% vim:nojs:spelllang=en_au tw=76 sw=4 sts=4 fo+=awn fmr={-{,}-} et ts=8 \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{isabelle,isabellesym} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[only,bigsqcap]{stmaryrd} \usepackage{mathpartir} \usepackage[margin=10mm,bottom=15mm]{geometry} \usepackage[final]{graphicx} % this should be the last package used \usepackage{pdfsetup} % urls in roman style, theory text in math-similar italics \urlstyle{rm} \isabellestyle{rm} \begin{document} \title{Mechanization of the Algebra for Wireless Networks (AWN)} \author{Timothy Bourke\thanks{Inria, \'Ecole normale sup\'erieure, and NICTA}} \maketitle \begin{abstract} AWN is a process algebra developed for modelling and analysing protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) and Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs)~\cite[\textsection 4]{FehnkerEtAl:AWN:2013}. AWN models comprise five distinct layers: sequential processes, local parallel compositions, nodes, partial networks, and complete networks. This development mechanises the original operational semantics of AWN and introduces a variant `open' operational semantics that enables the compositional statement and proof of invariants across distinct network nodes. It supports labels (for weakening invariants) and (abstract) data state manipulations. A framework for compositional invariant proofs is developed, including a tactic (\verb|inv_cterms|) for inductive invariant proofs of sequential processes, lifting rules for the open versions of the higher layers, and a rule for transferring lifted properties back to the standard semantics. A notion of `control terms' reduces proof obligations to the subset of subterms that act directly (in contrast to operators for combining terms and joining processes). Further documentation is available in~\cite{BourkeEtAl:MechAWN:2014}. \centering{\includegraphics[width=.6\textwidth]{session_graph}} \end{abstract} \tableofcontents % sane default for proof documents \parindent 0pt\parskip 0.5ex % generated text of all theories \newpage \input{session} \section{Acknowledgements} We thank Peter H\"ofner for agreeing to the inclusion of the simple `Toy' example model. % optional bibliography \bibliographystyle{abbrv} \bibliography{root} \end{document}