(*Author: Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki, University of Cambridge. Date: 3 August 2020. text\This is a formalisation of Amicable Numbers, involving some relevant material including Euler's sigma function, some relevant definitions, results and examples as well as rules such as Th\={a}bit ibn Qurra's Rule, Euler's Rule, te Riele's Rule and Borho's Rule with breeders.\*) theory "Amicable_Numbers" imports "HOL-Number_Theory.Number_Theory" "HOL-Computational_Algebra.Computational_Algebra" Pratt_Certificate.Pratt_Certificate_Code Polynomial_Factorization.Prime_Factorization begin section\Miscellaneous\ lemma mult_minus_eq_nat: fixes x::nat and y ::nat and z::nat assumes " x+y = z" shows " -x-y = -z " using assms by linarith lemma minus_eq_nat_subst: fixes A::nat and B::nat and C::nat and D::nat and E::nat assumes "A = B-C-D" and " -E = -C-D" shows " A = B-E" using assms by linarith lemma minus_eq_nat_subst_order: fixes A::nat and B::nat and C::nat and D::nat and E::nat assumes "B-C-D > 0" and "A = B-C-D+B" shows "A = 2*B-C-D" using assms by auto lemma auxiliary_ineq: fixes x::nat assumes "x \ (2::nat)" shows " x+1 < (2::nat)*x" using assms by linarith (* TODO The following three auxiliary lemmas are by Lawrence Paulson. To be added to the library. *) lemma sum_strict_mono: fixes A :: "nat set" assumes "finite B" "A \ B" "0 \ B" shows "\ A < \ B" proof - have "B - A \ {}" using assms(2) by blast with assms DiffE have "\ (B-A) > 0" by fastforce moreover have "\ B = \ A + \ (B-A)" by (metis add.commute assms(1) assms(2) psubsetE sum.subset_diff) ultimately show ?thesis by linarith qed lemma sum_image_eq: assumes "inj_on f A" shows "\ (f ` A) = (\ i \ A. f i)" using assms sum.reindex_cong by fastforce lemma coprime_dvd_aux: assumes "gcd m n = Suc 0" "na dvd n" "ma dvd m" "mb dvd m" "nb dvd n" and eq: "ma * na = mb * nb" shows "ma = mb" proof - have "gcd na mb = 1" using assms by (metis One_nat_def gcd.commute gcd_nat.mono is_unit_gcd_iff) moreover have "gcd nb ma = 1" using assms by (metis One_nat_def gcd.commute gcd_nat.mono is_unit_gcd_iff) ultimately show "ma = mb" by (metis eq gcd_mult_distrib_nat mult.commute nat_mult_1_right) qed section\Amicable Numbers\ subsection\Preliminaries\ definition divisor :: "nat \nat \ bool" (infixr "divisor" 80) where "n divisor m \(n \ 1 \ n \ m \ n dvd m)" definition divisor_set: "divisor_set m = {n. n divisor m}" lemma def_equiv_divisor_set: "divisor_set (n::nat) = set(divisors_nat n)" using divisors_nat_def divisors_nat divisor_set divisor_def by auto definition proper_divisor :: "nat \nat \ bool" (infixr "properdiv" 80) where "n properdiv m \(n \ 1 \ n < m \ n dvd m)" definition properdiv_set: "properdiv_set m = {n. n properdiv m}" lemma example1_divisor: shows "(2::nat) \ divisor_set (4::nat)" using divisor_set divisor_def by force lemma example2_properdiv_set: "properdiv_set (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) = {(1::nat)}" by (auto simp: properdiv_set proper_divisor_def less_Suc_eq dvd_def; presburger) lemma divisor_set_not_empty: fixes m::nat assumes "m \1" shows "m \ divisor_set m" using assms divisor_set divisor_def by force lemma finite_divisor_set [simp]: "finite(divisor_set n)" using divisor_def divisor_set by simp lemma finite_properdiv_set[simp]: shows "finite(properdiv_set m)" using properdiv_set proper_divisor_def by simp lemma divisor_set_mult: "divisor_set (m*n) = {i*j| i j. (i \ divisor_set m)\(j \ divisor_set n)}" using divisor_set divisor_def by (fastforce simp add: divisor_set divisor_def dest: division_decomp) lemma divisor_set_1 [simp]: "divisor_set (Suc 0) = {Suc 0}" by (simp add: divisor_set divisor_def cong: conj_cong) lemma divisor_set_one: shows "divisor_set 1 ={1}" using divisor_set divisor_def by auto lemma union_properdiv_set: assumes "n\1" shows "divisor_set n =(properdiv_set n)\{n}" using divisor_set properdiv_set proper_divisor_def assms divisor_def by auto lemma prime_div_set: assumes "prime n" shows "divisor_set n = {n, 1}" using divisor_def assms divisor_set prime_nat_iff by auto lemma div_set_prime: assumes "prime n" shows "properdiv_set n = {1}" using assms properdiv_set prime_nat_iff proper_divisor_def by (metis (no_types, lifting) Collect_cong One_nat_def divisor_def divisor_set divisor_set_one dvd_1_left empty_iff insert_iff mem_Collect_eq order_less_irrefl) lemma prime_gcd: fixes m::nat and n::nat assumes "prime m" and "prime n" and "m \ n" shows "gcd m n =1 " using prime_def by (simp add: assms primes_coprime) text\We refer to definitions from \cite{aliquotwiki}:\ definition aliquot_sum :: "nat \ nat" where "aliquot_sum n \ \(properdiv_set n)" definition deficient_number :: "nat \ bool" where "deficient_number n \ (n > aliquot_sum n)" definition abundant_number :: "nat \ bool" where "abundant_number n \ (n < aliquot_sum n)" definition perfect_number :: "nat \ bool" where "perfect_number n \ (n = aliquot_sum n)" lemma example_perfect_6: shows "perfect_number 6" proof- have a: "set(divisors_nat 6) = {1, 2, 3, 6}" by eval have b: "divisor_set (6) = {1, 2, 3, 6}" using a def_equiv_divisor_set by simp have c: "properdiv_set (6) = {1, 2, 3}" using b union_properdiv_set properdiv_set proper_divisor_def by auto show ?thesis using aliquot_sum_def c by (simp add: numeral_3_eq_3 perfect_number_def) qed subsection\Euler's sigma function and properties\ text\The sources of the following useful material on Euler's sigma function are \cite{garciaetal1}, \cite{garciaetal2}, \cite{sandifer} and \cite{escott}.\ definition Esigma :: "nat \ nat" where "Esigma n \ \(divisor_set n)" lemma Esigma_properdiv_set: assumes "m \ 1" shows "Esigma m = (aliquot_sum m) + m" using assms divisor_set properdiv_set proper_divisor_def union_properdiv_set Esigma_def aliquot_sum_def by fastforce lemma Esigmanotzero: assumes "n \ 1" shows "Esigma n \ 1" using Esigma_def assms Esigma_properdiv_set by auto lemma prime_sum_div: assumes "prime n" shows " Esigma n = n +(1::nat)" proof - have "1 \ n" using assms prime_ge_1_nat by blast then show ?thesis using Esigma_properdiv_set assms div_set_prime by (simp add: Esigma_properdiv_set aliquot_sum_def assms div_set_prime) qed lemma sum_div_is_prime: assumes "Esigma n = n +(1::nat)" and "n \1" shows "prime n" proof (rule ccontr) assume F: " \ (prime n)" have " n divisor n" using assms divisor_def by simp have " (1::nat) divisor n"using assms divisor_def by simp have "n \ Suc 0" using Esigma_def assms(1) by auto then have r: " \( m::nat). m \ divisor_set n \ m\ (1::nat) \ m \ n" using assms F apply (clarsimp simp add: Esigma_def divisor_set divisor_def prime_nat_iff) by (meson Suc_le_eq dvd_imp_le dvd_pos_nat) have "Suc n = \{n,1}" by (simp add: \n \ Suc 0\) moreover have "divisor_set n \ {n,1}" using assms divisor_set r \1 divisor n\ divisor_set_not_empty by auto then have "\(divisor_set n) > \{n,1}" apply (rule sum_strict_mono [OF finite_divisor_set]) by (simp add: divisor_def divisor_set) ultimately show False using Esigma_def assms(1) by presburger qed lemma Esigma_prime_sum: fixes k:: nat assumes "prime m" "k \1" shows "Esigma (m^k) =( m^(k+(1::nat)) -(1::nat)) /(m-1)" proof- have "m > 1" using \prime m\ prime_gt_1_nat by blast have A: " Esigma (m^k) =( \ j= 0..k.( m^j)) " proof- have AA: "divisor_set (m^k) = (\j. m ^ j) ` {0..k}" using assms prime_ge_1_nat by (auto simp add: power_increasing prime_ge_Suc_0_nat divisor_set divisor_def image_iff divides_primepow_nat) have \
: "\ ((\j. m ^ j) ` {..k}) = sum (\j. m ^ j) {0..k}" for k proof (induction k) case (Suc k) then show ?case apply (clarsimp simp: atMost_Suc) by (smt add.commute add_le_same_cancel1 assms(1) atMost_iff finite_atMost finite_imageI image_iff le_zero_eq power_add power_one_right prime_power_inj sum.insert zero_neq_one) qed auto show ?thesis by (metis "\
" AA Esigma_def atMost_atLeast0) qed have B: "(\ i\k.( m^i)) = ( m^Suc k -(1::nat)) /(m-(1::nat))" using assms \m > 1\ Set_Interval.geometric_sum [of m "Suc k"] apply (simp add: ) by (metis One_nat_def lessThan_Suc_atMost nat_one_le_power of_nat_1 of_nat_diff of_nat_mult of_nat_power one_le_mult_iff prime_ge_Suc_0_nat sum.lessThan_Suc) show ?thesis using A B assms by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 atMost_atLeast0 of_nat_1 of_nat_diff prime_ge_1_nat) qed lemma prime_Esigma_mult: assumes "prime m" and "prime n" and "m \ n" shows "Esigma (m*n) = (Esigma n)*(Esigma m)" proof- have "m divisor (m*n)" using divisor_def assms by (simp add: dvd_imp_le prime_gt_0_nat) moreover have "\(\ k::nat. k divisor (m*n) \ k\(1::nat)\ k \ m \ k \ n \ k\ m*n)" using assms unfolding divisor_def by (metis One_nat_def division_decomp nat_mult_1 nat_mult_1_right prime_nat_iff) ultimately have c: "divisor_set (m*n) = {m, n, m*n, 1}" using divisor_set assms divisor_def by auto obtain "m\1" "n\1" using assms not_prime_1 by blast then have dd: "Esigma (m*n) = m + n +m *n +1" using assms by (simp add: Esigma_def c) then show ?thesis using prime_sum_div assms by simp qed lemma gcd_Esigma_mult: assumes "gcd m n = 1" shows "Esigma (m*n) = (Esigma m)*(Esigma n)" proof- have "Esigma (m*n) = \ {i*j| i j. i \ divisor_set m \ j \ divisor_set n}" by (simp add: divisor_set_mult Esigma_def) also have "... = (\i \ divisor_set m. \j \ divisor_set n. i*j)" proof- have "inj_on (\(i,j). i*j) (divisor_set m \ divisor_set n)" using assms apply (simp add: inj_on_def divisor_set divisor_def) by (metis assms coprime_dvd_aux mult_left_cancel not_one_le_zero) moreover have "{i*j| i j. i \ divisor_set m \ j \ divisor_set n}= (\(i,j). i*j)`(divisor_set m \ divisor_set n)" by auto ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: sum.cartesian_product sum_image_eq) qed also have "... = \( divisor_set m)* \( divisor_set n)" by (simp add: sum_product) also have "... = Esigma m * Esigma n" by (simp add: Esigma_def) finally show ?thesis . qed lemma deficient_Esigma: assumes "Esigma m < 2*m" and "m \1" shows "deficient_number m" using Esigma_properdiv_set assms deficient_number_def by auto lemma abundant_Esigma: assumes "Esigma m > 2*m" and "m \1" shows "abundant_number m" using Esigma_properdiv_set assms abundant_number_def by auto lemma perfect_Esigma: assumes "Esigma m = 2*m" and "m \1" shows "perfect_number m" using Esigma_properdiv_set assms perfect_number_def by auto subsection\Amicable Numbers; definitions, some lemmas and examples\ definition Amicable_pair :: "nat \nat \ bool" (infixr "Amic" 80) where "m Amic n \ ((m = aliquot_sum n) \ (n = aliquot_sum m)) " lemma Amicable_pair_sym: fixes m::nat and n ::nat assumes "m Amic n " shows "n Amic m " using Amicable_pair_def assms by blast lemma Amicable_pair_equiv_def: assumes "(m Amic n)" and "m \1" and "n \1" shows "(Esigma m = Esigma n)\(Esigma m = m+n)" using assms Amicable_pair_def by (metis Esigma_properdiv_set add.commute) lemma Amicable_pair_equiv_def_conv: assumes "m\1" and "n\1" and "(Esigma m = Esigma n)\(Esigma m = m+n)" shows "(m Amic n)" using assms Amicable_pair_def Esigma_properdiv_set by (metis add_right_imp_eq add.commute ) definition typeAmic :: "nat \ nat \ nat list" where "typeAmic n m = [(card {i. \ N. n = N*(gcd n m) \ prime i \ i dvd N \ \ i dvd (gcd n m)}), (card {j. \ M. m = M*(gcd n m) \ prime j \ j dvd M \ \ j dvd (gcd n m)})]" lemma Amicable_pair_deficient: assumes "m > n" and "m Amic n" shows "deficient_number m" using assms deficient_number_def Amicable_pair_def by metis lemma Amicable_pair_abundant: assumes "m > n" and "m Amic n" shows "abundant_number n" using assms abundant_number_def Amicable_pair_def by metis lemma even_even_amicable: assumes "m Amic n" and "m \1" and "n \1" and "even m" and "even n" shows "(2*m \ n)" proof( rule ccontr ) have a: "Esigma m = Esigma n" using \m Amic n\ Amicable_pair_equiv_def Amicable_pair_def assms by blast assume "\ (2*m \ n)" have "(2*m = n)" using \\ (2*m \ n)\ by simp have d:"Esigma n = Esigma (2*m)" using \\ (2*m \ n)\ by simp then show False proof- have w: "2*m \ divisor_set (2*m)" using divisor_set assms divisor_set_not_empty by auto have w1: "2*m \ divisor_set (m)" using divisor_set assms by (simp add: divisor_def) have w2: "\ n::nat. n divisor m \ n divisor (2*m)" using assms divisor_def by auto have w3: "divisor_set (2*m) \ divisor_set m" using divisor_set divisor_def assms w w1 w2 by blast have v: "( \ i \ ( divisor_set (2*m)).i)> ( \ i \ ( divisor_set m).i)" using w3 sum_strict_mono by (simp add: divisor_def divisor_set) show ?thesis using v d Esigma_def a by auto qed qed subsubsection\Regular Amicable Pairs\ definition regularAmicPair :: "nat \ nat \ bool" where "regularAmicPair n m \ (n Amic m \ (\M N g. g = gcd m n \ m = M*g \ n = N*g \ squarefree M \ squarefree N \ gcd g M = 1 \ gcd g N = 1))" lemma regularAmicPair_sym: assumes "regularAmicPair n m" shows "regularAmicPair m n" proof- have "gcd m n = gcd n m" by (metis (no_types) gcd.commute) then show ?thesis using Amicable_pair_sym assms regularAmicPair_def by auto qed definition irregularAmicPair :: "nat \ nat \ bool" where "irregularAmicPair n m \ (( n Amic m) \ \ regularAmicPair n m)" lemma irregularAmicPair_sym: assumes "irregularAmicPair n m" shows "irregularAmicPair m n" using irregularAmicPair_def regularAmicPair_sym Amicable_pair_sym assms by blast subsubsection\Twin Amicable Pairs\ text \We refer to the definition in \cite{amicwiki}:\ definition twinAmicPair :: "nat \ nat \ bool" where "twinAmicPair n m \ (n Amic m) \ (\(\k l. k > Min {n, m} \ k < Max {n, m}\ k Amic l))" lemma twinAmicPair_sym: assumes "twinAmicPair n m" shows "twinAmicPair m n" using assms twinAmicPair_def Amicable_pair_sym assms by auto subsubsection\Isotopic Amicable Pairs\ text\A way of generating an amicable pair from a given amicable pair under certain conditions is given below. Such amicable pairs are called Isotopic \cite{garciaetal1}.\ lemma isotopic_amicable_pair: fixes m n g h M N :: nat assumes "m Amic n" and "m \ 1" and "n \ 1"and "m= g*M" and "n = g*N" and "Esigma h = (h/g) * Esigma g" and "h \ g" and "h > 1" and "g > 1" and "gcd g M = 1" and "gcd g N = 1" and "gcd h M = 1" and "gcd h N = 1" shows "(h*M) Amic (h*N)" proof- have a: "Esigma m = Esigma n" using \ m Amic n\ Amicable_pair_equiv_def assms by blast have b: "Esigma m = m + n" using \ m Amic n\ Amicable_pair_equiv_def assms by blast have c: "Esigma (h*M) = (Esigma h)*(Esigma M)" proof- have "h \ M" using assms Esigmanotzero gcd_Esigma_mult gcd_nat.idem b mult_eq_self_implies_10 by (metis less_irrefl) show ?thesis using \h \ M\ gcd_Esigma_mult assms by auto qed have d: "Esigma (g*M) = (Esigma g)*(Esigma M)" proof- have "g\M" using assms gcd_nat.idem by (metis less_irrefl) show ?thesis using \g\M\ gcd_Esigma_mult assms by auto qed have e: "Esigma (g*N) = (Esigma g)*(Esigma N)" proof- have "g\N" using assms by auto show ?thesis using \g\N\ gcd_Esigma_mult assms by auto qed have p1: "Esigma m = (Esigma g)*(Esigma M)" using assms d by simp have p2: "Esigma n = (Esigma g)*(Esigma N)" using assms e by simp have p3: "Esigma (h*N) = (Esigma h)*(Esigma N)" proof- have "h\N" using assms \ gcd h N =1\ a b p2 by fastforce show ?thesis using \h \ N\ gcd_Esigma_mult assms by auto qed have A: "Esigma (h*M) = Esigma (h*N)" using c p3 d e p1 p2 a assms Esigmanotzero by fastforce have B: "Esigma (h*M)=(h*M)+(h*N)" proof- have s: "Esigma (h*M) = (h/g)*(m+n)" using b c p1 Esigmanotzero assms by simp have s1: "Esigma (h*M) = h*(m/g+n/g)" using s assms by (metis add_divide_distrib b of_nat_add semiring_normalization_rules(7) times_divide_eq_left times_divide_eq_right) have s2: " Esigma (h*M) = h*(M+N)" proof- have v: "m/g = M" using assms by simp have v1:"n/g = N" using assms by simp show ?thesis using s1 v v1 assms using of_nat_eq_iff by fastforce qed show ?thesis using s2 assms by (simp add: add_mult_distrib2) qed show ?thesis using Amicable_pair_equiv_def_conv A B assms one_le_mult_iff One_nat_def Suc_leI by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) nat_less_le) qed lemma isotopic_pair_example1: assumes "(3^3*5*11*17*227) Amic (3^3*5*23*37*53)" shows "(3^2*7*13*11*17*227) Amic (3^2*7*13*23*37*53)" proof- obtain m where o1: "m = (3::nat)^3*5*11*17*227" by simp obtain n where o2: "n = (3::nat)^3*5*23*37*53" by simp obtain g where o3: "g = (3::nat)^3*5" by simp obtain h where o4: "h = (3::nat)^2*7*13" by simp obtain M where o5: "M = (11::nat)*17*227" by simp obtain N where o6: "N = (23::nat)*37*53" by simp have "prime(3::nat)" by simp have "prime(5::nat)" by simp have "prime(7::nat)" by simp have "prime(13::nat)" by simp have v: "m Amic n" using o1 o2 assms by simp have v1: "m = g*M" using o1 o3 o5 by simp have v2: "n = g*N" using o2 o3 o6 by simp have v3: "h >0" using o4 by simp have w: "g >0" using o3 by simp have w1: "h \ g" using o4 o3 by simp have "h = 819" using o4 by simp have "g = 135" using o3 by simp have w2: "Esigma h = (h/g)*Esigma g" proof- have B: "Esigma h = 1456" proof- have R: "set(divisors_nat 819) ={1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 21, 39, 63, 91, 117, 273, 819}" by eval have RR: "set( divisors_nat(819)) = divisor_set (819)" using def_equiv_divisor_set by simp show?thesis using Esigma_def RR R \ h = 819\ divisor_def divisors_nat divisors_nat_def by auto qed have C: "Esigma g = 240" proof- have G: "set(divisors_nat 135) = {1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 27, 45, 135}" by eval have GG: "set(divisors_nat 135) = divisor_set 135" using def_equiv_divisor_set by simp show ?thesis using G GG Esigma_def \ g = 135\ properdiv_set proper_divisor_def by simp qed have D: "(Esigma h) * g = (Esigma g) * h" proof- have A: "(Esigma h) * g = 196560" using B o3 by simp have AA: "(Esigma g) * h = 196560" using C o4 by simp show ?thesis using A AA by simp qed show ?thesis using D by (metis mult.commute nat_neq_iff nonzero_mult_div_cancel_right of_nat_eq_0_iff of_nat_mult times_divide_eq_left w) qed have w4: "gcd g M =1" proof- have "coprime g M" proof- have "\ g dvd M" using o3 o5 by auto moreover have "\ 3 dvd M" using o5 by auto moreover have "\ 5 dvd M" using o5 by auto ultimately show ?thesis using o5 o3 gcd_nat.absorb_iff2 prime_nat_iff \ prime(3::nat)\ \ prime(5::nat)\ by (metis coprime_commute coprime_mult_left_iff prime_imp_coprime_nat prime_imp_power_coprime_nat) qed show ?thesis using \coprime g M\ by simp qed have s: " gcd g N =1" proof- have "coprime g N" proof- have "\ g dvd N" using o3 o6 by auto moreover have "\ 3 dvd N" using o6 by auto moreover have "\ 5 dvd N" using o6 by auto ultimately show ?thesis using o3 gcd_nat.absorb_iff2 prime_nat_iff \ prime(3::nat)\ \ prime(5::nat)\ by (metis coprime_commute coprime_mult_left_iff prime_imp_coprime_nat prime_imp_power_coprime_nat) qed show ?thesis using \coprime g N\ by simp qed have s1: "gcd h M =1" proof- have "coprime h M" proof- have "\ h dvd M" using o4 o5 by auto moreover have "\ 3 dvd M" using o5 by auto moreover have "\ 7 dvd M" using o5 by auto moreover have "\ 13 dvd M" using o5 by auto ultimately show ?thesis using o4 gcd_nat.absorb_iff2 prime_nat_iff \ prime(3::nat)\ \ prime(13::nat)\ \ prime(7::nat)\ by (metis coprime_commute coprime_mult_left_iff prime_imp_coprime_nat prime_imp_power_coprime_nat) qed show ?thesis using \coprime h M\ by simp qed have s2: "gcd h N =1" proof- have "coprime h N" proof- have "\ h dvd N" using o4 o6 by auto moreover have "\ 3 dvd N" using o6 by auto moreover have "\ 7 dvd N" using o6 by auto moreover have "\ 13 dvd N" using o6 by auto ultimately show ?thesis using o4 gcd_nat.absorb_iff2 prime_nat_iff \ prime(3::nat)\\ prime(13::nat)\ \ prime(7::nat)\ by (metis coprime_commute coprime_mult_left_iff prime_imp_coprime_nat prime_imp_power_coprime_nat) qed show ?thesis using \coprime h N\ by simp qed have s4: "(h*M) Amic (h*N)" using isotopic_amicable_pair v v1 v2 v3 w4 s s1 s2 w w1 w2 by (metis One_nat_def Suc_leI le_eq_less_or_eq nat_1_eq_mult_iff num.distinct(3) numeral_eq_one_iff one_le_mult_iff one_le_numeral o3 o4 o5 o6) show ?thesis using s4 o4 o5 o6 by simp qed subsubsection\Betrothed (Quasi-Amicable) Pairs\ text\We refer to the definition in \cite{betrothedwiki}:\ definition QuasiAmicable_pair :: "nat \ nat \ bool" (infixr "QAmic" 80) where "m QAmic n \ (m + 1 = aliquot_sum n) \ (n + 1 = aliquot_sum m)" lemma QuasiAmicable_pair_sym : assumes "m QAmic n " shows "n QAmic m " using QuasiAmicable_pair_def assms by blast lemma QuasiAmicable_example: shows "48 QAmic 75" proof- have a: "set(divisors_nat 48) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48}" by eval have b: "divisor_set (48) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48}" using a def_equiv_divisor_set by simp have c: "properdiv_set (48) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24}" using b union_properdiv_set properdiv_set proper_divisor_def by auto have e: "aliquot_sum (48) = 75+1" using aliquot_sum_def c by simp have i: "set(divisors_nat 75) = {1, 3, 5, 15, 25, 75}" by eval have ii: "divisor_set (75) = {1, 3, 5, 15, 25, 75}" using i def_equiv_divisor_set by simp have iii: "properdiv_set (75) = {1, 3, 5, 15, 25}" using ii union_properdiv_set properdiv_set proper_divisor_def by auto have iv: "aliquot_sum (75) = 48+1" using aliquot_sum_def iii by simp show ?thesis using e iv QuasiAmicable_pair_def by simp qed subsubsection\Breeders\ definition breeder_pair :: "nat \nat \ bool" (infixr "breeder" 80) where "m breeder n \ (\x\\. x > 0 \ Esigma m = m + n*x \ Esigma m = (Esigma n)*(x+1))" lemma breederAmic: fixes x :: nat assumes "x > 0" and "Esigma n = n + m*x" and "Esigma n = Esigma m * (x+1)" and "prime x" and "\( x dvd m)" shows " n Amic (m*x)" proof- have A: "Esigma n = Esigma (m*x)" proof- have "gcd m x =1" using assms gcd_nat.absorb_iff2 prime_nat_iff by blast have A1: "Esigma (m*x) = (Esigma m)*(Esigma x)" using \gcd m x =1\ gcd_Esigma_mult by simp have A2: "Esigma (m*x) = (Esigma m)*(x+1)" using \prime x\ prime_Esigma_mult A1 by (simp add: prime_sum_div) show ?thesis using A2 assms by simp qed have B: "Esigma n = n+m*x" using assms by simp show ?thesis using A B Amicable_pair_equiv_def by (smt Amicable_pair_equiv_def_conv Esigma_properdiv_set One_nat_def Suc_leI add_cancel_left_left add_le_same_cancel1 add_mult_distrib2 assms dvd_triv_right le_add2 nat_0_less_mult_iff not_gr_zero not_le semiring_normalization_rules(1)) qed subsubsection\More examples\ text\The first odd-odd amicable pair was discovered by Euler \cite{garciaetal1}. In the following proof, amicability is shown using the properties of Euler's sigma function.\ lemma odd_odd_amicable_Euler: "69615 Amic 87633" proof- have "prime(5::nat)" by simp have "prime(17::nat)" by simp have "\ (5*17)dvd((3::nat)^2*7*13)" by auto have "\ 5 dvd((3::nat)^2*7*13)" by auto have "\ 17 dvd((3::nat)^2*7*13)" by auto have A1: "Esigma(69615) = Esigma(3^2*7*13*5*17)" by simp have A2: "Esigma(3^2*7*13*5*17) = Esigma(3^2*7*13)*Esigma(5*17)" proof- have A111: "coprime ((3::nat)^2*7*13) ((5::nat)*17)" using \\ 17 dvd((3::nat)^2*7*13)\ \\ 5 dvd((3::nat)^2*7*13)\ \prime (17::nat)\ \prime (5::nat)\ coprime_commute coprime_mult_left_iff prime_imp_coprime_nat by blast have "gcd (3^2*7*13)((5::nat)*17) =1" using A111 coprime_imp_gcd_eq_1 by blast show ?thesis using \gcd (3^2*7*13)((5::nat)*17) =1 \ gcd_Esigma_mult by (smt semiring_normalization_rules(18) semiring_normalization_rules(7)) qed have "prime (7::nat)" by simp have "\ 7 dvd ((3::nat)^2)" by simp have "prime (13::nat)" by simp have " \ 13 dvd ((3::nat)^2*7)" by simp have "gcd ((3::nat)^2*7) 13 =1" using \prime (13::nat)\ \\ 13 dvd ((3::nat)^2*7)\ gcd_nat.absorb_iff2 prime_nat_iff by blast have A3: " Esigma(3^2 * 7*13) = Esigma(3^2*7)*Esigma(13)" using \gcd (3^2 *7) 13 =1\ gcd_Esigma_mult by (smt semiring_normalization_rules(18) semiring_normalization_rules(7)) have "gcd ((3::nat)^2) 7 = 1" using \prime (7::nat)\ \ \ 7 dvd ((3::nat)^2 )\ gcd_nat.absorb_iff2 prime_nat_iff by blast have A4: " Esigma(3^2*7) = Esigma(3^2)* Esigma (7)" using \gcd ((3::nat)^2) 7 =1\ gcd_Esigma_mult by (smt semiring_normalization_rules(18) semiring_normalization_rules(7)) have A5: "Esigma(3^2) = 13" proof- have "(3::nat)^2 =9" by auto have A55:"divisor_set 9 = {1, 3, 9}" proof- have A555: "set(divisors_nat (9)) = {1, 3, 9}" by eval show ?thesis using def_equiv_divisor_set A555 by simp qed show ?thesis using A55 \(3::nat)^2 =9\ Esigma_def by simp qed have "prime( 13::nat)" by simp have A6: "Esigma (13) = 14" using prime_sum_div \prime( 13::nat)\ by auto have "prime( 7::nat)" by simp have A7: "Esigma (7) = 8" using prime_sum_div \prime( 7::nat)\ by auto have "prime (5::nat)" by simp have "prime (17::nat)" by simp have A8: "Esigma(5*17) = Esigma(5) * Esigma (17)" using prime_Esigma_mult \prime (5::nat)\ \prime (17::nat)\ by (metis arith_simps(2) mult.commute num.inject(2) numeral_eq_iff semiring_norm(83)) have A9: "Esigma(69615) = Esigma(3^2)*Esigma (7) *Esigma (13) * Esigma(5) * Esigma (17)" using A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 by (metis mult.assoc) have A10: "Esigma (5)=6" using prime_sum_div \prime(5::nat)\ by auto have A11: "Esigma (17)=18" using prime_sum_div \prime(17::nat)\ by auto have AA: "Esigma(69615)=13*8*14*6*18" using A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 by simp have AAA: "Esigma(69615) =157248" using AA by simp have AA1: "Esigma(87633) = Esigma (3^2*7*13*107)" by simp have "prime (107::nat)" by simp have AA2: "Esigma (3^2*7*13*107) = Esigma (3^2*7*13)*Esigma(107)" proof- have "\ (107::nat) dvd (3^2*7*13)" by auto have "gcd ((3::nat)^2*7*13) 107 =1" using \prime (107::nat)\ \ \ (107::nat) dvd (3^2*7*13)\ using gcd_nat.absorb_iff2 prime_nat_iff by blast show ?thesis using \gcd (3^2 *7*13) 107 =1\ gcd_Esigma_mult by (smt mult.commute) qed have AA3: "Esigma (107) =108" using prime_sum_div \prime(107::nat)\ by auto have AA4: "Esigma(3^2*7*13) = 13*8*14" using A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 by auto have AA5 : "Esigma (3^2*7*13*107) = 13*8*14*108" using AA2 AA3 AA4 by auto have AA6: "Esigma (3^2*7*13*107) = 157248" using AA5 by simp have A:"Esigma(69615) = Esigma(87633)" using AAA AA6 AA5 AA1 by linarith have B: " Esigma(87633) = 69615 + 87633" using AAA \Esigma 69615 = Esigma 87633\ by linarith show ?thesis using A B Amicable_pair_def Amicable_pair_equiv_def_conv by auto qed text\The following is the smallest odd-odd amicable pair \cite{garciaetal1}. In the following proof, amicability is shown directly by evaluating the sets of divisors.\ lemma Amicable_pair_example_smallest_odd_odd: "12285 Amic 14595" proof- have A: "set(divisors_nat (12285)) = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 21, 27, 35, 39, 45, 63, 65, 91, 105, 117, 135, 189, 195, 273, 315, 351, 455, 585, 819, 945, 1365, 1755, 2457, 4095, 12285}" by eval have A1: "set(divisors_nat (12285)) = divisor_set 12285" using def_equiv_divisor_set by simp have A2: "\{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 21, 27, 35, 39, 45, 63, 65, 91, 105, 117, 135, 189, 195, 273, 315, 351, 455, 585, 819, 945, 1365, 1755, 2457, 4095, 12285} = (26880::nat)" by eval have A3: "Esigma 12285 = 26880" using A A1 A2 Esigma_def by simp have Q:"Esigma 12285 = Esigma 14595" proof- have N: "set(divisors_nat (14595)) = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 21, 35, 105, 139, 417, 695, 973, 2085, 2919, 4865, 14595}" by eval have N1: "set(divisors_nat (14595)) = divisor_set 14595" using def_equiv_divisor_set by simp have N2: "\{ 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 21, 35, 105, 139, 417, 695, 973, 2085, 2919, 4865, 14595} = (26880::nat)" by eval show ?thesis using A3 N N1 N2 Esigma_def by simp qed have B:"Esigma (12285) = 12285 + 14595" using A3 by auto show ?thesis using B Q Amicable_pair_def using Amicable_pair_equiv_def_conv one_le_numeral by blast qed section\Euler's Rule\ text\We present Euler's Rule as in \cite{garciaetal1}. The proof has been reconstructed.\ theorem Euler_Rule_Amicable: fixes k l f p q r m n :: nat assumes "k > l" and "l \ 1" and "f = 2^l+1" and "prime p" and "prime q" and "prime r" and "p = 2^(k-l) * f - 1" and "q = 2^k * f - 1" and "r = 2^(2*k-l) * f^2 - 1" and "m = 2^k * p * q" and "n = 2^k * r" shows "m Amic n" proof- note [[linarith_split_limit = 50]] have A1: "(p+1)*(q+1) = (r+1)" proof- have a: "p+1 = (2^(k-l))*f" using assms by simp have b: "q+1 = (2^(k))*f" using assms by simp have c: "r+1 = (2^(2*k-l))*(f^2)" using assms by simp have d: "(p+1)*(q+1) = (2^(k-l))*(2^(k))*f^2" using a b by (simp add: power2_eq_square) show ?thesis using d c by (metis Nat.add_diff_assoc add.commute assms(1) less_imp_le_nat mult_2 power_add) qed have aa: "Esigma p = p+1" using assms \prime p\ prime_sum_div by simp have bb: "Esigma q = q+1" using \prime q\ prime_sum_div assms by simp have cc: "Esigma r = r+1" using \prime r\ prime_sum_div assms by simp have A2: "(Esigma p)*(Esigma q) = Esigma r" using aa bb cc A1 by simp have A3: "Esigma (2^k)*(Esigma p)*(Esigma q) = Esigma(2^k)*(Esigma r)" using A2 by simp have A4: "Esigma(( 2^k)*r) = (Esigma(2^k))*(Esigma r)" proof- have Z0: "gcd ((2::nat)^k)r =1" using assms \prime r\ by simp have A: "(2::nat)^k \ 1" using assms by simp have Ab: "(2::nat)^k \ r" using assms by (metis gcd_nat.idem numeral_le_one_iff prime_ge_2_nat semiring_norm(69) Z0) show ?thesis using Z0 gcd_Esigma_mult assms A Ab by metis qed have A5: "Esigma((2^k)*p*q) =(Esigma(2^k))*(Esigma p)*(Esigma q)" proof- have "(2::nat)^k \1" using assms by simp have A: "gcd (2^k) p =1" using assms \prime p\ by simp have B: "gcd (2^k) q =1" using assms \prime q\ by simp have BB: "gcd (2^k) (p*q) =1" using assms A B by fastforce have C: "p*q \1" using assms One_nat_def one_le_mult_iff prime_ge_1_nat by metis have A6: " Esigma((2^k)*(p*q))=( Esigma(2^k))*(Esigma(p*q))" proof- have "(( 2::nat)^k) \ (p*q)" using assms by (metis BB Nat.add_0_right gcd_idem_nat less_add_eq_less not_add_less1 power_inject_exp prime_gt_1_nat semiring_normalization_rules(32) two_is_prime_nat ) show ?thesis using \(( 2::nat)^k) \ (p*q)\ \( 2::nat)^k \1\ gcd_Esigma_mult assms C BB by metis qed have A7:"Esigma(p*q) = (Esigma p)*(Esigma q)" proof- have "p \ q" using assms One_nat_def Suc_pred add_gr_0 add_is_0 diff_commute diff_diff_cancel diff_is_0_eq nat_0_less_mult_iff nat_mult_eq_cancel_disj numeral_One prime_gt_1_nat power_inject_exp semiring_normalization_rules(7) two_is_prime_nat zero_less_numeral zero_less_power zero_neq_numeral by (smt less_imp_le_nat) show ?thesis using \p \ q\ \prime p\ \prime q\ C prime_Esigma_mult assms by (metis mult.commute) qed have A8: "Esigma((2^k)*( p*q))=(Esigma(2^k))*(Esigma p)*(Esigma q)" by (simp add: A6 A7) show ?thesis using A8 by (simp add: mult.assoc) qed have Z: "Esigma((2^k)*p*q) = Esigma ((2^k)*r)" using A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 by simp have Z1: "Esigma ((2^k)*p*q) = 2^k *p*q + 2^k*r" proof- have "prime (2::nat)" by simp have s: "Esigma (2^k) =((2::nat)^(k+1)-1)/(2-1)" using \prime (2::nat)\ assms Esigma_prime_sum by auto have ss: "Esigma (2^k) =(2^(k+1)-1)" using s by simp have J: "(k+1+k-l+k)= 3*k +1-l" using assms by linarith have JJ: "(2^(k-l))*(2^k) = (2::nat)^(2*k-l)" apply (simp add: algebra_simps) by (metis Nat.add_diff_assoc assms(1) less_imp_le_nat mult_2_right power_add) have "Esigma((2^k)*p*q)= (Esigma(2^k))*(Esigma p)*(Esigma q)" using A5 by simp also have "\ = (2^(k+1)-1)*(p+1)*(q+1)" using assms ss aa bb by metis also have "\ = (2^(k+1)-1)*((2^(k-l))*f)*((2^k)*f)" using assms by simp also have "\ = (2^(k+1)-1)*(2^(k-l))*(2^k)*f^2" by (simp add: power2_eq_square) also have "\ = (2^(k+1))*(2^(k-l))*(2^k)*f^2-(2^(k-l))*(2^k)*f^2" by (smt left_diff_distrib' mult.commute mult_numeral_1_right numeral_One) also have "\ = (2^(k+1+k-l+k))*f^2-(2^(k-l))*(2^k)*f^2" by (metis Nat.add_diff_assoc assms(1) less_imp_le_nat power_add) also have "\ = (2^(3*k+1-l))*f^2-(2^(k-l))*(2^k)*f^2" using J by auto also have "\ = (2^(3*k+1-l))*f^2-(2^(2*k-l))*f^2" using JJ by simp finally have YY:" Esigma((2^k)*p*q)= (2^(3*k+1-l))*f^2-(2^(2*k-l))*f^2" . have auxicalc: "(2^(2*k-l))*(f^2)=(2^(2*k-l))*f +(2^(2*k))*f" proof- have i: "(2^(2*k-l))*f = (2^(2*k-l))*(2^l+1)" using assms \f = 2^l+1\ by simp have ii: "( 2^(2*k-l))*f = (2^(2*k-l))*( 2^l)+(2^(2*k-l))" using i by simp have iii: "(2^(2*k-l))*f = (2^(2*k-l+l))+(2^(2*k-l))" using ii by (simp add: power_add) have iv: "( 2^(2*k-l))*f*f =(((2^(2*k))+(2^(2*k-l))))*f" using iii assms by simp have v: "(2^(2*k-l))*f *f =((2^(2*k)))*f+((2^(2*k-l)))*f" using iv assms comm_monoid_mult_axioms power2_eq_square semiring_normalization_rules(18) semiring_normalization_rules by (simp add: add_mult_distrib assms) (*slow*) show ?thesis using v by (simp add: power2_eq_square semiring_normalization_rules(18)) qed have W1: "2^k*p*q + 2^k*r = 2^k *(p*q +r) " by (simp add: add_mult_distrib2) have W2: "2^k*(p*q +r)= 2^k *((2^(k-l)*f-1)*((2^k)*f-1)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2-1)" using assms by simp have W3: "2^k*((2^(k-l)*f-1)*((2^k)*f-1)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2-1)= 2^k*((2^(k-l)*f-1)*((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f-1)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2-1)" by (simp add: right_diff_distrib') have W4: "2^k*((2^(k-l)*f-1)*((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f-1)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2-1) = 2^k*((2^(k-l)*f)*((2^k)*f)-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f-1)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2-1)" using assms by (simp add: diff_mult_distrib) have W5: " 2^k*((2^(k-l)*f)*((2^k)*f)-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f-1)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2-1) = 2^k *(( 2^(k-l)*f)*((2^k)*f)-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f)+1 +(2^(2*k-l))*f^2-1)" using assms less_imp_le_nat less_imp_le_nat prime_ge_1_nat by (smt Nat.add_diff_assoc2 Nat.diff_diff_right One_nat_def Suc_leI Suc_pred W3 W4 add_diff_cancel_right' add_gr_0 le_Suc_ex less_numeral_extra(1) mult_cancel1 nat_0_less_mult_iff zero_less_diff zero_less_numeral zero_less_power) have W6: "2^k*((2^(k-l)* f)*((2^k)*f)-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f)+1+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2-1 ) = 2^k*((2^(k-l)*f)*((2^k)*f)-((2^k )*f)-(2^(k-l)*f)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2)" by simp have W7: "2^k*((2^(k-l)*f)*((2^k)*f)-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2) = 2^k *((2^(2*k-l+1)*(f^2))-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)* f))" proof- have a: "(2^(k-l)*f)*(2^k * f) = (2^(k-l)*f*(f*(2^k))) " using assms by simp have b: "(2^(k-l)*f)*(f*(2^k)) = 2^(k-l)*(f*f)*(2^k)" using assms by linarith have c: "2^(k-l)*(f*f)*(2^k) = 2^(k-l+k)*(f^2)" using Semiring_Normalization.comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(16) Semiring_Normalization.comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(29) by (simp add: power_add) have d: "2^(k-l+k) *(f^2) = 2^(2*k-l) *(f^2)" by (simp add: JJ power_add) have e: "(2^(2*k-l))*f^2 + (2^(2*k-l))*f^2 = 2^(2*k-l +1)*(f^2)" by simp have f1: "((2^(k-l)*f)*((2^k)*f)-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2) = (2^(2*k-l)*(f^2)-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2)" using a b c d e by simp have f2:"((2^(k-l)*f)*((2^k)*f)-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f))+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2 = ((2^(2*k-l+1)*(f^2))-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f))" proof- have aa: "f > 1" using assms by simp have a: "((2::nat)^(2*k-l))*f^2-((2::nat)^(k-l)*f)>0" proof- have b: "(2::nat)^(2*k-l) > 2^(k-l)" using assms by simp have c: "(2::nat)^(2*k-l)*f > 2^(k-l)*f" using a assms by (metis One_nat_def add_gr_0 b lessI mult_less_mono1) show ?thesis using c auxicalc by linarith qed have aaa: "(2^(2*k-l))*f^2 -(2^(k-l)*f)-((2^k)*f) >0" proof- have A: "(2^(2*k-l))*f-(2^(k-l))-(( 2^k)) >0" proof- have A_1 : "(2^(2*k-l))*f > (2^(k-l))+((2^k))" proof- have A_2: "(2^(2*k-l))*f = 2^(k)*2^(k-l)*f" by (metis JJ semiring_normalization_rules(7)) have df1: "(2^(k-l))+((2^k))< ((2::nat)^(2*k-l))+((2^k))" using \l < k\ by (simp add: algebra_simps) have df2: "((2::nat)^(2*k-l))+((2^k)) < ((2::nat)^(2*k-l))*f" proof- have "k >1" using assms by simp have df: "((2::nat)^(k-l))+(1::nat) < ((2::nat)^(k-l))*f" proof- obtain x::nat where xx: "x=(2::nat)^(k-l)" by simp have xxx: "x \( 2::nat)" using assms xx by (metis One_nat_def Suc_leI one_le_numeral power_increasing semiring_normalization_rules(33) zero_less_diff) have c: "x*f \ x*(2::nat)" using aa by simp have c1: "x+(1::nat) < x*(2::nat)" using auxiliary_ineq xxx by linarith have c2: "((2::nat)^(k-l))+(1::nat) < ((2::nat)^(k-l))*(2::nat)" using c1 xx by blast show ?thesis using c2 c xx by (metis diff_is_0_eq' le_trans nat_less_le zero_less_diff) qed show ?thesis using df aa assms by (smt JJ add.commute mult_less_cancel2 semiring_normalization_rules zero_less_numeral zero_less_power) qed show ?thesis using A_2 df1 df2 by linarith qed show ?thesis using assms A_1 using diff_diff_left zero_less_diff by presburger qed show ?thesis using A aa assms by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) a nat_0_less_mult_iff right_diff_distrib' semiring_normalization_rules(18) semiring_normalization_rules(29) semiring_normalization_rules(7)) qed have b3: "((2^(2*k-l)*(f^2))-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f)+(2^(2*k-l))*f^2) = (2*(2^(2*k-l)*(f^2))-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f))" using a aa assms minus_eq_nat_subst_order by (smt aaa diff_commute) show ?thesis using f1 by (metis b3 e mult_2) qed show ?thesis using f2 by simp qed have W8: "2^k*((2^(2*k-l+1)*(f^2))-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f)) = (2^(3*k+1-l))*f^2-(2^(2*k-l))*f^2" proof- have a: "2^k*(2^(2*k-l+1)*f^2-2^k*f-2^(k-l)*f) = 2^k*(2^(2*k-l+1)*f^2)-2^k*(2^k*f)-2^k*(2^(k-l)*f)" by (simp add: algebra_simps) have b: "2^k*(2^(2*k-l+1)*f^2)-2^k*(2^k*f)-2^k*(2^(k-l)*f) = 2^k*(2^(2*k-l+1)*f^2)-2^k*(2^k*f)-2^k*(2^(k-l)*f)" by (simp add: algebra_simps) have c: "2^k*(2^(2*k-l+1)*f^2)-2^k*(2^k*f)-2^k*(2^(k-l)*f) = 2^(2*k+1-l+k)*f^2-2^k*(2^k*f)-2^k*(2^(k-l)*f)" apply (simp add: algebra_simps power_add) by (smt Groups.mult_ac(1) Groups.mult_ac(2) Nat.diff_add_assoc assms(1) le_simps(1) mult_2_right plus_nat.simps(2) power.simps(2)) have d: "2^k*(2^(2*k-l+1)*(f^2))= (2^(3*k+1-l))*f^2" using power_add Nat.add_diff_assoc assms(1) less_imp_le_nat mult_2 semiring_normalization_rules(18) semiring_normalization_rules(23) by (smt J) have e: "2^k*((2^(2*k-l+1)*(f^2))-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f)) = (2^(3*k+1-l))*f^2-(2^k)*((2^k)*f)-(2^k)*(2^(k-l)*f)" using a b c d One_nat_def one_le_mult_iff Nat.add_diff_assoc assms(1) less_imp_le_nat by metis have ee: "2^k*((2^(2*k-l+1)*(f^2))-((2^k)*f)-((2::nat)^(k-l)*f)) = (2^(3*k+1-l))*f^2-( 2^k)*((2^k)*f)-(2^(2*k-l)*f)" using e power_add Nat.add_diff_assoc assms(1) less_imp_le_nat mult_2 semiring_normalization_rules by (smt J) have eee : "-(( 2::nat)^(2*k-l))*(f^(2::nat)) =(-(( 2::nat)^(2*k))*f-(( 2::nat)^(2*k-l))*f)" using auxicalc mult_minus_eq_nat mult_minus_left of_nat_mult by smt have e4: "2^k*((2^(2*k-l+1)*(f^2))-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f))=(2^(3*k+1-l))*f^2-(2^(2*k-l))*(f^2)" proof- define A where A: "A = 2^k*((2^(2*k-l+1)*(f^2))-((2^k)*f)-(2^(k-l)*f))" define B where B: "B = (2^(3*k+(1::nat)-l))*f^2" define C where C: "C = (2^k)*((2^k)*f)" define D where D: "D = (2^(2*k-l)*f)" define E where E: "E = (2^(2*k-l))*(f^2)" have wq: "A = B-C-D" using ee A B C D by simp have wq1: "-E = -C-D" using eee C D E by (simp add: semiring_normalization_rules(36)) have wq2: "A = B-E" using wq wq1 minus_eq_nat_subst by blast show ?thesis using wq2 A B E by metis qed show ?thesis using e4 by simp qed have Y: "2^k*p*q+2^k*r = (2^(3*k+1-l))*f^2-(2^(2*k-l))*f^2" using W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 by linarith show ?thesis using Y YY auxicalc by simp qed show ?thesis using Z Z1 Amicable_pair_equiv_def_conv assms One_nat_def one_le_mult_iff one_le_numeral less_imp_le_nat one_le_power by (metis prime_ge_1_nat) qed text\Another approach by Euler \cite{garciaetal1}:\ theorem Euler_Rule_Amicable_1: fixes m n a :: nat assumes "m \ 1" and "n \ 1" and "a \ 1" and "Esigma m = Esigma n" and "Esigma a * Esigma m = a*(m+n)" and "gcd a m =1" and "gcd a n =1" shows "(a*m) Amic (a*n)" proof- have a: "Esigma (a*m) =(Esigma a)*(Esigma m)" using assms gcd_Esigma_mult by (simp add: mult.commute) have b: "Esigma (a*m) = Esigma (a*n)" proof- have c: "Esigma (a*n) = (Esigma a)*(Esigma n)" using gcd_Esigma_mult \gcd a n =1\ by (metis assms(4) a ) show ?thesis using c a assms by simp qed have d: " Esigma (a*m) = a*m + a*n " using a assms by (simp add: add_mult_distrib2) show ?thesis using a b d Amicable_pair_equiv_def_conv assms by (simp add: Suc_leI) qed section\Th\={a}bit ibn Qurra's Rule and more examples\ text\Euler's Rule (theorem Euler\_Rule\_Amicable) is actually a generalisation of the following rule by Th\={a}bit ibn Qurra from the 9th century \cite{garciaetal1}. Th\={a}bit ibn Qurra's Rule is the special case for $l=1$ thus $f=3$.\ corollary Thabit_ibn_Qurra_Rule_Amicable: fixes k l f p q r :: nat assumes "k > 1" and "prime p" and "prime q" and "prime r" and "p = 2^(k-1) * 3 - 1" and "q = 2^k * 3 - 1" and "r = 2^(2*k-1) * 9 - 1" shows "((2^k)*p*q) Amic ((2^k)*r)" proof- obtain l where l:"l = (1::nat)" by simp obtain f where f:"f = (3::nat)" by simp have "k >l" using l assms by simp have "f =2^1+1" using f by simp have " r =(2^(2*k-1))*(3^2)-1" using assms by simp show ?thesis using assms Euler_Rule_Amicable \f =2^1 +1\ \ r =(2^(2*k -1))*(3^2) -1\ l f by (metis le_numeral_extra(4)) qed text\In the following three example of amicable pairs, instead of evaluating the sum of the divisors or using the properties of Euler's sigma function as it was done in the previous examples, we prove amicability more directly as we can apply Th\={a}bit ibn Qurra's Rule.\ text\The following is the first example of an amicable pair known to the Pythagoreans and can be derived from Th\={a}bit ibn Qurra's Rule with $k=2$ \cite{garciaetal1}.\ lemma Amicable_Example_Pythagoras: shows "220 Amic 284" proof- have a: "(2::nat)>1" by simp have b: "prime((3::nat)*(2^(2-1))-1)" by simp have c: "prime((3::nat)*(2^2)-1)" by simp have d: "prime((9::nat)*(2^(2*2-1))-1)" by simp have e: "((2^2)*(3*(2^(2-1))-1)*(3*(2^2)-1))Amic((2^2)*(9*(2^(2*2-1))-1))" using Thabit_ibn_Qurra_Rule_Amicable a b c d by (metis mult.commute) have f: "((2::nat)^2)*5*11 = 220" by simp have g: "((2::nat)^2)*71 = 284" by simp show ?thesis using e f g by simp qed text\The following example of an amicable pair was (re)discovered by Fermat and can be derived from Th\={a}bit ibn Qurra's Rule with $k=4$ \cite{garciaetal1}.\ lemma Amicable_Example_Fermat: shows "17296 Amic 18416" proof- have a: "(4::nat)>1" by simp have b: "prime((3::nat)*(2^(4-1))-1)" by simp have c: "prime((3::nat)*(2^4)-1)" by simp have d: "prime (1151::nat)" by (pratt (code)) have e: "(1151::nat) = 9*(2^(2*4-1))-1" by simp have f: "prime((9::nat)*(2^(2*4-1))-1)" using d e by metis have g: "((2^4)*(3*(2^(4-1))-1)*(3*(2^4)-1)) Amic((2^4)*(9*(2^(2*4-1))-1))" using Thabit_ibn_Qurra_Rule_Amicable a b c f by (metis mult.commute) have h: "((2::nat)^4)*23*47 = 17296" by simp have i: "(((2::nat)^4)*1151) = 18416" by simp show ?thesis using g h i by simp qed text\The following example of an amicable pair was (re)discovered by Descartes and can be derived from Th\={a}bit ibn Qurra's Rule with $k=7$ \cite{garciaetal1}.\ lemma Amicable_Example_Descartes: shows "9363584 Amic 9437056" proof- have a: "(7::nat)>1" by simp have b: "prime (191::nat)" by (pratt (code)) have c: "((3::nat)* (2^(7-1))-1) =191" by simp have d: "prime((3::nat)* (2^(7-1))-1)" using b c by metis have e: "prime (383::nat)" by (pratt (code)) have f: "(3::nat)*(2^7)-1 = 383" by simp have g: "prime ((3::nat)*(2^7)-1)" using e f by metis have h: "prime (73727::nat)" by (pratt (code)) have i: "(9::nat)*(2^(2*7-1))-1 = 73727" by simp have j: "prime ((9::nat)*(2^(2*7-1))-1)" using i h by metis have k: "((2^7)*(3*(2^(7-1))-1)*(3*(2^7)-1))Amic((2^7)*(9*(2^(2*7-1))-1))" using Thabit_ibn_Qurra_Rule_Amicable a d g j by (metis mult.commute) have l: "((2::nat)^7)* 191* 383 = 9363584" by simp have m: "(((2::nat)^7)* 73727) = 9437056" by simp show ?thesis using a k l by simp qed text\In fact, the Amicable Pair (220, 284) is Regular and of type (2,1):\ lemma regularAmicPairExample: "regularAmicPair 220 284 \ typeAmic 220 284 = [2, 1]" proof- have a: "220 Amic 284" using Amicable_Example_Pythagoras by simp have b: "gcd (220::nat) (284::nat) = 4" by eval have c: "(220::nat) = 55*4" by simp have d: "(284::nat) = 71*4" by simp have e: "squarefree (55::nat)" using squarefree_def by eval have f: "squarefree (71::nat)" using squarefree_def by eval have g: "gcd (4::nat) (55::nat) =1" by eval have h: "gcd (4::nat) (71::nat) =1" by eval have A: "regularAmicPair 220 284" by (simp add: a b e g f h gcd.commute regularAmicPair_def) have B: "(card {i.\ N. ( 220::nat) = N*(4::nat) \ prime i \ i dvd N \ \ i dvd 4}) = 2" proof- obtain N::nat where N: "(220::nat) = N* 4" by (metis c) have NN:"N=55" using N by simp have K1: "prime(5::nat)" by simp have K2: "prime(11::nat)" by simp have KK2: " \ prime (55::nat)" by simp have KK3: " \ prime (1::nat)" by simp have K: "set(divisors_nat 55 ) = {1, 5, 11, 55}" by eval have KK: "{i. i dvd (55::nat)} = {1, 5, 11, 55}" using K divisors_nat divisors_nat_def by auto have K3 : "\ (5::nat) dvd 4" by simp have K4 : "\ (11::nat) dvd 4" by simp have K55: "(1::nat) \ {i. prime i \ i dvd 55}" using KK3 by simp have K56: "(55::nat) \ {i. prime i \ i dvd 55}" using KK2 by simp have K57: "(5::nat) \ {i. prime i \ i dvd 55}" using K1 by simp have K58: "(11::nat) \ {i. prime i \ i dvd 55}" using K2 by simp have K5: "{i.( prime i \ i dvd (55::nat) \ \ i dvd 4)} = {5, 11}" proof- have K66: "{i.(prime i \ i dvd (55::nat) \ \ i dvd 4)}= {i. prime i} \ {i. i dvd 55} \ { i. \ i dvd 4}" by blast show ?thesis using K66 K K1 K2 KK2 KK3 K3 K4 KK K55 K56 K57 K58 divisors_nat_def divisors_nat by auto (*slow*) qed have K6: "card ({(5::nat), (11::nat)}) = 2" by simp show ?thesis using K5 K6 by simp qed have C: "(card {i. \N. (284::nat) = N*4 \ prime i \ i dvd N \ \ i dvd 4} ) = 1" proof- obtain N::nat where N: "284 = N*4" by (metis d) have NN: "N= 71" using N by simp have K: "set(divisors_nat 71 ) = {1, 71 }" by eval have KK: "{i. i dvd (71::nat)} = {1, 71}" using K divisors_nat divisors_nat_def by auto have K55:"(1::nat) \ {i. prime i \ i dvd 71}" by simp have K58: "(71::nat) \ {i. prime i \ i dvd 71}" by simp have K5: "{i. prime i \ i dvd 71 \ \ i dvd 4} = {(71::nat)}" proof- have K66: "{i. prime i \ i dvd 71 \ \ i dvd 4}= {i. prime i} \ {i. i dvd 71} \ { i. \ i dvd 4}" by blast show ?thesis using K KK K55 K58 by (auto simp add: divisors_nat_def K66 divisors_nat) qed have K6: "card ({(71::nat)}) = 1" by simp show ?thesis using K5 K6 by simp qed show ?thesis using A B C by (simp add: typeAmic_def b) qed lemma abundant220ex: "abundant_number 220" proof- have "220 Amic 284" using Amicable_Example_Pythagoras by simp moreover have "(220::nat) < 284" by simp ultimately show ?thesis using Amicable_pair_abundant Amicable_pair_sym by blast qed lemma deficient284ex: "deficient_number 284" proof- have "220 Amic 284" using Amicable_Example_Pythagoras by simp moreover have "(220::nat) < 284" by simp ultimately show ?thesis using Amicable_pair_deficient Amicable_pair_sym by blast qed section\Te Riele's Rule and Borho's Rule with breeders\ text\With the following rule \cite{garciaetal1} we can get an amicable pair from a known amicable pair under certain conditions.\ theorem teRiele_Rule_Amicable: fixes a u p r c q :: nat assumes "a \ 1" and "u \ 1" and "prime p" and "prime r" and "prime c" and "prime q" and "r \ c" and "\(p dvd a)" and "(a*u) Amic (a*p)" and "gcd a (r*c)=1" and "q = r+c+u" and "gcd (a*u) q =1" and "r*c = p*(r +c+ u) + p+u" shows "(a*u*q) Amic (a*r*c)" proof- have "p+1 >0" using assms by simp have Z1: " r*c = p*q+p+u" using assms by auto have Z2: "(r+1)*(c+1) = (q+1)*(p+1)" proof- have y: "(q+1)*(p+1) = q*p + q+ p+1 " by simp have yy: "(r+1)*(c+1) = r*c + r+ c+1" by simp show ?thesis using assms y Z1 yy by simp qed have "Esigma(a) = (a*(u+p)/(p+1))" proof- have d: "Esigma (a*p) = (Esigma a)*(Esigma p)" using assms gcd_Esigma_mult \prime p\ \\ (p dvd a)\ by (metis gcd_unique_nat prime_nat_iff) have dd : "Esigma (a*p) =(Esigma a)*(p+1)" using d assms prime_sum_div by simp have ddd: "Esigma (a*p) = a*(u+p)" using assms Amicable_pair_def Amicable_pair_equiv_def by (smt One_nat_def add_mult_distrib2 one_le_mult_iff prime_ge_1_nat) show ?thesis using d dd ddd Esigmanotzero assms(3) dvd_triv_right nonzero_mult_div_cancel_right prime_nat_iff prime_sum_div real_of_nat_div by (metis \0 < p + 1\ neq0_conv) qed have "Esigma(r) = (r+1)" using assms prime_sum_div by blast have "Esigma(c) = (c+1)" using assms prime_sum_div by blast have "Esigma (a*r*c) = (Esigma a)*(Esigma r)*(Esigma c)" proof- have h: "Esigma (a*r*c) = (Esigma a)*(Esigma (r*c))" using assms gcd_Esigma_mult by (metis mult.assoc mult.commute) have hh: " Esigma (r*c) = (Esigma r)*(Esigma c)" using assms prime_Esigma_mult by (metis semiring_normalization_rules(7)) show ?thesis using h hh by auto qed have A: "Esigma (a*u*q) = Esigma (a*r*c)" proof- have wk: "Esigma (a*u*q) = Esigma (a*u)*(q+1)" using assms gcd_Esigma_mult by (simp add: prime_sum_div) have wk1: "Esigma (a*u) = a*(u+p)" using assms Amicable_pair_equiv_def by (smt One_nat_def add_mult_distrib2 one_le_mult_iff prime_ge_1_nat) have w3: "Esigma (a*u*q) = a*(u+p)*(q+1)" using wk wk1 by simp have w4: "Esigma (a*r*c) =(Esigma a)*(r+1) * (c+1)" using assms by (simp add: \Esigma (a*r*c) = Esigma a * Esigma r * Esigma c\ \Esigma c = c + 1\ \Esigma r = r+1\) have we: "a*(u+p)*(q+1) = (Esigma a)*(r+1)*(c+1)" proof- have we1: "(Esigma a)*(r+1)*(c+1) = (a*(u+p)/(p+1))*(r+1)*(c+1)" by (metis \real (Esigma a) = real (a*(u+p))/real(p+1)\ of_nat_mult) have we12: " (Esigma a)*(r+1)*(c+1) = (a*(u+p)/(p+1))*(q+1)*(p+1)" using we1 Z2 by (metis of_nat_mult semiring_normalization_rules(18)) show ?thesis using we12 assms by (smt nonzero_mult_div_cancel_right of_nat_1 of_nat_add of_nat_eq_iff of_nat_le_iff of_nat_mult prime_ge_1_nat times_divide_eq_left) qed show ?thesis using we w3 w4 by simp qed have B : "Esigma (a*r*c) = (a*u*q)+(a*r*c)" proof- have a1: "(u+p)*(q+1) = (u*q+p*q+p+u)" using assms add_mult_distrib by auto have a2: "(u+p)*(q+1)*(p+1) = (u*q+p*q+p+u)*(p+1)" using a1 assms by metis have a3: "(u+p)*(r+1)*(c+1) = (u*q+p*q+p+u)*(p+1)" using assms a2 Z2 by (metis semiring_normalization_rules(18)) have a4: "a*(u+p)* (r+1)*(c+1) = a*(u*q+ p*q+p+u)*(p+1)" using assms a3 by (metis semiring_normalization_rules(18)) have a5: "a*(u+p)*(r+1)*(c+1) = a*(u*q+r*c)*(p+1)" using assms a4 Z1 by (simp add: semiring_normalization_rules(21)) have a6: "(a*(u+p)*(r+1)*(c+1))/(p+1) =(a*(u*q+ r*c)* (p+1))/(p+1)" using assms a5 semiring_normalization_rules(21) \p+1 >0\ by auto have a7: "(a*(u+p)*(r+1)*(c+1))/(p+1) =(a*(u*q+ r*c))" using assms a6 \p+1 >0\ by (metis neq0_conv nonzero_mult_div_cancel_right of_nat_eq_0_iff of_nat_mult) have a8:"(a*(u+p)/(p+1))*(r+1)*(c+1) = a*(u*q+r*c)" using assms a7 \p+1 >0\ by (metis of_nat_mult times_divide_eq_left) have a9: "(Esigma a)* Esigma(r)* Esigma(c) = a*(u*q+ r*c)" using a8 assms \ Esigma(r) = (r+1)\ \ Esigma(c) = (c+1)\ by (metis \real (Esigma a) = real (a*(u + p))/real(p + 1)\ of_nat_eq_iff of_nat_mult) have a10: " Esigma(a*r*c) = a*(u*q+ r*c)" using a9 assms \Esigma (a*r*c) = (Esigma a)*(Esigma r)*(Esigma c)\ by simp show ?thesis using a10 assms by (simp add: add_mult_distrib2 mult.assoc) qed show ?thesis using A B Amicable_pair_equiv_def_conv assms One_nat_def one_le_mult_iff by (smt prime_ge_1_nat) qed text \By replacing the assumption that \(a*u) Amic (a*p)\ in the above rule by te Riele with the assumption that \(a*u) breeder u\, we obtain Borho's Rule with breeders \cite{garciaetal1}.\ theorem Borho_Rule_breeders_Amicable: fixes a u r c q x :: nat assumes "x \ 1" and "a \ 1" and "u \ 1" and "prime r" and "prime c" and "prime q" and "r \ c" and "Esigma (a*u) = a*u + a*x" "Esigma (a*u) = (Esigma a)*(x+1)" and "gcd a (r * c) =1" and "gcd (a*u) q = 1" and "r * c = x+u + x*u +r*x +x*c" and "q = r+c+u" shows "(a*u*q) Amic (a*r*c)" proof- have a: "Esigma(a*u*q) = Esigma(a*u)*Esigma(q)" using assms gcd_Esigma_mult by simp have a1: "Esigma(a*r*c) = (Esigma a)*Esigma(r*c)" using assms gcd_Esigma_mult by (metis mult.assoc mult.commute) have a2: "Esigma(a*r*c) = (Esigma a)*(r+1)*(c+1)" using a1 assms by (metis mult.commute mult.left_commute prime_Esigma_mult prime_sum_div) have A: "Esigma (a*u*q) = Esigma(a*r*c)" proof- have d: "Esigma(a)*(r+1)*(c+1) = Esigma(a*u)*(q+1)" proof- have d1: "(r+1)*(c+1) =(x+1)*(q+1)" proof- have ce: "(r+1)*(c+1) = r*c+r+c+1" by simp have ce1: "(r+1)*(c+1) = x+u+x*u+r*x+x*c+r+c+1" using ce assms by simp have de: "(x+1)*(q+1) = x*q +1+x+q" by simp have de1: "(x+1)*(q+1) = x*(r+c+u)+1+x+ r+c+u" using assms de by simp show ?thesis using de1 ce1 add_mult_distrib2 by auto qed show ?thesis using d1 assms by (metis semiring_normalization_rules(18)) qed show ?thesis using d a2 by (simp add: a assms(6) prime_sum_div) qed have B: "Esigma (a*u*q) = a*u*q + a*r*c" proof- have i: "Esigma (a*u*q) = Esigma(a*u)*(q+1)" using a assms by (simp add: prime_sum_div) have ii:"Esigma (a*u*q) = (a*u+ a*x)*(q+1)" using assms i by auto have iii:"Esigma (a*u*q) = a*u*q +a*u+ a*x*q+ a*x" using assms ii add_mult_distrib by simp show ?thesis using iii assms by (smt distrib_left semiring_normalization_rules) qed show ?thesis using A B assms Amicable_pair_equiv_def_conv assms One_nat_def one_le_mult_iff by (smt prime_ge_1_nat) qed no_notation divisor (infixr "divisor" 80) section\Acknowledgements\ text \The author was supported by the ERC Advanced Grant ALEXANDRIA (Project 742178) funded by the European Research Council and led by Professor Lawrence Paulson at the University of Cambridge, UK. Many thanks to Lawrence Paulson for his help and suggestions. Number divisors were initially looked up on \<^url>\https://onlinemathtools.com/find-all-divisors\.\ end