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\chapter{Lebesgue integration} | |
On any measure space $(\Omega, \SA, \mu)$ we can then, | |
for a function $f \colon \Omega \to [0,\infty]$ | |
define an integral | |
\[ \int_\Omega f \; d\mu. \] | |
This integral may be $+\infty$ (even if $f$ is finite). | |
As the details of the construction won't matter for us later on, | |
we will state the relevant definitions, | |
skip all the proofs, | |
and also state all the properties that we actually care about. | |
Consequently, this chapter will be quite short. | |
\section{The definition} | |
The construction is done in four steps. | |
\begin{definition} | |
If $A$ is a measurable set of $\Omega$, | |
then the \vocab{indicator function} | |
$\mathbf{1}_A \colon \Omega \to \RR$ is defined by | |
\[ \mathbf{1}_A(\omega) = \begin{cases} | |
1 & \omega \in A \\ | |
0 & \omega \notin A. | |
\end{cases} \] | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{step} | |
[Indicator functions] | |
For an indicator function, we require | |
\[ \int_\Omega \mathbf{1}_A \; d\mu \defeq \mu(A) \] | |
(which may be infinite). | |
\end{step} | |
We extend this linearly now for nonnegative functions | |
which are sums of indicators: | |
these functions are called \vocab{simple functions}. | |
\begin{step} | |
[Simple functions] | |
Let $A_1$, \dots, $A_n$ be a finite collection of measurable sets. | |
Let $c_1$, \dots, $c_n$ be either nonnegative real numbers or $+\infty$. | |
Then we define | |
\[ \int_\Omega \left( \sum_{i=1}^n c_i \mathbf{1}_{A_i} \right) \; d\mu | |
\defeq \sum_{i=1}^n c_i \mu(A_i). \] | |
If $c_i = \infty$ and $\mu(A_i) = 0$, we treat $c_i \mu(A_i) = 0$. | |
\end{step} | |
One can check the resulting sum does not depend | |
on the representation of the simple function as $\sum c_i \mathbf{1}_{A_i}$. | |
In particular, it is compatible with the previous step. | |
Conveniently, this is already enough to define the integral | |
for $f \colon \Omega \to [0, +\infty]$. | |
Note that $[0,+\infty]$ can be thought of as a topological space | |
where we add new open sets $(a,+\infty]$ %chktex 9 | |
for each real number $a$ to our usual basis of open intervals. | |
Thus we can equip it with the Borel sigma-algebra.\footnote{We | |
\emph{could} also try to define a measure on it, | |
but we will not: it is a good enough for us | |
that it is a measurable space.} | |
\begin{step} | |
[Nonnegative functions] | |
For each measurable function $f \colon \Omega \to [0, +\infty]$, let | |
\[ \int_\Omega f \; d\mu \defeq | |
\sup_{0 \le s \le f} \left( \int_\Omega s \; d\mu \right) \] | |
where the supremum is taken over all \emph{simple} $s$ | |
such that $0 \le s \le f$. | |
As before, this integral may be $+\infty$. | |
\end{step} | |
One can check this is compatible with the previous definitions. | |
At this point, we introduce an important term. | |
\begin{definition} | |
A measurable (nonnegative) function $f \colon \Omega \to [0, +\infty]$ | |
is \vocab{absolutely integrable} | |
or just \vocab{integrable} if $\int_\Omega f \; d\mu < \infty$. | |
\end{definition} | |
Warning: I find ``integrable'' to be \emph{really} confusing terminology. | |
Indeed, \emph{every} measurable function from $\Omega$ to $[0,+\infty]$ | |
can be assigned a Lebesgue integral, it's just that | |
this integral may be $+\infty$. | |
So the definition is far more stringent than the name suggests. | |
Even constant functions can fail to be integrable: | |
\begin{example} | |
[We really should call it ``finitely integrable''] | |
The constant function $1$ is \emph{not} integrable on $\RR$, | |
since $\int_\RR 1 \; d\mu = \mu(\RR) = +\infty$. | |
\end{example} | |
For this reason, I will usually prefer the term ``integrable''. | |
(If it were up to me, I would call it ``finitely integrable'', | |
and usually do so privately.) | |
Finally, this lets us integrate general functions. | |
\begin{definition} | |
In general, a measurable function $f \colon \Omega \to [-\infty, \infty]$ | |
is \vocab{absolutely integrable} or just \vocab{integrable} if $|f|$ is. | |
\end{definition} | |
Since we'll be using the first word, this is easy to remember: | |
``absolutely integrable'' requires taking absolute values. | |
\begin{step} | |
[Absolutely integrable functions] | |
If $f \colon \Omega \to [-\infty, \infty]$ is absolutely integrable, | |
then we define | |
\begin{align*} | |
f^+(x) &= \max\left\{ f(x), 0 \right\} \\ | |
f^-(x) &= \min\left\{ f(x), 0 \right\} \\ | |
\end{align*} | |
and set | |
\[ \int_\Omega f \; d\mu = \int_\Omega |f^+| \; d\mu | |
- \int_\Omega |f^-| \; d\mu \] | |
which in particular is finite. | |
\end{step} | |
You may already start to see that we really like nonnegative functions: | |
with the theory of measures, it is possible to integrate them, | |
and it's even okay to throw in $+\infty$'s everywhere. | |
But once we start dealing with functions that can be either positive or negative, | |
we have to start adding finiteness restrictions --- | |
actually essentially what we're doing is splitting | |
the function into its positive and negative part, | |
requiring both are finite, and then integrating. | |
To finish this section, we state for completeness | |
some results that you probably could have guessed were true. | |
Fix $\Omega = (\Omega, \SA, \mu)$, and | |
let $f$ and $g$ be measurable real-valued functions | |
such that $f(x) = g(x)$ almost everywhere. | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii (Almost-everywhere preservation) | |
The function $f$ is absolutely integrable if and only if $g$ is, | |
and if so, their Lebesgue integrals match. | |
\ii (Additivity) | |
If $f$ and $g$ are absolutely integrable then | |
\[ \int_\Omega f+g \; d\mu | |
= \int_\Omega f \; d\mu | |
+ \int_\Omega g \; d\mu. \] | |
The ``absolutely integrable'' hypothesis can be dropped | |
if $f$ and $g$ are nonnegative. | |
\ii (Scaling) If $f$ is absolutely integrable and $c \in \RR$ | |
then $cf$ is absolutely integrable and | |
\[ \int_\Omega cf \; d\mu = c \int_\Omega f \; d\mu. \] | |
The ``absolutely integrable'' hypothesis can be dropped | |
if $f$ is nonnegative and $c > 0$. | |
\ii (Monotoncity) | |
If $f$ and $g$ are absolutely integrable and $f \le g$, then | |
\[ \int_\Omega f \; d\mu \le \int_\Omega g \; d\mu. \] | |
The ``absolutely integrable'' hypothesis can be dropped | |
if $f$ and $g$ are nonnegative. | |
\end{itemize} | |
There are more famous results like monotone/dominated convergence | |
that are also true, but we won't state them here | |
as we won't really have a use for them in the context of probability. | |
(They appear later on in a bonus chapter.) | |
\section{Relation to Riemann integrals (or: actually computing Lebesgue integrals)} | |
For closed intervals, this actually just works out of the box. | |
\begin{theorem} | |
[Lebesgue integral generalizes Riemann integral] | |
Let $f \colon [a,b] \to \RR$ be a Riemann integrable function | |
(where $[a,b]$ is equipped with the Borel measure). | |
Then $f$ is also Lebesgue integrable and the integrals agree: | |
\[ \int_a^b f(x) \; dx = \int_{[a,b]} f \; d\mu. \] | |
\end{theorem} | |
Thus in practice, we do all theory with Lebesgue integrals (they're nicer), | |
but when we actually need to compute $\int_{[1,4]} x^2 \; d\mu$ | |
we just revert back to our usual antics with the | |
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. | |
\begin{example} | |
[Integrating $x^2$ over {$[1,4]$}] | |
Reprising our old example: | |
\[ \int_{[1,4]} x^2 \; d\mu | |
= \int_1^4 x^2 \; dx | |
= \frac13 \cdot 4^3 - \frac13 \cdot 1^3 = 21. \] | |
\end{example} | |
This even works for \emph{improper} integrals, | |
if the functions are nonnegative. | |
The statement is a bit cumbersome to write down, but here it is. | |
\begin{theorem} | |
[Improper integrals are nice Lebesgue ones] | |
Let $f \ge 0$ be a \emph{nonnegative} | |
continuous function defined on $(a,b) \subseteq \RR$, | |
possibly allowing $a = -\infty$ or $b = \infty$. | |
Then | |
\[ \int_{(a,b)} f \; d\mu | |
= \lim_{\substack{a' \to a^+ \\ b' \to b^-}} | |
\int_{a'}^{b'} f(x) \; dx \] | |
where we allow both sides to be $+\infty$ | |
if $f$ is not absolutely integrable. | |
\end{theorem} | |
The right-hand side makes sense since $[a',b'] \subsetneq (a,b)$ | |
is a compact interval on which $f$ is continuous. | |
This means that improper Riemann integrals of nonnegative | |
functions can just be regarded as Lebesgue ones | |
over the corresponding open intervals. | |
It's probably better to just look at an example though. | |
\begin{example} | |
[Integrating $1/\sqrt{x}$ on $(0,1)$] | |
For example, you might be familiar with improper integrals like | |
\[ \int_0^1 \frac{1}{\sqrt x} \; dx | |
\defeq \lim_{\eps \to 0^+} | |
\int_\eps^1 \frac{1}{\sqrt x} \; dx | |
= \lim_{\eps \to 0^+} \left( 2\sqrt{1} - 2\sqrt{\eps} \right) = 2. | |
\] | |
(Note this appeared before as \Cref{prob:improper}.) | |
In the Riemann integration situation, we needed the limit as $\eps \to 0^+$ | |
since otherwise $\frac{1}{\sqrt x}$ is not defined as a function $[0,1] \to \RR$. | |
However, it is a \emph{measurable nonnegative} | |
function $(0,1) \to [0,+\infty]$, and hence | |
\[ \int_{(0,1)} \frac{1}{\sqrt x} \; d\mu = 2. \] | |
\end{example} | |
If $f$ is not nonnegative, then all bets are off. | |
Indeed \Cref{prob:sin_improper} is the famous counterexample. | |
\section{\problemhead} | |
\begin{sproblem} | |
[The indicator of the rationals] | |
\label{prob:1QQ} | |
Take the indicator function | |
$\mathbf 1_{\QQ} \colon \RR \to \{0,1\} \subseteq \RR$ | |
for the rational numbers. | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii Prove that $\mathbf{1}_\QQ$ is not Riemann integrable. | |
\ii Show that $\int_\RR \mathbf{1}_\QQ$ exists | |
and determine its value --- the one you expect! | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{sproblem} | |
\begin{dproblem} | |
[An improper Riemann integral with sign changes] | |
\label{prob:sin_improper} | |
Define $f \colon (1,\infty) \to \RR$ by $f(x) = \frac{\sin(x)}{x}$. | |
Show that $f$ is not absolutely integrable, | |
but that the improper Riemann integral | |
\[ \int_1^\infty f(x) \; dx \defeq | |
\lim_{b \to \infty} | |
\int_a^b f(x) \; dx \] | |
nonetheless exists. | |
\end{dproblem} | |