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Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Scott Morrison | |
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import | |
import analysis.special_functions.pow | |
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# The Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality and Tsirelson's inequality. | |
We establish a version of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality | |
(which is a generalization of Bell's inequality). | |
This is a foundational result which implies that | |
quantum mechanics is not a local hidden variable theory. | |
As usually stated the CHSH inequality requires substantial language from physics and probability, | |
but it is possible to give a statement that is purely about ordered `*`-algebras. | |
We do that here, to avoid as many practical and logical dependencies as possible. | |
Since the algebra of observables of any quantum system is an ordered `*`-algebra | |
(in particular a von Neumann algebra) this is a strict generalization of the usual statement. | |
Let `R` be a `*`-ring. | |
A CHSH tuple in `R` consists of | |
* four elements `A₀ A₁ B₀ B₁ : R`, such that | |
* each `Aᵢ` and `Bⱼ` is a self-adjoint involution, and | |
* the `Aᵢ` commute with the `Bⱼ`. | |
The physical interpretation is that the four elements are observables (hence self-adjoint) | |
that take values ±1 (hence involutions), and that the `Aᵢ` are spacelike separated from the `Bⱼ` | |
(and hence commute). | |
The CHSH inequality says that when `R` is an ordered `*`-ring | |
(that is, a `*`-ring which is ordered, and for every `r : R`, `0 ≤ star r * r`), | |
which is moreover *commutative*, we have | |
`A₀ * B₀ + A₀ * B₁ + A₁ * B₀ - A₁ * B₁ ≤ 2` | |
On the other hand, Tsirelson's inequality says that for any ordered `*`-ring we have | |
`A₀ * B₀ + A₀ * B₁ + A₁ * B₀ - A₁ * B₁ ≤ 2√2` | |
(A caveat: in the commutative case we need 2⁻¹ in the ring, | |
and in the noncommutative case we need √2 and √2⁻¹. | |
To keep things simple we just assume our rings are ℝ-algebras.) | |
The proofs I've seen in the literature either | |
assume a significant framework for quantum mechanics, | |
or assume the ring is a `C^*`-algebra. | |
In the `C^*`-algebra case, | |
the order structure is completely determined by the `*`-algebra structure: | |
`0 ≤ A` iff there exists some `B` so `A = star B * B`. | |
There's a nice proof of both bounds in this setting at | | | |
The proof given here is purely algebraic. | |
## Future work | |
One can show that Tsirelson's inequality is tight. | |
In the `*`-ring of n-by-n complex matrices, if `A ≤ λ I` for some `λ : ℝ`, | |
then every eigenvalue has absolute value at most `λ`. | |
There is a CHSH tuple in 4-by-4 matrices such that | |
`A₀ * B₀ + A₀ * B₁ + A₁ * B₀ - A₁ * B₁` has `2√2` as an eigenvalue. | |
## References | |
* [Clauser, Horne, Shimony, Holt, | |
*Proposed experiment to test local hidden-variable theories*][zbMATH06785026] | |
* [Bell, *On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox*][MR3790629] | |
* [Tsirelson, *Quantum generalizations of Bell's inequality*][MR577178] | |
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universes u | |
/-- | |
A CHSH tuple in a *-monoid consists of 4 self-adjoint involutions `A₀ A₁ B₀ B₁` such that | |
the `Aᵢ` commute with the `Bⱼ`. | |
The physical interpretation is that `A₀` and `A₁` are a pair of boolean observables which | |
are spacelike separated from another pair `B₀` and `B₁` of boolean observables. | |
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@[nolint has_nonempty_instance] | |
structure is_CHSH_tuple {R} [monoid R] [star_semigroup R] (A₀ A₁ B₀ B₁ : R) := | |
(A₀_inv : A₀^2 = 1) (A₁_inv : A₁^2 = 1) (B₀_inv : B₀^2 = 1) (B₁_inv : B₁^2 = 1) | |
(A₀_sa : star A₀ = A₀) (A₁_sa : star A₁ = A₁) (B₀_sa : star B₀ = B₀) (B₁_sa : star B₁ = B₁) | |
(A₀B₀_commutes : A₀ * B₀ = B₀ * A₀) | |
(A₀B₁_commutes : A₀ * B₁ = B₁ * A₀) | |
(A₁B₀_commutes : A₁ * B₀ = B₀ * A₁) | |
(A₁B₁_commutes : A₁ * B₁ = B₁ * A₁) | |
variables {R : Type u} | |
lemma CHSH_id [comm_ring R] {A₀ A₁ B₀ B₁ : R} | |
(A₀_inv : A₀^2 = 1) (A₁_inv : A₁^2 = 1) (B₀_inv : B₀^2 = 1) (B₁_inv : B₁^2 = 1) : | |
(2 - A₀ * B₀ - A₀ * B₁ - A₁ * B₀ + A₁ * B₁) * | |
(2 - A₀ * B₀ - A₀ * B₁ - A₁ * B₀ + A₁ * B₁) = | |
4 * (2 - A₀ * B₀ - A₀ * B₁ - A₁ * B₀ + A₁ * B₁) := | |
-- If we had a Gröbner basis algorithm, this would be trivial. | |
-- Without one, it is somewhat tedious! | |
begin | |
rw ← sub_eq_zero, | |
repeat | |
{ ring_nf, | |
simp only [A₁_inv, B₁_inv, sub_eq_add_neg, add_mul, mul_add, sub_mul, mul_sub, add_assoc, | |
neg_add, neg_sub, sub_add, sub_sub, neg_mul, ←sq, A₀_inv, B₀_inv, ←sq, ←mul_assoc, one_mul, | |
mul_one, add_right_neg, add_zero, sub_eq_add_neg, A₀_inv, mul_one, add_right_neg, zero_mul] } | |
end | |
/-- | |
Given a CHSH tuple (A₀, A₁, B₀, B₁) in a *commutative* ordered `*`-algebra over ℝ, | |
`A₀ * B₀ + A₀ * B₁ + A₁ * B₀ - A₁ * B₁ ≤ 2`. | |
(We could work over ℤ[⅟2] if we wanted to!) | |
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lemma CHSH_inequality_of_comm | |
[ordered_comm_ring R] [star_ordered_ring R] [algebra ℝ R] [ordered_smul ℝ R] | |
(A₀ A₁ B₀ B₁ : R) (T : is_CHSH_tuple A₀ A₁ B₀ B₁) : | |
A₀ * B₀ + A₀ * B₁ + A₁ * B₀ - A₁ * B₁ ≤ 2 := | |
begin | |
let P := (2 - A₀ * B₀ - A₀ * B₁ - A₁ * B₀ + A₁ * B₁), | |
have i₁ : 0 ≤ P, | |
{ have idem : P * P = 4 * P := CHSH_id T.A₀_inv T.A₁_inv T.B₀_inv T.B₁_inv, | |
have idem' : P = (1 / 4 : ℝ) • (P * P), | |
{ have h : 4 * P = (4 : ℝ) • P := by simp [algebra.smul_def], | |
rw [idem, h, ←mul_smul], | |
norm_num, }, | |
have sa : star P = P, | |
{ dsimp [P], | |
simp only [star_add, star_sub, star_mul, star_bit0, star_one, | |
T.A₀_sa, T.A₁_sa, T.B₀_sa, T.B₁_sa, mul_comm B₀, mul_comm B₁], }, | |
rw idem', | |
conv_rhs { congr, skip, congr, rw ←sa, }, | |
convert smul_le_smul_of_nonneg (star_mul_self_nonneg : 0 ≤ star P * P) _, | |
{ simp, }, | |
{ apply_instance, }, | |
{ norm_num, } }, | |
apply le_of_sub_nonneg, | |
simpa only [sub_add_eq_sub_sub, ←sub_add] using i₁, | |
end | |
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We now prove some rather specialized lemmas in preparation for the Tsirelson inequality, | |
which we hide in a namespace as they are unlikely to be useful elsewhere. | |
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local notation `√2` := (real.sqrt 2 : ℝ) | |
namespace tsirelson_inequality | |
/-! | |
Before proving Tsirelson's bound, | |
we prepare some easy lemmas about √2. | |
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-- This calculation, which we need for Tsirelson's bound, | |
-- defeated me. Thanks for the rescue from Shing Tak Lam! | |
lemma tsirelson_inequality_aux : √2 * √2 ^ 3 = √2 * (2 * √2⁻¹ + 4 * (√2⁻¹ * 2⁻¹)) := | |
begin | |
ring_nf, field_simp [(@real.sqrt_pos 2).2 (by norm_num)], | |
convert congr_arg (^2) (@real.sq_sqrt 2 (by norm_num)) using 1; | |
simp only [← pow_mul]; norm_num, | |
end | |
lemma sqrt_two_inv_mul_self : √2⁻¹ * √2⁻¹ = (2⁻¹ : ℝ) := by { rw ←mul_inv, norm_num } | |
end tsirelson_inequality | |
open tsirelson_inequality | |
/-- | |
In a noncommutative ordered `*`-algebra over ℝ, | |
Tsirelson's bound for a CHSH tuple (A₀, A₁, B₀, B₁) is | |
`A₀ * B₀ + A₀ * B₁ + A₁ * B₀ - A₁ * B₁ ≤ 2^(3/2) • 1`. | |
We prove this by providing an explicit sum-of-squares decomposition | |
of the difference. | |
(We could work over `ℤ[2^(1/2), 2^(-1/2)]` if we really wanted to!) | |
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lemma tsirelson_inequality | |
[ordered_ring R] [star_ordered_ring R] | |
[algebra ℝ R] [ordered_smul ℝ R] [star_module ℝ R] | |
(A₀ A₁ B₀ B₁ : R) (T : is_CHSH_tuple A₀ A₁ B₀ B₁) : | |
A₀ * B₀ + A₀ * B₁ + A₁ * B₀ - A₁ * B₁ ≤ √2^3 • 1 := | |
begin | |
-- abel will create `ℤ` multiplication. We will `simp` them away to `ℝ` multiplication. | |
have M : ∀ (m : ℤ) (a : ℝ) (x : R), m • a • x = ((m : ℝ) * a) • x := | |
λ m a x, by rw [zsmul_eq_smul_cast ℝ, ← mul_smul], | |
let P := √2⁻¹ • (A₁ + A₀) - B₀, | |
let Q := √2⁻¹ • (A₁ - A₀) + B₁, | |
have w : √2^3 • 1 - A₀ * B₀ - A₀ * B₁ - A₁ * B₀ + A₁ * B₁ = √2⁻¹ • (P^2 + Q^2), | |
{ dsimp [P, Q], | |
-- distribute out all the powers and products appearing on the RHS | |
simp only [sq, sub_mul, mul_sub, add_mul, mul_add, smul_add, smul_sub], | |
-- pull all coefficients out to the front, and combine `√2`s where possible | |
simp only [algebra.mul_smul_comm, algebra.smul_mul_assoc, ←mul_smul, sqrt_two_inv_mul_self], | |
-- replace Aᵢ * Aᵢ = 1 and Bᵢ * Bᵢ = 1 | |
simp only [←sq, T.A₀_inv, T.A₁_inv, T.B₀_inv, T.B₁_inv], | |
-- move Aᵢ to the left of Bᵢ | |
simp only [←T.A₀B₀_commutes, ←T.A₀B₁_commutes, ←T.A₁B₀_commutes, ←T.A₁B₁_commutes], | |
-- collect terms, simplify coefficients, and collect terms again: | |
abel, | |
-- all terms coincide, but the last one. Simplify all other terms | |
simp only [M], | |
simp only [neg_mul, int.cast_bit0, one_mul, mul_inv_cancel_of_invertible, | |
int.cast_one, one_smul, int.cast_neg, add_right_inj, neg_smul, ← add_smul], | |
-- just look at the coefficients now: | |
congr, | |
exact mul_left_cancel₀ (by norm_num) tsirelson_inequality_aux, }, | |
have pos : 0 ≤ √2⁻¹ • (P^2 + Q^2), | |
{ have P_sa : star P = P, | |
{ dsimp [P], | |
simp only [star_smul, star_add, star_sub, star_id_of_comm, | |
T.A₀_sa, T.A₁_sa, T.B₀_sa, T.B₁_sa], }, | |
have Q_sa : star Q = Q, | |
{ dsimp [Q], | |
simp only [star_smul, star_add, star_sub, star_id_of_comm, | |
T.A₀_sa, T.A₁_sa, T.B₀_sa, T.B₁_sa], }, | |
have P2_nonneg : 0 ≤ P^2, | |
{ rw [sq], | |
conv { congr, skip, congr, rw ←P_sa, }, | |
convert (star_mul_self_nonneg : 0 ≤ star P * P), }, | |
have Q2_nonneg : 0 ≤ Q^2, | |
{ rw [sq], | |
conv { congr, skip, congr, rw ←Q_sa, }, | |
convert (star_mul_self_nonneg : 0 ≤ star Q * Q), }, | |
convert smul_le_smul_of_nonneg (add_nonneg P2_nonneg Q2_nonneg) | |
(le_of_lt (show 0 < √2⁻¹, by norm_num)), -- `norm_num` can't directly show `0 ≤ √2⁻¹` | |
simp, }, | |
apply le_of_sub_nonneg, | |
simpa only [sub_add_eq_sub_sub, ←sub_add, w] using pos, | |
end | |