(* ========================================================================= *) (* Basic metatheorems for FOL without and with equality. *) (* ========================================================================= *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Background theories. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) needs "Library/analysis.ml";; (* Just for some "subseq" lemmas really *) needs "Library/wo.ml";; (* Well-orders and Zorn's lemma equivalents *) needs "Library/rstc.ml";; (* Reflexive-symmetric-transitive closures *) needs "Examples/reduct.ml";; (* Abstract reduction relations. *) needs "Examples/multiwf.ml";; (* Wellfoundedness of multiset ordering *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Model theory of first order logic. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) loadt "Logic/fol.ml";; (* Basic first order logic definitions *) loadt "Logic/prenex.ml";; (* Prenex normal form *) loadt "Logic/skolem.ml";; (* Skolem normal form *) loadt "Logic/fol_prop.ml";; (* Compactness etc. for propositional case *) loadt "Logic/canon.ml";; (* First order case via canonical models *) loadt "Logic/herbrand.ml";; (* Refinement to ground terms *) loadt "Logic/fole.ml";; (* First order logic with equality *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Completeness of resolution. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) loadt "Logic/unif.ml";; (* Unification algorithms and MGUs *) loadt "Logic/resolution.ml";; (* Completeness of resolution *) loadt "Logic/given.ml";; (* More refined analysis of subsumption etc. *) loadt "Logic/linear.ml";; (* Linear refinements *) loadt "Logic/support.ml";; (* Set-of-support tautology-free versions *) loadt "Logic/positive.ml";; (* Positive and general semantic resolution *) loadt "Logic/givensem.ml";; (* Adaptation of given.ml to semantic case *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Prolog-style backchaining (SLD resolution). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) loadt "Logic/prolog.ml";; (* Backchaining for Horn clauses *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Equational logic. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) loadt "Logic/birkhoff.ml";; (* Birkhoff's completeness theorem *) loadt "Logic/trs.ml";; (* Results on simplifying convergent TRS *) loadt "Logic/lpo.ml";; (* The lexicographic path ordering *)