(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2022 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *) From mathcomp Require choice. (* Missing coercion (done before Import to avoid redeclaration error, thanks to KS for the trick) *) (* MathComp 1.15 addition *) Coercion choice.Choice.mixin : choice.Choice.class_of >-> choice.Choice.mixin_of. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect finmap ssralg ssrnum ssrint rat. From mathcomp Require Import finset interval. (***************************) (* MathComp 1.15 additions *) (***************************) (******************************************************************************) (* This files contains lemmas and definitions missing from MathComp. *) (* *) (* oflit f := Some \of *) (* pred_omap T D := [pred x | oapp (mem D) false x] *) (* \- f := fun x => - f x *) (* f \* g := fun x => f x * g x *) (* f \max g := fun x => Num.max (f x) (g x) *) (* lteBSide, bnd_simp == multirule to simplify inequalities between *) (* interval bounds *) (* miditv i == middle point of interval i *) (* *) (******************************************************************************) Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Reserved Notation "f \* g" (at level 40, left associativity). Reserved Notation "f \- g" (at level 50, left associativity). Reserved Notation "\- f" (at level 35, f at level 35). Reserved Notation "f \max g" (at level 50, left associativity). Lemma all_sig2_cond {I : Type} {T : Type} (D : pred I) (P Q : I -> T -> Prop) : T -> (forall x : I, D x -> {y : T | P x y & Q x y}) -> {f : forall x : I, T | forall x : I, D x -> P x (f x) & forall x : I, D x -> Q x (f x)}. Proof. by move=> /all_sig_cond/[apply]-[f Pf]; exists f => i Di; have [] := Pf i Di. Qed. Lemma enum_ord0 : enum 'I_0 = [::]. Proof. by apply/eqP; rewrite -size_eq0 size_enum_ord. Qed. Lemma enum_ordSr n : enum 'I_n.+1 = rcons (map (widen_ord (leqnSn _)) (enum 'I_n)) ord_max. Proof. apply: (inj_map val_inj); rewrite val_enum_ord. rewrite -[in iota _ _]addn1 iotaD/= cats1 map_rcons; congr (rcons _ _). by rewrite -map_comp/= (@eq_map _ _ _ val) ?val_enum_ord. Qed. Definition olift aT rT (f : aT -> rT) := Some \o f. Lemma obindEapp {aT rT} (f : aT -> option rT) : obind f = oapp f None. Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma omapEbind {aT rT} (f : aT -> rT) : omap f = obind (olift f). Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma omapEapp {aT rT} (f : aT -> rT) : omap f = oapp (olift f) None. Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma oappEmap {aT rT} (f : aT -> rT) (y0 : rT) x : oapp f y0 x = odflt y0 (omap f x). Proof. by case: x. Qed. Lemma omap_comp aT rT sT (f : aT -> rT) (g : rT -> sT) : omap (g \o f) =1 omap g \o omap f. Proof. by case. Qed. Lemma oapp_comp aT rT sT (f : aT -> rT) (g : rT -> sT) x : oapp (g \o f) x =1 (@oapp _ _)^~ x g \o omap f. Proof. by case. Qed. Lemma oapp_comp_f {aT rT sT} (f : aT -> rT) (g : rT -> sT) (x : rT) : oapp (g \o f) (g x) =1 g \o oapp f x. Proof. by case. Qed. Lemma olift_comp aT rT sT (f : aT -> rT) (g : rT -> sT) : olift (g \o f) = olift g \o f. Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma compA {A B C D : Type} (f : B -> A) (g : C -> B) (h : D -> C) : f \o (g \o h) = (f \o g) \o h. Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma can_in_pcan [rT aT : Type] (A : {pred aT}) [f : aT -> rT] [g : rT -> aT] : {in A, cancel f g} -> {in A, pcancel f (fun y : rT => Some (g y))}. Proof. by move=> fK x Ax; rewrite fK. Qed. Lemma pcan_in_inj [rT aT : Type] [A : {pred aT}] [f : aT -> rT] [g : rT -> option aT] : {in A, pcancel f g} -> {in A &, injective f}. Proof. by move=> fK x y Ax Ay /(congr1 g); rewrite !fK// => -[]. Qed. Lemma can_in_comp [A B C : Type] (D : {pred B}) (D' : {pred C}) [f : B -> A] [h : C -> B] [f' : A -> B] [h' : B -> C] : {homo h : x / x \in D' >-> x \in D} -> {in D, cancel f f'} -> {in D', cancel h h'} -> {in D', cancel (f \o h) (h' \o f')}. Proof. by move=> hD fK hK c cD /=; rewrite fK ?hK ?hD. Qed. Lemma in_inj_comp A B C (f : B -> A) (h : C -> B) (P : pred B) (Q : pred C) : {in P &, injective f} -> {in Q &, injective h} -> {homo h : x / Q x >-> P x} -> {in Q &, injective (f \o h)}. Proof. by move=> Pf Qh QP x y xQ yQ xy; apply Qh => //; apply Pf => //; apply QP. Qed. Lemma pcan_in_comp [A B C : Type] (D : {pred B}) (D' : {pred C}) [f : B -> A] [h : C -> B] [f' : A -> option B] [h' : B -> option C] : {homo h : x / x \in D' >-> x \in D} -> {in D, pcancel f f'} -> {in D', pcancel h h'} -> {in D', pcancel (f \o h) (obind h' \o f')}. Proof. by move=> hD fK hK c cD /=; rewrite fK/= ?hK ?hD. Qed. Lemma ocan_comp [A B C : Type] [f : B -> option A] [h : C -> option B] [f' : A -> B] [h' : B -> C] : ocancel f f' -> ocancel h h' -> ocancel (obind f \o h) (h' \o f'). Proof. move=> fK hK c /=; rewrite -[RHS]hK/=; case hcE : (h c) => [b|]//=. by rewrite -[b in RHS]fK; case: (f b) => //=; have := hK c; rewrite hcE. Qed. Definition pred_oapp T (D : {pred T}) : pred (option T) := [pred x | oapp (mem D) false x]. Lemma ocan_in_comp [A B C : Type] (D : {pred B}) (D' : {pred C}) [f : B -> option A] [h : C -> option B] [f' : A -> B] [h' : B -> C] : {homo h : x / x \in D' >-> x \in pred_oapp D} -> {in D, ocancel f f'} -> {in D', ocancel h h'} -> {in D', ocancel (obind f \o h) (h' \o f')}. Proof. move=> hD fK hK c cD /=; rewrite -[RHS]hK/=; case hcE : (h c) => [b|]//=. have bD : b \in D by have := hD _ cD; rewrite hcE inE. by rewrite -[b in RHS]fK; case: (f b) => //=; have /hK := cD; rewrite hcE. Qed. Lemma eqbLR (b1 b2 : bool) : b1 = b2 -> b1 -> b2. Proof. by move->. Qed. Lemma eqbRL (b1 b2 : bool) : b1 = b2 -> b2 -> b1. Proof. by move->. Qed. (***************************) (* MathComp 1.15 additions *) (***************************) Definition opp_fun T (R : zmodType) (f : T -> R) x := (- f x)%R. Notation "\- f" := (opp_fun f) : ring_scope. Arguments opp_fun {T R} _ _ /. Definition mul_fun T (R : ringType) (f g : T -> R) x := (f x * g x)%R. Notation "f \* g" := (mul_fun f g) : ring_scope. Arguments mul_fun {T R} _ _ _ /. Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory. Definition max_fun T (R : numDomainType) (f g : T -> R) x := Num.max (f x) (g x). Notation "f \max g" := (max_fun f g) : ring_scope. Arguments max_fun {T R} _ _ _ /. Lemma gtr_opp (R : numDomainType) (r : R) : (0 < r)%R -> (- r < r)%R. Proof. by move=> n0; rewrite -subr_lt0 -opprD oppr_lt0 addr_gt0. Qed. Lemma le_le_trans {disp : unit} {T : porderType disp} (x y z t : T) : (z <= x)%O -> (y <= t)%O -> (x <= y)%O -> (z <= t)%O. Proof. by move=> + /(le_trans _)/[apply]; apply: le_trans. Qed. Notation eqLHS := (X in (X == _))%pattern. Notation eqRHS := (X in (_ == X))%pattern. Notation leLHS := (X in (X <= _)%O)%pattern. Notation leRHS := (X in (_ <= X)%O)%pattern. Notation ltLHS := (X in (X < _)%O)%pattern. Notation ltRHS := (X in (_ < X)%O)%pattern. Inductive boxed T := Box of T. Lemma eq_bigl_supp [R : eqType] [idx : R] [op : Monoid.law idx] [I : Type] [r : seq I] [P1 : pred I] (P2 : pred I) (F : I -> R) : {in [pred x | F x != idx], P1 =1 P2} -> \big[op/idx]_(i <- r | P1 i) F i = \big[op/idx]_(i <- r | P2 i) F i. Proof. move=> P12; rewrite big_mkcond [RHS]big_mkcond; apply: eq_bigr => i _. by case: (eqVneq (F i) idx) => [->|/P12->]; rewrite ?if_same. Qed. Lemma perm_big_supp_cond [R : eqType] [idx : R] [op : Monoid.com_law idx] [I : eqType] [r s : seq I] [P : pred I] (F : I -> R) : perm_eq [seq i <- r | P i && (F i != idx)] [seq i <- s | P i && (F i != idx)] -> \big[op/idx]_(i <- r | P i) F i = \big[op/idx]_(i <- s| P i) F i. Proof. move=> prs; rewrite !(bigID [pred i | F i == idx] P F)/=. rewrite big1 ?Monoid.mul1m; last by move=> i /andP[_ /eqP->]. rewrite [in RHS]big1 ?Monoid.mul1m; last by move=> i /andP[_ /eqP->]. by rewrite -[in LHS]big_filter -[in RHS]big_filter; apply perm_big. Qed. Lemma perm_big_supp [R : eqType] [idx : R] [op : Monoid.com_law idx] [I : eqType] [r s : seq I] [P : pred I] (F : I -> R) : perm_eq [seq i <- r | (F i != idx)] [seq i <- s | (F i != idx)] -> \big[op/idx]_(i <- r | P i) F i = \big[op/idx]_(i <- s| P i) F i. Proof. by move=> ?; apply: perm_big_supp_cond; rewrite !filter_predI perm_filter. Qed. Local Open Scope order_scope. Local Open Scope ring_scope. Import GRing.Theory Order.TTheory. Lemma mulr_ge0_gt0 (R : numDomainType) (x y : R) : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> (0 < x * y) = (0 < x) && (0 < y). Proof. rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|x0]; first by rewrite mul0r ltxx. rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|y0]; first by rewrite mulr0 ltxx andbC. by apply/idP/andP=> [|_]; rewrite pmulr_rgt0. Qed. Section lt_le_gt_ge. Variable (R : numFieldType). Implicit Types x y z a b : R. Lemma splitr x : x = x / 2%:R + x / 2%:R. Proof. by rewrite -mulr2n -mulr_natr mulfVK //= pnatr_eq0. Qed. Lemma ler_addgt0Pr x y : reflect (forall e, e > 0 -> x <= y + e) (x <= y). Proof. apply/(iffP idP)=> [lexy e e_gt0 | lexye]; first by rewrite ler_paddr// ltW. have [||ltyx]// := comparable_leP. rewrite (@comparabler_trans _ (y + 1))// /Order.comparable ?lexye ?ltr01//. by rewrite ler_addl ler01 orbT. have /midf_lt [_] := ltyx; rewrite le_gtF//. rewrite -(@addrK _ y y) addrAC -addrA 2!mulrDl -splitr lexye//. by rewrite divr_gt0// ?ltr0n// subr_gt0. Qed. Lemma ler_addgt0Pl x y : reflect (forall e, e > 0 -> x <= e + y) (x <= y). Proof. by apply/(equivP (ler_addgt0Pr x y)); split=> lexy e /lexy; rewrite addrC. Qed. Lemma in_segment_addgt0Pr x y z : reflect (forall e, e > 0 -> y \in `[x - e, z + e]) (y \in `[x, z]). Proof. apply/(iffP idP)=> [xyz e /[dup] e_gt0 /ltW e_ge0 | xyz_e]. by rewrite in_itv /= ler_subl_addr !ler_paddr// (itvP xyz). by rewrite in_itv /= ; apply/andP; split; apply/ler_addgt0Pr => ? /xyz_e; rewrite in_itv /= ler_subl_addr => /andP []. Qed. Lemma in_segment_addgt0Pl x y z : reflect (forall e, e > 0 -> y \in `[(- e + x), (e + z)]) (y \in `[x, z]). Proof. apply/(equivP (in_segment_addgt0Pr x y z)). by split=> zxy e /zxy; rewrite [z + _]addrC [_ + x]addrC. Qed. Lemma lt_le a b : (forall x, x < a -> x < b) -> a <= b. Proof. move=> ab; apply/ler_addgt0Pr => e e_gt0; rewrite -ler_subl_addr ltW//. by rewrite ab // ltr_subl_addr -ltr_subl_addl subrr. Qed. Lemma gt_ge a b : (forall x, b < x -> a < x) -> a <= b. Proof. move=> ab; apply/ler_addgt0Pr => e e_gt0. by rewrite ltW// ab// -ltr_subl_addl subrr. Qed. End lt_le_gt_ge. Coercion pair_of_interval T (I : interval T) : itv_bound T * itv_bound T := let: Interval b1 b2 := I in (b1, b2). Section itv_simp. Variables (d : unit) (T : porderType d). Implicit Types (x y : T) (b : bool). Lemma ltBSide x y b b' : ((BSide b x < BSide b' y) = (x < y ?<= if b && ~~ b'))%O. Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma leBSide x y b b' : ((BSide b x <= BSide b' y) = (x < y ?<= if b' ==> b))%O. Proof. by []. Qed. Definition lteBSide := (ltBSide, leBSide). Let BLeft_ltE x y b : (BSide b x < BLeft y)%O = (x < y)%O. Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BRight_leE x y b : (BSide b x <= BRight y)%O = (x <= y)%O. Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BRight_BLeft_leE x y : (BRight x <= BLeft y)%O = (x < y)%O. Proof. by []. Qed. Let BLeft_BRight_ltE x y : (BLeft x < BRight y)%O = (x <= y)%O. Proof. by []. Qed. Let BRight_BSide_ltE x y b : (BRight x < BSide b y)%O = (x < y)%O. Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BLeft_BSide_leE x y b : (BLeft x <= BSide b y)%O = (x <= y)%O. Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BSide_ltE x y b : (BSide b x < BSide b y)%O = (x < y)%O. Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BSide_leE x y b : (BSide b x <= BSide b y)%O = (x <= y)%O. Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BInfty_leE a : (a <= BInfty T false)%O. Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_geE a : (BInfty T true <= a)%O. Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_le_eqE a : (BInfty T false <= a)%O = (a == BInfty T false). Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_ge_eqE a : (a <= BInfty T true)%O = (a == BInfty T true). Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_ltE a : (a < BInfty T false)%O = (a != BInfty T false). Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_gtE a : (BInfty T true < a)%O = (a != BInfty T true). Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_ltF a : (BInfty T false < a)%O = false. Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_gtF a : (a < BInfty T true)%O = false. Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_BInfty_ltE : (BInfty T true < BInfty T false)%O. Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma ltBRight_leBLeft (a : itv_bound T) (r : T) : (a < BRight r)%O = (a <= BLeft r)%O. Proof. by move: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Lemma leBRight_ltBLeft (a : itv_bound T) (r : T) : (BRight r <= a)%O = (BLeft r < a)%O. Proof. by move: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Definition bnd_simp := (BLeft_ltE, BRight_leE, BRight_BLeft_leE, BLeft_BRight_ltE, BRight_BSide_ltE, BLeft_BSide_leE, BSide_ltE, BSide_leE, BInfty_leE, BInfty_geE, BInfty_BInfty_ltE, BInfty_le_eqE, BInfty_ge_eqE, BInfty_ltE, BInfty_gtE, BInfty_ltF, BInfty_gtF, @lexx _ T, @ltxx _ T, @eqxx T). Lemma itv_splitU1 (a : itv_bound T) (x : T) : (a <= BLeft x)%O -> Interval a (BRight x) =i [predU1 x & Interval a (BLeft x)]. Proof. move=> ax z; rewrite !inE/= !subitvE ?bnd_simp//= lt_neqAle. by case: (eqVneq z x) => [->|]//=; rewrite lexx ax. Qed. Lemma itv_split1U (a : itv_bound T) (x : T) : (BRight x <= a)%O -> Interval (BLeft x) a =i [predU1 x & Interval (BRight x) a]. Proof. move=> ax z; rewrite !inE/= !subitvE ?bnd_simp//= lt_neqAle. by case: (eqVneq z x) => [->|]//=; rewrite lexx ax. Qed. End itv_simp. Definition miditv (R : numDomainType) (i : interval R) : R := match i with | Interval (BSide _ a) (BSide _ b) => (a + b) / 2%:R | Interval -oo%O (BSide _ b) => b - 1 | Interval (BSide _ a) +oo%O => a + 1 | Interval -oo%O +oo%O => 0 | _ => 0 end. Section miditv_lemmas. Variable R : numFieldType. Implicit Types i : interval R. Lemma mem_miditv i : (i.1 < i.2)%O -> miditv i \in i. Proof. move: i => [[ba a|[]] [bb b|[]]] //= ab; first exact: mid_in_itv. by rewrite !in_itv -lteif_subl_addl subrr lteif01. by rewrite !in_itv lteif_subl_addr -lteif_subl_addl subrr lteif01. Qed. Lemma miditv_le_left i b : (i.1 < i.2)%O -> (BSide b (miditv i) <= i.2)%O. Proof. case: i => [x y] lti; have := mem_miditv lti; rewrite inE => /andP[_ ]. by apply: le_trans; rewrite !bnd_simp. Qed. Lemma miditv_ge_right i b : (i.1 < i.2)%O -> (i.1 <= BSide b (miditv i))%O. Proof. case: i => [x y] lti; have := mem_miditv lti; rewrite inE => /andP[+ _]. by move=> /le_trans; apply; rewrite !bnd_simp. Qed. End miditv_lemmas. Section itv_porderType. Variables (d : unit) (T : orderType d). Implicit Types (a : itv_bound T) (x y : T) (i j : interval T) (b : bool). Lemma predC_itvl a : [predC Interval -oo%O a] =i Interval a +oo%O. Proof. case: a => [b x|[]//] y. by rewrite !inE !subitvE/= bnd_simp andbT !lteBSide/= lteifNE negbK. Qed. Lemma predC_itvr a : [predC Interval a +oo%O] =i Interval -oo%O a. Proof. by move=> y; rewrite inE/= -predC_itvl negbK. Qed. Lemma predC_itv i : [predC i] =i [predU Interval -oo%O i.1 & Interval i.2 +oo%O]. Proof. case: i => [a a']; move=> x; rewrite inE/= itv_splitI negb_and. by symmetry; rewrite inE/= -predC_itvl -predC_itvr. Qed. End itv_porderType. (**********************************) (* End of MathComp 1.15 additions *) (**********************************) (* To be backported to finmap *) Lemma fset_nat_maximum (X : choiceType) (A : {fset X}) (f : X -> nat) : A != fset0 -> (exists i, i \in A /\ forall j, j \in A -> f j <= f i)%nat. Proof. move=> /fset0Pn[x Ax]. have [/= y _ /(_ _ isT) mf] := @arg_maxnP _ [` Ax]%fset xpredT (f \o val) isT. exists (val y); split; first exact: valP. by move=> z Az; have := mf [` Az]%fset. Qed. Lemma image_nat_maximum n (f : nat -> nat) : (exists i, i <= n /\ forall j, j <= n -> f j <= f i)%N. Proof. have [i _ /(_ _ isT) mf] := @arg_maxnP _ (@ord0 n) xpredT f isT. by exists i; split; rewrite ?leq_ord// => j jn; have := mf (@Ordinal n.+1 j jn). Qed. Lemma card_fset_sum1 (T : choiceType) (A : {fset T}) : #|` A| = (\sum_(i <- A) 1)%N. Proof. by rewrite big_seq_fsetE/= sum1_card cardfE. Qed. Arguments big_rmcond {R idx op I r} P. Arguments big_rmcond_in {R idx op I r} P.