 -1.36437505e-01 -1.22733198e-01 2.03196347e-01 3.05306286e-01 -6.44214973e-02 -3.38276982e-01 -2.60457862e-02 -4.37334955e-01 -3.01408082e-01 1.52654856e-01 -5.36314063e-02 -1.71762243e-01 -1.24641927e-02 -9.94998515e-02 2.74149060e-01 -2.92443722e-01 6.14786819e-02 1.68240905e-01 1.02884978e-01 3.64832170e-02 -1.01547241e-01 3.47717963e-02 -3.33029330e-01 -7.30492920e-02 1.60701931e-01 -1.02774873e-01 -2.86708772e-01 9.68877673e-02 -6.88793957e-02 7.93801323e-02 2.32348710e-01 -9.24562961e-02 1.97793752e-01 2.50582006e-02 -5.48056029e-02 -2.07720876e-01 2.27490172e-01 1.76438496e-01 5.87708130e-03 1.77688584e-01 -2.07855552e-01 1.25492156e-01 -1.80428445e-01 2.06511959e-01 -3.73935521e-01 -4.06966507e-01 -7.18160495e-02 6.91504419e-01 3.68805707e-01 1.98391259e-01 -6.97950721e-02 -1.76356554e-01 4.30760086e-02 -5.98102748e-01 1.96901500e-01 -2.76952654e-01 4.04537976e-01 1.38927072e-01 -4.91159521e-02 1.91196293e-01 5.47071218e-01 2.96907157e-01 -3.28811139e-01 -7.95425847e-02 3.44588682e-02 1.09451665e-02 -3.05538774e-01 -1.13583170e-01 1.72966972e-01 -1.48998767e-01 3.63602072e-01 -7.26239756e-02 -3.34078610e-01 -5.01444414e-02 -1.41199678e-01 3.98789972e-01 1.46386772e-02 -1.06208853e-01 2.60453254e-01 2.45775245e-02 -5.18447720e-02 7.89523870e-02 -1.84988067e-01 -1.42502919e-01 1.03399768e-01 9.82675776e-02 4.12867405e-02 -9.00532752e-02 -3.19805503e-01 -1.83119312e-01 -1.94001600e-01 3.65474582e-01 -1.57204270e-02 -4.74357754e-02 -1.83657736e-01 -1.11971237e-01]
"Does the Red Moon Howl?" active "Check out my other pages on my author profile! ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. Special Containment Procedures: All objects in the SCP database are to be monitored for existing or future connections to SCP-6996. Of particular interest are correlations to an increase in anomalous intensity. All identified objects are to be classified according to the SCP-6996 taxonomy and monitored for potential developments. There are currently no known methods of limiting SCP-6996's influence. Research into establishing said methods is of the highest priority. Misinformation campaigns are to discredit any civilian research relating to SCP-6996's emotional effect, denigrating it as pseudoscience. Description: SCP-6996 is the color Red. A color from the spectrum of visible light, SCP-6996 and its various shades have an approximate wavelength of between 625 and 700 nanometers, and an approximate frequency of 400 to 480 terahertz. SCP-6996 displays an ability to elicit anomalously strong emotional reactions from those who observe it. When controlling for social conditioning and idiosyncratic factors, Foundation laboratory testing has shown that exposure to SCP-6996 can result in significantly higher levels of anger, aggression, libido, anxiousness, or arrogance. In addition to this, routine statistical analysis of the Foundation database revealed SCP-6996 is significantly associated with a disproportionately large percentage of anomalies. Whilst no link between the majority of these anomalies has been discovered, the overrepresentation of SCP-6996 is statistically improbable. A selection of these objects demonstrate a correlation between their anomalous traits and SCP-6996. SCP-6996 related anomalies have been categorised into a taxonomy comprised of three thematic elements: Violence, Blood, and Power. An example of anomalies linked to SCP-6996 include: Upon initial discovery, the entities' skin was translucent and colorless, with their behavior far more docile than detailed in current documentation. Audio imitation was limited to ambient noise and animal sounds, with claw and teeth size significantly reduced from present measurements. After several months in containment1, SCP-939 instances were found to have developed their current physiology, the ability to imitate human speech, and their skin had taken on a shade of SCP-6996. These changes occurred concurrently in uncontained entities. Whilst performance of On Mount Golgotha invariably results in an audible "disagreeable cacophony", individuals affected by chromesthesia2 report a much different experience. Performance results in the synesthetic listener experiencing a visualisation of complex, non-Euclidian patterns in various shades of SCP-6996. In contrary to most testing, these subjects have found listening to the musical piece a pleasurable experience; subjects commonly compliment its complexity and beauty. Frequent exposure results in the development of deuteranopia color-blindness,3 and closed-eye hallucinations reminiscent of the visualisations experienced whilst listening to the piece. Initial investigation into SCP-6996 uncovered a large number of references in various thaumaturgical and religious texts. The significance of this has yet to be established: Written by Marguerite Sprenger, circa 1510. This is the first recorded mention of the text in contemporary records, yet no publication records exist. Investigations are ongoing into a potential connection to "Margaret the Magnificent", a figure mentioned in The Wanderers' Library folklore. Question XII: Of all energies, which bestows the greatest gift upon the user? Reader, your mind likely wanders to contemplate the Prime Four Elements. When considering the connate powers of the Prime Four Elements, the unbridled strength and destructive potential of the Fire cannot be understated. One must exercise the utmost care in its handling, but properly controlled, the Element can be manipulated to devastating means. The Fire gifts utility in addition — a blazing light to guide thy way, heat to warm thy body, cook thy sustenance, or purify thy wounds. The Fire possesses both destructive and protective peculiarities. We know of a witch in Augsburg who, through proficiency of the Fire, did survive when bound to a pyre and set alight. Her mastery was such that those in attendance did stand back in awe, and later did inquire onto our ways due to the demonstration of power. Alas, her proficiency was not strong enough to melt the papal swords which swiftly fell upon her neck. Objection: Here it is noted that limiting our discussion to the Prime Four Elements precludes the nature power innate to all beings. I speak of the Four Humors which runneth in our bodies. Whilst all are essential to our health, it be Sanguine through which life itself is begot. The Blood does carry the soul itself (if one is still in possession of it), and embalms the most venerated of our internals, the heart. Sanguine is prime at the adolescence of life, where one is most full of vigour and potency. Practitioners of the Sanguine Arts are often known to induce copulation amongst lovers unable to sanctify their relationship, through the use of direct remedy or a Succubus or Incubus as intermediary. They handle the very energy of life itself, and all childs begotten through such rituals are gifted a natural affinity for the magical arts themselves. Those practitioners are often imbued with a rosy hue in the cheeks, as the magic saturates the blood. Solution: Therefore we make the following proposition. We uncover the shared ground between the Fire and the Sanguine — The Red. The Red is the colour of Sanguine passion, and the colour of the Humor itself. The Red is the colour of the Fire's flames and fury. As we discussed in the prior question, all magic is based on a negotiation. It gives with one hand, whilst it takes with the other. Yet The Red is an energy so innate and eternal to us that it offers freely, not through bargain. The mastery of such an ancient and elusive art is not easy to accomplish, but shall always be available for those who wish to seek it. For The Red was present at the beginning. And The Red shall be present at the end. Genesis 2:5-7 "All the wild shrubs did not yet exist on the earth, and all the wild plants had not yet sprouted. This was because God had not brought rain on the earth, and there was no man to work the ground. A mist rose up from the earth, and it watered the entire surface of the ground. God formed man out of dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils a breath of life. Man [thus] became a living creature." Notes: In Hebrew, the name Adam, אדם, is derived from דם, blood. Words derived from אדם include אדמה, meaning ground, and אדום, red, which links all aforementioned words. In the above extract, Adam (אדם), 'red' man, is formed from "dust of the ground" (עָפָר מִן-הָאֲדָמָה), 'red' ground. Taken from p526 of SCP-140. Pages 517 through 895 are written in human blood. From the (Red/Blood) we come To the (Red/Blood) we go It is the (Spirit/Creator/Builder)'s (plan/dominance) We beseech ourselves to march with the (Fire/Red/Wrath) in our (soul/heart) We deliver to the daeva (glory/victory) Investigations are ongoing. SCP-6996 Additional Information: SCP-6996 is believed to be linked to the deaths and severe injuries of numerous Foundation employees. A bright, SCP-6996 colored light, with no apparent source has been observed at various incidents of the aforementioned nature. Examination of the sites of these luminescence, where possible, has shown Hume level residue indicative of extreme fluctuations in reality. An abridged log of these instances is outlined below: This, in conjunction with the aforementioned object links, leads to the hypothesis that SCP-6996 represents an intrusive and malignant threat to both the Foundation and baseline reality. A potential cause for the Hume level variation at sites of SCP-6996 manifestations would be a direct, intrusive action originating from an extradimensional space. As part of investigatory efforts into SCP-6996, Project: SPECTRUM was proposed. Extract from Proposal Abstract: Through the measurement of Hume displacement in SCP-6996 intrusion areas, the Department of Extradimensional Studies believe they have triangulated the source universe of the anomaly. Through use of the Department's prototype extradimensional transporter, it is proposed an agent is sent to this source universe for intelligence gathering on the anomaly and, if the possibility arises, its neutralisation. By a vote of 13 to 0, SPECTRUM was approved by the O5 Council. A log of the exploration follows: PROJECT SPECTRUM: PART I Foreword: Due to an exemplary service record and previous experience of both hostile anomalies and solo excursions into unknown environments, Agent Ava Cervantes was selected as the most viable candidate for SPECTRUM. Cervantes was equipped with an AISS4 and ocular camera implants. [Agent Cervantes is situated in the extradimensional transporter. The passenger unit is cylindrical in shape and built to Cervantes' dimensions. The unit sits in the center of a mass of machinery. Tubes and thick wiring snake down through the room's flooring, leading to below-ground generators.] Command: Agent Cervantes, we'll shortly initiate the transportation process. Whilst we are hopeful we'll receive the output from your surveillance equipment, it's unlikely communication channels between us will function. [Command pauses.] Command: We don't know what you'll find in there, Agent. Stay alert, stay cautious. Cervantes: Understood. I'm ready. [Command initiates the transportation procedure, calibrating the aim to the calculated wavelength. A cacophony of noise erupts from the machinery. The passenger unit begins to intermittently glow. As the noise grows more intense, so too does the luminescence and frequency of the glowing.] [Agent Cervantes' breathing grows more rapid, as the chamber heats up.] [The glowing continues to intensify, and begins to take on a red hue. A final burst of bright, red light occurs, and Agent Cervantes vanishes from the chamber.] Cervantes: What… [After a few moments of static, the ocular implants come online and begin transmitting. Agent Cervantes finds herself in an environment composed entirely of shades of SCP-6996, with the occasional flourish of white or black. Looking forward, Cervantes appears to be in an immense corridor, stretching into the distance beyond the horizon point.] Cervantes: This is breath-taking. [The colors comprising the boundaries surrounding Cervantes are in constant flux. Different shades of SCP-6996 oscillate towards and away from Cervantes, growing and fading in luminescence. The corridor boundary is translucent; vague, ambiguous shapes can only just be discerned floating on the other side. Cervantes turns around, surveying her surroundings.] Cervantes: Woah, I- [She gags, then leans forward and steadies herself against the glowing, red floor.] Cervantes: I'm okay. Just motion sickness. [After standing back up, Agent Cervantes rotates 180 degrees, yet the corridor remains directly in front of her.] Cervantes: Command, I hope you're receiving this. It looks like the Northern Lights, but entirely composed of shades of red. Suit readings are normal — atmosphere seems similar to our own, although I'm not going to risk removing my helmet just yet. The dimensions aren't quite right. Every slight turn throws me completely around. If I try to move side to side… [She steps to her left; the view remains the same. She steps to her right; there is still no change.] Cervantes: I don't seem to go anywhere. Which only leaves… [Cervantes takes a step along the corridor.] Cervantes: Forward. [Cervantes continues onwards for 10 minutes; the corridor continues, no end in sight.] Cervantes: No sign of any forces, hostile or otherwise, so far. There's something happening on the exterior of this space though, I can see shapes, movement. Something's out there. I don't know what. [Cervantes continues onwards. A distance tracker built into the suit reports a reading of 0m travelled. Whether Cervantes is moving through the corridor, or if the corridor is moving around her, is unclear.] Cervantes: The outside environment seems to be getting lighter, I think…Mom? [Cervantes gazes to the right, at the membrane. Visible through it is a woman sat in a hospital bed. A man stands besides her, gazing down at a baby the woman is cradling. The whole scene is tinted red through the membrane. The swirling red of the boundary occasionally obfuscates details of the scene.] [For a moment, Agent Cervantes does not respond. She tries to step to the right, then walks, then breaks into a sprint, in an attempt to press herself against the membrane for a closer view.] Cervantes: Command, I- [Her voice cracks, followed by a deliberate cough.] Cervantes: Command, the environment is becoming visible through the corridor membrane. It's showing —it's showing my parents. I don't know why it's doing this. It could be a diversion tactic, a psychological play. Let me continue onwards. [Cervantes remains in place for a moment, before progressing. She walks on for another 7 minutes, before stopping once more. She looks through the corridor boundary once more: a child, approximately 3-4 years old, sits on a picnic blanket eating strawberries. A playground and trees are visible in the background.] Cervantes: It's showing me…me. I remember this. I think? It could be I remember remembering this day. That doesn't affect how I feel about the memory. It was my brother's 2nd birthday. We went to the park at the end of our road. Dad lost his job just before Christmas, so we didn't have much. I ate so many strawberries, Mom told me I was in danger of turning into one. It was a good day. [20 seconds of silence elapse.] Cervantes: I don't know why this is here. It's potentially in my head, reading my thoughts and memories. [Cervantes turns away and walks onwards, stopping at the next scene. A child stands in a doorway, waving.] Cervantes: First day at school. I know most kids dread it, but I was so excited. Dad dropped me off and I practically sprinted in. [The scene expands, showing more of the school and schoolyard. The child can be seen waving at a woman who waves back with one hand, and wipes tears from her eyes with the other.] Cervantes: I, I swore it was Dad that dropped me off. [Over the next 110 minutes, Cervantes progresses through the corridor. She narrates the various scenes from her life displayed along the way: making her first friend, birthday parties, school lessons. Playground arguments, invitation snubs, detentions.] Cervantes: I'm unclear why I'm being shown this. Command, I, I can't do anything but keep going forward. [Cervantes moves on, arriving at the next scene after 10 minutes. Her child-self sits in a church pew, next to her brother and father. All three wear black clothing and are crying.] [She takes a single step. The scene changes: back at their home, the child, still dressed in black, lays on her bed alone. She stares silently at the ceiling. Her father enters the room and sits beside her, before extending a hand. The father offers her child a bowl of strawberries.] [Cervantes pauses here for 5 minutes, before progressing. The scenes change, showing memories from childhood, then progressing into adolescence.] Cervantes: My first kiss. [Two teenagers sit adjacent to each other in cinema seats.] Cervantes: He tried the yawn trick, but got nervous halfway through and pulled his arm back. So I waited till he went to grab some popcorn, and did the same. Met his hand in the box. I was 15, we broke up three weeks afterwards but it was nice, for what it was. [Over the next three hours, Agent Cervantes makes her way down the corridor. As she does so, various scenes from her life are shown through the membrane: graduating high school, enlisting in the military, her first tour of duty. Being recruited to the Foundation. Throughout all of these, Cervantes offers commentary and her own recollections of the scenes shown. For some scenes, her recollection and what is depicted through the membrane differ.] Cervantes: We should shortly be arriving at my first mission. It was a simple one, but I can't complain about not being thrown in the deep end. SCP-5889 caused a driver in downtown Orlando to crash their car and run through the streets shrieking. Simple locate, amnesticise, release. [After 4 minutes, Agent Cervantes happens upon a scene depicting what she described.] Cervantes: Told you — if you're even still there. They say you never forget your first mission, and I mainly remember how simple this one was. One of the other team members actually complained on the way back that- [Cervantes stops midsentence. The scene begins to oscillate, then fracture, before suddenly disappearing entirely. It is replaced by another. Agent Cervantes and her MTF rush down a street in an unidentified location, weapons drawn.] Cervantes: I, I don't know what this is. [In the scene, Cervantes aims her weapon and opens fire on a large crustacean-like entity ahead of her. It screeches, then charges at her. She dives out the way at the last moment, and it collides with the wall. Similar entities are observed approaching the team.] [Cervantes attempts to step back from the edge of the corridor; due to its dimensional properties, she remains in place.] Cervantes: I don't recognise this at all. I don't recognise this mission, that place, those creatures. [The scene jolts upwards, disappearing from view, and is replaced by the original scene in Orlando.] Cervantes: I've never been amnesticised — I don't think I have. [Without warning, a kaleidoscope of different scenes appear at all angles around the outside of the corridor. Cervantes' eyes flick between them.] Cervantes: I… I'm not sure what's going on here, Command. [She keeps moving forward. As she does, it is no longer a single scene displayed through the corridor's membrane, but a myriad of shifting, sometimes contradictory, events.] Cervantes: This I recognise. I was given the opportunity to transfer to Site-43 for a year, or stay based in the Southern States on fieldwork. I went with the former; they were looking for someone to review their Site security policies and protocols. It was a chance to try something different. [Through the corridor membrane, Cervantes can be seen talking to a Site Director in their office.] Cervantes: I was conflicted though. I didn't know how easily I'd transition back to the MTF at the end of the year, whether I'd still have the skills and stomach for it. [Variations of the scene in question are shown numerous times at different points around the corridor. Some are identical, some have differences; subtle changes to the furniture, Cervantes' appearance is inconsistent, or the Site Director is a different person entirely.] [Cervantes walks on. The scenes change to show her time at Site-43, with one exception, which she stops to observe.] [Cervantes, and the MTF seen in earlier scenes, traverse through a forest terrain. It is night time. They approach a cave, nestled in a thicket, in formation. Without warning, a turquoise Ford Anglia car accelerates at speed from the cave, directly at the MTF. ] [The team break formation and dive out the way, narrowly avoiding the car. The latter handbrake turns hard, taking shelter behind a row of trees, avoiding the salvo unleashed by the MTF.] [A human hand protrudes from the driver's window; Agent Cervantes raises her weapon and takes aim. The screeching of an engine grows louder.] [Another vehicle, identical bar its red paint job, approaches the MTF at speed from the opposite direction. Agent Cervantes realises this too late, and the car makes direct impact with her.] [She is thrown into the air, and lands with a wet crunch.] [The scene begins to fade away, and is replaced by a solid block of red coloration.] Cervantes: I- [Cervantes begins to run, full speed, down the corridor. Scenes fly past, often indiscernible due to her movement. She slows down occasionally to catch her breath, before resuming her sprint.] [After several hours, the scenes displayed through the corridor membrane begin to gain luminance, and become more uniform in what they depict. They show Agent Cervantes being approached regarding Project Spectrum and SCP-6996, her training for the mission, and her boarding the extradimensional transporter.] Cervantes: I think there's an end. I think the corridor has an end! [Any deviation between scenes disappears when they begin to display Cervantes' arrival in, and progression down, the corridor. The corridor membrane appears to grow thinner; the scenes have more clarity, but are still colored red.] Cervantes: There's definitely an end — there's a mass, a glut, of red in the distance. I don't know what it is, but it's something. [The scenes progress quicker than Cervantes progresses down the corridor, eventually becoming in sync with her movements, displaying her life in real time. She diverts her gaze to the left, looking at a scene of herself also gazing left.] [She then diverts her gaze to the right, at another scene of herself. This facsimile, however, gazes left, making directly eye contact with Agent Cervantes. The latter hurriedly returns her gaze forward, and keeps moving.] Cervantes: I'm here, Command. I'm at the end. [Agent Cervantes stands in place, surrounded by scenes of her doing so. In front of her, the corridor's walls coalesce into a single point. A mass of swirling, red matter, metres high, is situated at this point.] [She raises her arm and reaches forward. Her hand slips into the matter, causing the surrounding area to ripple. Withdrawing her hand a moment later causes the same.] Cervantes: The only way is forward. [Cervantes steps forward, submerging herself in the matter. She exits the corridor.] [The ocular implants adjust as Agent Cervantes enters a space devoid of any light. She gasps, as her feet fail to find footing. She begins to fall downwards through the darkness.] PROJECT SPECTRUM: PART II [Agent Cervantes falls through nothingness for a period of 4 minutes. Her breathing is the only sound that can be heard.] [She abruptly halts mid-fall, and appears to land on a surface — though none is visible. She stands, and checks herself and the suit for any damage. Despite the length of her fall, she is uninjured.] Cervantes: Command, I hope you're still hearing me. I've entered a new space, one in which I seem to be able to move more freely. [She turns on the suit's light; the light does little to illuminate her surroundings, dark is all that can be seen. She surveys the area, turning in a circle.] Cervantes: Doesn't seem to be anyth- [Agent Cervantes halts midsentence. As she completes her circle, a large object has now appeared in her field of vision. A large orb, glowing bright red and comprised of matter of the same color, can be seen in the distance.] Cervantes: Command, I've encountered… something. I don't know what. It's huge and spherical, and, no surprises here, red. It's the deepest, darkest red I've even seen. It, it hurts to look at. [The orb levitates, suspended in the air. It appears to be comprised of some form of liquid, which constantly drips from its base; despite this, the orb seems to lose no mass. Upon hitting the floor, the liquid dissipates in a red haze.] [Cervantes begins to move forward, and draws her Ω-5 Energy Rifle from her suit.] Cervantes: Commencing engagement. [Without warning, it begins to pulsate and a sound is heard.] Unknown: Ava. [Cervantes raises her rifle.] Unknown: Welcome. [The orb's pulsating speeds up, and it abruptly swells, its liquid form shooting into the air and forming a shape. The entirety of the nothingness is bathed in red light, as the orb transforms into the shape of a bird.] Unknown: Why have you travelled here? [Cervantes presses down on the trigger, and a beam of light fires from the end of her rifle. It collides with the orb and ricochets away, evaporating into the darkness.] Cervantes: I've seen what you've done. The pain you've caused. I don't know what the trick with the corridor was, but it hasn't worked. Unknown: Pain? Cervantes: The Red, running through death and destruction. At torture, at maiming. Unknown: We were there. Yet, we did not cause it. Cervantes: What do you mean? Unknown: You have not seen the whole. There was one small fraction gleaned, which you decided was the truth. It is a very human thing to do. [The orb stretches upwards, taking the form of a many-legged arthropod.] Cervantes: Then tell me, tell me what I missed. Unknown: We shall not tell you, as we can show you. [The entire environment is rapidly enveloped in red. Distinct images and scenes begin to flash in front of Agent Cervantes' eyes.] [Two individuals kiss underneath a wedding arch on a rainy day.] [A bottle of red wine is poured at a merry table.] [A petal is picked from a rose.] [An umbilical chord is snipped.] [A blushing face smiles.] [Hands meet in a red popcorn box.] [A bowl of strawberries.] [The red fades; Agent Cervantes returns to the previous environment. The orb is still present.] Unknown: Red is pain. Red is sorrow. But Red is love. Red is joy. Above all, Red is passion. You, your Foundation, were so preoccupied with the pain it blinded you. Hurt was all you could see. All you could focus on. [The orb elongates, and takes on the appearance of a fish. It begins to swim around the space, and around Agent Cervantes. Agent Cervantes has lowered her weapon.] Agent Cervantes: What are you? Unknown: You are not returning home. [Agent Cervantes is silent.] Unknown: You know this. Cervantes: I… what's your point? Unknown: You asked why your entry here was encompassed by your life. It was you because it was you. Had another come, it would have shown them them. But it was you. Cervantes: That doesn't answer my question. Unknown: You are not returning home. Does that make you wish you had no home to return to? Cervantes: Of course not! [The orb changes form again, moulding into a musical symbol, before returning to a spherical appearance.] Unknown: All moments of passion, of significance, are worthwhile. All must be archived, must be observed, must be commemorated. Without the bad, one cannot truly appreciate the good. This is what we were trying to show you. That is our role. We archive all things that have and all things that could have been. That is what you saw in the corridor. You, all of you, have Red intrinsic to you. [The orb erupts into an intense, bright light. Agent Cervantes stares down at her body, holding her hands up. Through the suit, a warm, red glow can be seen, particularly surrounding her heart.] Unknown: You will not return home. Yet your life, your Red, was and is still worthwhile. [Agent Cervantes does not respond for some time. The dark surroundings begin to glow a soft red.] Cervantes: I am not going home. Unknown: You are not. Yet, you may stay here. Cervantes: What will become of me? [The glowing continues to intensify.] Unknown: We do not know. We cannot see what has not yet been lived. But you may sit. And watch. And observe too. Cervantes: I'm slightly scared, I think. Unknown: You need not be. For it is not the destination… Cervantes: It is the journey which matters. [It is now difficult to discern the orb from the red environment. All readings from Agent Cervantes' suit are normal.] Unknown: Do you know what you would like to see first? Cervantes: I think I might… [Agent Cervantes gazes down at her hands. Through the ever increasing red, the shape of a strawberry can be seen in her open palm.] Last image transmitted from Agent Cervantes's communication device. [[SIGNAL LOST]] « SCP-6995 | SCP-6996 | SCP-6997 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6996" by Dysadron, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: cinema Derivative of: movie theater Author: GremlinGroup License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Name: movie theater Author: Joel Kramer License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Name: corridor3 Derivative of: Equine_heart_(mixed_breed), NGC2413_-_SDSS_DR14_(panorama) Author: GremlinGroup License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Name: Equine_heart_(mixed_breed) Author: Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP / Wagner Souza e Silva License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Name:NGC2413_-_SDSS_DR14_(panorama) Author: Sloan Digital Sky Survey License: CC 4.0 Source Link: Name: forest Derivative of: 1547635 Author: GremlinGroup License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Name: 1547635 Author: pxhere License: Public Domain Source Link: Name: Gradient2 Author: Dysadron License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Name: RED Author: Dysadron License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Name: site Derivative of: Hewlett Foundation office building, interior Author: GremlinGroup License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Name: Hewlett Foundation office building, interior Author: Frank Schulenburg License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Source Link:,_interior.jpg Name: strawberry Derivative of: Fresh Strawberries in a Ceramic Bowl Author: GremlinGroup License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Name: Fresh Strawberries in a Ceramic Bowl Author: Marco Verch License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Name: ORB.jpg Author: Valdevia License: CC-BY-SA Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-6996. Image captured by surveillance equipment. Image captured by surveillance equipment. Image captured by surveillance equipment. Image captured by surveillance equipment. Image captured by surveillance equipment."
[ 2.53903180e-01 -1.38134018e-01 -1.51642635e-01 -1.82331607e-01 -1.27245963e-01 -3.44640225e-01 6.11740202e-02 1.32461801e-01 -8.01828802e-02 1.90497324e-01 4.15739864e-02 1.70560747e-01 -2.45221600e-01 -2.70488203e-01 -6.56063333e-02 3.61285269e-01 2.69237578e-01 1.18964918e-01 5.54925978e-01 -3.32312763e-01 -3.02771211e-01 -1.68796908e-02 -2.87736151e-02 2.39811651e-02 -2.89829612e-01 1.86523899e-01 3.33356932e-02 2.20529646e-01 -2.05676273e-01 -1.61785394e-01 -2.50447146e-03 5.60790718e-01 -6.42870963e-02 3.89909148e-01 -1.03410006e-04 -3.02744687e-01 1.47014230e-01 2.26601474e-02 2.35573366e-01 1.14505082e-01 -1.34420082e-01 -2.41826884e-02 -4.49844487e-02 -1.99159309e-01 1.26659423e-01 3.07642855e-02 1.99995890e-01 4.00362283e-01 4.00922090e-01 1.87625855e-01 2.00707123e-01 6.56065866e-02 -1.06999017e-01 6.09669555e-03 6.17666729e-02 7.98464477e-01 -9.10921991e-02 2.09550443e-03 2.98509508e-01 -1.54601306e-01 -2.80474871e-01 -1.17562182e-01 -7.92177245e-02 -8.76857527e-03 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3.36666793e-01 1.41350478e-01 -2.73774005e-02 -1.07382491e-01 3.20867747e-01 -1.04013979e-01 4.36281562e-01 7.54298493e-02 -2.64444590e-01 5.63003980e-02 3.74148041e-01 1.31746503e-02 -1.45490125e-01 -1.63106471e-01 9.69689190e-02 8.94400664e-03 2.33691260e-01 3.21533442e-01 -3.26532304e-01 -1.40564963e-01 -1.19974501e-01 1.01211987e-01 7.87854493e-02 -6.84557796e-01 2.15150297e-01 3.27764571e-01 -5.74362315e-02 -1.74960047e-01 -3.14123333e-01 1.05488211e-01 -1.30855680e-01 -1.45993844e-01 -1.50040790e-01 -1.64718349e-02 -1.50626600e-01 -1.63018033e-01 1.38737306e-01 1.84853464e-01 -1.10165449e-02 1.57018960e-01 9.29127634e-02 1.07345283e-02 -3.33403051e-01 2.50194043e-01 3.71032566e-01 5.29990077e-01 -2.05560699e-02 -1.77899990e-02 6.50821030e-02 2.24864170e-01 1.21531591e-01 8.38816091e-02 -1.88711286e-01 2.85969466e-01 4.03165966e-01 -4.95124906e-02 -1.49289653e-01 -1.28806114e-01 1.25546709e-01 -8.34332556e-02 -2.82907426e-01 -9.82035473e-02 2.83256710e-01 3.49074185e-01 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-2.09773511e-01 -1.39020488e-01 6.28228039e-02 -2.03424603e-01 -1.02368638e-01 -3.34124565e-02 1.33176073e-01 -3.51111174e-01 1.93489119e-01 -1.15302458e-01 1.68053627e-01 9.07789320e-02 1.59826592e-01 3.47208411e-01 -2.82126427e-01 -2.27131903e-01 -1.35868102e-01 -1.65575296e-01 2.96722084e-01 -7.39166439e-02 6.54660091e-02 5.82079813e-02 -2.07355484e-01 7.85295814e-02 4.38547283e-02 -2.37112880e-01 -6.93699062e-01 -2.09468473e-02 3.21238488e-01 2.67225094e-02 -1.49453536e-01 2.17252403e-01 1.99889168e-01 -4.40425903e-01 7.35976771e-02 -3.27554256e-01 5.47668040e-02 2.28603572e-01 3.49584609e-01 -3.29978764e-01 -1.69538990e-01 7.26523325e-02 2.29004517e-01 -2.13652283e-01 -4.12545092e-02 -2.20356598e-01 4.24438924e-01 9.35723037e-02 5.33005476e-01 -9.39253345e-02 4.60253984e-01 -8.51348937e-02 -2.93165118e-01 3.52101773e-01 8.64718184e-02 1.34851351e-01 7.36510232e-02 -4.56253856e-01 -3.72302718e-02 -2.83430368e-01 -9.78446081e-02 5.38450480e-01 3.93813521e-01 -1.92038372e-01 -2.02234656e-01 1.83856323e-01 4.66032512e-02 -2.63627823e-02 3.61106619e-02 -9.91591215e-02 7.72718415e-02 -7.19454110e-01 4.35965300e-01 2.43379865e-02 1.35985553e-01 8.80222023e-02 2.33549818e-01 -5.26466109e-02 -8.63658413e-02 1.71575770e-01 -9.97172371e-02 6.83480442e-01 3.19533706e-01 4.94397283e-01 4.69668359e-01 -9.44235548e-02 1.42752752e-02 -8.02781284e-02 -3.49781662e-01 3.13244641e-01 1.83874831e-01 -2.73633629e-01 1.49440737e-02 4.92732897e-02 -2.62509696e-02 -1.36587610e-02 8.86689126e-02 5.23538254e-02 3.02160382e-02 -4.37157184e-01 -1.07073218e-01 2.20721215e-01 2.28104770e-01 -3.07444751e-01 -3.93717885e-01 -1.14075728e-01 -9.32933763e-02 -6.36216700e-02 2.87265569e-01 2.38889441e-01 -3.49773951e-02 -1.06911264e-01 -3.59345496e-01 7.24716544e-01 5.28589413e-02 1.40838712e-01 2.43845418e-01 1.34422794e-01 -4.44083571e-01 -1.11839697e-01 -2.04310790e-02 9.87354219e-02 7.03835607e-01 2.46900003e-02 1.20473178e-02 5.17704673e-02 -5.91105176e-03 2.48593967e-02 1.07108675e-01 3.19942474e-01 8.90599191e-02 1.20637052e-01 -2.11601585e-01 3.17607731e-01 -1.14945918e-01 -2.37898707e-01 -4.62149978e-01 3.82554919e-01 -1.04729429e-01 2.89766848e-01 3.34617823e-01 1.13912940e+00 5.08041261e-03 1.92108646e-01 2.69698352e-03 -3.49644482e-01 3.40650380e-01 -1.55414134e-01 1.38262480e-01 2.38065999e-02 8.32208525e-03 1.20127089e-01 -2.57277250e-01 2.75429487e-02 3.14104021e-01 -2.89022803e-01 -1.33030340e-01 -5.03849946e-02 4.39198948e-02 3.96009594e-01 -1.92788616e-02 2.47441188e-01 -3.48236188e-02 -1.19697295e-01 2.49278933e-01 -1.45477846e-01 2.07121074e-02 1.72942981e-01 -2.04086542e-01 6.82434216e-02 -4.07047868e-02 1.41335966e-03 9.03826132e-02 -2.48079315e-01 2.43791994e-02 3.01140815e-01 -3.78792733e-02 1.23499453e-01 1.57482117e-01 -2.35354468e-01 1.05453491e-01 -9.49001536e-02 2.50650913e-01 5.38743675e-01 -2.26376131e-01 8.68094265e-02 3.05997163e-01 1.81695908e-01 1.26825333e-01 -4.22397554e-02 3.74079198e-01 2.98880395e-02 -1.31699294e-01 -3.23841035e-01 1.50675356e-01 1.68591246e-01 -1.78022251e-01 2.01735079e-01 -9.53946449e-03 -4.66249704e-01 -2.84826100e-01 1.53341293e-01 1.92947999e-01 -2.54613906e-02 6.35349303e-02 2.12333232e-01 -1.23703256e-01 -1.41441539e-01 3.61194849e-01 -2.37544164e-01 -2.00172231e-01 8.96187499e-03 1.22628421e-01 -1.21541366e-01 -3.31377923e-01 -1.44440427e-01 -3.33605975e-01 -5.25331438e-01 2.09263459e-01 -1.24450214e-01 -5.04301071e-01 1.94023386e-01 3.77121538e-01 1.80749502e-02 -3.07606131e-01 -1.93947986e-01 1.48681430e-02 4.66363244e-02 -1.43584982e-01 -1.12288229e-01 3.04357320e-01 1.35279829e-02 -4.83641773e-02 -9.84056741e-02 1.82050511e-01 -4.44475800e-01 -2.62073308e-01 -3.27273130e-01 -4.37557697e-02 2.09483683e-01 -3.30772281e-01 2.87943274e-01 -1.01494364e-01 1.70588568e-01 2.82596778e-02 -2.05546886e-01 -2.02803895e-01 -1.69843957e-01 1.21354833e-01 -1.50553193e-02 -4.39886786e-02 6.39574826e-02 1.26004979e-01 2.72722185e-01 1.42559379e-01 2.84017827e-02 2.74025500e-01 2.21025512e-01 2.43519098e-01 -5.35292804e-01 -1.96027502e-01 2.19215840e-01 1.21473195e-02 2.02154368e-01 3.50198358e-01 -2.44587436e-02 -1.07452966e-01 -2.10259140e-01 -4.88832071e-02 3.35448682e-01 3.44087720e-01 -2.55297441e-02 1.26994416e-01 -6.54062927e-02 1.68224797e-01 -1.79573685e-01 1.05236895e-01 1.22117952e-01 1.68828368e-01 -4.49706376e-01 -1.27163962e-01 3.79060991e-02 2.40058199e-01 -9.69999880e-02 4.78160046e-02 -3.91701192e-01 -5.76777346e-02 3.58230099e-02 3.65926862e-01 -1.35883316e-02 -5.79950392e-01 1.03130586e-01 4.42857817e-02 2.33848169e-01 1.00398414e-01 1.00193173e-01 1.67006746e-01 -2.99364813e-02 -1.93101138e-01 4.22932804e-01 4.55913514e-01 4.67431247e-01 2.39895880e-01 4.16811019e-01 8.72707367e-02 3.62929165e-01 5.23012578e-01 2.91393399e-01 4.94784236e-01 -5.42421788e-02 1.36342794e-01 -3.88348699e-02 1.72458187e-01 -2.19808459e-01 1.93348333e-01 -1.02048650e-01 8.45876634e-02 -6.97479695e-02 -1.70567796e-01 2.84426272e-01 1.55786663e-01 4.03249025e-01 -5.53171188e-02 -4.33668733e-01 -1.65360883e-01 -1.20266572e-01 -1.80943776e-02 -2.26093456e-01 5.01146205e-02 1.73945919e-01 -1.23649657e-01 4.38321322e-01 -3.93125892e-01 4.48427588e-01 -3.30180794e-01 -1.84929911e-02 2.79975593e-01 -3.57869864e-02 4.93314981e-01 4.09215577e-02 2.97821939e-01 2.71060467e-02 -7.45805874e-02 -1.61265284e-02 -2.94874549e-01 -6.22087717e-02 -6.75509125e-03 1.87022313e-02 1.13472693e-01 -2.27519497e-01 1.37662232e-01 1.46290079e-01 -2.58392721e-01 4.45550977e-04 1.03093952e-01 3.84766281e-01 9.82188880e-02 5.16414642e-01 -2.22246304e-01 -1.69906825e-01 4.02882658e-02 -2.64648199e-01 -3.88484627e-01 -2.79315561e-01 -2.24200249e-01 -1.87407538e-01 6.28958344e-02 -2.59320468e-01 1.22516774e-01 -2.51203239e-01 1.49456799e-01 2.77069151e-01 1.01597838e-01 3.42134446e-01 5.79231605e-03 -2.19448015e-01 1.67321727e-01 2.43192658e-01 -3.80771667e-01 -9.82007291e-03 -1.58609301e-02 -1.34859802e-02 4.50114459e-01 -1.73478901e-01 -2.02175558e-01 -3.97031963e-01 -2.67756283e-01 -1.90097034e-01 1.47145391e-01 1.60893396e-01 1.22291900e-01 1.28174245e-01 1.48784490e-02 1.36512443e-01 -6.42569363e-01 1.81559503e-01 5.83303533e-03 -1.77086055e-01 4.06405628e-02 3.31974566e-01 2.51105219e-01 3.93539332e-02 4.78297174e-02 1.95534620e-02 -3.73708308e-01 -1.86985821e-01 6.56797290e-02 -1.96848452e-01 1.04637042e-01 5.73299751e-02 5.54854035e-01 -8.98575485e-02 2.88920015e-01 3.08719099e-01 1.64456874e-01 -9.25683975e-02 -1.23608209e-01 -5.15416823e-02 -1.40458960e-02 -4.99726124e-02 -1.17797360e-01 1.30655756e-03 4.32865262e-01 -7.61491358e-02 -1.28854305e-01 -3.06252539e-01 -1.91400051e-01 4.06379998e-01 -1.91067532e-01 -1.42546698e-01 6.70358539e-02 3.12338859e-01 3.68356220e-02 -1.42887801e-01 -3.87353688e-01 5.92077500e-04 -4.85623963e-02 1.02991931e-01 -2.96094984e-01 -7.55923316e-02 -1.72137525e-02 -3.61704618e-01 -1.33231774e-01 -8.89745802e-02 4.54923324e-02 1.47333145e-01 -6.71653077e-02 2.58594099e-02]
"De Rerum Natura" active "Item #: SCP-6997 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6997 is contained at its location of discovery. Undercover Foundation personnel, in cooperation with Death Valley National Park rangers, are to maintain a containment zone of 500 m around its base. No personnel are permitted to come into direct skin contact with the surface of SCP-6997. Individuals who have come into skin contact with its surface are to be detained for evaluation by research staff and provided with amnestic treatment. The inherent antimemetic properties of SCP-6997, which extend to photography and video depicting it, render it imperceptible except to those who have been administered appropriate mnestic treatment. As such, mnestics are to be supplied to containment and research personnel at the discretion of the Antimemetics Division. Foundation information security assets are to monitor web traffic for online discussions potentially describing SCP-6997; a web crawler bot capable of identifying photos and videos depicting SCP-6997 is currently being trialled. Description: SCP-6997 is a monolith composed of a single piece of black basalt, measuring approximately 50x50x150 m, located in the badlands east of Death Valley National Park, within walking distance of the Amargosa Range. It is anomalously durable, exhibiting no evidence of weathering. SCP-6997 possesses antimemetic properties which render it imperceptible to the senses and inhibit the forming of memories relating to SCP-6997, except to those treated with Class-W mnestics. All surfaces of the monolith are carved with detailed, highly stylized reliefs of plant life, except a circular panel on its westwards face. This panel contains a concentric pattern of hieroglyphs or symbols, which can be depressed. Direct skin exposure to the surface of SCP-6997, with the exception of the aforementioned circular area, causes a comatose state lasting between one to twelve hours. During this state, all subjects report highly vivid hallucinations, which they will recall with an unusual degree of clarity, and require intensive amnestic treatment to eradicate fully. Addendum 6997.1: Discovery SCP-6997 was discovered in June of 1971 by Raoul Acosta, an amateur occultist involved in the 1960s counterculture movement, during an experiment with psychedelic compounds (later discovered to have moderate mnestic properties) in the Death Valley region. Following this, Acosta rented a motel room in Baker, a town within driving distance of Death Valley, conducting research into its properties until his suicide in November of 1971. His journals, documenting his research in detail, were acquired by the Foundation. Addendum 6997.2: Excerpts From Recovered Journals 6/30 current formula consists 20mg DMT, 100mg harmaline, 20mg oil of moksha—I can see the tower for ~3 hours, w/ the moksha regulating the hallucinations from the ayahuasca itself. Wouldn't want hallucinations getting in the way of examining the invisible ancient stone tower. Eat your heart out, Timothy Leary. reminder: get a fan that works+call Weisinger1 when in town next, get him to send a care package of moksha oil. I may be here a while. 7/2 the tower does NOT cause hallucinations: they're not some pointless pattern of psychedelia, but clear, specific, vivid. Current theory: each vision is a memory, collected from some mind at some random point in time. Weisinger got me the book from the Library—it says similar pillars, cities of them, exist across the world, remnants of the "Oblitus". The last memorials of an ancient civilization wiped out by its own weapons2. I remember the line from Shelley, "look on my works ye mighty…" the west circular panel has to be a control mechanism; the symbols are buttons. System for retrieving the stored data. Somewhere in there, amongst all the random memories, is something of VALUE. 7/16 the letter says Bunny Hopkins and his platoon got ambushed, 6 killed. I remember when the poor bastard got shipped out, he was practically sobbing, wiping those big coke bottle glasses of his, saying it must've been a mistake he got drafted, the letter must've been for someone else. we go on about peace and love but where does that get us? Kent State, just more blood spilled and more blame laid on us. The shouting, picketing, sit-ins, WHERE does that get us? Where did all that sobbing and running get Bunny? Vietnam ate him alive, with no body to bury, glasses sunk in the jungle muck. all that about man being loving? Our nature—to kill, to pick up the broken jawbone and crush the skull of the rival ape. 7/17 the Oblitus had it right. weapons of the mind, spreading as a killing idea. is that what the tower holds? the weapon that killed them, or something like that, hidden within it? it may take years to brute-force it, sifting through however much information is in there, but I don't have anything better to do. My friend is dead, like so many others I knew, and all I want is for everything to burn, and I along with it. 11/8 I've seen a dozen civilizations die. Did you know that the world bloomed all over with flowers every time it happened? Colors like I'd never seen, and the air thick with sweetness. There were beautiful memories—I remember one where I think I was a father, holding my son as we watched an eclipse, and a hush growing as the sun went dark. But the ones I remember the most were the wars. In the trenches of the Somme, I hummed a lullaby as a friend held my hand and the morphine took away the pain, and at Mylae I buried the Roman dead, because even though I was a friend of Carthage, they deserved to return to their ancestors. there is no weapon. the tower is a repository of memory, without distinction or discrimination. I am sure that if I waited long enough, I'd come across every memory I ever had, preserved like a fly in amber. I have died a thousand times in a thousand wars, and received just as many gifts of compassion. 11/10 I've been thinking about Bunny again. All of those Romans and Greeks he used to read and talk about. There was one book, De Rerum Natura, On The Nature Of Things, that he gave me before shipping out. I dug it out of the suitcase and began reading. The author says that death is like a vessel shattering, its contents falling everywhere. The dead don't suffer, because they're gone, scattered in the deepest of sleeps. It's a good idea. I hope it's true, and Bunny's just asleep now. All those memories are weighing on me. I'm barely ninety pounds, haven't slept in days because when I do, all I see are the memories. Or dreaming of Bunny, gunned down or bleeding in a trap. I might take a walk tomorrow morning. Because I know that if I keep going on, I'll go mad. Yesterday I found a plaque, buried in the sand—it must have been attached to the tower at some point. I transcribed its inscription, and I think what it says makes a lot of sense. Addendum 6997.3 On the 11th of November, park rangers discovered Raoul Acosta on a plateau near Zabriskie Point, having committed suicide by gunshot. He carried a note in his pocket, believed to be the inscription of the aforementioned plaque, which has been transcribed below. A metal plaque was recorded amongst the possessions in Acosta's motel room by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, but its location is currently unknown. Forgetting is a necessity. The scientist who experiments on a laboratory mouse must forget that it lives or suffers. The soldier who must kill, first kills the humanity of their foe. The tyrant, building an empire, must forget that joy or compassion exists, and tell themselves that the suffering of those under their care is just another obstacle. The Oblitus knew this. That is why this tower exists, built to remember their culture even as they died. It precedes us, and we are the heirs to its purpose. We may die in the darkness, shattering into lifeless atoms, and this may be rationalized as being for the greater good, or as punishment, or as a reward. Human nature is a strange thing. We teach ourselves that man is but a monster, to be disciplined and caged, and build great things from this foundation. But this foundation is a lie, or at least is not the whole truth. That there is more than one side to man will seem like a monstrous abnormality to those used to seeing the nature of things in a simpler way. That is the abnormality we protect. Our duty: to memorialize, not only your crimes, but the true nature of man, at any cost. We will remember you. « SCP-6996 | SCP-6997 | SCP-6998 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6997" by OrbeezTertius, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Image 1 Filename: header.jpg Name: N/A Author: Samartur License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "The location of SCP-6997."
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3.11099082e-01 -2.32160494e-01 -5.60915992e-02 -6.75808266e-02 -1.24022486e-02 3.85891080e-01 -8.08616206e-02 -5.40045686e-02 1.36792704e-01 2.33956546e-01 -2.14847103e-01 -1.08853228e-01 2.23995801e-02 3.15343291e-01 1.43097728e-01 -7.31869712e-02 1.34160044e-02 1.06552966e-01 -3.57712120e-01 -6.56759590e-02 -1.86291933e-01 2.74145901e-02 -3.04708511e-01 1.49207160e-01 -1.29534528e-02 -2.87718419e-02 6.91664889e-02 -4.20172997e-02 1.93208143e-01 -2.05121953e-02 1.76459461e-01 -1.20152608e-01 -4.60323840e-02 -1.23776220e-01 7.37322122e-03 3.63077909e-01 5.01157343e-01 4.14519310e-01 -6.90573379e-02 2.46213764e-01 -1.04976013e-01 -9.82270539e-02 2.50261039e-01 -1.83526203e-01 6.22866713e-02 6.54952347e-01 3.64117585e-02 2.98009723e-01 -2.52851307e-01 1.29171342e-01 -1.27965743e-02 1.37078807e-01 2.56021649e-01 -4.03632253e-01 -9.31022689e-02 1.29129007e-01 -6.89420998e-01 6.45458326e-02 2.00533010e-02 6.77967593e-02 3.73289824e-01 4.78456557e-01 -9.41301510e-03 -3.07965934e-01 -5.83835542e-02 -3.01889509e-01 -1.50832176e-01 3.52677882e-01 -4.96324092e-01 1.81209311e-01 1.87504709e-01 2.58203268e-01 -1.46082371e-01 -2.46687919e-01 -1.75347447e-01 -2.03619581e-02 3.05378675e-01 -1.84678420e-01 5.43564022e-01 4.49943632e-01 -3.05290848e-01 -3.00130397e-01 -1.10768758e-01 7.87720978e-02 -1.45861685e-01 -9.93630439e-02 5.84894955e-01 2.02235445e-01 -3.41635853e-01 1.48547232e-01 -2.29017492e-02 3.78821135e-01 -1.08410954e-01 1.22024015e-01 -1.21895321e-01 7.96978027e-02 2.92161375e-01 1.49673164e-01 -1.17175944e-01 -2.57889539e-01 2.71753311e-01 3.74817729e-01 -3.52772534e-01 4.66605686e-02 9.40822512e-02 -1.92374438e-01 2.24707305e-01 7.67684281e-02 1.67410281e-02 -5.45206927e-02 -7.96534568e-02 5.17700464e-02 -7.85667121e-01 1.08799800e-01 -1.32691622e-01 -3.46511900e-01 -2.74132013e-01 -7.24510150e-03 8.37506726e-02 -7.45353773e-02 -3.19418490e-01 1.38425827e-01 -1.88000068e-01 2.13246107e-01 4.09933835e-01 -2.39246830e-01 -2.26892114e-01 -4.33955431e-01 3.98326039e-01 1.06103852e-01 3.57515626e-02 3.39211971e-02 2.71827012e-01 1.65408224e-01 1.19183864e-02 1.73817709e-01 -1.69323191e-01 3.28662902e-01 3.64864528e-01 1.32352963e-01 -1.83739930e-01 -2.05036327e-01 -6.51292354e-02 9.83556826e-03 2.09108904e-01 5.09074211e-01 -4.94223118e-01 -2.87968963e-01 -1.47521868e-01 1.95705324e-01 9.84669030e-02 -6.90474689e-01 2.67906427e-01 4.71626341e-01 -4.59607951e-02 -1.34033605e-01 -1.80288237e-02 3.87332201e-01 5.44757992e-02 -2.29884550e-01 -5.13218880e-01 1.46820266e-02 -2.07045957e-01 -4.08853740e-02 -1.93869442e-01 1.50775507e-01 4.10429388e-01 -7.32470602e-02 1.31240338e-01 -5.64499088e-02 -4.69620079e-01 -2.99288537e-02 3.23184848e-01 5.32359719e-01 5.45461252e-02 -1.87252030e-01 1.66368157e-01 -4.12572287e-02 2.69048750e-01 -1.33157179e-01 -1.46894246e-01 2.34851658e-01 5.74281663e-02 2.34631822e-02 8.34501609e-02 -7.28851631e-02 2.10680813e-02 -2.54763037e-01 -1.80504546e-01 -2.13610306e-01 -3.02764084e-02 5.19591331e-01 -7.38761127e-01 1.55285716e-01 5.90621196e-02 4.74444330e-02 1.50212727e-03 -1.69701204e-01 3.44249219e-01 -3.33380342e-01 9.92621947e-03 -1.01590760e-01 5.32228947e-01 1.73701674e-01 9.15390551e-02 -5.50351404e-02 3.26827392e-02 5.43077178e-02 -2.16976464e-01 5.55961281e-02 -6.06528968e-02 5.84250614e-02 9.91779119e-02 6.77325577e-02 1.69241145e-01 1.66922629e-01 -2.08145589e-01 -5.51739097e-01 7.64281396e-03 -5.33251278e-02 3.40197323e-04 2.17593998e-01 -2.04342455e-01 -1.06751576e-01 3.43658514e-02 1.95088536e-01 -7.05344751e-02 1.27259325e-02 -9.26563144e-02 1.80488790e-03 -1.90845951e-01 1.75290793e-01 -3.91313761e-01 3.07223856e-01 -1.93651527e-01 5.27739292e-03 -3.34386468e-01 1.46209849e-02 4.71501239e-02 4.09188382e-02 -3.13281298e-01 5.28706014e-01 5.37099957e-01 2.90592085e-03 8.87489021e-02 -1.57135025e-01 -3.35453838e-01 2.18326226e-01 9.30224583e-02 -1.12030819e-01 1.38849735e-01 2.45440140e-01 2.46365160e-01 -3.32457483e-01 2.13115752e-01 -4.93152052e-01 -1.76286653e-01 -1.20700948e-01 -2.66031653e-01 -1.79861829e-01 -2.60369807e-01 -1.45810053e-01 -9.26858336e-02 -2.38032579e-01 5.77758402e-02 1.97676286e-01 1.43598795e-01 3.34431589e-01 5.79778403e-02 4.84973550e-01 6.60995170e-02 -1.14123918e-01 -3.09929937e-01 8.85908827e-02 -7.72021413e-02 3.67148407e-02 -1.11706872e-02 -1.41231820e-01 -2.92749763e-01 2.93425083e-01 4.86566722e-02 -2.11640403e-01 -3.75448436e-01 1.78957045e-01 4.05434459e-01 1.04356728e-01 -4.62638617e-01 4.50673938e-01 -8.67414847e-03 -2.77649283e-01 -9.71909091e-02 -2.19648287e-01 -9.48237851e-02 1.83006078e-01 2.22586751e-01 -1.16350897e-01 -2.68485010e-01 2.05320567e-01 3.36134821e-01 -1.94499135e-01 -2.64480025e-01 1.26021698e-01 1.29757434e-01 2.64336735e-01 4.48672086e-01 -1.23855285e-01 1.07472487e-01 3.52397524e-02 -6.42720461e-02 3.96793969e-02 -6.10890724e-02 -1.17870614e-01 -1.18861593e-01 -3.81191671e-01 -1.42488986e-01 -1.36524588e-01 -1.85643464e-01 7.34213591e-01 3.29384744e-01 -2.82123268e-01 -3.27342451e-01 1.86924547e-01 4.21487503e-02 1.63197264e-01 8.36909935e-02 -2.94304699e-01 2.03907475e-01 -6.11015975e-01 3.35613608e-01 1.73437055e-02 8.72877613e-02 -1.16728030e-01 3.58099967e-01 -2.22007766e-01 6.67583048e-02 2.05449089e-01 -2.42874071e-01 3.52670372e-01 -6.58437610e-02 4.47198391e-01 3.53950709e-01 7.26683661e-02 -1.42972812e-01 -1.19736604e-01 -2.60059118e-01 3.44358444e-01 3.65719080e-01 -1.32763878e-01 -1.53567359e-01 9.70416591e-02 3.49697083e-01 2.42520109e-01 1.75629437e-01 2.56166935e-01 -5.20857088e-02 -5.81293464e-01 -1.84527293e-01 8.87633488e-02 2.02612102e-01 -1.82383806e-01 2.74903566e-01 3.40321288e-02 1.84589207e-01 2.96321869e-01 -1.34585258e-02 4.70943958e-01 -1.07039385e-01 -9.34706256e-03 -1.81530192e-01 6.54769063e-01 3.77302766e-01 2.09917679e-01 4.12213027e-01 5.14463037e-02 -1.73939258e-01 8.43266398e-02 -1.03984736e-01 5.70772998e-02 5.83033442e-01 -3.80605669e-03 2.79683433e-02 2.40710065e-01 8.90053287e-02 -8.54634270e-02 1.90060481e-01 8.35773572e-02 6.53790608e-02 2.67027169e-01 -1.25929967e-01 2.66170859e-01 -4.97770160e-02 -3.35269511e-01 -3.87278706e-01 -5.40798344e-02 -7.67538622e-02 1.13826916e-01 5.52043080e-01 1.45952082e+00 2.29375258e-01 1.17980555e-01 -1.19209453e-01 3.86130102e-02 -8.24118406e-02 -3.47352117e-01 4.54869196e-02 -2.30301321e-01 3.10172528e-01 1.03107644e-02 -1.99808031e-01 1.83056116e-01 -6.59774616e-02 -2.64437377e-01 9.91228875e-03 4.63425852e-02 1.37195423e-01 5.37941009e-02 1.13059461e-01 2.12075204e-01 2.37175543e-02 5.74426055e-01 1.65852785e-01 -3.98920551e-02 1.17296435e-01 -5.20608649e-02 2.39994973e-02 1.01246208e-01 6.75090477e-02 -3.98399651e-01 1.90311939e-01 -5.36189139e-01 3.11673313e-01 1.10835269e-01 3.27062421e-02 -2.15349540e-01 -1.10495023e-01 -4.13666993e-01 -6.03475282e-03 -1.13752984e-01 2.85586327e-01 4.68930870e-01 -1.37799427e-01 4.54971530e-02 1.44900605e-02 2.07020581e-01 -4.54030968e-02 -1.70038968e-01 4.01504412e-02 -4.43168776e-03 2.99710721e-01 -3.08846235e-01 2.02605337e-01 8.52927566e-02 -4.15486805e-02 1.05414487e-01 1.03547014e-01 -1.46959767e-01 -1.13140538e-01 1.57730922e-01 2.64298134e-02 -1.01741463e-01 -2.97530174e-01 2.72552639e-01 -1.08572491e-01 -2.28713587e-04 2.07312778e-01 1.64643332e-01 -1.69762280e-02 -2.69793481e-01 2.85821587e-01 -2.55407691e-01 -4.12247449e-01 -1.90422222e-01 -4.99679029e-01 -3.48790556e-01 3.08477110e-03 -1.22926809e-01 -6.06558263e-01 8.02413151e-02 2.27039546e-01 1.26730591e-01 -4.45534706e-01 -3.23983163e-01 -3.21116656e-01 1.35050327e-01 -1.08632758e-01 -3.29039186e-01 2.88761973e-01 -8.36225897e-02 -6.64978325e-02 -1.03125386e-01 -1.11228041e-01 -3.65334749e-01 -1.01184718e-01 -4.47633326e-01 7.06376806e-02 6.31859228e-02 -2.14694023e-01 5.93592711e-02 -2.49357328e-01 1.42654240e-01 3.82577181e-01 -7.57323727e-02 -5.32258227e-02 -1.89548761e-01 1.40032247e-01 -1.20380810e-02 -1.68427944e-01 -4.34889309e-02 3.21173370e-02 2.03721240e-01 1.41578703e-03 1.73919126e-01 1.17809467e-01 2.49065921e-01 2.70261526e-01 -5.12294948e-01 1.28176957e-01 1.03669532e-01 2.88412958e-01 9.55412909e-02 2.76072770e-01 1.89418450e-01 7.58547187e-02 -1.64363787e-01 -7.25136101e-02 7.04030693e-02 -1.98009871e-02 -2.63677388e-01 2.62469172e-01 -4.64736670e-02 2.03816563e-01 -1.24405017e-02 3.55130769e-02 -9.04081855e-03 -9.16555673e-02 -4.36239123e-01 5.02554178e-02 -9.68573689e-02 2.51308650e-01 -1.91249236e-01 9.63013619e-02 8.55024755e-02 -3.07749789e-02 1.87146047e-03 4.17680025e-01 -6.34038895e-02 -1.80692732e-01 1.74568206e-01 1.46765485e-02 -5.58599085e-02 1.46982431e-01 4.69069704e-02 1.09313633e-02 -2.09894091e-01 -1.53812215e-01 2.11915612e-01 2.71078289e-01 2.76149750e-01 4.77201641e-01 4.32203531e-01 1.64840907e-01 1.30897731e-01 4.04207945e-01 7.72965774e-02 3.12551647e-01 -1.67136401e-01 3.78796697e-01 4.05200534e-02 4.33699906e-01 -1.08006209e-01 -2.95353055e-01 -2.58224905e-01 1.64250344e-01 -9.78459120e-02 -1.05682634e-01 -1.28063723e-01 6.04963899e-02 -2.31892392e-02 -8.48842189e-02 -2.36403838e-01 -4.66440581e-02 3.07785511e-01 2.67042339e-01 -4.79188204e-01 7.90147781e-02 -1.26992419e-01 -2.30178088e-01 4.14083004e-01 -1.94455996e-01 4.55817044e-01 -1.36657655e-01 7.41902664e-02 3.18138063e-01 1.63566861e-02 -2.45572388e-01 1.91407893e-02 1.30488336e-01 -1.57966182e-01 -3.47991765e-01 -4.05475236e-02 -1.07320666e-01 -5.95819987e-02 -2.06959561e-01 1.53538249e-02 2.53267705e-01 2.33144954e-01 1.65953994e-01 9.72148702e-02 -1.77437469e-01 -9.53718945e-02 3.49323958e-01 2.75988966e-01 1.81127146e-01 -1.71625298e-02 -1.83764294e-01 -3.69003415e-01 3.95294502e-02 -1.29049316e-01 -1.69421449e-01 -3.07617128e-01 -7.24382922e-02 -1.04328416e-01 1.62461758e-01 -4.15635318e-01 6.56093806e-02 -1.85584530e-01 5.52391469e-01 6.01919740e-02 3.19009870e-01 2.94781089e-01 -8.20994005e-02 -3.27852905e-01 1.18727617e-01 -2.62221247e-01 -5.22391140e-01 1.50112316e-01 1.09418154e-01 1.75289080e-01 3.13262671e-01 -2.19882742e-01 2.98803240e-01 -7.97385648e-02 -1.95818081e-01 -5.50440550e-01 4.52024303e-02 3.69496107e-01 -5.06843626e-02 1.94817379e-01 -1.66009173e-01 -1.03316352e-01 -3.88914831e-02 1.13942027e-01 -5.72508313e-02 -3.92594814e-01 -1.34962946e-01 7.29478359e-01 4.09507811e-01 -5.86197898e-02 2.19259277e-01 -5.93384318e-02 -3.49898875e-01 -9.93080139e-02 2.85633534e-01 -7.49844313e-02 3.62049848e-01 3.01190495e-01 3.35325867e-01 1.80622101e-01 4.74664629e-01 -7.42382482e-02 2.81747282e-01 -1.12414338e-01 1.63063481e-02 -1.71231732e-01 -1.71255507e-02 8.10677744e-03 -8.79417080e-03 -2.48689666e-01 1.30822361e-01 -7.28535056e-02 -2.07884967e-01 -1.27374262e-01 -2.27198377e-01 5.74065506e-01 -1.70518667e-01 -2.80207604e-01 2.63715655e-01 -2.36239731e-02 -2.64852673e-01 -5.78272007e-02 -3.95870358e-01 -1.68505073e-01 -1.83688954e-01 1.66860238e-01 -4.02587950e-01 -2.37330273e-01 -3.35386366e-01 -1.94902167e-01 -1.52311370e-01 3.59905839e-01 -1.64961651e-01 -2.57123709e-01 -1.44645289e-01 -6.77329442e-03]
"SCP Author Cerastes's Untitled SCP-6000 Contest Entry" active "Item #: SCP-6998 Object Class: N/A Special Containment Procedures: As the cause of SCP-6998 has not yet been determined, containment of the anomaly is coequal with the mission directive of the Foundation. Description: SCP-6998 is the designation for the statistical increase in global anomalous activity observed each year by the Overseer's Council. SCP-6998 has been observed since 1875, a year before the decision was made to merge several normalcy preservation organizations into the Foundation in order to combat the growing rise of anomalous activity. Throughout the Foundation's tenure, SCP-6998 has been noted to be growing in severity, despite the expected decline brought by like-minded normalcy preservation organizations such as the Global Occult Coalition. Whereas only 63 high-profile anomalous incidents or objects were recorded or obtained by the Foundation in its first official year of operation during the Third Occult War, 2020 saw 430 in the first quarter alone. Attempts to discover the source of the unexplained growth have proven unsuccessful. Addendum 6998.1: Incident-6998 Foreword: On 25/05/2021, O5-11 sent a message through Overseer emergency channels calling all Overseers to Site-001, claiming to have discovered something of paramount importance. [BEGIN LOG] O5-11: Thank you all for coming on short notice. O5-1: You do realize it took a month to get al Fine to agree to meet? Weeks of negotiating and concessions, and then you called me away so quickly she probably thought we were planning a suicide attack. This better be worth it. O5-11: Don't worry, it is. It's about SCP-6998. [General groans and murmuring can be heard.] O5-4: Oh, for the love of god- you called us away to discuss the Administrator's crackpot conspiracy theory? Er, no offense, but he wasn't always the most rational person in the room. O5-11: Conspiracy, really? You're in charge of the most powerful and secretive organization on earth. You've signed off on more misinformation campaigns then any of us. Paid people to spread around stories about little green men and bigfoot to cover up our operations. O5-4: And yet even I don't believe in that one. What does that tell you? O5-11: I- O5-1: Please, enough. We all have things we'd rather be doing. Just… just hurry up and present whatever it is you're going to. O5-11: Thank you. I was conducting my quarterly review of RAISA, seeing if anything need to be classified. Or declassified depending on the situation- O5-10: Has that ever happened? O5-1: Yes, for the sake of containment, and shut up. Continue, Eleven. O5-11: I was going through our timeline of some of our earliest events and I noticed something… well, let's just call it interesting. If you would indulge me though; One, Two, Four: where were you on January 3rd in 1875? O5-1: My patience is running thin enough as it is. Dispense with the theatrics and get on with it. O5-2: Wait, 1875? That would've been Zurich, yes? We spent the winter in Switzerland. O5-4: That's right. Two days after the New Year… that was our meeting with Fitz, wasn't it? O5-7: Fitz? O5-1: Friedrich Williams, the Administrator. Fitz for short. A bit before your time, but even before the Foundation we ran in the same circles. And if I recall correctly, that meeting was when we first started floating ideas about an overarching, pan-national normalcy organization not burdened by national interests. I assume that's what you were getting at, then? What does this have to do with SCP-6998? O5-11: Several thousand miles away on that very same day exactly, a man by the name of William J. Smith completed his work on Anomalous ITEM-232A-B. Or as we know it, the Engine of the Chaos Insurgency. O5-1: Hmm. That is interesting, I suppose. But the Foundation wouldn't be founded for another year and the Insurgency decades later, so I'm not sure what point you're getting at. O5-11: And on July 2nd, 1876, a drunkard in Clydeside wandered into an abandoned factory in the industrial region and never came out. We didn't know it then, but that was the first confirmed appearance of the Factory. The exact same day we were all signing the Abernathy Accords. [silence.] O5-11: And it doesn't just stop there. The day after we signed off on that treaty with the US? The UN was holding a secret vote on establishing a unified occult coalition. Two hours after General Bowe unfortunately passed away from completely natural causes, a man calling himself "Dr Wondertainment" was said to have sold a dozen talking dolls in a Christmas shop in Berlin. It happened even internally— the ink on the order to consolidate the Tactical Theology department was still drying when we picked up the first signs of SCP-5998. There's also the Antimemetics Department, things have always been tricky with it, but an infohazardous anomaly labelled SCP-3125 popped up in the Foundation intranet the same day the department was officially founded. O5-5: Do we know what the anomaly is? O5-11: No idea, but that's part and parcel when dealing with the department. The point still stands, I can list a dozen more incidents where as soon as the Foundation made some significant process or breakthrough on one end, a new anomalous threat popped up. Here, look. [O5-11 passes out several folders to each overseer.] O5-11: We were looking at SCP-6998 as the reason for our founding, the reason why we needed to grow and expand, but I think it's the other way around. O5-12: So you're saying…? O5-11: I think we're causing SCP-6998. Somehow, the Foundation is causing anomalies to form. [silence.] O5-10: In any other situation, I'd laugh at something like that. But given the evidence you just laid out… O5-2: I must admit, it's somewhat damning. But why on earth would we affect the world on such a scale? We were hardly the first normalcy preservation agency: the ASCI, the Tsar's Seers, the Knights Templar, all of them existed for decades or centuries before. What makes us so special? How do we know for sure its a foundational issue with, well, the Foundation? O5-1: I'm of a similar mind with Two. I don't think anyone can dismiss this out of hand, but we can't say for sure that it's an issue specifically with the Foundation. If this was any other anomaly, I'd say testing is in order, but how do we test something like that? If it expands every time we do something, then- O5-3: If I may interrupt. Overseer Eleven's data suggests the anomaly is dependent on the growth of the Foundation. What if we do nothing? O5-1: You're proposing a shutdown? O5-3: Precisely. For a determined period of time, we cancel all external missions and anomaly containment tasks. All research initiatives, project proposals, and tests will be automatically rejected, with researchers being ordered to focus solely on containment and maintenance. Our sole task will be monitoring our informants in other organizations, to ensure that whatever we observe can be backed up by our counterparts. O5-12: Are you kidding? This isn't the US government, we can't have a shutdown of the entire Foundation every time we want to try out the whims of an Overseer. If we shut down, we're putting lives at stake. O5-7: I have to agree with Twelve here. We don't operate in a vacuum. There's anomalous items to capture, high level threats to neutralize, Insurgency bases to raid, meetings with Wilson's Wildlife and the Occult Coalition to organize. O5-11: And if SCP-6998 is correct, none of that matters. O5-7: If. It's not guaranteed, not yet at least. It's just as possible something else could be the cause. And even if it is, we have no guarantee a pause in our operations would induce a pause in SCP-6998. O5-3: With all due respect to Overseer Seven, I cannot think of another way to confirm testing of Overseer Eleven's hypothesis. O5-1: Then I suppose we put it to a vote. All in favor of Three's proposal? [One, Two, Three, Six, Nine, Eleven, and Thirteen assent.] O5-1: All opposed? [Four, Five, Seven, Eight, Ten, and Twelve dissent.] O5-1: Seven to six. The proposal passes. Three, for how long do you imagine this observation period taking place? O5-3: A year would allow for the most conclusive data. O5-7: Unacceptable, I'd say. Even if no anomalies pop up, a year-long shutdown would raise far too many questions from our staff on what the hell we're doing, and I doubt any excuse we could devise would hold up for that long. The most I can see us managing would be… two months? Maybe three? O5-12: Even that I'd say is on the long side. There's a lot of required general upkeep that requires us interacting with the anomalous community. Honestly, one month is stretching it. O5-11: If we don't have enough time to gather the data we need, then this whole thing is pointless from the beginning, and we're just sabotaging ourselves for nothing. O5-1: Alright, alright. How about… one month initially, on a provisional basis. If the test seems to be working out, we go for another month to make sure. Anyone have any objections? [General murmurs, but no one dissents.] O5-1: Good. Let's get to work on shutting this Foundation down. If this fails, then we can forget about SCP-6998 for the time being, and go on with our daily lives. If it doesn't… we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, I suppose. [END LOG] Addendum 6998.2: Recovered Audio Log [BEGIN LOG] O5-2: Didn't expect to hear from you. Everything alright on your end? O5-1: Holding down the fort. It's quiet. Which almost makes me think Eleven can be right, which if she is… well, that's not something I want to think about. O5-2: I was wondering how you were taking this all in. Got a bit more experience than the rest of us. You and Fitz were from the same generation, weren't you? O5-1: Never did get a clear answer from him. But it's not me I'm worried about. O5-2: Careful now Eve, you go on like that and I might start suspecting you actually do have a heart. O5-1: Dammit, this isn't a joke. If it turns out SCP-6998 is actually real, that we've been causing anomalies all this time, then it means… you almost died, Sophia. I saw it. You were crucified. O5-2: That whole timeline was wiped from history. Technically, it never even happened. O5-1: Ah, so that means you don't remember the spear in your side? The slow death from asphyxiation, waking up in a tomb? [O5-2 does not respond.] O5-1: I crossed a line there. I'm sorry, I really am. O5-2: I know. O5-1: I suppose I'm a little more shaken by this thing than I thought. We spent entire lifetimes in service to the Foundation, and now it turns out it was probably all for nothing. O5-2: It's not yet a foregone conclusion. SCP-6998 could just as likely be false. Remember that lazy stretch in August last year? We had virtually nothing to do for almost three weeks. O5-1: Maybe. I hope you're right. O5-2: Me too. [END LOG] 25/05/2021-25/07/2021 FOUNDATION OBSERVATIONAL REPORT XK SCENARIOS OBSERVED: 0 XK SCENARIOS AVERTED: 0 HIGH PROFILE ANOMALOUS INCIDENTS OBSERVED: 0 HIGH PROFILE ANOMALOUS INCIDENTS AVERTED: 0 HIGH PROFILE GROUPS OF INTEREST ACTIVITIES OBSERVED: 0 HIGH PROFILE GROUPS OF INTEREST ACTIVITIES AVERTED: 0 Addendum 6998.3: Foundation Observation Report Meeting Foreword: This meeting took place immediately after the release of the report in order to discuss its results and implications. [BEGIN LOG] O5-1: Fuck. O5-4: Cheers, everyone. [O5-4 uncorks a bottle of wine, taking a drink directly from the bottle.] O5-2: Are you seriously drinking during a council meeting? O5-4: Muscat wine, bottled in 1872. Bought it for myself when I first became an Overseer. Never been much of a wine man, preferred beer, but hey, I was moving up in the world. I figured it was time for me to develop sophisticated choices. What's more sophisticated then wine? O5-6: Haven't opened it all these years? O5-4: Always meant to have it after a big win. We were tied up from the start with the Fourth Occult War, but after that war I wasn't in a mood to drink anything but the cheapest beer I could find, so I stuck it in a vault in Hy-Brasil. Then there were the two World Wars, the Insurgency, everything that followed after that… we've never really had a clear win, have we? As soon as we put down one threat, fifty more raise their heads. Never a time to catch our breaths, never a time to celebrate. And now we know why. Here's to you, SCP-6998. [O5-4 offers the bottle to O5-2. After a moment of hesitation, she takes it, taking down a swig before passing it to O5-6's outstretched hand.] O5-3: I feel that it is necessary of me to remind you that alcohol and other inebriating substances are banned in the workplace, even for Overseers. O5-12: We just found out that our entire lives have been pointless, I think a little drinking is warranted. Pass it over here after, will you? O5-1: Three, I know I've asked you this almost a hundred times, but is there any chance this could be mistaken? O5-3: Exceedingly unlikely. And even if my gathered data was incorrect, our informants in the Global Occult Coalition, the Chaos Insurgency, and the Office tor the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts have reported extremely low rates of internal activity. O5-1: Is there any chance our informants could've been detected or compromised? O5-10: One or two, always a possibility. But how likely do you think are the odds of all three of those organizations finding our informants, and then deciding to work together in order to pull one on over us? O5-1: "Less likely then whatever the hell's going on here," I'd say on any other given day. So what, we pause for two months and the rest of the anomalous world grinds to a complete halt? Zero new anomalous incidents, or GoI chatter, or so much as a twig falling in Three Portlands. O5-11: I suppose this means SCP-6998's far more critical in its implications than Fitz theorized. Rather than a uniform, but global effect, it's targeted to the Foundation. Whenever we take so much as a step, the whole world responds in turn. I don't mean to sound paranoid… but I very much doubt this was an accident. Whatever did this was deliberate. O5-7: But what would have the power to do this? A god? I know, I know, we're supposed to dismiss them, call them "Apex-tier Pluripotent entities," ignore any mythological connotations, the whole nine yards. But I can't think of anything else that would have the power to make these kinds of changes. And why us? Why not the GOC or ORIA or any other random person on the street? O5-10: Maybe it likes us. It wants to give its favorite heroes villains and monsters to defeat, always pulling more out of its toybox whenever we run out. O5-9: Have you ever actually felt like a hero in this job? [O5-10 shrugs.] O5-10: Can't remember. Maybe once. Back when we were just starting out on our new organization, back when I still thought we'd be saving the world. Back before we found things like SCP-231 and I realized I could no longer look my children in the eyes. Definitely not anymore. O5-2: Mhm. "Cold, Not Cruel." All because some god or gods decided to have fun with our lives. [O5-2 sighs and motions for the bottle again.] O5-4: So… what do we do now? O5-1: What can we do? We've been in charge of the most powerful organization in the world for the last century and a half, but it turns out we wasted our entire lives as the playthings of some god's amusement. We were never in control. [A clinking can be heard amid the silence as the overseers pass around the bottle of wine. The silence stretches on for some time.] O5-11: Hmm. Something just occurred to me. O5-2: And what would that be? O5-11: One says we don't have control in our lives, that we never had. Yes, maybe as an organization the Foundation was doomed from the start. But we did just manage to stop SCP-6998. We stopped it for two months to conduct our test. O5-1: I suppose that's true. But that's all we can do, merely delay the inevitable. Any action of ours as an organization will only strengthen SCP-6998. O5-11: So then we don't take it as an organization, we take it as individuals. We were around before the Foundation. Anomalies were around before the Foundation, and they were never as dangerous as this. Sure, we had dozens of normalcy protection groups around, but none half as large or powerful, or obsessed with locking up every little item and odd person they found. Maybe that's what we need again. O5-1: I'm sorry, are you suggesting…? O5-11: I'm suggesting we dissolve the Foundation. Dismantle it entirely. O5-1: We- we can't do that. O5-11: Why not? [O5-1 does not reply.] O5-2: Maybe it's the wine talking, but you're right. Even before this, even before we discovered the Foundation's true nature, we grew too comfortable in our positions. How many rules and boundaries and taboos did we break in pursuit of normalcy? Maybe some of them might have been necessary. But all they did was feed SCP-6998. O5-7: And if we don't find a way of preserving normalcy? O5-2: Then maybe normalcy was never really a thing in the first place. An arbitrary line we drew in the sand to keep ourselves comfortable. Ugh, never thought I'd be agreeing with the Serpent's Hand over the Foundation. O5-4: It's hard to argue with the truth, I suppose. I suppose we owe them an apology. Along with everyone else. O5-1: Very well. Overseer Council Proposal Number… Oh, let's just call it 6998. Proposal-6998: the immediate and complete dissolving of the Foundation. All in favor? [A unanimous round of "ayes" can be heard.] O5-1: All opposed? [Silence.] O5-1: The ayes have it then. The dissolving of the Foundation will take place immediately. Sophia, Jonathan, Liang, it's been a pleasure working with you all. [O5-1 reaches for the now empty bottle. She turns it around in their hands for a moment before holding it to mimic a toast.] O5-1: Here's to quiet days, I suppose. Quiet days and peace. THE END « SCP-6997 | SCP-6998 | SCP-6999 »" nan
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-3.93718295e-03 7.87303969e-02 6.70955628e-02 3.33263017e-02 6.42309012e-03 1.70391932e-01 1.23880081e-01 -2.80499250e-01 -1.75095558e-01 4.29753438e-02 1.51887741e-02 5.08073628e-01 -2.18565315e-02 1.05868495e+00 3.23163360e-01 2.22822949e-01 2.45051771e-01 -4.19057041e-01 1.86064348e-01 -3.46018344e-01 -2.17810180e-02 -1.43031672e-01 -1.26995459e-01 1.27468407e-01 -3.38445097e-01 1.33295104e-01 3.21773231e-01 -2.76434183e-01 -3.08958292e-01 -5.08056641e-01 4.79036151e-03 2.75770366e-01 1.48143381e-01 8.50886479e-02 -5.20764664e-03 2.30390921e-01 2.51235813e-01 -6.79722279e-02 4.29979675e-02 -6.73341900e-02 -1.42817184e-01 1.12117186e-01 -2.63917446e-01 -2.61342138e-01 1.85441226e-01 -1.88052639e-01 1.37897432e-01 2.54903704e-01 -6.03054687e-02 8.08016658e-02 -2.57094741e-01 -1.69751093e-01 -2.67320871e-01 8.54689553e-02 1.88659057e-01 5.68185985e-01 -2.19419524e-01 2.94786245e-01 3.44374739e-02 2.50803083e-01 1.42611980e-01 6.24970980e-02 9.05832872e-02 1.13709457e-02 -1.61372125e-01 -2.88534701e-01 1.46734893e-01 -4.20288816e-02 -5.22553213e-02 2.40791842e-01 -2.05902532e-02 -1.75929233e-01 -1.90867126e-01 1.88988626e-01 6.92988485e-02 -1.58782452e-01 -6.19892664e-02 -2.07099885e-01 -1.50695994e-01 -1.68536261e-01 4.20858204e-01 -1.72213707e-02 -2.54134506e-01 -8.74433294e-03 1.90909863e-01 -1.35866508e-01 -2.77866840e-01 -3.82320106e-01 -1.82226926e-01 -3.62372130e-01 5.69346808e-02 -2.03951690e-02 -4.20604020e-01 2.23084241e-01 2.76933193e-01 1.07584924e-01 -3.38319987e-01 -2.48592779e-01 -8.29256177e-02 2.18001887e-01 -1.85158938e-01 2.34597679e-02 1.67449832e-01 -2.57387832e-02 1.96639955e-01 5.48221990e-02 1.26000613e-01 -4.31649089e-01 -1.01105310e-01 -1.96470380e-01 6.68580085e-02 1.14760853e-01 -4.94432002e-01 -3.30837406e-02 -1.33177176e-01 1.71163723e-01 7.11924806e-02 -2.73523837e-01 -1.89577565e-01 -6.93973228e-02 1.33713782e-01 -6.23581596e-02 -1.76490992e-01 -6.98464224e-03 3.40530574e-01 1.00262888e-01 1.72142774e-01 -5.51967621e-02 3.81678402e-01 -1.58968309e-04 -1.87104102e-02 -4.74154383e-01 2.05826923e-01 1.52729094e-01 1.81407064e-01 2.37726808e-01 6.40777409e-01 -1.54601783e-01 1.41527981e-01 -3.17137003e-01 8.03148095e-03 7.82760903e-02 3.52283388e-01 -3.07572871e-01 4.43908513e-01 3.07442918e-02 1.84632778e-01 -2.18101010e-01 2.87614822e-01 1.39917538e-01 -1.17802992e-02 -2.88032115e-01 -1.30946070e-01 -1.62541121e-01 3.30361247e-01 -3.48439813e-02 4.39391099e-02 4.52486947e-02 -6.84648305e-02 -7.19933352e-03 1.48942158e-01 3.64582509e-01 -5.85765362e-01 -2.21788436e-01 1.58963621e-01 -1.13379993e-01 4.41937178e-01 4.14791435e-01 1.05131894e-01 -2.46573895e-01 -1.66169614e-01 3.33721340e-01 4.74307388e-02 5.29756308e-01 2.06442326e-02 7.25581646e-01 2.67117023e-01 1.98062047e-01 3.25608283e-01 1.04062460e-01 1.03099152e-01 2.14632899e-01 7.10063949e-02 7.34013459e-03 2.63095796e-01 1.08234793e-01 2.17448771e-02 -1.62623733e-01 1.74942493e-01 -3.22400451e-01 -1.48678452e-01 1.92038920e-02 2.20923409e-01 2.14895442e-01 -1.96472436e-01 -1.00718230e-01 -4.24411558e-02 4.73003723e-02 2.39646479e-01 6.95568696e-02 8.23052153e-02 -9.85191166e-02 9.00835991e-02 1.20777383e-01 7.69217983e-02 5.34798324e-01 -2.60387033e-01 1.20066091e-01 2.75187075e-01 -1.27900928e-01 3.87209058e-02 3.57835352e-01 3.94711405e-01 -6.58991933e-02 -3.52481216e-01 -3.51902423e-03 -1.16887584e-01 1.38974309e-01 -2.45424643e-01 -2.88278311e-01 2.86090523e-02 -1.02920361e-01 7.54180998e-02 1.44995540e-01 -1.98616043e-01 -4.32650328e-01 1.29374579e-01 2.51704782e-01 7.38267377e-02 3.11467666e-02 -1.33660391e-01 -1.65308908e-01 2.24818006e-01 9.49970782e-02 -2.60899276e-01 -4.25719976e-01 -3.71031724e-02 -8.54147747e-02 8.87225270e-02 -3.91128302e-01 1.10067256e-01 -1.02607034e-01 2.79911011e-01 5.46752773e-02 7.11842552e-02 3.03246200e-01 -1.79304942e-01 -1.31703138e-01 1.28111869e-01 1.44921899e-01 -6.78563341e-02 5.18154502e-02 1.02280214e-01 -6.60820678e-02 9.65700671e-02 7.70607516e-02 7.07620233e-02 -2.66049713e-01 -4.41811010e-02 -5.73583186e-01 2.07042456e-01 2.74497092e-01 -7.01017817e-03 6.74587414e-02 -5.65437116e-02 9.63701010e-02 -4.57739919e-01 1.95544302e-01 -1.68507844e-01 -4.51522321e-01 1.91963103e-03 3.13368529e-01 4.21836376e-01 -4.66893613e-02 3.46677750e-01 3.03445337e-03 -3.86541873e-01 6.74031898e-02 3.56446020e-02 -5.49676530e-02 3.73187780e-01 2.41107829e-02 1.60553992e-01 4.43211906e-02 1.16030730e-01 2.97807634e-01 1.03838965e-01 -3.08628380e-02 -1.99697148e-02 -4.86137420e-01 6.34723827e-02 -7.56630972e-02 1.70628935e-01 -1.09453551e-01 3.33680391e-01 8.46183896e-02 7.54843801e-02 -1.61039606e-01 -3.39070857e-01 4.57444876e-01 1.76549256e-01 -2.19561160e-01 -2.37355039e-01 2.45708361e-01 -3.51649135e-01 2.38560736e-02 -3.15387458e-01 -2.57425429e-03 -1.68621317e-02 4.45192866e-02 -2.34332442e-01 -1.66572779e-01 -2.45891094e-01 -3.05166692e-01 -1.12520233e-01 3.13191742e-01 -1.17572360e-01 8.68759006e-02 -2.20918715e-01 8.83365348e-02]
"Nearer, My God, To Thee" active "SCP-6999 - Nearer, My God, To Thee Authored by Elenee FishTruck. Written for the SCP-6000 Contest. ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. FROM: O5-10 TO: Personnel LISTSERV Figured you may be curious about the music. See attached file. - O5-10 scp-6999.pdf Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel maintain several television broadcasting towers to transmit SCP-6999 globally. Per Project AISA protocol, only Level 5 personnel may access this file. Description: SCP-6999 is a three minute-long, cognitohazardous video of the Applied Force Department Symphony performing Nearer, My God, to Thee. The video influences the autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, inhibiting fight-or-flight responses to stressors and regulating cortisol production. Upon Ethics Committee approval, the O5 Council commissioned the Memetics and Infohazards Division to develop SCP-6999 for Project AISA. Exposure testing began on volunteer researchers after performance and recording. Addendum 6999.1: Testing Log Subject: Dr. Chuck Ferguson Background: Ferguson married his husband seven years prior to testing and had adopted an infant son three years prior. While he reports high relationship and household satisfaction, substantiated by testimony from close friends, he frequently stresses over a lack of interaction with his son and believes his husband may hold grudges against him due to this. Results: Ferguson texts his husband, asking if they can discuss the situation later that day. Ferguson reports an in-depth, reflective conversation, spanning their relationship history, familial pasts, and favorite television programs. Among this, Ferguson's husband reassures that he holds no grudges over his more dominant role in their son's upbringing, given Ferguson's government job (see Family Disclosure Protocol). However, he does suggest hiring a babysitter, which Ferguson states he'll contemplate. Subject: Agent Silvina Cortez Background: Cortez emigrated from the Philippines to the United States after college, a decision heavily protested by her mother. With her enrollment in the United States military and subsequent Foundation employment, her relationship with her mother grew increasingly estranged. Cortez regrets not contacting her mother but fears a further divide in their relationship if she does so. Results: Cortez calls her mother who expresses shock from the sudden contact. They set up a video call together for the day after testing. Cortez reports an initially stilted but progressively intimate conversation, her mother interested in American life and Cortez in Filipino life. When addressing the initial distress over the emigration, Cortez' mother apologizes for her comments, noting how long ago she made them but admitting she feared how Cortez would adjust. Subject: Dr. Everett Mann Background: Mann, continuing the eccentricity of his caretaker uncle, possessed divergent ethics from societal norms. After Mann's uncle died incarcerated, Mann faced social ostracization from peers. In response, Mann sought comfort in science and learning. While Mann cites "genius" as diverting potential friends, others testify Mann outright rejecting social advances in favor of scientific pursuits. Results: Mann steps outside the testing facility, finds the nearest cliff-face, and sits at the edge, silently staring at the night sky. When asked what he thought about, Mann states "We can all ascend." The next day, he sits at a crowded table in the Site-19 cafeteria, facilitating awkward but genuine conversation on rat biology. Addendum 6999.2: Project AISA Briefing Project AISA is a Foundation-planned initiative to comfort humanity in response to a predictable, singular, and widely publicized XK End-of-the-World scenario. Once such an event grows imminent, all Foundation personnel will gain access to files on Project AISA anomalies. « SCP-6998 | SCP-6999 | SCP-7000 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6999" by Elenee FishTruck, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: band.jpg Name: File:Koninklijke Harmonie van Thorn 20080501.JPG Author: Nlkalwien License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: hymn.mp3 Name: Nearer, my God, to Thee Author: Conway's Band License: Public Domain Source Link: Library of Congress For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Frame of SCP-6999."
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3.18439186e-01 -1.27114102e-01 1.36895522e-01 -7.27654472e-02 2.65300810e-01 -4.33557592e-02 -2.46674847e-02 -1.91929966e-01 1.32704422e-01 9.08463672e-02 1.22244306e-01 -1.74166083e-01 2.61012107e-01 -3.03938448e-01 -2.27821782e-01 -1.50986373e-01 -2.21567735e-01 1.59555137e-01 -3.79523396e-01 4.58743237e-02 -2.28073075e-01 -1.02475911e-01 -2.24236622e-01 -2.27602392e-01 3.00579607e-01 -1.87032893e-01 -1.09893791e-01 6.97103590e-02 3.03417534e-01 2.26982549e-01 -1.72340319e-01 -3.13930988e-01 -2.03535855e-01 -2.29036584e-01 -6.79245144e-02 -2.10205302e-01 6.93738401e-01 2.21168637e-01 3.30035277e-02 -4.59267125e-02 1.76508635e-01 1.36662573e-01 5.57604313e-01 -1.76591247e-01 -3.28501314e-01 6.95558846e-01 -1.45757809e-01 1.87209889e-01 -1.01674944e-01 -1.55512273e-01 5.51069947e-03 -1.65124819e-01 -1.17244132e-01 -2.93021679e-01 -2.69651592e-01 4.61727113e-01 -3.64416838e-01 2.67897695e-01 -1.80898845e-01 2.52895951e-01 4.60219502e-01 3.26184094e-01 -2.91003108e-01 6.95341527e-02 1.87479168e-01 -2.39216790e-01 -1.11684412e-01 -5.99046536e-02 -3.83029252e-01 3.39346737e-01 2.30276063e-01 5.00065973e-04 2.25899830e-01 -1.94713488e-01 3.81581873e-01 1.79434046e-02 -2.39001233e-02 1.49688497e-01 3.92779619e-01 -4.23311144e-02 -1.05969422e-02 1.29792288e-01 -2.88711458e-01 -1.13500632e-01 -2.78302468e-02 8.76212046e-02 2.87553817e-01 1.32448571e-02 1.63659990e-01 1.77072853e-01 -4.29681271e-01 7.58753568e-02 1.79436177e-01 9.62024704e-02 -3.54726046e-01 -3.57012302e-01 5.02223969e-01 -2.43207395e-01 -2.82697201e-01 -1.47215456e-01 3.03204596e-01 3.92574102e-01 -2.50069439e-01 -4.82923649e-02 -3.57194752e-01 -5.57876714e-02 1.40168965e-01 -1.31043389e-01 1.50057167e-01 -1.63815878e-02 7.79937804e-02 3.68924975e-01 -1.91989075e-02 -2.87222803e-01 -3.67190063e-01 1.40504271e-01 -4.33336645e-01 3.81779164e-01 -5.21753430e-02 -6.29069507e-02 6.13559224e-02 -2.11199354e-02 9.83618386e-03 3.35370958e-01 -1.95325196e-01 -8.50061476e-02 -2.35211074e-01 -5.86184375e-02 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3.64846081e-01 1.99563086e-01 1.03329137e-01 -3.41277659e-01 2.05234423e-01 2.50114016e-02 -3.50912333e-01 -4.72838789e-01 -1.79600090e-01 1.89709127e-01 2.67850012e-01 3.27254534e-01 1.09398508e+00 2.57165998e-01 4.40247595e-01 4.15020853e-01 -2.86241233e-01 1.24634005e-01 -6.88391566e-01 4.26023863e-02 -9.25916061e-02 -2.74462938e-01 -4.70375754e-02 -3.47382814e-01 -1.28589839e-01 2.87305266e-01 1.19496696e-01 -5.11232391e-02 4.60911170e-03 -9.07817557e-02 3.05776626e-01 1.42970115e-01 1.60819247e-01 4.34359871e-02 1.15537241e-01 1.37709230e-01 2.39392351e-02 -1.76079422e-01 -5.70238102e-03 -4.12185788e-01 -4.18120883e-02 6.94908053e-02 -3.09285186e-02 3.71909112e-01 -7.77870715e-01 -7.09371045e-02 -6.47511408e-02 -1.31598860e-01 2.95260519e-01 2.81592458e-01 -3.28129693e-03 -2.49679282e-01 -2.11635202e-01 2.96661288e-01 4.31551665e-01 6.52568042e-02 1.91704571e-01 -3.20564955e-02 3.82708758e-02 2.45299395e-02 -4.82132845e-02 1.38244644e-01 3.45365137e-01 -1.89277992e-01 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2.36295462e-01 -2.63360664e-02 -4.21499848e-01 -9.16431695e-02 3.49189401e-01 2.84848571e-01 5.19233346e-02 4.33712453e-01 4.15079258e-02 -6.46536574e-02 -1.21308446e-01 -1.04838595e-01 1.77123621e-01 4.09367859e-01 -2.93861516e-02 3.08954865e-01 6.74032494e-02 1.09053224e-01 -3.86433691e-01 1.22122496e-01 1.67588651e-01 -5.58904782e-02 -2.16170505e-01 -4.50095922e-01 -7.20666125e-02 1.93985701e-01 -1.88425794e-01 -1.38804123e-01 -2.59355694e-01 -4.25094485e-01 1.92466413e-03 1.61756948e-01 -2.26102054e-01 -3.49405020e-01 1.54363245e-01 -1.57862097e-01 -1.21221781e-01 1.53087750e-01 -1.13845959e-01 4.34572339e-01 2.67018288e-01 -9.32063013e-02 2.08170772e-01 1.09433055e-01 3.34089875e-01 1.55766368e-01 -1.78306662e-02 6.68241978e-02 4.45854068e-02 7.69019872e-02 1.49355054e-01 1.97912484e-01 -2.85765201e-01 4.26698744e-01 -4.52949733e-01 2.70355076e-01 -6.29197508e-02 1.43673420e-01 -2.48911232e-03 1.61972225e-01 -2.17784271e-01 -3.25640768e-01 3.00182551e-01 -9.21655223e-02 1.71121042e-02 -3.33776057e-01 -5.29272497e-01 4.88399155e-02 2.13086773e-02 2.07627684e-01 -2.85909623e-01 1.45068899e-01 1.82329237e-01 4.31677401e-01 -1.47200733e-01 -1.73923090e-01 1.29969552e-01 -3.06848109e-01 -4.58626784e-02 4.39941213e-02 8.74589086e-02 4.00168717e-01 7.55887851e-02 3.43750447e-01 -1.25407591e-01 -2.25744486e-01 -9.25835148e-02 -1.41929790e-01 3.71534526e-02 5.76455183e-02 -2.68634763e-02 2.81730115e-01 -2.33047858e-01 4.02980670e-02 2.18500644e-01 -1.14294931e-01 -2.03205153e-01 3.61999959e-01 -1.64549738e-01 9.79408100e-02 6.57325191e-03 -4.80419323e-02 -2.57246327e-02 1.84841398e-02 9.71268415e-02 -3.66992027e-01 1.21850893e-02 -2.11819172e-01 1.21961854e-01 1.11122638e-01 3.41690239e-03 1.24056600e-01 -4.48963672e-01 2.02455997e-01 2.24500850e-01 1.98338822e-01 -1.18008338e-01 -3.17878067e-01 -4.73959357e-01 3.26608956e-01 4.63873386e-01 -3.59151214e-02 -2.53771599e-02 -4.12480325e-01 4.51941580e-01 6.84362948e-02 1.94751412e-01 9.59492028e-02 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