section \Automatic Refinement Tool\ theory Autoref_Tool imports Autoref_Translate Autoref_Gen_Algo Autoref_Relator_Interface begin subsection \Standard setup\ text \Declaration of standard phases\ declaration \fn phi => let open Autoref_Phases in I #> register_phase "id_op" 10 Autoref_Id_Ops.id_phase phi #> register_phase "rel_inf" 20 Autoref_Rel_Inf.roi_phase phi #> register_phase "fix_rel" 22 Autoref_Fix_Rel.phase phi #> register_phase "trans" 30 Autoref_Translate.trans_phase phi end \ (* declaration {* fn phi => let open Autoref_Phases in I #> register_phase "id_op" 10 Autoref_Id_Ops.id_ops_phase phi #> register_phase "rel_inf" 20 Autoref_Rel_Inf.hm_infer_rel_phase phi #> register_phase "fix_rel" 21 Autoref_Fix_Rel.phase phi #> register_phase "trans" 30 Autoref_Translate.trans_phase phi end *} *) text \Main method\ method_setup autoref = \let open Refine_Util val autoref_flags = parse_bool_config "trace" Autoref_Phases.cfg_trace || parse_bool_config "debug" Autoref_Phases.cfg_debug || parse_bool_config "keep_goal" Autoref_Phases.cfg_keep_goal val autoref_phases = Args.$$$ "phases" |-- Args.colon |-- Scan.repeat1 in parse_paren_lists autoref_flags |-- Scan.option (Scan.lift (autoref_phases)) >> ( fn phases => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' ( ( case phases of NONE => Autoref_Phases.all_phases_tac | SOME names => Autoref_Phases.phases_tacN names ) (Autoref_Phases.init_data ctxt) (* TODO: If we want more fine-grained initialization here, solvers have to depend on phases, or on data that they initialize if necessary *) )) end \ "Automatic Refinement" subsection \Tools\ setup \ let fun higher_order_rl_of ctxt thm = case Thm.concl_of thm of @{mpat "Trueprop ((_,?t)\_)"} => let val (f,args) = strip_comb t in if length args = 0 then thm else let val cT = TVar(("'c",0), @{sort type}) val c = Var (("c",0),cT) val R = Var (("R",0), HOLogic.mk_setT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (cT, fastype_of f))) val goal = HOLogic.mk_mem (HOLogic.mk_prod (c,f), R) |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop val goal_ctxt = Variable.declare_term goal ctxt val res_thm = Goal.prove_internal ctxt [] (Thm.cterm_of ctxt goal) (fn _ => REPEAT (resolve_tac goal_ctxt @{thms fun_relI} 1) THEN (resolve_tac goal_ctxt [thm] 1) THEN (ALLGOALS (assume_tac goal_ctxt))) in res_thm end end | _ => raise THM("Expected autoref rule",~1,[thm]) val higher_order_rl_attr = Thm.rule_attribute [] (higher_order_rl_of o Context.proof_of) in Attrib.setup @{binding autoref_higher_order_rule} (Scan.succeed higher_order_rl_attr) "Autoref: Convert rule to higher-order form" end \ subsection \Advanced Debugging\ method_setup autoref_trans_step_keep = \ Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' ( Autoref_Translate.trans_dbg_step_tac (Autoref_Phases.init_data ctxt) )) \ "Single translation step, leaving unsolved side-coditions" method_setup autoref_trans_step = \ Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' ( Autoref_Translate.trans_step_tac (Autoref_Phases.init_data ctxt) )) \ "Single translation step" method_setup autoref_trans_step_only = \ Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' ( Autoref_Translate.trans_step_only_tac (Autoref_Phases.init_data ctxt) )) \ "Single translation step, not attempting to solve side-coditions" method_setup autoref_side = \ Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' ( Autoref_Translate.side_dbg_tac (Autoref_Phases.init_data ctxt) )) \ "Solve side condition, leave unsolved subgoals" method_setup autoref_try_solve = \ Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' ( Autoref_Fix_Rel.try_solve_tac (Autoref_Phases.init_data ctxt) )) \ "Try to solve constraint and trace debug information" method_setup autoref_solve_step = \ Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' ( Autoref_Fix_Rel.solve_step_tac (Autoref_Phases.init_data ctxt) )) \ "Single-step of constraint solver" method_setup autoref_id_op = \ Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' ( Autoref_Id_Ops.id_tac ctxt )) \ method_setup autoref_solve_id_op = \ Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' ( Autoref_Id_Ops.id_tac (Config.put Autoref_Id_Ops.cfg_ss_id_op false ctxt) )) \ ML \ structure Autoref_Debug = struct fun print_thm_pairs ctxt = let val ctxt = Autoref_Phases.init_data ctxt val p = Autoref_Fix_Rel.thm_pairsD_get ctxt |> Autoref_Fix_Rel.pretty_thm_pairs ctxt |> Pretty.string_of in warning p end fun print_thm_pairs_matching ctxt cpat = let val pat = Thm.term_of cpat val ctxt = Autoref_Phases.init_data ctxt val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt fun matches NONE = false | matches (SOME (_,(f,_))) = Pattern.matches thy (pat,f) val p = Autoref_Fix_Rel.thm_pairsD_get ctxt |> filter (matches o #1) |> Autoref_Fix_Rel.pretty_thm_pairs ctxt |> Pretty.string_of in warning p end end \ text \General casting-tag, that allows type-casting on concrete level, while being identity on abstract level.\ definition [simp]: "CAST \ id" lemma [autoref_itype]: "CAST ::\<^sub>i I \\<^sub>i I" by simp (* TODO: This idea does currently not work, b/c a homogeneity rule will be created from the (\x. x, CAST)\R \ R rule, which will always be applied first! As a workaround, we make the cast mandatory! *) (*lemma [autoref_rules]: assumes "PRIO_TAG_GEN_ALGO" shows "(\x. x,CAST) \ R \ R" by auto *) text \Hide internal stuff\ notation (input) rel_ANNOT (infix ":::\<^sub>r" 10) notation (input) ind_ANNOT (infix "::#\<^sub>r" 10) locale autoref_syn begin notation (input) APP (infixl "$" 900) notation (input) rel_ANNOT (infix ":::" 10) notation (input) ind_ANNOT (infix "::#" 10) notation OP ("OP") notation (input) ABS (binder "\''" 10) end no_notation (input) APP (infixl "$" 900) no_notation (input) ABS (binder "\''" 10) no_notation (input) rel_ANNOT (infix ":::" 10) no_notation (input) ind_ANNOT (infix "::#" 10) hide_const (open) PROTECT ANNOT OP APP ABS ID_FAIL rel_annot ind_annot end