/- Copyright (c) 2021 Patrick Massot. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Patrick Massot -/ import topology.algebra.nonarchimedean.basic import topology.algebra.filter_basis import algebra.module.submodule.pointwise /-! # Neighborhood bases for non-archimedean rings and modules This files contains special families of filter bases on rings and modules that give rise to non-archimedean topologies. The main definition is `ring_subgroups_basis` which is a predicate on a family of additive subgroups of a ring. The predicate ensures there is a topology `ring_subgroups_basis.topology` which is compatible with a ring structure and admits the given family as a basis of neighborhoods of zero. In particular the given subgroups become open subgroups (bundled in `ring_subgroups_basis.open_add_subgroup`) and we get a non-archimedean topological ring (`ring_subgroups_basis.nonarchimedean`). A special case of this construction is given by `submodules_basis` where the subgroups are sub-modules in a commutative algebra. This important example gives rises to the adic topology (studied in its own file). -/ open set filter function lattice add_group_with_zero_nhd open_locale topological_space filter pointwise /-- A family of additive subgroups on a ring `A` is a subgroups basis if it satisfies some axioms ensuring there is a topology on `A` which is compatible with the ring structure and admits this family as a basis of neighborhoods of zero. -/ structure ring_subgroups_basis {A ι : Type*} [ring A] (B : ι → add_subgroup A) : Prop := (inter : ∀ i j, ∃ k, B k ≤ B i ⊓ B j) (mul : ∀ i, ∃ j, (B j : set A) * B j ⊆ B i) (left_mul : ∀ x : A, ∀ i, ∃ j, (B j : set A) ⊆ (λ y : A, x*y) ⁻¹' (B i)) (right_mul : ∀ x : A, ∀ i, ∃ j, (B j : set A) ⊆ (λ y : A, y*x) ⁻¹' (B i)) namespace ring_subgroups_basis variables {A ι : Type*} [ring A] lemma of_comm {A ι : Type*} [comm_ring A] (B : ι → add_subgroup A) (inter : ∀ i j, ∃ k, B k ≤ B i ⊓ B j) (mul : ∀ i, ∃ j, (B j : set A) * B j ⊆ B i) (left_mul : ∀ x : A, ∀ i, ∃ j, (B j : set A) ⊆ (λ y : A, x*y) ⁻¹' (B i)) : ring_subgroups_basis B := { inter := inter, mul := mul, left_mul := left_mul, right_mul := begin intros x i, cases left_mul x i with j hj, use j, simpa [mul_comm] using hj end } /-- Every subgroups basis on a ring leads to a ring filter basis. -/ def to_ring_filter_basis [nonempty ι] {B : ι → add_subgroup A} (hB : ring_subgroups_basis B) : ring_filter_basis A := { sets := {U | ∃ i, U = B i}, nonempty := by { inhabit ι, exact ⟨B default, default, rfl⟩ }, inter_sets := begin rintros _ _ ⟨i, rfl⟩ ⟨j, rfl⟩, cases hB.inter i j with k hk, use [B k, k, rfl, hk] end, zero' := by { rintros _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, exact (B i).zero_mem }, add' := begin rintros _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, use [B i, i, rfl], rintros x ⟨y, z, y_in, z_in, rfl⟩, exact (B i).add_mem y_in z_in end, neg' := begin rintros _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, use [B i, i, rfl], intros x x_in, exact (B i).neg_mem x_in end, conj' := begin rintros x₀ _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, use [B i, i, rfl], simp end, mul' := begin rintros _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, cases hB.mul i with k hk, use [B k, k, rfl, hk] end, mul_left' := begin rintros x₀ _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, cases hB.left_mul x₀ i with k hk, use [B k, k, rfl, hk] end, mul_right' := begin rintros x₀ _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, cases hB.right_mul x₀ i with k hk, use [B k, k, rfl, hk] end } variables [nonempty ι] {B : ι → add_subgroup A} (hB : ring_subgroups_basis B) lemma mem_add_group_filter_basis_iff {V : set A} : V ∈ hB.to_ring_filter_basis.to_add_group_filter_basis ↔ ∃ i, V = B i := iff.rfl lemma mem_add_group_filter_basis (i) : (B i : set A) ∈ hB.to_ring_filter_basis.to_add_group_filter_basis := ⟨i, rfl⟩ /-- The topology defined from a subgroups basis, admitting the given subgroups as a basis of neighborhoods of zero. -/ def topology : topological_space A := hB.to_ring_filter_basis.to_add_group_filter_basis.topology lemma has_basis_nhds_zero : has_basis (@nhds A hB.topology 0) (λ _, true) (λ i, B i) := ⟨begin intros s, rw hB.to_ring_filter_basis.to_add_group_filter_basis.nhds_zero_has_basis.mem_iff, split, { rintro ⟨-, ⟨i, rfl⟩, hi⟩, exact ⟨i, trivial, hi⟩ }, { rintro ⟨i, -, hi⟩, exact ⟨B i, ⟨i, rfl⟩, hi⟩ } end⟩ lemma has_basis_nhds (a : A) : has_basis (@nhds A hB.topology a) (λ _, true) (λ i, {b | b - a ∈ B i}) := ⟨begin intros s, rw (hB.to_ring_filter_basis.to_add_group_filter_basis.nhds_has_basis a).mem_iff, simp only [exists_prop, exists_true_left], split, { rintro ⟨-, ⟨i, rfl⟩, hi⟩, use i, convert hi, ext b, split, { intros h, use [b - a, h], abel }, { rintros ⟨c, hc, rfl⟩, simpa using hc } }, { rintros ⟨i, hi⟩, use [B i, i, rfl], rw image_subset_iff, rintro b b_in, apply hi, simpa using b_in } end⟩ /-- Given a subgroups basis, the basis elements as open additive subgroups in the associated topology. -/ def open_add_subgroup (i : ι) : @open_add_subgroup A _ hB.topology:= { is_open' := begin letI := hB.topology, rw is_open_iff_mem_nhds, intros a a_in, rw (hB.has_basis_nhds a).mem_iff, use [i, trivial], rintros b b_in, simpa using (B i).add_mem a_in b_in end, ..B i } -- see Note [nonarchimedean non instances] lemma nonarchimedean : @nonarchimedean_ring A _ hB.topology := begin letI := hB.topology, constructor, intros U hU, obtain ⟨i, -, hi : (B i : set A) ⊆ U⟩ := hB.has_basis_nhds_zero.mem_iff.mp hU, exact ⟨hB.open_add_subgroup i, hi⟩ end end ring_subgroups_basis variables {ι R A : Type*} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring A] [algebra R A] /-- A family of submodules in a commutative `R`-algebra `A` is a submodules basis if it satisfies some axioms ensuring there is a topology on `A` which is compatible with the ring structure and admits this family as a basis of neighborhoods of zero. -/ structure submodules_ring_basis (B : ι → submodule R A) : Prop := (inter : ∀ i j, ∃ k, B k ≤ B i ⊓ B j) (left_mul : ∀ (a : A) i, ∃ j, a • B j ≤ B i) (mul : ∀ i, ∃ j, (B j : set A) * B j ⊆ B i) namespace submodules_ring_basis variables {B : ι → submodule R A} (hB : submodules_ring_basis B) lemma to_ring_subgroups_basis (hB : submodules_ring_basis B) : ring_subgroups_basis (λ i, (B i).to_add_subgroup) := begin apply ring_subgroups_basis.of_comm (λ i, (B i).to_add_subgroup) hB.inter hB.mul, intros a i, rcases hB.left_mul a i with ⟨j, hj⟩, use j, rintros b (b_in : b ∈ B j), exact hj ⟨b, b_in, rfl⟩ end /-- The topology associated to a basis of submodules in an algebra. -/ def topology [nonempty ι] (hB : submodules_ring_basis B) : topological_space A := hB.to_ring_subgroups_basis.topology end submodules_ring_basis variables {M : Type*} [add_comm_group M] [module R M] /-- A family of submodules in an `R`-module `M` is a submodules basis if it satisfies some axioms ensuring there is a topology on `M` which is compatible with the module structure and admits this family as a basis of neighborhoods of zero. -/ structure submodules_basis [topological_space R] (B : ι → submodule R M) : Prop := (inter : ∀ i j, ∃ k, B k ≤ B i ⊓ B j) (smul : ∀ (m : M) (i : ι), ∀ᶠ a in 𝓝 (0 : R), a • m ∈ B i) namespace submodules_basis variables [topological_space R] [nonempty ι] {B : ι → submodule R M} (hB : submodules_basis B) include hB /-- The image of a submodules basis is a module filter basis. -/ def to_module_filter_basis : module_filter_basis R M := { sets := {U | ∃ i, U = B i}, nonempty := by { inhabit ι, exact ⟨B default, default, rfl⟩ }, inter_sets := begin rintros _ _ ⟨i, rfl⟩ ⟨j, rfl⟩, cases hB.inter i j with k hk, use [B k, k, rfl, hk] end, zero' := by { rintros _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, exact (B i).zero_mem }, add' := begin rintros _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, use [B i, i, rfl], rintros x ⟨y, z, y_in, z_in, rfl⟩, exact (B i).add_mem y_in z_in end, neg' := begin rintros _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, use [B i, i, rfl], intros x x_in, exact (B i).neg_mem x_in end, conj' := begin rintros x₀ _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, use [B i, i, rfl], simp end, smul' := begin rintros _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, use [univ, univ_mem, B i, i, rfl], rintros _ ⟨a, m, -, hm, rfl⟩, exact (B i).smul_mem _ hm end, smul_left' := begin rintros x₀ _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, use [B i, i, rfl], intros m, exact (B i).smul_mem _ end, smul_right' := begin rintros m₀ _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, exact hB.smul m₀ i end } /-- The topology associated to a basis of submodules in a module. -/ def topology : topological_space M := hB.to_module_filter_basis.to_add_group_filter_basis.topology /-- Given a submodules basis, the basis elements as open additive subgroups in the associated topology. -/ def open_add_subgroup (i : ι) : @open_add_subgroup M _ hB.topology := { is_open' := begin letI := hB.topology, rw is_open_iff_mem_nhds, intros a a_in, rw (hB.to_module_filter_basis.to_add_group_filter_basis.nhds_has_basis a).mem_iff, use [B i, i, rfl], rintros - ⟨b, b_in, rfl⟩, exact (B i).add_mem a_in b_in end, ..(B i).to_add_subgroup } -- see Note [nonarchimedean non instances] lemma nonarchimedean (hB : submodules_basis B) : @nonarchimedean_add_group M _ hB.topology:= begin letI := hB.topology, constructor, intros U hU, obtain ⟨-, ⟨i, rfl⟩, hi : (B i : set M) ⊆ U⟩ := hB.to_module_filter_basis.to_add_group_filter_basis.nhds_zero_has_basis.mem_iff.mp hU, exact ⟨hB.open_add_subgroup i, hi⟩ end /-- The non archimedean subgroup basis lemmas cannot be instances because some instances (such as `measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.add_monoid ` or `topological_add_group.to_has_continuous_add`) cause the search for `@topological_add_group β ?m1 ?m2`, i.e. a search for a topological group where the topology/group structure are unknown. -/ library_note "nonarchimedean non instances" end submodules_basis section /- In this section, we check that, in a `R`-algebra `A` over a ring equipped with a topology, a basis of `R`-submodules which is compatible with the topology on `R` is also a submodule basis in the sense of `R`-modules (forgetting about the ring structure on `A`) and those two points of view definitionaly gives the same topology on `A`. -/ variables [topological_space R] {B : ι → submodule R A} (hB : submodules_ring_basis B) (hsmul : ∀ (m : A) (i : ι), ∀ᶠ (a : R) in 𝓝 0, a • m ∈ B i) lemma submodules_ring_basis.to_submodules_basis : submodules_basis B := { inter := hB.inter, smul := hsmul } example [nonempty ι] : hB.topology = (hB.to_submodules_basis hsmul).topology := rfl end /-- Given a ring filter basis on a commutative ring `R`, define a compatibility condition on a family of submodules of a `R`-module `M`. This compatibility condition allows to get a topological module structure. -/ structure ring_filter_basis.submodules_basis (BR : ring_filter_basis R) (B : ι → submodule R M) : Prop := (inter : ∀ i j, ∃ k, B k ≤ B i ⊓ B j) (smul : ∀ (m : M) (i : ι), ∃ U ∈ BR, U ⊆ (λ a, a • m) ⁻¹' B i) lemma ring_filter_basis.submodules_basis_is_basis (BR : ring_filter_basis R) {B : ι → submodule R M} (hB : BR.submodules_basis B) : @submodules_basis ι R _ M _ _ BR.topology B := { inter := hB.inter, smul := begin letI := BR.topology, intros m i, rcases hB.smul m i with ⟨V, V_in, hV⟩, exact mem_of_superset (BR.to_add_group_filter_basis.mem_nhds_zero V_in) hV end } /-- The module filter basis associated to a ring filter basis and a compatible submodule basis. This allows to build a topological module structure compatible with the given module structure and the topology associated to the given ring filter basis. -/ def ring_filter_basis.module_filter_basis [nonempty ι] (BR : ring_filter_basis R) {B : ι → submodule R M} (hB : BR.submodules_basis B) : @module_filter_basis R M _ BR.topology _ _ := @submodules_basis.to_module_filter_basis ι R _ M _ _ BR.topology _ _ (BR.submodules_basis_is_basis hB)