(* File: Rect_Intersect.thy Author: Bohua Zhan *) section \Rectangle intersection\ theory Rect_Intersect imports Interval_Tree begin text \ Functional version of algorithm for detecting rectangle intersection. See \cite[Exercise 14.3-7]{cormen2009introduction} for a reference. \ subsection \Definition of rectangles\ datatype 'a rectangle = Rectangle (xint: "'a interval") (yint: "'a interval") setup \add_simple_datatype "rectangle"\ definition is_rect :: "('a::linorder) rectangle \ bool" where [rewrite]: "is_rect rect \ is_interval (xint rect) \ is_interval (yint rect)" definition is_rect_list :: "('a::linorder) rectangle list \ bool" where [rewrite]: "is_rect_list rects \ (\i i < length rects \ is_rect (rects ! i)" by auto2 setup \add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm is_rect_listD} [with_term "?rects ! ?i"]\ setup \del_prfstep_thm_eqforward @{thm is_rect_list_def}\ definition is_rect_overlap :: "('a::linorder) rectangle \ ('a::linorder) rectangle \ bool" where [rewrite]: "is_rect_overlap A B \ (is_overlap (xint A) (xint B) \ is_overlap (yint A) (yint B))" definition has_rect_overlap :: "('a::linorder) rectangle list \ bool" where [rewrite]: "has_rect_overlap As \ (\ij j \ is_rect_overlap (As ! i) (As ! j))" subsection \INS / DEL operations\ datatype 'a operation = INS (pos: 'a) (op_idx: nat) (op_int: "'a interval") | DEL (pos: 'a) (op_idx: nat) (op_int: "'a interval") setup \fold add_rewrite_rule_back @{thms operation.collapse}\ setup \fold add_rewrite_rule @{thms operation.sel}\ setup \fold add_rewrite_rule @{thms operation.case}\ setup \add_resolve_prfstep @{thm operation.distinct(1)}\ setup \add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm operation.disc(1)} [with_term "INS ?x11.0 ?x12.0 ?x13.0"]\ setup \add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm operation.disc(2)} [with_term "DEL ?x21.0 ?x22.0 ?x23.0"]\ instantiation operation :: (linorder) linorder begin definition less: "(a < b) = (if pos a \ pos b then pos a < pos b else if is_INS a \ is_INS b then is_INS a \ \is_INS b else if op_idx a \ op_idx b then op_idx a < op_idx b else op_int a < op_int b)" definition less_eq: "(a \ b) = (if pos a \ pos b then pos a < pos b else if is_INS a \ is_INS b then is_INS a \ \is_INS b else if op_idx a \ op_idx b then op_idx a < op_idx b else op_int a \ op_int b)" instance proof fix x y z :: "'a operation" show a: "(x < y) = (x \ y \ \ y \ x)" by (smt Rect_Intersect.less Rect_Intersect.less_eq leD le_cases3 not_less_iff_gr_or_eq) show b: "x \ x" by (simp add: local.less_eq) show c: "x \ y \ y \ z \ x \ z" by (smt Rect_Intersect.less Rect_Intersect.less_eq a dual_order.trans less_trans) show d: "x \ y \ y \ x \ x = y" by (metis Rect_Intersect.less Rect_Intersect.less_eq a le_imp_less_or_eq operation.expand) show e: "x \ y \ y \ x" using local.less_eq by fastforce qed end setup \fold add_rewrite_rule [@{thm less_eq}, @{thm less}]\ lemma operation_leD [forward]: "(a::('a::linorder operation)) \ b \ pos a \ pos b" by auto2 lemma operation_lessI [backward]: "p1 \ p2 \ INS p1 n1 i1 < DEL p2 n2 i2" @proof @have "is_INS (INS p1 n1 i1) = True" @have "is_INS (DEL p2 n2 i2) = False" @qed setup \fold del_prfstep_thm [@{thm less_eq}, @{thm less}]\ subsection \Set of operations corresponding to a list of rectangles\ fun ins_op :: "'a rectangle list \ nat \ ('a::linorder) operation" where "ins_op rects i = INS (low (yint (rects ! i))) i (xint (rects ! i))" setup \add_rewrite_rule @{thm ins_op.simps}\ fun del_op :: "'a rectangle list \ nat \ ('a::linorder) operation" where "del_op rects i = DEL (high (yint (rects ! i))) i (xint (rects ! i))" setup \add_rewrite_rule @{thm del_op.simps}\ definition ins_ops :: "'a rectangle list \ ('a::linorder) operation list" where [rewrite]: "ins_ops rects = list (\i. ins_op rects i) (length rects)" definition del_ops :: "'a rectangle list \ ('a::linorder) operation list" where [rewrite]: "del_ops rects = list (\i. del_op rects i) (length rects)" lemma ins_ops_distinct [forward]: "distinct (ins_ops rects)" @proof @let "xs = ins_ops rects" @have "\ij j \ xs ! i \ xs ! j" @qed lemma del_ops_distinct [forward]: "distinct (del_ops rects)" @proof @let "xs = del_ops rects" @have "\ij j \ xs ! i \ xs ! j" @qed lemma set_ins_ops [rewrite]: "oper \ set (ins_ops rects) \ op_idx oper < length rects \ oper = ins_op rects (op_idx oper)" @proof @case "oper \ set (ins_ops rects)" @with @obtain i where "i < length rects" "ins_ops rects ! i = oper" @end @case "op_idx oper < length rects \ oper = ins_op rects (op_idx oper)" @with @have "oper = (ins_ops rects) ! (op_idx oper)" @end @qed lemma set_del_ops [rewrite]: "oper \ set (del_ops rects) \ op_idx oper < length rects \ oper = del_op rects (op_idx oper)" @proof @case "oper \ set (del_ops rects)" @with @obtain i where "i < length rects" "del_ops rects ! i = oper" @end @case "op_idx oper < length rects \ oper = del_op rects (op_idx oper)" @with @have "oper = (del_ops rects) ! (op_idx oper)" @end @qed definition all_ops :: "'a rectangle list \ ('a::linorder) operation list" where [rewrite]: "all_ops rects = sort (ins_ops rects @ del_ops rects)" lemma all_ops_distinct [forward]: "distinct (all_ops rects)" @proof @have "distinct (ins_ops rects @ del_ops rects)" @qed lemma set_all_ops_idx [forward]: "oper \ set (all_ops rects) \ op_idx oper < length rects" by auto2 lemma set_all_ops_ins [forward]: "INS p n i \ set (all_ops rects) \ INS p n i = ins_op rects n" by auto2 lemma set_all_ops_del [forward]: "DEL p n i \ set (all_ops rects) \ DEL p n i = del_op rects n" by auto2 lemma ins_in_set_all_ops: "i < length rects \ ins_op rects i \ set (all_ops rects)" by auto2 setup \add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm ins_in_set_all_ops} [with_term "ins_op ?rects ?i"]\ lemma del_in_set_all_ops: "i < length rects \ del_op rects i \ set (all_ops rects)" by auto2 setup \add_forward_prfstep_cond @{thm del_in_set_all_ops} [with_term "del_op ?rects ?i"]\ lemma all_ops_sorted [forward]: "sorted (all_ops rects)" by auto2 lemma all_ops_nonempty [backward]: "rects \ [] \ all_ops rects \ []" @proof @have "length (all_ops rects) > 0" @qed setup \del_prfstep_thm @{thm all_ops_def}\ subsection \Applying a set of operations\ definition apply_ops_k :: "('a::linorder) rectangle list \ nat \ nat set" where [rewrite]: "apply_ops_k rects k = (let ops = all_ops rects in {i. i < length rects \ (\j \(\jregister_wellform_data ("apply_ops_k rects k", ["k < length (all_ops rects)"])\ lemma apply_ops_set_mem [rewrite]: "ops = all_ops rects \ i \ apply_ops_k rects k \ (i < length rects \ (\j \(\jdel_prfstep_thm @{thm apply_ops_k_def}\ definition xints_of :: "'a rectangle list \ nat set \ (('a::linorder) idx_interval) set" where [rewrite]: "xints_of rect is = (\i. IdxInterval (xint (rect ! i)) i) ` is" lemma xints_of_mem [rewrite]: "IdxInterval it i \ xints_of rect is \ (i \ is \ xint (rect ! i) = it)" using xints_of_def by auto lemma xints_diff [rewrite]: "xints_of rects (A - B) = xints_of rects A - xints_of rects B" @proof @have "inj (\i. IdxInterval (xint (rects ! i)) i)" @qed definition has_overlap_at_k :: "('a::linorder) rectangle list \ nat \ bool" where [rewrite]: "has_overlap_at_k rects k \ ( let S = apply_ops_k rects k; ops = all_ops rects in is_INS (ops ! k) \ has_overlap (xints_of rects S) (op_int (ops ! k)))" setup \register_wellform_data ("has_overlap_at_k rects k", ["k < length (all_ops rects)"])\ lemma has_overlap_at_k_equiv [forward]: "is_rect_list rects \ ops = all_ops rects \ k < length ops \ has_overlap_at_k rects k \ has_rect_overlap rects" @proof @let "S = apply_ops_k rects k" @have "has_overlap (xints_of rects S) (op_int (ops ! k))" @obtain "xs' \ xints_of rects S" where "is_overlap (int xs') (op_int (ops ! k))" @let "xs = int xs'" "i = idx xs'" @let "j = op_idx (ops ! k)" @have "ops ! k = ins_op rects j" @have "i \ j" @with @contradiction @obtain k' where "k' < k" "ops ! k' = ins_op rects i" @have "ops ! k = ops ! k'" @end @have "low (yint (rects ! i)) \ pos (ops ! k)" @with @obtain k' where "k' < k" "ops ! k' = ins_op rects i" @have "ops ! k' \ ops ! k" @end @have "high (yint (rects ! i)) \ pos (ops ! k)" @with @obtain k' where "k' < length ops" "ops ! k' = del_op rects i" @have "ops ! k' \ ops ! k" @end @have "is_rect_overlap (rects ! i) (rects ! j)" @qed lemma has_overlap_at_k_equiv2 [resolve]: "is_rect_list rects \ ops = all_ops rects \ has_rect_overlap rects \ \k j" "is_rect_overlap (rects ! i) (rects ! j)" @have "is_rect_overlap (rects ! j) (rects ! i)" @obtain i1 where "i1 < length ops" "ops ! i1 = ins_op rects i" @obtain j1 where "j1 < length ops" "ops ! j1 = ins_op rects j" @obtain i2 where "i2 < length ops" "ops ! i2 = del_op rects i" @obtain j2 where "j2 < length ops" "ops ! j2 = del_op rects j" @case "ins_op rects i < ins_op rects j" @with @have "i1 < j1" @have "j1 < i2" @with @have "ops ! j1 < ops ! i2" @end @have "is_overlap (int (IdxInterval (xint (rects ! i)) i)) (xint (rects ! j))" @have "has_overlap_at_k rects j1" @end @case "ins_op rects j < ins_op rects i" @with @have "j1 < i1" @have "i1 < j2" @with @have "ops ! i1 < ops ! j2" @end @have "is_overlap (int (IdxInterval (xint (rects ! j)) j)) (xint (rects ! i))" @have "has_overlap_at_k rects i1" @end @qed definition has_overlap_lst :: "('a::linorder) rectangle list \ bool" where [rewrite]: "has_overlap_lst rects = (let ops = all_ops rects in (\k has_overlap_lst rects \ has_rect_overlap rects" by auto2 subsection \Implementation of apply\_ops\_k\ lemma apply_ops_k_next1 [rewrite]: "is_rect_list rects \ ops = all_ops rects \ n < length ops \ is_INS (ops ! n) \ apply_ops_k rects (n + 1) = apply_ops_k rects n \ {op_idx (ops ! n)}" @proof @have "\i. i\apply_ops_k rects (n + 1) \ i\apply_ops_k rects n \ {op_idx (ops ! n)}" @with @case "i \ apply_ops_k rects n \ {op_idx (ops ! n)}" @with @case "i = op_idx (ops ! n)" @with @have "ins_op rects i < del_op rects i" @end @end @end @qed lemma apply_ops_k_next2 [rewrite]: "is_rect_list rects \ ops = all_ops rects \ n < length ops \ \is_INS (ops ! n) \ apply_ops_k rects (n + 1) = apply_ops_k rects n - {op_idx (ops ! n)}" by auto2 definition apply_ops_k_next :: "('a::linorder) rectangle list \ 'a idx_interval set \ nat \ 'a idx_interval set" where "apply_ops_k_next rects S k = (let ops = all_ops rects in (case ops ! k of INS p n i \ S \ {IdxInterval i n} | DEL p n i \ S - {IdxInterval i n}))" setup \add_rewrite_rule @{thm apply_ops_k_next_def}\ lemma apply_ops_k_next_is_correct [rewrite]: "is_rect_list rects \ ops = all_ops rects \ n < length ops \ S = xints_of rects (apply_ops_k rects n) \ xints_of rects (apply_ops_k rects (n + 1)) = apply_ops_k_next rects S n" @proof @case "is_INS (ops ! n)" @qed function rect_inter :: "nat rectangle list \ nat idx_interval set \ nat \ bool" where "rect_inter rects S k = (let ops = all_ops rects in if k \ length ops then False else if is_INS (ops ! k) then if has_overlap S (op_int (ops ! k)) then True else if k = length ops - 1 then False else rect_inter rects (apply_ops_k_next rects S k) (k + 1) else if k = length ops - 1 then False else rect_inter rects (apply_ops_k_next rects S k) (k + 1))" by auto termination by (relation "measure (\(rects,S,k). length (all_ops rects) - k)") auto lemma rect_inter_correct_ind [rewrite]: "is_rect_list rects \ ops = all_ops rects \ n < length ops \ rect_inter rects (xints_of rects (apply_ops_k rects n)) n \ (\k n \ has_overlap_at_k rects k)" @proof @let "ints = xints_of rects (apply_ops_k rects n)" @fun_induct "rect_inter rects ints n" @unfold "rect_inter rects ints n" @case "n \ length ops" @case "is_INS (ops ! n) \ has_overlap ints (op_int (ops ! n))" @case "n = length ops - 1" @qed text \Correctness of functional algorithm.\ theorem rect_inter_correct [rewrite]: "is_rect_list rects \ rect_inter rects {} 0 \ has_rect_overlap rects" @proof @have "{} = xints_of rects (apply_ops_k rects 0)" @have "rect_inter rects {} 0 = has_overlap_lst rects" @with @unfold "rect_inter rects {} 0" @end @qed end