\DOC ALL_THEN \TYPE {ALL_THEN : thm_tactical} \SYNOPSIS Passes a theorem unchanged to a theorem-tactic. \KEYWORDS theorem-tactic, identity. \DESCRIBE For any theorem-tactic {ttac} and theorem {th}, the application {ALL_THEN ttac th} results simply in {ttac th}, that is, the theorem is passed unchanged to the theorem-tactic. {ALL_THEN} is the identity theorem-tactical. \FAILURE The application of {ALL_THEN} to a theorem-tactic never fails. The resulting theorem-tactic fails under exactly the same conditions as the original one \USES Writing compound tactics or tacticals, e.g. terminating list iterations of theorem-tacticals. \SEEALSO ALL_TAC, FAIL_TAC, NO_TAC, NO_THEN, THEN_TCL, ORELSE_TCL. \ENDDOC