(* ========================================================================= *) (* *) (* Quantum optics library: utilities. *) (* *) (* (c) Copyright, Mohamed Yousri Mahmoud, Vincent Aravantinos, 2012-2013 *) (* Hardware Verification Group, *) (* Concordia University *) (* *) (* Contact: , *) (* *) (* Last update: Feb 27, 2013 *) (* *) (* ========================================================================= *) needs "Library/q.ml";; let EQ_TO_IMP = TAUT `!P Q. (P <=> Q) <=> (P ==> Q) /\ (Q==>P)`;; let EQ_NOT = TAUT `!P Q.(~P <=> ~Q) <=> (P <=> Q)`;; let LET_DEFS = CONJ LET_DEF LET_END_DEF;; module Pa = struct include Pa let COMPLEX_FIELD = call_with_interface prioritize_complex COMPLEX_FIELD;; let SIMPLE_COMPLEX_ARITH = call_with_interface prioritize_complex SIMPLE_COMPLEX_ARITH; end;; let HINT_EXISTS_TAC (hs,c as g) = let hs = map snd hs in let v,c' = dest_exists c in let vs,c' = strip_exists c' in let hyp_match c h = ignore (check (not o exists (C mem vs) o frees) c); term_match (subtract (frees c) [v]) c (concl h), h in let (_,subs,_),h = tryfind (C tryfind hs o hyp_match) (binops `/\` c') in let witness = match subs with |[] -> v |[t,u] when u = v -> t |_ -> failwith "HINT_EXISTS_TAC not applicable" in (EXISTS_TAC witness THEN REWRITE_TAC hs) g;; let GEN_PURE_MP_REWR_TAC sel th = let PART_MATCH = let concl = snd o dest_imp in let body = snd o strip_forall o concl in try PART_MATCH (lhs o body) th with _ -> let f1 = PART_MATCH concl th and f2 = PART_MATCH body th in fun t -> try f1 t with _ -> f2 t in fun (_,c as g) -> let th = ref TRUTH in let match_term t = try th := PART_MATCH t; true with _ -> false in ignore (find_term match_term (sel c)); let _,big_th = EQ_IMP_RULE (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV[UNDISCH (SPEC_ALL !th)] c) in let mp_th = (GEN_ALL o ONCE_REWRITE_RULE[IMP_IMP] o DISCH_ALL) big_th in MATCH_MP_TAC mp_th g;; let PURE_MP_REWR_TAC = GEN_PURE_MP_REWR_TAC I;; let GEN_MP_REWR_TAC s x = GEN_PURE_MP_REWR_TAC s x THEN TRY HINT_EXISTS_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[];; let MP_REWR_TAC = GEN_MP_REWR_TAC I;; let MP_REWRITE_TAC = MAP_EVERY MP_REWR_TAC;; let CASES_REWRITE_TAC th (_,c as g) = let PART_MATCH = let concl = snd o dest_imp in let body = snd o strip_forall o concl in try PART_MATCH (lhs o body) th with _ -> let f1 = PART_MATCH concl th and f2 = PART_MATCH body th in fun t -> try f1 t with _ -> f2 t in let th = ref TRUTH in ignore (find_term (fun t -> try th := PART_MATCH t; true with _ -> false) c); (ASM_CASES_TAC (lhand (concl !th)) THENL [ POP_ASSUM (fun x -> REWRITE_TAC[MP !th x] THEN ASSUME_TAC x); POP_ASSUM (ASSUME_TAC o REWRITE_RULE[NOT_CLAUSES])]) g;; let wrap f x = f [x];; let CONJS xs = end_itlist CONJ xs;; let rec simp_horn_conv = let fact (x,y) = if x = [] then y else fail () in let rec tl = function [] -> [] | _::xs -> xs in fun l -> let fixpoint = ref true in let l' = rev_itlist (fun (hs,cs) (dones,todos) -> let facts = flat (mapfilter fact (dones@todos)) in let f = filter (not o C mem facts) in let hs' = f hs in let cs' = filter (not o C mem hs') (f cs) in if not (hs' = hs) || not (cs' = cs) then fixpoint := false; if (cs' = [] && cs <> []) then (dones,tl todos) else ((hs',cs')::dones),tl todos) l ([],tl l) in if !fixpoint then l else simp_horn_conv (fst l');; let horns_of_term = let strip_conj = binops `(/\)` in fun t -> map (fun t -> try let h,c = dest_imp t in strip_conj h,strip_conj c with _ -> [],[t]) (strip_conj t);; let term_of_horns = let term_of_horn = function |[],cs -> list_mk_conj cs |_,[] -> `T` |hs,cs -> mk_imp (list_mk_conj hs,list_mk_conj cs) in list_mk_conj o map term_of_horn;; let SIMP_HORN_CONV t = TAUT (mk_eq (t,((term_of_horns o simp_horn_conv o horns_of_term) t)));; let SIMP_HORN_TAC = ASSUM_LIST (fun xs -> TRY (fun g -> (MP_TAC (CONJS xs) THEN REWRITE_TAC[IMP_IMP]) g) THEN CONV_TAC (TOP_DEPTH_CONV (CHANGED_CONV SIMP_HORN_CONV)) THEN REWRITE_TAC xs);; let rec fixpoint f x = let y = f x in if y = x then y else fixpoint f y;; let gimp_imp = let rec self vars premisses t = try let v,b = dest_forall t in self (v::vars) premisses b with _ -> try let p,c = dest_imp t in self vars (p::premisses) c with _ -> let body = match premisses with |[] -> t |_::_ -> mk_imp(list_mk_conj (rev premisses),t) in list_mk_forall(rev vars,body) in self [] [];; let GIMP_IMP_CONV t = MESON[](mk_eq(t,gimp_imp t));; let GIMP_IMP = CONV_RULE GIMP_IMP_CONV;; let MATCH_TRANS thm1 thm2 = GEN_ALL (DISCH_ALL (MATCH_MP thm2 (UNDISCH (SPEC_ALL thm1))));; let GCONV_TAC = CONV_TAC o DEPTH_CONV o CHANGED_CONV;; let LET_RULE thm = REWRITE_RULE[LET_DEF;LET_END_DEF] thm;; let LET_RULE_L l thm = REWRITE_RULE([LET_DEF;LET_END_DEF]@l) thm;; let SPEC_V (x,v) thm = (Pa.SPEC v o Pa.GEN x o SPEC_ALL) thm;;