/- Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Mario Carneiro -/ import data.nat.pairing import data.pnat.basic /-! # Equivalences involving `ℕ` This file defines some additional constructive equivalences using `encodable` and the pairing function on `ℕ`. -/ open nat function namespace equiv variables {α : Type*} /-- An equivalence between `bool × ℕ` and `ℕ`, by mapping `(tt, x)` to `2 * x + 1` and `(ff, x)` to `2 * x`. -/ @[simps] def bool_prod_nat_equiv_nat : bool × ℕ ≃ ℕ := { to_fun := uncurry bit, inv_fun := bodd_div2, left_inv := λ ⟨b, n⟩, by simp only [bodd_bit, div2_bit, uncurry_apply_pair, bodd_div2_eq], right_inv := λ n, by simp only [bit_decomp, bodd_div2_eq, uncurry_apply_pair] } /-- An equivalence between `ℕ ⊕ ℕ` and `ℕ`, by mapping `(sum.inl x)` to `2 * x` and `(sum.inr x)` to `2 * x + 1`. -/ @[simps symm_apply] def nat_sum_nat_equiv_nat : ℕ ⊕ ℕ ≃ ℕ := (bool_prod_equiv_sum ℕ).symm.trans bool_prod_nat_equiv_nat @[simp] lemma nat_sum_nat_equiv_nat_apply : ⇑nat_sum_nat_equiv_nat = sum.elim bit0 bit1 := by ext (x|x); refl /-- An equivalence between `ℤ` and `ℕ`, through `ℤ ≃ ℕ ⊕ ℕ` and `ℕ ⊕ ℕ ≃ ℕ`. -/ def int_equiv_nat : ℤ ≃ ℕ := int_equiv_nat_sum_nat.trans nat_sum_nat_equiv_nat /-- An equivalence between `α × α` and `α`, given that there is an equivalence between `α` and `ℕ`. -/ def prod_equiv_of_equiv_nat (e : α ≃ ℕ) : α × α ≃ α := calc α × α ≃ ℕ × ℕ : prod_congr e e ... ≃ ℕ : mkpair_equiv ... ≃ α : e.symm end equiv