/- Copyright (c) 2022 Eric Wieser. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Eric Wieser -/ import algebra.star.basic import algebra.ring.prod import algebra.module.prod /-! # `star` on product types We put a `has_star` structure on product types that operates elementwise. -/ universes u v w variables {R : Type u} {S : Type v} namespace prod instance [has_star R] [has_star S] : has_star (R × S) := { star := λ x, (star x.1, star x.2) } @[simp] lemma fst_star [has_star R] [has_star S] (x : R × S) : (star x).1 = star x.1 := rfl @[simp] lemma snd_star [has_star R] [has_star S] (x : R × S) : (star x).2 = star x.2 := rfl lemma star_def [has_star R] [has_star S] (x : R × S) : star x = (star x.1, star x.2) := rfl instance [has_involutive_star R] [has_involutive_star S] : has_involutive_star (R × S) := { star_involutive := λ _, prod.ext (star_star _) (star_star _) } instance [semigroup R] [semigroup S] [star_semigroup R] [star_semigroup S] : star_semigroup (R × S) := { star_mul := λ _ _, prod.ext (star_mul _ _) (star_mul _ _) } instance [add_monoid R] [add_monoid S] [star_add_monoid R] [star_add_monoid S] : star_add_monoid (R × S) := { star_add := λ _ _, prod.ext (star_add _ _) (star_add _ _) } instance [non_unital_semiring R] [non_unital_semiring S] [star_ring R] [star_ring S] : star_ring (R × S) := { ..prod.star_add_monoid, ..(prod.star_semigroup : star_semigroup (R × S)) } instance {α : Type w} [has_smul α R] [has_smul α S] [has_star α] [has_star R] [has_star S] [star_module α R] [star_module α S] : star_module α (R × S) := { star_smul := λ r x, prod.ext (star_smul _ _) (star_smul _ _) } end prod @[simp] lemma units.embed_product_star [monoid R] [star_semigroup R] (u : Rˣ) : units.embed_product R (star u) = star (units.embed_product R u) := rfl