/- Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Mario Carneiro -/ import data.option.defs import logic.nonempty import tactic.cache /-! # Miscellaneous function constructions and lemmas -/ universes u v w namespace function section variables {α β γ : Sort*} {f : α → β} /-- Evaluate a function at an argument. Useful if you want to talk about the partially applied `function.eval x : (Π x, β x) → β x`. -/ @[reducible] def eval {β : α → Sort*} (x : α) (f : Π x, β x) : β x := f x @[simp] lemma eval_apply {β : α → Sort*} (x : α) (f : Π x, β x) : eval x f = f x := rfl lemma comp_apply {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} {φ : Sort w} (f : β → φ) (g : α → β) (a : α) : (f ∘ g) a = f (g a) := rfl lemma const_def {y : β} : (λ x : α, y) = const α y := rfl @[simp] lemma const_apply {y : β} {x : α} : const α y x = y := rfl @[simp] lemma const_comp {f : α → β} {c : γ} : const β c ∘ f = const α c := rfl @[simp] lemma comp_const {f : β → γ} {b : β} : f ∘ const α b = const α (f b) := rfl lemma const_injective [nonempty α] : injective (const α : β → α → β) := λ y₁ y₂ h, let ⟨x⟩ := ‹nonempty α› in congr_fun h x @[simp] lemma const_inj [nonempty α] {y₁ y₂ : β} : const α y₁ = const α y₂ ↔ y₁ = y₂ := ⟨λ h, const_injective h, λ h, h ▸ rfl⟩ lemma id_def : @id α = λ x, x := rfl lemma hfunext {α α': Sort u} {β : α → Sort v} {β' : α' → Sort v} {f : Πa, β a} {f' : Πa, β' a} (hα : α = α') (h : ∀a a', a == a' → f a == f' a') : f == f' := begin subst hα, have : ∀a, f a == f' a, { intro a, exact h a a (heq.refl a) }, have : β = β', { funext a, exact type_eq_of_heq (this a) }, subst this, apply heq_of_eq, funext a, exact eq_of_heq (this a) end lemma funext_iff {β : α → Sort*} {f₁ f₂ : Π (x : α), β x} : f₁ = f₂ ↔ (∀ a, f₁ a = f₂ a) := iff.intro (assume h a, h ▸ rfl) funext lemma ne_iff {β : α → Sort*} {f₁ f₂ : Π a, β a} : f₁ ≠ f₂ ↔ ∃ a, f₁ a ≠ f₂ a := funext_iff.not.trans not_forall protected lemma bijective.injective {f : α → β} (hf : bijective f) : injective f := hf.1 protected lemma bijective.surjective {f : α → β} (hf : bijective f) : surjective f := hf.2 theorem injective.eq_iff (I : injective f) {a b : α} : f a = f b ↔ a = b := ⟨@I _ _, congr_arg f⟩ theorem injective.eq_iff' (I : injective f) {a b : α} {c : β} (h : f b = c) : f a = c ↔ a = b := h ▸ I.eq_iff lemma injective.ne (hf : injective f) {a₁ a₂ : α} : a₁ ≠ a₂ → f a₁ ≠ f a₂ := mt (assume h, hf h) lemma injective.ne_iff (hf : injective f) {x y : α} : f x ≠ f y ↔ x ≠ y := ⟨mt $ congr_arg f, hf.ne⟩ lemma injective.ne_iff' (hf : injective f) {x y : α} {z : β} (h : f y = z) : f x ≠ z ↔ x ≠ y := h ▸ hf.ne_iff /-- If the co-domain `β` of an injective function `f : α → β` has decidable equality, then the domain `α` also has decidable equality. -/ protected def injective.decidable_eq [decidable_eq β] (I : injective f) : decidable_eq α := λ a b, decidable_of_iff _ I.eq_iff lemma injective.of_comp {g : γ → α} (I : injective (f ∘ g)) : injective g := λ x y h, I $ show f (g x) = f (g y), from congr_arg f h lemma injective.of_comp_iff {f : α → β} (hf : injective f) (g : γ → α) : injective (f ∘ g) ↔ injective g := ⟨injective.of_comp, hf.comp⟩ lemma injective.of_comp_iff' (f : α → β) {g : γ → α} (hg : bijective g) : injective (f ∘ g) ↔ injective f := ⟨ λ h x y, let ⟨x', hx⟩ := hg.surjective x, ⟨y', hy⟩ := hg.surjective y in hx ▸ hy ▸ λ hf, h hf ▸ rfl, λ h, h.comp hg.injective⟩ /-- Composition by an injective function on the left is itself injective. -/ lemma injective.comp_left {g : β → γ} (hg : function.injective g) : function.injective ((∘) g : (α → β) → (α → γ)) := λ f₁ f₂ hgf, funext $ λ i, hg $ (congr_fun hgf i : _) lemma injective_of_subsingleton [subsingleton α] (f : α → β) : injective f := λ a b ab, subsingleton.elim _ _ lemma injective.dite (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] {f : {a : α // p a} → β} {f' : {a : α // ¬ p a} → β} (hf : injective f) (hf' : injective f') (im_disj : ∀ {x x' : α} {hx : p x} {hx' : ¬ p x'}, f ⟨x, hx⟩ ≠ f' ⟨x', hx'⟩) : function.injective (λ x, if h : p x then f ⟨x, h⟩ else f' ⟨x, h⟩) := λ x₁ x₂ h, begin dsimp only at h, by_cases h₁ : p x₁; by_cases h₂ : p x₂, { rw [dif_pos h₁, dif_pos h₂] at h, injection (hf h), }, { rw [dif_pos h₁, dif_neg h₂] at h, exact (im_disj h).elim, }, { rw [dif_neg h₁, dif_pos h₂] at h, exact (im_disj h.symm).elim, }, { rw [dif_neg h₁, dif_neg h₂] at h, injection (hf' h), }, end lemma surjective.of_comp {g : γ → α} (S : surjective (f ∘ g)) : surjective f := λ y, let ⟨x, h⟩ := S y in ⟨g x, h⟩ lemma surjective.of_comp_iff (f : α → β) {g : γ → α} (hg : surjective g) : surjective (f ∘ g) ↔ surjective f := ⟨surjective.of_comp, λ h, h.comp hg⟩ lemma surjective.of_comp_iff' (hf : bijective f) (g : γ → α) : surjective (f ∘ g) ↔ surjective g := ⟨λ h x, let ⟨x', hx'⟩ := h (f x) in ⟨x', hf.injective hx'⟩, hf.surjective.comp⟩ instance decidable_eq_pfun (p : Prop) [decidable p] (α : p → Type*) [Π hp, decidable_eq (α hp)] : decidable_eq (Π hp, α hp) | f g := decidable_of_iff (∀ hp, f hp = g hp) funext_iff.symm protected theorem surjective.forall (hf : surjective f) {p : β → Prop} : (∀ y, p y) ↔ ∀ x, p (f x) := ⟨λ h x, h (f x), λ h y, let ⟨x, hx⟩ := hf y in hx ▸ h x⟩ protected theorem surjective.forall₂ (hf : surjective f) {p : β → β → Prop} : (∀ y₁ y₂, p y₁ y₂) ↔ ∀ x₁ x₂, p (f x₁) (f x₂) := hf.forall.trans $ forall_congr $ λ x, hf.forall protected theorem surjective.forall₃ (hf : surjective f) {p : β → β → β → Prop} : (∀ y₁ y₂ y₃, p y₁ y₂ y₃) ↔ ∀ x₁ x₂ x₃, p (f x₁) (f x₂) (f x₃) := hf.forall.trans $ forall_congr $ λ x, hf.forall₂ protected theorem surjective.exists (hf : surjective f) {p : β → Prop} : (∃ y, p y) ↔ ∃ x, p (f x) := ⟨λ ⟨y, hy⟩, let ⟨x, hx⟩ := hf y in ⟨x, hx.symm ▸ hy⟩, λ ⟨x, hx⟩, ⟨f x, hx⟩⟩ protected theorem surjective.exists₂ (hf : surjective f) {p : β → β → Prop} : (∃ y₁ y₂, p y₁ y₂) ↔ ∃ x₁ x₂, p (f x₁) (f x₂) := hf.exists.trans $ exists_congr $ λ x, hf.exists protected theorem surjective.exists₃ (hf : surjective f) {p : β → β → β → Prop} : (∃ y₁ y₂ y₃, p y₁ y₂ y₃) ↔ ∃ x₁ x₂ x₃, p (f x₁) (f x₂) (f x₃) := hf.exists.trans $ exists_congr $ λ x, hf.exists₂ lemma surjective.injective_comp_right (hf : surjective f) : injective (λ g : β → γ, g ∘ f) := λ g₁ g₂ h, funext $ hf.forall.2 $ congr_fun h protected lemma surjective.right_cancellable (hf : surjective f) {g₁ g₂ : β → γ} : g₁ ∘ f = g₂ ∘ f ↔ g₁ = g₂ := hf.injective_comp_right.eq_iff lemma surjective_of_right_cancellable_Prop (h : ∀ g₁ g₂ : β → Prop, g₁ ∘ f = g₂ ∘ f → g₁ = g₂) : surjective f := begin specialize h (λ _, true) (λ y, ∃ x, f x = y) (funext $ λ x, _), { simp only [(∘), exists_apply_eq_apply] }, { intro y, have : true = ∃ x, f x = y, from congr_fun h y, rw ← this, exact trivial } end lemma bijective_iff_exists_unique (f : α → β) : bijective f ↔ ∀ b : β, ∃! (a : α), f a = b := ⟨ λ hf b, let ⟨a, ha⟩ := hf.surjective b in ⟨a, ha, λ a' ha', hf.injective (ha'.trans ha.symm)⟩, λ he, ⟨ λ a a' h, unique_of_exists_unique (he (f a')) h rfl, λ b, exists_of_exists_unique (he b) ⟩⟩ /-- Shorthand for using projection notation with `function.bijective_iff_exists_unique`. -/ protected lemma bijective.exists_unique {f : α → β} (hf : bijective f) (b : β) : ∃! (a : α), f a = b := (bijective_iff_exists_unique f).mp hf b lemma bijective.exists_unique_iff {f : α → β} (hf : bijective f) {p : β → Prop} : (∃! y, p y) ↔ ∃! x, p (f x) := ⟨λ ⟨y, hpy, hy⟩, let ⟨x, hx⟩ := hf.surjective y in ⟨x, by rwa hx, λ z (hz : p (f z)), hf.injective $ hx.symm ▸ hy _ hz⟩, λ ⟨x, hpx, hx⟩, ⟨f x, hpx, λ y hy, let ⟨z, hz⟩ := hf.surjective y in hz ▸ congr_arg f $ hx _ $ by rwa hz⟩⟩ lemma bijective.of_comp_iff (f : α → β) {g : γ → α} (hg : bijective g) : bijective (f ∘ g) ↔ bijective f := and_congr (injective.of_comp_iff' _ hg) (surjective.of_comp_iff _ hg.surjective) lemma bijective.of_comp_iff' {f : α → β} (hf : bijective f) (g : γ → α) : function.bijective (f ∘ g) ↔ function.bijective g := and_congr (injective.of_comp_iff hf.injective _) (surjective.of_comp_iff' hf _) /-- **Cantor's diagonal argument** implies that there are no surjective functions from `α` to `set α`. -/ theorem cantor_surjective {α} (f : α → set α) : ¬ function.surjective f | h := let ⟨D, e⟩ := h {a | ¬ a ∈ f a} in (iff_not_self (D ∈ f D)).1 $ iff_of_eq (congr_arg ((∈) D) e) /-- **Cantor's diagonal argument** implies that there are no injective functions from `set α` to `α`. -/ theorem cantor_injective {α : Type*} (f : set α → α) : ¬ function.injective f | i := cantor_surjective (λ a, {b | ∀ U, a = f U → b ∈ U}) $ right_inverse.surjective (λ U, funext $ λ a, propext ⟨λ h, h U rfl, λ h' U' e, i e ▸ h'⟩) /-- There is no surjection from `α : Type u` into `Type u`. This theorem demonstrates why `Type : Type` would be inconsistent in Lean. -/ theorem not_surjective_Type {α : Type u} (f : α → Type (max u v)) : ¬ surjective f := begin intro hf, let T : Type (max u v) := sigma f, cases hf (set T) with U hU, let g : set T → T := λ s, ⟨U, cast hU.symm s⟩, have hg : injective g, { intros s t h, suffices : cast hU (g s).2 = cast hU (g t).2, { simp only [cast_cast, cast_eq] at this, assumption }, { congr, assumption } }, exact cantor_injective g hg end /-- `g` is a partial inverse to `f` (an injective but not necessarily surjective function) if `g y = some x` implies `f x = y`, and `g y = none` implies that `y` is not in the range of `f`. -/ def is_partial_inv {α β} (f : α → β) (g : β → option α) : Prop := ∀ x y, g y = some x ↔ f x = y theorem is_partial_inv_left {α β} {f : α → β} {g} (H : is_partial_inv f g) (x) : g (f x) = some x := (H _ _).2 rfl theorem injective_of_partial_inv {α β} {f : α → β} {g} (H : is_partial_inv f g) : injective f := λ a b h, option.some.inj $ ((H _ _).2 h).symm.trans ((H _ _).2 rfl) theorem injective_of_partial_inv_right {α β} {f : α → β} {g} (H : is_partial_inv f g) (x y b) (h₁ : b ∈ g x) (h₂ : b ∈ g y) : x = y := ((H _ _).1 h₁).symm.trans ((H _ _).1 h₂) theorem left_inverse.comp_eq_id {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : left_inverse f g) : f ∘ g = id := funext h theorem left_inverse_iff_comp {f : α → β} {g : β → α} : left_inverse f g ↔ f ∘ g = id := ⟨left_inverse.comp_eq_id, congr_fun⟩ theorem right_inverse.comp_eq_id {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : right_inverse f g) : g ∘ f = id := funext h theorem right_inverse_iff_comp {f : α → β} {g : β → α} : right_inverse f g ↔ g ∘ f = id := ⟨right_inverse.comp_eq_id, congr_fun⟩ theorem left_inverse.comp {f : α → β} {g : β → α} {h : β → γ} {i : γ → β} (hf : left_inverse f g) (hh : left_inverse h i) : left_inverse (h ∘ f) (g ∘ i) := assume a, show h (f (g (i a))) = a, by rw [hf (i a), hh a] theorem right_inverse.comp {f : α → β} {g : β → α} {h : β → γ} {i : γ → β} (hf : right_inverse f g) (hh : right_inverse h i) : right_inverse (h ∘ f) (g ∘ i) := left_inverse.comp hh hf theorem left_inverse.right_inverse {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : left_inverse g f) : right_inverse f g := h theorem right_inverse.left_inverse {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : right_inverse g f) : left_inverse f g := h theorem left_inverse.surjective {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : left_inverse f g) : surjective f := h.right_inverse.surjective theorem right_inverse.injective {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : right_inverse f g) : injective f := h.left_inverse.injective theorem left_inverse.right_inverse_of_injective {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : left_inverse f g) (hf : injective f) : right_inverse f g := λ x, hf $ h (f x) theorem left_inverse.right_inverse_of_surjective {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : left_inverse f g) (hg : surjective g) : right_inverse f g := λ x, let ⟨y, hy⟩ := hg x in hy ▸ congr_arg g (h y) lemma right_inverse.left_inverse_of_surjective {f : α → β} {g : β → α} : right_inverse f g → surjective f → left_inverse f g := left_inverse.right_inverse_of_surjective lemma right_inverse.left_inverse_of_injective {f : α → β} {g : β → α} : right_inverse f g → injective g → left_inverse f g := left_inverse.right_inverse_of_injective theorem left_inverse.eq_right_inverse {f : α → β} {g₁ g₂ : β → α} (h₁ : left_inverse g₁ f) (h₂ : right_inverse g₂ f) : g₁ = g₂ := calc g₁ = g₁ ∘ f ∘ g₂ : by rw [h₂.comp_eq_id, comp.right_id] ... = g₂ : by rw [← comp.assoc, h₁.comp_eq_id, comp.left_id] local attribute [instance, priority 10] classical.prop_decidable /-- We can use choice to construct explicitly a partial inverse for a given injective function `f`. -/ noncomputable def partial_inv {α β} (f : α → β) (b : β) : option α := if h : ∃ a, f a = b then some (classical.some h) else none theorem partial_inv_of_injective {α β} {f : α → β} (I : injective f) : is_partial_inv f (partial_inv f) | a b := ⟨λ h, if h' : ∃ a, f a = b then begin rw [partial_inv, dif_pos h'] at h, injection h with h, subst h, apply classical.some_spec h' end else by rw [partial_inv, dif_neg h'] at h; contradiction, λ e, e ▸ have h : ∃ a', f a' = f a, from ⟨_, rfl⟩, (dif_pos h).trans (congr_arg _ (I $ classical.some_spec h))⟩ theorem partial_inv_left {α β} {f : α → β} (I : injective f) : ∀ x, partial_inv f (f x) = some x := is_partial_inv_left (partial_inv_of_injective I) end section inv_fun variables {α β : Sort*} [nonempty α] {f : α → β} {a : α} {b : β} local attribute [instance, priority 10] classical.prop_decidable /-- The inverse of a function (which is a left inverse if `f` is injective and a right inverse if `f` is surjective). -/ noncomputable def inv_fun (f : α → β) : β → α := λ y, if h : ∃ x, f x = y then h.some else classical.arbitrary α theorem inv_fun_eq (h : ∃ a, f a = b) : f (inv_fun f b) = b := by simp only [inv_fun, dif_pos h, h.some_spec] lemma inv_fun_neg (h : ¬ ∃ a, f a = b) : inv_fun f b = classical.choice ‹_› := dif_neg h theorem inv_fun_eq_of_injective_of_right_inverse {g : β → α} (hf : injective f) (hg : right_inverse g f) : inv_fun f = g := funext $ assume b, hf begin rw [hg b], exact inv_fun_eq ⟨g b, hg b⟩ end lemma right_inverse_inv_fun (hf : surjective f) : right_inverse (inv_fun f) f := assume b, inv_fun_eq $ hf b lemma left_inverse_inv_fun (hf : injective f) : left_inverse (inv_fun f) f := λ b, hf $ inv_fun_eq ⟨b, rfl⟩ lemma inv_fun_surjective (hf : injective f) : surjective (inv_fun f) := (left_inverse_inv_fun hf).surjective lemma inv_fun_comp (hf : injective f) : inv_fun f ∘ f = id := funext $ left_inverse_inv_fun hf lemma injective.has_left_inverse (hf : injective f) : has_left_inverse f := ⟨inv_fun f, left_inverse_inv_fun hf⟩ lemma injective_iff_has_left_inverse : injective f ↔ has_left_inverse f := ⟨injective.has_left_inverse, has_left_inverse.injective⟩ end inv_fun section surj_inv variables {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} {γ : Sort w} {f : α → β} /-- The inverse of a surjective function. (Unlike `inv_fun`, this does not require `α` to be inhabited.) -/ noncomputable def surj_inv {f : α → β} (h : surjective f) (b : β) : α := classical.some (h b) lemma surj_inv_eq (h : surjective f) (b) : f (surj_inv h b) = b := classical.some_spec (h b) lemma right_inverse_surj_inv (hf : surjective f) : right_inverse (surj_inv hf) f := surj_inv_eq hf lemma left_inverse_surj_inv (hf : bijective f) : left_inverse (surj_inv hf.2) f := right_inverse_of_injective_of_left_inverse hf.1 (right_inverse_surj_inv hf.2) lemma surjective.has_right_inverse (hf : surjective f) : has_right_inverse f := ⟨_, right_inverse_surj_inv hf⟩ lemma surjective_iff_has_right_inverse : surjective f ↔ has_right_inverse f := ⟨surjective.has_right_inverse, has_right_inverse.surjective⟩ lemma bijective_iff_has_inverse : bijective f ↔ ∃ g, left_inverse g f ∧ right_inverse g f := ⟨λ hf, ⟨_, left_inverse_surj_inv hf, right_inverse_surj_inv hf.2⟩, λ ⟨g, gl, gr⟩, ⟨gl.injective, gr.surjective⟩⟩ lemma injective_surj_inv (h : surjective f) : injective (surj_inv h) := (right_inverse_surj_inv h).injective lemma surjective_to_subsingleton [na : nonempty α] [subsingleton β] (f : α → β) : surjective f := λ y, let ⟨a⟩ := na in ⟨a, subsingleton.elim _ _⟩ /-- Composition by an surjective function on the left is itself surjective. -/ lemma surjective.comp_left {g : β → γ} (hg : surjective g) : surjective ((∘) g : (α → β) → (α → γ)) := λ f, ⟨surj_inv hg ∘ f, funext $ λ x, right_inverse_surj_inv _ _⟩ /-- Composition by an bijective function on the left is itself bijective. -/ lemma bijective.comp_left {g : β → γ} (hg : bijective g) : bijective ((∘) g : (α → β) → (α → γ)) := ⟨hg.injective.comp_left, hg.surjective.comp_left⟩ end surj_inv section update variables {α : Sort u} {β : α → Sort v} {α' : Sort w} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq α'] /-- Replacing the value of a function at a given point by a given value. -/ def update (f : Πa, β a) (a' : α) (v : β a') (a : α) : β a := if h : a = a' then eq.rec v h.symm else f a /-- On non-dependent functions, `function.update` can be expressed as an `ite` -/ lemma update_apply {β : Sort*} (f : α → β) (a' : α) (b : β) (a : α) : update f a' b a = if a = a' then b else f a := begin dunfold update, congr, funext, rw eq_rec_constant, end @[simp] lemma update_same (a : α) (v : β a) (f : Πa, β a) : update f a v a = v := dif_pos rfl lemma surjective_eval {α : Sort u} {β : α → Sort v} [h : Π a, nonempty (β a)] (a : α) : surjective (eval a : (Π a, β a) → β a) := λ b, ⟨@update _ _ (classical.dec_eq α) (λ a, (h a).some) a b, @update_same _ _ (classical.dec_eq α) _ _ _⟩ lemma update_injective (f : Πa, β a) (a' : α) : injective (update f a') := λ v v' h, have _ := congr_fun h a', by rwa [update_same, update_same] at this @[simp] lemma update_noteq {a a' : α} (h : a ≠ a') (v : β a') (f : Πa, β a) : update f a' v a = f a := dif_neg h lemma forall_update_iff (f : Π a, β a) {a : α} {b : β a} (p : Π a, β a → Prop) : (∀ x, p x (update f a b x)) ↔ p a b ∧ ∀ x ≠ a, p x (f x) := by { rw [← and_forall_ne a, update_same], simp { contextual := tt } } lemma exists_update_iff (f : Π a, β a) {a : α} {b : β a} (p : Π a, β a → Prop) : (∃ x, p x (update f a b x)) ↔ p a b ∨ ∃ x ≠ a, p x (f x) := by { rw [← not_forall_not, forall_update_iff f (λ a b, ¬p a b)], simp [not_and_distrib] } lemma update_eq_iff {a : α} {b : β a} {f g : Π a, β a} : update f a b = g ↔ b = g a ∧ ∀ x ≠ a, f x = g x := funext_iff.trans $ forall_update_iff _ (λ x y, y = g x) lemma eq_update_iff {a : α} {b : β a} {f g : Π a, β a} : g = update f a b ↔ g a = b ∧ ∀ x ≠ a, g x = f x := funext_iff.trans $ forall_update_iff _ (λ x y, g x = y) @[simp] lemma update_eq_self (a : α) (f : Πa, β a) : update f a (f a) = f := update_eq_iff.2 ⟨rfl, λ _ _, rfl⟩ lemma update_comp_eq_of_forall_ne' {α'} (g : Π a, β a) {f : α' → α} {i : α} (a : β i) (h : ∀ x, f x ≠ i) : (λ j, (update g i a) (f j)) = (λ j, g (f j)) := funext $ λ x, update_noteq (h _) _ _ /-- Non-dependent version of `function.update_comp_eq_of_forall_ne'` -/ lemma update_comp_eq_of_forall_ne {α β : Sort*} (g : α' → β) {f : α → α'} {i : α'} (a : β) (h : ∀ x, f x ≠ i) : (update g i a) ∘ f = g ∘ f := update_comp_eq_of_forall_ne' g a h lemma update_comp_eq_of_injective' (g : Π a, β a) {f : α' → α} (hf : function.injective f) (i : α') (a : β (f i)) : (λ j, update g (f i) a (f j)) = update (λ i, g (f i)) i a := eq_update_iff.2 ⟨update_same _ _ _, λ j hj, update_noteq (hf.ne hj) _ _⟩ /-- Non-dependent version of `function.update_comp_eq_of_injective'` -/ lemma update_comp_eq_of_injective {β : Sort*} (g : α' → β) {f : α → α'} (hf : function.injective f) (i : α) (a : β) : (function.update g (f i) a) ∘ f = function.update (g ∘ f) i a := update_comp_eq_of_injective' g hf i a lemma apply_update {ι : Sort*} [decidable_eq ι] {α β : ι → Sort*} (f : Π i, α i → β i) (g : Π i, α i) (i : ι) (v : α i) (j : ι) : f j (update g i v j) = update (λ k, f k (g k)) i (f i v) j := begin by_cases h : j = i, { subst j, simp }, { simp [h] } end lemma apply_update₂ {ι : Sort*} [decidable_eq ι] {α β γ : ι → Sort*} (f : Π i, α i → β i → γ i) (g : Π i, α i) (h : Π i, β i) (i : ι) (v : α i) (w : β i) (j : ι) : f j (update g i v j) (update h i w j) = update (λ k, f k (g k) (h k)) i (f i v w) j := begin by_cases h : j = i, { subst j, simp }, { simp [h] } end lemma comp_update {α' : Sort*} {β : Sort*} (f : α' → β) (g : α → α') (i : α) (v : α') : f ∘ (update g i v) = update (f ∘ g) i (f v) := funext $ apply_update _ _ _ _ theorem update_comm {α} [decidable_eq α] {β : α → Sort*} {a b : α} (h : a ≠ b) (v : β a) (w : β b) (f : Πa, β a) : update (update f a v) b w = update (update f b w) a v := begin funext c, simp only [update], by_cases h₁ : c = b; by_cases h₂ : c = a; try {simp [h₁, h₂]}, cases h (h₂.symm.trans h₁), end @[simp] theorem update_idem {α} [decidable_eq α] {β : α → Sort*} {a : α} (v w : β a) (f : Πa, β a) : update (update f a v) a w = update f a w := by {funext b, by_cases b = a; simp [update, h]} end update section extend noncomputable theory local attribute [instance, priority 10] classical.prop_decidable variables {α β γ : Sort*} {f : α → β} /-- `extend f g e'` extends a function `g : α → γ` along a function `f : α → β` to a function `β → γ`, by using the values of `g` on the range of `f` and the values of an auxiliary function `e' : β → γ` elsewhere. Mostly useful when `f` is injective. -/ def extend (f : α → β) (g : α → γ) (e' : β → γ) : β → γ := λ b, if h : ∃ a, f a = b then g (classical.some h) else e' b lemma extend_def (f : α → β) (g : α → γ) (e' : β → γ) (b : β) [decidable (∃ a, f a = b)] : extend f g e' b = if h : ∃ a, f a = b then g (classical.some h) else e' b := by { unfold extend, congr } @[simp] lemma extend_apply (hf : injective f) (g : α → γ) (e' : β → γ) (a : α) : extend f g e' (f a) = g a := begin simp only [extend_def, dif_pos, exists_apply_eq_apply], exact congr_arg g (hf $ classical.some_spec (exists_apply_eq_apply f a)) end @[simp] lemma extend_apply' (g : α → γ) (e' : β → γ) (b : β) (hb : ¬∃ a, f a = b) : extend f g e' b = e' b := by simp [function.extend_def, hb] lemma apply_extend {δ} (hf : injective f) (F : γ → δ) (g : α → γ) (e' : β → γ) (b : β) : F (extend f g e' b) = extend f (F ∘ g) (F ∘ e') b := begin by_cases hb : ∃ a, f a = b, { cases hb with a ha, subst b, rw [extend_apply hf, extend_apply hf] }, { rw [extend_apply' _ _ _ hb, extend_apply' _ _ _ hb] } end lemma extend_injective (hf : injective f) (e' : β → γ) : injective (λ g, extend f g e') := begin intros g₁ g₂ hg, refine funext (λ x, _), have H := congr_fun hg (f x), simp only [hf, extend_apply] at H, exact H end @[simp] lemma extend_comp (hf : injective f) (g : α → γ) (e' : β → γ) : extend f g e' ∘ f = g := funext $ λ a, extend_apply hf g e' a lemma injective.surjective_comp_right' (hf : injective f) (g₀ : β → γ) : surjective (λ g : β → γ, g ∘ f) := λ g, ⟨extend f g g₀, extend_comp hf _ _⟩ lemma injective.surjective_comp_right [nonempty γ] (hf : injective f) : surjective (λ g : β → γ, g ∘ f) := hf.surjective_comp_right' (λ _, classical.choice ‹_›) lemma bijective.comp_right (hf : bijective f) : bijective (λ g : β → γ, g ∘ f) := ⟨hf.surjective.injective_comp_right, λ g, ⟨g ∘ surj_inv hf.surjective, by simp only [comp.assoc g _ f, (left_inverse_surj_inv hf).comp_eq_id, comp.right_id]⟩⟩ end extend lemma uncurry_def {α β γ} (f : α → β → γ) : uncurry f = (λp, f p.1 p.2) := rfl @[simp] lemma uncurry_apply_pair {α β γ} (f : α → β → γ) (x : α) (y : β) : uncurry f (x, y) = f x y := rfl @[simp] lemma curry_apply {α β γ} (f : α × β → γ) (x : α) (y : β) : curry f x y = f (x, y) := rfl section bicomp variables {α β γ δ ε : Type*} /-- Compose a binary function `f` with a pair of unary functions `g` and `h`. If both arguments of `f` have the same type and `g = h`, then `bicompl f g g = f on g`. -/ def bicompl (f : γ → δ → ε) (g : α → γ) (h : β → δ) (a b) := f (g a) (h b) /-- Compose an unary function `f` with a binary function `g`. -/ def bicompr (f : γ → δ) (g : α → β → γ) (a b) := f (g a b) -- Suggested local notation: local notation f `∘₂` g := bicompr f g lemma uncurry_bicompr (f : α → β → γ) (g : γ → δ) : uncurry (g ∘₂ f) = (g ∘ uncurry f) := rfl lemma uncurry_bicompl (f : γ → δ → ε) (g : α → γ) (h : β → δ) : uncurry (bicompl f g h) = (uncurry f) ∘ (prod.map g h) := rfl end bicomp section uncurry variables {α β γ δ : Type*} /-- Records a way to turn an element of `α` into a function from `β` to `γ`. The most generic use is to recursively uncurry. For instance `f : α → β → γ → δ` will be turned into `↿f : α × β × γ → δ`. One can also add instances for bundled maps. -/ class has_uncurry (α : Type*) (β : out_param Type*) (γ : out_param Type*) := (uncurry : α → (β → γ)) /-- Uncurrying operator. The most generic use is to recursively uncurry. For instance `f : α → β → γ → δ` will be turned into `↿f : α × β × γ → δ`. One can also add instances for bundled maps.-/ add_decl_doc has_uncurry.uncurry notation `↿`:max x:max := has_uncurry.uncurry x instance has_uncurry_base : has_uncurry (α → β) α β := ⟨id⟩ instance has_uncurry_induction [has_uncurry β γ δ] : has_uncurry (α → β) (α × γ) δ := ⟨λ f p, ↿(f p.1) p.2⟩ end uncurry /-- A function is involutive, if `f ∘ f = id`. -/ def involutive {α} (f : α → α) : Prop := ∀ x, f (f x) = x lemma involutive_iff_iter_2_eq_id {α} {f : α → α} : involutive f ↔ (f^[2] = id) := funext_iff.symm namespace involutive variables {α : Sort u} {f : α → α} (h : involutive f) include h @[simp] lemma comp_self : f ∘ f = id := funext h protected lemma left_inverse : left_inverse f f := h protected lemma right_inverse : right_inverse f f := h protected lemma injective : injective f := h.left_inverse.injective protected lemma surjective : surjective f := λ x, ⟨f x, h x⟩ protected lemma bijective : bijective f := ⟨h.injective, h.surjective⟩ /-- Involuting an `ite` of an involuted value `x : α` negates the `Prop` condition in the `ite`. -/ protected lemma ite_not (P : Prop) [decidable P] (x : α) : f (ite P x (f x)) = ite (¬ P) x (f x) := by rw [apply_ite f, h, ite_not] /-- An involution commutes across an equality. Compare to `function.injective.eq_iff`. -/ protected lemma eq_iff {x y : α} : f x = y ↔ x = f y := h.injective.eq_iff' (h y) end involutive /-- The property of a binary function `f : α → β → γ` being injective. Mathematically this should be thought of as the corresponding function `α × β → γ` being injective. -/ def injective2 {α β γ} (f : α → β → γ) : Prop := ∀ ⦃a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂⦄, f a₁ b₁ = f a₂ b₂ → a₁ = a₂ ∧ b₁ = b₂ namespace injective2 variables {α β γ : Sort*} {f : α → β → γ} /-- A binary injective function is injective when only the left argument varies. -/ protected lemma left (hf : injective2 f) (b : β) : function.injective (λ a, f a b) := λ a₁ a₂ h, (hf h).left /-- A binary injective function is injective when only the right argument varies. -/ protected lemma right (hf : injective2 f) (a : α) : function.injective (f a) := λ a₁ a₂ h, (hf h).right protected lemma uncurry {α β γ : Type*} {f : α → β → γ} (hf : injective2 f) : function.injective (uncurry f) := λ ⟨a₁, b₁⟩ ⟨a₂, b₂⟩ h, and.elim (hf h) (congr_arg2 _) /-- As a map from the left argument to a unary function, `f` is injective. -/ lemma left' (hf : injective2 f) [nonempty β] : function.injective f := λ a₁ a₂ h, let ⟨b⟩ := ‹nonempty β› in hf.left b $ (congr_fun h b : _) /-- As a map from the right argument to a unary function, `f` is injective. -/ lemma right' (hf : injective2 f) [nonempty α] : function.injective (λ b a, f a b) := λ b₁ b₂ h, let ⟨a⟩ := ‹nonempty α› in hf.right a $ (congr_fun h a : _) lemma eq_iff (hf : injective2 f) {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} : f a₁ b₁ = f a₂ b₂ ↔ a₁ = a₂ ∧ b₁ = b₂ := ⟨λ h, hf h, and.rec $ congr_arg2 f⟩ end injective2 section sometimes local attribute [instance, priority 10] classical.prop_decidable /-- `sometimes f` evaluates to some value of `f`, if it exists. This function is especially interesting in the case where `α` is a proposition, in which case `f` is necessarily a constant function, so that `sometimes f = f a` for all `a`. -/ noncomputable def sometimes {α β} [nonempty β] (f : α → β) : β := if h : nonempty α then f (classical.choice h) else classical.choice ‹_› theorem sometimes_eq {p : Prop} {α} [nonempty α] (f : p → α) (a : p) : sometimes f = f a := dif_pos ⟨a⟩ theorem sometimes_spec {p : Prop} {α} [nonempty α] (P : α → Prop) (f : p → α) (a : p) (h : P (f a)) : P (sometimes f) := by rwa sometimes_eq end sometimes end function /-- `s.piecewise f g` is the function equal to `f` on the set `s`, and to `g` on its complement. -/ def set.piecewise {α : Type u} {β : α → Sort v} (s : set α) (f g : Πi, β i) [∀j, decidable (j ∈ s)] : Πi, β i := λi, if i ∈ s then f i else g i /-! ### Bijectivity of `eq.rec`, `eq.mp`, `eq.mpr`, and `cast` -/ lemma eq_rec_on_bijective {α : Sort*} {C : α → Sort*} : ∀ {a a' : α} (h : a = a'), function.bijective (@eq.rec_on _ _ C _ h) | _ _ rfl := ⟨λ x y, id, λ x, ⟨x, rfl⟩⟩ lemma eq_mp_bijective {α β : Sort*} (h : α = β) : function.bijective (eq.mp h) := eq_rec_on_bijective h lemma eq_mpr_bijective {α β : Sort*} (h : α = β) : function.bijective (eq.mpr h) := eq_rec_on_bijective h.symm lemma cast_bijective {α β : Sort*} (h : α = β) : function.bijective (cast h) := eq_rec_on_bijective h /-! Note these lemmas apply to `Type*` not `Sort*`, as the latter interferes with `simp`, and is trivial anyway.-/ @[simp] lemma eq_rec_inj {α : Sort*} {a a' : α} (h : a = a') {C : α → Type*} (x y : C a) : (eq.rec x h : C a') = eq.rec y h ↔ x = y := (eq_rec_on_bijective h).injective.eq_iff @[simp] lemma cast_inj {α β : Type*} (h : α = β) {x y : α} : cast h x = cast h y ↔ x = y := (cast_bijective h).injective.eq_iff lemma function.left_inverse.eq_rec_eq {α β : Sort*} {γ : β → Sort v} {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : function.left_inverse g f) (C : Π a : α, γ (f a)) (a : α) : (congr_arg f (h a)).rec (C (g (f a))) = C a := eq_of_heq $ (eq_rec_heq _ _).trans $ by rw h lemma function.left_inverse.eq_rec_on_eq {α β : Sort*} {γ : β → Sort v} {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : function.left_inverse g f) (C : Π a : α, γ (f a)) (a : α) : (congr_arg f (h a)).rec_on (C (g (f a))) = C a := h.eq_rec_eq _ _ lemma function.left_inverse.cast_eq {α β : Sort*} {γ : β → Sort v} {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (h : function.left_inverse g f) (C : Π a : α, γ (f a)) (a : α) : cast (congr_arg (λ a, γ (f a)) (h a)) (C (g (f a))) = C a := eq_of_heq $ (eq_rec_heq _ _).trans $ by rw h /-- A set of functions "separates points" if for each pair of distinct points there is a function taking different values on them. -/ def set.separates_points {α β : Type*} (A : set (α → β)) : Prop := ∀ ⦃x y : α⦄, x ≠ y → ∃ f ∈ A, (f x : β) ≠ f y lemma is_symm_op.flip_eq {α β} (op) [is_symm_op α β op] : flip op = op := funext $ λ a, funext $ λ b, (is_symm_op.symm_op a b).symm lemma inv_image.equivalence {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} (r : β → β → Prop) (f : α → β) (h : equivalence r) : equivalence (inv_image r f) := ⟨λ _, h.1 _, λ _ _ x, h.2.1 x, inv_image.trans r f h.2.2⟩