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\chapter{Localization} | |
Before we proceed on to defining an affine scheme, | |
we will take the time to properly cover one more algebraic construction | |
that of a \emph{localization}. | |
This is mandatory because when we define a scheme, | |
we will find that all the sections and stalks | |
are actually obtained using this construction. | |
One silly slogan might be: | |
\begin{moral} | |
Localization is the art of adding denominators. | |
\end{moral} | |
You may remember that when we were working with affine varieties, | |
there were constantly expressions of the form | |
$\left\{ \frac{f}{g} \mid g(p) \ne 0 \right\}$ | |
and the like. | |
The point is that we introduced a lot of denominators. | |
Localization will give us a concise way of doing this in general. | |
\emph{Notational note}: | |
moving forward we'll prefer to denote rings by $A$, $B$, \dots, | |
rather than $R$, $S$, \dots. | |
\section{Spoilers} | |
Here is a preview of things to come, | |
so that you know what you are expecting. | |
Some things here won't make sense, | |
but that's okay, it is just foreshadowing. | |
Let $V \subseteq \Aff^n$, and for brevity let $R = \CC[V]$ be its coordinate ring. | |
We saw in previous sections how to compute $\OO_V(D(g))$ | |
and $\OO_{V, p}$ for $p \in V$ a point. | |
For example, if we take $\Aff^1$ and consider a point $p$, then | |
$\OO_{\Aff^1}(D(x-p)) = \left\{ \frac{f(x)}{(x-p)^n} \right\}$ | |
and $\OO_{\Aff^1, p} = \left\{ \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} \mid g(p) \ne 0 \right\}$. | |
More generally, we had | |
\begin{align*} | |
\OO_{V}(D(g)) &= \left\{ \frac{f}{g^n} \mid f \in R \right\} | |
\quad\text{by \Cref{thm:reg_func_distinguish_open}} \\ | |
\OO_{V,p} &= \left\{ \frac{f}{g} \mid f,g \in R, g(p) \ne 0 \right\} | |
\quad\text{by \Cref{thm:stalks_affine_var}}. | |
\end{align*} | |
We will soon define something called a localization, | |
which will give us a nice way of expressing the above: | |
if $R = \CC[V]$ is the coordinate ring, then | |
the above will become abbreviated to just | |
\begin{align*} | |
\OO_{V}(D(g)) &= R_{g} \\ | |
\OO_{V, p} &= R_{\km} \quad \text{where } \{p\} = \VV(\km). | |
\end{align*} | |
The former will be pronounced | |
``$R$ localized away from $g$'' | |
while the latter will be pronounced | |
``$R$ localized at $\km$''. | |
Even more generally, | |
next chapter we will throw out the coordinate ring $R$ | |
altogether and replace it with a general commutative ring $A$ | |
(which are still viewed as functions). | |
We will construct a ringed space called $X = \Spec A$, | |
whose elements are \emph{prime ideals} of $A$ | |
and is equipped with the Zariski topology and a sheaf $\OO_X$. | |
It will turn out that, in analogy to what we had before, | |
\begin{align*} | |
\OO_X(D(f)) &= A[f\inv] \\ | |
\OO_{X,\kp} &= A_\kp | |
\end{align*} | |
for any element $f \in A$ and prime ideal $\kp \in \Spec A$. | |
Thus just as with complex affine varieties, | |
localizations will give us a way to more or less | |
describe the sheaf $\OO_X$ completely. | |
\section{The definition} | |
\begin{definition} | |
A subset $S \subseteq A$ is a \vocab{multiplicative set} | |
if $1 \in S$ and $S$ is closed under multiplication. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $A$ be a ring and $S \subset A$ a multiplicative set. | |
Then the \vocab{localization of $A$ at $S$}, denoted $S\inv A$, | |
is defined as the set of fractions | |
\[ \left\{ a/s \mid a \in A, s \in S \right\} \] | |
where we declare two fractions $a_1 / s_1 = a_2 / s_2$ | |
to be equal if $s(a_1s_2 - a_2s_1) = 0$ for some $s \in S$. | |
Addition and multiplication in this ring | |
are defined in the obvious way. | |
\end{definition} | |
In particular, if $0 \in S$ then $S\inv A$ is the zero ring. | |
So we usually only take situations where $0 \notin S$. | |
We give in brief now two examples which will be | |
motivating forces for the construction of the affine scheme. | |
\begin{example} | |
[Localizations of {$\CC[x]$}] | |
Let $A = \CC[x]$. | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii Suppose we let $S = \left\{ 1, x, x^2, x^3, \dots \right\}$ | |
be the powers of $x$. | |
Then | |
\[ S\inv A = \left\{ \frac{f(x)}{x^n} | |
\mid f \in \CC[x], n \in \ZZ_{\ge 0} \right\}. \] | |
In other words, we get the Laurent polynomials in $x$. | |
You might recognize this as | |
\[ \OO_V(U) \text{ where } V = \Aff^1, \; U = V \setminus \{0\}. \] | |
i.e.\ the sections of the punctured line. | |
In line with the ``hyperbola effect'', | |
this is also expressible as $\CC[x,y] / (xy-1)$. | |
\ii Let $p \in \CC$. | |
Suppose we let $S = \left\{ g(x) \mid g(p) \ne 0 \right\}$, | |
i.e.\ we allow any denominators where $g(p) \ne 0$. | |
Then | |
\[ S\inv A = \left\{ \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} | |
\mid f,g \in \CC[x], g(p) \ne 0 \right\}. \] | |
You might recognize this is as the stalk $\OO_{\Aff^1, p}$. | |
This will be important later on. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{remark} | |
[Why the extra $s$?] | |
We cannot use the simpler $a_1s_2 - a_2s_1 = 0$ since | |
otherwise the equivalence relation may fail to be transitive. | |
Here is a counterexample: take | |
\[ A = \Zc{12} \qquad S = \{ 2, 4, 8 \}. \] | |
Then we have for example $\frac01 = \frac02 = \frac{12}{2} = \frac61$. | |
So we need to have $\frac01=\frac61$ which is only true | |
with the first definition. | |
Of course, if $A$ is an integral domain (and $0\notin S$) | |
then this is a moot point. | |
\end{remark} | |
\begin{example} | |
[Field of fractions] | |
Let $A$ be an integral domain and $S = A \setminus \{0\}$. | |
Then $S\inv A = \Frac(A)$. | |
\end{example} | |
\section{Localization away from an element} | |
\prototype{$\ZZ$ localized away from $6$ has fractions $\frac{m}{2^x 3^y}$.} | |
We now focus on the two special cases of localization we will need the most; | |
one in this section, the other in the next section. | |
\begin{definition} | |
For $f \in A$, we define the \vocab{localization of $A$ away from $f$}, | |
denoted $A[1/f]$ or $A[f\inv]$, | |
to be $\{1, f, f^2, f^3, \dots\}\inv A$. | |
(Note that $\left\{ 1, f, f^2, \dots \right\}$ is multiplicative.) | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{remark} | |
In the literature it is more common to | |
see the notation $A_f$ instead of $A[1/f]$. | |
This is confusing, because in the next section | |
we define $A_\kp$ which is almost the opposite. | |
So I prefer this more suggestive (but longer) notation. | |
\end{remark} | |
\begin{example} | |
[Some arithmetic examples of localizations] | |
\listhack | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii We localize $\ZZ$ away from $6$: | |
\[ \ZZ[1/6] = \left\{ \frac{m}{6^n} \mid m \in \ZZ, | |
n \in \ZZ_{\ge 0} \right\}. \] | |
So $A[1/6]$ consist of those rational numbers whose | |
denominators have only powers of $2$ and $3$. | |
For example, it contains $\frac{5}{12} = \frac{15}{36}$. | |
\ii Here is a more confusing example: | |
if we localize $\Zc{60}$ away from the element $5$, | |
we get $(\Zc{60})[1/5] \cong \Zc{12}$. | |
You should try to think about why this is the case. | |
We will see a ``geometric'' reason later. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
[Localization at an element, algebraic geometry flavored] | |
We saw that if $A$ is the coordinate ring of a variety, | |
then $A[1/g]$ is interpreted geometrically as $\OO_V(D(g))$. | |
Here are some special cases: | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii As we saw, if $A = \CC[x]$, | |
then $A[1/x] = \left\{ \frac{f(x)}{x^n} \right\}$ | |
consists of Laurent polynomials. | |
\ii Let $A = \CC[x,y,z]$. | |
Then \[ A[1/x] = \left\{ \frac{f(x,y,z)}{x^n} \mid | |
f \in \CC[x,y,z], \; n \ge 0 \right\} \] | |
is rational functions whose denominators are powers of $x$. | |
\ii Let $A = \CC[x,y]$. | |
If we localize away from $y-x^2$ we get | |
\[ A[(y-x^2)\inv] = \left\{ \frac{f(x,y)}{(y-x^2)^n} \mid | |
f \in \CC[x,y], \; n \ge 0 \right\} \] | |
By now you should recognize this as $\OO_{\Aff^2}(D(y-x^2))$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
[An example with zero-divisors] | |
Let $A = \CC[x,y] / (xy)$ | |
(which intuitively is the coordinate ring of two axes). | |
Suppose we localize at $x$: | |
equivalently, allowing denominators of $x$. | |
Since $xy = 0$ in $A$, we now have $0 = x\inv (xy) = y$, | |
so $y = 0$ in $A$, and thus $y$ just goes away completely. | |
From this we get a ring isomorphism | |
\[ A[1/x] \cong \CC[x,1/x].\] | |
\end{example} | |
\section{Localization at a prime ideal} | |
\prototype{$\ZZ$ localized at $(5)$ has fractions $\frac{m}{n}$ with $5 \nmid n$.} | |
\label{sec:localize_prime_ideal} | |
\begin{definition} | |
If $A$ is a ring and $\kp$ is a prime ideal, then we define | |
\[ A_\kp \defeq \left( A \setminus \kp \right)^{-1} A. \] | |
This is called the \vocab{localization at $\kp$}. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{ques} | |
Why is $S = A \setminus \kp$ multiplicative | |
in the above definition? | |
\end{ques} | |
%Warning: this notation sort of conflicts with the previous one. | |
%The ring $A_\kp$ is the localization with multiplicative set $A \setminus \kp$, | |
%while $A_f$ is the localization with multiplicative set $\{1,f,f^2,\dots\}$; | |
%these two are quite different beasts! | |
%In $A_\kp$ the subscript denotes the \emph{forbidden} denominators; | |
%in $A_f$ the subscript denotes the \emph{allowed} denominators. | |
This special case is important because we will see that | |
stalks of schemes will all be of this shape. | |
In fact, the same was true for affine varieties too. | |
\begin{example} | |
[Relation to affine varieties] | |
Let $V \subseteq \Aff^n$, let $A = \CC[V]$ | |
and let $p = (a_1, \dots, a_n)$ be a point. | |
Consider the maximal (hence prime) ideal | |
\[ \km = (x_1 - a_1, \dots, x_n - a_n). \] | |
Observe that a function $f \in A$ vanishes at $p$ | |
if and only if $f \pmod{\km} = 0$, equivalently $f \in \km$. | |
Thus, by \Cref{thm:stalks_affine_var} we can write | |
\begin{align*} | |
\OO_{V,p} &= \left\{ \frac{f}{g} \mid f,g \in A, g(p) \ne 0 \right\} \\ | |
&= \left\{ \frac{f}{g} \mid f \in A, g \in A \setminus \km \right\} \\ | |
&= \left( A \setminus \km \right)\inv A = A_\km. | |
\end{align*} | |
So, we can also express $\OO_{V,p}$ concisely as a localization. | |
\end{example} | |
Consequently, we give several examples in this vein. | |
\begin{example} | |
[Geometric examples of localizing at a prime] | |
\listhack | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii We let $\km$ be the maximal ideal $(x)$ of $A = \CC[x]$. | |
Then \[ A_\km = \left\{ \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} \mid g(0) \ne 0 \right\} \] | |
consists of the Laurent polynomials. | |
\ii We let $\km$ be the maximal ideal $(x,y)$ of $A = \CC[x,y]$. | |
Then \[ A_\km = \left\{ \frac{f(x,y)}{g(x,y)} \mid g(0,0) \ne 0 \right\}. \] | |
\ii Let $\kp$ be the prime ideal $(y-x^2)$ of $A = \CC[x,y]$. | |
Then | |
\[ A_\kp = \left\{ \frac{f(x,y)}{g(x,y)} \mid g \notin (y-x^2) \right\}. \] | |
This is a bit different from what we've seen before: | |
the polynomials in the denominator are allowed to vanish | |
at a point like $(1,1)$, as long as they don't vanish on | |
\emph{every} point on the parabola. | |
This doesn't correspond to any stalk we're familiar with right now, | |
but it will later | |
(it will be the ``stalk at the generic point of the parabola''). | |
\ii Let $A = \CC[x]$ and localize at the prime ideal $(0)$. | |
This gives \[ A_{(0)} = \left\{ \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} \mid g(x) \ne 0 \right\}. \] | |
This is all rational functions, period. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
[Arithmetic examples] | |
We localize $\ZZ$ at a few different primes. | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii If we localize $\ZZ$ at $(0)$: | |
\[ \ZZ_{(0)} = \left\{ \frac mn \mid n \ne 0 \right\} | |
\cong \QQ. \] | |
\ii If we localize $\ZZ$ at $(3)$, we get | |
\[ \ZZ_{(3)} = \left\{ \frac mn \mid \gcd(n,3) = 1 \right\} \] | |
which is the ring of rational numbers | |
whose denominators are relatively prime to $3$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
[Field of fractions] | |
If $A$ is an integral domain, | |
the localization $A_{(0)}$ | |
is the field of fractions of $A$. | |
\end{example} | |
\section{Prime ideals of localizations} | |
\prototype{The examples with $A = \ZZ$.} | |
We take the time now to mention how you can | |
think about prime ideals of localized rings. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
[The prime ideals of $S\inv A$] | |
Let $A$ be a ring and $S \subseteq A$ a multiplicative set. | |
Then there is a natural inclusion-preserving bijection between: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii The set of prime ideals of $S\inv A$, and | |
\ii The set of prime ideals of $A$ not intersecting $S$. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Consider the homomorphism $\iota \colon A \to S\inv A$. | |
For any prime ideal $\kq \subseteq S\inv A$, | |
its pre-image $\iota\pre(\kq)$ is a prime ideal of $A$ | |
(by \Cref{prob:prime_preimage}). | |
Conversely, for any prime ideal $\kp \subseteq A$ | |
not meeting $S$, | |
$S\inv \kp = \left\{ \frac{a}{s} \mid a \in \kp, s \in S \right\}$ | |
is a prime ideal of $S\inv A$. | |
An annoying check shows that this produces the required bijection. | |
\end{proof} | |
In practice, we will almost always use the corollary | |
where $S$ is one of the two special cases we discussed at length: | |
\begin{corollary} | |
[Spectrums of localizations] | |
Let $A$ be a ring. | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii If $\kp$ is a prime ideal of $A$, | |
then the prime ideals of $A[1/f]$ are naturally | |
in bijection with prime ideals of $A$ | |
\textbf{do not contain the element} $f$. | |
\ii If $\kp$ is a prime ideal of $A$, | |
then the prime ideals of $A_\kp$ are naturally | |
in bijection with prime ideals of $A$ | |
which are \textbf{subsets of} $\kp$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Part (b) is immediate; a prime ideal doesn't meet $A \setminus \kp$ | |
exactly if it is contained in $\kp$. | |
For part (a), we want prime ideals of $A$ not containing | |
any \emph{power} of $f$. | |
But if the ideal is prime and contains $f^n$, | |
then it should contain either $f$ or $f^{n-1}$, | |
and so at least for prime ideals these are equivalent. | |
\end{proof} | |
Notice again how the notation is a bit of a nuisance. | |
Anyways, here are some examples, to help cement the picture. | |
\begin{example} | |
[Prime ideals of {$\ZZ[1/6]$}] | |
Suppose we localize $\ZZ$ away from the element $6$, | |
i.e.\ consider $\ZZ[1/6]$. | |
As we saw, | |
\[ \ZZ[1/6] = \left\{ \frac{n}{2^x 3^y} \mid n \in \ZZ, | |
x,y \in \ZZ_{\ge 0} \right\}. \] | |
consist of those rational numbers whose | |
denominators have only powers of $2$ and $3$. | |
Note that $(5) \subset \ZZ[1/6]$ is a prime ideal: | |
those elements of $\ZZ[1/6]$ with $5$ dividing the numerator. | |
Similarly, $(7)$, $(11)$, $(13)$, \dots\ | |
and even $(0)$ give prime ideals of $\ZZ[1/6]$. | |
But $(2)$ and $(3)$ no longer correspond to | |
prime ideals; in fact in $A_6$ we have $(2) = (3) = (1)$, | |
the whole ring. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
[Prime ideals of $A_{(5)}$] | |
Suppose we localize $\ZZ$ at the prime $(5)$. | |
As we saw, | |
\[ \ZZ_{(5)} = \left\{ \frac{m}{n} \mid m,n \in \ZZ, | |
5 \nmid n \right\}. \] | |
consist of those rational numbers whose | |
denominators are not divisible by $5$. | |
This is an integral domain, so $(0)$ is still a prime ideal. | |
There is one other prime ideal: $(5)$, | |
i.e.\ those elements whose numerators are divisible by $5$. | |
There are no other prime ideals: | |
if $p \ne 5$ is a rational prime, | |
then $(p) = (1)$, the whole ring, again. | |
\end{example} | |
\section{Prime ideals of quotients} | |
While we are here, we mention that | |
the prime ideals of quotients $A/I$ | |
can be interpreted in terms of those of $A$ | |
(as in the previous section for localization). | |
You may remember this from \Cref{prob:inclusion_preserving} | |
a long time ago, if you did that problem; | |
but for our purposes we actually only care about the prime ideals. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
[The prime ideals of $A/I$] | |
\label{prop:prime_quotient} | |
If $A$ is a ring and $I$ is any ideal (not necessarily prime) | |
then the prime (resp.\ maximal) ideals of $A/I$ | |
are in bijection with prime (resp.\ maximal) ideals of $A$ | |
which are \textbf{supersets of} $I$. | |
This bijection is inclusion-preserving. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Consider the quotient homomorphism $\psi \colon A \surjto A/I$. | |
For any prime ideal $\kq \subseteq A/I$, | |
its pre-image $\psi\pre(\kq)$ is a prime ideal | |
(by \Cref{prob:prime_preimage}). | |
Conversely, for any prime ideal $\kp$ | |
with $I \subseteq \kp \subseteq A$, | |
we get a prime ideal of $A/I$ by looking at $\kp \pmod I$. | |
An annoying check shows that this produces the required bijection. | |
It is also inclusion-preserving --- from which | |
the same statement holds for maximal ideals. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{example} | |
[Prime ideals of $\Zc{60}$] | |
The ring $\Zc{60}$ has three prime ideals: | |
\begin{align*} | |
(2) &= \left\{ 0, 2, 4, \dots, 58 \right\} \\ | |
(3) &= \left\{ 0, 3, 6, \dots, 57 \right\} \\ | |
(5) &= \left\{ 0, 5, 10, \dots, 55 \right\}. | |
\end{align*} | |
Back in $\ZZ$, these correspond to the three prime ideals | |
which are supersets of | |
$60\ZZ = \left\{ \dots, -60, 0, 60, 120, \dots \right\}$. | |
\end{example} | |
\section{Localization commutes with quotients} | |
\prototype{$(\CC[xy]/(xy))[1/x] \cong \CC[x,x\inv]$.} | |
While we are here, we mention a useful result from | |
commutative algebra which lets us compute localizations in quotient rings, | |
which are surprisingly unintuitive. | |
You will \emph{not} have a reason to care about this | |
until we reach \Cref{sec:convenient_square}, | |
and so this is only placed earlier to emphasize that it's | |
a purely algebraic fact that we can (and do) state this early, | |
even though we will not need it anytime soon. | |
Let's say we have a quotient ring like | |
\[ A/I = \CC[x,y] / (xy) \] | |
and want to compute the localization of this ring | |
away from the element $x$. | |
(To be pedantic, we are actually localizing away from $x \pmod{xy}$, | |
the element of the quotient ring, but we will just call it $x$.) | |
You will quickly find that even the notation becomes clumsy: it is | |
\begin{equation} | |
\left( \CC[x,y] / (xy) \right)[1/x] | |
\label{eq:quotient_localization_before} | |
\end{equation} | |
which is hard to think about, | |
because the elements in play are part of the \emph{quotient}: | |
how are we supposed to think about | |
\[ \frac{1 \pmod{xy}}{x \pmod{xy}} \] | |
for example? | |
The zero-divisors in play may already make you feel uneasy. | |
However, it turns out that we can actually do the localization | |
\emph{first}, meaning the answer is just | |
\begin{equation} | |
\CC[x,y,1/x] / (xy) | |
\label{eq:quotient_localization_after} | |
\end{equation} | |
which then becomes $\CC[x, x\inv, y] / (y) \cong \CC[x,x\inv]$. | |
This might look like it should be trivial, | |
but it's not as obvious as you might expect. | |
There is a sleight of hand present here with the notation: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii In \eqref{eq:quotient_localization_before}, | |
the notation $(xy)$ stands for an ideal of $\CC[x,y]$ | |
--- that is, the set $xy \CC[x,y]$. | |
\ii In \eqref{eq:quotient_localization_after} | |
the notation $(xy)$ now stands for an ideal of $\CC[x,x\inv,y]$ | |
--- that is, the set $xy \CC[x,x\inv,y]$. | |
\end{itemize} | |
So even writing down the \emph{statement} of the theorem | |
is actually going to look terrible. | |
In general, what we want to say is that if we have our ring $A$ | |
with ideal $I$ and $S$ is some multiplicative subset of $A$, | |
then \[ \text{Colloquially: ``}S\inv (A/I) = (S\inv A)/I\text{''}. \] | |
But there are two things wrong with this: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii The main one is that $I$ is not an ideal of $S\inv A$, as we saw above. | |
This is remedied by instead using $S\inv I$, | |
which consists of those elements of those elements $\frac xs$ | |
for $x \in I$ and $s \in S$. | |
As we saw this distinction is usually masked in practice, | |
because we will usually write $I = (a_1, \dots, a_n) \subseteq A$ | |
in which case the new ideal $S\inv I \subseteq A$ can be denoted | |
in exactly the same way: $(a_1, \dots, a_n)$, | |
just regarded as a subset of $S\inv A$ now. | |
\ii The second is that $S$ is not, strictly speaking, | |
a subset of $A/I$, either. | |
But this is easily remedied by instead using the image of $S$ | |
under the quotient map $A \surjto A/I$. | |
We actually already saw this in the previous example: | |
when trying to localize $\CC[x,y]/(xy)$, | |
we were really localizing at the element $x \pmod{xy}$, | |
but (as always) we just denoted it by $x$ anyways. | |
\end{itemize} | |
And so after all those words, words, words, we have the hideous: | |
\begin{theorem} | |
[Localization commutes with quotients] | |
\label{thm:localization_commute_quotient} | |
Let $S$ be a multiplicative set of a ring $A$, | |
and $I$ an ideal of $A$. | |
Let $\ol S$ be the image of $S$ | |
under the projection map $A \surjto A/I$. | |
Then | |
\[ {\ol S}\inv (A/I) \cong S\inv A / S\inv I \] | |
where $S\inv I = \left\{ \frac{x}{s} \mid x \in I, s \in S \right\}$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Omitted; Atiyah-Macdonald is the right reference for these | |
type of things in the event that you do care. | |
\end{proof} | |
The notation is a hot mess. | |
But when we do calculations in practice, we instead write | |
\[ \left( \CC[x,y,z]/(x^2 + y^2 - z^2) \right)[1/x] | |
\cong \CC[x,y,z,1/x] / (x^2 + y^2 - z^2) \] | |
or (for an example where we localize at a prime ideal) | |
\[ \left( \ZZ[x,y,z]/ (x^2 + yz) \right)_{(x,y)} | |
\cong \ZZ[x,y,z]_{(x,y)} / (x^2 + yz) \] | |
and so on --- the pragmatism of our ``real-life'' notation | |
which hides some details actually guides our intuition | |
(rather than misleading us). | |
So maybe the moral of this section is that whenever | |
you compute the localization of the quotient ring, | |
if you just suspend belief for a bit, | |
then you will probably get the right answer. | |
We will later see geometric interpretations of these facts | |
when we work with $\Spec A/I$, | |
at which point they will become more natural. | |
\section{\problemhead} | |
\begin{problem} | |
Let $A = \Zc{2016}$, and consider the element $60 \in A$. | |
Compute $A[1/60]$, the localization of $A$ away from $60$. | |
\begin{sol} | |
One should get $A[1/60] = \Zc{7}$. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
[Injectivity of localizations] | |
Let $A$ be a ring and $S \subseteq A$ a multiplicative set. | |
Find necessary and sufficient conditions | |
for the map $A \to S\inv A$ to be injective. | |
\begin{hint} | |
Consider zero divisors. | |
\end{hint} | |
\begin{sol} | |
If and only if $S$ has no zero divisors. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{sproblem} | |
[Alluding to local rings] | |
Let $A$ be a ring, and $\kp$ a prime ideal. | |
How many maximal ideals does $A_\kp$ have? | |
\begin{hint} | |
Only one! | |
A proof will be given a few chapters later. | |
\end{hint} | |
\end{sproblem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
Let $A$ be a ring such that $A_\kp$ is an integral domain | |
for every prime ideal $\kp$ of $A$. | |
Must $A$ be an integral domain? | |
\begin{hint} | |
No. Imagine two axes. | |
\end{hint} | |
\begin{sol} | |
Take $A = \CC[x,y] / (xy)$. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{problem} | |