/- Copyright (c) 2021 Patrick Massot. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Patrick Massot, Scott Morrison -/ import topology.algebra.ring import topology.algebra.group_with_zero /-! # Topological fields A topological division ring is a topological ring whose inversion function is continuous at every non-zero element. -/ namespace topological_ring open topological_space function variables (R : Type*) [semiring R] variables [topological_space R] /-- The induced topology on units of a topological semiring. This is not a global instance since other topologies could be relevant. Instead there is a class `induced_units` asserting that something equivalent to this construction holds. -/ def topological_space_units : topological_space Rˣ := induced (coe : Rˣ → R) ‹_› /-- Asserts the topology on units is the induced topology. Note: this is not always the correct topology. Another good candidate is the subspace topology of $R \times R$, with the units embedded via $u \mapsto (u, u^{-1})$. These topologies are not (propositionally) equal in general. -/ class induced_units [t : topological_space $ Rˣ] : Prop := (top_eq : t = induced (coe : Rˣ → R) ‹_›) variables [topological_space $ Rˣ] lemma units_topology_eq [induced_units R] : ‹topological_space Rˣ› = induced (coe : Rˣ → R) ‹_› := induced_units.top_eq lemma induced_units.continuous_coe [induced_units R] : continuous (coe : Rˣ → R) := (units_topology_eq R).symm ▸ continuous_induced_dom lemma units_embedding [induced_units R] : embedding (coe : Rˣ → R) := { induced := units_topology_eq R, inj := λ x y h, units.ext h } instance top_monoid_units [topological_semiring R] [induced_units R] : has_continuous_mul Rˣ := ⟨begin let mulR := (λ (p : R × R), p.1*p.2), let mulRx := (λ (p : Rˣ × Rˣ), p.1*p.2), have key : coe ∘ mulRx = mulR ∘ (λ p, (p.1.val, p.2.val)), from rfl, rw [continuous_iff_le_induced, units_topology_eq R, prod_induced_induced, induced_compose, key, ← induced_compose], apply induced_mono, rw ← continuous_iff_le_induced, exact continuous_mul, end⟩ end topological_ring variables (K : Type*) [division_ring K] [topological_space K] /-- A topological division ring is a division ring with a topology where all operations are continuous, including inversion. -/ class topological_division_ring extends topological_ring K, has_continuous_inv₀ K : Prop namespace topological_division_ring open filter set /-! In this section, we show that units of a topological division ring endowed with the induced topology form a topological group. These are not global instances because one could want another topology on units. To turn on this feature, use: ```lean local attribute [instance] topological_semiring.topological_space_units topological_division_ring.units_top_group ``` -/ local attribute [instance] topological_ring.topological_space_units @[priority 100] instance induced_units : topological_ring.induced_units K := ⟨rfl⟩ variables [topological_division_ring K] lemma units_top_group : topological_group Kˣ := { continuous_inv := begin rw continuous_iff_continuous_at, intros x, rw [continuous_at, nhds_induced, nhds_induced, tendsto_iff_comap, ←function.semiconj.filter_comap units.coe_inv _], apply comap_mono, rw [← tendsto_iff_comap, units.coe_inv], exact continuous_at_inv₀ x.ne_zero end, ..topological_ring.top_monoid_units K} local attribute [instance] units_top_group lemma continuous_units_inv : continuous (λ x : Kˣ, (↑(x⁻¹) : K)) := (topological_ring.induced_units.continuous_coe K).comp continuous_inv end topological_division_ring section affine_homeomorph /-! This section is about affine homeomorphisms from a topological field `𝕜` to itself. Technically it does not require `𝕜` to be a topological field, a topological ring that happens to be a field is enough. -/ variables {𝕜 : Type*} [field 𝕜] [topological_space 𝕜] [topological_ring 𝕜] /-- The map `λ x, a * x + b`, as a homeomorphism from `𝕜` (a topological field) to itself, when `a ≠ 0`. -/ @[simps] def affine_homeomorph (a b : 𝕜) (h : a ≠ 0) : 𝕜 ≃ₜ 𝕜 := { to_fun := λ x, a * x + b, inv_fun := λ y, (y - b) / a, left_inv := λ x, by { simp only [add_sub_cancel], exact mul_div_cancel_left x h, }, right_inv := λ y, by { simp [mul_div_cancel' _ h], }, } end affine_homeomorph