(* ========================================================================= *) (* A tool for formal verification of nonlinear inequalities in HOL Light. *) (* *) (* (c) Alexey Solovyev 2012. *) (* *) (* Distributed under the same license as HOL Light. *) (* ========================================================================= *) needs "Multivariate/realanalysis.ml";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Main load. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) load_path := (Filename.concat (!hol_dir) "Formal_ineqs") :: (!load_path);; loadt "Formal_ineqs/verifier/m_verifier_main.hl";; open M_verifier_main;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* See docs/FormalVerifier.pdf for more information. A simple example: *) (* *) (* let ineq = *) (* `-- &1 / sqrt(&3) <= x /\ x <= sqrt(&2) /\ -- sqrt(pi) <= y /\ y <= &1 *) (* ==> x pow 2 * y - x * y pow 4 + y pow 6 - &7 + x pow 4 > -- #7.17995`;; *) (* let th, stats = verify_ineq default_params 5 ineq;; *) (* *) (* These files contain more substantial examples: *) (* *) (* loadt "Formal_ineqs/examples.hl";; *) (* loadt "Formal_ineqs/examples_poly.hl";; *) (* loadt "Formal_ineqs/examples_flyspeck.hl";; *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)