(* Title: Inductive definition of Hoare logic Author: Tobias Nipkow, 2001/2006 Maintainer: Tobias Nipkow *) theory PHoare imports PLang begin subsection\Hoare logic for partial correctness\ text\Taking auxiliary variables seriously means that assertions must now depend on them as well as on the state. Initially we do not fix the type of auxiliary variables but parameterize the type of assertions with a type variable @{typ 'a}:\ type_synonym 'a assn = "'a \ state \ bool" text\ The second major change is the need to reason about Hoare triples in a context: proofs about recursive procedures are conducted by induction where we assume that all @{term CALL}s satisfy the given pre/postconditions and have to show that the body does as well. The assumption is stored in a context, which is a set of Hoare triples:\ type_synonym 'a cntxt = "('a assn \ com \ 'a assn)set" text\\noindent In the presence of only a single procedure the context will always be empty or a singleton set. With multiple procedures, larger sets can arise. Now that we have contexts, validity becomes more complicated. Ordinary validity (w.r.t.\ partial correctness) is still what it used to be, except that we have to take auxiliary variables into account as well: \ definition valid :: "'a assn \ com \ 'a assn \ bool" ("\ {(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)}" 50) where "\ {P}c{Q} \ (\s t. s -c\ t \ (\z. P z s \ Q z t))" text\\noindent Auxiliary variables are always denoted by @{term z}. Validity of a context and validity of a Hoare triple in a context are defined as follows:\ definition valids :: "'a cntxt \ bool" ("|\ _" 50) where [simp]: "|\ C \ (\(P,c,Q) \ C. \ {P}c{Q})" definition cvalid :: "'a cntxt \ 'a assn \ com \ 'a assn \ bool" ("_ \/ {(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)}" 50) where "C \ {P}c{Q} \ |\ C \ \ {P}c{Q}" text\\noindent Note that @{prop"{} \ {P}c{Q}"} is equivalent to @{prop"\ {P}c{Q}"}. Unfortunately, this is not the end of it. As we have two semantics, \-c\\ and \-c-n\\, we also need a second notion of validity parameterized with the recursion depth @{term n}:\ definition nvalid :: "nat \ 'a assn \ com \ 'a assn \ bool" ("\_ {(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)}" 50) where "\n {P}c{Q} \ (\s t. s -c-n\ t \ (\z. P z s \ Q z t))" definition nvalids :: "nat \ 'a cntxt \ bool" ("|\'__/ _" 50) where "|\_n C \ (\(P,c,Q) \ C. \n {P}c{Q})" definition cnvalid :: "'a cntxt \ nat \ 'a assn \ com \ 'a assn \ bool" ("_ \_/ {(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)}" 50) where "C \n {P}c{Q} \ |\_n C \ \n {P}c{Q}" text\Finally we come to the proof system for deriving triples in a context:\ inductive hoare :: "'a cntxt \ 'a assn \ com \ 'a assn \ bool" ("_ \/ ({(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)})" 50) where (*<*)Do:(*>*)"C \ {\z s. \t \ f s . P z t} Do f {P}" | (*<*)Semi:(*>*)"\ C \ {P}c1{Q}; C \ {Q}c2{R} \ \ C \ {P} c1;c2 {R}" | (*<*)If:(*>*)"\ C \ {\z s. P z s \ b s}c1{Q}; C \ {\z s. P z s \ \b s}c2{Q} \ \ C \ {P} IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 {Q}" | (*<*)While:(*>*)"C \ {\z s. P z s \ b s} c {P} \ C \ {P} WHILE b DO c {\z s. P z s \ \b s}" | (*<*)Conseq:(*>*)"\ C \ {P'}c{Q'}; \s t. (\z. P' z s \ Q' z t) \ (\z. P z s \ Q z t) \ \ C \ {P}c{Q}" | (*<*)Call:(*>*)"{(P,CALL,Q)} \ {P}body{Q} \ {} \ {P} CALL {Q}" | (*<*)Asm:(*>*)"{(P,CALL,Q)} \ {P} CALL {Q}" | (*<*)Local:(*>*) "\ \s'. C \ {\z s. P z s' \ s = f s'} c {\z t. Q z (g s' t)} \ \ C \ {P} LOCAL f;c;g {Q}" abbreviation hoare1 :: "'a cntxt \ 'a assn \ com \ 'a assn \ bool" ("_ \ _") where "C \ x \ C \ {fst x}fst (snd x){snd (snd x)}" text\\noindent The first four rules are familiar, except for their adaptation to auxiliary variables. The @{term CALL} rule embodies induction and has already been motivated above. Note that it is only applicable if the context is empty. This shows that we never need nested induction. For the same reason the assumption rule (the last rule) is stated with just a singleton context. The rule of consequence is explained in the accompanying paper. \ lemma strengthen_pre: "\ \z s. P' z s \ P z s; C\ {P}c{Q} \ \ C\ {P'}c{Q}" by(rule hoare.Conseq, assumption, blast) lemmas valid_defs = valid_def valids_def cvalid_def nvalid_def nvalids_def cnvalid_def theorem hoare_sound: "C \ {P}c{Q} \ C \ {P}c{Q}" txt\\noindent requires a generalization: @{prop"\n. C \n {P}c{Q}"} is proved instead, from which the actual theorem follows directly via lemma @{thm[source]exec_iff_execn} in \S\ref{sec:proc1-lang}. The generalization is proved by induction on @{term c}. The reason for the generalization is that soundness of the @{term CALL} rule is proved by induction on the maximal call depth, i.e.\ @{term n}.\ apply(subgoal_tac "\n. C \n {P}c{Q}") apply(unfold valid_defs exec_iff_execn) apply fast apply(erule hoare.induct) apply simp apply fast apply simp apply clarify apply(drule while_rule) prefer 3 apply (assumption, assumption) apply fast apply fast prefer 2 apply simp apply(rule allI, rule impI) apply(induct_tac n) apply blast apply clarify apply (simp(no_asm_use)) apply blast apply auto done text\ The completeness proof employs the notion of a \emph{most general triple} (or \emph{most general formula}):\ definition MGT :: "com \ state assn \ com \ state assn" where "MGT c = (\z s. z = s, c, \z t. z -c\ t)" declare MGT_def[simp] text\\noindent Note that the type of @{term z} has been identified with @{typ state}. This means that for every state variable there is an auxiliary variable, which is simply there to record the value of the program variables before execution of a command. This is exactly what, for example, VDM offers by allowing you to refer to the pre-value of a variable in a postcondition. The intuition behind @{term"MGT c"} is that it completely describes the operational behaviour of @{term c}. It is easy to see that, in the presence of the new consequence rule, \mbox{@{prop"{} \ MGT c"}} implies completeness:\ lemma MGT_implies_complete: "{} \ MGT c \ {} \ {P}c{Q} \ {} \ {P}c{Q::state assn}" apply(simp add: MGT_def) apply (erule hoare.Conseq) apply(simp add: valid_defs) done text\In order to discharge @{prop"{} \ MGT c"} one proves\ lemma MGT_lemma: "C \ MGT CALL \ C \ MGT c" apply (simp) apply(induct_tac c) apply (rule strengthen_pre[OF _ hoare.Do]) apply blast apply(blast intro:hoare.Semi hoare.Conseq) apply(rule hoare.If) apply(erule hoare.Conseq) apply simp apply(erule hoare.Conseq) apply simp prefer 2 apply simp apply(rename_tac b c) apply(rule hoare.Conseq) apply(rule_tac P = "\z s. (z,s) \ ({(s,t). b s \ s -c\ t})^*" in hoare.While) apply(erule hoare.Conseq) apply(blast intro:rtrancl_into_rtrancl) apply clarsimp apply(rename_tac s t) apply(erule_tac x = s in allE) apply clarsimp apply(erule converse_rtrancl_induct) apply simp apply(fast elim:exec.WhileTrue) apply(fastforce intro: hoare.Local elim!: hoare.Conseq) done text\\noindent The proof is by induction on @{term c}. In the @{term While}-case it is easy to show that @{term"\z t. (z,t) \ ({(s,t). b s \ s -c\ t})^*"} is invariant. The precondition \mbox{@{term[source]"\z s. z=s"}} establishes the invariant and a reflexive transitive closure induction shows that the invariant conjoined with @{prop"\b t"} implies the postcondition \mbox{@{term"\z t. z -WHILE b DO c\ t"}}. The remaining cases are trivial. Using the @{thm[source]MGT_lemma} (together with the \CALL\ and the assumption rule) one can easily derive\ lemma MGT_CALL: "{} \ MGT CALL" apply(simp add: MGT_def) apply (rule hoare.Call) apply (rule hoare.Conseq[OF MGT_lemma[simplified], OF hoare.Asm]) apply (fast intro:exec.intros) done text\\noindent Using the @{thm[source]MGT_lemma} once more we obtain @{prop"{} \ MGT c"} and thus by @{thm[source]MGT_implies_complete} completeness.\ theorem "{} \ {P}c{Q} \ {} \ {P}c{Q::state assn}" apply(erule MGT_implies_complete[OF MGT_lemma[OF MGT_CALL]]) done end