\DOC BETAS_CONV \TYPE {BETAS_CONV : conv} \SYNOPSIS Beta conversion over multiple arguments. \DESCRIBE Given a term {t} of the form {`(\x1 ... xn. t[x1,...,xn]) s1 ... sn`}, the call {BETAS_CONV t} returns { |- (\x1 ... xn. t[x1,...,xn]) s1 ... sn = t[s1,...,sn] } \FAILURE Fails if the term is not of the form shown, for some {n}. \EXAMPLE { # BETAS_CONV `(\x y. x + y) 1 2`;; val it : thm = |- (\x y. x + y) 1 2 = 1 + 2 } \SEEALSO BETA_CONV, RIGHT_BETAS. \ENDDOC