(* ========================================================================= *) (* Dense linear order decision procedure for reals, by Sean McLaughlin. *) (* ========================================================================= *) prioritize_real();; (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Util *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let list_conj = let t_tm = `T` in fun l -> if l = [] then t_tm else end_itlist (curry mk_conj) l;; let mk_lt = mk_binop `(<)`;; (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* cnnf *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let DOUBLE_NEG_CONV = let dn_thm = TAUT `!x. ~(~ x) <=> x` in let dn_conv = fun tm -> let tm' = dest_neg (dest_neg tm) in ISPEC tm' dn_thm in dn_conv;; let IMP_CONV = let i_thm = TAUT `!a b. (a ==> b) <=> (~a \/ b)` in let i_conv = fun tm -> let (a,b) = dest_imp tm in ISPECL [a;b] i_thm in i_conv;; let BEQ_CONV = let beq_thm = TAUT `!a b. (a = b) <=> (a /\ b \/ ~a /\ ~b)` in let beq_conv = fun tm -> let (a,b) = dest_eq tm in ISPECL [a;b] beq_thm in beq_conv;; let NEG_AND_CONV = let na_thm = TAUT `!a b. ~(a /\ b) <=> (~a \/ ~b)` in let na_conv = fun tm -> let (a,b) = dest_conj (dest_neg tm) in ISPECL [a;b] na_thm in na_conv;; let NEG_OR_CONV = let no_thm = TAUT `!a b. ~(a \/ b) <=> (~a /\ ~b)` in let no_conv = fun tm -> let (a,b) = dest_disj (dest_neg tm) in ISPECL [a;b] no_thm in no_conv;; let NEG_IMP_CONV = let ni_thm = TAUT `!a b. ~(a ==> b) <=> (a /\ ~b)` in let ni_conv = fun tm -> let (a,b) = dest_imp (dest_neg tm) in ISPECL [a;b] ni_thm in ni_conv;; let NEG_BEQ_CONV = let nbeq_thm = TAUT `!a b. ~(a = b) <=> (a /\ ~b \/ ~a /\ b)` in let nbeq_conv = fun tm -> let (a,b) = dest_eq (dest_neg tm) in ISPECL [a;b] nbeq_thm in nbeq_conv;; (* tm = (p /\ q0) \/ (~p /\ q1) *) let dest_cases tm = try let (l,r) = dest_disj tm in let (p,q0) = dest_conj l in let (np,q1) = dest_conj r in if mk_neg p = np then (p,q0,q1) else failwith "not a cases term" with Failure _ -> failwith "not a cases term";; let is_cases = can dest_cases;; let CASES_CONV = let c_thm = TAUT `!p q0 q1. ~(p /\ q0 \/ ~p /\ q1) <=> (p /\ ~q0 \/ ~p /\ ~q1)` in let cc = fun tm -> let (p,q0,q1) = dest_cases tm in ISPECL [p;q0;q1] c_thm in cc;; let QE_SIMPLIFY_CONV = let NOT_EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM = prove (`~(?!x. P x) <=> (!x. ~P x) \/ ?x x'. P x /\ P x' /\ ~(x = x')`, REWRITE_TAC[EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM; DE_MORGAN_THM; NOT_EXISTS_THM] THEN REWRITE_TAC[NOT_FORALL_THM; NOT_IMP; CONJ_ASSOC]) in let tauts = [TAUT `~(~p) <=> p`; TAUT `~(p /\ q) <=> ~p \/ ~q`; TAUT `~(p \/ q) <=> ~p /\ ~q`; TAUT `~(p ==> q) <=> p /\ ~q`; TAUT `p ==> q <=> ~p \/ q`; NOT_FORALL_THM; NOT_EXISTS_THM; EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM; NOT_EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM; TAUT `~(p = q) <=> (p /\ ~q) \/ (~p /\ q)`; TAUT `(p = q) <=> (p /\ q) \/ (~p /\ ~q)`; TAUT `~(p /\ q \/ ~p /\ r) <=> p /\ ~q \/ ~p /\ ~r`] in GEN_REWRITE_CONV TOP_SWEEP_CONV tauts;; let CNNF_CONV = let refl_conj = REFL `(/\)` and refl_disj = REFL `(\/)` in fun lfn_conv -> let rec cnnf_conv tm = if is_conj tm then let (p,q) = dest_conj tm in let thm1 = cnnf_conv p in let thm2 = cnnf_conv q in MK_COMB (MK_COMB (refl_conj,thm1),thm2) else if is_disj tm then let (p,q) = dest_disj tm in let thm1 = cnnf_conv p in let thm2 = cnnf_conv q in MK_COMB (MK_COMB (refl_disj,thm1),thm2) else if is_imp tm then let (p,q) = dest_imp tm in let thm1 = cnnf_conv (mk_neg p) in let thm2 = cnnf_conv q in TRANS (IMP_CONV tm) (MK_COMB(MK_COMB(refl_disj,thm1),thm2)) else if is_iff tm then let (p,q) = dest_eq tm in let pthm = cnnf_conv p in let qthm = cnnf_conv q in let npthm = cnnf_conv (mk_neg p) in let nqthm = cnnf_conv (mk_neg q) in let thm1 = MK_COMB(MK_COMB(refl_conj,pthm),qthm) in let thm2 = MK_COMB(MK_COMB(refl_conj,npthm),nqthm) in TRANS (BEQ_CONV tm) (MK_COMB(MK_COMB(refl_disj,thm1),thm2)) else if is_neg tm then let tm' = dest_neg tm in if is_neg tm' then let tm'' = dest_neg tm' in let thm = cnnf_conv tm in TRANS (DOUBLE_NEG_CONV tm'') thm else if is_conj tm' then let (p,q) = dest_conj tm' in let thm1 = cnnf_conv (mk_neg p) in let thm2 = cnnf_conv (mk_neg q) in TRANS (NEG_AND_CONV tm) (MK_COMB(MK_COMB(refl_disj,thm1),thm2)) else if is_cases tm' then let (p,q0,q1) = dest_cases tm in let thm1 = cnnf_conv (mk_conj(p,mk_neg q0)) in let thm2 = cnnf_conv (mk_conj(mk_neg p,mk_neg q1)) in TRANS (CASES_CONV tm) (MK_COMB(MK_COMB(refl_disj,thm1),thm2)) else if is_disj tm' then let (p,q) = dest_disj tm' in let thm1 = cnnf_conv (mk_neg p) in let thm2 = cnnf_conv (mk_neg q) in TRANS (NEG_OR_CONV tm) (MK_COMB(MK_COMB(refl_conj,thm1),thm2)) else if is_imp tm' then let (p,q) = dest_imp tm' in let thm1 = cnnf_conv p in let thm2 = cnnf_conv (mk_neg q) in TRANS (NEG_IMP_CONV tm) (MK_COMB(MK_COMB(refl_conj,thm1),thm2)) else if is_iff tm' then let (p,q) = dest_eq tm' in let pthm = cnnf_conv p in let qthm = cnnf_conv q in let npthm = cnnf_conv (mk_neg p) in let nqthm = cnnf_conv (mk_neg q) in let thm1 = MK_COMB (MK_COMB(refl_conj,pthm),nqthm) in let thm2 = MK_COMB(MK_COMB(refl_conj,npthm),qthm) in TRANS (NEG_BEQ_CONV tm) (MK_COMB(MK_COMB(refl_disj,thm1),thm2)) else lfn_conv tm else lfn_conv tm in QE_SIMPLIFY_CONV THENC cnnf_conv THENC QE_SIMPLIFY_CONV;; (* let tests = [ `~(a /\ b)`; `~(a \/ b)`; `~(a ==> b)`; `~(a:bool <=> b)`; `~ ~ a`; ];; map (CNNF_CONV (fun x -> REFL x)) tests;; *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Real Lists *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MINL = new_recursive_definition list_RECURSION `(MINL [] default = default) /\ (MINL (CONS h t) default = min h (MINL t default))`;; let MAXL = new_recursive_definition list_RECURSION `(MAXL [] default = default) /\ (MAXL (CONS h t) default = max h (MAXL t default))`;; let MAX_LT = prove (`!x y z. max x y < z <=> x < z /\ y < z`, REWRITE_TAC[real_max] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_LET_TRANS; REAL_LE_TOTAL]);; let MIN_GT = prove (`!x y z. x < real_min y z <=> x < y /\ x < z`, REWRITE_TAC[real_min] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_LTE_TRANS; REAL_LE_TOTAL]);; let ALL_LT_LEMMA = prove (`!left x lefts. ALL (\l. l < x) (CONS left lefts) <=> MAXL lefts left < x`, GEN_TAC THEN GEN_TAC THEN LIST_INDUCT_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[MAXL; ALL] THEN SPEC_TAC(`t:real list`,`t:real list`) THEN LIST_INDUCT_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[ALL; MAXL; MAX_LT] THEN ASM_MESON_TAC[MAX_LT]);; let ALL_GT_LEMMA = prove (`!right x rights. ALL (\r. x < r) (CONS right rights) <=> x < MINL rights right`, GEN_TAC THEN GEN_TAC THEN LIST_INDUCT_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[MINL; ALL] THEN SPEC_TAC(`t:real list`,`t:real list`) THEN LIST_INDUCT_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[ALL; MINL; MIN_GT] THEN ASM_MESON_TAC[MIN_GT]);; (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Axioms *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let REAL_DENSE = prove (`!x y. x < y ==> ?z. x < z /\ z < y`, REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN EXISTS_TAC `(x + y) / &2` THEN SIMP_TAC[REAL_LT_LDIV_EQ; REAL_LT_RDIV_EQ; REAL_OF_NUM_LT; ARITH] THEN POP_ASSUM MP_TAC THEN REAL_ARITH_TAC);; let REAL_LT_EXISTS = prove(`!x. ?y. x < y`, GEN_TAC THEN EXISTS_TAC `x + &1` THEN REAL_ARITH_TAC);; let REAL_GT_EXISTS = prove(`!x. ?y. y < x`, GEN_TAC THEN EXISTS_TAC `x - &1` THEN REAL_ARITH_TAC);; (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* lfn_dlo *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let LFN_DLO_CONV = PURE_REWRITE_CONV[ REAL_ARITH `~(s < t) <=> ((s = t) \/ (t < s))`; REAL_ARITH `~(s = t) <=> (s < t \/ t < s)`; ];; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Proforma theorems to support the main inference step. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let PROFORMA_LEFT = prove (`!l ls. (?x. ALL (\l. l < x) (CONS l ls)) <=> T`, REWRITE_TAC[ALL_LT_LEMMA] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_LT_EXISTS]);; let PROFORMA_RIGHT = prove (`!r rs. (?x. ALL (\r. x < r) (CONS r rs)) <=> T`, REWRITE_TAC[ALL_GT_LEMMA] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_GT_EXISTS]);; let PROFORMA_BOTH = prove (`!l ls r rs. (?x. ALL (\l. l < x) (CONS l ls) /\ ALL (\r. x < r) (CONS r rs)) <=> ALL (\l. ALL (\r. l < r) (CONS r rs)) (CONS l ls)`, REWRITE_TAC[ALL_LT_LEMMA; ALL_GT_LEMMA] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_DENSE; REAL_LT_TRANS]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Deal with ?x. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mk_rlist = let ty = `:real` in fun x -> mk_list(x,ty);; let expand_all = PURE_REWRITE_RULE [ALL; BETA_THM; GSYM CONJ_ASSOC; TAUT `a /\ T <=> a`];; let DLO_EQ_CONV fm = let x,p = dest_exists fm in let xl,xr = partition (fun t -> rand t = x) (conjuncts p) in let lefts = map lhand xl and rights = map rand xr in let th1 = if lefts = [] then SPECL [hd rights; mk_rlist(tl rights)] PROFORMA_RIGHT else if rights = [] then SPECL [hd lefts; mk_rlist(tl lefts)] PROFORMA_LEFT else SPECL [hd lefts; mk_rlist(tl lefts); hd rights; mk_rlist(tl rights)] PROFORMA_BOTH in let th2 = CONV_RULE (LAND_CONV(GEN_ALPHA_CONV x)) (expand_all th1) in let p' = snd(dest_exists(lhand(concl th2))) in let th3 = MK_EXISTS x (CONJ_ACI_RULE(mk_eq(p,p'))) in TRANS th3 th2;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Deal with general ?x. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let eq_triv_conv = let pth_triv = prove (`((?x. x = x) <=> T) /\ ((?x. x = t) <=> T) /\ ((?x. t = x) <=> T) /\ ((?x. (x = t) /\ P x) <=> P t) /\ ((?x. (t = x) /\ P x) <=> P t)`, MESON_TAC[]) in GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [pth_triv] and eq_refl_conv = let pth_refl = prove (`(?x. (x = x) /\ P x) <=> (?x. P x)`, MESON_TAC[]) in GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [pth_refl] and lt_refl_conv = GEN_REWRITE_CONV DEPTH_CONV [REAL_LT_REFL; AND_CLAUSES; EXISTS_SIMP];; let rec DLOBASIC_CONV fm = try let x,p = dest_exists fm in let cjs = conjuncts p in try let eq = find (fun e -> is_eq e && (lhs e = x || rhs e = x)) cjs in let cjs' = eq::setify(subtract cjs [eq]) in let p' = list_mk_conj cjs' in let th1 = MK_EXISTS x (CONJ_ACI_RULE(mk_eq(p,p'))) in let fm' = rand(concl th1) in try TRANS th1 (eq_triv_conv fm') with Failure _ -> TRANS th1 ((eq_refl_conv THENC DLOBASIC_CONV) fm') with Failure _ -> if mem (mk_lt x x) cjs then lt_refl_conv fm else DLO_EQ_CONV fm with Failure _ -> (print_qterm fm; failwith "dlobasic");; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Overall quantifier elimination. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let AFN_DLO_CONV vars = PURE_REWRITE_CONV[ REAL_ARITH `s <= t <=> ~(t < s)`; REAL_ARITH `s >= t <=> ~(s < t)`; REAL_ARITH `s > t <=> t < s` ];; let dest_binop_op tm = try let f,r = dest_comb tm in let op,l = dest_comb f in (l,r,op) with Failure _ -> failwith "dest_binop_op";; let forall_thm = prove(`!P. (!x. P x) <=> ~ (?x. ~ P x)`,MESON_TAC[]) and or_exists_conv = PURE_REWRITE_CONV[OR_EXISTS_THM] and triv_exists_conv = REWR_CONV EXISTS_SIMP and push_exists_conv = REWR_CONV RIGHT_EXISTS_AND_THM and not_tm = `(~)` and or_tm = `(\/)` and t_tm = `T` and f_tm = `F`;; let LIFT_QELIM_CONV afn_conv nfn_conv qfn_conv = let rec qelift_conv vars fm = if fm = t_tm || fm = f_tm then REFL fm else if is_neg fm then let thm1 = qelift_conv vars (dest_neg fm) in MK_COMB(REFL not_tm,thm1) else if is_conj fm || is_disj fm || is_imp fm || is_iff fm then let (p,q,op) = dest_binop_op fm in let thm1 = qelift_conv vars p in let thm2 = qelift_conv vars q in MK_COMB(MK_COMB((REFL op),thm1),thm2) else if is_forall fm then let (x,p) = dest_forall fm in let nex_thm = BETA_RULE (ISPEC (mk_abs(x,p)) forall_thm) in let elim_thm = qelift_conv vars (mk_exists(x,mk_neg p)) in TRANS nex_thm (MK_COMB (REFL not_tm,elim_thm)) else if is_exists fm then let (x,p) = dest_exists fm in let thm1 = qelift_conv (x::vars) p in let thm1a = MK_EXISTS x thm1 in let thm2 = nfn_conv (rhs(concl thm1)) in let thm2a = MK_EXISTS x thm2 in let djs = disjuncts (rhs (concl thm2)) in let djthms = map (qelim x vars) djs in let thm3 = end_itlist (fun thm1 thm2 -> MK_COMB(MK_COMB (REFL or_tm,thm1),thm2)) djthms in let split_ex_thm = GSYM (or_exists_conv (lhs (concl thm3))) in let thm3a = TRANS split_ex_thm thm3 in TRANS (TRANS thm1a thm2a) thm3a else afn_conv vars fm and qelim x vars p = let cjs = conjuncts p in let ycjs,ncjs = partition (mem x o frees) cjs in if ycjs = [] then triv_exists_conv(mk_exists(x,p)) else if ncjs = [] then qfn_conv vars (mk_exists(x,p)) else let th1 = CONJ_ACI_RULE (mk_eq(p,mk_conj(list_mk_conj ncjs,list_mk_conj ycjs))) in let th2 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV push_exists_conv) (MK_EXISTS x th1) in let t1,t2 = dest_comb (rand(concl th2)) in TRANS th2 (AP_TERM t1 (qfn_conv vars t2)) in fun fm -> ((qelift_conv (frees fm)) THENC QE_SIMPLIFY_CONV) fm;; let QELIM_DLO_CONV = (LIFT_QELIM_CONV AFN_DLO_CONV ((CNNF_CONV LFN_DLO_CONV) THENC DNF_CONV) (fun v -> DLOBASIC_CONV)) THENC (REWRITE_CONV[]);; (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Test *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let tests = [ `!x y. ?z. z < x /\ z < y`; `?z. x < x /\ z < y`; `?z. x < z /\ z < y`; `!x. x < a ==> x < b`; `!a b. (!x. (x < a) <=> (x < b)) <=> (a = b)`; (* long time *) `!x. ?y. x < y`; `!x y z. x < y /\ y < z ==> x < z`; `!x y. x < y \/ (x = y) \/ y < x`; `!x y. x < y \/ (x = y) \/ y < x`; `?x y. x < y /\ y < x`; `!x y. ?z. z < x /\ x < y`; `!x y. ?z. z < x /\ z < y`; `!x y. x < y ==> ?z. x < z /\ z < y`; `!x y. ~(x = y) ==> ?u. u < x /\ (y < u \/ x < y)`; `?x. x = x:real`; `?x.(x = x) /\ (x = y)`; `?z. x < z /\ z < y`; `?z. x <= z /\ z <= y`; `?z. x < z /\ z <= y`; `!x y z. ?u. u < x /\ u < y /\ u < z`; `!y. x < y /\ y < z ==> w < z`; `!x y . x < y`; `?z. z < x /\ x < y`; `!a b. (!x. x < a ==> x < b) <=> (a <= b)`; `!x. x < a ==> x < b`; `!x. x < a ==> x <= b`; `!a b. ?x. ~(x = a) \/ ~(x = b) \/ (a = b:real)`; `!x y. x <= y \/ x > y`; `!x y. x <= y \/ x < y` ];; map (time QELIM_DLO_CONV) tests;;