\DOC |=> \TYPE {(|=>) : 'a -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) func} \SYNOPSIS Gives a one-point finite partial function. \DESCRIBE This is one of a suite of operations on finite partial functions, type {('a,'b)func}. These may sometimes be preferable to ordinary functions since they permit more operations such as equality comparison, extraction of domain etc. The call {x |=> y} gives a finite partial function that maps {x} to {y} and is undefined for all arguments other than {x}. \EXAMPLE { # let f = (1 |=> 2);; val f : (int, int) func = # apply f 1;; val it : int = 2 # apply f 2;; Exception: Failure "apply". } \SEEALSO |->, apply, applyd, choose, combine, defined, dom, foldl, foldr, graph, is_undefined, mapf, ran, tryapplyd, undefine, undefined. \ENDDOC