"Being unique doesn't necessarily equate to being good, no matter how admirably the filmmakers have gone for broke.",0,20219
The Ya-Ya's have many secrets and one is - the books are better. Translating complex characters from novels to the big screen is an impossible task but they are true to the essence of what it is to be Ya-Ya.,0,16208
Oozes condescension from every pore.,0,19495
"Eventually, they will have a showdown, but, by then, your senses are as mushy as peas and you don't care who fires the winning shot.",0,19690
"As Allen's execution date closes in, the documentary gives an especially poignant portrait of her friendship with the never flagging legal investigator David Presson.",0,19208
Isabelle Huppert excels as the enigmatic Mika and Anna Mouglalis is a stunning new young talent in one of Chabrol's most intense psychological mysteries.,0,16254
There's no denying that Burns is a filmmaker with a bright future ahead of him.,0,19251
"Though Lan Yu lacks a sense of dramatic urgency, the film makes up for it with a pleasing verisimilitude.",0,17369
"Not far beneath the surface, this reconfigured tale asks disturbing questions about those things we expect from military epics.",0,15275
"Sluggish, tonally uneven.",0,24721
"Pratfalls aside, Barbershop gets its greatest play from the timeless spectacle of people really talking to each other.",0,19058
``the road paved with good intentions leads to the video store'',0,20037
"Despite Auteuil's performance, it's a rather listless amble down the middle of the road, where the thematic ironies are too obvious and the sexual politics too smug.",0,20384
"Just as moving, uplifting and funny as ever.",0,15572
"A few hours after you've seen it, you forget you've been to the movies.",0,20220
The result is an 'action film' mired in stasis.,0,24555
A cinematic sleeping pill of impressive potency.,0,22267
"The acting, for the most part, is terrific, although the actors must struggle with the fact that they're playing characters who sometimes feel more like literary conceits than flesh-and-blood humans.",0,18816
"... instead go rent ``Shakes The Clown'', a much funnier film with a similar theme and an equally great Robin Williams performance.",0,21410
One of those exceedingly rare films in which the talk alone is enough to keep us involved.,0,18195
"What Lee does so marvelously compelling is present Brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic America...sketchy but nevertheless gripping portrait of Jim Brown, a celebrated wonder in the spotlight",0,17138
It's a movie forged in the fires of Chick Flick Hell.,0,21864
Worth watching for Dong Jie's performance -- and for the way it documents a culture in the throes of rapid change.,0,15452
"As the story moves inexorably through its seven day timeframe, the picture becomes increasingly mesmerizing.",0,14659
"The story, like life, refuses to be simple, and the result is a compelling slice of awkward emotions.",0,15045