From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Inductive tree := Node { children : seq tree }. Inductive ptree (T : Type) := singleton of T | branch of list (ptree T). (* has *) Fixpoint tree_has (T : Type) (p : pred T) (t : ptree T) : bool := match t with | singleton x => p x | branch ts => has (tree_has p) ts end. (* all *) Fixpoint tree_all (T : Type) (p : pred T) (t : ptree T) : bool := match t with | singleton x => p x | branch ts => all (tree_all p) ts end. (* map *) Fixpoint traverse_id (t : tree) : tree := Node (map traverse_id (children t)). (* foldr *) Fixpoint tree_foldr (T R : Type) (f : T -> R -> R) (z : R) (t : ptree T) : R := match t with | singleton x => f x z | branch ts => foldr (fun t z' => tree_foldr f z' t) z ts end. (* foldl *) Fixpoint tree_foldl (T R : Type) (f : R -> T -> R) (z : R) (t : ptree T) : R := match t with | singleton x => f z x | branch ts => foldl (tree_foldl f) z ts end. (* all2 *) Fixpoint eq_tree (x y : tree) {struct x} : bool := all2 eq_tree (children x) (children y).