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\chapter{Inner product spaces} | |
%%fakesection Cheerleading | |
It will often turn out that our vector spaces which look more like $\RR^n$ | |
not only have the notion of addition, but also a notion of \emph{orthogonality} | |
and the notion of \emph{distance}. | |
All this is achieved by endowing the vector space with a so-called \textbf{inner form}, | |
which you likely already know as the ``dot product'' for $\RR^n$. | |
Indeed, in $\RR^n$ you already know that | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii $v \cdot w = 0$ if and only if $v$ and $w$ are perpendicular, and | |
\ii $|v|^2 = v \cdot v$. | |
\end{itemize} | |
The purpose is to quickly set up this structure in full generality. | |
Some highlights of the chapter: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii We'll see that the high school ``dot product'' | |
formulation is actually very natural: | |
it falls out from the two axioms we listed above. | |
If you ever wondered why $\sum a_i b_i$ behaves as nicely as it does, | |
now you'll know. | |
\ii We show how the inner form can be used to make $V$ into a \emph{metric space}, | |
giving it more geometric structure. | |
\ii A few chapters later, | |
we'll identify $V \cong V^\vee$ in a way that wasn't possible before, | |
and as a corollary deduce the nice result that | |
symmetric matrices with real entries | |
always have real eigenvalues. | |
\end{itemize} | |
Throughout this chapter, \emph{all vector spaces are over $\CC$ or $\RR$}, | |
unless otherwise specified. | |
We'll generally prefer working over $\CC$ instead of $\RR$ since | |
$\CC$ is algebraically closed | |
(so, e.g.\ we have Jordan forms). | |
Every real matrix can be thought of as a matrix | |
with complex entries anyways. | |
\section{The inner product} | |
\prototype{Dot product in $\RR^n$.} | |
\subsection{For real numbers: bilinear forms} | |
First, let's define the inner form for real spaces. | |
Rather than the notation $v \cdot w$ it is most customary | |
to use $\left< v,w \right>$ for general vector spaces. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $V$ be a real vector space. | |
A \vocab{real inner form}\footnote{Other | |
names include ``inner product'', ``dot product'', | |
``positive definite nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form'', \dots} | |
is a function | |
\[ \left< \bullet, \bullet \right> : V \times V \to \RR \] | |
which satisfies the following properties: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii The form is \vocab{symmetric}: for any $v,w \in V$ we have | |
\[ \left< v,w \right> = \left< w,v\right>. \] | |
Of course, one would expect this property from a product. | |
\ii The form is \vocab{bilinear}, or \textbf{linear in both arguments}, | |
meaning that $\left< -, v\right>$ | |
and $\left< v, -\right>$ are linear functions for any fixed $v$. | |
Spelled explicitly this means that | |
\begin{align*} | |
\left< cx, v \right> &= c \left< x,v \right> \\ | |
\left< x+y, v \right> &= \left< x,v \right> + \left< y,v \right>. | |
\end{align*} | |
and similarly if $v$ was on the left. | |
This is often summarized by the single equation | |
$\left< cx+y, z \right> = c \left< x,z \right> + \left< y,z \right>$. | |
\ii The form is \vocab{positive definite}, meaning $\left<v,v\right> \ge 0$ | |
is a nonnegative real number, and equality takes place only if $v = 0_V$. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Show that linearity in the first argument plus symmetry | |
already gives you linearity in the second argument, | |
so we could edit the above definition | |
by only requiring $\left< -, v\right>$ to be linear. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{example} | |
[$\RR^n$] | |
As we already know, one can define the inner form on $\RR^n$ as follows. | |
Let $e_1 = (1, 0, \dots, 0)$, $e_2 = (0, 1, \dots, 0)$, | |
\dots, $e_n = (0, \dots, 0, 1)$ be the usual basis. | |
Then we let | |
\[ | |
\left< a_1 e_1 + \dots + a_n e_n, b_1 e_1 + \dots + b_n e_n \right> | |
\defeq a_1 b_1 + \dots + a_n b_n. | |
\] | |
It's easy to see this is bilinear | |
(symmetric and linear in both arguments). | |
To see it is positive definite, | |
note that if $a_i = b_i$ | |
then the dot product is $a_1^2 + \dots + a_n^2$, | |
which is zero exactly when all $a_i$ are zero. | |
\end{example} | |
\subsection{For complex numbers: sesquilinear forms} | |
The definition for a complex product space is similar, but has one difference: | |
rather than symmetry we instead have \emph{conjugate symmetry} | |
meaning $\left< v, w \right> = \ol{ \left< w,v \right> }$. | |
Thus, while we still have linearity in the first argument, | |
we actually have a different linearity for the second argument. | |
To be explicit: | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $V$ be a complex vector space. | |
A \vocab{complex inner product} is a function | |
\[ \left< \bullet, \bullet \right> : V \times V \to \CC \] | |
which satisfies the following properties: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii The form has \vocab{conjugate symmetry}, which means that | |
for any $v,w \in V$ we have | |
\[ \left< v,w \right> = \ol{\left< w,v\right>}. \] | |
\ii The form is \vocab{sesquilinear} | |
(the name means ``one-and-a-half linear''). | |
This means that: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii The form is \textbf{linear in the first argument}, so again we have | |
\begin{align*} | |
\left< x+y, v \right> &= \left< x,v \right> + \left< y,v \right> \\ | |
\left< cx, v \right> &= c\left< x,v \right>. | |
\end{align*} | |
Again this is often abbreviated to the single line | |
$\left< cx+y, v \right> = c \left< x,v \right> + \left< y,v \right>$ | |
in the literature. | |
\ii However, it is now \textbf{\vocab{anti-linear} | |
in the second argument}: | |
for any complex number $c$ and vectors $x$ and $y$ we have | |
\begin{align*} | |
\left< v, x+y\right> &= \left< v, x\right> + \left< v,y \right> \\ | |
\left< v, cx \right> &= \ol c \left< v, x\right>. | |
\end{align*} | |
Note the appearance of the complex conjugate $\ol c$, | |
which is new! | |
Again, we can abbreviate this to just | |
$\left< v, cx+y \right> = \ol c \left< v,x \right> + \left< v,y\right>$ | |
if we only want to write one equation. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\ii The form is \vocab{positive definite}, | |
meaning $\left<v,v\right>$ is a nonnegative real number, | |
and equals zero exactly when $v = 0_V$. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Show that anti-linearity follows | |
from conjugate symmetry plus linearity in the first argument. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{example} | |
[$\CC^n$] | |
The dot product in $\CC^n$ is defined as follows: | |
let $\ee_1$, $\ee_2$, \dots, $\ee_n$ be the standard basis. | |
For complex numbers $w_i$, $z_i$ we set | |
\[ | |
\left< w_1 \ee_1 + \dots + w_n \ee_n, z_1 \ee_1 + \dots + z_n \ee_n \right> | |
\defeq w_1\ol{z_1} + \dots + w_n \ol{z_n}. | |
\] | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{ques} | |
Check that the above is in fact a complex inner form. | |
\end{ques} | |
\subsection{Inner product space} | |
It'll be useful to treat both types of spaces simultaneously: | |
\begin{definition} | |
An \vocab{inner product space} is either a real vector space | |
equipped with a real inner form, | |
or a complex vector space equipped with a complex inner form. | |
A linear map between inner product spaces | |
is a map between the underlying vector spaces | |
(we do \emph{not} require any compatibility with the inner form). | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{remark} | |
[Why sesquilinear?] | |
The above example explains one reason why we want | |
to satisfy conjugate symmetry rather than just symmetry. | |
If we had tried to define the dot product as $\sum w_i z_i$, | |
then we would have lost the condition of being positive definite, | |
because there is no guarantee that | |
$\left< v,v \right> = \sum z_i^2$ will even be a real number at all. | |
On the other hand, with conjugate symmetry | |
we actually enforce $\left< v,v \right> = \ol{\left< v,v \right>}$, | |
i.e.\ $\left< v,v \right> \in \RR$ for every $v$. | |
Let's make this point a bit more forcefully. | |
Suppose we tried to put a bilinear form $\left< -, -\right>$, | |
on a \emph{complex} vector space $V$. | |
Let $e$ be any vector with $\left< e, e \right> = 1$ (a unit vector). | |
Then we would instead get | |
$\left< ie, ie \right> = - \left< e,e \right> = -1$; | |
this is a vector with length $\sqrt{-1}$, which is not okay! | |
That's why it is important that, | |
when we have a complex inner product space, | |
our form is sesquilinear, not bilinear. | |
\end{remark} | |
Now that we have a dot product, | |
we can talk both about the norm and orthogonality. | |
\section{Norms} | |
\prototype{$\RR^n$ becomes its usual Euclidean space with the vector norm.} | |
The inner form equips our vector space with a notion of distance, which we call the norm. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $V$ be an inner product space. | |
The \vocab{norm} of $v \in V$ is defined by | |
\[ \norm{v} = \sqrt{\left<v,v\right>}. \] | |
This definition makes sense because | |
we assumed our form to be positive definite, | |
so $\left< v,v\right>$ is a nonnegative real number. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example}[$\RR^n$ and $\CC^n$ are normed vector spaces] | |
When $V = \RR^n$ or $V = \CC^n$ with the standard dot product norm, | |
then the norm of $v$ corresponds to the absolute value that we are used to. | |
\end{example} | |
Our goal now is to prove that | |
\begin{moral} | |
With the metric $d(v,w) = \norm{v-w}$, $V$ becomes a metric space. | |
\end{moral} | |
\begin{ques} | |
Verify that $d(v,w) = 0$ if and only if $v = w$. | |
\end{ques} | |
So we just have to establish the triangle inequality. | |
Let's now prove something we all know and love, | |
which will be a stepping stone later: | |
\begin{lemma} | |
[Cauchy-Schwarz] | |
Let $V$ be an inner product space. | |
For any $v,w \in V$ we have | |
\[ \left\lvert \left< v,w\right> \right\rvert | |
\le \norm{v} \norm{w} \] | |
with equality if and only if $v$ and $w$ are linearly dependent. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
The theorem is immediate if $\left< v,w\right> = 0$. | |
It is also immediate if $\norm{v} \norm{w} = 0$, | |
since then one of $v$ or $w$ is the zero vector. | |
So henceforth we assume all these quantities are nonzero | |
(as we need to divide by them later). | |
The key to the proof is to think about the equality case: | |
we'll use the inequality $\left< cv-w, cv-w\right> \ge 0$. | |
Deferring the choice of $c$ until later, we compute | |
\begin{align*} | |
0 &\le \left< cv-w, cv-w \right> \\ | |
&= \left< cv, cv\right> - \left< cv, w\right> - \left< w, cv\right> + \left< w,w \right> \\ | |
&= |c|^2 \left< v,v \right> - c \left< v,w \right> - \ol c \left< w,v \right> + \left< w,w \right> \\ | |
&= |c|^2 \norm{v}^2 + \norm{w}^2 - c \left< v,w \right> - \ol{c \left< v,w\right> } \\ | |
2 \Re \left[ c \left< v,w \right> \right] &\le |c|^2 \norm{v}^2 + \norm{w}^2 \\ | |
\intertext{At this point, a good choice of $c$ is} | |
c &= \frac{ \norm w}{\norm v} \cdot \frac{|\left< v,w\right>|}{\left< v,w\right>} \\ | |
\intertext{since then} | |
c \left< v,w \right> &= \frac{\norm w}{\norm v} \left\lvert \left< v,w\right> \right\rvert \in \RR \\ | |
|c| &= \frac{\norm w}{\norm v} \\ | |
\intertext{whence the inequality becomes} | |
2\frac{\norm w}{\norm v} \left\lvert \left< v,w\right> \right\rvert &\le 2 \norm{w}^2 \\ | |
\left\lvert \left< v,w\right> \right\rvert &\le \norm v \norm w. \qedhere | |
\end{align*} | |
\end{proof} | |
Thus: | |
\begin{theorem} | |
[Triangle inequality] | |
We always have | |
\[ \norm v + \norm w \ge \norm{v+w} \] | |
with equality if and only if $v$ and $w$ are linearly dependent | |
and point in the same direction. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Prove this by squaring both sides, and applying Cauchy-Schwarz. | |
\end{exercise} | |
In this way, our vector space now has a topological structure of a metric space. | |
\section{Orthogonality} | |
\prototype{Still $\RR^n$!} | |
Our next goal is to give the geometric notion of ``perpendicular''. | |
The definition is easy enough: | |
\begin{definition} | |
Two nonzero vectors $v$ and $w$ in an inner product space | |
are \vocab{orthogonal} if $\left< v,w \right> = 0$. | |
\end{definition} | |
As we expect from our geometric intuition in $\RR^n$, | |
this implies independence: | |
\begin{lemma}[Orthogonal vectors are independent] | |
Any set of pairwise orthogonal vectors $v_1$, $v_2$, \dots, $v_n$, | |
with $\norm{v_i} \ne 0$ for each $i$, | |
is linearly independent. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Consider a dependence | |
\[ a_1 v_1 + \dots + a_n v_n = 0 \] | |
for $a_i$ in $\RR$ or $\CC$. | |
Then \[ 0 = \left< v_1, \sum a_i v_i \right> = \ol{a_1} \norm{v_1}^2. \] | |
Hence $a_1 = 0$, since we assumed $\norm{v_1} \neq 0$. | |
Similarly $a_2 = \dots = a_m = 0$. | |
\end{proof} | |
In light of this, we can now consider a stronger condition on our bases: | |
\begin{definition} | |
An \vocab{orthonormal} basis of a | |
\emph{finite-dimensional} inner product space $V$ | |
is a basis $e_1$, \dots, $e_n$ such that | |
$\norm{e_i} = 1$ for every $i$ and | |
$\left< e_i, e_j \right> = 0$ for any $i \neq j$. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example}[$\RR^n$ and $\CC^n$ have standard bases] | |
In $\RR^n$ and $\CC^n$ equipped with the standard dot product, | |
the standard basis $\ee_1$, \dots, $\ee_n$ is also orthonormal. | |
\end{example} | |
This is no loss of generality: | |
\begin{theorem}[Gram-Schmidt] | |
Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional inner product space. | |
Then it has an orthonormal basis. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof}[Sketch of Proof] | |
One constructs the orthonormal basis explicitly from any basis | |
$e_1$, \dots, $e_n$ of $V$. | |
Define $\opname{proj}_u(v) = \frac{\left< v,u\right>}{\left< u,u\right>} u$. | |
Then recursively define | |
\begin{align*} | |
u_1 &= e_1 \\ | |
u_2 &= e_2 - \opname{proj}_{u_1}(e_2) \\ | |
u_3 &= e_3 - \opname{proj}_{u_1}(e_3) - \opname{proj}_{u_2}(e_3) \\ | |
&\vdotswithin{=} \\ | |
u_n &= e_n - \opname{proj}_{u_1}(e_n) - \dots - \opname{proj}_{u_{n-1}}(e_n). | |
\end{align*} | |
One can show the $u_i$ are pairwise orthogonal and not zero. | |
\end{proof} | |
Thus, we can generally assume our bases are orthonormal. | |
Worth remarking: | |
\begin{example}[The dot product is the ``only'' inner form] | |
Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional inner product space, | |
and consider \emph{any} orthonormal basis $e_1, \dots, e_n$. | |
Then we have that | |
\[ \left< a_1 e_1 + \dots + a_n e_n, | |
b_1 e_1 + \dots + b_n e_n \right> | |
= \sum_{i,j=1}^n a_i\ol{b_j} \left< e_i, e_j \right> | |
= \sum_{i=1}^n a_i \ol{b_i} \] | |
owing to the fact that the $\{e_i\}$ are orthonormal. | |
\end{example} | |
And now you know why the dot product expression is so ubiquitous. | |
\section{Hilbert spaces} | |
In algebra we are usually scared of infinity, | |
and so when we defined a basis of a vanilla vector space many chapters ago, | |
we only allowed finite linear combinations. | |
However, if we have an inner product space, | |
then it is a metric space and we \emph{can} | |
sometimes actually talk about convergence. | |
Here is how it goes: | |
\begin{definition} | |
A \vocab{Hilbert space} is a inner product space $V$, | |
such that the corresponding metric space is complete. | |
\end{definition} | |
In that case, it will now often make sense to take infinite linear combinations, | |
because we can look at the sequence of partial sums and let it converge. | |
Here is how we might do it. | |
Let's suppose we have $e_1$, $e_2$, \dots an infinite sequence | |
of vectors with norm $1$ and which are pairwise orthogonal. | |
Suppose $c_1$, $c_2$, \dots, is a sequence of real or complex numbers. | |
Then consider the sequence | |
\begin{align*} | |
v_1 &= c_1 e_1 \\ | |
v_2 &= c_1 e_1 + c_2 e_2 \\ | |
v_3 &= c_1 e_1 + c_2 e_2 + c_3 e_3 \\ | |
&\vdotswithin= | |
\end{align*} | |
\begin{proposition} | |
[Convergence criteria in a Hilbert space] | |
The sequence $(v_i)$ defined above | |
converges if and only if $\sum \left\lvert c_i \right\rvert^2 < \infty$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
This will make more sense if you read \Cref{ch:calc_limits}, | |
so you could skip this proof if you haven't read the chapter. | |
The sequence $v_i$ converges if and only if it is Cauchy, | |
meaning that when $i < j$, | |
\[ \norm{v_j - v_i}^2 = |c_{i+1}|^2 + \dots + |c_j|^2 \] | |
tends to zero as $i$ and $j$ get large. | |
This is equivalent to the sequence | |
$s_n = |c_1|^2 + \dots + |c_n|^2$ being Cauchy. | |
Since $\RR$ is complete, $s_n$ is Cauchy | |
if and only if it converges. | |
Since $s_n$ consists of nonnegative real numbers, | |
converges holds if and only if $s_n$ is bounded, | |
or equivalently if $\sum \left\lvert c_i \right\rvert^2 < \infty$. | |
\end{proof} | |
Thus, when we have a Hilbert space, we change our definition slightly: | |
\begin{definition} | |
An \vocab{orthonormal basis} for a Hilbert space $V$ | |
is a (possibly infinite) sequence $e_1$, $e_2$, \dots, | |
of vectors such that | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii $\left< e_i, e_i \right> = 1$ for all $i$, | |
\ii $\left< e_i, e_j \right> = 0$ for $i \ne j$, | |
i.e.\ the vectors are pairwise orthogonal | |
\ii every element of $V$ can be expressed uniquely as an | |
infinite linear combination | |
\[ \sum_i c_i e_i \] | |
where $\sum_i \left\lvert c_i \right\rvert^2 < \infty$, | |
as described above. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\end{definition} | |
That's the official definition, anyways. | |
(Note that if $\dim V < \infty$, this agrees with our usual definition, | |
since then there are only finitely many $e_i$.) | |
But for our purposes you can mostly not worry about it and instead think: | |
\begin{moral} | |
A Hilbert space is an inner product space | |
whose basis requires infinite linear combinations, | |
not just finite ones. | |
\end{moral} | |
The technical condition $\sum \left\lvert c_i \right\rvert^2 < \infty$ | |
is exactly the one which ensures the infinite sum makes sense. | |
\section{\problemhead} | |
\begin{problem} | |
[Pythagorean theorem] | |
Show that if $\left< v,w \right> = 0$ in an inner product space, | |
then $\norm{v}^2 + \norm{w}^2 = \norm{v+w}^2$. | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{sproblem} | |
[Finite-dimensional $\implies$ Hilbert] | |
Show that a finite-dimensional inner product space | |
is a Hilbert space. | |
\begin{hint} | |
Fix an orthonormal basis $e_1$, \dots, $e_n$. | |
Use the fact that $\RR^n$ is complete. | |
\end{hint} | |
\end{sproblem} | |
%\begin{problem} | |
% Let $V$ be a complex inner product space | |
% with orthonormal basis $e_1$, \dots, $e_n$. | |
% Suppose $x = a_1 e_1 + \dots + a_n e_n \in V$ | |
% and $y = b_1 e_1 + \dots + b_n e_n \in V$. | |
% Show: | |
% \begin{align*} | |
% \left< x,x \right> &= \sum_\xi |a_i|^2 \\ | |
% a_1 &= \left< x, e_1 \right> \\ | |
% \left< x,y \right> &= \sum_i a_i \ol{b_i}. | |
% \end{align*} | |
%\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem}[Taiwan IMO camp] | |
\gim | |
In a town there are $n$ people and $k$ clubs. | |
Each club has an odd number of members, | |
and any two clubs have an even number of common members. | |
Prove that $k \le n$. | |
\begin{hint} | |
Dot products in $\FF_2$. | |
\end{hint} | |
\begin{sol} | |
Interpret clubs as vectors in the vector space $\mathbb F_2^n$. | |
Consider a ``dot product'' | |
to show that all $k$ vectors are linearly independent: | |
any two different club-vectors have dot product $0$, so are orthogonal. | |
Thus $k \le \dim \mathbb F_2^n = n$. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{sproblem}[Inner product structure of tensors] | |
\label{prob:inner_prod_tensor} | |
Let $V$ and $W$ be finite-dimensional inner product spaces over $k$, | |
where $k$ is either $\RR$ or $\CC$. | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii Find a canonical way to make $V \otimes_k W$ into an inner product space too. | |
\ii Let $e_1$, \dots, $e_n$ be an orthonormal basis of $V$ | |
and $f_1$, \dots, $f_m$ be an orthonormal basis of $W$. | |
What's an orthonormal basis of $V \otimes W$? | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\begin{hint} | |
Define it on simple tensors then extend linearly. | |
\end{hint} | |
\begin{sol} | |
The inner form given by | |
\[ \left< v_1 \otimes w_1 , v_2 \otimes w_2 \right>_{V \otimes W} | |
= \left< v_1,v_2 \right>_V \left< w_1,w_2\right>_W \] | |
on pure tensors, then extending linearly. | |
For (b) take $e_i \otimes f_j$ for $1 \le i \le n$, $1 \le j \le m$. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{sproblem} | |
\begin{problem}[Putnam 2014] | |
\gim | |
Let $n$ be a positive integer. | |
What is the largest $k$ for which there exist | |
$n\times n$ matrices $M_1,\dots,M_k$ and $N_1,\dots,N_k$ | |
with real entries such that for all $i$ and $j$, | |
the matrix product $M_i N_j$ has a zero entry somewhere | |
on its diagonal if and only if $i \ne j?$ | |
\begin{hint} | |
$k = n^n$. | |
Endow tensor products with an inner form. | |
Note that ``zero entry somewhere on its diagonal'' | |
is equivalent to the product of those entries being zero. | |
\end{hint} | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
[Sequence space] | |
Consider the space $\ell^2$ of infinite sequences of real numbers | |
$a = (a_1, a_2, \dots)$ satisfying $\sum_i a_i^2 < \infty$. | |
We equip it with the dot product | |
\[ \left< a, b\right> = \sum_i a_i b_i. \] | |
Is this a Hilbert space? | |
If so, identify a Hilbert basis. | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
[Kuratowski embedding] | |
A \vocab{Banach space} is a normed vector space $V$, | |
such that the corresponding metric space is complete. | |
(So a Hilbert space is a special case of a Banach space.) | |
Let $(M,d)$ be any metric space. | |
Prove that there exists a Banach space $X$ | |
and an injective function $f \colon M \injto X$ | |
such that $d(x,y) = \norm{f(x)-f(y)}$ for any $x$ and $y$. | |
\end{problem} | |