(* Title: Inductive definition of Hoare logic for total correctness Author: Tobias Nipkow, 2001/2006 Maintainer: Tobias Nipkow *) theory PHoareTotal imports PHoare PTermi begin subsection\Hoare logic for total correctness\ text\Validity is defined as expected:\ definition tvalid :: "'a assn \ com \ 'a assn \ bool" ("\\<^sub>t {(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)}" 50) where "\\<^sub>t {P}c{Q} \ \ {P}c{Q} \ (\z s. P z s \ c\s)" definition ctvalid :: "'a cntxt \ 'a assn \ com \ 'a assn \ bool" ("(_ /\\<^sub>t {(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_))}" 50) where "C \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q} \ (\(P',c',Q') \ C. \\<^sub>t {P'}c'{Q'}) \ \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q}" inductive thoare :: "'a cntxt \ 'a assn \ com \ 'a assn \ bool" ("(_ \\<^sub>t/ ({(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)}))" [50,0,0,0] 50) where Do: "C \\<^sub>t {\z s. (\t \ f s . P z t) \ f s \ {}} Do f {P}" | Semi: "\ C \\<^sub>t {P}c1{Q}; C \\<^sub>t {Q}c2{R} \ \ C \\<^sub>t {P} c1;c2 {R}" | If: "\ C \\<^sub>t {\z s. P z s \ b s}c{Q}; C \\<^sub>t {\z s. P z s \ ~b s}d{Q} \ \ C \\<^sub>t {P} IF b THEN c ELSE d {Q}" | While: "\wf r; \s'. C \\<^sub>t {\z s. P z s \ b s \ s' = s} c {\z s. P z s \ (s,s') \ r}\ \ C \\<^sub>t {P} WHILE b DO c {\z s. P z s \ \b s}" | Call: "\wf r; \s'. {(\z s. P z s \ (s,s') \ r, CALL, Q)} \\<^sub>t {\z s. P z s \ s = s'} body {Q}\ \ {} \\<^sub>t {P} CALL {Q}" | Asm: "{(P,CALL,Q)} \\<^sub>t {P} CALL {Q}" | Conseq: "\ C \\<^sub>t {P'}c{Q'}; (\s t. (\z. P' z s \ Q' z t) \ (\z. P z s \ Q z t)) \ (\s. (\z. P z s) \ (\z. P' z s)) \ \ C \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q}" | Local: "\ \s'. C \\<^sub>t {\z s. P z s' \ s = f s'} c {\z t. Q z (g s' t)} \ \ C \\<^sub>t {P} LOCAL f;c;g {Q}" abbreviation hoare1 :: "'a cntxt \ 'a assn \ com \ 'a assn \ bool" ("_ \\<^sub>t _") where "C \\<^sub>t x \ C \\<^sub>t {fst x}fst (snd x){snd (snd x)}" text\The side condition in our rule of consequence looks quite different from the one by Kleymann, but the two are in fact equivalent:\ lemma "((\s t. (\z. P' z s \ Q' z t) \ (\z. P z s \ Q z t)) \ (\s. (\z. P z s) \ (\z. P' z s))) = (\z s. P z s \ (\t.\z'. P' z' s \ (Q' z' t \ Q z t)))" by blast text\The key difference to the work by Kleymann (and America and de Boer) is that soundness and completeness are shown for arbitrary, i.e.\ unbounded nondeterminism. This is a significant extension and appears to have been an open problem. The details are found below and are explained in a separate paper~\cite{Nipkow-CSL02}.\ lemma strengthen_pre: "\ \z s. P' z s \ P z s; C \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q} \ \ C \\<^sub>t {P'}c{Q}" by(rule thoare.Conseq, assumption, blast) lemma weaken_post: "\ C \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q}; \z s. Q z s \ Q' z s \ \ C \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q'}" by(erule thoare.Conseq, blast) lemmas tvalid_defs = tvalid_def ctvalid_def valid_defs lemma [iff]: "(\\<^sub>t {\z s. \n. P n z s}c{Q}) = (\n. \\<^sub>t {P n}c{Q})" apply(unfold tvalid_defs) apply fast done lemma [iff]: "(\\<^sub>t {\z s. P z s \ P'}c{Q}) = (P' \ \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q})" apply(unfold tvalid_defs) apply fast done lemma [iff]: "(\\<^sub>t {P}CALL{Q}) = (\\<^sub>t {P}body{Q})" apply(unfold tvalid_defs) apply fast done theorem "C \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q} \ C \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q}" apply(erule thoare.induct) apply(simp only:tvalid_defs) apply fast apply(simp only:tvalid_defs) apply fast apply(simp only:tvalid_defs) apply clarsimp prefer 3 apply(simp add:tvalid_defs) prefer 3 apply(simp only:tvalid_defs) apply blast apply(simp only:tvalid_defs) apply(rule impI, rule conjI) apply(rule allI) apply(erule wf_induct) apply clarify apply(drule unfold_while[THEN iffD1]) apply (simp split: if_split_asm) apply fast apply(rule allI, rule allI) apply(erule wf_induct) apply clarify apply(case_tac "b x") prefer 2 apply (erule termi.WhileFalse) apply(rule termi.WhileTrue, assumption) apply fast apply (subgoal_tac "(t,x):r") apply fast apply blast apply(simp (no_asm_use) add:ctvalid_def) apply(subgoal_tac "\n. \\<^sub>t {\z s. P z s \ s=n} body {Q}") apply(simp (no_asm_use) add:tvalid_defs) apply blast apply(rule allI) apply(erule wf_induct) apply(unfold tvalid_defs) apply fast apply fast done definition MGT\<^sub>t :: "com \ state assn \ com \ state assn" where [simp]: "MGT\<^sub>t c = (\z s. z = s \ c\s, c, \z t. z -c\ t)" lemma MGT_implies_complete: "{} \\<^sub>t MGT\<^sub>t c \ {} \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q} \ {} \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q::state assn}" apply(simp add: MGT\<^sub>t_def) apply (erule thoare.Conseq) apply(simp add: tvalid_defs) apply blast done lemma while_termiE: "\ WHILE b DO c \ s; b s \ \ c \ s" by(erule termi.cases, auto) lemma while_termiE2: "\ WHILE b DO c \ s; b s; s -c\ t \ \ WHILE b DO c \ t" by(erule termi.cases, auto) lemma MGT_lemma: "C \\<^sub>t MGT\<^sub>t CALL \ C \\<^sub>t MGT\<^sub>t c" apply (simp) apply(induct_tac c) apply (rule strengthen_pre[OF _ thoare.Do]) apply blast apply(rename_tac com1 com2) apply(rule_tac Q = "\z s. z -com1\s & com2\s" in thoare.Semi) apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply fast apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply fast apply(rule thoare.If) apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply simp apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply simp defer apply simp apply(fast intro:thoare.Local elim!: thoare.Conseq) apply(rename_tac b c) apply(rule_tac P' = "\z s. (z,s) \ ({(s,t). b s \ s -c\ t})^* \ WHILE b DO c \ s" in thoare.Conseq) apply(rule_tac thoare.While[OF wf_termi]) apply(rule allI) apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply(fastforce intro:rtrancl_into_rtrancl dest:while_termiE while_termiE2) apply(rule conjI) apply clarsimp apply(erule_tac x = s in allE) apply clarsimp apply(erule converse_rtrancl_induct) apply simp apply(fast elim:exec.WhileTrue) apply(fast intro: rtrancl_refl) done inductive_set exec1 :: "((com list \ state) \ (com list \ state))set" and exec1' :: "(com list \ state) \ (com list \ state) \ bool" ("_ \ _" [81,81] 100) where "cs0 \ cs1 \ (cs0,cs1) : exec1" | Do[iff]: "t \ f s \ ((Do f)#cs,s) \ (cs,t)" | Semi[iff]: "((c1;c2)#cs,s) \ (c1#c2#cs,s)" | IfTrue: "b s \ ((IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2)#cs,s) \ (c1#cs,s)" | IfFalse: "\b s \ ((IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2)#cs,s) \ (c2#cs,s)" | WhileFalse: "\b s \ ((WHILE b DO c)#cs,s) \ (cs,s)" | WhileTrue: "b s \ ((WHILE b DO c)#cs,s) \ (c#(WHILE b DO c)#cs,s)" | Call[iff]: "(CALL#cs,s) \ (body#cs,s)" | Local[iff]: "((LOCAL f;c;g)#cs,s) \ (c # Do(\t. {g s t})#cs, f s)" abbreviation exectr :: "(com list \ state) \ (com list \ state) \ bool" ("_ \\<^sup>* _" [81,81] 100) where "cs0 \\<^sup>* cs1 \ (cs0,cs1) : exec1^*" inductive_cases exec1E[elim!]: "([],s) \ (cs',s')" "(Do f#cs,s) \ (cs',s')" "((c1;c2)#cs,s) \ (cs',s')" "((IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2)#cs,s) \ (cs',s')" "((WHILE b DO c)#cs,s) \ (cs',s')" "(CALL#cs,s) \ (cs',s')" "((LOCAL f;c;g)#cs,s) \ (cs',s')" lemma [iff]: "\ ([],s) \ u" by (induct u) blast lemma app_exec: "(cs,s) \ (cs',s') \ (cs@cs2,s) \ (cs'@cs2,s')" apply(erule exec1.induct) apply(simp_all del:fun_upd_apply) apply(blast intro:exec1.intros)+ done lemma app_execs: "(cs,s) \\<^sup>* (cs',s') \ (cs@cs2,s) \\<^sup>* (cs'@cs2,s')" apply(erule rtrancl_induct2) apply blast apply(blast intro:app_exec rtrancl_trans) done lemma exec_impl_execs[rule_format]: "s -c\ s' \ \cs. (c#cs,s) \\<^sup>* (cs,s')" apply(erule exec.induct) apply blast apply(blast intro:rtrancl_trans) apply(blast intro:exec1.IfTrue rtrancl_trans) apply(blast intro:exec1.IfFalse rtrancl_trans) apply(blast intro:exec1.WhileFalse rtrancl_trans) apply(blast intro:exec1.WhileTrue rtrancl_trans) apply(blast intro: rtrancl_trans) apply(blast intro: rtrancl_trans) done inductive execs :: "state \ com list \ state \ bool" ("_/ =_\/ _" [50,0,50] 50) where "s =[]\ s" | "s -c\ t \ t =cs\ u \ s =c#cs\ u" inductive_cases [elim!]: "s =[]\ t" "s =c#cs\ t" theorem exec1s_impl_execs: "(cs,s) \\<^sup>* ([],t) \ s =cs\ t" apply(erule converse_rtrancl_induct2) apply(rule execs.intros) apply(erule exec1.cases) apply(blast intro:execs.intros) apply(blast intro:execs.intros) apply(fastforce intro:execs.intros) apply(fastforce intro:execs.intros) apply(blast intro:execs.intros exec.intros) apply(blast intro:execs.intros exec.intros) apply(blast intro:execs.intros exec.intros) apply(blast intro:execs.intros exec.intros) done theorem exec1s_impl_exec: "([c],s) \\<^sup>* ([],t) \ s -c\ t" by(blast dest: exec1s_impl_execs) primrec termis :: "com list \ state \ bool" (infixl "\" 60) where "[]\s = True" | "c#cs \ s = (c\s \ (\t. s -c\ t \ cs\t))" lemma exec1_pres_termis: "(cs,s) \ (cs',s') \ cs\s \ cs'\s'" apply(erule exec1.induct) apply(simp_all) apply blast apply(blast intro:while_termiE while_termiE2 exec.WhileTrue) apply blast done lemma execs_pres_termis: "(cs,s) \\<^sup>* (cs',s') \ cs\s \ cs'\s'" apply(erule rtrancl_induct2) apply blast apply(blast dest:exec1_pres_termis) done lemma execs_pres_termi: "\ ([c],s) \\<^sup>* (c'#cs',s'); c\s \ \ c'\s'" apply(insert execs_pres_termis[of "[c]" _ "c'#cs'",simplified]) apply blast done definition termi_call_steps :: "(state \ state)set" where "termi_call_steps = {(t,s). body\s \ (\cs. ([body], s) \\<^sup>* (CALL # cs, t))}" lemma lem: "\y. (a,y)\r\<^sup>+ \ P a \ P y \ ((b,a) \ {(y,x). P x \ (x,y):r}\<^sup>+) = ((b,a) \ {(y,x). P x \ (x,y)\r\<^sup>+})" apply(rule iffI) apply clarify apply(erule trancl_induct) apply blast apply(blast intro:trancl_trans) apply clarify apply(erule trancl_induct) apply blast apply(blast intro:trancl_trans) done lemma renumber_aux: "\\i. (a,f i) : r^* \ (f i,f(Suc i)) : r; (a,b) : r^* \ \ b = f 0 \ (\f. f 0 = a & (\i. (f i, f(Suc i)) : r))" apply(erule converse_rtrancl_induct) apply blast apply(clarsimp) apply(rule_tac x="\i. case i of 0 \ y | Suc i \ fa i" in exI) apply simp apply clarify apply(case_tac i) apply simp_all done lemma renumber: "\i. (a,f i) : r^* \ (f i,f(Suc i)) : r \ \f. f 0 = a & (\i. (f i, f(Suc i)) : r)" by(blast dest:renumber_aux) definition inf :: "com list \ state \ bool" where "inf cs s \ (\f. f 0 = (cs,s) \ (\i. f i \ f(Suc i)))" lemma [iff]: "\ inf [] s" apply(unfold inf_def) apply clarify apply(erule_tac x = 0 in allE) apply simp done lemma [iff]: "\ inf [Do f] s" apply(unfold inf_def) apply clarify apply(frule_tac x = 0 in spec) apply(erule_tac x = 1 in allE) apply(case_tac "fa (Suc 0)") apply clarsimp done lemma [iff]: "inf ((c1;c2)#cs) s = inf (c1#c2#cs) s" apply(unfold inf_def) apply(rule iffI) apply clarify apply(rule_tac x = "\i. f(Suc i)" in exI) apply(frule_tac x = 0 in spec) apply(case_tac "f (Suc 0)") apply clarsimp apply clarify apply(rule_tac x = "\i. case i of 0 \ ((c1;c2)#cs,s) | Suc i \ f i" in exI) apply(simp split:nat.split) done lemma [iff]: "inf ((IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2)#cs) s = inf ((if b s then c1 else c2)#cs) s" apply(unfold inf_def) apply(rule iffI) apply clarsimp apply(frule_tac x = 0 in spec) apply (case_tac "f (Suc 0)") apply(rule conjI) apply clarsimp apply(rule_tac x = "\i. f(Suc i)" in exI) apply clarsimp apply clarsimp apply(rule_tac x = "\i. f(Suc i)" in exI) apply clarsimp apply clarsimp apply(rule_tac x = "\i. case i of 0 \ ((IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2)#cs,s) | Suc i \ f i" in exI) apply(simp add: exec1.intros split:nat.split) done lemma [simp]: "inf ((WHILE b DO c)#cs) s = (if b s then inf (c#(WHILE b DO c)#cs) s else inf cs s)" apply(unfold inf_def) apply(rule iffI) apply clarsimp apply(frule_tac x = 0 in spec) apply (case_tac "f (Suc 0)") apply(rule conjI) apply clarsimp apply(rule_tac x = "\i. f(Suc i)" in exI) apply clarsimp apply clarsimp apply(rule_tac x = "\i. f(Suc i)" in exI) apply clarsimp apply (clarsimp split:if_splits) apply(rule_tac x = "\i. case i of 0 \ ((WHILE b DO c)#cs,s) | Suc i \ f i" in exI) apply(simp add: exec1.intros split:nat.split) apply(rule_tac x = "\i. case i of 0 \ ((WHILE b DO c)#cs,s) | Suc i \ f i" in exI) apply(simp add: exec1.intros split:nat.split) done lemma [iff]: "inf (CALL#cs) s = inf (body#cs) s" apply(unfold inf_def) apply(rule iffI) apply clarsimp apply(frule_tac x = 0 in spec) apply (case_tac "f (Suc 0)") apply clarsimp apply(rule_tac x = "\i. f(Suc i)" in exI) apply clarsimp apply clarsimp apply(rule_tac x = "\i. case i of 0 \ (CALL#cs,s) | Suc i \ f i" in exI) apply(simp add: exec1.intros split:nat.split) done lemma [iff]: "inf ((LOCAL f;c;g)#cs) s = inf (c#Do(\t. {g s t})#cs) (f s)" apply(unfold inf_def) apply(rule iffI) apply clarsimp apply(rename_tac F) apply(frule_tac x = 0 in spec) apply (case_tac "F (Suc 0)") apply clarsimp apply(rule_tac x = "\i. F(Suc i)" in exI) apply clarsimp apply (clarsimp) apply(rename_tac F) apply(rule_tac x = "\i. case i of 0 \ ((LOCAL f;c;g)#cs,s) | Suc i \ F i" in exI) apply(simp add: exec1.intros split:nat.split) done lemma exec1_only1_aux: "(ccs,s) \ (cs',t) \ \c cs. ccs = c#cs \ (\cs1. cs' = cs1 @ cs)" apply(erule exec1.induct) apply blast apply force+ done lemma exec1_only1: "(c#cs,s) \ (cs',t) \ \cs1. cs' = cs1 @ cs" by(blast dest:exec1_only1_aux) lemma exec1_drop_suffix_aux: "(cs12,s) \ (cs1'2,s') \ \cs1 cs2 cs1'. cs12 = cs1@cs2 & cs1'2 = cs1'@cs2 & cs1 \ [] \ (cs1,s) \ (cs1',s')" apply(erule exec1.induct) apply (force intro:exec1.intros simp add: neq_Nil_conv)+ done lemma exec1_drop_suffix: "(cs1@cs2,s) \ (cs1'@cs2,s') \ cs1 \ [] \ (cs1,s) \ (cs1',s')" by(blast dest:exec1_drop_suffix_aux) lemma execs_drop_suffix[rule_format(no_asm)]: "\ f 0 = (c#cs,s);\i. f(i) \ f(Suc i) \ \ (\i [] & fst(f i) = p i@cs) \ fst(f k) = p k@cs \ ([c],s) \\<^sup>* (p k,snd(f k))" apply(induct_tac k) apply simp apply (clarsimp) apply(erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl) apply(erule_tac x = n in allE) apply(erule_tac x = n in allE) apply(case_tac "f n") apply(case_tac "f(Suc n)") apply simp apply(blast dest:exec1_drop_suffix) done lemma execs_drop_suffix0: "\ f 0 = (c#cs,s);\i. f(i) \ f(Suc i); \i [] & fst(f i) = p i@cs; fst(f k) = cs; p k = [] \ \ ([c],s) \\<^sup>* ([],snd(f k))" apply(drule execs_drop_suffix,assumption,assumption) apply simp apply simp done lemma skolemize1: "\x. P x \ (\y. Q x y) \ \f.\x. P x \ Q x (f x)" apply(rule_tac x = "\x. SOME y. Q x y" in exI) apply(fast intro:someI2) done lemma least_aux: "\f 0 = (c # cs, s); \i. f i \ f (Suc i); fst(f k) = cs; \i cs\ \ \i \ k. (\p. (p \ []) = (i < k) & fst(f i) = p @ cs)" apply(rule allI) apply(induct_tac i) apply simp apply (rule ccontr) apply simp apply clarsimp apply(drule order_le_imp_less_or_eq) apply(erule disjE) prefer 2 apply simp apply simp apply(erule_tac x = n in allE) apply(erule_tac x = "Suc n" in allE) apply(case_tac "f n") apply(case_tac "f(Suc n)") apply simp apply(rename_tac sn csn1 sn1) apply (clarsimp simp add: neq_Nil_conv) apply(drule exec1_only1) apply (clarsimp simp add: neq_Nil_conv) apply(erule disjE) apply clarsimp apply clarsimp apply(case_tac cs1) apply simp apply simp done lemma least_lem: "\f 0 = (c#cs,s); \i. f i \ f(Suc i); \i. fst(f i) = cs \ \ \k. fst(f k) = cs & ([c],s) \\<^sup>* ([],snd(f k))" apply(rule_tac x="LEAST i. fst(f i) = cs" in exI) apply(rule conjI) apply(fast intro: LeastI) apply(subgoal_tac "\i\LEAST i. fst (f i) = cs. \p. ((p \ []) = (i<(LEAST i. fst (f i) = cs))) & fst(f i) = p@cs") apply(drule skolemize1) apply clarify apply(rename_tac p) apply(erule_tac p=p in execs_drop_suffix0, assumption) apply (blast dest:order_less_imp_le) apply(fast intro: LeastI) apply(erule thin_rl) apply(erule_tac x = "LEAST j. fst (f j) = fst (f i)" in allE) apply blast apply(erule least_aux,assumption) apply(fast intro: LeastI) apply clarify apply(drule not_less_Least) apply blast done lemma skolemize2: "\x.\y. P x y \ \f.\x. P x (f x)" apply(rule_tac x = "\x. SOME y. P x y" in exI) apply(fast intro:someI2) done lemma inf_cases: "inf (c#cs) s \ inf [c] s \ (\t. s -c\ t \ inf cs t)" apply(unfold inf_def) apply (clarsimp del: disjCI) apply(case_tac "\i. fst(f i) = cs") apply(rule disjI2) apply(drule least_lem, assumption, assumption) apply clarify apply(drule exec1s_impl_exec) apply(case_tac "f k") apply simp apply (rule exI, rule conjI, assumption) apply(rule_tac x="\i. f(i+k)" in exI) apply (clarsimp) apply(rule disjI1) apply simp apply(subgoal_tac "\i. \p. p \ [] \ fst(f i) = p@cs") apply(drule skolemize2) apply clarify apply(rename_tac p) apply(rule_tac x = "\i. (p i, snd(f i))" in exI) apply(rule conjI) apply(erule_tac x = 0 in allE, erule conjE) apply simp apply clarify apply(erule_tac x = i in allE) apply(erule_tac x = i in allE) apply(frule_tac x = i in spec) apply(erule_tac x = "Suc i" in allE) apply(case_tac "f i") apply(case_tac "f(Suc i)") apply clarsimp apply(blast intro:exec1_drop_suffix) apply(clarify) apply(induct_tac i) apply force apply clarsimp apply(case_tac p) apply blast apply(erule_tac x=n in allE) apply(erule_tac x="Suc n" in allE) apply(case_tac "f n") apply(case_tac "f(Suc n)") apply clarsimp apply(drule exec1_only1) apply clarsimp done lemma termi_impl_not_inf: "c \ s \ \ inf [c] s" apply(erule termi.induct) (*Do*) apply clarify (*Semi*) apply(blast dest:inf_cases) (* Cond *) apply clarsimp apply clarsimp (*While*) apply clarsimp apply(fastforce dest:inf_cases) (*Call*) apply blast (*Local*) apply(blast dest:inf_cases) done lemma termi_impl_no_inf_chain: "c\s \ \(\f. f 0 = ([c],s) \ (\i::nat. (f i, f(i+1)) : exec1^+))" apply(subgoal_tac "wf({(y,x). ([c],s) \\<^sup>* x & x \ y}^+)") apply(simp only:wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain) apply(erule contrapos_nn) apply clarify apply(subgoal_tac "\i. ([c], s) \\<^sup>* f i") prefer 2 apply(rule allI) apply(induct_tac i) apply simp apply simp apply(blast intro: trancl_into_rtrancl rtrancl_trans) apply(rule_tac x=f in exI) apply clarify apply(drule_tac x=i in spec) apply(subst lem) apply(blast intro: trancl_into_rtrancl rtrancl_trans) apply clarsimp apply(rule wf_trancl) apply(simp only:wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain) apply(clarify) apply simp apply(drule renumber) apply(fold inf_def) apply(simp add: termi_impl_not_inf) done primrec cseq :: "(nat \ state) \ nat \ com list" where "cseq S 0 = []" | "cseq S (Suc i) = (SOME cs. ([body], S i) \\<^sup>* (CALL # cs, S(i+1))) @ cseq S i" lemma wf_termi_call_steps: "wf termi_call_steps" apply(unfold termi_call_steps_def) apply(simp only:wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain) apply(clarify) apply(rename_tac S) apply simp apply(subgoal_tac "\Cs. Cs 0 = [] & (\i. (body # Cs i,S i) \\<^sup>* (CALL # Cs(i+1), S(i+1)))") prefer 2 apply(rule_tac x = "cseq S" in exI) apply clarsimp apply(erule_tac x=i in allE) apply(clarify) apply(erule_tac P = "\cs.([body],S i) \\<^sup>* (CALL # cs, S(Suc i))" in someI2) apply(fastforce dest:app_execs) apply clarify apply(subgoal_tac "\i. ((body # Cs i,S i), (body # Cs(i+1), S(i+1))) : exec1^+") prefer 2 apply(blast intro:rtrancl_into_trancl1) apply(subgoal_tac "\f. f 0 = ([body],S 0) \ (\i. (f i, f(i+1)) : exec1^+)") prefer 2 apply(rule_tac x = "\i.(body#Cs i,S i)" in exI) apply blast apply(blast dest:termi_impl_no_inf_chain) done lemma CALL_lemma: "{(\z s. (z=s \ body\s) \ (s,t) \ termi_call_steps, CALL, \z s. z -body\ s)} \\<^sub>t {\z s. (z=s \ body\t) \ (\cs. ([body],t) \\<^sup>* (c#cs,s))} c {\z s. z -c\ s}" apply(induct_tac c) (*Do*) apply (rule strengthen_pre[OF _ thoare.Do]) apply(blast dest: execs_pres_termi) (*Semi*) apply(rename_tac c1 c2) apply(rule_tac Q = "\z s. body\t & (\cs. ([body], t) \\<^sup>* (c2#cs,s)) & z -c1\s & c2\s" in thoare.Semi) apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply(rule conjI) apply clarsimp apply(subgoal_tac "s -c1\ ta") prefer 2 apply(blast intro: exec1.Semi exec_impl_execs rtrancl_trans) apply(subgoal_tac "([body], t) \\<^sup>* (c2 # cs, ta)") prefer 2 apply(blast intro:exec1.Semi[THEN r_into_rtrancl] exec_impl_execs rtrancl_trans) apply(subgoal_tac "([body], t) \\<^sup>* (c2 # cs, ta)") prefer 2 apply(blast intro: exec_impl_execs rtrancl_trans) apply(blast intro:exec_impl_execs rtrancl_trans execs_pres_termi) apply(fast intro: exec1.Semi rtrancl_trans) apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply blast (*Call*) prefer 3 apply(simp only:termi_call_steps_def) apply(rule thoare.Conseq[OF thoare.Asm]) apply(blast dest: execs_pres_termi) (*If*) apply(rule thoare.If) apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply simp apply(blast intro: exec1.IfTrue rtrancl_trans) apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply simp apply(blast intro: exec1.IfFalse rtrancl_trans) (*Var*) defer apply simp apply(rule thoare.Local) apply(rule allI) apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply (clarsimp) apply(rule conjI) apply (clarsimp) apply(drule rtrancl_trans[OF _ r_into_rtrancl[OF exec1.Local]]) apply(fast) apply (clarsimp) apply(drule rtrancl_trans[OF _ r_into_rtrancl[OF exec1.Local]]) apply blast apply(rename_tac b c) apply(rule_tac P' = "\z s. (z,s) \ ({(s,t). b s \ s -c\ t})^* \ body \ t \ (\cs. ([body], t) \\<^sup>* ((WHILE b DO c) # cs, s))" in thoare.Conseq) apply(rule_tac thoare.While[OF wf_termi]) apply(rule allI) apply(erule thoare.Conseq) apply clarsimp apply(rule conjI) apply clarsimp apply(rule conjI) apply(blast intro: rtrancl_trans exec1.WhileTrue) apply(rule conjI) apply(rule exI, rule rtrancl_trans, assumption) apply(blast intro: exec1.WhileTrue exec_impl_execs rtrancl_trans) apply(rule conjI) apply(blast intro:execs_pres_termi) apply(blast intro: exec1.WhileTrue exec_impl_execs rtrancl_trans) apply(blast intro: exec1.WhileTrue exec_impl_execs rtrancl_trans) apply(rule conjI) apply clarsimp apply(erule_tac x = s in allE) apply clarsimp apply(erule impE) apply blast apply clarify apply(erule_tac a=s in converse_rtrancl_induct) apply simp apply(fast elim:exec.WhileTrue) apply(fast intro: rtrancl_refl) done lemma CALL_cor: "{(\z s. (z=s \ body\s) \ (s,t) \ termi_call_steps, CALL, \z s. z -body\ s)} \\<^sub>t {\z s. (z=s \ body\s) \ s = t} body {\z s. z -body\ s}" apply(rule strengthen_pre[OF _ CALL_lemma]) apply blast done lemma MGT_CALL: "{} \\<^sub>t MGT\<^sub>t CALL" apply(simp add: MGT\<^sub>t_def) apply(blast intro:thoare.Call wf_termi_call_steps CALL_cor) done theorem "{} \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q} \ {} \\<^sub>t {P}c{Q::state assn}" apply(erule MGT_implies_complete[OF MGT_lemma[OF MGT_CALL]]) done end