,1,3869 "Being unique doesn't necessarily equate to being good, no matter how admirably the filmmakers have gone for broke.",0,20219 ,1,600 \..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Windows\system.ini,1,13730 The Ya-Ya's have many secrets and one is - the books are better. Translating complex characters from novels to the big screen is an impossible task but they are true to the essence of what it is to be Ya-Ya.,0,16208 XSS,1,3909 0.333380318,0,27100 Oozes condescension from every pore.,0,19495 "Eventually, they will have a showdown, but, by then, your senses are as mushy as peas and you don't care who fires the winning shot.",0,19690 QKuPpCtF,0,24842 "As Allen's execution date closes in, the documentary gives an especially poignant portrait of her friendship with the never flagging legal investigator David Presson.",0,19208 "test",1,4973 Isabelle Huppert excels as the enigmatic Mika and Anna Mouglalis is a stunning new young talent in one of Chabrol's most intense psychological mysteries.,0,16254 There's no denying that Burns is a filmmaker with a bright future ahead of him.,0,19251
,1,500 4.15498E+11,0,26377 "",1,8813 "Though Lan Yu lacks a sense of dramatic urgency, the film makes up for it with a pleasing verisimilitude.",0,17369 0.50993854,0,27229 "",1,7466 "


",1,5395 HtTpS://,0,28836 GIF89a=//",1,12743 ,0,29053 "Sluggish, tonally uneven.",0,24721 ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd,1,13759 "Pratfalls aside, Barbershop gets its greatest play from the timeless spectacle of people really talking to each other.",0,19058 ``the road paved with good intentions leads to the video store'',0,20037 "Despite Auteuil's performance, it's a rather listless amble down the middle of the road, where the thematic ironies are too obvious and the sexual politics too smug.",0,20384 XSS,1,8235 """>",1,1792 2EfasOS6,0,25048 0.176301073,0,27072 "",1,4283 "Just as moving, uplifting and funny as ever.",0,15572 "A few hours after you've seen it, you forget you've been to the movies.",0,20220 "",1,7916 The result is an 'action film' mired in stasis.,0,24555 A cinematic sleeping pill of impressive potency.,0,22267 "The acting, for the most part, is terrific, although the actors must struggle with the fact that they're playing characters who sometimes feel more like literary conceits than flesh-and-blood humans.",0,18816 "... instead go rent ``Shakes The Clown'', a much funnier film with a similar theme and an equally great Robin Williams performance.",0,21410 "",1,9092 One of those exceedingly rare films in which the talk alone is enough to keep us involved.,0,18195 "What Lee does so marvelously compelling is present Brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic America...sketchy but nevertheless gripping portrait of Jim Brown, a celebrated wonder in the spotlight",0,17138 "",1,9628 It's a movie forged in the fires of Chick Flick Hell.,0,21864 ,1,3300 C3rt4Tu2,0,25455 "javascript:alert(1177);",1,12409 Worth watching for Dong Jie's performance -- and for the way it documents a culture in the throes of rapid change.,0,15452 0.915033657,0,27533 "As the story moves inexorably through its seven day timeframe, the picture becomes increasingly mesmerizing.",0,14659 "",1,602 CrQG3lkm,0,25107 "test",1,7645 "The story, like life, refuses to be simple, and the result is a compelling slice of awkward emotions.",0,15045 "
",1,3215 XSS,1,6791 ",1,8879 "test",1,10311 That such a horrible movie could have sprung from such a great one is one of the year's worst cinematic tragedies.,0,23727 "Brilliantly written and well-acted, Yellow Asphalt is an uncompromising film.",0,16965 "alert('XSS')"">",1,2074 "<BODY onload!#$%&()*~+-_.,:;?@[/|\]^`=alert(918)>",0,12150 XSS,1,4950 "<;DIV STYLE="";width: expression(alert(1882));"";>;",1,13112 ,1,393 "",1,548 ...fuses the events of her life with the imagery in her paintings so vividly that the artist's work may take on a striking new significance for anyone who sees the film.,0,17815 "Too loud, too long and too frantic by half, Die Another Day suggests that the Bond franchise has run into a creative wall that 007 cannot fly over, tunnel under or barrel through.",0,21628 "",1,7860 3.28876E+11,0,26370 "",1,510 "test",1,5833 "Like a tone-deaf singer at a benefit concert, John Q. is a bad movie appearing on behalf of a good cause.",0,21793 XSS,1,7497 "",1,9380 XSS,1,5734 "",1,3265 "",1,11573 4.0785E+11,0,25655 The laughs are as rare as snake foo yung.,0,23603 "test",1,6788 "test",1,7956 "",1,2496 "<t:set attributeName=\""innerHTML\"" to=\""XSS<SCRIPT DEFER>alert("XSS")</SCRIPT>\"">",0,1013 "",1,9110 "At a brief 42 minutes, we need more X and less blab.",0,24037 Why would anyone cast the magnificent Jackie Chan in a movie full of stunt doubles and special effects?,0,22946 A ponderous meditation on love that feels significantly longer than its relatively scant 97 minutes.,0,21656 "That rare movie that works on any number of levels -- as a film of magic and whimsy for children, a heartfelt romance for teenagers and a compelling argument about death, both pro and con, for adults.",0,17662 "",1,9932 The magic (and original running time) of ace Japanimator Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away survives intact in BV's re-voiced version.,0,17762 WEB-INF/web.xml,1,13786 "At some point, all this visual trickery stops being clever and devolves into flashy, vaguely silly overkill.",0,20344 ,1,2880 "It looks good, but it is essentially empty.",0,23799 "It's a smart, solid, kinetically-charged spy flick worthy of a couple hours of summertime and a bucket of popcorn. Nothing overly original, mind you, but solidly entertaining.",0,17246 "Stars Matthew Perry and Elizabeth Hurley illicit more than a chuckle, and more jokes land than crash, but ultimately Serving Sara doesn't distinguish itself from the herd.",0,21346 "test",1,6120 "test",1,5971 "test",1,4457 A cautionary tale about the grandiosity of a college student who sees himself as impervious to a fall.,0,17394 "The cast is phenomenal, especially the women.",0,18661 FZI4Y8mH,0,25325 "Without resorting to camp or parody, Haynes (like Sirk, but differently) has transformed the rhetoric of Hollywood melodrama into something provocative, rich, and strange.",0,19341 "As social expos茅, Skins has its heart in the right place, but that's not much to hang a soap opera on.",0,20477 "",1,7941 "The setting is so cool that it chills the characters, reducing our emotional stake in the outcome of ``Intacto's'' dangerous and seductively stylish game.",0,18619 "A time machine, a journey back to your childhood, when cares melted away in the dark theater, and films had the ability to mesmerize, astonish and entertain.",0,16634 ,1,3721 XSS,1,5652 "Assured, vital and well wrought, the film is, arguably, the most accomplished work to date from Hong Kong's versatile Stanley Kwan.",0,18605 "test",1,5742 What a stiflingly unfunny and unoriginal mess this is!,0,23014 "123",1,12372 "Frank Capra played this story straight. But the 2002 film doesn't really believe in it, and breaks the mood with absurdly inappropriate 'comedy' scenes.",0,23637 "
",1,4902 "Shunji Iwai's All About Lily Chou Chou is a beautifully shot, but ultimately flawed film about growing up in Japan.",0,22615 "Halfway through the movie , the humor dwindles . It 's replaced by some dramatic scenes that are jarring and deeply out of place in what could|184263",0,28741 "test",1,7239 "The reason I found myself finally unmoved by this film, which is immaculately produced and has serious things to say, is that it comes across rather too plainly as allegory.",0,21894 "Payne constructs a hilarious ode to middle America and middle age with this unlikely odyssey, featuring a pathetic, endearing hero who is all too human.",0,17876 0.771191809,0,28688 "test",1,3415 "I like this movie a lot. I like that Smith, he's not making fun of these people, he's not laughing at them.",0,17133 "It's just disappointingly superficial -- a movie that has all the elements necessary to be a fascinating, involving character study, but never does more than scratch the surface.",0,21303 "The dialogue is cumbersome, the simpering soundtrack and editing more so.",0,24280 No one but a convict guilty of some truly heinous crime should have to sit through The Master of Disguise.,0,21059 "Dark and disturbing, yet compelling to watch.",0,15816 "Even with all its botches, Enigma offers all the pleasure of a handsome and well-made entertainment.",0,18434 ,1,7013 HTTP://,0,28852 8.79295E+11,0,26108 "",1,8514 "<XML ID=\""xss\""><I><B><IMG SRC=\""javas<!-- -->cript:alert('XSS')\""></B></I></XML>",0,1006 A sly dissection of the inanities of the contemporary music business and a rather sad story of the difficulties of artistic collaboration.,0,18829 "No worse a film than Breaking Out, and Breaking Out was utterly charming.",0,16936 interesting slice of history.,0,17795 "test",1,4065 Has a lot of the virtues of Eastwood at his best.,0,15369 test,1,6570 XSS,1,6054 "This big screen caper has a good bark, far from being a bow-wow.",0,18066 "The plot combines The Blues Brothers and Almost Famous (but with bears, and a G rating), with an excruciating dollop of Disney sentimentality mixed in for good measure.",0,20836 # 构造训练数据,0,28959 "$(nslookup||perl -e ""gethostbyname('')"")",1,14005 "
",1,3567 "Since Dahmer resorts to standard slasher flick thrills when it should be most in the mind of the killer, it misses a major opportunity to be truly revelatory about his psyche.",0,19657 "Triumph of Love is a very silly movie, but the silliness has a pedigree.",0,16919 0.205864802,0,28008 8moTg3pC,0,25191 "There's nothing exactly wrong here, but there's not nearly enough that's right.",0,22442 "

",1,3564 ",1,1620 "",1,12837 0.293858239,0,27485 "The Master of Disguise may have made a great Saturday Night Live sketch, but a great movie it is not.",0,23103 "Mostly works because of the universal themes, earnest performances ... and excellent use of music by India's popular Gulzar and Jagjit Singh.",0,18122 0.068252727,0,26872 It's fairly self-aware in its dumbness.,0,14846 ,1,10431 "If anything, the film is doing something of a public service -- shedding light on a group of extremely talented musicians who might otherwise go unnoticed and underappreciated by music fans.",0,16422 "
drag me
",1,4740 Thoroughly engrossing and ultimately tragic.,0,18430 <SCRIPT>alert(877)</SCRIPT>,0,12109 0.511227361,0,26723 "",1,9427 0.317809711,0,27808 a' UNION ALL select NULL --,1,13612 "
",1,5232 "