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\chapter{Large number laws (TO DO)}
\todo{write chapter}
\section{Notions of convergence}
\subsection{Almost sure convergence}
Let $X$, $X_n$ be random variables on a probability space $\Omega$.
We say $X_n$ \vocab{converges almost surely} to $X$ if
\[ \mu \left( \omega \in \Omega :
\lim_n X_n(\omega) = X(\omega) \right) = 1. \]
This is a very strong notion of convergence:
it says in almost every \emph{world},
the values of $X_n$ converge to $X$.
In fact, it is almost better for me to give a \emph{non-example}.
[Non-example of almost sure convergence]
Imagine an immortal skeleton archer is practicing shots,
and on the $n$th shot, he scores a bulls-eye with probability
$1 - \frac 1n$
(which tends to $1$ because the archer improves over time).
Let $X_n \in \{0, 1, \dots, 10\}$ be the score of the $n$th shot.
Although the skeleton is gradually approaching perfection,
there are \emph{almost no worlds} in which the archer
misses only finitely many shots: that is
\[ \mu \left( \omega \in \Omega :
\lim_n X_n(\omega) = 10 \right) = 0. \]
\subsection{Convergence in probability}
Therefore, for many purposes we need a weaker notion of convergence.
Let $X$, $X_n$ be random variables on a probability space $\Omega$.
We say $X_n$ \vocab{converges in probability} to $X$ if
if for every $\eps > 0$ and $\delta > 0$, we have
\[ \mu \left( \omega \in \Omega :
\left\lvert X_n(\omega) - X(\omega) \right\rvert < \eps
\right) \ge 1 - \delta \]
for $n$ large enough (in terms of $\eps$ and $\delta$).
In this sense, our skeleton archer does succeed:
for any $\delta > 0$, if $n > \delta\inv$
then the skeleton archer does hit a bulls-eye
in a $1-\delta$ fraction of the worlds.
In general, you can think of this as saying that for any $\delta > 0$,
the chance of an $\eps$-anomaly event at the $n$th stage
eventually drops below $\delta$.
To mask $\delta$ from the definition,
this is sometimes written instead as:
for all $\eps$
\[ \lim_{n \to \infty} \mu \left( \omega \in \Omega :
\left\lvert X_n(\omega) - X(\omega) \right\rvert < \eps
\right) = 1. \]
I suppose it doesn't make much difference,
though I personally don't like the asymmetry.
\subsection{Convergence in law}
[Quantifier hell]
In the definition of convergence in probability
suppose we allowed $\delta = 0$
(rather than $\delta > 0$).
Show that the modified definition is
equivalent to almost sure convergence.
This is actually trickier than it appears,
you cannot just push quantifiers (contrary to the name),
but have to focus on $\eps = 1/m$ for $m = 1, 2, \dots$.
The problem is saying for each $\eps > 0$,
if $n > N_\eps$, we have
$\mu(\omega : |X(\omega)-X_n(\omega)| \le \eps) = 1$.
For each $m$ there are some measure zero ``bad worlds'';
take the union.
For each positive integer $m$,
consider what happens when $\eps = 1/m$.
Then, by hypothesis, there is a threshold $N_m$
such that the \emph{anomaly set}
\[ A_m \defeq \left\{ \omega :
|X(\omega)-X_n(\omega)| \ge \frac 1m
\text{ for some } n > N_m \right\} \]
has measure $\mu(A_m) = 0$.
Hence, the countable union $A = \bigcup_{m \ge 1} A_m$ has measure zero too.
So the complement of $A$ has measure $1$.
For any world $\omega \notin A$,
we then have
\[ \lim_n \left\lvert X(\omega) - X_n(\omega) \right\rvert = 1 \]
because when $n > N_m$ that absolute value
is always at most $1/m$ (as $\omega \notin A_m$).
[Almost sure convorgence is not topologizable]
Consider the space of all random variables on $\Omega = [0,1]$.
Prove that it's impossible to impose a metric on this space
which makes the following statement true:
A sequence $X_1$, $X_2$, \dots, of converges almost surely to $X$
if and only if $X_i$ converge to $X$ in the metric.