(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) (* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq. (******************************************************************************) (* The basic theory of paths over an eqType; this file is essentially a *) (* complement to seq.v. Paths are non-empty sequences that obey a progression *) (* relation. They are passed around in three parts: the head and tail of the *) (* sequence, and a proof of a (boolean) predicate asserting the progression. *) (* This "exploded" view is rarely embarrassing, as the first two parameters *) (* are usually inferred from the type of the third; on the contrary, it saves *) (* the hassle of constantly constructing and destructing a dependent record. *) (* We define similarly cycles, for which we allow the empty sequence, *) (* which represents a non-rooted empty cycle; by contrast, the "empty" path *) (* from a point x is the one-item sequence containing only x. *) (* We allow duplicates; uniqueness, if desired (as is the case for several *) (* geometric constructions), must be asserted separately. We do provide *) (* shorthand, but only for cycles, because the equational properties of *) (* "path" and "uniq" are unfortunately incompatible (esp. wrt "cat"). *) (* We define notations for the common cases of function paths, where the *) (* progress relation is actually a function. In detail: *) (* path e x p == x :: p is an e-path [:: x_0; x_1; ... ; x_n], i.e., we *) (* have e x_i x_{i+1} for all i < n. The path x :: p starts *) (* at x and ends at last x p. *) (* fpath f x p == x :: p is an f-path, where f is a function, i.e., p is of *) (* the form [:: f x; f (f x); ...]. This is just a notation *) (* for path (frel f) x p. *) (* sorted e s == s is an e-sorted sequence: either s = [::], or s = x :: p *) (* is an e-path (this is often used with e = leq or ltn). *) (* cycle e c == c is an e-cycle: either c = [::], or c = x :: p with *) (* x :: (rcons p x) an e-path. *) (* fcycle f c == c is an f-cycle, for a function f. *) (* traject f x n == the f-path of size n starting at x *) (* := [:: x; f x; ...; iter n.-1 f x] *) (* looping f x n == the f-paths of size greater than n starting at x loop *) (* back, or, equivalently, traject f x n contains all *) (* iterates of f at x. *) (* merge e s1 s2 == the e-sorted merge of sequences s1 and s2: this is always *) (* a permutation of s1 ++ s2, and is e-sorted when s1 and s2 *) (* are and e is total. *) (* sort e s == a permutation of the sequence s, that is e-sorted when e *) (* is total (computed by a merge sort with the merge function *) (* above). This sort function is also designed to be stable. *) (* mem2 s x y == x, then y occur in the sequence (path) s; this is *) (* non-strict: mem2 s x x = (x \in s). *) (* next c x == the successor of the first occurrence of x in the sequence *) (* c (viewed as a cycle), or x if x \notin c. *) (* prev c x == the predecessor of the first occurrence of x in the *) (* sequence c (viewed as a cycle), or x if x \notin c. *) (* arc c x y == the sub-arc of the sequence c (viewed as a cycle) starting *) (* at the first occurrence of x in c, and ending just before *) (* the next occurrence of y (in cycle order); arc c x y *) (* returns an unspecified sub-arc of c if x and y do not both *) (* occur in c. *) (* ucycle e c <-> ucycleb e c (ucycle e c is a Coercion target of type Prop) *) (* ufcycle f c <-> c is a simple f-cycle, for a function f. *) (* shorten x p == the tail a duplicate-free subpath of x :: p with the same *) (* endpoints (x and last x p), obtained by removing all loops *) (* from x :: p. *) (* rel_base e e' h b <-> the function h is a functor from relation e to *) (* relation e', EXCEPT at points whose image under h satisfy *) (* the "base" predicate b: *) (* e' (h x) (h y) = e x y UNLESS b (h x) holds *) (* This is the statement of the side condition of the path *) (* functorial mapping lemma map_path. *) (* fun_base f f' h b <-> the function h is a functor from function f to f', *) (* except at the preimage of predicate b under h. *) (* We also provide three segmenting dependently-typed lemmas (splitP, splitPl *) (* and splitPr) whose elimination split a path x0 :: p at an internal point x *) (* as follows: *) (* - splitP applies when x \in p; it replaces p with (rcons p1 x ++ p2), so *) (* that x appears explicitly at the end of the left part. The elimination *) (* of splitP will also simultaneously replace take (index x p) with p1 and *) (* drop (index x p).+1 p with p2. *) (* - splitPl applies when x \in x0 :: p; it replaces p with p1 ++ p2 and *) (* simultaneously generates an equation x = last x0 p1. *) (* - splitPr applies when x \in p; it replaces p with (p1 ++ x :: p2), so x *) (* appears explicitly at the start of the right part. *) (* The parts p1 and p2 are computed using index/take/drop in all cases, but *) (* only splitP attempts to substitute the explicit values. The substitution *) (* of p can be deferred using the dependent equation generation feature of *) (* ssreflect, e.g.: case/splitPr def_p: {1}p / x_in_p => [p1 p2] generates *) (* the equation p = p1 ++ p2 instead of performing the substitution outright. *) (* Similarly, eliminating the loop removal lemma shortenP simultaneously *) (* replaces shorten e x p with a fresh constant p', and last x p with *) (* last x p'. *) (* Note that although all "path" functions actually operate on the *) (* underlying sequence, we provide a series of lemmas that define their *) (* interaction with the path and cycle predicates, e.g., the cat_path equation*) (* can be used to split the path predicate after splitting the underlying *) (* sequence. *) (******************************************************************************) Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Section Paths. Variables (n0 : nat) (T : Type). Section Path. Variables (x0_cycle : T) (e : rel T). Fixpoint path x (p : seq T) := if p is y :: p' then e x y && path y p' else true. Lemma cat_path x p1 p2 : path x (p1 ++ p2) = path x p1 && path (last x p1) p2. Proof. by elim: p1 x => [|y p1 Hrec] x //=; rewrite Hrec -!andbA. Qed. Lemma rcons_path x p y : path x (rcons p y) = path x p && e (last x p) y. Proof. by rewrite -cats1 cat_path /= andbT. Qed. Lemma take_path x p i : path x p -> path x (take i p). Proof. elim: p x i => [//| x p] IHp x' [//| i] /= /andP[-> ?]; exact: IHp. Qed. Lemma pathP x p x0 : reflect (forall i, i < size p -> e (nth x0 (x :: p) i) (nth x0 p i)) (path x p). Proof. elim: p x => [|y p IHp] x /=; first by left. apply: (iffP andP) => [[e_xy /IHp e_p [] //] | e_p]. by split; [apply: (e_p 0) | apply/(IHp y) => i; apply: e_p i.+1]. Qed. Definition cycle p := if p is x :: p' then path x (rcons p' x) else true. Lemma cycle_path p : cycle p = path (last x0_cycle p) p. Proof. by case: p => //= x p; rewrite rcons_path andbC. Qed. Lemma cycle_catC p q : cycle (p ++ q) = cycle (q ++ p). Proof. case: p q => [|x p] [|y q]; rewrite /= ?cats0 //=. by rewrite !rcons_path !cat_path !last_cat /= -!andbA; do !bool_congr. Qed. Lemma rot_cycle p : cycle (rot n0 p) = cycle p. Proof. by rewrite cycle_catC cat_take_drop. Qed. Lemma rotr_cycle p : cycle (rotr n0 p) = cycle p. Proof. by rewrite -rot_cycle rotrK. Qed. Definition sorted s := if s is x :: s' then path x s' else true. Lemma sortedP s x : reflect (forall i, i.+1 < size s -> e (nth x s i) (nth x s i.+1)) (sorted s). Proof. by case: s => *; [constructor|apply: (iffP (pathP _ _ _)); apply]. Qed. Lemma path_sorted x s : path x s -> sorted s. Proof. by case: s => //= y s /andP[]. Qed. Lemma path_min_sorted x s : all (e x) s -> path x s = sorted s. Proof. by case: s => //= y s /andP [->]. Qed. Lemma pairwise_sorted s : pairwise e s -> sorted s. Proof. by elim: s => //= x s IHs /andP[/path_min_sorted -> /IHs]. Qed. End Path. Section PathEq. Variables (e e' : rel T). Lemma rev_path x p : path e (last x p) (rev (belast x p)) = path (fun z => e^~ z) x p. Proof. elim: p x => //= y p IHp x; rewrite rev_cons rcons_path -{}IHp andbC. by rewrite -(last_cons x) -rev_rcons -lastI rev_cons last_rcons. Qed. Lemma rev_cycle p : cycle e (rev p) = cycle (fun z => e^~ z) p. Proof. case: p => //= x p; rewrite -rev_path last_rcons belast_rcons rev_cons. by rewrite -[in LHS]cats1 cycle_catC. Qed. Lemma rev_sorted p : sorted e (rev p) = sorted (fun z => e^~ z) p. Proof. by case: p => //= x p; rewrite -rev_path lastI rev_rcons. Qed. Lemma path_relI x s : path [rel x y | e x y && e' x y] x s = path e x s && path e' x s. Proof. by elim: s x => //= y s IHs x; rewrite andbACA IHs. Qed. Lemma cycle_relI s : cycle [rel x y | e x y && e' x y] s = cycle e s && cycle e' s. Proof. by case: s => [|? ?]; last apply: path_relI. Qed. Lemma sorted_relI s : sorted [rel x y | e x y && e' x y] s = sorted e s && sorted e' s. Proof. by case: s; last apply: path_relI. Qed. End PathEq. Section SubPath_in. Variable (P : {pred T}) (e e' : rel T). Hypothesis (ee' : {in P &, subrel e e'}). Lemma sub_in_path x s : all P (x :: s) -> path e x s -> path e' x s. Proof. by elim: s x => //= y s ihs x /and3P [? ? ?] /andP [/ee' -> //]; apply/ihs/andP. Qed. Lemma sub_in_cycle s : all P s -> cycle e s -> cycle e' s. Proof. case: s => //= x s /andP [Px Ps]. by apply: sub_in_path; rewrite /= all_rcons Px. Qed. Lemma sub_in_sorted s : all P s -> sorted e s -> sorted e' s. Proof. by case: s => //; apply: sub_in_path. Qed. End SubPath_in. Section EqPath_in. Variable (P : {pred T}) (e e' : rel T). Hypothesis (ee' : {in P &, e =2 e'}). Let e_e' : {in P &, subrel e e'}. Proof. by move=> ? ? ? ?; rewrite ee'. Qed. Let e'_e : {in P &, subrel e' e}. Proof. by move=> ? ? ? ?; rewrite ee'. Qed. Lemma eq_in_path x s : all P (x :: s) -> path e x s = path e' x s. Proof. by move=> Pxs; apply/idP/idP; apply: sub_in_path Pxs. Qed. Lemma eq_in_cycle s : all P s -> cycle e s = cycle e' s. Proof. by move=> Ps; apply/idP/idP; apply: sub_in_cycle Ps. Qed. Lemma eq_in_sorted s : all P s -> sorted e s = sorted e' s. Proof. by move=> Ps; apply/idP/idP; apply: sub_in_sorted Ps. Qed. End EqPath_in. Section SubPath. Variables e e' : rel T. Lemma sub_path : subrel e e' -> forall x p, path e x p -> path e' x p. Proof. by move=> ? ? ?; apply/sub_in_path/all_predT; apply: in2W. Qed. Lemma sub_cycle : subrel e e' -> subpred (cycle e) (cycle e'). Proof. by move=> ee' [] // ? ?; apply: sub_path. Qed. Lemma sub_sorted : subrel e e' -> subpred (sorted e) (sorted e'). Proof. by move=> ee' [] //=; apply: sub_path. Qed. Lemma eq_path : e =2 e' -> path e =2 path e'. Proof. by move=> ? ? ?; apply/eq_in_path/all_predT; apply: in2W. Qed. Lemma eq_cycle : e =2 e' -> cycle e =1 cycle e'. Proof. by move=> ee' [] // ? ?; apply: eq_path. Qed. Lemma eq_sorted : e =2 e' -> sorted e =1 sorted e'. Proof. by move=> ee' [] // ? ?; apply: eq_path. Qed. End SubPath. Section Transitive_in. Variables (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T). Lemma order_path_min_in x s : {in P & &, transitive leT} -> all P (x :: s) -> path leT x s -> all (leT x) s. Proof. move=> leT_tr; elim: s => //= y s ihs /and3P [Px Py Ps] /andP [xy ys]. rewrite xy {}ihs ?Px //=; case: s Ps ys => //= z s /andP [Pz Ps] /andP [yz ->]. by rewrite (leT_tr _ _ _ Py Px Pz). Qed. Hypothesis leT_tr : {in P & &, transitive leT}. Lemma path_sorted_inE x s : all P (x :: s) -> path leT x s = all (leT x) s && sorted leT s. Proof. move=> Pxs; apply/idP/idP => [xs|/andP[/path_min_sorted<-//]]. by rewrite (order_path_min_in leT_tr) //; apply: path_sorted xs. Qed. Lemma sorted_pairwise_in s : all P s -> sorted leT s = pairwise leT s. Proof. by elim: s => //= x s IHs /andP [Px Ps]; rewrite path_sorted_inE ?IHs //= Px. Qed. Lemma path_pairwise_in x s : all P (x :: s) -> path leT x s = pairwise leT (x :: s). Proof. by move=> Pxs; rewrite -sorted_pairwise_in. Qed. Lemma cat_sorted2 s s' : sorted leT (s ++ s') -> sorted leT s * sorted leT s'. Proof. by case: s => //= x s; rewrite cat_path => /andP[-> /path_sorted]. Qed. Lemma sorted_mask_in m s : all P s -> sorted leT s -> sorted leT (mask m s). Proof. by move=> Ps; rewrite !sorted_pairwise_in ?all_mask //; exact: pairwise_mask. Qed. Lemma sorted_filter_in a s : all P s -> sorted leT s -> sorted leT (filter a s). Proof. rewrite filter_mask; exact: sorted_mask_in. Qed. Lemma path_mask_in x m s : all P (x :: s) -> path leT x s -> path leT x (mask m s). Proof. exact/(sorted_mask_in (true :: m)). Qed. Lemma path_filter_in x a s : all P (x :: s) -> path leT x s -> path leT x (filter a s). Proof. by move=> Pxs; rewrite filter_mask; exact: path_mask_in. Qed. Lemma sorted_ltn_nth_in x0 s : all P s -> sorted leT s -> {in [pred n | n < size s] &, {homo nth x0 s : i j / i < j >-> leT i j}}. Proof. by move=> Ps; rewrite sorted_pairwise_in //; apply/pairwiseP. Qed. Hypothesis leT_refl : {in P, reflexive leT}. Lemma sorted_leq_nth_in x0 s : all P s -> sorted leT s -> {in [pred n | n < size s] &, {homo nth x0 s : i j / i <= j >-> leT i j}}. Proof. move=> Ps s_sorted x y xs ys; rewrite leq_eqVlt=> /predU1P[->|]. exact/leT_refl/all_nthP. exact: sorted_ltn_nth_in. Qed. End Transitive_in. Section Transitive. Variable (leT : rel T). Lemma order_path_min x s : transitive leT -> path leT x s -> all (leT x) s. Proof. by move=> leT_tr; apply/order_path_min_in/all_predT => //; apply: in3W. Qed. Hypothesis leT_tr : transitive leT. Lemma path_le x x' s : leT x x' -> path leT x' s -> path leT x s. Proof. by case: s => [//| x'' s xlex' /= /andP[x'lex'' ->]]; rewrite (leT_tr xlex'). Qed. Let leT_tr' : {in predT & &, transitive leT}. Proof. exact: in3W. Qed. Lemma path_sortedE x s : path leT x s = all (leT x) s && sorted leT s. Proof. exact/path_sorted_inE/all_predT. Qed. Lemma sorted_pairwise s : sorted leT s = pairwise leT s. Proof. exact/sorted_pairwise_in/all_predT. Qed. Lemma path_pairwise x s : path leT x s = pairwise leT (x :: s). Proof. exact/path_pairwise_in/all_predT. Qed. Lemma sorted_mask m s : sorted leT s -> sorted leT (mask m s). Proof. exact/sorted_mask_in/all_predT. Qed. Lemma sorted_filter a s : sorted leT s -> sorted leT (filter a s). Proof. exact/sorted_filter_in/all_predT. Qed. Lemma path_mask x m s : path leT x s -> path leT x (mask m s). Proof. exact/path_mask_in/all_predT. Qed. Lemma path_filter x a s : path leT x s -> path leT x (filter a s). Proof. exact/path_filter_in/all_predT. Qed. Lemma sorted_ltn_nth x0 s : sorted leT s -> {in [pred n | n < size s] &, {homo nth x0 s : i j / i < j >-> leT i j}}. Proof. exact/sorted_ltn_nth_in/all_predT. Qed. Hypothesis leT_refl : reflexive leT. Lemma sorted_leq_nth x0 s : sorted leT s -> {in [pred n | n < size s] &, {homo nth x0 s : i j / i <= j >-> leT i j}}. Proof. exact/sorted_leq_nth_in/all_predT. Qed. Lemma take_sorted n s : sorted leT s -> sorted leT (take n s). Proof. by rewrite -[s in sorted _ s](cat_take_drop n) => /cat_sorted2[]. Qed. Lemma drop_sorted n s : sorted leT s -> sorted leT (drop n s). Proof. by rewrite -[s in sorted _ s](cat_take_drop n) => /cat_sorted2[]. Qed. End Transitive. End Paths. Arguments pathP {T e x p}. Arguments sortedP {T e s}. Arguments path_sorted {T e x s}. Arguments path_min_sorted {T e x s}. Arguments order_path_min_in {T P leT x s}. Arguments path_sorted_inE {T P leT} leT_tr {x s}. Arguments sorted_pairwise_in {T P leT} leT_tr {s}. Arguments path_pairwise_in {T P leT} leT_tr {x s}. Arguments sorted_mask_in {T P leT} leT_tr {m s}. Arguments sorted_filter_in {T P leT} leT_tr {a s}. Arguments path_mask_in {T P leT} leT_tr {x m s}. Arguments path_filter_in {T P leT} leT_tr {x a s}. Arguments sorted_ltn_nth_in {T P leT} leT_tr x0 {s}. Arguments sorted_leq_nth_in {T P leT} leT_tr leT_refl x0 {s}. Arguments order_path_min {T leT x s}. Arguments path_sortedE {T leT} leT_tr x s. Arguments sorted_pairwise {T leT} leT_tr s. Arguments path_pairwise {T leT} leT_tr x s. Arguments sorted_mask {T leT} leT_tr m {s}. Arguments sorted_filter {T leT} leT_tr a {s}. Arguments path_mask {T leT} leT_tr {x} m {s}. Arguments path_filter {T leT} leT_tr {x} a {s}. Arguments sorted_ltn_nth {T leT} leT_tr x0 {s}. Arguments sorted_leq_nth {T leT} leT_tr leT_refl x0 {s}. Section HomoPath. Variables (T T' : Type) (P : {pred T}) (f : T -> T') (e : rel T) (e' : rel T'). Lemma path_map x s : path e' (f x) (map f s) = path (relpre f e') x s. Proof. by elim: s x => //= y s <-. Qed. Lemma cycle_map s : cycle e' (map f s) = cycle (relpre f e') s. Proof. by case: s => //= ? ?; rewrite -map_rcons path_map. Qed. Lemma sorted_map s : sorted e' (map f s) = sorted (relpre f e') s. Proof. by case: s; last apply: path_map. Qed. Lemma homo_path_in x s : {in P &, {homo f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y}} -> all P (x :: s) -> path e x s -> path e' (f x) (map f s). Proof. by move=> f_mono; rewrite path_map; apply: sub_in_path. Qed. Lemma homo_cycle_in s : {in P &, {homo f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y}} -> all P s -> cycle e s -> cycle e' (map f s). Proof. by move=> f_mono; rewrite cycle_map; apply: sub_in_cycle. Qed. Lemma homo_sorted_in s : {in P &, {homo f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y}} -> all P s -> sorted e s -> sorted e' (map f s). Proof. by move=> f_mono; rewrite sorted_map; apply: sub_in_sorted. Qed. Lemma mono_path_in x s : {in P &, {mono f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y}} -> all P (x :: s) -> path e' (f x) (map f s) = path e x s. Proof. by move=> f_mono; rewrite path_map; apply: eq_in_path. Qed. Lemma mono_cycle_in s : {in P &, {mono f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y}} -> all P s -> cycle e' (map f s) = cycle e s. Proof. by move=> f_mono; rewrite cycle_map; apply: eq_in_cycle. Qed. Lemma mono_sorted_in s : {in P &, {mono f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y}} -> all P s -> sorted e' (map f s) = sorted e s. Proof. by case: s => // x s; apply: mono_path_in. Qed. Lemma homo_path x s : {homo f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y} -> path e x s -> path e' (f x) (map f s). Proof. by move=> f_homo; rewrite path_map; apply: sub_path. Qed. Lemma homo_cycle : {homo f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y} -> {homo map f : s / cycle e s >-> cycle e' s}. Proof. by move=> f_homo s hs; rewrite cycle_map (sub_cycle _ hs). Qed. Lemma homo_sorted : {homo f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y} -> {homo map f : s / sorted e s >-> sorted e' s}. Proof. by move/homo_path => ? []. Qed. Lemma mono_path x s : {mono f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y} -> path e' (f x) (map f s) = path e x s. Proof. by move=> f_mon; rewrite path_map; apply: eq_path. Qed. Lemma mono_cycle : {mono f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y} -> {mono map f : s / cycle e s >-> cycle e' s}. Proof. by move=> ? ?; rewrite cycle_map; apply: eq_cycle. Qed. Lemma mono_sorted : {mono f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y} -> {mono map f : s / sorted e s >-> sorted e' s}. Proof. by move=> f_mon [] //= x s; apply: mono_path. Qed. End HomoPath. Arguments path_map {T T' f e'}. Arguments cycle_map {T T' f e'}. Arguments sorted_map {T T' f e'}. Arguments homo_path_in {T T' P f e e' x s}. Arguments homo_cycle_in {T T' P f e e' s}. Arguments homo_sorted_in {T T' P f e e' s}. Arguments mono_path_in {T T' P f e e' x s}. Arguments mono_cycle_in {T T' P f e e' s}. Arguments mono_sorted_in {T T' P f e e' s}. Arguments homo_path {T T' f e e' x s}. Arguments homo_cycle {T T' f e e'}. Arguments homo_sorted {T T' f e e'}. Arguments mono_path {T T' f e e' x s}. Arguments mono_cycle {T T' f e e'}. Arguments mono_sorted {T T' f e e'}. Section CycleAll2Rel. Lemma cycle_all2rel (T : Type) (leT : rel T) : transitive leT -> forall s, cycle leT s = all2rel leT s. Proof. move=> leT_tr; elim=> //= x s IHs. rewrite allrel_cons2 -{}IHs // (path_sortedE leT_tr) /= all_rcons -rev_sorted. rewrite rev_rcons /= (path_sortedE (rev_trans leT_tr)) all_rev !andbA. case: (boolP (leT x x && _ && _)) => //=. case: s => //= y s /and3P[/and3P[_ xy _] yx sx]. rewrite rev_sorted rcons_path /= (leT_tr _ _ _ _ xy) ?andbT //. by case: (lastP s) sx => //= {}s z; rewrite all_rcons last_rcons => /andP [->]. Qed. Lemma cycle_all2rel_in (T : Type) (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T) : {in P & &, transitive leT} -> forall s, all P s -> cycle leT s = all2rel leT s. Proof. move=> /in3_sig leT_tr _ /all_sigP [s ->]. by rewrite cycle_map allrel_mapl allrel_mapr; apply: cycle_all2rel. Qed. End CycleAll2Rel. Section PreInSuffix. Variables (T : eqType) (e : rel T). Implicit Type s : seq T. Local Notation path := (path e). Local Notation sorted := (sorted e). Lemma prefix_path x s1 s2 : prefix s1 s2 -> path x s2 -> path x s1. Proof. by rewrite prefixE => /eqP <-; exact: take_path. Qed. Lemma prefix_sorted s1 s2 : prefix s1 s2 -> sorted s2 -> sorted s1. Proof. by rewrite prefixE => /eqP <-; exact: take_sorted. Qed. Lemma infix_sorted s1 s2 : infix s1 s2 -> sorted s2 -> sorted s1. Proof. by rewrite infixE => /eqP <- ?; apply/take_sorted/drop_sorted. Qed. Lemma suffix_sorted s1 s2 : suffix s1 s2 -> sorted s2 -> sorted s1. Proof. by rewrite suffixE => /eqP <-; exact: drop_sorted. Qed. End PreInSuffix. Section EqSorted. Variables (T : eqType) (leT : rel T). Implicit Type s : seq T. Local Notation path := (path leT). Local Notation sorted := (sorted leT). Lemma subseq_path_in x s1 s2 : {in x :: s2 & &, transitive leT} -> subseq s1 s2 -> path x s2 -> path x s1. Proof. by move=> tr /subseqP [m _ ->]; apply/(path_mask_in tr). Qed. Lemma subseq_sorted_in s1 s2 : {in s2 & &, transitive leT} -> subseq s1 s2 -> sorted s2 -> sorted s1. Proof. by move=> tr /subseqP [m _ ->]; apply/(sorted_mask_in tr). Qed. Lemma sorted_ltn_index_in s : {in s & &, transitive leT} -> sorted s -> {in s &, forall x y, index x s < index y s -> leT x y}. Proof. case: s => // x0 s' leT_tr s_sorted x y xs ys. move/(sorted_ltn_nth_in leT_tr x0 (allss (_ :: _)) s_sorted). by rewrite ?nth_index ?[_ \in gtn _]index_mem //; apply. Qed. Lemma sorted_leq_index_in s : {in s & &, transitive leT} -> {in s, reflexive leT} -> sorted s -> {in s &, forall x y, index x s <= index y s -> leT x y}. Proof. case: s => // x0 s' leT_tr leT_refl s_sorted x y xs ys. move/(sorted_leq_nth_in leT_tr leT_refl x0 (allss (_ :: _)) s_sorted). by rewrite ?nth_index ?[_ \in gtn _]index_mem //; apply. Qed. Hypothesis leT_tr : transitive leT. Lemma subseq_path x s1 s2 : subseq s1 s2 -> path x s2 -> path x s1. Proof. by apply: subseq_path_in; apply: in3W. Qed. Lemma subseq_sorted s1 s2 : subseq s1 s2 -> sorted s2 -> sorted s1. Proof. by apply: subseq_sorted_in; apply: in3W. Qed. Lemma sorted_uniq : irreflexive leT -> forall s, sorted s -> uniq s. Proof. by move=> irr s; rewrite sorted_pairwise //; apply/pairwise_uniq. Qed. Lemma sorted_eq : antisymmetric leT -> forall s1 s2, sorted s1 -> sorted s2 -> perm_eq s1 s2 -> s1 = s2. Proof. by move=> leT_asym s1 s2; rewrite !sorted_pairwise //; apply: pairwise_eq. Qed. Lemma irr_sorted_eq : irreflexive leT -> forall s1 s2, sorted s1 -> sorted s2 -> s1 =i s2 -> s1 = s2. Proof. move=> leT_irr s1 s2 s1_sort s2_sort eq_s12. have: antisymmetric leT. by move=> m n /andP[? ltnm]; case/idP: (leT_irr m); apply: leT_tr ltnm. by move/sorted_eq; apply=> //; apply: uniq_perm => //; apply: sorted_uniq. Qed. Lemma sorted_ltn_index s : sorted s -> {in s &, forall x y, index x s < index y s -> leT x y}. Proof. case: s => // x0 s' s_sorted x y xs ys /(sorted_ltn_nth leT_tr x0 s_sorted). by rewrite ?nth_index ?[_ \in gtn _]index_mem //; apply. Qed. Lemma undup_path x s : path x s -> path x (undup s). Proof. exact/subseq_path/undup_subseq. Qed. Lemma undup_sorted s : sorted s -> sorted (undup s). Proof. exact/subseq_sorted/undup_subseq. Qed. Hypothesis leT_refl : reflexive leT. Lemma sorted_leq_index s : sorted s -> {in s &, forall x y, index x s <= index y s -> leT x y}. Proof. case: s => // x0 s' s_sorted x y xs ys. move/(sorted_leq_nth leT_tr leT_refl x0 s_sorted). by rewrite ?nth_index ?[_ \in gtn _]index_mem //; apply. Qed. End EqSorted. Arguments sorted_ltn_index_in {T leT s} leT_tr s_sorted. Arguments sorted_leq_index_in {T leT s} leT_tr leT_refl s_sorted. Arguments sorted_ltn_index {T leT} leT_tr {s}. Arguments sorted_leq_index {T leT} leT_tr leT_refl {s}. Section EqSorted_in. Variables (T : eqType) (leT : rel T). Implicit Type s : seq T. Lemma sorted_uniq_in s : {in s & &, transitive leT} -> {in s, irreflexive leT} -> sorted leT s -> uniq s. Proof. move=> /in3_sig leT_tr /in1_sig leT_irr; case/all_sigP: (allss s) => s' ->. by rewrite sorted_map (map_inj_uniq val_inj); exact: sorted_uniq. Qed. Lemma sorted_eq_in s1 s2 : {in s1 & &, transitive leT} -> {in s1 &, antisymmetric leT} -> sorted leT s1 -> sorted leT s2 -> perm_eq s1 s2 -> s1 = s2. Proof. move=> /in3_sig leT_tr /in2_sig/(_ _ _ _)/val_inj leT_anti + + /[dup] s1s2. have /all_sigP[s1' ->] := allss s1. have /all_sigP[{s1s2}s2 ->] : all (mem s1) s2 by rewrite -(perm_all _ s1s2). by rewrite !sorted_map => ss1' ss2 /(perm_map_inj val_inj)/(sorted_eq leT_tr)->. Qed. Lemma irr_sorted_eq_in s1 s2 : {in s1 & &, transitive leT} -> {in s1, irreflexive leT} -> sorted leT s1 -> sorted leT s2 -> s1 =i s2 -> s1 = s2. Proof. move=> /in3_sig leT_tr /in1_sig leT_irr + + /[dup] s1s2. have /all_sigP[s1' ->] := allss s1. have /all_sigP[s2' ->] : all (mem s1) s2 by rewrite -(eq_all_r s1s2). rewrite !sorted_map => ss1' ss2' {}s1s2; congr map. by apply: (irr_sorted_eq leT_tr) => // x; rewrite -!(mem_map val_inj). Qed. End EqSorted_in. Section EqPath. Variables (n0 : nat) (T : eqType) (e : rel T). Implicit Type p : seq T. Variant split x : seq T -> seq T -> seq T -> Type := Split p1 p2 : split x (rcons p1 x ++ p2) p1 p2. Lemma splitP p x (i := index x p) : x \in p -> split x p (take i p) (drop i.+1 p). Proof. by rewrite -has_pred1 => /split_find[? ? ? /eqP->]; constructor. Qed. Variant splitl x1 x : seq T -> Type := Splitl p1 p2 of last x1 p1 = x : splitl x1 x (p1 ++ p2). Lemma splitPl x1 p x : x \in x1 :: p -> splitl x1 x p. Proof. rewrite inE; case: eqP => [->| _ /splitP[]]; first by rewrite -(cat0s p). by split; apply: last_rcons. Qed. Variant splitr x : seq T -> Type := Splitr p1 p2 : splitr x (p1 ++ x :: p2). Lemma splitPr p x : x \in p -> splitr x p. Proof. by case/splitP=> p1 p2; rewrite cat_rcons. Qed. Fixpoint next_at x y0 y p := match p with | [::] => if x == y then y0 else x | y' :: p' => if x == y then y' else next_at x y0 y' p' end. Definition next p x := if p is y :: p' then next_at x y y p' else x. Fixpoint prev_at x y0 y p := match p with | [::] => if x == y0 then y else x | y' :: p' => if x == y' then y else prev_at x y0 y' p' end. Definition prev p x := if p is y :: p' then prev_at x y y p' else x. Lemma next_nth p x : next p x = if x \in p then if p is y :: p' then nth y p' (index x p) else x else x. Proof. case: p => //= y0 p. elim: p {2 3 5}y0 => [|y' p IHp] y /=; rewrite (eq_sym y) inE; by case: ifP => // _; apply: IHp. Qed. Lemma prev_nth p x : prev p x = if x \in p then if p is y :: p' then nth y p (index x p') else x else x. Proof. case: p => //= y0 p; rewrite inE orbC. elim: p {2 5}y0 => [|y' p IHp] y; rewrite /= ?inE // (eq_sym y'). by case: ifP => // _; apply: IHp. Qed. Lemma mem_next p x : (next p x \in p) = (x \in p). Proof. rewrite next_nth; case p_x: (x \in p) => //. case: p (index x p) p_x => [|y0 p'] //= i _; rewrite inE. have [lt_ip | ge_ip] := ltnP i (size p'); first by rewrite orbC mem_nth. by rewrite nth_default ?eqxx. Qed. Lemma mem_prev p x : (prev p x \in p) = (x \in p). Proof. rewrite prev_nth; case p_x: (x \in p) => //; case: p => [|y0 p] // in p_x *. by apply mem_nth; rewrite /= ltnS index_size. Qed. (* ucycleb is the boolean predicate, but ucycle is defined as a Prop *) (* so that it can be used as a coercion target. *) Definition ucycleb p := cycle e p && uniq p. Definition ucycle p : Prop := cycle e p && uniq p. (* Projections, used for creating local lemmas. *) Lemma ucycle_cycle p : ucycle p -> cycle e p. Proof. by case/andP. Qed. Lemma ucycle_uniq p : ucycle p -> uniq p. Proof. by case/andP. Qed. Lemma next_cycle p x : cycle e p -> x \in p -> e x (next p x). Proof. case: p => //= y0 p; elim: p {1 3 5}y0 => [|z p IHp] y /=; rewrite inE. by rewrite andbT; case: (x =P y) => // ->. by case/andP=> eyz /IHp; case: (x =P y) => // ->. Qed. Lemma prev_cycle p x : cycle e p -> x \in p -> e (prev p x) x. Proof. case: p => //= y0 p; rewrite inE orbC. elim: p {1 5}y0 => [|z p IHp] y /=; rewrite ?inE. by rewrite andbT; case: (x =P y0) => // ->. by case/andP=> eyz /IHp; case: (x =P z) => // ->. Qed. Lemma rot_ucycle p : ucycle (rot n0 p) = ucycle p. Proof. by rewrite /ucycle rot_uniq rot_cycle. Qed. Lemma rotr_ucycle p : ucycle (rotr n0 p) = ucycle p. Proof. by rewrite /ucycle rotr_uniq rotr_cycle. Qed. (* The "appears no later" partial preorder defined by a path. *) Definition mem2 p x y := y \in drop (index x p) p. Lemma mem2l p x y : mem2 p x y -> x \in p. Proof. by rewrite /mem2 -!index_mem size_drop ltn_subRL; apply/leq_ltn_trans/leq_addr. Qed. Lemma mem2lf {p x y} : x \notin p -> mem2 p x y = false. Proof. exact/contraNF/mem2l. Qed. Lemma mem2r p x y : mem2 p x y -> y \in p. Proof. by rewrite -[in y \in p](cat_take_drop (index x p) p) mem_cat orbC /mem2 => ->. Qed. Lemma mem2rf {p x y} : y \notin p -> mem2 p x y = false. Proof. exact/contraNF/mem2r. Qed. Lemma mem2_cat p1 p2 x y : mem2 (p1 ++ p2) x y = mem2 p1 x y || mem2 p2 x y || (x \in p1) && (y \in p2). Proof. rewrite [LHS]/mem2 index_cat fun_if if_arg !drop_cat addKn. case: ifPn => [p1x | /mem2lf->]; last by rewrite ltnNge leq_addr orbF. by rewrite index_mem p1x mem_cat -orbA (orb_idl (@mem2r _ _ _)). Qed. Lemma mem2_splice p1 p3 x y p2 : mem2 (p1 ++ p3) x y -> mem2 (p1 ++ p2 ++ p3) x y. Proof. by rewrite !mem2_cat mem_cat andb_orr orbC => /or3P[]->; rewrite ?orbT. Qed. Lemma mem2_splice1 p1 p3 x y z : mem2 (p1 ++ p3) x y -> mem2 (p1 ++ z :: p3) x y. Proof. exact: mem2_splice [::z]. Qed. Lemma mem2_cons x p y z : mem2 (x :: p) y z = (if x == y then z \in x :: p else mem2 p y z). Proof. by rewrite [LHS]/mem2 /=; case: ifP. Qed. Lemma mem2_seq1 x y z : mem2 [:: x] y z = (y == x) && (z == x). Proof. by rewrite mem2_cons eq_sym inE. Qed. Lemma mem2_last y0 p x : mem2 p x (last y0 p) = (x \in p). Proof. apply/idP/idP; first exact: mem2l; rewrite -index_mem /mem2 => p_x. by rewrite -nth_last -(subnKC p_x) -nth_drop mem_nth // size_drop subnSK. Qed. Lemma mem2l_cat {p1 p2 x} : x \notin p1 -> mem2 (p1 ++ p2) x =1 mem2 p2 x. Proof. by move=> p1'x y; rewrite mem2_cat (negPf p1'x) mem2lf ?orbF. Qed. Lemma mem2r_cat {p1 p2 x y} : y \notin p2 -> mem2 (p1 ++ p2) x y = mem2 p1 x y. Proof. by move=> p2'y; rewrite mem2_cat (negPf p2'y) -orbA orbC andbF mem2rf. Qed. Lemma mem2lr_splice {p1 p2 p3 x y} : x \notin p2 -> y \notin p2 -> mem2 (p1 ++ p2 ++ p3) x y = mem2 (p1 ++ p3) x y. Proof. move=> p2'x p2'y; rewrite catA !mem2_cat !mem_cat. by rewrite (negPf p2'x) (negPf p2'y) (mem2lf p2'x) andbF !orbF. Qed. Lemma mem2E s x y : mem2 s x y = subseq (if x == y then [:: x] else [:: x; y]) s. Proof. elim: s => [| h s]; first by case: ifP. rewrite mem2_cons => ->. do 2 rewrite inE (fun_if subseq) !if_arg !sub1seq /=. by have [->|] := eqVneq; case: eqVneq. Qed. Variant split2r x y : seq T -> Type := Split2r p1 p2 of y \in x :: p2 : split2r x y (p1 ++ x :: p2). Lemma splitP2r p x y : mem2 p x y -> split2r x y p. Proof. move=> pxy; have px := mem2l pxy. have:= pxy; rewrite /mem2 (drop_nth x) ?index_mem ?nth_index //. by case/splitP: px => p1 p2; rewrite cat_rcons. Qed. Fixpoint shorten x p := if p is y :: p' then if x \in p then shorten x p' else y :: shorten y p' else [::]. Variant shorten_spec x p : T -> seq T -> Type := ShortenSpec p' of path e x p' & uniq (x :: p') & subpred (mem p') (mem p) : shorten_spec x p (last x p') p'. Lemma shortenP x p : path e x p -> shorten_spec x p (last x p) (shorten x p). Proof. move=> e_p; have: x \in x :: p by apply: mem_head. elim: p x {1 3 5}x e_p => [|y2 p IHp] x y1. by rewrite mem_seq1 => _ /eqP->. rewrite inE orbC /= => /andP[ey12 {}/IHp IHp]. case: ifPn => [y2p_x _ | not_y2p_x /eqP def_x]. have [p' e_p' Up' p'p] := IHp _ y2p_x. by split=> // y /p'p; apply: predU1r. have [p' e_p' Up' p'p] := IHp y2 (mem_head y2 p). have{} p'p z: z \in y2 :: p' -> z \in y2 :: p. by rewrite !inE; case: (z == y2) => // /p'p. rewrite -(last_cons y1) def_x; split=> //=; first by rewrite ey12. by rewrite (contra (p'p y1)) -?def_x. Qed. End EqPath. (* Ordered paths and sorting. *) Section SortSeq. Variables (T : Type) (leT : rel T). Fixpoint merge s1 := if s1 is x1 :: s1' then let fix merge_s1 s2 := if s2 is x2 :: s2' then if leT x1 x2 then x1 :: merge s1' s2 else x2 :: merge_s1 s2' else s1 in merge_s1 else id. Arguments merge !s1 !s2 : rename. Fixpoint merge_sort_push s1 ss := match ss with | [::] :: ss' | [::] as ss' => s1 :: ss' | s2 :: ss' => [::] :: merge_sort_push (merge s2 s1) ss' end. Fixpoint merge_sort_pop s1 ss := if ss is s2 :: ss' then merge_sort_pop (merge s2 s1) ss' else s1. Fixpoint merge_sort_rec ss s := if s is [:: x1, x2 & s'] then let s1 := if leT x1 x2 then [:: x1; x2] else [:: x2; x1] in merge_sort_rec (merge_sort_push s1 ss) s' else merge_sort_pop s ss. Definition sort := merge_sort_rec [::]. (* The following definition `sort_rec1` is an auxiliary function for *) (* inductive reasoning on `sort`. One can rewrite `sort le s` to *) (* `sort_rec1 le [::] s` by `sortE` and apply the simple structural induction *) (* on `s` to reason about it. *) Fixpoint sort_rec1 ss s := if s is x :: s then sort_rec1 (merge_sort_push [:: x] ss) s else merge_sort_pop [::] ss. Lemma sortE s : sort s = sort_rec1 [::] s. Proof. transitivity (sort_rec1 [:: nil] s); last by case: s. rewrite /sort; move: [::] {2}_.+1 (ltnSn (size s)./2) => ss n. by elim: n => // n IHn in ss s *; case: s => [|x [|y s]] //= /IHn->. Qed. Lemma size_merge s1 s2 : size (merge s1 s2) = size (s1 ++ s2). Proof. rewrite size_cat; elim: s1 s2 => // x s1 IH1. elim=> //= [|y s2 IH2]; first by rewrite addn0. by case: leT; rewrite /= ?IH1 ?IH2 !addnS. Qed. Lemma allrel_merge s1 s2 : allrel leT s1 s2 -> merge s1 s2 = s1 ++ s2. Proof. elim: s1 s2 => [|x s1 IHs1] [|y s2]; rewrite ?cats0 //=. by rewrite allrel_consl /= -andbA => /and3P [-> _ /IHs1->]. Qed. Lemma pairwise_sort s : pairwise leT s -> sort s = s. Proof. pose catss := foldr (fun x => cat ^~ x) (Nil T). rewrite -{1 3}[s]/(catss [::] ++ s) sortE; elim: s [::] => /= [|x s ihs] ss. elim: ss [::] => //= s ss ihss t; rewrite -catA => ssst. rewrite -ihss ?allrel_merge //; move: ssst; rewrite !pairwise_cat. by case/and4P. rewrite (catA _ [:: _]) => ssxs. suff x_ss_E: catss (merge_sort_push [:: x] ss) = catss ([:: x] :: ss). by rewrite -[catss _ ++ _]/(catss ([:: x] :: ss)) -x_ss_E ihs // x_ss_E. move: ssxs; rewrite pairwise_cat => /and3P [_ + _]. elim: ss [:: x] => {x s ihs} //= -[|x s] ss ihss t h_pairwise; rewrite /= cats0 // allrel_merge ?ihss ?catA //. by move: h_pairwise; rewrite -catA !pairwise_cat => /and4P []. Qed. Remark size_merge_sort_push s1 : let graded ss := forall i, size (nth [::] ss i) \in pred2 0 (2 ^ (i + 1)) in size s1 = 2 -> {homo merge_sort_push s1 : ss / graded ss}. Proof. set n := {2}1; rewrite -[RHS]/(2 ^ n) => graded sz_s1 ss. elim: ss => [|s2 ss IHss] in (n) graded s1 sz_s1 * => sz_ss i //=. by case: i => [|[]] //; rewrite sz_s1 inE eqxx orbT. case: s2 i => [|x s2] [|i] //= in sz_ss *; first by rewrite sz_s1 inE eqxx orbT. exact: (sz_ss i.+1). rewrite addSnnS; apply: IHss i => [|i]; last by rewrite -addSnnS (sz_ss i.+1). by rewrite size_merge size_cat sz_s1 (eqP (sz_ss 0)) addnn expnS mul2n. Qed. Section Stability. Variable leT' : rel T. Hypothesis (leT_total : total leT) (leT'_tr : transitive leT'). Let leT_lex := [rel x y | leT x y && (leT y x ==> leT' x y)]. Lemma merge_stable_path x s1 s2 : allrel leT' s1 s2 -> path leT_lex x s1 -> path leT_lex x s2 -> path leT_lex x (merge s1 s2). Proof. elim: s1 s2 x => //= x s1 ih1; elim => //= y s2 ih2 h. rewrite allrel_cons2 => /and4P [xy' xs2 ys1 s1s2] /andP [hx xs1] /andP [hy ys2]. case: ifP => xy /=; rewrite (hx, hy) /=. - by apply: ih1; rewrite ?allrel_consr ?ys1 //= xy xy' implybT. - by apply: ih2; have:= leT_total x y; rewrite ?allrel_consl ?xs2 ?xy //= => ->. Qed. Lemma merge_stable_sorted s1 s2 : allrel leT' s1 s2 -> sorted leT_lex s1 -> sorted leT_lex s2 -> sorted leT_lex (merge s1 s2). Proof. case: s1 s2 => [|x s1] [|y s2] //=; rewrite allrel_consl allrel_consr /= -andbA. case/and4P => [xy' xs2 ys1 s1s2] xs1 ys2; rewrite -/(merge (_ :: _)). by case: ifP (leT_total x y) => /= xy yx; apply/merge_stable_path; rewrite /= ?(allrel_consl, allrel_consr, xs2, ys1, xy, yx, xy', implybT). Qed. End Stability. Hypothesis leT_total : total leT. Let leElex : leT =2 [rel x y | leT x y && (leT y x ==> true)]. Proof. by move=> ? ? /=; rewrite implybT andbT. Qed. Lemma merge_path x s1 s2 : path leT x s1 -> path leT x s2 -> path leT x (merge s1 s2). Proof. by rewrite !(eq_path leElex); apply/merge_stable_path/allrelT. Qed. Lemma merge_sorted s1 s2 : sorted leT s1 -> sorted leT s2 -> sorted leT (merge s1 s2). Proof. by rewrite !(eq_sorted leElex); apply/merge_stable_sorted/allrelT. Qed. Hypothesis leT_tr : transitive leT. Lemma sorted_merge s t : sorted leT (s ++ t) -> merge s t = s ++ t. Proof. by rewrite sorted_pairwise // pairwise_cat => /and3P[/allrel_merge]. Qed. Lemma sorted_sort s : sorted leT s -> sort s = s. Proof. by rewrite sorted_pairwise //; apply/pairwise_sort. Qed. Lemma mergeA : associative merge. Proof. elim=> // x xs IHxs; elim=> // y ys IHys; elim=> [|z zs IHzs] /=. by case: ifP. case: ifP; case: ifP => /= lexy leyz. - by rewrite lexy (leT_tr lexy leyz) -IHxs /= leyz. - by rewrite lexy leyz -IHys. - case: ifP => lexz; first by rewrite -IHxs //= leyz. by rewrite -!/(merge (_ :: _)) IHzs /= lexy. - suff->: leT x z = false by rewrite leyz // -!/(merge (_ :: _)) IHzs /= lexy. by apply/contraFF/leT_tr: leyz; have := leT_total x y; rewrite lexy. Qed. End SortSeq. Arguments merge {T} relT !s1 !s2 : rename. Arguments size_merge {T} leT s1 s2. Arguments allrel_merge {T leT s1 s2}. Arguments pairwise_sort {T leT s}. Arguments merge_path {T leT} leT_total {x s1 s2}. Arguments merge_sorted {T leT} leT_total {s1 s2}. Arguments sorted_merge {T leT} leT_tr {s t}. Arguments sorted_sort {T leT} leT_tr {s}. Arguments mergeA {T leT} leT_total leT_tr. Section SortMap. Variables (T T' : Type) (f : T' -> T). Section Monotonicity. Variables (leT' : rel T') (leT : rel T). Hypothesis f_mono : {mono f : x y / leT' x y >-> leT x y}. Lemma map_merge : {morph map f : s1 s2 / merge leT' s1 s2 >-> merge leT s1 s2}. Proof. elim=> //= x s1 IHs1; elim => [|y s2 IHs2] //=; rewrite f_mono. by case: leT'; rewrite /= ?IHs1 ?IHs2. Qed. Lemma map_sort : {morph map f : s1 / sort leT' s1 >-> sort leT s1}. Proof. move=> s; rewrite !sortE -[[::] in RHS]/(map (map f) [::]). elim: s [::] => /= [|x s ihs] ss; rewrite -/(map f [::]) -/(map f [:: _]); first by elim: ss [::] => //= x ss ihss ?; rewrite ihss map_merge. rewrite ihs -/(map f [:: x]); congr sort_rec1. by elim: ss [:: x] => {x s ihs} [|[|x s] ss ihss] //= ?; rewrite ihss map_merge. Qed. End Monotonicity. Variable leT : rel T. Lemma merge_map s1 s2 : merge leT (map f s1) (map f s2) = map f (merge (relpre f leT) s1 s2). Proof. exact/esym/map_merge. Qed. Lemma sort_map s : sort leT (map f s) = map f (sort (relpre f leT) s). Proof. exact/esym/map_sort. Qed. End SortMap. Arguments map_merge {T T' f leT' leT}. Arguments map_sort {T T' f leT' leT}. Arguments merge_map {T T' f leT}. Arguments sort_map {T T' f leT}. Lemma sorted_sort_in T (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T) : {in P & &, transitive leT} -> forall s : seq T, all P s -> sorted leT s -> sort leT s = s. Proof. move=> /in3_sig ? _ /all_sigP[s ->]. by rewrite sort_map sorted_map => /sorted_sort->. Qed. Arguments sorted_sort_in {T P leT} leT_tr {s}. Section EqSortSeq. Variables (T : eqType) (leT : rel T). Lemma perm_merge s1 s2 : perm_eql (merge leT s1 s2) (s1 ++ s2). Proof. apply/permPl; rewrite perm_sym; elim: s1 s2 => //= x1 s1 IHs1. elim; rewrite ?cats0 //= => x2 s2 IHs2. by case: ifP; last rewrite (perm_catCA (_ :: _) [:: x2]); rewrite perm_cons. Qed. Lemma mem_merge s1 s2 : merge leT s1 s2 =i s1 ++ s2. Proof. by apply: perm_mem; rewrite perm_merge. Qed. Lemma merge_uniq s1 s2 : uniq (merge leT s1 s2) = uniq (s1 ++ s2). Proof. by apply: perm_uniq; rewrite perm_merge. Qed. Lemma perm_sort s : perm_eql (sort leT s) s. Proof. apply/permPl; rewrite sortE perm_sym -{1}[s]/(flatten [::] ++ s). elim: s [::] => /= [|x s ihs] ss. - elim: ss [::] => //= s ss ihss t. by rewrite -(permPr (ihss _)) -catA perm_catCA perm_cat2l -perm_merge. - rewrite -(permPr (ihs _)) -(perm_catCA [:: x]) catA perm_cat2r. elim: {x s ihs} ss [:: x] => [|[|x s] ss ihss] t //. by rewrite -(permPr (ihss _)) catA perm_cat2r perm_catC -perm_merge. Qed. Lemma mem_sort s : sort leT s =i s. Proof. exact/perm_mem/permPl/perm_sort. Qed. Lemma sort_uniq s : uniq (sort leT s) = uniq s. Proof. exact/perm_uniq/permPl/perm_sort. Qed. Lemma count_merge p s1 s2 : count p (merge leT s1 s2) = count p (s1 ++ s2). Proof. exact/permP/permPl/perm_merge. Qed. Lemma eq_count_merge (p : pred T) s1 s1' s2 s2' : count p s1 = count p s1' -> count p s2 = count p s2' -> count p (merge leT s1 s2) = count p (merge leT s1' s2'). Proof. by rewrite !count_merge !count_cat => -> ->. Qed. End EqSortSeq. Lemma perm_iota_sort (T : Type) (leT : rel T) x0 s : {i_s : seq nat | perm_eq i_s (iota 0 (size s)) & sort leT s = map (nth x0 s) i_s}. Proof. exists (sort (relpre (nth x0 s) leT) (iota 0 (size s))). by rewrite perm_sort. by rewrite -[s in LHS](mkseq_nth x0) sort_map. Qed. Lemma all_merge (T : Type) (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T) s1 s2 : all P (merge leT s1 s2) = all P s1 && all P s2. Proof. elim: s1 s2 => //= x s1 IHs1; elim=> [|y s2 IHs2]; rewrite ?andbT //=. by case: ifP => _; rewrite /= ?IHs1 ?IHs2 //=; bool_congr. Qed. Lemma all_sort (T : Type) (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T) s : all P (sort leT s) = all P s. Proof. case: s => // x s; move: (x :: s) => {}s. by rewrite -(mkseq_nth x s) sort_map !all_map; apply/perm_all/permPl/perm_sort. Qed. Lemma size_sort (T : Type) (leT : rel T) s : size (sort leT s) = size s. Proof. case: s => // x s; have [s1 pp qq] := perm_iota_sort leT x (x :: s). by rewrite qq size_map (perm_size pp) size_iota. Qed. Lemma ltn_sorted_uniq_leq s : sorted ltn s = uniq s && sorted leq s. Proof. rewrite (sorted_pairwise leq_trans) (sorted_pairwise ltn_trans) uniq_pairwise. by rewrite -pairwise_relI; apply/eq_pairwise => ? ?; rewrite ltn_neqAle. Qed. Lemma iota_sorted i n : sorted leq (iota i n). Proof. by elim: n i => // [[|n] //= IHn] i; rewrite IHn leqW. Qed. Lemma iota_ltn_sorted i n : sorted ltn (iota i n). Proof. by rewrite ltn_sorted_uniq_leq iota_sorted iota_uniq. Qed. Section Stability_iota. Variables (leN : rel nat) (leN_total : total leN). Let lt_lex := [rel n m | leN n m && (leN m n ==> (n < m))]. Let Fixpoint push_invariant (ss : seq (seq nat)) := if ss is s :: ss' then [&& sorted lt_lex s, allrel gtn s (flatten ss') & push_invariant ss'] else true. Let push_stable s1 ss : push_invariant (s1 :: ss) -> push_invariant (merge_sort_push leN s1 ss). Proof. elim: ss s1 => [] // [] //= m s2 ss ihss s1; rewrite -cat_cons allrel_catr. move=> /and5P[sorted_s1 /andP[s1s2 s1ss] sorted_s2 s2ss hss]; apply: ihss. rewrite /= hss andbT merge_stable_sorted //=; last by rewrite allrelC. by apply/allrelP => ? ?; rewrite mem_merge mem_cat => /orP[]; apply/allrelP. Qed. Let pop_stable s1 ss : push_invariant (s1 :: ss) -> sorted lt_lex (merge_sort_pop leN s1 ss). Proof. elim: ss s1 => [s1 /and3P[]|s2 ss ihss s1] //=; rewrite allrel_catr. move=> /and5P[sorted_s1 /andP[s1s2 s1ss] sorted_s2 s2ss hss]; apply: ihss. rewrite /= hss andbT merge_stable_sorted //=; last by rewrite allrelC. by apply/allrelP => ? ?; rewrite mem_merge mem_cat => /orP[]; apply/allrelP. Qed. Lemma sort_iota_stable n : sorted lt_lex (sort leN (iota 0 n)). Proof. rewrite sortE. have/andP[]: all (gtn 0) (flatten [::]) && push_invariant [::] by []. elim: n 0 [::] => [|n ihn] m ss hss1 hss2; first exact: pop_stable. apply/ihn/push_stable; last by rewrite /= allrel1l hss1. have: all (gtn m.+1) (flatten ([:: m] :: ss)). by rewrite /= leqnn; apply: sub_all hss1 => ? /leqW. elim: ss [:: _] {hss1 hss2} => [|[|? ?] ? ihss] //= ? ?. by rewrite ihss //= all_cat all_merge -andbA andbCA -!all_cat. Qed. End Stability_iota. Lemma sort_pairwise_stable T (leT leT' : rel T) : total leT -> forall s : seq T, pairwise leT' s -> sorted [rel x y | leT x y && (leT y x ==> leT' x y)] (sort leT s). Proof. move=> leT_total s pairwise_s; case Ds: s => // [x s1]. rewrite -{s1}Ds -(mkseq_nth x s) sort_map. apply/homo_sorted_in/sort_iota_stable/(fun _ _ => leT_total _ _)/allss => y z. rewrite !mem_sort !mem_iota !leq0n add0n /= => ys zs /andP [->] /=. by case: (leT _ _); first apply: pairwiseP. Qed. Lemma sort_stable T (leT leT' : rel T) : total leT -> transitive leT' -> forall s : seq T, sorted leT' s -> sorted [rel x y | leT x y && (leT y x ==> leT' x y)] (sort leT s). Proof. move=> leT_total leT'_tr s; rewrite sorted_pairwise //. exact: sort_pairwise_stable. Qed. Lemma sort_stable_in T (P : {pred T}) (leT leT' : rel T) : {in P &, total leT} -> {in P & &, transitive leT'} -> forall s : seq T, all P s -> sorted leT' s -> sorted [rel x y | leT x y && (leT y x ==> leT' x y)] (sort leT s). Proof. move=> /in2_sig leT_total /in3_sig leT_tr _ /all_sigP[s ->]. by rewrite sort_map !sorted_map; apply: sort_stable. Qed. Lemma filter_sort T (leT : rel T) : total leT -> transitive leT -> forall p s, filter p (sort leT s) = sort leT (filter p s). Proof. move=> leT_total leT_tr p s; case Ds: s => // [x s1]. pose leN := relpre (nth x s) leT. pose lt_lex := [rel n m | leN n m && (leN m n ==> (n < m))]. have lt_lex_tr: transitive lt_lex. rewrite /lt_lex /leN => ? ? ? /= /andP [xy xy'] /andP [yz yz']. rewrite (leT_tr _ _ _ xy yz); apply/implyP => zx; move: xy' yz'. by rewrite (leT_tr _ _ _ yz zx) (leT_tr _ _ _ zx xy); apply: ltn_trans. rewrite -{s1}Ds -(mkseq_nth x s) !(filter_map, sort_map); congr map. apply/(@irr_sorted_eq _ lt_lex); rewrite /lt_lex /leN //=. - by move=> ?; rewrite /= ltnn implybF andbN. - exact/sorted_filter/sort_iota_stable. - exact/sort_stable/sorted_filter/iota_ltn_sorted/ltn_trans/ltn_trans. - by move=> ?; rewrite !(mem_filter, mem_sort). Qed. Lemma filter_sort_in T (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T) : {in P &, total leT} -> {in P & &, transitive leT} -> forall p s, all P s -> filter p (sort leT s) = sort leT (filter p s). Proof. move=> /in2_sig leT_total /in3_sig leT_tr p _ /all_sigP[s ->]. by rewrite !(sort_map, filter_map) filter_sort. Qed. Section Stability_mask. Variables (T : Type) (leT : rel T). Variables (leT_total : total leT) (leT_tr : transitive leT). Lemma mask_sort s m : {m_s : bitseq | mask m_s (sort leT s) = sort leT (mask m s)}. Proof. case Ds: {-}s => [|x s1]; [by rewrite Ds; case: m; exists [::] | clear s1 Ds]. rewrite -(mkseq_nth x s) -map_mask !sort_map. exists [seq i \in mask m (iota 0 (size s)) | i <- sort (xrelpre (nth x s) leT) (iota 0 (size s))]. rewrite -map_mask -filter_mask [in RHS]mask_filter ?iota_uniq ?filter_sort //. by move=> ? ? ?; exact: leT_tr. Qed. Lemma sorted_mask_sort s m : sorted leT (mask m s) -> {m_s | mask m_s (sort leT s) = mask m s}. Proof. by move/(sorted_sort leT_tr) <-; exact: mask_sort. Qed. End Stability_mask. Section Stability_mask_in. Variables (T : Type) (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T). Hypothesis leT_total : {in P &, total leT}. Hypothesis leT_tr : {in P & &, transitive leT}. Let le_sT := relpre (val : sig P -> _) leT. Let le_sT_total : total le_sT := in2_sig leT_total. Let le_sT_tr : transitive le_sT := in3_sig leT_tr. Lemma mask_sort_in s m : all P s -> {m_s : bitseq | mask m_s (sort leT s) = sort leT (mask m s)}. Proof. move=> /all_sigP [{}s ->]; case: (mask_sort (leT := le_sT) _ _ s m) => //. by move=> m' m'E; exists m'; rewrite -map_mask !sort_map -map_mask m'E. Qed. Lemma sorted_mask_sort_in s m : all P s -> sorted leT (mask m s) -> {m_s | mask m_s (sort leT s) = mask m s}. Proof. move=> ? /(sorted_sort_in leT_tr _) <-; [exact: mask_sort_in | exact: all_mask]. Qed. End Stability_mask_in. Section Stability_subseq. Variables (T : eqType) (leT : rel T). Variables (leT_total : total leT) (leT_tr : transitive leT). Lemma subseq_sort : {homo sort leT : t s / subseq t s}. Proof. move=> _ s /subseqP [m _ ->]; have [m' <-] := mask_sort leT_total leT_tr s m. exact: mask_subseq. Qed. Lemma sorted_subseq_sort t s : subseq t s -> sorted leT t -> subseq t (sort leT s). Proof. by move=> subseq_ts /(sorted_sort leT_tr) <-; exact: subseq_sort. Qed. Lemma mem2_sort s x y : leT x y -> mem2 s x y -> mem2 (sort leT s) x y. Proof. move=> lexy /[!mem2E] /subseq_sort. by case: eqP => // _; rewrite {1}/sort /= lexy /=. Qed. End Stability_subseq. Section Stability_subseq_in. Variables (T : eqType) (leT : rel T). Lemma subseq_sort_in t s : {in s &, total leT} -> {in s & &, transitive leT} -> subseq t s -> subseq (sort leT t) (sort leT s). Proof. move=> leT_total leT_tr /subseqP [m _ ->]. have [m' <-] := mask_sort_in leT_total leT_tr m (allss _). exact: mask_subseq. Qed. Lemma sorted_subseq_sort_in t s : {in s &, total leT} -> {in s & &, transitive leT} -> subseq t s -> sorted leT t -> subseq t (sort leT s). Proof. move=> ? leT_tr ? /(sorted_sort_in leT_tr) <-; last exact/allP/mem_subseq. exact: subseq_sort_in. Qed. Lemma mem2_sort_in s : {in s &, total leT} -> {in s & &, transitive leT} -> forall x y, leT x y -> mem2 s x y -> mem2 (sort leT s) x y. Proof. move=> leT_total leT_tr x y lexy; rewrite !mem2E. by move/subseq_sort_in; case: (_ == _); rewrite /sort /= ?lexy; apply. Qed. End Stability_subseq_in. Lemma sort_sorted T (leT : rel T) : total leT -> forall s, sorted leT (sort leT s). Proof. move=> leT_total s; apply/sub_sorted/sort_stable => //= [? ? /andP[] //|]. by case: s => // x s; elim: s x => /=. Qed. Lemma sort_sorted_in T (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T) : {in P &, total leT} -> forall s : seq T, all P s -> sorted leT (sort leT s). Proof. by move=> /in2_sig ? _ /all_sigP[s ->]; rewrite sort_map sorted_map sort_sorted. Qed. Arguments sort_sorted {T leT} leT_total s. Arguments sort_sorted_in {T P leT} leT_total {s}. Lemma perm_sortP (T : eqType) (leT : rel T) : total leT -> transitive leT -> antisymmetric leT -> forall s1 s2, reflect (sort leT s1 = sort leT s2) (perm_eq s1 s2). Proof. move=> leT_total leT_tr leT_asym s1 s2. apply: (iffP idP) => eq12; last by rewrite -(perm_sort leT) eq12 perm_sort. apply: (sorted_eq leT_tr leT_asym); rewrite ?sort_sorted //. by rewrite perm_sort (permPl eq12) -(perm_sort leT). Qed. Lemma perm_sort_inP (T : eqType) (leT : rel T) (s1 s2 : seq T) : {in s1 &, total leT} -> {in s1 & &, transitive leT} -> {in s1 &, antisymmetric leT} -> reflect (sort leT s1 = sort leT s2) (perm_eq s1 s2). Proof. move=> /in2_sig leT_total /in3_sig leT_tr /in2_sig/(_ _ _ _)/val_inj leT_asym. apply: (iffP idP) => s1s2; last by rewrite -(perm_sort leT) s1s2 perm_sort. move: (s1s2); have /all_sigP[s1' ->] := allss s1. have /all_sigP[{s1s2}s2 ->] : all (mem s1) s2 by rewrite -(perm_all _ s1s2). by rewrite !sort_map => /(perm_map_inj val_inj) /(perm_sortP leT_total)->. Qed. Lemma homo_sort_map (T : Type) (T' : eqType) (f : T -> T') leT leT' : antisymmetric (relpre f leT') -> transitive (relpre f leT') -> total leT -> {homo f : x y / leT x y >-> leT' x y} -> forall s : seq T, sort leT' (map f s) = map f (sort leT s). Proof. move=> leT'_asym leT'_trans leT_total f_homo s; case Ds: s => // [x s']. rewrite -{}Ds -(mkseq_nth x s) [in RHS]sort_map -!map_comp /comp. apply: (@sorted_eq_in _ leT') => [? ? ?|? ?|||]; rewrite ?mem_sort. - by move=> /mapP[? _ ->] /mapP[? _ ->] /mapP[? _ ->]; apply/leT'_trans. - by move=> /mapP[? _ ->] /mapP[? _ ->] /leT'_asym ->. - apply: (sort_sorted_in _ (allss _)) => _ _ /mapP[y _ ->] /mapP[z _ ->]. by case/orP: (leT_total (nth x s y) (nth x s z)) => /f_homo ->; rewrite ?orbT. - by rewrite map_comp -sort_map; exact/homo_sorted/sort_sorted. - by rewrite perm_sort perm_map // perm_sym perm_sort. Qed. Lemma homo_sort_map_in (T : Type) (T' : eqType) (P : {pred T}) (f : T -> T') leT leT' : {in P &, antisymmetric (relpre f leT')} -> {in P & &, transitive (relpre f leT')} -> {in P &, total leT} -> {in P &, {homo f : x y / leT x y >-> leT' x y}} -> forall s : seq T, all P s -> sort leT' [seq f x | x <- s] = [seq f x | x <- sort leT s]. Proof. move=> /in2_sig leT'_asym /in3_sig leT'_trans /in2_sig leT_total. move=> /in2_sig f_homo _ /all_sigP[s ->]. rewrite [in RHS]sort_map -!map_comp /comp. by apply: homo_sort_map => // ? ? /leT'_asym /val_inj. Qed. (* Function trajectories. *) Notation fpath f := (path (coerced_frel f)). Notation fcycle f := (cycle (coerced_frel f)). Notation ufcycle f := (ucycle (coerced_frel f)). Prenex Implicits path next prev cycle ucycle mem2. Section Trajectory. Variables (T : Type) (f : T -> T). Fixpoint traject x n := if n is n'.+1 then x :: traject (f x) n' else [::]. Lemma trajectS x n : traject x n.+1 = x :: traject (f x) n. Proof. by []. Qed. Lemma trajectSr x n : traject x n.+1 = rcons (traject x n) (iter n f x). Proof. by elim: n x => //= n IHn x; rewrite IHn -iterSr. Qed. Lemma last_traject x n : last x (traject (f x) n) = iter n f x. Proof. by case: n => // n; rewrite iterSr trajectSr last_rcons. Qed. Lemma traject_iteri x n : traject x n = iteri n (fun i => rcons^~ (iter i f x)) [::]. Proof. by elim: n => //= n <-; rewrite -trajectSr. Qed. Lemma size_traject x n : size (traject x n) = n. Proof. by elim: n x => //= n IHn x //=; rewrite IHn. Qed. Lemma nth_traject i n : i < n -> forall x, nth x (traject x n) i = iter i f x. Proof. elim: n => // n IHn; rewrite ltnS => le_i_n x. rewrite trajectSr nth_rcons size_traject. by case: ltngtP le_i_n => [? _||->] //; apply: IHn. Qed. Lemma trajectD m n x : traject x (m + n) = traject x m ++ traject (iter m f x) n. Proof. by elim: m => //m IHm in x *; rewrite addSn !trajectS IHm -iterSr. Qed. Lemma take_traject n k x : k <= n -> take k (traject x n) = traject x k. Proof. by move=> /subnKC<-; rewrite trajectD take_size_cat ?size_traject. Qed. End Trajectory. Section EqTrajectory. Variables (T : eqType) (f : T -> T). Lemma eq_fpath f' : f =1 f' -> fpath f =2 fpath f'. Proof. by move/eq_frel/eq_path. Qed. Lemma eq_fcycle f' : f =1 f' -> fcycle f =1 fcycle f'. Proof. by move/eq_frel/eq_cycle. Qed. Lemma fpathE x p : fpath f x p -> p = traject f (f x) (size p). Proof. by elim: p => //= y p IHp in x * => /andP[/eqP{y}<- /IHp<-]. Qed. Lemma fpathP x p : reflect (exists n, p = traject f (f x) n) (fpath f x p). Proof. apply: (iffP idP) => [/fpathE->|[n->]]; first by exists (size p). by elim: n => //= n IHn in x *; rewrite eqxx IHn. Qed. Lemma fpath_traject x n : fpath f x (traject f (f x) n). Proof. by apply/(fpathP x); exists n. Qed. Definition looping x n := iter n f x \in traject f x n. Lemma loopingP x n : reflect (forall m, iter m f x \in traject f x n) (looping x n). Proof. apply: (iffP idP) => loop_n; last exact: loop_n. case: n => // n in loop_n *; elim=> [|m /= IHm]; first exact: mem_head. move: (fpath_traject x n) loop_n; rewrite /looping !iterS -last_traject /=. move: (iter m f x) IHm => y /splitPl[p1 p2 def_y]. rewrite cat_path last_cat def_y; case: p2 => // z p2 /and3P[_ /eqP-> _] _. by rewrite inE mem_cat mem_head !orbT. Qed. Lemma trajectP x n y : reflect (exists2 i, i < n & y = iter i f x) (y \in traject f x n). Proof. elim: n x => [|n IHn] x /=; first by right; case. rewrite inE; have [-> | /= neq_xy] := eqP; first by left; exists 0. apply: {IHn}(iffP (IHn _)) => [[i] | [[|i]]] // lt_i_n ->. by exists i.+1; rewrite ?iterSr. by exists i; rewrite ?iterSr. Qed. Lemma looping_uniq x n : uniq (traject f x n.+1) = ~~ looping x n. Proof. rewrite /looping; elim: n x => [|n IHn] x //. rewrite [n.+1 in LHS]lock [iter]lock /= -!lock {}IHn -iterSr -negb_or inE. congr (~~ _); apply: orb_id2r => /trajectP no_loop. apply/idP/eqP => [/trajectP[m le_m_n def_x] | {1}<-]; last first. by rewrite iterSr -last_traject mem_last. have loop_m: looping x m.+1 by rewrite /looping iterSr -def_x mem_head. have/trajectP[[|i] // le_i_m def_fn1x] := loopingP _ _ loop_m n.+1. by case: no_loop; exists i; rewrite -?iterSr // -ltnS (leq_trans le_i_m). Qed. End EqTrajectory. Arguments fpathP {T f x p}. Arguments loopingP {T f x n}. Arguments trajectP {T f x n y}. Prenex Implicits traject. Section Fcycle. Variables (T : eqType) (f : T -> T) (p : seq T) (f_p : fcycle f p). Lemma nextE (x : T) (p_x : x \in p) : next p x = f x. Proof. exact/esym/eqP/(next_cycle f_p). Qed. Lemma mem_fcycle : {homo f : x / x \in p}. Proof. by move=> x xp; rewrite -nextE// mem_next. Qed. Lemma inj_cycle : {in p &, injective f}. Proof. apply: can_in_inj (iter (size p).-1 f) _ => x /rot_to[i q rip]. have /fpathE qxE : fcycle f (x :: q) by rewrite -rip rot_cycle. have -> : size p = size (rcons q x) by rewrite size_rcons -(size_rot i) rip. by rewrite -iterSr -last_traject prednK -?qxE ?size_rcons// last_rcons. Qed. End Fcycle. Section UniqCycle. Variables (n0 : nat) (T : eqType) (e : rel T) (p : seq T). Hypothesis Up : uniq p. Lemma prev_next : cancel (next p) (prev p). Proof. move=> x; rewrite prev_nth mem_next next_nth; case p_x: (x \in p) => //. case Dp: p Up p_x => // [y q]; rewrite [uniq _]/= -Dp => /andP[q'y Uq] p_x. rewrite -[RHS](nth_index y p_x); congr (nth y _ _); set i := index x p. have: i <= size q by rewrite -index_mem -/i Dp in p_x. case: ltngtP => // [lt_i_q|->] _; first by rewrite index_uniq. by apply/eqP; rewrite nth_default // eqn_leq index_size leqNgt index_mem. Qed. Lemma next_prev : cancel (prev p) (next p). Proof. move=> x; rewrite next_nth mem_prev prev_nth; case p_x: (x \in p) => //. case def_p: p p_x => // [y q]; rewrite -def_p => p_x. rewrite index_uniq //; last by rewrite def_p ltnS index_size. case q_x: (x \in q); first exact: nth_index. rewrite nth_default; last by rewrite leqNgt index_mem q_x. by apply/eqP; rewrite def_p inE q_x orbF eq_sym in p_x. Qed. Lemma cycle_next : fcycle (next p) p. Proof. case def_p: p Up => [|x q] Uq //; rewrite -[in next _]def_p. apply/(pathP x)=> i; rewrite size_rcons => le_i_q. rewrite -cats1 -cat_cons nth_cat le_i_q /= next_nth {}def_p mem_nth //. rewrite index_uniq // nth_cat /= ltn_neqAle andbC -ltnS le_i_q. by case: (i =P _) => //= ->; rewrite subnn nth_default. Qed. Lemma cycle_prev : cycle (fun x y => x == prev p y) p. Proof. apply: etrans cycle_next; symmetry; case def_p: p => [|x q] //. by apply: eq_path; rewrite -def_p; apply: (can2_eq prev_next next_prev). Qed. Lemma cycle_from_next : (forall x, x \in p -> e x (next p x)) -> cycle e p. Proof. case: p (next p) cycle_next => //= [x q] n; rewrite -(belast_rcons x q x). move: {q}(rcons q x) => q n_q /allP. by elim: q x n_q => //= _ q IHq x /andP[/eqP <- n_q] /andP[-> /IHq->]. Qed. Lemma cycle_from_prev : (forall x, x \in p -> e (prev p x) x) -> cycle e p. Proof. move=> e_p; apply: cycle_from_next => x. by rewrite -mem_next => /e_p; rewrite prev_next. Qed. Lemma next_rot : next (rot n0 p) =1 next p. Proof. move=> x; have n_p := cycle_next; rewrite -(rot_cycle n0) in n_p. case p_x: (x \in p); last by rewrite !next_nth mem_rot p_x. by rewrite (eqP (next_cycle n_p _)) ?mem_rot. Qed. Lemma prev_rot : prev (rot n0 p) =1 prev p. Proof. move=> x; have p_p := cycle_prev; rewrite -(rot_cycle n0) in p_p. case p_x: (x \in p); last by rewrite !prev_nth mem_rot p_x. by rewrite (eqP (prev_cycle p_p _)) ?mem_rot. Qed. End UniqCycle. Section UniqRotrCycle. Variables (n0 : nat) (T : eqType) (p : seq T). Hypothesis Up : uniq p. Lemma next_rotr : next (rotr n0 p) =1 next p. Proof. exact: next_rot. Qed. Lemma prev_rotr : prev (rotr n0 p) =1 prev p. Proof. exact: prev_rot. Qed. End UniqRotrCycle. Section UniqCycleRev. Variable T : eqType. Implicit Type p : seq T. Lemma prev_rev p : uniq p -> prev (rev p) =1 next p. Proof. move=> Up x; case p_x: (x \in p); last first. by rewrite next_nth prev_nth mem_rev p_x. case/rot_to: p_x (Up) => [i q def_p] Urp; rewrite -rev_uniq in Urp. rewrite -(prev_rotr i Urp); do 2 rewrite -(prev_rotr 1) ?rotr_uniq //. rewrite -rev_rot -(next_rot i Up) {i p Up Urp}def_p. by case: q => // y q; rewrite !rev_cons !(=^~ rcons_cons, rotr1_rcons) /= eqxx. Qed. Lemma next_rev p : uniq p -> next (rev p) =1 prev p. Proof. by move=> Up x; rewrite -[p in RHS]revK prev_rev // rev_uniq. Qed. End UniqCycleRev. Section MapPath. Variables (T T' : Type) (h : T' -> T) (e : rel T) (e' : rel T'). Definition rel_base (b : pred T) := forall x' y', ~~ b (h x') -> e (h x') (h y') = e' x' y'. Lemma map_path b x' p' (Bb : rel_base b) : ~~ has (preim h b) (belast x' p') -> path e (h x') (map h p') = path e' x' p'. Proof. by elim: p' x' => [|y' p' IHp'] x' //= /norP[/Bb-> /IHp'->]. Qed. End MapPath. Section MapEqPath. Variables (T T' : eqType) (h : T' -> T) (e : rel T) (e' : rel T'). Hypothesis Ih : injective h. Lemma mem2_map x' y' p' : mem2 (map h p') (h x') (h y') = mem2 p' x' y'. Proof. by rewrite [LHS]/mem2 (index_map Ih) -map_drop mem_map. Qed. Lemma next_map p : uniq p -> forall x, next (map h p) (h x) = h (next p x). Proof. move=> Up x; case p_x: (x \in p); last by rewrite !next_nth (mem_map Ih) p_x. case/rot_to: p_x => i p' def_p. rewrite -(next_rot i Up); rewrite -(map_inj_uniq Ih) in Up. rewrite -(next_rot i Up) -map_rot {i p Up}def_p /=. by case: p' => [|y p''] //=; rewrite !eqxx. Qed. Lemma prev_map p : uniq p -> forall x, prev (map h p) (h x) = h (prev p x). Proof. move=> Up x; rewrite -[x in LHS](next_prev Up) -(next_map Up). by rewrite prev_next ?map_inj_uniq. Qed. End MapEqPath. Definition fun_base (T T' : eqType) (h : T' -> T) f f' := rel_base h (frel f) (frel f'). Section CycleArc. Variable T : eqType. Implicit Type p : seq T. Definition arc p x y := let px := rot (index x p) p in take (index y px) px. Lemma arc_rot i p : uniq p -> {in p, arc (rot i p) =2 arc p}. Proof. move=> Up x p_x y; congr (fun q => take (index y q) q); move: Up p_x {y}. rewrite -{1 2 5 6}(cat_take_drop i p) /rot cat_uniq => /and3P[_ Up12 _]. rewrite !drop_cat !take_cat !index_cat mem_cat orbC. case p2x: (x \in drop i p) => /= => [_ | p1x]. rewrite index_mem p2x [x \in _](negbTE (hasPn Up12 _ p2x)) /= addKn. by rewrite ltnNge leq_addr catA. by rewrite p1x index_mem p1x addKn ltnNge leq_addr /= catA. Qed. Lemma left_arc x y p1 p2 (p := x :: p1 ++ y :: p2) : uniq p -> arc p x y = x :: p1. Proof. rewrite /arc /p [index x _]/= eqxx rot0 -cat_cons cat_uniq index_cat. move: (x :: p1) => xp1 /and3P[_ /norP[/= /negbTE-> _] _]. by rewrite eqxx addn0 take_size_cat. Qed. Lemma right_arc x y p1 p2 (p := x :: p1 ++ y :: p2) : uniq p -> arc p y x = y :: p2. Proof. rewrite -[p]cat_cons -rot_size_cat rot_uniq => Up. by rewrite arc_rot ?left_arc ?mem_head. Qed. Variant rot_to_arc_spec p x y := RotToArcSpec i p1 p2 of x :: p1 = arc p x y & y :: p2 = arc p y x & rot i p = x :: p1 ++ y :: p2 : rot_to_arc_spec p x y. Lemma rot_to_arc p x y : uniq p -> x \in p -> y \in p -> x != y -> rot_to_arc_spec p x y. Proof. move=> Up p_x p_y ne_xy; case: (rot_to p_x) (p_y) (Up) => [i q def_p] q_y. rewrite -(mem_rot i) def_p inE eq_sym (negbTE ne_xy) in q_y. rewrite -(rot_uniq i) def_p. case/splitPr: q / q_y def_p => q1 q2 def_p Uq12; exists i q1 q2 => //. by rewrite -(arc_rot i Up p_x) def_p left_arc. by rewrite -(arc_rot i Up p_y) def_p right_arc. Qed. End CycleArc. Prenex Implicits arc. #[deprecated(since="mathcomp 1.13.0", note="Use sub_in_path instead.")] Notation sub_path_in := sub_in_path (only parsing). #[deprecated(since="mathcomp 1.13.0", note="Use sub_in_cycle instead.")] Notation sub_cycle_in := sub_in_cycle (only parsing). #[deprecated(since="mathcomp 1.13.0", note="Use sub_in_sorted instead.")] Notation sub_sorted_in := sub_in_sorted (only parsing). #[deprecated(since="mathcomp 1.13.0", note="Use eq_in_path instead.")] Notation eq_path_in := eq_in_path (only parsing). #[deprecated(since="mathcomp 1.13.0", note="Use eq_in_cycle instead.")] Notation eq_cycle_in := eq_in_cycle (only parsing).