(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) (* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq choice. From mathcomp Require Import div fintype bigop order ssralg finset fingroup. From mathcomp Require Import ssrnum. (******************************************************************************) (* This file provide support for intervals in ordered types. The datatype *) (* (interval T) gives a formal characterization of an interval, as the pair *) (* of its right and left bounds. *) (* interval T == the type of formal intervals on T. *) (* x \in i == when i is a formal interval on an ordered type, *) (* \in can be used to test membership. *) (* itvP x_in_i == where x_in_i has type x \in i, if i is ground, *) (* gives a set of rewrite rules that x_in_i imply. *) (* lteBSide, bnd_simp == multirules to simplify inequalities between interval *) (* bounds *) (* miditv i == middle point of interval i *) (* *) (* Intervals of T form an partially ordered type (porderType) whose ordering *) (* is the subset relation. If T is a lattice, intervals also form a lattice *) (* (latticeType) whose meet and join are intersection and convex hull *) (* respectively. They are distributive if T is an orderType. *) (* *) (* We provide a set of notations to write intervals (see below) *) (* `[a, b], `]a, b], ..., `]-oo, a], ..., `]-oo, +oo[ *) (* The substrings "oo", "oc", "co", "cc" in the names of lemmas respectively *) (* stand for the intervals of the shape `]a, b[, `]a, b], `[a, b[, `[a, b]. *) (* The substrings "pinfty" and "ninfty" in the names of lemmas stand for *) (* +oo and -oo. *) (* We also provide the lemma subitvP which computes the inequalities one *) (* needs to prove when trying to prove the inclusion of intervals. *) (* *) (* Remark that we cannot implement a boolean comparison test for intervals on *) (* an arbitrary ordered types, for this problem might be undecidable. Note *) (* also that type (interval R) may contain several inhabitants coding for the *) (* same interval. However, this pathological issues do nor arise when R is a *) (* real domain: we could provide a specific theory for this important case. *) (* *) (* See also ``Formal proofs in real algebraic geometry: from ordered fields *) (* to quantifier elimination'', LMCS journal, 2012 *) (* by Cyril Cohen and Assia Mahboubi *) (* *) (* And "Formalized algebraic numbers: construction and first-order theory" *) (* Cyril Cohen, PhD, 2012, section 4.3. *) (******************************************************************************) Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Local Open Scope order_scope. Import Order.TTheory. Variant itv_bound (T : Type) : Type := BSide of bool & T | BInfty of bool. Notation BLeft := (BSide true). Notation BRight := (BSide false). Notation "'-oo'" := (BInfty _ true) (at level 0) : order_scope. Notation "'+oo'" := (BInfty _ false) (at level 0) : order_scope. Variant interval (T : Type) := Interval of itv_bound T & itv_bound T. Coercion pair_of_interval T (I : interval T) : itv_bound T * itv_bound T := let: Interval b1 b2 := I in (b1, b2). (* We provide the 9 following notations to help writing formal intervals *) Notation "`[ a , b ]" := (Interval (BLeft a) (BRight b)) (at level 0, a, b at level 9 , format "`[ a , b ]") : order_scope. Notation "`] a , b ]" := (Interval (BRight a) (BRight b)) (at level 0, a, b at level 9 , format "`] a , b ]") : order_scope. Notation "`[ a , b [" := (Interval (BLeft a) (BLeft b)) (at level 0, a, b at level 9 , format "`[ a , b [") : order_scope. Notation "`] a , b [" := (Interval (BRight a) (BLeft b)) (at level 0, a, b at level 9 , format "`] a , b [") : order_scope. Notation "`] '-oo' , b ]" := (Interval -oo (BRight b)) (at level 0, b at level 9 , format "`] '-oo' , b ]") : order_scope. Notation "`] '-oo' , b [" := (Interval -oo (BLeft b)) (at level 0, b at level 9 , format "`] '-oo' , b [") : order_scope. Notation "`[ a , '+oo' [" := (Interval (BLeft a) +oo) (at level 0, a at level 9 , format "`[ a , '+oo' [") : order_scope. Notation "`] a , '+oo' [" := (Interval (BRight a) +oo) (at level 0, a at level 9 , format "`] a , '+oo' [") : order_scope. Notation "`] -oo , '+oo' [" := (Interval -oo +oo) (at level 0, format "`] -oo , '+oo' [") : order_scope. Notation "`[ a , b ]" := (Interval (BLeft a) (BRight b)) (at level 0, a, b at level 9 , format "`[ a , b ]") : ring_scope. Notation "`] a , b ]" := (Interval (BRight a) (BRight b)) (at level 0, a, b at level 9 , format "`] a , b ]") : ring_scope. Notation "`[ a , b [" := (Interval (BLeft a) (BLeft b)) (at level 0, a, b at level 9 , format "`[ a , b [") : ring_scope. Notation "`] a , b [" := (Interval (BRight a) (BLeft b)) (at level 0, a, b at level 9 , format "`] a , b [") : ring_scope. Notation "`] '-oo' , b ]" := (Interval -oo (BRight b)) (at level 0, b at level 9 , format "`] '-oo' , b ]") : ring_scope. Notation "`] '-oo' , b [" := (Interval -oo (BLeft b)) (at level 0, b at level 9 , format "`] '-oo' , b [") : ring_scope. Notation "`[ a , '+oo' [" := (Interval (BLeft a) +oo) (at level 0, a at level 9 , format "`[ a , '+oo' [") : ring_scope. Notation "`] a , '+oo' [" := (Interval (BRight a) +oo) (at level 0, a at level 9 , format "`] a , '+oo' [") : ring_scope. Notation "`] -oo , '+oo' [" := (Interval -oo +oo) (at level 0, format "`] -oo , '+oo' [") : ring_scope. Fact itv_bound_display (disp : unit) : unit. Proof. exact. Qed. Fact interval_display (disp : unit) : unit. Proof. exact. Qed. Section IntervalEq. Variable T : eqType. Definition eq_itv_bound (b1 b2 : itv_bound T) : bool := match b1, b2 with | BSide a x, BSide b y => (a == b) && (x == y) | BInfty a, BInfty b => a == b | _, _ => false end. Lemma eq_itv_boundP : Equality.axiom eq_itv_bound. Proof. move=> b1 b2; apply: (iffP idP). - by move: b1 b2 => [a x|a][b y|b] => //= [/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]|/eqP ->]. - by move=> <-; case: b1 => //= a x; rewrite !eqxx. Qed. Canonical itv_bound_eqMixin := EqMixin eq_itv_boundP. Canonical itv_bound_eqType := EqType (itv_bound T) itv_bound_eqMixin. Definition eqitv (x y : interval T) : bool := let: Interval x x' := x in let: Interval y y' := y in (x == y) && (x' == y'). Lemma eqitvP : Equality.axiom eqitv. Proof. move=> x y; apply: (iffP idP). - by move: x y => [x x'][y y'] => //= /andP [] /eqP -> /eqP ->. - by move=> <-; case: x => /= x x'; rewrite !eqxx. Qed. Canonical interval_eqMixin := EqMixin eqitvP. Canonical interval_eqType := EqType (interval T) interval_eqMixin. End IntervalEq. Module IntervalChoice. Section IntervalChoice. Variable T : choiceType. Lemma itv_bound_can : cancel (fun b : itv_bound T => match b with BSide b x => (b, Some x) | BInfty b => (b, None) end) (fun b => match b with (b, Some x) => BSide b x | (b, None) => BInfty _ b end). Proof. by case. Qed. Lemma interval_can : @cancel _ (interval T) (fun '(Interval b1 b2) => (b1, b2)) (fun '(b1, b2) => Interval b1 b2). Proof. by case. Qed. End IntervalChoice. Module Exports. Canonical itv_bound_choiceType (T : choiceType) := ChoiceType (itv_bound T) (CanChoiceMixin (@itv_bound_can T)). Canonical interval_choiceType (T : choiceType) := ChoiceType (interval T) (CanChoiceMixin (@interval_can T)). Canonical itv_bound_countType (T : countType) := CountType (itv_bound T) (CanCountMixin (@itv_bound_can T)). Canonical interval_countType (T : countType) := CountType (interval T) (CanCountMixin (@interval_can T)). Canonical itv_bound_finType (T : finType) := FinType (itv_bound T) (CanFinMixin (@itv_bound_can T)). Canonical interval_finType (T : finType) := FinType (interval T) (CanFinMixin (@interval_can T)). End Exports. End IntervalChoice. Export IntervalChoice.Exports. Section IntervalPOrder. Variable (disp : unit) (T : porderType disp). Implicit Types (x y z : T) (b bl br : itv_bound T) (i : interval T). Definition le_bound b1 b2 := match b1, b2 with | -oo, _ | _, +oo => true | BSide b1 x1, BSide b2 x2 => x1 < x2 ?<= if b2 ==> b1 | _, _ => false end. Definition lt_bound b1 b2 := match b1, b2 with | -oo, +oo | -oo, BSide _ _ | BSide _ _, +oo => true | BSide b1 x1, BSide b2 x2 => x1 < x2 ?<= if b1 && ~~ b2 | _, _ => false end. Lemma lt_bound_def b1 b2 : lt_bound b1 b2 = (b2 != b1) && le_bound b1 b2. Proof. by case: b1 b2 => [[]?|[]][[]?|[]] //=; rewrite lt_def. Qed. Lemma le_bound_refl : reflexive le_bound. Proof. by move=> [[]?|[]] /=. Qed. Lemma le_bound_anti : antisymmetric le_bound. Proof. by case=> [[]?|[]] [[]?|[]] //=; case: comparableP => // ->. Qed. Lemma le_bound_trans : transitive le_bound. Proof. by case=> [[]?|[]] [[]?|[]] [[]?|[]] lexy leyz //; apply: (lteif_imply _ (lteif_trans lexy leyz)). Qed. Definition itv_bound_porderMixin := LePOrderMixin lt_bound_def le_bound_refl le_bound_anti le_bound_trans. Canonical itv_bound_porderType := POrderType (itv_bound_display disp) (itv_bound T) itv_bound_porderMixin. Lemma bound_lexx c1 c2 x : (BSide c1 x <= BSide c2 x) = (c2 ==> c1). Proof. by rewrite /<=%O /= lteifxx. Qed. Lemma bound_ltxx c1 c2 x : (BSide c1 x < BSide c2 x) = (c1 && ~~ c2). Proof. by rewrite /<%O /= lteifxx. Qed. Lemma ge_pinfty b : (+oo <= b) = (b == +oo). Proof. by move: b => [|[]]. Qed. Lemma le_ninfty b : (b <= -oo) = (b == -oo). Proof. by case: b => // - []. Qed. Lemma gt_pinfty b : (+oo < b) = false. Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma lt_ninfty b : (b < -oo) = false. Proof. by case: b => // -[]. Qed. Lemma ltBSide x y (b b' : bool) : BSide b x < BSide b' y = (x < y ?<= if b && ~~ b'). Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma leBSide x y (b b' : bool) : BSide b x <= BSide b' y = (x < y ?<= if b' ==> b). Proof. by []. Qed. Definition lteBSide := (ltBSide, leBSide). Lemma ltBRight_leBLeft b x : b < BRight x = (b <= BLeft x). Proof. by move: b => [[] b|[]]. Qed. Lemma leBRight_ltBLeft b x : BRight x <= b = (BLeft x < b). Proof. by move: b => [[] b|[]]. Qed. Let BLeft_ltE x y (b : bool) : BSide b x < BLeft y = (x < y). Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BRight_leE x y (b : bool) : BSide b x <= BRight y = (x <= y). Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BRight_BLeft_leE x y : BRight x <= BLeft y = (x < y). Proof. by []. Qed. Let BLeft_BRight_ltE x y : BLeft x < BRight y = (x <= y). Proof. by []. Qed. Let BRight_BSide_ltE x y (b : bool) : BRight x < BSide b y = (x < y). Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BLeft_BSide_leE x y (b : bool) : BLeft x <= BSide b y = (x <= y). Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BSide_ltE x y (b : bool) : BSide b x < BSide b y = (x < y). Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BSide_leE x y (b : bool) : BSide b x <= BSide b y = (x <= y). Proof. by case: b. Qed. Let BInfty_leE a : a <= BInfty T false. Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_geE a : BInfty T true <= a. Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_le_eqE a : BInfty T false <= a = (a == BInfty T false). Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_ge_eqE a : a <= BInfty T true = (a == BInfty T true). Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_ltE a : a < BInfty T false = (a != BInfty T false). Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_gtE a : BInfty T true < a = (a != BInfty T true). Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_ltF a : BInfty T false < a = false. Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_gtF a : a < BInfty T true = false. Proof. by case: a => [[] a|[]]. Qed. Let BInfty_BInfty_ltE : BInfty T true < BInfty T false. Proof. by []. Qed. Definition bnd_simp := (BLeft_ltE, BRight_leE, BRight_BLeft_leE, BLeft_BRight_ltE, BRight_BSide_ltE, BLeft_BSide_leE, BSide_ltE, BSide_leE, BInfty_leE, BInfty_geE, BInfty_BInfty_ltE, BInfty_le_eqE, BInfty_ge_eqE, BInfty_ltE, BInfty_gtE, BInfty_ltF, BInfty_gtF, @lexx _ T, @ltxx _ T, @eqxx T). Definition subitv i1 i2 := let: Interval b1l b1r := i1 in let: Interval b2l b2r := i2 in (b2l <= b1l) && (b1r <= b2r). Lemma subitv_refl : reflexive subitv. Proof. by case=> /= ? ?; rewrite !lexx. Qed. Lemma subitv_anti : antisymmetric subitv. Proof. by case=> [? ?][? ?]; rewrite andbACA => /andP[] /le_anti -> /le_anti ->. Qed. Lemma subitv_trans : transitive subitv. Proof. case=> [yl yr][xl xr][zl zr] /andP [Hl Hr] /andP [Hl' Hr'] /=. by rewrite (le_trans Hl' Hl) (le_trans Hr Hr'). Qed. Definition interval_porderMixin := LePOrderMixin (fun _ _ => erefl) subitv_refl subitv_anti subitv_trans. Canonical interval_porderType := POrderType (interval_display disp) (interval T) interval_porderMixin. Definition pred_of_itv i : pred T := [pred x | `[x, x] <= i]. Canonical Structure itvPredType := PredType pred_of_itv. Lemma subitvE b1l b1r b2l b2r : (Interval b1l b1r <= Interval b2l b2r) = (b2l <= b1l) && (b1r <= b2r). Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma in_itv x i : x \in i = let: Interval l u := i in match l with | BSide b lb => lb < x ?<= if b | BInfty b => b end && match u with | BSide b ub => x < ub ?<= if ~~ b | BInfty b => ~~ b end. Proof. by case: i => [[? ?|[]][|[]]]. Qed. Lemma itv_boundlr bl br x : (x \in Interval bl br) = (bl <= BLeft x) && (BRight x <= br). Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma itv_splitI bl br x : x \in Interval bl br = (x \in Interval bl +oo) && (x \in Interval -oo br). Proof. by rewrite !itv_boundlr andbT. Qed. Lemma subitvP i1 i2 : i1 <= i2 -> {subset i1 <= i2}. Proof. by move=> ? ? /le_trans; exact. Qed. Lemma subset_itv (r s u v : bool) x y : r <= u -> v <= s -> {subset Interval (BSide r x) (BSide s y) <= Interval (BSide u x) (BSide v y)}. Proof. by move: r s u v=> [] [] [] []// *; apply: subitvP; rewrite subitvE !bound_lexx. Qed. Lemma subset_itv_oo_cc x y : {subset `]x, y[ <= `[x, y]}. Proof. exact: subset_itv. Qed. Lemma subset_itv_oo_oc x y : {subset `]x, y[ <= `]x, y]}. Proof. exact: subset_itv. Qed. Lemma subset_itv_oo_co x y : {subset `]x, y[ <= `[x, y[}. Proof. exact: subset_itv. Qed. Lemma subset_itv_oc_cc x y : {subset `]x, y] <= `[x, y]}. Proof. exact: subset_itv. Qed. Lemma subset_itv_co_cc x y : {subset `[x, y[ <= `[x, y]}. Proof. exact: subset_itv. Qed. Lemma itvxx x : `[x, x] =i pred1 x. Proof. by move=> y; rewrite in_itv/= -eq_le eq_sym. Qed. Lemma itvxxP y x : reflect (y = x) (y \in `[x, x]). Proof. by rewrite itvxx; apply/eqP. Qed. Lemma subitvPl b1l b2l br : b2l <= b1l -> {subset Interval b1l br <= Interval b2l br}. Proof. by move=> ?; apply: subitvP; rewrite subitvE lexx andbT. Qed. Lemma subitvPr bl b1r b2r : b1r <= b2r -> {subset Interval bl b1r <= Interval bl b2r}. Proof. by move=> ?; apply: subitvP; rewrite subitvE lexx. Qed. Lemma itv_xx x cl cr y : y \in Interval (BSide cl x) (BSide cr x) = cl && ~~ cr && (y == x). Proof. by case: cl cr => [] []; rewrite [LHS]lteif_anti // eq_sym. Qed. Lemma boundl_in_itv c x b : x \in Interval (BSide c x) b = c && (BRight x <= b). Proof. by rewrite itv_boundlr bound_lexx. Qed. Lemma boundr_in_itv c x b : x \in Interval b (BSide c x) = ~~ c && (b <= BLeft x). Proof. by rewrite itv_boundlr bound_lexx implybF andbC. Qed. Definition bound_in_itv := (boundl_in_itv, boundr_in_itv). Lemma lt_in_itv bl br x : x \in Interval bl br -> bl < br. Proof. by case/andP; apply/le_lt_trans. Qed. Lemma lteif_in_itv cl cr yl yr x : x \in Interval (BSide cl yl) (BSide cr yr) -> yl < yr ?<= if cl && ~~ cr. Proof. exact: lt_in_itv. Qed. Lemma itv_ge b1 b2 : ~~ (b1 < b2) -> Interval b1 b2 =i pred0. Proof. by move=> ltb12 y; apply/contraNF: ltb12; apply/lt_in_itv. Qed. Definition itv_decompose i x : Prop := let: Interval l u := i in (match l return Prop with | BSide b lb => lb < x ?<= if b | BInfty b => b end * match u return Prop with | BSide b ub => x < ub ?<= if ~~ b | BInfty b => ~~ b end)%type. Lemma itv_dec : forall x i, reflect (itv_decompose i x) (x \in i). Proof. by move=> ? [[? ?|[]][? ?|[]]]; apply: (iffP andP); case. Qed. Arguments itv_dec {x i}. (* we compute a set of rewrite rules associated to an interval *) Definition itv_rewrite i x : Type := let: Interval l u := i in (match l with | BLeft a => (a <= x) * (x < a = false) | BRight a => (a <= x) * (a < x) * (x <= a = false) * (x < a = false) | -oo => forall x : T, x == x | +oo => forall b : bool, unkeyed b = false end * match u with | BRight b => (x <= b) * (b < x = false) | BLeft b => (x <= b) * (x < b) * (b <= x = false) * (b < x = false) | +oo => forall x : T, x == x | -oo => forall b : bool, unkeyed b = false end * match l, u with | BLeft a, BRight b => (a <= b) * (b < a = false) * (a \in `[a, b]) * (b \in `[a, b]) | BLeft a, BLeft b => (a <= b) * (a < b) * (b <= a = false) * (b < a = false) * (a \in `[a, b]) * (a \in `[a, b[) * (b \in `[a, b]) * (b \in `]a, b]) | BRight a, BRight b => (a <= b) * (a < b) * (b <= a = false) * (b < a = false) * (a \in `[a, b]) * (a \in `[a, b[) * (b \in `[a, b]) * (b \in `]a, b]) | BRight a, BLeft b => (a <= b) * (a < b) * (b <= a = false) * (b < a = false) * (a \in `[a, b]) * (a \in `[a, b[) * (b \in `[a, b]) * (b \in `]a, b]) | _, _ => forall x : T, x == x end)%type. Lemma itvP x i : x \in i -> itv_rewrite i x. Proof. case: i => [[[]a|[]][[]b|[]]] /andP [] ha hb; rewrite /= ?bound_in_itv; do ![split | apply/negbTE; rewrite (le_gtF, lt_geF)]; by [|apply: ltW | move: (lteif_trans ha hb) => //=; exact: ltW]. Qed. Arguments itvP [x i]. Lemma itv_splitU1 b x : b <= BLeft x -> Interval b (BRight x) =i [predU1 x & Interval b (BLeft x)]. Proof. move=> bx z; rewrite !inE/= !subitvE ?bnd_simp//= lt_neqAle. by case: (eqVneq z x) => [->|]//=; rewrite lexx bx. Qed. Lemma itv_split1U b x : BRight x <= b -> Interval (BLeft x) b =i [predU1 x & Interval (BRight x) b]. Proof. move=> bx z; rewrite !inE/= !subitvE ?bnd_simp//= lt_neqAle. by case: (eqVneq z x) => [->|]//=; rewrite lexx bx. Qed. End IntervalPOrder. Section IntervalLattice. Variable (disp : unit) (T : latticeType disp). Implicit Types (x y z : T) (b bl br : itv_bound T) (i : interval T). Definition bound_meet bl br : itv_bound T := match bl, br with | -oo, _ | _, -oo => -oo | +oo, b | b, +oo => b | BSide xb x, BSide yb y => BSide (((x <= y) && xb) || ((y <= x) && yb)) (x `&` y) end. Definition bound_join bl br : itv_bound T := match bl, br with | -oo, b | b, -oo => b | +oo, _ | _, +oo => +oo | BSide xb x, BSide yb y => BSide ((~~ (x <= y) || yb) && (~~ (y <= x) || xb)) (x `|` y) end. Lemma bound_meetC : commutative bound_meet. Proof. case=> [? ?|[]][? ?|[]] //=; rewrite meetC; congr BSide. by case: lcomparableP; rewrite ?orbF // orbC. Qed. Lemma bound_joinC : commutative bound_join. Proof. case=> [? ?|[]][? ?|[]] //=; rewrite joinC; congr BSide. by case: lcomparableP; rewrite ?andbT // andbC. Qed. Lemma bound_meetA : associative bound_meet. Proof. case=> [? x|[]][? y|[]][? z|[]] //=; rewrite !lexI meetA; congr BSide. by case: (lcomparableP x y) => [|||->]; case: (lcomparableP y z) => [|||->]; case: (lcomparableP x z) => [|||//<-]; case: (lcomparableP x y); rewrite //= ?andbF ?orbF ?lexx ?orbA //; case: (lcomparableP y z). Qed. Lemma bound_joinA : associative bound_join. Proof. case=> [? x|[]][? y|[]][? z|[]] //=; rewrite !leUx joinA; congr BSide. by case: (lcomparableP x y) => [|||->]; case: (lcomparableP y z) => [|||->]; case: (lcomparableP x z) => [|||//<-]; case: (lcomparableP x y); rewrite //= ?orbT ?andbT ?lexx ?andbA //; case: (lcomparableP y z). Qed. Lemma bound_meetKU b2 b1 : bound_join b1 (bound_meet b1 b2) = b1. Proof. case: b1 b2 => [? ?|[]][? ?|[]] //=; rewrite ?meetKU ?joinxx ?leIl ?lexI ?lexx ?andbb //=; congr BSide. by case: lcomparableP; rewrite ?orbF /= ?andbb ?orbK. Qed. Lemma bound_joinKI b2 b1 : bound_meet b1 (bound_join b1 b2) = b1. Proof. case: b1 b2 => [? ?|[]][? ?|[]] //=; rewrite ?joinKI ?meetxx ?leUl ?leUx ?lexx ?orbb //=; congr BSide. by case: lcomparableP; rewrite ?orbF ?orbb ?andKb. Qed. Lemma bound_leEmeet b1 b2 : (b1 <= b2) = (bound_meet b1 b2 == b1). Proof. by case: b1 b2 => [[]?|[]][[]?|[]] //=; rewrite [LHS]/<=%O /eq_op /= ?eqxx //= -leEmeet; case: lcomparableP. Qed. Definition itv_bound_latticeMixin := LatticeMixin bound_meetC bound_joinC bound_meetA bound_joinA bound_joinKI bound_meetKU bound_leEmeet. Canonical itv_bound_latticeType := LatticeType (itv_bound T) itv_bound_latticeMixin. Lemma bound_le0x b : -oo <= b. Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma bound_lex1 b : b <= +oo. Proof. by case: b => [|[]]. Qed. Canonical itv_bound_bLatticeType := BLatticeType (itv_bound T) (BottomMixin bound_le0x). Canonical itv_bound_tbLatticeType := TBLatticeType (itv_bound T) (TopMixin bound_lex1). Definition itv_meet i1 i2 : interval T := let: Interval b1l b1r := i1 in let: Interval b2l b2r := i2 in Interval (b1l `|` b2l) (b1r `&` b2r). Definition itv_join i1 i2 : interval T := let: Interval b1l b1r := i1 in let: Interval b2l b2r := i2 in Interval (b1l `&` b2l) (b1r `|` b2r). Lemma itv_meetC : commutative itv_meet. Proof. by case=> [? ?][? ?] /=; rewrite meetC joinC. Qed. Lemma itv_joinC : commutative itv_join. Proof. by case=> [? ?][? ?] /=; rewrite meetC joinC. Qed. Lemma itv_meetA : associative itv_meet. Proof. by case=> [? ?][? ?][? ?] /=; rewrite meetA joinA. Qed. Lemma itv_joinA : associative itv_join. Proof. by case=> [? ?][? ?][? ?] /=; rewrite meetA joinA. Qed. Lemma itv_meetKU i2 i1 : itv_join i1 (itv_meet i1 i2) = i1. Proof. by case: i1 i2 => [? ?][? ?] /=; rewrite meetKU joinKI. Qed. Lemma itv_joinKI i2 i1 : itv_meet i1 (itv_join i1 i2) = i1. Proof. by case: i1 i2 => [? ?][? ?] /=; rewrite meetKU joinKI. Qed. Lemma itv_leEmeet i1 i2 : (i1 <= i2) = (itv_meet i1 i2 == i1). Proof. by case: i1 i2 => [? ?][? ?]; rewrite /eq_op /= eq_meetl eq_joinl. Qed. Definition interval_latticeMixin := LatticeMixin itv_meetC itv_joinC itv_meetA itv_joinA itv_joinKI itv_meetKU itv_leEmeet. Canonical interval_latticeType := LatticeType (interval T) interval_latticeMixin. Lemma itv_le0x i : Interval +oo -oo <= i. Proof. by case: i => [[|[]]]. Qed. Lemma itv_lex1 i : i <= `]-oo, +oo[. Proof. by case: i => [?[|[]]]. Qed. Canonical interval_bLatticeType := BLatticeType (interval T) (BottomMixin itv_le0x). Canonical interval_tbLatticeType := TBLatticeType (interval T) (TopMixin itv_lex1). Lemma in_itvI x i1 i2 : x \in i1 `&` i2 = (x \in i1) && (x \in i2). Proof. exact: lexI. Qed. End IntervalLattice. Section IntervalTotal. Variable (disp : unit) (T : orderType disp). Implicit Types (a b c : itv_bound T) (x y z : T) (i : interval T). Lemma itv_bound_totalMixin : totalLatticeMixin [latticeType of itv_bound T]. Proof. by move=> [[]?|[]][[]?|[]]; rewrite /<=%O //=; case: ltgtP. Qed. Canonical itv_bound_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType (itv_bound T) itv_bound_totalMixin. Canonical itv_bound_bDistrLatticeType := [bDistrLatticeType of itv_bound T]. Canonical itv_bound_tbDistrLatticeType := [tbDistrLatticeType of itv_bound T]. Canonical itv_bound_orderType := OrderType (itv_bound T) itv_bound_totalMixin. Lemma itv_meetUl : @left_distributive (interval T) _ Order.meet Order.join. Proof. by move=> [? ?][? ?][? ?]; rewrite /Order.meet /Order.join /= -meetUl -joinIl. Qed. Canonical interval_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType (interval T) (DistrLatticeMixin itv_meetUl). Canonical interval_bDistrLatticeType := [bDistrLatticeType of interval T]. Canonical interval_tbDistrLatticeType := [tbDistrLatticeType of interval T]. Lemma itv_splitU c a b : a <= c <= b -> forall y, y \in Interval a b = (y \in Interval a c) || (y \in Interval c b). Proof. case/andP => leac lecb y. rewrite !itv_boundlr !(ltNge (BLeft y) _ : (BRight y <= _) = _). case: (leP a) (leP b) (leP c) => leay [] leby [] lecy //=. - by case: leP lecy (le_trans lecb leby). - by case: leP leay (le_trans leac lecy). Qed. Lemma itv_splitUeq x a b : x \in Interval a b -> forall y, y \in Interval a b = [|| y \in Interval a (BLeft x), y == x | y \in Interval (BRight x) b]. Proof. case/andP => ax xb y; rewrite (@itv_splitU (BLeft x)) ?ax ?ltW //. by congr orb; rewrite (@itv_splitU (BRight x)) ?bound_lexx // itv_xx. Qed. Lemma itv_total_meet3E i1 i2 i3 : i1 `&` i2 `&` i3 \in [:: i1 `&` i2; i1 `&` i3; i2 `&` i3]. Proof. case: i1 i2 i3 => [b1l b1r] [b2l b2r] [b3l b3r]; rewrite !inE /eq_op /=. case: (leP b1l b2l); case: (leP b1l b3l); case: (leP b2l b3l); case: (leP b1r b2r); case: (leP b1r b3r); case: (leP b2r b3r); rewrite ?eqxx ?orbT //= => b23r b13r b12r b23l b13l b12l. - by case: leP b13r (le_trans b12r b23r). - by case: leP b13l (le_trans b12l b23l). - by case: leP b13l (le_trans b12l b23l). - by case: leP b13r (le_trans b12r b23r). - by case: leP b13r (le_trans b12r b23r). - by case: leP b13l (lt_trans b23l b12l). - by case: leP b13r (lt_trans b23r b12r). - by case: leP b13l (lt_trans b23l b12l). - by case: leP b13r (lt_trans b23r b12r). - by case: leP b13r (lt_trans b23r b12r). Qed. Lemma itv_total_join3E i1 i2 i3 : i1 `|` i2 `|` i3 \in [:: i1 `|` i2; i1 `|` i3; i2 `|` i3]. Proof. case: i1 i2 i3 => [b1l b1r] [b2l b2r] [b3l b3r]; rewrite !inE /eq_op /=. case: (leP b1l b2l); case: (leP b1l b3l); case: (leP b2l b3l); case: (leP b1r b2r); case: (leP b1r b3r); case: (leP b2r b3r); rewrite ?eqxx ?orbT //= => b23r b13r b12r b23l b13l b12l. - by case: leP b13r (le_trans b12r b23r). - by case: leP b13r (le_trans b12r b23r). - by case: leP b13l (le_trans b12l b23l). - by case: leP b13l (le_trans b12l b23l). - by case: leP b13l (le_trans b12l b23l). - by case: leP b13r (lt_trans b23r b12r). - by case: leP b13l (lt_trans b23l b12l). - by case: leP b13l (lt_trans b23l b12l). - by case: leP b13l (lt_trans b23l b12l). - by case: leP b13r (lt_trans b23r b12r). Qed. Lemma predC_itvl a : [predC Interval -oo a] =i Interval a +oo. Proof. case: a => [b x|[]//] y. by rewrite !inE !subitvE/= bnd_simp andbT !lteBSide/= lteifNE negbK. Qed. Lemma predC_itvr a : [predC Interval a +oo] =i Interval -oo a. Proof. by move=> y; rewrite inE/= -predC_itvl negbK. Qed. Lemma predC_itv i : [predC i] =i [predU Interval -oo i.1 & Interval i.2 +oo]. Proof. case: i => [a a']; move=> x; rewrite inE/= itv_splitI negb_and. by symmetry; rewrite inE/= -predC_itvl -predC_itvr. Qed. End IntervalTotal. Local Open Scope ring_scope. Import GRing.Theory Num.Theory. Section IntervalNumDomain. Variable R : numDomainType. Implicit Types x : R. Lemma mem0_itvcc_xNx x : (0 \in `[- x, x]) = (0 <= x). Proof. by rewrite itv_boundlr [in LHS]/<=%O /= oppr_le0 andbb. Qed. Lemma mem0_itvoo_xNx x : 0 \in `](- x), x[ = (0 < x). Proof. by rewrite itv_boundlr [in LHS]/<=%O /= oppr_lt0 andbb. Qed. Lemma oppr_itv ba bb (xa xb x : R) : (- x \in Interval (BSide ba xa) (BSide bb xb)) = (x \in Interval (BSide (~~ bb) (- xb)) (BSide (~~ ba) (- xa))). Proof. by rewrite !itv_boundlr /<=%O /= !implybF negbK andbC lteif_oppl lteif_oppr. Qed. Lemma oppr_itvoo (a b x : R) : (- x \in `]a, b[) = (x \in `](- b), (- a)[). Proof. exact: oppr_itv. Qed. Lemma oppr_itvco (a b x : R) : (- x \in `[a, b[) = (x \in `](- b), (- a)]). Proof. exact: oppr_itv. Qed. Lemma oppr_itvoc (a b x : R) : (- x \in `]a, b]) = (x \in `[(- b), (- a)[). Proof. exact: oppr_itv. Qed. Lemma oppr_itvcc (a b x : R) : (- x \in `[a, b]) = (x \in `[(- b), (- a)]). Proof. exact: oppr_itv. Qed. Definition miditv (R : numDomainType) (i : interval R) : R := match i with | Interval (BSide _ a) (BSide _ b) => (a + b) / 2%:R | Interval -oo%O (BSide _ b) => b - 1 | Interval (BSide _ a) +oo%O => a + 1 | Interval -oo%O +oo%O => 0 | _ => 0 end. End IntervalNumDomain. Section IntervalField. Variable R : numFieldType. Implicit Types (x y z : R) (i : interval R). Local Notation mid x y := ((x + y) / 2). Lemma mid_in_itv : forall ba bb (xa xb : R), xa < xb ?<= if ba && ~~ bb -> mid xa xb \in Interval (BSide ba xa) (BSide bb xb). Proof. by move=> [] [] xa xb /= ?; apply/itv_dec; rewrite /= ?midf_lte // ?ltW. Qed. Lemma mid_in_itvoo : forall (xa xb : R), xa < xb -> mid xa xb \in `]xa, xb[. Proof. by move=> xa xb ?; apply: mid_in_itv. Qed. Lemma mid_in_itvcc : forall (xa xb : R), xa <= xb -> mid xa xb \in `[xa, xb]. Proof. by move=> xa xb ?; apply: mid_in_itv. Qed. Lemma mem_miditv i : (i.1 < i.2)%O -> miditv i \in i. Proof. move: i => [[ba a|[]] [bb b|[]]] //= ab; first exact: mid_in_itv. by rewrite !in_itv -lteif_subl_addl subrr lteif01. by rewrite !in_itv lteif_subl_addr -lteif_subl_addl subrr lteif01. Qed. Lemma miditv_le_left i b : (i.1 < i.2)%O -> (BSide b (miditv i) <= i.2)%O. Proof. case: i => [x y] lti; have := mem_miditv lti; rewrite inE => /andP[_ ]. by apply: le_trans; rewrite !bnd_simp. Qed. Lemma miditv_ge_right i b : (i.1 < i.2)%O -> (i.1 <= BSide b (miditv i))%O. Proof. case: i => [x y] lti; have := mem_miditv lti; rewrite inE => /andP[+ _]. by move=> /le_trans; apply; rewrite !bnd_simp. Qed. Lemma in_segment_addgt0Pr x y z : reflect (forall e, e > 0 -> y \in `[x - e, z + e]) (y \in `[x, z]). Proof. apply/(iffP idP)=> [xyz e /[dup] e_gt0 /ltW e_ge0 | xyz_e]. by rewrite in_itv /= ler_subl_addr !ler_paddr// (itvP xyz). by rewrite in_itv /= ; apply/andP; split; apply/ler_addgt0Pr => ? /xyz_e; rewrite in_itv /= ler_subl_addr => /andP []. Qed. Lemma in_segment_addgt0Pl x y z : reflect (forall e, e > 0 -> y \in `[(- e + x), (e + z)]) (y \in `[x, z]). Proof. apply/(equivP (in_segment_addgt0Pr x y z)). by split=> zxy e /zxy; rewrite [z + _]addrC [_ + x]addrC. Qed. End IntervalField.