(* ========================================================================= *) (* A library whose purpose is to remove type annotations from tactics when *) (* types can be found from the context. *) (* Similar to the Q module of HOL4 (). *) (* *) (* (c) Copyright, Vincent Aravantinos 2012-2013, *) (* Hardware Verification Group, *) (* Concordia University *) (* *) (* Contact: *) (* *) (* Distributed under the same license as HOL Light. *) (* ========================================================================= *) (* As can be seen in the below signature, all the functions have the same * signature as their standard HOL-Light counterpart, except the type "term" * is replaced by "string". We do not provide any documentation since their * functionality is exactly the same. * * Note: string arguments should be filled in using the usual term syntax * except that backslahses shall be doubled, e.g. `A /\ B` must be * written "A /\\ B". Most of the times, this should not be needed anyway. * * Functions like REAL_ARITH, ARITH_RULE, etc. are also overloaded here, again * with the goal of not having to write inferrable annotations: often, when one * wants to prove a theorem about reals using REAL_ARITH, (s)he has to annotate * his/her goal with `:real` whereas it should be obvious that REAL_ARITH is * only called for facts dealing with reals. * * Ex: * The goal: * * # g `!x:real. P x ==> ?y. P y` * * can be reduced equivalently by the two following tactics: * * # e (REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN EXISTS_TAC `x:real`) * * # e (REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN Pa.EXISTS_TAC "x") * * Note: * The module cannot be called "Q" because HOL Light does not allow * modules with a single letter. I choose "Pa", short for "Parse". * *) module Pa : sig val CONTEXT_TAC : ((string * pretype) list -> tactic) -> tactic val PARSE_IN_CONTEXT : (term -> tactic) -> (string -> tactic) val PARSES_IN_CONTEXT : (term list -> tactic) -> (string list -> tactic) val EXISTS_TAC : string -> tactic val SUBGOAL_THEN : string -> thm_tactic -> tactic val SUBGOAL_TAC : string -> string -> tactic list -> tactic val ASM_CASES_TAC : string -> tactic val BOOL_CASES_TAC : string -> tactic val SPEC_TAC : string * string -> tactic val SPEC : string -> thm -> thm val SPECL : string list -> thm -> thm val GEN : string -> thm -> thm val GENL : string list -> thm -> thm val X_GEN_TAC : string -> tactic val REAL_ARITH : string -> thm val REAL_FIELD : string -> thm val REAL_RING : string -> thm val ARITH_RULE : string -> thm val NUM_RING : string -> thm val INT_ARITH : string -> thm val ABBREV_TAC : string -> tactic val call_with_interface : (unit -> 'a) -> (term -> 'b) -> string -> 'b end = struct let parse_preterm = fst o parse_preterm o lex o explode let CONTEXT_common f hs c x = let vs = freesl (c::hs) in f (map (fun x -> name_of x, pretype_of_type(type_of x)) vs) x let CONTEXT_TAC ttac (asms,c as g) = CONTEXT_common ttac (map (concl o snd) asms) c g let CONTEXT_RULE r th = CONTEXT_common r (hyp th) (concl th) th let PARSES_IN_CONTEXT ttac ss = CONTEXT_TAC (fun env -> ttac (map (term_of_preterm o retypecheck env o parse_preterm) ss)) let PARSE_IN_CONTEXT tac s = PARSES_IN_CONTEXT (function [t] -> tac t) [s] let type_of_forall = type_of o fst o dest_forall let force_type ?(env=[]) s ty = let pty = pretype_of_type ty in term_of_preterm (retypecheck env (Typing(parse_preterm s,pty))) let BOOL_CONTEXT_TAC ttac s = CONTEXT_TAC (fun env -> ttac (force_type ~env s bool_ty)) let SUBGOAL_THEN s ttac = BOOL_CONTEXT_TAC (C SUBGOAL_THEN ttac) s let SUBGOAL_TAC l s tacs = BOOL_CONTEXT_TAC (C (SUBGOAL_TAC l) tacs) s let ABBREV_TAC = BOOL_CONTEXT_TAC ABBREV_TAC let ASM_CASES_TAC = BOOL_CONTEXT_TAC ASM_CASES_TAC let BOOL_CASES_TAC = BOOL_CONTEXT_TAC BOOL_CASES_TAC let EXISTS_TAC s (_,c as g) = CONTEXT_TAC (fun env -> EXISTS_TAC (force_type ~env s (type_of (fst (dest_exists c))))) g let SPEC_TAC (u,x) = PARSE_IN_CONTEXT (fun u' -> SPEC_TAC (u',force_type x (type_of u'))) u let SPEC s th = CONTEXT_RULE (fun env -> SPEC (force_type ~env s (type_of_forall (concl th)))) th let SPECL tms th = try rev_itlist SPEC tms th with Failure _ -> failwith "SPECL" let GEN s th = GEN (try find ((=) s o name_of) (frees (concl th)) with _ -> parse_term s) th let GENL = itlist GEN let X_GEN_TAC s (_,c as g) = X_GEN_TAC (force_type s (type_of_forall c)) g let call_with_interface p f s = let i = !the_interface in p (); let res = f (parse_term s) in the_interface := i; res let [REAL_ARITH;REAL_FIELD;REAL_RING] = map (call_with_interface prioritize_real) [REAL_ARITH;REAL_FIELD;REAL_RING] let [ARITH_RULE;NUM_RING] = map (call_with_interface prioritize_num) [ARITH_RULE;NUM_RING] let INT_ARITH = call_with_interface prioritize_int INT_ARITH end;; (* You can add the following if complex theories are loaded: module Pa = struct include Pa let COMPLEX_FIELD = call_with_interface prioritize_complex COMPLEX_FIELD;; let SIMPLE_COMPLEX_ARITH = call_with_interface prioritize_complex SIMPLE_COMPLEX_ARITH; end;; *)