\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{isabelle,isabellesym} % further packages required for unusual symbols (see also % isabellesym.sty), use only when needed %\usepackage{amssymb} %for \, \, \, \, \, \, %\, \, \, \, \, %\, \, \ %\usepackage{eurosym} %for \ %\usepackage[only,bigsqcap]{stmaryrd} %for \ %\usepackage{eufrak} %for \ ... \, \ ... \ (also included in amssymb) %\usepackage{textcomp} %for \, \, \, \, \, %\ \usepackage{wasysym} % this should be the last package used \usepackage{pdfsetup} % urls in roman style, theory text in math-similar italics \urlstyle{rm} \isabellestyle{it} % for uniform font size %\renewcommand{\isastyle}{\isastyleminor} \begin{document} \title{Semantics of AI Planning Languages} \author{Mohammad Abdulaziz and Peter Lammich\footnote{Author names are alphabetically ordered.}} % \subtitle{Proof Document} % \author{M. Abdulaziz \and P. Lammich} \date{} \maketitle This is an Isabelle/HOL formalisation of the semantics of the multi-valued planning tasks language that is used by the planning system Fast-Downward~\cite{helmert2006fast}, the STRIPS~\cite{fikes1971strips} fragment of the Planning Domain Definition Language~\cite{PDDLref} (PDDL), and the STRIPS soundness meta-theory developed by Lifschitz~\cite{lifschitz1987semantics}. It also contains formally verified checkers for checking the well-formedness of problems specified in either language as well the correctness of potential solutions. The formalisation in this entry was described in an earlier publication~\cite{ictai2018}. \tableofcontents \clearpage % sane default for proof documents \parindent 0pt\parskip 0.5ex % generated text of all theories \input{session} \bibliographystyle{abbrv} \bibliography{root} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: